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English Pages 924 [847] Year 2024
Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions
Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions Volume III: Inscriptions of the Hittite Empire and New Inscriptions of the Iron Age 1 Edited by John David Hawkins In collaboration with Mark Weeden, prepared for publication by Junko Taniguchi
This volume is a continuation of Volumes I and II, which were originally published in the series Studies in Indo-European Language and Culture.
ISBN 978-3-11-077039-1 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-077885-4 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-077899-1 Library of Congress Control Number: 2023935595 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2024 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Typesetting: Dörlemann Satz, Lemförde Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck www.degruyter.com
ΜΝΗΜΗΣ ΧΑΡΙΝ Anna Morpurgo Davies
Dedicated to Junko Andrew Mark but for whom …
a. SÜDBURG Chamber 2 (restored) with inscriptions BOĞAZKÖY 20 and 21 b. KARKAMIŠ, stele of Suhi I country-lord of Karkamiš with inscription KARKAMIŠ N1 c. ALEPPO Temple, figure of Storm- and Stag-Gods with epigraphs ALEPPO 3 d. TELL AHMAR stele of Hamiyata king of Masuwari with inscription TELL AHMAR 6 e. ARSUZ stele 2 of Suppiluliuma king of Walastin with inscription ARSUZ 2 f. ÇİNEKÖY monument of Storm-God in chariot with bilingual inscription of Warika
Acknowledgements My debts to friends, colleagues and helpers incurred during the production of my Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions volume I, recognized in the Acknowledgements to that work (pages x–xi), remain relevant to this volume too, but need not be repeated here. In the twenty five years that have elapsed since the closure of that manuscript I have incurred many further obligations which I now acknowledge with pleasure. Beginning with excavations in Turkey I start at Boğazköy where I was invited by the then director Peter Neve in 1989 to prepare the newly discovered SÜDBURG inscription for publication. Subsequently Neve invited me to work on the NİŞANTEPE archive of seal impressions, excavated in 1990–1991, in collaboration with Suzanne Herbordt, which occupied me for a number of seasons, during which I also took the opportunity for two seasons of intensive study on the NİŞANTAŞ inscription. I am immensely grateful to Peter Neve, now sadly deceased, for his friendship, hospitality and assistance in my work on the Boğazköy Hieroglyphic material. This indeed continued into the directorship of Jürgen Seeher, to whom I am also most grateful; and further into the directorship of Andreas Schachner and his Turkish co-director Metin Alparslan, who have also given generous assistance to me. I remember here also my debt to the epigraphists of the excavations, the late Heinrich Otten and Daniel Schwemer; and the thoroughly enjoyable collaboration on the NİŞANTEPE seals with Suzanne Herbordt and Daliah Bawanypeck. At the other end of the Hittite Empire the resumption in 2011 of excavations at Karkamiš exactly a century after the British Museum excavations under Sir Leonard Woolley were an unexpected bonus. The extremely productive results of the new operations are due to the energy and dedication of Nicolò Marchetti and his Turkish co-director Hasan Peker, who has established himself as a welcome new master of matters Hieroglyphic. My warmest thanks are due to these two scholars, for their hospitality and generosity in making their new material available to me. I have enjoyed similar considerations from other excavators too: from Andreas Müller-Karpe at his amazingly productive excavations at Kuşaklı and now at Kayalıpınar; from Aygül Süel at Ortaköy; from Aslıhan Yener at Tell Açana; from Tim Harrison at Tell Tayinat; from Sachihiro Omura at Kaman-Kalehöyük. All these scholars with their many exciting discoveries have been opening up new vistas in Hittite archaeology. Special acknowledgements are due to Kay Kohlmeyer, whose magnificent revelation of the ancient temple of the Storm-God on Aleppo citadel has been so cruelly cut short
by the tragic fate of Syria. I thank him for the invitation to publish the inscriptions and commiserate with him on the sad outcome. I received further friendly assistance from new museum directors and officials: from Zeynep Kızıltan (Istanbul Museum); from Hikmet Denizli (Ankara), from Rukiye Akdoğan (Ankara, now Adana), and Mine Çifçi (Ankara). Colleagues have been generous in supplying me with photographs and texts: Horst Ehringhaus has made available to me his excellent photographs published in his two books, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften and Das Ende …, which have been transmitted to me by the good offices of Mirko Novák; otherwise photographs which I have reproduced are acknowledged to their donors with the editions. Massimiliano Marazzi and Natalia Bolatti Guzzo have made available to me results of their digital scans of NİŞANTAŞ, the wonderful new technique for which I had hoped when concluding my own ocular scanning (“eye-balling”). I have had invaluable discussions on Phoenician-Aramaic texts with André Lemaire and Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo. A great loss to Corpus volume III has been that of Anna Morpurgo Davies who died in 2014. I have greatly missed her deep knowledge and wise advice, and the volume is the poorer without it. Last but by no means least, I have to thank my dear friends Mark Weeden, Andrew George and Junko Taniguchi George. Andrew, my colleague at SOAS for more than twenty years, has always given me support and advice, and in particular helped me to access funding for the preparation of my hand-written manuscript for publication. This monumental task was actually undertaken by Junko Taniguchi George, who digitalized the entire work, and far beyond that provided tireless editorial work, and even assembled the material for the Glossary. Her minute attention to detail and limitless tolerance of my constant rethinking and revision of text have ensured such clarity and consistency that this work enjoys. I gratefully acknowledge the receipt of substantial grants from Leverhulme Trust (Emeritus Fellowship) and Thriplow Charitable Trust which financed her digitalization of my original manuscript and subsequently the indexation of the text and compilation of the lists for the Glossary. Finally I must express my gratitude to Mark Weeden for the benefits and pleasure which I have derived from his collaboration, and for his time which he has given so generously. As my former student, successor in post, fellow traveller in Turkey and friend he has been for me an invaluable contact and a reassurance that with him the future of British Hittitology is in the safest hands.
Contents Volume III/1 Acknowledgements IX Abbreviations I: General XIII Abbreviations II: Bibliographical XV Introduction 1 Part 1: XIV. The Inscriptions of the Hittite Empire 5 The Historical Context 5 The Inscriptions 11 Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age (not in CHLI I) 104 Transition: Inscriptions 1200–1000 B.C. 105 The Hieroglyphic Monuments 107 The inscriptions 108 I. CILICIA 108 II. KARKAMIŠ 113 III. TELL AHMAR 125 IV. MARAŞ 130 VI. COMMAGENE 131 VII. AMUQ 138 VIII. ALEPPO 150 IX. HAMA 158 X. TABAL 158 XII. MISCELLANEOUS 168 XIII. SEALS 175 Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations 178 I. CILICIA 178 II. KARKAMIŠ 187 III. TELL AHMAR 217 IV. MARAŞ 223 V. MALATYA 230 VI. COMMAGENE 238 VII. AMUQ 245 VIII. ALEPPO 250 IX. HAMA 251 X. TABAL 256 XI. ASSUR letters 284 XII. MISCELLANEOUS 289 XIII. SEALS 292
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I 296 I. CILICIA 296 II. KARKAMIŠ 300 III. TELL AHMAR 317 IV. MARAŞ 321 V. MALATYA 325 VI. COMMAGENE 328 VII. AMUQ 330 VIII. ALEPPO 333 IX. HAMA 334 X. TABAL 336 XI. ASSUR letters 348 XII. MISCELLANEOUS 350 XIII. SEALS 351
Volume III/2 Part 5: The Signary 353 1. General sign list 353 2. The Logograms 365 3. The Syllabary 416 Part 6: Selected Glossary: (1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically, listed alphabetically 489 GLOSSARY: (2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings (Latin transcriptions, or listed by L-numbers) 592 GLOSSARY: (3) Toponym List (GNN) (1) REGIO 617 (2) URBS 618 (3) MONS 625 (4) FLUMEN 626 (5) without determinative 626 GLOSSARY: (4) God-names List (DNN) 628 GLOSSARY: (5) Personal Names List (PNN) 639 Inscriptions Listed Alphabetically 671
Location of the Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions 674 Turkey 674 Syria 676 U.S.A. 676 Private Collections 676 Rock Reliefs etc. IN SITU 676 Lost/Unknown Location 676
Concordance 677 List of Plates 679 Plates 681
Abbreviations I: General Abb. Abbildung abbr. abbreviation abl. ablative abstr. abstract acc. accusative ad loc. ad locum adj. adjective adv. adverb Akk. Akkadian anc. ancient Anm. Anmerkung Inventory number of Boğazköy tablets, Bo. excavations 1906 ff. c. circa caus. causative cf. confer ch. chapter cit. citation class. classic conj. conjunction Cun. Cuneiform dat. dative dem. demonstrative denom. denominative det. determinative direct object dir. obj. disj. disjunctive divine name(s) DN(N) EA El Amarna ead. eadem ed. editor/edited Ed. edition exempli gratia e.g. erg. ergative esp. especially et alii et al. etc. et cetera eth. ethnicon euphem. euphemism excav. excavation f. / ff. following fact. factitive fig(s). figure(s) frag(s). fragment(s) gen. genitive, genitival geographical name(s) GN(N) Gr. Greek ht. height Hier. Hieroglyphic Hitt. Hittite ibid. ibidem id. idem id est i.e. imp. imperative inf. infinitive instr. instrumental intrans. intransitive iter. iterative
Kap. Kapitel (before numeral) number of Hier. sign in Laroche’s L. HH l./ll. line(s) lev. levha lg. length lit. literally loc. cit. loco citato log. logogram/logographic l.s. lead strip (KULULU) LS Landschenkungsurkunde Luw. Luwian Lyc. Lycian Lyd. Lydian loan word Lw m. metre max. maximum med. medium med.-pass. medio-passive inventory numbers of Meskene tablets Msk. Maşat tablet numbers Mşt. MF masculine-feminine mod. modern N Neuter n./nn. note(s) (n.) noun Nota bene N.B. (n.d.) no date no(s). number(s) nom. nominative num. numeral obj. object obv. obverse Oct. October opere citato op. cit. p./pp. page(s) part. participle personal communication pers. com. Phoen. Phoenician phonetic complement phon. compl. pl(s). plate(s) plur. plural personal name(s) PN(N) possess. possessive postpos. postposition prec. preceding pres. present pret. preterite prev. preverb prohib. prohibitive pron. pronoun q.v. quo vide redupl. reduplicated reflex. reflexive rev. reverse RS Ras Shamra text, cited by inventory number sc. scilicet Sept. September
Abbreviations I: General
(v.) verb var. variant voc. vocative vs. versus w. width wr. writing/written
sing. singular Sum. Sumerian sub voce s.v. Taf. Tafel Tav. Tavolo th. thickness trans. transitive
Symbols in the Transliterations and Translations § ? X, x
section, clause undertain reading broken or undeciphered sign (logogram, syllabogram) | word-divider | | line-end I personal determinative partly broken signs ⌈ ⌉ [ ] (in transliteration) broken/missing and restored signs [[ ]] Items added after the closure of manuscript 2019 (around passages of Engish) late additions to text ‹ › omitted by scribal error erroneous inclusion « » * (before word) word not attested, reconstructed ** This siglum marks references not available at the time of the closure of the manuscript, principally (1) museum numbers and (2) page references in publications. It has been decided to leave them standing for later completion.
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical AAAS AAS ABL ACLT Acme Acta Jutlandica ADD AfK AfO AHw AJA AJSL AKA Akkadica Akurgal, AH Akurgal, BGA Akurgal, SBK Alaura, “Nach Boghasköi!” ALP Alp, HBM AM Anadolu Anadolu Araştırmaları Anatolia Anatolica An. Bib. Andrae, AiS V ANEP ANET Annali Pisa An. St. Antike Welt AOAT AOATS AoF AOS
Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes. Anatolian Archaeological Studies. R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters Belonging to the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum I–XIV (London and Chicago, 1892–1914). The Annotated Corpus of Luwian Texts (http://webcorpora.net/LuwianCorpus/search/). Acme. Annali della Facoltà de Filosofia e Lettere dell’Università statale de Milano. Mélanges linguistiques offerts à M. Holger Pedersen à l’occasion de son soixantedixième anniversaire, 7 avril 1937 (Acta Jutlandica 9/1; Aarhus, 1937). C. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents I–IV (Cambridge, 1989–1923). Archiv für Keilschriftforschung (continued as AfO). Archiv für Orientforschung. see von Soden, AHw. American Journal of Archaeology. American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures. see King, AKA. Akkadica. Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin. E. Akurgal, The Art of the Hittites (London, 1962). E. Akurgal, The Birth of Greek Art: the Mediterranean and the Near East (London, 1968). E. Akurgal, Späthethitische Bildkunst (Ankara, 1949). S. Alaura, “Nach Boghasköi!”. Zur Vorgeschichte der Ausgrabungen in Boghazköy-Hattuša und zu den archäologischen Forschungen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg (13. SDOG; Berlin, 2006). Acta Linguistica Petropolitana (2008). see HBM. see Götze, AM. Anadolu. Revue annuelle des études d’archéologie et d’histoire en Turquie (continued as Anatolia). Anadolu Araştırmaları. Jahrbuch für kleinasiatische Forschungen. Anatolia. Revue annuelle d’archéologie. Journal of the Institute for Research in Near Eastern Civilizations and Languages. Anatolica. Annuaire international pour les civilisations de l’Asie antérieure. Analecta Biblica. W. Andrae, Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli V. Die Kleinfunde aus Sendschirli (Berlin, 1943). see Pritchard, ANEP. see Pritchard, ANET3. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, serie III, vol. VIII/3 (Pisa, 1978). Anatolian Studies. Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara. Antike Welt. Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte. Alter Orient und altes Testament. AOAT, Sonderreihe. Altorientalische Forschungen. American Oriental Series.
APAW APES ARAB Aramazd Arch. Anz. ARET ARI Ar. Or. Arnaud, Emar VI/1–3 Arnaud, TSABR ARRIM ARU AS Assur Astour, Hellenosemitica Athenaeum Au. Or. AÜDTCD Aynard, Le prisme du Louvre BANEA B.A.R. BASOR Beckman, HDT Beckman, TVE Belck, Forschungsreise Belleten Beran, Heth. Glyptik I Beyer Beyer, Emar IV Bildbeschr. Bing, Cilicia Bi. Or. Bittel, Hethiter
see Boğazköy (I). see Ward, APES. see Luckenbill, ARAB. Aramazd. Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Archäologischer Anzeiger. Archivi reali di Ebla, Testi. see Grayson, ARI. Archiv Orientální. D. Arnaud, Textes sumériens et accadiens: textes et planches (Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, «Synthèse» 18 (Emar VI/1–3; 1985–1986). Textes syriens de l’âge du bronze récent (Au. Or. Suppl. 1; Barcelona, 1991). Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project. J. Kohler and A. Ungnad, Assyrische Rechtsurkunden (Leipzig, 1913). Assyriological Studies. Assur. Monographic Journals of the Near East. M. Astour, Hellenosemitica. An Ethnic and Cultural Study in West Semitic Impact on Mycenaean Greece (Leiden, 1965). Athenaeum. Studi periodici de letteratura e storia dell’antichità. Aula Orientalis. Revista de estudios del Próximo Oriente Antiguo. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil-Tarih-Coğrafya Dergisi. J. J. Aynard, Le prisme de Louvre AO 19.939 (Paris, 1957). British Association for Near Eastern Archaeology. British Archaeological Reports. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research. G. M. Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts, ed. H. A. Hoffner Jr. (2nd ed.; Atlanta, 1999). G. M. Beckman, Texts from the Vicinity of Emar in the Collection of Jonathan Rosen (History of Ancient Near East, Monograph 2; Padua, 1996). W. Belck, Forschungsreise in Klein-Asien (Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, Jahrgang 1901, pp. 452– 522). Türk Tarih Kurumu, Belleten. T. Beran, Die hethitische Glyptik von Boğazköy I (WVDOG 76; Berlin, 1967). D. Beyer, Meskéne – Emar. Dix ans de travaux 1972– 1982 (Paris, 1982). D. Beyer, Emar IV: Les Sceaux (OBO 20; Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2001). C.-G. von Brandenstein, Hethitische Götter nach Bildbeschreibungen in Keilschrifttexten (MVAeG 46/2; Leipzig, 1943). J. D. Bing, A History of Cilicia during the Assyrian Period (University Microfilms; Ann Arbor, 1973). Bibliotheca Orientalis. K. Bittel, Die Hethiter. Die Kunst Anatoliens vom Ende des 3. bis zum Anfang des 1. Jahrtausends vor Christus (Munich, 1976).
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Bittel, Die Kleinfunde BKO BMECCJ BMR Boehmer – Güterbock, Glyptik Boğazköy (I) Boğazköy II Boğazköy III–VI BoHa Bolatti Guzzo et al., 2017
Borger, Asarhaddon Börker-Klähn, Bagh. Forsch. 4 Bossert, Altanatolien Bossert, Asia Bossert, HKS Bossert, ŠuK Bo. St. Braidwood, OIP 48 Bron, Recherches BSL BSOAS BT Buchanan and Moorey, Ca talogue III Bulletin ICS Bull. Mus. Beyrouth Bunnens, Luwian Stele Burton and Drake, Unexplored Syria CAD
K. Bittel, Die Kleinfunde der Grabungen 1906–1912 (WVDOG 60; Leipzig, 1937). Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Orients. Bulletin of the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan. Bulletin des Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire. H. G. Güterbock and R. M. Boehmer, Glyptik aus dem Stadtgebiet von Boğazköy (BoHa XIV; Berlin, 1987). K. Bittel and H. G. Güterbock, Boğazköy. Neue Untersuchungen in der hethitischen Hauptstadt (APAW 1; Berlin, 1935). K. Bittel and R. Naumann, Boğazköy. Neue Untersuchungen in der hethitischen Hauptstadt (Berlin, 1938). K. Bittel et al., Boğazköy III – VI. Funde aus den Grabungen 1952–1955, 1967–1968, 1970–1971, bis 1979 (Berlin, 1957, 1969, 1975, 1984). Boğazköy – Hattuša, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen. The “Hattusa Project”. A German-Italian Cooperation for the Three-Dimensional Documentation and Representation of an UNESCO Archaeological Site”, N. Bolatti Guzzo et al. (in News from the Lands of the Hittites, Scientific Journal for Anatolian Research vol. 1 (Napoli, 2017), pp. 17–48). R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asarhaddons Königs von Assyrien (AfO Beiheft 9; Graz, 1956). J. Börker-Klähn, Altvorderasiatische Bildstelen und vergleichbare Felsreliefs (Baghdader Forschungen 4; Mainz, 1982). H. Th. Bossert, Altanatolien. Kunst und Handwerk in Kleinasien von den Anfängen bis zum völligen Aufgehen in der griechischen Kultur (Berlin, 1942). H. Th. Bossert, Asia (Istanbul, 1946). H. Th. Bossert, Ein hethitisches Königssiegel (Berlin, 1944). H. Th. Bossert, Šantaš und Kupapa (MAOG VI/3; Leipzig, 1932). Boghazköi-Studien. R. J. Braidwood, Mounds in the Plain of Antioch (OIP 48; Chicago, 1937). F. Bron, Recherches sur les inscriptions phéniciennes de Karatepe (École Pratique des Hautes Études; Geneva, Paris, 1979). Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. Bronze Tablet/Bronzetafel, see Otten, StBoT Bh. 1. B. Buchanan and P. R. S. Moorey, Catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in the Ashmolean Museum III. The Iron Age Stamp Seals (Oxford, 1988). Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies. Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth. G. Bunnens, A New Luwian Stele and the Cult of the Storm-God at Til Barsib-Masuwari (Peeters, Louvain, 2006). R. F. Burton and C. F. T. Drake, Unexplored Syria. Visit to the Libanus, the Tulúl et Safá, the Anti-Libanus, the Northern Libanus and the Aláh, I–II (London, 1872). The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Chicago, 1956–).
CAH Çambel, Karatepe-Aslantaş Carchemish I Carchemish II Carchemish III Carter, Cult Inventories Cavaignac, PH Central-North Anatolia
Ceram, NPBM Chantre, Mission en Cappadoce Charles, HI CHD CHLI I/1–3 CIH CIL CLL Contenau, MAO CRAIBL CRRAI CT CTH D’Agostino, Sacred Landscapes Dam. Mitt. Darga, 1992 Das Ende, das ein Anfang war De Clercq, Catalogue Delaporte, Catalogue Delaporte, Malatya Diakonoff, PAP Die Hethiter und ihr Reich Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO
The Cambridge Ancient History. H. Çambel, Karatepe-Aslantaş. The Inscriptions: Facsimile Edition (Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions II: Berlin, New York, 1999). see Hogarth, Carchemish I. see Woolley, Carchemish II. see Woolley, Carchemish III. C. W. Carter, Hittite Cult Inventories (Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1962). E. Cavaignac, Le problème hittite (Paris, 1936). Central-North Anatolia in the Hittite period: new perspectives in light of recent research: acts of the International conference held at the University of Florence, 7–9 February 2007, ed. F. Pecchioli Daddi et al. (Rome, 2009). C. W. Ceram, Narrow Pass, Black Mountain (London, 1956). E. Chantre, Recherches archéologiques dans l’Asie occidentale. Mission en Cappadoce 1893–1894 (Paris, 1898). B. B. Charles, Hittite Inscriptions (Cornell Expedition to Asia Minor; Ithaca, New York, 1911). The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Chicago, 1980–). see Hawkins, CHLI I/1–3. see Messerschmidt, CIH. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. see Melchert, CLL. G. Contenau, Manuel d’archéologie orientale (Paris, 1931). Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris). Compte rendu de la … Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. see Laroche, CTH. A. D’Agostino et al. (eds.), Sacred Landscapes of Hittites and Luwians: Proceedings of the International Conference in Honour of Franca Pecchioli Daddi, Florence, February 6th–8th 2014 (Firenze, 2016). Damaszener Mitteilungen. A. M. Darga, Hitit Sanatı (Istanbul, 1992). see Ehringhaus, Das Ende … L. de Clercq and J. Ménant, Collection de Clercq, Catalogue I–II (Paris, 1885, 1888, 1890, 1903). L. Delaporte, Catalogue des cylindres orientaux des cachets et pierres gravées de style orientale de la Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris, 1910). L. Delaporte, Malatya-Arslantepe I. La porte des lions (Paris, 1940). I. M. Diakonoff, The Prehistory of the Armenian People (New York, 1984). Die Hethiter und ihr Reich: das Volk der 1000 Götter (Bonn, 2002). A. M. Dinçol and B. Dinçol, Die Prinzen- und Beamtensiegel aus der Oberstadt von Boğzköy-Hattuša vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zum Ende der Grossreichszeit (BoHa XXII; Mainz, 2008).
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Diversity and Standardization DLL Donner and Röllig, KAI2 DŠ DTCFD EA Edel, ÄHK EDHIL EH, EH2 Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften Ehringhaus, Das Ende … Emar Eranos Essays Mellink Felsefe Arkivi Forlanini, Atlante Storico Forrer, HBS Forrer, Provinzeinteilung Frankfort, AAAO Friedrich, HWb Friedrich, HWb, Erg. 1, 2, 3 Friedrich, SV Friedrich-Kammenhuber, HWb2 Fs Fs Alp Fs Bittel Fs Boehmer
E. Cancik-Kirschbaum et al., Diversity and Standardization (Berlin, 2013). see Laroche, DLL. H. Donner and W. Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (2nd edition, Wiesbaden, 1962–64). see Güterbock, DŠ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi (Ankara). J. A. Knudtzon, Die El-Amarna-Tafeln (Vorderasiatische Bibliothek 2; Leipzig, 1915). E. Edel, Die ägyptisch-hethitische Korrespondenz aus Boghazköi in babylonischer und hethitischer Sprache (Opladen, 1994). see Kloekhorst, EDHIL. see Wright, EH, EH2. H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften: die Felsreliefs der hethitischen Grossreichszeit in der Türkei (Sonderband, Antike Welt; von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein, 2005). H. Ehringhaus, Das Ende das ein Anfang war. Felsreliefs und Felsinschriften der luwischen Staaten Kleinasiens vom 12. bis 8/7. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (Mainz am Rhein, 2014). Mission archéologique de Meskéné – Emar. Recherches au pays d’Aštata. Eranos. Acta Philologica Suecana. Ancient Anatolia. Aspects of Change and Cultural Development. Essays in Honor of Machteld J. Mellink, ed. J. V. Canby et al. (Wisconsin, 1986). Felsefe Arkivi. Istanbul Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü. M. Forlanini and M. Marazzi, Anatolia: L’Impero Hittita (Atlante Storico del Vicino Oriente Fascicolo 4.3., ed. M. Liverani, L. Milano and A. Palmieri; Rome, 1986). E. Forrer, Die hethitische Bilderschrift (Chicago, 1932). E. Forrer, Die Provinzeinteilung des assyrischen Reiches (Leipzig, 1921). H. Frankfort, The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient (Harmondsworth, 1954). J. Friedrich, Hethitisches Wörterbuch (Heidelberg, 1952–1954). J. Friedrich, Hethitisches Wörterbuch, 1–3 Ergänzungshefte (Heidelberg, 1957, 1961, 1966). J. Friedrich, Staatsverträge des Hatti-Reiches in hethitischer Sprache, I, II (MVAeG 31/1 and 34/1; Leipzig, 1926, 1930). J. Friedrich and A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch (2nd edition, Heidelberg, 1975–). Festschrift. Hittite and Other Anatolian and Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Sedat Alp, ed. H. Otten et al. (Ankara, 1992). Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Kleinasiens. Festschrift für Kurt Bittel, ed. R. M. Boehmer and H. Hauptmann (Mainz am Rhein, 1983). Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte Vorderasiens: Festschrift für Rainer Michael Boehmer, ed. U. Finkbeiner et al. (Mainz, 1995).
Fs de Roos
Fs Dinçol Fs Eissfeldt Fs Friedrich Fs G. Giorgadze Fs Güterbock (1) Fs Güterbock (2) Fs Hawkins Fs Hoffner Fs Houwink ten Cate
Fs Hrozný Fs Koch Fs Košak
Fs Matouš Fs Melchert
Fs Mellink Fs Meriggi2 Fs Moortgat
Fs Morpurgo Davies
The Life and Times of Hattušili III and Tutḫaliya IV: proceedings of a symposium held in Honour of J. de Roos, 12–13 December 2003, Leiden, ed. Th. P. J. van den Hout and C.H. van Zoest (PIHANS 103; Istanbul, 2006). VITA: Festschrift in Honor of Belkıs Dinçol and Ali Dinçol, ed. M. Alparslan et al. (Istanbul, 2007). Festschrift Otto Eissfeldt zum 60. Geburtstage 1. September 1947, ed. J. Fück (Halle, 1947). Festschrift Johannes Friedrich zum 65. Geburtstag am 27. August 1958 gewidmet, ed. R. von Kienle et al. (Heidelberg, 1959). Gregor Giorgadze von Kollegen und ehemaligen Studenten zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet, ed. L. Gordesiani (Tbilisi, 2002). Anatolian Studies Presented to Hans Gustav Güterbock on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. K. Bittel et al. (Istanbul, 1974). Kaniššuwar, A Tribute to Hans. G. Güterbock, ed. H. A. Hoffner and G. M. Beckman (Chicago, 1986). ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis: Luwian and Hittite Studies presented to J. David Hawkins on the occasion of his 70th birthday, ed. I. Singer (Tel Aviv, 2010). Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. Hoffner, Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, ed. G. M. Beckman et al. (Winona Lake, 2003). Studio Historiae Ardens. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Philo H. J. Houwink ten Cate on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. T. J. van den Hout and J. de Roos (Uitgaven van het Nederlands historisch-arkeologisch Instituut de Istanbul 74; Istanbul, 1995). Symbolae ad studia orientis pertinentes Frederico Hrozný dedicatae, 5 Bde I–II, III–V, ed. V. Čihař et al. (Ar. Or. 17, 18; Praha, 1949, 1950). Dar sloves’ny: Festschrift für Christoph Koch zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. W. Hock and M. Meier-Brügger (Munich, 2007). Tabularia Hethaeorum: Hethitologische Beiträge. Silvin Košak zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. D. Groddek and M. Zorman (Dresdner Beiträge zur Hethitologie 25, Wiesbaden, 2007). Festschrift Lubor Matouš, ed. B. Hruška and G. Komoróczy (Assyriologia IV; Budapest, 1980). Ex Anatolia Lux. Anatolian and Indo-European studies in honor of H. Craig Mechert on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, ed. R. Kim et al. (Ann Arbor, New York, 2010). Ancient Anatilia: aspects of change and cultural development; essays in honor of Machteld J. Mellink, ed. J. V. Canby et al. (Madison, 1986). Studia Mediterranea Piero Meriggi dicata I–II, ed. O. Carruba (Stud. Med. 1; Pavia, 1979). Vorderasiatische Archäologie. Studien und Anfsätze Anton Moortgat zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern, ed. K. Bittel et al. (Berlin, 1964). Indo-European Perspectives. Studies in Honour of Anna Morpurgo Davies, ed. J. H. W. Penney (Oxford, 2004).
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Fs Neumann Fs Neumann2 Fs Nowicki
Fs N. Özgüç Fs Otten (1) Fs Otten (2) Fs Poetto Fs Popko Fs Postgate Fs Pugliese Carratelli Fs Puhvel
Fs Rasmussen
Fs Risch Fs Röllig
Fs Salvini
Fs Singer Fs Součková Fs Stager Fs Szemerényi
Serta Indogermanica. Festschrift für Günter Neumann zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. J. Tischer (Innsbruck, 1982). Novalis Indogermanica: Festschrift für Günter Neumann zum 80. Geburtstag, ed. M. Fritz and S. Zeilfelder (Graz, 2002). Na-wa/i-VIR.ZI/A MAGNUS.SCRIBA: Festschrift für Helmut Nowicki zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. C. Brosch and A. Payne (Dresdner Beiträge zur Hethitologie 45; Wiesbaden, 2014). Aspects of Art and Iconography: Anatolia and its Neighbors. Studies in Honor of Nimet Özgüç (Ankara, 1993). Festschrift Heinrich Otten, 27 Dezember 1973, ed. E. Neu and C. Rüster (Wiesbaden, 1973). Documentum Asiae Minoris Antiquae. Festschrift für Heinrich Otten zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. E. Neu and C. Rüster (Wiesbaden, 1988). “And I Knew Twelve Languages”: A Tribute to Massimo Poetto on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, ed. N. Bolatti Guzzo and Piotr Taracha (Warsaw 2019). Silva Anatolica: Anatolian studies presented to Maciej Popko on the occasion of his 65th birthday, ed. P. Taracha (Warsaw, 2002). At the Dawn of History: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of J. N. Postgate, ed. Y. Heffron et al. (Winona Lake, 2017). Studi di storia e di filologia anatolica dedicati a Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli, ed. F. Imparati (Florence, 1988). Studies in Honor of Jaan Puhvel: Part One Ancient Languages and Philology, Part Two Mythology and Religion, ed. D. Disterheft et al. (JIES Monograph Series 20, 21; Washington D.C., 1997). Per aspera ad asteriscos, Studia indogermanica in honorem Jens Elmegard Rasmussen sexagenarii Idibus Martiis anno MMIV, ed. A. Hyllested (Innsbruck, 2004). o-o-pe-ro-si. Festschrift für Ernst Risch zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. A. Etter (Berlin, New York, 1986). Ana šadî Labnāni lū allik. Beiträge zu altorientalischen und mittelmeerischen Kulturen. FS für Wolfgang Röllig, ed. B. Pongraz-Leisten, H. Kühne and P. Xella (AOAT 247; Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1997). Over the Mountains and Far Away: Studies in Near Eastern history and archaeology presented to Mirjo Salvini on the occasion of his 80th birthday, ed. P. S. Avetisyan, R. Dan and Y. H. Grekyan (Oxford, 2019). Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer, ed. Y. Cohen et al. (StBoT 51; Wiesbaden, 2010). Audias fabulas veteres. Anatolian Studies in Honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová, ed. Š. Velhartická (Leiden and Boston, 2016). Exploring the Longue Durée: Essays in Honor of Lawrence E. Stager, ed. J. D. Schloen (Winona Lake, 2009). Festschrift für Oswald Szemerényi, ed. B. Broganyi (Amsterdam, 1979).
Fs Tischler Fs Watkins Fs Yoshida Fs Vine Fugmann, Hama II/1 Furniture
Gander, Diss. Garstang, HE Garstang, LH Garstang and Gurney, Geography Gelb, HH Gelb, HHM Genge, NSR Gibson, TSSI GLH Glotta Goedegebuure, Hittite Iconoclasm Goetze, AM Goetze, Kleinasien Goetze, Tunn. Goetze, NeueBr Gonnet, Titulature
Anatolica et indogermanica: Studia linguistica in honorem Johannis Tischler septuagenarii dedicata, ed. H. Marquardt et al. (Innsbruck, 2016). Mír Curad. Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, ed. J. Jasanoff, H. C. Melchert and L. Olivier (Innsbruck, 1998). QAZZU warrai: Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Kazuhiko Yoshida, ed. A. A. Catt et al. (Ann Arbor, New York, 2019). Vina Diem Celebrent: Studies in Linguistics and Philology in Honor of Brent Vine, ed. D. Gunkel et al. (Ann Arbor, New York, 2018). E. Fugmann, Hama. Fouilles et recherches 1931–1938, II. Les premiers habitants et la ville préhellénistique de Hamath 1. L’Architecture des périodes pré-hellénistiques (Copenhagen, 1958). The furniture of Western Asia, ancient and traditional: papers of the Conference held at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, June 28 to 30, 1993, ed. G. Herrmann and N. Parker (Mainz, 1996). M. Gander, Geschichte und Geographie Westkleinasiens in der Hethiterzeit (Dissertation, University of Zürich, 2017). J. Garstang, The Hittite Empire (London, 1929; revised edition of Garstang, LH). J. Garstang, Land of the Hittites (London, 1910). J. Garstang and O. R. Gurney, The Geography of the Hittite Empire (London, 1959). I. J. Gelb, Hittite Hieroglyphs I–III (Chicago, 1931, 1935, 1942). I. J. Gelb, Hittite Hieroglyphic Monuments (OIP 45; Chicago, 1939). H. Genge, Nordsyrisch-südanatolische Reliefs. Eine archäologisch-historische Untersuchung, Datierung und Bestimmung (Copenhagen, 1979). J. Gibson, Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions, 2. Aramaic Inscriptions, 3. Phoenician Inscriptions (Oxford, 1975, 1982). see Laroche, GLH. Glotta. Zeitschrift für griechische und lateinische Sprache. P. M. Goedegebuure, Hittite Iconoclasm: Disconnecting the icon, disempowering the referent (in N. N. May ed., Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond (Oriental Institute Seminars no. 8, 2012), pp. 407–452). A. Goetze, Die Annalen des Muršiliš (MVAeG 38; Leipzig, 1933). A. Goetze, Kulturgeschichte Kleinasiens (2nd edition; Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft III, 2; Munich, 1957). A. Goetze, The Hittite Ritual of Tunnawi (AOS 14; New Haven, 1938). A. Goetze, Neue Bruchstücke zum großen Text des Hattušiliš und den Paralleltexten (MVAeG 34/2; Leipzig, 1930). H. Gonnet, La titulature royale hittite au Ile millénaire avant J.-C. (Hethitica 3; Louvain, 1979), pp. 3–108.
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Gonnella et al., 2005 Goodnick Westenholz, Emar Tablets Gordin Grayson, ABC Grayson, ARI Grayson, RIMA 1 Grayson, RIMA 2 Grayson, RIMA 3 Grazer Beiträge Grothe, Vorderasienexpedition Gs Gs Bossert Gs Cowgill
Gs Forrer Gs Güterbock Gs Halil Edhem Gs Imparati Gs Kretschmer Gs Kronasser Gs Otten Güterbock, DŠ Güterbock, SBo Güterbock, Yazılıkaya Gurney, Hittite Religion
J. Gonnella, W. Khayyata, K. Kohlmeyer, Die Zitadelle von Aleppo und der Tempel des Wettergottes (Münster, 2005). J. Goodnick Westenholz, The Emar Tablets. Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Collection of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem (Groningen, 2000). Sh. Gordin (ed.), Visualizing Knowledge and Creating Meaning in Ancient Writing Systems (Gladpek, 2014). A. K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (Locus Valley, New York, 1975). A. K. Grayson, Assyrian Royal Inscriptions I–II (Wiesbaden, 1972, 1976). A. K. Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Third and Second Millennia BC (The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods 1; Toronto, 1987). A. K. Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC 1 (1114–859 BC) (The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods 2; Toronto, 1991). A. K. Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Earley First Millennium BC II (858–745 BC) (The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods 3; Toronto, 1996). Grazer Beiträge. Zeitschrift für die klassische Altertumswissenschaft. G. Grothe, Meine Vorderasienexpedition 1906 und 1907, Band I (Leipzig, 1911). Gedenkschrift. Anadolu Araştırmaları (JKF) II/1–2 (Istanbul, 1965). Studies in Memory of Warren Cowgill (1929–1985): Papers from the Fourth East Coast Indo-European Conference, Cornell University, June 6–9, 1985, ed. C. Watkins (Berlin, 1987). Šarnikzel: hethitologische Studien zum Gedenken an Emil Orgetorix Forrer, ed. D.Groddek and Sylvester Rössle (Dresden, 2004). Recent Developments in Hittite Archaeology and History, ed. K. A. Yener, H. A. Hoffner (Eisenbrauns, Indiana, 2002). In memoriam Halil Edhem I–II (Ankara, 1947). Anatolia Antica, Studi in memoria di Fiorella Imparati, ed. St. de Martino and F. P. Daddi (Eothen 11; Florence, 2002). ΜΝΗΜΗΣ ΧΑΡΙΝ. Gedenkschrift P. Kretschmer, ed. H. Kronasser (Vienna, 1956). Investigationes Philologicae et Comparativae. Gedenkschrift für Heinz Kronasser, ed. E. Neu (Wiesbaden, 1982). Saeculum: Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Otten anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstags, ed. A. Müller-Karpe et al. (StBoT 58; Wiesbaden, 2015). H. G. Güterbock, The Deeds of Šuppiluliuma as Told by his Son, Muršili II (JCS 10 (1956), pp. 41–68, 75–98, 107–130). H. G. Güterbock, Siegel aus Boğazköy, I–II (AfO Beiheft 5, 7; Berlin, 1940, 1942). H. G. Güterbock apud K. Bittel et al., Das hethitische Felsheiligtum Yazılıkaya (BoHa IX; Berlin, 1975), Die Inschriften. O. R. Gurney, Some Aspects of Hittite Religion (The Schweich Lectures, 1976; Oxford, 1977).
A. Hagenbuchner, Die Korrespondenz der Hethiter (TdH 15; Heidelberg, 1989). R. G. Haines, Excavations in the Plain of Antioch, II: Structural Remains of the Later Phases (OIP 95; Chicago, 1972). Hatt. see StBoT 24. J. D. Hawkins apud G. Bunnens, A New Luwian Stele Hawkins apud and the Cult of the Storm-God at Til Barsib-Masuwari Bunnens, (Peeters, Louvain, 2006). 2006 Hawkins apud VIII.3. Commentaries on the readings, in PBS Herbordt, PBS (2005), pp. 248–313. Hawkins, CHLI J. D. Hawkins, Corpus of Hierogpyphic Luwian InscripI/1–3 tions I/1–3 (Untersuchungen zur indogermanischen Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft. N.F./Studies in Indo-European Language and Culture. New Series 8.1; Berlin, New York, 2000). Hawkins, MesoJ. D. Hawkins, Late Hittite Funerary Monuments (in potamia 8 B. Alster ed., Death in Mesopotamia (Copenhagen, 1980), pp. 213–225). Hawkins, NegaJ. D. Hawkins, Negatives in Hieroglyphic Luwian (An. tives St. 25 (1975), pp. 119–156). Hawkins, StBoT J. D. Hawkins, The Hieroglyphic Inscription of the Bh. 3 Sacred Pool Complex at Hattusa (SÜDBURG). With an archaeological introduction by Peter Neve (StBoT Bh. 3; Wiesbaden, 1995). J. D. Hawkins and A. Morpurgo Davies, Of donkeys, Hawkins and mules and Tarkondemos (Studies Watkins (1998), Morpurgo Davies, 1998 pp. 243–260). J. D. Hawkins, A. Morpurgo Davies and G. NeuHawkins, mann, Hittite Hieroglyphs and Luwian: New EviMorpurgo dence for the Connection (Nachrichten der Akademie Davies, and der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, I Phil.-Hist. Klasse 6 Neumann, (1973), pp. 143–197). HHL Hawkins, 2003 J. D. Hawkins, Script and Texts, apud H. C. Melchert (ed.), The Luwians (Boston, 2003). Hawkins, 2013 Diversity and Standardization: perspectives on social and political norms in the ancient Near East, ed. E. Cancik-Kirschbaum et al. (Berlin, 2013). Hawkins, IX TTK J. D. Hawkins, Rulers of Karkamiş; the House of Astiruwas (in IX Türk, Tarih Kongresi, Ankara 1981: Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler, I. Cilt (Ankara, 1986), pp. 259–271). Hb. Or. (1969) J. Friedrich et al., Altkleinasiatische Sprachen (Handbuch der Orientalistik 1/II, 1–2, 2; Leiden, 1969). HBM S. Alp, Hethitische Briefe aus Maşat-Höyük (Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, TTKY Yayın VI/35; Ankara, 1991). HCCT Hirayama Collection of Cuneiform Texts. HChl see König, HChl. HDT see Beckman, HDT. HED see Puhvel, HED. Helck, Beziehun- W. Helck, Beziehungen Ägyptens und Vorderasiens zur gen Ägäis bis ins 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (Wiesbaden, 1979). Herbordt, PBS S. Herbordt, Prinzen- und Beamtensiegel der Hethitischen Grossreichszeit auf Tonbullen aus dem Nişantepe-Archiv in Hattusa (BoHa XIX; Mainz, 2005). Herbordt et al., S. Herbordt, D. Bawanypeck and J. D. Hawkins, Die SGG Siegel der Großkönige und Großköniginnen auf Tonbullen aus dem Nişantepe-Archiv in Hattusa (BoHa XXIII; Darmstadt, Mainz, 2011). Hagenbuchner, TdH 15 Haines, OIP 95
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Herzfeld, AMI Hesperia Hethitica HH HH HHL HHM Historia Hoffmann, TdH 11 Hoffner, Al. Heth. Hogarth, Carchemish I Hogarth, HS Houwink ten Cate, LPG Hrozný, IHH HT Humann and Puchstein, Reisen HWb HWb2 IBoT ICAANE ICC ICH III ICH IV ICH V ICH VI ICH VII ICH VIII ICH IX ICH IEJ IF IGA ILN Ingholt, Rapport Iraq Ist. Mitt.
E. Herzfeld, Hettitica (Archäologische Mitteilungen ans Iran 2 (1930), pp. 132–164, 165–203). Hesperia. Journal of American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Hethitica. Bibliothèque des cahiers de l’Institut de Linguistique de Louvain. see Laroche, HH. see Gelb, HH. see Hawkins, Morpurgo Davies, and Neumann, HHL. see Gelb, HHM. Historia. Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte. I. Hoffmann, Der Erlaß Telipinus (TdH 11; Heidelberg, 1984). H. A. Hoffner, Alimenta Hethaeorum (New Haven, 1974). D. G. Hogarth, Carchemish. Report on the Excavation at Djerabis on Behalf of the British Museum I. Introductory (London, 1914). D. G. Hogarth, Hittite Seals (Oxford, 1920). P. H. J. Houwink ten Cate, The Luwian Population Groups of Lycia and Cilicia Aspera during the Hellenistic Period (Leiden, 1961). B. Hrozný, Les inscriptions hittites hiéroglyphiques I– III (Prague, 1933, 1934, 1937). Hittite Texts in the Cuneiform Character from Tablets in the British Museum (London, 1920). C. Humann and O. Puchstein, Reisen in Kleinasien und Nordsyrien (Berlin, 1890). see Friedrich, HWb. see Friedrich-Kammenhuber, HWb2. İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzelerinde Buluman Boğazköy Tabletleri I–III (Istanbul, 1944, 1947, 1954). International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. see Layard, ICC. Papers of International Congresses of Hittitology. III. Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Çorum 16–22 Eylül 1996 (Ankara, 1998). Würzburg, 4–8 October 1999 (StBoT 45; Wiesbaden, 2001). Çorum, 2–8 September 2002 (Ankara, 2005). Rome, 5–9 September 2005 I–II (SMEA 49, 50; Rome, 2007, 2008). Çorum, 25–31 August 2008 (Ankara, 2010). Warsaw, 5–9 Septempber 2011 (Warsaw, 2014). Çorum, 1–7 September 2014 (Ankara, 2019). Israel Exploration Journal. Indogermanische Forschungen. Zeitschrift für indogermanische und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft. see Marazzi, IGA. Illustrated London News. H. Ingholt, Rapport préliminaire sur sept campagnes de fouilles à Hama en Syrie (Copenhagen, 1940). Iraq. The British School of Archaeology in Iraq. Istanbuler Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts.
Jacob-Rost, TdH 2 Jacobsen, OIC 19 Jacopi, Dalla Paflagonia alla Commagene JANES JAOS JCS JEA JEOL JHS JIES JKF JNES JRAS JWAG Kadmos KAH KAI2 Kalaç, IX TTK Kammenhuber, Hipp. Heth. Kaniššuwar KAT3 KAV KBo Kennedy, Sceaux Khayyata and Kohlmeyer, 1998 King, AKA King, Bronze Reliefs Klauber, PRT Klengel, GS KlF Kloekhorst, EDHIL Knudtzon, AGS Kohlmeyer (1983) Kohlmeyer, 2000
L. Jacob-Rost, Das Ritual des Malli aus Arzawa gegen Behexung (TdH 2; Heidelberg, 1972). T. Jacobsen, A Hittite Hieroglyphic Inscription from Hines (OIC 19; Chicago, 1935, pp. 101–103). G. Jacopi, Dalla Paflagonia alla Commagene: relazione sulla prima campagna esplorative, settembre-novembre 1935-XIII–XIV (Rome, 1936). Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of the University of Columbia. Journal of American Oriental Society. Journal of Cuneiform Studies. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap “Ex Oriente Lux”. Journal of Hellenic Studies. Journal of the Indo-European Studies. Jahrbuch für kleinasiatische Forschungen. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Journal of Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of the Walters Art Gallery. Kadmos. Zeitschrift für vor- und frühgriechische Epigraphik. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts. see Donner and Röllig, KAI2. M. Kalaç, Hiyeroglif Araştırmaları (in IX Türk Tarih Kongresi, Ankara 1981: Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler I Cilt (Ankara, 1986), pp. 255–258). A. Kammenhuber, Hippologia Hethitica (Wiesbaden, 1961). see Güterbock, Kaniššuwar. see Schrader, KAT3. see Schroeder, KAV. Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi. D. A. Kennedy, Sceaux hittites conservés à Paris (RHA XVII/65 (1959), pp. 147–172). W. Khayyata and K. Kohlmeyer, Die Zitadelle von Aleppo – Vorläufiger Bericht über die Untersuchungen 1996 and 1997 (Damaszener Mitteilungen 10 (1998), pp. 69–96). L. W. King, The Annals of the Kings of Assyria (London, 1902). L. W. King, Bronze Reliefs from the Gates of Shalmaneser, King of Assyria (London, 1915). G. Klauber, Politisch-religiöse Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit (Leipzig, 1913). H. Klengel, Geschichte Syriens im 2. Jahrtausend v.u.Z. I–III (Berlin, 1965, 1969, 1970). F. Sommer and H. Ehelolf (eds.), Kleinasiatische Forschungen, vol. 1 (Weimar, (1927–)1930). A. Kloekhorst, Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series 5; Leiden and Boston, 2008). J. A. Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott I–II (Leipzig, 1893). Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983). K. Kohlmeyer, Der Tempel des Wettergottes von Aleppo (Münster, 2000)
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Koldewey, WVDOG 55 König, HChl Kratylos Kronasser, Umsiedlung KST KUB Kupper, Nomades KZ LAAA Lajard, Mithra Landsberger, Fanna Landsberger, Sam’al Langdon, NBK Langue Poétique Laroche, CTH Laroche, DLL Laroche, Doc. Hitt. et Hourr. Laroche, FdX V Laroche, FdX VI Laroche, GLH Laroche, HH Laroche, Noms Laroche, Noms, Suppl. Laroche, Onom. Laroche, Recherches Layard, ICC Levine, TNASI Lie, Sargon LL Lloyd, EHPA
R. Koldewey, Die Königsburgen von Babylon II (WVDOG 55; Leipzig, 1932). H. W. König, Handbuch der chaldischen Inschriften (AfO Beiheft 8; Graz, 1955, 1957). Kratylos. Kritisches Berichts- und Rezensionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft. H. Kronasser, Die Umsiedlung der schwarzen Gottheit: Das hethitische Ritual KUB XXIX 4 (des Ulippi) (Sitzungsberichte, Öst. Ak. Wiss. 241.3; Vienna, 1963). Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı. Keilschrifturkunden aus Boğazköi. J. R. Kupper, Les nomades en Mésopotamie au temps des rois de Mari (Paris, 1957). (Kuhns) Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 1–100 (1952–1987), renamed Historische Sprachforschung (1988–). Liverpool Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology. M. F. Lajard, Introduction à l’étude de culte publique et des dystères de Mithra en orient et en occident (Paris, 1847). B. Landsberger, Die Fauna des alten Mesopotamiens (Leipzig, 1934). B. Landsberger, Sam’al. Studien zur Entdeckung der Ruinenstätte Karatepe (Ankara, 1948). S. Langdon, Die neubabylonischen Königsinschriften (Leipzig, 1912). La langue poétique indo-européenne: Actes du Colloque de travail de la Société des Études Indo-Européennes, Paris, 22–24 octobre 2003. (Leuven, 2006). E. Laroche, Catalogue des textes hittites (Paris, 1971). E. Laroche, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite (Paris, 1959). see Beyer (1982). E. Laroche, Les epitaphes lyciennes (apud P. Demargne, Fouilles de Xanthos V (Paris, 1974), pp. 123–149). E. Laroche, L’inscription lycienne (apud H. Metzger et al., Fouilles de Xanthos VI (Paris, 1979), pp. 49– 127). E. Laroche, Glossaire de la langue hourrite, 1–2 parties (RHA XXXIV–XXXV; 1976–1977). E. Laroche, Les hiéroglyphes hittites (Paris, 1960). E. Laroche, Les noms des hittites (Paris, 1966). E. Laroche, Les noms des hittites, Supplement (Hethitica 4; Louvain-la-Neuve, 1981, pp. 3–58). E. Laroche, Recueil d’onomastique hittite (Paris, 1951). E. Laroche, Recherches sur les noms des dieux hittites (RHA VII/46; Paris, 1947). A. H. Layard, Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monuments (London, 1851). L. D. Levine, Two Neo-Assyrian Stelae from Iran (Art and Archaeology Occasional Paper 23; Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 1972). A. G. Lie, The Inscriptions of Sargon II, King of Assyria (Paris, 1929). see Melchert, LL. S. Lloyd, Early Highland Peoples of Anatolia (London, 1967).
Luckenbill, ARAB Luckenbill, Sennacherib von Luschan, AiS LS see Wilhelm, LS. Luwian Identities
Lyon, Sargon Malli Manuale MAOG Marazzi, IGA Marchetti, Karkemish MARI MDOG MEE Meijer, Natural Phenomena Mélanges Dussaud Mélanges Laroche Melchert, The Luwians Melchert, CLL Melchert, Langue Poétique Melchert, LL Melikišvili, UKN Meriggi, Glossar Meriggi, Glossar2 Meriggi, Manuale Meriggi, Schizzo
Mesopotamia Messerschmidt, CIH Messerschmidt, CIH1
D. D. Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia I–II (Chicago, 1926, 1927). D. D. Luckenbill, The Annals of Sennacherib (OIP 2; Chicago, 1924). F. von Luschan, Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli, II, III, IV (Berlin, 1898, 1902, 1911). Landschenkungsurkenden. Luwian Identities. Culture, Language and Religion between Anatolia and Aegean, ed. A. Mouton et al. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 64; Leiden and Boston, 2013). D. G. Lyon, Keilschrifttexte Sargons, Königs von Assyrien (Leipzig, 1883). see Jacob-Rost, TdH 2. see Meriggi, Manuale. Mitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft. M. Marazzi et al., Il geroglifico anatolico: problemi di analisi e prospettive di ricerca (Biblioteca di ricerche linguistiche e filologiche 24; Rome, 1990). N. Marchetti (ed.), Karkemish: an Ancient Capital on the Euphrates, (Bologna, 2014). Mari: Annales de recherches interdisciplinaires. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. Materiali epigrafici di Ebla. D. J. W. Meijer (ed.), Natural Phenomena. Their Meaning, Depiction and Description in the Ancient Near East (Amsterdam, 1992). Mélanges syriens offerts à monsieur René Dussaud par ses amis et ses élèves (Paris, 1939). Florilegium Anatolicum. Mélanges offerts à Emmanuel Laroche, ed. E. Masson and Cl. Brixhe (Paris, 1979). H. C. Melchert (ed.), The Luwians (Handbook of Oriental Studies I/68; Leiden, 2003). H. C. Melchert, Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon (Lexica Anatolica 2; Chapel Hill, 1993). H. C. Melchert, La langue poétique indo-européenne (Acts, Society for Indo-European Studies (Leuven- Paris, 2006), pp. 291–298). H. C. Melchert, Lycian Lexicon (Lexica Anatolica 1; 2nd edition, Chapel Hill, 1993). G. A. Melikišvili, Urartskie klinoobraznye nadpisi (Moscow, 1960). P. Meriggi, Die längsten Bauinschriften in “hethitischen” Hieroglyphen nebst Glossar zu sämtlichen Texten (MVAG 39/1; Leipzig, 1934). P. Meriggi, Hieroglyphisch-hethitisches Glossar (2nd. ed., Wiesbaden, 1962). P. Meriggi, Manuale di eteo geroglifico I, II/1, II/2–3 (Rome, 1966, 1967, 1975). P. Meriggi, Schizzo grammaticale dell’Anatolico (Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Momorie, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, Serie VIII, 24/3 (Rome, 1980)). Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies of Assyriology. L. Messerschmidt, Corpus Inscriptionum Hettiticarum (MVAG V/4–5; Leipzig, 1900). L. Messerschmidt, CIH, Erster Nachtrag (MVAG VII/3; Leipzig, 1902).
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Messerschmidt, CIH2 Messerschmidt, VS Mestieri Met. Mus. Studies Meyer, RKC MFO Minerva MIO Mitteilungen des kaiserlich DAI, Athen. Abt. Moortgat, BK Mora, Glittica
Mora, Glittica, primo supplemento Mouton, Hittit ology Today MSS Muscarella, Ladders to Heaven Le Muséon MVAeG MVAG NABU Naumann, Architektur Kleinasiens NAWG ND NEA Neuere Hethiterforschung Neve, BoHa XII Neve, BoHa XVI Neve, Hattuša NİŞANTEPE NİŞANTEPE 2 NLH
L. Messerschmidt, CIH, Zweiter Nachtrag (MVAG XI/5; Leipzig, 1906) L. Messerschmidt and A. Ungnad, Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Königlichen Museen zu Berlin I (Leipzig, 1907). see F. Pecchioli Daddi, Mestieri. Metropolitan Museum Studies. E. Meyer, Reich und Kultur der Chethiter (Berlin, 1914). Mélanges de la Faculté orientale, Université St.-Joseph (Beyrouth). Minerva. The International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung. Mitteilungen des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung. A. Moortgat, Die bildende Kunst des Alten Orients und die Bergvölker (Berlin, 1932). C. Mora, La glittica anatolica del II millennio a.C.: classificazione tipologica I. I sigilli a iscrizione geroglifica (Sammlung hieroglyphischer Siegel, Band II, Stud. Med. 6; Pavia, 1987). C. Mora, La glittica anatolica del II millennio a.C.: classificazione tipologica I. I sigilli a iscrizione geroglifica, Primo supplemento (Sammlung hieroglyphischer Siegel, Band II, Stud. Med. 6/2; Pavia, 1990). A. Mouton (ed.), Hittitology Today: Studies on Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolia, in Honor of Emmanuel Laroche’s 100th birthday (Paris, 2017). Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft. O. W. Muscarella (ed.), Ladders to Heaven. Art Treasures from Land of the Bible (Canada, 1981). Le Muséon. Revue d’études orientales. Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-ägyptischen Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft (continued as MVAeG). N.A.B.U. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires. R. Naumann, Architektur Kleinasiens: von ihren Anfängen bis zum ende der hethitischen Zeit (Tübingen, 1971). Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen (Göttingen). Field numbers of tablets excavated in Nimrud. Near Eastern Archaeology. Publication of AOS. P. Neve, Büyükkale. Die Bauwerke. Grabungen 1954– 1966. (BoHa XII; Berlin, 1982). P. Neve, Die Oberstadt von Hattuša: Die Bauwerke. 1 Die Bebauung im zentralen Tempelviertel (BoHa XVI; Berlin, 1999). P. Neve, Hattuša – Stadt der Götter und Tempel: neue Ausgrabungen in der Hauptstadt der Hethiter (Antike Welt. Sondernummer; Mainz, 1992). see Herbordt, PBS. see Herbordt et al., SGG. News from the Lands of the Hittites.
Nougayrol, PRU IV Novalis Indogermanica NPN OA OBO Oettinger, Stammbildung Offizielle Religion OIC OHP OIMP OIP OLZ Or. Ex. Oreshko, SHL Oriens Orthmann, USK von der Osten, OIC 2 von der Osten, OIC 6 von der Osten, OIC 8 von der Osten, OIC 14 von der Osten OIP 6 Otten, StBoT Bh. 1 Özgüç, Kültepe Parpola, N-AT Parpola, SAA 1 Parpola, SAA II Payne, 2010 Payne, Schrift und Schriftlichkeit Payne, WAW PBS PBSO
J. Nougayrol, Le palais royal d’Ugarit IV. Textes accadiens, archives sud (Paris, 1956). see Fs Neumann2. I. J. Gelb, P. A. Purves, A. A. MacRae, Nuzi Personal Names (OIP 57; Chicago, 1943). Oriens Antiquus. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis. N. Oettinger, Die Stammbildung des hethitischen Verbums (Nürnberg, 1979). M. Hutter and S. Hutter-Braunsar (eds.), Offizielle Religion, lokale Kulte und individuelle Religiosität (AOAT 318; Münster, 2004). Oriental Institute Communications. B. van Gessel, The Onomasticon of the Hittite Pantheon (Hb. Or. I/33; Leiden, 1998–2001). Oriental Institute Museum Publications. Oriental Institute Publications. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. Oriens Extremus. R. Oreshko, Studies in Hieroglyphic Luwian (PhD dissertation, Free University Berlin, 2016). Oriens. Journal of the International Society for Oriental Research. W. Orthmann, Untersuchungen zur späthethitischen Kunst (Bonn, 1971). H. H. von der Osten, Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor (OIC 2; Chicago, 1927). H. H. von der Osten, Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor 1927–28 (OIC 6; Chicago, 1929). H. H. von der Osten, Explorations in Hittie Asia Minor 1929 (OIC 8; Chicago, 1930). H. H. von der Osten, Discoveries in Anatolia 1930–31 (OIC 14; Chicago, 1933). H. H. von der Osten, The Alishar Hüyük: season of 1927, part I (OIP 6; Chicago, 1930). H. Otten, Die Bronzetafel aus Boğazköy. Ein staats vertrag Tuthalijas IV (StBoT Beiheft 1; Wiesbaden, 1988). T. Özgüç, Kültepe and its Vicinity in the Iron Age (Ankara, 1971). S. Parpola, Neo-Assyrian Toponyms (AOAT 6; Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1970). S. Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part I. Letters from Assyria and the West (State Archives of Assyria I; Helsinki, 1987). S. Parpola and K. Watanabe, Neo-Assyrian Treaties and Loyalty Oaths (State Archives of Assyria II; Helsinki, 1988). A. Payne, Hieroglyphic Luwian: an Introduction with Original Texts (Wiesbaden, 2010). A. Payne, Schrift und Schriftlichkeit: die anatolische Hieroglyphenschrift (Wiesbaden, 2015). A. Payne, Iron Age Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions (SBL Writings from the Ancient World 29; Atlanta, 2012). see Herbordt, PBS. see Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO.
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
PD Pecchioli Daddi, Mestieri Pecorella, Malatya III PEFQ Peiser, HI Peker, Texts from Karkemish I Perrot, Explor ation Perrot and Chipiez, HA IV Piepkorn, Ashurbanipal PIHANS PJB Plöchl, 2013 PNAE Poetto, L’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica di YALBURT Poetto, Stud. Med. 3 Pokorny, IEW Porada, Corpus I Postgate, FNALD Postgate, NARGD Postgate, TCAE Pottier, AH Pritchard, ANEP Pritchard, ANET3 Proceedings, 4th ICAANE
E. Weidner, Politische Dokumente aus Kleinasien (Bo. St. 8–9; Leipzig, 1923). F. Pecchioli Daddi, Mestieri, professioni e dignità nell’Anatolia ittita (Incunabula Graeca 79; Rome, 1982). P. E. Pecorella, Malatya III. Rapporto preliminare delle campagne 1963–1968. Il livello eteo imperiale e quelli neoetei. (Orientis Antiqui Collectio 12; Rome, 1975). Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement. F. E. Peiser, Die hethitischen Inschriften: ein Versuch ihrer Entzifferung (Berlin, 1892). H. Peker, Texts from Karkemish I: Luwian hierogly phic inscriptions from the 2011–2015 excavations (Bologna, 2016). G. Perrot et al., Exploration archéologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie (d’une part de la Mysie, de la Phrygie, de la Cappadoce, et du Pont) (Paris, 1862). G. Perrot and C. Chipiez, Histoire de l’art dans l’antiquité, Tome IV (Paris, 1887). A. C. Piepkorn, Historical Prism Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (AS 5; Chicago, 1933). Publications de l’Institut historique-archéologique néerlandais de Stamboul. Palästina-Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts … zu Jerusalem. R. Plöchl, Einführung ins Hieroglyphen-Luwische, (Dresden, 2003). The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire I/1, I/2, II/1, II/2, III/1, III/2 (Helsinki, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2011). M. Poetto, L’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica di YALBURT: nuove acquisizioni relative alla geografia dell’Anatolia sud-occidentale (Stud. Med. 8; Pavia, 1993). M. Poetto and S. Salvatori, La collezione anatolica di E. Borowski (Studia Mediterranea 3; Pavia, 1981). J. Pokorny, Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (Berlin, Munich, 1959, 1965–69). E. Porada, Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections I. The Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library (Washington, 1948). J. N. Postgate, Fifty Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents (Warminster, 1976). J. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees (Studia Pohl: Series Maior 1; Rome, 1969). J. N. Postgate, Taxation and Conscription in the Assyrian Empire (Studia Pohl: Series Maior 3; Rome, 1974). E. Pottier, L’Art hittite (Paris, 1926). J. B. Pritchard, Ancient Near East in Pictures relating to the Old Testament (2nd edition, with supplement; Princeton, 1969). J. B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts relating to the Old Testament (3rd edition with Supplement; Princeton, 1969). Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Wiesbaden, 2008).
PRU IV PSBA Puchstein et al., 1912 Puglisi and Meriggi, Malatya I Puhvel, HED
P-W, PE QdGB RA RAI Ramsay, Studies in the History and Art … RB Recueil Rev. Arch. RGTC RGTC 1 RGTC 2 RGTC 3 RGTC 4 RGTC 5 RGTC 6(1) RGTC 8 RGTC 9 RHA Rieken, 2008 Riemschneider, WdH Riis, Hama II/3 Riis and Buhl, Hama II/2 RIMA Ritter, Kleinasien
J. Nougayrol et al., Le Palais royal d’Ugarit III. Textes accadiens et hourrites des archives est, ouest et centrales (Mission de Ras Shamra. Tome VI; Paris, 1955). see Nougayrol, PRU IV. Proceedings of the Society for Biblical Archaeology. O. Puchstein et al., Boghazköi, die Bauwerke (WVDOG 19; Leipzig and Berlin, 1912). S. M. Puglisi and P. Meriggi, Malatya I. Rapporto preliminare delle campagne 1961 e 1962 (Orientis Antiqui Collectio 3; Roma, 1964). J. Puhvel, Hittite Etymological Dictionary, 1. Words beginning with A; 2. Words beginning with E and I; 3. Words beginning with H (Berlin, New York, Amsterdam, 1984, 1991). Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft. Quaderni dell’Istituto di Glottologia (Bologna). Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. W. M. Ramsay, Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire: Written for the Quartercentenary of the University of Aberdeen by Seven of its Graduates (Aberdeen, 1906). Revue Biblique. Recueil de Travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l’archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes. Revue Archéologique. Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes (Wiesbaden). D. O. Edzard et al., Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der präsargonischen und sargonischen Zeit (1977). D. O. Edzard and G. Farber, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der Zeit der 3. Dynastie von Ur (1974). B. Groneberg, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der altbabylonischen Zeit (1980). K. Nashef, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der alt assyrischen Zeit (1991). K. Nashef, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der mittelbabylonischen und mittelassyrischen Zeit (1982). G. F. del Monte and J. Tischler, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der hethitischen Texte (1978); 6/2, Supplement (1992). R. Zadok, Geographical Names According to New- and Late-Babylonian Texts (1985). I. M. Diakonoff and S. M. Kashkai, Geographical Names According to Urartian Texts (1981). Revue hittite et asianique. VI ICH (2008), pp. 637–647. M. Riemschneider, Die Welt der Hethiter (Stuttgart, 1954). P. J. Riis, Hama. Fouilles et recherches 1931–1938 II.3. Les cimetières à crémation (Copenhagen, 1948). P. J. Riis and M.-L. Buhl, Hama. Fouilles et recherches de la fondation Carlsberg 1931–1938 II.2. Les objets de la période dite syro-hittite (âge du fer) (Copenhagen, 1990). see Grayson, RIMA. C. Ritter, Die Erdkunde von Asien IX. Klein-Asien, Theil 1 (Berlin, 1858).
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
RlA Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs Rost, Tiglatpileser RSO SAAB Sacred Landscapes Salonen, St. Or. 38 Salvini, CTU
SANE SBo Schizzo Schrader, KAT3 Schramm, EAK Schramm, Tukulti-Ninurta Schrift Schroeder, KAH II Schroeder, KAV von Schuler, Die Kaškäer SCO SDOG SEb Semitica SGG Simon, Qode
Sitzungsberichte, Öst. Ak. Wiss. SMEA Sociolinguistics von Soden, AHw Sommer, HAB Southern, Indo-European Perspectives Sprache
Reallexikon der Assyriologie und der vorderasiatischen Archäologie. E. P. Rossner, Die hethitischen Felsreliefs in der Türkei. Ein archäologischer Reiseführerührer (2nd enlarged edition; Munich, 1988). P. Rost, Die Keilschrifttexte Tiglat-Pilesers III. (Leipzig, 1893). Rivista degli studi orientali. State Archives of Assyria. Bulletin. see D’Agostino, Sacred landscapes. E. Salonen, Die Gruß- und Höflichkeitsformeln in babylonisch-assyrischen Briefen (Studia Orientalia 38; Helsinki, 1967). M. Salvini, Corpus dei Testi Urartei, Volume 1, Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia, i testi (CNR, Istituto di studi sulle civiltá dell’ Egeo del Vicino Oriente, Rome, 2008). Sources of the Ancient Near East. see Güterbock, SBo. see Meriggi, Schizzo. E. Schrader, Die Keilschriften und das Alte Testament (3rd edition, Giessen, 1903). W. Schramm, Einleitung in die assyrischen Königsinschriften, II. 934–722 v. Chr. (Handbuch der Orientalistik; Leiden, 1973). W. Schramm, Die Annalen des assyrischen Königs Tukulti-Ninurta II (Bi. Or. 27 (1970), pp. 147–160). see Payne, Schrift. O. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts, Zweites Heft. (WVDOG 37; Leipzig, 1922). O. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts (WVDOG 35; Leipzig, 1920). E. von Schuler, Die Kaškäer. Ein Beitrag zur Ethnographie des alten Kleinasien (UAVA 3; Berlin, 1965). Studi classici e orientali. Sendschrift der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. Studi Eblaiti. Missione archeologica italiana in Siria. Semitica. Cahiers publiés par l’institut d’études sémitiques de l’Université de Paris. see Herbordt et al., SGG. Z. Simon, The Identification of Qode. Reconsidering the Evidence, in Egypt and the Near East – the Crossroads: Proceedings of an International Conference of the Relations of Egypt and the Near East in the Bronze Age, Prague, September 1–3, 2010, ed. J. Mynářová (Prague, 2011), pp. 249–269. Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici. see Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics. W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch I–III (Wiesbaden, 1958–1981). F. Sommer and A. Falkenstein, Die hethitisch-akkadische Bilingue des Hattušili I (Munich, 1938). M. R. V. Southern (ed.), Indo-European Perspectives (JIES 43; Washington DC, 2002). Die Sprache. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft.
Starke, Stammbildung Starr, SAA IV StBoT StBoT 3 StBoT 4 StBoT 5 StBoT 7 StBoT 8 StBoT 9 StBoT 16 StBoT 18 StBoT 22 StBoT 23 StBoT 24 StBoT 27 StBoT 29 StBoT 30 StBoT 31 StBoT 45 StBoT 58 StBoT Bh. 1 StBoT Bh. 3 StBoT Bh. 4 Sterrett, Epi graphical Journey Streck, Assur banipal STT Stud. Med. Studi … Levi della Vida II Studia Naster
Studia Naster II
F. Starke, Untersuchungen zur Stammbildung des keilschrift-luwischen Nomens (StBoT 31; Wiesbaden, 1990). I. Starr, Queries to the Sungod. Divination and Politics in Sargonid Assyria (State Archives of Assyria IV; Helsinki, 1990). Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten. H. M. Kümmel, Ersatzrituale für den hethitischen König (1967). R. Werner, Hethitische Gerichtsprotokolle (1967). E. Neu, Interpretation der hethitischen medio-passiven Verbalformen (1968). H. Otten and W. von Soden, Das akkadisch-hethitische Vokabular KBo. I 44 + KBo. XIII 1 (1968). H. Otten and V. Souček, Ein althethitisches Ritual für das Königspaar (1969). K. K. Riemschneider, Babylonische Geburtsomina in hethitischer Übersetzung (1970). C. Kühne and H. Otten, Der Šaušgamuwa-Vertrag (1971). E. Neu, Der Anitta-Text (1974). N. Oettinger, Die militärischen Eide der Hethiter (1976). F. Starke, Die Funktionen der dimensionalen Kasus und Adverbien im Althethitischen (1977). H. Otten, Die Apologie Hattusilis III. Das Bild der Überlieferung (1981). I. Singer, The Hittite KI.LAM Festival. Part One (1983). G. M. Beckman, Hittite Birth Rituals (1983). F. Starke, Die keilschrift-luwischen Texte im Umschrift (1985). see Starke, Stammbildung. G. Wilhelm (ed.), Akten des IV Internationalen Kongresses für Hethitologie Würzburg, 4–8. October 1999 (2001). see Gs Otten. see Otten, StBoT Bh. 1. see Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3. see Wilhelm, LS. J. R. S. Sterrett, An epigraphical journey in Asia Minor. The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor (Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 3 (Boston, 1884–85 [1888])). M. Streck, Assurbanipal und die letzten assyrischen Könige bis zum Untergange Niniveh’s I–III (Leipzig, 1916). O. R. Gurney and J. J. Finkelstein, The Sultantepe Tablets I–II (London, 1957, 1964). Studia Mediterranea. Studi orientalistici in onore de Giorgio Levi della Vida (Rome, 1956). Archéologie et religions de l’anatolie ancienne. Mélanges en l’honneur du professeur Paul Naster, ed. R. Donceel and R. Lebrun (Homo Religiosus 10; Louvain-la-Neuve, 1984). Studia Paulo Naster oblata II, ed. J. Quaegebeur (Orientalia antiqua, Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 13; Leuven, 1982).
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Studies Cowgill
Studies Lacheman Studies Nimet Özgüç Studies Oppenheim Studies Tohsin Özgüç Sumer Symbolae Böhl Symbolae Hrozný Syria TAD Tadmor, Azriyan Tadmor, Intro ductory Remarks Tadmor, Tiglath-Pileser III TdH Tel Aviv Temizer apud Özgüç (1998) Texier, Description de l’Asie Mineure II THeth THeth 28 Thompson, Report Thureau-Dangin, VIII campagne de Sargon Thureau-Dangin, Til-Barsib Tischler, HEG TL TPS TSABR TSBA
Studies in Memory of Warren Cowgill. Papers from the Fourth East Coast Indo-European Conference, Cornell University, June 6–9, 1985, ed. C. Watkins (Berlin, New York, 1987). Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians in Honor of Ernest R. Lacheman on his seventy-fifth birthday, April 29, 1981 (Winona Lake, 1981). Aspects of Art and Iconography: Anatolia and its Neighbors. Studies in Honor of Nimet Özgüç, ed. M. J. Mellink, E. Porada and T. Özgüç (Ankara, 1993). Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim (Chicago, 1964). Anatolia and the Near East. Studies in Honor of Tahsin Özgüç, ed. K. Emre et al. (Ankara, 1989). Sumer. Journal of Archaeology and History in Iraq. Symbolae Biblicae et Mesopotamicae Francisco Mario Theodoro de Liagre Böhl dedicatae, ed. M. A. Beek et al. (Leiden, 1973). Symbolae ad studia Orientis pertinentes Frederico Hrozný dedicatae, ed. V. Čihař et al. (Ar. Or. 17, 18; Prague, 1949, 1950). Syria. Revue d’art orientale et d’archéologie. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi. H. Tadmor, Azriyau of Yaudi (Scripta Hierosolymitana 8 (1961), pp. 232–271). H. Tadmor, Introductory Remarks to a New Edition of the Annuzals of Tiglath-Pileser III (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 2 (Jerusalem, 1968), pp. 168–187). H. Tadmor, The Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III King of Assyria. Critical Edition, with Introductions, Translations and Commentary (Jerusalem, 1994). Texte der Hethiter. Tel Aviv. Journal of the Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology. T. Özgüç, İnandıktepe, an important cult centre in the Old Hittite period (Ankara, 1988). C. F. M. Texier, Description de l’Asie Mineure. faite par ordre du gouvernement français en 1833–1837; beauxarts, monuments historiques, plans et topographie des cités antiques (Band 2) (Paris, 1849). Texte der Hethither. F. Giusfredi, Sources for a Socio-Economic History of the Neo-Hittite States (2010). R. Campbell Thompson, Report on the Excavation at Carchemish April 20 – July 4 1911 (unpublished notebook in British Museum). F. Thureau-Dangin, Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon (714 av. J.C.) (Musée de Louvre – départment des antiquités orientales, tome III; Paris, 1912). F. Thureau-Dangin and M. Dunand, Til-Barsib (Paris, 1936). J. Tischler, Hethitisches etymilogisches Glossar (Innsbruck, 1977–). Tituli Lyciae (Vienna, 1901). Transactions of the Philological Society. see Arnaud, TSABR. Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology.
USK VBoT VDI Vieyra, HA VO Vollenweider, Catalogue VT Ward, APES Ward, Cylinders … Pierpont Morgan Ward, Seal Cylinders WdO Weber, Le Sipylos et ses Monuments Weeden, After the Hittites Weeden, State Correspon dence Weidner, PD Weidner, Tukulti-Ninurta Weitenberg, U-Stämme Wilhelm, LS Winckler, Sargon
Türk Tarih, Arkeologya ve Etnografya Dergisi. Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments: neue Folge. Band 2. Staatsverträge, Herrscherinschriften und andere Dokumente zur politischen Geschichte, ed. B. Janowski and G. Wilhelm (Gütersloher, 2005). Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi. Untersuchungen zur Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Ergänzungsbände zur ZA. Ugarit-Forschungen. Ugaritica III. Sceaux et cylindres hittites, épée gravée du cartouche de Mineptah, tablettes chyro-minoennes et autres découvertes nouvelles de Ras Shamra, ed. C. F. A Schaeffer (Mission de Ras Shamra. Tome VIII; Paris, 1956). see Orthmann, USK. A. Götze, Verstreute Boğazköi-Texte (Marburg, 1930). Vestnik Drevneĭ Istorii. M. Vieyra, Hittite Art 2300–750 B.C. (London, 1955). Vicino Oriente. Annuario dell’Istituto di Studi del Vicino Oriente. M.-L. Vollenweider, Catalogue raisonné des sceaux cylindres intailles et camées, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Genève I (Geneva, 1967). Vetus Testamentum. H. Ward, The Hamath Inscriptions (American Palestine Exploration Society, second statement; September, 1873). H. Ward, Cylinders and other Ancient Oriental Seals in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan (New York, 1909). H. Ward, The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia (Washington, 1910). Die Welt des Orients. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Kunde des Morgenlandes. G. Weber, Le Sipylos et ses Monuments: ancienne Smyrne (Navlochon): monographie historique & topographique (Paris, 1880). M. Weeden, After the Hittites: the kingdom of Karkamish and Palistin in northern Syria (Bulletin CIS 56/2; 2013, p. 7 f.). M. Weeden, State Correspondence in the Hittite World (in K. Radner (ed.), State Correspondence in the Ancient World: from New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire) (O.U.P. Oxford, 2014; pp. 32–63, 215–222). E. Weidner, Politische Dokumente aus Kleinasien. Die Staatsverträge in akkadischer Sprache aus dem Archiv von Boğazköi (Bo. St. 8–9; Leipzig, 1923). E. Weidner, Die Inschriften Tukulti-Ninurtas I. und seiner Nachfolger (AfO Beiheft 12; Graz, 1959). J. J. S. Weitenberg, Die hethitischen U-Stämme (Amsterdam, 1984). G. Wilhelm and C. Rüster Landschenkungsurkunden hethitischer Könige (StBoT Bh. 4; Wiesbaden, 2012). H. Winckler, Die Keilschrifttexte Sargons nach den Papierabklatschen und Originalen I–II (Leipzig, 1889).
Abbreviations II: Bibliographical
Wiseman, CCK Woolley, Alalakh Woolley, Carchemish II Woolley, Car chemish III Wright, EH, EH2 WVDOG WZKM
D. J. Wiseman, Chronicles of Chaldean Kings (626–556 B.C.) (London, 1961). L. Woolley, Alalakh: an account of the excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937–1949 (Oxford, 1955). C. L. Woolley, Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Jerablus on Behalf of the British Museum II: The Town Defences (London, 1921). C. L. Woolley, Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Jerablus on Behalf of the British Museum III: The Excavations in the Inner Town; R. D. Barnett, The Hittite Inscriptions (London, 1952). W. Wright, The Empire of the Hittites (London, 1884; 2nd edition, London, 1886). Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae Yazılıkaya ZA ZDMG ZDPV Zgusta, Personennamen Zuntz, Ortsadv.
I. Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language (Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics 2; Leiden, 2010). I. Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae in Anatolian Languages, ed. V. Shevoroshkin and P. Sidwell (Canberra, 2002). see Güterbock, Yazılıkaya. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins. L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Personennamen (Prague, 1964). I. Zuntz, Die hethitischen Ortsadverbien arha, para, piran als selbständige Adverbien und in ihrer Verbindung mit Nomina und Verba (Munich, 1936).
Introduction The Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions (hereafter CHLI) volume I offered its own substantial Introduction, pp. 1–37, summarized on the first page, covering the following topics: A. General B. Inscriptions and Script 1. Discovery and Publication 2. Decipherment and Interpretation C. The Corpus 1. Definition of the Corpus 2. Arrangement of the Inscriptions 3. Presentation of the Inscriptions 4. Present Corpus and further volumes D. Principles of Transliteration 1. Order of the Signs 2. The Logograms 3. The Syllabograms E. Appendices Most of what was written there remains relevant to the present volume and need not be repeated here. However in the twenty five years since the closure of the manuscript of vol. I, there have been substantial developments in the field, which call for significant up-dating of the introductory matter. The separation of the Hieroglyphic inscriptions of the Hittite Empire was explained in CHLI I, p. 18 f., where a future publication of these as section XIV was promised. This is now delivered as Part 1 of the present volume. Since the manuscript closure in 1995, some 40 new Iron Age inscriptions, some major, have been discovered and published which are thus not included in CHLI I. These are now presented as Part 2 of the present volume. Also on CHLI I, p. 19, two inscriptions were tentatively designated “intermediate” or “transitional”, KARAHÖYÜK and the KIZILDAĞ-KARADAĞ(-BURUNKAYA) group. Among the newly discovered inscriptions a significant number can be added to this horizon, which justifies the introduction of a special category designated “Transitional” between the Empire and Iron Age. See below, Part 2, introduction. Also, under the heading “Further volumes” (CHLI I, p. 23), a glossary, signary and index of names were foreseen. These appear here as Part 5 (Signary) and Part 6 (Glossary with index of proper names). A sketch of the grammar of Hier. Luwian was also signalled as a desideratum. My friend and long-time collaborator Anna Morpurgo Davies
had volunteered to write this, but sadly died before being able to complete it. This deficiency has now been made up by Melchert, The Luwians (2003), ch. 5; Plöchl, Einführung ins Hieroglyphen-Luwische (2003); and Payne, Hieroglyphic Luwian (2010), pp. 13–42. The significant influx of new material since CHLI I has provided fresh insights, solved problems and corrected errors. The publication of CHLI I has in itself led to a gratifying boom in Luwian studies in which a number of scholars have addressed long-standing problems, bringing fresh minds and range of expertise to bear on the material. The result has been that the transliterations and translations of the texts in CHLI I have been starting to look quite dated. Enter Karen Radner, now Professor for the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East in Munich, one of whose projects is to assemble corpora of translations of the relevant ancient texts. Her request of a Luwian contribution has prompted a thorough revision of the transliterations/ translations of CHLI I, and the addition of the new material of the Empire and recently discovered Iron Age texts. For this purpose I have been working through the material in collaboration with Mark Weeden who has had much of his own to contribute. As we approach the end of this revision, it becomes apparent that it should also appear in CHLI III, so it is presented here as Part 3. The necessary annotations and documentations of these revisions are presented as Part 4 (Addenda and Corrigenda (to CHLI I)), in which I have attempted to acknowledge the main recent contributions, even ones with which I do not fully agree. Unfortunately I have to mention here the contributions of some persons whose methods are so at odds with the principles and discipline which should be followed in dealing with these texts that I do not consider it worthwhile to engage with them. I have therefore omitted to notice them at all. Among these is the name of Fred C. Woudhuizen, which will appear only here in CHLI III, but others are also omitted here for the same reason. In what follows I note a number of additions, corrections and recent bibliography to statements made in CHLI I Introduction. A.2 (page 3). “scribes on wood”: see now W. Waal, They wrote on wood (An. St. 61 (2011), pp. 21–34, M. Marazzi, Ma gli Hittiti scrivevano veramente su ‘legno’?: Eine Wiederaufnahme (Mesopotamia, forthcoming).
A.4 (page 4). Logograms and pictograms: M. Weeden, Anatolian Hieroglyphs: Logogram vs. Ideogram (in S. Gordin (ed.), Visualizing Knowledge and Creating Meaning in Ancient Writing Systems (Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient 23; Berlin, 2014, pp. 81–100)). Determinatives: A. Payne, Determination in the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script of the Empire and Transitional Period (AoF 44 (2017), pp. 221–234); ead., Compound Determinatives in Anatolian Hieroglyphic (in J. C. Johnson et al. (ed.), forthcoming). (page 5). For sà see now E. Rieken, Das Zeichen im Hieroglyphen-Luwischen (VII ICH, pp. 651–660). for ta, tá, tà (now da) see ead., Die Zeichen , und in den hieroglyphen-luwischen Inschriften der Nachgrossreichzeit (VI ICH, pp. 637–648). for ta4, ta5 (now Empire (a)li, (a)la, Late la/i, lá/í), see E. Rieken and I. Yakubovich, The new values of Luwian signs L.319 and L.172 (Fs Hawkins, pp. 190–219). for tá, see ead., Das Zeichen tá im Hieroglyphen-Luwischen (Fs Singer, pp. 301–310). B.1 (p. 12 f.). Recent work. In the years since CHLI vol. I, the main Turkish scholars collecting Hier. Luw. inscriptions have been the late Ali Dinçol and Belkıs Dinçol with their student Hasan Peker. Between them they gave the editiones principes of KARKAMIŠ N1 (Dinçol, Dinçol, Peker, Marchetti, Hawkins), YUNUS 1 (Peker), GÜRÇAY (Marchetti, Peker), KARKAMIŠ N3 (Dinçol, Dinçol, Peker); AFŞİN+ (Marchetti, Peker); SİLSİLE (partial, Peker), KARKAMIŠ new fragments (Peker); MARAŞ 16, 17 (Peker); ARSUZ 1, 2 (Dinçol, Dinçol, Peker, Hawkins, Öztan); JISR EL HADID 4 (Dinçol, Dinçol, Peker, Hawkins); İVRİZ 2 (Dinçol, Dinçol, Peker, Poetto); HATİP (Bahar, Dinçol and Dinçol); TELL AÇANA 1 (Yener, Dinçol, Peker); ADANA 1 (Akdoğan, Hawkins, Tosun); ŞARAGA (Poetto); DÜLÜK (Simon); ÇİNEKÖY (Tekoğlu, Lemaire); ANCOZ 8+5 (Poetto, Hawkins), ANCOZ 10+11 (Poetto, Hawkins); EREĞLİ 1 (Poetto); YASSIHÖYÜK (Akdoğan, Hawkins); GEMEREK (Akdoğan, Hawkins); İSTANBUL 2 (Taş, Weeden); POTOROO (Hawkins); MILETOS (Herda, Hawkins); PANCARLI (van den Hout); TELL TAYINAT seal (van den Hout); CHRISTIES seal (antiquities market, published here). Poorly preserved inscriptions have been appearing east of the Euphrates URFA 1, 2, 3 (Poetto). Very recently the discovery (2019) of an inscribed block at TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK (X.56. Tabal) adds an intriguing puzzle. New and resumed excavations have provided many new pieces. Karkamiš under Marchetti and Peker has
produced those already mentioned; and additionally an important new assemblage of Empire period glyptic, as also Kayalıpınar, all of which will only be noticed in the present work insofar as it impinges on the monumental inscriptions. Tell Tayinat under Harrison has produced TELL TAYINAT 4 (Harrison, Weeden, Denel, forthcoming), and the important joined fragment TT2463+2713 (Weeden). In Syria the excavations of Kohlmeyer on Aleppo Citadel have uncovered in the Temple of the Storm-God the inscriptions ALEPPO 4, 5 and 6, 7, before being discontinued in the tragic fate of that country. At Tell Ahmar the excavations of Bunnens recovered the inscription TELL AHMAR 6 on its huge, well preserved stele. A steady trickle of smaller pieces and fragments continues to augment the corpus. B.1 (p. 13). Recent work. Of the new inscriptions added to the corpus since 1991, some 25 may be classified as major; and some 26 as minor, this category including short epigraphs, fragments, and inscriptions too damaged to yield much sense. But some even of this minor group may give important information, geographical or historical: e.g. HATİP, KARABEL, TELL AÇANA; MARAŞ 17, 16, TELL TAYINAT 5, ALEPPO 5. These inscriptions may be roughly categorized as follows: major Empire XIV. YALBURT (1970, publ. 1993) NİŞANTAŞ SÜDBURG (1988, publ. 1995) KOCAOĞUZ (1999, publ. 2003) ANKARA 2 ( ? , publ. 1993)
Late I. ÇİNEKÖY (1998, publ. 2000) II. AFŞİN+ (2015, publ. 2018) KARKAMIŠ N1 (2011, publ. 2014) YUNUS 1 (2010, publ. 2014) SİLSİLE (prelim. 2016) ŞARAGA ( ? , publ. 2010) ADANA 1 (2012, publ. 2013) III. TELL AHMAR 6 (1999, publ. 2006) IV.
HATİP (1994, publ. 1996) KARABEL (read 1998) TELL AÇANA (read 2014) KINIK (1990, publ. 1993) ANKARA 3 (2008, publ. 2016) ÇALAPVERDİ 4 (2009, publ. 2010) LATMOS (2000, publ. 2001)
DÜLÜK (2011, publ. 2014) KARKAMIŠ (II.77, unpubl.) GÜRÇAY (2012, publ. 2014) KARKAMIŠ frags. new (2011– 2015, publ. 2016)
MARAŞ 17 (prelim. 2018) MARAŞ 16
VI. ANCOZ 8+5 (1979, publ. 2010+2000) ANCOZ 10+11 (1979?, publ. 2000+2004) VII. ARSUZ 1+2 (2007, publ. 2015) JISR EL HADID 4 (2006, publ. 2014) TELL TAYINAT 4 (2012, forthcoming) VIII. ALEPPO 6 (2003, publ. 2011) ALEPPO 7 IX. X. İVRİZ 2 (1987, forthcoming) YASSIHÖYÜK (a, 2006, publ. 2008/2010) (b, 2010, publ. 2013) TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK (2019, forthcoming) XII. POTOROO ( ? , publ. 2010) PANCARLI (2006, publ. 2016)
TELL TAYINAT 5 (2012, publ. 2015)
ALEPPO 4 (1997/98, publ. 2011) ALEPPO 5 (2003, publ. 2011) TELL ŠṬĪB EREĞLİ 1 (1991, publ. 2002) GEMEREK (2004, publ. 2011) İSTANBUL 2 ( ? , publ. 2011)
MILETOS URFA 1 (2000, publ. 2017) 2 3 (forthcoming) seals TELL TAYINAT (1937, publ. 2010) CHRISTIES ( ? , publ. here) KARKAMIŠ N3 (2011, publ. 2014)
B.2 (p. 16 f.). Recent progress. Note the new readings: da (for tà); Empire ali/ala, Late la/i, lá/í (for ta4, ta5); lu/a/i (for la/i/u). initial-a-final: this refers to a graphic practice in which an a- belonging at the beginning of a word is written at the end of the sign group, here distinguished as -*a; e.g. pa-*awriting apa-. It is found on Empire period inscriptions including seals and extends through the Transitional into the early Late periods. See here Part 5.3a The regular syllabary, s.v. L.450, a, with bibliography. C.2. Arrangement of the inscriptions: Groups (p. 19 f.). “Unqi (mod. Amuq) … also known only from a small group …”: The tally of inscriptions from the Amuq has increased dramatically since 2000: see now Hawkins, The Hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions of the Amuq (in Yener and Ingman (ed.), Alalakh and its Neighbours (Peeters, Leuven, forthcoming), pp. 39–57). This is linked to the identification of the Hier. Luw. designation of the Amuq as the land of Palastin/Walastin, and the inscriptions belonging to the toponym: ALEPPO 6, 7: ARSUZ 1+2; MEHARDE-SHEIZAR; TELL TAYINAT 1; also TELL TAYINAT 4; TELL TAYINAT 5 (frags. TT2463+2713) and JISR EL HADID 4.
“and Que (classical Cilicia) at present only represented by … KARATEPE bilingual …”. Now also I.8, the ÇİNEKÖY bilingual discovered in 1998, publ. 2000 (see CHLI I/1, p. 71, “I.8. ADANA”). “Sam’al (mod. Zincirli) … which modelled its sculpture and alphabetic inscriptions on those of its Hittite neighbours”. Now the KTMW stele excavated in 2008 at Zincirli shows this servant of Panammu (II) as a seated figure with an Aramaic inscription executed in the usual Zincirli relief style. This, published by Pardee in BASOR 356 (2009), pp. 51–71, includes the injunction to offer a ram “for my ‘soul’(nbš) that (will be) in this stele” (so Pardee). I argued (CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 54 f.) rather for a translation: “… to my ‘soul’ (likeness) which (is) on this stele”, taking nbš as the Aram. translation of the Hier. Luw. atri-, commonly attested in such funerary contexts. Also now PANCARLI (Hieroglyphic, now listed as XII.19). D. Principles of transliteration. For changes and up-dating, as well as a comprehensive collection of evidence for values, see Part 5, The Signary 1, General sign list; 2, The Logograms; 3, The Syllabary. E. Appendices. 2. HH no. 448: zú (formerly sù). For the change of value, see 5. The Syllabary (b) Alternative syllabograms, s.v. L.448, zú. 3. HH no. 462: mara/i (formerly pá?). For the change of value, see 5. The Syllabary (c) CVCV signs with +ra/i, s.v. L.462, L.463(3) mara/i+ra/i. Closure of the manuscript The present work has been written over the period of some twenty years since the publication of CHLI I in 2000. This has called for considerable editorial work in attempting to impose consistency on internal reference which may not always have been fully successful, for which my apo logies. My manuscript was submitted to De Gruyter in September 2019, though the editorial work on the text has continued since. The beginning of 2020 saw the disruption to life caused by the pandemic. My age and state of health have dictated a comfortable isolation in my house in Oxfordshire which precludes the use of libraries. Here I have been much assisted by Mark Weeden, who has been able to keep me in touch electronically with much on-going developments. Under these circumstances I have to consider my manuscript closed at the end of 2019. Discoveries and publica-
tions since then have become available to me only in very piecemeal fashion, and I have only been able to include notice of the most important of these, e.g. the discovery and publication of the TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK inscription. Some lacunae are thus inevitable, but indeed, such has been the onward march of Luwian studies, this would doubtless have been the case even under more favourable circumstances.
Part 1: XIV. The Inscriptions of the Hittite Empire The Historical Context Origin of the Script Script, language and use The Hieroglyphic monuments The Inscriptions Royal 1. SİRKELİ (rock inscription) 2. FRAKTİN (rock inscription) 3. ALEPPO 1 (building block) 4. EMİRGAZİ 1 (altars A–D) 5. EMİRGAZİ 2 (base) 6. EMİRGAZİ 3 (fragment) 7. YALBURT (sanctuary inscription) 8. KARAKUYU (sanctuary inscription) 9a. BOĞAZKÖY 3 (stele) 9b. BOĞAZKÖY 18 (stele) 9c. BOĞAZKÖY 24 (stele) 9d. DELİHASANLI (stele) 10. BOĞAZKÖY 19 (epigraph) 11a. KARABEL (rock inscription) 11b. “TARKONDEMOS” (seal) 11c. BOĞAZKÖY sealings 12. HATİP (rock inscription) 13. BOĞAZKÖY 21 (SÜDBURG, building inscription) + 20 (epigraph) 14. BOĞAZKÖY 5 (NİŞANTAŞ, rock inscription) 15. KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA (base)
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
BOĞAZKÖY 12 (Quellgrotte stele) *KOCAOĞUZ (stele) BOĞAZKÖY 6, 7, 9–11, 13, 23.1–3, 25, 27 (fragments) KARAKUYU (TORBALI) (stele fragment) TELL AÇANA 1 20a. orthostat 20b. bulla Non-royal 21. BOĞAZKÖY 2 (base) 22. BOĞAZKÖY 1 (base) 23. BOĞAZKÖY 4 (sphinx graffito) 24. BOĞAZKÖY 16 (Lion Gate graffito) 25. BOĞAZKÖY 8, 14, 15, 17, 22, 26 (scribal graffiti) 26. KINIK (bowl inscription) 27. ANKARA 3 (bowl inscription) 28. *ANKARA 2 (bowl inscriptions) 29. TAŞÇI A, B (rock inscription) 30. İMAMKULU (rock inscriptions) 31. HANYERİ (rock inscriptions) 32. HEMİTE (rock inscription) 33. SIPYLOS (rock inscriptions) 34. ÇAĞDIN (stele) 35. KARGA (stele) 36. MALKAYA (graffiti) 37. ÇALAPVERDİ 4 (stele) 38. LATMOS (graffiti)
The Historical Context Origin of the Script In the aftermath of the “New Readings” and the new identification of Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic Luwian, the question of the origin of the script, used as it now appeared, exclusively to write Luwian attracted new attention. In a volume of World Archaeology devoted to Early Writing Systems (vol. 17/3 (1986)), I contributed an article “Writing in Anatolia”, in which I included an overview of the origin and usage of the Anatolian Hieroglyphic as I then saw it (pp. 365–376). Accepting the earlier formulation of Güterbock that the script was developed “by the Luwians, for the Luwian language in Luwian territories”, I pointed out that Anatolian Hieroglyphic had closer typological links with the Aegean scripts of the 2nd millennium B.C. than with its contemporary Cuneiform script as adopted and adapted by the Hittites of Hattusa.
Returning to the subject in a chapter Scripts and Texts in Melchert (ed.), The Luwians (Brill, 2003), I was able to take into account two important contributions of the intervening years: Neumann’s System und Ausbau der hethitischen Hieroglyphenschrift (NAWG, Göttingen, 1992); and Mora’s Sull’origine della scrittura geroglifica anatolica (Kadmos 30 (1991), pp. 1–28). Mora tackles the question of whether the origins of the later Hieroglyphic system of the 14th–13th centuries B.C. was already taking shape in this 17th–16th centuries seals, and concludes that continuity of sign-forms from the earlier to later periods is not commonly observable, and projection of their later readings back to earlier does not produce many recognizable names. The generally agreed Luwian origin of the Hieroglyphs going back to Güterbock’s earlier Luwian formulation, was supported by the “New Readings”. But we must remember that no Hieroglyphic inscription earlier
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
than the reigns of Muwattalli II and Hattusili III and their cousin Talmi-Šarruma king of Aleppo shows any evidence that it was rendering Luwian; earlier inscriptions consist only of personal, also divine names and logographically written titles, and are thus not visibly in any language. A radical new suggestion was proposed by Yakubovich (ALP 4/1 (2008), pp. 9–36) namely that the script originated in the Hittite-Luwian bilingual environment of scribal Hattusa, as indicated by phonetic values drawn from both languages. This seems plausible, though it must be noted that reliable identifications of syllabic values’ origins are not numerous, also that some of these are not diagnostically Hittite or Luwian. This particular argument is criticized by Oreshko who is keen to (re)establish the western (Arzawan?) origin of the script (Luwian Identities, pp. 345–420). He begins with a review of most of the Hieroglyphic inscriptions found in the west (a small number): (1) the Suratkaya (Latmos) graffiti (a mysterious, largely unreadable group including the name of a “Great King’s Son” (unread); (2) the Akpınar graffito (possibly the work of a passing Hittite); (3) the ÇIVRIL sherd (graffito, scribe’s name, unread); (4) KARAKUYU (TORBALI) stele inscription (very little preserved perhaps last word indicating end of curse—connected with Tarkasnawa king of Mira?); (5) KOCAOĞUZ stele: (names of prince dedicator, Storm-God epithet and place conquered remain quite uncertain in spite of Oreshko’s 14-page attempts at reading). In loc. cit., pp. 400–409, Oreshko offers detailed criticisms of Yakubovich in favour of his theory of a western origin. He does make a number of telling points against Yakubovich’s derivation of some phonetic values from Hittite (a key point in the latter’s argumentation), but other of his arguments are (typically) implausible or fallacious. At this point I find myself embarrassed to be cited as author of a short note in an exhibition catalogue F. Kulakoğlu and S. Kangal, Anatolia’s Prologue: Kültepe Kanesh Karum, Assyrians in Istanbul (Istanbul, 2010), p. 96, “Early Recognisable Hieroglyphic Signs (?) in Anatolia”. This I only became aware of in 2019: whatever of it I actually wrote was neither intended nor submitted for publication. Vague memory suggests that whatever of this I wrote would have been in the form of a letter to Gojko Barjamovic. In retrospect I note that this gives the impression that I endorse these pot-signs as proto-Hieroglyphs, and worse, that I also accept squiggles on a second pot (fig. 1) as such. Upon reflection I repudiate this note entirely, both for pot 1 and even more for pot 2 which I never accepted. Most unfortunately this misconception has crept into the literature: see below Waal, AoF 39 (2012), p. 298, n. 24; and even worse, Poetto, NLH 2 (2018), pp. 17–25. Here unfor-
tunately I have to declare that I find Poetto’s sign identification and “reading” of the pot 1 graffito unconvincing and I wish not to be cited any further in this context. More recent general surveys of the question of origin come from W. Waal, Writing in Anatolia: the Origins of the Anatolian Hieroglyphs and the Introductions of the Cuneiform Script (AoF 39 (2012), pp. 287–315; and A. Payne, in her Schrift und Schriftlichkeit (2015), pp. 65–99; and Weeden, Hieroglyphic Writing on Old Hittite Seals and Sealings? Towards a Material Basis for Further Research (SMEA NS, Supplemento 1; 2018, pp. 51–74), which contains important new information—the sites of Kaman–Kalehöyük and Büklükale have produced a large tally of earlier seal-impressions which will be the subject of further treatment(s) by Weeden.
Script, Language and Use Following Hawkins, CHLI I/1, Introduction A. General, pp. 1–6, see id., in Melchert (ed.), The Luwians, pp. 155–166; Weeden, Anatolian Hieroglyphs: Logogram vs. Ideogram (in Gordin (ed.), 2014, pp. 81–104); Payne, 3. Zur Entwicklung der Hieroglyphenschrift (in Schrift und Schriftlichkeit (2015), pp. 65–90). Early Empire Seals (Tudhaliya I/II–Suppiluliuma I) The securely intelligible and dateable use of the Hierogyphs goes back no further than the seals of the Early Empire Hittite kings beginning with Tudhaliya I (II), with two poss ible or partial exceptions: first the TARSUS seal of Ispudahsu identified as the king of Kizzuwatna whose treaty with Telipinu, last king of the Hittite Old Kingdom, is partially preserved. His name, patronym and title “Great King” is written in Cuneiform in an outer circle surrounding an inner circle with four Hieroglyphs TONITRUS.REX flanked by VITA BONUS2. Though this appears as a prototype of the later digraphic royal seals of the Hittite Empire, no correspondence between the Hieroglyphs and the Cuneiform legend as been established; though REX might represent -ahsu (Hitt. hassu-, “king”), no equation of ispud- with TONITRUS has been envisaged, and various other explanations have been sought. The earliest known digraphic royal seal is that of Tudhaliya I, with his Hieroglyphic name + title MONS+tu MAGNUS.REX in the centre surrounded by two rings of Cuneiform legend giving his name + title and affiliation to Kantuzzili. The only known royal seals contemporary with or perhaps older than this are some Kantuzzili seals, for which see Hawkins apud Herbordt et al., SGG, p. 87 f. The more
The Historical Context
recently discovered Bo. 2004/12 gives ká-tuzi-li MAGNUS. AURIGA2 REX.FILIUS, and the earlier (less clear) (TI) ká- tuzi-li MAGNUS.AURIGA2 REX.FILIUS x x x (Bo. 2002/14). It is probable that this is Kantuzzili UGULA LÚ.MEŠIŠ GUŠKIN (LS no. 185 rev. 14), who with his brother Himuili GAL DUMUMEŠ [É].GAL (ibid. rev. 13), killed the usurper Muwattalli I (KUB XXXIV 40, ll. 9–10), and who is also the Kantuzzili found fighting with king Tudhaliya against the Hurrians commanded by Muwa and Kartasura (KUB XXIII 44; de Martino, Eothen 1 (1991), p. 12 f.; Beal, Eothen 11 (2002), pp. 59–61). This Kantuzzili is presumably the father of Tudhaliya I named on his seal. After the seal of Tudhaliya I we have an impression of the seal of his son Arnuwanda I (Cun. rings naming him, his wife Asmunikkal and tuhkanti Tudhaliya III, Hier. centre hardly preserved: KBo V 7, obv.); a seal of Tudhaliya III (grandson, SBo I, 58) and impressions from Maşat, with his wife Sadanduhepa (Mşt 75/10, 39); and now from Ortaköy a small mould pairing Tudhaliya MAGNUS.REX with Taduhepa (A. Süel, VII ICH, p. 827 f.). For Suppiluliuma I we now have NİŞANTEPE seal impressions (nos. 8, 14, 16–18): a seal giving (Cun.) his affiliation to Tudhaliya, confirming the fragmentary impression Mşt 76/15; a seal pairing him with Henti Great Queen; seals pairing with Tawananna, Great Princess (SGG, nos. 17, 18), and Great Queen (Ugarit RS 17.227); Arnuwanda II paired with Great Queen Tawananna (NİŞANTEPE, no. 21); Mursili II paired with Great Queen Tawananna (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 29, 30), and with Gassulawi(ya) (SBo I, 37; NİŞANTEPE, no. 36), also with Tanuhepa (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 58–60 if these be Mursili II not III). The Cruciform seal dating to Mursili II has: (bottom) Great Queen Nikkalmati with Tudhaliya I; (left) Great Queen [Asmu]nikkal with [Arnuwanda I], (top) Tudhaliya III alone; (right) Great Queen Taduhepa with [… ?]. Reverse: (centre) Great King Suppiluliuma with Great Queen Henti; (left) Great King Huzzi(ya)(?) with Great Queen […]-zi/a; (top) Great King Labarna with Great Queen [Tawana]nna; (right) Great King Hattusili with Great Queen Kasi; (bottom) Great King Mursili with Great Queen Kali. Among the Early Empire queens the marital links of Taduhepa (to Tudhaliya III(?)) and Tanuhepa (to Mursili II(?)) remain uncertain, but this does not concern us here, where we are interested in the Hier. writings of the royal names. The kings’ names are all written primarily with logograms with phonetic elements: MONS+tu, AVISnú-tá, PURUS.FONS-MI, MURSILI-li; the queens however are written purely phonetically except TAWANA-na, being all Hurrian Nikkalmati, Asmunikkal, Taduhepa, Sadanduhepa, Tanuhepa (also later Puduhepa), except Gassulawiya. These phonetic writings must all be contemporary with the
seal-holder’s own period, while the Old Kingdom names are presumably back-projections from the time of Mursili II: Labarna – Tawananna, Hattusili – Kasi, Mursili – Kali also Huzzi(ya)(?). That is to say that there is nothing to suggest that their Hieroglyphs could have been so used in their own times. For the Early Empire period, many official seals doubtless belong here, but it is difficult to link their named owners securely with homonymous officials known in the Cuneiform sources of the period. One good example of such however is the identification of TONITRUS. GENUFLECTERE-VIR.zi/a MAGNUS.VITIS (SBo II, 58) with Ihal-pazi-ti GAL.GEŠTIN (KBo V 7 rev. 51; B. Dinçol, AoF 25 (1998), p. 166). Otherwise only identification by Early Empire style can be employed to support the homonymy, which produces questionable results. Monumental Hier. Luw. inscriptions I have separated these Hier. inscriptions into a first “Early Empire” phase (Tudhaliya I (II) – Suppiluliuma I) because this, though clearly recognizable as the attested beginning which continues into later phases, is found only on seals, and further contains nothing to associate it with Luwian apart from a few phonetic values specifically derived from Luwian as against values specifically from Hittite or undifferentiated Luwo-Hittite. As already noted, extended monumental Hier. inscriptions cannot certainly be observed to have been made any earlier than the generation of Muwattalli II and Hattusili III and their cousin Talmi-Šarruma king of Aleppo (all grandsons of Suppiluliuma I): SİRKELİ, FRAKTİN, ALEPPO 1, of which only the latter two show minimal identifiable Luwian writings (one each). For BOĞAZKÖY-SÜDBURG and ANKARA 2 silver bowl, see below. Thus it is that extended monumental Hier. inscriptions of the Empire period were executed only by Tudhaliya IV and Suppiluliuma II (EMİRGAZİ 1–2, YALBURT, NİŞANTAŞ, and (probably) BOĞAZKÖY-SÜDBURG), their contemporaries and officials. It has to be said that most of the latter category are short identifying epigraphs written logographically or with syllabically written names (Hittite, Luwian and Hurrian), but no words of Luwian. Among these are: SİRKELİ, KARAKUYU, BOĞAZKÖY 3, 18, 24, 19, KARABEL, TARKONDEMOS, HATİP, BOĞAZKÖY 12, KARAKUYU (TORBALI), TELL AÇANA 1, BOĞAZKÖY 2, 1, 4, 16, TAŞÇI, İMAMKULU, HANYERİ, HEMİTE, SIPYLOS, ÇAĞDIN, KARGA, MALKAYA, ÇALAPVERDİ 4, LATMOS. Several inscriptions are introduced with the demonstrative pronoun “this …”; the sign zi/a (L.376). This, if phonetic,
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
za, indicates that the inscription is to be read in Luwian. But it has been suggested that the sign is a logogram thus transcribed Latin HIC (and further that the sign’s za value is derived from this), so theoretically it could be read in Hittite ka-. This is surely fallacious: though the sign vaguely suggests an arrow to us, it hardly resembles how the Hittites represented arrows (cf. the archer on the KINIK bronze bowl and his arrows fired at the cervids); nor is there any reason to suppose that the Hittites would have used an arrow for deixis as is our convention. Thus the understanding that za introductory marks the inscription as Luwian stands. The inscriptions so introduced are ALEPPO 1, BOĞAZKÖY 2 and 1 bases, KINIK and ANKARA 3 bronze bowls; ÇALAPVERDİ 4, KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA also contain it.
5. EMİRGAZİ 2, part of a badly mutilated base preserving two separate parts of text: A (right side) and B (left side), central area destroyed. The text as preserved repeatedly invoking the Sun-Goddess of Arinna contains historical narrative of Tudhaliya IV’s Lukka campaign found also on YALBURT: conquest of Awarna and Pinali, submission of Kuwalatarna and Talawa. The piece must have served as the base for a stele recording the first part of the text, which with the “altars” would have been a main focus of the cultic installation.
The Hieroglyphic Monuments
7. YALBURT. Nineteen inscribed blocks and additional fragments with a long historical inscription of Tudhaliya IV. The blocks were found scattered and partially reused in Roman times in what appears to have been a Hittite spring sanctuary. The order of reading can be partially reconstructed, definitely and speculatively. The narrative names the Lukka lands with the land Wiyanawanda(?), Mt. Patara, Pinali, Awarna and Talawa (= Lycian Patara, Pinara, Arñna (Xanthos) and Tlos), and the unidentified places Kuwalatarna, Nipira and some unread; and the aliwani-men of each (“enemies”? “troops”?).
1. SİRKELİ, the earliest known rock inscription of a Hittite Great King, giving only Muwattalli’s name, titles and affiliation to Mursili II. It was important to Güterbock in identifying the seal inscriptions of the Hattusa dynasty for SBo I (1940). 2. FRAKTİN, double libation scene to god by Great King Hattusili, and goddess by Great Queen Puduhepa (with additional epithets). By the time of SBo I (1940), the names of Hattusili and Puduhepa were established. The name of the goddess, DEUS HI, obviously Hebat is either logographic or acrophonic-syllabic (other Empire writings ha-pa(-tu). The god, represented but not named, may actually be the Stag-(not Storm-)God: all certainly identifiable deities of the Empire period with the lituus on shoulder are the Stag-(not Storm-)God: YENİKÖY, SCHIMMEL rhyton, ALTINYAYLA stele, YAZILIKAYA, no. 32 (see good photograph), NİŞANTEPE, nos. 136, 622. 3. ALEPPO 1, earliest Hier. Luw. inscription with grammatically analysable clause object – subject (+ affiliation) – verb (– scribal signature); historically identifiable as inscription of Talmi-Šarruma Son of Telipinu (the MAGNUS.SACERDOS) identifiable as Telipinu the Priest, son of Suppiluliuma I, appointed ruler (i.e. “archbishop”) of Aleppo. 4. EMİRGAZİ 1, 4 “altars” (offering tables) bearing duplicate passages of text adding up to complete apart from missing beginning. The text concerns the establishment of a hunting cult installation, a hwasati- (= Hitt. huwasi) on Mount Sarpa (Arisama Dağ) by Tudhaliya IV. See Hawkins, Tudhaliya the Hunter (in Fs de Roos (2006), pp. 49–76); Michel, NABU 2015/1, no. 19; Hawkins NABU 2019/3, no. 65.
6. EMİRGAZİ 3, inscribed fragment bearing single clause, which duplicates one from the introductory passage of YALBURT, noting Tudhaliya’s relationship as a hunter with the Stag-God.
8. KARAKUYU, inscribed slab bearing 2-line inscription; l. 1 great aedicula of Tudhaliya IV with beginning of his affili ation (HATTUSA-li […); l. 2, names 3 sacred mountains, Sarpa, Saluwanda(?) and Sunara, hunted by Tudhaliya, and Hattusa-city + Tudhaliya, also Storm-God’s pure vault(?) … . The last might refer to the structure of which the inscription forms part, a cultic chamber built into the retaining wall of a barrage, forming a reservoir. This seems to have been part of a water cult, while the mountains hunted by Tudhaliya connect it with his cult of the Stag-God. 9a–d. Four stelae of Tudhaliya: (a) found in building C on Büyükkale, badly worn but preserving his genealogy up to [Mursili] his grandfather (3 lines); (b) found built into wall of Byzantine church over site of Temple 16, Upper City, its 3-line (+ traces) giving his ascent back to grandfather Mursili and Tudhaliya (I) [his ancestor]; (c) fragment of Tudhaliya’s aedicula; (d) DELİHASANLI: small crude 3-line stele (left half of ll. 1 and 3 missing; l. 1 “every mountain” links stele to Tudhaliya’s cult of the hunt and the Stag-God.
The Historical Context
10. BOĞAZKÖY 19, epigraph to figure of king from house A precinct of Temple 5 Upper City, probably Great King Tudhaliya I as ancestor.
uma II. Various attempts at reading have been made, most recently by Hawkins apud Neve, 2018, Marazzi, 2017, 3D photo scan project, 2017.
11a. KARABEL A. Rock relief of figure with bow and spear, and much worn epigraph naming Tarkasnawa King of Mira with father (Alantalli?) and grandfather (unread). 11b. “TARKONDEMOS” silver seal-cap, with digraphic inscription: Cun. outer ring, Itar-kaš-ša-na-wa LUGAL KUR URU me-ra+a; Hier. inner circle (either side of figure) TARKASNA-wà/ì mi+ra/i-a REGIO REX. 11c. BOĞAZKÖY seal impressions reading Hier. TARKASNA-wa/i REX m[i+ra/i]-a-RE[GIO]. Since earlier kings of Mira are known, Tarkasnawa was probably a later contemporary of Tudhaliya IV.
15. KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, probably the remains of a base to support an upper monument, the block bears a 3-line inscription with lost element(s) on the right and probably also left. Line 3 seems complete, apparently connecting the monument with a prince Sauskaruntiya, known also from his seals SBo II, nos. 8, 30, 67; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 373–381. A toponym Alatarma(URBS) is twice mentioned, presumably local and not to be identified with URUAlatarma on the Upper Euphrates.
12. HATİP, rock relief of figure with bow and spear and epigraph naming Kurunti(ya) Great King Hero, son of Muwattalli Great King, Hero. Clearly this is Kuruntiya king of Tarhuntassa, cousin of Tudhaliya IV with whom the Bronze Tablet treaty was concluded. It is probable that HATİP was placed on the Hatti-Tarhuntassa frontier as described in the treaty. 13. SÜDBURG (BOĞAZKÖY 21+20), long 6-block monumental inscription of Suppiluliuma Great King Hero, blocks I and II and BOĞAZKÖY 20 excavated first, reused in the Phrygian wall of the “Südburg”, blocks III–VI excavated later in situ. The blocks form the lower two courses on the right side of what is restored as a vaulted chamber (Kammer 2) built into the retaining wall of a sacred pool in the Upper City. The block BOĞAZKÖY 20 bearing a relief figure with bow and spear with epigraph “Great King Suppiluliuma” fitted into its emplacement at the entrance on the left side of the chamber facing the inscription. The inscription is executed in a style unparalleled in other Empire Hier. inscriptions largely logographic with few phonetic Luwian writings, also omitting all sentence connectives and most case and tense endings. Controversy continues as to the attribution of the inscription – Suppiluliuma I or II. 14. NİŞANTAŞ (BOĞAZKÖY 5), large, very eroded rock inscription on Nişantepe in the Upper City, noted since early days of exploration of Boğazköy. The introductory author with genealogy was recognized with the decipherment of the Hieroglyphs as Suppiluliuma, originally I but corrected to II with the discovery of the latter. At the same time the link of the Hier. inscription with Cun. KBo XII 38 ii 22 ff. was observed, which led to the identification of Nişantepe as the NA4hekur SAG.UŠ of Suppiluli-
16. BOĞAZKÖY 12, the Quellgrotte stele, found in the debris of the Quellgrotte, a corbel-vaulted spring installation, it bears a short inscription of a king of Išuwa (name unread) apparently dedicating to a god. 17. KOCAOĞUZ, well-preserved, round-topped stele bearing 5-line inscription surmounted by the winged disc of Hittite royalty, found in the neighbourhood of the Eber Gölü near Afyon. The stele is dedicated to a local Storm-God by a prince (name uncertainly read), commemorating his victory over a city (name uncertainly read). The piece could be of Empire date or later (Transitional). 18. BOĞAZKÖY miscellaneous fragments. 19. KARAKUYU (TORBALI), lower right fragment of stele bearing (front) left leg of relief figure; (right side) traces of inscription of which only the last word may positively be identified. 20. TELL AÇANA 1, (a) orthostat bearing male figure followed by female both identified by epigraphs of their names and titles, prince and princess (whose name had not been read); (b) sealed bulla giving the names (left) Tudhaliya prince; right Asnuhepa princess. This permitted the reading and identification of the woman on the stele as the same individual with the same husband Tudhaliya. 21. BOĞAZKÖY 2, base for stele so identified in its largely pictographic inscription including a portrait figure of the author identified as Taprammi the Eunuch. This important official is well attested by other inscriptions: two tablets from Ugarit (one bearing his seal), another seal (impression) in NİŞANTEPE, and the KINIK bronze bowl.
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22. BOĞAZKÖY 1, base, apparently pair with BOĞAZKÖY 2, the author (name unread) has the title URCEUS, “cupbearer”, which casts doubt on whether the figure is a woman as the dress appears to suggest.
driving over 3 bowed mountain-men supported by caryatid figures, identified by epigraph as Storm-God of Halab; (right) naked female figure on a lion-like figure with three pairs of wings, without epigraph.
23. BOĞAZKÖY 4, graffito on wing-fragment of western interior sphinx from the Sphinx Gate at Yerkapı, giving name and titles of Niya, king’s charioteer, scribe.
31. HANYERİ, rock relief with figures on outcrop beside road passing eastwards through the Gezbel pass: (left group) bull with fore-hooves on shoulder of mountain-man identified by epigraphs, (bull) “King of Mountain, god Sarruma”; (mountain-man) Sword-God, divine mountain; (right) figure with bow and spear, (epigraph) Kuwalanamuwa prince; behind him epigraph Prince Tarhuntami (antithetic).
24. BOĞAZKÖY 16, Lion Gate graffito, on left-hand lion monolith, visible only in exceptional light; name and title relating to guard of gate(?). 25. BOĞAZKÖY, miscellaneous scribal graffiti on boulder (8), pavement (14), blocks (15, 17, 22, 26). 26. KINIK (KASTAMONU), bronze bowl inscription engraved on rim giving name of the dedicatior Taprammi the Eunuch. 27. ANKARA 3, plain bronze bowl with 1-line inscription giving the name of the dedicator. 28. ANKARA 2a, b, silver bowl bearing 3-clause dedication by Asmaya, “man of Hatti-land”, with date formula. The style of the script is sufficiently developed for it to be considered (post-Empire) Transitional in date. 29. TAŞÇI, (A) incised rock inscription with three figures identified by epigraphs with names. Only legible is the third, a woman, daughter of Lupaki the Army-Scribe, son of Zida the MEŠEDI-man, servant of Great King Hattusili. (B) Single figure holding Hier. name epigraph (unread). 30. İMAMKULU, tripartite scene carved on free-standing outcrop on rocky hillside: (left) right-facing figure with bow and spear identified by epigraph as Prince Kuwalanamuwa; (centre) icon of Storm-God in his bull-drawn, eagle chariot
32. HEMİTE, rock relief, figure with bow and spear identified by epigraph with patronym; both PNN compounds with Storm-God, second elements unread. 33. SIPYLOS (AKPINAR), relief epigraph (upper right of colossal figure’s niche), Kuwalanamuwa prince; (off to right) graffito Zuwani the Eunuch … (three signs to left FLUMEN? DOMINUS?? x). 34. ÇAĞDIN, stele, relief figure of Storm-God holding epigraph name: Storm-God of Storm-God city. 35. KARGA, block inscribed with 8-sign (as preserved) inscription giving name of city (unread), and PN with title, Lahi commander of “sons of the Palace”. 36. MALKAYA, rock outcrop with graffiti giving names of a prince and princess with other details. 37. ÇALAPVERDİ 4, small stele giving dedication to Sun-God by Prince Anaziti. 38. LATMOS, 6 groups of graffiti, mostly unreadable, none secure.
The Inscriptions XIV.1. SİRKELİ. Rock relief with inscription. (plate 1) Location, in situ. It is situated on a rock face in Cilicia some 6 km. south-west of the city of Ceyhan. Sirkeli höyük stands on the left bank of the river Ceyhan at a northward curve to flow around a northern spur of Nur Dağı. Between this spur and the höyük is a narrow passage through which both the old main road and the railway pass. Coming from Yakapınar (Misis) at 14 km. towards Ceyhan, opposite a quarry on the right, a track leaves the road to the left past an old brick-kiln, across the höyük to the rock face on its river side and the relief. Formerly the water came up to the foot of the cliff, so the relief was only approachable by boat, but now the lower water level has left a foot-path giving access to the relief. Description. The figure of the king faces left, right arm raised before him, the left holding the down-turned lituus. He wears the long, draped robe, close-fitting cap, earring and shoes with up-turned toes. The inscription runs in a single dextroverse line behind his head and shoulder in much eroded relief. Dimension: ht. of figure 1.75 m. (Kohlmeyer). Discovery. Reported in 1934 to the then Director of Adana Museum, Ali Riza Yalgın, who took Gelb there with a boat in July 1935, and Garstang in autumn 1936 with scaffolding. In February 1937 Güterbock with Yalgın and Garstang visited and was able to inspect the relief by ladder standing in the water. Bossert visited in 1939 and took photographs (see Publication). See Güterbock, Fs Meriggi2 (1979), p. 238 f. Publication. Garstang, ILN 31 July 1937, p. 210 f.; id., LAAA 24 (1937), pp. 64 ff., with appendix by Güterbock, pp. 66 ff.; Gelb, HHM (1939), no. 48, pp. 20, 37, pls. XLVIII–XLIX (distant photo from river, oblique photo, photo from boat, drawing);
Bossert, Altanatolien (1942), Abb. 553–554, pp. 57, 130 (own photographs). For general details, see K. Kohlmeyer, Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983), no. 14, pp. 95–101, Taf. 37–39; E.P. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), no. 31, pp. 223–227; H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 95–99. Edition. See Commentary. Sculpture. Full discussion by Kohlmeyer (1983), p. 96 f. with drawing. Good photographs: Akurgal, AH (1962), pls. XX (colour), 98; Bittel, Hethiter (1976), Abb. 195, also 197. Best presentation: Kohlmeyer (1983), figs. 41c, 42c (copies, figure and text), Taf. 38, 39 (photos, figure and text); Ehringhaus (2005), Abb. 175, 176, 178 (photo and drawing of figure and text, photo of text). Further, Ehringhaus (Antike Welt 25 (1994), p. 66; Antike Welt 26 (1995), p. 118 f.; Sonderband (2005), p. 100 f.) reports the discovery of a second figure, partially erased, perhaps with erased epigraph, some 13 m. downstream from the known relief. Content. Epigraph identifying figure as Hittite king Muwattalli II. The resumption of archaeological investigation of Sirkeli has led to improved access to the Muwattalli figure, the confirmation of a second figure, and the discovery of traces of a third; also to a scan of the figures and epigraphs. Date. Early 13th century B.C. Text. Copy courtesy of Ehringhaus. Photographs. Courtesy of Ehringhaus.
Muwattalli Great King, Hero, son of Mursili Great King, Hero
Commentary By the time of SBo I (1940), Güterbock had correctly established that the reading of the Hier. name on the left of the seals nos. 38–39 was Muwattalli and was identical to that
of the first SİRKELİ king. The sign FILIUS expressing the relationship between kings 1 and 2, being cut round a slight curve of the rock surface, had not been visible to Gelb (1935)
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or Güterbock (1937). Güterbock hesitated in identifying the second SİRKELİ king’s sign between taking it for a writing of Urhi-Teššub (as he then thought) or Mursili. Only information from Bossert, who had seen and correctly identified FILIUS in 1939, solved the problem for Güterbock (SBo I, p. 24, with “Korr.-Nachtr.” fn. 86): the epigraph is a genealogy and the sign (now L.227) does represent Mursili. tax: phonetic writings of Muwattalli (as opposed to NIR.GÁL) normally show tt- (Noms, no. 837.1, 2), which implies t not d;
cf. now digraphic NİŞANTEPE, no. 46 (Cun. …-a]t-ta-al-l[i] = Hier. BOS2+MI-tax-li). So what is the second sign, previously taken as form of tà, now da? Clearly it is neither ta nor tá, and it does not really resemble tà/da, an identification which must now be discarded on phonological grounds. In NİŞANTEPE, this form occurs also in the PNN tarkasna-tax(PBS, nos. 424–440, p. 431 s.v. tà). At present the transliteration tax (táx is a peculiar TOPADA form) seems unavoidable. See also Syllabary (a), s.v. da.
XIV.2. FRAKTİN. Rock relief figures with epigraphs. (plates 2 – 3) Location. In the vilayet of Kayseri, an ancient route from central Anatolia through the Taurus ran from the modern town of Develi (south of Erciyes Dağ) to the south-east across the upper Zamanti river, across the Tahtalı Dağları range by the Gezbel pass to the valley of the Göksu–Seyhan river, descending thence to Adana and the Cilician plain. This route is marked by several rock monuments with inscriptions indicating that it was in use in the thirteenth century B.C.: FRAKTİN, TAŞÇI, İMAMKULU, HANYERİ and HEMİTE, the first two at least the work of Hattusili III or associated explicitly with him. Nine kilometres from Develi on the Bakırdağı (Taşçi) road, a right fork leads to Fraktin village (13 km) on the Engeldere, a brook just above its confluence with the Zamanti. A track to the left just before the village leads across the Engeldere, on the east bank of which a long low cliff of reddish trachyte bears the relief. For topographical and geographical details, see especially Kohlmeyer (1983), p. 67 f.; Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs, p. 159 f. Bibliography: see also Unger, RlA III (1971), s.v. Fraktin.
wicker(?) (Hitt. GIŠistanana- AD.KID); from the left side of the table top hangs an upward curving object (table cloth?), on its right a triangular object (bread?). Hieroglyphs are placed in front of the faces of each figure to identify them. (2) a seated female figure (goddess) facing right, wearing a conical headdress with veil (probably representing a disc shape viewed from side), a long robe and shoes, her hands outstretched, holding in the left a bowl, in the right the triangle BONUS2, “good”; she faces across an altar a standing female figure (human) facing left, similarly attired to the goddess, pouring with right hand a libation from a beakspouted jug into a vessel on the ground, her left hand raised to her face in an amu-gesture (“I am”). The altar is similar to that in (1) except that on its right side is a bird (raptor?), its head turned back towards the goddess. Hieroglyphs are placed in front of the faces of each figure. (3) A long panel, one third of the height of (1) and (2), inscribed in Hieroglyphs, extends rightwards behind the female figure.
Description. On the rock face, about one third of the way up, some 1.5 metres above the ground, is a triple panel with two pairs of figures facing each other carved in relief: (from the left) (1) a beardless male figure (god), facing right, wearing a pointed helmet with frontal horn, a short tunic and boots with up-turned toes, sword on his left hip, holding in his right hand a lituus resting on his shoulder, in his outstretched left hand a damaged object, probably the triangle (Hier. BONUS2) like the goddess; he faces across an altar a male figure (human) facing left, identically dressed, holding in his left hand a bow across his shoulder and with right hand outstretched pouring a libation from/to a beak-spouted vessel on the ground. The altar is of typical shape (see Emirgazi altar, portrayal on İnandık vase), flat table top on elongated bell-shaped base marked with striations representing
Discovery. Reported by a Greek of Nevşehir to H. Calvert about 1850, and mentioned by Sayce, in Fraser’s Magazine, August 1880, p. 223; located by Ramsay and Hogarth, 10 August 1890.
Dimensions: (1–2) panel, ht., 1–1.05 m.; w., 3 m.; (3) ht., max., 0.53 m., w., 1.25 m. (Ehringhaus)
Publication. Ramsay and Hogarth, Pre-Hellenic Monuments of Cappadocia, Recueil 14 (1891), p. 87 f. (renumbered in offprint 16 f.), pl. VI (photograph, drawings of Hieroglyphs); visited by Chantre in 1893, and published, Mission en Cappadoce (Paris, 1898), p. 125 ff., pl. 23 (photograph, reprinted by Garstang, LH (1911), pp. 149–151 with pl. XLVII = id., HE (1929), pp. 215–217 with pl. XLI; and by Bossert, Altanatolien (1942), p. 128 Abb. 550 also 551, 552, photos of cast in Berlin Museum); Grothe, Bemerkungen zu den Denkmälern hettitischer Kunst in Kleinasien (BKO 6 (1909), pp. 165–173
and Abb. VI); repeated Vorderasienexpedition (1911), Taf. X Abb. 6, 7; Messerschmidt, CIH (1900), p.215 Taf. XXX (drawn from Chantre, also Ramsey and Hogarth); Charles, HI (1911), pp. 28, 30 pl. XIV. figs. 25–26 (photographs of sculptures, inscribed extension); Meyer, RKC, p. 104 f. Fig. 81 (drawn from earlier publications). For later discussions, see Kohlmeyer (1983), fn. 623. Good photographs: Bittel, Hethiter (1976), Abb. 194, 196, 198; Akurgal, AH, pls. 100–101; Kohlmeyer, Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983), pp. 135, 136 Taf. 23, 24, also drawings, pp. 70, 71, 72 Figs. 24, 25, 26; Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 59–65 with Abb. 111–118. Gelb, HHM, no. 22, pp. 14, 29 pl. XXXVIII. Gelb’s photograph (taken in 1935) shows the ground in front of the relief open, as it was in my first visit in 1981. On a later visit in 2001, the ground was occupied by a plantation of poplars, the shadows of which made photography difficult. This is referred to by Kohlmeyer, p. 68, and visible in the photographs Ehringhaus, p. 60 Abb. III; also Rossner Heth. Felsreliefs, p. 160; and Die Hethiter und ihr Reich (2002), p. 221.
Editions. Hrozný, IHH III (1937), p. 434 f.; Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), p. 309 f. no. 73 with Tav. XIII (copy); Güterbock, Fs Matouš (1978, appeared 1980), pp. 127–136 with Abb. 2 (copy); Kohlmeyer (1983), p. 71 f.; cf. also Ehringhaus (2005), pp. 61–64. Excerpts. Laroche, RHA XXVII (1969), p. 89; Hawkins, KZ 92 (1978), p. 112 f. Sculpture. Thoroughly discussed by Kohlmeyer (1983), pp. 69–71 with earlier bibliography. Content. Epigraphs identifying the sculptures. Date. Reign of Hattusili III (mid-13th century B.C.) Text. Drawings with epigraphs, courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. Photographs. Taken by Hawkins, 1981
Transliteration, translation (in front of god) DEUS
(in front of king) MAGNUS.REX HATTUSA+li MAGNUS.REX
(in front of goddess) (DEUS)HI
(behind queen) pu-tu-ha-pa MAGNUS.DOMINA (continues) ká-zuwa-na(REGIO) FILIA DEUS á-zi/a-mi
Hattusili, Great King
goddess Hebat
Pudu-hepa Great Queen, daughter of the land Kizzuwatna, loved by the god(s)
Commentary DEUS as epigraph to god lacks the expected TONITRUS. Some scholars have claimed to recognize traces of this sign erased or eroded, but this is improbable: Kohlmeyer (1983), p.71 fn. 642, 643. In fact the deity is perhaps the Stag-God, who in all certainly identifiable cases holds the lituus. HATTUSA+li: sign L.197 tentatively identified as writing RN Hattusili by Güterbock (MDOG 72 (1933), p. 47) on the basis of seal impression Bo. 412/c, (later SBo I, no. 45), supported (Boğazköy (I) (1935), p. 65) by NİŞANTAŞ genealogy and FRAKTİN; and “gesichert”, SBo I (1940), p. 29, with additional support from genealogies of KARAKUYU and stele BOĞAZKÖY 3. Further confirmation from Ras Shamra seal (RS 18.03, Ugaritica III, p. 108 f.). The sign is composed of the logogram HATTI/HATTUSA+li: the first element is not a syllabogram há used as an abbreviation
(syllabic value há not found in Empire period: see Syllabary, s.v. L.196 há). pu-tu-ha-pa: syllabograms evaluated independently, ha (L.215, 1931) pa (L.334, 1932), tu (L.88, 1933). These pointed to the recognition of the name Putuhapa by 1933, thus provisionally pu (L.328), which was confirmed by the excavation in 1936 of the Tarsus bulla with impression of her seal (Gelb, AJA 41 (1937), pp. 289–291). Cf. Güterbock, SBo I, p. 29 f. MAGNUS.DOMINA: long recognized as “Great Queen” from its pictographic character especially on FRAKTİN applying to the female figure, this was confirmed by its appearance on the Bo.-seals excavated in the 1930s. Exact Cun.-Hier. digraphic equations MUNUS.LUGAL.GAL = MAGNUS.DOMINA became available with the Ras Shamra
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seals of Suppiluliuma with Tawananna (RS 17.227), and of Puduhepa (RS 17.133). ká-zuwa-na(REGIO): middle sign still not evaluated with certainty by Laroche (1960, L.285, but cf. L.56 gà), but writing suspected of representing Kizzuwatna. Value zuwa proposed by Laroche (RHA 27 (1969), pp. 85–89), in the context of identifying the epigraph to YAZILIKAYA, no. 45 as (DEUS) (a)la-zu(wa) as Allanzu. FILIA: Güterbock’s recognition of MANUS+FEMINA = FILIA, “daughter”, the female counterpart of MANUS+VIR2 = FILIUS, “son”, from a Korucutepe seal of Kilušhepa (JNES 32 (1973), p. 137 f.) permitted the recognition of a further example here (Hawkins, Excerpt; Güterbock, Edition). This Hier. digraphic equivalent of Puduhepa’s well known title Cun. DUMU. MUNUS KUR URUKizzuwatna, “daughter of the land Kizzuwatna”, confirms the Hier. readings. DEUS á-zi/a-mi, “loved by the god(s)”: reading and interpretation established by Güterbock, Edition. (DEUS)HI: while it can hardly be doubted that the goddess represented is Hebat, there is some uncertainty about the writing of her name, whether the second sign is a logogram or a syllabogram used as an abbreviation. In Cuneiform the DN is almost exclusively written with the sign hé, also when it appears as a theophoric element: in Empire Hieroglyphic it is always written with ha, both DN (YAZILIKAYA, no. 43) and in theophorics (the sign may here be given an ad hoc value he for which there is little other justification). In digraphs from Ugarit and Emar, the equations Cun. ha = Hier. ha, Cun. hi = Hier. hi are found regularly, with very few exceptions (notably Tihi-Teššub is rendered Hier. TihaTASU-pa, Ugar. III, pp. 39 f., 135–137, RS 17.137; cf. Herbordt, PBS, no. 453) The present FRAKTİN sign-form is identified as ancestral to the Late form of hi (L.413), which is always used to
write a DN appearing as a Late form of Hebat: written hi-pa(Malatya, GÜRÜN, §§ 1, 7, DARENDE, obv.) and hi-pu- (Tabal, ÇİFTLİK, § 8; KULULU 5, § 1; also TELL AHMAR 6, § 2). It differs somewhat in form from the Empire forms of hi now identified by digraphs, mostly on MESKENE seals: these appear as a downward-facing crescent, quite open or with lower points of crescent closing or closed, easy to confuse with sa or (when closed) with ha. To return to the question: abbreviation or logogram? While the idea of an abbreviation might be entertained under other circumstances, the fact that all Empire writings of Heba(t) use the sign ha- would seem to speak against it. Thus identification as a logogram is to be preferred, and we should then suppose that the syllabic value hi was derived acrophonically from the goddess’ name. We may compare HATTUSA REGIO, “land of Hatti/ Hattusa” (HATTUSA logogram not abbreviation há REGIO: há value not attested for Empire, Late acrophonic syllabogram; see Syllabary, s.v. L.196 há). Note. Bossert had assembled much of the data presented here (Belleten XV/59 (1951), pp. 315–323 (German), 324–332 (Turkish)), but he did not note the necessary sharp distinction between the writings Empire ha-pa- and Late hi-pa/pu-, also more data are now available. He too concluded that the FRAKTİN writing was a logogram, though we need hardly follow him in identifying the sign as a pictogram of a liver, nor in his speculation in taking it as a rebus by comparison with the Greek word “liver”, ἣπατ-. Abguss/Abklatsch (“cast”, “squeeze”) Chantre made Abguss: deposited in Paris? (Messerschmidt, p. 26) Bossert photographed Abguss in Berlin Museum (Altanatolien), made by Grothe, still preserved? Kohlmeyer p. 69 with n. 622: Grothe’s Abklatsch modern Abguss in Kayseri Museum
XIV.3. ALEPPO 1. Inscribed building block. (plates 4 – 5) Location. Block built into wall of the mosque, Jāmi‘ al-Qīqān, Aleppo, up on the old city wall, a short distance north of the Antioch Gate (Bab al-Antakiya). Stone reported to have been removed to Aleppo Museum in 2018. Description. Fully preserved block bearing 2-line inscription, beginning upper right edge, running sinistroverse along l. 1, returning along l. 2 and ending at lower right edge.
Dimensions: ht., 0.45 m.; w., 0.74 m.; line ht., 1, 0.22 m.; 2, 0.18 m. Condition: good but somewhat worn. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Discovery (for detailed references, see under Publication). Seen by Tyrwhitt Drake in 1871 (“s. wall of Jami’a el Kákán”), and by Paucker (see Clermont-Ganneau, “embedded partly in the wall of a mosk, partly in the hareem of
an adjacent house”); by George Smith in 1874, by Boscawen, by Major-General S.W. Crawford on 31/3/1876 (see Rylands). The stone was reported by the British Consul P. Henderson to Rassam to have been destroyed (see Rylands (1883), repeated by Wright and Messerschmidt), but was either still there or had been replaced when seen by Garstang who photographed and copied it on 8/7/1907. The Cornell Expedition examined it in 1908, Sayce in 1911, Gelb in the summer 1935, Güterbock in 1937. The drawings of Tyrwhitt Drake and Paucker apud Clermont-Ganneau were printed upside-down. Rylands notes that George Smith was aware that he was copying an upsidedown inscription. Gelb (1935) describes it as “built, upside down into the outer wall of the Jāmi‘ al-Qīqān”, and of McEwan’s photographs which he publishes, the second shows it upside down below a column drum casting a shadow, while the first shows it the right way up with shadows from above, apparently in its present-day position (compare with the photograph of Kohlmeyer, Damaszener Mitteilungen 10 (1998), Taf. 13(a)). A pair of undated, unprovenanced photographs (probably those of Garstang) given to me by the late R. D. Barnett show the inscription in its original upside-down location (see Plate 4). The block must have been taken out of the wall, turned right way up and replaced between 1935 (when Gelb saw it upside-down) and 1939 at the latest (publication date of McEwan’s first photograph by Gelb). This was perhaps carried out at the instigation of McEwan himself. Publication. (R. Burton and) C. F. Tyrwhitt Drake, Unexplored Syria, II (London, 1872), p. 186; C. Clermont-Ganneau, PEFQ 1873, p. 72 f.; W.H. Rylands, TSBA 7 (1882), p. 434 ff. (drawings of Drake, Ganneau); id., PSBA 5 (1883), pp. 146–148 and figs. 1–4 (drawings of Drake, Ganneau, Boscawen, George Smith); id., PSBA 6 (1884), p. 132 f. (drawing of Crawford); W. Wright, EH (1884), p. 141 f., pls. [V–VII] = EH2 (1886), p. 142 f. pls. V–VII (drawings reproduced from Rylands); L. Messerschmidt CIH (1900), p. 4 f., Taf. III A (drawing based on 2 photographs and 2 squeezes of von Oppenheim in Berlin Museum, 2 squeezes from Pognon); J. Garstang, LAAA 1 (1908), p. 8, pl. IX. 2 (drawing from pho-
tograph, given also to Sayce); cf. id., LH (1910), pp. 97 f., 395 = HE (1929), pp. 320–337; A. H. Sayce, PSBA 30 (1908), p. 186 f., pl. facing p. 190 (fig. 2, copy from Garstang’s photograph); id., PSBA 33 (1911), pp. 227–229 (drawing from autopsy); B. B. Charles, HI (1911), pp. 44–48, pl. XXIV (copy), figs. 44–45 (photographs of inscription, mosque); I. J. Gelb, HHM (1939), no. 2, pp. 9, 22, pls. I–II upper (photographs from McEwan); H. G. Güterbock, SBo II (1942), pp. 22 f., 81 (excerpt, copied from stone in 1937, and from photograph from “Firma Derunyan in Aleppo”; H. T. Bossert, Bemerkungen zu einer Hieroglyphen-Hethitischen Inschrift aus Aleppo (Syria 31 (1954), pp. 225–253, esp. pp. 229–231, Abb. 1, 2–3, 4–5 (copy, photographs, photographs of squeeze made during visit in spring 1951)). Editions. Bossert, loc. cit. (1951), esp. p. 285 ff.; Laroche, Syria 33 (1956), pp. 131–141 (correcting Bossert in the light of new evidence from digraphic writings from Ugarit); Kammenhuber, Hb. Or. (1969), pp. 168–171; Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 306, p. 330 f., Tav. XVII (copy from photograph of Gelb, HHM, pl. I). Contents. Building inscription of Talmi-Šarruma, king of Aleppo recording his construction of the temple of Hebat-Šarruma. Scribal signature. Date. Talmi-Šarruma like his first cousins Muwattalli II and Hattusili III, was the grandson of Suppiluliuma I. He succeeded his father Telipinu the Priest on the throne of Aleppo in the reign of his uncle Mursili II and was still in place in the reign of Muwattalli, who rewrote for him the treaty given by Mursili but lost. Thus he dates to the early 13th century B.C. This inscription is the earliest securely datable, extended Hier. Luw. inscription. Text. Copy traced in 2003 from the stone. Photographs. (Plate 4a–b) Old photographs (by Garstang?) given by R. D. Barnett showing former upside-down emplacement; (Plate 4c) street scene, 1971, showing former and present emplacements; (Plate 5) courtesy of Gonnet.
Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
Translation This temple of Hebat-Šarruma Talmi-Šarruma king of Aleppo, son of Telipinu the High Priest built.
… Aki-Teššub the Scribe, (of) the city I(a)…wa
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Commentary § 1. zi/a-i(a): while there is no doubt that this writing represents zaya, “these”, (nom.) acc. plur. N of za-, “this”, in this, the earliest known inscription showing a connected text with phonetic writings, the interesting question is whether to read zi/a- (phonetic) or HIC (logogram), i.e. whether the sign L.376 was originally a logogram representing the demonstrative “this”, which was then taken for a syllabogram to write zi/a; or whether it was simply the syllabogram zi/a of unknown origin, here writing the demonstrative za- phonetically. The question really only arises because of the sign’s appearance, vaguely suggesting an arrow, with the supposition that this might be an ideogram representing the demonstrative “this”. But this speculation is probably superfluous. The sign does not really appear like any Hittite representation of an arrow, and even if it did, there is no reason to suppose that the Hittites might have used this as an ideogram for deixis. See also BOĞAZKÖY 2, Discussion. DEUS.DOMUS: phonetic writing (-)ha-da-(perhaps full phonetic, KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11, Commentary) has further appeared on the Transitional ALEPPO 6, § 4. TAL(A)-mi-SARMA+MI, Talmi-Šarruma: Talmi-Šarruma (formerly RI-mi-) son of Telipinu (the Priest) was made king of Aleppo in succession to his father by Mursili II in his 9th year (Extended Annals, AM, p. 124); the treaty which he made with him then was subsequently lost and renewed by Muwattalli (PD no. 6; Beckman, HDT no. 14). Güterbock with his identification of the SARRUMA Hieroglyph (SBo II, pp. 22 f., 81) was able to identify this ruler with the king on ALEPPO 1, but did not know whether to read the first syllable ri or tal. Further the initial Hieroglyph was indistinct, and incorrectly identified by Güterbock as ki (L.446), though he did correctly press the reading of the Cuneiform correspondence as tal not ri, and gained the reading Talmi-Šarruma (Belleten 7 (1943), p. 308). Cf. Alp, Personennamen (1950), p. 38 f. Bossert (loc. cit., Edition, p. 239 f.) almost correctly identified the sign as OMNIS (L.366) with reading dana, correcting to the reading Talmi-Šarruma following Barnett (An. St. 3 (1953), p. 89 n. 6). The sign form and reading was finally settled by the digraphic seal inscription from Ugarit of Talmi-Teššub king of Karkamiš (RS 17.226: see Laroche, Ugaritica III (1956), p. 129 f.; HH (1960), p. 194, sign L.367). (L.199+L.85) Halpa(-pa)(URBS): recognized from ALEPPO 1 as the designation of its city by Gelb (HH I (1931), p. 20), and explained essentially correctly as 2-sign logogram+phonetic complement (cf. HH III, p. 17 n. 1). Attempts to attribute phonetic values to first two signs ended up with Laroche’s reading ha-l(a)-pa (L.85 with bib-
liography of previous attempts). But L.199 does not have a syllabic value (há), and there are no other grounds for reading L.85 as l(a). The appearance of the seal impression of Mursili III (Urhi-Teššub), Bo. 90/450, which permitted the reading of the İMAMKULU epigraph, pointed to a different explanation of the writing: Hawkins, Fs Hoffner (2003), pp. 169–175; almost immediately confirmed by the appearance of a further example of the epigraph, ALEPPO 5, actually identifying the figure of the Storm-God in his temple in Aleppo, (Hawkins, An. St. 61 (2011), p. 40). The writing of the god’s epigraph (DEUS)TONITRUS. L.85. MI, is to be interpreted as “Halabean Tarhunza”, the kneeling/ horizontal leg GENUFLECTERE/CRUS2 representing Halab, perhaps rebus HALA, Hitt. haliya-, “kneel”, with phonetic complement -mi giving the ethnicon Halpuma-. This leaves the city name written TONITRUS (symbol of deity) + GENUFLECTERE (perhaps rebus) + pa phonetic complement. Note that the onomastic element Halpa is written in the Empire Period simply TONITRUS.GENUFLECTERE without phonetic complement. TELIPINU: since Talmi-Šarruma was known to be the son of Telipinu (“the Priest”) it is clear that this unique treelike sign L.151 is used to symbolize the DN when used as a personal name. This assumption is corroborated by the identification of his title – MAGNUS.SACERDOS2: elucidated by Laroche, loc. cit. Edition, p. 133, by means of an Ugarit digraph RS 18.02, L.372(1) = Cun. LÚSANGA; this fits exactly with the title of Telipinu father of Talmi-Šarruma, subsequently made king of Aleppo. FILIUS: Empire Period forms without upper “crampon” (MANUS+VIR2) known also from EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3a; SİRKELİ; HEMİTE; and more recently BOĞAZKÖY 18; YALBURT block 1, § 1; HATİP; NİŞANTAŞ A I, § 1; A II, § d; KIZILDAĞ 3 and 4. There is even now a Meskene digraph Beyer, B1, Msk. 61: Cun. NA4KIŠIB Iam-za-hi DUMU eh-li-ia = Hier. *a-ma-zi/a-hi i(a)-hi-li-i(a) FILIUS. AEDIFICARE: sole Empire Period version, L.246 (1) (until the appearance of BOĞAZKÖY 21 (SÜDBURG), §§ 6, 7, 16, see Commentary), recognized by Laroche (loc. cit., Edition, pp. 134 f., 140) as “MAIN+BATISSE”. A Transitional form of the logogram is recognized in KIZILDAĞ 3 (Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3 (1995), p. 38), while the Late form L.246 (2, 3) is AEDIFICIUM+PONERE±MI, phonetic reading tama- (Hawkins, RHA XXIX (1971), pp. 116, 123–127, 129 f.). wa/i-wa/i+ra/i-i(a)-tá-li: difficult to dissociate from Late attestations, verb (MORI)wa/i-wa/i-ri+i-ta-, participle wa/i-wa/i+ra/i-mi- (ASSUR letter e, § 10, KARKAMIS A18h, § 3), which seem to occur in contexts of “dying”, but equally
hard to suggest how the present context could fit this, “the WAWARIYATALI (is) Aki-Teššub the Scribe…”. We have not progressed since Laroche wrote (Edition, p. 136): “Un nom d’agent hittite en x-x-ri-a-ta-li = cunéiforme …riatalli servait le bienvenu; mais, en fait, on ne connait rien de tel”. ki-TAS(U)-pa-*a (Aki-Teššub): Laroche recognized the first sign as L.446 with value ki given by Ras Shamra digraphs, and the second L.318, as Tešubba, for which Güterbock’s tentative reading (SBo I, p. 27 f.) was also confirmed by Ras Shamra digraphs (Edition, pp. 134, 136). For our transliteration of the rebus Teššub(-pa) now as TAS(U)(-pa), see Syllabary. With the floating -*a, uncertainly identified because of its unclear preservation, he encountered the first example of a graphic peculiarity later designated “initial-a-final” (see Syllabary, s.v. L.450 a), where the tall sign a though belonging as the initial is written after the rest of the name. He later encountered it again in Meskene
digraphs (Laroche, Doc. Hitt. et Hourr., 1982, pp. 57–59, in the names Amzahi, Abdili, Alalabu). For the name on ALEPPO 1 he was able to utilize another Ras Shamra digraph (RS 19.78, Hier. ki-TONITRUS = Cun. Ia-ki-dU (n. 7)) to postulate the reading Aki-Teššub (cf. Noms, no. 16 (4 and 5)). i(a)-L.398(3)-wa/i(URBS): reading of this toponym still blocked for us, as for Laroche, by our ignorance of the middle sign, presumably but not certainly a CV syllabogram. We seek a toponym i(a)-x-wa/i (as against Laroche’s a-x-wa/i), but the only toponyms listed in RGTC 6+Suppl. which could fit are Isuwa, Ilawa and Ituwa: of these only the last might be considered, being apparently in north Syria, but this falls down on lack of evidence for L.398 representing tu, the known Empire form being quite different (L.88).
XIV.4. EMİRGAZİ 1. Altars A–D. (plates 6 – 9) Location. 4 “altars” (3 fragmentary), Ancient Oriental Museum, Istanbul nos. 7784(A), 7770(B), 7783(C), 7782(D). Altars A and B are currently (2016) on exhibition, C and D in the depot (Çukur Bostan). Description. Of the four monuments only altar B preserves its original offering-table shape; altar A has lost its table-like top and its bottom, altar C its table top and lower part, and altar D is only a flake split from the bottom of its original. (Theoretically C and D could be parts of the same monument). The altars were monuments of the type seen in pictorial representations: especially on the relief vases İNANDIK, BİTİK and HUSEYİN DEDE 2, on the scenes on the rhyta SCHIMMEL and BOSTON and on seals, etc.). They are presumably the objects referred to in the Hittite texts as istanana- (log. GIŠZAG.GAR.RA), where they may be specified as made of wicker (AD.KID), as they seem to be depicted. In the text they may be referred to by the logogram STELE which renders pictographically a more block-like base like EMİRGAZİ 2. The Text. All four are covered with parts of the same text, which shows very few divergences between the versions though none is complete. Altar B has the complete second part of the text (line 1 around side of table top, +5 lines on body) with minimal losses due to surface damage. Altar A may be presumed to have lost the beginning of the text with its table top, and preserves the first 5 lines and upper part of a 6th on its body; it is uncertain whether it could originally have borne the entire text on a further two lines [ll. 7–8], corresponding to altar B ll. 5–6. Altar C’s par-
tially preserved 4 lines correspond to altar A, ll. 3–6; if it has lost only its table top it is unclear at what point the text can have begun, and it could have continued to the end of the text on [ll. 5–7], which might indeed as noted be represented by altar D, ll. 1–3. Thus we may envisage four (or perhaps only three) monuments bearing identical texts though altar B only had the second part while altar A may have had the whole. Dimensions: A, preserved ht., 0.68 m.; body circumference, min. (l. 1), 1.18 m.; max. (l. 6), 1.61 m. B, ht., 0.90 m.; table top circumference, (l. 1), 2.0 m.; body circumference, min. (l. 2) 1.52 m.; max. (l. 6) 2.0 m.(+) C, preserved ht., 0.59 m.; body circumference, min. (l. 1), 1.22 m.; max. preserved (l. 3), 0.94 m. D, preserved ht., 0.50 m.; preserved circumference, 0.52 m. (l. 2)–0.75m. (l. 3) Condition: all, as preserved fair, somewhat worn, worn and broken patches; most signs not in doubt. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Peculiarities: “initial-a-final”. Discovery. In June 1904 by T. Callander at Eski Kışla (altar B); and by W. M. Ramsay at Emir Gazi (altar C and EMİRGAZİ 2). Both places lie in a flat plain between the north end of the Karaca Dağ and the south end of Arisama Dağ/Kale (Kale tepesi). Both Emirgazi, standing on a low höyük, and Eski Kışla, 1½ miles (40 mins.) to the north west, showed many fragments of dressed stone indicating substantial Hittite
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
settlement. One hour east of Emir Gazi at Arisama (now Belkaya) ruins of an ancient fortification were identified by Ramsay as Ardistama of classical geographers. Altar B and EMİRGAZİ 2 were already in Istanbul Museum to be seen by Messerschmidt in 1906, and he reports that [altar C] was left at the site. Altar C was seen by Sayce and published with altar B in 1905 and altar A in 1908. Hrozný reports that the Museum Register recorded the receipt of altars A and D on 2 July 1908. See Ramsay, Sayce, Messerschmidt and Hrozný, Publication. Publication. Report of discovery by T. Callander, apud W. M. Ramsay, Studies in the History and Art … (1906), V. Explorations in Lycaonia and Isauria 1904, XI. Emir Ghazi by T. Callander (pp. 178–180, pls. IX (frontispiece, altar B), X (EMİRGAZİ 2, side B), (XI altar C). Sayce had already published an article “The discovery of archaic Hittite inscriptions in Asia Minor”: PSBA 27 1905, January, pp. 21–31, with copies taken from Ramsay’s squeezes, pls. I (facing p. 23, altar B), II (facing p. 30, altar C), III (following pl. II, EMİRGAZİ 2); February, pp. 134–136, “The Ardistama inscriptions (new readings from photographs)”; also later, PSBA 30 (1908), pp. 182–191, “The Hittite inscriptions of Emir Ghazi and Aleppo” (pp. 182–185, I A (altar B), p. 185 f., I B (altar C with fig. 1, new copy; ibid., November, pp. 211–220, “Hittite Inscriptions from Gurun and Emir Ghazi” (discovery by Ramsay in 1908 of altars A and D, pp. 215–219, pl. II (facing p. 216), copy of altar A). Messerschmidt, CIH2 (1906), pp. 8–11, also 17, Taf. XLIX (EMİRGAZİ 2), L (altar B), copies made from autopsy in Istanbul Museum. Hrozný, Les quatres autels “hittites” hiéroglyphiques d’Emir Ghazi et d’Eski Kışla (Ar. Or. 8 (1936), pp. 171–199, pls. VIII–XXIV (altar A, 4 photos and copy; altar B, 4 photos; altar C, 2 photos and copy; altar D, 2 photos and copy), reprinted as IHH III (1937), pp. 403–431, pls. LXXIII–LXXXIX. Hrozný designated the altars A, B, C, D, working on them in Istanbul Museum in July 1934. He noted the accession dates of altars A and D to the Museum on 2 July 1908, and he published the first usable texts of altars A and C, and the first published text of altar D. Following Sayce’s initial observation of overlap between the texts, he recognized that all four altars bore overlapping duplicate parts of one text, and gave a single composite version. Editions. Meriggi, QdGB 3 (1958), p. 3 f., Appendix 30–34 (Partitur transliteration with notes); Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), nos. 19–22, pp. 271–280 (with Tav. III (A), IV (B), V (C) and II (D) – redrawn following Hrozný and Messerschmidt); Masson, Journal des Savants 1979, pp. 3–9, 17–49 (with
fig. 5a–b (p. 24 f.), drawings of altars B and D; figs. 6 (p. 28) and 7 (p. 29), drawings of altars A and C) – note that Masson designates the altars I (B), II (A), III (C), IV (D); Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3 (1995), pp. 86–102 (Appendix 2); id., Fs van den Hout (forthcoming, edition with up-datings). Excerpts. Hawkins, §§ 7–10, 24–29, 30–37 (in context of elucidation of the negatives NEG-wa/i and NEG-sa (nawa, nis)); Hawkins, Fs de Roos (2006), pp. 54–58 (§§ 2–4, 16–17, 24–37); cf. Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert (2010), pp. 118 f., 122 (§§ 7–10, 16, 24–29, 31–32, 34–35); §§ 11–12, Michel, NABU 2015/1, no. 19; §§ 19–20, Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 64 f., cf. id., Fs Singer, p. 387 f. Content. Four(?) parallel texts relating to dedication of cultic centre to the Stag-God of the Countryside and his consort the goddess Ala on Mount Sarpa. The cultic objects referred to in the inscription include “this/these STELE(s)”, perhaps the altars themselves or perhaps monuments like EMİRGAZİ 2 (base); and á.CERVUS3.L.463-zi/a, to judge from the components of the writing, images of Ala and the StagGod of the Countryside. For Ala and Mount Sarpa readings, see Forlanini, Hethitica 7 (1987), pp. 76–79 (overlooked in my 1995 edition). For the identification of Mount Sarpa with the Karaca Dağ to the south of Emirgazi, see Lombardi, in de Martino and Imparati (ed.), Studi e Testi I (Eothen 9; Florence, 1998), p. 77. It is also probable that instead of the Karaca Dağ, which rises to 2025 m., Mount Sarpa is the rather closer Arisama Dağ/Kale Tepe, rising to 1446 m. to the north of Emir Gazi (east of Eski Kışla). Note also the reference to a Mount “AXE” (MONS.ASCIA), which may designate the Karaca Dağ. [Beginning lost: dedication by Tudhaliya?]; §§ 2–3, placement of cultic objects and stelae on Mount Sarpa; §§ 4–6, relationship of posterity to stele; §§ 7–10, prohibition of damage to or removal of monuments and inscription(s); §§ 11–12, a huwasi precinct for gods and stele (Michel, loc. cit.); §§ 13–15, first hypothesis, …; §§ 16–18, second hypothesis, damage to Mount “Axe”; §§ 19–23, third hypothesis, misappropriation of L.414-sheep dedicated to stelae; §§ 24–26, damage to stelae repaid by curse of gods; §§ 27–29, maintenance of stelae rewarded by blessing of gods; §§ 30–33, (future) dedicator of cultic objects on Mount Sarpa to give ritual to Tudhaliya; §§ 34–35, [punishment] of non-giver by gods; §§ 36–37, reward of giver by gods. Text. The recovery of the complete text from the four fragmentary versions has been a slow process. Sayce’s transcriptions, like his interpretations, are unfortunately worthless. Messerschmidt (altar B) and Hrozný (altars A, C, D) in their copies identified and drew most of the signs correctly, failing
mainly with the damaged or eroded parts, and Hrozný had a tendency to insert signs where none exist. His representation of the signs is good, especially his typeset versions, a tour de force. Meriggi working from Messerschmidt’s and Hrozný’s copies did not notably advance knowledge of the text, but his Partitur transcription established in detail the overlaps of the four segments. Masson’s version (1979: Graphic notes. verbs, logographic without phonetic ending PONERE (§§ 2, 3, 30) 1 sing. pres./3 sing. pres. CAPUT+SCALPRUM (§§ 8, 20) 3 sing. pres. SOLIUM (§ 18) 3 sing. pres.(?) CRUS (§ 19) 3 plur. pres. DARE (§§ 23, 34, 36) 3 sing. pres. x (§ 15) 3 sing. pres. logographic with phonetic ending SOLIUM-ru (§ 6) CAPERE-tu (§ 22) DELERE-i(a) (§ 28) PUGNUS-MI-tu (§ 29) DARE-tu (§ 33) full phonetic sà-ka-la-da-i(a) (§§ 7, 16) tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-ti/tu (§§ 9, 26) i(a)-zi/a-i(a)-ru (§ 12) a-la-ri+i(?) (§ 13) tá-tu-tu (§ 14) *a-sa-tu (§§ 17, 21) hwi/a-i(a)-tu (§ 37) la-pa-wa/i(?) (§ 1) phonetic without ending tu-pi (§ 10) á (§§ 25, 27)
below, Edition) marks no significant advance. Hawkins, Fs de Roos (2006), p. 72, fig. 6 (complete texts of altars A, B). Copies traced from stone on acetate and redrawn; Altars C, D, here for first time. Photographs. Taken in İstanbul Museum in 1987.
cf. YALBURT PES (2 § 2) PES2 (13 § 3, 14 § 4) SOLIUM (14 § 2) FORTIS.CRUS (12 § 3)
pi-i(a)-ha (4 § 1) á-zi/a-tá (4 § 3) hwi/a-i(a)-tá (4 § 2; 8 § 2; 10 § 3; 11 § 1; 12 § 4)
tu-pi (2 § 1; 7 § 1; 12 § 2) i(a)-zi/a (9 § 1)
Initial-a-final Graphic practice whereby initial a- (a tall, slender sign) may be written at the end of the sign-group rather than the beginning. It is general in Empire texts (less marked in YALBURT) and continues into earlier Late texts (10th–9th centuries B.C.). Here distinguished as *a. See Part 5.3, Syllabary, L.450, a.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
§ 1. § 2. § 3. § 4. § 5. § 6. § 7. § 8. § 9. § 10. § 11. § 12. § 13. § 14. § 15. § 16. § 17. § 18. § 19. § 20. § 21. § 22. § 23. § 24. § 25. § 26.
§ 27. § 28. § 29. § 30. § 31. § 32. § 33. § 34. § 35. § 36. § 37.
… la-pa-wa/i a-wa/i (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS á.CERVUS3.L.463-zi/a PONERE zi/a-ha-wa/i-mi STELE pa+ra/i-*a PONERE wa/i-tá-*a REL-i(a)-sa mi-sa-*a NEPOS-sa FILI[US … [… wa/i-ti-tá-*a zi/a-ti-i(a) STELE pa-sa-*a SOLIUM-ru zi/a-la-tu-wa/i-ha-wa/i zi/a STELE sà-ka-la-da-i(a) NEG-sa REL-i(a)-sa-ha ARHA NEG-sa REL-i(a)-sa-ha CAPUT+SCALPRUM tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-ti-wa/i-tá NEG-sa REL-i(a)-sa-ha zi/a-i(a)-ha-wa/i-tá L.461-tá ARHA NEG-sa REL-i(a)-sa-ha tu-pi DEUS-ní-zi/a STELE REL-i(a)-sa hwi/a-sa-ti-i(a)-sa zi/a-tá-sa-wa/i-tá STELE pa-sa-*a hwi/a-sa-ti-sa i(a)-zi/a-i(a)-ru ma-pa-wa/i-ta POST-sa CAPUT a-la-ri+i wa/i-na-*a MAGNUS-zi/a tá-tu tá-tu-tu wa/i-ti-i(a)-*a L.430-ti-sa PRAE-i(a) x ma-pa-wa/i-da (MONS)ASCIA sà-ka-la-da-i(a) a-wa/i (MONS)ASCIA SCALPRUM-sa tá-tu-sa sa-tu-*a AVISx-na-wa/i-*a PORTA-MI REGIO-ní-i(a) SOLIUM ma-pa-wa/i L.414.OVIS-zi/a REL-tá-zi/a STELE ma-lu-wa/i CRUS wa/i-tá-*a ma-na ARHA REL-i(a)-sa-ha CAPUT+SCALPRUM a-wa/i L.414.OVIS DOMINUS.NA SCALPRUM-sa tá-tu-sa sa-tu-*a L.414.OVIS pa-na-*a ARHA CAPERE-tu a-wa/i PORTA-MI DARE REL-i(a)-sa-pa-wa/i REX zi/a-i(a) STELE sà-ka-la-da-i(a) REL+ra/i-pa-wa/i-da POST NEG-wa/i á wa/i-tu-tá (DEUS)SOL.SOL+RA/I (DEUS)TONITRUS.CAELUM CERVUS3.DEUS.L.463-ti (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS á(FEMINA.DEUS).L461 REX.L.398-zi/a L.303-zi/a INFRA tara/izi/a-nú-wa/i-tu REL-i(a)-sa-pa-wa//i REX zi/a-i(a) STELE PUGNUS-MI POST á wa/i-da-*a ARHA NEG-wa/i DELERE-i(a) wa/i-na-*a (DEUS)SOL.SOL+RA/I (DEUS)TONITRUS.CAELUM CERVUS3.DEUS.L.463-ti (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS á(FEMINA.DEUS).L.461 su-na-sa-ti PUGNUS-MI-tu REL-i(a)-sa-ha (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS á.CERVUS3.L.463-zi/a PONERE ma-wa/i-sa [… ma-wa/i-sa CERVUS4.IACULUM(?) EGO-pa-wa/i SOL2 MAGNUS.REX LABARNA+la MONS+tu LABARNA+la MAGNUS.REX x [… LIBATIO ] L.502-mi-li LOCUS-ti DARE-tu REL-i(a)-sa-pa-wa/i-mu LIBATIO-ha-sa5 NEG-wa/i DARE wa/i-ti-i(a)-na-*a CERVUS3.DEUS… [L.463-ti] (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS [… REL-i(a)-sa-pa-wa/i-mu LIBATIO-ha-sa5 DARE wa/i-tu-*a CERVUS3.DEUS.L.463-ti (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS á(FEMINA.DEUS).L.461 su-nasa-ti á-na+ra/i-zú-ha-ti PRAE hwi/a!-i(a)-tu
Translation § 1. § 2. § 3. § 4. § 5. § 6. § 7. § 8. § 9. § 10. § 11. § 12. § 13. § 14. § 15. § 16. § 17. § 18. § 19. § 20. § 21. § 22. § 23. § 24. § 25. § 26.
… and (on) Mount Sarpa put á.CERVUS3.L.463, and afterwards I for myself set this stele. (He) who (is) my grandson’s son [… [… let that one sit/dwell to/for this stele! And in future let no one erase this stele, let no one efface (it), let no one turn (it), and let no one strike away these words. Which HWASATI (is) for the gods (of) the stele, for their stele let that one be made the HWASATI. But if an inferior man makes himself high(?), him may the great (ones) TATU- (for) the TATU, and (may) everyone … himself forth! But if one damages it/them(?) (on?) Mount “Axe”, may Mount “Axe” be the … TATUand AVISx (shall) dwell in the gate (and) in the land (?). But if for which stelae the L.414-sheep stand MALUWA, if anyone shall efface (them), may the owner of the L.414-sheep be the … TATU-, may he take the L.414-sheep away again, and give (them) (in) the gate. But the king who will erase these stelae, or not re-make them, for him may the Sun-Goddess of Arinna, the Storm-God of Heaven, the Stag-God of the Country, Mount Sarpa (and) the goddess Ala turn down the royal(?) L.303(’s)(?)!
§ 27. But the king who shall re-make these stelae strongly(?), § 28. and not destroy them, § 29. him may the Sun-Goddess of Arinna, the Storm-God of Heaven, the Stag-God of the Country, Mount Sarpa (and) the goddess Ala make strong with full measure. § 30. And (he) who will put á.CERVUS3.L.463 (on) Mount Sarpa, § 31. whether he […], § 32. whether he (is) a hunter, § 33. (to) me, My Sun, Great King, Labarna Tudhaliya a r[itual …] in an undefiled spot let him give! § 34. § 35. § 36. § 37.
(He) who does not give a ritual to me, him [may] the Stag-God of the Country, Mount Sarpa [(and) the goddess Ala …]. (He) who does give a ritual to me, may the Stag-God of the Country, Mount Sarpa (and) the goddess Ala run before him with fullness (and) ANARAZUHA- !
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Commentary In the more than 40 years in which I have engaged with the EMİRGAZİ altars text, I have had several opportunities for concentrated work on the stones, principally 1974 when I made latex squeezes; 1987 when I traced the texts on acetate and had good photographs made; as well as numerous sessions of collation. These efforts led gradually to the establishment of a reliable text of these difficult inscriptions, which I published in 2006 (Fs de Roos, altars A and B only). During this period I have published several studies on passages of the text or the whole: principally my study of the negatives (1975); an edition of the whole text (1995), and a study of its place in the cult of the Stag-God (2006). During these four decades our knowledge of Hier. Luwian has advanced considerably, and this is reflected in a growing understanding of the EMİRGAZİ altars text which has been aided a number of new readings of signs and new interpretations. I note in particular: (1) the recognition of the Empire form of ARHA previous taken as ní, which gave rise to an erroneous supposition of unlikely double negatives (§§ 8, 10, 28); (2) the recognition of the gods and mountains invoked, Sun-Goddess of Arinna, Stag-God of the Countryside, Mount Sarpa and the goddess Ala (Forlanini), Mount “Axe”; (3) recognition of the graphic phenomenon initial-a-final which clarifies several points; and very recently P. Michel’s recognition of the Hier. Luwian form of Hitt. huwasi- (2015). Re-reading na to POST. Now a further recognition parallel to that of ARHA may be observed, which I had not noted before: in three places signs which I had taken for forms of na can be shown actually to be POST, the adverb “after, again” (apa). This recognition is based on attestations on YALBURT, which shows numerous examples of na and one clear distinct form POST (block 2, § 2). The two signs are very similar: the distinction is that the upper end of na shows a hand-like shape also visible in pi; while POST has instead an elaborate knob (see Fig. plate 9). On the EMİRGAZİ altars, the na all show at least a split top representing the fingers, where the signs now to be identified as POST show a curled-over teat-like projection. Context serves to corroborate this observation. (1) § 25. REL+ra/i-pa-wa/i-da POST NEG-wa/i á … (2) § 27. REL-i(a)-sa-pa-wa/i REX zi/a-i(a) STELE PUGNUS-MI POST á (§ 24. The king who damages these stelae,) § 25. or does not repair (“make again”) them, … § 27. The king who repairs these stelae strongly(?), (§ 28. and does not destroy them)
The discarded readings are (§ 25) tà-na, “make TANA”, suggested by Melchert to be “make holy” (KZ 110 (1997), pp. 47–51); and (§ 27) PUGNUS-MI-na, taken in my Edition, 1995, p. 100, as infinitive form of verb PUGNUS-MI- (the truncated PUGNUS-MI now requires explanation – perhaps adverbial?). (3) § 13. ma-pa-wa/i-ta POST-sa CAPUT a-la-ri+i But if an inferior man will …
POST-sa should represent the adj. apari- (= Hitt. appezzi-) no trace of +ra/i is signalled though conceivably collation might detect it (the same applies to POST-sa, ALEPPO 6, § 11, see below). The phrase “inferior man”, well attested in Hittite (appezzis antuhsas, HWb2, s.v. appizziia, 2a), is found in Late Hier. Luw. (MALPINAR, §§ 20, 27) and now in Transitional (ALEPPO 6, § 11), POST(+ra/i)- CAPUT-ti, so its appearance here need occasion no surprise, but the verb a-la-ri+i is obscure in itself and in its (Med.-Pass.?) form. The introduction of the “inferior man” as perpetrator of a number of offenses forms a contrast to §§ 24–29, “the king who—” (see above, Content). Discarded reading: ta-na-sa, which unfortunately eliminates van den Hout’s ingenious suggestion to recognize here the Luw. cognate of Hitt. istanana-, “altar” (see my Edition 1995, p. 95). This recognition of POST (apa and apari-) on EMİRGAZİ results in two queried forms in the text, which by the application of initial-a-final rule become *a-pa+ra/i (§ 3) and *a-pa-na (§ 22). I have taken these as apari, “afterwards”, and apan, “back, again”. Can we now accept these as phonetic writings alongside logographic POST? A further new reading on parallel passages on EMİRGAZİ 2 (§ 5) and NİŞANTAŞ A IV, § c, gives a word *a-pa-tá, perhaps to be understood as apanta (Hitt.-Luw. appanda, Lyc. epñte): see discussion on EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5, Commentary. § 1. … la-pa-wa/i: this only surviving, last word of its clause has every appearance of being a phonetically written verb, 1 sing. pres., the only attestation of such a form. § 2. Closely parallel to § 30, “putting objects on Mount Sarpa”. [(DEUS)]MONS.THRONUS, “Mountain Sarpa”, as demonstrated by Forlanini (1987), who suggested an identification with Hasan Dağ, while Lombardi (1998) proposed the more local Karaca Dağ (see above, Content). Myself I prefer
Arisama Dağ at the foot of which the EMİRGAZİ monuments were discovered (Edition 2006, p. 57 f.). á-CERVUS3.L.463-zi/a: the signs seem to have been extracted from the theonyms á(FEMINA.DEUS).L.461 and CERVUS3.DEUS.L.463-ti, the divine pair Ala and Kuruntiya, with the case ending -zi/a, probably acc. plur. MF. As objects placed on Mount Sarpa these should be cultic symbols (images?) of the deities. PONERE: verb should be understood as 1 sing. (pret.?) as the PONERE in § 3 is explicitly marked by the enclitic pronoun -mi. The “speaker” (cf. also “my”, § 4) is clearly given as EGO … Tudhaliya, § 33. § 3. zi/a … STELE: this should refer to altar A itself in spite of the logogram showing a block-like rather than the tabletopped item. *a-pa+ra/i: reading dictated by the rule initial-a-final, thus understood as apari, “afterwards” (= Hitt. appezziya(n)) (Hawkins, 2003, p. 160). But does the identification on EMİRGAZİ 1 (§§ 13, 25, 27) of Empire logographic POST (apa) throw doubt on this? What else could it be? § 4. Clause paralleled on KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3a, see discussion there. This does not preserve the introductory particles including the Ortspartikel -tá, and is followed by § 3b, which is not exactly intelligible. Here after a lost flake, line 1 ends with some partially preserved signs which may repay reading and interpretation (§ 5, collation required). § 6. Curiously this clause, though clearly read and with every element identifiable, still eludes comprehension: “Let that one seat himself on/dwell in this stele.” What to do? “Let his stele seat itself here”? *a-wa/i-ti-tá: note both reflexive -ti(-) and -tá Ortspartikel cf. YALBURT block 14, § 2: *a-wa/i-mi-tá THRONUS SOLIUM, “I seated myself on the throne”. § 7. Already clearly understood in 1975 (Negatives, p. 128, § 9 i). sà-ka-la-da-i(a): this difficult order of reading the signs is now accepted to produce the Hier. Luw. version of Luw. *sakalda- (see Melchert, following Starke, KZ 110 (1997), p. 47). § 8. Elucidated since 1975 by the identification of Empire ARHA form, and the recognition of the verb CAPUT+SCALPRUM (ku-sà-) in the Late Period (TÜNP 1, § 2; also unpublished text): see Edition, 1995, p. 94. For the interpretation of CAPUT+SCALPRUM as “efface” rather than “remove?”, see Yakubovich, below, § 20.
§ 9. Collation produced the reading of the verb tara/izi/a-nú-wa/i-ti (tarzanuwati), cf. also below, § 26. For the meaning “(make) turn”, see Rieken, Fs Rasmussen (2004), pp. 457–468. § 10. L.461-tá: Empire equivalent of Late (LOQUI)mara/i -ta (?) (see Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 365 f.), thus “words”? tu-pi: phonetic writing without tense ending, here 3 sing. pres. to be understood. The writing is used like a pseudo-logogram; cf. also here á, “make, do” (§§ 25, 27), also understood as 3 sing. pres. This practice is also seen elsewhere on YALBURT especially again tu-pi (blocks 2, § 1; 7 § 1; 12, § 2), last example and perhaps also the other two to be understood as 1 sing. pret. Cf. also i(a)-zi/a, “made” (1 sing. pret.?) (YALBURT block 9, § 2; SÜDBURG, § 18).
§ 11. Note absence of connective particles. §§ 11–12. Clause division taken incorrectly in Edition 1995, established correctly by observation of initial-a-final rule. Thus § 12 cannot be introduced by wa/i-tá where *a- would be required, so this must be enclitic on the preceding signs zi/a-tá-sa-. This clarifies the clause structure considerably. DEUS-ní-zi/a could represent masaninzi (nom./acc. plur. MF) or masani(ya)nza (dat. plur.): the first cannot be accommodated in the syntax of the clause, so the latter must be understood, “to/for the gods …” STELE: what case and how to accommodate? “To the gods of the stele” may be found a possible option, cf. the following. zi/a-tá-sa- STELE: I suggest to recognize in the first word zatasa(n), dat. sing. of *zatasi-, gen. adj. of za-, “this”, plural form, “to (that) of these (ones)”; cf. Lyc. epttehi, “that of those” i.e. “their”, with -t- extension marking plurality, also REL-tá-zi/a, dat. plur., below § 19. This would show STELE here to be dat. sing., “to the stele of these (ones)”. hwi/a-sa-ti(-i(a))-sa (-i(a) removed from 2nd to 4th place, § 11; absent in § 12): P. Michel proposed the important recognition of this word as hwasatti-, the Luwian form of Hittite huwasi, “standing stone, precinct” (NABU 2015/1, no. 19). This now makes intelligible sense of §§ 11–12 (see Hawkins, NABU 2019, no. 65). In other words, Emirgazi is a huwasi-precinct, both for the gods of the stele and for their stele itself. § 13. POST-sa: identification of the sign as POST instead of na transforms the understanding of this clause, yielding the well known “But if an inferior man …”. a-la-ri+i: appears to be a verb ala- in an extremely rare Med.-Pass. form, 3 sing. pres. It must express an offense since the following clause must be understood to express
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some kind of punishment. Could it be taken as a deverb. from ala-, “high”?: thus “If an inferior man is raised up”. Note presence of -ta Ortspartikel. § 14. tá-tu tá-tu-tu: no progress since Edition 1995. This phrase appears to be a close parallel to tá-tu-sa *a-sa-tu, “let him be TATUS” (§§ 17, 21), expressing punishment or vengeance for offenses. tá-tu-sa apparently nom. sing. MF (-s nom. ending), as against here tá-tu(-tu), trans. verb, 3 plur. imper., with tá-tu, dat. sing.(?). MAGNUS-zi/a, “the great (ones), the authorities”: = Hitt. LÚ.MEŠ GAL/RA-BU-TIM. § 15. L.430-ti-sa taken as punatis, “all, everyone” (nom. sing. MF). x: verb, single sign (only one unrecognizable in the whole text), thus must be logogram understood as 3 sing. pres. § 16. ma-pa-wa/i-da (note incorrect -tá in Edition 1995, 2006): end of chain must represent -ada, “it/them”, dir. obj., following Rieken, SMEA 50 (Rome, 2008), pp. 637–647, esp. 640 f. (MONS)ASCIA: writing recognized in Edition 2006, adds another mountain to the text besides Mount Sarpa. Since I identify the latter as Arisama Dağ on which the EMİRGAZİ monuments were found, Mount “Axe” (reading of ASCIA logogram not established) should be an adjacent mountain, thus the Karaca Dağ (see Map, Edition 2006, p. 73, fig. 8). Since the clause’s dir. obj. is -ada, “it/them”, (MONS)ASCIA is presumably dat. sing., “on Mount “Axe””. -ada, “it/them” (dir. obj.): to what can this refer, i.e. what is the object of the offense? Similar monuments on Mount “Axe” to those on Mount Sarpa? § 17. SCALPRUM-sa (also, same context, § 21): second sign read in Edition 1995 as L.414, but now repeated collation appears to confirm it as sa. For L.414, now to be recognized as Empire form of hi, see discussion in Signary (Part 5.3, under L.414, hi), also below, § 19, L.414. OVIS (also §§ 21, 22). L.414 hi is often difficult to distinguish from the signs ha and sa. If we accept SCALPRUM-sa here, it is probably to be taken as logogram+case ending, genitive in the easiest identification. SCALPRUM in the Late period has been shown to determine stone objects (equivalent of Hitt. NA4): cf. here its attachment to STELE (§§ 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19, 24, 27), also YALBURT block 4, § 1c, SCALPRUM.CRUS.LOCUS, “socle(?)”. We could try here a simple interpretation “stone” (gen. sing.), dependent on TATUS, thus “the stone’s TATUS”. tá-tu-sa: following what was said for § 14, we guess at some such sense as “avenger, punisher”.
§ 18. AVISx-na-wa/i-*a: almost desperate. Is AVISx a bird, is it a noun, is it the subject of the verb, is it an evil thing? Is -na- phonetic complement or what? Is the -*a initial-a-final, is it the first syllable of AVISx? PORTA-MI “in the gate”?: nothing to add to discussion Edition 1995, p. 96 f. REGIO-ní-i(a), “in the land”?: dat. sing. more easily accommodated than nom./acc. plur. N. SOLIUM: verb most probably 3 sing. pres., “will dwell”. § 19. L.414.OVIS: identification of Empire form OVIS in Edition 1995, p. 96 f. L. 414 now securely recognized as Empire form of hi, especially by comparison with digraphic examples from Emar published by Beyer, Emar IV, and Gonnet apud Arnaud, Au. Or. Suppl. 1 (1991). The sign also occurs on seals in the title L.414.DOMINUS: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 312 no. 64. Now Belkıs Dinçol with examples on seals from the Oberstadt has ingeniously proposed to recognize in hi a writing for Hitt. NA4hekur, thus hi-DOMINUS, “administrator of the hekur”: StBoT 46, (2001), p. 100 f.; see now further, Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO (2008), p. 70. The proposal is attractive and provisionally accepted, but something more in the way of supporting evidence is required. REL-tá-zi/a STELE, “to which stelae”: relative identified as dat. plur., presumed reading kwatanz(a), Edition 1995, p. 97; accepted, Melchert, The Luwians (2003), p. 191. ma-lu-wa/i CRUS, “stand for maluwa”: Edition 1995, p. 97, follows Eichner in comparing maluwa with Sidet. malwa = Greek χαριστηρια, “thank-offering”. § 20. *a-wa/i-tá: in Edition 1995, p. 97 I had identified in this connective chain -ata, “it/them”, but since Rieken 2008, we must instead recognize -tá as Ortspartikel, and understand the object of ARHA CAPUT+SCALPRUM. I had taken this to be the L.414.OVIS, but Yakubovich (Excerpt) points out that it is more probably the STELE, since other attestations of the verb have it attacking monuments. The two Late examples of the verb show that it was read ku/REL-sà- (kwisa- or kwasa-, and kusa-): the alternation of ku and REL interestingly supports the continued reading of REL as kwi/kwa. § 21. L.414.OVIS DOMINUS.NA: B. Dinçol, loc. cit. (§ 19) accepts the identification with L.414.DOMINUS, interpreting “administrator of the hekur”. SCALPRUM-sa tá-tu-sa: see discussion above, §§ 14, 17. § 22. *a-pa-na: rule initial-a-final confirms this order of reading, see Hawkins apud Melchert, The Luwians, p. 160. Now however the identification of POST = apa, “back, again” (§§ 13, 25, 27) raises a problem in identifying apan here:
would such a phonetic writing co-exist with logographic POST? § 25. REL+ra/i-pa(-), “or”: negatives and disjunctives reviewed recently by Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert (2010), pp. 98–128, esp. 117–121. -wa/i-da: previously read -wa/i tà-na, but the identification of na, rather as POST abolishes the supposed tà-na, “holy”, leaving -wa+ada, “and them” (the stelae). POST (NEG) á: recognition of POST (above) simplifies the sense giving the verb apa a-, “re-make, repair” also in parallel § 27. § 26. (DEUS)SOL SOL+RA/I: identified as Sun-Goddess of Arinna, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 32. á(FEMINA.DEUS).L.461, “the goddess Ala” (consort of the Stag-God), as elucidated by Forlanini. REX.L.398-zi/a: no progress since Edition 1995, p. 99. L.303-zi/a: phonetic value of L.303 as sari confirmed by Kuşaklı seal impressions sari-sà(URBS) as writing of Sarissa. For the occurrence of this toponym also as a personal name, see Hawkins, Or. NS 79 (2010), pp. 171–176. A plausible explanation of the reading is suggested by M. Weeden, SIGILLUM+CRUS = sa5+ari (rebus “stand”). The present word is likely thus to read sarinzi, for which an interpretation is still awaited. INFRA tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-tu: reading of verb established Edition 1995, p. 99 f.; interpretation by Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, 2004. § 27. POST á, “re-make, repair”: see § 25. PUGNUS-MI: -na re-read as POST, leaving this form for interpretation, previously taken as infinitive or the like in -na. PUGNUS-MI- (§ 29) is clearly a transitive verb, which is perhaps possible here if we take this clause ending in two verbs in asyndeton, “PUGNUS-MI’s (and) re-makes”. If so it must be a verb which can have as object both “stelae” and (§ 29) “him”. Alternatively we would have to see in this endingless form perhaps an adverb. § 29. su-na-sa-ti, also § 37 below: reappeared on SÜDBURG, § 3 – see discussion there (StBoT Bh. 3, p. 34). PUGNUS-MI-tu: discussion in Edition 1995, p. 100, still stands; on the possible link of this verb with Late PUGNUS(-) lu/a/i-mi-, “(make) strong” see CHLI I/1, p. 96 f. § 30. The action as performed by Tudhaliya himself in § 1 above is here envisaged as performed in future by a […] or a hunter. REL-i(a)-sa-ha: as noted Edition 1995, p. 101, presumably kwis, “(he) who …” + copula -ha but lacking quotative -wa.
§ 31. ma-wa/i-sa […], “whether he (be) […]: sense perhaps [king]. We may further note that there is probably space which could have accommodated another [ma-wa/i-sa …], [whether he be a …]. § 32. Sense “hunter” proposed Edition 2006, pp. 59–61, where the animal head previously read VITELLUS (Laroche L.109, “VEAU”) was argued instead to represent a cervid, thus CERVUS4, and gain its sense ideographically from “cervid+projectile (L.285)”. Since then Simon (Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 20–30) on the basis of CANIS. L.285 (KOCAOĞUZ, §§ 1, 2) has proposed that the animal head should be recognized as a dog, CANIS, in all examples and that L.285 should have its known phonetic reading zu(wa) as a first-syllable phonetic indicator thus (CANIS)zu(wa), = (Luw.) zuwani“dog” (as symbol of the hunt). Simon may find my identification of the animal heads of this group as cervids unconvincing. I find his rival identification as canines completely unconvincing: Hittite and Neo-Hittite representations of dogs always show them prick-eared (as indeed on KOCAOĞUZ); and then there is the question of the knob on the forehead of the animal shown clearly, especially on KARAKUYU and EMİRGAZİ frag./YALBURT block 10, § 2, which I suggested was the “pedicel” from which the stag’s antlers regrow annually. If these heads cannot be shown to represent canines, then Simon’s proposed (CANIS)zu(wa) = zuwani- falls, except conceivably on KOCAOĞUZ if this were (improbably) to be separated from the other examples. Oreshko, Luwian Identities (2013), pp. 388–390, 413– 416, argues at length in support of Simon’s (CANIS)zu(wa)-, identifying the “pedicel” as a second (canine) ear, and reading the whole group without any supporting evidence as zunauli, “hunter”. He further misrepresents my cervid identification as a “young cervid”, apparently unaware that mature stags shed their antlers annually and regrow them from the pedicel. In view of these fallacious arguments from Simon and Oreshko, I hold for the present to my original CERVUS4. IACULUM, “hunt, hunter”. § 33. Awkwardness of integrating this clause into the sequence of the text noted in Edition 1995, p. 101. The -pa- in -pawa especially seems to disrupt the flow. [L.137-ha-sa5]: as noted traces of L.137 are present supporting this restoration. L.502-mi-li LOCUS-ti: compared by van den Hout with Hitt. dammeli pedi (for which see now CHD, s.v. pedaAe 14'), “uncultivated place etc.” (Bi. Or. 52 (1995), p. 562 n. 84), following Meriggi apud Poetto, Stud. Med. 3 (1981) p. 51 n. 100); cf. L.502 (reversed) -mi-li (KARAHÖYÜK, § 18). Yakubovich now proposes a reading of LOCUS as arlant-/
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allant- (Kadmos, 56 (2017), pp. 1–27), and cites this, the only Empire attestation, along with the Late attestations as dat. sing. Even if this is corrrect (and the supporting evidence is thin), it could be that given the Hitt. parallel, this sole Empire writing does represent the Luw. cognate to Hitt. pedi, i.e. *paddi. § 34. L.137-ha-sa5 (also § 36, and SÜDBURG, § 17): van den Hout’s identification as a writing of Luw. malhassa-, “ritual”, with the logogram representing a beak-spouted libation vessel in act of pouring, noted in Edition 1995, p. 101, and published Bi. Or. 52 (1995), pp. 562–564 (diagram in the Dutch version Tudhalija Kosmokrator (University of Amsterdam 1993, p. 24 figs. 14–15).
§ 35. *a-wa/i-ti-i(a)-na connectives preserved only on (frag.) altar D, good Empire writing of a- (copula) + wa (quotative particle) + ti (3 sing. reflexive) + -an (“him”, 3 sing. acc. MF). verb expressing punishment lost. § 37. su-na-sa-ti: see above, § 29, Commentary, now well attested. á-na+ra/i-zú-ha-ti: as noted, apparently the only attestation of Empire zú (L.448). The word appears to be a compound of annara- (for which see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 291, with refs.); and an otherwise unknown zuha-. PRAE hwi/a-i(a)-tu: as noted Edition 1995, p. 102, the verb is clearly pari hwiya-, “run before”, though the hwi/a has lost its usual vertical tail.
XIV.5. EMİRGAZİ 2. Base. (plate 10) Location. Ancient Oriental Museum, Istanbul, no. 1597 (Messerschmidt) or 7771 (Gelb). Description. Remains of inscribed base preserving five lines of inscription on two narrow sides A and B, which show the right and left edges of the inscription respectively. The wide side between them across which the inscription would have run has been completely destroyed in the cutting down of the block to make a water trough. The fourth wide side was uninscribed and presumably stood against a wall. Other cuttings are visible, including a vertical groove down the length of side B, overflow channels cut into the middle of sides A and B; a plug-hole into the base through the middle of the fourth side, surrounded by cup-shaped cuttings (as if it had had another use besides that of trough when turned the other way up); an original mortice hole in the upper surface was enlarged by breakage. Cf. Bossert, Belleten 16 (1952), below, Publication. The inscription. Its five lines preserve traces of an uninscribed band above, and an uninscribed band below occupying about one quarter of the total height. It begins at the upper right corner of side A (not preserved) and runs sinistroverse across the lost wide side on to side B, where at the left edge it descends to line 2 running dextroverse across the lost wide side to side A right edge, descending to line 3 and so on, boustrophedon, ending side B lower left corner (hardly preserved). Sides A and B thus preserve the right and left sides of the text which has lost its entire middle section with the destruction of the wide side. The initial part of the text though obscured by damage, is hardly the beginning but simply a continuation from an upper element. The end, though not obviously the termination of the text, could
be so—there is no obvious place for it to have continued. This view that the right and left sides of the text are preserved should show the following continuities: beginning A1 right side; B1+2, A2+3, B3+4, A4+5; end B5 left side. The only contexts clear enough to support this are A2+3 and B3+4. Dimensions: inscribed ht., 0.60 m.; w., (wide side?) (narrow sides) max. preserved w., A, 0.37 m., B, 0.40 m.; line ht., 0.11 m. Condition: partially destroyed, some reasonably clear parts. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Peculiarities: initial-a-final, but not invariably. Discovery. In June 1904 by W.M. Ramsay at Emirgazi together with altar C; seen in Istanbul Museum in 1906 by Messerschmidt. Report by Ramsay, Studies in the History and Art … (Aberdeen, 1906), XI. Emir Ghazi (by T. Callander), pp. 178–180. Cf. Garstang, LH (1910)/HE (1929), pp. 183 f., 397/159 f., 339. Publication. Sayce, PSBA 27 (1905), pl. III drawn from Ramsay’s squeeze; Messerschmidt, CIH2 (1906), pp. 8 f., 17, Taf. XLIX (drawing from autopsy in 1906); Ramsay, op. cit. (1906), pl. X (photo, side B only); Hrozný, Ar. Or. 8 (1936), pls. XXIII–XXIV (photos, side B (“A”), side A (“B”)) = IHH III (1937), pls. LXXXVIII–LXXXIX; Masson, Journal des Savants (1979), pp. 9–13 with figs. 3a–b, 4 (diagram showing damage and survival, copies of Sayce (1905) and Messerschmidt+Meriggi (1906+1975), copy of author); fig. 12a–b, photos of sides B, A). Cf. Bossert, Belleten 16 (1952), p. 514 f., Abb. 9, 11, 12.
Edition. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 23, pp. 280–283, Tav. VI (Messerschmidt’s copy with collations – reproduced Masson, loc. cit., fig. 3b); Masson, loc. cit. Publication, pp. 13–17. Excerpts. Poetto, Stud. Med. 8 (1993), Tav. XXVI (photo of side B with l. 5 copy), p. 70 f. Content. Fragments only: dedication clearly to the Sun-Goddess of Arinna my “Lord” ((A) § 1, (B) § 3, (A) § 6, (B) § 13) as
YALBURT is dedicated to the Storm-God my Lord. Strong parallels with YALBURT: §§ 4–5 // block 3; §§ 7–9 // blocks 13+3; § 12 // blocks 14+15, 6. Thus presumably a historical account, similar to but different from YALBURT, of the Deeds of Tudhaliya. Date. Tudhaliya IV, late 13th century B.C. Text. Copy traced on acetate direct from stone. Photographs. Taken in İstanbul Museum in 1987.
A 1 § 1 […-w]a/i-*a (DEUS)SOL.SOL+RA/I mi-sa-*a DOMINUS.NA [… […] x+[A]VIS?3+ra/i(REGIO) tu-ha-i(a)-sa x x […] x x B 1 § 2 2 VIR2.L.273-zi/a (MONS)sà-la-ka 2-sa | | tu-pi-sa CRUS § 3 wa/i-mu-*a (DEUS)SOL.SO[L+RA/I] mi-sa-*a DOMINUS.NA … … A 2 § 4 [… PR]AE-na PES2 § 5 REL-ti-pa-wa/i-mu FINES-zi/a PRAE-na [a]-pa-tá | | 3 PONERE § 6 a-wa/i-sa (DEUS)SOL.SOL+RA/I a-mi DOMINUS.NA x x x [… … B 3 § 7 […] pi-na-(a)li(URBS) DELERE-nú-wa/i-ha § 8 a-wa/i ⌈á⌉-wa/i+ra/i-na(REGIO) PES2 (a) 4 § 9 wa/i-mu-*a | | CENTUM 4×MILLE [(a)li]-wa/i-⌈ní⌉ § 10 ⌈ASINUS⌉-ní-pa-wa/i x NEG […] x § 11 wa/i-t[á … A 4 § 12 […] x x REGIO-i(a) (DEUS)SOL CAELUM BOS? URBS? ? VIR2 FEMINA? INFANS? | | 5 § 13 REL-la-tara/i-na(REGIO) TAL(A)-wa/i(REGIO) FEMINA.INFANS-ha CRUS2-zi/a INFRA REL-zi/a-tá B 5 § 14 [… (DE]US)SOL.SOL+RA/I a-mi [DOMINUS].NA ⌈REX⌉.L.398-ha-ti PONERE § 15 a?-wa/i-mi?-i(a)? …
[For me] the Sun-Goddess of Arinna my sovereign [… […]-country Tuhayasa […] the L.273-men(?) (on?) Mount Salaka … stood TUPISA, and for me the Sun-Goddess of Arinna my sovereign [… […] (he?) arrived before […], but when he afterwards put the frontiers before me, he to the Sun-Goddess of Arinna my sovereign […
[…] I destroyed the city Pinali, and I went to the land of Awarna, and for me ⌈the enemy?⌉ (was) 4100, but mules [there were?] not, … […] the land(s) the Sun-God of Heaven …, in Kuwalatarna and Talawa lands the women and children KWAZA-ed down on the knees … […] to the Sun-Goddess of Arinna my sovereign with … (one) put, and …
Commentary § 1. [mu-pa-w]a/i-*a: the traces […-w]a/i-*a effectively demand this restoration; cf. YALBURT block 4, § 3, in a similar context. (DEUS)SOL.SOL+RA/I mi-sa-*a DOMINUS.NA, “Sun-Goddess of Arinna my sovereign”: the great Tudhaliya seal from Ugarit (Ugaritica III, figs. 24, 26, pls. III, IV) shows what is clearly this deity holding her name (DEUS)SOL+SOL. Laroche commenting on this (ibid., pp. 114–116) noted the
drawbacks to this identification from EMİRGAZİ: the uncertain interpretation of SOL+RA/I, EMİRGAZİ 1, § 29, and the present text, which additionally always qualifies her as “my lord” (§§ 1, 3, 6, 13). With the recurrence of the (DEUS)SOL. SOL on SÜDBURG, § 3, I proposed as solution to the drawbacks (StBoT Bh. 3, p. 32) to understand “Sun-Goddess of Sun (city)” (Arinnitiya/Arinniddu of Arinna); and I further noted the epithet “my lord” applied to the goddess Kubaba
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
in Karkamiš inscriptions, thus “lord” either unisex, “sovereign”, or perhaps with a separate feminine reading. DOMINUS.NA: how to explain na which always follows DOMINUS in Empire inscriptions but does not appear to be a usual phonetic complement? In a paper read at the VIII ICH (2014), p. 614 ff. R. Oreshko plausibly argued that Late writings (DOMINUS)nani(ya)-, “lord”, could be full phonetic writings not as previously thought partial complement, and thus that Empire DOMINUS.NA was logogram + first syllable phonetic indicator. This would of course make nani-, “lord”, a homonym of Cun./Hier. Luw. nani-, “brother”, which is based on the unassailable correspondences L.276 = Cun. ŠEŠ, read nani(ya)- (Oreshko tries to evade this homonymy by fallacious arguments). § 2. […] x+[A]VIS?3+ra/i(REGIO): sign(s) before +ra/i rendering toponym probably as given. tu-ha-i(a)-sa […]: possibly another toponym, cf. (Late, Hamath) tú-ha-ia-ta-(REGIO) (HAMA 7, § 3)? VIR2. L.273-zi/a (contra Masson: x SOL SOL+ra/i): VIR2 (L.386) can now be seen in the Empire period to determine persons, people and professions, not becoming a word-divider until the Late period (Hawkins, Kadmos 49 (2010), pp. 1–10), thus the “L.273-person(s)”? The case ending -zi/a
can of course be nom./acc. plur. MF or dat. plur., or indeed nom. acc. sing. N., which hardly assists in understanding this passage of multiple uncertainties of reading and ana lysis. (MONS)sà-la-ka: read by Masson and identified with Hitt. HURSAG ša-la-[… of AM. 2-sa (contra Masson: mi-à-sa): 2 apparently the numeral; -sa could belong with (MONS)sà-la-ka(-). tu-pi-sa: connect with tu-pi-, “smite”? but what grammatical form? CRUS: verb, subject unclear, could be (MONS)sà-la-ka-sa if nom. sing. MF, and standing for “(the men of) Mount S.” § 3. “Me the Sun-Goddess of Arinna my sovereign […]”, as also § 1: if we compare the repeated “the Storm-God (my) lord” of YALBURT, we could expect here “[ran before]”. §§ 4–5. These two clauses have parallel in YALBURT block 3, § 2, and surprisingly I have been able to identify two similar clauses on NİŞANTAŞ AIV centre left. These parallels assist in restoring and elucidating each other. (Reading contra Masson, “… ALLER-na REL-i/ia -wa-mu za/i AVANT-na .?. pa-tá METTRE”)
(Transliteration) (1)
EMİRGAZİ 2 § 4 [… PR]AE-na PES2 § 5 REL-ti-pa-wa/i-mu FINES-zi/a PRAE-na [*a]-pa-tá PONERE
YALBURT block 3 § 2 REL-ti-pa-wa/i-m[u] FINES(?)/VIA(?)-[…] PRAE-n[a] a+ra/i-[…]
NİŞANTAŞ AIV §b REL-ti-pa-wa/i-tá DEUS-ní-ti FINES-zi/a PRAE-na a+ra/i-ha §c *a-wa/i-tá TONITRUS.HALPA(URBS) FILIUS PRAE-na *a-pa-tá PONERE
connective particles: three clauses (1–3) share REL-ti-pawa/i-, “but when …”; to which (1, 2) add -mu, “(to/for) me”, and (3) -tá Ortspartikel. Those with -mu cannot(?) have verb 1 sing.; that with -tá does have verb 1 sing. (pret.). verbs: (1) has […PR]AE-na PES2 followed by PRAE-na *a-patá PONERE; (2) has PRAE-n[a] a+ra/i-[…]; (3) has PRAE-na a+ra/i-ha followed by PRAE-na *a-pa-tá PONERE. PES2: one Late reading is ar-, “come, arrive” (= Hitt. ar-, see ASSUR letter a, § 6, Commentary). With that reading here, the parallelism with NİŞANTAŞ would be reinforced. PONERE, presumably as always tuwa-, “put”. subjects: (3) a+ra/i-ha only one marked as 1 sing. pret.; (2) a+ra/i-[…], ending lost, but presumably not 1 sing. because
of enclitic -m[u] (acc./dat.), thus 3 sing./plur. -[tá]; (1) PONERE not 1 sing. (enclitic -mu), but 3 sing. (pret.), since following clause begins *a-wa/i-sa, “(and) he …”. (3) PONERE subject as that of preceding verb should be 1 sing. pret.; (1) PES2 presumably 3 sing. as following PONERE since a change of subject from 1 sing. to 3 sing. should be marked. FINES-zi/a (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5; NİŞANTAŞ A IV, § i): -zi/a ending can be nom./acc. plur. MF (-inzi) or dat. plur. (-anz(a)); latter more likely in each case, “before the frontiers”. FINES(?)/VIA(?) (YALBURT block 3, § 2): context compared with NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § i, suggests FINES-[zi/a], but the sign-form looks very attenuated for FINES, and could possibly be VIA, otherwise unattested in Empire inscriptions.
*a-pa-tá: possibly = Hitt.-Luw. appanda, “afterwards”, also Lyc. epñte (Melchert, CLL and LL, s.v.), if this can be
accommodated by the sense; alternatively APATA may represent something else crucial to the unclear sense.
(Translation) (1)
[… he arrived before [the frontiers(?)], and when he put me APATA before the frontiers …
when [he/they] arrived before the frontier[s] …
when by (the help of) the god(s) I arrived before the frontiers, I put the son(s) of Aleppo APATA before (the frontiers) … .
§ 6. *a-wa/i-sa (DEUS)SOL.SOL+RA/I a-mi DOMINUS.NA x x … (contra Masson: à-mi-sa DSOLEIL.SOLEIL+épine à-wa SEIGNEUR-na wa-tu-sa na…) “(and) he to the Sun-Goddess of Arinna my sovereign …” subject: -as, “he”, as preceding clause. indirect object: the Sun-Goddess, as shown by ami, “to my …” (dat. sing.). §§ 7–8. The important contribution of Masson was the recognition in the two toponyms the Awarna and Pina(…) of the Milawata letter (Edition, pp. 36–8), which appear in a more detailed context on YALBURT blocks 12+13. She also correctly read the signs REGIO PES2 (§ 8), previously taken as one unidentified sign (L.266, which is thus deleted). Her readings require the adjustments as given below. Her inferences on Hittite geography have been superseded by the identification by Poetto of Awarna and Pina(li) as Xanthos and Pinara: see discussion under YALBURT. pi-na-⌈L.416⌉(URBS): last sign identified from YALBURT writings as L.416, Empire form of L.319, former reading ta4 but new evidence pointed to reading (a)li (Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3 (1995), pp. 26–28; id. apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 289 f. Excursus 1; cf. further Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008) pp. 1–19). Now a join to the Milawata letter by M. Weeden gives the full Cuneiform reading of the toponym abbreviated URU pi(-na) as URUpi-na-li-ia, thus NABU (2012/3 no. 49) confirming the Hier. -(a)li. Pinali = Lyc. Pinale, Gr. Pinara (Poetto). DELERE-nú-wa/i-ha: unusually full phonetic writing, cf. YALBURT parallel passage (block 13, § 2), purely logographic DELERE. Note also the absence of the usual preverb arha here. ⌈á⌉-wa/i+ra/i-na(REGIO): full writing seen on YALBURT block 13, § 3, confirms traces of á not observed by Masson (who read pa). Awarna identified with Xanthos (Aram. ʾwrn, Lyc. Arnña) by Poetto. PES2: identified by Masson confirmed by YALBURT correspondence.
-a: recurs on YALBURT correspondence differently placed, where it could be taken as a plene writing (-na-a) after Awarna. Here it would be out of place, apparently linked to PES2, though this is difficult to explain. §§ 9–10 correspond to YALBURT block 13, §§ 4–5, now to be read (Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert (2010), p. 110 n. 16): a-wa/i-mu (VIR2) (a)li-wa/i-ní-sa 4×MILLE CENTUM ASINU-ní-i(a)-pa-wa/i [… “to me (there were) 4100 enemy, but mules [… It is diffucult to extract all elements from the EMİRGAZİ 2 parallel passage: the relatively clear wa/i however might permit the discovery of a very small L.416 before it and a shapeless lump after it could give -ní, thus possibly (a)li?wa/i-ní?. A further shapeless lump then should be ASINUS followed by -ní-pa-wa/i as read. (x) NEG: relatively clear but seems to have something before it, which can hardly be the “crampon” (L.386), now recognized in the Empire period as VIR2 determinative. The presence of NEG suggested the YALBURT sequence block 13+block 2 beginning NEG-wa/i a-sa-tá “there were not”, especially as it continues: “but when [he/they] arrived before the frontier to me, mule […”. This in turn would point to the recognition of traces of a-sa-tá on EMİRGAZİ 2, § 10, not obvious but perhaps not impossible. The continuation § 11 however appears to be wa/i-t[á-*a …]. § 12. …] x x REGIO-i(a) (DEUS)SOL CAELUM BOS? URBS? VIR2? FEMINA? INFANS. (Masson: …n PAYS-za/i DSOLEIL.CIEL wa-mu-i/ia-à DONNER). None of the doubtful readings suggest any sense. § 13. Elucidated by Poetto in conjunction with two YALBURT parallel passages, blocks 14+15, and 6: see Edition, 1993, pp. 41–44, 70 f. I must agree that his order of reading is preferable to what I understood in StBoT Bh. 3, p. 76; thus …
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
FEMINA.INFANS-ha CRUS2-zi/a INFRA REL-zi/a-tá, “… the women and children prostrated themselves at (my) knees”. There does appear to be a -ha copula connecting FEMINA. INFANS (this is lacking in the YALBURT parallels, nor indeed is such a copula observable elsewhere in Empire inscriptions). CRUS2-zi/a, dat. plur. with the horizontal (“kneeling”) leg, perhaps writing “knees”, rather than “legs” (vertical leg) or “feet” (foot): for the sense cf. Greek γουναζω. § 14. (DEUS)SOL SOL+RA/I a-mi [DOMINUS].NA (contra Masson: DSOLEIL SOLEIL+épine à-wa-na …), “to the Sun-Goddess of Arinna my sovereign”: again dat. sing., as in § 6.
REX-L.398-ha-ti: apparently the same as REX. L.398-zi/a (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 26), abl. sing./plur.? § 15. a?-wa/i-mi-i(a)? … (contra Masson: METTRE-wa-na DESCENDANCE): very uncertain. The presumption that this clause reaches to the original edge of the block, thus to the left edge of the text, implies that this was the last clause of the whole text, but the context is not clear enough either to confirm or to rebut this.
XIV.6. EMİRGAZİ 3. Fragment. (plate 11) Location. Konya Archaeological Museum. Description. Corner fragment of grey basalt base, bearing dextroverse inscription on narrow side + wide side (incomplete); reverse and upper surface dressed, uninscribed. Below the inscription a dressed uninscribed area about half the total height ends in a raised ridge below which it is undressed, probably to be sunk in the ground. Dimensions (from Alp, Publication): ht., 0.26 m.; preserved w., 0.41 m.; th., 0.14 m. Condition: as preserved, good. Script: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Peculiarities: initial-a-final. Discovery. Acquired from a villager of Emirgazi by Prof.-Dr. Sedat Alp on behalf of his Karahöyük-Konya Expedition on a visit in the Autumn 1953 and taken to the Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, Ankara University. It was transferred to Konya Museum in the early 1970s. Laroche, HH, p. xxiii, noted: “EMİRGAZİ 6. Fragment inédit, à Ankara”, which must refer to it. See Alp, Publication, p. 11 f.
Publication. S. Alp, Eine weitere Hieroglypheninschrift aus Emirgazi (Fs Otten (1) (1973), pp. 11–13, Abb. 1a–c (photos of narrow side, corner, wide side)). Edition. Cf. Masson, Kadmos 19 (1980), p. 120 f. With the publication of YALBURT in 1988 (Temizer apud Özgüç (TTKY V/43; 1988), pls. 85–95), a more complete parallel clause to that of EMİRGAZİ 3 appeared with the junction of blocks 16+10: Hawkins, Fs Alp (1992), pp. 260–264. Cf. Poetto, Stud. Med. 8 (1993), pp. 27, 53–56; Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3 (1995), p. 78 f. Full discussion: Hawkins, Fs de Roos (2006), pp. 58–62, with fig. 9 (copies of both texts). Content. Favour of Stag-God to author (YALBURT full context: proem to narrative, favour of Storm- and StagGods). Date. Reign of Tudhaliya IV, late 13th century B.C. Text. Copy traced from the stone in Konya Museum in 1992. Photographs. Taken at the same time.
CERVUS3.DEUS.L.463-ti wa/i-sà-ti wa/i-mi-i(a)-*a CERVUS4.IACULUM(?) L.463.L.398 H[EROS? …
By the favour of the Stag-God of the Countryside: I (am) the Hunter, the Field-Master(?) the H[ero …
Commentary wa/i-sà-ti: taken as verb, 3 sing. pres. by Masson, loc. cit. (Edition), “favorise/favorisera”; similarly Poetto, loc. cit.
p. 53, wa/i-s3 82, “venne favorevolmente”. On balance I prefer a noun, abl. sing., “by the favour of”.
wa/i-mi-i(a)-*a: understood as introducing a nominal sentence, 1 sing. pres., “(I am) …”. CERVUS4.IACULUM(?): understood in my full edition as an ideographic representation of “hunt; hunter”. For alternative interpretations of the writing by Simon and Oreshko, see EMİRGAZİ 1, § 32, Commentary, where these arguments are rebutted.
L.463 and similar Late forms L.463 (3) are recognized as representing Cun. LÍL, Luw. imra- (Hitt. gimra-), “the Wild, the Countryside”: Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies (2004), p. 355 ff. The sign L.398 occurs as a title on seals, alone and as MAGNUS. L.398. A sense such as “Field-Master” is inferred from these observations and would be appropriate in the context.
XIV.7. YALBURT. Monument with inscription. (plates 12 – 25) Location. Hittite monument with Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription on 19+ blocks on the west side of the road running between the villages of Avdan and Büyükoba, some 2–3 km. east of the village of Yalburt, itself 26 km. northnorth-east of the town of Ilgın (vilayet of Konya). Description. The 19 inscribed blocks were found scattered, thus without external evidence for their original order. Context may supply internal evidence for the sequence of some blocks: thus blocks 1+16+10; 12+13+3; 14+15. Other juxtapositions may be speculatively proposed, but it is not ascertainable how many blocks of the whole have been recovered and how many lost, which hampers these attempts. The inscribed blocks are of varying degrees of preservation: well preserved, blocks 1, 2, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15; some damage, blocks 3, 16; moderately preserved, blocks 7, 9, 11; poorly preserved, blocks 5, 6, 8; fragmentary, blocks 17, 18, 19. Dimensions are not recorded but all blocks are approximately 0.63 m. high and of varying widths; each shows a prominent uninscribed upper and lower band about 0.13 m. high framing the inscribed area, where the script is in relief and the sign forms Empire monumental. Peculiarities: u for mu; occasional linear variants of monumental sign-forms (i(a), LABARNA); initial-a-final is sometimes observable but is not very pronounced, and sometimes definitely not practised (e.g. a-mi-, “my”). Discovery. In 1970 construction work for a çeşme (fountain) on the Avdan–Büyükoba road exposed a ruined Hittite monument around which were scattered 19 inscribed blocks and a number of fragments. This was reported to the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, and in 1971 the director, Raci Temizer, led a team to investigate, survey and restore the site in situ, with further work in 1972 and 1975. The monument was reconstructable as a water-basin built of dressed stone blocks as a rectangle, 12.60 × 8.35 m., modified in the Roman and Byzantine periods. It had been fed by
the same water source as was tapped for the construction of the çeşme. The 19 inscribed blocks were replaced around the south, west and north walls of the basin “in their original positions”, as was claimed, though this is clearly not the case. Nevertheless the blocks have been numbered 1–19 according to this placement. Casts were made which are now kept in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. Reports: M. J. Mellink, Archaeology in Asia Minor (AJA 76 (1972), p. 171; 77 (1973), p. 174; 78 (1974), p. 111; 80 (1976), p. 267); B. Alkım, Explorations and Excavations in Turkey (Anatolica 5 (1973–1976), p. 54 f.); W. Orthmann, Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Anatolien 1971–1976 (AfO 25 (1974– 1977), p. 269); E. P. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), no. 5, pp. 63–66. Cf. G. Karauğuz, Tuthaliia IV., Yalburt und geographische-historische Relationen (V ICH, pp. 485–512). I personally visited the site in 1989 with Hatice Gonnet and again in 1991 with Mirjo Salvini, and briefly in 1992. On both visits I took photographs and examined the text. Publication. R. Temizer apud T. Özgüç, İnandıktepe, an important cult center in the Old Hittite period (TTKY V/43; Ankara, 1988), pp. XXV–XXVII, 172–174, figs. 60–63 (excavation plans 1975, 1971, reconstruction, topographical plan of site), pls. 85–87 (photographs of excavations), 88–95 (photographs of blocks); M. Poetto, L’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica di YALBURT (Stud. Med. 8; Pavia, 1993), Tav. I–XXIII (photographs and copies); H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften, pp. 37–46, Abb. 61–87 (Abb. 64, 71, 77—south, west and north sides of basin; 65–70, 72–76, 78–85 colour photographs of blocks 1–19). Fragments. C. Karasu, M. Poetto, S. Ö. Savaş, New fragments pertaining to the Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription of YALBURT (Archivum Anatolicum 4 (2000), pp. 99–112). Editions. Poetto, op. cit. (Publication); J. D. Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, pp. 66–85 (Appendix 1, YALBURT). Excerpts. blocks 16+10 Hawkins, Fs de Roos, pp. 58–60.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
blocks 2, 7, 11, 12+13 Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 1–19(1), (2), (3), (4). block 7, § 1 Melchert, Fs Poetto, n. 34. Ordering of blocks. Schurr, Klio 92 (2010), pp. 14–24(8): apart from the beginning, blocks 1+16+10, he proposes – Blocks 7+17 (linked by L.511 REGIO) 17+6 (linked by Kuwalatarna linked by REGIO) EMİRGAZİ 2, 14+15 (linked by Talawa § 13 REGIO + women and children) 12+13 (Pinali + Awarna) +3 (linked by ASINUS?-ní-pa-wa/i | | NEG […) 4 (MONS Patara)
This gives a geographical sequence: Nipira (unknown), L.511 (unknown), Kuwalatarna (unknown), Talawa – Pinali – Awarna – Patara. His reading of EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5, to find MONS Patara is incorrect. He discusses the placement of block 9 (Luka REGIO VITIS+x REGIO). He does not attempt to place blocks 2 and 11, or the barely legible blocks 5, 8. Content. Historical inscription of Tudhaliya IV (campaign narrative of expedition against Lukka lands). Date. Late 13th century B.C. Text. Copies traced from photographs. Photographs. Hawkins, 1989, 1991, and courtesy of H. Ehringhaus, and H. Gonnet, as noted.
Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2a b 10. § 3a b § 4
§ 1 § 2 § 3
§ 1a b c § 2
§ 3
SOL2 MAGNUS.REX LABARNA+la MONS+tu LABARNA+la MAGNUS.REX HEROS HATTUSA+li MAGNUS.REX HEROS FILIUS MURSILI-li MAGNUS.REX HEROS | | (frag.) NEPOS [PURUS.FONS.MI MAGNUS.REX HEROS …] | | (16) NEPOS-ka-li (DEUS)TONITRUS wa/i-sà-ti a-wa/i-mi REGIO OMNIS2 (L.273)[m]u-wa/i-ha [(DEUS)]CERVUS3 | | (10) wa/i-sà-ti wa/i-mi-*a HEROS L.463.L.398 CERVUS4.IACULUM MAGNUS.REX (DEUS)TONITRUS DOMINUS.NA REL+ra/i PRAE-na hwi/a-i(a)-tá … | | tu-pi wa/i-mu-*a (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní-sa LINGUA+CLAVUS- tu-sa(URBS) POST-a URBS+MI-a LABARNA+la PES wa/i-mu-*a (DEUS)TONITRUS | | … … | | PRAE-na (MONS)pa-tara/i pi-i(a)-ha MANDARE-nú-wa/i-ha SCALPRUM.CRUS.LOCUS-zi/a i(a)-zi/a-ha zi/a-tá-zi/a-pa-wa/i REGIO-ní-zi/a MAGNUS.REX-zi/a HATTI REGIO a-mi-zi/a (VIR2)TÁ.AVUS-zi/a NEG-a RELi(a)-sa-ha hwi/a-i(a)-tá mu-pa-wa/i-*a (DEUS)TONITRUS.DOMINUS.NA á-zi/a-tá
Translation The Sun, Great King, Labarna Tudhaliya (Labarna, Great King), Hero, Great King, Hero Hattusili’s son, Great King, Hero Mursili’s (16) (frag.) grandson, [… Suppiluliuma’s] great-grandson. By the Storm-God’s favour: I conquered all the lands; By the Stag-[God’s] (10) favour I (am) Hero, Field-Authority, Hunter, Great King. When the Storm-God, (my) Lord, ran before (me), (beginning of narrative: sequence, block 7(?)) …] smote. After me the (a)liwani(sa)-men of … tusa(city) the city, … came and for me the Storm-God [… (probably no block suitable to follow) … Mt. Patara I gave over, I caused to …, “stone-stand-place” I made. But to these countries the Great Kings of Hatti-land, my father (and) grandfathers, no-one had run, but the Storm-God (my) Lord loved me,
§ 4
a-wa/i zi/a-i(a) REGIO-ní-i(a) | |
§§ 1–2 … | | pi x a-i(a)?-ha x MAGNUS OVIS … EGO DARE § 3 a-wa/i-tá MONS … MONS … SUPER!-a PES-wa/i-ha § 4 …
§ 1 § 2
a-wa/i-mu REL-la-tara/i-n[a REGIO] FEMINA.INFANS CRUS2-zi/a [INFRA] REL-[zi/a-tá] a-wa/i-mu L.509 BOS OVIS L.510-ti ARHA CAPERE(?)
§ 3
§ 1 § 2 § 3
a-wa/i ni-pi+ra/i REGIO OMNIS2-sa5 tu-pi a-wa/i-da DELERE (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní ni-pi+ra/i REGIO REL-REL-luwa/i-tá L.511-sa5 REGIO …
§ 1 § 2
… (DEUS)TONITRUS DOMINUS.NA [PRAE]-na hwi/ai(a)-tá a-wa/i …
§ 3 9.
§ 1 § 2 § 3
11. § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 12. § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 13. § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4
a-wa/i …
… x lu-ka(REGIO)-zi/a DELERE MAGNUS.REX VITIS+x(REGIO) EXERCITUS x ROTA i(a)-zi/a a-wa/i lu-ka(REGIO)-zi/a …
a-wa/i (DEUS)TONITRUS DOMINUS.NA PRAE hwi/ai(a)-tá a-wa/i-mi (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní a-pa-[… RE]GIO x mu-wa/i-ha FORTIS.HATTI-tá i(a)-zi/a-sa a-wa/i-mu a-mi-zi/a REL-i(a)-zi/a zi/a-i(a)-x ku-INFRA FORTIS-tá a-wa/i-m[u … …xxx a-wa/i pi-na-(a)li(URBS) tu-pi a-wa/i-mu (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní-sa pi-na-(a)li(URBS) FORTIS.CRUS a-wa/i-mu (DEUS)TONITRUS DOMINUS.NA PRAE hwi/a-i(a)-tá a-wa/i-mi (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní-sa mu-wa/i-ha pi-na-(a)li(URBS) ARHA DELERE a-wa/i á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a REGIO PES2 a-wa/i-mu |(VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní-sa 4×MILLE CENTUM
and these countries (end of block) (possible, block 2; also blocks 14, 17; unclear, blocks 5, 8; impossible, blocks 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17) … … I myself gave and I came up? (to) Mount … (and) Mount … … (sequence unclear) To me (in) Kuwalatarna the women (and) children KWAZA-ed down on the knees, and for me (they) took(?) away/out the deportees(?), …, oxen (and) sheep in full measure, and … (end of block destroyed; sequence unclear) … The land Nipira all (I) smote and (I) destroyed it. The (a)liwani-men of the land Nipira, the land Kuwakuwaluwanta, the land L.511-sa … (end of block damaged/destroyed; sequence unclear) (block 17 possible) … the Storm-God (my) Lord ran before me, and … (end of block illegible; sequence unclear) … the Lukka-lands (I) destroyed. (I) the Great King made the VITIS+ land army, …, chariot(?), and the Lukka-lands … (end illegible, damaged; sequence unclear) … The Storm-God (my) Lord ran before (me), and I conquered the (a)liwani-men of the land Apa… … and me … … (sequence unclear) …xxx (I) smote Pinali-city, and the (a)liwani(sa)-men of Pinali-city “stood strong” (“resisted”) me. The Storm-God (my) Lord ran before me, and I conquered the (a)liwani(sa)-men, (I) destroyed Pinali-city. (I) went to Awarna-land. With me (there were) 4,100 (a)liwani(sa)-men,
34 3.
§ 5 § 6
§ 7 14. § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 15. § 1
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
ASINUS2-ní-i(a)-pa-wa/i | | (3) NEG-wa/i a-sa-ti REL-ti-pa-wa/i-m[u] FINES(?)-[zi/a] PRAE-n[a] a+ra/i[…] a-[wa/i …] ASINUS-ní [… … | | ARHA la-la-ha a-wa/i-mi-tá THRONUS SOLIUM a-wa/i MAGNUS.REX DOMINUS(-)ara/i THRONUS PES2 PES2 a-wa/i-tá TAL(A)-wa/i(REGIO) INFRA-a PES2 a-wa/i-mu TAL(A)-wa/i(REGIO) | | FEMINA INFANS CRUS2-zi/a INFRA REL-zi/a-tá
§ 2
a-wa/i-mu L.509 BOS.OVIS L.501-ti | | […
17. § 1 § 2
… | | x DELERE-ha a-wa/i L.511-sa5 REGIO REL-la-tara/i-na REGIO …
but mule(s) | | (3) there were not. But when [they] arrived before me [at] the frontier/ road, mule(s) [… …] I took away. (I) seated myself on the throne. (I) the Great King (as) rightful(?) lord walked, (from?) the throne, and (I) went down to Talawa-land, to me (in) Talawa-land (sequence: block 15 likely) women (and) children KWAZA-ed down on the knees, and for me the deportees(?), oxen (and) sheep [in full measure (they) took away/out(?)] … I destroyed. and the land L.511, the land Kuwalatarna
Commentary (VIR2)L.416-wa/i-ní(-sa) This word, still not itself certainly understood, is crucial to the understanding of YALBURT and SÜDBURG. It occurs on YALBURT blocks 2, § 2; 7, § 2; 11, § 2; 12, § 3; 13, §§ 1, 4; and SÜDBURG (simply as L.416-wa/i-ní), §§ 1, 4, 5(-zi/a), 8, 9, 12, 14; and further on KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3 (also L.416-wa/i-ní). Problems. (1) Reading: L.416 at the time of the preliminary publication was read ta4, thus giving ta4-wa/i-ní-; but evidence from the NİŞANTEPE seals showed an alternation with Cuneiform ali (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 289 f., Excursus 1), giving a reading ali-wa/i-ní-, adopted by Yakubovich (Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 1–19), and Rieken– Yakubovich (Fs Hawkins (2010), p. 204 f.); but contested by Melchert who argued for a reading lix(-wa/i-ní-) ((a) Fs Vine (2018), pp. 231–241; (b) Fs Poetto (2019), pp. 356–377). (2) -sa case ending? (YALBURT only): understood by me as nom. sing. MF, thus marking the subject of every clause in which it occurs, including some with verb 1 sing. (pret.) and/ or introduced by -mi, reflexive pronoun, 1 sing., thus a royal title referring to the “speaker” Suppiluliuma. This analysis was rebutted by Yakubovich (loc. cit., p. 1 ff., esp. n. 3), on the grounds that (VIR2)ali-wa/i-ní-sa as well as being (nom. sing.) subject of its clause could in some cases also be (acc. sing.) direct object, thus that -sa should be the nom./acc. sing. N “particle” as recognized in Cun. Luwian; also that clauses introduced by -mu (the “non-reflexive clitic”) cannot contain a verb understood as 1 sing. (i.e. -mu is acc./dat. only, not nom., and not “co-referential with the narrator”. While this latter argument may not be conclusive, the practical inference may be accepted: (VIR2)
ali-wa/i-ní-sa may be subject (nom. sing. MF) or object (acc. sing. MF), thus -sa should be the neuter particle, though this is not attested elsewhere in Empire Hier. Luwian. See further discussion under SÜDBURG. (3) Meaning: my understanding of the word was nom. sing. MF in clauses with 1 sing. verbs, thus a royal title, perhaps the Hier. equivalent of Cun. DUTU-ŠI, “My Sun”, with a reading d/liwani (StBoT Bh. 3, pp. 26–28). Following my proposed re-reading of L.416 as ali, I did not immediately return to the problem of (VIR2)ali-wa/i-ní-, and other suggestions supervened. Yakubovich, following his identification of the word as nom./acc. sing. N, accepted a reading aliwani- and making use of the VIR2 determin ative (p. 3 with n. 6), proposed the interpretation “enemy”, to be identified with (Late) Hier. Luw. aluni-/aruni- with this meaning (Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit., (2, 4); etymology, eidem, 15. Fachtagung der IG (2016), no. 7). Melchert however rejects a reading ali on typological grounds, preferring li(x), thus reading liwani-, which reinforced by the determinative VIR2 he follows Weeden in understanding as “troops, army, infantry”, identifying it as a “derivative in /-id-/ referring to a collectivity” (loc. cit. (a), p. 231 ff. with nn. 2, 7, 8; (b), p. 372 with nn. 35, 36; following Weeden, State Correspondence, p. 54 with nn. 130, 131). He also offers an etymology for his liwani- (loc. cit. (a), p. 238 f. with n. 18). For SÜDBURG (a)li-wa/i-ní without (VIR2) and -sa he offers a different analysis (see there). For (a)li-wa/i-ní (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3), see there under Part 4, Addenda and Corrigenda.
block 1 § 1. Introductory titulary of Tudhaliya IV, breaks off at preserved right edge of block with “Mursili Great King, Hero […]”. block 16 § 1. Lower left corner has NEPOS-ka-li (hamsukali-), “great-grandson”. I had assumed that the left edge of the block was partly preserved (parts seem vertically dressed), thus that a lost block would have contained “grandson, Great King, Hero Suppiluliuma’s” (great-grandson); this would have required only a very narrow block. A fragment bearing only NEPOS, “grandson”, was published among the fragments of YALBURT (Archivum Anatolicum 4 (2000), p. 101 f., no. 2, with p. 108 pl. I. 2), suggested by the editors to be simply “the initial part [either] of block 16 itself” (with n. 14), the best explanation, as confirmed by Ehringhaus (Publication) pp. 38 f., 39 Abb. 66. § 2a–b. Closely paralleled by KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2a–b; also KARADAĞ 1, § 2; see Commentary there. (DEUS)TONITRUS wa/i-sà-ti: latter word taken as abl. sing., “by the favour”, rather than verb 3 sing. pres. “(he) loves/favours”. *a-wa/i-mi REGIO OMNIS2 (L.273)[m]u-wa/i-ha; “I conquered every land/all the lands”: “who conquered every land/all the lands” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b; KARADAĞ 1, § 2); Late parallel on BOHÇA, § 3, also cited (Hawkins, loc. cit.) (block 16+)10 § 3a. [(DEUS)]CERVUS3 | | wa/i-sà-ti § 3b. wa/i-mi-*a HEROS L.463.L.398 L.109.L.285 MAGNUS. REX: wa/i-mi-*a (a+wa+mi), “I (am) …” (clause without verb) HEROS … MAGNUS.REX, “I (am) the Hero … the Great King” L.109.L.285: a title or profession, usage not confined to the king (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 32; MERSİN seal). The animal head L.109 is not a dog (except KOCAOĞUZ, §§ 1, 2), but probably a cervid without antler, i.e. autumnal, Hawkins contra Simon, Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 20–30; Oreshko in Luwian Identities, pp. 388–390, 413–416; for my rebuttal, see EMİRGAZİ 1, § 32, Commentary, maintaining interpretation “hunter”. L.463.L.398: the first sign L.463 in theonyms is argued to = Cun. LÍL, “field” (in Cun. DIŠTAR LÍL; DKAL.LÍL, Sauska and Stag-God “of the Field”). L.398: on seals, marks an office of authority. (Poetto, Stud. Med. 3, BOROWSKI no. 16A–B; with MAGNUS, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 411, 695, PBS, p. 312, no. 62). A combination of the two could yield a title “Field-master/authority”.
§ 4. Clearly beginning of narrative section of text. In Hitt. historical texts statements of “the gods running before me” are followed by “and I conquered (-za tarh-) …” as indeed here, blocks 12+13 (Hier. Luw. -mi muwa- = Hitt. -za tarh-). See Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 79, § 3, for examples. Sequence: required is a block with preserved left edge and beginning of a complete clause, in context a statement of victory. The only block which might be suitable here is block 7, opening with the defeat and destruction of a land Nipira otherwise completely unknown. block 2 Sequence: required is a block with a well preserved right edge, and an incomplete clause with suitable object for tu-pi, “(I) smote”. § 2. Crucial for understanding YALBURT and SÜDBURG. wa/i-mu-*a: I originally took -mu as nom. sing., subject of verb, but this has been generally rejected, thus -mu taken as acc./dat. (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní-sa: VIR2 determining as persons, -sa nom./acc. sing. N suffix (see above). Yakubovich (with Rieken), “enemy” (= Late aluni-); Melchert (reading liwani-), collective in -i(d)+sa of persons (VIR2), “troops (following Weeden) of GN” LINGUA+CLAVUS-tu-sa(URBS): since no other attested Hitt. toponym ends -tusa, I was tempted into asking whether this could be an alternative writing for Hattusa, and understanding the context as the return to Hattusa at the end of a campaign. Others have followed the temptation, e.g. B. Dinçol, III ICH, p. 170 f.; Yakubovich, Excerpt (4), translating: “My enemy came back to Hattusa, to the city of the Labarna”. Untempted is Melchert, Fs Poetto (2019), p. 370, n. 37 (“entirely unproven reading of the city name as Hattusa”; further “… until the entire structure of the clause has been elucidated, …”). That I fear sums up our present position here. § 3. wa/i-mu-*a (DEUS)TONITRUS | | … : did he [“love] me” or [“run before] me”? Sequence: no block seems to offer a meaningful continu ation. block 4 §§ 1–4. There seems little to add or change in my previous commentary (Edition). § 1a. (block 2, § 3, a-wa-mu …) no longer seems a suitable link to … pi-i(a)-ha. § 2. Points of interest.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
zi/a-tá-zi/a (zatanza): rare attestation of dem. pron. za-, dat. plur.; cf. Late zatiyanza. (VIR2)TÁ.AVUS-zi/a, “fathers (and) grandfathers”: VIR2 now recognized as determining words for persons at this date. NEG REL hwi/a: fine demonstration of the Empire ori ginal forms of the three separate (but later confused) signs (Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Kadmos 32 (1993), p. 54). block 5 In its current state yields little; conceivably new collation might win the odd sign, even word. block 6 § 1. Schurr (Ordering of blocks) places block 6 after block 17 based on the context of EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13, Kuwalatarna+submission of women (and) children. FEMINA.INFANS CRUS2-zi/a [INFRA] REL-[zi/a-tá]: restored from parallel block 15, § 1, see discussion there. § 2. ARHA CAPERE(?) (a-wa/i …): as I collated on the spot and read in Edition. Poetto (Edition) drew and read ARHA(?) CAPERE(?) a-wa/i-tá, discussed p. 44. Clearly further collation is required. If ARHA CAPERE is established, does -mu preclude verb 1 sing. (pret.)?; thus “(they) took away/out”? block 7 § 1. Noted as suitable sequence to block 10, though our ignorance of the land Nipira does not offer a supporting context. OMNIS2-sa5: analysis of form discussed by Melchert, loc. cit. § 2. a-wa/i-da: now confirmed as -ada, “it/them”. § 3. (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní: “the enemy GN1 GN2 GN3” (Yakubovich), or “the troops of …” (Melchert); is the absence of -sa significant? L.511-sa5: apparently same sign/toponym as on block 17, § 2, which is taken by Schurr (Ordering of blocks) to link the two. Oreshko proposes the identity of L.511 with L.468 which looks possible, unlike his further suggestion that it is an alternative writing of the toponym ma-sa5 /sà (Masa), on the grounds of being a pictographic representation of a locust (Hitt. masa-)! block 9 § 1. lu-ka(REGIO)-zi/a: Luka is surely the object of DELERE, so can -zi/a mark (nom.)acc. plur. MF? VITIS+x(REGIO): discussed under SÜDBURG, § 2, with reference to sceptical evaluation by Gander (Klio 96 (2014), pp. 375–378; Diss., p. 174 f.), who does admit the possibility of
reading Wiyanawanda, and proceeds to examine how many different places may have borne the name. block 11 § 2. (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní a-pa-[x RE]GIO: again note absence of -sa, significant? The toponym: probably I should abandon my -ta (Poetto APA), and read a-pa(relatively clear)-(a)li (drawn by Poetto) [RE]GIO, thus “the land(?) Apali(?)”. Gander (Diss., p. 390 f.) offers Hier. Apali and cites a Hitt. Appala but does not identify. my ta / Poetto’s APA: sign actually seems unidentified thus x. §§ 3–5: I cannot advance my discussion (Edition). blocks 12+13+3 12, § 2. pi-na-(a)li(URBS): note now join to Milawata letter giving Cun. URUpi-na-li-ia (i.e. Lyc. pinale, Gr. Pinara), Weeden, NABU 2012/3, no. 49, pp. 63–65. 13, § 1. Note parallel (EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 7–10) … pi-na(a)li(URBS) DELERE-nú-wa/i-ha a-wa/i á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a REGIO PES2 wa/i-mu-*a CENTUM 4×MILLE …-ní-pa-wa/i NEG [a-sa-tá(?)] § 2. á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a REGIO: plene -a? The same reading appears on the parallel EMİRGAZİ 2, but PES2 and -a are transposed. §§ 3–4 (with sequence of block 3): …-ní-pa-wa/i | | NEG [… (EMİRGAZİ 2) points to the sequence blocks 13+3, but it is difficult to see on the unclear EMİRGAZİ 2 the exact equivalents of the parallel YALBURT block 13+3, §§ 4–5; required minimally is [(a)li]-wa/i-ní ASINUS- (collation necessary), also space for [a-sa-tá]? Crucially elucidated by Weeden, followed by Melchert, understanding aliwanisa-men as “troops”: see above, initial note on (VIR2)L.416-wa/i-ní(-sa). 3, § 2: comparable sense already noted on EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 4–5; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, §§ b–c; see commentary to those passages. FINES?-[zi/a]: form of FINES? very attenuated, could possibly be VIA (unattested in Empire), but comparable passages and sense speak for FINES; -zi/a dat. plur. (-(an)za). PRAE-n[a] a+ra/i-[…], “arrive at the frontiers”: NİŞANTAŞ has PRAE-na a+ra/i-; EMİRGAZİ 2, [PR]AE-na PES2. The unequivocal -m[u] in the particle chain may rule out
the possibility of a verb 1 sing. (pret.); restore -[tá], “[they] arrive[d]”.
(ed.), Iconoclasm and Text (Oriental Institute Seminars no. 8, 2012).
block 14(+15) § 1. ARHA la-la-ha, “I took away”: clear phonetic writing of usual Empire ARHA CAPERE (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 22; SÜDBURG, §§ 5, 15; YALBURT block 6, § 2(?)).
blocks 14+15 parallel passages, block 6, §§ 1–2; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 15. Sequence: as noted block 15 fits well after block 4 as suggested by the EMİRGAZİ 2 parallel.
Sequence: no otherwise unengaged block offers a clear preserved object of this verb. Schurr (Ordering of blocks) places the Talawa pair (blocks 14+15) after the Kuwalatarna pair (blocks 17+6) on the basis of EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13.
§ 1. Analysis best follows Poetto rather than Hawkins, Edition, though CRUS2-zi/a better “knees” than “feet” (dat. plur.): “the women (and) children KWAZA-ed down at/on the knees”. Whose knees? “at my (-mu) knees” or “on (their) knees”? REL-zi/a-tá: presumably to be read kwaza-, approximate meaning apparent, but exact sense will require a clear analysis of the verb in what is clearly an act of submission: “fell down/knelt down”.
§ 2. a-wa/i-mi-tá … SOLIUM: clearly “I seated myself”. THRONUS: Poetto (Edition, p. 65) identifies as “discendenza” (L.300, NEPOS), which it does not really resemble, and I doubt the claimed reading on EMİRGAZİ 2, § 15, which is in any case an unclear context. Given “I seated myself”, I would suggest that “throne” would be more appropriate, thus THRONUS. § 3. PES2.PES2: presumably same verb as Late (PES2)PES2-da(verb of motion), “walk” (see CHLI I/1, p. 63). DOMINUS(-)ara/i: how to analyse?—logogram+phonetic complement, a derived form of nani-, “lord”? Sense “lordly/lordship”? THRONUS: how to integrate meaningfully with “I the Great King walked …?” “(from) the throne”? Goedegebuure, Hittite Iconoclasm, p. 433 proposes: “(I) the Great King marched to the throne as rightful(?) lord” (in N. N. May
§ 2. L.509: as noted, context suggests comparison with Hitt. NAM.RAMEŠ (GUD UDU), but a supporting elucidation of the logogram would be helpful. verb: parallel passage may have ARHA CAPERE(?), but as noted there, does -mu preclude the understand of the verb as 1 sing. (pret.)? block 17 § 1. … x DELERE-ha, “I destroyed”: one would expect ARHA for x but this does not seem so; collate. § 2. L.511-sa5: L.511 unknown, toponym occurs also on block 7, § 3, see commentary there.
XIV.8. KARAKUYU. Inscribed block. (plate 26) Location. Kayseri Museum. Description. Block with 2-line relief incomplete inscription which when found (see Discovery) formed part of a Hittite structure. The block’s line 1 shows a cartouche of Tudhaliya (IV) (winged disc, Great King, Labarna antithetic) and the beginning (sinistroverse) of his affiliation to Hattusili (III). Line 2 (dextroverse) begins with three mountain names and continues but seems to break off, thus is incomplete. Dimensions: ht., 0.93 m. (cut down for transport after discovery); w., 1.90 m. Condition: good. Script, line-divider: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Peculiarities: —
Discovery. By von der Osten and Koşay in 1931, near Karakuyu village, a short distance north of the Kayseri – Malatya road, about midway between Pınarbaşı and Gürün. Some 2 km. up a “ravine” to the south of Karakuyu, an ancient barrage had been constructed to catch the water flowing down from the Tahtalı (Go(v)deli) Dağ. In the middle of the lower wall of the barrage was a structure, often described as a “sluice” formed of three large blocks recently exposed by a flood. The slabs, stated to be “apparently still in situ”, were placed at right-angles to each other, one on either side with the inscribed slab closing the upper end. On the slab to the right of the inscribed block was an unfinished inscription of some three unrecognizable signs. Von der Osten, OIC no. 14 (1933), pp. 123–127; Delaporte, RHA I/5 (1931), p. 182 f.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
The stone was seen by Bittel and Güterbock in 1933 and was drawn by Krause in 1934 still in situ: Güterbock, Boğazköy (I) (1935), p. 67 with fn. 1. By the time Gelb saw it in 1935 it was in Kayseri Museum, and the uninscribed lower part of the stone had been cut off. Recent visitors. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs, no. 24, pp. 186– 190, photos of dam, of surviving “sluice” block. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), p. 49 f. with Abb. 91–92 (photo of “sluice”, of block). Excavated/surveyed by Emre in 1987–1989 (BMECCJ 7 (1993), pp. 1–42), who gives further topographical information, and photographs and plans of the surviving remains. Publication. Von der Osten, loc. cit. (1933); Delaporte, loc. cit. (1931), pl. 17.1, photo of installation as found, 2. photo of inscription in situ.; (Bittel and) Güterbock, loc. cit. (1935), Taf. 26 no. 11 (Krause’s 1934 drawing); Hrozný, Ar. Or. 8 (1936), pp. 200 ff., pl. XXV, reprinted IHH III (1937), pp. 432–434, pl. XC (Kayseri Museum photo); Gelb, HHM (1939), pp. 16, 32 f., pls. LI, LII nos. 34, 35 (poor photo, drawing), stone being moved, inscription in situ (= Delaporte, pl. 17.2). Editions. Hrozný (1937) loc. cit.; Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), nos. 95, 96, p. 315 f., Tav. XIV; Forlanini, Hethitica 7 (1987), pp. 73–87; cf. Lombardi, Eothen 9 (1998), pp. 65–84. Excerpts. Laroche, L.207.2; 296; 370; cf. L.199 IIb. Güterbock, JNES 26 (1967), p. 80 fn. 12. Hawkins, Fs de Roos (2006), p. 61 f.
Content. Dedication of Tudhaliya IV, not obviously linked insofar as understood with the construction of the barrage, but rather religious in character, the three mountains linking it to Tudhaliya’s monuments celebrating the cult of the Stag-God (Hawkins, Excerpt). The difficulty of understanding the remainder depends partly on whether the sense is complete as it stands or breaks off uncompleted. It has been argued that the two inscribed blocks are spolia taken from another monument unconnected with the building of the dam, which could be a first millennium construction: see Naumann, Architektur Kleinasiens (1971), p. 95. But the view that the inscriptions were in situ when found has been reaffirmed by Bittel, Denkmäler eines hethitischen Grosskönigs des 13. Jahrhunderts vor Christus (Opladen, 1984, p. 13), which does indeed seem more likely. Cf. now Neve, Hattuša (1992), pp. 74 f., 80, with Abb. 222, 223; Rossner, loc. cit. Discovery. It is now suggested that the structure is not a “sluice”, as often described, but a cultic chamber like Südburg, Kammer 2, backed into the lower edge of the barrage: see A. Hüser, Heth. Anlagen zur Wasserversorgung und Entsorgung (Ku. Sa. 3 (Rahden, 2007), p. 35 f.); cf. Hawkins, in A. D’Agostino et al. (eds.) Sacred Landscapes (2015), p. 4 f. Date. Inscription—Tudhaliya IV, late 13th century B.C.; the barrage also? Text. Copy traced from photograph. Photograph. Taken in Kayseri Museum.
Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
My Sun Tudhaliya, Labarna, Great King, Hero, Hattusili Mount Sarpa, Mount …wa(n)ta, Mount Sunara (he) hunt(s)(?), the city Hattusa (of) Tudhaliya, the Storm-God’s pure vault(?), …
Commentary l. 1. Tudhaliya’s cartouche needs no discussion; missing affiliation to Hattusili and his titles continued on lost block (thus KARAKUYU 1 not in situ), or inscription unfinished. l. 2. Mountains: Sarpa (Forlanini, Edition) but what is the function of á-?; L.417-wa/i-tá: Forlanini, Edition, p. 75 f. considers the attested mountains Suwanda, Siwanda and Saluwanda. For the first sign, to be distinguished as L.417(5), see discussion by Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, no. 580 with an
example on a seal; Weeden now supports the reading salu (AAS 19 (2016), pp. 92–94); Sunara = Cun. Sunnara, Laroche, JCS 6 (1952), p. 123. Sarpa and Sunnara appear in Tudhaliya’s names of the Stag-God, as does also Saluwanda. CERVUS4.IACULUM (L.109(3), L.285(2)): this recurring pair of signs suggested by Hawkins, Excerpt, to represent verb “hunt”, following the proposal to recognize the other occurrences as the title “hunter”. In the Stag-God festival texts Tudhaliya is repeatedly stated to travel (lahhiyaisk-),
XIV.9a – d. BOĞAZKÖY Tudhaliya IV stelae
shoot (siyatallisk-) and hunt (huwarnisk-) named mountains of various lands. Thus the interpretation here that he “hunts Mts. Sarpa, …wa(n)ta and Sunnara” may seem appropriate. Simon, Kadmos 47 (2008), and Oreshko, Luwian Identities, p. 413 ff., question the reading CERVUS4.IACULUM, but the counter-proposal is not convincing (see EMİRGAZİ 1, § 32, Commentary). HATTUSA+MONS+tu(URBS): that this is a combination of the logograms of the city Hattusa and the mountain Tudhaliya (also designating the king of that name is established. Its significance is another matter. Güterbock (Excerpt) suggested “Hattusa of Tudhaliya” referring to the Upper City, thought at that time to have been built by that king. Although this idea of the Upper City is no longer accepted in that it is now thought to have come into existence much earlier, Güterbock’s suggestion might still be meaningful if Tudhaliya had substantially built or rebuilt the Upper City. TONITRUS.PURUS.L.417(4). Progress towards understanding this group comes from the discovery of a Nişantepe seal impression, Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, no. 97, on which the owner Ehli-Sarruma is entitled REX TONITRUS. PURUS. SOLIUM […?] (antithetic). While it is probable that this is Ehli-Šarruma king of Išuwa, his further title “StormGod’s pure seat […?]” is tantalizing, but clearly parallel to the present group the “Storm-God’s pure L.417(4)”. L.417(4), so listed by Laroche with an inaccurate representation: the correct form is as visible in Gelb’s drawing and Ehringhaus’s photograph. It has further appeared
on a seal impression from Külhöyük: see Temizsoy, Külhöyük Kurtarma Kazıları (Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1995 Yıllığı (Ankara 1996), Levha XXIII resim 34) in the scribe’s name TONITRUS.L.417(4)-zi/a. From its parallel with SOLIUM it would appear to be some sort of cultic location of the Storm-God, and if one might guess from its pictographic content, it might represent a corbel-vaulted structure, tunnel or postern. A Late period occurrence may be identified on KARKAMIŠ A24 frag. 19a+19 (see CHLI I/1, p. 138 f.), and a new appearance on ARSUZ 1+2, § 14, in a city name. If the above is correct, we might have here the “Storm-God’s pure chamber(?)”, perhaps to be understood as the self-designation of the Karakuyu structure itself: cf. Hüser, loc. cit. Content; Hawkins, loc. cit. REL-x-i(a) (or REL-i(a)-x): the sign x is problematic. Its identification is discussed by Forlanini (Edition, p. 79 f. with n. 47), who considers it to be a (pome)granate, an elaborate form of L.155.1 found on seals, not apparently as a syllabogram (Laroche “ornement ou devise?”), and Late L.155.2 on TOPADA where it stands in as an archaizing variant of pa (L.334). Its usage here for pa is very uncertain, a difficulty compounded by the impossibility of determining the function of this word (whether some form of the relative or possibly a verb), and whether the clause ends here, or continued on a lost element, or was left incomplete. With so much uncertainty and no obvious sense emerging from any option, one must suspend judgement.
XIV.9a – d. BOĞAZKÖY Tudhaliya IV stelae. (plates 27 – 29) a. BOĞAZKÖY 3. Stele. Location. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, no. 1813. Description. Tapering limestone stele, bearing on one face three lines of inscription and traces of a fourth. Above on the apex are worn traces: Güterbock (Publication) and Bittel–Naumann (Discovery) discuss at length and inconclusively the possibility of identifying these. The inscription ran sinistroverse-dextroverse-sinistroverse. Dimensions: ht., **; max. w., 0.40 m.; th., **. Condition: signs very worn. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Discovery. Excavated in the 1934 season in room II of Building C on Büyükkale, lying face upwards next to the north-
east wall of the room. Nothing specifically connects it with the building, but presumably it was more or less in situ. Bittel, MDOG 73 (1935), pp. 19–21; Güterbock, ibid., pp. 36–37; id., Boğazköy (I) (Berlin, 1935); Bittel and Naumann, Boğazköy-Hattuša I (Stuttgart, 1952), p. 60 Beilage 4 (plan of Building C marking find-spot of stele); Neve, Büyükkale. Die Bauwerke (BoHa XII (1982), p. 114, Abb. 56). Publication. MDOG 73 (1935); (Bittel and) Güterbock, Boğazköy (I), pp. 67–70, Taf. 27 (2 photographs of front, one of side; photo, drawing reproduced, Neve, Hattuša (1992), p. 34 Abb. 86a, b); Hrozný, IHH III, p. 435 f., pls. XCI (photo, taken in Ankara, autumn 1934), XCII (copy). Edition. Güterbock, loc. cit. (Publication); Hrozný, loc. cit. (Publication); Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 41 (“HATTUSA III”), p. 289 f., Tav. VI.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Content. Genealogy of Tudhaliya IV.
Text. Copy traced from photograph.
Date. Late 13th century B.C.
Photographs. Taken from publication.
Transliteration l. 1. l. 2. l. 3. l. 4.
Great King Labarna Tudhaliya, son of Hattusili, Great King, Hero, grandson of [Mursili] Great King, Hero, [descendant of] Great King […
Commentary The stele is historically important in that it enabled Güterbock already in 1935 without much in the way of Hier. comparanda apart from NİŞANTAŞ, to puzzle out the genealogical information and the signs (not clearly preserved) for “son” and “grandson”. His insights were fully confirmed
by the discovery of the next Tudhaliya genealogical stele BOĞAZKÖY 18 in 1983. The absence of HEROS from Tudhaliya’s titulary seems certain: in spite of the wear to illegibility, there does not appear to be possible space.
b. BOĞAZKÖY 18. Stele. Location. Boğazkale Museum no. ** Description. Round-topped stele bearing on front face three lines of Hier. inscription and remains of a fourth, running lines 1–3 sinistroverse-dextroverse-sinistroverse. Line 1 contains the great aedicula of Tudhaliya IV surmounted by the winged disc and a further, undecorated, disc (solar or astral), which occupies the entire top of the stele. Uniquely the pair of signs representing the name of Tudhaliya, MONS2+tu, are flanked by a pair of lion-protomes. Dimensions: preserved ht., 1.04 m.; max. w., 0.55m. Condition: well preserved apart from loss of lower part with l. 4. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental, good interior detail. Peculiarities: lion-protome decoration. Discovery. Excavated during the 1983 season, the stele was found built into the wall of a small Byzantine church built on top of the wall-stubs of Temple 16 at the north entrance
to the temple quarter in the Upper City. The excavator considered that being so well preserved it had probably not be moved far from its original emplacement. Neve, Arch. Anz. 1984, p. 336 f., Abb. 9, 10 (photographs); further, id., Anatolica 14 (1987), p. 57, Abb. 13 (copy (printed in reverse) by Hawkins); further Neve, Hattuša (1992), pp. 31 f., 34 Abb. 83, 84 (photo and copy reproduced), 81 Abb. 229 (photograph of church showing stele in wall). Publication. Neve, 1984, 1987, 1992. Edition. Cf. van den Hout, Bi. Or. 52 (1995), p. 556 f. Content. Genealogy of Tudhaliya IV. Date. Late 13th century B.C. Text. Copy traced from stone in 1990. Photograph. Taken in Boğazkale old museum.
XIV.9a – d. BOĞAZKÖY Tudhaliya IV stelae
Transliteration l. 1. l. 2. l. 3. l. 4.
The Sun, Great King, Labarna Tudhaliya the Hero, son of Hattusili Great King, Hero, grandson of Mursili Great King, Hero, Tudhaliya(’s) [Great King, Hero’s descendant …
Commentary Tudhaliya’s genealogy traced back to ancestor Tudhaliya I/II on e.g. the Bronze Tablet (BT i 5, ŠÀ.BAL.BAL Tudhaliya …); cf. the remarks of van den Hout, loc. cit. Edition. Allowing
space on l. 4 for Tudhaliya’s titles MAGNUS.REX HEROS we may observe traces of a “hand”, doubtless part of the Hier. equivalent of ŠÀ.BAL.BAL which is otherwise unattested.
c. BOĞAZKÖY 24. Stele fragment, Bo. 100/92. Location. German Excavation depot, Boğazkale Museum. Description. Sandstone fragment apparently of a stele, right side, preserving most of the great aedicula of Tudhaliya (IV) on one line. Dimensions: ht., 0.31 m.; w., 0.32 m.; th., 0.30 m. Condition: poor. Script, line-dividers: relief.
Discovery. Excavated during the 1992 season in the rubble over the “Eingangstrakt” of the Nordbau on Nişantepe (plan square M 13). Publication. Neve, Arch. Anz. 1993, p. 629 with Abb. 8 (photo); id., BoHa XX (2018), p. 12, Taf. 17a. Text. Copy traced from photograph. Photograph. Taken in yard of German excavation house.
Location. Boğazkale Museum, no. ** Description. Small crude sandstone stele split longways into two halves; right side fully preserved, left side, top lost, bottom surface flaked away. It bears on one face a roughly incised 3-line inscription: the fully preserved middle line a great aedicula of Tudhaliya IV. Dimensions: ht., 0.90 m.; w., 0.45 m. Condition: rough, parts missing (ll. 1 and 3). Script: incised. Sign forms: crude. Discovery. Found by the excavation team during the 1995 excavation season at Boğazköy built into the courtyard wall of a house in the village Delihasanlı some 10 km. south-west of Boğazkale on the road to Büyüknefes(köy). Its original
provenance was reported (unreliably) to have been a place Soğukpınarı 2 km. north-east of Delihasanlı on the Boğazköy road. See Seeher, Publication. Publication. Seeher, Arch. Anz. 1996, p. 356 f. with Abb. 26a–b (photograph, copy). Edition. Hawkins, ibid., pp. 357–359; cf. id., Fs de Roos (2006), p. 63 f. Content. Stele associated with Tudhaliya’s cult of the StagGod (Hawkins, 2006, loc. cit.). Text. Copy courtesy of J. Seeher. Photograph. Taken in yard of German excavation house.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Transliteration l. 1. l. 2. l. 3.
(On) every mountain (to) the S[tag-God] Great King, Labarna Tudhaliya placed(?) this(?) [stele?] // built(?) this(?) [installation?]
Comment l. 3. Speculative restoration, Hawkins, 2006, loc. cit. Subsequent collation suggested the possible presence of a building block below the hand/wrist, which would turn
the “putting hand” (PONERE) to the “building hand” (AEDIFICARE).
XIV.10. BOĞAZKÖY 19. Epigraph. (plate 28) Location. Boğazkale Museum, no. ** Description. Small squared limestone block bearing relief figure of deified Hittite king. The clean-shaven figure wears a short belted tunic, a horned helmet, a large circular earring, and boots with up-turned toes. He carries in his right hand a spear pointing obliquely downwards, and in his left a 4-hieroglyph identifying epigraph BOĞAZKÖY 19. Discovery. Excavated during the 1985 season at Boğazköy-Hattusa in the Upper City in the precinct of Temple 5. The piece was found fallen just outside the (north-)east wall of the little House A in the precinct, and the excavator supposed that it had originally been built into the centre of the interior (north-)east wall, with an altar in the form of a block of green nephrite in front of it. With this reconstruction he characterized the building as a memorial chapel to the Great King Tudhaliya (according to the epigraph), identifying him as Tudhaliya I.
Transliteration MONS+tu MAGNUS.REX
Dimensions: ht., 0.90 m.; w., 0.79 m.; th. 0.45 m. Condition: well preserved. Script: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Publication. Neve, Arch. Anz. 1986, pp. 394–396, Abb. 29, 30; also id., Anatolica 14 (1987), pp. 61–68, Abb. 14–17, with additional note by H. Gonnet, pp. 69–71; further, id., Hattuša (1993), p. 35 f., Abb. 95, 96, 98, 99; 100–101 (figure and detail); 102–103 (drawn reconstruction), 104 (piece as found). Content. Epigraph identifying figure as Great King Tudhaliya, apparently the dead and deified ancestor, thus probably Tudhaliya I in his memorial chapel. Date. Most probably Tudhaliya IV. Text. Copy traced from stone. Photograph. Taken in Boğazkale old museum. Translation Great King Tudhaliya
XIV.11a. KARABEL A. Rock relief with inscription. (plates 30 – 31) B, C1–2. Relief and inscription. (plates 30 and 33) Location. East of Izmir the west-east running range the Bozdağları (class. Tmolos) separates the Gediz (class. Hermos) valley from that of the Küçükmenderes (class. Kayster). At the western end the range is crossed by a road from Torbalı (near class. Metropolis) to Kemalpaşa (formerly Nif, class. Nymphaeum) which runs through the Karabel (“Black Pass”) pass. The northern exit of the pass is narrowed by two opposing rock spurs: on the south face of the eastern spur, some 35 m. up from the floor of the pass the relief is located. KARABEL B and C1–2. Exiting from the narrows of the pass the road crossed the Karabel brook with a bridge and continued northwards. Some 35 m. from the bridge, between the roadway and the brook, the Felsblöcke bearing KARABEL B and C were located in thick scrub, B nearer the brook, C near the road and about 20 m. to its north-west. KARABEL A is now reported to have been partially destroyed (2019). Description, KARABEL A. In a rectangular sunken recess stands a right-facing, relief figure, wearing a conical helmet with frontal horn, a short tunic and boots with up-turned toes, sword at waist, holding in his left hand an erect spear, in his right a bow slung over his shoulder. Between his head and the spear is a 3-line relief epigraph running sinistroverse-dextroverse-sinistroverse, much eroded. The relief would always have been visible to a wayfarer descending northwards from the pass unless obscured by trees. KARABEL B (now destroyed). The Felsblock showed on its east face turned towards the Karabel brook a recessed niche containing a poorly preserved relief figure facing right, legs mainly preserved, and traces of arms with bow and spear, also of head; between head and spear traces of three relief Hieroglyphs. What could be seen generally resembled the KARABEL A figure. KARABEL C1 and 2 (now destroyed). The Felsblock showed on the two adjoining sides of an eastern corner inscribed surfaces 1 and 2: 1, relatively well preserved, a group of five dextroverse Hieroglyphs; 2, poorly preserved, 3 (?)-line inscription of which only the sinistroverse l. 1 preserved any identifiable signs (except at the right end of l. 2 a possible DEUS). Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., p. 20, considered that KARABEL B, also probably C, formed part of an “Art Kammer”, to which he noted a rock-cut entrance. Between 1977 and 1982 a new road was built, running straight between the old road and the brook across the area of KARABEL B and C inscriptions thereby destroying them.
See in general the detailed discussion in K. Kohlmeyer, Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983), nos. 2–3, pp. 12–28, 113–119, Taf. 1–7; cf. also E.P. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), pp. 46–52; H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 87–91. Discovery. KARABEL A. The relief has never been “lost”, in that it has always been visible to passers-by, as is the case also with İVRİZ 1, and it is famous for having apparently been described by Herodotos (see below). It was “rediscovered” (i.e. made available to western scholarship) by Renouard in 1840 following his visit with Burgon in 1839 (Bulletin de l’Institut de Correspondence Archéologique 1840, p. 33). Texier visited it in the same year and made the drawing, see Publication. [[See now Müller-Karpe, MDOG 151 (2019), p. 295 ff.]] KARABEL B: Humann, 1875, see Curtius, Archäologische Zeitung 33 (1876), p. 50 f. KARABEL C: Güterbock visits, 1940, 1952, 1966, 1972, 1973: see Ist. Mitt. 17 (1967), p. 64. Publication. KARABEL A. Drawings. By Texier, Description de l’Asie Mineure II (Paris, 1849), pl. 132; Kiepert, Archäologische Zeitung 1 (1843), p. 33 ff., drawing following visit in 1842; Lepsius, Archäologische Zeitung 4 (1846), p. 271 ff., drawing p. 275 following visit in 1845; de Moustier, Voyage de Constantinople in Tour du Monde IX (1864), p. 266, drawing from photo; Perrot, Revue Archéologique 13 (1866), pl. XII, drawing from photographs of Swoboda. Photographs. Weber, Le Sipylos et ses Monuments (Paris, 1880) facing p. 36; Trémaux, Exploration archéologique en Asie Mineure, Nymphaeum, pl. I. Hirschfeld in 1874 made a cast for the Berlin Museum, still exhibited, copies made for Chicago Art Institute, Istanbul Museum, Izmir Museum, Liverpool Museum. Other drawings. Sayce TSBA 7 (1882), pp. 266 f., 439, drawing facing p. 268, following visit in 1879; cf. id. PSBA 21 (1899), new drawing p. 222; id., JRAS 1931, p. 430 f.; Messerschmidt CIH (1900), p. 37 f., Taf. XXXIX no. 1, drawn from Berlin cast, checked against Sayce 1882 and 1899. Other photographs. Bittel, AfO 13 (1940), pp. 181–193; id., MDOG 98 (1967), pp. 5–23, Abb. 1–2 (photos), Abb. 3 (photo of Berlin cast), Abb. 12–15 (photo of epigraphs on cast); Bossert, Altanatolien (1942), p. 58, Abb. 557–559; Riemschneider, WdH (1954), Taf. 4; Akurgal, AH (1962), pl. 102 = Bittel, Hethiter (1976), Abb. 206; Ehringhaus, loc. cit. (2005), Abb. 161–162 (photo, detail); Kohlmeyer, loc. cit. (1983), pp. 114–117, Taf. 2–5 (photographs of rock, details, and of Berlin cast).
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
KARABEL B. Curtius, Archäologische Zeitung 33 (1876) p. 50 f.; Sayce, JHS 1 (1880), p. 84; TSBA 7 (1882), p. 268 (drawing = Wright, EH2 (1886), pl. XX.1; Perrot and Chipiez, HA IV (1887), p. 750, fig. 353); Bittel, AfO 13 (1940), Abb. 5–7 (photo, sketch, inscription); Kohlmeyer, loc. cit. (1983), 3.1–6, pp. 19–21, 118 f. Taf. 6, 7.3 (photos). KARABEL C1–2, Güterbock, loc. cit. (1967) (visits 1940, 1952, 1966), pp. 65–71 with Abb. 2, 3, Taf. 2; visited again 1972, 1973 for collation, Güterbock, Boğazköy V (1975), p. 53. Editions. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 2, p. 260 f., Tav. I; Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., (1983) (A) 2.6. Beischrift, with Fig. 2 (review and discussion of previous readings with new suggestion); (B) loc. cit., (Publication); (C) loc.cit., (1983), 3.6.2–3,
pp. 21–25, with figs. 6, 7 (copies of Güterbock, Meriggi, Kohlmeyer); (A, C only) Hawkins, An. St. 48 (1998), pp. 4–13, figs. 3–5 (A photos, copies), 6–8 (C1–2 photos, copies). Content. (A) Epigraph to figure, Tarkasnawa, giving also patronym and papponym, all kings of Mira. (B lost/destroyed, epigraph); C1 Scribal Signature; C2? Date. Three generations of the kings of Mira are attested, contemporaries of Mursili, Muwattalli and Hattusili, and Tudhaliya IV (beginning of reign). It is thus probable that Tarkasnawa was king in the later reign of Tudhaliya IV, late 13th century B.C.
KARABEL A Text. Copy reconstructed from tracing made directly from rock in 1997.
Photographs. Taken in 1997, and courtesy of H. Gonnet and S. Mitchell.
(KARABEL A) l. 1. REX ASINUS2A-wa/i REX mi+ra/i-a l. 2. AVISx-li REX mi+ra/i-a REGIO ⌈FILIUS⌉ l. 3. … REX mi+ra/i-a REGIO NEPOS
Tarkasnawa, King of Mira, son of AVIS-li (= Alantalli?), King of the land Mira, grandson of … King of the land Mira.
Commentary Royal line of Mira. Mursili II in his Arzawan settlement in year 4 installed his protégé Mashuiluwa on his “father’s throne” as “lord” of Mira, and on his perceived disloyalty replaced him in year 12 with his nephew and adopted son Kupanta-DKAL (Kup., § 3). The latter was still on the throne, now entitled “king”, in the reign of Muwattalli II (Alakš., § 17) and indeed still in the reign of Hattsusili III (letter CTH 166.1+KUB III 23: Edel, ÄHK no. 28). By the early reign of Tudhaliya IV, Alantalli was king (BT iv 36). It is thus most likely that Tarkasnawa was king later in the reign of Tudhaliya IV or even later. ASINUS2A-wa/i: reading of the seal impressions Bo. 385/z, 386/z, 388/z as Tarkasnawa king of Mira recognized by Güterbock (Boğazköy V (1975), pp. 51–53; again JWAG 36 (1977), pp. 11–16), though he was not able to reconcile this with the name on the “Tarkondemos” seal. Nowicki identified the sign L.320 as the Empire form of L.165 (BONUS, with phonetic value wà/ì, since confirmed by Nişantepe sealings), which enabled him to identify the “Tarkondemos” ruler with the owner of the Bo. /z sealings (Fs Neumann (1982), pp. 227–232), but he too could not reconcile this with the
“Tarkondemos” Cuneiform legend. This step was taken by Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies (Fs Watkins (1998), pp. 243– 260), who read “Tarkondemos” Cuneiform Itar-kaš-ša-na-wa to correspond exactly to Hier. TARKASNA-wa/i // wà/ì. At the same time Hawkins saw that this was the name on the eroded KARABEL (A) epigraph, thus bringing together the KARABEL ruler with the “Tarkondemos” seal and the Bo. /z sealings (loc. cit., pp. 4–8). AVISx-li: it is of course possible, if not probable, that this represents Alantalli (logogram + phonetic complement). Grandfather’s name: though Alantalli’s affiliation is not known, he could well have been the son of Kupanta-DKAL, so one could seek this name in the grandfather’s place. A Hier. writing of Kupanta-DKAL is not attested, but one would expect the DKAL to be written with the antler as other DKAL names, CERVUS2+ra/i for Innara, CERVUS-ti for Kurunti(ya) (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 290 f. Excursus 2, 3), and one would further expect -kurunti(ya) rather than -innara in this name. Yet the indistinct mass representing the grandfather’s name here does show in its bottom left corner a rather clear, small diagonal tang which could rep-
resent -ra/i. Thus caution advises that one simply notes the possibilities here. Cf. also below, discussion of KARABEL C2. KARABEL B. Now lost, surviving photographs may show traces of three signs including REX. Cf. Kohlmeyer loc. cit., p. 21 with Fig. 5. KARABEL C1. Relatively well preserved until destroyed, good surviving photograph by Güterbock in October 1966
(Güterbock, 1967, Abb. 2), and drawing of Kohlmeyer based on “Bleistiftpause auf Transparentpapier made in 1977. Reading and interpretation discussed in detail: Güterbock (1967), pp. 66–68; with revision, 1975, p. 53; Kohlmeyer, 1983, pp. 21–23; Meriggi, Edition; Hawkins, 1988, pp. 9, 11. The inscription appears to be a “scribal signature”, giving title and name of scribe.
Transliteration EUNUCHUS2.SCRIBA(?) animal-head-wa/i-ti-x Comment animal head: very uncertain; Güterbock’s “donkey” Güterbock’s “palace-scribe” (L.254+L.326) seems the most likely interpretation of this group, but emend “palace” (tarkasna), and Meriggi’s “sheep” (ma) both unlikely; to “eunuch” for L.254: see Hawkins apud Herbordt PBS Kohlmeyer’s “horse” perhaps possible. -wa/i-ti-: relatively secure. (2005), p. 303, no. 15, EUNUCHUS2. The combination EUNUx: very unclear, REX very unlikely as title, possible as CHUS2+SCRIBA appears on Kat. nos. 84, 622; and SCRIBA- onomastic element. EUNUCHUS on Kat. nos. 82, 83, 205. KARABEL C2. Nothing can be added to Hawkins, Edition: i.e. REX AVISx REX, relatively secure, giving an inscription of the father on KARBEL A, thus “King BIRD” (Alantalli?). emendation (REX) mi+ra/i-a proposed, giving “(king) of Mira”.
emendation … CERVUS2-ti REX … proposed, giving highly speculative [son of (?)] [kupanta-??]-kurunti(ya) king [of Mira??].
XIV.11b. “TARKONDEMOS” Seal. (plate 32) Location. Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, no. 57.1512. Description. Hemispherical silver plate designed to be attached to a matrix of some other material (metal? wood?) to form a typical Hittite stamp seal, strongly convex to leave a concave impression. The seal has an outer circle inscription in Cuneiform characters, in reverse, running anti-clockwise beginning and ending at 10 o’clock. The inner circle has a central male figure, beardless, with hair bunched on nape of neck, wearing a domed cap with projecting brim, a long draped mantle leaving right leg exposed and boots with up-turned toes, and holding a long staff in his right hand; the pommel of a sword worn at the waist is visible. In the field behind the figure is a group of seven Hieroglyphic signs, dextroverse, read in descending order approximately in two columns; the same group (sinistroverse except the
first) is repeated in front of the figure between the staff and the figure, then the other side of the staff. The figure and the signs, Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic, are executed in repoussé to give a relief impression. The Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic legends are digraphic, as is typical of Hittite Empire seals. Discovery. According to Mordtmann (Publication) it was “in the possession of M. Alexander Jovanoff, the numismatist of Constantinople, who had obtained it in Smyrna” (Sayce, Publication). Provenance from some archaeological site in the environs of Izmir thus seems likely. The object was offered to the British Museum about 1860, but it was refused because of doubts as to authenticity, though a silver electrotype copy was made (now in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford). Lenormant confirmed to Sayce that he
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
had seen it in Constantinople about 1860 and made a cast which he sent to Sayce. Publication. A. D. Mordtmann in H. Grothe (ed.) Münzstudien III (Leipzig, 1863), pp. 121–132, pl. III.2 drawing; id., ZDMG 26 (1872), p. 625 ff.; Sayce, The Bilingual Hittite and Cuneiform Inscription of Tarkondêmos with copy (TSBA 7 (1881), pp. 294–308); id., Recueil 14 (1893), pp. 43–53 (“lost, alas, in the great fire of Pera”, p. 44); Messerschmidt, CIH (1900), Taf. XLII no. 9 (drawn from cast of Jensen), p. 42 f.; cf. Erste Nachtrag (1902), p. 20; Ward, Seal Cylinders (Washington, 1910); D. K. Hill, The rediscovered seal of Tarqumuwa King of Mera (Ar. Or. 9 (1937), pp. 307–310, pl. XXXVI); C. Gordon, Iraq 6 (1939), p. 24 ff., pl. VIII f.; cf. Mora, Stud. Med. 6, no. VIII.3.1., p. 104, Tav. 53 (from Gordon, 1939); Bossert, Altanatolien (1942), Abb. 715 (photo of W. A. Gallery impression). Content. Digraphic seal legend. Date. Late 13th century B.C. Text. Drawing reproduced from Wright, EH. Photograph. Prints from Walters Art Gallery. Readings. Successful (listed Hawkins, RlA XIII/5–6 (2012), s.v. Tarkas(sa)nawa). (1) Sayce, loc. cit., (1881), pp. 297, 299 f., read Cun. LUGAL and KUR and identified Hieroglyphs L.17 (now REX), L.228 (now REGIO), also Cun. tar, me, rest incorrect; also incorrectly compared the (Cun.) name with Greek Tarkondêmos. (2) W. F. Albright, Tarkumuwa king of Mera (AfO 4 (1927), p. 137 f.) correctly read Itar-…-wa ŠAR MAT AL me-ra.
Friedrich, KlF 1 (1930), p. 367, more plausibly explained Albright’s ra sign as a conflation of ra+a. (3) Güterbock, 1975, read the Cun. Itar-kaš-na!(emendation) and equated it with Hier. L.100 (first var.) (donkey head), on the basis of ASSUR letter f, § 22, tar-ka-s-nà-s (now (ASINUS2. ANIMA) tara/i-ka-sa-ni-sa). This is essentially correct except the emendation na!, which should be read unemended ša (see below, 5). (4) Nowicki, Zum Herrschernamen auf dem sogenannten “Tarkondemos”-Siegel (Fs Neumann (1982), pp. 227–232), identified L.320 as a variant (Empire Period) form of L.165 BONUS with derived phonetic value wà/ì, the equivalent of the Cuneiform -wa. This identification has since been amply confirmed on the Nişantepe sealings: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 432 s.v. wà/ì. Nowicki was thus able to identify the “Tarkondemos” ruler as the owner also of the Bo. /z seals (see below). (5) Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Of Donkeys, Mules, and Tarkondemos Fs Watkins ((1998), pp. 243–260); and Hawkins, Tarkasnawa King of Mira (An. St. 48 (1998), pp. 1–31), accepted for the Hier. Güterbock’s TARKASNA (L.101) and Nowicki’s wà/ì (L.320); and then read Cun. virtually without emendation Itar-kaš-ša-na-wa, thus gaining an exact correspondence which should be definitive. Superseded readings (Cuneiform) Tar-qu-u-tim-me (Mordtmann, 1863); frequently accepted, e.g. Gelb, 1931, also 1942; Meriggi, 1934; Alp, 1950; Tar-rik-tim-me (Sayce, 1881); Tar-qu/ kum-mu-wa Albright, 1927; Friedrich, 1930; Gelb, 1935; (Tarkaš)-na!-ti!(-wa) Güterbock, 1977; (Tar-kaš)-na!-mu!(-wa) Nowicki, 1982; (Hieroglyphic) Ta+ra/i-wa/i (abbreviation for Tarkasna-muwa, Nowicki, 1982).
XIV.11c. BOĞAZKÖY. Sealings. (plate 32) Bo. 388/z; (A) Bo. 385/z, (B) 386/z, (C) 387/z, (D) 1004/z 4 impressions (A, B, C, D) of same seal, 1 from different seal (Bo. 388/z) Location. Ankara Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. Description. Five conical bullae bearing impressions on their flat circular bases, 4 with impressions of same seal, one impression somewhat different, same content. All impressions preserve part only of central Hieroglyphic legend; presumed outer circle with Cuneiform legend nowhere preserved. Both seals write the owner’s name with antithetic animal heads L.101 (first variant ASINUS2 one with two anti-
thetic wa-signs L.439, the other with single wa), below this both show traces of a form of the ankh sign VITA (L.369). The name is flanked on both seals by REX and partially preserved m[i+ra/i]-a R[EGIO]. We may assume that the seals originally had a surrounding circle with Cuneiform legend, not preserved in any impression. Note. The published drawing of Bo. 388/z shows the left hand ASINUS2 with an additional left “horn” not seen on any other example. Collation in Ankara Museum, Sept./ Oct. 2007, shows that this is not an additional “horn” but part of the surrounding raised circle. The photograph from which the drawing was probably made is misleading in this regard.
Discovery. Excavated in 1967 (year /z) in Temple 1: “Magazin 1, Füllschutt (Bo. 1004/z); Magazin 32 …, obere Schutterde” (Bo. 388/z, 385/z, 386/z, 387/z); see P. Neve, Boğazköy IV (1969), p. 14 with n. 14. Publication. Güterbock, Boğazköy V (1975), Nr. 6, 7A, B, pp. 51–53 with photographs, drawings; id., in Boehmer– Güterbock, Glyptik, Nr. 263, 264 A–D, p. 83, Taf. XXXIII, photos, drawings.
Date. see KARABEL A. Text. Copies reproduced from publication with corrections. Photographs. Taken in Ankara Museum with M. Weeden in 2007. Readings. Güterbock, loc.cit. (1975), (1987). ASINUS2A-wa/i REX m[i+ra/i]-a R[EGIO] antithetic
Content. Seal legend.
Comment. TARKASNA(ASINUS2, L.101(1)). Güterbock correctly inferred the reading by comparing TARKONDEMOS Cun. Itar-kaš-nawith ASSUR letter f, § 22 (ASINUS2.ANIMA)tara/i-ka-sa-ni-. m[i+ra/i]-a R[EGIO] antithetic: though Güterbock saw that this must be the reading as on TARKONDEMOS (Hier.),
he was somewhat misled by the photographs seeming to show the -a as part of a sign resembling “an einen im Ellbogen angewinkelten Arm mit geöffneter Hand”, whereas in fact a rather slim a is followed by the beginning of REGIO.
XIV.12. HATİP. Rock relief with inscription. (plates 34 – 35) Location. On the west side of the Konya plain south of Konya, foothills slope up to the Erenler Dağ range. On the road running south-west from Konya past Karahöyük to Hatunsaray (class. Lystra, Hitt. Lusna) at some 19 km. from the city centre lies the village of Hatip. South of the village a long escarpment running north-east—south-west rises at its centre to a cliff some 15–20 m. high, from the foot of which flow multiple springs (Hatip Kaynakları). Since the discovery of the relief, a restaurant has been built here in front of the relief. Description. Some 6 m. above ground level on the cliff is the figure with inscription, somewhat difficult to discern (most noticeable are the legs, emphasized by the triangle of shade between them). The right-facing figure wears a pointed helmet (with horns?), a short tunic, sword at waist and boots with up-turned toes. He holds in his out-stretched left hand a vertical spear, and in his right a bow over his shoulder. A twelve-sign dextroverse inscription stretching back from his right shoulder identifies him. Discovery. A report of the existence of a relief at Hatip appeared in the Yeni Konya newspaper, 20 June 1993, by Osman Ermişler of the Konya Museum. In 1994 Dr. Hasan Bahar, Assistant Professor at the Selcuk University Konya, located the relief on the information of the locals (who knew it as the “Feet of the Prophet”—information of Pro-
fessor Ömür Harmanşah). Previously trees growing up in front of the cliff prevented a view of the relief but these were cleared in 1994. In March 1996 Bahar reported the find to Professors Belkıs and Ali Dinçol and in preparation for their visit with the help of a team of rock climbers cleaned the surface of the figure and inscription. The Dinçols visited on 18th May 1996 and were able to inspect the relief with a telescope and draw it albeit with some distortion occasioned by the angle of viewing. Ali Dinçol reported the find to the XVIII Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı in Ankara on 31 May, and to the IIIrd International Congress of Hittitology in Çorum on 16–22 September (reports published in the meetings’ papers). See H. Bahar, Konya-Hatip’te bulunan yeni bir hitit anıtı / Ein neues hethitisches Denkmal in Konya-Hatip (Arkeoloji ve Sanat 73 (1996), pp. 2–5/6–7); A. M. and B. Dinçol, Hatip Anıtındaki Hiyeroglif Yazıt (Arkeoloji ve Sanat 73 (1996), p. 8 f. with photograph); Ö. Ermişler and H. H. Ekiz, Hatip Kaya Anıtı (TAD 31 (1997), pp. 403–409). A. Dinçol KST 18 (1997). id., The Rock Monument of the Great King Kurunta and its Hieroglyphic Inscription (III ICH (1998), pp. 159–166 with Fig. 1 (drawing), Pl. I.1–2 (photographs)); id., Die Entdeckung des Felsmonuments in Hatip (TÜBA-AR. 1 (1998), pp. 29–35, Abb. 1–2 (photograph, drawing)).
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Publication. Bahar, loc. cit., 1996; Dinçol and Dinçol, loc. cit., 1996; Ermişler and Ekiz, loc. cit., 1997; Dinçol, loc. cit. 1997; id., loc. cit., 1998a and 1998b; Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 101–107 with Abb. 183–185 (general photographs), 186 (drawing), 187 (photograph, detail of inscription), 188 (photo, seal of Kuruntiya), 189 (photo with restaurant). Edition. Dinçol, loc. cit., 1998a and b; Ehringhaus, loc. cit., 2005.
Sculpture. Börker-Klähn, UF 31 (1999), pp. 51–73. Content. Epigraph identifying figure. Date. Reign of Kuruntiya in Tarhuntassa, contemporary with Tudhaliya IV, late 13th century B.C. Text. Drawing, copy, courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. Photograph. Courtesy of H. Ehringhaus.
Kuruntiya Great King, Hero, son of Muwattalli, Great King, Hero.
Commentary CERVUS-ti: for the reading in Hitt.(-Luw.) Kurunti(ya), as against Akkadographic Kurunta, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 290 Excursus 2. MAGNUS.REX [HEROS]: Ehringhaus, Edition, considers that MAGNUS has been deliberately erased, possibly also HEROS. I am much indebted to him for a discussion of this point and his sending of detailed photographs. For discussion of the erasure, see Goedegebuure, Hittite Iconoclasm, p. 433 f. mu](wa)-tax-li, Muwattalli: for -tax-, see SİRKELİ, commentary.
The discovery of HATİP confirms in monumental form Kuruntiya’s claim to Great Kingship known already from his three different seals from Boğazköy; and it also confirms unequivocally that he was the son of Muwattalli (II), which was previously only inferred (though not doubted). What this claim to Great Kingship meant to the dynasty in Hattusa, specifically to Tudhaliya IV, is not known, though Ehringhaus suggests that the reaction was expressed by the erasure.
XIV.13. SÜDBURG (BOĞAZKÖY 21 + 20). (plates 36–38) Location. In situ at the site of Boğazköy on the Südburg a rocky eminence to the south of the royal citadel Büyükkale across a valley, on the surface of which a fortification wall was always visible, giving the site its name. Description. The six blocks (I–VI) bearing the Hier. Luwian inscription thus form the bottom two courses of the west wall of Kammer 2. The inscription, almost fully preserved apart from a few areas of surface damage and one separ ated but restored flake (top of line 1), was placed in 5½ lines across the blocks, beginning upper right corner, running sinistroverse along line 1 to the left edge where it descends to line 2 and runs dextroverse, so continuing boustrophedon down to line 6 ending half-way along. The relief signs are in Empire monumental style with some surface detail. Line-dividers are partially represented by some stretches of relief but not consistently.
Peculiarities. (1) Sign forms: some crudely rendered, barely recognizable; ní in (a)li-wa/i-ní (§§ 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14); pi? ní? in sà-pi?-ní?(§ 3); MONS+LABARNA in ligature as against MONS.LABARNA (§§ 8, 10, 11); x (§ 10); LIBATIO (§ 17); signs without usual central division: i(a), ní, a, ARHA, NEG, lu. (2) Style, quite unusual: no sentence connect ives (copula, quotative, place particles), almost no case endings, verb endings (-zi/a dat. plur.?, §§ 5, 17; -ha 1 sing. pret., § 17). This makes clauses difficult to segment (note particularly PUGNUS.PUGNUS INFRA aka-, asyndeton, §§ 8, 12); and even more difficult to determine the internal syntax of some clauses. This demands some explanation, e.g. archaic(?) or archaizing(?). See also Date. Discovery. After only cursory investivations by Puchstein in the pre-WWI excavations, and by Bittel in the 1931–1939
period, surveys in 1962 and 1967 established that the fortification wall was post-Hittite in construction, and it was designated the “Phrygische Burgmauer”. In 1988 P. Neve commenced the first major investigation of the Nişantepe and Südburg areas. The clearance of the east wall of the Phrygian fortification revealed built into it three large Hittite blocks, two with Hier. Luwian inscriptions upsidedown (later designated I and II), and one with the figure of a Hittite king with short epigraph, lying on its side (BOĞAZKÖY 20). Further excavation to the south discovered below the Phrygian wall, a partly preserved Hittite structure which proved to be a vaulted chamber (“Kammer 2”). The west wall of this comprised four inscribed blocks in situ, one (III) above and three (IV–VI) below. Blocks I and II from the Phrygian wall fitted neatly on top of blocks V and VI (they were dressed to fit), thus completing the inscription (BOĞAZKÖY 21). The structure’s east wall had lower, uninscribed blocks in situ and one above. Almost all the remaining blocks of the structure including the key-stones of the vault lay fallen around, and being dressed to fit each other permitted the complete restoration of the monument. The block with the king’s figure from the Phrygian wall could be restored to an emplacement dressed to fit it on the outermost of the in situ lower blocks of the east wall. The inner end of the chamber was closed with a single slab carved with a relief figure. The chamber itself was built into the north corner of a large Hittite barrage underlying the Phrygian wall, constructed to form an artificial pool, the Heiliger Teich in the area between the Südburg and the King’s Gate. See Neve, Publication; now P. Neve, Die Oberstadt von Hattuša, Die Bauwerke III (BoHa XX, de Gruyter, 2018), ch. I.5, pp. 45–68. Publication (preliminary). P. Neve, Arch. Anz. 1989, pp. 316–332; H. Otten, ibid., pp. 333–337; J. D. Hawkins, Arch. Anz. 1990, pp. 305–314; (full) J. D. Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3 (1995). Editions. (Cf. Otten, loc. cit.); Hawkins, loc. cit., 1995. Melchert, (a) Gs Güterbock, pp. 137–143; cf. (b) id., Langue Poétique, pp. 291–293; (c) id., Fs Poetto (2019), pp. 356–377; (d) Fs Vine (2018), pp. 231–241; Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 1–19. Additionally Melchert and Yakubovich have both been kind enough to let me have transliterations/translations (unpublished) giving their recent thinking on this text. Oreshko’s doctoral thesis Studies in Hieroglyphic Luwian (2016) demands separate attention (see below for some examples of his flawed arguments). A complete disentagling of his many chains of largely fallacious interpretations would be wearisome work indeed.
Excerpts. Schurr, Klio 92 (2010), pp. 24–26 (§§ 5, 15). Date. The excavator Neve dated the whole complex to the late 13th century B.C., supporting this with archaeologi cal arguments: see e.g. Neve apud Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 11 f. His successors as directors of excavations J. Seeher and A. Schachner agree with this dating. This would point unambiguously to the identification of the SÜDBURG author as Suppiluliuma II not I. Otten (loc. cit.) considered an attribution to Suppiluliuma I “kaum möglich”, and that recognition as a “Tatenbericht Suppiluliumas II” fitted best with the known inscriptions of Tudhaliya IV and Suppiluliuma II (p. 336); also the gods’ names, especially Sausga, and the toponym Tarhuntassa “spricht eindeutig für eine Datierung der Inschrift in diese Spätzeit”. In amplification of Otten’s assessment Hawkins (loc. cit., 1990, pp. 310–313) adduced the problems of the signforms writing Suppiluliuma, specifically L.322 (PURUS) also L.391 (MI); Otten had established the distinction between the forms of PURUS used by Suppiluliumas I and II (ZA 58 (1967), p. 226 f.), namely the “barred” form (S. I) and the open (S. II), and by this rule the “barred” PURUS of SÜDBURG should indicate an attribution to Suppiluliuma I. I considered however that Neve’s archaeological evidence, together with the relations with Tarhuntassa recorded in the SÜDBURG should outweigh the counter-indication of the “barred” PURUS, especially since one possible explanation of the peculiarity of SÜDBURG was conscious archaism (Hawkins, loc. cit., 1995, p. 31; again in SGG (2011), p. 101), incorporating new considerations from the NİŞANTEPE 2, royal seal archive relating to TONITRUS URBS(REGIO) (“land of Tarhuntassa”: as identified by Otten (loc. cit., p. 335 f.); accepted, Hawkins (loc. cit., 1990; id., loc. cit., 1995, p. 40 f.). Here however I must add a further point: among the NİŞANTEPE seals there is an elaborate group belonging to a prince TONITRUS.URBS+li, clearly an important person with multipe titles (nos. 651–659; Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 286). For this reason I suggested that the name should be read not as the unknown Tarhuntasili but as the well-known Nerikkaili, the one-time tuhkanti, (half(?)-) brother of Tudhaliya IV, i.e. TONITRUS.URBS might represent the city of Nerik as well as Tarhuntassa. Now Weeden suggests that any important cult-centre of the Storm-God might be written TONITRUS(URBS), which might open up the SÜDBURG attestations to further interpretations. For this reason we agreed to change the translation of TONITRUS(URBS) REGIO to “land of Storm-God city”. Even if this were correct, it would not affect our understanding of the SÜDBURG attestations (§§ 12, 15, 17): Nerik was lost
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
to Hattusa from the reign of Hantili II until recovered by Hattusili III before his usurpation. Nothing that SÜDBURG records of TONITRUS.URBS(REGIO) could be understood in the reign of Suppiluliuma I. The still probable reading as Tarhuntassa remains critical to a Suppiluliuma II dating. I observed that the SÜDBURG literary device of inserting a historical narrative §§ 2–17 into the frame of a building inscription (§§ 1 … 18), unknown in Hittite Empire literature (Hawkins, loc. cit., 1990, pp. 307 f., 310; id., 1995, pp. 26, 45) seemed borrowed from Assyrian annalistic writing, which began with Adad-nirari I in the early 13th century B.C. Melchert developing this idea in a study of Luwian literary style (Langue Poétique, pp. 291–293; Fs Poetto, p. 356 ff. with nn. 3–5), observes that this device “is one (though not the only) reason why I must reject the widespread view that the SÜDBURG inscription should be attributed to Suppiluliuma I instead of Suppiluliuma II”. My own view has not changed markedly from that presented Hawkins loc. cit. 1990, p. 313, the main points being: for Suppiluliuma I (1) peculiar character of the inscription—archaic? (2) writing of Suppiluliuma PURUS.FONS.MI in the style of Suppiluliuma I not II. (3) arguments of Goedegebuure (2015), Payne (2015), Klinger (2015), van Quickelberghe (2015), Oreshko (2016). for Suppiluliuma II (1) difficulty of envisaging such a long Hier. inscription earlier than 13th century (Muwattalli II, Hattusili III,
Talmi-Šarruma king of Aleppo): peculiar character conscious archaizing(?) (2) style of PURUS.FONS.MI archaizing(?) (3) occurrence of Tarhuntassa (not earlier than Muwattalli foundation); even if read Nerik could not fit into reign of Suppiluliuma I. (4) building of Sacred Pool Complex: archaeology favours late 13th century B.C. (Neve supported by Seeher, Schachner). (5) style: historical report in framework of building inscription on Middle Assyrian model 13th century B.C. (6) figure of Suppiluliuma Great King with epigraph BOĞAZKÖY 20: best understood as representing Suppiluliuma I, erected by Suppiluliuma II as his guardian ancestor (great-great-grandfather); Hawkins, loc. cit., 1995, p. 19 f. For a detailed examination of the arguments, see now Weeden, Back to the 13th or 12th centuries BC? The SÜDBURG inscription at Boğazköy-Hattuša (Eothen 23 (2020), pp. 473–496. Text. (As from Publication) copy traced from the stones in 1989. Image from 3D model—Archive of the German-Italian International Cooperation Project in Hattusa: German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul, University of Naples Federico II, University of Naples SOB, courtesy M. Marazzi.
Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3
§ 4 3.
§ 5 § 6 § 7
HATTI REGIO OMNIS2 REL+ra/i (a)li-wa/i-ní INFRA á-ka VITIS+x ta-mi-na ma-sa5 lu-ka i(a)-ku-na L.502.L.300 MAGNUS.REX [FR]ONS-zi/a PRAE nà-nú-pa PURUS.FONS.MI MAGNUS.REX HEROS | | DEUS OMNIS2 (DEUS)SOL.SOL (DEUS)TONITRUS.HATTI (DEUS)TONITRUS. EXERCITUS (DEUS)L.463 sà-US-ka (DEUS)ENSIS (DEUS)TONITRUS sà-pi?-ní? DEUS HATTI ku-INFRA su-na-sa-ti CRUS a-tá (a)li-wa/i-ní INFRA á-ka VITIS+x ta-mi-na ma-sa5 lu-ka i(a)-ku-na | | CAPUT.VIR HATTI REGIO OMNIS2 FINES-zi/a HATTI (a)li-wa/i-ní-zi/a ARHA CAPERE PURUS.FONS.MI MAGNUS.REX HEROS HATTI REGIO OMNIS2 zi/a-la AEDIFICARE (a) i(a)-L.503(URBS) L.283.REX(URBS) L.504(REGIO) ta-L.505(URBS) L.300+x(URBS) ti-hi-ha-sà(URBS) | | tara/i-HANA-na(URBS) ti-sa-a (b) zi/a-la AEDIFICARE
Translation When all the Hatti-lands ALIWANI (I) subject(ed), —(the lands) Wiyanawanda(?), Tamina, Masa, Luka, Ikuna … before former kings. But now (for) Suppiluliuma Great King, Hero, all the gods, the Sun-Goddess of Arinna, the Storm-God of Hatti, the Storm-God of the Army, Sauska of the Field, the Sword-God, the Storm-God of Sapini(?), the gods of Hatti … stood with fullness, them ALIWANI (I) subject(ed), (the lands) Wiyanawanda(?), Tamina, Masa, Luka, Ikuna, the people of all the Hatti-lands (to) the frontiers of Hatti ALIWANIZI/A (I) took away. Suppiluliuma Great King, Hero, thereupon (re)built all the Hatti-lands, the city …, the city …, the land …, the city …, the city …, the city Tihihasa, the city Tarahna (I) TISA(ed) thereupon I (re)built.
§ 8
§ 9
§ 10 MONS+LABARNA.QUINQUE x CAPUT.VIR MONS.LABARNA.QUINQUE zi/a-la HATTI § 11 PUGNUS.PUGNUS (a) TONITRUS(URBS) REGIO | | (a)li-wa/i-ní INFRA § 12 á-ka (b) PUGNUS.PUGNUS § 13 pu-wa/i-ti zi/a […] AVUS.ANUS-na NEG-wa/i-tá RELti-ha L.507 § 14 PURUS.FONS.MI MAGNUS.REX (a)li-wa/i-ní INFRA á-ka (a) CAPUT.VIR TONITRUS(URBS) REGIO INFRA á-ka § 15 (b) ARHA CAPERE § 16 ta-NEG(URBS) AEDIFICARE TONITRUS(URBS) | | x-ra/i-sà-ma(URBS) § 17 INFRA.L.122(URBS) LIBATIO-ha-sà DEUS-zi/a DARE-ha zi/a+a-ti (DEUS)TERRA+VIA pa-ti-*a ANNUS i(a)-zi/a § 18
Mount … ALIWANI (I) subject(ed) (and) held, Suppiluliuma Great King, Hero ALIWANI subject(ed) Mount … (I?) … the people of Mount … thereupon (for) Hatti (I) held. The land of Storm-God city ALIWANI (I) subject(ed), (and) held. Formerly … the grandfathers (and) grandmothers to no one …, Suppiluliuma Great King, Hero ALIWANI subject(ed), the people of the land of Storm-God city (I) subject(ed) and took away. (I) built the city Tana, in the Storm-God city, the city …, the cities … … a ritual to the gods I gave. —here a (Divine) Earth-Road in that year (I) made.
Commentary Subjects of the verbs. It was always clear that the omission of the person—tense markers from the verbs could leave uncertainty as to the subject. Only one clause shows such a marker: DARE-ha, “I gave” (§ 17), and even this has been questioned (see below). Clauses introduced by Suppiluli uma clearly have him as the subject: § 6, thus also § 7; § 9, thus also §§ 10, 11; § 14, thus also §§ 15, 16, followed by the explicit § 17. What about §§ 8 and 12, clauses preceding Suppiluliuma clauses which seem partially to repeat them? And what about the extraordinary § 1 lacking any signalled introductory “speaker”, which can only be understood by supplying an unwritten 1 sing. (pret.) to the verb “(I) subject(ed)”. (This was one reason why I sought a royal title for subject in (a)liwani). The §§ 1 and 18 which I identified as dating formula+building report bracketing a historical narrative (§§ 2–17), must surely then be understood as 1 sing. statements, “When (I) subject(ed) … (I) construct(ed) …”. Can we indeed envisage any other subject throughout than a “speaker” Suppiluliuma? In my opinion probably not, though one may allow that such alternative interpret ation(s) should be examined. In particular, how to understand the already noted §§ 8 and 12—as rhetorical devices?
§§ 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14. (a)li-wa/i-ní: always followed by INFRA á-ka, except (§ 5) (a)li-wa/i-ní-zi/a (see discussion there). What difference does the omission of YALBURT’s (VIR2) and -sa make? Yakubovich, loc. cit., assumes that (a)li-wa/i-ní is acc. sing., object of INFRA á-ka, thus “subject(ed) the enemy”; § 5 is understood as (a)li-wa/i-ní zi/a, “this enemy”. Melchert’s initial rejection of INFRA á-ka, “subject” (BSOAS 60 (1997), p. 347; Gs Güterbock, p. 138 f.) offered an epigraphically entirely improbable alternative interpretation: Á+INFRA-ka (otherwise CUM+ka), equated with Late CUM, thus simply a postposition “with”. He has since retracted this together with his supporting arguments, which were indeed highly questionable, and thus accepts “subject” (Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 377; Fs Vine, p. 233 f.). Having taken YALBURT’s (VIR2)liwanisa as a neuter singular collective in -i(d)- (see above), he takes seriously SÜDBURG’s omission of (VIR2) and -sa, identifying liwani as the simple form, dat.-loc. sing. in “fixed collocation with INFRA á-ka, semantically parallel to Hitt. appa taninu-, “put back in order”, thus “subject(ed) to order” (loc. cit. (d), p. 233 with n. 8), with etymology (loc. cit. (d), p. 238 with n. 18). For the exceptional form (a)li-wa/i-ni-zi/a, see below Commentary, § 5.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
§ 1. HATTI REGIO OMNIS2, “all the Hatti-lands, the whole Hatti-land”: I previously split “Hatti” and “all the lands”; but while “conquered all the lands” is attested (YALBURT block 16, § 2; KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b; perhaps even NİŞANTAŞ AII, §§ b, c), in §§ 5 and 6 “all the Hatti-lands” fits better. (KARADAĞ 1, § 2): L.468 OMNIS2, could be “(conquered) all the lands”, or “conquered the land L.468”, (so Oreshko), but the latter would leave § 2 without a verb. REL+ra/i … (§ 18) … pa-ti-*a ANNUS, “when … in that year …”: cf. ANKARA 2, same dating formula. INFRA á-ka, “subject(ed)”: rejected, then accepted by Melchert (see above § 1 ff.); unfortunately some scholars seem to have followed his now discarded (and epigraphic ally ill-founded) proposal. For possible etymologies for á-ka-, see Melchert (loc. cit. (d), p. 233 with n. 8). For the possibility of reading INFRA á-ka-ha on NİŞANTAŞ AIII, §§ d, e, see Edition below. The reading is now supported by Marazzi’s 3D photogrammetric scan. § 2 (again § 4). The toponyms: for a recent critique, see Gander, Diss., p. 172. VITIS+x: clearly important because of its recurrence on YALBURT block 9, § 2; and a recently seen fragment (Alparslan, Maner, Weeden forthcoming); accepting the sign-identification but proposing a different reading, see Schurr (Klio 92 (2010), p. 22 f., Maddu(nassa); Simon, NABU 2018/1, no. 22, Hitt. muri, Gr. Myra). For Oreshko’s unfounded reading and interpretation (PLANTA = Arzawa!), see already Gander, Diss., p. 174 f.; also id., Klio 96 (2014), pp. 375–378. ta-mi-na: Oreshko’s re-ordering of the signs to mi-ta-na to create Mitanni invokes a Late period graphic phenom enon, where mi is sometimes found in ligature and/or out of place; this is not justified in an Empire writing. The toponym ta-mi-na(URBS) may be visible on NİŞANTAŞ (AIII, § e), reading also supported by Marazzi’s 3D photogrammetric scan. i(a)-ku-na: there is no good reason to doubt the form of ku (so Oreshko), but I must concede that my recognition of Ikkuwaniya (Konya) in this writing is quite speculative. L.502.L.300: sign L.502 attested only in L.502-mi-li LOCUS-ti (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33), compared with Hitt. dammeli pedi, “uncultivated place”, and same word KARAHÖYÜK, § 18. Sign L.300 attached to MANUS = NEPOS “grandson”, also (Transitional) postulated syllabographic hax (SHEIZAR, §§ 2, 3). Here a pair of logograms of unknown signification, though the context as understood appears to demand a verb of sense “were hostile, rebelled”, or the like. Oreshko proposes an implausible identification with Late NEPOS (L.300+L.488) to give a reading NOVUS2.THRONUS!
§ 3. nà-nú-pa: NİŞANTEPE gave a value CRUS2 = nà (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 429), confirming Melchert’s identification with Cun. Luw. nanumpa, “but now”. Extraordinarily this word with this writing has now reappeared (Late) YASSIHÖYÜK, §§ 11, 21. (DEUS)TONITRUS sà-x-x: Oreshko’s equation of sà-x-x with sà REGIO (NİŞANTEPE, no. 119) does not appear probable, and his inferred reading as Nerik is inexplicable (Hattusili III was king of Hakpis not Nerik). ku-INFRA: adverb (preverb)(?) as on YALBURT block 11, § 4. Oreshko’s reading OCULUS in preference to ku does not appear justified. § 4. a-tá: interpreted as Hitt. anda, “furthermore” (Melchert, pers. com., draft dated 30/12/2016). Now Melchert proposes to analyse a-ad(a)-ta, “and them”+Ortspartikel (Fs Vine, p. 233 n. 6), which certainly gives good sense. § 5. CAPUT.VIR: I now give up my interpretation as a royal title and accept Melchert’s understanding of this as the equivalent of Hitt. LÚ(.MEŠ), “(man) people of …” (Gs Güterbock, p. 140), thus here “the people of all the Hatti-lands” (also below, §§ 11, 15, “the people of GNN …”). But note his statement that CAPUT can stand for zidi- is incorrect— this is written with VIR, while the reading of CAPUT-ti- is unknown. FINES-zi/a HATTI: I doubt Melchert’s recognition of HATTI as syllabic há, “and”, otherwise unattested in Empire usage; so I would maintain the reading “frontiers of Hatti” (-zi/a nom./acc. plur. MF or dat. plur.—ambiguous, either “(and) the frontiers …”, or “to the frontiers”). (a)li-wa/i-ní-zi/a: I must now accept -zi/a as the case ending, which supposing this to be a royal title I had avoided. If (a)liwanisa is indeed nom./acc. sing. N, -zi/a must be dat. plur. (not nom./acc. plur. N), see Melchert, loc, cit. (d), p. 234 f. with nn. 9, 10, who translates “(re)ordered (boundary-territories)”. § 7. The toponyms. Oreshko’s lack of academic discipline shows itself as badly here as elsewhere, where he combines wilful misreading of signs to suit his interpretations, with extended chains of arguments (some dubious, some demonstrably fallacious) to offer readings more or less improbable. I here simply summarize the most egregious, which would require more detailed rebuttal. Likewise the attempts of Goedegebuure (2015) and van Quickelberghe (2015) to identify these Hier. toponyms with attested Cun. counterparts are quite unconvincing, being based on incorrect (or at best questionable) sign identification and evaluation.
i(a)-L.503(URBS): I gave the second sign a new number because otherwise unknown. Oreshko suggests that it may be L.430 with phonetic indicators, a reasonable proposal, unlike his “reading” and the resulting toponym identification. L.283.REX(URBS): first sign now found writing the PN Kantuzzili on a number of seals, ká-L.283-li, thus rendering tuzzi (Hawkins in SGG, p. 87 f.), presumably a logogram used as rebus. Since no registered toponym begins tuzzi, this reading does not assist. Oreshko’s attempt to re-read the writing Hier. ká-tuzzi-li is adequately rebutted by the clear impression Bo. 2004/12 (Hawkins, loc. cit.) apparently unknown to him. L.504(REGIO): this newly numbered sign is suggested by Oreshko to be L.461 with phonetic indicators (where his collation has seen an additional surface marking missed in my drawing); again a reasonable suggestion leading to improbable readings and identification. ta-L.505(URBS): Oreshko proposes to identify L.505 as a form of VITIS, the attested forms of which it by no means resembles (SBo I, 104; Herbordt, PBS, nos. 47–48, 520, 607; Hawkins, ibid., p. 311 nos. 55–56; B. Dinçol, AoF 25 (1998), p. 166; cf. the comments of Gander, Klio 96 (2014), pp. 375– 378). Oreshko tries to add some “grapes” to the sign, claiming collation. He was not to know that Boğazköy excavations in 2004 found a jar handle fragment bearing a stamp inscribed with this city name rendered exactly as in my drawing (piece registered 293/306.24, see Fig. below, photo, courtesy J. Seeher).
L.300+x: since L.300 added to MANUS writes “grandson” (Luw. hamsi-), an identification with Hammasa (RGTC VI, s.v.) was suggested (Oreshko), but it is quite unclear that this is a toponym. ti-hi-ha-sa: Oreshko disputes my drawing and identification of -hi-, suggesting instead -ru-, though Empire ru has an oval-oblique not rounded form. My drawing is likely to be accurate, and though neither hi nor ru produce an attested reading, an URUte-hi-ha has now appeared (RGTC 6/2, s.v. Tihiha). ti-sa-a: hardly to be identified as connective particles (so Yakubovich, rebutted by Melchert, Fs Vine, p. 233 n. 6).
Could it be a verb phonetically written without ending (as commonly in Empire inscriptions), Hitt.-Luw. tissai-, “mobilize(?)” (HWb, CLL, s.v.), thus asyndeton ti-sa-a … AEDIFICARE, “mobilize(d) (and) then built”. §§ 8, 12 (followed by §§ 9, 14): how to understand? § 8. MONS.LABARNA.QUINQUE: following Melchert (Fs Salvini, pp. 337–345) I have abandoned the transcription IUDEX for Late tarawani- in favour of IUSTITIA. The suggested link between Empire L.277 (LABARNA) and Late L.371 (now IUSTITIA) probably goes too. INFRA á-ka PUGNUS.PUGNUS: now accepted by Melchert (loc. cit. (d) p. 233 and n. 6), which he would render (following Melchert, Fs Nowicki, pp. 133–135), “subject(ed) … (and) held”. § 10. x: unclear sign, still unidentified, presumably a logo gram rendering the verb; sense may be guessed according to view taken of context, thus Melchert, “spare, leave alone”, in contrast to people “taken away” (§ 15). § 11. HATTI: accepting now HATTI REGIO OMNIS2 (§§ 1, 6), “all the Hatti-lands // all the land Hatti”, also “the Storm-God of Hatti … the god(s) of Hatti” (§ 3), and “the frontiers of Hatti” (§ 5), we are left with this one occurrence of HATTI alone. I see neither probability in Melchert’s identification as -há syllabographic nor a contribution to intelligibility, thus prefer to retain “Hatti” understood in an appropriate case, presumably dative. § 12. TONITRUS(URBS) REGIO: the reading “land of Tarhuntassa” goes back to Otten’s preliminary publication, and has been accepted by myself and others. Moreover it has been used as an important dating criterion for Suppiluliuma II, on the grounds that Tarhuntassa, unattested before Muwattalli II, was a new foundation which had not existed earlier. The reading and the dating criterion have both come under question recently by scholars seeking to redate SÜDBURG to Suppiluliuma I: see e.g. Gander, Diss. (2017), p. 171 ff., citing Oreshko (2012a), Payne (2015a), Klinger (2015a), van Quickelberghe (2015a), and Goedegebuure (paper read at VIII ICH, unpublished). Klinger in favour of a Suppiluliuma I dating argues that Tarhuntassa may not have been a new foundation but could have existed earlier. But if this were so, it is hard to believe that Tarhuntassa, which occupies such a prominent place in the SÜDBURG narrative, could have left no trace in the surviving records of Suppiluliuma I. Other suggestions have included alternative readings for TONITRUS URBS REGIO (“land of Storm-God city”).
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Here I must admit to having suggested to reading the PN TONITRUS.URBS+li (Herbordt, PBS, nos. 651–659) as Nerikkaili rather than an unknown Tarhuntassili (ibid., p. 286). A reading TONITRUS URBS as Nerik on SÜDBURG would also exclude Suppiluliuma I, but other centres of the StormGod cult have been considered: e.g. Kizzuwatna/Kummanni or now Aleppo (Oreshko cited by Gander, Diss., p. 172 n. 95). Neither is convincing. The reading Kizzuwatna is backed by reading TONITRUS.REX (Isputahsu seal, TARSUS 1) as “Kizzuwatna-king”, but this appears to be a PN, see Boehmer–Güterbock, Glyptik, no. 111; Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO, no. 9; but cf. Weeden, SMEA NS Suppl. 1, p. 59; and Kizzuwatna is written ká-zuwa-na REGIO (FRAKTİN, also NİŞANTAŞ, AVI, § c(?)), As for Aleppo, we may be confident from the many attestations that it would be written TONITRUS CRUS2 // GENUFLECTERE(-pa) (ALEPPO 1; ALEPPO 5; seals SBo II, 57–58; Herbordt, PBS, nos. 108–112; SGG, no. 57). These two arguments (Tarhuntassa could have existed before Muwattalli II; TONITRUS URBS could be read differently) weaken the case for Tarhuntassa as a dating criterion but do not demolish it. If other arguments favour a Suppiluliuma II dating, then the identification of TONITRUS URBS as Tarhuntassa remains the most probable. Because of the doubts however, it has seemed advisable to give in translation “(land of) Storm-God city”. § 13. Oreshko by collation in 2010 identified the remains of a sign missed by me, as I gladly acknowledge: z[i/a-…], but for his restoration z[i/a-la-ti], see further below. NEG-wa/i-tá REL-ti-ha, “not to anyone”: Oreshko citing the only other attested negative indefinite pronoun NEG-a REL-i(a)-sa-ha (YALBURT block 4, § 2), rejects this interpretation on the grounds that Empire usage is na not nawa. He also rejects my explanation of -tá as a misplaced -ta Ortspartikel, paralleled by a similar misplacement (Late) KARATEPE 1, § XXX.151. Unfortunately for him his reinterpretation of this passage is no longer valid since the establishment of tà as da: the first -tà (-da) must now be recognized as -(a)da, “them”; the second -ta cannot be -ada, so must be Ortspartikel. His interpretation “they (are) on my frontiers” falls, my recognition of misplaced -ta can stand. His interpretation of nawa- as “descendant” (Late MARAŞ 1, § 1, e-f), with -ta suffix explained by comparison with -ti suffix occurring with family terms (Late), is hardly convincing. L.507 (sign found now on seals from NİŞANTEPE, (Herbordt, PBS, nos. 91–94), L.507-á-na(-ni): Oreshko’s com-
parison with Cun. PN Idu-wa-at-ta-na-ni (Noms, no. 1404) deserves consideration, but in fact the analysis of the PN and comparison with the verb duddu- is hardly adequate to establish the “strong formal argument for the correctness of the identification of L.507 with duwaddu-”. z[i/a-…] (Oreshko’s clearly correct detection of the missed sign): how then to restore and incorporate? His proposed z[i/a-la-ti], “in future”, to contrast with puwati, “formerly”, is dependent on his interpretations of NEG-wa/i-tá REL-ti-ha and of L.507 neither of which can be considered plausible, let alone established, and without which z[i/ala-ti] contributes no apparent sense. Alternative restor ations are not easy, but perhaps z[i/a-ti] (zati), “here”, could be considered. § 15a–b. INFRA á-ka ARHA CAPERE, “subject(ed) … (and) took away (deport(ed))”: paralleled to § 8, “subject(ed) … (and) held”, so Melchert. § 16. ta-NEG(URBS), “the city Tana”: whether this could possibly represent Adana, and under what graphic usages remains debated. § 17. City names: x+ra/i-sà-ma, as discussed in my edition, Hursama seems the obvious reading, though the identity of x with Late (rare) hú is hardly likely. INFRA.L.122(URBS): as noted the Baltimore seal (outer ring) indicates these to be two separate cities. Goedegebuure’s Katapa (ká-LEPUS = tapa) is clearly wrong, so also van Quickelberghe (INFRA = kata+L.67 = pax). DARE-ha (zi/a+a-ti …), “I gave, (here …)”: Goedegebuure’s proposed zi/a+a-ha(copula)-ti (reflex. pron., 3 sing.) does not look probable. § 18. (DEUS)TERRA+VIA (identified with Cun. DKASKAL.KUR, normally a natural topographical feature, here taken as an artificial cultic imitation): Oreshko contests the reading and identification, specifically claiming collation to show that my DEUS is in fact FONS. Comparison of SÜDBURG’s DEUS and FONS shows the former to be oval and the latter round, and the questioned sign’s shape clearly to be the first. As for his claim of collation showing the remains of a central vertical (thus FONS), this, like other collations of his, may well turn out to be wishful thinking, though obviously a further check is called for.
XIV.14. NİŞANTAŞ (BOĞAZKÖY 5). Rock inscription. (plates 39 – 42) Location. Rock inscription in situ on Nişantepe at Boğazköy-Hattusa. Among the Hieroglyphic inscriptions of Boğazköy (see CHLI I/1, p. 35), NİŞANTAŞ has been designated BOĞAZKÖY 5. Description. The rocky outcrop Nişantepe, so named from the presence of the inscription itself (Turk. nişan, “sign, mark”), is centrally located in the lower, northern area of the Upper City. At the northern end of the outcrop on its east face a section of the rock has been cut back to make a surface for the inscription, which leaves the undressed rock projecting above and below, and forms a ledge below the inscription. A vertical fissure divides a wider right-hand inscribed area A from a narrower left-hand B. Whether this fissure was already in existence when the inscription was executed, or whether it was formed later, destroying a part of the inscription, is uncertain. Part A bears a 10½ line inscription, and part B adequately clearly shows 5 lines aligning with A ll. II–VI. The possible existence of further lines on B cannot be established because of the damage to the rock surface. Above B l. II is a narrow ledge receding to a further vertical surface now largely destroyed: traces here of a B l. I are claimed by Bossert (1933/34, p. 180, Abb. 8, 14), and Steinherr (1972, p. 1 and copy of B—see below, Publications), but it is difficult to confirm these observations. Thus it cannot definitely be established whether B formed the left-hand part of A with the intervening text destroyed by the fissure, or whether it was a separate inscription, and this uncertainty is compounded by the present impossibility of positively identifying a single sign on B. A l. I runs sinistroverse from its right edge and the text continues boustrophedon along the ll. II–XI ending half way along the last. The fissure may have constituted the left edge of A, or A lines may have run through to B, as discussed above: no reading gives definite evidence for continuity A ll. I+II, III+IV, etc. The right edge of A seems always to have been somewhat irregular and extends signi ficantly rightwards especially after l. V, thus increasing the width of the inscription. Along the bottom of the inscription another fissure connects a series of deep holes, which have destroyed parts of l. X, and most of l. XI as well as much of the smooth uninscribed surface below which runs down to the lower ledge. Dimensions: A, max. ht., 2.40 m., max. w., 6.15 m.; B, max. preserved ht., 1.05 m., max. preserved w., 2.50 m.
Condition: A, poor, very eroded, upper lines somewhat better especially l. I protected by overhang; B, probably hopeless. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: insofar as visible, typical Empire relief. Peculiarities: prominent a-signs at ends of connective particle groups (these are of great assistance in segmenting the text). We appear to have here too the initial-a-final rule as established for EMİRGAZİ 1 (rendered -*a in transliteration). Discovery. The weathered inscription would have been visible to the early travellers visiting the site of Boğazköy. It was first noted in print by Perrot in 1862 (see Publication). Publication. G. Perrot, Exploration (1862), p. 327 pl. XXXV (report, photograph); C. Humann and O. Puchstein, Reisen (1890), pp. 66 Abb.15, 73 (report and drawing of aedicula of l. I from cast in Berlin Museum); L. Messerschmidt, CIH (1900), pp. 21–23, Taf. XXVIII no. 3 (drawing from Humann-Puchstein); B.B. Charles, HI (1911), pp. 7–10, pl. III (report, photographs (with squeeze paper), drawing (“decipherment”)—few signs recognized); H. T. Bossert, Nischan-Tepe und Nischan-Tasch (AfO 9 (1933/34), pp. 172–186, detailed description of site and inscription, photographs Abb. 11, 12 (A in two parts), 13 (aedicula), 14 (B)); (K. Bittel and) H. G. Güterbock, Boğazköy (I) (Berlin, 1935, pp. 62–73, Taf. 25, discussion, and drawing of l. I (by K. Krause)); K. Bittel and R. Naumann, Boğazköy-Hattuša I (Berlin, 1952, Taf. 50a, photograph); E. Akurgal, AH (Thames and Hudson, 1962, pl. 62, photograph); E. Laroche, Nişantaş (Anatolica 3 (1970), pp. 93 ff., pls. V–VII, reading of A l. I, first half, Krauses’s drawing, copy, reconstruction); F. Steinherr, Die Grösskönigsinschrift von Nişantaş (Ist. Mitt. 22 (1972), pp. 1–13, 2 fold-outs, Taf. 1–5, discussion, reading attempts, copies of A, B, photographs); P. Neve, Die Ausgrabungen in Boğazköy-Hattuša 1991 (Arch. Anz. 1992, p. 332 Abb. 31, photograph); P. Neve, Hattuša, Abb. 127, photograph. Edition. J. D. Hawkins, The Rock Inscription of Nişantaş (BOĞAZKÖY 5) apud P. Neve, Die Oberstadt von Hattuša. Die Bauwerke III (BoHa XX; de Gruyter, 2018), pp. 137–147. Reading. After Perrot’s initial report and photograph (1862), scholars gave generally pessimistic assessments of the inscription: Humann–Puchstein (1890); Messerschmidt (1900); Winckler, OLZ 9 (1906), p. 628 and n.1; Garstang LH (1910), p. 158, also HE (1929), p. 78 f. and n. 4; Puchstein,
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Boghazköi, die Bauwerke (Leipzig and Berlin, 1912), p. 18 f. Ramsay was more optimistic (Mitteilungen des kaiserlich DAI, Athen. Abt. 14 (1889), p. 179), and Belck claimed “decipherment” (of 4 lines, Forschungreise, p. 481), as did the Cornell Expedition (Charles, HI (1911); Bossert (1933) was able to identify the initial aedicula and genealogy but was not able to identify correctly any royal names. Further progress was dependent on new evidence. The publication of the digraphic royal seals by (Bittel and) Güterbock (1935) permitted the latter to identify the author as Suppiluliuma (I) with the genealogy Tudhaliya–Hattusili–Tudhaliya. The identification by Laroche of Suppiluliuma II (RA 47 (1953), pp. 70–78), then the publication by Otten of the tablet Bo. 548/t (KBo XII (1963), no. 38), and the comparison by Güterbock after discussion with Laroche of the second text on that tablet, col. ii 22–28, with NİŞANTAŞ l. I (JNES 26 (1967), p. 81) opened the way to Laroche’s full reading of the first half of l. I (1970). Steinherr’s ambitious publication (1972) was, like the above attempts, the product of the 1960s. His reference to A ll. I–XI in roman numerals is maintained, and his division of A into vertical columns for reference (b–m, from the right) remains useful. He read AI mostly correctly (AIh, “my father Tudhaliya”), but failed to recognize the verb á-zi/a-, “love”, twice (AIi24, AIk30). Of his “erster Interpretationsversuch” (p. 12), only AVg, AIIe, AIVk, AVe seem likely to be approximately correct. On his “Liste einiger ausgewählter Zeichen und Zeichengruppen” (p. 13) most seem to be correct (except AIk, AII1, AIIk and AVII1), and his most important contributions here are AIIg and AIIId, the Suppiluliuma aedicula with affiliation on AII, and the repeated name with titles on AIII. Meriggi’s edition, Manuale II/2–3 (1975), no. 43, p. 292 f., Tav. III (redrawn from Krause), comments on the readings of Laroche (1970) and assesses the contribution of Bossert (1933/34). He did not know of Steinherr (1972), since Manuale II/2–3 was three years in press. In 1969 the surface of the inscription was cleaned of moss and lichen for the purpose of making a cast and photogrammetric survey. Unfortunately the cast was lost during shipment to Germany, and the results of the photogrammetric survey, being disappointing, were not published (Bittel– Neve, MDOG 102 (1970), p. 25 f.). However the inscription’s visibility was much increased by the cleaning. E. Masson corrected Steinerr’s erroneous readings on l. I, importantly recognizing the writings of the verb á-zi/a-, “love” (Fs Pugliese Carratelli (1988), pp. 150–152), following Güterbock’s recognition of this in his 1978 reading of FRAKTİN. Her announced forthcoming programme of work on the inscription did not take place.
J. D. Hawkins worked on the inscription for two 3-week periods in September 1992 and 1993 with the kind support of P. Neve. Optimum sun-light at that time of year is from 11.30 am. to 2.30 pm. The lowest, most eroded lines are seen best about 1.30–2.30 pm. after the upper lines have disappeared into shadow, and after 2.30 pm. the entire inscription is in shadow. The present readings and study are based on work done at that time and on photographs provided by Neve. See Hawkins, Nişantaş, and Neve, Nişantepe (RlA IX/7–8 (2001), s.v.). Content. Historical inscription of Suppiluliuma II. Güterbock (1935) working on impressions of royal seals excavated at Boğazköy in 1933 and 1934 and comparing them with then known monuments identified the Hieroglyphic writings of the kings’ names Suppiluliuma, Hattusili and Tudhaliya. These he read on NİŞANTAŞ (AI), understanding it as a 4-generation ascending genealogy: Suppiluliuma (I) – Tudhaliya (III) – Hattusili (II) – Tudhaliya (II). Laroche (1953) demonstrated the existence of a Suppiluliuma II, son of Tudhaliya IV, and Otten (1963a) published as KBo XII 38 a tablet of this king Bo. 548/t, on which he commented (1963b, pp. 13–18). In 1967 in a more detailed treatment rebutting the datings of Beran, he distinguished between the seals of Suppiluliuma I and II (1967, point 6), established that the “great aedicula” with the Labarna sign was first used by Tudhaliya IV, then by his sons Arnuwanda III and Suppiluliuma II (point 9), and that therefore the NİŞANTAŞ inscription was clearly attributable to Suppiluliuma II (point 10). He then returned to the wording of KBo XII 38 (point 11), suggesting that col. ii 11–16 (the inscribing of Tudhaliya’s statue) and 17–21 (its location in an eternal “peak sanctuary”, NA4hekur SAG.UŠ) pointed unmistakably to Yazılıkaya chamber B (point 14). The same year Güterbock (1967) published his re-assessment of KBo XII 38, showing that it contained the remains of two separate texts: the first ending with Suppiluliuma’s inscribing of the Tudhaliya statue and placing it in the hekur (col. ii 1–21); and the second beginning after a double ruling with Suppiluliuma’s genealogy, then “[My father] Tudhaliya …”, where it breaks off (col. ii 22–28). The fragment col. i containing a report of a conquest of Alasiya and its booty and tribute would have been part of Tudhaliya’s deeds inscribed on the statue. Col. iii has a fragment narrating a naval battle fought by Suppiluliuma off Alasiya; and col. iv ends the text with a statement that “I Suppiluliuma, Great King, built this NA4hekur SAG.UŠ,” and apparently installed a statue and gave it an endowment, concluding with a curse against misappropriation of the endowment. The naval battle must have been part
of Suppiluliuma’s own deeds. Güterbock pointed out that the beginning of the second text “I am Suppiluliuma” and genealogy was typical not of Hittite royal edicts but of Hieroglyphic Luwian monumental inscriptions, and indeed that the deeds of Tudhaliya and of Suppiluliuma himself would have been written in Hieroglyphic Luwian, as Hittite monumental inscriptions always were. As he put it, “… KBo XII 38 is a Hittite version of two hieroglyphic (Luwian) inscriptions.” He also noted the almost exact coincidence between the introduction to the second text, col. ii 22–28 (Cuneiform Hittite) and the first half of NİŞANTAŞ AI, up to and including “My father Tudhaliya, Great King …” (Hieroglyphic Luwian). (Steinherr and Laroche had shown him that this second Tudhaliya of his 1935 genealogy was actually the beginning of the text itself). Contrary to Otten’s placing of the Tudhaliya “eternal peak sanctuary” in Yazılıkaya chamber B, Güterbock considered that the phrase was more appropriate to the rocky crags within the Upper City of Hattusa, which showed the remains of monumental buildings, Yenice Kale, Sarı Kale, and Nişantepe. He therefore suggested that Nişantepe with its Hieroglyphic inscription NİŞANTAŞ was more like the NA4hekur SAG.UŠ of KBo XII 38. He stopped short of suggesting that the second text was an actual Hittite translation of Luwian NİŞANTAŞ, contenting himself with the statement that it was a Hittite version of “… a hieroglyphic inscription of Suppiluliuma II comparable to Nişantaş and dealing with a building on a mountain peak comparable to Nişantepe”. Laroche (1969/1970) followed this up with an article reconstructing the eroded Hieroglyphs of NİŞANTAŞ AI (first half), and showing in detail the correspondence to the Cuneiform of KBo XII 38, col. ii 22–28. He thus provided the first full and reliable reading of the initial passage of NİŞANTAŞ. (Steinherr had apparently reached his own reading of the passage independently, but did not publish it until 1972, where he improbably read the first damaged HATTI (REGIO REX) as sà-ara/i-si (REGIO REX), “Upper (land King)”). I myself have commented several times on this nexus of problems (1995, and recently 2015). I have indicated that I believe both Otten and Güterbock to have been in a sense correct: thus the NA4hekur of KBo XII 38, col. ii 17–21 with the inscribed statue of Tudhaliya should indeed be Yazılıkaya chamber B (Otten), and the NA4hekur of col. iv 3–4 (note “this NA4 hekur SAG.UŠ”) should be Nişantepe with Suppiluliuma’s annalistic text NİŞANTAŞ (Güterbock). This latter interpretation raises some problems which should be addressed here. Crucially, can it be understood that Suppiluliuma was building here on Nişantepe a NA4hekur for himself with his own annalistic inscription?; or was it, and the statue apparently mentioned, another NA4hekur and
statue for Tudhaliya, thus could Tudhaliya enjoy more than one NA4hekur? This latter option might seem unlikely and we may attempt to answer the question by examining in detail what KBo XII 38, col. iv actually says, to determine whether it can be understood to describe a dedication other than to Tudhaliya. If Güterbock’s restoration of [AL]AM-š[ú(?), “hi[s im]age”, is correct, it might be thought to be conclusive in favour of a Tudhaliya dedication, though perhaps it could be that Suppiluliuma included a statue of his father in his own NA4hekur. But the traces do not unequivocally support the restoration, and it is noteworthy that the copyist Otten did not read but simply restored [das Bild] (1963, p. 21). On the assumption that the question of dedication is still open, further details of phrasing must be examined. 1. Who is the -si (col. iv 3 and 9)? Must it be “for him” (Tudhaliya), or could we understand “for it” (a statue), also to be understood in -at (col. iv 10, “or subjects it to sahhan”)? 2. This requires consideration of what is said about the statue in col. ii 4 and 6, where ki-i ALAM and -at, “it”, are clearly neuter gender, thus ALAM to be read esri. 3. Yet ALAM … na-an-kán … na-an … (col. ii 18–20) seems to show ALAM as common gender, read as is possible sena- (Güterbock, 1967, p. 79, comment on line 21, found this problematic). Could we suppose that the ALAM (neuter esri as above) was then conceived of as the person it represented: “I made the image, and brought him into the NA4hekur SAG.UŠ, and set up and appeased him”? 4. We might then understand col. iv. 9–14: “(He) who takes away from it (sc. “my statue”), or subjects it/them (sc. the endowments) to sahhan, for them (sc. the malefactors) [the gods] who recognized Tudhaliya, Great King,—for them [may] the latter (sc. the gods) [be angry]!” While this interpretation is hardly conclusive, I feel that it is at least arguable, and the alternative understanding is not without detailed problems either. This way would allow us to accept a second NA4hekur (“this NA4hekur”), built on Nişantepe by Suppiluliuma for himself with his own annalistic inscription, his “deeds”, NİŞANTAŞ. This leaves us with one final question: what can we say about the relationship of what is preserved of the Cuneiform Hittite text (col. ii 22–28 … col. iii 1–20 … col. iv 1–14) with what can now be understood of the Hieroglyphic Luwian NİŞANTAŞ? While col. ii 22–28 has been shown by Laroche to match NİŞANTAŞ AI, §§ 1–2 (beginning), I can find nothing on NİŞANTAŞ to correspond to col. iii, the naval battle off Alasiya, though of course it could be there but unread. Col. iv, the end of the text may find some echo on
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
NİŞANTAŞ AV, which is not the end of the text but halfway through and certainly offers no close correspondence (see further below). I offer a summary of what I can understand (even if speculatively) of NİŞANTAŞ: AI, § 1: the genealogy. AI, §§ 2–5, AII, §§ a–c: “My father Tudhaliya’s” divine favour, reign and deeds. AII, §§ d–e … AIII … AIV … “I Suppiluliuma” … my deeds … (including AIV, §§ b–c, my advance to the frontiers, opposition from the son(s) of Halpa(?) …) AV … §§ a–b: divine favour to me, my accession. § c: I made for father a hekur(??) (SCALPRUM. hi …) … § g: I myself made a statue, AVI: some toponyms, Lukka(?), Kizzuwatna … AVII: … the city Išuwa … … (nothing further) The “echo” of KBo XII 38 col. iv may be found in AV §§ c and g, a possible reference to making a hekur (see Commentary to AV, § c), and the probable reference to making a statue. Thus I can present no evidence for any close correspon dence between what remains of KBo XII 38 col. ii 22 ff. (apart from the genealogy) and what can be read on NİŞANTAŞ. So it seems that we must fall back on Güterbock’s formulation that KBo XII 38 col. ii 22 ff. contains a Hittite version of “a hieroglyphic (Luwian) inscription of Suppiluliuma II comparable to Nişantaş”. On the building on Nişantepe we can be more positive, that it was a hekur built by Suppiluliuma, as Güterbock supposed, and we may add that it was for himself, to house his own(?) statue, perhaps also(?) one of his father Tudhaliya, and that he marked it with his annalistic inscription NİŞANTAŞ. Thus we may conclude that Otten and Güterbock were both right: one hekur was indeed Yazılıkaya chamber B, the other Nişantepe. Date. Reign of Suppiluliuma II, end of 13th century B.C. Text. The text here offered is based on work done on the site in 1992 and 1993. It was produced as follows: working from thirteen detailed photographs made by Neve, and standing in front of the inscription I traced on acetate over-lays the signs which I could see as well as unrecognized but approximate shapes. At home I made enlarged photocopies of these, which I put together and traced off to make a complete text,
measuring some 1.0 m. wide. Copies of this reduced to A4 size are offered here (see Plate 40a, etc.). An ever recurring problem is the representation of fuzzy eroded signs by sharp ink lines. Preferable would be the style adopted for the YAZILIKAYA epigraphs: see e.g. Yazılıkaya (1975), Taf. 55. Photographs. Taken in 1993 by P. Neve. Decipherment. Though the worn signs preserve little in the way of detail, nevertheless many show distinctive shapes which may be identifiable to the trained eye, especially in the context of a recognizable group. Connective particle chains (see Plate 40b). These especially stand out and are valuable in segmenting the text into clauses. Most distinctive of all is the full line-height a (L.450), which observes the rule initial-a-final, that is it marks the end of typical particle groups. Within these the quotative particle wa (L.439) though seldom showing its two internal divisions is fairly recognizable as an oblong shape. In context too the enclitic pronouns -mu and -mi, (L.107 and L.391), also -da (= ada) and -ti (L.41 and L.90) can often be recognized, as well as the Ortspartikel -tá (L.29). The copula -pa (L.334) often stands out surprisingly clearly, as does the conjunction REL-ti (= kwati, L.329 and L.90). Plate 40b shows the recognizable groups, which provide a basis on which to build an intelligible text. For more detailed discussion, see Commentary. Verbs. We would naturally look for these immediately before connective particle groups, and as it happens, several do stand out, along with endings 1 sing. and 3 sing./plur. pret., -ha and -tá (see Plate 40c). Thus the signs á-zi/a- (aza-, “love”) (L.19+L.376) have a very characteristic appearance which beyond the already identified examples on AI, permits their further recognition on AII and AV. Similarly i(a)-zi/a- (izi-, “make”) stands out well in typically Empire form (L.209+L.376) on AV (twice). A curious four times repeated asyndetically mu-wa/i-tá (“he conquered”, L.107+L.439+L.29) is also quite visible on AII. Beyond that, a clear INFRA (zanta, L.56), middle of AIII, is very probably followed by á-ka-ha (akaha, L.19+L.434+L.215) as found on SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 15, and this seems to be repeated in a subsequent clause. The signs SOLIUM-ha (asaha, “I sat”, L.299+L.215) may be seen, middle of AV, which is supported by a recognizable context; and CAPERE-ha (laha, “I took”, L.41+L.215), is possible but unsupported. The verbs a+ra/i-ha and PONERE, “I arrived” and “(I) put” (L.450+L.383+L.215 and L.65) may be read following the observation of parallel passages on other inscriptions (see Plate 41b, and discussion in Commentary). Finally a lone ARHA DELERE, “(I?) destroy(ed)” (L.216.II, L.248) seems to be visible toward the end of AVI.
Toponyms. See Plate 41a. A few toponyms may be relat ively securely read, others less so. After AI’s HATTI REGIO REX “king of the land Hatti” (L.196, L.228, L.17, twice) and HATTI URBS REX, “king of Hattusa” (L.196, L.225, L.17, once), AII has three times REX … REGIO “king of the land …”, objects of muwata, “he conquered”, though unfortunately I cannot identify the three toponyms. AIII has a possible L.468 (REGIO) which might be the same as L.511-sa5 (REGIO) (YALBURT block 17, § 2—if so, discard new no. L.511 in favour of L.468–469); also a possible ta-mi-na (URBS) (L.100,
L.391, L.35, cf. SÜDBURG, §§ 1b, 4b). AIV may have TONITRUS.GENUFLECTERE (URBS) (“Halab”, L.199, L.85, L.225), which would give surprising sense. AVI has a possible REX x-ti REGIO (x apparently an animal head, unidentified; and more securely lu-ka(URBS) ká-zuwa-na(REGIO) “Lukka (and) Kizzuwatna” (L.445, L.434, L.225; L.56, L.285, L.35, L.228), with a possible repeat lu-ka (REGIO) at the end of the line. AVII (end) has rather clearly IŠUWA (URBS) REX, “king of Išuwa” (L.226), the last readable signs.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Transliteration AI,
§ 2. mi-sa-wa/i-*a tá-ti MONS+tu MAGNUS.REX DEUS-ni-ti á-zi/a-mi … [sa]-tá-*a
§ 3. (DEUS)SOL SOL+RA/I á-zi/a-tá
§ 4. wa/i-na-*a REX?-ti u?-ni?-tá § 5. a-wa/i HATTI(URBS) REX … … AII, § a. wa/i-na-*a (DEUS)SOL SOL+RA/I á-zi/a-tá
§ b. wa/i-ti-i(a)-*a REGIO-ní-i(a) OMNIS2-x-x …
§ c. … zi/a-i(a) REGIO-ní-i(a) mu-wa/i-tá REX x x x REGIO mu-wa/i-tá REX x x x REGIO mu-wa/i-tá REX x REGIO mu-wa/i-tá
§ e. [INFANS FEMINA CRUS2-zi/a INFRA REL-zi/a-tá]
§ b. wa/i-mu-tá-*a … … ARHA? CRUS?
§ c. wa/i?-mi?-tá-*a L.468/469?(REGIO) … CAPERE-ha
§ d. wa/i-da?-tá-*a x x-*a? INFRA á-ka?-ha?
§ e. REL-ti-pa-wa/i-tá (VIR2)ali-wa/i-ní ta-mi-na(URBS) x x
INFRA á-ka?-ha?
AIV, § a. … mi?-*a (VIR2?)tá-ti …
§ b. REL-ti-pa-wa/i-tá DEUS-ní-ti FINES-zi/a PRAE-na a+ra/i-ha
§ c. ⌈wa/i⌉-tá-*a TONITRUS.HALPA(URBS) FILIUS PRAE-na pa-tá-*a PONERE …
§ d. …
§ e. …
Translation AI,
§ 1. I (am) the Sun, the Great King, Labarna Suppiluliuma king of Hatti, the Hero, son of Tudhaliya, Great King, Hero, king of Hatti, grandson of Hattusili, Great King, Hero.
§ 2. My father Tudhaliya, Great King, was loved by the gods,
§ 3. —the Sun-Goddess of Arinna loved (him),
§ 4. and him they recognized (?) (as) king (?),
§ 5. and in Hattusa king [… … AII, § a. him the Sun-Goddess of Arinna loved,
§ b. and all the lands for himself […
§ c. … these lands he conquered: the king of … land he conquered, the king of … land he conquered, the king of … land he conquered,
§ d. I (am) Great King Suppiluliuma, Hero, son of Tudhaliya, Great King, Hero [grandson of Hattusili, Great King, Hero.]
§ e. [children (and) women KWAZA-ed down on the knees]
AIII. § a. … Great King Suppiluliuma …
§ b. and me …
…stood(?) away(?),
§ c. and for myself the land L.468/469(?)
§ d. and them (?) … I subjected.
§ e. But when the ALIWANI-men (of) the city Tamina … I subjected, …
… I took
AIV, § a. … my father …
§ b. But when with the gods I arrived in front of the frontiers,
§ c. the son(s) of the city Halpa (?) afterwards put in front,
§ d. …
§ e. and …
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
§ f. mu-pa-wa/i-*a pa+ra/i-i(a) …
§ g. REL-ti-pa-wa/i …
AV …
§ a. … (DEUS)SOL SOL+RA/I á-zi/a-tá
§ b. wa/i-mu-*a REX-ti […]-tá
§ c. wa/i-mi-tá-*a mi-i(a)-⌈*a?⌉ (VIR2?)tá-ti ⌈THRONUS?⌉ …-ti SOLIUM-ha
§ d. REL-ti-pa-wa/i(-x?) … tá-ti … i(a)-zi/a-ha
§ e. FLUMEN-zi/a-pa-wa/i-ti [… …
§ f. wa/i-mu-*a x x …
§ g. … STATUA mu-*a i(a)-zi/a-ha
§ h. x-wa/i?-mi …
AVI, § a. … REX x-ti REGIO *a?
§ c. … VITIS?(URBS) lu-ka(URBS) ká-zuwa-na(REGIO) … URBS? FILIUS? REL-ti … nì-i(a)-ha
§ d. mu?-wa/i-*a REL-ti …
§ e. …
§ f.
… ARHA DELERE lu-ka(REGIO) …-*a … lu-ka(REGIO) […
… AVII (end)
§ f. but me …
§ g. but when …
§ a. … [me] the Sun-Goddess of Arinna loved,
§ b. and she […]ed me king.
§ c. I seated myself on my father(’s) throne.
§ d. But when … father … I made,
§ e. but rivers … …
§ f. and me …
§ g. I myself made a statue (?),
§ h. and […
AVI, § a. … king of the land …
§ b. I … Great King Suppiluliuma […
§ d. and? me? when …
§ e. …
§ f.
§ c. … the city Wiyanawanda (??), the city Lukka, the land Kizzuwatna, … city son(s), when … I led,
… destroy(ed) … Lukka-land … Lukka-land
… king of Išuwa …
AVIII I Great King Suppiluliuma …
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Commentary AI, §§ 1–2a. Read by Laroche, loc. cit. §§ 1–5. Read by Steinherr with following failures: § 1 EGO-wa/i-mi-*a, HATTI (REGIO.REX); § 2, á-zi/a-mi … [sa]-ta-*a; § 3, (DEUS)SOL SOL, á-zi/a-tá, § 4, REX?-ti u?-ni?-tá; § 5, a-wa/i §§ 2–3. Read by E. Masson, loc. cit.
AIII, § a. So read by Steinherr. § b. ARHA? CRUS?, “stood away”, i.e. “secede, revolt” (see KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 5, and Commentary): reading very uncertain but possible. § c. Connective particles: recognition as such seems relatively assured because of -tá-*a, but the beginning is uncertain; wa/i?-mi?- looks to be the most likely. L.468/469?(REGIO): also uncertain, but if correctly recognized, this could be compared with L.511-sa5(REGIO) (YALBURT block 17, § 2)—if so, discard new number L.511 and replace with L.468 (469). The reading would remain unknown. CAPERE-ha, “I took”: reading relatively secure.
§ 1. EGO-wa/i-mi-*a: the initial-a-final, regular in this inscription, presumably signals (*a-)AMU-wa-mi; cf. MARAŞ 8, § 1, EGO-mi-i-*a REX-sa?: unexpected appearance of -sa? must stand for some form of the genitive ending, cf. remarks of Laroche, loc. cit., p. 96.
§ 2. á-zi/a-mi … [sa]-tá-*a: damage obscure whether anything is missing beyond [sa]-; possibly -sa to give á-zi/a-mi-sa
§ d. wa/i-da?-tá-*a: if the second sign is correctly identified (and there is not much choice), this would be analysed wa+ada+ta+*a, and it/them …” INFRA á-ka-ha: INFRA (zanta) stands out very clearly, á- reasonably clear; -ka-ha, two unclear shapes, plausibly identified to give the verb zanta aka-, “subject”, following comparison with the attestations, SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 15. The repeat at the end of the next clause also fairly secure.
§ 3. (DEUS) SOL SOL+RA/I, “Sun-Goddess of Arinna”: reading proposed by Marazzi and Bolatti Guzzo based on photogrammetric 3D scans. § 4. REX?-ti u?-ni?-tá, “(him) they recognized (?) (as) king (?)”: queried signs very uncertain, but I think possible. cf. AV, § b § 5. Verb? “They made …” expected, but no trace visible. AII, § b. OMNIS2 (L.430): for identification and reading punati-, see Hawkins StBoT Bh. 3, p. 25 f. The two following signs could conceivably be -na?-da?, giving a phonetic writing punada (nom./acc. plur. N). § c. REGIO … REX (three times): I can offer no readings for the three countries, but would hope that future examination and research might have more luck. § d. So read by Steinherr, except that he did not see (MONS)tu. EGO-mi-*a: again initial-a-final presumably indicates a-(a)mu-mi.
§ d, e. [readings from Bolatti Guzzo et al., 2017]
[§ e. See YALBURT block 15, § 1]
§ e. REL-ti-pa-wa/i-tá: stands out, certain reading. (VIR2) ali-wa/i-ní: interesting to find this key word from SÜDBURG and YALBURT here, though its interpretation is problematic—ALIWANI-men (of) the city Tamina(?). ta-m[i]-na(URBS): appears also on SÜDBURG §§ 1, 4. x-mu?-*a: an -a stands out here, but from the context as understood can hardly be part of connect ive particle chain. One thinks of mu-*a, “I myself” as recognized on AII, § e and AV, § g but there is a first unclear sign. Could this be VIR2 as recognized before aliwani, also perhaps before tati, “father” (AV, § c, also AIV, § a)? AIV, § a. mi?-*a (VIR2?) tá-ti, “my father”: somewhat uncertain.
§§ b–c. Elucidated by parallel passages EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 4–5; YALBURT block 3, § 2. (1) NİŞANTAŞ, § b
REL-ti-pa-wa/i-tá DEUS-ní-ti FINES-zi/a PRAE-na a+ra/i-ha (2) YALBURT block 3, § ii REL-ti-pa-wa/i-m[u] FINES?-[…] PRAE-n[a] a+ra/i[… (3) EMİRGAZİ 2, § 4 [… … PR]AE-na PES2 (4) NİŞANTAŞ, § c [wa/i]-tá-*a HALPA(URBS) FILIUS PRAE-na pa-tá*a PONERE (5) EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5 REL-ti-pa-wa/i-mu FINES-zi/a PRAE-na pa-tá-[*a] PONERE
(1) But when (by the gods’ (help)) I arrived at the frontiers, (2) But when for me [he/they] arriv[ed] at the frontier[s], (3) [… ] arriv(ed) at […]
(4) The son(s) of Halpa afterwards place(d) at (the frontiers) (5) But when for me (he/they) afterwards place(d) at the frontiers,
1–3. FINES-zi/a (dat. plur.) PRAE-na a+ra/i- // PES2, “arrive at the frontiers”: cf. Hitt. …] KUR-e-aš ir-hi pa-ra-a a-ra-a-an-zi, “they arrive at the land’s frontier” (VBoT 133, obv. 9). While in (1) the verb is 1 sing. (pret.), in (2) it should be [3 sing./plur. (pret.)], because of the enclitic -mu, “(against) me”. In (3) PES2 doubtless serves as logogram for ar-, “arrive”. In (2) the sign FINES (L.216) appears as a very attenuated version of the usual Empire form, so much so as to raise a question of its identity: could it in fact be VIA, previously without Empire attestation? However, the parallelism of the passages must favour the FINES identification. 4–5. NİŞANTAŞ, § c, expresses opposition (on the part of the sons of Halab) to Suppiluliuma’s arrival at the frontier, thus the verb PONERE should be understood as 3 plur. pret. The same should apply to EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 4–5, as is emphasized by -mu (§ 5), “(against) me”. pa-tá-*a, presumably apa(n)ta, “afterwards (?)”, (FINES-zi/a) PRAE-na apa(n)ta PONERE, “afterward (?) placed at the frontiers”. Can we understand this as “pitched (camp)”? Cf. Hitt. am-mu-uk-wa ú-wa-nu-[un nu-wa-kán] A-NA ZAG
KUR-KA pí-ra-an [tu]-uz-zi-ia-nu-un, “I came and encamped at your land’s frontier” (AM, p. 98 f.). § f. pa+ra/i-i(a): might represent pari(ya), “before”, but this would probably be written PRAE-i(a). AV, § a. Cf. I § 3 above. §§ a–c clearly mark Suppiluliuma’s accession. § b. Context expects “made” (i(a)-zi/a-) or “recognized” (u-ni-). Traces exclude “made”; could perhaps permit but do not strongly support “recognized”. § c. Enough reading is adequately secure to dictate obvious restoration. SOLIUM-ha, “I sat”, + reflexive -mi-, “seated myself”, demand “on my father’s throne”, which the traces support. mi-i(a)-[*a] (ami): last sign demanded as -*a (initial-a-final), though not obvious from traces. (VIR2?) tá-ti, “father(’s)”: first sign probable, cf. AIV, § a. YALBURT block 4, § 2, writes (VIR2) tá (AVUS) “fathers (and grandfathers)”. Other writings of “father” seem to lack (VIR2): AI, § 2. THR[ONUS …-t]i: full form of logogram unclear. In the Late Period the full phonetic writing is i-sà-tara/i-ti (dat. sing.); here probably only THRONUS-ti. § d. “But where a … (for) father … I made”: two unclear words, (1), 2–3 signs (before tati), (2) 2 signs (before i(a)-zi/a-ha). (1) One would of course expect to find here the Hier. equivalent of (NA4) hekur SAG.UŠ, “(eternal) peak-sanctuary”, especially in view of KBo XII 38 iv 3–4: “I (myself) Suppiluliuma Great King built for him this eternal peak-sanctuary” (referring to the Nişantepe structure). Visible here is (top) an arrowshaped sign which could well be SCALPRUM (L.331), the Hier. equivalent of Cun. NA4 which determines stone objects. It is followed by a curved-topped sign and perhaps one other. It has been proposed to recognize in the sign hi (L.413/414) an Empire Period abbreviation for hekur (Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO (2008), p. 70). I think it possible that we may have here (SCALPRUM) hi, perhaps even -ku+ra/i, so there is a good chance of establishing a reading of hekur here. tá-ti, “father”, but no possibility of ami, “my”. (2) second unclear word, 2 signs, unidentified.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
§ e. FLUMEN-zi/a, “rivers” (nom./acc. or dat. plur.): though the signs stand out well, it is hard to see the place of this word in the context as understood. § f. Reading relatively assured, and of course fits generally with the record of making statues on KBo XII 38 (ii 4–10, 18 f.; iv 5–6). STATUA: not hitherto attested in Empire inscriptions, but common in Late Period. The logogram L.12 is made up of a human head above a pot (CAPUT+ VAS), with which the two shapes here agree well. The Late reading is tarusa (N), as is ALAM on KBo XII 38 (ii 4, 6: ki ALAM, -at); the (na-)an on ii 18, 20 is presumably “him”, the statue as Tudhaliya. AVI. § a. REX x-ti-x REGIO, “king of the land …” interpret ation eludes me; x- apparently unidentifiable animal head. § b. This begins with a thin vertical line, probably too thin to be a, so perhaps a vertical line-divider marking a new subject. Such a divider is not otherwise visible in this text. EGO … tu?, “to him I (Great King Suppiluliuma …)”:
§ c. Of the toponyms claimed here, ká-zuwa-na(REGIO), “Kizzuwatna land”, is the most secure, before which lu-ka(URBS), “Lukka city”, is also likely. The shape before this could be VITIS(URBS), “Wiyanawanda city”, from the juxtaposition with Lukka (SÜDBURG, §§ 1b, 4b; also YALBURT block 9, § 1a–b). A following x x x URBS FILIUS, “son(s) of the city …” may be read. nì-i(a)-ha (nì- rather clear): would give the verb niya-, “turn, follow” (CHLI I/1, pp. 98, 127), cognate with Hitt. nai-/niya-. § e. ARHA DELERE, “(I?) destroy(ed)”: stands out fairly well. §§ e–f. lu-ka(REGIO) (twice), “the land Lukka”: first luka(REGIO) appears to be followed by connective particles x x-*a (initial-a-final), which would introduce a new clause, leaving luka(REGIO) in the preceding clause. AVII (end) IŠUWA(URBS) REX, “king of the city Išuwa”, lonely survival, relatively clear. AVIII (end) Possible “I Great King Suppiluliuma” visible.
XIV.15. KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA. Base. (plates 43 – 44) Location. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, no. 32.
clause relating to the execution of the stele or inscription by a high official.
Description. Rectangular block of white limestone, bearing 3-line inscription on front face. The sides and reverse are dressed, and the top has a rectangular hole cut into it to receive the tenon at the bottom of some standing monument (the sides and back of this hole are worn down and broken away). The inscription begins at the upper right corner, running sinistroverse, returning boustrophedon along l. 2, and so continuing along l. 3 where it ends. There is some damage to the surface of the block on the right side of l. 1 and the left side, ll. 1–2. The upper right corner was clearly not the beginning of the text but a continuation from a lost element, probably the stele to which the piece formed the base. The damage on the left side of the stele has obscured the transition from l. 1 to l. 2, so that it cannot be definitely established whether l. 2 was a direct continuation of l. 1, though this is probable. The text proper seems to end at l. 2 right edge, and l. 3 seems to comprise a self-contained
Dimensions: ht., 0.80 m.; w., 1.80 m.; th., 1.00 m.; line ht., (1) 0.22 m., (2) 0.18 m., (3) 0.43 m. Condition: very fair apart from two areas of damage. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Peculiarities: initial-a-final. Discovery. In 1884 by an Austrian expedition led by Count Lanckoronski travelling from Konya to Ilgın. The inscription lay c. 270 m. to the left of the road from Kadın Han to Ilgın, c. 4.8 km. before Köylütolu Yayla, 12.8 km. before Ilgın. Ramsay visited the site in 1886 and reported an elevation in the soil “running in a curve for a long distance; it has all the appearance that is assumed by a strong city wall, when it has been unused for many centuries and left to decay and become covered with accumulated soil” (see Publication). Hogarth and Headlam passed it in 1890 and photographed and copied the stone (see Publication). They reported that
the stone had been uncovered by peasants “in the elevation marking the line of the wall”. It was visited by the Cornell Expedition in 1907, who remarked of the elevation: “The embankment nearby, the course of which hardly suggests a wall of defense, is very possibly the line of an aqueduct to the nearby Hittite Tyriaeum, a conclusion which is strengthened by the fact that it seems to have been continued in a cutting to the southwest” (see Publication). By 1934, when Hrozný saw it, the stone had been brought to the Augusteum in Ankara, and it was moved to Ankara Museum by Güterbock in 1948. Meriggi visited the site in 1963 (OA 2 (1963), p. 289 f., with Tav. LVII figs. 42, 43), and commented on the visible remains. Publication. Sokolowski apud Perrot, Revue Archéologique III/5 (1885), pp. 261–263 (illegible copy); Ramsay, Mitteilungen des kaiselich DAI, Athen. Abt. 14 (1889), pp. 179–181, fig. 2 (illegible copy); (Ramsay and) Hogarth, Recueil 14 (1891), p. 12 f. and pl. V1–2 (photograph and copy); Messerschmidt, CIH (1900), p. 31 f. and Taf. XXXV (copy, following Hogarth); Sayce, PSBA 26 (1904), p. 24 and facing page (illegible copy); Charles, HI (1911), p. 5 f., pl. II (copy), figs. 4 (photograph, covered with squeeze paper), 5 (photograph of reverse), 6 (photograph of “embankment”); Hrozný, Ar. Or. 8 (1936), pp. 13–17, pls. IV–V = IHH III (1937), pp. 398–402, pls. LXXI–LXXII (photograph and copy); Gelb, HHM (1939), no. 41, pp. 17, 36, pls. LXII (photograph, obverse, reverse), LXIII (copy), LXIV (detail photographs, right side, left side). Editions. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 11, p. 265 f., Tav. II (own copy); Masson, Kadmos 19 (1980), pp. 106–118, figs. 1a–b (copies of Sokolowski, Ramsay), 2 (own copy). Content. As noted above, the beginning of the inscription at the right side of l. 1 is not the beginning of the text which must have been continued from a separate element now lost. The run-over between ll. 1–2 on the left side of the block
is obscured by damage. But since the end of l. 2 on the right edge is the end of a clause (verb in imperative) and quite likely the end of the text proper, and since l. 3 seems to be a complete and self-contained clause, it is probable that the inscription did not extend to lost elements on either side of the block, but that l. 1 formed a continuation of the text written on the lost upper element of which the block is the base. l. 1. Obscure, mentions the city Alatarma l. 2. Injunction to royal posterity l. 3. Establishment of monument (?) in the city Alatarma by Prince Sauskaruntiya Text. Copy taken from a tracing on acetate made directly on the stone in Ankara Museum in September 1993. Photographs. Kindly supplied by Prof. I. J. Gelb, and taken in Ankara Museum in 1993. Date. The text seems to indicate that there is a “speaker” (“I/me, my”), who is Labarna, thus a Hittite Great King. The only known substantial Hier. inscriptions of the Empire Period are the work of Tudhaliya IV and Suppiluliuma II. The identification of the former is most likely, especially in view of the proximity of his YALBURT inscription and monument. There is also the question of the part played by the prince Sauskaruntiya. Impressions of a number of his seals have long been known: Güterbock, SBo II, nos. 8, 30, 67; Boğazköy V (1975), Nr. 28, pp. 64, 66 = Boehmer–Güterbock, Glyptik, Nr. 241; and many more have appeared among the 1990–91 Boğazköy bullae from the Nişantepe archive, Herbordt, PBS, nos. 373–381. Laroche identified the name as the Hier. writing of Cun. DLIŠ-DKAL, attested on IBoT I, 32+ KUB VI 36 (CTH 577; Noms, no. 1144.1–2). The Hier. and Cun. names may well designate the same individual, but there is no specific evidence to place him in the reign of Tudhaliya.
Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5
a b
… ]| |-ta-zi/a REL-ti-i(a) i(a)-da?-mi [… [w]a/i(?)-mu-*a zi/a-na LABARNA+la CAPERE? (a)la-tara/i-ma(URBS) mi-i(a)-*a ⌈x⌉-sa-ti […] x URBSMI-ni ⌈x⌉-na-zi/a [… | | …] x REL-i(a)-sa mi-sa-*a NEPOS-sa FILIUS MAGNUS.REX á-ma-ala-a HEROS x-x wa/i-ti-*a (L.273)mu-wa/i-ti VIR2.L.273-zi/a-wa/i(-)zi/a? L.283-zi/a L.283-MI-tu | |
Translation … for me the Labarna took this to the city Alatarma my … city … (He) who (is) my grandson’s son, Great King … Hero … he will conquer, …
68 3.
§ 6
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
zi/a-i(a)-pa-wa/i REL-i(a) REL-i(a) (a)la-tara/ima(URBS) L.283-MI L.283-MI-na OMNIS2 sa+US-kaCERVUS3-ti REX.FILIUS MAGNUS.DOMUS FILIUS L.283.DOMINUS
These (are?) engravings(?) which in the city Alatarma … Sauskaruntiya the Prince, the Son of the Palace, the Army-Lord.
Commentary The inscription is particularly difficult to understand because of its incompleteness, also because our inability to read crucial signs and our ignorance of others. There is clearly a “speaker”: “me” and “my” (§ 2), “my” (§ 3). Can this be anyone other than the Hittite king (thus presumably Tudhaliya IV)? Could it be Sauskaruntiya, apparently the man responsible for the execution of the inscription (§ 7)? § 1. REL-ti-i(a): the incomplete context precludes a decis ion as to whether this is the relative pronoun, dat. sing. or the conjunction kwati, “as, when(?)” (cf. YALBURT block 3; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5). § 2. [w]a/i-mu-*a: relatively secure reading (-mu- for Gelb/ Hrozný -pa-). Crucial for the understanding is whether -mu can introduce a clause with verb in 1st person singular, i.e. can it be understood as nominative? Thus “I the Labarna took …”, or “for me the Labarna took …”? (a)la-tara/i-ma(URBS): the re-reading of TA5 and TA4 respectively as ala and ali based on the digraphic seal of Alalime (Cun. Ia-la!-li-me-eš = Hier. TA5-TA4-mi; see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 289 f., Excursus 1. The city Alatarma is attested in the texts Mita of Pahhuwa (CTH 146) and the Battle of Nihriya (CTH 123), both of which place it firmly in the area of the upper Euphrates. However, the possibility of this toponym occurring in more than one place is increased by etymological analysis (“High Peak”, ala-, Luw. “high”; Hitt.-Luw. tarma-, “peg, point”, thus “peak”(?)), a toponym which might well be found in many locations in Anatolia. If an Alatarma may on this evidence be located in the area of Köylütolu Yayla, it might just as well be the Alatarma occurring as an epithet of the Stag-God and Ala in KUB II 1 i 45, iii 36. mi-i(a)-*a x-sa-ti-[… …] x URBS-MI-ni, “my … … city”: probably apposition to Alatarma with at most two words (epithet(s)?) in the gap. “My … city” clearly dat. sing., as Alatarma may also be understood. § 3a. […] x REL-i(a)-sa mi-sa-*a NEPOS-sa FILIUS, “(he) who (is) my grandson’s son”: visible also on EMİRGAZİ 1, § 3, where it is introduced by wa/i-tá-*a, so possibly here also the trace is the tail of tá, though no sign of *a is visible.
For the occurrence of -tá Ortspartikel see discussion under EMİRGAZİ 1, § 3. § 3b. Unclear whether this continues the clause or begins a new one, context obscured by the unintelligible second word and illegible fourth. MAGNUS.REX … HEROS: presumably applies to “my grandson’s son”, implying that the speaker is the Great King, thus probably Tudhaliya IV. á-ma-ala-a: attempts have been made to recognize in this word “name” (formerly á-TA4 /TA5-ma(-n-), now á-la/ima-(n-)) (Meriggi, Glossar2, p. 43, á-tì-ma-à (Manuale II/2, p. 265) under átimaī), but even rearranging the -ma-TA5- this still lacks the -n- of the stem. x-x: first sign relatively clear but unidentifiable (long slim diagonal), second unclear. § 4. Relatively clear clause if the slightly uncertain readings are correct. §§ 5–6. Main problem lies in understanding the sign L.283. A very similar sign has recently been identified to write the name Kantuzzili, thus with a (rebus?) value TUZZI. (A. Dinçol, StBoT 43 (2001), pp. 89–97, esp. 92–94). Four further Kantuzzili seal impressions have since become available: SM 90/2 (Sivas Museum), Bo. 2002/14, 2004/12 (Boğazköy), Kp. 06/13 (Kayalıpınar) – see Hawkins, 2011, p. 87 f. To what extent this can be used to elucidate the present context remains to be seen. Dinçol tentatively concludes: “… das Zeichen L.283, das wahrscheinlich ein Kampfbeil darstellt, das hieroglyphiche Äquivalent zu ÉRIN sein kann und die Lesung tuzzihat”, and from this that the title in § 6 equates to EN ÉRINMEŠ i.e. tuzziyas ishas. He regards the other KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA occurrences of L.283 as logograms but does not venture an interpretation. We may begin with the obvious fact that L.283-MI-tu is clearly a verb, 3 (sing.?) imperative; and L.283zi/a may be the object, either sing. N or plur. MF (-za or -zi): thus “let him L.283 the L.283(’s)”. (VIR2.L.273-zi/a)-wa/i?(-)zi/a?: -wa/i- probable, expected as connective, no central line visible; (-)zi/a?, reading uncertain, if correct, function uncertain. Late Period -wa/i-za would be recognized as “… (and) (for) us”, pronoun, 1st person plur. enclitic; no Empire attestation. The context as
understood suggests that the subject of clauses §§ 3b, 4 and 5 would continue as “my grandson’s son”. VIR2.L.273-zi/a: VIR2 now recognized in Empire inscriptions as determinative “man”, marking words denoting persons, professions or status, see Hawkins, Kadmos 49 (2010). pp. 1–10. If correctly read here, this should apply: thus “L.273-men”. For further consideration of the meaning of L.283 see following clause, § 6. § 6. This is clearly complete in itself and the final clause of the inscription, apparently recording the execution of the monument by the high official Sauskaruntiya, prince. Several impressions of stamp seals of a man of this name with the same titles, thus doubtless the same individual is known from Nişantepe (Herbordt, PBS (2005), nos. 373, 374, 376, 377; Hawkins, ibid., p. 271). zi/a-i(a)(-pa-wa/i), “these” (zaya, nom./acc. plur. N). REL-i(a) REL-i(a): difficult to understand as repeated “generalizing” relative, “these whatevers”. Bearing in mind that a Luw. verb of “incising” is REL-za- (kwa(n)za-, see CHLI I/1, p. 70 for attestations), we might suggest that one RELi(a) might represent “engraved (things)”, nom./acc. plur. N of the particlple kwazami-; for the form REL-za-ma-ia (kwazamaya) see KARABURUN, § 11 (CHLI I/2, p. 481 f.). We might then understand “These (are) the engravings which …”. (a)la-tara/i-ma(URBS): presumably “in/for Alatarma city”, which must indicate that the toponym belongs to a local site.
L.283-MI L.283-MI-na: relative clause requires a verb expressing the relationship between Sauskaruntiya (the subject) and REL-i(a) (the object). § 5 has shown that L.283MI-tu is a verb, so presumably here L.283-MI is again a verb written without ending, thus 3 sing. present (or preterite?). L.283-MI-na—what is then is this form? and what could -na be? Surely not an acc. sing. MF ending. Is -MI- part of the verb stem as above, or could we identify a -mi-na ending identified by Melchert as a gerundive (Fs Rasmussen, pp. 355–362). Sense of L.283: if it is correct to recognize L.283-MI as a verb, the same as in § 5 what possible meaning could fit either context? In § 5 the context as understood would appear to be some kind of military action, as might also be appropriate for the use of L.283 with a rebus value TUZZI. But to fit such a meaning into the context of § 6 which appears to record the execution of the inscription is difficult. This impasse must await further evidence. L.430, OMNIS2 (= punati-): see Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 25 f. In the general unclarity of this clause, it is hard to see how this can be fitted in. MAGNUS.DOMUS FILIUS: already recognized as equivalent Cun. DUMU É.GAL here and on Sauskaruntiya’s seals SBo II, nos. 8, 30. L.283.DOMINUS: identified as tuzziyas ishas by Dinçol (see above), “army-lord”. Nişantepe seals now show twice L.283.AURIGA (Herbordt, PBS, nos. 182, 598; Hawkins, ibid., p. 312 no. 60).
XIV.16. BOĞAZKÖY 12. Quellgrotte stele. (plate 45) Location. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, no. **
Publication. Güterbock, ibid., Abb. 13 (drawing by K. Beck); photographs, Taf. 19b–c.
Description. Small approximately rectangular limestone stele bearing on its front face a dextroverse inscription.
Edition. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 49 (“Hattusa XII”), p. 295 f., Taf. IX. See now A. Arroyo, MDOG 145 (2013), pp. 185–194.
Dimensions; ht., 0.70 m.; w., 0.40 m., tapering upwards to 0.37 m.; th., 0.30 m. Condition: worn towards top, surface generally pitted. Script: incised by “pecking”. Sign forms: linear. Peculiarities: — Discovery. Excavated during the 1968 season (excavation no. Bo. 68/265) in the ruins of the Quellgrotte (Südareal/ Unterstadt J/18), a corbel-vaulted structure built over a spring accessed by descending steps. This is also referred to as the “Kanalkopf”. See H. G. Güterbock, Boğazköy IV (1969), pp. 49–52.
Content. Dedication of stele to god by a king of Išuwa. Can this god be connected with the Quellgrotte source? Date. Late 14th–early 13th century B.C., probably the period between Suppiluliuma’s conquest of Išuwa and the reign of Hattusili III: other kings of Išuwa are attested in the reigns of Hattusili III and Tudhaliya IV. Text. Copy traced from the stone. Photographs. Courtesy of the DAI photo-archive.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
…-lura-huha(?), King of the city Išuwa (to) the Sword-God(?) gave (and) set up.
Commentary Güterbock discussed the identifications of the signs and the uncertain order of reading, reaching a very tentative and approximate understanding of the general sense. Meriggi, in discussion with Carruba, opted for what is surely the correct order of reading namely in vertical columns. He affirmed one of Güterbock’s tentative interpretations, reading RN king of GN-city to god DN gave and placed. IŠUWA(URBS): the city-name recognized as appearing also on the Baltimore seal (outer ring) tentatively by Güterbock and positively by Meriggi; its interpretation, apparently a logogram, was made possible by a NİŞANTEPE seal impression (no. 98), giving the name of a king of this country identifiable with a royal name on a KORUCUTEPE seal (no. 3), and this further permitted the recognition of traces of the same toponym on other KORUCUTEPE impressions: see Hawkins, III ICH (1998), pp. 281–295, esp. 287 f.; id., apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 252, nos. 97, 98. (The king’s name may now be read Ali-Šarruma: for the establishment of this man as king of Išuwa, see now Glocker, AoF 38 (2011), pp. 254–276).
x-lu+ra/i?-AVUS?: must be the name of the dedicator, a king of Išuwa, though the signs are uncertainly identified (only -lu- being clear): -ra/i- looks probable from photographs and is asserted by Güterbock; the last sign looks likely to be AVUS (L.331), which could only be read -huhha-, the second element of a Hittite PN. Arroyo (loc. cit.) suggests a different reading, interpreting it as the name of the Quellgrotte. (DEUS)ENSIS?: I suggested this as the DN (III ICH, p. 288), L.53; see also YAZILIKAYA, no. 27, HANYERİ, SÜDBURG, § 3. Confirmation of this would require the establishment of the pommel of the sword above the hand perhaps suggested in the photographs. DARE PONERE: tentatively Güterbock, positively Meriggi, surely correct, “gave (and) placed”. Arroyo suggests reading SUPER for DARE, which would give acceptable sense, but the apparent division marked at the top of the sign would speak against it. An oval sign under REX shown in the original publication’s drawing is categorically denied by Meriggi as “risultato d’ un danno accidentale”.
XIV.17. KOCAOĞUZ. Stele. (plate 46) Location. Afyon Archaeological Museum. Description. The Editors write: “Round-topped granite-stone stele bearing a 5-lines inscription on the front face. The inscription begins at the top right-hand corner, running towards left, continuing boustrophedon, and ending at the lower left-hand side. It is topped with the Winged Disc (SOL2). There is a small blank space above the inscription. Beside the usual line-dividers, a line in relief also marks the top of the inscription surrounded all around by a frame. The lower part of the stele shows some erasures due to longterm contact with water”. They continue: “Dimensions: (stele) ht., 200 cm.; w., 48 cm. at the first line, 59 cm. at the last; th., 23.5 cm. at the top, 26 cm. at the bottom; (frame) ht., medium 2.8 cm.; w., medium
1.3 cm.; ht. of signs and line-dividers cut away from the background, medium 2.5 cm. Condition: good. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: archaic. Word-dividers: not used. Peculiarities: the lack of differentiation of the sign zi/a into zi or za; otherwise unattested and unrecognized signs […].” Discovery (abbreviated from Edition). Reported in maga zine Antik Dekor (51, Feb.–March, 1999). Investigations undertaken by the Directorate of Afyon Archaeological Museum located an alleged find-spot in a field of Muammar Gümüş at Deveyolu c. 3 km. north of the Çay-Sultandağ road. Later Gümüş admitted that it had been brought to his field from a field of Basri Ünlü at Damlar Yan at a distance of 1200 m. The investigations observed an illegally dug
site here, but this was thoroughly destroyed and no traces of Late Bronze Age occupation were identified. Kocaoğuz höyük lies in the vicinity on the south side of Eber Gölü, but though a Roman necropolis was observed here, again no LBA surface remains. The provenance of the piece has thus not been established. Publication. Seracettin Şahin and Recai Tekoğlu, A Hiero glyphic Stele from Afyon Archaeological Museum, Athenaeum 91 (2003), pp. 540–545, Fig. (4) (photo, drawing (reversed)). Cf. preliminary notices: S. Şahin, Afyon Archaeological Museum/Arkeoloji Müzesi (Afyon Museum Catalogue: Ankara, 1998), p. 25 (photograph); also A. Ünal, Hititler Devrinde Anadolu II (Istanbul, 2003), p. 2 res. 3 (photograph); H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), p. 48 f., Abb. 90 (drawing). Edition. Şahin and Tekoğlu (Publication). R. Oreshko, in Luwian Identities, pp. 386–400, also 413–416.
Date. Editio princeps: Empire Period + discussion, p. 542. Starke apud Ehringhaus, loc. cit., favours a post-Empire date, on the grounds the inscriptions lack of connection with other Empire texts and the apparent misappropriation of the Winged Disc. Oreshko too (Edition) emphasizes the unusual graphic features suggesting that it might belong to a western rather than Hittite epigraphic tradition. It is true that the inscription compared with other Empire examples is unusual in appearance, though not in content. The prince-author’s lack of connection with Empire contexts is also striking however his name is to be read. The question is whether we can envisage such a monument being executed after the end of the Hittite Empire? Perhaps this cannot be ruled out. We may note that a similar question mark hangs over the KARADAĞ-KIZILDAĞ inscriptions of Hartapu. Cf. now the discussion by Gander, Diss., pp. 384–388. Text. Copy traced from photograph. Photograph. Courtesy of Afyonkarahisar Müze Müdürlüğü.
Transliteration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
§ 1
§ 2
SOL2 (DEUS)TONITRUS wa/i-mi-OCULUS? | | PES2.PES(-)CANIS.L.285 REX.FILIUS | | LOCUS+L.187(1)-sa5?+ari?-li(URBS) L.273 a-wa/i | | zi/a STELE (DEUS)TONITRUS wa/i-mi-OCULUS? | | PES2.PES-CANIS.L.285 REX.FILIUS PONERE
(For) the found(?) Storm-God Tarpa(?) …, Prince, defeat(ed) the city …, and this stele to the found(?) Storm-God Tarpa(?) …, Prince, dedicate(d).
Commentary wa/i-mi-OCULUS: I agree with Oreshko that this group presumably represents an epithet of the storm-God, but though I would be happy if he could establish his idea that it represents Walma, thus supporting the location of this toponym in the vicinity of classical Holmoi (Karacören near Çay), I cannot accept his somewhat desperate attempt to extract such a reading from the signs: specifically the total absence of any evidence for an l value for OCULUS and its alternating sign LITUUS. This alternation is well established by KARATEPE 1 ((LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da-~ (OCULUS) á-za-…); also verb (LITUUS)tiyari = (OCULUS)ti-…, “guard”, KULULU 5, § 13, Commentary). A verb wa/i-mi-OCULUS has been identified on KARAHÖYÜK, § 3, as a variant of the more frequently attested wa/i-mi-LITUUS, for which see KARABURUN, § 6, Commentary, with attestations. Though LITUUS does very occasionally seem to be used with a phonetic a value, its much more common usage has been
shown to be a determinative marking verbs of perception, and this is most probably the case here, especially if wamiis correctly taken as the Luw. cognate of Hitt. wemiya-, “find”. The unusual placing of a determinative at the end of the stem rather than the beginning could be explained as a graphic feature, perhaps the difficulty felt in attaching LITUUS to the sign wa/i. The form here would be the bare stem without written grammatical element, to be understood as the participle -mi-, “to/for the found Storm-God”: cf. “this beheld Storm-God”, KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 5, with Commentary. CANIS.L.285: I proposed this as a variant of the title CERVUS4.L.285 with the interpretation “hunter” understood as an ideographic writing CERVUS4.IACULUM (animal head + projectile, (Hawkins, 2006, pp. 59–61).
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
The name. PES2.PES(-)CANIS.L.285: taken all together as a two-element name by Editors, also Oreshko, which is supported by the recurrence of CANIS(?).IACULUM (L.98.L.285) as the second element of a PN on a seal from KAMAN-KALEHÖYÜK (Weeden, StBoT 54, p. 290 fnn. 1345, 1346). A different interpretation of the writing is now proposed by Simon and subsequently Oreshko. Starting from KOCAOĞUZ CANIS.L.285, Simon suggests that in all contexts the animal head is CANIS not a variant CERVUS4; and following that, that L.285 is here not logo/ideographic IACULUM but the syllabogram zu(wa), representing the first syl lable of the word “dog” (zuwani- for him). This suggestion has the weakness that the animal head in all cases except KOCAOĞUZ can hardly be taken as a dog since the Empire and Late Hittite representations of dogs always show them prick-eared not lop-eared, and furthermore the clearly represented knob on the top of the head cannot be seen as the second ear (it is typically rendered angular and flattopped). I prefer thus to stick with my previous interpret ation CERVUS4 with KOCAOĞUZ’s CANIS as variant, and a title not part of the name. Oreshko takes Simon’s suggestion a step further: CANIS+zu(wa), “dog”, as a title is short for zunauli, “hunter”, attested only as an onomastic element and as LÚzunauli. Ingenious as this is, it lacks any supporting evidence. We may note that Oreshko seems to envisage CANIS.L.285 both as part of the name (“Tarba-Zunauli”), and a title “hunter”. We should also note that he makes play with my alleged
interpretation of CERVUS4 as a young cervid which is incorrect. Stags lose and regrow their antlers annually, thus appear for part of the year showing only the pedicel (knob from which the antler regrows). Cf. my comments on CERVUS4.IACULUM, EMİRGAZİ 1, § 32. LOCUS+L.187(1)-sa5?+ra/i?-li(URBS): Oreshko asserts that the second sign “can be quite securely identified as ”. I cannot agree with this. The sign certainly deserves close collation on the stone, but from photographs available it looks to me more like sa5+ra/i, which could give us here sarli-, “upper”, elsewhere only attested in logographic writing SUPER+ra/i-li. If this is so, I might venture a suggestion which would fit well with my idea of the local geography: LOCUS+L.187(1) might represent Pedassa (though I would not risk a suggestion as to what L.187(1) added to the writing). “The city upper Pedassa” could be explained as a city named from its area, as URUKizzuwatni for Kummanni. I place Pedassa in the upper Sangarios plain (Turk. Yukarı Sakarya Ovasi), between Polatlı and Ilgın, and a glance at a relief map would show how the Akar Çay system ending in the lakes Eber and Akşehir across the watershed and just north of the Sultandağ range could be regarded as “upper Pedassa”. L.273. The Editors doubtless correctly understand this as representing the verb muwa-, “conquer”, its main attested usage in Empire inscriptions.
XIV.18. BOĞAZKÖY 6, 7, 9–11, 13, 23.1–3, 25, 27. Fragments. (plates 47 – 49) [[Since this section was written, Marazzi’s paper Schriftlichkeit und königliche Zelebration in Hattusa gegen Ende des 13 Jh. v. Chr. (Fs Poetto (Warsaw, 2019), pp. 332–355) has appeared. In his numbering of the fragments Marazzi follows that of his 1986 Katalog (abbr. M + number), and cites my numbering, which follows that of Laroche–Meriggi, then new numbers (designated H + number). He proposes that the monumental relief fragments from the Büyükkale and Nişantepe–Südburg areas repLocation a. BOĞAZKÖY 6 b. 7 i ii
resent parts of a building programme of the late Hattusa dynasty, Hattusili III, Tudhaliya IV and Suppiluliuma II, to celebrate its assumption and retention of power; while the graffiti-style “pecked” (eingepunzt) inscriptions from the Upper City and the Lower Town form a parallel group. Note that in his Anhang (p. 354 f.) his nos. M30* and 31* are now numbered here (H)25, 27.]]
Ankara Museum Bo. 55/l Boğazkale Museum Ankara Museum(?) (ii. “not found”, M. Alparslan; taken to Ankara— A. Schachner) c–e. 9–11 Ankara Museum f. 13 Ankara Museum Bo. 68/266 g. 23.1 Boğazkale Museum Bo. 226/90 (Inv. no. 7015)
XIV.18. BOĞAZKÖY 6, 7, 9–11, 13, 23.1–3, 25, 27
23.2 Boğazkale Museum h. i. 23.3 Boğazkale Museum j. 25 Boğazkale Museum k. 27 i–iii Boğazkale Museum
Bo. 2417/91 (Inv. no. 10456) Bo. 2418/91 Bo. 96/97 Bo. 2004/46
J. Seeher suggests that j and k could have been part of the same monument as a because of the similarity of the stone which is rare and imported at Boğazköy. Description, Discovery, Publication. a. Upper right-hand corner piece of a squared block of green-grey granite, preserving 4 relief signs of a first line and one of a second, sinistroverse(-dextroverse).
Dimensions: ht., 23.1 cm.; w., 16.2 cm.; th., 10.4 cm.
1953, Büyükkaya. “Abschnitt A, in Steinschutt ganz dicht am Fels sicher in sekundärer Verwendung”. (Excavation register). Otten, MDOG 87 (1955), p. 13, Abb. 1 (photo). b. i–ii. Two blocks each with unfinished inscription in upper left corners. (i) parts of two lines (dextroverse, sinistroverse); l. 1, 5 relief signs, l. 2, [1 +] 4 relief signs; (ii) one line, (dextroverse), 6 relief signs.
Dimensions (both): ht., c. 60 cm.; w., c. 75 cm.
1954, Büyükkale. “… vier im Sturzlage vorgefundene, quaderähnlich zugerichtete Steinblöcke … lag einer vor der Südostecke des Westturms auf dem von Brandschutt überdeckten Aufweg. Die übrigen drei fanden sich verstürzt in dem Phrygischen Rundbau unterhalb des Tores, wo sie einst vermutlich sekundär verbaut waren. Zwei der Steine [i.e. i, ii] darunter der vom Aufweg stammende zeigen Ansätze einer im Relief eingemeisselten, unvollendeten HieroglyphenInschrift …” (Neve) K. Bittel, MDOG 88 (1955), pp. 14–16 with Abb. 4 (photo of block i in situ); P. Neve, BoHa XII (1982), p. 80 f., Abb. 32a, b (drawings). c. Fragment from upper right-hand part of orthostat of grey-green granite, right edge preserved; upper part plain, uninscribed, below which is the right end of a line of 5 relief signs, sinistroverse, arranged 2 + 3.
Dimensions: ht., 30 cm.; w., **; th., **.
1958, Büyükkale. “Im Fundament der linken Seite der Statuennische vor der Westhälfte des gleichen Torbaus [sc. the gatehouse of the Phrygian east gate] wurde in sekundärer Verwendung als Baustein das Bruchstück eines Orthostaten aus graugrünem Granit gefunden”. T. Beran, MDOG 93 (1962), p. 48 f., Abb. 41a (photo); reference is to K. Bittel, ibid., p. 7 f. and Abb. 4 (Planquadrat w 6). d. Fragment from lower right-hand corner of block of similar grey-green granite, right and lower edges preserved; above, remains of uninscribed area, below which is the right end of a line of relief signs, sinistroverse, arranged 3 + 1(½).
Dimensions: ht., 26 cm.; w., 24 cm.
1955, Büyükkale. “… schon 1955 in der Umgebung des “Torbaus” zwischen Äusserem und Mittlerem Burghof (t-u / 11–12) gefunden …”. Beran, ibid., p. 49 with Abb. 42 (photo); see plan, ibid., Abb. 7.
e. Fragment of block of grey-green granite, preserving the lower right corner and the upper edge of the inscribed area, also the upper edge of the block, preserving righthand part of a royal labarna cartouche, relief, of [Tudhaliya IV(?)]. Notable are the remains of a supporting figure on the right.
Dimensions (reconstruction): ht., 40 cm.; w., 80 cm.
1955(?), Büyükkale, same context as d. Beran, ibid., pp. 50–54, Abb. 43–44 (photo, reconstruction).
f. Fragment of upper right corner of a block of limestone, preserving upper and right edge, with end of a line of 3 relief signs, dextroverse, arranged in single column.
Dimensions: ht., 24 cm.; w., 17 cm. (as preserved).
1968, details not given. Güterbock, Boğazköy IV (1969), p. 52 f., Abb. 14 (copy).
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
g. Fragment from lower left corner of a block, preserving left and lower edge, with the end of a line of (½ +) 3 relief signs, dextroverse, arranged in single column beginning of upper line-divider visible, lower edge uninscribed band.
Dimensions: ht., 15 cm.; w., **
1990, Nişantepe, Nordbau, “sekundär verbaut.” P. Neve, Arch. Anz. 1991, p. 322 with n. 17; id., Arch. Anz. 1992, pp. 317, 319, Abb. 12 (left) (photo).
Dimensions: ht., 14.5 cm.; w., (right side) 7.5 cm., (left side) 9 cm. 1996, Büyükkaya, “Aus nicht stratifiziertem Fundkontext in eisenzeitlichen Schuttschichten in Planquadrat 359/429 …”. J. Seeher Arch. Anz. 1997, p. 326 f., Abb. 10 (photo) (Abb. 1 for find spot). k. i. Fragment of granite block preserving parts of 2 lines separated by relief line-divider crossed by vertical relief line, thus dividing into 4 parts: (line 1, left part) parts of 4 relief signs, (right part) traces of 1 sign, dextroverse; (line 2, right part) 3 relief signs, (left part) 2 relief signs, sinistroverse.
h. Fragment from lower edge of block, preserving part of lower edge with part of a line of 5 relief signs, sinistroverse, grouped 3 + 2; part of upper line-divider preserved, and lower edge of an uninscribed band.
Dimensions: ht., 25 cm.; w., 20 cm.
ii–iii. Two smaller corner fragments, probably parts of same inscription. ii, traces of 2 lines (sinistroverse-dextroverse), relief line-divider; iii, traces of 1 line sinistroverse.
Dimensions: (ii) ht., 10 cm.; w., 8cm. (iii) ht., 7 cm.; w., 8 cm.
Dimensions: ht., 26 cm.; w., 21.5 cm.; th., 13.5 cm.
i. Fragment, traces of 2(?) signs only.
(h, i.) 1991, Nişantepe, Südbau, in the “Mauerschutt” of the “Stutzmauer”. Neve, Arch. Anz. 1992, ibid., Abb. 12 (right; h only, photo). j. Fragment of corner of granite block, inscribed on two faces, preserving (right side) parts of 4 relief signs, (left side) 4 relief signs and parts of 3 others, sinistroverse; line heights preserved almost to full extent. Excavator considered it to belong with a on grounds of stone type, height of lines and careful execution.
i–iii. 2004, Tal vor Sarıkale, in a drain running from the south corner of Quadratgebäude 2, reused as building material. J. Seeher, Arch. Anz. 2005, p. 67 f., Abb. 3 (photo, i).
Edition, Translation, Commentary a. Otten, loc. cit. Meriggi, Manuale II/3, no. 44, p. 293 Tav. VIII.
l. 1. i(a)-zi/a(-)pa-mu [… l. 2. …] DEUS […
i(a)-zi/a: appears to be verb izi(ya)- without ending expressed. (-)pa-mu [… : suggests connective particles but lacking -wa/i-. b. Here for the first time. i. l. 1. MAGNUS.REX FORTIS x x CRUS.CRUS [… l. 2. … x wa/i-ti-i(a)-*a
ii. wa/i-mi-*a HATTI?(URBS?) SERVUS … “I (am) servant of Hattusa-city” This extraordinary sense seems to emerge clearly from what is visible. It is thus peculiarly unfortunate that the block bearing the inscription is not available to confirm the readings -*a HATTI(URBS). The piece was apparently sent to Ankara Museum, while the other block 7i was exhibited in Boğazkale old museum for many years. No photograph was taken of 7ii and it is known only from the drawing published by Neve, loc. cit. However Neve gave me a pencil drawing made doubtless in the year of discovery by the then excavation draughtsman (see plate), which shows slightly clearer detail particularly of -*a.
XIV.18. BOĞAZKÖY 6, 7, 9–11, 13, 23.1–3, 25, 27
Enquiries in Ankara Museum have failed to locate this block. c. Beran, loc. cit. Meriggi, Manuale II/3, no. 47A, p. 294 f. Tav. VIII. ASCIA da/CAPERE L.417(5)-ma-sa5 ASCIA3 (L.281(3)): type with spiked back, to be distinguished from ASCIA(1–2); recurs on EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 16, 17, as writing the name of a mountain (logographic— or rebus?), see Hawkins, 2006, p. 56. CAPERE could be verb “take”, or as -da, verb ending 3 sing./plur. pret., if ASCIA were verb. L.417(5)-ma-sa5, recurs alone on d. The sign L.417(5) is discussed Hawkins, apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), no. 580, p. 281; also id., 2006, p. 61. Weeden (AAS 19 (2016), pp. 92–94) considers a reading salu on the basis of a new seal impression, BÜKLÜKALE (BK 140045 / BHS 2). Here a reading salumasa does not immediately find an explanation. d. Beran, loc. cit. Meriggi, Manuale II/3, no. 47B, p. 294 f., Tav. VIII. L.417(5)-ma-sa5 ara/i-x [… L.417(5): as for c above. ara/i: the sign is recognized as the Empire cursive form of L.133–134 on the seals of Arnilizi, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, 2005, nos. 71–74, p. 250. In addition to the attestations listed there and the present example, a further occurrence is found on fragment k below. e. Beran, loc. cit. Meriggi, Manuale II/3, no. 48, p. 295, Tav. VIII. SOL2 M[ONS+tu] LAB[ARNA+la] MAGNUS.REX My Sun Tudhaliya, Labarna, Great King. Recognized as part of a great Labarna cartouche of Tudhaliya IV by Beran. f. Güterbock, loc. cit. Meriggi, Manuale II/3, no. 50, p. 296 (XIV incorrectly for XIII), Tav. VIII.
…] (m)u-n[ú-w]a/i …
Part of causative verb?
g. Here for first time.
The group CERVUS4.IACULUM (L.103A, L.285) with eight attestations examined by Hawkins, 2006, pp. 59–62, with a proposal to understand it as a logogram “hunter, hunt (verb)”. Here the -ha may be the verb ending 1 sing. pret., “I hunted”. For alternative but unconvincing explanations of the logogram by Simon (2008) and Oreshko (2013), see my discussion under EMİRGAZİ 1, § 32. h. Here for first time. …] wa/i-tá-*a RE[L?] x [… Clear connective particle group showing initial-a-final (a-(copula)-wa(quotative)-ta(Ortspartikel)). i. no identifiable sign preserved. j. Hawkins apud Seeher, loc. cit. (Publication). …] x x [m]i?-*a? | | BONUS-ni-i(a) DOMI[NUS?] na? DA[RE]-ha x x: could be remains of connective particle group [wa/i]-⌈tá/da-*a⌉. [m]i?-*a: neither sign certainly identified, but could represent ami, “my” (dat. sing.). BONUS-ni-i(a): as noted, good example of Empire monumental BONUS (L.165), form now well established on seals of Nişantepe archive with syllabic reading wà/ì, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 432, s.v. wà/ì. ki–iii. Here for first time. i. Two lines, dextroverse-sinistroverse separated by relief line-divider, also (unusually) a vertical relief line dividing each line into two parts. (If the inscription continued unbroken leftwards around its element terminating on right side, this vertical line could be the right edge/left edge of the inscription, as on EMİRGAZİ 1, Altars). i. l. 1. … DOM]US?-[l]i? URBS (or [RE]GIO) […] wa/i-ti | | … l. 2. …] la-mi-[n]í | | ara/i DEUS x […
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
l. 1. perhaps city (or country) name. l. 2. la-mi-[n]í: cf. KARAHÖYÜK, § 1 (la-mi-ní-*a) ara/i: extreme cursive form Empire L.133 (see Signary, syllabograms).
ii. l. 1. … w]a/i […]-⌈mu⌉ [… l. 2. …] i-zi/a [… verb izi(ya)-? iii. …-m]i?-i SERVUS? […
XIV.19. KARAKUYU (TORBALI). Stele fragment. (plate 50) Location. İzmir Archaeology Museum, no. 25478. Description. Large fragment of lower right section of a monumental stele preserving part of the bottom and adjoining right side. The monument is of local greyish limestone of poor quality. The front shows part of a relief figure enclosed within a relief frame: preserved is a left leg striding to the right, ascending to part of a short kilt and wearing a boot with a markedly up-curled toe; on the right edge of the field is the shaft of a spear (probably) held by the figure. The remains compare closely with the nearby KARABEL figure. The fragment represents perhaps a third of the original height of the monument and half of the width. The preserved narrow (right) side of the monument bears traces of the end of a Hieroglyphic inscription (blank space beneath), apparently a lost line and faint traces above. Little is readable with any certainty. Dimensions: frag., preserved ht., 1.33 m.; w., 1.03 m.; th., 0.39 m.; inscribed side extends from the lost top to level of figure’s knee; below to bottom uninscribed. Condition: poorly preserved, faint. Script: relief, worn. Sign forms: indeterminate, presumably Empire monumental. Discovery. In December 2006 on a tour of inspection by the Museum officials, Mahir Atıcı the deputy director observed the piece lying face upwards at the junction of three roads west of the village of Karakuyu, itself some 12 km. north of Torbalı and east of the road from Torbalı to Kemalpaşa. It was stated by the villagers to have been taken from the “Old Cemetery”, a few hundred metres to the north. Atıcı had it taken to İzmir Archaeological Museum where it was already by 24 March 2007, being seen then by Professor Crawford Greenwalt, who sketched it. (This sketch was transmitted to me by Anna Morpurgo Davies, and is a useful record. Greenwalt appears to have thought that it was KARABEL B, published by Güterbock and seen by Kohlmeyer before its destruction.)
Publication. A report of the discovery was placed on the Internet in April 2007 by Fatih Yapar who wrote for Egeden Son Söz. F. Işık, M. Atıcı and R. Tekoğlu, Die nachhethitische Königsstele von Karakuyu beim Karabel-Pass (in E. Schwertheim (ed.), Studien zum antiken Kleinasien VII (Asia Minor Studien, Band 66: Habelt, Bonn, 2011) pp. 1–33, Taf. 1–11). Publication states that the piece was found in December 2007, which must be an error for 2006, since the piece was already seen in the Museum in March 2007 (see above, Discovery, reported by C. Greenwalt); cf. also Internet report, April 2007. Editions. Reading of the Hieroglyphic inscription (R. Tekoğlu, loc. cit., pp. 22–25; R. Oreshko, 4. Karakuyu Torbalı (Luwian Identities, pp. 373–386); A. Müller-Karpe, MDOG 151 (2019), pp. 307–313). Content. End of curse formula only preserved. Date. Presumably late 13th century B.C. Tekoğlu’s attribution to Tarkasnawa king of Mira, though not in itself improbable, is based on very uncertain readings. Oreshko’s allowance of a post-1200 B.C. date, while not unthinkable, lacks any positive support. Text. Copy courtesy of A. Müller-Karpe. Photograph. Sent by Dr. Sanna Aro-Valjus from Drs. R. Yağçı and R. Tekoğlu. Readings. (1) LIS(+SIGILLUM): only assured reading agreed by Tekoğlu, Oreshko and Müller-Karpe. We should note that attested Empire forms of LIS (seals only: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 299 f., Excursus 18) do not show SIGILLUM, which is first attested in Transitional inscriptions (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 20, 24; GÜRÜN, § 7; MEHARDE, § 6; SHEIZAR, § 7). phonetic complement to LIS: Tekoğlu -pa-[…] SUPER? CAPERE. Oreshko -li-sa-tú. Müller-Karpe accepts -sa-tu, but considers -li- to be an erasure, so wonders whether SIGILLUM might actually be L.416 (la/i). Note however that -tú is
not an Empire form: some form of Empire tu (L.88) would be expected here. (2) MAGNUS.REX (Tekoğlu) / MAGNUS.DOMINA (Oreshko): neither reading looks probable. Müller-Karpe reads hi-la/i (L.413.L.416) without interpreting. (3) Tekoğlu: TAR[KASNA?]-wa/i mix+ra/i-a REGIO Oreshko: …] ka DEUS *430+ra/i Müller-Karpe: [DEUS TON]ITRUS.DEUS-ní-zi mi+ra/i-a REGIO “Storm-God (and) the gods of the land Mira (may they be prosecutors)”. As may be seen, Tekoğlu sought Tarkasnawa in vain, but sensed that Mira should be there in a reading which
was corrected and confirmed by Müller-Karpe. Oreshko’s reading L.430 (punati)+ra/i was epigraphically unacceptable (rhotacism not expected at this date). Müller-Karpe’s bold restoration [(DEUS)TON]ITRUS and further reading gave excellent sense, and as he observes (p. 312 f.) provides welcome confirmation for the location of the land of Mira. It shows, even without the name Tarkasnawa, that Mira probably controlled the south as well as the north end of the Karabel pass. (4) Oreshko’s structure of fantasy erected on non-existent foundations (Appendix 1: The Divine “Great Queen of Arzawa”, pp. 409–413) may be safely disregarded.
XIV.20. TELL AÇANA 1. (a) Orthostat, (b) bulla. (plate 51) Location. (a) Hatay Archaeology Museum, no. **; (b) Hatay Archaeology Museum, no. ** (excavation no. AT 20414).
Script: glyptic relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental.
Description. (a) Orthostat showing two right-facing figures, a male followed by a female, identified by Hieroglyphic epigraphs. The man wears a short, kilted tunic covered by a long over-mantle, a round skull-cap with frontal horn(?), and boots with up-turned toes. He is clean-shaven. His identifying epigraph of six hieroglyphs is placed in the ground in front of him. The woman wears a long robe and head-covering (veil?), and a shoe with up-turned toe is visible. One hand stretched in front of her holds the BONUS2 sign, the other is turned back in an amu-gesture. Her 7-hieroglyph identifying epigraph is placed in the ground above her hand before her face.
Discovery. (a) Excavated by Woolley at Alalah in the pre-War excavations, reused face-downwards as a slab on the steps between the cellar and the forecourt of the Temple, level IB. (b) excavated in the 2014 season, “on the floor of a local phase 4 room in a mud-brick building unearthed in Square 42.10” (“close to Woolley’s deep temple sounding”); see now Yener, loc. cit. (Publication(b)).
Dimensions (orthostat): ht., **; w., **; th., ** Condition: well preserved. Script: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. (b) Bulla, conical form bearing on its circular base the impression of a stamp seal, with two names: on the left (sinistroverse) a 4-hieroglyph prince’s name; on the right (dextroverse) a 7-hieroglyph princess’s name. Dimensions: ** Condition: good, transverse crack. Transliteration (a and b) MONS+tu (MAGNUS.SACERDOS2 (a only)) REX.FILIUS sa5-nú-ha-pa-*a REX.FILIA
Publication. (a) (ILN 1939, p. 867 =) Bossert, Altanatolien, Abb. 576; Woolley, Alalakh (Oxford, 1955), pp. **; Yener, loc. cit., in Hittitology Today, pp. 216 f., 222 figs. 4a–b, 5. (b) Yener, Dinçol, Peker, NABU 2014, no. 88 (pp. 136–138). Reading, Edition. (a and b) preliminary, Peker, loc. cit., p. 137 f.; see Commentary. Content. Names of Prince Tudhaliya, High Priest, and his wife Princess Asnu-hepa. Date. Early 13th century B.C., stratigraphically LB II (Yener). Texts. Copies drawn by H. Peker. Photographs. Courtesy of H. Peker. Translation Prince Tudhaliya, (High Priest) Princess Asnu-hepa
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Commentary The identities of Asnu-hepa and Tudhaliya discussed by Peker, loc. cit.; fuller treatment forthcoming.
XIV.21. BOĞAZKÖY 2. Base. (plates 52 – 53) Location. Ancient Orient Museum, Istanbul, no. 7775. Description. Cuboid block of limestone which would have served as a base for the erection of a stele or statue. Its upper face has the rectangular tenon cut into it. One vertical face bears a Hieroglyphic inscription running sinistroverse from the right edge. Two full height Hieroglyphs clearly represent “This stele” (a pictograph of decorated base supporting double-arched upper elements), followed by a full height human figure representing “I (myself)”. Behind this a final column of signs gives the name, title and statement of erection of the monument. The figure depicts a beardless man wearing a close-fitting cap, an earring, a short tunic leaving left leg exposed with a draped over-mantle and boots with up-turned toes. His right arm is by his side, his left with clenched fist is raised before his face. (Meriggi’s “lungo bastone” is surely drapery, see YAZILIKAYA Tudhaliya). Discovery. In 1907 April–May “… auf dem Bergabhange über dem “Tempel” bei den Ausschachtungen für unser Haus …”. The work was conducted by Makridi Bey, and the discovery reported in a letter from Winckler to B. Güterbock dated 29/5/1907, Alaura, “Nach Boghasköi!” (13. SDOG, 2006), p. 112. The site of this excavation house was just south of the Haus am Hang further up the slope. Publication. Winckler, MDOG 35 (1907), p. 57 f. with Abb. 6 (photograph with drawing by Puchstein); Puchstein et al., Boghazköi, die Bauwerke (Leipzig and Berlin, 1912), p. 12 Taf. 9.1; Bittel, Die Kleinfunde (WVDOG 60, 1937), Taf. 9.1, reproduced by Bossert, Altanatolien, Abb. 547, cf. p. 57; Transliteration zi/a STELE EGO2 LEPUS+ra/i-mi EUNUCHUS2 VERSUS PONERE
Forrer, HBS (1932), Abb. 12; other photographs: Akurgal, AH (1962), pl. 71; Bittel, Hethiter, Abb. 209. Edition. Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 151; Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 40, p. 288 f., Tav. VI. Content. Dedication of stele by Taprammi the Eunuch. Person of Taprammi: see Laroche loc. cit., Edition; Hawkins, Fs N. Özgüç (1993), pp. 715–717 (with bowl inscription); id., apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 272, no. 409 (new seal impression). The eunuch Taprammi is known from the following documents, which show him (almost certainly) to be a single individual. 1. BOĞAZKÖY 2 base 2. The seal impression SBo II, no. 92 on tablet KUB XXV 32 + XXVII 70 (CTH 681.1) – festivals of Karahna. 3. Ras Shamra tablets RS 17.231 (with his seal impression) and RS 17.337 (sealed by Ini-Teššub king of Karkamiš). 4. bronze bowl KINIK bearing his incised dedication. 5. Nişantepe seal impression, Herbordt, PBS, no. 409, showing him as a figure pouring a libation to the StagGod of the King. Date. Taprammi is contemporary of Ini-Teššub (see above, Content, RS 17.337), thus probably of Tudhaliya IV (late 13th century B.C.) Text. Copy traced from photograph. Photograph. Courtesy of the Institute of Archaeology, University of Liverpool.
Translation This stele I Taprammi the Eunuch placed before.
Commentary The largely logographic style in which this inscription and its pair BOĞAZKÖY 1 are rendered has suggested that they represent an archaic style of Hieroglyphic, but now that Taprammi is established as contemporary with Tudhaliya IV, this cannot be accepted without qualification. Possibly the style may be characterized as archaizing. zi/a, “this”: the idea of the archaic-logographic character of this inscriptions writing has led to the supposition that this demonstrative is not phonetic (za for us), but logographic HIC (Laroche, Edition, transcribes CET (AUTEL) and cf. his remarks on ALEPPO 1, § 1). Meriggi, BOĞAZKÖY 1, Edition (p. 288), says of this view: “non è inconcepibile ma inverosimile”, with which we must agree (contra Marazzi, IGA, 1990, p. 240). This recognition of the demonstrative written phonetically za does of course establish that this inscription, like ALEPPO 1, is to be read in Luwian. Cf. the remarks of Taş and Weeden on the stele ÇALAPVERDİ 4 (JAOS 130 (2010), pp. 349, 359, esp. 351 f. with n. 10). STELE: exactly what the upper two arches represent in this pictogram and its pair on BOĞAZKÖY 1, is a matter for speculation, as is also what may actually have been erected on these two bases. Cf. now the form seen on ÇALAPVERDİ 4, § 1 (Taş and Weeden, loc. cit.). EGO: discussion has centred on whether this figure and its pair BOĞAZKÖY 1 may be regarded as an element of the script; see Laroche, HH, p. 2, L.3(a–b), following Bossert in equating them with Cun. “determinatif personel”, rebutted by Meriggi, Manuale II/3, p. 28. Surely Laroche could have
classified them as Empire examples of L.2, i.e. portrait style introductory amu- figures (thus EGO2 for us). LEPUS+ra/i-mi: elucidated by digraph on RS 17.231 sealed by him, giving Hier. LEPUS+ra/i-mi = Cun. (NA4KIŠIB) I tap-ra-am-mi (Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 149–152, VIII. Tabrammi; cf., id., L.115.2(a)). EUNUCHUS2 (L.254): Taprammi’s title on RS 17.231 is given as (Cun.) LÚša re-ši É.GAL-lim, “palace eunuch” (obv. 9, rev. 16). His Hier. titles are more complicated: (seal centre) LEPUS+ra/i-mi MAGNUS x EGO2 SCRIBA; (inner circle, right side between two dos-à-dos Taprammi’s) SCRIBA-la?; (left side between two dos-à-dos Taprammi’s) PITHOS. VIR.DOMINUS (L.482, 312, 390), L.254. Laroche recognized PITHOS.VIR. DOMINUS on SBo II, p. 223 and KARAHÖYÜK, § 1, but not on RS 17.231 (where it is somewhat unclear). The title reappears three times on Nişantepe seals: Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 305 f., no. 32 (nos. 3, 299, 460). It has no obvious Cun. correspondence. L.254: Laroche incorrectly equated this with Cun. É.GAL-lim “PALAIS”, whereas the correct correspondence is with LÚša re-ši (É.GAL-lim), thus “eunuch”, EUNUCHUS2, as is established now by a digraph Herbordt, PBS (2005), no. 305, see Hawkins, ibid., p. 303, no. 15. VERSUS (L.447.1(a)): Laroche, DLL, s.v. daweyan = Hitt. menahhanda?; Hier. VERS-wian? Bossert adduced ta-wa/iia-na KULULU 1, § 15; (“LITUUS”)ta-wá/í-na KAYSERİ, § 3; see Hawkins, Kadmos 19 (1980), p. 124 with n. 7. “Before” what? PONERE: read tuwa-, “put”, usual in dedications—see also KINIK; ÇALAPVERDİ 4; KOCAOĞUZ, § 2; BOĞAZKÖY 12; ANKARA 3; Late, cf. BABYLON 3.
XIV.22. BOĞAZKÖY 1. Base. (plates 52 – 53) Location. Ancient Orient Museum, Istanbul, no. 7776. Description. Cuboid block of limestone, details as for BOĞAZKÖY 2, to which it seems to form a pair. Behind the full-height human figure two Hieroglyphs give the name and profession, and behind that a further three the statement of dedication. The figure is attired in a style suggesting a woman, a full-length draped robe and a close-fitting cap from which a veil appears to fall: for discussion of the sex, see Meriggi, Edition; and below, Commentary, discussion of name and title. The raised left arm has been identified as a gesture of worship.
Discovery. April–May 1907, during excavation of foundations for the dig house on the slope above the Haus am Hang, as for BOĞAZKÖY 2. Publication. As for BOĞAZKÖY 2: Winckler, 1907, Abb. 7; Puchstein et al., 1912, Taf. 9.2; Bittel (1937), Taf. 9.2, reproduced by Forrer, 1932, Abb. 13; Bossert, 1942, Abb. 548. Edition. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 39, p. 287 f., Tav. VI. Content. Dedication of stele by person depicted and named. Date. Presumably as for BOĞAZKÖY 2—reign of Tudhaliya IV.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Text. Copy traced from photograph.
Photograph. Courtesy of the Institute of Archaeology, University of Liverpool.
This stele I … the Cup-Bearer placed before.
Commentary zi/a STELE EGO2: as for BOĞAZKÖY 2. The Name, L.424(3). In addition to the seals listed by Laroche as L.424(1) (Ras Shamra) and L.424(2) (Ashmolean), other similar seals have appeared: Adana Museum (Dinçol, 1983, no. 8B = Mora, Glittica (1987), III(b), 3.3b) and now Nişantepe (Herbordt, PBS (2005), nos. 166–167, 775, see Hawkins, ibid., p. 259). The reading of the name(s) is quite uncertain, but none of the seals suggest that this is a woman’s name. The Profession, L.352 (probably = L.354). A Meskene digraph gives Cun. LÚSILÀ.ŠU.DU8.A = Hier. L.354, as long expected,
thus “cup-bearer”: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 310, no. 49 (URCEUS). While a female cup-bearer is not unthinkable, no evidence for such exists (Mestieri, pp. 180– 195). Neither Name nor Profession favour identification of the figure as female. VERSUS PONERE: as for BOĞAZKÖY 2.
XIV.23. BOĞAZKÖY 4. Sphinx graffito. (plate 54) Location. Boğazkale Museum, no. ** Description. Still unattached wing fragment of the western interior-facing sphinx of the Sphinx Gate on Yerkapı has a 5-hieroglyph graffito (name with titles). Discovery. Excavated in the 1907 season along with the fragments of the western sphinx which was sent to the Ancient Oriental Museum, Istanbul, for restoration along with the fragment with the graffito. The fragment was re-located by A. Schachner in 2011, and transferred to Boğazkale Museum with the restored sphinx. Publication. Bossert, AfO 9 (1933/34), p. 183 Abb. 15 (copy); id., Altanatolien, Abb. 676 (photograph); cf. Bittel, Die KleinTransliteration REX.AURIGA (sinistroverse) nì-i(a) (dextroverse) SCRIBA
funde (WVDOG 60, 1937), p. 8 Abb. 1 (copy); Alparslan apud Schachner, Arch. Anz. 2013, p. 175 with Abb. 42, 43 (photo, copy); Schachner, Arch. Anz. 2014, p. 114 Abb. 42 (the graffito is just visible on the left-hand fragment of the wing on the longest feather (6th from left)). Edition. Alparslan, loc. cit.; Peker, NABU 2014, no. 68. Content. Simply graffito giving man’s name and titles. Date. (graffito) Presumably 13th century B.C. Text. Copy by M. Alparslan. Photographs. Courtesy of A. Schachner and M. Alparslan. Translation King’s Charioteer Niya, the Scribe
Commentary Peker is surely correct in pointing out, contra Alparslan, that this could not possibly be a king’s name; also that the lower left sign should be AURIGA not VIR. “King’s Charioteer” is not specifically attested in Hier., though Cun. LÚkartap(pu) (ša) DUTU-ši is not uncommonly found at Ugarit; cf. also PN [GAL] kar-tap-pí ša LUGAL KUR ⌈u⌉-g[a-ri-it] (RS
16.273, PRU III, no. 44; for reading [GAL] see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 302 no. 4; for KUR ⌈u⌉-g[a-ri-it], Singer, Tel Aviv 10 (1983), p. 11). PN ni-i(a): Ni(ya)- attested in Late period (KARABURUN, §§ 3, 7, 9, 10; KULULU l.s. 1, § 4, 19.4; l.s. 2, § 1, 1.4).
XIV.24. BOĞAZKÖY 16. Lion Gate graffito. (plate 55) Location. At Boğazköy-Hattusa in situ on the left-hand monolith of the Lion Gate, to the left of the lion’s head (9–11 o’clock).
clearly appearing: in September 2001 on a visit accompan ied by Anna Morpurgo Davies, Günter Neumann and Gernot Wilhelm.
Description. A 6-hieroglyph graffito arranged in a single column, the signs incised by “pecking”.
Publication. Neve, Ist. Mitt. 26 (1976), pp. 9–11, Taf. 1, 1–2 (photos, monolith and inscription), 2, 1–2 (inscription detail and copy).
Dimensions: ht., 0.62 m.; max. w., 0.30 m. Condition: faint, shallowly incised. Script, sign forms: appear “cursive”.
Content. Name and title relating to Gate(?).
Discovery. The inscription is not normally visible, and only appears in certain light conditions; noticed by Neve in late autumn 1973, “im Lichte der flach einfallenden, späten Vormittagssonne”. I too after many, many visits to the Lion Gate have only on one single occasion seen the inscription
Date. Presumably 13th century B.C., late. Text. Copy taken from publication of P. Neve. Photographs. Taken in September 2001.
Transliteration MAGNUS+x lu?-lu?-u? PORTA
Commentary MAGNUS+x: x looks like architectural element, not known as Hieroglyph. lu?-lu?-u?: identification of signs uncertain; photograph suggests that first two have side “wings”, thus lu rather than ku as copy; third sign, animal head, probably u or mu. For PN Hier. lu-lu-[…], see Herbordt, PBS, no. 206 with remarks of Hawkins, p. 262 comparing Cun. Lullu(wa) (Noms, no. 706, 707).
PORTA: for the sign forms (Empire, Transitional and Late (pictographic and cursive)), see Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 97 § 23 (not 22!); id., apud Herbordt, PBS, nos. 637–638 (PN); and present volume, Logograms, L.237, 238, 239. The present occurrence of the sign, a pictographic logogram, actually on a gate seems to confirm its identification.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
XIV.25. BOĞAZKÖY 8, 14, 15, 17, 22, 26. Scribal graffiti. (plates 56 – 58) a. BOĞAZKÖY 8. Boulder with scribal graffiti. Location. Boğazkale Museum, no. 3.2.69 (Inv. no. 614). Description. Small irregular shaped boulder, the dressed front face of which bears two incised (actually “pecked”) scribes’ names, and possibly a third (almost erased). Dimensions: ht., 0.53 m.; w., 0.75 m.; th., 0.33 m. Condition: adequately clear. Script: incised (“pecked”). Discovery. Excavated in 1956 campaign near the South Gate of the inner city-wall in square I 19. Extending outside the well-built gate-house, revetment walls had been less carefully constructed (“leicht geböschte Stützmauern”): in the south wall a few metres from the south tower the boulder had been incorporated. Bittel, MDOG 89 (1957), pp. 18–23 with Abb. 14 (south side of gate and revetment wall; inscribed element visible as white stone in wall), Abb. 18 (photograph of inscription); Naumann, Boğazköy VI (1984), pp. 117–120 with Abb. 2 (ground plan showing position of inscription), Tafel 27d (photograph of revetment wall, white inscribed stone visible in middle).
Publication. Bittel, loc. cit. (Discovery), Abb. 18 (photograph); Poetto, see Edition; Gonnet, see Edition. Editions. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 46 (“Hattusa VIII”), p. 294, Tav. VIII (drawing); Poetto, L’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica HATTUŠA VIII (OA 26 (1987), pp. 187–189 (with copies), Tav. IV (photograph); Gonnet, CRRAI 38 (1992), p. 268, fig. 4a (photograph). Content. Two (possibly three) scribes’ names. The placing of the stone in the revetment wall running up to the South Gate suggested to Bittel (loc. cit., p. 19) public scribes sitting in the gate to write Hieroglyphic documents for people. Date. Late, 13th century B.C.—building of revetment wall. Text. Copy traced from photograph. Photograph. (a) reproduced from Bittel, Publication; (b) taken in yard of Boğazkale old museum.
Transliteration (1) (2) (3)
Translation Bente-šina the Scribe Samituli the Scribe very doubtful
pa-ti-si-na SCRIBA sà-mi-tu-li SCRIBA AVIS …? SCRIBA?
Commentary pa-ti-si-na: for the reading of this name as Bente-šina, see Hawkins apud Gonnet, loc. cit., Edition, p. 268; cf. id., apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), pp. 268 (s.v. Benti-Šarruma), 430 (s.v. si (L.174)).
sà-mi-tu-li: name read by Poetto, loc. cit., Edition, and identified with examples on seals, TARSUS, AHMOLEAN and private collection. The name has now further appeared on a NİŞANTEPE seal, Herbordt, PBS, no. 348, see Hawkins, ibid., p. 269.
b. BOĞAZKÖY 14. Pavement graffiti. Location. In situ. Description. Five stones of pavement, bearing “pecked” markings, apparently Hieroglyphs although only one sign certainly identifiable (L.326, SCRIBA). Question of orientation of signs.
Discovery. Excavated in 1968 in situ in pavement of street running south-east to north-west between Great Temple (Temple I, magazines 75 and 74) and Südareal. They were found in two groups, the north-west (2 stones) and the south-east (3 stones) some 2 m. apart, along the north-east side of street.
XIV.25. BOĞAZKÖY 8, 14, 15, 17, 22, 26
Publication. Bittel, Boğazköy IV (1969), p. 20 f.; Güterbock, ibid., p. 53 with Abb. 15a, b (tracing from photograph), Taf. 28a, b (photographs).
Text. Copy not attempted. Photographs. Courtesy of M. Alparslan.
Edition, Transliteration/Translation: not attempted. c. BOĞAZKÖY 15. Two orthostats with scribal graffiti. Location. In situ. Description. Two limestone blocks, bearing faint “pecked” inscriptions giving names and titles of scribes, one on left block, three(?) on right block. Discovery. Excavated in 1969 season, a group of five blocks, in situ (block 2), slipped from base (block 4), or fallen (blocks 1, 3 and 5) at south corner of Great Temple (Temple I). Blocks 5 and 4 with the inscriptions were restored to their original positions on the foundation plinth. Publication. Bittel, MDOG 102 (1970). p. 9, Abb. 1 (plan), Abb. 4 (photo); Neve, Boğazköy V (1975), pp. 14–16 (1c),
Abb. 5 (plan), Abb. 6a (photo), 6b (photo with signs drawn in charcoal; Otten, ibid., p. 17 f. (1d. Zur Inschrift auf den Quadern vor der Südecke des Tempelbezirks); Neve, Nürnberger Blätter 12 (1995/6), Abb. 17 (photo reproduced from Neve, 1975, Abb. 6b). Editions. Otten, loc. cit. (1975); A. and B. Dinçol, Gs Imparati (2002), p. 208 f. Nr. 15 (Abb. 2 from Neve, 1975, Abb. 6b, redrawn) Text. Reproduced from publications of Güterbock and Neve. Photographs. Courtesy of M. Alparslan.
Transliteration (block 5) … MAGNUS.SCRIBA-la (block 4) left (i) TONITRUS.MANUSx-mi (twice) (ii) MANUSx-ni(?) SCRIBA (iii) zi/a-á-zi/a SCRIBA right: TONITRUS-(m)u? x …
Comment (i) TONITRUS.MANUSx-mi: name appears on HANYERİ, title REX.FILIUS (see discussion there, read Tarhuntami?, also other attestations on sealings). (ii–iii): Dinçol and Dinçol read dextroverse against the sinistroverse orientation of signs, which is improbable.
(iii) zi/a-á-zi/a: name found also on KORUCUTEPE seal no. 12 (Güterbock, JNES 32 (1973), p. 143 f., pl. 4), title REGIO. DOMINUS. Cf. also ANKARA 3, dedicated by zi/a-zi/a-i(a) AURIGA. Names could be realized as some permutation of Zaziya / Ziyazi/a etc.; no Cuneiform parallel attested. (ii) MANUSx-ni(?): uncertain.
d. BOĞAZKÖY 17. Block with scribal graffito. Location. Boğazkale Museum (?). Description. Discovery. Excavated in 1979 “als Spolie in einem Haus in der Nähe des Tempels VI”.
Publication. Neve, Arch. Anz. 1980, pp. 299 Abb. 17, 304 f. Abb. 23. Discussion. Müller-Karpe, ibid.; Dinçol and Dinçol, Gs Imparati (2002), p. 209.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
e. BOĞAZKÖY 22. Block with scribal graffiti. Location. Boğazkale Museum (Bo. 85/543) (Inv. no. 1.544.85). Description. Block with three(?) scribes’ names (left, two names; right, very faint name).
Publication. A. and B. Dinçol, Gs Imparati (2002), pp. 209 f., 214 Abb. 3 (photo), Abb. 4 (copy). Edition. Dinçol and Dinçol, loc. cit.
Discovery. Excavated in 1985 “im Torbereich der Temenosmauer des Tempels IV” (Dinçol and Dinçol, Publication). Transliteration (i) LUNA-VIR.zi/a HARA/I+ra/i (ii) x-CERVUS-ti (BONUS2) SCRIBA (iii) … SCRIBA
Comment (i) Arma-ziti, a very common name as noted by the editors. HARA/I+ra/i: editors suggest this to be the last sign of an otherwise erased name, though this does not appear likely. Perhaps an otherwise unattested title(?). (ii) x-CERVUS-ti: editiors suggest the recognition of the first element of this -runtiya name as sà+us-ka-, to give the
common name Sauskaruntiya, but this identification looks difficult. Neve, BoHa XVI (1999), p. 23 n. 55 Abb. 9, Taf. 5c.
f. BOĞAZKÖY 26. Block with scribe’s name. Location. Boğazkale Museum (Bo. 2001/1). Description. Block with single incised (pecked?) scribe’s name antithetically arranged. Discovery. “… der in der byzantischen Kapelle über dem Tempel XVI als Spolie benuzter Stein …”, observed in 2001 and taken to Boğazkale Museum. Possibly the block came originally from Temple XVI.
Publication. A. and B. Dinçol, Gs Imparati (2002), pp. 210, 215 Abb. 5 (photo), Abb. 6 (copy). Edition. Dinçol and Dinçol, loc. cit. Text. Copy reproduced from Publication. Photographs. Also from Publication.
Transliteration SUPER (antithetic)-i(a) SCRIBA antithetic
Comment The editors read the name Sariya and note the occurrences among the NİŞANTEPE sealings, Herbordt, PBS, nos. 350–
357, where the pair of antithetic SUPER signs are linked by +ra/i.
XIV.26. KINIK (KASTAMONU). Bowl inscription. (plate 59) Location. Kastamonu Museum, no. 946. Description. Bronze bowl, decorated with four registers of repoussé-work. Base: rosette; second register: three stylized “palmettes”, each supported by an antithetic pair of winged griffins; third register: in front of a stylized tree a hunter with spear confronts a wild boar, two lions attack a bull, a lion grapples a bull, a stag is confronted by a hunter with spear, two lions rise in confrontation; fourth register: in front of a “palmette”/stylized tree, a right-facing hunter with bow and arrow and tethered stag confronts/shoots a meleé of stags, does and young, and wild goats; rim band: a 15-sign sinistroverse Hieroglyphic inscription. Dimensions: ht., 6.4 cm.; w., 18.7 cm. Condition: good. Script: linear incised. Sign form: Empire cursive. Peculiarities: —
A. Çınaroğlu, Kastamonu Kökenli bir Grup Hitit Gümüş Eseri (Museum 4 (1990/91), pp. 55–58); A. Çınaroğlu and E. Genç, Kastamonu-Kınık 2002 Yılı Kazısı (KST 25/1 (2004), pp. 355–368); eidem, 2003 Yılı Kastamonu-Kınık Kazısı (KST 26/1 (2005), pp. 277–290. Publication. K. Emre and A. Çinaroğlu, A group of metal Hittite vessels from Kınık-Kastamonu, in Fs N. Özgüç (Ankara, 1993), pp. 675–713, no. 25 (pp. 684–701, fig. 23, drawn by T. Sıpahı); J. D. Hawkins, A bowl epigraph of the official Taprammi (ibid., pp. 715–717 with Fig. 1 (drawing traced from photograph), pl. 145 (photograph); R. M. Czichon, Zur Komposition der Taprammi-Schale (Ist. Mitt. 45 (1995), pp. 5–12). Edition. Hawkins, loc. cit., 1993. Cf. C. Mora, Fs Dinçol (2007), p. 516.
Discovery. Part of a hoard of metal vessels (rhyta, tripods, situlae, jugs, bowls) reportedly uncovered on a “calcareous hillside called Harmankaya-Delibeyoğlu” near Kınık village 10 km. north-east of Devrekani during the construction of a road for the Kulaksız barrage project. The hoard was brought to Kastamonu Museum in November 1990, and acquired by the Museum. The find spot was examined inconclusively by the museum authorities, and again about a year later accompanied by Prof. Dr. Aykut Çınaroğlu, who published a preliminary popular report (1991). He later conducted two seasons of excavation, 2002 and 2003.
Content. Bowl dedication by the eunuch Taprammi. This official is known from other monuments, documents and seals, most recently the Nişantepe archive impression of his seal, Herbordt, PBS (2005), no. 409, see Hawkins, ibid., p. 272. Date. The same individual is probably represented by the Taprammi on KINIK, BOĞAZKÖY 2, the tablets RS 17.231 (with seal impression), RS 17.337, NİŞANTEPE, no. 409, and he must date to the later 13th century B.C. being synchronized with Ini-Teššub, King of Karkamiš. Text. Copy reproduced from Hawkins, Publication. Photograph. Reproduced from Publication.
This bowl (to) the God-Scribe (good (to the) man) the eunuch Taprammi (good (to the) man) dedicated.
Commentary Since the discovery and publication of this bowl, two further inscribed bowls have appeared, ANKARA 2 and ANKARA 3, which provide useful points of comparison (XIV.27 and 28), and serve to confirm the readings and interpretations made in my Edition. zi/a CAELUM-(PI): cf. ANKARA 3, zi/a-wa/i CAELUM-pi, and ANKARA 2, zi/a-wa/i-ti CAELUM-pi, “this bowl”. Also
compared was Late BABYLON 3, za-ia-wa/i-a (“SCALPRUM”) ka-ti-na, “these bowls”. CAELUM-pi: CAELUM, pictogram “bowl”, ideogram “sky”, and speculation on reading of the former, Bolatti Guzzo and Marazzi advocate separating the sign with the transcription CRATER (StBoT 52 (2010), pp. 21–23 (3)); PI phonetic indicator to disambiguate—cf. Hitt. peran pedumas,
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“utensil for carrying forward” (CHD, s.v.)?; see Simon (NABU 2016, no. 96, pp. 159–162); “SCUTRA”. DEUS.SCRIBA, “God-Scribe”: cf. ANKARA 2, REX mazi/a-kar-hu-ha REX PRAE-na, “before king Maza-Karhuha; BABYLON 2, TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-ni (DEUS)TONITRUS PRAE-na, “before Halabean Tarhunza”. DEUS.SCRIBA seems to occupy the place of the royal(?) and divine witnesses of the two parallels, though lacking PRAE presumably to be understood as standing in dative. Cf. now Z. Simon, who proposes DEUS SCRIBA as (PN) Masani the Scribe (AshSharq 2/1 (2018), pp. 121–124). BONUS2.VIR2 EUNUCHUS2 PN BONUS2.VIR2 EUNUCHUS2: cf. ANKARA 3, AURIGA.BONUS2.VIR2 PN BONUS2.VIR2 AURIGA. The practice is to write the name and titles of the dedicators framed antithetically as they might appear on their seals. Cf. also ANKARA 2, REX RN REX.
EUNUCHUS2(L.254): since my Edition, a NİŞANTEPE digraphic writing has appeared which equates Hier. L.254 with Cun. LÚ.SAG (Herbordt, PBS, no. 305, see Hawkins, ibid., p. 303 f.). This confirms the earlier digraphic equation L.254 = Cun. LÚša rēši (ekallim) (RS 17.231, equations misread under L.254, corrected by Hawkins). The Meskene digraph L.254 = Cun. LÚÚ.ȚU (Arnaud, Emar VI/1, p. 171 = VI/3, p. 216, Msk. 73.1093 l. 30, seal epigraph l. 25 = Beyer, Emar IV, C21, photograph pl. 24) is unexplained; Laroche, Akkadica 22 (1981), p. 14, and CRAIBL 1983, p. 18, fig. 12, takes LÚ Ú. ȚU as LÚGA.ȚU = LÚIL, nāgiru, “herald” (cf. Güterbock, in Boehmer–Güterbock, Glyptik, p. 106 f. with n. 67), but this identification is to be rejected, and the “digraph” remains unexplained. PONERE: cf. BABYLON 3, [PON]ERE-wa/i-ta, ANKARA 3, DARE.
XIV.27. ANKARA 3. Bowl inscription. (plate 60) Location. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, no. 24.1.08. Description. Plain circular bronze bowl bearing on its outer surface below the rim a 19-character inscription. This divides into four sections anomalously arranged and with different orientations: (1) name and titles (antithetic aedicula); (2) zi/a-wa/i (dextroverse); (3) CAELUM-pi DARE (sinistroverse); (4) CENTUM DOMINUS 3-na-zi/a (dextroverse). Dimensions: (bowl) diameter, 19 cm.; depth, 5.5 cm.; (inscription) length, 8 cm.; height, 2.5 cm. Condition: good. Script: incised (engraved). Sign forms: linear. Peculiarities: anomalous arrangement, different orientations. Discovery. Brought to the Museum on 22/2/2008 by Mehmet Dellal as part of a group of objects which were acquired by Transliteration (2) zi/a-wa/i (3) CAELUM-(PI) DARE (1) AURIGA BONUS2 VIR2 zi/a-zi/a-i(a) BONUS2.VIR2 AURIGA (4) CENTUM DOMINUS 3-na-zi/a
purchase for the Museum. According to Dellal, the group was found in Kırşehir vilayet. It consisted of a bronze cauldron containing: this inscribed bowl, a bowl with a strip, a bronze bowl with single handle, a bronze lid and a total of eight bronze pots. These were brought to the Museum in the cauldron. Publication. M. Çifçi and J. D. Hawkins, A new inscribed bowl in Ankara Museum (Colloquium Anatolicum 15 (2016), pp. 239–245). Edition. Çifçi–Hawkins, loc. cit.; Z. Simon, NABU 2017, no. 49, pp. 86–88. Content. Dedication inscription. Date. Hittite Empire, 13th century B.C. Copy and Photographs. Ms. Mine Çifçi (2014).
Translation This bowl gave Zazaya/Ziziya the Charioteer (good (to the) man). The Hundred-Commander’s ration(?) or: to Tarna(n)zi/a the Hundred-Commander.
Comments Reading order: discussed by Simon (Edition). AURIGA: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 301. zi/a-zi/a-i(a): this personal name can be realized as Zazaya or Ziziya; cf. KORUCUTEPE no. 12, zi/a-zi/a-á (REGIO. DOMINUS); Simon argues for Zazaya/Zaziya (Edition). CAELUM-(PI): identical writings on KINIK bronze bowls and ANKARA 2 silver bowl (inscriptions 1 and 2). For discussion of reading, and transcription see below, ANKARA 2, § 1. DARE, “give”: compare with KINIK, PONERE, “put”, also Late BABYLON 3, [PO]NERE.
CENTUM: the St. Andrew’s cross shows apparently purpos ive scratches, three on each of its lower branches and one on each of the upper. Nevertheless it is hard to see what else it could represent apart from the numeral “hundred”. CENTUM DOMINUS, “Hundred-Commander”: for this title, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 302 nos. 9–10. 3-na-zi/a: Weeden suggests that 3 represents the syllabogram tar instead of the usual tara/i (i.e. 3+ra/i) and that the writing renders tarnaz, nom. sing. MF of tarnat-, “ration”, for which see Singer, StBoT 27, pp. 147–149. If this is correct, may we suppose that this bowl is a measure—the ration of the Hundred-Commander? Simon (Edition) suggests this to be a PN, the name of the recipient Tarna(n)zi.
XIV.28. *ANKARA 2. Silver bowl. (plates 61 – 63) Location. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, no. 29-1-79 (looks like date of entry into Museum but is not). Description. Plain, largely undecorated silver bowl with single recessed band around the rim, bearing on either side below the rim a Hieroglyphic Luw. inscription (inscriptions 1 and 2). The bowl has been broken and roughly repaired with what looks like modern solder (shows whiteish in the colour photographs). Inscription 1 is almost complete, inscription 2 partly missing on a lost fragment. Dimensions: bowl, diameter, 20.2 cm., depth, 7.3 cm.; inscription 1, l. **; ht., **; inscription 2, l. **, ht., **. Condition: as preserved, good. Script: incised (engraved). Sign forms: Empire cursive. Peculiarities: initial-a-final. Discovery. Toker, Publication: “Provenance unknown”; presumably no information in Museum inventory. Publication. A. Toker, Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Metal Vessels (Istanbul, 1992), no. 144, pp. 166 (photographs of bowl, detail of inscription 1), 221 (catalogue); Hawkins, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1996 Yıllığı (Ankara, 1997), pp. 7–22, Turkish summary, p. 23, copies, p. 24; id., Studia Troica 15 (2005), pp. 193–204, with figs. 1–2 (colour photographs of inscription 1, from Toker, loc. cit.). Some explanation of the publication is appropriate. Laroche in HH (Paris, 1960), p. xxx, records: “ANKARA. Coupe en
argent, provenant de Kargamis(?)—Inédite”. It is almost certain that this refers to the present bowl, which means that it was in the Museum and seen by Laroche before 1960. The reason for it remaining unpublished in the intervening years is not known. As noted, I was shown the piece in 1995 by the then Director of the Museum, Dr. İlhan Temizsoy, who invited me to write a report on it for the Museum’s Annual (“Yıllık”), where it duly appeared with my copies of both inscriptions (but no new photographs). In the early 2000s Prof. Dr. Manfred Korfmann pointed out to me that the original publication was not easily accessible to scholars outside Turkey, and he invited me to reprint it in Studia Troica, which I readily accepted. Unfortunately Professor Korfmann’s illness (and subsequent death in 11/8/2005) led to certain omissions and errors in this publication, since I was conducting this through him and not directly by communication with the editors. Principally my copies which should have been reprinted from the 1996 Yıllık to appear on p. 195 were omitted, and no photograph of inscription 2 was obtained from the Museum. Also footnotes 33–34 on p. 201 became confused: fn. 33 should read only “See above n. 30”; the rest of what appeared there belongs in fn. 34 after “Cf. his Cuneiform seals …”. I circulated these Errata on a separate sheet along with off-prints, but they were not otherwise published. Subsequently my copy of inscription 1 was included in (1) H. C. Melchert (ed.), The Luwians (Brill, 2003), p. 7; (2) S. P. B. Durnford, An. St. 60 (2010), p. 53; (3) F. Giusfredi, CRRAI 56 (2013), p. 665. However, by a further oversight the copy from which these were taken did not show the shading to mark the covering of the +tu in MONS[+tu] with modern solder, which gave the
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misleading impression that there was no sign lost here (cf. the note, Edition 1, p. 11; 2, p. 196 f.). Edition. Hawkins, Publication, 1997, pp. 8–12; id., Publication, 2005, pp. 194–197. Date. We are of course principally concerned with the date of the inscription, which may but need not be the same as that of the manufacture of the bowl (which does not concern us). Much debated since Hawkins, Publication (2) (2005). Principal discussions: C. Mora, Three Metal Bowls (in Fs Dinçol (2007), pp. 517–519); Z. Simon, Die ANKARA-Silberschale (ZA 99 (2009), pp. 247–269); S. P. B. Durnford, How old was the Ankara silver bowl when its inscriptions were added? (An. St. 60 (2010), pp. 51–70); I. Yakubovich (in ALP 4/1 (2008), pp. 14–16); cf. id., Sociolinguistics, p. 119 with n. 58; F. Giusfredi, Further considerations on the Ankara Silver Bowl (CRRAI 56 (2013); Eisenbrauns, 2013), pp. 665– 679; R.N. Oreshko, Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription on the Ankara Silver Bowl (Vestnik Drevneĭ Istorii 2 (2012), pp. 3–28 (Russian), English summary p. 28); cf. Weeden, After the
Hittites (Bulletin ICS 56/2, 2013), p. 7 f.; M. Gander, Die Eroberung von Tara/i-wa/i-zi/a (REGIO) (Klio 97 (2015), pp. 18–29 Exkurs II). A. Payne, Zur Datierung der Silberschale ANKARA 2 (in ead., Schrift und Schriftlichkeit (2015), pp. 84–98). It is now generally agreed that the inscription must be post-Empire, which I must accept. I leave it here because of its close links with Empire KINIK and ANKARA 3, and would classify it as Transitional. Text. The original copy as published in Publication 1 and reprinted here was produced in the following way. For the purposes of accuracy, the text was traced directly from the bowl on acetate with the finest acetate pen available, thus at 1:1 (Plate 62a). This was then blown up by photocopy to about 1:2. 3 (Plate 62b), and recopied with collation of the original partly with magnifying glass to the final version (Plate 62c). I would thus claim as great an accuracy as possible for the text as presented. Photographs. Reproduced from Publications, courtesy of Ankara Museum and director İ. Temizsoy.
(inscription 1) § 1 zi/a-wa/i-ti CAELUM-(PI) sa-ma-i(a)-*a REGIO.HATTI VIR2 (L.273)i(a)-sa5-zi/a-da REX ma-zi/a-KAR-hu-ha REX PRAE-na § 2 tara/i-wa/i-zi/a-wa/i(REGIO) REL+ra/i MONS+[tu] LABARNA+la hu-la-i(a)-tá § 3 wa/i-na-*a pa-ti-i(a)-*a ANNUS-i(a) i(a)-zi/a-da (inscription 2) zi/a CAELUM-(PI) SCRIBA 2 pi-t[i?]-TO[NITRUS …] x
This bowl for himself Asmaya the man of Hatti …ed before king Maza-Karhuha. When Tudhaliya Labarna smote the land …, it in that year he made.
This bowl the scribe, second class Penti-Te[ssub?] … (Apparently the scribal signature)
Commentary § 1. zi/a-wa/i-ti CAELUM-pi, “This bowl for himself”: cf. KINIK, zi/a CAELUM-pi; ANKARA 3, zi/a-wa/i CAELUM-pi; also Late BABYLON 3, za-ia-wa/i-a (“SCALPRUM”)ka-ti-na, “these (stone) bowls” (similarly BABYLON 2, § 1). Comparison with KINIK and ANKARA 3 places ANKARA 2 firmly within the Empire tradition. The presence of reflexive -ti may signal a more developed style. CAELUM-(PI): the use of the BOWL pictogram for SKY (the sky conceived as a bowl) has long been noted, see Laroche, HH, p. 96 f. See now above, KINIK. sa-ma-i(a)-*a: the recognition of the graphic peculiarity initial-a-final, seen also in this inscription in wa/i-na-*a
pa-ti-i(a)-*a (§ 3), permits the identification of this PN as Asmaya, a hypocoristic form of a Hurrian asmi/u name. REGIO.HATTI VIR2, “man of Hatti-land”, to us “Hittite”; in Hittite LÚ URUHATTI (e.g. KUB XXIII 36 ii 11), presumed reading Hattusumna-. For the original use of the crampon (L.386) as logogram/determinative “man”, first so identified by Güterbock, see now Hawkins, Kadmos 49 (2010), pp. 1–10. The word order REGIO.HATTI in place of the regular HATTI. REGIO, “Hatti-land(s)”, might be influenced by the Akkadian order māt Hatti as against Hittite Hattusas utne. In considering the date of this inscription we may well ask how long after the disappearance of the kingdom of Hattusa/Hatti this
self-designation “man of Hatti-land” might have continued: see below. The proposal of Giusfredi to re-read HATTI as DOMINUS is improbable: the sign is clearly a splayed trident (HATTI) not three parallel lines (DOMINUS), for which compare the Transitional forms (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 16; GÜRÜN, § 1b; KÖTÜKALE, § 1; DARENDE, § 1; ALEPPO 6, §§ 2, 8, 9; 7, § 11), and all the early Late forms (IZGIN 1, § 1; 2, § 8; all Suhi– Katuwa KARKAMIŠ except the slightly aberrant form cited by Giusfredi). (L.273)i(a)-sa5-zi/a-da: taken as a logogram/determin ative + full phonetic writing, almost unparalleled in Empire writings, but cf. (L.273)[m]u-wa/i-ha, “I conquered” (YALBURT block 16, § 2a). The verbs in the comparable inscriptions are DARE (ANKARA 3), PONERE (KINIK, also Late BABYLON 3), which suggest the probable semantic range of this unknown verb (discussed Yakubovich (2008), rebutted by Simon loc. cit., p. 248; cf. also Bolatti Guzzo and Marazzi, StBoT 52 (2010), p. 22 f.). REX ma-zi/a-KAR-hu-ha REX: apparently a king’s name, a theophore formed with the god Karhuha, who is virtually unattested outside Karkamiš. The presumption thus must be that Maza-Karhuha was king of Karkamiš, which has a direct bearing on the inscription’s date. We assume that we know all the kings of Karkamiš from c. 1320 to after 1200 B.C., the five generations descended from Suppiluliuma I, Piyassili/Šarri-Kušuh—Kuzi-Teššub, which would place Maza-Karhuha before or after this line. See further below, Discussion. PN REX PRAE-na: the two comparable bowl inscriptions record dedications (verb PONERE) to deities; KINIK, DEUS. SCRIBA, “(to) the God-Scribe” (but cf. Simon, “(to) Masani the Scribe”); Late BABYLON 3, (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti PRAE-na, “before the Storm-God” (cf. Late BABYLON 2, “… made for the Storm-God”). It should perhaps be considered whether “king Maza-Karhuha” could in any way refer simply to the god Karhuha, but it does not seem probable especially in the absence of the DEUS determinative. § 2. tara/i-wa/i-zi/a-wa/i(REGIO): my comparison of this toponym with Hitt. KUR URUta-ru(-u)-i-ša in the list of conquests of Tudhaliya I/II in his Annals has met with little enthusiasm. An interesting recent suggestion is to see here a reference to the Tarwa-folk (ERÍNMEŠ tar-wa, ethnicon tarwiza-), who appear in Emar texts as having besieged the city: Mora, 2007 (above, Date), p. 519; Weeden, 2013 (above, Date), p. 7 f.; for the texts, see Arnaud, TSABR, nos. 25 l. 2, 44 l. 2; cf. Durand–Marti, RA 97 (2003), p. 158.
§§ 2–3. REL+ra/i … apati usi, “when … in that year”: cf. BOĞAZKÖY/SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 18. MONS+[tu] LABARNA+la: the area below MONS is covered with modern solder used in repairing the bowl, and when studying the piece I had hoped that this could be cleaned off, but this has not happened. Nevertheless the pair is best taken as a royal name and title, so the restoration [tu], giving Tudhaliya is relatively assured. For a different, improbable interpretation see Oreshko, below, Discussion. For the question of which Tudhaliya, I/II, III or IV or a post-Empire Tudhaliya, see Discussion. hu-la-i(a)-tá: this otherwise unattested Luw. verb interpreted by reference to Hitt. hullai-/hulliya-, “smite, etc.”, for which see now HWb2, s.v. § 3. *a-wa/i-na (a+wa+an), “and it (acc. sing. MF)”: as noted the pronoun implies that CAELUM-pi is common gender not neuter. Discussion. Criteria for date and context. (1) Palaeography/orthography (2) *a-sa-ma-i(a) REGIO.HATTI VIR2 (3) (L.273)i(a)-sa5-zi/a-da (4) REX ma-zi/a-KAR-hu-ha REX (5) tara/i-wa/i-zi/a(REGIO) (6) MONS+[tu] LABARNA+la (7) *a-pa-ti-i(a) ANNUS-i(a) i(a)-zi/a-da Main alternative interpretations. Mora (2007). (1) indication of lateness; (2) Asmiya name attested at Emar; “man of Hatti-land” attested at Emar, evidence for extra-Anatolian context; (4) Mazi-DU attested at Emar; (5) Tudhaliya sword uses KUR assuwa for conquest; Tarwiza, cf. TAR-WI? etc. (ERÍNMEŠ tar-wa attested at Emar). Conclusion: bowl a presentation to a very small local king of unknown origin to commemorate an important conquest by Tudhaliya (IV? or a Karkamiš Tudhaliya?); date, late 13th or first half of the 11th centuries B.C.? Yakubovich (2008, also 2010, p. 119 n. 58). (1) indication of lateness; (3) verb iyasaza-, “bought”; (4) some Syrian or Anatolian vassal not from Karkamiš; (6) use of LABARNA indicates Tudhaliya IV. Conclusion: Tudhaliya I/II made the bowl (only) when he conquered Tarwiza; Asmaya bought the bowl from Mazakarhuha under Tudhaliya IV and added the inscription. Simon (2009). (1) indication of lateness; (2) REGIO.HATTI VIR2, “man of Hatti-land”, to be taken literally, the Hittite
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Kingdom still exists; (3) Yakubovich’s “buy” rejected on basis of PRAE and -za- suffix; (4) Mazakarhuha not necessarily king of Karkamiš; (5) land tara/i-wa/i-zi/a could be anywhere; (6) Tudhaliya I/II, III and TUR excluded by orthography, by LABARNA, by aedicula REX PN REX; Tudhaliya IV excluded by orthography, by king Mazakarhuha, and by LABARNA; Tudhaliya of Karkamiš excluded by LABARNA, and by “man of Hatti-land”. Conclusion: there must be another Tudhaliya (“Tudhaliya V”) reigning while the Hatti-Kingdom still existed, thus shortly after Suppiluliuma II (son?). The bowl is an honorarium from Tudhaliya V to Mazakarhuha, a Late Hittite petty king, on the occasion of his defeat of Tarwiza an otherwise unknown, east Anatolian(?) place. Durnford (2010). (1) indication of lateness; (2) Asmaya man of Hatti-land “an early Empire “Hittite” with Hurrian name in Karkamiš; (3) “forged”; (5), (6) probably Tarwisa/Troy and Tudhaliya I/II; (4) Mazakarhuha a pre-Suppiluliuma I king of Karkamiš. Conclusion: the bowl was made for Tudhaliya on the occasion of his victory over Tarwisa by Asmaya in Karkamiš in the reign of Mazakarhuha. This was remembered many generations later by the owners of the bowl who added the inscription to commemorate the event. Giusfredi (2010). (1) indication of lateness; (2) Asmaya not REGIO.HATTI VIR2 but REGIO.DOMINUS! (+ word-divider); (3) “presented” as a gift from Tudhaliya by emissary Asmaya to Mazakarhuha; (4), (5) Mazakarhuha was king of Tarwiza; (6) Tudhaliya Labarna was the Karkamiš Tudhaliya “Great King, Labarna” (KARKAMIŠ (II.74) frag. a/b). Conclusion: this Tudhaliya not the same individual as Tudhaliya of KARKAMIŠ A16c / KELEKLİ, contemporary of Suhi I. He would have ruled “not later than the 11th century B.C.E.
Oreshko (2012). summary only of Russian text. (1) indication of lateness; (2) Giusfredi’s REGIO.DOMINUS! accepted; (6) restoration MONS+[tu] rejected, in favour of reading (MONS)LABARNA+la, “Mount Lebanon” (object of conquest); (5) tara/i-wa/i-zi/a(REGIO) analysed following Starke as Tarawa-iza-, “Tarawean”, referring to (4) king Mazakarhuha; (3) verb reinterpreted as noun (VIR2.L.273)i(a)-za/isa5-tà, “honour-gift”; (2) *a-sa-ma-i(a) reinterpreted as dat. sing., “to Asma”; (5) tara/i-wa/i(REGIO) reinterpreted as Darawa/i-, variant of Danawa/i-, “Adanean”. Conclusion: new translation. To judge from this summary, all his re-interpretations are quite implausible. Weeden (2013). “growing consensus”: bowl post-Empire, from Karkamiš region; [Tudhaliya] a Karkamiš Tudhaliya; Tarwiza the Tarwa-people; Maza-Karhuha king in vicinity of Karkamiš. Gander (2015). (1) Predominant syllabic writing post-Empire; (2) REGIO HATTI improbable writing, HATTI sign not used after fall of Hattusa; (2–3) Giusfredi’s interpretation preferred; (5) tara/i-wa/i-zi/a(REGIO) cannot be URUtaruisa; (4, 6) Mazi-Karhuha and Tudhaliya LABARNA must be post-Empire. Conclusion: separating the inscription’s date (Late) from the historical event (early)—so Yakubovich and Durnford—unnecessary, implausible. Payne (2015). Detailed review of discussions to date. Conclusion: 12th century B.C. J. D. H. I must concede that a post-Empire dating is most likely. The palaeography must keep it early in the Transi tional period, probably 12th century B.C. I cannot consider Giusfredi’s interpretation of REGIO HATTI VIR2 (L.273)i(a)sa5-zi/a-da as preferred by Gander, at all probable, but this has little bearing on the date.
XIV.29. TAŞÇI A and B. Rock inscriptions with sculptures. (plate 64) Location. Incised rock figures with epigraphs, vilayet of Kayseri. From Develi the road runs south-east towards the Gezbel pass, crossing the Zamantı Irmağı at Taşçı (alias Bakırdağ). From the village a road runs south towards Kaleköy along a north-flowing tributary of the Zamantı formed by the junction of the Tahtalımezar dere and Şamaz dere. Some 2 km. south of Taşçı the road (of comparatively recent construction) towards Kaleköy enters a narrow valley: on the right across the stream is a rock face with the figures.
For detailed descriptions see K. Kohlmeyer, Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983), pp. 74–79, 137–140 Taf. 23–28; E. P. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), no. 21, pp. 168–172; H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 65–70. Description. TAŞÇI A. Three figures in line facing to the right are rendered in low relief sunk into the smoothed rock surface. The centre and even more so the right figure are badly eroded and preserve almost no detail; the left is better preserved and appears to be a woman with head-dress or
XIV.29. TAŞÇI A and B
long hair. Their left arms are outstretched, holding their names as incised epigraphs which extend leftwards over the head of the left-hand figure giving genealogy and status. TAŞÇI B. Some 100 m. to the right, downstream, on a detached block of the same rock face, is a single incised figure, better preserved, wearing a close-fitting cap with frontal projection and a long, draped robe. He is cleanshaven, and holds his right arm up to his face, his left extended holding one(?) Hieroglyph(?), and below it two Hieroglyphs. Dimensions: TAŞÇI A: w., 3.10 m.; ht. above ground, 0.94 m. TAŞÇI B: preserved ht., 0.84 m. (Ehringhaus). Discovery. TAŞÇI A: by Rott in 1906, see Kleinasiatische Denkmäler aus Pisidien, Pamphylien, Kappadokien und Lykien (Leipzig, 1908), p. 178; visited in 1907 by de Jerphanion, Two new Hittite monuments in the Cappadocian Taurus (PSBA 30 (1908), p. 43 f., pl. II); in 1935 by Gelb, (HHM (1939), no. 51, pp. 20, 38, pl. LXXVI). Bossert, Altanatolien (1942), Abb. 555– 556, reproduced parts of the photographs of de Jerphanion and Gelb (pp. 58, 130). In 1948 S. Alp reported the discovery of TAŞÇI B (Belleten 12 (1948), p. 255; also Ar. Or. 17 (1950), p. 1 no. 3). In 1966 Steinherr, escorted by Sargon Erdem, director of Kayseri Museum, visited: Ist. Mitt. 25 (1975), pp. 313–317, Taf. 57–58. Gelb found the lower parts of the figures and inscriptions buried and cleared them. When I visited for the first time in 1966 (same year as Steinherr), a leat (water channel) had been dug in front of the figures, and since then trees have been planted along this and grown up, their shadows making photography difficult when they are in full leaf (Ehringhaus, Abb. 120–125; Kohlmeyer (Tafel 25.1) shows them without leaf). Transliteration TAŞÇI A … (2) x-li-zi/a (1) (3) ma-na-a-zi/a FILIA lu-pa-ki EXERCITUS.SCRIBA FILIUS(?) VIR-á HASTARIUS MAGNUS.REX HATTUSA+li MAGNUS.REX HEROS SERVUS TAŞÇI B —
Publication. TAŞÇI A. Messerschmidt (apud Rott, op. cit. (1908), p. 178) and de Jerphanion, loc. cit., did not give usable photographs or copies. “Editio Princeps”: Gelb, op. cit., pl. LXXVI (photograph and copy); Steinherr, following his visit, added many dubious signs to Gelb’s readings (loc. cit. (1975), Abb. 2 and Taf. 58.1–3). Kohlmeyer (loc. cit., pp. 75–78 with Figs. 29–30) with justification rejected these, and corrected here Gelb’s reading in one important point, reading SERVUS (mí for him, see below Commentary); Ehringhaus, op. cit., Abb. 121–125 (excellent photographs). Other good photographs: Steinherr, loc. cit. (apart from unwarranted additions); Bittel, Hethiter (1976), Abb. 208. TAŞÇI B. Steinherr, loc. cit., p. 313 f. with Abb. 1, Taf. 57 (copy, photographs); Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., p. 78 f. with Fig. 32, Taf. 25.1, 28 (copy, photographs); Ehringhaus, op. cit., p. 68, Abb. 126, 127, 131 (good photographs). Editions. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 74, pp. 310–312, Tav. XIII (TAŞÇI A), XII (TAŞÇI B) (drawn from photographs); Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., pp. 75–79 (TAŞÇI A, B); Ehringhaus, op. cit., p. 68; cf. Hawkins, CHLI I/1 (2000), p. 39 n. 13; Hawkins, apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 292 f., Excursus 7. Sculpture. Thoroughly discussed by Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., pp. 74 f., 78 (TAŞÇI A, B). Content. Epigraphs identifying the figures. Date. Reign of Hattusili III (mid-13th century B.C.) Text. Drawing with epigraphs, courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. Photographs. Courtesy of I. J. Gelb/K. Kohlmeyer.
Manazi/a, daughter of Lupakki the Army Scribe, son(?) of Zida the MEŠEDI-man, servant of Hattusili Great King, Hero.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Commentary TAŞÇI A (see Hawkins, loc. cit. (2005)) (1) presence of epigraph presumed, Kohlmeyer reports traces. (2) though Kohlmeyer’s reading hú-tara/i-li-zi/a, interpreted as Hutarli/a (what about zi/a?) yields an attractive name, I cannot see that the first sign(s) can be so identified and evaluated. I prefer to remain agnostic as to the identification. (3) ma-na-a-zi/a: the presence of -a- in the writing is peculiar but must presumably be understood as plene. Names ending -Ca-zi/a may of course be alternatively interpreted as ending -azi or -anza. FILIA: clear and appropriate to the female figure, must signal her affiliation to Lupakki. Lupakki: a common name, as signalled in Noms, no. 708; see also now with new additions Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), nos. 207–208, where the possibility of identifying any of the attested bearers of the name is discussed. EXERCITUS.SCRIBA: see also Hawkins, ibid., p. 309 no. 42. FILIUS?: doubt occasioned by the lack of the subscript “crampon” (L.386), but this seems the most likely interpretation, which would link Lupakki to the following name. VIR-á: á, elsewhere initial only, appears frequently on seals, apparently just a plene writing, since no Cuneiform correspondence suggests identifying it as -’a. (Hawkins, ibid., p. 291 f.). Zida HASTARIUS: for the possibility of identifying this man with VIR-á REX.FILIUS MAGNUS HASTARIUS (SBo II,
no. 26), himself identified with Zida DUMU.LUGAL GAL MEŠEDI, brother of Suppiluliuma I, see Hawkins, ibid., p. 293. SERVUS: reading not seen by Gelb or Meriggi; clear in Steinherr’s photographs but curiously garbled by him in his drawing to FILIUS (Late not Empire form); seen by Kohlmeyer, who also saw the advantage of reading “servant(s)”, but for him at that date the reading was mí. It is now clear that the sign is a logogram SERVUS, “servant, slave”, phonetic complements TA4, TA5, now read la/i // lá/í, giving the reading hutarli-, “servant” as in Cun. Luwian (Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins (2010), p. 205 f.). TAŞÇI B Signs above and below figure’s hand are of doubtful identification and reading. Above: identified by Kohlmeyer as the “Heilszeichen” (the triangle BONUS2, L.370), but notes “highly unusual for a human figure” though we may now compare the figure of Tanuhepa on her seal, Herbordt et al., NİŞANTEPE 2 (2011), no. 65. Yet the very good photograph Ehringhaus, Abb. 127, seems to show otherwise, a peaked sign with curved protrusions on either side at base, more like the mountain-sign MONS2 though this hardly gives sense. Below: Kohlmeyer’s copy suggests to me AURIGA (with detached head) and li (though unlike the li of TAŞÇI A (2)). AURIGA could be the figure’s profession, for which see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 301 no. 2, though one would not expect a phonetic complement.
XIV.30. İMAMKULU. Rock inscriptions with sculptures. (plates 65 – 66) Location. Near İmamkulu in the vilayet of Kayseri, some 45 km. east-south-east of Develi, north of the route through the Gezbel pass to Saimbeyli. For the environs see XIV.2. FRAKTİN. For a detailed account see K. Kohlmeyer, Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983), pp. 80–86 with Taf. 22, 29, 30; cf. also E. P. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), pp. 173– 179; H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 70–76. Bibliography: see also Orthmann, RlA V/1–2 (1976), s.v. İmamkulu. Description. On a rocky west-facing hillside about 2 km. south of the village of İmamkulu, on the dressed northwest-facing face of an isolated outcrop a three-part scene is carved. Left-hand element: a right-facing male figure with bow in right hand, spear in left, with identifying epigraph
in the field above and in front of him. Central element: the Storm-God in his bull-drawn eagle-chariot facing right drives over the shoulders of three bowing mountain-men, each supported by a human-figured, eagle-headed caryatid figure. The Storm-God, in typical iconic rendering seen also on the seal of Mursili III (Urhi-Teššub, Bo. 90/450; Herbordt et al., SGG, no. 57), the Aleppo Temple relief no. 17, the Malatya relief no. 8, the Karkamiš relief B.30a, also on fragments of a polychrome relief vessel from Boğazköy, wears a pointed horned helmet, a short tunic with sword at waist, his right arm raised behind with mace, his left extended forward holding reins, his left knee kneeling in the chariot. An epigraph (four signs) in front of his face identifies him, and to the right of this flies a left-facing eagle. Right-hand element: a naked, winged female figure, looking left holds her robe open. She stands on what has been taken as a
tree but more recently identified as a four-pawed lion-like beast with three pairs of wings (Hazenbos, Fs Popko (2002), pp. 147–161). Detailed discussion: Kohlmeyer, p. 81 ff. Discovery. Discovered in 1934 by Kemaleddin Karamete (alias Kara Mehmet Ağa Zade Kemaleddin); reported with two photographs by M. Salim, TTAED 2 (1934), p. 304 ff. Publication. M. Salim, loc. cit.; L. Delaporte, RHA III/21 (1935); visited by G. Jacopi, 1935, published, Dalla Paflagonia alla Commagene (Rome, 1936), p. 16 f. with figs. 59; visited by Gelb, 1935, and published HHM (1939), no. 27, pp. 15, 30, pl. XLII (photograph by Ali Rıza Yalgın, director of Adana Museum, copy); visited by Alp, 1947, published Ar. Or. XVIII/1–2 (1950), p. 1 ff.; visited by Wäfler in 1966, published MDOG 107 (1975), pp. 17–26, Taf. 3–4 (photographs of whole relief, detail of right-hand group; figures and epigraphs outlined in white; Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 75 p. 312 f., Tav. XIII (copy of epigraphs), Tavole fuori testo IV figs. 7–8 (photographs by Forlanini); Güterbock, Fs Meriggi2 (1979), p. 237 f., p. 242 f. Abb. 2a, b (copies of epigraphs, photograph of left-hand and central groups); Kohlmeyer (1983), p. 81 with further bibliography, p. 141 f. Tav. 29, 30 (photograph, details). Cf. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), pp. 173–179. Other photographs: Bittel, Hethiter (1976), p. 182, Abb. 203; Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 70–76, Abb. 132–139 (photograph, copy, details—very good).
Editions (epigraphs). Alp, loc. cit.; Wäfler, loc. cit.; Meriggi, loc. cit.; Güterbock, loc. cit.; Kohlmeyer, loc. cit; Börker- Klähn, ZA 67/1 (1977), pp. 64–72. Excerpt. Hawkins, Fs Hoffner (2003), pp. 169–175, with figs. 3–4 (central group epigraphs, photographs (Hawkins, Kohlmeyer), copy). At my visit in September, 2001, when my photograph was taken, the relief had been cleaned of the lichen which obscured details when I first visited in 1967, but the white paint noted by Ehringhaus, loc. cit., p. 76 with Abb. 138, was certainly visible. Sculpture. Thoroughly discussed by Kohlmeyer, pp. 81–84 with drawing, Fig. 33. Cf. also Güterbock, Ist. Mitt. 43 (1993), pp. 113–116. Content. Epigraphs identifying left-hand and central figures. Date. 13th century B.C. Drawing, courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer (epigraph of Storm-God of Aleppo corrected by Hawkins). Photographs. Taken in September 2001 before noon.
left-hand figure: REX.FILIUS EXERCITUS-mu(wa) REX.FILIUS central figure: (DEUS)TONITRUS CRUS2-MI
“Prince Ku(wa)la(na)muwa (Prince)” “Halabean Tarhunza”
Commentary EXERCITUS-mu(wa): The clearer occurrence of the same name on HANYERİ served to clarify the reading of the signs, as established by Meriggi from Forlanini’s photograph; followed by Güterbock (1979, loc. cit.) and Kohlmeyer (1983, loc. cit.). See also Hawkins, RlA VI/5–6 (1983), s.v. Kuwatna- muwa. The reading of EXERCITUS as Kuwalana- instead of Kuwatna-, proposed by Bossert (1958), was confirmed by Poetto’s publication of an equation Cun. Iku-la-na-LÚ DUMU. LUGAL with Hier. (seal impression) (REX.FILIUS) EXERCITUS.VIR.zi REX.FILIUS, on the tablet C22 of the Emar Tablet collection (now in the Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem): Kadmos 21 (1982), pp. 101–103 with Tav. I–II; see now Singer,
Appendix I. The Hittite seal impressions, Text 1, in J. Goodnick Westenholz, Emar Tablets, pp. 81, 121. (DEUS)TONITRUS CRUS2-MI, “Halabean Tarhunza”: this epigraph was read by previous editors, following Alp, as (DEUS)TONITRUS CAELUM, and the fourth sign, following Wäfler, as a repeated TONITRUS. With the excavation in 1990 of impressions of the magnificent seal of Mursili III (Urhi-Teššub) portraying this icon of the Storm-God in his bull-drawn eagle-chariot identified by this epigraph (published by Neve, Arch. Anz. 1991, p. 328 f. Abb. 29c; id., Antike Welt Sondernummer 1992, cover), it was possible to show that the İMAMKULU icon had the same epigraph and to
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
propose the reading Tarhunna Halpuma, “Halabean Tarhunna” (Hawkins, Excerpt). This was immediately corroborated by the excavation in the Temple of the Storm-God on
Aleppo Citadel of a relief figure of the Storm-God identified by this Hier. epigraph (Hawkins, NEA 72/4 (2009), p. 169).
XIV.31. HANYERİ. Rock inscriptions with sculptures. (plate 67) Location. Reliefs in situ. In the vilayet of Kayseri, a road runs south-east from Develi through the Gezbel pass between Bey dağ and Alayı dağ to join the Saimbeyli road at Doğanbeyli. 2 km. below the peak of the pass is the village of Hanyeri, and on a rock outcrop at a bend in the road before the village are the reliefs. For a detailed description, see K. Kohlmeyer, Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983), pp. 86–90, Taf. 31–32; cf. also E. P. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), no. 23, pp. 180– 185; H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 75–80, with Abb. 140–147. Bibliography: see also Orthmann, RlA IV/2–3 (1973), s.v. Hanyeri. Description. On the right, a left-facing male figure confronts on the left a right-facing bull, his forelegs on the shoulders of a bowed mountain-man, hind legs on a pedestal. The mountain-man wears a pointed horned helmet, an earring and a skirt marked with mountain-representing scales. The male figure wears a close fitting cap, a short tunic and boots with up-turned toes. He has a sword at the waist and holds in his left hand a bow over his shoulder, in his outstretched right hand a spear. Epigraphs: the mountain-man holds in front of his face a 4-sign Hier. epigraph, sinistroverse, identifying him, above which is a 4-sign sinistroverse epigraph identifying the bull. The male figure has in the space between his face and his spear an identifying epigraph of one sinistroverse and two dextroverse signs. Behind him is another epigraph, another name, composed of a duplicate pair of 4 signs placed antithetically. Discovery. Reported to Ali Rıza Yalgın, director of Adana Museum who visited it in 1939, and published a report in the journal Ulus (12/10/1939); detailed report, TTAED 4 (1940),
pp. 264 ff. (photograph; reprinted, Bittel, Arch. Anz. 1940, also Bossert, Altanatolien (1942), pp. 59, 133, Abb. 564; Güterbock, Gs Halil Edhem (1947), pp. 67–70, res. 15). Publication. Yalgın, loc. cit.; Bossert, Das hethitische Felsrelief bei Hanyeri (Gezbeli) (Orientalia 23 (1954), pp. 129–147, with Abb. 1 (drawing of left-hand epigraph), Taf. XXIV–XXVI, Abb. 5–10 (photographs, details)). Other photographs. Bittel, Hethiter (1976), Abb. 201; Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., Taf. 32, 33 (whole relief, detail of lefthand scene; also p. 87, drawing of whole relief); Ehringhaus, loc. cit., Abb. 141, 142 (whole relief photos; drawing Abb. 143), Abb. 144–146 (photos, details)—very good.; Riemschneider, WdH, pl. VIIa = Bossert, Abb. 6. Editions. Bossert, loc. cit. 1954; Güterbock, loc. cit. 1947; Laroche, Syria 40 (1963), p. 282 (with photograph by Akurgal); Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 77, p. 313 f., Tav. XIII A–C (A redrawn from Bossert, B, C traced from Bossert’s photograph); Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., p. 88 f. (with copy, Fig. 37b); Ehringhaus, loc. cit.; cf. Hawkins, CHLI I/1, p. 39 n. 15. Content. Epigraphs identifying sculptures. Sculpture. Thoroughly discussed by Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., pp. 87 f. with drawing fig. 36; cf. also Ehringhaus, loc. cit., with drawing, Abb. 143. Date. 13th century B.C. Drawing with epigraphs, courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. Photograph. Courtesy of H. Ehringhaus/K. Kohlmeyer.
Transliteration REX.MONS (DEUS)SARMA2+MI (1) left group: bull mountain-man MANUS+ENSIS DEUS.MONS (2) male figure REX.FILIUS EXERCITUS-mu(wa) (3) right epigraph (antithetic) TONITRUS.MANUSx-mi REX. FILIUS
Translation King of the Mountain (the god) Sarruma SWORD, Divine Mountain Prince Ku(wa)la(na)muwa Prince Tarhuntami(?)
Commentary (1) Laroche rightly corrected Bossert’s order of reading and sign identification into two lines, the upper “King of the Mountain Sarruma” referring to the bull, the lower, the name of the deified mountain, presumably to be identified as the highest local peak, Bey dağ to the north of the Gezbel, at 3054 m. Sarruma’s title as “Mountain King” on MALATYA 7 (relief J) was pointed out by Laroche and recurs now in the ANCOZ inscriptions (1 § 4, see Commentary there, and 9 § 2; CHLI I/1, p. 347; and now KULULU 8). MANUS+ENSIS is of course the name of the god YAZILIKAYA, no. 27, identified by Laroche as U.GUR/Nergal with equivalences Hitt. Sulinkatte, Ugarit Rašap, Hurr. Iršappa, and now reappearing on SÜDBURG, § 3 (see Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, (1995), p. 34). A mountain under any of these names does not appear to be attested: Gonnet, RHA XXVI/83 (1968), pp. 95–170.
Unfortunately neither Meriggi (1975), nor Kohlmeyer (1983) followed this correct interpretation, though Ehringhaus, prompted by Starke, did. EXERCITUS-mu(wa): see İMAMKULU, Commentary, for the same name and doubtless the same individual concerned with both reliefs; and for equation Cun. KARAŠ = Hier. EXERCITUS, and reading ku(wa)lana-, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), p. 292 Excursus 5. TONITRUS.MANUSx-mi: the character and reading of MANUSx is problematic, whether logogram or syllabogram and what value: see Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO (2008), no. 29, and cf. nos. 274–277, 321, 322, 327; Herbordt, PBS, nos. 413, 650. Discussion in Dinçol and Dinçol, Kommentar (p. 67); and Hawkins apud Herbordt, pp. 273, 285: Tarhuntami seems possible but not certain. See also TARSUS seal 6a–b. This epigraph has no apparent relationship to the male figure and its epigraph Ku(wa)lana-muwa.
XIV.32. HEMİTE. Rock inscription with sculpture. (plate 68) Location. Vilayet of Ceyhan. The road running north-west from Osmaniye to Kadırlı after Tecirli crosses the river Ceyhan (22 km.), where a small road on the right passes through the village of Hamide (Hemite) to a rocky outcrop at the end of a mountain spur jutting from the right (north) bank into the wide-spreading river-bed (4 km.). The relief is placed on the south-east face of this outcrop, and at floodtime the river comes up to the foot of the rock. For detailed description see K. Kohlmeyer, Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983), no. 13, pp. 90–95, 146–148 Taf. 34–36; cf. also E.P. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), no. 30, pp. 219–222; H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 107–111.
Publication. Bossert, Orientalia 19 (1950), p. 124 f., Taf. VII, Abb. 10; Alkım, JKF III/2 (1959), p. 207 ff.; Riemschneider, WdH (1954), Taf. 6 = Bossert?; Bittel, Hethiter (1976), Abb. 202 (photograph); A. Archi, Il relievo ittito di Hamide (SMEA 14 (1971), pp. 71–74, Tav. I–II, 1–4 (photographs: general view, rock spur, relief inscription)); Kohlmeyer, loc. cit. (1983); Ehringhaus, loc. cit. (2005), Abb. 190–192 (photographs of rock spur), 193–194 (relief and tracing), 195–196 (details, figure, inscription).
Description. A left-facing figure wearing a rounded cap, short tunic and boots with up-turned toes, sword at waist holds in his right hand a spear, in his left a bow over his shoulder. Behind him a two-line epigraph, dextroverse-sinistroverse, gives his name and patronym.
Content. Epigraph identifying figure.
Dimensions: figure, c. 1.70 m. high.
Photographs. Also Ehringhaus.
Edition. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 147a, p. 324, Tav. XV; cf. Kohlmeyer and Ehringhaus, loc. cit.; Hawkins, CHLI I/1 (2000), p. 39 n. 16.
Date. 13th century B.C. Drawing with epigraphs, courtesy of H. Ehringhaus.
Discovery. In 1946 by H. T. Bossert and his party. Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
Translation Prince x-Tarhunta, son of Prince Tarhunta-x
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Commentary Neither second onomastic element certainly identifiable.
XIV.33. SIPYLOS (AKPINAR). Rock monument, with two epigraphs. (plate 69) Location. On the road from Manisa to Turgutlu circling around the north-east side of Manisa Dağ (Mount Sipylos) some 5 km. from Manisa the road reaches the abundant springs of Akpınar. At this point some 150 m. up the mountain side a west-facing line of rocky outcrop is visible, and at its lower end the monumental figure in a double niche. Description. SIPYLOS 1. Rectangular panel with 4-sign sinistroverse relief inscription placed upper right beside external niche of monument. SIPYLOS 2. 7(?) sign incised sinistroverse inscription arranged in 2 columns, placed at 5 o’clock to right of SIPYLOS 1. Discovery. Readily visible and known since classical anti quity, the monument was regularly visited and reported by travellers in the 18th and 19th centuries, who offered varying descriptions of the eroded figure, initially as a seated female following Pausanias’ report of a mother-goddess figure here; others claimed to have seen traces of a beard, thus a male, sometimes identified as standing. The report of the beard was generally ignored by scholars who held to the mother-goddess identification, but it was recently reiterated. The presence of a relief inscription was first noted and reported in 1880–1881 (see Publication). The second, incised epigraph, though reported in 1882, was ignored until “rediscovered” in 1983. For general description and bibliography, see K. Kohlmeyer, Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15 (1983), no. 4, pp. 28–34, Taf. 9–11; E. P. Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), Nr. 1, pp. 39–45; H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 84–87. Publication. (Inscriptions SIPYLOS 1, 2) SIPYLOS 1: Dennis, PSBA 3 (1881), p. 49 (drawing); Sayce, TSBA 7 (1882), p. 248 ff., pl. V (drawing—very inaccurate based on squeeze); Messerschmidt, CIH (1900), Taf. XXXVII (drawing of figure by Martin, Rev. Arch. 31 (1876)), XXXVIII.2, 4, 5 (drawings of inscription 1, Gollob, Dennis and Sayce), XXXVIII.1 (imaginary cartouche of Ramses II to left of inscription 1 by Gollob and Krall, Wiener Studien 4 (1882), p. 307 ff.); Ramsay, JHS 1 and 3 (1880 and 1882), pp. 63 ff. and 33, 39 ff. (visit in 1882); Bossert, Orientalia 23 (1954), pp. 144–146 Tav. XXVII–XXIX, Abb. 11–15 3 visits before WW2; Kohlmeyer, loc.
cit., Taf. 11.3 and 4 (photos), Figs. 9b–e (drawings of Sayce, Dennis, Meriggi, Kohlmeyer), (Fig. 9a is Gollob’s cartouche); Ehringhaus loc. cit., Abb. 158 (photo), Abb. 157 (inscr. 1 + 2 together); good photographs: Akurgal, AH, pl. XXIII (colour) = Bittel, Hethiter, Abb. 205 (black/white). SIPYLOS 2: first noted by Gollob (+ Krall), Wiener Studien 4 (1882), (drawing = Messerschmidt, CIH (1900), Taf. XXXVIII.3); afterwards ignored until Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., Fig. 10b, Taf. 11.5, 6 (drawing, photos); Güterbock and Alexander, An. St. 33 (1983), pp. 29–32 with fig. 1 (drawing), pls. IX, X (photos); Poetto, VO 7 (1988), pp. 171–176 with Fig. 1, Tav. XII.1–2 (drawings of Gollob, Kohlmeyer, Güterbock, Poetto; photographs, Ehringhaus, loc. cit., Abb. 157 (inscr. 1 with 2), 159 (photo); Oreshko in Luwian Identities (2013), pp. 368–371. Edition/Discussion. SIPYLOS 1. Bossert, Asia (1946), pp. 71, 181; Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 1, p. 259 f., Tav. I; Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., p. 31 f. SIPYLOS 2. Güterbock (and Alexander), loc. cit.; Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., p. 32; Poetto, loc. cit.; Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), pp. 280, 298 (no. 544); Oreshko, loc. cit. Content. The relief epigraph SIPYLOS 1 placed next to the outer niche of the monument cannot certainly be associated with it, indeed this is unlikely. More probably it was simply placed by the monument at a later date. This applies even more so to the incised SIPYLOS 2, which has the appearance of being a random graffito executed by a visitor to the monument. Date. SIPYLOS 1, being the same name as these attached to the figures with bow and spear on İMAMKULU and HANYERİ, could belong to the same individual. Even if this is not the case, it is probably 13th century B.C. SIPYLOS 2: the arguments of Oreshko for dating later than the 13th century are not compelling (see below), nor does this seem likely. Text. Copies courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. Photographs. (a) view from foot of Manisa Dağ, 1967; (b) the figure, courtesy of H. Ehringhaus; (c) the inscriptions, courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer.
Ku(wa)la(na)muwa, Prince
SIPYLOS 2 zu(wa)-wa/i-ni EUNUCHUS2 FLUMEN(?).DOMINUS(?).x
Zuwani, eunuch, river-lord(?) …
Comment/Discussion SIPYLOS 1 Ku(wa)la(na)muwa: see Hawkins, RlA VI/5–6 (1983), s.v. Kuwatna-muwa. Identity of name with that of the HANYERİ figure seen by Bossert, Asia (1946), p. 181; reading mu(wa) for mu established by Güterbock, Fs Hrozný (1950), p. 209. Cun. KI.KAL.BAD(KARAŠ) = ku-wa-a[t-na-] established by Güterbock, JCS 10 (1956), p. 91 n. 8; Hier. L.269 identified as “army” (EXERCITUS), Phoen. mḥnt, established by KARATEPE 1, 45 // 49; = Cun. KARAŠ proposed by Bossert, Orientalia 23 (1954), p. 140 f., with incorrect reading īla(n) (p. 144), by identification of HANYERİ figure’s name with Cun. KARAŠmuwa; correct reading EXERCITUS as kuwalana- by Bossert, Sprache 4 (1958), 115–120, confirmed by Poetto, Kadmos 21 (1982), p. 101 f. ⌈REX.FILIUS⌉: presence of these eroded signs on the damaged left edge of the panel is adequately secure. SIPYLOS 2 zu(wa)-wa/i-ni: first two signs clear and registered by Kohlmeyer and Güterbock (and Alexander); third sign la Güterbock (and Alexander), tà (Kohlmeyer, supported by Poetto), but actually -ni as seen also on a NİŞANTEPE seal impression (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS (2005), pp. 280,
298, no. 544, and excursus 14. = Cun. Zuwanni, Noms, no. 158). EUNUCHUS2: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 303 with ref. to id., CRRAI 47 (Helsinki, 2002), pp. 225–229. The equation of this sign, L.254 with Cun. LÚ.SAG / ŠA RĒŠI is established by digraphic writings. FLUMEN.DOMINUS … : Oreshko’s reading of these two signs looks quite possible, but the third as i(a) is improbable. His argument that this epigraph is post-Empire is supported by the non-attestation of FLUMEN.DOMINUS in Empire inscriptions and his alleged -i(a) as phonetic complement, not an Empire usage. Neither of these arguments carries weight in support of this basically improbable attempt at late dating: though it is true that FLUMEN.DOMINUS is not (yet) attested in Empire Hieroglyphic it has recently appeared in the Transitional (11th century B.C.) ALEPPO 6, § 9 in the form FLUMEN.REGIO.DOMINUS (Hawkins, An. St. 61 (2011), p. 44 f.); and the reading -i(a) and its identification as phonetic complement are not accepted, though I have no other explanation for this sign. Equally Oreshko’s contention that the designation (not office) “eunuch” cannot combine with another title is simply wrong: for the list of other titles with which it combines on seals see Hawkins, loc. cit., p. 303; and combinations of LÚ.SAG with other titles, CRRAI 47, p. 224 f.
XIV.34. ÇAĞDIN. Stele. (plate 70) Location. Adana Museum, no. 1982. Description. Small stele of stone, round topped, lower part lost. The front shows the Storm-God wearing a horned helmet (four horns on each side), a short tunic with tassels from the hem, sword at waist, holding in his hand a spear, in his left held out in front of him a four-sign relief epigraph identifying him. He is broken off at the knees. Dimensions: preserved ht., 1.40 m. Condition: good.
Script: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Discovery. At the village Çağdın (= Akcaköy) on the road from Karkamiš to Gaziantep in 1931; taken to Adana Museum in 1937. Publication. A. Rıza Yalgın (director of Adana Museum), Türkmen Oymakları, Kısım V (Adana, 1939); Bittel, Arch. Anz. 1940, pp. 562 Abb. 4, 566 f.; Bossert, Altanatolien (1942), Abb. 567, pp. 59, 134 (own photo); Güterbock, Gs Halil Edhem
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
(Ankara, 1947), p. 66 f., pl. VII, figs. 13, (photo from Yalgın), 14 (copy of epigraph); Bossert, JKF 2 (1952), p. 106 ff. Taf. V. Edition. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 156, p. 325 Tav. XV; Güterbock, loc. cit.; Bossert, loc. cit., 1952; Hawkins, in D. Meijer (ed.), Natural Phenomena, pp. 67, 70, 82 pl. IVa.
Content. Epigraph identifying Storm-God. Epigraph from Güterbock (1947); Hawkins in Meijer (1992). Photograph. Taken from Bittel, Hethiter, detail, epigraph, Hawkins (1992).
Comment Güterbock was undoubtedly right in seeing that the epigraph rendered “Storm-God of Storm-God city” (so also Bossert), and his drawing of the epigraph is also correct, contra Kohlmeyer (Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 15, p. 84 fn. 783), who wrongly claims that the bottom sign URBS is not in vertical alignment with the three above, citing the photograph Bittel, Hethiter, Abb. 207. But here the chipped point of URBS is in shadow, giving a misleading impression: see my photograph and collation. Bittel’s photograph does however show the horizontal bars distinguishing URBS which I had omitted. Kohlmeyer is followed in error by Oreshko, SHL, p. 367. Güterbock opted for the obsolete
“Datta of Dattassa”, where Bossert read “Tarhunds of Tarhundas(a)”. The now known kingdom of Tarhuntassa was approximately in rough Cilicia between Kizzuwatna and Parha on the river Kastaraya (Perge on the Kestros), but it is by no means unthinkable that there was another Tarhuntassa which could be the ÇAĞDIN city, either Gaziantep höyük as Bossert thought or Dülük/Doliche. See Hawkins, correcting Laroche, L.199, I(c)6 (“de Hattusa?”), II(b), dW Haville, on the grounds made clear by SÜDBURG that L.196 not L.199 represents Hatti/Hattusa and that the latter does not have a ha- value.
XIV.35. KARGA. Inscribed block. (plate 71) Location. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, no. 52. Description. Large block of grey stone (“porphyry”, Gelb) bearing on one smoothly dressed face an incised sinistroverse inscription. The left edge is preserved, but the right and the top has suffered damage, perhaps minimal, affecting the right-hand 3-sign group and an upper right sign. It cannot be stated with certainty whether the inscription is complete as executed, or has lost any parts. Dimensions (from Gelb): ht., 0.99 m.; w., 0.46 m.; th., 0.25– 0.58 m. Condition: good. Script: incised. Sign forms: linear. Peculiarities: — Discovery. Located on survey in 1928 by Frank H. Blackburn of the Oriental Institute Anatolian Expedition, serving as a cornerstone of a village house wall. The village of Karga, not marked on any map available to me, lay some
30 km. south-east of Yozgat, north of the Kanak çayı in the angle between the old Yozgat-Kayseri road and a road coming in from Sorgun, somewhere between the villages of Osmanpaşa and Alcı. The reported provenance of the stone from a small mound near Karga was doubted by Gelb, who suggested two alternative sites, larger but somewhat more distant, which showed evidence of occupation from the Iron Age onwards. The stone was taken to Alişar in 1928 and on to the Augusteum in 1932. See von der Osten, OIC 6 (1929), p. 139 f.; Gelb, HHM (1939), no. 37, pp. 16, 33 f., pl. LV (two photographs taken in the Augusteum, copy). Publication. Von der Osten, loc. cit., Discovery; Gelb, loc. cit., Discovery, pl. LV. Edition. Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 60, p. 309, Taf. XII. Content. Name of city and official. Text. Copy traced from photograph. Photographs. Courtesy of I. J. Gelb.
… city, “Son of the Palace” Lahi(ya)
Comment PN la-hí: now found on several seals with different titles. la-hí (Bo. 70/209, DEUS.DOMUS; Bo. 1312/z, AUR[IGA]). See Güterbock, Boğazköy V, Nr. 35–36, pp. 68–72.
digraphic seals. Hier. la-hí = Cun. Ila-hé-ia (Msk. A17, REX.FILIUS; TSABR, no. 72c), DUMU Mudri-Teššub. Uncertain whether any or all of these belong to the same individual.
XIV.36. MALKAYA. Graffiti. (plate 72) Location. In situ on rocky outcrop or fallen block. From the centre of Kırşehir a back road to Kaman via Sevdiğin, Tokluma and Savcılı heads westwards. Before Sevdiğin a side-road on the right to Yağmurlukale skirts the south-west side of the Kargasekmez Dağ, passing Malkaya some 8 km. from Kırşehir, from where a clear view down to the Hırfanlı Baraj is seen. Description. Six inscriptions, 1–6, are placed around the rock on the south (1), south-west (2), west to north-west (3, 4, 5), and east sides (6): for orientations and order of reading see discussion in Hawkins and Weeden (Publication). The inscriptions—graffiti—are executed in linear incised manner and the sign forms resemble Empire glyptic (note in particular the form of i(a) and the comment of Hawkins– Weeden). For dimensions see the copies with scales in Hawkins–Weeden. The graffiti consist only of personal names with titles, also patronyms. Discovery. Observed by H. von Aulock on a hunting trip in September 1947, who took photographs and passed the information to Güterbock in Ankara. Güterbock published a short note (see Publication) announcing a plan to copy the inscription, but in 1948 left Ankara for Sweden, then Chicago, having visited the inscription in 1948 and again in 1952 and 1954. In 1950, 23–30 July, Bossert led a team to work on the inscription, and again in 1956, 13–18 July. On the latter occasion he attempted to clean the inscriptions of lichen by means of hydrochloric acid and brushing. The rock has been the object of attack by treasure-seekers. Already by 1956 inscription 2 on the south-west side had been detached and lay face upwards (the inscribed side) until turned over by Bossert (with six men!) to check the reverse. In the years since, further damage has been
inflicted in the shape of drill holes and an attempt to dynamite the rock. It was further damaged by dynamite in 2016. Other visits: Meriggi 1964 (OA 5 (1966), p. 95); Rossner, before 1988; Ehringhaus, 2001; Hawkins–Weeden, 6–7 September, 2006. Publication. Güterbock, AÜDTCD 5 (1947), p. 455; Bossert, Orientalia 19 (1950), p. 506 f.; id., Die H-H. Inschrift von Malkaya (Orientalia 27 (1958), pp. 325–350, Tab. XVII–XXVIII, photographs and inked squeezes); Meriggi, Manuale II/3 (1975), no. 38, Tav. V (own copies); Rossner, Heth. Felsreliefs (1988), no. 17, pp. 136–140; Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), p. 82 f., Abb. 149–151 (good photographs of inscriptions 4+3; 4 detail; 1), 152 (“Sprengtrichter”); Hawkins and Weeden, AAS 17 (2008), pp. 247–249, figs. 1 (inscription 1); 2 (inscription 3); 3 (inscription 4); 4 (inscription 5); 5 (inscription 6); 6 (inscription 3, detail); 7 (north-west, west, south-west side); 8 (east side). Edition. Bossert (1958), pp. 330–342 (inscription 1), 342 (inscription 6), 342 f. (inscription 3, 5, 4), 343–349 (inscription 4), 349 (inscription 2); Meriggi (1975), pp. 285–287; Hawkins–Weeden (2008), pp. 241–246. Content. Inscriptions 3 and 4: names of prince (4, with matronym?) and princess; inscription 1: prince’s name; inscription 2 (fragment): princess’s name(?); inscriptions 5 and 6: prince’s name with patronym(?). Date. 13th century B.C.? Early 14th, Weeden, Anatolian Hieroglyphs, p. 14.
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
Texts. Copies: tracings on acetate made on the rock by J. D. Hawkins, and redrawn by M. Weeden.
Photographs. Taken by Kaman-Kalehöyük photographer T. Oshima.
Transliteration inscription 1. L.324.VIR.zi/a REX.FILIUS 2. … PRAE?-na? … FEMINA 3. L.324.VIR.zi/a REX.FILIUS L.324?-PRAE-na-i(a) REX.FILIA 4. L.324.VIR.zi/a REX.FILIUS BRACCHIUM-MI-ti FILIUS L.324-PRAE-na-i(a) REX.FILIA PES2.PES-zi/a 5. L.324.VIR.zi/a REX.FILIUS URBS TÁ MATER MAGNUS.TONITRUS-tá FILIUS? 6. L.324.VIR.zi/a REX.FILIUS MAGNUS.TONITRUS-tá FILIUS
Commentary The Prince’s name (inscriptions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6): the crucial problem is the identity and reading of the first element, problematic in that its forms vary markedly; also whether it is the same sign as that found in other -ziti names (SBo II, nos. 127, 133?; TARSUS, nos. 4, 5; and now NİŞANTEPE, nos. 640, 641). Laroche listed the examples known to him (SBo and TARSUS) under L.324 suggesting that they might be compared with L.327 (the “seal”, SIGILLUM). The identity of SIGILLUM on NİŞANTEPE, nos. 640, 641 (especially the latter) is almost certain when compared with other Empire examples, which often show two or three balls in the bottom section (see EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 34, 36; YALBURT block 17, § 2; etc.), and TARSUS 4 looks very similar. This recognition would confirm the interpretation of the PN as “Seal-man”. Of course the MALKAYA name may have a different onomastic element. For Oreshko’s suggestion to identify this with a sign on LATMOS graffito 5, see discussion there.
HÖYÜK seals, for which an identification as L.209 (i(a)) was proposed. The first sign, with only one of its two occurrences relatively clear, is difficult to disentangle from the first sign of the Prince’s name, itself presumably a logogram. The rest of the Princess’s name PRAE-na-i(a) ((-)parinaya) could be complete in itself.
The Princess’s name (inscription 3, 4): first and last signs required consideration. For the last, see Hawkins–Weeden, p. 245, comparing it to a sign recurring on KAMAN-KALE-
inscription 5. URBS.TÁ.MATER, “city’s father (and) mother”: a guess, epithet; TÁ as logogram for “father”, as on YALBURT block 4, § 3.
The parents’ names (inscriptions 5, 6 and 4): inscription 5, also apparently 6, seems to give L.324-ziti as son of MAGNUS. TONITRUS-tá (Ura-Tarhunta), while inscription 4 gives him more clearly as son of BRACCHIUM-MI-ti, most likely under the circumstances taken as his mother’s name. For BRACCHIUM (L.32) a reading isarwila/i- // isaruli- has recently been demonstrated by H. Peker (Texts from Karkemish I, p. 17, § 5), thus here Isarulamiti-. inscription 4. PES2.PES-zi/a (or reverse order): very unclear, whether noun, verb or …?
XIV.37. ÇALAPVERDİ 4. Stele. (plate 73) Location. Yozgat Archaeological Museum, no. 1603. Description. Small, round-topped stele bearing on one face a 3-line inscription, sinistroverse-dextroverse-sinistroverse. Dimensions: ht., 0.93 m.; w., 0.42 m.; th., 0.26 m. Condition: fair, rough. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: Empire monumental. Peculiarities: strange form of STELE-sign. Discovery. Brought to the Museum from Çalapverdi, municipality of Boğazlıyan, with reported provenance of “Kaletepe”, a mound near Çalapverdi village; find reported on the internet by the mayoralty of Çalapverdi in May, 2009. Publication, Edition. İ. Taş and M. Weeden, A stele of prince Anaziti in the Yozgat Museum (JAOS 130 (2010),
pp. 349–359, fig. 1: copy made from tracing on acetate made in the Museum, collated from photographs and redrawn; fig. 2, photograph by H.K. Şenyurt, director of the Yozgat Museum; fig. 3, photograph by Taş). In the publication the piece was designated ÇALAPVERDİ 3, but this should be ÇALAPVERDİ 4: ÇALAPVERDİ 3 is a very poorly preserved block published by Meriggi, OA 5 (1966), p. 81; see also Manuale II/2 (1975), no. 65, p. 21, also p. 18; Hawkins, CHLI I/1, p. 497, under Discovery. Content. Dedication of stele to Sun-God by Prince. Date. Presumably 13th century B.C. Text, Photograph. Taken from editio princeps, courtesy of İ. Taş, M. Weeden.
Transliteration l. 1. l. 2. l. 3.
This stele to the Sun God … Prince Ana-ziti set up
Commentary l. 1. STELE: unusual form discussed by Taş–Weeden. l. 2. A proposed reading and interpretation of the sign group between (DEUS)SOL and PONERE (NABU 2014/4, no. 89, p. 138 f.) is worthless: reading and interpretation remain uncertain. Taş and Weeden discuss the possibilities.
l. 3. á-na-VIR.zi/a REX.FILIUS: Taş–Weeden discuss the reading of the name and its identification with the name on NİŞANTEPE, no. 26, possibly also the identity of the stele dedicator with the seal-holder.
XIV.38. LATMOS. Graffiti. (plates 74 – 75) Location. The largest pass across Mt. Latmos (Beşparmak Dağ), the Anadolu Geçidi, between the villages of Sakarkaya and Bağarcık, carries a road linking the plain of Euromos-Selimiye with the Meander valley. To the east of this road at the height of 1000 m. lies the rocky outcrop, Suratkaya, which bears the groups of graffiti on the back wall of a 10 m.-deep overhang, “… very impressive, one has a pan oramic view to the north east over the Latmos, all the way to the Meander valley which is recognizable as a kind of haze in the distance on the horizon” (S. Herbordt, pers. com.).
Discovery. In the year 2000 Dr. Anneliese PeschlowBindokat, a long-time researcher at the site of Heracleia and the Latmos, discovered the Suratkaya inscriptions. Description. Suratkaya is distinguished by this 10 m.-deep overhang backed by an almost vertical rock-face, some 3.70 m. high and 12 m. wide, which bears the six groups of inscriptions. It must be emphasized that the Hieroglyphs of all groups except group 5 are very poorly incised into the soft and friable surface of the back wall and hardly permit confident and meaningful readings, though it seems likely
Part 1: XIV. The Hittite Empire
that groups 2, 3, 4 and 6 represent names with titles. Groups 1 and 5 (the clearest) have given rise to important historical inferences, which are hardly justified by the dubious nature of the readings. For details see the discussions under Transliteration and Commentary. Publication. A. Peschlow-Bindokat, Eine hethitische Grossprinzeninschrift aus dem Latmos (Arch. Anz. 2001, pp. 363–367); S. Herbordt, Lesung der Inschrift (ibid., pp. 367–378) with Abb. 3–8 (groups 1–4 (photo); 1 (photo); 2–4 (copies); 4 (photo); 5 (copy, photo); 6 (copy, photo); PeschlowBindokat, Die Hethiter im Latmos. Ein hethitisch-luwische Hieroglyphen-Inschrift am Suratkaya (Antike Welt 33 (2002), pp. 211–215).
Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften (2005), pp. 91–94, Abb. 165, 166 (map, general photo), Abb. 167 (back wall with inscriptions, groups 2–6), Abb. 168, 169 (group 6, group 5). Editions. Herbordt, loc. cit.; R. Oreshko, in Luwian Identities (2013), I. Suratkaya, pp. 346–368. Content. Names with titles, also a country(?). Texts. Copies courtesy of S. Herbordt. Photographs. Courtesy of A. Peschlow-Bindokat, S. Herbordt.
Transliteration group 1: mi+ra/i-x […] BONUS2?.VIR2 group 2, upper: 5 signs x-ha REX?.FILIUS? x lower: 5(?) signs none certainly identifiable group 3: 3(?) signs + REX?.FILIUS? group 4: REL-la?-i(a), title group 5: MAGNUS.REX.FILIUS ku-x-i(a) MAGNUS.REX.FILIUS group 6: FILIUS-i(a) pi-ha-mu(wa) REX.FILIUS
Commentary group 1. Recognition of the GN/onomastic element Mira looks possible, but REGIO (Herbordt) is very doubtful— BONUS2 (Oreshko) looks more likely, which would suggest the writing of a PN as on a seal. group 2. It seems pointless to struggle for an identification of individual signs especially as no recognizable word (PN?) emerges. group 3. Ditto. group 4. Possible PN Kwilaya looks to be the most probable reading. Title(?): not identified; URCEUS (Oreshko) surely fanciful. group 5. Clearest and most important inscription, name remains enigmatic.
Title “Great King’s son/Prince” unparalleled: could the bearer be any other than a member of the Hattusa royal line in the 13th century B.C.? As is well known the only names here beginning ku- are Kupanta-DKAL, adopted son and successor of Mashuiluwa, King of Mira; and Kuruntiya, son of Muwattalli II, who was created king of Tarhuntassa. Kuruntiya is always written in Hier. STAG or ANTLER; a Hier. writing of Kupanta-DKAL is not certainly known, but may have been present in the KARABEL inscriptions. For the present ku-x-i(a), I have to agree with Oreshko that the evaluation of x as pa is not convincing, nor is the interpretation of the resulting Kupaya as a hypocoristic of Kupanta-DKAL. Oreshko proposes to identify the sign with the first sign of the Prince’s name on MALKAYA (inscription 1, 3, 4, 5, 6), itself identified with L.324. The new appearance of seals NİŞANTEPE, nos. 640, 641, make it virtually certain that the sign is SIGILLUM, with which TARSUS 4 seems to agree, thus
the NİŞANTEPE PN is SIGILLUM.VIR.zi/a. But the initial sign of the MALKAYA Prince is an extremely uncertain form, by no means certainly SIGILLUM, perhaps something else, so Oreshko’s identification with LATMOS (graffito 5) x is worth considering. He points out that if the LATMOS and MALKAYA signs were correctly identified, the most obvious value for x in ku-x-i(a) and x-VIR.zi/a would be kuni(ya), yielding the attested PNN Kukuni and Kuni(ya)-ziti (see NİŞANTEPE, no. 178). The first is particularly interesting, as
he points out, being a known Arzawan (Wilusan) name with Greek, Lycian and Egyptian parallels. His identification of the sign as a pictogram of an “ox-hide ingot” is however pure fantasy—has he ever seen one? group 6. The only group (besides group 5) to give a relatively assured name and title. Even so, the right-hand FILIUS-i(a) remains unexplained.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age (not in CHLI I) Transition: inscriptions 1200–1000 B.C. The Hieroglyphic Monuments I.
base (bilingual)
Adana Museum
26. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.
new fragment stele tombstone tombstone stele fragment orthostat stele fragment stele fragments stele new/rediscovered fragments
Gaziantep Museum Gaziantep Museum Gaziantep Museum Aleppo Museum Adana Museum Gaziantep Museum Gaziantep Museum Gaziantep Museum Gaziantep Museum
Aleppo Museum
20. 21.
bull stele
Maraş Museum Maraş Museum
17(+)9. ANCOZ 8(+)5 19(+)20. ANCOZ 10(+)11 21. ANCOZ 12 22. ANCOZ 13 23. ANCOZ frags. 1–3
blocks (joined?) fragments fragments fragments
Adıyaman Museum Adıyaman Museum Adıyaman Museum Adıyaman Museum Adıyaman Museum
13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
stelae (duplicate) base statue frags. TT2463+2713 fragments
Antakya Museum Antakya Museum Antakya Museum Antakya Museum Antakya Museum
4. 5. 6. 7.
epigraph epigraph orthostat lion-sphinx
Aleppo Citadel Aleppo Citadel Aleppo Citadel Aleppo Citadel
Maʿaret en Numan Museum(?)
46. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
stele fragment lead strip, fragment stele fragment fragment
Ereğli Museum Ereğli Museum Ankara, Kırşehir Museums Sivas Museum Perk Collection Konya Museum
Gaziantep Museum
Transition: Inscriptions 1200–1000 B.C.
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
prism horse bronze fragment base base stele
Gaziantep Museum Urfa Museum Urfa Museum Urfa Museum
22. 23. 24.
seal seal seal
Oriental Institute Chicago ? Gaziantep Museum
Transition: Inscriptions 1200–1000 B.C. The dating of the Anatolian Hieroglyphic inscriptions has been an on-going process, advancing steadily with regular new discoveries, and marching in step with the dating of the associated sculptures, where the great landmark was Orthmann’s Späthethitische Kunst, now nearly 50 years old. The generally accepted periods of both inscriptions and sculpture have been first, the Hittite Empire (c. 1400–1200 B.C.), and second the Late/Neo-/Syro-Hittite period (c. 1000– 700 B.C.). The period between has been generally regarded as a Dark Age. During the writing of the Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, vol. I, this was beginning to change. The discovery of the seal of Kuzi-Teššub (1986), followed immediately by the recognition of his name as the ancestor of a multi-generational line of Malatya rulers (1987) suggested that the long-debated Malatya inscriptions and sculpture might indeed be dated to the 12th–11th centuries B.C. CHLI, vol. I was defined as ‘Inscriptions of the Iron Age’, and my reasons for deferring the inclusion of the Empire Period inscriptions were given (page 17 f.). I did refer to an ‘intermediate’ or ‘transitional’ period to which a very few inscriptions might be assigned, but I did regard the prob able opening date of the Iron Age inscriptions as c. 1000 B.C., which included the dynasties of Karkamiš and Maraş with their generation counts. Only Malatya now seemed likely to be earlier. This changed with the excavation of the Aleppo Temple and its inscriptions ALEPPO 6 and 7 (2003–2005) followed by the appearance of the two duplicate stelae, ARSUZ 1 and 2 (2007); also the excavation at Tell Tayinat of the colossal ruler figure with inscription TELL TAYINAT 4 (2012). These inscriptions revealed the existence of a land Palastin/Walastin with two groups of rulers each probably of three generations, and it is now established that the seat of this kingdom
was indeed Tell Tayinat itself, later known to the Assyrians as the city Kunulua, capital of the land Unqi. The addition of these Walastin inscriptions of those of Malatya in the “Dark Age” is a significant accession of material, which furthermore attracts other inscriptions of previously uncertain date, such as the silver bowl with inscription ANKARA 2 and the KOCAOĞUZ stele. I have recently been using the term ‘transitional’ to designate the whole period 1200–1000 B.C. The following Table illustrates the inscriptions that may now be designated “Transitional” (marked *), along with potential dating criteria, largely generation counts, and likely connections with the later Iron Age inscriptions. We are now in a position to observe a number of palaeographic features common to this group, which bridge the gap between Empire and Late Period. These include: 1. the continuation of the initial-a-final practice from the Empire Period, which further extends into the early Late Period (9th century B.C.). 2. the undifferentiated zi/a and i(a), which begins to give way to zi/za and i/ia c. 900 B.C. 3. the gradual shift of L.386 from logogram-determinative VIR2 to word-divider | (late 10th–early 9th centuries B.C.).
Archaism In CHLI I, several inscriptions of uncertain date were characterized as “archaic or archaizing”, that is close to an Empire date/style (archaic) or definitely Late date but exhibiting archaic stylistic features (archaizing). Among such inscriptions were KARKAMIŠ A21, KARKAMIŠ A30h,
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
KARAHÖYÜK, GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇUR, DARENDE, MEHARDE-SHEIZAR, TOPADA. Since CHLI I, the significant increase of inscriptions which can be placed in a category “Transitional” has considerably clarified our perception. Those in that category are more or less archaic. At the same time these permit the recognition of more stylistic features as archaic. When these reappear in Late inscriptions, these may thus be recognized as archaizing. This question assumed greater prominence with the discovery of TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK and its implications for the KIZILDAĞ-KARADAĞ group. This has been reviewed
by Hawkins and Weeden in AoF 48/2 (2021), pp. 4–6, where we note a number of archaic features which, when they apper in certainly Late inscriptions alongside recognized Late usages mark their inscriptions as archaizing. We also speculate on the purpose of archaism. Among such archaic/archaizing usages we may note: (1) the royal aedicula MAGNUS.REX HEROS; (2) FILIUS without upper “crampon”; (3) DEUS.TONITRUS CAELUM (a crescent) as against Late CAELUM (flat-topped) DEUS.TONITRUS; (4) OMNIS2 (punati, L.430); (5) (L.273)muwa-, “conquer”; (6) REL, the relative, with round circle at bottom.
TRANSITION: Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions, 1200–1000 B.C. KARKAMIŠ *KUZI-TEŠŠUB seal Kuzi-Teššub < Talmi-Teššub *KARKAMIŠ frag. a/b; *KARKAMIŠ A16b Tudhaliya *ANKARA 2 silver bowl Tudhaliya *KARKAMIŠ A30h …pi-TONITRUS KARKAMIŠ N1+A4b Suhi I: Ura-Tarhunta < Sapaziti (4 generations) KARKAMIŠ A14b Astuwalamanza < Suhi I KARKAMIŠ A11b+c Katuwa < Suhi II < Astu. < Suhi I (+1?) SİLSİLE Suhi III? < Katuwa < Suhi II < Astu. + see Peker, Texts from Karkemish I MARAŞ MARAŞ 1 (7 generations) (+2) MARAŞ 8 + MARAŞ 17 MARAŞ 4 + (+1?) MARAŞ 16 + see Peker, TÜBA-AR 22 (2018)
Halparuntiya III < Larama II < Halparuntiya II < Muwattalli II < Halparuntiya I “pick up,” is probably seen in ASSUR letters b, § 9; e, § 21; semantically comparable with Akkadian našû, “raise, pick up, carry”. § 3. SOLIUM-wa/i-ha (A1) vs. SOLIUM-nu-ha (A2): interesting alternative writings of causative isanu(wa/i)-, “seat, settle”. § 4. Clause which like KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 9, and A2+3, § 7, introduces statements of “ideal prices”. (DEUS)BONUS, the Good God: recognized elsewhere as Kumarma, a late form of the Hurrian Grain-God Kumarbi, TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; and for the reading Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 363. (DEUS)VITIS(-ia): designated in the cited contexts by the name Tipariya, an otherwise unknown theonym. In § 24a–b below, the Grain and Wine Deities are presented as mother (“mummy”) and father respectively, unexpected reversal of sexes.
“L.286(+ra/i, A2)”-li-: unknown verb of unknown reading, which in the context must express generally “favour”. § 5. Statement of ideal price, as KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10; A2+3, § 8; and in more detail, AKSARAY, § 4. These are expressed as here “for a sheep so much (measure) commodity (KARKAMIŠ barley; AKSARAY barley, oil(?), wine) stood”. The Neo-Hittite world was on the “sheep standard” rather than the silver standard, as may be observed also in the Hittite Laws, but we may remember that the ideal exchange rate was one sheep = one shekel of silver. PANIS(-li-, A1): different word from the known turpi-. CENTUM-ni, A2 (CENTUM only, A1): For the reading CENTUM-ni see also SHEIZAR, § 2; -ni- should be phonetic complement of CENTUM. URCEUS(-ma?-ka?-, A1; -sa, A2): The logogram pictographically representing a handled pitcher, may have two different readings. BONUS2.VITIS-mi-zi(-ha, A2) the logogram coupled with MAGNUS appears on seals as a title and has been shown by B. Dinçol to equate Cun. GAL.GEŠTIN (Dinçol, AoF 25 (1998), pp. 163–167). The known word for “wine” is matu(sa), (wiyani- is normally “vine”) and -mi-zi is presumably an incomplete phonetic complement, nom.(acc.) plur. MF, indicating an unknown word for the commodity. § 6. ara/i read ari, “time” (dat. sing.), elucidated by KARATEPE 1, LXXIV.404, ara/i-zi = Phoen. ʿlm, “time, age”. For etymology, see Starke, 1990, p. 116 f. Anm. 339a. § 7. zas(-pawamu) URBS, “this city”: which city? Can it mean the city in which the stele was to be set up as a victory symbol (unnamed)? In that case perhaps a different city for A1 and for A2. See discussion under Historical Context.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
(PES2.PES)tara/i-ta (A1) // (-)na-ta (A2): apparently two different but unidentified verbs, contextually hostile actions, “rebelled against/made war on (me)”. The logogram PES2.PES normally determines the verb tarpa/i-, “trample(?)” (for which see now Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 202–208); cf. below, § 24b, PES2.PES(-)tarza- (iterative?). For the verb tarzi-/tarzanu-, “turn” (Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, pp. 457–468), itself normally determined with PES2 and to be kept separate, see below, § 13. § 9. SUPER+ra/i CRUS-: lit. “stand up/over”, must in this context signify “overcome”, also below, § 12. § 10. “1”-ti-i ara/i, “at one time/for the first time” (dat. sing., “1”-ti-i cardinal or ordinal(?)). INFRA-tá CAPERE-, lit. “take down”, presumably here “defeat, conquer”. cf. MARAŞ 4, § 4. § 11. (A)TANA(URBS): The first sign (L.429) occurs in various forms in KARATEPE 1 to write the name Adana (§§ II.10, III.14, IV.20, V.22, VI.32, XXIV.125, XXXI.154, XXXII.161, XXXVII.198), corresponding to Phoen. DNNYM or to ʾDN (§§ V, XXXII, § XXXVIII.199). In § XXXVIII.199 the toponym is written not with L.429 but instead -ta-na-, seeming to show a phonetic value TANA for the former, which is thus transcribed, i.e. the usual á-TANA- = á-ta-na-. Here the prefixed á- is lacking which may point rather to L.429 being a logogram, representing the city name by symbol. (A)T[ANA-s]a-[pa]-wa/i-mu REGIO (reading of A2): on our editio princeps we took the initial traces as being part of L.429. Now Oreshko proposes to see this as h[i …, restoring h[i-ia-wa/i-s]a… REGIO and gaining thereby an alternation h[iyawa]s REGIO (A2) with L.429-sa(URBS) (NABU 2015/3, no. 74), and supporting his reading of the logogram. See my rejoinder, pointing out the difficulties of his reading while hoping that collation may answer the question (NABU 2016/1, no. 16). (LIGNUM)tara/i-wa/i (A1) = LIGNUM-ru-wa/i-i (A2): this alternation clearly represents (LIGNUM)taruwi (dat. sing.), “wood, stick, staff”, demonstrating that on occasion the sign tara/i can be used for taru. Cf. NİĞDE 1, § 1; İVRİZ 1, § 3: tara/isá/sà, taken as representing tarusa, “statue”. The clear translation “put on/to the wood/stick”, unintelligible as it stands, may well be taken to express an idiom of negative import. Oreshko plausibly suggests taru-, “wood” > “spear”, comparing Greek δόϱυ, translating “Hiyawa put the spears/ arms against/on me”. § 13. hi-ia-wa/i(-ha)(REGIO), “the land Hiyawa”(dat. sing., or concealed acc. sing. MF, Hiyawa(n): the ÇİNEKÖY bilingual inscription translating the Phoen. DNNYM with toponym in
place of Adana(wa), revealed it as the name of the territory of Cilicia Campestris in contrast to Adana, the name of its capital city. That Hiyawa is the origin of the Assyrian designation Que (Qawe) can hardly be doubted, while its connection with Hittite Empire Ahhiyawa, though questioned by some, is widely accepted. (PES2)tara/i-zi-i-ha: E. Rieken, in her treatment of the Luwian verb tarza/i- (Rieken, 2004, pp. 457–468) initially takes tarzi- as intransitive “turn”, with transitive causative tarzanu(wa)-, “turn”, but then following a suggestion from Melchert, considers the possible interpretation of tarzi- as transitive. In the present context, uncertainty of the case Hiyawa (Hiyawi, dat. sing. or Hiyawa(n), acc. sing. MF) leaves either possiblity open: either “I turned (routed) the land H.”, or “I turned to the land H.”. § 14. CAPERE+CAPERE-L.417-na(URBS): city name obscured by signs of unknown readings. CAPERE+CAPERE found in the Late Period only on HAMA 8, § 2, replacing the usual DEUS determinative before a god’s name. The sign L.417 appears on the joining fragments KARKAMIŠ A24a19a+19 twice in parallel clauses both with FLUMEN-pi (“PES2”) hi-nú-[…]; and what may be the same sign in the Empire Period on KARAKUYU line 2, TONITRUS.PURUS.L.417, and on a seal from the site Külhöyük as part of a name TONITRUS.L.417-zi/a SCRIBA (Temizsoy et al., Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1995 Yıllığı (1996), p. 83). L.273(-i-na, A1 only): the main normal reading of L.273 is warpi-, and so presumably here, a concept taken as covering a wide range of meanings, “skill, craft, courage, virtue” etc. Now Yakubovich plausibly argues for “weapon, tool”: “I moved my weapon up to the town …” (loc. cit.). (PES2)hinu(wa)- is found with various objects: “my name to the sky” and “abroad” (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 2, 3); a river (KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 7, 8, 9, and cf. the similar A24a19a+19); ? (KÖRKÜN § 3). The translation “cause to pass” seemed sufficiently neutral to fit all contexts and so perhaps also here. § 15–17. Common type of topos in Hieroglyphic Luwian, “how I accomplished what my fathers and grandfathers did not”, used in establishing the factual negative (Hawkins, Negatives, pp. 136–139 esp. citations 32–36). It has now appeared in the Empire Period (YALBURT block 4, §§ 2–4). For NEG2-ha … NEG2-ha “neither … nor”, see already KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 3, 4; MARAŞ 4, § 9. E. Rieken’s treatment of the sign tà (da) (Rieken, 2008, pp. 637–647) now permits us to recognize in wa/i-da (§§ 16, 17) wa+ada, “… it” (acc. sing. N). § 17. The alternation EGO // *a-mu (A1 // A2) is useful.
§ 18. CRUS-ha, “made stand, erected”: clearly stands for causative tanuwa-, though the omission to write -nu(wa)- is not common. I ma-na-na-si (A1) // Iá-m[a?]-n[a?… (A2): the clear Iáon A2 seems to show a full writing of the patronym as Amanana-; cf. the Ugarit digraphic writing Cun. Amanmašu Hier. ma-na-na-su (Laroche, 1956, pp. 142–145). § 19. H. Peker has now established for BRACCHIUM the reading i-sa5+ra/i-wa/i-la- (KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 9), also BRACCHIUM-ru-li-, -ru-la-sa and an onomastic element, Cun. Luw. isarwili-, “right hand”: see Texts from Karkemish I, p. 17 § 5. This fits well here with the trace of the logogram (BRACCHIUM as good as FORTIS). This interpretation may be rendered pictorially on the front of the stelae where the god raises aloft the king’s hand. § 20. SUPER+ra/i pu-da (A1) // SUPER+ra/i VIA.PUGNUS-da (A2): cf. KARABURUN § 13, SUPER+ra/i-pa-wa/i-tu-ta ni-i ma-nu-ha pu-tu, (“for him (the malefactor) may the Haranean Moon-God go down(?) on (his) KIHARANI (and) heart, and for him may he in no way PU up!”. Clearly sara pu- in both context denotes a positive action of a deity, intransitive on KARABURUN, thus here -mu should be indirect object (dat. not acc.). A more precise interpretation must await a convincing elucidation of the verb pu-. SUPER+ra/i VIA. PUGNUS-da (A2): Possibly logo-syllabic writing of the verb pu-, see parallel (logogram+full phonetic) MARAŞ 14, § 9. (These readings by H. Peker). For another attestation, now probably PANCARLI, § 4 (van den Hout, et al., JNES 75 (2016), pp. 53–70). § 21. SUPER+ra/i-li-, “superior”: cf. KARATEPE 1, § L, the only other attestation of SUPER+ra/i-li- = sarli-, though SUPER+RA/I-sa tu-na-sa(URBS), “upper Tuna” (KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.7) must represent the same word (= sarris, rl > rr, Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 13). § 22. POST [… “after me”? or “for me after[wards…]?” (“LONGUS”)i+ra/i: should be identified with the word (“LONGUS”)ia+ra/i-ia-, “extend, stretch out” (Hawkins, CHLI I/1, p. 104), to give with zanta, “down”, the sense “stretch
out down, lay out, prostrate”, expressing throwing down the image. § 23. CAPERE-i (not da-i, read lai): for the establishment Luw. “take” as la- // lala- only, see Yakubovich, ALP 4, pp. 20–24. § 24a. MATER-na-tí-ni(-i, A2 only)-sa: “mother” is written MATER-na-tí- (KARATEPE § III.15), presumed reading *anati-, and the meaning here is assured by its pairing with tatis, “father” (§ 24b). What is the extra -ni- doing? Could it be a diminutive or hypocoristic suffix (thus the suggested translation “mummy”)? To find the Grain-God (Kumarma) female and the Wine-God male was an unexpected reversal of the sexes, though now Weeden (loc. cit.) notes a Hurrian passage in which Kumarbi was the Storm-God’s mother. § 24b. (PES2.PES)tara/i-za-tú: rather than connecting with the word tarzi-, caus. tarzanu-, which is determined by PES2 only (above, § 13), this word may be the -za- iterative of (PES2.PES)tara/i- (above § 7). Since we are here dealing with the punishment of an offender, the word must have a negative sense. § 25. CAELUM(-sa, A2 only) … TERRA-REL+ra/i-sa: elsewhere “heaven and earth” as subjects of a verb appear with the “ergative” suffix -a(n)ti-, BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 21. § 26. LIS-lu/a/i-sa-tú-, “prosecute”: as against LIS-lu/a/i-sa *a-sa-, “be the prosecutor”. For the readings -zasali-, “pro secutor”, and -salisa/za-, “prosecute”, see Hawkins, CHLI I/2, p. 418, and note that the verb is intransitive, governing dative, lit. “litigate (against)”. § 27. “who (is) Lord to/for all”: a remarkable religious concept is expressed here. § 28. “scribal signature”: for the most detailed example and comment, with other examples, see KARATEPE 4 (CHLI I/1, p. 70). CAPERE+SCALPRUM (A1) // CAPERE-SCALPRUM (A2): both writings occur on the other examples, some of which give also the phonetic writing REL-za- (i.e. kwaza-).
VII.14. JISR EL HADID 4. Statue(?) base. (plate 96) Location. In a village garden in Demirköprü (Jisr el Hadid) (2016). It is planned to move it to the Hatay Archaeology Museum.
Description. Square base, two sides preserved (A, D), two lost (B, C). In the flat upper surface, part of a mortice hole is preserved. The two preserved sides bear an inscription: A, one line dextroverse; D, two lines dextroverse-sinistro-
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
verse, sense continuous. From this it is clear that the corner D–A formed the left edge-right edge of the inscription, thus that this part of the inscription began with A left side, line 1 running dextroverse, continuing on the lost B1–C1, preserved on D1 descending to D2, then running sinistroverse to end somewhere on C–B2. Since A1 left side is not the beginning of a text but a continuation, clearly it ran on from an element, inscribed statue or stele, which was originally fixed in the visible mortice. Palaeography: JISR EL HADID 4 shows some marked similarities with JISR EL HADID frags. 1–3, also perhaps TULEIL 1, which might point to them being parts of the same monument, i.e. JISR EL HADID frags. 1–3, also perhaps TULEIL 1, being parts of the stele which was originally fixed in the base JISR EL HADID 4; but some palaeographic differences may suggest otherwise; and further, the dimensions of the mortice hole (c. 40×40 cm.) are longer than the thickness of the theoretical stele (c. 17–20 cm.). Also the context of the inscription may suggest that the base served as support for an inscribed statue of the author’s father. However some orthographic and contextual points of comparison between JISR EL HADID 1–3 and JISR EL HADID 4 could point to some association of the two monuments. Some closely compar able sign forms with those of TELL TAYINAT 2 may also be noted. Preserved dimensions: (side A), w., 0.54 m.; line ht., 6 cm.; (side D), w., 0.88 m.; line ht., 5.5–6 cm. Condition: fair. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: cursive (one monumental á, ta). Word-dividers: occasional. Peculiarities: PRAE+i; na.
Discovery. In addition to the previously found fragments of Hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions at Demirköprü (= Jisr el Hadid), the existence of a fourth inscribed stone on the bank of the Orontes was reported in 2006 by Prof. Dr. Erhan Altunel from the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Osmangazi (Eskişehir), who studied the geomorphology of the region. In August of the same year, the late Professor Ali Dinçol, Professor Belkıs Dinçol and Dr. Hasan Peker examined the stone, which turned out to be the base of a stele or a statue, unfortunately damaged probably in modern times. The documentation was completed in April 2006 and latex squeezes were made, then in October 2009 the inscription was collated and checked, and detailed photographs were taken. Necessary official arrangements were planned for the transportation of the stone, which is currently (2016) being kept in the garden of a house in the village, to the Hatay Archaeology Museum, Publication, Edition. A. Dinçol, B. Dinçol, J. D. Hawkins and H. Peker, A new Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from Hatay (Anatolica 40 (2014), pp. 61–70). Content. Brother and sister; relations with father(?); offerings of animals to Storm-God, also to father’s statue … The author gives his own name as Runtapi and his father’s apparently as Parisami(ya). Cf. content of JISR EL HADID 1 (“my father and my brothers”), 2 (“my father …”). Date. Probably 8th century B.C. Text. Copy traced from photographs. Photographs. Courtesy of B. Dinçol, H. Peker.
Transliteration A
§ 1 § 2
[ lost element above ] | | (base, A) x x-ia-ta á-mi-ha-wa/i |FRATER.LA-i-na (FEMINA.MANUS. FEMINA)na-na-tara/i-ha |PUGNUS-ri+i-ta
[B+C, lost] D 1. § 1 [… …] x-x-ta § 2 |á-mu-pa-wa/i-na CERVUS3+RA/I-ta-pi-sá á-pi-si-na COR-tara/i-i-na i-zi-i-ha § 3 wa/i-na á-pi-sa-za tá-ti-za DEUS-na-za COR-ni-i-na li-nu-u-ha 2. § 4 (“VIA”)ha+ra/i-w[a/i]-ta-z[a]| |-pa-wa/i-tu-ta za-a X-ha § 5 (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti-i 1 OVIS-ni-sa (“L.69+L.477”) ku-wa/i-za-i
Translation [… ] he/they […]ed. and he/they raised my brother and sister.
[… …]ed but I, Runtapi, made him (as) his image, and for his father’s gods I made exalt(?) him (as) an image, and for the travellers/wayfarers I …ed this for him: for Tarhunza one ram will KUWAZA,
§ 6 § 7
POST+ra/i-ta-pa-wa/i “1” BOS(ANIMA) | 1 CAPRA(ANIMA) CRUS(+x)-i a-mi-pa-wa/i tá-ti PRAE+i-sà-mi-ia-sa-na STATUA-⌈ru-ti⌉ […
and afterwards one ox (and) one gazelle will stand, and to my father Parisami(ya)’s statue […
Commentary Side A. FRATER.LA-i-na: further attestation of form in -la-ias against that in -la-; for these forms see ALEPPO 2, § 3, Commentary (CHLI I/1, p. 237). An ingenious solution to this -la-i- vs. -la- discrepancy is now proposed by Yakubovich (Fs Singer (2010), p. 387; cf. id., Fs Hawkins (2010), p. 214 and n. 15): namely that la is not a part of the phonetic writing but a phonetic indicator to “disambiguate” the logogram INFANS(+LA = FRATER) from (+NI = FILIUS). This involves the further assumption that Cun. Luw. nani- “brother”, was in (Late) Hier. Luw. dissimilated to *lani-. (FEMINA.MANUS.FEMINA)na-na-tara/i-: logogram already recognized determining tuwatri-, “daughter” (TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 24, 29), where FEMINA.MANUS.FEMINA = FILIA, as VIR2.MANUS.VIR2 = FILIUS, “son” (Empire MANUS+VIR2 = FILIUS, MANUS+FEMINA = FILIA). The only previous attestation of Hier. Luw. “sister” is written (FEMINA)na-nasa5+ra/i (MARAŞ 6, § 1) = Cun. Luw. nanasri- (logogram NIN). Is the clear writing with -tara/i- here an error, or should a phonetic explanation he sought? Side D. § 2. CERVUS3+RA/I-ta-pi-sá: surely to be taken as the PN of the author, Runtapi(ya)s, “given by the Stag-God”, for which we may compare (DEUS)CERVUS3+RA/I-ti-ia-sa, the Stag-God Runtiyas (TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 10a–b, § i, showing strikingly similar form of the “antler” sign). The only remaining question is the function of the +RA/I: whether it (aberrantly) signals ru, or what. á-pi-si-na: a new appearance of api-, by-form of the usual apa-, “that”, for which see TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1, frag. 2, § ii, Commentary. The by-form occurring only in inscriptions of Amuq and Hama, where apa- is not found, may be a regional peculiarity. See furhter apisanza (dat. plur.), following § 3. COR-tara/i-i-na (atrin): see Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 194–197; recently Hawkins, CRRAI 57 (2015), pp. 49–55. The structure of this clause is clear: “I myself made him (as) his ATRI”. This may help to elucidate the much discussed atri-, for which the basic sense “soul, person, self” is established, but other attestations including this one seem to point to an extension to “likeness, image”. Who is “him”? The context as understandable suggests that it might be the speaker’s father, who appears in § 7
apparently in the form of a statue. Could this also be his ATRI? § 3. COR-ni-i-na: this form alternating with the usual CORtara/i- has already been seen in KULULU 4, §§ 4 and 9, where the context points most obviously to the meaning “soul”. Here we must suppose the same reference as CORtara/i- in § 2. li!-nu-u-ha (li reversed!): since no verb linu- is known, and waliyanu-, “exalt”, always occurs with atrias object (MARAŞ 4, §§ 11, 15; TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 12, 15, as emended Hawkins apud Bunnens, 2006, p. 27 f.; TELL AHMAR 6, § 14 – Hawkins ibid., pp. 14 f., 24 f.), this restoration is indicated. Again the structure is clear, the sense less so: “For his fathers’ gods I exalted him (as) the ATNI”. The atrin of § 2 and atnin as § 3 must surely refer to the same image. § 4. (“VIA”)hara/i-w[a/i]-ta-z[a]: adequately clear attestation of harwa(n)t- (see also TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 2 frags. 6 and 7) extended form of harwa-, “road” (Hawkins apud Bunnens, 2006, p. 23), which yielded the abstract harwa(n)tahi-, “travelling” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21). The present context now requires consideration of the significance of the suffix -a(n)t-. (The following was elucidated in discussion with Mark Weeden) If the abstract in -ahit- is correctly interpreted from its context as “travelling”, it should point to the existence of a form harwa(n)t-, “traveller”, which may readily be understood as an -antparticiple of an unattested verb *harwai-, “travel”, denominative of the base form harwa-, “road”. Here, where “on/ for the roads” gives no obvious sense, “to the travellers” suggests a wider understanding of the context. This has been the making and honouring of the atri-/atni-, “soul, image” (of the father(?)), and later breaks off with “before my father Parisamiya’s statue …”. We have supposed that this monument was the base of such a statue, and now we may further suggest that it stood on a road, perhaps near the river crossing at Jisr el Hadid (Demirköprü), where it was found. The inscription would draw the attention of passers-by (“travellers”) to the offerings instituted for the Storm-God and the statue.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
X-ha: the sign X resembles but is not obviously the same as L.303 (see now Hawkins, Orientalia 79 (2010), pp. 171– 176), for which a reading sari was established. I regarded this value as unexplained: the sign appears to be a ligature of the “seal” (L.327, sa5) and the “leg”, (L.82). Mark Weeden suggests that “leg” is a rebus for ari, “stand”, a Luw. cognate of Hitt. ar- (for which see KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 5, 10, and Commentary), giving a ligature sa5 + ari, sari (Weeden, AoF 38/1 (2011), p. 129 n. 77). If X is indeed a form of L.303, sari, this would give a verb sari-ha, which would require further elucidation. The general sense appears to be establishing the following offerings to the Storm-God on behalf of “him”, “for the way farers/travellers”. § 5. 1 OVIS-ni-sa: not the usual word for “sheep” (hawi-), but perhaps from the logogram’s pictorial content one might guess a “ram”.
(“L.69+L.477”)ku-wa/i-za-i: cf. ANCOZ 1, § 3 (to several gods) 1 CAPRA(ANIMA)-sa (CORNU2)ku-wa/i-i (not -ha), “one gazelle will KUWA”. The two similar contexts show a verb kuwa(za)-, to which the sacrificial animal stands as subject. The determining logogram on ANCOZ 1 looks like a reversed (backward pointing) horn (L.108), while that on JISR EL HADID 4 requires careful inspection on the stone, but appears to be made up of two elements, L.69+L.477. Is perhaps the “reversed horn” a variant of L.477 which it resembles, though not obviously divided down the middle? § 6. CRUS(+x)-i: what the +x is or adds to the meaning is unclear. Cf. (DEUS) CRUS(+x)-MI-ha (ANCOZ 9, l. 2). § 7. As a correction to editio princeps “before my father Samiya’s statue”, Melchert points out to me the difficulty of splitting the phrase with “before” (PRAE+i), and suggests as a better reading PRAE+i-sa-mi-ia-, as the PN Parisami(ya), thus “to my father Parisami(ya)’s statue”.
VII.15. TELL TAYINAT 4. Colossal statue (frag.). (plate 97) All the information about this inscription is taken from Denel, Harrison and Weeden, Publication, Edition. Location. Hatay Archaeology Museum, no. ** Description. Upper part of a colossal statue, preserving the head, arms and upper torso. The figure is of grey basalt. The head has inlaid eyes, and an elaborate hair-style of pot-hook curls and similar beard. The upper body is clad in a shortsleeved vest and the bare arms wear open bracelets with lion-headed terminals; the hands hold a spear (right) and an ear of corn (left). Around the neck is a crescent-shaped pectoral. The back is taken up with three lines of inscription between the shoulders (bottom of third line and subsequent lines lost), intersected by a back counterweight of the pectoral and a strap running from the right shoulder down towards the waist. The inscription begins at the upper right corner, but this is not the beginning of the text, which must have been on a lost element (front of the figure’s lower garment?). It runs sinistroverse to the left edge, then continues boustrophedon along lines 2 (dextroverse) and 3 (sinistroverse). Dimensions (inscription): ht., preserved, 0.50 m.; w., 0.50 m. increasing to 0.62 m.; line ht., 0.11 m. (approx.). Condition: as preserved, good. Script, line-dividers: relief.
Sign forms: tending to cursive, idiosyncratic (esp. pa, i, ia) Word-dividers: frequent. Peculiarities: initial-a-final; very odd form of pa. Discovery. Excavated during 2012 season at Tell Tayinat in area in front of the new temple XVI at a lower level, along with other pieces: a sitting lion in the style of the lions of the double column base, a base with relief animals, and many fragments of inscriptions. Publication. Denel, Harrison and Weeden, forthcoming. Edition. Weeden, loc. cit. Date. Discussed in detail by Weeden, Edition. The identification of Suppiluliuma with Ass. Sapalulme the Patinean (i.e. king of Unqi named by Shalmaneser III on his campaign of 858 B.C.: RIMA 3, A.0.102.2, i 42–43, 52) seems to fit other criteria of date for TELL TAYINAT 4. Later in the same campaign however, Shalmaneser in another source (A.0.102.3, l. 94 f.) records that after leaving Hazazu he attacked Urime “the strong city of Lubarna the Patinean”. A Lubarna the Patinean is recorded by Assurnasirpal II on his campaign of c. 870, who approached his cities Hazazu, Kunulua (his capital) and Aribua (RIMA 2, A.0.101.1, iii 71–84). How to account for the reappearance of Lubarna when Sapalulme was king? Weeden considers the options, and favours taking “Lubarna” as a title rather than a per-
sonal name, thus “Sapalulme the Labarna”. This permits the attribution to Sapalulme of a longer reign in which to have achieved the deeds recorded on his inscription and to have created his colossal statue. An earlier dating than 858 B.C. into the first half of the 9th century fits better with the orthography of the inscription.
Content. Victory over enemy (name not (yet) recovered); stele [for] father; 100 cities … Text. Copy courtesy of M. Weeden. Photographs. By J. Jackson, courtesy of TELL TAYINAT Archaeological Project.
Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3
§ 4 § 5
pa-sa-pa-wa/i-*a |LIS-lu/a/i-sa |i-zi-ia-si wa/i-tu-ta-*a VIII-wa/i-ha REGIO-ni-ia |ARHA CAPERE-ha | | FINES-hi-pa-wa/i-tu |CAPERE+MALLEUS-mi |PONERE-wa/i-ha EGO-pa-mi IPURUS.FONS+MI-sa | | |tá-ti-x-x |“STELE”-[x-x?] |x […] |tá-ti-[…] |L.273-[…] |su-na-[sa-ti?] |PRAE-ri+i-⌈i⌉ […] zi/za-[…] 100 URBS+MI-na ru-x(URBS) […] x?(-)pa-mi “x⌈”⌉ PON[ERE?-ha?]
… but he became my opponent, and I even took away eight lands from him, and I placed carved (monuments) on his border. I (am) Suppiluliuma, the father[’s?] stele … [for?] the father … [with] exuberant prowess … the[se]? 100 cities (and) the city of ru-x to the [x] [I?] se[t]? out? (as) an x.
Commentary (summarized from Weeden, Edition) § 1. The inscription clearly continues on from another part of the monument. i-zi-ia-si: now well established medio-passive, “became” (for which see ÇİNEKÖY, § 5). § 2. VIII-wa/i-ha: -ha rare non-additive use, “even/verily eight”; “as many as eight”, or an additive use, “eight as well”. VIII-wa/i numeral with phonetic complement(?). § 3. CAPERE+MALLEUS-mi: participle, (nom.) acc. plur. N; zero ending, or restore? § 4. EGO-pa-mi: could represent “I (am) (Suppiluliuma)”; but this should require connective particles after tá-ti- which are not apparent in the traces. Clause division a problem throughout line 3, because of loss of endings with lower edge.
verb: sign |x […] following “STELE”, CRUS-nuwaexpected but the trace does not agree. § 5. L.273-[…]: read [warpi-], “skill, prowess”, or “weapon, tool”?; see ARSUZ 1–2, § 14. su-na-[…]: restore suna[sati], “with fullness” (attested Empire only: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 29; SÜDBURG, § 3)? PRAE-ri+i-⌈i⌉: unusual for PRAE-i; restore PRAE-ri+i-⌈i⌉[ha]? zi/za-[…]: restore z[a-na], qualifying 100 URBS+MI-na? traces of sign after URBS+MI-na not explicable; take with following toponym? ru-x(URBS): x cannot be easily identified without invoking aberrations (x = da? or FRONS?). “x⌈”⌉: unidentified sign marked as logogram. PON[ERE … : traces most resemble PONERE (§ 3), hence proposed restoration—verb?
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
VII.16. TELL TAYINAT 5 (frags. TT2463 + 2713). (plate 97) Location. Tell Tayinat depot, Hatay Archaeology Museum. Description. Two joined excavation fragments, apparently part of sculpture rather than stele.
Publication, Edition. M. Weeden, NABU 2015/2, no. 44, p. 65 f. Content. Toponym. Date.
Dimensions: max. preserved ht., 15 cm.; w., 10 cm. Condition: as preserved, good. Script, line-divider: relief. Sign forms: Late monumental. Peculiarities: —
Text. Copy courtesy of M. Weeden. Photographs. M. Weeden.
Discovery. Excavated at Tell Tayinat in 2012 in Field 7 to the south of Building 16; joined in August 2014 by M. Weeden. Transliteration
wa/i-la-sà-ti-ni-za(REGIO) […]
“Walastinean …”
Comment The importance of the piece is two-fold: (1) instead of the usual spelling of the toponym with -la/i // lá/í- it gives la (L.175), confirming the vocalization as against -li-; (2) as only
the second piece excavated in situ at Tell Tayinat (after TELL TAYINAT 1, frags. 3–5), it goes far to confirm the location of Walastin as the Hier. Luw. designation of the Amuq.
VII.17. TELL TAYINAT fragments. Currently being processed by M.Weeden, to be published separately.
VIII. ALEPPO VIII.4. ALEPPO 4. Epigraphs to relief. (plate 98) Location. In situ, Temple of the Storm-God of Aleppo, Aleppo citadel (if they have survived the war). Description. On slab 7 of the north “pedestal” wall, two relief epigraphs serve to identify the relief figures of (a) the Storm-God in his bull-drawn eagle-chariot and (b) the supporting figure of the Stag-God bearing bow and spear. Discovery. Excavated in situ during the 1997 campaign, fully cleared during the 1998 campaign. Publication. Khayyata, Kohlmeyer, Die Zitadelle von Aleppo—Vorläufiger Bericht über die Untersuchungen 1996 und 1997 (Dam. Mitt. 10 (1998), pp. 69–96, especially
92–93, Taf. 23); Kohlmeyer, Der Tempel des Wettergottes von Aleppo (2000), pp. 15, 31–32, Taf. 15–17; Gonnella et al., Die Zitadelle von Aleppo und der Tempel des Wettergottes (2005), pp. 98–99, Abb. 137–138; Hawkins, The inscriptions of the Aleppo temple (An. St. 61 (2011), pp. 35–54). Edition. Khayyata and Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., p. 33; Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., pp. 31–32; Gonnella et al., loc. cit., pp. 98–99; Hawkins, The Inscriptions of the Aleppo Temple (An. St. 61 (2011), pp. 35–54; here pp. 38, 40). Content. Epigraphs to divine figures only.
Sculpture. All the sculptures of the “pedestal wall” are considered by the excavator to have been executed in the last phase of the temple refurbishment in the later 10th century B.C. with the exception of three earlier slabs, 12, 17 and 18, belonging to the Hittite Empire (Kohlmeyer, NEA 72/4 (2009), pp. 199–202). The two deities on slab 7 reflect exactly the scene on the great seal of Mursili III (Urhi-Teššub), for which see now Herbordt et al., SGG, no. 57; cf. also the Empire period rock relief İMAMKULU and the Late period reliefs MALATYA 8 and KARKAMIŠ B30a. Here the pair of harnessed bulls is shown only as one and the eagle form
of the chariot has been reduced to a series of lines. For this scene as the particular icon of the Storm-God of Aleppo, see Hawkins, Fs Hoffner, pp. 169–175. Date. According to the excavator’s analysis (see above, Sculpture), later 10th century B.C. Text. Copies traced from photograph. Photograph. Courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer.
Transliteration (a) (b)
Divine Mace (Ku)runtiya
Commentary DEUS.MATTEA (“God Mace”) is an unparalleled writing and curious as the epigraph to this icon. The link has been made to the “weapon” (GIŠTUKUL) of the Storm-God of Aleppo, which itself possessed cultic status (Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., 2000, p. 31 f., with reference to Durand, MARI 7 (1993), pp. 43–46). The epigraph might refer specifically to the mace on the god’s shoulder, and in this way it would avoid clashing with the other epigraph, ALEPPO 5, identifying the older
figure of the Storm-God of Aleppo placed in the middle of the east wall in the Hittite Empire phase of the temple layout. (DEUS)CERVUS2-ti: this epigraph is a Hittite Empire style writing of the name of the Stag-God, argued to be read Kurunti(ya) at that date, shifting to Runtiya (Runza) in the Late Period (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 290).
VIII.5. ALEPPO 5. Epigraph to relief. (plate 98) Location. In situ, Temple of the Storm-God of Aleppo, Aleppo citadel (if surviving).
Content. The four-sign epigraph identifies the deity as the Storm-God of Aleppo.
Description. In the centre of the east wall of the cella are four tall slabs: the inner two, black basalt, are sculptured with two figures facing each other, on the left the god, on the right the king; the outer two, white limestone, are rebated in three sections. The inscription ALEPPO 5, a sinistroverse relief epigraph stands on the left-hand central slab, in front of the right-facing god’s head above his raised left arm.
Sculpture. The excavator’s stylistic analysis of the body proportions of the figure of the Storm-God indicates that the piece belongs to the Hittite Empire period, which agrees with the other features characterizing an observable phase in the remodelling of the Temple (Gonnella et al., loc. cit., 2005, p. 92; Kohlmeyer, NEA 72/4 (2009), pp. 194–196).
Discovery. Excavated in situ during the 2003 campaign. Publication. Gonnella et al., loc. cit., 2005, pp. 91–92, Abb. 124; Kohlmeyer, The Temple of the Storm-God in Aleppo during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages (NEA 72/4 (2009), pp. (193), 195). Edition. Hawkins, An. St. 61 (2011), p. 40.
Date. According to the above stylistic analysis, Hittite Empire, 13th century B.C. The style of the epigraph corro borates this, since this writing of “Storm-God of Aleppo” is attested only in the Hittite Empire period (seal of Mursili III, rock relief İMAMKULU; Hawkins, Fs Hoffner, pp. 169–175). Text. Copy traced from stone in 2003 and redrawn. Photograph. Kindly supplied by K. Kohlmeyer.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
“Halabean Tarhunna”
Commentary In Hawkins 2003 I addressed the reading of the epigraph on the great seal of Mursili III (for which, see now Herbordt et al., SGG, no. 57), identifying a further occurrence on İMAMKULU and proposing the reading (DEUS)TONITRUS GENUFLECTERE-MI, “Storm-God of Aleppo”. I noted that the signs L.84, CRUS2, the “horizontal leg”, and L.85, the “kneeling leg”, read HALPA, were effectively interchangeable in Empire period seals (see also Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 253,
nos. 108–110), in that both are used in writing the onomastic element Halpa. It was gratifying to receive the confirmation of this proposal by the immediate appearance of ALEPPO 5 with a third example of the writing from the Temple of the Halabean Storm-God himself. I argued that the writing rendered the Hittite reading Tarhunna Halpuma as against the Luwian reading well attested in the Late period, Tarhunza Halpawani (for which, see again here ALEPPO 6, §§ 2, 3).
VIII.6. ALEPPO 6. Inscribed orthostats. (plates 99 – 100) Location. In situ, Temple of the Storm-God of Aleppo, Aleppo citadel (if surviving).
Discovery. Excavated in situ, October 2003 (Kohlmeyer apud Gonella et al. (2005), p. 87 ff).
Description. See ALEPPO 5, Description. The right-hand central slab of the east wall bears the figure of the king and the adjoining slab is rebated in three sections. An 11-line incised inscription begins in the space between the left-fa cing king’s hat + head and raised right arm, jumping his figure and running dextroverse from his slab behind his hat, directly across the rebated slab (line 1), descending at its right edge and returning sinistroverse (line 2) across the rebated slab on to the king’s slab behind his hat, where it descends to line 3 and runs dextroverse from his slab across the rebated slab, returning sinistroverse along line 4. At the left edge of the rebated slab a single sign overlaps on to the king’s slab behind his hair-bunch, but otherwise descends to the rebated slab, line 5, continuing dextroverse and so on, boustrophedon down the rebated slab, ending with one (dextroverse) word on line 11.
Publication, edition. Hawkins, An. St. 61 (2011), pp. 40–44; cf. Gonnella et al., loc. cit., pp. 92–93, Abb. 125; Kohlmeyer, NEA 72/4 (2009), p. 198.
Dimensions: slab 1, ht., 198 cm.; w., 55 cm.; slab 2, ht., 193 cm.; w., 55 cm. Condition: good, apart from some pitting of the limestone which obscures some signs. Script, line-dividers: incised. Sign forms: monumental. Word-dividers: as determinative VIR2 (before HEROS, Palastiniza-, FILIUS, CAPUT). Peculiarities: zi+a for za; i(a) for i and ia, which occurs in two forms; initial-a-final; idiosyncratic sign forms, ta, ma, tu, POST.
Content. Honour of Storm-God of Aleppo by Taita King of Palastin; injunction enjoining future offerings to temple. Sculpture. The excavator’s stylistic analysis of the figure noted differences of execution from the facing Storm-God figure’s Hittite Empire style (Gonnella et al., loc. cit., 2005, pp. 92–93). This led to the identification of a separate, later phase of temple restoration by Taita (Kohlmeyer, loc. cit., 2009, p. 197 f.), which agreed with 14C dating of the burnt layer and with the palaeography of the inscription. Date. Taita’s inscriptions appear to belong in a historical context after the dissolution of the Hittite Empire, c. 1200 B.C. and before the formation of the Neo-Hittite and Aramean states Unqi, Hamath and Bit Agusi-Arpad. They show archaic traits: zi+a for za; i(a) for i and ia; initial-a-final; “word-divider” as determinative (VIR2). This places them between the early MALATYA inscriptions (12th to early 11th century B.C.) and the earliest KARKAMIŠ inscriptions (house of Suhi, 10th to early 9th century B.C.), so a dating to the 11th century B.C. looks likely to be approximately correct. I had previously assumed that Taita author of ALEPPO 6 was the same individual as the author of the MEHARDE stele and the husband of the woman commemorated on the SHEIZAR stele. Now, however, we may note epigraphic
features suggesting that MEHARDE-SHEIZAR are later, thus that the Taita named there may be Taita II (see Hawkins, loc. cit., 2011, p. 51 f., Discussion: new evidence).
Text. Copy traced from stone in 2003, redrawn and collated. Photographs. Courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer.
REX Itá-i-tá-sa EGO-wa/i-mi (VIR2)HEROS (VIR2) pa-lá/í-sà-ti-[ní]-za-sa REX 2. § 2 a-wa/i x […] mi-i-*a | | (DOMINUS)na-ni TONITRUS. HALPA-pa …(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS COR-na i-zi-i-satá-ha 3. § 3 TONITRUS.HALPA| |-pa-ní-wa/i(?)(URBS) (DEUS) TONITRUS mu-*a COR-…-i-sa i-zi-ta 4. § 4 z[a-t]i-i(a)-za-pa-wa/i | | DEUS.DOMUS(-)ha-da-zi! REL-i-sa PES-wa/i-i-ti DEUS-ní i-zi-u-na | | 5. § 5 wa/i-sa-*a ma-na REX-t[á-s]a 6. § 6 BOS-[…]-i-pa-wa/i | | OVIS.[ANIMA] ka+ra/i-tu 7. § 7 zi-ma-pa-wa/i-sa REX-lu/a/i-sa | | (VIR2)FILIUS-NÍ-sa § 8 ma-pa-wa/i-sa REGIO.DOMINUS 8. § 9 ma| |-pa-wa/i-sa FLUMEN.REGIO.DOMINUS 9. § 10 a-wa/i pa-sa-ha-*a OVIS.ANIMA | | ka+ra/i-tu 10. § 11 zi-ma-pa-wa/i-sa POST(+ra/i?)-sa (VIR2)CAPUT-ti| |-sa § 12 a-wa/i (L.291.PANIS)tu+ra/i-pi-sa (LIBARE)sà+ra/ 11. i-hi-sa | | CAPERE.PANIS-sa-ha 1.
§ 1
King Taita (am) I, the Hero, Palastin-ean King. For my lord the Halabean Storm-God I honoured the desire (lit. “soul”), and for me the Halabean Storm-God did (that) of the desire (lit. “(that) of my soul”). (He) who comes to this temple to celebrate the god, if he (is) a king, let him sacrifice an ox and a sheep. On the other hand if he is a … king’s son, or he (is) a country lord, or he (is) a river-country lord, let him too sacrifice a sheep. On the other hand if he (is) an inferior man, (there shall be) bread, oblation and … .
Commentary § 1. (VIR2)HEROS, also (VIR2)palastiniza-: VIR2 as determinat ive, not yet word-divider. unusual arrangement of titles, name and introductory amu-figure, doubtless for ornamental graphic effect. pa-lá/í-sà-ti-[ní]-za-sa (note absence of REGIO, post-determinative): the re-evaluation of ta5 as lá/í has been convincingly argued by Rieken and Yakubovich (Fs Hawkins (2010)), and the usage of sà also by Rieken, VII ICH (2010), pp. 651–660. The fragments TELL TAYINAT TT2463+2713 (joined, Weeden, NABU 2015/2, no. 44) read wa/i-la-sà-ti-ni(REGIO), establishing a- vocalization for la/i and lá/í in the toponym. The resulting reading palastiniza-, “Palastin-ean”, is thus assured: for a discussion of the implications of this toponym, see Hawkins, loc. cit., 2011, p. 51 f. The toponym recurs partially preserved on ALEPPO 7, § 1 ([…]-sà-ti-níza-sa). § 2. a-wa/i x: traces of a sign x look as if this might be -ta, but this could hardly give a-wa/i-ta (Ortspartikel) since this should be written wa/i-ta-*a. If there is indeed a sign here, it must belong to another word. TONITRUS.HALPA-pa …(URBS): ethnic suffix -wani expected, and -wa/i- may be visible. But cf. the form in § 3.
COR-na: probably represents atrin, “form, figure, image”, perhaps referring to the figure of the god before which Taita has inserted his own image (COR for former VAS, see van den Hout, Fs Popko, pp. 171–186). i-zi-sa-tá-: for a suggested etymology of this verb, see Rieken, Fs Koch, pp. 263–275, p. 265 f. § 3. TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-ní-wa/i(URBS): natural order of reading, and compare TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-ni (dat. sing., BABYLON 3), which thus may not be a mistake. On the other hand, the absence of nom. sing. MF -sa here is odd, so perhaps restore -pa-wa/i-ní and assume haplography. COR-…-i-sa: COR apparently the same as in the pre ceding clause though slimmer. T. van den Hout comparing Hittite nu-mu DU EN-IA ZI-aš i-ia-du, “May the Storm-God my Lord do (that) of my desire” (literally “soul”), suggests the recognition of COR-…-i-sa as free-standing genitive like ZI-aš. This would make excellent sense. We would then translate as above. § 4. z[a-t]i-i(a)-za: this would be the Late form za-, dat. plur., as against Empire zatanza (zi/a-tá-zi/a, YALBURT block 4,
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
§ 2). The signs za written zi+a and i(a) for i and ia are now more clearly attested on ALEPPO 7. DEUS.DOMUS(-)ha-da-zi!: same phonetic writing, perhaps full, occurs on KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 13, and see Commentary, KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11. The dat. plur. here demands ending -zi, and indeed the best photographs suggest a possible +a. DEUS-ní i-zi-u-na, “to the god to celebrate”: for the construction cf. KARATEPE 1, § XL.214–216, zati ‘CASTRUM’-si AEDIFICARE-MI-na, “for this fortress to build”. For iziya-, “make/do, i.e. celebrate (a god)”, also a(ya)-, same sense, see KARKAMIŠ A16a, § 3; HİSARCIK 1, §§ 2, 5. The infinit ive iziuna is an interesting attestation. Verb forms ending -mi-na have been identified by Melchert as “gerundives” (The Luwians, p. 194; Fs Rasmussen, pp. 355–362). In no cases do these overlap with -una infinitives of the same verb except for this one: see i-zi-ia-mi-na, KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 4; CEKKE, § 10. § 5. REX-t[á-s]a: unexplained variant for usual REX-ti(*hantawati-). § 6. BOS-[…]-i(-pa-wa/i): whatever reading may be recover able, this must stand for [waw]i(n)-, acc. sing. MF. ka+ra/i-tu, also § 10: otherwise, unattested verb, sense dictated by context, etymology invited. § 7. zi-ma-pa-wa/i-sa, also § 11: presumably to be analysed zi(n)+ma(n)+pa+wa+as in the sequence (§§ 5, 7, 8, 9, 11) awa+as man … zi(n)+ma(n)+pa+wa+as … ma(n)+pa+wa+as … ma(n)+pa+wa+as … zi(n)+ma(n)+pa+wa+as. zin should be the ablative-adverbial form of the demonstrative za-, as identified by Goedegebuure (VI ICH), here in an unparalleled compound with man, “on the other hand if …”. REX-lu/i/a-sa: photographs now confirm that no signs do in fact intervene between lu/i/a and sa. The sign L.445, original Empire value lu, does on occasion in the Late period alternate with la and li, as listed by Laroche, HH (L.445); cf. also MARAŞ 3, § 8 and Commentary. On the other hand, L.445 alternates with ru in the word karuna-/kaluna-, “granary” (see KARATEPE 1, § VII.40, Commentary), guaranteeing the value lu, and it has seemed best to accept a lu-value in the absence of other evidence to the contrary (cf. now Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008), p. 14, n. 17). Here a word REX-lu- is not easily recognizable, where REX-li- could be explained as an adjectival derivative in -ali-, but a li-value of lu at this early Late date would be surprising. (VIR2)FILIUS.NÍ-sa: for VIR2 now recognized as a determinative, not yet word-divider, see above, Date. Can the present REX-lu/i/a-sa (VIR2)FILIUS.NÍ-sa be recognized as a post-Empire rendering of the very common Empire writing
DUMU.LUGAL, “prince”, otherwise unattested in the Late period? § 9. FLUMEN.REGIO.DOMINUS: for FLUMEN REGIO (= Cun. KUR ÍD, read hapad(a)i-), see HAMA 1–3, 6–7, § 3, with other attestations; for FLUMEN.DOMINUS, see BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 2, with other attestations. § 11. POST(+ra/i?)-sa, “inferior (man)” (presence of +ra/i? uncertain): cf. MALPINAR, §§ 20, 27; and Hittite EGIR-iz-ziuš-ša UNMEŠ-tar, “subordinate folk” (KUB XIV 7 + i 19). (VIR2)CAPUT: VIR2 now as determinative. §§ 11–12. A parallel passage is partly preserved on an ALEPPO fragment, reading: 1. ma-pa-wa/i-sa POST [… 2. … ]-sa LIBARE-sa 3. (VIR2)CAPERE.PANIS-t[i?]-s[a …] VIR2 × [… 4. … ]-na 5. x [… The gap between lines 1–2 is presumably to be restored by the three words [(VIR2)CAPUT-tis awa (L.291.PANIS)turpi] s. Line 3 seems somewhat different with the presence of the VIR2 determinatives and running on beyond the end of ALEPPO 6, § 12. § 12 (LIBARE)sà-ra/i-hi-sa: the restoration would give a recognizable formation, an -ahi abstract of the verb sarli-, “libate, offer”, for which see CEKKE, § 5 with attestations (note that the first syllable is elsewhere always written with sa5-). The LIBARE-sa of the parallel passage is a curiously abbreviated writing, giving no indication of the -ahi- ending. Yakubovich now suggests that rl may assimilate to rr, thus avoiding the necessity for in three attestations: Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 13. (L.291.PANIS): for L.291 Payne suggests “bread stamp” (KZ 130 (2016)). CAPERE.PANIS-sa-ha: unknown reading and interpret ation—is -sa nom. sing. MF ending? The parallel passage has (VIR2)CAPERE.PANIS-t[i?]-s[a … which seems to be determined by VIR2 as a word denoting a person, which is hard to envisage in the context of § 12.
VIII.7. ALEPPO 7. Fragmentary inscription on sculptures. (plate 101) Location. In situ, Temple of the Storm-God of Aleppo, Aleppo citadel (if surviving). Description. Broken incised inscription recovered on fragments of two adjoining portal figures, a lion (A) and a sphinx (B), found fallen from their base slabs on the west side of the south entrance of the cella. The right side of the inscription consists of 12 lines placed on the left side of the sphinx’s cap, head and shoulder; lines 4–12 are bounded on their right sides by a rosette of the sphinx’s cap and her hair-lock and ear, and lines 1–2 were extended rightwards on to the cap, surviving as a detached fragment separated from the main text by a short gap. The left edge of lines 1–12 is formed by an incised vertical ridge cut to accommodate the lion figure butted in to the sphinx protome at a right angle; the text would have run over on to the lion figure here. The sphinx fragment B is almost complete for all its 12 lines. Parts of the left side of the inscription survive on the right flank of the lion, shoulder to fore-leg, bounded on their left edge by the curls of the lion’s mane; the preserved lines are identifiable as aligning with the sphinx’s lines 3, 4+5, 6+7, 8, 10, 12+13. The relative position of the lion and sphinx parts of the inscription is determinable from their respect ive base slabs and the distance between the two parts, thus the loss of text, can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. The missing beginning of the text was on A line 1, and it ran dextroverse on to the preserved B line 1, extending rightwards on to the sphinx’s cap, as noted, descending to B line 2 and running sinistroverse on to the lost A line 2, where it descended to the preserved beginning of A line 3. Thereafter it continued boustrophedon across B and A, terminating on A line 13 (the aligning B line 13 is uninscribed). The text thus has a preserved right side but only parts of the left side, and the central part is missing. Continuity of context between the lines on the right side and what is preserved on the left is not apparent.
Dimensions: A, original ht., (estimated) 260 cm.; max. w., 120 cm.; B, original ht., (estimated) 215 cm.; line ht., 1– [13], 109 cm.; max. w., 88 cm. Condition: as preserved, clear. Script, line-dividers: incised. Sign forms: monumental, similar to ALEPPO 6. Word-dividers: as determinative VIR2 (before HEROS (accidentally omitted from copy), SCRIBA(×2), FILIUS, VIR, zaMARA(?)ni). Peculiarities: zi+a for za; i(a) for i and ia; initial-a-final; idio syncratic sign forms like ALEPPO 6 (no ta). Discovery. Excavated fallen from base slabs in 2004–2005. The two figures were still in the process of restoration. Publication, edition. Hawkins, An. St. 61 (2011), pp. 44–51. Content. No context sufficiently preserved to piece together. §§ 1, 2 and 7 are important, giving the end of Taita’s titulary and mentioning Karkamiš and Egypt. Sculpture. The excavator’s stylistic analysis attributes the sphinx to the Hittite Empire phase and the lion to that of Taita (Kohlmeyer, NEA 72/4 (2009), pp. 195–199). Taita would have restored the Empire period portal figures and added his own outward-facing lion. Date. Attribution to Taita on the basis of the (incomplete) titulary and the close similarity to ALEPPO 6. Taita would have written the inscription on his lion, running it over on to the adjoining sphinx. It shows the same archaic features as ALEPPO 6, and like it may be dated to the 11th century B.C. Text. Copy traced from fragment in June 2008 and redrawn in estimated placing. Photographs. Kindly supplied by K. Kohlmeyer.
Transliteration LION (A) + SPHINX (B) (A) [… pa-lá/í-](B)s[à]-ti-ní-za-sa (VIR2) 1. § 1 HEROS REX […?] § 2 […?] [k]ar-ka-mi-sà-ti(UR[BS) …? | |] 2. (DOMUS)sa5-sa5-da-ti PRAE [… ] pa-za-i(a)-ha § 3 […] (DE[US)]ku[ (A) … | | 3. § 4 wa/i-na-*a [z]a-[…
(A) [I (am) Taita(?) … Pala](B)stin-ean Hero King. From the city Karkamiš from the bed-chamber(?) forth (to(?) … ) I went. The god(dess?) Ku[baba? … and him/her(?) … […
156 § 5 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
§ 6 § 7 § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11 § 12 § 13 § 14 § 15 § 16
§ 17 11. § 18 12. § 19 13.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
…-pa/ha-wa/i-](B)mu TONITRUS L.187 […] ti x x | | ma-pa-wa/i (VIR2)SCRIBA-la-sa (A) [… …] x-*a MÍ.REGIO ASINUS2A-ni | | (PES)u-sa-tá w[a/i?]-m[u?-*a … … ] (B) hwi-i(a)-nú-wa/i ma| |-wa/i-tá-*a za-i(a) POST-ni? (A) [… … ] pa-sa-na-*a DOMINUS-na | | pa-sa-ha-*a (VIR2)za-mara?-ní [… … ] (B) REGIO-ni pa-sa| |-pa-wa/i-*a (VIR2)SCRIBA-la-sa (A) [… … ]-i(a) […] hwi-i(a)-tu | | [… … ] (B) BRACCHIUM-ru-la-sa “L.87”(?)| | (-)ku-ra/i-ku+ra/i-na (A) [… … ] PRAE-ni | | [… … ] (B) 90(-)ru-wa/i(-)x (VIR2)FILIUS | | (VIR2)VIR TONITRUS.HALPA-pa (A) [… … ]-na SCALPRUM hi-tu-n[a-t]i | | LIGNUM hi-ti(-)tu(-)wa/i-da […
(to) me … But if a scribe [… …] he/they brought mule(s) (to/from) the land Egypt, and (to?) me(?) [… … ] I will(?) make run, and these my last [… … ] to his lord and to his … [… … ] to the land. But that scribe [… … ] let him/them run. [… … ] … [… … ] forth [… … ] ninety … to/for child (and) man, Halpa [… …
Commentary § 1. A line 1 restoration: [EGO-wa/i-mi Itá-i(a)-tá-sa (VIR2) pa-lá/í-] B line 1 … looks an adequately secure restoration, perhaps with space for further details (for example, patronym). (VIR2)HEROS: VIR2 (accidentally omitted from copy) as determinative as on ALEPPO 6, § 1. § 2. The short gap between the main text and the still unattached fragment should permit the presence of an introductory word or words. [k]ar-ka-mi-sà-ti(UR[BS]) | | DOMUS sa5-sa5-da-ti: inspection of the fragments seems to show that the sphinx’s cap was not inscribed beyond this point, thus that here line 1 descends to line 2 and nothing is lost except the lower part of URBS. DOMUS sa5-sa5-da-ti: the similarity to Hittite É.ŠÀ sastas, “bed-chamber”, suggests the recognition of this word here if a plausible context can be understood. Alternatively the double use of the seal sign sa5 (L.327) might suggest a DOMUS sasa(n)d-, “seal-house, treasury”, Hittite É NA4KIŠIB (siyannas per). The interpretation of the verb must also affect the understanding of the context. pa-za-i(a)-ha: we may probably take this as the verb, fully preserved, of § 2, with the loss of one or two words in the preceding gap. Can this be identified with the known verb (PES2)paza-, “go” (KARKAMIŠ A5b, § 1, with attestations)
or “allocate” (Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 375–378)? The presence of the -i(a)- may indicate a different verb, so Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 88. § 3. If § 2 ends with the verb pa-za-i(a)-ha, some such copula as awa-mu might be expected, though it is not clear that space would permit. DE[US]ku[… : in a clause following one with a mention of Karkamiš, this looks likely to be a reference to the goddess Kubaba. If so, the following sign should be [AVIS]. § 4. wa/i-na-*a: only preserved word, seems to be a clear clause connective awa-an, “and him …”. § 5. -mu: perhaps “(to) me”, end of particle chain connective. The rest of B line 3 is very unclear: especially TONITRUS without DEUS or HALPA. B lines 3–4: line 3 might have continued a little to the right, but line 4 must begin with ma-pa-wa/i since to its right is the first of the row of rosettes which border the sphinx’s cap. § 6. ma-pa-wa/i (man-pa-wa), “But if …”, adequately clear. (VIR2)SCRIBA-la-sa: cf. § 13, apas-pa-wa (VIR2)SCRIBA-la-sa, “But that scribe […’. These clauses do not suggest a usual context for such an inscription.
§ 7. […]-*a: probably initial-a-final at end of connective particle chain. MÍ.REGIO, “the land Egypt”: this interpretation is based on KARKAMIŠ A6, § 4, (“MÍ.REGIO”)mi-za+ra/i(URBS), i.e. logographic writing of the toponym followed by phonetic rendering Mizri, “Egypt”. Unfortunately, no case ending is indicated here: “to/from”? ASINUS2A-ni: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 295, Excursus 11. The equid head is found in this form regularly on Empire period seals as an onomastic element and in titles, also on YALBURT blocks 13+3 standing for equids. The variant form ASINUS2 (with protuberance under the jaw) is found on the seals Boehmer–Güterbock, Glyptik, 1987, nos. 263–264, on the TARKONDEMOS seal and on the KARABEL inscription, all giving the name of Tarkasnawa, King of Mira (Hawkins, An. St. 48, (1998)), and the TARKONDEMOS digraph gives the Cuneiform reading as tar-kaš-šana(-wa). For the Late period it seems that we must distinguish tarkasna-, “donkey”, and a derived form in -i(ya)-, tarkasni-, “mule” (Hawkins, Morpurgo Davies, Fs Watkins, pp. 243–260). The -ni- form is already attested in the Empire period, YALBURT block 13, § 5, ASINUS2A-ni-i(a)(-pa-wa/i) as now reinterpreted (Hawkins, Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 110 with n. 16; Schürr, Klio 92 (2010), pp. 19–20), and again YALBURT block 3, § 3, ASINUS2A-n[í …]. This then is the form which we have here. We would expect a case ending probably acc. plur. MF, -zi. (PES)u-sa-tá: verb adequately attested in KARATEPE 1, § XXXIX.146, also ANDAVAL, § 3. Here it is 3 pret. But lack of text precludes recognition as singular or plural. § 8. w[a/i?]-m[u?-*a]: traces perhaps sufficient to indicate connectives awa-mu, “and (to) me …”. § 9. hwi-i(a)-nú-wa/i: without context it is uncertain whether this represents hwi(ya)nu(wa)-wi, “I will make run” (1 sing. pres.), or, less likely, hwi(ya)nuwa, “make run!” (2 sing. imper.). § 10. ma-wa/i-tá-*a: the initial-a-final, regular in these inscriptions, leads to the analysis ama(-wa-ta), “my”, nom./ acc. plur. N, a useful attestation. The forms of ami-, “my”, ending in -i- are regularly written with initial-a-final (mi-*a, = ami-) in Empire, Transitional and early Late periods, while those ending -a(-) (nom./acc. sing./plur. N amanza, ama) are written with initial á- in the early Late period, but are hitherto unattested in Empire or Transitional, hence the interest of this Transitional ma-*a = ama. za-i(a) should represent zaya, nom./acc. plur. N of demonstrative za-.
POST-ni?: cf. ALEPPO 6, § 11, POST(+ra/i?)-sa, “inferior” (aparis). Here “these my last [things]” would be intelligible, yet the possible presence of -ni might rather indicate POSTni, “back, behind”, leaving a less easily understood ama zaya, “these my (things)”. § 11. pa-sa-na-*a, followed by pa-sa-ha-*a: clear examples of initial-a-final, representing apasan … apasa(n)-ha, “to his … and his …” (dat. sing. of apasi-). (VIR2)za-MARA?-ní […]: identification as mara/i (L.462) not certain (for this sign, see Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, especially p. 367 f.). Determinative VIR2 should indicate that the word denotes a person, but it is otherwise unknown. § 16. BRACCHIUM-ru-la-sa: see now BRACCHIUM-ru-li KARKAMIŠ N1, § 5 and the parallel KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 5 as revealed by collation (H. Peker, Orientalia 83 (2014), p. 149). Peker identifies with (BRACCHIUM)i-sa5+ra/i-wa/i-la (KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 9), Cun. Luw. isarwili-, “right-hand”, found also as common onomastic element. L.87(= “CRUS+CRUS”)(?): logogram perhaps so to be recognized (cf. KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 13) and apparently with logogram-markers (L.410) below—if so, this would be the earliest attestation of the sign. ku+ra/i-ku+ra/i-na: unknown, acc. sing. MF? Possibly full phonetic writing of preceding logogram? § 18. 90(-)ru-wa/i(-)x: numeral + unknown word(s). (VIR2)FILIUS: VIR2 as determinative (as all other occurrences in ALEPPO 6 and 7), not just the upper crampon (L.386) of FILIUS usual in later writings. (VIR2)VIR: relation of VIR(ziti-) to VIR2 (also ziti-?) uncertain. TONITRUS.HALPA-pa [… : reference to Halpa city or Aleppine Storm-God? § 19. SCALPRUM hi-tu-n[a-t]i LIGNUM hi-ti(-)tu(-)wa/i-tá [… : SCALPRUM elsewhere determines stone or stone objects, LIGNUM wooden objects or words denoting authority. The word division of the second group is uncertain: hi-ti-tu wa/ita-[…-*a] or hi-ti tu-wa/i-tá […]. One might also suspect a re petition of a verb stem hiti- in hit-una-(a)ti, -una abstract+ablative (sing.). The end of the text must follow closely in the gap, since the space aligning with A line 13 on B is uninscribed.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
IX. HAMA IX.22 TELL ŠṬĪB. Stele. (plate 102) Location. Museum of Ma‛aret en Numan(?). Description. Round-topped basalt stele with incised panel bearing a 2-line inscription (sinistroverse-dextroverse) of Urhilina, Hamathite king, recording his foundation of the (unnamed) city. It is a duplicate of the stelae RESTAN and QALʿAT EL MUDIQ. Dimensions: ht., 0.76 m.; w., 0.66 m.; th., 0.38 m. Condition: good. Script, line-divider: relief. Sign forms: largely cursive, as for duplicates. Word-dividers: not used. Peculiarities: —
Discovery. In 2002 by P-L. Gatier at the site of an illegal excavation at the base of the Tell Šṭīb, some 41 km. north-west of Hama, 26 km. north of Restan: see M-O. Rousset, Note sur le site de Tall Šṭīb (in P-L. Gatier, B. Geyer, M-O. Rousset (ed.), Entre nomades et sédentaires (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, no. 55, Lyon, 2012), p. 101 ff). Publication. H. Gonnet, Une Stèle hiéroglyphique louvite à Tall Šṭīb (ibid., pp. 97–99). Content, Date. As for duplicates. Photograph. Taken from publication, M-O. Rousset 2010. Transliteration, translation. As for duplicates: see below, 3. Revised transliterations/translations, p. 255 f.
X. TABAL X.46. İVRİZ 2. Stele. (plates 103 – 104) Location. Ereğli Museum, no. A 1991. Description. Lower part of stele, upper part lost/destroyed, showing Obverse (A): the lower part of the kilt and bare legs of the Storm-God wearing boots with up-turned toes, very similar to the Storm-God of İVRİZ 1. Also the root of a vine-stock springs from his right foot and stems of barley from his left. The figure is framed by raised edges, and below there is an undecorated uninscribed area. Along the destroyed upper edge of the stele three deep grooves have been cut, as if to effect a repair of the monument to secure the upper part. The inscription. Seven lines of inscription are preserved, on the reverse (C) (ll. 1 and 2 fragments only). As preserved the inscription runs boustophedon, dextroverse-sinistroverse. Line 3 onwards continue leftwards around the corner on to the right side D (viewed from the front), while the left side (B) bears lines of a Phoenician inscription, probably bilingual to the main text, or perhaps a shorter summary. On the space below l. 7 of the Hier. text, a number of lines of the Phoen. inscription continue. Further inscription continues on the obverse between the barley stems and the figure’s left leg in 2–3 vertical columns (A1), and between the figure’s legs in 3 lines sinistroverse-dextroverse-sinistro-
verse (A2). The right hand side (C) of the inscription on the reverse is particularly worn. Dimensions: preserved ht., c. 1.30 m.; max. w., 0.80 m.; max. th., 0.29 m. Condition: as preserved fair; a number of worn areas, especially the right side of the reverse. Script, line-dividers: incised linear. Sign forms: cursive. Word-dividers: frequent. Peculiarities: — Discovery. In 1986 during the construction of an irrigation channel some 70 m. above the rock monument and barrage and below the road bridge. Under some 7 m. of gravel deposit the stele was found along with the fragment of a colossal head, preserving parts of the left eye, bearded cheek and bunch of hair on the nape of the neck. These were transferred to Ereğli Museum, where they were inspected, photographed and squeezed by Prof. Dr. Ali Dinçol and team. A commission to publish the find was set up, inclu ding Professors Ali and Belkıs Dinçol, Wolfgang Röllig and Massimo Poetto. The finding was announced at the XXXIV R.A.I. in Istanbul in 1987 by Prof. Ali Dinçol.
X.52. EREĞLİ 1
Publication (Preliminary). Belkıs Dinçol, New archaeolo gical and epigraphical finds from İvriz (Tel Aviv 21 (1994), pp. 117–128 with figs. 3–6 (photographs of the stele, obverse, reverse, right edge, left edge)). Cf. Hawkins, CHLI I/2 (2000), p. 526; I/3, pl. 300 (reproducing such information as avail able at the time).
with offerings; §§ 12–15, protective curse; §§ 16–18, blessing from Storm-God?; §§ 19–25, protective curse for name on stele; … §§ 26–27, further divine activity; …
Excerpts. §§ 4–6 Poetto, Fs G. Giorgadze (Tbilisi, 2002), p. 98 f.
It had been hoped to include a transliteration and translation of İVRİZ 2, but the text remains unpublished; see Dinçol, Poetto and Peker forthcoming.
Content. … ; §§ 3–6, prosperity of reign; §§ 7–9, Warpalawa, titles, paternity, maternity; §§ 10–11, establishment of god
Date. Reign of Warpalawa (minimally 738–710 B.C.)— unless there are two kings of that name; see Commentary.
X.52. EREĞLİ 1. Base. (plate 105) I am much indebted to Massimo Poetto for sharing with me this interesting piece in advance of publication. Location. Ereğli (Konya) Museum, no. 1982. Description. “Portion of base bearing 1-line inscription running sinistroverse round three adjoining faces, A, B, C …; fourth face, D, broken away. The top of the stone has part of an elliptical mortice-hole cut into it, clearly to hold an upper stele (most probably inscribed too) or statue. The incompleteness of the piece is patent: aside from the partial mortice-hole, the text is not preserved from the beginning of side A and the end of side C; it does, therefore, not seem unreasonable to suppose that an equivalent section of base, joined to form a rectangle, is missing. Otherwise face D only of the original single block may have broken away. Below the base-line of the inscription continues with a recessed area that was evidently sunk into the ground. Dimensions: ht., (top to base line) 0.27 m.; w., (A, C) c. 0.33 m.; (B) 0.55 m. Condition: as preserved good, except that the upper edge is damaged, obscuring principally the word-dividers. Script: relief. Sign forms: cursive (á, sà), monumental (OVIS), mixed (ta).
§ 1 § 2
(A) …](-)ta-⌈x⌉-ia-za |SUPER+ra/i-ta |i-zi-ia-ti [|](“TERRA”)ta-⌈sà⌉-REL+ra/i (B)-sa-pa-wa/i+ra/i |(“L.187”)tu-wa/i-i-sá |SUB-na-na |i-zi-ia+ra/i
Word-dividers: seem to be consistently used; “often mutilated or lost”. Peculiarities: rhotacism; … “NEG2” for ná likely. Poetto, Publication Discovery. “Dug up in the garden of a private house in Ereğli and bought by the Museum on 15.7.1991 … I [Poetto] examined and photographed the inscription in August 1995”. Poetto, Publication. Publication, Edition. “Here for the first time”: M. Poetto, A new Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from Ereğli (in Fs Neumann2, pp. 397–405, with pls. I–III, photographs + copies, A, B, C). Poetto’s Publication is followed almost word for word here with few excisions. Only the sign readings have been altered to conform with the conventions followed in CHLI. Content. “Fragment: apparently topos of prosperity ([sky], earth, sheep)”. Date. “Late 8th century, as most Tabal documents. Author’s name not preserved”. Text. Copy from publication, courtesy of M. Poetto. Photographs. Poetto. Translation … [The sky] makes the … above, but the earth makes … .
160 § 3 § 4
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
|REX-ti-i-pa-wa/i-a-za [|]á-pa-NEG2 OVIS-ti-zi ARHA
(C) |wa/i-ta [(DEUS)]TONITRUS-hu-za-sá [|](CAELUM) ti-pa-sa-ti |INFRA-ta [|]ni-i REL-ha [|]sa-i-sá […
For the king … Let the Storm-God not … anything from the sky.
Commentary Abbreviated from Poetto, Publication (where detailed references are given), updated on some recent points. § 2. i-zi-ia+ra/i: we should at least question whether this form is simply a rhotacized variant of § 1 i-zi-ia-ti (i.e. 3 sing. pres., so Poetto, the most obvious assumption), or whether it might be a med.-pass. form, for which cf. Rieken (Fs Koch, p. 263 ff.), who does not however include this form in her list. (-pa-wa/i)+ra/i: since Poetto’s n. 7, Rieken has established that Ortspartikel -ta, written -ta or tá (= Cun. Luw. -tta) does indeed not rhotacize, whereas the enclitic pronoun -ada, “it/ them”, written -Ca-da (= Cun. Luw. -ata), frequently does (VI ICH, pp. 637–647). The reflexive pronoun -ti (= Cun. Luw. -ti) may also rhotacize. This leaves the choice here between -ara (< -ada) and -ri (< -ti) (so Poetto). Note however that in KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, §§ 3–4, cited by Poetto (n. 7), § 3 -wa/i+ra/i must represent -wa+ada, “and them” (sc. the frontiers), and § 4 -ta must be the Ortspartikel. (“L.187”)tu-wa/i-i-sá: new attestation in addition to (L.187)tu-wa/i-i-za (ASSUR letter c, § 7, apparently acc. sing.
N); and the parallel passages, TELL AHMAR 6, § 15 // TELL AHMAR 1, § 6 // BOROWSKI 3, § 4, all perhaps pointing to a full phonetic writing (L.187)tuwisa. Rieken in dealing with the last three contexts (Fs Rasmussen, pp. 463, 467) takes (L.187)tuwis(a) as gen. (sing.), “(to the First) of the TUWI”; and subsequently cites Melchert’s interpretation as acc. sing. N. As Poetto notes, the contexts are still insufficient to base an interpretation. § 3. REX-ti-i; “for the king”: dat. sing. (so Poetto) surely contextually more likely than acc. sing. MF (REX-ti(n)). -(a)za: identification as enclitic pronoun of 1 plur. hardly seems appropriate (so Poetto). á-pa-NEG2: presumably writing apan, “afterwards” (so Poetto). OVIS-ti-zi: unparalleled suffixed form of hawi-, “sheep”, acc. plur. MF (so Poetto). § 4. […] sa-i : Poetto’s tentative identification with Cun.-Hier. Luw. sa-, “let, allow, release”, is plausible.
X.53. YASSIHÖYÜK (KIRŞEHİR). Lead strip and fragment. (plate 106) (a) lead strip (b) fragment Location. (a) Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, inventory no. 13-1-06; (b) Museum at Kaman-Kalehöyük, no. YH 100004.
Script, line-dividers (both): incised. Sign forms: cursive, Kululu-style. Word-dividers: (a) frequent, (b) one visible. Peculiarities: idiosyncratic forms of u, mu.
Description. (a) oblong lead strip, right end semicircular, left end missing, bearing on each side a 2-line incised inscription, obverse sinistroverse-dextroverse, running on, after turning on long axis to reverse sinistroverse-dextroverse, ending ⅔ along second line followed by blank space. (b) fragment of left edge of lead strip, broken on the right, bearing on each side a 2-line incised inscription running obverse and reverse sinistroverse-dextroverse.
Discovery. (a) Brought to the Museum of Anatolian Civil izations on 2 January 2006 by Metin Yetik, where it was purchased for the Museum. Yetik said that it had been found by Yunus Er, and the two men took Museum officials to the find-spot on 9 September 2006: the centre of the large mound Yassıhöyük on the Kaman-Kırşehir road, north side, near the turn for Karahıdır town. It was found rolled up. (b) excavated from topsoil at Yassıhöyük during the 2010 season of the Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology.
Dimensions: (a) ht., 2.8 cm.; preserved w., 18.5 cm.; th., 1.5 mm. (b) ht., 3 cm.; preserved w. (max.), 2 cm.; th., 1 mm. Condition: (a) fair, some patches of obscuring corrosion, much of which has been cleaned; (b) as preserved clear.
Publication. (a) R. Akdoğan and J. D. Hawkins, Kırşehir-Yassıhöyük’ten ele geçen Luvi Hiyeroglif yazılı Kurşun Levha (Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Yıllığı 2007–2008 (Ankara, 2008), pp. 7–14); (English version) Akdoğan and Hawkins,
The Kırşehir Letter: a new Hieroglyphic Luwian text on a lead strip (VII ICH, (2010), pp. 1–16). (b) M. Weeden, A probable join to the “Kırşehir Letter” (AAS 18 (2013), pp. 15–17).
report), (2) the same dimensions, (3) the same idiosyncratic sign forms (u, mu), (4) similar content as far as can be seen on the fragment.
Editions. (a) Akdoğan and Hawkins (Publication, 2008, 2010); (b) Weeden (Publication, 2013).
Date. Stylistically later 8th century B.C. If, as is possible, the “lord” Tuwati could be identified with Tuwati, father of Wasusarma (= Assyrian Uassurme, ruling at least from 738 B.C. until his removal in 727 B.C.), then c. 750 B.C.
Content. Letter to his “lord” Tuwati from his “servant” Muwattalli. Join. Frag. (b) to strip (a): as presented by Weeden, the join, not necessarily direct, is virtually guaranteed by the shared features, (1) find spot (the excavation confirming the
Text. Copy courtesy of R. Akdoğan (frag. M. Weeden). Photographs. R. Akdoğan (frag. from publicaton).
Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 2.
… § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11
§ 12 § 13
(a) á-sa5-za-a-wa/i DOMINUS-[ni-i] á-mi-i tu-wa/iti-ia SERVUS-la/i-ti-sa-wa/i tu-wa/i-sà [I]mu-wa/i-ta-li-i-sá |(LOQUI)ha+ra/i-i-ti ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i-wa/i DOMINUS-ni-i-sá á-mi-sá tu-wa/i-ti-i-sá (BONUS)sa-na-wa/i-ha-wa/i+ra/i PUGNUS.PUGNUS-i I ka-tu-ni-sa-ha-wa/i REL-i-a PES-wa/i-ti ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i-ti-a-wa/i-mu-u L.272-wa/i [… (b) … t]a-[x]-na-i i-sa-wa/i-i | | wa/i-⌈mu-u⌉-mi-i x [… (a) …] L.69-lu/a/i-⌈wa/i⌉-wa/i á-pi-ha-wa/i tá-ti-na |tá-mi-na-a ARHA(-)sa-mi-na PUGNUS.PUGNUS-i |wa/i-tu-u wa/i-ti-ia a-wa/i tá-ti-i-a |REL wa/i-ti-ia-sa |wa/i-ta á-mu-u-ha |wa/i+ra/i-mi-i COR-tara/i-sa INFRA-ta |la-la-ha-i CRUS2-nú-pa-wa/i-⌈ta⌉ tá-ti-na |ha+ra/i-za?-i-a L.366?na-na INFRA? CAPUT.LINGUA+x.CULTER?(-)la-i-sà-sa wa/i-mu-u za-ti u-sa-i tá-ti-na |wa/i-ti| |-ia |REL-ti-ha-wa/i(-)za (LOQUI)ha+ra/i-i-sà(-a-ta)
§ 14 (a-ta-)wa/i-ta Isà-REL-sà-ni-sà tu-wa/i+ra/i § 15 á-mu-u-wa/i-a |NEG2 nu-tara/i-wa/i § 16 |á-wa/i-ha-wa/i OMNIS-ma-sa-za-a MAGNUS+ra/i-iaa-la-za wa/i-li-ia-si § 17 |á-mi-ia-pa-wa/i NEG2 ⌈wa/i⌉-[li]-ia-si-i § 18 |wa/i-tu-u FEMINA-ti-ia+ra/i(-)na-na |(FILIUS) ni-m[u]-w[a/i-za … § 19 (b) á-mu-u-ha-wa/i| |-mu Ipu-wa/i LITUUS na-[…] á [… § 20 (a) … …] pa-ti-sa-ha § 21 CRUS2-nú-pa-wa/i L.187(-)ka-pa+ra/i-na-⌈a⌉ NEG2 da?-na L.69(-)sà-tara/i-ti PUGNUS.PUGNUS-i-wa/i § 22 á-pi-wa/i-mu |wa/i-ti-ia-ta-a
Translation Speak to my Lord Tuwati, your servant Muwattalli says: My Lord Tuwati (be) in life, and keep you well // keep good things for yourself. And when katuni comes, due to (a concern for my?) life I will buy (a?) … shield(s) for myself. … and I … will x myself (with?) an x for myself. Furthermore hold the father …, and WATIYA to him. When you WATIYA-ed to the father, I myself personally “took down” … But now the father (accusative) … you …-ed to me here/this … WATIYA the father. And as “to us” (-(an)za) or “this” (za) you said; (-sà, 2 sing. pret.) or “he kept saying” (-sà-a-ta) “Sakwisani (personal name?) put in it/them(?)”, I myself will not hasten. Come, you praise everyone’s URIYALAZA, but mine you do not [praise(?)]. For you/him with women … children … I myself for me … PUWA see(?) … … ] I …-ed. But now not … will I hold KAPARA with L.69-SATARA (To) me you/he/they WATIYA-ed back,
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
§ 23 |wa/i-mu-u 1 L.257-sa L.257-za-a NEG2 pi-ia-ta § 24
and to me you/he/they did not give one silver (shekel?) (of) silver(?), and I “made” a god for myself.
wa/i-mi-i DEUS-ni-na i-zi-i-ha
Commentary §§ 1–3. These are parallel to the Address and Greetings formulae of the ASSUR letters, analysed in CHLI I/2, p. 538 f., (A) and (B1–2). They serve to elucidate several problems in the earlier examples. § 1. Address: Exactly parallel to ASSUR letters a–f+g, § 1. § 2. Parallel to ASSUR letters d, § 3; e, § 2; f+g, § 2, but somewhat differently formulated. ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i, “life”, replaces ASSUR letters sa-pisu+ra/i, “health”, which occur together in KARATEPE 1, § XLIX.276–277 = Phoen. ḥym w-šlm (order reversed, “life and health”). ASSUR letters sapisur(a) is taken as nom.(acc.) sing. N, combined with the enclitic pronoun, 2 sing./plur., “to thee/you”. The YASSIHÖYÜK parallel has DOMINUS-nis amis Tuwatis, “my lord Tuwati” (nom. sing. MF), so ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i should be dat. sing., “(be) in life!”; or perhaps has become a denom. verb, “live!”. § 3. The parallel ASSUR letters a, § 2; b, § 2, has sa-nawa/i+ra/i PUGNUS.PUGNUS-si PUGNUS.PUGNUS-i (YASSIHÖYÜK) taken now as 2 sing. imper. as against -si, 2 sing. pres. The problematic interpret ation of the verb PUGNUS.PUGNUS now tackled by Melchert (Fs Nowicki (2014), pp. 133–137), who proposes here, “grasp, hold, possess”. sa-na-wa/i+ra/i (ASSUR letters): the problematic analysis is now shown by YASSIHÖYÜK to stand for sanawa+wa+ri (< -ti), so Melchert, loc. cit., p. 135 n. 9. See also now Yakubovich, Fs Součkova (2016), p. 470 f., examples 13 and 14 (“Thou shall (sic!) keep well // have good things for thyself”). § 4. Understanding obscured by uncertainty whether katunis is a PN marked by personal determinative(?), or common noun, “enmity, war(?)”; Cf. KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 14–15. §§ 5–6. See Weeden, loc. cit., for translation. § 7. tá-mi-na-a, ARHA(-)sa-mi-na: uncertain forms (parti ciples, acc. sing. MF?) of unidentified words. § 8. Apparent verb watiya-, occurring also §§ 9, 12, 22, meaning unknown, context unclear. § 9. wa/i-ti-ia-sa, verb, 2 sing. pret.?
§ 10. COR-tara/i-sa: apparently nom. sing. MF, thus apposition to á-mu-u-ha, very emphatic, “I myself personally …” wa/i+ra/i-mi-i, dat. sing.? § 11. CRUS2-nú-pa (also § 20): extraordinary graphic survival from Empire (SÜDBURG, § 3), “but now” (nanu(n)pa). L.366?-na-na, recurrence from KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 24?; meaning uncertain. CAPUT.LINGUA+x-CULTER?-la-i-sà-sa: LINGUA+x not recognized in editio princeps, though originally so drawn by R. Akdoğan; clarified now by appearance on İSTANBUL 2, § c(2), for which see Taş and Weeden, An. St. 61 (2011), pp. 55–60, esp. p. 58; meaning still impenetrable, la-i-sà-sa, verb, 2 sing. pret.? § 12. u-sa-i for u-si-i (zati usi, “this year”?) ? tá-ti-na wa/i-ti-ia, “WATIYA the father”?; cf. §§ 7–8 above. §§ 13–14. Word/clause division uncertain: |REL-ti-ha-wa/i(-) za; “as to us” (-(an)za), or “as this” (za) … . (LOQUI)ha+ra/i-i-sà(-)a-ta: ha+ra/i-i-sà, 2 sing. pret., “you said”(?); or ha+ra/i-i-sà-a-ta, -sà- iter., -(a)ta, 3 sing. pret., “he kept saying”(?). § 14. sà-REL-sà-ni-sà: uncertain whether a PN marked by personal determinative, or common noun of unknown meaning. tu-wa/i+ra/i (< tuwada), “he put”. § 15. nu-tara/i-wa/i: 1 sing. pres. of otherwise unattested nuntari-, “hasten”, Hitt. nuntarriya-. § 16. á-wa/i, “come”: see ASSUR letters e, § 25; f+g, §§ 24, 48. MAGNUS+ra/i-ia-a-la-za: apparently uriya-, “great”, + ali- suffix + an(sa) (nom.) acc. sing. N; meaning unclear. OMNIS-ma-sa-za: tanimi-, “all”, + asi- gen. adj., + an(sa) (nom.) acc. sing. N, tanimasanza, “(that) of all, of everyone”. wa/i-li-ia-si, “you praise”, 2 sing. pres. waliya-, which elsewhere in Hier. is intrans. (trans. waliyanu-, “exalt”), but generally in Hitt.-Luw. may be trans.; cf. Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 81 f.
§ 17. á-mi-ia-: ami-, “my”, shows regular nom./acc. plur. N ama; but an occasional gen. adj. amiya-, “(that) of my” is found, e.g. TELL AHMAR 6, § 10, amiyanza tatiyanza alamanza, “the name (that) of my fathers”, as against amanza alamanza, “my name”; also *a-mi(-ia)-za |tá-ti-za LIGNUM (-la)-ha-za “my fathers’ succession” (ARSUZ 1+2, § 2). Thus here we have amiya, acc. plur. N, “mine”. ⌈wa/i⌉-[li]-ia-si-i: restoration following § 16. §§ 18–20. See Weeden, loc. cit., translation. Note renumbering of clauses, § 19, then § 20 (formerly § 19 etc.).
LITUUS na-… : looks as if it might represent the usual LITUUS+na-, “see” (LITUUS normally above na in ligature). § 21. CRUS2-nú-pa, see above, § 11. da?-na: reading, sense uncertain. (-)ka-pa+ra/i-na-a: acc. sing. MF, sense unknown. L.69-sà-tara/i-ti: apparently abl. (sing.) of abstract formation in -stra-, meaning unknown. § 22. wa/i-ti-ia-ta-a: 2 sing. or 3 sing./plur. of unknown verb watiya- (see above, § 8).
§ 18. FEMINA-ti-ia+ra/i, abl. sing./plur. na-na uncertain.
§ 23. 1 L.257-sa L.257-za-a: L.257 taken elsewhere to represent “silver”; here “one silver (of) silver” guessed from context to render “one shekel (of) silver”.
§ 19. pu-wa/i: again uncertain whether PN marked by personal determinative.
§ 24. Literal “I made a god for myself” is susceptible of various understandings.
X.54. GEMEREK. Stele. (plate 107) Location. Sivas Archaeology Museum, no. 2004/24. Description. Stele broken into three joining pieces, top missing, bottom preserved, three faces partially preserved. Front (A) undecorated/uninscribed (erased?), on lower part three concentric rings enclosing Maltese cross have been incised (marking the piece in reuse as a Christian tombstone?). Left side (B) preserves fragments of one dextroverse line at top and two lines at bottom (dextroverse-sinistroverse); right side (D) preserves three consecutive lines, dextroverse …, sinistroverse + dextroverse …, below which is an uninscribed space, ½ line high, and the bottom of the stele. Since D ll. 2–3 run on, this indicates that it forms the left edge of the inscription (viewed from the reverse); B, last two lines also appear to run on, thus to mark the right edge of the inscription, and the bottom line at the bottom of the stele was the last line of the inscription. These observations suggest that the original inscription ran continuously over side B, [C, reverse], D. Like all(?) Tabalian inscriptions it should have started upper right (side B) and run sinistroverse. This lost first line could (minimally) have been the line above the dextroverse D1 + B1 which align. No trace of B2 sinistroverse is preserved but it would have ended as D2, continuing D3 dextroverse, aligning with B3, then descending to B4 sinistroverse and ending before the blank D4.
Dimensions: total preserved ht., 1.41 m.; w. (side A), 0.47 m.; max. preserved w. (side D), 0.52 m. Condition: as preserved, clear. Script, line-dividers: incised. Sign forms: monumental sà (D3, also B1?), sa arch (D1, B3) but cf. normal linear sa (D2); forms most resemble those of TOPADA (sa arch, wa/i, la, a). Word-divider: one (D3). Peculiarities: i+a (B1), li (D1, cf. KULULU 4, § 3), na ending in hand. Discovery. The three pieces of the stele were brought to Sivas Museum on 20 October 2004 from the Kasımbeyli, Hacıyusuf village, some 10 km. south-east of the town Gemerek, itself some 120 km. south-west of Sivas on the road to Kayseri. Publication, Edition. J. D. Hawkins and R. Akdoğan, A stele from Gemerek (TÜBA-AR 14 (2011), pp. 313–315). Content. … offering of animals … protective curse (?). Date. Late 8th century B.C. like other Tabalian inscriptions. Text. Courtesy of R. Akdoğan. Photographs. R. Akdoğan.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
Transliteration … D 1. § 1 § 2 B 1. [B2–C2] D 2. § 1 3. § 2 § 3 [C3] B 3. § 1 4.
…] | | (DEUS)ORIENS-mi-sa-a hu-li-ia-ia-wa/i REL-sa [x]-x-ní-a x [… … s]à pi?-i+a-[…] “PITH[OS …
…] east, who will contest …
x […] 9 (O[VIS)]ha-wa/i-na-a (“LIBARE”)sa-sa5+ra/ i-la-ti-i-a a-[w]a/i ARHA | | (“FLAMMAE”)ha-z[i/a]-nu-sà-ti-i |a-wa/i ARHA (“EDERE[”])a+ra/i-x […
…] nine sheep they will offer,
…] REX-t[i …] (“CA[ELUM”])ti-pa-sa-si-i-s[á?] | | (DEUS) x x […
… king … heaven’s (god) […
and they will cause to … and […] eat up […
Commentary D1, § 2. hu-li-ia-ia(-wa/i): probably verb huliya-, 3 sing. pres. to be identified with hu-la-i(a)- (ANKARA 2 silver bowl), § 3, and Hitt. hullai-/hulliya-, “contest, defeat”. B1. pi?-i+a-[…]: i+a apparently an archaizing writing; cf. normal Late ia (D2, § 1, ×2). D2, § 1. (O[VIS)]ha-wa/i-na-a: reading of M. Weeden. The -na shows a greatly exaggerated “hand” on its upper end, which is visible elsewhere in a modified form. (“LIBARE”)sa-sa5+ra/i-la-ti-i-a: 3 plur. pres., see CHLI I/1, p. 270.
§ 2. (“FLAMMAE”)ha-z[i/a]-nu-sà-: verb otherwise unknown, presumably parallel to (FLAMMAE)kinu(sa)-, for which a meaning “burn” (sacrificial beast(s)), linked with “offer”, has been inferred (CEKKE 1, §§ 4–5, see CHLI I/1, p. 147. § 3. (“EDERE”)a+ra/i-x […]: not the obvious, but probable, order of reading, giving a+ra/i- < ada-, “eat”; expected 3 plur. pres., but the following sign not clearly identifiable. B3. (“CA[ELUM”])ti-pa-sa-si-i-s[á?]: uncertain whether this inscription uses sá, but in the comparable SULTANHAN sá does alternate with sa; from the photograph, it looks unlikely that collation could confirm the reading.
X.55. İSTANBUL 2 [[now EREĞLİ 2]]. Stele fragment. (plate 108) Location. Haluk Perk Museum, Istanbul, no. M2909. Description. Stele fragment, preserving parts of three inscribed sides out of four, wide sides A and C, between them a narrow side B; (fourth) narrow side D missing. The inscription appears to have run continuously round sides A, B, C, probably also [D]. One of the four edges must have formed the left and right side of the inscription, where the text descended to the line below, but neither the inscription itself nor the contextual content are sufficiently preserved and clear to determine which, nor can any point be seen where the text descends and continues on the line below. Sides A and C preserve parts of three lines (mainly the middle), and B part of the corresponding top line and a trace of the second. The line-dividers seem to align between the
three sides, thus to run continuously around the stele. A trace of a line-divider preserved at the top of side C shows that there was originally at least one more line above. The lines run dextroverse-sinistroverse-dextroverse on all sides. The lost line above would have been sinistroverse, and was probably the first line. The original form of the stele appears to have been comparable to KULULU 4 and BOHÇA. Dimensions: max. preserved ht., 42 cm.; max. preserved w. (C), 37 cm.; line ht. (middle), 12 cm. Condition: as preserved, clear. Script, line-dividers: incised. Sign forms: cursive. Word-dividers: few; some mid-line. Peculiarities: DEUS written at bottom of column.
X.55. İSTANBUL 2 [[now EREĞLİ 2]]
Discovery. No information available; style and sign forms point to origin in Cappadocia, thus numbered X.Tabal. [[A very similar fragment was found in 2022 in a garden in Ereğli, information courtesy Ç. Maner.]] Publication. İ. Taş and M. Weeden, İSTANBUL 2: a hieroglyphic fragment from Tabal in the Haluk Perk Collection (An. St. 61 (2011), pp. 55–60, figs. 1 (copy traced from photos), Fig. 2 (photos A, B, C))
Content. Unclear, few intelligible words; “… appears to contain a historical narrative relating to a warlike encounter” (Taş and Weeden, Abstract). Date. Later 8th century B.C. like comparable Tabalian inscriptions. Text. Copy courtesy of M. Weeden. Photographs. Courtesy of İ. Taş.
Transliteration (taken from Taş and Weeden with some alternative readings) Side A (1) …] x [… z]a […] x-da […] x |L.530-ma-[i]a-[p]a-wa/i |ARHA ⌈x⌉-ma-ni-ta Side B (1) …] x (DEUS)hu-sa-[… FRO]NS-lu/a/i-na “⌈x⌉”-pa-ri+i […] x [… Side C (1) …] x “CAPERE”(-)sa-ru-sa x |COR-ni x tu-wa/i-si […]-mu-pa-[…] DEUS […]-sa [… (2) … “BRACCH]IUM?”-[t]a-li-ta |wa/i-ta MILLE 2 CENTUM CAPUT-ti-na ARHA |“CAPUT.CULTER”. LINGUA+x-ta-i DOMUS-ni-i DOMUS-ni |CENTUM x [… Side B (2) …] ku […] x [… Side A (2) …]-sa |[(“]LIGNUM”)ha?+ra/i-za-ti wa/i-ma-ta CENTUM CUM-ni ARHA (“PES2”)wa/i-si-da wa/i+ra/i “CAE[LUM”]-pa-si-i [… (3) …] x x-ti-zi pa-x […] za-⌈ia?⌉ a-wa/i |x […] sa-na-na-ta [… [Side B (3)] Side C (3) z[i/a …] wa/i-[…] wa/i […] |[…] |[…] x […] |[…
Translation See Taş and Weeden, not further attempted here.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
Commentary Main points summarized from Taş and Weeden. A (1) x-ma-ni-ta: closest verb would be imanita (attested only in the Commagenian inscriptions, but the traces exclude ⌈i⌉-, also [OCCID]ENS-ma-ni-ta. B (1) (DEUS)hu-sa-x: unidentified divine name. C (1) “CAPERE”(-)sa-ru-sa: may be connected with Hitt. saru-, “plunder” (CHD, s.v.), which might suit the ideogram CAPERE. (-)tu-wa/i-si: identification -si as 2 sing. pres. ending unlikely, thus -si reflexive/med.-pass.? COR-ni should be atni (dat. loc. sing.), atri-/atni-, “form, figure, self” or “image”. C (2) ARHA |“CAPUT.CULTER”: for pair of elements here marked as logogram, see KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 3. With the
addition of the clear LINGUA+x we may now recognize the same group and correct the reading on YASSIHÖYÜK, § 11: CAPUT.CULTER?.LINGUA+x-la-i-sà-sa: meaning and context unclear however, see discussion by Taş and Weeden, where logogram CAPUT+CULTER suggests “… mutilation of corpses, execution by decapitation or other warlike activity”. DOMUS-ni-i DOMUS-ni: repetition for distributive function. A (2) ([“]LIGNUM”)⌈ha⌉+ra/i-za-ti: connect with verb (L.69) ha+ra/i-za-, “get hold of” (ASSUR letters b, § 6; f+g, §§ 39, 46) in spite of different logogram? wa/i-ma-ta: analyse wa+mu+an+ta or wa+mu+ada+ta?; either way gives a direct object -an, “him” or -ada, “it/ them”. Yet the verb (“PES2”)wasi- appears elsewhere to be an intransitive verb of motion: see TELL AHMAR 6, § 17, Commentary (CHLI I/1, p. 234).
X.56. TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK (in collaboration with Mark Weeden) (plate 109) Location. Konya Museum. Description. Rectangular block of “silt/mudstone” stone, apparently almost fully preserved, bearing on one face 2½ lines of inscription: l. 1, right ⅔ partially dressed for execution in relief, giving way to left-hand ⅓, incised; ll. 2–3, incised. Dimensions: ht., 45 cm.; w., 95cm. Condition: well preserved. Script: relief/incised as noted, including incised line-divi ders. Sign forms: largely monumental; cursive, ara/i-ní. Word-dividers: only two visible. Peculiarities: Discovery. In 2019 on its third season, the Konya Regional Archaeological Survey Project at the site of Türkmen Karahöyük (north edge of the now dry Hotamış gölü) was shown the block fallen into an irrigation canal. According to a local farmer he found the piece in a spoil heap dredged from the canal. See preliminary report in Heritage Turkey 9 (2019), p. 34. The farmer’s account of the exact find-spot is now doubted. Publication. P. Goedegebuure and T. van den Hout, TÜRKMEN-KARAHÖYÜK 1: a new Hieroglyphic Luwian inscrip-
tion from Great King Hartapu, son of Mursili, conqueror of Phrygia (An. St. 70 (2020), pp. 29–43). Content. Line 1, a partial and crudely executed copy (or rather pastiche) of KIZILDAĞ 4, §§ 1, 2c naming the author as Kartapu (ka+ra/i-tá-pu-sa). Line 2, a separate inscription of a Great King Hartapu (há+ra/i-tá-pux), apparently recording his defeat of 13 kings and capture of ten fortresses. Line 3, scribal signature(?). Date. Much debated: for detailed argument see now Hawkins and Weeden, in AoF 48/2 (2021), pp. 384–399. The character of line 1 as a crude pastiche of KIZILDAĞ 4 showing certain Late characteristics is obvious, but in spite of problems raised by this, we reaffirm the dating of KIZILDAĞ 4 to the early Transitional period, showing as it does no Late characteristics and its close relations to YALBURT and other Empire period inscriptions. Late characteristics shown by the pastiche as against the original include the presence of an upper “crampon” on FILIUS and the phonetic writing of the patronym Mursilisis (a usage found only in some Late inscriptions (TELL AHMAR 1, § 1; MARAŞ 4, § 1; MARAŞ 1, § 1; BOHÇA, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A2, § 1). As for the defeat of the land Muska (mu!-sà-ka!-na, we revert to the previous reading, see Commentary), this cannot be used as evidence for a Late date: the Muski are already attested by Tiglath-pileser I in
his accession year 1115 B.C. as having been settled in Alzi for 50 years (east bank of the upper Euphrates), and now threatening Kadmuhi (Tur Abdin area up to the Tigris), (RIMA 2, A.0.87.1.i 62–88). The purpose of executing line as a Late (8th century) pastiche of a Transitional (12th century) KIZILDAĞ 4 is discussed below. Line 2. We consider that this was commissioned by an 8th century Hartapu (II), a separate text recording his own contemporary deeds, appended to the pastiche of the 12th century inscription of Hartapu (I). Though doubtless a Late production it affects an archaizing style seen also in the TOPADA inscription, its connection with which has been discussed in Hawkins and Weeden (2021, pp. 394– 395), as has also the concepts archaic vs. archaizing. To summarize: when an inscription using sign forms of recognizably Empire–Transitional character uses also sign forms certainly recognizable as Late, or is inseparably linked to monuments of definitely Late character then that text is archaizing for some purpose which may be apparent or inferable by us. E.g. KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, using elegant archaic sign forms and usages but closely tied to late Late sculpture; TOPADA, using certain and probable old forms, e.g. zi/a, RELx, NEG2 mixes in definite Late forms notably ia.; KIZILDAĞ 1–3, where the Late throned figure is combined with the inscription KIZILDAĞ 3 showing old usages, the
aedicula itself with tá, pux, sa, FILIUS, zi/a, AEDIFICARE. In fact TK 1, line 2 ties up very closely with the last and mixes Empire and Late forms and usages: the aedicula almost identical; INFRA Empre, -tá Late; CAELUM, OMNIS2 Empire; (L.273)mu(wa)- Empire (if correctly identified, see Commentary) -há Late; word-dividers (two) Late; MANUS.CRUS for piyata (if correct) Late. Thus the Empire characteristics must be seen as archaisms. So we understand TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK as an 8th century production of Hartapu II celebrating in line 2 his own deeds and recalling in line 1 as feat of Hartapu (Kartapusa) I, son of Mursili, his real or pretended ancestor. Similarly the Throne figure and inscriptions are also 8th century productions recalling Hartapu I son of Mursili as founder of the KIZILDAĞ settlement. The inscriptions on both monuments show a marked archaizing style but betray their late date by a number of usages. We thus consider the motivation of each monument to be the same: namely the wish by Hartapu II to associate himself with the ancient glory of a homonymous ancestor. Text. Copy traced from photographs by F. Arslan and J. Osborne. Photographs. Courtesy of J. Jackson.
Line 1 MAGNUS.REX ka+ra/i-tá-pu-sa HEROS MURSILI-li-si-sa |FILIUS mu-sà-ka REGIO REL mu(wa)-tá
Great King Kartapu, Hero, Musili’s son, who conquered the land of Muska.
Line 2 ara/i-ní TERRA INFRA-tá-a |PES-a § 1 § 2 13 REX SOL2 MAGNUS.REX há+ra/i-tá-pux MAGNUS.REX (DEUS)TONITRUS CAELUM DEUS-ni OMNIS2 DARE-ta6 § 3 13 REX (L.273)mu(wa)?!-há § 4 1 ANNUS MAGNUS SCALPRUM+ra/i 10 CASTRUM. FORTIS |INFRA CAPERE
The enemy came down to the land. Thirteen kings (to) the Sun Great King Hartapu the Storm-God of Heaven (and) all the gods gave, Thirteeen kings I conquered(?). In one year (of) Great Stone(?) 10 strong fortresses I took down.
Line 3 (scribal signature).
a-wa/i SCRIBA x a pa+ra/i (DEUS)SOL …
… Para […](?) the Sun-blessed (man)
Commentary Line 1 Titulary: though a pastiche of KIZILDAĞ 4 this gives a very depleted version, lacking SOL2 and a repeated MAGNUS.REX, “loved of DN”, and no titles “Great King Hero” for the father.
Mursilisis: the phonetic writing of the patronym in a genealogy with gen. adj. is not common (see TELL AHMAR 1, § 1; MARAŞ 4, § 1; MARAŞ 1, § 1b; BOHÇA, § 1) but interesting. In other contexts patronyms as phonetic gen. adj. are found (CEKKE, §§ 8, 12; KARABURUN, § 7; KULULU l.s. 1 passim),
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though not in the Empire period which would always write simply PN/RN FILIUS even if this was so read. Thus is certainly a Late writing. mu-sà-ka REGIO, “the land Muska”: the reading of this toponym by Meriggi, Hawkins and Poetto is given in Fs Alp, p. 267, and CHLI I/2, p. 441. Meriggi read originally ma- later changed to mu-. Hawkins read and drew ma- (traced in situ), but accepted this as the Muski, until Poetto read ka as an eagle’s head, reading ma-sà REGIO ara/i-na, “the land Masa forever”. Hawkins accepted this in CHLI, but was later doubting AQUILA-na as arin, “forever”: ara/i, monumental and cursive, is the “eagle-man”+ra/i. The clear mu-sà-ka on TK 1 re-established -ka, and prompted a reexamination of the supposed ma-. A good photo-scan has persuaded us of the probability of mu-, which may settle the question: (see AoF 48/2, p. 389, fig. 1). The land Masa is removed from the picture, and for the Muski in the twelfth century B.C., see the evidence of Tiglath-pileser I that in 1115 B.C. from a 50-year occupation of Alzi on the east bank of the Euphrates they were advancing on Kadmuhi (Tur Abdin area). REL: its occurrence here suggests that on KIZILDAĞ 4, the REL between §§ 2b and c should be transferred to the latter (as also on KARADAĞ 1, § 2). Line 2 § 1. ara/i-ní: the Editors ingeniously identify this as a form of Late *a-la/i-ni- / *a-la/i(-wa/i)-ní / á-ru-ni-, “enemy”, giving a subject to an identified § 1. They need to consider the occurrence on KIZILDAĞ 4 of the Empire/Transitional ali-wa/i-ní, suggested as the forerunner of the word with the same meaning. INFRA-tá-a PES-a: it is hard to understand the two -a except as meaningless word-enders/space fillers which become common in 8th century Tabalian inscriptions.
§ 2. há+ra/i-tá-pux: all other attestations show -sa, understood as nom. sing. MF, and indeed the PN is always understood as subject of its introductory clause. But here it may be understood as dat. sing., which would explain the omission. DARE-ta6: the Editors have spotted the parallel TELL AHMAR 1, § 26. This is surprisingly distant and remote but makes good sense here. § 3. (L.273)mu(wa)?!-há: identification of the second sign uncertain, but the Editors’ idea of LEO = hwisara, “wild beasts”, is no better; palaeographically or in sense (L.273) muwa-, “conquer”, is Empire/Transitional usage (YALBURT block 16, § 3; KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2), so should be viewed here as archaism. -há: Editors’ copula “and”; or as here 1 sing. pret., neither usage common. § 4. 1 ANNUS, “in one year”: cf. “1”-ti-i ara/i, “at one time” (ARSUZ 1+2, § 10). MAGNUS.SCALPRUM+ra/i, “great stone(?)”: Editors understand SCALPRUM+ra/i as kutasari-, the only appropriate reading ending -ra/i. CASTRUM FORTIS: muwattalli-, the only known reading of FORTIS is an epithet applied to men, gods and weapons. Its appropriateness to “fortress” is doubtful, where elsewhere “strong” (PUGNUS(-)lumita-) is used. INFRA CAPERE: Editors discuss the readings CAPERE or PONERE, favouring the latter (written verical) as against CAPERE (horizontal). Line 3 I find the Editors speculative interpretation unconvin cing, since we accept neither van den Hout’s reinterpret ation of SCRIBA, nor Goedegebuure’s of tiwadami-. It might be possible to extract a scribal signature from these signs, but we do not argue it further here.
XII. MISCELLANEOUS XII.17. POTOROO. Gypsum casts of octagonal prism inscription. (plate 110) Location. Unknown; this inscription is known only from the eight gypsum casts found in a box in the British Museum. Description. Examination of these casts permits the reconstruction of an original octagonal prism inscribed horizontally on its eight facets with a continuous text. This can be seen to have lost its left-hand end taking with it the ends + beginnings of facets 2+3, 4+5, 6+7 and 8+1 (the end and beginning of the text itself). The extent of the loss can be
estimated only from a consideration of the content, especially facet 1, beginning and facet 8, end. Dimensions: prism, preserved length, c. 4 cm.; ht. of facets, c. 2 cm. Condition: as preserved, good; some chipped areas. Script: incised. Sign forms: generally monumental mu, ta; cursive ma, also one mu; CUM monumental and cursive. Word-dividers: frequent.
Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular. Discovery. As noted, preserved on casts found in the British Museum in 2007. Publication, Edition. J. D. Hawkins, A unique Hieroglyphic Luwian document (Fs Singer (2010), pp. 183–190).
Content. Votive inscription, dedicated to Kubaba of the Law-Suit. Date. To judge from sign forms (monumental, with cursive intruding) mid-9th century B.C. Text. Copy traced from enlarged photographs. Photographs. Courtesy of Dr Dominique Collon.
Excerpt. Facet 5a Yakubovich, Fs Salvini (2019), p. 547 (4).
Because of the loss, it is difficult to determine, thus to number the clauses, so numbering is given by the 8 facets. Since almost all the facets contain the beginning of a new clause (facets 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7?, 8), they are divided for numbering purposes into a, b. Transliteration
Facet 1a. … D]EUS-na-ti |(LITUUS)á-za-mi-i-sa b. wa/i-mu-[*a …?] | | 2a. ⌈za-a⌉-sa |LIS-i-sa (DEUS)AVIS [… | | … 3a. …] “⌈X⌉”-i-wa/i |CUM-ní |CRUS+RA/I b. wa/i-mu-⌈*a⌉ […?] | | […?] ka+ra/i-ka-mi-si-ia-za(URBS) DEUS-na-za CUM-ni 4a. ARHA L.77 L.77-ta b. ⌈a-wa/i⌉-m[i? … | | … 5a. …]-mu L.273 |ku-ti-i |PES-wa/i-ta b. mu-pa-wa/i-ma-za-*a […?] | | 6a. […?] x-x-ha b. wa/i-mu-*a |za-a-sa |LIS-si (DEUS)AVIS CE[RVUS? … | | … 7a. …] x |CUM-ni |ARHA |wa/i-L.336-nu-wa/i-i b. |ku-ma-na |ku-ma-ti-ia(-)na |ti? |ni-sa | FIL[IUS]-ni [… ] | | 8a. […?] |NEG3?-s[a-p]a?-wa/i |AVIS-ni-na |(PES2.PES) tara/i-pi-ti b. pa-ti-pa-wa/i-tá-*a |za-a-sa DEUS-ni-i-sa [… | |
…], loved by the gods, and me this Kubaba of the Lawsuit [… … …] … stood with, and me … with the Karkamisean gods he/she/they …ed. And I myself(?) [… … …] for me(?) he/she/they came … But I to them […?] […] I …ed. And me this Kubaba of the Lawsuit … [… … …] with […] I will cause to … away. When … … […] or? will damage …, for him this god […
Commentary Facet 1a. The writing on this facet is bigger and more spaced out than on the others, which would fit with its being the beginning of the text as suggested by the content. DEUS-na-ti (LITUUS)á-za-mi-i-sa may well be recognized as an epithet attached to the name of the owner/author. A minimal restoration here would be [“I (am) So-and-so], amu-wa-mi
PN”. This would seem more probable than [“This object So-and-so dedicated], the beloved by the gods”. The minimal loss suggested would be extended if patronym and/or title(s) had been included. See also the consideration of the extent of the loss concluding facet 8b, the other most suitable point for estimating the length of the lost left end. The losses at
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facets 2+3a, 4b+5a, 6b+7a would have to be estimated with reference to the estimates for facets 1a and 8b. 1b. wa/i-mu-[*a]: initial-a-final should be restored here following the observation of its regular occurrence on facets 3b, 5b, 6b and 8b. Although no trace of -*a is visible, it should have stood on the chipped/worn lower right corner of the facet. It seems likely that this was the last word on the facet, where the text would have descended to facet 2a, continuing boustrophedon. This supposition is supported by the appearance on the impression of the upper right corner of the facet which looks as if it could well have been the right edge of the prism. Facet 2a. Though the surface of the right side looks damaged, traces of the signs za-a- look reliably recognizable and fit the context well. Also the right edge of the impression looks as if it was the right edge of the prism itself. The text looks likely to have run on, facets 1b+2a without loss. Compare the observations on facets 3b+4a, 5b+6a. |LIS-i-sa: cf. |LIS-si, same context, facet 6b. The first may be identified as genitive in -is, the second as genitive in -(i)si. As a divine epithet this occurs applied to the [Sun?]God on MARAŞ 1, § 6 (see CHLI I/1, Commentary ad loc.), but not elsewhere to the goddess Kubaba. (DEUS)AVIS: the goddess Kubaba is elsewhere always written (DEUS)ku+AVIS, particularly at Karkamiš, her main seat, except in the Commagenian inscriptions where (DEUS) ku+AVIS (CHLI I/1, BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 20; ANCOZ 1, § 2) alternates with (DEUS)AVIS (CHLI I/1, BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 10; 2, §§ 1, 8, 10; ANCOZ 5, § 1; 7, §§ 4, 9) in contexts which assure that the same deity is intended. This could be grounds for associating the present piece with Commagene, as also the possible appearance of the Stag-God (facet 6b). Facet 3a. “⌈X⌉”-i-wa/i: not enough of the logogram is preserved for recognition, nor do the phonetic elements assist here or even suggest the part of speech. |CUM-ni |CRUS+RA/I: on KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 20; arha CRUS+RA/I was interpreted as “step away, secede, revolt” in spite of uncertainty on the reading of the verb (see CHLI I/1, p. 97, Commentary). The present attestation should mean the opposite, “stand with, support”, which could be appropriate to what can be seen of the context. Lost is perhaps only the end of the clause facet 2b, subject Kubaba, and beginning of clause facet 3a, subject perhaps still Kubaba, object [me?]. 3b. wa/i-mu-⌈*a⌉: initial-a-final probable here, and a small trace suggests its presence. The right edge of the facet here and below facet 4a shows surface damage, but it remains both epigraphically and contextually probable that nothing is missing and that the sense runs directly on.
Facet 4a. ka+ra/i-ka-mi-si-ia-za(URBS): “Karkamiš” in the KARKAMIŠ inscriptions is always written with initial KAR(L.315) except on the archaic CHLI I/1, KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 1 (ka+ra/i-, as here), also frag. A18d, and now the new KARKAMIŠ N1, §§ 1 and 7. The form here must be taken as a dat. plur. of the ethnicon Karkamisi(ya)-, in place of the usual Karkamisiza-. CUM-ni ARHA: either double preverb modifying the meaning of the verb, or postposition DEUS-na-za CUM-ni, (“with the gods”) followed by preverb ARHA. L.77.L.77-ta: the logogram L.77, known as a verb (CHLI I/2, ASSUR letters e, § 30; f+g, §§ 16, 52; CHLI I/1, TİLSEVET, § 3), appears to represent a downward-pointing hand with crossed fingers. Though of unknown reading, its context may suggest a meaning “promise, pledge” (perhaps symbolized by a hand gesture). The present doubled attestation (signifying a reduplicated form?) probably has as a direct object the -mu of facet 3b, subject perhaps still Kubaba. The context here is hardly sufficient to suggest an interpret ation. 4b. ⌈a-wa/i⌉-m[i? … : -mi, if correctly read, would indicate that the verb of this largely lost clause was 1 sing. Facet 5a. […]-mu L.273 |ku-ti-i: apparent though not certain order of reading. The sign L.273 is normally used as a logo gram determining the words warpi-, now “weapon, tool”, tupi-, “smite”, hutaili-, “?”, also (early) muwa-, “conquer”. Occasionally it seems to function as a syllabogram, notably in the verbal form wa/i+ra/i-L.273-na (TELL AHMAR 6, § 34; see Hawkins, 2006, p. 31), which must be an infinitive, suggesting a syllabic value Cu. Here it is quite unclear whether it could be read following the word-divider as a logogram determining ku-ti-i or as a syllabogram following -mu. See now Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “When they came to me with arms …” ku-ti-i: otherwise unknown, perhaps adverb (or dat. sing. of a noun?), modifying verb awi-, as in “come well (wasu) / badly (wala) / with goodness/badness etc.” PES-wa/i-ta (awi(n)ta), “he/she/they came”: subject perhaps the “Karkamisean gods”, who could also be the “to them” (-manza) of facet 5b. 5b. mu-pa-wa/i-ma-za-*a (amu-pa-wa-manza) “but I to them”: perhaps last word of facet, clause running directly on to facet 6a with verb 1 sing. pret. Facet 6a. x-x-ha: unidentifiable traces of verb, only ending -ha preserved. There may well have been nothing further lost. 6b. wa/i-mu-*a (awa-mu): note cursive form of -mu in contrast with monumental forms, facets 1b, 3b, 5b.
CE[RVUS? … : reading probable, not certain. In the KARKAMIŠ inscriptions, Kubaba when linked to other gods normally follows Karhuha, the Karkamiš form of the Stag-God Runtiya: see MALATYA 13 (Commentary, CHLI I/1, p. 328 f.); cf. TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 (Commentary, Hawkins, 2006, p. 19). In the Commagenian inscriptions of ANCOZ (1, 5 and 7) Ala-Kubaba follows imr(asi) Runtiya, paired with him seemingly as consort. Facet 7a. CUM-ni |ARHA |wa/i-L.336-nu-wa/i-i: verb with some preverbs already attested on the unclear AFRIN, § 1, see Commentary, CHLI I/2, p. 387, and probably read there wa/i-L.336-nu!-tá (3 sing./plur. pret.). The present form, still of unknown reading and meaning, appears to be 1 sing. pres. 7b(?). ku-ma-na (kuman), “when”: presumably introduces a new clause in spite of the absence of other connect ive particles. ku-ma-ti-ia(-)na |ti? |ni-sa |INF[ANS]-ni [… : seems to be only possible order of reading, but it is all very uncertain and no obvious sense can be obtained. ku-ma-ti-ia(-)na: unknown word, uncertain form. ti?: only known as orthotonic pronoun 2 sing. nom. (as against dat.-acc. tu); see CHLI I/2, ASSUR letters f+g, § 52, sole attestation. ni-sa: possibly nis, prohib. (but hardly in a subordinate clause introduced by kuman) or disjunctive. INF[ANS]-ni [… : if correctly read, may require at least one further column of signs lost from right end of facet. Facet 8a. may require comparable loss at the beginning to that of the end of facet 7 above. |NEG3?-s[a-p]a?-wa/i: reading uncertain, but looks probable, would represent a disjunctive nispa. Disjunctives re-
cognized in Hawkins, An. St. 25 (1975), pp. 145–148, cit. 53–56 (see now also Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert (2010), pp. 110–121) were NEG2(-a)-pa alternating with ni-pa. These have been joined by ni-i … ni-pa-wa/i, “whether … or”, and NEG3-sa-pa-wa/i … NEG3-sa-pa-wa/i, “or (who)… or (who)” (see CHLI I/2, KULULU 5, § 7a–f; CHLI I/1, BOROWSKI 3, §§ 9, 10, and commentaries there). The present proposed reading thus already had parallels on BOROWSKI 3. An alternative but seemingly less likely reading would be RELs[a-p]a?-wa/i, “But (he) who …”. AVIS-ni-na: first sign logogram or syllabogram? The word is in any case unknown, presumably acc. sing. MF. (PES2.PES)tara/i-pi-ti: frequently attested verb signifying some kind of damage to monuments has not been more precisely elucidated since Morpurgo Davies, Fs Risch, pp. 129–145; but see now Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 202–208. 8b. pa-ti-pa-wa/i-tá-*a (apati-pa-wa-ta), “for him +ta (Ortspartikel)”: normal apodosis in curse formulae, usually introduced by “But (he) who …”, often followed by “or … or … or”. Facets 7b+8a–b together. To combine facet 7b with 8a–b is not easy, whether 8a begins NEG3-sa-[p]a-wa/i or REL-sa[p]a-wa/i. Such sequences normally begin “(he) who …” or “if …”. The word kuman, “when”, in such a context is unpa ralleled. This, combined with the uncertainties of reading in this clause, renders it quite obscure. 8b. A minimal restoration to complete this clause and thus to estimate the extent of possible loss from the left end of the prism would be a verb, perhaps with preverb and/ or direct object, so two or three words. It would be poss ible, but probably unlikely, that a further clause might have stood here.
XII.18. MILETOS. Bronze horse frontlet. (plate 111) Location. Berlin, Antikensammlung M 32. Description. 9th/8th century B.C. northern Syrian trapezoidal bronze horse frontlet as part of trappings for a four-horse chariot team. Three upright lions in relief. Hier. Luw. inscription placed horizontally above the upper two lions, embossed with the same tools as the details on the lion’s bodies (inscription is likely of the same hand as the object). Discovery. Frontlet: Miletos, 1903, sanctuary of Athena, in a votive-deposit of the late 6th centrury B.C. Inscription:
Berlin Antikensammlung, 1998 when X-raying for preparing conservation by U. Peltz. Publication. Frontlet: Held, 2000, 129 fig. 65, 132–134 pl. 25 “B 38”. Inscription (without reading): Herda, 2013, p. 434 f. with n. 54. Full publication: Herda et al., forthcoming. Content. Apparently a note of manufacture with name of maker. Text, photographs, X-rays, drawing. Courtesy of A. Herda, U. Peltz.
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Reading. I am most grateful to Dr. Alexander Herda for drawing my attention to this remarkable piece and providing drawing and photographs; also the information on the character of the object, its provenance and discovery as recorded above. The discovery of this short epigraph under the corrosion of the bronze frontlet was a remarkable achivement, and the delicate cleaning quite a feat, as was also the photography. In fact when I spent time examining the piece itself, my impression was that the photography actually showed more than the naked eye. Having said that
however, I must emphasize that the reading and interpret ation of the signs of the last part of the inscription are not secure: the first three words a relatively certain, but the last four by no means so. The readings which I offer give a not improbable sense, the only one indeed which I can suggest, but are based on a very unceratin identification of the signs. As to date, the cursive sign forms are consistent with a later 8th centrury date without excluding the possibility of an earlier or later period.
REX-[ti?]-i-wa/i za-na FRONTALIA á-mi I?x-na i?-zi?-i?-ha? ha-na-ia …
For the king this frontlet I myself? PN made? …
Comments REX-[ti?]-i-wa/i, “for the king”: the -[ti?] might be expected, but no trace is visible; reading relatively secure otherwise.
would be another unrecognized Hieroglyph. There may then be two futher signs, the first of which is -na.
za-na, “this”: adequately clear.
i?-zi?-i?-ha?, “I made”:none of the signs is certainly so to be recognized. On the other hand they suggest no other signs, and this reading would give clear sense. Possibly the signs were crudely or defectively rendered.
FRONTALIA (Lat. “frontlet”): I took this otherwise unattested sign as an ad hoc pictogram created to express the object itself, but Herda points out that it shows not this type but an Urartian style. He compares our frontlet with one from Tell Tayinat (H. Kantor, JNES 21 (1962), pp. 93–117, esp. p. 96 fig. 4), and suggests this site as the likely provenance of out piece. For more detailed discussion, see Herda et al., forthcoming. á-mi, “myself”: an unattested form, perhaps an error for an expected á-mu. x-na: if the context is otherwise correctly understood, this would have to give the personal name of hte maker, the point of the whole inscription. The small diagonal stroke might be taken as the personal determinative, though it slopes the wrong way. Below it the supposed names first sign appears to have the form of a St. George’s cross, which I?
ha-na-ia … : what is apparently the last word begins with three relatively clear signs and has perhaps one or two more. This suggests no known Hier. Luwian word, nor does the context as understood offer any clues as to what this word might denote. Bibliography. W. Held, Das Heiligtum der Athena in Milet (Milesische Forschungen 2; Mainz, 2000); A. Herda “Greek (and Our) Views on the Karians” in Luwian Identities (2013), pp. 421–506; Herda et al., “Hieroglyphic Luwian in Miletos: On an Inscribed Syro-Hittite Horse Frontlet of the 9th/8th Century BCE from the Sanctuary of Athena. With Contri butions by Uwe Peltz and John David Hawkins”, forthcoming.
XII.19. PANCARLI. Statue(?) fragment. (plate 112) Location. Gaziantep Museum, no. 850. Description. Basalt fragment of stele (statue?), preserving parts of two lines of inscription, sinistroverse-dextroverse,
and traces of a third. The piece is oval in section, with the inscribed face curving round to an uninscribed area which thus marks the left edge of the inscription, so that the first line descends directly to the second giving a continuous text.
The right-hand part of the inscription is destroyed. Line 1 may have been the first of the inscription, as is suggested by the larger signs and spacing, also by the first preserved word [n]í-[mu]-wa/i-i-za-sa which is perhaps the end of the introductory genealogical sequence.
signs of being worked, have been cleared into long field boundaries, and in one such pile at Pancarlı the piece was observed and reported in October 2006 by Mehmet Kaya from Zincirli. It was subsequently taken to the Museum in Gaziantep.
Dimensions: preserved ht., 32 cm.; preserved diameter, 46 cm.; preserved circumference, 62 cm. Condition: fairly good as preserved. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: mixed, monumental (mu, da, á) and cursive (ta, ma). Word-dividers: almost entirely lost from line 1; line 2 intermittent; untypical in that the second element shows no bend or curve. Peculiarities: initial-a-final; but also -i as space-filler/wordender.
Publication, Edition. V. R. Herrmann, T. van den Hout and A. Beyazlar, A new Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from Pancarlı Höyük (JNES 75 (2016), pp. 53–70).
Discovery. Pancarlı höyük is a mound about 1 km. southeast of Zincirli. Fragments of grey basalt, many showing
Content. Apparently as preserved a royal memorial statue inscription. Date. 10th or early 9th centuries B.C.: discussed in detail by the editors. Text. Copies drawn by K. Reczuch Parker and V. R. Herrmann. Photographs. Courtesy of V. R. Herrmann, T. van den Hout.
Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6
[… n]í-[mu]-wa/i-i-za-sa wa/i-ta-*a ⌈|⌉ku-ma-na [x] NEPOS-ia-ti REL-ti-i-ha ⌈x⌉-hu-ti-i-*a | | PRAE(-)ia-i x-i wa/i-mu-*a (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sa (MANUS)i-sada-ri+i PUGNUS-ri+i-ta wa/i-mu-i?-i?-i? |SUPER+ra/i (VIA?!-PUGNUS)pu-da a-wa/i |REL-ia-ta |za-a |(STELE)wa/i-ní-i-za |LIBARE-ti-i a-wa/i á-za-l[u/a/i?-…
[… ] son. When to any descendant … for(?) me Tarhunza raised … the hand, and he …-ed up for me. When(?) one will offer this stele, a feast? […
Commentary This deceptively straight-forward looking inscription presents considerable difficulties, with which the editor has wrestled bravely. Some of the problems seem to me to be insoluble. § 1. The editor’s proposed restoration (“[This stele(?) is of PN1 (title?), PN2’s (title?)] s[o]n”.) attempts to provide an otherwise unclear subject for his restored § 2, which is in any case very problematic. § 2. [x] NEPOS-ia-ti REL-ti-i-ha: it is probably necessary to take -ha with REL-ti-i to give an indefinite rather than a relative, since the clause is already subordinate (kuman … , “when”). As the editor notes NEPOS-ia-ti (dat. sing.) does not correspond to any attested reading of NEPOS.
⌈x⌉-hu-ti-i-*a: the loss of -ha seems to rule out hu-hati-i-*a, “from grandfather”; and is the recognition of initial-a-final obligatory in this inscription? PRAE … : this can hardly stand last in its clause, which suggests seeking the verb in what follows, though this is unpromising. §§ 3–4 seem to require a preterite verb, of which there is no sign. § 3. (MANUS)… : as the editor notes, some writing of istri-, “hand”, is demanded here, but difficult to extract from what is visible. Editor’s i-sa-da-ri+i is perhaps the best that can be done, though the word is (almost?) always written with sà not sa; and what case? (the parallel passage ARSUZ 2, § 19, has acc. sing. MF).
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
§ 4. wa/i-mu-i-i-i: inexplicable as it stands, even if -i spacefiller/word-ender may be recognized in this inscription. At very least initial-a-final, wa/i-mu-*a is demanded. Also SUPER+ra/i normally has plene -a. (VIA?!-PUGNUS)pu-da: editor’s recognition of this as another example (after KARABURUN, § 13; ARSUZ 1+2, § 20;
MARAŞ 14, § 9) seems certain in spite of the poor rendering of VIA; the verb in context appears intransitive. § 5. REL-ia-ta?: recognition as conjunction, variant of RELi-ta, seems more likely than a derivative of kwaya-, “fear”. § 6. á-za-l[u/a/i-… : editor’s restoration looks probable.
XII.20. URFA 1. Base (information from Poetto (Publicate)). (plate 113) Location. Urfa Museum. Description. Rectangular base, wide sides A and C, narrow sides B and D. Side A tolerably preserved bears a 3-line Hieroglyphic inscription truncated on the right by severe damage to side D. On the left, the edge of the inscription appears to be preserved on ll. 2–3, where a vertical line may be seen. Side C, with upper area abraded show below a bull’s hind legs and tail (right), and (left) a right facing bull’s head—these in low relief. The upper surface of the block shows a rectangular mortice hole to support an upper element. Dimensions: ht., 0.36 m.; w., 0.60 m. Condition: fair, rough. Script, line-dividers: relief. Sign forms: monumental (cursive mu, u). Word-dividers: some visible. Peculiarities: initial-a-final (ll. 2c, 3b); but redundant -a (l. 2b).
Discovery. “Found at Külaflı Tepe a north western neighbourhood of Şanlı urfa”, bought by Urfa Archaeological Museum in 2000; worked on by Poetto in 2002 and 2008. Publication. (Announcement) F. Kulakoğlu, 2002 Yıllı Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi Konferansları 2003, pp. 65–80; (Full) M. Poetto, A new Hieroglyphic Luwian Epigraph: URFA-KÜLAFLI TEPE, in Mouton, Hittitology Today (2017), pp. 51–62. Edition. Poetto, loc. cit. Content. Dedication? Date. Earlier (9th century) rather than late (8th century)— initial-a-final. Text. Copy from publication, courtesy of M. Poetto. Photographs. Poetto.
Transliteration (following Poetto, with some alternative suggestions). 1. § 1 …]-ti-i § 2 a-wa/i “NOVEM”-x x-x-na á-⌈pa?⌉-si-na x-x-si-pa-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti [… | | 2. § 3 …]-wa/i-tú-(m)u?! § 4 a-wa/i |SCALA -sa-pa-tá (FIGURE) u-su-pa-ta-ti-a § 5 wa/i-tá-*a ma-x| |-la(URBS) |zi-la(-)[…] § 6 wa/i-mu-ta-*a |“CENTUM(×2)” |“OVIS?” za-la-x-za |“CENTUM(×2)” …
Commentary Nothing much to be added to Poetto’s discussion of the various points of this difficult inscription. §§ 3–4. …]-wa/i-tú-(m)u?! a-wa/i … : suggested alternative reading to that of Poetto.
§ 4. u-su-pa-ta-ti--a: note the word u-su?-PRAE-ia-zi (usupariyanzi, acc. plur. MF) recently identified on ANCOZ 7, § 4 (Hawkins in Diversity and Standardization, p. 74), which may be associated, though u-su-pa-ta- should not show rhotacism.
XII.21. URFA 2. Bull base. Location. Urfa Museum.
Publication. B. Çelik, A new stele base of the Late Hittite Period from Siverek-Şanlıurfa, Anadolu 28 (2005), pp. 17–24.
XII.22. URFA 3. Storm-God stele. Location. Urfa Museum. Preliminary notice: M. Poetto in StBoT 58 (Gs Otten), pp. 182, 187 (photos, obv., rev.).
URFA 2 and 3: currently being studied by Drs. Meltem Doğan-Alparslan and Metin Alparslan (M. Poetto in Hittitology Today, p. 55. n. 40).
XIII. SEALS XIII.22. TELL TAYINAT seal (plate 114) Location. Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago, field no. T 2156; Museum no. OIM A41977. Description. Lapis lazuli stone in gold mount: enclosed within an incised line a 13-sign Hieroglyphic incised inscription follows the oval shape around the stone, surrounding in its turn a central oval within another incised line, in which is engraved a left-facing couchant lion. The gold mount holds the upper rounded face of the stone with a series of small clamps and has an elaborate knob on either short side. The piece could have been a finger ring which has lost its encircling loop. Dimensions: 16 × 13 mm. Condition: clear. Script: incised. Sign forms: cursive. Word-dividers: not used.
Discovery. Excavated by the Syro-Hittite Expedition at Tell Tayinat on 21 July 1937 unstratified in Building IX, the Assyrian governor’s residence: information on excavation register slip, kindly provided by van den Hout. Publication, Edition. T. van den Hout, in C. Woods (ed.), Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond (exhibition catalogue, OIMP 32 (2010), cat. no. 98, p. 211 f.). Content. “Ownership seal”: see CHLI I/2, p. 573(3). While the types noted there bore inscriptions only (XIII.11a–c; also XIII.12, 13), the present example and the following have the central couchant lion, aligning them more with XIII.14–16 and 20–21. Date. Probably 8th century B.C., later. Text. Copy traced from enlarged photograph. Photograph. Courtesy of the Oriental Institute, Chicago and T. van den Hout.
Part 2: New Inscriptions of the Iron Age
Translation This seal (is) of Ku(wa)la(na)muwa (the man) of the Sun.
za-a-wa/i SIGILLUM-za EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-mu-wa/i-sa SOLma-sa!?
Commentary PN EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-: as onomastic element, Hier. EXERCITUS = Cun. ku-la-na- (Poetto, Kadmos 21 (1982), pp. 101–103); log. [IKI].KAL.BAD.LÚ = Cun. Iku-wa/i-l[a…] (Güterbock, DŠ, p. 91 n. 8), elsewhere Iku-wa/i-la-na-LÚ (KUB XXVI 43 obv. 8, 53), which points to a full reading kuwalan-; but an ablative EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-ti suggests a reduced form kula- (TOPADA, § 8; KÖRKÜN, § 6; see Starke, Stammbildung, pp. 234–237). Is this the form given here? cf. Phoen. klmw (Kulamuwa?), KAI2 nos. 24–25.
SOL-ma-sa!? (reading contra van den Hout, Publication): (gen. sing.) seems to be a shortened form of the usual (DEUS. SOL)tiwadami- // tiwarami- CAPUT-ti-, for which see CHLI I/1, p. 58. The sign taken by the editor as SACERDOS seems almost certainly ma, giving a phonetic complement to SOLma-sa, (“(man of) the Sun” (gen. sing.)); the -sa!? could be supplied by the otherwise unexplained “small hook” as an aberrant form.
XIII.23. CHRISTIES seal (plate 114) Location. Unknown, bought by private collector?
Discovery. Unknown; appeared on antiquities market.
Description. Haematite stamp seal (“scaraboid”) bearing on its oval face a 14-sign incised Hieroglyphic inscription following the outer edge of the oval and surrounding a central couchant right-facing lion.
Publication. Christies catalogue 25 April 2001, no. 465.
Dimensions: ht., 1.9 cm.; w. (est.), 2.2 cm. Condition: good. Sign forms: cursive. Word-dividers: one. Peculiarities: —
Content. “Ownership seal”: see XIII.22 above. Date. Probably 8th century B.C., later. Text. Copy traced from enlarged photograph. Photograph. Taken from Christies catalogue.
za-wa/i SIGILLUM-za ha+ra/i-x-ia-sá |IUSTITIA-ni(-)za-i-sa
This seal (is) of Hara-… the righteous(?).
Commentary PN ha+ra/i-x-ia-sá: sign x unclear, unidentified.
IUSTITIA-ni(-)za-i-sa: epithet tarawani- + suffix(?) -za-i-sa; suffix though clearly legible is unexplained.
XIII.24. KARKAMIŠ N3 seal (plate 114) Location. Gaziantep Museum: excavation no. KH.11.O.65. Information taken from editors see Publication.
Description. Bronze cylinder seal, axially perforated; the editors considered it to be cast from a wax original. The signs placed between an upper double line and lower single
line are incised to give a relief impression running dextroverse in a continuous frieze. Dimensions: ht., 2.8 cm.; diameter, 1.3 cm. Condition: fair, worn area. Sign forms: cursive. Peculiarities: —
Publication, Editions. A Dinçol, B. Dinçol, H. Peker, Orientalia 83 (2014), pp. 162–165, fig. 1 (copy), tab. X.1 (photographs of 8 sides of seal, top and bottom); 2 (photo of seal with continuous impression). Text. Copy from publication, courtesy of B. Dinçol, H. Peker.
Discovery. Excavated in 2011 in surface fill of the cella (L.110) of the Hilani building (area B) in the Lower Town at Karkamiš.
Photographs. Courtesy of N. Marchetti, B. Dinçol, H. Peker.
(follows editors) za-wa/i SIGILLUM|-zi Ia+ra/i-ku-wa/i-ni-[s]a LEPUS+RA/I
This seal (is) of Arikuwani the governor(?)
Comments The editors deal very adequately with the peculiarities of the inscription. word-divider after logogram.
-zi for -za: parallels, especially STELE(wa/i)-ni-zi. -ku- unusual without internal markings. LEPUS+RA/I for tapari(yali), “governor”?
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations For changes and new interpretations see Part 4, Addenda and Corrigenda. For recently discovered Iron Age inscriptions, see Part 2.
I. CILICIA I.1. KARATEPE 1 Transliteration § I, 1 – 6
Ho. Phoen. § II, 7 – 11
§ III, 12 – 17
Phoen. Hu.
Ho. Phoen. § IV, 18 – 20
§ V, 21 – 29
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
Phoen. § VI, 30 – 37
Ho. Phoen.
|EGO-mi I(LITUUS)á-za-ti-i-wa/i-da-sá (DEUS)SOL-mi-sá CAPUT-ti-i-sá (DEUS) TONITRUS-hu-ta-sa SERVUS-la/i-sá EGO2 [… ʾnk ʾztwd h-brk bʿl ʿbd bʿl á-wa/i+ra/i-ku-sa-wa/i | | REL-i-na MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-wa/i-ta á-TANA-wa/i-ní-isá(URBS) REX-ti-sá [á-w]á/í+ra/i-[ku]-sa-wa/i [REL]-i-na […-w]a/i-ta á-TANA-[wa/i]-ní-[…](URBS) ⌈REX⌉-ti-sa ʾš ʾdr ʾwrk mlk dnnym wa/i-mu-u (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sa á-TANA-wa/i| |-ia(URBS) MATER-na-tí-na tá-ti-ha i-zi-i-da wá/í-mu […]-za-sa [… pʿln bʿl l-dnnym l-ʾb w-l-ʾm |ARHA-ha-wa/i |la+ra/i+a-nú-ha |á-TANA-wa/i-na(URBS) [… …](URBS) yḥw ʾnk ʾyt dnnym |(“MANUS”)la-tara/i-ha-ha-wá/í |á-TANAwá/í-za(URBS) |“TERRA+X”(-)wá/í+ra/i-za |zi-na |(“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-mi |VERSUS-ia-na |zi-pa-wá/í (ORIENS)ki-sà-ta-mi-i |VERSUS-na (“MANUS”)la-tara/i-ha-ha-wà/ì |á-TANAwa/i-za(URBS) TERRA+LA+LA(-)wá/í+ra/i-za zi-na (“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-mi |⌈VERSUS⌉-[… yrḥb ʾnk ʾrṣ ʿmq ʾdn l-mmṣʾ šmš w-ʿd mbʾy |á-mi-ia-za-há-wa/i (“DIES)ha-lí-za |á-TANA-wá/í-ia(URBS) |OMNIS+MI-ma (“BONUS”)sa-na-wa/i-ia |(“CORNU+RA/I”)su+ ra/i-sa |(LINGERE)ha-sa-sa-ha á-sá-ta [ …] OMNIS-⌈MI⌉-ma BONUS-na-wá/í […] |(LINGERE)ha-s[a-… …-t]a w-kn b-ymty kl nʿm l-dnnym w-šbʿ w-mnʿm
Translation I (am) Azatiwada, the Sun-blessed(?) man, Tarhunza’s servant,
I (am) ʾZTWD the blessed of Baal, the servant of Baal, whom Awariku the Adanawean king promoted.
whom ʾWRK the king of the DNNYM promoted. Tarhunza made me mother and father to Adanawa,
Baal made me as father and as mother to the DNNYM, and I caused Adanawa to prosper,
I caused the DNNYM to live, and I extended the Adanawean plain in the one direction towards the west and in the other direction towards the east,
I extended the land of the plain of ʾDN from the rising of the sun even unto its setting, and in my days there were to Adanawa all good things, plenty and satiety
and there were in my days every good to the DNNYM and plenty and luxury,
§ VII, 38 – 40
§ VIII, 41 – 44
§ IX, 45 – 48
§ X, 49 – 55
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
Phoen. § XI, 56 – 59
§ XII, 60 – 64
§ XIII, 65 – 68
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu. Ho. Hu. Ho. Phoen.
§ XIV, 69 – 73
§ XV, 74 – 80
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
Ho. Phoen.
|(“MANUS”)su-wá/í-ha-ha-wá/í |pa-há+ ra/i-wa/i-ní-zi(URBS) |(L.255”)ka-ru-na-zi [… pa]-ha+ra/i-wa/i-n[í-z]i(URBS) (L.255) ka-ru-na-zi w-mlʾ ʾnk ʿqrt pʿr |EQUUS.ANIMA-zú-ha-wa/i-ta (EQUUS. ANIMA)á-zú-wa/i |SUPER+ra/i-ta |i-zi-i-ha (EQUUS.ANIMA)á-⌈zú⌉-pa-wá/í-ta (EQUUS. ANIMA)á-zú-wá/í SUPER+ra/i-ta i-zi-i-ha w-pʿl ʾnk ss ʿl ss EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-za-pa-wa/i-ta |EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-ní |SUPER+ra/i-ta |i-zi-i-há [ … ]-⌈lí⌉ [ … ] w-mgn ʿl mgn |(SCUTUM”)hara/i-li-pa-wa/i-ta |(“SCUTUM”)hara/i-li |SUPER+ra/i-ta |i-zi-i-há [ … ]-pa-wá/í-t[a] |EXERCITUSlu/a/i-ní-i SUPER+ra/i-ta |i-zi-i-ha OMNIS-MIma-z[a] |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-tí DEUS-nari+i-ha w-mḥnt ʿl mḥnt b-ʿbr bʾl w-ʾlm REL-pa-wá/í |(L.255)mara/i+ra/i-ia-ní-zi |ARHA |ma-ki-sa!-há | | […] |(“L.255”)⌈mara/i+ra/i⌉-i[a]-ní [… w-šbrt mlṣm |(“MALUS2”)ha-ní-ia-ta-pa-wa/i-ta-a |REL-ia |(TERRA)ta-sà-REL+ra/i |a-ta |á-sá-ta |(“MALUS2”)há-ní-ia-ta-ia-pa-wa/i-ta REL-ia |(“TERRA+LA+LA)wa/i+ra/i-ri+i a-ta |á-sa-ta-a |wá/í-ta (TERRA)ta-sà-REL+ra/i ARHA |⌈L.501⌉ […]-há |wa/i-ta (“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-ri+i |ARHA L.501-ha-há w-trq ʾnk kl h-rʿ ʾš kn b-ʾrṣ |á-ma| |-za4-há-wá/í-ta |DOMINUS-ní-za |DOMUS-na-za |(BONUS)sa-na-wá/í |u-sa-nú-há |á-ma-za-pa-wá/í-ta-a DOMINUS-ní-za | | [… w-yṭnʾ ʾnk bt ʾdny b-nʿm |á-mi-há-wa/i |DOMINUS-ní-i |(NEPOS) ha-su-a |OMNIS-MI-ma | | (BONUS)sa-nawa/i-ia |CUM-na i-zi-i-há […] |OMNIS-MI-ma-ia |(“BONUS”)sa-nawá/í-ia |CUM-ni i-zi-i-há w-pʿl ʾnk l-šrš ʾdny nʿm
and I filled the Paharean granaries,
and I filled the granaries of PʿR, and I made horse upon horse,
and I made horse upon horse. and I made army upon army,
and shield upon shield. and I made shield upon shield, … all by Tarhunza and the gods.
and army upon army by the grace(?) of Baal and the gods. So I x-ed the x-es (translation questioned, see Addenda and Corrigenda Commentary). And I broke the proud(?), and the evils which were in the land,
I chased out of the land.
And I chased away(?) all the evil which was in the land. And I blessed my lord’s house well,
and I established the house of my lord in good(ness), and I did all good things for my lord’s family,
and I did good to the root of my lord.
180 § XVI, 81 – 84
§ XVII § XVIII, 85 – 94
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
Hu. Ho. Phoen. [Hu.] Phoen. Hu.
§ XIX, 95 – 101
Ho. Phoen. § XX, 102 – 107
Ho. Phoen. § XXI, 108 – 113
Hu. Ho. Phoen.
§ XXII, 114 – 118
§ XXIII, 119 – 124
Phoen. Hu.
|á-pa-sá-há-wá/í-ta |tá-ti-i |(“THRONUS”) i-sà-tara/i-ti |(“SOLIUM[”)i]-s[à-nu-wa/i-ha |á-pa-sa-há-wa/i-ta-a |tá-ti-i |(“THRONUS”) i-sà-tara/i-tí-i |(“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wà/ì-há-a | | w-yšb ʾnk ʿl ksʾ ʾby (Ho. lacks this clause). w-št ʾnk šlm ʾt kl mlk [… | | …] |[i-zi]-i-[da] |á-[mi]-ia-ti |IUSTITIA-na-ti |á-mi-ia+ra/i-ha |(“COR”)á-tana-sa-ma-ti |á-mi-ia+ra/i-há | | |(“BONUS”) sa-na-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti |OMNIS-MI-sa-ha-wa/i-mu-ti-i REX-ti-sa |tá-ti-na |i-zi-da |á-mi-tí |IUSTITIA-na-ri+i |á-mi-ia+ra/i-há |“COR”-ta-na-sa-ma-ri+i |á-mi+ra/i-ha |(“BONUS”)sa-na-wa/i-sa-tara/i-tí w-ʾp b-ʾbt pʿln kl mlk b-ṣdqy w-b-ḥkmty w-b-nʿm lby (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ní-sà-pa-wá/í |(PUGNUS)lu/a/i-mi-da-ia ⌈AEDIFICARE⌉-MI-ha [… ha+ra/i-ní-[| | …] |(“FINES”)i+ra/i-há-za w-bn ʾnk ḥmyt ʿzt b-kl qṣyt ʿl gblm (MALUS)á-tu-wa/i-ri+i-zi-wa/i-ta |CAPUT-tí-zi |REL-ta-na |a-ta ⌈á-sa-ta⌉ (⌈“L.217?⌉”)u-sa-lí-⌈zi⌉ |MALUS-la/i-zí-wá/í-ta-a ICAPUT-tí-i-zi |REL-i-ta-na a-ta |a-sa4-ta |(“L.217”)u-sà-lì-zí b-mqmm b-ʾš kn ʾšm rʿm bʿl ʾgddm NEG2-wá/í REL-zi |SUB-na-na PUGNUS. PUGNUS-la/i-ta |mu-ka-sa-sa-na |DOMUS-ní-i NEG2-wa/i REL-zi |SUB-na-na |PUGNUS?!. PUGNUS?!-ta mu-ka-sá-sá-na | | DOMUS-ní-i ʾš bl ʾš ʿbd kn l-bt mpš á-mu-pa-wá/í-ma-da |(LITUUS)á-zati-wa/i+ra/i-sá |(“PES”)pa-da-za |SUB-na-na |PONERE-há |á-mu-pa-wa/i-ma-ara/i (LITUUS)á-zati-wa/i-da-sá |(“PES”)pa-da-za |SUB-na-na “PONERE”-há w-ʾnk ʾztwd štnm tḥt pʿmy |REL-pa-wá/í-ta LOCUS-la/i-ta-za-a |á-pa-ta-za |(“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ní-sà |a-ta |AEDIFICARE+MI-ha |REL-i-pa-wa/i-ta |“LOCUS”-la/i-ta-za | (CASTRUM)ha+ra/i-ní-i-sà a-ta | | | […] w-bn ʾnk ḥmyt b-mqmm hmt
and I caused (it) to sit upon its father’s throne.
and I caused it to sit on the throne of its father, […] and I established peace with every king And every king made me father to himself because of my justice and my wisdom and my goodness.
and also every king made me as father because of my justice and of my wisdom and my goodness of heart. And I built strong fortresses […] on the frontiers,
And I built strong walls in all the limits on the frontiers, wherein were bad men, robbers,
in places in which there were bad men, masters of gangs, who had not PUGNUS.PUGNUS-ed under Muksa’s house,
none of whom had been servant to the house of MPŠ and I, Azatiwada, put them under my feet.
And I, ʾZTWD, put them under my feet. So I built fortresses in those places,
and I built walls in those places.
§XXIV, 125 – 128
§ XXV, 129 – 133
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
Phoen. § XXVI, 134 – 137
§ XXVII, 138 – 141 § XXVIII, 142 – 144
§ XXIX, 145 – 146 § XXX, 147 – 152
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
Ho. Phoen. § XXXI, 153 – 158
|á-TANA-wa/i-sa-wa/i(URBS) | | |REL-ti |(BONUS)wa/i+ra/i-ia-ma-la |SOLIUM-MI-i […] REL-ti |(BONUS)wa/i+ra/i-ia-má-la |SOLIUM+MI-i l-šbtnm dnnym b-nḥt lbnw |L.274-ta-li-ha-há-wa/i “CASTRUM”-sà (PUGNUS)lu/a/i-mi-da-ia-a | | (“OCCIDENS”) i-pa-mi “VERSUS”-na |(L.274)há-ta-li-há-há-wá/í (“CASTRUM”) ha+ra/i-ní-sà |(PUGNUS)lu/a/i-mi-da-iá (“SOL”) i-pa-mí-i |VERSUS-na w-ʿn ʾnk ʾrṣt ʿzt b-mbʾ šmš |NEG2-wa/i REL-ia (L.274)ha-ta-la-i-ta |FRONS-li-zi REX-ti-zi |NEG2-wa/i |REL-ia |(L.274)há-ta| |-la-i-ta |FRONS-lu/a/i-zí REX-zi ʾš bl ʿn kl h-mlkm |á-mu | | REL-zi |PRAE-na |á-sá-ta |á-mu-wa/i |REL-zi4 |PRAE-na |á-sá-ta ʾš kn l-pny |á-mu-pa-wa/i+ra/i (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i+ ra/i-sá (L.274)ha-ta-li-i-ha |REL-i-pa-wa/i-ara/i |á-mu (OCULUS)á-zati-wa/i-da-sá-a (L.274)ha-ta-li-há w-ʾnk ʾztwd ʿntnm INFRA-ta-ha-wa/i-ta | | |(“PES”)u-sá-ha INFRA-ta-ha-wa/i-ta |(“PES”)u-sa-há-a | | yrdm ʾnk INFRA-ta-ha-wa/i-da |(SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-há (DEUS)ORIENS-mi VERSUS-na á-mi-ia-za-ta (FINES)i+ra/i-há-za | | […] (DEUS)ORIENS-mi VERSUS-na |á-míza-ta |(“FINES”)i+ra/i-ha-za yšbm ʾnk b-qṣt gbly b-mṣʾ šmš REL-pa-wa/i |á-TANA-wa/i-ní-zi(URBS) |zi-da |á-pa-ti-i INFRA-ta |(SOLIUM)i-sà-núwa/i-ha REL-pa-wa/i |á-TANA-wa/i-ní-zi(URBS) |zi-da |a-pa-ri+í (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-há w-dnnym yšbt šm
so that Adanawa might dwell peacefully.
for the DNNYM to dwell in peace of their hearts. And I smote strong fortresses towards the west,
And I subdued strong lands in the setting of the sun, which former kings had not smitten,
which none of the kings had subdued, who were before me. who were before me. (So) I, Azatiwada, smote them,
And I, ʾZTWD, smote them, and I brought (them) down, and I brought them down, and I settled them down towards the east on my frontiers,
I settled them in the limits of my frontiers in the rising of the sun, and so then I settled Adanaweans down there.
and I settled DNNYM there.
182 § XXXII, 159 – 170
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
Ho. Phoen.
§ XXXIII, 171 – 176
§ XXXIV, 177 – 181
§XXXV, 182 – 187
Ho. Phoen. Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
Ho. Phoen. § XXXVI, 188 – 195
Ho. Phoen. § XXXVII, Hu. 196 – 200 Ho. Phoen. § XXXVIII, Hu. 201 – 204 Ho. Phoen. § XXXIX, Hu. 205 – 208 Ho. Phoen. § XL, Hu. 209 – 216 Ho. Phoen.
|a-wa/i á-mi-za |(“DIES”)ha-li-ia-za | | |á-TANA-wa/i-ní-zi(URBS) FINES+hi-zi (“MANUS”)la-tara/i-ha |zi-na |“OCCIDENS”- pa-mi |VERSUS-ia-na |zi-pa-wa/i “ORIENS”ta-mi VERSUS-na |a-wá/í |á-mi-ia-za |(“DIES”)ha-li-ia-za | | [… w-kn b-ymty b-kl gbl ʿmq ʾdn lmmṣʾ šmš w-ʿd mbʾy |á-pa-ta-za-pa| |-wa/i-ta |“LOCUS”-la/i-ta-za |REL-ia hwi/a-sà-ta rú-wa/i-na |á-sa-ta [ — ] w-b-mqmm ʾš kn l-pnm nštʿm CAPUT-ti-sa-wa/i+ra/i REL-i-ta-na hwi/a-sài-ia | | “VIA”-wa/i-na (“PES2”)i-u-na [ — ] ʾš yštʿ ʾdm l-lkt drk REL-pa-wa/i a-mi-ia-za (“DIES”)há-li-ia-za |FEMINA-ti-zi-há (“FUSUS”)si-tara/i PES2. PES2(-)da-ti [ — ] w-bymty ʾnk ʾšt tk(?) lḥdy dl plkm b-ʿbr bʿl w-ʾlm a-wa/i á-mi-ia-za | | (DIES)há-li-ia-za (CORNU+RA/I)su+ra/i-sá |(LINGERE)há-sá-sá-ha sa-na-wa/i-za-sa-ha |SOLIUM-MI-ia-sa |sá-ta [ — ] w-kn b-kl ymty šbʿ w-mnʿm w-šbt nʿmt |BONUS+RA/I-ia-ma-la-ha-wa/i SOLIUM- MI-ta |á-TANA-wa/i-sá(URBS) | | |á-ta-na-wa/iza-ha(URBS) |TERRA+LA+LA-za [ — ] w-nḥt lb l-dnnym w-l-kl ʿmq ʾdn |a-wa/i za “CASTRUM”-zá AEDIFICARE+ MI-ha [ — ] w-bn ʾnk h-qrt z wa/i-tu-ta (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da-iana(URBS) |á-la/i| |-ma-za PONERE-ha [ — ] w-št ʾnk šm ʾztwdy REL-pa-wa/i-mu POST-na |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sá (DEUS)CERVUS3-za-sá-há |sá-ta za-ti “CASTRUM”-si AEDIFICARE-MI-na [ — ] k-bʿl w-ršp ṣprm šlḥn l-bnt
In my days I extended the Adanawean frontiers in the one direction towards the west and in the other direction towards the east,
And they were in my days on all frontiers of the plain of ʾDN from the rising of the sun even unto its setting, and even in those places which were formerly feared,
and in the places which were formerly feared, where a man fears them, to go the road,
where a man fears to walk the road, so in my days even women walk with spindles.
in my own days a woman walks(?) alone(?) with spindles, by the grace of Baal and the gods. In my days there was plenty and satiety and good living,
And there was in all my days plenty and luxury and good living, and peacefully dwelt Adanawa and the Adanawean plain.
and peace of heart to the DNNYM and to all the plain of ʾDN. I built this fortress,
And I built this city, and to it I put the name Azatiwadaya.
and I established its name ʾZTWDY, So Tarhunza and Runza were after me for this fortress to build (it).
since Baal and Rešep-of-the-Goats sent me to build it.
§§ XLI – XLVII: missing in Ho., fragmentary in Hu. (word numbering estimated from Phoen.). § XLI
Hu. Ho. Phoen.
[…]-da [AEDIFI]CARE-MI-ha […]-ta [… [ — ] w-bny ʾnk b-ʿbr bʿl w-b-ʿbr ršp ṣprm b-šbʿ w-b-mnʿm w-b-šbt nʿmt w-b-nḥt lb
§§ XLII – XLIII: no fragments of Hu. or Ho. identified l-kny mšmr l-ʿmq ʾdn w-l-bt mpš Phoen. k b-ymty kn l-ʾrṣ ʿmq ʾdn šbʿ w-mnʿm
Hu. Ho. Phoen.
[…] x […] i-zi-i-[…] |á-mi-[ia-za] |(“DIES”) ha-li-[ia]-z[a] [ — ] w-bl kn mtm l-dnnym ll b-ymty
|z[a-pa/ha-wa/i]-a CASTRUM”-sà-z[á] |AEDIFICARE-M[I]-ha Ho. [ — ] Phoen. w-bn ʾnk h-qrt z § XLVI: not in Hu.; Ho missing Phoen. št ʾnk šm ʾztwdy
§ XLVIII, 261 – 272
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
§ XLIX, 273 – 277
Hu. Ho.
|wa/i-t[a …] z[a4-…] |(DEUS)TONI[TRUS …] a-ta (SOLIUM)i-s[à]-nú-ha [… …]-sà-nú-há yšb ʾnk bn bʿl krntryš |wa/i-na |i-zi-sa-tu-na ta-ia (“FLUMEN”) há-pa+ra/i-sá |OMNIS-MI-i-sá |(ANNUS)u-si mara/i+ra/i BOS.ANIMA-sá (L.486)REL-tu-na-ha (OVIS.ANIMA)há-wa/i-sá |“VITIS”(-)há+ra/i-ha |OVIS.(ANIMA)-wa/i-sa wá/í-na i-zi-i-sa-tú-na CRUS-ia |FLUMENpari-i-sá |OMNIS-MI-i-sá |(“ANNUS”)u-si |(“ANNUS”)mara/i+ra/i-i |(BOS.ANIMA)wa/iwa/i-sa (“L.486”)REL-tú-na-ha |(“OVIS. ANIMA)há-wa/i-sá |“VITIS”(-)há-wá/í |(OVIS.ANIMA)há-wá/í-i-sá w-ylk zbḥ l kl h-mskt zbḥ ymm ʾlp 1 w-b-[ʿt ḥ]rš š 1 w-b-ʿt qṣr š 1
wa/i-ta u-sa-nú-wa/i-tu-u (LITUUS)á-za-tiwa/i-da-na sa-pi-sá-lá/í-ri+i |ha-da+ra/i-ti-i-há [wa/i-ta u-sa-nu]-wá/í-tú-u (OCULUS) á-za4-ti-wá/í-da-na |sá-pi-sa-ara/i-ri+i ha- IUSTITIA+RA/I-ri+í-há w-brk bʿl kr[n]tryš ʾyt ʾztwd ḥym w-šlm
[and] I built it [by Tarhun]za [… and I built it by the grace of Baal and by the grace of Rešep-of-the-Goats, in plenty and in luxury and in good living and in peace of heart, for it to be a protection for the plain of ʾDN and for the house of MPŠ, since in my days there was plenty and luxury to the land of the plain of ʾDN, […] … [in] my day[s].
And there was not ever in my days night(?) for the DNNYM. And I built this(?) fortress,
And I built this city, I established its name ʾZTWDY, and therein I caused to dwell … Tarhunza,
I caused to dwell in it Baal KRNTRYŠ, and every river-land will begin to honour him: by(?) the year an ox, and at the cutting(?) a sheep and at the vintage a sheep.
and all the MSKT shall make come a sacrifice to (him): an annual sacrifice one ox, and at the time of the ploughing one sheep, and at the time of the reaping one sheep. Let him bless Azatiwada with health and life,
And may Baal KRNTRYŠ bless ʾZTWD with life and health,
184 § L, 278 – 282
§ LI, 283 – 296
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
§ LII, 297 – 302
§ LIII, 303 – 308
|pi-ia-tu-há-wa/i-tu OMNIS-MI-ma-za | | REX-za SUPER+ra/i-ta pi-ià-tù-há-wá/í-tú OMNIS-MI-ma-za-a “FULGUR”-há-sá OMNIS-MI-za |REX-ta-za SUPER+ ra/i-ta w-ʿz ʾdr ʿl kl mlk REL-pa-wa/i za (“CASTRUM”)há+ra/iní-sà| |-za i-zi-ia-ru (DEUS)BONUS-sa (DEUS) VITIS-sá-há |REL-i-pa-wà/ì |za-a [… | | …] (DEUS)VITIStí-ti-há w-kn h-qrt z bʿlt šbʿ w-trš REL-pa-wa/i-ta | | |REGIO-ní-ia REL-ia a-ta |SOLIUM+MI-sá-i |REL-pa-wá/í-ta REGIO-iá a-ta |(SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ti w-ʿm z ʾš yšb bn wa/i-da i-zi-ia-rú OVIS.ANIMA-wa/i-si BOS. ANIMA-wa/i-si (DEUS)BONUS-si (DEUS)VITIS-iasi-há |wá/í-da |i-zi-ia-rú |OVIS.ANIMA-wa/i-si |BOS.ANIMA-si |(DEUS)BONUS-sa (DEUS)[“]VITIS”-ia-si-há ykn bʿl ʾlpm w-bʿl ṣʾn w-bʿl šbʿ w-trš
Hu. Ho. Phoen.
|ma-wa/i-za |ha-sá-tu-a |ma-wá/í-za |ha-sa-tù w-brbm yld
Hu. Ho.
Phoen. Hu.
§ LIV, 309 – 313
§ LV, 314 – 319
Phoen. Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
§ LVI, 320 – 321
SUPER+ra/i-li-há-wa/i-sá |FRONS-lu/a/i-sá i-zi-ia+ra/i-ru |OMNIS-MI-ma-za REX-ta-za |SUPER+ra/i-lí-ha-wa/i-sá |FRONS-li-i-sá i-zi-ia-rú |OMNIS-MI-ní-i-ma-za4 |REX-tá-za w-ʿz ʾdr ʿl kl mlk pi-ia-tu-há-wa/i-tu-u (DEUS)TONITRUS-huza-sá ARHA u-sa-nú-wa/i-mi-sá za-si-há-wa/i |(“CASTRUM”)há-na-sá-si DEUS-ní-zi (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da-ia | | “LONGUS”-lá/í-ia |(DIES)há-li-ia mi-ia-ti-zi-ha | | (ANNUS)u-si-zi sa-na-wa/i-sá-ha-wa/i | | tá-mi-hi-sá |pi-iá-tù-há-wa/i-tu4-u (DEUS)TONITRUShux-za4-sa |ARHA |(BONUS)u-sa-nú-wá/í-míi!-sá za-si-i-há-wá/í | | (“CASTRUM”)há+ra/i-nísà-si |DEUS-SA4-zi I(OCULUS)á-za-tí-wá/í-da-ia (“LONGUS”)a+ra/i-ia |(“DIES”)há-li-iá |L.387-iatí-zi4-há |ANNUS-si-zi |(BONUS)sa-na-wà/ì-sahá-wá/í |tá-mi-hi-sá l-tty bʿl krntryš w-kl ʾln qrt l-ʾztwd ʾrk ymm w-rb šnt w-ršʾt nʿmt
and let him be made highly preeminent over all kings.
and strength exceeding over every king, And may Tarhunza the highly blessed and this fortress’s gods give to him, to Azatiwada, long days and many years and good abundance,
so that Baal KRNTRYŠ and all the gods of the city give to ʾZTWD length of days and multitude of years and good abundance. and let them give him all victory over all kings.
and strength exceeding over every king. And so let this fortress become (one) of the Grain-God and the Wine-God,
And may this city be mistress of plenty and wine. and so the nations that dwell in (it), and so the nations (that) he/they shall cause to dwell in (it), and this people that dwells in it. let them become (those) of sheep, oxen, the Grain-God and the Wine-God!
shall be masters of oxen and masters of sheep and masters of plenty and wine. Much let them beget for us, And by many they shall beget,
§ LVII, 322 – 323 § LVIII, 324 – 330
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
§ LIX, 331 – 333 § LX, 334 – 335 § LXI, 336 – 337 § LXII, 338 – 339 § LXIII, 340 – 345
§ LXIV, 346 – 350
§ LXV, 351 – 354
§ LXVI, 355 – 359
§ LXVII, 360 – 362 § LXVIII, 363 – 365 § LXIX, 366 – 368
ma-pa-wa/i MAGNUS+ra/i-nú-wa/i-tu-a |ma-pa-wá/í MAGNUS+ra/i-nú-wa/i-tu w-brbm yʾdr ma-pa-wa/i (CRUX)pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-tu-u (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da-ia mu-ka-sa-sá-há-a DOMUS-ní-i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-[ti] DEUSna-ti-há |ma-pa-wá/í (“DOMUS.CRUX”)pa+ra/i-nawa/i-tu4 (OCULUS)á-za-ti-wá/í+ra/i-ia mu-ka-sása-há |(“DOMUS”)pa+ra/i-ní | | […] w-brbm yʿbd l-ʾztwd w-l-bt mpš b-ʿbr bʿl w-ʾlm
REX-ta-ti-i-pa-wa/i REL+ra/i REL-sa-há | | Hu. [ — ] Ho. w-ʾm mlk b-mlkm Phoen. ní-pa-wa/i-sa ICAPUT-ti-sá Hu. Ho. [ — ] Phoen. w-rzn b-rznm I Hu. CAPUT-ti-ia-za-ha-wa/i-tu-ta á-la/i-ma-za Ho. [ — ] Phoen. ʾm ʾdm ʾš ʾdm šm Hu. |za |á-sa5-za-ia Ho. [ — ] (Phoen.: nothing corresponding) ARHA-wa/i-ta (“L.69”)i-ti-wa/i | | (LITUUS) Hu. á-za-ti-wa/i-da-sá á-lá/í-ma-za PORTA-la-na-ri+i zi-na […] |á-la/i-ma-za4 “PORTA”-na zi-na Ho. Phoen. ʾš ymḥ šm ʾztwd b-šʿr z Hu. wa/i-mu-ta | | á-ma-za á-la/i-ma-za a-ta tu-pi-wa/i [ — ] Ho. w-št šm Phoen. ni-pa-wa/i-sá (COR)á-lu/a/i-na-za-ia Hu. “CASTRUM-ní-si za-ti | | Ho. […]-za-ia |“CASTRUM”-si [za]-ti Phoen. ʾm ʾp yḥmd ʾyt h-qrt z Hu. wa/i-ta a-ta AEDIFICARE+MI-i “PORTA”- la-na za-ia [wa/i]-ta [a-t]a […] Ho. w-ysʿ h-šʿr z Phoen. (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da-sa REL-ia i-zi-lá/í Hu. [ — ] Ho. Phoen. ʾš pʿl ʾztwd Hu. |a-wa/i za-ri+i |á-sa5-za-ia Ho. […]-ti-a […] (Phoen.: nothing corresponding) wa/i+ra/i-la-ia-wa/i “PORTA”-la-na i-zi-i-wa/i Hu. […]-ia-[…]-na […]-wa/i Ho. w-ypʿl l-šʿr zr Phoen.
and much let them make great, and by many they shall be mighty, and much let them be in service to Azatiwada and to Muksa’s house by Tarhunza and the gods!
and by many they shall be servant to ʾZTWD and to the house of MPŠ by the grace of Baal and the gods! If anyone from (among) kings, If (there is) a king among kings, or (if) he (is) a man, or a prince among princes, and to him (there is) a manly name, if (there is) a man, who (is) a man of name, proclaims this: ( … ) “I shall delete Azatiwada’s name from these gates,
who shall delete the name of ʾZTWD on this gate, and I shall incise my name”;
and put his name, or (if) he is covetous towards this fortress,
if also he shall covet this city, and blocks up(?) these gates,
and tear out this gate, which Azatiwada made, which ʾZTWD made. and proclaims thus: ( … ) “I shall make the gates my own, and shall make (it) into a gate of a stranger
186 § LXX, 369 – 372
§ LXXI, 373 – 376
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
Hu. Ho. Phoen. Hu.
Ho. Phoen. § LXXII, a, Hu. 377 – 378 Ho. Phoen. b, Hu. 379 – 384 Ho. Phoen. § LXXIII, Hu. 385 – 400
§ LXXIV, Hu. 401 – 407 Ho. Phoen. § LXXV, Hu. 408 – 412 Ho. Phoen.
|á-ma-z-há-wa/i-mu-ta á-la/i-ma-za-a a-ta tu-pi-wa/i [… a-t]a [tu]-pi-wa/i w-št šm ʿly ní-wa/i-ta (“COR”)á-lu/a/i-na-ma-ti a-ta AEDIFICARE-MI-ri+i-i | | [ni-w]a/i-ta á-[la/i/u-na]-⌈má-ti⌉ […]-MI-ti-i ʾm b-ḥmdt ysʿ ní-pa-wa/i MALUS-la/i-sa-tara/i-ri+i | | ní-pa-wa/i | | |MALUS-la/i-sá-tara/i-ri+i ʾm b-šnʾt ní-i-pa-wa/i (MALUS2)ha-ní-ia-ta-sa-tara/i-ti |a-ta |AEDIFICARE+MI-ri+i |za-ia “PORTA”-la-na [… h]a-[…]-s[á-…] a?-[ta] |AEDIFICARE+MI-[ri+i] |za-ia |“PORTA”-la-na w-b-rʿ ysʿ h-šʿr z wa/i-ta | | ARHA |(MANUS)i!-ti-tu CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sá CAELUM (DEUS) SOL-za-sá (DEUS)i-ia-sá OMNIS-MI-zi-ha DEUSní-zi á-pa |REX-hi-sá |á-pa-há “REX”-na |á-pahá-wa/i |CAPUT-ti-na |wa/i-ta |ARHA |(“L.69”)i-ti-tu (DEUS) i-ia-sá |“CAELUM” (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sá-a |“CAELUM” (DEUS)SOL-⌈za⌉-sá |OMNIS-MIzi-há-wa/i DEUS-ní-zi |á-pa-sá |REX-ta-hi-sa |á-pa-há-a |REX-ti-na |á-pa-há-wa/i CAPUT-ti-na w-mḥ bʿl šmm w-ʾl qn ʾrṣ w-šmš ʿlm w-kl dr bn ʾlm ʾyt h-mmlkt hʾ w-ʾyt h-mlk hʾ w-ʾyt ʾdm hʾ ʾš ʾdm šm POST-na-wa/i ARHA?! (“CRUS)ta-za-tu |ara/i-zi OMNIS-MI-zi (OCULUS)á-za-ti-wa/ida-sa |á-lá/í-ma-za POST-na-ha-wa/i ara/i-⌈zi⌉-i |OMNIS-MI-zi |CRUS[… ?]-tu [… ʾps šm ʾztwd ykn l-ʿlm (DEUS)LUNA+MI-sa-wa/i (DEUS)SOL-ha REL-ri+i á-la/i-ma-za “CRUS”-i [ — ] km šm šmš w-yrḥ
and I shall incise my own name”;
and put his name upon it, or (if) from covetousness he shall block them up(?), if from covetousness he shall tear (it) out. or from badness if from hatred or from evil he shall block up(?) these gates,
and from evil he shall tear out this gate, may celestial Tarhunza, the celestial Sun, Ea and all the gods delete that kingdom and that king and that man!
then may Baal ŠMM and El QN ʾRṢ and the eternal Sun and all the assembly of the sons of gods delete that kingdom and that king and that man who (is) a man of name! Hereafter may Azatiwada’s name continue to stand for all ages,
But the name of ʾZTWD shall be for eternity, as the Moon’s and the Sun’s name stands.
like the name of the Sun and the Moon.
I.2 – 4. KARATEPE 2 – 4 Transliteration
KARATEPE 2 |za-⌈wa/i⌉ “CASTRUM”-z[a] ⌈x⌉ wa/i-su[…]na § 1 AEDIFICARE+MI-ma-da I(OCULUS)á-z[a]-[t]i-w[a/i]-da-[… § 2 …-(m)]u? á-za-ti KARATEPE 3 § 1 |FLUMEN.DOMINUS-ia-s[á]-a Isa-[…] x |HE[ROS] |zi-[…] x-[w]a/i-ní-sa[(URBS)?] I(m)u-ka-|FRATER.LA-sa |(FILIUS)ní-mu-wa/i-za-sá § 2 w[a/i]-ta ARHA |⌈u⌉-sá-[ta?]-a KARATEPE 4 § 1
|REL-pa-wa/i (“PORTA”)ku-rú-pi-ia+ra/i(URBS) |PRAE-i |pi-ia-da-na(URBS) PUGNUS.PUGNUS-ta |za-ia-pa-wa/i SCRIBA-la-li-ia IDEUS-ní-i-sá I DEUS-na-(OCULUS)á-za-mi-sá-há |(“CAPERE+SCALPRUM”) REL-za-ta
§ 2
This fortress … Azatiwada built. [… …] he/they will love/eat! The River-Lord Sa[…], the He[ro] of [the city?] Zi[…], (M)ukalani’s(?) son. [He] brough[t] away. So (from) before (the gate of) the city Kurupiya he …-ed the city Piyada. These writings Masani and Masanazami incised.
II. KARKAMIŠ II.1a. KARKAMIŠ N1 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
2. 3. 4.
§ 2
§ 3 § 4
§ 5 § 6 § 7
7. 8.
MAGNUS.REX IMAGNUS+ra/i-TONITRUS MAGNUS. REX HEROS ka+ra/i-ka-mi| |-sà(REGIO) REX Isá-pa-VIR-ti-sa | | MAGNUS.REX HEROS |(FILIUS)ní-mu(wa)-zi/a wa/i-tú-ta-*a COR[NU]+ra/i-t[i]| |[(RE]GIO) |LIS ARHA [SPH]INX(?) / (Hawkins:) PES-wa/i-ta(?) wa/i-tá-*a EXERCITUS| |-lu/a/i |FRONS-ti |PONERE [I] MAGNUS.TONITRUS REX |FORTIS (DEUS)TONITRUS (DEUS)ku+AVIS |FORTIS |L.273 [DARE] | |
wa/i-tú-*a BRACCHIUM-ru-li |PONERE-wa/i-ta |wa/i-ti-*a LIS-na ARHA DELERE-nú-tá |a-w[a/i]-tá | | zi/a |STELE Isu-hi-sa |PONERE I MAGNUS+ra/i-TONITRUS-sa REX BONUS-sa-mi-sa | | |L.462-sa IUSTITIA-ní ka+ra/i-ka-mi-sà(URBS) |REGIO |DOMINUS
Translation Great King Ura-Tarhunta, Great King, Hero, King of the land of Karkamiš, son of Sapaziti, Great King, Hero. Against him from the land Sura(?) an adversary came(?) forth, and he opposed the army. (To) Ura-Tarhunta the King the mighty Storm-God and Kubaba gave a mighty weapon, and they put (it) in his right hand, and he destroyed the adversary. This stele Suhi, king Ura-Tarhunta’s dear kinsman(?), the righteous, Country Lord of the city of Karkamiš erected.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
II.1. KARKAMIŠ A4b Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3
§ 4
6. 7. 8.
§ 51 § 6 § 7
MAGNUS.REX IMAGNUS.TONITRUS MAGNUS.REX HEROS ka+ra/i-ka-mi-sà(REGIO) REX | | s[á]-pa-VIR-ti-sa MAGNUS.REX HEROS (FILIUS)ní-mu(wa)-za wa/i-tu-tá-*a | | CORNU+ra/i-ti(REGIO) |LIS ARHA SPHINX
Great King Ura-Tarhunta, Great King, Hero, King of the land of Karkamiš, son of Sapaziti, Great King, Hero. Against him from the land Sura(?) an adversary came(?) forth,
wa/i-tá-*a | | |EXERCITUS-LU/A/I |FRONS-ti |PONERE I MAGNUS.TONITRUS REX FORTIS (DEUS)TONITRUS (DEUS)ku+AVIS | | |FORTIS L.273 DARE wa/i-tu-*a |BRACCHIUM-ru-li | [PONERE-wa/i]-ta | | [wa/i]-ti-[*a] |LIS-na ARHA DELERE-wa/i-ta |wa/i-tá-*a za | | STELE AVIS3-nu-L.466 |PONERE su-hi-sa | | (…?) |IUSTITIA-ni |(FILIUS)ni-mu(wa)-za |(DEUS)ku+AVIS SACERDOS-sa
and he opposed the army. (To) Ura-Tarhunta the King the mighty Storm-God and Kubaba gave a mighty weapon, and they put (it) in his right hand, and he destroyed the adversary. This stele Arnu-… erected, the son of Suhi the righteous, the priest of Kubaba.
II.3. KARKAMIŠ A18d Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1 § 2
…] mi? […] ni […] i […] tá wa/i-tá-*a mu-*a | | hu?-wa/i-SARMA2+MI REX ka+ra/i-ka-mi-sa-zi(REGIO?) (TERRA)ta-sa-[…
II.4 – 5. KARKAMIŠ A14b and A14a Transliteration (KARKAMIŠ A14b) 1. § 1 [E]GO-mi á-sa-tú-[wa/i-la/i]-ma-[za]-sa […?] | | [k]ar-ka-mi-sà-zi+a-sa(REGIO) |REGIO.DOMI2. NUS-i+a-sa Isu-hi-si |IUSTITIA-ní-sa | | |(FILIUS)ní-mu3. wa/i-zi+a-sa § 2 a-wa/i zi+a-i+a PO[RTA]-lu/a/i-n[a … | | 4. § 3? […-m]u-[t]á REL-i-sa |MALLEUS-lu/a/i-i § 4 wa/i-tú-*a (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sa (DEUS)ku+AVIS5. [pa-…] | | |LIS-sa-lu/a/i-sa-tú
I (am) Astuwalamanza […] Karkamisean Country-Lord, the son of Suhi the righteous.
These gates [… I made/built.] (He) who shall [de]face (them) for me, against him may Karhuha [and] Kubaba litigate!
1 §§ 5–6 Collations Hasan Peker May 2013. Restorations from new duplicate, KARKAMIŠ N1.
(KARKAMIŠ A14a) 1. § 1 EGO-mi-i Isu-hi-i-sa kar-ka-mi-si-[… 2. … | | … ] § 2 [… ]-ia-sa-ha 3. § 3 wa/i-mu-*a á-ma-za |tá-ti-ia-za (LIGNUM) sà| |-la-ha-za |pi-ia-ta-a § 4 L.349(-)ara/i-ma-ha-wa/i-mu |LEPUS+RA/I-ta-na |pi-ia-ta [… … | | … ] 4. § 5 [… …]-zi AVUS-ha-zi |za-za+ra/i-ta+ra/i § 6 wa/i-ma-za-*a DEUS-ni-zi “COR”-tara/i- na NEG2 5. POST-ni | | a-tá |(BONUS)wa/i-li-ia-ta § 7 wa/i-da-*a mu-*a POST-ni a-tá |(BONUS) [… 6. … | | … ] § 8 [… ku-ta]-sa5+ra/i-z[a] |á-ma-z[a] |á-lá/í-ma-za ARHA |MALLEUS-lu/a/i-i § 9 pa-ti-pa-wa/i-*a (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sa (DEUS)ku+AVISpa-sa-ha LIS-zi [sa]-tú-u-*a
I (am) Suhi, Karkamise[an … … I […]ed. they/he gave me my father’s succession, and they/he gave me … authority. … … my father]s (and) grandfathers … , and the gods did not rise up in person in their support (lit. behind them) but in my support (lit. behind me) they ro[se up] … … … from these ortho]stats [(he) who] shall erase my name, against him may Karhuha and Kubaba be adversaries!
II.6. KARKAMIŠ A1a Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2 § 3
§ 4 § 5 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11 § 12 § 13 § 14
§ 15
… […] ara/i […] L.273-x-ta wa/i-sa-*a |há-ha-ta-ia-ta a-wa/i [h]a-ta-[n]í?-ma-sa (L.349)sà-mara/i+ra/i-kawa/i-ní-na(URBS) |(DEUS)TONITRUS-za-na |ARHA (ASCIA)ka+ra/i-ma-li-ta |mu-pa-wa/i-*a za-a-zi |DEUS-ní-zi-i |(SA4)sá-na-i-ta […]-wa/i-*a REL-i-ta PES2(-)da-wa/i-i […]-pa-wa/i-mu za-a-zi |DEUS-ní-zi [… … | | … ] wa/i-tú-*a |pa+ra/i-ha-*a |(SCALPRUM.CAPERE2) u-pa-ní-i-na |(CAPERE2)u-pa-ha |9-za-ha-wa/i-tú |pi-ia-ha |(L.349)á-la-ta-ha-na-ha-wa/i(URBS) |ARHA |DELERE-nú-wa/i-ha |wa/i-tú-*a |pa+ra/i-i-ha-*a (SCALPRUM.CAPERE2) u-pa-ní-na |(CAPERE2)u-pa-ha |9-za-ha-wa/i-tú |pi-ia-ha a-wa/i |ha-za-u-na-na(URBS) ARHA |([“]L.218”) há-ha-ta-ha |SUB-na-pa-wa/i-mu?//ma?(-)za-na REL-a | LITUUS+na-ha wa/i-sa-*a |AVUS-ha-ti |mi-i-sa-*a |URBS+MI-ní-sa [x]-na […] […] x-a ta-ní-mi-i-sa | L.349(-)ara/i [… … | | … ]
… and he …-ed. [H]ata[n]ima(?) hacked down Samarikean Tarhunza, and they overturned these gods for me. […] wherever I go, me these gods [… … and afterwards I brought a trophy to him, and to him I gave a ninth (share). I destroyed the city Alatahana, and afterwards I brought a trophy to him, and to him I gave a ninth (share). I …-ed away the city Hazauna, and as I despised the latter/it for them, it for the grandfather my city’s … [… […] all … [… …
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 16 […]-na-si-ha-wa/i-ta (DEUS)TONITRUS-za-na |pa+ ra/i-i-*a SUPER+ra/i-a (SOLIUM+MI)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha § 17 ARHA-pa-wa/i REL-i PES-wa/i-i-ha-*a § 18 wa/i-mu-*a za-a-zi DEUS-ní-zi |ta-ní-mi-zi |CUM-ní ARHA PES-wa/i-ta § 19 wa/i-ta-*a REL-i-ha pa-sa-na-*a “PODIUM”-ta-ti PRAE-i |L.466(-)zú-ní-ha § 20 REL-i-ha-wa/i-ta pa-sa-na-*a |“PODIUM”-ta-ti PRAE-i |L.466(-)zú-ní-ha § 21 ARHA-pa-wa/i REL-a PES-wa/i-i-ha § 22 wa/i-mu-*a mi-i-sa-*a |BONUS-mi-sa FEMINA-ti-sa I BONUS-ti-i-sa [… … | | … ] § 23 […]-i-na |INFANS-ní-i-na ITONITRUS.HALPA-paAVIS2-pi-na |AEDIFICARE-MI-na |SUPER+ra/i INFRA-ta |CRUS-nu-wa/i-ha § 24 ARHA-pa-wa/i REL-i PES-wa/i-i-ha § 25 wa/i-mi-i-*a za-i!-na DEUS-ní-si-i-na |L.455-li-ia-na i-zi-i-ha § 26 za-ha-wa/i |(FORTIS)mu-wa/i-ta-li-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-za-na |CRUS-nu-wa/i-ha § 27 |CUM-ha-wa/i-tú za-a-zi DEUS-ní-zi-i |CRUS-nuwa/i-ha § 28 |á-ma-za-ha-wa/i-mi |STATUA-ru-sa [… … | | … ] § 29 [… ]-i-sa-ta-i § 30 a-wa/i REL-i-sa |OVIS(ANIMA)-si § 31 a-wa/i za-a-ti-i |STATUA-ru-ti-i |OVIS(ANIMA)-na |(LIBARE)sa5+ra/i-li-i-tú § 32 REL-i-sa-pa-wa/i |(PANIS)tú+ra/i-pa-si-i § 33 wa-tú-*a |(PANIS)tú+ra/i-pi-na |(LIBARE)sa5+ra/i-lata-za-ha PES2(-)pa(-)PES2-ia-tú § 34 a-wa/i |i-zi-i-sa-ta-i |REL-i-sa § 35 pa-pa-wa/i-ta-*a za-a-zi DEUS-ní-zi-i pa-na-*a |PANIS.PITHOS-ní-i-na |FINES-hi [… … | | … ] § 36 [… ] PES-wa/i-ti § 37 a-wa/i Iha-ta-ma-na-ia |REL-a-za |(L.349)sàmara/i+ra/i-ka-wa/i-ní-sa(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS-za-sa a-tá |za-ha-nu-wa/i-ta § 38 pa-ti-ha-wa/i-*a pa-*a za-a-zi DEUS-ní-zi a-tá |za-hanu-wa/i-tú
and afterwards I seated Tarhunza of the […]NAabove. And when I came forth, all these gods came forth with me, and I worshipped the one before his podium, and I worshipped the other before his podium. When I came forth, me my dear wife Wasti [… … … my …-]ed son Halpasulupi I made begin to build up (and) down. When I came forth, I myself made this assemblage of the gods, and this potent Tarhunza I made stand, and with him I made these gods stand. And for myself my statue I [… … … ] he shall [ho]nour. (He) who (is a man) of sheep, let him offer a sheep to this statue. But (he) who (is a man) of bread, let him … bread and libation to it. (He) who shall honour (it), him these gods […] that food(?) [… … [But (he) who against this statue(?) with malice] shall come, (that) which Samarikean Tarhunza made attack Hatamana, that may these gods make attack that man!
II.7. KARKAMIŠ A1b Transliteration 1. 2. 3. 4.
§ 1 § 2 § 3
EGO-mi-i IBONUS-ti-sa Isu-hi-si-i REGIO-ní DOMINUS-ia-i-sa |BONUS-mi-sa | | FEMINA-ti-i-sa wa/i-ti-*a mi-i-sa-*a VIR-ti-i-sa REL-i-ta REL-i-ta | | |á-lá/í-ma-za i-zi-i-sa-ta-i |mu-pa-wa/i-ta-*a | | | BONUS-sa5+ra/i-ti CUM-ní i-zii-sa-ta-i
I (am) Wasti the Country Lord Suhi’s dear wife. Wheresoever my husband honours his (own) name, he shall also honour me with goodness.
II.8. KELEKLİ Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3
EGO-mi-i Isu-hi-sa-a IUSTITIA [… kar-ka-]mi?-si-sa(URBS) REGIO.DOMINUS-ia-ix-sa | | Iá-sa-tú-wa/i-la/i-ma-za[… …]-ix-sa wa/i-ti-*a ku-ma| |-na MONS+tú-sa-a ⌈REX⌉-ti-sa x x x x-⌈na?⌉ |á-mi-na BONUS-mi-na FILIA-tara/i-na |CAPERE-ta | | |m[u]-pa-[wa/i…
I (am) Suhi the righteous, Country-Lord of [Karka] mis, Astuwalamanzas’s [… so]n(?). And when king Tudhaliya took to himself (in marriage) … my dear daughter, me […
II.9. KARKAMIŠ A11a Transliteration 1.
§ 1
EGO-wa/i-mi Ika-tú-wa/i-sa |(IUSTITIA)tara/iwa/i-ni-sa |kar-ka-mi-si-za-sa(URBS) REGIO.DOMINUS-ia-sa … Isu-hi-si REGIO-⌈ni⌉ DOMINUS-ia-i-sa |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa Iá-sa-tú-wa/i-la/i-ma-za-si-i |REGIO-ní DOMINUS-ia-i-sa |FILIUS.NEPOS-sa § 2a wa/i-m[u-*a] DE[US … (b) … “MA]NUS”-tara/i-ti |PUGN[US … | | …] § 3 [wa/i-mu-*a … á-ma-za t]á-ti-ia-za “LIGNUM”[…]-za [|]pi-⌈ia⌉-tá § 4 wa/i-mu-*a DEUS-ní-zi mi!?-ia-ti-*a IUSTITIA”wa/i-ní-ti PUGNUS-mi-lu/a/i |PUGNUS-ri+i-ta § 5 mi-zi-pa-wa/i-mu-ta-*a |20-tá-ti-zi ARHA CRUS+RA/I wa/i-[m]u?-tá-[*a] ⌈|⌉REGIO-ní-ia |L.314(-)sá-pa-za § 6 |REL-a-ti SUB-na-na ARHA (PES2)tara/i-za-nu-wa/i-tá § 7 wa/i-mu-*a mi-i-sa-*a (DOMINUS)na-ni | | (DEUS) TONITRUS-sa (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sa (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pasa-ha mi-ia-ti-*a |“IUSTITIA”-na-ti (LITUUS)á-za-tá § 8 wa/i-mu-tá-*a á-ma |tá-ti-ia AVUS-ha-ti-ia |REGIOní-ia (L.33(1))mi-da-sa5+ra/i-i-na REL-a-ti a-tá i-zi-ia-tá § 9 (DEUS)BONUS-pa-wa/i-mu (DEUS)“[VITIS]”(-)t[iPR]AE-i[a-ha …
Translation I (am) Katuwa the righteous, Karkamisean Country-Lord, the Country-Lord Suhi’s son, the Country-Lord Astuwalamanza’s grandson.
Me the god [… (b) …] rai[sed] by the hand, [and to me my] father’s succession he/she/they gave, me the gods raised in strength because of my justice. But my 20-TATI’s (relatives?) revolted against me, wherefore they caused the lands to secede (lit. turn away) from under me … . My lord Tarhunza, Karhuha and Kubaba loved me because of my justice, wherefore they made my father’s and grandfather’s lands a MIDASARI for me, and the Grain-God and the Wine-God for me [they brought forth],
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 10 [a]-wa/i mi-ia-za-*a DEUS.AVIS-ta-ní-ia-za OV[IS…]-wa/i [ARGENTUM].DARE [x] ASINUS(ANIMA) “HORDEUM” | | |CRUS+RA/I § 11 mu-pa-wa/i-*a pi-na-*a LINGERE-sa-ti kar-ka-mi-siza(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti DEUS.DOMUS-da [L.261.] PUGNUS-ru-ha § 12 wa/i-tú-ta-*a PANIS(-)ara/i-si-na PONERE-wa/i-ha § 13 |za-ia-ha-wa/i “PORTA”-lu/a/i-na á-ma |AVUS-ti-ia mu-*a |PRAE-na CRUS2.CRUS-ta § 14 a-wa/i PURUS-MI-ia DEUS.DOMUS-sa(?) ku-ma-na AEDIFICARE+MI-ha § 15 wa/i-mu-tá-*a |za-zi (SCALPRUM)ku-ta- sa5+ra/i-zi |POST-ní | | |PES-wa/i-ta § 16 a-wa/i za-ia “PORTA”-na |SCALPRUM-sa5+ra/i-ha § 17 wa/i-da-*a |FRONS-lu/a/i ARGENTUM.DARE-si-ia sa-tá-*a § 18 wa/i-da-*a “LIGNUM”-wa/i-ia-ti AEDIFICARE-MI-ha § 19 |za-zi-pa-wa/i (DOMUS)ha+ra/i-sà-tá-ni-zi Iá-na-ia BONUS-sa-mi-i FEMINA-ti-i DOMUS+SCALA(-)tá-wa/ini-zi i-zi-i-ha § 20 |za-ha-wa/i (DEUS)á-tara/i-su-ha-na za-ti-ia-za |PORTA-na-za BONUS-sa5+ra/i-ti (SOLIUM)i-sà-nuwa/i-ha § 21 POST+RA/I-wa/i-sà-pa-wa/i-da |REL-a-ti | | PRAE-na CRUS2.CRUS-i § 22 wa/i-da-*a |SCRIBA+RA/I(-)CAPERE/da-i REL-i-sa § 23 |za-zi-pa-wa/i-tá (SCALPRUM)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-zi LOCUS-za-*a (SA4)sá-ní-ti § 24 NEG2-pa-wa/i-tá |za-na DEUS-ní-na LOCUS-za-*a (SA4)sá-ni-ti § 25 |NEG2-pa-wa/i-tá á-ma-za á-lá/í-ma-za ARHA MALLEUS-i § 26 wa/i-tú-ta-*a (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa (DEUS)kar-huha-sa (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-sa-ha LIS-lu/a/i-za-tú § 27 wa/i-tú-ta-*a (PANIS)tú+ra/i-pi-na (LIBARE)sa5+ ra/i-la| |-ta-za-ha NEG3-sa ARHA |CAPERE-ti-i
and in my days for a sheep the price (as) [so many] homers (of) barley stood. But I myself constructed(?) the temple(s) with that luxury for Karkamisean Tarhunza, For him I established perpetual(?)-bread. And these gates (of) my grandfathers passed down to me. While I built the holies of the temple, (or: the Holy (One)’s temple,) these orthostats became available (lit. “came after”) to me, these gates I “orthostated”, they were very costly. I built them (also) with beams (lit. wooden things), and these upper floors for Ana (my) dear wife as TAWANI apartments I made, and this god Atrisuha I seated at these gates with goodness. If in future they shall pass down to (one) who shall … them, and shall overturn these orthostats as to (their) place, or shall overturn this god as to (his) place, or shall erase my name, against him may Tarhunza, Karhuha and Kubaba litigate! From him may they not take up bread and libation!
II.10. KARKAMIŠ A4d Transliteration § 1
§ 2
za-[ti]-pa-wa/i (DEUS)á-tara/i-su-ha DEUS-ni-za ⌈CUM⌉-ni ANNUS-sa-li-z[a]-n[a] (PANIS)tú+ra/i-p[i]-n[a] BOS(ANIMA) 2 OVIS(ANIMA) REL-[sa] NEG[2] |[PONERE/ DARE]-i [wa/i]-tú-tá-*a (DEUS)á-tara/i-su-ha-sa |(“CRUX”)wa/ilu/a/i |PES-wa/i-tú
Translation For this god Atrisuha with the gods (he) who does not [offer] annual bread, an ox and two sheep,
against him may Atrisuha come badly!
II.11 – 12. KARKAMIŠ A11b+c
II.11 – 12. KARKAMIŠ A11b+c Transliteration (A11b) 1. § 1
EGO-wa/i-mi Ika-tú-wa/i-sa “IUSTITIA”-ni-i-sa DEUSni-ti-i (LITUUS)á-za-mi-i-sa kar-ka-mi-si-za-sa(URBS) |REGIO-ni DOMINUS-sa Isu-hi-si |REGIO-ni DOMINUSia-i-sa |FILIUS.NI-za-sa Iá-sa-tú-wa/i-lá/í-ma-za-si REGIO-ni DOMINUS-i-sa |FILIUS.NEPOS-si-i-sa § 2 a-wa/i za-a-sa URBS+MI-ni-i-sa mi-sá-*a |tá-da-li-sa AVUS-ha-da-li-sa | | IL.447-nu-wa/i-ia-si sa-tá-*a § 3 wa/i-sa-*a VACUUS-ti-i-sa |ARHA (“LONGUS”)ia+ ra/i-ia-ta wa/i-na-*a IMAGNUS+ra/i-TONITRUS-tá-sa-za § 4 |FILIUS.NEPOS-sa-za CUM-ní |(LOCUS)pi-ta-ha-li-ia-ha § 5 wa/i-ma-zá-*a mi-i-na-*a |sá-pa-la/i-li-na |URBS+MI-ni i-pa-ni-si-ná(URBS) |á-ma-ha-wa/i |sá-palá/í-li-ia TERRA.PONERE-ru-da mu-zi-ki-ia(URBS) |[…] | | § 6 wa/i-ma-na-a* |AEDIFICARE-MI-ha § 7 a-wa/i |REL-a-ti-i |(ANNUS)u-si-i ka-wa/i-zana(URBS) |(CURRUS)wa/i+ra/i-za-ni-ná |PES2-za-ha § 8 pa-tá-za-pa-wa/i-ta-*a (TERRA+LA+LA)wa/i-li-lida-za mi-i-zi-*a |tá-ti-i-zi AVUS-ha-ti-zi-ha |L.348(-) lu/a/i?-da-li-zi-ha |NEG2-a (PES2)hwi/a-hwi/a-sà-tá-si § 9 mu-pa-wa/i-*a mi-i-sa-*a (DOMINUS)na- ní-i-sa | | CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sá (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-sa-ha mi-ia-ti-*a “IUSTITIA”-wa/ina-ti (LITUUS)á-za-tá § 10 wa/i-ma-tá-*a (“LIGNUM”)hu-hú+ra/i-pa-li |(SOLIUM)á-sa-tá § 11 wa/i-ma-da-*a |PRAE-na (PES2)hwi/a-ia-ta § 12 a-wa/i pa-ia-*a |REGIO-ni-ia (“VACUUS”)ta-na-tá-ha wa/i-ta-*a (SCALPRUM.CAPERE2)u-pa-ní-zi a-tá § 13 |(“CAPERE2”)| |u-pa-ha § 14 a-wa/i pi-i-na-*a |REGIO-ni-ia-ti (FULGUR)pi-hami-sa SUPER+ra/i-a |PES-wa/i-i-ha § 15 |za-zi-ha-wa/i-mi-i (DOMUS.SUPER)ha+ra/i-sà-táni-zi pa-ti-i-*a (“ANNUS”)u-si |AEDIFICARE-MI-ha § 16 wa/i-mi-ta-*a mi-i-na-*a (DOMINUS)na--ni-i-na (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-si-na (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-si-ha CRUS2. CRUS(-)ní-ia-sa-ha-na |LITUUS+na-ha § 17 wa/i-ma-tá-*a |za| |-ti-i |(“PODIUM”)hu-ma-ti |(SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha § 18a (“L.350”)á-sa-ha+ra/i-mi-sà-pa-wa/i-ma-za |za-a DEUS-ní-za |CUM-ni ANNUS-sa-li-za-sa |(“PANIS”)tú+ ra/i-pi-sa b (DEUS)CERVUS3+ra/i-hu-ha-ia 1 BOS(ANIMA)-sa OVISsa-ha c (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa 1 BOS(ANIMA)-sa 1 OVIS(ANIMA)-wa/i-sa-ha
I (am) Katuwa the righteous, loved by the gods, the Karkamisean Country-Lord, the Country-Lord Suhi’s son, the Country-Lord Astuwalamanza’s grandson. This city of my father and grandfather was Ninuwi(?)’s, (and) it stretched out empty, (and) it with Ura-Tarhunta’s grandsons I PITAHALIYA-ed, and for them my SAPALALI- city of Ipani and also my SAPALALI- …s of Muziki [I …-ed], I myself (re)built it. In the year in which I led the campaign of the city Kawa— to those fields my fathers, grandfathers and ancestors(?) had not marched, but me my lord celestial Tarhunza, Karhuha and Kubaba loved because of my justice,
for me they sat on (/ dwelt in?) the HUHURPALI, they marched before me, and I wasted those countries, I brought in trophies, and from those countries glorified I came up— these upper floors in that year I built myself. I myself beheld my lord Karhuha’s and Kubaba’s procession, and I myself seated them on this podium. For them the blood-offering (is) this: with the gods, annual bread; for Karhuha, one ox and a sheep; for Kubaba one ox and one sheep;
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
d (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ku OVIS-wa/i-sa (“L.478”)ku-tú-pi-li-sa-ha e 1 OVIS(ANIMA)-wa/i-sa |VIR-ti-ia-da-za DEUS-ní-za | | (A11c) 1. f [1 OVIS(ANIMA)-wa/i]-sa [FEMINA-ti]-ia-[ta]-za [DEUSni-za] … § 19 […]-sa z[a-ti]-ia-za [DEUS-n]i?-za MALUS-la/i-ti-i-*a 2. | | VERSUS-ia-ni |PES-wa/i-ti § 20 |NEG2-pa-wa/i-sa |za-ti-ia-za (DOMUS.SUPER) ha+ra/i-sà-tá-na-za MALUS-la/i-ti-i-*a |VERSUS-ia-ni [PES]-wa/i-ti § 21 [|]NEG2-[pa]-wa/i-da CRUS2.CRUS[(-)ni?]-ia-za-i RELa-ti PRAE-na § 22 [wa/i]-da-*a [SCRIBA+RA/I](-)CAPERE/da-⌈i⌉ ⌈|⌉RELi-sa § 23 |za-a-zi-pa-wa/i-tá [(SCALPRUM)]ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-zi-i LOCUS-la/i-za-⌈*a⌉ [?]| |-i-t[i] 3. § 24 |NEG2-pa-wa/i-tá |za-a-ti-ia-za |(“SCALPRUM”) ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-za |á-ma-za |á-lá/í-ma-za |ARHA |“MALLEUS”-lu/a/i-i § 25 pa-ti-pa-wa/i-tá-*a CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sá (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-sá-ha (MONS) a+ra/i-pu-tá-wa/i-ni-sá-ha (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa (“FLUMEN+MINUS”)sà-ku+ra/i-wa/i-ni-i-zi- ha (FLUMEN. REGIO)ha| |-pa-da-si DEUS-ní-zi |LIS-lu/a/i-sa-tú 4. § 26 wa/i-tú-*a |VIR-ti-ia-ti-ia-za-ha |(“CULTER”)pa+ra/itú-ní-tú-u § 27 FEMINA-ti-ia-ti-ia-za-ha-wa/i-tú-u |(“CULTER”) pa+ra/i-tú-ni-i-tú wa/i-tú-*a |VIR-ti-ia-ti-i-na |(L.462)mu-wa/i-i-da-na § 28 NEG3-sa |CAPERE-ti-i 5. § 29 FEMINA-ti-i[a]-ti-pa-wa/i-tú (FEMINA.L.462)| |4?-da |ni-i |CAPERE-ti-i § 30 |za-pa-wa/i-tá |URBS+MI-ni-i-na mu-*a |REL+ra/i-i I MAGNUS+ra/i-TONITRUS-ta-sa-za |FILIUS.NEPOS-sa-za |(“L.314”)ha-sá-ti-i ARHA |CAPERE-ha § 31 |NEG2-wa/i-na |REL+ra/i-i (LOCUS)pi-ta-ha-li-ia-ha § 32 a-wa/i |za-a-zi |DEUS-ní-i-zi |AUDIRE+MI-ta+ra/i-ru 6. § 33 “LIGNUM”-sa-pa| |-wa/i-mu-tá-a |REL-a-za za-a-tiia-za |(DOMUS.SUPER)ha+ra/i-sà-tá-na-za POST-ni |PESwa/i-da a-wa/i |za-a-zi “PORTA”-lu/a/i-ni-si-i-zi (DOMUS. § 34 SUPER)ha+ra/i-sà-tá-ní-zi Iá-na-ia mi-i-*a |BONUS-sami-i FEMINA-ti-i |(BONUS)wa/i-sa5+ra/i-ti-i pa-ti-i-*a |(ANNUS)u-si-i AEDIFICARE-MI-h[a]
for the god Sarku a sheep and a KUTUPILI; one sheep for the male gods; [one she]ep for the [fema]le [gods(?)] … [(He) wh]o(?) shall approach these [god]s with badness, or shall approach these upper floors with badness,
or if they shall pass down to (one), who shall … them, and shall [overturn] these orthostats as to (their) place, or shall erase my name from these orthostats,
against him may celestial Tarhunza, Karhuha and Kubaba, and the Storm God of Mount Arputa and the gods of the river-country of the river Sakura litigate! From him may they sever virility, (or) from her may they sever femininity, from him may they not accept (male) seed, (or) from her may they not accept female seed! If I myself took away this city from Ura-Tarhunta’s grandsons by force, (and) if I did not PITAHALIYA it, let these gods be witness! Because wood “came after” (i.e. became available for) me for these upper floors, these upper floors of the gates for Ana my dear wife with goodness in that year I built.
II.13 – 14. KARKAMIŠ A2+3
II.13 – 14. KARKAMIŠ A2+3 Transliteration (A2) 1. § 1
EGO Ika-tu-wa/i-sa |“IUSTITIA”-sa kar-ka-mi-si-zasa(REGIO) REGIO.DOMINUS-ia-sa Isu-hi-si-sa |REGIO-ni DOMINUS-ia-i-sa |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa § 2 wa/i-mu-*a |ku-ma-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa | | 2. |á-ma-za |tá-ti-ia |(“LIGNUM”)sà-la-ha-za |pi-ia-ta § 3 a-wa/i |za-a-sa |kar-ka-mi-si-za-sa(URBS) (DEUS) TONITRUS-sa NEG2-ha mi-i-*a |tá-ti-i |“COR”-tara/i-na POST-ni a-tá |BONUS-li-ia-ta § 4 NEG2-ha-wa/i-sa mi-i-*a AVUS-ha POST- ni a-tá 3. |BONUS-li-ia| |-ta § 5 wa/i-sa-*a mu-*a ka-tu-wa/i-ia kar-mi-siza(URBS) REGIO.DOMINUS-ia “COR”-tara/i-na POST-ni a-tá BONUS-li-ia-ta § 6 wa/i-mu-ta |su-ha-na-ti-*a! (“FRONS”)ha-ta-ti a-tá LITUUS+na-da wa/i-ta-*a mi-ia-za-*a LITUUS+AVIS-ta-ni-ia-za § 7 |REGIO-ni-i a-tá (DEUS)BONUS-na (DEUS)VITIS(-) ti-PRAE-ia-ha | | ARHA (CAPERE2)u-pa-ta 4. § 8 a-wa/i mi-ia-za-*a |LITUUS+AVIS-ta-ni-ia-za |OVIS(ANIMA)-i 10 ASINUS CRUS+RA/I § 9 mu-pa-wa/i-tu-*a |za-ia (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa DEUS. DOMUS-da BONUS-sa5-ti-i za-la L.261.PUGNUS- ru-ha § 10 á-ma-za-pa-wa/i-ta á-lá/í-ma-za REL-i-sa ARHA MALLEUS-i § 11 pa-ti-pa-wa/i-ta-*a |za-sa kar-ka-mi-si-za-sa(URBS) 5. (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa | | |(“L.464”)ha-da-ma |(PES2.PES) tara/i-pi-i-tu § 12 wa/i-tu-ta-*a |LOCUS-lá/í-wa/i-za-ha |NEG3-sa |CUM-i wa/i-sa-la-li-ti-i § 13 |POST+RA/I-wa/i-sà-ti-pa-wa/i |REL-sa |za-a-ia DEUS.DOMUS(-)ha-da a-tá |L.261(-)ta-pa-i wa/i-sa-*a |ma-na REX-ti-sa | | § 14a 6. b |ma-pa-sa |REGIO.DOMINUS-sa c |ma-pa-sa SACERDOS-li-sa § 15 wa/i-ta-*a pa-sa-*a |tá-ti-ia-za |DOMUS-ni-za |karka-mi-si-za-sa(URBS) |(DEUS)TONITRUS-sa |(CORNU) ki-pu-da-ti-i a-tá |(PES2.PES)tara/i-pi-tu-u | | (A3) 1. § 16 |za-ti-pa-wa/i |kar-ka-mi-si-za(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti-i Ika-tu-wa/i-sa |REGIO-ni-ia-si |DOMINUS-ia-sa REL-i-zi |(“L.273”)wa/i+ra/i-pa-si |DOMINUS-ia-zi-i pi-ia-tá ma-wa/i-sa |(CAELUM.L.286.x)sá-pa-tara/i-i-sa § 17a 2. b |ma-pa-wa/i-sa |(L.265)| |mi-zi-na-la-sa c |ma-pa-wa/i-sa |(SCUTELLA)tu-ni-ka-la-sa
I (am) Katuwa the righteous, the Karkamisean Country-Lord, the Country-Lord Suhi’s son. When Tarhunza gave me my father’s succession, this Karkamisean Tarhunza rose up in person behind (i.e. supported) neither my father, nor did he rise up behind (i.e. support) my grandfather, but behind me, Katuwa, the Kar(ka)misean Country-Lord, he rose up in person (i.e supported me), (and) he looked on me with a smiling(?) face, and in my good times he brought forth the GrainGod and the Wine-God in the country, in my good times for a sheep ten homers (of barley) stood. And I myself thereupon decorated these temples of Tarhunza for him with goodness. But (he) who erases my name, for him may this Karkamisean Tarhunza TARPI HADAMA, and for him may he not WASALALI- … In future (he) who shall ANTA (-)TAPA- these temples, whether he (be) a king, or he (be) a country-lord, or he (be) a priest, may Karkamisean Tarhunza ANTA TARPI- against his paternal house(s) with (his) KIPUTA!
The masters of the tools (crafts) whom Katuwa the Country-Lord gave to this Karkamisean Tarhunza,
whether one (was) a SAPATARI or whether one (was) a MIZINALA or whether one (was) a TUNIKALA
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
d ma-pa-wa/i-da |(DIES.OVIS)ku-ki-sà-ti-zi e |MAGNUS+ra/i-hi-sa5+ra/i-ma-sa-wa/i-tá?!(URBS) |URBS(-)hu-tá-ni-i |REL-i-zi |SOLIUM+MI-ti § 18 |POST+RA/I-wa/i-sà-ti-pa-wa/i-ma-za-*a |REL-i-sa |POST-ni |a-tá CRUS-i | | § 19a |ma-wa/i-sa REX-ti-sa b ma-pa-wa/i-sa |REGIO-ni-ia-si DOMINUS-ia-sa § 20 wa/i-da-tá-*a |za-a-ti-i (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti-i ARHA |CAPERE-i § 21 |pa-pa-wa/i-*a |za-a-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa (LOQUI)tá-tara/i-ia-tu § 22 wa/i-sa-*a |ku-ma-na sa-ti-*a |pa-la-sa-ti-i § 23 a-wa/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa | | (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-sa |(“FRONS”)ha-tá |NEG3-sa |LITUUS+na-ti-i § 24 wa/i-sa-*a |DEUS-na-za |CAPUT-tá-za-ha |L.366na-na |(DEUS)TONITRUS-tá-ti-i |(LOQUI)ta-tara/i-iami-sa i-zi-ia-ru
or whether they (were) KUKISATI’s who dwell in the village(?) of Urhisarma— in future whoever goes after them, —whether he (be) a king or whether he (be) a country lord— (and) takes them away from this Tarhunza, him may this Tarhunza curse! When he shall be “out of the way”, let him not behold the faces of Tarhunza and Kubaba, and let him be made accursed by Tarhunza in the sight of(?) gods and men!
II.15. KARKAMIŠ A12 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3
§ 4 3.
§ 5 § 6 § 7
§ 8 § 9 § 10 § 11
§ 12
§ 13
EGO-wa/i-mi-i Ika-tú-wa/i-sa |“IUSTITIA”-ní-i-sa DEUS-ní-ti (LITUUS)á-za-mi-sa kar-k[a]-m[i-si-zasa(URBS) REGIO.]DOMINUS […] Isu-h[i-… … | | … ] [… …]-ti-[zi]-ha |NEG2 (PES2)hwi/a-hwi/a-sà-ta-si mu-pa-wa/i-*a (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa (DEUS)kar-huha-sa (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-sa-ha |PRAE-na |(PES2)wa/i-sài-ta wa/i-tá-*a (CURRUS)wa/i+ra/i-za-ní-na a-tá [|](PES2) wa/i-[z]a-ha [… …] | | |CAPERE-ha (LIGNUM)sa-pi-si-za-pa-wa/i(URBS) FLUMEN-pati-na (VACUUS)tá-na-ta-ha á-wa/i-ia-na-wa/i-na-pa-wa/i(URBS) “CASTRUM”-sà 100 CURRUS(-)ku-sà-ti |INFRA-tá “PUGNUS”-sá-ha wa/i-mu-tá-*a |(“L.273”)wa/i+ra/i-pi L.275-i-ta a-wa/i [… … | | … ] m[u?-pa-wa/i]-tú-tá-*a mi-ia-ti-*a |“IUSTITIA”-ni-ti-i |(LITUUS)ti-ti-ti-i |(PES2)[…] wa/i-tú-[ta]-*a (“L.350”)á-sa-ha+ra/i-mi-sà |(PES2) pa-za-ha |(L.273)wa/i+ra/i-pi-ha-wa/i-tú (“SCUTUM”)hara/ili-ha |ARGENTUM.DARE/pi-ia| |-[ta]ra/i-[…] |(PES2) pa-za-ha wa/i-tú-wa/i-na-*a |PRAE-na |“L.30”(-)ri+i-nuwa/i-ha
Translation I am Katuwa the righteous, beloved by the gods, the Country-Lord of Karkamis, [… son of] Suhi [… … [To those fields my fathers] and [grandfath]ers had not marched, but the gods Tarhunza, Karhuha and Kubaba walked(?) before me, and I led in a campaign, [and …] I took, I wasted the river-land of the city Sapisi, and the walls of the city Awayana I …-ed down with 100 rams(?), they …-ed me in arms, and [… … By my righteousness [I] we[nt] to him for TITIT, I went to him for blood sacrifice, I went to him for armament and protection (“shield”) [and] profit (“selling”). And it before him I caused to …
§ 14 … a-w[a/i] p[i- (+frag.11?: p]i-na-*a VIA-wa/i-[…] “FUL[GUR]”-[pi]-ha-[mi-…) frag. 5: [… (DE]US?)[h]i-pu-da-[…] (other fragments: no identifiable word)
and (frag. 11 here?: then glori[fied by] that expedition [… … the god]dess Hebat […
II.16. KARKAMIŠ A13d Transliteration 1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6.
8. 9.
ÉGO-wa/i-mi-i Ika-tú-wa/i-sa5 |kar-ka-mi-si-zasa(URBS) |REGIO.DOMINUS-s[a … … | | … ] § 2 [… …] PONERE-wa/i-há § 3 (DEUS)TONITRUS-tá-sa-pa-wa/i-tá |REL-i-sa |á-tána-wa/i-na| |-a |kar-ka-mi-si-za(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti |SUB-na-na [… … | | … ] § 4 “9”-wa/i-i-za-ha-wa/i-tú |DARE-i § 5 |NEG2-pa-wa/i-tá | | za-a-ti |(“SCALPRUM”)ku-tasa5+ra/i-i |REL+ra/i-i Ika-tú-wa/i-[… … | | … ] § 6 [… …]-ru-ti § 7 a-wa/i (DEUS)ka+ra/i-hu-ha-ia (DEUS)ku+AVIS-paia-ha 9?!-wa/i| |-i-za |pi-ia-tú § 8 wa/i-na-*a L.261.PUGNUS-ru-tú § 9 pa-sá-⌈pa-wa/i-na⌉-[*a] … … | | … ] [… |R]EL-i-sa |za-a-ti CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti-i § 10 DEUS-ní-za | | |CUM-ní |(“ANNUS”)u-sa-li-za-ná [… § 1
Translation I (am) Katuwa, the Karkamisean Country-Lord, […
[…] I put. (He) who […] the ATANAWANA of Tarhunza under Karkamisean Tarhunza, … … he shall give nine / a ninth to him. Or if to this orthostat Katuwa [… … [… ] he shall [deco]rate(?), let him give nine / a ninth to Karhuha and Kubaba, (and) let him decorate (?) it. But his [… ] him, … (He) who […] annual [bread] for this celestial Tarhunza with the gods, […
II.19. KARKAMIŠ A23 (with fragments A26a1+2, A20a1) Transliteration (KARKAMIŠ A23) 1. § 1 EGO-wa/i-mi-i k[a-t]ú-wa/i-sa kar-k[a-m]i-si-[z]asa⌈(URBS)⌉ REGIO.DOMINUS-sa DEUS-ni-ti (LITUUS) á-za-mi-sa § 2 wa/i-mu […-*a … 2. [… | |← §§ a, b § 3 [… m]i-[i-sa]-*a (DOMINUS)na-ni-sá (DEUS)ku+AVISpa-sa kar-ka-mi-si-za-sa(URBS) MAGNUS.DOMINAsa5+ra/i-sa “MANUS”-ti |PUGNUS-ta 3. § 4 wa/i-mu-*a mi-zi-*a | | la/i-ni-zi-*a |pi-pa-sa-ta mu-pa-wa/i-*a la/i-na-za-*a |NEG2 |pi-ia-ta § 5 § 6 mu-pa-wa/i-*a pi-na-*a | (LINGERE)ha-sa-ti za-ia […] mi [… [… | |← §§ c, | | d 4.
I (am) Katuwa, the Karkamisean Country-Lord, beloved by the gods. Me [… [… (§§ a, b?) … [me] my sovereign Kubaba, Queen of Karkamis, raised by the hand, to me she always gave my enemies, but me to (my) enemies she did not give. And I myself [decorated(?)] these [buildings(?)] with that luxury. [… (§§ c, d?) …
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 7 § 8 § 9 § 10
wa/i-da-*a |NEG2 |REL-a-ha |sá-ha-si wa/i-da-*a mu-*a sá-ha-si wa/i-da-*a |(CRUX)wa/i-la-ha REL-i wa/i-ta-*a (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-na |kar-ka| |-mi-siza-na(URBS) MAGNUS.DOMINA-sa5+ra/i-na |POST-ni |SOLIUM-nu-wa/i-ha § 11 wa/i-ti-*a pa-sa-*a tá-ti-ia DOMUS-ni |BONUS-ia-ta § 12 mu-ha-wa/i-ti-[*a…] |[…] |[…] x ← § e
(KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2) 2. § a … LE]PUS+ra/i-ia-sa SUPER+ra/i-a CAPERE2. CAPERE2-da § b CAPUT-pa-wa/i [… 3. § c …] (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa AEDIFICARE-MI-[ha] 4. § d …] zi-[… | | …] tá-ti-zi (AVUS)hu-ha-zi |[… 5. § e wa/i-sa-[ta/tá/ti]-*a |FRO[NS]-lu/a/i-za DEUS. DOMUS-da [… (KARKAMIŠ A20a1) 1. § 1 …]mi-i-*a |BONUS-sa-mi [FEM]INA-ti-⌈i⌉ [… 2. § 2 …] ⌈|⌉ “PODIUM”-ma-da-si-na (DEUS)ku-AVIS [… 3. § 3 …] |z[a]-ti-i[a]-za (SCALPRUM)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-za |REL-[…
You will(?) not SAHA it/them anything, you will(?) SAHA it/them me. When I WALA-ed it them, I re-established Kubaba, Queen of Karkamiš,
(and) she was good in her paternal house. and me [… (§ e?)
…] of authority (s)he …-ed up, and the person [… …] for Kubaba I built. …] fathers (and) grandfathers [… and (s)he the foremost temple […
…] for my dear wife [… … Kubaba of the Podium [… …] who to these orthostats […
II.20. KARKAMIŠ A25a Transliteration (a1–3) 1–2. § 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5 § 6
§ 7 § 8
[ … || … ] a-wa/i pa-PITHOS(URBS)-ha (L.274)ha-ta-li-ha pa-tá-za-pa-wa/i-*a TERRA+LA+LA-da-za mi-zi-*a |tá-ti-zi [… …] CAPERE-tú wa/i-na-*a |L.261.PUGNUS-ru-tú [ … | | … ] …] |⌈x⌉(-)ha+ra/i-z[i/a]-tú-u …] (DOMINUS)na-ni-i (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-ia (DEUS) ku+AVIS-pa-ha kar-ka-mi-si-i-za(URBS) (MAGNUS. DOMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-⌈i?⌉ x [… [ … | | … ] … á]-ma-za |(“STATUA”)tá-ru-sa pa-ti-i-*a |(ANNUS) u-si |CRUS-nu-wa/i-[ha] |x[…]-wa/i-[… [ … | | … ]
… I smote also the city Pa . . . . To those fields my fathers [and grandfathers had not marched,] … … ] let him take, and let him decorate it. … … ]let him/them … … ]to [my] lord Karhuha and to Kubaba, Queen of Karkamiš […
…(-)]wa/i-tú-u kar-[…
and to him Kar[kamiš …
… …] my statue in that year I set up. … [ … …
II.21. KARKAMIŠ A16b Transliteration
|(SCALPRUM)ku-⌈ta⌉-sa5+ra/i-i |REL-sa |á-ma-za |á-lá/íma-z[a] |ARHA MALL[EUS]
… (he) who (shall) erase my name from the orthostat …
II.22. KARKAMIŠ A6 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5 3.
§ 6 § 7 § 8
§ 9 § 10 § 11 § 12 § 13
§ 14 § 15 § 16 § 17
§ 18
|ÉGO-wa/i-mi-i Ii-a+ra/i-ri+i-i-sa |IUSTITIA-ni-sa DEUS.AVIS-ta-ni-sà-mi-i-sa |LITUUS+ta-sa-pa-CERVUSwa/i-ti-i-sa CAPUT-ti-i-sá (“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-ma-ti-i (DEUS.ORIENS)ki-sá-ta-ma-ti-i |PRAE-ia |AUDIRE+MIma-ti-mi-i-sa DEUS-na-ti-i (LITUUS)á-za-mi-sa ⌈CAPUT?⌉ti-i-sa a-wa/i [x]-⌈x⌉-zi [á]-ma-[za] [á-lá/í]-ma-[z]a | | á-miia-ti-i |IUSTITIA-na-ti (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sa (DEUS) SOL-wa/i-za-sa-ha (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-si |(“PES2”)hi-nuwa/i-ta-a á-ma-za-ha-wa/i-ta á-lá/í-ma-za DEUS-ni-zi FINES+hi-ti-i-na |(“PES2”)hi-i-nu-wa/i-tá wa/i-ma-lá/í |zi-i-na (“MÍ.REGIO”)mi-za+ra/i(URBS) |AUDIRE-MI-ti-i-ta zi-pa-wa/i+ra/i |L.475-la(URBS)-a |AUDIRE+MI-ti-i-ta | | zi-i-pa-wa/i-a mu-sá-za(URBS) mu-sà-ka-za(URBS) su+ra/i-za-ha(URBS) AUDIRE+MI-ti-i-ta wa/i-ta ta-ni-mi REX-ti SERVUS-la/i-ti-i-zi |a-ta (BONUS)wa/i-sa5+ra/i-nu-ha za-a-pa-wa/i (“MENSA.SOLIUM”)á-sa-na-a |ku-ma-na I ka-ma-ni-i-ia |á-mi-i-a (DOMINUS)na-ni |INFANS-ní |REL-i-ia | | AEDIFICARE+MI-ha |wa/i-sá |za-ti LOCUS-lá/í-ti-i |(“PES2”)hwi/ahwi/a-ta |wa/i-ná |SUPER-la-ia |([“]SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ha |a-wa/i ta-ní-mi |SUPER+ra/i-a |(“PES2.PES”)tara/ipa-lá/í |INFANS-ní-i-sa-wa/i-sá |REL-za |á-sa-ta-a CUM-ni-pa-wa/i-tú-ta-a |á-pa-sá |FRATER.LA-zi-i |i-zi-i-ha |a-wa/i |REL| |-i-zi |(“L.314”)ka-tú-na-sa i-zi-i-sa-ta+ra/i-wa/i-ma-za |zi-la |(“L.314”)ka-túni-zi |(MANUS)i-sà-tara/i-i (“PONERE”)tú-wa/i-há REL-zi-pa-wa/i-ma-za-a |(“LIGNUM”)tara/i-pu-na-sá |i-zi-i-sa-ta+ra/i-wa/i-ma-za |zi-la |(“LIGNUM”) tara/i-pu-na-zi-i |(MANUS)i-sà-tara/i-i “PONERE”wa/i-ha-a | | I ka-ma-ni-sa-pa-wa/i |REL-i-a |INFANS-ní-sa |á-sa-tá
Translation I (am) Yariri, the righteous, the … man, the man(?) far reputed from the West and the East, beloved by the gods.
… my name on account of my justice Tarhunza and the Sun caused to pass to heaven,
and my name the gods caused to pass abroad, and men heard it for me on the one side in Egypt (Mizra), and on the other side they heard it in Babylon (?) and on the other side they heard (it) among the Musa, the Muska and the Sura, and for every king I treated well (?) the subjects. And when I built this seat for Kamani my lord’s child, he used to run to this precinct. I seated him on high, (and) he TARPA-ed over all, though he was a child. And with him I made his brothers. (For them) who (are) of KATUNI-, with honour to them thereupon I put KATUNI’s in (their) hand(s), and for them who (are) of TARPUNA, with honour to them thereupon I put TARPUNA’s in (their) hand(s). And though Kamani was a child,
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 19 |wa/i-ná ara/i-la-a (“3”)tara/i-su-u “4”-su-u |(“MANUS”)pa+ra/i-si (“CRUS”)ta-nu-wa/i-wa/i-i § 20 |wa/i-ta (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-i (DEUS)SOL-ti-i (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-ia-ha ta-ni-mi-i-ha-a-wa/i | | DEUS-ni-i |FRONS-ti-i |SUPER+ra/i-a PUGNUS-ri+i-lá/í-wa/i § 21 |a-wa/i (LOQUI)ha+ra/i-nu-wa/i (DEUS)ku+AVIS-papa-a § 22 u-zu?-sa-wa/i-ma-ta-a (MANUS)i-sà-tara/i-i |MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-wa/i-ta-ni-i § 23 |wa/i-sá |za-ti LOCUS-la/i-ti |REL-i-a (PES2)hwi/aia-ta § 24 |wa/i-tú-u |za-na (“MENSA.SOLIUM”)á-sa-na | | AEDIFICARE+MI-ha § 25 za-sa-pa-wa/i (MENSA.SOLIUM)á-sa-sa CRUS2+CRUS (-)ni-za-ia |REL-a-ti REL-ti-i-ha REX-ti |PRAE-na § 26 wa/i-ara/i |SCRIBA+RA/I(-)CAPERE/da-i |REL-sa § 27 |zi-i-pa-wa/i |“SCALPRUM”-su-wa/i-ti-i |“SCALPRUM”-su-na-a |NEG3-i CUM-ní ARHA |CAPERE-ia § 28 |ta-sà-pa-wa/i-a ta-si |NEG3+i CUM-ni ARHA |CAPERE-ia | | § 29 |ní-pa-wa/i-ta |á-ma-za |á-lá/í-ma-za-a |REL-i-sá |ARHA “MALLEUS”-la § 30 |ni-pa-wa/i |INFANS-ni-na-ti-i |zi-i-na |ni-pa-wa/i (“L.474”)wa/i-si-na-sa-ti zi-na REL-sa CUM-ni ARHA |CAPERE-ia § 31 á-pa-pa-wa/i-a (DEUS)ni-ka+ra/i-wa/i-sá CANIS2-ni-i-zi á-pa-si-na |CAPUT-hi-na |ARHA EDERE-tú
I shall cause him to stand …, three times, four times … I shall raise(?) (him) up in front of Tarhunza, the Sun and Kubaba and every god, I shall make speak: “O Kubaba, you yourself shall make him great in my hand”. When he ran to this precinct, for him I built this seat. If this seat shall pass down to any king, who shall …, whether he shall take away a stone from these stones, or whether he shall take away a stele for a stele, or who shall erase my name, or who shall take away (a child) from these children, or (a eunuch) from these eunuchs, (for) him may Nikarawa’s dogs eat up his head!
II.23. KARKAMIŠ A7 Transliteration a,
b, c–d, d–e, e–f, g, h, i,
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11 § 12 § 13
|za-sa-wa/i-a Ika-ma-ni-i-sá |za-zi-pa-wa/i-tú POST+ra/i-i-zi |FRATER. LA-zi-i |á-mu-pa-wa/i-na |za-ti (MANUS)i-sà | |-tara/i-na |CAPERE-ha wa/i-na DEUS.DOMUS-da ISUPER+ra/i-a |(“PES2”)wa/i-tara/i-sa-ha-a |INFANS-ni-sa-wa/i-sá | | |REL-za á-sa-ta za-pa-wa/i-a Ii-a+ra/i-ri+i-sa (STATUA)ta-ru-sá |za-[sa]-wa/i Ima-li-i-TONITRUS-pa-sá |za-sa-pa-wa/i-a Iá-sa-ti-TONITRUS-hu-za-sa |za-sa-pa-wa/i Itara/i-ní-ti-sa-pa-sá |za-sa-a-wa/i Ii-si-ka+ra/i-ti-sa-pa-sa |za-sa-wa/i Isi-ka-ra+a-sa |za-sa-wa/i ITONITRUS-HALPA-pa-wa/i+ra/i-sa |za-sa-wa/i Iia-hi-la-ti-sa-pa-sa
Translation This (is) Kamani, and these are his younger brothers. Here I took him (by) the hand, and I established him over the temple, though he was a child. This (is) the image of Yariri. This (is) Malitispa and this (is) Astitarhunza and this (is) Tarnitispa. This (is) Isikaritispa, this (is) Sikara, this (is) Halpawari, this (is) Yahilatispa,
1. 2.
§ 14 |za-sa-pa-wa/i-a Itú-wa/i+ra/i-sa-i-sá |IUSTITIAní-i-sa (“L.357+RA/I”)za+ra/i| |-za-mi-sa |“FRONS”hi-ti á-sa5-za-mi-i-sá CAPUT-ti-sa
and this (is) Tuwarsai the righteous(?), the person desired(?), proclaimed for preeminence.
II.24. KARKAMIŠ A15b Transliteration side 1. § 1
§ 2
§ 3 § 4
§ 5 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11 § 12
§ 13 § 14 § 15 § 16 § 17
§ 18 § 19
§ 20
EGO-wa/i-mi-i Ii-ara/i-ri+i-sá |IUSTITIA-ni-sa (DEUS) TONITRUS-ta-ti-i (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-ti (DEUS)kar-huha-ti-i (DEUS)SOL-da-ti-i-ha (LITUUS)á-za-mi-sa CAPUTti-sá wa/i-mu-u kar-ka-mi-sà(URBS) SUPER+ra/i-a PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi PUGNUS-ri+i-i-ia-ha i-zi-ia-ta DEUSni-zi a-wa/i kar-ka-mi-sà-na(URBS) PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi-ha (DOMINUS)na-ni-ia-za-[pa/ha]-wa/i-mu [DOMUS?]na-za [PUGNUS?-ri]+i-ha kar-ka-mi-[sà]-pa-[wa/i(URBS)… … | | … …] x […]-ha ⌈wa/i⌉-ta FLUMEN-pi-na | (“PES2”)hi-nu-ha (X?)á-lá/í |sà-na-ha wa/i-ta |zi-na FLUMEN-pi-na (“PES2”)hi-nu-ha |zi-ha-wa/i-ta FLUMEN-pi-i-na (“PES2”)hi-nú-ha (DEUS)hara/i-ma-na-wa/i-na-sa-pa-wa/i(URBS) DEUS.DOMUS-da AEDIFICARE+MI-ha á-mi-i-na-pa-wa/i-mu!-u! (“COR”)á-tara/i-i-na |“SCALPRUM”(-)i-ara/i-za i-zi-i-ha wa/i-mu-tá (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-sa |(“PES”)pa-lá/í-a PONERE-mi-i-na |CAPERE-i | | I ka-ma-ni-na-pa-wa/i-a CRUS2+CRUS2(-)ní-ia-sa-tala-na MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-ha-a wa/i-ta |REX-tá-za |“FRONS”-hi-ti L.273-na |REL-ti (L.273.MANUS)su-hi-i-ti-ha POST+ra/i-zi-pa-wa/i-tú |FRATER.LA-zi-i MAGNUS+ ra/i-nu-ha |wa/i-ta |(“FILIUS.NI”) á-lá/í-la-za |a-ta sa-sa-ha |(“CUBITUM”)ka+ra/i-mara/i+ra/i-ta-hi-sà-pa-wa/ima-za-ta á-mi-ia-za-a |(DOMINUS)na-ni-ia-za Iá-sa-ti-ruwa/i-sá |INFANS-ni-ia-za ARHA (“LONGUS”)ia+ra/i-i-ha |wa/i-mu DEUS-ni-zi-a x x [… … | | … …] URBS-si-ia-ti |SCRIBA-li-ia-ti zú+ra/i-wa/i-niti(URBS) |SCRIBA-li-ia-ti-i a-sú+ra/i(REGIO)-wa/i-nati(URBS) |SCRIBA-li-ia-ti-i ta-i-ma-ni-ti-ha(URBS) SCRIBA-li-ti 12-ha-wa/i-a |“LINGUA”-la-ti-i-na (LITUUS)u-ni-ha
I (am) Yariri the righteous, the person beloved by Tarhunza, Kubaba, Karhuha and the Sun.
Me the gods made strong and exalted over Karkamis, I strengthened Karkamis, [and] I [rai]sed(?) my lord’s [hou]se(?), and Karkamis [… … … I caused the river to pass right and good … I caused the river to pass here, and here too I caused the river to pass. I built the temple of the Harmanean god, and I made my own image …, and (for) me Kubaba will take (to be?) placed at (her) foot. I brought up Kamani as successor, in that I completed (him) (as to) the weapon for preeminence over kings, and I brought up his younger brothers, I admitted (them) to the ALALAs(?) and for them, my lord Astiruwa’s children, I extended KARMARATAHID-. Me the gods [… … …] in the City’s writing, in the Tyrian writing, in the Assyrian writing and in the Taimani writing,
and I knew 12 languages.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 21 |wa/i-mu-u ta-ni-ma-si-na REGIO-ni-si-i-na-a |INFANS-ni-na |(“VIA”)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ta-hi-lá/í-ti-i CUM-na ARHA-sa-ta (DOMINUS)na-ni-i-sa á-mi-i-sa |“LINGUA”-la-ti SUPER+ra/i-a § 22 ta-ni-mi-ha-wa/i-mu (L.273)wa/i+ra/i-pi-na (LITUUS) u-na-nu-ta
By travelling my lord gathered every country’s son to me for language,
§ 23 [z]a-pa-wa/i “SCALPRUM”-su-na za-ma-ti-i-na-a wa/imi-LITUUS-ha § 24 [wa/i]-mu-u STATUA-ti u-mu SUPER?-ru-x-x § 25 i-zi?-ia-sa4?-sà?-ti-pa-wa/i-ta |REL-i-sa |NEG2-a LITUUS+u-x-ti-i |á?-la?-sa?-i? § 26 |za-sa-wa/i-a sà-na-x-i(a)? § 27 wa/i-mu-u […]-ti?-sa?…-sá … § 28 x-x-ta…ha-na…-wa/i-mu?-ti x-sa-ha “FRONS”-su?-lá/í? x x |á-[…] i [… § 29 …] á … LOCUS-la/i-ti |“CRUS”-nu-sà-wa/i-a
This ZAMATI stone (or: stone ZAMATI) I found(?),
and he caused me to know every skill (Yakubovich: “tool”).
and for my statue … [I …-ed]. …
… … in place I will set up.
II.25. KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3 Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3
§ 4
§ 5 § 6
§ 7
§ 8 § 9 § 10 § 11
§ 12 § 13
…] na […] na (“L.474”)[wa/i]-si-na-si-i-zi (L.91/92/94) [z]a-la-la-[…]-na x [… … | | … … …]-ia-ta pa+ra/i-na-sa-pa-wa/i-ta-a(URBS) (ASINUS2.ANIMA) tú+ra/i-la-ka-li-si-i-zi ARHA |CAPUT.CULTER-tá |wa/i-za |(PUGNUS+PUGNUS)i-ka+ra/i-zi-i |REL-[t]i ⌈á⌉-su-[x]-ha-a […] za […] a […] na […] x [… … | | … … ku-m]a-na a-sú+ra/i[(REGIO)]-wa/i-ni-[sá](URBS) |REX-ti-i-sa i-la-pa-z-na(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS-huz-na ARHA |(“PES2”)wa/i-za-tá a-wa/i a-sú+ra/i(REGIO)-ia-na-a(URBS) (FLAMMAE) ma-ru-sà-na-ti-i (L.273)hu-ta-i-li-ta-a |wa/i-na-a [… … | | … …]ti x […] (DEUS)ku+AV[IS]-pa-pa-[x] AR[HA] |(“PES”)⌈u⌉-sa-t[a … …]-i[a]-na ARHA “L.402+L.195”(-)ka-ri+i-da i-la-pa-za-ha-wa/i-a(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti “PUGNUS”(-)wa/i+ra/i-mi-i-na |SUPER[… … | | … … …]-zi-lá/í |wa/i-ra+a (L.349)ta-lu/a/i?-pa-ti-za-sa(URBS) REX-tii-sa (L.428)da-ia-t[i] “OV[IS?” …
Translation …] the eunuchs … the cart [… … …] he/they […]-ed. The TURLAKALISI’s …-ed away the city Parnassa. (or He/they …-ed away the TURLAKALISI’s for/in/ from the city Parnassi.) wherefore I? […]-ed; the IKARA’s for us, for us(?) … [… … [Whe]n(?) the Assyrian king carried off Halabean Tarhunza, and he smote Assyria with the firebrand, and him/it [… … …] Kubaba (nom. or acc.?) brought forth, … she KARI-ed away. and up to Halabean Tarhunza … [… … … ] he […]-ed. It/them the Talupatean king … […
II.25a. KARKAMIŠ Stone Bowl Transliteration za-ha-wa/i (L.522)hu-ri+i-na (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-si-na EGO i-ia+ra/i-ri+i-sa (“PURUS”)ku-ma-ni-ha (DEUS)ku+AVISpa-pa-sa-ti-i (DEUS)ka+ra/i-hu-ha-sa-ti (LIGNUM)ta-pa+ra/ia-ti (PONERE)tu-wa/i-x-x hu … za-ti x x x x za-ti-⌈pa/ha⌉-wa/i ta-ha (PONERE)tu-wa/i-ha
§ 1
§ 2 § 3
Translation And this HURI of Kubaba I, Yariri, consecrated by the authority of Kubaba (and) of Karhuha.
… Here … I put.
II.26. AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31(+frags. A30b1–3) Transliteration 1.
[…] kar-ka-mi-sà(URBS) VITELLUS-za-sa(URBS) REGIO.DOMINUS á-sa-ti-ru-sa REGIO.DOMINUS |FILIUS. NI-za-sa BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-mu(wa)-sa REGIO.DOMINUS |FILIUS.NEPOS-si-ka+ra/i-sa sa5-[k]a+ra/i-s[a … | |] § 2 […]-ha-[ia] (DEUS)ku-AVIS-ia-ha BONUS-si-ia-za-ha § 3 wa/i-mu |á-ma-za LIGNUM-ha-za DARE-ta § 4 á-mi-ha-wa/i-mu-tá |tá-ti AVUS-ha-ti REGIO-ni (L.3[3(1)])m[i+ra/i-sa5+ra/i-na … | |] a-ta i-zi-i-da § 5 [(DEUS)]AVIS-i[a?-za]-wa/i-[mu-…] (LINGERE)[ha]sa-t[i] DOMUS-na […] wa/i-… [… …]-da § 6 [a]-wa/i ⌈(DEUS)⌉ku-AVIS-[pa-p]a-sa [DEUS]. DOMUS-[z]a […]-ni […]-ti [… | | …] AEDIFICARE-MI-ha § 7 wa/i-mu |á-ma-za STATUA PRAE-na CRUS-nu-ha § 8 kar-ka-mi-sà-pa-wa/i(URBS) CASTRUM pi-na-dawa/i-na(URBS) SUB-na-na i-zi-i-ha § 9 VACUUS-tá-pa-wa/i LOCUS-la/i-lá/í […]-x-ha § 10 […]-wa/i zi-REL(?) á-[… | | …] (DEUS)ku-AVIS-ia karka-mi-si-zi(URBS) MAGNUS.DOMINA ka-ma-ní-sa IUSTITIA-sa BONUS-sa-ma-za LOCUS-la/i-za i-zi-i-ha § 11 |wa/i-tú REX-zi L.356-wa/i-zi-ha DOMINUS-zi “ADORARE”-su-na a-ta-na PES2.PES2-ti § 12 [… | | …] x-[s]a-mi-na CUM-ni (LOQUI)la-ma-ní-sà-ti
§ 1
za-ti-pa-wa/i DEUS-ní REL-sa MALUS-la/i-ti § 13 VERSUS-ia-na PES2-si-ti ni-pa-wa/i+ra/i “CRUS2.CRUS”-i REL-ti PRAE-ni § 14 § 15 wa/i-ra+a SCRIBA+RA/I(-)CAPERE-ia REL-sa § 16 ka-ma-ni-sa-[pa-wa/i DOMUS-ni(?) | | BONUS-za(?)] ⌈NEG2⌉ CUM-ni i-zi-i-ti ní-pa-wa/i |za-ia |(“LOQUI”)mara/i+ra/i-ta REL-sa § 17 NEG2 AUDIRE+MI-ti-ti § 18 |á-pa-ti-pa-wa/i-ta CENTUM (DOMUS)ki-sà-ta+ ra/i-sa (DEUS)ku-AVIS-sá |LIS-lu/a/i-sa-tú § 19 wa/i-tú-tá PANIS.SCUTELLA-na pi-ha(-) […
Translation [I (am) Kamani the righteous] Country-Lord of Karkamis and Maliza?, the son of Astiru the Country-Lord, great-grandson of Isarulimuwa the Country-Lord, Sangara’s [… descendant] I was dear [to Karhu]ha and Kubaba, and she gave me my succession, and in my father’s (and) grandfather’s land she made me M[IRASARI]. [In my] good-times with luxury the house she […]-ed, and Kubaba’s temple … […] I built, and I set up my own statue in front. I subjected the Pinadean fortresses to Karkamiš, and the devastated precincts I [(re-)settl]ed(?). […] for Kubaba, Queen of Karkamiš, I Kamani the righteous made a beloved precinct. Kings and important lords will come in to pray to her, for [her/me(?)] they will name [me/her(?)] the […]-ed (one). (He) who shall come against this deity with malice, or if she shall pass down to (one) who shall …, and shall not do [good to the house] of Kamani, or who shall not listen to these words, against him may Kubaba of 100 KISTARA’s litigate, and for him [may she] … […
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
II.27. CEKKE Transliteration Inscription 1, obverse (bottom) 1–2. § 1 EGO-mi DOMINUS.SOL| |-wa/i+ra/i-sá sa-sa-tù+ 3. ra/i-sá wá/í-sa| |-mi-sa SERVUS-lá/í 4. § 2 a-wa/i | | za LIGNUM(-)[x]-⌈pa⌉-ma-za ⌈DOMINUS⌉. SOL-wa/i+ra/i-sá sa-sa-⌈tù+ra/i⌉-ia |⌈DOMINUS⌉-ni á-pasa-na PONERE-tá § 3 |za-ha-wa/i STELE-zi?! á-pa-sa pu-pa-li-ta (top) 1. § 4 za-ti-pa CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS VITELLUS(ANIMA) ARHA (“[FLAMM]AE(?)”)k[i| |-n]u-ti 2. § 5 POST+ra/i-tá-pa-wa/i BOS(ANIMA) OVIS(ANIMA) | | 3. LIBARE(-)sa5+ra/i-la-ti Inscription 2, reverse 1. § 6a ka-ma-ní-sa IUSTITIA-sa kar-ka-mi-sà(URBS) VITELLUS-zá(URBS) REGIO.DOMINUS sa-sá-tù+ra/i-sa I ka-ma-ní-sa FRONS-lu/a/i-sa SERVUS-la/i 2. b ka-ma-na-na(URBS) URBS+MI-ní-na ka-na| |-puwa/i-na-za(URBS) CUM-ni (“CONTRACTUS”)i-sa-ta á-pasa-ti L.314-sa-tá-na-ti wa/i-ma-za 600 ASINUS(ANIMA)-i-za DARE-tá § 7 § 8 |za-CRUS+RA/I-pa-wa/i SUB?!-ní 1 “ARGENTUM”-ri+i 3 (SCALPRUM)ma-na-zi ARGENTUM-za Iwa/i+ra/i3. pa-tá| |-sa-za |FILIUS.NÍ-wa/i-za DARE-mi-na § 9 |há-ia-la Ila-pa+ra/i-na-ia Iza-za-ia-ha 4 (SCALPRUM) ma-na-zi ARGENTUM-za (L.349)nú-hu-za-ti(URBS) DAREmi-na § 10 |há-ia-la URBS+MI-ni ta-ní-mi Iá-ha-li-ia FLUMEN. 4. DOMINUS PRAE-na | | (PANIS.PITHOS)á-zá-li-za i-zi-iami-na § 11 wa/i BOS(ANIMA) 15 OVIS ka-na-pu-ia(URBS) 2 SCALPRUM-na-zi ARGENTUM-za (PANIS.PITHOS)á-záli-sá DARE-mi-na § 12 DOMINUS-ti-wa/i+ra/i-ia-pa-wa/i á-ha-li-sa-na PRAE-ti L.179.L.347.QUINQUE-sà-pa-sá 1 SCALPRUM-sa (L.33(2))mi+ra/i-sa5+ra/i-zi DARE-mi-na § 13 URBS+MI-ní-pa-wa/i 20 tá-mi 10 |INFANS-ní ki5. tara/i-sa | | (PUGNUS+PUGNUS)hi-sà-hi-mi-na § 14 (LIGNUM)ha-za-ni-sa-pa-wa/i za-sa(-)ha-pu-zi-sa FILIUS.NI-wa/i-za-sa á-sa-ta BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-⌈x⌉-ní-sa MAGNUS+ra/i-ia-zi-ha § 15 a-wa/i FINES-ha+ra/i-ia(-)ta-sa ha-zi-mi-na § 16 |wa/i-ta tá-ra+a-za |FILIUS.NI-wa/i-za-ha kitara/i-sa (PUGNUS+PUGNUS)hi-sà-hi-mi-na § 17a zi-la-pa+ra/i-ha+ra/i(URBS) TONITRUS-hu-ti-wa/i+ra/isá Ihara/i-na-(m)u?-sa-ha |FILIUS.NI-wa/i-za-sa á-pa-sá
I (am) Nani-tiwara, beloved servant of Sastura. This … Nani-tiwara set up for Sastura his lord,
and this stele the latter composed. For this celestial Tarhunza they shall burn up a calf,
and in future they shall offer an ox and a sheep.
Kamani the righteous, the Country-Lord of the cities Karkamis (and) Malizi(?), (and) Sastura, “first servant” of Kamani, —the city Kamana they bought from the Kanapuweans with their support, and to them they gave 600 mules; … 3 minas (of) silver to Warpata’s sons are to be given, … to Labarna and Zaza 4 minas (of) silver from the city Nuhuza are to be given, … in every city before Ahali the River-Lord a feast(?) is to be made, an ox, 15 sheep to the city Kanapu (and) 2 minas (of) silver (and) a meal(?) is to be given, and before Nani-tiwara Ahali’s (son) … is to be given. In the city KITARASA is to be bound for 20(+)10 TAMI(’s) and child(ren), and there was the mayor, Zashapuzi(?)’s son, Isaruli-[…]ni, and the great ones(?). Frontier stelae are to be engraved, and KITARASA is to be bound for the fathers and sons. From the city Zilaparaha Tarhuntiwari and Harana(m)u(?) his son,
I b ha+ra/i| |-li-sa TONITRUS-hu-tá-wa/i+ra/i-sa-ha |FILIUS.NÍ-za-sa á-pa-sá I ha+ra/i-ní-sa ha-wa/i+ra/i-zá-sa(URBS) Isà-tá c |FRATER.LA-sa-ha |FILIUS.NI-za-sa á-pa-sá d na-ni-sa |FRATER.LA-wa/i+ra/i-sa-ha |FILIUS. NÍ-za-sa á-pa-sá e ⌈lu/a/i-da⌉-pa-ti(URBS) Ika-mara/i+ra/i-sa IREL-zaia+ra/i-sa-ha |FILIUS.NI-zá-sá á-pa-sá 7. f PUGNUS-ri+i-mi-sá za-ha-mu-sa-ha | | |FILIUS. NI-za-sa á-pa-sa g á-pa-ku-ru-da-ri+i(URBS) PUGNUS-mi-lu/a/i-li-sa zú-zi-sa-ha |FILIUS.NI-za-sa á-pa-sá h za+ra/i-ha-nu-ri+i(URBS) la-sá pi-ia-TONITRUS-huzá-sá-ha |FILIUS.NI-za-sa á-pa-sá i SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-sá Isà-tá-(m)u?-sá-ha |FILIUS. NI-za-sa á-pa-sá | | sa5+ra/i-mu-tara/i(URBS) pa-pi-sá AVUS-ha-wa/i+ra/i8. j sa-ha |FILIUS.NÍ-za-sa á-pa-sa k TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-mu-sa á-sa-ti-TONITRUS-zasá-ha á-pa-sa l i-sa-tara/i(URBS) MAGNUS+ra/i-TONITRUS-sa TONITRUS-hu-wa/i-su-wa/i-sa |FILIUS.NÍ-za-sa á-pa-sá | | 9. m OMNIS-mi-|FRATER.LA-sa PUGNUS-ri+i-mi-sá-ha |FILIUS.NI-za-sa n hu-hu+ra/i-da-ti(URBS) Iá-mu-sa wa/i-li-na-ia-sa-ha |FILIUS.NI-za-sa á-pa-sá sa-tara/i-pa-ti(URBS) zu?-na-(m)u?-sa TONITRUS. o HALPA-pa-SOL-wa/i+ra/i-sa-ha |FILIUS.NÍ-za-sa á-pa-sá 10. § 18 |wa/i-tá L.370+MINUS-i-zi | | (“CAPUT”)ha+ra/ima-hi MANUS.L.311(-)lu/a/i-mi-na § 19 a-wa/i FINES-hi-zi PONERE-mi-na § 20 |za-ti-pa-wa/i URBS+MI-ni REL-sa MALUS-hi-da-ri+i VERSUS (PES2)i+ra/i § 21 ni-pa-wa/i FINES-hi-zi ARHA MANUS.L.218(-)lu/a/i?ha-i § 22 |ní-pa-wa/i-sa za-ti STELE-ri+i (SCALPRUM)tara/i-pi 11. | | CRUS-ia § 23 wa/i-ta za-ia mara/i+ra/i-ta ARHA MALLEUS-i § 24 á-pa-ti-pa-wa/i CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS (DEUS) ka+ra/i-hu-ha-sá (DEUS)ku-AVIS-ha (DEUS)BONUS (DEUS)i-sa-ha (DEUS)LUNA+MI-sa (DEUS)SOL (CRUX) wa/i-la “PES”-wa/i-tú § 25 a-wa/i |“CAELUM”-sa CORNU+RA/I-na |ni LITUUS+ na-ti 12. § 26 TERRA-pa-wa/i CORNU+RA/I-na |ní | | (PES2.PES) [tara/i-pi-ti] § 27 (DEUS)ku-pa-AVIS-pa-si-pa-wa/i L.476-wá/í-sa-ha-na CORNU+RA/I-na |ní LITUUS+na-ti § 28 wa/i-tú-ta za-zi DEUS-ní-zi |“TERRA”-sa L.185(-)hu-sa-za SCALPRUM-na x á-[…] ARHA i-zi-ia-tú
Harali and Tarhuntawari his son, Harani the Hawarean and Santa-lani (?) his son, Nani and Lani-wari(?) his son. From the city Ludapa(?) Kamara and Kwazayara his son, Arimi(?) and Zahamu his son. From the city Apakuruda … lumili(?) and Zuzi his son. From the city Zarahanu La and Piyatarhunza his son, Tiwarimi and Santa(m)u(?) his son. From the city Sarmuta Papi and Huhawari his son, Halpamu and Astitarhunza his son. From the city Isata Ura-Tarhunza and Tarhuwasuwa his son, Tanimi-lani(?) and Arimi(?) his son. From the city Huhurada Amu and Walinaya his son. From the city Satarpa Zuna(m)u(?) and Halpatiwara his son. The SURI’s are to be … at the head(?), and the frontiers are to be established. (He) who shall approach this city with malice, or shall infringe the frontiers, or shall stand for TARPI against this stele, and erase these words, against him may celestial Tarhunza, Karhuha and Kubaba, the Good God and Ea, the Moon (and) the Sun come badly! Let him not behold the abundance of the Sky, and let him not [tread] the abundance of the Earth, and let him not behold the TAWASHA abundance of Kubaba! For him may these gods change(?) the land’s life(?) (to) stone(?)!
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
II.28. KARKAMIŠ A4a Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3
§ 4 § 5 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11 § 12
§ 13
§ 14
[za-ia]-wa/i [DOMUS]-na [… …]x-sa-a [(FILIUS)]. NÍ-za-sa-a ⌈ka⌉-ma-ni-ia ⌈REX⌉-ti ⌈CUM⌉-ni ARHA (CONTRACTUS)DARE-ta ka-ma-ni-sa-pa-wa/i+ra/i PRAE-ri+i-⌈SARMA+ RA/I+MI⌉-ma-ia-a [|]FRATER.LA-sa-na |FILIUS.NI-za-a pa-pi-⌈da⌉-ti-sà-na-a FILIUS.NEPOS CUM-ni ARHA (CONTRACTUS)DARE-ta |wa/i-tu-u 20+2[+?] (“SCALPRUM[”)ma-na-zi ARGENTUM-za DARE-mi-na] [wa/i-tu-u PANIS.PI]THOS-[li]-za i-zi-ia-mi-na BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-sa-pa-wa/i[…] |[… t]i-s[a … … | | … … U]RBS MAGNUS+ra/i-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-sa-a i-ha-⌈sà⌉wa/i-ni-sa(URBS) I pa-mu-[… … (DI]ES?)⌈u⌉-li-ia-na-da-sá mu-wa/i-sa |L.279-lu/a/i-sa ku-ma-wa/i+ra/i-sá-ha zú-wa/i-ní-i-sa (“PANIS.PITHOS”)á-za-li-sa-pa-wa/i (DOMINUS)na-ní “L.419”-sa-ha-sá-a DARE-mi-na za-ia-pa-wa/i-ta DOMUS-na-a REL-sa á-mi-i |INFANSni-i |FILIUS.NEPOS-si |FILIUS.NEPOS-kwi/a-la ⌈ARHA⌉ [CAPERE-i]a-a wa/i-tu-u “CAELUM” (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sá-a | | (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sa (DEUS)ku-AVIS-pa-pa-sa-ha (DEUS) LUNA+MI-sa-a (DEUS)SOL-sa-[ha-a] (DEUS)pa+ra/i-[k]a+ ra/i-sa-ha-a |LIS-lu/a/i-sa-tu a-wa/i |á-pa-sá (“CAPUT[”]) [ha+ra/i]-ma-[hi-na] ARHA “DELERE”(-)[mara/i?]-nu-tu-a
[These hou]ses [So-and-so, So-and-so]’s son sold to Kamani the King, and Kamani sold them to Parisarma the brother’s son, Papidati’s grandson:
to him 22(+?) m[inas(?) of silver(?) are to be given(?)], [and for him a] feast is to be made. Isaruli … … … Urasarma of the city Ihasa, Pamu[…] the …, Muwa the …, and Kumawari the Dog (or Dog(-son)). A feast (is) to be given to the master of the WASHA(?). But (he) who shall take away these houses from my son, grandson (or) great-grandson, against him may Celestial Tarhunza, Karhuha and Kubaba, the Moon and the Sun and Parakara litigate, and may they destroy his head!
II.29. TÜNP 1 Interpretation and translations follow generally Yakubovich’s edition in Fs. Singer. Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3 § 4 § 5
[… …]ara/i-|FRATER.LA-ia CUM-ni sà-ta-ti-wa/i+ ra/i-sa-na (“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-na CUM-ni | | (“CONTRACTUS”)i-ia-sá-ta a-wa/i (“SCALPRUM”)á-su-sa ARHA (“CAPUT+ SCALPRUM”)ku-sà-mi-na |L.161.ANIMA(?) zú-ki-sa [… | | … SU]B-na-na (“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-sa i-LITUUSwa/i-ni-sa |SUPER+ra/i-la+ra+a-pa-wa/i (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sá |i-da-wa/i-za
Translation …] the land from […]aralani(?) Santatiwari’s (son) he/they bought, the stone is to be erased. … [… below, the earth (is) Iawean(?), and above, the sky (is) Idawean(?).
II.31 – 32. KARKAMIŠ A21b+a
§ 6 § 7
§ 8 § 9
(“PES2”)tara/i-pi+ra/i-pa-wa/i | | REL-sà |wa/i-*a 1 “ARGENTUM”-sa 1 (“SCALPRUM”) ma-na-sa |1 (“SCALPRUM”)ma-na-sa-ha-na (“L.419”) wa/i-sa-ha-sa |CAPUT?/PRAE?+ra/i-sa-pa-wa/i(-)ta(-)REL-sa(-)na a-ta i-zi-ia+ra/i wa/i-ta […]-pa […
(He) who shall TARPI (this), one mina of silver (and) one MANASAHAN (is) the WASHA. But … who is not involved(?), […
II.30. KARKAMIŠ A25b Transliteration 1.
…] NEG2-na PONERE-wa/i-i § 1a b ka-ma-ni-si [… […] § 2 [n]i-pa-wa/i-ta |za-ia |mara/i+ra/i-ta |ARHA | “MALLEUS”-ia pa-ti-pa-wa/i |(DEUS)TONITRUS-sa | | (DEUS)ka+ra/i§ 3 hu-ha-sa (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-sa-ha |LIS-lu/a/i-h[i]ri+i-ti […
[…] he shall not put Kamani’s [… … or erases these /words, against him may Tarhunza, Karhuha and Kubaba by prosecution […
II.31 – 32. KARKAMIŠ A21b+a Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
3. 4.
§ 3 § 4
§ 5 § 6 § 7
wa/i-mu mi-i tá-ti sa-sa-tù (DEUS)SOL-mi CAPUT-ti MAGNUS-nú-na [… | | …] (DEUS)ku+AVIS MANUS-tara/i ARHA?(-)i+a-t[á … | | …] SOL2.THRONUS tá-ti mi-i za4-la SOLIUM-nú-tá … | | …] AMPLECTI-nú-ta NEG+a-pa-wa/i-mu REL-zi BONUS […] […]-t[á?] | | tá-ti-zi mi-zi SERVUS-la/i
§ 8 § 9a b § 10 § 11 § 12 § 13
wa/i-da POST? zi/a-ti LOCUS?-ti SOLIUM-nú-tá ku-ma-wa/i [… | | …]-li-da wa/i-ma-sa tá-ti i-zi wa/i-mu FILIUS-[x] REL-ti | | |⌈(OCULUS?)⌉ti-i+a-ta MAGNUS-i+a[… REL? …] wa/i-mu-tá (VIR2)tá-ti mi-i […]
7. 8.
Frag. 1 á-sa-ti-ru
Translation [I (am) …] the Hero, the Country-Lord of the city Karkamis and the Malizi(?)-land, beloved of Kubaba. To bring me up my father Sastu(ras) the Sunblessed man [… […] Kubaba extended the hand …, [and me(?)] … she caused to sit on my paternal throne(?), […] she(?) caused to embrace [me(?)], who (were) not dear to me. My fathers (were) servant(s) [to her(?)] (or “serve(d)”), and she re-seated them in this place. And when [… …] she […]-ed, and (she) became father to me. As(?) she guarded me (as) a child, [so me] adult [she …], and me (acc./dat.) my father […
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
Frag. 1a ⌈á⌉-[sa]-⌈ti⌉-⌈ru⌉Frag. 2 l. 1.
…]-i-sa DOMINUS?-na
l. 2.
Frag. 3 l. 1. l. 2.
(OCULUS)ti-i+a-ta REL-zi/a
[to me] my sovereign? [(Kubaba extended the hand)] … and all […
wa/i-ta OMNIS-MI
guarded … who …
Frag. 8 sa-sa-tù Frag. 9 zi+a-pa(URBS) REX zi+a NEG-a Frag. 10 zi+a Frag. 11 zi+a REL zi+a (FILIUS)x Frag. 12 ⌈á⌉-lu/a/i-ti (OCULUS)á-[…] Frag. 14 -na(-)
II.33. KARKAMIŠ A22c (+A20b6+B35b) (| | represents figure, which divides text) Transliteration l. 1. l. 2. l. 3. l. 4. l. 5. l. 6.
… p]a? | | [ …] x x-tá [| | …] x na | | sa-ta [… …] wa/i-ma-[x] | | FRA[TER?].LA [… …] PRAE(-)sa-ha SUPER+ra/i | | [… …] | | (-)i+a-ti-pa-wa/i-[x] RE[L…
II.34. KARKAMIŠ A27u Transliteration
…] (DEUS)TONITRUS LIS-lu/a/i-sá-tú …]-si-sa |FILIUS.NEPOS Iá-sa-tu-wa/i-la-ma-za-sa-[…
l. 1. l. 2.
…] may the Storm-God prosecute! …]’s grandson, Astuwalamanza[’s? …
II.35. KARKAMIŠ A27e Transliteration (frag. 1) 1. § 1
…] REGIO.DOMINUS Iá-sa-ti-ru-si-sá ⌈HEROS⌉ |FILIUS.NI-za-sa [… | | …] ⌈u/mu/BOS?⌉[… “]L.300+MINUS?”-x |[…
2. § 2 (frag. 2) 1. § 3 … PRAE]-na [CRUS2]+CRUS[(-)ní?]-za-ia-a [… | | …] x |(SCALPRUM)[k]u-ta-sa5+ra/i-zi |zi-ri+i 2. § 4 pa-sa-na LO[CUS]-la/i-ti [ARHA] | | REL-sa “MALLEUS”-i 3. § 5 |wa/i-tú-u L.3[00 …
…] Country-Lord, the Hero Astiru’s son [… … [If this …] passes down to (one) … … or] who erases [these] orthostats in this their place, for him […
II.36. KARKAMIŠ A13a–c Transliteration
§ 1
… (c 4) [kar]-ka-[mi-sa/si…](URBS) […] x [… (c 1) (DEUS)ku-AVIS-s[a?] AMPLECTI-mi […] I⌈á?⌉-[s]a[t]i-[…]-sa FIL[IUS(?)… (c 2) …] FILIUS.NEP[OS … (c 3 and c 5: no identifiable word) § 2 (a) … …]-na-ia § 3 ní-pa-wa/i+ra/i za-la-na |PONERE-wa/i-ia § 4 ní-pa-wa/i-ta á-ma-za |á-⌈la⌉-ma-za |ARHA “MALLEUS[”] § 5 (b) pa-pa-[wa/i] (DEUS)ku-AVIS-sa ⌈|á⌉-ta-[… § 6 […-p]a-w[a/i]-tú-tá L.464[…] PES2 […-t]ú § 7 (DEUS)SOL […
[… of the city [Kar]ka[mis …] the beloved of Kubaba, […]’s son, […-’s] grandson.
…] shall …, or shall put it/them ZALAN, or shall erase my name, him (may] Kubaba … […], for him [may …] trample [HADAMA], (and) the Sun […
II.37. KARKAMIŠ A26f Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4
…]-sa […]-ma-[…]-sa [… … i]a-⌈i⌉-sa[… | | … wa/i-mu-ta á-[…]-x-sa […]-x-sa COR-tara/i-zi |a-ta |LITUUS+na-da |wa/i-mu […] DOMINUS-[x?]-na | | i-zi-i-da-a |za-ia-[pa/ha]-wa/i-[…] DOMUS?[…] TERRA [… …]-i(-)a |[… | | …] … |x-tú | | […
Translation (genealogy and titles?) For me my? […] looked upon the images, and me he made [Country]-Lord. These … […
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
II.38. KARKAMIŠ A15e Transliteration l. 1.
… k]ar-ka-mi-si-za-sa(URBS) REGIO.DOMINUS (DEUS) ku+AVIS-pa-pa-[sa/si …] |B[ONUS … (unidentified signs only)
l. 2.
K]arkamisean Country-Lord, Kubaba’s de[ar servant …]
II.39. KARKAMIŠ A27c Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
…] (L.462)mu-wa/i-si-sa REGIO.DOMINUS [… …] i […] z[i/a …] w[a/i …
II.40. KÖRKÜN Transliteration reverse 1. § 1 § 2
§ 3
§ 4 § 5
§ 6
§ 7 4.
§ 8 § 9
EGO-wa/i-mi Ika-zu?-pi?-sá Iá-zi-ni-sá |(FILIUS)ni-muwa/i-za-sa wa/i-mu |30 “ANNUS” x-x(-)ka+ra/i-sà-ha?-da-sá |á-sa-ha wa/i-mu-ta |á-mi-ti “COR”-na-ti (“COR”)ha-pa-zú+ ra/i-wa/i-ti DOMINUS-na-sa ha-ti-sá |NEG | | |ma-nu-ha |zi-la (“PES”)hi-nu-ha |(DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-sa-ti |LEPUS+ra/i-ia-ti |TONITRUS-hu-ta-sa-ti-ha |wa/i-ti ku-ma-na á-sa-ti-ru-sá REX-ti-sá wa/i+ra/ipa-si DOMUS-na “AEDIFICARE” |a-wa/i |za-na |HALPA-pa| |(obv.)|-wa/i-ni-sá |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za á-pa-ti |(SOLIUM+MI)i-sànu-ha | | (rev.) |á-mi-sa-wa/i |(NEPOS)ha-ma-si-sá |NEPOSka-la-sá |á-mi |L.91-ta-ti |CRUS EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-ti pi-ha-mi-sá |ARHA |“PES”-wa/i-da |á-pa-sa-pa-wa/i za-ti |DEUS-ni |X+RA/I-sa |á-saha-na-ti-sa-za |pi-ia-tu na-na-si-pa-wa/i-ta |INFANS-ni | | |REL-sá |ARHA CAPERE-i |á-pa-ti-pa |(“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sá |TERRA-sá-ha LIS-lu/a/i
obverse § 10 |á-mi-sa |FEMINA?-ti-sá |na-na-si-sá |BONUS-mi-sa (X)za+ra/i-ta-si-na |INFANS-ni-na pi-ia-ta § 11 |za-pa-wa/i-tu-ta (VITIS)wa/i-ni-na |REL-sá |ARHA la-i |na-na-si |INFANS-na-ni (NEPOS)ha-ma-si (NEPOS) ha-ma-su-ka-la
I (am) Kazupi(?), Azini’s son. I myself was … (for) 30 years(?), (and) with my loyal person (?) I never in any way transgressed the command/pronouncement of my lord, by the authority of Kubaba and the Storm-god (Melchert). When King Astiru built himself warpi-houses, I seated there this Halabean Tarhunza.
My grandson (and) great-grandson to my … glorified by the army came forth. May he give a … blood-offering to this god! (He) who takes (it) away from Nanasi (or) the child, against him (may) heaven and earth litigate!
My wife(?) Nanasi, the dear one—she gave (me?) a child of the body (lit. “heart”). (He) who takes this vine away from her, from Nanasi, (or) the child, (or) the grandchild, or the great-grandchild
II.41. KARKAMIŠ A17b Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3 § 4 § 5
§ 6
[… (LITUUS)á(?)]-za-[t]i-wa/i+ra/i-sa DEUS-ní-sa IUSTITIA-ni-sa SERVUS-la/i-i-sa ka-ma-ní-si-sa […] DOMINUS-[…]-sa [… [ … | | … ] x x x |za-ha-wa/i DEUS-ni-na |i-zi-i-sa-ta-tú-u NEG2-pa-wa/i-na REL-sa i-zi-i-[sa-ta-i | |] […] za-[…] LITUUS+na-mi-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-huza-sa |(“MALUS”)ha+ra/i-tú-tá VERSUS-wa/i-na PUGNUS-⌈ri+i(?)⌉-tú |ANNUS-si-⌈sa⌉-pa-w[a/i …
[(…?) A]za[t]iwara, the righteous servant of god(?), the [Country]-Lord(?) Kamani’s [descendant/ servant(?)]. […] …, let him honour this god. (He) who [does] not honour him, against [him] may this beheld Tarhunza raise evil (or “rise evilly”), and the year’s […
II.42. KARKAMIŠ A30h Transliteration
(front) 1. § 1
⌈(DEUS)ku+⌉AVIS (L.256)ka-L.282-na NEG3 REL-isa-ha su-su-tá wa/i-tá-*a DOMUS-sa-a | | DOMINUS.NA mu-*a a-tá 2. § 2 x-pa-tá wa/i-na-*a su-wa/i-ha 3×MILLE(?) X 4×MILLE(?) § 3 wa/i-ní-ti (right side) § 4 x(-)DARE.TONITRUS MAGNUS.DOMUS(+DOMINUS?) MAGNUS.FILIUS
No one used to fill Kubaba’s(?) granary, (but) she …-ed me House-Lord, (and) I filled it with 3000 (measures of) cereal(?) (and) with 4000 (measures of) wine. (…) Piyatarhunza(?) / x-pi-Teššub(?), Great House(Lord?) Great Son.
II.43. TİLSEVET (alias EKİNVEREN) Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7
za-wa/i (STELE)wa/i-ni-zi! u-wa/i-wa/i-sa ta-ta FEMINA-ti-zi-wa/i-mu-ta á-mi-zi ara/i-zi ha-si-ha a-wa/i |L.462 L.77-ha | | FEMINA.L.462-ti-pa-wa/i DARE-ha wa/i-mu-u |za (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za á-mi-zi INFANSni-zi BONUS-sa-da-ti CRUS-nu-ta | | za-ti-pa-wa/i (STELE)wa/i-ni-ri+i REL-sà (“CORNU”) tara/i-pi-wa/i CRUS-i wa/i-tu-u DEUS-ni-zi LIS-za-tu-u
Translation This stele Uwawa put(?). I myself was satisfied with my woman(ly) times, and I pledged (male) issue, but I gave female issue. This stele my children erected in goodness for me. (He) who stands for TARPI(WA) against this stele, against him may the gods litigate!
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
II.44. KARKAMIŠ A18h Transliteration
za-wa/i STELE-ni-zi! VIR-ti-sa (DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma-a sa CAPUT-ta-sa wa/i-mu-ta á-mi-zi ara/i-zi ha-si-ha a-wa/i á-mi-x wa/i-wa/i+ra/i-mi-sa ARHA PES2-ha CORNU+ra/i-pi-wa/i REL-sà CRUS-i ⌈wa/i⌉-tu-u DEUS-⌈ni?⌉-zi LIS
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5
This stele (is) of Ziti the Sun-blessed person. I myself was satisfied with my times, and … I went away WAWARAMI (dead?). (He) who stands for TARPI-, against him (may) the gods litigate!
II.45. KARKAMIŠ A5a Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3 2.
§ 4 § 5 § 6
§ 7 § 8 § 9
§ 10 § 11 § 12 § 13
§ 14
za-wa/i STELE-ni-zi! za-ha-na-ni-sa VIR-ti-sá | FILIUS-mu-wa/i-ia?-ia-za (DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma-sa CAPUT […] wa/i-mu-u ku-ma-na ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i á-sa-⌈há⌉ a-wa/i FRONS-⌈lu/a/i-li?⌉ FRATER.LA-⌈ni?⌉ NEG2-a ma-nú-ha SUB/INFRA ARHA |pa+ra/i-há NEG2-pa-wa/i | | (DEUS)ma-sa-ti-na(?) tu-pi-há wa/i-mu-u-i [x]-na?-si-⌈x⌉ á-⌈mi?⌉-sa |tá-ri+i-sa ⌈MATER?⌉-ti-sa tara/i-pu-la-hi-ri+i-i CRUS-ta wa/i-mu-u-i [x x]-mi-i na-hu-ti-na ARHA pu-⌈tá⌉ wa/i-mu-u-ta á-mi-zi ara/i-i-zi na ha-[… | | […?] wa/i-mu-ta (FEMINA)ara/i-na |⌈pi?⌉-na (COR) ha-si-ha |wa/i-ta (“L.476?”)hi-ru-⌈da⌉-ri+i |si-su-wa/i á-mi-zi tara/i-pu-na-la-zi-i |POST+ra/i-ta TERRA DEUS.DOMINA SOL2.DEUS.SOL PRAE-i |CRUS-wa/i+ra/i? |á-sa-ti |wa/i-mu REL-za |ma?| |-x-pa … wa/i-mu-u á-⌈mi⌉-zi ⌈tara/i⌉-pu-na-li-zi |x(-)wa/i-su |⌈POST⌉+ra/i-ta |á-wa/i-ti [za]-⌈ti⌉-pa-wa/i STELE-ni-ri+i ⌈REL⌉-[sa] tara/i-pi-[…] CRUS-[…] |wa/i-tu-⌈u?⌉ TERRA DEUS.DOMINA tara/i-pi-wa/i CRUS wa/i-tu-u-ta á-[… | | …] (L.69)i…
This stele (is) of Zahanani, Ziti’s son, the Sunblessed person. While I myself was in life, I by no means …-ed to/for(?) the elder brother, nor … did I smite. And for me … my father (and) mother/woman(?) stood for TARPULAHI, and for me the […]-ed they ARHA PU-ed the NAHUTI-, and I [myself was] not satis[fied(?)] with my times, I was satisfied(?) therefore with my (woman)-time(?). And—by the oath I swear(?)—my TARPUNALA’s hereafter shall be to stand before the Divine Lady of the Earth and the … Sun. And (for) me because …, for me my TARPUNALI’s hereafter shall come well(?). But [(he) who shall] stand for TARPI(WA) against [this] stele, for him (may) the Divine Lady of the Earth stand TARPIWA, and [may she] destroy [his …] for him!
II.46. KARKAMIŠ A5b Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
EGO?-(m)u? nu-nu+ra/i-sá (DIES)ha-li (PES2)pa-za-ha | | ara/i-zi-pa-mu!-ta ha-si-ha
Translation I myself(?) Nunura passed (my) days, and I was satisfied with (my) times.
II.47. KARKAMIŠ A18f Transliteration
za-wa/i STELE-ni-zi! á-sa-ti-TONITRUS-hu-za-sá |(D[EUS)SOL … CAPUT …]
§ 1
This stele (is) of Astitarhunza the S[un-blessed person …]
II.48. KARKAMIŠ A4c Transliteration § 1 § 2
[za-wa/i] STELE-ni-zi! PN+title(?) wa/i-mu?!-ta?! (for -ka-ha!) ⌈á!⌉-mi-zi ⌈ara/i⌉-zi [ha-si]-ha
[This] stele (is) of So-and-so … I myself was [satisfied] with my times …
II.50. KARKAMIŠ A15a Transliteration
(rev.) … § 1 …]-i-sa |REL-⌈…⌉ |PES-wa/i-ti-i § 2 |NEG2-a-sa-p[a]-wa/i […]-sa[…]-sa (obv.) …
…] … … shall come. …
obverse has virtually no identifiable signs except: (l. 1) … (DEUS)TONITRUS … (l. 2) … wa/i-tá …
… Storm-God …
§ 3
… let him/them burn(?) up the ARZUTA!
§ 4
§ 5 § 6 § 7
§ 8 § 9
… (rev.) FORTIS? ara/i-zu?-ta ARHA (FLAMMAE)sa5+ra/inu-wa/i-tu …-tu-u … | | … … x wa/i … ara/i-zu?-ta ARHA |(FLAMMAE)[sa5+ ra/i-n]u-wa/i-tu (obv.) … | | … … (rev.)-tu-u-*a a-wa/i |AEDIFICIUM-sa(-)wa/i-za-ti-i(-)na … |… … | | … … pa+ra/i-li-i-sa |REL+ra/i |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i(obv.) … … | | … … (rev.)-ara/i-i wa/i-tu-ta-*a (“BRACCHIUM”)i-sa5+ra/i-wa/i-la… … ma [z]a x … [z]a …
… … let him/them burn(?) up the ARZUTA! … … to let him/them … ! … … if(?) … son …
… for him right-hand … […
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
II.51. KARKAMIŠ A15c Transliteration 1. 2. 3.
§ 1 …](-)zú-[n]a-la-ha | | § 2a |INFANS-ni-pa-wa/i l[a?]-pa-x [… | | b …] mi-ia-ti PRAE |LITUUS+na-ti
…] I ZUNALA-ed. But the child … [… by my […] he/they will overlook(?).
II.52. KARKAMIŠ A16a Transliteration
(frags. 3–6 + 1–2) 1. § 1 … kar-ka-mi-s]i-za-sa(URBS) |REGIO-ní-ia-si DOMINUS-x x § 2 a-wa/i |REL-x x |na-n[a … 2. § 3 …] x REL?-na-a? REL?-na | | |DEUS-ni-i-na |i-zi-i-ti § 4 |za[… § 5 …] NEG2-a DARE |VIA?-wa/i-ní-i-sa-i(-)pa-t[i… | | 3. § 6 …] ha-[da]-ma |(PES2.PES)tara/i-p[i- … 4. § 7 …]-wa/i?-x […]-ha |(“L.464”)ha-da| |-ma |PES2.PESpa-i-tu-u … | | 5. § 8 … …-w]a/i?-i-tu-u | |
[I (am) …] Karkamisean Country-Lord. … [… …] whatsoever(?) god he makes (celebrates), this [… … …] TARPI- HADAMA [… …] let them TARPI- HADAMA. …] let him/them […]
II.53. KARKAMIŠ A17a Transliteration (sides A[+D]+C) 1. § 1 (A) E[GO … [D] … (C) …]-sá 2. § 2 wa/i-mu tu-x [… | | …] x-u?-sa [(DEUS)]TONITRUS-huza-sa x-tara/i?-[… § 3 … [D] … (A) …]-sá-ha 3. § 4 [w]a/i-[t]a? sa-pi-x x | | (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-na […] (SOLIUM)i-[sà]-nu-[… [D] … § 5 (C) …]-ia CAPUT?-ma-sa (DEUS)SOL FLAMMAEri+i … | | 4. § 6 …-pa-wa/i-ta (“L.69”)pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-ri+i-sa [… 5. § 7 (A) …] ti-pa […]i-x […] AUDIRE? RE[L? … | | … [D] … (C) …] i […] ha [… (side B) i. ii. iii.
(DEUS)TONITRUS-za-sa x x ha+ra/i-li-s[a?] (DEUS)SOL-za-sa
I (am) [… Me … Tarhunza … [… [… …] I was(?). … Tarhunza [I] seat[ed … … the Sun-God with fire(??) … … …
Tarhunza (epithet?) Tiwaza
II.54. KARKAMIŠ A17c Transliteration (reverse) 1. § 1a …] wa/i(-)sa-ta REL-a-ti |[… …] “x” […]-li?-zi |ARHA |(“ ”)u-su-tú b 2. § 2 |(MONS)wa/i| |-ti-i-sa-wa/i-sa |REL-a-ti-i |“L.162” x x ti [… 3. § 3 … |x x -ha … | | … | … tara/i … wa/i … § 4 …] pa-x-ha § 5 wa/i-tá-a DOMUS-ní |L.476.L.311 NEG2 REL+ra/i FILIUS? … (obverse)-i |(CRUX)wa/i-la su-ni-ha
II.56. KARKAMIŠ A18a Transliteration
EGO-mi Ipi?-sa-mi-tá-sa tara/i-wa/i-ni wa/i-ti-*a i-zi-ia-sa
l. 1. l. 2.
I (am) Pisamita the righteous. …
II.57. KARKAMIŠ A18e Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4
§ 5 § 6
[… …]-tu? [z]a-ti-pa (DEUS)ku-AVIS-[pa]-na [… … | | … … (DEUS)ku-AV]IS-⌈pa⌉-sá á-lá/í-ma-zá |REL-sa |ARHA “MALLEUS”-i ní-pa-wa/i |za á-ma-za (“STATUA”)⌈ta⌉-ru-sa ⌈á⌉-[ma]-za-h[á? … | | … … za]-zi (SCALPRUM)ku-tá-sa5+ra/i-zi LOCUS-la/i-zá |(“SA4”)sa-ni-ti pa-ti-pa |á-mi-sa DOMINUS-ni-sa (DEUS)ku-AVISpa-sá há?+ra/i-t[a]-z[i/a(-) …
[…] Here Kubaba (acc.) [… … (He) who shall erase Kubaba’s name, or [shall …] this my statue and my [… … [or] shall overturn these orthostats as to (their) place, against him [may] my sovereign Kubaba … […
II.58. KARKAMIŠ A18j Transliteration … (DEUS)k]u-AVIS-pa-ia Iá-lá/í-|FRATER.LA-sá |PRAE-na |CRUS-nú-L.308-a
Translation [This monument(?)] Alalani(?) set up before Kubaba.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
II.59. KARKAMIŠ B33 Transliteration
Moon-God, Sun-god
II.60. KARKAMIŠ A15d Transliteration
[…] x-ia-sa [BONUS//wa/i]-sa-mi-sá […]-sá
[…]-ias the dear(?) […].
II.62. KARKAMIŠ A16e Transliteration frag. 2 …-m]i?-sa SERVUS-la/i [… frag. 1 …-t]ara/i?-i-pa-wa/i+ra/i? DOMUS-ní-L.375 […
II.63. KARKAMIŠ A18b Transliteration
…] x [… DEU]S-ni-zi LIS-lu/a/i-i-[z]i?-[…
… may] the gods litigate […
II.65. KARKAMIŠ A18i Transliteration
… ?] wa/i-na?-sa (DEUS)ku[…
II.66. KARKAMIŠ B39a Transliteration
…] |DEUS-ní-za?(-)wa/i-ta [… …] x-ní […] wa/i-sà […] x-ta
II.73. KARKAMIŠ sherd Transliteration
za[…?]-wa/i hu?!-ha […] á-pa-la-[…] […] x-wa/i-z[a/i …] x-sa[…
II.74. KARKAMIŠ frags. a/b Transliteration
[MAGNUS(?).R]EX(?) MONS+tú [MAGN]US(?).REX IUSTITIA(?) … [… kar-ka-mi-s]à REGIO REX Ipi-ia-si-l[i …
l. 1. l. 2.
([Great(?)] King(?)) Tudhaliya [Great(?)] King, Labarna(?) [… king of the land [Karkami]s, Piyasili[’s …
1. 2.
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3
§ 4 § 5 § 6 § 7
§ 8 § 9 § 10
§ 11 § 12 7.
§ 13 § 14 § 15 § 16
§ 17 § 18 9.
§ 19
Transliteration EGO-wa/i-mi-i Iha-mi-ia-ta-sa ma-su-wa/i+ra/i-za-sa [… …] x-sa REX-ti-i-sa [(DEUS)]TONIT[RUS-hu]-tá-[sa/si …] | | SERVUS-la/i-sa wa/i-mu-*a |á-ia-lá/í-i-na [… (DEUS)TONITRUS …-s]a (DEUS)i-ia-sa |REX-ti-i-sa (DEUS)BONUS-sá |(DEUS) HORDEUM-lu/a/i-i-sa |ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni-i-sa(URBS) | | (DEUS)LUNA+MI-sa |á-ta-na |(PES2)tara/i-za-mi-i-sa ⌈(DEUS)SOL⌉ […] DEUS? x-sa (DEUS)ku-AVIS-pa-pa-sa |x [… wa/i-mu-*a |á-ma-za |tá-ti-ia-za | | |(LIGNUM)sà-laha-za pi-ia-tá wa/i-tá-*a [… ] [… …] … |[(SOLIUM)]i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha |(FLAMMAE.SOL”)wa/i-tú-la-si-pa-wa/i | | (DEUS) SOL-wa/i-ti-i-na |CUM?!-na |CRUS-nú-wa/i-ha DEUS-na-za-pa-wa/i-tá |CU[M?!-ni] |x x-zi-i-sà PONERE-wa/i-ha wa/i-ti-i-*a |CAPUT … ni …sa … REL [… [… … CR]US(?)-nu(?)-wa/i-tú |wa/i-mu-*a DEUS.AVIS-ta-⌈ní⌉-zi | | |á-na-i-tá(REGIO)-wa/i-na-a |(SOLIUM)i-sà-n[ú]wa/i-h[a] [… …] |x x -i |á-[ma-za]-pa-[wa/i]-ta? |á-lá/í-ma-za |REL-sa |ARHA |(“MALLEUS”)wa9-la-i | | |NEG2-a-pa-wa/i mi-i-*a |COR-ni-i |REL-i-sa |MALUS-wa/i-za-*a |CUM?!-ni |⌈(“COR”(?))⌉za+ra/i-ti-ti-i |NEG2-a-pa-wa/i mi-i-⌈*a⌉(?) |INFANS-ni-a … [NEG2]-a-pa-wa/i-ti mi-i-na-*a FEMINA-ti-i-na |LITUUS-PA-la-ni-ia| |-i |(FEMINA.FEMINA)á-ma-nasa5+ra/i-i-na |NEG2-a-pa-wa/i |x [… … ]-na |á-ma-wa/i-sá |FRATER.LA-sa |NEG2-a-pa |FRATER.LA-sa |INFANS-ni-sá wa/i-ta-*a | | |“CAELUM”-ti ARHA (DEUS)TONITRUS-za-sa |(LOQUI)tá-tara/i-ia-tú
Translation I am Hamiyata, Masuwarean [king, son of …(?), …] king, Tarhunza’s servant. Me (as) the first-born [child(?) celestial Tarhunza], Ea the King, the Good God, Matili(?), the Moon-God of Harran, the favourably inclined ⌈Sun-God(?)⌉, the god […], Kubaba […],
to me they gave my father’s succession, and [… [ …] I seated, and with (him) I set also the Sun God of the Radiance(?), and among the gods … I placed. … … During (my) days I established the Anaitean (things) (?). … But (he) who shall erase my name, or who shall desire evil against my person, or my son, … or shall regard my wife (as) his maid-servant(?),
or […, [… ] … the AMAWA’s brother or the brother’s son, from the sky may Tarhunza curse (them)!
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 20 |wa/i-tá-*a CAPUT-ti á-lá/í-na |L.161-ma-zi za-ti-i |SUPER+ra/i-a |EGO [… § 21 … ] |PES-wa/i-i-ti 10. § 22 |za-a-ti-wa/i CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS [… | | … § 23 [… …] DOMUS?-[…] |(DOMINUS)na[…] |POST-ni |L.69”(-)i!-[…] pa-si-*a |(“CAPUT”)h[a …] FEMINA-ti-⌈i⌉-[na] INFANS-ni-[na] LOCUS-la/i-z[a] § 24 |NEG[2/3-…
… [… ] they shall come. For this celestial Tarhunza […] [… let him] destroy the lord of the house(?), his head, wife, child (and) place! …
III.2. BOROWSKI 3 Transliteration 1.
EGO-wa/i-mi-i Iha-mi-ia-ta-sa |⌈IUSTITIA⌉-wa/i-nii-sa |REX-ti-sa |ma-su-wa/i+ra/i-za-sa(URBS) … [… …]-x-sa … x | | § 2 |wa/i-mu-*a za-a-sa CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS ⌈OMNIS?⌉-[…]-ha |DEUS-ni-zi |(LITUUS)á-za-tá § 3 wa/i-mu-*a |á-ma-za |tá-ti-ia-za |LIGNUM-laha pi-ia-tá § 4 |wa/i-ta-*a |CAPUT-hi L.187-sa |1-ti-i |(PES2)tara/izi-ha-a? | | § 5 a-⌈wa/i⌉ |za-a-na |URBS+MI-ni-na |ha-ru-hana(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti-i |ta-LEPUS+ra/i-ia-ti |AEDIFICARE-ha § 6 wa/i-na-*a CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS |SUB-na-na |PONERE-wa/i-ha § 7 a-wa/i [… …] x x x x | | § 8 … x x x … ma … na … § 9 NEG3-sa-pa-wa/i-ta mi-i-*a |INFANS-ni-i |REL-sa |ARHA |CAPERE-i § 10 |NEG3-sa-pa-wa/i-ta |á-lá/í-ma-za |REL-sa |ARHA |MALLEUS| |-la-i § 11 wa/i-tu-ta-*a |za-a-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa |…
§ 1
I (am) Hamiyata the righteous, king, Masuwarean …
Me this celestial Tarhunza and [all?] the gods loved, and to me they gave my father’s succession, and I turned … . This city Haruha by Tarhunza’s authority I built,
and I placed it under celestial Tarhunza, and [… … or (he) who shall take (it) away from my child, or (he) who shall erase (my) name, for him may this Tarhunza …!
III.3. TELL AHMAR 5 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3
§ 4 § 5
[EGO]-wa/i-m[i] Iha-m[i]-ia-t[a]-s[a …?] ma-[su]-wa/i+ra/i-za-sa(URBS) |REX-ti-i-sa |a-wa/i za-a-zi |(L.256)ka-lu/a/i-na-zi mi-i-sa-*a |tá-ti-i-sa |(MANUS.HORDEUM)su-wa/i-ta |SUPER[+ra/i]-a-ta-p[a]| |-wa/i-ta |za-a-na |TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i-ní-na(URBS) (DEUS)TONITRUS-na |(“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ta a-wa/i za-a-ti-i |POST-ní |hwi/a-nu-wa/i-tá |za-a-zi-wa/i |(L.256)ka-lu/a/i-na-zi |REL-sa |x x [… | |
Translation I (am) Hamiyata […?], Masuwarean king. These granaries my father “barley-filled”, and over (them) he set this Halabean Tarhunza,
and he “made (them) run” after this (one)(?). These granaries (he) who […
§§ 6–7 (frag. c ll. 1–2 here?) mi-sa-pa-wa/i-*a |tá-ti-i-sa |REL-i |ARHA § 8 MORI-ta § 9 |za-a-pa-wa/i-ta DEUS-ni-na wa/i+ra/i-li-zi |FLUMEN-pi-i |INFRA-ta+ra/i |(LONGUS)ia+ra/i-ta § 10 |mu-pa-wa/i-*a |zi-la |za-a-sa DEUS-ni-sa | | |POST-ni a-tá BONUS-li-ia-ta |wa/i-mu-*a pa-si-i-*a |CORNU+CAPUT-mi-i-sa § 11 |á-sa5-za-ta § 12 |SUPER+ra/i-a-wa/i-ta |(SA4)li-li-ia § 13 wa/i-na-*a |COR-tara/i-i-na BONUS-li-ia-nu-wa/i… wa/i … [… wa/i-na-*a x x […] § 14 §§ 15–16 (frag. c l. 3 | | frag. d l. 1 here?) § 17 …] x(-)x-na-*a |COR-tara/i-na |BONUS-li-ia-nuwa/i-ha § 18 |za-a-zi-pa-wa/i |(L.256)ka-lu/a/i-na-zi-i |REL-sa |(SA4)sa-n[i]-ti-i § 19 |NEG2-a-pa-[wa/i] Iha-mi-ia-ta-[…] |REL-[…] MALUS-l[a/i]-hi-d[a-ti]-*a |CUM-ni |(PES2)wa/i-si-ti | | § 20 […
… But when my father died, the WARALI’s extended this god to the lower river (??). But thereafter this god supported me, and to me his prophet said: “Hasten up and exalt him in person, and him […” … … hi]m in person I exalted. (He) who shall overturn these granaries, or who shall come for Hamiyata [with(?)] badness, […]
Frag. a l. 2 (+) frag. c ll. 1–2 …] |x […] x-wa/i(-)[…]-mi| |-i-ta-*a DEUS-ni-zi [… Frag. c l. 3 + frag. d l. 1 …-p]a-[…] |CAPUT-[…] | | DEUS-ni-sa […
III.4. TELL AHMAR 4 Transliteration …]-*a Iha-mi-ia-ta-sa ⌈NEG2?⌉ ⌈za?⌉(-)| | -si-na |i-zi-i-ha FEMINA-ti [… …] |x-mi […
l. 1. l. 2. l. 3.
III.5. ALEPPO 2 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4
EGO-mi-i Iara/i-pa-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-si |BONUSmi-i-sa SERVUS-la/i-i-sa wa/i-mu-*a CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa ha+ra/ina-wa/i-ni-sa(URBS) (DEUS)LUNA+MI-sa |x x | | […] x-x-ta wa/i-mu-*a mi-i-sa-*a (DOMINUS)na-ni-sa |FRATER. LA-i-sa-ha |X+RA/I-ti REL?-ta |za-a-zi-pa-wa/i-mu DEUS-ni-zi |REX-⌈tá?⌉-hi-da CUM-ni |PES2.PES2(-)da-ti-i
Translation I (am) Arpa, Tarhunza’s beloved servant. Celestial Tarhunza and the Haranean Moon-God [… march]ed [before] me. Where(?) my lord and brother shall … (for) me, these gods shall walk with me for kingship,
220 § 5 § 6
§ 7 § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11
§ 12 § 13 § 14
§ 15 § 16 5.
§ 17 § 18 § 19 § 20 § 21
§ 22 § 23 § 24 § 25 § 26
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
⌈wa/i⌉-mu-*a |x-x-ia |(LEO)hwi/a-sà+ra/i-sa-wa/i-ta |PRAE-na ARHA |(PUGNUS+PUGNUS)hu-hu+ra/i-pa-ti-i mu-pa-wa/i-*a |URBS-ni-zi-a? NEG2-a [… | | … ] wa/i-mi-*a (DEUS)SOL-ni-za (“LIGNUM”)ta-ru-sa |i-zi-i-ha-si a-wa/i mi-na-*a |FRATER.LA-na Iha-mi-i[a]-ta-NEG2 NEG2-a |[…]-ha a-wa/i pa-sa-*a |á-lá/í-ma-za (DEUS)TONITRUS CUM-ni |PONERE-wa/i-⌈ha⌉ |“COR”-tara/i-pa-wa/i-na NEG2-a |REL-i-ha a-tá |CRUS+RA/I-nu-wa/i-ha mu-pa-wa/i-[*a] ⌈x-x⌉-sa zi-i-x-x | | |BONUS-sa5+ ra/i-ti |DARE-tá |ARHA-pa-wa/i-ta |REL-sa |CAPERE-i pa-pa-wa/i-*a CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS ha+ra/ina-wa/i-ni-sa(URBS)-ha (DEUS)LUNA+MI-sa |(LOQUI) tá-tara/i-ia-tú wa/i-tú-*a |CAELUM [… …] |ni-i INFRA-tá |PESwa/i-ti-i |(“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-ti-pa-wa/i-ta |(“L.471”) mu?-ru-wa/i-da-za |ní-i |SUPER+ra/i-a |PES-wa/i-ti mi-i-pa-wa/i-*a |FRATER(-)x | | […] x |REL-a-za |BONUS-sa5+ra/i-ti-i |pi-pa-sa-wa/i-i |ARHA-pa-wa/i-tú-wa/i-da-ta |REL-sa |CAPERE-i |ma-wa/i-tú-wa/i-sa |tá-ti-sa |ma-pa-wa/i-sa |L.274 […] pa-ti-pa-wa/i-ta-*a |za-a-zi DEUS-ni-zi |LIS-lu/a/isa-tú wa/i-tú-*a |á-lá/í-ma-za |ARHA |“DELERE”-tú |ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni-pa-w[a/i … | | …]-ia-ti FEMINA-tiia-ti |X-zi á-pa-si-z[i] |AR[HA] |(FLAMMAE)ki-[n]ú-sà-tú |za-ti-pa-wa/i DEUS-ni-i |REL-sa |MALUS-la/i-ti-*a |VERSUS-ia-na |PES-wa/i-ti-i NEG2-pa-wa/i Iara/i-pa-ia |REL-sa |(“CORNU”) tara/i-pa |CRUS-i pa-pa-wa/i-*a (DEUS)ku+A[VIS …] (DEUS)[i]-ia-[…
for me (there will be) …s, the wild beasts shall HUHURPA away before me. And me the cities … not […]. I made for myself an image of the Sun-God. I did not […] my brother Hamiyata, I established his name with Tarhunza, but I did not set him up (as) any figure, and he gave … to me with this goodness. But whoever takes (it/them) away, him may celestial Tarhunza and the Haranean Moon-God curse! For him let not […] come down from the sky, and let not seed(?) come up from the earth! (That) which I shall present to my brother in goodness, whoever shall take it away from him, whether he (be) a father to him, or whether he (be) L.274[…], against him may these gods litigate, may they destroy his name! For the Haranean [Moon-God …] for [ma]le (and) female let his / their …s burn(?) up […]! But who(ever) approaches this god with malice, or who(ever) stands for TARPA- against Arpa, him [may] Kubaba and Ea […
III.6. TELL AHMAR 1 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
EGO …PN, titles, …-s]á-ia-mi-i-sá REGIO |REX-ti-i-sa ha-pa-ti-la-si-i-sa |(FILIUS.NEPO[S)ha-ma-su-k]a[l]a-[sa] Iara/i-ia-hi-na-si-i-sa |(“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/ini-sa |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-i-za-sa
Translation [I am PN, titles, … s]ayami-Country’s king, Hapatila’s great-grandson, the righteous Ariyahina’s son.
§ 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5a b
§ 6 § 7 § 8 4.
§ 9 § 10 § 11 § 12 § 13 § 14
§ 15 § 16 § 17 § 18 § 19
§ 20
§ 21
§ 22
wa/i-mu-*a |á-ia-lá/í-na |INFANS(-)ni-wa/i-ra+ a-L.282 |“CAELUM”-si-i-sa | | (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-sa (DEUS)i-ia-sa |REX-ti-i-sá (DEUS.BONUS)ku-mara/i+ra/ima-sa5 |(DEUS.“HORDEUM”)ma-ti-lu/a/i-sa (DEUS)FORTIS-su-pa-sa |ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ní-i-sa-ha(URBS) (DEUS) LUNA+MI-sa […] (DEUS)k[u+AV]IS-pa-[pa]-sa-ha x-x-si |á-[…]-ha? […]-mu-ti-sa […]-sa [… [… …] x x x (LITUUS)á-za-ta wa/i-mu-*a |á-ma-za |tá-ti-ia-za |(“LIGNUM)| | s[à-la-h]a-za |pi-ia-t[a] a-[wa/i] (FINES)i+ra/i-[ha]-z[a/i…] |pa-[…]-x [… ma-s]u-wa/i+ra/i-[…C]RUS(⌈URBS⌉) [(CAELUM) ti]-pa-si-i [SUP]ER+ra/i pa+ra/i […]-⌈i⌉-ha |(“CAPUT”) ha+ra/i-ma-hi-na ⌈“L.187⌉”-tú-sa-pa-wa/i-tá |1-ti-i |(PES2)tara/i-zi-ha a-wa/i |ku-ma-na [mi-(i-)s]a-*a [(AVUS)]hu-ha-[…]-sa [ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i]-i-sá [sa-tá]-*a [wa/i-sa]-*a pa-[sa]-na-*a |(L.274)u-pa-ti-ti |(DOMINUS)na-ni-i-sa sa-tá-*a a-wa/i |(“OCCIDENS”)i-pa| |-ma-ti-i (DEUS.ORIENS. MI)ki-sà-ta-ma-ti-ha |(LIGNUM)CRUS(-)LEPUS+ra/i-ta |á-na(REGIO)-pa-wa/i-sa |REL-i |ARHA (“MORI”) wa/i-la-tá mi-pa-wa/i-*a tá-ti-na [REL(?)]-za pa-si-*a |20-tá-tii-sa |INFANS-ni-i-na |SUB-na-na |LITUUS+na-da-a pa-s[a]-wa/i-*a (“LIGNUM”)sà-la-ha-za |(“L.314”) ha-CRUS-sá-tara/i-ti |SUPER+ra/i-a |CAPERE-ta wa/i-da-*a |zi-la pa-si-*a |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa I ha-mi-ia-ta-sa |PUGNUS-⌈ri+i⌉-ta wa/i-mu-*a mi-i-*a (AVUS)hu-ha-ti |LIGNUM-la-ha-ti |SUPER+ra/i-a x-x-ta | | […] x […] tá pa […] pa-s[à?]-*a “DOMUS”-[…] |(DOMINUS)na-[ni?]-i-na |i-zi-i-da pa-sa-za-⌈pa⌉-wa/i-mu-*a |FRATER.LA-za |MAGNUS+ra/i-za-na |i-zi-i-da wa/i-mu-*a |CRUS-ni-⌈mi⌉-i-sa |(“FRONS”)ha-ta-za |SUB-na-na |“LITUUS+PA”-za-la-ní-ta [ARHA]-⌈pa-wa/i⌉-sá |REL-i (“MORI”)wa/i-la-tá wa/i-mu-*a pa-si-i-*a |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-i-za-sa MALUS-wa/i-z[a]-*a |CUM-ni |(“LIGNUM”)LEPUS+ra/iia-ta mi-i-ha-wa/i-*a |(L.274)u-pa-ti-ti-i |(“MALUS2”) ha-ha-ní-wa/i| |-z[a] |CU[M-ni] |([“]COR[”])z[a]+ra/iti-i-ta m[u]-pa-wa/i-*a |za-⌈a⌉-ti-i-a “⌈CAELUM⌉”-sa-na [(DEUS)]TONITRUS-hu-ti |(⌈MANUS⌉)i-s[a-tara/i]-x |SUPER[+ra/i-a] |[… wa/i-tu-*a |á-[…] mara/i+ra/i-[… (text completely destroyed for rest of line 6 and half of line 7 except for two insignificant patches)
Me (as) the first-born child celestial Tarhu, Ea the king, the good god Kumarma, Matili(?), Tesupa, and the Haranean Moon God, and Kubaba … […
[… …] they loved, to me they gave my father’s succession. The frontiers [… … I the city [Mas]uwari, up to the sky I [rais]ed forth (its) head, and I turned … . When [my great-]grandfather(?) w[as ali]ve, he was lord to/for his demesne, he governed in the west and the east. But when he died in the country Ana, my father, because his 20-TATI despised (him) (as) a child, he took over his succession by violence. Thereafter his son Hamiyata took it up, he […]-ed me up to my great-grandfather’s succession, [… me] he made lord of his (own) house, and me he made greater than his (own) brothers, everyone regarded my face (i.e. obeyed me). But when he died, his son decreed evil for me,
and he desired wickedness for my demesne.
But I [raised] up (my) han[d(s)] to this celestial Tarhunza, to him m[y(?)] wo[rds(?) I spoke(?): “ … (prayer largely missing)
222 7.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 23 …](-)mi-zi |INFANS-ní-zi-i x x [… § 24 [mi-pa-wa/i]-mi-i-tu-*a |(“L.314”)ka-pi-la-li-na (FILIA)tú-wa/i-tara/i-na (FEMINA.PURUS.INFRA)ta-niti-na |i-zi-i-wa/i-i § 25 wa/i-mu-*a |“AUDIRE+MI”-ti-i-tá |za-a-sa |“CAELUM-si”-i-sa | | (DEUS)TONITRUS […] § 26 wa/i-mu-[*a] |DARE.CR[US?] mi-i-n[a]-*a |(“L.314”) k[a]-pi-la-li-i-na § 27 wa/i-tá-*a |ARHA |CAPUT L.69(-)i-ti-[x] § 28 pa-si-pa-[wa/i]-*a |INFANS [… § 29 pa-si-pa-wa/i-*a (FILIA)tú-wa/i-ta[ra/i-na] FE[MINA …
[…] … sons … […] [and] I myself shall make [my] enemy(’s) daughter a hierodule for him”. This celestial Tarhunza heard me, to me [he] ga[ve(?)] my enemy (his) head [I] destroy[ed], and his son[s …], and his daughter a hi[erodule I made …
III.7. TELL AHMAR 3 (Louvre) Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1
§ 2
…] |ma-su-wa/i+⌈ra/i⌉-na(URBS) |(“CAELUM”)ti-paI si-i SUPER+ra/i-a[…]-i-ha [… | | … ] …] mi […] i […]-*a |tá-t[i]-z[i/a] |LIS-lu/a/i-i-z[a-…
…] the city Masuwari up to the sky I [rais]ed. … …] my(?) fathers (nom. … acc. or dat. plur.?) … litigate […
III.8. TELL AHMAR fragments 1–9 Transliteration Frag. 1 Frag. 2
Frag. 3 Frag 4
Frag. 5
Frag. 6 Frag. 7 Frag. 8 Frag. 9
…]-wa/i […] mu […] i […] CAPERE-ta |ARHA […] x […] x [… …] x x x […] mara/i+ra/i-s[à? …] x-sa-pa-wa/ina(URBS) [(DEUS)]TONIT[RUS]-za-sá […]-ta […] i […] i […] a? […] ha […] i […] mu […] i […] x [… l. 1. …] x-i-sa |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za [… l. 2. …] x x […] wa/i [… l. 1. …] ha […] wa/i […] i [… l. 2. …] x-pa-wa/i |SA4(-)ki-pi […] |á-ma […] |mara/i[+ra/i]-x-/ti [… l. 1. …] x-*a |ARHA |“MANUS+L.218”(-)li(-x?)-ti x [… …] |N[EG2] |LITUUS+na-ti-i |“L.476”-wa/il. 2. pa-wa/i-ta “x”-ma?-[… l. 3. …] x-i-tú |za-a-ti-ia-za [… l. 4. …] i […] |(PES2)i-tú-u [… …] x x x “L.300+MINUS”-i-ha ia? FLUMEN(-) L.311?-pi-na … x pa x [… …] i [… | | …] |[… …] x x |ARHA |MANUS?(-)i-ti?-x [… l. 1. …] x x […t]a[…]tá-*a […]na x x [… l. 2. …] x […] sá […] DEUS-ní […] u […] |x […] |x […
III.9. TELL AHMAR fragment 10 Transliteration
§ 1 § 2
[…] (DEUS)TONITRUS-si SERVUS-la/i-i-sa wa/i-mu […
[…], Tarhunzas’s servant. Me […
III.10. ARSLANTAŞ Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3
§ 4 § 5 § 6
… x …-da-sá ma-su-wa/i+ra/i-za-sa(URBS) REGIO-ni(-)DOMINUS-ia-sá a-wa/i ha-ta-ta-na(URBS) | | URBS-MI-ni-na “1”-ti-i (“ANNUS”)u-si-i (“AEDIFICIUM”)u-pa-ha-a |a-wa/i mu-u DEUS-ni-(s)i?-zi-i | | …(?) (“CONTRACTUS”)wa/i-za-ti-i za-sa-pa-wa/i NEG2 … … | |(-)za-ha wa/i-a …(?) a-wá/í “4”-wa/i-zi (“BOS”)wa/i-wa/i-ti-i-ha “x”(-)sa-mi-zi L.286-na
…-das, Masuwarean Country-Lord. The city Hatata in one year I founded, and for me the gods … (?) he/they will buy. But he … … I […]-ed. … also with ox(en) …
IV. MARAŞ IV.1. MARAŞ 8 Transliteration 1.
2. 3.
§ 1
EGO-mi-i-*a Ila+ra/i+a-ma-sa á-sa-tu-⌈wa/i⌉+ra/i-maza-si |FILIUS.NEPOS ⌈mu⌉-wa/i-ta-li-si [|FIL]IUS-⌈mu⌉wa/i-za-sa | | § 2 wa/i-tá-*a ku-ma-na mi-⌈ia?-ti?⌉-i |FLUMEN.REGIOia-ti-i DOMUS-na-x […] ARHA (FLAMMAE)lu/a/i-x(-x?) § 3 |ta?-pa-wa/i | | ku+ra/i-ku-ma-na(URBS) |FLUMEN. REGIO-ti-na (“VACUUS”)ta-na-ti-i?-na wa/i-mi-LITUUS-ha a-wa/i pi-ha-ia hi?-nu-ha § 4 § 5 [x?]-pa?-wa/i? x-wa/i … […] ARHA |x(-)tu?+ra/i-pa?-ha § 6 wa/i-tá-*a |URBS+MI(-ni?) | | wa/i-tá?-mu?-za |(VITIS) tu-wa/i-ri+i-sà! |PRAE-i (PONERE)tu-wa/i-ha § 7 |(L.255)ka-lu/a/i-na-⌈wa/i?⌉ |(L.255)ka-lu/a/i-na x-ta |(X)su-wa/i-ha § 8 zi-pa-wa/i |FLUMEN-pi |ARHA PES2(-)za-na-ha DEUS-⌈ní?⌉-zi á-na?-pa-wa/i-ta |sa5?-x+ra/i-ha | | § 9 § 10 a-wa/i |x? hwi/a-ru-ha-ta-za |x(-)pu-ti-ha § 11 a-wa/i(-)ta(-)ia za |PORTA x x x ia x x [… h]a?-wa/ita+ra/i-a § 12 |á-ma-za-wa/i-⌈x-x⌉ á-⌈lá/í-ma⌉-za |REL-i-sa |ARHA |(MALLEUS)wa9+ra/i-i
Translation I (am) Laramas, Astuwaramanza’s grandson, Muwattalli’s son. When from my river-land the house[s? …] burned down(?), and … I found Gurgum the river-land waste, I caused to pass(?) PIHA’s(?), and I …-ed … […]. For the city I planted out … vineyards, I filled granary on(?) granary, and from here I …-ed forth the gods to the river, and I …-ed … I (-)PUTI-ed the HWIRUHATAZA, this gate … (He) who shall erase my name,
224 6.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 13 wa/i-sa-*a REX-ti-i-sa | | |REL+ra/i-i § 14 a-wa/i REX-hu-ti-na(?) za-si?(?) |INFRA-ta (PONERE) tu-wa/i-tu § 15 REL-sa-pa-wa/i-sa-a |REGIO-ni-ia-si-sa |DOMINUSia-sa § 16 ⌈a⌉-wa/i |x [… s]à-la-ha-za INFRA-ta (PONERE) tu-wa/i-tu § 17 |x-pa-wa/i á| |-p[a?…] |CAPUT-⌈ti-na⌉ |x-*a? |DOMUS |… FEMINA-ti-[…] |FILIUS-mu?-[…]-za? […
if he (is) a king, let him surrender his(?) kingdom(?), but (he) who (is) a country-lord, let him surrender [his?] power, and … his(?) head, house, wife, child […
IV.2. MARAŞ 4 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 2.
§ 3
§ 4 § 5 § 6
§ 7 § 8 § 9
§ 10
§ 11
§ 12 § 13 § 14 § 15
EGO-wa/i-mi-i ITONITRUS.HALPA-pa-CERVUS3-tii-ia-sa |(“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ní-sa |ku+ra/i-ku-mawa/i-ní-i-sa(URBS) |REX-ti-sa Imu-wa/i-ta-lu/a/i-i-si-sà |(“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ní-sá |(FILIUS)ní-mu-wa/i-iza-sa |a-wa/i hi-ri+i-⌈ka⌉-na(URBS) ⌈REL⌉-[a]-ti-i (“[ANNUS]”)[u-si]-i ⌈(L.274)⌉[ha]-ta-li-i-ha […] (L.274)u-pa-ti-da-si-i-na | | (DEUS)TONITRUShu-za-na |pa-ti-i |(“ANNUS”)u-si |(“SOLIUM”)i-sà-núwa/i-ha |a-wa/i-tá |i-lu/a/i-wa/i-si-na(URBS) |INFRA-ta |(CAPERE)la-ha (MONS.SCALPRUM)á-tu+ra/i-sa-li-ia-za-pa-wa/i |ARHA |“CAPUT”(-)AVIS-sà-ha |hi-ri+i-ka-pa-wa/i-ta(REGIO) (“PES2.PES”)tara/i[pa]-ha |a-wa/i (“2”)tu-wa/i-zi(-)wa/i-za |TERRA[…] | | |NEG2-a |X(-)ha-la-ha |mi-pa-wa/i-da |tá-ti-i AVUS-ha-ha |LEPUS-pa+ ra/i-hi |sa-ta |wa/i-ti-ia-ta |NEG2-a-ha |tá-ti-i-sa |NEG2-a-ha AVUS-ha-sá |sá-ta |wa/i-mi-ia-tá |EGO ITONITRUS.HALPA-pa-CERVUS3ti-ia-sa |sá-a-ha | | Imu-wa/i-ta-li-si |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/iza-sá Imu-wa/i-zi-si |FILIUS.NEPOS”-kwi/a-la-sá |a-wa/i L.187-TERRA-mi |tá-ti-na AVUS-ha-na AVUS-ha-ti-na AVUS-ha-tu-⌈li⌉-ha |(BONUS)wa/i-li-ia-núwa/i-ha |wa/i-ta |i-lu/a/i| |-[wa/i-si-na(URBS) REL(?) …] |[INFRA-ta] |(CAPERE)la-ha |wa/i-tá VIR-ti-i-zi-i (“PES”)pa-ti-zi |ARHA (“MANUS+CULTER”)REL+ra/i-ha-a |(INFANS)ni-wa/i+ra/i-ni-zi-pa-wa/i-za |(“L.474”) u-si-na-si-zi-i |i-zi-i-ha-a |wa/i-mi-i |á-mi-na (“COR”)á-tara/i-i-na |á-pa-ara/i |BONUS-li-ia-nu-wa/i-ha
Translation I (am) Halparuntiya the righteous, Gurgumean king, the righteous Muwattalli’s son.
In the year in which I smote the city Hirika, in that year I seated Tarhunza of the Demesne.
I captured the city Iluwasi, and I …-ed away Mount(?) Atursaliyanza, and I TARPA-ed the land Hirika, and for us I did not (-)HALA the two countries. and they allowed(?) (lit. areas of) authority for my father and grandfather but neither (my) father nor (my) grandfather “allowed them to themselves”, but I Halparuntiya “allowed them to myself”, Muwattalli’s son, Muwizi’s great-grandson. I exalted (my) father, grand-father, great-grandfather and forefather(?) … [When(?)] I captured the city Iluwasi, (of) the men I cut off the feet, but the children I made eunuchs to us, and thereafter I exalted my own person.
§ 16 |ARHA-pa-wa/i |PES-wa/i-⌈ha⌉ § 17 |wa/i-mi-ta |mi-i |(“THRONUS”)i-sà-tara/i-ti-i | | [… (line 6: some signs, but no complete word, preserved)
But I came forth, (and) myself on my throne [I seated … …
IV.3. İSKENDERUN Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1 § 2
4. 5.
§ 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7
… | | … ] (B) |wa/i-na L.179.SCALPRUM-na (“L.69”)tara/iwa/i-i-ha (A) |(“POST”)á-pa-pa-wa/i-mu-ta |? REL-za |(“PES”) á-wa/i-da |a-wa/i |za| |-na-i (“L.255”)ka-ru-na-na (“CAPERE”) u-pa-ha-i wa/i-tu-u-(B)ta-i 4×MILLE 4×CENTUM a-ta (“CAPERE”)| |u-pa-ha |zi-i-na (“L.256”)zi-pa-ta-na-ti (A)“MANUS”-ru-ti-pa-wa/i-ta |REL-sa za-pa-wa/i Ila+ra/i+a-ma | | (B) |á-lá/í-ma-za |ni-sa |wa/i-na-(A)ha |la-si |wa/i-tu-ta DEUS?!-ni-zi LIS-za(?)
… (B) I provided(?) it (as) a millstone(?), (A) and because it became available to me, I established this granary, and in it I established four thousand four hundred (cereals) by this zipatani-measure. (He) who shall … (it), “do not take away this name (of) Larama, (or) the gods will prosecute you!”
IV.4. MARAŞ 1 Transliteration 1.
§ 1a EGO-wa/i-mi-i ITONITRUS.HALPA-pa-ru-ti-i-ia-sa |(“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ni-sà |ku+ra/i-ku-ma-wa/i-ni-isà(URBS) REX-ti-i-sa I b la+ra/i+a-ma-si-i-sa |LEPUS+ra/i-ia-li-i-sa |FILIUSmu-wa/i-za-sá I TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-ru-ti-ia-si-sà | | HEROS-li-sa c |(FILIUS.NEPOS)ha-ma-si-sá-a d mu-wa/i-ta-li-si-sà |(“SCALPRUM+RA/I.LU/A/I”) wa/i+ra/i-pa-li-sa |(FILIUS.NEPOS)ha-ma-su-ka-la-sá I TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-CERVUS3-ti-ia-si-sà e |(“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ni-sá | | |(FILIUS)na-wa/i-sa I mu-wa/i-zi-si HEROS-li-sà |(FILIUS)na-wa/i-na f wa/i-sá I la+ra/i+a-ma-si-sá LEPUS+ra/i-ia-li-sa |(FILIUS) g ha+ra/i-tu-sá h DEUS-na-ti (LITUUS)á-za-mi-sà CAPUT-ta-ti ⌈(LITUUS)⌉u-ni-mi-sa |FINES-ha-ti | | AUDIRE-mi-sà REXti-sá i (LITUUS)á-za-mi-sa |(BONUS)u-li-ia-mi-sà |(“PANIS. SCUTELLA”)mu-sa?-nu-wa/i-ti-sá |(“PANIS”)ma-li-⌈ri+i⌉mi-i-sá REX-ti-sá
Translation I (am) Halparuntiya the righteous, Gurgumean king, the governor Larama’s son, the hero Halparuntiya’s grandson, the warrior Muwattalli’s greatgrandson, the righteous Halparuntiya’s great-greatgrandson, the hero Muwizi’s great-great-great-grandson, the governor Larama’s descendant, the king loved by the gods, known by the people, famed abroad, the loved, exalted, satisfying(?), honey-sweet king.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 2
|wa/i-mu |á-mi-i-zi |tá-ti-zi DEUS-ni-zi-i |(LITUUS) á-za-ta § 3 |wa/i-mu-ta |á-mi |tá-ti-i |(THRONUS)i-sà-tara/i-ti-i (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ta § 4 |a-wa/i |(“VACUUS”)ta-na-ta-a (“SOLIUM”)i-sà| |-nuwa/i-ha § 5 |“SOLIUM”(-)x-ma-ma-pa-wa/i BONUS(-)u-sutara/i-ha (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-sá-ti-i (DEUS)i-ia-sati-ha LEPUS+ra/i-ia-ti § 6 |wa/i-mu-ta |LIS+lu/a/i-si-sá (DEUS)[…]-ti-i?-sá |i-mara/i-si-ha-i (DEUS)ru-ti-ia-sá-i |(“IUSTITIA”)tara/iwa/i-na-za-ta-a § 7 |wa/i-mu! |(“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-na+ra/i |ha-pa(-) x(-)ha-la-i-ta § 8 |wa/i-mu |za |L.273-pa-x-x [… | | § 9 [… …]-ia-ha-a |“PES2”(-)ti-ri+i-⌈ha⌉ |REL-ta § 10 |wa/i-mu x x x |x-tara/i-za-i |PRAE-i |(“CAPERE”) la-la-ta § 11 |i-mara/i-si-pa-wa/i-mu-i (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti-ia-sá |REL-za |(LEO)hwi/a-tara/i |pi-pa-sa-ta § 12 |wa/i-ta | | |á-mi-zi |tá-ti-zi […
Me my fathers’ gods loved, and me they seated on my father’s throne. I settled the devastated (places), and I benefited(?) the settlements(?) by Tarhunza’s and Ea’s authority. Me the gods […]ti of the Law-Suit and Runtiya of the Field made tarawani-(“righteous”), and me by (my) righteousness they …-ed … . and for me this … [… […] … where I …-ed, before me they took … . But Runtiya of the Field what wild beasts he gave to me, my fathers (nom. or acc.?) […
IV.5. MARAŞ 14 Transliteration A
1–2. § 1
[E]GO [… | |]-si-i-sa |IUSTITIA-ni-sa |HEROS-sa (“L.474”)u-[si]-na-su- MAGNUS+ra/i-sa § 2 wa/i-mu-i |za-a-na |LOCUS-la/i-ta-li-i-na |á-mi-sa (DOMINUS)na-ni-sá |pi-ia-ta § 3 wa/i-mu-a (C) |za-ia |(L.273)wa/i+ra/i-pa-sa-li-ia-i | | |DOMUS-na AEDIFICARE+MI-ha § 4 wa/i-mu-i (B) |á-ma-[z]a (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za “CRUS”-nu-wa/i-ha § 5 a-wa/i |mi-i-sa |INFANS-ni-i-sa |REL-sá (A) |i-zi-i-ia+ra/i NEG2-pa |(“FILIUS.NEPOS”)ha-ma-si-sa NEG2-pa-wa/i-sa | | |“FILIUS.NEPOS”-kwi/a-la-sá § 6 a+wa/i PRAE “UNUS?”(-)sa-tá-ha-a (“CAELUM”) ti-pa-si (B) |(“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-ha § 7 a-wa/i [|z]a-a-ti-i Iá-sa-ti-wa/i-su-sá-na |(“STATUA”)ta-ru-ti (C) |za-a |i-zi-i-ia-tara/i-za-a |sa-tu | | § 8 |“MALLEUS”-wa/i-t[á] ni-i-sá § 9 “3”-zi […?] |(“PANIS”)t[u?+ra/i-pi?-zi?] |“L.488” …-ti(-)na-i-ha SUPER-i (VIA.PUGNUS)pu-si § 10 ARHA-ha-da MANUS.⌈L.311?⌉-s[a]-la-i “SCALPRUM?” …-na § 11 … d]a?-sa-na pa |á-sa5-za-i |REL-sá
Translation I (am) [Astiwasu …], Chief Eunuch of [So-and so] the righteous, the Hero. To me my lord gave this precinct, and I myself built these craft-houses, and I set up my stele. (He) who becomes (“is made”) my son, or grandson, or great-grandson, I …-ed forth in heaven and earth(?). To this statue of Astiwasu let there be this performance (and let not (one) erase it!): three breads and … tinai-, you PU up. … … who shall speak thus:
IV.8. MARAŞ 11
§ 12 |za-wa/i-ta-a (“STELE”)wa/i-ni(A)-za-i |z[i-i]-na LOCUS-la/i-ta-la-ti-i |(“SA4”)sa-ni-wa/i-i § 13 |wa/i-ta |(“L.261”)hi?-nu-wa/i |“X” … PRAE-i |(PES2)pa-⌈za⌉-ti § 14 |ni-pa-wa/i-⌈tá?⌉ | | […
“This stele from this precinct I shall overturn”, … and shall go forth, or [text breaks off].
IV.6. MARAŞ 3 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4
§ 5 § 6
§ 7 § 8 § 9
(a) […] zú(-)ta [. . . .] (b) […] ⌈i-zi-ia⌉-ha [(DEUS)]TONITRUS-hu-[z]a-sá-[p]a-wa/i-mu AUDIRE+MI-⌈ta?⌉ á-mu-[p]a-wa/i-na (“[STA]TUA”)| |ta-ru-sá i-zi-ia-ha |wa/i-tu-u 2 OVIS(ANIMA) EDERE(?)-lá/í-ti-wa/i-li-na (“FLAMMAE”)ki-nu-wa/i-ha 1 (BOS.ANIMA)wa/i-wa/i-pa-wa/i-tu! |sa5+ra/i-li-ha |(“ANNUS”)| |u-sa-li-ia-pa-wa/i-tu-u 1 OVIS(ANIMA) |PES?-x-x-ha? […]-pa-wa/i DOMUS-n[a]-za [… […] “REL”-sa |ARHA “CAPERE”(-)la| |-na POST+ ra/i-ta [… …]x-ti-ti á-mu-pa-wa/i DEUS […
[I (am)(?) PN1 (title(s)?) etc.] … I made […]. Tarhunza heard me, and I made him (as) a statue, and to him two fat sheep I burnt(?), and one ox to him I offered, and to him (as) annual (sacrifices) one sheep I […]-ed. But the house [… […] (he) who shall [desire?] to take away in future [… I the god […
IV.7. MARAŞ 5 Transliteration
[… ] …] “⌈OVIS.ANIMA⌉”ara/i-ti-wa/i-li-i-na (“FLAMMAE”) ki-nu-wa/i-ti-i POST+ra/i-tá-pa-wa/i “9” BOS(ANIMA)-za-a (LIBARE) sá-sa5+ra/i-la-ti x-ha-mi […
§ 1 § 2 § 3
… … fat [sh]eep they shall burn(?), and in future they shall offer nine oxen, and … […
IV.8. MARAŞ 11 Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4
[… …] …] za [… … NEG2?]-pa-wa/i |(FIL[IUS…)]ha-ma-si-kwi/a-la pa-ti-i-[pa/ha]-wa/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-[… | | … za-a-wa/i-ta (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za REL-sa […
Translation … … …] or(?) great-grandson, for him Tarhunza [… … This stele (he) who […
228 § 5
§ 6 § 7
§ 8 § 9
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
…] ti pa-ti […] sa5+ra/i […] |(DEUS)TONITRUS-huza-sa [… … …]-na-sa […] zi […] na-[… | | …] (DEUS)LUNA+MI-sa TONITRUS.HALPA-pawa/i-su [… … …]-pa-… (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-i 3 “ANNUS”-si-si-na OVIS(ANIMA)-wa/i-na |LIBARE-⌈x⌉ za-zi-⌈pa/ha⌉-wa/i DEUS-ni-a […
… Tarhunza [… … … … the] Moon-God Halpawasu [… … …] offer 3 yearling sheep to Tarhunza, these to the god […
IV.9. KÜRTÜL Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1
EGO-mi la-sá(-)la+ra/i+a-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-huti-sá SERVUS-lá/í-ti-sá? § 2 wa/i-ta (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu| | |!-za-sa “CAELUM”-ti x x INFRA-ta x x x-ti § 3 wa/i?-ma-sa DOMUS-ni-i za-ri+i á-wa/i?-ti § 4a a-wa/i TONITRUS.HALPA?-da (“ORIENS”)ki-sà | | b (-)wa/i-NEG2 á-mi-ti (COR)ta-wa/i+ra/i LITUUS+na-ha § 5 wa/i-mu-ta x x … … x-x-ha § 6 u-wa/i-na-ha-wa/i (DEUS)ti-i-wa/i-ti-x x x x x x | | § 7 wa/i-mu x x x x (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-na … § 8 … 80 HORDEUM? POST+ra/i-t[a] |sa5+ra/i-li-[x] § 9
|x-x | | […
I (am) La (son) of Lara(?), Tarhunzas’s servant. Tarhunza will … down from the sky, and for me he will come to this house. … … I saw with my (own) eyes. And I …-ed […], and … the Sun-God(?) … And I … Tarhunza … … 80 (measures of) barley(?) in future [I will(?)] offer, … […
IV.10. MARAŞ 2 Transliteration § 1
(EGO)-[w]a/i-mi TONITRUS-hu-ti-wa/i-sa-ti-sá Iá-zi-ni-si FEMINA-ti-⌈i⌉-sá ⌈a⌉-wa/i |⌈á⌉-mi-na |⌈FEMINA⌉-ti-na |COR-tara/i-na |NEG3-wa/i REL-sa?! a-ta ⌈x⌉-pa-ha?! I á-zi-ni-sa-pa-wa/i-mu-ta x-x-pa-ha á-mi-na BONUS-sa la-ti CUM?!-ni á-ra+a
§ 2 § 3
I (am) Tarhuntiwasti Azini’s wife, who did not [ded]icate my [wom]anly) image. but for me Azini made also my … with goodness.
IV.11. MARAŞ 9 Transliteration
Translation “(Of?) Tarhupiyas”.
IV.17. MARAŞ 7
IV.12. MARAŞ 12 Transliteration
x x-sa
IV.13. KARABURÇLU Transliteration l. 1. l. 2. l. 3. l. 4.
… za(-)sa … (no certainly identifiable sign) …-ti ⌈CUM?⌉-ni (SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha | | … |ni-i |INFRA?-ta? |PES-wa/i-t[i? …]
… … … I seated with … … let him/them not come down(?).
IV.14. MARAŞ 13 Transliteration
l. 1. EGO [… ll. 2–3. …-p]a? SUPER? x-wa/i?| |-ta |ARHA (-x) la-ha |za-pa-wa/i …
I (am) [… …] … I took away, and this […
IV.15. HACIBEBEKLİ (illegible)
IV.16. MARAŞ 6 (LENINGRAD) Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
…] á-p[a-sa?]-za-a |FRATER.LA-za (FEMINA)na-nasa5+ra/i-za-ha LIS-z[a]-sa LOQUI(-)la+ra/i+a-ta …] zi […] DEUS-ni-x […] SOL […] ha-pa […] CAPUTti-s[a …] SOL […] NEG[2/3 …] ha […] x […
…] for his(?) brothers and sisters … … (untranslatable).
IV.17. MARAŞ 7 Transliteration Side A Side B
l. 1. l. 2.
…] x x (“OCCIDENS”)á-pa-zi-i-ti “LOCUS”-lá/í-ti (PONERE+MI)tu-wa/i-i[a] […]-w[a/i… …] x [… AV]IS […]-ha […] x-ni […] x […] u [… …] x […] wa/i […] CRU[S…]-ni-i […] a-w[a/i] ku+ra/iku-[ma]-wa/i-[ni]-z[i/a] |z[i/a …
Translation …] he will put in … place, and [… … …] …, and the Gurgumean (nom./acc. plur.) … […
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
IV.18. MARAŞ 10 Transliteration l. 1. l. 2. l. 3. l. 4.
za … (DEUS)ku+A[VIS]-pa-pa … … (DEUS)kar-hu-ha … … |wa/i-ta (“X”)á-… … x pi-i x “X”-pi REL-za+ra/i…
This … Kubaba … Karhuha … … and … …?
IV.19. MARAŞ 15 Transliteration
za-wa/i […
This (is) […
IV.20. MARAŞ 16 (following Peker, see Part 2) Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
EGO Ila+ra+a-ma-sá |(IUSTITIA)tara/i-wa/i-ni-i-sà |ku+ra/i-ku-ma-wa/i-ni-sà(URBS) REX-ti-sá ní-nu-tú-sa hu-ní-ta-si-sa |FILIUS-mu-wa/i-za-sa la+ra+a-ma-si-sa L.273-pa-li-sa |(FILIUS.NEPOS)ha-ma-si-sa a-wa/i | | …
I (am) Larama the righteous, Gurgumean king, … Hunita’s(?) son, the warrior Larama’s grandson.
And …
IV.21. MARAŞ 17 (following Peker, see Part 2) Transliteration 1.
§ 1
[EGO …] mu-wa/i-zi-sa la+ra+a-ma-si-sá |FILIUSmu-wa/i-za-sa mu-wa/i-ta-li-si-i-sá |FILIUS.NEPOS-si-i-sa á-sa-tú-w[a/i-ra/i]| |-ma-za-si-sá FILIUS.NEPOS-RELla-sa …
[I (am)] Muwizi, Larama’s son, Muwattalli’s grandson, Astuwa[ra]manza’s great-grandson.
V. MALATYA V.1. KARAHÖYÜK (ELBİSTAN) Transliteration obv. (A) 1. § 1 2. 3.
§ 2 § 3
(To) the Storm-God of the land POCULUM (this) stele Armanani, Lord of the Pithos-Men, dedicated … When Ir-Tešub(?), the Great King, came to the land POCULUM, he found the city empty,
a-wa/i-tá (SOLIUM.MI)á-sa SUPER SOLIUM-tá a-wa/i L.512-i(a) L.484 SUPER sa-SUPER | | L.234 L.235 L.236 mu-ki-SUPER+ra/i SUPER sa-SUPER 5. SCALPRUM.TERRA+VIA L.513-da-nú-zi/a CAPERE-tá | | 6. § 8 a-wa/i-ní Isax-L.514-mi-ti SOLIUM?+MI?-nú-tá § 9 POCULUM.PES.L.67(REGIO) SUPER DOMUS-zi/a 7. |URBS+MI-zi/a | | i(a)-zi/a a-wa/i-tá (DEUS)TONITRUS POCULUM.PES.L.67 § 10 wa/i-sa á-sa-ha § 11 wa/i-mi-tá-*a DEUS-ní-i(a) á-tá i(a)-L.515-ha | | 8. § 12 a-wa/i-mu (DEUS)TONITRUS POCULUM.PES.L.67 LOCUS-tá LOCUS-tá REL-i(a)-mi-sa L.135(9)-ti(-)sa-tá 9. § 13 a-wa/i | | a-mi-zi/a REGIO?/DOMUS?-zi/a |URBS+ MI-zi/a (DEUS)TONITRUS POCULUM.PES.L.67 PRAE DARE § 14 L.516 PONERE § 15 L.517 DEUS.X(?) mi-i(a)-ti-*a DOMUS-ti i(a)-zi/a 1 L.518 l L.519 l L.520 | | right side (B) 10. § 16 POCULUM.PES.L.67(REGIO)-wa/i-mu-tá-*a 3 URBSMI-ní-zi/a lu/a/i-kar-ma(URBS) FRONS?.L.282-pi-i(a) (URBS) zu(wa)-ma-ka(URBS) DOMINUS-na-ti DAREmi-zi/a L.234.SUPER L.263-tá-na-sa5 DOMUS-zi/a i(a)-zi/a-ha § 17 § 18 L.259.L.502-mi-li SUPER L.521-ha § 19 SCALPRUM+TERRA+VIA SCRIBA(-)CAPERE-ha § 20 LIS-mu NEG-wa/i a-sa-ti | | left side (C) 11. § 21 PORTA-zi/a L.293-zi/a L.469-zi/a NEG-sa a-sa-ti § 22 REL-i(a)-sa-pa-wa/i i(a)-ma REL-i(a)-sa |CAPUT-ti-sa a-mi-i(a) DOMUS-ní-i(a) REL+ra/i-i(a)-pa |URBS+MIní-i(a) tara/i-pa-a-ti § 23 REL+ra/i-pa-da L.293 L.469 PONERE a-wa/i-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS POCULUM.PES.L.67 LIS§ 24 L.398 a-sa-tu 4.
§ 4 § 5 § 6 § 7
and he sat upon the seat, (or: and he set up a seat) … … … he took. … he …-ed, he(?) improved the land POCULUM for houses (and) cities. I was dear(?) to the Storm-God of the land POCULUM, and myself to the god I … (?)-ed. For me the Storm-God of the land POCULUM reverenced in every place did …(?), and for my houses I(?) hand(ed) over the cities to the Storm-God of the land POCULUM, (and) I(?) establish(ed) … . … the god …(?) from my house I(?) celebrate(d) (with) one …, one …, one … . (In) the land POCULUM three cities, Lukarma, Hantx-piya (and) Zu(wa)maka (are) given to me by the lord. I made L.234 a house of(?) L.263-TANA… I …(?)-ed up, I took … . There shall be no dispute against me, against the gates(?) let there be no L.293 L.469! Whatsoever person shall TARP- on my house or city,
or shall put them to L.293 L.469, let him, the Storm-God of the land POCULUM, be prosecutor!
V.2. GÜRÜN Transliteration (upper inscription) 1. § 1a (MAGNUS.DEUS)TONITRUS (MAGNUS.DEUS)hi-pa-tú (MAGNUS.DEUS)SARMA3+RA/I+MI 2. b CERVUS ku-zi-TONITRUS-sa5 | | MAGNUS.REX |FILIUS.NI.NEPOS HEROS kar-ka-mi-i-si-sa5(URBS) PUGNUS-mi-li |(FILIUS)[ni]| |-mu-wa/i-za VITELLUS. 3. UNGULA-zi(URBS) REGIO.DOMINUS wa/i-tá-*a (L.428)da-i-ti(URBS) ARHA MONS(-) § 2 4. zi-na-pi(?) | | MONS(-)na-ha+ra/i-sà-na(?) MONS(-)na-max-x-*a(?) |ARHA?(-)li-sa-ha
The great Storm-God, the great goddess Hepatu, the great god Sarruma: Runtiya(?), grandson of Kuzi-Tešub, the Great King, the Hero of Karkamis, son of PUGNUS-mili, Country-Lord of the city Malizi. From the city Daita(?) the mountains Zinapi(?), Naharasa (and) Nama… I separated,
§ 3a b § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
wa/i-… | | wa/i-x-*a URBS-MI-na |(SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha wa/i-mu-*a za-zi DEUS-ni-zi MAGNUS-nú-tá a-wa/i z[a]-i[a] “LOCUS”-[…]-*a […]-i SOLIUM-núwa/i-ha za-pa-wa/i ANNUS(-)za+ra/i-sà REL-i-sa | | ARHA (MANUS)li-L.375-ti pa-ti-pa-wa/i-*a |(MAGNUS.DEUS)TONITRUS (MAGNUS.DEUS)hi-pa-tú-sa5 (MAGNUS.DEUS) SARMA2+RA/I+MI LIS-lu/a/i-za-[tu]
and … and … the city I settled. Me the gods magnified and these places … I settled. (He) who shall damage this inscription, against him may the great Storm-God, great Hepatu and great Sarruma litigate!
(lower inscription) 1. § 1 […] MAGNUS.REX [… N]EPOS […]-i-sa5(URBS) 2. PUGNUS-[mi]-li |(FILIUS)ni| |-mu-wa/i-z[a] VITELLUS. UNGULA-zi[(URBS)] REGIO.[DOMINUS … § 2 [wa/i]-tá […] la […] x (L.428)da-i-ti(URBS) ARHA (MONS)zi-[… § 3 … | | 3. § 4 [… …] MAGNUS-nú-ta § 5 a-wa/i za-ia LOCUS-x x […] SOLIUM-nú-wa/i-ha 4. § 6 [za]-pa-wa/i | | ANNUS x x x [… § 7 pa-ti-pa-wa/i-*a (MAGNUS.DEUS)TONITRUS (MAGNUS.DEUS)hi-pa-tu-sa5 (MAGNUS.DEUS) SARMA2+RA/I+MI LIS-[… V.3. KÖTÜKALE Transliteration 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
§ 1a MAGNUS.DEUS … (DEUS) … (DEUS)x … (DEUS)sà? (DEUS)x … (DEUS)L.142 … | | (DEUS)x x b CERVUS ⌈ku-zi-TONITRUS-sa5⌉(?) MAGNUS.REX |FI[LIUS].NEP[OS … | | … PUGNUS-mi-li |FILIUS.NI VITELLUS.UNGULA-zi(URBS) REGIO.DOMINUS § 2 a-wa/i zi+a-na x-x-x-na | | x-x-x-wa/i-na-na PUGNUS-ri+i-ha § 3 zi+a-ha-wa/i SCALPRUM-na VIA-na i-zi-⌈ha⌉ § 4 a-[wa/i] MONS x [… | | § 5 …] x x CERVUS-sa5 á-lá/í-ma-zi! REL-i-sa ARHA CAPERE-i § 6 wa/i-tá-*a | | [… …]-*a i-zi-ti § 7 wa/i-tu-*a MAGNUS.DEUS … DEUS … […
Translation (list of 6/7 unidentified gods) Runtiya, grandson of Kuzi-Tešub, Great King, […] PUGNUS-mili’s son, Country-Lord of the city Malizi. This … … I raised, and this stone road [I] made. The mountain [… … Runtiya’s name (he) who removes, … […] shall make, for him the great god …, the god … […
V.4. İSPEKÇÜR Transliteration
Side B (frag. c) 1. § 1 (EGO?) a+ra/i-nú-wa/i-ti-sa5 REX ku-zi-TONITRUS 2. HEROS | | (FILIUS)ha-ma-si-sa5 PUGNUS-mi-li FILIUS3. mu-wa/i-za? | | ⌈VITELLUS.UNGULA-zi(URBS)⌉ ⌈REGIO. DOMINUS⌉ x [… (frag. d) 4. § 2 … | | …] x SOLIUM […]-ha § 3 a-wa/i […] mu […] na-*a MONS […]-zi […]-wa/i-ha § 4 […] x […] x | | (Side C)-zi+a i-zi-ha Side C (frag. a) […]-si-sa (frag. c+d) a+ra/i-nú-[wa/i]-ti-sa5 REX […] (FILIUS)ha-ma-si-sa Side A (frag. c (upper)) a+ra/i-nú-[wa/i]-⌈ti?⌉-[…] x (lower + frag. d) 1. § 1 [a+ra/i]-nú-[wa/i-ti-sa5] x x x 2. § 2 wa/i-[…]-*a zi+a-zi PONERE […] DEUS-ni | | [… …] ha […] na […] ha x | | 3. § 3 TERRA+VIA-na REL-na-ha § 4 zi!-sa-wa/i-mu x x […
(I am?) Arnuwanti the King, grandson of Kuzi-Tešub the Hero, son of PUGNUS-mili, Country-Lord of the city Malizi.
[…] I [caused to] sit, and … mountains I [pla]ced. … I made. [… grand]son? Arnuwanti, the Ki[ng, the] grandson (or: the Ki[ng’s] grandson.) Arnu[wa]nti’s [wife … ] [Ar]nu[wanti … These … put … god [… …] any … and this (to) me […
V.5. DARENDE Transliteration
(left side) EGO(?) AVIS2 (rev.) AVIS2-wa/i-tá-sa5 REX |FILIUS.| |NEPOS-MI-sa PUGNUS-mi-li |(FILIUS) ni| |-mu-wa/i-za VITELLUS.UNGULA-zi(URBS) REGIO. DOMINUS| |-sa5 § 2 a-wa/i MANUSx(-)tu-ma-ni-i-na(URBS) L.485-li-na | | SOLIUM-nú-wa/i-ha 5. 6. § 3 za-pa-wa/i LAPIS DEUS-ni | | PONERE-wa/i-ha (obv.) (DEUS)hi-pa-tú (DEUS)hi-pa-tu URBS-MI-na-li (right side) (DEUS)SARMA3+RA/I+MI
(I am?) Arnuwanti, King Arnuwanti’s grandson, PUGNUS-mili’s son, Country-Lord of the city Malizi.
1. 2. 3. 4.
§ 1
I settled the city (-)tumani (as) …, and I dedicated this stele to the god. (To) Hebat of the City; Sarruma.
V.6. MALATYA 5 Transliteration (DEUS)IMRA+ra/i-lá/í REX-tá : PUGNUS-mi-li REX L.462
Translation The god Imrali the King : PUGNUS-mili, King’s seed.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
V.7. MALATYA 6 Transliteration
tu-wa/i-ti REX.INFANS : sà+US-ka
Tuwati the Prince(ss)(?) (or “King Tuwati’s child”?) : Sauska.
V.8. MALATYA 7 Transliteration
PUGNUS-mili : the god Sarruma, Mountain-King.
V.9. MALATYA 8 Transliteration
(DEUS)TONITRUS : REX (incised L.462) PUGNUS-mi-li REX L.462
Storm-God : PUGNUS-mili King’s seed.
V.10. MALATYA 9 Transliteration
Storm-God of the city POCULUM-da:
relief and incised: PUGNUS-mi-li REX L.462
PUGNUS-mili King’s seed.
V.11. MALATYA 10 Transliteration
Storm-God of the city Malizi
relief: PUGNUS-mi-li incised: PUGNUS-mi-li REX L.462
PUGNUS-mili, King’s seed.
V.12. MALATYA 11 Transliteration L.462 (incised) REX PUGNUS-mi-li REX L.462 (relief)
Translation PUGNUS-mili, King’s seed.
V.15. IZGIN 1 and 2
V.13. MALATYA 12 Transliteration
PUGNUS-mi-li : (LUNA) PUGNUS-mi-li : (SOL2)
PUGNUS-mili : (Moon-God) : PUGNUS-mili : (SunGod).
V.14. MALATYA 14 Transliteration
(obv.) [(DEUS?)]SOL SOL2 (right side) REX L.462 PUGNUS-mi-li
Sun-God King’s seed, PUGNUS-mili
V.15. IZGIN 1 and 2 Transliteration (IZGIN 1 (B+C+A)) 1. § 1 (B) EGO-mi CRUS+RA/I-sa HEROS (C) VITELLUS. 2. UNGULA-zi| |(URBS) REGIO … DOMINUS … § 2 (B) wa/i-mi-ta-*a mi-i-*a |tá-ti THRONUS-tara/i-ti (A) REL SOLIUM-ha 3. § 3 wa/i-mu| |-*a (DEUS)TONITRUS CUM-ni (B) CRUS-ta 4. § 4 wa/i-ta-*a ⌈mi-ia-za-a*⌉ [… (C) …]-za | | REGIO-za FINES+ha-zi (B) FINES+ha-za POST-ní a-tá i-zi-i-ha FLUMEN.REGIO-zi-pa-wa/i(A)-ta FLUMEN. § 5 5. REGIO-za | | POST-ni a-tá i-zi(B)-i-ha § 6 L.428-da-wa/i(URBS) AEDIFICARE-ha VITELLUS.UNGULA(C)-zi-pa-wa/i(URBS) § 7 SOLIUM| |-wa/i-ha 6. § 8 x-[wa/i?] FLUMEN-na (B) SUPER+ra/i L.85-li-ia⌈sa?⌉-sa URBS+MI -na-z SOLIUM-wa/i-ha 7. § 9 (A) PITHOS.GRYLLUS-pa-wa/i-mi| |(URBS) mi-iati-*a LEPUS+RA/I-ti (B) há-sa?-tara/i-ti-ha 8. § 10(?) ⌈á?-mu?-pa?⌉-wa/i-tá (C) [… | | … § 11 … |⌈a-tá i⌉(A)-zi-i-ha I 9. § 12 a+ra/i-nú| |-wa/i-ti-ia-pa-wa/i-mu (B) FRONS-na [… (C) … 10. § 13 … | | x-na DEUS-ni-zi (B) (B) x(-)ta x x x (-)wa/i-li-na (A) IUSTITIA-ni-i-na § 14 11. PRAE | | LITUUS+na-⌈mi?-na⌉ ta(B)-ni-ma-ti-wa/i-tá [… § 15 … (A, 12) …(-)li(-)REL … (C, 14) … mi-zi FINES+ha-zi … … 15. § 16 … (A) …]| |-ru-tá á-zi-ia-ti LEPUS+RA/I-ti
I (am) CRUS-RA/I, the Hero, the Malizi(ean) Country-Lord. When I sat myself on my father’s throne, Tarhunza stood with me. In my pa[ternal grandfatherl]y(?) countries, I added frontiers upon frontiers, and I added river-lands upon river-lands. I built the city Daida(?), and I settled the Malizi(eans), I settled the … river (people) up in towns of YALIYASA-, and the city PITHOS.GRYLLUS by my authority … … [… […] I added(?). And for Arnuwanti myself … [… … the gods … …]WALI righteous foreseen, and with all [… … … (C, 14 … frontiers … ) […] he/they […]ed by our authority,
§ 17 § 18 § 19
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
(B) x-ti-pa-⌈wa/i?⌉-tá á-za-mi-na ⌈x …⌉-ha (C) ⌈(L.474?)⌉[wa/i-si]-na-si-na | | SERVUS-l[á/í …] wa/i-tá-*a 9?-zi-*a? (B) DEUS-[ni]-zi POST-ni a-tá BONUS-li-ia-za-ta (A) a-wa/i CERVUS3.ANIMA(-)ni-ia REL-z[a …] | |
(IZGIN 2 (D)) 1. § 1 [illegible] 2. § 2 a-wa/i-da L.85(-)ia-li-ia-sa-⌈sa⌉ | | 3. URBS+MI-na-za SOLIUM-wa/i-ta 4. § 3 a-wa/i FINES+ha-zi | | (TERRA)la-tara/i-ta 5. § 4 wa/i-tá-*a pi-[na]-*a | | […] L.286-wa/i-ni-zi(URBS) 6. FINES!+ha-zi POST-ni | | a-tá i-zi-i-da 7. § 5 zi-pa-wa/i-ta hi-li-ki| |-zi(URBS) FINES+ha-zi POST-ni a-tá i-zi-i-da | | 8–9. § 6 x-x-x-x-wa/i-li-pa-wa/i-tu-tá x x x a-tá | | x-x-sà-t[a] PITHOS.GRYLLUS-z[i?-pa?]| |-wa/i-ta(URBS) REGIO 10. § 7 (11) [… | | …]-zi REL-ia | | (12) na REGIO x na URBS | | (13) … ti … wa/i | | ll. 14–15 completely obliterated 16. § 8 | | wa/i-ti-ta-*a á-lá/í-ma-[z]a […]-sa [x]-x-[x]-x | | COR-tara/i-i-na (PES)u-pa-i pa-sa-na-*a (DOMINUS) 17. na-ni- | | PRAE-na 18. 19. § 9 a-wa/i pa-sa-ha?-*a Iá-za-mi-sa i-zi-ia-na-zi | | i-zii-tú pa-sa-na-*a (DOMINUS)na-ni CUM-ni 20. § 10 za-pa-wa/i | | REL-i-sa ARHA MALLEUS § 11 wa/i-tú-*a (DEUS)TONITRUS ku[…]-i[(a) …]-z[i/a …
and to him(?) I did give? Azami (as) a eunuch(?) servant. The nine gods supported (lit. “rose up behind”— Melchert) and for the stag … […
… and them he settled in towns of YALIYASA-. He extended the frontiers. On that side he added the frontiers of the city […] L.286, and on this side he added the frontiers of the city Hiliki(?). and to him … and the city PITHOS.GRYLLUS …
his name [or/and his] person he shall bring before his lord, even that Azami – may he perform rituals for his lord! But (he) who erases this, for him the Storm-God […].
V.16. MALATYA 1 Transliteration
These shootings (are) of Halpasulupi, grandson of CRUS-RA/I, the Hero, the lord of the city Malizi, son of Wasu(?)runtiya(?).
V.17. MALATYA 4 Transliteration TONITRUS.HALPA-AVIS2 REX |L.462 (za-na)
Translation Halpasulupi, King’s seed (erasure?)
V.18. MALATYA 3 Transliteration
za-ia-wa/i (L.262)sa-sa-li-ia Ima-ri+i-ti?-sa Izú-wa/i-ri+i-mi-sa |FILIUS-mu-wa/i-i-ia-ia REGIO?[…?]-sa
These shootings (are) of Mariti, Zuwarimi’s son, Country[-Lord?].
V.19. ŞIRZI Transliteration (side) 1. § 1 2.
§ 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5 § 6
§ 7 (top) § 8 § 9
[z]a-wa/i [i]-mara/i PES2.PES-pa-mi-na ru-ti-CERVUS3ia-sa |HEROS-sá VITELLUS.UNGULA-zi REGIO.DOMINUS sa-hwi/a-sa |HEROS-sá |(FILIUS)| |[ni]-mu-wa/i-za-sa (DEUS)CERVUS3-ia-sá BONUS-mi-sa SERVUS-lá/í-sa |i-zii-da |wa/i-ta |á-mi-i-na DOMINUS-ni-na i-mara/i (DEUS)CERVUS3-ia-na (“LIGNUM”)ha-zi-wa/i+ra/i-ti |u-sa-nu-sa-ha |i-mara/i (DEUS)CERVUS3-ia-sa MONS-ti-zi “DOMUS+SCALA”(-)ha| |-ti-i PRAE-na |á-ru-wa/i+ra/i-tu |wa/i-tu |COR-pa(-)sà(-)L.387-wa/i-sá |hwi/a-da-niia-za |zú-pu-na |pi-pa-sa-tu |za-pa-wa/i | | i-mara/i PES2.PES-pa-mi-na |REL-sá |ARHA |li-L.375-ti |á-pa-ti-pa-wa/i+ra/i-ta |i-mara/i-sá (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti-sá |(L.464)ha+ra/i-ma PES2.PES-pi-tu wa/i-tu |ara/i-ti-na |u-pa-tu? (x?) | | z[a-i]a-pa-wa/i ⌈REL?⌉-za-ma-[ia?] ARHA REL?-sá [li]-L.375-⌈ti?⌉ a-wa/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-[…
This field TARPAMI Runtiya(?) the Hero, Country-Lord of Malizi the Hero Sahwi’s son, Runtiya’s dear servant, made.
My lord Runtiya of the Field I blessed with ritual.
May the mountains of Runtiya of the Field bow down(?) before …, and may they grant him to ZUP- the … of the wild beasts. (He) who shall … away this field TARPAMI, for him may Runti of the Field TARPI them HARAMA, and for him may he … … . (He) who shall … away these incised (words), may Tarhunza […
V.20. PALANGA Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7
á-mu-wa/i-mu?! |AVIS?-pi-sa-sá |x x x FLUMEN. DOMINUS-i-sá wa/i-a FRONS-lu/a/i-zí REL-zi á-sá-ta [… | | … …] |… x x-ha REX-ti-i |CUM-na? sà-mu-ru-wa/i-ha |REL-pa-wa/i-a za á-[…] sá […] REX [… …] wa/i-a OMNIS-mi-zí-i LOCUS-lá/í-a?-zi? | | AVIS?-pisa-ia-a |pi-ia-ta |DEUS-ni-i ⌈(DEUS)⌉ TONITRUS-hu-ti-i ⌈(DEUS)SOL⌉ (DEUS)CERVUS(-)⌈ru?⌉-ti-i (LITUUS)u-nimi-sa
Translation I (am) … pisa … River-Lord. (Those) who were foremost, [… … … for the king I SAMURUWA-ed, but when(?) my(?) king […] this, he, the known to god, the Storm-God, the Sun, the Stag-God, gave all precincts to … pisa,
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 8 § 9 § 10 § 11
|[wa/i?]-ti-… … wa/i… | | … … -sá [sa?]-ni-ri+i |wa/i-a CAELUM-ti-⌈i?⌉ … | … ta … … -pa-wa/i-ta … ha mara/i+ra/i-⌈wa/i?⌉-li-sá |á-wa/i+ra/i § 12 |REL-pa-na |(ANNUS)u-⌈sà?⌉ OVIS sa5+ ra/i-la-za | | … x(-)sá-ti-sa § 13 [AVIS??]-pi-sa-pa-wa/i ha-li … x |á-wa/i … DOMUS … […
and [… and shall overturn(?), from the sky … and [from the earth] corn-stem(s) will come. Him in the year a sheep (as) an offering(?) … But … pisa(?) … day(s)(?) …
V.21. MALATYA 2 Transliteration (a) (b) (c)
Translation Good! This (is) Ziti, this (is) Lu … This […
wa/i-su za-sa VIR-⌈ti⌉-sa (incised) za […?]-wa/i lu/a/i za-wa/i […
V.22. MALATYA 13 Transliteration
Left side ([z]a-[w]a/i?) (DEUS.CERVUS3)kar-hu-ha-sa …
This(?) (is) the Stag-God Karhuha …
Right side (DEUS)ku+AVIS za-pa-wa/i DEUS-ni-na …
Kubaba: but this deity (acc. sing.) …
Front […]-na? [PON]ERE?-wa/i-tá
[So-and-so] erected [this monument](?).
VI. COMMAGENE VI.1 – 2. BOYBEYPINARI 1 and 2 Transliteration (BOYBEYPINARI 1) IB § 1 [z]a-wa/i (THRONUS)i-sà-tara/i-tá-za za-ha MENSA-za mu Ipa-na-mu-wa/i-ti-sa PURUS.FONS. MI-sa IUSTITIA-ni-sa FEMINA-na-ti-sa PONEREwa/i-ha a-wa/i zú-[ki| |-t]a-za-sá(URBS) REL-sa IC § 2 |FLUMEN.DOMINUS-sá § 3 wa/i-da pa-sa-na ⌈ti⌉-na-ti-i PONERE-wa/i-ha § 4 (PES)u-pa-tá-pa-wa/i-da Iá-za-mi-i-sá PURUS. FONS.MI IUSTITIA-ni-sa SERVUS-lá/í-sa | |
This throne and this table I Panamuwati, Suppiluliuma’s righteous wife, dedicated.
(He) who (is) Zukitaean River-Lord, I dedicated them for his tithe. But Azami, the ruler Suppiluliuma’s righteous servant, furnished them.
VI.1 – 2. BOYBEYPINARI 1 and 2
§ 5
§ 6 § 7 § 8
§ 9 § 10 § 11
za-a-pa-wa/i i-sà-tara/i-ta-za za-ha MENSA-za REL-sa MALUS-lá/í-sa-tara/i-ti ARHA “MALLEUS”-i ni-pa-wa/i-ta | | […] | | n[í-pa-wa/i]-da a-tá (OCCIDENS)i-ma-ni-ti ní-pa-wa/i-ta pa-na-mu-wa/i-ti-[sa | | á-lá/íma-za] ⌈|⌉AR[HA] “MALLEUS”-i ni-pa-wa/i-ta Iá-za-mi-sá á-[lá/í]-ma-[z]a | | ⌈ARHA⌉ (“MALLEUS”)-wa9-la-⌈i⌉ pa-ti-pa-wa/i á-lá/í-sá [(DEUS)]AVIS LIS-da-ti CUM?!-ni X-tu SCALPRUM+CAPERE[…] | | ILOCUS-la/i-ti-muwa/i-sa SCRIBA-la-sa á-sa-TONITRUS-hu-za-sa-ha SA4-na-na-la-sa PURUS.FONS.MI-sa DOMUS-ni(-) NEPOS-mi-i-ni-sá
(BOYBEYPINARI 2) IVB 1. § 1 za-wa/i á-lá/í-na (DEUS)AVIS mu-u Ipa-namu-wa/i-ti-sa PURUS.FONS.MI IUSTITIA-ni-sá IVC 1. FEMINA-na-ti-sa IHATTUSA+li-sa | | […]-sá (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ha § 2 hu-pi-da-ta-da-⌈x⌉-ha-wa/i mi-i-sa DOMINUS-ni-sa PURUS.FONS.M[I] u-[…] za [… IVD 1. § 3 [ signs visible but uncertain … | | …] § 4 a a-wa/i LITUUS+na-ti-sa b hu-pi-da-ta-da-ti-wa/i REL-a-ti sà-ka-tá-lisà-wa/i za-pa-wa/i i-sà-tara/i-ta-za | | za-ha IIIA 1. § 5 MENSA-za á-mi-sá | | tá-ti-sa Iá-za-mi-sá DEUSIIIB 1. na-ti (LITUUS)á-za-mi-sa SOL-da-mi-sá SUPER?la/i-za-sa(URBS) zú-ki-ti-za-ha(URBS) FLUMEN. IIIC 1. DOMINUS-ia-sa | | (PES)u-pa-tá § 6 wa/i-da PONERE-wa/i-ta § 7 a-wa/i mi-sá DOMINUS-ni-sa PURUS.FONS.MI IIID 1. REL-i hu-pi-da-da-na-na | | sà-ka-ta-li-sà-tá § 8 a mu!-pa-wa/i |za-a-ti á-lá/í (DEUS)AVIS PRAE-na MONS?(-)ha-ta-[x?]-mi-na (IVA, 1–2: erased?; text continues directly on IIID, 2?) | | IIID 2. b sa-ma-ni-ha § 9 a-wa/i á-pi SCRIBA+RA/I-wa/i-ma-za ARHA (PES2)i-ha § 10 |za-pa-wa/i (FEMINA)á-lá/í-na (DEUS)AVIS IIIC 2. REL-i-sa | | “X”(-)wa/i-si-ia-na REL-sa MALUS-la/isa-tara/i-ti ARHA MALLEUS-i IIIB 2. § 11 |ni-i-pa-wa/i-na a-tá | | (OCCIDENS)i-ma-ni-ti § 12 ni-pa-wa/i-tá á-lá/í-za (SA4)sa-ni-ti § 13 ni-pa-wa/i-ti wa/i⌈+ra/i⌉-li-na á-pa-sa á-lá/íma-za i-zi-i-ti | | IIIA 2. § 14 ⌈NEG2?⌉-pa-wa/i za-la-na | | PONERE-wa/i-i + IVC 2.
(He) who shall deface this throne and this table from evil, or [… or shall IMANI them, or shall erase Panamuwati[’s name], or [shall] erase Azami’s name, against him may Ala-Kubaba … with litigation! … muwa the Scribe and Asatarhunza the KWANANALA, Suppiluliuma’s “house-descendant”, carved (this).
This Ala-Kubaba I Panamuwati, Suppiluliuma’s righteous wife, Hattusili’s [moth]er seated.
The HUPIDATADA-(?) my lord Suppiluliuma … … “You do see (??), how I shall SAKATALISA- with/from the HUPIDATADA-(?).” And this throne and this table my father Azami, loved by the gods, the Sun-blessed, the Sarilean and Zukitean River-Lord furnished,
and dedicated them. When my lord Suppiluliuma SAKATALISA-ed the HUPIDADANA-(?), before this Ala-Kubaba I myself …
I created And I went forth … (He) who shall efface this Ala-Kubaba … from evil,
or shall IMANI her, or shall overturn (her) as to her place, or shall make her name his own, or shall put ZALAN,
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
ní?!-i-pa-wa/i |za i-sà-tara/i-ta-za |za-a-ha (MENSA)wa/i-si-za za-ia-ha mara/i+ra/i-ta | | REL-sa IVC 2. MALUS-lá/í-sa-tara/i-ti ARHA MALLEUS-i § 16 ni-pa-wa/i-ta […] tá [… …] § 17 a [ni]-pa-wa/i-ta á-ma-za DOMINUS-⌈ni⌉-ia-za IVB 2. PURUS.FONS.MI-sá | | á-⌈lá/í⌉-ma-za b |ni-pa-wa/i Ipa-na-mu-wa/i-ti-i-sa á-lá/í-ma-za c ⌈ni⌉-pa-wa/i á-ma-za |INFANS-ni-ia-za IVB 3. HATTUSA+li-i-sa | | [á]-lá/í-[ma]-za ARHA MALLEUS-i § 18 ni-pa-wa/i-ta á-ma-za tá-ti-ia-za Iá-za-mi-sa á-lá/í-ma-za | | ARHA MALLEUS-i IVC 3. § 19 ni-pa-wa/i-da mi-i-sá? DOMINUS-ni PURUS. FONS.MI-sa-ha Ipa-na-mu-wa/i-ti-sa-ha HATTUSA+li-sa-ha á-lá/í-ma-ni MALUS-lá/í-satara/i-ti CUM-ni ARHA |CAPERE-i | | á-pa-ti-pa-wa/i á-lá/í-sa (DEUS)ku-AVIS á-paIVD 3. § 20 si-i-na “COR”?-ni-na (“L.476”)ta-wa/i-sa| |-ha-na IIIA 3 + IIIB 3 PRAE-na | | TONITRUS?-wa/i-nú-wa/i-tu § 21 (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sa-ti-sa-pa-wa/i-tu-u IIIC (“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-ti-sa-ha | | CAELUMsa-ha TERRA-REL+ra/i-sa-ha DEUS-ni-i-zi LIS-da-ti 3. | | CUM-ni X-tu IVA 3. § 22 wa/i-ta ni-i |ha+ra/i-wa/i-x (PONERE)tu-wa/i-x § 15
or (he) who shall efface this throne and this table and these words from evil, or [… or my lord Suppiluliuma’s name, or Panamuwati’s name, or my son Hattusili’s [na]me shall erase,
or shall erase my father Azami’s name, or shall take it/them away from the name of my lord Suppiluliuma and Panamuwati and Hattusili from evil, for him may Ala-Kubaba cause to … his TAWASHAperson(?), and against him may Heaven and Earth and heaven’s and earth’s gods … with litigation,
and [may] they not put …!
VI.3. MALPINAR Transliteration 1.
§ 1
za-wa/i ⌈(STATUA?)⌉ta-ru-⌈sa?⌉ ⌈mu-u⌉ á-lá/í-iaza-sá HATTUSA+li-si-sá IUSTITIA-ni-sa [SER]VUS-la/i-sa ⌈SUPER?⌉-la/i-za-sa(URBS) zú-ki-za-sá(URBS) FLUMEN.DOMINUS-ia-sá i-zi-i-há § 2 (a) a-wa/i á-[m]i-i DOMINUS-ni-i HATTUSA+li-i IUSTITIA-ni-i REX-ti-i |… (b?) … “SCALPRUM”-wa/i FLAMMAE-x-da-ti-i ku-ma-ha(URBS) ⌈x⌉-wa/i-ni-sá-ha § 3 “X”-x-pa-wa/i |… …(-)za-a | | (“X”)ku+ra/i-⌈ti?⌉ni-na PONERE-wa/i-⌈ha?⌉ § 4 a-wa/i |FRONS-lu/a/i(-)x-x-zi REL-zi a-tá x-x-za-i PUGNUS-ri+i-[…] wa/i-t[a] |z[a-ti] á-mi Iá-lá/í-ia-za-sa-na HATTUSA+ § 5 li-sa-na SERVUS-la/i-ia STATUA-ru-ti-i OVIS(ANIMA)-ti PRAE-i (“L.69”)sa-sa-tu-u a-wa/i su-tu+ra/i-na (PONERE)sà-ti-tu-u-a § 6 § 7 wa/i-da-a ku-ma-ia-la |ARHA EDERE-da-ri+i-tu § 8 |a-wa/i |sa5? ni? sá? (figure)[…] … na | | § 9 zi-i-wa/i … pa … (figure) ni-i … § 10 a-wa/i za-a i-zi-i-ia-t[i?-z]a? REL-i-sa |la+ra/i-[…-]ia § 11 á-pa-ti-pa-wa/i a-tá-a i-wa/i-x-si-⌈…⌉ (DEUS)SOL-tii-sa ⌈COR?⌉-na-⌈x⌉ (BONUS)wa/i-li-ia-[nu?]-tu-u
Translation This statue I(?) Alayaza, Hattusili’s righteous servant, the River-Lord of the cities Sarila(?) (and) Zukita, made. For my lord Hattusili the righteous king, … in the city Kumaha I …-ed. … … I(?) put. The first(-) … s who shall arise in(?) …, let them present to this my statue, (that) of Alayaza, servant of Hattusili, with a sheep, let them SATI the SUTURI, and let them feed up the sacrificial victims. … On the one side(?) … let not(?). (He) who shall benefit(?) this performance, for him … may the Sun-God exalt the person(?),
§ 12 § 13 § 14 § 15 § 16 § 17 § 18
§ 19 § 20
§ 21 § 22 § 23 § 24 § 25
wa/i-tu … … … …] i-z[i]-i-ti-i-za | | i-zi-[… [… … … …]-wa/i … wa/i … za-[a]-pa-wa/i ⌈Iá⌉-lá/í-ia-za-sa IHATTUSA+li-sa SERVUS-la/i-ia-za STATUA-sa za-ia-ha-a (LOQUI) mara/i+ra/i-tá REL-⌈sa⌉ x-[…]-ti […] (figure) ARHA MALLEUS-i | | ni-pa-wa/i-[sa?] SUPER-la/i-(figure)[za]-sá-a(URBS) FLUMEN.DOMINUS-ia-sa ni-pa-wa/i-da-a POST+ra/i-i-sá REL-sà-ha-a CAPUTti-sa ARHA MALLEUS ni-i-wa/i u-si-na-si-i-sa ni-pa-wa/i … … … [ …] DELERE-nu| |-wa/i-mi-sa […]-ti [… …
§ 26 za-ti-pa-wa/i Iá-lá/í-ia-za-sa-na STATUA-ru-ti-i 1 OVIS(ANIMA)-na sa-sa5+ra/i-la-tu § 27 ni-pa-wa/i-ti POST+ra/i-i-sa REL-sà-ha-a CAPUT-ti-sa sú+ra/i-wa/i-ni-ti § 28 a-wa/i x […] x x ti… ta x x sa INFRA-ta-a (figure) (“L.69”)sa-sa-tu
and for him … … … … … … This statue of Alayaza, of Hattusili’s servant, and these words (he) who shall erase [with malice(?)],
or (if) [he?] (be?) the River-Lord of the city Sarila(?), or (if) any inferior man shall erase them, whether a eunuch, or … … … …] destroyed [… [If a king or a river-lord… ], to this statue of Alayaza let him offer a sheep. Or (if) any inferior man shall SURAWANI- (for) himself, … … may he let down!
VI.4. ADIYAMAN 1 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7 § 8
[… (DEUS)TONITR]US-[s]a [i+ra/i]-ní-la-a PRAE-i CRUS+RA/I |a-wa/i |za-na CAELUM-sa-si-na i+ra/i-ní-li-za-na [(DEUS)TONITRUS … | | …] za-pa-[wa/i] CAELUM i+ra/i-ní-li-za-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-na REL-i-sa MALUS-la/i-ti ARHA+MALLEUS ni-pa-wa/i-na a-tá | | (OCCIDENS)[i-ma-ni-t]i ni-pa-wa/i-tá LOCUS-la/i-za (SA4)sa-ni-ti ni-pa-wa/i-ta ma-na-sa […] za [… | | …] ARHA […]-wa/i-tu |a-wa/i |pa-si-i-*a á-lá/í-ma-za (CAELUM.)TERRA L.336-na-na ARHA DELERE-nu-wa/i-tu
Translation … Tarhunz]a(?) stood forth to the IRNILA. This celestial IRNILA-ean [Tarhunza (acc.) …] But (he) who from evil erases this celestial IRNILAean Tarhunza, or IMANIs him, or overturns (him) as to his place, or, whether he (is) [… …] let him/them […] away, and let him/them destroy his name in the sight of heaven (and) earth!
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
VI.5. ANCOZ 1 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4
…] pi-ia […]-tá PURUS-MI-ia |za-a-ti (MENSA)wa/i-si PONERE-wa/i-ti a-wa/i za-ia (ARGENTUM.DARE)ti-na-tá (LIBARE) sa5+ra/i-la-i-ti i-mara/i (DEUS)CERVUS3 (FEMINA)á-lá/í(DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa […] | | … (DE]US)⌈SOL⌉ (DEUS)⌈i⌉-ku+ra/i (DEUS)ta-sà-kuia-ha l CAPRA(ANIMA)-sa (CORNU)ku-wa/i-i á-pa-si-ti-ta POST-ni-pa-wa/i CAELUM MAGNUS (DEUS)TONITRUS (DEUS)L.531-da (DEUS)SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma MONS. REX-wa/i-ti-i (DEUS)á-l[a-z]ú-[wa/i-i]a […
… […?] pure gifts on this table they will put, and these tithes they will offer to Runtiya of the Field and Ala-Kubab[a …, to the Sun-God, the god Ikura, and the god Tasku 1 gazelle …, but afterwards to the great Storm-God of Heaven, the goddess Hebat, the god Sarruma mountain-king, the goddess Alaz[uwa …
VI.6. ANCOZ 2 Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
… á]-la/i-[ma]-za [z]a-ia-ha ⌈mara/i+ra/i⌉-ta … [… | | …] MALUS-la/i-[ti] ARHA+MALLEUS ni-pa-wa/i-da x x […
… this na]me and these words … [… … from] badness shall erase, or […
VI.7 – 8. ANCOZ 3 and 4 Transliteration
(ANCOZ 3) …] x CAPERE[…]-i […] x […]-wa/i […] na [… | | l. 1. l. 2. …] x-wa/i |za-[…] (MONS)hu […] MONS […] i-mara/i tara/i-pa-mi |a[…] FRONS-lu/a/i-[?](-)za [… (ANCOZ 4) § 1 …] x-ha (L.474)sa-ri+i-ia-si-sa á-sa-tá § 2 wa/i-sa-a HATTUSA+li-i[a?] ⌈PURUS⌉.FONS.MI-i[a?]-ha ? p[i ]-n[a…
… take … … Mount Hu[rtula] the mou[ntain] the field TARPAMI … first …
…] he was a eunuch, and he [to?] Hattusili [and to?] Suppiluliuma […
(VI.9. ANCOZ 5: see below, VI.17. ANCOZ 8)
VI.10. ANCOZ 6 Transliteration
…] x-ta(-)wa/i-ta za-a á-la/i-ma-za-a [S]OL? BOS? x x x […
Translation … and this name … […
VI.15. SAMSAT fragments
VI.11. ADIYAMAN 2 Transliteration
za-w[a/i]-a [… | | …] i-z[i]-i-[d]a | | wa/i-ta-*a [za?-i]a?[… | | …-]z[a?-]da-[pa/ha]-wa/i-na la-ka-wa/i-ni-sá
1–2. § 1 3. § 2 4. § 3
This [So-and-so …] made, and t[hese(?) … Lakawani (“the Lakean”) [ca]rved it.
VI.13. SAMSAT 2 Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
… NE]POS […]-sa […] ha […] x [… …-s]a |ma-pa-wa/i |mu-ki-sa-z[i/a …](RE[GIO) …
VI.14. SAMSAT 3 Transliteration
za-wa/i AVIS-na x-na …
VI.15. SAMSAT fragments Transliteration Frag. 1
Frag. 2
Frag. 3
Frag. 4 Frag. 5 Frag. 6 Frag. 7 Frag. 8 Frag. 9 Frag. 10
l. 1. l. 2.
l. 1. l. 2.
… ti … REX? … |pa-… x-tara/i-wa/i-x i wa/i-da CUM-ni SOL-da-sa |REL-ti … x-sa … á-pa-ti-i […] m[u … …]-wa/i […]-na […] a?-wa/i x sa […]-sa […]-i […]-za-na […] x […] ARHA […]-si-ti […]-pa-wa/i […]-sa-ta-na REX?-na DOMINUS-i […]-ti-na […]-sa5+ra/i-na za-zi […] x […]-ta …-i | | …-wa/i […] x [… “CAELUM” TERRA-REL+ra/i-sà |sá-[…] wa/i-[…] | | …] i-[s]a-tara/i-ti a-wa/i [… …] zú […] ia [… …] x-wa/i […]-zi […] x […] ia […] ha […] ha [… …] mu […] LONGUS […] x […] z[i/a … …] x x ⌈ia⌉ … sa(-)FRONS? ia [… … x x … …] VIR […] da [… …] x x x […
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
VI.16. ANCOZ 7 Transliteration A. § 1 § 2 § 3 B. § 4
§ 5 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9
§ 10 § 11 § 12 § 13 § 14
…]-si-sa […] wa/i […] pu [… |wa/i?-za |za-a DEUS-ni-ia-za […]-za […] DEUS-na-za-pa-wa/i x-x-pi-za NEG2-a REL-ha i-zi-ia-ti |za-zi-i-pa-wa/i URBS-ni-i-zi-a | | DEUS-na-si-i DOMUS.PONERE-ti-zi |za-a-zi-ha u-su!-PRAE-ia-zi RELi-sa i-mara/i+ra/i-sa-na (DEUS)CERVUS3-ia á-lá/í-(DEUS) AVIS (DEUS)SOL-ti (DEUS)i-ku+ra/i (DEUS)ta-sà-ku ARHA |CAPERE-i ni-pa-ta? REL+ra/i hu+ra/i-x-x INFRA … | | FINES-hi-zi REL-sa |za-la-na PONERE-wa/i-i mu-wa/i PURUS.FONS.MI REL-zi |pi-ia-ha ni-pa ku-ma-sa-tara/i-na REL-na za-ti-ia-za URBS+MI-na-za CUM-ni i-zi-i-ha wa/i-na |NEG2 REL-sà |i-zi-i-ti ni-pa |za MENSA |REL-sa i-mara/i+ra/i (DEUS!) CERVUS3 á-lá/í-(DEUS)AVIS (DEUS)ta-sà-ku-ha | | [“]MALUS”-la/i-tara/i-ti PRAE-ha CAPERE-i ni-pa-wa/i-da ARHA MALLEUS ni-pa-wa/i-da a-tá i-ma-ni-ti ni-pa LOCUS-la/i-za [(SA4)]sa-ni-ti-i ni-pa-wa/i-ta PURUS.FONS.MI IHATTUSA+li-ha tá-tiia-za |INFANS-ni-za-ha á-la/i-ma-za ARHA MALLEUS-i pa-ti-pa-wa/i |za-zi DEUS LIS-lu/a/i-zi |á-sa-tu-u
… and for us(?) this divine … but for the gods he/they shall not make any … These cities, habitations of the gods, and these sacrificial oxen(?) (he) who shall take away from the Stag-God of the Field, Ala-Kubaba, the Sun-God, the god Ikura and the god Tasku or … who puts the frontiers ZALAN, which I Suppiluliuma gave, or the sacrament which I made for these cities, who does not perform it, or who takes this table (from) before the Stag-god of the Field, Ala-Kubaba and Tasku with malice, or effaces it, or IMANI-s it, or overturns (it) as to its place, or erases the name of Suppiluliuma and Hattusili, of the father and son, against him may these gods be the prosecutors!
VI.17 (+) 9. ANCOZ 8 (+) ANCOZ 5 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5
§ 6 2.
§ 7
§ 8
… …] x […]-i […]-wa/i-da […]-la-na […] tu-wa/i-i […]-ti SUPER?-⌈li?⌉-zi ⌈á?⌉-pa-sa ⌈x⌉-za […] OVIS […]-zi-ti wa/i-ta za-ti-i (MONS)hu+ra/i-tu-la (MONS)wa/i-ti-i [… … i]-mar[a/i]+ra/i ⌈x⌉-sá (DEUS)CERVUS2-ti … (FEMINA)á-lá/í-sa-(DEUS)AVIS-sa (DEUS)tá-sà-ku-sá (MONS)hu+ra/i-tu-la-sa-ha (MONS)wa/i-ti-sá |ARHA-a |(“MANUS”)pa+ra/i-nu-wa/i-tu |za-ti-pa-wa/i-ta [(MONS)]hu-ra/i-tu-la [(MONS) wa/i]-ti-i […] x-sa […] […] | | (MONS)wa/i-ti-na REL-i IHATTUSA+li-sa I PURUS.FONS.MI-sa-ha |tá-ti-sa |FILIUS.NI-sa-ha (L.462) sà-ka-ta-li-sà-tá CUM-pa-wa/i-tu za-zi IHATTUSA+li-sá IPURUS.FONS. MI-sa-ha SERVUS-lá/í-zi (L.462)sà-ka-ta-li-sà-tá
Translation see Part 2
I TONITRUS-hu-ti-i-[…-s]a-wa/i […]-i-ta? Ii-ha-wa/i+ ra/i-pa-mi-sa Isa-lu/a/i-wa/i-⌈REL?⌉-sa-ha i-mara/i+ra/i-lizi-i § 10 |wa/i-da tá-ti-zi SERVUS-lá/í-zi-i á-sa-ta § 11 |wa/i-ta |za-a á-lá/í-ma-za BONUS-li-ia-ti (L.273) tu-pa-i-ta § 12 REX?-ti-[…]-pa-wa/i […]-i […] x […
§ 9
VI.18. ANCOZ 9 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
…]-sa […]AVIS?[…]-ku […]-ti-i […]-ti-i […] CRUS […]-za […]-i [… | | …] CAELUM MAGNUS (DEUS)TONITRUS (DEUS) L.531-da (DEUS)SARMA+RA/I+MI MONS.REX (DEUS) á-la-zú-wa/i-ia (DEUS)CRUS+MI-ha l CAPRA(ANIMA)-na LIBARE-la-i-ti x […
… …] (to) the great Storm-God of Heaven, the god Hebat, the god Sarruma mountain-king, the goddess Alazuwa, the god … 1 gazelle they shall offer …
VI.19 (+) 20. ANCOZ 10 (+) 11 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5 § 6
[… (DEUS)ku+AV]IS (DEUS)SOL (DEUS)i-ku+ra/i-na (DEUS)tá-sà-ku-ha |ARHA (L.69)la-la-ti […]-wa/i-tá x x la [… (ANCOZ 11) …] x-z[i/a] (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ti DEUS-ni-sa-ha-wa/i REL-ia 1 B[OS](ANIMA) | | 1 CAPRA(ANIMA) sa5+ra/i-la-⌈i-ti⌉ (DEUS)i-ia-ia (DEUS)tá-ka-ma-na-ia (DEUS)i-su-[… (ANCOZ 10) …] l CAPRA(ANIMA) (DEUS)ta-sà-ku-ia l CAPRA(ANIMA) hu+ra/i-tu-la-wa/i-tá (MONS)wa/i-ti REL-i-sa i-mara/i [(DEUS)CER]VUS3 […
… Kubab]a, the Sun-God, the god Ikura and the god Tasku he/they will take away, … […] … they will seat. As of the god one ox and one gazelle they will offer, to the gods Ea, Takamana, Isu [… (continuity) …] 1 gazelle, to the god Tasku 1 gazelle. For Hurtula the mountain (he) who the Stag-God […
VII. AMUQ VII.1. TELL TAYINAT 1 Transliteration …] x-sa-ha? VIR-da […]-tá ⌈|⌉ FEMINA-la-ha |PRAE?-wa/i-na-zá |ARHA [… l. 2. …] mi-ia-ti-*a |“IUSTITIA”-ti-i |REGIO-⌈ni⌉-ia-ha [… …] PRAE?-i [… l. 3. l. 4. …] ta x x [
frag. 1 l. 1.
Translation …] I […]ed, [and] for male and female … away [… …] by my justice, and the lands [… …] forth [… …
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
frag. 2 l. 1. …] x x […] ⌈da⌉ [… l. 2. … d]a mu-*a[… l. 3. … (LIB]ARE)⌈sa5⌉+ra/i-li-da wa/i-a |IUSTITIA-li-i [… l. 4. …] |[…]-wa/i-t[a?] za-pa-wa/i-tú |(m)u?-x […
… … …] he offered, and … […
frags. l. 1. 3–5 l. 2. l. 3. l. 4. l. 5.
…]-ni-sá wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-⌈za⌉-[sa](REGIO) […
…] … the Walastinean […
…] x x x | x-wa/i-i [… …] x-pa-wa/i-ta-*a REL-a-za x x x [… …] FORTIS-[li?]-i-na |L.273-i-na |x [… …] x-ni? a+ra/i-li-ka SUPER+ra/i-a ⌈CAPERE?⌉-ta |L.356-zú-ha ⌈da⌉-mi-i […] REL-sá REL-za(-)x […
… …] but (that) which [… …] a mighty weapon (acc sing.) […? …] ARALIKA he/they took, heavy … who what …
… w]a/i […]-a ⌈TONITRUS⌉.HALPA-⌈pa⌉-CERVUS3[ti-i]a-sa x […
…] Halparuntiya […
frag. 6
…] he/they […]ed, and this […] to him […
VII.2. TELL TAYINAT 2 Transliteration (line 1) frag. 1b frag. 2a
§i § ii § iii § iv
frag. 2b
frag. 3
frag. 4
§ ii
frag. 5a–b frag. 6 frag. 7 frag. 8b frag. 9
frag. 1a (line 2)
§i § ii §i
(“SCALPRUM”)tara/i-p⌈i-i⌉ IUSTITIA-wa/i-nizi-ha |(“LAPIS+x”)zi-pa-ta-ní-i [… … …] i-z[i]-i-[x] |wa/i-d[a] |á-pi-zi |tá-tu-ma-sa-⌈x⌉ |INFANS-n[i]-na-z[a]-ha-wa/i-⌈x⌉(-)za-⌈x⌉ a-tá BRACCHIUM-⌈lu/a/i⌉-sa-[x] |á-lá/í-ha-wa/i-mu |wa/i+ra/i-la-za |(BONUS) sa-na-wa/i-sa i-zi-i-da (DEUS)PES2-sa REX-ti-i-sa wa/i-mu (DEUS)BONUS-ma-si-na (DEUS.“VITIS[”])ti-p[a+ra/i-ia-si(-na)-ha … |wa/i-d[a] L.460-t[i]-zi CORNU+RA/I-ti-zi |i-zii-da (DEUS)PES2-sa |REX-ti-sá á-mu-p[a]-w[a/i … …] |x […] z[i/a…](-)wa/i […] REX-[t]u-t[á]-za […] x [… |a-mi-pa-wa/i REGIO-n[i] x x LOCUS-la/i-[t]a?li-[x] |⌈x⌉-[… … BRACCHIU]M?-li-zi [TER]RA-REL+ra/i-ti-i |ARHA (PES2)L.501+RA/I-ha L.402?L.371?(-)mi-ia [… [… s]à?-[…]-ia-pa-wa/i-tá |LIS-lu/a/i-za-n[a …] (-)wa/i […] x-mi [… …] ⌈x x x⌉-ni-na FRONS-lu/a/i [… …] ⌈|REL⌉-i-⌈sa?⌉ |AR[HA] “COR+RA/I”(-)[…]si-i wa/i-ma-t[á … …]-z[i?]-ha-wa/i-d[a?] LOCUS-la/i-ti-i-a |pa-ti | | |ARHA (“LONGUS”)ia+ra/i-⌈i⌉-tá
… … ] make/made, the latter [will/did] TATUMASA it/them, and for the children … [they(?) will/did] …, and for me Ea the King made (his) own good(ness) …, and for me [abundance] of grain and wine (gods) [… and he made them ASATI(NZI) SURITI(NZI), (did) Ea the King, but I myself [… … to kings [… and in my country … [… … I expelled …s from the land … and … law-suit(?) … … first [… … who … away … and it/they (to) me [… and the […]s extended them to that place,
§ ii frag. 8b–a frag. 7 frag. 6 frag. 4 frag. 3 frag. 2b–a
frag. 1b
(line 3)
§ ii § iii
frag. 2a–b frag. 3 §i § ii frag 10a frag. 8a–b frag. 11 frag. 12 frag. 1a (line 4) frag. 12
frag. 11
§i § ii
§i § ii § iii
frag. 8b frag. 10b–a frag. 3 frag. 1b (line 5) frag. 3 frag. 10a–b § i
frag. 8a–b frag. 11
§ ii
⌈á⌉-[x]-x-[…]-wa/i REL-i-[x] |DEUS-n[i]-sá […] x [… …] AEDI[FICARE]-ma-ha “⌈X⌉” […]-su […]-ma ⌈x⌉ x-ma […] x […] x […] x [… REL-[…]-pa-wa/i-t[a] MANUS(-)su-l[a?]+ra/i-za VIA-wa/i-ta- za ⌈x-x⌉-t[á … |w[a/i?-…] á-pi-s[a] VIA-wa/i-ta-z[i?] AR[HA] MANUS(-)la-[… …] (“[MANUS]”)i-⌈sà⌉-tara/i-[…] |DEUS-n[a]z[a… …] x-za-ta na?-ta-pi-zi LEO-sa-na-mi-zi PONERE-ha PANIS […] x [… |wa/i-[n]a? ARHA |CAPERE-ha (PANIS)tu+ra/ipi-zi ANNUS+ANNUS-lu/a/i-zi |(“VITIS[”])mi-t[u-…] x […] x [… …] LOCUS-la[|i-t]i REL-i-zi DEUS-ní-zi (LONGUS)ia+ra/i-ta á-mu-pa| |-wa/i-da wa/i-mi-LITUUS-ha ⌈pi⌉-ha-wa/i-d[a] (DEUS)SOL [… …] x-li-[x]-a MALUS2?-[x]-li-sà-li-z[i] x-[… …] ta-i |wa/i-a NEG2-a-pa |REL-i-[…] |x [… …] ha [… …] za+ra/i-tu-na REX-ti-za |MILLE?-wa/i(-) x [… …]-ha [|z]a-ha-wa/i |STATUA-ru-sà x-lu/a/i-[… xxx …] x x x x(-)ta […] sá? EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-n[i?… ]-si-[…] CUM-ni á| |-[… […](-)wa/i-ta a-tá “MANUS”(-)ki-na-i “L.257?”(-) ⌈(m)u?⌉-zi-x-za-wa/i |wa/i-na ARHA “LONGUS”-ti […]-za-[…]-t[á… …] x x á-lá/í-ma-ni-i SUPER+ra/i ARHA ⌈PONERE?⌉-wa/i-[… …] i […] MANUS(-)x(-)ku-⌈x⌉-za-i “[1”].BO[S … …] x […]-ia […]x á-pi-sa-ha x-la(-)[…]-sita[ra/i?]-ti-ha(-)⌈x⌉-sà STATUA-[ru?]-sa-ha [… …] (DEUS)ta-mu-ki-na-ha | “1” BOS MALUS2? [… …] x […]-a […] MANUS […]-na [… | | … …] CAPUT […] hi [… …] (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa (DEUS)PES2-i[a?-sa] R[EX? …] (DEUS)CERVUS3+RA/I-ti-ia-sa |LIS-lu/a/iza-tu wa/i-a á-pi-na REX-ti-x [… …] x x [… |ni-[i?]-pa-w[a/i …] |x […] x […
… the god wh[o?][… … I built … … for (-)SULARA roads … and the latter wi[dened?] the roads … …] hand[s to] the gods [… … I put *HWISNAMI(NZI) NATAPI(NZI) … and I took it away—annual bread [and] wine [… … which the gods extended to the place, I myself found them, and on that side them the Sun-God [… … … nor any[one? … … …] to desire the royal … [… I …-ed this statue … [… … …] ma[de?] for the army … … he shall A(N)TA KINA-… and he shall extend it, … …] put over the name … … … …] and the god(dess) Tamukina … [… … …] the head [… … may Tarhunza, Ea [the King], (and) Runtiya litigate, and that king … … or […
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
frag. 12
(line 6)
§ ii
frag. 10b
…] DEUS […]-z[i]-ha |REL-i-sà SUPER+ra/i A[R]HA x [… …] NEG2-a (LITUUS)ti-ia-ri+i-ia-[?]-i [… | | …] tu-[…] |á-p[i-…] ti-[…] x [… …] x […] p[i …] x […] la […] z[i/a…] x […
[…] and the gods (he) who [shall …] over away, [and] does not watch [… …
VII.5. JISR EL HADID fragments 1–3 Transliteration
Fragment 1 l. 1. …] | | “L.179”(-)pa+ra/i-ia-si-i-na |sa5-ha+ra/i-zá-ti-na |x [… | | l. 2. …] |FORTIS(-)[m]u?-ta tá-ti-sa a-mi-sa |FRATER.LA-izi-ha a-mi-zi l. 3. wa/i-ti-i (DEUS)tu-ta-ia-sa | | (DEUS)[…] ha […] |FORTIS […] |x DEUS […] i … i |CAP[UT (?) …
…] PARIYASIN SAHARZATIN (acc. sing. MF) [… …] they were strong, my father and my brothers. Himself the god Tutaya, (1. 3) the god […] strong […] the god […] … […
Fragment 2 l. 1. l. 2. l. 3.
…] zá […] sà? […] ta […] sá […] ta […] ha […] sa-ha […] x […] si [… | | …] wa/i? […] “MANUS”-tara/i-na PUGNUS-ri+i-ta wa/imu-u-ta |a-mi-i tá-ti-i x x [… | | …] x x |x […] ha-li(-)la/i … i(a) … i(a) […
Fragment 3 l. 1. … x x zi CAPERE/da-ti-a […]-wa/i [… | | l. 2. …] LEPUS+ra/i-ia-li-zi LITUUS-sà-ta l. 3.
|wa/i-a (“PES2.PES”)tara/i-pa-ma-za |(LOQUI)mara/i+ra/ili-i| |-li-sà-x-zi |BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-zi “TERRA”-REL+ra/i-ti-i |ARHA |L.501-ha […
(no complete or identifiable word) …] raised the hand, and me to my father(’s) […] (no complete or identifiable word)
… …] governors (nom. or acc.?) they kept seeing(?), and for TARPAMI’s the right-hand MARALILISANZI I expelled from the land.
VII.6. TULEIL 1 Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
l. 3.
…] x a-ta hwi/a?-ha “LEO[”](-)x x x-ti-ha ARHA |PONERE-w[a/i?]-ta [… …] x-ti-x |AUDIRE?-wa/i-sà(-)za-pa-wa/i-ti-ta “LONGUS?”(-)ki-⌈ta⌉ra/i?-zá?-zi pa+ra/i-na-ha |CAPERE-ta wa/i-tu-ta-x [… …] |[…] li […] |ADORARE […] |sa […] |wa/i […] |[…
Translation …] … and from the beasts(?) he put away [… …] … KITARAZA(?) and houses(?) he took, and for him [… (one word only identifiable: logogram “worship”).
VII.7. TULEIL 2 Transliteration l. 2. l. 3. l. 4. § a §b §c §d
…-ti-ha ⌈(“X”)⌉ma-tu-sà-pa-wa/i-tu-ta | | |PRAE-na BIBERE-ha … … TERRA-REL+ra/i … …-ha?-wa/i-x-x REL-i-sa? “PES”-wa/i-ti … … á-pa-sa-na |á-pa-ti-pa-wa/i (DEUS)ku+AVIS (DEUS)LUNA?-sa |hara/i-na-wa/i-ni-i-sa[(URBS?)] LIS-li-sa |á-sà-tu
… I …-ed and wine before him I drank. … earth … and (he) who comes … … for his own … against him may Kubaba (and) the Haranean MoonGod(?) be the prosecutor!
VII.8. KIRÇOĞLU Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4
EGO-wa/i-mi-i [PN1, (title?), PN2] |FILIUS.NI-wa/iza-sá wa/i-a za-a STATUA-ru-sà (DEUS) REGIO-ni-sa-na MAGNUS.FEMINA-sa5+ra/i-i | | ARHA (“PES”)u-pa-ha wa/i-ma-sá |(“FRONS”)ha-ta MILLE DOMUS-sa-ha i-zi-i-da-ta-a ⌈á⌉-mi-za-pa-wa/i-mu |FRATER.LA-za | | SUPER+ra/i-la-ti? |x x x-ti?
I (am) [PN1 (title?), PN2’s] son. This statue for the Divine Queen of the Land I brought out, and for me she (was) …-ed (as to) the face and 1000 PARNASA, and me above(?) my brothers she will(?) raise(?).
VII.9. ʿAZAZ Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
…]-li-sa REL-ti ⌈x⌉-L.311-i ⌈a?⌉-tá ⌈L.112?⌉-[…]-tú ⌈x⌉-ha [… …] |⌈x⌉(-)pa-ha-[…]-pa-wa/i-na |(L.187)z[ú]-mi-la-⌈x⌉ |SUPER+ra/i […] |tá-[…
VII.10. AIN DARA Transliteration … w]a/i-wa/i+ra/i-tá REL-s[a5 …
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
VII.11. AFRIN Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4
(no identifiable word) …] x x CUM? |ARHA wa/i-L.336-x-tá wa/i-mu-ta-a |REX?-ti-zi-i |L.523(-)a+ra/i-ti-i SUPER+ra/i-a […] x-ta … | | wa/i-a (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti |(“MANUS”)i-⌈sà?tara/i⌉-na |SUPER+ra/i-[a] |PUGNUS-⌈ri+i⌉-[…] wa/i-[…] x […
…] … he/they …-ed away together(?), and kings(?) […]ed me up with … . […] raise[d] up the hand to Tarhunza, and […
VIII. ALEPPO VIII.1. BABYLON 1 Transliteration 1.
2. 3.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9
§ 10
§ 11 § 12 § 13 § 14 § 15
|EGO-wa/i-mi-i Ila-PRAE-VIR?/la?-sa |(“IUSTITIA”) tara/i-wa/i-ní-sa |CAPUT-ti-i-sa wa/i-mu-ta-*a TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i!-ní-sa | | (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa |BONUS-ti-i |hwi/a-ia-ta wa/i-tu-*a mi-i-na-*a IFEMINA-ti-i-na |BONUS-mii-na |INFANS-ní-i-na Iá-na-si-na | | pi-ia-ha |á-ma-za-pa-wa/i-*a REL-a-za |ta-ní-ma-za |ma-wa/i-sa |“TERRA”-si |“FINES”-sa |ma-pa-wa/i-sa |“VITIS”-si-i |“FINES”-sa |ma-pa| |-wa/i-sa |“AEDIFICIUM”-si-i |“FINES”-sa REL-a-za REL-i-ta PES-i wa/i-tu-da-*a TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i-ní (DEUS) TONITRUS-ti-i |pa+ra/i-na-*a |PRAE-i pi-ia-ha |a-tá-pa-wa/i-ta REL-i-sa | | |CRUS-i |(“L.471”)á-za-i |pa-za-i |ma-pa-wa/i-sa a-tá-ti-li-i-sa |la/i-lu/a/i-ní-sa-*a |ma-pa-wa/i-sa |ARHA-ti-i-li-sa |la/i-lu/a/i-ní-sa-*a za-pa| |-wa/i-ta |(“STELE”)wa/i-ní-za |“LOCUS”-lá/íza-*a |(SA4)sá-ní-ti-i |NEG2-pa-wa/i-da |ARHA |MALLEUS-i [|pa]-ti-⌈pa⌉-wa/i-*a TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i-ní-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa |ara/i-*a |pa-ta |NEG3-sa |pi-ia-i | | ARHA |DELERE-nu-u-na
Translation I (am) Lapariziti(?) the righteous man. For me Halabean Tarhunza ran with favour, (and) to him I gave my Wanati, the dear child of Ana. All that (is) mine, whether it (be) the limit of the land or it (be) the limit of a vineyard or it (be) the limit of a building(?), (that) which comes (any)where, afterwards to him, Halabean Tarhunza, I gave it over. (He) who comes in, (and) eats (and) drinks, whether he (be) an internal enemy, or he (be) an external enemy, and overturns this stele as to (its) place, or erases it, for him may Halabean Tarhunza not grant food and drink, to destroy (him)!
IX.1. HAMA 4
VIII.2. BABYLON 2 Transliteration § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 4a
|za-ia-wa/i (“SCALPRUM”)ka-ti-na SERVUS-lá/í-a-sa LITUUS+CAELUM-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti-i i-zi-i-da wa/i-tu-u |wa/i-i REL-za |sa-há |wa/i-mu AUDIRE-ti-ta á-mu-pa-wa/i-tu (“L.419”)wa/i-sa-ha-i-za ku+ra/i-i-sà(-) ka-tara/i-hi?-ha i-zi-i-ha |!(DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-sa (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sa
These bowls Hudarla made for celestial Tarhunza. Because I let out woe to him, he heard me, and for him I made WASHAI(N)ZA the KURISA and KATARAHI, (and) of Kubaba (and) Karhuha(?).
VIII.3. BABYLON 3 Transliteration
za-ia-wa/i-a (“SCALPRUM”)ka-ti-na CERVUS3-ti-ia-sa TONITRUS. HALPA-pa-ni (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti PRAE-na [PON]ERE-wa/i-ta
These bowls Runtiya placed before Halabean Tarhunza
IX. HAMA IX.1. HAMA 4 Transliteration A 1. § 1
EGO-mi u+ra/i-hi-li-na PRAE-tá-sa |(FILIUS)ni[m]u-wa/i-za-sa i-ma-tu-wa/i-ni(REGIO) REX § 2 a-wa/i FRONS-lu/a/i “X”(-)x-x-sa? NEG2 × x x § 3 a-wa/i VIR-ti-zi FEMINA-ti-zi-ha zi-la-ta PES2(-)da-ta | | [… A 2. § 4 …] á-mi-za EGO-mu-ha L.273.REX-[?]-wa/i-ha á-mi L.336-na-na § 5 a-wa/i DEUS-ni DEUS-ni REL-ti-ha á-pi-si-na “SOLIUM”-sa-na i-zi-i-ha § 6 za-pa-wa/i “SOLIUM”-sa-na (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti-ia AEDIFICARE+MI-ha | | A 3. § 7 wa/i-ta (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti-i-sà á-ma-za-ha-a á-lá/íma-za PONERE-ha § 8 za-ti-pa-wa/i-ta SOLIUM-sa-a REL-i-sà (DEUS)pa-hala-ti-sà á-ma-za-ha á-lá/í-ma-za wa/i-na-ha “CAPERE”-ia § 9 á-pi-pa-wa/i (DEUS.TONITRUS)tara/i-hu-za-sa | | [… B 1. § 10 (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti-sà-pa-wa/i DEUS.DOMUS+MI-za B 2. á-mi-za tá-ti-za AVUS-ha| |-da-za-ha-wa/i ara/i-za a+ra/i-da a-tá (“L.218”)ta+ra/i-pa-ri+i-ta B 3. § 11 (“BOS”)u-su-pa| |-ta-da-ha-wa/i (“FLAMMAE”) lu/a/i-za-li-na NEG2-a (“FLAMMAE”)lu/a/i-sà-lu/a/iB 4. sà| |-ta DEUS-ni-i SUPER+ra/i-a INFRA-ta
Translation I (am) Urhilina, Parita’s son, Hamathite king. First … not … and men and women walked ZILATA. … I myself was king …, and for every single god I made his own seat, but this seat for Baʿalat I built, and I put Baʿalat’s and my name (on it). From this seat (he) who shall take away Baʿalat’s and my name, … Tarhunza [… …] Baʿalat’s temple in my father’s and also grandfather’s times lacked income, and they did not LUSLUS the LUZALI USUPATADA(-ox) to the god up and down,
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
A 4. § 12 EGO-pa-wa/i á-mi-za ara/i-za | | NEG2 a-tá (“L.218”) ta+ra/i-pa-ri+i-ti ara/i-da § 13 wa/i-tú-ta (“L.163”)mu-ha-na (VITIS)sa5+ra/ita-za-ha PONERE-ha ara/i-na ara/i-na § 14 (“FLAMMAE+LU/A/I”)lu/a/i-za-li-ha-wa/i “BOS”-supa-ti-na “BOS”-na | | [… (erasure) A 5. § 15 … ara/i-la (“PANIS”)tú+ra/i-pi-na (“VITIS”)sa5+ra/ila-ta-za-ha-wa/i (“L.163”)mu-ha-ha-a
but (as for) myself, in my times, it shall not lack income, I offered to it MUHA and offering(s) time (upon) time, and the LUZALI USUPATI ox (acc.) […
… bread and also offering(s) and MUHA. (or: “I MUHA-ed”.)
IX.2. HAMA 5 Transliteration
1. 2. 3. 4.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5
… …] ARHA CAPERE-ia(?) x x x nu? … | | ha-wa/i-tá-za-ti(?) a-tá-ha-wa/i x x LOCUS-la/i-z[a? … | | …] wa/i-ta? (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa á-ma-za-ha |á| |-lá/íma-za PONERE?-ha za-ti-pa-wa/i-a “SOLIUM[”]-sa REL … […
…] shall take away, … … … and I put Tarhunza’s and my name (on it). From this seat (he) who […
IX.3. RESTAN (with duplicates (4) QALʿAT EL MUDIQ and (5) HINES; also (22) TELL ŠṬĪB) Transliteration (RESTAN) 1. § 1 EGO-mi u+ra/i-hi-li-na PRAE-tá-sa |([FIL]IUS)[ni]mu-wa/i-za-sa i-ma-tú-wa/i-ni(REGIO) REX 2. § 2 a-wa/i | | za-na “URBS+MI”-ni-na EGO AEDIFICARE+MI-ha § 3 za-pa-wa/i (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti-ia CRUS-nu-ha-á (QALʿAT EL MUDIQ) 1. § 1 EGO-mi u+ra/i-hi-li-na PRAE-tá-sa (x) |(FILIUS) ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa i-ma-tú-wa/i-ni(REGIO) REX (x) 2. § 2 a-wa/i | | za-na “URBS+MI”-ni-i-na EGO AEDIFICARE+MI-ha § 3 za-pa-wa/i (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti-ia CRUS-nu-ha (TELL ŠṬĪB) 1. § 1 EGO-mi u+ra/i-hi-li-na PRAE-tá-sa |[(FILIUS)] ni-[mu]-wa/i-za-sa i-ma-tú-wa/i-ni(REGIO) REX § 2 a-wa/i za-na “URBS+MI”-ni-i-na EGO AEDIFICARE+MI-ha
I (am) Urhilina, Parita’s son, Hamathite King. This city I built, and this stele I set up to Ba‘alat.
I (am) Urhilina, Parita’s son, Hamathite King. This city I built, and this stele I set up to Ba‘alat.
IX.8 – 12. HAMA 1 – 3, 6 – 7
§ 3
[z]a-pa-wa/i (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti-ia CRUS-nu-ha
(HINES) 1–2. § 1 […] (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa | | i-ma-tu-wa/i-ni (REGIO) REX a-wa/i za [… § 2
[I (am) Urhilina, Parita’s] son, Hamathite king. This […
IX.6. HAMA 8 Transliteration 1. 2. 3.
§ 1 § 2
EGO-wa/i-mi-i Iu+ra/i-hi-li-na IPRAE-tá-sa [|](FILIUS) ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa i| |-ma-tu-wa/i-ni-i-sa(REGIO) REX-ti-sa a-wa/i za-a-na (“L.255”)ka-lu/a/i-na-na | | EGO |(MANUS+MANUS)pa-ha-la-x-x …
I (am) Urhilina, Parita’s son, Hamathite King. This granary I myself for Ba‘alat …
IX.7. HAMA 9 (NIMRUD) Transliteration b c d f h i l BM 134325
⌈u+ra/i⌉-hi-la-na REX u+ra/i-hi-l[a]-n[a …] ⌈u⌉[+ra/i-hi-l]a-[n]a REX u+ra/i-hi-la-na REX u+ra/i-[hi]-la […] u+ra/i-hi-l[a]-n[a …] […-n]a REX u+ra/i-hi-la-na REX
Urhilana the King
IX.8 – 12. HAMA 1 – 3, 6 – 7 Transliteration (HAMA 1) 1. § 1 EGO-mi MAGNUS+ra/i-da-mi-sa u+ra/i-hi-li-na-sa |FILIUS.NI-za-sa [i-ma-tú-wa/i-ni REGIO REX] | | 2. § 2 [a-wa/i á-mu AEDIFICARE+MI-ha za-a] (“CASTRUM”) ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za § 3 hu+ra/i-pa-da-wa/i-ni-sa(REGIO) FLUMEN.REGIO-da3. i-sa | | REL-za i-zi-i-da § 4 a-tá-ha-wa/i TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i-ni-zi(REGIO) (HAMA 2) 1. § 1 EGO-mi MAGNUS+ra/i-da-mi-sa u+ra/i-hi-li-na-sa |FILIUS.NI-za-sa i-ma-tú-wa/i-ni(REGIO) REX | | 2. § 2 a-wa/i á-mu AEDIFICARE+MI-ha za-a (“CASTRUM”) ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za
I (am) Uradami, Urhilina’s son, [Hamathite king]. [I myself built this] fortress, which the Hurpadean river-land made, and therein (are) Halabeans.
I (am) Uradami, Urhilina’s son, Hamathite king. I myself built this fortress,
§ 3 § 4
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
la-ka-wa/i-ni-sà-ha-wa/i(REGIO) FLUMEN.REGIO-dai-sà | | REL-za i-zi-i-da a-tá-ha-wa/i ni-ki-ma-sa(REGIO)
(HAMA 3) 1. § 1 EGO-mi MAGNUS+ra/i-da-mi-sa u+ra/i-hi-li-na-sa |FILIUS.NI-za-sa i-ma-tú-wa/i-ni(REGIO) REX 2. § 2 a-wa/i | | á-mu AEDIFICARE+MI-ha za-a (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za § 3 mu-sa-ni-pa-wa/i-ni-sà(REGIO) FLUMEN.REGIO-sà REL-za i-zi-i-da (HAMA 6) 1. § 1 EGO-mi MAGNUS+ra/i-da-mi-sa u+ra/i-hi-li-na-sa |FILIUS.NI-za-sa i-ma-tú-wa/i-ni(REGIO) REX 2. § 2 a-wa/i | | á-mu AEDIFICARE+MI-ha za-a (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za § 3 (“L.218”)ku-su-na-la-zi(REGIO) REL-za i-zi-ia-ta (HAMA 7) 1. § 1 EGO-mi MAGNUS+ra/i-da-mi-sa u+ra/i-hi-li-na-sa |FILIUS.NI-za-sa i-ma-tu-wa/i-ni(REGIO) REX 2. § 2 a-wa/i á-mu AEDIFICARE+MI-ha | | za-a (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za § 3 (“MONS”)la-pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni-sa FLUMEN.REGIOda-i-sà REL!-za i-zi-i-da tú-ha-ia-ta-sa-ha(REGIO) | | 3. § 4 a-tá-ha!-wa/i ha!-ma-ia+ra/i-sa(REGIO)
which the Lakean river-land made, and therein (is) the land Nikima.
I (am) Uradami, Urhilina’s son, Hamathite king. I myself built this fortress, which the Musanipean river-land made.
I (am) Uradami, Urhilina’s son, Hamathite king. I myself built this fortress, which the Kusunites made.
I (am) Uradami, Urhilina’s son, Hamathite king. I myself built this fortress, which the river-land of Mount Labarna (Lebanon?) made, and the land Tuhayata, and therein (is) the land Hamayara.
IX.13 – 14. MEHARDE, SHEIZAR Transliteration (MEHARDE) A 1. § 1 |za-a-wa/i |(STELE)ta-ni?-(2)sà-za |DEUS.REGIOni-sa (3) |(MAGNUS.DOMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-sa § 2 |(4) i-zi-i-da-pa-wa/i-tú ta-(5)i-ta-sa |HEROS-(6)li-sa |wa/i-la/i-sà-(7)ti-ni-za-sa(REGIO) (8) ⌈REX-ti⌉-sa § 3 [a]-wa/i (9) |za-a-ti |(STELE)ta-(10)ni-si |REL-i-sà (11) [… B 1. § 4 …] zi x x |za-a-si-na x x x(-)za-a |REL?-a?-ha (2) |FORTIS-si-i? § 5 |PUGNUS(-)wa/i+ra/i-ma-a-ti-pa-wa/i-t[i?] [A12? …] REL-i-sà C 1. § 6 |pa-ti-*a(2)-pa-wa/i |DEUS.REGIO-(3)ni-si |(MAGNUS.DOMINA)ha-su-(4)sa5+ra/i-sa |LIS-za(5)(-) sa-li-sà |sá-tú-*a § 7 (6) |z[a]-pa-[wa/i] |(STELE)(7)ta-ni-sà-za (8) |RELi-sa |LOCUS-la/i-(9)za |SA4-ni-ti
This stele (is) (of?) the divine Queen of the Land. Taita the Hero, Walastinean king, made (it) for her. (He) who to this stele […], (uncertain) But (he) who shall … […?] for himself, against him may the divine Queen of the Land be the prosecutor! And this stele (he) who shall overturn as to (its) place,
IX.20. HAMA fragment 6
D 1. § 8
§ 9
|pa-sa-pa-wa/i-*a x-x-za |DEUS.REGIO-(2)ni-si |(MAGNUS.DOMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-sa |ARHA |DELERE-nu-tú (3) |CAPERE+MALLEUS Iá-SCALPRUM-za-sa |(BONUS2)SCRIBA-lu/a/i-sa
(SHEIZAR) 1. § 1 EGO-wa/i-mi ku-pa-pi-ia-sa Ita-i-ta-si MATER-na-tí-sa HEROS-sa wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-[ni-s]i(REGIO) 2. § 2 |wa/i-a |mi-ia+ra/i| |-*a |(IUSTITIA)tara/i-wa/i-na-ti |CENTUM-ni |ANNUS-si-na |(PES2)pa-za-hax § 3 |wa/i-mu-ta-*a |mi-zi-*a |INFANS-ni-zi 3. |“LONGUS”-zi |FLAMMAE(-)hax| |-si |PONERE?-wa/i-ta § 4 |za-pa-wa/i-mu |(STELE)ta-⌈ni⌉-sà |mi-i-zi-*a |FILIUS.NEPOS-zi |FILIUS.NEPOS-ka-la-zi |(FILIUS) NEG2-wa/i-zi | | x-x(-)za-wa/i-nu-wa/i-ta 4. § 5 á?-mi-wa/i-tá |wa/i-[…]-*a |mi-sa-*a |REL-i-sa 5. |FILIUS.NEPOS-si-sa |FILIUS.NEPOS| |-ka-la-[sa] |(FILIUS)NEG2-wa/i-sa |(FILIUS)NEG2-⌈wa/i⌉-[NEG2]wa/i-sa [… § 6 [RE]L-s[a? … ]-i 6. § 7 |pa-ti-[pa]-wa/i-*a | | DEUS.REGIO-ni-si-i (DOMINA) ha-su-sa5+ra/i-sa |LIS|-li-sa |sa-tu-*a 7. § 8 MALLEUS.CAPERE-pa-wa/i-na ILOCUS-ti| |-L.273wa/i-sa (BONUS2)SCRIBA-la-sa § 9 SERVUS-lá/í-sa-pa-wa/i-tu(-)mi […]-sa pa+ra/i-na x-x
may the divine Queen of the Land destroy his …!
Ahu(?)za the Good Scribe carved (it).
I am Kupapiya the mother(?) of Taita the Hero of the country Walastini. On account of my justice I lived one hundred years. My children put(?) me on the … pyre(??), and this stele my grandchildren, great-grandchildren (and) great-great-grandchildren caused to … . … (he) who (is) my grandchild, great-grandchild, great-great-grandchild, great-great-great-grandchild, (he) who shall … against him may the divine Queen of the Land be the prosecutor! …-timuwa the Good Scribe carved it, and (as) servant to him [So-and-so] [was(?)] present(?).
IX.16. HAMA fragment 2 Transliteration Side A … CA]PERE?-tú a-w[a/i?] pi-[…] pi [… Side B … n]a? MALUS2 […
Translation “… let him/them take(?), and …”
IX.19. HAMA fragment 5 Transliteration
u+ra/i-[hi]-la-na REX
IX.20. HAMA fragment 6 Transliteration Side A …] REX-ti-sà |x [… Side B …]-lá/í-ma-za-*a REL-sà na-h[a? …
Translation “…] king (nom. sing.) [… …] name who … […”
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
IX.21a. HAMA fragment 7 Transliteration
á-la?-ni? SCR[IBA?] i+ra/i-hwi […] OVIS x 8+4 × x
X. TABAL X.1 – 8. KIZILDAĞ 1–5, KARADAĞ 1–2, BURUNKAYA Transliteration
Great King Hartapu
Beloved (??) (of) the mighty Storm-God, the Sun, Great King Hartapu
(For?) the Storm-God, the Sun, Great King Hartapu, son of Mursili, Great King, Hero, built this city.
Mursi[li], Great King, Hero […]
The Sun, Great King, Hartapu, Hero, beloved of the Storm-God, son of Mursili, Great King, Hero: by the goodness (of) the celestial Storm-God (and of) every god, (he) who conquered every country, (and) conquered the country Muska All the land(s) the Great King … ALIWANI hunted (with) the Storm-God of Heaven.
(KARADAĞ 1) § 1 zi/a-ti LOCUS-i(a) (DEUS)TONITRUS.CAELUM (DEUS) MAGNUS.MONS DEUS-ní L.430 SOL2 MAGNUS.REX há+ra/itá-pu-sa MAGNUS.REX L.468 § 2 REGIO L.430 REL-sa (L.273)FORTIS-tá § 3 (DEUS)TONITRUS.CAELUM ⌈DEUS⌉-ní-ha […
In this place (to/for?) the celestial Storm-God, the divine Great Mountain (and) every god, the Sun, Great King, Hartapu, (he) who conquered every … country, (to/for?) the celestial Storm-God and every god […
(KARADAĞ 2) MAGNUS.REX há+ra/i-tá-pu-sa MAGNUS.REX
Great King Hartapu
(BURUNKAYA) zi/a-[ti?] LOCUS-i(a) MAGNUS.REX há+ra/i(?)-t᧠1 pu-sa MAGNUS.REX (DEUS)TONITRUS x-zi/a MURSILI-li MAGNUS.REX HE[ROS … § 2 … (§ 3?) … t]u-pi+ra/i
[In] this place Great King Hartapu belov(ed)(?) of the Storm-God, [descendant(?)] of Mursili Great King, He[ro … (§ 3?) …] he did/will smite.
X.9. KULULU 1 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5 § 6
§ 7 § 8
§ 9 § 10
§ 11 5.
§ 12 § 13
§ 14 § 15 § 16
|EGO-wa/i-mi Iru-wa/i-sa Itu-wa/i-ti-i-sá SERVUSla/i-sa |a-wa/i |za-ia [|]DOMUS-na-a [? s]a-hi-zi-i |á-sá-ta |ha-ta-ma |wa/i-da |ta-ma-ha |wa/i-da |DOMUS-na-a |i-zi-ha-a! | | |za-ha-wa/i |a+ra/i-ta-la-si-na |(DEUS)TONITRUShu-u-za-na-a |á-mu |ta-nu-wa/i-ha-a |wa/i-na |(“ANNUS”)u-si-na |(“ANNUS”)u-si-na 1 (“BOS.ANIMA”)wa/i-wa/i-ti-i 3 (“OVIS.ANIMA”)ha-wa/i-ti |sa-sa5+ra/i-la-wa/i |wa/i-ti | | |za-ia |DOMUS-na-a |REL-sá |tu-wa/i-ti-ia |wa/i-zi-ti-⌈i⌉ |ni-pa-wa/i |á-ma-ta-a |ni-pa-wa/i |la-hi?-zi-i |ni-pa-wa/i |wa/i-ia-ni-[si?-]i |tu-wa/i[+ra/i]-sà-za-a |REL-sà-ha-wa/i-sa |REL-sa-pa |á-pa| |-ti-pa-wa/i |a+ra/i-ta-la-si-sá |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-u-za-sa |á-pa-si-na |a+ra/i-ta-li-na |SUB-ni?-na |ha-pa-za-nu-wa/i-tu-u I tu-wa/i-ti-sà-pa-wa/i-tu-u-ta |á-mu+ra/i-sa |(DEUS) ku-AVIS-pa-pa-sa |ha-sa-mi-sa zú-wa/i-ni-i-sá |á-pa-na-a | | i-zi-ia-tu |a-wa/i |á-pa-si-na |ha-sa-mi-na |mara/i+ra/i-ta-mii-na |ARHA |á-za-tu |á-pa-si-ha |á-tara/i-i-na I tu-wa/i-ti-ia-pa-wa/i-ta |za-zi |DEUS-ni-zi-i |wa/i-su |á-wa/i-i-tu wa/i-da | | |ni-i |REL-ti-i-ha |pi-i[a]-a-i |á-mu-pa-wa/i REL-⌈i⌉ |DEUS-[n]a-za |ta-wa/i-ia-na |ARHA |i-wa/i Itu-wa/i-ti-sa-ti |tara/i-u-na-ti |za-ia-pa-wa/i DOMUS-na zi-ti
Translation I (am) Ruwa, Tuwati’s servant. These houses were demolished for (by?) SAHIZI (PN?). I built them, and I made them houses. Also I myself set up this Tarhunza of the ARATALI-, and I shall offer him every year with one ox (and) three sheep. (He) who shall demand these houses from Tuwati, or the AMATA, or the LAHI(ZI)(?), or the vineyard of vine(s), whosoever he (be), for him may Tarhunza of the ARATALI- cause to … … his ARATALI- ! May Tuwati’s AMURA-, Kubaba’s HASAMI-dog, “make after” him, may it eat up his HASAMI- MARATAMI- and his (own) person! But for Tuwati may these gods come well, and let him not give it/them to anyone (else)! But when I myself shall go away into the presence of the gods from the justice of Tuwati, these houses (shall be) here.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
X.10. KULULU 4 Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4
§ 5 § 6 § 7 § 8
§ 9 § 10 § 11 § 12
4. top
§ 13 § 14
EGO-wa/i-mi ru-wa/i-sa4 IUSTITIA-ní-sa á-sá-ha SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-sa8 NEPOS-ta-ha-wa/i-mu SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-sa8 AQUILA-wa/i-mu DEUS-ni-i-zí (LITUUS)á-za-ta wa/i-mu-ta (LITUUS)á-za-mi-na COR-tara/i-na a-ta tu-tá |a-wa/i á-mi-ia-za | | DOMINUS-na-za IIUSTITIA-la COR-la-ti-i-a SUB-na-na SARMA+RA/I+MI-ia-za-ha wa/i-ta DOMINUS-na-za-a á-mi-ia-za BONUS-si-iaza-ha |wa/i-mu LEPUS+ra/i-ia-la-ta DOMINUS-ni-ha-wa/i-mu DOMUS-ní-i DOMUS-ni(-) DOMINUS-ni-i-sa4 |á-sá-ha wa/i-mu-ta DEUS-ni-zi-i (LITUUS)á-za-mi-na | | COR-ni-na a-ta tu-wa/i-mi-na-a la-ta |wa/i-li?-ia-wa/i-ti-na |wa/i-ta á-mi-zi-i DOMINUS-ni-zi |wa/i-su u-sa4-núwa/i-ha OMNIS-ma-si-sa4-ha-wa/i-mi tá-ti-sa4 á-sa8-ha a-wa/i OMNIS-mi sa-na-wa/i-sa8 CUM-ní i-zi-i-sata-ha |á-mi-sa| |-ha-wa/i-⌈mu⌉ |L.274-ti-sa x-la-x-i |x [… |⌈la⌉-…-mi-…-ha-… |u-⌈si⌉-na-s[a]-za |ha+ra/i-[…
§ 15 za-wa/i STELE Ihu-li-sa4 | | PONERE-ta Iru-wa/i-sa8 |FRATER.LA-sa8 |INFANS-ni-sa8 § 16 PRAE-sa8-pa-wa/i | | “L.476”(-)TERRA-li-ia-ta
I was Ruwa the righteous, the Sun-blessed (man). … … the gods loved me, and they put into me a beloved soul. Under my lords (and) (the) Labarna(??) with (my) soul I …-ed, and I was dear to my lords, and they made me governor(?), and I was house-lord in the lord’s house. For me the gods received the beloved soul put in (as) a WALIYAWA(N)TI-. I blessed my lords well, and I was every man’s father, and for every (man) I honoured the good. and for me my … … […, and for the eunuchs … […, This stele Huli placed, Ruwa’s brother’s son, and he …
X.11. ÇİFTLİK Transliteration 1.
§ 1
(obv.) EGO2 […] ti […] (rev.) … [tú]-wa/i-[ti]-i-sa [SER]VUS-la/i
I (am) [PN, title/patronym etc., Tu]wa[t]i’s servant.
§ 2
[z]a-wa/i “⌈X⌉”(-)x-x-[…]-za [tú]-wa/i-ti-i-sa (AEDIFICARE)ta-[ma]-d[a]
This … Tuwati built,
§ 3
[za-pa-wa X-na] | | (obv.) NEG2-a-ha tá-ti-i-zi [(AEDIFICARE)ta-ma-ta] (rev.) [NEG2-a-ha-wa/i-na] AVUS-ha-zi (AEDIFICARE) ta-ma-ta wa/i-na tú-wa/i-ti-i-sa (AEDIFICARE)ta-ma-da-a (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-i-sa SERVUS-la/i-i-sa a-wa/i pi-na [… (obv.) …] | | DARE?-ta […] (rev.) (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-sa (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-hu-da-sa (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ru-ma-sá-ha
[and this …] neither (his) fathers [built],
§ 4 § 5 3.
§ 6
[nor] did (his) grandfathers build [it], (but) Tuwati built it, Tarhunza’s servant. There […] he gave(?) […] of Tarhunza, Sarhuda and Sarruma,
§ 7 § 8
§ 9 § 10 § 11
§ 12 § 13
§ 14 § 15
§ 16
§ 17 § 18 8.
§ 19 § 20 § 21 § 22
|SUPER+ra/i-⌈la⌉-ti-pa-wa/i u-ru-⌈hi?⌉-ha-sá (DEUS) TONITRUS-hu-za-sa zi-wa/i-ta (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sa (DEUS)hi-puda-sa-ha [SOLIUM]-MI […] [zi-(obv.?)-pa-wa/i-ta] (DEUS)i-ia-s[á] | | (DEUS)ku-[AVIS-(rev.?)pa-pa-sa-ha] SOLIUM-MI |zi-pa-wa/i-ta (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ru-ma-sá (DEUS)á-lazú-wa/i-sa-ha SOLIUM+MI-i |a-wa/i tú-wa/i-ti ⌈…⌉ |⌈…⌉(-)ma-da-ru PUGNUS. PUGNUS-tu-u OMNIS-mi-i-zi DEUS-ní-i-zi |wa/i-sa |L.462-i-ti(obv.) |“⌈ANNUS⌉| |(rev.)”-za |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-sá |(…?) u(-x?)-pa-tara/i-pa-wa/i-sá |(“BIBERE”)wa/i-zú+ra/ili-sá (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-sá |MILLE(-)ia-na(-)saha-s[a … |x+ra/i[…]-ha-li-pa-wa/i [… | | …] wa/i-sà-ia-a ti-na-tisà-i |wa/i-ta tú-wa/i-ti-ia á-pa-zi-i-ha DEUS-ni-i-zi |wa/isu-wa/i |“PES”-wa/i-tu-u |wa/i-tu-u |(“EDERE”)á-ru-na |“ “BIBERE” ”-na-ha | | (CAPUT)ha+ra/i-ha-si-ha-wa/i-tu-u ha-IUSTITIA+ RA/I-na pi-ia-tu-u |a+ra/i-ia-ha-wa/i-tu-u |ha-li-i |wa/i-tu-wa/i-da-a |OMNIS-mi-i-zi-i DEUS-ni-zi-i pi-i[a… | | […]-ti-a (DEUS)TONITRUS xxx pi-[…]-pa-wa/i hu-[…] DOMUS-[…]-pa-wa/i-m[i] á-mu-u |(AEDIFICARE) ta-ma-[ha] |IUSTITIA-[…]-ni […
but above (is) URU(HI)HA Tarhunza. Here Tarhunza and Hebat sit(s), [and here] Ea and Ku[baba] sit(s), and here Sarruma and Alanzuwa sit(s). For(?) Tuwati … may all the gods hold MADARU, and he … for years, of Tarhunza, and … he (shall be) WAZURALI of Tarhunza …,
and … […] … he shall tithe(?). For Tuwati may also those gods come well, and to him to eat and to drink, and to him life of person (lit. “head”) may they give, and to him long days, [may] all the gods give them to him! …] Tarhunza [… … … And I myself built myself a house …
X.12. TOPADA For re-reading táx see Addenda and Corrigenda, below, p. 340. Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3 § 4
§ 5
[MAGNUS.]REX wa/i4-su-SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa ⌈MAGNUS.⌉REX HEROS tú-wa/i4-ti-sa7 MAGNUS.REX HEROS-li-sa FILIUS wa/i4-su-SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa7(-)wa/i5 FORTISzi/a-ti PRAE-na X.PISCIS?(-)sà-táx wa/i-mu pa+ra/i-zu?-táx(URBS) 8 REX-ti-sa POST+ ra/i-zi/a FRONS-lu/a/i-zi/a-ha x […?]| |(-)sa-táx wa/i-mu zi/a-tara/i REX-ti-zi/a CUM-ni wa/i6-sa7-táx wa/i5+ra/i-pa-lax-wa/i-sax kix-ia-kix-ia-sa4-ha ru-wa/i7-dasa-ha L.92 á-mu-ha?/pa?-wa/i REX+RA/I-ti (ANIMA)EQUUSwa/i-ti u-pa-ha
Translation [Great K]ing Wasusarma, Great King, Hero, son of Tuwati, Great King, Hero. In the presence of Wasusarma … (??) Against me in the city Parzuta eight kings, lesser and more important, were hostile, and … kings were friendly to me, Warpalawa, Kiyakiya and Ruwada the … . I myself with the Royal Horse brought
260 § 6
§ 7 § 8
§ 9 § 10 § 11 § 12 § 13 4.
§ 14 § 15 § 16 § 17
§ 18 § 19 5.
§ 20 § 21 § 22 § 23
§ 24 § 25 § 26
§ 27 § 28
§ 29 § 30
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
a-wa/i á-mí-i-NEG2 FINES+RA/I+HA-ha-lí CASTRUM-ni-sa7 PONERE-wa/i-ha pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-sí ?-sa6-⌈x⌉-wa/i-mu-táx FINES+HI | | CURRUS(-)hwi/a-da wa/i-sa (“PES2”)i+ra/i á-pa-sa5-ti (ANIMA)EQUUSwa/i-ti OMNIS-MI-ti EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-ti-ha á-pax-sí ?-na FINES+RA/I+HI-NEG2 zi/a-ara/i táx-ri+i-táx PONERE-wa/i-táx-pa-wa/i-da MONS-ti á-mu-pax-wa/i8-mi-táx ax-mí-ia+ra/i REX+RA/I-ti (ANIMA)EQUUS-wa/i-ti x-zá ANNUS(-)na-ha-sax-hax a-wa/i-sa6 2-sú zi/a-lá/í-táx CUM-táx-táx-pa-wa/i-mí-táx ANNUS(-)na-ha-sa5-ha wa/i-sa pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-wa/i-nix(URBS) “TERRA”RELx+ra/i L.273-ti (“PES2”)i+ra/i wa/i5-táx | | URBS+MI.AEDIFICIUM-táx-na FLAMMAE(-)lax-há-nú-wa/i-táx L.274-ia-pa-wa/i FEMINA.MANUS-zi/a-ha SERVUS-sa (“PES”)u-pa-táx MAGNUS+ra/i-zi/a-pa-wa/i-mu (ANIMA)EQUUS-sa POST+ra/i(-ti?) FINES+hi(-ti?)-zi/a (LITUUS)ti-ia+ra/i-táx wa/i-mu á-mí-sa4 DOMINUS-ni-sa (DEUS)TONITRUSzi/a-sa8 (DEUS)SARMA2+RA/I+MI-sa8 (DEUS)L.198-sa6 (DEUS)BOS.L.206.PANIS-sa8-ha PRAE-na L.179-ia-táx wa/i-mi-táx tù-pa-sa6-ti wa/i5-sú-ha a-mi-sa-há-wa/i5-tú-táx REX+RA/I-sa7 (ANIMA) EQUUS-sa4 FRONS-ti-ia-sí ?-sa FRONS-ti-sa7 ANNUS-na 2-zi/a “TERRA”-REL+ra/i a-táx | | ta-x(URBS) L.274(-)sà-táx wa/i7-tù-x ANNUS tara/i-zi/a TERRA-RELx+ra/i ta-x(URBS) a-táx CRUS+FLUMEN-táx wa/i-da 3 ANNUS MAGNUS-zi/a (ANIMA)EQUUS-zi/a FRONS-ti(ras.)-ia-sa5+ra/i FRONS-ti-ia+ra/i x-sí ?(-)sa-táx wa/i-mu-táx 3 LUNA+MI-zi/a x-pa-zi/a PRAE-na L.273pa-mi(-)NEG3 táx-táx-⌈da?⌉ zi/a-da-pa-wa/i-táx CRUS.CRUS (ANIMA)EQUUS-ti pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-wa/i-ni(URBS) “TERRA”-REL+ra/i pi-táx-táx (“PES2”)pa-zi/a-táx | | […] URBS [FLAMMAE?](-)lax-ha-nú-wa/i-táx L.74-wa/i7-sà-pa-wa/i RELx+RA/I-táx L.274 FEMINA. MANUS-ha SERVUS-wa/i ARHA? u-pa-⌈táx⌉ pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-wa/i9-ni-sa-pa-wa/i-táx(URBS) (ANIMA)EQUUS-sa8 (L.219)ha+ra/i-pa-zi/a-⌈ha⌉ OMNISmi-zi/a á-zu?-sa7-na FINES+HI zi/a(-)CRUS+RA/I wa/i-ti-ia-na NEG2+ra/i? x-i⌈a?⌉+ra/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-zi/a-sa4-pa-wa/i-tú-táx L.273+RA/I L.200-na ARHA CAPERE-táx a-wa/i5 NEG2 RELx-ha mu-wa/i-táx i-zi/a-ia-da á-mu-pa-wa/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-sa | | (DEUS)SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa (DEUS)L.198-sa (DEUS) BOS.L.206.PANIS-sa L.273+RA/I L.200-na DARE-táx
and put walls (as) my frontier-(post). Me the Parzutassian …-ed at the frontier, and he went (and) with all his horse and army raised his own frontier here(?), and put (it) on the mountain. I myself …-ed the … with my Royal Horse, and he/they galloped for a second time, … I …-ed down. He (the Royal Horse?) went with arms into the Parzutean land, and caused to … the city and building(s)(?) …, and brought the serfs and the women (and) children (in) slavery(?). But the Great (of the) Horse(?) afterwards guarded the frontiers for me. My lord Tarhunza, Sarruma, god X and god Y ran before me, and I succeeded(?) by battle(?) Against him my Royal Horse, the First of the First(?), kept hammering the city … in the land for two years, and against him they crossed(?) into the land (of) the city … for three years, and in the third year, the Great (of the) Horse were(?) of(?) … with the First of the First, for three months … . and thereafter went to the Parzutean land … with the following(?) Horse, and burnt(?) the city … But when(?) he/they brought away(?) the serfs and the women (and) children (in) slavery(?), the Parzutean Horse and all the rebels attacked(?) our frontier, but he did(?) not conquer(?) it for himself. Tarhunza took away from him the victory, and he did not make any conquest, but to me Tarhu, Sarruma, god X (and) god Y gave the victory.
wa/i5-mí-i á-ru? (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-na § 31 (DEUS)SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-na (DEUS)L.198-na (DEUS) BOS.L.206.PANIS-na á-ru-na POST+ra/i-táx CAPERE. ARGENTUM-⌈x⌉-sà-wa/i5 § 32 á-la/i-ha-wa/i-mu wa/i+ra/i-lí-na MAGNUS+ra/izi/a-na L.273+RA/I L.200-na […]-ti § 33 wa/i-mí á-la/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-na (DEUS)SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-na [… | | § 34 …] da/CAPERE […] RELx-⌈sà⌉ ARHA ha+ra/i-ri+i § 35 wa/i-sa REL-i […?] REX-ti-sa § 36 wa/i-táx a-pa-sa-na COR-tara/i-i-na á-pa-sa7-[ha?] TERRA-REL-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-h[u-sa] (DEUS) SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa6 [(DEUS)L.198-sa] (DEUS)BOS. [L.206.]PANIS-sa ARHA ha+ra/i-tú-u § 37 RELx-i[…?]-pa-wa/i-[sa] POST+ra/i-[sa] CAPUT-ti-[sa] § 38 wa/i-táx á-pa-sa-na COR-tara/i-na a-pa-sa-ha DOMUS-na-zi/a (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-sa (DEUS) SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa (DEUS)L.198-[sa] (DEUS) BOS.L.206.PANIS-[sa-ha] AR[HA] ha+ra/i-t[ú-u]
Scribal Signature: § 39 CAPERE+SCALPRUM-pa-wa/i+ra/i la-⌈sa7⌉ wa/i4su-SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa7 MAGNUS.REX … […
In future I myself shall … in high measure Tarhu, Sarruma, god X, and god Y …,
and in high measure they shall [make] great victory my own. and in high measure I for myself [shall …] Tarhu, Sarruma, [god X (and) god Y]. (He) who shall smash […], if he (is) a king, may Tarhu, Sarruma, gods X and Y smash his person [and] his land,
but if he is a lesser (man), may Tarhu, Sarruma gods X and Y smash his person and his house!
La inscribed it, […] of Wasusarma, Great King […
X.13. SUVASA Transliteration inscription A ⌈x⌉-ti-ti-wa/i-L.430(URBS)
(city name (?))
inscription B sax+ra/i-ia-sa (DEUS)SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa6 L.273.REX SACERDOS-sa6 wa/i4-su-SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa MAGNUS.REX-sa7-a HEROS-sa4 PRAE-na MAGNUS.URCEUS-sa6
Sariya, priest(?) of Sarruma the WARPI-king, Chief Butler before Wasusarma, Great King, Hero.
inscription C AVISx.PISCIS-tá-wa/i-sa6 táx-táx-sa6 FILIUS-sa wa/i4-suSARMA2+RA/I+MA-max-sa6 LITUUS+AVIS VIR L.74 MAGNUS.REX-ha SERVUS BONUS?
…-tawa, son of Tata(?), dear(?) servant of Wasusarma, the lucky man, the …, and Great King.
inscription D EXERCITUS zi x x x -ia? x x x -a-ia x MAGNUS.CENTUM x x táx …-na-ri+i ara/i? ta?-u-táx?
(largely illegible)
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
X.14. SULTANHAN Transliteration (stele, sides) 1. § 1 EGO-mi-i [sa5+ra/i-wa/i-ti]-⌈wa/i+ra/i⌉-[sa …]-wa/i[…] |INFANS-ni-sa |wa/i-su-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-sá-a |HEROS-li-i-sá SERVUS-lá/í-sa § 2 |a-wa/i |za-a-na |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-zá-na |tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà-si-i-na |ta-nu-wa/i-ha | | 2. § 3 |a-wa/i-sa |á-pi-i |CRUS-nú-wa/i-mi-i-na |BOS(ANIMA)-ri+i-i 9 OVIS a+ra/i-ma-sa-ri+i-i § 4 |a-wa/i-na |u-pa-ha |hwi/a-i § 5 |wa/i-sá |OMNIS.MI-ri+i [|sa]-na-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ri+i |á-wa/i-da-a § 6 |wa/i-ti-i |mara/i+ra/i-wa/i-li-sá-a [|](“PES”)pa-da |ARHA-a |la+ra/i-ta 3. § 7 |(“VITIS”)wa/i-ia-ni-sa-pa-wa/i-a |za-ri+i | | |sa-nawa/i-ia-ta-a § 8 |a-wa/i |tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà-sa |(DEUS)TONITRUS-huza-sa ⌈|wa/i⌉-su-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-[ia? …]-a […]-ti-i [|mu-w]a/i-ta-li-na-a |wa/i+ra/i-pi-na |pi-ia-ta § 9 |wa/i-tu-u |á-ru-ni-i-zi |á-pa-si-i-zi |(“PES”)pa+ra/i-za |SUB-na-na |tu-wa/i-ta § 10 |ta-nu-wa/i-ha-wa/i-na |REL-i § 11 |REL-i-pa-wa/i |(TERRA)ta-sà-REL+ra/i |2 “OVIS”-sa 80 “HORDEUM” CRUS+RA/I | | 4. § 12 |wa/i-na-a |á-pi-i |zi-na |“AVIS”(-)ta-wa/i-na-ri+i |(“PES”)u-pa-ha § 13 |hwi/a-pa-wa/i |sa5+ra/i-wa/i-ti-wa/i+ra/i-ia-a |wa/isu-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-sa SERVUS-lá/í-i |TONITRUS-huza-sa |za-a-zi |wa/i+ra/i-ia-zi-a |CUM-ni |á-da-a § 14 |wa/i-ta |(“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sa-ri+i |ma-na(-)wa/i-suna-da |INFRA-ta |“PES”-wa/i+ra/i § 15 |(“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-ri+i-pa-wa/i-ta-a mara/i+ra/iwa/i-li-sá |SUPER+ra/i-a |“PES2”(-)da-i |wa/i-ia-ni-sá-ha | | 5. § 16 a-wa/i-a |hwi/a-sá |MAGNUS+ra/i-ia-ri+i |ma-sa-tida-ia-ri+i-ha § 17 |wa/i-ti-i |REL-sa |za-na |DEUS-ni-na |REL-sà-i § 18 |wa/i-ta |á-pa-sa-ha |á-pa-sa-za |sa-na-wa/i-ia-za |za-ri+i |a-ta |LITUUS.LITUUS-na-i § 19 |REL-sa-pa-wa/i-ta |SUPER+ra/i-ha-a |PUGNUS-ri+ i-ti-i-a § 20 |ni-pa-wa/i-ta |ARHA |pa-sà-REL-i § 21 |wa/i-tu-u |DEUS-ni-i-zi |MALUS-da-ti-i |tara/ipi-wa/i |CRUS-i-a § 22 |a-wa/i |TONITRUS-hu-za-sa |za-a |tu-wa/i+ra/i6. sà-zá | | |ma-sa-ha-ni-i-ti § 23 |a-wa/i |wa/i-ia-ni-i-sa |PUGNUS-ri+i-ti-i § 24 |tara/i-sa-zi-pa-wa/i |ia+ra/i-ti-i
I (am) [Sarwatiwara, PN’s] son, the hero Wasusarma’s servant. I set up this Tarhunza of the vineyard. He is to be set up again with an ox and nine monthling sheep. When I dedicated him, he came with all goodness, and the corn-stem(s) burgeoned forth at (his) foot, and the vine was good here. And Tarhunza of the Vineyard gave [to] Wasusarma, [… ki]ng, a mighty weapon, and for him he put his enemies under his feet. When I set him up, indeed in the land 2 sheep stood (for) 80 (measures of) barley, I rededicated him with this TAWANI(-bird?). Indeed Tarhunza made these assistances for Sarwatiwara Wasusarma’s servant, and WASUNADA will come down much from the sky, and the corn-stem(s) will come up from the earth, and the vine. Who(ever) shall be great and shall MASTITAYA-, and who(ever) shall fear this God, that one too will watch over his benefit(s) here. But who(ever) shall arise over-(much), or shall neglect (him), the gods shall stand TARPI against him with evil. Tarhunza shall make this vineyard grow, and the vine shall grow, it shall put forth leaves,
§ 25 |a-wa/i |MILLE ti-wa/i-ta-li-na |á-ia-ti-i § 26 |wa/i-tu-u |BOS(ANIMA)-sa 9 CENTUM-ha ma-tu-sà § 27 |POST+ra/i-ta-pa-wa/i a-ta |sa5+ra/i-wa/i-ia § 28 wa/i-tu-u-ta |ti-na-ta-za |POST+ra/i-ta § 29 |u-sa-li-pa-wa/i-tu-u |2 OVIS(ANIMA)-zi (base, sides) [side A, missing …] B § 30 [i]-sà-[t]ara/i-la-ti-pa-wa/i-ta-a |SUPER+ra/i |“PES”wa/i+ra/i § 31 |“LUNA”-ma-sá-pa-wa/i-na |ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni-sá | | C |á-pa-sá |(“CORNU”)ki-pu-da-a |a-ta |tu-wa/i-i-a § 32 |REL-i-pa-wa/i-na |ka+ra/i-mi-si-za-sa |(DEUS) ku-AVIS-pa-pa-sa |á-pa-na |mu-wa/i-i § 33a |á-ta-ha-si-zi-pa-wa/i-na |DEUS-ni-i-zi |ARHA |á-datu-u | | D b (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sa-si-zi-pa-wa/i-na |DEUS-ni-zi |(“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-si-zi-ha |VIR-ti-zi |FEMINA-tizi-ha § 34 |a-wa/i |za-ti-i |tu-wa/i+ra/i-si-i |MALUS-za |REL-sa |á-pa+ra/i-ta |á-sa5-za-i § 35 |a-wa/i REL-i |ara/i-[… (stele, top) E 1. § 36 |a-ta-pa-wa/i-na |ni-i-i |ma-ru-ha |pa-nu-wa/i-i |TONITRUS-hu-za-sa |tu-wa/i+ra/i-sa § 37 |REL-pa-wa/i |sa5+ra/i-wa/i-ti-wa/i+r[a/i]-i[a … | | …] 2. § 38 ⌈ni-pa-wa/i⌉-ta |URBS+MI-ni |hwi/a-sa-ha-a |ka-ti-i |CRUS-i § 39 |ni-pa-wa/i-ta |(“TERRA”)ta-ka-mi-i |hwi/a-sa-ha |ka-ti-i |ta-i | | (base, top) F 1. § 40 |ni-pa-wa/i-ta |wa/i-na |REL-sa-ha |ka-ti-i |CRUS-i § 41 |á-pi-i-wa/i-da-a |REX-ti-ia-ri+i |LEPUS+ra/i-ia-ti-i |i-zi-ia-mi-na-a § 42 |a-wa/i |ka-ti-i-sa |ni-i |á-sa-tu-u-a § 43 |a-wa/i-a |REL-sá |REL-sá |za |LOCUS-lá/í-za |PUGNUS.PUGNUS-i-ta | | 2. § 44 |wa/i-da |NEG2-a |hwi/a-sa-ha |mu-wa/i-ta § 45 |a-wa/i-da |á-pi-i |sa5+ra/i-wa/i-ti-wa/i+ra/i-sá |á-da |wa/i-su-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-sa-a-ri+i |wa/i+ra/i-ia-ri+i |sa-na-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ri+i-ha § 46 |za-pa-wa/i |a+ra/i-ma-za |REL-sa-a |za+ra/i-ti-ti-i-i | | 3. § 47 |ni-pa-wa/i-ta-a |“FEMINA”-na-ti-i-sa |ta-L.375-li-i-sa |pa+ra/i(-)sa5+ra/i |u-pa-i § 48 |ni-pa-wa/i-sa-a LEPUS+ra/i-ia-li-sa | | 4. § 49 |ni-pa-wa/i |REX-[…] § 50 |á-pa-[…] |ha-[…] i [… … | | 5. § 51 [… ]-sa-ri+i […] |tu-pi-ri+i […] sa […] ta
and it shall make 1000(?) measures (of wine), and to him (there shall be) 9 oxen and 100 (measures of) wine. But in future it will increase(?), and to him (there shall be) a tithe in future, and (as) annual (sacrifices) to him (there shall be) 2 sheep. [… ] and he shall come up from his seat, and the Moon God of Harran shall put him on his horn, and Kubaba of Kar(ka)mis shall attack him behind. May the gods of the ATAHA- eat him up, the gods of the sky and of the earth, the male and the female! (He) who hereafter shall utter evil against this vineyard, and … [… ] may Tarhunza by no means let him drink in the vineyard. Against Sarwatiwara [… or (if) anyone inclines to damage for the city, or (if) anyone inclines to damage for the land,
or (if) anyone inclines to damage for the vine, they are to be requited by royal authority, let there be no damage! Whosoever has possessed(?) this place, no one has strengthened it, but then Sarwatiwara did it, by Wasusarma’s help and goodness. (He) who desires this name, or (if) a … woman brings …, or (if) he (is) a governor, or a king, … … […] shall smite with his [axe …
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
X.15. KAYSERİ Transliteration 1.
[(A) EGO PN genealogy? (B)]x-x-sa4 |wá/í-suSARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-sa4 […] (C) HEROS-sa SERVUS-la/i-sa4 § 2a |á-wá/í |zà-na “DOMUS.LOCUS”-da-ta-a-si-[…] (D) |x … ⌈wá/í⌉ … ⌈sa⌉ … [… | | b […] |CRUS-nu-wá/í-há § 3 … (C) …] |DOMUS-na-zà-a |REL-sa |(“LITUUS”) ta-wá/í-na-a |PONERE-wá/í-í-a-a § 4 (B) [n]í-pa-wá/í-sa-ta-a |URBS+MI-⌈ni⌉-í […] x [… (A) … § 5 … | | …]-iá-li-[sa4] § 6 [ní-pa]-wá/í [… (B) § 7 […] |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-z[a]-sa4 |á-pa-sa4-ri+i |ASCIA(-)na-pa-[ri+]í (C) |(“L.273”)tu-pi-ti-í § 8 |(“DEUS”)ma-ru-wá/í-wá/í-ni-sa-pa-wá/í-tu-ta (“DEUS”)ní-ka-[…-s]a [… (D) …] x-ru § 9 |wá/í-tu-u [… | | …] § 10 í-sà-tara/i-la-ti-pa-wá/í-tu-wa/i-t[a … (C) …] § 1
§ 11 wá/í-tá-a |(DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-sa-a |POST-na |FORTIS-wa/i-i § 12 |á-ta(B)-há-s[i-zi]-pa-wá/í-na |DEUS-ní-zì-a |á-ta-[…]í-zì (A) [AR]HA-a |á-da-u § 13 |a-[wá/í] |… AQUILA-x(-)zí-… § 14 |wa/i-mi-í |x-pa [… | | … § 15 … sa ki … sa … | … iá … § 16 (B) |[ha]ra/i-[na-w]á/í-ní-sa-pa-wa/i-tu-u-ta |LUNA+MI-ma-sa |á-pa-sa (C) |(“CORNU”)k[i-p]u+ra/i |a-ta |(“PES2.PES”)tara/i-pi-ru-u-a § 17 |ku-ma-za-sa-pa-wá/í-na […] í [… (D) … § 18 (⌈“X⌉”)á-pi-tá-pu-tu-wa/i-s[a]-pa-w[a/i-t]u | | ⌈(m)u?⌉-[…-s]a |pa-sa-iá-tu-u-a § 19 |tu-wa/i-ti-sà-[… (C) …]-sà-a |(“PES2”)i-da § 20 |a-wa/i |zà |“LOQUI”-da-zà |á-sa5-za-t[a] § 21 (B) |OMNIS-MÍ-⌈ma?⌉-sà-wá/í-ti-í |DOMUS-na-sa |á-ta-t[i-…] § 22 (A) …
[I (am) PN1 PN2’s so]n(?) the Hero Wasusarma’s servant. This [God] of the Precinct(?) [… …] I set up. (He) who shall set eye on the […] houses, or he […] the city, … or(?) …, [him] Tarhunza shall smite with his axe, for him may Maruwa-ean Nika[ruha …], and for him [… ], and for him they [shall come up(?)] from (their) throne, [and him] Kubaba shall attack behind, and him may the gods of the ATAHA-, the … (ones), eat up. (§§ 13–15 illegible/unintelligible)
and on him may the Haranean Moon-God TARPI(with(?)) his KIPURA-, and him [may] the KUMAZA-[…], and for him may the APITAPUTUWA PASAYA … ! Tuwati […] went, and pronounced this word: Every house’s interior(?) […
X.16. AKSARAY Transliteration 1.
§§ a–c (a) …] ti […] ta (b) x-wa/i […]-zi […] x-na-[…] x-na([UR]BS) wa/i-sà-tá (c) “⌈X⌉.TÍ”-ha […? UR]BS […]-za […] sà+ra/i x […] zi […] L.300 [… | | …
Translation (l. 1, traces only)
§ 1 § 2 § 3
§ 4a
b c § 5
§ 6 5.
§ 7 § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11 § 12
[… (DEUS)TONIT]RUS-[h]u-za-sa |ni-sà-a |ARHA |la-da-ta |wa/i-ta (“CAELUM”)⌈ti-pa-sá⌉-[ti] |m[a-na] IN[FRA-ta] |[“]PES”-da (“TERRA”)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-ti-pa-wa/i-ta |ma-na SUPER+ra/i |“PES”-da |a-wa/i [|]á-[pa]-tá| |-zax (“ANNUS”)u-sá-za |(OVIS.ANIMA)ha-wa/i-i 30 ti-wá/í-ta-li-sa “HORDEUM”-za |CRUS+RA/I 20 ti-wa/i-tá-li-sa “⌈X⌉”-ti-sa ⌈tá?⌉-ta [x t]i-wá/í-tá-li-sá (VITIS)ma-tú-sà |CRUS+RA/I wa/i-ta á-mi-ia-ti |(IUSTITIA)tara/i| |-wa/i-na-ti (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-i tara/i-ma-za-ha DEUS-ni-za |za-ti BONUS-si-ia-za-ha za-ti-pa-wa/i-ta URBS-ni |MAGNUS+ra/i.REX-zi |REX-ti-zi |OMNIS-mí-zi INFRA-tá-ta OCULUS(-)zá-ni-ta REL-sà-ha-wa/i-mu-u za| |-[…] LOCUS-lá/í-za pi-ia-i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hú-za-sá-pa-wa/i-na |na RELtí-hax pi-ia-ta wa/i-na á-mu ki-ia-ki-ia-ia IUSTITIA-ni REX-ti(-)x pi| |(front)-[ia-t]á x-sa-[…-pa//ha-w]a/i-mu |FRATER.LA-zá-wa/i-sa á-sa-tá wa/i-[mu?] za ta-x [… …] (DEUS)TONITRUS-sa |za |(PES)u-p[a?-ta]
[… Tar]hunza prospered the NISA and m[uch] came down from the sky, and much came up from the earth, and in those years for one sheep 30 measures (of) barley stood, 20 measures (of) oil(?) […]-ed, […] measures (of) wine stood. Because of my justice I was dear to Tarhunza and all the gods here, and great kings (and) kings all admired this city. And who gives this position to me? Tarhunza gave it to no one but to me Kiyakiya the righteous, the king he gave it. Lanizawa(?) was […] to me(?), and [to me] this … […, …] Tarhunza brou[ght] this.
X.17. BOHÇA Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3 § 4
§ 5 § 6 § 7 § 8 § 9
EGO-mi [|?]ku+ra/i-ti-i-sá |á-⌈sa-hwi/a-si⌉-sa4 |HEROS-li-i-sa |(“FILIUS”)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa (“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-ma-ri+i-i |ORIENS+MI-ma-ri+i-ha |PRAE |AUDIRE+MI-ti-mi-⌈sa4⌉ | | [|]REX-ti-sá |wa/i-ta |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti |za-ri+i |(BONUS) wa/i-su-wa/i-i |wa/i-mu |TERRA-REL+ra/i-zi |SUPER+ra/i |“!CAPERE”(-)lu/a/i-na-a |pi-pa-sa-i |(DEUS)CERVUS3-ti-pa-wa/i-ta-a |za-ri+i(-)ia(-)pa-a |(BONUS)wa/i-su-wa/i |wa/i-mu |za-ri+i |sà-ma-ia | | (“ANIMA.LEO”)hwi/asa5+ra/i |pi-pa-sa-ia |á-mi-zi-pa-wa/i |tá-ti-zi-i |AVUS-ha-zi-ha |REL-zi [|?]sa-ta |REL-pa-wa/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sa |NEG2 |REL-ha-na |wa/i+ra/i-ia-ia |á-mu-wa/i |REL+ra/i |wa/i+ra/i-ia-ia |wa/i-mu |“TERRA”-REL+ra/i-zi SUPER+ra/i |“CAPERE”(-)lu/a/i-na |pi-pa-sa-ia
Translation I (am) Kurti, the hero Ashwi(si)s’s son, the king far reputed from the west and the east.
Here I am good to Tarhunza, he grants to me to take over the territories; and here … I am good to Runtiya, here he grants to me the beasts (as?) SAMAYA (or: the SAMAYA beasts). And (those) who were my fathers and grandfathers, indeed Tarhunza does not help at all, as he helps me, —he grants to me to take over the territories.
266 4.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 10 |á-mi-zi-ha |tá-ti-zi | | AVUS-ha-zi-ha-a? |REL-i “ANIMA.EQUUS-zú-sà-ta-la-u-na REL “PES2.PES2”(-)da-ta § 11 |REL-pa-wa/i (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti-ia-⌈sá?⌉ [|?]NEG2-a [|?]REL-ha-na [|?]wa/i+ra/i-[ia?]-ta § 12 [|?]á-mu-wa/i |REL+ra/i |wa/i+ra/i-ia-ia § 13 |⌈a?⌉-wa/i |za-ti-i |“TERRA”-sa-REL+ra/i-i |zati-i |LOCUS-lá/í-ti-i 1×CENTUM (ANIMA)CAPRA la-ha “UNUS”-ta |REL-za
And when my fathers and grandfathers went to ride on horse, indeed Runtiya did not help at all, as he helps me, since(?) in this territory, in this place, I took 100 gazelles/wild goats(?) at one (go).
X.18. KARABURUN Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7
§ 8
§ 9
§ 10
§ 11 § 12 § 13
za-wa/i ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za tá-ti-zi AVUS-ha-zi ARHA ha-ta+ra/i? a-wa/i si-pi-sá REX-ta si-pi-sa-pa-wa/i Ini-ia-sa |LEPUS+ra/i-ia-la-ta ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za ta-ma-ta wa/i-ra+a za-ti sà-ma-za i-zi-ia-ta “SCALPRUM”-wa/i wa/i-mi-LITUUS-ta si-pi-sa-pa-wa/i REX-sa | | REL-ti si-pi-ia ni-ia-sa-na MALUS-za CUM-ni za+ra/i-ti-ti-i ni-mu-wa/i-zi ni-pa-wa/i ha-ma-si si-pi-ia-pa-wa/i-ta REX-ti hara/i-na-wa/i-ni-sa(URBS) (DEUS)ku+AVIS-ia ku-ma-pi ta-wa/i PES-zi-ha INFRA á-za-tu si-pi-sa-pa-wa/i ni-ia-sa REL-ti si-pi-ia REX-ti MALUS-za CUM-ni | | za-ti-ti ni-mu-wa/i-zi ni-pawa/i ha-ma-si si-pi-ia-pa-wa/i-ta ni-ia-sá-na hara/i-na-wa/i-nisa(URBS) (DEUS)ku+AVIS-ia ku-ma-pi ta-wa/i INFRA-ta á-za-tu za-ia-pa-wa/i-ta REL-za-ma-ia REL-sa ARHA “MALLEUS”-ia á-pa-ti-pa-wa/i REX ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni-sá (DEUS) LUNA+MI-sá ki-hara/i-ni(-)za+ra/i-ti INFRA(-)sá-tu SUPER+ra/i-pa-wa/i-tu-ta ni-i ma-nu-ha pu-tu | |
(above) § 14
This fortress the fathers (and) grandfathers demolished, and (Sipi was king, and Sipi Ni’s son was governor) —they built the fortress, (and) here they made it a compact, (and) they found … If Sipi the king desires evil for Sipi Ni’s son, for (his) son or grandson, for Sipi the king may the Haranean (god) together with(?) Kubaba swallow down (his) eyes and feet! But if Sipi Ni’s son desires evil for Sipi the king, for (his) son or grandson, for Sipi Ni’s son may the Haranean (god) together with(?) Kubaba swallow down (his) eyes! (He) who shall erase these engravings, for him may the Haranean King, the Moon-God, be down on the KIHARANI- (and) heart, and for him may he in no way PU up! (or: but above it may he by no means write!) Wana (was) the Scribe.
wa/i-na-sa SCRIBA-la-sá
X.19. HİSARCIK 1 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
á-mu-wá/í-mí IL.273-pi-ri+i-sa4 pi?-ni-sa |SOL-wa/i+ ra/i-mi-sa a-wa/i-mi |MONS-ti-na |ha+ra/i-ha+ra/i-na 9| |-ta (CAPRA)i+ra/i-wa/i-ti-i |á-ha
Translation I (am) Warpiri(?) the Sun-blessed … I celebrated Mount Harhara nine times(?) with an irwa-(caprid).
X.20. KULULU 5
§ 3 § 4 § 5
9-ti-sa-ha-wa/i-ti-⌈i?⌉ ANNUS-sa4-si-sá-a |REL-ti |ta-i |wa/i-tu-u 9-ta |i+ra/i-wa/i-ti | | … wa/i?-ha a-wa/i |á-wa/i-a |ha-tu+ra/i-la-a PUGNUS.PUGNUS-la |tu-wa/i-na |si-sà+ra/i-li-na |ku+ra/i-ti-sá SERVUS-lá/í-na
And when(?) the “year’s ninth” comes, (as) I …-ed you nine times(?) with an irwa-(caprid), I shall make your SISARALI, Kurti’s servant …
X.20. KULULU 5 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
2. 3.
§ 2 § 3
§ 4 § 5 § 6 § 7a b c d e f § 8 § 9 § 10 § 11 § 12
§ 13 § 14 § 15 § 16 § 17
(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sa (DEUS)hi-pu-da-sa [DEUS …] (DEUS)[ku]-AVIS-pa-pa-sa (DEUS)hara/i-nawa/i-ni-sa (DEUS)SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-sa (DEUS)á-la-zúwa/i-sa | | hara/i-ma-na(URBS) (DEUS)hara/i-na-wa/ini-sa (DEUS)LUNA+MI (DEUS)SOL-[… […] DOMUS […] DOMINUS-ni-sá-a | | ⌈za-ia⌉ ⌈DOMUS⌉-na [… …]-ti […?] wa/i-⌈da⌉ hu-la-sa4-ia-i ti-wa/i+ra/i-mi CAPUT-ti DARE-ta za-ti | | za-ti-za-pa DOMUS-na-zá REL-sá a+ra/i-na CUM-ni i-zi-i-ri+i wa/i-ta … […]-pa-wa/i+ra/i …-pa [… wa/i-sá ni-i | | REX-ti-sá ni-pa-wa/i-sá (FEMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-sa ni-pa-wa/i MAGNUS+ra/i-⌈za?⌉-sá ni-pa-wa/i […]-sa4-ti-i-sa wa/i-sá ni-i VIR-ti-sa ni-pa-wa/i FEMINA-ti-sa | | wa/i-tu-ta za-zí DEUS-ni-zi wa/i-la “PES”-tu wa/i-na tu-pa-tu wa/i-tu-u [á-la/i-ma-za ARHA] DELERE-nú-tu-u á-ta-ha-si-zí-pa-wa/i-na | | DEUS-ni-zi za+ra/i-za ARHA a+ra/i-tu a+ra/i-ma-li-sa-pa-wa/i-na […] ta-wa/i-sa-ha-n[a] COR [… …]-ti-tu za-ia-pa-wa/i DOMUS-na REL-sa sa-na-wa/i-sa4tara/i-ri+i | | ti-ia+ra/i-ti wa/i-tu-ta za-zi DEUS-ni-zi wa/i-s⌈u⌉-u “PES”-tu-u wa/i-tu-u [á-tu]-na [pi-ia]-tu [z]a-wa/i-ta-a REL-s[a] […]-za […]-ri+i wa/i-tu za-zi DEUS-ni-zi tara/i-pa |CRUS
Translation The gods Tarhunza, Hipuda, [Ea], Kubaba, Haranean Sarma, Alazuwa, in the city Harmana, the Haranean Moon-God, the Sun-God …
…] house-lord these houses [… they gave them to Hulasaya the Sun-blessed person here. (He) who shall make ARA(NA) to these houses, and […], or […], whether he (is) a king, or she a queen, or (he is) a great man, or a [little?] man, whether he (is) a man, or (she) a woman, for him may these gods come badly! Let them smite him, let them destroy his [name], let the gods of ATAHA- eat up his heart! May the ARMALI- [dest]roy(?) him … But (he) who guards these houses with goodness, for him may these gods come well! Let them [give] him to [eat]! (He) who shall … this …, on him (may) these gods stand TARPA!
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
X.21. KULULU 2 Transliteration A 1. § 1 2. 3.§ 2 4. § 3 B 1. 2. 3.§ 4 § 5a b 4. c d C 1. § 6 2.§ 7
|EGO-mi Ipa-nu-ní-i-sa |(DEUS)SOL-wa/i-da-mi| |-i-sa CAPUT-ti-sá |wa/i-mu-u |á-mi-zi-i |INFANS-ni-zi-i | | |za-ti-i |sà-ma-za |CAPERE-ma-za-a |i-zi-ia-ta | | |wa/i-ta |á-mi-ia-za-i |(“LECTUS”)i-sà-na-za | | |“EDERE”-da-mi-i-sa |u-wa/i-mi-i-sá |L.462-ti-i (DEUS) sà-ta| |-ti-i |ARHA |(“MORI”)wa/i+ra/i-ha-a |wa/i-mu-ta |ka-wa/i+ra/i-zi-i | | |za-ru-ma-da-ta |(“SA4”)sa-ni-ti-pa-wa/i-mu-u |hwi/a-sà-a |ni-pa-wa/i-sa |MAGNUS+ra/i-za-sa |ni-pa-wa/i-sa | | | ⌈x-x⌉-sa-ti-sa |ni-pa-wa/i-sa |hwi/a-sà-pa | ⌈hwi/a?⌉-sà-a |CAPUT-ti-sà |wa/i-ru-ta |(DEUS)sà-ta-si-i-zi | | |(DEUS)mara/i+ra/iwa/i-i-zi-i |(“L.256”)da-sá-za |a-ta |“CRUS”-tu |wa/i-ru-ta | | |á-pa-sá-a |(“SCALPRUM.SIGILLUM”) sa-s[a]-za-a |tu-wa/i-tu-u |á-pa-sa-na DOMUS-ni-i
I (am) Panuni the Sun-blessed person. For me my children made here a sealed(?) document(?). On my bed(s), eating (and) drinking(?) … with the god Santa I died. And the KAWARI’S ZARUMADA-ed me, (or: And they ZARUMADA-ed the KAWARI’s for me.) (He) who shall disturb me, whether he (be) a great man, or he (be) a [little?] man, or whatsoever man he (be), for him may Santa’s marwainzi-gods attack the memorial, and for him may they set their seal on his house!
X.22. KULULU 3 Transliteration A 1. § 1 2. § 2 3. 4.§ 3 § 4
B 1. § 5 2.§ 6 3. § 7 4. § 8
EGO i-la?-li-sa4 IUSTITIA-ni-sa4 | | |SCRIBA-l[a-sa4] |wa/i-ta |á-mí-ri+i |IUSTITIA-na-ri+i-i |á-m[í-… | | …]-na? x-mi-ha |wa/i-⌈mu?⌉ |á-mí-zi |INFANS-ni-zi | | x […] DARE?-[ta?] |wa/i-⌈mu?⌉ (“[BONUS”])sa-[n]a-wa/i-zi-na |PANIS-ni-na | | [… … …] ARHA PES2-ha |INFANS-ni-zi-pa-wa/i-mu | | za STELE-ni-za |CRUS-nu-wa/i-ta |za-⌈pa⌉| |-wa/i “STELE”-ni-za |REL-sa |ARHA | | “LONGUS”(-)REL-sà-i |wa/i-[…
Translation I (am) Ilali the righteous, the Scribe. By my justice, my […] I …-ed. To me my children ga[ve](?) … . and to me(?) excellent bread … .
…] I went away, (my) children had this stele set up for me. (He) who smashes this stele, …
X.23. EĞREK Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3
[EGO?] TONITRUS-hu-wa/i+ra/i-i-sá TONITRUS-huza+ra/i-ma-sá BONUS-mi-sa |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa |wa/i-ti-ta Iá-pa-sá |wa/i+ra/i-pa-sa-hi-i-sà |REL-tisà-ma-za |á-pa |NEG2-a |ha-si-[… | | …-w]a/i-[…] á+ra/i?
[I (am)?] Tarhuwari, Tarhuzarma’s dear son. That (man) [was] not satisfied with that excellent skill, …
X.24 – 25. ERKİLET 1 and 2 Transliteration
(ERKİLET 1) I 1. § 1 AVUS-ha-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-sa (DEUS)ma-ru-ti2. ka-sa |pu-ti| |-ti-sa § 2 |a-wa/i |za |wa/i-ni-za |á-mu |REL-za-ha-a § 3 |za-pa-wa/i-ta |ni |REL-i-sa-ha |sa-ni-ti (ERKİLET 2) 1. § 1 za-wa/i |á-la-na Iá-sa-ti-wa/i-su-sa |tu-ta | | 2. § 2 za-pa-wa/i-ta |ni |REL-i-sà-ha |sa-ni-i-ti
Huhasarma the god Marutika’s PUTITI-. This stone I myself carved, and let no one overturn this!
This ALA Astiwasu erected, and let no one overturn this!
X.26. EĞRİKÖY Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2 § 3
§ 4 3.
(A) …] da-tu-ha-pa-a |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-i-sá SERVUS-la/i-sa (B) DEUS-ni-ti-i |(LITUUS)á-za-mi-sa REL-[…]-ha [… … | | … …-|F]RATER.⌈LA-i⌉-sa |(“LIGNUM”)su-ka-la-sa “CRUS”-ta |(“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ni-i-sa (A) SERVUSla/i-⌈sa⌉ |REL-ia-ha-wa/i-a |REL-ia |(“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/in[í-sà]-a |[… … | | … … |REL … ha … (B) … zú … |á … |x …
Translation […] Datuhapa, Tarhunza’s servant, beloved by the gods. … [… … …]-Lani (PN) the vizier stood, the righteous servant.
Whatsoever fortresses [… …
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
X.27. HİSARCIK 2 Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
EGO?-mi? ha-… DEUS?.SOL?-x-si?-na ha+ra/iha+r[a/i-…] MONS-ti-i “⌈X⌉”(-)u-nú-nú-x ADORARE? AUDIRE? ka-ru-pa-ni-mi-za ANIMA.BOS-ha-wa/i (DEUS)SOL “X?” MONS-ti | | sa-ru?-ka 1?-la-ti-a? na-x … MONS? … 1 … … ku+ra/i-ti …
X.28 – 29. ÇALAPVERDİ 1 – 2 Transliteration (ÇALAPVERDİ 1) 1. § 1 […] x […]-sà(URBS) […] i(a?) [… | | 2. § 2 …] |(“CASTRUM”)tara/i-pa-L.462-za-ha § 3 wa/i-a MONS-ti-i CENTUM |á-sa-ta 3. § 4 wa/i-da-a | | (continuity?) |zá-ti |wa/i-sú |PESwa/i+ra/i § 5a |x-x-i-na? |á-mi-ia-ti |BRACCHIUM-mi+ra/i-i-i |40-⌈ha⌉ CERVUS x STATUA-x-x | | 4. b (continuity?) ⌈x |1?⌉-ti-i |L.462 |1-ti la-[…]-⌈tí?⌉-ri+i |á-mi-ia-ti § 6 |wa/i-ma-za |á-pa-[…] |DEUS […]-ní-zi |x | | (ÇALAPVERDİ 2) 1. § 1 [(DEUS)]TONITRUS-hu-ti-iá L.431 L.336 L.141 |CASTRUM-ní DOMUS-x-L.406(URBS) |x-x-sà(URBS) |á-hu-ta CRUX á-mu(-)CAPUT | | 2. § 2 (continuity?) |x […]-⌈mi?⌉-na SOLIUM+MI-i x SCRIBA-na-x-ha § 3 |a-wa/i (“CASTRUM”)tara/i-pa-L.462-za-ha á-CAPUT-u |AEDIFICARE+M[I …] | | 3. § 4 (continuity?) CER[VUS …] na […] 20-ha CERVUS […] la-na |ara/i[…] |CR[US?…] |NEG[2 …] |ma-[…]-ha [… X.30. TEKİRDERBENT 1 Transliteration l. 1. l. 2. l. 3.
…] x […]-sà-ha ARHA PURUS-mi-x-sá-i x x [… …] … |i-zi-i-ti-i MONS-ti-sa “DEUS.MONS” … x [… …] … x x ARHA-pa-⌈wa/i?⌉-ti-i á-x-ha?-a MONS … (DEUS?.MONS)ha+ra/i-ha+ra/i-x-x [… l. 4. …] … i-zi-ia+ra/i-i […]-za á-[…] na (DEUS.MONS)ha+ ra/i-ha+ra/i-ia-na | x x … [… (l. 5: uninscribed?)
X.35. KULULU 7
X.33. KULULU 6 Transliteration A 1. § 1 § 2 A 2. § 3 top § 4
[…] x x […]-pa-wa/i-ta (B) ⌈REL?⌉-za-na-ni-na SERVUS-l[a/i]-i(-)wa/i-⌈x⌉ (C) TONITRUS-[h]u-ti-na-ni-ha wa/i-ti (D) |REL-sa |la-pa-ta |PUGNUS-ri+i-[… […] TONITRUS-hu-[…] i […] (B)| ⌈x⌉+ra/i […] tara/i | x x […] (C) […] x la? [… za-ia MALUS-ia |CUM-ni á-sa-tu
But […] … Kwazanani the servant … and Tarhuntinani. (He) who rais[es]/rais[ed] himself LAPATA, (no identifiable word) let these bad (things) be with […]!
X.34. KULULU 8 Transliteration
…?] wa/i-lá/í-zi-sa SCRIBA L.273-pi?-ti
X.35. KULULU 7 Transliteration l. 1.
l. 2.
…-z]i-há tú-wa/i-ti-p[a]-w[a/i … … …] (animal head) lu/a/i … hi […
[PN1 … PN2 …] the Hero’s son, servant of Mountain-King Sarruma; …walazi the scribe “strikes”(?).
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
X.36. KULULU lead strip 1 Transliteration obverse Section & entry
element 1: town name
2: 3: numeral commodity ?
4: recipient(s)
6: 5: postposition/ qualifications (a) patronym verb
register 1 § 1. 1. [ti]-wa/i+ra/i- 400 li-ia-sá-a(URBS)
§ 2. 2.
MAGNUS+ra/i-mu- |CUM-ni wa/i-ia I REL-sà-i-ia |CUM-ni
5. 6.
100 30
“L.179” “L.179”-za
|SCRIBA+RA/I-za Ia+ra/i-hwi/a⌈da⌉-ia ha-pi-ia-mi-ia
|CUM-ni [|C]UM-ni
mu+ra/i-ki-ia nu-ia
|CUM-ni |CUM-ni
[I]ha-pi+ra/i-ia I ku-li-ia I ta-ia I TONITRUS-hu-naza-ia I hu-li-ia-ia-a
|CUM-ni |CUM-ni |CUM-ni [|]CUM-ni
pi-ia-i-ia-a tu-wa/i-ia
|CUM-ni |CUM-ni
|SUPER+RA/I-sa |tu-na-sa(URBS) 140 8. 120 9. 100 10. 100
“L.179” “L.179” “L.179” “L.179”
register 2 12. 13.
40 22
[“]L.179”-za-a “L.l79”
|á-na-tara/i-sá-a |tu-na-sá(URBS) 200 16. 22 17. 151
“L.179”-za “L.179” “L.179”-za
PUGNUS-ri+i-mi-ia |CUM-ni na-na-ia-a |CUM-ni I ku+ra/i-ti-ia-ia I REL-za|CUM-ni FRATER.LA-ia-ha 2 I la-ia I pa-pa-na-li- |CUM-ni ia-ha 2 I ni-ia I ku-ku-wa/i- |CUM-ni ia-ha 2 I ha-pi+ra/i-ia I nu-ia-ha 2 |CUM-ni
§ 3. 7.
§ 4. 15.
TONITRUS-hu-na- |CUM-ni za-ia
mu-sa-FRATER. LA-sá-na
X.36. KULULU lead strip 1
Translation obverse (b) status/ occupation
(c) town name § 1. 1.
Of the city Tiwarali: 400 barley … for Arahwida.
§ 2. 2.
MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sána(URBS) I MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sá-na (URBS)
for Hapiyami [x]-rusa’s son, of the town Huwa/i. for Uramuwa, of Uramuwa’s town.
for Kwisai, of Uramuwa’s town.
5. 6.
100 30
barley barley
for Mur(a)ki. for Nu, of Uramuwa’s town.
MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sá (URBS)
Of the town Upper Tuna: 140 barley for Hapira/i. 8. 120 barley for Kuli. 9. 100 barley for Ta, the cup-bearer (?). 10. 100 barley for Tarhunaza, the freeman.
|wa/i-tara/i |a+ra/i-wa/i-ni-i |tu-na-sá(URBS)
for Huliya Kukuwa/i’s (son) of the town Tuna.
12. 13.
40 22
barley barley
for Piyai. for Tuwai Musalani’s (son).
14. 10
for Tarhunaza, the freeman.
Of the town Lower Tuna: 200 barley for PUGNUS-rimi. 16. 22 barley for Nana Huliya’s son. 17. 151 barley for Kurtiya and Kwazalani (two).
18. 150
for La and Papanali (two).
19. 150
for Ni and Kukuwa/i (two).
20. 150
for Hapira/i and Nu (two).
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
21. 22. 23.
60 50 40
“L.179” L.179 “L.179”-za
24. register 3 25. 26. 27.
20 42 8
[ ]L.179[ ] [ ]L.179[ ] “L.179”
nu-i[a] |CUM nu-ia |CUM-ni I wa/i+ra/i-pi-ia-miia-a
§ 5. 28. 29.
100 200
“L.179” “L.179”
la-ia ku+ra/i-ti-ia I TONITRUS-hu-tapi-ia-ia ku-ku-wa/i-ia I
|CUM-ni |CUM-ni |CUM-ni
wa/i-su-ma-ia DOMINUS-niza+ra/i-ma-ia I hu-li-ia-ia-a
|CUM-ni |CUM-ni |CUM-ni
REL+ra/i-muwa/i-ia-a I ku-wa/i-ia-a
la-lu/a/i-wa/isá-na I mu-wa/i-sá-na
REL+ra/i-na-zi-ia |CUM-ni
X.36. KULULU lead strip 1 Transliteration (cont.) reverse Section & entry
element 1: 2: 3: nemeral commodity ?
register 1 § 6. 35.
37. (blank) § 7. 38.
4: recipient(s)
6: 5: postposition/ qualification (a) patronym verb
[|]DAREmi-na TONITRUS-hu-na- [|]DAREza-ia mi-na I pu-la-i-ia |CUM-ni ha-ha-ia-a
|DARE-mi-na Iá-pa-ni-sa-na
[I]ki-ia-ki-sá-na |FRATER.LA-i
X.36. KULULU lead strip 1
21. 60 22. 50 23. 40
barley barley barley
for La Hani’s son. for Kurti, the WARALAZA. for Tarhuntapiya.
24. 40
for Kukuwa/i.
25. 20 26. 42 27. 8
barley barley barley
for Nu, of PUGNUS-rimi’s town. for Nu, the Kukisati. for War(a)piyami.
|za-k[a]-za(URBS) |pa+ra/i-zu?-mi-na-sa(URBS)
28. 100 29. 200
barley barley
30. 50
32. 100
33. 75
34. 75
for Wasuma, man of the town Zaka. for Nanizarma, of the town Parzumina. for Huliya Iyara/isa/i’s (son), of the town Parzumina. for Kukuwa/i Laluwi’s son, of the town Waratura/i. for Kwarimuwa Muwa’s (son), of the town Waratura/i. for Kuwa/i, from the town Haru(wa/i). for Kwarinazi, man of the town Aluwana.
Translation (cont.) reverse (b) status/ occupation
(c) town name
§ 6. 35.
to Haha (are) to be given.
to Tarhunaza (are) to be given.
for Pulai, of the town Tuna.
|á-na-tara/i-< > |tu-na-sa(URBS)
§ 7. 38.
|MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-⌈sá⌉na(URBS) |u-ha-zi+ra/i-sá(URBS)
… for Muwa brother of Kiyaki, the hunter(?) of Lower Tuna. for Tuwani, of Uramuwa’s town.
to Ruwati (are) to be given Apani’s (son), of the town Uhazira/i. for Nunu, Huliya’s son, of the town Tas(a)ku.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
(blank) register 2 (space erased) § 8. 45.
(space erased, uninscribed) register 3 (3 blank spaces) § 9. 47. 48. 49.
40 20 40
L.179-za 20 ⌈“L.179”⌉ [ ]L.179[ ]
50. 51.
40 50
[ ]L.179[ ]-za “L.179”
52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
20 20 20 20 20 20
“L.179”-z[a] “L.179”-za “L.179”-za “L.179”-za “L.179”-za “L.179”-za
59. 60.
10 80
“L.179”-za “L.179”
ta-ta-ia I ku-ia-ha 2 I [ ]hu-li-ia-ia
|CUM-ni |CUM-ni
ku-ku-[wa/i]-ia [?]si-[…] I ha-pi+ra/i-i[a]
wa/i-su-ma-[ia] ha+ra/i-ha+ra/iia-ia I ku-li-ia I ha-ia I wa/i+ra/i-pa-si-ia I DEUS-ni-ia I ha-su-ia I nu-nu-ia I
TONITRUS-huna-za-sá-na |FRATER.LA-i
|CUM-ni |CUM-ni |CUM-[ni] |CUM-ni |CUM-ni |CUM-ni |CUM-ni
za+ra/i-ma-ia(-) |CUM-ni ni-ia I la-ia |CUM-ni I tu-na-sa-na(URBS) |DARE-mi-na |á-na-ia I ha+ra/i-ha+ra/i- |ia-ia DARE-mi-na I TONITRUS-hu-na- |CUM-ni za-ia |SUPER+ra/i-li |CU[M-ni] ?! |tu-na-sa(URBS ) I
PUGNUS-ri+i-misá-na I ha-ni-sa-na I
X.36. KULULU lead strip 1
for Huliya Nanimuta’s son, in the town Tapa. for Huliya, … .
for Huliya, Tarhunaza’s brother.
§ 8. 45.
for Tata and Ku (two), men of the town Zaka. for Huliya Sunatiyami’s (son), of Uramuwa’s town.
§ 9. 47. 48. 49.
40 20 40
barley barley barley
50, 51.
40 50
barley barley
52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
20 20 20 20 20 20
barley barley barley barley barley barley
59. 60.
10 80
barley barley
for La Hani’s son. to the town Tuna’s mother (are) to be given. to Hahariya (are) to be given.
for Tarhunaza Tata’s (son).
for the town Upper Tuna.
|á-⌈sa?-tara/i?⌉(-) MAGNUS+ ra/i?-ia
|MAGNUS+ ra/i-ia-li
tu-na-sá(URBS) tu-na-sá(URBS) tu-na-sá(URBS) tu-na-sá(URBS)
to Kukuwa/i. to Si … . for Hapira/i, the URIYALI, of the town Tuna. to Wasuma/i. for Harhariya. for Kuli. for Ha, of the town Tuna. for Warpasi. for Masani, of the town Tuna. for Hasu, of the town Tuna. for Nunu Kukuwa/i’s son, of the town Tuna. for Zarmayani PUGNUS-rimi’s son.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
X.36. KULULU lead strip 2 Transliteration Section element & entry 1: 2: numeral commodity (sheep) obverse § 1. 1. 32 2.
(OVIS) ha-wa/i-na OVIS-na
3. 4. 5. 6.
140 40 30 30
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
20 20 20 40 20
3: donor
4: recipient(s)
5: verb/postposition
mara/i+ra/i-sà-ta-ia |pi-ia-i
7 ta-ru-ti |DARE-mi-na nu-nu-ia 3 tara/i-pa-la-za I ku-li-ia I tu-mi-si-ia-ha I tu-tu-ia-ha |DARE-mi-na I ma-mi-ia I nu-nu-i[a] I sa-ta-nu-ia 4 la-hi-na-la-za 2 hu-hu+ra/i-pa+ ra/i-ia-za I
6: qualification (a) uncertain (b) status/occupation (c) town-name
|ku-ki-sà-ta-za |REL-za (a) |wa/i-si-i |á-sà-ha-ia-la+ra/i-ti (URBS) (c) |MAGNUS+ra/i-ia-li (b)
|zú-na-wa/i+ra/i-za |ta-ma-ru-na |wa/i-tara/i |u-za-ka-li
(c) (a) (b) (b)
§ 2. 12. 100
5 ta-ru-ti-i
|mu+ra/i-ti-ia-sá (URBS)
reverse 13. 13
REL-sà-i-ia I pa-lu/a/i-zi-ia-ha
zú-na-wa/i-da-za (URBS)
§ 3. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
5 ta-ru-ti 2 hú+ra/i-na-la-za 2 la-hi-na-la-za 3 ta-ru-da-za |ta-REL+RA/I-da-a |pi-ia-ti |á-sa-i-la+ra/i-ti |u-sa-ti (URBS) I á-ti-wa/i+ra/i-mi-ia |CUM-ni
[|] ti-wa/i+ra/i-li-⌈ia⌉ (URBS) (c)
100 20 20 141 15 14
20. 200
|á-ha-ti-ku-ku+ra/i-za (URBS) (c) |á-ru-sa-li-ia (URBS) (c) |sa5+ra/i-ku-na (a) |sa5+ra/i-ku-na-la
Translation § 1. 1. 2.
32 68
sheep sheep
4. 5.
40 30
Muwahi Lali
to Ni to Marasata
gives. gives
to 7 statues
sheep sheep
to Nunu to 3 “substitutes”.
(are) to be given
because he will WASI for the KUKISATIs. from Asahayalara. the URIYALI.
X.38. KULULU lead fragment 1
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
20 20 20 40 20
(men of?) Zunawada.
sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep
to Kuli and Tumisi (are) to be and to Tutu given, to Mami to Nunu to Satanu to 4 LAHINALI’s. to 2 HUHURPARI’s.
§ 2. 12. 100
to 5 statues
of the town Mur(a)ti.
13. 20
to Kwisai and Paluzi,
(men of? the town) Zunawada.
100 20 20 141 15 14
sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep
in the town Tiwarali.
20. 200
to 5 statues to 2 hunters(?). to 2 LAHINALI’s. to 3 statues to … from the town Asailara for Atiwarimi
§ 3. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
they give they bring
in order to TAMAR. the cup-bearer(?). the UZAKALI.
(of? the town) Ahatikurkura. in the town Arusali. in order to SARK … . the SARKUNALA.
X.38. KULULU lead fragment 1 Transliteration side i, element 1:
register 1, 1.
[|]pi-ia-i 131
á-mara/i+ra/iMAGNUS+ra/i-sá I REL+ra/i-na-zi-sá
register 2, 4. 5. 6.
27 97 69
[…] na-i-sá I pi-ia-[…
[p]i-[ia]-i 27 |pi-ia-i 97 … ] 69
register 3,
sheep Masani gives sheep Amar(a)ura gives sheep Kwarinazi [gives] sheep [… gives] sheep Nai gives sheep Piya[sarma gives]
side ii register 1, 1. 2.
21 25
pi-ia-za pi-ia-za
3. register 2, 4. 5.
25 [x 55
pi-ia-za pi-ia]-za pi-ia-[za
6. 7.
20 28
pi-ia-za pi-ia-za
DEUS-ni-sa á-mara/i+ra/iMAGNUS+ra/i-sá REL+ra/i-na-zi-sa I na-i-sá I p]i-ia-SARMA+RA/I+MIma-sa I ha-mi-ia-sá-a [… ] I I
21 25
“gift(s)” “gift(s)”
(of?) Masani (of?) Amaraura
25 4 55
“gift(s)” [x “gif]ts” “gift(s)”
(of?) Kwarinazi (of?) Nai (of?) Piyasarma
20 28
“gift(s)” “gift(s)”
(of?) Hami(ya) […]
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
register 3, 8.
(erased) |á-na-ti-sá
|ku-ki-s[à]-t[i-… ]
(of?) anati (“mother”?) of the kukisati
X.39. KULULU lead fragment 3 Transliteration element 1: 1. …] 2. 400(?) 3. ⌈220⌉(?) 4. ⌈100⌉(?) 5. 170(?)
2: CUM-ni [x?] na “L.179”-za ⌈“L.179”⌉-za [… ] “L.179”
3: hi+ra/i ia? REX-ti a-ta-sà-sa tara/i-pa-la-za
hi+ra/i-ni-a |hi+ra/i-ni
DARE-mi-na |DARE-mi-na |DARE-mi-na [… m]i […
X.40. KULULU lead strip 3 (+ frag. 2) Transliteration side i register 1
… […]
: [1] DOMUS-z[a] : 4 VIR-zi
nu-nu-sa : 1 DOMUS-za
ha-nuwa/i-sá I ta-sá I
register 2
: 1 VIR-ti-sa : 2 FEMINA
: 1 BOS-sa
[… ]
: 3 BOS
(Of?) Nunu
: 5 VIR-sa
: 2 FEMINA-zi
(Of?) Hanu(wa)
: 1 DOMUS-za
: 3 VIR
(Of?) Ta
la-hi-ia-sá : 1 DOMUS-za
side ii register 1
: 1 DOMUS-za
register 2
: 3 VIR-ti-zi : 2 FEMINA-ti-sa
(Of?) Lahi(y)a
: 6? VIR-⌈zi?⌉ : 9 FEMINA-sa
(Of?) Tarpami
(blank space) (erased)
(erased) tara/i-pami-sá (erased) (erased)
: 1 DOMUS-za
: 1 house : 4 men : 2 women : 1 ox : 1 house : 1 man : 2 women : 3 oxen : 1 house : 5 men : 2 women : 1 house : 3 men : 2 women : 1 house : 3 men : 2 women
: 1 house : 6 men : 9 women
X.44. BOR
X.41. NİĞDE 1 Transliteration
za-wa/i SCALPRUM-su-na sa-ru-wa/i-ni-sá i-zi-i-da á-pa-sa tara/i-sá
This stone Saruwani made (as) his statue.
X.42. ANDAVAL Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3
3. 4.
§ 4 § 5
EGO [… s]a-ru-[w]a/i-ni-sa IUSTITIA-wa/i-ni-sa na-hiti-ia-wa/i-ni-sá(URBS) DOMINUS-ia-sa wa/i-mu |wa/i+ra/i-[pa]-si-sá […-s]a | | […] x ⌈a⌉-wa/i (TERRA+LA+LA)wa/i-li-ri+i-da-ti |REL ARHA (PES)u-sa-wa/i a-wa/i |(EQUUS)á-zú-wa/i-za za-ti la-pa-ni-wa/i |wa/i-ma-da x-[…]-ta [… | | …] x […] ARHA […] (figure) wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i-ha [… | | …] |MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-[…
I (am) [S]aru[w]ani the righteous, the lord of the city Nahitiya. And I [was] s WARPASI [king](?). And when(?) I shall bring (it) out of the plains, I shall “salt-lick” the horseherd here, and (for) me it/they [… …] and … […] …] make great […
X.43. İVRİZ 1 Transliteration A1. 2. 3.
§ 1 § 2
B1–2. § 3 3. C. § 4
za-wa/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-u?!-za-sa MAGNUS+ra/i-za-sa | | wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i-si-sa wa/i-tu LONGUS?(-)da-ia| |(-)sa-ha-na PONERE-tu-u?! za-wa/i tara/i-sà wa/i+ra/i-pa| |-la-wa/i-sa HEROS | | i+ra/i-ia-za (CAPERE+SCALPRUM)REL+za-da-pa-wa/i-na ti-iama+ra/i-tu-sa wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i-sa(-x?) wa/i-sa […
This (is) the great Tarhunza of Warpalawa. For him let him/them put long(?) SAHANA(?)/longness(?). This (is) the image of Warpalawa the Hero … or: This image Warpalawa the Hero … Tiyamartu, Warpalawa’s de[ar(?) …], carved it …
X.44. BOR Transliteration 1. 2.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3 § 4
§ 5
(EGO…) |wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i-sa |tu-wa/i-na-wa/i-nisa(URBS) |REX-ti-sa |IUSTITIA-ni-sa |HEROS-li-i-sa-a […] x [… | | …] (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sá |wa/i-mu-u |ku-ma-na |DOMUS-na-sa |INFANSni-sa |á-sa-ha-a |a-wa/i | | |za-a (“VITIS”)tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà-za |á-mu-u-a PONERE-u-ha |za-ha-wa/i-a (VITIS)tu-wa/i+ra/i-si-na |(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-na [… | | …] |wa/i-su |PES2.PES2(-)da-ia
Translation I (am) Warpalawa, Tuwana’s king, the righteous, the Hero, [Muwa-]ha[rani(?) the righteous’s(?)] son. While I myself was the son of the house, I myself planted this vineyard, and this Tarhunza of the Vineyard [I set up]. [For me he] will walk well,
282 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 6
|wa/i-ma-sa-ta-a za+ra/i-i | | […-s]u-u […-w]a/i-ri+i [… (?) | | …]-i |(“ANNUS”)u-si-i | | § 7 |wa/i-mu-u 1(×)CENTUM ti-wa/i-[ta]-l[i-s]a [… | | … ti-wa/i]-ta-li-sa |ma-tu-sà § 8 |REX-wa/i| |-ta-ha-wa/i |REL-ti |“ANNUS[” … § 9 …] p[a-d]a-za |SUB-na-na-a | | |PONERE-u-ta (DE[US) TONI]TRUS[… 11. § 10 … | | …] |PES2-[…] § 11 |wa/i-mu[…] |(LONGUS)⌈a⌉+[ra/i]-ia |ha-li-i pi-pasa-tu (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sa
and here in [which] year he will [come] well for me, to me (there shall be) 100 measures [of … … 100(?) mea]sures of wine. The year in which I became(?) king, [in that year the enemies] beneath my feet he put, (did) Tarhunza. [… and to me may he grant long days, (may) Tarhunza!
X.45. BULGARMADEN Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2 § 3 § 4
§ 5 § 6
§ 7
§ 8 § 9 § 10 § 11
§ 12 § 13 § 14 § 15 § 16 § 17
á-mu-wa/i-mi-i |TONITRUS-hu-na-(LITUUS)á-za-sá-a |IUSTITIA-ni-sa |TONITRUS-hu-wa/i+ra/i-L.273-sa |(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sá |wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i-si-sa |REX-ti-sa |HEROS-ti-i-sá |IUSTITIA-ni-sa SERVUS-la/i-sa |a-wa/i-ta |á-mi-i |DOMINUS-ni-i | | wa/i+ra/i-pa-lawa/i-ia-a |REX-ti-i |(“BONUS”)wa/i-sà-za-ha wa/i-mu-u (DEUS)MONS-ti-na |mu-ti-na |pi-ia-ta |wa/i-ma-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za (DEUS) ku-AVIS-pa-pa-sa-ha |pa+ra/i-na ARHA |la+ra/i-ta |wa/i-ta-a |tara/i-zi-ha |a-wa/i REGIO-ni |PRAE-i-ha |zí-ra/i-la-mi-i | | |(“SCALPRUM.ARGENTUM”)su-ha-pa-na-ti |ta-ta-ha |á-mi-ti |IUSTITIA-na-ti |á-mi-ia-ti-ha-a |ha-da-sà-tara/ima-ti |“L.463(3)”-i-sa-pa-wa/i |(DEUS)CERVUS3-ti-ia-sáti-i |(BONUS)wa/i-sa5+ra/i-ti-i |á-mi-i |DOMINUS-ni-i ⌈(LEO)⌉hwi/a-sa5+ra/i-a |pa(+ra/i?)-ti-i u-ta-ti-na-ha-a |á-mi-ha-wa/i-ta-a |DOMINUS-ni-na wa/i+ra/i-pa-lawa/i-na-a |w[a/i-s]u-u | | u-sa-nu-sá-ha |á-p[a]-sa-pa-wa/i-mu-u |(“ASINUS”)tara/i-ka-sa-niia-za (L.94)za-la-la |(“ARGENTUM.DARE”)pi-ia-ta-a |hwi/a-sa-pa-wa/i-ti-i mu-ti-ia (DEUS)MONS-ti |ha-⌈zi⌉-ia-ni-sá-a |⌈i-zi⌉-ia-ti-i a-wa/i |TONITRUS-hu-na-(LITUUS)á-za-sa-za-a DEUS-na-za |“OVIS”-ru-pi |sa5-sa5+ra/i-la-i |“ANNUS”-na ANNUS-na | | wa/i-ru-ta |mu-ti-ia-wa/i-ni-zi DEUS-ni-zi |wa/i-su-u |PES-wa/i-i |za-pa-wa/i-ta-a |“CAPERE”-ma-z[a] hwi/a-sa |ARHA-a |ha+ra/i-ri+i |á-pa-⌈x⌉ CAPUT-ti-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-z[a?] DEUSni-zi-ha |ARHA |“DELERE”-nú-tu |(DEUS)LUNA+MI-pa-wa/i-na |ha+ra/i-tu (DEUS)ni-ka-ru-ha-sa-pa-wa/i-na AR[HA] EDERE-t[u] (DEUS)ku-pa-wa/i-na “XX”-tu-i
Translation I (am) Tarhunaza the righteous, Tarhuwarpu(?)’s son, servant of Warpalawa, the King, the Hero, the righteous. To my lord Warpalawa the King I was dear, and to me the divine mountain Muti he gave, and for me Tarhunza and Kubaba prospered it. I turned, and in front of the … land I TATA-ed … by my justice and by my HADASTRAMA(?).
By the favour of the god Runtiyas of the Field I UTATINA-ed the wild beasts there(?) for my lord. My lord Warpalawa I benefited well, and he sold to me carts for the mules. (He) who shall make himself governor for the divine Mount Muti, shall offer to Tarhunaza’s gods kurupi-sheep year (by) year, and for him (may) the Muti-ean gods come well. But (he) who shall smash this document, may Tarhunza and the gods destroy that person, may the Moon-God smash him, may Nikaruha eat him up, may Ku(baba) … him!
X.50. İVRİZ fragments 1–3
X.47. NİĞDE 2 Transliteration
za-wa/i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-na mu-wa/i-ha+ra/i[ni]-sa […]-⌈i?⌉-da |HEROS-sá (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-ti DEUS-na-ti (LITUUS)á-za-mi-sa REX-ti-sa wá/í+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i-si-sa IUSTITIA-ní-sa HEROS-ti-sa |(FILIUS)ní-mu-wa/i-za-sa
l. 1. l. 2. l. 3. l. 4.
This Tarhunza Muwaharani [ma]de(?), the Hero, the King loved by Tarhunza (and) the gods, the son of Warpalawa the righteous, the Hero.
X.48. PORSUK Transliteration 1.
§ 1
§ 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5 2.
EGO-mu-wa/i-mi |pa+ra/i-hwi/a+ra/i-sa8 |á-ti-sa |FILIUS-mu-wa/i-za-sá |nu-na-sa |(FILIUS.NEPOS) ha-ma-si-sa |wa/i-mu-ta |á-mi |DOMINUS-ni-sa |(DEUS)SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-sa BONUS-su-u |“PES”(-) wa/i-ma-ta |a-wa/i-mu-ta |REX-ti-zi |wa/i-su |“PES”(-)u-zama-ta |wa/i-mu-ta […] ma-sa-MAGNUS+ra/i-hi-sà-sá |REX-ti-sa |wa/i-su |“PES”-wa/i+ra/i |u-mi-i |EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-na-sa8 |MAGNUS+ra/iza-sa á-sa-ha | | […] zi+ra/i …
I (am) Parhwira, Ati’s son, Nuna’s grandson.
For me my lord Sarruma WAMA-ed well,
and for me the kings UZAMA-ed well, and for me Masaurhisa the King came well, I myself was Commander of the Army. …
X.49. VELİİSA Transliteration § 1 § 2
[…-z]a| |-sa-pa-wa/i-mu-ta wa/i-su |PES-wa/i-da wa/i-mu OMNIS-MI BONUS-na-wa/i-ia-a CUM-ni [i-zi]-ia-[ta …
[Tarhun]za(?) came well for me, and for me [he did] all good […
X.50. İVRİZ fragments 1–3 Transliteration Frag. 1 l. 1. …-n]a? x-ru […] ia […] ha […] x | | l. 2. |PRAE-[?]-pa-wa/i-m[u?] |u-ru […] ta […
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
Frag. 2 CAPERE+SCALPRUM-za+ra/i?-pa-wa/i-da (ras.?) LITUUS+na-ha-TONITRUS-hu-za-sá-a |(“SA4”)REL-na-na[la?-]sá I
(…) Naha-Tarhunza the KWANANALA carved (it).
Frag. 3 l. 1. l. 2.
…] PITHOS? [… …] za-[x?] |pa+ra/i-tu-hi-[x?]-na |VIA-wa/i-na |REL |a-ta |SOL? […
X.51. KEŞLİK YAYLA 1 No progress
XI. ASSUR letters XI.1 – 6. ASSUR letters a – g [[For hatura-, “health, well-being” in greetings formulae, see below p. 288]] Transliteration letter a 1. § 1
|á-sa5-za |REL-pa-ti-wa/i+ra/i-ia |ta-ka-sa-lasa-wa/i-i |(“LOQUI”)ha-ri+i-ti-i § 2 |sa-na-wa/i+ra/i |PUGNUS.PUGNUS-si § 3 |a-zu?-za-ha-wa/i-za |á-pi |ha-tu-ra+a § 4 |u-nu-ha-wa/i-tu-u-ta |u-za-ri+i ARHA-a | | pa+ra/i-ra+a-ha § 5 |wa/i-mu-i |ha-tu+ra/i-na |NEG2-a |ma-nu-ha |(“LOQUI”(-a))pu-pa-la-ta § 6 |NEG2-a-wa/i |tara/i-pa-i-mi-i-sa |za-na |a-pa-ha (“PES2”)a+ra/i-ta-a |ka+ra/i-mi-sà(URBS) § 7 (L.205)á-tu-ni-na-wa/i-mu |REL-za |NEG2-a |ma-nu-ha | | |VIA-wa/i-ni-ta § 8 |ARHA-ha-wa/i-mu-u |REL-ri+i MORI-ha-na § 9 |wa/i-mu-u |u-za+ra/i-i |(“L.476.L.311”)a-li-ia-ta § 10 |u-nu-ha-wa/i-mu-u (LEO)hwi/a-sá-na-ma-ia |ha-la+ra/i-la |L.472(-)ma-i-sa5+ra/i-zi-i 3-zi-i |nipa-wa/i | | 4-zi |(“L.78”)a-ru-ti-zi |(“LEPUS”)ta-pa-sàla-ia-a |(“L.286.L.317”)wa/i-ara/i-ma |VIA-wa/i-ni-i § 11 |(“FEMINA?”)sà-nu-ta-sa-ha-wa/i-mu |(L.187) zú-mi-la-zi-i 50 VIA-wa/i-ni § 12 |ha-ti-ia-pa-wa/i-mu |(“L.286.L.317”)wa/i+ra/i-ma-a |za-ia |VIA-wa/i-ni
Say to Kwipatiwari, Taksala speaks: you shall keep(?) well! (Are) we ourselves to write back? Now I missed you by your (letter). You by no means replied to me a letter. Did not Tarpami come now and then to Kar(ka)mis? (Goedegebuure: “from here to there”) Why did you (he?) by no means send me the ATUNI? (As for) me, as (if) I(?) had died, you alienated me from your (presence). Now send me HWISNAMAYA HALARALA, MASARA’s 3 or 4 baskets, urgent(?) demands(?),
and send me fifty ZUMILA’s of SANUTA. Send me these special demands(?)!
XI.1 – 6. ASSUR letters
letter b 1. § 1
|á-sa5-za |DOMUS-ni-wa/i+ra/i-ia |ta-ka-sa-lasa-wa/i-a § 2 |sa-na-wa/i+ra/i-i |PUGNUS.PUGNUS-si § 3 |á-mu-ha-wa/i-mu |á-pi |ha-tu-ra+a § 4 |u-nu-i-pa-wa/i-mu |1-ti-na |za-na |(“LOQUI”) ma-ra+a-ti-na |CUM-ni |i-zi-ia-a § 5 |a-wa/i | | |á-pi |ku-ru-pi |REL-ia |(“L.286.L.317”)(-a)wa/i-ra+a-ma |LEPUS-pa-sà-la-ia |ARHA-a |(“L.69”)sa-ha-na § 6 |wa/i-ra+a |(“L.69”)ha+ra/i-za § 7 |wa/i-ma-ra+a |ARHA-i |VIA-wa/i-ni § 8 |(“CANIS”)zú-wa/i-ni-zi-ha-wa/i |a-pa-zi |RELri+i-a |a-sa-ti § 9 |a-wa/i |2-zi-i | | |sa-na-wa/i-i-zi (“L.481”)wa/i+ ra/i-mu-ta-li-zi |PUGNUS-ri+i-a § 10 wa/i-mu-u |VIA-wa/i-ni
letter c 1. § 1 § 2 § 3 2.
§ 4 § 5
|u-zu?-za| |-wa/i-ma-za |ha-tu-ra+a |á-pi-ha-wa/i-tu-u-ta |ni-i-a ARHA-a |ma-nu-ha pa+ra/i-ra+a-wa/i § 6 |á-pi-ha-wa/i-mu-ta |NEG2-a |REL-ha-na |u-siti-sa § 7 |wa/i-mu-ta |(L.187)tu-wa/i-i-za |REL-za |u-si-ti-sà | | § 8 |wa/i-mu-u |10 ha-sà-pi-na |100-ha-wa/i-mu “(L.187)zú”-mi-la-a-na |VIA-wa/i-ni § 9 (“LEPUS.ANIMA”)ta-pa-sà-la-ia-ha-wa/i |(L.286.L.317)wa/i-ra+a-ma-i |REL-ta-ha LITUUS+ na-ti-sà 4-zi | | |ni-pa-wa/i |5-na-a |(“L.78”)a-ru-ti-na § 10 wa/i-mu-u |VIA-wa/i-ni § 11 |ha-la+ra/i-la-ha-wa/i-mu-u |sa-na-wa/i-ia |VIA-wa/i-ni
letter d 1. § 1
|á-sa5-za-wa/i |ka-ka-ia |REL-si-si-ti-mi-ha |ta-ka-sa-la-sa-wa/i (“LOQUI”-a)ha-ri+i-ti |á-pi-wa/i-za |ha-tu-ra+a |á-lá/í-mí-sa-sa-ha-wa/i+ra/i
§ 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6
|á-sa5-za-wa/i |[DOM]US-ni-L.375-[…]-ia-i [|ta]-kasa-i-[la-s]á-wa/i [|(“LOQ]UI”)ha-ri+i-ti-a |sa-na-wa/i+ra/i |PUGNUS.PUGNUS-si |sa-pi-su+ra/i-ha-wa/i-ri+i |á-zu?-a-za-ha-i-wa/i-za |á-pi ha-tu-ra+a | | |wa/i-za |NEG2-a |REL-ha-na |ha-tu+ra/i-na-i |ha-tu-ra+a-i |u-nu-pa-wa/i-mu-u |sa-na-wa/i-i-i-zi-i |(“L.91”) á-tu-ti-zi |(VIA)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ni
Say to Parniwari, Taksala : you shall keep(?) well! (Am) I myself to write back? But now do this first/one order for me: the KURUPI’s which I left behind, urgent(?) demands(?), lay hold of them, and send them out to me! And if there are those dogs (to you), raise/pick two good WARMUTALI’s and send (them) to me!
Say to Kaka and Kwisisitimi, Taksala speaks: (Are) we to write back? It (is) (of) ALAMI(SA)-! (Rieken, Yakubovich: “You (sing.) (are) …”) You yourselves (are) to write. Let me by no means miss you again, and again you bring me nothing! Why do you bring me TUWI(N)ZA? Send me ten HASPI and a hundred ZUMILA, and, urgent(?) demands(?), wherever you see four or five baskets, send (them) to me, and send me good HALARALA!
Say to Parni-… […], [Ta]ksa[la] speaks: You shall keep well, and peace (be) to you! (Are) we ourselves to write back? We (are) to write no letter! Now send me good ATUTI’s,
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 7
|L.472(-)ma-sa5+ra/i-zi-ha-wa/i-mu! |(VIA)ha+ra/iwa/i-ni § 8 |“SCUTUM”(-)ha+ra/i-ti-ha-wa/i-mu | | |hara/ili-na |sa-na-wa/i- zi-na-i |VIA-wa/i-ni § 9 |DOMINUS-ni-wa/i |(L.91)za-la-la-si-na |REL-ti-sàmi-na-i |(VIA)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ni § 10 |ni-wa/i-mu-i |á-pi |NEG2-a |VIA-wa/i-ni-si |
letter e 1. § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6 § 7
§ 8 § 9 § 10
§ 11 § 12
§ 13 § 14 § 15 § 16 § 17 § 18 § 19 § 20 § 21 § 22 § 23
§ 24 § 25
§ 26
|á-sa5-za [|]pi-ha-mi |hara/i-na-wa/i-za-sa-wa/i (“LOQUI”-a)ha-ri+i-ti [|]sa-pi-su+ra/i-wa/i-a-ti |u-sa-ta-mu-ti-sà-ha-wa/i-a |ha-tu+ra/i-a |a-zu?-za-ha-wa/i-za |á-pi |ha-tu-ra+a |wa/i-za |NEG2-a |REL-i-ha |ha-tu+ra/i-na |ha-tu-ra+a |wa/i-ma-za |u-zu?-za |ha-tu-ra+a |a-sa-ta-ni |a-wa/i |á-pi |u-zi-na |REL-i |ha-tu+ra/i-na |AUDIRE+MI-ta-ra+a-nu |wa/i-za |á-pi |a-zu?-za-ha |ha-tu+ra/i-a | | ni-pa-wa/i-na |á-mu |REL-za |i-zi-ia-wa/i |á-mi-na |za-na |ha-tu+ra/i-na |(COR)na-hu-ti-zi-wa/i-mu |za-zi |INFANS-ni-zi |REL-i |(“L.460”)á-sa-ta-ri+i |(“COR”)ta-wa/i-sà-tati-ha |su-ti-ri+i-ti |ha+ra/i-ta-ti-ha |PRAE-na |ARHA-a |(MORI)wa/i-wa/i-ri+i-ta-ti |REL-i-sà-wa/i-sa |á-mi-sa |ha-tu-a-sa |u-nu-ha-wa/i-ma-za-ta |ní-i |ma-nu-ha |ARHA-a (“COR”)pa+ra/i-ra+a-ia |DOMINUS-ni-i |a-za-ia-ha-a |sa-na-wa/i-ia |wa/i-za-i |ni-i |ARHA |(“L.69”)sa-tu-i |ni-pa-wa/i-mu | | ARHA-a |MORI-nu-i |á-lá/í-wa/i-za |REL-sà-ha |a-sa-ti |NEG2-wa/i-ma-za-a [|]u-zu?-za |á-lá/í-ha-wa/i-ma-za |u-zu?-za |(L.179.L.347.5)wa/i-sà-pa-ha-wa/i-mu |FEMINA-ti-na-i |VIA-wa/i-ni-i |zi-pa-wa/i-na |(“L.69”)sa-na-tu |wa/i-na-a |L.187(-)wa/i-ia-ni-tu |DOMINUS-ni-ha-wa/i L.179.L.347.5 |sa-na-wa/i |a-ta-i |PUGNUS-ri+i-i |a-wa/i |OMNIS-MI-za |CUM-ni |PONERE-u |a-ta-ha-wa/i-a |L.179(-)REL-la-ia-na-na |sa-na-wa/i-zi-na-a |L.179(-)sà-lu/a/i-ma-sa-ha-wa/i |VIA-wa/i-ni a-wa/i |FLUMEN.DOMINUS-ia | | (“PES2”)pa-tu |a-wa/i-wa/i-mu-ta |“L.198”(-)ki+ra/ira+a-za |L.317.CRUS2-pa-sa-za-ha |SUPER+ra/i-ha |“LONGUS”(-)ia-ti-na-ia |L.308-mi-sa-ha-wa/i-mu-i L.351.L.406-ia-sa5+ ra/i-za
and send me MASARI’s, and send me a HARATI-shield (as) a good shield! For the lord send an approved chariot-thing! (or: Send an approved chariot-lord!) Don’t not send (these) back to me!
Say to Pihami, Haranawiza speaks: Peace (be) to you! And do you USATAMU- to/for a letter/writing? (Are) we ourselves to write again? We (are) to write no letter, (it is) you yourselves (who) are to write! Hear your sort of letter back! (Are) we ourselves to write again, or why do I make it, this letter of mine? For me these NAHU(N)TI children—they shall PARAN ARHA WAWARITA-(them?) by ASATA- and SUTIRI- of the eyes(?) and HARATA. What (is) it, my letter? Now let the lord’s and our goods by no means miss you, and do not let them leave us out, nor (do you) let me die. Whoever (is) ALA to us, you yourselves (are) not, you (are) ALA for yourselves! Send me a woman’s garment, From here let them SAN it, and let them WIYANI it! For the lord pick up also a garment well, and put all together, and additionally send good KWILAYANA, also SALUMASA, and let them go to the river-lord! Come, he (-)YATINA’s me concerning KIRARI’s and … -PASA’s, (to) me …,
XI.1 – 6. ASSUR letters
§ 27 |zú+ra/i-wa/i-za-ha-i-wa/i-mu-u |L.317-ni-za |VIA-wa/i-ni § 28 |hi-pa+ra/i-wa/i-ni-ha-wa/i-za |INFANS-ni-na VIA-wa/i-ni-i § 29 |L.198(-)ki+ra/i-ti-zi-wa/i |L.317.CRUS2-pa-sa-ha REL-i-sà (LITUUS)u-ni-ti § 30 |INFANS-ni-ha-wa/i-mu |tu-wa/i-na CUM-ni L.77-ti-sa § 31 |PRAE-wa/i |á-mu |na-wa/i-a |REL-na |REL-sà-ha-a (LITUUS)u-ni-ti letter f+g f 1. § 1 § 2 § 3 § 4 § 5 § 6
§ 7 f 2.
§ 8 § 9 § 10 § 11 § 12 § 13 § 14 § 15
f 3.
§ 16
§ 17 § 18
§ 19 § 20 § 21 f 4.
§ 22 § 23 § 24
|á-sa5-za |i-ia-mi |ma-mu-ti-ha |ta-ka-sa-lasa-wa/i-i |ma-mu-sa-ha |(“LOQUI”)ha-ti-i-ti |sa-pi-su+ra/i-a-wa/i-ma-za |a-zu?-a-za-ha-wa/i-za |á-pi |ha-tu-ra+a |a-wa/i |“COR”(-)na-hi-zi “COR”(-)la+ra/i-hi-ri+i-iazi-ha |PRAE-i |(PONERE)sà-ti-nu-i |wa/i-za-a |na-a-pa |a-su-nu |“L.473”(-)hi-sà-wa/i |(BRACCHIUM)hu-mi+ ra/i-ha |zi-ku-na-ti |ARHA |wa/i-la-mi-na-a |PUGNUS. PUGNUS-nu |“L.476”-wa/i-pa-wa/i (“L.476.L.311”)hi-ru-ra+a-ti-i |ARHA |wa/i-la-u-ta | | |su-ti-ri+i-na-wa/i-a |ha+ra/i-ta-ha |PRAE-i (PONERE)sà-ti-nu-a |REL-sà-a-wa/i-sa-a |a-zi-sa |ha-tu-ra+a-sa |u-nu-pa-wa/i-za |NEG2-a |tu-wa/i-ri+i |ha-tura+a |wa/i-ri+i-i |ku-ma-na |ha-tu-ra+a |wa/i-za |ni-i-a |ma-nu-ha |ARHA-a |(“L.69”)sa-si-i ni-pa-wa/i-mu |(“SIGILLUM”)hwi/a-pa-sa-nu |á-lá/í-wa/i-za |REL-sà-ha |a-sa-ti |wa/i-tu-u-ta |ni-i-a |ma-nu-ha |(“L.356”)⌈REL-zú⌉[…] |2 […] |[…]-z[a/i … | | [|á]-pi-[ha-wa/i]-a [|…]-la-[…](URBS) [|]á-pa-ti |INFANS-ni-i |ha+ra/i-na-i-na |CUM-ni-a |L.77-ha-a |tu-u |VERSUS-na |wa/i-na |ni-i |REL-sà-ha LITUUS+na-ri+i-a |pa+ra/i-la-ri+i-|!ha-wa/i-tu-u |(“L.205”)á-tu-nari+i |REL-na-a |(“L.69”)wa/i-za-na |(“L.69”)wa/i-ziha-na |wa/i-za |OMNIS-MI-za |“VIA”-wa/i-ni |á-pi-wa/i-za-a |NEG2-a |REL-ha-na |a-sa-ti |á-pi-ha-wa/i-za |ASINUS.ANIMA-na-zi |a-pa-zi |ARHA-a |MORI-ta | | |u-nu-pa-wa/i-tu-u |(ASINUS2.ANIMA)tara/i-ka-sani-sa |REL-ri+i |a-sa-ti wa/i-mu-u |VIA-wa/i-ni |a-wa/i-wa/i |(“PES”)pa+ra/i-ri+i |ARHA-a |(“PES2”)a+ra/i-wa/i
and send me Tyrean … -NI(N)ZA, and send us the Hiparawani child, who knows KIRADI’s and …-PASA’s. To me you pledge your child, whom before me no one shall know!
Say to Iyami and partner, Taksala and partner speak: Peace be to you! (Are) we ourselves to write back? Cause to put(?) forth NAHI’s and LARAHIRIYA’s, cause us good NAPA, cause to hold the WASINASAHI(?) and the HUMIRA dead from ZIKUNA— … they died from the curse— cause to put(?) forth SUTIRI and HARATA. What (is) it, our letter? Now we (are) not to write with you. Since you are to write, by no means abandon us, nor cause me harm. Whoever is ALA to us, let […] by no means heavy […] to you … two … . Further [in?] the city [A]la[wara?] I pledged HARNAI for that child in your presence. Let no one see her! The request which I requested to you by/with/from the PARLA- ATUNI, send (it) all to us! To us there remains nothing. Further, those donkeys have died on us. Now if there is a mule to you, send (it) to me! Come, shall I come out on foot?
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 25 |wa/i-ma-na |(VIA)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ni § 26 |á-pi-wa/i-ma-na |ni-i-a |NEG2-a |VIA-wa/i-ni-si § 27 |á-pi-ha-wa/i-za |(L.420)wa/i-sa-ha-sa |REL-za |VIA-wa/i-ni-ta § 28 |wa/i-za |á-pi 4-zi-i |ka-mara/i+ra/i-zi |i-sa-u-ta § 29 |wa/i-za-ta |“COR”-ta-ni |POST-na-a L.480-ia g “3”. § 30 |PRAE-pa-wa/i-za-ta | | |NEG2-a |REL-sà-ha |“PES2”(-)wa/i-a-za-sa-ti § 31 |wa/i-za |ka-mara/i+ra/i-ra+a-na |REL-i-ha |VIA-wa/i-ni-i § 32 |ni-pa-wa/i-tu-u-a |NEG2-a ⌈|a⌉-sa-ti § 33 ⌈|a⌉-wa/i ⌈|á⌉-pi [|DOMUS]-ni-wa/i+ra/i-ia [|(X)] á-mu+ra/i-[?]-lu/a/i+ra/i-a ⌈|a⌉-sa-ti § 34 ⌈|wa/i⌉-tu-u-wa/i-na ⌈|CUM⌉-ni-a |i-ia-sa § 35 |wa/i-za-na |VIA-wa/i-ni-i § 36 |a-la-wa/i-ra+a-ti-ha-wa/i-mu(URBS) g “4”. |(“CORNU”)zú+ra/i-ni | | (BIBERE)u-na-sa |sa-nawa/i-ia |MAGNUS+ra/i-ia-a |VIA-wa/i-ni-i § 37 |á-pi-ha-wa/i-a |(“LEPUS”)ta-pa-sà-la-ia |(“L.286.L.317”)wa/i-ara/i-ma-a |ku-ru-pi |á-mi-i |a-tati |ARHA-a (“L.69”)sa-ha-na § 38 |á-pa-i-ia-pa-wa/i |DOMUS-ni-i |a-ta-ti ARHA-a |(“L.69”)sa-ha-a § 39 |wa/i-ra+a-i |(“L.69”)ha+ra/i-za § 40 |wa/i-ma-ra+a ARHA-a |VIA-wa/i-ni | | g “1”. § 41 |á-pi-wa/i-ra+a-i |11 (“L.78”)a-ru-ti-sá § 42 |ni-pa-wa/i+ra/i-i |NEG2-a |wa/i-mi-LITUUS-si § 43 |a-wa/i-i |LITUUS+na-ti-sa |REL-ta-ha |10 (“L.78”) a-ru-ti-na § 44 |wa/i-mu-u |VIA-wa/i-ni-i § 45 |á-pi-ha-wa/i+ra/i-ta |hara/i-na-wa/i+ra/i-sa |(“PANIS.SCUTELLA”)tu-ni-ka-ra+a-sa |ARHA-a |OCCIDENS(-)lu/a/i-si-ta § 46 |wa/i-na-a |(“L.69”)ha+ra/i-za g “2”. § 47 |wa/i-za-na ARHA-a | | |VIA-wa/i-ni-i § 48 |a-wa/i-wa/i-za |PANIS-ni-na-i |NEG2-a |a-sa-ti § 49 |REL-sà-wa/i-z[a] |pi-i[a …] |ha+ra/i-n[a?-…] § 50 |á-[…]-za-[…] (LITUUS)ti-[ia]-ri+i-[…] § 51 |wa/i-[ri+i]-ia-sa-ta |ni-i-i |ARHA-i |OCCIDENS(-) lu/a/i-i-si-ti-i § 52 |ti-ha-wa/i-za |tu-wa/i-na |INFANS-ni-na CUM-ni L.77-ti-sa wa/i-za LITUUS+na-ri+i § 53
(So) send it to me, don’t not send it back to me! Further, why did they send us WASHASA? Further they bought for us four KAMARA’s. After us in person … (them), but before us no one WAZASA’s (them). Send us any KAMAR(R)A, or (if) to you there is not (any), and there remains to [Par]niwari the AMURALURA, buy it from him, and send it to us! Also from the city Alawara send me horns of drinking, good (and) big! Further—urgent(?) demands(?)—I left behind KURUPI’s in my A(N)TATI, —I left those behind in the house(hold)’s A(N)TATIlay hold of them and send them out to me! Further, they (are) eleven baskets, or (if) you do not find them, wherever you see ten baskets, send (them) to me! Further, Haranawari the TUNIKARA has absented himself. Lay hold of him and send him over to us! Come, there is no bread for us, who will give us HARN[AI]? watch th[at (man)] for us, let him not absent himself! To us you pledge your child. She will see us.
[[Now W. Waal has proposed a plausible reinterpretation of the hatura- attestations: ZA 111 (2021), pp. 263–281. She identifies Hier. Luw. hatura- as cognate of Hitt. hadduli- “health, well-being”, and thus part of the standard greetings formulae. Further the recurring api in these attestations as a discourse marker “now”. And finally she takes (“L.205”)atuni- as the word for “letter, message”. Thus: ha-tu+ra/i- “health, well-being” (d § 5; e §§ 7, 11; f+g § 9) ha-tu-ra+a (dat. sing.) “in health, well-being” (a § 3; b § 3; c §§ 4, 5; e §§ 3, 4, 5, 6; f+g §§ 3, 10, 11]]
…] x x ⌈za? a?⌉ x x x[…] na? […] | | |(PES2.PES)tara/i-pa |(CRUS)ta-i § 2 ma-pa-wa/i-mu-ta |“PRAE?” “x.x”(-)sa5?+ra/i-ka?| |-za |i-zi-i-da 3. § 3 pa-sa-pa-wa/i-*a LOCUS(-)x-x-za |á-mi-i-s[a?] |x [… | | …] … (VACUUS)ta?-na-da-tu 4. § 4 |wa/i-tu-*a |?(“MALLEUS?”)á-hu?-li-na ARHA DELERE-nu-wa/i-tu (1. 5: no certainly identifiable sign except 3 word-dividers)
1. 2.
§ 1
[…] he shall stand for TARPA, whether(?) he has made … before(?) me, his place(?) may my … [… the god(?) …] devastate, and for him may he destroy the …!
XII.2. BOROWSKI 2 Transliteration …] x x |CAPERE2-da CAPUT-ti-sa |LEPUS+ra/i-ia-sa |[…] DOM[INUS?] DE[US … w]a/i […] EGO // EDERE // BIBERE(?) x […
l. 1. l. 2.
XII.3. BEIRUT stone bowl Transliteration 1.
§ 1 § 2
§ 3
EGO-mi-i i-ia-sá (DEUS)sà-ta-sa AMPLECTI-mi-sa SERVUS-la/i wa/i-mu á-mi-sá DOMINUS-ni-sa [(DEUS)]s[à-ta-sa … | | … pa-ti-pa-wa/i (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sá (DEUS)ku-AVIS-pa-pa-sá (DEUS)sà-ta-s[a]-h[a …
I (am) Iya, beloved servant of Santa. Me my lord S[anta … … against him [may] the gods Karhuha, Kubaba and Santa […
XII.4. ANKARA 1 Transliteration
§ 1 § 2
§ 3 § 4 § 5
… (A) …] | | […]-mi-zí […] na […] hi […]”(-)i ⌈x x⌉-sà […]ri+i-ta ⌈a⌉-wa/i […] ia […]-ti-ha [RE]X?-ti (B) […] x x x x […]ni-na […]-mi-sa […] x-sa [… (C?) … (D) ] ANIMA? […]-i-na […]-ha+ra/i […] | | |za-pa-wa/i-ta |(“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za |á-pi-i [… (C?) … … (B) …] (SA4)sa-⌈ni-ti⌉
Translation …
This stele … [… [or … ]shall overturn,
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
§ 6 § 7 § 8 § 9
|ni-pa-ta |za-ia mara/i+ra/i-ta |ARHA ⌈MALLEUS-i⌉ (A) |⌈wa/i-sà⌉ |ma-na |REX-ti-sá |ma-pa-sa |POST+ra/i-sa |CAPUT-ti-sa á-pa-ti-wa/i-ta(+ra/i?)-a | | ⌈REX?⌉-[ti] |CAELUM-sa[si]-i-z[i] |TERRA-RE[L+ra/i]-si-z[i] DEUS-n[i-zi] |wa/i-[la] |PE[S …] § 10 (B) |wa/i-[…] CAELUM.D[EUS? …] |CAELUM […] |[… (C?) … § 11 … (D) …] (DEUS)ku[+AVIS]-pa-pa-[sa] |L.464 […] |PES2.PES […
or shall erase these words, whether he (is) a king, or he (is) a lesser man, against that ki[ng?] may the heaven’s and the earth’s gods come badly, and the celestial god [Tarhunza(?) and] the celestial [god Sun(?)] … and … may] Kubaba TARPI HADAMA!
XII.5. İSTANBUL 1 (“ATHENS”) Transliteration
§ 1 § 2
(A) … s]a-wa/i-sa[…]mu Iá-na-sá […]-nu-ta […] x-ru-ta […] x-ha-su [… (B) …]-zi-i |ARHA […]-tu
§ 3 § 4 § 5 § 6
|(DEUS)ku-[…]-pa-sa-pa-wa/i […]-ra+a-sa [… w]a/i-ni-za á-ru […]-ma-ru-ti …] x-pa-wa/i [(C) …] mara/i+ra/i-sa[…]-i […] wa/i-na |ka-[…-s]a? |ha-[… [(D) … w]a/i-x COR?-ni-na […]-ha-a […]-pa-tu
§ 7
[z]a-pa-wa/i […]-za … […
… Ana caused to […] (to) me(?), […] for him … [the …]s (nom./acc.?) may he/they […] away, and Kubaba the … shall(?) … [the ste]le(?), and […] … shall(?) […], and him … […], and [for him(?)] may he/she/they [smi]te(?) the body and […], but this … […
XII.6. ALEPPO 3 Transliteration
§ 1 § 2
§ 3
§ 4 § 5
… …] la+x-[n]ú?-na DOMINUS-ní-sa (COR)za+ra/i-tiia-sá |sá-ta wa/i-tú-u ⌈SUB?⌉-na-[na … | | … …]-wa/i tá-ti-i |mi-i REL-zi “FINES”-hi-zi |za-la-na PONERE-MI-na s[á]-t[a … | | … [m]u-pa-[w]a/i-[n]a |SUB-na-da-wa/i-na SUB-naa-na-a |i-zi-i-há “CR[US2]+CRUS” […
…] to prosper(?) was of the lord’s heart(?), and [un]der him [… … which frontiers were to my father to put ZALAN … but I demoted him (as) a subordinate(?), …
XII.7. GAZİANTEP Transliteration
…] x […] x […] wa/i […] x | | REL-i-sa VERSUS-ia-na |PES-wa/i-i-ti-i [… | | (CAPERE+SCALPRUM)REL-za-da-pa-wa/i-da-ta li?-x x […
l. 1. l. 2. l. 3.
… … (he) who approaches … Li[…] carved it […
XII.8. ASMACIK Transliteration
l. 1. (no complete word, some signs possibly identifiable) ll. 1–2. ARHA| |-pa-wa/i-tu-wa/i-da-ta? REL-sa ⌈|CAPERE?-i⌉ … | | l. 3. … wa/i-tu-u? … tu-wa/i-ti wa/i-tu-tá-*a …
(He) who [takes?] it/them away … … and to him … they put, and to him …
XII.9. TÜNP 2 Transliteration l. 1. l. 2.
§ 1 § 2 § 3 § 4
l. 3.
(A) (B)
(A) (B)
… w]a/i […] na […] ha […] wa/i [… DOM]INUS? [… … x [… z]a? […] x […]-la-li-[z]i?-[… z]a? […| …] NEG2-a sá-si?-a a-wa/i |FEMINA?.IUSTITIA?-mi?-ni PURUS?-mi-ia-há PONERE-ha |[“]X+RA/I”(-)pi-pa-wa/i MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-wa/i-[…] |x x [… | | … …] x wa/i-mi-i[a?]-da-t[á?] |CASTRUM […] ha […] |x-za […
XII.10, 11. NINEVEH 1, 2 illegible
XII.12. GELB Transliteration Side A 1. § 1 2. § 2 § 3 3. § 4 4.
§ 5 § 6
…] DEUS-ní-sa-ti-i LEP[US … | | … t]á-[ti-ia]-za |(“LIGNUM”)sà+ra/i-ha-za pi-i-ta |a-wa/i [… || …]-sa(URBS) (DEUS)ku-AVIS-sá (DEUS)hara/i x-w[a/i-… | | …] CUM-ni (“CRUS”)ta-tú á-pa-sa-ha-wa/i-tá … ||
…] by divine authority [… …] they gave the father’s succession, and [… … Karkamisea]n Kubaba, the Har[an]ean god [… …] may he/they stand with […], and he […
292 Side B l. 1. l. 2. l. 3.
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
…] wa/i-mu-u [… || …] “CRUS+CRUS” [… || …] ARHA x x DELERE [… | |
…] and me [… …] follow [… …] destroy […
XII.13. ALİŞAR ostracon Transliteration
ha-tu-sà-mu-wa/i-s[a] […] x-ku-la-[…
XII.14. TRAGANA (LOCRIS) Transliteration
Translation (of?) Muwizi
XII.15. NIMRUD Translation
(of?) Santasarma(?)
XII.16. PERSEPOLIS Transliteration
(DEUS)MONS.REX pi-i-tá
(To?) the divine Mountain King he/they gave.
XIII. SEALS XIII.1. LİDAR bullae Transliteration
(Hieroglyphic) (A) (DEUS)TONITRUS (B) (REX)ku-zi/a-TASU-pa REX kar-ka-mi-sà(REGIO) (REX)TAL(A)-mi-TASU-pa REX kar-ka-mi-sà(REGIO) (C) (D) DEUS-ní-ti u-ni-mi-sa (x+)INFANS
Storm-God. Kuzi-Tešub, king of the land of Karkamis, son of Talmi-Tešub, king of the land of Karkamis, recognized by the god(s).
(Cuneiform) I ku-zi-Dte-šub LUGAL ⌈KUR⌉[kar]-ga-miš UR.SAG ⌈DUMU⌉ I⌈tal⌉-mi-[Dte-šub] LUGAL KUR kar-ga-⌈miš⌉ UR.SAG
Kuzi-Tešub, king of the land of [Kar]kamis, Hero, son of [Tal]mi-[Tešub], king of the land of Karkamis, Hero.
XIII.8. HOGARTH seal 1
XIII.2. MALATYA bulla (MALATYA 15) Transliteration
Runti(ya) king of the land of Ma(lizi).
XIII.3. ZİNCİRLİ signet Transliteration
Translation (of) Parakipa.
XIII.4. PORADA seal Transliteration
(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu (DEUS)ku+AVIS na-wa/i+ra/i-li-sa
Tarhu(nza) (and) foreign Kubaba
XIII.5. DELAPORTE seal Transliteration Top Base
(DEUS)ku-AVIS (DEUS)SOL u(?)-na(?)-sa(?)
Translation Kubaba (and) the Sun. Of Una(?)
XIII.6. BOROWSKI seal 1 Transliteration (DEUS)ku+AVIS (DEUS)SOL
Translation Kubaba (and) the Sun
XIII.7. NINEVEH seal Transliteration (DEUS)ku-AVIS
Translation Kubaba
XIII.8. HOGARTH seal 1 Transliteration (DEUS)ku+AVIS
Translation Kubaba
Part 3: Revised transliterations and translations
XIII.9. HOGARTH seal 2 Transliteration (DEUS)ku-AVIS
Translation Kubaba
XIII.10. GULBENKIAN seal Transliteration AVIS.(DEUS)ku
Translation Kubaba
XIII.11a – c. GELB seals Transliteration (a) (b) (c) l. 1. l. 2. l. 3.
za-wa/i SIGILLUM-za tá-mi-sa za-wa/i SIGILLUM-z x-sa5-hi za-wa/i (“SIGILLUM”)sa-sa-za ta-a-sa-pu-ni-sa DEUS hasu-sa SIGILLUM x x x
Translation This seal (is) of Tami. This seal (is) to? …sahi. This seal (is) of Taspuni …
XIII.12. NINEVEH bullae 1–7 Transliteration 1–3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Translation Seal of Tešuba [Seal of Tešu]ba Tarhu[…]
XIII.13. KHORSABAD bullae Transliteration
Translation Seal of Tešuba
XIII.14. BOROWSKI seal 2 Transliteration
Translation Haranapi(ya)
XIII.21. YALE seal
XIII.15. HOGARTH seal 3 Transliteration
XIII.16. DE CLERCQ seal Transliteration
Translation (of) Tuki.
XIII.17 – 18. DÜLÜK/GAZİANTEP seals Transliteration (DÜLÜK) ku-ki-sà-ti-sa (GAZİANTEP) (x) ku-ki-sà+ra/i-sa x
XIII.19. BOSSERT seal Transliteration AUDIRE+MI-sa (DEUS)SOL
Translation The famous Sun
XIII.20. VOLLENWEIDER Seal Transliteration
SPHINX (antithetic) LEO (antithetic)-sa
XIII.21. YALE seal Transliteration
Translation (of) Lawada.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I I. CILICIA I.1. KARATEPE 1 Peculiarities: see CHLI I/1, p. 67 f. (KARATEPE, The Syllab ary). Additionally: no initial-a-final, redundant -a relatively fre quent; á-mi- for mi-*a- (“my”), á-mu for mu-*a (“me”), á-sa/sá- for sa-*a- (“be”), á-pa- for pa-*a- (“that”)—note a-pa- for á-pa- (156, Ho), sá for á-sa- (195, Hu; 213, Hu); wa/i- for wa/i-*a-, connective, regular. Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 20–42. Excerpts. § V § VI § VII § XI § XIV § XV § XVI § XVIII § XXI
Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 325 (12). Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 468 f. (8). van den Hout, Fs Hawkins, p. 234 (1). van den Hout, Fs Hawkins, p. 236 ff. (8–9). Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 469 f. (11). Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 59 f. (50); Fs Součková, p. 468 f. (10). van den Hout, Fs Hawkins, p. 239 (11). Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 471 (15). Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 206 f. (6); Melchert, Fs Nowicki, pp. 134, 136 (8).
Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 167 f. (89). Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 81 (11). Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 467 (3). Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p. 157 (2). Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 466 (2). Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p. 157 (3). Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 202 (129); Weeden, WdO 48 (2018), p. 249. § LVIII Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 155 (76). § LIX Yakubovich, An. St. 65 (2015), p. 46 f.; MSS 70 (2016), p. 95 (21). § LX Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 167 (87). § LXIII van den Hout, Fs Popko, p. 185; Goede gebuure, VI ICH, p. 321 (3). §§ LXIII–LXIV Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 171 f. (90). § LXVIII Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 80 (8). §§ LXVIII–LXIX Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 54 f. (42). §§ LXXIV–LXXV Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 54 (40); Melchert, in Langue Poétique, p. 294.
Date. See KARATEPE: the re-dating and the end of the Hier oglyphic tradition (below).
Commentary § I.3–4. Hier. (DEUS)SOL-mi-sá CAPUT-ti-i-sa = Phoen. h-brk bʿl remains uncertain: cf. Goedegebuure, JNES (2017), p. 176 with n. 11.
§ VII.38. (“MANUS”)suwa-: for new attestations of this stem see TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 9 ((MANUS)suhid-), 13 ((MANUS)su(n) za); also KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 14 ((L.273.MANUS)suhidi-).
§ II.10. á-TANA-wa/i-ni-i-(URBS) = Phoen. dnnym: for the illfounded proposal by Oreshko to re-read the sign L.429 (Hier. TANA // ta-na) as hi(ya), see most recently Oreshko, NABU 2015/3, no. 74; Hawkins, NABU 2016/1, no. 16.
§ XI. van den Hout, loc. cit.: “so I accumulated the mariyana-field crops”; (L.255)mariyani-, cf. Hitt. A.ŠÀmariyana-, “a kind of field”; maki(sa)-, cf. Hitt. mekki-, “much”.
§ V.24, 27: Goedegebuure, loc. cit. on zin …] zipawa(“MANUS”)la-tara/i-, “extend, widen”: for new attesta tions see ÇİNEKÖY, § 2 (determined “L.69”); TELL AHMAR 6, § 20 (determined “COR”); it seems likely that latara/i- is the full phonetic writing. §§ VI.34; XIV.72; XVIII.94; XXXVI.93; LI.295: Yakubovich, loc. cit. on sa-na-wa/i(-za)-.
§ XIII.68. FUGARE-ha-: Melchert, Fs Tischler, p. 205 f., con vincingly identifies L.501(+ra/i)-ha- with Hitt. parh-, “pursue, expel”. Simon (NABU 2016/3, no. 70) proposes a syllabic value para/i2, citing in support Payne, Schrift und Schriftlichkeit, p. 35 f.; but it is preferable to regard L.501 as a logo gram ±ra/i – none of Payne’s examples have an independent syllabic value (except L.178); L.303 (= sa5+CRUS), and pari is a rebus without +ra/i.
§ XIX.96. (PUGNUS)lu/a/i-mi-da-, “strong”: character of first vowel still not determined, but the phonetic rendering may still be complete; Simon (Anatolica 42 (2016), pp. 67–76), attempts to wrestle the Malatya RN PUGNUS-mi-li into a shape approximating to Cun. Allumari, including the attri bution of a value ax to PUGNUS for which there is no sup porting evidence beyond the probable equation of the Hier. verb PUGNUS-ri+i- with Cun. Luw. ariya-, “rise, raise”. § XX.102. (“MALUS”)á-tu-wa/i-ri+i- // MALUS-la/i- (Hu//Ho): recognition of the form as atuwari- // atuwali- = Cun. Luw. adduwali-, Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 202. § XXI.111. PUGNUS.PUGNUS-la/i- (= Phoen. ʿbd kn, “be servant to”: Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit., propose reading hudarlai-, “be servant to”; Melchert, loc. cit., suggests “remained/ stayed (under Mopsos’ house”). § XXXI.156. apadi // apari: Goedegebuure, loc. cit., “there”. 155. zi-da: hypercorrect for zila (Rieken, VI ICH, p. 643; Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 217). § XLVIII.264. Phoen. mskt = Hier. (FLUMEN)hapari-, “riverland”! § LI.286–287 (Ho). u-sa-nú-wá/í-mí-i-sá za-si-i(-): read -i!-sá against natural order to avoid za-i-si-i. 296. Phoen. ršʾt = Hier. tamihisa // Hitt. tammetar, “abun dance”! § LIX.331. REX-ta-ti-i(-pa-wa/i): Yakubovich, loc. cit., takes as “(if anyone) rules as king …” § LXIII.341. (“L.69”)i-ti-, “carve (away)”: van den Hout, loc. cit. 344–345. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: PORTA-lanari zin “from these gates”. § LXVIII.364. za-ri+i, “thus”: Goedegebuure, loc. cit. §§ LXVIII–LXIX. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on asaza-, “proclaim”. §§ LXXIV–LXXV.403, 412. (“CRUS)ta-za- // “CRUS”(-i): Yakubovich, loc. cit., on taza- // ta-. § LXXIV.402. Melchert, loc. cit., n. 13, in rebutting the exci sion of ARHA, ignores the discrepancy between Hu and Ho (POST-na-wa/i ARHA // POST-na-ha-wa/i); the latter looks likely to be correct.
Addendum. REL(-i)-pa (CHLI I/1, KARATEPE 1, 56, 119, 142, 153, 182, 209, 303) Goedegebuure, III ICH, pp. 233–245 (“focus particle”). §§ XXV–XXIX(5); XXXII–XXXV(7); XXXIX–XLII(6); LIII–LV(1–2). Melchert, in Southern, M. (ed.), Indo-European Perspectives, pp. 223–232 (“asseverative particle”). van den Hout, in Fs Hawkins, p. 240 f. (“resumptive function”). KARATEPE: the re-dating and the end of the Hieroglyphic tradition. Late dating of KARATEPE (beginning of 7th century B.C.) My original preferred dating of KARATEPE relied prin cipally on the identification of the named Awariku king of Adana(wa) with Urikki king of Que named as tributary in 738 B.C. by Tiglath-pileser III (Hawkins, RlA V/5–6 (1980), s.v. Karatepe, A § 2), while allowing for an earlier date if the two names did not refer to the same individual. The name in the form Urik in a letter of Sargon II to this governor of Que dating 710–709 B.C. (SAA I, 1; Postgate, Iraq 35 (1973), p. 28 ff.), seemed to show that Urikki was still active at that date. The Phoenician form of Awariku, ʾwrk, was read on the HASANBEYLİ fragment (Lemaire, Rivista di Studi Fenici 11 (1983), pp. 9–19), and another king’s name written in Phoenician wryk appeared on the CEBELİREİS inscription (Mosca, Epigraphica Anatolica 9 (1987), pp. 5 f., 19 f.). The palaeographic dating of the latter inscription to the late 7th century B.C. seemed to rule out the personal identification with Urikki, though the name could still be considered the same in spite of the absence of the initial ʾ. Then the pub lication of the ÇİNEKÖY statue inscription (Tekoğlu and Lemaire, CRAIBL 2000, pp. 961–1007), the work of Warika king of Hiyawa, provided a Hier. writing aligned with Phoen. wryk. Finally a reading of the badly eroded İNCİRLİ stele yielded a proposed reading of wryks king of the bt mpš … king of qw (S. Kaufman, 2007, pp. 11–17). At all stages of this unfolding picture attempts have been made to identify the royal name(s) and individual(s) in relation to the firmly established Urikki, tributary to Tiglath-pileser III, particularly in terms of ethnic affinities and Sitz im Leben. Scholars were all trying to create plaus ible scenarios from scraps of evidence, but it must be said that these attempts remained inconclusive. As late as 2017 I was still prepared to defend my late dating of KARATEPE into the reign of Sennacherib (Hawkins, Fs Postgate, p. 211), while admitting the fragility of the supporting name— individual identifications Awariku (KARATEPE) = Urikki (Tiglath-pileser—Sargon II) = Warika (ÇİNEKÖY) = ʾwrk (HASANBEYLİ) = wryks (İNCİRLİ). These assumptions that
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
Awariku = Urikki, and that he was still alive in 710–709 B.C. have been increasingly questioned by advocates of alternat ive reconstructions (for references, see Hawkins, Fs Postgate, p. 211). These arguments, though not conclusive, have pointed out weaknesses in the late dating. Up-dating KARATEPE (earlier 8th century B.C.) More telling however are new arguments for an earlier dating, beginning strongly with the observation of the absence of discernible Assyrian influence in either of the two styles of KARATEPE sculpture. Such influence becomes increasingly apparent in Neo-Hittite art with the growing Assyrian pressure following the arrival on the scene of Tiglath-pileser III. Further, other arguments thought to point to a later date have been affected by new perceptions: notably Phrygian elements in the KARATEPE sculpture may now be up-dated following the revision of the Gordion chronology; also Cypriot influence, ceramic and sculptural, tends in the same direction. Such considerations have led to a plausible proposal to raise the date of Azatiwada’s floruit from the beginning of the 7th century B.C. to the earlier 8th century. For the arguments see now Novák, in A. Payne et al. (ed.), Beyond All Boundaries (Peeters, 2021) with a contri bution by A. Fuchs. This re-dating will entail new identifications, specif ically of Awariku, the “lord” and promoter of Azatiwada, who placed his (Awariku’s) posterity on the throne; he can hardly be Urikki, tributary of Tiglath-pileser III, but rather a forebear, homonymous if the names are the same (which has been questioned). This sees Novák’s solution 1 as the most probable interpretation of the evidence (loc. cit., pp. 444–448). Effects of up-dating The late dating of Azatiwada and KARATEPE was used to explain the graphic peculiarities of the inscription and more generally to define the end of the Hieroglyphic tradition. With KARATEPE up-dated to before ÇİNEKÖY, the latter becomes the latest known inscription from Cilicia. The good relations with the Assyrian king which it describes (§§ 5–6) support the identification of its author Warika with Urikki as the tributary of Tiglath-pileser III. The information gleaned from the İNCİRLİ stele, if reliably reconstructed, would fill out this picture, showing Tiglathpileser III rewarding wrkys with a donation of Gurgumite territory. End of the Hieroglyphic tradition The end of Urikki and the Assyrian annexation of Que have been placed in the reign of Shalmaneser V by the argument e silentio that neither Tiglath-pileser III nor
Sargon II report such an event in their records. Two other tributaries of Tiglath-pileser III, Urikki’s contemporaries, have been associated with late groups of Hier. inscriptions and sculpture: the Tabalian rulers Wassurme of Tabal and Urballa of Tuhana, identified with Wasusarma and War palawa of Tuwana. Again we must remember that name identification is, in the absence of supporting evidence, somewhat fragile. In the case of Wassurme, he was removed by Tiglathpileser III, c. 729 B.C., for disloyalty, which gives him a clear terminal date. Wasusarma claiming the title “Great King” was the author of the long TOPADA inscription, which the name identification thus placed in the period of Tiglath-pileser’s reign. Attempts to up-date TOPADA have been made, but the late dating is reaffirmed by palaeo graphic arguments. See d’Alfonso, VIII ICH (2014), pp. 216– 235; id.; JCS 71 (2019), pp. 133–152; contra Hawkins and Weeden, Fs Summers (forthcoming). Urballa, tributary in 738 B.C. was still active in 710–709 B.C., mentioned in the letter of Sargon II (SAA I, 1 ll. 26, 43). An element of doubt might creep in with the possi bility of two Warpalawas (see Hawkins, RlA XIV/5–6, s.v. Urballa(’a), but a thirty-year minimal span 738–709 B.C. does not seem impossible. Urballa / Warpalawa’s inscrip tions and monuments İVRİZ 1 and 2 and BOR would belong to this period. Working from this, we would see the stele NİĞDE 2, executed by his son Muwaharani as the latest approximately datable example of Neo-Hittite art (end 8th–beginning 7th century B.C.). Only PORSUK with its mention of an unanchored king Masaurhisa looks pal aeographically later. See now Simon, Anatolica 39 (2013), pp. 277–296. Other terminal dates for the monuments of the Neo-Hit tite and Aramean states are based on the Assyrian annexa tions and the removal of their rulers: Tell Ahmar: Ahuni, 856 B.C. Arpad: Matiʾel, 740 B.C. Unqi: Tutammu, 738 B.C. Samʾal: ? , ? Hamath: Yau-biʾdi, 720 B.C. Karkamiš: Pisiri, 717 B.C. Melid: Iarhunazi, 712 B.C. Gurgum: Mutallu, 711 B.C. Kummuh: Mutallu, 708 B.C.
Of these, only Karkamiš has yielded monuments which may be attributed to the last attested ruler, KARKAMIŠ (A21b+a and related fragments, Pisiri (?)). In Samʾal, BarRakib is the last known ruler, but the date of annexation is not known. For Kummuh the colossal statue MALATYA
A/12, found in the Lion Gate Malatya, has been ingeniously ascribed to Mutallu of Kummuh (Hawkins, RlA VI/5–6, s.v. Kummuh with references). Other adjustments If KARATEPE is to be dated back to the earlier 8th century B.C., some adjustments have to be made. As noted above, Urikki (tributary of Tiglath-pileser III) may be identi fied with Warika (author of ÇİNEKÖY), and as the posterity (son or granson of Awariku / ʾwrk placed on the paternal throne by Azatiwada. If Awariku and Urikki are different individuals, the question of the identity of the two names loses significance – though if they are the same, the wide spread practice of papponymy could suggest that Awariku was Urikki / Warika’s grandfather. As also noted, the late dating of KARATEPE was used to explain the graphic peculiarities of the inscription, so this too will require reconsideration, specifically its use of
rare and unparalleled syllabic values, also its alternation of monumental and cursive sign forms (the animal heads ta, ma, mu, sà and the hand da). Although a more detailed analysis of the KARATEPE palaeography than is offered here may suggest answers, several modifying points may now be made. We may note that Hu. uses almost exclu sively the regular syllabary except for a peculiar lí; the rare and unparalleled values are confined to Ho., and even here seem to cluster most in the block Ho. 6. Further, initial a- is always written with á (L.19) (in ami-, “my”; apa-, “that”; asa-, “be”), with one exception, a-pa-ri+i (Ho. § XXXI.156), in contrast to the ASSUR letters where a- and á- alternate in this context. The rare values shared with TOPADA may now seem less significant, but in any case the two inscriptions remain close in date: KARATEPE re-dated to before Tiglath-pileser III + Urikki, and TOPADA reaffirmed to the period Was surme + Tiglath-pileser III.
I.2. KARATEPE 2 § 7. AEDIFICARE+MI-ma-da, “he built”: verb elsewhere written AEDIFICARE±MI- or phonetically (AEDIFICARE)
ta-ma-, this is the only occurrence of +MI-ma- (“phonetic indicator” + syllabic complement).
I.3. KARATEPE 3 My suggested juxtaposition of KARATEPE 3 and to give continuity of text (CHLI I/1, p.70) cannot be correct, because of the different orientation of the two inscriptions, dextro verse and sinistroverse. Thus my further speculation on the placing of the pieces must be abandoned.
Read the PN now I(m)u-ka-| FRATER.LA-sa, (m)ukalani-, following Yakubovich’s proposed reading of FRATER as *lani- (dissimilated from nani-).
I.4. KARATEPE 4 § 1. Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 207 (8): “He has indeed conquered the city Piyada up to the gates of the city Kurupiyara”.
Melchert, Fs Nowicki, pp. 133 (3), 135: “Indeed forth from (the city) Kurupiya he PUGNUS.PUGNUS-ed (the city) Piyata”, with PUGNUS.PUGNUS meaning “grasp, hold”.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
II. KARKAMIŠ II.1. KARKAMIŠ A4b (+ KARKAMIŠ N1) Description. The discovery of the new stele KARKAMIŠ N1 in 2011 with a near duplicate inscription (except for § 7 giving the authorship of Suhi I) has improved the reading and understanding, especially with new collations by H. Peker in May 2013. These showed that former § 5 had to be divided into two, thus §§ 5–6, leaving former § 6 as § 7. Peculiarities: note now consistent observation of initial-afinal rule.
Edition. now also Peker, Texts from Karkemish I (2016), pp. 14–17; collations on pl. VII. Excerpts. §§ 4–6 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 548 f. (5). Text. Collations by Peker of §§ 3 and 5 are given.
Commentary § 1. Father’s name now established by KARKAMIŠ N1 as sá-pa-VIR-ti-, agreeing with traces on A4b.
§ 2. LIS translated “adversary” rather than “dispute”, follow ing Yakubovich, as also in § 6. sú+ra/i-ti(REGIO) = Assyria rather than Tabal? (Weeden, Bulletin ICS 52 (2013), p. 10 with n. 54).
§§ 4–6. Translation follows Yakubovich’s elucidation of L.273 (warpi-) as “weapon”, and Peker’s recognition of BRACCHI UM-ru-li as isaruli-, “right-hand”. § 5. Peker’s edition: “they put the right arm on him”. Alter natively “they put (it, the weapon) in his right hand” (Yakubovich, loc. cit.).
II.2. KARKAMIŠ A16c To the post-Imperial attestations of “Tudhaliya (Great) King of Karkamis” (present fragment, KELEKLİ and KARKAMIŠ frag. a/b) is now added the “Tudhaliya Labarna” of the ANKARA 2 (silver bowl). Several scholars have
addressed the possible integration of these references into a reconstruction of the Iron Age dynasty. See most recently Weeden, After the Hittites (2013) and Payne, Fs Nowicki (2014), pp. 149–156, with earlier bibliography.
II.4. KARKAMIŠ A14b Peculiarities: initial-a-final (one attestation, § 4): “crampon” (L.386) as word-divider (REGIO.DOMINUS, IUDEX, FILIUS (§ 1); MALLEUS (§ 3); LIS (§ 4)).
II.5. KARKAMIŠ A14a Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular (but note pi-ia-ta-a, redundant -a (§ 3)); crampon as word-divider—several.
Excerpts. §§ 6–7
cf. Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 82.
Commentary §§ 6–7. “the gods did not personally rise up behind them (i.e. support them), but me they supported”, following Melchert, loc. cit.
§ 9. Read: “… LIS-zi [sa]-tú-u-*a, “be the prosecutors”, (cf. ANCOZ 7, § 14); reading dictated by initial-a-final.
II.6. KARKAMIŠ A1a Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular, but note the following: pa+ra/i-ha-*a (thus apari-ha, §§ 7, 10); REL-a (§§ 13, 21) as against REL-i (§ 24); PES-wa/i-i-ha-*a (§ 17 because read awiha?, as against PES-wa/i-i-ha, §§ 21, 24); pa-tiha-wa/i-*a (§ 38, -*a omitted from copy, but established by collation).
Excerpts. §§ 7, 10 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 372. §§ 9–11, 16 Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 83. § 23 Poetto, Fs Szemerényi, p. 669 ff. §§ 17–18 Yakubovich, AoF, 39 (2012), p. 329 (10). §§ 19–20 Yakubovich, MSS 70 (2016), p. 88 f. § 33 Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 72 (1).
Commentary § 3. Read now (L.349)sà-mara/i+ra/i-ka-wa/i-ni-, “Samarikean”. §§ 7, 10. Translate: “Afterwards I brought a trophy to him”, following Goedegebuure’s reading apari-ha (loc. cit., with initial-a-final). § 13. Translation “it for them” follows second analysis of -ma-za-na considered in Commentary. § 16. Translate: “And afterwards I seated Tarhunza of the […]NA above” with Goedegebuure (loc. cit.).
§§ 19, 20. *a-wa/i-ta, -ha-wa/i-ta: -ta must now be recognized as Ortspartikel; no longer possible to seek -ada in the par ticle chain. Follow now Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “I worshipped the one before his podium, and I worshipped the other before his podium”. § 22. Read BONUS-ti- as Wasti, woman’s name now attested at Emar. § 33. Perhaps follow Yakubovich, loc. cit., in reading (PES2. PES2)pa-ia-tú, “let him send”.
II.7. KARKAMIŠ A1b Peculiarities: regular initial-a-final. Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, p. 46 f.
Excerpt. § 1 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 167.
Commentary § 1. Read PN Wasti (see A1a, § 22 above).
§ 3. mu-pa-wa/i-ta-*a: must now be analysed amu-pa-wa-ta (Ortspartikel), thus: “he shall honour me with goodness”.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
II.8. KELEKLİ Peculiarities: regular initial-a-final (§ 2); but note Isu-hi-a-sa (§ 1), (MONS)tú-a-sa (§ 2) – unexplained; note also á-mina, “my” (§ 2) instead of expected mi-na-*a.
Commentary § 1. “righteous” for “ruler” following Melchert, Fs Salvini.
§ 2. for CAPERE-i?, read CAPERE-ta (collation by M. Weeden); translate “… took to himself (married) …”
II.9. KARKAMIŠ A11a Location. Further recovered pieces: Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, pl. XVI, including KH.15.O.40 (previously unknown, pl. XV, p. 25 f.); and KH.11.O.43, KH.11.O.102, KH. 11.O.290; KH.13.O.253, KH.13.O.665, KH.13.O.954, KH.13.O.1072. These are now in Gaziantep Museum. Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular, no redundant -a; mi-*afor ami-, “my”; mu-*a- for amu- “me”; pa-*a- for apa-, “that; wa/i-*a- for awa-, connective; sa-*a- for asa-, “be”. Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 66–68.
Excerpts. Peker, loc. cit., p. 25 f. § 1 §§ 4–6 Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, p. 458 f.; Yakubovich, Kadmos, 56 (2017), p. 19 f. (11). §§ 9–12 Giusfredi, THeth 28, p. 263. Goedegebuure, VI ICH (2010), p. 328. § 11 § 17 Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p. 159. §§ 20–26 Rieken, VI ICH, p. 640. § 25 Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 112. § 27 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 192 f.; Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 108.
Commentary § 1. Peker, loc. cit., presents the newly discovered missing section (KH.15.O.40).
Rieken, loc. cit.). It is unfortunate that the newly discovered fragment preserves the wa/i but not m[u-].
§§ 5–6. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “… and removed my 20-tati-s, whereby they turned over to me the L.314(-)sapa in the land”.
§ 8. See also now AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31, § 4 (Peker).
§ 6. Rieken, loc. cit. for verb tarzanuwa-, “zum Abfallen bewegen”: “Und sie verursachten die Länder, unter mir wegzu … en wie *314-s”. [wa/i]-m[u?]-tá-[*a]: my former restoration wa/i-m[a]-tá was based on the observation that the surviving part of the second sign looked like the sheep’s-head muzzle thus -m[a]- rather than the ox-head muzzle -m[u]-. However as pointed out by Goedegebuure (JNES 76 (2017), p. 178), this would demand the analysis awa-mu-ad(a)-tá in which -ada-, “they”, would be the subject of the transitive verb tarzanuwa(n)ta, which would contravene the Watkins–Garrett rule. The difficulty would be resolved by reading -m[u]- (so also
§ 10. DEUS.AVIS-ta-ní-: Goedegebuure, proposes reading (DEUS)wax-ta-ni- (wandani-), “(sacred) holding”, see KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 7–8. § 11. *a-pi-na LINGERE-sa-ti, “with that luxury”, following Goedegebuure, loc. cit., identifying apin as ablative of apa“that”. § 17. Yakubovich, loc. cit., “most costly”. § 18. “LIGNUM”-wa/i-ia-ti (*taruwiyati): probably “with wooden (things), beams”; “with wood”, *taruwati might be expected.
II.11 + 12. KARKAMIŠ A11b+c
§§ 23, 24. LOCUS-za-*a: apparently initial-a-final, as on BABYLON 1, § 13, and probably A11b+c, § 23; this would support Yakubovich’s proposal to read LOCUS as arla // allaKadmos 56 (2017), pp. 1–27.
§ 27. “Let them not take up his bread and libation”, Yakubo vich, loc. cit.
II.11 + 12. KARKAMIŠ A11b+c § 10
Rieken, VI ICH, p. 641; Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 555 f. (14). § 13 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 372 f. § 14 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 127 f. § 17 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 166 (83); Rieken, VI ICH, p. 641. § 24 Goedegebuure, IX ICH, p. 298 (b). §§ 30–32 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 76 f. § 34 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 200 (27).
Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular etc. (as for A11a). Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 68–72. Excerpts. §§ 2–4 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 75 f. § 7 Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 84 f. §§ 7–9, 15 Melchert, Langue Poétique, p. 292 f. § 8 Rieken, KZ 117 (2004), p. 179 f.
Commentary § 1. “righteous” for “ruler” following Melchert, Fs Salvini. |(FILIUS)ni-za-: form noted as abbreviation or colloqui alism for nimuwiza-, so also (FILIUS)ni-wa/i-za-, see CHLI I/1, p. 96. Alternatively Yakubovich understands FILIUS.NI- as “disambiguating” the logogram in its different usages: see Fs Singer, p. 387; and see discussion under Logograms, L.45.I. INFANS-ni/ní-; L.452.II. |(FILIUS)nimuwiza-. For the first, the transcription INFANS is maintained and the reading uncertain: for Yakubovich INFANS-ni- represents niwarani(single attestation, MARAŞ 4, § 14), which could be so, but lacks supporting evidence. § 3. Melchert, loc. cit., points out that to take yariya-, “extend, stretch out”, as transitive with subject -as would contravene the Watkins–Garrett rule, so understands it as intransitive, subject -as, “it” (my city), also § 4, -an, “it” (object). § 4. (LOCUS)pi-ta-ha-li-ia-: Melchert rejects any connec tion, etymological or phonetic with LOCUS-TA4 // TA5- (now LOCUS-la/i // lá/í-. For his understanding, see below, § 31. § 7. Yakubovich, loc. cit., “In which year I led a campaign against the town Kawa”; plausible new interpretation of (CURRUS)warazani- and (PES2)waza-. ka-wa/i-(URBS): my CHLI suggestion that this toponym might be identified with Assyrian Qawa/Que (Plain Cilicia) seems superseded by ÇİNEKÖY where the clear rendering of the toponym in Hier. Luw. is hi-ia-wa/i-(URBS). Simon, Qode (2011), suggests Phoen. kw in Cilicia.
§ 8. (PES2)hwi/a-hwi/a-sà-tá-si: identified as 3 plur. pret., med.-pass. by Rieken, loc. cit. § 10. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “They [the gods] sat on my huhurpalli-weapon”, suggesting a “tie between /warp(i)-/ and /huhurpa-/”. §§ 10, 17. *a-wa/i-ma-tá: following Rieken, loc. cit., analyse a+wa+m(u)+ad(a)+ta. § 14. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “from those countries” (apin REGIO-niyati). § 18a. (“L.350”)á-sa-ha+ra/i-mi-sà: Melchert (Gs Forrer, p. 271 ff.) argues that this form should be acc. plur. N, on the basis of the frag. KARKAMIŠ A29h3, l. 1 (á-sa-ha+ra/i-[mi]sà-za, (nom./acc. sing. N), but the latter frag. lacks context— form could be dat. plur.; then here asharimis (nom./acc. sing. N); asharimisa (KARKAMIŠ A12, § 11, dat. sing). §§ 19, 20. MALUS-la/i-ti-i-*a (aduwalati), “with badness”: it is noteworthy that initial-a-final operates also in the case of this word. § 23. LOCUS-la/i-za-⌈*a⌉: the photograph suggests that here there was only a damaged -⌈a⌉ (collation needed), which would provide this word with an initial-a-final as on A11a, §§ 23, 24. If so, the first three signs of the verb at the begin ning of the following line have been omitted: restore .
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
§§ 30–32. Melchert, loc. cit., reinterprets this passage as a negative oath (cf. Akk. šumma lā) with the gods as witness: “If I took away this city from the grandsons of U., if I did not PITAHALIYA it, let these gods be heard!” (i.e. “I did not take
away …, I did PITAHALIYA it …”. This then would be con sistent with § 4 above stating that he did PITAHALIYA the city. He then argues for pitahaliya- to represent a peaceful commercial transaction rather than a military one.
II.13 + 14. KARKAMIŠ A2 + 3 Peculiarities: initial-a-final regularly used; but note § 6, wa/i-mu-ta without, where the following word has suhanati-*a (= asuhanati?—or is the -*a misplaced?); § 8, mi-ia-za-, -*a(-‘) omitted in printing error; § 11, pa-tipa-wa/i-ta-*a!: initial-a-final here; CHLI I/1, p. 109, has misplaced the -*a in following za-a-sa (Payne has it cor rectly). Otherwise as for A11a. Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 73–76. Excerpts. §§ 2–6 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 80 f. §§ 3–4 Hawkins/Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 107 (7).
§ 5 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 195; Sociolinguistics, p. 164. §§ 6–8 Giusfredi, THeth 28, p. 260. §§ 7–8 Goedegebuure, IX ICH, (h), p. 304; Weeden, WdO 48 (2018), p. 351. § 9 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 200. § 11 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 202. §§ 11–12 Yakubovich, Kadmos, 56 (2017), p. 16 f. (8). § 15 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 206. §§ 16–17 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, pp. 552, 554 (9).
Commentary §§ 3–6. “COR”-tara/i-na POST-ni a-ta BONUS-li-ia-ta: Melchert’s (loc. cit.) point in quoting this passage is that the Watkins–Garrett rule indicates that -as, “he” (§§ 5–6) must govern an intransitive verb waliya-, “rise up”, so that atrin must be an accusative of respect “(as to) the person”; also that POST-ni (apan(i)), “behind”, must govern tati, huha-, amu (§§ 3, 4, 5), thus “rise up in person behind father/grand father/me” (i.e. “support”). § 6. wa/i-mu-ta: should demand an initial-a-final -*a. A poss ible surplus -*a appears after the following word su-ha-nati-*a, which might represent asuhanati, but possibly the -*a missing from wa/i-mu-ta has been misplaced. § 7. wa/i-ta-*a: contrary to CHLI I/1, p. 110, this can now clearly be analysed awa-(copula)+ta (Ortspartikel). ARHA (CAPERE2)upa-: Melchert (Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 373) translates “brought away”; but surely arha has the dual meaning “out; away” (as Lat. e(x)), and “brought forth” has a good connotation lacking in “brought away”. §§ 7, 8. Goedegebuure (loc. cit.) reads LITUUS+AVIS-ta-nias (LITUUS)wa(n)tani-, “(sacred) holding” (see also above KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10).
§ 11. (“L.464”)ha-da-ma: with the isolation of da among the dentals, this word in its several occurrences (see CHLI I/2, p. 444) can no longer be linked to the verb ha-ta+ra/i, part. ha-ta-ma, “ruin, demolish” (KARABURUN, § 1; KULULU 1, § 1). This leaves it unanchored and unex plained. § 12. Clause now duplicated by new attestation TELL AHMAR 6, § 33 (verb u-sa-la-li-), Yakubovich, loc. cit. (§ 12): “Let him not be benevolent even to his household members”; LOCUSlá/í-wa/i- (“… the suffix *-wa- marking social status; ibid., n. 17, wa/i-sa-la-li- // u-sa-la-li- “to be benevolent” …*wasu alali-“to wish well”. Alternatively Weeden suggests wasulali-, “good speak(ing)”. § 15. Yakubovich, loc. cit., argues for “trample with his hooves” for (CORNU)ki-pu-da-ti (PES2.PES2)tara/i-pi-. § 16–17. Yakubovich, loc. cit., proposes “masters of tools” for (“L.273”)warpasi DOMINUS-ia(n)zi, which is very plausible; and a translation “masters of crafts, craftsmen” would be idiomatic. He renders sapa(n)tari- “libation priest?”; tunikala“baker”; and kukisati- “comber”.
§ 22. *a-sa-ti pa-la-sa-ti, “be off the road” (i.e. “dead”) is corroborated by a good Hitt. parallel KASKAL-az arha tiya-, “step off the road” (KUB XXI 19+, ii 14).
II.15. KARKAMIŠ A12 Discovery. The fragment from the lower right side with the edge parts of ll. 3–5, noted as lost, was rediscovered in 2011 in Woolley’s dig-house (KH.11.O.552): see Peker and Weeden, in Marchetti (ed.), Karkemish (2014), p. 133 f., fig. 2. Peculiarities: initial-a-final regularly observed.
§§ 11–12 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 375; Yakubo vich, IF 121 (2016), p. 75 f. (2); id., Fs Salvini, p. 547 f. (2). Goedegebuure, IX ICH (2019), p. 308 (m). §§ 11–13 § 14 Goedegebuure, VI ICH (2007), p. 328. Text. Note the loss and rediscovery of the fragment from the lower right edge with parts of ll. 3–5 (see above, Dis covery).
Excerpts. § 4 Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 84. §§ 7–8 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 546 f. (1).
Commentary § 3. (PES2)wa/i-sà-i-ta: further attestations, (PES 2) wa/i-si- (TELL AHMAR 5, § 15; ADANA 1, § 5); PES2-si(AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 13)—these suggest that wasi- is the full phonetic writing, but do not serve to define an exact sense beyond a general verb of motion. § 4. Yakubovich, loc. cit., translates: “I led (there) a cam paign”. §§ 7–8. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “With one hundred chariots? I broke through? the defences of the town Awiyana. They confronted me in arms.” PUGNUS-sá-ha: remains unelucidated, guess from context. L.275-i-ta: interpretation of the logogram as symbol izing “confrontation over material possessions”. All some what speculative. (CURRUS)kusati: slightly different form of CURRUS (the wheels); perhaps battering rams. §§ 11–12. Melchert, loc. cit.: “I used to—to him blood-sac rifices. I also used to—to him (my) craft, (my) shield, and gift(s)”. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “I carried to him blood-offering. I carried to him warpi-weapon and harralli-weapon as a gift”. §§ 11–13. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “I sent him an offering. I also sent him a gift for weapon(s) and shield(s). And I had it delivered in his presence.” (PES2)pa-za-: I originally took this as an intransitive verb of motion because of the determinative PES2. Melchert
argued for a transitive verb “allocate”, and Yakubovich, on the basis of a Cun. Luw. form, translated “carry”, and reports that Melchert withdraws “allocate” (ibid., p. 79 n. 16). All three scholars ignored ARGENTUM (DARE/pi-ia-[t] ara/i […]), which ought to mean “sell” not “give”. They also (unsurprisingly) ignore § 10: m[u-pa-wa/i]tú-ta-*a mi-ia-ti-*a |IUDEX-ni-ti-i |LITUUS ti-ti-ti-i |(PES2) [pa-za-ha?], which though difficult, demands to be included in consideration; no interpretation of §§ 11–12 can be con sidered intelligible which does not include § 10, surely part of the context, in the explanation. My restorations must be accepted or plausible alternatives offered. LITUUS(-)ti-ti-ti-i: given the well-established alterna tion of LITUUS and OCULUS as determinatives signalling “seeing/perception”, it is difficult to reject this as titit-, “pupil of eye” (dat. sing.), perhaps in some idiomatic use. This was my reason for identifying warpi- and harli- in the parallel clause as dat. sing. instead of the possible acc. sing. MF warpi(n)- and harli(n)-; so also asharimisa (cf. asharimis, nom./acc. sing. N, KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18a). For these reasons I must regard §§ 10–12 as still inad equately understood. § 13. (“L.30”)(-)ri+i-nu-wa/i-: unfortunately I find Goede gebuure’s ingenious explanation as *haparinuwa- as some what over-elaborate and not convincing. § 14. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “Glorified […] from that cam paign”.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
II.6. KARKAMIŠ A13d Peculiarities: one initial-a-final attested (wa/i-na-*a, § 8); and note á-tá-na-wa/i-na| |-*a (§ 3); pa-sa-⌈pa-wa/ina⌉-[*a] (§ 9).
Commentary § 5. NEG2-pa-wa/i-: Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 126 (B31), “Or (if) …”.
II.17 (+ 18, 19). KARKAMIŠ A23 (with fragments A26a1+2, A20a1, 2)
Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular, etc. (as for KARKAMIŠ A11a). Excerpts. §§ 4–5 Hawkins apud Bunnens, 2006, p. 21, (§ 5); Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008). p. 14 f. (12); Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 204 f.;
Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 100. § 6 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 328 f. Rieken, VI ICH, p. 645. § 9 § 10 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 166. §§ 10–12 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 82 f.
Commentary §§ 4–5. Only with the establishment of the initial-a-final, also the values la/i and lá/í for TA4 and TA5, did the form of the word “enemy” here become clear (*a-la/i-ni-), for which see Yakubovich, loc. cit., and Rieken and Yakubovich loc. cit.
(arha) (L.386+381)wala-, “die”. KULULU 5, § 8, shows wala to be full phonetic writing. §§ 7–9. A totally new translation is thus demanded, but saha- and (CRUX)wala- now lack anchor points.
§ 6. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., apin (LINGERE)hasati, “with that HASA-” (here interpreted as “(divine) favour”).
§ 11. Melchert, loc. cit.: “and she exalted/elevated the things belonging to her paternal house”; interpretation based on grammatical analysis, though not obviously meaningful.
§§ 7–8. My tentative translation in CHLI I/1, will no longer work: (1) connective particles contain -ada, “it they/them”; (2) -si might now be a med.-pass. ending (Rieken, loc. cit. (§ 9), n. 24). § 9. (CRUX)wa/i-la-ha: Rieken, loc. cit., now shows to be trans itive by -ada in the particle chain, thus cannot be linked to
§ 12. mu-ha-wa/i-ti-[*a]: initial-a-final dictates this reading/ restoration. § e. wa/i-sa-[x]-*a: again initial-a-final defines the particle chain; missing sign most likely -tá representing Ortspartikel.
II.20. KARKAMIŠ A25a Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular, etc. (as for KARKAMIŠ A11a).
II.22. KARKAMIŠ A6 Peculiarities: initial-a-final abandoned; for mi-*a- (ami-, “my”) we find á-mi- (§§ 2, 8), for sa-*a- (asa-, “be”) we find á-sa- (§§ 12, 18); we find redundant -a at ends of words (transliterated -a) (§§ 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 29, 31); for wa/i-*a- (awa-, connective), we find wa/i- (§§ 4, 7, 9, 10, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26). Note: SUPER+ ra/i-a (sara), appears to be plene writing, as frequent elsewhere. Rhotacism (§§ 5 (-wa/i+ra/i); 15, 17 (i-zi-i-satara/i, abl.); 26 (wa/i-ara/i); -da > lá/í (§ 11, tara/i-pa-lá/í). Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 81–84. Excerpts. § 1 Goedegebuure, IX ICH, p. 304 (k). §§ 2–3 Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 334 (20–21).
§§ 4–6 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 325 (13). § 7 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 201 (32). § 11 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 203 (36). §§ 13–17 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 205 (39). §§ 18–19 Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 23 (13). § 19 Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 214 (18). § 25 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 54 (41). §§ 25–30 Hawkins, CRRAI 47 (2002), p. 230 f. §§ 27–28 Melchert, Journal of Language Contact 6 (2013), p. 308 (4); Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 117 (37). §§ 27, 30 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 322 f. (6, 7). Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, § 29 p. 112 (23). § 31 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 194 (8).
Commentary § 1. Ii-a+ra/i-ri+i(-i)-, also i-ara/i- (A15b, § 1; A24a4), i-ia+ra/i(stone bowl) Yakubovich suggests Yarrari (yarr-ari, “com panion of Yarri/Yarri (is his) companion” (Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 22 fn. 21). Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “… noble man endowed with splendour by(?) Teššub (and) Runtiya …”.
§§ 11, 16–17. Yakubovich (loc. cit.) discusses in relation to the stem(s) tarp-; -lá/í (3 sing. pret., < da), Rieken and Yakubo vich, Fs Hawkins, p. 215 (B).
§ 4. wa/i-ma-lá/í: analyse wa+m(u)+(ada >) ala, following Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 215 (A).
§ 19. Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit., also Yakubovich, loc. cit., on the word ara/i-la-a, and the sense of the clause. (“3”)tara/i-su-u “4”-su: Professor Oettinger kindly com municated to me the following note. “The same stylistic feature can be found in Od. 5, 306 306–7: Τρὶς μάκαρες Δαναοι καὶ τετράκς οἱ ποτ᾽ ὄλοντο In the Rigveda we find locative plural triṣú (tisṝṣu fem.): the loc. plur. of ‘four’, catursú, is documented but later. The formula itself is not presented. A variation of the formula can be found in Milyan kbisu … trisu. As the symbolic numeral is ‘three’, it is not surprising that ‘three and four times’ can be altered to ‘two and three times’. I think that these Anatolian forms in -su are the only survivors of the PIE locative plural in Anatolian. They were preserved in the inherited stylistic figure.”
§§ 4–6. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “And men heard about it, about me, on the one side in Egypt, on another side they heard about it in Babylon(?), and on the remaining side they heard (about it) among the Musa, the Muska and the Sura”. § 6. su+ra/i-za(URBS): CİNEKÖY equates su+ra/i-(URBS) with Phoen. ʾšr, “Assur” (§§ 5, 6), but Yariri writes it a-sú+ra/i-REGIO.URBS (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19; A24a2+3, §§ 6, 7; frag. 6). Here su+ra/i-URBS is Tabal not Urartu? (Simon 2012; cf. Weeden, BICS 56 (2013), p. 10 with n. 54.) § 7. (BONUS)wa/i-sa5+ra/i-nu-: “treat well”, following Yakubo vich, loc. cit. § 8. (“THRONUS.SOLIUM”)á-sa-, “seat”: perhaps a throneroom.
§ 13. FRATER.LA-zi-i: read *lani- < nani? Yakubovich, Fs Singer, p. 387.
§ 20. PUGNUS-ri+i-L.172-: Rieken and Yakubovich (Fs Hawkins, p. 213 f.) read PUGNUS-ri+i-lá/í-, a redundant spell ing of simple PUGNUS-ri+i-. § 22. -wa/i-ma-ta-a: analyse -wa+m(u)+a(n)+ta, “him for me (in the hand)”, i.e. “in my hand”.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
§§ 25–30. Included in Hawkins’ discussion of eunuchs (loc. cit.) and the usage of (L.474)wasinasi-, “(he) of the body, body-servant”.
§§ 27, 30: Goedegebuure, loc. cit.; zi-i-(na)-, abl. (plur.).
II.23. KARKAMIŠ A7 Peculiarities: (as for KARKAMIŠ A6) abandonment of initial-a-final (§ 3, á-mu, § 5, á-sa-ta); redundant -a (§§ 1, 4); wa/i-, connective, for wa/i-*a- (§ 4); -a plene in SUPER+ra/i-a (§ 4).
Comment. 7 j, § 14. tarawani- (unclear, Melchert, Fs Salvini, p. 340); Yakubovich argues CAPUT, “prince”, for “person, man”.
II.24. KARKAMIŠ A15b Peculiarities: (as for KARKAMIŠ A6) abandonment of initial-a-final (á-mi- (§§ 11, 17, 21); redundant -a (§§ 12, 13, 20, 21, 23, 26, 29); wa/i- for wa/i-*a- (§§ 2, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 21, 27); -a plene in SUPER+ra/i-a (§§ 2, 21). Other: acc. sing. MF -n before -pa-wa/i (§§ 11, 13); -u-mu for -mu-u? (§ 11). Rhotacism, no attestation; -da > lá/í (§ 12, pa-lá/í-a). Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 84–87. Excerpts. § 7 Yakubovich, Fs Součková (2016), p. 474 (17). §§ 7–9 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 325 f. (14); Yakubo vich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 334 (22).
§§ 10–12 van den Hout, Fs Popko, p. 185. § 11 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 194, 196 (10); cf. Hawkins, CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 52. § 12 Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, pp. 255–262, n. 5. §§ 13–14 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 551 f. (8). § 14 Rieken, KZ 116 (2003), p. 484. §§ 15–16 Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 214 (19); Yakubovich, Gs Hrozný, 6 (4) and 11 (8). § 17 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 552 n. 53. § 21 Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 333 (1a) § 22 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 553 f. (11).
Commentary § 7. Yakubovich, loc. cit., reads (X?)á-lá/í |sà-na-ha, trans lating: “I spread out the river right? and well/properly?”; á-lá/í compared to Hitt. ara, “right”; and sà-na isolated from sanawi-, “good” (analysed sana- awi”, wel(l)-come”). §§ 7–9. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., commenting on zin … zi(n)-, “on one side … on the other side”; she translates hinu(wa)-, “cause to cross”. §§ 10–12, particularly § 11, discussed by Yakubovich, van den Hout and Hawkins, loc. cit., in the context of atri-, “self, person; likeness, image”, and the unknown “SCALPRUM”(-) i-ara/i-za. § 12. Melchert, loc. cit.: “and Kubaba will take/accept me to be placed at her foot”. §§ 13–14. Yakubovich, loc. cit., translates § 14: “when I armed him for pre-eminence over kings”, taking (L.273.MANUS,
read now this order!)su-hi-i-ti-ha, “I made complete” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 9, (MANUS)su-hi-da, “to completion”); L.273-na (warpin), “(as to) weapon”; wa/i-ta, analysed wa+an+ta. §§ 15–16. Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “I elevated his younger brothers. I admitted (lit. “threw”) them to aralla/i’s”, interpreting (“INFANS”-NI”)á-lá/í-la- as aral(l)a/i-, “compan ion”. Subsequently Yakubovich revises: “I promoted them to the places of (my) child(ren)”, taking |“FILIUS.NI” as child(ren), and á-lá/í-la-za as dat. plur. arla- // alla-, “place”. One must judge that this clause is still uncertainly read and inadequately understood. § 17. Yakubovich, loc. cit., connects karmarattahid- with Hitt. kalmara-, “ray”, translating “radiance”. § 19. zú+ra/i-wa/i-ni-ti(URBS): reading zú for L.488 now accepted in place of sù, thus here “Tyrian”, i.e. Phoenician;
see Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 66 f. n. 58 (following Lipinski’s original proposal).
JNES 76 (2017), p. 179) reads ARHA sa-ta, “handed over” (sa-, “release, hand over”).
§ 21. ARHA(-)sa-ta: Payne (Translation) reads following CHLI I/1, and translates “raised”; Goedegebuure (review,
§ 22. Yakubovich, loc. cit., discussing warpin as “weapon” or “tool”; the latter would bring the sense close to my original CHLI translation “skill” (or “craft”).
II.25. KARKAMIŠ A24a Discovery. Recovered fragments: 5 (KH.13.O.727); 6 (KH.14.O.850); 19a (KH.12.O.611)—Peker.
Excerpts. frag. 2+3, § 6 Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 82 (8).
Peculiarities: as for KARKAMIŠ A6; rhotacism (§ 13, wa/ira+a); zi for za (§ 6, i-la-pa-z-TONITRUS-huz-).
frag. 19+19a Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 326 f. (15).
Commentary No progress on unknown words (ASINUS2.ANIMA)turlakali(§ 3), (PUGNUS+PUGNUS)ikari- (§ 4), (“L.402.L.195”)kari(§ 10). § 6. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: (“PES2”)waza-, “lead”. frag. 6. This piece was previously known only from the pub lished uninked squeeze and poor partial photograph, and survived only in the form of three uninked squeezes, but it was recovered in 2014 and is available for inspection. I am grateful to Dr. Hasan Peker for the following informa tion which may justify the reading: (COR)á-ta-na-a-sá
a-sú+ra/i(REGIO)| |-wa/i-ní-[sá](UR[BS)] |REX-[ti-sa] PRAE[… “Atanara Assyrian king before […”. The PN could be a Hier. rendering of Adad-nirari (III, 810–783 B.C.), chronologically very probable as a contemporary of Yariri of Karkamiš. frag. 19a+19. The first piece was known to me only as an inked B.M. squeeze, but was recovered in 2012. I suggested that the sign L.417 might represent picto graphically a corbel-vaulted tunnel, for which we may now compare ARSUZ 1, § 14; and (Empire) KARAKUYU. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., on [zin] … zi(n)-hawa.
II.25a. KARKAMIŠ stone bowl Comment § 1. i-ia+ra/i-ri+i-: for the writing of the PN, compare Ii-a+ra/iri+i-i- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; A7, § 6); Ii-ara/i-ri+i- (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1; A24a4+5).
II.26. AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31 (+ frags.) Discovery. The AFŞİN fragment (KH.15.O.690) bearing (obv.) the top of a stele with the head of the goddess and (rev.) the first two lines of the inscription and part of the third. It was found by the electricity company in the town of Afşin, and was reported to the excavators of Karkamiš in 2015, when it was visited and identified by Dr Hasan Peker in the garden
of the electricity company. Peker showed that the preserved part of line 3 of the inscription could be closely joined with the fragment of the first line of KARKAMIŠ A31. The piece was taken to Maraş Museum in June 2015. Fragments A30b1–3. As recorded, frag. 1 is in the Museo Missionario, Vatican; frag. 2 survives only as uninked B.M.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
squeeze; frag. 3, actual piece, was recovered by the excava tors in 2013 (KH.13.O.739).
Kings of Karkemish in the 9th century B.C. (ZA 108 (2018), pp. 81–99).
Peculiarities: similar to Yariri inscriptions; no initial-a-final, but no redundant -a; á-mi- for mi-*a-; wa/i- for wa/i-*a-; rhotacism ((-)wa/i-ra+a, §§ 14, 15).
Excerpt. § 1
Publication. (Preliminary) Actual Archaeology 15 (Autumn 2015), p. 4, Marchetti and Peker, A stele of Kubaba from Afşin; Peker, Texts from Karkemish I (2016), p. 47; (full) Mar chetti and Peker. The Stele of Kubaba by Kamani and the
Peker, loc. cit., Publication.
Texts. The AFŞİN fragment was traced from the stone by Peker. Photographs. Kindly supplied by Marchetti and Peker.
Commentary §§ 1–5. Reading and interpretation follows Peker, Publica tion. § 1. VITELLUS-za-sa(URBS): cf. VITELLUS-zá(URBS) (CEKKE, § 6a); VITELLUS (REGIO) (KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1)—same contexts, titularly of Kamani and another late Karkamiš ruler, understood as a claim to Malatya. á-sa-ti-ru-sa REGIO.DOMINUS |FILIUS.NI-za-sa: con firms Kamani’s paternity, Astiru(wa). BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-mu(wa)-: reading demonstrated by Peker (Isarwili-muwa), an unknown Karkamiš ruler, second generation before Astiruwa, first generation after Sangara, thus c. 825 B.C. See Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, p. 17. FILIUS.NEPOS-si-ka+ra/i-, “great grandson”, otherwise written hamsukala- or hamsikwala-/(hamsi)kwala-. sa5-k[a]+ra/i-[…]: read, doubtless correctly, by Peker, and identified as “[descendant] of Sangara” (first occur rence of this ruler’s name in Karkamiš Hieroglyphic). § 2. BONUS-si-ia-za-: joins forms cited by Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 197 f. (23 and 24).
§ 4. Peker restores and compares KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 8: there however ama tatiya huhatiya REGIO-niya is acc. plur. N as against dat. sing. here. Our continued ignorance of midasari- still obscures the sense. § 7. “my own (-mu) statue”. § 11. L.356-wa/i-zi-ha DOMINUS-zi, “and important lords”: for the reading of (L.356)REL-zú-(wa/i-) and identification with Cun. Luw. kuwanzu-, “heavy; important”, by Melchert, see Syllabary, s.v. zú. § 12. (LOQUI)la-ma-ni-sà-: identification as denom. of alaman-, “name”, now secure, especially since two writings of this with -la- instead of the usual -la/i // lá/í- are both Kam ani-period (KARAKAMIŠ A13a, § 4; ADANA 1, § 6). § 13. PES2-si-ti: now identified with (PES2)wa/i-si- (TELL AHMAR 5, § 19; and (new) ADANA 1, § 5).
II.27. CEKKE Peculiarities: (as for AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31) no initial-afinal, and no redundant -a; á-pa- for pa-*a- (§§ 2, 3, 6b, 17a-o, 24); wa/i-for wa/i-*a- (§§ 7, 11, 16, 18, 23, 28); rhota cism (PN DOMINUS-tiwara-, §§ 1, 2, 12; mirasari-, § 12; tara(n)za, § 16; GN ablatives, §§ 17a, g, h, l; MALUS-hidari, (PES2)i+ra/i, § 20; STELE-ri+i, § 22). Translation. Giusfredi, THeth 28, pp. 252–259; Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 76–81.
Excerpts. § 6b Hawkins apud Bunnens, A new Luwian Stele (2006), pp. 14 f., 28. § 12 Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 470 n. 14. § 13 Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, p. 360 n. 7. § 15 Yakubovich, Fs Singer, p. 388. §§ 22, 25–26 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 208, 202.
Commentary §§ 1, 2, 12: DOMINUS-SOL/ti-wa/i+ra/i-, read now Nani-tiwara- (DOMINUS/nani-, see Syllabary, Logograms L.390.1). § 6b. L.314-sa-tá-na-: full phonetic writing seems to be (L.314) ha-sa-ta-na- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 24; Hawkins, loc. cit.). §§ 8–16, 18, 19. DARE-mi-na, i-zi-ia-mi-na, hi-sà-hi-mi-na, ha-zi-mi-na, (-)lu/a/i-mi-na, PONERE-mi-na: -mi-na forms now identified as “gerundives”, see Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, pp. 355–362; cf. Yakubovich, Arbeitstagung der IG (Paris, 2014); translate “(is/are) to be given/made/bound/ inscribed/x/put”. § 10. FLUMEN.DOMINUS, “river lord”: attestations of this title have increased since the first recognition on BOYBEY PINARI 1, § 2. Its appearance in the form FLUMEN.REGIO. DOMINUS (ALEPPO 6, § 9) seems to confirm its link with FLUMEN.REGIO (Cun. KUR ÍD, reading hapadi-), i.e. the DOMINUS is the ruler of such a terrain. § 12. (L.33(2))mi+ra/i-sa5+ra/i: for the recurrence of this uncertain word on AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31, § 4, see now Peker, N. Marchetti and H. Peker, ZA 108 (2018). Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “(An equivalent) of 1 mina of cloth ing is to be given as midassari-s …”). §§ 13, 16. ki-tara/i-sa: my comparison with (Nuzi) Akk. kitru/ kiterru doubted by Weeden. § 13. Melchert, loc. cit.: “either (1) A donation … (is) to be imposed on the 20(+10) TAMI(s) and child(ren) for the city …” or (2) “A donation is for the city … to impose on the 20(+10) TAMI(s) and child(ren)”.
§ 14. BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-[x]-ni: Peker has demonstrated the reading isarwili-/isaruli-, “right (hand)”, as in Cun. Luw., and it is found as an onomastic element (AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 5) as perhaps also here (Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, p. 17). § 15. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “a stele is to be engraved at the frontier”; but ta-sa is surely plural, and FINES-ha+ra/i-ia best taken as an adjectival formation qualifying it. § 17. The personal names: 3 include the onomastic element FRATER.LA- (read *lani(?)), §§ b, c, m. 5 include the element -mu or -u? (read -mu(wa)?), §§ a, f, i, k, o. § g. PUGNUS-mi-lu/a/i-li-: order of reading -lu/a/i-mias in KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 4(?); this would provide a name PUGNUS(-)lumili- deriving from PUGNUS(-)lumi-, “(make) strong”. Giusfredi (THeth 28, p. 257 n. 54) and in more detail Simon (Anatolica 42 (2016), pp. 67–76) argue for a reading Alumili/Alumali to be identified with Allumari Melitean king named by Tiglath-pileser I, but supporting evidence is thin. §§ 22, 26. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on tarpa (noun, dat. loc. sing.) [tarpi-] (verb). § 24. (CRUX)wa/i-la: can no longer be connected with (MORI) wala- and translated “fatally” (see KARKAMIŠ A23, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 2; KULULU 5, § 8, showing wala as full phonetic writing).
II.28. KARKAMIŠ A4a Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, but (unlike AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31, CEKKE) frequent redundant -a; á-miand á-pa- (§ 12, § 14) for mi-*a- and pa-*a-; wa/i- for wa/i*a- (§§ 3, 13); rhotacism not attested.
Translation. Giusfredi, THeth 28, pp. 261–263. Excerpts. §§ 1–4, 11 Melchert, CRRAI 57 (2015), pp. 410–11 (5). § 14 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 193 f. (6).
Commentary §§ [3], 4, 11. For -mi-na forms as gerundives ((“are) to be given”, “(are) to be made”), see Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, pp. 355–362.
§ 5. BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-: identified by Peker as isarwili-/ isaruli-, “right(-hand)”, as in Cun. Luw.; occurs as onomastic element, as perhaps here; see above, CEKKE, § 14.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
§ 11. Melchert, loc. cit.: “a meal is to be given to the owner for the washa” (less likely: “to the lord of the washa”); he interprets washa- as “pledge”.
§ 14. (“DELERE”)[x]-nu-tu-a: full phonetic writing (“DELERE”) mara/i+ra/i-nu-wa/i- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 21), confirming Melchert’s earlier identification with Hitt. mernu-/marnu-, “make disappear”; there may have been space here for [mara/i+ra/i]-.
II.29. TÜNP 1 Discovery. Tünp now Yazılı. Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, no redundant -a attested. Edition. Yakubovich, Fs Singer, pp. 386–390.
Excerpts. §§ 1–2, 5–6 Melchert, CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 411 (7). § 2 Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, p. 357. § 5 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 203 (35). § 7 Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 103 (3). Translation. Giusfredi, THeth 28, pp. 264–266.
Commentary § 1. FRATER.LA-, “brother” (here onomastic element) now read by Yakubovich (Edition) *lani-, dissimilated from *nani-; thus here Aralani-. § 2. Yakubovich (Edition), Melchert, loc. cit.: “the stone ((“SCALPRUM”)á-su-sa, nom. sing. MF) (is) to be effaced” (ARHA (“CAPUT+SCALPRUM”)ku-sà-mi-na, gerundive). § 3. i-LITUUS-wa/i-ni- (ia-wani-, “belonging to god Iya (Ea)”, Yakubovich (Edition). § 4. i-da-wa/i-za (ida-wa(n)za, “belonging to god Ida” (< Ila (El)), Yakubovich (Edition).
§ 5. “who attacks (Yakubovich (Edition)/shall oppose” (Melchert, loc. cit.). § 6. Yakubovich (Edition): “One mina of silver (is a fine), and one mina (befits?) him as a sacrifice”. Melchert, loc. cit.: “one ARGENTUM-unit, one mina and one manas(a)ha-unit is the washa”. 1 (“SCALPRUM”)ma-na-sa-ha-na remains problematic. § 7. Yakubovich (Edition) rejects CAPUT+ra/i- on the grounds that CAPUT-ta/tá- would not rhotacize, but the alternative PRAE-sa would remain unexplained.
II.31 – 32. KARKAMIŠ A21b+a with fragments A20b Peculiarities: archaizing style as noted (but no initial-afinal, and no redundant -a; note also omission of singular case endings (nom., acc.), and of +ra/i.
Excerpts. §§ 5–11 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 78 f.
Commentary § 1. Question remains whether frag. 1 reading á-sa-ti-ru is to be placed to give Astiru (II) as subject and author of the inscription.
§ 2. “My father Sastu(ra) the Sun-blessed prince […] to rear me”; lost verb could have occupied one column (2 signs?) on frag. 2 [line 1].
II.36. KARKAMIŠ A13a–c
§ 3. Perhaps introduced by [wa/i-mu] on frag. 2 [line 1]; frag. 2 line 2: [mi]-i-sa [DOM]INUS.NA (Empire period writing, NA first syllable complement to (DOMINUS)nani- (Oreshko, VIII ICH, pp. 619–621), thus: “[to me] my sovereign // Kubaba … . ARHA i+a-t[á]: verb taken now as yari(ya)- (+ra/i omitted), “stretch out”, thus “extended (the hand)”. §§ 7–8. Read now: [wa/i]-[t]á tá-ti-zi/a mi-zi/a SERVUS-la/i wa/i-da POST! zi/a-ti LOCUS?-ti SOLIUM-nú-tá, “my fathers (were) servant(s) (or: “served”), and she re-established them in this place”. -t[á] Ortspartikel for -d[a] (-ada), so Melchert, loc. cit. (p. 79).
POST!: collation establishes the upper end of the sign as a knob rather than a hand (see na frag. 2 line 2). The same differentiation was recently observed on EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 13, 25, 27 (see fig. on plate 9). § 10. wa/i-ma-sa tá-ti i-zi/a: connective chain must be ana lysed wa+mu+as, “and she (to) me”; but noun and verb lacking written endings leaves Melchert free to observe Watkins–Garrett rule and identifying izi(-) as med-pass. (3 sing. pret.), “became”, and tati- nom. sign. MF, “and she became father to me”.
II.34. KARKAMIŠ A27u Commentary l. 2. Fá-sa-tu-wa/i-la-ma-: -la- for usual -la/i // lá/í (formerly TA4 // TA5) now confirmed by writings á-la-ma-za, “name” (see KARKAMIŠ A13a, § 4).
For the dynastic implications of this fragment, see now Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, p. 48 f.
II.35. KARKAMIŠ A27e frags. 1 and 2 Discovery. Frag. 2 recovered in recent excavations: no. KH 13.O.541.
II.36. KARKAMIŠ A13a–c
Description/Discovery. “Only the left-hand section of side a now survives” (CHLI I/1, p. 167 f.). The new excavations recovered some fragments in 2013: (1) KH.13.O.982 joins side a (right); (2) KH.13.O.992, part of side b lower left frag ment?; (3) KH.13.O.965, part of side c frag. 1 left frag.(?); (4) KH.13.O.962, side c frag. 3; (5) no. ?, central part of side c frag. 5; (6) KH.13.O.964, part of side c frag. 6. Peculiarities: sign forms most resemble those on the recently discovered stele ADANA 1 (monumental but incised á,
na, ma, MALLEUS; somewhat different pa, sa); note also both inscriptions write á-la-ma-za, “name” (for usual á-la/i // lá/í-ma-za), see § 4, commentary. Date. ADANA 1 is authored by [Astiru II?] son of Kamani and Atika servant of Astiru. The closely associated KARKAMIŠ A13 seems to be the work of the son of Asti[ru] (side c, frag. 1 (§ 1), i.e. Kamani, son of Astiruwa I. See now the discussion in ADANA 1 (in Part 2, Recently discovered 1A inscriptions).
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
Commentary § 3. “put them (-(w)ara) ZALAN”: for “put the frontiers ZALAN”, see now ANCOZ 7, § 5; TELL AHMAR 6, § 16; whether “them” refers to frontiers here is uncertain, as is the object in BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 14 (but not “frontiers”).
§ 4. á-la-ma-za: -la- for usual -la/i or lá/í is significant and as noted appears now also on ADANA 1, § 6. In CHLI I/1 (p. 168) I did not positively identify the damaged sign, transliterat ing tax, but it has become clear that it is indeed la (see fig. above). Cf. also á-sa-tú-wa-la-ma-za (KARKAMIŠ A27u, l. 2).
II.39. KARKAMIŠ A27c Discovery. The fragment was recovered by the recent excavations in 2014: no. KH.14.O.859: see Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, p. 47 f. Proposed restoration (Peker, loc. cit.): “[… Kamani, the Coun try-Lord, son of Astiru (I) the Country-Lord] grandson of Kuwalana-muwa the Country-Lord”
([EXER]CITUS-mu-wa/i-si-sa REGIO DOMINUS [FILIUS. NEP]OS […) While this restoration is possible it is only one of several possibilities.
II.40. KÖRKÜN Discovery. Körkün now Şahinbey. Peculiarities: no initial-a-final but no redundant -a; á-mi- for mi-*a-, á-pa- for pa-*a-, á-sa- for sa-*a-.
Excerpts. § 3 Melchert, KZ 101 (1988), p. 237 (15); van den Hout, Fs Popko, p. 179; Yakubovich AoF 39 (2012), P. 335 (23). § 4 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 553 ff. (10). § 5 Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 81 (12). § 8 Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 325 (4). §§ 8, 11 Yakubovich, ALP 4 (2008), p. 23 (2, 3).
Commentary § 3. Melchert, loc. cit.: “With my loyal person I never in any way transgressed the command/pronouncement of my lord by the authority of Kubaba and the Storm-god”; cf. van den Hout, loc. cit., and read now “COR”-na-ti (for “VAS”-…). § 4. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “When King Astiruwas built work shops/depots”.
§ 5. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “I seated this Halabean Tar hunza over there”. § 6. “PES”-wa/i-da: note singular verb, subject “grandson (and) great-grandson”. §§ 8, 10. Yakubovich, loc. cit., compares CAPERE-i with la-i, “takes (away)”.
II.41. KARKAMIŠ A17b Excerpt. § 1. Melchert, Fs Salvini, p. 337 f. (1).
II.42. KARKAMIŠ A30h Peculiarities: initial-a-final (wa/i-tá-*a, mu-*a, wa/i-na-*a) (but DOMUS-sa-a?).
The piece seems genuinely archaic, include now under Transitional.
II.43. TİLSEVET Peculiarities: no initial-a-final and no redundant -a.
Excerpts. § 5 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 200 f. (30). § 6 Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 79 (7).
Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, p. 45 f.
Commentary § 2. ha-si-ha: “be satiated with” (Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 376, associating it with (LINGERE)hasa-, “satiety, abundance”); regular topos in funerary inscriptions, dir. object arinzi, “times”, cf. also Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016). p. 78, who plausibly also compares Hitt. hassik-, “to satiate oneself”.
§ 5. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on formation BONUS-sa-da-. § 6. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., notes contrast zati (non-rhotac izing) waniri- (rhotacizing), “to this stele”. tarpiwa CRUS-, “stand for tarpi”: cf. Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 207 f. (43–45), other examples of the phrase.
II.44. KARKAMIŠ 18h Comments as for TİLSEVET.
II.45. KARKAMIŠ A5a Peculiarities: as noted; also for TİLSEVET; and wa/i- for wa/i-*a-; redundant -i at word ends (wa/i-mu-i, §§ 5, 6). Excerpts. §§ 3–4
Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 105 (8).
§ 7 ibid., p. 123 (B3). §§ 7–8 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 330 (22). § 9 Yakubovich, Arbeitstagung der IG (Paris, 2014), no. (15).
Commentary § 2. ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i, “in life”: cf. now TELL AHMAR 6, § 4 (ha-IUSTITIA -i-sa, “alive”). § 3. FRATER.LA-ni?: Yakubovich now explains the Luw. word “brother” as LA-ni- (“disambiguating” FILIUS/FRATER by first-syllable complements NI/LA),to be read *lani- dissimi lated from Empire Luw. nani- (see Fs Singer, p. 387). § 5. tara/i-pu-la-hi-ri+i-i: association with tara/i-pu-nala-zi-i (§§ 9, 11) suggested the restoration of -. Yakubo vich (IF 121 (2016), p. 78 n. 15) translates “stood up with aggression/rivalry”, and indicates that he will argue for
tara/i-pu-na-li-zi-i as “aggressors/rivals”, on what grounds we are not yet informed. But this “inimical” sense leads him to interpret tá-ri+i-sa FEMINA/MATER-ti-sa not as “father (and) mother”, but as “father’s wife” (i.e. “evil step mother”), which seems somewhat strained. However in its favour I may now point out that MATER, “mother”, is nor mally complemented -na-tí- (KARATEPE 1, § III.15; ARSUZ 1+2; also unpublished text; thus probably also SHEIZAR, § 1) as against FEMINA(-na)-ti-, “woman, wife”. § 6. (ARHA) pu-: verb(s) pu- (determined PUGNUS.VIA) occur though of uncertain interpretation, see KARABURUN, § 13;
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
MARAŞ 14, § 9; ARSUZ 1+2, § 20); and cf. Giusfredi, KZ 122 (2009), pp. 60–66.
§ 9. (“L.476”)hi-ru-⌈da⌉-ri+i |si-su-wa/i, “by the oath I swear(?)”: sisuwi (1 sing. pres.), “swear”, guess from context.
§ 8. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., commenting on ⌈pi?⌉-na, “there fore”.
§ 11. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “(the gods) will come up forward after my aggressors”.
(§ 8.) None of those who have commented on hasi- (Melchert, Goedegebuure, Yakubovich) deal with the problem (FEMINA)ara/i-.
§§ 13, 14. tarpiwa CRUS-: Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 208 (43–45) for other occurrences of this phrase.
II.46. KARKAMIŠ A5b Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, p. 47. Comment Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 376 (14): “I (PN) received my allocation of days. My times I lived to the full”.
pa(za)-, “allocate; (reflex.) receive an allocation” hasi-, “satiate; (reflex.) satiated myself, was satiated” Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 78 f.: “I (PN) (have) passed my days, having completed my (allotted) time”. ((PES)paza-, “allocate”, now withdrawn by Melchert? see n. 16)
II.47. KARKAMIŠ A18f Rediscovered by excavators in 2011 “in Woolley’s house boulevard”, no. KH.11.O.592.
II.48. KARKAMIŠ A4c Discovery. This tomb-stone stele, excavated by Woolley in room 3 on the south corner of the Storm-God temple court, was left on site in 1914 and rediscovered nearby in 2013 reused in the modern barracks. It has the new excavations no. KH.13.O.4. Recent photographs do not suggest that it will
be significantly more legible than in the original publica tion, pl. A4c* (squeeze, preserved in B.M.): that is, the righthand part may be decipherable, but the left-hand appears to be destroyed.
II.50. KARKAMIŠ A15a Peculiarities: apparently initial-a-final (wa/i-tu-ta-*a, § 9; also […]-tu-u-*a(?), § 5).
Date. Therefore 10th century B.C.
Commentary § 9. (“BRACCHIUM”)i-sa5-ra/i-wa/i-la […, “right-hand”: used by Peker to establish readings BRACCHIUM(-ru)-lu/a/i- etc. as isaruli- (Texts from Karkemish I, p. 17 (§ 5)).
II.51. KARKAMIŠ A15c New fragment from Yunus area (YU.12.0.3, hand with double rod and 3 incised Hier. signs) suggested to belong with this
sculpture: Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, Cat. 31, p. 45 f.; Marchetti, ibid., Appendix 4, p. 61 f.
II.52. KARKAMIŠ A16a frag. 4 now recovered, no. KH. **
Excerpt. § 3 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 60 (52).
II.55. KARKAMIŠ A17d Location. Wrongly given as Anatolian Civilizations Museum, Ankara, no. 10947, which I was unable to locate. In fact it was rediscovered by the excavators in 2011, “lying in the
entrance ‘boulevard’ of Lawrence’s excavation house” (NEA 75/3 (2012), p. 143 fig. 23); no. KH.11.O.453.
II.56. KARKAMIŠ A18a Rediscovered by excavators in 2013, no. KH.13.O.1260.
(II.57. KARKAMIŠ A18e)
II.58. KARKAMIŠ A18j Yakubovich now reads the PN Iá-lá/í-|FRATER.LA- (Alalani): Fs Singer, p. 387.
II.60. KARKAMIŠ A15d The piece was recovered by the excavators in 2013, no. KH.13.O.678.
II.84. KARKAMIŠ fragments The new round of excavations inaugurated by Marchetti and Peker in 2011, in addition to some notable substantial inscriptions, has recovered a rich harvest of fragments, some lost ones from the Woolley–Lawrence excavations, and many previously unknown ones. The latter, from the
years 2011–2015, are now published by Peker, Texts from Karkemish I (2016). He will (re)publish the lost, now recov ered fragments in a further volume, as also further new finds.
III. TELL AHMAR III.1. TELL AHMAR 2 Peculiarities: initial-a-final, but redundant -a (§§ 10, 14); mi-*a- for ami-, “my”, pa-*a- for apa-, “that”; CUM-na/ ni without LITUUS (§§ 6, 7(?), 13); -a plene in NEG-a(-pawa/i (§§ 13, 14, 16, 17, 18), SUPER+ra/i-a (§ 20), za-a- (§ 22).
Excerpts. § 13 § 18
van den Hout, Fs Popko, p. 180. Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 113 (26). § 19 Melchert, Journal of Language Contact 6 (2013), p. 309 (6).
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
Commentary § 1. Further, completely clear attestation of ma-su-wa/i+ra/iza-(URBS) REX, “Masuwarean king”, TELL AHMAR 6, § 1, confirming Hier. Luw. name of Tell Ahmar. § 2. á-ia-lá/í-, “first-born”: see TELL AHMAR 1, § 2. For an extended god-list see now TELL AHMAR 6, § 2, and the comments of Goedegebuure, IX ICH, pp. 300–301 (g). á-ta-na (PES2)tara/i-za-mi-: now further TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, p. 459 f., compares Hitt. anda nei̯ ant-, “wohlwollend zugewandt”, thus “favourably inclined”.
§ 10. á-na-i-tá(REGIO)(-)wa/i-na-a: for Anaita(REGIO), see now TELL AHMAR 6, § 34. Instead of redundant -a, one might understand wa/i-na-*a, “and him”, but the removal of this from the preceding clause would leave it unintelligibly truncated. § 13. Van den Hout, loc. cit., would take VAS-ni-i (COR-ni, read *tani-), as “soul”, but his separation of such a lexeme from (COR)atri-/atni- does not now seem defensible. § 16. (FEMINA.FEMINA)á-ma-na-sa5+ra/i-i-: Weeden suggests FEMINA.FEMINA as “woman’s woman”, parallel to VIR2.VIR2 = SERVUS; thus “serving woman”.
III.2. BOROWSKI 3 Peculiarities: initial-a-final, redundant -a? (§ 4); -a plene for za-, “this” (§§ 2, 5, 11). The script of this stele is much more crudely executed than the other Tell Ahmar stelae.
Excerpts. §§ 3–5 Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, p. 462 f. §§ 9–10 Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 114 f. (29).
Commentary § 4. Rieken, loc. cit.: “Ich wandte mich (d. h. wurde) zum Haupt, zum Ersten des x (wohl des Herrschaftsgebiets o. ä.);
ibid., p. 467, Melchert suggests: I turned, transformed the tuwi-sa (in)to a chief in a single stroke”.
III.3. TELL AHMAR 5 Location. State of Syrian National Museum, Aleppo, and its contents currently (2018) uncertain. Peculiarities: initial-a-final (mi-*a- for ami-, “my”; pa-*a for apa-; also MALUS-l[a/i]-hi-d[a]-*a); wa/i-*a- for awa-; -a plene for za-, §§ 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 16), SUPER[+ra/i]-a (§§ 3, 12).
Excerpts. (former numbering, now renumbered: § 12 now §§ 12–13; §§ 15–18 now §§ 17–20) §§ 10–15 Hawkins apud Bunnens, Luwian Stele, p. 27 f. §§ 10–12, 15 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 82.
Commentary § 2. (MANUS.HORDEUM)su-wa/i-: verb elsewhere often determined by MANUS, so HORDEUM perhaps part of the determinative, thus “he barley-filled …”. § 8. mi-sa-pa-wa/i-*a: restoration [á?-] unnecessary with presence of initial-a-final.
§§ 10–(15=)17. Hawkins, loc. cit., notes that the recognition of initial-a-final leads to the division of § 12 into two, neces sitating renumbering thus:
§ 11 § 12 § 13 § 14 [§§ 15–16] … § 17
wa/i-mu-*a pa-si-i-*a PROPHETA-mi-i-sa |á-sa5-za-ta |SUPER+ra/i-a-wa/i-ta |(SA4)li-li-ia (divide here) wa/i-na-*a COR-tara/i-i-na BONUS-li-ia-nu-wa/i wa/i-⌈na-*a⌉ x x […
§ 11 § 12 § 13 § 14
His prophet proclaimed to me: “Hasten up, and exalt him in person, and him … !” … [and] him I exalted in person.
§ 17
… x x]-na-*a |COR-tara/i-na BONUS-li-ia-nu-wa/i-ha
§ 10. PROPHETA-mi-i-: fortunately TELL AHMAR 6, § 22 (closely parallel context) gives the equivalent DEUS-na-mi-i-, pointing to the reading *masanami-, “god-inspired one”, Cun. Luw. massanami-, Hitt. LÚsiuniyant-. §§ 10–12, (15=)17. Melchert, loc. cit., quotes from TELL AHMAR 6, § 14 (Hawkins, 2006! not 2005), but unfortunately has not noted the correction to TELL AHMAR 5 necessi tated by observation of initial-a-final, noted Hawkins, loc. cit., p. 27 f. Nevertheless the translation here now follows Melchert’s distinction between BONUS-liya- (intrans./reflex ive) and BONUS-liyanuwa- (trans., causative).
§ 19. MALUS-l[a/i]-hi-d[a]-*a: restorations are adequately secure, initial-a-final regular with MALUS; reading aduwalahida, regular dat. sing. of -ahid- abstracts, though possible space for restoration -[ti] would give abl. See Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 202 (ref. TELL AHMAR 5, (§ 15) now § 17). (PES2)wa/i-si-ti: new attestation ADANA 1, § 5, increases the probability of a full phonetic writing.
III.5. ALEPPO 2 Location. State of National Syrian Museum, Aleppo, and its contents currently (2018) uncertain. Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular, no redundant -a; -a plene for za- (§§ 4, 21); NEG2 (§§ 7, 9, 11) SUPER+ra/i(§ 16); wa/i-*a- for awa(-) (§§ 3, 5, 7, 8, 15, 22); mi-*a- for ami- (§§ 3, 9, 17); pa-*a- for apa- (§§ 10, 14, 21, 26, but note á-pa-si- § 23); mu-*a for amu (§§ 7, 12?).
Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 94–96. Excerpts. § 6 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 555 f. (13). § 8 Rieken, KZ 117 (2004), p. 180. § 11 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 195 f. (12); Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 103 (6). § 12 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 324 (10). § 25 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 208 (44).
Commentary §§ 5–6. (-)wa/i-ta: absence of initial-a-final suggests that this should be suffixed to (LEO)hwi/a-sà+ra/i-sa, which leaves § 5 quite truncated. Thus read: § 5 § 6
wa/i-mu-*a |x x-ia |(LEO)hwi/a-sà+ra/i-sa-wa/i-ta |PRAE-na ARHA |(PUGNUS+PUGNUS)hu-hu+ra/i-pa-ti-i
320 § 5 § 6
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
“(There will be) … to me, and the wild beasts will HUHURPA away before me”. (or) and they will HUHURPA the wild beasts away before me”.
Yakubovich’s (loc. cit.) etymologized guess of “catch, capture”, might fit this context. § 8. i-zi-i-ha-si: Rieken, loc. cit.: “Ich machte mir selbst eine Statue des Sonnengottes”, identifying -si as med.-pass. pret erite ending. §§ 3, 9, 17. |FRATER.LA-i-sa (nom. sing.) // LA-na (acc. sign.) // […]: for Yakubovich’s explanation of the problematic writ ings of “brother”, see Fs Singer, p. 387 (LA phonetic indica tor, “disambiguating” FILIUS.NI- from FRATER.LA- reading *lani- dissimilated from nani-).
§ 12. There is space in the damaged area to restore the demanded initial-a-final: mu-pa-wa/i-[*a]. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., envisages a restoration zi[n] BONUS-sa5+ra/i-ti, “Because of this(?) goodness (of mine)”. § 16. u?-ru-wa/i-da-za, “seed(?)” = Hitt. warwalan-(?). § 23. á-pa-si-z[i] for expected pa-si-z[i]-*a (á- instead of initial-a-final). § 25. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on (“CORNU”)tarpa CRUS.
§ 11. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “but I did not set up his person”; ignoring NEG2-a REL-i-ha—see Hawkins CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 52 (12): “Not (as) any atri- did I set him up”.
III.6. TELL AHMAR 1 Peculiarities: (as for Hamiyata inscriptions TELL AHMAR 2, BOROWSKI 3, TELL AHMAR 5) initial-a-final, no redun dant -a (§ 21?); mi-*a- for ami-, mu-*a for amu(-), pa-*afor apa-, wa/i-*a- for awa-, also MALUS-wa/i-za-*a; -a plene for SUPER+ra/i-a, za-a-. Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 102–105.
Excerpts. §§ 2–4
Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 212 f. (13). § 5 Hawkins apud Bunnens, Luwian Stele, p. 24 f. (§ 14). § 6 Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, p. 462 f.; Hawkins, ibid., p. 25 (§ 15). § 7 Hawkins, ibid., p. 20 f. (§ 4). §§ 12–13 Rieken, VI ICH, p. 645. § 16 Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p.160 (5).
§ 5. Hawkins, loc. cit.
Her (scil. mein Vater) seems contextually inappropriate: apas (pa-sa-*a) is surely the despising 20-TATI. PUGNUS-ri+iis shown by wa/i-da-*a (awa-ada) to be transitive: sense probably “raise > pick up> take” (cf. range of Akk. našû).
§ 6. Rieken, loc. cit., translates: “I turned myself (i.e. became) … to the first of the (-)TUWI”, followed by Hawkins.
§ 16. Yakubovich, loc. cit., notes the comparative force of MAGNUS+ra/i-za-, thus “greater”, not “great(er)”.
§ 7. Hawkins, loc. cit., corrects the restoration from TELL AHMAR 6, § 4 (note [mi-i-s]a-*a).
§ 20. (“MALUS2”)…-z[a-’]: note restoration -’ (now -a) (initial-a-final) is unnecessary.
§ 12–13. Rieken, loc. cit.: “Er (…) übernahm die Macht mit Gewalt, und später vermehrte sie sein Sohn Hamiyatas”.
§ 21. za-⌈a⌉-ti-i-a appears to show redundant -a.
§ 2. Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit., read á-ia-lá/í-, “firstborn”.
§ 22. á-[… : restoration á-[pa-ia] improbable; it would be written pa-ia-*a. Perhaps read á-[ma] mara/i+ra/i-[ta …, “to him my words [I spoke] …”.
§ 24. Restoration [á-…] unnecessary, initial-a-final is present.
III.10. ARSLANTAŞ Location. It does not seem likely that this monument would have survived the occupation of Raqqa by ISIS/ISIL and their expulsion in 2017, but information is currently lacking. For a description of the portal lions of the east and west gates of Arslantaş, see now H. D. Galter, Militärgrenze
und Euphrathandel. Der sozio-ökonomische Hintergrund der Trilinguen von Arslan Tash, in R. Rollinger and C. Ulf, Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World (Melammu Symposia V, Steiner Verlag, 2004), pp. 444–460.
IV. MARAŞ IV.1. MARAŞ 8 Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular, redundant -a observ able (§§ 11, 12?); mi-[*a](?) for ami- (§ 2); wa/i-*a- for awa-.
Excerpts. § 8 Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 80 (7); Goede gebuure, VI ICH, p. 327 (17). § 12 Goedegebuure, IX ICH, p. 299 fn. 9 (e).
Commentary § 1. á-sa-tu-⌈wa/i+ra/i⌉-ma-za- for -wa/i-la/i // lá/í-: l > r not rhotacism. § 2. mi-⌈ia?-ti?⌉-i: should require -*a (initial-a-final), which might be established by collation. § 8. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., on zi-(pa-wa/i): “And I …-ed the gods away from here to the river”.
Yakubovich, loc. cit., identifying verb PES2-za-na- as (PES2)pazana-, and re-assigning the following DEUS … to the next clause: “Through here I used to pass to the river”. §§ 11, 12. …-ha-wa/i-ta+ra/i-a, á-ma-za-wa/i-⌈…-a⌉: twice a redundant -a? § 12. MALLEUS-L.71+ra/i-i: again l > r not rhotacism; for the verb see now TELL AHMAR 6, § 29; Goedegebuure, loc. cit., proposes a reading (MALLEUS)wala-.
IV.2. MARAŞ 4 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; redundant -a (§§ 13, 14); -aplene (NEG2-a-); mi- for ami- (§§ 8, 17), also á-mi- (§ 15); pa- and á-pa- for apa- (§§ 3, 15); wa/i- for awa- (§§ 9, 12, 13, 15, 17), but note a-wa/i-tá (§ 4). Excerpts. § 5 Goedegebuure, IX ICH, p. 304–5 (l). § 6 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 203 f. (37). §§ 9, 10 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 164 f. (80). Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 81. §§ 11, 15
§§ 12–15 Hawkins, CRRAI 47 (2002), p. 230 f. § 13 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 84. § 15 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 105 (13); Goede gebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 82 (13).
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
Commentary § 5. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., reads |ARHA (“CAPUT”)wa-sà-ha “I carried away …”, identifying verb with (PES2)u-sá-.
“it/they were (or “allowed”?) authority to my father (and) grandfather”.
§ 6. Yakubovich, loc. cit., tarpa-, “trample (on) > crush”.
§ 9. “FILIUS.NEPOS”-REL-la-, “great-grandson”: hamsukala- > *hamskwala- by metathesis (Melchert, CLL, p. 50, s.v. hamšukkalla-); cf. now FILIUS.NEPOS-si-ka+ra/i- (AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1).
§§ 9, 10. Yakubovich, loc. cit., “reflexive pronouns are used for locally bound indirect objects”. But while -ti-ia-ta // -mi-ia-tá must analyse as -ti // mi-ada, this can no longer be recognized in -ia-ta // tá but would require -ia-da. A solution to this problem could be found in following Rieken (VI ICH, p. 641 with n. 10), analysing -ti // mi-ad(a)-ta/tá. § 8. mi-pa-wa/i-da: since the recognition of tà as da, this must be analysed as -wa-ada, demanding a translation:
§ 15. Yakubovich, loc. cit.; “and thereby I exalted myself”; Melchert, loc. cit.: “I thereby exalted/elevated my own person”; Goedegebuure, loc. cit.; apari, “afterwards” rather than “thereby”.
IV.3. İSKENDERUN Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, but as noted, redundant -i as word ender/space filler; wa/i- for awa-.
§ 6
Excerpts. §§ 3–4 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 373 with n. 12; Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 323 (8).
Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 117 (38); Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 124 f. (1); Melchert, Journal of Language Contact 6 (2013), p. 304 (1).
Commentary §§ 3–4. (“CAPERE”)u-pa-, “bring”: Melchert, loc. cit., wrestles with the problem of how one can “bring a granary” (espe cially as karuna- may mean “silo” (dug in the ground rather than granary—van den Hout, Fs Hawkins, p. 237); but the problem remains. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: zin zipatanati, “by this zipatanimeasuring tool”; she argues, on the basis of “proximal za-, that the phrase refers to the stone object itself. But she
ignores both zan karunan (§ 3), and the (broken) shape of the object which is obviously that of a grinder on a basalt saddle quern. § 6. wa/i-na-ha: convincingly argued by Yakubovich, loc. cit., to equate to Hitt. awan arha, thus “do not take away”; so also Melchert, loc. cit.
IV.4. MARAŞ 1 Peculiarities: as noted, redundant -i as word ender/space filler (no initial-a-final) but also redundant -a; á-mi- for ami-, wa/i- for awa-.
Excerpts. §§ 6, 11 Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 361 f. (9). §§ 6–7 Melchert, Fs Salvini, p. 342 (26). Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 52–54.
Commentary § 1d. (“SCALPRUM+RA/I.LU/A/I”)wa/i+ra/i-pa-li-: Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 552, suggests “warrior” (vel sim.).
§§ 6, 11. Hawkins, loc. cit. for reading imrassi- Druntiya-, “Stag-God of the Field”.
§ 2. á-mi-i-zi tá-ti-zi DEUS-ni-zi-i: better “my fathers’ gods” (tati(ya)-, “paternal”).
§ 6. Melchert, loc. cit.: (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-na-za-ta-a, “made me tarrawann(i)-”.
IV.5. MARAŞ 14 Peculiarities: redundant -a, also -i (no initial-a-final); á-mi-, mi- for ami- (§§ 2, 5); wa/i- for awa-; sa- for asa-. Excerpts. § 1 Yakubovich, in Hittitology Today, p. 43 f. (2). §§ 1+5 Hawkins, CRRAI 47 (2002), p. 230 f. (3).
§ 5 § 8 § 12
Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 113 (25). iidem, ibid., p. 107 (15). Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 322 (5).
Commentary § 1. Yakubovich, loc. cit., reads convincingly: (“L.474”)u-[si]na-su-MAGNUS+ra/i-sa, understanding this as a compound ussinassura/i, “chief eunuch”. § 2. wa/i-mu-i |za-a-na: preferable order of reading to …-mu-i-a |za-na. § 3. |(L.273)wa/i+ra/i-pa-sa-li-ia-i |DOMUS-na: as noted, the same as wa/i+ra/i-pa-si DOMUS-na (KÖRKÜN, § 4), for which see now Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 555 (10), “workshops, depots”.
§§ 1+5. Hawkins, loc. cit., pointing out how a chief eunuch expects someone to “become/be made” his son. §§ 5, 8. Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, loc. cit., for NEG2-pa … NEG2-pa, “or … or”, and ni-i-sá prohib. § 9. (VIA.PUGNUS)pu-si: Peker (pers. com.) pointed out the parallel pu- // PUGNUS.VIA- (ARSUZ 1 // 2, § 20), also pu(KARABURUN, § 13). The verb denotes a positive action but precise meaning remains to be determined. § 12. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: zi-i-na LOCUS-la/i-ta-la-ti-i, “from this precinct”.
IV.6. MARAŞ 3 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, no redundant -a; á-mu for amu, wa/i-for awa-.
Commentary § 4. EDERE(?)-lá/í-ti-wa/i-li (now lá/í for ta5): the parallel ara/i-ti-wa/i-li-i- (MARAŞ 5, § 1) assumed to be rhotacized from *ada(n)tiwali-, so here la < ra < da.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
IV.7. MARAŞ 5 Edition. Following his first edition (Poetto, 1986), and mine (CHLI I/1, p. 269 f.), Poetto returned to the subject in Orientalia 79 (2010), pp. 242–245, Tav. XXIII–XXIV. Unfortunately he and I still disagree on the readings. Conveniently in his recent contribution, he reproduces his 1986 copy beside mine of 2000 (p. 243), and he also reproduces his original photographs with a further detail shot.
I would claim that my copy is the more accurate, as comparison with photographs shows, but readers must decide for themselves—or descend to the Museum depot in the çukur bostan and collate the original stone. I therefore maintain the correctness of my readings, and consider Poet to’s “definitiva lettura” to be quite questionable.
(IV.8. MARAŞ 11)
IV.10. MARAŞ 2 Excerpt. § 2 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 195 f. (14); cf. Hawkins, CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 52.
Comment § 2. Hawkins, loc. cit., contra Yakubovich, loc. cit., presses the interpretation of (COR)atri- here as “soul” > “image”.
IV.16. MARAŞ 6 Comment l. 1. FRATER.LA-za (FEMINA)na-na-sa5+ra/i-za-ha, “for bro thers and sisters”: see now FRATER.LA-i-na (FILIA)na-atara/i-ha (“brother and sister”, acc. sing. MF; JISR EL HADID 4, A § 2: Dinçol, Dinçol, Hawkins, Peker, Anatolica 40 (2014), p. 63 f.). For explanation of FRATER.LA- as representing *lani
< nani- by dissimilation, see Yakubovich, Fs Singer, p. 387 (LA- phonetic indicator disambiguating FILIUS/FRATER). na-na-sa5+ra/i- vs. na-na-tara/i-: error or phonetic reality?
(IV.17 – 19. MARAŞ 7, 10, 15)
[[Text-copy now H. Peker, plate 91]]
(IV.20. MARAŞ 16)
V. MALATYA V.1. KARAHÖYÜK Peculiarities: occasional initial-a-final, § 1 (la-mi-ni-*a?); § 11 (wa/i-mi-ta-*a); § 15 (mi-i(a)-ti-*a); otherwise a-, §§ 4, 10 (a-wa/i-tá); § 8 (a-wa/i-ní?); § 12 (a-wa/i-mu); § 13 (a-mizi/a); §§ 20, 21 (a-sa-ti); § 24 (a-wa/i-sa, a-sa-tu); note § 10 (á-sa-ha); also § 16 (-wa/i-mu-ta-a). no word-dividers, but (VIR2) CAPUT, URBS (§ 22). archaic omission of tense ending: i(a)-zi/a (§§ 9, 15), but i(a)-zi/a-ha (§ 17); PONERE (§§ 1, 14, 23); DARE (§ 13).
Excerpts. § 13 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 32 (11). § 22 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 203 f. (38). §§ 22–23 Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 118 f. (42).
Commentary § 1. la-mi-ní-*a(?): is *a initial-a-final? (otherwise unex plained). This would appear to rule out the connection with Hitt. lammar and the translation “at the time”. § 2. i(a)+ra/i-TONITRUS: reading of the name remains as uncertain as identification for this Great King. In a specu lative examination of the possibilities, Z. Simon proposes an identification with Ini-Teššub king of Hatti named by Tiglath-pileser I, c. 1100 B.C. (CRRAI 56 (2013), pp. 823–832), who might still have ruled Malatya as well as Karkamiš. § 3. wa/i-mi-OCULUS+x: verb recognized from the parallel context MARAŞ 8, § 3. Payne now suggests that OCULUS+x may in fact be LITUUS (AoF 44 (2017), p. 225 f.), which would make it the earliest appearance of the LITUUS as a Hiero glyph.
§ 12. (-)sa-tá: originally understood as “he was” ((a)sa-, 3 sing. pret.), but in the absense of a-, á- or initial-a-final -*a this must be questioned; we may have a verb L.135(9)-tisa-tá. § 13. See Addendum, CHLI I/1, p. 329. There is doubt between the readings REGIO and DOMUS; the latter more likely but less easy to interpret in context. Yakubovich has missed this (loc. cit.). § 22. tara/i-pa-a-ti: Yakubovich, loc. cit., on stem tarpa-. §§ 22–23. Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, loc. cit. on REL+ra/ii(a)-pa … REL+ra/i -pa-da. In -pa-da we must now recognize -pa+ada, “it/them”, thus: “… put it/them (my house, city?) to(?) L.293.L.469”.
V.2. GÜRÜN Peculiarities: initial-a-final; appears to distinguish zi/za; ia not attested(?—(§ 5 upper) za-i(a); (lower) za-ia(?)).
V.3. KÖTÜKALE Peculiarities: initial-a-final; shows zi+a- (za-, “this”, §§ 2, 3), but -zi/a (á-lá/í-ma-zi/a, “name”, § 5).
Excerpt. § 5. Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 325 (3).
V.4. İSPEKÇÜR Peculiarities: initial-a-final not attested (?, A, § 2 wa/i-[…]*a); seems to show zi+a (A, § 2; B, § 4).
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
V.5. DARENDE Peculiarities: initial-a-final not attested; za close to zi+a (§§ 1, 3, (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za, za-(pa-wa/i)).
V.6. MALATYA 5 Read now (DEUS)IMRA+ra/i-lá/í, Imrali, the epithet-name of the Stag-God of the Country (imrasi-): Rieken and Yakubo vich, Fs Hawkins, p. 211 f.
V.6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. MALATYA 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 REX.L.462: the second sign appears to be identical with that on KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 28, read muwida-, also on TİLSEVET, §§ 3–4, and now on KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7. A translation “seed”
may best fit all contexts; so translate “seed of the king, royal seed” instead of “potent king”.
V.15. IZGIN 1 and 2 Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular (but cf. § 10?), no redund ant -a? Excerpts, IZGIN 1. § 17 Hawkins, CRRAI 47 (2002), p. 231. § 18 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 82.
IZGIN 2. §§ 4–5 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 330 (23). § 8 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 193 (2), 195 (15); cf. Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 373.
Commentary IZGIN 1 § 2. SOLIUM-ha: presumably represents the intransitive (reflexive) form asa-, as against SOLIUM-wa/i-ha (transitive/ causative isanuwa-, § 8). § 4. ⌈mi-ia-za⌉, if correctly read, requires -*a (initial-a-final) which renders the uncertain reading even more uncertain. § 10. á?-mu?-: mu-*a expected, restoration doubtful.
§ 17. Hawkins, loc. cit.: but ⌈pa?⌉-ti-pa-⌈wa/i?⌉-tá would require -*a (initial-a-final) which casts doubt on the restor ation. § 18. Melchert, loc. cit.: but 9?-zi-a seems to have a redundant -a—further doubt. IZGIN 2 §§ 4–5. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., on *a-pi-[na] … zi(-n)-. § 8. wa/i-ti-ta-*a (a+wa+ti+ta): particle chain complete. Yakubovich, loc. cit., corrects, “image” to “person”.
V.19. ŞIRZI Location, Publication. H. Ehringhaus, Das Ende…, pp. 90–94, with Abb. 116–125 (topography, inscription details (side and top)).
New Edition. M. Dillo, The name of the author of ŞIRZI: a text collation (Bi. Or. 70 (2013), pp. 334–360).
V.22. MALATYA 13
The inscription was visited in June 2009 by Dillo and his party, who took photographs and made detailed colla tion of the text leading to new and improved readings. I am grateful to Dillo for discussing this work with me in advance of publication and providing me with a colour photograph of the inscription (though the signs had been drawn on in white paint not always correctly, by an unknown hand), and also coloured shots of detailed passages, reproduced in black and white in his publication.
Since my CHLI Edition, new evidence showed that L.463(3) should be read ma(ra), thus that the epithet of the Stag-God was not i-pá but i-mara(+ra/i-si-), imrasi-, “of the Field”, as in Hitt. DKAL LÍL (gimras): Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 358–362. The object of construction of ŞIRZI, §§ 1, 5, i-mara PES2.PES-pa-mi-, “the TARPAMI of the Field”. Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; á-mi- for mi-*a- (§ 2); á-pafor pa-*a- (§ 6); wa/i- for wa/i-*a (§ 4); rhotacism.
Commentary § 1. [i]-mara/i PES2.PES-pa-mi-na: Dillo’s collation shows the restoration to be in fact complete; he understands the writing as a “field construction”, including perhaps a “look out-tower(?)”. The problem is further discussed by Z. Simon (NABU 2014/4, no. 96), proposing “country-side road, the road in the countryside”, i.e. “highway”, which looks plaus ible (though i-mara/i without case ending is no more likely to be part of a compound noun than is i-mara/i (DEUS) CERVUS3. ru-ti-CERVUS3-ia, the name of the author: Dillo’s colla tion is presumably correct, but clearly a reduplicated Runtiruntiya- is hardly probable, so his suggestion to take it as Runti(CERVUS3)-ia- seems better (so also Simon, loc. cit., n. 1). VITELLUS.UNGULA-za?: Dillo’s collation has za instead of zi, though the two strokes incline in the wrong direction and are not visible on photographs. All Malatya attesta tions (GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, DARENDE, IZGIN 1) have -zi, understood as phonetic complement, though Karkamiš attestations have MAx-zá (CEKKE, AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31). An alternation Malizi/Maliza is perhaps unsurprising; cf. Cuneiform mi-li-di-a (Tiglath-pileser I). REGIO.DOMINUS: Dillo discusses possible reading. (FILIUS)ni?-mu-wa/i-za-sa: collation has recovered most of the first three signs. Dillo discusses the various options in reading FILIUS or INFANS.
§ 2. DOMINUS-ni-na: Dillo corrects my incorrect translit eration of logogram marker in TELL AHMAR 1, § 15; and proposes nani- as full phonetic writing, now accepted after Oreshko’s evaluation of Empire DOMINUS.NA as logogram + phonetic indicator. § 3. “DOMUS+SCALA”-ha-ti-i: Dillo suggests this to represent the “lookout-tower” part of the ŞIRZI construction. § 4. (COR)pa-sà-L.387-wa/i-sa: collation corrects the begin ning into the two signs as given; the very dubious phonetic value mì for L.387 (single KARATEPE alternation only) remains, and a contextually based guess for the interpret ation “milk” is supported by Dillo, comparing Hitt.-Luw. pas-, “swallow”, and a possible Hitt. menuwa-, “milk”. zú-pu-na, reading zup- for former sup-: the contextually based guess “suck” remains though unsupported by etymol ogy. § 6. (L.464)ha+ra/i-ma PES2.PES-pi-: Dillo follows Rieken in pointing out that hadama // harama can no longer be linked to hatta-, “demolish”, thus not “ruins // ruinously”.
(V.21. MALATYA 2)
(V.22. MALATYA 13)
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
VI. COMMAGENE VI.1 – 2. BOYBEYPINARI 1 and 2 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, no redundant -a; mi- and á-mi- for ami-, “my” (2, §§ 2, 7, 19; 2, § 5); pa- and á-pa- for apa-, “that” (1, §§ 3, 10; 2, §§ 13, 20(×2)); mu(-u) for amu, “me” (2, §§ 1, 8; 1, § 1). Excerpts, BOYBEYPINARI 1. §§ 1, 4 Melchert, Fs Salvini, p. 338 (7, 6). § 4 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 374 (10).
BOYBEYPINARI 2. § 1 Melchert, Fs Salvini, p. 338 (8). § 5 Rieken, KZ 116 (2003), p. 38 f. §§ 11–12 Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 6 f. (1). § 18 Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 112 (24). § 20 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 193 (7).
Commentary BOYBEYPINARI 1 § 4. Melchert, loc. cit., argues for (PES)upa- as “dedicate, present, grant, furnish”, thus: “but Azami … furnished them”. § 7. a-tá (OCCIDENS)i-ma-ni-, also 2, § 11, where Yakubovich, loc. cit., n. 5, links to (OCCIDENS)i-pa-mi-, “west”, translating, “to cause downfall”. § 10. á-lá/í-sá (DEUS)AVIS ((DEUS)ku-AVIS (2, § 20); (FEMINA) á-lá/í-(DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa (ANCOZ 1, § 2): the new reading lá/í permitted the identification of this word (FEMINA)Ala with the Hitt. goddess (D.MUNUS)a-la-a-, the Empire consort of the Stag-God, here syncretized with Kubaba in the same role. See Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 203 f. (2.3); see further Hawkins, in Diversity and Standardization, p. 65 ff., esp. p. 71; for an alternative suggestion, see Hutter, NABU 2016/1, no. 18, “Lady Kubaba”.
§ 5. SUPER-la/i-za-(URBS) zú-ki-ti-za-(URBS): pair of topo nyms recur on MALPINAR, § 1, as the domain of another “river-lord”. Note new spellings (la/i for ta4, zú for sù). (PES)u-pa-: see above, 1, § 4, where Melchert, loc. cit., translates “furnished”. § 12. á-lá/í-za: previously taken as an error for LOCUS-lá/íza, but Yakubovich, loc. cit., now takes it for a phonetic writing of LOCUS, thus ala-, taken as alla- < arla-, supported by comparison with Cun. Luw. arlanuwa-, “(re)place”, and Lyd. arlil(i), “belonging to household”. While this evidence is meagre, it should be noted that LOCUS-la/i // -lá/í-za does show occasional -*a (initial-a-final), which must be taken seriouly.
§ 11. ILOCUS-la/i-mu-wa/i-sa: for reading of LOCUS-la/i // lá/í-, see below, 2, § 12. SA4-na-na-la-: see now İVRİZ frag. 2, (“SA4”)REL-na-na[la]-, read kwananala-.
§ 19. -wa/i-da (-wa+ada), “it, them”, and the general accept ance of alamani as dat. sing. necessitates a revised transla tion: “or shall take it/them away from the name of my lord PN, and PN2 and PN3 out of evil”. DOMINUS-ni must be the usual genitival adj. DOMINUS- ni(ya)-, “of the lord” (dat. sing.). -ada (dir. obj.): what is “it/them” taken away—the throne, table and words?
BOYBEYPINARI 2 § 1. For “mother”, we would now expect FEMINA-na-tí-: col lation might show whether the traces are compatible.
§ 20. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on “split possesive construction”. “COR”(?)-ni-na: a form atni- alongside atri- now recog nized, seems to appear here; cf. also MALPINAR, § 11.
§§ 2–4. Little progress on these damaged and difficult clauses. sà-ka-ta-li-sa-: verb now recurs, determined L.463(3), on ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 7–8, denoting a favourable action not further elucidated.
VI.17 + 9. ANCOZ 8 + ANCOZ 5
VI.3. MALPINAR Location. Sadly flooded by construction of dam down stream: see H. Ehringhaus, Das Ende …, pp. 101–105. Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, occasional redundant -a; wa/i- for awa- (connective); á-mi- for ami-, “my” (§ 5); á-pa- for apa-, “that” (§ 11).
Excerpts. § 2 Melchert, Fs Salvini, p. 339 (10). §§ 18–22 Hawkins, CRRAI 47 (2002), p. 230 (4). Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, §§ 21–22 p. 116 f. (36).
Comment § 7. kumayala: see Poetto, OA 28 (1989), pp. 193–196.
VI.4. ADIYAMAN 1 Peculiarities: initial-a-final (pa-si-i-*a, § 8), redundant -a (§ 1).
Excerpts. §§ 4–5 Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 6 f. (2).
VI.5. ANCOZ 1 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, no redundant -a. odd sign form of L.104 (GAZELLA, read now CAPRA) as also on ANCOZ 9, 10, 11.
Excerpts. §§ 2+3 Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 359 (4).
Commentary § 2. i-mara/i (DEUS)CERVUS3: read now imra(san) Druntiya (Hawkins, loc. cit., with particular reference to ANCOZ 7, § 4). (FEMINA)á-la/i (DEUS)ku+AVIS: read now FEMINAala Dkupapa(ya), “to Ala-Kubaba”, syncretism of Kubaba with Ala the (Hitt. Empire) consort of the Stag-God; see BOYBEYP INARI 1, § 10.
(CORNU)ku-wa/i-i (read now -i for -ha): see now JISR EL HADID 4, § 5 (Dinçol, Dinçol, Hawkins, Peker, Anatolica 40 (2014), pp. 63–66), (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti-i 1 ARIES-ni-sa |(L.69. FLAMMAE)ku-wa/i-za-i. We gain a verb kuwa(za)-, context “one sacrificial animal will KUWA(ZA) to the god(s) …”, still requiring elucidation.
VI.17 + 9. ANCOZ 8 + ANCOZ 5 Description. Proposal to juxtapose ANCOZ 8 + ANCOZ 5 based on context and PNN on 8+5, l. 2: Hawkins, Fs Poetto (Warsaw, 2019), pp. 233–237. Re-edition, Commentary. Hawkins, ibid. (see now, Part 2). Photographs, Texts. ANCOZ 8, Hawkins; ANCOZ 5, Poetto.
Date. Apparent father Hattusili – son Suppiluliuma would contradict the reverse order BOYBEYPINARI 2, ANCOZ 7: problem discussed by Poetto, decision impossible without further evidence.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
VI.16. ANCOZ 7 Re-edition. Hawkins, in Diversity and Standardization, pp. 73–76, following (§§ 4, 9) Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 358.
Also Excerpt, § 4, Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 46 (29), on the plurality of DEUS-na-si-i.
Commentary § 4. Note i-mara/i+ra/i-sa-na (DEUS)CERVUS3-ia (imrasan runtiya, dat. sing.); also á-lá/í (DEUS)AVIS (Ala-Kubaba).
§ 9. [“]MALUS”-… PRAE-ha (Edition) or PRAE-ni-ha (Re-edi tion): logogram marker (not elsewhere in this inscription) or -ni(-ha)?
VI.19 and 20. ANCOZ 10 and 11 Description. Juxtaposition of the two texts suggested: Hawkins, in Diversity and Standardization, pp. 72 f., 80.
VII. AMUQ VII.1. TELL TAYINAT 1 Peculiarities: initial-a-final? (mi-ia-ti-*a, frag. 1, l. 2), redund ant -a? (…] x-pa-wa/i-ta-a?, frags. 3–5, l. 3). Discovery. For further discussion of the find-spot of these inscribed throne fragments and the associated colossal head see Harrison and Hawkins, Ta‘yināt, Tall (RlA XIII.5/6
(2012), s.v., §§ 5.1–2, 6.1). It would appear that only the colossal head was excavated in Building VII, first pave ment, and that all the inscribed throne fragments (TELL TAYINAT 1, frags. 1, 2, 3–6) were found in the debris of Courtyard VIII.
Commentary frags. 3–5, l. 1. wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-za-[sa](REGIO): reading now established as Walastiniza- (la/i for ta4), and further attes tations (ARSUZ 1+2; also pa-lá/í-sà-ti-ni-za-(REGIO) ALEPPO 6 and 7, § 1; and wa/i-la-sà-ti-ni-za(REGIO) TELL TAYINAT frags. TT 2463+2713, joined by Weeden, NABU 2015/2, no. 44). l. 4. FORTIS-[li]-i-na |L.273-i-na, “[gave] a mighty weapon” (Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 548, with parallel passages KARKAMIŠ A4b // N1, § 4; SULTANHAN, § 8 (5, 6)).
l. 5. L.356-zú-ha: Hier. (L.356)REL-zú-(wa/i)- now identified by Melchert with Cun. Luw. kuwanzu-, “heavy, important”, see Syllabary s.v. zú; here the fragmentary context does not permit a clear analysis of the grammatical form.
VII.2. TELL TAYINAT 2 Discovery. The group of fragments TELL TAYINAT VII was reported in CHLI I/2 (following Gelb) as found “in the portico of the megaron one metre below the first floor”, information also in the excavation catalogue. Tim Harrison informs me that this really means one metre lower than the megaron portico floor in the fill created by the collapse of that portion of the floor, i.e. unstratisfied. The new excavation project TAP, annually from 2005, identified part of the massive foundations of Building XIV below Building I, and recovered fragments of Hieroglyphic inscriptions which were associated with the numerous frag ments from the Syrian-Hittite expedition and considered to have eroded “from the cultural stratum that has now begun to reveal the remains of Building XIV”. Further: “… the scatter plots created by their spatial distribution cluster tightly around Building XIV” (Harrison, Fs Stager (2009), pp. 179–181 with Fig. 4). But many of the fragments marked on Fig. 4, those in the Building II portico and on the south and east sides of Building I belong to TELL TAYINAT 2, for which a date much earlier than c. 800 B.C. is palaeographically not to be considered. Indeed after the excavation in 2008–2009
of Building XVI and the investigation of its forecourt, Har rison says of the Hieroglyphic fragments recovered both by the Syrian-Hittite and TAP expeditions that many were found “scattered on the surface of the cobblestone court yard in front of Building XVI”. He further speculates that the original block shaped TELL TAYINAT 2 might have stood on the square of finely-dressed limestone orthostats in this location, found by the Syrian-Hittite expedition but since lost. (Harrison, Congress Volume Munich 2013 (Brill, 2014), p. 407). The destruction of this monument by the Assyrians in or after 738 B.C. seems both likely and typical. Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, no redundant -a(?); á-mu- for amu, “me”, 3, § ii; 1b, l. 2; a-mi- for ami-, “my”, 5a; pa- for apa-, “that”, 1a, § 1; á-pi- for apa-, “that”, 2a, l. 1, § ii.; 6, l. 2; 10b, l. 5; wa/i- for awa- (2b, § v) Excerpt. frag. 2a, § iv Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 213 (14); Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 468 (5).
Commentary line 1 frag. 2a, § iii. BRACCHIUM-l[u/a/i]-sa-[…]: BRACCHIUM now read isarwili- // isaruli-, “right-hand” (Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, p. 17); normally noun/adj., here probably verb. § iv. Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit.: DN “… manifested his own goodness to me in high measure” (á-lá/í = aru); Yakubo vich, loc. cit.: “In high measure DN performed his own good (deeds) for me”. frag. 6, l. 1. As restored from JISR EL HADID frag. 3, ll. 2–3 we get: “[…] the right-hand I expelled from the land”; see discussion there. line 2 frag. 7, frag. 6. VIA-wa/i-ta-za, VIA-wa/i-ta-z[i/a?]: new attes tations VIA-wa/i-na (acc. sing. MF, TELL AHMAR 6, § 12);
(“VIA”)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ta-[z]a (dat. plur. harwant-, “travel ler(?)”, JISR EL HADID 4, § 4). Do we have “travellers” here, or another extended form of harwa-, “road”? line 4 frag. 11. á-lá/í-ma-ni-i: identification as nom./acc. plur. N given up in favour of dat. sing. line 5 frag. 10, § i: (DEUS)CERVUS3+RA/I-ia-: form CERVUS2+RA/I closely similar to new JISR EL HADID 4, § 2, in PN CERVUS3+ RA/I-ta-pi-; the RA/I in the DN/PN Runtiya-/Runtapi-, presumably, as occasionally, stands for ru, see ARSUZ 1+2, § 11 ((LIGNUM)tara/i-wa/i // LIGNUM-ru-wa/i-i); NİĞDE 1, § 1, İVRİZ 1, § 3 (tara/i-sa/sá = tarusa, “statue”).
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
VII.3. TELL TAYINAT 3 Location. This piece is not in fact lost, but now on display in the new Hatay Archaeological Museum.
VII.5. JISR EL HADID frags. 1 – 3. Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, no redundant -a apparent; a-mi- for ami-, “my”, 1, § 2; 2, l. 2; wa/i- for awa-, 1, l. 2; 2, l. 2; wa/i-a for awa-, 3, l. 2.
Commentary frag. 3, ll. 2–3. |wa/i-a (“PES2.PES”)tara/i-pa-ma-za |(LOQUI) mara/i+ra/i-li-i| |-li-sà-x-zi |BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-zi |TERRAREL+ra/i-ti-i | ARHA L.501-ha[…, “… expel(led) from the land”: as in KARATEPE 1, § XIII.65–68; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 6, l. 1. L.501-ha- identified with Hitt. parh-, “pursue, expel”, thus FUGARE-ha- (Melchert, Fs Tischler, p. 205 f.; see further under KARATEPE, loc. cit. BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-: identified as isarwili-/isaruli“right-hand” (Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, p. 17).
(LOQUI)mara/i+ra/i-li-i-li-sà-x-: unclear derivation from (LOQUI)mara/i+ra/i-, “command”, for which see now Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, p. 48 with n. 13. Sense: to “expel from the land right(-hand) MARALI LISA” might sound a negative action, but while FUGARE-ha […] could be restored -[ta] (parha[-ta], “he/they expelled”), the parallel TELL TAYINAT 2 FUGARE-ha (parha-ha, “I expelled”) must be 1 sing. (pret.).
VII.8. KIRÇOĞLU Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, one redundant -a visible; á-mi- for ami-, “my” (§ 4); wa/i- for awa- (§ 3), also wa/i-a for awa (§ 2).
Excerpts. §§ 2–3 Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), p. 79.
Commentary § 2. ARHA (“PES”)u-pa-: Melchert, loc. cit., “bring away”; but arha often has the alternative sense “out” (arha awi-, “come out”), so “brought out” seems just as likely.
§ 3. Melchert, loc. cit., invokes the Watkins–Garrett rule to take the verb as intransitive, also rejects my restoration i-zii-da- on the grounds of the now recognized -da-. While this is clearly correct, his own “speculative” interpretation does not look very promising.
VII.13. ARSUZ 1 + 2
VII.14. JISR EL HADID 4 See Part 2
VII.17. TELL TAYINAT new fragments
VIII. ALEPPO VIII.1. BABYLON 1 Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular; no redundant -a (?); mi-*a- for ami-, “my” (§ 3), and note á-ma-za-pa-wa/i-*a (§ 4).
Excerpts. § 2 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 200 f. (29). § 10 Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), pp. 88–90 (12). §§ 11–12 Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008), p. 10 f. (15); Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 204 f. (4).
Commentary § 2. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on BONUS-ti-i, follows CHLI. § 4. á-ma-za-…-*a: superfluous initial-a-final! § 9. wa/i-tu-da-*a: must be analysed as awa+tu+ada, where one would expect -tu-wa/i-da; supply ? pa+ra/i-na-*a: presumably represents aparin, a form of apari-, “after, second”? § 10. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “(One) who comes in (and) begins to eat (and) drink” (“… imperfective stems azza-i and pazza-i are used … with the inceptive meanings”); below § 15, ara pata, “food (and) drink” linked to these verbs.
§ 11–12. Yakubovich, and Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit., read now *a-la/ilu/a/i-ní-, “enemy”, elsewhere *a-la/i-ni // níand á-ru-ni-i-. § 13. LOCUS-la/i-za-*a: initial-a-final here as also in KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 23–24 also probably A11b+c, § 23, indi cates that LOCUS begins a- and supports Yakubovich’s oth erwise meagrely supported proposed reading arla- // alla(Kadmos, forthcoming). § 15. Melchert apud Yakubovich, loc. cit. (§ 10): “Let the Storm-God of Aleppo not grant him ARA PATA in order to destroy (him)”, understanding ARA PATA as “food (and) drink”.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
VIII.2. BABYLON 2 Discovery. See CHLI I/2, p. 397, Addendum, correcting the find-spot to Quairich village on the west side of the Babylon Kasr, probably in 1883–1884, and bought by the British Museum in July 1888.
Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; á-mu(-) for amu, “me” (§ 4); wa/i- for awa(-) (§§ 2, 3). Excerpt. § 4 Melchert, CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 409 (2).
Commentary § 2. sa-há: taken as asaha, “I was”; but perhaps sa-, “let go”, thus “I let out “woe!” to him”(?)
§ 4. Melchert, loc. cit.: “and for him I made a consecrated k. and k.
VIII.5. ALEPPO 5 See Part 2
IX. HAMA IX.1. HAMA 4 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, few redundant -a; á-mi- for ami-, “my” (§§ 4, 10, 12); á-pi- for apa-, “that” (§ 3).
§ 11 Poetto, Fs Szemerényi, p. 669 ff. § 15 Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 22 f. (12).
Excerpts. § 5 Yakubovich, MSS 70 (2016), p. 88. § 8 Melchert, Journal of Language Contact 6 (2013), p. 303 f.; Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 325 (2).
Commentary § 8. wa/i-na-ha: now elucidated by Yakubovich as parallel to Hitt. awan arha (VIII ICH, Warsaw, 2014); see now Melchert, loc. cit.; Yakubovich, loc. cit. § 11. Poetto, loc. cit.; “e in nessuna occasione (essi) immo larono alla dea buoi puri (e) destinati (letteralm. alcun bue puro (e) destinato al sacrificio”).
§ 13. (VITIS)sa5+ra/i-ta-za(-ha): CHLI restored , but Yakubovich argues for rl > rr here (sarlatanza > sarratanza); also sarlas > sarras (KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.7), and *sarlahisa > sarrahisa (ALEPPO 6, § 12) (Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 13). § 15. ara/i-la: “ar(a)la bread”, Yakubovich, loc. cit.
IX.2 – 12 HAMA 2 – 7 etc., no further comment. IX.13. MEHARDE Peculiarities: initial-a-final (pa-ti-*a-pa-wa/i, § 6, misplaced; sa-tu-*a, § 6; pa-sa-pa-wa/i-*a, § 8, poorly placed); no
redundant -a; no rhotacism; pa-*a- for apa-, “that” (§§ 6, 8); sá-*a- for asa-, “be” (§ 6).
Commentary § 1. (STELE)ta-ni-sà-, so also §§ 3, 7 and SHEIZAR, § 4: see Melchert, Gs Forrer, p. 473.
stelae should now be included under VII. AMUQ rather than IX. HAMA.
§ 2. wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-za-(REGIO), Walastin(ean): the dis covery of ARSUZ 1+2, and especially TELL TAYINAT 5 frag. TT 2463+2713 (note -la-), confirms that this is indeed the Hier. Luw. name of the Amuq kingdom with its capital at Tell Tayinat. The stelae MEHARDE and SHEIZAR show the authority of this state extending at least as far south as their find-spots on the mid-Orontes. Properly speaking the two
§ 6. pa-ti-*a-pa-wa/i: as noted above (Peculiarities), the initial-a-final is misplaced. LIS(-)za-sa-li-sà: Yakubovich divides LIS-za sa-li-sà-. § 8. pa-pa-wa/i-*a: initial-a-final required, although poorly placed; this leaves the following word as x-x-za.
IX.14. SHEIZAR Peculiarities: initial-a-final regular; no redundant -a; mi-*afor ami-, “my” (§§ 2, 3, 4, 5); pa-*a- for apa-, “that” (§ 7); wa/i- for awa- (§ 3), note wa/i-a (§ 2); rhotacism(?!), mi-ia+ra/i-*a (§ 2).
Excerpt. § 2 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 376 f.; Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 77 f. (4).
Commentary § 1. MATER-na-tí-, “mother”: previously the choice between “mother” and “wife” was uncertain; but the discovery of ARSUZ 1+2 suggest that “mother” is normally comple mented -na-tí- and “(woman), wife” -(na)-ti-. If so, BOYBEY PINARI 2, § 1, after “PN1 FEMINA-na-ti-sa” should have “PN2 [MATER-na-tí]-sá: the traces are not very promising, but col lation might help. An exception to this observation would be ta-ri+i-sa ⌈MATER⌉-ti-sa, “father (and) mother”; though this could support Yakubovich’s proposal to understand ⌈FEMINA⌉-ti-sa, “(father and) wife” (i.e. “step-mother” (see KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5). Date. I have suggested that Taita’s centenarian wife might well have survived him for at least a generation; but a centenarian mother might die about the same time. § 2. mi-ia+ra/i-*a, “my” (abl. sing.): apparently < amiyadi, inescapable rhotacism at an unexpectedly early and unpa ralleled date.
(PES2)pa-za-hax: Melchert, loc. cit.: “… received an allotment of 100 years”; Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “… I passed (through) a hundred years” (noting Melchert’s withdrawal of (PES)paza-, “allocate” (p. 79 n. 16). § 4. We have to suppose that a centenarian woman could speak of actions of her great-great grandchildren in the preterite. § 5. á-x-mi-: probably not ami-, “my”, for which mi-*a- is expected. § 8. ILOCUS-ti-L.273-wa/i-sa: here and BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11, Yakubovich now envisages the PN as alla(n)ti-muwa (Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 21).
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
X. TABAL X.1–8. KIZILDAĞ, KARADAĞ, BURUNKAYA group Discovery. The “Throne” with Hartapu figure and KIZILDAĞ 1, also KIZILDAĞ 2 (horizontal) and KIZILDAĞ 3 (adjoining vertical): this was still intact at the time of the visits of Hawkins in 1967 and of Gonnet in 1971; but Gonnet in 1981 found it damaged by dynamite, which had detached the portion with KIZILDAĞ 2 + KIZILDAĞ 3, and in 1989 Hawkins and Gonnet saw the block lying face down on the slope (KIZILDAĞ 3 underneath and KIZILDAĞ 2 exposed upside-down). In visits in 1989, and 2001 and 2002, Ehringhaus described and photographed the Kızıldağ monuments, also those of Karadağ and Burunkaya: Das Ende…, pp. 16–27 with Abb. 4–20; 28–31 with Abb. 22–24; 31–33 with Abb. 25–28. Poetto visited in September 1998 and took photographs of KIZILDAĞ 4, and collated the text. Oreshko visited Kızıldağ and Burunkaya in June 2010, took photographs and made collations. Weeden visited in September 2017 and made collations. The rock bearing KIZILDAĞ 4 had a large slab on top, which was photographed by Hawkins in 1967 and 1989 (CHLI I/3, plate 238, below), and Ehringhaus in 1989 (loc. cit., Abb. 18), also Poetto in 1995 (loc. cit., below, p. 478); but by 2009 this had disappeared (Ehringhaus, loc. cit., Abb. 16). Publication. Ehringhaus, loc. cit., Abb. 9–11 (Hartapu with KIZILDAĞ 1, showing deterioration 2001–2002); Abb. 12, KIZILDAĞ 2 (detached, upside-down, 1989); Abb. 13 (Hawkins’ 1967 photograph, attributed to G. Bell, 1907!); Abb. 18 (KIZILDAĞ 4 in 1989). Poetto reported the results of his 1995 visit to KIZILDAĞ 4 to the IIIrd International Congress of Hittitology held in Çorum in September, 1996, and this was published in the Congress volume, III ICH (Ankara, 1998), pp. 469–477, with 478–479 (photographs). He very kindly made this material available to me for last-minute inclusion in CHLI (see I/2,
p. 441, and the photograph I/3, p. 239), for which I am most grateful. Oreshko unfortunately used material collected in his 2010 visit as the basis for two articles exhibiting demon strably incorrect readings to support improbable interpret ations: Kadmos 55 (2016), pp. 1–16; AoF 44 (2017), pp. 47–67. Date. Much debated, still controversial. Since my summary in CHLI I/2, p. 438 f. I note the following contributions: Jasink (2001), Freu (2005), Sürenhagen (2008), d’Alfonso (2014), Summers (2017): see the bibliographies in the two most recent articles, Oreshko, AoF 44 (2017), pp. 47–67; Hawkins and Weeden, Fs Geoffrey and Françoise Summers, forthcoming. No convincing arguments have been advanced to show: (1) that the KIZILDAĞ 4 // KARADAĞ 1 inscriptions can be dated later than c. 1200 B.C. (before or after); (2) that the Kızıldağ figure of the enthroned Hartapu can be dated earlier than the 8th century B.C. (Bittel, 1986; Symington, 1996). Thus some explanation of gulf between these Hartapu monuments must be found. My suggestion was that the Hartapu figure was added in the 8th century B.C. to the site of the inscriptions of c. 1200 by a Tabalian dynasty claiming the title of Great King and descent from the similarly titled Hartapu. Summers (loc. cit.) observes that “… figure of the seated king and the hieroglyphic cartouche in front of him must have been made at the same time”, which I would not dispute; but when he continues: “If the style of the throne and the attributes of the figure are to be dated to the eighth century … the entire group of inscriptions mentioning Hartapu has to be dated to the eighth century”, this is pre cisely what I contest. The respective datings of KIZILDAĞ 4 and Hartapu with KIZILDAĞ 1 are sufficiently well-founded to force the quest for an explanation. It may however be necessary to concede that KIZILDAĞ 2 and 3, juxtaposed as they are to KIZILDAĞ 1, may be contemporary with it, i.e. also 8th century B.C.
[[For the implications of TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK see below. Addendum, p. 338]]
X.1 – 3. KIZILDAĞ 1 – 3 KIZILDAĞ 1. As emphasized, the throned figure is securely dated to the later eighth century B.C. A comparison with the figure of the Assyrian king (Tiglath-pileser III?) depicted on
the wall-painting from Tell Ahmar is striking (Thureau-Dan gin and Dunand, Til-Barsib, Album, pl. LII). The accompany ing relief epigraph must of course be contemporary, even
if, as maintained, referring to a 12th century B.C. ruler. KIZILDAĞ 2 and 3 (horizontal and vertical on adjoining surfaces, incised). The two might be 12th century, contem porary with KIZILDAĞ 4, but it could also be argued that their positioning suggests that they were incised at the same time as the execution of the figure, thus are 8th century. In the latter case the apparent archaic features must be taken
as conscious archaisms: these features include: (1) form of tá with a marked kink in its lower line (cf. the forms on KARKAMIŠ A21b+a); (2) FILIUS wihout upper “crampon”; (3) zi/a for za, “this”; (4) the somewhat bizarre AEDIFICARE, comparable with the forms on BOĞAZKÖY – SÜDBURG, quite different to Late AEDIFICARE.
X.5. KIZILDAĞ 4 Edition. Poetto, III ICH (1998), pp. 469–471. Excerpts. § 2a–b Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 200 f. (31). §§ 2–3 Melchert, Fs Vine (Ann Arbor, 2018), p. 237.
§ 3 Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 11–12 (11): Oreshko, Kadmos 55 (2016), pp. 10–15.
Commentary It is unfortunately necessary to reject the new “read ings” and interpretations of Oreshko (loc. cit., Publication). These are dealt with in Hawkins and Weeden (forthcoming), The Dating of the Tabalian inscriptions. The main points are recapitulated here as they occur. The text largely follows Poetto, Edition. § 2a–b. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on (BONUS2)wa/i-sà-ti. REL: position in final position awkward; Yakubovich suggests transferring it to beginning of § 3 (loc. cit., § 3, fn. 14). § 2c. ma-sà REGIO AQUILA-na, “(conquered) the land Masa for ever” (so Poetto); Poetto’s recognition of the eagle’s head is clearly correct, but the interpretation less certain. The rebus reading of ara/i is for the eagle-man with forward pointing wing and +ra/i (L.133–134 Late; for the Empire form, pictographic and cursive, see Hawkins apud Her bordt, PBS, p. 250 (71–74, seals of Arnilizi)). It is by no means certain that the present eagle-head can have this reading and if not, what that might be; thus what its function here is: read ma-sà-AQUILAx-na(REGIO)? [[revert to reading mu-sà-ka(REGIO), “Muska”, see above, p. 168]] mu(wa)-tá-a: my drawing (CHLI I/3, pl. 239) was traced from the stone in 1989 and shows with fair clarity -a, but redundant -a at this date is surprising; (it cannot be initial-a-final).
Oreshko’s translation of preterite mu(wa)-tá with present tense is not acceptable. §§ 2–3. Melchert, loc. cit.: “He ruled/conquered the land of Masa for a time. A Great King, a (real) man, he hunted all the lands/earth/countryside [sequentially] (with the help of) the Storm-God of Heaven”. § 3. Collation by Weeden shows adequately clearly (TERRA) ta-sà-RELx+ra/i (ta donkey head L.100; sà caprid head L.104; RELx+ra/i, form RELx as found in several occurrences on TOPADA, where it must be regarded as one of the archa isms). Oreshko’s readings and interpretation are to be dis carded. (a)li-wa/i-ní (as on SÜDBURG) and (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní(-sa) (YALBURT): if the SÜDBURG and YALBURT occurrences are both highly problematic, the present attestation takes this to a further level. We are hardly close to a satisfactory solu tion. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “On all the earth the Great King hunted (and) captured the enemy by (the help of) the StormGod of Heaven”; (VIR)ali-wa/i-ní compared with (VIR2)aliwa/i-ní-, “enemy (men)”, (as on YALBURT); curious to find “hunt(ed)” used of men rather than animals, if my interpre tation of CERVUS4.IACULUM as “hunter, hunt”, is correct.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
X.7. KARADAĞ 1 Discovery. Little new to add: the left hand edge of the inscription appears not to be broken and not to have lost
any signs, though collation is desirable; important to deter mine whether the inscription is complete as read.
Commentary If the clause is complete it lacks a verb unless this can be recognized in L.468, as suggested in CHLI I/2, p. 441. Now Oreshko (AoF 44 (2017), p. 51 f.) suggests that it with the two following signs represents “the entire land MASA”, a logographic writing of the GN elsewhere recognized in ma-sa5(REGIO). He supports this by comparing L.511-sa5(RE
GIO) (YALBURT blocks 17, § 2 and 7, § 2b), which is not perhaps impossible; and further proposing that the sign represents pictographically a locust (Hitt. masa-), a clear fantasy buttressed by extensive argumentation of dubious relevance. Let us leave him there.
X.8. BURUNKAYA Collations by Oreshko, Kadmos 55 (2016), pp. 2–10. x-tá-pu-sa: he is perhaps right in noting that the first sign as damaged is not consistent with the expected há+ra/i, and even perhaps in his collated restoration, though this is hardly supported by photographs, and set alongside his other collations does not inspire confidence. His specula tions on readings to match há+ra/i- are also unconvincing.
x-zi/a (sign following DEUS.TONITRUS): the form of the sign seen by me on the rock when I made the drawing and clearly visible in my photographs (CHLI I/3, pl. 243b and c; also Ehringhaus, Abb. 27, 28) does not agree with Oreshko’s wish to identify it as EUNUCHUS2, which he attempts to extract from collation, though unsupported by Ehringhaus’ photograph. More egregious speculation follows. … REG]IO // UR]BS tu-pi+ra/i: possible.
[[Addendum. X.56. TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK]] The above was written before the discovery in 2019 of the TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK inscription (for which see now Part 2, X.56). Rather than rewriting this, I thought it best to let it stand to show my thinking before the new discovery, and to set out in this addendum how it could alter our per ception of the now more complicated development of this group of inscriptions. Against the editio princeps of TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK by Goedegebuure and van den Hout in 2020, we maintain the datings of KIZILDAĞ 4 and of KIZILDAĞ 1 with its seated figure to the 12th and 8th centuries B.C. respectively (the latter now with KIZILDAĞ 2 and 3). This leads us to attrib ute KIZILDAĞ 4 with KARADAĞ 1 to a Hartapu I son of Mursili; and KIZILDAĞ 1–3 with TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK to Hartapu II, who celebrated the deeds of his ances
tor Hartapu I son of Mursili with both KIZILDAĞ 1–3 and TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK line 1. The reading mu-sà-ka REGIO on TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK line 1 prompted the reexamination and rereading of mu and ka on KIZILDAĞ 4. We further suggest a link between the events recorded on TOPADA by Wasusarma a Tabalian King, and on TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK line 2 by Hartapu II, namely that these may refer to hostilities between the two. BURUNKAYA, far from KIZILDAĞ-KARADAĞ and TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK but close to TOPADA, could represent an incursion deep into enemy territory by Hartapu II, styling himself [descendant] of Mursili, Great King, Hero. Detailed arguments in support of the scenario pre sented here are given by Hawkins and Weeden in AoF 48/2 (2021), pp. 384–399.
X.9. KULULU 1 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, frequent redundant -a; á-sáfor asa-, “be”; á-pa- for apa-, “that”; wa/i- for awa-, con nective; á-mu- for amu, “me”; no rhotacism. Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, p. 87 f.
Excerpts. §§ 7–8
Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 113 (27). § 12 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 195 f. (17). § 13 Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 477 f. (18). § 14 Yakubovich, MSS 70 (2016), p. 95 (22). § 16 Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 80 (9).
Commentary § 4. i-zi-ha-a!: natural order of reading would give i-zi-a-ha, which would be unparalleled (as against i-zi-ia-ha). § 8. Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, loc. cit., on ni-pa-wa/i. § 11. Dillo, Bi. Or. 74 (2017), p. 543 f. on amura-.
§ 12. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on á-tara/i-i-. § 13. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on wasu awi-, “come well”. § 16. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., on zi-ti, “here”.
X.10. KULULU 4 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, occasional redundant -a; á-mi- for ami-, “my”; á-sa- for asa-, “be”; wa/i- for awaconnective. Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 50–52.
Excerpts. §§ 4–5 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 195 f. (18–19). van den Hout, Fs Popko, p. 177. §§ 4–5, 9 § 6 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 197 f. (23). § 12 Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 467 f. (7). § 14 Hawkins, CRRAI 47 (2002), p. 231 (8).
Commentary §§ 4–5, 9. Van den Hout’s separation of COR-tara/i- // (ta)-lafrom COR-(ta-)ni- (atri- // atli- // atni-), on the basis of tara/isa // sá not representing taru-sa, “statue”, is invalidated by -tara/i- for -taru- (ARSUZ 1+2, § 11); thus we return to atri- = atni-, now further supported by JISR EL HADID 4, §§ 2–3; cf. Hawkins, CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 51.
§ 6. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on BONUS-si-ia-za-. § 12. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “For everyone I did good”, or “For everyone I promoted (his) well-being”. § 14. “My” would require ⌈á⌉-mi-[ia-za]-ha-[wa/i], but the traces look like la not á.
X.11. ÇİFTLİK Peculiarities: no initial-a-final, few redundant -a visible; one rhotacism ((“EDERE”)á-ru-na, § 16); wa/i- for awa-, con nective; á-pa- for apa-, “that”; á-mu for amu, “me”.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
Commentary §§ 8–10. zi-wa/i-ta … [zi-pa-wa/i-ta …] … zi-pa-wa/i-ta: “here … [and here …] and here …”: passage omitted by Goe degebuure in her study VI ICH, pp. 319–334.
X.12. TOPADA Peculiarities: weirdness of sign-forms and signary noted in CHLI I/2, p. 460 f. táx (see Syllabary, p. 421): reading adopted in place of tax (CHLI I). TOPADA does not use tá, so táx seems to stand in for it. For a recent reexamination of the TOPADA signary as dating criteria, archaic or archaizing, see Hawkins and Weeden, Fs Geoffrey and Françoise Summers, forthcoming. Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 54–59. Edition. D’Alfonso (Ed.), JCS 71 (2019), pp. 133–152.
Excerpts. § 4 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 197 (21). § 13 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, pp. 547–549 (3). § 15 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 374 (11). § 18 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 197 f. (25). § 23 Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 79 (6). § 25 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 374 n. 15. § 26 Goedegebuure, IX ICH, p. 297 (a). §§ 31, 32, 33 Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 213 (15, 16, 17). § 38 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 195 f. (20).
Partial edition. §§ 1–29. Weeden, Iraq 72 (2010), pp. 46–58.
Commentary § 2. Weeden, loc. cit.: “… Wasusarma proclaimed (his) con quest here”. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “W., the mighty, proclaimed here”. § 3. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “The king of Prizu(wa)nda and eight (rulers) of higher and lesser status were [hostile] to me”. § 4. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on wa/i6-sa7-, “be friendly”. zi/a-tara/i: in CHLI I/2, taken as tara/i-zi/a, “three” (cf. § 20), since three names follow. Weeden, loc. cit., takes as zadari < *zadadi, “from this side”. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “Three kings were supportive of me …” § 5. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “I arose with the royal cavalry”. § 6. Weeden, loc. cit.: “… established a fort at a frontier post of mine”. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “and set up my border-fort”. § 7. Weeden, loc. cit.: “… drove his chariot to my border”. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “The P.-ean rushed with the chariots towards the borders against me”.
§ 8. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “(Then) he went …”, but he reads incor rectly “PES2”-i+ra/i (awira), “he came” (in § 13 he reads the same correctly). “… to impose his own border here”. §§ 10, 12. D’Alfonso (Ed.): reads COR-na ha-sax/sa5-hax/ha, “I gladdened my soul”. COR for ANNUS (L.336) wrong, see forms §§ 36, 38; hasa- for hasi- improbable. § 11. Weeden, loc. cit.: a-wa/i-sa6 2-sú zi/a-lá/í-ta, “and he g alloped a second time”. § 13. L.273-ti: Weeden, “… (away from my) might”; Yakubo vich, “with arms”. § 14. D’Alfonso (Ed.) URBS+MI AEDIFICIUM(-): “city and its buildings”. § 15. Melchert, loc. cit.: “The land-holdings, the women (and) children they surrendered into slavery”; Weeden, loc. cit.: “But he sent the serfs and women-and-children into slavery”. D’Alfonso (Ed.) reads *279-ha-ia(-pa-wa/i)(no ha!), “booty”.
§ 16. D’Alfonso (Ed.) (LITUUS)ti-ia+ra/i-táx, “took control of”, for Hawkins “guarded”. §§ 19, 20. ta-x(URBS). x incorrectly identified by d’Alfonso (Ed.) as L.258 which = L.257 (ARGENTUM); x has notably concave sides, as against L.258 which can be seen in § 31 below (CAPERE.ARGENTUM …). The sign x must be regarded as still unidentified. § 20. wa/i7-tù x: no initial-a-final, as against my copy. Colla tion of good photographs given to me by Gernot Wilhelm shows now a sign of the form unrecognized, but defin itely not -a, perhaps L.374 (see § 25). §§ 21–22 remain as obscure as when my edition did not translate them. Weeden, loc. cit.: “And (in) the third year they, the Great Horse (riders) were united with the first of the first, and for three months no one fought battles (against) me in front of the x-pa-s”. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “By the third year the Great Horses lost? against the Best of All. It supported (lit. held) me fighting for three full months”. He reads x-si?(-)sa-táx as AVIS2-sí-hasa-tax, “lost?”; but AVIS2 remains an unidentified sign, and -ha- transliterates a clear big round hole in the rock. § 23. Weeden, loc. cit.: “But afterwards he went with infan try (and) cavalry to the P. land, to the plain”; Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “Then the column with horses passed down to the land of P.”. Weeden’s “to the plain” (pi?-táx-táx) somewhat speculative. D’Alfonso (Ed.) “… into the core-territory …”: “core-” translates nothing in the text. § 25. Weeden, loc. cit.: “but while he was delivering the serfs and women and children of the *74 for servitude”. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “While *74-wa was bringing away the booty, and the women and the children into slavery”.
L.74. This sign is actually listed by Laroche as L.374 (poorly drawn), and after collation of photographs is prob ably not the same as L.74. It may also occur in § 20 above, though not intelligible there. § 26. zi/a(-)CRUS+RA/I: unclear verb, guessed as “attacked(?)”. D’Alfonso (Ed.) reads (improbably) HIC CRUS+RA/I, “stood here”. § 28. L.273+RA/I: Weeden “by prowess”; d’Alfonso “by (his) might”. § 29. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “they made”; but i-zi/a-ia-da should be 3 sing., “he made”. § 31. D’Alfonso (Ed.) (DEUS)BOS.L.206.PANIS-na á-ru?-na, “the high god Y”. CAPERE.ARGENTUM […]-sà-wa/i, “I will compensate”. §§ 31, 32, 33. Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit., consider that these passages offer “combinatory evidence for the use of L.319 [formerly TA4, now la/i] for etymological */ru/: specific ally the “direct alternation between á-ru and á-la/i” in §§ 31 and 33. This is indeed a crucial point for much of their argu mentation, and one can only regret that TOPADA is not a completely reliable witness—the identification of ru? being less than certain. However, provisionally, read with Rieken/ Yakubovich aru, “in high measure”. § 32. D’Alfonso (Ed.): “and at (due) time they will give me (my) own greatest victory along with the might”. § 38. Yakubovich, loc. cit., points out (contra CHLI I/2, p. 460) Luw. atri- cannot be cognate with Hitt. eš(ša)ri, “form, image”. Cf. now Hawkins, CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 51 f., on the parallelism.
X.13. SUVASA Inscription B. L.273.REX: “royal warrior” (Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 553)
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
X.14. SULTANHAN Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 98–102. Excerpts. § 3 Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, p. 357; Yakubovich, Arbeitstagung der IG (2014), no. (17). § 4 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 373. §§ 5, 7 Yakubovich, Fs Součková, pp. 479, 472 (20, 16). § 7 Goedegebuure, VI ICH, p. 320 f. (1); eadem, Fs Hawkins, p. 79 (1). § 8 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 548 f. (6). § 9 Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008), p. ** (16); Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 204 f. (5). §§ 10–29 Giusfredi, THeth 28, pp. 247–251. § 12 Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 373; Goe degebuure, VI ICH, p. 324 (9); Simon, IX ICH, pp. 887–897.
§ 13 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 59 f. (51). § 18 Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 467 f. (6); Goede gebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 79 (2). §§ 19–20 Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 331 (13). § 21 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 208 (45). §§ 23–25 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 56 f. (44). § 31 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 206 f. (42). Goedegebuure, ** § 34 §§ 38–42 Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, p. **. § 41 Yakubovich, Arbeitstagung der IG (2014), no. (19). §§ 43–45 Melchert, Fs Nowicki, pp. 133, 135 f. (1). § 45 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 56 f. (45). §§ 4–9, 14–15, 22–29, 34–36 Weeden, WdO 48 (2018).
Commentary § 3. CRUS-nú-wa/i-mi-i-na: now corrected by Melchert from 1 plur. pres. to gerundive (loc. cit.), “(he is) to be set up (again) …”.
§§ 23–25. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “The vine will grow, extend (its) branches, and (it) will produce 1000? tiwadali-measures (of wine)”.
§ 4. Melchert, loc. cit.: “When I dedicated him …”.
§ 27. Giusfredi, loc. cit., fn. 543: “tentative analysis of verb sarawa-, cognate to sara, “upwards, over”.
§ 8. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “(DN) gave a mighty weapon to (RN)”. § 11. REL-i-pa-: see Addenda and Corrigenda, KARATEPE 1, Addendum (Goedegebuure, Melchert, van den Hout). § 12. Melchert, loc. cit.: “I rededicated him …”; Goede gebuure, loc. cit.: “I rededicated him with this “AVIS”-ta-wa/ini”; Simon, loc. cit.: “I furnished him with this precinct”. § 13. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “And indeed (DN) provided this assistance for PN …”. § 18. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “that (god) will also see to his well-being here”; Goedegebuure, loc. cit., on za-ri+i, “here”. § 19. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: SUPER+ra/i-ha PUGNUS-ri+i-, “tear out”. § 21. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on tarpiwa CRUS-.
§ 31. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “and the DN shall put on him his hoofs” (note: Akk. SIšupru does not exist; ṣupru, “nail, hoof” is never determined by SI (“horn”)). § 36. pa-nu-wa/i-, “allow to go” or “allow to drink”? see Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 80 with fn. 19. § 41. Melchert, loc. cit., correcting i-zi-ia-mi-na-a from 1 plur. pres. to gerundive: “they (-ata) are to be requited by royal authority”. (fn. 6, api iziya-, “requite”, following Oshiro). §§ 43–44. Melchert, loc. cit.: “Whoever has PUGNUS.PUGNUSed this place, no one has strengthened it …”, arguing for PUGNUS.PUGNUS = “grasp, hold, possess, own, have”. § 46. a+ra/i-ma-za: a new attestation in an unpublished text now supports the view that this is indeed a form of á-la/i // lá/í-ma-za, “name” (l > r).
X.15. KAYSERİ Peculiarities: as noted, numerous; no initial-a-final, redund ant -a frequent; rhotacism (§§ 7, 16).
Excerpts. § 16 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 206 f. (42). §§ 16–17 Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p. 162 f. (11).
Comment § 17. ku-ma-za-sa, “the holiest” (Yakubovich, loc. cit).
X.16. AKSARAY Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; no redundant -a (ni-sà-a, § 1?); no rhotacism.
Translation. Giusfredi, THeth 28 (2010), pp. 243–245.
Excerpts. § 4
Goedegebuure, IX ICH, pp. 301–302; Weeden, WdO 48 (2018), p. 346. § 5 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 197 f. (23). Yakubovich, in Mouton, Hittitology Today, p. 45 § 6 (5).
Commentary § 6. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on reading REX.MAGNUS-ra/i-zi, “Great Kings” (*hantawatt- ura/(i)-). INFRA-tá-ta: since the reading of INFRA-ta was estab lished as zanta as in Cun. Luw. (Goedegebuure, VII ICH (2010), pp. 299–318), this should represent zantanta.
§ 7. LOCUS-lá/í-za: for reading alla- // arla-, see Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017). § 10. |FRATER.LA-za-wa/i-sa: for the reading FRATER.LA-, “brother”, also onomastic element, see KARKAMIŠ A6, § 13. The interpretation here is still unclear.
X.17. BOHÇA Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; few redundant -a; rhotac ism; á-mi for ami-, “my”; á-mu- for amu, “me”; wa/i- for awa-, connective; sa- for asa-, “be”.
Excerpts. § 2 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 198 (26). §§ 2–5 Hawkins, Fs de Roos, p. 60. §§ 2, 5, 13 Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 79 (3, 4, 6). Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 96–98.
Commentary § 2. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on (BONUS)wa/i-su-, “be respectful, obedient”. §§ 2, 5, 13. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., on za-ri+i, za-ti-i.
§ 13. (ANIMA)CAPRA, “gazelles / wild goats (?)”: probably no gazelles on the Anatolian plateau.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
X.18. KARABURUN § 12 Goedegebuure, JNES 76 (2017), p. 180. § 13 Giusfredi, KZ 122 (2009), pp. 60–66.
Peculiarities: rhotacism (§ 5, wa/i-ra+a). Excerpts. § 5 Goedegebuure, JNES 76 (2017). p. 180. § 10 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 193 (3).
Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, p. 105 f.
Commentary § 1. ha-ta+ra/i?: still uncertain reading giving still uncertain form, but it is hard to think that it does not represent a 3 plur., subject “fathers (and) grandfathers”. § 5. Goedegebuure, loc. cit., draws attention to wa/i-ra+a (wa+ara < ada): “Here they made it a solemn agreement”, understood as “Here they made a solemn agreement on the occasion of it”. Watkins–Garrett rule precludes -ada as subject, “they (made)”.
§ 12. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “may the DN send down kiharni-s to that one’s heart”, taking INFRA sa- as “let down” rather than “be down”—not self-evidently correct and demands kiharni as direct object, also not obviously correct (acc. plur. N?). § 13. SUPER+ra/i pu-: see now SUPER+ra/i pu- // VIA.PUGNUS(ARSUZ 1 + 2, § 20); also (VIA.PUGNUS)pu- (MARAŞ 14, § 9); these attestations were not available to Giusfredi (loc. cit) in his discussion of puwa-, but the sense of the verb here, though generally positive, remains imprecisely defined.
X.19. HİSARCIK 1 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; a few redundant -a.
Excerpts. § 2 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 60 (53). § 5 Melchert, Fs Nowicki, p. 134 f. (9).
Commentary § 2. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on á-ha, “I treated”. (CAPRA)i+ra/i-wa/i-: “gazelle”(?, probably not on the Anatolian plateau); “wild goat”(?, probably not on the Syrian jezirah).
§ 5. Melchert, loc. cit., on the verb PUGNUS.PUGNUS, “grasp, hold; possess, own, have”; does not tackle this attestation.
X.20. KULULU 5 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; few redundant -a (§§ 2, 16?); rhotacism.
Excerpts. § 7a–f
Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 116 (34). § 10 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 165 (82).
Commentary § 8. wa/i-la (elsewhere (CRUX)wala): the verb (CRUX)wa/i-lacan no longer be identified with (MORI)wala-, “die”, since
the former can now be seen to be transitive; see KARKAMIŠ A23, § 9.
X.21. KULULU 2 Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; redundant -a; rhotacism; á-mi- for ami-, “my”; á-pa- for apa-, “that”; wa/i- for awa-, connective.
Excerpt. § 5 Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p. 161 (8).
Commentary § 5. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on MAGNUS+ra/i-za-: “… either he is a greatest (lord) …”.
X.22. KULULU 3 Excerpts/Comment. § 4. Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 467 f. (4): “And to me [they gave?] excellent/best food”; sanawiza-, extended form with “comparative, superlative, or elative meaning”.
§ 7. (“LONGUS”)REL-sà-: note identification with verb (“CAPUT+SCALPRUM”) ku // REL-sà, for which the meaning “smash” (rather than “remove”) is now proposed by Yakubo vich, see TÜNP 1, § 2, Commentary.
X.23. EĞREK Some lexical progress: § 2. ha-si-[…]: my guessed “recall” can be replaced by Melchert’s “satiate; (reflex.) satiate oneself” (cf. (LINGERE) hasa-, “satiety, abundance”; Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 375 (14); to which Yakubovich has added Hitt. hassik-, “satiate oneself”, Pal. has-, “to quench thirst”, IF 121 (2016), p. 78 with fn. 14. wa/i+ra/i-pa-sa-hi-i-sà: Yakubovich, Fs Salvini (2019), pp. 552–554, now argues for warpi-, “weapon, tool”, specifically
warpasi lords/houses (pp. 552–553 (9, 10)), i.e. “tool masters // houses”, i.e. “masters of crafts // craft-houses”. He does not include the present attestation in the discussion, clearly the abstract quality of warpasi- (warpasahi(d)-, “skill”); “he was not satisfied with (his) excellent skill”, understanding with Melchert and Yakubovich. Does this mean, as they suggest, a foreshortened life? […]-wa/i á-[…]: the new interpretation excludes my restored understanding; further suggestions required.
X.24 – 25. ERKİLET 1 and 2 Nothing further to add.
X.26. EĞRİKÖY § 3. […-|FR]ATER.LA-⌈i⌉-sa, “brother”, here onomastic element: for reading lani-, dissimilated from nani-, see
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 13, with reference to Yakubovich, in Fs Singer, p. 387.
X.27. HİSARCIK 2 Nothing to add.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
X.28 – 29. ÇALAPVERDİ 1 and 2 §§ 2 and 3: (“CASTRUM”)tara/i-pa-mara/i-za-: see Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 365 (25), with reference to Melchert,
An. St. 38 (1988), p. 37 f. The reading of L.462 as mara/i(+ra/i) produce no more intelligibility that the superseded pá.
X.30 – 31. TEKİRDERBENT 1 and 2
Nothing to add.
X.33. KULULU 6
X.34. KULULU 8 SARMA (CRUS.CRUS+RA/I+MI), see Signary, Logograms, L.80(a)—Late archaizing form.
MONS.REX: also attested ANCOZ 1, § 4; ANCOZ 9, § 2.
(X.36 – 40. KULULU lead strips)
X.41. NİĞDE 1 See van den Hout, Fs Popko, p. 171. tara/i-sa: possibility that tara/i may stand for taru rejected by van den Hout, who proposes to recognize this form as atri- with aphaeresis. His argument is unfortu nately invalidated by (1) the appearance of the alternation
(LIGNUM)tara/i-wa/i // “LIGNUM”-ru-wa/i-i (ARSUZ 1 // 2, § 11, taruwi, “wood” (dat. sing.)); (2) the doubt cast on the reality of aphaeresis by the recognition of the convention initial-a-final. Thus the translation “(as) his statue” (tarusa) may stand.
X.42. ANDAVAL Date. Balatti (Anatolica (2012), pp. 149–168) proposes a date “between the ninth and the early eighth century B.C.”.
Excerpts. § 2 Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 550 with nn. 41–45. §§ 3–4 Watkins. Fs Puhvel, p. 34.
Commentary § 2. Yakubovich, loc. cit., suggests an alternative restoration; but his supposition of substantial lost text between ll. 1–2 is not probable if one bears in mind the likely original shape of this round-topped stele. §§ 3–4. Watkins, loc. cit.: “When(?) I drive(?) from the w.-place, I take the horses to the saltlick here”.
(PES)u-sa-: no expressed object, is it transitive?; so also in its other attestation, KARATEPE XXIX.146, Phoen. yrd, “come down”, may be simple or causative. la-pa-ni-wa/i: Watkins corrects lapani- (with deriv atives) from “summer pasture”, Turk. yayla (so Güterbock, also CHD, s.v.), to “salt-lick”.
X.43. İVRİZ 1 Excerpt. § 3
van den Hout, Fs Popko, p. 171 f.
Commentary § 2. LONGUS(-)da-ia-sa-ha-na: Rieken (IV ICH (2008), p. 643) suggests arayashan (acc. sing. MF, “Länge”). § 3. van den Hout’s (loc. cit.) rejection of tara/i-sa = tarusa, “statue, image”, is rebutted by evidence of (ta)ra/i for -ru-, see above, NİĞDE 1.
i+ra/i-ia-za: for Goedegebuure’s suggestion to link with (L.69)iti-, “carve (away)”, see van den Hout, loc. cit., p. 185 (8); and for the difficulties of the proposal, Hawkins, CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 52 (cit. 10).
X.44. BOR Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; redundant -a frequent; á-safor asa-, “be”; á-mu- for amu, “me”; wa/i- for awa-, con nective.
Translation. Giusfredi, THeth 28, pp. 245–247.
X.45. BULGARMADEN Peculiarities: reversal of signs noted; no initial-a-final; redundant -a frequent; rhotacism rare; á-mi- for ami-, “my”; á-pa- for apa-, “that”; wa/i- for awa-, connective.
§ 6 Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 332 (15). § 7 Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 361–363 (10). § 12 Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 478 (19).
Excerpts. § 2 Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 197 f. (22). §§ 2–6 Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, p. 461 f.; KZ 116 (2003), pp. 35–53.
Translation. Payne, WAW no. 29, p. 107 f.
Commentary § 1. PN TONITRUS-hu-wa/i+ra/i-L.273-: the second element was compared with the new wa/i+ra/i-L.273-na (TELL AHMAR 6, § 34), apparently an infinitive (Hawkins apud Bunnens, Luwian Stele, p. 31). Now Yakubovich (Fs Salvini, pp. 554–556) suggests warpuna for this form, which would give the PN Tarhuwarpu-. § 2. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on (“BONUS”)wa/i-sà-za-. §§ 5–6. Rieken, loc. cit.: “ich wandte mich (dem Berg) zu // ich kümmerte mich um (den Berg)”; “und stand auch dem Land vor, dem z.s., mit meiner Gerechtigkeit und mit meinem Einfluss”. tara/i-zi-, “turn” (intrans./reflex., Rieken).
zi+ra/i-la-mi-i, (“SCALPRUM.ARGENTUM”)su-ha-pana-ti: Rieken, loc. cit. (2003), “fruchtbar, sehr reich” PRAE … tata- : ead. ibid., “stand … vor”. ha-da-sà-tara/i-ma-: Rieken follows Starke (Stammbildung, p. 294) in translating “(Gewaltausübung,) Einfluss”. § 6. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on PRAE-i-ha. § 7. |“L.463(3)”-i-sa (read “IMRA”(i)-sa): Hawkins, loc. cit., takes as aberrant writing of imrasi- (DEUS.CERVUS3), “StagGod of the Field”. § 12. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on wasu awi-, “be good to”.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
X.46. İVRİZ 2 See Part 2.
X.47. NİĞDE 2 No further comment.
X.48. PORSUK Date. See Z. Simon, Anatolica 39 (2013), pp. 277–296.
Excerpt. § 5 Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p. 161 (7); on MAGNUS + ra/i-za- (uraza-), “greatest”.
X.49. VELİİSA Excerpts. §§ 1–2 Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 478 (21): on wasu awi- and sanawiya.
X.50. İVRİZ fragments 1 – 3 Nothing to add.
XI. ASSUR letters XI.1 – 6. ASSUR letters Peculiarities: no initial-a-final; redundant -a, and -i (small) space fillers, frequent. á-mu for amu, “me” (e, § 9). á-mi- for ami-, “my” (e, §§ 9, 11, 31; f+g, § 37). a-zu?- for anzu-, “we, us” (a, § 3; e, §§ 4, 8; f+g, § 3). á-zu?- " " " " (d, § 4). a-zi- for anzi-, “our” (e, § 12; f+g, § 9). a-sa- for asa-, “be” (b, § 8; e, § 6; f+g, §§ 14, 20, 22, 32, 33, 48). Excerpts. a, b, d, § 2 a, § 5 a, § 6 a, §§ 8–9
Melchert, Fs Nowicki, p. 133 ff. (4); Yakubo vich, Fs Součková, p. 470 f. (13). Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 103 (5). Goedegebuure, VI ICH (2007), p. 333 f. (27). Rieken, Yakubovich, 15. Fachtagung der IG, Vienna (2016), no. (3).
b, § 3 b, §§ 4, 9 c, §§ 2–4 c, § 5 d, § 5 d, § 10 e, § 1 e, § 12 e, §§ 13–14 e, §§ 14–15 e, §§ 15–17 e, § 18 e, § 19
Yakubovich, Arbeitstagung der IG, Paris (2014). Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, pp. 61 (54), 38 (15). Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 212 (12). Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 108 (8). Yakubovich, MSS 70 (2016), p. 96 (23). id., ibid., p. 109 (20). Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 61 (55). Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 468 f. (9). Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 332 (16). Yakubovich, MSS 70 (2016), p. 93 ff. (19). Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 214 (20). Yakubovich, Fs Součková, p. 470 n. 14. Goedegebuure, VI ICH (2007), p. 327 (16).
XI.1 – 6. ASSUR letters
Yakubovich, ibid., p. 469 (12). Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 375 f. (13); cf. Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 80 n. 20. Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 331 (14). e, § 25 f+g, §§ 6–7 Hawkins, CRRAI 47 (2002), p. 230 f. (5). f+g, §§ 11–12 Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 166 f. (86). f+g, §§ 12–15 Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 107 (14b). iidem, ibid., p. 109 (21). f+g, § 26 f+g, §§ 27–28 Melchert, CRRAI 57 (2015), p. 411 (6). Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 82 f. (9). f+g, § 30 e, § 21 e, § 24
f+g, § 31 f+g, §§ 31–35 f+g, § 33 f+g, § 36
Yakubovich, MSS 70 (2016), p. 90 (15). Dillo, Bi. Or. 74 (2017), pp. 542–544. Yakubovich, Hittitology Today, p. 44 (3). Yakubovich, Arbeitstagung der IG, Paris (2014), no. (10); id., Fs Součková, p. 466 (1).
Content. M. Dillo, A Diplomatic Approach to the Hiero glyphic Luwian Assur Letters (Bi. Or. 74 (2017), pp. 527–552). Translations. Giusfredi, THeth 28, pp. 208–233; Payne, WAW no. 29, pp. 108–118.
Commentary a/b/d, § 2. sa-na-wa/i+ra/i PUGNUS.PUGNUS-si: elucidated by Melchert and Yakubovich, loc. cit. Melchert: “Have/You shall have good things for your self”. Yakubovich: “Thou shall (sic!—read “shalt”) keep well/ have good things for thyself”. a, § 6. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “Did not … Tarpamis come from here to there (to you) to Kar(ka)miš?”. a, §§ 8–9. Rieken – Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “Als ob ich gestor ben wäre, hast du mich deinerseits ge-?-t (aliyata)”. b, § 3. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “Do I have to write once again?”. b, § 4. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on iziya. b, § 9.
on acc. plur. MF -zi.
c, §§ 2–4. Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit., on á-lá/í-mi-sasa-(ha-wa/i+ra/i), “You (sg.) are arrogant” (alamis, “haughti ness, arrogance”, free-standing genitive). d, § 10. Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, loc. cit., on ni … NEG2, “don’t not …”. e, § § 1. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on á-sa5-za. e, § 12. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “Now, do the good conditions of the master and ours not concern you at all?”. But how can this render the prohibitive ni? e, §§ 15–17. Rieken and Yakubovich, loc. cit.; “One who is right for us, is (he/she) not also (right) for you? (He/she) is also right for you!”; á-lá/í equated with Hitt. ara, “right”.
e, § 18. Yakubovich, loc. cit. (N.B. § 18!): “Send me women’s clothing” (ignoring problem of the triple determinative). e, § 19. Goedegebuure, loc. cit.: “Let them seek for her from here”. e, § 21. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “Pick well clothing for the master!”. e, § 24. Melchert, loc. cit.: “and let them allocate/assign (them) to the River-lord”; cf. Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 80 with n. 20 (“PES2”)pa-tu, “let them go”, rather than “let them allocate”. e, § 25. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on SUPER+ra/i-ha. e, § 27. zú+ra/i-wa/i-za: taken as acc. sing. N of zú+ra/i-wa/ini-(URBS) (“Tyrean” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19). f+g, §§ 6–7. Hawkins, loc. cit., on (L.474)wasinasi-/usinasi-, “eunuch”, and the possibility that “L.474”-hi-sà may repre sent the abstract *wasinasahisa, “eunuch-hood”. PUGNUS.PUGNUS-nu: see Melchert, Fs Nowicki, pp. 133– 138, on the verb PUGNUS.PUGNUS, “grasp, hold; possess, own, have”, where this attestation is not considered; a translation here “cause to hold” hardly contributes to eluci dating this obscure clause. f+g, §§ 11–12. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on (wa/i-)ri+i. f+g, § 15. (“L.356”)REL-zú-[… : Melchert (pers. com.) links with L.356-zú (TELL TAYINAT 1, frags. 3–5, l. 5) and L.356wa/i- to identify with Cun. Luw. ku-wa-an-zu-, “heavy, impor tant” (see here, Syllabary, s.v. zú). Unfortunately the present broken context does not yield significant corroboration: “to you by no means let heavy […”.
Part 4: Addenda and Corrigenda to CHLI I
f+g, §§ 12–15. Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, loc. cit., on ni manuha … nipawa … . f+g, § 18. (“L.69”)wa/i-za-an (“L.69”)wa/i-zi-ha-na, “requested a request”: identification of stem with Hitt. wek-, “want, request”, confirmed by identification of onomastic element Luw. ÌR // -uzzi- // -wizzi-; see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 296 f., Excursus 13. The vocalization is more probably wiza- wizi- than waza- wazi-. f+g, § 26. Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, loc. cit., on ni … NEG2, “don’t not …”. f+g, §§ 27–28. Melchert, loc. cit.: “Furthermore, what did they send us of the washa-? They bought another(?) four k.’s for us” (lit. “again four”).
f+g, § 30. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: “None sends them forth to us”. f+g, §§ 31–35. Dillo, loc. cit., on amuralura-. f+g, § 33. Yakubovich, loc. cit., on amuralura. f+g, § 36. Yakubovich, loc. cit.: (BIBERE)unas(sa), “of drink ing”, full phonetic writing of infinitive of u(wa)-, “drink”. f+g, § 42. wa/i-mi-LITUUS-si: +ra/i drawn in my copy and supported by photograph should presumably be excised to give known verb wa/i-mi-LITUUS-. f+g, § 50. (LITUUS)ti-[ia]-ri+i-[…]: -ri+ omitted from copy, adequately visible on photograph.
XII. MISCELLANEOUS XII.1. BOROWSKI 1 Peculiarities: initial-a-final (§ 3, § 4(?)).
Commentary § 2. ma-(pa-wa/i-): difficulty of recognizing ma(n), “whether”, noted; perhaps ma(n), “much” (for which see KARATEPE 1, §§ LVI–LVIII)?
§ 3. (LOCUS)á?-x-za: could we recognize x as la/i (too slim?), and compare á-lá/í-za (BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 12), and the pro posal of Yakubovich to see this as phonetic writing of LOCUS (alla(n)t-); see Kadmos 56 (2017), pp. 1–27.
XII.3. BEIRUT Date. Absence of initial-a-final (wa/i- for awa-, connective; á-mi- for ami-, “my”; pa- for apa-, “that”) indicates a later date, 8th century B.C.
XII.4, 5. ANKARA (1), İSTANBUL XII.6. ALEPPO 3 Commentary § 2. PONERE-mi-na: recognize now gerundive tuwamin, Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, p. 359: “the frontiers that were to be put z. for my father”, or “were for my father to put z.”.
The phrase “put frontiers ZALAN” becomes clearer with the new attestation TELL AHMAR 6, § 16, contextually “put across, bar, close frontiers”.
XIII. SEALS XIII.2. MALATYA bulla Location. Not lost: Malatya Museum. (M(eriggi)1; inv. no. 7) Publication. C. Mora, Seals and Seal Impressions (in F. Manuelli, Arslantepe, Late Bronze Age (Arslantepe IX; Rome, 2013), ch. V, pp. 255 (no. 32), 259, 260 (4), 270 (1).
Altar A (Plate 6)
Altar C (Plate 7)
Altar B (Plate 8) Text: copy traced from stone and redrawn. Photographs: as for Altar A. 4. EMİRGAZİ 1 Altar D
YALBURTEMİRGAZİ Fig. POST (top) and na (bottom)
Texts, Altars A, C, B. Copies traced from stone and redrawn. 4. EMİRGAZİ 1 Altars A, C and B
Part 5: The Signary of new inscriptions, each of which has brought both new insights and new problems. The present work now completes the corpus of CHLI vol. I with the presentation of CHLI III, part 1, Inscriptions of the Empire Period (not ready at the time of vol. I); and part 2, New Inscriptions of the Iron Age (found since CHLI I).
1. General sign list 2.
The Logograms a. Empire additions b. Non-Latin transcriptions c. HH number – transcription d. Transcription – HH number e. The evidence
The Syllabary a. The regular syllabary (Empire, Late) b. Alternative syllabograms c. CVCV signs with ra/i d. Rebus and other values
The purpose of this section is to up-date and/or emend the entries given by Laroche in Les Hiéroglyphes Hittites (hereafter HH) at the end of each sign, recording the readings proposed by each scholar and the evidence on which these were based. The contributions of these scholars, mainly Forrer, Meriggi, Gelb, Bossert, Hrozný and Laroche himself, with the dates, are those listed in HH, thus up to 1960. The main phrases of progress since then have been: the reviews of Mittelberger, 1962–1964; the “New Readings”, 1974–1975; the gradual publication since 1976 of the digraphic seals of Meskene – Emar up to the appearance of Emar IV (Beyer, 2001), together with that of other irre gularly excavated groups in private collections; a general up-date in the introduction of CHLI I (2000), pp. 23–34; the gradual refinements of readings and interpretations proposed by various scholars since then; and the publication of the NİŞANTEPE seal archives from Boğazköy (Herbordt, PBS (2005), with Hawkins, ibid.; Herbordt, Bawanypeck and Hawkins, SGG (2011). This whole period has been marked with a steady increase in material with the discovery and publication
In CHLI I/1, pp. 23–34, the principles of organization and transliteration used there were set out. It followed as far as possible the systems laboriously created by previous scholars, introducing only such corrections, modifications and innovations as demanded by the progress of our understanding of the script and language. Thus the sign order and numbering of Laroche HH were maintained, with the following excisions: 1. signs which were unrecognized variants of others were merged. 2. paired signs where possible were combined under a single entry. 3. rare signs and uncertainly recognized, that appear on seals only. 4. signs occurring only on Empire inscriptions, or recognized as Empire forms of Late signs. It has been necessary to add to the HH total some new signs numbered *501–*523 (now L.501–L.523, see CHLI I/1, p. 24); and now a further batch L.524–L.532. Clearly this list will require on-going extension in the future. Among the rare signs found on seals only, a number have been clarified by the publications of the NİŞANTEPE seals archive (noted above). These are almost all titles and professions belonging of course to the Empire period signary, which was excluded from CHLI I but must obviously be added to CHLI III along with the Empire period inscriptions. Here signs are marked (Empire) or (Empire – Late); if not specified they are Late only.
1 General sign list L.1. Logogram L.2. Logogram L.3. Logogram L.4. Logogram [L.5. Delete, not a Hieroglyph] L.6. Logogram L.7. Logogram L.8. Logogram L.9. Logogram
Part 5: The Signary
L.10. Logogram CAPUT (Empire – Late) L.10+L.268. Compound logogram CAPUT+SCALPRUM (Empire – Late) L.11. Logogram DN HESUE (Empire) L.12. Compound logogram (CAPUT+PITHOS =) STATUA L.13. Logogram PRAE (Empire) L.14. I. Logogram PRAE II. Syllabogram-rebus pari L.15. Logogram DOMINA (Empire – Late) L.16. Logograms MAGNUS.DOMINA (Empire – Late) L.17. Logogram REX (Empire – Late) L.18. Logograms MAGNUS.REX (Empire – Late) L.19. Syllabogram á (Empire – Late) (L.20. See L.378.I, LITUUS) L.21. Logogram HEROS (Empire – Late) Logogram LOQUI L.22. L.23. Logogram LIS(+DOMINUS) (Empire) L.24. Logogram LIS L.25. Logogram OCULUS L.26. Logogram FRONS (Empire – Late) L.27. Logogram LIBARE L.28. Logogram FORTIS (Empire – Late) L.29. Syllabogram tá (Empire – Late) L.30. Logogram, unknown signification L.31. Logogram LIGARE L.32. Logogram BRACCHIUM L.33. Logogram (L.419/L.182+)BRACCHIUM L.34. Logogram POST (Empire – Late) L.35. Syllabogram na (Empire – Late) L.36. Logogram+syllabogram LITUUS+na L.37. Unrecognized (L.38. Seal only, unrecognized) L.39. Logogram PUGNUS (Empire – Late) L.40. Logogram PUGNUS.PUGNUS (Empire – Late) L.41. I. Logogram CAPERE (Empire – Late); II. syllabogram da (Empire – Late) L.42. Syllabogram (CAPERE2+CAPERE2 =) da (Empire) L.43. Logogram CAPERE2 (L.44. See L.59/L.60, MANUS) L.45. Logogram FILIUS (Empire – Late); INFANS, FRATER FILIA (Empire – Late) Logograms REX.FILIUS (Empire) L.46. REX.FILIA (Empire) (L.47. Seal only, unrecognized) (L.48. Seal only, unrecognized) L.49. Syllabograms (ligature) a+tá Seal only, unrecognized) (L.50. (L.51. (PUGNUS+URBS) error for tá?) L.52. Logograms MANUS.CULTER L.53. Logograms DN MANUS+ENSIS (Empire) (L.54. Seals only, unrecognized) L.55. Syllabogram nì (Empire)
1 General sign list
Logogram INFRA/SUB (Empire) L.56. syllabogram (rare) ká (Empire) L.57. Logogram INFRA/SUB L.58. Logogram CUM L.59. Logogram MANUS Determinative L.60. L.61. Logograms, not understood MANUS+L.218 L.62. Logogram LONGUS (L.63, L.64. Misdrawn, = L.69) L.65. Logogram PONERE (Empire – Late) L66. Logogram DARE (Empire – Late); syllabogram pi (Empire – Late) L.67. Logogram(?) unread (Transitional) See L.62, LONGUS) (L.68. L.69. Logogram-determinative (cursive, L.60, MANUS) L.70. Logogram SUPER; = L.270 (Empire) syllabogram (rare) sari (L.71. See L.128, AVIS) L.72. Unrecognized L.73. Logogram + syllabogram AUDIRE L.74. Unrecognized (L.75. See L.41, da (Empire)) (L.76. Logogram VIA? see L.221) L.77. Logogram, unread L.78. Logogram ALA L.79. Logogram FEMINA, MATER; = L.408 (Empire) L.80. Logogram + syllabogram DN SARMA2 (Empire) L.81. Logogram + syllabograms DN SARMA L.82. 1–2. Logogram CRUS (Empire – Late); 3. syllabogram (rare) ta6 L.83. Logograms CRUS+FLUMEN L.84. Logogram CRUS2 (Empire – Late) L.85. Logogram GENUFLECTERE (Empire – Late) L.86. Logograms CRUS+CRUS2 L.87. Logograms CRUS2+CRUS2 L.88. Syllabogram tu (Empire) L.89. Syllabogram tu L.90. I. Logogram PES (Empire – Late); II–III. (determinative) V. syllabogram ti (Empire – Late) L.91,L.92,L.94. Compound logograms (PES // PES2+ROTAE+SCALA) L.93. Logogram(-determintaive) PES2 (Empire – Late) L.95. Logograms PES2.PES2 (Empire – Late) L.96. Logograms PES2.PES L.97. Logogram (1–2) LEO2 (Empire – Late) (formerly BESTIA) (3–5) LEO L.98. Logogram CANIS2, CANIS L.99. Logogram EQUUS L.100. I. Logogram ASINUS; II. syllabogram ta (Empire – Late) L.101. Logogram ASINUS2 (Empire)
Part 5: The Signary
L.102. Logogram CERVUS2, CERVUS (Empire – Late) L.103. I. Logogram CERVUS3 (Empire – Late); II. syllabogram (rare) rú L.104. Logogram CAPRA2, CAPRA – (formerly GAZELLA); syllabogram sà (Empire – Late) (L.105. I. Seals only) BOS2 (Empire – Late) II–III. Logogram BOS IV. syllabogram u L.106. Logogram DN (unrecognized) L.107. Syllabogram (u+mi =) mu (Empire – Late) L.108. I. Logogram CORNU; II. syllabogram (rare) sú L.109. 1–2. Logogram VITELLUS (MAx) 3. Logogram CERVUS4 L.110. Syllabogram ma (Empire – Late) L.111. Logogram OVIS2, OVIS (Empire – Late) L.112. Logogram LINGERE; syllabogram (rare) za4 (L.113. See L.26, FRONS) (L.114. See L.378, LITUUS) L.115. Syllabogram (rebus) (LEPUS2, LEPUS =) tapa(+ra/i) (Empire – Late) (L.116. See L.100, ta (Empire)) L.117. Unidentified (L.118. Seals only, unrecognized) (L.119. See L.246, AEDIFICARE) L.120. Logogram GRYLLUS L.121. Logogram-rebus(?) SPHINX L.122. Logogram (Empire) GN (unread) L.123. Unrecognized (L.124. See L.115, LEPUS2) L.125. Logogram UNGULA (LIx; also see L.126 (lí)) L.126. Syllabogram lí [L.127. Seals only, not a Hieroglyph] L.128. 1, 2. Logogram AVIS; 3. syllabogram (rare) zi4 L.129. Unrecognized L.130. Logogram AVIS3 (Empire – Transitional) L.131. Logogram, uncertain AVISx (Empire) L.132. Logogram AVIS2 L.133. Syllabogram (AQUILA =) ara/i (Empire – Late) L.134. Syllabogram ara/i (cursive) (Empire – Late) (L.135(1–9). Seals only (except (7) AVIS; (9) unrecognized)) See L.43, CAPERE2) (L.136. L.137. Logogram LIBATIO (Empire) L.138. Logogram PISCIS Seals only, unrecognized) (L.139. L.140. Seals only, unrecognized) L.141. Unrecognized L.142. Unrecognized (L.143. See L.214, ní (Transitional)) (L.144–147. Seals only, unrecognized)
1 General sign list
Logogram DN IANUS (Empire) L.148. L.149. Logogram DN KUMARBI (Empire) [L.150. Seals only, not a Hieroglyph] L.151. Logogram RN TELIPINU (Empire) [L.152. Seals only, not a Hieroglyph] L.153. Syllabogram nu (Empire – Late) [L.154. Seals only, not a Hieroglyph] L.155. 1. Seals only; 2. Syllabogram = L.334 (pa)? [L.156. Seals only, not a Hieroglyph] L.157(1). Logograms MAGNUS.VITIS (Empire) (2). Syllabogram (= L.209?) i(a) (Empire)? (3). Seals only = VITIS? Logogram DN KULITTA (Empire) L.158. L.159. Uncertain L.160. I. Logogram VITIS; II. syllabogram (rare) wi (Empire) GN (VITIS+x (Empire)) L.161. Uncertain L.162. Uncertain L.163. Logogram-determinative, unknown signification (L.164. Seal only, unrecognized) L.165. I. Logogram(-determinative) BONUS (Empire L.320) II. syllabogram wà/ì L.166. Syllabogram wá/í (L.167. Syllabogram (damaged, mis-restored), mu) Misdrawn, see L.329, REL) (L.168. (L.169. See L.382, LIGNUM) (L.170. See L.73, AUDIRE(+MI)) L.171. Uncertain L.172. Syllabogram (a)la (Empire); lá/í (Late) Logogram HASTARIUS (Empire) L.173. L.174. Syllabogram si (Empire – Late) L.175. 2. Logogram LINGUA; 1. syllabogram la (Empire – Late) L.176. Syllabograms la+la L.177. Logogram (rebus?) LINGUA+CLAVUS (Empire) L.178. Compound syllabogram la+ra+a(?) L.179. Logogram HORDEUM L.180. Logogram, unread L.181. Logogram PANIS L.182. Logogram CAELUM (Empire – Late) (L.183. See L.423, ku) (L.184. Seal only, unrecognized) L.185. Logogram?, uncertain Syllabogram lu (Empire); see also L.445 (lu/a/i) L.186. L.187. Logogram-determinative [L.188. Seals only, not a Hieroglyph] [L.189. Seals only, not a Hieroglyph] L.190. Logogram SOL2 (Empire – Late) L.191. Logogram SOL (Empire – Late)
Part 5: The Signary
L.192. Logogram ORIENS L.193. Logogram LUNA (Empire – Late) L.194. Uncertain (L.195. Seals only, unrecognized) L.196. I. Logogram GN HATTI/HATTUSA (Empire); II. syllabogram há (Late) L.197. Compound logogram RN HATTUSA+li (Empire, also Late) L.198. Logogram DN (unrecognized) L.199. Logogram DN TONITRUS (never syllabogram!) (Empire – Late) L.200. Logogram FULGUR L.201. I–V. Logogram TERRA, LOCUS (Empire – Late); VI. syllabogram (rare) wa/i6 L.202. Compound logograms (SCALPRUM/DEUS)TERRA+VIA (Empire – Transitional) (L.203. Seal only, unrecognized) L.204. Syllabogram (rare) wa/i5 L.205. Logogram-determinative, unknown signification L.206. Logogram DN? (unrecognized, see L.106) L.207. I. Logogram MONS (Empire – Late); II. syllabogram (rare) wa/i4 (L.208. Seal only, unrecognized) L.209. Syllabogram i(a) (Empire); i (Late) L.210. Syllabogram ia (L.211. Seal only, unrecognized) L.212(+L.213). Logogram FLUMEN L.214. Syllabogram ní (Empire – Late) L.215. 1. Logogram FONS (Empire – Late); 2. syllabogram ha (Empire – Late) L.216. I. Logogram FINES; II. logogram (+ha) ARHA (Late; note Empire form) Logogram L.217. L.218. Logogram L.219. Logogram-determinative L.220. Uncertain (= L.218?) L.221(+L.222). Logogram VIA L.223. Syllabogram (rare) sa6 (L.224 (1). Seals only, unrecognized;) (2). syllabogram pa/ha? L.225. Logogram(-determinative) URBS (never syllabogram!) (Empire – Late) Logogram (á+L.226(URBS) =) IŠUWA (Empire) L.226. L.227. Compound logogram RN MURSILI(+li) (Empire) L.228. Logogram(-determinative) REGIO (Empire – Late) L.229. (Syllabogram-)logogram GN MIZRI(REGIO) L.230. Syllabogram (rare) tu4 (= L.228) L.231. Logogram CASTRUM (L.232. = L.231?) = L.231?) (L.233. L.234–236. Logograms, types of buildings, readings unknown L.237. Logogram PORTA2 L.238. Logogram PORTA2 L.239. Logogram PORTA (Empire, Transitional) L.240. Uncertain
1 General sign list
Syllabogram ki2 (?) L.241. (L.242. Syllabogram = L.432 (zu?)) L.243. Logogram (misdrawn) CUBITUM L.244. Logogram AEDIFICIUM L.245. Logogram (AEDIFICIUM+MINUS =) VACUUS L.246. Compound logogram AEDIFICARE (Empire – Late) L.247. Logogram DOMUS (never syllabogram!) (Empire – Late) L.248. Logogram (DOMUS+MINUS =) DELERE (Empire – Late) L.249. Compound logogram DEUS.DOMUS (Empire – Late) L.250. Compound logogram MAGNUS.DOMUS (Empire) L.251. Logogram DOMUS+x? L.252. Compound logogram DOMUS+SCALA (L.253. = L.252) L.254. Logogram EUNUCHUS2 (Empire) L.255/L.256.2. Logogram HORREUM L.256.1, 3. Logogram L.257. Logogram ARGENTUM (also L.258, L.260) (L.258. = L.257) L.259. Logogram, unrecognized (L.260. = L.257) L.261. Logogram, uncertain L.262. Logogram-determinative L.263. Uncertain L.264. Logogram PODIUM L.265. Logogram-determinative [L.266. Misdrawn, logograms PES2+REGIO] L.267. Logogram STELE: (1–3) Empire; (4–5) Transitional; (6, 8) Late; [(7) = (6)] L.268. Logogram SCALPRUM (Empire – Late) L.269. Logogram EXERCITUS (Empire – Late) L.270. Logogram SUPER (Empire) = L.70 L.271. Logogram RN TAWANANNA (Empire) L.272. Logogram SCUTUM L.273. Logogram(-determinative) ARMA L.274. Logogram (L.273+PANIS) L.275. Uncertain L.276. Logogram FRATER2 (Empire) L.277. Logogram+syllabogram LABARNA+la (Empire) L.278. Syllabogram li (Empire – Late) Uncertain L.279. L.280. I. Logogram MALLEUS; II. syllabogram (rare) wa/i9 L.281. Logogram ASCIA (Empire – Late) L.282. Uncertain L.283. Logogram-rebus TUZZI (Empire) Uncertain L.284. L.285(2) Logogram IACULUM(?); (Empire) L.285(1) syllabogram zuwa (Empire) L.286. Uncertain (L.287. = L.399 (CENTUM)) L.288. Logogram CURRUS L.289. Logogram AURIGA/AURIGA2 (Empire)
Part 5: The Signary
L.290. Syllabogram hara/i (Empire – Late) L.291. Syllabogram lix L.292. Logogram ROTA syllabogram HALA L.293. Logogram, not understood (Empire, seals only); Transitional L.294. Logogram THRONUS, MENSA (Empire(?) – Late) L.295. Compound logogram SOL2+THRONUS L.296/L.297. Compound logogram MONS.THRONUS/ (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS (Empire) L.298. Logogram THRONUS2 L.299. I. Logogram SOLIUM (Empire – Late); II. syllabogram (rare) í; (+a) iá L.300. Logogram (FILIUS+)NEPOS (Empire, note form; Late, +TÍ) L.301. Logogram LECTUS (L.302 = L.399 (CENTUM)) L.303. Misdrawn, syllabogram-rebus (sa5+ari =) SARI (Empire) L.304. Syllabogram (rare) mà L.305. Logogram FUSUS L.306. Syllabogram hí (Empire) L.307. Syllabogram hu (Empire – Late) L.308. Uncertain L.309. Logogram-determinative CRUX L.310. = L.201 (archaizing LOCUS)? L.311. Logogram, second element in compounds, not understood L.312. Logogram VIR (Empire) L.313. Logogram VIR L.314. 1. Logogram-determinative 2. syllabogram (rare) hax L.315. Syllabogram (rebus?) kar (Empire – Late) L.316. Syllabogram (rare) sa7 L.317. Logogram-determinative, unknown signification (L.318. Syllabogram-rebus TAS(U) (Empire = L.418.1)) L.319. Syllabogram (a)li (Empire, note form L.418); la/i (Late) L.320. Logogram BONUS (Empire form); = L.165 (Late) syllabogram wà/ì (Empire – Late) L.321. Uncertain L.322(1–2), L.323. Logogram PURUS (Empire – Late) L.322(3) Logogram(+RA/I) DN (unrecognized) = L.327 (SIGILLUM)) (L.324. L.325. Syllabogram tú L.326. Logogram SCRIBA (Empire – Late) L.327. I. Logogram SIGILLUM (Empire – Late) II. syllabogram sa5 L.328. Syllabogram pu (Empire – Late) L.329. I. Logogram REL; IIb. syllabogram kwi/a (Empire – Late) Logogram CURRERE (Late; Empire form, L.508) IIb.3 IIa, b.2 syllabogram hwi/a (Empire – Late) L.330. Compound logogram CAPERE+SCALPRUM L.331. Logogram AVUS (never syllabogram!) (Empire – Late) L.332. Logogram NEG (Empire); NEG2, NEG3 (Late) (L.333. Seal only, uncertain)
1 General sign list
L.334. L.335. L.336. I. II. L.337.1–3. L.338. [L.339. L.340. L.341. L.342. L.343. L.344. L.345. L.346. L.347(1). (2). L.348/L.349. L.350. L.351. L.352, L.354. (L.353. L.355. L.356. L.357. L.358. L.359(1). [(2). L.360. L.361. L.362. L.363. I. II. L.364. (L.365. L.366. (L.367. L.368. L.369. L.370. I. II. L.371. L.372. [L.373. L.374. L.375. L.376. L.377. L.378. (L.378) L.379. I.
Syllabogram pa (Empire – Late) Syllabogram zá Logogram ANNUS (Empire – Late) Syllabogram (rare) zí Logogram, second element in compounds L.12 (STATUA); L.21 (HEROS); L.53 ((MANUS+)ENSIS) Logogram-determinative CULTER (Empire L.482(1)) = L.319 (la/i)] Logogram ANNUS+ANNUS Logogram-determinative COR Syllabogram = L.307 (hu); logogram = L.341 (COR) Logogram, uncertain Logogram (poorly drawn) CONTRACTUS Logogram URCEUS (Empire – Late) (also L.352, L.354) Logogram POCULUM (Transitional) Logogram in compound; syllabogram hú(+ra/i) Logogram-determinative, not understood Compound logogram, not understood Uncertain Logograms, list under L.345 (URCEUS) Seal only) Logogram SACERDOS Logogram GRAVIS Logogram-determinative, not understood Logogram DIES Compound logogram Delete, = L.245] Logogram DEUS (Empire – Late) Logogram DN? (Empire) Syllabogram (rare) má Logogram MAGNUS (Empire – Late) syllabogram (rare) UR Syllabograms u, mu (rare forms) Seal only, uncertain) Logogram OMNIS Syllabogram (rebus?) TAL(A) (Empire)) Logograms MALUS, MALUS2 Logogram, seals only VITA (Empire) Logogram BONUS2 (Empire); syllabogram su (Empire – Late) Logogram IUSTITIA Logogram SACERDOS2 (Empire) Delete (fake seal)] Uncertain Uncertain Syllabogram zi/a (Empire); zi (Late) Syllabogram za Logogram LITUUS; syllabogram (rare) ax? Logogram OCCIDENS
Part 5: The Signary
II. syllabogram (rare) ià L.380. 1. Numeral UNUS 2. Privative sign MINUS L.381 (1). = L.380.1 (2). see L.386+ L.382. Logogram LIGNUM L.383. 1. Personal determinative; 2. syllabogram +ra/i (Empire – Late) L.384. Numeral 2 L.385. Numeral 20 L.386. Logogram VIR2 (Empire – Transitional); word-divider (Late) L.386+L.381. Logogram MORI L.387. 2. Logogram SERVUS (Empire – Late) 1. syllabogram (rare) mì L.388. Numeral 3 L.389. Syllabogram tara/i (Empire – Late) L.390. Logogram DOMINUS (Empire – Late) L.391. I. Numeral 4; II. syllabogram mi (Empire – Late) L.392. Numeral 5 L.393. Numeral 8(?) (for 9?) (L.394. See L.400, MILLE (×4)) L.395. I. Numeral 9; II. syllabogram nú (Empire – Late) L.396. Uncertain L.397. Numeral 10 (DECEM) L.398. (1) See L.397; (2–3) syllabogram(?); (4) logogram(?) (Empire); delete (5) L.399. Numeral 100 (CENTUM) (Empire – Late) L.400. Numeral 1000(?) (MILLE) (L.401. See L.477, FLAMMAE) L.402. I. Logogram(-determinative) SCUTELLA; II. syllabogram sa4 (L.403. Seals only, unrecognized) L.404. Determinative ANIMA L.405. Uncertain Uncertain L.406. L.407. Logogram marker (L.408. Logogram FEMINA (Empire = L.79)) (L.409. Seals only) L.410. Logogram markers “ ” Syllabogram ni (Empire – Late) L.411. L.412. Syllabogram ru (Empire – Late) L.413. Syllabogram hi L.414. Syllabogram hi (Empire) L.415. Syllabogram sa (Empire – Late) (L.416. Syllabogram (a)li (Empire = L.319)) L.417. (1) Read L.412 (ru); (2–3) uncertain; (4) (use no. L.417) L.418. 1. = L.318 (syllabogram-rebus, TAS(U)(+mi Empire); (2–4). uncertain
1 General sign list
Logogram-determinative; L.419. 1/L.420. 2. syllabogram mí (L.421. Syllabogram (irregular) US (Empire)) (L.422. Logograms PANIS.SCUTELLA (L.181+L.402)) L.423. Syllabogram ku (Empire – Late) L.424. Uncertain (Empire) [L.425. Delete (fake seal)] (L.426. Seals only) L.427/L.428. Uncertain L.429. Syllabogram CVCV TANA (or logogram?) Logogram OMNIS2 (Empire) L.430. syllabogram pux L.431. (2) See L.432, zu?; (1) uncertain; (3) seal only L.432. 1. Syllabogram zu (Empire) 2. = zu? (Late) L.433. Syllabogram sá L.434. Syllabogram ka (Empire – Late) L.435. Syllabogram (rare) ax(?) (L.436, L.437. Seals only) (L.438. Seals only PASTOR(?)) (Empire) L.439. Syllabogram wa/i (Empire – Late) (L.440–443. Seals only) (L.444. See L.9, AMPLECTI) L.445. Syllabogram lu/a/i (Empire – Late) = L.186 (Empire) L.446. Syllabogram ki (Empire – Late) L.447. Logogram, compound with FRONS = VERSUS syllabogram (rare) nix L.448. Syllabogram zú (Empire – Late) (L.449. Logogram, seal only) L.450. Syllabogram a (Empire – Late) L.451. Syllabogram CVCV huru (Empire) (L.452. Seals only, see L.193, LUNA) (Empire) (L.453. See (zero+)L.179, HORDEUM) (L.454. See L.179, HORDEUM) (L.455.1. = L.319 (la/i)) 2. logogram(?) L.456. Syllabogram (rare) six (L.457.1. = L.125 (lí)) 2. uncertain (L.458, L.459. Seals only) Uncertain L.460. L.461. 1. Logogram(?), part of DN; 2. part of L.269 (EXERCITUS) (Empire) L.462. Syllabogram mara/i(+ra/i); rebus (i-)MARA/I+ra/iL.463. Rebus (DEUS)IMRA (Empire) L.464. Logogram-determinative, not understood (L.465, L.467. = L.191 (SOL)) L.466. Logogram, not understood L.468/L.469. Logogram, not understood; = L.511? (L.470. Numerals 10+2) L.471, L.472. Logograms, not understood
Part 5: The Signary
(L.473. See L.474, EUNUCHUS) L.474. Logogram EUNUCHUS L.475. Logogram(-rebus?) L.476. Logogram(?) L.477. Logogram FLAMMAE L.478. Compound logogram FLAMMAE+L.311 (L.479. = L.477 (FLAMMAE)) L.480, L.481. Logograms, not understood L.482. 1. Logograms, seals only: = L.338 (CULTER) 2. = L.337 (PITHOS) (L.483. Seal only) L.484, L.485. Logograms, not understood L.486. Logogram (L.487. Delete, misdrawn = EGO?) Syllabogram tí L.488. L.489–497. Seals only, unrecognized L.501. Logogram FUGARE L.502. Logogram ? (Empire) L.503. Logogram, unread GN (Empire) L.504. Logogram, unread GN (Empire) L.505. Syllabogram, unread GN (Empire) L.506. Logogram-rebus ANUS (Empire) Syllabogram-rebus HANA L.507. Logogram, unread (Empire) L.508. Logogram CURRERE (Empire) L.509. Logogram, unread (Empire) L.510. Logogram, unread (Empire) L.511. Logogram, unread GN (Empire) L.512–517. Signs, unidentified (Transitional) L.518–520. Logograms, identified? L.521. Sign, unidentified (Empire) L.522. Logogram L.523. Sign, unidentified L.524. Logogram PROPHETA L.525. Logogram PRINCEPS (Empire) L.526. Syllabogram tì (te) (Empire) L.527. Logogram, not understood L.528. Logogram MATTEA (Transitional) L.529. Logogram(?) L.530. Logogram(?) L.531. Logogram DN L.532. Logogram MANDARE (Empire)
2 The Logograms
2 The Logograms a. Empire additions b. Non-Latin transcriptions c. HH number – transcription d. Transcription – HH number e. The evidence The practice of rendering the logograms in Latin is continued and extended as far as possible, with a few changes from CHLI I (pp. 26–27), mostly simplifications or to align with Marazzi, Il Geroglifico. Where Latin is not possible and a Hittite equivalent is available, this is used, mostly names, divine, royal, personal, or geographical. Where neither is possible the sign must simply be rendered by its L- number as before.
2a. Empire additions ((S) – seals only) L.3 EGO2 L.4 MONS2 L.13 PRAE L.23 (S) LIS(+DOMINUS) L.46 (S) REX.FILIUS L.53 MANUS+ENSIS L.56 INFRA L.101 ASINUS2 L.109.3 CERVUS4 L.131 AVISx L.137 LIBATIO L.148 (S) IANUS L.157(1) (S) MAGNUS.VITIS L.173 HASTARIUS L.177 LINGUA+CLAVUS L.239 PORTA L.254 EUNUCHUS2 L.250 MAGNUS.DOMUS L.267(1–3) STELE L.270 SUPER FRATER2 L.276 (S) L.285(2) IACULUM(?) L.289 AURIGA L.312 (S) VIR L.320 BONUS L.332 NEG L.345 (S) URCEUS L.369 (S) VITA L.372 SACERDOS2 L.408 FEMINA L.430 OMNIS2
L.438 (S) PASTOR L.482.1 CULTER L.482.2 PITHOS L.506 ANUS L.508 CURRERE L.525 (S) PRINCEPS
2c. HH number – transcription ((E) – Empire only) L.1 EGO L.2 EGO2 L.3(E) EGO2 L.4(E) MONS2 L.6 ADORARE L.7 EDERE L.8 BIBERE L.9(+L.444) AMPLECTI L.10 CAPUT L.10+L.268 CAPUT+SCALPRUM L.11(E) DN HESUE L.12 STATUA L.13(E) PRAE L.14 L.15 DOMINA L.16 MAGNUS.DOMINA L.17 REX L.18 MAGNUS.REX L.21 HEROS L.22 LOQUI
Part 5: The Signary
L.97 LEO2, LEO (formerly BESTIA) L.98 CANIS2, CANIS L.99 EQUUS L.100 ASINUS L.101(E) ASINUS2(A) L.102 CERVUS2, CERVUS L.103 CERVUS3 L.104 CAPRA2, CAPRA (formerly GAZELLA) L.105 BOS2, BOS L.106 L.108 CORNU L.109.1–2 VITELLUS L.109.3(E) CERVUS4 L.111 OVIS L.112 LINGERE L.115 LEPUS2, LEPUS (L.119 see L.246, AEDIFICARE) L.120 GRYLLUS L.121 SPHINX (L.124 see L.115, LEPUS) L.125 UNGULA L.128 AVIS L.130 AVIS3 (L.131 AVISx) L.132 AVIS2 L.133 ( AQUILA: see Syllabary ara/i) L.134 L.135(9) L.137(E) LIBATIO L.138 PISCIS L.148(E) DN IANUS L.149(E) DN KUMARBI L.151(E) RN TELIPINU L.157(1)(E) MAGNUS.VITIS L.158(E) DN KULITTA L.160 VITIS L.165(+L.320(E)) BONUS (L.169 see L.382, LIGNUM) (L.170 see L.73, AUDIRE) L.173(E) HASTARIUS L.175 LINGUA L.177(E) LINGUA+CLAVUS L.179 HORDEUM L.181 PANIS L.182 CAELUsM L.190 SOL2 L.191 SOL L.192 ORIENS L.193 LUNA
2 The Logograms
L.196(E) GN HATTI / HATTUSA L.197 PN HATTUSA+li L.199 DN TONITRUS L.200 FULGUR L.201 TERRA; LOCUS L.202 SCALPRUM. // (DEUS) TERRA+VIA L.207 MONS L.212(+L.213) FLUMEN L.215 FONS L.216 FINES; ARHA L.221(+L.222) VIA L.225 URBS L.226(á+L.226)(E) GN IŠUWA L.227 RN MURSILI(+li) L.228 REGIO L.229 GN MIZRI(REGIO) L.231(+L.232, L.233) CASTRUM L.237(+L.238) PORTA2, PORTA L.239 PORTA2 L.243 CUBITUM L.244 AEDIFICIUM L.245 VACUUS L.246(+L.119) AEDIFICARE L.247 DOMUS L.248 DELERE L.249 DEUS.DOMUS L.250(E) MAGNUS.DOMUS L.251 DOMUS+x L.252(+L.253) DOMUS+SCALA L.254(E) EUNUCHUS2 L.255(+L.256.2) HORREUM L.256.1, 3 L.257(+L.258, L.260) ARGENTUM L.264 PODIUM L.267 STELE L.267(8) LAPIS L.268 SCALPRUM L.269 EXERCITUS (L.270(E) = L.70, SUPER) L.271(E) RN TAWANANNA L.272 SCUTUM L.273 ARMA L.274 L.275 L.276(E) FRATER2 L.277(E) RN LABARNA(+la) L.280 MALLEUS L.281 ASCIA (L.283(E) TUZZI, rebus) L.285(2)(E) IACULUM(?)
L.288 CURRUS L.289(E) AURIGA, AURIGA2 L.292 ROTA L.294 THRONUS; MENSA L.295 SOL2+THRONUS L.296, L.297(E) GN (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS L.298 THRONUS2 L.299 SOLIUM L.300 NEPOS L.301 LECTUS (L.303(E) SARI, rebus) L.305 FUSUS L.309 CRUX L.312(E) VIR L.313 (L.318(E) TAS(U), rebus) (L.320(E) = L.165, BONUS) PURUS L.322(1–2), L.323 L.322(3)(E) DN L.326 SCRIBA L.327 SIGILLUM (L.329.I REL: see Syllabary kwi/a) (L.329.II(b)3 CURRERE: see Syllabary hwi/a) L.330 CAPERE+SCALPRUM L.331 AVUS L.332 NEG (E); NEG2, NEG3 L.336 ANNUS L.337.1–2(E, L.482(2, 3)) PITHOS L.338(E, L.482(1)) CULTER L.340 ANNUS+ANNUS L.341 COR (formerly VAS) L.344 CONTRACTUS L.345(+L.352, L.354) URCEUS L.346 POCULUM L.355 SACERDOS L.356 GRAVIS L.358 DIES L.360 DEUS L.363 MAGNUS L.366 OMNIS (L.367(E) TAL(A), rebus) L.368 MALUS, MALUS2 L.369(E) VITA L.370(E) BONUS2 L.371 IUSTITIA (IUDEX discarded) L.372(E) SACERDOS2 L.378 LITUUS L.379 OCCIDENS L.380.1 UNUS 2 MINUS
Part 5: The Signary
L.382 LIGNUM L.383 L.386 VIR2 L.386+L.381 MORI L.387 SERVUS L.390 DOMINUS L.397 DECEM L.399 CENTUM L.400 MILLE(?) L.402 SCUTELLA L.404 ANIMA L.408(E) = L.79, FEMINA (L.418(E) TAS(U)(+mi), rebus) (L.421 US, rebus?) L.422 PANIS.SCUTELLA L.429 TANA L.430(E) OMNIS2 L.438(E) PASTOR (L.26+)L.447 VERSUS L.474(+L.473) EUNUCHUS L.477 FLAMMAE L.482.1(E) CULTER 2(E) PITHOS L.501 FUGARE L.506(E) ANUS (L.508(E) CURRERE; see Syllabary hwi/a) L.524 PROPHETA L.525(E) PRINCEPS L.528 MATTEA L.532(E) MANDARE REBUS signs L.283(E) TUZZI L.303(E) SARI L.318(E), L.418.1(E) TAS(U) L.367(E) TAL(A) L.421 US L.429 TANA L.506(E) HANA
2d. Transcription (alphabetic) – HH number ADORARE L.6 AEDIFICARE L.246 AEDIFICIUM L.244 ALA L.78 AMPLECTI L.9 (L.444) ANIMA L.404 ANNUS L.336.I ANNUS+ANNUS L.340
2 The Logograms
DEUS L.360 DEUS.DOMUS L.249 DIES L.358 DOMINA L.15 DOMINUS L.390 DOMUS L.247 DOMUS+SCALA L.252, L.253 DOMUS+x L.251 EDERE L.7 EGO L.1 EGO2 L.2 (L.3) EQUUS L.101 EUNUCHUS L.474 (L.473) EUNUCHUS2 L.254(E) EXERCITUS L.269 FEMINA L.79.I, L.473(E) FILIA (L.45) FILIUS L.45.II FINES L.216.I FLAMMAE L.477 (L.479?) FLUMEN L.212, L.213 FONS L.215 FORTIS L.28 FRATER L.45.III FRATER2 L.276(E) FRONS L.26 FUGARE L.501 FULGUR L.200 FUSUS L.305 (GAZELLA, see now CAPRA) GENUFLECTERE L.85 GRAVIS L.356 GRYLLUS L.120 ANUS L.506(E) HASTARIUS L.173(E) HATTI / HATTUSA L.196(E) HATTUSILI L.197 HEROS L.21 HESUE L.11(E) HORDEUM L.179 (L.453, L.454) HORREUM L.255 (L.256.2) IACULUM(?) L.285(2)(E) IANUS L.148(E) INFANS L.45.I INFRA L.56(E), L.57 IŠUWA L.226(E) IUSTITIA L.371 KULITTA L.158(E) KUMARBI L.149(E) LABARNA L.277(E) LAPIS L.267(6, 8)
Part 5: The Signary
PES L.90 PES2 L.93 PES2.PES L.96 PES2.PES2 L.95 PES // PES2+SCALA+ROTAE L.91, L.92, L.94 PISCIS L.138 PITHOS L.337, L.482.2(E) POCULUM L.346 PODIUM L.264 PONERE L.65 PORTA L.237, L.238 PORTA2 L.239 POST L.34 PRAE L.13(E), L.14 PRINCEPS L.525(E) PROPHETA L.524 PUGNUS L.39 PUGNUS.PUGNUS L.40 PURUS L.322, L.323 REGIO L.228 (REL L.329: see Syllabary kwi/a) REX L.17 REX.FILIA L.46(E) REX.FILIUS L.46(E) ROTA L.292 SACERDOS L.355 SACERDOS2 L.372(E) (SARI L.303(E)) SARMA2 L.80(E) SARMA L.81 SCALPRUM L.268 SCRIBA L.326 SCUTELLA L.402 SCUTUM L.272 SERVUS L.387 SIGILLUM L.327 SOL L.191 SOL2 L.192(E) SOLIUM L.299 SPHINX L.121 STATUA L.12 STELE L.267 SUB L.56(E), L.57 SUPER L.70, L.270(E) (TAL(A), rebus L.367(E)) L.429) (TANA, rebus (TAS(U), rebus L.318, L.418.1(E)) TAWANANNA L.271(E) TERRA L.201 THRONUS L.294 THRONUS2 L.298
TONITRUS L.199 (TUZZI, rebus L.283(E)) UNGULA(LIx) L.125 UNUS L.380 URBS L.225 URCEUS L.345 (L.352, L.354) (US, rebus L.421) VACUUS L.245 (VAS, see now COR) VERSUS L.447+L.26 VIA L.221 VIR L.312(E), L.313 VIR2 L.386(E) VITA L.369(E) VITELLUS(MAx) L.109 VITIS L.160
2e. The evidence: points to note – – – –
Numbering following Laroche, HH Transcription into Latin (where possible) Discussion follows on that of Laroche, HH (end of each number) – Does not repeat Laroche, HH; corrects, where necessary, and adds – Further attestations: not in Laroche, HH, but in CHLI I – New attestations: not in CHLI I – Empire, Transitional, Late: kept separate as far as poss ible – = signals digraphic equivalent (Hier. = Cun., Hier = Phoen.) L.1–3. EGO, EGO2, “I, me”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logo gram, reading amu; most common as introductory figure to self-presenting inscriptions (“I (am) …”), frequently followed by enclitics -wa (quotative particle) and/or -mi (reflex. pron., 1 sing.), cf. Hitt. uk-za (KBo XII, 38 ii 22). (Empire) EGO-wa/i-mi-*a (NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1). seal: NİŞANTEPE, nos. 16, 17; internal: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33. monumental: BOĞAZKÖY 2, 1. (Transitional) ALEPPO 6, § 1; SHEIZAR, § 1. (Late) Hier. EGO // EGO2(-mi) = Phoen. ʾnk (KARATEPE 1, § I.1). phonetic: á-mu(-wa/i-mi-i) (BULGARMADEN, § 1; HİSARCIK 1, § 1; EGO-mi-i-*a (MARAŞ 8, § 1); EGO-mu-wa/i-mi (PORSUK, § 1); á-mu-wa/i-mu!? (PALANGA, § 1). internal (uncommon): HAMA 4, §§ 4, 12; HAMA 8, § 2; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, § 2; MARAŞ 4, § 10; TELL AHMAR 2, § 20; (new) EGO // mu-*a (ARSUZ 1+2, § 17).
2 The Logograms
further attestations: KÖRKÜN, § 1; BOROWSKI 3, § 1; ALEPPO 2, § 1; MARAŞ 13, § 1 (EGO2); MARAŞ 14, § 1 ([E]GO2); JISR EL HADID frag. 1, § 1 ([E]GO2); KÜRTÜL, § 1; HAMA 6, 7, § 1; KULULU 4, § 1; KULULU 3, § 1; BEIRUT, § 1. new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 1; ADANA 1, § 1b; ARSUZ 1 (EGO2 as athlete/warrior) 2, § 1. Cf. Payne, Fs Součková. L.4. MONS2. (Empire), alternates with L.207 (MONS) in writing name Tudhaliya (IV); also appears on seals of Arnuwanda (III). L.6. ADORARE, “worship”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading unknown, single attestation; sense from pictogram and context. No advance on Laroche, HH. (AFŞİN+)KARKAMIŠ A31, § 11. L.7. EDERE, “eat”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading á-da- // á-r(u)- // a+ra/i- (ad- > ar-), á-za- (ads-), Cun. Luw. ad// az-, Hitt. ed- // ad- (ezza-) (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.). further attestations: á-da- (KAYSERİ, § 12); “EDERE”-da(KULULU 2, § 3, part.); a+ra/i- (KULULU 5, § 11); a-za(KARABURUN, §§ 8, 10; KULULU 1, § 12). derivatives: EDERE-da-ri+i-, “feed” (verb, MALPINAR, § 7), Cun. Luw. a-da // ta-ri-, Hitt. edr(esk)- (CLL, s.v. ad(a)ri(ya)-; HWb2, etriia-, etreski-). EDERE(? cursive)-lá/í-ti-wa/i-li- // ara/i-ti-wa/i-li-i-, “fat(?)” (*ada(n)ti-wali-; MARAŞ 3, § 4; MARAŞ 5, § 1; see CHLI I/1, p. 268, § 4). L.8. BIBERE, “drink”. (Late) pictographic logogram, sense from representation and context; reading uwa- (paired with “EDERE”-da-, “eat”, KULULU 2, § 3), Cun. Luw. u-, Hitt. eku- (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.). See A. Morpurgo Davies apud Hawkins, CRRAI 26 (1980), p. 221. further attestation: (“BIBERE”)wa/i-zú+ra/i-li- (noun, nom. sing. MF, ÇİFTLİK, § 13). new attestation: (“BIBERE”)pa-sà-, “swallow” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 32), Hitt.-Luw. paš(š)- (CHD, s.v.). L.9. AMPLECTI, “embrace, love”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading uncertain (wasa(mi)-, aza(mi)- or synonym?). (Transitional) Add L.444 (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 1), unrecognized by Laroche, but suspected by Güterbock, as confirmed by Alp, Fs Güterbock (1), p. 24. Corresponds in titularies to Akk. narām DN. L.10.I. CAPUT, “person”. (Empire–Late) pictographic logogram, reading unknown; (Late) (phon. compl. -ti-); opposed to ziti-, “man (male)”.
Hier. CAPUT-ti- = Phoen. ʾdm, “man” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XX.103; XXXIV.177; LXI.336); (= Phoen. rzn, “prince” (KARATEPE 1, § LX.335)). (SOL)tiwadami- CAPUT-ti-, “sun-blessed(?) man”: see L.191.5. further and new attestations: MARAŞ 1, § 1h; TELL AHMAR 6, § 14. POST(+ra/i)- CAPUT-ti-, “inferior man”: (Empire) EMİRGAZİ 1, § 13; (Transitional) ALEPPO 6, § 11; (Late) MALPINAR, §§ 20, 27. L.10.II. CAPUT, “head”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading harmahi-, Cun. Luw. harmahi-. further and new attestations: (CAPUT)ha+ra/i-ha(ÇİFTLİK, § 16; (CAPUT)ha+ra/i-ma-hi- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 14). L.10+L.268. CAPUT+SCALPRUM, “erase”. (Empire–Late) (Yakubovich, in Fs Singer, p. 387 f.); compound logogram, reading ku // REL-sà- (kusa- // kwi/asa-). attestations: (Late) TÜNP 1, § 2; also unpublished text. (Empire) EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 8, 20. L.11. (DEUS)HEŠUE. (Empire single attestation) Logogram, DN, YAZILIKAYA, no. 30; identification from godlists: Laroche, RHA XXVII/84–85 (1969), p. 79; Güterbock, Yazılıkaya (1975), p. 176 f. L.12. STATUA, “statue, image”. (Empire–Late) compound logogram (CAPUT+PITHOS), read taru(sa) (stem tarut-), Cun. Luw. darus(sa) (CLL, s.v.). (Late) ((“)STATUA(”))ta-ru-sá // sa (KARKAMIŠ A7b, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 4; MARAŞ 3, § 3); STATUA-ru-sa, -ru-ti-i (acc. sing. N, dat. sing., KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 28, 31 (not HH “DIEU-ti-a”!); cf. (“LIGNUM”)ta-ru-sa (ALEPPO 2, § 8); also (without logogram) ta-ru-ti(-i), ta-ru-da-za (dat. sing., plur., KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.3; 2.12; 3.14, 17). further attestations: MALPINAR, [§ 1], §§ 5, 18, 26 (-ru-tii, -sa, -ru-ti-i); also NİĞDE 1; İVRİZ 1, § 3 (tara/i-sá // sa—tara/i for taru!); (new) STATUA-r[u]-t[i] (JISR EL HADID 4, § 7). (Empire) STATUA (NİŞANTAŞ AV, § g). L.13(E), L.14.I. PRAE, “before”. (Empire–Late) logogram, perhaps rebus of Hitt. para/i-, “blow”; readings paran, pari(ya), Cun. Luw. parran, Hitt. piran; Cun. Luw. pari, Hitt. para (CLL, s.v.; CHD, s.v.). Note. Late PRAE normally shows a long neck (so L.13(1–2)!). Empire PRAE sometimes (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5; YALBURT blocks 3, § 2; 10, § 3; 12, § 4); sometimes not (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 15, 37; YALBURT block 11, § 1; SÜDBURG, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, §§ b, c). L.14.I(a) (Late) PRAE-na (PRAE-ni, AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 14); full phonetic writing pa+ra/i-na (BULGARMADEN, § 4).
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. PRAE-na = Phoen. l-pn(y), “before (me)” (KARATEPE 1, § XXVII.140) further attestations: IZGIN 2, § 8; BABYLON 3, § 1; TULEIL 2, l. 3; (new) TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 7, 19. (Empire) PRAE-na (EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 4, 5; YALBURT block 3, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, §§ b, c); PRAE(-na) hwi/a-i(a)-, “run before” (YALBURT blocks [8]; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4; also EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37 (delete HH L.13.3, “x-pár-a-tu”, read PRAE hwi/a-i(a)-tu)). L.14.I(b, c) (Late) PRAE-i (also -ia) further attestations: MARAŞ 8, § 6; MARAŞ 1, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9; KARATEPE 4, § 1; MALPINAR, § 5; (new) ARSUZ 1, § 14. (Empire) PRAE-i(a) (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 15). (Late) PRAE without complement -na or -i(a): MARAŞ 14, § 6; IZGIN 1, § 14; KARKAMIŠ A15c, l. 3; ANCOZ 7, § 9; BOHÇA, § 1; ASSUR letters e, § 31; f+g, § 30. (Empire) EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37; SÜDBURG, § 2. (Transitional) KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 13. L.13(5)(E), L.14.II. Syllabogram-rebus pari, see Syllabary, 3 (d). L.15, L.16. DOMINA, MAGNUS.DOMINA, “lady, queen; great queen”. (Empire–Late) pictographic logogram, reading hasusari- (loan from Hitt.). (Empire) Hier. MAGNUS.DOMINA = Cun. MUNUS. LUGAL.GAL (in addition to SBo I and RS, see NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 14 (Henti), 29, 30 (Tawananna), 58, 59, 60, 63 (Tanuhepa), 74, 75, 76, 85 (Puduhepa). (Transitional) (MAGNUS).DOMINA)ha-su-sa 5+ra/i(MEHARDE, §§ 1, 6, 8; SHEIZAR, § 7), deity, image on MEHARDE obverse. (Late) divine epithet: Karkamisiza- hasusari-, “Karkamisean Queen” (Kubaba). (DEUS)REGIO-ni-sa-na MAGNUS.FEMINA-sa 5+ra/i-i, “(divine) Land’s Queen” (KIRÇOĞLU, § 2), as on MEHARDE, SHEIZAR. TERRA.DEUS.DOMINA, “divine Lady of the Earth” (KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 9, 13) “queen” (paired with “king”): (FEMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i(KULULU 5, § 7b) L.17(a). REX, “king”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram, phon. compl. -ti- (Late), read *hantawati-, Cun. Luw. handawati-, Lyc. χñtawati- (Hitt. hassu-), (CLL, s.v.; LL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.). (Empire) REX, Cun. LUGAL: rulers of— Hatti: Hier. (never on seals) NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1(×2) Karkamiš: seals of all kings, Sahurunuwa – Kuzi-Teššub Halab: ALEPPO 1 (Talmi-Šarruma)
Mira: Hier. REX = Cun. LUGAL (TARKONDEMOS); also KARABEL, BOĞAZKÖY sealings Išuwa: KORUCU 68–321, 68–403, 68–304; NİŞANTEPE, no. 98; BOĞAZKÖY 12 ? : NİŞANTAŞ AII, § c ? : Boğazköy III, no. 8; NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 12, 13 (Suppiluliuma) ? : Boğazköy III, no. 9; NİŞANTEPE, no. 119 (Hattusili) ? : NİŞANTEPE, no. 158 (Kasu) general: EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 24, 27 (Transitional) REX: Taita (Palastiniza-, ALEPPO 6, § 1; 7, § 1) REX.L.462: PUGNUS-mili (MALATYA 5, 8, 12) Halpasulupi (MALATYA 4) general: REX-t[í]- (ALEPPO 6, § 5). (Late) Hier. REX-ti- = Phoen. mlk (KARATEPE 1, §§ II.11; XVIII.86; XXVI.137; L.282; LII.301; LIX.331; LXXIII.398; ÇİNEKÖY, § 5). REX, title of rulers of — Assyria (KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 6) Adana, Hiyawa (Awariku // Warika; KARATEPE 1, § II.11; ÇİNEKÖY, § 1) Karkamiš (only Kamani and Astiru; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 1; KÖRKÜN, § 4) Masuwari (Hamiyata; TELL AHMAR 2, § 1; 5, § 1; 6, § 1; BOROWSKI 3, § 1) Gurgum (Halparuntiya II, Halparuntiya III (MARAŞ 4, § 1; 1, § 1a, h, i) Walastin (Suppiluliuma, Manana; ARSUZ 2, § 1) Hamath (Urhilina, Uratami; HAMA 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, § 1; RESTAN, QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, HINES, TELL SṬIB) AKSARAY (Kiyakiya) AKSARAY, § 9) BOHÇA (Kurti) BOHÇA, § 1 KARABURUN (Sipi) KARABURUN, §§ 2, 7, 8, 9) Tuwana (Warpalawa; BOR, § 1; BULGARMADEN, § 1) ? (Masaurhisa; PORSUK, § 4) further attestations: MARAŞ 8, § 14; AKSARAY, § 6 (+MAGNUS.REX) new attestations: ARSUZ 1, § 21; also unpublished text L.17(b). REX-wa/i-ta(-)(?): (BOR, § 4; see discussion CHLI I/2, p. 521) L.17(c). REX-tahi(sa), “kingdom; kingship”, Cun. Luw. handawadahit- (CLL, s.v.) Hier. REX-ta-hi(-sa // sá) = Phoen. mmlkt (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII.396) also REX-t[a]-hi(-da) (ALEPPO 2, § 4) L.18. MAGNUS.REX, “Great King”. (Empire) MAGNUS.REX, “Great King”, Cun. LUGAL.GAL: all kings of Hattusa, Tudhaliya I/II – Suppiluliuma II, also Kuruntiya; reading see
2 The Logograms
Yakubovich, in Mouton, Hittitology Today, pp. 39–50 (spe culative). (Transitional) MAGNUS.REX: Hartapu (KIZILDAĞ, 1, 2, 3; 4, §§ 1, 3; KARADAĞ 1, 2; BURUNKAYA). Kuzi-Teššub (GÜRÜN, § 1; KÖTÜKALE, § 1). i(a)+ra/i-TONITRUS (KARAHÖYÜK, § 2). (Late) MAGNUS.REX: KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 1 // (new) N1, § 1(×2; Sapaziti Ura-Tarhunta); KARKAMIŠ A16c (Tudhaliya). TOPADA, § 1 (Tuwati, Wasusarma); SUVASA, B (Wasusarma) L.21(a). HEROS, “hero”. (Empire) logogram used in Hitt. royal titulary, Cun. (Sum. // Akk.) UR.SAG // QARRĀDU; Hitt. reading possibly hastali- from single logo/syllabic alternation UR.SAG(-li-ia)-tar // ha-aš-ti-li-ia-tar, but alternation UR.SAG-li- // tar-hu-ú-i-li- leaves open (see HWb2, s.v. *haštali-, hašta/iliyatar. Cun. UR.SAG on all kings’ seal legends Suppiluliuma I – Suppiluliuma II (including Kuruntiya), and in texts (except Arnuwanda II and III): Gonnet, Titulature, p. 25 and Liste, p. 31 ff.; Hier. HEROS never on seals, only monuments; SİRKELİ (Muwattalli II, Mursili II); TAŞÇI (Hattusili III); YALBURT block 1 (Tudhaliya IV, Hattusili III, Mursili II); KARAKUYU (Tudhaliya IV); BOĞAZKÖY 3 and 18 (Hat tusili III, Mursili II); NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1 (Suppiluliuma II, Tudhaliya IV, Hattusili III); SÜDBURG, §§ 2, 6, 14 (Suppiluliuma II); YAZILIKAYA, no. 81 (Tudhaliya IV); HATİP (Kuruntiya, Muwattalli II). KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3b (context unclear). HEROS as PN on seals: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 283, nos. 608–610, also 611(?). L.21(b). (Transitional) HH Karadağ 5.2; 6.1: (read now KIZILDAĞ 3 and 4) (Hartapu, also Mursili); İSPEKÇÜR B, § 1 (Arnuwanti); GÜRÜN, § 1 (Kuzi-Teššub); ALEPPO 6, § 1; 7, § 1 (Taita I); MEHARDE, § 1; SHEIZAR, § 1 (Taita II). (Late) Karkamiš: delete HH “Karkamiš A5a4” (does not exist); also “Cekke, rev. 4”, read PANIS.PITHOS. KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 1(×2) // N1, § 1(×2) (archaic) (Ura-Tarhunta, Sapaziti) A21b+a, § 1 (archaizing); KARKAMIŠ A27e, frag. 1 (Astiru I); (new) ADANA 1, § 1 (Astiru II). Maraş: MARAŞ 1, §§ 1c, f (HEROS-li-, Halparuntiya II, Muwizi); MARAŞ 14, § 1 ([?]). Malatya: IZGIN 1, § 1 (Tara(?)); MALATYA 1 (Tara(?)); ŞIRZI, § 1. Amuq: ARSUZ 1+2, § 1 (Suppiluliuma I). Tabal: TOPADA, § 1 (Wasusarma, Tuwati (HEROS-li-)); SUVASA B (Wasusarma); SULTANHAN, § 1 (Wasusarma, HEROS-li-); KAYSERİ, § 1 (Wasusarma); BOHÇA, § 1 (Ashwisi, HEROS-li-); İVRİZ 1, B (Warpalawa); BOR, § 1 (Warpalawa HEROS-li-); BULGARMADEN, § 1 (HEROS-ti-); NIĞDE 2 (Muwaharani, Warpalawa (HEROS-ti-)).
reading. HEROS-li- (presumably continued from Empire); HEROS-ti-, ?? L.22. LOQUI, “speak”. (Late) ideographic logogram (profile+protruding tongue), determines several verbs of “speaking”. L.22(c–d). (“LOQUI”)ha-ti-i- // rhotacized ha-ri+i- (ASSUR letters f+g, § 2 // a, , c, d, e, § 2); (caus.) (LOQUI)ha+ra/i-nu(A6, § 21). new attestation: (LOQUI)ha+ra/i-i- (YASSIHÖYÜK, § 2). denom. form ha-ti-sá (KÖRKÜN, § 3; acc. sing. N; Melchert, KZ 101 (1988), p. 237)? L.22(b). (“LOQUI”)mara/i+ra/i-ta // tá, “words” (AFŞİN+ KARKAMIŠ A31, § 17; (without LOQUI) CEKKE, § 23; ANKARA 1, § 6; KARAKAMIŠ A25b, § 2). further attestations: (with LOQUI) MALPINAR, § 18; (without LOQUI) BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 15. here LOQUI-da-zà? (KAYSERİ, § 20). here (Empire) L.461-tá? (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 10; Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 365 f.). L.22(e). (“LOQUI”)ma-ra+a-ti- (acc. sing. MF, identify with (“LOQUI”)mara/i+ra/i-ta // tá, acc. plur. N? Melchert, An. St. 38 (1988), p. 36 f.). L.22(f). (LOQUI)mara/i+ra/i-li-i(…), “ ? ” (JISR EL HADID frag. 3, l. 2): connect with (b) and (e)? L.22(a). (LOQUI)tá-tara/i-ia-, “curse” (verb), Cun. Luw. tatariya(mman)-, “curse” (noun). L.22(g). (“LOQUI”-a)pu-pa-la- (verb), “ ? ” (ASSUR letter a, § 5); cf. pu-pa-li-, “ ? ” (CEKKE, § 3). other: (LOQUI)la-ma-ní-sà-, “proclaim” (AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 12); connect now with re-read Hier. alaman-, “name”; Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 203. L.23. LIS(+DOMINUS). (Empire) title found on seals (RS 17.109 (Ana(n)zi/a)). new attestations: NİŞANTEPE, nos. 219–220, 222 (Mahhuzzi). Instead of a seal between the profiles, one or two small circles appear, but it is mostly likely that the sign is the forerunner of L.24.I, LIS. Note: The DOMINUS, “lord” is clearly a separate part of the title. The Hier. LIS+DOMINUS appears equivalent to Cun. GAL (UGULA) LÚ.MEŠMU-BAR-RI(-I): see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 299 f., Excursus 18, where the identification of Akk. mubarrū as D participle of burru, “prove, convict” is proposed; thus “master of the convicter(-men)”, clearly an important legal officer. (Transitional) LIS(+x), “lawsuit; prosecutor” (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 20, 24).
Part 5: The Signary
L.24.I. LIS, “dispute, law-suit; litigate; prosecutor”. (Late) ideographic logogram (two profiles opposed over a seal), reading (-)za-sa-li-, “legal opponent” (Akk. bēl dīni); (-)salu/a/i-sa // sá // za-, “litigate (against)”. For ideographic opposite, see L.344, CONTRACTUS, “agree” (two profiles over a seal, joined at base). attestations: LIS(-)(za-sà)-li-, “prosecutor” (MEHARDE, § 6; SHEIZAR, § 7); (new) LIS-lu/a/i- (ARSUZ 1+2, § 26); “pro secute” (verb, ARSUZ 1+2, § 25); LIS, “dispute” (KARKAMIŠ N1, §§ 2, 6 (= A4b). For writings of verb (-)sa-lu/a/i-sa // sá // za- and some derived forms, see CHLI I/2, p. 418, M, § 6 // S, § 7. [L.24.II. Delete: the misidentified har(sa) is ki (L.446)] L.25. OCULUS, “eye”. (Late) pictographic logogram, alternates with LITUUS (L.378) in PN I(LITUUS)á-za-ti(-i)-wa/i-da(Phoen. ʾztwd): KARATEPE 1, §§ XXVIII.143 (Ho); XLIX.275 (Ho); LI.290 (Ho); LVIII.326 (Ho); PN IDEUS-ná-(OCULUS) á-za-mi- (Masani-azami-, KARATEPE 4, § 2; also occasionally determines other verbs of perception in place of LITUUS; (LITUUS)ti-ia+ra/i(-ia)-, “watch, guard”, (OCULUS)ti-ia(+ra/i), see CHLI I/2, p. 487, § 13; cf. OCULUS(-)zá-ni-, “admire” (AKSARAY, § 6). Cf. (“LITUUS”)ta-wá/í- (acc. sing. MF), “eye” (KAYSERİ, § 3); (without determinative) ta-wa/i (acc. plur. N, KARABURUN, §§ 8–10), Cun. Luw. tawi-, tawa, Hitt. sakui-, sakuwa(CLL, s.v.; CHD, s.v.). L.26(1)+(2). FRONS, “forehead, face; front”. (Empire–Late) pictographic logogram, reading hant- and derivatives hantili-, “foremost, first”, hantahi(d)-, “preeminence”, etc. Hitt.-Luw. hant- and derivatives (HWb2, s.v.; CLL, s.v.). (Late) Hier. FRONS-li- // lu/a/i-, “former (kings, who were before me)”, Phoen. kl h-mlkm, “all the kings (who were before me)” (KARATEPE 1, § XXVI.136). Hier. (SUPER+ra/i-li) FRONS-lu/a/i- // li-i-, “(highly) preeminent”, Phoen. ʿz ʾdr, “strength exceeding” (KARATEPE 1, § L.278–279). attestations: ((“)FRONS(”))ha-ta // tá-, “face” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 6, 23; TELL AHMAR 1, § 17; KIRÇOĞLU, § 3. FRONS-lu/a/i- (also -li-), read *hantili-, “former; first”, Cun. Luw. hantili-, Hitt. hantezzi- (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXVI, L, above; CEKKE, § 6; HAMA 4, § 2; PALANGA, § 2; TOPADA, § 3 (paired with POST+ra/i- (apari-), “second-rank and firstrank”); KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 17; KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2, § e). FRONS-ti(-i), (adv.) “in front” (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 20; KARKAMIŠ N1, § 3 (new) // A4b, § 3. “FRONS”-hi-ti (*hantahidi, dat. sing., KARKAMIŠ A7j; A15b, § 14), “preeminence”. (Empire) [FRO]NS, “former (great kings)” (SÜDBURG, § 2).
Note. Failure to recognize the negative (NEG2) in KARATEPE 1, § XXVI.134, led Bossert to create the negative demanded by Phoen. by attributing to FRONS a value na thus gaining a negative adj. †na-li-, Lat. nullus. This na- value he achieved by identifying FRONS as “nose”, and deriving the syllabogram from IE cognates (Ar. Or. 18 (1950), p. 33 (or p. 24)). In this he was followed by Laroche, L.26(2), Meriggi, Glossar2, p. 86, and others. These readings should be deleted: Hawkins, An. St. 25 (1975), pp. 132, 148–150, Appendix 1. See also VERSUS (L.447+FRONS). L.27. LIBARE, “libate, offer; libation”. (Late) ideographic logogram (“arm+cup”), reading sarli- (redupl. sasarla-), “libate”; sarlata-, “libation”, Hitt.-Luw. sarlai-, “exalt etc”; sarlatta-, “offering” (CHD, s.v.); see CHLI I/1, p. 147, § 5. further attestations: (LIBARE)sa5+ra/i-li- (TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 2, l. 3; ANCOZ 1, § 2); (LIBARE (note sign form, contra Poetto, Orientalia 79 (2010), pp. 243, 245) sá-sa5+ra/i-la(MARAŞ 5, § 3); cf. sa-sa5+ra/i-la- (MALPINAR, § 26, without (LIBARE)). (Transitional) (LIBARE)sà+ra/i-hi-sa, “libation”(?) (ALEPPO 6, § 12); comparing this form with (Late) sa5+ra/i -ta-za (HAMA 4, § 13), and SUPER+ra/i- (KULULU l.s. 1, obv. 7) Yakubovich suggests rl > rr (Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 13). L.28.1–2. FORTIS, “mighty (adj.); conquer (verb)”. (Empire) ideographic logogram, reading muwatali-, Hitt.-Luw. muwatalli-. Hier. (DEUS)TONITRUS.FORTIS (Tudhaliya seal RS 17.159), identified with Cun. DU // IM NIR.GÁL (OHP II, pp. 787 f., 661). new attestations: FORTIS.CRUS, “stand strong(?)” (YALBURT block 12, § 3); FORTIS.HATTUSA(?)-tá, FORTIS-tá, “ ? ” (block 11, §§ 3, 4). cf. (-mi) … (L.273)mu-wa/i-, “conquer” (YALBURT blocks 16, § 2a; 11, § 2; 13, § 1; // Hitt. (-za) … tarh-). (Transitional) FORTIS (DEUS)TONITRUS (KIZILDAĞ 2); (L.273)mu(wa)- // (L.273)FORTIS-, “conquer” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b // KARADAĞ 1, § 2). FORTIS-si-i, “ ? ” (MEHARDE, § 4). (Late) FORTIS (DEUS)TONITRUS, “the mighty StormGod” (KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 4 // KARKAMIŠ N1, § 4 (new)); cf. (FORTIS)mu-wa/i-ta-li- (DEUS)TONITRUS- (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 26; also (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 18); FORTIS L.273, “a mighty ARMA” (KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 4 // KARKAMIŠ N1, § 4 (new)); cf. [mu-w]a/i-ta-li- wa/i+ra/i-pi- (SULTANHAN, § 8). (DEUS)FORTIS-su-pa- // [DEUS]FORTIS- (TELL AHMAR 1, § 2 // TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 (new); late appearance of the god Teššub. L.28.1. Douteux: delete HH “Alep 2.1, début” (sign is ara/i).
2 The Logograms
L.30. (Late) logogram, determines verb i+ra-nu-wa/i-, DN L.30-da-ti-: see Goedegebuure, IX ICH, p. 307 (g), (8), (9). L.31.1–3. LIGARE, “bind”. (Late) ideographic logogram determines several words: (1) hi-sà-hi-, “bind” (CEKKE, §§ 13, 16). Cun. Luw. hišhi(ya)-, Hitt. išhiya- (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.); (2) i-ka+ra/i-zi-i, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 4); (3) hu-hú+ra/i-pa-, “ ? ” (ALEPPO 2, § 6; see Melchert, KZ 101 (1988), pp. 234–236). L.32. BRACCHIUM, “right-hand”. (Late) logogram, reading isarwili- // isaruli-: only full writing i-sa5+ra/i-wa/i-la[… (KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 9), Cun. Luw. i-šar-ú-i // wi5-li- (CLL, s.v.), Peker, Orientalia 83 (2014), p. 149; Peker, Texts from Karkemish I, p. 17 § 5. new attestations: BRACCHIUM-ru-li (KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 5); BRACCHIUM-ru-la-sa (Transitional, ALEPPO 7, § 16). See Peker. loc. cit. Also (correction) BR[ACCHI]UMwa/i-li (ARSUZ 2, § 19); here BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i- (JISR EL HADID frag. 3, l. 3)? (Peker, loc. cit.) onomastic element: BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-mu(wa)(AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1, see Peker, ZA 108 (2018), pp. 94–98); BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i- (KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 5); BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-[…]-ní- (CEKKE, § 14). Also (BRACCHIUM)hu-mi+ra/i-, “ ? ” (ASSUR letter f+g, § 6; ÇALAPVERDİ 1, § 5a). L.33(1–2). “lozenge”+BRACCHIUM, “crescent”+BRACCHIUM (Late) determines mi-da-sa5+ra/i, mi+ra/i-sa5+ra/i-, “ ? ” new attestation: (L.33(1))m[i-… (AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 4; Peker, ZA 108, p. 97). L.34.I. POST, “after, behind, again”. (Empire–Late) logogram reading apan, Cun. Luw., Hitt. (appa) appan. full phonetic writing: (“POST”)á-pa-(n) (İSKENDERUN, § 2); á-pa-na (mu-wa/i-) // POST-na (FORTIS-wa/i-) (SULTANHAN, § 32 // KAYSERİ, § 11); á-pa-na (KULULU 1, § 11). normally written POST-na; POST-ni/ní (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 15; A11b+c, § 23; A23, § 10; TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 4, 10; IZGIN 1, §§ 4, 5; 2, §§ 4, 5. Hier. POST-na ((a)sa-), “be after” = Phoen. šlḥ, “send” (KARATEPE 1, § XL.210). (Empire) POST (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 25, 27; YALBURT block 2, § 2 (POST-a)) (Transitional) POST-ni (ALEPPO 7, § 10). L.34.II(a). POST+ra/i-, “after, later, inferior”. (Late) logogram, reading *apari-, Hitt. appezzi-. phrase POST+ra/i- CAPUT-ti-, “inferior person” (ANKARA 1, § 8; TOPADA, § 37); further attestations: MALPINAR, §§ 20, 27. (Transitional, without +ra/i-) ALEPPO 6, § 11
(Empire, without +ra/i-) EMİRGAZİ 1, § 13 L.34.II(b). POST+ra/i-wa/i-sà-ti, “in future” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 13, 18; A11a, § 21 ); sense clear, etymology not, does not = Hitt. appa- siwatt-, “after days”. L.34.II(c). POST+ra/i-ta // tá, “afterwards”. (Late) logogram reading apara(n)ta, Cun. Luw. apparanti-, “future (adj.)”. full phonetic writing: á-pa+ra/i-ta (SULTANHAN, § 34). attestations: POST+ra/i-ta // tá (MARAŞ 5, § 2; SULTAHAN, §§ 27, 28; CEKKE, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 9, 11; TOPADA, § 31; (new) JISR EL HADID 4, § 6). L.39. PUGNUS. (Empire–Late) logogram determining several words, principally PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi-, “strong; strengthen”; and PUGNUS-ri+i-, “rise; raise”. L.39.I.2, 5. (Late) PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi(-da)-, “strong”; full phonetic writing? first syllable lu-, la- or li-? -da- suffix, participle? Hier. PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi-da- = Phoen. ʿz(t) (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIX.96; XXV.131. PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi // PUGNUS(-)mi-lu/a/i, “strong” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 2 // KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 4; variable placing of -mi-); cf. PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi-, “strengthen” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 3); PN PUGNUS(-)mi-lu/a/i-li (CEKKE, § 17g). L.39.I.9. (Transitional) PN PUGNUS-mi-li (GÜRÜN, § 1; KÖTÜKALE, § 1; İSPEKÇÜR B, § 1; DARENDE, § 1; MALATYA 5; 8; 9, 10; 11, 12; 14), name of at least two rulers of Malatya, son and great-grandson of Kuzi-Teššub (and another(?)), 12th century B.C.; identification with that of Sulumal (ruler of Malatya 8th century B.C.), not impossible, but with no supporting evidence PUGNUS = sulu (but cf. PUGNUS-milu/a/i-li-, above, CEKKE, read PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi-li-?). L.39.I.3. (Empire) PUGNUS-MI-, a beneficial action (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 27, 29); connect with Late PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi-, “strong; strengthen”? L.39.I.7, 8. (Late) PUGNUS-ri+i-, “rise, raise”. logogram+phon. compl., read ari-(?), Cun. Luw. ari(ya), Hitt. arai- (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.). “MANUS”-tara/i-na PUGNUS-ri+i-ta, “raised the hand” (JISR EL HADID frag. 2, l. 2). PUGNUS-mi-lu/a/i PUGNUS-ri+i-, “raise strong” // PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi- PUGNUS-ri+i-i-ia-ha i-zi-ia-, “make strong and raised” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 4 // A15b, § 2). PUGNUS-ri+i- (SULTANHAN, § 19); PUGNUS-ri+i-lá/í(KARKAMIŠ A6, § 20; see Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 213 f.). further attestations: TELL AHMAR 1, § 13; ASSUR letters b, § 9; e, § 21 (“raise” > “pick up”); PN IPUGNUS-ri+i-mi(KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 4.15, 25; 9.58). new attestations: JISR EL HADID 4, A, § 2; ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 2, 6, 19.
Part 5: The Signary
L.39.I.4. (Late) PUGNUS(-)wa/i+ra/i-mi-na (KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 11); cf. Transitional PUGNUS(-)wa/i+ra/i-ma(MEHARDE, § 5); unknown. L.39.I.6. “PUGNUS”-sá- (KARKAMIŠ A12, § 7) verb, unclear. L.39.II. syllabographic tà: delete, no evidence for reading; see further L.40 (PUGNUS.PUGNUS) L.40. PUGNUS.PUGNUS. (Empire–Late) double logogram reading unknown, renders uncertain verb (see below, Melchert). Note: HH L.40 is cursive form of L.39. (Empire) SÜDBURG, §§ 8, 11, 12. (Late) Hier. PUGNUS.PUGNUS-la/i- // da-da (Hu//Ho) = Phoen. ʿbd kn, “be servant” (KARATEPE 1, § XXI.III); no other evidence for syllabographic use, da-da- error for PUGNUS. PUGNUS? attestations: PUGNUS.PUGNUS-si (ASSUR letters a, § 2; b, § 2; d, § 2); (new) YASSIHÖYÜK, § 3, PUGNUS.PUGNUS-i; greetings formula; also ASSUR letter f+g, § 6 (caus.); YASSIHÖYÜK, §§ 7, 20; KARATEPE 4, § 1; SULTANHAN, § 43; HİSARCIK 1, § 5 (PUGNUS.PUGNUS-la). See Melchert, Fs Nowicki, pp. 134–138, contra Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, pp. 206–208; he proposes “grasp, hold, possess” as a possible meaning to fit all contexts; also (p. 136 n. 14) for da-da- the reading CAPERE. CAPERE, read lala-, “take”. L.41.I. CAPERE, “take”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logo gram (the “taking hand”); reading la-, redupl. lala-, Cun. Luw. la-, redupl. lala-; Hitt. da- (CLL, s.v.; EDHIL, s.v.). Previously the assumed Luw. tà-, “take”, was based on the view that the syllabic value tà was derived from Luw., but Yakubovich suggests that tà (da) is in fact derived from Hitt. da-, “take”. Thus Luw., “take” is always represented by the logogram CAPERE or syllabically la-, lala- (mainly in MARAŞ inscriptions); Yakubovich, ALP 4 (2008), pp. 22–24. To his list add (L.69)la-la-ti (3 plur.(?) pres.; ANCOZ 10, § 1); and for KELEKLİ, § 2) for CAPERE-i(?) read CAPERE-ta (3 sing. pret.; collation Mark Weeden). (Syllabogram: reading da in place of tà adopted following Rieken, see Syllabary L.41 da.) (Empire) CAPERE (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 22); la-la- (YALBURT block 14, § 1). (Transitional) CAPERE (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3; KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 7, 19 (note sign form, also da, § 23); KÖTÜKALE, § 5). L.42. CAPERE2+CAPERE2. (Empire). Syllabogram(?), see Syllabary (d). (Late) rare logographic use: (CAPERE2+CAPERE2)pa-hala-x-x (HAMA 8, § 2; for usual HAMA writing (DEUS)pa-hala-ti-, goddess Ba‛alat); CAPERE2+CAPERE2(-)L.417-na(URBS) (ARSUZ 1+2, § 14, city name of unknown reading).
L.43. CAPERE2, “bring”. (Late) logogram (vertical hand as against horizontal hand CAPERE), determines verb upa-, “bring”; add here L.136 (incorrectly drawn and interpreted as “aile de oiseau?”); also (CAPERE)u-pa- İSKENDERUN, § 3; Cun. Luw. uppa-, “bring”. Distinguish (PES)u-pa-, “furnish, provide”, Cun. Luw. upa-: see Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 370–375. L.45.I. INFANS, compound logogram (MANUS+VIR2), “child”, now distinguished from L.45.II. FILIUS, “son”, read nimuwiza-: see below. (Late) (|INFANS)ni-wa/i+ra/i-ni-, “(helpless), child”: MARAŞ 4, § 14 (single attestation); sense from philological analysis+context. |INFANS-ni/ní-, “child”, reading uncertain, niwarani(above)? Note that |INFANS-ni/ní- is not used in genealogies (except SULTANHAN, § 1, above). “child” in general: KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 23; A6, §§ 8, 12, 18; A15b, §§ 17, 21; ANCOZ 8+5, § 7 (“father and child”); BOR, § 2 (“child of the house”); ASSUR letters e, § 30; f+g, § 52. “my children” (funerary context): (Transitional, SHEIZAR, § 3;) TİLSEVET, § 5; KULULU 2, § 2; 3, § 6. “brother’s child”: TELL AHMAR 2, § 18; KULULU 4, § 15 (cf. KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 2 FILIUS.NI-za-). “child, grandson (great-grandson)”: KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12; MARAŞ 14, § 5. “head, wife, child”: TELL AHMAR 2, § 23; 6, § 32; cf. MARAŞ 8, § 17 (|FILIUS-mu-za). “man/person+child”: (Transitional, ALEPPO 7, § 18;) TELL AHMAR 6, § 14. problematic: |INFANS-na-ni (KÖRKÜN, § 11, dat. sing.; cf. § 10 |INFANS-ni-na acc. sing. MF); or read |INFANS-ni and na-nasi-na, dat. sing., Nanasi-, where na-na-sa-na (Nanasan) might be expected. |INFANS-ni-na-ti-i (abl. (plur.), “from the children” KARKAMIŠ A6, § 30, see commentary, CHLI I/1, p. 128). (Empire) FEMINA INFANS, “women and children”: EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13, YALBURT blocks 6, § 1; 15, § 1. (Transitional) ALEPPO 6, § 7 (|INFANS-ní-); ALEPPO 7, § 18 (|INFANS-ni); SHEIZAR, § 3 (|INFANS-ni-). L.45.II(a). FILIUS (as against I. INFANS; III. FRATER, below) compound logogram (MANUS+VIR2), “son” (in genealogies). Note that in transcribing the logogram FILIUS, also INFANS and FRATER the presence of the upper “crampon” (Late, L.386) is signalled by the word-divider convention (vertical stroke). (Empire) reading unattested: SİRKELİ; ALEPPO 1, § 1; YALBURT block 1, § 1; BOĞAZKÖY ⌈3⌉; BOĞAZKÖY 18; HATİP; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1; AII, § d.
2 The Logograms
NEPOS-sa FILIUS, “grandson’s son”: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3a. (Transitional) KIZILDAĞ 3, 4 (MANUS+VIR2); GÜRÜN, § 1 (|FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za); KÖTÜKALE, § 1 (|FILIUS)ni; İSPEKÇÜR, § 1 (|FILIUS-mu-wa/i-za); DARENDE, § 1 (|FILIUS) ni-mu-wa/i-za. (Late) genealogies KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1 (|FILIUS)ní-muzi/a; KARKAMIŠ A4b, §§ 1, 7 (|FILIUS)ní/ni-mu-za; KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 1 (|FILIUS)ní-mu-wa/i-zi+a-; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1 ([FIL]IUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za- = A11b+c, § 1 (|FILIUS)ni-za- = A2+3, § 1 (|FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-; AFŞİN(+KARKAMIŠ A31), § 1 (|FILIUS)ni-za- (so also KARKAMIŠ A27e1+2, § 1; (new) ADANA 1, § 1; (new) ŞARAGA, § 2) KÖRKÜN, § 1 (|FILIUS) ni-mu-wa/i-za-; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 1 (|FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/iia(-ia)-. other genealogies (|FILIUS)ni/ní-mu-wa/i-i-za-): TELL AHMAR 1, § 1; MARAŞ 4, § 1; HAMA 4, § 1; 8, § 1; RESTAN/ QALʿAT EL MUDIQ/TELL ŠṬĪB/HINES; BOHÇA, § 1; EĞREK, § 1; BOR, § 1; BULGARMADEN, § 1; NIĞDE 2, l. 4. |FILIUS-mu-wa/i-za: MARAŞ 8, § 1; 1, § 1; ŞIRZI, ⌈§ 1?⌉; PORSUK, § 1. (|FILIUS)ni/ní-za(-) (see above KARKAMIŠ), further: HAMA 1–3, 6–7, § 1; (new) ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 1, 8; cf. CEKKE, §§ 17b–o (= (|FILIUS)ni-wa/i-za, § 17a). (|FILIUS)ni-wa/i-za KIRÇOĞLU, § 1 (= CEKKE, § 17a— see above). |FILIUS(-)ni- SULTANHAN, § 1. (|FILIUS)nimuwiza- outside genealogies: TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 11, 23. L.45.II(b). NEPOS, “grandson”. (Empire) compound logogram (MANUS+L.300), reading *hamsi-; genealogies of Tudhaliya IV (BOĞAZKÖY 3, 18) and Suppiluliuma II (NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1); phrase NEPOS-sa FILIUS, “grandson’s son” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3a); reading (hamsu)kali-, “great-grandson” (NEPOS-ka-li, YALBURT block 16, § 1; genealogy of Tudhaliya IV). L.45.II(b). FILIUS.NEPOS, “grandson”. (Transitional, also Late), written FILIUS+L.300+L.488 (transcribe FILIUS. NEPOS), function of L.488, otherwise tí, unclear: GÜRÜN, § 1 (FILIUS(NI) L.300.L.488); KÖTÜKALE, § 1 (FILIUS+L.300 […]); İSPEKÇÜR, § 1 ((FILIUS [L.300?])ha-ma-si-); DARENDE, § 1 (FILIUS+L.300+L.488-MI). (Late) Hier. FILIUS.NEPOS-si- (“grandson”) = Phoen. ʾspḥ (“descendant”) (ÇİNEKÖY, § 1); reading ha-ma-si- (as Transitional) (MARAŞ 1, § 1c; further attestations: KÖRKÜN, §§ 6, 11; MARAŞ 14, § 5), Cun. Luw. hamsi-, Hitt. hassa (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.). L.45.II(c). FILIUS.NEPOS, “great-grandson”; reading hamsukala-, (also (FILIUS)NEPOS-REL-la- ((hams)kwala- by
metathesis), and FILIUS.NEPOS-si-ka+ra/i ((ham)sikara-); Cun. Luw. hamsukkalla-, Hitt. hanzassa. further attestations: ha-ma-su-ka-la- (MARAŞ 1, § 1d; KÖRKÜN, § 11, cf. § 6); -REL-la-(KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12; MARAŞ 4, § 10; MARAŞ 14, § 5); -si-ka+ra/i (new, AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1). usages: (1) genealogies (excluding “son” only) KARKAMIŠ: Katuwa (son, grandson), A11a, § 1; A11b+c, § 1 Kamani (son, great-grandson), AFŞİN+A31, § 1 TELL AHMAR: […] (great-grandson, son), 1, § 1 MARAŞ: Larama I (grandson, son), MARAŞ 8, § 1 Halparuntiya II (son, great-grandson), MARAŞ 4, § 10 Halparuntiya III (son, grandson, great-grandson; greatgreat-grandson ((FILIUS)nawa-), great-great-great-grandson ((FILIUS)nawanawa-), 6th descendant ((FILIUS)hartu-) (MARAŞ 1, § 1a-g) MALATYA: Halpasulupi (grandson, son), MALATYA 1. (2) phrase (FILIUS.NEPOS)hamsi- (FILIUS.NEPOS)hamsukala-, “grandson (and) great-grandson”, Cun. Luw. hamsihamsukkalla-, Hitt. hassa hanzassa. attestations: KARKAMIŠ A4a, KÖRKÜN, MARAŞ 14 as cited. L.45.III. (Late) |FRATER(-)la(-i)-, “brother”. Sense established by contexts in KARKAMIŠ A6 (§ 13), A7 (§ 2), A15b (§§ 15, 17): Kamani the son of “my lord Astiruwa”, and his “younger brothers” also the children of “my lord Astiruwa”. Kamani and the children are represented in the sculptures of the Royal Buttress. other attestations: TELL AHMAR 2, § 18; TELL AHMAR 1, § 16; JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 2; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 2; A5a, § 3; KIRÇOĞLU, § 4; (further) ALEPPO 2, §§ 3, 9, 17; KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 7.38, 44; (new) JISR EL HADID 4, A § 2. as onomastic element in PNN (cf. Cun. ŠEŠ // nani-, Noms, nos. 857, 865): KARKAMIŠ A18j; CEKKE, §§ 17c, d, m; further TÜNP 1, § 1; KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 3.13; 4.17; EĞRIKÖY, § 3. Note. Empire “brother” is written L.276 (FRATER2), read *nani- (see there). The regular word for “son” in genealogies is nimuwiza-, literally “not having muwa” (sexual(?) potency). This alternates in one Katuwa genealogy with ni-za-, also in other Karkamiš genealogies, also at HAMA in those of Uratami, and once with ni-wa/i-za-. Outside genealogies CEKKE shows a long sequence of ni/ní-za- which begins with ni-wa/i-za-. A single genealogy has ni-. Outside genealogies nimuwiza- is rare. How to account for this variation?—abbreviations of nimuwiza-, graphic or colloquial? Rieken and Yakubovich, and separately Yakubovich, propose the recognition of the ni as a phonetic indicator, “disambiguating” the logogram
Part 5: The Signary
with its different readings (see Fs Hawkins, p. 214 with n. 15; Fs Singer, p. 387); thus transcribe FILIUS.NIOutside genealogies a regular word for “child”, perhaps also “small, young”, appears to be written with the same lo gogram thus |INFANS with phonetic complement -ni-. How is this different word to be read? Rieken and Yakubovich suggest identification with the solely attested niwarani-, which looks possible but by no means established. The word identified as meaning “brother” is written (Late) with the same logogram complemented -la(-i)-, where the presence/absence of the latter sign is hard to explain. Rieken and Yakubovich circumvent the problem by recognizing la as a further disambiguating phonetic indicator pointing to a reading *lani-, dissimilated from Cun. Luw. nani-, “brother”, an ingenious solution, which would however seem to demand supporting evidence. Transcribe FRATER.LA-(?). L.46.1. REX.FILIUS, “(king’s son) prince”. (Empire (Transi tional) only) compound logogram, reading uncertain. Hier. REX.FILIUS = Cun. DUMU.LUGAL (digraphic seals, Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 307, no. 37). MAGNUS.REX.FILIUS, PN unread (LATMOS group 5), title unique (Transitional) REX-lu/a/i-sa (VIR2) FILIUS-ni (ALEPPO 6, § 7). L.46.2. REX.FILIA, (“king’s daughter”) princess”. (Empire only) compound logogram, reading uncertain. Hier. MAGNUS.REX.INFANS = Cun. DUMU.MUNUS LUGAL (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 16(+FEMINA), 17, 18(+FEMINA?) (Tawananna); also SBo I, no. 104 (Gassulawiya); TELL AÇANA 1a–b (Asnuhepa; Yener, Dinçol and Peker, NABU 2014/4, no. 88)). REX.INFANS (i.e. without subscript VIR2 or FEMINA). (Empire) NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 17; (Transitional) MALATYA 6. L.52. MANUS.CULTER: see L.338. CULTER. L.53. MANUS+ENSIS (i.e. HH “MAIN×ÉPÉE correct) (Empire) DN, Sword-God (dNERGAL // dU.GUR): YAZILIKAYA, no. 47; HANYERİ upper left. new attestations: SÜDBURG, § 3; BOĞAZKÖY 12(?). L.56. INFRA/SUB, “down, under”. (Empire = Late L.57) ideo graphic logogram (hand with downward-pointing thumb, readings, see Late (Empire, no evidence). new attestations: INFRA tarzanu(wa)-, “turn down” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 26); INFRA(-a) PES2, “go down” (YALBURT block 14, § 4); INFRA REL-zi/a-, “prostrate” (YALBURT block 15, § 1 // EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13); INFRA á-ka-, “subject” (SÜDBURG,
§§ 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, §§ d, e); ku.INFRA, “ ? ” (SÜDBURG, § 3; YALBURT block 11, § 4b); INFRA (L.122) URBS, two different city names, readings unknown (SÜDBURG, § 17); BALTIMORE seal has separately INFRA(URBS), L.122(URBS). L.56(E). ká, Syllabogram-rebus, from Hitt. katta (Yakubovich, ALP 4 (2008), p. 24 and n. 30). See Syllabary (d). L.57.1–2. INFRA/SUB, “down, under”. (Late) logogram, unrecognizably cursive form of Empire pictographic sign, readings (1) INFRA-ta, “down”, formerly considered to be *kata, Hitt. katta, now shown to be *zanta, Cun. Luw. zanta (Goedegebuure, VII ICH, pp. 299–318); (2) SUB-na-na, “under”, *anan, Cun. Luw. annan (CLL, s.v.). 1. Hier. INFRA-ta (“PES”)u-sá- = Phoen. yrd (caus.), “bring down” (KARATEPE 1, § XXIX.145). Hier. INFRA-ta (SOLIUM)i-sà-nú // nu(-wa/i)- = Phoen. yšb (caus.), “settle down” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXX– XXXI.147, 157). corrected attestations: INFRA(-ta) á-za-, “eat (down)” (KARABURUN, §§ 8, 10); INFRA-ta (CAPERE)la-, “take down” (MARAŞ 4, § 12); INFRA-ta “PES”-wa/i-, “come down” (SULTANHAN, § 14). further attestations: INFRA-tá PES-wa/i-, “come down” (ALEPPO 2, § 15); INFRA-ta (PONERE)tu-wa/i-, “put down” (MARAŞ 8, §§ 14, 16). new attestations: INFRA-ta LITUUS+na-, “look down on” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 10); INFRA-ta (BIBERE)pa-sà-, “swallow (down)” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 32); INFRA-tá (LONGUS)i+ra/i-, “lay down” (ARSUZ 1+2, § 22). note INFRA-tá-ta (OCULUS)zá-ni-, “admire” (AKSARAY, § 6). 2. Hier. SUB-na-na = Phoen. tḥt, “(put) under (feet)” (KARATEPE 1, § XXVII.117); cf. also SULTANHAN, § 9; BOR, § 9. further attestations: SUB-na-na LITUUS+na-, “despise” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 11); SUB-na-na “LITUUS+pa”-za-la-ní-, “respect”; (TELL AHMAR 1, § 17); SUB-na-na SARMA+RA/I +MI-ia-za-, “ ? ” (KULULU 4, § 5). derivative: á-na-tara/i-, “lower” (KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.15); also SUB-ta+ra/i- (TELL AHMAR 5, § 9), i.e. ana(n)tari-. L.58. CUM, “with, for”. (Late only) logogram, rendered as ligature of LITUUS(L.378)+INFRA/SUB(L.57); phon. compl. -na // -ni // ní, proposed reading anni (Goedegebuure, VII ICH (2010), pp. 312–314). further attestations: ANCOZ 8+5, § 8; ANCOZ 7, § 7. new attestation: TELL AHMAR 6, § 33. L.59.1. MANUS, “hand”. (Late) pictographic logogram reading istri-, Cun. Luw. iš(ša)ri-, Hitt. keššar(a-).
2 The Logograms
new attestations: MANUS-tara/i- (ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 8, 19). L.59.2. (“MANUS”)pa+ra/i-si = Hier. palsa-, Hitt.-Luw. palsi-, “way”? (Neumann, KZ 90 (1976), p. 140). L.60 (also L.69; L.64 is L.69 mis-drawn). MANUS, “hand”. (Late) ideographic logogram, determining verbs of action. L.60.1. (MANUS)su-wa/i-, “fill” Hier. (“MANUS”)su-wá/í- = Phoen. mlʾ (KARATEPE 1, § VII.38). further attestation: ⌈(MANUS)⌉su-wa/i- (MARAŞ 8, § 7; TELL AHMAR 5, § 2 (MANUS.HORDEUM)). new attestations: (MANUS)su-za (*su(wa)nza), “full” (participle); (MANUS)su-hi-da (*su(wa)hid-), “fullness” (TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 9, 13). L.60.2. (“MANUS”)la-tara/i- =Phoen. yrḥb, “extend” (KARATEPE 1, § V.21; also § XXXII.164; ÇİNEKÖY, § 2 (“L.69”)la-tara/i= Phoen. [yrḥ]bt). further attestations: cf. (TERRA)la-tara/i- (IZGIN 2, § 3); (new) (“COR”)la-tara/i- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 20). other Hier. (L.60 // “L.69”)i-ti- (Hu//Ho), “erase” = Phoen. mḥ (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII.387). further attestations: TELL AHMAR 2, § 23; 1, § 27; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 14; (new) unpublished text. Note: alternation between L.60 and L.69 established by determinatives of latara-, “extend”, and iti-, “erase”. L.62.I (also L.68?). LONGUS, “long”. (Late) ideographic logo gram (MANUS+MINUS, latter sign contributing a privative sense “un-hand-able”, German unumfassbar: Melchert, An. St. 38 (1988), pp. 29–42, esp. p. 39); reading ara/i-, Cun. Luw. a-ar-ra-i // ia- (CLL, s.v.). Hier. (“LONGUS”)a+ra/i- // lá/í- = Phoen. ʾrk, “long, length” (KARATEPE 1, § LI.291 (Ho//Hu); also ÇİFTLİK, § 17 (without LONGUS); BOR, § 11. L.62.II. (“LONGUS”)ia+ra/i-ia // i-, “stretch out, extend” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 3; A15b, § 17). further attestations: TELL AHMAR 5, § 9; SULTANHAN, § 24 (without LONGUS); KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 3 (without LONGUS). new attestation: ((“)LONGUS(”))i+ra/i- (ARSUZ 1+2, § 22). L.68. LONGUS-da-ia-sa-ha- (İVRİZ 1, § 2), for which Rieken proposes arayasha-, “length” (VI ICH (2008), p. 643). L.65.1. PONERE, “put”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram (the “putting hand”), reading tu(wa)-, Cun. Luw. tuwa(CLL, s.v.), (Hitt. dai-). (Late) Hier. PONERE = Phoen. št (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXII.118; XXXIX.208).
full phonetic writings: (“PONERE”)tú-wa/i- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 15); (PONERE)tu-wa/i- (MARAŞ 8, §§ 14, 16); tu-wa/i(KULULU 2, § 7); tu-, tu-wa/i-mi- (part., KULULU 4, §§ 4, 9); tu- (ERKİLET 2, § 1); (PONERE)tu-u(?) (İVRİZ 1, § 2, imper.?). further attestations: ALEPPO 2, § 10; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 3; ANCOZ 1, § 1; HAMA 4, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A13a, § 3 (PONEREwa/i-ia); BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 14 (PONERE-wa/i-i); KARKAMIŠ A4b // N1 (new) §§ 3, 5, 7; MALPINAR, § 3. new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 13, 16; ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 8, 11; also unpublished text. (Empire) PONERE (BOĞAZKÖY 2 and 1; BOĞAZKÖY 12; EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 2, 3, 30; NİŞANTAŠ AIV, § c // EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5). (Transitional) PONERE (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 14, 23; İSPEKÇÜR, § 2; DARENDE, § 3 (PONERE-wa/i-); SHEIZAR, § 3 (PONERE-wa/i-)). L.65.2. (PONERE)sà-ti-nu-, “ ? ” (ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 4, 8; further, MALPINAR, § 6). L.65.3. (PONERE+MI)tu-wa/i-i[a] (MARAŞ 7, side A). L.66. DARE, “give”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram, the “giving hand”, reading pi(ya)-, Cun. Luw. pi(ya)-, Hitt. pai- (pe-, piya-) (CLL, s.v., CHD, s.v. pai- B); syllabogram pi, see Syllabary. (Empire) attestations: EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 23, 33, 34, 36 (logogram only); YALBURT block 4, § 1a (pi-i(a)-); SÜDBURG, § 17; BOĞAZKÖY 12(?); ANKARA 3. (Transitional) KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 13, 16. (Late) Hier. pi-ia-tu, “let them give” = Phoen. l-tty, “for the giving” (√ntn) (KARATEPE 1, § LI.283). further attestations: (pi-ia-) KULULU 1, § 14; AKSARAY, § 7; ANCOZ 7, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 3; BULGARMADEN, §§ 3, 9; KÖRKÜN, § 10; MARAŞ 14, § 2; AKSARAY, § 8; TELL AHMAR 2, § 3; BOROWSKI 3, § 3; TELL AHMAR 1, § 4; KÖRKÜN, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 7; ÇİFTLİK, § 16; KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.1, 2; 3.18. (DARE) TİLSEVET, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 4; CEKKE, § 7; ALEPPO 2, § 12; KARKAMIŠ A4a, §§ 1, 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 26; KULULU 5, § 3; TOPADA, § 30; KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 4. DARE-mi-na (gerundive, “(is) to give”): CEKKE, §§ 8, 9, 11, 12; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 11; KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 6.35, 36; 7.40; 9.60, 61; 2, § 1.3, 6. new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 3; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 3. Note: since L.66 is logogram DARE or syllabogram pi, read DARE-ia- as pi-ia-, while DARE+ending stands for pi(ya)-. piya-, “give (for silver), sell”, may be written (“CONTRACTUS”)pi(ya)- (KARKAMIŠ A4a, §§ 1, 2); (“ARGENTUM.DARE”) pi-ia- (BULGARMADEN, § 9); cf. (ARGENTUM)pi-ia-tara/i-[…], “giving” (KARKAMIŠ A12, § 12); [ARGENT]UM.DARE, “price” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10); (ARGENTUM)pi(ya)-si-ia, “costly”
Part 5: The Signary
(KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 17); and see Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Neumann, pp. 94–100. L.67. (Transitional) syllabogram / rebus? POCULUM. PES.L.67(REGIO) (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 2, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16). L.69. (Late) cursive variant of L.60 (MANUS), used principally in ASSUR letters: (L.69)sa-, “leave, let go”, Cun. Luw. ša-, redupl. šašša(CLL, s.v.) (ASSUR letters e, § 13; f+g, §§ 12, 37, 38; b, § 5; sa-na(e, § 3 here?)) further attestations: (“L.69”)sa-sa- (redupl., MALPINAR, §§ 5, 28) (“L.69”)ha+ra/i-za, “get hold of, collect” (imper., ASSUR letters b, § 6; f+g, §§ 39, 46) (“L.69”)wa/i-za-na (“L.69”)wa/i-zi-, “request a request” (ASSUR letter f+g, § 18; see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 296 f., Excursus 13) ((“L.64” =) “L.69”)tara/i-wa/i-, “provide(?)” (İSKENDERUN, § 1) (“L.69”)la-la-, “take (away)” (ANCOZ 10, § 1) (“L.69+FLAMMAE”)ku-wa/i-za-, “ ? ” (JISR EL HADID 4, § 5) L.70. SUPER, “up, over” (Late) = L.270 (Empire, see Nowicki, Hethitica 5 (1983), pp. 111–118), logogram, reading sara // sari, Cun. Luw. sarra // sarri, Hitt. sara, ser (CLL, s.v.; CHD, s.v.); whence syllabographic use sari. (Empire) L.270. logogram in title MAGNUS.VIR.SUPER, NİŞANTEPE, no. 91; same title, Boehmer–Güterbock, Glyptik, nos. 191, 192 (not pi!). (Syllabogram in RN, PNN) (Transitional) logogram SUPER (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18). (Late) L.70.1. Logogram written SUPER+ra/i-a, read *sara as Cun. Luw. and Hitt.; also (KARATEPE 1) SUPER+ ra/i-ta (*saranta?). Hier. SUPER+ra/i-ta = Phoen. ʿl, “above, over” (KARATEPE 1, §§ VIII.43; IX.47; X.51; LII.302). further attestations: TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 3, 12; ALEPPO 2, § 16; also unpublished text. new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 11; ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 9, 12, 20; and in an unpublished inscription. paired with INFRA-ta (sara zanta, lit. “up (and) down”; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 23; HAMA 4, § 11; see Poetto, Fs Szemerényi, pp. 669–677). SUPER+ra/i-ha, “ ? ” (SULTANHAN, § 19; ASSUR letter e, § 25): sara+aha Yakubovich, MSS 70 (2016), p. 119 f. L.70.2. SUPER+ra/i-li-, “upper, superior”, Cun. Luw.-Hitt. sarli- and derivatives sarlai-, “exalt” etc. (CLL, s.v.; CHD, s.v.), Hitt. sarezzi-.
Hier. SUPER+ra/i-li // lí-, “highly” = Phoen. ʾdr ʿl, “exceeding over” (KARATEPE 1, § L.278). further attestation: SUPER+ra/i-, “upper” (KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.7; SUPER+ra/i-⌈la⌉-ti, “ ? ” (ÇİFTLİK, § 7); SUPER+ra/ila+ra+a, “above” (form?, TÜNP, § 4). new attestation: ARSUZ 1, § 21. L.70 (= L.270(E)), Syllabogram sari: see Syllabary (d). L.73. AUDIRE, “hear”. (Late) compound logogram “ear” (AURIS)+phonetic indicators tu (and mi) (not “sorte de main?”, Laroche, HH), reading tumanti-, Cun. Luw. tum(m) anti- (CLL, s.v.), Hawkins, An. St. 25 (1975), p. 151 f. further attestations: TELL AHMAR 1, § 25; MARAŞ 3, § 2; BABYLON 2, § 3. L.74. (Late) SUVASA, B: title?; otherwise unknown. (L.76. (Late) logogram = L.221, VIA(?)) L.77. (Late) logogram (ideographic, hand with crossed fingers?, signifying “promise, pledge(?)”) (ASSUR letters e, § 30; f+g, §§ 16, 52; (further) TİLSEVET, § 3). L.78. ALA, “(wing), basket”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading aruti-, “basket”, Cun. Luw. aruti-, “wing” (CLL, s.v.), cf. Hitt. pattar, “wing, basket” (CHD, s.v.); CHLI I/2, p. 543, § 10. L.79.I. FEMINA. (Late) = L.408 (Empire), “woman, wife”. Ideographic logogram, reading *wanati- (FEMINA-ti-), Cun. Luw. wana-, wanatti- // unatti- (Starke, KZ 94 (1980), pp. 74–86; CLL, s.v.), Hitt. kwanz(?) (Süel and Weeden, IX ICH, pp. 983–1004). L.408(1, 2, 3) (Empire) principally seals, recognized by Güterbock as “woman” (Boğazköy V, pp. 70–74); now abund antly attested: (MESKENE) Msk. A54, A64(?), A67, A75; C8, C9, C22 (NIŞANTEPE) see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 303 f., no. 16 (monuments): á (FEMINA.DEUS)L.461, goddess Ala (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29, 37), Hitt. D.MUNUSa-a-la (KUB VI 45 ii 5, see Singer, Muwatalli’s Prayer, p. 58 with n. 218). FEMINA.INFANS, “women (and) children” (YALBURT blocks 6, § 1; 15, § 1; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13). (INFANS+FEMINA =) FILIA, “daughter”, compound logo gram (parallel to INFANS+VIR2 = FILIUS, “son”): FRAKTİN = Cun. DUMU.MUNUS (Hawkins, KZ 92 (1978), p. 112 f.; Güterbock, Fs Matouš (1978 [1980]), p. 130 f.; also SCHIMMEL rhyton epigraph 2 (?)). MAGNUS.FILIA (KORUCUTEPE seal 2) = Cun. DUMU. MUNUS GAL (Güterbock, JNES 32 (1973), p. 137 f.).
2 The Logograms
REX.FILIA, “princess”: SBo I, no. 104; REX.FILIA MAGNUS (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 16, 18 (no. 17 seems to show only REX.INFANS without FEMINA)). (Late) L.79.I. FEMINA, “woman, wife”. logogram, phon. compl. -ti-, reading presumed *wanati-, see above. Hier. FEMINA-ti- = Phoen. ʾšt, “women” (nom. plur. MF, KARATEPE 1, § XXXV.185. further attestations: FEMINA-na-ti- (BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 1; 2, § 1; SULTANHAN, § 47(?)); FEMINA-ti- (KÖRKÜN, § 10; MARAŞ 8, § 17); “men and/or women” (HAMA 4, § 3; KULULU 5, §§ 7–8); “female”: TİLSEVET, § 2; FEMINA-ti-ia-ti- (ALEPPO 2, § 23); FEMINA.L.462, “female issue” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 29; TİLSEVET, § 4). new: TELL AHMAR 6, § 32. determinative: (FEMINA.FEMINA)á-ma-na-sa5+ra/i-i-, “ ? ” (TELL AHMAR 2, § 16); (FEMINA)na-na-sa5+ra/i-, “sister” (MARAŞ 6, § 1; see also FILIA); (FEMINA.PURUS.INFRA) ta-ni-ti-, “hierodule” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 24); (FEMINA)ha-susa5+ra/i-, “queen” (KULULU 5, § 7b; otherwise (MAGNUS) DOMINA. (FEMINA)á-lá/í, DN Ala (BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 10; ANCOZ 1, § 2; 8+5, § 5). L.79.II. MATER, “mother”. logogram, phon. compl. -na-tí-, reading presumed *anati-, Cun. Luw. anni-, Hitt. anna-; Hier. phon. writing á-na-(?) (KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.60). Hier. FEMINA-na-tí- = Phoen. ʾm (KARATEPE 1, § III.15). further attestations: MATER-na-tí- (SHEIZAR, § 1); MATER-ti-i-, “father (and) mother” (KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5). new (“father (and) mother”): MATER-na-tí- (ARSUZ 1+2, § 24 (-ni(-i)-); also unpublished text). It would seem that L.79.I, “woman”, was normally distinguished from L.79.II, “mother”, by the writing -(na-) ti- as against -na-tí-: so KARATEPE 1, ARSUZ 1+2, and an unpublished text, all paired with “father”, thus assuredly “mother”; only KARKAMIŠ A5a pairs MATER-ti- with “father” (tá-ri+i- (tari- < tadi-), see now Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), p. 78 n. 15. (FEMINA+INFANS+FEMINA =) FILIA, “daughter” (Late) parallel to VIR2+INFANS+VIR2 = FILIUS, “son” (Empire INFANS+FEMINA // VIR2, see above), compound logogram, reading tú-wa/i-tara/i- (TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 24, 29; Hawkins, KZ 92 (1978), p. 112 ff.), Hitt.-Luw. fduttariyati- (detailed treatment by Starke, KZ 100 (1987), pp. 243–269). determinative: (FILIA)na-na-tara/i-, “sister” (JISR EL HADID 4, A § 2). L.80(a). SARMA2 (DN), (god) Sarruma. (Empire, also Late archaizing) logogram (rebus)+phon. indicator. (Empire) (DEUS.SARMA2+MI) YAZILIKAYA, nos. 44, 81; HANYERİ (left); NİŞANTEPE, nos. 504, 505.
(Late archaizing) (DEUS.SARMA2+RA/I+MI) TOPADA, §§ 17, 30, 31, 33, 36; SUVASA, B; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; KULULU 8. L.80(b). SARMA2+MI onomastic element, PNN: Hier. TAL(A)-mi-SARMA2+MI (ALEPPO 1, § 1, Cun. Ital-miLUGAL-ma (Noms, no. 1229)). Hier. TAS(U)+mi-SARMA2+MI (RS 17.159; NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 110, 111), Cun. Itàš-mi-LUGAL-ma (Noms, no. 1299): see Hawkins and Weeden, SGG, p. 101 f., Excursus. Hier. ta-ki-SARMA2+MI = Cun. Ita-gi-šar-ru-mu (RS 17.251, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 137 f.) Hier. ara/i-SARMA2+MI = Cun. ISUM.LUGAL-ma (Msk. B53) Hier. ki-li-SARMA2+MI = Cun. Iki-li-LUGAL-ma (Msk. B63) NİŞANTEPE, nos. 75 (asmi-) 97, 100–102 (ehli-); 98 ((a) li-); 133–134 (ewri-); 323–327 (penti-); 395–6 (ta-ki-), 400–402 (ta-ki-); 456 (ti-li-) Išuwa: KORUCU, nos. 1–2 (ari-?); 3 ((a)li- // NİŞANTEPE, no. 98) (Late archaizing) (SARMA2+RA/I+MI(-ma)-): WasuSarma- (TOPADA, §§ 1, 2, 39; SUVASA, B, C; KAYSERİ, § 1) L.81(a). (Transitional) (DEUS)SARMA3 (CRUS+RA/I+MI) (GÜRÜN, §§ 1, 7 (SARMA2); DARENDE (right side); MALATYA 7). (Late) (DEUS)SARMA (PES+RA/I+MI(-ma)-) (not in Karatepe, Karkamiš, Maraş, Amuq, Aleppo, Hama) only Commagene: circle of Storm God (ANCOZ 1, § 4; 9, § 2) Tabal: PORSUK, § 2; KULULU 5, § 1; phon. (DEUS)sa5+ra/ i-ru-ma- (ÇİFTLİK, §§ 6, 10) In these attestations Sarruma is paired with Ala(n)zuwa (except PORSUK); cf. Empire YAZILIKAYA, nos. 44, 45: (DEUS)SARMA2+MI (DEUS)(a)la-zu(wa). L.81(b). onomastic element SARMA (PES+RA/I+MI-ma), PNN: PRAE-ri+i-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-, MAGNUS+ra/i-SARMA+ RA/I+MI-ma- (KARKAMIŠ A4a, §§ 2, 7). wa/i-su-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma- (SULTANHAN, §§ 1, 8, 13, 45) AVUS-ha-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma- (ERKİLET 1, § 1) L.82.1–2. CRUS, “stand”. (Late) vertical leg, ideographic logogram, reading ta-, caus. tanuwa-, Cun. Luw. ta-, Hitt. tiya-, tittiya-, tittanu-; CRUS-i = ta-i (SULTANHAN, §§ 38, 40 // 39). further attestations: (“CRUS”)ta-za- (iter.) … CRUS(KARATEPE 1, §§ LXXIV.403 … LXXV.412 (= Phoen. ykn, “shall be”)); “CRUS”-nu-wa/i- (MARAŞ 4, § 4); tarpa CRUS (KULULU 5, § 17; TİLSEVET, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 12, 13). new: ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 9, 12; (caus.), § 18.
Part 5: The Signary
CRUS+RA/I, “stand(?)”, reading uncertain: ADIYAMAN 1, § 1; AKSARAY, § 4a, c; ARSUZ 1+2, § 5(×2) (+RA/I); CRUS+RA/Inu-wa/i- (ALEPPO 2, § 11). The AKSARAY and ARSUZ contexts are paralleled on KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10; A2+3, § 8; and SULTANHAN, § 11, which instead of CRUS+RA/I have CRUS with vertical stroke below, but the two are clearly equival ent. Though both are of uncertain reading a general sense “stand” seems to fit the context (an expression of value equivalence): suggested as cognate of Hitt. ar-, “stand” (med.-pass., CHLI I/1, p. 97). CRUS+vertical stroke also occurs as an endingless verb (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 5) and in an obscure context in CEKKE, § 8. (3. CRUS as syllabogram ta6: only in TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 5, 9, 12, 17, 26). There is no justification for reading ta6 in place of logogram CRUS(-nuwa)- in other inscriptions: Laroche is surely incorrect in saying: “On peut lire partout ta6-a et ta6nú-wa-”. The PN CRUS+RA/I- (IZGIN 1, § 1; MALATYA 1) could be syllabographic, tara-, but uncertain.) (Empire) EMİRGAZİ 1, § 19. L.83. CRUS+FLUMEN (Late, single attestation) ideographic compound logogram “cross (river)?” (TOPADA, § 20). L.84. CRUS2. (Empire–Late) the horizontal leg, logogram reading unknown (sign form L.84 poorly drawn). Note the inclusion of Empire attestations under L.84. (Empire) CRUS2.DOMINUS, title (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 416– 417). L.84 alternates with L.85 in writing toponym // onomastic element HALPA (CRUS2 // GENUFLECTERE—different forms of same sign?). CRUS2-MI, Halpuma, “Halabean (Tarhunza) (ALEPPO 5; seal NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 57; İMAMKULU). (Syllabogram nà: CRUS2-nú-pa (SÜDBURG, § 2), Cun. Luw. nanum-pa, “but now” (CLL, s.v. nanun); see Melchert, BSOAS 60 (1997), p. 347; recurs Late, YASSIHÖYÜK, §§ 11, 21—unexpected survival. PN, Hier. CRUS2-nú-wa/i // wà/ì = Cun. Ina-[…] (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 281–289), Hitt. Nanuwa (Noms, +Suppl., no. 866.1). (Late) only L.317+L.84(-)pa-sa-, “ ? ” (ASSUR letter e, §§ 25, 29). L.85. GENUFLECTERE, GN Halpa (Aleppo) (Empire–Late, note sign forms). The kneeling leg, logogram/rebus (cf. Hitt. haliya-, “kneel”?), does not have a syllabographic value l(a)! GN and onomastic element, usual writing TONITRUS.L.85 // L.84, to which phon. compl. -pa is often added (not on seals in PNN). new attestations: (Empire) GN (NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § 3(?)). PNN TONITRUS.L.85-CERVUS2-ti // TONITRUS.L.84 CERVUS3-ti (Halparuntiya); TONITRUS.L.84-AVIS (Halpa
sulupi); TONITRUS.L.84-VIR.zi/a (Halpaziti) (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 108–110; 111; 112). (Transitional) DN TONITRUS.L.85-pa-… (URBS) (ALEPPO 6, §§ 2, 3). (Late) DN TONITRUS.L.85-pa-wa/i-ní- (TELL AHMAR 5, § 3). L.85(?). list here?; (Late) determines (ia)-li-ia-sa- (IZGIN 1, § 8; 2, § 2). L.86.1, 2. (Late) CRUS.CRUS2, “follow”. Double logogram, ideographic, reading ni(ya)za- // niyasa- (iter.), Cun. Luw. niniya- (redupl.), Hitt. nai-/neya-, “turn” (CHD, s.v.); also L.87. CRUS2.CRUS2. attestations: ((“)CRUS.CRUS2(”))ni-za- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 25) and same context, -ia-za- (A11b+c, § 21), without phon. compl. (A11a, § 21; A31, § 11); also A11a, § 13; and derivatives (CRUS2.CRUS2)ní-ia-sa-ta-la-, “successor” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 13), ní-ia-sa-ha-, “procession” (A11b+c, § 16). 3. CRUS.CRUS2 (ANIMA)EQUUS (TOPADA, § 23). L.90.I. PES, “foot”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading pad(i)-, Cun. Luw. pata-, Hitt. pata-. Hier. (“PES”)pa-da-za (dat. plur.) = Phoen. pʿm (KARATEPE 1, § XXII.116). variant writings: (“PES”)pa-ti-zi (acc. plur. MF; MARAŞ 4, § 13); PES-zi (acc. plur. MF; KARABURUN, § 8); (“PES”) pa+ra/i-ri+i (abl.; ASSUR letter f+g, § 24); (“PES”)pa-lá/í-a (dat. sing., KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 12); (“PES”)pa+ra/i-za (dat. plur., SULTANHAN, § 9); cf. […] pa-[d]a-za (dat. plur., BOR, § 9). L.90.II. (Late) (“)PES(”) determines verb awi-, “come”: Hawkins, RHA 29 (1971), pp. 113–122, 127–129 (old transliteration); Cun. Luw. awi-. Laroche and Meriggi read PES as syllabogram ti, in spite of its occasional marking as logogram, thus obtaining the erroneous form †tiwa- for “PES”/PES-wa/i-. Note full phonetic (“PES”)á-wa/i- (İSKENDERUN, § 2); (new) an unpublished text; (without logogram) KULULU 1, § 13; S ULTANHAN, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 11; (“)PES(”)-wa/i- (KÖRKÜN, § 6; ALEPPO 2, §§ 15, 16, 24; (new) TELL AHMAR 6, § 25; “PES”- alone (AKSARAY, §§ 2, 3; KULULU 5, §§ 8, 14). (Empire) PES, read awi-, “come”? (YALBURT block 2, § 2). (Late) L.90.III.1. PES determines verb usa-, “bring”. Hier. (“PES”)u-sá // sa- = Phoen. yrd (caus.), “bring (down)” (KARATEPE 1, § XXIX.146), Cun. Luw. usa-(?). new attestation: (PES)u-sa- (ALEPPO 7, § 7). L.90.III.2. PES determines verb upa-, “dedicate, furnish” (Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 373 f.), Cun. Luw. upa(CLL, s.v.). further attestations: IZGIN 2, § 8; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 4; 2, § 5; TOPADA, § 15
2 The Logograms
L.90.IV.1–3. These do not exist: 1. See TELL AHMAR 2, § 6 (CHLI I/1, p. 228 f.) 2. Read INFRA-ta “PES”-wa/i+ra/i, “will come down” (L.90.II) 3. Read PES-zi(-ha), “(and) the feet” (L.90.I) (L.90.V. syllabographic value ti: derivation from Hitt. tiya-, “step, stand” (Yakubovich, ALP 4 (2008), p. 24).) L.91/92/94. PES // PES2+ ROTAE+SCALA, “cart(?)”. (Late) compound logogram: (a) L.91(1). ASSUR letter d, § 6: (“PES+SCALA”)á-tu-ti-, single attestation, unknown (b) L.91(2). ASSUR letter d, § 9: (PES+SCALA+ROTAE(?)) za-la-la-si(c) L.92(1). KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 1: [(…] PES+ROTAE)[z]ala-la-[… (d) L.92(1). KARKAMIŠ A24a11: (x+PES+ROTAE) … (e) L.94. BULGARMADEN, § 9: (PES2+SCALA+ROTAE(?)) za-la-la (f) (new) TELL AHMAR 6, § 24: (SCALA+PES+ROTA)za-la-lati-i The reading za-la-la- binds together the four entries. In (b) and (e) ROTAE(?) are represented by small circles; in (a) by logogram markers; in (c) and (d) SCALA is lost and unrecognizable (as also on TOPADA, § 4, where x.PES.ROTAE appears to be a title); in (f) single ROTA. For za-la-la, “cart(?)”, cf. Cun. Luw. zalla- // zalliya-, “gallop” (noun // verb); Starke, Stammbildung, § 211; CLL, s.v.; CHLI I/1, p. 135 (§ 1); I/2, p. 525 (§ 9); p. 546 (§ 9). L.93. PES2, “go”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram, the “reversed foot”, determining a number of verbs. (Late) i-, “go” (only recognized with “new reading” i), Cun. Luw. i- (CLL, s.v.) Hier. i-u-na (inf.) = Phoen. (l-)lkt, “(for) the going” (KARATEPE 1, § XXXIV.181). attestations: see CHLI I/1, p. 62 (§ XXXIV.181); further (PES2)i+ra/i- (TOPADA, § 8); new (PES2)i- (TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 24, 34). (Empire) PES2 (YALBURT block 13, § 3 // EMİRGAZİ 2, § 8; YALBURT block 14, § 4). L.93.1, 2. (PES2)hwiya- (Late), (redupl.) hwihwiya-, (iter.) hwihwisa-, (caus.) hwinuwa-, “run, march”; Cun. Luw. huiya-, (redupl.) hu(i)huiya-, (caus.) huinuwa- (CLL, s.v.), Hitt.(-Luw.) huwai-/hu(i)ya- (HWb2, s.v.) attestations: (Empire) hwi/a-i(a)- (YALBURT blocks 4, § 2, 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4 (see Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Kadmos 32 (1993), pp. 50–60; logogram CURRERE, read hwi/a). (Transitional) hwi/a-i(a)-nú-wa/i- (caus.) (ALEPPO 7, § 9).
(Late) (PES2)hwi/a-ia- (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 11; A6, § 23); (PES2)hwi/a, -hwi/a- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 9); (PES2)hwi/ahwi/a-sà- (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8; A12, § 2); (further) hwi/anu-wa/i- (caus.), TELL AHMAR 5, § 4; (new) hu-hu-sà- (phonetic?); TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 7, 19. L.93.3. (“PES2”)hi-(i-)nu-wa/i-, “cause to pass” (correct Laroche’s “-sa(-nú-wa-)” to hi(-nu-wa/i-). (Late) “make pass” (reputation to the sky // abroad”; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 2, 3; (new) “before a city” (without PES2, ARSUZ 1+2, § 14); (“PES2”)hi-nu // nú-, “river, water” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 7, 8, 9; (further) KARKAMIŠ A24a19a+19); (“PES”)hi-nu-, “transgress (the lord’s command)”; (KÖRKÜN, § 3; see Melchert, KZ 101 (1988), p. 237, cit. 15). Could this be a by-form of hwi/a-nu-wa/i-? L.93.4. (PES2)pa-za-, “allocate(?) / pass(?)”. (Late) KARKAMIŠ A12, §§ [10], 11, 12; (further) KARKAMIŠ A5b, § 1; SHEIZAR, § 2; (simple) (“PES2”)pa- (ASSUR letter e, § 24); see Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 375–378; Yakubovich, IF 121 (2016), pp. 77–81, and note n. 16. L.93.5. (“PES2”)ara-, “come, arrive”, Hitt. ar-, “arrive”. (Late) (“PES2”)a+ra/i- (ASSUR letters a, § 6; f+g, § 24); note HH “PIED2 a+ra” has become (PES2)i+ra/i (< i-ti // ta, “goes // went”, 3 sing. pres. // pret., with rhotacism; see under i-, “go”. (Transitional) PES2+ra/i (KARAHÖYÜK, § 2). (Empire) PES2 // a+ra/i- // a+ra/i- (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 4; YALBURT block 3, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § b. L.93.6 and 8. ((“)PES2(”))wa/i-za-, “carry off (?)”. (Late) KARKAMIŠ A12, § 4 // A11b+c, § 7; A24a2+3, § 6; (“PES2”)wa/iza-sa- (iter.). L.93.7. (“PES2”)wa/i-tara/i-sa-, “appoint(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A7, § 4, single attestation, sense from context). L.93.9. (PES2)tarzi-, (caus.) tarzanuwa-, “turn (intrans. // trans.), Cun. Luw. tarza-(?) (CLL, s.v.) (Late) (PES2)tara/i-zi(-i)- (TELL AHMAR 1, § 6 // BOROWSKI 3, § 4 // TELL AHMAR 6, § 15; cf. (without PES2) tara/i-zi- (BULGARMADEN, § 5; (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 13); (PES2) tara/i-za-mi- (part., TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; (new) TELL AHMAR 6, § 2); (PES2)tara/i-za-nu-wa/i- (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 6). (Empire) (without PES2) tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i- (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 9, 26) See Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, pp. 457–468. L.93.10. DN (DEUS)PES2-, god Ea (TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2a (l. 1), § iv; frag. 10 a–b (l. 5), § i); rebus i(ya)- from (PES2)i-, “go”. L.95. PES2.PES2, verb of motion (Empire–Late). (Empire) YALBURT block 14, § 3. (Late) Hier. PES2.PES2-da-ti = Phoen. tk(?) (KARATEPE 1, § XXXV.187: see CHLI I/1, p. 63). L.96.1–2. PES2.PES. ((Transitional–)Late). Double logogram, reading tarpi- // tarpa-; see Morpurgo Davies, Fs Risch
Part 5: The Signary
(1986), pp. 129–145; Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 202–208, maintaining meaning “tread, trample”. new attestations: (Transitional) PN, KOCAOĞUZ, §§ 1, 2. (Late) PES2.PES-tara/i // na- (ARSUZ 1 // 2, § 7); (PES2.PES) tara/i-za- (ARSUZ 1, 2, § 24b). L.97. LEO (formerly BESTIA), “lion; wild beast(s)”. (Empire– Late) pictographic logogram, reading *walwi-, Cun. Luw. walwi- (PNN only), Hitt. walkuwa-(?). L.97(1–3). (Empire) Onomastic element on seals only: note LEO (lion head) LEO2 (whole animal). New attestations: see Hawkins apud Herbordt PBS, p. 434 (listed under LEO); for discussion see ibid., 293–295, Excursus 9, including the evidence for Cun. phonetic reading (Nougayrol, RS.17.247 and 17.108, PRU IV, pp. 191, 165 and 248, where he identified the person(s) Ipí-ha-wa-al-ú-i and Ipí-ha-UR.MAH. The new Hier. attestation LEO(ANIMA)-wa/i (below) supports the reading). L.97(4–5). (Late) determines hwisar/hwitar (BOHÇA 5, § 5; BULGARMADEN, § 7; ALEPPO 2, § 5 // MARAŞ 1, § 11), with derived form hwisnama- (ASSUR letter a, § 10); Cun. Luw./ Hitt. huitar/hwitna-, huitnaima- (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.); see CHLI I/1, p. 265. new attestation: LEO(ANIMA)-wa/i (TELL AHMAR 6, § 31; supports Hier. reading *walwi-). L.98. CANIS2, CANIS, “dog”. (Late) pictographic logogram (note CANIS, the head, CANIS2, the whole animal); reading zú-wa/i-ni-, Hitt. kuwa(n)- (HED 4, p. 305; EDHIL, p. 505 f.). Cf. phonetic writings zú-wa/i-ni/ní-i- “dog”, and PN (KULULU 1, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 10). Reading zú for former sù (following Melchert) now accepted: see Syllabary (a), L.448 zú. new attestation: CANIS.L.285 in place of usual CERVUS4.L.285 (KOCAOĞUZ, §§ 1, 2) see Hawkins, Fs de Roos, pp. 58–62; contra Simon, Kadmos 47 (2008), p. 20 ff.; Oreshko, in Luwian Identities, pp. 414–416. L.99. EQUUS, “horse”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading á-zú-wa/i-. Hier. (EQUUS.ANIMA)á-zú-wa/i (dat. sing.) = Phoen. ss (KARATEPE 1, § VIII.41, 42; (new) ÇİNEKÖY, § 3. derivative: EQUUS-zú-sa-ta-la-, “horse-ride” (verb, BOHÇA, § 10). L.100.I, L.101. ASINUS1–2, “donkey (mule)”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading (a) tarkasna- (ASSUR letter f+g, § 21), “donkey”; tarkasni-, “mule” (ASSUR letter f+g, § 22; BULGARMADEN, § 9); (b) determines word tu+ra/i-la-ka-lisi-i-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A24a2–3, § 3). (Empire) Hier. ASINUS2A-(wà/ì) = Cun. tar-kaš-ša-na(wa) (PN, TARKONDEMOS seal, see Hawkins and Mor-
purgo Davies, Fs Watkins, pp. 243–260); further onomastic element, PNN NİŞANTEPE, nos. 423–437, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 295 f., Excursus 11; representing actual “donkeys/mules”, YALBURT block 13, § 4a; ASINUS2A.DOMUS, “donkey house”, Cun. É tar-ga-aš-ša-n[a-aš ?], for this and other glyptic occurrences, see Hawkins, loc. cit. (L.100.II. Syllabogram ta. See Syllabary (a).) L.102.I. CERVUS1–2; L.103.I. CERVUS3, the Stag-God. (Empire– Late) (note CERVUS1, the head, CERVUS2, the whole animal; CERVUS3 (the antler)); pictographic logogram, used to write DN, PN and onomastic element. Reading (Empire) CERVUS+ra/i, Hitt. Innara; CERVUS-ti, Luw. Kurunti(ya); (Late) Runtiya/Runza (loss of initial ku- at what date?): see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 290, Excursus 2. (Empire) DN. Hier. (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti YAZILIKAYA, no. 32; Cun. DKAL (OHP I, s.v. Inar(a); II, s.v. dLAMMA). RN. Hier. CERVUS2-ti (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 136–137), Cun. I.D KAL (Noms, no. 1747(2), also now BT passim, see Indices, p. 91, s.v. LAMMA); phonetic (Akkadographic) Iku-ru-un-ta (Noms, no. 652): identification by Houwink ten Cate, LPG, p. 130; same person Taw. i 73, Mil. rev. 39 (van den Hout, RA 78 (1984), p. 91). “Stag-God of the Field”. Cun. DKAL LÍL, Hier. CERVUS3. DEUS.L.463-ti (Empire) EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29, 35, 37; EMİRGAZİ 3; YALBURT block 16(+10), § 2b; (Late) i-L.463(DEUS) CERVUS3 (reading imrasi- (DEUS)runtiya-): ANCOZ 1, § 2; 5, § 1; 7, §§ 4, 9; 10, § 5; ŞIRZI, §§ 1, 2, 6; MARAŞ 1, §§ 6, 11; cf. (Transitional) (DEUS)L.463+ra/i-lá/í, the god Imrali (MALATYA 5), Cun. Luw. *im(ma)ralli- (CLL, s.v.). Stag-God of the King”. (Empire) DKAL LUGAL (Cun.), Hier. CERVUS3-(DEUS)REX-ti; reading Hitt. hassuwas Innara // (Luw.) Kurunti(ya)-. DN: Hitt., McMahon, AS 25, p. 47 (also LUGAL-aš DKALri); Luw. NİŞANTEPE, nos. 409, 497, 621, 622. PN: Hier. REX-CERVUS+ra/i (NİŞANTEPE, no. 136; SBo II, no. 74), Cun. ILUGAL.DKAL (Noms, +Suppl., no. 1751): see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 256, no. 136; note phonetic writing Iha-aš-šu-wa-aš-i-na-ar (LS, no. 11 (Bo. 90/729), rev. 29). In this context the readings Innara (CERVUS1–3+ra/i) and Kuruntiya (CERVUS1–3-ti) seem to be interchangeable. (Transitional) DN (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti (ALEPPO 4); PN, CERVUS (king of Malatya) GÜRÜN, § 1; KÖTÜKALE, § 1; same? sealed bulla (CERVUS2-ti), now Mora apud Manuelli, Arslantepe IX (Rome, 2013), pp. 255 no. 32, 259 nn. 27–28. (Late) Syncretism of Runtiya/Runza with Karkamiš god Karhuha suggested by writings (DEUS)CERVUS3+ra/ihu-ha- (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18b), (DEUS.CERVUS3)kar-hu-ha (MALATYA 13, left), (DEUS)CERVUS3 (DEUS)kar-hu-ha- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 2).
2 The Logograms
Hier. (DEUS)CERVUS3-za- (Runza-) = Phoen. ršp ṣprm (KARATEPE 1, § XL.211). new attestation: PN CERVUS3-ta-pi (JISR EL HADID 4, D, § 2); cf. CERVUS3-ti-pi (TARSUS, no. 3); Cun. I.DKAL-SUM (Noms, no. 1748). CERVUS4: see L.109.3. (L.102.II, L.103.II. (Late) syllabogram rú (rare).) L.104. CAPRA (GAZELLA, now CAPRA2, CAPRA), “wild goat” (Marazzi et al., IGA, transcribe CAPRA). (Late) pictographic logogram depicting head of animal represented, rending presumably *sasa-, Hitt. šaš(š)a-, “a wild member of the goat family” (CHD, s.v. šāša- A, with attestations and discussion), source of syllabographic value sà (see Syllabary (a)). The animals are hunted and offered to gods. See now Oettinger, StBoT 58, pp. 161–167. attestations: hunted, (ANIMA)CAPRA (BOHÇA, § 13); offered, CAPRA(ANIMA) (ANCOZ 1, § 3; 9, § 2; 10 and 11, §§ 3, 4, 5; JISR EL HADID 4, § 6). determines also the word irwa-: offering to Mount Harhara (Erciyes), (CAPRA)i+ra/i-wa/i-, type of caprid (HİSARCIK 1, §§ 2, 4). CAPRA/sà sign forms. (Empire) (syllabogram sà only attested): sign resembles more the goat on the Alaca Höyük relief, see e.g. Bittel, Hethiter, Abb. 212; (Late) monu mental: sign forms resemble more the animals’ heads on the Karkamiš gazelle-bearers procession, Bittel, loc. cit., Abb. 288. Question: did gazelles exist on the Anatolian plateau, wild goats on the Syrian gezirah? Perhaps both in Commagene? L.105.I–III. BOS2, BOS, “ox”. (Empire–Late) pictographic logogram, reading wawi-, uwi- (wa/i-wa/i(-i)-, u-wa/i-) Cun. Luw. wa-a-u-i[?, Lyc. wawa-/uwa- (CLL, s.v.; LL, s.v.). (Late) Hier. BOS = Phoen. ʾlp (KARATEPE 1, §§ XLVIII.268; LV.315). further attestations: BOS.ANIMA- (MARAŞ 5, § 2, contra Poetto, Orientalia 79 (2010), pp. 242–245). new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 28; JISR EL HADID 4, § 6; (“BOS”)u-wa/i- (ŞARAGA, § 3b); also an unpublished text. determines also usupati-/usupari- (ANCOZ 7, § 4: see Hawkins in Cancik-Kirschbaum et al. (ed.), Diversity and Standardization, p. 73 f.), “sacrificial ox”. (Empire) BOS (logogram; YALBURT blocks 6, § 2; 15, § 2). (Transitional) BOS-i(a)- (logogram; ALEPPO 6, § 6). (L.105.IV. Syllabogram: u, acrophonic from (u)wawi-; +mi = mu.) L.108. CORNU (a) “horn”. (Late) pictographic logogram, determining principally zurni, “horns” ((nom.)acc. plur. N);
also (b) (+RA/I) su+ra/i-, “plenty, satiety” = Phoen. šbʿ (KARATEPE 1, §§ VI.33; XXXVI.191). Occasional syllabic value sú must be derived from su+ra/i- rather than now re-read zurni (zú formerly read sù: see Syllabary (a), zú). (c) CORNU also used to determine kipuda-, “hoof(?)”; and on occasion (d) tarpi/a (new attestation (CORNU) tarpiwa, YUNUS, § 4), otherwise (SCALPRUM) (CEKKE, § 22); or (PES2.PES) (BOROWSKI 1, § 1). For kipuda-, “hoof”, and tarpi- // tarpa-, “trample”, see Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 202–208. L.109. VITELLUS, “calf”. (Empire) pictographic logogram, reading Hitt.-Luw. unknown, Hurr. hubiti: YAZILIKAYA, no. 42a (Laroche, RHA XXVII/84–85 (1969), pp. 66–68); TARSUS seal no. 42, VITELLUS.SARI-ku identified with Cun. sarkus AMAR.NITA, “mighty bull-calf” (Laroche, Syria 35 (1958), p. 258). L.109. (Late) VITELLUS.ANIMA (offering, CEKKE, § 4); (new) an unpublished text. L.109.1. (Transitional) writing of the GN Malatya: L.109 (VITELLUS)+L.125 (UNGULA)-zi(URBS) (GÜRÜN, § 1; KÖTÜKALE, § 1; DARENDE, § 1. (Late) IZGIN 1, §§ 1, 7; ŞIRZI, § 1); with -i for -zi (MALATYA 10; MALATYA 1) L.109.2. VITELLUS-zá(URBS) (CEKKE, § 6); VITELLUS(REGIO) (KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1); (new) VITELLUS-za(URBS) (AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1) Reading: there is no evidence for reading L.109 or L.125 as syllabograms, so they are probably logograms, phonetic complement -zi (cf. TONITRUS.GENU-FLECTERE-pa, Halpa). So how to transcribe? Following Laroche, in CHLI I I transcribed MAx.LIx-zi (without supporting phonetic values). The likely Hier. reading in the Early Iron Age is Malizi: cf. Hitt. Maldiya, Malitiya; Middle Ass. Milidia; Neo-Ass. Melid/ da/di/du; Urart. Melite(ia); Aram. mlz (RlA VIII/1–2, s.v. Melid A, § 1. 3). The MALATYA bulla (CHLI XIII.2), assumed lost, has now reappeared in the Malatya Museum, so is available for collation: see C. Mora, in F. Manuelli (ed.), Arslantepe, Late Bronze Age (Arslantepe IX; Rome, 2013), ch. V, no. 32 (Inv. no. 7, M. S1), pp. 259, 269 f. It appears to read: CERVUS2-ti REX ma REGIO thus an abbreviated writing of Malatya. L.109.3. CERVUS4(+IACULUM) (Empire (Transitional)). Compound logogram CERVUS4.IACULUM “hunt; hunter” (Hawkins, Fs de Roos, pp. 59–62; contra Simon, Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 20–30; Oreshko, Luwian Identities, pp. 413–416; the animal head is not a dog (except once, KOCAOĞUZ)). See also L.285.2.
Part 5: The Signary
L.111. OVIS, “sheep”. (Empire–Late) pictographic logogram (note Empire sign form), reading hawi-, Cun. Luw. hawi-. (Empire) OVIS (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 19, 21, 22; YALBURT blocks 6, § 2; 15, § 2). (Transitional) OVIS (KARAHÖYÜK, § 15 (sign form?); ALEPPO 6, §§ 6, 10 (+ANIMA)). (Late) Hier. (OVIS.ANIMA)há-wa/i // wá/í-i- = Phoen. š (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.270, 272); =Phoen. ṣʾn (§ LV.316). further attestations: AKSARAY, § 4 ((OVIS.ANIMA) ha-wa/i-i, dat. sing.; MALPINAR, §§ 5, 26; KULULU l.s. 2— issues of sheep (OVIS-, § 1.1, (OVIS)ha-wa/i-; §§ 1.2–11; 2.12– 13; 3.14–20); also KULULU lead frag. 1 side i. new attestation: OVIS.ANIMA (ARSUZ 1+2, § 5(×2)). other: “OVIS”-ru-pi, some kind of victim (BULGARMADEN, § 11; connect with ku-ru-pi (ASSUR letters b, § 5; f+g, § 37)(?); also (L.478)ku-tu-pi-li- (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18d)(?). L.112. LINGERE, “luxury, satiety”. (Late) ideographic(?) logogram (animal with protruding tongue), reading hasa-. Hier. (LINGERE)ha // há-sa // sá- = Phoen. mnʿm (KARATEPE 1, §§ VI.36; XXXVI.192); also KARKAMIŠ A23, § 6; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 5 (new); KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11. (Syllabogram za4: ~ za: KARATEPE 1, §§ XIV.69 (Hu~Ho); XLIX.275 (Ho~Hu); L.281 (Ho~Hu); LI.285 (Ho~Hu); origin unknown.) L.115. LEPUS, “hare”. (Empire–Late) pictographic logogram, reading tapa- (presumed word for “hare”), used as rebus+ra/i to write tapar-, “command”, and derivatives, Hitt.-Luw. tapar- etc. Note LEPUS (head), LEPUS2 (whole animal). L.120. GRYLLUS, a grasshopper? (Late) pictographic logogram, apparently used as rebus in writing the GN PITHOS. GRYLLUS(URBS), reading unknown: IZGIN 1, § 9; 2, § 7. L.121. SPHINX. (Late) apparently rebus representing verb, SPHINX = awiti- (HWb2, s.v.), read awita, “(he) came” (Singer, pers. com., KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 2); near duplicate KARKAMIŠ N1, § 2 very eroded, unclear whether SPHINX or possibly PES-wa/i-ta (which would confirm Singer’s suggestion—see Edition). L.125. UNGULA. (Transitional) in writing GN Malatya transcribed LÍx (though not syllabogram); sign form distinct from lí, for which see L.126. See under L.109.1, VITELLUS. L.128.1–2. AVIS (bird, wings folded). (Late) logogram, symbol (sacred bird?) of goddess Kubaba, normally written (DEUS)ku±AVIS(-pa-pa-); Commagenian inscriptions write
(DEUS)AVIS (BOYBEYPINARI, ANCOZ), except BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 20, and ANCOZ 1, § 2—(DEUS)ku±AVIS. further attestations: ANCOZ 1, § 2; 7, §§ 4, 9; 8+5, § 5; new: TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 2. (L.128.3. Syllabographic use: zi4 (formerly i6).) L.130. AVIS3 (bird, wing extended backwards). (Empire) logogram (rebus?) used to write RN Arnuwanda: Hier. AVIS2-nú-tá = Cun. Iar-nu-wa-an-ta (NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 138); also (Transitional) AVIS3 grandson of AVIS3-wa/i-tá- son of PUGNUS-mi-li (II) (DARENDE, § 1); cf. a+ra/i-nú-[wa/i]-ti grandson (of) a+ra/i-nú-wa/i-ti, grandson of Kuzi-Teššub, son of PUGNUS-mi-li (I) (İSPEKÇÜR, B–C). Other glyptic occurrences obscure: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 298, Excursus 15. L.131(1, 2). AVISx: reading, interpretation unknown. L.132(1). AVIS2 (bird, wing extended forward) (1) (Transi tional–Late) PN HALPA(pa)-AVIS2(-pi-), read Halpa-sulupi, cf. Hitt. Ihal-pa-šu-lu-pí (Noms, no. 256); AVIS2 rebus for oracular bird sulupi. (2) Empire form, monumental and cursive, of syllabogram L.133–134 ara/i (see there), used in PN Arnilizi (HH, OISEAU2-ná-li-i, now re-read); and add now NİŞANTEPE, nos. 71–74 and commentary Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 250; further YALBURT block 14, § 3; BOĞAZKÖY 10, and (new) 27 (frags. d, ki, l. 2). (3) Late archaizing form of (2) (TOPADA, § 8 (+ra/i); SUVASA, D; (new) TÜRKMENKARAHÖYÜK, l. 2). L.132(2, 3). Empire/archaizing forms of L.133–L.134. L.133, L.134 (cursive). AQUILA. (Empire–Late). Rebus syllabogram ara/i, phonetic value from Luw. *ari-, “eagle”(?), cf. Hitt. hara(n)-. Empire sign-forms and syllabic value, see also Syllabary (c), s.v. L.133, 134 ara/i. (Empire) PN Ari-Sarruma (Msk. B53; also impression (unpublished) on tablet Beckman, TVE, no. 51 (cursive form)); (Late) further KULULU 4, § 2. L.135(9), (-)ti(-)sa-tá (KARAHÖYÜK, § 12); rule initial-a-final (absent here) suggests that this is all one word, verb. L.137. LIBATIO. (Empire) Pictographic logogram (arm pouring libation jug): EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 33, 34, 36; SÜDBURG, § 17. L.137-ha-sa5 suggested by van den Hout to represent Cun. Luw. malhassa, “ritual”. L.138. PISCIS. (Late) pictogram of “fish”, apparently second element of PN AVIS3A.PISCIS-tá-wa/i- (SUVASA, C); single attestation (unless recurring on TOPADA, § 2).
2 The Logograms
L.148. IANUS. (Empire) DN, occurring as onomastic element, unrecognized in HH from unclear SBo II examples; clearer examples from NİŞANTEPE, Kat. nos. 153–155 enabled Herbordt to recognize it as the two-faced god (Fs Boehmer (1995), p. 257 f.). Transcription from the Roman two-faced IANUS; Cun. Isimu/Us(u)mu, Hurr.-Hitt. Izzummi. For details see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 257, 434; resulting PN Izzummi-ziti. L.149. KUMARBI. (Empire) DN, YAZILIKAYA, no. 40, identified by Laroche as grain god, log. NISABA, Hitt. Halki, Hurr. Kumarbi preferred here (RHA XXVII/84–85 (1969), p. 70); followed by Güterbock, Yazılıkaya (1975), p. 173. L.151. TELIPINU. (Empire, single attestation) Logogram: RN Telipinu MAGNUS.SACERDOS, father of Talmi-Šarruma King of Aleppo (ALEPPO 1, § 1). Names correctly read and individuals identified by Laroche (Syria 33 (1956), pp. 132–135); logogram “une sorte d’arbre” (following Bossert). L.157(1). MAGNUS.VITIS. (Empire). Double logogram, see L.160. L.158. KULITTA. (Empire) DN, YAZILIKAYA, no. 36; written logographically KULITTA-tá, so identified from god-lists; apparently lacks DEUS sign. L.160.I (also L.157(1)). VITIS, “vine (wine etc.)”. (Empire– Late). Logogram (pictographic “vine-stock”(?)), determines words “vine”, “wine”, and related products, reading wiyani-, “vine (wine)” (I.2), Cun. Luw. wi(ya)ni-, Hitt. GEŠTIN (*wiyana); and (Late) matu-. “wine”; (I.1) tuwarisa-, “vineyard”; (I.3) (-)hara/i-, “vintage”; (I.4) sarlata-, “libation”; also (I.6(a–b)) Tipariya-, “wine deity”. (L.160.II. (Empire) syllabogram wi(ya) (acrophonic from wiyani-), but also logogram (titles on seals).) (Empire) L.157(1). Title, Hier. MAGNUS.VITIS, Cun. GAL. GEŠTIN, “Master of the Wine”, identified by B. Dinçol through the so-titled person Halpaziti (SBo II, no. 58; KBo V 7 rev. 51; AoF 25 (1998), pp. 163–167), noting also further occurrences of the title (Boehmer–Güterbock, Glyptik, no. 246 = Herbordt, PBS, nos. 47, 48, also 607; Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO, no. 247). She also pointed out that the title VITIS alone should represent Cun. LÚ GEŠTIN (Herbordt, PBS, no. 122, with comment of Hawkins, p. 311, no. 55). (Empire) GN, VITIS+x(REGIO), Wiyanawanda(?) (YALBURT block 9, § 4; SÜDBURG, §§ 1b, 4b). (Late) L.160. ((“)VITIS(”))ma-tú // tu(-sà), “wine” (AKSARAY, § 4c; TULEIL 2, l. 2; cf. SULTANHAN, § 26; Cun. Luw. maddu(CLL, s.v.).
L.160.I.2. wa/i-ní // na (KARKAMIŠ A30b, § 3; SULTANHAN, § 40) L.160.I.1. further: (VITIS)tu-wa/i-ri+i-sà? (MARAŞ 8, § 6) L.160.I.3. Hier. “VITIS”(-)ha+ra/i- = Phoen. [t]rš(?) (or [ḥ]rš(?) (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.271. L.160.I.6(a). (new) (DEUS)VITIS(-pa+ra/i)-ia- (ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 4, 24b). L.160.I.6(b). Hier. (DEUS)VITIS-ia- // -tí-ti- = Phoen. trš, “wine” (KARATEPE 1, §§ LIII.308; LV.319; reading(s) uncertain). other: BONUS2.VITIS-mi(-zi), “good wine” (ARSUZ 1+2, § 5; reading unknown) (L.160.II. (Late) syllabographic, only TOPADA, § 10 (wa/i8).) L.161. (Late) logogram, -ma-zi ((nom.)acc. plur. MF, TELL AHMAR 2, § 20). further attestation: L.161.ANIMA(?) (TÜNP 1, § 2). L.163. (Late) logogram, determines mu-ha- (HAMA 4, §§ 13, 15) L.165.I.1. BONUS, “good”. (Late; Empire form L.320, see below) logogram reading sanawi- (for etymological analysis as “well-come” (*sana-awi-), see Yakubovich, Fs Součková (2016), pp. 463–484) and derivatives sanawiza-, “good”; sanawastr-, “goodness”; sanawiya-, “be good”. further attestation: sa-na-wa/i-sa8 (KULULU 4, § 12). new attestation: (BONUS)sa-na-wa/i(-ha-wa/i+ra/i) (YASSIHÖYÜK letter, § 3), which confirms the analysis of sa-na-wa/i+ra/i (ASSUR letters a, § 2; b, § 2; d, § 2) as sanaw(-wa-ri). L.165.I.3–6. BONUS also determines derivatives of root was-, “be good”: see Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 197– 202. These include: (L.165.I.4a–c, 6)wasa-, “be dear” (part. wasami-); caus. usanu(sa)- (part. usanuwami-), “bless”; (L.165.I.5, 4(d)) wasara-, “favour”; wasaranu-, “make favourable”. Cf. Hier. wasu, “well” (without BONUS in phrase wasu awi-, “come well”). Cun. Luw. wašša-, “be favourable”; wassar(ahit)-, “favour”; wasu-, “good” (CLL, s.v.); Hitt. aššiya-, aššiyant-; “be dear, beloved” aššanu-, “do good”; aššu-, “good”. further attestations: (“BONUS”)wa/i-sà-za- (BULGARMADEN, § 2; also BONUS-si-ia-za- AKSARAY, § 5; KULULU 4, § 6; (new) AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 2); wá/í-sa-mi- (CEKKE, § 1; only phonetic writing of usual BONUS-(sa-)mi-, “beloved”); BONUS-sa-da- (for -sa5+ra/i-, TİLSEVET, § 5). L.165.I.7. (BONUS)waliya-, caus. waliyanu- “rise; raise”, normally written BONUS-liya(nu)- (N.B. BONUS here logogram not syllabogram); only full phonetic writings (BONUS) wa/i-li-ia- (KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 6); (BONUS)wa/i-li-ia-núwa/i- (MARAŞ 4, § 11), Cun. Luw.-Hitt. walliya-, “raise, exalt,
Part 5: The Signary
praise”. For trans./intrans. forms see Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), pp. 80–84. further attestations: BONUS-li-ia-nu-wa/i(-) (TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 12b, 15, as emended Hawkins apud Bunnens, 2006, p. 27 f.). new attestations: BONUS-li-ia-nu-wa/i- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 14); li-nu-u- (JISR EL HADID 4, § 3). L.165.I.2. (BONUS)wa/i+ra/i-ia-ma // má-la (KARATEPE 1, § XXIV.127, Hu//Ho) = Phoen. nḥt lb(nm), “peace of (their) heart”; also BONUS+ra/i-ia-ma-la (§ XXXVII.196, Hu only). L.165.I.8. (DEUS)BONUS, the “Good God” (grain), reading ku-mara/i+ra/i-ma-, identified as the late Luwian form of the Hitt.-Hurr. grain-god Kumarbi, Hawkins, An. St. 31 (1981), p. 165 f.; and re-read (-pá?+ra/i- to -mara/i+ra/i-), id., in Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 363. Hier. (DEUS)BONUS = Phoen. šbʿ, “satiety, (grain)” (KARATEPE 1, §§ LIII.307; LV.318). new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 4, 24a. (L.165.II. Syllabogram wà/ì, survival from Empire wà/ì (see below, L.320).) (L.169. See L.382, LIGNUM.) (L.170. See L.73, AUDIRE—Hrozný correct.) L.173. HASTARIUS, “MEŠĒDI-man”. (Empire) Logogram, pictographic “spear with hand guard”; see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 304, nos. 18, 19 (MAGNUS), for identifications with Hitt. (GAL)MEŠEDI. L.175.2. LINGUA, “(tongue) language”. (Late) pictographic logogram (“tongue”, not HH “sorte de fleur”), reading *lalati-, Cun. Luw. lali-, Hitt. lala- (CLL, s.v.; CHD s.v.). Hier. “LINGUA”-la-ti(-i)-, “language” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 20, 21). (L.175.1. Syllabogram la derived from logogram: see Syllab ary.) L.177. LINGUA+CLAVUS, “ ? ”. (Empire) Logogram (rebus?), occurring mainly in PNN on seals: see now Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 434. A clearer monumental from is now found on YALBURT, block 2, § 2 in a GN L.177-tu-sa(URBS), where one is tempted to think of Hattusa, but one would expect the usual logogram HATTI / HATTUSA. L.178. la+ra+a (?), compound syllabogram: see Syllabary (c). L.179, also L.453, 454. HORDEUM, “barley”. (Late) logogram, reading unknown; also determines other words and DN (see below).
attestations: commodity “L.179-za” is the subject of KULULU l.s. 1 (over 50 entries), also KULULU l.s. frag. 3. statements of ideal price, “L.179-za” (AKSARAY, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10; SULTANHAN, § 11); see Hawkins, Fs Mellink, pp. 93–102. Its appearance as main commodity in such contexts makes the interpretation “barley” probable, as in Akk. parallels. filling for granary: MANUS.L.179 (TELL AHMAR 5, § 2). saddle quern grinder: L.179.SCALPRUM (“barley.stone”, İSKENDERUN, § 1, listed under L.454(2)). deity: (DEUS.L.179)ma-ti-lu/a/i- // DEUS.L.179-lu/a/i-i(TELL AHMAR 1, § 2 // TELL AHMAR 2, § 2, listed under L.454(1)). determines word pa+ra/i-ia-si-i- (JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 1, listed under L.453 (upper part incorrectly drawn)). compound logogram L.179+L.347+5 determines word wa/i-sà-pa-, “garment(?)”, (ASSUR letter e, §§ 18, 21; CEKKE, § 12), Cun. Luw. waspa-. also determines words REL-la-ia-na-, sà-lu/a/i-ma-sa(ASSUR letter e, § 23). Syllabogram? L.179-ia- (TOPADA, § 17, in place of usual hwi/a-). L.181.1. PANIS, “bread”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading turpi-. new attestations: (SCUTELLA.PANIS)tú+ra/i-pi- (ARSUZ 2, § 23); (Transitional) (L.291.PANIS)tú+ra/i-pi- (ALEPPO 6, § 12; along with CAPERE.PANIS-sa). L.181.2. PANIS(-)ara/i-si-, “perpetual(?) bread” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 12; cf. HAMA 4, §§ 13, 15). L.181.4. PANIS-ni-na (ASSUR letter f+g, § 48), associated with the (“PANIS.SCUTELLA”)tu-ni-ka-ra+a- (otherwise (SCUTELLA)tu-ni-ka-la-, KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17c), maker of tunik-bread. L.181.3. (“PANIS.SCUTELLA”)mu-sa-nu-wa/i-ti-(“PANIS”) ma-li-⌈ri+i⌉-mi-i-, “satisfying(?), honeyed(?)” (MARAŞ 1, § 1i); see CHLI I/1, p. 264. L.181. (additional) PANIS.PITHOS, “feast, meal”. (Late) compound ideographic(?) logogram, determines word(s) á-zá // za-li-za (CEKKE, § 10 // KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 4, to be “made”) á-zá // za-li-sá // sa (CEKKE, § 11 // KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 11, to be “given”) sense “feast; meal” inferred from context, also association with stem ada- // aza-, “eat”. also PANIS.PITHOS-ní-i- (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 35, something good given by gods to the respectful man). L.182.I. CAELUM, “sky, heaven”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram (the “sky” as a “bowl”). (Empire) iconography: YAZILIKAYA, nos. 28–29 (two bull-men standing on TERRA, supporting CAELUM); further
2 The Logograms
(DEUS)TONITRUS, CAELUM, “Storm-God of Heaven (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29). (Late) reading tipas(sa), erg. tipasa(n)ti- Cun. Luw. tappas-, erg. tappasanti-, Hitt. nepis, erg. nepisant- (CLL, s.v.; CHD, s.v.). Hier. CAELUM (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za- = Phoen. bʿl šmm (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII. 387); cf. CAELUM (DEUS)SOL-za- = Phoen. šmš ʿlm (388). further attestations: (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sá (KÖRKÜN, § 9); (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-si (dat. sing., MARAŞ 14, § 6). new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 25, 26 L.182.II. CAELUM, “bowl”. (Empire–Transitional) pictographic logogram, complement -pi, full reading uncertain—*tapi-?, see Hawkins, Fs N. Özgüç, p. 716. Inscriptions on three metal bowls, KINIK, ANKARA 3 and ANKARA 2 (Transitional?) begin “this CAELUM-pi …” designating the object, “this bowl”. Cf. (Late) za-ia (“SCALPRUM”)ka-ti-na, “these bowls” (inscription on two stone bowls, BAYLON 2, BABYLON 3). Now Bolatti Guzzo and Marazzi propose transcription CRATER (StBoT 52, p. 21 f.); Simon, (SCUTRA)PI (NABU 2017/2, no. 49). L.185. (Late) logogram, determines hu-sa-za, “life(?)” (CEKKE, § 28). L.187. (Empire) logogram determining words (1) zumila(ASSUR letters a, § 11; c, § 8); wiyani- (e, § 20); tuwi- (c, § 7; further TELL AHMAR 1, § 6; BOROWSKI 3, § 4; new TELL AHMAR 6, § 15; EREĞLİ 1, § 2). L.190. SOL2, the Winged Disc, symbol of divinity (Sun-God) and royalty (Great King as Sun-God). (a) Empire, iconographic only (b) Late, mostly above figure of Storm-God; further attestations TELL AHMAR 1, BOROWSKI 3, TELL AHMAR 6; KÜRTÜL; KULULU 5 (c) Empire and Late; further attestation: MALATYA 14; (new) SÜDBURG, Kammer 2 (over Sun-God) (e) (Empire) royal cartouche, new attestations: NİŞANTEPE, all kings Suppiluliuma I – Suppiluliuma II (inclu ding Kuruntiya) kings with queens Henti, Tawananna, Tanuhepa, Puduhepa; queens alone Puduhepa (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 85–88), Tanuhepa (NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 65) (f) (Transitional) Hartapu; (Late) “Great Kings” of Karkamiš, Ura-Tarhunta (new, KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1), Tudhaliya (KARKAMIŠ A16c) (g) unparalleled: KOCAOĞUZ (Empire/Transitional?) (Late) SOL2 (DEUS)SOL (KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9) L.295. (SOL2.THRONUS; KARKAMIŠ A21b+c, § 4).
L.191. SOL, “Sun(-God)”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram, reading Luw. (Cun. and Hier.) tiwad- (evidence, see below L.191.5); note that Cun. DUTU may in context stand for Hitt. DIstanu- and Hurr. DSimegi (OHP I, s.v. Astanu, Estan, Estanu, Istanu; Šimige); no such readings are clearly demonstrable for Hier. (DEUS)SOL. The form of the logogram has been explained by a Hitt. reference to the Sun-God having six eyes: Laroche, Fs Bittel, p. 309 ff. (Empire) L.191.1. (DEUS)SOL.SOL, Sun-Goddess (of Arinna), depicted on great seal of Tudhaliya IV (RS 17.159, see Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 114–116; frag. impressions of same seal NİŞANTEPE 2, no.110). (DEUS)SOL.SOL+RA/I: monuments EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29; EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 1, 3, 6, 14 (entitled ami(-) DOMINUS.NA); SÜDBURG, § 3 (no +RA/I); NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 3; AII, § a; AV, § a. For reading “Sun-Goddess of Arinna” (Ariniddu // Ariniti of (city) Arinna), see Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 32 Laroche’s doubts about title “my lord” (EMİRGAZİ 2) may be resolved by observation of the same title applied (Late) to goddess Kubaba. For Sun-Goddess of Arinna as patron deity of Tudhaliya IV, see NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 94, p. 98, LÚSANGA GA[L ŠA D UT]U URUa-ri-in-na GAŠAN-IA. L.191.2. (DEUS)SOL CAELUM, “Sun-God of Heaven” (YAZILIKAYA, no. 34), read Simegi following interpretatio hurritica, discussed by Laroche (RHA XXVII/84–85 (1969), pp. 73–75); doubted by Güterbock (Yazılıkaya (1975), p. 174). All other entries under this heading, all Karkamiš, belong under following L.191.3. (Late) L.191.3. Hier. (“)CAELUM(”) (DEUS)SOL-za- (nom. sing. MF) = Phoen. šmš ʿlm (“Tiwaza of Heaven” = “Eternal Sun”) (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII.390–391). declension: (DEUS)SOL-wa/i-za-sa (nom. sing. MF, KARKAMIŠ A6, § 2; cf. also KARATEPE 1 (above); KARKAMIŠ A17a, B iii) (DEUS)SOL-ti-i-sa (nom. sing. MF, MALPINAR, § 11; cf. also MARAŞ 1, § 6) (DEUS)SOL-ti-i (dat. sing., KARKAMIŠ A6, § 20) (DEUS)SOL-da-ti-i (abl. sing., KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1; also ANCOZ 7 (below)) further attestations: ANCOZ 1, § 3; ANCOZ 7, § 4; ANCOZ 10, § 1; KULULU 5, § 1; (new) TELL AHMAR 6, § 2. L.191.4, onomastic element. (Empire) digraphic seal: Hier. SOL.FRATER2 = Cun. D UTU.ŠE[Š] (TARSUS, no. 58, see Laroche, Syria 35 (1958), p. 259 f.); also NİŞANTEPE, no. 461. CERVUS+ra/i-SOL (SBo II, no. 191(+ra/i collated); read Innara-tiwada). SOL-wa/i-da-mu(wa) (SBo II, no. 223; also NİŞANTEPE, no. 460; both, same title(s), same owner?).
Part 5: The Signary
SOL.MAGNUS (Boğazköy III, no. 12; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 462, 463 read Tiwadaura (Noms, no. 1350); both very similar same titles, same owner?). SOL-wa/i-zi/a (NİŞANTEPE, no. 464, REX.FILIA, read Tiwadawizi, Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 296 f., Excursus 13). (Late) DOMINUS.SOL-wa/i+ra/i = DOMINUS-ti-wa/i+ ra/i (CEKKE, §§ 1, 2 = § 12, read *Nani-tiwara); cf. SOL-wa/i+ ra/i-mi- (CEKKE, § 17i, read Tiwarami); HALPA-pa-SOL-wa/i+ ra/i (CEKKE, § 17o, read Halpa-tiwara). Hier. (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da- // -ti-wa/i+ra/i- = Phoen. ʾztwd (KARATEPE 1, passim). delete HH “dSOLEIL-wa-x-pára-: nom. propre?”, KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9; read (DEUS)SOL PRAE-i; also take “Kargamis, A5a1” down to L.191.5. (Late)L.191.5. (DEUS.SOL)tiwadami- // tiwarami: epithet occurring particularly on tomb-stones. Hier. (DEUS)SOL-mi- CAPUT-ti-i- = Phoen. h-brk bʿl, “the blessed(?) of Baal” (KARATEPE 1, § I.3–4); also ti-wa/i+ ra/i-mi CAPUT-ti (dat. sing., KULULU 5, § 3); (DEUS)SOLwa/i-da-mi-i- CAPUT-ti (KULULU 2, § 1); (DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ ra/i-ma- CAPUT-ta- (gen. sing., KARKAMIŠ A18a, § 1; A5a, § 1); SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi- (KULULU 4, §§ 1, 2); cf. PN SOL-wa/i+ ra/i-mi- (CEKKE, § 17i, above). That the reading of Hier. (DEUS)SOL corresponds to Cun. Luw. Tiwat(a)- is confirmed by the writings of the PN DOMINUS.SOL-wa/i+ra/i // DOMINUS-ti-wa/i+ra/i, also the epithet ti-wa/i+ra/i-mi- // (DEUS)SOL-wa/i-da-mi- // (DEUS) SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma- (see above). L.192. ORIENS, “east”. (Late) logogram (written ORIENS+MI (TELL AHMAR 1, § 9; BOHÇA, § 1), reading kistami-. Hier. (ORIENS)ki-sà-ta-mi-i = Phoen. mṣʾ šmš (KARATEPE 1, § V.28; also §§ XXX.149; XXXII.169). note writing ORIENS+MI-ma-ri+i (abl. sing., BOHÇA, § 1). new attestation: TELL AHMAR 6, § 5(×2). L.193.I. LUNA, “moon”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logo gram (moon-crescent ornament with suspension loop?), reading DN “Moon-God”, Hurr. Kušuh (ku-sà-), Hitt.-Luw. Arma-; (moon // month) arma-. (Empire) (DEUS)LUNA, YAZILIKAYA, no. 35. L.193.I(d) onomastic element: seals, with Luw. element read Luw. arma-. Hier. LUNA-VIR.zi/a = Cun. I.D30-LÚ, phon. ar-ma-zi-ti (RS 17.314, RS 15.77 (same individual?); Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 134). new attestations: NİŞANTEPE, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 434 (all Luw., -muwa, -nani, -pihaya, -pihami, -piya, -walwi, -ziti).
with Hurr. element read Kusa (Kušuh): Hier. i(a)-HALAku-sà = Cun. IKAR.D30 (Msk. A59). (Late) normally written (DEUS)LUNA+MI; note (DEUS) LUNA+MI-ma- (KAYSERİ, § 16; see Syllabary (a) -MI(-ma)); LUNA-ma- (SULTANHAN, § 31). Hier. (DEUS)LUNA+MI = Phoen. yrḥ (KARATEPE 1, § LXXV.408). further/new attestations: KULULU 5, § 1; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 ((DEUS)LUNA). L.193.II. LUNA+MI-zi/a, “months” (TOPADA, § 22); cf. (OVIS) a+ra/i-ma-sa-, “monthling” (SULTANHAN, § 3). L.196. HATTI, HATTUSA. (Empire) GN. It is generally agreed that Akkadographic HATTI was always read HATTUSA in Hittite (URBS/REGIO). See Hawkins, in Natural Phenomena, pp. 55, 58–62; id., apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 434. As noted, the correct identifications of the sign are (Empire) logogram HATTI // HATTUSA; (Late) syllabogram há. L.196.I. Entries are either logogram TONITRUS (transfer to L.199), or are an iconographic element, “thunderbolt”, not a Hieroglyph. L.197. HATTUSA+li. (Empire surviving into Late) Logogram+phon. compl., PN, borne by persons other than Hattusili III. See Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 254, no. 119. The writing survives into Late period as name of king(s) of Commagene, perhaps = Ass. Qatazilu (PNAE 3/1, s.v.). L. 198. (Late) logogram, (1) DN (TOPADA, §§ 17, 30, 31, 36, 38); (2) determines ki+ra/i-ra+a // ti- (ASSUR letter e, §§ 25, 29). L.199. TONITRUS, symbol of Storm-God. (Empire–Late) For an examination of the usage, see Hawkins, “What does the Hittite Storm-God hold?” (in Meijer (ed.), Natural Phenomena, pp. 53–82). This attempted to disentangle the multiple confusions between the various usages of L.199 and L.196. It was argued there that: (1) in Empire iconography the Storm-God holds his L.199 Hieroglyphs (DEUS)TONITRUS; latest, the Transi tional MALATYA 9 and 10. (2) in Late iconography he holds instead a trident thunderbolt (iconographic element not a Hieroglyph), incorrectly included under L.196. (3) L.199 is unconnected with L.196, of which the only correct reading is HATTI // HATTUSA (whence Late syllabic há?). (4) L.199 never has a syllabic value, thus not ha! delete HH “L.199.2”; also “Forme cursive du FOUDRE” also “L.199.II—Valeur phon. ha”: read instead (a) TONITRUS
2 The Logograms
(symbol of city); (b) HATTI // HATTUSA logograms (c) (Late) TONITRUS-pa- i.e. Teššuba. For details see Natural Phenomena, pp. 58–71. L.199. Reading of logogram TONITRUS. Empire (Cun.) Hitt. writes the DN logographically DU (10) or DIM (IŠKUR), phonetic writing not attested; phon. compl. -na- (nom./gen. sing.), -ni (dat. sing.), also DIM-ta(-) (nom./voc.), and -un-na-, -un-ni (gen., dat.): OHP II, pp. 766 f., 650–652, suggesting Hitt. Tarhun(n)a-; Cun. Luw. phon. Dtar-hu-un-za (nom.) tar-huun-ta- (gen., rare); onomastic element, normally written DU // IM, phonetic writings quite common tar-hu(-u)(-un-da // ti)- (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 295, Excursus 10). note Akk. KUR tar-hu-un-ta-aš identified as reading of KUR URU.DU-tassa- in place of superseded KUR URUDaddassi-. note also Hurr. Teššub may be written Cun. DU // IM-ub; Hier. (DEUS)TASU-pa, but also on occasion (DEUS)TONITRUS. (Late) sole phon. writing (DEUS.TONITRUS)tara/i-hu-za […] (HAMA 4, § 9); phon. compl. show -(hu-)za- (nom. acc. sing.), -(hu-)ti (dat. sing.), -hu-ta-ti (abl.). L.199.I(a–b). (DEUS)TONITRUS on seals (Empire, new) NİŞANTEPE, nos. 124, 624, 678; NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 53. L.199.I(b). Hier. (“)CAELUM(”) (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za- = Phoen. bʿl šmm (Baal Šamayim) (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII.388); cf. BOROWSKI 3, §§ 2, 6; (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 18; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2. I(c). 1+2 merge (Storm-God of Aleppo); (Empire–Tran sitional) HALPA-MI (seal Bo. 90/450 (Mursili III); ALEPPO 5; İMAMKULU (centre); cf. ALEPPO 6, §§ 2, 3) (Late) TELL AHMAR 5, § 3; KÖRKÜN, § 5. (3, 4, 5): as listed 6. read TONITRUS(URBS), Storm-God city (ÇAĞDIN). 7. read (L.349)sà-mara/i+ra/i-ka(-wa/i-ní)-, Samarkean (Cun. KUR URUIsmerikka?). new attestations: (Empire) (DEUS)TONITRUS HATTI, Storm-God of Hatti (SÜDBURG, § 3). EXERCITUS(-lu/a/i-na-si-) (DEUS)TONITRUS, StormGod of the Army: (Empire), SÜDBURG, § 3; (Late) TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 7, 17, 23, 26, 28, 31. I(d)3. KARKAMIŠ N1, § 4 (// A4b, § 4). I(f). new (PNN Empire): NİŞANTEPE, nos. 82–87, 135, 305–307, 385, 410–422, 531–532, 625–631, 648–659. L.200.1. FULGUR, “(lightning); glory”. (Late) pictographic logogram (TONITRUS+lightning jags), reading *pihas inferred from phon. compl. -há-sá, also L.200.2, also Hitt.Luw. pihassassi- (epithet of Storm-God, identified with log. (DU) HI.HI, Storm-God of Lightning), see CHD, s.v.; CHLI I/1, p. 65 f.
Hier. FULGUR-há-sá = Phoen. ʿz, “power” (KARATEPE 1, § LII.299); this writing and Hitt.-Luw. indicates an -s stem, (nom.)acc. sing. N, pihas(+sa), contra Melchert, CLL, s.v. *pihassa-, where one would expect nom.-acc. sing. N ending -anza. Cf. ti-pa-sá (tipas+sa, KÖRKÜN, § 9). L.200.2. (FULGUR)pi-ha-mi-, “glorified” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 14; also (damaged) A12, § 14), Hitt.-Luw. pihammi-, pihaimmi- (CHD, s.v.; CLL, s.v.). L.200.3. L273+RA/I L.200.3- (TOPADA, §§ 28, 30, 32): reading uncertain, see CHLI I/2, p. 459 (§ 28). L.201.I. TERRA, “earth”; II. LOCUS, “place” (Empire–Late). For dual usage, cf. Cun. KI, I. erṣetu, “earth”; II. ašru, “place”, logogram (ideogram, cosmic concept?). L.201.I. (Empire) YAZILIKAYA, no. 29: reading Hurr. eše (Cun. Luw. tiyammi-). (Transitional) (TERRA)ta-sà-⌈RELx+ra/i⌉-, “earth” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3). (Late) TERRA, reading taskwira-; also once (“TERRA”) ta-ka-mi-i, surely Late form of Cun. Luw. tiyammi-, Hitt. tegan. Hier. (TERRA)ta-sà-REL+ra/i = Phoen. ʾrṣ (KARATEPE 1, § XII.62 (Hu); new ÇİNEKÖY, § 9). “down from sky … up from earth”, further attestations: AKSARAY, §§ 2–3; ALEPPO 2, §§ 15–16; cf. TÜNP, §§ 3–4; CEKKE, §§ 25–26. “(gods of) Heaven and Earth”, further attestations: BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 21; KÖRKÜN, § 9; MARAŞ 14, § 6; (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 25. HH “Incertains: Emirgazi 2.5, …; Bohça 2, 4; Karahöyük Elbistan 8 …”: transfer to L.201.II. LOCUS. L.201.II. LOCUS, (Late) reading arla-, alla-(?) (Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017), pp. 1–27); normally with phon. compl. -la/i // lá/í(-ti)-. The word was formerly understood as cognate with Hitt. peda(n), “place”, see Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, pp. 208–210. (Late) Hier. LOCUS-la/i-ta- = Phoen. mqm(m), “place(s)” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXIII.120; XXXIII.172); (new) “LOCUS”da-da- (collated, da ~ la/i) = Phoen. mq[mm] (ÇİNEKÖY, § 8). further attestations: LOCUS-la/i-lá/í (AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 9); LOCUS-ti (KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 8—LOCUS archaizing form). “overturns … (as to its) place”: LOCUS(-la/i)-za-*a (KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 23, 24; A11b+c, § 23; BABYLON, § 13 (-lá/í-); note initial-a-final!) further attestations: MEHARDE, § 7; ADIYAMAN 1, § 5; ANCOZ 7, § 12. new attestation: an unpublished text. note here á-lá/í-za (BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 12; same context; Yakubovich (loc. cit.) takes as phonetic reading). (Empire) LOCUS-ti (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33)
Part 5: The Signary
SCALPRUM.CRUS.LOCUS, compound logogram “stone. stand. place” (i.e. “base, socle”(?), Cun. KI.GUB, Akk. manzāzu?; YALBURT block 4, § 3). L.201.III and IV(a). TERRA+X // LA+LA, “field, plain”. (Late) logogram, +X (single exampe (Hu) appears to be archaizing form); +LA+LA phon. indicators; reading wari(ri) (KARATEPE); walilida- (KARKAMIŠ); walirida- (ANDAVAL), Hitt. ulili-. Hier. (TERRA+X // +LA+LA)wá/í+ra/i- (KARATEPE 1, § V.23) = Phoen. ʾrṣ ʿmq, “land of the plain”; (TERRA+LA+LA) wa/i+ra/i-ri+i (dat. sing.; KARATEPE 1, § XII.62 (Ho only) = Phoen. ʾrṣ; (TERRA+LA+LA)wa/i-li-li // ri+i-da- (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8 // ANDAVAL, § 3). see CHLI I/1, p. 59, § V.21. L.201.IV(b). (“TERRA”)ta-ka-mi-, “earth” (SULTANHAN, § 39; read tagmi-), see above L.201.I (Late) reading. L.201.IV(c). (TERRA)pi-ta-ha-li-ia-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 4, 31); association of pi-ta- with Hitt. peda-, “place” (Laroche followed by Poetto, Melchert, Hawkins), rebutted by Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), pp. 75–77. L.201.IV(d). (TERRA)la-tara/i- (IZGIN 2, § 3); cf. same verb: Hier. (“MANUS”)la-tara/i- = Phoen. yrḥb (caus.), “extend” (KARATEPE 1, § V.21); also (new) (“L.69”)la-tara/i- (ÇİNEKÖY, § 2) = Phoen. [yrḥ]bt(?) also (new) (“COR”)la-tara/i- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 20). L.201.IV(e). TERRA.PONERE-ru-da, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 5). L.201.V(a). TERRA (DEUS)DOMINA, “(divine) Lady of the Earth” (KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 9, 13); cf. (DEUS)REGIO-nisi (MAGNUS.DOMINA)hasusari- “divine Queen of the Land”— different deity(?) (MEHARDE, §§ 1, 6, 8; cf. SHEIZAR, § 7; KIRÇOĞLU, § 2). L.201.V(b). “DOMUS.LOCUS”-datalasi-, divine epithet(?) (KAYSERİ, § 2). L.201.V(c). L.187.TERRA-mi, “ ? ” (MARAŞ 4, § 11). L.201.VI. ILOCUS-la/i-ti-mu-wa/i-, scribe’s name (BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11); now further ILOCUS-ti-L.273-wa/i-, scribe’s name (SHEIZAR, § 8); HH “Valeur phon. inconnue”—delete, L.339 is L.319 (la/i), see above L.201.II, reading. L.202. (Transitional–Empire) SCALPRUM.TERRA+VIA (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 7, 19); (new) (DEUS)TERRA+VIA (SÜDBURG, § 18), “(stone // divine) Earth-Road”, Cun. DKASKAL.KUR; see Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 44 f. L.205. (Late) logogram, signification unknown, determines word atuna-, meaning unknown. L.206. (Late) logogram, otherwise unknown, in writing DN (DEUS)BOS-L.206-PANIS, unidentified deity.
L.207. MONS, “mountain”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram (peak+god, divine mountain); reading (Late) wati-, see below. L.207.I.3. (Empire) writes name Tudhaliya (MONS+tu): T. I/II, Hier. MONS+tu =Cun. Idu-ud-ha-li-ia (Otten, Arch. Anz. 2000, p. 375 f.); T. III (SBo I, no. 58); T. IV, seals (new) (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 110–130); monuments (new) (BOĞAZKÖY 18, 24; DELİHASANLİ; YALBURT block 1, § 1); alternating with MONS2 (L.4) on seals (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 89–107); monuments (YAZILIKAYA, nos. 81 // 83, 64); the name Tudhaliya, (MONS+tu // tú recurs Transitional KARKAMIŠ A16c; KARKAMIŠ frag. a/b; Late KELEKLİ, § 2). L.207.I.2. Mountain names. (Empire) (DEUS.MONS) THRONUS, Mt. Sarpa, Cun. HUR.SAGša-ar-pa (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 2, 26, 29, 35, 37); (MONS)ASCIA, Mt. AXE, reading unknown (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 16, 17); (MONS)á-THRONUS, (Sarpa?), (MONS)salu?-wa/i-tá, Cun. HUR.SAGsaluwanda(?), (MONS) su-na+ra/i, Cun. HUR.SAGsunnara (KARAKUYU, l. 2); (DEUS. MONS)ENSIS, “(divine) Mt. SWORD”, reading unknown (HANYERİ, left); (MONS)IUSTITIA.QUINQUE, reading unknown (SÜDBURG, §§ 8, 10, 11). (Transitional) (DEUS) MAGNUS.MONS, “(divine) Great Mountain”, Cun. HUR.SAG GAL // RA-BI-I, KARADAĞ 1, § 1; (MONS)zi-na-pi, (MONS)na-ha+ra/i-sà, (MONS)na-na-… (GÜRÜN, § 2); KÖTÜKALE, § 4. (Late) mu-ti-ia (DEUS)MONS-ti, “(divine) Mt. Muti”, Ass. (KUR)mu-li-i (RlA VIII/5–6, s.v.—see BULGARMADEN, §§ 10, 12); (MONS)a+ra/i-pu-ta, Mt. Arputa (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25); MONS-ti ha+ra/i-ha+ra/i, Mt. Harhara (Argaeos/ Erciyes; HİSARCIK 1, § 2, also HİSARCIK 2, TEKİRDERBENT 1); (MONS)hu+ra/i-tu-la- (MONS)wa/i-ti-, Mount Hurtula (local “mountain”, Ancoz tepe, ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 4, 5, 6; 10+11, § 6). (MONS.SCALPRUM)á-tu+ra/i-sa-li-ia-za, “ ? ” (MARAŞ 4, § 5). L.207.I.1. (Empire) MONS.REX, “Mountain King” (epithet of god Sarruma, HANYERİ, left. (Transitional) MALATYA 7 (Late) new attestations: ANCOZ 1, § 4; 9, § 2; KULULU 8 other, mountain(s) in general: MONS-ti-zi (nom. plur. MF; ŞIRZI, § 3); MONS-ti (dat. sing.; TOPADA, § 9). reading wati-: proposed by Bossert (Orientalia 23 (1954), p. 135), this has grown in probability with the further attestations from ANCOZ (8+5, §§ 4, 5, 6; 10+11, § 6). Also now Cun. Luw. waddati, “from the mountain(s)” (Goedegebuure, VII ICH (2010), p. 311). (L.207.II. syllabographic wa/i4 (rare, acrophonic from wati?).)
2 The Logograms
L.212.3. FLUMEN, “river”. (Late) pictographic logogram reading *hapi-, Cun. Luw. hapi-, Hitt. hapa- (CLL, s.v. hāpa/i-; HWb2, s.v. hapa-: Laroche, Fs Otten (1), pp. 179–184). KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 7, 8, 9; further A24a, 19a+19; IZGIN 1, § 8; TELL AHMAR 5, § 9; (Empire) NİŞANTAŞ AV, § e(?). L.212.1. FLUMEN determines river-names: (“FLUMEN+ MINUS”)sà-ku+ra/i-, river Sajur (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25); new: (“FLUMEN”)sa-pa+ra/i-, river Sabri-, Hitt. ÍDšamri, Greek Saros, mod. Seyhan (= Phoen. šwry(?), CİNEKÖY, § 8, see Hawkins, Fs Postgate (2017), p. 213 f.). L.212.2. FLUMEN.REGIO, “river-land”. Compound logogram, reading hapadi-, Cun. KUR.ÍD, Hitt. hapati- (HWb2, s.v., Laroche, Fs Otten (1), pp. 181–183, following Mittelberger: KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25); also determined by FLUMEN alone: KARKAMIŠ A12, § 6; Hier. (“FLUMEN”)há+pa+ra/i(Hu) // FLUMEN-pari-i- = Phoen. mskt (variant or mis-wri ting of mšqt, “irrigated area”, KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.265; see Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Hethitica 8 (1987), pp. 270– 272) L.212 (also L.213)+L.390. FLUMEN.DOMINUS, “river lord”: see L.390, DOMINUS. L.215.1. FONS, “pool”. (Empire) pictographic(?) logogram reading Hitt. luli- in PN Suppiluliuma (I and II) (lit. “he from Suppiluli(ya)” (“pure-pool”). digraphic seals (SBo I, nos. 1–4; RS 17.227; Boğazköy III, no. 1; new: NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 8, 16 (Š. I); 146–148 (Š. II): Hier. PURUS.FONS.MI = Cun. Išu-up-pí-lu-li-u-ma (log. I KÙ.TÚL-ma). monumental: NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1; AII, § d; AIII, § a; SÜDBURG, §§ 2, 6, 9, 14; BOĞAZKÖY 20. (Late) PN continues in use. Commagene: PURUS.FONS.MI (BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 1, 4, 11; 2, §§ 1, 2, 7, 17, 19; further, ANCOZ 7, §§ 6, 13; ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 7, 8); Ass. Iuš-pi-lu-lu-me (KURkum(m)uhayya, RIMA 3, A.0.104.3, ll. 7, 16), same name, same individual(?). Amuq: (ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 1, 18; grandson(?), TELL TAYINAT 4, § 4), Ass. Isa-pa-lu-ul-me (KURpatinayya, RIMA 3, A.0.102.2, i 42), same name, same individual as grandson? other attestation (new): MAGNUS+ra/i.FONS.SCALPRUM-zi, “GREAT.POOL. STONE-s”, i.e. “barrages, dams” (ÇİNEKÖY, § 8; see Hawkins, Fs Postgate (2017), p. 213 f.). (L.215.2. Syllabogram ha, see Syllabary (a).) (Empire) It is unclear whether L.215.1 and 2, logogram and syllabogram, should be regarded as the same sign: on seals the logogram (Suppiluliuma) and the syllabogram (seen best in -hepa and piha- names) are very similar but slightly different, FONS appearing as a (horizontal) oval, ha noticeably pointed at the bottom.
(Late) FONS and ha are markedly different: FONS a larger circle with double kinked lines (where visible), ha with single vertical line (where visible). L.216.I.1. FINES, “frontier”. (Empire–Late) logogram, reading irha-, Hitt. irha- / arha (HWb2, s.v.). (Late) Hier. i+ra/i-há // ha- = Phoen. gbl, “frontier” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIX.101 (Ho); XXX.152; XXXII.162 (Hu)). further attestations: FINES-ha-ti (abl. (sing.), MARAŞ 1, § 1h); CEKKE, §§ 19, 21 (acc. plur. MF), 15 (FINES-ha+ra/i-ia, adj., nom./acc. plur. N); TOPADA, §§ 8, 16, also 6 (FINES+ RA/I+HA-ha-li); ANCOZ 7, § 5 (“put ZALAN”). new: TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 16, 20 (“put ZALAN”, “extend”). derivatives (L.216.I.3): FINES+hi-ti-i-na, “abroad”, Hitt. arahzena. (L.216.I.4): FINES+ha-ti-i-li-, “external (enemy)” (BABYLON 1, § 12). (Empire) recognition of Empire sign form FINES/ ARHA: Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 36 f. FINES, “frontiers”, attestations: EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5; YALBURT block 3, § 2(?); NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § b; SÜDBURG, § 5. L.216.II.1–2. ARHA, “out; away”. (Empire) logogram, sign form recognized, Hawkins, loc. cit. (above); reading aha (Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), pp. 321–339) Cun. Luw. ahha(?), Hitt. arha. Old dative of noun irha-/arha-, adv. (postpos., L.216.II.1; preverb, L.216.II.2). attestations: EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 8 (CAPUT+SCALPRUM), 10 (tupi), 22 (CAPERE), 28 (DELERE); YALBURT block 13, § 2 (DELERE); SÜDBURG, § 15b (CAPERE). (Transitional) GÜRÜN, §§ 2, 6; KÖTÜKALE, § 5 (CAPERE); MEHARDE, § 8 (DELERE). (Late) writing: ligature of FINES (attenuated 2-stroke form)+ha, recognized as Hier. form of Hitt. arha (fossilized dat. sing. of irha- // arha-, “boundary”), by Forrer (1932), p. 39 f.; Meriggi (1934), p. 96; Gelb (1942), p. 72. Reading: no phonetic Hier. evidence, unrecognized in Cun. Luw., comparison with Hitt. arha, thus transcription ARHA. Yakubovich (loc. cit. above) proposes Empire Cun. Luw. ahha (CLL, s.v.), Late *aha on basis of wa/i-na-ha (HAMA 4, § 8; İSKENDERUN, § 6) // Hitt. awan arha (HWb2, s.v. auan). further/new attestations: passim, see Glossary. Late archaizing form: KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 3. L.217. (Late) logogram, signification unknown, determines word usali-, “robber”. L.218, also L.220. (Late) logogram determines verbs tarpari- (HAMA 4, §§ 10, 12); hahata- (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 12, also § 2 (without L.220)).
Part 5: The Signary
L.219. (Late) logogram determines word harpa- (TOPADA, § 26, single attestation). L.221.I (also L.222). VIA, “road, way” (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram, reading harwa-, with derivatives harwa(n)tahi-, “wayfaring”, denom. verb harwani-, “send”; Cun. Luw. *harwa-, harwanni-, Hitt. haruwa- (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.). (Late) Hier. VIA-wa/i- = Phoen. drk (KARATEPE 1, § XXXIV.180). further attestations: A12, § 14; (“VIA”)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ta-hilá/í- (-ahid- abstr.), “wayfaring” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21). new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 12 (cf. ibid., § 18, (VIA)hu-sa-la-hi-da-, “ ? ”); JISR EL HADID 4, D, § 4 ((“VIA”) ha+ra/i-w[a/i]-ta-, “wayfarer”). other usages: (VIA.PUGNUS)pu- (verb, MARAŞ 14, § 9); also pu- // PUGNUS.VIA- (ARSUZ 1 // 2, § 20); pu- (KARABURUN, § 13). (Empire) SCALPRUM.TERRA+VIA: see above, L.202. YALBURT block 3, § 2 sign recognized as FINES // ARHA (L.216), but possibly VIA. L.221.II. (Late) (VIA)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ni, “send” (ASSUR letters d, §§ 6, 9; f+g, § 25); otherwise VIA-wa/i-ni(-i) ASSUR letters a, §§ 7, 10, 11, 12; b, §§ 7, 10; c, §§ 8, 10, 11; d, § 8; e, §§ 18, 23, 27, 28; f+g, §§ 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35, 36, 40, 44, 47. L.225.I. URBS, “city”. (Empire–Late) logogram (representing what?), writing word “city” (L.225.I(a, b)), and (post-posed) determining city names (L.225.I(c)); reading unknown, function of ±MI uncertain. L.225.I(a). further attestations: (Empire) URBS+MI-a (YALBURT block 2, § 2); URBS-MI-ni (dat. sing.?; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 2). (Transitional) URBS+MI (KIZILDAĞ 3); URBS-MI-ní(-); URBS+MI- (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 3, 16, 22; §§ 9, 13). (Late) URBS-ni (AKSARAY, § 6); URBS-ni- // MI-na(ANCOZ 7, §§ 4, 7); URBS-MI-ni- (ARSLANTAŞ, § 2); URBSMI-ni- (ÇİNEKÖY, § 10). L.225.I(c). further attestations: (Empire) LINGUA+CLAVUStu-sa(URBS) (YALBURT block 2, § 2); pi-na-(a)li(URBS) (YALBURT blocks 12, §§ 2, 3; 13, § 2, Cun. URUpí-na-li-ia, see Weeden, NABU 2012, no. 49); 6 cities, among them tara/i-HANA-na(URBS), ti-hi-ha-sà(URBS), others unread (SÜDBURG, § 7); TONITRUS(URBS)(REGIO) (SÜDBURG, §§ 12, 15, 17); ta-NEG(URBS) (SÜDBURG, § 16); x+ra/i-sà-ma(URBS) INFRA.L.122(URBS) (SÜDBURG, § 17; note BALTIMORE seal has INFRA(URBS), L.122(URBS), two separate cities); IŠUWA (URBS) (BOĞAZKÖY 12; NİŞANTAŞ AVII; cf. seals NİŞAN-
TEPE, no. 98; KORUCUTEPE, nos. 1–3); (a)la-tara/i-ma(URBS) (KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, §§ 2, 6); x-ta(URBS) (KARGA). Hatti: written HATTI(REGIO) (NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1(×2)); but HATTI(URBS) (§ 5; also KARAKUYU, § 2). Karkamiš: kar-ka-mi-sà(URBS) (RS 17.158, 17.226; Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 124, 130); but seal of Kuzi-Teššub has Karkamisa(REGIO) (×2); (Transitional) kar-ka-mi-si(REGIO), GÜRÜN, § 1. Halab: TONITRUS.GENUFLECTERE-pa(URBS) (ALEPPO 1, § 1) (Transitional) VITELLUS.UNGULA-zi(URBS) (GÜRÜN, § 1; KÖTÜKALE, § 1; DARENDE, § 1; MALATYA 10; MALATYA 1, also IZGIN 1, §§ 1, 7); POCULUM(-da)(URBS) (MALATYA 9; but (REGIO) KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 2, 9, 16); lu/a/i-karma(URBS), FRONS.L.282-pi-i(a)(URBS), zu(wa)-ma-ka(URBS) (KARAHÖYÜK, § 16); MANUS x-tu-ma-ni-i(a)-(URBS) (DARENDE, § 2). (Late) Cilicia á-TANA-wa/i-(URBS) (KARATEPE 1, §§ II.10; III.14; IV.20; VI.32; XXIV.125; XXXI.154; XXXVII.198) = Phoen. dnnym; (§§ V.22; XXXII.162) = Phoen. ʾdn á-ta-na-wa/i- (KARATEPE 1, § XXXVII.199) = Phoen. ʾdn TANA(URBS) (ARSUZ 1, § 11) pa-há+ra/i-(URBS) (KARATEPE 1, § VII.39) = Phoen. pʿr ku-rú-pi-ia-(URBS), pi-ia-da-(URBS) (KARATEPE 4, § 1) hi-ia-wa/i-(URBS) (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 1, 2, 6) = Phoen. dnnym; cf. ARSUZ 1, § 13 (REGIO) su+ra/i-(URBS) (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6) = Phoen. ʾšr (Aššur) Karkamiš titularies: kar-ka-mi-sà(URBS): Late, archaic and archaizing (cf. Empire); (KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7; § 1 (REGIO), also A4b, § 1; and KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 1); (archaizing) AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1; CEKKE, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1. kar-ka-mi-si-za-(URBS, once REGIO) all Katuwa titularies (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1; A11b+c, § 1; A2+3, § 1 (REGIO); A13d, § 1). divine epithet (A11a, § 11; A2+3, §§ 3, 11, 15; A23, §§ 3, 10; A25a, § 6; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 10). Karkamiš city: kar-ka-mi-sà-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 1, 2; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 8) defective: kar-mi-si-za-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 5); also ka+ra/i-mi-si-za- (SULTANHAN, § 32); ka+ra/i-misà(URBS) (ASSUR letter a, § 6) added titulary: VITELLUS-za // zá(URBS) (AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31 // CEKKE, § 6; cf. KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1 VITELLUS REGIO); taken as claim to Malatya. other GNN (LIGNUM)sa-pi-si-(URBS), á-wa/i-i(a)-na(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A12, §§ 6, 7) (L.349)sà-mara/i+ra/i-ka-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 3, 37) pa-PITHOS(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 1)
2 The Logograms
(“MIZRI.REGIO”)mi-za+ra/i(URBS), L.475-la(URBS), mu-sá-(URBS), mu-sa-ka-(URBS), su+ra/i-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 4, 5, 6) sú+ra/i-(URBS), á-sú+ra/i(REGIO … URBS), ta-i-ma-ni(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19) i-la-pa-(URBS); (L.349)ta-lu/a/i-pa-ti(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, §§ 6, 11, 13) (CASTRUM)pi-na-da-(URBS) (AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 8) ka-ma-na-(URBS), ka-na-pu-(URBS) (CEKKE, § 6b, also § 11) (L.349)nú-hu-za-(URBS) (CEKKE, § 9) CEKKE, § 17: zi-la-pa+ra/i-ha+ra/i(URBS) (a); ha-wa/i+ ra/i-(URBS) (c); á-pa-ku-ru-da-(URBS) (g); lu/a/i-da-pa-(URBS) (e); za+ra/i-ha-nu-(URBS) (h); sa5+ra/i-mu-ta(ra/i)(URBS) (i-sa-ta(ra/i)- (l); hu-hu+ra/i-da- (n); sa-tara/i-pa- (o) Tell Ahmar ma-su-wa/i+ra/i-(URBS) (TELL AHMAR 2, § 1; BOROWSKI 3, § 1; TELL AHMAR 3, § 1; TELL AHMAR 5, § 1; TELL AHMAR 1, § 5; ARSLANTAŞ, § 1; (new) TELL AHMAR 6, § 1) TONITRUS.GENUFLECTERE-pa-(URBS) (TELL AHMAR 5, § 3) ha-ta-ta-(URBS) (ARSLANTAŞ, § 2) Maraş ku+ra/i-ku-ma-(URBS) (MARAŞ 8, § 3; MARAŞ 4, § 1; MARAŞ 1, § 1) i-lu/a/i-wa/i-si-(URBS) (MARAŞ 4, §§ 4, 12) Malatya VITELLUS.UNGULA-zi(URBS) (see Transitional); Late, IZGIN 1, §§ 1, 7; ŞIRZI 1, § 1 PITHOS.GRYLLUS(URBS) (IZGIN 1, § 9; 2, § 7) L.128-da (IZGIN 1, § 6) L.286(URBS) (IZGIN 2, § 4) hi-li-ki-(URBS) (IZGIN 2, § 5) Commagene ku-ma-ha(URBS) (MALPINAR, § 2) zú-ki-ta // ti-(URBS) (BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 2; 2, § 5; MALPINAR, § 1) SUPER-la/i-(URBS) (BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5; MALPINAR, §§ 1, 9) Amuq ru-x(URBS) (TELL TAYINAT 4, § 6) CAPERE+CAPERE.L.417-na(URBS) (ARSUZ 1+2, § 14) Tabal pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-(URBS) (TOPADA, §§ 3, 7, 13, 23, 26) na-hi-ti-ia-(URBS) (ANDAVAL, § 1) KULULU l.s. 1 [ti]-wa/i+ra/i-li-(URBS) (§ 1.1; also l.s. 2) hu-wa/i-(URBS) (§ 2.2) tu-na-(URBS) (§§ 3.7, 11; 4.15; 6.37; 7.38; 9.49, 53, 55, 56, 57, 63)
I MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sá-(URBS) (§ 4.25) za-ka-(URBS) (§§ 5.28; 8.45) pa+ra/i-zu?-mi-na-(URBS) (§ 5.29, 30) wa/i-tu+ra/i-(URBS) (§ 5.31, 32) ha-ru-wa/i-(URBS) (§ 5.33) á-lu/a/i-wa/i-na-(URBS) (§ 5.34) u-ha-zi+ra/i-(URBS) (§ 7.40) ta-sà-ku-sa-(URBS) (§ 7.41) ta-pa-(URBS) (§ 7.42) KULULU l.s. 2 á-sà-ha-ia-la+ra/i, á-sa-i-la+ra/i(URBS) (§§ 1.3; 3.19) zú-na-wa/i+ra/i // da-(URBS) (§§ 1.6; 2.13) mu+ra/i-ti(-ia)-(URBS) (§ 2.12) ti-wa/i+ra/i-li-(URBS) (§ 3.14) á-ha-ti-ku-ku+ra/i-(URBS) (§ 3.17) á-ru-sa-lì-(URBS) (§ 3.18) ASSUR letter f+g (§ 36) a-la-wa/i-ra+a-(URBS)
(L.225.II. Not a syllabogram!, read URBS, list under L.225.I(a)) L.226. IŠUWA. (Empire) Double logogram, wrongly registered in HH from single BALTIMORE occurrence, clarified by later occurrences especially on seal impressions from KORUCUTEPE, and NİŞANTEPE, Kat. no. 98. The sign should be emended to L.19+L.292, post-determined URBS and elsewhere REGIO. The identification with Išuwa was permitted by the damage traces on the royal seals from KORUCUTEPE: Hawkins, III ICH (1998), pp. 281–295; for Ali-Šarruma as king of Išuwa, see now Glocker, AoF 38 (2011), pp. 254–276. L.227. MURSILI+li. (Empire) Logogram–rebus(?) (unexplained) used to write the RNN Mursili II and III and others; reading from digraphs, especially SBo I, no. 31a; RS 17.380; NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 56. Güterbock, SBo I, pp. 24 with n. 86, and 72 acknowledges Bossert’s reading of Mursili as father of Muwattalli on SİRKELİ. Mursili as grandfather in Tudhaliya genealogies: BOĞAZKÖY [3]; BOĞAZKÖY 18; YALBURT block 1, § 1. L.228.1. REGIO, “country”. (Empire–Late) logogram, phon. compl. -ní // ni-, reading *watni-(?), Hitt. utne. (Empire) REGIO-ní-(i(a)) (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 18; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 12; YALBURT block 4, §§ 2, 4; NİŞANTAŞ AII, § c) REGIO OMNIS2, “all countries” (YALBURT block 16, § 2a; NİŞANTAŞ AII, § b); also (Transitional) KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b. L.228.2. Determinative postposed to GNN: HATTUSA REGIO, “land of Hattusa”, (REX) YALBURT block 4, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1; (OMNIS2), “all the Hatti-lands” (SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 5, 6).
Part 5: The Signary
other countries: ?, Awarna, Kuwalatarna, Talawa (EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 2, 8, 13); Nipira, Luka, Wiyanawanda(?), Awarna, Talawa, Kuwalatarna (YALBURT blocks 6, § 1, 7, §§ 1, 3; 9, §§ 1, 2, 3; 13, § 3; 14, §§ 4, 5; 17, § 2); L.504, TONITRUS(URBS) (SÜDBURG, §§ 7, 12a; 15a); ?, ?, ? (NİŞANTAŞ AII, § c; ? AIII, § 3); Kizzuwatna(?) (AIV, § c); Luka(?) (AVI, §§ e, f); ká-zuwa-na (Kizzuwatna, FRAKTİN). Hier. mi+ra/i-a REGIO = Cun. KUR URUme-ra!+a!, “land of Mira” (TARKON-DEMOS). (Transitional) mu!-sà-ka!-(REGIO) (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2c); POCULUM.PES.L.67(REGIO) (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 2, 9, 16); wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-(REGIO) (MEHARDE, § 1; SHEIZAR, § 1); MIZRI(REGIO), Egypt (ALEPPO 7, § 7; see also Late). REGIO-ni-sa // si (gen. sing. // plur.), “Land’s (Queen)” (MEHARDE, §§ 1, 6, 9; SHEIZAR, § 7). (Late) L.228.1. Hier. REGIO-ní-ia, “countries” = Phoen. ʿm, “people” (KARATEPE 1, § LIV.310). new attestation: ARSUZ 1, § 3. L.228.2. (countries (post-)determined REGIO): Karkamiš (only early Late) (KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1 // A4b, § 1; A14b, § 1; A16c, § 1; A18d, § 2). Malatya: VITELLUS REGIO (KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 21, otherwise always (URBS)). Assur: a-sú+ra/i(REGIO)-wa/i-ni-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19; A24a2+3, §§ 6, 7; A24a6). Hamath: i-ma-tu // tú-(wa/i-ni)-(REGIO): HAMA 4, 8, RESTAN, QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, HINES, HAMA 2, 3, 6, 7; also Hurpada, Laka, Musanipa, Kusuna, Tuhayada, Hamayara (HAMA 1, 2, 3, 6, 7). Walastin: TELL TAYINAT 1, frags. 3–5, l. 1; (new) frags. TT2463+2713 (Weeden, NABU 2015/2, no. 44); ARSUZ 1+2, § 1. further attestations: á-na(REGIO)(-i-ta) (TELL AHMAR 2, § 10; 1, § 10; (new) 6, § 24); Ass. Anat (Parpola, N-AT, s.v.). new: hi-ia-wa/i-(REGIO), Que (ARSUZ 1, § 13). (Empire–Late) REGIO DOMINUS, “Country Lord”: see L.390.3 (DOMINUS). L.229. MIZRI(REGIO), “land of Egypt”. (Transitional–Late) In the pair MÍ+REGIO, the first element clearly stands for MIZRI, “Egypt”, since in its main attestation it is glossed mi+za+ra/i(URBS). A new occurrence, MIZRI(REGIO) (ALEPPO 7, § 7) is presumably to be so interpreted (An. St. 61 (2011), pp. 48–50).
(cf. REGIO, two pinnacles; URBS, single pinnacle); reading harnisa(nza). Hier. (“CASTRUM”)há+ra/i-ni-sà-za (nom.(acc.) sing. N) = Phoen. qrt, “city” (KARATEPE 1, § LIII.305); (“CASTRUM”) ha+ra/i-ní-sà ((nom.)acc. plur. N) = Phoen. ḥmyt, “walls” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXIII.122; XXV.130); (“CASTRUM”) há+ra/ina // ní-sá // sà-si (gen. sing.) = Phoen. qrt, (KARATEPE 1, § LI.288); “CASTRUM”-sà // (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ní-sà ((nom.) acc. plur. N) = Phoen. ʾrṣt, “lands” (KARATEPE 1, § XXV.130); “CASTRUM”(-ní)-si (dat. sing.) = Phoen. qrt (KARATEPE 1, § LXV.353). new attestation: (CASTRUM)ha+ra/i-na-sà (acc. plur. N) = Phoen. ḥmyt (ÇİNEKÖY, § 7). L.237. “PORTA” (KARATEPE 4, § 1), points to the existence of such a structure in the city Kurupiya. L.238. PORTA2, “gate”. (Late) pictographic logogram showing gatehouse tower with arch entrance and window above (L.238(1) KARKAMIŠ only; KARATEPE has cursive forms unknown to Laroche (L.238(2)); reading (Late), phon. compl. (KARKAMIŠ) -lu/a/i-na, (KARATEPE) -la-na (nom./acc. plur. N, *hilana: Singer, ZA 65 (1975), pp. 96–103) Hier. PORTA-la-na = Phoen. šʿr, “gate” (KARATEPE 1, §§ LXIII.344; LXVI.358; LXIX.367; LXII.384; these must refer to the Karatepe North (Lower) and South (Upper) Gates). at Karkamiš, KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 13, 16, 20, refer to the “King’s Gate”; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 34 to the structure later remodelled by the “Royal Buttress”; and KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 2, to the unknown structure from which the inscription came. L.239(1). (Empire) PORTA2-MI (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 18, 23); PORTA2 (BOĞAZKÖY 16, Lion Gate graffito); PN PORTA2-MI-ti (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 637–638); Cun. Luw. KÁastummant- (CLL, s.v.) = Hier. ? L.239(2). (Transitional) PORTA2 (KARAHÖYÜK, § 21). L.239(3). (early Late) PORTA2 (MARAŞ 8, § 11). L.243. CUBITUM, misdrawn in HH, inspection shows it to be pictogram of “fore-arm”, thus CUBITUM. (Late) Sole attestation determines ka+ra/i-mara/i+ra/i-ta-hi-sà, “protection(?)” (sense guessed from context); but cf. now Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, p. 552 n. 53, “radiance”.
(L.230. syllabographic tu4: -há-wa/i-tu // tu4(-u) (KARATEPE 1, § LI.283, Hu//Ho); pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-tu // tu4 (KARATEPE 1, § LVIII.325). See Syllabary (b).)
L.244. AEDIFICIUM, “building”. (Late) pictographic logogram, reading unknown; sense from use in AEDIFICARE. No advance on Laroche, HH.
L.231 (also L.233(?)). CASTRUM, “wall, fortification, fort ress”. (Late) logogram, representing what? 3 pinnacles
L.245. VACUUS, “empty, waste”. (Late) compound logogram, ideographic AEDIFICIUM+MINUS (privative; Melchert, An. St. 38 (1988), pp. 32–34); reading ta // tá-na-ti- (adj.), ta-na-ta-
2 The Logograms
(verb, fact.), “waste”, Hitt.-Luw. dannatti-, dannattahh-, see CHLI I/1, p. 264, § 4. further attestations: (VACUUS)ta-na-ti- (MARAŞ 8, § 3, parallel context to (Transitional) KARAHÖYÜK, § 3); (VACUUS)ta-na-da- (verb) (BOROWSKI 1, § 3). L.246. AEDIFICARE, “build”. (Empire–Late) compound logogram (AEDIFICIUM+ PONERE); Empire sign-form attested on ALEPPO 1, § 1, and (new) SÜDBURG, §§ 6, 7, 16; cf. (Tran sitional) KIZILDAĞ 3 (incorrectly listed L.119). (Late) reading tama-: Mittelberger, Sprache 9 (1963), p. 105 (7); Hawkins, RHA XXIX (1971), pp. 116, 123–127, 129–131 (transliteration old system; corrigendum, AEDIFICARE±MI-, phonetic indicator not complement, see AEDIFICARE+MI-ma-da, KARATEPE 2, § 1). Hier. AEDIFICARE±MI- = Phoen. bn, “build” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIX.97; XXIII.124; XXXVIII.204 etc.); ≠ Phoen. ysʿ, “tear out” (§§ LXVI.357; LXXI.376; LXXII.382). further attestations: KÖRKÜN, § 4; MARAŞ 14, § 3. L.247.I.1. DOMUS, “house”. (Empire–Late) pictographic(?) logogram, reading parna-; “house” in general, also determines other words, forms compound logograms; Cun. Luw. parna-, Hitt. per / parn- (CLL, s.v.; CHD, s.v.). (Late) Hier. DOMUS-na // ní- =Phoen. bt (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIV.71; XXI.113; LVIII.328, Ho (“DOMUS”)pa+ra/i-ní, dat. sing., rare phon. writing); (new, ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6). further attestations: warpasi // warpasaliya DOMUS-na (acc. plur. N), “warpi-houses” (KÖRKÜN, § 4; MARAŞ 14, § 3); Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, pp. 553–555 (10). KULULU 5, §§ 2, 4, 13 (house foundation stele, like KULULU 1). KARKAMIŠ A4a, §§ 1, 12 (sale of houses). KULULU 4, § 8; TELL AHMAR 1, § 15: DOMUS(-ni) DOMINUS-, “house-lord, major-domo” (“in the lord’s house”). (Empire) seals only: Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 300 f. Titles and professions, no. 1 (ASINUS2.DOMUS. SCRIBA, “scribe of the donkey house”, cf. Hitt. É targassan[as], KUB XXXI 71 iii 14). (Transitional) KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 9, 15, 17, 22. (L.247.I.2 =) L.249. DEUS.DOMUS, “(god-house), temple”. (Empire–Late) compound logogram. (Late) reading (-)ha-da- (plur. tantum, full phon. writing?). new attestations (Transitional): DEUS.DOMUS(-)ha-da(ALEPPO 6, § 4). (Empire) NİŞANTEPE, nos. 161, 275–276 (DEUS.DOMUS); nos. 430–436, DEUS.DOMUS.DOMINUS, “lord of the godhouse”. (L.247.I.3 =) L.250. MAGNUS.DOMUS, “(great house) palace”. (Empire) compound logogram, reading uncertain, Cun.
É.GAL; only MAGNUS.DOMUS. FILIUS, Cun. DUMU É.GAL, “(son of the palace)”, an official. seals, new attestations: NİŞANTEPE, nos. 71, 73, 100–102, 134, 136, 195, 324–326, 373–378, 702, 761–762. L.247.I.4. DOMUS(+SUPER), “upper storey”. (Late) compound logogram, determines, haristani-, in context an upper apartment built in wood as women’s quarters (CHLI I/1, p. 99, § 19). KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 19, uses only DOMUS, to which A11b+c, §§ 33, 34, add SUPER. L.247.I.5. DOMUS.LOCUS, “precinct?”. (Late, sole occurrence) compound logogram, LOCUS instead of HH “TERRE”, possible identification proposed with LOCUS-la/i-ta-li-i-, “precinct” (MARAŞ 14, § 2): see CHLI I/2, p. 473, § 2. [L.247.I.6. Delete “MAISON”, read (“L.255”)ka-ru-na-]. L.247.I.7. Read DOMUS-ni-NEPOS-, “house-descendant(?)”. L.247.I.8. DOMUS.CRUX (Ho) for CRUX (Hu). (Late) (KARATEPE 1, § LVIII.325) presumably added by attraction of verb so determined, parnawa-. [L.247.II. Delete HH syllabic value pár (nowhere else attested); read simply DOMUS-ní-]. L.248. DELERE, “destroy”. (Empire–Late) compound logogram, ideographic sense (DOMUS+MINUS privative, Melchert, An. St. 38 (1988), pp. 36–38; proposed reading marnu(wa)-, Hitt. merr-, marr-, caus. mernu-, marnu- (CHD, s.v.), confirmed by discovery of TELL AHMAR 6 (see below)); delete HH par(na)-. (Late) attestations: (simple) DELERE- (ALEPPO 2, § 22); (caus.) DELERE-nu // nú(-wa/i)- (BULGARMADEN, § 14; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 14; BABYLON 1, § 15; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 9). further: ADIYAMAN 1, § 8; KULULU 5, § 10; MALPINAR, § 24; BOROWSKI 1, § 4; note DELERE-wa/i(!?) (KARKAMIŠ N1, § 5 (new) // KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 5) new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 5, 6 (DELERE-nú // nu-sà-), 21 ((“DELERE”)mara/i+ra/i-nu-wa/i, full phon. writing). (Transitional) DELERE-nú- (MEHARDE, § 8). (Empire) EMİRGAZİ 1, § 28; 2, § 7 (DELERE-nú-wa/i-); YALBURT blocks 7, § 2a; 9, § 1a; 13, § 2; 17, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AVI, § e. L.249. DEUS.DOMUS: see above, L.247.I.2. L.250. MAGNUS.DOMUS: see above, L.247.I.3. L.251. 2. DOMUS+DOMINUS(?), “(great) house-lord(?)” (Transitional, KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 2) 1. Uncertain. L.252. DOMUS+SCALA. (Late, single attestation) part of a (DOMUS.SUPER) haristani- upper storey. pictographic com-
Part 5: The Signary
pound logogram, determining word tá-wa/i-ni-, women’s quarters built for author’s wife. [L.253] add to L.252 DOMUS+SCALA, determines word (-)hati-i (ŞIRZI, § 3). L.254. EUNUCHUS2, “eunuch”. (Empire only). Delete HH “PALAIS”, which was based on an incorrect identification of the Cuneiform title of the seal-holder on the tablet RS 17.231 (PRU IV, no. 238) with the Hieroglyphs on his seal: Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 149–152. On the identifying epigraph (Cun.) Taprammi is entitled LÚša rēši É.GAL-lim, “palace eunuch”. Among the somewhat unclear Hieroglyphs of the seal’s inner ring, a Hier. title PITHOS.VIR.DOMINUS L.254 may now be recognized; Laroche had already identified the first three signs as a title on SBo II, no. 223; KARAHÖYÜK, § 1 (see L.312.1), “SEIGNEUR (des) HOMMES (du) POT?”; but on RS 17.231 the signs PITHOS.VIR.DOMINUS.L.254 he read (ignoring PITHOS) HOMME (Hier. VIR), x (Hier. DOMINUS), PALAIS (Hier. L.254), thus gaining the fallacious equivalence L.254 = PALAIS, where the actual equivalent is Hier. L.254 = Cun. LÚ ša rēši (ekallim), “(palace) eunuch”. The NİŞANTEPE seals have brought clarification: some clear writings of PITHOS. VIR.DOMINUS, “lord of the pithos-men” (nos. 3, 460, also 299: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 305 f., no. 32). Furthermore the identification of Hier. L.254 with Cun. LÚ.SAG is confirmed on the seal no. 305 (Cun. pí-ha-DU LÚ.SA[G] = Hier. pi-ha-TONITRUS L.254). This sign then is the Empire logogram for “eunuch”, thus EUNUCHUS2: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 303, no. 15. Reading at this date uncertain: possibly wasinasi-, as for Late L.474, EUNUCHUS. further/new attestations (monuments of Taprammi): BOĞAZKÖY 2; KINIK; and his seal NİŞANTEPE, no. 409; also SBo II, no. 92 (same person?). L.255.1 (also L.256.2). HORREUM, “granary”. (Late) pictographic logogram, representing a silo of the type excavated at Boğazköy/Büyükkale (see van den Hout, Fs Hawkins (2010), pp. 234–243, esp. p. 237 f.); reading karuna- // kaluna-. Hier. (“L.255”)ka-ru-na- = Phoen. ʿqrt (KARATEPE 1, § VII.40; also İSKENDERUN, § 3). further attestations: (L.255)ka-lu/a/i-na- (HAMA 8, § 2); (L.256)ka-lu/a/i-na- (MARAŞ 8, § 7(×2); TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 2, 16; also KARKAMIŠ A30b, § 1 (ka-lu/a/i-+ra/i?-)). See van den Hout, loc. cit., p. 234 f. L.255.2. determines word mara/i+ra/i-ia-ní- = Phoen. mlṣm (KARATEPE 1, § XI.57); discussion with references in van den Hout, loc. cit., pp. 238–241, who compares Hitt. A.ŠÀmariyanaa type of field, and interprets accordingly.
L.256.1. (Late) logogram, determines zipatani, a measure (Hawkins, commentary, ad loc.; see also van den Hout, loc. cit., p. 235; İSKENDERUN, § 4, otherwise determined LAPIS (L.267.8), TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1, frag. 1b); also determines tasa-, “stele” (KULULU 2, § 6). L.257 (L.258?), also L.260. ARGENTUM, “silver”. (Late) pictographic(?) logogram, reading unknown, sense, still hypothetical, deduced from combination of contexts (commercial transactions of “buying” and “selling”): (CONTRACTUS)i(ya)sa-, “buy”; (CONTRACTUS)piya-, “sell”, also (“L.257. DARE”)piya-, “sell”; and (numeral) (SCALPRUM)ma-na-zi L.257-za, “(so-many) minas (of) payment medium” (thus probably “silver”). See Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Neumann, pp. 91–105. Does the pictogram(?) represent an ingot? Another defensible evaluation beside “silver” would be “copper”, another main medium of exchange in contemporary Assyria, an identification which could be supported by the same argumentation. This has indeed been proposed by Oreshko (Luwian Identities, p. 358), to establish a value ku(wa)ni- from Hitt. kunnan- // kuwannan-, “copper”; but the chain of argument is weak and fragile (identification of the signs L.324 and L.257; the comparison of both with a (copper) oxhide ingot!). new attestation: 1 L.257-sa L.257-za, “one silver (shekel?) (of) silver” (YASSIHÖYÜK, § 22); see Akdoğan and Hawkins, VII ICH (2010), pp. 1–13, esp. p. 9. L.259. (Transitional) logogram, signification unknown. L.261.1. (Late) logogram, L.261.PUGNUS-ru-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 9; A13d, § 8); L.261.2, determines tapa-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 13). L.262. (Transitional) logogram, determines sasaliya (nom. acc. plur. N), “shootings(?)” (MALATYA 1 and 3). L.263(2). (Transitional) logogram signification unknown, phon. compl. (-)tá-na-. L.264. PODIUM, “plinth”. (Late) logogram, reading humati-, “plinth” (the basis for the relief slabs of the Processional Entry), Cun. Luw. hummati- (CLL, s.v.). (“PODIUM”)hu-ma-ti (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 17); “PODIUM”-ma-da-si- (gen. adj., KARKAMIŠ A20a1, l. 2); “PODIUM”-ta-ti (-ant- extension, KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 19, 20; plinth of Long Wall of Sculptures). L.265. Logogram (Late), determines profession mizinala-.
2 The Logograms
L.267(1–3). STELE, “stele”. (Empire) pictogram (1), and compound logogram (2–3) (SCALPRUM LAPIS, ideographic “dressed stone”), reading not attested. attestations: BOĞAZKÖY 2, BOĞAZKÖY 1; EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19, 24, 27. (Transitional) KARAHÖYÜK, § 1 (L.267(4)); DARENDE, § 1 (L.267(5), LAPIS without SCALPRUM); MEHARDE, §§ 1, 3, 7, SHEIZAR, § 4 (L.267(6)). LAPIS+ SCALPRUM, reading ta-nisà-(za) (nom., acc. sing. N, MEHARDE, §§ 1, 7; SHEIZAR, § 4; dat. sing. -si, MEHARDE, § 3). This is the self-designation of these monuments. (Late) L.267(6). (LAPIS+SCALPRUM =) STELE, reading wani(d)-, cf. Cun. Luw. wani(ya)-, “(of) rock”; NA4wanitai-, “(be) petrified” (CLL, s.v. wanīti-, wani(ya)). attestations: read wa/i-ni // ní-za (nom., acc. sing. N, RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB (new), § 3; BABYLON, § 13; ANKARA 1, § 4); ERKİLET 1, § 2 (without STELE); CEKKE, §§ 3, 22 (-zi, acc. sing. N; -ri+i, dat. sing.; form (6), not (7) which does not exist). further attestations: MARAŞ 14, §§ 4, 12; MARAŞ 11, § 4. KARKAMIŠ tombstones: (STELE)wa/i-ni-zi (nom., acc. sing. N, TİLSEVET, § 1); STELE-ni-zi (nom., acc. sing. N, KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 1; A18h, § 1; A 18 f, § 1; (new) YUNUS, §§ 1, 3 (-zí)); cf. CEKKE, § 3 (above); (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za (TİLSEVET, § 5); (STELE)wa/i-ni-ri+i (TİLSEVET, § 6); STELE-ni-ri+i (KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 12); cf. CEKKE, § 12 above. See CHLI I/1, p. 180 (discussion of forms in -zi); I/2, p. 418 (discussion of tanisa-). (L.267(7): does not exist, delete); L.267(8); (“LAPIS+x”)zi-pata-ní-i […], a measure (TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1b, l. 1), see under L.256.1. L.268. SCALPRUM, chisel. (Empire–Late) ideographic logo gram, SCALPRUM-na, “stone(?)” (acc. sing. MF?; CEKKE, § 28); cf. (Transitional) SCALPRUM-na, “stone (road)” (KÖTÜKALE, § 3); reading unknown, also determines words denoting dressed stone objects; usage appears comparable to Cun. NA4 determinative. (Late) L.268.1. (“SCALPRUM”)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-, “orthostat”, Hitt.-Luw. NA4ku-ut-ta-aš-ša-ri- (single attestation, KUB XXVI 92, 11). new attestation: ŞARAGA, § 1 (different determinative). L.268.2. (“SCALPRUM”)ka-ti-na ((nom.)acc. plur. N), “(stone) bowl”. L.268.3. (“SCALPRUM”)á-su-sa (nom. sing. MF; TÜNP 1, § 2 (new), full phon. writing; Hitt. NA4aku-, “(type of) stone” (HWb2, s.v.). L.268.4. (SCALPRUM)tara/i-pi (CRUS) (CEKKE, § 22): all other attestations are determined CORNU (TİLSEVET, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 4; ALEPPO 2, § 25; (new) YUNUS 1,
§ 4); or – (KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 13; SULTANHAN, § 21), except BOROWSKI 1, § 1 (PES2.PES). L.268.5. “SCALPRUM”(-)ia-ara/i-za, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 11), not understood. L.268.6. (SCALPRUM)ma-na-, “mina” (CEKKE, §§ 8, 11; TÜNP, § 6; also KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 3, broken). L.268.7. L.179.SCALPRUM, compound logogram (barley+stone) “quern” (İSKENDERUN, § 1) reading unknown. L.268.8. (LAPIS+)SCALPRUM (L.267, see STELE). L.268.9. SCALPRUM+MANUS2, compound logogram, determines upani-, stone(?) victory monument. L.268.10. (“SCALPRUM+SIGILLUM”)sa-s[a]-, “seal” (KULULU 2, § 7), Cun. NA4KIŠIB. L.268.11; see L.202. (Transitional) SCALPRUM±TERRA+VIA, compound logogram, “stone earth road” (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 7, 19), also (Empire) DEUS.TERRA+VIA (SÜDBURG, § 18), “divine earth road”, Cun. DKASKAL.KUR. L.268.12. (L.330)CAPERE+SCALPRUM, “engrave”. ideographic compound logogram, reading kwanza- (REL-za-). further attestations: BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11; GAZİANTEP 1, l. 3; TOPADA, § 39; İVRİZ 1, § 4; İVRİZ frag. 2; (without determinative) ERKİLET 1, § 2; KARABURUN, § 11; ŞIRZI, § 8); (variant, different tool) MEHARDE, § 9; SHEIZAR, § 8. new attestations: ARSUZ 1+2, § 28; TELL TAYINAT 4, § 3. isolated logographic usage Empire: SCALPRUM.CRUS.LOCUS (“stone. stand. place”) “podium”(?) (YALBURT block 4, § 1c), see Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 74. Late: MAGNUS.FONS.SCALPRUM (“great. pool. stone”) “dam, barrage(?)” (ÇİNEKÖY, § 8), see Hawkins, Fs Postgate, p. 213. L.269(b, a). EXERCITUS, “army”. (Empire–Late) logogram, onomastic element, reading ku(wa)lana-, Hitt.-Luw. ku(wa) lan- (CLL, s.v. *k(u)walan- // ( )kulān-). (Empire) Hier. EXERCITUS-VIR.zi/a = Cun. Iku-la-na-LÚ (tablet C22, Singer apud Goodnick-Westenholz, The Emar Tablets, pp. 81, 121; following Poetto, Kadmos 21 (1982), pp. 101–103). Cf. Cun. Iku-wa-l[a-na-LÚ] = [K]I.KAL.BAD-LÚ (Güterbock, DŠ, p. 91 n. 8). Otherwise EXERCITUS-VIR.zi/a, Cun. Iku-wa-la-na-LÚ (Noms, no. 666, Kuwatnaziti, but -ATre-read -LA- following digraphic evidence above). new attestations (monuments): YALBURT block 9, § 1b; SÜDBURG, § 3 (DEUS.TONITRUS EXERCITUS, Storm-God of the Army, Cun. DIM/U KARAŠ (OHP 2, pp. 660, 782 f.)); (seals) PNN, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 192–193, 194, 195–198; profession nos. 494–496. (Late) Hier. EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-za (acc. sing. N), -lu/a/i-ní (dat. sing.) = Phoen. mḥnt, “army” (KARATEPE 1, § IX.45, 46; also now ÇİNEKÖY, § 4 (damaged)).
Part 5: The Signary
further attestations: KARKAMIŠ N1 (new) // A4b, § 3; KÖRKÜN, § 6; PORSUK, § 5 new: TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 7, 17, 23, 26, 28, 31 (Storm-God of the Army, see above, Empire; representation on stele, obverse). Phonetic evidence suggests a neuter -n stem, esp. KARATEPE 1 (EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-za (ku(wa)lan+sa, nom./acc. sing. N), -lu/a/i-ní (ku(wa)lani, dat. sing.). But EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-ti (abl. (sing.), KÖRKÜN, § 6; TOPADA, § 8) seems to show a stem ku(wa)la-: CHLI I/1, p. 59, § IX.45, 46). Cf. in general Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 192, Excursus 5. L.270. SUPER. (Empire) logo-syllabogram = L.70 (Late), see above. L.271. TAWANANNA. (Empire) Logogram used to write RN/ title(?) TAWANANNA-na = Cun. MUNUSta-wa-na-an-na; first attested on Suppiluliuma I seal (RS 17.227), where the Hier. (+L.292-la) was not understood. First clear digrahic attestation, NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 17 (with Suppiluliuma I, title DUMU. MUNUS.LUGAL KUR KÁ.DINGIR.RA); also no. 21 (with Arnuwanda II, title MAGNUS.REGINA); nos. 29, 30 (with Mursili II, title MAGNUS.REGINA). RN occurs also (broken) on CRUCIFORM seal, side i upper, with Labarna. The logogram also occurs on a fragmentary seal impression of Sauskamuwa (RS 17.372) opposite his name, presumably as his consort. L.272. SCUTUM, “shield”. (Late) logogram determining word “shield”, reading harali- // harati. Hier. (L.272)hara/i-li- = Phoen. mgn, “shield” (KARATEPE 1, § X.49 (Hu)); cf. (“SCUTUM”)ha+ra/i-ti- (hawamu) hara/ili-na (acc. sing. MF, ASSUR letter d, § 8). A more general sense for L.272, “weapon” rather than “shield”, is argued by Yakubovich, An. St. 65 (2015), p. 47 f.; also Fs Salvini, p. 548. new attestation: SCUTUM-wa/i-[…], “ ? ” (YASSIHÖYÜK, § 5). L.272–L.275. logograms (Empire–Late), determining various words: Yakubovich, The mighty weapon of Tarhunt (Fs Salvini, pp. 544–559), argues that they are all related and have “connotations related to warfare”. L.273. “… the noun /warp(i)-/ represented the paradigmatic counterpart of the glyph L.273 and was emblematic of its connotations” (Yakubovich, op. cit., p. 546). (Late) L.273(a). warpi-, “weapon, tool” (Yakubovich), transcribe now ARMA. attestations: ((“)L.273(”))warpi- (KARKAMIŠ A12, §§ 8, 12; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 22, Yakubovich, citations (1), (2), (11)); L.273 // L.273 // warpi- (KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 4 // N1, § 4
// SULTANHAN, § 8, Yakubovich, citations (5)–(6)); (“L.273”) warpasi- DOMINUS (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 16, Yakubovich, citation (9)); warpasi DOMUS-na // (L.273)warpasaliya DOMUS-na (KÖRKÜN, § 4 // MARAŞ 14, § 3, Yakubovich, citation (10)); L.273(-i)- (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 14; (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 14, Yakubovich, citations (8), (7)); L.273- (TOPADA, § 13; (new) POTOROO, § 5a, Yakubovich, citations (3), (4)). L.273(b). determines hutaili-, “smite(?)”. L.273(c). L.273+RA/I-L.200, “victory // glory(?)” (TOPADA, §§ 28, 30, 32). L.273(d). determines tupi-, “smite, strike”. further attestations (Empire, without L.273: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 10; YALBURT blocks 12, § 2; 7, § 1). L.273(e). L.273.REX (SUVASA, B); cf. HAMA 4, § 4. other: (Empire+Transitional) (L.273)muwa-, “conquer”. YALBURT block 16, § 3 (without L.273, blocks 11, § 2; 13, § 1); KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b; KARADAĞ 1, § 2; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 4; (onomastic element) -L.273-wa/i- (SHEIZAR, § 8). L.274. (Late) logogram, determines two words (a) Hier. (L.274) ha // há-ta-li // la = Phoen. ʿn, “smite” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXV.129; XXVI.136; XXVIII.144). further attestation: Hier. L.274-li- = Phoen. bn! (mistake for ʿn, ÇİNEKÖY, § 7). (b) u-pa-ti-ti-i (TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 8, 20, dat. sing.), “demesne”; further u-pa-ti-ta-si-, “of the demesne” (MARAŞ 4, § 3). Yakubovich (op. cit., p. 545 f.) interprets upatit- as “land acquired by conquest” to explain the use of the determinat ive L.274 for the two words. L.275. (Late) logogram, reading unknown (single attestation). Yakubovich (op. cit., citation 1) on the basis of context and of the reduplicated logogram, proposes the meaning “confront”. L.276. FRATER2, “brother”. (Empire) Logogram, onomastic element, found only on seals, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 434. Hier. FRATER2 = Cun. ŠE[Š] in PN SOL.FRATER2 = dUTU.ŠE[Š] (TARSUS, no. 58); confirmed by Hier. LUNA. FRATER2 = Cun. D30. ŠEŠ (Msk. 73.266; Beyer, A104); Cun. ŠEŠ = Cun. Luw. nani(ya)- (CLL, s.v.). L.277. LABARNA. (Empire) Logogram+first syllable complement, +la (not “Dolch am Blute”, as originally identified); used as title on seals of Tudhaliya IV, Arnuwanda III, Suppiluliuma II, also Kuruntiya, and Labarna seals (now NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 149–189). Earliest attestation: RN of early Hittite king Labarna on CRUCIFORM seal side i, upper (dated Mursili II?).
2 The Logograms
YALBURT, titulary of Tudhaliya (block 1, § 1); unclear context (block 2, § 2); so also YAZILIKAYA, nos. 64, 83, 81; Tudhaliya stelae, BOĞAZKÖY 3, 18, 24, DELİHASANLİ; EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33; KARAKUYU, § 1 NİŞANTAŞ, titulary of Suppiluliuma II: AI, § 1 also mountain name (MONS)LABARNA.QUINQUE unclear context: KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, l. 1 (Late) survives as PN (title?) Akk. Lubarna/Liburna (PNAE 2/II, s.v.), Hier. PN Ila-pa+ra/i-na (CEKKE, § 17) See in general Hawkins StBoT Bh. 3, pp. 108–113 (Appendix 4)
case (KOCAOĞUZ) the first sign is clearly not a dog, which is always shown with prick ears (as indeed on KOCAOĞUZ). See also L.109.3.
L.279. (Late) logogram, signification unknown, phon. compl. -lu/a/i-, title or profession.
L.289. AURIGA, AURIGA2, “charioteer”. (Empire) Logogram, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 301 f., nos. 2, 3; MAGNUS, nos., 4, 5. = Cun. (Akk.), KARTAPPU; also LÚIŠ(?). Beyond the almost exclusive occurrence as a title also onomastic element on seals, see also ANKARA 3 (bronze bowl). Reading (Hitt.) LÚ ismeriyas, LÚismanala-; Luw. tarupasani(?).
L.280.I. MALLEUS, “erase”. (Late) ideographic logogram (pictogram of tool), determines verb L.71-la-, reading wala(?) (Goedegebuure (IX ICH, pp. 297–299) argues for reading on grounds (1) MALLEUS read wa/i9 (L.280.II, TOPADA, § 26), (2) L.71 (// AVIS) read wa/i, (3) Hitt. wallanu-, “remove (name)”). complements: (MALLEUS) L.71-la- (TELL AHMAR 2, § 12; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 29 ; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 9); MALLEUS-lu/a/i- (KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 3; A14a, § 8; A11b+c, § 24); (MALLEUS) L.71+ra/i- (MARAŞ 8, § 12). further attestations: MARAŞ 14, § 8; BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 5, 8; 2, §§ 10, 15, 17, 18; MALPINAR, §§ 18, 20; ADIYAMAN 1, § 3 (ARHA+MALLEUS); ANCOZ 7, §§ 10, 13; ANKARA 1, § 6; MALLEUS-la- (BOROWSKI 3, § 10). new attestations: (“MALLEUS”)AVIS-la- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 29; establishes L.71 as cursive form of AVIS); (L.71-) also in an unpublished text; ADANA 1, § 6. L.281. ASCIA1–2, “axe”. (Late) pictographic logogram, representing “axe”, also determining verb karmali-, “hack(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 3); for “axe”, a reading (-)na-pa- is offered (KAYSERİ, § 7). (Empire) ASCIA3 (type with spiked back, BOĞAZKÖY frag. 9); determined MONS, renders a mountain name (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 16, 17, logogram/rebus). L.283.II(E). TUZZI. (Empire) Syllabogram–rebus, see Syllabary (d). L.285(2). IACULUM(?). (Empire) Part of compound logogram always second to CERVUS4 (once CANIS). Proposed as CERVUS4.IACULUM, “hunter (title); hunt (verb)”: Hawkins, Fs de Roos, pp. 60–61; Contra Simon, Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 20–30, proposing to read CANIS.zu(wa) (logogram+first syllable complement); followed by Oreshko, in Luwian Identities, pp. 413–416. The problem is that except in one
L.288(a). CURRUS, “chariot(?)”. (Late) pictographic (or ideo graphic) logogram determining noun warazani-, for which Yakubovich now proposes the meaning “military campaign” on contextual grounds (IF 121 (2016), p. 83 f., (10), (11)). new attestation: TELL AHMAR 6, § 27. L.288(b). CURRUS(-)ku-sà- remains uncertain perhaps “battering-ram” (context).
L.290. hara/i, syllabogram(-rebus?), see Syllabary (c). L.292.2. Logogram (Empire) L.292-la = Cun. KÁ.DINGIR. RAki, Babylon: see Hawkins, SGG, p. 90. (L.292.3. See L.226, IŠUWA.) L.292.4(E). HALA, syllabogram(-rebus?), see Syllabary (d). L.293. Logogram (Empire) Seals: SBo II 205; Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO, no. 296 (DOMUS+); Lebrum, Akkadica 31 (1983), pp. 1 f., 6 (1). Transitional: KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 21, 23. not understood. L.294 (also L.298). (1) THRONUS, “throne”; (2) MENSA, “table”. (Late) pictographic logogram showing cross-legged piece of furniture which can serve as a seat (specifically divine or royal throne) or a table. A high-backed version of the throne (L.298, THRONUS2) on MARAŞ 4, § 17; 1, § 3, is an Iron Age development, which appears regularly in the icon ography of Maraş and elsewhere. Readings (1) isatarata-; (2) wasi-. (1) THRONUS (note Laroche’s “variantes” 3 and 4 are poorly drawn). Hier. (“THRONUS”)i-sà-tara/i-ti // tí(-i) (dat. sing.) = Phoen. ksʾ (KARATEPE 1, § XVI.83) attestations: only BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 1, uses determinative THRONUS (sign form unlike the usual); BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 5; 2, §§ 5, 15 omit determinative; IZGIN 1, § 2, reads THRONUS-tara/i-ti (dat. sing. L.294: delete HH “Izgın A2: TRÔNE.SEIGNEUR?”); L.298, THRONUS2 (MARAŞ 4, and 1) also reads i-sà-tara/i-ti(-i) (dat. sing.).
Part 5: The Signary
L.294+L.299. (“THRONUS.SOLIUM”)á-sa-, “throne room(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 8, 24, 25); “SOLIUM”-sa- (HAMA 4, §§ 5, 6, 8): built for Kamani and for gods; cf. (Transitional) (SOLIUM.MI)á-sa- (KARAHÖYÜK, § 4). The cross-legged stool regularly appears in Empire icon ography as seat of deities (Symington, Furniture, p.120 f.) (2) MENSA, paired with isatarata- on the BOYBEYPINARI blocks, the double podia for throne and offering table; written MENSA-za (acc. sing. N, BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 5; 2, § 5), (MENSA)wa/i-si-za (BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 15). further attestations: (MENSA)wa/i-si (dat. sing., ANCOZ 1, § 1); MENSA alone (ANCOZ 7, § 9); Cun. Luw. GIŠwassa-, “table” (CLL, s.v.). (Empire) YALBURT block 14, § 2, “I seated myself …” strongly suggests THRONUS for the sign. Poetto’s “discendenza” does not seem justified by the sign form or the context. cf. now NİŞANTAŞ AV, § c (sign form not clear)
// -nu- (caus.); TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 23, 26 ((SOLIUM)i-sà-nuwa/i(-)). occasional writing SOLIUM±MI- unexplained (+MI seems to have no function): SOLIUM±MI (KARATEPE 1, § XXIV.128; § XXXVII.197; § LIV.313 (Hu -sá-, Ho i-sà-nu-wa/i-); KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 16 ((SOLIUM+MI)i-sà-nú-wa/i-); KÖRKÜN ((SOLIUM+MI)i-sà-nu-); KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17e, ÇİFTLİK, § 10 (SOLIUM+MI-). Hier. SOLIUM-MI-ia- = Phoen. šbt, “living” (verbal noun, KARATEPE 1, § XXXVI.194). L.299.I(a). (“THRONUS.SOLIUM”)á-sa-, see above under L.294. L.299.II(a). read SOLIUM-nu/nú(-wa/i)-, SOLIUM±MI-: see above L.299.I(b). (L.299.II(b). rare syllabographic í, iá, alternating with i, ia (KARATEPE 1, §§ LI.292; XXV.131; XXXI.156; XLIX.277; LI.283); also KAYSERİ (passim); not IZGIN!)
L.295. [SO]L2.THRONUS, “(paternal) throne” (KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 4); Late archaizing – SOL2, imperial archaism(?)
L.300. NEPOS, “grandson” (Empire–Late). Empire (MANUS+L.300 – note form! =) NEPOS, attestation: YALBURT frag. (Poetto et al., Archivum Anatolicum 4 (2000), pp. 101– 112; Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften, p. 40 Abb. 66; BOĞAZKÖY 3, l. 3; BOĞAZKÖY 18, l. 3; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1; EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, l. 2). Late, written (FILIUS)L.300.TÍ (last sign unexplained) reading hamsi-, also hamsukala-, “great-grandson; Cun. Luw. hamsi- hamsukala-, Hitt. hassa hanzassa; see L.45.II(b– c).
L.296–L.297. (Empire) á-MONS.THRONUS // (DEUS)MONS. THRONUS, probably the same although á- unexplained. Convincingly identified as “Mount Sarpa” by Forlanini (Hethitica 7 (1986), p. 76 f.), comparing THRONUS(+covering cloth) with Hitt. GIŠ/KUŠsarpa-, “an object on which one can sit” (CHD, s.v.); support from NİŞANTEPE, no. 363, THRONUS. CERVUS3-ti, Cun. Sarpa-DKAL (Noms+Suppl., no. 1129). Note. Identifications of Mount Sarpa, Hasan Dağ (Forlanini) and Karaca Dağ (Lombardi, Eothen 9 (1998), p. 77; so also Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 270, no. 363), are discarded in favour of Arisama Dağ (Hawkins, Fs de Roos, p. 57 f.). L.298. THRONUS2: see above under L.294. L.299. SOLIUM, “sit, seat (caus.); dwell”, and derivative. (Empire–Late) logogram, reading asa-, (caus.) isanu-, Hitt. es-, ases-, asesanu-. L.299.I(b). (Empire) SOLIUM (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 6, 18; YALBURT block 14, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AV, § c). (Transitional) SOLIUM (KARAHÖYÜK, § 4). SOLIUM-nú-wa/i- (GÜRÜN, §§ 3, 5; DARENDE, § 2). (Late) Hier. (“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wà/ì- = Phoen. yšb (caus.) (KARATEPE 1, § XVI.84 (Ho); also (SOLIUM)i-sà-nú(-wa/i)(§§ XXX.148; XXXI.158)). (SOLIUM)á-sa-, “sit” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 10). further attestations: (“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wa/i- (TELL AHMAR 5, § 3); IZGIN 1, § 2 (SOLIUM-, simple), SOLIUM-wa/i(caus., §§ 6, 7; 2, § 2); (new) ARSUZ 1 // 2, § 3 (SOLIUM-wa/i-
L.301. LECTUS, “couch”. (Late, single attestation) pictographic logogram, reading i-sà-na- (plur. tantum). (L.303. SARI. (Empire). Compound rebus SARI (sa5+ari, HH misdrawn): see Syllabary (d).) L.305. FUSUS, “spindle”. (Late, single attestation) pictographic logogram (created specially for context?), reading not certain, sitara-(?) Hier. FUSUS(-)si-tara/i = Phoen. plkm, “(with) spindles” (Hier. should be abl. (plur.), KARATEPE 1, § XXXV.186). “women walking with spindles”: topos of peace and security. L.309. CRUX, “ ? ”. (Late) logogram–determinative, reading and signification unknown, determines: (1) wala, adv. of negative import, wala awi, “come WALA” (for malefactor); cf. further attestation without determinat ive KULULU 5, § 8. Verb (CRUX)wala- (KARKAMIŠ A23, § 9) can no longer be interpreted “be ill”, since it can now be seen to be transitive, object -ada (in wa/i-da-*a).
2 The Logograms
(2) Hier. (DOMUS(Ho only).CRUX)pa+ra/i-na-wa/i- = Phoen. yʿbd, “be in service to” (KARATEPE 1, § LVIII.325); cf. Hitt. parnawisk-, “make into property of the royal house” (CHD, s.v.). L.311. (Late) logogram, signification unknown, forms second part in compound with other logograms (1, 2, 3 and 5); delete HH “4. Karaburun 1 …; 2 (bis) …”, read “SCALPRUM” and REL-ti(×2). L.312 (Empire), L.313 (Late). VIR, “man”, logogram (pictographic phallus?), reading ziti-, written (Empire) VIR.zi/a (first syllable complement), (Late) VIR-ti-. L.312.2. Note: Hier. VIR-i, read now VIR.zi/a; HH Cun. LÚ-i does not exist (except dat. sing.), only LÚ-iš, LÚ-in. Hier. VIR. zi/a only as onomastic element on seals; further attestations, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 436, VIR. Hier. VIR = Cun. LÚ established by digraphic seals, RS 17.314, RS 17.316 (LUNA.VIR(.zi/a) = I.D30-LÚ, Laroche, Ugari tica III, p. 134 f.). The identification of Cun. ar-ma-zi-ti (RS 15.77) with I.D30-LÚ gives a phon. rendering of Cun. LÚ, thus also of Hier. VIR. cf. also Hier. HALPA-VIR.zi/a MAGNUS.VITIS (SBo II, no. 58) identified with Cun. Ihal-pa-zi-ti GAL.GEŠTIN (KBo V, 7 rev. 51) by B. Dinçol (AoF 25 (1998), pp. 163–167), thus another phon. writing of Hier. VIR.zi/a. L.312.1. VIR in titles on seals (not common). PITHOS.VIR, PITHOS.VIR.DOMINUS: Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 305 f., nos. 31, 32 (also SBo II, no. 36; RS 17.231, see below). MAGNUS.VIR(SUPER): Hawkins, ibid., p. 310, nos. 52, (53). delete HH “HOMME (de) W…”; and “HOMME (des)? (du) PALAIS”: add both attestations to PITHOS.VIR.DOMINUS (see B. Dinçol, IV ICH, p. 100, with other attestations); for “PALAIS” now read EUNUCHUS2. (Syllabogram zí: now plausibly argued for Empire L.312, as for Late L.313, by Soysal, StBoT 58, pp. 269–278). L.313.I. further attestations: VIR-ti-zi (+FEMINA-ti-zi-ha, HAMA 4, § 3); VIR-ti-sa (… FEMINA-ti-sa, KULULU 5, § 7e). new attestation: (Transitional) (VIR2)VIR (+VIR2) INFANS-ni- (ALEPPO 7, § 18). L.313.II. (new) Isá-pa-VIR-ti- (KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1, = A4b, § 1). (L.313.III. Syllabogram. zí (acrophonic from ziti-) alternates with zi (KARATEPE 1); further attestations: KULULU 4, § 3; KULULU 5, §§ 8, 11; (new) YUNUS, §§ 1, 2.) L.314. (Late) logogram determining several words; use as a syllabogram scanty, implies value hax. L.314.1. (“L.314”)ka-tú-ni(-na)-, “knuckle-bones(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 14, 15).
L.314.2. (“L.314”)ha-sa-, “(bone), force” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 30), Cun. Luw. has(sa), Hitt. hastai. L.314.3. (“L.314”)ka-pi-la-li-, “enemy” (TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 24, 26), Cun. Luw. kappilalli-, Hitt. kappilai- (verb). L.314.4. (L.314)sá-pa-za, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 6). L.314.5. (L.314)ha-sa-ta-na- (new, full phon., TELL AHMAR 6, § 24), “support” (elsewhere -sa-ta-na- TELL AHMAR 6, § 6; CEKKE, § 6b). delete HH “Incertain: Tell Ahmar 1.4”; read (“L.314”) ha-ta6-sá-tara/i- (see following). L.314.6. (“L.314”)ha-ta6-sá-tara/i-, “violence” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 12), Cun. Luw. hattastarri = Hitt. hatugatar (Laroche, DLL (hattastarri, see attastarri); Puhvel, HED 4, p. 164). (Syllabogram. value “ká/gá” (Laroche) incorrectly extrapolated from L.315 (kar); only evidence shows hax (TOPADA, §§ 10, 12, ANNUS(-)na-ha-sax-hax // ANNUS(-)na-hasa5-ha; AKSARAY, § 8, |na REL-tí-hax, “to no-one”)). (L.318(E), L.418.1. TAS(U). Syllabogram-rebus, see Syllabary (d).) L.320 (Empire form of L.165). So identified by Nowicki, Fs Neumann (1982), p. 231; confirmed by NİŞANTEPE alternation wa/i and L.320 (wà/ì), and digraph Hier. wà/ì = Cun. wa (TARKONDEMOS), see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 432, wà/ì. Empire logographic usage not attested; syllabographic value wà/ì. further attestation: BONUS-ni-i(a) (syllabogram? BOĞAZKÖY frag. 25). L.322(+L.323). PURUS, “pure”. (Empire–Late) logogram, reading Hitt. suppi-, Luw. kummai-: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 299, Excursus 17. Here it is proposed to transfer entries L.323 to L.322.2; also to give L.322.3 (always +RA/I) a separate entry, for convenience the vacant L.323. L.322.1. (Empire) RN Suppiluliuma I (Hier. PURUS.FONS-MI = Cun. Išu-up-pí-lu-li-u-ma (RS 17.227, Ugaritica III, p. 3 f., figs. 2–4; NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 8); also SBo I, nos. 1, ⌈2, 5⌉; Mşt. 76/15 (HBM, Abb. 3, Taf. 3). RN Suppiluliuma II (Hier. PURUS.FONS-MI = Išu-up-pí-luli-u-ma (Boğazköy III, no. 1; NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 146–148); cf. SBo I, nos. 3–4; (monument) NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1; AII, § d; AIII, § a). Distinction between L.322.1 (“barred” form) and L.322.2 (L.323): Otten, ZA 58 (1967), pp. 226–228; see now discussion, Hawkins, SGG, p. 101, VI.10, with new example SÜDBURG, §§ 2, 6, 9, 14 (“barred” form, Suppiluliuma II?); also “barred” forms, Boğazköy III, no. 8; NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 12, 13 (Suppiluliuma I or II?).
Part 5: The Signary
(Late sign form) Commagene: BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 1, 4, 11; 2, §§ 1, 2, 7, 17, 19; ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 7, 8; 7, §§ 6, 19, cf. Ass. I uš-pi-lu-lu-me (PNAE 3/II, s.v.). Amuq: ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 1, 18; TELL TAYINAT 4, § 4; cf. Ass. I sa-pa-lu-ul-me (PNAE 3/I, s.v.). L.322.2 (L.323). (Empire) Hier. PURUS-VIR.zi/a = Cun. Ikuum-ia-[ziti] (RS 17.371+18.20, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 153 f.; also L.322.2. SBo II, no. 106; ÇELEBİBAĞ (Mora, Glittica, XIIb.1.10)). L.322.2. TONITRUS.PURUS.L.417(4), “Storm-God’s pure vault(?)” (KARAKUYU, l. 2); TONITRUS.PURUS.SOLIUM, “Storm-God’s pure seat(?) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 97): see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 252; id., in Sacred Landscapes, p. 5. (Late) further attestations: PURUS-MI-ia, “sacred” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 14; ANCOZ 1, § 1); read kumaya? cf. (without determinative) ku-ma-za-, “purest” (KAYSERİ, § 17, see Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p. 163 (11)); ku-ma-sa-tara/i-, “sacrament” (ANCOZ 7, § 7); ku-ma-ia-la, “victims” (MALPINAR, § 7). (FEMINA.PURUS.INFRA)ta-ni-ti, “hierodule” (compound logogram, TELL AHMAR 1, § 24). L.323 (formerly L.322.3). (always +RA/I) (Empire) (DEUS) L.323, god(dess) Pirinkir? (YAZILIKAYA, no. 31, see RlA X/7–8, s.v. Pirengir, § 3); SBo II, no. 107 (god’s seal?). onomastic element: SBo II, no. 160 // NİŞANTEPE, no. 682; also nos. 681, 683–687 (L.323-su); NİŞANTEPE, no. 689 (L.323-CERVUS); Kennedy, Sceaux, no. 7 (L.323-VIR.zi/a); ALİŞAR, no. 72 (Mora, Glittica, XII(a).2.2; L.323-FRATER2-i(a)). (L.324 = L.327. SIGILLUM, see there: Laroche “Identité incertaine; cf. pent-être 327” is correct.) L.326.I(a–b). SCRIBA, “scribe”. (mainly Empire) logogram (pictographic representation?) sign identified by Laroche from digraphic writing on RS 17.28 76, Hier. SCRIBA-la = Cun. ZA A.BA, text l. 28, LÚDUB.SAR (Ugaritica III, pp. 145–147); reading presumed *tupala- from phon. compl. SCRIBA-la, cf. Hitt. tuppala-, Hitt.-Luw. tuppal(anuri)- (Laroche, RHA XIV/58 (1956), pp. 256 ff.) L.326.I.(c). MAGNUS.SCRIBA (NİŞANTEPE, PBS, p. 308 f., no. 41). Yakubovich, in Mouton, Hittitology Today, p. 41 f. Empire attestations: passim on seals (for NİŞANTEPE, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 308 f., no. 40). DEUS.SCRIBA, Scribe God(?) (KINIK): see Hawkins, Fs N. Özgüç, p. 716; proposed interpretation “Masani the Scribe”, see Simon, Ash-sharq 2/1 (2018), pp. 121–124. (Late) attestations (few, “scribal signatures”): BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11; KARABURUN, § 14; MEHARDE, § 9; SHEIZAR, § 8; (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 28 (İVRİZ 1, § 4; TOPADA, § 39; GAZİANTEP, l. 3—title [SCRIBA] lost). Note: İVRİZ frag. 2 was
carved by a (“SA4”)REL-na-na-la-, where BOYBEYPINARI 1 was carved by a SA4-na-na-la- as well as a scribe. L.326.1(d). SCRIBA-la-li-ia, also SCRIBA-li(-ia)-, “scribing(s), script” (KARATEPE 4, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19(×4)). (L.326.II. syllabogram tù. (Late, rare) value presumably acrophonic from *tupala-.) New proposal, T. van den Hout, L.326/SCRIBA: a re-evalu ation of his status (talk at IX ICH, handout provided): L.326 is a pictogram of “throne”, representing ideographically “royal seat as a symbol of government/ruling class”, (with elongated central vertical) “376a+RA/I =THRONUS (vel sim.)+MINUS, ‘to de-throne, overthrow’ (vel sim.)” Ingeniously argued, but too many weak links: (1) Empire representations of seats hardly resemble L.326; (2) no Cun. or Hitt. textual correspondence for concept; (3) SCRIBA-la poor correspondence for Hitt. tuliya-, which would itself poorly represent “royal power”; (4) what would be the relationship between L.326 and Cun. GIŠGU.ZA or GIŠŠÚ.A?; (5) object of “de-throne” is -ada (-ara), “it // them” (a deity, A11a, § 22; a building, A6, § 26; a deity, (AFŞİN+)A31, § 12); (6) how to read L.326a+RA/I(-) CAPERE // da-, and accommodate to sense? L.327.I. SIGILLUM, “seal”. (Empire–Late) pictographic logogram, reading sasa(n)za, cf. Hitt. sai-/siya-, “press, seal”, whence syllabogram sa5 (see below). (Late) za-wa/i (“SIGILLUM”)sa-sa-za, “this seal” (GELB seal, 11c; cf. SIGILLUM-za, GELB seals, 11a, b; (new) TELL TAYINAT seal; CHRISTIES seal). (“SCALPRUM.SIGILLUM”)sa-s[a]-za (KULULU 2, § 7); for determinatives, cf. Cun. NA4KIŠIB. SIGILLUM (no phon. compl.) NINEVEH bullae 1–3; KHORSABAD bullae 1–2. (Empire) title on seals: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 309, no. 44. onomastic element: SIGILLUM.VIR, Herbordt, PBS, nos. 640, 641; Hawkins, ibid., p. 285 f. (but delete “but this is very uncertain …”; read instead “and this is secure”— compare sign forms on no. 641 (photo not drawing) with forms of sa5 on EMİRGAZİ 1). Add here L.324: SBo nos. 127, 133, TARSUS, no. 4 (same name). (L.327.II. syllabogram sa5, see Syllabary (a); value already common under Empire.) L.329.I. REL(ATIVE) pronoun. (Empire–Late) logogram reading *kwi- // *kwa-, Cun. Luw.-Hitt. kui- // kuwa-. The relative is normally written with the sign REL (L.329) but (Late) in some late inscriptions (Tabal) is occasionally written, by confusion, with the sign hwi/a. Addi-
2 The Logograms
tionally the signs kwi/a and hwi/a have been confused with NEG2–3 (L.332). (Empire) The signs REL (kwi/a), NEG, and CURRERE (hwi/a) are quite distinct: see Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Kadmos 32 (1993), pp. 50–60. There is no reason to suppose that Empire Hier. REL is read differently from contemporary Cun. Luw., i.e. kwi- // kwa-, nor that Late REL had changed (except for the late confusion with hwi/a). Indeed both REL and CURRERE are also used as syllabograms kwi/a and hwi/a respectively (see Syllabary (a)). (Late) Hier. REL- = Phoen. ʾš, “who” (KARATEPE 1, §§ II.8; XII.61; XXI.109; XXVI.135; XXVII.139; XXXIII.173). relative–interrogative pronoun kwi-, kwa dat.-loc. sing. kwati adv. kwadi (> kwari) conjunction kwari (Empire) see Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, pp. 83–89 indefinite kwi- (-ha), kwa- (-ha) redupl. kwi- kwi(Empire) REL+ra/i(-i(a))-pa, disjunctive (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 25); (Transitional) KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 22, 23; see Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, pp. 117–119. L.329.I.1. new attestations: (Empire) REL-i(a)-sa (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4 // KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3a; EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 11, 30); REL-tá-zi/a (dat. plur.) (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 19). (Transitional) KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b // KARADAĞ 1, § 2; ALEPPO 6, § 4; MEHARDE, §§ 3, 5, 7; SHEIZAR, §§ 5, 6. (Late) TELL AHMAR 6, § 30; ARSUZ 2, § 22 (Late) L.329.I.2. redupl. REL…REL, “whosoever”. HH, entries “Karatepe 107 …, – 134 …”: delete “REL2-wa-”, read NEG2(-wa/i), “not”. HH “Kargamis A30h: REL-a REL”: delete “REL-a REL”, read NEG REL-i-sa-ha, “no one”. HH “Kululu 2B 4: nà-pa-wa-s REL-sà-í REL-s(à)-’ HOMME-tis(à)” read ni-pa-wa/i-sa hwi/a-sà-pa hwi/a-sà-a CAPUT-ti-sa, “whatsoever man he be” add from L.329.I.3, “Kululu 1.3: REL-s(à)-ha-wa-s REL-s-pa”, reading REL-sà(-ha-wa/i-sa) REL-sa-pa, “whosoever he be”. L.329.I.3. REL-i(-sa)-ha, “anyone; (no) one”. HH “Kargamis A6.8: REL-’-ti REL-ti-a-há ROI-ti”, read RELa-ti REL-ti-i-ha REX-ti, “if to any king …” HH “Kululu 1.3”: take up to L.329.I.2 as indicated. L.329.I.4. REL-i-ta(-na), “where”; redupl. “wherever”, see Glossary, s.v. kwi-. Hier. REL(-i)-ta-na = Phoen. (b)-ʾš, “wherein” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XX.104; XXXIV.178. L.329.I.5. REL-ti, “(so) that”, see Glossary, s.v. kwi-. L.329.I.6. REL(-i)-pa, “indeed, certainly”, see Melchert, in M. Southern (ed.), Indo-European Perspectives (Washington DC, 2002), pp. 223–232. other: REL-i(-ia) (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 8, 18).
HH “– A2.2–3: REL-há … REL-há …”, delete, read NEG2-ha … NEG2-ha, “neither … nor” (Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 104). (L.329.II. syllabographic value kwi/a, see Syllabary (a); and note confusion with hwi/a.) (L.329.II(b)3. Log CURRERE, see below, L.508.) L.330. CAPERE+SCALPRUM, “carve”. (Late) ideographic compound logogram, reading REL-za- (kwanza-/kwinza-). further attestations: BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11; MEHARDE, § 9; SHEIZAR, § 8 (CAPERE+SCALPRUM)REL-za- (full phon. writing); İVRİZ 1, § 4; İVRİZ frag. 2, § 1. new attestation: ARSUZ 1+2, § 28. The character of the tool held varies: thus CAPERE± MALLEUS (MEHARDE, SHEIZAR). L.331. AVUS, “grandfather”. (Empire–Late) logogram only, never syllabogram (thus delete HH L.331.2, hù); reading huha-, normally written AVUS-ha-, except (AVUS)hu-ha(KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2, § d; TELL AHMAR 1, § 7), showing it to be a logogram; Cun. Luw. and Hitt. huhha- (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v.). new attestations: (Empire) AVUS (as logogram; YALBURT block 4, § 2; SÜDBURG, § 13). L.332. NEG(ATIVE), “not”. Logogram, reading, na // ni (Empire, NEG; Late, NEG2 (na), NEG3 (ni)), Cun. Luw. nawa (factual), nis (prohib.), Hitt. natta, le. NEG2(-a)-pa (… NEG2(-a)-pa), “(either …) or” (Late) disjunctive. See Hawkins, An. St. 25 (1975), pp. 119–156; Morpurgo Davies, ibid., pp. 157–168. For an up-date with new attestations Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert (2010), pp. 98–128. L.332.1. (Empire) NEG-wa/i (nawa): EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 25, 28, 34; YALBURT block 3, § 1; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 10; SÜDBURG, § 13; NEG-a (read na) kwisha, YALBURT block 4, § 2; NEG-sa (nis): EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 8, 9, 10. L.332.2. (Transitional) NEG-wa/i, NEG-sa: KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 20, 21. L.332.3. (Late archaizing) NEG+a: KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 6; A20b, frag. 9. L.332.5. new attestation: NEG2-ha … NEG2-ha, “neither … nor” (ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 15, 16). Late phonetic: na (TÜNP, § 7; AKSARAY, § 8); na-wa/i (ASSUR letter e, § 31). (Syllabogram ná (rare): see An. St. 25 (1975), pp. 125–128, citations 1–8; new (Empire) SÜDBURG, § 16.) L.336.I. ANNUS, “year”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram (pithos, sometimes with lid), reading usi-, Cun. Luw.
Part 5: The Signary
ušši- (CLL, s.v.), Hitt. wett-. The representation of the “year” by pithos(+lid) probably connects with closing and opening the pithoi as marking the end/beginning of the year during the autumn and spring festivals: so Melchert, KZ 101 (1988), p. 228; for the “year” represented physically by a Hieroglyph, see Güterbock, in Neuere Hethiterforschung, pp. 64, 67. (Late) Hier. (ANNUS)u-si-zi = Phoen. šnt, “years”: KARATEPE 1, § LI.294. new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 24, 26; also an unpublished text; (Empire) SÜDBURG, § 18; (Transitional) ANKARA 2, § 3. L.336.II.2. (Late) logogram, -na-na, “ ? ” (postposition). further attestation: ADIYAMAN 1, § 8. L.337. PITHOS. (Empire–Late) part of compound logograms (1) (CAPUT+PITHOS =) STATUA (L.337.1 // L.12), q.v.; (2) (á+PITHOS =) HEROS (L.337.2 // L.21), q.v.; (3) (“MAIN+ VASE” =) L.337.3 // L.53, where “MAIN×ÉPÉE” is surely correct, thus read (MANUS+)ENSIS (Empire) L.53. (DEUS)MANUS+ENSIS the Sword-God (YAZILIKAYA, no. 27, identified as Cun. DU.GUR (Nergal); (new) SÜDBURG, § 3); (MANUS+)ENSIS DEUS.MONS, divine mountain name (HANYERİ, left). seals: PITHOS part of several titles (PITHOS, MAGNUS. PITHOS, PITHOS.VIR.(DOMINUS)); see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 305 f., nos. 29–32. L.337.1. (Late; single Empire attestation) compound logogram, see L.12 (STATUA). L.337.2. (Empire, also Late) compound logogram, see L.21 (HEROS). L.337.3. (Empire) compound logogram = L.53, see above. L.337, additional. (Late) see under L.181(+L.337) PANIS. PITHOS. (L.338.2) (Late) read PANIS.PITHOS, double logogram determining the word azalisa // azaliza, “meal, feast(?)”. L.338.1 and 3. (Late) logogram, read CULTER and MANUS. CULTER (L.52), determining the verbs partuni-, “sever(?)”, and REL+ra/i- (kwir-), “cut” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 26, 27; MARAŞ 4, § 13). (L.338.2. is PITHOS, thus transferred to L.337, additional.) (Empire) Similar ambiguity between PITHOS and CULTER is observed on the NİŞANTEPE seals by S. Herbordt, who points out that the sign when marked by horizontal barring represents a dagger, thus also CULTER: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 302 f., 435. L.340. (Late) double logogram, read ANNUS+ANNUS, phon. compl. -lu/a/i- = (ANNUS)usali-(?) (Laroche).
L.341. COR (formerly VAS), “heart”. (Late) pictographic logogram now transcribed COR: see van den Hout, Fs Popko, pp. 171–186 (esp. 181–185); reading zart(iya)-, “heart”, denom. verb zarti-, “desire”, Cun. Luw. UZUzart-, Hitt. UZUker // kardi-, “heart” (Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Pugliese Carratelli, pp. 169–182); also determines other physical/ mental attributes and some unexplained words. L.341. (now) za+ra/i-za (acc. sing. N, KULULU 5, § 11); za+ra/iti (dat. sing., KARABURUN, § 12); (X) za+ra/i-ta-si- (gen. adj., KÖRKÜN, § 10, determinative X not recognized); (COR) za+ra/i-ti-ia-sá (gen. sing., ALEPPO 3, § 1). zarti- (verb), “desire”, attestations: (COR)za+ra/i-ti(TELL AHMAR 2, § 13; 1, § 20; (new) TELL AHMAR 6, § 30 (COR.ANIMA)za+ra/i-ti-); (without COR) (KARABURUN, §§ 7, 9; SULTANHAN, § 46). L.341.1. Hier. (COR)á-ta-na-sa-ma- = Phoen. ḥkmt(y), “(my) wisdom” (KARATEPE 1, § XVIII.92). L.341.2. (COR)atri-, also atni-, atli-, “self, person, soul, image”; see recently van den Hout, Fs Popko, pp. 172–186; Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 189–209; Hawkins, CRRAI 57 (2015), pp. 49–56. full phon. writing (“COR”)á-tara/i-i- (MARAŞ 4, § 15; also KULULU 1, § 12, without COR); otherwise COR-tara/i-. further attestations: ALEPPO 2, § 11; TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 12, 15; IZGIN 2, § 8; KULULU 4, §§ 4, 5 (-la-), 9 (-ni-); KÖRKÜN, § 3 (-na-); BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 20 (-ni-); MALPINAR, § 11 (-na-); ASSUR letter f+g, § 29 (-ta-ni); TELL AHMAR 2, § 13 (-ni-i). new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 14; ÇİNEKÖY, § 9 (-na-); JISR EL HADID 4, D, §§ 2, 3 (-ni-i-); (Transitional) ALEPPO 6, §§ 2, 3. delete HH “fragm. Tell Ahmar 1.6”; read (COR)z[a]+ra/iti- (see above). L.341.3 and 5. COR determining nahuti, nahi and larahiriya-, meanings unknown. L.341.4. (“COR”)pa+ra/i-ra+a- (ASSUR letters e, § 12; (without determinative) a, § 3; c, § 5), verb “miss”(?) L.341.6. “COR”-ta-ni: see under L.341.2 (above). L.341.7. (COR)ta-wa/i-sà-ta-ti, “from (that) of the eyes(?)” (ASSUR letter e, § 10), cf. Cun. Luw. dawassanzati; (COR) ta-wa/i+ra/i, “with the eye(s)” (KÜRTÜL, 4). [L.341.8. delete HH “341 wa-sù+r-li-ś”; read (“BIBERE”)wa/izú+ra/i-li-sá (ÇİFTLİK, § 13)] L.344 (HH sign-forms poorly drawn). CONTRACTUS. (Late) ideographic logogram, two profiles joined across bottom, facing each other over a seal, “(legal) agreement”; (oppos ite) two unjoined profiles over a seal, “dispute, lawsuit” (see L.24, LIS). Logogram determines i(ya)sa-, “buy”; piya-, “(give), sell”. further attestation: TÜNP 1, § 1.
2 The Logograms
See Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Neumann, pp. 91–105. L.345 (also L.352, L.354). URCEUS, “jug”. (Empire–Late) pictographic logogram. (Empire) ideographic “cup-bearer” = Cun. LÚŠU.SÌLA.DU8.A (Msk. A59): see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 310, no. 49, with further attestations. Reading uncertain, cf. Hitt. LÚakuttara-, (Late) Hier. wa/i-tara/i(KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.9 (?)). (Late) URCEUS (SUVASA B, archaizing?) otherwise “jug”; attestations: (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 5. L.519 = L.345? (KARAHÖYÜK, § 15) L.346(1). POCULUM. (Transitional) sign used in writing GN POCULUM.PES. L.67(REGIO), presumably the land of Karahöyük (Elbistan) (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 2, 9, 16) and its Storm-God (§§ 10, 12, 13, 24), who is further identified by the epigraph (VIR2)POCULUM-da(URBS) (MALATYA 9), paired with the Storm-God of Malatya (city) (MALATYA 10). L.347(1). (Late) logogram, part of 3-element compound, L.179.L.347(1).5, phon. compl. wa/i-sà-pa-, Hitt. waspa-, “garment”(?); further attestation CEKKE, § 12. L.348/349. (Late) logogram, determines toponyms (and other words?); (L.349(1))sà-mara/i+ra/i-ka-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 3, 37); (L.349(1))á-la-ta-ha-na-(URBS) (A1a, § 9); (L.349(1), ara/i-[… (A1a, § 15); (L.349(1))ta-lu/a/i-pa-ti-(URBS) (A24a, § 13; (L.349(1))nú-hu-ti-(URBS) (CEKKE, § 9); (L.349(1) ara/i-ma- (KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 4), “ ? ” see CHLI I/1, p. 89, § 3. L.350. (Late) compound logogram determining á-sa-ha+ ra/i-mi-sa (nom./acc. sing. N, KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18a; A12, § 11). L.351. (Late) logogram, signification unknown, writing with L.406 (phon. compl. (-)ia-sa5+ra/i-), unknown word. L.355.1–2. SACERDOS, “priest”. (Late only) logogram, connected with Empire SACERDOS2?, reading unknown, (phon. compl. -li-); sense from L.355(2), also (3) (DEUS)ku+AVIS L.355(3), KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 6. L.356. GRAVIS. (Late) logogram, reading kwanzu-, “heavy, important” (Melchert, pers. comm., supporting reading zú (L.448): see Syllabary (a)), Cun. Luw. k(u)wanzu- // Hitt. daššu- (Starke, StBoT 31, p. 547 f., Anm. 2027). Transcribe now GRAVIS. delete HH “Şirzi 3: 356 …”, read (COR)pa(-sà-…) (Dillo, Bi. Or. 70 (2013), pp. 348–352).
L.357. determines verb (part.) zarzami-, “ ? ”. L.358. DIES, “day”. (Late) logogram, determines word hali-, “day”, Hitt. hali-, “watch”. Hier. ha // há-li-ia(-za) = Phoen. ymt(y), “(my) days” (KARATEPE 1, §§ VI.31; XXXII.161; XXXV.184; XXXVI.190; XLIV; LI.292 (ymm)). L.359.(1). Compound logogram, determines kukisati-, a profession. L.360.2. DEUS, “god”. (Empire–Late) ideographic logogram (“eyes”, from all seeing divinity? Laroche, Fs Bittel, p. 309 ff.), reading *masani- inferred from Cun. Luw. maššani- CLL, s.v.; also equations PN Hier. DEUS.MAGNUS, Cun. IDINGIRMEŠ.GAL, phonetic Ima(-aš)-ša-na-u-ra: Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 156; Noms, no. 774; further corroboration from (Late) PROPHETA-mi-i- (TELL AHMAR 5, § 11) = DEUSna-mi-i- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 22), (Hitt.-)Luw. LÚma-aš-ša-naa-mi- // Hitt. LÚšiuniyant-, “god-inspired”. (Late) Hier. DEUS-ní // na- = Phoen. ʾl(m), “gods” (KARATEPE 1, §§ X.54; LI.288; LVIII.330; LXXIII.394. general word for “god”: passim; Glossary (1), s.v. *masani-. L.360.1. Determinative before DNN: passim; see Glossary (4) God-names List. L.360.5. Onomastic element: Noms, nos. 772–775. L.360.6. Compound signs: DEUS+DOMUS (L.249), “temple”; DEUS+MONS (L.207), “divine mountain”; add (DEUS)MONS. THRONUS “divine Mount Sarpa”, EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 2, 26, 29, 35, 37. delete HH “TÊTE-VASE+DIEU”; this is STATUA-ru(-ti). L.363. MAGNUS, “great”. (Empire–Late) logogram, reading ura-, Cun. Luw. ura(zza)- (CLL, s.v. ura-, urazza-). (Empire) L.363.I(a). attached to royal and other titles, REX, DOMINA, REX.FILIUS (once, LATMOS 5), REX.FILIA (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 16, 17), FILIA (Cun. DUMU.SAL GAL, Güterbock, JNES 32 (1973), p. 137 f.); titles and professions, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 4, 5, 19, 21, 22, 26, 30, 41, 46, 50, 52, 53, 56, 59, 62, 67 (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 434 f.). I. Yakubovich, The Luwian title of the Great King (in Mouton, Hittitology Today, pp. 39–50, speculation on reading MAGNUS.REX). L.363.I(b). new attestation, (DEUS)TONITRUS.MAGNUS. REX(+x).CAELUM (NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 53; Hawkins, SGG, p. 96 f.). L.363.I(c). Onomastic element, new attestations: NİŞANTEPE, nos. 462–463 (SOL-MAGNUS read Tiwadaura), 501–502 (MAGNUS-LEO, read Urawalwi), 503 (MAGNUS-VIR.zi/a, read
Part 5: The Signary
Uraziti), 625–631 (MAGNUS-TONITRUS read Ura-Tarhunta); see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 434 f. Hier. DEUS-MAGNUS (Ugaritica III, fig. 87), Cun. IDINGIRMEŠ-GAL (KUB XXXI 62 i 10), phon. Ima(-aš)-ša-na-u-ra (RS 17.248, 1, 6, 8, 10); Laroche, Syria 35 (1958), p. 282. Hier. MAGNUS-TONITRUS (above), Cun. IGAL-DU- = I u-ra-DU- (KUB XIX 49 i 14 = 4). L.363.I(d). (Empire) new attestation: MAGNUS-zi/a, “the great (ones)” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 14). (Transitional) I(a) MAGNUS.REX (KIZILDAĞ 1, 2, 3, 4, §§ 1, 3; KARADAĞ 1, § 1; 2; BURUNKAYA, § 1; KARAHÖYÜK, § 2; GÜRÜN, § 1b; KÖTÜKALE, § 1b); (MAGNUS.DOMINA)ha-susa5+ra/i- (MEHARDE, §§ 1, 6, 8). I(b) DEUS.MAGNUS.MONS, “(divine) Great Mountain”, the Karadağ (KARADAĞ 1, § 1), Cun. HURSAG GAL (Gonnet, RHA XXVI/83 (1968), nos. 168, 171). MAGNUS (DEUS)TONITRUS, MAGNUS (DEUS) hi-pa-tu, MAGNUS (DEUS)SARMA (GÜRÜN, §§ 1, 7). I(d) Delete HH “Kötükale 4: … GRAND …”, read SCALPRUM, “stone”. (Late) L.363.I(a). MAGNUS.REX (KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 1 // N1, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A16c; AKSARAY, § 6: TOPADA, § 1; SUVASA, B, C); (MAGNUS.DOMINA)(ha-su)-sa5+ra/i- (KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 3, 10; A25a, § 6); MAGNUS.FEMINA (KIRÇOĞLU, § 2). L.363.I(c). new attestations: PN IMAGNUS+ra/i-TONITRUS (KARKAMIŠ N1, §§ 1, 7), confirms reading as Ura(-tarhunta). I MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i- IMAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sá(URBS), “Uramuwa of Uramuwa’s town” (KULULU l.s. 1, § 2.3; |MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sá- also §§ 2.4 and 6; 7.39; 8.46). L.363.I(d). further attestations: MAGNUS+ra/i-ia-zi; (nom. plur. MF, “the great (ones)”, CEKKE, § 14); MAGNUS-i+a-[…] (KARKAMIŠ A21b+c, § 12); MAGNUS+ra/i- (in an unpublished text); MAGNUS+ra/i-za- (TELL AHMAR 1, § 16; İVRİZ 1, § A1; KULULU 2, § 5b; KULULU 5, § 7c(?); PORSUK, § 5; TOPADA, § 32 (-zi/a-)). For -za- forms as comparatives, see Yakubovich, IF 118 (2013), p. 155 ff., (5), (7), (8). L.363.I(e). Hier. MAGNUS+ra/i-nu // nú-wa/i- = Phoen. ʾdr (caus.), y’dr, “make great” (KARATEPE 1, §§ II.9; LVII.323). (L.363.II. Syllabographic ur (rebus), see Syllabary (d).) L.366.1–3. OMNIS, “all” (Late only: delete HH “Emirgazi 5.5: TOUT [” ; this is L.367 TAL(A). Empire has L.430, OMNIS2 (punati-), “all”). Logogram reading tanimi- often written full phonetic: ta-ni // ní-mi(-i)- (nom. sing. MF, KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 15; acc. sing. MF, KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 22; dat. sing., KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 11, 20; CEKKE, § 10; nom. plur. MF, KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 18); ta-ni/ní-ma- (nom./acc. sing. N, BABYLON 1, § 4; (abl., IZGIN 1, § 15; gen. adj., KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21), Cun. Luw. tanimmi-.
KARATEPE 1 regularly writes OMNIS.MI-ma- for tanima- (L.366.2), where -MI is “phonetic indicator”, -maphon. compl. (see especially OMNIS-MI-ma-za (Hu) // OMNIS-MI-ní-i-ma-za4 (Ho) (KARATEPE 1, § L.281, dat. plur.); compare other -MI-ma- writings (Syllabary, L.391-L.110), Arma-, “Moon-God”; Sarruma; tama-, “build”; tuma(n) ti-, “hear”. Note also the writings OMNIS-MI-za (acc. sing. N, ASSUR letters e, § 22; f+g, § 19); OMNIS-MI-ti // ri+i (abl. sing., TOPADA, § 8 // SULTANHAN, § 5); OMNIS-MI (acc. plur. N, VELİİSA, § 2); OMNIS-MI-za (dat. plur., KARATEPE 1, § LIII.300 (Ho)). Hier. OMNIS-MI-ma (nom. plur. N) = Phoen. kl (KARATEPE 1, § VI.34 (equations also §§ XVIII.85; XLVIII.265; L.281; ÇİNEKÖY, § 5)). further attestations: TELL AHMAR 1, § 17 (ta6-); KULULU 4, §§ 11, 12; AKSARAY, §§ 5(tara/i-), 6. new attestations: ARSUZ 1, § 27; also in an unpublished text. (L.367(E). TAL(A): see Syllabary (d).) L.368.1, 3. MALUS, “bad”. (Late) logogram, reading atuwari(only full phonetic writing, KARATEPE 1, below), otherwise normally -la/i // lá/í-, except -da- (SULTANHAN, § 21); Cun. Luw. adduwal(i-) (CLL, s.v.), Hitt. idalu-; see Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 202. Hier. (MALUS)á-tu-wa/i-ri+i- (Hu) // MALUS-la/i- (Ho) = Phoen. rʿ, “bad” (KARATEPE 1, § XX.102) Note: inscriptions following initial-a-final show it here; MALUS-la/i-ti-i-*a (abl. sing., KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 19, 20; further, ALEPPO 2, § 24). further attestations: MALUS-wa/i-za-*a (TELL AHMAR 1, § 19; (new) TELL AHMAR 6, § 30; here also MALUS-za (KARABURUN, §§ 7, 9; SULTANHAN, § 34), Cun. Luw. adduwanza (CLL, s.v.) L.368.4. MALUS-hi-da- (CEKKE, § 20); MALUS-l[a/i]-hi-d[a…]-*a- (dat.-abl. sing.? TELL AHMAR 5, § 17). L.368.2. Hier. MALUS-la/i-sa // sá-tara/i- = Phoen. šnʾt, “hatred” (KARATEPE 1, § LXXII.378; also BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 10); MALUS-lá/í-… (BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 5; 2, §§ 15, 19). L.368.5. MALUS2, “evil”. (Late) logogram, L.368.1–4 reduplicated(?), determines word haniyata-. Hier. ha // há-ní-ia-ta- (acc. plur. N) = Phoen. h-rʿ (KARATEPE 1, § XII.60) (abstr.) ha-ní-ia-ta-sa-tara/i- = Phoen. rʿ (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIIb.380). (new) (“MALUS2”)ha-ha-ní-wa/i-z[a], “evil(?)” (same stem? TELL AHMAR 1, § 20); cf. Hitt.-Luw. hanhaniya(verb)? (CLL, s.v.; HWb2, s.v., rejects on basis of meaning). L.368.6. (“MALUS”)ha+ra/i-tú-tá, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 5).
2 The Logograms
L.369. VITA, “life” (ankh, Empire, seals and iconography only). L.370. BONUS2, “good”. (Empire) Symbol appears early on seals, usually paired with the ankh (L.369), “life”, held by deities as a gift. Güterbock compared the ankh and the triangle with Cun. signs also appearing on seals, TI, “life” and SIG5, “good” (SBo I, p. 46); idea developed by von Brandenstein (Bildbeschr., pp. 87–91), whose formulation triangle = SIG5 (Hitt. assu) is accepted. Usage on seals: usually flanking the PN on one or both sides as BONUS2.VIR2/FEMINA, “good (to the) man/woman”; and/or BONUS2+rank/profession, “good (to the) prince/scribe etc.” No continuation as Late logogram, but cf. Transitional (BONUS2)wa/i-sà-ti, “by the goodness of …” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2a; CHLI I/2, p. 440); also BONUS2 SCRIBA (MEHARDE, § 9; SHEIZAR, § 8; ARSUZ 1, § 28). (Syllabogram su (Empire/Transitional/Late) apparently formed from Hitt. assu-, Luw. wasu-, see Syllabary (a)). L.371.I.1. IUSTITIA, “justice”. (Late) logogram, suggested as descended from Empire L.277 (LABARNA) (Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, pp. 108–113, Appendix 4); read traditionally tarwana-; but now Melchert argues for tarrawann(i)-. (Fs Salvini, pp. 337–345), which would exclude LABARNA derivation. Hier. L.371-na- = Phoen. ṣdq(y), “(my) justice” (KARATEPE 1, § XVIII.90). further attestations: (IUSTITIA)tara/i-wa/i-na(SHEIZAR, § 2); tara/i-u-na- (KULULU 1, § 15)—these two give the full phonetic writing; ARSUZ 1+2, § 2, reads (“IUSTITIA”) (tara/i)-na. Transcription IUSTITIA (“justice”) based on Phoen. equivalent ṣdq, following Laroche “JUSTICE”. L.371.I.2. [IUDEX], “[judge]” now “righteous”, common epithet. (Late) logogram, reading tara/i-wa/i-ni // ní- (nom. sing. MF) (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1; MARAŞ 4, § 1; 1, § 1; BABYLON, § 1); (gen. sing.), TELL AHMAR 1, § 1; MARAŞ 4, § 1; 1, § 1). further attestations: BOROWSKI 3, § 1; MARAŞ 14, § 1; MALPINAR, §§ 1, 2; KULULU 4, § 1; AKSARAY, § 9. new attestations: KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7 (// A4b, § 7); TELL AHMAR 6, § 1. tarwani-: transcription IUDEX, after IUSTITIA following Laroche, “JUGE”; but this semantic connection was not exact. It was taken as a ruler-title, borne alongside REX and REGIO. DOMINUS, but also by subordinate individuals. Its precise significance was much discussed, as also its etymology. See recently Giusfredi, THeth 28, pp. 90–97. Now Melchert (loc. cit.), reviving the former interpret ation of Pintore, argues that it is an adjectival epithet to be understood from the bilingual equation ṣdq, “justice,
r ighteousness”, thus “righteous, true”. Transcription of logogram: abandon [IUDEX], transcibe IUSTITIA throughout (L.371.II. Syllabogram dara (IUSTITIA+ra/i), only in hadara/i-, “life”, see Syllabary (c).) L.372. SACERDOS2, “priest (diviner)”. (Empire only, ideographic logogram (pictogram “ear”, i.e. “wisdom”), reading uncertain (Hitt. sankunni-, (?)). L.151 MAGNUS.L.372 (ALEPPO 1, § 1) identified as Telipinu LÚSANGA, king of Halab, son of Suppiluliuma I (Laroche, Syria 33 (1956), p. 132 f.). Hier. L.372(1) = Cun. LÚSANGA (RS 18.02; Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 147 f.). new attestations (MESKENE digraphs): Hier. L.372 = Cun. LÚSANGA (Msk. B55) = Cun. LÚHAL (Msk. A33; A14) L.372(2, 4). delete HH “PALAIS?”, read EUNUCHUS2. (4) see Kennedy, Seals, no. 10. L.372(5). HH “Malatya 4, 5, 8 (bis), 9, 10: ROI.PRÊTRE”, delete PRÊTRE, read L.462 (see there). L.378. LITUUS. (Empire) divine symbol carried by gods; especially the Stag-God: FRAKTİN(?); SCHIMMEL rhyton, YENİKÖY relief, also seals NİŞANTEPE, no. 622; NİŞANTEPE 2, no.136; also by the King (upside-down, the kalmus?). It is not attested in any of its Late usages, or indeed as a Hiero glyph at all except on the seal Bo 78/56 (Dinçol, IV ICH, pp. 89–97; Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO, no. 58), which couples a (Hier.) Kantuzzili MAGNUS.HASTARIUS (Cun. GAL MEŠEDI) with a Tudhaliya MAGNUS.LITUUS. Whether these two should be identified as Kantuzzili with his son Tudhaliya who became Tudhaliya I/II, or as Kantuzzili and Tudhaliya the tuhkanti, later Tudhaliya III, is discussed: Hawkins, SGG, pp. 87–89. Of relevance here however is the title MAGNUS. LITUUS: the equation by Dinçol with Cun. GAL LÚMEŠ GIŠPA, thus LITUUS = GIŠPA is insecure. (Late) LITUUS symbol appears as logogram, alternating with OCULUS (L.25) in PN (LITUUS)azatiwada // (OCULUS) azatiwada (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXVIII.143; XLIX.275; LI.290; LVIII.326); and with DEUS(L.360) in (DEUS)AVIS-ta/tá-ni // ní// LITUUS+AVIS-ta-ni- (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10; A6, § 1 // A2+3, § 7). Identified as logogram determining verbs of “perception”: Hawkins, Kadmos 19 (1980), pp. 123–142. This is supported in particular by the following two attestations. (“LITUUS”)ta-wá/í-, “eye” (KAYSERİ, § 3), Cun. Luw. tawi-, Hitt. sakui- // sakuwa (CLL, s.v.; CHD, s.v.); see Morpurgo Davies, Gs Cowgill, p. 210 with n. 14. This also confirms the link of LITUUS and OCULUS (above). (LITUUS)ti-ti-ti-i (dat. sing.) (KARKAMIŠ A12, § 10); the association of LITUUS with “eye” and sight as noted must
Part 5: The Signary
confirm the identification of this word with Cun. Luw. titit-, “pupil of the eye”, though the sense of the context remains unclear—some idiom? For the rest of the context see Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 375. LITUUS, determining “verbs of perception”. L.378.1. LITUUS+á-za-, “love, favour” (Melchert, 220th AOS Meeting (2010), hand-out). Note that determinative distinguishes this verb from á-za-(a-da-), “eat”; Empire attestations of á-zi/a-, “love”, lack LITUUS. further attestations: BOROWSKI 3, § 2; KULULU 4, §§ 3, 7, 9. new: TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 9, 17. L.378.4. Hier. LITUUS+na-, “see” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 6, 23; A11b+c, § 16; A17b, § 5; CEKKE, §§ 25, 27; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 13; TELL AHMAR 1, § 11; 6, §§ 10, 18; ASSUR letters c, § 9; f+g, §§ 17, 43, 53), Cun. Luw. ma-na-a- (CLL, s.v. ( )manā-): Hier. (*ma)na-(?), see Hawkins and Starke, Kadmos 19, pp. 126– 137, cit. 2–15). further attestation: PN ILITUUS+na-ha-TONITRUShu-za-, “I have seen Tarhunza” (İVRİZ frag. 2). new: TELL AHMAR 6, § 10; LITUUS+na-hi-i-da (dat. sing., LITUUS+nahi(d)-, “seeing”, TELL AHMAR 6, § 18). L.378.9. LITUUS.LITUUS-na-: = LITUUS+na- (redupl., Cun. Luw. mammanna-)? SULTANHAN, § 18. L.378.8. (LITUUS+)u-ni- (caus. u-na-nu-), “know (teach)”, (KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 21, 22); Hawkins, An. St. 25 (1975), p. 150 f. Appendix 2. further attestations: participle (LITUUS+)unimi-, “recognized” (MARAŞ 1, § 1h; PALANGA, § 7; (also Empire without LITUUS, LIDAR seal of Kuzi-Teššub). L.378.9. (LITUUS+)ti-ia+ra/i // ri+i(-ia)-, “watch, guard”, var. (OCULUS)ti-i+a-: see CHLI I/2, p. 487, § 13, with attestations. L.378.10. wa/i-mi-LITUUS-, “find(?)”, Hitt. wemiya-(?) (LITUUS determinative but not in ligature with wa/i-); see CHLI I/2, p. 482, § 6 with attestations. wa/i-mi-OCULUS (KARAHÖYÜK, § 3 (Transitional)), same context as wa/i-mi-LITUUS- (MARAŞ 8, § 3); also wa/i-mi-OCULUS(?) (KOCAOĞUZ, §§ 1, 2, participle? epithet of (DEUS)TONITRUS?). L.378.8. LITUUS+pa-la-ni-ia- (TELL AHMAR 2, § 16); “LITUUS+pa”-za-la-ní- (TELL AHMAR 1, § 17); also OCULUS(-) zá-ni- (AKSARAY, § 6); three similar verbs with sense “look at”(?)—how connected? Hawkins, Kadmos 19, pp. 138–140. L.378.6, and 8. LITUUS+CAELUM, LITUUS+ta-sa-pa-rú-wa/iti-i-: unclear, standing for DEUS? new attestation: (LITUUS)tara/i-wa/i-i-, “show(?)” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 12). (Syllabographic a?, see recently Yakubovich, Fs Singer, p. 388.)
L.379.I.1. OCCIDENS, “west”. (Late) logogram, LITUUS (once SOL) in (semi-)circle, reading ipami-, cf. Cun. Luw. *ipa- (derivatives: ipala-, “left (hand)”; ipama-, “sinister”; iparwassi-, “western”, ipatarma-, “west” (CLL, s.v.). Hier. (“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-mi- = Phoen. mbʾ šmš, “setting of sun” (KARATEPE 1, §§ V.25; XXV.132 (Ho SOL); XXXII.165). new attestation: TELL AHMAR 6, § 6. L.379.I.2, 3. determines verbs i-ma-ni, a destructive action (BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 7; 2, § 11; further ADIYAMAN 1, § 4; ANCOZ 7, § 11); Yakubovich links i-ma-ni-, “topple”, with i-pa-mi (Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 6 (1) with n. 4). also lu/a/i-si(-i)-, “flee, escape” (ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 45, 51). (L.379.II. syllabographic ià: alternates with ia (KARATEPE 1, § LII.297 (Hu, Ho)).) L.380.1. UNUS, “one” (unit). (Late) numeral logogram, single vertical stroke repeated for units up to 9 (see L.395); after which the horizontal stroke (L.397, DECEM) takes over to represent the tens up to 90 (maximum attested, KULULU lead frag. 1, i.5); after this L.399 CENTUM, “hundred” (attested repeated up to 5 times, “500”; see CENTUM). “One hundred” may be written UNUS.CENTUM (BOHÇA, § 13; BOR, § 7). Reading uncertain, phon. compl. -(ta)-ti-i (TELL AHMAR 6, § 15 (new); same contexts TELL AHMAR 1, § 6; BOROWSKI 3, § 4); cf. Hitt. šia-, “one” (Goedegebuure, Fs de Roos, pp. 165– 188). further attestation: 1 BOS.ANIMA … 1 OVIS.ANIMA (MARAŞ 3, §§ 5, 6). (new) 1 BOS.ANIMA (in an unpublished text). “UNUS”-ti-i (ARSLANTAŞ, § 2; (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 10). [L.380.2: transfer to L.381 (MINUS), below.] L.381 (L.380.2). MINUS: vertical stroke added to logograms to give privative sense, thus transcribed MINUS. L.62 (MANUS+MINUS)LONGUS, “long” L.248 (DOMUS+MINUS)DELERE “destroy” L.225 (FLUMEN+MINUS), river (Sajur), wadi(?) L.386 (VIR2+MINUS)MORI, “die” L.244 (AEDIFICIUM+MINUS)VACUUS, “empty” See Melchert, An. St. 38 (1988), pp. 29–42. HH “Bohça 4” (BOHÇA, § 13): transfer to L.380.1 (UNUS), see above. L.382. LIGNUM, “wood; staff”. (Late) pictographic logogram (cf. original pictogram for Cun. GIŠ, “wood”), reading taru(wa)-, Cun. Luw. GIŠtaru-, Hitt. taru- (CLL, s.v.; EDHIL, s.v.); writes “wood”; determines objects made of wood, and (from meaning “staff (of office)”) words denoting authority. reading: (LIGNUM)tara/i-wa/i // “LIGNUM”-ru-wa/i-i (dat. sing., ARSUZ 1 // 2, § 11); cf. LIGNUM-sa (nom.(acc.) sing.
2 The Logograms
N; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 33); LIGNUM-wa/i-ia-ti (abl.(sing.); KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 18)—both “wood” as building material. wooden objects: L.382.1. (“LIGNUM”)tara/i-pu-na-, “(wooden) spinning top”(?) (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 16, 17). L.382.6. (LIGNUM)sa-pi-si-za-(URBS) (-iza- ethnicon, city named from tree?; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 6). L.382.8. (“LIGNUM”)hu-hú+ra/i-pa-li-, wooden object? (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 10; see Melchert KZ 101 (1988), pp. 229–234). words denoting “authority”: L.382.2. (LIGNUM)sa-la-ha-, “power, succession”. further attestations: BOROWSKI 3, § 3; TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 4, 12, 14 new attestations: AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 3; TELL AHMAR 6, § 3; ARSUZ 1+2, § 2. L.382.3. (LIGNUM)ha-za-ni-, “mayor” (CEKKE, § 14; Akk. Lw HAZANNU). [L.382.4. Delete HH: read MORI] other: ((“)LIGNUM(”))ta6-LEPUS2+ra/i-, LEPUS+ra/i-ia, “decree” (TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 9, 19). (L.169) (“LIGNUM”)su-ka-la-, “vizier” (EĞRİKÖY, § 3; Sum.-Akk. Lw SUKKAL). L.382.7. (Empire) (DEUS)LIGNUM.ta-[k]i-[t]u, Cun. Dtaru D takitu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 46a; here LIGNUM appears to be a rebus, taru); Laroche, cautiously accepted by Güterbock. L.386.I. VIR2, “man” (Empire, note form IL) logogram, also occasionally determinative(?); mainly on seals, often paired with FEMINA, especially on lentoid discs, joint husband and wife seals: see Güterbock, Boğazköy V, pp. 68–74. L.386.I.1. MANUS+VIR2 = FILIUS, MANUS+FEMINA = FILIA. Otherwise rare on monumental, it determines TÁ.AVUS, “fathers (and) grandfathers” (YALBURT block 4, § 2); and (a) li-wa/i-ní, “enemy(?)” (YALBURT blocks 2, § 2; 7, § 2; 11, § 2; 12, § 3; 13, §§ 1, 4; but note SÜDBURG omits with (a)li-wa/iní-, §§ 1a, 4, 5, 8a, 9, 12a, 14); in these usages it seems to determine “persons”, but unexplained is the occurrence of VIR2.L.273 (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 2; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 5). L.386.I.2. (Empire) BONUS2.VIR2, seals passim; for NİŞANTEPE, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 310 f., no. 54. L.386.I.3–5. ibid. L.386.I.6. (Transitional) more common as determin ative for persons: (VIR2)CAPUT, “person”, and (VIR2) URBS (KARAHÖYÜK, § 22, and §§ 9, 13, 22); and especially ALEPPO 6 and 7 determining; HEROS (6, § 1); palastiniza-, “Palastinean” (6, § 1); FILIUS (6, § 7; 7, § 18); CAPUT (6, § 11); SCRIBA (7, §§ 6, 13); VIR (7, § 8); za-mara/i(?)-ni, “ ? ” (7, § 11); MEHARDE and SHEIZAR, the sign seems to be developing its Late generalized usage, i.e. L.386 before most words.
L.386.II.1. (Late) sign generalized as a word-divider, used with varying degrees of consistency as noted by Laroche. For the course of this development and its general usage, see now Hawkins, Kadmos 49 (2010), pp. 1–10. L.386.II.2. L.386 regular above and below MANUS = FILIUS, also FRATER L.386.II.3. sporadic appearance under MAGNUS seems to have no particular significance. L.386.II.4. delete HH: see CHLI I/2, XIII.15. HOGARTH seal 3. L.386.II.5. read VIR2+MINUS = MORI, “die”; see under MORI (below). L.386+L.381. MORI, “die”. (Late) composite ideographic logogram (VIR2+MINUS), reading wa/i-la- // wa/i+ra/i, Cun. Luw. walanti- // ulanti, “dead” (CLL, s.v.). For the formation of the logogram, see Melchert, An. St. 38 (1988), pp. 29–42, esp. p. 38 f.; for the interpretation of the verb (arha) wala-, “die”, Hawkins, KZ 94 (1980), pp. 109– 119, citations 1–5. further // new attestations: TELL AHMAR 5, § 8 // TELL AHMAR 6, § 8 (contrast “when my father was alive”, § 4); also ASSUR letters a, § 8; e, § 14 (caus.); (without logogram) arha wala-, f+g, §§ 6, 7(?). determines related verb(?) arha (MORI)wa/i-wa/iri+i-ta-, “ ? ” (ASSUR letter e, § 10). L.387.2. SERVUS, “servant”. Logogram (mainly Late), Empire few, only recently recognized: TAŞÇI A(3); NİŞANTEPE, no. 497; these attestations establish the sign as a logogram, not as previously identified a syllabogram (see below L.387.1); cf. also Late KULULU 8. This was plausibly explained by Güterbock as “man (of a) man” (VIR2+VIR2 as now transcribed), JWAG 36 (1977), p. 15 n. 41. See Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 309, no. 43. (Late) The sign appears almost exclusively in the word “servant”, written SERVUS-la/i // lá/í- (logogram+phon. compl.; the old reading mì-ta4 // ta5- is discarded for both elements); reading *hudarli-, Cun. Luw. hutarla- = Cun. ÌR (CLL, s.v.), see Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 205 f. Hier. SERVUS-la/i- = Phoen. ʿbd (KARATEPE 1, § I.6). further attestations: ALEPPO 2, § 1; KÜRTÜL, § 1; IZGIN 1, § 17; ŞIRZI, § 1; MALPINAR, §§ 1, 5, 18; ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 8, 10; HİSARCIK 1, § 5; BEIRUT, § 1 new: TELL AHMAR 6, § 1. SERVUS-sa // wa/i, “slavery(?)” (TOPADA, §§ 15, 25): form? (L.387.1. syllabogram mì(?), alternating with mi (KARATEPE 1, § LI.293, Hu//Ho).) L.390.1. DOMINUS, “lord”. (Empire–Late) logogram, reading nani- (Oreshko, VIII ICH (2014), p. 619 f., based on Empire DOMINUS.NA and Late full phon. writings; lit.
Part 5: The Signary
“leader”). The title is applied to deities and humans, female deities Sun-Goddess (Empire) and Kubaba (Late). (Late) Hier. DOMINUS-ní(-i) (gen. adj.) = Phoen. ʾdn(y), “(my) lord’s” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIV.70; XV.75), referring to king of Adana(wa). referring to deities: KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 7; A11b+c, § 9 (Tarhunza); A11b+c, § 16 (Karhuha); A23, § 3; A18e, § 6 (Kubaba); ŞIRZI, § 2 (Stag-God); TOPADA, § 17 (Tarhunza); KULULU 4, §§ 5, 6, 8, 10 (?) referring to superiors: KARKAMIŠ A6, § 8; A15b, §§ 17, 21 (Astiruwa); CEKKE, § 2 (Sastura); ALEPPO 2, § 3 (brother); BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 7, 17, 19 (husband); MALPINAR, § 2 (Hattusili); BULGARMADEN, §§ 2, 8 (Warpalawa); MARAŞ 14, § 2 ([…]). new attestation: (ARSUZ 1+2, § 27) DOMINUS-ni(-i)-. (Empire) DOMINUS.NA (first syllable complement): EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 1, 3, 6, 14 (Sun-Goddess); YALBURT blocks 4, § 3; 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4 (Storm-God) seals: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 300 f. (Titles and Professions, nos. 8, 10, 13, 14, 22, 23, 32, 34, 45, 48, 57, 64). (Transitional) DOMINUS-na- (KARAHÖYÜK, § 16, local Storm-God); (ALEPPO 6, § 2, Storm-God of Aleppo). L.390.2 and 3. URBS.DOMINUS, REGIO.DOMINUS (Empire) seals: Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 306, nos. 34, 48 (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 348, 381, 559; 192–193, 526–527, 651–658). (Transitional) ALEPPO 6, § 8. (Transitional–Late) REGIO.DOMINUS main title of rulers of Malatya and Karkamiš (not REX!): GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE, IZGIN 1, ŞIRZI; KARKAMIŠ 14b, 1b, KELEKLİ, A11a, A11b+c, A2+3, A12, A13d, A23, CEKKE, A21b+a, A27e1, A15e, A27c. new attestations, KARKAMIŠ N1, AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, ADANA 1. L.390.4. FLUMEN.DOMINUS, “river-lord” (title, CHLI I/1, p. 338) (Transitional) FLUMEN.REGIO DOMINUS (ALEPPO 6, § 9). (Late) CEKKE, § 10; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 2; 2, § 5; MALPINAR, §§ 2, 19; KARATEPE 3; ASSUR letter e, § 24; PALANGA, § 1. L.390.5. DOMINUS as onomastic element (Late only): Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 283, no. 67. CEKKE, §§ 1, 2, 12; KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.29. (L.394. (Empire) logogram poorly drawn = (4×)1000, “four thousand”, see L.400, MILLE.) L.397. DECEM, “ten”. (Late) numeral, reading unknown, but cf. ti-na-ta-, “tithe” (same stem, see CHLI I/2, p. 347, ANCOZ
1, § 2, for discussion); best attested on KULULU lead strips where numerals 10–90 are found; cf. CENTUM. new attestations: ARSUZ 1+2, § 5 (“20”); ALEPPO 7, § 18 (“90”). also L.398(1): for HH “MOUTON 398-ta4”, read OVIS DECEM ASINUS, “for a sheep ten homers …”. L.398(2, 3, 4). (Empire) logogram, also syllabogram(?), unknown reading; new attestations: (title) EMİRGAZİ 3, § 2 // YALBURT block 10, § 2; and on seals: see Hawkins, Fs de Roos, p. 59. delete HH “(5)Taşçı milieu: ARMÉE-398-tà”, read (EXERCITUS)SCRIBA(INFANS). L.399. CENTUM, “hundred”. (Empire–Late) logogram, reading unknown. (Late) further attestations: SULTANHAN, § 26; 1 CENTUM, BOHÇA, § 13; BOR, § 7. KULULU lead strips show many numerals: units up to 9; tens 1–9 (confirming CENTUM = one hundred); hundreds 1–4. new attestations: TELL AHMAR 6, § 24 (5×CENTUM(-) ta-na-ti phon. compl. showing reading?); ARSUZ 1+2, § 5. (Empire) YALBURT block 13, § 4 (= EMİRGAZİ 2, § 9); block 9, § 1b (?) (Transitional) CENTUM-ni ANNUS-si-na, “one hundred years (age)” (SHEIZAR, § 2). L.400 also L.394. (Empire–Late) MILLE(?), “thousand”, numeral sign. (Late) further attestations: KULULU l.s. 3 (palimpsest, Özgüç, Kültepe, pl. LII, 1a). (Empire) new attestations: YALBURT block 13, § 4 // EMİRGAZİ 2, § 9 ((1×)CENTUM (4×)MILLE, “4 thousand one hundred”). For the increasing probability that L.400 represents “thousand” see CHLI I/1, p. 260 f. (§ 4). L.401. (Late) logogram = L.477 (FLAMMAE). L.402. SCUTELLA, a lid and/or dish. (mostly Late). L.402.I.4. (over PITHOS but not consistently) ANNUS, “year”, ideographic logogram, “pithos(+lid)” represents “year” from ceremony of closing // opening pithoi at autumn and spring festivals. new attestations: (Empire) SÜDBURG, § 18; (Transi tional) ANKARA 2, § 3; (Late) in an unpublished text. L.402.I.2. (with // without PANIS): determines tunikala-/ tunikara-, “maker of tunik-bread” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17c; ASSUR letter f+g, § 45); also mu-sa?-nu-wa/i-ti-, “satisfying” (MARAŞ 1, § 1i).
2 The Logograms
Payne, “Bread Matters”, proposes that it represents a “bread stamp” (SIGNACULUM) (KZ 130 (2018), pp. 73–89). L.402.I.3. SA4, HH “Faux id[eogramme]”: determines verb sani-, “overturn” (cf. L.402.II syllabogram, below), Cun. Luw. sanni- (CLL, s.v.). L.402.I.1. determines verb ka-ri+i-: not understood; also (“SA4)REL-na-na-[la]- // SA4-na-na-la-, “mason” (İVRİZ frag. 2; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11). (L.402.II. Syllabogram sa4. (Late, rare) KARATEPE 1, § XX.106: Hu á-sa-t[a] = Ho a-sa4-ta.) attestations (all Tabalian, KAYSERİ, TOPADA, SUVASA): (further) HİSARCIK 1, §§ 1, 3; KULULU 3, § 1; KULULU 4, §§ 1, 8, 10, 11, 15; KULULU 5, §§ 3, 11. Syllabic value acrophonic from sani-, “overturn”? Note that sa4 has been transferred from Regular Syllabary (a) to Alternative Syllabograms (b). L.404. ANIMA (formerly ANIMAL). (Late) determinative added to animal-head signs to mark them as logograms not syllabograms. further attestations: +LEO, CAPRA (BOHÇA, §§ 5, 13); +BOS (SULTANHAN, § 26); new: +COR, LEO (TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 30, 31; see there, my commentary); also +L.417(4), see below. As noted, I suggested that the sign represented ideo graphically the breath of the living animal, though its use with COR and L.417(4) is surprising. Transcription ANIMA for ANIMAL follows a suggestion of Payne. L.408. (Empire) FEMINA, “woman” (= Late L.79: see there). L.417(4). (Late) logogram, L.417.ANIMA, “ ? ” (not animal!); see CHLI I/1, p. 138 f., frags. 19+19a; (new) ARSUZ 1+2, § 14; = (Empire) KARAKUYU, l. 2; seal KÜLHÖYÜK (İ. Temizsöy, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1995 Yıllığı (Ankara, 1996), p. 37 ff., 60, 83 resim 34); corbel-vaulted structure(?), Hawkins, in Sacred Landscapes, p. 4 f. [L.417(1). Delete, and transfer to L.412 (ru): Dillo, Bi. Or. 70 (2013), pp. 338–340. The PN would read ru-ti-CERVUS3-ia-— Runti(runti)ya(?) (Dillo).] L.418.1. (Empire) = L.318, see there. L.419 // L.420. (Late) logogram determining L.419 // L.420 reading washa-, “exchange” (noun); washai-, “dedicated” (adj.): see Melchert, CRRAI 57 (2015), pp. 409–16. In three of the four attestations the determinative is L.419 (i.e. without central circle), only one L.420. attestations: (“L.419”)wa/i-sa-ha-sa (nom. sing. MF; TÜNP 1, § 6); “L.419”-sa-ha-sá (nom. sing. MF; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 11); (L.420)wa/i-sa-ha-sa (gen. sing.; ASSUR letter f+g, § 27); (“L.419”)wa/i-sa-ha-i-(za) (BABYLON 2, § 4).
(Syllabogram mí (L.419.2; once L.420)) L.422. Logograms, PANIS.SCUTELLA: see under L.181.3. (L.428). (Late) logogram, reading da(-ia-ti)-, twice GN(URBS), once “ ? ”: see CHLI I/1, p. 136, § 13. L.429. TANA. (Late) CVCV syllabogram or logogram?: see Syllabary (d). L.430. OMNIS2, “all”. (Empire, also Transitional KIZILDAĞ, KARADAĞ). Logogram, reading *punati-, “all”, Cun. Luw. punati-; single syllabic alternation with pu (L.328) in PN Hartapu: see Hawkins, Fs Alp, p. 262; StBoT Bh. 3, p. 25 f. attestations: DEUS L.430, “all the gods” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2a; KARADAĞ 1, § 1; SÜDBURG, § 3). REGIO L.430, “all the lands” (SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 6, 7; KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b, cf. § 3 (TERRA)ta-sà-⌈RELx+ra/i⌉); KARADAĞ 1, § 2; YALBURT block 16, § 2a; NİŞANTAŞ AII, § b(?) L.430-ti-sa (*punatis), “everyone” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 15). L.430 (KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 6). L.438. PASTOR. (Empire, seals only). Logogram, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 305, nos. 25, 26 (MAGNUS); possible equation MAGNUS PASTOR with GAL NA.GAD depends on identity of the seal-holder(s). L.447+L.26. VERSUS, “in front of”. (Empire–Late) compound logogram (first part not certainly recognized, second writes hant-, “forehead, front”); reading tawiyan (KULULU 1, § 15), Cun. Luw. tawiyan (Hitt. menahhanda). Hier. VERSUS-ia-na … VERSUS-na = Phoen. l-…(w-)ʿd (KARATEPE 1, § V.26, 29) further attestations: AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 13; ALEPPO 2, § 24. L.452. (Empire, seals) logogram, onomastic element = L.193 (LUNA); the PN recurs frequently among the ORTAKÖY seals (information, courtesy Prof. Aygül Süel). L.455(1). Delete, transfer to L.416 (la/i). (2). (Late) logogram, phon. compl. -li-ia-: see CHLI I/1, p. 91, § 25). syllabogram(?), read lax? (FLAMMAE(?))L.455(2)-há/ ha-nú-wa/i-, “burn(?)” (see under L.479). L.460(1). (Late) logogram, reading asta- (TELL TAYINAT 2, line 1, frag. 3, § 1 = (?) ASSUR letter e, § 10). (L.460(1))(?)á-sata-, Hitt. kast-, “hunger” (Melchert, An. St. 38 (1988), p. 39 f.). logogram EDERE+MINUS(?).
Part 5: The Signary
L.460(2). (Late) not certainly identified, otherwise unknown (KARKAMIŠ A27k (frag.)). L.461–L.463. (Empire–Late: note Empire and Late forms) for reorganization of entries, see Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 354–369, esp. p. 368. L.461(1). DN: á(FEMINA.DEUS)L.461, goddess Ala (Empire). (2). 2nd element EXERCITUS (L.269) “army” (Empire– Late). (3). seals: onomastic element (NİŞANTAŞ, nos. 693(+ra/i), 699–700). L.462. Syllabogram reading mara/i+ra/i (Late). logogram (without +ra/i) (Late): (L.462)mu-wa/i-i-da- // FEMINA.L.462–4(?)-da- (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 28–29); also L.462 // FEMINA.L.462-ti- (TİLSEVET, §§ 3–4); KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7; REX.L.462 (MALATYA 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14), cf. […] x (L.462) mu-wa/i-si- (KARKAMIŠ A27c). L.463(1–2). DNN: (1) CERVUS3.DEUS.L.463(1)-ti (Empire) // (2) (DEUS)L.463(2)sà-US-ka Cun. LÍL (3). DN: L.463(3)(DEUS)CERVUS3 (Late) i-mara/i(+ra/i)-si // sa- (imrasi-, “of the Field”): Hawkins, loc. cit., esp. p. 362 f. L.464. (Late) logogram, determines word hadama, not understood. attestations: (“L.464”)ha-da-ma (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 11; A16a, frag. 1, § 7; cf. frag. 5, also ANKARA 1, D3); (L.464) ha+ra/i-ma (ŞIRZI, § 6); unconnected ha-ta-ma (without L.464, KULULU 1, § 2); also ha-ta+ra/i (KARABURUN, § 1)— dissociate from hada- // hara-. L.466. (Late) logogram, determines word zuni-, “do reverence(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 19, 20); does not = (“L.69”)su-ni(YUNUS, § 3; Peker, Orientalia 83 (2014), p. 192). L.468, L.469. (Empire–Transitional) logogram, reading unknown, sense unknown; see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 312 f., no. 66 (with attestations on seals); probably does not = L.511 – implausible interpretation, Oreshko, AoF 44 (2017), pp. 51–53. (L.470. Numerals 10+2: see L.397 (L.398(1).) L.471. (Late) logogram, signification unknown, determines verb(?) aza-, “eat(?)” (BABYLON 1, § 10); and (noun) uruwada(n)-, “seed(?)” (ALEPPO 2, § 16). L.472. (Late) logogram, signification unknown, determines noun (-)ma-sa5+ra/i-, “ ? ” (ASSUR letters a, § 10; d, § 7); see CHLI I/2, p. 543, § 10.
(L.473), L.474. (Late) logogram, determines word wasinasi// usinasi-, “((he) of the body) body-servant, eunuch”, thus EUNUCHUS, Cun. Luw. wassinassi- (CLL, s.v. waššina/i-) (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 30; MARAŞ 4, § 14); further (“L.474”)u-sina-su-MAGNUS+ra/i- (MARAŞ 14, § 1, read usinasura-, “chief eunuch”, see Yakubovich in Mouton, Hittitology Today, p. 43 f. (2)). (without L.474) KULULU 4, § 14; MALPINAR, § 21. L.473-hi-sà (-ahi(d)- abstract) here? (ASSUR letter f+g, § 6); also determines sa-ri+i-ia-si- (sariyasi-), Akk. Lw, ša rēši, “eunuch” (ANCOZ 4, § 1). See Hawkins, CRRAI 47 (2002), pp. 217 ff., esp. 229–232. L.475. (Late) logogram, GN L.475-la(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 5), Babylon(?) (Bossert, 1960); could L.475 be a Late form of Empire L.292? L.292-la writes “Babylon” on seals of Tawananna (with Suppiluliuma I and Mursili II), also on a small mould excavated at Boğazköy in 2001: see Hawkins, SGG, p. 90. L.476. (Late) logogram, signification unknown; 1. ?; 2. determines -washa- (see (L.476)tawasha-, BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 20); 3. +L.311 determines hirura-; 4. determines aliya-. further attestation: (“L.476”)TERRA-li-ia- (KULULU 4, § 16). new attestation: PN, L.476(-)wa/i-la-ti-i (in an unpublished text). L.477 (also L.479?). FLAMMAE. (Late) logogram, guessed as pictographic “flames” (Meriggi, Glossar, pp. 113, 136), determines words guessed from contexts as connected with “burning (sacrificially)”. L.477.1, also 4. ki-nu-wa/i-: MARAŞ 3, § 4, also (almost identical) MARAŞ 5, § 1; CEKKE, § 4; and ALEPPO 2, § 23 (ki-i[n]ú-sà-). L.477.2. lu/a/i-sà-lu/a/i-sà-: HAMA 4, § 11, object the “(FLAMMAE)lu/a/i-za-li- u-su-pa-ta-da-ox”. L.477.3. sa5+ra/i-nu-wa/i-, “ ? ”: KARKAMIŠ A15a, §§ 3, 4. L.477.5. ma-ru-sà-na-, fiery(?) vengeance by Storm-God of Aleppo: KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 7. new attestation: (“L.69.FLAMMAE”)ku-wa/i-za-, “ ? ” (verb, JISR EL HADID 4, D § 5); cf. (CORNU2)ku-wa/i- (ANCOZ 1, § 3). L.478. (Late) logogram (L.477+L.311), signification unknown, determines kutupili-, type of sacrificial sheep. L.479. (Late) logogram = L.477 (reversed)?; determines verb lax-há // ha-nú-, “burn(?)” (L.455(2); TOPADA, §§ 14, 24). L.481. (Late) Logogram, determines warmutali-, type of dog (single attestation).
2 The Logograms
(L.482(1). Empire, see L.338 (CULTER).) (L.482(2, 3). Empire, see L.337 (PITHOS (VIR.DOMINUS).)
bordt, PBS, p. 251. Logogram(?), verb (SÜDBURG, § 13, discussion StBoT Bh. 3, p. 42).
L.486. (Late) logogram, determines REL-tuna. Hier. REL-tu // tú-na = Phoen. [ḥ]rš, “(time of) ploughing”, or [t]rš, “(time of) vintage” (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.269); possibly pictogram of “plough” or “sickle”.
L.508. (Empire; Late, M.161 (L.329, confused with REL).) (Empire) Logogram CURRERE, “run” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37; YALBURT blocks 4, § 2; 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4); syllabogram hwi/a (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 11, 12) (Late) See Syllabary (a), under hwi/a, M.161.
L.501. FUGARE, “expel”. (Late) logogram, once +ra/i; reading now parha-, Cun. Luw. par(a)- // parh(a)-, Hitt. parh-, “chase (away)” (Melchert, Fs Tischler, p. 205 f.) Hier. L.501-ha- = Phoen. trq, “ ? ” (KARATEPE 1, § XIII.68, +arha, sense clear from context). other attestations: L.501(+RA/I-) (TELL TAYINAT frag. 6, l. 1; JISR EL HADID frag. 3, l. 3). A proposal to recognize the logogram L.501 as a syllabogram is misplaced (Simon, NABU 2016/3, no. 70): the examples cited in support (from Payne, 2015, p. 35 f.) do not have syllabic values independent of +ra/i (except la(+ra+a)). L.502. (Empire) The writing L.502-mi-li (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33) was plausibly compared with Hitt. dammeli (pedi), “in an uncultivated place” (van den Hout, Bi. Or. 52 (1995), p. 562 no. 84), where L.502 is presumably a logogram. See further (Transitional) KARAHÖYÜK, § 18 (clause otherwise obscure). But a further attestation L.502.L.300 (SÜDBURG, § 2) remains opaque. L.505. (Empire) ta-L.505(URBS) (SÜDBURG, § 7). Oreshko proposes to identify as a writing of the GN Tawiniya, claiming that collation shows the two upper verticals of the sign to have irregularities along their outer faces. His purpose is to try to make the sign resemble VITIS (L.160), to read wini(ya). He was not however to know that on an unpublished jar-handle fragment excavated at Boğazköy in 2004 (excavation no. 293/305.50) a seal impression shows the same two signs, doubtless representing the same toponym, which confirm the accuracy of my SÜDBURG copy. L.506. (Empire) The sign occurs twice on SÜDBURG: (1) AVUS.L.506-na (§ 13); (2) tara/i-L.506-na(URBS). A combination of the two contexts suggest that (1) is a logogram representing “grandmother” (hana + phon. compl. -na, transcribe ANUS, Lat. “old woman”); (2) sign used as rebus taraHANA-na, the city Tarahna; support from Hoffner’s observation that L.506 represented a water-scoop to render ideo graphically Hitt. han-, “draw water”. See Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, pp. 38 f., 41 f. L.507. (Empire) Syllabogram in PNN on seals, recently NİŞANTEPE, nos. 91–94: see discussion, Hawkins apud Her-
L.509. (Empire) Hier. L.509 (BOS OVIS) could correspond to Cun. NAM.RA (GUD UDU) (YALBURT block 15, § 2; for discussion see StBoT Bh. 3, p. 76, block 6, § 2). L.510. (Empire) Logogram (YALBURT blocks 6, § 2; 15, § 2; discussion StBoT Bh. 3, p. 76, block 6, § 2). L.511. (Empire) Logogram, L.511-sa5(REGIO) (YALBURT blocks 7, § 2b; 17, § 2); identification with L.468, thus the latter also a toponym, suggested by Oreshko (AoF 44 (2017), pp. 51–53), which looks possible though uncertain, but the further identification of both signs as pictograms of “locust”, with the reading masa- is fanciful. L.518, L.519. L.520. (Transitional) Logograms, tentatively suggested from context (offerings to god) to be forms of otherwise known signs: L.518 (OVIS, L.111); L.519 (URCEUS, L.345); and L.520, a cereal(?) (KARAHÖYÜK, § 15, commentary CHLI I/1, p. 294). L.521. (Empire–Transitional) Logogram? The KARAHÖYÜK attestation (§ 18) read by Laroche and Masson LITUUS+á (L.20) and by Nowicki as á (L.19), both of which are clearly wrong. It has now appeared as an onomastic element of PNN on NİŞANTEPE seals, nos. 694–700, permitting its recognition on earlier known seals: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 288 f.; and further on Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO, no. 199. In some of these it is linked to the sign L.461, which when it occurs in the DN á(FEMINA.DEUS)L.461 may be a logogram for the goddess Ala (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29, 35, 37). Working on this access of material, Bolatti Guzzo and Marazzi propose a value ax, not based on identification with L.19 (á) or L.20 (LITUUS+á) (StBoT 52, pp. 23–26). It cannot be said that the proposal produces very convincing readings. L.522. (Late) This appears to be an ad hoc created Hiero glyph to render the object on which it was placed, KARKAMIŠ stone bowl (§ 1), reading hu-ri+i-. L.524. PROPHETA. (Late, single attestation) Pictographic logogram, PROPHETA-mi-i- // DEUS-na-mi-i-, Cun. Luw.
Part 5: The Signary
massanami-, Hitt. LÚsiuniyant-, “god-inspired (spokesman)”; TELL AHMAR 5, § 11 // 6, § 22. LÚ
L.525. PRINCEPS. (Empire, single attestation) Logogram, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 306 no. 33, = Hitt. LÚtuh(u) kanti, “crown prince”. Cf. now A. Planelles Orozco, An. St. 67 (2017), pp. 109– 127. L.526. (Empire) syllabogram tì/te. Identification, reading from YAZILIKAYA, no. 47, goddess Hier. hu-te-na, Cun. D Hutena, (see PBS, p. 431 f. s.v. tì). Also Msk. digraph Cun. ti-la-e = Hier. L.526-la-i(a), Beyer, Emar IV Msk. B28. L.527. (Late) logogram, L.527(-)na-ta-ti-i, “ ? ” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 27), not understood.
L.528. MATTEA. (Transitional) Logogram, new and single attestation, DEUS. MATTEA, “divine mace” placed as epigraph to the figure of the Storm God of Aleppo on ALEPPO 4, apparently identifying the deity by his famous, iconic weapon. L.529. (Late) logogram // syllabogram? LINGUA // la+x? (YASSIHÖYÜK, § 11; İSTANBUL 2, C l. 2; see Taş and Weeden, An. St. 61 (2011), p. 58 f.). L.530. (Late) logogram(?) (İSTANBUL 2, A l. 1; see Taş and Weeden, An. St. 61 (2011), p. 57). L.531. (Late) logogram, (DEUS)L.531-da, the goddess Hebat (ANCOZ 1, § 4; 9, § 2), otherwise written syllabically (DEUS) hi-pu-da- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 2, commentary, with other attestations).
3 The Syllabary a. b. c. d.
The regular syllabary (Empire, Late) Alternative syllabograms CVCV signs with +ra/i Rebus and other values
3a. The regular syllabary This is tabulated and discussed in CHLI I/1, pp. 28–31 with Table 3, to which the following changes should be made: sa4 (L.402) should be removed and placed with (b) Alternative syllabograms; values tà (L.41) ta4 (L.319) and ta5 (L.172) are emended to da, la/i, lá/í respectively; for la/i/u a reading lu/a/i seems more appropriate in view of its original lu value POLYPHONY: a note Polyphony, the use of single signs with two or more different syllabic values, is a marked feature of the Cuneiform script, which increases over the course of its long history. It is readily intelligible in terms of the script’s dual Sumero-Akkadian origins and development and the practices of the scribes who manipulated it. It is not however a normal
feature of other syllabaries, where one-sign-one-value is usual and indeed to be expected in terms of general intelligibility. In this respect Cuneiform may be regarded as aberrant. In the case of the Hieroglyphic script, polyphony is in fact completely absent. The idea that it could be found here goes back to the process of decipherment. Scholars normally familiar with Cuneiform polyphony were struggling to establish sign-values, often with conflicting results which produced apparent polyphony where multiple values for single signs often appeared to have reasonable supporting arguments. The onward march of decipherment however has gradually eliminated these polyphonic values, though Laroche’s influential Hiéroglyphes Hittites still records a number. But now it can safely be stated that polyphony has been entirely expelled from the Hieroglyphic syllabary: no polyphonic values are supported by clear evidence. The nearest thing (not really polyphony) is CV signs with dual vocalizations: ra/i, wa/i, la/i etc.; Empire zi//a and i(a) later differentiate into zi/za, i/ia; or Empire lu later also used for la and li. The evidence for values is exhaustively presented in what follows. Thus systems using polyphonic values are fallacious.
Part 5: The Signary
u (105)
hi (413)
hu (307)
ki (446)
ma (110) na (35)
pa (334)
sa (415)
lu (186)
ni (411) ní (214)
pi (66)
ra/i (383)
ku (423)
mi (391)
li (278)
(a)li (416)
la (176)
– – (a)la (172)
ka (434)
ha (215)
á (19)
(Y) i(a) (209)
a (450)
si (174)
mu (107)
nú (359)
nu (153)
pu (328) ru (412) su (370)
sà (104) sa5 (327)
ta (100) tá (29)
da (41) wa/i (439)
ti (90)
tu (88)
3 The Syllabary
3a. REGULAR SYLLABARY (LATE) relief: KARKAMIŠ (Suhi-Katuwa) incised: TABAL (Kululu-Sultanhan) a (450)
ha (215)
ka (434)
la (176)
lá/í (172)
ma (110) na (35)
hu (307)
pa (334)
mi (391)
li (278)
ni (411)
ní (214)
pi (66)
nú (395)
sa (415)
si (174)
nu (153)
mu (107)
lu/a/i (445)
la/i (319)
ku (423)
pu (328) ru (412) su (370)
sá (433)
sà (104) sa5 (327)
ra/i (383)
hi (413)
u (105)
ki (446)
há (196)
i (209)
á (19)
ta (100)
ti (90)
tá (29)
da (41)
wa/i (439)
tu (89) tú (325)
Part 5: The Signary
zi/a (376)
zu (432(1))
zú (448)
kwi/a (329)
hwi/a (M.161)
(E) EMİRGAZİ (Y) YALBURT For sign forms found on the NİŞANTEPE seals see S. Herbordt, PBS, X. Zeichenliste, pp. 397–425.
i (299)
hax (314)
má (K)
mà (S)
ná (332)
lí (K, T)
lì (K)
mì (K?)
nix (447)
rú (K?)
sa4 (402)
há (347)
mí (419)
sa6 (T, S)
sa7 (T, S)
sa8 (380)
sí (T)
sú (108)
3 The Syllabary
ia (210) za (377)
zi (376)
ta6 (82)
táx (T)
iá (299) ià (K)
zá (335) zà (336)
zí (313)
zì (336)
zax za4 (112)
hwi/a (M.161)
tí (488)
kwi/a (329)
wá/í (166) wà/ì (K)
zi4 (128)
tù (326) tu4 (K)
zu? (432(2)) zú (448)
Part 5: The Signary
3c. CVCV signs
a + ra/i, ra + a (450 + 383)
i + ra/i, ri + i (209 + 383)
la + ra/i + a (175 + 383 + 450)
ara/i (134)
tara/i (389) hara/i (290) (IUDEX + ra/i) dara (371 + 383)
mara/i+(ra/i) (462, 463(3)) (For variant forms, especially ANCOZ, see Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, 1998)
kar (315)
Reading Long uncertain beside incorrect “a” (for i) and á, also because of curious usages (initial-a-final, plene and spacefiller zero). Value a by Forrer (1932); Bossert (1944) ă; Güterbock (1950), Meriggi (1951), Friedrich (1953) had settled for à (the third a), followed by Laroche, HH, p. 232 f. (L.450, see discussion there). With the New Reading of “a” (L.209) as i, à could be moved to the vacant first a slot, thus became a. Transcription *a indicates initial-a-final. initial-a-final (-*a) Peculiar graphic practice whereby an initial a- in any word is written not at the beginning but instead at the end, standing as a tall, full-height sign. First observed in personal names on seals and elsewhere, then on monumental Empire inscriptions EMİRGAZİ 1, also 2: see Hawkins apud Melchert, The Luwians (2003), pp. 159–161 (6.2.3). For a detailed examination of the evidence and analysis see now J. M. Burgin,
Graphical origins of “initial-a-final” in Hieroglyphic Luwian (SMEA NS 2 (2016), pp. 7–32). Convention. In transliteration of text, initial-a-final is here placed where it appears at the end of the word (-*a). Elsewhere, in commentary and discussion, it is transferred to where it belongs, at the beginning (*a-). Empire examples: EMİRGAZİ 1 follows this practice with no exceptions, as does NİŞANTAŞ (as far as visible). YALBURT normally slants initial a over the following signs, thus is equivocal, not very clear-cut: only definite example *a-mu-pa-wa/i (block 4, § 3), a 4-sign group. Transitional: initial-a-final followed by GÜRÜN, also KÖTÜKALE (İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE—no examples); ALEPPO 6 and 7; ANKARA 2; but on KARAHÖYÜK only exceptionally. See below, Usage. Late period: the practice continues through into the early Late period inscriptions, details explored by Melchert in Fs Hawkins (2010), pp. 147–158. This shows that it continued until c. 850 B.C., when it was gradually abandoned and replaced initial a- with á- or –. In the latest inscriptions a- partially reappears. At Karkamiš for example, the Suhi-Katuwa inscriptions rigorously observe initial-a-final; Yariri (A6, A15b, A24a)
3 The Syllabary
abandons it, writing initial a with á-, and using -a finally functionless (word-ender, space-filler?); Kamani (A31, CEKKE) has no functionless final -a). Apparent exceptions in Empire and early Late inscriptions noted by Melchert (p. 148, first paragraph): wa/i-ta (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 12): absence of initial-a-final here dictates a revision of text to add first three signs of previous clause, thus zi/a-tá-sa(-wa/i-ta), to be recognized as zatasa(n), “to that of these ones”. wa/i-mu-ta (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 6): either error of omission, or, more likely, initial-a-final misplaced to the end of the following word, making an aberrant, functionless -a (su-ha-na-ti-a). wa/i-ta (ALEPPO 2, § 6): error of omission(?), but probably dictates redivision (§ 5) wa/i-mu-*a x x-ia (§ 6) |(BESTIA)HWI-sà+ra/i-sa-wa/i-ta …; interpretation? KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 5: collation by H. Peker (May 2013) shows reading wa/i-tu-*a (BRACCHIUM …) = KARKAMIŠ N1, § 5 (Orientalia 83 (2014), pp. 147–149). mi-ia-za- (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 8): final ’ omitted by printer’s error, thus read mi-ia-za-*a. mi-ia-za (IZGIN 1, § 4): uncertain, collation required. KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 11, and KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 4–5: yes, the rule initial-a-final clarifies the readings. pa-ti-ha-wa/i-*a! (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 38): collation confirms presence of -*a omitted in error from my drawing. Note. Melchert, loc. cit., p. 147, lists the main Late inscriptions showing initial-a-final: to which may be added the new ALEPPO 6, 7 (now “Transitional”), ARSUZ 1 and 2, TELL TAYİNAT 4; also MEHARDE and SHEIZAR (now recognized as “Transitional” rather than “archaizing”). He also examines the replacement of initial-a-final with á- or – (zero), and for the late Late inscriptions the appearance of a-. His conclusion is that when initial-a-final is replaced by zero, it must still be understood: thus wa/i-mu, “(and) me” represents a=wa=mu, pa-ti(-), “to him”, is a=pa=ti(-) etc. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic (*a-: “initial-a-final”) Hier. *a-pa-nú = Cun. Iab-ba-nu (Msk. A5) Hier. a-pu-nú = Cun. Ia-bu-un-ni (Msk. A26) Hier. *a-la-a-pu = Cun. Ia-lál-a-bi (Msk. A36) Hier. *a-la-pu = Cun. " (Msk. B3) Hier. *a-la-la-pu = Cun. Ia-lál-a-bu (Msk. C10) cf. also Hier. á-la-á-pu (Msk. A90) Hier. *a-pu-tu = Cun. Iab-du (Msk. A101) Hier. *a-ma-zi/a-hi = Cun. Iam-za-hi (Msk. B1)
= Cun. Ia-hi-ma-l[ik] (Msk. B7, B18) Hier. *a-tara/i-pi = Cun. Iat-ra-bi (Msk. B17) Hier. *a-zi/a-á = Cun. Ia-zi-ia (Msk. B19) Hier. a-pi-[…] = Cun. Ia-bi-D[… (Msk. B11) Hier. *a-hi-ma-li
semi-digraphic Hier. *a-pa-ti-li
= Cun. IÌR-DINGIRMEŠ (Msk. A23) (Abdili)
other initial-a-final *a-sa-mu-ha-pa (Asmu-hepa) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 11) *a-sa-mi-SARMA (Asmi-Šarruma) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 75) *a-wa/i-na-mi (Awanami) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 80) *a-sa-pa-ha-pa (Aspa-hepa) (Poetto, Kadmos 19 (1980), p. 3, pl. II) *a-sa5-nú-ha-pa (Asnu-hepa) (TELL AÇANA 1a, b) *a-i(a)-si(/sa)-ni (Aya-šenni) (ASHMOLEAN, 1894.50) plene ku-la-a (NİŞANTEPE, no. 170) tá-a (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 387–390) tu-wa/i-a (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 470–471) mi+ra/i-a (REGIO) = Cun. KUR URUme-ra!+a! (TARKONDEMOS)
Monuments PNN *a-ki-TASU-pa (Aki-Teššub) (ALEPPO 1, § 2) lexical a+ra/i- (ari-), “arrive” (YALBURT block 3, § ii // NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § b; cf. PES2 (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 4) TRANSITIONAL *a-sa-ma-i(a) (Asmaya) (ANKARA 2, § 1) PN Ia+ra/i-nú-wa/i-ti (Arnuwa(n)ti, İSPEKÇÜR, B § 1, C, A, cf. IZGIN 1, § 12)
LATE lexical: a+ra/i initial Hier. a+ra/i- (ara/i-) “long” (KARATEPE 1, § LI.291; ÇİFTLİK, § 17; [[BOR, § 11]]) Hier. a+ra/i-ma-sa-ri+i (armasadi abl., armasi-, “of the month”; SULTANHAN, § 3, Hitt.-Luw. arma-, “moon, month”)
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. a+ra/i-ma-za (= alama(n)za, “name”?; SULTANHAN, § 46; also an unpublished text) Hier. a+ra/i-ta-li-, a+ra/i-ta-la-si (?) (KULULU 1, §§ 5, 10) Hier. a+ra/i-wa/i-ni (= Hitt. arawani-, “free”?; KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.9 and 14) -ra+a final: used to vocalize ra/i, cf. -ri+i. ASSUR letters frequent, elsewhere occasional: ha-tura+a (passim); wa/i-ra+a (b, § 6, f+g, §§ 39, 41); wa/i-ma-ra+a (b, § 7, f+g, § 40); AUDIRE-MI-tara+a-nu (e, § 7); pa+ra/i-ra+a- (a, § 4, c, § 5, e, § 12); ma-ra+a-ti- (b, § 4); wa/i-ra+a-ma (b, § 5, c, § 9, cf. wa/i+ra/i-ma (a, § 12), wa/i-ara/i-ma (a, § 10)); ki+ra/i-ra+a-za (e, § 25), cf. ki+ra/i-ti-zi (e, § 29); hi-ru-ra+a-ti (f+g, § 7); ka-mara/i-ra+a-na (f+g, § 31, cf. ka-mara/i-zi (f+g, § 28)); a-la-wa/i-ra+a-ti(URBS) (f+g, § 36); tu-ni-ka-ra+a-sa (f+g, § 45), cf. tu-ni-kala-sa (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17c) INFANS(-)ni/ní-L.282-wa/i-ra+a (TELL AHMAR 1, 2, 6, § 2) tati-: ta-ra+a-za (CEKKE, § 16, dat. plur. (cf. tá-ri+i-sa, nom. sing. MF, KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5)) á-ra+a (MARAŞ 2, § 3 (ara < ada), “he made”, 3 sing. pret.) other Hier. PN IYariri: i-a+ra/i-ri+i-i- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1, A7b), cf. i-ara/i-ri+i- (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1; A24a 4+5), i-ia+ra/i-ri+i- (KARKAMIŠ A24a 2+3, §§ 6, 7; A15a, § 19) Hier. GN a-sú+ra/i(REGIO), “Assur” (KARKAMIŠ A24a 2+3, §§ 6, 7; A15a, § 19) cf. su+ra/i-(ia)(URBS) = Phoen. ʾšr (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6) sú+ra/i(-ti)(REGIO) (?) (KARKAMIŠ N1, § 2; A4b, § 2) Usage EMPIRE PNN seals NİŞANTEPE seldom writes initial-a-final (nos. 11, 75), normally á. MESKENE commonly writes initial-a-final. lexical: a+ra/i- initital a+ra/i- (ari-), “arrive”: only attestation. plene (almost all final -a are initial-a-final—so EMİRGAZİ 1) YALBURT block 2, § 2: POST-a URBS-a? block 4, § 2: NEG-a block 13, § 3: á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a(URBS); cf. EMİRGAZİ 2, § 8 block 14, § 4: TALA-wa/i-a(URBS)
TRANSITIONAL (initial-a-final) The practice initial-a-final continued on GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE (İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE no examples); ALEPPO 6 and 7; ANKARA 2; but on KARAHÖYÜK only exceptionally. GÜRÜN § 2. wa/i-tá-*a; § 4. wa/i-mu-*a; § 7. pa-ti-pa-wa/i-*a KÖTÜKALE § 6. wa/i-tá-*a; § 7. wa/i-tu-*a ALEPPO 6 § 2. mi-i-*a; § 5. wa/i-sa-*a; § 10. pa-sa-ha-*a ALEPPO 7 § 4. wa/i-na-*a; § 10. ma-wa/i-tá-*a (NB *a-ma, “my”, nom. acc. plur. N); § 11. pa-sa-na-*a … pa-saha-*a ANKARA 2 § 1. PN sa-ma-i(a)-*a (Asmaya); § 3. wa/i-na-*a; pa-ti-i(a)-*a KARAHÖYÜK § 11. wa/i-mi-ta-*a; § 15. mi-i(a)-ti-*a but— § 4. a-wa/i-tá; § 9. a-wa/i-ní(??); § 10. á-sa-ha; a-wa/i-tá; § 12. a-wa/i-mu; § 13. a-mi-zi/a; §§ 20, 21. a-sati; § 24. a-wa/i-sa; a-sa-tu
LATE When initial-a-final is replaced by á or zero (at Karkamiš, the inscriptions of Yariri) -a may appear at the end of particle chains or single words. If here it follows a syllable Ca, it might be taken as plene, but not after Ci, Cu or vowels i or u, and certainly not following -sa and -na representing endings nom., acc. sing. MF (-s, -n). It seems to have no function except graphically as a space-filler. It does not appear in the inscriptions of Kamani (except, frequently, in KARKAMIŠ A4a), and hardly thereafter at Karkamiš. At Maraş, MARAŞ 1 uses occasional -i final in this functionless form and MARAŞ 14 both -i and -a. Other -a occurs only rarely until the Tabal inscriptions, where it is not uncommon. Finally the ASSUR letters use both -a and -i very frequently, almost always written very small, hardly space-fillers.
3 The Syllabary
Reading Gelb (1931, 1935, 1942) read ’a from initial-only usage; Hrozný (1933) á from incorrect alternation with i (a for him); Meriggi (1933–1950) e, (1951) á. Reading á maintained as second a-sign after incorrect “a” (i), but can be retained after the replacement of “a” (> i) by à, now first a-sign. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic (initial) Hier. á-pi-la-lu
= Cun. Ia-bi-la-li (Msk. B20) Hier. á-mi = Cun. Ia-me-i (Msk. B30) Hier. á-tá-mi-ki = Cun. I.Da-a-SIG4 (Msk. B37) Hier. *a-la-á-pu (Msk. A36), *a-la-pu (Msk. B3), *a-lala-pu (Msk. C10) = Cun. Ia-lál-a-bi // bu; cf. also Hier. á-la-á-pu (Msk. A90) Hier. sà-ka-ara/i-á-pu = Cun. I.D30-a-bi (Msk. B10) Hier. á-sa-tara/i-ti = Cun. Izu-aš-tar-ti (Msk. A79, B29) cf. Hier. zu-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti = Cun. zu-aš-tar-ti (Dalley and Teissier, Iraq 54 (1992), no. 1) (internal) Hier. i(a)-á-ti-da-ka = Cun. Iia-ti-DKUR (Msk. A70) Hier. i(a)-á-mi-li-ki-da-ka = Cun. Iim-lik-DKUR (Msk. C16) semi-digraphic Hier. pa-á-li-ma-li cf. pa-li-ma-li
= Cun. IEN-ma-lik (Msk. B2) = Cun. IEN-ma-lik (Msk. B12)
mu-wa/i-á (Muwa(’a), NİŞANTEPE, no. 255) pa-pa-á (Papa(’a), NİŞANTEPE, nos. 294, 295) pi-ha-á (Piha(’a), NİŞANTEPE, no. 297) zu(wa)-wa/i-á (Zuwa(’a), NİŞANTEPE, nos. 537–540) (internal) zi/a-á-li (Ziali?) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 522)
Monuments DN (DEUS)á-sa-tá-pi (Astabi) (YAZILIKAYA, no. 33), Cun. D aš-ta(-a)-pi, etc. (OHP, 53 f.) GN á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a(REGIO) (Awarna, YALBURT block 13, § 3; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 8; Cun. URUa-wa-ar-na (RGTC VI, s.v. Awarna) DN á(FEMINA.DEUS).L.461 (Ala, EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29, 37; Hitt. D(MUNUS)á-la-a- (OHP, s.v. Ala) lexical Hier. á- (a-), “make, do” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 25, 27; Cun. Luw. a(-a-ia)Hier. á-zi/a- (aza-), “love” (YALBURT block 4, § 3; FRAKTİN; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 3; AII, § a; AV, § a) Hier. á-na+ra/i(-)zú-ha- (anari-), “ ? ” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37; Cun. Luw. a-an-na-ri) Hier. á-ka- ((INFRA)aka-), “subject” (SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, §§ d, e)
TRANSITIONAL KARAHÖYÜK only attestations. § 4, (SOLIUM-MI)á-sa (dat. sing.), Late (MENSA.SOLIUM) á-sa-, “seat” § 10, á-sa-ha, “I was”: but cf. § 20, a-sa-ti, “there is”; § 24, a-sa-tu, “let there be” § 11, á-tá, Late a-tá/ta, Cun. anda(?)
LATE DN Ala (see Empire)
other, (initial) á-ki-i(a) (Akiya) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 2) á-na+ra/i (Anari) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 22) á-zi/a-TONITRUS (Azatarhunta) (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 82–87; SBo II, nos. 146–147)
PNN Azatiwada (= Phoen. ʾztwd); Awariku (= Phoen. ʾwrk); Adana(wa) (= Phoen. ʾdn); Astuwalamanza; Astiru(wa); Ahali; Azami
(final: plene? or -’a?) VIR-á (Zida, SBo II, no. 26) lu-wa/i-á (Luwa(’a), NİŞANTEPE, no. 214)
lexical alamanza, “name” azu(wi)-, “horse” atri-, “self, soul”
Part 5: The Signary
amu, “me” ami-, “my” apa-, “that” (dem.) (from c. 850 B.C. replacing initiala-final) apan, “back” aruni-, “enemy” ana(n)tari-, “lower”; a(ia)-, “make”; awi-, “come”; aza-, “love”; ada-/aza-, “eat”; asa-, “sit”; asa-, “be” (from c. 850 B.C.) Usage EMPIRE PNN seals, initial NİŞANTEPE normally writes áMESKENE commonly writes á- (more commonly initial-a-final) -á final (seals, see above): plene? or -’a? -á- internal (seals Meskene, occasional): -’a pa-á-li- / pa-li = Cun. ÉN, Ba‘al i(a)-á-ti = Cun. ia-ti- (yadi-) i(a)-á-mi-li-ki- = Cun. im-lik- (yamlik-)
LATE á- almost exclusively initial. It has generally replaced initial-a-final, occasionally alternating with a- or zero. It is never used to write the copula a- at the beginning of a particle chain (except KAYSERİ, § 2a).
i, ia
Reading Meriggi (1929) proposed a, ā for L.209, 210 (along with i, ī for L.376, 377); followed by Gelb (1931), based on writing of “Hamath” (now i-ma-tu(REGIO)); Hrozný (1933), Forrer (1932) preferred i (ä); and Bossert (1932) ha. Meriggi’s system was generally adopted, lasting through until the “New Readings”. The sign L.209 revaluated from a to i/ia with the “New Reading” (1973–1974); confirmed by Empire digraphic Cun. correspondences e/i/ia (see Evidence), thus transcribed i(a) (Empire), i (Late). In the Late period i+a was introduced to distinguish ia (thus so transcribed, L.210). Note: Laroche’s i4 (Akkadica 22 (1981), p. 11, Ipki-Dagan) (i5, p. 13) is PITHOS (title); ipki- probably written ⌈i(a)?-pa?⌉-ki-.
Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic = Cun. e Hier. tá-i(a) Hier. tì-la-i(a) Hier. i(a)-li Hier. i(a)-hi-li-i(a)
= Cun. Ita-’-e (Msk. A102) = Cun. Iti-la-e (Msk. B28) = Cun. Iel-li (Msk. B29) = Cun. Ieh-li-ia (Msk. B1)
= Cun. i Hier. i(a)-nì-TASU-pa
= Cun. Ii-ni-DU-ub (Msk. A3 (also RS), Msk. C1 (also RS)) Hier. i(a)-á-ti-da-ka = Cun. Iia-ti-DKUR (Msk. A70) Hier. i(a)-pi/pa-ni-da-ka = Cun. Iib-ni-DKUR (Msk. A87, B 9) Hier. i(a)-la-nú = Cun. Ii-la-ni (Msk. A105, B5) Hier. i(a)-pi-ni-i(a) = Cun. Iib-ni-ia (Msk. B48) Hier. i(a)-sa5-pi-da-ka = Cun. Iiš-bi-DKUR (Msk. B67) Hier. i(a)-á-mi-li-ki-da-ka = Cun. Iim-lik-DKUR (Msk. C16) Hier. sà-i(a)-da-ka = Cun. Iše-i-DKUR (Msk. B68) semi-digraphic Hier. i(a)-pari-TASU-pa = Cun. IEN-DIM (Msk. A14) Hier. i(a)-HALA-ku-sà = Cun. IKAR-D30 (Msk. A59) Hier. i(a)-ti-pa-li = Cun. IZU-ba-la (Msk. A63) Hier. i(a)-da-mi-ki = Cun. [I]É.A-SIG5 (TSABR, no. 72(d)) cf. á-tá-mi-ki (Msk. B37) = Cun. ia Hier. tu+ra/i-i(a) = Cun. Itu-ri-ia (Msk. B35) also Ehliya, Ibniya (above) Hier. i(a) is used to write the very common Cun. ending ia (hypocoristic), also the common onomastic element pi-i(a), “give etc.”. i(a) in NİŞANTEPE seals appears in Ehli- (nos. 97–103), Ewri(nos. 133–135), Ini- (nos. 141–151); also i(a)+ra/i-nú-u (no.152), Cun. Iyarinu. On the following Meskene seals the seal user is different from the seal owner (i.e. no digraph). Hier. i(a)-pi-ta-ka, Cun. IDUTU-da-i (Msk. A6)
3 The Syllabary
Hier. i(a)-ka+ra/i(?)-ta-ti, Cun. Ia-li-DKUR (Msk. A53) Hier. i(a)-si-á-la-tu? (woman), Cun. Ia-hi-ma-lik (Msk. A54) Hier. ki-i(a)-pa-li, Cun. IAD-D30 (Msk. A64) Hier. i(a)-tu+ra/i-da-ka, Cun. IDKUR-ta-li-’ (Msk. A60) Hier. i(a)-pi-⌈ni?⌉-i(a), Cun. Ia-bi-SIG5 (Msk. A7) Note the following writings (Meskene): Hier. i(a)-da+ra/i-pi-i(a) = Cun. IDU-ra-pí-ih (Msk. B24) Hier. i(a)-tá-ka+ra/i-tá = Cun. IDU-UR.SAG (Msk. B32) In both cases Hier. i(a)-tá/da renders Cun. DU, i.e. the Semitic Storm-God (H)ada(d). This has been taken as digraphic evidence Hier. i(a) = Cun. a. But these are the sole such correspondences, and it is preferable to suppose that the Cun. writing represents a form Eta: compare the Late writings i-ma-tu(REGIO) “Hamath” (( )חמתHAMA 4, § 1; 8, § 1; 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, § 1); and i-la-pa(URBS) “Halab” ()חלב (KARKAMIŠ A24a 2+3, §§ 6, 11). Note the following Empire writings of the god Ea: (DEUS)i(a) YAZILIKAYA, no. 39 Hier. i(a) = Cun. É.A (TSABR, no. 72(d)) cf. Hier. á- = Cun. DA.A (Msk. B37) Hier. *a-i(a)- in *a-i(a)-si/sa-ni (Aya-šenni) (ASHMOLEAN 1894.50) Cf. Late writings (DEUS)i-ia- (TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; MARAŞ 1, § 5; ÇİFTLİK, § 9; KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII.392), also (DEUS)i- (CEKKE, § 24); (DEUS)ia- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 2); (DEUS)PES2- (i.e. i-, TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2a, § 4, frag. 10, § 1)
Monuments lexical corresponds to Cun. i Hier. zi/a-ti-i(a), “this” (dat. sing. plene: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 6) Hier. REL-ti-i(a), “which” (dat. sing. plene: KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 1) Hier. *a-wa/i-ti-i(a) (a+wa+ti+i plene: NİŞANTAŞ AII, § b) Hier. REL-i(a)-sa(-ha), “who (anyone)” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 24, 27, 30, 34, 36; YALBURT block 4, § 2; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3a) Hier. PRAE-i(a) (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 15) Hier. i(a)-zi/a-, “make, do” (SÜDBURG, § 18; YALBURT block 4, § 1c; block 9, § 1b; NİŞANTAŞ AII, §§ d, f)
corresponds to Cun. ia Hier. zi/a-i(a), “these” (nom./acc. plur. N: EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 10, 24, 27; YALBURT block 4, § 4; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 6; NİŞANTAŞ AII, § c) Hier. *a-wa/i-ti-i(a)-na (a+wa+ti+an: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 35) Hier. REL-i(a), “which” (nom./acc. plur. N: KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 6) Hier. REGIO-ní-i(a), “lands” (nom./acc. plur. N: YALBURT block 4, § 4; NİŞANTAŞ AII, §§ b, c) Hier. hwi/a-i(a)-, “run, march” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37; YALBURT blocks 4, § 2; 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4) Hier. pi-i(a)-, “give” (YALBURT block 4, § 1a) corresponds to Cun. i or i(a)? Hier. sà-ka-la-da-i(a), “harms” (3 sing. pres.): EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 16, 24 Hier. ASINUS-ní-i(a)(-pa-wa/i): YALBURT block 13
TRANSITIONAL KARAHÖYÜK practice: see CHLI I/1, 290 f. inscription uses only i(a) and zi/a as for Empire period; no trace of i+a differentiation i(a)-zi/a- for izi-, “make, do” is written Empire style i(a) for -i plene in dat. sing.: DEUS-ní-i(a) (§ 11); a-mi-i(a) DOMUS-ní-i(a) (REL-ripa) URBS-ní-i(a) (§ 22) i(a) for ia: REL-i(a)-mi-sa (§ 12); *a-mi-i(a)-ti (§ 15); FRONS.L.282-pi-i(a)(URBS) (§ 16) i(a) for i in REL-i(a)-sa i(a)-ma REL-i(a)-sa, “whosoever”, Hitt. kuis imma kuis (§ 22) i(a) for i or ia: REL+ra/i-i(a), “when, or” (§§ 1, 22) RN i(a)+ra/i-TONITRUS (§ 1)? Ir/Iri/Iari-Teššub/Tarhunta? ANKARA 2 practice i(a) and zi/a as for Empire: no i+a, zi+a differentiation i(a)-zi/a-, “make, do”, written Empire style *a-pa-ti-i(a): -i plene ANNUS-i(a), “year” (dat. sing.), -i or i(a)? PN *a-sa-ma-i(a) (Asmaya), -ia hypocoristic (L.273)i(a)-sa5-zi/a-, verb, not certainly identified ALEPPO 6 and ALEPPO 7 i(a) as for Empire (but zi+a for za) i(a)-zi-, “make, do”, written Empire style (6, §§ 3, 4) i(a) for i *a-mi-i(a) (plene), “my” (dat. sing.) (6, § 2) i(a)-zi-i(a)-sa-tá-, verb izista-, “honour” (6, § 3)
Part 5: The Signary
REL-i(a)-sa, “who” (nom. sing. MF: 6, § 4) PES-wa/i-i(a)-ti (awiti), “comes” (3 sing. pres.: 6, § 4) BO[S …]-i(a)- (wawi(n)) (acc. sing. MF: 6, § 6) i(a) for ia zi[+a]-ti-i(a)-zi+a (zatiyanza), “these” (dat. plur.: 6, § 4) za-i(a) (zaya), “these” (nom./acc. plur. N: 7, § 10) i(a) for i or ia pa-za-i(a)-ha (pazai- / pazaya-?: 7, § 2) hwi/a-i(a)-nú-wa/i (hwinu- // hwiyanu-?: 7, § 9) introduction of i+a for ia no clear examples in GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKCÜR, DARENDE (perhaps no attestations), which all show zi+a for za IZGIN 1 and 2, MARAŞ 8 show regular Late ia KARKAMIŠ A14b show two examples of i+a; A14a has regular Late ia MEHARDE and SHEIZAR mark ia (as also za) with single stroke across base archaism (KARKAMIŠ A21 with frags. KARKAMIŠ A20, A22) these inscriptions are rendered in a quite expert archaic style: this shows i+a for ia, as well as zi+a (za) and NEG+a (NEG2) TOPADA, which affects a less expert archaism, distinguishes i and ia, but writes zi/a, never za. LATE: differentiated i (L.209), ia (L.210) i Evidence lexical Hier. i-, “go” Hier. i-zi-i/ia- (izi-/iziya-), “make, do” Hier. i-sà-nu-(wa/i-), “make sit, seat” Hier. i(-ia)-sa-, “buy” Hier. (DEUS)(i-)ia- (Iya-), the god Ea grammatical Hier. -i/ia, case ending, dat. sing. Hier. -i/ia, tense ending 3 sing. pres. (alternative -ti) Hier. -Ci-i plene
i+ra/i- (ir- initial) and ri+i (-ri, normally final) ir- initial (uncommon) Hier. (“FINES”)i+ra/i-há/ha-za (irhanza), “on the frontiers” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIX.101; XXX.152) Hier. i+ra/i-ní-li-za-, “of the irnala” (epithet of StormGod) (ADIYAMAN 1, §§ 2, 3) Hier. (CAPRA)i+ra/i-wa/i-, “irwa-caprid” (HİSARCIK 1, §§ 2, 4) Hier. (“LONGUS”)i+ra/i-ti(-i) (ARSUZ 1 and 2, § 22: see (LONGUS)ia+ra/i-) -ri final, representing rhotacized abl. -ti > -ri very common in 8th century B.C. inscriptions Hier. PUGNUS-ri+i-, “rise, raise”, Hitt. arai-, Luw. ariyaHier. tá-ri+i-sa (taris < tadis), “father” (nom. sing. MF: KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5) writings i-ma-tu-(REGIO), “Hamath”, and i-la-pa(URBS), “Halab” The recognition of this writing of “Hamath” on the HAMA inscriptions was one of the key arguments for the attribution of the value a to L.209 by comparison of the Cuneiform (Assyrian) writing a/ha-mat, thus a correspondence to a/ha. In re-evaluating the sign as i, this demanded an explanation, given by Hawkins, Morpurgo-Davies and Neumann, HHL, 157 f. The same argument would explain i-la-pa for “Halab”. Note too the Empire (Meskene) writing of i(a)-tá- for “Hadad” (see above). ia Evidence lexical Hier. izi(ya)-, i(ya)sa-, (DEUS)iya- (as for i) Hier. pi-ia- (piya-), “give” Hier. tiyari(ya)-, “guard” Hier. ia+ra/i-(i/ia)- (yari(ya)-), “extend” (also i+ra/i-) Hier. ni(-ia)-sa/za- (ni(ya)sa- / ni(ya)za-), “follow”
PNN I Hier. ha-mi-ia-taI Hier. ara/i-ia-hi-naI Hier. ia-hi-la-ti-sa-paI Hier. á-lá/í-ia-zagrammatical Hier. -i/ia (dat. sing.), -i/ia (3 sing. pres.) Hier. -ia (nom./acc. plur. N)
3 The Syllabary
Hier. -i-stems: i(ya)s/-i(ya)si (gen.), -i(ya)ti (abl.), -i(ya) nza (dat. plur.) Hier. -i(ya)- (adj. suffix, replacing genitive: e.g. tati(ya)-, “of the father”)
Reading Forrer 1932, ha from recognition of copula; also from 1 sing. pret. ending -ha; also ha+ra/i-tu- (present reading), “descendant”; accepted by Bossert and Meriggi, 1933, and by Gelb 1935 (see HH II, p. 16). A value he based on its use to write the DN Heba(t) is probably not necessary (see Evidence). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic (corresponds to Cun. hé, hi, as well as ha) Hier. pu-tu-ha-pa = Cun. fpu-du-hé-pa (RS 17.133, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 109; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 85, 87); see also Monuments Hier. da+da-nu-ha-pa = Cun. fta-nu-hé-pa (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 46, 58–60; also 62 (fda-)) Hier. ti-ha-TASU-pa = Cun. Iti-hi-DIM (RS 17.137, Laroche, loc. cit., p. 135 f.); cf. NİŞANTEPE, no. 453 Hier. ha-sa-mi-TONITRUS = Cun. Ihi-iš-mi-[…] (Msk. A4a (Msk. 73.57; another impression Msk. 73.1001) Hier. ha-pu = Cun. ha-ab-ú // hab-ú (Msk. A100) Hier. pi-ha-TONITRUS = Cun. pí-ha-DU (NİŞANTEPE, no. 305); for piha- names, Hier. with Cun. equivalents, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 293, Excursus 8 Hier. pu-ha-si-na = Cun. [p]u-hi-ŠEŠ (text, l. 3) (tablet AO 28366, Gonnet and Malbran–Labat, Anatolica 16 (1989/90), pp. 1–6); and Hier. pu-hi-si-ni (epigraph not corresponding) (TSABR, no. 71; Gonnet, CRRAI XXXVIII (1992), pp. 267–269) other hepa names Hier. da+da-tu-ha-pa (CRUCIFORM seal, obv., right), Cun. fda(-a) // du-u // ta-du-hé-pa (Noms, no. 1313) Hier. sà-da-tu-ha-pa (MAŞAT, HBM, Abb. 2), Cun. f ša-ta-an-du-hé-pa (Wilhelm, Ist. Mitt. 43 (1993), p. 101 f.; Tremouille, NABU 2006, no. 29) Hier. ha-pa-pi-i(a) (TARSUS, nos. 14, 17), Hitt. fhé-paSUM (Noms+Suppl., no. 365) Hier. *a-sa-mu-ha-pa (NİŞANTEPE, no. 11), Cun. fašmu-hé-pa (Noms, Suppl., no. 173a)
Monuments Hier. pu-tu-ha-pa (FRAKTİN) Hier. (DEUS)ha-pa-tu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 43), Cun. D hé-pát // pa-du, etc., (OHP, s.v. Hepat) Hier. (DEUS)ha-pa-SARMA (ALEPPO 1, § 1), Cun. D hepat-Dsarruma (OHP, s.v. Hepat, p. 126 f.) Hier. L.137-ha-sa5 // sà, “ritual” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 34, 36; SÜDBURG, § 17), Cun. Luw. ma-al-ha-aš-ša (CLL, s.v. malhašša) grammatical Hier. -ha copula “and” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 3, 7, 10), Cun. Luw. -ha Hier. REL-i(a)-sa-ha indef. pron., “anyone” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 8, 9, 10, 30), Cun. Luw. ku-iš-ha (CLL, s.v. kwisha) Hier. -ha (verb ending, 1 sing. pret.: DELERE-núwa/i-ha (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 7), DELERE-ha (YALBURT block 17, § 1); mu-wa/i-ha (YALBURT blocks 16, § 2a; 11, § 2; 13, § 1); pi-i(a)-ha, MANUS+MANUS-nú-wa/i-ha, i(a)-zi/a-ha (YALBURT blocks 4, §§ 1a, b, c; 3); la-la-ha (YALBURT block 14, § 1); DARE-ha (SÜDBURG, § 17), Cun. Luw. -ha
TRANSITIONAL KARAHÖYÜK Hier. -ha (1 sing. pret.: á-sa-ha, “I was” (§ 10); i(a)L.515-ha (§ 11); i(a)-zi/a-ha, “I made” (§ 17); L.515-ha, “I …ed” (§ 18); CAPERE-ha, “I took” (§ 19) (see also Empire) ALEPPO 6 Hier. -ha (1 sing. pret.: i(a)-zi-i(a)-sa-ta-ha, “I honoured” (§ 2)) Hier. -ha (copula: *a-pa-sa-ha, “he too” (§ 10); CAPERE. PANIS-sa-ha (§ 12)) ALEPPO 7 Hier. -ha (1 sing. pret.: pa-za-i(a)-ha, “I went/ brought(?)” (§ 2)) Hier. -ha (copula: *a-pa-sa-ha, “and to his …” (§ 11)) Hier. -ha (1 sing. pret.) also in GÜRÜN (§§ 2, 3, 5), KÖTÜKALE (§§ 2, 3), İSPEKÇÜR (frag. d, §§ 3, 4), DARENDE (§§ 2, 3)
LATE grammatical Hier. -ha (1) copula (2) 1 sing. pret. (3) indefinite pron., passim, as Empire, Transitional; alternates with há.
Part 5: The Signary
lexical Hier. ha-ma-si-, “grandson” (İSPEKÇÜR Bc, § 1, Cc+d; MARAŞ 1, § 1c; KARABURUN, §§ 7, 9; KÖRKÜN, §§ 6, 11, Cun. Luw. ha-am-ša-ti (abl.), (CLL, s.v. hamša/i-) Hier. ha-ma-su-ka-la-, “great-grandson” (MARAŞ 1, § 1d; KÖRKÜN, § 11), Cun. Luw. ha-am-su(-uk)-kal-la-a- (CLL, s.v. hamšukkalla-) Hier. ha+ra/i-ma-hi-, “head” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 5; 6, § 14; CEKKE, § 18; ÇİFTLİK, § 16 (-ha-)), Cun. Luw. har-ma-hi(//ha)- (CLL, s.v. harmaha/i-) Hier. ha+ra/i-tu-, “descendant” (MARAŞ 1, § 1), Hitt. (-Luw.) ha-ar-du(-wa) (nom.-acc. plur. N, HWb2, s.v. hardu-) Hier. ha+ra-wa/i(-ta)-, “road etc.” (ha+ra/i-wa/i-ni-, “send”, ASSUR letters d, §§ 6, 7, 9; f+g, § 25), = Phoen. drk (KARATEPE 1, § XXXIV.180; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21; JISR EL HADID 4, § 4), Hitt.-Luw. ha-ru-wa- (HWb2 s.v. haruwa-; CLL, s.v. *harwa-) Hier. ha-sa // sá-, “beget”, = Phoen. yld (KARATEPE 1, § LVI.321), Hitt. haš(š)- (HWb2, s.v. haš(š)2-) Hier. ha-ta/tá-, “face, front” (and derivatives; mostly written log. FRONS- (L.26): KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 6, 23; KIRÇOĞLU, § 3), Hitt.-Luw. hant- (HWb2, s.v. hant-; CLL, s.v. *hant-) Hier. ha-ta-li(-i)-, “smite” = Phoen. ʿn (KARATEPE 1, § XXVIII.144; KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 1), Hitt.-Luw. ha-at-tal-la, “club” (HWb2, s.v. hattalla-; CLL, s.v. *hattalla/i-) Hier. ha-wa/i(-i)-, “sheep” = Phoen. š (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.270, 272 (há-); KULULU 1, § 6, AKSARAY, § 4), Cun. Luw. ha-a-ú-i- (CLL, s.v. hawa/i-) Hier. ha-zi-wa/i-(sà) // +ra/i-, “ritual” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 13; ŞIRZI, § 2), Hitt.-Luw. ha-az-zi-ú-i // wi5(-da)- (CLL, s.v. ( )hazziwit-) Hier. hu-ha-, “grandfather” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A26a 1+2, § d), Hitt.-Luw. hu-uh-ha-(// hi- // hu-) (HWb2, s.v. huhha-, CLL, s.v. hūha-) Hier. ARHA (FINES+ha) (passim), Hitt. arha (Cun. Luw. ahha (?), Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), pp. 321–339).
Hier. ha+ra/i-na-(URBS), (Moon-God of) Harran (TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; ALEPPO 2, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; SUL TANHAN, § 31; KARABURUN, § 12, alternates with hara/i-, §§ 8, 10, also KULULU 5, § 1 (× 2)); hara/i-na- onomastic element: -wa/i-za- (ASSUR letter e, § 1); -wa/i+ra/i- (ASSUR letter f+g, § 45); -mu(wa) (CEKKE, § 17a)
L.196, also 197
HATTI/HATTUSA (Empire); há (Late)
Origin há acrophonic from Hatti? Reading Recognized as Empire writing Hattusili (L.196+li) and Hatti/Hattusa: Güterbock (Boğazköy (I) (1935), p. 65 f., 3a–c; SBo II, p. 44), who correctly identified it as a logogram, not syllabogram há as supposed by Meriggi on basis of Late alternation há // ha (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 15 // 17)). The sign L.196 was incorrectly identified with L.199. In an article of 1992 in Natural Phenomena, pp. 53–82, I addressed the confusion of L.196 and 199, distinguishing: (1) the iconographic element “lightning-trident” (not a Hieroglyph) held by the Storm-God in the Late period (2) the Hier. logogram L.199 (TONITRUS) held by the StormGod (Empire period) representing his name Tarhunda/ Teššub, and found as an onomastic element on seals (3) the logogram HATTI/HATTUSA(+li), Empire only except the writing Hattusili which was carried through into the Late period (4) the Late only syllabogram há which alternates with ha (L.215); almost exclusively in KARATEPE. Syllabogram há Evidence (Late only) alternation with ha: KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 15 // 17 otherwise only KARATEPE 1: 39, 52, 60, 93, 129, 136, 146, 152, 158, § XLVII, 278, 292, 295, 393; very common also without alternation: 30, 48, 68, 69, 73, 81, 84, 101, 118, 129, 148, 184, 190, 192, 264, 270, 271, 272, 277, 283, 287, 288, 291, 297, 299, 308, 319, 327, 330, 333, 369, 397, 399. note pa-há+ra/i // ha+ra/i-(URBS) = Phoen. pʿr (§ VII.39) other Late attestations very rare KARKAMIŠ: A1a, §§ 2, 12 (HÁ(-)ha-ta(-ia)- (function?); A13d, § 2 (PONERE-wa/i-há), cf. A6, §§ 15 // 17 above); CEKKE, §§ 9, 10 (há-ia-la); A18e, § 6 (há?+ra/i-t[a]-z[i/a …) TELL AHMAR— MARAŞ— MALATYA— COMMAGENE—IHATTUSA+li only: BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 1, 17c, 19; MALPINAR §§ 1, 2, 5, 18; ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 7, 8; 7, § 13 AMUQ— ALEPPO— HAMA— TABAL—
3 The Syllabary
EMPIRE (HATTI/HATTUSA only?) Monuments YALBURT blocks 1, § 1 (HATTUSA+li); 4, § 2 (HATTI (REGIO)); 11, § 3 (FORTIS.HATTI-tá) NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1 (HATTI(REGIO) (× 2); HATTUSA+li), § 5 (HATTI(URBS)) SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 5, 6 (HATTI(REGIO)); § 3 (DEUS TONITRUS HATTI, DEUS HATTI); § 5 (FINES-zi/a HATTI). I do not accept the proposal of Melchert that HATTI/HATTUSA can represent há (as +ha copula) on SÜDBURG. KARAKUYU, l. 1 (HATTUSA+li); l. 2 (HATTUSA+MONS+tu (URBS)) FRAKTİN (epigraph HATTUSA+li) TAŞÇI BOĞAZKÖY 3, 18: Tudhaliya stelae with genealogy (HATTUSA+li) Seals: of Hattusili III, SBo I, nos. 45–48; (with Puduhepa) 49, 50, 51; SBo II, no. 3; Boğazköy III, nos. 5, 6 (with Puduhepa); Ugaritica III, figs. 13–22 (RS 18.03; 17.238; 17.229; 17.130; with Puduhepa); NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 66–69; (with Puduhepa, nos. 70–84). Hattusili I, CRUCIFORM seal, side i, right other, Boğazköy III, no. 9; NİŞANTEPE 1, no. 119 (REX sà(+?)REGIO)
Origin — In some cases Empire hi is difficult to distinguish from sa (L.415) Reading hi from Urhilina, Thompson (1912), and Hipatu, Bossert and Meriggi (1933); also Nahitiya, Gelb (1935). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. ta-ku-hi-li = Cun. Iták-hu-li-na (RS 16.273, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 140) with Cun. variants Ita-kuuh-li-, Ida-ku-hi-i-li- (Noms, no. 1215) Hier. *a-ma-zi/a-hi i(a)-hi-li-i(a) FILIUS = Cun. Iamza-hi DUMU eh-li-ia (Msk. B1)
Hier. hi-la+ra/i-zi/a = Cun. Ihi-il-la-ri-zi (Msk. A15: impressions on Msk. 731093, TSABR, nos. 36, 91, 76 (only correctly corresponding epigraph); cf. also NİŞANTEPE, nos. 123, 124 Hier. *a-hi-ma-li = Cun. Ia-hi-ma-[lik] (Msk. B7; another, B18) Hier. hi-mi-sa5-da-ka = Cun. Ihi-ma-ši-dKUR (TSABR, no. 25(a)) Hier. pu-ha-si-na = Cun. [p]u-hi-ŠEŠ (AO 28366, Gonnet and Malbran Labat, Anatolica 16 (1989–90), pp. 1–66); // pu-hi-si-ni (Msk. B16 =) TSABR, no. 71(b); see Gonnet, CRRAI XXXVIII, Paris, 1992, pp. 267–269 Hier. *a-hi-da-ka = Cun. Ia-hi-dKUR (TSABR, no. 25(a) (ME 73): photo Beyer, Emar IV, pl. 46c) other Note the names hi-la-ni (BOROWSKI, no. 26, Poetto, Stud. Med. 3, Tav. XXVI; also NİŞANTEPE, no. 122, Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 255 commentary); hi-la (FURLANI, photo Altanatolien, no. 688 (woman) Mora, Glittica VII.4.8). logographic value? (1) Hier. HI-VIR.zi/a (BOROWSKI, no. 16, Poetto, Stud. Med. 3, Tav. XVI A, B; NİŞANTEPE, no. 691, Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 288 commentary). (2) title: (Hier.) L.414.DOMINUS (SBo II, no. 36; BOROWSKI no. 8, Poetto, Stud. Med. 3, Tav. VIII; AFYON seal, Mora, Glittica IV.1.1; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 138–140, 174, 332–338; +MI, nos. 76–77, 382, 546, 628, 632); OBERSTADT, Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO, p. 70 (3) Hier. HI-OVIS (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 19, 21, 22) B. Dinçol proposes to recognize here L.414 as the logogram standing for Hitt. NA4hekur, from which the syllabogram hi was derived acrophonically (StBoT 45 (2001), p. 101; Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO (BoHa XXII, 2011), p. 70). She transcribes MAUSOLEUM, and takes (1) as Hekur-ziti; (2) as Cun. EN NA4hekur, “hekur-administrator” (unattested); (3) as “sheep of the hekur”. The proposal is attractive, but awaits conclusive confirmation. For a possible occurrence on NİŞANTAŞ, AV, § d, SCALPRUM.L.414(?) which might represent Cun. NA4he(kur), see Commentary.
TRANSITIONAL ALEPPO 6 and 7 Hier. sà+ra/i-hi-sa (6, § 12): determined by logogram LIBARE, this appears to demand the restoration of - to represent the stem sarli-, “exalt; offer”, with -ahi(t)- abstract suffix, thus “oblation”. (But cf. now Yakubovich, rl > rr, Kadmos 56 (2017), p. 13.)
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. (SCALPRUM)hi-tu-n[a-t]i (LIGNUM)hi-ti(-)tu … (7, § 19): two forms of unknown stem hiti-? GÜRÜN, DARENDE DN (DEUS)hi-pa-tú//tu, goddess Hebat (G, §§ 1, 7; D, obv.): Empire always writes ha-pa- see L.215 ha, hepa- names; monuments. Transitional hi-pa- is continued in all Late writings (see below), except possibly da-tu-ha-pa (EĞRİKÖY § 1), PN Dadu-hepa(?) (historical spelling?) Note Empire DEUS.L.413(HI) (FRAKTİN): logogram or syllabic abbreviation?
LATE DN (DEUS)hi-pu-da- (ÇİFTLİK, § 8; KULULU 5, § 1; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2); note (DEUS)L.529-da (ANCOZ 1, § 4; 9, § 2), logographic writing
PNN Hier. u+ra/i-hi-li-na (HAMA, passim), Ass. Iir/ur-hu/ hi-li(-e)-ni/na (PNAE 2/I, s.v. Irhulena) Hier. Isu-hi-, two rulers of Karkamiš, I and II (KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7; A4b, § 7; A14b, § 1; A14a, § 1; A1b, § 1; KELEKLİ, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1; A2+3, § 1) Hier. Iara/i-ia-hi-na- (TELL AHMAR 1, § 1) Hier. hi-pa+ra/i-wa/i-ni, PN(?) Hiparawani- (< Hipada-, theophoric element: ASSUR letter e, § 28)
GNN Hier. hi-ia-wa/i-(URBS, REGIO), Hiyawa (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 1, 2, 6; ARSUZ 1 and 2, § 13), Hitt. Ahhiya(wa) (RGTC VI, s.v. Ahhijawa), Ass. (KUR//URU)qu(-u)-e // qa-u-we etc.: RGTC VII, s.v. Que) Hier. hi-ri+i-kaAss. hi-lak-ka/ki/ku(KUR/ (MARAŞ 4, §§ 2, 6) URU)?Hier. hi-li-ki-(URBS) RGTC VII, s.v. Hilakku (IZGIN 2, § 5) lexical Hier. hi-sà-hi-, “bind” (CEKKE, §§ 13, 16), Cun. Luw. hi-iš-hi(-ia)- (CLL, s.v. hišhi(ya)-) Hier. hi-ru-da // ra+a-, “oath, curse(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9; ASSUR letter f+g, § 7), Cun. Luw. hi-ru(-ú)-ta-, “curse” (CLL, s.v. hīrūn / hīrūt-) Hier. FINES-ha//hi- (irha-/irhi-), “frontier” = Phoen. gbl (+hi-zi, acc. plur. MF: KARATEPE 1, § XXXII.163; CEKKE, §§ 19, 21; cf. TOPADA, §§ 7, 16, 26 (FINES+hi-)), Hitt. irha-, arha- (HWb2, s.v.); FINES+hi-ti-i-na, “abroad” (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 3), Hitt. ar(a)hzena
grammatical Hier. -ahi(t-) abstract ending, Cun. Luw. -ahi(t-) REX-ta // tá-hi-(sa//da, acc. sing. N // dat. sing.), “kingdom, kingship” (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII.396 // ALEPPO 2, § 4) LEPUS-pa+ra/i-hi, “authority” (MARAŞ 4, § 8) ha+ra/i-wa/i-ta-hi-(lá/í-ti-i, abl. sing.) “wayfaring” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21) “L.474”-hi-(sà, acc. sing. N), “eunuch-hood” (ASSUR letter f+g, § 6) MALUS-hi-(da-ri+i) // -la/i-hi-(da-a), abl. // dat. sing., “badness” (CEKKE, § 20; TELL AHMAR 5, § 17) tara/i-pu-la-hi-(ri+i-i, dat. sing.), “TARPUNALA-hood” (KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5) su-hi(-da, dat. sing.), “fullness” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 9) (TELL LITUUS+na-hi-i-(da, dat. sing.), “vision” AHMAR 6, hu-sa-la-hi-(da, dat. sing.), “ ? ” § 18) L.307 (also L.342) hu Origin — Empire attestations are few and mostly rather unclear: DN (DEUS)hu-ti-lu+ra/i (only one known to Laroche (1960); now PNN hu-tu-pi, hu-wa/i-SARMA, hu-ni-ni-i(a), u?-hu; unclear DN [h]u-pi-ti, PN pi-sa-⌈hu⌉+ra/i; Transitional PN ma-zi/akar-hu-ha. This pot-like form is not obviously the same as the Late form, which prompted Laroche to list hu-(ti-lu+ra/i) as L.342, along with an isolated Late occurrence DEUS. TONITRUS-hux-za- // -hu-za (KARATEPE 1, § LI.284 (Ho//Hu)), transliterating them as hú. It has seemed to me best to keep both forms under the same heading, L.307 hu. Reading Recognized as hu by Gelb (1935) on the basis of (AVUS) hu-ha-, “grandfather”, Hitt.-Luw. huhha- (AVUS solely logogram, never syllabogram); then from (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-, Cun. Luw. dtar-hu-. Accepted by Meriggi (1937), Hrozný (1939). Evidence EMPIRE DNN Hier. (DEUS)hu-ti-lu+ra/i (YAZILIKAYA, no. 48), Hitt. (Hurr.) dhu(-u)-te(-el) // ti(-il)-lu(-ur)-ra- (OHP, s.v. Huddelurra) Hier. ti-su-pi h[u]-pi-ti, “bull-calf of Teššub” (YAZILIKAYA, no. 42a, reading hu “kann … also gesichert gelten”, Güterbock), Hurr. tessub-bi hu(-u)(-ub)-bi(-e)-ti (GLH, s.v. hubidi)
3 The Syllabary
PNN Hier. hu-tu-pi (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 127–129; Boehmer– Güterbock, Glyptik, no. 188), Hitt. Ihu-u-tu-bi (Noms, no. 413) Hier. hu-wa/i-SARMA2 (NİŞANTEPE, no. 355; KARKAMIŠ A18d, § 2) Hier. hu-ni-ni-i(a) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 125) Hier. u?-hu (NİŞANTEPE, no. 487) Seals, digraphic Hier. pi-sa-hu+ra/i = Cun. Ipu-uš-hu-ru (Msk. B55); sign form, -hu+ra/i not clear, no photo)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. PN ma-zi/a-kar-hu-ha (ANKARA 2, § 1: DN as theophoric onomastic element, earliest attestation of Hier. Karkamiš god Karhuha; Empire form of hu) Hier. L.417(-)hu-lá/í-na, “ ? ” (KÖTÜKALE, § 2)
LATE DNN Hier. (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu- (passim), Cun. Luw. dtarhu- (OHP, s.v. Tarhunt) Hier. (DEUS)kar // CERVUS+ra/i-hu-ha-, god Karhuha (KARKAMIŠ, passim // A11b+c, § 18b; MALATYA 13, left; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2), Hitt. k]ar-hu-u-hi- (KBo XIII 225+) KUB XXVI 33 iv 5; see Singer, IV ICH, p. 639; Ass. dkar-hu-hu (Karkamiš cylinder A, l. 31, see Marchesi, JNES 78 (2019), pp. 1–24).
Hier. hu+ra/i-pa-da-(REGIO) (HAMA 1, § 3). Hitt. hu-ur-pa-an-ta (RGTC VI, s.v. Hurpanta) (?)
lexical Hier. hu-ha-, “grandfather” (KARKAMIŠ A26a 1+2, § d; TELL AHMAR 1, § 7), Hitt.-Luw. huhha- (HWb2, s.v.; CLL, s.v.). Note that this word is elsewhere written AVUS-ha- (AVUS (L.331) being only a logogram not syllabogram). Hier. hu-ma-ti-, “podium” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 17), Cun. Luw. hu(-ú)-um(-ma)-ti- (CLL, s.v. hūm(ma/i)ti-) Hier. hu-hú+ra/i-pa-li-, (noun) (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 10), log. LIGNUM) // hu-hu+ra/i-pa-, (verb) (ALEPPO 2, § 6, log. PUGNUS+PUGNUS), Hitt. hu(-u)-hu-pa(-a)-al // pal(-), “castanet, cymbal” (HWb2, s.v. GIŠhuhupal) (?) (see Melchert, KZ 101 (1988), 229–236).
Reading Early recognition by Jensen (1894), Sayce (1903) etc. from writings of Karkamiš (kar-ka- // ka+ra/i-ka-); accepted by Meriggi (1929); Forrer (1931); Gelb (1932); Hrozný (1933). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. kar-ka-mi-sà(URBS) = Cun. (KUR)kar-ga-miš (seals of Ini-Teššub (RS 17.59) and Talmi-Teššub (RS 17.226), Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 122 f. no. 3, 127 f.); Hier. karka-mi-sà(REGIO) = (KUR)kar-ga-miš (seal of Kuzi-Teššub: Sürenhagen, MDOG 118 (1986), p. 184 f.) Hier. ka-pi-da-ka = Cun. Ika-pí-dKUR (Msk. A32, A33, B56) semi-digraphic Hier. ta // tá // da-ka = Cun. dKUR (Dagan): passim; note seal Cun. INIR-⌈dàg⌉-gán with Cun. epigraph NA4. KIŠIB INIR.dKUR (Dalley and Teissier, Iraq 54 (1992), text I, seal B, pp. 85, 92+fig.). Hier. sà-ka-ara/i // +ra/i = Cun. d30 (Moon-God Saggar (Msk. B6, B10): see Dalley and Teissier, loc. cit. Hier. ka-pa+ra/i = Cun. GAL (kabar) (Msk. A13, B50) Hier. ka+ra/i-tá = Cun. UR.SAG (qarrād) (Msk. B4, B21, B23) Hier. ma-ta-ka-li- = Cun. NIR (Voc. Sa, KBo I 43 obv. 4, 5: NIR = du-gul-du, ta-kal-du, thus matkalī) Hier. sà+US-ka-mu(wa) = Cun. dIŠTAR-mu-wa (RS 17.228, Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 131–133; dša-uš-ka = d IŠTAR, KAV 173.23; CT XXV 17 ii 4 other Hier. sà+US-ka-CERVUS-ti (SBo II, nos. 8, 30, 67; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 6; now NİŞANTEPE, nos. 373–377), Cun. IDLIŠ.DKAL (Laroche, Onom., pp. 58, 81)
Monuments DNN Hier. (DEUS)sà+US-ka (YAZILIKAYA, no. 38; YEKBAZ; SÜDBURG, § 3; cf. NİŞANTEPE, no. 267: for reading see above Sauskamuwa, Sauska-CERVUS2) Hier. (DEUS)nì-ka-lu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 54), goddess Nikkal, NIN.GAL, Cun. Dni-ig // k-gal // kal // -ga-lu (OHP, s.v. Nikkal); onom. element, Hier. nì-ka-la-ma-ti (CRUCIFORM seal, obv., bottom), Cun. ni-kal-ma-ti (SBo I, no. 77)
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. lu-ka(REGIO) (YALBURT block 9, §§ 1, 3; SÜDBURG, §§ 2, 4), Cun. (KUR)URUlu-uq-qa(-a) (-ug-ga-) (RGTC VI, s.v. Luka) lexical Hier. NEPOS-ka-li, “great-grandson” (YALBURT block 16, § 1), Cun. Luw. ha-am-šu(-uk)-kal-la- (CLL, s.v. hamšukkalla-) Hier. sà-ka-la-da-, “damage” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 16, 24), Cun. Luw. ša-kal-da- (CLL, s.v. šakaldamman-) Hier. INFRA a-ka-, “subject” (SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, §§ d, e(?)), from PIE *(h1)aĝ- (Poetto, Kratylos 43 (1998), p. 111 n. 21; accepted by Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies, p. 377)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. kar-ka-mi-i-si // sà-(URBS) (GÜRÜN, § 1; ALEPPO 7, § 2) Hier. zu(wa)-ma-ka(URBS) (KARAHÖYÜK, § 16) Hier. mu!-sà-ka!-na(REGIO) (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2c: reading changed back from AQUILA-na)
LATE DNN Hier. (DEUS)sà-US-ka (TELL AHMAR 6, § 2): see Empire Hier. (DEUS)ka+ra/i-hu-ha- (KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 7; A25b, § 3), god Karhuha (normally written (DEUS)kar-…) Hier. (DEUS)ma-ru-ti-ka- (ERKİLET 1, § 1) = dmarduk(?)
GNN Hier. kara/i-ka-mi-sà//si-(URBS // REGIO) (KARKAMIŠ, passim): also written ka+ra/i-ka-mi-sà(REGIO // URBS) (KARKAMIŠ N1, §§ 1, 7; A4b, § 1); also ka+ra/i-mi-si // sà(SULTANHAN, § 32; ASSUR letter a, § 6 (URBS): see Empire) Hier. ka-wa/i-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 7) // Ass. Que/Qawe?; cf. hi-ia-wa/i-(URBS) (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 1, 2, 6 (= Phoen. DNNYM)) Hier. sà-mara/i+ra/i-ka-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 3, 37) // Hitt. KUR URUismirika(?)
Hier. u-ka-sa- = Phoen. MPŠ (KARATEPE 1, § XXI.112; LVIII.327; cf. ÇİNEKÖY, § 1), Greek Mopsos / Moxos lexical Hier. su-ka-la-, “vizier” (EĞRİKÖY, § 3), Sum. lúSUKKAL, Akk. sukkallu, Hurr. šukkalli
Reading Not established until RS digraphs; confirmed by Msk. digraphs. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. tá-ki-SARMA2 = Cun. Ita-gi-šar-ru-mu//me (RS 17.251, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 137 f.); another seal (RS 17.403); cf. NİŞANTEPE, nos. 395–402 Hier. ki-li-i(a) = Cun. Iki-li-ia (RS 18.02, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 147 f.) Hier. ki-TONITRUS = Cun. Ia-ki-dU (RS 19.78, Laroche, Syria 33 (1956), p. 136 n. 7; cf. *a-ki-TASU-pa (see Monuments)) Hier. ki-li-SARMA2 = Cun. Iki-li-dLUGAL-ma (Msk. B63); another seal (Msk. B33 =) TSABR, no. 20(c) Hier. ⌈i(a)?-pa?⌉-ki-da-ka = Cun. Iip-ki-dKUR (Msk. A42): see Empire i(a), Reading. Hier. i(a)-á-mi-li-ki-da-ka = Cun. Iim-lik-dKUR (Hier. yamlik-) (Msk. C16) semi-digraphic Hier. á-tá-mi-ki = Cun. Ida-a-SIG4(-damiq) (Msk. B37); also Hier. i(a)-da-mi-ki = Cun. [Id]é-a-SIG4 (TSABR, no. 72(d)) other Hier. lu-pa-ki (SBo II, no. 54; KORUCUTEPE, no. 6; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 207–208), Cun. Ilu-pa-ak-ki- (Noms + Suppl., no. 708); see also Monuments
Monuments DN Hier. (DEUS)tá-pa-ki-na (YAZILIKAYA, no. 53), Hitt. D tap-ki-in-na (OHP I, s.v. Damkina)
3 The Syllabary
Hier. *a-ki-TASU-pa (ALEPPO 1, § 2), Hitt. a-ki // kitU(-ub) (Noms+Suppl., no. 16)
Hier. ta-ku-hi-li = Cun. Iták-hu-li-na (RS 16.273, see Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 140); otherwise written Ita // da-ku // gu-uh // hi-i-li- (Noms, no. 1215)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. mu-ki-SUPER+ra/i, mukisari-(?) (KARAHÖYÜK, § 6)
semi-digraphic Hier. i(a)-HALA-ku-sà = Cun. IKAR.d30 (= Hurr. dku(-ú)šu-uh // -ša-ah (OHP I, s.v. kušuh / EN.ZU-uh / XXX-uh); cf. Mora, Glittica IX.2.5 (Beckman); VI(b).1.40 (Poetto).
LATE PN Hier. pa+ra/i-ki-pa-sa, “of Bar-Rakib” (ZİNCİRLİ signet, S 3705), Aram. l-br-rkb (Aramaic signet, S 3706). lexical Hier. ki-pu-da//ra/i-, “horn, hoof(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 15; SULTANHAN, § 31; KAYSERİ, § 16), Hitt. SIki-pu-ti-, “hoof(?)” (KUB XXXVI, 77; Puhvel, HED 4, s.v. kiputi-; Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 206 f. unparalleled words kiHier. ki-sà-ta-mi//ma- = Phoen. mṣ’ (šmš), “east” (KARATEPE 1, § V.28; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; TELL AHMAR 1, § 9; TELL AHMAR 6, § 5 (×2)) Hier. ki-nu//nú(-wa/i)(-sà)-, “burn(?)” (ALEPPO 2, § 23; MARAŞ 3, § 4; 5, § 1; CEKKE, § 4) Hier. ki-tara/i-sa, “donation(?)” (CEKKE, §§ 13, 16), loan from Nuzi Akk. kitru? (CAD, s.v. kitru B) Hier. ki-sà-tara/i-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A31, § 15 (now § 18))
Reading Proposed by Campbell Thompson (1912) based on the recognition of Gurgum in MARAŞ inscriptions; followed by Gelb (1931), Forrer (1932), and confirmed by Bossert (1932); Meriggi (1933, 1934), Hrozný (1933). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. ku-zi/a-TASU-pa = Cun. Iku-zi-Dte-šub (LIDAR seal, Sürenhagen, 1986); see also Transitional Hier. ku-ti-TONITRUS = Cun. Iku-un-ti-DU-ub (HIRAYAMA, HCCT E16-1-1, see Tsukimoto, Acta Sumerologica 6 (1984), pp. 68, 70)
other Hier. sa5+CRUS-ku (TARSUS, no. 42), Cun. šar-ku (Laroche, Syria 35 (1958), p. 257 f.), “mighty” (CHD, s.v. šarku-) Hier. BOS1–2-ku+ra/i (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 491–498), Hitt. I uk-ku-ra (Noms, no. 414) Hier. tá-sa-ku-li (Kennedy, Seals, no. 6) ta // tá-sa-kuwa/i-li (Mora, Glittica VI(b).1.22 (Poetto), Hitt. ta-aš-ku-i-li(Noms, no.1296) Hier. ku-ku-li (NİŞANTEPE, no. 168; Mora, Glittica XII(a).2.30 (Dinçol and Dinçol, PBSO), Hitt. Iku-uk-ku(ul)-li- (Noms, no. 805) Hier. ku-ru-pi-i(a) (Kennedy, Sceaux, no. 4), cf. Hitt. URU ku-ru-up-pí-ia (RGTC VI, s.v. Kurupiya), see also Late GN
Monument Hier. ku-INFRA, “ ?? ” (YALBURT block 11, § 4; SÜDBURG, § 3)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. ku-zi-TONITRUS (GÜRÜN, § 1; KÖTÜKALE, § 1; İSPEKÇÜR B, § 1), Kuzi-Teššub
LATE DNN Hier. (DEUS)ku+AVIS(-pa-pa-), goddess Kubaba (KARKAMIŠ, passim) Hier. (DEUS.BONUS)ku-mara/i+ra/i-ma (TELL AHMAR 1, § 2), Late form of Empire Grain-God Kumarbi (dku-mar-bi and variant spellings (OHP I, s.v.) Hier. (DEUS)ta//tá-sà-ku-, (DEUS)i-ku+ra/i- (ANCOZ 1, § 3; 8+5, § 5; 7, §§ 4, 9; 10, §§ 1, 3), otherwise unknown Commagenian gods
GNN Hier. ku+ra/i-ku-ma-(URBS) (MARAŞ 8, § 3; 4, § 1; 1, § 1a), Ass. gúr-gu(-um)-me (// ma-) (RGTC VII, s.v. Gurgum), Aram. grgm (KAI2 III, p. 60 (Ortsnamen, s.v.))
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. ku-ma-ha(URBS) (MALPINAR, § 2), Ass. ku-mu(kúm)(muh)-hi // ha // hu- (RGTC VII, s.v. Kummuhu), Greek Kommagēne Hier. ku-rú-pi-ia-(URBS) (KARATEPE 4, § 1): cf. Empire ku-ru-pi-ia (PN), URUku-ru-up-pí-ia (Cun., GN)
Hier. ku+ra/i-ti(-i)- (BOHÇA, § 1; HİSARCIK 1, § 5; KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.22), Ass. gur-di (PNAE 1/II, s.v. Gurdî) lexical derivatives of Empire Luw. kumma(i)-, “pure” (CHLI, p. 627) Hier. ku-ma-ia-la, “consecrated animals” (MALPINAR, § 7) Hier. ku-ma-sa-tara/i-, “sacrament” (ANCOZ 7, § 7) Hier. ku-ma-za-, “holiest(?)” (KAYSERİ, § 17) Hier. ku-ma-ni-, “consecrate” (KARKAMIŠ stone bowl, § 1) Hier. ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-, “orthostat” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 15, 23; A11b+c, §§ 23, 24; A13d, § 5; A20a 1, § 3; A18e, § 5(-tá-); ŞARAGA, § 1), Hitt.(-Luw.) NA4ku-ut-ta-aš-ša-ri (KUB XXVI 92, 11, see HED K, s.v. kutt- (kuttessar)) Hier. ku-ma-na (kuman), “when” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 14; A2+3, §§ 2, 22; A6, § 8; A5a, § 2; KÖRKÜN, § 4; TELL AHMAR 1, § 7; 6, § 4; MARAŞ 8, § 2; BOR, § 2; ASSUR letter f+g, § 11; PANCARLI, § 2) Hier. ku-ru-pi, “type of sheep(?)” (ASSUR letters b, § 5; f+g, § 37) Hier. ku-ma-pi, “together with(?)” (KARABURUN, §§ 8, 10)
Origin Logogram LINGUA, “tongue”, Hitt.-Luw. lala- / lali-. Note Hier. “LINGUA”-la-ti-, “(tongue) language” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 19, 21). Reading Value la, Bossert (1932) from RN Warpalawa; followed by Meriggi (1933); Hrozný (1933), who added dieuBa-u-la-ta(his reading) = (Sem.) Ba‛alat (p. 26 n.1); Gelb, 1935.
Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. la-i(a)-da-ka = Cun. Ila-at-dKUR (RS 17.28, Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 145–147). The PN la-i(a)-da-ka also Msk. B58 Hier. i(a)-la-nú = Cun. Ii-la-ni (Msk. A105 =) TSABR, no. 71(c); Msk. B5 (tablets Msk. 73.61; also ME 16, see TSABR, no. 21(c)) Hier. á-pi-la-lu = Cun. Ia-bi-la-li (Msk. B20 (impressions on Msk. 73.276/277, Msk. 75.17; TSABR, no. 94 (incorrectly 96!, see p. 148, tablet ME 54)) Hier. zu-la-n[a] = Cun. Izu-la-an-na (Msk. A29) Hier. hi-la+ra/i-zi/a = Cun. Ihi-il-la-ri-zi (Msk. A15: impressions on tablets Msk. 73.1093, TSABR, no. 36, 76, 91 (CK 3, ME 36, 92)—only 76 has correct identifying epigraph) Hier. la-la = Cun. Ila-la ((Msk. C14 =) TSABR, no. 56) Hier. la-hí = Cun. Ila-hi-ia (Msk. A17; different seal, TSABR, no. 56) Hier. tì-la-i(a) = Cun. Iti-la-e (Msk. B28: for Hier. tì, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 431 f.) Hier. *a-la-la-pu = Cun. Ia-lal-a-bu (Msk. C10; cf. Hier. *a-la-pu = Cun. Ia-lal-a-bi (Msk. B3 =) TSABR, no. 85(a)) Hier. pa-la-[…] = Cun. Iba-la-tu (Msk. A24) Hier. la-da-pa-nú = Cun. Ida-di-ba-nu ((Msk. A10 =) TSABR, no. 31(b)) other Hier. ká-su-la-wi (SBo I, no. 37), Cun. fgaš-šu-la-wi (Noms, no. 539) Hier. ma-la-VIR.zi/a (SBo II, nos. 10, 11; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 228, 229), Cun. Ima-la-LÚ(// -zi-ti) (Noms, no. 725)
Hier. (DEUS)á-la-tu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 49), Cun. Allatu(m), see Laroche, Rech., p. 120
lexical Hier. zi/a-la-tu-wa/i (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 7), Hitt.-Luw. zi-la-du-wa, “thereafter”, CLL, s.v. ( )ziladuwa Hier. sà-ka-la-da-, “damage” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 16, 24), Cun. Luw. šakalda-(?) (CLL, s.v. šakaldamman-) Hier. la-la-, “take” (redupl.) (YALBURT block 14, § 1), Cun. Luw. la(-a)-la(-a)-, “take” (CLL, s.v. lāla-) Hier. zi/a-la, “then” (SÜDBURG, §§ 6, 7, 11), Cun. Luw. zi(-i)-la, “subsequently” (CLL, s.v. zīla) Hier. SCRIBA-la, scribe”, read *tuppala-(?), passim on seals
3 The Syllabary
Hier. LABARNA+la, Labarna (Tabarna), royal title (EMİRGAZİ 1; YALBURT; NİŞANTAŞ; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA; CRUCIFORM SEAL rev., upper (RN); seals of Tudhaliya IV, Arnuwanda III, Suppiluliuma II, also Kuruntiya)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. LABARNA+la (as Empire) (ANKARA 2, § 2); hu-lai(a)-tá (ANKARA 2, § 2) Hier. la-mi-ní-*a (KARAHÖYÜK, § 2) Hier. BRACCHIUM-ru-la- (ALEPPO 7, § 16) Hier. SCRIBA-la- (SHEIZAR, § 8)
LATE DNN Hier. (DEUS)á-la-zú-wa/i-, Ala(n)zuwa- (ÇİFTLİK, § 10; KULULU 5, § 1; ANCOZ 1, § 4; 9, § 2), Empire Hier. (DEUS) ala-zuwa (YAZILIKAYA, no. 45), Cun. Dal-la-an-zu (OHP, s.v. Allanzu) Hier. (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti-, Ba‛alat (HAMA 4, §§ 6, 7, 8, 10; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, § 3; cf. HAMA 8, § 2), Sem. b‘lt (KAI2, III, p. 57, s.v.)
PNN Hier. Ila-pa+ra/i-na-, Labarna (CEKKE, § 9), Empire Hitt. Ila-ba-ar // bar-na (Noms, no. 685), Ass. Lubarna/ Liburna (Noms, no. 709) Hier. wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i-, Warpalawa (İVRİZ 1, §§ 1, 3, 4; BOR, § 1; BULGARMADEN, §§ 1, 2, 8; NİĞDE 2, l. 3 (wá/í-); ANDAVAL, § 5; also an unpublished text), Ass. Iur-bal(-la)-a (Noms, no. 1494)
GNN Hier. (“MONS”)la-pa+ra/i-na-, Mount Lebanon (?) (HAMA 7, § 3), Hitt. HUR.SAGla-ab-la-na/ni-, Ass. kurlab-na-na (RGTC VI/1, s.v. Lablana; RGTC VII/1, s.v. Labnāna) Hier. la-ka-(REGIO) (HAMA 2, § 3; cf. ADIYAMAN 2, § 3), Ass. KURla-ki-e, Laqê(?) (RlA IV/7–8 (1983), s.v.) lexical Hier. “LINGUA”-la-ti- (lala(n)ti-), “(tongue) language” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 19, 21), Hitt.-Luw. lala- // lali-, “tongue” (CHD, s.v.; CLL, s.v.) Hier. la-, redupl. lala-, “take” (logogram CAPERE: MARAŞ 4, §§ 4, 12; KULULU 4, § 9; BOHCA, § 13; İSKENDERUN, § 6; KÖRKÜN, § 11; MARAŞ 3, § 8; BOHCA, §§ 3, 9; redupl. YASSIHÖYÜK, § 10; MARAŞ 1, § 10; ANCOZ 10, § 1), Cun. Luw. la-, lala- (CLL, s.v.)
Hier. la-ma-ní-sà-, “proclaim” (KARKAMIŠ A31, § 9), Hitt. laman, Luw. alaman-, “name” Hier. la-pa-ni-, “give salt to” (ANDAVAL, § 4), Hitt.Luw. la-pa-na- etc., now “salt-lick” not “summer-pasture” (Watkins, Fs Puhvel, pp. 29–35) Hier. la-da- // la+ra/i-, “prosper” (AKSARAY, § 2; SULTANHAN, § 6), Hitt. lazziya- (HWb2, s.v.) Hier. la-tara/i- = Phoen. rḥb (caus.), “extend” (KARATEPE 1, § V.21; IZGIN 2, § 3; ÇİNEKÖY, § 2) Hier. su-ka-la-, “vizier” (EĞRİKÖY, § 3), Hurr. šukkalli-, Hitt. (log.), LÚSUKKAL problems L.178 read la+ra+a-? Hier. la+ra+a-nú- = Phoen. ḥw (caus.), “make live” (KARATEPE 1, § IV.21), connect with lada// lara-, “prosper” (see Lexical)? Hier. Ila+ra+a-ma-, PN, Larama-(?) (MARAŞ 8, § 1; 1, §§ 1b, 1g; İSKENDERUN, § 6), Ass. Ipa-la-lam (?) (PAZARCIK stele, obv. l. 18) Hier. FRATER(-)la(-i)-, “brother”: KARKAMIŠ A6, § 13; A7, § 2; A15b, § 15; A4a, § 2; TELL AHMAR 2, § 18 (×2); ALEPPO 2, §§ 3, 9, 17; TELL AHMAR 1, § 16; MARAŞ 6, § 1; JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 1; JISR EL HADID 4, § 2 Problem of reading: Hitt. negna- (CHD, s.v.), Cun. Luw. nani-, (CLL, s.v. nani(ya)-. How does Hier. (-)la(-i)- fit with this? Rieken and Yakubovich (Fs Hawkins, p. 211 fn. 14) propose: FRATER.LA- (disambiguating phonetic indicator beside FILIUS.NI-, nimuwiza-, “son”, read *lani-, dissimilation from *nani-).
Reading Campbell Thompson 1912, followed by Forrer 1932, Bossert 1932, Meriggi 1933, Hrozný 1933, Gelb 1935, utilizing the names Muwatali and Urhilina. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. -li(-) = Cun. -li(-), seals of Hattusili (SBo I, RS, NİŞANTEPE) Hier. ti-li-T[ONITRUS], Cun. Iti-li-dIM (RS 17.137, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 135 f.) Hier. ta-ku-hi-li = Cun. Iták-hu-li-na (elsewhere ta-kuuh-li; RS 16.273, Laroche, ibid., p. 140)
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. ki-li-i(a) = Cun. Iki-li-ia (RS 18.02, Laroche, ibid., p. 147 f.) Hier. zu-zu-li = Cun. Izu-uz-zu-ul-li (RS 17.371 + 18.20, Laroche, ibid., p. 152 f.) Hier. i(a)-hi-li-i(a) = Cun. Ieh-li-ia (Msk. B1) Hier. pa(-á)-li-ma-li = Cun. IEN-ma-lik (Msk. B2; also TSABR, no. 21(d); another seal (Msk. B12 =) TSABR, no. 43(a)) Hier. ta-ka-tá-li = Cun. IdKUR-ta-li-ih (Msk. B15) Hier. ki-li-SARMA2 = Cun. Iki-li-dLUGAL-ma ((Msk. B33 =) TSABR, no. 20(b); another seal, Msk. B63) Hier. i(a)-li = Cun. Iel-li (Msk. B39) other Hier. ti-li-SARMA2 (SBo II, nos. 15, 224; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 456–459) Hier. sà-mi-tu-li (BOĞAZKÖY 8; NİŞANTEPE, no. 348; ASHMOLEAN, no. 15), Cun. Iši/ša-mi/me-ti-li (Noms + Suppl., no. 1151) lexical Hier. pa-ti-li (SBo II, no. 149; NİŞANTEPE, no. 279), Cun. LÚpa-ti-li (Mestieri, pp. 253–255) Hier. NEPOS-ka-li (YALBURT block 16, § 1a), Cun. Luw. ha-am-šu-(uk)-kal // qa-la- (CLL, s.v. hamsukkalla-) Hier. L.502-mi-li (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33), Hitt. dammeli- (?) (CHD, s.v. peda- Ae14’)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. PN PUGNUS-mi-li (GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE, MALATYA 8–12, 14), cf. Late PN PUGNUS-mi-lu-li- (CEKKE, § 17g: see L.445 / L.186 lu, PUGNUS-lumi-da-, “strong”)
LATE Hier. PN u+ra/i-hi-li-na (HAMA 4, § 1; 8, § 1; 9; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ; HAMA 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, § 1), Ass. Iir-huli(-e)-ni/na, Iur-hi-li-ni (PNAE 2/I, s.v. Irhulena) Hier. Imu-wa/i-ta-li // lu/a/i-, Muwattalli- (MARAŞ 8, § 1; 4, §§ 1, 10; 1, § 1d), Ass. Imu // mut-ta // tal-li // lu // lum (PNAE 2/II, s.v. Mutallu) Hier. HATTUSA+li- (see Empire) (BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 1, 17, 19; MALPINAR, §§ 1, 2, 5, 18; ANCOZ 4, l. 2; 8+5, §§ 7, 8; 7, § 13), Ass. Iqa-ta-zi-li // lu(?) (PNAE 3/I, s.v. Qatazilu) grammatical Hier. -li- (adj. suffix), see hantili-, sarli-, usali- etc.
L.445 / L.186 Origin
Sign forms identity of
Reading No reason to separate L.186 and L.445: L.186-pa-ki = L.445-pa-ki (Lupaki, SBo II, no. 54; NİŞANTEPE, no. 207; and TAŞÇI (A)). Labial recognized by Gelb (1931), Bossert (1932), Hrozný (1933), Meriggi (1933); u-vocalization, Laroche (1960). In the Late period the lu value is continued, but the sign may alternate with la and li (see below), which necessitates the transliteration lu/a/i (changed from CHLI I la/i/u). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. pi-lu = Cun. Ibe-li (Msk. B51 =) TSABR, no. 33; otherwise Hier. pa-la // li // lu renders Cun. EN Hier. zi/a-pi-lu-sà = Cun. fsip4-pi-lu-um-še (EL QITAR tablet, see Archi, An. St. 43 (1933), pp. 203–206, pls. XXXV–XXXVI; cf. Mora, Glittica, primo supplemento (n.d.), Gruppo IX.2.8 (drawing inaccurate, Hier. misread) other Hier. lu-pa-ki (SBo II, no. 54; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 207– 208; KORUCUTEPE, no. 6; see also TAŞÇI (A), Cun. Ilu-paak-ki (Noms, no. 708) Hier. lu-wa/i(-á) (SBo II, no. 204; KORUCUTEPE, no. 7; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 210–214), Cun. Ilu-wa(-a) (Noms, no. 711) Hier. pa-lu-wa/i (Boğazköy III, no. 13; ALALAKH seal), Cun. Ipal-lu-wa (Noms, no. 922) Hier. pa-lu-lu-wa/i (SBo II, no. 61), Cun. Ipal-lu-ul-lu (Noms, no. 919) Hier. pa-lu-wa/i+ra/i-VIR.zi/a (NİŞANTEPE, no. 293), Cun. Ipal-lu-wa+ra-LÚ/ZA (correcting Noms, no. 923 + Suppl.: see Singer, StBoT 27 (1983), p. 33 f.; Mascheroni, Hethitica V (1983), p. 97 f.)
Monuments Hier. (DEUS)hu-ti-lu+ra/i (YAZILIKAYA, no. 48), Cun. d hu(-u)-te(-el) // ti(-il)-lu(-ur)-ra- (OHP, s.v. Huddelurra, Hudena Hudellurra) Hier. (DEUS)nì-ka-lu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 54), Cun. d ni(-ik)-kal // gal // ga(-lu-) (OHP, s.v. Nikkal; cf. PN)
3 The Syllabary
PN Hier. *a-[sa-mu]-ni-ka-lu (CRUCIFORM seal, obv. left), Cun. Hurr. faš-mu-ni-ga-lu-u (Noms, no. 174)
Hier. lu-ka(REGIO) (YALBURT block 9, §§ 1, 2; SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4; NİŞANTAŞ AVI, §§ c, e, f (?)), Hitt. KUR URU lu-uq-qa(-a) (RGTC VI/1, 2, s.v. Luka); cf. Hier. PN lu-ka-mu(wa), Lukkamuwa (NİŞANTEPE, no. 204)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. lu-kar-ma(URBS) (KARAHÖYÜK, § 16), Hitt. Tegarama?? Hier. REX-lu-sa (ALEPPO 6, § 7), ??
LATE lu- value Hier. ka-ru-na- //ka-lu-na-, “granary” (KARATEPE 1, § VII.4; İSKENDERUN, § 3 // MARAŞ 8, § 7; HAMA 8, § 2; TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 2, 5, 16; KARKAMIŠ A30b, § 1) Hier. “CAPERE”(-)lu-na (inf.: BOHÇA, §§ 3, 9); but cf. “CAPERE”(-)la-na (inf.? MARAŞ 3, § 8); also (Hitt.-)Luw. la-la-u-na (// la-la-u-wa-an-zi), CHD, s.v. lala- A Hier. *a-la/i-lu-ní-, “enemy” (BABYLON 1, §§ 11, 12) // *a-la/i-ni/ní- (KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 4, 5; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 2, 21) // á-ru-ni-i- (SULTANHAN, § 9); cf. Empire ali-wa/i-ní(YALBURT blocks 2, § 2; 7, § 2b; 11, § 2; 12, § 3; 13, §§ 1, 4; SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14): see Rieken, Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 204 f. alternates with la Hier. wa/i-lu/a/i // wa/i-la (KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 2 // CEKKE, § 24; KULULU 5, § 8; cf. KARKAMIŠ A23, § 9) Hier. “PORTA”-lu/a/i-na // “PORTA”-la-na (KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 2; A11a, § 13; A11b+c, § 34 // KARATEPE 1, §§ LXIII.344; LXVI.358; LXIX.367; LXXII.384): read *hilana(?) Hier. MALLEUS-lu/a/i- // MALLEUS(-)AVIS // L.71-la- // L.71+ra/i- (KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 3; A14a, § 8; A11b+c, § 24 // KARKAMIŠ A6, § 29; BOROWSKI 3, § 10 (MALLEUS-la-); TELL AHMAR 6, § 29 // 2, § 12; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 9) Hier. BONUS2.SCRIBA-lu/a/i- // BONUS2.SCRIBA-la(MEHARDE, § 9 // SHEIZAR, § 8) alternates with li Hier. Imu-wa/i-ta-lu/a/i-i- // Imu-wa/i-ta-li- (MARAŞ 4, § 1 // § 10; MARAŞ 1, § 1d; MARAŞ 8, § 1 Hier. FRONS-lu/a/i- // FRONS-li(-i)- (KARATEPE 1, § XXVI.136 (Ho//Hu); § L.279 (Hu//Ho)); otherwise always
FRONS-lu/a/i- (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 17; CEKKE, § 6; TOPADA, § 3; HAMA 4, § 2; MALPINAR, § 4; ANCOZ 3, l. 2; PALANGA, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2, § e) Hier. LIS(-)(za-sa)-li- // LIS-lu/a/i-, “prosecutor” (MEHARDE, § 7; SHEIZAR, § 7 // ANCOZ 7, § 14; ARSUZ 1, 2, § 26) The verb “prosecute” is always written LIS(-sa)-lu/a/i-sa/sá/ za-, cf. LIS-lu/a/i-hi-ri+i-, “litigation”(?) (KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 3) uncertain value Hier. PUGNUS-lu-mi-da- = Phoen. ʿz, “strong” (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIX.100; XXV.131; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 4 (PUGNUS-mi-lu) // KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 2; § 3 (verb, PUGNUS-lu-mi-)); CEKKE, § 17g (PN PUGNUS-mi-lu-li-; cf. PUGNUS-mi-li MALATYA, passim) Hier. lu-za-li- (adj.), lu-sà-lu-sa- (verb) (HAMA 4, §§ 11, 14) “burn(?), sacrificial(?)” Hier. MANUS.L.311-lu-mi-na (gerundive), “ ? ” (CEKKE, § 18) Hier. lu-si-, “escape, flee” (ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 45, 51) Hier. PN Ila-lu-wa/i- (KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.31), cf. Hitt. *lalukki-, “bright”? (CHD, s.v.) Hier. DN (“DEUS.HORDEUM”)ma-ti-lu- // DEUS. HORDEUM-lu-i- (here lu = li?).
(Empire) (a)li = L.319 (Late) la/i (formerly TA4)
Sign forms Empire (L.416) and Late (L.319) identified by Meriggi, RHA 27 (1937), p. 90 n. 1; Güterbock, Symbolae Hrozný III (1950), p. 219 f. Reading The Late sign L.319 alternates freely with L.172 in the writings of a number of words, and it may be safely concluded that they are equivalents. They alternate very seldom with any other signs, and these alternations must be carefully evaluated in the context of currently recognized values (see below). The Empire form L.416 does not appear to alternate with L.172, but to represent a distinct phoneme, (a)li vs. (a)la. Of the alternations noted by Laroche under L.319.1, that with ta (L.100) is non-existent: the order of reading the signs in KARATEPE 1, § XXIII.120 (Ho) should be the same as for Hu (see CHLI I/1, p. 61), i.e. no alternation; that with L.383+209 (ri+i) will be considered below, as will also that with L.41 (da).
Part 5: The Signary
Note also that Laroche’s derivation of L.319 from the Empire sign L.318 (TEŠUB/TASU) by acrophony is invalid: recent occurrences of the Empire form of the sign show it to be quite different, see Hawkins and Weeden, SGG, p. 101 f. New evidence from both Empire and Late periods leads to a re-evaluation of both signs L.416/319 and L.172.
L.172 (Empire)(a)la, Late lá/í (formerly TA5)
Evidence EMPIRE Seal, digraphic Hier. (a)la-(a)li-mi = Cun. Ia-la!-li-me-eš (NİŞANTEPE, no. 3; the name is common both in Hier. and Cun.)
Evidence EMPIRE Seal, digraphic Hier. (a)la-(a)li-mi = Cun. Ia-la!-li-me-eš NİŞANTEPE, no. 3 (see also L.416)
other, GN Hier. pi-na-(a)li(URBS) (YALBURT blocks 11, §§ 2, 3; 13, § 2; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 7); Cun. URUpi-na-li-ia (KUB XIX 55 + KBo XVIII 117, left edge 1: Weeden, NABU 2012, no. 49).
other Hier. (a)la-zu(wa) (YAZILIKAYA, no. 45), Cun. Dal-laan-zu (OHP I, p. 21 (cf. Late Hier. (DEUS)á-la-zú-wa/i-: CİFTLİK, § 10; KULULU 5, § 1; ANCOZ 1, § 4; 9, § 2)) Hier. (a)la-tara/i-ma(URBS) (KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, §§ 2, 6); Cun. URUa-la-tar-ma (RGTC VI, s.v.)
PNN Hier. ká-(a)li (CRUCIFORM SEAL (Bo. 86/622, also Bo. 87/92) rev., lower), Cun. fka-a-li (Noms, no. 484) Hier. (a)li-SARMA2 (KORUCUTEPE, no. 4; NİŞANTEPE, no. 98); Cun. Ia-li-LUGAL-ma (Noms, no. 33; cf. Glocker, AoF 38 (2011), pp. 254–276). Hier. (a)li-LEO (SBo II, no. 96; NİŞANTEPE, no. 644), Cun. [I]a-li-UR.MAH- (Noms, no. 34) Hier. (a)li-VIR.zi (TARSUS, no. 13), Cun. Ia-li-zi-ti (Noms, no. 36) Hier. (a)li-mu-ta (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 645–646); Cun. Ia-limu-ut-ta (Noms, Suppl., no. 32b) Note recurrent (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní-, “enemy(?)” (YALBURT blocks 2, § 2; 7, § 2b; 11, § 2; 12, § 3; 13, §§ 1, 4a; SÜDBURG, §§ 1a, 4a, 5, 8a, 9, 12a, 14; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, § e); also TRANSITIONAL
TRANSITIONAL Hier. (a)li-wa/i-ní (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3) Hier. wa/i-la/i-sa-ti-ni-(REGIO), GN (MEHARDE, § 2; SHEIZAR, § 1) Hier. LOCUS-la/i-za (MEHARDE, § 7)
LATE See below, (“PES”)pad-, “foot”; alaman(za), “name”; Astuwalamanza-, PN; (SERVUS)hudarli-, “servant”; (MALUS) aduwali-, “bad”; Palastin-/Walastin-, GN; aluni-, “enemy”.
Reading See L.416/319 (TA4 – now la/i)
TRANSITIONAL palastin-, (LATE) walastin-(REGIO): see below SERVUS-lá/í-, “servant” (SHEIZAR, § 9)
LATE see below (“PES”)pada, “foot”; alaman(za), “name”; Astuwalamanza- PN; SERVUS (hudarli-), MALUS (aduwali-), “bad”; Palastin-/Walastin-, GN; (LONGUS)ara/i-, “long”; sapisara-, “health”; adantiwali-, “fat” (FEMINA)Ala, consort of CERVUS3.DEUS.L.463-ti, Stag-God of the Countryside (Empire) Hier. á-(FEMINA.DEUS)L.461 (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 35, 37), Hitt. D.MUNUSa-la-a (Late) (FEMINA)á-lá/í (DEUS)(ku-)AVIS, Ala-Kubaba, consort of imrassi DEUS.CERVUS3, Stag-God of the Countryside (ANCOZ 1, § 2; 5, § 1; 7, §§ 4, 9; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 10; 2, §§ 1, 8, 10, 20) lá/í used for da Hier. wa/i-ma-lá/í (wa+mu+ada), “and for me it …” (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 4) Hier. (“PES2.PES”)tara/i-pa-lá/í (3 sing. pret.), “he trod” (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 11) Hier. (“PES”)pa-lá/í-a for pada/i (dat. sing.) (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 12)—see below under (“PES”)pada-
3 The Syllabary
It is noteworthy that all three examples are in inscriptions of Yariri. Hier. i-zi-lá/í (3 sing. pret.), “he made” (KARATEPE 1, § LXVII.362) Hier. (“VIA”)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ta-hi-lá/í-ti-i (for regular -hi-da-), “by travel” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21) Suggested lexical identifications (Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, pp. 211–214) PN Iá-lá/í-|FRATER.LA-: Hier. ali-, Cun. Luw. ali-, “high” Hier. (DEUS)L.462+ra/i-lá/í (MALATYA 5), interpret as D Imrali, (epithet of) Stag-God, parallel to imrasi-, “of the Countryside” (12) á-la/i-mí-sa-sa: alamisas, “(one) of arrogance” (13) á-ia-lá/í-: “first-born” (√IE*oi-) (14–17) á-la/i // lá/í, á-ru?!: Hitt. aru-, “high(ly)” (18–19) ara/i-la- // á-lá/í-la-: *arala-, “companion(ship)” (20) á-lá/í: Hitt. ara, “right” Alternations of la/i, lá/í, la, ra/i, da (“PES”)pad-, “foot” = Phoen. pʿm (KARATEPE 1, § XXII.116), Cun. Luw. pata(“PES”)pa-da (SULTANHAN, § 6), dat. sing. (“PES”)pa-da-za (KARATEPE 1, § XXII.116 (BOR, § 9)), dat. plur. (“PES”)pa-ti-zi (MARAŞ 4, § 13), acc. plur. MF ~ ra/i: (“PES”)pa+ra/i-za (SULTANHAN, § 9), dat. plur. ~ lá/í: (“PES”)pa-lá/í-a (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 12), dat. sing. alaman(za), “name” = Phoen. šm (KARATEPE 1, 207, 337, 343, 348, 370, 407, 411) á-lá/í-ma-(za) (KARATEPE 1, 343 (Hu), 407 (Hu); and passim (see Glossary)) ~ la/i: á-la/i-ma-za (KARATEPE 1, 207, 337, 343 (Ho), 348, 370, 411) ~ la: á-la-ma-za (KARKAMIŠ A13a, § 3; ADANA 1, § 6) ~ ra/i: a+ra/i-ma-za (SULTANHAN, § 46; also an unpublished text) Astuwalamanza-, PN, “Let the name be!” I a-sa-tú-wa/i-lá/í-ma-za- (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1) ~ la/i: Iá-sa-tú-wa/i-la/i-ma-za- (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1; KELEKLİ, § 1) ~ la: Iá-sa-tú-wa/i-la-ma-za- (KARKAMIŠ A27u, l. 2) ~ ra/i: [I]á-sa-tu-wa/i+ra/i-ma-za- (MARAŞ 8, § 1)
SERVUS (hudarli-), “servant, slave” = Phoen. ʿbd (KARATEPE 1, § I.6), Cun. Luw. hutarlaSERVUS-lá/í- (SULTANHAN, §§ 1, 13; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 4; ANCOZ 5+8, §§ 8, 10; HİSARCIK 1, § 5; CEKKE, § 1+; BABYLON 2, § 1 (PN, +a?)) ~ la/i: SERVUS-la/i(-i)- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 7 (-ti-i-); A17b, § 1 (-i-); CEKKE, § 6+; A21b+a, § 7+; TELL AHMAR 2, § 1; TELL AHMAR 6, § 1 (-i-); ALEPPO 2, § 1 (-i-); IZGIN 1, § 17+; ŞIRZI, § 1; KULULU 1, § 1; ÇİFTLİK, §§ 1+, 5 (-i-); KAYSERİ, § 1; EGRİKÖY, §§ 1, 3; BULGARMADEN, § 1; MALPINAR, §§ 1, 5; BEIRUT, § 1+; ADANA 1, § 1+; YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1 (-ti-)) + stem form only MALUS (atuwali-, (abstr.) -hida-), “bad” = Phoen. rʿ (KARATEPE 1, § XX.102), Cun. Luw. adduwal(i)MALUS-lá/í- (BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 5; 2, §§ 15, 19) ~ la/i: MALUS-la/i- (KARATEPE 1, §§ XX.102 (Ho); LXXII.378; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 19, 20; ALEPPO 2, § 24; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 10) ~ ra/i: (MALUS)á-tu-wa/i-ri+i- (KARATEPE 1, § XX.102 (Hu)) ~ da: MALUS-da- (SULTANHAN, § 21) Note MALUS-wa/i-za-*a (TELL AHMAR 1, § 19; 2, § 13; 6, § 30), Cun. Luw. adduwanza; MALUS-l[a/i]-hi-d[a-t]i-*a (TELL AHMAR 5, § 17), Cun. Luw. adduwalahitPalastin-/Walastin-(REGIO), toponym (the Amuq) (Transitional) Hier. pa-lá/í-sà-ti-ní-(REGIO) (ALEPPO 6, § 1) Hier. wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ní-(REGIO) (MEHARDE, § 2; SHEIZAR, § 1) (Late) Hier. wa/i-lá/í-sà/si-ta/ti-ni-(REGIO) (ARSUZ 1+2, § 1) ~ la/i: wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-(REGIO) (TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 3) ~ la: wa/i-la-sà-ti-ni- (TELL TAYINAT, frags. TT 2463+ TT 2713 (see Weeden, NABU 2015/2, no. 44)). (“LONGUS”)ara/i-, “long”, = Phoen. ʾrk (KARATEPE 1, § LI.291), Cun. Luw. array- (CLL, s.v.) Hier. “LONGUS”-lá/í- (KARATEPE 1, § LI.291 (Hu) ~ ra/i: (“LONGUS”)a+ra/i- (KARATEPE 1, § LI.291 (Ho); ÇİFTLİK, § 17; BOR, § 11) ~ da(?): LONGUS-da-ia-sa-ha-na (İVRİZ 1, § 2) = *arayasha- (?) (Rieken, VI ICH, p. 643) sapisara-, “health, peace” = Phoen. šlm (KARATEPE 1, § XLIX.276) Hier. sa-pi-sá-lá/í-ri+i (Hu) // sá-pi-sa-ara/i-ri+i (Ho)
Part 5: The Signary
*adantiwali-, “fat” (adjective applied to sacrificial sheep) Hier. EDERE-lá/í-ti-wa/i-li- (MARAŞ 3, § 4) Hier. ara/i-ti-wa/i-li-i- (MARAŞ 5, § 1) aluni-, “enemy” (Empire, Transitional: ali-wa/i-ní) Hier. *a-la/i-ni- // *a-la/i-na- (KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 4, 5; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 5, 21) Hier. á-ru-ni-i- (SULTANHAN, § 9) Hier. *a-la/i-lu/a/i-ní- (BABYLON 1, §§ 11, 12) LOCUS-la/i // lá/í- read arla > alla-(?): Yakubovich, paper read at “Hrozný and Hittite: the first hundred years” (Charles University, Prague, 11–14 November 2015), argues for this reading to replace the postulated *paddant-, cognate with Hitt. peda-, “place”, Lyc. pddẽn-, pddãnt, for which see Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins (2010), pp. 208–210, 2.7. For this re-reading the evidence is slender: the isolated á-lá/í-za (BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 12) in the context which normally reads LOCUS-la/i // lá/í-za. See now Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017), pp. 1–27. This is buttressed by the proposal to recognize Hier. ara/i-la- and á-lá/í-la- as the word “place”, and the verb arlanuwa- as “replace”, further slender props. On the other hand, the writings “LOCUS”-lá/í-za-*a (BABYLON 1, § 13), and LOCUS-za-*a (KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 23, 24) with initial-a-final should demand a word-initial a thus providing strong support for the reading. It has the additional advantage of avoiding the apparent LOCUS-la/i // lá/í- as rendering (*padda- >) *pala-. Note: the proposed reading (“LOCUS”)pa-da- (ÇİNEKÖY, § 8, Editio princeps) is shown by collation to read “LOCUS”da-da-. This gives a further la/i // lá/í ~ da; and note also LOCUS-la/i-lá/í (acc. plur. N, KARKAMIŠ A31(+AFŞİN), § 9).
Reading Value ma proposed by Campbell Thompson (1912); confirmed by Meriggi (1929), followed by Gelb (1931), Forrer (1932), Bossert (1932), Hrozný (1933), utilizing place names Kurkuma (Gurgum) and Imatu (Hamat) Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. ma-na-ma-su = Cun. Ia-ma-an-ma(-aš)-šu/ši (RS 17.28, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 142 f.)
Hier. ma-ti-da-[ka FILIUS?] = Cun. (DUMU) Ima-diKUR (Msk. B41) Hier. *a-ma-zi/a-hi = Cun. Iam-za-hi (Msk. B1) Hier. pa-á-li-ma-li = Cun. IEN-ma-lik (Msk. B2) Hier. *a-hi-ma-li = Cun. Ia-hi-ma-[lik] (Msk. B7, also B18) d
semi-digraphic Hier. ma-da-ka-li-da-ka = Cun. INIR.dKUR (Msk. A35) other Hier. ma-nì-na (BONUS2.FEMINA, RS 17.319, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 155), Cun. Imanninni (Noms, no. 747 + Suppl. (-na)) Hier. ma-hwi-zi/a (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 217–223; note digraph no. 217 […]-uz-zi), Cun. Ima-ah-hu(-uz)-zi (Noms, no. 714) Hier. ma-la-VIR.zi/a (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 228–229; SBo II, nos. 10, 11), Cun. Ima-la-LÚ // -zi-ti (Noms, no. 725) Hier. ma-ni-i(a) (BONUS2.FEMINA, NİŞANTEPE, no. 231), Cun. fma-an-ni-i-aš (Noms, no. 745) Hier. ma-sa/sà/sa5-mu(wa) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 234 (-BOS2) // Poetto, Stud. Med. 4, p. 185 f. // KORUCUTEPE, no. 11), Cun. Ima(-a)-ša-A.A (Noms, no. 771) Hier. u-ma-i(a)((BONUS2)FEMINA, Boğazköy V, no. 37B), Cun. fum-ma-ia (Noms, Suppl., no. 1424b)
GNN Hier. ma-sa5 (SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4), Cun. (KUR)(URU)ma(-a)ša- (RGTC VI/1, s.v. Maša) Hier. (a)la-tara/i-ma(URBS) (KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, §§ 2, 6), Cun. URUa-la-tar-ma (RGTC VI/1, s.v. Alatarma) lexical Hier. ma-lu-wa/i, “offering” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 18), Sidet. malwa? Hier. ma-na (man), “if, whether” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 20; also §§ 13, 16, 19 (ma(n)(-pawa)), 31, 32 (ma(n)(-was)), Cun. Luw. ma-a-an (CLL, s.v. mān)).
TRANSITIONAL lexical Hier. REL-i(a)-sa i(a)-ma REL-i(a)-sa, “whosoever” (KARAHÖYÜK, § 22), Hitt. kuiš imma kuiš Hier. ma-na (man), “if, whether” (ALEPPO 6, § 5; also ma(n)-pawa, § 8; ALEPPO 7, § 6; also zi(n)-ma(n)-pawa-, §§ 7, 11), see Empire, Transitional
3 The Syllabary
LATE GNN Hier. i-ma-tu/tú-(REGIO), Hamath (HAMA 4, 8, RESTAN, QALʿAT EL MUDIQ; HAMA 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, § 1), Ass. KUR(URU) a // ha(-am)-ma-at // matHier. ku+ra/i-ku-ma-(URBS), Gurgum (MARAŞ 8, § 3; MARAŞ 4, § 1; 1, § 1), Ass. KUR/URUgúr-gu(-um)-me // ma- (RGTC VII, s.v. Gurgum) Hier. ku-ma-ha(URBS) (MALPINAR, § 2), Hitt. URUkumma(-a)-ha(-hi) (RGTC VI/1, s.v. Kumaha), Ass. KUR/ URU Kummuh- (RGTC VII, s.v. Kummuhu), Greek Κoμμαγηνη
DNN Hier. (DEUS)ma-ru-ti-ka- (ERKILET 1, § 1), dMarduk(?) Hier. (DEUS)šarrumaHier. (DEUS)armalexical Hier. á-la/i // lá/í-ma-za (alaman(za), “name” = Phoen. šm (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXXIX.207; LXI.337; LXIII.343; LXIV.348; LXX.370; and passim, see Glossary), Hitt. laman Hier. ma-tu/tú-, “wine” (AKSARAY, § 4c; SULTANHAN, § 26; BOR, § 7; TULEIL 2, ll. 2(–3)), Cun. Luw. maddu- (CLL, s.v. maddu-) Hier. ma-na-, “mina” (CEKKE, § 8; TÜNP, § 6), Hitt. MA-NA Hier. ma-na (man), “if, whether” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 14a, also §§ 14b, c (ma(n)(-pa-)); 17a–d (ma(n)-wa/pa-), 19a, b (ma(n)-wa/pa-); ANKARA 1, § 7, also § 8 (ma(n)(-pa-)); ALEPPO 2, §§ 19, 20 (ma(n)-wa/pa-); BABYLON, §§ 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 (ma(n)(-wa/pa-)). See Empire. Hier. á-ma-za, a-ma, “my” (nom./acc. sing., plur. N), passim, see Glossary. Hier. ha+ra/i-ma-hi-, “head” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 5; 6, § 14; CEKKE, § 18; ÇİFTLİK, § 16 (-ha-)), Cun. Luw. har-ma-hi (// ha)- (CLL, s.v. harmaha/i)
Origin Logo/pictogram “four” (Hittite mi(-e/i)-u/wa- (meu-/ mewa-), not Luwian ma-a-u-wa- (mawa)). See Yakubovich, ALP 4 (2008), p. 9 ff., esp. p. 24. Reading This goes far back to Ménant (1892), Jensen (1894), Sayce (1903), Cowley (1917); Meriggi (1929 -mi), Gelb (1931 -me), Forrer (1932 -me), Hrozný (1933 -me). Mittelberger (1962) convincingly dismisses reading má (see below, Usage).
Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. PURUS.FONS.MI = Cun. Išu-up-pí-lu-li-u-ma: see below, L.391(-L.110), -MI(-ma) Hier. mi+ra/i-a(REGIO), Mira = Cun. KUR URUme-ra!+a! (TARKONDEMOS; see also seal impressions Bo. 385–388z; and KARABEL) Hier. kar-ka-mi-sà(URBS), Karkamiš = Cun. (KUR)karga-miš (RS 17.59 (Ini-Teššub), RS 17.226 (Talmi-Teššub), also LIDAR, (REGIO) (Kuzi-Teššub)) Hier. ha-sa-mi-TONITRUS, Hišmi-Teššub) = Cun. Ihiis-mi-[…] (Msk. 4a–b) Hier. LEPUS+ra/i-mi, Taprami = Cun. Itap-ra-am-mi (RS 17.231, Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 149–152) Hier. i(a)-á-mi-li-ki-da-ka, Yamlik-Dagan = Cun. Iim-likd KUR (Msk. C16) Hier. (a)la-(a)li-mi, Alalimi = Cun. Ia-la!-li-me-(eš) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 3) Hier. hi-mi-sa5-da-ka = Cun. Ihi-ma-ši-dKUR (TSABR, no. 24(a)) semi-digraphic Hier. TAL(A)-mi-TASU-pa, Talmi-Teššub = Cun. IGALd IM-u[b] (RS 17.226, Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 127–130) Hier. á-tá-mi-ki // i(a)-da-mi-ki, Ea-damiq = Cun. Ida-aSIG4 // [Id]é-a-SIG4 (Msk. B37 // TSABR, no. 72(d)) other Hier. pa-la-ki-mi, Bala-kimi (TSABR, no. 26), Cun. fbala-ki-mi (TSABR, no. 30) Hier. tá-ka-zi/a-mi+ra/i, Dagan-zimri (BONUS2. FEMINA (Msk. C8 =), TSABR, no. 31(a)), Cun. Idda-gan-LI (TSABR, no. 50, l. 36) Hier. *a-sa-mi-SARMA+MI (NİŞANTEPE, no. 75), Cun. I aš-mi // mu-LUGAL-ma (Noms, no. 173) Hier. mi+ra/i-BOS2, Mira-muwa (NİŞANTEPE, no. 240), Cun. Ime-ra-A.A (Noms, no. 807) Hier. mi-zi/a+ra/i-BOS // BOS2-MI (SBo II, no. 81, NİŞANTEPE, no. 248) = Cun. mis?-ri-m[u-wa], Cun. Imi-iz-raA.A (Noms, no. 811+Suppl.) Hier. sà-mi-tu-li (NİŞANTEPE, no. 348; also BOĞAZKÖY 8 etc.), Cun. ši // ša-mi // me-ti-li (Noms, no. 1151+Suppl.) lexical Hier. -mi (enclitic pron., reflex., 1 sing.: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 3; 3, § 2 = YALBURT block 10, § 2; YALBURT blocks 11, § 2; 13, § 1; 14, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1; AII, § d; AV, § c; § h?) Hier. *a-mi-, “my” (possess. pron., 1 sing.: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4; 2, §§ 1, 3, 6, 14; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 2; AII, § e(?); AIV, § a(?); AV, § c(?); KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, §§ 2, 3)
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. L.502-mi-li (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33), Hitt. dammeli? (CHD, peda- Ae14’) unclear Hier. PUGNUS-MI- (verb and adverb?: EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 27, 29) Hier. PORTA-MI-, “gate(?)” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 23; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 637–638, PORTA-MI-ti (PN)) Hier. L.283-MI- (verb and (?): KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, §§ 5, 6) Hier. URBS+MI-, “city” (KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 2); mainly Transitional and Late
TRANSITIONAL Hier. u-ni-mi-sa, “recognized” (participle) (LIDAR seal)
KARAHÖYÜK Hier. -mi (enclitic pron., reflex., 1 sing.) § 11 Hier. *a-mi-, “my” (possess. pron.) §§ 13, 15, 22 Hier. REL-i(a)-mi-, “feared” (participle) § 12 Hier. DARE-mi-zi/a, “given” (participle) § 16 Hier. URBS-MI-ní- // URBS+MI(-ní)-, “city”, §§ 3, 15 // 9, 13, 22 Hier. (SOLIUM-MI)á-sa-, “seat(?)”, § 4 Hier. *á-la-mi-ní, “ ? ”, § 1 Hier. L.502-mi-li-, “ ? ”, § 18: see Empire, EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33
ALEPPO 6 Hier. -mi (enclitic pron., reflex., 1 sing.) § 1 Hier. *a-mi-, “my”, § 2
ALEPPO 7 Hier. kar-ka-mi-sà-UR[BS], Karkamiš, § 2; also GÜRÜN, § 1
LATE GNN Hier. kar-ka-mi-sà // si-, Karkamiš (passim): see Empire Hier. mi-za+ra/i-(URBS), Mizri (Egypt) (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 4): see Empire
lexical Hier. -mi (enclitic pron., reflex., 1 sing.) passim: see Empire Hier. *a/á/a-mi-, “my” (possess. pron., 1 sing.) passim: see Empire grammatical Hier. -mi- (participle), passim Hier. -mi-na (gerundive): see Melchert, Fs Rasmussen, pp. 355–362
Hier. PURUS.FONS±MI-, Suppiluliuma (BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 1, 4, 11; 2, §§ 1, 2, 7, 17a, 19; ANCOZ 5, §§ 3, 4; ANCOZ 7, §§ 6, 13; ARSUZ 1, 2, §§ 1, 18; TELL TAYINAT 4, § 4), Ass. Iuš-pi-lu-lu-me, Isa-pa-lu-ul-me ((PNAE 3/I, s.v. Sapalulme; 3/II, s.v. Ušpilulume): see Empire
-MI(-ma) (L.391(-L.110)) Usage A usage of the sign mi (L.391) in the Empire period to write a PN (Suppiluliuma) and a DN (Sarruma) has been used to attribute a value má to the sign. There is no further evidence to support this, apart from one single Meskene digraph, Hier. hi-mi-sa5-da-ka = Cun. hi-ma-ši-dKUR, which set against the overwhelming digraphic evidence Hier. mi = Cun. mi (Hier. ma = Cun. ma) may be explained as transposition (-masi- > -misa-, so Weeden, WdO 48 (2018), p. 339 fn. 35). The Late evidence provides explanation and confirmation of the alternative views; that the use of mi for ma in Suppiluliuma and Sarruma was chosen for graphic, not phonetic, reasons. The sign mi is symmetrical and suited to writing particularly on seals, as against ma (L.110), the sheep’s head, which is not. Late practice continues and extends the usage: the iconic writing Suppiluliuma (PURUS.FONS-MI) persists; the writing of Sarruma, besides a full phonetic writing Hier. (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ru-ma, may write (DEUS)SARMA+MI-ma- and (DEUS)SARMA2+RA+MI with and without -ma. This seems to show that -MI is an attachment to the logogram (“phonetic indicator”), which -ma is an actual phonetic complement. This further occurs in the writing of the Moon-God Arma, where (DEUS)LUNA+MI may also have an additional -ma. This graphic idiosyncrasy has further spread to lexical items: the verb “build” (logogram AEDIFICARE, phonetic tama-) may be written AEDIFICARE+MI-ma-, otherwise simply AEDIFICARE±MI-; the verb “hear” (logogram AUDIRE±MI-) may also add -ma- (= tumanti-); and tanimi-, “all”
3 The Syllabary
(logogram OMNIS), in the forms tanima-, may write OMNISMI-ma-. This should suffice to show that -MI attached to a logogram is not necessarily a phonetic complement but rather a “phonetic indicator”, in a usage probably going back to Empire period practice. Note also the peculiar and unexplained attachment of MI to SOLIUM (read asa-, caus. isanuwa-), “sit, seat”; also to PONERE (tuwa-), “put”. In neither is any phonetic m indicated. For a brief rebuttal of reading má, see Mittelberger, Sprache 8 (1962), p. 277 f., which remains valid. Attestations EMPIRE RN Seal, digraphic Hier. PURUS.FONS-MI, Suppiluliuma = Cun. Išu-uppí-lu-li-u-ma (S. I: RS 17.227; NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 8, 17; S. II: Boğazköy III, no. 1; NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 146)
Monuments Hier. PURUS.FONS-MI (NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1; AII, § d; AIII, § a; AVIII (?)—S. II; SÜDBURG, §§ 2, 6, 9, 14—S. II), Cun. I KÙ.TÚL-ma
Hier. (DEUS)SARMA2+MI, Sarruma (YAZILIKAYA, nos. 44, 81; ALEPPO 1, § 1; HANYERİ; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 504, 505, also 508 (tuhkanti-seal)), Cun. Dšar-ru(-um)-ma, D LUGAL-ma (OHP, s.v. Sarruma) As onomastic element (Empire, all Hurrian): see Talmi(ALEPPO 1, § 1); Tašmi- (RS 17.159; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 110, 111); Taki- (RS 17.251, 17.403; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 395, 396, 400, 402); Tili- (SBo II, nos. 15, 224; NİŞANTEPE, no. 456); Ibri- (SBo II, no. 14; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 133, 134); Ehli- (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 97, 100, 101, 102); Ali- (KORUCUTEPE, no. 3; NİŞANTEPE, no. 98); Ari-(?) (KORUCUTEPE, nos. 1, 2); Asmi- (NİŞANTEPE, no. 75); Penti- (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 323–327); Huwa- (NİŞANTEPE, no. 355; cf. KARKAMIŠ A18d)
LATE DNN Hier. (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ru-ma-, Sarruma (only full phonetic writing, ÇİFTLİK, §§ 6, 10). (DEUS)SARMA2 (+RA+MI)-ma- (TOPADA, §§ 30, 31, 33, 36, 38 (§ 17 without -ma-); SUVASA, B; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 (without -ma-),
GÜRÜN, §§ 1, 7 (without -ma-), DARENDE, right side (without -ma-); MALATYA 7 (without -ma-)). (DEUS)SARMA(+RA+MI): ANCOZ 9, § 2; 1, § 4 (with -ma-); PORSUK, § 2 (with -ma); KULULU 5, § 1 (with +na) As onomastic element -SARMA/SARMA2(RA+MI)-ma-: Wasu- (TOPADA, §§ 1, 2; B; SUVASA, B, C; KAYSERİ, § 1; SULTANHAN, §§ 1, 8, 13, 45) Huha- (ERKİLET 1, § 1) Ura- (KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 7) Hier. (DEUS)LUNA+MI-ma-, Arma (KAYSERİ, § 16 // SULTANHAN, § 31, “LUNA”-ma-); also (DEUS)LUNA+MI(TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; 1, § 2; ALEPPO 2, § 2; KULULU 5, § 1; CEKKE, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13; KARABURUN, § 12; BULGARMADEN, § 15; KARATEPE 1, § LXXV.408); but (DEUS)LUNA- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 2) lexical Hier. ta-ma- (det. AEDIFICARE), “build” (ÇİFTLİK, §§ 2, 4, 5, 22; KULULU 1, § 3; KARABURUN, § 4); AEDIFICARE+MI-ma- (KARATEPE 2, § 1); otherwise AEDIFICARE+MI // -MI- = Phoen. bn (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIX.97; XXIII.124; XXXVIII.204; XL.216; XLI; XLV; LXVI.357; LXXII.382) AEDIFICARE+MI- (ligature: HAMA 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, RESTAN, QALʿAT EL MUDIQ; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 8, 24; A15b, § 10; A11a, § 14) AEDIFICARE-MI- (no ligature): KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 18; A11b+c, §§ 6, 15, 34; A1a, § 23 Hier. OMNIS-MI-ma(-), “all” (KARATEPE 1 only) = Phoen. kl (nom. acc. sing./plur. N, dat. plur.: OMNIS-MIní-i-ma-za (KARATEPE 1, § L.281, Ho), otherwise OMINIS-MI-ma, KARATEPE 1, §§ VI.33; X.53; XV.77; L.281 (Hu); LII.298, 300 (Ho -MI-za, dat. plur.) Hier. AUDIRE+MI-ma-ti-mi-i- (tumantimi-), “heard” (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; cf. AUDIRE+MI-ti-mi- (BOHÇA, § 1), AUDIRE-mi (MARAŞ 1, § 1k) – same contexts; elsewhere AUDIRE+MI-ti(-i)- (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 5, 6; A31, § 14; TELL AHMAR 1, § 25); AUDIRE-MI-ti-i- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 4) Hier. ORIENS+MI-ma-, “east” BOHÇA, § 1
446 L.107
Part 5: The Signary
mu (muwa)
Origin u+mi (L.103 + L.391) The +mi is visible mainly on seals, not on the monumental inscriptions EMİRGAZİ 1, 2, YALBURT, NİŞANTAŞ. But SİRKELİ and HATİP show mi (u-mi // u+mi-tax-li, Muwattalli), as does HANYERİ (EXERCITUS-u+mi, Kuwalan-mu(wa), probably also KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA (*a-[w]a/i-mu, mu-wa/i-ti). Writings are various: (1) mu (u+mi) (2) BOS+MI (3) BOS.MI (4, 5) BOS, BOS2 (no mi visible) (6) BOS2+MI (7) BOS2.MI (8) (m)u (no mi visible) Reading mu established by Forrer (1932), p. 20, and Bossert (1932), p. 63 from PN mu-wa/i-da-li; accepted by Hrozný (1933), p. 110; Meriggi (1934), p. 3; Gelb (1935), p. 22 Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. mu-tara/i-TONITRUS = Cun. Imu-ud-ri-dIM (Msk. B46; another, Msk. C20; another, TSABR, no. 76(b). (-dU); cf. also Msk. B49; also HIRAYAMA, HCCT E2-2-2, Hier. tara/iTASU-pa-BOS2 = Cun. Imu-ud-ri-dIM) Hier. mi-zi/a+ra/i-BOS2.MI = Cun. mis!-ri-m[u …] (SBo II, no. 81+NİŞANTEPE, no. 248, cf. SBo II, no. 80) Hier. sà+US-ka-mu(wa) = Cun. IdIŠTAR-mu-wa (RS 17.228, Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 131–133) semi-digraphic Hier. BOS.MI-tax-li = Cun. INIR.GÁL (Muwattalli) (NİŞANTEPE2, nos. 40, 41; also SİRKELİ) Hier. BOS2.MI-tax-li = Cun. NIR.GÁL (NİŞANTEPE, no. 37; SBo II, no. 1) Cf. Hier. mu(wa)-tax-li (FILIUS, HATİP) onomastics: mu(wa) names Hier. (m)u-wa/i-á (Muwa?) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 255), Cun. I mu(-u)-wa(-a)- (Noms, no. 832) Hier. mu(wa)-ti (mu- and u?!) (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 260– 270), Cun. fmu-u-wa-at-ti (Noms, no. 841) Hier. mu(wa).VIR2.zi/a (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 272–273), Cun. Imu-wa-LÚ (Noms, no. 840) Hier. SOL-wa/i-da-(m)u (Tiwadamu(wa)) (SBo II, no. 223; NİŞANTEPE, no. 460) Hier. pi-ha-mu(wa) // BOS(.MI) (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 299– 301), Cun. Ipí-ha-A.A (Noms, no. 964)
Hier. EXERCITUS-mu(wa) // BOS (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 192–193; HANYERİ, SIPYLOS; İMAMKULU; SBo II, no. 87), Cun. IKARAŠ-mu-u-wa- (Noms, no. 665) Hier. TONITRUS-BOS // (m)u(w)a (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 415–417), Cun. Itar-hu-u-mu-u-wa- (HBM, no. 57) lexical Hier. -mu, “(to) me” (pron. enclitic, 1 sing. acc.-dat.: EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 34, 36; 2, §§ 3, 5, 9; YALBURT blocks 2, §§ 2, 3; 3, § 2; 6, § 2; 11, §§ 1, 4; 12, §§ 3, 8; 13, § 4; 14, § 5; 15, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, § b, AV, §§ b, f; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 2), Cun. Luw. -mu (CLL, s.v.) Hier. *a-mu (orthotonic pron., 1 sing. nom.-acc.-dat.: YALBURT block 4, § 3; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § f; AV, § g) Hier. mu-wa/i-, “conquer” (YALBURT blocks 11, § 2; 13, § 1; NİŞANTAŞ AII, § c i–iv; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 4), Cun. Luw. muwa- (CLL, s.v. mūwa-2)
TRANSITIONAL lexical Hier. (L.273)mu(wa)-tá, “he conquered” (KIZILDAĞ 4, §§ 2b, c: written BOS-tá, cf. KARADAĞ 1, § 2, (L.273)FORTIS-tá), cf. Empire Hier. -mu, “(to) me” (enclitic pron., 1 sing., acc.-dat.: KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 12, 16, 20; ALEPPO 7, § 5; GÜRÜN, § 4), cf. Empire Hier. *a-mu, “I, me” (orthotonic pron.1 sing., nom., acc., dat.: ALEPPO 6, § 3), cf. Empire Hier. (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za, “son” (GÜRÜN, § 1; İSPEKÇÜR, § 1; DARENDE, § 1) Hier. (m)u-ki-SUPER+ra/i, “ritual(?)” (KARAHÖYÜK, § 6), Hitt. mukessar(?)
Hier. mu!-sà-ka!-na(REGIO) (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2c: reading changed back from ma)
LATE PNN Hier. mu-wa/i-ta-li // lu/a/i-i-, Muwattalli- (MARAŞ 4, §§ 1, 10; 1, § 1d), Ass. Imu-ta/tal-li (PNAE 2/II, s.v. Mutallu) Hier. mu-ka-sa/sá-, Muksa = Phoen. mpš (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXI.112, LVIII.327), Hitt. Muksu- (Noms, no.815), Greek Μοξοs/Moψos Hier. mu-wa/i- (KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 9; KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 5.32; 7.38), cf. Empire
3 The Syllabary
GNN Hier. mu-sá-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 6), Greek Mysioi(?) Hier. mu-sà-ka-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 6), Ass. Muski (Phrygians, RGTC VII, s.v.) lexical Hier. amu, “I, me” (á-mu, *a-mu, mu(-u), passim, see Glossary), cf. Empire, Transitional Hier. -mu, “(to) me” (passim, see Glossary) Hier. mu-wa/i-, “strengthen” (SULTANHAN, §§ 32, 44), cf. Empire Hier. mu-wa/i-ta-li-, “mighty” (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 26; SULTANHAN, § 8; cf. ARSUZ 1–2, § 18), cf. Empire/Late PN Hier. mu-wa/i-i-da-, “seed(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 28, reading of L.462)
Sign forms In some monumental relief versions (Empire and Late), the upper end of the glyph is more or less clearly recognizable as a hand, seeming to indicate that the whole represents a bent arm, though this has given no assistance in identifying the origin of the phonetic value. Reading Gelb (1935) following Forrer (1932) asserted the value na and discarded an earlier nu (Bossert, 1933; Hrozný, 1933; Meriggi, 1933, 1934) based on tu-wa/i-nu!(for -na)-wa/ini(URBS), “of Tuwana”. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. zu-la-n[a] = Cun. Izu-la-an-na (Msk. A29) Hier. na-[…] = Cun. Ina-na (Msk. A27) Hier. ma-na-ma-su = Cun. Ia-ma-an-ma-š[u] // -aš-šu (RS 17.28, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 142 f.) semi-digraphic Hier. VITIS-na-ni = Cun. (DUMU) GEŠTIN.ŠEŠ (Msk. B39) other Hier. zu(wa)-wa/i-na (NİŞANTEPE, no. 542), Cun. Izuwa(-an)-na (Noms, no. 1580, +Suppl.)
Hier. TONITRUS-ma-na-[wa/i?](FEMINA), Cun. U-ma-na-wa (Noms+Suppl., no. 1259) Hier. á-na+ra/i (NİŞANTEPE, no. 22); see lexical
Monuments DNN Hier. DE[UShu]-tì-na (YAZILIKAYA, no. 47), Cun. D hu(-u)-te/ti-na (OHP I, s.v. Hudena) Hier. [DEUS]tá?-pa-ki-na (YAZILIKAYA, no. 53), Cun. Dtapki-in-na (OHP I, s.v. Damkina)
GNN Hier. á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a(REGIO) (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 8; YALBURT block 13, § 3), Cun. URUa-wa-ar-na (KUB XIX 55, left edge 1) Hier. pi-na-(a)li(URBS) (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 7; YALBURT blocks 12, §§ 2, 3; 13, § 2), Cun. URUpi-na-li-ia (KUB XIX 55, left edge 1 + KBo XVIII 117, see Weeden, NABU 2012, no. 49) Hier. (MONS)su-na+ra/i (KARAKUYU, l. 2), Cun. HUR. SAG šu-un-na-ra (KUB II 1i 50’) Hier. tara/i-HANA-na(URBS) (SÜDBURG, § 7), Cun. ta // da-ra-ah-na (RGTC VI, s.v. Tarahna); see also HANA-na (lexical) PNN, -sina names (onomastic element, Hurr. šeni, “brother”) Hier. -si-na/ni, Cun. -ši(-in)-ni/na: Hier. pu-ha // hi-si-na // ni = Cun. [p]u-hi-ŠEŠ (Gonnet, Anatolica 7 (1979/80), pp. 267–269); Hier. pa-ti-si-na (BOĞAZKÖY 8), Cun. Ipé-en-teši-na (KUB XXIII 1 i 44; otherwise written IZAG.ŠEŠ, Noms, no. 1006) lexical Hier. DOMINUS.NA, “lord” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 21; 2, §§ 1, 3, 6, 14; YALBURT blocks 4, § 3; 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4); na first syllable complement see Late (DOMINUS)nani-, “lord” (Oreshko, VIII ICH (2014), pp. 619–621) Hier. HANA-na, “grandmother” (SÜDBURG, § 13), Hitt. (-Luw.) hanna- (HWb2, s.v. hanna2) Hier. á-na+ra/i-zú-ha-, “ ? ” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37): compound with anari-, “strong”, Luw. an-na-ri- (CLL, s.v. *annarā(i)-, ( )ānnari-) Hier. PRAE-na, “before” (EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 4, 5; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, §§ b, c; YALBURT blocks 10, § 3; 3, § 2), Cun. Luw. pár-ra-an (CLL, s.v. parran) Hier. *a-pa-na, “back, again” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 22), Cun. Luw. (a-)ap-pa-an (CLL, s.v. āppan) Hier. ma-na, “if” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 20), Cun. Luw. ma-a-an (CLL, s.v. mān)
Part 5: The Signary
grammatical Hier. -an (enclitic pron., acc. sing. MF: *a-wa/i-na (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 14, 29); NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 4; AII, § a; *a-wa/iti-i(a)-na (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 35), Cun. Luw. -an (CLL, s.v. -a-)
TRANSITIONAL ALEPPO 6 and 7 lexical Hier. ma-na, “if” (6, § 5): see Empire grammatical Hier. -una (inf.): i-zi-u-na, “to (make), celebrate” (6, § 4) Hier. -an (enclitic pron., acc. sing. MF): *a-wa/i-na (7, § 4) Hier. -asan (gen. adj., dat. sing.) *a-pa-sa-na, “to his (…)” (7, § 11)
KARAHÖYÜK lexical Hier. ta-na-ti, “empty, waste” (§ 3): see further, Late, lexical tanati-
KÖTÜKALE, DARENDE grammatical Hier. -n(a) (case ending, acc. sing. MF): za-na (L.417) hu-lá/í-na x x x-wa/i-na, “this … …” (K, § 2); SCALPRUM-na VIA-na, “stone road” (K, § 3) Hier. x-tu-ma-ni-i-na(URBS) L.485-li-na, “the city … …” (D, § 2)
LATE GNN Hier. á-ta-na-(URBS) = Phoen. ʾdn, Adana(wa) (KARATEPE 1, § XXXVII.199) Hier. na-hi-ti-ia-(URBS) (ANDAVAL, § 1), Cun. (KUR) URU na-hi-ta (RGTC VI, s.v. Nahita), mod. Niğde Hier. tu-wa/i-na-(URBS) (BOR, § 1), Hitt. URUtu(-u)-wanu-wa (RGTC VI, s.v. Tuwanuwa), Ass. kur/urutu // tú-ha-na (RGTC VII, s.v. *Tuhana), Greek Tyana Hier. (“MONS”)la-pa+ra/i-na (HAMA 7, § 3), Ass. kur lab-na-na(// ni // nu), “Mt. Lebanon”, (RGTC VII, s.v. Labnana)
PNN Hier. u+ra/i-hi-li-na (HAMA 4, 8, 1–3, 6, 7; RESTAN, QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, § 1), Ass. Iir-hu-li(-e)-ni // na (PNAE 2/I, s.v. Irhulena) Hier. Ila-pa+ra/i-na (CEKKE, § 9), Hitt. Labarna, Ass. Lubarna/Liburna (PNAE 2/II, s.v. Lubarna) lexical Hier. ta-na-ti-, “empty”, ta-na-tá-, “(make) empty” (fact.): see (VACUUS)ta-na-ti- // ta-na-tá- (see below, ta Late lexical) Hier. LITUUS+na-, “see” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 6, 23; A11b+c, § 16; A17b, § 5; CEKKE, §§ 25, 27; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 13; TELL AHMAR 1, § 11; 6, §§ 10, 18; ASSUR letters c, § 9; f+g, §§ 17, 43, 53), Cun. Luw. ma-na-a- (CLL, s.v. ( )manā-): see Hawkins and Starke, Kadmos 19 (1980), pp. 127–138, 142–148 Hier. DOMUS-na-, “house” (normally written DOMUSna-(-ni/ní-, dat. sing.), but note DOMUS-ní-i // (“DOMUS”) pa+ra/i-ní (KARATEPE 1, § LVIII.328, Hu//Ho)), passim, see Glossary; Luw. pár-na- (CLL, s.v. parna-), Hitt. per, parn(CHD, s.v.) Hier. na-na-sa5+ra/i, “sister” (MARAŞ 6, l. 1; JISR EL HADID 4, § 2, -tara/i-!), Cun. Luw. na-a-na-aš-ri- (CLL, s.v. nānašri(ya)-) Hier. na-wa/i-(na-wa/i)-, “great-great(-great)-grandson” (MARAŞ 1, §§ 1e, 1 f.), Cun. Luw. na-a(-ú)-wa-, “new”, (CLL, s.v. nāwa/i-) Hier. ma-na, “if, whether” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 14a; ANKARA 1, § 7), Cun. Luw. ma-a-an (CLL, s.v. mān); also Empire and Transitional na alternation with NEG2: Hawkins, Negatives, p. 125 A (1) na-wa/i- // NEG2-wa/i- (na // ná) B (2–8) NEG2, case and encl. pron., acc. sing. MF, -ná C (10, 11, 13) NEG-wa/i, factual negative, Cun. Luw. nawa D (14) na-wa/i-a, “not (even?)”: Late recurrence of Empire NEG grammatical Hier. -n(a) (case ending, acc. sing. MF): passim, Cun. Luw. -n Hier. -Ca-na (encl. pron., 3 sing., acc. sing. MF): passim, Cun. Luw. -an Hier. -u-na // -Cu-na (inf.): i-u-na, “to go” = Phoen. l-lkt (KARATEPE 1, § XXXIV.181); i-zi(-i)-sa-tu // tú-na, “to honour” (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.262); REL-tu // tú-na, “at the cutting(?)” (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.269); i-zi-u-na, “to make (celebrate)” (ALEPPO 6, § 4); zú-pu-na, “to suck(?)” (ŞIRZI, § 4); DELERE-nu-u-na, “to destroy” (BABYLON, § 15); wa/i+ra/i-L.273-na, “to (?)” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 34)
3 The Syllabary
Hier. -mi-na (gerundive): (CEKKE) DARE-mi-na, “(is) to give” (§§ 8, 9, 11, 12); i-zi-ia-mi-na, “(is) to make” (§ 10); hi-sà-hi-mi-na, “(is) to bind” (§§ 13, 16); ha-zi-mi-na, “(is) to engrave(?)” (§ 15), PONERE-mi-na, “(is) to put” (§ 19); (KARKAMIŠ A4a) DARE-mi-na (§§ 3, 11); i-zi-ia-mi-na (§ 4); ku-sà-mi-na, “(is) to remove” (TÜNP, § 2); (KULULU l.s. 1) DARE-mi-na, “(is) to give” (§§ 6, 35, 36; 7, 40; 9, 60, 61); (l.s. 2) DARE-mi-na (§§ 1, 3, 6); l. frag. 3. DARE-mi-na, “(is) to give” (2, 3, 4); PONERE-mi-na, “(were) to put” (ALEPPO 3, § 3) inf.? read tamuna? Hier. AEDIFICARE-MI-na (KARATEPE 1, § XL.216) = Phoen. l-bnt; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 23)
Reading Already na for Gelb (1931), Forrer (1932), Hrozný (1933), Meriggi (1934), alternating with L.214 (ná) Gelb (1935), following recognition of L.35 as na, re-evaluated as ni (~ne). Mittelberger argued for ni and ní (Sprache 8 (1962), p. 284). “New readings” (1974) confirmed ni (~ní). vocal ization. Evidence EMPIRE (almost exclusively seals) Seals, digraphic Hier. i(a)-pi-ni-i(a) = Cun. Iib-ni-ia (Msk. B48) Hier. i(a)-pi-ni-da-ka = Cun. Iib-ni-dKUR (Msk. A87; also Msk. B9 (Hier. i(a)-pa-ni-da-[ka]); TSABR, nos. 43(b); 44(a)) Hier. na-ni = Cun. Ina-ni (Msk. B40) semi-digraphic Hier. pu-ha-si-na = Cun. [p]u-hi-ŠEŠ (AO 28366) Hier. pu-hi-si-ni (Msk. B16 =) TSABR, no. 71(b) other Hier. hi-la-ni (NİŞANTEPE, no. 122; another, BOROWSKI, no. 26, Poetto, Stud. Med. 3, p. 33 f.), Cun. I hi(-il)-la-an-ni (Noms, no. 353) Hier. ma-ni-i(a)(FEMINA) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 231), Cun. fma-an-ni-i-(aš) (Noms, no. 745) Hier. zu(wa)-wa/i-ni (NİŞANTEPE, no. 544; also SIPYLOS 2), Cun. Izu-wa-an-ni (Noms + Suppl., no. 1581) Hier. zi/a-wa/i-ni (NİŞANTEPE, no. 530), Cun. zi-wi5-ni (Noms, no. 1564)
Hier. na-ni-i(a) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 278), Cun. na(-a)-ni // na(-a)-an-ni-ia (Noms, nos. 861 // 862) Hier. ku-ni-VIR.zi (NİŞANTEPE, no. 178), Cun. Iku-niia-LÚ (Noms, no. 631) Hier. ku-ni!-pi-i(a) (Boğazköy V, no. 38A) Cun. ku-ni-iaSUM (Noms+Suppl., no. 630)
alternation with -ní: see ní
Monuments Hier. ni not found on EMİRGAZİ 1, 2, YALBURT, NİŞANTAŞ, SÜDBURG; but see KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 2, URBS-MI-ni
TRANSITIONAL ALEPPO 6, 7 (ni and ní) (DOMINUS)na-ni (6, § 2) ASINUS2A-ni (7, § 7) REGIO-ni (7, § 12) POST-ni (7, § 10) GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE (no ní) (FILIUS)NI.NEPOS (G, § 1) (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za (G, § 1; D, § 1); (FILIUS)ni (K, § 1) DEUS-ni- (G, § 4; İ, A, § 2, D, § 3) x-tu-ma-ni-i-(URBS) (D, § 2) MEHARDE, SHEIZAR (no ní) (DEUS)REGIO-ni- (M, §§ 1, 6, 8; S, § 7) wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-za-(REGIO) (M, § 2) (STELE)ta-ni-sà-(//-si-) (M, §§ 1, 3, 7; S, § 4) SA4-ni- (M, § 7) CENTUM-ni (S, § 2) (FILIUS)ni- (S, § 3) ni not found on KARADAĞ, KIZILDAĞ, BURUNKAYA; nor KARAHÖYÜK: here only ní
LATE ni alternates freely with ní: lexical Hier. DEUS-ni // ní-, “god” (see Glossary), Cun. Luw. massani- (CLL, s.v. māššan(i)-) Hier. REGIO-ni // ní-, “country” (see Glossary), Hitt. utne Hier. (FILIUS)ni // ní(-mu-wa/i(-i)-za-), “son” (see Glossary) Hier. (DOMINUS)(na)-ni // ní-, “lord” (see Glossary)
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. DOMUS-ni // ní, “house” (dat. sing.), Hitt.-Luw. parni Hier. ta-ni // ní-mi-, “all” (see Glossary), Cun. Luw. ta-ni-mi- (CLL, s.v. tanimma/i-) Hier. (IUSTITIA)(tara/i-wa/i)-ni // ní-, “righteous” (see Glossary) Hier. ni // ní(-i), prohib. (passim), Cun. Luw. ni(-i)-iš (CLL, s.v. niš) Hier. ni // ní-pa, “or” disjunctive (see Glossary) Hier. CRUS.CRUS(-)ni // ní-ia-, “follow” (and deriv atives), Hitt. nai-, ne-, neya-, “turn” (CHD, s.v.) other Hier. ta-ni-ti-, “hierodule” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 24), Cun. Luw. MUNUSda(-a)-ni-ti- (CLL, s.v. dāniti(ya)-) Hier. ni-wa/i+ra/i-ni-, “(helpless) child” (MARAŞ 4, § 14)
PNN Hier. Ika-ma-ni // ní-, King of Karkamiš (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 8, 18; A7a, § 1; A15a, § 13; A31 + AFŞİN § 10 (-ní-); A4a, §§ 1, 2; A25b, § 1b; CEKKE, § 6 (-ní-); ADANA 1, § 1 (-ní-)) Hier. na-ni- (CEKKE, § 17d)
Hier. (DEUS)ni-ka-ru-ha // ka+ra/i-wa/i-, goddess Nin-karrak (BULGARMADEN, § 16 // KARKAMIŠ A6, § 31; also (DEUS)ní-ka [… KAYSERİ, § 8); for dNin-karrak see RlA IX/5–6, s.v. Nin-Isina further ni/ní alternations: CUM-ni // ní (also -na, -i); POST-ni // ní // na CUM-ni/ní (also -na(×2); -i(×1)): read *anni, Goedegebuure, VII ICH, p. 314 CUM-ni: IZGIN 1, § 3; 2, § 9; TELL AHMAR 1, § 19; 2, § 13; (?); KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18; A4d, § 1; A6, §§ 13, 25, 30; A31(+AFŞİN), §§ 12, 16; CEKKE, § 6; TOPADA, § 4; SULTANHAN, § 13; KARABURUN, §§ 7, 9; KULULU 5, § 4; VELİİSA, § 2; KARATEPE 1, § XV.79 (Ho); ASSUR letters e, §§ 22, 30; f+g, §§ 34, 54 CUM-ní: KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 18; A1b, § 3; A13d, § 10; A6, § 27; KULULU 4, § 12 CUM-na: KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21; KARATEPE 1, § XV.79 (Hu); TELL AHMAR 2, § 13(?!) CUM-i: KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 12 POST-ni // ní // na: note phonetic writing á-pa-na (SULTANHAN, § 32; KULULU 1, § 11)
POST-ni: IZGIN 1, §§ 5, 18; 2, §§ 4, 5; KARKAMIŠ A14a, §§ 6, 7; A11b+c, § 33; A2+3, §§ 3–5, 18; A23, § 10; TELL AHMAR 6, § 30 POST-ní: IZGIN 1, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 15 POST-na: KAYSERİ, § 11; KARATEPE 1, § XL.210 (Hu)
What do POST-ni/ní represent? apani? POST-na = á-pa-na (apan)
Usage EMPIRE: almost exclusively on seals (Msk. and NİŞANTEPE) monuments: KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 2 (URBS-MI-ni) sole attestation TRANSITIONAL: not on KARADAĞ, KIZILDAĞ, nor KARAHÖYÜK (here only ní) GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE; MEHARDE, SHEIZAR (here only ni, no ní) ALEPPO 6, 7, ni and ní LATE: KARATEPE 1, only two ni attestations (CUM-ni, § XV.79 (Ho), ni-pa-, § LXV.351), otherwise only ní
Reading Already ná for Gelb (1931), Forrer (1932), Hrozný (1933), Meriggi (1934), alternating with L.411 (“na”); Gelb (1935), following his recognition of L.35 as na, re-evaluated as ne (~ni). Mittelberger argued for ní (Sprache 8 (1962), p. 284) “New readings” (1974) confirmed vocalization ní (~ni). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, NİŞANTEPE only (not SBo, RS, Msk.) Hier. ara/i-ní-li-zi/a (Boğazköy III, no. 14 =) Boehmer– Güterbock, Glyptik, no. 239; another, no. 240; others, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 71–74), cf. Cun. Iar-ni-li (Noms, no. 146; delete no. 144) ní alternates with ni Hier. SUPER+ra/i(antithetic)-ni // ní (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 359–362 // 358) Hier. AURIGA-ni // ní (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 443–444 // 445, 446) Hier. i(a)-ní-BOS2, i(a)-BOS1–2-ní // (i(a)-BOS1-ni (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 141–142, 143, 145, 146 // 144)
3 The Syllabary
lexical Hier. DEUS-ní(-) (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 11; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 2, AIV, § b) Hier. REGIO-ní- (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 18; YALBURT block 4, § 4; NİŞANTAŞ AII, §§ b, c) Hier. ASINUS2A-ní- (YALBURT block 13, § 5; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 10(?)) Hier. (a)li-wa/i-ní(-) (YALBURT blocks 2, § 2; 7, § 3; 11, § 2; 12, § 3; 13, §§ 1, 4; SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, § e)
Hier. ní-pi+ra/i-(REGIO) (YALBURT block 7, §§ 1, 2)
TRANSITIONAL KARADAĞ, KIZILDAĞ DEUS-ní(-) (KA 1, §§ 1, 3) (a)li-wa/i-ní (KI 4, § 3)
KARAHÖYÜK DEUS-ní-i(a) (§ 11) “god” (dat. sing.) URBS-MI-ní(-) (§§ 3, 16, 22(-i(a)) “city” (acc. sing.; nom.) DOMUS-ní-i(a) (§ 22) “house” (dat. sing./plur. MF; dat. sing.) la-mi-ní-*a (§ 1), “ ? ” a-wa/i-ní (§ 8), “ ? ”
ALEPPO 6, 7 Hier. [pa-lá/í-s]a-ti-ní-za-(REGIO) (7, § 1) Hier. HALPA-pa-ní-(URBS) (6, § 3) Hier. DEUS-ní (6, § 4) Hier. FILIUS-ní (6, § 7)
LATE ní free alternation with ni: see ni (LATE) CUM-ni // ní (also -na, -i); POST-ni // ní // na: see also ni Usage EMPIRE: rare on seals, occasional alternation with ni (see ni) monuments almost exclusively ní; ni only one attestation
LATE: free alternation ni // ní; KARATEPE 1–4 almost exclusively ní (ni only two attestations) “Kululu-style”: ní very rare, except KULULU 4 (ni and ní); KULULU 2, § 1 (Ipa-nu-ní-i-); ASSUR letter e, § 12 (ní-i ma-nu-ha); ÇİFTLİK, § 11 (DEUS-ní-i-)
Reading see nú (alternates with nu) Evidence EMPIRE: rare Seal, digraphic Hier. dax(CAPERE2.CAPERE2)-nu-ha-pa = Cun. fta-nuD hé-pa (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 58, 59, 60) other Hier. ni-nu (Boğazköy III, no. 28) Hier. TONITRUS-pi-ha-nu (NİŞANTEPE, no. 422), Cun. I.D U-pi-ha-nu- (Noms, no. 1276)
LATE lexical Hier. nu-tara/i-, “hasten” (YASSIHÖYÜK, § 15), Hitt.Luw. nu(-un)-tar // ta-ri(-ia)-, and derivatives (CHD, s.v. nuntariya-, A, B etc.), na-a-nu-un-tar // ta-ri(-ia)- (CLL, s.v. nānuntarri-) Hier. u-nu-(pa // ha-wa/i) (unu(n)), “now”, ASSUR letters a, §§ 4, 10; b, § 4; d, § 6; e, § 12; f+g, §§ 10, 22 Hier. (na/ni) ma-nu-ha, “by no means” (ASSUR letters a, § 5; c, § 5; e, § 12; f+g, § 15; ma-nú-ha (KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 3); ma-ru-ha (SULTANHAN, § 36) grammatical verb suffix, caus.: alternates with -nú(-wa/i)-, see there.
Part 5: The Signary
PNN Hier. Inu- (KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 2.6; 4.26) Hier. Inu-nu- (l.s. 1, §§ 7.41; 9.57; l.s. 2, §§ 1.4; 8; l.s. 3, i.1), Hitt. Inu-un-na- (Noms, no. 897+Suppl.)
Origin Nine strokes, logogram “nine”, Hier. “9” // nú-wa/i-i-(nuwi(n)): KARKAMIŠ A13d §§ 4, 7; syllabogram nú Sign forms Peker, NABU 2017 Reading Meriggi (1934) followed by Gelb (1935). Poetto (Orientalia 79 (2010), pp. 242–245, Tav. XXIII– XXIV) reaffirms his earlier copy and reading (1986), (“9”) nu-u-za “a definitive reading of the numeral ‘9’”. But his original copy shows a number of other inaccuracies, and I consider that my copy and reading remain preferable: “9” BOS.ANIMA-za-a: see below, Usage. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. sà-[HURU]-nú-wa/i = Cun. ša-hu-ru-nu-[wa] (Msk. A1; cf. Boğazköy III, no. 15; TARSUS, no. 40; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 346, 347; SBo II, nos. 9, 78) Hier. AVIS-nú-tá = Cun. Iar-nu-wa-an-ta (NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 138) Hier. *a-pa-nú = Cun. Iab-ba-nu (Msk. A5; also Singer apud Goodnick Westenholz, Emar Tablets, no. 12.4) Hier. la-da-pa-nú = Cun. Ida-di-ba-nu ((Msk. A10 =) TSABR, no. 31(b)) near-digraphic Hier. a-pu-nú = Cun. Ia-bu-un-ni (Msk. A26) Hier. i(a)-la-nú = Cun. Ii-la-ni (Msk. B5; TSABR, no. 21(c)); another seal ((Msk. A105 =) TSABR, no. 71(c)) other Hier. i(a)+ra/i-nú-u (NİŞANTEPE, no. 154; same seal SBo II, no.138?), Cun. Ii-ia-ri-nu (Noms, no. 437) Hier. nú-ANIMA-ti (TARSUS, nos. 14, 17)
Monuments lexical Hier. nà-nú-pa “but now …” (SÜDBURG, § 3), Cun. Luw. na(-a)-nu(-un // um)-pa (CLL, s.v. nānun); see also Late grammatical Hier. -nú- (verb suffix, caus.) tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-, “turn” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 9, 26); see also Late Hier. DELERE-nú-wa/i-, “destroy” (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 7); see also Late Hier. MANDARE-nú-wa/i- (YALBURT block 4, § 1b) “ ? ”
TRANSITIONAL KARAHÖYÜK Hier. SOLIUM?+MI?-nú-, “settle(?)” (§ 8) GÜRÜN Hier. i-sà-nú-wa/i-, “settle” (§ 3; -nú-wa/i- § 5, also DARENDE, § 2) Hier. MAGNUS-nú-, “make great” (§ 4) İSPEKÇÜR Hier. a+ra/i-nú-wa/i-ti-, “Arnuwanti” ((B, § 1); cf. IZGIN 1, § 12) ALEPPO 7 Hier. hwi/a-i(a)-nú-, “make run” (§ 9)
LATE Usage Occurrence of nú is overwhelmingly as verb suffix, caus., -nú-wa/i, where it alternates freely with -nu-: most common i-sà-nú // nu(-wa/i)-, “make sit”; ta-nú // nu-wa/i“make stand”; DELERE-nú // nu(-wa/i)-, “destroy”; also MAGNUS+ra/i-nú // nu(-wa/i)-, “make great”; wa/i-li-ia-nú // nu(-wa/i)-, “exalt”; hi-nú // nu(-wa/i)-, “make pass”; tara/iza-nú // nu-wa/i-, “make turn”; ki-nú // nu-wa/i-, “burn”; and others. See Glossary. 9 // nú as logo-syllabogram logogram 9 as numeral SULTANHAN, §§ 3, 26; TELL AHMAR 6, § 8; MARAŞ 5, § 2 (“9”) logo-syllabogram Hier. “9”-wa/i-i-za, 8?!-wa/i-i-za (KARKAMIŠ A13d, §§ 4, 7)
3 The Syllabary
Hier. 9-za (KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 8, 11; also in an unpublished text; read nuwi(n)za, “a ninth (part)”, Cun. Luw. 9-un-za (CLL, s.v. 9) Hier. 9-ti-, ordinal “ninth” (HİSARCIK, § 3) Hier. 9-ta, “nine times?” (HİSARCIK, §§ 2, 4)
Origin Acrophonic from pattar, “basket”? Neumann, NAWG, 1992/4, p. 38[16] f. Reading Value pa from Bossert (1932), followed by Meriggi (1933), Hrozný (1933) and Gelb (1935), from correct recognitions of DNN Hi // Hapatu, Pahalati-, Kupapa; PNN Warpalawa-, Panamuwati-; GN HALPA(pa) Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. pu-tu-ha-pa = Cun. pu-du-hé-pa (RS 17.133, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 109 f.; now further seals, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 85, 87; no. 86 (-[D]hé-bat); nos. 74, 75 (-hé-ba) Hier. dax (CAPERE2.CAPERE2)-nu-ha-pa = Cun. ta-nuD hé-pa NİŞANTEPE, nos. 59, 60; no. 62 (fda-nu-); no. 63 (-h[é]-pa) Hier. a-pa-nú = Cun. Iab-ba-nu (Msk. A5) Hier. la-da-pa-nú = Cun. Ida-di-ba-nu ((Msk. A10 =) TSABR, no. 31(b)) Hier. pa-la-[…] = Cun. Iba-la-tu (Msk. A24) Hier. i(a)-ti-pa-li = Cun. ZU-ba-la (Msk. A63) semi-digraphic Hier. TASU-pa = Cun. -dIM // U(-ub) PNN passim Hier. pa(-á)-lu// la // li = Cun. EN (Ba‘al) PNN passim (Msk.) Hier. ta-ka-pa+ra/i = Cun. I.dKUR.GAL (Dagan-Kabar) ((Msk. A13; B50 =) TSABR, no. 22(b)) Hier. *a-pa-ti-li = Cun. IÌR.DINGIRmeš (Abd-ili) (Msk. A23) Hier. i(a)-pa-ni-da-[ka], also i(a)-pi-ni- = Cun. I ibni-dKUR (Msk. B9, A87) other Hier. ha-pa = Cun. (d)hé-pa PNN, passim Hier. lu-pa-ki (SBo II, no. 54; BoHa XIV, no. 214; KORUCUTEPE, no. 6; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 207–208; also TAŞÇI), Cun. Ilu-pa-ak-ki (Noms, Suppl., no. 708)
Hier. pa-lu-wa/i+ra/i-VIR.zi (NİŞANTEPE, no. 293), Cun. pal-lu-wa-ra-LÚ (Noms+Suppl., no. 923) Hier. pa-ti-li (SBo II, no. 149; NİŞANTEPE, no. 279), Cun. LÚpa-ti-li (Mestieri, pp. 253–255) I
Monuments DNN Hier. (DEUS)ha-pa-tu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 43), Cun. dhébat, etc. (OHP I, s.v. Hepat); (DEUS)ha-pa-SARMA (ALEPPO 1), Hitt. Dhepat Dšarruma (OHP I, p. 126) Note also YAZILIKAYA, no. 53 ((DEUS)tá?-pa-ki-na, Cun. d tap-ki-in-na lexical Hier. *a-pa+ra/i (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 3), Cun. *apari, “after” (CLL, s.v. *appari-) Hier. *a-pa-na, “back, again” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 22), Cun. Luw. (a-)ap-pa-an (CLL, s.v. āppan) Hier. *a-pa-sa, dem. pron. “that” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 6, 12), Cun. Luw. a-pa(-a)-aš (CLL, s.v. apā-) Hier. *a-pa-ti (SÜDBURG, § 18), Cun. Luw. a-pát-ti // a-pa-a-at-ti (CLL, s.v. apā-), dem., dat. sing. Hier. -pa(-wa/i), enclitic copula (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 13, 16, 19, 24, 25, 27, 33, 34, 36; EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 5, 10; YALBURT blocks 3, § 2; 4, §§ 2, 3; 13, § 5; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, § e; AIV, §§ b, f, g; AV, §§ d, e; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 6), Cun. Luw. -pa (enclitic), (CLL, s.v. pā-/-pa) Hier. nà-nú-pa, “but now” (SÜDBURG, § 3), Cun. Luw. na(-a)-nu-(ú-un)-pa (CLL, s.v. nānun)
GNN Hier. TONITRUS.GENUFLECTERE-pa(URBS), Halab/ Halpa (ALEPPO 1, § 1), Hitt. URU(KUR)hal-pa // ba, ha-la-pa // ab (RGTC VI, s.v. Halpa) Hier. (MONS)pa-tara/i (YALBURT block 4, § 1), Greek Patara.
Hier. pa-ti-si-na (BOĞAZKÖY 8), Hitt. Iba-an-di-ši-in-ni, be-en-te-ši-na (Noms, no. 1006)
TRANSITIONAL KARAHÖYÜK Hier. -pa(-wa/i), enclitic copula (§ 22): see -pa, Empire lexical Hier. REL+ra/i-i(a)-pa, “or” (§§ 22, 23): see Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p. 118 f.
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. tara/i-pa-a- (§ 22): see Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, p. 203, cit. 38 ALEPPO 6, 7 Hier. pa-lá/í-sà-ti-[ní]-za-, “Palastinean” (6, § 1) Hier. HALPA-pa-(URBS), “Halab(ean)” (6, §§ 2, 3; 7, § 12) Hier. -pa(-wa/i), enclitic copula (6, §§ 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11; 7, §§ 6, 13) Hier. *a-pa-sa, “that” (dem., nom. sing. MF; 7, § 13; 6, § 10) Hier. *a-pa-sa-na, “to his …” (dem., gen. adj., dat. sing. 7, § 11(×2) Hier. pa-za-i(a)-, “go(?) // bring(?)” (7, § 2), Hier. (Late) pa-za-(?) GÜRÜN, İSPEKÇÜR Hier. (MAGNUS.DEUS)hi-pa-tu, Hebat (G, §§ 1, 7): cf. (DEUS)ha-pa-tu, see -pa (Empire, Monuments) Hier. -pa(-wa/i), enclitic copula (G, §§ 6, 7; İ, § 3) Hier. *a-pa-ti, “for him” (dem., dat. sing. (G, § 7)) MEHARDE, SHEIZAR Hier. -pa(-wa/i) enclitic copula (M, §§ 2, 5, 6, ⌈7⌉, 8; S, §§ 4, ⌈7⌉, 8) Hier. *a-pa-ti, “for him” (dem., dat. sing.; M, § 6; S, § 7) Hier. *a?-pa-sa, “his” (dem., gen. sing.: M, § 8) Hier. (PES2)pa-za-, “pass/receive” (S, § 2); Late (PES2) pa-za-
LATE DNN Hier. (DEUS)ku+AVIS(-pa(-pa)), Kubaba (passim, see Glossary, God-names List) Hier. (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti- (HAMA 4, §§ 6, 7, 8, 10; RESTAN/QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, § 3; HAMA 8, § 2 (pa-ha-la-x …), Sem. Ba‛alat
GNN Hier. pa-há+ra/i-(URBS) = Phoen. pʿr (KARATEPE 1, § VII.39), Ass. urupa-ah-ri (RGTC VII, s.v.) Hier. i-la-pa-(URBS), “Halab” (KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, §§ 6, 11) Hier. (“MONS”)la-pa+ra/i-na- (Laprana), Mt. Lebanon? (HAMA 7, § 3)
PNN Hier. wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i-, Warpalawa (BOR, § 1; BULGARMADEN, §§ 1, 2, 8; İVRİZ 1, §§ 1, 3, 4; 2, § 7; NİĞDE 2, § 1 (wá/í-), Ass. Iur-bal(-la)-a (PNAE **) Hier. pa+ra/i-ki-pa- (ZİNCİRLİ signet, S 3705), Aram. (S 3706) (l-)br-rkb, Bar-Rakib lexical Hier. (*a // a // á-)pa-, dem. “that” etc. (passim): see also Empire, Transitional Hier. -pa(-wa/i)-, enclitic copula (passim): see also Empire, Transitional Hier. (“PES2”)pa-, iter. pa-za- “provide/pass(?)”, Melchert/Yakubovich, (ASSUR letter e, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A12, §§ [10], 11, 12; SHEIZAR, § 2; TOPADA, § 23 (pa-zi/a-)) Hier. pad-, “foot” (pa-ti- (acc. plur. MF) MARAŞ 4, § 13; p[a-d]a- (dat. plur.) BOR, § 9; pa+ra/i- (dat. plur.) SULTANHAN, § 9; pa-lá/í-a (dat. sing.) KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 12), Hitt.Luw. pata- (CHD, s.v.; CLL, s.v.) Hier. pa-sà-REL-, “neglect” (SULTANHAN, § 20; also in an unpublished text), Hitt.-Luw. ( )pa-aš-ku(-wa)- (CHD, s.v. (:) pašku(wa/i)-) Hier. pi-pa (// pi)-sa-, “give” (iter.) (KARKAMIŠ A23, § 4; ALEPPO 2, § 17; TELL AHMAR 6, § 28 (-pi-); MARAŞ 1, § 11; ŞIRZI, § 4; BOHÇA, §§ 3, 5, 9; BOR, § 11; also unpublished text), Cun. Luw. pí-pí-iš-ša- (CLL, s.v. pipissa-) Hier. pa-sà-, “swallow” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 32), Luw.-Hitt. paš(š)-, iter. paš(iš)k- (CHD, s.v.) Hier. pa-la-sa, “way, road” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 22), Hitt. palša-, palši- (CHD, s.v.)
Origin “giving hand” (rebus from pi(ya), “give”) Reading Gelb (1935), pi as against Meriggi (1933) pa (which however persisted into the 1950s). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. pi-[ha]-VIR[.zi] = Cun. Ipí-ha-LÚ (RS 17.248, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 141); cf. NİŞANTEPE, nos. 312–316 Hier. pi-ha-TONITRUS = Cun. Ipí-[ha]-dIM (Msk. A75); = pí-ha-dU (NİŞANTEPE, no. 305) Hier. ka-pi-da-ka = Cun. ka-bi-dKUR (Msk. A32, A33, B56)
3 The Syllabary
Hier. i(a)-pi-ni-da-ka = Cun. Iib-ni-dKUR (Msk. A87) Hier. á-pi-la-lu = Cun. Iá-bi-la-li (Msk. B20 =) TSABR, no. 94 (ME 54) not 96! Hier. *a-tara/i-pi = Cun. Iat-ra-bi (Msk. B17 =) TSABR, no. 88(c) Hier. i(a)-da+ra/i-pi-i(a) = Cun. I.DU-ra-pí-ih (Msk. B24) Hier. i(a)-sa5-pi-da-ka = Cun. Iiš-bi-dKUR (Msk. B67) Hier. pi-lu = Cun. Ibe-li (Msk. B51 =) TSABR, no. 33 other PNN Hier. pi-i(a)-, Cun. pí-ia- (passim) Hier. pi-ha-, Cun. pí-ha- (passim) Hier. hu-tu-pi (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 127–129), Cun. Ihu-utu-bi- (Noms, no. 413)
Monuments DN Hier. á-sa-tá-pi, the god Astabi (YAZILIKAYA, no. 33), Cun. daš-ta // da-bi (OHP I, s.v. Astabi)
Hier. pi-na-(a)li(URBS), Pinali // Pinara (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 7; YALBURT blocks 12, § 2, 3; 13, § 2), Hitt. URUpí-na-li-ia (KUB XIX 55 + KBo XVIII 117 (Weeden, NABU 2012, no. 49) left edge, l. 1) lexical Hier. DARE // pi(ya)- (logo-syllabogram), “give” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 23, 33, 34, 36; YALBURT blocks 4, § 1 (pi-i(a)-), 5(?); SÜDBURG, § 17), Cun. Luw. pí(-i)-ia- (CLL, s.v. pī(ya)-) Hier. tu-pi-, “smite” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 10; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 2(?); YALBURT blocks 7, § 1; 12, § 2), Cun. Luw. du-ú-pí // pa- (CLL, s.v. dūpi-/dūpai-)
LATE Hier. pi-ia-, “give” (passim, see Glossary): cf. Empire monuments, lexical Hier. pi-pa(// pi)-sa-, “give” (iter.) (KARKAMIŠ A23, § 4; ALEPPO 2, § 17; TELL AHMAR 6, § 28 (-pi-); MARAŞ 1, § 11; ŞIRZI, § 4; BOHÇA, §§ 3, 5, 9; BOR, § 11; also unpublished text), Cun. Luw. pí-pí-iš-ša- (CLL, s.v. pipišša-)
Hier. pi-ha-mi-, “glorified” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 14), Luw.-Hitt. pí-ha-am-mi- (CHD, s.v. piham(m)i-, CLL, s.v. pihamma/i-) Note Hier. *a-pi-na (apin), abl. of apa-, “that” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11; A11b+c, § 14; A12, § 14; A23, § 6; IZGIN 2, § 4): see Goedegebuure, VI ICH (SMEA 49 (2007), pp. 327–332
Reading Gelb (1937) from Putuhepa (TARSUS seal 15), so also Güterbock, SBo I, p. 29; multiple confirmations from digraphic seals from Ras Shamra and Nişantepe; and many names from Meskene. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. pu-tu-ha-pa, Queen Puduhepa (RS 17.133, Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 109; now other seals from NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 74, 75, 85, 87) = Cun. fpu-du-hé-ba // pa Hier. *a-pu-nu = Cun. Ia-bu-un-ni (Msk. A26) Hier. ha-pu = Cun. ha-ab // hab-ú (Msk. A100) semi-digraphic Hier. *a-la-a-pu, *a-la-pu = Cun. Ia-lál-a-bi (Msk. A36, B3 =) TSABR, nos. 21(g), 85(a); cf. á-la-á-pu (Msk. A90 =) TSABR, no. 26(b) – no corresponding Cun. Hier. sà-ka+ra-á-pu = Cun. I.d30-a-bi (Msk. B6 =) TSABR, no. 21(e); Hier. sà-⌈ka+ra/i?⌉-pu = Cun. I.d30-a-bu (Msk. B25); sà-ka-ara/i-á-pu = Cun. I.d30-a-bi
Monument pu-tu-ha-pa, Puduhepa (FRAKTİN) lexical Hier. pu-wa/i-ti, “formerly” (SÜDBURG, § 13), Cun. Luw. pu-ú-wa-, “formerly” (CLL, s.v. pūwa)
TRANSITIONAL KIZILDAĞ 1, 2, 4; KARADAĞ 1, 2; BURUNKAYA PN Hier. há+ra/i-tá-pu- (KIZILDAĞ 3: há+ra/i-tá-L.430 shows pu replaced by L.430) L.430 can be interpreted from contexts as logogram “all”. Cun. Luw. “all” expressed by tanimi- and punati-; syllabogram pu acrophonic from punati-, see Hawkins, Fs Alp, p. 262; StBoT Bh. 3, p. 25 f.
Part 5: The Signary
LATE No definitive usage attested. Some words of uncertain meaning incorporating pu: Hier. pu-, verb of favourable connotation (KARABURUN, § 13; ARSUZ 1, § 20; MARAŞ 14, § 9; PANCARLI, § 4) Hier. pu-pa-li // la-, verb of writing or dictating (CEKKE, § 3; ASSUR letter a, § 5) Hier. pu-ti-ti-, type of priest (ERKİLET 1, § 1) Hier. tara/i-pu-na-, “spinning-top?” (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 16, 17) Hier. tara/i-pu-na-la // li-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 5(?), 9, 11) Hier. zú-pu-na, “to suck(?)” (ŞIRZI, § 4)
ra, ri (ra/i)
Reading Already established from digraphic equivalents by 1930s: Forrer 1932 (HBS, p. 26 f.); Bossert, 1932 (ŠuK); Meriggi, 1934 (Glossar); Hrozný, 1933 (IHH I, 101); Gelb, 1935 (HH II, p. 25 ff.). KARATEPE 1 alternations with da (tà) and ti led to attribution of +ta/ti values, correctly repudiated by Meriggi (1951). See Laroche, HH, p. 205 f. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. mi+ra/i-a(REGIO) = Cun. KUR URUme-ra!-a! (TARKONDEMOS) Hier. ri+i-pi-da-ka = Cun. ri-pí-dKUR (Beckman, TVE, RE no. 11) Hier. LEPUS+ra/i-mi = Cun. Itap-ra-am-mi (RS 17.231; Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 149–152); also now NİŞANTEPE, nos. 408, 409 Hier. hi-la+ra/i-zi/a = Cun. Ihi-il-la-ri-zi (Msk. A15— impressions on tablets Msk. 73.1093; TSABR, nos. 36, 76, 91 but only 76 has correctly corresponding Cun. epigraph); cf. now also NİŞANTEPE, nos. 123, 124 Hier. tu+ra/i = Cun.Itu-ri (Msk. B22; another, TSABR, no. 24(b)) Hier. tu+ra/i-i(a)= Cun. Itu-ri-ia ((Msk. B35 =) TSABR, no. 88(b)) Hier. i(a)-da+ra/i-pi-i(a) = Cun. I.dU-ra-pí-ih (Msk. B24) Hier. ta-ka-da+ra/i = Cun. I.dKUR-ta-ri-ih (Msk. B36; also HIRAYAMA, HCCT E35-1-4) Hier. su+ra/i-sa5-da-k[a] = Cun. Išur-ši-dKUR (Msk. A28; also HIRAYAMA, HCCT E28-2-2)
semi-digraphic Hier. tu+ra/i-da-ka = Cun. IGUR-dKUR (Msk. A65) Hier. ta-ka-pa+ra/i = Cun. I.dKUR.GAL (Msk. A13 =) TSABR, no. 20(d); another seal (Msk. B50 =) TSABR, no. 22(b) (ME 15, also Msk. 74.322 (da-)) Hier. i(a)-tá-ka+ra/i-tá = Cun. I.dU-UR.SAG (Msk. B23; cf. B32) Hier. sà-ka+ra/i(-á)-pu = Cun. I.d30-a-bi (Msk. B6 =) TSABR, no. 21(e); also (Msk. 73.61); another seal (Msk. B25); another seal (Msk. B10 (-ka-ara/i-)) other Hier. á-na+ra/i (NİŞANTEPE, no. 22), Cun. Luw. (a-) an-na-ri-, “forceful(ness)” (CLL, s.v. *annarā(i)-, ( ) ānnari-); cf. also EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37 (á-na+ra/i(-zú-ha-), see lexical) Hier. CERVUS2–3+ra/i-wà/ì (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 138–140), Cun. ⌈i⌉-in-na-ra-wa (NİŞANTEPE, no. 137; Noms+ Suppl., no. 456) Hier. mi-zi/a+ra/i-mu(wa) (SBo II, nos. 80, 81; NİŞANTEPE, no. 248), Cun. mis-ri-m[u-wa]; (Noms, no. 811) Hier. SUPER+ra/i(antithetic, ligature)-i(a) (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 350–357), Cun. ša-ri-ia (Noms, no. 1117) Hier. sà+ra/i-wa/i-tá (NİŞANTEPE, no. 383), Cun. Iša-riwa-an-da (Noms, no. 1120) Hier. tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 474–484), Cun. I tu-wa-ri-ša (HIRAYAMA 45: see Weeden, Luwian Identities, p. 76 f.) Hier. u-ku+ra/i (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 491–494; Boğazköy III, no. 23), Cun. Iuk-ku-ra- (Noms, no. 1414) Hier. i(a)+ra/i-nú-u (NİŞANTEPE, no. 152), Cun. Ii-iari-nu (Noms, no. 437)
Monuments Hier. (DEUS)hu-ti-lu+ra/i (YAZILIKAYA, no. 48), Cun. d hu(-u)-te(-el)- // ti(-il)-lu(-ur)-ra (OHP I s.v. Huddelurra, Hudena Hudellurra)
Hier. á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a(REGIO) (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 8; YALBURT block 13, § 3), Cun. URUa(-u)-wa-ar-na (RGTC VI, s.v. Awarna), Aram. ’wrn (Poetto, Stud. Med. 8, p. 78) Hier. (MONS)su-na+ra/i (KARAKUYU, l. 2), Cun. HUR.SAG šu-un-na-ra (RGTC VI, VI/2, s.v. Šunara) Hier. ni-pi+ra/i(REGIO) (YALBURT block 7, §§ 1, 3), (Cun.—)
3 The Syllabary
lexical Hier. pa+ra/i-*a, apari, “afterwards” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 3), Cun. Luw. *appari- (CLL, s.v.) Hier. REL+ra/i-pa-, “or” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 25), cf. Transi tional REL+ra/i(-i(a))-pa Hier. á-na+ra/i(-) (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37), cf. seals, other Hier. REL+ra/i, “when” (SÜDBURG, § 1), Cun. Luw. ku-wa(-a)-ri (CLL, s.v. k(u)war(i)), cf. Transitional REL+ra/ii(a) Hier. a+ra/i-, “arrive” (YALBURT block 3, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § b), Hitt. ar-
TRANSITIONAL Hier. REL+ra/i(-i(a))-pa-, “or” (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 22, 23), see Hawkins, Morpurgo Davies, Fs Melchert, p.118 f. Hier. REL+ra/i-i(a), “when” (KARAHÖYÜK, § 2), cf. Empire REL+ra/i
RNN Hier. i(a)+ra/i-TONITRUS (RN) (KARAHÖYÜK, § 2), read yari- or ir(a)-? Hier. a+ra/i-nú-wa/i-ti-, Arnuwanti (İSPEKÇÜR, B § 1; Cc+d; Ac), Hitt. I(a-)ar-nu(-wa)-an-da/ta- (Noms, no. 148)
LATE PNN Hier. Iá-wa/i+ra/i-ku = Phoen. ʾwrk (KARATEPE 1, § II.7) Hier. wa/i+ra/i-i-ka = Phoen. w[ryk] (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 1, 2; CEBEL-İ REİS DAĞ, 8A–B) Hier. pa+ra/i-ki-pa- (ZİNCİRLİ signet, S 3705), Aram. (S 3706), (l-)br-rkb, Bar-Rakib Hier. Ila-pa+ra/i-na- (CEKKE, § 9), Hitt. la-bar // ba-ar-na- (CHD, s.v.) Hier. u+ra/i-hi-li(// -la)-na- (HAMA 4, § 1; 8, § 1; 9; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, § 1, HAMA 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, § 1), Ass. Iir // ur-hi-li(-e)-na // ni (PNAE 2/I, s.v. Irhulena)
GNN Hier. pa-há // ha+ra/i-(URBS) = Phoen. pʿr (KARATEPE 1, § VII.39) Hier. su+ra/i(-ia)-(URBS) = Phoen. ʾšr, Assyria (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6) Hier. a-sú+ra/i(-ia)-(REGIO … URBS), Assyria (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19; A24a2+3, §§ 6, 7; A24a6); also sú+ ra/i-(REGIO) (KARKAMIŠ A4b // KARKAMIŠ N1, § 2) (?) Hier. ka+ra/i-ka-mi-sà(REGIO) (KARKAMIŠ A4b // KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1 (also § 7 (URBS)); KARKAMIŠ A18d,
§ 2 (-sa(REGIO)); ka+ra/i-mi-si- (SULTANHAN, § 32), Karkamis; otherwise always written kar-ka-… Hier. ku+ra/i-ku-ma-(URBS), Gurgum (MARAŞ 8, § 3; 4, § 1; 1, § 1), Ass. KUR/URUgúr-gu(-um)-me // ma-, Aram. grgm (RGTC VII/1, s.v. Gurgum) Hier. ha+ra/i-na-(URBS), Harran (TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; ALEPPO 2, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; SULTANHAN, § 31; KARABURUN, § 12—§§ 8, 10; hara/i-na-(URBS); also KULULU 5, § 1 (DEUS)hara/i-na- (×2)); also onomastic element hara/i-na-: -wa/i-za (ASSUR letter e, § 1); -wa/i+ ra/i- (ASSUR letter f+g, § 45); -mu(wa) (CEKKE, § 17a) Hier. (“FLUMEN+MINUS”)sà-ku+ra/i-, river (wadi) Sajur (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25) Hier. (“FLUMEN”)sa-pa+ra/i-, river Sabri (ÇİNEKÖY, § 8), Hitt. ÍDša-am-ri (RGTC VI, s.v. Samri) = Phoen. šwry(?), Greek Saros, the river Seyhan: Hawkins, Fs Postgate (2017), p. 213 f. lexical Hier. a+ra/i-, “long” = Phoen. ʾrk (KARATEPE 1, § LI.291; ÇİFTLİK, § 17), Cun. Luw. a-ar-ra-ia- (CLL, s.v. ārray(a)-) Hier. i+ra/i-há // ha-, “frontier” = Phoen. gbl (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIX.101 (Ho); XXX.152), Hitt. irha-, arha(HWb2, s.v.) Hier. ha+ra/i-ma-hi-, “head” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 5; 6, § 14; CEKKE, § 18; ÇİFTLİK, § 16 (--ha-)), Cun. Luw. har-ma-hi-(// ha-) (CLL, s.v. harmaha/i-) Hier. ha+ra/i-wa/i(-ta)-, “road, etc.” = Phoen. drk (KARATEPE 1, § XXXIV.180; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21; JISR EL HADID 4, § 4), Hitt.(-Luw.) ha-ru-wa- (HWb2, s.v. haruwa-; CLL, s.v. *harwa-) Hier. ha-tu+ra/i- // ha-tu-ra+a-, “letter” (ASSUR letter a, § 5; e, §§ 5, 7, 9 // 11; f+g, § 9) Hier. za+ra/i-za // za+ra/i-ti(-ia-), “heart”, verb za+ ra/i-ti-, “desire” (KULULU 5, § 11; ALEPPO 3, § 1; TELL AHMAR 6, § 30), Cun. Luw. za-a-ar-za / za-ar-ti- (CLL, s.v. UZU zārt-) Hier. ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-, “orthostat” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 15, 23; A11b+c, §§ 23, 24; A13d, § 5; A16b; A20a1, § 3; ŞARAGA, § 1), Cun. Luw. ku-ut-ta-aš-ša-ri- (CLL, s.v. NA4 kuttas(sa)ra/i-) Hier. na-wa/i+ra/i-li-, “foreign” (PORADA seal), Cun. Luw.(-Hitt.) ni-wa-ra-al-li (CLL, s.v. niwaralla/i-) Hier. wa/i+ra/i-li // la-, “own, proper” (KARATEPE 1, § LXIX.366; TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1 frag. 2, § iv; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 13; TELL AHMAR 5, § 9; TOPADA, § 32 (-lí)), Cun. Luw.(-Hitt.) wa-ra-al-li- (CLL, s.v. waralla/i-) Hier. wa/i+ra/i-ia-, “help” (SULTANHAN, §§ 13, 45), Hitt.(-Luw.) wa-ar-ri-; Hitt.-Luw. onomastic element
Part 5: The Signary
rhotacism The term was coined by Meriggi to describe the alternation of Hier. Luwian dental t with writings of r in the same words and morphemes (Athenaeum 29 (1951), p. 34 ff.). This he took to represent a clear phonetic change. Laroche’s later attribution to the sign ra/ri (L.383) an alternative value and transcription ta/ti served to obscure the issue and has been discarded. A detailed examination of the phenomenon by A. Morpurgo Davies (KZ 96 (1982/83), pp. 245–270) collected the data and defined the limits of its occurrence, showing that it was restricted to intervocalic d as against t (values established by Cun. Luwian and alphabetic Lycian), and that it is found only in certain groups of inscriptions dating to the 8th century B.C. but not the 9th. More recently P. Goedegebuure, drawing on a greater access of material and on important new recognitions of some syllabic values, was able to define more precisely the extent and limits of this development (Fs Hawkins (2010), pp. 76–94). Thus rhotacism is not found in the inscriptions of TELL AHMAR, AMUQ, ALEPPO and HAMA; hardly in MALATYA (only ŞIRZI), hardly in COMMAGENE (one uncertain example); in KARKAMIŠ only in inscriptions of Yariri and Kamani and other 8th century inscriptions, and in MARAŞ only in MARAŞ 1 and other late inscriptions. On the other hand it is common in the TABAL inscriptions and in the ASSUR letters. So the observation is reasonably established that rhotacism is not expected until after c. 800 B.C. One serious exception must however be noted: the writing *a-mi-ia+ra/i (ami-, “my”, abl. (sing.), SHEIZAR, § 2). Collation is certainly desirable, but even if the reading is confirmed, it can hardly invalidate the present 11th century dating of SHEIZAR, or seriously affect the general 8th century dating of rhotacism. Note also tu-pi+ra/i (BURUNKAYA, § 2): med. pass.? rhotacism? date? I.
KARATEPE 1 §§ XIII.66 (ta-sà-REL+ra/i-ri+i (Ho)); XVIII.90 (IUSTITIAna-ri+i (Ho)); 91 (á-mi-ia+ra/i); 92 (“VAS”-ta-na-sa-ma-ri+i (Ho)); 93 (á-mi(-ia)+ra/i); XXII.114 (-pa-wa/i-ma-ara/i (Ho)); XXVIII.142 (-pa-wa/i+ra/i // ara/i); XXXI.156 (á-pa-ri+i (Ho)); XLVIII.264 (há-pa+ra/i-sá // pari-i-sá); XLIX.276 (sa-pi-sála/i-ri+i // sá-pi-sa-ara/i-ri+i); 277 (ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i-ri+i (Ho)); LXIII.344 (PORTA-la-na-ri+i (Hu); LXVIII.364 (za-ri+i); LXXI.376 (AEDIFICARE-MI-ri+i-i (Hu)); LXXII.378 (MALUSla/i-sa // sá-tara/i-ri+i); 382 (AEDIFICARE-MI-ri+i) II. KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 15, 17 (i-zi-i-sa-ta+ra/i(-)); 26 (wa/iara/i) KARKAMIŠ A31, §§ 11 (ni-pa-wa/i+ra/i); 12 (wa/i-ra+a)
CEKKE, §§ 1, 2, 12 (DOMINUS.SOL/ti-wa/i+ra/i-); 12 (mi+ra/i-sa5+ra/i-); 16 (tá-ra+a-); 17a, g, h, j, l (abl. in -ri+i, -tara/i); 20 (MALUS-hi-da-ri+i, (PES2)i+ra/i); 22 (STELE-ri+i) KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 2 (-pa-wa/i+ra/i) TÜNP, §§ 4 (-ti-wa/i+ra/i-); 4 (SUPER+ra/i-la+ra+a), 5 ((“PES2”)tara/i-pi+ra/i); 7 (CAPUT+ra/i-sa(-))(?) KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 4 (zi-ri+i) KARKAMIŠ A13a, § 3 (ni-pa-wa/i+ra/i) TİLSEVET, § 6 ((STELE)wa/i-ni-ri+i) KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 1 ((DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma-) KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 1 ((DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma-); 5 (tári+i-); tara/i-pu-la-hi-ri+i-i); 9 (hi-ru-da-ri+i); 12 (STELEni-ri+i) IV. MARAŞ 1, §§ 1i (ma-li-ri+i-mi-i-); 7 (“IUSTITIA”) tara/i-wa/i-na+ra/i MARAŞ 5, § 1 (ara/i-ti-wa/i-li-i- < *ada-?) KÜRTÜL, §§ 3 (za-ri+i?); 4b (ta-wa/i+ra/i) MARAŞ 2, § 3 (á-ra+a) V. ŞIRZI, §§ 2 (ha-zi-wa/i+ra/i-ti); 6 (-wa/i+ra/i-ta, ha+ra/ima) VI. ANCOZ 7, § 4 (u-su-PRAE-ia-zi) X. KULULU 4, §§ 1, 2 (SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-) ÇİFTLİK, § 16 (á-ru-na) TOPADA, §§ 8 (i+ra/i); 10 (ax-mí-ia+ra/i); 13 (i+ra/i); 2 (FRONS-ti-ia-sa5+ra/i FRONS-ti-ia+ra/i); 27 (x-ia+ra/i); 34 (ha+ra/i-ri+i) SULTANHAN, §§ 3 (BOS.ANIMA-ri+i-i, (OVIS)a+ra/i-masa-ri+i-i); 5 (OMNIS-MI-ri+i [sa-n]a-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ri+i); 7 (zari+i); 6 (la+ra/i-); 9 (á-ru-ni-i-zi, (“PES”)pa+ra/i-za); 12 (AVIS(-) ta-na-ri+i); 14 (ti-pa-sa-ri+i, PES-wa/i+ra/i); 13 (ta-sà-REL+ra/iri+i(-)); 14 (MAGNUS+ra/i-ia-ri+i, ma-sa-ti-da-ia-ri+i(-ha)); 18 (za-ri+i); 30 (PES-wa/i+ra/i); 41 (REX-ti-ia-ri+i); 45 (wa/i-suSARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-sa-a-ri+i wa/i+ra/i-ia-ri+i sa-na-wa/isa-tara/i-ri+i-ha); 51 ([…]-sa-ri-i tu-pi-ri+i) KAYSERİ, §§ 7 (á-pa-sa4-ri+i ASCIA-na-pa-[ri]+i); 15 (tara/i-pi-ru-u-a) BOHÇA, §§ 1 (“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-ma-ri+i-i, ORIENS-MIma-ri+i(-ha); 2, 4, 5 (za-ri+i) KARABURUN, § 5 (wa/i-ra+a) HİSARCIK 1, § 1 (SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-sa) KULULU 5, §§ 3 (ti-wa/i+ra/i-mi); 4 (i-zi-i-ri+i); 11 (a+ ra/i-tu); 13 (sa-na-wa/i-sa4-tara/i-ri+i); 16 ([…]-ri+i) KULULU 2, § 7 (wa/i-ru-ta) KULULU 3, § 2 (á-mí-ia+ra/i IUSTITIA-na-ri+i-i) EĞREK, § 3 (á+ra/i?) ÇALAPVERDİ 1, § 4 (PES-wa/i+ra/i); 5 (BRACCHIUMmi+ra/i-i-i)
3 The Syllabary
BULGARMADEN, §§ 4 (la+ra/i-ta); 12 (wa/i-ru-ta); 13 (ha+ra/i-ri+i) PORSUK, § 4 (“PES”-wa/i+ra/i) EREĞLİ 1, § 2 (-pa-wa/i+ra/i, i-zi-ia+ra/i) GEMEREK, § 3 ((“EDERE[”])a+ra/i-x) YASSIHÖYÜK, §§ 1 (ha+ra/i-i-ti); 3 ((BONUS)sa-na-wa/iha-wa/i+ra/i); 13 (ha+ra/i-i-sà); 14 (tu-wa/i+ra/i) XI. ASSUR letters a, , c, d, e, § 1 (“LOQUI”)ha-ri+i-ti(-i); f+g, § 1 (ha-ti-i-ti) a, b, d, § 2 (sa-na-wa/i+ra/i) letter a, §§ 4 (u-za-ri+i); 9 (u-za+ra/i) b, §§ 6 (wa/i-ra+a), 7 (wa/i-ma-ra+a) c, § 3 (-ha-wa/i+ra/i) d, § 3 (-ha-wa/i-ri+i) e, §§ 10 (á-sa-ta-ri+i); 25 (ki+ra/i-ra+a-za) f+g, §§ 7 (hi-ru-ra+a-ti); 10 (tu-wa/i-ri+i); 11 (wa/iri+i); 17 (LITUUS+na-ri+i); 18 (pa+ra/i-la-ri+i á-tu-na-ri+i); 24 ((“PES”)pa+ra/i-ri+i); 39 (wa/ira+a); 40 (wa/i-ma-ra+a); 41 (á-pi-wa/i-ra+a); 42 (ni-pa-wa/i+ra/i); 45 (á-pi-ha-wa/i+ra/i-ta, tu-ni-ka-ra+a-sa); 51 (wa/i-[ri+i]-ia-sa-ta); 53 (LITUUS+na-ri+i)
The Empire form, rarely attested, differs from the Late: oval rather than round. Reading Recognized by Bossert (1932) on the basis of PN HALPA-ru-ti-i-ia- (MARAŞ 1, § 1), Ass. Qalparu(n)da and DN (DEUS)ru-ti-ia-; so also Meriggi (1933), Hrozný (1933), Gelb (1935, adds DN (DEUS)ma-ru-ti-ka- (ERKİLET 1, § 1), Bab. dMarduk(?)). Empire form recognized by Hrozný in i(a)-zi/a-i(a)-ru (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 12) compared with Late i-ziia-ru (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 24 (1937, p. 409 f.)). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic(?) Hier. pu-ru-zi/a, Cun. epigraph NA4.KIŠIB Iza-ta, witnesses IGI Iza-ta DUMU bur?!-zi ((Msk. A61 =) TSABR, no. 73) Hier. […]-ru-li-pi = Cun. Ii-túr-ŠÀ ((Msk. A66 =) TSABR, no. 32(c))
other Hier. ku-ru-pi(-i(a)) (LOUVRE seal, Kennedy, Sceaux, no. 4), cf. ku-ru-pi (ASSUR letter b, § 5), “OVIS”-ru-pi (BULGARMADEN, § 11); also GN Hier. ku-rú-pi-ia(+ra/i)(URBS), Hitt. KUR URUkuruppiya (RGTC VI/1, s.v. Kurupiya) grammatical Hier. -ru (3 sing. imper., med.-pass. verb ending: EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 6 (SOLIUM-ru), 12 (i(a)-zi/a-i(a)-ru))
TRANSITIONAL ALEPPO 7, § 16: BRACCHIUM-ru-la-; see Late BRACCHIUM-ru-li, (“BRACCHIUM”)isarwila-
LATE DNN Hier. (DEUS)ru // rú-ti-ia-, the god Runtiya (MARAŞ 1, §§ 6 // 11) Hier. (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ru-ma-, the god Sarruma (ÇİFTLİK, §§ 6, 10), otherwise written (DEUS)SARMA Hier. (DEUS)ma-ru-ti-ka- (ERKİLET 1, § 1), Bab. dAMAR. UTU (Marduk—for a phonetic reading Marutuk, see RlA VII/5–6, s.v. Marduk AI, § 2; Marchesi, Or. 88 (2019), p. 9 fn. 45) Hier. (“DEUS”)ma-ru-wa/i-wa/i-ni-, the Maruwa-ean god Nika[ruwa-] (KAYSERİ, § 8) Hier. (DEUS)ni-ka-ru-ha-, var. (DEUS)ni-ka+ra/i-wa/i(BULGARMADEN, § 16, var. KARKAMIŠ A6, § 31)
Hier. HALPA-ru // rú-ti(-i)-ia-, HALPA-runtiya- (MARAŞ 1, §§ 1a, 1c // MARAŞ 4, §§ 1, 10; 1, § 1e; TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 6), Ass. Iqa-al // qàl-pa-ru(-un)-da (PNAE 3/I, s.v. Qalparunda) lexical Hier. ta-ru-(sa // ti- // da-), “statue” (taru(t)-: KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 28, 31; A7, § 6; MARAŞ 3, § 3; ALEPPO 2, § 8; KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.3, 2.12, 3.14, 17; MALPINAR, §§ ⌈1⌉, 5, 18, 26); also tara/i-sá/sà (NİĞDE 1; İVRİZ 1, § 3); Cun. Luw. da // ta(-a)-ru-uš-ša (CLL, s.v. dāruš-) Hier. hi-ru-d[a]- // ra+a-, “oath” (KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9; ASSUR letter f+g, § 7), Cun. Luw. hi(-i)-ru(-ú)-un/ta- (CLL, s.v. hīrūn/hīrūt-)
Part 5: The Signary
grammatical Hier. -ru(-rú) (verb ending, 3 sing. (/plur.?) imper.: i-zi-ia-ru, “let it be made, become” = Phoen. kn (KARATEPE 1, § LIII.306 (Hu); also KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 24; TELL AHMAR 6, § 31); i-zi-ia+ra/i-ru // i-zi-ia-rú (KARATEPE 1, § L.280 (Hu// Ho); i-zi-ia-rú also KARATEPE 1, § LV.315 (Hu//Ho) = Phoen. ykn) AUDIRE-ta+ra/i-ru, “let (these gods) be heard” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 32), Cun. Luw. -aru/-taru (3 sing.), -ntaru (3 plur.), (DLL, p. 142) alternations Hier. ru~rú (CERVUS): see above, DNN, (DEUS)ru/ rú-ti-ia-; PN HALPA-ru/rú-ti(-i)-ia-; also above, grammatical, i-zi-ia-ru // rú Note also: (1) Hier. ku-rú-pi-ia-(URBS) (Late: KARATEPE 4, § 1), Hitt. KUR URUku-ru-up-pí-ia, RGTC VI, s.v. Kurupiya (Empire), cf. (Late) Hier. ku-ru-pi (ASSUR letters b, § 5; f+g, § 37); “OVIS”-ru-pi (BULGARMADEN, § 11) (2) Hier. rú-wa/i-na, “formerly” = Phoen. l-pnm (KARATEPE 1, § XXXIII.175) The alternation ru~rú (CERVUS) is explained by the derivation of the Late forms from Empire originals. The Empire PN I.DKAL was identified with Akkadographic Iku-ru-un-ta (King of Tarhuntassa: Houwink ten Cate, LPG, p. 130 n. 3) with Hitt. reading *Kuruntiya indicated by phonetic complements -ia, Hier. CERVUS-ti. (This is also attested as common onomastic element). The same reading is inferred for the DN Cun. DKAL (LAMA) (= Hier. (DEUS)CERVUS-ti, YAZILIKAYA, no. 32). The Late DN and onomastic element ru // rú-ti-ia, Runtiya, has clearly lost the original k(u)-, leaving exceptionally for Hitt.-Luw. a word initial r-, and the original logo gram CERVUS has given rise to an acrophonic syllabogram rú. Similarly Hitt. karu, “formerly”, finds a cognate in Late Hier. ruwan. (3) -ru- < -tu (enclitic pron. 3 sing. dat.) by rhotacism (KULULU 2, §§ 6, 7; BULGARMADEN, § 12)
Reading Recognized as ending of nom. sing. by Sayce, reading es (1876, p. 25; 1884, p. 173); read sa by Bossert (1932), Hrozný (1933), Gelb (1935). Meriggi read s (Glossar, 1934) and s. (Glossar2, 1962), maintained to the end; for him sa was L.174, now si.
Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. ha-sa-mi-TONITRUS = Cun. Ihi-iš-mi-dU-ub (Msk. A3) Hier. á-sa-tara/i-ti Msk. I = Cun. zu-aš-tar-ti A79, B29 zu-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti Msk. A93 Hier. pi-sa-⌈hu+ra/i⌉ = Cun. pu-uš-hu-ru (Msk. B55) Hier. [wa/i]-sa-ti = Cun. fw[a]-a[š]-ti (Msk. C22), cf. wa/i-sà-ti (Msk. A75) other Hier. sa-mi-SARMA-*a (NİŞANTEPE, no. 75), Cun. Iašmi-LUGAL-ma (Noms, no. 173) Hier. sa-mu-ha-pa-*a (NİŞANTEPE, no. 11), Cun. fašmu-hé-pa (Noms Suppl., no. 173a) Hier. sa-pa-ha-pa-*a (Poetto, Kadmos 19 (1980), no. 2, p. 3 f., pl. II), Hurr. *aspa-(?) Hier. ma-sa-BOS (NİŞANTEPE, no. 234), cf. ma-sa5mu(wa) (KORUCUTEPE, no. 11); ma-sà-mu (Mora, Glittica XIIb.1.84); Cun. Ima(-a)-ša-A.A (Noms, no. 771)
Monuments Hier. (DEUS)á-sa-tá-pi (YAZILIKAYA, no. 33), Cun. Dašta(-a)-bi, etc. (OHP I, 53 f.) grammatical -sa: nom. sing. MF REL-i(a)-sa, “who” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 4, 24, 27, 30; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3a) mi-sa-*a, “my” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3; EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 1, 3) pa-sa-*a, “that (one)” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 6, 12) REL-i(a)-sa-ha, “anyone” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7–10; YALBURT block 4, § 2) L.430-ti-sa, “everyone” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 15) ta-tu-sa, “??” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 17, 21) hwi/a-sa-ti-(i(a))-sa, “hwasati-precinct” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 11, 12) -sa: gen. sing. NEPOS-sa (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3) -sa: nom./acc. sing. N (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní-sa, “enemy” (YALBURT blocks 2, § 2; 7, § 2; 11, § 2; 12, § 3; 13, §§ 1, 4)
3 The Syllabary
lexical asa-, “be”, Cun. Luw. a-sa-tá (YALBURT block 3, § 1), 3 sing. pret. sa-tu-*a (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 17, 21), 3 sing. imper. nis, “not (prohib.)”, Cun. Luw. niš NEG-sa (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 8, 9, 10) -as, enclitic pron., 3 sing. nom. MF, Cun. Luw. -wa/i-sa (-wa+as) (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 31, 32)
TRANSITIONAL grammatical -sa: nom. sing. MF, as for EMPIRE lexical asa-, “be” a-sa-ti: 3 sing.(plur.?) pres. KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 20, 21 á-sa-ha: 1 sing. pret. KARAHÖYÜK, § 10 a-sa-tu: 3 sing. imper. KARAHÖYÜK, § 24 nis, “not (prohib.)” NEG-sa KARAHÖYÜK, § 20 -as enclitic pron., 3 sing. nom. MF -wa/i-sa (wa+as) KARAHÖYÜK, § 24; ALEPPO 6, §§ 5, 7, 8, 9, 11
LATE Evidence lexical asa-, “be” written *a-sa/sá-, á-sa/sá-, sa/sá-: see Glossary -as enclitic pron., 3 sing. nom. MF: passim, see Glossary sasanza, “seal” “((SCALPRUM)SIGILLUM”)sa-sa-za, KULULU 2, § 7; GELB seals C sanawi-, “good” (see Yakubovich, Fs Šouckova, pp. 463–484) written sa-na-wa/i-(also -wá/í-, -wà/ì-): passim, see Glossary sani-, “overturn” (Cun. Luw. šannai-) or “conceal” (Hitt. sanna-), cf. Rieken, Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 209 n. 10 written ((“)SA4(”))sá/sa-ní/ni(-i)- (KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 23, 24; ADIYAMAN 1, § 5; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 12; BABYLON 1,§ 13; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 5; KULULU 2, § 5; ERKİLET 1, § 3; ERKİLET 2, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 4) sa-, “let, allow” redupl. sasa-, Cun. Luw. ša-, šašša (“69”)sa-, ASSUR letters b, § 5; e, § 13; f+g, §§ 12, 37, 38 (“69”)sa-sa-, MALPINAR, §§ 5, 28
sá- same verb? MARAŞ 4, §§ 9, 10 sa-sa-, " ? " KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 16 sasarla-, redupl. of sarli-, “offer”, (Hitt.-)Luw. (LIBARE)sa (also sá-, sa5-)-sa5+ra/i-la-, KULULU 1, § 6; MALPINAR, § 26; BULGARMADEN, § 11; MARAŞ 5, § 2 sapisara-/sapisala-, “health, peace” = Phoen. šlm (KARATEPE 1, § XLIX.276) sa-pi-sá-lá/í- // sá-pi-sa-ara/i-, KARATEPE 1, § XLIX.276 (Hu//Ho); cf. sa-pi-su+ra/i, ASSUR letters d, § 3; e, § 2; f+g, § 2 Sastura- PN, cf. Sarduri? sa-sa-tu4+ra/i, CEKKE, §§ 1, 2, 6; KARKAMIŠ A21, § 2; A20b, frag. 8; new, KARKAMIŠ II, 79 (frag.) (L.262)sasaliya, “shootings, huntings”(?) (Hitt. sai-/siye-, “shoot”) sa-sa-li-ia, MALATYA 1, § 1 (lion hunt); 3, § 1 (stag hunt)
The use of sá is a comparatively late development in the Hier. syllabary, and one which seems to increase markedly in the latest phases of the script. Its earliest attested occurrence is in the PN sá-pa-VIR-ti (Sapaziti, KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1, also A4a, § 1), thus at the beginning of the Suhi dynasty in Karkamiš, early 10th century B.C. In inscriptions of Suhi II – Katuwa it occurs somewhat seldom, particularly initially in unknown words, sá-pa-za, sá-pa-la/i-li-, sá-pa-tara/i-i-, and sá-ha-; also (SA4)sá-ni/ní-, “overturn” (and BABYLON 1, § 14) later written sa-ni/ní-, Cun. Luw. sannai-. Further, -sá occurs occasionally to write the nom. sing. MF ending, thus alternating with the much more common -sa. The same occasional occurrences are found in the contemporary inscriptions of TELL AHMAR, and notably ARSUZ 1, § 1, has a single attestation as the nom. sing. MF ending of the author’s name. Increasing frequency is noticeable from the mid-9th century B.C. in the inscription MARAŞ 4, and even more so in MARAŞ 1, two generations later. At Karkamiš, the inscriptions of Yariri also show this increase (c. 800 B.C.); those of his ward Kamani show it very commonly in CEKKE (especially á-pa-sá), “his” (gen. sing.), 10 occurrences, as against á-pa-sa, 3 occurrences), though the other inscriptions associated with Kamani are more sparing in its use. The archaizing KARKAMIŠ A21b+a and associated fragments do not use it at all. The sá is not found in MARAŞ 8, nor in the Malatya inscriptions GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE and
Part 5: The Signary
IZGIN 1, 2 (early 10th century B.C.), but common in ŞIRZI (mid-8th century B.C.). Sign not found in any inscription from HAMA (mid-, later 9th century). In Commagene sá is common in the BOYBEYPINARI inscriptions, but not in the contemporary ANCOZ inscriptions (not at all in ANCOZ 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, but ANCOZ 5 shows one example). All the substantial Tabal inscriptions show sá with greater or lesser frequency (except TOPADA, SUVASA and ERKİLET 1, 2) including particularly the KULULU lead strips. Surprisingly the late 8th century ASSUR letters show only two occurrences: (LEO)hwi/a-sá-na-ma-ia, “ ? ” (letter a, § 10), and Ita-ka-sa-la-sá, PN (letter d, § 1). While sá could be seen to alternate with sa in its use as case ending nom. sing. MF and in words like sá/sa-ni/ ní-, “overturn”, it was the discovery of KARATEPE (1) that provided multiple examples of the free alternation of the two signs in addition to the examples registered by Laroche (under L.433) the words 11, 327, 378, 396. This has to show that by the late date of KARATEPE sa and sá are exact equivalents whether or not they originally represented a different phoneme. Late Period (early, c. 1000–850 B.C.) II. KARKAMIŠ Hier. sá-pa-VIR-ti- PN Sapa-ziti (KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1; also KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 1) Hier. (SA4)sá-na // ní // ni- (KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 23–4; A1a, § 4), “overturn” Hier. (L.314)sá-pa-za, “(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 6) Hier. sá-pa-la/i-li-, “(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 5(×2)) Hier. (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-sá (KARKAMIŠ (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-sá-ha A11b+c, § 25) ((MONS)a+ra/i-pu-tá-wa/i-ni-sá-ha Hier. (“L.314”)ha-sá-ti-i, “(bone), force” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 30) Hier. (CAELUM.L.286)sá-pa-tara/i-i-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17a) Hier. “PUGNUS”-sá-ha, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A12, § 7) Hier. pa-sá-pa-wa/i-n[a-*a], “and he him …” (KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 9) Hier. (DOMINUS)na-ni-sá, “(my) sovereign” (KARKAMIŠ A23, § 3) Hier. sá-ha-si, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 7, 8) III. TELL AHMAR Hier. (DEUS)BONUS-sá, “god Kumarma” (TELL AHMAR 2, § 2) Hier. FILIUS.NI-sá, “son” (TELL AHMAR 2, § 18) Hier. (SA4)sá-za-, “ ? ” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 27) Hier. [ha-IUSTITIA+ra/i]-i-sá, “alive” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 7)
Hier. (“L.314”)ha-ta5-sá-tara/i-ti, “violence” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 12) IV. MARAŞ 4 Hier. (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ní-sa // sá, “righteous” (§ 1) Hier. AVUS-ha-sá, “grandfather” (§ 9) Hier. sá-ta, “were” or “allowed” (§§ 9, 10) Hier. sá-a-ha, (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sá, “son” (§ 10) Hier. FILIUS.NEPOS-REL-la-sá, “great-grandson” VII. AMUQ Hier. IPURUS.FONS.MI-sá, PN Suppiluliuma (ARSUZ 1, § 1) Hier. [IUSTITIA? …]-ni-sá, Hier. REL-sá (TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 3–5, ll. 1, 5) VIII. ALEPPO Hier. (SA4)sá-ní-, “overturn” (BABYLON 1, § 13) no sá IV. MARAŞ 8, İSKENDERUN V. GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE V. IZGIN 1, 2 VI. ADIYAMAN 1 VI. ANCOZ 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 IX. HAMA (all inscriptions)
Origin Value derived from the šāša-/šāšša- animal (CHD, s.v. (A)), a caprid, wild goat and/or gazelle. The sign is attested as a logogram representing the animal (CAPRA ANIMA, BOHÇA, § 13), the object of a hunt. Wild goats would have been found in the mountains of the Anatolian plateau, gazelles in the deserts of north Syria. See now Oettinger, StBoT 58, pp. 161–167. Reading Sibilant recognized by Campbell Thompson (1912), vocalization remained problematic: Hrozný (1933) sà under misapprehension of alternation with sa (L.174, now si) in kar-ka-mi-sà // -si-za; sà established by Laroche (Syria 31 (1954), p. 109 n. 45).
3 The Syllabary
Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. sà-[HURU]-nú-wa/i = Cun. ša-hu-ru-nu-[wa] (Msk. A1; cf. Boğazköy III, no. 15; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 346, 347; TARSUS, no. 40) Hier. sà-i(a)-da-ka = Cun. Iše-i-dKUR (Msk. B68)
Hier. L.137-ha-sà (SÜDBURG, § 7) // L.137-ha-sa5 (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 34, 36), Cun. Luw. malhassa(?), “ritual” Hier. SÀ(+RA/I?) REGIO, “Upper Land”(??) (Hitt. šarezzi utne) For the problems of this interpretation, see Hawkins, apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 254.
semi-digraphic Hier. i(a)-HALA-ku-sà = Cun. IKAR-d30 (Msk. A59; cf. kušuh, kuša(h), OHP I, p. 272 f.) Hier. sà-ka+ra/i // ara/i-a-pu = Cun. I.d30-a-bi (MoonGod Sagar) Hier. wa/i-sà-ti (Msk. A75); [wa/i]-sa-ti = Cun. fwa-aš-ti (Msk. C22) Hier. kar-ka-mi-sà = Cun. (KUR)kar-ga-miš (Msk. A3; RS 17.59; RS 17.226 (Talmi-Teššub)); Sürenhagen, MDOG 118 (1986), p. 184 f. (Kuzi-Teššub) Hier. sà-US-ka-mu(wa) = Cun. I.dIŠTAR-mu-wa/i (RS 17.228); dIŠTAR = dša-uš-ka (KAV 173 23)
TRANSITIONAL Palastin-/Walastin-(REGIO) toponym (the Amuq) pa-lá/í-sà-ti-ní-(REGIO) (ALEPPO 6, § 1; 7, § 1), cf. (Late) wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-(REGIO) (MEHARDE, § 1; SHEIZAR, § 1), wa/i-lá/í-sà/si-ta/ti-ni-(REGIO) ARSUZ 1+2, § 1; wa/i-la/i-sàti-ni-(REGIO) TELL TAYINAT 1 frag. 3
other Hier. sa5+ARI-sà(URBS) (KUŞAKLI Ku 93/67; Ku 01/15), Cun. URUsa-ri-iš/eš-sa (Wilhelm, Kuşaklı-Sarissa I/1, p. 34; cf. Hawkins, Orientalia 79 (2010), pp. 171–176) Hier. sà-mi-tu-li (BOĞAZKÖY 8; NİŞANTEPE, no. 348), Cun. simitili/sametili (Noms, no. 1151, and Suppl.; also no. 1108 – read ša-⌈me-ti⌉-li, Laroche, Suppl.); Alp, HBM, pp. 91, 93 Hier. pi-ha-sà-muwa (NİŞANTEPE, no. 303), Cun. Ipìha-aš-ša-A.A (Noms, no. 968 and Suppl.); cf. pi-ha-sà-LEO (NİŞANTEPE, no. 304) Hier. sà-US-ka-CERVUS-ti (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 373–381), Cun. DLIŠ-DKAL Hier. sà+ra/i-wa/i-tá (NİŞANTEPE, no. 383), Cun. Iša-riwa-an-da (Noms, no. 1120) Hier. sà-tu-ha (NİŞANTEPE, no. 384), Cun. ša-du-hi (Noms, no. 1137) Hier. tu-wa/i-ra/i-sà (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 474–484; SBo II, nos. 37–41, 222), Cun. Itu-wa-ri-ša (HIRAYAMA 45 seal 1; see Weeden, Luwian Identities, p. 76 f.) Hier. sà-da-tu-ha-pa (HBM, Akk. 2 and Taf. I), Cun. fšata-an-du-hé-pa (Trémouille, NABU 2006, no. 29) lexical Hier. sà-ka-la-da-, “damage” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 16, 24), Cun. Luw. ša-kal-da-(am-ma-)(?) Hier. wa/i-sà-ti, “by favour (of)” (YALBURT blocks 16, § 1; 10, § 1); cf. (Transitional) (BONUS2)wa/i-sà-ti (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2a)
Karkamisa(URBS) GN Karkamiš [k]ar-ka-mi-sà-ti(U[RBS]) (ALEPPO 7, § 2), “from Karkamiš” (LIBARE)sà+ra/i-hi-sa, “oblation” (ALEPPO 6, § 12; elsewhere (Late) sarli-, sarla- always written sa5+ra/i-li/la-) LATE See E. Rieken, Das Zeichen in Hieroglyphen-Luwischen (VII ICH, pp. 651–660). Words always written with sà (Rieken, pp. 651–653) (MANUS)i-sà-tara/i-, “hand” (“TERRA“)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-, “earth” (DOMUS (SUPER))ha+ra/i-sà-tá-ni(/na)-, “haristaniapartment” ((“)SOLIUM(”))i-sà-nu/nú-wa/i-, “make sit” (THRONUS)i-sà-tara/i-ta-, “throne” ((“)LIGNUM(”))sà-la-ha-za, “greatness, succession” (DEUS.ORIENS(.MI))ki-sà-ta-ma-, “east” (CASTRUM)ha/há+ra/i-ni/ní-sà-, “fortress” also (DEUS)sà-ta-, DN Santa KULULU 2, §§ 3, 6; BEIRUT bowl, §§ 1, 3 sà-ma-za, “sealed (document)” KARABURUN, § 5; KULULU 2, § 2 grammatical -sà (nom., acc. sing. N): asharmi-, haziwi-
464 (L.402
Part 5: The Signary
sa4: see Logograms, Alternative syllabograms)
Usage Logogram determining (1) verb sani-, “overturn” (marked “SA4”) only KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 5; KULULU 2, § 5a; otherwise (SA4)sá-ni/ní/(na)- (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 4; A11a, §§ 23–24; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 12; ADIYAMAN 1, § 5; BABYLON 1, § 19; ANKARA 1, § 5); ERKİLET 1 and 2, §§ 3 and 2, write sa-ni- without deterninative; note also DEUS-SA4-zi, “the gods” (nom. plur. MF, read as rebus -sani-, thus DEUS-sani-zi // masaninzi (KARATEPE 1, § LI.289). (2) (“SA4”)REL-na-na-[la]-, İVRİZ frag. 2, cf. BOYBEY PINARI 1, § 11 (3) |(PANIS+)L.402)tu-ní-ka-la- // +ra, “maker of tunikbread” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17c; ASSUR letter f+g, § 45); also mu-sa-nu-wa/i-ti- (MARAŞ 1, § 1i); (4) above sign PITHOS (L.336) representing “lid” (5) L.402.L.195(-)ka-ri+i-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 10) The evidence thus presented shown that SA4 is a logo gram, origin unknown, determining various words, particularly sani-, “overturn”, and is adapted in late Tabalian inscriptions as an alternative syllabogram sa4 (also two KARATEPE examples). It should thus be removed from the Regular Syllabary. Payne now proposes (KZ 130 (2016). pp. 73–89) that L.402 is a pictogram of a seal-impression reading sa4, and associates it with L.291, interpreted as a “bread stamp”. The sequence of links is not strong.
Origin Pictographic logogram, sasanza, “seal” (“SIGILLUM”)sa-sa-za, “seal” (Gelb, seal c: see CHLI XIII.11a–c), Hitt. sai- / siye-, “press; shoot; seal”) (“SCALPRUM.SIGILLUM”)sa-s[a]-za (KULULU 2, § 7) cf. Gelb, seals a–b; also NINEVEH, KHORSABAD bullae, CHLI XIII.12, 13; CHRISTIES seal (XIII.23) Reading Digraphs equate Hier. sa5 = Cun. ši and š(-), but Masa and malhassa, also alternation with -sà, point to sa, as does also the derivation from sasanza, “seal”. Bossert (1946) sa; established by Laroche, Syria 31 (1954), p. 104.
Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. su+ra/i-sa5-da-⌈ka⌉ = Cun. Išur-ši-dKUR (Msk. A28) Hier. hi-mi-sa5-da-ka = Cun. Ihi-ma-ši-dKUR (TSABR, no. 24(a)) (transposition? see MI(-ma) (L.391(-L.110), Usage) Hier. i(a)-sa5-pi-da-ka = Cun. Iiš-bi-dKUR (Msk. B67) (Form of sa5 needs checking in all three occurrences) other Hier. ma-sa5-mu(wa) (KORUCUTEPE, no. 11), Cun. I ma-ša-A.A- (Noms, no. 771); cf. ma-sa-BOS (NİŞANTEPE, no. 234); ma-sa5, GN Masa (SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4) lexical Hier. L.137-ha-sa5 (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 34, 36); L.137-sà (SÜDBURG, § 17); Cun. Luw. malhašša, “ritual” L.303 (L.327+L.82; the sign is unrecognizably misdrawn under L.303) see Hawkins, Orientalia 79 (2010), pp. 171–176 Hier. L.303-ku (TARSUS, no. 42), Hitt. šar-ku (Laroche, Syria 35 (1958), p. 257 f. Hier. L.303-sà(URBS) (KUŞAKLI Ku. 93/67; Ku. 01/15), Cun. URUša-ri-iš/eš-ša (Wilhelm, Kuşaklı-Sarissa I/1, p. 34) Hier. L.303-wa/i (Mora, Glittica III.1.1a; V.1.2), Cun. ša-ra(-a)-ma/wa (Noms, no. 1113) Value sar(i) explained as sa5 (L.327) + ar(i) (L.82, rebus, “stand” (Weeden, AoF 38 (2011), p. 129 fn. 77)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. DOMUS sa5-sa5-da-ti (ALEPPO 7, § 2), “from the bed-chamber”? (cf. Hitt. É.ŠÀ sastas); or “from the sealhouse/treasury” (Hitt. siyannas per (É.NA4.KIŠIB)) Hier. ha-su-sa5+ra/i-, “queen” (MEHARDE, §§ 1, 6, 8; SHEIZAR, § 7) grammatical Hier. -sa5 representing case ending, nom. sing. MF and gen. sing. in place of usual -sa/-sá; almost entirely confined to Transitional Malatya group GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE Hier. ku-zi-TONITRUS-sa5, PN (gen. sing., GÜRÜN, § 1b; KÖTÜKALE, § 1) Hier. kar-ka-mi-i-si-sa5, GN (gen. sing., GÜRÜN, § 1b) Hier. hi-pa-tú-sa5, DN (nom. sing. MF, GÜRÜN, § 7) Hier. CERVUS-sa5, PN (gen. sing., KÖTÜKALE, § 5) Hier. a+ra/i-nú-wa/i-ti-sa5, PN (nom. sing. MF, İSPEKÇÜR side B, § 1; İSPEKÇÜR side C, (-[wa/i]-, nom. sing. MF))
3 The Syllabary
Hier. ha-ma-si-sa5, “grandson” (nom. sing. MF, İSPEKÇÜR side B, § 1) Hier. AVIS2-wa/i-tá-sa5, PN (gen. sing., DARENDE, § 1) Hier. REGIO.DOMINUS-sa5, “Country-Lord” (nom. sing. MF, DARENDE, § 1)
LATE lexical Hier. ha-su-sa5+ra/i-, “queen” (KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 6; KULULU 5, § 7b); -sa5+ra/i- (KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 3, 10; KIRÇOĞLU, § 2), Hitt. *hassusara- (HWb2, s.v. *haššušara-) Hier. ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-, “orthostat” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 15, 23; A11b+c, §§ 23, 24; A13d, § 5; A20a1, § 3; A16b; A18e, § 5; ŞARAGA, § 1) Hier. sa5+ra/i-li-, redupl. sa/sá/sa5+ra/i-la-, “libate” (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 31; MARAŞ 3, § 5; TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 2 l.1; ANCOZ 1, § 2; KULULU 1, § 6; MALPINAR, § 26; MARAŞ 5, § 2; BULGARMADEN, § 11; CEKKE, § 5), Hitt.-Luw. sarlai(CHD, s.v. šarlai-) Hier. sa5+ra/i-la-ta-, “libation” (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 33; A11a, § 27; HAMA 4, §§ 13, 15), Hitt. sarlatta- (CHD, s.v. šarlatta-) Hier. (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ru-ma-, “god Sarruma” (ÇİFTLİK, §§ 6, 11), otherwise written (DEUS)SARMA (L.80–81)) Hier. (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ku // (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-hu-ta(KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18d // ÇİFTLİK, § 6), Hitt. šarku-(?) Hier. sa5+ra/i-nu-wa/i-, “burn”(?) (KARKAMIŠ A15a, §§ 3, 4) Hier. á-sa5-za-, “speak” (ASSUR letters a, b, c, d, e, f+g, § 1; YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A7, § 14 grammatical (case ending, nom. sing. MF, very rare; cf. Transitional, grammatical) Hier. Ika-tú-wa/i-sa5 PN (nom. sing. MF, KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 1) Hier. ku-mara/i+ra/i-ma-sa5 DN (nom. sing. MF, TELL AHMAR 1, § 2) Usage Syllabographic usage seems largely restricted to particular words (see “lexical”)
Reading Value si by Forrer (1932), “die possesive Adjectiv-Endung”; sa by Gelb (1931) followed by Meriggi, Hrozný, Bossert (all 1933) misled by apparent equivalents in kar-ka-mi-sà, “Karkamiš”, kar-ka-mi-si-za-, “Karkamisean” (Meriggi sa, Gelb, Laroche sá); also identification of Isi-ka-ra+a- as Ass. I Sangara. Vocalization i argued by Mittelberger, Sprache 8 (1962), p. 280 f.; confirmed by “New Readings” (HHL, pp. 163–165). This recognition was based on the observation of plene writings si-i, and also on the identification of the Hier. genitive and genitival adjective -(a)si(-) with Cun. Luw. -ašši-. For further support, see Evidence. Evidence EMPIRE Laroche (L.174, last line) states: “Signe tardif, dont le prototype ancien (impérial) n’a pas été identifié”. Yet Bittel already in 1957 in his publication of BOĞAZKÖY 8 (MDOG 89, p. 18 f.) read the sign as -sa- (Meriggi’s transliteration), though Meriggi himself failed to read it in 1975 (Manuale II/3, no. 46, p. 294). Poetto in his treatment (OA 26 (1987), p. 187 f.) followed Bittel in reading sa. Morpurgo Davies and Hawkins, (Annali Pisa 8 (1978), p. 775) were, following the “New Readings”, already reading si. The somewhat divergent Empire form of L.174 si on the seals was not recognized until 1989–1990 (Gonnet (and Malbran-Labat) Anatolica 16, pp. 1–6; see also Gonnet, CRRAI 38 (1992), pp. 267–269), thanks to a semi-digraphic writing Hier. pu-ha-si-na = Cun. [Ipu]-hi-ŠEŠ on the tablet AO 28366. Cf. also Hier. pu-hi-si-ni, TSABR, no. 71(b) (Cun. ŠEŠ = Hurr. še(/ši)-ni/na). Seals Hier. pu-ha-si-na = Cun. [Ipu]-hi-ŠEŠ (AO 28366, obv. 3) Hier. *a-i(a)-si/sa-ni (KENNEDY Ashmolean, no. 5): analyse Aya-šeni, “(god) Aya is the brother” (Aya is probably Ea rather than Aya, consort of Sun-God; for the confusion, see Laroche, Ugaritica V, p. 454) Hier. i(a)-si-á-la-tu? (Msk. A54, woman’s name, Cun. epigraph does not correspond) Hier. ká-si? (CRUCIFORM seal, rev., right wing, king Hattusili (I)), Cun. Kaddusi(?) Hier. si-ti-TONITRUS (NİŞANTEPE, no. 385): cf. Hurr. šinti, “ ? ”; Šintip-Teššub (NPN, pp. 135, 257)? Hier. si-ka-VIR.zi (Boehmer – Güterbock, Glyptik, no. 183) other Hier. pa-ti-si-na (BOĞAZKÖY 8), Cun. IZAG.ŠEŠ / I Bandi-šinni / Bente-šina (Noms, no. 1006)
Part 5: The Signary
TRANSITIONAL not attested Evidence LATE orthographic plene writing -si-i(-) very common grammatical -si tense ending, 2 sing. pres. PUGNUS.PUGNUS-si (ASSUR letters a, § 2; b, § 2;d, § 2) (“L.69”)sa-si (ASSUR letter f+g, § 12) VIA-wa/i-ni-si (ASSUR letter f+g, § 26) wa/i-mi-LITUUS-si (ASSUR letter f+g, § 42) sá-ha-si (KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 7, 8) wa/i-li-ia-si (YASSIHÖYÜK, §§ 16, ⌈17⌉) -si suffix (originally reflexive pronoun) marking medio-passive. See Rieken, KZ 117 (2004), pp. 179–188 i-zi-i-ha-si (1 sing. pret.: ALEPPO 2, § 8) i-zi-ia-si (3 sing. pret.: ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6; TELL TAYINAT 4, § 1) hu-ha-sà-ta-si (3 sing. pret.: TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 7, 19) (PES2)HWI-HWI-sà-tá-si (3 sing. pret.: KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8; A12, § 2) Hier. -(a)si, -(a)si- (gen. sing., gen. adj.), Cun. Luw. -ašši- (gen. adj.), cf. Hier. -(a)san, Cun. Luw. -aššan (gen. adj., dat. sing.) Hier. Karkamisiza-(URBS), “Karkamisean” (KARKAMIŠ, passim) kar-ka-mi-si-za-(URBS): analyse karkamis(a) + iza(ethnic suffix -iza-, Cun. Luw. -izza-) onomastic Hier. si-ka-ra+a-, Si(n)kara- (KARKAMIŠ A17h); does NOT = Sangara, which is now attested, written sa5-ka+ra/i(AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1, see Marchetti and Peker, ZA 108 (2018), p. 81 ff., esp. 94–96) lexical Hier. BONUS-siyaza-, “be dear (to)” BONUS-si-ia-za- (AKSARAY, § 5; KULULU 4, § 6; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 2); cf. (“BONUS”)wa/i-sà-zaBULGARMADEN, § 2 Hier. PES2(-)wasi PES2(-)wa/i-si- (TELL AHMAR 5, § 17; KARKAMIŠ A31, § 10); PES2(-)wa/i-sà-i- (3 plur. pret., KARKAMIŠ A12, § 3) Hier. OCCIDENS(-)lu/a/i-si-, “escape, flee(?)” (ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 45, 51)
su (logogram BONUS2)
Origin Derived from logogram L.370, BONUS2 = Cun. SIG4, Hitt. aššu-, Luw. wašu- (?) Reading Value lu by Hrozný (IHH I, pp. 66, 72, 74, 110), followed by Meriggi (1934), Gelb 1935, with reservations); persisted until 1950. Gelb (Bi. Or. 7 (1950), p. 135 f. n. 30) proposed su, based on (“CORNU+RA/I”)su+ra/i-, “plenty” and su-wa/i-, “fill”, Hitt. suwai-, confirmed by RS digraph, Laroche (1956), later also Msk. When L.370 stands as an onomastic element, it is uncertain whether to take it as a logogram, BONUS2 = asu/wasu, or syllabic su. See discussion Hawkins, apud Herbordt PBS, p. 430 f.; also p. 283, no. 605. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. ma-na-ma-su = Cun. Ia-ma-an-ma-š[u] (RS 17.28; in text Ia-ma-an-ma-aš-šu: Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 142– 145) Hier. su+ra/i-sa5-da-ka = Cun. Išur-ši-dKUR (Msk. A28) other Hier. ká-su-la-wi(ya) (SBo I, nos. 37, 104; NİŞANTEPE, no. 36), Cun. fga-aš/gaš-šu-la/li-ia-wi5/ú-i- (Noms, no. 539.1, 2); Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 106 f. Hier. ká-su (SBo II, nos. 32, 115; NİŞANTEPE, no. 158), Cun. Iga-aš/gaš-šu(-ú)- (Noms, no. 538)
Monument Hier. (MONS)su-na+ra/i (KARAKUYU, l. 2), Cun. (HUR. SAG)šu-un-na-ra (RGTC VI, s.v.) lexical Hier. su-na-sa-ti, “with fullness(?)” (abl. sing. EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 29, 37; SÜDBURG, § 3)
TRANSITIONAL lexical Hier. ((MAGNUS)DOMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-, “queen” (MEHARDE, §§ 1, 6, 8; SHEIZAR, § 7)
3 The Syllabary
LATE onomastics Hier. wa/i-su-SARMA-ma-, PN Wasusarma (SULTANHAN, §§ 1, 8, 13, 45; KAYSERİ, § 1 (wá/í-); TOPADA, §§ 1, 2, 29; SUVASA, B, C (wa/i4-), Ass. ú-aš-šur-me, PNAE 3/II, s.v. Uassurme Hier. su-hi(-i)- KARKAMIŠ N1, § 6; A4b, § 6; A14b, § 1; A14a, § 1; A1b, § 1; KELEKLİ, § 1; A11b+c, § 1; A2+3, § 1; A12, § 1; cf. (DEUS)á-tara/i-su-ha-, DN, “soul of Suhi”(?) (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 20; A4d, § 1) toponyms Hier. su+ra/i(-ia)-(URBS), Phoen. ʾšr, “Assur” (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6): elsewhere written a-sú+ra/i(-ia)-(REGIO. URBS), KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19; A24a2+3, §§ 6, 7, a6 (Yariri only), see sú Hier. su+ra/i-(URBS), probably not Assur: KARKAMIŠ A6, § 6 (Yariri) lexical Hier. ha-su-sa5+ra/i-, “queen”) KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 6; KULULU 5, § 7b; see Transitional), Hitt. *hassusara- (HWb2, s.v.) Hier. su-wá/í-, Phoen. mlʾ, “fill” (KARATEPE 1, § VII.38); also su-wa/i-(TELL AHMAR 5, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 3, also redupl. su-su-, § 1; MARAŞ 8, § 7); also su(wa)(hit-), “full, fullness” (TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 9, 13); Hitt. suwai-, etc. Hier. wa/i-su(-u/wa/i), “well” (KULULU 1, § 13; PORSUK, § 4; ÇİFTLİK, § 15; BOR, § 5; BULGARMADEN, § 8; VELİİSA, § 1; KULULU 4, § 10), Cun. Luw. waššu, Hitt. aššu: see Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 197–202 Hier. su-ka-la-, “vizier” (EĞRİKÖY, § 2): Akk. šukkallu, Hurr. šukkalli-, Hitt. LÚSUKKAL Hier. (“CORNU+RA/I”)su+ra/i-, “plenty” = Phoen. šbʿ, “satiety” (KARATEPE 1, §§ VI.35; XXXVI.191 (Hu only)
Origin Donkey head, acrophonic from Luw. tarkasna-, “donkey” (?) Reading Value ta established by Gelb (1931), Forrer (1932) on basis of PN mu-wa/i-ta-li-, Ass. Mutalli; also Bossert (1932); followed by Hrozný (1933), Meriggi (1933). Gelb then doubted vocalization because he took ti for ta (1935), and read te (1942). Laroche (HH) read ta4, later ta (value vacated by ti (no longer ta)—so also Mittelberger).
Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. ta-ku-hi-li = Cun. Iták-hu-li-na (RS 16.273: Laroche, Ugaritica III, 140, gives also variant spellings from Boğazköy, Nuzi, Alalah, Assur: see Noms, no. 1215) semi-digraphic Hier. ta-ka = Cun. dKUR (Dagan) (Msk. A12, A13, A83, B13, B15, B36, B41, B42; note (DEUS)ta-ka, Msk. A85. Dagan also written Hier. tá-ka (rare), da-ka) other Hier. ta/tá-sa-ku-wa/i-li, Cun. Taskuili (Noms, no. 1296; Poetto, Kadmos 19 (1980), p. 6 f., pl. III (5A, B)) Hier. ta-pari-da-sa5 // -da+ra/i, Cun. tapri(tassi) (title) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 276: Mestieri, pp. 261–263; Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 309 (no. 47))
Monuments Hier. (DEUS)taru (LIGNUM)ta-[k]i-t[u], Cun. Dtaru Dtaki-tu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 46a)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. ta-na-ti- (KARAHÖYÜK, § 3), cf. (VACUUS)ta-na-ti(MARAŞ 8, § 3, Late), Hitt. danatta-, “empty” Hier. (TERRA)ta-sà-⌈REL+ra/i⌉, Late taskwira-, “earth” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3) Hier. i(a)-zi/a-ta (ALEPPO 6, § 3) Hier. Ita-i(a)-ta- (MEHARDE, § 2; SHEIZAR, § 1) = tá-i(a)-tá- (ALEPPO 6, § 1) Hier. (STELE)ta-ni-sa(si)- (MEHARDE, §§ 1, 3, 7; SHEIZAR, § 4) Hier. MAGNUS-nú-ta (GÜRÜN, § 4, lower) = MAGNUS-nú-tá (upper)
LATE Evidence Digraphic Hier. á-ta-na-(wa/i-za) (elsewhere -TANA-) = Phoen. ʾdn (KARATEPE 1, § XXXVII.199) other Hier. Imu-wa/i-ta-li // lu/a/i- (Muwattalli) (MARAŞ 8, § 1; 4, §§ 1, 10; 1, §§ 1a, 1d), Ass. Imu-ta/tal-li (PNAE 2/II, s.v. Mutallu)
Part 5: The Signary
lexical Hier. (TERRA)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-, “earth” (as TRANSITIONAL) Hier. (“VACUUS”)ta-na-ti-, “empty” (as TRANSITIONAL) (MARAŞ 8, § 3; 1, § 3 (-ta, acc. plur. N) ta-na-tá-, “make empty”, (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 12; A12, § 6 (tá-…-ta-)), Hitt. danattahhHier. ta-/CRUS-, “stand” (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.263, Hu/Ho; SULTANHAN, §§ 38–40), Hitt. tiya(“CRUS”)ta-za-, “keep standing” (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIV.403) (“CRUS”)ta-nu-wa/i-, “make stand” Hier. (STATUA)ta-ru-sá, “statue” (KARKAMIŠ A7b, § 6, tara/i-sà İVRİZ 1, § 3); Cun. Luw. darussa Hier. (“TERRA”)ta-ka-mi-, “earth” (SULTANHAN, § 39), Cun. Luw. tiyammi-, Hitt. tegan/tagnaHier. (“AEDIFICARE”)ta-ma-, “build” (ÇİFTLİK, §§ 2, [3], 4, 5, 22) Hier. (LOQUI)ta/tá-tara/i-ia-, “curse” (KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 21, 24; TELL AHMAR 2, § 19), cf. Cun. Luw. tatariyamman Hier. (OMNIS)tanimi/a-, “all” = Phoen. kl (KARATEPE 1, §§ VI.33, XVIII.85, XLVIII.265, L.281, LII.300, LXXIII.393 and passim elsewhere), Cun. Luw. tanimmiHier. ta-wa/i-ia-na, “in front of” (KULULU 1, § 15), Cun. Luw. ta-a-wi5-ia-an // da-u-e-ia-an (CLL, s.v. tāwiyan) Hier. ta-i-ma-ni-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 19), cf. Ass. GN Teman Hier. INFRA-ta/tá, “down”: formerly taken as kata, Hitt. katta; now zanta, Cun. Luw. zanta (Goedegebuure, VII ICH, pp. 299–318) Usage EMPIRE rare but adequately attested alternates with tá, see especially seal of Taskuwali once as -ta Ortspartikel (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 13—Altar A, Altar C may have -tá) ending 3 sing./plur. pret. not attested
Reading Gelb (1931) read tá from its alternation with ta in PN I MAGNUS+ra/i-TONITRUS-tá // ta-za-, also ta // tá-na-ta-, “empty”; so also Bossert (1932); followed by Meriggi (1933) and Hrozný (1933). Confirmed by RS digraph, later many Msk. digraphs.
Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. tá-ki-SARMA = Cun. Ita-gi-šar-ru-mu/mi (RS 17.251, Laroche, Ugaritica III, 137 f.; cf. NİŞANTEPE, nos. 391–403; ASHMOLEAN, no. 2) Hier. tá-i(a) = Cun. Ita-a’-e (Msk. A102) semi-digraphic Hier. á-tá-mi-ki = Cun. I.da-a-SIG5 (Msk. B37), cf. Hier. i(a)-da-mi-ki = Cun. [I.D]é-a-SIG5 (TSABR, no. 72(d)) Hier. pa-lu-ka+ra/i-tá = Cun. IEN-UR.SAG (Msk. B4, B21) Hier. i(a)-tá-ka+ra/i-tá = Cun. I.DU-UR.SAG (Msk. B23) Hier. tá-ka-da[+ra/i] = Cun. I.DKUR-ta-ri-ih (HIRAYAMA, HCCT E2-2-3), cf. Hier. ta-ka-da+ra/i = Cun. I.DKUR-ta-ri-ih (Msk. B36) cf. Hier. i(a)-pi-t[á]-ka (Msk. A6) Hier. tá-ka-zi/a-mi+ra/i (Msk. C8) Hier. AVIS-nú-tá = Cun. Iar-nu-wa-an-ta/da (NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 138/139) other Hier. ta/tá-sa-ku-wa/i-li, Cun. Taskuili (Noms, no. 1296; Poetto, Kadmos 19 (1980), p. 6 f. pl. III) Hier. sà+ra/i-wa/i-tá (NİŞANTEPE, no. 383), Cun. Sariwanda (Noms, no. 1120) Hier. tì-wa/i-tá-mu(wa) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 454; SOLwa/i-da-mu(wa), SBo II, no. 223) Hier. tá-ti-li (NİŞANTEPE, no. 448), Cun. Tatili (Noms, no. 1307)
Monument Hier. (DEUS)á-sa-tá-pi (YAZILIKAYA, no. 33), Cun. Dašta(-a)-bi etc. (OHP I, p. 53 f.) lexical Hier. (VIR2)TÁ.AVUS-zi/a, “fathers (and) grandfathers” (YALBURT block 4, § 2: logogram/syllabic abbreviation?) Hier. L.461-tá, Late (“LOQUI”)mara/i-ta-, “word”(?) (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 10) grammatical Hier. zi/a-tá-zi/a (zatanza), “these” (dat. plur.: YALBURT block 4, § 2) Hier. REL-tá-zi/a (kwatanza), “which” (dat. plur.: EMİRGAZİ 1, § 19) Hier. -tá tense ending (3 sing./plur. pret.: EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13; YALBURT blocks 3, § 1; 4, §§ 2, 3; 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 4b; 12, § 4; 15, § 1; NİŞANTAŞ AI, §§ 2, 3, 4; AII, §§ a, c(×3); AV, §§ a, b)
3 The Syllabary
Hier. -tá Ortspartikel (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 20, 26; YALBURT block 14, §§ 2, 4; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, §§ b, c, d, e; AIV, §§ b, c, e; AV, § c; SÜDBURG, § 13)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. -tá tense ending (3 sing./plur. pret.: KIZILDAĞ 4, §§ 2b, 2c; KARADAĞ 1, § 2; KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 4, 7, 8, 12; ALEPPO 7, § 7; ANKARA 2, § 2) Hier. -tá Ortspartikel (KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 4, 7, 8, 12) Hier. LOCUS-tá LOCUS-tá, “everywhere” (KARAHÖYÜK, § 12; phonetic complement? -da expected) PN Hier. há+ra/i-tá-pu // L.430 (KIZILDAĞ 1, 2, 3, 4, § 1; KARADAĞ 1, § 1; 2; BURUNKAYA, § 1)
LATE lexical Hier. tá-ti-, “father”, and derivatives (always tá-), Cun. Luw. ta // da(-a)-ti note tá-ri+i-sa (nom. sing. MF: KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5); tá-ra+a-za (dat. plur.: CEKKE, § 16) otherwise tá- initial very rare note Hier. (VACUUS)tá-na-ta- for usual ta-na-ti // -ta (KARKAMIŠ A12, § 6) Hier.tá-mi-hi-sá, “abundance” (KARATEPE 1, § LI.296), Hitt. tammetar Usage See E. Rieken, Das Zeichen im Hieroglyphen-Luwischen (StBoT 51 (2010), pp. 301–310).
L.41 da (tà) Origin The “taking hand”, Hitt. da-, “take”: the syllabogram takes its value from the Hitt. reading of the logogram, as against Luw. la(la)-, “take”. See Yakubovich, ALP 4 (2008), pp. 20–24. In writing the verb “take”, L.41 should thus be taken as the logogram CAPERE not syllabogram da. Reading Recognized as “taking hand” by Forrer (1932), Hrozný (1933), Meriggi (1934); read ta2 by Hrozný because of supposed alternation with “tà” (ti) in u-pa-ti-i-tà-si- (MARAŞ 4, § 3) and u-pa-ti-ti(-i) TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 4, 20.
Meriggi read tà because of supposed alternation with ta, tá and “da” (ti), and correctly identified verb with Hitt. da-, “take”. The interchangeability with ta and tá now disproved by Rieken, Die Zeichen , und in den hieroglyphen-luwischen Inschriften der Nachgrossreichszeit (VI ICH, pp. 637–647). Transliterate now da. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. ta-ka-da+ra/i = Cun. I.dKUR-ta-ri-ih (Msk. B36) semi-digraphic Hier. ma-da-ka-li-da-ka = Cun. INIR.dKUR (Msk. A35) Hier. i(a)-da+ra/i-pi-ia = Cun. I.dU-ra-pí-ih (Msk. B24) Hier. i(a)-da-mi-ki = Cun. [I.d]é-a-SIG5 (TSABR, no. 72(d)) Hier. tá / da-ka = Cun. dKUR (Dagan) other Hier. sà-da-tu-ha-pa (Mst 75/10, 75/39: HBM 1–2), Cun. ša-ta-an-du-hé-pa (see Trémouille, NABU 2006, p. 26 f. (29)) Hier. da-ki-TASU-pa, NİŞANTEPE, no. 404; cf. Cun. Taki-Šarruma (Noms, no. 1209) lexical Hier. sà-ka-la-da-, “damage” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 16, 24), Cun. Luw. ša-kal-da-(am-ma) Hier. -wa/i-da(-wa+ada) EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 16, 28; YALBURT block 7, § 2
TRANSITIONAL lexical (REL+ra/i)-pa-da(pa+ada?: KARAHÖYÜK, § 23) -da, 3 sing. pret. (ANKARA 2, §§ 1, 2; MEHARDE, § 2)
(L.428)da-i-ti(URBS): GÜRÜN, § 2
LATE Rieken, loc. cit. (2008), has established the usage of da / tà in this period, namely that it represents the voiced intervocalic dental d (Cun. VtV) as against ta and tá, the unvoiced t (Cun. VttV). The sign da is never used in the writing of anta (a-ta/tá), and almost never in word initial position. Only da may rhotacize (d > r).
Part 5: The Signary
Usages (following Rieken): (1) 3 sing. pret. of verbs i-, “go”; awi-, “come”; iziya-, “make, do”, mana-, “see”; a-, “make”. Contrast 3 plur. pret. -nta written -ta/-tá. (2) pronoun -ada (nom./acc. sing. N, nom./acc. plur. MF, N) “it, them”, against -ta (Ortspartikel, -ta/tá). Note apparent exception -wa/i-ma-tá, to be analysed -wa+m(u)+ad(a)+ta (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 10, 17); and compare -wa/i-da-ta/tá (-wa+ada+ta, ALEPPO 2, § 18; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 20) (3) suffixes Hier. -id- and -ahid- (-d- may rhotacize > r), Cun. Luw. -id-, -ahid- (-t- represents -d-) (4) lexemes found in Hier. and Cun. Luw.: ad-, “eat”; huhadali-, “of the grandfather”; humadi-, “podium”; hupidati-, “veiled”; hwid(a)ni-, “wild life”; (NOT *pada-, “place” (see below); padi-, “foot”; tiwad-, “Sun-God”; hipad-, “Hebat”; also other lexemes. Note digraphic writing á-za-ti-wa/i-da // ra/i- = Phoen. ʾztwd KARATEPE 1, passim alternations da~la and ra/i, also la/i and lá/í Hier. zi-da (KARATEPE 1, § XXXI.155; also unpublished text), ~ Hier., Cun. Luw. zi(-i)-la (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 15; CLL, s.v. zīla) Hier. MALUS-da-ti-i (SULTANHAN, § 21), Cun. Luw. adduwaladi (CLL, s.v. ādduwāl(i)-) Hier. LOCUS-da-da-za, “places” (dat. plur., ÇİNEKÖY, § 8), otherwise Hier. LOCUS-la/i // lá/í-(ta)- (passim) Hier. LONGUS-da-ia| |-sa-ha-na (İVRİZ 1, § 2), Luw. *arayasha-, “length” (Rieken, loc. cit., p. 643) Z. Simon now revives the idea of a ti-value for da based on the writing ha-pa-da-i- (nom. sing. MF, “river-land”, otherwise hapadi-, following Starke): Fs Yoshida, pp. 324–333.
tax digraphic seal Hier. BOS+MI-tax-li = Cun. [Imu-wa-a]t-ta-al-l[i] (NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 46; usually semi-digraphic, = INIR.GÁL) Phonetic Cun. writings of muwattalli (PN and adj.) by the consistent use of -tt- point to a pronunciation muwatalli not muwadalli. The phonetic Hier. writing uses a “hand” which has been taken for da/tà but does not really resemble the “taking hand”, L.41 da, and the digraphic evidence points a ta- not da- value. This sign form recurs in the PNN tarkasnatali / tarkasnatala(na) (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 425–439, see Herbordt, PBS, pp. 400, 431, identifying it as L.41 da. See also above, under XIV.1 SİRKELİ.
L.90 “come”)
ti (logogram PES: determines pad-, “foot”; awi-,
Origin Hitt. tiya-, “step, stand”? Yakubovich, ALP 4/1 (2008), p. 24 Reading (value ti only, no evidence for ta; ti of course may represent di) Dental recognized early (Cowley 1917), vocalization long confused: Bossert (1932), Hrozný (1933), Meriggi (1934), Gelb (1935); reading ti, Meriggi (1937), confirmed by RS digraphs, later Msk. Laroche’s continued consideration of ta value rebutted by Mittelberger, Sprache 8 (1962), p. 278, and discarded with “New Readings”. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. ti-ha-TASU-pa = Cun. Iti-hi-dIM (RS 17.137, Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 135–137); cf. NİŞANTEPE, no. 453 Hier. ti-li-[TASU-pa] = Cun. Iti-li-dIM (RS 17.137, Laroche, loc. cit.) Hier. zu-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti // á-sa-tara/i-ti = Cun. zu-aštar-ti (Msk. A93 // B29 // (A79 =) TSABR, no. 71(a); Dalley, Teissier, Iraq 54 (1992), 91 f.) Hier. i(a)-á-ti-da-ka = Cun. Iia-ti-dKUR (Msk. A70) Hier. ma-ti-da-ka = Cun. [I]ma-di-dKUR (Msk. C13) Hier. [wa/i]-sa-ti = Cun. fw[a]-a[š]-ti / fwa-aš-ti (Msk. C22), cf. Hier. wa/i-sà-ti (Msk. A75) Hier. á-ti-ma-ti-da-[ka] = Cun. [DUMU Ia-di-m]a-did KUR (Msk. A49 =) TSABR, no. 93 Hier. ku+ra/i-ti-li = Cun. Igur-te-[li] (Msk. A85) semi-digraphic Hier. *a-pa-ti-li = Cun. IÌR.DINGIRmeš (Msk. A23) Hier. i(a)-ti-pa-li = Cun. IZU-ba-la (Msk. A63) other Hier. mu(wa)-ti (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 260–271), Cun. fmuu-wa-at-ti (Noms, no. 838) Hier. ti-li-SARMA (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 456–459), Cun. I ti-li-LUGAL-ma (Noms, no. 1326) Hier. ti?-wa/i-VIR.zi/a (NİŞANTEPE, no. 465), Cun. ti-wa-zi-ti (Noms Suppl., no. 1353a) lexical Hier. pa-ti-li, title (NİŞANTEPE, no. 279; SBo II, no. 149), Cun. LÚpa-ti-li (Hawkins, apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 305, no. 27); Mestieri, 253–255
3 The Syllabary
Hier. OMNIS2-ti-, “all”, (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 15), Cun. Luw. punati- (CLL, s.v. pūnata/i) Hier. pu-wa/i-ti, “formerly” (SÜDBURG, § 13), Cun. Luw. pu(-ú)-wa-ti(-il) (CLL, s.v. pūwa(til(i))
DNN Hier. (DEUS)hu-ti-lu+ra/i, the goddess Hutellura (YAZILIKAYA, no. 48), Hitt. Dhu-te-el // ti-il-lu-ur // úr-ra (OHP I, s.v. Hudellurra) Hier. ti-su-pi hu-pi-ti, “bull-calf of Teššub” (YAZILIKAYA, no. 42a), Hurr. Dte-eš-šu-ub-bi hu-bi-ti (KUB XXVIII, 38 ii 14, 20 etc.) Hier. (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti, the god (Ku)runti(ya) (YAZILIKAYA, no. 32); Hitt. DKAL; CERVUS3(DEUS).L.463-ti, StagGod of the Countryside (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29, 35, 37), Cun. D KAL LÍL; CERVUS3(DEUS) REX-ti, Stag-God of the King, Hitt. DKAL.LUGAL (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 409, 497, 621, 622); Hitt. I.DKAL LUGAL URU.DU-tašša identified with Akk. LUGAL URU tar-hu-un-ta-aš Iku-ru-un-ta (KUB III, 67 rev. 2); also Hier. DEUS CERVUS1–3, Cun. DKAL, DN and common onomastic element. See Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 290, Excursus 2, reading Hier. CERVUS+ra/i // Cun. DKAL-ri (dat. sing.) as Innara; Hier. CERVUS-ti // Cun. DKAL-ia- as (Ku)runti(ya); also Hawkins, Fs de Roos, pp. 49–76. grammatical Hier. -ti, Cun. Luw. -ti (enclitic reflexive pron., 3 sing.: EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 6, 15, 35; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 4) Hier. -ti, Cun. Luw. -(a)ti (abl. sing./plur. ending: Hier. su-na-sa-ti, “with fullness”, (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 29, 37; SÜDBURG, § 3); Hier. L.510-ti, “with fullness(?)” (YALBURT blocks 6, § 2; 15, § 2), Hier. wa/i-sà-ti, “by the favour of” (YALBURT blocks 16, § 1; 10, § 1), also (Transitional) (BONUS2)wa/i-sà-ti (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2)) Hier. -ti, Cun. Luw. -ti (3 sing.(plur.) pres. ending: Hier. tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-ti, “(let no one) turn” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 9); Hier. (L.273)mu-wa/i-ti, “he will conquer” (KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 4) Hier. zi/a(+a)-ti-i(a) (adv.), “here” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 6; SÜDBURG, § 18) Hier. *a-pa-ti (dem. apa-, dat. sing., “in that (year)” (SÜDBURG, § 18); (Transitional) -i(a), (ANKARA 2, § 3) Hier. REL-ti, conj., “when(?)” (YALBURT block 3, § 2)
TRANSITIONAL grammatical Hier. -ti, enclitic pron. 3 sing. reflex.: ANKARA 2, § 1 Hier. (-Ca/i)-ti, abl. sing./plur.: Kuzi-Teššub seal; KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2; ALEPPO 7, § 2; KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 15, 16; KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 3; SHEIZAR, § 2 Hier. -ti, 3 sing./plur. pres.: ALEPPO 6, § 4; KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 20, 22; MEHARDE, § 7 Hier. -ti, pron. ending, dat. sing.: MEHARDE, § 3; ANKARA 2, § 3 lexical (VIR2)CAPUT-ti- (ALEPPO 6, § 11; KARAHÖYÜK, § 22) LATE DN Tiwad-, “Sun”, and derivatives Hier. SOL-wa/i-za- (nom. sing.), -da/ra- (oblique), Cun. Luw. dTiwad-; DN normally written logographically, Hier. (DEUS)SOL (L.191), Cun. Luw. DUTU, few phonetic writings; Cun., see OHP I, p. 523, s.v. Tiwat. Hier. evidence: (1) PN DOMINUS-SOL-wa/i+ra/i- // DOMINUS-ti-wa/i+ra/i- (CEKKE, §§ 1, 2 // § 12); (2) epithet SOL-wa/i-da-mi- // -wa/i+ra/i-mi// ti-wa/i+ra/i-mi- (KULULU 2, § 1 // KULULU 4, §§ 1, 2 // KULULU 5, § 2); cf. PN á-za-ti(-i)-wa/i-da // ra/i- = Phoen. ʾztwd (KARATEPE 1); note also GN ti-wa/i+ra/i-li-(URBS) (KULULU l.s. 1, § 1.1; 2, § 3.14); also measure tiwatali(AKSARAY, § 4a, b, c) DN onomastic -ti-sa-pa = -TONITRUS-pa-, Cun. Teššub (Hurr.), (KARKAMIŠ A7 f, g, i = A7d) lexical Hier. ti, “thou” (ASSUR letter f+g, § 52), Cun. Luw. ti Hier. -ti, “to thee” (ASSUR letter e, § 2), also -ri+i (ASSUR letters d, § 3; f+g, § 11) Hier. tá-ti-, “father” (attestations, passim, see Glossary), Cun. Luw. ta // da(-a)-ti- (CLL, s.v. tāta/i) Hier. ti-pa-sa(-ti)-, “heaven” (SULTANHAN, § 14; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 21), Cun. Luw. tap // ta-ap-pa-aš- (CLL, s.v. tappaš-) Hier. ti-ti-ti-, “pupil (of eye)” (KARKAMIŠ A12, § 10), Cun. Luw. ti(-i)-ti(-i)-ta- (CLL, s.v. tītīt-) Hier. ti-na-ta(-za), “tithe” (SULTANHAN, § 28; ANCOZ 1, § 2) Hier. AUDIRE+MI-ma-ti- (tuma(n)ti-), “hear” (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 1, 4–6), Cun. Luw. tu-u // um-ma-an-ti // te- (CLL, s.v. tummanti-) Hier. REX-ti-, “king”, (passim, see Glossary), Cun. Luw. ha-an-da-wa-te-
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. ta-ni-ti-, “hierodule” (TELL AHMAR 1, § 24), Cun. Luw. da(-a)-ni-ti- (CLL, s.v. dāniti(ya)-) grammatical Hier. -ti, enclitic pron., 3 sing. reflexive Hier. (-Ca/i)-ti, case ending, abl. sing./plur. Hier. -ti, tense ending, 3 sing. // plur. (-(n)ti), pres. Hier. -ti, pronom. ending, dat. sing., za-, apa-, kwaHier. -a(n)ti-, nom. suffix of different functions: Cun. Luw., Laroche, DLL, p. 139 f., § 31; Melchert, The Luwians, p. 202 and n. 30
L.88 (Empire), 89 (Late) Origin
Reading Late. Early established from tu-wa/i-na-(URBS), Tuwana; and i-ma-tu-(REGIO), Hamath: Sayce (1903), Campbell Thompson (1912), Meriggi (1929), Forrer (1932), Bossert (1932), Hrozný (1933), Gelb (1935) Empire tu from Hier. pu-tu-ha-pa, Cun. fpu-du-hé-pa, Queen Puduhepa (Bossert, 1933; Güterbock, 1940); can represent du Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. pu-tu-ha-pa = Cun. fpu-du-hé-pa (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 85 and 87) Hier. tu+ra/i = Cun. Itu-ri (Msk. B22) Hier. tu+ra/i-i(a) = Cun. Itu-ri-ia (Msk. B35) semi-digraphic Hier. tu+ra/i-da-ka = Cun. IGUR-dKUR (Msk. A65); also = Cun. (DUMU)GUR-dKUR (Msk. A78) other Hier. hu-tu-pi (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 127–129), Cun. Ihutu-pi (Noms, no. 413) Hier. sà-tu-ha (NİŞANTEPE, no. 384), Cun. Iša-du-hi (Noms, no. 1137) Hier. tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 474–484), Cun. I tu-wa-ri-ša (HIRAYAMA 45 seal 1 (Tsukimoto, Acta Sumer ologica 14 (1992), p. 294): see Weeden, Luwian Identities, p. 76 f.) lexical Hier. tu-pi-, “smite” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 10; YALBURT blocks 2, § 1; 7, § 1; 12, § 2), Cun. Luw. du-ú-pi- (CLL, s.v. dupi-)
Hier. zi/a-la-tu-wa/i, “hereafter” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 7), Hitt.-Luw. zi-la-du-wa / zi-la-ti-ia (CLL, s.v. ( ) ziladuwa, ( )zilatiya) grammatical Hier. -tu enclitic pron., 3 sing. dat. (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 37), Cun. Luw. -tu Hier. -tu verb. ending, sing./plur. imper. (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 14, 17, 21, 22, 26, 29, 33b, 37; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 5), Cun. Luw. -t(t)u (sing.), -antu (plur.), Melchert, The Luwians, p. 192
Hier. (DEUS)ha-pa-tu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 40), Cun. hé-pa // -pád-du- (OHP I, p. 119 f.)
tu (Late)
Reading Laroche is surely correct in taking this sign as the Late form of (L.88) tu, and in keeping it distinct from (L.325) tú. TRANSITIONAL: see under L.325 (tú)
LATE Evidence GNN Hier. tu-wa/i-na-(URBS) (BOR, § 1), Hitt. URU tu-(u)wa-nu-wa (RGTC VI, s.v.), Ass. KUR/URUtu-ha-na, Greek Tyana (RGTC VII/1, s.v.) Hier. i-ma-tu-(REGIO): (HAMA 4, § 1; 8, § 1 (Urhilina); 7, § 1 (Uratami)), Ass. ha/a(-am)-ma-at/mat-ta/te/ti/tu (RGTC VII/1, s.v.), cf. i-ma-tú-(REGIO): RESTAN, § 1; QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, § 1 (Urhilina); HAMA 1/2/3/6, § 1 (Uratami) Hier. tu-na-(URBS) (KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.7, § 4.15, § 6.37, § 7.38, § 9.49, 53, 55–57, 60, 63); Ass. KUR/URU(a/at-)tu/tú (-un)-na- (RGTC VII/1, s.v. Atuna: see Hawkins, CHLI I/2, p. 431 f., with n. 75) lexical Hier. tu, “(to) thee” (pron., 2 sing. dat.: ASSUR letter f+g, § 16) Hier. tuwi-, “thy” (possess. adj.: ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 10, 52; letter e, § 30; HİSARCIK 1, § 5), Cun. Luw. tuwiHier. tuwi-, “two” (MARAŞ 4, § 7) Hier. tu(wa)-, “put” (SULTANHAN, §§ 9, 31; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 22; KULULU 2, § 7; MARAŞ 8, §§ 6, 14, 16; ERKİLET 2, § 1); cf. (“PONERE”)tú-wa/i- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 15), Cun. Luw. tuwa-
3 The Syllabary
Hier. tupi-, “smite” (KARATEPE 1, §§ LXIV.350; LXX.372, (= Phoen. št, “put”); SULTANHAN, § 51; KAYSERİ, § 7). See also (Empire) tu-pi, (Transitional) tú-pi- (BURUNKAYA, § 2) Hier. tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà-, “vineyard” (SULTANHAN, §§ 2, 7, 22, 34; BOR, §§ 3, 4) Hier. tu+ra/i-pi-, “bread” (TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2b–a, l. 2): see (“PANIS”) tú+ra/i-pigrammatical (as for Empire) Hier. -tu enclitic pron. 3 sing. dat., also 2 sing. acc./dat. Hier. -tu verb ending, 3 sing./plur. (-(n)tu) imper.
tú (Transitional – Late only)
passim, see Glossary
Reading Drawn from alternations with tu: principally KARKAMIŠ A2+3, which uses tu, where all other Suhi II – Katuwa inscriptions use tú. Thus PN Ika-tu/tú-wa/i-; -tu/ tú, 3 sing./plur. imper.; -tu/tú, enclitic pronoun, 3 sing. dat. (Meriggi identified tú with tu already Glossar (1934), maintained Glossar2 (nos. 182, 183). HAMA inscriptions GN i-ma-tu/tú(REGIO), Hamath KARATEPE 1, tú (Ho) for tu (Hu), 262, 269, 274. TRANSITIONAL (including sign forms tu // tú) KARAHÖYÜK: sole attestation, Hier. a-sa-tu (§ 24) looks closer to Empire form L.88 ALEPPO 6, 7: ka+ra/i-tú, “let him sacrifice” (§§ 6, 10); (L.291.PANIS)tú+ra/i-pi-sa, “bread” (6, § 12); SCALPRUM hi-tú-n[a-t]i LIGNUM hi-ti(-)tú(-)…, “ ? ” (7, § 19) MEHARDE uses tu (form similar to Empire); Hier. -pa-wa/i-tu (§ 2); sa-tu-*a, “let her be” (§ 6); DELERE-nu-tu, “let her destroy” (§ 8); SHEIZAR, Hier. sa-tu-*a, “let her be” (§ 7); -pa-wa/i-tu- (§ 9) (Late tu) GÜRÜN: Hier. (DEUS)hi-pa-tú, goddess Hebat (§§ 1a, 7) KÖTÜKALE: Hier wa/i-tú-*a (form?) (§ 7) DARENDE: Hier. x(-)tu-ma-ni-i-(URBS) (§ 2) IZGIN 2: Hier. -pa-wa/i-tú-ta, wa/i-tú-*a (forms?), (§§ 9, 11)
LATE KARKAMIŠ: Suhi I dynasty uses almost exclusively tú (Suhi I, KARKAMIŠ N1, (-)wa/i-tú(-ta)-*a (§§ 2, 5); Astuwalamanza KARKAMIŠ A14b, á-sa-tú-…, PN (§ 1); wa/i-tú-*a (§ 4); LIS sa-lu/a/i-sa-tú, “may they litigate” (§ 4); Suhi II – Katuwa, passim, except KARKAMIŠ A2+3: Ika-tu-wa/i-(§§ 1, 5), (PES2. PES)tara/i-pi-i-tu, “trample(?)” (§§ 11, 15); wa/i-tu-ta-*a (§ 12); (SA4)tu-ni-ka-la-, “maker of tunik-bread” (§ 17c); tá-tara/iia-tu, “let him curse” (§ 21); mu-pa-wa/i-tu-*a (§ 9)) The Astiruwa dynasty (Yariri, Kamani) also uses tú not tu, except KARKAMIŠ A4a (Kamani) which uses tu, as do the castellated tomb-stones TİLSEVET, KARKAMIŠ A18b and KARKAMIŠ A5a. The 10th century inscriptions which follow the Suhi – Katuwa style (TELL AHMAR 1, 2, 5, 6, ALEPPO 2; and ARSUZ 1, 2) also use tú, as do the early MALATYA inscriptions GÜRÜN, IZGIN 2 (few attestations only). On the other hand the MARAŞ inscriptions (MARAŞ 8, MARAŞ 4, İSKENDERUN, MARAŞ 14, MARAŞ 3) use only tu, as do also the Commagenian inscriptions (BOYBEYPINARI 1, 2, ADIYAMAN 1, ANCOZ 5, 7, 8, 10). The inscriptions from HAMA show both forms in the toponym Imatu: i-ma-tu- (HAMA 4, 8 (Urhilina)), and i-matú- (RESTAN, QALʿAT EL MUDIQ (Urhilina)); while HAMA 1, 3, 6 (Uratami) show a curiously intermediate form between tu and tú. In the Tabalian inscriptions tu is the normal usage with only occasional appearances of tú; ÇİFTLİK uses tú for the PN Tuwati, otherwise tu; TOPADA uses tú regularly; and AKSARAY shows one tú. Otherwise only tu is found, especially in the cursive script of the lead documents (KULULU lead strips, YASSIHÖYÜK), and the same applies to the ASSUR letters. In KARATEPE 1, Hu uses only tu, while Ho has some elaborate forms of tú (§§ XLVIII.262, 269; XLIX.274; LII.297) as well as tu (§§ LVII.323; LXXIII.387). Observations It is difficult to discern a precise pattern of usage. The sign tu is rare at KARKAMIŠ (and not used in TELL AHMAR, ARSUZ), also early MALATYA. The sign tú is not used in MARAŞ or COMMAGENE, and is very rare in TABAL; also not used in cursive script of lead documents. HAMA inscriptions show alternation. Thus generally tú is commoner early and tu commoner late, but there are sufficient exceptions to obviate a firm rule.
474 L.103
Part 5: The Signary
Origin Acrophonic from Luw. uwa-/wawi-, “ox” (note u(+mi) = mu) Reading Value u established by Bossert (1932) and Meriggi (1933), followed by Gelb (1935), on evidence of u+ra/i-hi-li-na, Urhilina king of Hamath; see also mu (Reading). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. *a-pi-u = Cun. Ia-pí-u (TSABR, no. 77) Hier. u-[ka]-li = Cun. (DUMU) u-ka-li (TSABR, no. 24(a)) other Hier. u-zu(wa)-pa-i(a) […] = Cun. Izu-ba-la (Msk. A108) Hier. ⌈u⌉-zu(wa)-pa-á-la = Cun. Izu-ba-la (Singer apud Goodnick Westenholz, Emar Tablets, no. 8 seal 5) Hier. i(a)+ra/i-nú-u (NİŞANTEPE, no. 152), Cun. Ii-iari-nu (Noms, no. 437) Hier. u (BOS2 except no. 493 BOS)-ku+ra/i (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 491–498; Boğazköy III, no. 23 (BOS)), Cun. Iuk-ku-ra (Noms, no. 1414) Hier. u-ma-i(a)(FEMINA) (Boğazköy V, no. 37B), Cun. f um-ma-ia (Noms, Suppl., no. 1424b) Sign u not attested on EMİRGAZİ 1, 2, 3; YALBURT; NİŞANTAŞ; SÜDBURG; cf. mu
TRANSITIONAL lexical/grammatical Hier. i(a)-zi-u-na (inf.), “to celebrate” (ALEPPO 6, § 4) Hier. u-sa- (v.), “bring” (ALEPPO 7, § 7)
LATE PN Hier. u+ra/i-hi-li-na, king of Hamath (HAMA 1–8, RESTAN, QALʿAT EL MUDIQ), Ass. Iir-hu-li(-e)-ni/na // Iur-hili-ni (PNAE 2/I, s.v. Irhulena) lexical Hier. u-zu?-za (pron., 2 plur.), “(to) you” (ASSUR letters c, § 4; e, §§ 6, 16, 17), Cun. Luw. u(-un)-za(-aš) Hier. u-zi- (possess. adj.), “your” (ASSUR letters e, § 7; a, §§ 4, 9 (uzari, abl.))
Hier. u-si(-i)-, “year” = Phoen. šnt (KARATEPE 1, §§ LI.294; XLVIII.266; also KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 7, 15, 34; MARAŞ 4, §§ 2, 3; KULULU 1, § 6), Cun. Luw. ussi- (CLL, s.v. ušša/i-) Hier. u-pa-ti-ti(-i), “demesne” (dat. sing.: TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 8, 20; cf. MARAŞ 4, § 3, upatidasi-), Cun. Luw. ( )u-pa/ ba(-a)-ti (CLL, s.v. ( )upatit-) Hier. u-sa/sá-, “bring (down)” = Phoen. yrd (KARATEPE 1, § XXIX.146; also ANDAVAL, § 2): see also TRANSITIONAL Hier. u-sa-nú/nu(-wa/i)(-sa), “bless” (*wasanu(wa)-) = Phoen. brk (also yṭnʾ) (KARATEPE 1, §§ XIV, 73; LI.286; XLIX.274; also ŞIRZI, § 2; KULULU 4, § 10) Hier. (“CAPERE”)u-pa-, “bring” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 13; A1a, §§ 7, 10; A2+3, § 7; İSKENDERUN, § 4), Cun. Luw. uppa- (CLL, s.v. ūppa/i-): see Melchert, Fs Morpurgo Davies (2004), pp. 372–375 Hier. (PES)u-pa-, “give, dedicate” (SULTANHAN, §§ 4; 12; KIRÇOĞLU, § 2; IZGIN 2, § 8; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 4; 2, § 5), Cun. Luw. upa-, “furnish, grant” (CLL, s.v. upa-: see Melchert, loc. cit.) Hier. u-nu- (unun?), “now” (ASSUR letters a, §§ 4, 10; b, § 4; d, § 6; e, § 12; f+g, §§ 10, 22) Usage plene, Cu-u (passim)
— Origin L. d’Alfonso and A. Payne, JCS 68 (2016), pp. 107–127 (palaeography of wa/i) Reading Value wa by Forrer (1932) from mu-wa/i-ta-lu/a/i-, Muwatali king of Gurgum; and Bossert (1932) from wa/i+ra/ipa-la-wa/i-, Warpalawa king of Tuwana (tu-wa/i-na(URBS)); followed by Meriggi (1933), Hrozný (1933), Gelb (1935). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. sà[+HURU]-nú-wa/i = Cun. Iša-hu-ru-nu-[wa] (Msk. A1; cf. sà-huru-nú-wa/i (TARSUS, no. 40; Boğazköy III, no. 15; NİŞANTEPE, no. 346) Hier. zu-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti = Cun. Izu-aš-tar-ti (Msk. A93; Dalley and Teissier, Iraq 54 (1992), no. 1, seal A) Hier. [wa/i]-sa-ti = Cun. fwa-aš-ti (Msk. C22; cf. wa/isà-ti, Msk. A75)
3 The Syllabary
other Hier. TARKASNA-wa/i (385z, 386z, 388z; KARABEL), and TARKASNA-wà/ì = Cun. Itar-kaš-ša-na-wa (TARKONDEMOS (king of the land Mira)) Hier. lu-wa/i(-á) (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 209–214), Cun. lu-wa-a (Noms+Suppl., no. 711.2) Hier. CRUS2-nú-wa/i // wà/ì (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 281–289), Cun. na-nu-wa- (Noms+Suppl., nos. 886.1+886.3) Hier. pa-lu-wa/i+ra/i-VIR.[zi/a] (NİŞANTEPE, no. 293), Cun. Ipal-lu-wa-ra-LÚ // ZA(!) (Noms+Suppl., no. 923) Hier. sà+ra/i-wa/i-tá (NİŞANTEPE, no. 383), Cun. Iša-riwa-an-da (Noms, no.1120) Hier. tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 474–484, also impressions SBo II, Boğazköy I and III), Cun. Itu-wa-ri-ša (HIRAYAMA 45 seal 1: see Weeden, Luwian Identities, p. 76 f.) Hier. zu(wa)-wa/i-ni (NİŞANTEPE, no. 544; also SIPYLOS 2), Cun. Izu-wa-an-na (Noms, no. 1581) Hier. pi-ha-LEO (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 308–311), Cun. Ipiha-UR.MAH // pi-ha-wa-al-ú-i (RS 17.108 // 17.247) lexical Hier. zi/a-la-tu-wa/i, “hereafter” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 7), Hitt.-Luw. zi-la-du-wa (CLL, s.v. ( ) ziladuwa) Hier. ma-lu-wa/i (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 19), Sidet. malwa (= Greek χαριστηρια), “thank-offering” (Eichner, MSS 45 (1985), pp. 6–10) Hier. NEG-wa/i, “not” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 25, 28, 34; SÜDBURG, § 13), Cun. Luw. nawa (CLL, s.v.) Hier. mu-wa/i-, “conquer” (YALBURT blocks 11, § 2; 13, § 1; 16, § 3; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 4), Cun. Luw. muwa(CLL, s.v.) Hier. wa/i-sà-ti, “by favour of” (EMİRGAZİ 3; YALBURT blocks 10, § 1; 16, § 2) Hier. (VIR2)(a)li-wa/i-ní-, “enemy(?)” (YALBURT blocks 2, § 2; 7, § 2; 11, § 2; 12, § 3; 13, §§ 1, 4; SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14); see Yakubovich, Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 1–19
GNN Hier. á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a(REGIO) (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 8; YALBURT block 13, § 3), Hitt. URUa-wa-ar-na (RGTC VI, s.v.) Hier. TALA-wa/i(REGIO) (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13; YALBURT block 14, §§ 4, 5), Hitt. (KUR) URUda/ta-la-u-wa (RGTC VI, s.v. Talawa) grammatical Hier. -nuwa-, verb. suffix, caus. (tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-, “turn” (trans.) (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 19, 26); DELERE-nú-wa/i-, “destroy” (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 7), Hitt. mernu-/marnu-)
Hier. -wa, connective particle (quotative) (EMİRGAZİ 1–3, YALBURT, NİŞANTAŞ passim, also KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, §§ 4, 5, 6; not used in SÜDBURG)
TRANSITIONAL (cf. EMPIRE) Hier. NEG-wa/i, “not” (KARAHÖYÜK, § 20), see Empire Hier. wa/i-sà-ti, “by favour of” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2), see Empire Hier. (a)li-wa/i-ní, “enemy(?)” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3), see Empire Hier. -wa connective (KARAHÖYÜK, ALEPPO 6, 7, GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, DARENDE, ANKARA 2 passim), see Empire also Hier. tara/i-wa/i-zi/a(REGIO) (ANKARA 2, § 2), Cun. (ERÍNMEŠ) tar-wa ? (Weeden, BICS 56 (2013), p. 7 f.)
LATE PNN Hier. á-za-ti(-i)-wa/i-da // ra/i- (KARATEPE 1, §§ I.2, XXII.115, XXVIII.143, XLIX.275, LI.290, LVIII.326, LXIII.342, LXVII.360, LXXIV.406) = Phoen. ʾztwd Hier. á-wa/i+ra/i-ku- (KARATEPE 1, §§ 11.7) = Phoen. ʾwrk Hier. wa/i+ra/i-i-ka- (ÇİNEKÖY, § 2) = Phoen. w[…]; cf. ʾwrk (HASANBEYLİ, l. 5); wryk (CEBEL-İ REİS DAĞ, 8A–B), Ass. Iú-ri(-ia)-ik-(ki) (PNAE 3/II, s.v. Uriaikki) Hier. mu-wa/i-ta-li // lu/a/i- (MARAŞ 8, § 1; 4, §§ 1, 10; 1, § 1d), Ass. Imu-ta // tal-li (PNAE 2/II, s.v. Mutallu) Hier. wa/i-su-SARMA-ma- (SULTANHAN, §§ 1, 8, 13, 45; also wá/í-, KAYSERİ, § 1; wa/i4- (TOPADA, § 1; SUVASA, B, C), Ass. Iú-as-sur-me (PNAE 3/II, s.v. Uassurme) Hier. wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i- (ANDAVAL, § 5; İVRİZ 1, §§ 1, 3, 4; 2, § 7; BULGARMADEN, §§ 1, 2, 8; BOR, § 1; cf. TOPADA, § 4), Ass. Iur-bal-la-a (PNAE 3/II, s.v. Urpallâ) Hier. ka-tu/tú-wa/i (KARKAMIŠ A11a, A11b+c, A2+3, A12, A13d, A23) Hier. tu/tú-wa/i //wa/i4-ti-i- (ÇİFTLİK, § 5; TOPADA, § 1; KULULU 1, §§ 1, 7, 15; YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1; KAYSERİ, § 19), Ass. I tu-at-ti (PNAE 3/II, s.v. Tuatti)
GNN Hier. á-za-ti-wa/i-da-ia- (KARATEPE 1, § XXXIX.206) = Phoen. ʾztwdy, Greek ΕστϜεδιιυς (epichoric name of Aspendos) Hier. tu-wa/i-na-(URBS) (BOR, § 1), Hitt. (KUR) URUtuwa-nu-wa (RGTC VI, s.v.), Ass. KURtu-ha-na- (RGTC VII/1, s.v.), Greek Tyana
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. hi-ia-wa/i(URBS) (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 1, 6) (= Phoen. dnnym), Ass. KUR(URU)qa(-a)-ú-e // qu(-u/ú)-e (RGTC VII/1, s.v. Que) lexical (= wa) Hier. wa/i+ra/i-pi-, “weapon/tool” + derivatives (passim, see Glossary) Hier. was-, “be good” + derivatives (passim, see Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 197–202) Hier. wa/i+ra/i-ia-, “help”, also onomastic element (SULTANHAN, §§ 13, 45), Hitt. warri-, “help” Hier. wa/i+ra/i-li-, “own, proper” (KARATEPE 1, § LXIX.366; TOPADA, § 32; TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1 frag. 2, § iv; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 13; TELL AHMAR 5, § 9), Hitt.-Luw. (ni) waralli- (CLL, s.v. waralla/i-, niwaralla/i-) Hier. wa/i // u-si-na-si-, “(he of the body =) servant, eunuch” (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 30; A24a2+3, § 1; MARAŞ 4, § 14; KULULU 4, § 14; MARAŞ 14, § 1; MALPINAR, § 21), Cun. Luw. wassini-, “body” (CLL, s.v. waššina/i-) Hier. wa/i-li-ia(-nú-wa/i-), “rise, (raise)” (KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 6 (MARAŞ 4, § 11)), elsewhere written BONUS-liya(nuwa), Cun. Luw. walli(ya)- (CLL, s.v.), Hitt. walliya-, “praise”; see Melchert, Aramazd 6 (2011), pp. 80–83 Hier. wa/i-wa/i- (u-wa/i-), “ox” (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.264 (Ho) = Phoen. ʾlp); KULULU 1, § 6; MARAŞ 3, § 5; (ŞARAGA, § 3)), Lyc. wawa-/uwa- (LL, s.v.) Hier. wa/i-la- //+ra/i-, “die” (TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 10, 18; 6, § 8; KULULU 2, § 3), Cun. Luw. wa // u-la-an-ti(-ia)- etc. (CLL, s.v.) Hier. wa/i-ni-(d-), “stele” (TİLSEVET, §§ 1, 6; ERKİLET 1, § 2; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 3; BABYLON, § 13 (-ní-); ANKARA 1, § 4), Cun. Luw. ( ) (u-) wa/i-ni(-ia)-, “rock”, (NA4)(u-)wa-ni-i-ti- (CLL, s.v. ( ) wani(ya)-, NA4waniti-, waniti(ya)-) (= wi) Hier. wa/i(-ia)-ni/ní-, “vine, wine” (SULTANHAN, §§ 7, 15, 23, 40; KULULU 1, § 8; KÖRKÜN, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 3), Hitt.-Cun. Luw. wi(ya)n(i)-, (EDHIL, s.v. ii̯ an-) Hier. á-wa/i(-i)-, “come” (İSKENDERUN, § 2; KULULU 1, § 15; SULTANHAN, § 5), determined “PES”, normally written (“)PES(”)-wa/i(-i)-, Cun. Luw. awi- (-ú-i- or -wi5-, CLL, s.v.) Hier. ha-zi-wa/i(+ra/i)- (haziwid-), “ritual” (ŞIRZI, § 2; TELL AHMAR 6, § 13), (Hitt.) Luw. ( ) hazziwi(t)-, “ritual”
grammatical Hier. -nu(wa)-, verb suffix, caus. Hier. -wa, connective (quotative) particle Hier. -wani-, ethnic suffix Hier. -wi, verb ending, 1 sing. pres.
zi, za (zi/a)
Origin Relationship to demonstrative pronoun za-, “this”, uncertain: is this DEM (logogram) > za (syllabogram), or simply za- phonetic? Reading zi/za (along with i/ia) identified as vowel signs by reason of their frequent occurrence by Peiser (1892), the distinction of the second of each pair as marking vowel length. Following him Meriggi (1929) proposed i/ī (along with a/ā); Hrozný (1933) read zi as i, j and za as ja; Gelb accepted i (for zi) and ĩ (nasal, for za). Signs reevaluated from i, ī to zi, za with the “New Readings” (1973–1974); confirmed by digraphic Empire correspondences Cun. zi, za (see Evidence), thus transcribed zi/a (Empire), zi (Late). In the Transitional period zi+a is introduced to distinguish za (thus so transcribed, L.377) (modification correctly identified by Gelb (HH III, p. 2)— though read “a and i plus subscript e”). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic = Cun. zi Hier. ku-zi/a-TASU-pa = Cun. Iku-zi-Dte-šub (Sürenhagen, MDOG 118 (1986), p. 186 f.) Hier. hi-la+ra/i-zi/a = Cun. Ihi-il-la-ri-zi ((Msk. A15 =) TSABR, no. 76(a), cf. NİŞANTEPE, nos. 123, 124) Hier. *a-zi/a-á = Cun. Ia-zi-ia (Msk. 19) Hier. ma-hwi/a-zi/a = Cun. [Ima-ah-hu]-uz-zi (NİŞANTEPE, no. 217) semi-digraphic Hier. zi/a-mi+ra/i-pa-lu = Cun. ILI.EN (Msk. A95)
= Cun. za Hier. *a-ma-zi/a-hi = Cun. Iam-za-hi (Msk. B1)
Note also PNN: Hier. hwi/a-zi/a-i(a) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 131), Cun. Huzziya); Hier. SOL-wa/i-zi/a (NİŞANTEPE,
3 The Syllabary
no. 464), Cun. *Tiwatauzzi; Hier. mi-zi/a+ra/i-BOS+MI = Cun. mis!-ri-mu(wa) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 248; SBo II, nos. 80, 81); Hier. zi/a-wa/i-ni-i(a) (NİŞANTEPE, no. 530), Cun. Ziwini; Hier. zi/api-lu-sà = Cun. fsip4-pi-lu-um-še (EL QITAR tablet, Archi, An. St. 43 (1993), pp. 203–206, pls. XXXV–XXXVI) Monuments lexical Hier. zi/a- demonstrative, “this”, Cun. za zi/a (acc. sing. N): EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 3, 7; KINIK, § 1; ANKARA 2, § 1; ANKARA 3, § 1 zi/a-ti-i(a) (dat. sing.): EMİRGAZİ 1, § 6 zi/a+a-ti (adv., “here”): SÜDBURG, § 18 zi/a-i(a) (acc. plur. N): EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 24, 27; YALBURT block 4, § 4; ALEPPO 1, § 1; NİŞANTAŞ AII, § 3 zi/a-tá-zi/a (dat. plur.): YALBURT block 4, § 2 zi/a-tá-sa(-n) (gen. adj., plur., dat. sing.): EMİRGAZİ 1, § 12
Hier. zi/a-la, Cun. zila, “thereafter” (SÜDBURG, §§ 6, 7,
Hier. zi/a-la-tu-wa/i, Cun. ziladuwa, “in future” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 7) Hier. i(a)-zi/a(-ia)-, Late i-zi-i/ia-, “make, do” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 12; YALBURT block 4, § 1c; block 9, § 1b; SÜDBURG, § 18; NİŞANTAŞ AV, §§ d, f) Hier. á-zi/a-, Late (LITUUS)á-za-, “love” (YALBURT block 4, § 3; NİŞANTAŞ AI, §§ 2, 3; AII, § a; AV, § a) grammatical. -zi/a could render the following case endings: nom./acc. sing. N (Cun. -(a)nza), not certainly attested; nom./acc. plur. MF (Cun. -inzi/-anza); dat. plur. (Cun. -anza) acc. sing. N/plur. MF? REX.L.398-zi/a, “ ? ” EMİRGAZİ 1, § 26 L.303-zi/a, “ ? ” SCALPRUM.CRUS.LOCUS-zi/a, “base, podium(?)” (YALBURT block 4, § 1c) nom.(acc.) plur. MF MAGNUS-zi/a, “the magnates(?)” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 14) MAGNUS.REX-zi/a, “great kings” a-mi-zi/a, “my” (YALBURT block 4, (VIR2)TÁ AVUS-zi/a, “fathers (and) § 2) grandfathers” (nom.)acc. plur. MF (acc. sing. N?) á.CERVUS3.L.461-zi/a, (cult object(s)), (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 2, 30 dat. plur.) FRONS-zi/a, “former” (SÜDBURG, § 2) DEUS(-ní)-zi/a, “gods” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 11; SÜDBURG, § 17)
CRUS2-zi/a, “leg/knees” (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13; YALBURT blocks 6, § 1; 15, § 1—dat. plur./acc. plur. MF?) FINES-zi/a, “frontiers” (SÜDBURG, § 5) onomastics -ziti names (listed for NİŞANTEPE, PBS, p. 432 under zi/a) Hier. pi-[ha]-VIR.[zi/a] = Cun. Ipí-ha-L[Ú] (RS 17.248) Hier. LUNA.VIR.zi/a = Cun. I.D30-LÚ (RS 17.314; 17.316; = Cun. Iar-ma-zi-ti, RS 15.77) Hier. VIR.zi/a is an examples of a frequent Empire practice of complementing logograms with a first-syllable indicator. Note that Laroche’s Cun. LÚ-i (L.312.2) does not exist, only LÚ-iš/in etc. -uzzi names: for this Luw. onomastic element, see Hawkins, apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 296 f., Excursus 13. For Cun. IR (= Hitt. wek-, “want, request”), when used as an onomastic element, the Luw. reading -uzzi has been established, which may be identified with Hier. -wa/i-zi/a derived from the (Late) Luw. verb wa/i-zi-, “request”.
TRANSITIONAL KARAHÖYÜK practice: see CHLI I/1, 290 f. inscription uses only i(a) and zi/a as for Empire period no trace of i+a for ia, zi+a for za zi/a for case-endings means that nom./acc. sing. N, nom./acc. plur. MF and dat. plur. can only be distinguished by context (if clear). i(a)-zi/a- for izi-, “make, do” is written Empire style without tense ending, §§ 9, 15; -ha (1 sing. pret.), § 17 § 7. L.513-da-nú-zi/a: acc., sing. N or plur. MF? §§ 9, 13. DOMUS-zi/a URBS+MI-zi/a (note re-reading REGIO as DOMUS, § 17): argued in commentary to be dat. plur., as also a-mi-zi/a (§ 17) § 16. URBS+MI-ní-zi/a … DARE-mi-zi/a: nom. plur. MF § 17. DOMUS-zi/a: acc. sing. N § 21. PORTA-zi/a: dat. plur.? L.293-zi/a L.469-zi/a: acc., sing. N or plur. MF? ANKARA 2: only i(a) and zi/a as on KARAHÖYÜK ALEPPO 6 inscription uses zi+a for za, but undifferentiated i(a) for i and ia (zi[+a]-ti-i(a)-zi+a (zatiya(n)za, dat. plur., § 4; also ALEPPO 7, § 10: zi+a-i(a) (zaya nom./acc. plur. N) inscription uses i(a)-zi/a- (izi-, “make, do”, §§ 3, 4); i(a)zi-i(a)-sa-tá (izista-, “honour”, § 2)
Part 5: The Signary
introduction of zi+a for za ALEPPO 6, § 1: (VIR2)pa-lá/í-sà-ti-[ní]-zi+a-sa(URBS), “Palastin-ean”, also ALEPPO 7, § 1: […]-s[à]-ti-nízi+a-sa § 4: zi[+a]-ti-i(a)-zi/a DEUS.DOMUS(-)ha-da-zi! (zi+a expected, possibly present) ALEPPO 7, § 2: pa-zi+a-i(a)-ha, “I brought(?)” § 4: [z]i+a [… § 10: zi+a-i(a), “these” § 11: (VIR2)zi+a-mara?-ní […], “ ? ” GÜRÜN, KÖTÜKALE, İSPEKÇÜR, DARENDE: all render za as zi+a (+a more or less clearly marked); i+a not certainly attested IZGIN: distinguishes zi/za and i/ia as regular later MEHARDE, SHEIZAR: represent +a with single not double stroke KARKAMIŠ N1: seems to have undifferentiated zi/a for za KARKAMIŠ A14b: shows archaic zi+a and i+a KARKAMIŠ A4b: seems to have Late za (collation required) MARAŞ 8: shows regular Late za, ia archaism (KARKAMIŠ A21 with frags. KARKAMIŠ A20, A22) these inscriptions are executed in a quite expert archaic style: this shows zi+a for za, i+a for ia, also NEG+a for NEG2. LATE: differentiated zi (L.376), za (L.377) zi Evidence lexical (see Glossary) Hier. i-zi-i/ia-, “make, do” (as Empire): passim Hier. zi-la, “thereafter” (as Empire): KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 15, 17; KÖRKÜN, § 3; TELL AHMAR 1, § 13 Hier. zi-la-ta, “ ? ”: HAMA 4, § 3 Hier. zi-pa-ta-ni/na-, a measure, Hitt. zipattani?: İSKENDERUN, § 4; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1b, l. 1 Hier. ha-zi-wa/i-(sà) // +ra/i-, “rite” (TELL AHMAR 6, § 13; ŞIRZI, § 2), Hitt. Luw. ha-az-zi-ú-i //wi5(-da-) (CLL, s.v. ( ) hazziwit-) grammatical Hier. -zi (case ending, nom./acc. plur. MF), Luw. -inzi Hier. zi-na (zin, abl. of za- demonstrative)
za Evidence digraphic Hier. tu-ru- // tu+ra/i-za = Cun. tè/té-ru-si: ALTINTEPE pithoi (CHLI I/2, p. 588 f.) Hier. (LITUUS/OCULUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-tà //+ra/i = Phoen. ʾztwd: KARATEPE 1, 2, 115, 143, 206, 290, 326, 342, 360, 406 lexical (see Glossary) Hier. za- demonstrative, “this”, Luw. za- (as Empire) Hier. (LITUUS)á-za-, “love” (as Empire) Hier. á-za-, “eat”, Hitt. azzik- (iter.) Hier. za+ra/i-(t)- (zart-), “heart”, Hitt. ker/kart(iya)-; za+ra/i-ti-, denom. verb “desire” Hier. za-la-la-, “cart”, Luw. zallaHier. za-ha-nu-wa/i-, “attack”, Hitt. zahh(iya)-: KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 37, 38 Hier. za-pa-, “kill, sacrifice”, Cun. Luw. zappa-: Poetto, Fs Melchert (2010), 296–302 grammatical Hier. -za (case ending, nom./acc. sing. N), Cun. Luw. -anza (< -an+sa) Hier. -za (case ending, dat. plur.), Cun. Luw. -anza Hier. -iza- (ethnic suffix), Cun. Luw. -izzaHier. -za- (-sa-) (verb suffix, iterative)
L.432(1) zu; Origin
L.432(2) descended form, zu(?)
Reading Empire: secure digraphic evidence; compare also L.285(1), zu(wa). Late: evidence for zu weak, (1) resemblance to Empire zu, (2) Hier. pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-(URBS), Cun. URUparšuhanda etc. (3) pronouns? see Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, pp. 65–68 Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. zu-zu-li = Cun. Izu-uz-zu-ul-li/lu (RS 18.20+17.371); also NİŞANTEPE, nos. 551–556) Hier. zu-la-na = Cun. Izu-la-an-na (Msk. A29; also NİŞANTEPE, no. 534) Hier. zu-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti = Cun. Izu-aš-tar-ti (Msk. A93; also Dalley and Teissier, Iraq 54 (1992), no.1 seal A); otherwise Cun. Izu-aš-tar-ti = Hier. á-sa-tara/i-ti (Msk. A79; B29)
3 The Syllabary
other Hier. zu-zu (NİŞANTEPE, no. 549), Cun. Izuzzu (Noms, no. 1588) Hier. zu-pari (NİŞANTEPE, no. 535), Cun. Izupari (Capp., Noms, no. 1574) Hier. zu-zu-ha (NİŞANTEPE, no. 550), Cun. Izuzuhha (BT iv 38; ORTAKÖY, A. Süel, Belleten 225 (1995), p. 278) LATE: descended form, same value? toponyms Hier. pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-(URBS) (TOPADA, §§ 3, 7, 13, 23, 26) = Hitt. URUparš(u)hunta / paršuhanda / purušhanda (RGTC VI+Suppl., s.v. Purušhanta)? Cf. pa+ra/i-zu?-mi-na(URBS) (KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.29, 30(6c)) other Hier. PN Ika-zu-pi- (KÖRKÜN, § 1) Hier. ara/i-zu-ta, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A15a, §§ 3, 4) pronouns (1 and 2 plur.) always nom., in clauses “we/you (are) to write” Hier. a-zu?-za letter a, § 3 nom. á-zu?-a-za letter d, § 4 nom. a-zu?-za letter e, §§ 4, 8 nom. a-zu?-a-za letter f+g, § 3 nom. u-zu?-za letter c, § 4, e, § 6 nom. u-zu?-za letter e, §§ 16, 17 dat. ? u-zu -sa KARKAMIŠ A6, § 22 nom. á-zu?-sa-na TOPADA, § 26 gen. adj., dat. sing. Yakubovich, loc. cit. (following Marazzi) proposes the reading zax here. L.285(1) zu(wa) Empire only Origin
Reading Laroche combined the reading on FRAKTİN, ká-L.285(1)-na(REGIO) INFANS (now FILIA), “(Putuhepa) daughter of the land Kizzuwatna”, and YAZILIKAYA, no. 45, (DEUS)la-(now (a)la-)L.285(1), the Goddess Allanzu, to establish a reading zu(wa) (RHA XXVII/84–85 (1969), pp. 87–89). This is now confirmed by digraphic writing. Evidence EMPIRE only Hier. ká-zuwa-na(REGIO), Hitt. Kizzuwatna (FRAKTİN) Hier. (DEUS)(a)la-zu(wa), Allanzu (YAZILIKAYA, no. 45)
Seals, digraphic Hier. ⌈u⌉-zu(wa)-pa-á-la = Cun. Izu-ba-la (Singer, apud J. Goodnick Westenholz, The Emar Tablets, pp. 84, 139, 141); also Hier. u-zu(wa)-pa-i(a)-[la] = Cun. Izu-ba-l[a] (Msk. A108; also Beckman, TVE, p. 138: Zū-Ba’la, seal unpublished) other Hier. zu(wa)-wa/i-á (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 536–540), Cun. I zu-u-wa-a (Noms, no. 1577, +Suppl.) Hier. zu(wa)-la-á (NİŞANTEPE, no. 541), Cun. Izu-waal-la (Noms, no. 1579) Hier. zu(wa)(-wa/i)-na (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 542–543), Cun. Izu-wa-(an)-na (Noms, no. 1580) Hier. zu(wa)-wa/i-ni (NİŞANTEPE, no. 544; also SIPYLOS 2), Cun. Izu-wa-an-ni (Noms, no. 1581, +Suppl.) Hier. zu(wa)-ti (NİŞANTEPE, no. 545), Cun. Izu-wa-at-ti (Noms+Suppl., no. 1584) logogram? CERVUS4(/CANIS).L.285: read CERVUS4(/CANIS).IACULUM, “hunter; hunt”(?); probably not (CANIS)zuwa, “dog” (Simon, Oreshko, see Logograms, L.98 CANIS; L.285(2) IACULUM(?))
zú (formerly sù)
Reading The occurrence of L.448 in the words for “dog”, “horn” and “horse” recognized by Hrozný (Ar. Or. 5 (1933) = IHH II (1934), pp. 128 f. with n. 3; 149 with n. 2; Ar. Or. 7 (1935) = IHH III (1937), p. 358 with n. 3), and read on etymological grounds as kú. Meriggi (1937), accepting but uncertain of consonant, read cu. Gelb (1942), pp. 19–21 proposed sú. Laroche (1960, reading sù?) still considered the consonant “indeterminée”, and that (“CORNU”)sú+ra/i-ni did not prove L.448 sù to be a homophone of L.108 sú (CORNU). Mitterberger (Sprache 8 (1962), p. 278) considered this to be excessively cautious, and came down unequivocally in favour of sù. Agreeing with Mittelberger against Laroche, I considered that (“CORNU”)L.448+ra/i-ni, “horns” (ASSUR letter f+g, § 36) together with (“CORNU+RA/I”)su+ra/i-, “plenty” (KARATEPE 1, §§ VI.35; XXXVI.191, both Hu only) and the established phonetic value CORNU = sú (taken as acrophonic from “horn”) did confirm L.448 as homophone of su, sú, thus sù. Melchert however in 1987 proposed for L.448 the value zu (differentiated as zú) on the basis of the postulated PIE *kw > Luw. zu, supported by largely etymological arguments, but also by the identification of Hier. (DEUS)á-la-L.448-wa/i with
Part 5: The Signary
Hitt. Dallanzu, thus Da-la-zú-wa/i-. At the time I felt that the epigraphic arguments for the homophony of su/sú/sù were stronger than the philological (CHLI I/1, p. 35 f.), and this led to the identification of su+ra/i-za(URBS) with sù+ra/i-wa/ini-(URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 6; A15b, § 19), which I suggested might refer to the Urartians, people and script. This last has found little support: opinion favours reading zú+ra/iwa/i-ni-(URBS) as “Tyrian”, i.e. Phoenician; and the recent appearance of su+ra/i(-ia)-(URBS) = Phoen. ʾšr, “Assyria(n)” (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6) as against the writing a-sú+ra/i-(REGIO … URBS) (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19; A24a2+3, §§ 6, 7) complicates the matter (see now Weeden, Fs Postgate, p. 722 with nn. 7, 8). In 2001, Melchert (pers. comm.) produced what he termed the “smoking gun”: (L.356)⌈REL-zú⌉-[…] (ASSUR letter f+g, § 15); L.356-zú- (TELL TAYINAT 1, frags. 3–5, l. 5); L.356-wa/i- (AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 11). This he takes as (L.356)REL-zú-wa/i- (kuwa(n)zuwa-), Cun. Luw. ku-waan-zu-, “heavy, important” (CLL, s.v. k(u)wanzu-). Philologists have generally followed Melchert in reading L.448 as zú: Simon, Kadmos 47 (2008), pp. 20–30; Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics (2010), p. 66 f. with n. 58. With the case for L.448/ sù further weakened by Hier. REL-zú-wa/i- // Cun. kwanzuI must concede L.448/zú, being further persuaded by the consideration Hitt. karawar // -aun-, Cun. Luw. za-ar-wa/ini(-ia)-, Hier. zú+ra/i-ni-, “horn(s)”. As for the use of the logogram CORNU for syllable sú, it has been suggested that the value is derived not from zurni, “horn(s)”, but from sura-, “plenty” (determined by “CORNU+RA/I”, KARATEPE 1, §§ VI.33; XXXVI.191: Melchert (pers. comm.); Yakubovich, loc. cit. If so, it suggests a surprising connection with the classical concept of the cornucopia. Evidence EMPIRE Hier. á-na+ra/i-zú-ha-, a beneficial quality or attribute, compound of anari-, “strong”, and zú-ha-, “ ? ” (EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37): sole Empire attestation, except possibly TROIA seal (Hawkins and Easton, Studia Troica 6 (1996), pp. 111–118), side 1 zú??+ra/i?-…
TRANSITIONAL (not attested)
LATE philological Hier. (“CORNU”)zú+ra/i-ni, “horns” (ASSUR letter f+g, § 36): cf. (“CORNU+RA/I”)su+ra/i-, “plenty” (see L.370, su) Hier. (EQUUS.ANIMA)á-zú-(wa/i-), “horse” = Phoen. ss (KARATEPE 1, § VIII.41, 42; ÇİNEKÖY, § 3; ANDAVAL, § 4)
Hier. (“CANIS”)zú-wa/i-ni(-i)-, “dog” (ASSUR letter b, § 8; KULULU 1, § 12): cf. PN zú-wa/i-ni-i-sa, “Dog-son” (KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 10), Greek Syennesis, “Dog-son(?)”, kings of Cilicia, 5th–4th centuries B.C.
Hier. zú+ra/i-wa/i-ni-(URBS), a script, Phoenician (“Tyrian”)? Cf. zú+ra/i-wa/i-za (acc. sing. N?: ASSUR letter e, § 27)
Hier. (DEUS)á-la-zú-wa/i-, “goddess Alanzu” (ÇİFTLİK, § 10; ANCOZ 1, § 4; 9, § 2; KULULU 5, § 1); Empire Hier. (a) la-zuwa (YAZILIKAYA, no. 45), Cun. Hitt. dal-la-an-zu- (OHP I, p. 20 f.) lexical Hier. (“L.356”)RE[L]-z[ú-…] // L.356-zú- // L.356-wa/i (ASSUR letter f+g, § 15 // TELL TAYINAT 1, frags. 3–5, line 5 // KARKAMIŠ A31, § 8) = Cun. Luw. kwanzu-, “heavy” (Melchert, by letter 10/11/2001; Starke, StBoT 31, n. 2027 = Hitt. daššu-) Hier. zú-pu-na (inf.), “to suck(?)” (ŞIRZI, § 4) Hier. ha-pa-zú+ra/i-wa/i-, “loyal(?)” (KÖRKÜN, § 3): cf. Hitt.(-Luw.) ha-pa-zu-wa-la- // ha-pa-an-zu-wa-(?) (“L.187”)zú-mi-la(-a)-, “ ? ” (ASSUR letters, a, § 11; c, § 8; AZAZ, l. 2) other PNN Izú-wa/i-ri+i-mi- (MALATYA 3); zú-zi- (CEKKE, § 17g), GN zú-ki-ta/ti-(URBS) (MALPINAR, § 1; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 2; 2, § 5)
(1) REL (2) kwi/a
Reading Recognized as relative pronoun by Forrer (1932), p. 41 f., read ki; Hrozný (1933), p. 105 and Meriggi (1934), p. 3 read ja/ia (confusion with L.376(zi)); Gelb (1942), p. 54 ff. reading ki. Unfortunately REL became confused with other signs, notably L.268 (SCALPRUM, logogram only), L.331 (AVUS, logogram only, reading huha-), sometimes because of similar appearance, L.332 (now NEG1–3, the negative, Hawkins, Negatives), and another sign not distinguished by Laroche (Meriggi 161 as against 160 (REL)). The publication of the Empire inscription YALBURT in 1988 permitted the clarification of the issue, showing by its clear, original Empire
3 The Syllabary
sign forms in the recognizable topos “not anyone ran” (NEG-a REL-i(a)-sa-ha CURRERE-i(a)-tá), that the previously confused signs NEG, REL and CURRERE were completely distinct: Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Kadmos 32 (1993), pp. 50–60. It is adequately certain that Empire Hier. REL like its contemporary Cun. Luw. read kwi/kwa and that CURRERE read hwi(-ia), and that these values continued unchanged into the Late period. Only a few very late Late inscriptions (SULTANHAN, BULGARMADEN and KARATEPE 1) show signs of beginning to confuse them. Usage Originally a logogram REL extended to a secondary syllabographic value kwi/kwa. Examples:
EMPIRE Hier. REL-a-zi/a (read kwanz(a)): female PN on multiple seal impressions from ORTAKÖY, seems likely to be the Hittite word “woman”, used as a woman’s name (cf. zida-, “man”, also so used). See Süel and Weeden, IX ICH, pp. 983–1004. Hier. REL-zi/a-, “kneel (down)” (YALBURT blocks 6, § 1; 15, § 1; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13) Hier. REL-la-tara/i-na(REGIO), “the land Kuwalatarna” (YALBURT block 6, § 1; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13); cf. Hitt. GN URUku-wa-la-pa-aš-ša
TRANSITIONAL Hier. REL-i(a)-mi-, “feared” (KARAHÖYÜK, § 12), Cun. Hitt.-Luw. ku-wa-i // ia-ma //mi- (CLL, s.v. k(u)waya-) Hier. (TERRA)ta-sà-⌈RELx+ra/i-⌉, “earth” (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3): the form of REL appears from collation (at site by Weeden) to be form RELx, as on TOPADA. LATE Hier. (TERRA)ta-sà-REL+ra/i-, “earth, land”, = Phoen. ʾrṣ (KARATEPE 1, §§ XII, XIII.62, 66; SULTANHAN, §§ 11, 15, 33; etc.), cf. Hitt. kwera-, “field”? Hier. pa-sà-REL-, “neglect” (SULTANHAN, § 20; also unpublished text), Hitt.-Luw. ( )pa-aš-ku(-wa)- (CHD, s.v. (:)pašku(wai)-) Hier. REL-sà-, “fear” (SULTANHAN, § 17, iter. of RELi(a) (see Transitional); cf. hwi/a-sà-, = Phoen. štʿ (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXXIII.174; XXXIV.179) Hier. (MANUS+SCALPRUM)REL-za- (kwa(n)za-(?)), “incise” (KARATEPE 4, § 2; ERKİLET 1, § 2; KARABURUN, § 11), cf. Hitt. kwen-(?). Hier. REL+ra/i-, “cut” (MARAŞ 4, § 13), Hitt. kwer-.
Hier. (L.486)REL-t-, “ploughing/reaping(?)” (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.269) Hier. REL-ti-sà-mi // ma-, “ ? ” (participle, ASSUR letter d, § 9; EĞREK, § 2) Hier. REL occurs as occasional onomastic element: REL-si- (ASSUR letter c, § 1); REL-za- (CEKKE, § 17e; KULULU l.s. 1, 17); REL+ra/i- (KULULU l.s. 1, 32, 34); REL-sà(KULULU l.s. 1, 4; 2, 13). Compare Hitt. PNN beginning ku-wa- (Noms, nos. 659–668), though no correspondences with Hier. are found except ku-wa-ar-wa-šu- (no. 661). Note that names using ku-wa-la!-na- (KARAŞ) would be written in Hier. with EXERCITUS not REL.
M.161 (not distinguished by Laroche, included under L.329); now L.508
(1) CURRERE (2) hwi/a
Origin of syllabogram (rebus): logogram CURRERE (hwi(ya)-, “run”) Reading Uncertainty on reading of relative REL, and confusion with other signs (see L.329, Reading) persisted, until the publication of YALBURT in 1988 permitted the clear separation of the signs NEG (L.332), REL (L.329) and CURRERE, “run” (Empire forerunner of M.161), all three logograms with secondary syllabic use: NEG – ná; REL – kwi/a: CURRERE – hwi/a. The latter two sign forms and values do become confused in certain late Late inscriptions, notably SULTANHAN (see below). Usage EMPIRE (logographic, CURRERE-i(a)-) Hier. CURRERE-i(a)- (YALBURT blocks 4, § 2; 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4) (syllabographic hwi/a) Hier. hwi/a-sa-ti(-i(a)), “ HUWASATI-precinct ” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 11, 12) on seals (PNN and another usage); Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 427, s.v. HWI Hier. ma-hwi/a-zi/a (PBS, nos. 217–223) = Cun. [ma-ahhu]-uz-zi (PBS, no. 217; see Noms, no. 714) Hier. hwi/a-i(a)-zi/a (PBS, no. 131), Cun. Ihu-uz-zi-ia (Noms, no. 422); cf. CRUCIFORM seal, rev. left, hwi/a?-zi/a (Dinçol, Dinçol, Hawkins, Wilhelm, Ist. Mitt. 43 (1993), p. 105 f.
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. hwi/a-i(a)-á(FEMINA) (PBS, no. 132), Cun. Ihuu(-i)-ia (Noms, no. 386) Hier. hwi/a alone on seal (PBS, nos. 108, 306, also 186–189(?)), phonetic for Hier. VITA, Cun. TI?
TRANSITIONAL Hier. CURRERE-i(a)-nú(-wa/i), “make run” (ALEPPO 7, § 9), cf. Late
LATE Hier. ((“)PES2(”))(hwi/a-)hwi/a(-ia) // (sà)-, “run, march” (KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8; A12, § 2; A6, §§ 9, 23), Hitt.-Luw. (hu(-u)(-i // e))-hu-u-i(-ia)- (CLL, s.v. hu(i)huiya-, hui(ya)-); but see also hu-ha-sà- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 7), contemporary phonetic rendering of HWI-HWI-? Causative hwi/a-nu-wa/i, “make run” (TELL AHMAR 5, § 4), Cun. Luw. hu(-u)-i-nu-wa(CLL, s.v.) Hier. (LEO)hwi/a-tara/i // sa5+ra/i // sà+ra/i-, “wild beasts” (MARAŞ 1, § 11; BOHÇA, § 5; BULGARMADEN, § 7; ALEPPO 2, § 5), Hitt.-Luw. hu(-u)-i // e-ta // da-ar // tar (HWb2, s.v. huitar); cf. (LEO)hwi/a-sá-na-ma-, hwi/a-dani(-ia)- (ASSUR letter a, § 10; ŞIRZI, § 4 Hier. (“SIGILLUM”)hwi/a-pa-sa-nu-, “cause harm” (ASSUR letter f+g, § 13), cf. Hitt. hu-wa-ap(-p-), “harm” (HWb2, s.v. huwapp-) Hier. PN sa-hwi/a- (ŞIRZI, § 1), Urart. PN ša-hu(Salvini, CTU 1/A-4, 2, pp. 431–432.) confusion with REL, mostly SULTANHAN (see CHLI I/2, p. 468) Hier. hwi/a-i (§ 4); hwi/a-pa(-) (§ 13); hwi/a-sá (§ 16); hwi/a-sa-ha (§§ 38, 39, 44); also (BULGARMADEN, §§ 10, 13) hwi/a-sa; (KULULU 2, § 5d) hwi/a-sà-pa hwi/a-sa Hier. hwi/a-sà-, “fear”, = Phoen. štʿ (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXXIII.174; XXXIV.179), for REL-sà-, Hitt.-Luw. ku-wa-i // ia-ma // mi-
3b. Alternative syllabograms (see above, p. 420) These are tabulated and discussed in CHLI I/1, pp. 31–33 with Table 4, to which the following changes should be made: sa4 (L.402) should be added before sa6 sù (L.448) should be re-valued as zú and placed down in line with zá, zí
Hier. á-sa-ta // a-sa4-ta, “(they) were” (KARATEPE 1, § XX.106) Hier. nom. sing. MF ending -sa4 (KAYSERİ, §§ 1(×2), 7; KULULU 4, §§ 1, 8, 11(×2); KULULU 3, § 1(×2); TOPADA, §§ 4, 17, 28; SUVASA, B) Cf. also KULULU 5, § 3 (PN hu-la-sa4-ia-), § 7d ([…]-sa4-ti-i-, “small?”) L.108
Origin Acrophonic from sura-, “plenty”? Melchert (pers. comm.); cf. Yakubovich, Sociolinguistics, p. 66 f. with n. 58. Sign forms Empire (not attested), Transitional, Late Reading Pictographic logogram-determinative: recognized by Hrozný, IHH I (1933), p. 149 n. 2; occasional phonetic value sú (Gelb, Bi. Or. 7 (1950), p. 135 f.; Bossert, Ar. Or. 18 (1950), p. 20 f.) on basis of (“CORNU+RA/I”)su+ra/i- (KARATEPE 1, § VI.35), used especially in a-sú+ra/i(REGIO)-, “Assur”. Evidence (EMPIRE: not attested)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. MONS.CORNU-CERVUS2, PN, read wa/i4-sú- runti(ya)(?). Cf. sign form sú+ra/i-(REGIO), “Assur(?)” (below)
LATE Hier. a-sú+ra/i-(REGIO.URBS), “Assur” (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19; KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, §§ 6, 7; A24a6 (both Yariri); cf. Hier. su+ra/i-(URBS) = Phoen. ʾsr, “Assur” (ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6); sú+ra/i-(REGIO), “Assur(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 2; KARKAMIŠ N1, § 2); Hier. su+ra/i-(URBS), “Urartu(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 6, Yariri) For discussion of these problems, see Weeden, Fs Postgate, p. 721 f. with nn. 6–8. Hier. wa/i-sú, “well” (ÇALAPVERDİ 1, § 4), for usual wa/i-su(-u) (see under L.370, su) Hier. sú+ra/i-wa/i-ni- (vb.), “ ? ” (MALPINAR, § 27)
3 The Syllabary
3c. CVCV signs with +ra/i For the peculiarity of the “enclitic” sign +ra/i (L.383), see CHLI I/1, p. 30; and for its attachments to a (L.450) and i (L.209) to write both a+ra/i and ra+a, i+ra/i (to which add irnila-/irniliza-, “ ? ”, ADIYAMAN 1, §§ 2, 3) and ri+i, see ibid., p. 30 f. L.178. la+ra+a (?). L.383 ra/i attached to L.176 la must render la+ra/i- (verb, SULTANHAN, § 6), so the further attachment of the two strokes (originally a) as for zi+a > za, i+a > ia should render la+ra+a (CHLI I/1, p. 31); the verb la+ra+a-nú(KARATEPE 1, § IV.19) should be the caus. of la+ra/i-. There is a correspondence of the Hier. PN La+ra+a-ma with Ass. Pa-la-lam (RIMA 3, A.0.104.3, l. 18: Halparuntiya son of Larama- = Qalparunda son of Palalam), but how to explain? For other CVCV signs with attached +ra/i, the first element does not have an independent syllabic value: ara/i, tara/i, hara/i, IUSTITIA+ra/i, kar (KAR+ra/i). Likewise the sign now read mara/i (L.462/L.463(3), formerly pá(+ra/i), CHLI I/1, p. 36 f.) seems to have this value with or without +ra/i, but no independent max reading: see Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 355–369, but transcribe now mara/i(+ra/i).
L.133 (monumental), 134 (cursive) ara/i Origin The “eagle-man” + RA/I, presumably a rebus. Reading Approximate values in Hrozný (1933, p. 102, è(r), e1(r)), Gelb (1942, p. 32, L.134+ra alternating with e+ra) from alternation of wa/i-ara/i- with wa/i-ra+a and wa/i+ra/i- (ASSUR letters a, §§ 10, 12; b, § 5; fully confirmed by KARATEPE 1 alternations. Evidence EMPIRE Seals, semi-digraphic Hier. ara/i-SARMA = Cun. ISUM-dLUGAL-ma (Msk. B53); another seal with the same Hier. name was used on Beckman, TVE, no. 51 (seal unpublished), though identified by epigraph NA4.KIŠIB Ita-e; the sign form of ara/i is more cursive and permits the identification of other such forms (see Fig.) Hier. sà-ka-ara/i-á-pu = Cun. I.d30-a-bi (Msk. B10); same name written Hier. sà-ka+ra/i-á-pu (Msk. B6 = TSABR, no. 21(e); cf. also Msk. B25) = Cun. I.d30-a-bi/bu
other Hier. ara/i-ní-li-zi (Boehmer–Güterbock, Glyptik, no. 239); other seals: PBS, nos. 71–74 (71 and 73 show extreme cursive ara/i); cf. Cun. Iar-ni-li (Noms, no. 146) Hier. DOMINUS? ara/i (YALBURT block 14, § 3): “rightful lord” (Goedegebuure, in N. N. May (ed.), Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond (Chicago, 2012), p. 433 and fn. 82) Monuments extreme cursive ara/i: YALBURT block 14, § 3; BOĞAZKÖY fragments (XIV.18) 10, 27 TRANSITIONAL not attested. Poetto read ma-sà REGIO AQUILA-na (KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2c), “the land Masa for ever (arin); but AQUILA alone is unlikely to represent ara/i (eagle-man+ra/i). Return to earlier reading mu-sà-ka-na(REGIO), “the land Muska” (acc. sing. MF). LATE Hier. Ii-a+ra/i-ri+i- (KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; A7b) = Ii-ara/iri+i- (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1; A24a, frag. 4), PN Yariri Hier. ara/i-zi = Phoen. ʿlm, “age, time” (KARATEPE 1, § LXXIV.404); Cun. Luw. ari- (CLL, s.v. āra/i-); also ara/i-zi, “times” (TİLSEVET, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 2; A5a, §§ 7, 8; A5b, § 2); also ara/i-za, “times” (dat. plur., HAMA 4, §§ 10, 12); ara/i (dat. sing., ARSUZ 1 and 2, §§ 6, 10); ara/i-na ara/i-na, “time (upon) time” (HAMA 4, § 13); cf. KULULU 4, § 3(?); Hier. PANIS(-)ara/i-si-, “perpetual bread(?)” (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 12) Hier. -pa-wa/i-ara/i = -pa-wa/i+ra/i (KARATEPE 1, § XXVIII.142, Ho–Hu); also -pa-wa/i-ma-ara/i = -pa-wa/ima-da (KARATEPE 1, § XXII.114) Hier. wa/i-ara/i-ma = wa/i+ra/i-ma = wa/i-ra+a-ma (ASSUR letters a, § 10 and f+g, § 37 // a, § 12 // b, § 5 and c, § 9) Hier. á-pa-ara/i, “afterwards” (MARAŞ 4, § 15, see Goedegebuure, Fs Hawkins, p. 82) not understood Hier. (L.349)ara/i-ma- (KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 4); cf. (L.349)ara/i-[… (KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 15) Hier. (“SCALPRUM”)i-ara/i-za (KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 11)
484 L.389
Part 5: The Signary
Origin Logogram 3+RA/I used as rebus, showing that “three” was Luw. tra or tri, Hitt. te-ri-. Reading Meriggi (1934, pp. 3, 5) followed by Gelb (1935, p. 33). Evidence EMPIRE Seals, digraphic Hier. zu+wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti = Cun. Izu-aš-tar-ti (Msk. A93); another seal, Dalley and Teissier, Iraq 54 (1992), no. 1 (seal A), cf. Hier. á-sa-tara/i-ti = Cun. Izu-aš-tar-ti (Msk. A79 = TSABR, no. 71a); another seal, B29 Hier. *a-tara/i-pi = Cun. Iat-ra-bi (Msk. B17) Hier. mu-tara/i-TONITRUS = Cun. Imu-ud-ri-dU (Msk. B52 = TSABR, no. 76(b)) other Msk. B46, C20 (-dIM); another seal mu-tara/i-TASU-pa = Cun. Imu-ud-ri-dIM (Msk. B49, now HIRAYAMA, HCCT E2-2-2) lexical Hier. tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-, “turn” (EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 9, 26); see also Late
GNN Hier. (a)la-tara/i-ma(URBS) (KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, §§ 2, 6), Hitt. URUa-la-tar-ma (RGTC VI/ 1, s.v. Alatarma) Hier. tara/i-HANA-na(URBS) (SÜDBURG, § 7), Hitt. KUR URU ta // da-ra-ah-na (RGTC VI/1, s.v. Tarahna) (ANUS, “old woman”, Hitt. hanna-, “grandmother”, used as rebus) Hier. REL-la-tara/i-na(REGIO) (EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13; YALBURT blocks 6, § 1; 17, § 2)
TRANSITIONAL Hier. tara/i-pa-a-ti (KARAHÖYÜK, § 22) Hier. tara/i-wa/i-zi/a-(REGIO) (ANKARA 2, § 2) Hier. (IUSTITIA)tara/i-wa/i-na-ti (SHEIZAR, § 2)
LATE lexical Hier. tara/i-pi // pa-, “trample” (see Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 202–209) Hier. tarpuna-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 16, 17)
Hier. tara/i-pu-na-la-, “ ? ” (KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 9, 11) Hier. tara/i-zi-, tara/i-za-nu-wa/i-, “turn” (see Rieken, Fs Rasmussen, pp. 457–468, to which add ARSUZ 1, § 13) Hier. (LIGNUM)tara/i-wa/i // “LIGNUM”-ru-wa/i-i (dat. sing., ARSUZ 1 // 2, § 11), “wood”, also LIGNUM-sa (nom. (acc.) N, KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 33), LIGNUM-wa/i-ia-ti (abl. sing., KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 18), Hitt.-Luw. taru (Weitenberg, U-Stämme, §§ 59–60; CLL, GIŠtāru-) Hier. (STATUA)ta-ru-sá, “statue” (KARKAMIŠ A7a, § 6); STATUA-ru-sa (nom./acc. sing. N), -ru-ti (dat. sing., KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 28, 31); tara/i-sá // sà (NİĞDE 1, § 1; İVRİZ 1, § 3; ARSUZ 1 // 2 (above), tara/i-wa/i // “LIGNUM”ru-wa/i-i, shows that tara/i may on occasion stand for taru); ta-ru-ti, ta-ru-ta-za (dat. sing., plur.; KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.3; 2.12; 3.14, 17); Cun. Luw. da // ta-ru-uš- (CLL, s.v. dāruš-) Hier. tar-ka-sa-ni-, ASINUS.ANIMA-na-, “mule, donkey” (BULGARMADEN, § 9; ASSUR letter f+g, § 22, ibid., § 21); Empire Cun. tar-kaš-ša-na- (onomastic element, TARKONDEMOS seal): see Hawkins and Morpurgo Davies, Fs Watkins, pp. 249–256. Hier. tar-wa/i-ni // ní-, “righteous”, tara/i-wa/i-na-, “justice” (passim, see Glossary; various etymologies proposed; Greek τυραννος?); now Melchert, Fs Salvini, pp. 337–345. Hier. (“COR”)á-tara/i-i-, often COR-tara/i(-i)-, “self, soul; image”: for attestations see CHLI I/2, p. 460, to which add TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 13, 16 (revised text); TELL AHMAR 6, § 14; JISR EL HADID 4, D, § 2; variants atni-, atla-. For meaning see Yakubovich, Nugae Luvicae, pp. 194–197; Hawkins, CRRAI 57 (2015), pp. 51–54. Lyc. atla-/atra- (LL, s.v.) Hier. (LEO)hwi/a-tara/i, “wild beasts” (MARAŞ 1, § 11), variant (LEO)hwi/a-sa5 // sà+ra/i (BOHÇA, § 5; BULGARMADEN, § 7; ALEPPO 2, § 5), Hitt.-Luw. huitar (HWb2 and CLL, s.v.) Hier. tar-ku-ma-mi-, “interpreter” (YUNUS, §§ 1, 3: Peker, Orientalia 83 (2014), pp. 189–193), cf. Cun. Luw. tarkummi-, “report” (CLL, s.v.), also “interpret”; Akk. targumannu Hier. i-sà-tara/i-, “hand” (KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 15, 17; A7a, § 3) Cun. Luw. (i-)iš(-ša)-ri(-i)- (CLL, s.v. īš(ša)ra/i-); note Cun. -sr- > Hier. -str-.
3 The Syllabary
Hier. na-na-tara/i-, “sister” (JISR EL HADID 4, A, § 2), variant(?) of na-na-sa5+ra/i-, Cun. Luw. na-a-na-aš-ri- (CLL, s.v. nānašri(ya)-) grammatical Hier. abstract nominal suffix -(a)stri- (-sa-tara/i-) (Hitt.-)Luw. -aš-tar-ri- < -asri-: see sanawastri-, “goodness”; aduwalastri-, “badness”; haniyatastri-, “wickedness”; hatastri-, “violence” ((Hitt.-)Luw. hattastarri-); kumastri-, “(sacredness) sacrament”
Reading Meriggi (1934): hara/i (hàr) alternates with ha+ra/i (ha-r) Evidence LATE Hier. hara/i-wa/i-ni-(URBS) alternates with ha+ra/ina-wa/i-ni- (Moon-God of) Harran (KARABURUN, §§ 8, 10 ~ § 12; also TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; 1, § 1; ALEPPO 2, § 2); cf. also hara/i-wa/i-ni-(URBS), gods Sarruma and Moon God (KULULU 5, § 2), hara/i-ma-na(URBS), hara/i-ma-na-wa/i-na(URBS) (KULULU 5, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 10) Hier. (L.272)hara/i-li- (Phoen. mgn, “shield”): KARATEPE 1, § X.49, 50 (Hu); also KARKAMIŠ A12, § 12; cf. (“L.272”)ha+ra/i-ti-… hara/i-li- (ASSUR letter d, § 8) Hier. ki-hara/i-ni-, body part (KARABURUN, § 12) PNN hara/i-na-mu(wa) (CEKKE, § 17a) hara/i-na-wa/i-za- (ASSUR letter e, § 1) hara/i-na-wa/i+ra/i- (ASSUR letter f+g, § 45)
EMPIRE ORTAKÖY seal (Or. 98/59, unpublished) Hier. PN LUNA-hara/i This attestation appears to rule out any direct connection of hara/i with HALA (L.292(4)).
L.371 (IUSTITIA+ra/i) dara LATE Origin Apparently acrophonic rebus from logogram tara/iwa/i-ni-, “righteous”.
Reading Bossert (1953); Laroche tár from alternation, KARATEPE 1, § XLIX.277 (below). The reading seems to be an acrophonic rebus from logogram L.371 (now IUSTITIA not IUDEX). It is probably not—contra Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, pp. 108–113— descended from L.277, LABARNA) Evidence Hier. da+ra/i (Hu) alternates with L.371+ra/i, in hadara-, “life” (= Phoen. ḥym, KARATEPE 1, § XLIX.277) other attestations: CİFTLİK, § 16; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 2; (new) TELL AHMAR 6, § 4; YASSIHÖYÜK, § 2
L.462, L.463(3)
Origin Apparently originally distinct signs (Empire), fallen together (Late), giving rebus value mara/i from logogram IMRA. Reading The now discarded reading pá(+ra/i) was reviewed, CHLI I/1, p. 35 f., Appendix 2, and maintained throughout CHLI I in spite of increasing doubts and evidence for a ma-value, as proposed by Melchert. The evidence was re-assessed, Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 355–369, where a reading L.462 as max+ra/i, and L.463(3) as IMRA/MARA was proposed, syllabographic-rebus values based on Empire logograms. Subsequently it became clear that an independent max-value for L.462 lacked supporting evidence and that the sign must incorporate ra/i with or without the addition of +ra/i, thus the transliteration mara/i(+ra/i) was adopted: Hawkins apud Bunnens, Luwian Stele, p. 27. Evidence LATE Hier. i-mara/i(+ra/i)-(DEUS)CERVUS, Cun. imrassi-DKAL, “Stag-God of the Country” (Hawkins, Fs Morpurgo Davies, pp. 358–363, citations 3–10 Hier. DEUS mara/i+ra/i-wa/i-zi-i, Cun. DINGIRMEŠ marwa-a-in-zi (ibid., cit. 11) Hier. (“DELERE”)mara/i+ra/i-nu-wa/i-, Cun. mernu-/ marnu-, “make disappear” (ibid., cit. 12) Hier. (DEUS.BONUS)ku-mara/i+ra/i-ma-, Cun. dKumarbi (ibid., cit. 13) Hier. (“LOQUI”)mara/i+ra/i-ta = (“LOQUI”)ma-ra+a-ti (?) (ibid., cit. 14)
Part 5: The Signary
Hier. (“ANNUS”)mara/i+ra/i-i-, Cun. me(a)ni- (?) (ibid., cit. 15) Hier. (L.349)sà-mara/i+ra/i-ka-(wa/i-ni-)(URBS), Cun. KUR URUIsmerika(?) (ibid., cit. 17) Hier. (L.255)mara/i+ra/i-ia-ní-, Cun. A.ŠÀmariyana-(?) (van den Hout, Fs Hawkins, p. 238 f.) Hier. mara/i+ra/i-wa/i-i-li-, Cun. marawalliya-(?) (Lorenz and Rieken, Fs Košak, p. 476 f.) Citations 18, 19, 22, 24 (mara/i+ra/i) and 25, 26 (mara/i): words not understood Citation 24: logogram, see there, L.463
TRANSITIONAL Hier. (DEUS)IMRA+ra/i-lá/í, Cun. *imralli(?), epithet of Stag-God of the Country (Rieken and Yakubovich, Fs Hawkins, p. 211 f.)
Origin Not acrophonic rebus from Hitt. karzan-, “wool-basket” (Melchert, Eothen 10, pp. 128–130 (Appendix)! The thing on the table in front of the spinning woman in the MARAŞ relief represents food not wool, as is shown by the appearance of the same object in front of a man on another MARAŞ relief: compare Orthmann, USK, Maraş B17 with Maraş C5. Reading Writing of Karkamiš recognized as early as Jensen (1894) from its recurrence on Karkamiš monuments. Ana lysis as ká+r (Meriggi, 1933; Hrozný, 1933) is fallacious L.314 has no value ká/gá – only hax (rare). The sign without +ra/i has no independent value. A more exact transcription might be KAR+ra/i, but kar is too well established. Evidence Oft-recurring appearance in toponym Karkamiš (REGIO/URBS) and its god Karhuha as recognized.
EMPIRE cylinder seals of Ini-Teššub and Talmi-Teššub, stamp seal of Kuzi-Teššub (all digraphic)
LATE Karkamiš monuments passim. See under Toponym list (Karkamiš), and God list (Karhuha) kar occasionally replaced by ka+ra/i: KARKAMIŠ N1, §§ 1, 7 // A4b, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 7; A25b, § 3; CEKKE, § 24
3d. Rebus and other values L.13(5)(E), L.14.II. pari, rebus. Empire, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 429 f. Late, CHLI I/1, p. 31 (Late) Hier. (“FLUMEN”)ha-pa+ra/i-i- // FLUMEN-pari-i- = Phoen. mskt (KARATEPE 1, § XLVIII.263, (Hu//Ho)), Cun. KUR ÍD, Hitt. hapadi-, “river-land”. Hier. u-su-pari-ia-, u-su-pa-ta-da- (ANCOZ 7, § 4; HAMA 4, §§ 11, 14). DN (DEUS)ti-pari-ia, Wine God(dess) (KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 9; A2+3, § 7; (new) ARSUZ 1, § 14, DEUS.VITIS-pa+ra/i-ia-; also unpublished text). (Late) PNN I PRAE-tá-, Parita (HAMA 4, § 1; 8, § 1; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, § 1). I la-pari-VIR-, Lapari-ziti(?) (BABYLON 1, § 1). PRAE-ri+i-SARMA, Pari-sarruma (KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 2). PRAE+i-sa-mi(-ia)-, Parisami(ya) (JISR EL HADID 4, § 7). delete HH “dSOLEIL-wa-x-pár-a = Tiwatapara??”; read (DEUS)SOL PRAE-i. (Empire) L.13(5). Hier. i(a)-PRAE-TASU-pa = Cun. IEN-DIM (Msk. A14), i.e. Hurr. Ewri-(i-pari-)Teššub; thus also Ewri-(ipri-)Šarruma (SBo II, no. 14; NİŞANTEPE, nos. 133–134); Ewriya(ipriya) (SBo II, nos. 110–111). L.42(E). (CAPERE2+CAPERE2)dax. Empire, single usage (da×2?) Hier. dax = Cun. ta- in fta-nu-Dhé-pa (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 58, 59, 60, 63; 61 fda-) L.56(E), ká, syllabogram. Empire only, see CHLI I/1, p. 33 RNN ká-su-la-wi(ya) (SBo I, 37, 104; CRUCIFORM seal (obv.)) ká-si? (CRUCIFORM seal, rev., right) ká-(a)li (CRUCIFORM seal, rev., bottom) ká-tuzzi-li (5 attestations: Hawkins in SGG, p. 87 f.) PNN ká-su (SBo II, 32, 115; NİŞANTEPE, no.158) ká-ka (SBo II, 185; Cun. Iká-ag-ga, Noms, no. 481) ká-zi/a (SBo II, 183) GN ká-zuwa-na(REGIO) (FRAKTİN) “Kizzuwatna” Acrophonic value presumably from Hitt. katta (Luw. zanta)
3 The Syllabary
L.70 (= L.270(E)). sari, rebus. Empire, see PBS, p. 435, s.v. SUPER (Sariya, nos. 350–362, 500) Hier. SUPER-TASU-pa // Cun. Isar-r[i-t]e-eš-šu-ub (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 40, 39) Transitional (sa-SUPER, KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 5, 6?; mu-kiSUPER+ra/i, § 6); Late (GN, SUPER-la/i-za-(URBS), BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5; MALPINAR, §§ 1, 19) L.115.2(a). rebus, LEPUS+ra/i // tapara- (Empire) digraphic seal PN, Hier. LEPUS2+ra/i-mi = Cun. Itap-ra-am-mi (RS 17.231, Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 149–152); same individual, BOĞAZKÖY 1; KINIK, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 409–410; other(?), SBo II, no. 92; also NİŞANTEPE, nos. 408, 516. L.115.2(b). (Late) LEPUS2-pa+ra/i-hi, “authority” (MARAŞ 4, § 8, listed incorrectly L.124). LEPUS2+ra/i-ia-ti, “by the authority (of DN)” (MARAŞ 1, § 5; SULTANHAN, § 41; (LEPUS…) IZGIN 1, § 9; KÖRKÜN, § 3; BOROWSKI 3, § 5 (ta-LEPUS2+ra/i-)). (LIGNUM)ta6-LEPUS2+ra/i- // (“LIGNUM”)LEPUS+ra/i-ia((ta)tapari(ya)-), “decree” (verb) TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 9, 19). LEPUS1–2+ra/i-ia-li(-i)-, “governor” (MARAŞ 1, §§ 1b, 1g); SULTANHAN, § 48; JISR EL HADID frag. 3, § 2 (nom.acc. plur. MF)). LEPUS2+ra/i-ia-la-, “be/make governor” (KARABURUN, § 3; KULULU 4, § 7). L.115.1. (Late) “LEPUS2(ANIMA)” used to determine word ta-pa-sà-la- (acc. plur. N), “ ? ” (CHLI I/2, p. 544 suggests “(hot, feverish), urgent(?)”); determinative attracted by tapa(ASSUR letters a, § 10; b, § 5; c, § 9; f+g, § 37). (seals) onomastic element LEPUS2-, read tapa-, “hare”?, e.g. LEPUS2-VIR.zi/a, Tapa-ziti (SBo II, nos. 90, 93). L.128.3. (Late) AVIS rare; = zi (KARATEPE 1, §§ XXVII.139; LI.293, Ho//Hu) MALLEUS AVIS-la- = MALLEUS L.71-la- (TELL AHMAR 6, § 29 // TELL AHMAR 2, § 12; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 9; MARAŞ 8, § 12). On the basis of the TOPADA (§ 26) value wa/i9 for MALLEUS Goedegebuure argues a wa value for AVIS/L.71 (IX ICH, pp. 297–299. See also Simon, ibid.). L.165.II. (Late) wà/ì. For Empire form, see below, L.320. Only clear examples from KARATEPE 1, §§ V.21 (-ha-wa/i // -ha-wà/ì, Hu//Ho); XVI.84 (i-sà-nu-wà/ì-, Ho); LI.295 (sa-nawa/i // wà/ì-sa, Hu//Ho); LIII.303 (-pa-wa/i // wà/ì, Hu//Ho). In § XXXVII.196 we may read BONUS+ra/i-ia-ma-la not wà/ì+ ra/i-ia-ma-la (i.e. logogram not syllabogram); similarly in KARKAMIŠ and other such inscriptions, words beginning (BONUS)wa/i-, when as often, wa/i- is omitted, read BONUSnot wà/ì- (thus BONUS-liya(nuwa)- // waliya(nuwa)-; BONUS(sa)mi- // wasami-; PN fBONUS-ti-, Wasati- not Wati-, cf. Hier. wa/i-sà // sa-ti, Hitt, fwa-aš-ti (Noms, Suppl. no. 1511a).)
L.283.II. TUZZI, rebus. Empire only. The present sign resembles L.283, which has a backward fin lacking here; distinguish as L.283.II. Reading: sign identified by A. Dinçol in the digraphic seal Bo. 78/56, Cun. Ikán-tu-zi-li = Hier. ká-L.283.IIli, thus L.283.II is a rebus rendering tuzzi (A. Dinçol, IV ICH, pp. 89–97). Four further Kantuzzili seals have since appeared: one in Sivas Museum, two from Boğazköy, and one from Kayalı Pınar, see Hawkins, in SGG, p. 87 f.; for the Kayalı Pınar seal, see now Müller Karpe, in Pecchioli Daddi et al. (ed.), Central-North Anatolia, p. 112, pl. x fig. 15. The sign also occurs in the GN L.283.II-REX(URBS) (SÜDBURG, § 7); and in the title L.283.II.AURIGA (NİŞANTEPE, no. 598), apparently identical with L.283-AURIGA (NİŞANTEPE, no. 182), thus suggesting the identity of the two forms. L.292(4). HALA (reading: Laroche, Akkadica 22 (1981), pp. 11, 13 (h(a)l)) Empire seals only; semi-digraphic— Hier. i(a)-HALA-ku-sà = Cun. IKAR-d30 (Msk. A59; Cun. KAR = Hurr. ehli, Laroche, Ugaritica V, p. 456 f., no. 21). This Hier. PN is several times attested. See Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 252 f. nos. 97, 99–103, and no. 104 (Ehli-Sarruma and Ehli-Teššub). L.303. SARI (Empire) Compound syllabogram+rebus, misdrawn under HH L.303, actually sa5+CRUS: see Hawkins, Orientalia 79 (2010), pp. 171–176. Reading sar established by Laroche: L.303-ku = Hitt. sarku- (TARSUS seal no. 42d, Syria 35 (1958), p. 258). Later found to write GN Sarisa, Hitt. URU Sarissa(-Kuşaklı), which may also be a PN, but the reading sa5+ra/i was later seen to be wrong since the sign is not +ra/i but CRUS, though the syllabic value sari stands. Weeden suggests CRUS to be rebus ari (“stands”): AoF 38 (2011), p. 129 fn. 77. Note also the additionally recognized PN, SBo II, no. 36. L.318(E), also L.418.1(E). TAS(U). (Empire) rebus, see Hawkins and Weeden, SGG, p. 101 f., Excursus, proposing the reading TAS(U), to give tas(u)-pa, “Teššub” (in PNN), and tas(u)+mi tasmi in Tašmi-Šarruma (Tudhaliya IV); also TONITRUS-L.318 read Tarhu(n)-dassu(?) (KAMAN KALEHÖYÜK). L.320. wà/ì. Empire form of L.165.II (above). Reading from alternations PN CRUS2-nú-wa/i // wà/ì (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 281–286 // 287–289); and digraphs CERVUS2–3+ra/iwà/ì, Cun. i-in-na-ra-wa (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 138–140, 137; Hier. TARKASNA-wà/ì // wa/i (TARKONDEMOS, Bo. 385z, 386z, 388z seals) = Cun. Itar-kaš-ša-na-wa.
Part 5: The Signary
L.363.II. ur, rebus, used in PNN: Empire, Hier. L.363.II-híTAS(U)-pa = Cun. ur-hi-DU-ub (NİŞANTEPE 2, no. 52); Late, Hier. L.363.II+ra/i-da-mi (HAMA 1–3, 6, 7), Ass. ru-da-mu. L.367. TAL(A). (Empire) rebus, recognized in RNN TalmiTeššub and Talmi-Šarruma (Laroche, Ugaritica III, p. 129 f., = Cun. tal); later in GN TAL(A)-wa/i REGIO (YALBURT block 14, §§ 4, 5; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13); Cun. KUR URUDalauwa (Greek Tλῶϛ): Poetto, Stud. Med. 8, esp. pp. 77–80. See CHLI I/1, p. 33. L.421. US (syllabogram?). Empire, surviving Late, used only in DN Hier. (DEUS)sà+US-ka: YAZILIKAYA, no. 38; YEKBAZ, no. 55a; SÜDBURG, § 3; and onomastic element on seals; semi-digraphic Hier. sà-US-ka-mu(wa) = Cun. IDIŠTAR-mu-wa (Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 131–133; Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 276 f., 432; Transitional, MALATYA 6; Late, TELL AHMAR 6, § 2. Cf. CHLI I/1, p. 33 L.429. TANA. (Late) CVCV syllabogram or logogram? GN á-TANA-wa/i(URBS)- = Phoen. DNNYM (KARATEPE 1, § II.10;
III.14; IV.20; VI.32; XXIV.125; XXI.154; XXXVIII.198); = Phoen. ʾDN (§ V.22; XXXII.162; // á-ta-na-wa/i-(URBS) (XXXVII.199)) (ARSUZ 1, § 11) TANA(URBS)—logogram? Oreshko has proposed for the sign L.429 a reading HIYA to give Ahiyawa in place of Adanawa (Kadmos 52 (2013), pp. 19–33; contra Hawkins, An. St. 65 (2015), pp. 54–55; further, Oreshko, NABU 2015, no. 74; Hawkins, NABU 2016, no. 16). Oreshko’s thesis is supported by Yakubovich, An. St. 65 (2015), pp. 56–58; but his reasoning is faulty and his thinking wishful. L.506. (Empire) The rebus L.506-na, “grandmother” (Hitt. hanna-, transcribe Latin ANUS, “old woman”) seems to be used as syllabogram-rebus tara/i-HANA-na(URBS), the city Tarahna (SÜDBURG, §§ 13, 7a) L.526. (Empire) syllabogram tì (te): Hier. [hu]-tì-na, Cun. D hu-te-na (YAZILIKAYA, no. 47); digraphic seal, Hier. tì-lai(a) = Cun. Iti-la-e (Beyer, Emar IV, B.28); further NİŞANTEPE, nos. 454–455, tì-wa/i-tá-mu(wa), Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 275, 431 f.
Part 6: Selected Glossary: (1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically, listed alphabetically Words not included: Sentence connectives a-, -pa, -ha, -(i)a, -wa Ortspartikel -ta enclitic pronouns -mu, -tu, -anza, -manza, -ti, -mi, -as/-an/-ada ada- / aza- (v.) “eat” alama(n)za (n.) “name” ami- (adj.) “my” amu (pron.) “I” EGO anan (adv.) “under” *anati- (n.) “mother” a(n)ta (adv.) “in” a(n)zi- (adj.) “our” apa- (pron.) “that” apasi- “his/her/its/their” api- “that” apan (adv.) “after, back” apari- “second, inferior” apara(n)ta “afterwards” ara- (adj.) “long” ara- (v.) “come, arrive” (arha (adv.) “out, away”: see irha-) ari- (n.) “time” arma- (n.) “moon, month” DN: see (4) God-names List aruti- (n.) “basket” asa- (v.) “be” asa-, isanu- (v.) “sit, seat” asaza- (v.) “say” asu- (n.) “stone” atri- / atni- (n.) “self, person, soul, image” atnasama- (n.) “wisdom” “bad” atuwal(i)- (adj.) awi- (v.) “come” aza- (v.) “love” azali- (n.) “feast” azuwi- (n.) “horse” hada- (n.) “temple” hadi- / hari- (v.) “speak” hali- (n.) “day” hamsi- (n.) “grandson” hamsukala- (n.) “great-grandson” *hana- (n.) “grandmother” haniyata- (adj.) “evil” hant- (n.) “forehead, face” *hantili- “first”
*hantawati- (n.) “king” hapi- (n.) “river” hapadi- (n.) “river-land” hara- (v.) “crush” har(a)za- (v.) “have” hara/i- (n.) “vintage” harali- (n.) “shield” harmahi- (n.) “head” “wall, fortress” harnisa- (n.) hartu- (n.) “descendant” harwa- (n.) “road” harwani-(v.) “send” hasa- (n.) “force” hasatana- (n.) “support” hasi- (v.) “be satisfied with” hasusari- (n.) “queen” hatali- (v.) “smite” hatastari- (n.) “violence” hatura- (n.) “letter” [[now “health”]] hawi- (n.) “sheep” hazani- / haziyani- (n.) “mayor” hinu(wa)- (v.) “cause to pass” hishiya- (v.) “bind” *hudarli- (n.) “servant” huha(ti)- (n.) “grandfather” huhurpali- (n.) “?” humati- (n.) “podium” hwisar- / hwitar- (n.) “wild beasts” hwiya-, hwihwiya- (v.) “run” i- (v.) “go” ipami- (adj.) “west” irha- (arha-) (n.) “border” ARHA (adv.) “out, away” irwa- (n.) a caprid isarwili- / isaruli- (adj.) “right-hand” isatarata- (n.) “throne” istri- (n.) “hand” iti- (v.) “erase” i(ya)sa- (v.) “buy” izista- (v.) “honour” izi(ya)- (v.) “make, do” kapilali- (n.) “enemy”
Part 6: Selected Glossary
kari- (v.) “sacrifice” karuna- / kaluna- (n.) “granary” kati- (n.) “hostility” katina- (n.) “bowl” katuni- (n.) a toy? katuni- (n.) “Katuni” PN? kinuwa- (v.) “burn” kistami- (adj.) “east” kuma- (adj.) “pure” kuman (conj.) “when” kupapa DN: see (4) God-names List (ku)runtiya- DN(PN) “stag” also DN: see (4) God-names List “erase” kusa- / kwisa- (v.) (-)kusa- (n.) “chariot(?)” kutasari- (n.) “orthostat” *ku(wa)lani- (n.) “army” kwananala- (n.) “carver” kwanza- / kwinza- (v.) “carve” kwanzu- (adj.) “heavy” kwi- (pron.) “who, what” kwisha (pron.) “anyone” kwir- (v.) “cut” la-, lala- (v.) “take” lalati- (n.) “tongue, language” lamanisa- (v.) “proclaim” latara- (v.) “extend” liliya- (v.) “hasten” luhanu(wa)- (v.) “burn”(?) lu-x “burn (intr.)” luli- (n.) (Hitt.) “pool” luslusa- (v.) “sacrifice (by burning)” luzali- (adj.) “sacrificial” malirimi- (adj.) “honey-sweet” man (conj.) “whether … or” man (adv.) “much” mana- (n.) “mina” maranu- (v.) “destroy” marata (n.) “words(?)” mariyani- (n.) “silo(?)” marusana- (n.) “firebrand(?)” *masani- (n.) “god” *masanami- (n.) “god-inspired” matu- (n.) “wine” musanuwati- (adj.) “satisfying(?)” muwa- (v.) “conquer” muwida- (n.) “seed(?)” na(wa) (neg.) “not” nahuti- (n.) “?” nanasari- (n.) “sister”
nani- (n.) “lord” *nani- (n.) “brother” nawa- (n.) “great-great-grandson” nawanawa- (n.) “great-great-great-grandson” ni / niš prohib. nimuwiza- (n.) “son” (niwarani- (n.)) “child” niyaza- / niyasa- (v.) “follow” padi- (n.) “foot” palsa- (n.) “way” parara- (v.) “miss” *parha- (v.) “expel” *pari, *paran (adv.) “forth, before” parna- (n.) “house” “sever(?)” partuni- (v.) paza- (v.) “allocate(?), pass” *pihas- (n.) “lightning” piha- (n.) “?” pitahaliya- (v.) “purchase(?)” piya- (v.) “give” pu- (v.) “?” *punati- (adj.) “all” pupala- (v.) “?” pupali- (v.) salahat- (n.) “power” sanawi- (adj.) “be good” sanawi- (adj.) “good” sanawi(za/i)- (adj.) “good” sanawastr- (n.) “goodness” sani- (v.) “overturn” *sara (adv.) “up, over” sarli- (adj.) “upper” sarli-, sasarla- (v.) “offer” saranuwa- (v.) “burn” sariyasi- (n.) “eunuch” sasa- (n.) “seal” a caprid *sasa- (n.) su(wa)-, susu- “fill” sukala- (n.) “vizier” ta-, tanu- “step, stand” tadi- (n.) “father” takami- (n.) “earth” tama- “build” “empty” tanati- (adj.) tanata- (v.) “devastate” tanimi- (adj.) “all, every” tanisa- (n.) “stele” taniti- (n.) “hierodule” tapar- (n., v.) “order” tapari- (n.) “command” tapari(ya)- (v.) “govern”
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
taparahi(d)- (n.) “command” taparita- (n.) “authority” tapariyal(i)- (n.) “governor” tapariyala- (v.) “make/become governor” tapariya- (v.) “govern” tara-, taraza- “?” tarawani- (adj.) “righteous” tarawi- (v.) “provide” tarhunza- Storm God DN: see (4) God-names List tarkasna- (n.) “donkey” tarkasni- (n.) “mule” tarpa- / tarpi- (v.) “tread, trample” tarpuna- (n.) “spinning-top” taruwi- (n.) “wood” tarut- (n.) “statue” tarzi-, tarzanu- (v.) “turn” taskwira- (n.) “earth” tatariya- (n.) “curse” tawi- (n.) “eye” tawiyan (adv.) “in front of” tipas (n.) “sky” tiwad- “sun” DN: see (4) God-names List tiyariya- (v.) “guard, watch” tuma(n)ti- (v.) “hear” tupi- (n.) “smite” turpi- (n.) “bread” tuwa- (v.) “put” tuwarisa- (n.) “vineyard” tuwatri- (n.) “daughter” “thy” tuwi- (adj.) (-)tuwi- “?” uni-, unanu- (v.) “know, teach” u(n)zi- (adj.) “your” upa- (v.) “bring” upan(i)- (n.) “trophy” upa- (v.) “provide” upatit- (n.) “demesne” ura- (adj.) “great, uranu- (v.) make great” uruwada(n)- (n.) “seed(?)” usa- (v.) “bring” usi- (n.) “year” wala- (v.) “die”
“?” wala (adv.) walili(da)- (n.) “territory” waliya-, waliyanu- (v.) “rise, raise” *walwi- (n.) “lion” wami-LITUUS- (v.) “find” *wanati- (n.) “woman” wani(d)- (n.) “stele” warali- (adj.) “own” warazani- (n.) “campaign” wariya- (n., v.) “help” wariyamala (adv.) “at peace” warpi- (n.) “weapon, tool” wasalali- (v.) “?” washa-(n.) “sacred(?)” wasi- (n.) “table” wasi- (v.) “?” “eunuch” wasinasi- (n.) waspa- “?” wasu (adv.) “well” wasu- (v.) “be good” wasar(a)- (n.) “goodness” wasaranu(wa)- (v.) “treat favourably” wasiyaza- (v.) “be dear” wasaza- (v.) “be dear” wasami- (adj.) “dear” watar(i)- (n.) “cup-bearer(?)” watarsa- (v.) “appoint” (wati- (n.)? “mountain”: see MONS) wawi- (n.) “ox” waza- (v.) “lead” wi(ya)ni- (n.) “vine, (wine)” wiza-, wizi- (n., v.) “request” yari(ya)- // iri- (v.) “extend” za- (pron.) “this” zalala- (n.) “cart” zalan (adv.?) “?” *zanta (adv.) “down” “heart” zart- (n.) zarti- (v.) “desire” zila- (adv.) “thereafter” zilatuwa (adv.) “in future” ziti- (n.) “man” zurni (n.) “horn(s)” zuwani- (n.) “dog”
Part 6: Selected Glossary
ada- / aza-, “eat” (log. L.7, EDERE; Cun. Luw. ad- / az-, Hitt. ed-) LATE 3 sing. pres. 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp. part., nom. sing. inf.
(“EDERE[”])a+ra/i-x [… á-za-tu EDERE-t[u] a+ra/i-tu á-da-tu-u á-da--u EDERE-tú “EDERE”-da-mi-i-sa (“EDERE”)á-ru-na á-ru-na
GEMEREK, D3, § 3 KARABURUN, §§ 8, 10; KULULU 1, § 12 BULGARMADEN, § 16 KULULU 5, § 11 SULTANHAN, § 33a KAYSERİ, § 12 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 31 KULULU 2, § 3 ÇİFTLİK, § 16 TOPADA, § 31
frag. [á-tu]-na
KULULU 5, § 15
adari-, “feed” (verb) EDERE-da-ri+i-tu 3 plur. imp.
here? 3 sing. pres.
BABYLON 1, § 10
ad(a)-, “food”(?) acc. plur.
BABYLON 1, § 15
alama(n)za, “name” (Hitt. laman-) = Phoen. šm LATE nom. sing. acc. sing.
á-la/i-ma-za á-lá/í-ma-za á-lá/í-ma-za
á-lá/í-ma-za-a ⌈á⌉-lá/í-ma-za á-lá/í-ma-[z]a á-la-ma-za á-⌈la⌉-ma-za á-[lá/í]-ma-[z]a á-la/i-ma-za4 á-la/i-ma-za á-lá/í-ma-z[a] á-lá/í-ma-zá á-la/i-ma-za-a á-⌈lá/í⌉-ma-za á-⌈lá/í-ma⌉-za
KARATEPE 1, 411 (Hu); KARATEPE 1, 337 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 407 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 25; ANCOZ 12, § 3; ANCOZ 7, § 13, BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 17b; 18, KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 10; HAMA 4, §§ 7, 8; ADIYAMAN 1, § 8; KARATEPE 1, 343 (Hu); KARKAMIŠ A6, § 3; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 13; ANCOZ 8+5, § 11; BOROWSKI 3, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 8; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 10, 29; ALEPPO 2, § 22; TELL AHMAR 2, § 12; KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 2; İSKENDERUN, § 6; HAMA 5, § 4; ALEPPO 2, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 29; ANCOZ 6 DÜLÜK BABA TEPESİ 1, § 3 IZGIN 2, § 8 ADANA 1, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 4 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 9 KARATEPE 1, 343 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 348 (Hu); KARATEPE 1, 207 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A16b KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 370 (Hu) BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 17a MARAŞ 8, § 12
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
dat. sing.
[á]-lá/í-[ma]-za á-lá/í-ma-zi! a+ra/i-ma-za á-lá/í-ma-ni á-lá/í-ma-ni-i
BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 17c KÖTÜKALE, § 5 SULTANHAN, § 46; also unpublished text BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 19 TELL TAYINAT 2, 11
ami-, “my” (possess. adj.) LATE nom. sing. MF
á-mi-i-sa á-mi-sa
á-mi-sá á-mi-sa á-mí-sa4(-) *a-mi-i-sa
acc. sing. MF
*a-mi-sa *a-mi-sá mi-i-sa mi-sá á-mi-i-na(-) á-mi-na á-mi- *a-mi-i-na
(nom.)acc. sing. N
*a-mi-na *a-mi- á-mí-i-NEG2 á-ma-za
gen. sing. mi-i-sá á-mi-i dat. sing.
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21 KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 6; ASSUR letter e, § 11; KÖRKÜN, §§ 6, 10; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5 (-⌈mi⌉); MARAŞ 14, § 2; KULULU 4, § 13; PORSUK, § 2 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5 JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 2; TOPADA, § 19 TOPADA, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 14, 22; KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 2; TELL AHMAR 5, § 2; ALEPPO 2, § 3; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 4, 8; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 9 TELL AHMAR 5, § 8; SHEIZAR, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 2 MARAŞ 14, § 5; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 2 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 11 MARAŞ 4, § 15; MARAŞ 2, § 2; ASSUR letter e, § 9 BULGARMADEN, § 8 (-a) KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 5, 16; TELL AHMAR 1, § 26; TELL AHMAR 2, § 16; BABYLON 1, § 3 ALEPPO 2, § 9 TELL AHMAR 1, § 11 TOPADA, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 25; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A13a, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A16b; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 2, 3, 29; MARAŞ 8, § 12; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 17a, c, 18; HAMA 4, §§ 7, 8; HAMA 5, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 10 (all alamanza) KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 4; TELL AHMAR 2, § 3; BOROWSKI 3, § 3; TELL AHMAR 6, § 10 (all tatiyanza salahaza) KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 28; KARKAMIŠ A25a, § ⌈7⌉; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 4; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 7 (all tarusa) KARATEPE 1, 69 (Ho; Hu -za4) BABYLON 1, § 4; MARAŞ 14, § 4 (-[z]a) BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 19 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 8 (-a); KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12; BULGARMADEN, §§ 2, 7; ASSUR letter f+g, § 37 MARAŞ 1, § 3; KARATEPE 1, 74(-); KÖRKÜN, § 6; MALPINAR, § 5 JISR EL HADID frag. 2, l. 2
Part 6: Selected Glossary
mi-i mi case? (no endings) mi-i abl. sing.
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 34; KARKAMIŠ A20a1, l. 1; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 3, 4; TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 14, 20; TELL AHMAR 2, §§ 13, 14?; ALEPPO 2, § 17(×2); BOROWSKI 3, § 9; IZGIN 1, § 2 MARAŞ 4, § 17 MARAŞ 4, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, §§ 2, 4, 13 (with tati)
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 2 BULGARMADEN, § 6 (-ha-a); ÇALAPVERDİ 1, §§ 5a, b; KARATEPE 1, 89 (Hu—-[mi-]) á-mi-tí (Ho) á-mi-ia+ra/i KARATEPE 1, 91, 93 (Hu) á-mi+ra/i (Ho) á-mí-ia+ra/i KULULU 3, § 2 á-mi-ti BULGARMADEN § 6 *a-mi-ia-ti KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 4, 7; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 10; TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 1; IZGIN 1, § 9; TELL AHMAR 6, § 6 *a-mi-ia+ra/i SHEIZAR, § 2 ? (a-)mi-ia-ti-i MARAŞ 8, § 2 ax-mí-ia+ra/i TOPADA, § 10 á-mi-i-zi MARAŞ 1, § 2 á-mi-zi BOHÇA, §§ 6, 10(-); TİLSEVET, § 5; MARAŞ 1, § 12; KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 9, 11 á-mi-zi-i KULULU 4, § 10; KULULU 2, § 2 a-mi-zi JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 2 á-mí-zi KULULU 3, § 3 *a-mi-i-zi KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8; TELL AHMAR 6, § 5 *a-mi-zi KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 5 (-pawa-); KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 2 mi-zi KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 7 á-mi-zi KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 7; TİLSEVET, § 2 (all arinzi) *a-mi-zi KARKAMIŠ A23, § 4 á-ma KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 13 á-ma KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 8 á-mi-ia-za-a KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 17 á-mi-ia-za KARATEPE 1, 30, 151 (Hu), 160 (Ho; Hu (-ia-)), 189; KULULU, §§ 5, 6 ? (a-)mi-ia-za KARATEPE 1, 183 (Hu) á-mí-za KARATEPE 1, 151 (Ho) á-mi-za HAMA 4, §§ 4, 10, 12; KIRÇOĞLU, § 4 á-mi-ia-za-i KULULU 2, § 3 *a-mi-ia-za KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 7, 8
TRANSITIONAL dat. sing. abl. sing. dat. plur.? nom./acc. plur. N
a-mi-i(a) *a-mi-i(a)-ti a-mi-zi/a *a-ma
nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF nom. plur. N acc. plur. N dat. plur.
á-mi-ia-ti-i á-mi-ia-ti
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
EMPIRE nom. sing. MF
dat. sing.
*a-mi-i(a) a-mi
nom. plur. MF
YALBURT blocks 4, § 2; 11, § 4 (nom./acc.?)
LATE -iya- form amiyaacc. sing. N acc. plur. N
*a-mi-ia-za á-mi-ia
TELL AHMAR 6, § 10; ARSUZ 1+2, § 2((-ia)) YASSIHÖYÜK, § 17
amu, “I” (log. L.1–2, EGO; Hitt. ammuk) = Phoen. ʾnk LATE nominative
á-mu á-mu-u á-mu-u-a á-mu
á-mu mu mu-u dat.- acc. á-mu
BULGARMADEN, § 1; PALANGA, § 1; HİSARCIK 1, § 1 ÇİFTLİK, § 22; also in an unpublished text BOR, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 142 (Ho); ASSUR letter e, § 9; ERKİLET 1, § 2; HAMA 2/3/6/7, § 2; KULULU 1, §§ 5, 15; KARATEPE 1, 114, 142 (Hu); BABYLON 2, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A7, § 3; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1b, l. 2; MARAŞ 3, § 9 [case?]; ASSUR letter b, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 30; KARKAMIŠ A18d, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 6; TELL AHMAR 1, § 21; ALEPPO 2, § 7 (case?); TELL AHMAR 6; § 5 TOPADA, §§ 5, 10 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 1; ANCOZ 7, § 6 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 1; MALPINAR, § 1 ANCOZ 7, § 6 KARATEPE 1, 138 (Hu, Ho); ASSUR letter e, § 31; TOPADA, § 30 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 13; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 5; TELL AHMAR 5, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 12
TRANSITIONAL. KARAHÖYÜK, not attested EMPIRE nominative *a-mu case? *a-mu
Part 6: Selected Glossary
EGO LATE Introductory, § 1.
EGO EGO(-mi)
á-mu(-wami) BULGARMADEN (-wa/i-mu?!) PALANGA (-wá/í-mí) HİSARCIK 1
Non-introductory LATE nom. EGO-mu(-ha) gen.? EGO(-pawa) nom. EGO nom. EGO nom. EGO nom.? EGO
HAMA 4, § 4 HAMA 4, § 12 HAMA 8, § 2 RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 2 MARAŞ 4, § 10 TELL AHMAR 2, § 20
EMPIRE nom.? EGO(-pawa)
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33a
anan, “under” (log. L.57, SUB(-na-na); Cun. Luw. annan (Hitt. kattan)) = Phoen. tḥt SUB-na-na TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 11, 17; KARATEPE 1, 110 (Hu, Ho); EREĞLİ 1, § 2; SULTANHAN, § 9; KARATEPE 1, 117 (Hu, Ho); BOROWSKI 3, § 6; KULULU 4, § 5; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 6
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
SUB-na-a-na-a SUB-na-na [… SU]B-na-na SUB-na-na-a SUB-ni?-na SUB-na-
ALEPPO 3, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 3 TÜNP 1, § 4 BOR, § 9 KULULU 1, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 13
ALEPPO 3, § 4
*anati-, “mother” (log. L.79, MATER-na-tí; Cun. Luw. anni- etc.) = Phoen. ʾm LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF ? ? dat. sing.
[…]-sá á-na-ti-sá MATER-na-tí-na ⌈MATER?⌉-ti-sa MATER-na-tí-ni-sa MATER-na-tí
MALKAYA, inscription 5
BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 1 KULULU lead. frag. 1, 3.8 KARATEPE 1, 15 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5 ARSUZ 1+2, § 24a unpublished text
a(n)ta, “in” (adv.; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. anda) LATE
HAMA 4, §§ 10, 12; ADIYAMAN 1, § 4; IZGIN 2, §§ 4, 5, 6; KARKAMIŠ A14a, §§ 6, 7; ANCOZ 7, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 4; MALPINAR, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15, 18; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 11; IZGIN 1, §§ 4, 5, 18; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 13; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 12, § i, KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 38; TELL AHMAR 5, § 10, ALEPPO 2, § 11; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 37; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2a, § iii; TELL AHMAR 6, § 30; KARKAMIŠ A19j1, l. 2; BABYLON 1, § 10; SULTANHAN, § 36; HAMA 1, 2, 7, § 4; HAMA 5, § 3 TULEIL 1, l. 1; KARATEPE 1, 63, 105, 123, 312 (Hu, Ho); 349, 356, 371, 375, 381 (Hu); TÜNP 1, § 8; MARAŞ 2, § 2; KULULU 4, §§ 4, 9; KARATEPE 1, § XLVII (Hu); SULTANHAN, §§ 18, 27, 31, 36; İSKENDERUN, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A26 f, § 2; KAYSERİ, § 16; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 16; KULULU 2, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 7; ASSUR letter e, § 23; YASSIHÖYÜK, § 14 TOPADA, §§ 19, 20
Part 6: Selected Glossary
á-tá ⌈a⌉-ta a-ta-i a-tá-a
KARAHÖYÜK, § 11 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 4 ASSUR letter e, § 21 MALPINAR, § 11
a(n)zi-, “our” (possess. adj.) LATE nom. sing. nom. plur. N abl. dat. sing.
a-zi-sa a-za-ia(-ha-a) á-zi-ia-ti á-ZU?-sa7-na
ASSUR letter f+g, § 9 ASSUR letter e, § 12 IZGIN 1, § 16 TOPADA, § 26
apa-, “that” (demonstr. pron.; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. apa-) = Phoen. hʾ/hmt LATE nom. sing. MF
(or gen.?) ? acc. sing. MF acc. sing. N gen. sing.
*a-pa-sa I á-pa-sá [*a-]pa-sá *a-pa- á-pa- a-pa- á-pa *a-pa *a-pa-si-i
*a-pa-si á-pa-sá
(or gen. adj.) dat. sing.
á-pa-sa/sá- á-pa-ti
*a-pa-ti-i *a-pa-ti
pa-ti-i pa-ti
á-pa-ti-i // a-pa-ri+í á-pa-ara/i
CEKKE, § 3; BULGARMADEN, § 9; KÖRKÜN, § 7; SULTANHAN, § 18 IZGIN 2, § 9 EĞREK, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 9 (frag.) KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 21; ALEPPO 2, § 14; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 35 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 31; KARATEPE 1, 397, 399 ASSUR letter a, § 6 KARATEPE 1, 395 (Hu; Ho -sá); EĞREK, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 38 TELL AHMAR 5, § 11; TELL AHMAR 1, § 19; ADIYAMAN 1, § 8 TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 13, 28, 29; TELL AHMAR 2, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 13; CEKKE, §§ 17a, b, c, d, e, g, h, i, l, n, o; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 14; SULTANHAN, § 31 CEKKE, § 17 f, j, k; KAYSERİ, § 16; NİĞDE 1; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 15; ALEPPO 2, § 10; TELL AHMAR 1, § 12; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 11; MEHARDE, § 8? (-pawa) KARATEPE 1, 81 (Hu/Ho) ASSUR letter f+g, § 16; KÖRKÜN, §§ 5, 9; MALPINAR, § 11; KARABURUN, § 12; KULULU 1, § 10; CEKKE, § 24; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 20; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 18; ŞIRZI, § 6; ANKARA 1, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 15, 34; KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 9; GÜRÜN, § 7; BABYLON 1, § 15; SHEIZAR, § 7; MEHARDE, § 6(?); KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25; ALEPPO 2, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 38 MARAŞ 4, § 3; BULGARMADEN, § 7(?) KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 3; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 10; ANCOZ 7, § 14 KARATEPE 1, 156 (Hu/Ho) MARAŞ 4, § 15
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
abl. sing./plur. nom. plur. MF acc. plur. N gen. plur. dat. plur.
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11 // A23, § 6; A11b+c, § 14 (-pi-i-) // A12, § 14 á-pa-zi-i ÇİFTLİK, § 15 a-pa-zi ASSUR letters b, § 8; f+g, § 21 á-pa-i-ia ASSURletter f+g, § 38 *a-pa-ia KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 12 á-pa-sá-a KULULU 2, § 7 á-pa-ta-za KARATEPE 1, 121 (Hu), 171 (Hu, -pawata) *a-pá-ta-za KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 2 á-[pa]-tá-zax AKSARAY, § 4a
apasi-, “his/her/its/their” (gen. adj.) acc. sing. MF á-pa-si-na á-pa-si-i-na á-pax-sí-na a-pa-sa-na(!) á-pa-sa-na(!) (or simple gen.? á-pa-sa7 or simple gen.?) a-pa-sa á-pa-si- *a-pa-si-na dat. sing. á-pa-sa-na *a-pa-sa-na acc. sing. N á-pa-sa-za (or dat. plur.?) á-pa-sa-ti abl. sing. á-pa-sa5-ti á-pa-sa4-ri+i
acc. plur. MF dat. plur.
á-pa-si-i-zi *a-pa-sa-za
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 31; KULULU 1, §§ 10, 12 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 20 TOPADA, § 8 TOPADA, § 36 TOPADA, § 38 TOPADA, § 36 TOPADA, § 38 KULULU 1, § 12 TELL AHMAR 6, § 32 CEKKE, § 2; KULULU 2, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 19, 20; IZGIN 2, §§ 8, 9 SULTANHAN, § 18
api-, by-form of apa-, “that” nom. sing. MF á-pi-s[a] á-pi-sa acc. sing. MF á-pi-na nom./acc. plur. MF á-pi-zi gen. adj. á-pi-si-na adv. *a-pi-na
TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 2, frag. 6 TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 4, frag. 10 TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 5, frag. 10, § ii TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1, frag. 2, § ii HAMA 4, § 5 IZGIN 2, § 4 (-[na])
EMPIRE nom. sing. MF dat. sing.
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 6, 12 SÜDBURG, § 18 ANKARA 2, § 3
*a-pa-sa *a-pa-ti *a-pa-ti-i
TRANSITIONAL: not attested
Part 6: Selected Glossary
apan, “after, back” (log. L.34, POST; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. appa(n)) LATE
(“POST”)á-pa- á-pa-na á-pa-na-a *a-pa- á-pa- á-pa-ná(?) POST-na POST-na POST-na-a POST-n[a POST-ni
İSKENDERUN, § 2 SULTANHAN, § 32 KULULU 1, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 35 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 31 EREĞLİ 1, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 210 (Hu); KAYSERİ, § 11 KARATEPE 1, 401 (Hu, Ho) ASSUR letter f+g, § 29 ARSUZ 1, § 22 TELL AHMAR 6, § 30; KARKAMIŠ A14a, §§ 6, 7; IZGIN 1, §§ 5, 18; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 3, 4, 5, 18; IZGIN 2, §§ 4, 5; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 33; TELL AHMAR 2, § 23; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 10; TELL AHMAR 5, § 10; ANCOZ 1, § 4 TELL AHMAR 5, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 15; IZGIN 1, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 8
ALEPPO 7, § 10
*a-pa-na POST POST-*a
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 22 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 25, 27 YALBURT block 2, § 2
apari-, “second, inferior” (log. POST+ra/i-, Hitt. appezzi-) LATE POST+ra/i(-i)-zi POST+ra/i-zi/a POST+ra/i- (CAPUT), “inferior person”
KARKAMIŠ A7, § 2; 15b, § 15 TOPADA, § 3 ANKARA 1, § 8; TOPADA, § 37; MALPINAR, §§ 20, 27
ALEPPO 6, § 11
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 13
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
apara(n)ta, “afterwards” á-pa+ra/i-ta POST+ra/i-ta // tá
SULTANHAN, § 34 MARAŞ 5, § 2; SULTANHAN, §§ 27, 28; CEKKE, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 9, 11; TOPADA, § 31; JISR EL HADID 4, § 6; MARAŞ 3, § 8; KÜRTÜL, § 8
POST+RA/I-wa/i-sà-ti, “in after-time” POST+RA/I-wa/i-sà POST+RA/I-wa/i-sà-ti POST+RA/I-wa/-sà-ti-
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 21 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 18
TOPADA, § 16
ara-, “long” (log. L.62, LONGUS; Cun. Luw. arraya-) = Phoen. ʾrk LATE acc. plur. N
(LONGUS)⌈a⌉+[ra/i]-ia “LONGUS”-lá/í-ia (“LONGUS”)a+ra/i-ia a+ra/i-ia
BOR, § 11 KARATEPE 1, 291 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 291 (Ho) ÇİFTLİK, § 17
see also (LONGUS)yari(ya)-, “extend” other LONGUS?(-)da-ia(-)sa-ha-na “LONGUS”(-)REL-sà-i “LONGUS”(-)ia-ti-na-ia (?)
İVRİZ 1, § 2 KULULU 3, § 7 ASSUR letter e, § 25
ara-, “come, arrive” (det. PES2 (L.93.5 (“PIED2 ’+r-” re-read); Hitt. ar-) LATE 1 sing. pres. 3 sing. pret.
(“PES2”)a+ra/i-wa/i (“PES2”)a+ra/i-ta-a
ASSUR letter f+g, § 24 ASSUR letters a, § 6
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pret.
EMPIRE 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret.(?)
a+ra/i-ha a+ra/i […] PES2
NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § b YALBURT block 3, § 2 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 4
Part 6: Selected Glossary
ari-, “time” (Cun. Luw. ari-)= Phoen. ʿlm LATE acc. sing. dat. sing. acc. plur.
ara/i-na ara/i-na (FEMINA)ara/i-na ara/i ara/i-zi
dat. plur. gen. adj.?, acc. sing.
ara/i-⌈zi⌉-i ara/i-i-zi ⌈ara/i⌉-zi ara/i-za ara/i-si-na
HAMA 4, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 8 ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 6, 10 TİLSEVET, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 2; KARATEPE 1, 404 (Hu); KARKAMIŠ A5b, § 2 KARATEPE 1, 402 (Ho) KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A4c, § 2 HAMA 4, §§ 10, 12 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 12
arma-, “moon, month” (log. L.193, LUNA; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. arma-) = Phoen. yrḥ LATE gen. adj., abl. acc. plur.
a+ra/i-ma-sa-ri+i-i LUNA+MI-zi/a
PN nom. sing.
LUNA.FRATER2 (Arma-nani)
PNN on seals: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 434 DN: see (4) God-names List
aruti-, “basket” (log. L.78, ALA (“wing”); Cun. Luw. aruti-) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF acc. plur. MF
(“L.78”)a-ru-ti-sá (“L.78”)a-ru-ti-na (“L.78”)a-ru-ti-zi
ASSUR letter f+g, § 41 ASSUR letter f+g, § 43; ASSUR letter c, § 9 ASSUR letter a, § 10
asa-, “be” (Cun. Luw. as-, Hitt. es- / as-) = Phoen. kn LATE 3 sing. pres. 2 plur. pres. 3 plur. pres. 1 sing. pret.
a-sa-ti *a-sa-ti a-sa-ta-ni á-sa-ti a-sa-ti á-sa-há á-sa-ha á-sa-ha-a á-sá-ha á-sa8-ha (sa-há (sá-a-ha
ASSUR letters e, § 15 // f+g, § 14; f+g, §§ 20, 22, 32, 33, 48 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 22 ASSUR letter e, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9 ASSUR letter b, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 2 PORSUK, § 5; KÖRKÜN, § 2 BOR, § 2 KULULU 4, §§ 1, 8 KULULU 4, § 11 BABYLON 2, § 2 here? or sa-, “allow”?) MARAŞ 4, § 10 here? or sa-, “allow”?)
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
3 sing. pret.
á-sa-ta á-sa-ta-a á-sa-tá
sing.? plur.? 3 plur. pret. 3 sing. imp. sing./plur. 3 plur. imp.
á-sá-ta *a-sá-ta *a-sa-tá sa-ta sá-ta (sá-ta (sá-ta á-sá-ta á-sa-ta á-sa4-ta [ ]sa-ta á-sa-tu-u(-a) á-sa-tu *a-sá-tu *a-sa-tu sa-tu á-sa-tu-u
KARKAMIŠ A7a, § 5; CEKKE, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 12; KARATEPE 1, 64 (Ho) KARKAMIŠ A6, § 18; ANCOZ 4, § 1; AKSARAY, § 10; ÇİNEKÖY, § 8 KARATEPE 1, 37, 64 (Hu); KULULU 1, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 8 TELL AHMAR 6, § 4 MARAŞ 4, § 8 KARATEPE 1, 195 MARAŞ 4, § 9 here? or sa-, “allow”?) KARATEPE 1, 213 KARATEPE 1, 141 KARATEPE 1, 106 (Hu); 176 (plur.?) KARATEPE 1, 106 (Ho) BOHÇA, § 6 SULTANHAN, § 42 KULULU 6, § 4 MEHARDE, § 6 SHEIZAR, § 7 MARAŞ 14, § 7 ANCOZ 7, § 14
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pres. plur.? (1 sing. pret. (3 sing. pret.?? 3 sing. imp.
a-sa-ti a-sa-ti á-sa-ha (-)sa-tá a-sa-tu
EMPIRE 3 sing.(?) pret. 3 sing. imp.
a-sa-tá *a-sa-tu
YALBURT block 3, § 1 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 17, 21
asa-, “sit” (log. L.299, SOLIUM; Hitt. es- / aš-) = Phoen. yšb LATE 3 sing. pres. 3 plur. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
KARATEPE 1, 128 (Hu) ÇİFTLİK, § 9 KARATEPE 1, 128 (Ho); ÇİFTLİK, § 10 KARATEPE 1, 313 (Hu) ÇİFTLİK, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17e IZGIN 1, § 2 KARATEPE 1, 197 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 10
Part 6: Selected Glossary
isanu(wa)-, (caus.), “make sit, seat” 3 sing./plur. pres. (SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ti (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ti 1 sing. pret. (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ha 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. 2 sing. imp.
(SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha (“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ha (“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha ([“]SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ha (SOLIUM+MI)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha (“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wà/ì-há-a (SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-há (SOLIUM)i-s[à]-nú-ha (SOLIUM+MI)i-sà-nu-ha [(SOLIUM)]i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-há SOLIUM-nu-wa/i-ha SOLIUM-nu-ha SOLIUM-wa/i-ha SOLIUM [… (“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ta SOLIUM-wa/i-ta SOLIUM-nú-tá (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-wa/i-ta SOLIUM-nú-tá (SOLIUM)i-sà-nu-wa/i
KARATEPE 1, 313 (Ho) ANCOZ 10+11, § 2 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 20; TELL AHMAR 6, § 26 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 17; KARATEPE 1, 158 (Hu); MARAŞ 1, § 4 MARAŞ 4, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 16 KARATEPE 1, 84 (Ho; [Hu]) KARATEPE 1, 148 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, § XLVII (Hu; [H]o) KÖRKÜN, § 5 TELL AHMAR 2, §§ 5, 10 KARATEPE 1, 158 (Ho) KARKAMIŠ A23, § 10 ARSUZ 2, § 3 IZGIN 1, §§ 7, 8: ARSUZ 1, § 3 ÇİNEKÖY, § 10 TELL AHMAR 5, § 3 IZGIN 2, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 4 MARAŞ 1, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 8 TELL AHMAR 6, § 23
frags. SOLIUM+MI-i (SOLIUM)i-[sà]-nu-[… (SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha …] SOLIUM-nú-wa/i-ha
asa-, “seat” (noun, log. (THRONUS)SOLIUM, (L.294)L.299) nom. sing. (THRONUS.SOLIUM)á-sa-sa acc. sing. “SOLIUM”-sa-na (“THRONUS.SOLIUM”)á-sa-na-a dat. sing. SOLIUM-sa-a “SOLIUM[”]-sa
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 25 HAMA 4, §§ 5, 6 KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 8(-a), 24 HAMA 4, § 8 HAMA 5, § 5
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pret.
(caus.) 1 sing. pret.
(SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-wa/i-ha SOLIUM-nú-wa/i-ha
GÜRÜN, § 3 GÜRÜN, § 5; DARENDE, § 2
dat. sing.
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
EMPIRE 3 sing.(?) 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. imp.
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 18 YALBURT block 14, § 2 NİŞANTAŞ AV, § c EMİRGAZİ 1, § 6
á-sa5-za-i á-sa5-za-ia á-sa5-za-ta á-sa5-za-t[a] á-sa5-za á-sa5-za(-wa/i) á-sa5-za-a(-wa/i) á-sa5-za-mi-i-sá
MARAŞ 14, § 11; SULTANHAN, § 34 KARATEPE 1, 365, 338 (Hu) TELL AHMAR 6, § 22; TELL AHMAR 5, § 11 KAYSERİ, § 20 ASSUR letter a, b, e, f+g, § 1 ASSUR letter c, d, § 1 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A7, § 14
asaza-, “say” LATE 3 sing. pres. 3 sing. pret. 2 sing. imp. part., nom. sing.
asu-, “stone” (det. L.268, SCALPRUM; Hitt. NA4a-ku-(?)) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF dat. sing. abl.
(“SCALPRUM”)á-su-sa “SCALPRUM”-su-na-a “SCALPRUM”-su-na SCALPRUM-su-na SCALPRUM-na “SCALPRUM”-wa/i “SCALPRUM”-su-wa/i-ti-i
asuwi(ya)-, “of stone” gen. adj(?), acc. sing. SCALPRUM-na
TÜNP 1, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 27 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 23 NİĞDE 1 CEKKE, § 28 MALPINAR, § 2; KARABURUN, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 27
atri-, “self, person, soul, image” (det. L.341, COR; Lyc. atla- / atra-) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF
COR-tara/i-sa (“COR”)á-tara/i-i-na á-tara/i-i-na COR-tara/i-i-na
“COR”-tara/i-na COR-tara/i-na
acc. plur. MF abl.
“COR”-tara/i- COR-tara/i-zi COR-la-ti-i-a
YASSIHÖYÜK, § 10 MARAŞ 4, § 15; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 11 KULULU 1, § 12 JISR EL HADID 4, § 2; IZGIN 2, § 8; TOPADA, § 36; TELL AHMAR 5, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 3, 5 TELL AHMAR 5, § 17; TELL AHMAR 6, § 14; MARAŞ 2, § 2; KULULU 4, § 4; TOPADA, § 38 ALEPPO 2, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A26 f, § 2 KULULU 4, § 5
Part 6: Selected Glossary
TRANSITIONAL atri(ya)-, “personal” nom. sing. MF COR-… i-sa acc. sing. MF COR-na
ALEPPO 6, § 3 ALEPPO 6, § 2
atniacc. sing. MF dat. sing. abl.
COR-ni-i-na COR-ni-na COR?-ni-na “COR”-ta-ni COR-ni-i COR-ni “COR”-na-ti COR-na-ti
JISR EL HADID 4, § 3 KULULU 4, § 9 İSTANBUL 1, § 6 ASSUR letter f+g, § 29 TELL AHMAR 2, § 13 İSTANBUL 2, C(1) KÖRKÜN, § 3 ÇİNEKÖY, § 9
gen. adj(?), acc. sing. “COR”?-ni-na
atnasama-, “wisdom” abl. (“COR”)á-ta-na-sa-ma-ti “COR”-ta-na-sa-ma-ri+i
KARATEPE 1, 92 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 92 (Ho)
atuwal(i)-, “bad” (log. L.368, MALUS; Cun. Luw. adduwa-, adduwal(i)-, Hitt. idalu-) = Phoen. rʿ LATE nom. plur. MF
(MALUS)á-tu-wa/i-ri+i+zi MALUS-la/i-zí
KARATEPE 1, 102 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 102 (Ho)
(nom.)acc. sing. N abl. sing. nom.(acc.) plur. N
MALUS-wa/i-za-*a MALUS-za MALUS-la/i-ti-i-*a MALUS-la/i-ti-*a MALUS-la/i-ti MALUS-da-ti-i MALUS-ia
TELL AHMAR 2, § 13; 6, § 30; 1, § 19 SULTANHAN, § 34; KARABURUN, §§ 7, 9 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 19, 20 ALEPPO 2, § 24 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 13; ADIYAMAN 1, § 3 SULTANHAN, § 21 KULULU 6, § 4
frag. MALUS-l[a/i …
ANCOZ 2, l. 2
MALUS-tahi(t)dat. sing. abl. sing.
MALUS-l[a/i]-hi-d[a]-*a (or restore abl., -d[a-ti]-*a?) MALUS-hi-da-ri+i
TELL AHMAR 5, § 19
MALUS-tastriabl. sing.
MALUS-la/i-sa-tara/i-ri+i MALUS-la/i-sa-tara/i-ti MALUS-lá/í-sa-tara/i-ti [ ] “ MALUS”-la/i-[sa?]-tara/i-ti
KARATEPE 1, 378 (Hu; Ho -sá-) BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 10 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 5; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 15, 19 ANCOZ 7, § 9
CEKKE, § 20
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
TRANSITIONAL, EMPIRE: not attested “initial-a-final” in KARKAMIŠ early and TELL AHMAR (including ALEPPO 2)?
awi-, “come” (log.-det. L.90, PES; Cun. Luw. awi-) LATE 3 plur. pres. 3 sing. pres.
á-wa/i-ti PES-wa/i-ti
1 sing. pret.
PES-wa/i-ti-i PES-wa/i-i-ti PES-wa/i-i-ti-i “PES”-wa/i+ra/i PES-wa/i+ra/i PES-wa/i-i-ha
3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. 3 plur. imp. 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp. ?
PES-wa/i-h[a] (“PES”)á-wa/i-da (“PES”)á-wa/i+ra/i á-wa/i-da-a “PES”-wa/i-da PES-wa/i-da “PES”-da PES-wa/i-ta á-wa/i-i-tu PES-wa/i-tú “PES”-wa/i-tu-u “PES”-wa/i-tú “PES”-tu(-u) PES-wa/i-i
KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 19, 20; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 36; ALEPPO 2, § 16 ALEPPO 2, § 15, 24 TELL AHMAR 2, § 21 (frag.) GAZİANTEP, l. 2 SULTANHAN, §§ 14, 30; PORSUK, § 4 ÇALAPVERDİ 1, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 17, 21, 24; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 14; TELL AHMAR 6, § 25 MARAŞ 4, § 16 İSKENDERUN, § 2 unpublished text SULTANHAN, § 5 KÖRKÜN, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 33; VELİİSA, § 1 AKSARAY, §§ 2–3 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 18; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 15 KULULU 1, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 2 ÇİFTLİK, § 15 CEKKE, § 24 KULULU 5, §§ 8, 14 BULGARMADEN, § 12
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pres.? 3 plur. pret.?
PES(?) PES(?)
EMPIRE 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret.?
YALBURT block 2, § 2 YALBURT blocks 16, § 1; 10, § 1
aza-, “love” (det. (LATE only) L.378, LITUUS) LATE 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
(LITUUS)á-za-ta (LITUUS)á-za-ta
TELL AHMAR 6, § 17 TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 2, 9; MARAŞ 1, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 3; KULULU 4, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 7; BOROWSKI 3, § 2
Part 6: Selected Glossary
part., nom. sing.
part., acc. sing.
(LITUUS)á-za-mi-sà (LITUUS)á-za-mi-i-sa (LITUUS)á-za-[mi … (LITUUS)á-za-mi-na
MARAŞ 1, § 1i; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; NİĞDE 2, l. 3; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 1; EĞRİKÖY, § 1 MARAŞ 1, § 1h KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1; POTOROO, 1a KARKAMIŠ A27a KULULU 4, §§ 4, 9
AMPLECTI here? part., nom. sing.
BEIRUT, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1
TRANSITIONAL part., nom. sing.
EMPIRE (without LITUUS) a-zi/a-tá 3 sing. pret.
YALBURT block 4, § 4; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 3; AII, § a; AV, § a
part., nom. sing. MF á-zi/a-mi
azali-, “feast” (det. L.181+L.337, PANIS.PITHOS) nom. sing. N (PANIS.PITHOS)á-zá-li-za [PANIS.PI]THOS-[li]-za gen. (PANIS.PITHOS)á-zá-li-sá (“PANIS.PITHOS”)á-za-li-sa
CEKKE, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 4 CEKKE, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 11
azuwi-, “horse” (log. L.99, EQUUS) = Phoen. ss LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF acc. sing. N dat. sing. abl. nom. plur. MF
verb azusatala-, “ride (horse)” inf. “ANIMA.EQUUS-zú-sà-ta-la-u-na
TOPADA, § 16 TOPADA, § 19 TOPADA, § 26 ÇİNEKÖY, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 41 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 41 (Hu) ANDAVAL, § 4 KARATEPE 1, 42 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 42 (Hu) ÇİNEKÖY, § 3 TOPADA, §§ 5, 8, 10 TOPADA, § 23 TOPADA, § 21
BOHÇA, § 10
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
hada-, “temple” (log. L.249, DEUS.DOMUS; readings (-)hada- (full phon.?), also “ ? ”) LATE nom. sing. N acc. sing. N acc. plur. N
gen.? DEUS.DOMUS-sa(?) ? DEUS.DOMUS-da
HAMA 4, § 10 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2, § e; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A7, § 4
ALEPPO 6, § 4
EMPIRE acc. plur.
ALEPPO 1, § 1
hadi- / hari-, “speak” (det. L.22, LOQUI) LATE 3 sing. pres. 2 sing. pret.(?)
(“LOQUI”-a)ha-ri+i-ti (“LOQUI”)ha-ti-i-ti (“LOQUI”)ha-ri+i-ti-i (LOQUI)ha+ra/i-i-ti [(“LOQ]UI”)ha-ri+i-ti-a (LOQUI)ha+ra/i-i-sà
ASSUR letter c, e, § 1 ASSUR letter f+g, § 1 ASSUR letter a, § 1 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1 ASSUR letter d, § 1 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 13
harinu(wa)-, “make say” caus., 1 sing. pres. (LOQUI)ha+ra/i-nu-wa/i
here? hadi-, “command” (?) acc. sing. ha-ti-sá
hali-, “day” (log. L.358, DIES) = Phoen. ym(m) LATE acc. plur. dat. plur.
ha-li-i (DIES)há-li-ia (“DIES”)há-li-iá (DIES)ha-li (“DIES”)ha-li-ia-za (“DIES”)ha-li-[ia]-z[a] (DIES)há-li-ia-za (“DIES”)há-li-ia-za (“DIES)ha-lí-za
ÇİFTLİK, § 17; BOR, § 11 KARATEPE 1, 292 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 292 (Ho) KARKAMIŠ A5b, § 1 KARATEPE 1, 161 (Hu, Ho) KARATEPE 1, § XLIV (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 190 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 184 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 31 (Hu)
Part 6: Selected Glossary
hamsi-, “grandson” (log. L.300, (FILIUS.)NEPOS; Cun. Luw. hamsi-, Hitt. hassa) LATE nom. sing. dat. sing. nom. plur. dat. plur.
PORSUK, § 1 MARAŞ 1, § 1c MARAŞ 14, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1 ÇİNEKÖY, § 1 KÖRKÜN, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1 MARAŞ 8, § 1 KARABURUN, §§ 7, 9 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12 KÖRKÜN, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 2 SHEIZAR, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 4, 30
KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 1
(DOMUS-ni-)NEPOS.MI-i-ni-sá NEPOS-ta-(?)
GÜRÜN, § 1b İSPEKÇÜR, sides B1, C DARENDE, § 1 KÖTÜKALE, § 1b SHEIZAR, § 5
hamsi(ya)-, “of grandson” nom. plur. N FILIUS.NEPOS-ia
hamsukala-, “great-grandson” (log. L.300, (FILIUS)NEPOS; Cun. Luw. hamsukalla-, Hitt. hanzassa) LATE nom. sing. dat. sing. nom. plur.
(FILIUS. NEPOS)ha-ma-su-ka-la-sá NEPOS-ka-la-sá FILIUS.NEPOS-ka-la-[sa] < > “ FILIUS.NEPOS”-kwi/a-la-sá “FILIUS.NEPOS”-kwi/a-la-sá (FIL[IUS …)]ha-ma-si-kwi/a-la FILIUS.NEPOS-kwi/a-la (NEPOS)ha-ma-su-ka-la FILIUS.NEPOS-ka-la-zi
frag. (FILIUS.NEPO[S)ha-ma-su-k]a-[l]a-[sa]
MARAŞ 1, § 1d KÖRKÜN, § 6 SHEIZAR, § 5 MARAŞ 4, § 10 MARAŞ 14, § 5 MARAŞ 11, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12 KÖRKÜN, § 11 SHEIZAR, § 4 TELL AHMAR 1, § 1
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
EMPIRE nom. sing.
YALBURT block 16, § 1
*hana-, “grandmother” (log. L.506, ANUS; Hitt. hanna-) EMPIRE
haniyata-, “evil” (log. L.368, MALUS2) = Phoen. rʿ LATE acc. plur. N
(“MALUS2”)há-ní-ia-ta-ia (“MALUS2”)ha-ní-ia-ta
KARATEPE 1, 60 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 60 (Hu)
frag. MALUS2 […
HAMA frag. 2, side B
haniyatastr(i)-, “badness” abl. (MALUS2)ha-ní-ia-ta-sa-tara/i-ti
KARATEPE 1, 380 (Hu)
here? hanhaniwa-, “evil” acc. sing. (“MALUS2”)ha-ha-ní-wa/i-z[a]
TELL AHMAR 1, § 20
hant-, “forehead, face” (log. L.26, FRONS; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. hant-) LATE acc. plur. N dat. plur. abl. adv.
(FRONS)ha-ta (“FRONS”)ha-ta-za (“FRONS”)ha-ta-ti FRONS-ti FRONS-ti-i
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 23 TELL AHMAR 1, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 3; KARKAMIŠ N1, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 20
*hantili-, “front, foremost” (log. L.26, FRONS; Cun. Luw. hantili-, Hitt. hantezzi-) nom. sing. MF FRONS-li-i-sá KARATEPE 1, 279 (Ho) acc. sing. MF nom. plur. MF adv.
FRONS-lu/a/i-sá FRONS-lu/a/i-sa [FR]ONS-lu/a/i-na FRONS-li-zi FRONS-lu/a/i-zí FRONS-lu/a/i-zi/a(-ha) FRONS-lu/a/i FRONS-lu/a/i
frags. FRONS-⌈lu/a/i-li?⌉ FRO[NS]-lu/a/i-za FRONS-lu/a/i FRONS-lu/a/i […
KARATEPE 1, 279 (Hu) CEKKE, § 6 İSTANBUL 2, B(1) KARATEPE 1, 136 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 136 (Ho); PALANGA, § 2 TOPADA, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 17 HAMA 4, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A23, § e MALPINAR, § 4 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 8b
Part 6: Selected Glossary
EMPIRE ? , plur.
hanti(ya)-, “first” nom. sing. MF FRONS-ti-sa7 acc. sing. MF FRONS-na abl. FRONS-ti-ia+ra/i gen. adj., nom. sing. FRONS-ti-ia-sí ?-sa abl. FRONS-ti(ras.)-ia-sa5+ra/i
TOPADA, § 19 IZGIN 1, § 12 TOPADA, § 21 TOPADA, § 19 TOPADA, § 21
*hantawati-, “king” (log. L.17, REX; Cun. Luw. handawati-) = Phoen. mlk LATE nom. sing. MF
REX-ti-i-sá REX-ti-sá
acc. sing. MF gen. sing. dat. sing.
REX-ti-sa REX-sa REX-[… ⌈REX-ti⌉-sa “REX”-na REX-ti-na REX-ti-sa REX REX-ti-i
nom. plur. MF
REX-ti(-)x ⌈REX⌉-ti REX-ti-i- REX-ti-zi REX-zi REX?-ti-zi-i REX-ti-zi/a
RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // HINES // TELL ŠṬĪB; § 1; HAMA frag. 5; HAMA 9, b, d, f, l; HAMA 2, 3, 6–7, § 1; HAMA 4, § 1; MALATYA bulla (×2); MALATYA 14; MALATYA 11 (×2), KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 1; ARSUZ 1+2, § 1 TELL AHMAR 5, § 1; TELL AHMAR 6, § 1; TELL AHMAR 1, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, §§ 6, 13; TELL AHMAR 2, §§ 1, 2; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2a § iv; MARAŞ 8, § 13; MARAŞ 1, § 1 ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 1, 5; MARAŞ 4, § 1; BOR, § 1; PORSUK, § 4; BOROWSKI 3, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 14a, 19; KARATEPE 1, 86 (Ho) TELL AHMAR 1, § 2 MARAŞ 1, § 1h, i; KULULU 5, § 7a; KARATEPE 1, § 11; KÖRKÜN, § 4; ANKARA 1, § 7; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 3 § i; BOHÇA, § 1 KELEKLİ, § 2; KARATEPE 1, 11 (Ho) KARABURUN, § 7 ALEPPO 7, § 1 MEHARDE, § 2 KARATEPE 1, 398 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 398 (Ho) BULGARMADEN, § 1 KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7; ARSUZ 1+2, § 1; ARSUZ 1, § 18 MALPINAR, § 2; PALANGA, § 5; BULGARMADEN, § 2 KARABURUN, §§ 8, 9; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 7, 25; KULULU lead frag. 3, 2 KARABURUN, § 12; ARSUZ 1, § 21; KARKAMIŠ A18d, § 2; KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 4 AKSARAY, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 1 EREĞLİ 1, § 3 PORSUK, § 3; AKSARAY, § 6; KARATEPE 1, 137 (Hu) AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 11; KARATEPE 1, 137 (Ho) AFRIN, § 2 TOPADA, § 4
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
dat. plur. abl. (plur.)
REX-tá-za REX-ta-za REX-za REX-ta-ti-i
KARATEPE 1, 282 (Ho); KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 14 KARATEPE 1, 282 (Hu), 301 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 301 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 331 (Hu)
… R]EX-ti-sa ] REX-ti-sà REX-ti-[… REX-sa
KARKAMIŠ A19c HAMA frag. 6, side A ANCOZ 8+5, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A27s, l. 1
REX+RA/I-, “royal” nom. sing. REX+RA/I-sa7 abl. REX+RA/I-ti REX-ti-ia-ri+i
TOPADA, § 19 TOPADA, §§ 5, 10 SULTANHAN, § 41
hantawata-, “be king” 1 sing. pret.(?) REX-wa/i-ta-ha 3 sing. pret. REX-ta
hantawatahid-, “kingdom; kingship” acc. sing. N REX-hi-sá REX-ta-hi-sa REX-⌈tá?⌉-hi-da dat. sing.
KARATEPE 1, 396 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 396 (Ho) ALEPPO 2, § 4
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 24, 27; NİŞANTAŞ AI, §§ 1, 4, 5; AII, § c(×3); AV, § b; AVII; BOĞAZKÖY 12; KARABEL (×4)
nom. sing.(?) gen. sing. dat. sing.
REX-t[á-s]a REX-tá REX-lu/a/i-sa REX REX (×2)
LİDAR bullae, B; MALATYA 4; MALATYA 5; MALATYA 8(×2); MALATYA 10; MALATYA 9; ALEPPO 6, § 1(×2); KARKAMIŠ frags. a/b, l. 2; İSPEKÇÜR, § 1 ALEPPO 6, § 5 MALATYA 5 ALEPPO 6, § 7 DARENDE, § 1; LİDAR bullae, C ANKARA 2, § 2
MAGNUS.REX: see Glossary (2)
*hapi-, “river” (log. L.212; Cun. Luw. hapi-, Hitt. hapa-) LATE acc. sing. MF dat. sing.
FLUMEN-pi-(i)-na FLUMEN-pi(-i)
KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 7, 8, 9 TELL AHMAR 5, § 9; MARAŞ 8, § 8
Part 6: Selected Glossary
(“FLUMEN”)sa-pa+ra/i-wa/i-ni-zi ÇİNEKÖY, § 8 (“FLUMEN+MINUS”)sà-ku+ra/i-wa/i-ni-i-zi KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25 (FLUMEN)L.427.L.311-pa-x TELL AHMAR 6, § 24 x […] FLUMEN-na IZGIN 1, § 8
title LATE nom. sing. MF dat. sing.
KARATEPE 3, § 1 CEKKE, § 10 PALANGA, § 1 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 2 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5; MALPINAR, § 19 MALPINAR, § 1 ASSUR letter e, § 24
TOPADA, § 20
hapadi-, “river-land” (FLUMEN(REGIO) = Cun. KUR ÍD; Hitt. hapati-) = Phoen. mskt LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF gen. abl. acc. plur. MF dat. plur.
FLUMEN.REGIO-da-i-sa FLUMEN.REGIO-da-i-sà FLUMEN.REGIO-sà (“FLUMEN”)há-pa+ra/i-sá FLUMEN-pari-i-sá FLUMEN.REGIO-ti-na FLUMEN-pa-ti-na (FLUMEN.REGIO)ha-pa-da-si FLUMEN.REGIO-ia-ti-i FLUMEN.REGIO-zi FLUMEN.REGIO-za
HAMA 1, § 3 HAMA 2, § 3; HAMA 7, § 3 HAMA 3, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 264 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 264 (Ho) MARAŞ 8, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25 MARAŞ 8, § 2 IZGIN 1, § 5 IZGIN 1, § 5
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
ALEPPO 6, § 9
hara-, “crush” 3 sing. pres. 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp.
ha+ra/i-ri+i ha+ra/i-tu ha+ra/i-tú-u ha+ra/i-t[ú-u]
har(a)za-, “have” (det. L.69; Hitt. har(k)-) 2 sing. imp. (“L.69”)ha+ra/i-za
ASSUR letters b, § 6; f+g, §§ 39, 46
hara/i-, “vintage” (det. L.160, VITIS) dat. sing. (“VITIS”)há- (“VITIS”)há+ra/i-
KARATEPE 1, 271 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 271 (Hu)
harali-, “shield” (log. L.272, SCUTUM) = Phoen. mgn LATE acc. sing. MF dat. sing.
“SCUTUM”(-)ha+ra/i-ti- hara/i-li-na (SCUTUM”)hara/i-li- (“SCUTUM”)hara/i-li
ASSUR letter d, § 8 KARATEPE 1, 49 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 50 (Hu); KARKAMIŠ A12, § 12
harmahi-, “head” (log. L.10, CAPUT; Cun. Luw. harmahi-) LATE acc. sing. MF dat. sing. gen. adj., acc. sing.
(“CAPUT”)ha+ra/i-ma-hi-na (CAPUT)ha+ra/i-ma-hi-na CAPUT-hi-na CAPUT (“CAPUT”)ha+ra/i-ma-hi CAPUT-hi
TELL AHMAR 1, § 5b; TELL AHMAR 6, § 14 TELL AHMAR 6, § 32 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 31 TELL AHMAR 1, § 27 CEKKE, § 18 BOROWSKI 3, § 4
frags. (“CAPUT[”])[ha+ra/i]-ma-[hi-na] (“CAPUT”)h[a …]
KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 14 TELL AHMAR 2, § 23
harnisa-, “wall, fortress” (log. L.231, CASTRUM) = Phoen. qrt, ḥmyt, ʾrṣt LATE nom. sing. N acc. sing. N
(“CASTRUM”)há+ra/i-ní-sà-za (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za ha+ra/i-ni-sà-za < > “ CASTRUM”-sà-z[á] “CASTRUM”-z[a]
KARATEPE 1, 305 (Hu) HAMA 1–3, 6–7, § 2 KARABURUN, §§ 1, 4 KARATEPE 1, § XLV KARATEPE 2, § 1
Part 6: Selected Glossary
gen. sing. dat. sing. nom. pl. N acc. pl. N
“CASTRUM”-zá CASTRUM-za (“CASTRUM”)há-na-sá-si (“CASTRUM”)há+ra/i-ní-sà-si “CASTRUM-ní-si “CASTRUM”-si (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-n[í-sà]-a “CASTRUM”-sà CASTRUM-ni-sa7 (CASTRUM)ha+ra/i-ní-i-sà (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ní-sà CASTRUM (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ní-sà ha+ra/i-ní-[ (“CASTRUM”)ha+ra/i-ní-sà (CASTRUM)ha+ra/i-na-sà
frags. CASTRUM-ní CASTRUM? […] ha […]
KARATEPE 1, 203 ÇİNEKÖY, § 7 KARATEPE 1, 288 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 288 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 353 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 215 (Hu); 353 (Ho) EĞRİKÖY, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 7; KARATEPE 1, 130 (Hu) TOPADA, § 6 KARATEPE 1, 122 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 130 (Ho) AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 8 KARATEPE 1, 95 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 95 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 122 (Hu) ÇİNEKÖY, § 7 ÇALAPVERDİ 2, § 1 TÜNP 2, B3
hartu-, “descendant” (det. L.45.I, FILIUS; Luw.-Hitt. hardu(wa)-) nom. sing. (FILIUS)ha+ra/i-tu-sá MARAŞ 1, § 1g
harwa-, “road” (log. L.221, VIA; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. har(u)wa-) = Phoen. drk LATE acc. sing. MF
VIA-wa/i-na VIA-na “VIA”-wa/i-na
TELL AHMAR 6, § 12; İVRİZ frag. 3, l. 2 KÖTÜKALE, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 180 (Hu)
part., dat. plur.(?)
(“VIA”)ha+ra/i-w[a/i]-ta-z[a] VIA-wa/i-ta-za VIA-wa/i-ta-z[i?]
JISR EL HADID 4, § 4 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 7 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 6
harwa(n)tahid-, “travel” abl. (“VIA”)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ta-hi-lá/í-ti-i harwani-, “send” (Cun. Luw. harwanni-) 2 sing. pres. VIA-wa/i-ni-si 2 sing. pret. VIA-wa/i-ni-ta 3 plur. pret. VIA-wa/i-ni-ta 2 sing. imp. (VIA)ha+ra/i-wa/i-ni VIA-wa/i-ni
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21
ASSUR letter d, § 10; ASSUR letter f+g, § 26 ASSUR letter a, § 7 ASSUR letter f+g, § 27 ASSUR letter d, §§ 6, 7, 9; ASSUR letter f+g, § 25 ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 23, 35(-i), 40; ASSUR letter c, §§ 8, 10, 11; ASSUR letter b, §§ 7, 10; ASSUR letter e, §§ 23, 27; ASSUR letter a, §§ 11, 12; ASSUR letter d, § 8 ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 31, 35, 36, 44, 47; ASSUR letter a, § 10; ASSUR letter e, § 18, 28 ASSUR letter f+g, § 19
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
hasa-, “force” (det. L.314; Cun. Luw. has-, “bone; strength”) abl. (“L.314”)ha-sá-ti-i
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 30
hasatana-, “support” (det. L.314) abl. (L.314)ha-sa-ta-na-ti-i L.314-sa-ta-na-ti L.314-sa-tá-na-ti
TELL AHMAR 6, § 24 TELL AHMAR 6, § 6 CEKKE, 6b
hasi-, “be satisfied with” (det. L.341, COR; Hitt. hassik-(?)) 1 sing. pret. ha-si-ha (COR)ha-si-ha ha-[… 3 sing. pret. ha-si-[…
KARKAMIŠ A5b, § 2; TİLSEVET, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 7 EĞREK, § 2
hasusari-, “queen” (log. L.16, MAGNUS.DOMINA) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF dat. sing.
(MAGNUS.DOMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-sa (FEMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-sa (DOMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-sa MAGNUS.DOMINA-sa5+ra/i-sa MAGNUS.DOMINA-sa5+ra/i-na (MAGNUS.DOMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/i-[i?] MAGNUS.FEMINA-sa5+ra/i-i MAGNUS.DOMINA
MEHARDE, §§ 6, 8 KULULU 5, § 7b SHEIZAR, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 6 KIRÇOĞLU, § 2 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 10
Seals: Satanduhepa (Mşt. 75/10) Henti, Tawananna, Taduhepa (CRUCIFORM SEAL), Puduhepa (NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 14; 21, 29, 30; 46–49, 51, 52, 58–63; 70–83, 85–88)
hatali-, “smite” (det. L.274; cf. Hitt. GIŠ/NA4hattalla-, “club”) = Phoen. ʿn LATE 1 sing. pret.
(L.274)há-ta-li-há L.274-ta-li-ha (L.274)ha-ta-li-i-ha (L.274)ha-ta-li-há L.274-li-ha (L.274)ha-ta-li-ha ⌈(L.274)⌉[ha]-ta-li-i-ha
KARATEPE 1, 129 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 129 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 144 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 144 (Ho) ÇİNEKÖY, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 1 MARAŞ 4, § 2
Part 6: Selected Glossary
3 plur. pret.
(L.274)ha-ta-la-i-ta (L.274)há-ta-la-i-ta
hatastari-, “violence” (det. L.314; Hitt.(-Luw.) hatastarri-) abl. (“L.314”)ha-CRUS-sá-tara/i-ti
KARATEPE 1, 135 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 135 (Ho)
TELL AHMAR 1, § 12
hatura-, “letter” [[now “health, well-being”: see above p. 288]] LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF dat. sing.
ha-tu-ra+a-sa ha-tu-a-sa ha-tu+ra/i-na ha-tu+ra/i-na-i ha-tu-ra+a
ha-tu+ra/i-a ha-tu-ra+a-i
ASSUR letter f+g, § 9 ASSUR letter e, § 11 ASSUR letter e, §§ 5, 7, 9; ASSUR letter a, § 5 ASSUR letter d, § 5 ASSUR letter a, § 3; ASSUR letter b, § 3; ASSUR letter c, §§ 2, 4; ASSUR letter d, § 4; ASSUR letter e, §§ 4, 5, 6; ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 3, 10, 11 ASSUR letter e, §§ 3, 8 ASSUR letter d, § 5
hawi-, “sheep” (log. L.111, OVIS(ANIMA); Cun. Luw. hawi-) = Phoen. š, ṣʾn LATE nom. sing. MF
((“)OVIS.ANIMA(”))há-wa/i-sá (OVIS.ANIMA)há-wá/í-i-sá OVIS.ANIMA-wa/i-sa OVIS-wa/i-sa OVIS-sa
acc. sing. MF gen. dat. sing. abl. nom. plur. MF (?) acc. plur. MF
OVIS-sá “OVIS”-sa OVIS (OVIS)ha-wa/i-na OVIS.ANIMA-wa/i-na OVIS.ANIMA-na OVIS-na OVIS ( ) “ OVIS.ANIMA(”) OVIS.ANIMA-wa/i-si OVIS.ANIMA-si (OVIS.ANIMA)ha-wa/i-i OV[IS …]-wa/i OVIS.ANIMA-i (“OVIS.ANIMA”)ha-wa/i-ti OVIS.ANIMA-ti OVIS.ANIMA-zi OVIS (OVIS.ANIMA)ha-wa/i-zi
KARATEPE 1, 270 (Hu, Ho) KARATEPE 1, 272 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 272 (Hu); KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 18c, e KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18d KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18b; KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.6, 1.10; 2.12, 2.13; 3.15, 3.16 KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.4, 1.8, 1.9, 1.11 SULTANHAN, § 11 CEKKE, § 11 KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.1; KULULU lead frag. 1, i.1 MARAŞ 11, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 31; MALPINAR, § 26 KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.2, 5, 7, 3.17; KULULU lead frag. 1, i.2, 3, 6 KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.3; 3.14, 18–20; KULULU lead frag. 1, i.4, 5 MARAŞ 3, §§ 4, 6; MARAŞ 5, § 1; CEKKE, § 5 KARATEPE 1, 316 (Hu, Ho) KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 30 AKSARAY, § 4a KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 8 KULULU 1, § 6 MALPINAR, § 5 SULTANHAN, § 29 CEKKE, § 11 unpublished text
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
EMPIRE (note sign form) OVIS
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 19, 21, 22; YALBURT blocks 6, § 2; 15, § 2
hazani-, “mayor” (det. L.382, LIGNUM; Akk. Lw. haziānu / hazannu) nom. sing. MF (LIGNUM)ha-za-ni-sa- CEKKE, § 14 ha-⌈zi⌉-ia-ni-sá-a BULGARMADEN, § 10
hinu(wa)-, “cause to pass” (det. (L.93.3 re-read) PES2) LATE 1 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
hi-nu-wa/i-ha (“PES2”)hi-nu-ha (“PES2”)hi-nú-ha (“PES2”)hi-nu-wa/i-ta-a (“PES2”)hi-i-nu-wa/i-tá
ARSUZ 1+2, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 7, 8 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 3
hishiya-, “bind” (det. L.31, LIGARE; Cun. Luw. hishiya-, Hitt. ishiya-) LATE gerund. (PUGNUS+PUGNUS)hi-sà-hi-mi-na
CEKKE, §§ 13, 16
*hudarli-, “servant” (log. L.387, SERVUS; reading *hudarli-, Cun. Luw. hudarli-) = Phoen. ʿbd LATE nom. sing. MF
acc. sing. MF dat. sing. nom. plur.
SERVUS-la/i SERVUS SERVUS-lá/í-sa SERVUS-la/i-⌈sa⌉ [SER]VUS-la/i …] SERVUS-la/i-i-sá SERVUS-lá/í-sa- SERVUS-la/i-sá SERVUS-la/i-sa4 SER[VUS-…] [SER]VUS-la/i-sa SERVUS-lá/í SERVUS-l[á/í …] SERVUS-lá/í-na SERVUS-lá/í-i SERVUS-lá/í-zi
TELL AHMAR 2, § 1; BULGARMADEN, § 1; KULULU 1, § 1; EĞRİKÖY, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 1; TELL AHMAR 6, § 1; ALEPPO 2, § 1; TELL AHMAR frag. 10, § 1; ÇİFTLİK, § 5 CEKKE, § 6a; BEIRUT, § 1; ADANA 1, § 1 SUVASA, C; KULULU 8 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 4; SULTANHAN, § 1; ŞIRZI, § 1 EĞRİKÖY, § 3 ÇİFTLİK, § 1 KARKAMIŠ frag. A29c, l. 2 SHEIZAR, § 9 KARATEPE 1, 6 (Hu) KAYSERİ, § 1 ÇİNEKÖY, § 1 MALPINAR, § 1 CEKKE, § 1 IZGIN 1, § 17 HİSARCIK 1, § 5 SULTANHAN, § 13 ANCOZ 8+5, § 8
Part 6: Selected Glossary
SERVUS-lá/í-zi-i SERVUS-la/i
ANCOZ 8+5, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 7
TAŞÇI A (3); cf. seal, Herbordt, PBS, no. 497
*hudarli(ya)-, “of a servant” acc. sing. N SERVUS-la/i-ia-za dat. sing. SERVUS-la/i-ia
*hudarlati-, “servant” nom. sing. SERVUS-la/i-ti-sa SERVUS-lá/í-ti-sá? acc. plur. SERVUS-la/i-ti-i-zi
? acc. sing.
TOPADA, § 15
huha(ti)-, “grandfather” (log. L.331, AVUS; Cun. Luw. huha-, Hitt. huhha-) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF dat. sing. nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF (?)
AVUS-ha-sá AVUS-ha-na AVUS-ha AVUS-ha (AVUS)hu-ha-zi AVUS-ha-zi AVUS-ha-zi AVUS-ha-zi AVUS-ha-zi AVUS-ha-ti
MARAŞ 4, § 9 MARAŞ 4, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 4 MARAŞ 4, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A23, § d ÇİFTLİK, § 4; ARSUZ 2, § 16; KARABURUN, § 1; ARSUZ 1, § 16 BOHÇA, § 10 BOHÇA, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 14
EMPIRE nom. plur. ?
YALBURT block 4, § 3 SÜDBURG, § 13
huhad(i)-, “great-grandfather” acc. sing. MF AVUS-ha-ti-na nom. plur. MF AVUS-ha-ti-zi
MARAŞ 4, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8
here? nom. sing.
huhadi(ya)-, “of great-grandfather” dat. sing. (AVUS)hu-ha-ti nom. plur. N AVUS-ti-ia acc. plur. N AVUS-ha-ti-ia dat. plur. AVUS-ha-da-za
TELL AHMAR 1, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 8 HAMA 4, § 10
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
huhadall(a/i)-, “ancestral” nom. sing. MF AVUS-ha-da-li-sa
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 2
huhadul(i)-, “forefather” acc. sing. MF AVUS-ha-tu-li-
MARAŞ 4, § 11
here? nom. plur.
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8
huhurpali-, “ ? ” (det. L.382, LIGNUM) dat. sing. (“LIGNUM”)hu-hú+ra/i-pa-li
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 10
huhurpali(ya)-, “ ? ” dat. plur. hu-hu+ra/i-pa+ra/i-ia-za
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.11
humati-, “podium” (log. L.264, PODIUM; Cun. Luw. hummati-) LATE dat. sing. (“PODIUM”)hu-ma-ti abl. “PODIUM”-ta-ti gen. adj., acc. sing. “PODIUM”-ma-da-si-na
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 19, 20 KARKAMIŠ A20a1, § 2
hwisar- / hwitar-, “wild beasts” (det. L.97, LEO; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. huitar) LATE acc. sing. N
(“ANIMA.LEO”)hwi/a-sa5+ra/i (LEO)hwi/a-sa5+ra/i (LEO)hwi/a-sà+ra/i-sa (LEO)hwi/a-tara/i
BOHÇA, § 5 BULGARMADEN, § 7 ALEPPO 2, § 6 MARAŞ 1, § 11
hwidniya-, “of the wild beasts” hwi/a-da-ni-ia-
ŞIRZI, § 4
hwisnami-, “wild(?)” (LEO)hwi/a-sá-na-ma-ia
ASSUR letter a, § 10
hwiya-, hwihwiya-, “run” (det. PES2 (L.93.2, 3 re-read CURRERE // hwi/a); Cun. Luw.-Hitt. huiya-, hu(i)huiya-) LATE 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
(PES2)hwi/a-ia-ta hwi/a-ia-ta (PES2)hwi/a-ia-ta L.179-ia-táx(?)
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 23 BABYLON 1, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 11 TOPADA, § 17
caus., 3
sing. pret.
Part 6: Selected Glossary
redupl. hwihwiya3 sing. pret. med.-pass., 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
hu-ha-sà-ta-si (PES2)hwi/a-hwi/a-sà-tá-si (PES2)hwi/a-hwi/a-sà-ta-si
TELL AHMAR 6, § 19 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 2
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. imp. caus., ?
hwi-i(a)-tu hwi/a-i(a)-nú-wa/i
ALEPPO 7, § 14 ALEPPO 7, § 9
EMPIRE 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. imp.
hwi/a-i(a)-tá hwi/a-i(a)-tu
YALBURT blocks 4, § 2; 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4 EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37
i-, “go” (log.-det. (L.93.5 re-read) PES2; Cun. Luw. i-) = Phoen. (h)lk LATE 1 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 sing. imp.
i-wa/i (PES2)i-ti (PES2)i+ra/i (PES2)i-ha (PES2)i-[ha] PES2-ha (“PES2”)i+ra/i (“PES2”)i-da (PES2)i-tú-u […
KULULU 1, § 15 TELL AHMAR 6, § 34 CEKKE, § 20 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 9 TELL AHMAR 6, § 24 KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 3; KULULU 3, § 5 TOPADA, §§ 8, 13 KAYSERİ, § 19 TELL AHMAR frag. 5, l. 4
KARATEPE 1, 181 (Hu)
frag. (PES2)i-[x]
DN (DEUS)PES2 (L.93.10, reading Iya (Ea)): see (4) God-names List ipami-, “west” (log. L.329, OCCIDENS; Cun. Luw. LATE dat. sing. abl. gen. adj., acc. plur. MF
ipatarma-) = Phoen. mbʾ šmš
(“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-mi (“SOL”)i-pa-mí-i “OCCIDENS”-pa-mi (“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-ma-ti-i (“OCCIDENS”)i-pa-ma-ri+i-i
KARATEPE 1, 25 (Hu, Ho); 132 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 132 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 167 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; TELL AHMAR 1, § 9 BOHÇA, § 1
ipami(ya)-, “west” OCCIDENS-mi-ti
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
irha- (arha-), “border” (log. L.216, FINES; Hitt. arha-/irha-) = Phoen. gbl LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF dat. sing. abl. nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF dat. plur.
“FINES”-sa FINES+RA/I+HI-NEG2 FINES-hi FINES+HI FINES-ha-ti “FINES”-hi-zi FINES-hi-zi FINES+hi-zi FINES+hi(-ti?)-zi/a FINES+ha-zi (“FINES”)i-ra/i-ha-za (FINES)i+ra/i-há-za (“FINES”)i+ra/i-há-za FINES+ha-za
BABYLON 1, §§ 5, 6, 7 TOPADA, § 8 TELL TAYINAT 4, § 3 TOPADA, §§ 7, 26 MARAŞ 1, § 1h ALEPPO 3, § 3 CEKKE, §§ 19, 21; ANCOZ 7, § 5; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 16, 20 KARATEPE 1, 163 (Hu) TOPADA, § 16 IZGIN 2, §§ 3, 4 (FINES!+), 5; IZGIN 1, §§ 4, 15 KARATEPE 1, 152 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 152 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 101 (Ho) IZGIN 1, § 4
frag. FINES-hi [… (FINES)i+ra/i-[ha]-z[a/i …]
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 35 TELL AHMAR 1, § 5a
CEKKE, § 15 TOPADA, § 6
FINES-ha+ra/i-ia(-) FINES+RA/I+HA-ha-lí
adverb FINES+hi-ti-i-na, “abroad”
EMPIRE acc. plur. dat. plur.
EMİRGAZİ 2, § 5 YALBURT block 3, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, § b; SÜDBURG, § 5
ARHA, “out, away” (log. L.216; reading *aha(?), Yakubovich (AoF 39 (2012), pp. 321–339); Cun. Luw. ahha(?), Hitt. arha) LATE KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 3, 9, 12, 18; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 7, 10, 20; KARKAMIŠ A4a, §§ 1, 2, 12, 14; KARKAMIŠ A4b, §§ 2, 6; KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 3, 6; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 5, 6, 25, 27; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 3, 24, 30; KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A15a, §§ 3, 4; KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 17, 21; KARKAMIŠ A16b; KARKAMIŠ A17c, § 16; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, §§ 3, 6, 10; KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A28n; KARKAMIŠ A29b; KARKAMIŠ N1, §§ 2, 6; ADANA 1, § 6; ADIYAMAN 1, §§ 7, 8; AFRIN, § 1; AKSARAY, § 1; ALEPPO 2, §§ 6, 22; ANCOZ 7, §§ 4, 10, 13; ANCOZ 10+11, § 1; ANCOZ 12, § 3; ANDAVAL, §§ 3, 5; ANKARA 1, § 6; ARSUZ 1+2, § 23; ASMACIK, l. 1; ASSUR letter e, § 13; letter f+g, §§ 6, 7; BABYLON 1, §§ 14, 15; BOROWSKI 1, § 4; BOROWSKI 3, §§ 9, 10; BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 5, 9; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 9, 10, 15, 17c, 18, 19; BULGARMADEN, §§ 4, 14; CEKKE, §§ 4, 21, 23, 28; ÇİNEKÖY, § 11; EREĞLİ 1, § 3; GELB, l. 3; GEMEREK, §§ 2, 3; GÜRÇAY, B § 1; HAMA 5, § 1; IZGIN 2, § 10; İSTANBUL, § 2; İSTANBUL 2, A(1), C(2), A(2); JISR EL HADID, frag. 3 l. 3; KARABURUN, §§ 1, 11; KARATEPE 1, 58 (Hu); 67 (Hu, Ho); 285 (Hu, Ho); 386 (Hu, Ho); KARATEPE 3, § 2; KIRÇOĞLU, § 2; KÖRKÜN, §§ 6, 8, 11; KULULU 1, §§ 12, 16; KULULU 2, § 3; KULULU 3, §§ 5, 7; KULULU 5, § 11; MALPINAR, §§ 7, 18, 20; MARAŞ 3, § 8; MARAŞ 4, §§ 5, 13; MARAŞ 8, §§ 2, 5, 8, 12; MARAŞ 13, ll. 2–3; MARAŞ 14, § 10; POTOROO, 4a, 7a; SAMSAT frags. 2; ŞARAGA, § 3b; ŞIRZI, §§ 5, 8; SULTANHAN, §§ 20, 33a; TEKİRDERBENT 1, l. 1; TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 10, 27; TELL AHMAR 2, §§ 12, 19; TELL AHMAR 5, § 8; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 5, 6, 8, 21, 25, 29; TELL AHMAR frag. 1; frag. 5 l. 1; frag. 8; TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 1 l. 1; TELL
Part 6: Selected Glossary
TAYINAT 2, frag. 6(×2); frag. 1a § i; frag. 2b–a; frag. 12 § ii; frag. 11; TELL TAYINAT 4, § 2; TOPADA, §§ 25(?), 28, 34, 36; TULEIL 1, l. 1; TÜNP 1, § 2; YUNUS, § 3
ARHA-ti-i-li-sa ARHA-i ARHA(-)sa-mi-na
KARATEPE 1, 18(Hu) KARATEPE 1, 340 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 402 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 17, 21, 24; MARAŞ 4, § 16 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 3 ALEPPO 2, § 13 ALEPPO 2, § 18 TEKİRDERBENT 1, l. 3 ASSUR letter a, § 8 ANCOZ 8+5, § 5; SULTANHAN, § 6; BULGARMADEN, § 13; ASSUR letter a, § 4; b, § 5; c, § 5; e, §§ 10, 12, 14; f+g, §§ 12, 21, 24, 37, 38, 40, 45, 47; ANCOZ 8+5, § 5; also in an unpublished text BABYLON 1, § 12 ASSUR letter b, § 7; f+g, § 51 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 7
EMPIRE EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 8, 10, 20, 22, 28; YALBURT blocks 6, § 2(?); 13, § 2; 14, § 1
irwa-, a caprid (det. L.104, CAPRA (formerly GAZELLA) abl. i+ra/i-wa/i-ti (CAPRA)i+ra/i-wa/i-ti-i
It is probable that the Anatolian plateau had no gazelles, and the Syrian Jezirah no wild goats; but Commagene may have had both. See also sasa-.
isarwili- / isaruli-, “right-hand” (log.-det. L.32, BRACCHIUM; Cun. Luw. isarwili-) LATE ? acc. sing. MF acc. plur. MF
(“BRACCHIUM”)i-sa5+ra/i-wa/i-la[… [BRACCH]IUM-wa/i-li-na BRACCHIUM-ru-li BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-zi
KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 9 ARSUZ 2, § 19 KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 5 JISR EL HADID frag. 3, l. 3
frag. BRACCHIUM-⌈lu/a/i⌉-sa-[x]
TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2a § iii
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-⌈x⌉-ní-sa BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-sa
CEKKE, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 5
ALEPPO 7, § 16
MALKAYA, inscription 4
isatarata-, “throne” (log. THRONUS, L.294, L.298) = Phoen. ksʾ LATE acc. sing. N dat. sing.
i-sà-tara/i-ta-za (THRONUS)i-sà-tara/i-tá-za (“THRONUS”)i-sà-tara/i-ti (THRONUS)i-sà-tara/i-ti-i THRONUS-tara/i-ti …] L.190.THRONUS
BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 5; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 5, 15 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 1 KARATEPE 1, 83 (Hu; Ho(-tí-i)); MARAŞ 4, § 17(-i) MARAŞ 1, § 3 IZGIN 1, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 4
isatarala-, “chair” abl. í-sà-tara/i-la-ti
KAYSERİ, § 10; SULTANHAN, § 30(-a)
YALBURT block 14, §§ 2, 3; NİŞANTAŞ AV, § c
istri-, “hand” (log. MANUS, L.59; Cun. Luw. is(sa)ri-, Hitt. kessar) LATE acc. sing. MF dat. sing. abl.
(MANUS)i-sà-tara/i-na MANUS-tara/i-na “MANUS”-tara/i-na (MANUS)i-sà-tara/i-i MANUS-tara/i “MA]NUS”-tara/i-ti “MANUS”-ti
frags. (⌈MANUS⌉)i-s[a-tara/i]-x (“MANUS”)i-⌈sà-tara/i⌉-na
KARKAMIŠ A7, § 3 ARSUZ 2, § 19; ARSUZ 1, § 8 JISR EL HADID frags. 2, l. 2; ARSUZ 2, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 15, 17, 22 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 3 TELL AHMAR 1, § 21 AFRIN, § 3
iti-, “erase” (det. L.69/MANUS) = Phoen. mḥ LATE 1 sing. pres. 3 plur. imp.
(“L.69”)i-ti-wa/i (MANUS / “L.69”)i-ti-tu
KARATEPE 1, 341 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 387 (Hu, Ho)
Part 6: Selected Glossary
frags. (L.69)i-ti-[… (L.69)i-[… (L.69)i
TELL AHMAR 1, § 27 TELL AHMAR 2, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 14?
i(ya)sa-, “buy” (log. L.344, CONTRACTUS) LATE 1 sing. pres. 3 plur. pret. 2 sing. imp.
i-sa-wi-i i-sa-u-ta (“CONTRACTUS”)i-sa-ta (“CONTRACTUS”)i-ia-sá-ta i-ia-sa
YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1 ASSUR letter f+g, § 28 CEKKE, § 6b TÜNP 1, § 1 ASSUR letter f+g, § 34
izista-, “honour” (verb) LATE 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 imp. plur.
i-zi-i-sa-ta-i i-zi-i-sa-ta-ha i-zi-i-sa-ta-tú-u
KARKAMIŠ A1b, §§ 2, 3; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 34 KULULU 4, § 12 KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 3
i-zi-sa-tu-na i-zi-i-sa-tú-na
KARATEPE 1, 262 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 262 (Ho)
i-zi-i-[sa-ta-i] …]-i-sa-ta-i
KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 29
izista- (noun) abl.
KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 15, 17
TRANSITIONAL 1 sing. pret.
ALEPPO 6, § 2
izi(ya)-, “make, do”, = Phoen. pʿl LATE 1 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres.
i-zi-i-wa/i i-zi-i-wa/i-i i-zi-ia-wa/i i-zi-i-ti
(or plur.?) 1 sing. pret.
i-zi-i-ti-i i-zi-ia-ti-i i-zi-ti i-zi-i-ri+i i-zi-ia-ti i-zi-i-ha
KARATEPE 1, 368 (Hu) TELL AHMAR 1, § 24 ASSUR letter e, § 9 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 16; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 13; KARKAMIŠ A16a, § 3; ANCOZ 7, § 8 TEKİRDERBENT 1, l. 2 BULGARMADEN, § 10 KÖTÜKALE, § 6 KULULU 5, § 4 ANCOZ 7, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 25; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 19; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 13; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 11; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, §§ 8, 10; IZGIN 1, §§ 4, 5; HAMA 4, § 5; MARAŞ 4, § 14 (-a);
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
BABYLON 2, § 4; KARATEPE 1, 44, 52 (Ho); ANCOZ 7, § 7; also in an unpublished text KARATEPE 1, 48 (Hu), 52 (Hu), 80; ALEPPO 3, § 4 MARAŞ 3, § 3; also in an unpublished text KULULU 1, § 4 KÖTÜKALE, § 3; İSPEKÇÜR frag. d, side C ALEPPO 2, § 8 IZGIN 2, §§ 4, 5; TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 15, 16; HAMA 1/2/3/7, § 3; BABYLON 2, § 1; ŞIRZI, § 1; NİĞDE 1; TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1, frag. 2a, § iv; frag. 3, § i; KARATEPE 1, 17 (Hu); KARKAMIŠ A26 f, § 3 (-a) KARATEPE 1, 88 (Ho) TOPADA, § 29 KARATEPE 1, 362 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 2; KARABURUN, § 5; KULULU 2, § 2; HAMA 6, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 8 ASSUR letter b, § 4 IZGIN 2, § 9 KULULU 1, § 6 CEKKE, § 28
? 3 sing. pret.
i-zi-i-há i-zi-ia-ha i-zi-a-ha i-zi-ha i-zi-i-ha(-)si i-zi-i-da
? 3 plur. pret.
i-zi-da i-zi/a-ia-da i-zi-lá/í i-zi i-zi-ia-ta
2 sing. imp. 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp.
i-zi-ia-tá i-zi-ia-a i-zi-i-tú i-zi-ia-tu i-zi-ia-tú
med.-pass. 3 sing. pres. 3 plur. pret.?? 3 sing. imp.
i-zi-i-ia+ra/i i-zi-ia+ra/i i-zi-ia-si i-zi-ia-ru
i-zi-ia+ra/i-ru i-zi-ia-rú
MARAŞ 14, § 5 TÜNP 1, § 7 ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 24; TELL AHMAR 6, § 31; KARATEPE 1, 306 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 280 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 280 (Ho)
CEKKE, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 4; SULTANHAN, § 41(-a)
derivatives nom.(acc.) sing. N acc. plur. MF acc. sing. N??
i-zi-i-ia-tara/i-za-a i-zi-ia-na-zi i-zi-i-ia-t[i?-z]a? i-z[i]-i-ti-i-za
MARAŞ 14, § 7 IZGIN 2, § 9 MALPINAR, §§ 10, 14
TRANSITIONAL 1 sing. pret. ? 3 sing. pret.? 3 sing. pret.
i(a)-zi/a-ha i(a)-zi/a i(a)-zi/a i(a)-zi/a-da
Part 6: Selected Glossary
EMPIRE 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. imp.
i(a)-zi/a-ha i(a)-zi/a i(a)-zi/a-i(a)-ru
YALBURT block 4, § 1c; NİŞANTAŞ, V50–52; 93–95 SÜDBURG, § 18; YALBURT block 9, § 1b EMİRGAZİ 1, § 12
kapilali-, “enemy” (det. L.314; Hitt. kappilalli-) acc. sing. (“L.314”)k[a]-pi-la-li-i-na
TELL AHMAR 1, § 26
kapilali(ya)-, “enemy’s” gen. adj., acc. sing. (“L.314”)ka-pi-la-li-na
TELL AHMAR 1, § 24
kari-, “sacrifice” TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. imp.
ALEPPO 6, §§ 6, 10
karuna- / kaluna-, “granary/silo” (log. L.255–6, HORREUM) = Phoen. ʿqrt LATE acc. sing. MF dat. sing. acc. plur.
(“L.255”)ka-ru-na-na (“L.255”)ka-lu/a/i-na-na (L.255)ka-lu/a/i-na- (L.255)ka-lu/a/i-na (L.256)ka-lu/a/i-na-zi-i ((“)L.255(”))ka-ru-na-zi
İSKENDERUN, § 3 HAMA 8, § 2 MARAŞ 8, § 7 MARAŞ 8, § 7 TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 2, 5, 18 KARATEPE 1, 40 (Hu, Ho)
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 1
kati-, “hostility” nom. sing. MF dat. sing.
ka-ti-i-sa ka-ti-i
SULTANHAN, § 42 SULTANHAN, §§ 38, 39, 40
katina-, “bowl” (det. L.268, SCALPRUM) LATE acc. plur. N
katuni-, a toy? (det. L.314) acc. plur. MF (“L.314”)ka-tú-ni-zi gen. (“L.314”)ka-tú-na-sa
katuni-, “Katuni” PN? nom. sing. ka-tu-ni-sa
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
kinuwa-, “burn” (det. L.477, FLAMMAE) LATE 3 plur. pres. 1 sing. pret.
(“[FLAMM]AE(?)”)k[i-n]u-ti (“FLAMMAE”)ki-nu-wa/i-ti-i (“FLAMMAE”)ki-nu-wa/i-ha
CEKKE, § 4 MARAŞ 5, § 1 MARAŞ 3, § 4
iter. 3 plur. imp.
ALEPPO 2, § 23
kistami-, “east” (log. L.192, ORIENS) = Phoen. mṣʾ šmš LATE nom. sing. MF dat. sing. abl. gen. adj., acc. plur.
ORIENS-mi-sa-a (DEUS)ORIENS-mi “ORIENS”-ta-mi (ORIENS)ki-sà-ta-mi-i (DEUS.ORIENS)ki-sà-ta-ma-ti-i (DEUS.ORIENS)ki-sà-ta-ma-ti ORIENS+MI-ma-ri+i (DEUS.ORIENS.MI)ki-sà-ta-ma-ti (DEUS.ORIENS)ki-sà-ta-ma-si-zi
GEMEREK, § 1 KARATEPE 1, 149 (Hu, Ho) KARATEPE 1, 169 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 28 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1 TELL AHMAR 6, § 5 BOHÇA, § 1 TELL AHMAR 1, § 9 TELL AHMAR 6, § 5
KÜRTÜL, § 4a
kistamiya-, “east” abl. ORIENS-mi-ia-ti
kuma-, “pure” (log. L.322(1–2), L.323, PURUS; Cun. Luw. kumma(ya)-) LATE acc. plur. N
ANCOZ 1, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 14; TÜNP 2, § 2
kumani-, “consecrate” 1 sing. pret. (“PURUS”)ku-ma-ni-ha
KARKAMIŠ Stone Bowl, § 1
kumastr(i)-, “sacrament” acc. sing. MF ku-ma-sa-tara/i-na
ANCOZ 7, § 7
kumayala-, “sacrificial beasts” acc. plur. N ku-ma-ia-la
kumaza-, “purest” nom. sing. MF ku-ma-za-sa
Part 6: Selected Glossary
PURUS on seals: see Hawkins apud Herbort, PBS, p. 299 Excursus 17.
kuman, “when” (conj.) LATE
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 8; ASSUR letter f+g, § 11; BOR, § 2; TELL AHMAR 6, § 4; TELL AHMAR 1, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 2, 22; POTOROO, 7b; MARAŞ 8, § 2; KÖRKÜN, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 14; KELEKLİ, § 2; PANCARLI, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 9a
KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 6
(ku)runtiya-, “Stag-(God)” (log. L.102, L.103, L.109(3), CERVUS1–4; reading (ku)runti(ya)-) PNN CERVUS2-ti MALATYA bulla ru-ti-CERVUS3-ia-sa (?) ŞIRZI, § 1 CERVUS3-ti-ia-sa BABYLON 3 CERVUS GÜRÜN, § 1b CERVUS3+RA/I-ta-pi-sá JISR EL HADID 4, § 2 I TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-CERVUS3-ti-i-ia-sa MARAŞ 4, § 1 I TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-CERVUS3-ti-ia-sa MARAŞ 4, § 10 I TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-CERVUS3-ti-ia-si-sà MARAŞ 1, § 1e ⌈TONITRUS⌉.HALPA-⌈pa⌉-CERVUS3-[ti-i]a-sa TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 6 other CERVUS3.ANIMA(-)ni-ia CERVUS2, CERVUS
IZGIN 1, § 19 ÇALAPVERDİ 1, § 5a; 2, l. 3
(DEUS)CERVUS: see (4) God-names List
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
kusa- / kwisa-, “erase” (log. L.10+268 (CAPUT+SCALPRUM)) LATE 3 sing. pres. (“CAPUT+SCALPRUM”)REL-sà-[i] gerund. (“CAPUT+SCALPRUM”)ku-sà-mi-na
unpublished text TÜNP 1, § 2
EMPIRE (3 sing. pres.)
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 8, 20
(-)kusa-, “chariot(?)” (det. L.288, CURRUS) abl. CURRUS(-)ku-sà-ti
kutasari-, “orthostat” (det. L.268, SCALPRUM; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. NA4kuttassari-) LATE nom. sing. MF dat. sing. nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF dat. plur.
⌈(“L.256?”)⌉ku-⌈ta⌉-sa5+ra/i-sa (SCALPRUM)ku-⌈ta⌉-sa5+ra/i-i (“SCALPRUM”)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-i (SCALPRUM)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-zi (SCALPRUM)[k]u-ta-sa5+ra/i-zi (SCALPRUM)ku-tá-sa5+ra/i-zi (SCALPRUM)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-zi [(SCALPRUM)]ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-zi-i (SCALPRUM)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-za (“SCALPRUM”)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-za
kutasari-, (denom. verb) “face with orthostats” 1 sing. pret. SCALPRUM-sa5+ra/i-ha
ŞARAGA, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A16b KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 15 KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A20a1, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 24
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 16
*ku(wa)lani-, “army” (log. L.269, EXERCITUS; Hitt. ku-wa-la-na-); Hier. = Cun. ku-la-na- (Poetto, Kadmos 21 (1982), pp. 101– 103) = Phoen. mḥnt LATE acc. sing. EXER[CITUS …] EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-za EXERCITUS-LU/A/I dat. sing. EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-ní-(i) gen. EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-na-sa8 EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-na-si abl. EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-ti EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-ti EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-na-ti-i gen. adj., nom. sing. EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-na-si-(i)-sa gen. adj., acc. sing. EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-na-si-na EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-na-si-i- gen. adj., dat. sing. EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-na-sa-na
ÇİNEKÖY, § 4 KARATEPE 1, 45 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 46 (Hu), 50 (Ho) PORSUK, § 5 TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 KÖRKÜN, § 6 TOPADA, § 8 TELL AHMAR 6, § 24 TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 7, 17, 31 TELL AHMAR 6, § 26 TELL AHMAR 6, § 23 TELL AHMAR 6, § 28
frags. EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-x […]
TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1a
Part 6: Selected Glossary
YALBURT block 9, § 2
onomastic element see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 434, 292 Excursus 5 PN title
kwananala-, “carver” (det. L.402, SA4) nom. sing. MF SA4-na-na-la-sa (“SA4”)REL-na-na-[la?-]sá
BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11 İVRİZ frag. 2
kwanza- / kwinza-, “carve” (log. L.330, CAPERE+SCALPRUM // MALLEUS) 1 sing. pret. REL-za-ha-a ERKİLET 1, § 2 3 sing. pret. (CAPERE+SCALPRUM)REL-za-da İVRİZ 1, § 4 CAPERE+SCALPRUM-za+ra/i? İVRİZ frag. 2 REL-za+ra/i … MARAŞ 10, l. 4 CAPERE.SCALPRUM-da ARSUZ 2, § 28 CAPERE+SCALPRUM ARSUZ 1, § 28 CAPERE+SCALPRUM TOPADA, § 39 (CAPERE+SCALPRUM)REL-za-da GAZİANTEP, l. 3 CAPERE+MALLEUS MEHARDE, § 9 MALLEUS.CAPERE SHEIZAR, § 8 3 plur. pret. SCALPRUM+CAPERE […] BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11 (“CAPERE+SCALPRUM”)REL-za-ta KARATEPE 4, § 2 part., acc. plur. N REL-za-ma-ia KARABURUN, § 11 ⌈REL?⌉-za-ma-[ia?] ŞIRZI, § 8
kwanzu-, “heavy” (log. L.356; reading kwanzu-, Cun. Luw. kwanzu-, Melchert, pers. com.) LATE acc. sing.(?) nom. plur.
L.356-zú- L.356-wa/i-zi
TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 3–5 l. 5 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 11
ASSUR letter f+g, § 15
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
kwi-, “who, what” (demonstr./interrog. pron., log. REL, L.329; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. kui-) = Phoen. ʾš LATE nom. sing. MF
REL-i-sá REL-sá
acc. sing. MF nom. sing. N acc. sing. N ? dat. sing.
hwi/a-sa hwi/a-sá REL-i-na REL-na REL-a-za REL-a-za REL-za REL-zi/a+a REL-a-ti-i
interrog. (“why?”) conj. (“because”) conj. (“because”)
REL-ti(-i) REL-za REL-a-za REL-za
conj. (“wherefore”) REL-a-ti REL-a-ti conj. (“if”) REL-ti conj. (“wherefore”) REL-ti conj. (“if”) REL-ti conj. (“when”) REL-ti conj. (“so that”) REL-ti
KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 30, 32, 34; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 22 // A11b+c, § 22; KARKAMIŠ A13d, §§ 3, 10; TELL AHMAR 2, § 13; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 29, 30; GÜRÜN, § 6; KÖTÜKALE, § 5; IZGIN 2, § 10; MARAŞ 8, § 12; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 10; MALPINAR, § 10; ANCOZ 7, § 4; MEHARDE, § 7; SHEIZAR, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 10, 18; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 25; ARSUZ 1+2, § 27 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 13; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 26, 30; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, §§ 13, 15, 17; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12; KARKAMIŠ A16b; KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 3; MARAŞ 8, § 15; İSKENDERUN, § 5; TÜNP 1, § 7(?); CEKKE, § 20; TELL AHMAR 2, § 12; BOROWSKI 3, §§ 9, 10; ALEPPO 2, §§ 13, 18, 24, 25; TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 5, 16, 17; BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 2, 5; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 10(?), 15; MALPINAR, § 18; ANCOZ 7, § 9; SULTANHAN, §§ 17, 19, 34, 46; KAYSERİ, § 3; KULULU 3, § 7; KULULU 5, § 13; MARAŞ 11, § 4; also several times in an unpublished text KARKAMIŠ A6, § 29 KÖRKÜN, §§ 8, 10; MARAŞ 14, §§ 5, 11; ŞIRZI, §§ 5, 8(?); KULULU 1, § 7; KULULU 5, § 4 HAMA 4, § 8; MEHARDE, §§ 3, 5; TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 5, frag. 12, § i; ASSUR letter e, §§ 11, 29 TÜNP 1, § 5; ANCOZ 7, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 4; TİLSEVET, § 6; AKSARAY, § 7; ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 9, 49; also an unpublished text BULGARMADEN, §§ 10, 13 SULTANHAN, § 16 KARATEPE 1, 8 ANCOZ, § 7; ASSUR letter f+g, § 18 BABYLON 1, §§ 4, 8 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 37; ALEPPO 2, § 17 HAMA 1/2/3/6, 7, § 3; MARAŞ 1, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A20b11 (frag.) KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 7; MARAŞ 4, § 2; TELL AHMAR 6, § 24: all with usi BOR, § 8; (with usi(?)); ARSUZ 1+2, § 6 ASSUR letters c, § 7; e, § 9; f+g, § 27 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 33 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 12 // A7a, § 5; İSKENDERUN, § 2; BABYLON 2, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 6, 8 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 21 // A11b+c, § 21 // A6, § 25 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 14 KARABURUN, §§ 7, 9 HİSARCIK 1, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 126
Part 6: Selected Glossary
conj. (“if”) REL+ra/i conj. (“if”) REL-ri+i conj. (“as”) REL+ra/i (“?”) conj. (“since”) REL+ra/i-i (“if”)
KARATEPE 1, 332 ASSUR letter b, § 8 // f+g, § 22; ASSUR letter a, § 8 BOHÇA, §§ 8, 12 ANCOZ 7, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 30, 31 MARAŞ 8, § 13
nom. plur. MF
REL-i-zi REL-zi
acc. plur. MF
REL-zi/a REL-i-zi REL-zi
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17e; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 16; PALANGA, § 2; MALPINAR, § 4; KARATEPE 1, 109; KARATEPE 1, 139 (Hu; Ho, REL-zi4); ALEPPO 3, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 6; A20b3 (frag. -z[i/a]) KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 16 ANCOZ 7, § 6
nom. plur. N
KARATEPE 1, 61; KARATEPE 1, 173 (Hu only); KARATEPE 1, 311 (Hu only) KARATEPE 1, 135; KARATEPE 1, 361; ASSUR letter b, § 5 TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 8, 27 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 17 // 24 (// 21, REL-a) // TELL AHMAR 6, § 25; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 18, 23 (-a); TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 10, 18 // TELL AHMAR 5, § 8; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 7; ANCOZ 5, § 3; KULULU 1, § 15; BOHÇA, § 10; SULTANHAN, §§ 10, 11, 35; TOPADA, § 35, (// § 37, RELx-i); ASSUR letter e, §§ 7, 10 SULTANHAN, § 4
ANDAVAL, § 3; BOHÇA, § 10; IZGIN 1, § 2
REL-(i-)ta-na REL-i-ta-na REL-i-ta REL-i-ta REL-i-ta REL-ta
KARATEPE 1, 104 KARATEPE 1, 178 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 5; BABYLON 1, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 2 ALEPPO 2, § 3; MARAŞ 1, § 9
REL-pa(-wá/í) REL-pa(-wá/í-ta) REL-i-pa(-wa/i-ta) REL-i-pa(-wa/i-ara/i) (á-mu-pa(-wa/i+ra/i) REL-pa(-wa/i) REL-pa(-wa/i-a) REL-pa-(wa/i-mu) REL-pa(-wa/i) REL-i-pa(-wà/ì) REL-pa(-wa/i-ta) REL-pa(-wá/í-ta) REL-pa(-wa/i) REL-i-pa(-wa/i) hwi/a-pa(-wa/i)
KARATEPE 1, 56 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 119 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 119 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 142 (Ho), followed by á-mu KARATEPE 1, 142 (Hu)) KARATEPE 1, 153 KARATEPE 1, 182 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 209 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 303 (Hu) (verb: i-zi-ia-ru) KARATEPE 1, 303 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 309 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 309 (Ho) KARATEPE 4, § 1 SULTANHAN, § 11 (probably REL-i(-pawa)) SULTANHAN, § 13
acc. plur. N REL-ia conj. (= REL-i) REL-ia ? REL-i-ia REL-i
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
REL-i-pa(-wa/i-na) REL-pa(-wa/i) REL-pa(-wa/i)
SULTANHAN, § 32 SULTANHAN, § 37 BOHÇA, §§ 7 // 11
REL-sá REL-sá REL-sà(-hawa) REL-sa-pa hwi/a-sà-pa hwi/a-sà-a REL-ia(-hawa) REL-ia
SULTANHAN, § 43 KULULU 1, § 9 KULULU 2, § 5d EĞRİKÖY, § 4
REL+ra/i-i(a) REL-i(a)-sa(-pawa) i(a)-ma REL-i(a)-sa REL+ra/i-i(a)-pa REL+ra/i-pa(-da)
REL // REL-sa
KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b // KARADAĞ 1, § 2
EMPIRE nom. sing. MF
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 4 // KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, l. 2; EMİRGAZİ 1, § 11 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 24 // 27, 30, 34 // 36 KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, l. 1 EMİRGAZİ 2, A l. 2; YALBURT block 3, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ, III.49– 51; IV.24–27, 95 ff.; V.40–43 YALBURT block 11, § 4a EMİRGAZİ 1, § 19 YALBURT block 10, § 3; SÜDBURG, § 1; ANKARA bowl, § 2
REL-i(a)-sa dat. sing. REL-ti conj. REL-ti(-pawa-) nom./acc. plur. MF? REL-i(a)-zi/a dat. plur. REL-tá-zi/a conj. REL+ra/i
KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 22, 23 (disjunctive)
kwisha, “anyone”; na(wa) kwisha, “no one” (indef. pron., log. REL-; Cun. Luw. kuisha, Hitt. kuiski) LATE nom. singl MF
REL-i-sa-ha REL-i-sà-ha REL-sa-há REL-sà-ha
acc. sing. MF
hwi/a-sa-ha REL-i-ha
? acc. sing. N(?) (?) (?) dat. sing.
REL-a-ha REL-ha-na REL-ha RELx-ha REL-ti-i-ha REL-ti-ha REL-tí-hax
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 1; ERKİLET 1, § 3 ERKİLET 2, § 2 KARATEPE 1, 333 (Hu) ASSUR letters e, §§ 15, 31; f+g, §§ 17, 30; MALPINAR, § 27; KULULU 1, § 9 SULTANHAN, § 44 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 19, 20; ALEPPO 2, § 11; ASSUR letters e, § 5; f+g, § 31 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 7 BOHÇA, §§ 7, 11; ASSUR letters c, § 6; d, § 5; f+g, § 20 ANCOZ 7, § 3 TOPADA, § 29 KULULU 1, § 14; PANCARLI, § 2 HAMA 4, § 5 AKSARAY, § 8
place adv. indef.
ASSUR letters c, § 9; f+g, § 43
Part 6: Selected Glossary
EMPIRE nom. sing. MF dat. sing.
REL-i(a)-sa-ha REL-ti-ha
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 8, 9, 10; § 20; YALBURT block 4, § 2 SÜDBURG, § 13
kwir-, “cut” (det. L.52, MANUS+CULTER; Hitt. kwer-) LATE 1 sing. pret.
MARAŞ 4, § 13
la-, “take” (log. L.41, CAPERE not syllabic tà (da); Cun. Luw. la(la)-, Hitt. da-) LATE 2 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres.
la-si la-i CAPERE-i
3 plur. pres. 1 sing. pret.
CAPERE-ia “CAPERE”-ia CAPERE-ti-i (CAPERE)la-ha la-ha CAPERE-ha
3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. 3 sing./plur. pret.
CAPERE-ta CAPERE-táx la-ta CAPERE-ta
İSKENDERUN, § 6 KÖRKÜN, § 11 KÖRKÜN, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 20; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 12; ALEPPO 2, §§ 13, 18; BOROWSKI 3, § 9; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 19; ANCOZ 7, §§ 4, 9; (after SCRIBA+RA/I) KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 22; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 22; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 26 KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 27, 28, 30; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 15 HAMA 4, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 27; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 28, 29 MARAŞ 4, §§ 4, 12 MARAŞ 13, l. 3; BOHÇA, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 30; KARKAMIŠ A7, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 5; TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 2, frag. 2b–a TELL AHMAR 1, § 12; KELEKLİ, § 2 TOPADA, § 28 KULULU 4, § 9 TULEIL 1, l. 2
(“CAPERE”)lu/a/i-na (“CAPERE”)la-na
BOHÇA, §§ 3, 9 MARAŞ 3, § 8
frags. CAPERE-tú [CAPERE-i]a-a ⌈CAPERE?⌉-ta(?) CAPERE-ia(?)
KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12 TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 3–5 l. 5 HAMA 5, § 1
redupl. lala3 sing.(?) pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 plur.(?) pret.
(L.69)la-la-ti la-la-ha-i (“CAPERE”)la-la-ta
ANCOZ 10, § 1 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 10 MARAŞ 1, § 10
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret.
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
EMPIRE 3 sing. imp. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret.
CAPERE-tu CAPERE (?) la-la-ha CAPERE
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 22 YALBURT block 6, § 2 YALBURT block 14, § 1 SÜDBURG, §§ 5, 15b
*lalati-, “tongue, language” (log. L.175, LINGUA; Cun. Luw. lali-, Hitt. lala-) LATE acc. sing. dat. sing.
“LINGUA”-la-ti-i-na “LINGUA”-la-ti
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 20 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21
lamanisa-, “proclaim” (det. L.22, LOQUI; deverb., Hier. alaman, “name”) LATE 3 plur. pres.
latara-, “extend” (det. MANUS / L.69, also COR, TERRA) = Phoen. rḥb 1 sing. pret. (“MANUS”)la-tara/i-ha- KARATEPE 1, 21 (Hu, Ho) (“MANUS”)la-tara/i-ha KARATEPE 1, 164 (Hu) (“L.69”)la-tara/i-ha ÇİNEKÖY, § 2 MANUS(-)la-[… ? TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 6, l. 2 (“COR”)la-tara/i-ha TELL AHMAR 6, § 20 3 sing. pret. (TERRA)la-tara/i-ta IZGIN 2, § 3
liliya-, “hasten” (det. L. / SA4) 2. sing. imp. (SA4)li-li-ia
TELL AHMAR 5, § 12
luhanu(wa)-, “burn”(?) (det. L.477, FLAMMAE) 3 sing. pret. (FLAMMAE)lax-há-nú-wa/i-táx 3 plur. pret. [FLAMMAE?](-)lax-ha-nú-wa/i-táx
TOPADA, § 14 TOPADA, § 24
lu-x, “burn (intr.)” 3 sing. pret.
MARAŞ 8, § 2
luli-, (Hitt.), “pool” (log. L.215, FONS; Hier. FONS = Cun. TÚL // luli-) EMPIRE–LATE RN PURUS.FONS.MI = Cun. Isuppi-luli-uma see (5) Personal Names List
LATE MAGNUS+ra/i.FONS.SCALPRUM-zi (“great-pool-stones”) “barrage, dam” ÇİNEKÖY, § 8
Part 6: Selected Glossary
luslusa-, “sacrifice (by burning)” (det. L.477, FLAMMAE) 3 plur. pret. (“FLAMMAE”)lu/a/i-sà-lu/a/i-sà-ta
HAMA 4, § 11
luzali-, “sacrificial” acc. sing. MF (“FLAMMAE”)lu/a/i-za-li-na
HAMA 4, § 11
malirimi-, “honey-sweet” (det. L.181, PANIS) (“PANIS”)ma-li-⌈ri+i⌉-mi-i-sá nom. sing.
MARAŞ 1, § 1i
man, “whether … or” (Cun. Luw.-Hitt. man) LATE
ma-na ma-(wa/i-sa) ma-(wa/i-sá) ma-(pa-wa/i-sa)
ma-(pa-sa) ma-(pa-wa/i) ma-(pa-wa/i-da […) ma-(pa-wa/i-mu-ta) ma-(pa-wa/i […) ma-(pa-wa/i-da) ma-(wa/i-tú-wa/i-sa)
ANKARA 1, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 14a; ALEPPO 6, § 5 BABYLON 1, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 17a, 19a TELL AHMAR 2, § 18 BABYLON 1, §§ 6, 7, 11, 12; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 17b, c, 19b; ALEPPO 6, § 8, 9; ALEPPO 2, § 20 ANKARA 1, § 8, KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 14b, c SAMSAT 2, l. 2; ALEPPO 7, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A19n1, l. 1 BOROWSKI 1, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A27oo, l. 1 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17d ALEPPO 2, § 19
ALEPPO 6, §§ 7, 11
ma-na EMİRGAZİ 1, § 20 ma-(wa/i-sa) §§ 31, 32 ma-(pa-wa/i-) §§ 13, 16, 19
man, “much” = Phoen. b-rbm LATE
ma-na m[a-na] ma-(wá/í-za) ma-(wa/i-za) ma-(pa-wá/í) ma-(pa-wa/i)
AKSARAY, § 3; SULTANHAN, § 14 AKSARAY, § 2 KARATEPE 1, 320 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 320 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 322, 324 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 322, 324 (Hu)
mana-, “mina” (det. L.268, SCALPRUM) LATE nom. sing. MF
(“SCALPRUM”)ma-na-sa SCALPRUM-sa
TÜNP 1, § 7 CEKKE, § 12
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
nom. plur. MF
(SCALPRUM)ma-na-zi (“SCALPRUM[”)ma-na-zi SCALPRUM-na-zi
(“SCALPRUM”)ma-na-sa-ha-na, “ ? ”
CEKKE, §§ 8, 9 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 3 CEKKE, § 11 TÜNP, § 7
maranu-, “destroy” (log. L.248, DELERE; Hitt. mernu-) LATE 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp. part., nom. sing. inf.
(“DELERE”)mara/i+ra/i-nu-wa/i-ha DELERE-nú-wa/i-ha DELERE-nú!-tá DELERE-wa/i-ta DELERE-nu-wa/i-tu DELERE-nu-tú (“DELERE”)[mara/i?]-nu-tu-a DELERE-nú-tu-u “DELERE”-tú “DELERE”-nú-tu …] DELERE-nu-wa/i-mi-sa DELERE-nu-u-na
TELL AHMAR 6, § 21 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 9 KARKAMIŠ N1, § 6 // KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 6 BOROWSKI 1, § 4; ADIYAMAN 1, § 8 MEHARDE, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 14 KULULU 5, § 10 ALEPPO 2, § 22 BULGARMADEN, § 14 MALPINAR, § 24 BABYLON 1, § 15
…] (DELERE)mara/i+ra/i-nu-w[a/i … DELERE
KARKAMIŠ A28g, l. 2 GELB, Side B, l. 3
iter., 1 sing. pret.
“DELERE”-nú-⌈sà-ha⌉ DELERE-nu-sà-ha
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. imp.
EMPIRE 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret.
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 28 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 7 YALBURT block 17, § 1 YALBURT blocks 7, § 2; 9, § 1; 13; § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AVI, § e
marata-, “words(?)” (det. L.22, LOQUI) LATE acc. sing. N acc. plur. N
“LOQUI”-da-zà (“LOQUI”)mara/i+ra/i-ta (LOQUI)mara/i+ra/i-tá mara/i+ra/i-ta
frag. LOQUI-[x]-ta-zá
KAYSERİ, § 20 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 17 MALPINAR, § 18 ANKARA 1, § 6; CEKKE, § 23; KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 2; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 15 KARKAMIŠ A29f1, l. 2 KARKAMIŠ A27ff2
Part 6: Selected Glossary
here? acc. sing. MF
ASSUR letter b, § 4
EMPIRE here? acc. plur. N
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 10
mariyani-, “silo (?)” (det. L.255 / HORREUM) LATE acc. plur. MF
(L.255)mara/i+ra/i-ia-ní-zi (“L.255”)⌈mara/i+ra/i⌉-i[a]-ní […
marusana-, “firebrand(?)” (det. L.477, FLAMMAE) abl. (FLAMMAE)ma-ru-sà-na-ti-i
KARATEPE 1, 57 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 57 (Ho)
KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 7
*masani-, “god” (log. L.360, DEUS; Cun. Luw. massani-) = Phoen. ʾl LATE I nom. sing. DEUS-ní-i-sá (PN) I DEUS-ni-sa (PN) (or see under DEUS-ni(ya)-, “divine”?) acc. sing. MF DEUS-ni-i-na DEUS-ni-na DEUS-ní-na dat. sing. DEUS-ni-i nom. plur. MF
DEUS-ni DEUS-ní DEUS-ní-i-zi DEUS-ní-zi
DEUS-ní-zi-i DEUS-ni-i-zi(-i) DEUS-ni-i-zí DEUS-ni-zi-i DEUS-ni-zi
acc. plur. MF gen. (plur.)
DEUS-ni-zi-a DEUS-ní-zì-a DEUS DEUS-ní-zi-i DEUS-na-si-i
KARATEPE 4, § 2 KULULU lead frag. 1, i.1, ii.1 KARKAMIŠ A16a, l. 2 (frag.) SULTANHAN, § 17; KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 24 ALEPPO 2, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 20; HAMA 4, § 11; PALANGA, § 7 DARENDE, § 3; HAMA 4, § 5(×2) AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 32; ÇİFTLİK, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 6, 18, 38; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 2, 9; CEKKE, § 28; KARATEPE 1, 289 (Hu; Ho, DEUS-SA4-zi), 394; TELL TAYINAT 2 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 27, 35 ÇİFTLİK, §§ 15, 18; SULTANHAN, §§ 21, 33a KULULU 4, § 3 MARAŞ 1, § 2; KULULU 1, § 13; KULULU 4, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 6; GÜRÜN, § 4; ALEPPO 2, §§ 4, 21; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 5 // TİLSEVET, § 7; İSKENDERUN, § 7(?); SULTANHAN, § 33b; KULULU 5, §§ 8, 11, 14, 17; IZGIN 1, § 18 -[ni]-; BULGARMADEN, §§ 12, 14 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 18 KAYSERİ, § 12 ANCOZ 7, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 4, 27 ANCOZ 7, § 4
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
gen. adj. (acc. sing. MF) dat. plur.
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 25
abl. (plur.)
DEUS-ni-za DEUS-ní-za DEUS-na-ti-i DEUS-na-ti
DEUS-na-ri+i DEUS-na DEUS-ni-ti-i DEUS-ni-ti DEUS-ní-ti
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 24; TELL AHMAR 2, § 7 (-pawa-); TELL AHMAR 6, § 12; ANCOZ 7, § 3 (-pawa); BULGARMADEN, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 1; AKSARAY, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 18a, 18e; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5; MARAŞ 1, § 1h; KARATEPE 1, 330 (Hu, -há) KARATEPE 1, 55 (Ho, -ha) ÇİNEKÖY, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1; EĞRİKÖY, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 1; NİĞDE 2 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 1
DEUS-niya-, “of god” acc. sing. N DEUS-ni-ia-za
ANCOZ 7, § 2
*masanami-, “god-inspired” (log. PROPHETA / DEUS; Cun. Luw. massanammi-) nom. sing. MF DEUS-na-mi-i-sa TELL AHMAR 6, § 22 // PROPHETA-mi-i-sa TELL AHMAR 5, § 11
DEUS-na // DEUS-ní
KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2 // KARADAĞ 1, § 1
EMPIRE dat. plur. dat. plur.(?) nom. sing./plur. abl. (plur.)
DEUS-zi/a DEUS-ní-zi/a DEUS DEUS
matu-, “wine” (det. L.160, VITIS; Cun. Luw. maddu-) nom. sing. N (VITIS)ma-tú-sà ma-tu-sà acc. sing. (“[…]”)ma-tu-sà (“VITIS[”])mi-t[u-…
AKSARAY, § 4c BOR, § 7; SULTANHAN, § 26 TULEIL 2, l. 2 TELL TAYINAT 2, 2b–a
musanuwati-, “satisfying(?)” (det. L.181+L.402, PANIS.SCUTELLA) nom. sing. (“PANIS.SCUTELLA”)mu-sa?-nu-wa/i-ti-sá MARAŞ 1, § 1i
Part 6: Selected Glossary
muwa-, “conquer” (log. L.28, FORTIS, also L.273; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. muwa-) LATE 3 sing. pres. 3 sing. pret.
mu-wa/i-i FORTIS-wa/i-i mu-wa/i-ta (FORTIS)(-)[m]u?-ta
SULTANHAN, § 32 KAYSERİ, § 11 SULTANHAN, § 44 JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 2
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pret.
(L.273)mu(wa)-tá mu(wa)-tá-a (L.273)FORTIS-tá
KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2c KARADAĞ 1, § 2
EMPIRE 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret.
(L.273)mu-wa/i-ti (L.273)⌈mu⌉-wa/i-ha mu-wa/i-ha mu-wa/i-tá
KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 4 YALBURT block 16, § 2 YALBURT blocks 11, § 2; 13, § 3 NİŞANTAŞ AII, § c(×4)
LATE muwata-, “conquest” mu-wa/i-táx acc. sing.
TOPADA, § 29
muwatali-, “victorious” nom. sing. FORTIS acc. sing. FORTIS (FORTIS)mu-wa/i-ta-li-na FORTIS-[li?]-i-na FORTIS-wa/i-ta-li-na FORTIS-li-na [mu-w]a/i-ta-li-na-a
KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 4 KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 26 TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 3–5, l. 4 ARSUZ 1, § 18 ARSUZ 2, § 18 SULTANHAN, § 8
PNN: see (5) Personal Names list
muwida-, “seed(?)” (log. L.462) LATE nom. sing. acc. sing.
L.462-sa (L.462)mu-wa/i-i-da-na (FEMINA.L.462)4?-da L.462 FEMINA.L.462-ti-
KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 28 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 29 TİLSEVET, § 3 TİLSEVET, § 4
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
REX.L.462 cf. REX BONUS-samis (VIR2) L.462-sa
MALATYA 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 4 KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7
na(wa), “not” (log. L.382, NEG2(-a); archaizing NEG; Cun. Luw. nawa, Hitt. natta) = Phoen. bl LATE
NEG2(-wa/i) NEG2(-wá/í) NEG+a- NEG2- NEG2+ra/i? NEG NEG[2] NEG3 na-wa/i-a na
ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 10, 20, 26, 30, 32, 42, 48; ASSUR letter a, §§ 5, 6, 7; ASSUR letter c, § 6; ASSUR letter d, §§ 5, 10; ASSUR letter e, § 5; EĞREK, § 2; MARAŞ 4, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 25; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 3; SULTANHAN, § 44; ANCOZ 7, § 3; ALEPPO 2, §§ 7, 9, 11; HAMA 4, § 11; TELL AHMAR 6, § 10; TÜNP 2, § 1; BOHÇA, § 11; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 12, § ii KARKAMIŠ A17c, § 5; ARSLANTAŞ, § 4; YASSIHÖYÜK, §§ 15, 17, 21, 23; HAMA 4, §§ 2, 12; KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 6; TOPADA, § 29; AFŞİN+ KARKAMIŠ A31, §§ 16, 17; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 31; KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 5, 7; TELL AHMAR 6, § 10; BOHÇA, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 2; ANCOZ 7, § 8; ASSUR letter e, § 16 KARATEPE 1, 134 (Hu, Ho); 108 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 108 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 4 TOPADA, § 27 KÖRKÜN, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 1 MARAŞ 2, § 2 ASSUR letter e, § 31 AKSARAY, § 8; TÜNP 1, § 8(?); KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 7
…] NEG2-a NEG2-a NEG[2 …] NEG2-na
KARKAMIŠ A16a, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A27mm, l. 2 ÇALAPVERDİ 2, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 1a
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 25, 28, 34
nahuti-, “ ? ” (det. L.341, COR) acc. sing. MF na-hu-ti-na
nahuti(ya)nom. plur. MF
ASSUR letter e, § 10
Part 6: Selected Glossary
nanasari-, “sister” (det. FEMINA / FEMINA.MANUS.FEMINA; Luw. nanasari-) acc. sing. (FEMINA.MANUS.FEMINA)na-na-tara/i- JISR EL HADID 4, A § 2 dat. sing. (FEMINA)na-na-sa5+ra/i-za MARAŞ 6, l. 1 nani-, “lord” (log. L.390, DOMINUS) = Phoen. ʾdn For reading nani-, also Empire DOMINUS.NA, see Oreshko, VIII ICH, p. 619 f. LATE nom. sing. MF
(DOMINUS)na-ni-sá (DOMINUS)na-ní-i-sa (DOMINUS)na-ni-i-sa (DOMINUS)na-ni-i-sa (DOMINUS)na-ni-sa DOMINUS-ni-sa
acc. sing. MF gen. (sing.) dat. sing. nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF dat. plur.
DOMINUS-ni DOMINUS-ni-i-sá (DOMINUS)na-ni DOMINUS-ni-i-sa DOMINUS-ni-na (DOMINUS)na-[ni?]-i-na DOMINUS-na-sa DOMINUS-ni-i DOMINUS-ni-wa/i ⌈DOMINUS⌉-ni (DOMINUS)na-ni- (DOMINUS)na-ní (DOMINUS)na-ni-i DOMINUS-[ni-i] DOMINUS-ni DOMINUS-zi (DOMINUS)-ni-zi DOMINUS-na-za-a DOMINUS-na-za
KARKAMIŠ A23, § 3; MARAŞ 14, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21 TELL AHMAR 1, § 8 ALEPPO 2, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 6; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 2, 7; BEIRUT stone bowl, § 2; TOPADA, § 17; PORSUK, § 2 ARSUZ 2, § 27 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 7 ARSUZ 1, § 27 ŞIRZI, § 2; BULGARMADEN, § 8 TELL AHMAR 1, § 15 KÖRKÜN, § 3 BULGARMADEN, §§ 2, 7; MALPINAR, § 2 ASSUR letter d, § 9 CEKKE, § 2 IZGIN 2, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 6 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1 ASSUR letter e, § 21 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31+frag. A30b1–3, § 11 KULULU 4, § 10 KULULU 4, § 6 KULULU 4, § 5
frag. (DOMINUS)na […]
TELL AHMAR 2, § 23
nani(ya)-, “of the lord” (gen. adj.) nom. sing. MF DOMINUS-ní-sa acc. sg. MF (DOMINUS)na--ni-i-na acc. sg. N (DOMINUS)na-ni-ia-za DOMINUS-ní-za DOMINUS-⌈ni⌉-ia-za dat. sg. DOMINUS-ni DOMINUS-ní-i (DOMINUS)na-ni DOMINUS-ni nom. pl. N DOMINUS-ni-i(?)
ALEPPO 3, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 16 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 4 KARATEPE 1, 70 (Hu) BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 17a BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 19 KARATEPE 1, 75 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A6, § 8 KULULU 4, § 8 ASSUR letter e, § 12
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
dat. pl. abl.
(DOMINUS)na-ni-ia-za (DOMINUS)na-ní-ia-ti
DOMUS.DOMINUS, “house-lord” (“major-domo”) nom. sing. DOMUS […] DOMINUS-ni-sá-a DOMUS-ni(-)DOMINUS-ni-i-sa4
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 17 TELL AHMAR 6, § 6
KULULU 5, § 2 KULULU 4, § 8
DOMINUS as onomastic element: CEKKE, §§ 1, 2, 13 (DOMINUS-tiwara); KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.29 (DOMINUS-ni-zarma).
TRANSITIONAL acc. sing. dat. sing. abl.
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 2 ALEPPO 6, § 2; IZGIN 2, § 9 ALEPPO 7, § 11 KARAHÖYÜK, § 16
EMPIRE nom. sing.
EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 1, 3; YALBURT blocks 4, § 3; 8; 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4 EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 6, 14 YALBURT block 14, § 3
NİŞANTEPE: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 300 ft., no. 14; also nos. 8, 13, 22, 23, 32, 34, 45, 57, 64. onomastic element: NİŞANTEPE, no. 607 (DOMINUS.VIR.zi/a); Hawkins, loc. cit., p. 283.
*nani-, “brother” (log. L.276, FRATER2; Cun. ŠEŠ, Cun. Luw. nani(ya)-, Hitt. negna-) EMPIRE seals only (onomastic element): Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 249 f., 434
LATE see FRATER.LA- (L.45.III), Glossary (2)
nawa-, “great-great-grandson” (det. L.45.I, FILIUS) LATE nom. sing. nom. plur.
(FILIUS)NEG2-wa/i-sa (FILIUS)na-wa/i-sa (FILIUS)NEG2-wa/i-zi
SHEIZAR, § 5 MARAŞ 1, § 1e SHEIZAR, § 4
nawanawa-, “great-great-great-grandson” (det. L.45.I, FILIUS) nom. sing. (FILIUS)na-wa/i-na-wa/i-sá MARAŞ 1, § 1f (FILIUS)NEG2-⌈wa/i⌉-[NEG2]-wa/i-sa SHEIZAR, § 5
Part 6: Selected Glossary
ni / nis, prohibitive/disjunctive (EMPIRE log. NEG-sa, Cun. Luw. nis, Hitt. le) LATE
ni-i-a ni ní-i ní ni-i-i ni-i … ní-(wa/i-ta) ni-i-(wa/i) ni-i-sá
NEG3?-s[a-p]a?-wa/i NEG3-sa-a-pa NEG3-sa
NEG3-i NEG3+i NEG3-sa NEG3-wa/i
POTOROO, Facet 8a TELL AHMAR 6, § 34 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 27; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 28; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 12, 23; BABYLON 1, § 15 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 27 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 28 BOROWSKI 3, §§ 9, 10 MARAŞ 2, § 2
NEG-sa (kwisha)
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 7, 8, 9, 10
SULTANHAN, § 42; ALEPPO 2, § 15; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 29; KARABURÇLU, l. 4; ASSUR letters e, § 13; f+g, § 17; KULULU 1, § 14; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 22; KULULU 5, §§ 7a, e; KARABURUN, § 13; EREĞLİ 1, § 4 ASSUR letter c, § 5; f+g, §§ 12, 15, 26 CEKKE, § 25; ERKİLET 1, §§ 2, 3; ASSUR letter d, § 10 ALEPPO 2, § 16, ASSUR letter e, § 12 CEKKE, §§ 26, 27 SULTANHAN, § 36; ASSUR letter f+g, § 51 MALPINAR, § 9 KARATEPE 1, 373 (Hu, Ho) MALPINAR, § 21 MARAŞ 14, § 8
nimuwiza-, “son” (log. L.45.II(a), FILIUS) LATE nom. sing. MF
(FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sá (FILIUS)ní-mu-wa/i-i-za-sa (“FILIUS”)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa (FILIUS)ní-mu-wa/i-za-sa (FILIUS)ní-mu-wa/i-za-sá (FILIUS)ní-mu-wa/i-zi+a-sa [(FILIUS)]ni-[mu]-wa/i-za-sa ([FIL]IUS)[ni]-mu-wa/i-za-sa (FILIUS)ní/ni-mu(wa)-za (FILIUS)ní-mu(wa)-zi/a
KÖRKÜN, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 1; TELL AHMAR 1, § 13; EĞREK, § 1; QALʿAT EL MUDIQ, § 1; HAMA 4, § 1 (-[m]u-); HAMA 8, § 1; HINES, § 1; ŞIRZI, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1; TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 1, 19(-i) MARAŞ 4, § 10; BULGARMADEN, § 1; BOR, § 1 MARAŞ 4, § 1 BOHÇA, § 1 NİĞDE 2, l. 4 KARATEPE 3, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 1 TELL ŠṬĪB, § 1 RESTAN, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A4b, §§ 1, 7 KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
FILIUS-mu-wa/i-za-sá [FIL]IUS-⌈mu⌉-wa/i-za-sa FILIUS.NI-wa/i-za-sa FILIUS.NI-wa/i-za-sá (FILIUS)ni-mu(wa)-za FILIUS.NI-za-sa
dat. sing. nom. plur. MF dat. pl.(!)
FILIUS.NI-zá-sá FILIUS.NÍ-za-sa [FILIUS].NI-za-sa-a FILIUS.NI-za [(FILIUS)ni-]mu-wa/i-za-sa FILIUS-sa FILIUS ni-mu-wa/i-zi FILIUS.NI-za-a FILIUS-mu-wa/izi FILIUS.NI-wa/i-za FILIUS.NÍ-wa/i-za
PORSUK, § 1; MARAŞ 1, 1b MARAŞ 8, § 1 CEKKE, § 17a; CEKKE, § 14 KIRÇOĞLU, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 7 HAMA 1–3, 6–7, § 1; CEKKE, § 17c, f, g, i, m, n; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 1; CEKKE, § 17h; ADANA 1, § 1a CEKKE, § 17e CEKKE, § 17, b, d, j, l, o KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 1 ARSUZ 1, §§ 1, 18; ARSUZ 2, § 1; ŞARAGA, § 2 ÇİNEKÖY, § 1 SUVASA, C TOPADA, § 1; KULULU 8 KARABURUN, §§ 7, 9 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 2 YUNUS 1, § 3 CEKKE, § 16 CEKKE, § 8
frags. “FILIUS.NI” (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za [… FIL[IUS(?) FILIUS-[x] (FILIUS)ni-m[u]-w[a/i-za-an FILIUS-mu?-[…]-za? (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 16 TELL AHMAR frag. 3, l. 1 KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 11 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 18 MARAŞ 8, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 7
nimuwiyay(a)- (?) nom. sing. N FILIUS-mu-wa/i-ia?-ia-za nom. pl. N FILIUS-mu-wa/i-ia-ia
FILIUS FILIUS-mu-wa/i-za? (VIR2)FILIUS.NÍ-sa (FILIUS)[ni]-mu-wa/i-za (FILIUS)ni-mu-wa/i-za
FILIUS (genealogies)
see Glossary (2)
Part 6: Selected Glossary
niyaza-, niyasa-, “follow” (log. L.86 / 87, CRUS+CRUS / CRUS2+CRUS2) LATE 3 sing. pres. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
(CRUS2.CRUS)[ni?]-ia-za-i (CRUS2+CRUS)ni-za-ia CRUS2.CRUS-i “CRUS2.CRUS”-i CRUS2.CRUS-ta
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 21 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 25 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 21 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 13
frags. [CRUS2]+CRUS[(-)ní?]-za-ia-a “CR[US2]+CRUS” “CRUS+CRUS” ? CRUS.CRUS
KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 3 ** ALEPPO 3, § 5 GELB, l. 2 TOPADA, § 23
niyasatala-, “successor” (CRUS2+CRUS2)ní-ia-sa-ta-la-
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 13
niyasha-, “procession” (CRUS2.CRUS)ní-ia-sa-ha-
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 16
padi-, “foot” (log. L.90, PES; Cun. Luw. pati-, Hitt. pata-) = Phoen. pʿm LATE dat. sing. acc. plur. dat. plur. abl.
(“PES”)pa-da (“PES”)pa-lá/í-a (“PES”)pa-ti-zi PES-zi (“PES”)pa-da-za …] p[a-d]a-za (“PES”)pa+ra/i-za (“PES”)pa+ra/i-ri+i
SULTANHAN, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 12 MARAŞ 4, § 13 KARABURUN, § 8 KARATEPE 1, 116 (Hu, Ho) BOR, § 9 SULTANHAN, § 9 ASSUR letter f+g, § 24
palsa-, “way” (Hitt. palsa-) LATE abl.
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 22
parara-, “miss” (det. L.341, COR) 1 sing. pres. pa+ra/i-ra+a-wa/i 3 sing. pres. (“COR”)pa+ra/i-ra+a-ia 1 sing. pret. pa+ra/i-ra+a-ha
ASSUR letter c, § 5 ASSUR letter e, § 12 ASSUR letter a, § 4
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
*parha-, “expel” (log. L.501, FUGARE; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. parh-) = Phoen. trq 1 sing. pret. (PES2)L.501+RA/I-ha TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 6 L.501-ha JISR EL HADID frag. 3, l. 3 L.501-ha-há KARATEPE 1, 68 (Ho, Hu)
*pari, *paran, “forth, before” (log. L.13, 14, PRAE; Cun. Luw. pari, parran, Hitt. para, peran) = Phoen. l-pn(y) LATE
PRAE-ia PRAE-i-ha PRAE-ha PRAE-na
pa+ra/i-i- pa+ra/i (?)
KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9; MALPINAR, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 19, 20; MARAŞ 14, § 13; ADIYAMAN 1, § 1; MARAŞ 1, § 10; MARAŞ 8, § 6, KARATEPE 4, § 1; ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 4, 8; BABYLON 1, § 9; ARSUZ 1, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1 BULGARMADEN, § 6 ANCOZ 7, § 9 KARATEPE 1, 140 (Hu, Ho); IZGIN 2, § 8; BABYLON 3, § 1; TULEIL 2, l. 3; TELL AHMAR 6, § 19; KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 13, 21; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 11, 21; KARKAMIŠ A12, §§ 3, 13; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 25; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 7; CEKKE, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A18j; ALEPPO 2, § 6; ŞIRZI, § 3; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 8, 20; TOPADA, §§ 2, 17, 22; SUVASA, B; ASSUR letter e, § 10; ANKARA 2, § 1 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 14 CEKKE, § 12 IZGIN 1, § 14; MARAŞ 14, § 6; ASSUR letters e, § 31; f+g, § 30; KARKAMIŠ A15c, § 2b; BOHÇA, § 1; TELL AHMAR 6, § 7 YUNUS 1, § 3 TELL AHMAR 1, § 5b
frags. PRAE-ri+i-⌈i⌉ PRAE[
TELL TAYINAT 4, § 5 İVRİZ frag. 1, l. 2
KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 13
ALEPPO 7, § 2 ALEPPO 7, § 17
PRAE-i(a) PRAE-na
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 15 EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 4, 5; YALBURT block 3, § 2; NİŞANTAŞ AIV, §§ b, c; YALBURT blocks 10, § 3; 11, § 1; 12, § 4 EMİRGAZİ 1, § 37; SÜDBURG, § 2
(DEUS)VITIS(-)ti-PRAE-ia-ha (DEUS)VITIS-pa+ra/i-ia-sa
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 7 ARSUZ 1, § 24b
Part 6: Selected Glossary
PRAE+i-sà-mi-ia- PRAE-ri+i-SARMA-ma- PRAE-tá-
JISR EL HADID 4, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 2 HAMA 4, § 1; HAMA 8, § 1; RESTAN etc.
parna-, “house” (log. L.247, DOMUS; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. parn(a)-) = Phoen. bt LATE nom. sing. N acc. sing. N gen. sing. dat. sing.
DOMUS-za DOMUS-na-za DOMUS-z[a] DOMUS-ni-za DOMUS-na-zi/a DOMUS-na-za DOMUS-na-sa “DOMUS”-[…] (“DOMUS”)pa+ra/i-ní DOMUS-ní-i
nom. plur. N acc. plur. N dat. plur. ?
DOMUS-ni DOMUS-ní DOMUS-na-x […] DOMUS-na(-a) DOMUS-na DOMUS-na-a DOMUS-na-zà-a DOMUS-na-zá DOMUS-sa-(ha)
KULULU l.s. 3(×6) ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 5, 6 KULULU l.s. 3 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 15 TOPADA, § 38 KARATEPE 1, 71 (Hu) KAYSERİ, § 21; BOR, § 2 TELL AHMAR 1, § 15 KARATEPE 1, 328 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 113 (Ho, Hu); KULULU 4, § 8; KARATEPE 1, 328 (Hu) KULULU 2, § 7; İSTANBUL 2, Side C (2); ASSUR letter f+g, § 38; KÜRTÜL, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 11; İSTANBUL 2, Side C (2) KARKAMIŠ A17c, § 5 MARAŞ 8, § 2 KULULU 1, §§ 2, 16 KÖRKÜN, § 4; KULULU 5, § 13; MARAŞ 14, § 3 KULULU 1, §§ 4, 7; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12 KAYSERİ, § 3 KULULU 5, § 4 KIRÇOĞLU, § 3
DOMUS(+DOMINUS?) …] DOMUS […]DOMINUS-ni-sá-a DOMUS-ni(-)NEPOS-mi-i-ni-sá DOMUS-ni(-)DOMINUS-ni-i-sa4
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 4 KULULU 5, § 2 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11 KULULU 4, § 8
PNN DOMUS-ní-L.375 DOMUS-ni-wa/i+ra/i-ia [DOMUS]-ni-wa/i+ra/i-ia
KARKAMIŠ A16e, frag. 1 ASSUR letter b, § 1 ASSUR letter f+g, § 33
See also: MAGNUS.DOMUS (Empire); ASINUS.DOMUS (Empire); DEUS.DOMUS (Empire–Late). frag.
DOMUS DOMUS-na? … DOMUS-n[a]-za [DOMUS]-na ⌈DOMUS⌉-na DOMUS-[…]
MARAŞ 8, § 17 AFŞİN+ KARKAMIŠ A31, § 5 MARAŞ 3, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 1 KULULU 5, § 2 ÇİFTLİK, § 22
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
TRANSITIONAL acc. sing. gen. sing. dat. sing. abl.
DOMUS-zi/a DOMUS-sa-a DOMUS-ní-i(a) DOMUS-ti
? ?
parnawa-, “serve” (det. (DOMUS).CRUX; Hitt. parnawi(sk)-)= Phoen. yʿbd 3 plur. imp. (CRUX)pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-tu-u KARATEPE 1, 325 (Hu) (“DOMUS.CRUX”)pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-tu4 KARATEPE 1, 325 (Ho) partuni-, “sever(?)” (det. L.338, CULTER) 3 plur. imp. (“CULTER”)pa+ra/i-tú-ní-tú-u (“CULTER”)pa+ra/i-tú-ni-i-tú
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 26 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 27
paza-, “allocate(?), pass” (det. (“L.93.4 (PIED2 pai-” re-read) PES2) 3 sing. pres. (PES2)pa-⌈za⌉-ti MARAŞ 14, § 13 1 sing. pret. (PES2)pa-za-ha KARKAMIŠ A12, §§ [10], 11, 12 (PES2)pa-za-ha KARKAMIŠ A5b, § 1 (PES2)pa-za-hax SHEIZAR, § 2 here?
ASSUR letter e, § 24
*pihas-, “(lightning), victory” (log. L.200, FULGUR; Cun. Luw. piha- etc., Hitt. pihass(assi)-) = Phoen. ʿn LATE acc. sing. N
KARATEPE 1, 299 (Ho)
pihami-, “glorified” nom. sing. MF (FULGUR)pi-ha-mi-sa pi-ha-mi-sá
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 14 KÖRKÜN, § 6
frags. “FUL[GUR]”[pi]-ha-[mi-… pi-i-ha-mi-na
piha-, “ ? ” dat. sing.
MARAŞ 8, § 4
pitahaliya-, “purchase(?)” (det. L.181, LOCUS) 1 sing. pret. (LOCUS)pi-ta-ha-li-ia-ha
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 4, 31
Part 6: Selected Glossary
piya-, “give” (log. L.66, DARE / pi(ya)-; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. piya-) LATE 3 sing. pres.
pi-i[a]-a-i pi-ia-i
3 plur. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret.
pi(ya)-i pi-ia-ti pi-ia-ha pi(ya)-ha pi-ia-ta
(“ARGENTUM.DARE”)pi-ia-ta-a pi-ia-tá
? 3 plur. pret. 3 sing./plur. pret. 2/3 sing./plur. pret. 3 sing. imp. (or plur.?) 3 plur. imp. gerund.
pi-i-ta pi(ya)-tá pi(ya)-ta DARE.CR[US] pi-ia-ta pi(ya)-ta DARE-táx DARE pi-ia-ta-a pi-ia-ta pi-ia-tu pi-ia-tú pi-ia-tu-u pi-ia-tu pi(ya)-mi-na
KULULU 1, § 14 BABYLON 1, § 15; AKSARAY, § 7; KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.1, 2; lead frag. 1, i.1, 2, 5 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 4 KULULU l.s. 2, § 3.18 BABYLON 1, §§ 3, 9; KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 8, 11; ANCOZ 7, § 6 TİLSEVET, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 4; BULGARMADEN, §§ 3, 9; KÖRKÜN, § 10; MARAŞ 14, § 2; AKSARAY, § 8; SULTANHAN, § 8; PALANGA, § 7 BULGARMADEN, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 16; TELL AHMAR 2, § 3; BOROWSKI 3, § 3 GELB, § 2; PERSEPOLIS (-i-?) CEKKE, § 7; ALEPPO 2, § 12 KARKAMIŠ A4a, §§ 1, 2 TELL AHMAR 1, § 26 TELL AHMAR 1, § 4; TELL AHMAR 6, § 3 KULULU 5, § 3; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 3 TOPADA, § 30 KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 3 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 23 KÖRKÜN, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 7 ÇİFTLİK, § 16 KARATEPE 1, 283, 297 (Hu; Ho, -iá/ià-tù) CEKKE, §§ 8, 9, 11, 12; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 11; KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 6.35, 36; 7.40; 9.60, 61; 2, § 1.3, 6; lead frag. 3, 2, 3, 4
TRANSITIONAL DARE (1 sing. pret.) part., nom. plur. MF pi(ya)-mi-zi/a
EMPIRE 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. imp.
DARE pi-i(a)-ha DARE-ha DARE-(tu)
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 34, 36 YALBURT block 4, § 1 SÜDBURG, § 18 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 23, 33
other nom. sing. acc. sing.
pi-ia-za pi-ia-[za [x pi-ia]-za pi-ia+ra/i-ia-za ARGENTUM.DARE/pi-ia-[ta]ra/i-[…]
KULULU lead frag. 1, ii.1, 2, 3, 6, 7 KULULU lead frag. 1, ii.5 KULULU lead frag. 1, ii.4 KULULU lead frag. 1, ii.9 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 12
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
nom. plur. acc. plur.
pi-i-tá PERSEPOLIS …] pi-ia […]-tá ANCOZ 1, § 1
pu-, “ ? ” (log. L.221+L.39, VIA.PUGNUS) 2 sing. pres. (VIA.PUGNUS)pu-si 3 sing. pret. pu-da // VIA.PUGNUS-da 3 plur. pret. pu-⌈tá⌉ 3 sing. imp. pu-tu
MARAŞ 14, § 9 ARSUZ 1 // 2, § 20; PANCARLI, § 4 (VIA?!) KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 6 KARABURUN, § 13
*punati-, “all” (log. L.430, OMNIS2; Cun. Luw. punati-) TRANSITIONAL dat. sing. acc.(?) plur. MF acc. plur. N (gen.)
L.430 L.430 L.430 L.430
KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3 KARADAĞ 1, § 1 KARADAĞ 1, § 2; KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2a
EMPIRE nom. sing. MF acc. plur. N
L.430-ti-sa L.430 L.430
pupala-, form of utterance, “compose(?), reply(?)” (det. L.22, LOQUI) LATE 2 sing. pret.
ASSUR letter a, § 5
same (?) pupali3 sing. pret.
CEKKE, § 3
salahat-, “power” (det. L.382, LIGNUM; Cun. Luw. salhanti-/salhitti-) LATE acc. sing. N dat. sing.
(LIGNUM)sà-la-ha-za (“LIGNUM”)sà-la-ha-za “LIGNUM”-la-ha-za LIGNUM-ha-za “LIGNUM”-za s]à-la-ha-za LIGNUM-la-ha (“LIGNUM)s[à-la-h]a-za “LIGNUM” […]-za (“LIGNUM”)sà+ra/i-ha-za LIGNUM-la-ha-ti
frag. (LIGNUM)sà-la-ha-za-a
TELL AHMAR 2, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 12 ARSUZ 1, § 2; TELL AHMAR 6, § 3 ARSUZ 2, § 2; ARSUZ 1, § 6; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 3 ARSUZ 2, § 6 MARAŞ 8, § 16 BOROWSKI 3, § 3 TELL AHMAR 1, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 3 GELB, § 2 TELL AHMAR 1, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A27v, l. 1–2
Part 6: Selected Glossary
sanawi-, “good” (log. L.165, BONUS) = Phoen. nʿm
See now Yakubovich, A Luwian Welcome (Fs Součková (2016), pp. 463–484). He analyses the word as sana- awi-, “wel-come” and the forms in -izi// -iza- as “superlative or elative meaning”.
LATE acc. sing. N (BONUS)sa-na-wa/i-sa sa-na-wa/i-sá (BONUS)sa-na-wà/ì-sa (?) sa-na-wa/i-sa8 (or dat. plur.?) sa-na-wa/i-ia-za adv.? (BONUS)sa-na-wá/í sa-na-wa/i sa-na-wa/i(+ra/i) (BONUS)sa-na-wa/i(-ha-wa/i+ra/i) acc. plur. MF sa-na-wa/i-i-zi acc. plur. N sa-na-wa/i-ia (BONUS)sa-na-wa/i-ia (“BONUS”)sa-na-wá/í-ia (“BONUS”)sa-na-wa/i-ia BONUS-na-wá/í[ ] BONUS-na-wa/i-ia
TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1, frag. 2a, § iv KARATEPE 1, 295 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 295 (Ho) KULULU 4, § 12 SULTANHAN, § 18 KARATEPE 1, 72 ASSUR letter e, § 21 ASSUR letters a, § 2; b, § 2; d, § 2 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 3 ASSUR letters b, § 9; d, § 6 ASSUR letters c, § 11; e, § 12; f+g, § 36 KARATEPE 1, 78 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 78 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 34 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 34 (Ho) VELİİSA, § 2
sanawizanom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF
KARATEPE 1, 193 ASSUR letters d, § 8; e, § 23 KULULU 3, § 4
sa-na-wa/i-za-sa sa-na-wa/i-zi-na (“[BON]US[”])sa-[n]a-wa/i-zi-na
sanawastr-, “goodness” abl. (“BONUS”)sa-na-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti/tí sa-na-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ri+i sa-na-wa/i-sa4-tara/i-ri+i
KARATEPE 1, 94 (Hu/Ho) SULTANHAN, §§ 5, 45 KULULU 5, § 13
sanawiya-, denom. “be good” 3 sing. pret. sa-na-wa/i-ia-ta-a
sani-, “overturn” (log.-det. L.402, SA4; Cun. Luw. sanni-) LATE 1 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres.
(“SA4”)sa-na-wa/i-i (SA4)sa-n[i]-ti-i (SA4)sa-ni-ti (SA4)sá-ní-ti [(SA4)]sa-ni-ti-i (“SA4”)sa-ni-ti (SA4)sá-ní-ti-i (SA4)sá-ni-ti (“SA4”)sa-ni-ti-i-i
MARAŞ 14, § 12 TELL AHMAR 5, § 18 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 12; ADIYAMAN 1, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 23 ANCOZ 7, § 12 KULULU 2, § 5a BABYLON 1, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 24 unpublished text
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
3 plur. pret.
SA4-ni-ti sa-ni-i-ti (“SA4”)sa-ni-ti sa-ni-ti (SA4)sá-na-i-ta
frags. [?]-i-t[i] (SA4)[sa]-ni-ti …] (SA4)sa-⌈ni-ti⌉
MEHARDE, § 7 ERKİLET 2, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 5 ERKİLET 1, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A29d+i, l. 2 ANKARA 1, § 5
*sara, “up, over” (log. L.70, Empire L.270, SUPER; Cun. Luw. sarra // sarri, Hitt. sara, ser) LATE
ALEPPO 2, § 16; TELL AHMAR 2, § 20; SULTANHAN, § 15; TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 12, 14; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 11, 20; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 2, 21; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 14; KARKAMIŠ A23, § a; HAMA 4, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 16, TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 3–5, l. 5; AFRIN, § 2; TELL AHMAR 5, § 12; TELL AHMAR 6, § 11 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 11; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 12, § i; AKSARAY, § 3; ARSUZ 2, § 9, 12, 20; IZGIN 1, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A22c, l. 5; BOHÇA, § 9; ARSUZ 1, § 9, 12, 20; BOHÇA, § 3; SULTANHAN, § 30; KARABURUN, § 13; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A7, § 4; TELL AHMAR 3, § 1
SUPER [… SUPER-i [SUP]ER+ra/i SUPER[+ra/i-a] SUP[ER …
KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 11 MARAŞ 14, § 9 TELL AHMAR 1, § 5b TELL AHMAR 1, § 21 AFRIN, § 3
KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 18
Hier. L.270 // MAGNUS.REX = Cun. šar-ri- (NİŞANTEPE, nos. 40–41 // 39)
LATE *saraha, “up from” (sara + aha, Yakubovich, AoF 39 (2012), p. 330 f.) SUPER+ra/i-ha ASSUR letter e, § 25 SUPER+ra/i-ha-a SULTANHAN, § 19
Part 6: Selected Glossary
*saranta, “above”, = Phoen. ʿl SUPER+ra/i-ta
ÇİNEKÖY, §§ 3, 4; KARATEPE 1, 47 (Hu); KARATEPE 1, 43 (Hu, Ho); KARATEPE 1, 51 (Hu, Ho); KARATEPE 1, 302 (Hu, Ho); EREĞLİ 1, § 1 TELL AHMAR 5, § 3
*sarli-, “upper, superior” (Cun. Luw. *sarli-, Hitt. sarezzi-) nom. sing. SUPER+RA/I-sa acc. sing. SUPER+ra/i-li-na dat. sing. SUPER+ra/i-li adv. SUPER+ra/i-lí SUPER+ra/i-li
KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.7 ARSUZ 1, § 21 KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.63 KARATEPE 1, 278 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 278 (Hu)
other *sarlaya, “up(ward)” SUPER-la-ia
*sarlada, “above” SUPER+ra/i-la+ra+a
TÜNP 1, § 5
*sarladi, “above” SUPER+ra/i-la-ti? SUPER+ra/i-⌈la⌉-ti
sarli-, “offer” (denom. verb; log.-det. L.27, LIBARE; Hitt.-Luw. sarlai-, “exalt, praise”) 3 plur. pres. sa5+ra/i-la-⌈i-ti⌉ ANCOZ 10+11, § 3 (LIBARE)sa5+ra/i-la-i-ti ANCOZ 1, § 2 LIBARE-la-i-ti ANCOZ 9, § 2 LIBARE(-)sa5+ra/i-la-ti CEKKE, § 5 1 sing. pret. sa5+ra/i-li-ha MARAŞ 3, § 5 3 sing. pret. (LIB]ARE)⌈sa5⌉+ra/i-li-da TELL TAYINAT 1, l. 3 3 sing. imp. (LIBARE)sa5+ra/i-li-i-tú KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 31 frag.
LIBARE-⌈x⌉ sa5+ra/i-li-[x]
MARAŞ 11, § 8 KÜRTÜL, § 8
sasarla- (redupl.) 1 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres. 3 plur. pres. 3 sing. imp.
sa-sa5+ra/i-la-wa/i sa5-sa5+ra/i-la-i (LIBARE)sá-sa5+ra/i-la-ti (“LIBARE”)sa-sa5+ra/i-la-ti-i-a sa-sa5+ra/i-la-tu
sarlata-, “offering” (log. L.160, VITIS / L.27, LIBARE; Hitt.-Luw. sarlatta-, “praise, offering) (“VITIS”)sa5+ra/i-la-ta-za acc. sing. N HAMA 4, § 15 (LIBARE)sa5+ra/i-la-ta-za KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 33; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 27 sa5+ra/i-la-za PALANGA, § 12 (VITIS)sa5+ra/i-ta-za HAMA 4, § 13
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
TRANSITIONAL sarlahid-, “libation” nom. sing. N (LIBARE)sà+ra/i--hi-sa
ALEPPO 6, § 12
saranuwa-, “burn” (det. L.477, FLAMMAE) 3 sing. imp. (FLAMMAE)sa5+ra/i-nu-wa/i-tu (FLAMMAE)[sa5+ra/i-n]u-wa/i-tu
KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 4
sariyasi-, “eunuch” (log. L.474, EUNUCHUS; Akk. Lw. ša rēši) LATE nom. sing. MF
ANCOZ 4, § 1
sasa-, “seal” (log. L.327, SIGILLUM) LATE nom. sing. N
acc. sing. N
GELB seals, (c) l. 1 GELB seals, (a); TELL TAYINAT seal; CHRISTIES seal GELB seals, (b) NINEVEH bullae 1–3; KHORSABAD bullae; GELB seals, (c) l. 3 KARKAMIŠ N2, § 1 KULULU 2, § 7 DÜLÜK BABA TEPESİ 1, § 4
*sasa-, a caprid (log. L.104, CAPRA (formerly GAZELLA); Hitt. sasa-) nom. sing. MF CAPRA(ANIMA)-sa ANCOZ 1, § 3 CAPRA(ANIMA) ANCOZ 10+11, §§ 3, 4, 5; JISR EL HADID 4, § 6 acc. sing. MF (ANIMA)CAPRA BOHÇA, § 13 CAPRA(ANIMA)-na ANCOZ 9, § 2 See also irwa-
su(wa)-, (redupl.) susu-, “fill” (det. L.60, MANUS; Cun. Luw. suwa-, Hitt. suwa-) = Phoen. mlʾ LATE 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. part., acc. sing. N
su-wa/i-ha (“MANUS”)su-wá/í-ha (MANUS.HORDEUM)su-wa/i-ta MANUS-su-za
MARAŞ 8, § 7 KARATEPE 1, 38 (Hu) TELL AHMAR 5, § 2 TELL AHMAR 6, § 13
su(wa)hid-, “fullness” (MANUS)su-hi-da
su(wa)hidi-, (verb) (L.273.MANUS)su-hi-i-ti
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 14
Part 6: Selected Glossary
TRANSITIONAL 1 sing. pret.
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 3
redupl. susu3 sing. pret.
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 1
sukala-, “vizier” (det. L.382, LIGNUM; Sum.-Akk. Lw. SUKKAL / sukallu) nom. sing. MF (“LIGNUM”)su-ka-la-sa EĞRİKÖY, § 3
ta-, “step, stand” (log. L.82, CRUS; Cun. Luw. ta-, Hitt. tiya-) LATE 3 sing. pres.
(CRUS)ta-i ta-i CRUS-i
1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. 3 sing./plur. imp. 3 plur. verbal n.?
CRUS-i-a ta-ia CRUS-ia “CRUS”-i CRUS CRUS-ha CRUS-ta “CRUS”-ta CRUS-ta (“CRUS”)ta-tú “CRUS”-tu CRUS-wa/i+ra/i
BOROWSKI 1, § 1 SULTANHAN, § 39; HİSARCIK 1, § 4 SULTANHAN, §§ 38, 40; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 18; KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 4; ALEPPO 2, § 25; TİLSEVET, § 6; YUNUS 1, § 4 SULTANHAN, § 21 KARATEPE 1, 263 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 263 (Ho); CEKKE, § 22 KARATEPE 1, 412 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 12–13; KULULU 5, § 17 ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 9, 12, 18 IZGIN 1, § 3 EĞRİKÖY, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5 GELB, § 5 KULULU 2, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9
iter. 3 sing. imp.
tanuwa- (caus.) 1 sing. pres. (“CRUS”)ta-nu-wa/i-wa/i-i 1 sing. pret. ta-nu-wa/i-ha “CRUS”-nu-wa/i-ha CRUS-nu-wa/i-ha CRUS-nu-wá/í-ha CRUS-nú-wa/i-ha CRUS-nu-ha CRUS-nu-ha(-á) 3 plur. pret. CRUS-nu-wa/i-ta CRUS-nú-wa/i-ta CRUS-nu-ta gerund. CRUS-nú-wa/i-mi-i-na ? CRUS-nú-L.308-a
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 19 SULTANHAN, §§ 2, 10; KULULU 1, § 5 MARAŞ 14, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 23, 26, 27; KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 7 (-[ha]) KAYSERİ, § 2b TELL AHMAR 2, § 6 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 7 RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 3; ADANA 1, § 4 KULULU 3, § 6 YUNUS 1, § 2 TİLSEVET, § 5 SULTANHAN, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A18j
CRUS+MINUS/CRUS+RA/I: different verb? 1 sing. pret. CRUS+RA/I-nu-wa/i-ha
ALEPPO 2, § 11
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
plur. pret.
KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 5, 10; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 8; SULTANHAN, § 11 AKSARAY, §§ 4a, c; ARSUZ 1+2, § 5(×4: CRUS … CRUS+RA/I // CRUS … CRUS); ADIYAMAN 1, § 1; POTOROO, facet 3a
3 sing./plur.
other(?) 3 sing. pres.
EMPIRE 3 plur. pret.
(maluwa) CRUS (sunasati) CRUS (tupisa) CRUS (FORTIS) CRUS
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 19 SÜDBURG, § 3 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 2 YALBURT block 12, § 3
tadi-, “father” (Cun. Luw. tati-) = Phoen. ʾb LATE nom. sing. MF
tá-ti-i-sa tá-ti-sa
acc. sing. MF
tá-ti-sa4 tá-ri+i-sa tá-ti-na
dat. sing.
tá-ti-(ha) tá-ti-i
case? nom. plur. MF (nom./acc.) MF dat. plur.
tá-ti tá-ti tá-ti-i-zi tá-ti-zi(-i) tá-ti-zi tá-ti-zi tá-ra+a-za
tati(ya)-, “of the father” acc. sing. N tá-ti-ia-za
(or dat. plur.?) dat. sing. tá-ti-i nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF
tá-ti tá-ti-i[a?] tá-ti-ia tá-ti-zi tá-ti-zi
MARAŞ 4, § 9; TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 2, 8 TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 4, 8; ANCOZ 5, § 3; ALEPPO 2, § 19; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5; JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 2 KULULU 4, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 5 KARATEPE 1, 87 (Ho = Phoen. ʾb(t)); MARAŞ 4, § 11; TELL AHMAR 1, § 11 KARATEPE 1, 16 (= Phoen. ʾb) KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 3; MARAŞ 4, § 8; ALEPPO 3, § 3; JISR EL HADID frag. 2, l. 2 (frag.) unpublished text KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, §§ 2, 10, 13 (nom.? acc.?, nom.?) KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8; ÇİFTLİK, § 3 BOHÇA, §§ 6, 10 KARABURUN, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 2 (frag.) KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2, l. 3 (frag.); KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 7 CEKKE, § 16
KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 2 (); TELL AHMAR 2, § 3; TELL AHMAR 6, § 3; BOROWSKI 3, § 3; TELL AHMAR 1, § 4; GELB, ⌈§ 2⌉ (all with (LIGNUM)salahaza); BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 18; TELL AHMAR 6, § 10; (alamanza) KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 15 (parna-) KARATEPE 1, 82 (= Phoen. ʾb(y)); MARAŞ 1, § 3 (both with (THRONUS)isatarati also next two) IZGIN 1, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 4; JISR EL HADID 4, § 7 JISR EL HADID frag. 2 (frag.) KARKAMIŠ A23, § 11 MARAŞ 1, § 2; ANCOZ 8, § 6 TELL AHMAR 6, § 5
Part 6: Selected Glossary
acc./nom. plur. N dat. plur. abl. plur.
tá-ti-ia tá-ti-za tá-ti-ia-ti
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 8 HAMA 4, § 10; JISR EL HADID 4, § 3 ÇİNEKÖY, § 2
EMPIRE nom. plur. MF
YALBURT block 4, § 2
takami-, “earth” (det. L.201, TERRA; single attestation; Cun. Luw. tiyammi-, Hitt. tekan) dat. sing. (“TERRA”)ta-ka-mi-i SULTANHAN, § 39
tama-, “build” (log. L.246, AEDIFICARE) = Phoen. bn LATE 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret.
3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
KARATEPE 1, 382 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 382 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 376 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 357 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 376 (Hu) HAMA 1–3, 6–7, § 2; HAMA 4, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 10; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 8; KARATEPE 1, 204 (Hu); MARAŞ 14, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 14; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 24; KARATEPE 1, 124 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 15; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 18 KARKAMIŠ A23, § c KARATEPE 1, § XLV (Hu) AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 34 KARATEPE 1, § XLI (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 97 (Hu) IZGIN 1, § 6; BOROWSKI 3, § 5 ÇİFTLİK, § 22 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 8b–a KULULU 1, § 3 ŞARAGA, § 2 KÖRKÜN, § 4 ÇİFTLİK, § 2 KARATEPE 2, § 1 ÇİFTLİK, § 5 ÇİFTLİK, § 4 KARABURUN, § 4
KARATEPE 1, 216 (Hu); KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 23
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pret.
EMPIRE 3 sing. pret.
ALEPPO 1, § 1; SÜDBURG, §§ 6, 7, 16
tanati-, “empty” (log. L.245, VACUUS; Cun. Luw. dannatta-, Hitt. dannatta-) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF acc. plur. N
VACUUS-ti-i-sa (“VACUUS”)ta-na-ti-i?-na VACUUS-tá (“VACUUS”)ta-na-ta-a
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 3 MARAŞ 8, § 3 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 9 MARAŞ 1, § 4
LATE tanata-, (verb, fact.) “devastate” (Hitt. dannattahh-) 1 sing. pret. “VACUUS”-na-ta-ha [… (“VACUUS”)ta-na-tá-ha (VACUUS)tá-na-ta-ha 3 sing. imp. (VACUUS)ta?-na-tá-tu
tanimi-, “all, every” (log. L.366, OMNIS; Cun. Luw. tanimmi-) = Phoen. kl LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF nom. sing. N acc. sing. N gen. sing. ?? dat. sing. abl. sing. nom. plur. MF
ta-ní-mi-i-sa ta-ni-mi-i-sa ta6-ni-mi-i-sa OMNIS-mi-i-sá OMNIS-mi-sa(-) ta-ni-mi- ta-ni-ma-za ta-ní-ma-za OMNIS-MI-ma-za-a OMNIS-MI-za OMNIS-MI-ma-z[a] OMNIS-MÍ-⌈ma?⌉-sà(?) ta-ni-mi-i(-) ta-ni-mi ta-ní-mi OMNIS-mi ta-ni-ma-ti(-) OMNIS-MI-ti OMNIS-MI-ri+i ta-ní-mi-zi
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 15 (frag.) KARKAMIŠ A24a15, l. 1 (frag.) TELL AHMAR 1, § 17 KARATEPE 1, 265 KARATEPE 1, 85 (Ho) KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 22 ÇİNEKÖY, § 5; unpublished text (-[ma-]) BABYLON 1, § 4 KARATEPE 1, 298 ASSUR letters e, § 22; f+g, § 19 KARATEPE 1, 53 (Ho) KAYSERİ, § 21 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 20 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 11; CEKKE, § 10 KULULU 4, § 12; ARSUZ 1, 2, § 21 IZGIN 1, § 15 (frag.) TOPADA, § 8 SULTANHAN, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 18
Part 6: Selected Glossary
acc. plur. MF nom. plur. N acc. plur. N dat. plur.
OMNIS-mi-i-zi OMNIS-mi-i-zi(-) OMNNIS-mi-zi/a OMNIS-mí-zi OMNIS-mi-zí-i OMNIS-MI-ma OMNIS-MI-ma-(ia) OMNIS-MI OMNIS-MI-ma-za OMNIS-MI-ní-i-ma-za4 OMNIS-MI-za tara/i-ma-za
tanimasi-, gen. adj. nom. sing. MF OMNIS-ma-si-sa4 acc. sing. MF ta-ni-ma-si-na acc. plur. N(?) OMNIS-ma-sa-za-a onomastic
ÇİFTLİK, §§ 11, 18 KARATEPE 1, 393 TOPADA, § 26 AKSARAY, § 6 PALANGA, § 7 KARATEPE 1, 33 KARATEPE 1, 77 Hu (Ho) VELİİSA, § 2 KARATEPE 1, 281 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 281 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 300 (Ho) AKSARAY, § 5
KULULU 4, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 16
OMNIS-mi-FRATER-la-, CEKKE, § 17m
not attested. See L.430 (punati-)
tanisa-, “stele” (det. L.267, STELE): see below also wani(d)nom. sing. N (STELE)ta-ni?-sà-za acc. sing. N (STELE)ta-ni-sà-za (STELE)ta-⌈ni⌉-sà dat. sing. (STELE)ta-ni-si
taniti-, “hierodule” (log. L.79-1.322-L.57, FEMINA.PURUS.INFRA; Cun. Luw. MUNUSdaniti-) LATE acc. sing. MF
TELL AHMAR 1, § 24
tapar-, “order” (rebus L.115, LEPUS (tapa)) LATE tapari-, “command” abl. LEPUS+ra/i-ia-ti-i ta-LEPUS+ra/i-ia-ti LEPUS+RA/I-ti (LIGNUM)ta-pa+ra/i-a-ti
SULTANHAN, § 41; MARAŞ 1, § 5, KÖRKÜN, § 3 BOROWSKI 3, § 5 IZGIN 1, §§ 9, 16 KARKAMIŠ stone bowl, § 1
tapari(ya)-, “govern” 3 sing. pret. (“LIGNUM”)LEPUS+ra/i-ia-ta (LIGNUM)ta6-LEPUS+ra/i-ta
TELL AHMAR 1, § 19 TELL AHMAR 1, § 9
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
taparahi(d)-, “command” nom. sing. LEPUS-pa+ra/i-hi
MARAŞ 4, § 8
taparita-, “authority” acc. sing. LEPUS+RA/I-ta-na
KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 4
tapariyal(i)-, “governor” nom. sing. MF LEPUS+ra/i-ia-li-sa nom. plur. MF LEPUS+ra/i-ia-li-zi gen. adj. LEPUS+ra/i-ia-li-i-sa
SULTANHAN, § 48 JISR EL HADID frag. 3, l. 2 MARAŞ 1, § 1b LEPUS+ra/i-ia-li-sa MARAŞ 1, § 1g
tapariyala-, “make/become governor” 3 sing. pret. LEPUS+ra/i-ia-la-ta 3 plur. pret. LEPUS+ra/i-ia-la-ta
tapariya ? ?
KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2, § a BOROWSKI 2, l. 1
[… LE]PUS+ra/i-ia-sa LEPUS+ra/i-ia-sa
tara-, taraza-, “ ? ” (det. L.96, PES2.PES) (PES2.PES)tara/i-ta (PES2.PES)tara/i-za-tú
ARSUZ 1, § 7 ARSUZ 1+2, § 24b
tarawani-, “righteous” (log. L.371, IUSTITIA; see Melchert, Fs Salvini, pp. 337–345) LATE nom. sing. MF
(IUSTITIA)tara/i-wa/i-ni-sa (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ni-sà (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ní-sa IUSTITIA-ni-sa
acc. sing. MF gen. sing.(?)
IUSTITIA-sa IUSTITIA-wa/i-ni-sa IUSTITIA-ní-sa ⌈IUSTITIA⌉-wa/i-ni-i-sa “IUSTITIA”-ni-i-sa “IUSTITIA”-ní-i-sa IUSTITIA-ní “IUSTITIA”-sa IUSTITIA-ni-sa tara/i-wa/i-ni IUSTITIA-ni-i-na IUSTITIA-ní-i-sa
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1 MARAŞ 1, § 1 MARAŞ 4, § 1; BABYLON 1, § 1 BOR, § 1; BULGARMADEN, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 1 CEKKE, § 6a; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 10 ANDAVAL, § 1 TELL AHMAR 6, § 1; KULULU 4, § 1 BOROWSKI 3, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 1 KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 1 ŞARAGA, § 3a KARKAMIŠ A18a, l. 1 IZGIN 1, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A7j, § 14
Part 6: Selected Glossary
dat. sing.
frag. IUSTITIA-[…]-ni [… tarawani(ya)-, “of the righteous” (gen. adj.) nom. sing. IUSTITIA-ni-sa acc. plur.(?)
IUSTITIA-ni/ní (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ni-sá IUSTITIA-ni-sá (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ni-sa IUSTITIA-ni-sa4 (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ní-sa (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ní-sá (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-ni-i-sa IUSTITIA-ní-sa IUSTITIA-wa/i-ni-zi(-ha)
tarawanaza-, “ ? ” (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-na-za-ta-a 3 sing. pret. tarawana-, “righteousness” = Phoen. ṣdq(y) abl. IUSTITIA-na-ti
BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 1, 4; MALPINAR, § 1; MARAŞ 14, § 1; BULGARMADEN, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 7 MARAŞ 1, § 1e BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 1 TELL AHMAR 1, § 1 KULULU 3, § 1 BABYLON 1, § 1 MARAŞ 4, § 1 EĞRİKÖY, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 1; NİĞDE 2, l. 3 TELL TAYINAT 2, 1b
MARAŞ 1, § 6
“IUSTITIA”-ti-i (IUSTITIA)tara/i-wa/i-na-ti IUSTITIA-na-ri+i-i “IUSTITIA”-ni-ti-i tara/i-u-na-ti IUSTITIA-na-ri+i (“IUSTITIA”)tara/i-wa/i-na+ra/i “IUSTITIA”-na-ti < > “ IUSTITIA”-wa/i-ní-ti “IUSTITIA”-wa/i-na-ti
KARATEPE 1, 90 (Hu); KARKAMIŠ A6, § 2; BULGARMADEN, § 6 TELL TAYINAT 1, frag. 1, l. 2 SHEIZAR, § 2; AKSARAY, § 5 KULULU 3, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 10 KULULU 1, § 15 KARATEPE 1, 90 (Ho) MARAŞ 1, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 9
here? acc. sing.
(IUSTITIA)tara/i-na “IUSTITIA”-na
ARSUZ 1, § 2 ARSUZ 2, § 2
IUSTITIA-ni(-)za-i-sa, “ ? ”
tarawi-, “provide” (L.69 / L.378, LITUUS) 1 sing. pret. (“L.69”)tara/i-wa/i-i-ha
TELL AHMAR 6, § 12
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
tarkasna-, “donkey” (log. L.100, ASINUS; Cun. Luw. targassan(alli)-) LATE nom. plur. MF
ASSUR letter f+g, § 21
tarkasni(ya)-, “mule” (log. L.101, ASINUS2) nom. sing. MF (ASINUS2.ANIMA)tara/i-ka-sa-ni-sa here(?) acc. sing. N ASINUS(ANIMA)-i-za dat. plur. (“ASINUS”)tara/i-ka-sa-ni-ia-za
ASSUR letter f+g, § 22 CEKKE, § 7 BULGARMADEN, § 9
tarkasna-, “homer” nom. sing. ASINUS ASINUS(ANIMA)
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10
frag. ASINUS2(ANIMA) […
EMPIRE PN ASINUS2A-wà/ì = Cun. Itar-kaš-ša-na-wa (TARKONDEMOS; cf. KARABEL, BOĞAZKÖY Sealings) ASINUS2-ní-i(a) YALBURT block 13, § 4 ASINUS2 NİŞANTEPE (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 295 f. Excursus 11
ALEPPO 7, § 7
tarpa-, tarpi-, “tread, trample” (det. L.96, PES2.PES) LATE verb 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp.
(PES2.PES)tara/i-pi-ti (“PES2”)tara/i-pi+ra/i (“PES2.PES”)tara/i-[pa]-ha (“PES2.PES”)tara/i-pa-lá/í (“PES2.PES”)tara/i-pi-ru-u-a PES2.PES-pi-tu (PES2.PES)tara/i-pi-i-tu (PES2.PES)tara/i-pi-tu-u PES2.PES-pa-i-tu-u
frags. (PES2.PES) […] … PE]S2.PES-pi-ti PES2.PES [… PES2 […-t]ú (PES2.PES)tara/i-p[i-…]
POTOROO, 8a TÜNP 1, § 6 MARAŞ 4, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 11 KAYSERİ, § 16 ŞIRZI, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 15 KARKAMIŠ A16a, § 7 CEKKE, § 26 KARKAMIŠ A27oo, l. 1 ANKARA 1, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A16a, § 6
Part 6: Selected Glossary
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pres.
adverb tarpa
(“CORNU”)tara/i-pa (PES2.PES)tara/i-pa tara/i-pa
ALEPPO 2, § 25 BOROWSKI 1, § 1 KULULU 5, § 17
(SCALPRUM)tara/i-pi (“SCALPRUM”)tara/i-p⌈i-i⌉
CEKKE, § 22 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1b
(“CORNU”)tara/i-pi-wa/i CORNU+ra/i-pi-wa/i tara/i-pi-wa/i tara/i-pi-[…] CORNU+ra/i-pi-wa/i
TİLSEVET, § 6; YUNUS, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 4 SULTANHAN, § 21; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 12 KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 4
PES2.PES-pa-mi-na (“PES2.PES”)tara/i-pa-ma-za
ŞIRZI, §§ 1, 5 JISR EL HADID frag. 3, l. 3
tarpuna-, “spinning-top” (det. L.382, LIGNUM) acc. plur. MF (“LIGNUM”)tara/i-pu-na-zi-i gen. (“LIGNUM”)tara/i-pu-na-sá
taruwi-, “wood” (log. L.382, LIGNUM; Cun. Luw-Hitt. taru) nom. sing. N “LIGNUM”-sa dat. sing. (LIGNUM)tara/i-wa/i “LIGNUM”-ru-wa/i-i abl. “LIGNUM”-wa/i-ia-ti
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 33 ARSUZ 1, § 11 ARSUZ 2, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 18
tarut-, “statue” (log. L.12, STATUA; Cun. Luw. darus) LATE nom. sing. N acc. sing. N
(STATUA)ta-ru-sá tara/i-sà “STATUA”-sa (“LIGNUM”)ta-ru-sa (“[STA]TUA”)ta-ru-sá STATUA-ru-sà (“STATUA”)tá-ru-sa STATUA-ru-sà STATUA-ru-sa STATUA tara/i-sá STATUA-sa
KARKAMIŠ A7, § 6 İVRİZ 1, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A27mm, l. 2 ALEPPO 2, § 8 MARAŞ 3, § 3 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 11, § ii KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 7 KIRÇOĞLU, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 28 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 7 NİĞDE 1 MALPINAR, § 18
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
dat. sing. dat. plur.
(“STATUA”)⌈ta⌉-ru-sa (“STATUA”)ta-ru-ti STATUA-ru-ti-i STATUA-ru-ti-i STATUA-ti ta-ru-ti-i ta-ru-ti ta-ru-da-za
KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 4 MARAŞ 14, § 7 MALPINAR, §§ 5, 26 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 31 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 24 KULULU l.s. 2, § 2.12 KULULU l.s. 2, §§ 1.3, 3.14 KULULU l.s. 2, § 3.17
frags. STATUA-[ru?]-sa ⌈(STATUA?)⌉ta-ru-⌈sa?⌉ STATUA-⌈ru-ti⌉
TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 10b–a MALPINAR, § 1 JISR EL HADID 4, § 7
EMPIRE acc. sing.
tarzi-, tarzanu-, “turn” (det. L.93.9, PES2 (“PIED2-tari- et causatif PIED2-tarinu-”, re-read)) LATE 1 sing. pret. (PES2)tara/i-zi-ha (PES2)tara/i-zi-i-ha caus., 3 plur. pret. (PES2)tara/i-za-nu-wa/i-tá part. (PES2)tara/i-za-mi-(i)-sa
TELL AHMAR 6, § 15; TELL AHMAR 1, § 6; BOROWSKI 3, § 4 ARSUZ 1, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 6 TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 9 EMİRGAZİ 1, § 26
tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-ti tara/i-zi/a-nú-wa/i-tu
taskwira-, “earth” (log. L.201, TERRA) = Phoen. ʾrṣ LATE nom. sing. MF erg., nom. sing. acc. sing. MF gen. (sing.) dat. sing.
TERRA-kwi/a+ra/i-sa TERRA-sá-ha (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-sa “TERRA”-kwi/a+ra/i-ti-sa- (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-ti-sa (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-na TERRA-kwi/a-na “TERRA”-si TERRA-kwi/a+ra/i-sa “TERRA”-sa TERRA “TERRA”-kwi/a+ra/i (TERRA)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i “TERRA”-sa-kwi/a+ra/i-i
ARSUZ 1+2, § 25 KÖRKÜN, § 9 TÜNP 1, § 4; EREĞLİ 1, § 2 TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 21 TÜNP 1, § 1 TOPADA, § 36 BABYLON 1, § 5 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 21 CEKKE, § 28 CEKKE, § 26 TOPADA, §§ 19, 23 KARATEPE 1, 62 (Hu); SULTANHAN, § 11 MARAŞ 14, § 6 BOHÇA, § 13
Part 6: Selected Glossary
“TERRA”-kwi/ax+ra/i TERRA-kwi/ax+ra/i (CAELUM.)TERRA abl. (sing.) (TERRA)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-ri+i (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-ri+i (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-ti “TERRA”-kwi/a+ra/i-ti-i [TER]RA-kwi/a+ra/i-ti-i (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-ti acc. plur. MF (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-zi “TERRA”-kwi/a+ra/i-zi TERRA-kwi/a+ra/i-zi gen. adj., nom. plur. (“TERRA”)ta-sà-kwi/a+ra/i-si-zi TERRA-RE[L+ra/i]-si-z[i]
TOPADA, § 13 TOPADA, § 20 ADIYAMAN 1, § 8 KARATEPE 1, 66 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 66 (Ho) SULTANHAN, § 15 ALEPPO 2, § 16 JISR EL HADID frag. 3, l. 3 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 6 AKSARAY, § 3 ÇİNEKÖY, § 9 BOHÇA, § 9 BOHÇA, § 3 SULTANHAN, § 33b ANKARA 1, § 9
KARKAMIŠ A18d, § 2
frags. TERRA-kwi/a+ra/i-sà
SAMSAT frag. 3, l. 2
YAZILIKAYA, nos. (28+)29
tatariya-, “curse” (det. L.22, LOQUI; Cun. Luw. tatariya(mmam), “curse”) LATE 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp. part., nom. sing.
(LOQUI)tá-tara/i-ia-tú (LOQUI)tá-tara/i-ia-tu (LOQUI)tá-tara/i-ia-tú (LOQUI)ta-tara/i-ia-mi-sa
TELL AHMAR 2, § 19 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 21 ALEPPO 2, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 24
tawi-, “eye” (det. L.341, COR; Cun. Luw. tawi-, Hitt. sakui-) LATE acc. plur. abl.
ta-wa/i (COR)ta-wa/i+ra/i
tawiyan, “in front of” (log. L.447.L.26, VERSUS) adv. ta-wa/i-ia-na VERSUS(-ia)-na
KARABURUN, §§ 8, 10 KÜRTÜL, § 4b
KULULU 1, § 15 KARATEPE 1, §§ 26, 133, 150, 167, 170
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
tipas, “sky” (log. L.182, CAELUM; Cun. Luw. tappas(sa), Hitt. nepis) = Phoen. šmm LATE nom. sing. N erg., nom. sing. gen. (sing.) dat. sing. abl.
(“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sá CAELUM-(sa) “CAELUM” (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sa-ti-sa “CAELUM”-ti-sa “CAELUM”-sa CAELUM-sa- (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-si [CAEL]UM-si(-i)- [(CAELUM)ti]-pa-si-i (CAELUM)ti-pa (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-si-i CAELUM (CAELUM)ti-pa-sa-ti (“CAELUM”)⌈ti-pa-sá⌉-[ti] (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-sa-ri+i “CAELUM”-ti CAELUM-ti-⌈i?⌉ CAELUM […
TÜNP 1, § 5; KÖRKÜN, § 9 ARSUZ 1+2, § 25 SAMSAT frag. 3, l. 2; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 21 TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 CEKKE, § 25 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 21 MARAŞ 14, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 2 ARSUZ 1+2, § 26 TELL AHMAR 1, § 5b DÜLÜK BABA TEPESİ 1, § 1 TELL AHMAR 3, § 1 ADIYAMAN 1, § 8 EREĞLİ 1, § 4 AKSARAY, § 2 SULTANHAN, § 14 TELL AHMAR 2, § 19 PALANGA, § 10 ALEPPO 2, § 15
gen. adj., (DEUS)TONITRUS nom. sing. MF “CAELUM”-si-i-sa (DEUS.TONITRUS) “CAELUM-si”-i-sa CAELUM (DEUS.TONITRUS)
acc. sing. MF dat. sing. nom. plur.
TELL AHMA R 1, § 2 TELL AHMAR 1, § 25 ALEPPO 2, §§ 2, 14; BOROWSKI 3, § 2; KARATEPE 1, 388, 390 (Hu); TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 9, 25; CEKKE, § 24 “CAELUM” (DEUS.TONITRUS) KARATEPE 1, 389, 391 (Ho); KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13 “CA[ELUM”]ti-pa-sa-si-i-s[á?] GEMEREK, B3, § 1 CAELUM-sa-si-na [(DEUS)TONITRUS] ADIYAMAN 1, § 2, (§ 3) “⌈CAELUM⌉”-sa-na (DEUS.TONITRUS) TELL AHMAR 1, § 21 CAELUM (DEUS.TONITRUS) TELL AHMAR 2, § 22; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 10; CEKKE, § 4; BOROWSKI 3, § 6 CAELUM (MAGNUS.DEUS.TONITRUS) ANCOZ 1, § 4; ANCOZ 9, § 2 (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-si-zi SULTANHAN, § 33b (DEUS)TONITRUS CAELUM-sa-[si]-i-z[i] ANKARA 1, § 9
frags. (“CAELUM”)ti-pa-… “CAE[LUM”]-pa-si-i (CAELUM)t[i-pa]-sa-sa […
KÜRTÜL, § 2 İSTANBUL 2, Side A(2) KARKAMIŠ A26b, l. 2
KIZILDAĞ 4, §§ 2a, 3; KARADAĞ 1, §§ 1, 3
Part 6: Selected Glossary
YAZILIKAYA, nos. 28(+29) EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 12; YAZILIKAYA, no. 34
tiwad-, “sun” (log. L.191, SOL; Cun. Luw. tiwat-) = Phoen. šmš; for DN “Sun-God” (DEUS.SOL), see (4) God-names List LATE (DEUS.SOL)tiwadami- / tiwarami-, “sun-blessed(?)” = Phoen. h-brk (bʿl) nom. sing. MF (DEUS)SOL-wa/i-da-mi-i-sa KULULU 2, § 1 SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-sa8 KULULU 4, §§ 1, 2 SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-sa HİSARCIK 1, § 1 SOL-da-mi-sá BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5 (DEUS)SOL-mi-sá KARATEPE 1, 3 (Hu) gen.(sing.) (DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma-sa-a KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 1 (DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma-sa KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 1 SOL-ma-sa TELL TAYINAT seal dat. sing. ti-wa/i+ra/i-mi KULULU 5, § 3 ? (DEUS)SOL-mi KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 2 PNN (LITUUS/OCULUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da // +ra/i, Azatiwada = Phoen. ʾztwd, KARATEPE 1 DOMINUS.SOL-wa/i+ra/i- // DOMINUS-ti-wa/i+ra/i-, Nanitiwara, CEKKE, §§ 1, 2 // 12 SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-, Tiwarami, CEKKE, § 17i other
(DEUS)SOL-ni-za, “ ? ”
ALEPPO 2, § 8
EMPIRE ÇALAPVERDİ 4, l. 2 SOL2 (L.190) see Glossary (2) tiyariya-, “guard, watch” (det. L.378 / L.25, LITUUS / OCULUS) 3 sing. pres. ti-ia+ra/i-ti 3 plur.(?) pres. (LITUUS)ti-ia-ri+i-ia-[?]-i 3 sing. pret. (LITUUS)ti-ia+ra/i-táx ⌈(OCULUS?)⌉ti-i+a-ta 2 sing. imp. (LITUUS)ti-[ia]-ri+i-[…]
KULULU 5, § 13 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 12, § ii TOPADA, § 16 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 11 ASSUR letter f+g, § 50
tuma(n)ti-, “hear” (log. L.73, AUDIRE (AURIS+TU+MI); Cun. Luw. tum(m)anti-) 3 sing. pres. AUDIRE+MI-ti-ti AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 17 3 sing. pret. “AUDIRE+MI”-ti-i-tá TELL AHMAR 1, § 25 AUDIRE-ti-ta BABYLON 2, § 3 AUDIRE+MI-⌈ta?⌉ MARAŞ 3, § 2 3 plur. pret. AUDIRE+MI-ti-i-ta KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 5, 6 AUDIRE-MI-ti-i-ta KARKAMIŠ A6, § 4
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
part., nom. sing.
AUDIRE+MI-ma-ti-mi-i-sa AUDIRE-mi-sà AUDIRE+MI-ti-mi-⌈sa4⌉ AUDIRE+MI-sa
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1 MARAŞ 1, § 1h BOHÇA, § 1 BOSSERT seal
frags. AUDIRE+MI-ti-t[a … AUDIRE?
med.-pass., 2 plur. imp. 3 plur. imp.
AUDIRE+MI-ta-ra+a-nu AUDIRE+MI-ta+ra/i-ru
ASSUR letter e, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 32
AUDIRE? AUDIRE?-wa/i-sà(-)za-
KARKAMIŠ A17a, § 7 TULEIL 1, l. 2
tupi-, “smite” (log.-det. L.273, Late only; Cun. Luw. dupi-) LATE 1 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. 3 plur. imp.
tu-pi-wa/i tu-pi-ri+i tu-pi-há L.273-pi?-ti (“L.273”)tu-pi-ti-í t]u-pi+ra/i (L.273)tu-pa-i-ta tu-pa-tu
KARATEPE 1, 350; 372 (Hu; ⌈Ho⌉) SULTANHAN, § 51 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 4 KULULU 8 KAYSERİ, § 7 BURUNKAYA, § 3 ANCOZ 8+5, § 11 KULULU 5, § 9
tu-pi tu-pi-sa (?)
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 10; YALBURT blocks 2, § 1; 7, § 1; 12, § 2 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 2
turpi-, “bread” (log. L.181, PANIS) LATE nom. sing. acc. sing. acc. plur. gen. sing.
(“PANIS”)tú+ra/i-pi-sa (L.291.PANIS)tu+ra/i-pi-sa (“PANIS”)tú+ra/i-pi-na (PANIS)tú+ra/i-pi-na (PANIS)tú+ra/i-p[i]-n[a] (SCUTELLA.PANIS)tú+ra/i-pi-i-na (PANIS)tú+ra/i […] (PANIS)tu+ra/i-pi-zi PANIS-pi-zi (PANIS)tú+ra/i-pa-si-i
frags. (PANIS)tú+ra/i-x [… (“PANIS”)t[u?+ra/i-pi?-zi?
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18a ALEPPO 6, § 12 HAMA 4, § 15 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 27; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 33 KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 1 ARSUZ 2, § 23 ARSUZ 1, § 23 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2b–a KARKAMIŠ A29f2, l. 2 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 32 KARKAMIŠ A27tt MARAŞ 14, § 9
Part 6: Selected Glossary
tuwa-, “put” (log. L.65, PONERE; Cun. Luw. tuwa-, Hitt. dai-) = Phoen. št LATE 3 sing. pres.
tu-wa/i-i-a PONERE-wa/i-i
3 plur. pres. 1 sing. pret.
PONERE-wa/i-ia PONERE-wá/í-í … (PONERE+MI)tu-wa/i-ia PONERE-wa/i-ti (“PONERE”)tú-wa/i-há (PONERE)tu-wa/i-ha “PONERE”-wa/i-ha-a PONERE-wa/i-ha
3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. 2 sing. imp. 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp.
PONERE-wa/i-há PONERE-u-ha PONERE-ha ( ) “ PONERE(”)-há PONERE-ha tu-wa/i-ta tu-ta tu-wa/i+ra/i PONERE-wa/i-ta PONERE-wa/i-táx PONERE-u-ta PONERE-tá/ta PONERE tu-tá PONERE-u (PONERE)tu-wa/i-tu tu-wa/i-tu-u
SULTANHAN, § 31 ANCOZ 7, § 5; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 14; KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 1 (frag.) KARKAMIŠ A13a, § 3 KAYSERİ, § 3 MARAŞ 7, A (frag.) ANCOZ 1, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 15 KARKAMIŠ stone bowl, § 3 (also § 2?) KARKAMIŠ A6, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 12; ALEPPO 2, § 10; TELL AHMAR 2, § 7; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 13, 16; BOROWSKI 3, § 6; BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 1, 3; MALPINAR, § 3(-⌈ha?⌉); MARAŞ 8, § 6; TOPADA, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 2 (frag.) BOR, § 3 KARATEPE 1, 208 (Hu) = Phoen. št KARATEPE 1, 118 (Hu, Ho) HAMA 4, §§ 7, 13; HAMA 5, § 4; unpublished text SULTANHAN, § 9 ERKİLET 2, § 1 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 14 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 6; BABYLON 3 TOPADA, § 9 BOR, § 9 CEKKE, § 2; KULULU 4, § 15 KARKAMIŠ A4b, §§ 3, 6 KULULU 4, § 4 ASSUR letter e, § 22 MARAŞ 8, §§ 14, 16 KULULU 2, § 7
part. tu-wa/i-mi-na-a (acc. sing. MF) PONERE-mi-i-na gerund.(?) PONERE-mi-na
KULULU 4, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 12 CEKKE, § 19; ALEPPO 3, § 3
frag. [(PONERE?)]tu-wa/i-i
ANCOZ 8+5, § 2
TRANSITIONAL 1 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
PONERE-wa/i-ha PONERE?-wa/i-ta
tuwarisa-, “vineyard” (det. L.160, VITIS) acc. sing. N (“VITIS”)tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà-za tu-wa/i[+ra/i]-sà-za-a tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà-zá
BOR, § 3 KULULU 1, § 8 SULTANHAN, § 22
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
gen. dat. sing. acc. plur. N gen. adj., acc. sing. MF
tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà-sa “VITIS”-si-i tu-wa/i+ra/i-si-i tu-wa/i+ra/i-sa (VITIS)tu-wa/i-ri+i-sà!
(VITIS)tu-wa/i+ra/i-si-na tu-wa/i+ra/i-sà-si-i-na
tuwatri-, “daughter” (log. ((FEMINA)INFANS.FEMINA =) FILIA; Cun. Luw. duttarri-) acc. sing. MF (FILIA)tú-wa/i-tara/i-na TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 24, 29
tuwi-, “thy” LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF
tu-wa/i-sà tu-wa/i-na
YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1 HİSARCIK 1, § 5; ASSUR letter f+g, § 52; ASSUR letter e, § 30
(-)tuwi-, “ ? ” (det. L.187) LATE nom. sing. MF? gen. acc. sing. N? dat. sing.
L.187-tu-wa/i-i-sá L.187-wa/i-sa ⌈“L.187⌉”-tú-sa- L.187-tu-wa/i-i-za L.187-sa L.187 L.187
EREĞLİ 1, § 2 TELL AHMAR 6, § 15 TELL AHMAR 1, § 6 ASSUR letter c, § 7 BOROWSKI 3, § 4 MARAŞ 4, § 11 ASSUR letter e, § 20
uni-, unanu-, “know” (det. L.378, LITUUS Late only) EMPIRE–LATE 3 sing. pres. (LITUUS)u-ni-ti 1 sing. pret. (LITUUS)u-ni-ha part., nom. sing. (E) u-ni-mi-sa ⌈(LITUUS)⌉u-ni-mi-sa (LITUUS)u-ni-mi-sa
ASSUR letter e, §§ 29, 31 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 20 LİDAR bullae, (D) MARAŞ 1, § 1h PALANGA, § 7
(caus.) “teach” 3 sing. pret.
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 22
u(n)zi-, “your” acc. sing.
ASSUR letter e, § 7
Part 6: Selected Glossary
((“)CAPERE(”))upa-, “bring” (det. L.41, L.43, CAPERE1–2; Cun. Luw. uppa-) 1 sing. pret. (CAPERE2)u-pa-ha KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 7, 10 (“CAPERE2”)u-pa-ha KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 13 (CAPERE)u-pa-ha İSKENDERUN, §§ 3, 4 3 sing. pret. (CAPERE2)u-pa-ta KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 7 upani-, “trophy”(?) acc. sing. MF (SCALPRUM.CAPERE2)u-pa-ní-i-na (SCALPRUM.CAPERE2)u-pa-ní-na acc. plur. MF (SCALPRUM.CAPERE2)u-pa-ní-zi
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 13
((“)PES(”))upa-, “provide” (log.-det. L.90, PES; Cun. Luw. upa-) 3 sing. pres. (PES)u-pa-i 1 sing. pret. (“PES”)u-pa-ha 3 sing. pret. (PES)u-pa-tá (“PES”)u-pa-táx
IZGIN 2, § 8 SULTANHAN § 12; KIRÇOĞLU, § 3 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 4; 2, § 5 TOPADA, § 15
upa-, “ ? ” 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 sing. imp.
u-pa-i u-pa-ha u-pa-⌈táx⌉ u-pa-tu
upatit-, “demesne” (det. L.274; Luw.-Hitt. upati-) LATE dat. sing. poss. acc. sing.
(L.274)u-pa-ti-ti-i (L.274)u-pa-ti-ti (L.274)u-pa-ti-da-si-i-na
TELL AHMAR 1, § 20 TELL AHMAR 1, § 8 MARAŞ 4, § 3
ura-, “great” (log. L.363, MAGNUS; Cun. Luw. ura-) LATE dat. sing. nom. plur. MF(?) acc. plur. N
MAGNUS MAGNUS(+ra/i)-zi/a (EQUUS) MAGNUS-i+a [… MAGNUS+ra/i-ia-a
uraza- (Cun. Luw. urazza-) nom. sing. MF MAGNUS+ra/i-za-sa acc. sing. MF
uranu-, “make great” (Cun. Luw. urannu-) = Phoen. (y)ʾdr 2 plur. pres. MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-wa/i-ta-ni-i 1 sing. pret. MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-ha-a 3 sing. pret. MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-wa/i-ta 3 plur. imp. MAGNUS+ra/i-nú-wa/i-tu-a
ANCOZ 9, § 2 TOPADA, §§ 16, 21 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 12 ASSUR letter f+g, § 36
İVRİZ 1, § A1; KULULU 2, § 5b; PORSUK, § 5; KULULU 5, § 7c (?) TELL AHMAR 1, § 16; TOPADA, § 32(-zi/a-)
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 22 KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 13(-a), 15 KARATEPE 1, 9 (Hu; [Ho]) KARATEPE 1, 323 (Hu(-a), Ho)
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
frags. MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-[… MAGNUS+ra/i-nu-wa/i-[…]
KARKAMIŠ A21, § 2 ANDAVAL, § 5 TÜNP 2, § 3
EMPIRE PNN (seals): see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 434 f.
TRANSITIONAL 3 plur. pret.
uruwada(n)-, “seed(?)” nom. sing. (“L.471”)(m)u?-ru-wa/i-da-za
GÜRÜN, § 4
ALEPPO 2, § 16
usa-, “bring” (det. L.90, PES)(+INFRA) = Phoen. yrd LATE 3 sing. pres. 3 plur. pres. 1 sing. pret.
(PES)u-sa-wa/i u-sa-ti (“PES”)u-sá-ha (“PES”)u-sa-há-a
ANDAVAL, § 3 KULULU l.s. 2, § 3.19 KARATEPE 1, 146 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 146 (Ho)
frags. (“PES”)⌈u⌉-sa-t[a ⌈u⌉-sá-[ta?]-a
KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 9 KARATEPE 3, § 2
here? usi-, “supply” (?) 2 sing. pres.
ASSUR letter c, § 7 ASSUR letter c, § 6
u-si-ti-sà u-si-ti-sa
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing./plur. pret. (PES)u-sa-tá
ALEPPO 7, § 7
usi-, “year” (log. L.336, ANNUS; Cun. Luw. ussi-, Hitt. wett-) = Phoen. šnt LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF dat. sing.
ANNUS-si-⌈sa⌉ (“ANNUS”)u-si-na ANNUS-na ANNUS “ANNUS”-na “ANNUS” (ANNUS)u-si-i (ANNUS)u-si (“ANNUS”)u-si-i (“ANNUS”)u-si
KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 6 KULULU 1, §§ 6(×2) TOPADA, § 19; BULGARMADEN, § 11 TOPADA, § 20 BULGARMADEN, § 11 KÖRKÜN, § 2 TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 24, 26; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 7, 34 KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 7; KARATEPE 1, 266 (Hu) ARSLANTAŞ, § 2, BOR, § 6 KARATEPE 1, 266 (Ho); KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 15; MARAŞ 4, § 3
Part 6: Selected Glossary
(“[ANNUS]”)[u-si]-i acc. plur. MF (ANNUS)u-si-zi ANNUS-si-zi ANNUS dat. plur. (“ANNUS”)u-sá-za gen. adj., nom. sing. ANNUS-sa4-si-sá-a gen. adj., acc. sing. “ANNUS”-si-si-na
MARAŞ 4, § 2 KARATEPE 1, 294 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 294 (Ho) TOPADA, § 21 AKSARAY, § 4a HİSARCIK 1, § 3 MARAŞ 11, § 8
“ANNUS[” … “⌈ANNUS⌉”-za (ANNUS)u-⌈sà?⌉
BOR, § 8 ÇİFTLİK, § 12 PALANGA, § 12
TRANSITIONAL acc. sing. MF dat. sing.
SHEIZAR, § 2 ANKARA 2, § 3
EMPIRE dat. sing.
usaliza-, “annual” nom. sing. ANNUS-sa-li-za-sa acc. sing. ANNUS-sa-li-z[a]-n[a] (“ANNUS”)u-sa-li-za-ná
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18a KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 10
usali-, “annual” adv.
SULTANHAN, § 29 MARAŞ 3, § 6
u-sa-li- (“ANNUS”)u-sa-li-ia
frag. “ANNUS”-li-i-x
KARKAMIŠ A29f2, l. 2
wala-, “die” (log. L.386+L.381, (VIR2+MINUS =)MORI; Cun. Luw. ulanti- // walanti-, “dead”) LATE 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
(“MORI”)wa/i+ra/i-ha-a MORI-ha-na (“MORI”)wa/i-la-tá (MORI)wa/i-la-tá MORI-ta MORI-ta wa/i-la-u-ta
KULULU 2, § 3 ASSUR letter a, § 8 TELL AHMAR 1, §§ 10, 18 TELL AHMAR 6, § 8 TELL AHMAR 5, § 8 ASSUR letter f+g, § 21 ASSUR letter f+g, § 7
part., acc. sing.
ASSUR letter f+g, § 6
walanu-, “let die” 2 sing. imp.
ASSUR letter e, § 14
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
wala, “ ? ” (log. L.309, CRUX) 1 sing. pret. (CRUX)wa/i-la-ha
CEKKE, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A17c, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 2 KULULU 5, § 8 ANKARA 1, § 9 ÇALAPVERDİ 2, § 1
(CRUX)wa/i-la (“CRUX”)wa/i-lu/a/i wa/i-la wa/i-[la] CRUX
walili(da)-, “territory” (det. L.181, TERRA+LA+LA; Hitt. ulili-) = Phoen. ʿrṣ (ʿmq) nom. sing. N TERRA+LA+LA-za KARATEPE 1, 200 (Hu) acc. sing. N TERRA+LA+LA(-)wá/í+ra/i-za KARATEPE 1, 23 (Ho) “TERRA+X”(-)wá/í+ra/i-za KARATEPE 1, 23 (Hu) TERRA+LA+LA-za ÇİNEKÖY, § 2 dat. sing. (“TERRA+LA+LA)wa/i+ra/i-ri+i KARATEPE 1, 62 (Ho) (TERRA+LA+LA)wa/i-li-ri+i-da-ti ANDAVAL, § 3 abl. dat. plur. (TERRA+LA+LA)wa/i-li-li-da-za KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 8 TERRA+LA+LA-da-za KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 2
waliya-, “rise” (det. L.165, BONUS; Cun. Luw. walli(ya)-) LATE 2 sing. pres. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. part., nom. sing.
wa/i-li-ia-si ⌈wa/i⌉-[li]-ia-si-i BONUS-li-ia-ta (BONUS)wa/i-li-ia-ta (BONUS)u-li-ia-mi-sà
YASSIHÖYÜK, § 16 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 17 TELL AHMAR 5, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 3, 4, 5; KARKAMIŠ A14a, §§ 6, ⌈7⌉ MARAŞ 1, § 1i
waliyaza-, “rise (iter.)” 3 plur. pret. BONUS-li-ia-za-ta
IZGIN 1, § 18
waliyanu-, “raise, exalt” 1 sing. pret. (BONUS)wa/i-li-ia-nú-wa/i-ha BONUS-li-ia-nu-wa/i-ha -li-nu-u-ha 2 sing. imp. BONUS-li-ia-nu-wa/i 3 sing. imp. (BONUS)wa/i-li-ia-⌈nu?⌉-tu-u
MARAŞ 4, § 11 MARAŞ 4, § 15; TELL AHMAR 6, § 14; TELL AHMAR 5, § 17 JISR EL HADID 4, § 3 TELL AHMAR 5, § 13 MALPINAR, § 11
KARKAMIŠ A27j, l. 1
… (BONUS)[wa/i]-li-ia-nú-[w]a/i-ha
waliya-, “praise”(?) abl. BONUS-li-ia-ti
ANCOZ 8+5, § 11
here? 3 sing. pret.
KARKAMIŠ A23, § 11
Part 6: Selected Glossary
*walwi-, “lion” (log.-det. L.97(1–3), LEO (formerly BESTIA); Cun. Luw. walwi-) LATE nom. sing.
TELL AHMAR 6, § 31
“LEO[”](-)x LEO-sa
EMPIRE PNN (seals): see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 293 f. Excursus 9 hwisara- // hwitara-, “wild beasts” (also determined LEO (BESTIA), L.97(4–5); Cun. Luw.-Hitt. hwitar / hwitna-: see above, s.v.)
wami-LITUUS-, “find” (det.(?) L.378, LITUUS; Hitt. wemiya-(?)) LATE 2 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret.
wa/i-mi-LITUUS-si wa/i-mi-LITUUS-ha
ASSUR letter f+g, § 42 MARAŞ 8, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 23; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1b, § ii KARABURUN, § 6
TRANSITIONAL 3 sing. pret.
KOCAOĞUZ, §§ 1, 2
plur. pret.
*wanati-, “woman” (log. L.79, FEMINA; reading, Cun. Luw. wana(tti)-) = Phoen. ʾst; see also *anati- (log. L.79, MATER-na-tí-) LATE nom. sing. MF
“FEMINA”-na-ti-i-sa FEMINA-na-ti-sa FEMINA-ti-i-sa FEMINA-ti-sa
acc. sing. MF dat. sing. nom. plur. MF
FEMINA-ti-⌈i⌉-sá FEMINA?-ti-sá FEMINA-sa FEMINA-ti-i-na FEMINA-ti-na FEMINA-ti-⌈i⌉-[na] FEMINA-ti-[…] FEMINA-ti-i [FEM]INA-ti-⌈i⌉ [… FEMINA-ti-zi FEMINA-zi
SULTANHAN, § 47 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 1; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 22; KULULU 5, § 7 f; KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1 MARAŞ 2, § 1 KÖRKÜN, § 10 KULULU l.s. 3, side ii reg. 1 TELL AHMAR 6, § 32; TELL AHMAR 2, § 16 KARKAMIŠ A27oo, l. 2 TELL AHMAR 2, § 23 MARAŞ 8, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 19; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 34 KARKAMIŠ A20a1, § 1 KARATEPE 1, 185 (Hu); HAMA 4, § 3 KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1(×3)
frag. FEMINA-ti […
TELL AHMAR 4, l. 2
*wanati(ya)-, “of a woman” I acc. sing. MF FEMINA-ti-i-na ⌈FEMINA⌉-ti-na FEMINA-ti-na-i nom. plur. MF FEMINA-ti-zi acc. plur. MF FEMINA-ti-zi abl.(?) FEMINA-ti-ia+ra/i (?)
BABYLON 1, § 3 MARAŞ 2, § 2 ASSUR letter e, § 18 SULTANHAN, § 33b TİLSEVET, § 2 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 18
*wanatiyati-, “female” acc. sing. FEMINA-ti-i[a]-ti- dat. sing. FEMINA-ti-ia-ti dat. plur. [FEMINA-ti]-ia-[ta]-za
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 29 ALEPPO 2, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18f
*wanatiyatiya(nza)-, “femininity” FEMINA-ti-ia-ti-ia-za acc. sing.
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 27
FEMINA.L.462-, “female progeny(?)”
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 29; TİLSEVET, § 4
TOPADA, § 25 TOPADA, § 15
EMPIRE FEMINA.INFANS, “women (and) children”
EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13; YALBURT blocks 6, § 1; 15, § 1
DN á(FEMINA.DEUS).L.461, goddess Ala
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29, [35], 37
For FEMINA (Empire form L.408) on seals, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 303 f. no. 16
wani(d)-, “stele” (log. L.267, STELE; cf. Cun. Luw. (u)wani(ya)-, waniti(ya)-): see above also tanisaLATE nom. sing. N
acc. sing. N
(STELE)wa/i-ni-zi! (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za
(“STELE”)wa/i-ní-za (STELE)wa/i-ní-i-za (“STELE”)wa/i-ni-za-i STELE-ni-zí STELE-ni-za wa/i-ni-za w]a/i-ni-za “STELE”-ni-za
KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A4c, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A18 f, § 1; YUNUS 1, § 1 TİLSEVET, § 1 RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 3; MARAŞ 14, § 4; MARAŞ 11, § 4; TİLSEVET, § 5; ANKARA 1, § 4 BABYLON 1, § 13 PANCARLI, § 5 MARAŞ 14, § 12 YUNUS, § 2 KULULU 3, § 6 ERKİLET 1, § 2 İSTANBUL, § 3 KULULU 3, § 7
Part 6: Selected Glossary
dat. sing.
(STELE)wa/i-ni-ri+i STELE-ni-ri+i STELE-ri+i “STELE”-ti
CEKKE, § 3 KULULU 4, § 15; KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 7; KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A19o, l. 3 TİLSEVET, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 12 CEKKE, § 22 unpublished text
“STELE” […]
BOĞAZKÖY 2 and 1; EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19, 24, 27; ÇALAPVERDİ 4, l. 1
warali-, “own” acc. sing. acc. sing. N acc. plur. N
wa/i+ra/i-lí-na wa/i+⌈ra/i⌉-li-na wa/i+ra/i-la-za wa/i+ra/i-la-ia
TOPADA, § 32 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 13 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2a § iv KARATEPE 1, 366 (Hu)
warali-, “make own, appropriate” 1 sing. pret. wa/i+ra/i-li-ta
TELL AHMAR 6, § 18
here? warali-, “ ? ” nom. plur.
waralaza-, “ ? ” dat. sing.
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.22
warazani-, “campaign” (det. L.288, CURRUS) (CURRUS)wa/i+ra/i-za-ní-i-sa nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF (CURRUS)wa/i+ra/i-za-ní-na (CURRUS)wa/i+ra/i-za-ni-ná
TELL AHMAR 6, § 27 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 7
wariya-, “help” (noun) (Hitt. warri) LATE acc. plur. MF abl.
wa/i+ra/i-ia-zi-a wa/i+ra/i-ia-ri+i
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
wariya-, “help” (verb) 3 sing. pres. wa/i+ra/i-ia-ia 3 sing. pret. wa/i+ra/i-[ia?]-ta
BOHÇA, §§ 7, 8, 12 BOHÇA, § 11
onomastic element
wariyamala, “at peace” (det. L.165, BONUS) = Phoen. nḥt lb(nm) LATE
(BONUS)wa/i+ra/i-ia-ma-la (BONUS)wa/i+ra/i-ia-má-la BONUS+ra/i-ia-ma-la
KARATEPE 1, 127 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 127 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 196 (Hu)
warpi-, “weapon, tool” (log.-det. L.273, ARMA) See Yakubovich, Fs Salvini, pp. 544–559. LATE acc. sing. (L.273)wa/i+ra/i-pi-na (L.273)wa/i+ra/i-pi- wa/i+ra/i-pi-na L.273-i-na “L.273” L.273 gen. (“L.273”)wa/i+ra/i-pa-si wa/i+ra/i-pa-si dat. sing. (“L.273”)wa/i+ra/i-pi abl. L.273 L.273-ti gen. adj., nom. sing. wa/i+ra/i-[pa]-si-sá
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 22 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 12 SULTANHAN, § 8 TELL TAYINAT 1, frags. 3–5, l. 4; ARSUZ 1, § 14 ARSUZ 2, § 14 KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 16 KÖRKÜN, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 8 POTOROO, 5a TOPADA, § 13 ANDAVAL, § 2
warpasahi(d)-, quality of being warpasiacc. sing. N wa/i+ra/i-pa-sa-hi-i-sà
EĞREK, § 2
…] (L.273)wa/i+ra/i-[pa]-s[i]-n[a…
derivative (L.273)wa/i+ra/i-pa-sa-li-ia-i
MARAŞ 14, § 3
wasalali-, “ ? ” 3 sing. pres.
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 12 TELL AHMAR 6, § 33
wa/i-sa-la-li-ti-i u-sa-la-li-ti
washa-, “sacred(?)” (det. L.419 / 420; Cun. Luw. washa(zza)-, see Melchert, CRRAI 57 (2015), pp. 409–416) LATE nom. sing. MF gen. sing.(?)
(“L.419”)wa/i-sa-ha-sa (L.420)wa/i-sa-ha-sa “L.419”-sa-ha-sá-a
TÜNP 1, § 7 ASSUR letter f+g, § 27 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 11
Part 6: Selected Glossary
washai- (-i(ya)- adj., Cun. Luw. washai(ya)-) acc. sing. N (“L.419”)wa/i-sa-ha-i-za
BABYLON 2, § 4
wasi-, “table” (log. L.294, MENSA; Cun. Luw. GIŠwassa-(?)) LATE acc. sing. dat, sing.
(MENSA)wa/i-si-za MENSA-za MENSA (MENSA)wa/i-si
wasi-, verb of motion (det. L.93.2, PES2 (“PIED2-wa-sà-a- // PIED-sá-” re-read)) LATE 3 sing. pres. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
(“PES2”)wa/i-si-ti ADANA 1, § 5 (PES2)wa/i-si-ti TELL AHMAR 5, § 19 PES2-si-ti AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 13 (“PES2”)wa/i-si-da İSTANBUL 2, side A(2) (PES2)wa/i-sà-i-ta KARKAMIŠ A12, § 3
wasinasi-, “eunuch” (log. L.474, EUNUCHUS; Cun. Luw. wassini-, “body”, wassinassi-, “(he) of the body”) nom. sing. MF u-si-na-si-i-sa MALPINAR, § 21 acc. sing. MF ⌈(L.474?)⌉[wa/i-si]-na-si-na IZGIN 1, § 17 nom. plur. MF (“L.474”)[wa/i]-si-na-si-i-zi KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 1 acc. plur. MF (“L.474”)u-si-na-si-zi-i MARAŞ 4, § 14 abl. (“L.474”)wa/i-si-na-sa-ti KARKAMIŠ A6, § 30 wasinasahid-, “eunuch-hood”(?) (log. L.473) acc. sing. “L.473”(-)hi-sà
ASSUR letter f+g, § 6
usinasura-, “chief eunuch” (Yakubovich in Hittitology Today, p. 473 f. (2)) (“L.474”)u-[si]-na-su-MAGNUS+ra/i-sa MARAŞ 14, § 1 Cf. (L.474)sa-ri+i-ia-si-sa (sariyasi-, Akk. Lw. ša rēši, “eunuch”) ANCOZ 4, § 1
waspa-, “ ? ” (log. L.179.L.347.QUINQUE; Cun. Luw.-Hitt. waspa-, “garment”) acc. sing. (L.179.L.347.QUINQUE)wa/i-sà-pa- ASSUR letter e, § 18 L.179.L.347.QUINQUE ASSUR letter e, § 21 gen. L.179.L.347.QUINQUE-sà-pa-sá CEKKE, § 12
wasu, “well” (det. L.167, BONUS; Cun. Luw. wasu-) LATE adv.
BONUS-su-u x(-)wa/i-su
KULULU 1, § 13; KULULU 4, § 10; PORSUK, §§ 3, 4; BOR, § 5; MALATYA 2, (a); VELİİSA, § 1 PORSUK, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 11
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
w[a/i-s]u-u […-s]u-u wa/i-s⌈u⌉-u wa/i-su-u wa/i-sú wa/i-su-wa/i
wasu-, “be good” 1 sing. pres.
(BONUS)wa/i-su-wa/i (BONUS)wa/i-su-wa/i-i
BOHÇA, § 4 BOHÇA, § 2
wasar(a)-, “goodness” (det. L.165, BONUS; Cun. Luw. wassar) abl. (BONUS)wa/i-sa5+ra/i-ti-i BONUS-sa5+ra/i-ti BONUS-sa5+ra/i-ti-i BONUS-sa5--ti-i BONUS-sa-la-ti BONUS-sa-da-ti BONUS-ti-i
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 34; BULGARMADEN, § 7 ALEPPO 2, § 12; KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 20 ALEPPO 2, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 9 MARAŞ 2, § 3 TİLSEVET, § 5 BABYLON 1, § 2
wasaranu(wa)-, “treat favourably” (det. L.165, BONUS) 1 sing. pret. (BONUS)wa/i-sa5+ra/i-nu-ha
wasiyaza-, “be dear” 1 sing. pret. BONUS-si-ia-za-ha
wasaza-, “be dear” 1 sing. pret. (“BONUS”)wa/i-sà-za-ha
wasami-, “dear” (det. L.165, BONUS) LATE part., nom. sing.
wá/í-sa-mi-sa BONUS-sa-mi-sa BONUS-mi-i-sa BONUS-mi-sa
part., acc. sing. MF part., acc. sing. N part., dat. sing.
BONUS-mi-sá wa/i-sa [… BONUS-sa-mi-sa BONUS-mi-i-na BONUS-mi-na BONUS-sa-ma-za BONUS-sa-mi-i BONUS-sa-mi
CEKKE, § 1 KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7 ALEPPO 2, § 1 KÖRKÜN, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 22; KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 1; ŞIRZI, § 1; EĞREK, § 1 ADANA 1, § 1b İVRİZ 1, § 4 KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7 BABYLON 1, § 3 KELEKLİ, § 2 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 34; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 19 KARKAMIŠ A20a1, § 1
here? 3 plur. pret.
Part 6: Selected Glossary
“goodness” TRANSITIONAL abl. (?)
KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2a
YALBURT blocks 16, § 2; 10, § 1
watar(i)-, “cup-bearer(?)” LATE dat. sing.
KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.9; KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.8
watarsa-, “appoint” (det. PES2) LATE 1 sing. pret.
wawi-, “ox” (log. L.105, BOS; reading wawi-/uwi-) = Phoen. ʾlp LATE nom. sing. MF
(BOS.ANIMA)wa/i-wa/i-sa BOS.ANIMA-sá
KARATEPE 1, 268 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 268 (Hu)
acc. sing. MF nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF gen. abl. acc. sing. N?
BOS(ANIMA)-sa BOS(ANIMA) BOS-sa BOS(ANIMA)-sa BOS (BOS.ANIMA)wa/i-wa/i- (“BOS”)u-wa/i-na BOS(ANIMA) ANIMA.BOS- “BOS”-na u-wa/i-na- BOS(ANIMA) B[OS](ANIMA) BOS BOS (BOS.ANIMA)wa/i-wa/i-zi BOS.ANIMA-wa/i-si BOS.ANIMA-si (“BOS.ANIMA”)wa/i-wa/i-ti-i (“BOS”)wa/i-wa/i-ti-i BOS(ANIMA)-ri+i-i BOS-za BOS(ANIMA)-za-a
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18b, c; KARKAMIŠ A29f2, l. 2 JISR EL HADID 4, § 6; CEKKE, § 11 KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1 SULTANHAN, § 26 KULULU l.s. 3, i1 MARAŞ 3, § 5 ŞARAGA, § 3b KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 1; CEKKE, § 5 HİSARCIK 2, § 2 HAMA 4, § 14 KÜRTÜL, § 6 unpublished text ANCOZ 10+11 KARKAMIŠ A27m, l. 1 KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1 unpublished text KARATEPE 1, 317 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 317 (Ho) KULULU 1, § 6 ARSLANTAŞ, § 6 SULTANHAN, § 3 TELL AHMAR 6, § 28 MARAŞ 5, § 2
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
YALBURT blocks 6, § 2; 15, § 2
ALEPPO 6, § 6
waza-, “lead” (det. L.93.7, PES2 (“PIED2-waī-” re-read)) LATE 1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret.
(PES2)wa/i-[z]a-ha PES2-za-ha (“PES2”)wa/i-za-tá
here? 3 sing./plur. pret. (“CONTRACTUS”)wa/i-za-ti-i
KARKAMIŠ A12, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 6
wi(ya)ni-, “vine (wine)” (log.-det. L.160, VITIS; Cun. Luw. wini(ya)-, Hitt. wiyana-) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF gen. dat. sing.
(“VITIS”)wa/i-ia-ni-sa wa/i-ia-ni-i-sa wa/i-ia-ni-sá (VITIS)wa/i-ni-na wa/i-ia-ni-[si?-]i “VITIS”-si-i wa/i-na
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 3
wiza- (waza-?), “request” (det. L.69; Hitt. wek-) LATE noun acc. sing.
ASSUR letter f+g, § 18
verb wizi- (wazi-?), “request, demand” 3 sing. pres. wa/i-zi-ti-⌈i⌉ (L.69)wa/i-zi-ha-na 1 sing. pret.
KULULU 1, § 7 ASSUR letter f+g, § 18
yari(ya)- // iri-, “extend” (log. L.62, LONGUS) 3 sing. pres. ia+ra/i-ti-i (“LONGUS”)i+ra/i-ti(-i) “LONGUS”-ti
SULTANHAN, § 24 ARSUZ 1+2, § 22 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 12 § ii
Part 6: Selected Glossary
1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret.
(“LONGUS”)ia+ra/i-i-ha (“LONGUS”)ia+ra/i-ia-ta (LONGUS)ia+ra/i-ta (“LONGUS”)ia+ra/i-⌈i⌉-tá (LONGUS)ia+ra/i-ta
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 3 TELL AHMAR 5, § 9 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1a § i TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1b § i
here? 3 sing. pret.
KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 3
za-, “this” (demonstr. pron.; Cun. Luw. za-, Hitt. ka-) = Phoen. z LATE nom. sing. MF
acc. sing. MF
za-i?!-na za-a- za-
nom. sing. N acc. sing. N
za za-a za- za-a
gen. sing. dat. sing.
za-si za-i!?-si-i za-a-ti-i
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 3, 21; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 25; BOROWSKI 3, §§ 2, 11; TELL AHMAR 5, § 10; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 7, 17 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 25(-pawa); KARKAMIŠ A7, §§ 7, 10–13(-wa), 8, 9, 14(-pawa); TELL AHMAR 6, § 31; CEKKE, § 14(?) BOROWSKI 3, § 5; TELL AHMAR 5, § 3; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 25, 34; HAMA 8, § 2; SULTANHAN, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 24; KÖRKÜN, § 5; SULTANHAN, § 17; MARAŞ 14, § 2; ADIYAMAN 1, § 2; İSKENDERUN, § 3(-i); RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 2; ASSUR letters b, § 4; a, § 6; e, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 25 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 8; TELL AHMAR 5, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 26; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 20; KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 2; KULULU 1, § 5; BOR, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 30; KÖRKÜN, § 11; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 10, HAMA 4, § 6; ERKİLET 2, § 2; ŞIRZI, § 5 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 1; NİĞDE 1; ERKİLET 2, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18a; MARAŞ 14, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 1 // A18h, § 1; İVRİZ 1, §§ 1, 3 HAMA [1] / 2 / 3 / 6 / 7, § 2; BOR, § 3; SULTANHAN, § 22; KIRÇOĞLU, § 2; ANCOZ 7, § 2; 8, § 7; MALPINAR, §§ 10, 18; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 15; BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 5; MARAŞ 11, § 4 ERKİLET 1, §§ 2, 3; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 4; KARATEPE 1, 202, 338; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 5(×2), 15; CEKKE, §§ 2, 3; SULTANHAN, §§ 43, 46; MARAŞ 8, § 11(?); ANCOZ 7, § 9; AKSARAY, §§ 7, 11, 12; KULULU 3, §§ 6, 7; TİLSEVET, § 1; MALPINAR, § 1; KARABURUN, § 1; KULULU 5, § 16; BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 1(×2), 5; TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 3 frag. 11; IZGIN 2, § 10; ANKARA 1, § 4; BABYLON 1, § 13; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 3; BULGARMADEN, § 13 KARATEPE 1, 287 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 287 (Ho) KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 31; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 20; TELL AHMAR 1, § 21(-i-i?); TELL AHMAR 5, § 4; MARAŞ 14, § 7
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
KARKAMIŠ A13d, §§ 5, 10; TELL AHMAR 6, § 28; ANCOZ 1, § 1; TELL AHMAR 2, § 22; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 8 ANCOZ 8, § 4; SULTANHAN, § 34; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 17; BOHÇA, § 13(×2) KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 9, 23; CEKKE, § 22; MALPINAR, §§ ⌈5⌉, 26; KÖRKÜN, § 7; KARATEPE 1, 214; CEKKE, §§ 4, 20; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 16; KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 1 (-[ti]); AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 13; ALEPPO 2, § 24; ANCOZ 8+5, § 6; HAMA 4, § 8; HAMA 5, § 5; AKSARAY, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 8 İSKENDERUN, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 30(×2) SULTANHAN, § 12; KARATEPE 1, 345 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 27
abl. sing./plur.
zi/a-ti zi-i-na zi-na zi-i-
za-ti-i za-ti
? ?
zi-ri+i zi/a-da zi-ti
zin, adv.
zi-i-na zi- zi-na zi-
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 5, 6(-i) KARATEPE 1, 24, 165; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 8 KARATEPE 1, 27, 168; IZGIN 2, § 5 (after pi-[na]-*a, § 4); KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 9; A24a19a+19; ÇİFTLİK, §§ 8 [9], 10; ASSUR letter e, § 19
nom. plur. MF
acc. plur. MF
za-zí za-a-zi
nom. plur. N
za-zi-i za-zi za-ia
acc. plur. N
za-a-ia za-ia
KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 6, 18, 35, 38; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 32; ALEPPO 2, §§ 4, 21 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 15; CEKKE, § 28; KULULU 1, § 13; ANCOZ 5, § 4; ANCOZ 7, § 14; KARKAMIŠ A7, § 2; MARAŞ 11, § 9; KULULU 5, §§ 14, 17; ASSUR letter e, § 10 KULULU 5, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 4, 27; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 23, 34; TELL AHMAR 5, § 2, 5, 16; SULTANHAN, § 13 ANCOZ 7, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 19, 23; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 15 KULULU 1, §§ 2, 16; KULULU 6, § 4; MALATYA 1; MALATYA 4; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 16; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 17; CEKKE, § 23; KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 2; ANKARA 1, § 6; KULULU 1, § 7; MARAŞ 14, § 3; ANCOZ 1, § 2; ASSUR letter a, § 12; KULULU 5, § ⌈2⌉, 13; KARATEPE 1, 359 (Hu), 383; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 15; MALPINAR, § 18; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12; KARABURUN, § 11; KARATEPE 4, § 2
KULULU 2, § 2 AKSARAY, § 5; KULULU 5, § 3; ANDAVAL, § 4; KARABURUN, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A7, § 3 SULTANHAN, §§ 7, 18; BOHÇA, §§ 2, 4(?), 5; KARATEPE 1, 364 KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 4 (for za-ri+i??) TOPADA, § 23 KULULU 1, § 16 (for za-ti?)
Part 6: Selected Glossary
dat. plur.
zi+a-i+a za-ti-ia-za
za-a-ti-ia-za za-ti-za
KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 5; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ ⌈19⌉, 20; ANCOZ 7, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 24, 33 KULULU 5, § 4
TRANSITIONAL nom./acc. sing. N acc. sing. MF acc. sing. MF? acc. sing. N dat. sing. nom. plur. MF acc. plur. N
za-a zi+a-na zi+a- zi/a za zi/a-ti za-a-ti za-zi za-ia
MEHARDE, §§ 1, 7 KÖTÜKALE, § 2 KÖTÜKALE, § 3 KIZILDAĞ 3 GÜRÜN, § 6; DARENDE, § 3; SHEIZAR, § 4 KARADAĞ 1, § 1; BURUNKAYA, § 1 (archaizing) GÜRÜN, § 3 GÜRÜN, § 4 GÜRÜN, § 5
KARAHÖYÜK: no attestations
EMPIRE acc. sing. MF(?) acc. sing. N dat. sing. acc. plur. N dat. plur. gen. adj. (plur.), dat. sing.
KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 2 KINIK, § 1; ANKARA 2, § 1 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 3, 7 EMİRGAZİ 1, § 6 SÜDBURG, § 18 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 24, 27; YALBURT block 4, § 4; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 6 YALBURT block 4, § 2
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 12
zi/a-na zi/a(-) zi/a zi/a-ti-i(a) zi/a+a-ti zi/a-i(a)
zalala-, “cart” (log. L.91–92) LATE acc. plur. (L.94)za-la-la abl. (“L.91(+ROTA)”)za-la-la-ti-i gen. adj., acc. sing. (L.91)za-la-la-si-na
BULGARMADEN, § 9 TELL AHMAR 6, § 24 ASSUR letter d, § 9
frag. (L.91/92/94)[z]a-la-la-[…
KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 1
zalan, “ ? ”, adv.? (za-la-na) occurs in phrase FINES-hinzi zalan PONERE, “put the frontiers zalan”; also -ada zalan PONERE, “put them zalan” LATE
TELL AHMAR 6, § 16; ANCOZ 7, § 5; ALEPPO 3, § 3; ANCOZ 8, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 3; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 14
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
*zanta, “down” (log. L.57, INFRA; Cun. Luw. zanta (Goedegebuure, VII ICH, pp. 299–318), Hitt. katta) LATE
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 23; KARABURUN, § 10; YASSIHÖYÜK, § 10; HAMA 4, § 11; KARATEPE 1, 145 (Hu, Ho), 147 (Hu), 157 (Hu, ); KÜRTÜL, § 2; MARAŞ 4, §§ 4, [12]; MARAŞ 8, §§ 14, 16; TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 10, 32; EREĞLİ 1, § 4; SULTANHAN, § 14; ARSUZ 2, § 10; MALPINAR, § 28(-a); also in an unpublished text ALEPPO 2, § 15; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 7; ARSUZ 1, § 10; [1]+2, § 22 KARABURUN, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 3
frags. IN[FRA-ta]
AKSARAY, § 2; ANCOZ 7, § 5; YASSIHÖYÜK, § 11
*zantanta, “down” INFRA-tá-ta
*zantari-, “lower” (Hitt. kattera-) INFRA-ta+ra/i
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 26; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13; NİŞANTAŞ AIII, §§ d, e; SÜDBURG, §§ 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15
zart-, “heart” (log. L.341, COR; Cun. Luw. UZUzart-, Hitt. kart-) acc. sing. za+ra/i-za KULULU 5, § 11 dat. sing. za+ra/i-ti KARABURUN, § 12 gen. adj., acc. sing. X(-)za+ra/i-ta-si-na KÖRKÜN, § 10 zartiya-, “of the heart” nom. sing. (COR)za+ra/i-ti-ia-sá
ALEPPO 3, § 1
zarti-, “desire” (denom. verb) 3 sing. pres. (COR.ANIMA)za+ra/i-ti-ti-i za+ra/i-ti-ti-i-i za+ra/i-ti-ti-i za-ti-ti ⌈(“COR”(?))⌉za+ra/i-ti-ti-i 3 sing. pret. ([“]COR[”])z[a]+ra/i-ti-i-ta
TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 8a–b
…] za+ra/i-tu-na
Part 6: Selected Glossary
zila, “thereafter” (Cun. Luw. zila) LATE
zi-da za-la zi/a-da zi/a-ara/i za4-la
TELL AHMAR 5, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 15, 17; TELL AHMAR 1, § 13; KÖRKÜN, § 3; unpublished text KARATEPE 1, 155 (Hu, Ho) KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 9 TOPADA, § 23 TOPADA, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A21, § 4
zilata, “thereupon” zi-la-ta zi/a-lá/í-táx (?)
HAMA 4, § 3 TOPADA, § 11
EMPIRE zilatuwa, “in future” (Cun. Luw.-Hitt. ziladuwa) zi/a-la-tu-wa/i
SÜDBURG, §§ 6, 7, 11
ziti-, “man” (log. L.313, VIR; Cun. Luw. ziti-) LATE nom. sing. nom. plur. acc. plur. gen.
VIR-ti-sa VIR-sa VIR-⌈ti⌉-sa VIR-ti-i-sa VIR VIR-ti-zi VIR-⌈zi?⌉ VIR VIR-zi VIR-ti-i-zi-i VIR-ti-sa VIR-ti-sá
KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg.1; KULULU 5, § 7e KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1 MALATYA 2, (b) KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 2 SUVASA, C KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1; HAMA 4, § 3; SULTANHAN, § 33b KULULU l.s. 3, side ii reg. 1 KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1 KULULU l.s. 3, side i reg. 1 MARAŞ 4, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 1
zidiyadi-, “male” acc. sing. MF dat. plur.
VIR-ti-ia-ti-i-na VIR-ti-ia-da-za
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 28 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18e
zidiyadiya-, “manhood” acc. sing. N VIR-ti-ia-ti-ia-za
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 26
TRANSITIONAL acc. sing. ?
ALEPPO 7, § 18 KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3
(1) Words written logographically and/or phonetically
EMPIRE See Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 250 no. 68, 436 VIR.
zurni-, “horn(s)” (log. L.108, CORNU; Cun. Luw. zarwani(ya)-, Hitt. karaun-(?)) acc. plur. (“CORNU”)zú+ra/i-ni ASSUR letter f+g, § 36
zuwani-, “dog” (log. L.98, CANIS; Hitt. kuwan- / kuna-) nom. sing. zú-wa/i-ni-i-sá nom. plur. CANIS2-ni-i-zi (“CANIS”)zú-wa/i-ni-zi-
KULULU 1, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 31 ASSUR letter b, § 8
PN nom. sing.
KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 10
GLOSSARY: (2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings (Latin transcriptions, or listed by L-numbers) (L.1–3 L.4 L.6 L.8 L.9 L.10.I L.18 L.21 L.23–4 L.36 L.39 L.40 L.45. I III L.53 L.85 L.93 L.95 L.105 L.128 L.130 L.132 L.137 L.173 L.177 L.179 L.190 L.201 L.202
L.207 L.225 L.228 L.237–9 L.244 L.250 L.254 L.257 L.268 (L.276 L.280 L.281 L.285(2) L.289 L.292 (L.296–7 L.305 L.309 L.326 L.345 L.355 L.372 L.402 L.404 L.422 L.438 L.477
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
MONS2, mountain-man (L.4.1–3) EMPIRE (1) MONS2+tu, RN Tudhaliya (IV): YAZILIKAYA, nos. 64, 83; seals: SBo I, 63; NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 89–94, 96–98, 100, 102–109; alternates with MONS+tu (see L.207). (2) MONS2 AVIS3-nu(wa)-tá, RN Arnuwanda (III): seals, SBo I, 64; NİŞANTEPE 2, nos. 138–140. (3) On back of stag: apparently not mountain-man, but deity representing Stag-God (so accoutred): SCHIMMEL rhyton, ALTINYAYLA stele, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 136, 482 (= SBo II, 222); NİŞANTEPE, nos. 185–187 have long skirts but not scaled as mountain men; only NEWELL shows scaled skirt. The deity represented is Kuruntiya (DN, PN).
ADORARE, “worship” (L.6, reading unknown) LATE inf.
TULEIL 1, l. 3 HİSARCIK 2, § 1
BIBERE, “drink” (L.8, reading u(wa)-) LATE 1 sing. pret. part. inf.
BIBERE-ha u-wa/i-mi-i (BIBERE)u-na-sa “ “BIBERE” ”-na
TULEIL 2, l. 3 KULULU 2, § 3 ASSUR letter f+g, § 36 ÇİFTLİK, § 16
(BIBERE)pasa-, “swallow” (BIBERE)pa-sà-tú
TELL AHMAR 6, § 32
AMPLECTI, “embrace” (L.9, reading uncertain) LATE caus., 3 sing. pret. AMPLECTI-nú-ta part. AMPLECTI-mi- AMPLECTI-mi
KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 5 BEIRUT, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 1
CAPUT-ti-, (1) “man/person” (log. L.10, reading unknown) = Phoen. ʾdm; (2) “head” (see harmahi- Glossary (1)) LATE nom. sing. MF
MALPINAR, §§ 20, 27; BOROWSKI 2, l. 1; KARKAMIŠ A7, § 14; ANKARA 1, § 8; KARATEPE 1, 177 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; KARATEPE 1, 4 (Hu)
Part 6: Selected Glossary
acc. sing. MF
CAPUT-ti-sá CAPUT-ti-i-sa CAPUT-ti-[sa] I CAPUT-ti-sá CAPUT-ti CAPUT-ti-sà ⌈CAPUT?⌉-ti-i-sa CAPUT-ti-s[a …] CAPUT- CAPUT-ti-na
gen. dat. sing. abl. nom. plur. MF dat. plur.
CAPUT-⌈ti-na⌉ CAPUT-ta-sa CAPUT […] CAPUT- CAPUT-ti CAPUT-ta-ti CAPUT-tí-zi I CAPUT-tí-(i)-zi CAPUT-ti-zí CAPUT-tá-za
KULULU 2, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1 BABYLON 1, § 1 TOPADA, § 37 KARATEPE 1, 335 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 2 KULULU 2, § 5d KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1 MARAŞ 6, l. 2 KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2, § b KARATEPE 1, 400 (Hu, Ho); İSTANBUL 2, Side C(2); BULGARMADEN, § 14 MARAŞ 8, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 1 TELL AHMAR 6, § 14 KULULU 5, § 3; TELL AHMAR 2, § 20 MARAŞ 1, § 1h KARATEPE 1, 103 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 103 (Ho) YUNUS 1, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 24
CAP[UT(?) …
JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 3
CAPUT-tiya-, “of a man/person” I nom. sing. N CAPUT-ti-ia-za
KARATEPE 1, 336 (Hu)
KARAHÖYÜK, § 22; ALEPPO 6, § 11
EMPIRE nom. sing. MF
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 13
LATE other CAPUT.CULTER, “ ? ” 3 plur. pret. CAPUT.CULTER-tá
KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 3
MAGNUS.REX, “Great King” (L.18, reading?, Yakubovich in Hittitology Today, pp. 39–50) EMPIRE MAGNUS.REX
(Muwattalli II) (Hattusili III)
SİRKELİ (×2) FRAKTİN (×2); TAŞÇI A, 3(×2)
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
(Tudhaliya IV)
(Kuruntiya) (Suppiluliuma II)
BOĞAZKÖY 3, ll. 1(×2), 2, 3, 4; BOĞAZKÖY 18, ll. 1(×2), 2, 3; BOĞAZKÖY 24; DELİHASANLİ, l. 2(×2); KARAKUYU, l. 1; EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33(×2); YAZILIKAYA, nos. 64, 81, 83 HATİP (×2) NİŞANTAŞ AI, §§ 1(×4), 2; AII, § d(×3); AIII, § a(×2); AVI, § b; AVIII (×2); BOĞAZKÖY 20, 21 BOĞAZKÖY 19; BOĞAZKÖY 7i, l. 1; BOĞAZKÖY 11; KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3b
seals, passim: See Herbordt et al., SGG.
KARAHÖYÜK, § 2(×2); GÜRÜN, §§ 1b, 1; KÖTÜKALE, § 1b; KIZILDAĞ 1 (×2); KIZILDAĞ 2 (×2); KIZILDAĞ 3 (×3); KIZILDAĞ 4, §§ 1(×3), 3; KIZILDAĞ 5; KARADAĞ 1, § 1(×2); KARADAĞ 2 (×2); BURUNKAYA, § 1(×3) KARKAMIŠ frags. a/b, l. 1
KARKAMIŠ N1, § 1 // KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 1(×3) AKSARAY, § 6 TOPADA, §§ 1, 39 SUVASA B, C
HEROS, “hero” (L.21, reading uncertain) EMPIRE HEROS
(Muwattalli II) (Hattusili III) (Tudhaliya IV)
(Tudhaliya IV?) (Kuruntiya) (Suppiluliuma II)
GÜRÜN, § 1b; İSPEKÇÜR side B, § 1; MALATYA 1; KIZILDAĞ 3; KIZILDAĞ 5; KIZILDAĞ 4, § 1(×2); BURUNKAYA, § 1 ALEPPO 6, § 1; ALEPPO 7, § 1 MEHARDE, § 2; SHEIZAR, § 1
HEROS-li-i-sa HEROS-li-i-sa-a
BOHÇA, § 1 BOR, § 1
SİRKELİ (×2) TAŞÇI A, (3) KARAKUYU, l. 1; BOĞAZKÖY 3, ll. 2, 3; BOĞAZKÖY 18, ll. 2(×2), 3 KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, § 3b HATİP NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1(×3); AII, § d(×2)
Part 6: Selected Glossary
HEROS-li-i-sá SULTANHAN, § 1 HEROS-li-sa MARAŞ 1, § 1c; TOPADA, § 1(×2) HEROS-li-sà MARAŞ 1, § 1f HEROS-sa MARAŞ 14, § 1; KAYSERİ, § 1 HEROS-sá ŞIRZI, § 1(×2); NİĞDE 2, l. 2 HEROS-sa4 SUVASA HEROS-ti-i-sá BULGARMADEN HEROS-ti-sa NİĞDE 2, l. 4 HEROS İVRİZ 1, § 3; KULULU 8; ADANA 1, § 1a; KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 1(×2); ARSUZ 1+2, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1
LIS, (noun) “adversary, prosecutor”; (verb) “prosecute” (L.24, full phonetic reading uncertain) LATE noun nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF gen. (sing.) nom. plur. MF
LIS-li-sa LIS-lu/a/i-sa LIS LIS-na LIS+lu/a/i-si-sá LIS-si LIS-i-sa LIS-lu/a/i-zi LIS-lu/a/i-i-[z]i LIS-lu/a/i-i-z[i-…] LIS-zi LIS
TULEIL 2, § d ARSUZ 1+2, § 26; TELL TAYINAT 4, § 1 KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 2 KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 6 MARAŞ 1, § 6 POTOROO, 6b POTOROO, 2a GÜRÇAY, § 2; ANCOZ 7, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A18b TELL AHMAR 3, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 5; YUNUS 1, § 5
verb 3 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp.
LIS-lu/a/i-sa-tú LIS-sa-lu/a/i-sa-tú LIS-lu/a/i-sa-tu LIS-lu/a/i-sa-tú LIS-lu/a/i-sá-tú LIS-lu/a/i-za-tú LIS-lu/a/i-za-tu LIS-za-tu-u
AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 18 KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13 ARSUZ 1+2, § 25; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25; ALEPPO 2, § 21 KARKAMIŠ A27 ff, l. 1 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 26 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 10a–b § i TİLSEVET, § 7
frag. LIS-lu/a/i< > LIS-za(?) LIS-z[i/a]-sa LIS-lu/a/i-za-n[a …]
KÖRKÜN, § 9 İSKENDERUN, § 7 MARAŞ 6, l. 1 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 7
abstract (-ahid-) abl. sing.
LIS-lu/a/i-h[i]-ri+i-ti LIS-da-ti
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
LIS-za-sa-li-sà LIS-mu LIS-L.398 LIS-lu/a/i-za-[tu]
MEHARDE, § 6; SHEIZAR, § 7 KARAHÖYÜK, § 20 KARAHÖYÜK, § 24 GÜRÜN upper inscription, § 7
EMPIRE LIS(DOMINUS) (L.23) seals only: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 299 f. (Excursus 18), 311 no. 57. LIS(+SIGILLUM) ? KARAKUYU
LITUUS+na-, “see” (L.36, logogram+syllabogram, reading (ma)na-(?); Cun. Luw. mana- / mammanna-) LATE 2 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres. 1 sing. pret.
LITUUS+na-ti-sa/sà LITUUS+na-ti(-i) LITUUS+na-ri+i(-a) LITUUS+na-ha
part., nom. sing. MF LITUUS+na-mi-sa abstr., dat. sing. LITUUS+na-hi-i-da
ASSUR letters f+g, § 43; c, § 9; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 4a KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 23; CEKKE, §§ 25, 27 ASSUR letter f+g, §§ 17, 53 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 16; KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 13; KÜRTÜL, § 4b KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A26 f, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 11(-a); TELL AHMAR 6, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 5 TELL AHMAR 6, § 18
İVRİZ frag. 2
sing. pret.
frags. LITUUS+na-ti LITUUS+na-ti-i LITUUS+na-⌈mi?-na⌉
KARKAMIŠ A15c, § 2b TELL AHMAR frag. 5, l. 2 IZGIN 1, § 14
redupl., 3 sing. pres.
PUGNUS(-)lumi(da)-, “strong” (log.-det. L.39; reading uncertain) = Phoen. ʿn LATE adv.(?) PUGNUS(-)mi-lu/a/i PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 2
adj., acc. plur. N
KARATEPE 1, 131 (Hu/Ho); KARATEPE 1, 96 (Hu)
verb, “strengthen” 1 sing. pret. PUGNUS(-)lu/a/i-mi-ha
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 3
PUGNUS-mili-, PN TRANSITIONAL nom. sing. gen.
PUGNUS-mi-li PUGNUS-mi-li
MALATYA 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12(×2), 14 İSPEKÇÜR side B, § 1; DARENDE, § 1; GÜRÜN, § 1b; KÖTÜKALE, § 1b
Part 6: Selected Glossary
LATE here? PUGNUS-mi-lu/a/i-li-sa
CEKKE, § 17g
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 27 EMİRGAZİ 1, § 29
PUGNUS-ri+i-, “rise, raise” (log. L.39, PUGNUS; reading *ari-(?); Cun. Luw. ari(ya)-, Hitt. ara/i-) LATE 1 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres.
PUGNUS-ri+i-lá/í-wa/i(?) PUGNUS-ri+i-ti-i-a PUGNUS-ri+i-ti-i
1 sing. pret. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. 3 sing./plur. pret. 2 sing. imp. 3 sing. imp.
PUGNUS-ri+i-ha PUGNUS-ta PUGNUS-ri+i-ta PUGNUS-ri+i-ta PUGNUS-ri+i-ta PUGNUS-ri+i-a PUGNUS-ri+i-i PUGNUS-⌈ri+i(?)⌉-tú
ARSUZ 1+2, §§ 2, 6 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 3 ARSUZ 1+2, § 19; TELL AHMAR 1, § 13; PANCARLI, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 4 JISR EL HADID 4, A § 2; JISR EL HADID frag. 2, l. 2 ASSUR letter b, § 9 ASSUR letter e, § 21 KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 5
PUGNUS-ri+i-mi- PUGNUS-ri+i-mi- I PUGNUS-ri+i-mi- I PUGNUS-ri+i-mi-(sa-na(URBS)) I PUGNUS-ri+i-mi-sá-na
CEKKE, § 17a CEKKE, § 17m KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.15 KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.25 KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.58
PUGN[US …] PUGNUS-ri+i-[…] PUGNUS-⌈ri+i⌉-[…]
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 2a MALPINAR, § 4; KULULU 6, § 2 AFRIN, § 3
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 2
L.261.(PUGNUS-ru-), “ ? ” (reading / meaning unknown) LATE
L.261.PUGNUS-ru-ha L.261.PUGNUS-ru-tú
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 4
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
PUGNUS.PUGNUS-, “grasp, hold(?)” (L.40, reading unknown; see Melchert, Fs Nowicki, pp. 134–138) LATE 1 sing. pres. 2 sing. pres. 3 sing. pret. 3 plur. pret. 2 sing. imp. 3 plur. imp.
YASSIHÖYÜK, § 21 ASSUR letters a, b, d, § 2 SULTANHAN, § 43 KARATEPE 1, 111 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 111 (Ho) TOPADA, § 22 KARATEPE 4, § 1 YASSIHÖYÜK, §§ 3, 7 ÇİFTLİK, § 11
caus., 2 sing. imp. PUGNUS.PUGNUS-nu
ASSUR letter f+g, § 6
noun(?) PUGNUS.PUGNUS-la
(PUGNUS+PUGNUS)i-ka+ra/i-zi-i, “ ? ” “PUGNUS”(-) wa/i+ra/i-mi-i-, “ ? ” PUGNUS(-)wa/i+ra/i-ma-a- (PUGNUS+PUGNUS)hi-sà-hi-, “bind” (PUGNUS+PUGNUS)hu-hu+ra/i-pa-, “ ? ”
KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 11 MEHARDE, § 5 CEKKE, §§ 13, 16 ALEPPO 2, § 6
EMPIRE 1 sing. pret. (?)
SÜDBURG, §§ 8, 11, 12
INFANS-ni-, “child” (log. L.45.I, reading uncertain, (INFANS)ni-wa/i+ra/i-ni-? (MARAŞ 4, § 14), so Yakubovich) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF
INFANS-ni(-i)-sa INFANS-ní(-i)-sa INFANS-ni-sa- INFANS-ni-sa8 INFANS-ni-sá INFANS-ni-i-na INFANS-ni-na
dat. sing.
INFANS-ní-i-na INFANS-ni- INFANS-ni(-i)
nom. plur. MF
INFANS-ni-a INFANS-ní-i INFANS-ní INFANS-ni-zi(-i)
dat. plur.
INFANS-ní-zi-i INFANS-ni-ia-za
MARAŞ 14, § 5; SULTANHAN, § 1; BOR, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 12, 18 ANCOZ 8+5, § 7, KARKAMIŠ A7, § 5 KULULU 4, § 15 TELL AHMAR 2, § 18 TELL AHMAR 1, § 11 KÖRKÜN, § 10; ASSUR letter e, § 28; TELL AHMAR 2, § 23; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21; ASSUR letter f+g, § 52 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 23; BABYLON 1, § 3 ASSUR letter e, § 30 KÖRKÜN, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 12; ASSUR letter f+g, § 16; BOROWSKI 3, § 9 TELL AHMAR 2, § 14 TELL AHMAR 6, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 8; CEKKE, § 13 TİLSEVET, § 5; KULULU 2, § 2; KULULU 3, §§ 3, 6; ASSUR letter e, § 10 TELL AHMAR 1, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 17
Part 6: Selected Glossary
INFANS-ni- INFANS-ni-na-ti-i INFANS-na-ni INFANS-n[i]-na-z[a]-
KARKAMIŠ A15c, § 2a KARKAMIŠ A6, § 30 KÖRKÜN, § 11 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 2a § iii
INFANS-ni-ia- (gen. adj.) acc. sing. N INFANS-ni-za(-ha) INFANS-ni-ia-za
ANCOZ 7, § 13 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 17c
INFANS(-)ní-L.282-wa/i-ra+a INFANS(-)ni-wa/i-ra+a-L.282
TRANSITIONAL nom. sing. MF dat. sing. nom. plur. MF
ALEPPO 6, § 7 ALEPPO 7, § 18 SHEIZAR, § 3
FRATER.LA-, “brother” (log. L.45.III, reading *lani-(?), Yakubovich, Fs Singer, p. 387; cf. L.276, FRATER2 (EMPIRE)) LATE only nom. sing. MF nom./gen. sing. acc. sing. MF acc. sing. gen. sing. dat. sing. nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF dat. plur. gen. adj., dat. sing. -FRATER.LAPNN
ALEPPO 2, § 3 TELL AHMAR 2, § 18(×2) JISR EL HADID 4, § 2 ALEPPO 2, § 9 KULULU 4, § 15 KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.38, § 7.44 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 3 ALEPPO 2, § 17 JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 2 KARKAMIŠ A7, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 13; A15b, § 15 TELL AHMAR 1, § 16; MARAŞ 6, l. 1; KIRÇOĞLU, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 2
(m)u-ka-FRATER.LA- sà-tá-FRATER.LA- FRATER.LA-wa/i+ra/i- OMNIS-mi-FRATER.LA- […] ara/i-FRATER.LA- I á-la/i-FRATER.LA- FRATER.LA-zá-wa/i- […-F]RATER.⌈LA-i⌉- I mu-sa-FRATER.LA- I REL-za-FRATER.LA-
KARATEPE 3, § 1 CEKKE, § 17c CEKKE, § 17d CEKKE, § 17m TÜNP 1, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A18j AKSARAY, § 10 EĞRİKÖY, § 3 KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.13 KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.17
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
MANUS+ENSIS DN (L.53, the Sword-God, Cun. dNergal // dU.GUR): see (4) God-names List
CRUS2.CRUS, see niyaza- / niyasa-, “follow” (Glossary (1)) PES2 (L.93, verb(s) of motion) EMPIRE
EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 4, 8 KOCAOĞUZ, §§ 1, 2 MALKAYA, 4
LATE miscellaneous PES2.PES(-)na-ta PES2(-)pa(-)PES2-ia-tú (“PES2”)wa/i-tara/i-sa-ha-a PES2(-)za-na-ha “PES2”(-)ti-ri+i-⌈ha⌉
ARSUZ 2, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 33 KARKAMIŠ A7, § 4 MARAŞ 8, § 8 MARAŞ 1, § 9
PES2.PES2(-)da-, “walk” (L.95, reading uncertain) = Phoen. tk(?) 3 sing. pres. PES2.PES2(-)da-ia BOR, § 5 3 plur. pres. PES2.PES2(-)da-ti KARATEPE 1, 187 (Hu) PES2.PES2(-)da-ti-i ALEPPO 2, § 4 PES2.PES2-ti AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 11 3 plur. pret. “PES2.PES2”(-)da-ta BOHÇA, § 10 PES2(-)da(-) 1 sing. pres. 3 sing. pres. 3 plur. pret.
PES2(-)da-wa/i-i PES2(-)da-i PES2(-)da-ta
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 5 SULTANHAN, § 15 HAMA 4, § 3
VITELLUS, “calf” (log. L.109, reading unknown) LATE
CEKKE, § 4; unpublished text, § 6
Part 6: Selected Glossary
TRANSITIONAL VITELLUS.UNGULA-zi(URBS), “Malatya” (Malizi) GÜRÜN, § 1b; KÖTÜKALE, § 1b; DARENDE, § 1; ⌈İSPEKÇÜR, B l. 2⌉; (without -zi) MALATYA 10
AVIS (log.-rebus?, L.128 (1–2)), see (4) God-names List, s.v. Kubaba AVIS3 (log.-rebus? L.130), see (5) Personal names List, s.v. (RN) Arnuwanti AVIS2 (log. L.132(1), read sulupi?; L.132(2–3) Empire–Late archaizing form of syllabic L.133–134, ara/i) DEUS/LITUUS.AVIS-tani-, “good times” (reading uncertain: see Goedegebuure, IX ICH, pp. 301–307) (DEUS)AVIS-ta-⌈ní⌉-zi TELL AHMAR 2, § 10 acc. plur. dat. plur. LITUUS+AVIS-ta-ni-ia-za KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 7, 8 (DEUS)AVIS-ta-ní-ia-za KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10 part., nom. sing. (DEUS)AVIS-ta-ni-sà-mi-i-sa KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1 [(DEUS)]AVIS-i[a?-za]-wa/i-[…] AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 5
LIBATIO, “ritual” (L.137, reading malhasa) Empire only acc. sing. N LIBATIO-ha-sa5 LIBATIO-ha-sà
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 33, 34, 36 SÜDBURG, § 17
HASTARIUS, “MEŠEDI-man” (L.173, logogram, Empire only) HASTARIUS TAŞÇI A, (3) other attestations, seals only: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 304 nos. 18, 19.
LINGUA+CLAVUS, “ ? ” (L.177, logogram/syllabogram?) Empire only LINGUA+CLAVUS-tu-sa(URBS) YALBURT block 2, § 2 otherwise seals only: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, pp. 292 (Excursus 6), 434.
HORDEUM, “barley(?)” (L.179, reading unknown) LATE “HORDEUM”-za “HORDEUM” “L.179”(-za)
AKSARAY, § 4a KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 10; SULTANHAN, § 11 KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 1–9.1–63 (3); KULULU lead frag. 3, 2, 3, 5 (2)
ASSUR letter e, § 18 CEKKE, § 12 ASSUR letter e, § 21
(L.179.L.347.QUINQUE)wa/i-sà-pa- L.179.L.347.QUINQUE-sà-pa-sá L.179.L.347.QUINQUE
see syllabic waspa-
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
(DEUS.“HORDEUM”)ma-ti-lu/a/i- see (4) God-names List (DEUS)HORDEUM-lu/a/i-i- under Matili
L.179(-)REL-la-ia-na-na L.179(-)sà-lu/a/i-ma-sa-ha-wa/i “L.179”(-)pa+ra/i-ia-si-i-na
ASSUR letter e, § 23 ASSUR letter e, § 23 JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 1
SOL2, “Sun(-God)” (L.190, reading unknown) = Cun. DUTU-ŠI LATE nom. sing.
KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 4
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33; KARAKUYU, l. 1; BOĞAZKÖY 18, l. 1; BOĞAZKÖY 11; YAZILIKAYA, nos. 64, 81, 83; SÜDBURG; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1
royal seals: passim, Suppiluliuma I – Suppiluliuma II, also Kuruntiya and queens Tanuhepa and Puduhepa
LOCUS, “place” (det. L.201, reading a(r)la-?, Yakubovich, Kadmos 56 (2017), pp. 1–27) = Phoen. mqm LATE acc. sing. N
“LOCUS”-lá/í-za-*a LOCUS-la/i-za-*a LOCUS-za-*a LOCUS-lá/í-za LOCUS-la/i-zá LOCUS-la/i-za
dat. sing.
acc. plur. N dat. plur. N ?
LOCUS?-ti LOCUS-lá/í-ti(-i) LOCUS-la/i-lá/í ( ) “ LOCUS(”)-la/i-ta-za “LOCUS”-da-da-za LOCUS-lá/í-a?-zi?
BABYLON 1, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 23; A29d+i, l. 2 KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 23, 24 SULTANHAN, § 43; AKSARAY, § 7; unpublished text KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 5 ANCOZ 7, § 12; ADIYAMAN 1, § 5; TELL AHMAR 2, § 23; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 23; A15b, § 29; A27e, § 4; TELL TAYINAT 2, 1a, 1b KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 9(-i); MARAŞ 7, side A; BOHÇA, § 13(-i) AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 9 KARATEPE 1, 120 (Hu, Ho), 172 (Hu) ÇİNEKÖY, § 8 PALANGA, § 7
Part 6: Selected Glossary
frag. (LOCUS)x-x-za onom. LOCUS-lataliacc. sing. MF abl. sing.
LOCUS-la/i-ti(-mu-wa/i) LOCUS-ti-(L.273-wa/i)
LOCUS-la/i-ta-li-na LOCUS-la/i-ta-la-ti-i
MARAŞ 14, § 2 MARAŞ 14, § 12
frag. LOCUS-la/i-[t]a?-li […]
TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 5b
here? LOCUS-lawa-(?) acc. sing. N
LOCUS-la/i-wa/i-za LOCUS-lá/í-wa/i-za(-ha)
TELL AHMAR 6, § 33 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 12
other 1 sing. pret.
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 4, 31
TRANSITIONAL dat. sing. ? frag.
LOCUS-i(a) LOCUS-la/i-za LOCUS-tá LOCUS-tá LOCUS …
KARADAĞ 1, § 1; BURUNKAYA, § 1 (archaizing) MEHARDE, § 7 KARAHÖYÜK, § 12 GÜRÜN, § 5
EMPIRE dat. sing.
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33
TERRA+VIA, “earth-road” (L.202, Cun. (D)KASKAL.KUR), Empire/Transitional (SCALPRUM)TERRA+VIA KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 7, 19 (DEUS)TERRA+VIA SÜDBURG, § 18
MONS, “mountain” (log. L.207, reading wati-, see Goedegebuure, VII ICH, p. 311) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF dat. sing.
(MONS)wa/i-ti-i-sa (MONS)wa/i-ti-sa MONS-ti-sa (MONS)wa/i-ti-na MONS-ti-na [(MONS)wa/i]-ti-i? MONS-ti-i (MONS)wa/i-ti-i (MONS)wa/i-ti MONS-ti
KARKAMIŠ A17c, § 2 ANCOZ 8+5, § 5 TEKİRDERBENT 1, l. 2 ANCOZ 8+5, § 7 HİSARCIK 1, § 2 ANCOZ 8+5, § 6 HİSARCIK 2, § 1 ANCOZ 8+5, § 4 ANCOZ 10+11, § 6 TOPADA, § 9; HİSARCIK 2, § 2; ÇALAPVERDİ 1, § 3(-i)
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
nom. plur. MF
ŞIRZI, § 3
EMPIRE MONS(MONS2)+tu(L.207/L.4), RN Tudhaliya: see (5) Personal names List (DEUS)MONS.THRONUS (log. L.296–7, Mount Sarpa): see (3) Toponym List (3)
See MONS (MONS2); RN Tudhaliya URBS+MI-ni-, “city” (log. L.225, reading uncertain) LATE nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF dat. sing. acc. plur. MF dat. plur. ?
URBS+MI-ni-i-sa URBS+MI-ní-sa URBS+MI URBS+MI-ni-na URBS+MI-ni-i-na URBS+MI-ní-na URBS-MI-ni-na “URBS+MI”-ni-(i)-na URBS+MI-ni URBS+MI-ni URBS+MI-ní URBS-ni URBS+MI(-ni?) URBS-ni-i-zi-a URBS+MI-ni-zi URBS-ni-zi-a? URBS+MI-na-za URBS+MI-na-z URBS+MI.AEDIFICIUM-táx-na
frag. URBS+MI
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 14 ARSUZ 1+2, § 7 BOROWSKI 3, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 30 CEKKE, 6b ARSLANTAŞ, § 2 RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 5 CEKKE, §§ 10, 20; SULTANHAN, § 38 CEKKE, § 13 AKSARAY, § 6 MARAŞ 8, § 6 ANCOZ 7, § 4 ÇİNEKÖY, § 10 ALEPPO 2, § 7 ANCOZ 7, § 7; IZGIN 2, § 2 IZGIN 1, § 8 TOPADA, § 14 KAYSERİ, § 4
Part 6: Selected Glossary
TRANSITIONAL acc. sing. MF dat. sing. nom. plur. MF acc. plur. MF dat. plur.
URBS-MI-na URBS+MI URBS-MI-ní URBS+MI-ní-i(a) URBS-MI-ní-zi/a URBS+MI-zi/a URBS+MI-zi/a
URBS-si-, “of the City” gen. adj., abl. …] URBS-si-ia-ti
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19
URBS(-)hutan(i)-, “village(?)” URBS(-)hu-tá-ni-i dat. sing.
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17e
TRANSITIONAL URBS-MI-nali-, “of the City” dat. sing. URBS-MI-na-li DARENDE
REGIO “land, country” (log. L.228; reading *watni-(?), Hitt. utne) = Phoen. ʿm, “people” LATE dat. sing. nom. plur. N acc. plur. N dat. plur.
REGIO-ni REGIO-n[i] REGIO-ni-i REGIO-ní-ia REGIO-iá REGIO-ni-ia REGIO-za
AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 4; BULGARMADEN, § 6 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag.5a-b KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 6, 8; KARATEPE 1, 310 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 310 (Ho) TELL TAYINAT 4, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 12 IZGIN 1, § 4
abl. gen. adj.
REGIO-ni-ia-ti REGIO-ni-si-i-na-a REGIO-ni-sa-na
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 21 KIRÇOĞLU, § 2
frag. REGIO-⌈ni⌉-ia- REGIO-ní-ia-si
TELL TAYINAT 1 frag. 1, l. 2 KARKAMIŠ A16a, § 1
ALEPPO 7, § 12 KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2b; KARADAĞ 1, § 2
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
REGIO-ní-i(a) REGIO-i(a)
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 18; NİŞANTAŞ AII, §§ b, c EMİRGAZİ 2, § 12
REGIO.DOMINUS, “Country-Lord” (log. L.228+L.390, Cun. EN.KUR, Hitt. utniyasha-) LATE
KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1(×3); ADANA 1, § 1a; CEKKE, § 6a; KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A15e, l. 1; KARKAMIŠ A27c, l. 1; KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 1; ŞIRZI, § 1 ADANA 1, § 1b GÜRÜN lower inscription, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 14b; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1; A2+3, § 1 KELEKLİ, § 1 ARSLANTAŞ, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1; A2+3, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 16, 19b MARAŞ 8, § 3
ALEPPO 6, §§ 8, 9; GÜRÜN, § 1b; KÖTÜKALE, § 1b İSPEKÇÜR, side B § 1 DARENDE, § 1
EMPIRE Seals only: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 306 f., no. 34) frags.
KARKAMIŠ A12, § 1 IZGIN 1, § 1
FLUMEN.REGIO, “river-land” (Hier. hapadi-, Hitt. hapati-; see Glossary (1), s.v. *hapi-, “river”)
PORTA, “gate” (L.237–8, plur. tant., reading uncertain, Late *hilana?) = Phoen. šʿr LATE nom. plur. N
“PORTA2”-lu/a/i-na PO[RTA2]-lu/a/i-n[a …] “PORTA2”-na
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 13 KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 16
Part 6: Selected Glossary
acc. plur. N dat. plur. abl. gen. adj., acc. plur.
“PORTA”-la-na PORTA2-na-za PORTA-la-na-ri+i “PORTA”-na “PORTA”-lu/a/i-ni-si-i-zi
KARATEPE 1, 358 (Hu), 367(Hu), 384 (Hu, Ho) KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 20 KARATEPE 1, 344 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 344 (Ho) KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 34
MARAŞ 8, § 11
? (“PORTA2”)ku-rú-pi-ia+ra/i(URBS)
TRANSITIONAL dat. plur.(?)
EMPIRE dat. plur. (?)
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 18, 23 BOĞAZKÖY 16
AEDIFICIUM-, “building” (L.244, reading unknown) LATE acc. plur. gen. ?
TOPADA, § 14 BABYLON 1, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 6
MAGNUS.DOMUS, “(great house), palace” (L.250, reading uncertain) EMPIRE
MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS, “(great) palace servant” (Hitt. DUMU É.GAL) See Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 304 no. 21. TRANSITIONAL
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 4
EUNUCHUS2, “eunuch” (Empire only, L.254, reading uncertain), = Cun. LÚ.SAG (NİŞANTEPE 1, no. 305) EUNUCHUS2 BOĞAZKÖY 2; KINIK (×2); SIPYLOS 2 EUNUCHUS2.SCRIBA(?) KARABEL C1 seals: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 303 no. 15
ARGENTUM-, “silver(?)” (L.257, reading unknown) nom. sing. ARGENTUM-za “ARGENTUM”-sa
CEKKE, §§ 8, 9, 11 TÜNP 1, § 7
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
acc. sing. ARGENTUM-za-a ARGENTUM-sa abl.(?) “ARGENTUM”-ri+i
ARGENTUM.DARE-si(ya)-, “costly” nom. plur. N ARGENTUM.DARE-si-ia
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 17
other [ARGENTUM].DARE, “price” ARGENTUM.DARE/pi-ia-[ta]ra/i-[…], “selling(?)” (“ARGENTUM.DARE”)pi-ia-, “sell” (ARGENTUM.DARE)ti-na-tá, “tithe” CAPERE.ARGENTUM-⌈x⌉-sà-wa/i5, “ ? ” (“SCALPRUM.ARGENTUM”)su-ha-pa-na-ti “ ? ”
SCALPRUM, “stone(?)” (det. L.268, reading unknown; determines words denoting “stone”) LATE SCALPRUM-na “SCALPRUM”
“stone” (asu-) nom. sing. MF acc. sing. MF abl.
TÜNP 1, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 23; NİĞDE 1 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 27 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 27
(“SCALPRUM”)á-su-sa “SCALPRUM”-su-na “SCALPRUM”-su-na-a “SCALPRUM”-su-wa/i-ti-i
“orthostat” (kutasari-) noun dat. sing. (“SCALPRUM”)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-i (SCALPRUM)ku-⌈ta⌉-sa5+ra/i-i acc. plur. MF (SCALPRUM)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-zi(-i) dat. plur.
(SCALPRUM)ku-tá-sa5+ra/i-zi (SCALPRUM)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-za (“SCALPRUM”)ku-ta-sa5+ra/i-za
KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A16b KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 15, 23; KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 23 KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A20a1, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 24
verb 1 sing. pret.
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 16
“mina” (mana-) nom. plur. MF (SCALPRUM)ma-na-zi SCALPRUM-na-zi (“SCALPRUM[”)ma-na-zi] SCALPRUM-sa gen.? (“SCALPRUM”)ma-na-sa ? (“SCALPRUM”)ma-na-sa-ha-na
CEKKE, §§ 8, 9 CEKKE, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 3 CEKKE, § 12 TÜNP 1, § 7 TÜNP 1, § 7
Part 6: Selected Glossary
“trophy(?)” (upani-) acc. sing. MF (SCALPRUM.CAPERE2)u-pa-ní-i-na (SCALPRUM.CAPERE2)u-pa-ní-na acc. plur. MF (SCALPRUM.CAPERE2)u-pa-ní-zi
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 7 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 13
“bowl” (katina) acc. plur. N
İVRİZ 1, § 4; GAZİANTEP, l. 3 KARATEPE 4, § 2 İVRİZ frag. 2 ARSUZ 2, § 28 ARSUZ 1, § 28 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11 TOPADA, § 39
“erase” (kusa- // kwasa-) CAPUT+SCALPRUM (Empire) (“CAPUT+SCALPRUM”)ku-sà-mi-na (“CAPUT+SCALPRUM”)REL-sà-[i]
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 8, 20 TÜNP 1, § 2 unpublished text
CEKKE, § 22 TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1b
(SCALPRUM)tara/i-pi (“SCALPRUM”)tara/i-p⌈i-i⌉
“(barley.stone”) grinder” L.179.SCALPRUM-na
“seal” (sasanza)
KULULU 2, § 7
“?” (“SCALPRUM.ARGENTUM”)su-ha-pa-na-ti, “ ? ” BULGARMADEN, § 6 “(great.pool.stone”) barrage” MAGNUS+ra/i.FONS.SCALPRUM-zi
GN (MONS.SCALPRUM)á-tu+ra/i-sa-li-ia-za, “ ? ” MARAŞ 4, § 5 “?”
“SCALPRUM”(-)i-ara/i-za, “ ? ”
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 11
“mighty” (“SCALPRUM+RA/I.LU/A/I”)wa/i+ra/i-pa-li-sa MARAŞ 1, § 1d
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
MARAŞ 14, § 10 MALPINAR, § 2(a)
ALEPPO 7, § 19 KÖTÜKALE, § 3
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 17, 21
(Empire) “(stone.stand.place”) base” SCALPRUM.CRUS.LOCUS
YALBURT block 4, § 1c
MALLEUS, “erase” (log. L.280, reading wala-(?), Goedegebuure, IX ICH, pp. 297–299) LATE 3 sing. pres.
“MALLEUS”-lu/a/i-i “MALLEUS[”] MALLEUS-lu/a/i-i MALLEUS-la-i “MALLEUS”-la “MALLEUS” “MALLEUS”-ia (“MALLEUS”)AVIS-la-i (“MALLEUS”)L.71-la-⌈i⌉ (“MALLEUS”)L.71-la-i (“MALLEUS”)L.71-i (MALLEUS)L.71+ra/i-i “MALLEUS”-i
other CAPERE+MALLEUS-mi ? PN (“MALLEUS?”)á-hu?-li-na
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 24 KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 3 BOROWSKI 3, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 29 DÜLÜK BABA TEPESİ 1, § 3 KARABURUN, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 2 TELL AHMAR 6, § 29 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 9 TELL AHMAR 2, § 12 unpublished text MARAŞ 8, § 12 BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 5, 8; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 3; ADANA 1, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 4 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 25; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 10, 15, 17c, 18; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 10; ANCOZ 7, § 13; CEKKE, § 23; MALPINAR, § 18; BABYLON 1, § 14; ANKARA 1, § 6 ANCOZ 12, § 3; MALPINAR, § 20; ANCOZ 7, § 10; KARKAMIŠ A16b; IZGIN 2, § 10; GÜRÇAY (B), § 1 ADIYAMAN 1, § 3; ANCOZ 2, l. 2 MARAŞ 14, § 8
Part 6: Selected Glossary
ASCIA, “axe” (L.281, reading uncertain) EMPIRE GN
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 16, 17
LATE 3 sing. pret. abl. sing.
(ASCIA)ka+ra/i-ma-li- ASCIA(-)na-pa-[ri+]í
IACULUM(?) (L.285(2) with L.109(3)) “hunter(?); hunt(?)” EMPIRE
EMİRGAZİ 1, § 32; KARAKUYU, l. 2; EMİRGAZİ 3 // YALBURT block 10, § 2; BOĞAZKÖY 23.1
KIZILDAĞ 4, § 3 KOCAOĞUZ, §§ 1–2
AURIGA, “charioteer, driver” (L.289, reading uncertain; Empire only, largely seals) AURIGA ANKARA 3(×2) REX.AURIGA BOĞAZKÖY 4 seals: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 301 f., nos. 2, 3 (AURIGA, AURIGA2), also nos. 4, 5 MAGNUS.AURIGA / AURIGA2 = Akk. kartappu
ROTA / ROTAE, “cart” (L.292), also “ ? ” (log.-det. L.91/92/94, reading zalala-, also atuti-, also ?) LATE see Glossary (1), s.v. zalala (SCALA+PES2+ROTAE)za-la-la- (SCALA+PES+ROTAE)za-la-la-si-na (“SCALA+PES+ROTA”)za-la-la-ti-i [SCALA]+PES+ROTAE)[z]a-la-la-[… X+PES+ROTAE [… SCALA(?)+PES+ROTAE cf. (“SCALA+PES”)á-tu-ti-zi
BULGARMADEN, § 9 ASSUR letter d, § 9 TELL AHMAR 6, § 24 KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A24a11, l. 2 TOPADA, § 4 ASSUR letter d, § 6
YALBURT block 9, § 2
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
FUSUS, “spindle” (L.305, reading sitara-(?)) = Phoen. plkm (plur.) LATE abl. (plur.)(?)
KARATEPE 1, 186 (Hu)
CRUX (L.309, (1) det., adv. and v. wala-, “ ? ”; (2) parnawa-, “serve”) = Phoen. yʿbd LATE (1) adv.
(“CRUX”)wa/i-lu/a/i (CRUX)wa/i-la wa/i-la
KARKAMIŠ A4d, § 2 CEKKE, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A17c, § 5 KULULU 5, § 8
(CRUX)pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-tu-u (“DOMUS.CRUX”)pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-tu4
KARATEPE 1, 325 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 325 (Ho)
SCRIBA, “scribe” (log. L.326, reading *tupala-(?)); EMPIRE
ALEPPO 1, § 2; BOĞAZKÖY 4; BOĞAZKÖY 8(×2); BOĞAZKÖY 15, block 4(×2); BOĞAZKÖY 22(×2); BOĞAZKÖY 26; BOĞAZKÖY 8(×2) KARABEL C1 BOĞAZKÖY 15, block 5 KINIK TAŞÇI A, (3)
ALEPPO 7, §§ 6, 13 MEHARDE, § 9 SHEIZAR, § 8
ARSUZ 1+2, § 28 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 11; KARABURUN, § 14; KULULU 3, § 1 KULULU 8
*tupalali(ya)-, “writing” SCRIBA-la-li-ia SCRIBA-li-ia-ti SCRIBA-li-ia-ti-i SCRIBA-li-ti seals: passim (cf. Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 308 no. 40)
KARATEPE 4, § 2 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19
Part 6: Selected Glossary
SCRIBA+RA/I-, “ ? ” (Van den Hout proposes transcription THRONUS+MINUS, “de-throne”: handout given at IX ICH) LATE nom. sing. N
SCRIBA+RA/I(-)CAPERE/da-, “ ? ” 3 sing. pres. SCRIBA+RA/I(-)CAPERE/da-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 1.1
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 22; KARKAMIŠ A6, § 26; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 15; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 22
TRANSITIONAL, “ ? ” 1 sing. pret. SCRIBA(-)CAPERE-ha
SCRIBA+RA/I-, “ ? ” (?) SCRIBA+RA/I-wa/i-ma-za
URCEUS, “cup-bearer” (L.345, reading uncertain, possibly watar(i)-(?)) EMPIRE
Largely seals: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 310 nos. 49–50; = Cun. LÚSILÀ.ŠU.DU8.A, “cup-bearer” LATE
URCEUS-(m)u/ma?-ka/sà? URCEUS-sa MAGNUS.URCEUS-sa6
ARSUZ 1+2, § 5 SUVASA, inscription B
SACERDOS-li-, “priest” (L.355, reading uncertain; cf. Empire SACERDOS2, L.372) nom. sing. SACERDOS-li- KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 14c SACERDOS- KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 7; SUVASA, inscription B
SACERDOS2, “priest” (Empire only, reading uncertain) = Cun. LÚSANGA and LÚHAL MAGNUS.SACERDOS2 ALEPPO 1, § 1; TELL AÇANA 1 Largely seals: Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 307 f. no. 39
ANIMA, (L.404, determinative marking “animal”; Late; Transitional only OVIS(ANIMA) (ALEPPO 6, §§ 6, 10)); see above Glossary (1) azuwi-, walwi-, wawi-, sasa-, hawi-, tarkasna-. other
CEKKE, § 4 IZGIN 1, § 19
(2) Logograms with unknown or uncertain readings
irregular usage verb, 3 sing. pres.
(“LEPUS.ANIMA”)ta-pa-sà-la-ia (COR.ANIMA)za+ra/i-ti-ti-i
L.417.ANIMA, “ ? ” L.161.ANIMA, “ ? ”
ASSUR letter c, § 9 TELL AHMAR 6, § 30 KARKAMIŠ A24a19a+19(×2) TÜNP 1, § 3
PANIS.SCUTELLA-, “ ? ” (log. L.181+L.402=L.422) LATE acc. sing.
(“PANIS.SCUTELLA”)mu-sa?-nu-wa/i-ti-sá MARAŞ 1, § 1i
(“PANIS.SCUTELLA”)tu-ni-ka-ra+a-sa (SCUTELLA)tu-ni-ka-la-sa
AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 19 ARSUZ 2, § 23
ASSUR letter f+g, § 45 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17c
PASTOR(?) Empire, seals only: see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 305 nos. 25, 26
FLAMMAE, “ ? ” (L.477; determines various words, sense seems “burning”, Late; Transitional only SHEIZAR, § 3) (FLAMMAE)kinuwa(sa) (“FLAMMAE”)ki-nu-wa/i-ti-i MARAŞ 5, § 1 (“[FLAMM]AE(?)”)k[i-n]u-ti CEKKE, § 4 (“FLAMMAE”)ki-nu-wa/i-ha MARAŞ 3, § 4 (FLAMMAE)ki-[n]ú-sà-tú ALEPPO 2, § 23 (FLAMMAE)luslusa (FLAMMAE)lu/a/i-x(-x?) (“FLAMMAE”)lu/a/i-sà-lu/a/i-sà-ta
MARAŞ 8, § 2 HAMA 4, § 11
(FLAMMAE)luzali (“FLAMMAE”)lu/a/i-za-li- (“FLAMMAE+LU/A/I”)lu/a/i-za-li-
HAMA 4, § 11 HAMA 4, § 14
(FLAMMAE)saranuwa (FLAMMAE)sa5+ra/i-nu-wa/i-tu
KARKAMIŠ A15a, §§ 3, 4
(FLAMMAE)haz[i/a]nusa (“FLAMMAE”)ha-z[i/a]-nu-sà-ti-i
(FLAMMAE)marusana (FLAMMAE)ma-ru-sà-na-ti-i
KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 7
(FLAMMAE)lahanuwa FLAMMAE(-)lax-há/ha-nú-wa/i-tax
TOPADA, §§ 14, 24
Part 6: Selected Glossary
(FLAMMAE.SOL)wa(n)tulasi (FLAMMAE.SOL”)wa/i-tú-la-si-pa-wa/i TELL AHMAR 2, § 6 (FLAMMAE)hasi-(?) FLAMMAE(-)hax-si
FLAMMAE(?)-ri+i FLAMMAE-x-da-ti-i
GLOSSARY: (3) Toponym List (GNN) (1) REGIO LATE (A)T[ANA]-sa(REGIO) hi-ia-wa/i(REGIO)
ARSUZ 2, § 11 ARSUZ 1, § 13
ka+ra/i-ka-mi-sà(REGIO) [k]ar-ka-mi-sà-zi+a-(REGIO) kar-ka-mi-si-za-(REGIO)
KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 1
COR[NU]+ra/i-t[i][(RE]GIO) CORNU+ra/i-ti(REGIO)
á-na(REGIO)-i-ta á-na-i-tá(REGIO)-wa/i-na-a á-na(REGIO)-
TELL AHMAR 6, § 34 TELL AHMAR 2, § 10 TELL AHMAR 1, § 10
MARAŞ 4, § 6
KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1
i-ma-tu-wa/i-ni(REGIO) i-ma-tu-wa/i-ni-i-(REGIO) i-ma-tú-wa/i-ni(REGIO) hu+ra/i-pa-da-wa/i-ni-(REGIO) TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i-ni-(REGIO) la-ka-wa/i-ni-(REGIO) ni-ki-ma-(REGIO) mu-sa-ni-pa-wa/i-ni-(REGIO) (“L.218”)ku-su-na-la-(REGIO) tú-ha-ia-ta-(REGIO) ha!-ma-ia+ra/i-(REGIO)
HAMA 4, § 1; HINES, § 1; HAMA 7, § 1 HAMA 8, § 1 RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 1; HAMA 2, § 1; HAMA 3, § 1; HAMA 6, § 1 HAMA 1, § 3 HAMA 1, § 4 HAMA 2, § 3 HAMA 2, § 4 HAMA 3, § 3 HAMA 6, § 3 HAMA 7, § 3 HAMA 7, § 4
(MÍ.REGIO-zi (“MÍ.REGIO”)mi-za+ra/i(URBS)
unpublished text) KARKAMIŠ A6, § 4
wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-⌈za⌉-(REGIO) wa/i-lá/í-sà-ta-ni-za(REGIO) wa/i-lá/í-si-ti-ni-za(REGIO) wa/i-la-sà-ti-ni-za(REGIO)
TELL TAYINAT 1 frags. 3–5, l. 1 ARSUZ 1, § 1 ARSUZ 2, § 1 TELL TAYINAT 5 frag.
TRANSITIONAL kar-ka-mi-sà(REGIO) ka+ra/i-ka-mi-sa-zi(REGIO?)
LİDAR bullae, B, C KARKAMIŠ A18d, § 2
[(REGIO)]ma … ma(REGIO)
Part 6: Selected Glossary
ALEPPO 6, § 1; 7, ⌈§ 1⌉
wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-ni-za-(REGIO) wa/i-la/i-sà-ti-[ni-s]i(REGIO)
ALEPPO 7, § 7
KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 2, 9, 16
mu-sà-ka(REGIO) (see also LATE)
KIZILDAĞ 4, § 2c
REGIO.HATTI tara/i-wa/i-zi/a- (REGIO)
ANKARA 2, § 1 ANKARA 2, § 2
EMPIRE mi+ra/i-a mi+ra/i-a REGIO m[i+ra/i]-a R[EGIO] HATTI(REGIO)
KARABEL A TARKONDEMOS (×2); KARABEL A (×2) BOĞAZKÖY sealings NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 1(×2); YALBURT block 4, § 3; SÜDBURG §§ 1, 5, 6 NİŞANTAŞ AIII, § c(?); YALBURT blocks 7, § 3(?); 17, § 2(?) NİŞANTAŞ AVI, §§ e, f; YALBURT block 9, §§ 1, 3; SÜDBURG, §§ 2, 4 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 2 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 8; YALBURT block 13, § 3 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13; YALBURT blocks 6, § 1; 17, § 2 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 13; YALBURT block 14, §§ 4, 5
L.468/469?(-sa5)(REGIO) lu-ka(REGIO) […] x+ra/i(REGIO) á-wa/i+ra/i-na-a(REGIO) REL-la-tara/i-na(REGIO) TAL(A)-wa/i(REGIO) VITIS+x(REGIO) TONITRUS(URBS)REGIO IŠUWA(REGIO) see also IŠUWA(URBS)
YALBURT block 9, § 2; SÜDBURG, §§ 2, 4 SÜDBURG, §§ 12, 15 seals: NİŞANTEPE, no. 98; KAYSERİ no. 81/402
Toponym List (GNN) (2) URBS LATE I. Cilicia (see also under REGIO) Adanawa á-TANA-wa/i-(URBS) á-TANA-wá/í-(URBS) á-TANA-wa/i-ní-i-(URBS) á-TANA-wa/i-ní-(URBS) á-TANA-wa/i-za (URBS) á-TANA-wá/í-za(URBS) á-ta-na-wa/i-za(URBS) (A)TANA-sa(URBS) Hiyawa (see also under REGIO) hi-ia-wa/i-[ni]-[(URBS)] [hi]-ia-wa/i-za(URBS) hi-ia-wa/i-(URBS)
KARATEPE 1, 14 (Hu), 20 (Hu), 125 (Hu), 198 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 32 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 10 KARATEPE 1, 154, 162 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 22 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, 22 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 199 (Hu) ARSUZ 1, § 11 ÇİNEKÖY, § 1 ÇİNEKÖY, § 2 ÇİNEKÖY, § 6
(3) Toponym List
Azatiwadaya (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da-ia-(URBS) Pahara pa-há+ra/i-wa/i-ní-(URBS) [pa]-ha+ra/i-wa/i-n[í-](URBS) Kurupiya (“PORTA”)ku-rú-pi-ia+ra/i(URBS) Piyada pi-ia-da-(URBS) Zi-… zi-[…] x-[w]a/i-ní-[(URBS)?] (Sura: see below, Other – Assur) II. Karkamiš (see also under REGIO) Karkamiš ka+ra/i-ka-mi-sà(URBS) kar-ka-mi-sà(URBS)
KARATEPE 1, 206 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 39 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, 39 (Ho) KARATEPE 4, § 1 KARATEPE 4, § 1 KARATEPE 3, § 1
kar-mi-si-za(URBS) kar-ka-mi-si-zi(URBS) kar-ka-mi-[sà]-(URBS) …
KARKAMIŠ N1, § 7 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, §§ 1, 8; KARKAMIŠ A15b, §§ 2, 3; CEKKE, § 6a; KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 6; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 16; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 3, 11, 15; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A23, §§ 3, 10 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 5 AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 5
frags. kar?-[ka-mi]-sà[(URBS)?] [kar-ka-]mi?-si-(URBS) kar-k[a-m]i-si-[z]a-⌈(URBS)⌉ kar-k[a]-m[i-si-za-(URBS)] [kar]-ka-[mi-sa/si …](URBS) kar-ka-mi-si-[…] [k]ar-ka-mi-si-za-(URBS) [kar-ka-mi-s]i-za-(URBS) ka+ra/i-ka-mi-si-ia-za(URBS) [k]ar-ka-mi-sà-(UR[BS)
ADANA 1, § 1a KELEKLİ, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A12, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A15e, l. 1 KARKAMIŠ A16a, § 1 POTOROO, Facet 4a ALEPPO 7, § 2
ka+ra/i-mi-si-za- ka+ra/i-mi-sà(URBS)
SULTANHAN, § 32 ASSUR letter a, § 6
KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 3, 37
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 12
Samarika Alatahana Hazauna Urhisarmasa
MAGNUS+ra/i-hi-sa5+ra/i-ma-sa-(URBS) KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 17e
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Sapisi Awayana Ipanisi Muziki Kawa Pa…
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 5
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 5
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 7
KARKAMIŠ A25a, § 1
(Mizri: see below, Other – Mizri) (L.475-la: see below, Other – ?) (Musa: see below, Other – Musa) (Muska: see below, Other – Muska) (Sura: see below, Other – Sura) (Zura: see below, Other – Zura) (Taiman: see below, Other – Taiman) Parnasa pa+ra/i-na-sa(URBS) KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 3 (Ilapa: see below, VIII. Aleppo; also Other – Halpa (Late, Transitional, Empire)) Talupati (L.349)ta-lu/a/i?-pa-ti-za-(URBS) KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 13 Pinada pi-na-da-wa/i-na(URBS) AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 8 (VITELLUS-zá/za: see under Malatya) Kamana ka-ma-na-(URBS) CEKKE, § 6b Kanapu ka-na-pu-wa/i-na-(URBS) CEKKE, § 6b ka-na-pu-(URBS) CEKKE, § 11 Nuhuza (L.349)nú-hu-za-(URBS) CEKKE, § 9 Zilaparha zi-la-pa+ra/i-ha(URBS) CEKKE, § 17a Hawaraza ha-wa/i+ra/i-zá-(URBS) CEKKE, § 17c Ludapa ⌈lu/a/i-da⌉-pa-(URBS) CEKKE, § 17e Apakuruda á-pa-ku-ru-da-(URBS) CEKKE, § 17g Zarhanu za+ra/i-ha-nu-(URBS) CEKKE, § 17h Sarmuta sa5+ra/i-mu-tara/i(URBS) CEKKE, § 17j Isata i-sa-tara/i(URBS) CEKKE, § 17l Huhurada hu-hu+ra/i-da-(URBS) CEKKE, § 17n
(3) Toponym List
Satarpa Ihasa Zipa
CEKKE, § 17o
KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, frag. 9
III. Tell Ahmar Masuwari ma-su-wa/i+ra/i-za-(URBS) ma-su-wa/i+ra/i-za-(URBS) ma-su-wa/i+ra/i-za-(URBS) ma-[su]-wa/i+ra/i-za-(URBS) [… ma-s]u-wa/i+ra/i-[…C]RUS(⌈URBS⌉) ma-su-wa/i+⌈ra/i⌉-(URBS) ma-su-wa/i+ra/i-za-[…] Haruha ha-ru-ha-(URBS) Hatata ha-ta-ta-(URBS) [… s]ayami […-s]á-ia-mi-i- REGIO (Harana: see below, Other – Harana) (Halpa: see below, Other – Halpa) IV. Maraş Kurkuma Iluwasi Hirika
ku+ra/i-ku-ma-(URBS) ku+ra/i-ku-ma-wa/i-ní/ni-i-(URBS) ku+ra/i-ku-[ma]-wa/i-[ni]-
MARAŞ 8, § 3 MARAŞ 1, § 1a; MARAŞ 4, § 1; MARAŞ 16, § 1 MARAŞ 7, Side B l. 2
MARAŞ 4, §§ 4, 12
MARAŞ 4, § 2
ŞIRZI, § 1 CEKKE, § 6a AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1) IZGIN 1, §§ 1, 7 MALATYA 1
IZGIN 1, § 6 IZGIN 1, § 9; IZGIN 2, § 7 IZGIN 2, § 4
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Hiliki VI. Commagene Kumaha Zukita Sarila(?)
IZGIN 2, § 5
zú-ki-za-(URBS) zú-[ki-t]a-za-(URBS) zú-ki-ti-za-(URBS)
VII. Amuq CAPERE+CAPERE-L.417-na(URBS) ru-x(URBS) (ATANA: see above, under Cilicia) (Hiyawa: see under Hiyawa(REGIO))
ARSUZ 1, ARSUZ 2, § 14 TELL TAYINAT 4, § 5
VIII. Aleppo Halpa (TONITRUS.HALPA-pa): see Other, TRANSITIONAL, EMPIRE Ilapa i-la-pa-z-(URBS) KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 6 i-la-pa-za-(URBS) KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 11 IX. Hama (Imatu: see under REGIO) X. Tabal Tiwaraliya Huwa/i Uramuwasi Tuna Arimisi Zaka Parzumina
[ti]-wa/i+ra/i-li-ia-(URBS) ti-wa/i+ra/i-li-⌈ia⌉(URBS)
KULULU l.s. 1, § 1.1 KULULU l.s. 2, § 3.14
KULULU l.s. 1, § 2.2
MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sá-na(URBS) MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-⌈sá⌉-na(URBS) I MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sá (URBS) MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-sa(URBS)
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 2.3, 2.4 KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.39 KULULU l.s. 1, § 2.6 KULULU l.s. 1, § 8.46
tu-na-(URBS) tu-na-(URBS?!) tu-na-(URBS) I tu-na-sa-na(URBS)
KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.7, 7.38 KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.63 KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 3.11, 4.15, 6.37, 9.49, 9.53, 9.55, 9.56, 9.57 KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.60
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.25
za-k[a]-za(URBS) za-ka-za(URBS)
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.28 KULULU l.s. 1, § 8.45
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 5.29, 5.30
(3) Toponym List
Haruwa Wartura Aluwana Uhazira Taskusi Tapa Ashayalara Muratiya Zunawada Ahatikukura Arusa Ta… Parzuta(?) Harmana Nahitiya Tuwana XI. Assur letters Karmisa Alawara Other Assur
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.33
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 5.31, 5.32
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.34
KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.40
KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.41
KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.42
á-sà-ha-ia-la+ra/i-(URBS) á-sa-i-la+ra/i-ti(URBS)
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.3 KULULU l.s. 2, § 3.19
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.12
KULULU l.s. 2, § 2.13
KULULU l.s. 2, § 3.17
KULULU l.s. 2, § 3.18
TOPADA, §§ 19, 20
pa+ra/i-zu?-táx(URBS) pa+ra/i-zu?-táx- pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-wa/i-ni(URBS) pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-wa/i-nix(URBS) pa+ra/i-zu?-táx-wa/i9-ni-(URBS)
TOPADA, § 3 TOPADA, § 7 TOPADA, § 23 TOPADA, § 13 TOPADA, § 26
KULULU 5, § 1
x-x-wa/i-ni-(URBS) tu-wa/i-na-wa/i-ni-(URBS)
unpublished text BOR, § 1
ASSUR letter a, § 6
ASSUR letter f+g, § 36
su+ra/i-wa/i-ni-(URBS) su+ra/i-wa/i-za-(URBS) su+ra/i-ia-(URBS)
Part 6: Selected Glossary
here? Halpa Harana Mizri ? Musa Muska Sura Zura Taiman
a-sú+ra/i(REGIO)-wa/i-na-(URBS) a-sú+ra/i[(REGIO)]-wa/i-ni-(URBS) a-sú+ra/i(REGIO)-ia-(URBS)
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19 KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 7
COR[NU]+ra/i-t[i] [(RE]GIO) CORNU+ra/i-ti(REGIO)
ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni-i-(URBS) ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni-(URBS) ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni-(URBS) ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ní-i-(URBS) hara/i-na-wa/i-ni-(URBS) hara/i-na-wa/i-ni-i-[(URBS?)]
TELL AHMAR 2, § 2 ALEPPO 2, § 2 ALEPPO 2, § 14 TELL AHMAR 1, § 2 KARABURUN, §§ 8, 10 TULEIL 2, § d
zú+ra/i-wa/i-ni-(URBS) zú+ra/i-wa/i-za-
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19 ASSUR letter e, § 27
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 19
GÜRÜN, §§ 1b, 1; KÖTÜKALE, § 1b; İSPEKÇÜR, § 1; DARENDE, § 1 MALATYA 10
(L.428)da-i-ti(URBS) MANUSx(-)tu-ma-ni-i-(URBS) VIR2.POCULUM(URBS) POCULUM-da(URBS)
GÜRÜN, § 1b
Lukarma ? Zuwamaka Karkamiš
(3) Toponym List
ALEPPO 6, § 2 ALEPPO 6, § 3
LOCUS+L.187(1)-sa5+ari?-li(URBS) (?)
TONITRUS.HALPA-pa(URBS) ALEPPO 1, § 1 i(a)-L.398(3)-wa/i(URBS) ALEPPO 1, § 2 pi-na-(a)li(URBS) EMİRGAZİ 2, § 7; YALBURT blocks 12, §§ 2, 3; 13, § 2 ni-pi+ra/i(URBS) YALBURT block 7, §§ 1, 3 (a)la-tara/i-ma(URBS) KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, §§ 2, 6 i(a)-L.503(URBS) L.283.REX(URBS) ta-L.505(URBS) SÜDBURG, § 7 L.300+x(URBS) ti-hi-ha-sà(URBS) tara/i-HANA-na(URBS) ta-NEG(URBS) SÜDBURG, § 16 TONITRUS(URBS) SÜDBURG, § 17; ÇAĞDIN x+ra/i-sà-ma(URBS) SÜDBURG, § 18 INFRA.L.122(URBS) INFRA(URBS) BALTIMORE seal L.122(URBS) IŠUWA(URBS) BOĞAZKÖY 12; BALTIMORE seal; NİŞANTAŞ AVII sa5+ari-sà(URBS) KUŞAKLI Ku 93/67; Ku 01.15 […] x-ta(URBS) KARGA
Toponym List (GNN) (3) MONS EMPIRE
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 16, 17 EMİRGAZİ 2, § 2 KARAKUYU, l. 2 KARAKUYU, l. 2 KARAKUYU, l. 2 HANYERİ, left
EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 2, 26, 29, 30, 35, 37
Part 6: Selected Glossary
cf. PN THRONUS.CERVUS3-ti (Sarpa-runtiya // Cun. Sarpa-DKAL): NİŞANTEPE, seal no. 363 (Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 270)
MONS(-)zi-na-pi(?) MONS(-)na-ha+ra/i-sà-na(?) MONS(-)na-ma-x-x-*a(?) (DEUS)MAGNUS.MONS
GÜRÜN, § 2 GÜRÜN, § 2 GÜRÜN, § 2 KARADAĞ 1, § 1
(MONS)hu+ra/i-tu-la (“MONS”)la-pa+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni- (MONS)a+ra/i-pu-tá-wa/i-ni- (MONS.SCALPRUM)á-tu+ra/i-sa-li-ia-za mu-ti-i- (DEUS)MONS-ti- (DEUS.MONS)ha+ra/i-ha+ra/i-ia-
ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 4, 5, 6; also ANCOZ 10(+)11, § 6 HAMA 7, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25 MARAŞ 4, § 5 BULGARMADEN, §§ 3, 10, (12) TEKİRDERBENT 1, ll. 3, 4; also HİSARCIK 1, § 2; HİSARCIK 2, § 1
(MONS)hu […] MONS […]
ANCOZ 3, l. 2 ANCOZ 3, l. 2
Toponym List (GNN) (4) FLUMEN
(“FLUMEN”)sa-pa+ra/i-wa/i-ni- (“FLUMEN+MINUS”)sà-ku+ra/i-wa/i-ni-i- (FLUMEN)L.427.L.311-pa-x x […] FLUMEN-na
ÇİNEKÖY, § 8 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 25 TELL AHMAR 6, § 24 IZGIN 1, § 8
Toponym List (GNN) (5) without determinative
VITIS+x ta-mi-na ma-sa6 lu-ka i(a)-ku-na
SÜDBURG, §§ 3, 5, 11 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29; 2, §§ 1, 3, 6, 14; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 3; AII, § a; AV, § a; SÜDBURG, § 3; Seal RS
SÜDBURG, §§ 2, 4
(3) Toponym List
LATE Halpa
HALPA-pa-wa/i-ni- TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i!-ní- TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i-ní TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i-ní- TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-ni
ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni- ALEPPO 2, § 23 ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni- SULTANHAN, § 31 [ha]ra/i-[na-w]á/í-ní- KAYSERİ, § 16 ha+ra/i-na-wa/i-ni- KARABURUN, § 12 (DEUS)hara/i-na-wa/i-ni- KULULU 5, § 1(×2) (DEUS)hara/i-x-w[a/i-…] GELB, § 4
GLOSSARY: (4) God-names List (DNN) Ala-Kubaba LATE á-lá/í-(DEUS)AVIS á-lá/í-[(DEUS)]AVIS á-lá/í-(DEUS)ku-AVIS (FEMINA)á-lá/í-(DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa […] (FEMINA)á-lá/í-(DEUS)AVIS(-)
BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 1, 8a; ANCOZ 7, §§ 4, 9 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 10 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 20 ANCOZ 1, § 2 ANCOZ 8+5, § 5; BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 10
Alanzu EMPIRE (DEUS)ala-zuwa
LATE (DEUS)á-la-zú-wa/i-
ANCOZ 1, § 4; 9, § 2; ÇİFTLİK, § 10; KULULU 5, § 1
Allatu EMPIRE (DEUS)á-la-tu
KARKAMIŠ B33; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 KARATEPE 1, § LXXV.408; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13; CEKKE, § 24; TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; ALEPPO 2, §§ 2, 14; MARAŞ 11, § 7; TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; KULULU 5, § 1; KARABURUN, § 12; BULGARMADEN, § 15 KAYSERİ, § 16 TULEIL 2, l. 4 § d SULTANHAN, § 31
PNN: see Noms, nos. 132–141 (Arma- -IR, -muwa, -nani, -piya, Tarhunda, -wiya, -ziti); further Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 249 f. nos. 27–70 Astabi EMPIRE (DEUS)á-sa-tá-pi
(4) God-names List
Atrisuha LATE (DEUS)á-tara/i-su-ha(-) Baʿalat LATE (DEUS)pa-ha-la-ti-
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 20; A4d, §§ 1, 2
(MANUS+MANUS)pa-ha-la-x x
HAMA 4, §§ 6, 7, 8, 10; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 3 HAMA 8, § 2
Harmanawani LATE (DEUS)hara/i-ma-na-wa/i-na-
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 10
Hebat EMPIRE (DEUS)ha-pa-tu (DEUS)ha-pa(-SARMA+MI) (DEUS)HI
GÜRÜN, §§ 1a, 7; DARENDE, A(×2)
LATE (DEUS)hi-pu-da- (DEUS)L.531-da
TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; ÇİFTLİK, § 8; KULULU 5, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A12 frag. 5 ANCOZ 1, § 4; ANCOZ 9, § 2
PNN: -ha-pa (Sadandu-, Tadu-, Tanu-, Pudu-; Kiluš-, Asnu-, Asmu- etc.) Hesue EMPIRE (DEUS)L.11
Hutellura EMPIRE (DEUS)hu-ti-lu+ra/i
Hutena EMPIRE (DEUS)[hu]-tì-[n]a
Ikura LATE (DEUS)i-ku+ra/i-
ANCOZ 1, § 3; 7, § 4; 11+10, § 1
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Isu… LATE (DEUS)i-su-[…]
ANCOZ 10+11, § 4
Iya (Ea) EMPIRE (DEUS)i(a)
LATE (DEUS)i- (DEUS)i-ia-
(DEUS)PES2- i-LITUUS(?) Karhuha LATE (DEUS)kar-hu-ha-
CEKKE, § 24 ANCOZ 10+11, § 4; ÇİFTLİK, § 9; KULULU 5, [§ 1?]; KARATEPE 1, §§ LXXIII.388 (Ho), LXXIII.392 (= Phoen. ʾl qn ʾrṣ); TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; ALEPPO 2, § 26; MARAŞ 1, § 5 TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1 frags. 2a, § iv; 3, § i; l. 5 frag. 10a, § i TÜNP 1, § 4
(DEUS)CERVUS3+ra/i-hu-ha- (DEUS.CERVUS3)kar-hu-ha
KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 4; A14a, § 9; A11a, §§ 7, 26; A11b+c, §§ 9, 16, 25; A12, § 3; A25a, § 6; A15b, § 1; A4a, § 13; AFŞİN+, [§ 2]; A29n, § 1; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; BEIRUT, § 3; MARAŞ 10, § l. 2; BABYLON 2, § 4a KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 7; CEKKE, § 24; KARKAMIŠ stone bowl, § 1; A25b, § 3; A27hh, l. 2 ((DEUS)ka+ra/i-[…]) KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18b MALATYA 13, § 1
RN(?): ma-zi/a-kar-hu-ha-
ANKARA 2, § 2
Kubaba (see also above, Ala-Kubaba) LATE (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa-pa-
(DEUS)ku-pa-AVIS-pa- (DEUS)ku+AVIS-pa- (DEUS)ku-AVIS-pa- (DEUS)ku+AVIS
KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 20, 21(-a); A15b, §§ 1, 12; A11b+c, §§ 9, 18c, 25; A25b, § 3; BABYLON 2, § 4a; KAYSERİ, § 11; KARKAMIŠ stone bowl, § 1(×2); KÖRKÜN, § 3 TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; KULULU 1, § 11; SULTANHAN, § 32; KULULU 5, § 1; BEIRUT, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13; BULGARMADEN, § 4 CEKKE, § 27 KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 9; A11a, § 7; A12, § 3; A2+3, § 23; A13d, § 7; A11b+c, § 16; A25a, § 6; A23, § 10 KARKAMIŠ A23, § 3; A18e, § 6; A18j KARKAMIŠ N1 // A4b, § 4; A4b, § 7; A11a, § 26; A21b+a, § 3; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; MALATYA 13, B; TULEIL 2,
(4) God-names List
l. 4 § d; seals, PORADA, BOROWSKI 1, HOGARTH 1; KARABURUN, §§ 8, 10 KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, §§ 1, 5; AFŞİN+ KARKAMIŠ A31, §§ 2, 6, 10, 18; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A20a1, § 2; CEKKE, § 24; GELB, § 4; seals, DELAPORTE (top), NINEVEH, HOGARTH 2 seal, GULBENKIAN POTOROO, §§ 2a, 6b
frags.: MARAŞ 10, l. 1; ANKARA 1, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A15e, l. 1; TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; ÇİFTLİK, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A18e, § 3; ALEPPO 2, § 26; KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 1; ANCOZ 10+11, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 9; KARKAMIŠ A26a1+2, § c; İSTANBUL 1, § 3; BULGARMADEN, § 17 Kumarbi / Kumarma EMPIRE (DEUS?)L.149
LATE (DEUS.BONUS)ku-mara/i+ra/i-ma- (DEUS)BONUS-ma- (DEUS)BONUS-
(DEUS)BONUS Kuruntiya / Runtiya (Runza-) (Stag-God) EMPIRE (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti CERVUS3.DEUS(L.463)-ti
TELL AHMAR 1, § 2 TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1 frag. 2b, § v; ARSUZ 1, § 24 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 9; A2+3, § 7; KARATEPE 1, §§ LIII.307; LV.318 (= Phoen. šbʿ); ARSUZ 1+2, § 4; TELL AHMAR 2, § 2 CEKKE, § 24; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; ARSUZ 2, § 24a
YAZILIKAYA, no. 32; (TRANSITIONAL) ALEPPO 4 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29, 35, 37; 3, § 1 (cf. YALBURT blocks 16(+10)) seals: NİŞANTEPE, nos. 409, 497, 621, 622
LATE (DEUS)ru-ti-ia- (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti-ia- (nom.) (DEUS)CERVUS3+RA/I-ti-ia (nom.) (DEUS)CERVUS3-za- (nom.) (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti- (nom.) (DEUS)CERVUS3-ia- (nom., acc., gen.) (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti- (nom.) (DEUS)CERVUS3 [(DEUS)CER]VUS3 […] (DEUS)CERVUS3-ti-
MARAŞ 1, § 6 MARAŞ 1, § 11; BOHÇA, § 11; BULGARMADEN, § 7 (abl.) TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 10a–b § i KARATEPE 1, § XL.212 (= Phoen. ršp (ṣprm)) ŞIRZI, § 6 ŞIRZI, §§ 3, 2, 1 ANCOZ 8+5, § 5 TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; ANCOZ 1, § 2; 7, §§ 4, 9; PALANGA, § 7 ANCOZ 10(+)11, § 6 BOHÇA, § 4
PNN. (EMPIRE) RN CERVUS3-ti: HATİP; seals, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 136, 137 and Bo. 86/609 For theophoric PNN (Empire and Late) with CERVUS, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 290 f., Excursus 2, 3
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Marutika LATE (DEUS)ma-ru-ti-ka-
ERKİLET 1, § 1
Maruwa-ean (“DEUS”)ma-ru-wá/í-wá/í-ni-
Marwainzi-gods LATE (DEUS)mara/i+ra/i-wa/i-i-zi-i
KULULU 2, § 6
Matili LATE (DEUS.HORDEUM)ma-ti-lu/a/i- (DEUS)HORDEUM-lu/a/i-i-
Naparpi EMPIRE (DEUS)na-pa+ra/i?-pi?
Nikalu EMPIRE (DEUS)nì-ka-lu
Nikarawa (Nikaruha) LATE (DEUS)ni-ka+ra/i-wa/i- (DEUS)ni-ka-ru-ha- (“DEUS”)ní-ka-[…-s]a
Pirengir EMPIRE (DEUS)L.322.3+RA/I
LATE (DEUS)pa+ra/i-ka+ra/i-
KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13
PNN: for reading of logogram, see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 299, and ibid., nos. 681–689 Santa LATE (DEUS)sà-ta- PNN: see Noms, nos. 1097, 1105
BEIRUT, §§ 1, ⌈2⌉, 3; KULULU 2, §§ 3, 6; ŞARAGA, §§ 1, 3
(4) God-names List
Sarku / Sarhuda LATE (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-ku (DEUS)sa5+ra/i-hu-da- Sarruma EMPIRE (DEUS)SARMA2+MI
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 18d ÇİFTLİK, § 6
YAZILIKAYA, nos. 44, 81; HANYERİ; seals, NİŞANTEPE, nos. 504, 505
GÜRÜN, § 1 (also § 7; SARMA2); DARENDE, D; MALATYA 7
ÇİFTLİK, §§ 6, 10 TOPADA, §§ 30, 31, 33, 36, 38; SUVASA, B TOPADA, § 17; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; KULULU 8 ANCOZ 1, § 4; KULULU 5, § 1; PORSUK, § 2 ANCOZ 9, § 2
PNN: SARMA2 (Ehli-, Ali-, Ari-; Tasmi-, Taki-, Talmi- etc.) Sauska EMPIRE (DEUS)sà+US-ka
YAZILIKAYA, no. 38; YEKBAZ; SÜDBURG, § 3 ((DEUS)L.468); seals NİŞANTEPE, no. 267
PNN: Sà-US-ka(-muwa, -runtiya, -walwi, -ziti)
TELL AHMAR 6, § 2 (kuwalanasi-)
Sulinkate (?) EMPIRE (DEUS)MANUS+ENSIS see below Takamana LATE (DEUS)tá-ka-ma-na-ia
ANCOZ 10(+)11, § 4
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Tapkina (Tamukina) EMPIRE (DEUS)tá?-pa-ki-na
LATE (DEUS)ta-mu-ki-na-
TELL TAYINAT 2 frag. 3
(DEUS)TONITRUS-hu|!-za-sa [(DEUS)TONIT]RUS-[h]u-za-sa TONITRUS-hu-za-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sá [(DEUS)]TONITRUS-hu-[z]a-sá (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sá-a (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-z[a]-sa4 (DEUS)TONITRUS-hux-za4-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-sá-a (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-u-za-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-u?!-za-sa
KARAHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 10, 12, 13, 24; KIZILDAĞ 2; KIZILDAĞ 3; KIZILDAĞ 4, § 1; BURUNKAYA, § 2; LİDAR bulla (A); MALATYA 8; 9; 10 GÜRÜN, §§ 1a, 7 KIZILDAĞ 4, §§ 2a, 3; KARADAĞ 1, §§ 1, 3
KARKAMIŠ NI, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 4; BOROWSKI 3, §§ 2, 6; ALEPPO 2, §§ 10, 14; IZGIN 1, § 3, IZGIN 2, § 11; ANCOZ 1, § 4; ANCOZ 9, § 2; ÇİFTLİK, § 19; CEKKE, §§ 4, 24; KARKAMIŠ A27u, l. 1 KARKAMIŠ A11a, §§ 7, 26; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 9, 25(×2); KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 2, 3, 9, 11, 15, 21, 23; KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 3; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 3; BOROWSKI 3, § 11; ALEPPO 2, § 2; TELL TAYINAT 2 frag. 10a–b, § i; BABYLON 1, §§ 2, 15; HAMA 5, § 4; AKSARAY, § 12 TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; TOPADA, §§ 30, 38 TOPADA, § 36 TOPADA, §§ 31, 33 BULGARMADEN, § 14 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 37; KARKAMIŠ A17a, i; TELL AHMAR 2, § 19 TELL AHMAR frag. 2 KARKAMIŠ A1a, §§ 3, 16, 26 KÖRKÜN, § 5; BULGARMADEN, § 4 KARATEPE 1, § III.13 (Hu); KARKAMIŠ A6, § 2; KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 5; ÇİFTLİK, §§ 7, 8; SULTANHAN, § 8; BOHÇA, § 7; KULULU 5, § 1; BOR, § 11 KÜRTÜL, § 2 AKSARAY, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A17a, § 2; SULTANHAN, §§ 13, 22, 36 KARATEPE 1, §§ XL.211(?) (Hu), LI.284 (Hu); LXXIII.389 (Hu) MARAŞ 3, § 2 KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII.390 (Ho) KAYSERİ, § 7 KARATEPE 1, § LI.284 (Ho) KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13 KULULU 1, § 10 İVRİZ 1, § 1
(4) God-names List
(DEUS)TONITRUS-hú-za-sá- (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-zi/a-sa4- (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-za-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-z-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-u-za-na-a (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-zá-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-sá (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-ti (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-[ti] (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-tí [(DEUS)]TONIT[RUS-hu]-tá-[sa/si …] TONITRUS-hu-ta-sa-ti- (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ta-sá-ti-i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti [(DEUS)]TONITRUS-hu-ti (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-i ⌈(DEUS)⌉ TONITRUS-hu-ti-i (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-i-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-sá [(DEUS)]TONITRUS-hu-ti-iá (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti (DEUS)TONITRUS-ti-i (DEUS)TONITRUS-ta-ti-i (DEUS)TONITRUS-tá-ti-i (DEUS)TONITRUS-tá-sa- [(DEUS)TONITRUS …-s]a [(DEUS)TONITR]US-[s]a (DEUS)TONITRUS-na (DEUS)TONITRUS-si (DEUS.TONITRUS)tara/i-hu-za-sa (DEUS)TONITRUS-zi/a-sa8 (DEUS)TONITRUS-hu-ti-i-sá
AKSARAY, § 8 TOPADA, § 28 KARKAMIŠ A17a, § 4; MARAŞ 4, § 3; KÜRTÜL, § 7; BOR, § 4; NİĞDE 2, l. 1 KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 6 KULULU 1, § 5 SULTANHAN, § 2 KARATEPE 1, § I.5 (Hu); ÇİFTLİK, § 6 ÇİFTLİK, §§ 12, 13 NİĞDE 2, l. 2 KARATEPE 1, § LVIII.329 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, § X.54 (Ho) TELL AHMAR 2, § 1 KÖRKÜN, § 3 MARAŞ 1, § 5 KARKAMIŠ A24a2+3, § 11; BABYLON 3; BOHÇA, § 2 TELL AHMAR 1, § 21 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 20; AKSARAY, § 5 PALANGA, § 7 ÇİFTLİK, § 5 KÜRTÜL, § 1 ÇALAPVERDİ 2, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 11; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 3; AFRIN, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 16, 20; KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 10; BOROWSKI 3, § 5; BABYLON 1, § 9, BABYLON 2, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 24 KARKAMIŠ A13d, § 3 TELL AHMAR 2, § 2 ADIYAMAN 1, § 1 TELL AHMAR 5, § 3; ADIYAMAN 1, § 3 ALEPPO 2, § 1; TELL AHMAR frag. 10 HAMA 4, § 9 TOPADA, § 17 EĞRİKÖY, § 1
frags.: KARKAMIŠ A15a, § 2; MARAŞ 11, §§ 3, 5, 8; TELL AHMAR 2, § 22; TELL AHMAR 1, § 25; BOR, § 9; ŞIRZI, § 9; KARATEPE 1, § XLVII (Hu); PORADA seal Taru-Takitu EMPIRE (DEUS)LIGNUM-ta-⌈ki-tu⌉
Tasku LATE (DEUS)ta-sà-ku-
ANCOZ 1, § 3; 7, §§ 4, 9; 8+5, § 5; 11+10, §§ 1, 5
Part 6: Selected Glossary
PNN: TONITRUS / TASU-pa (Ini-, Talmi-, Kuzi-; Šarri-, Urhi-; Ewri-, Mudri- etc.)
TELL AHMAR 1, § 2; (6, § 2)
PNN: TONITRUS / ti-sa-pa (KARKAMIŠ A7d, f, g, i); ti-sa-pa seals (XIII.12, 13, NINEVEH, KHORSABAD) Tipariya (Wine-God) LATE (DEUS.VITIS)ti-PRAE-ia- (DEUS)VITIS-pa+ra/i-ia- (DEUS)VITIS-ia- (DEUS)(“))VITIS(”)-ia- (DEUS)VITIS- (DEUS)VITIS-tí-ti-
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 7; A11a, ⌈§ 9⌉; TELL TAYINAT 2, l. 1 frag. 2b, § v (ti-p[a-…]) ARSUZ 1, § 24b (ARSUZ 2: (DEUS)VITIS) ARSUZ 1, § 4 KARATEPE 1, § LV.319 (Hu, Ho) (= Phoen. trš) KARATEPE 1, § LIII.308 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, § LIII.308 (Ho)
YAZILIKAYA, no. 34; EMİRGAZİ 2, § 12
LATE (DEUS)ti-i-wa/i-ti- (dat.) (DEUS)SOL-wa/i-za- (nom.) (DEUS)SOL-wa/i-ti-i- (acc.) (DEUS)SOL-za- (nom.) (DEUS)SOL-ti-i- (nom.) (DEUS)SOL-ti(-i) (dat.) (DEUS)SOL
(DEUS)SOL-da-ti-i (abl.) SOL2.DEUS.SOL
KÜRTÜL, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 2 TELL AHMAR 2, § 6 KARATEPE 1, § LXXIII.391/392 (= Phoen. šmš); KARKAMIŠ A17a, iii MALPINAR, § 11 KARKAMIŠ A6, § 20; ANCOZ 7, § 4 KARATEPE 1, § L.XXV.409; ANCOZ 10+11, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 13; TELL AHMAR 6, § 2; KULULU 5, § 1; CEKKE, § 24; KARKAMIŠ A13a–c, § 7; KARKAMIŠ B33 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 9
(4) God-names List
frags. (DEUS)SOL
seals (DEUS)SOL
KARKAMIŠ A17a, § 5; TELL TAYINAT 2, frag. 1b, § iii; HİSARCIK 2, §§ 1, 2; TELL AHMAR 2, § 2; PALANGA, § 7; ANCOZ 1, § 3 DELAPORTE, BOROWSKI, BOSSERT
(DEUS.SOL)tiwadami-, “sun-blessed” LATE (DEUS)SOL-ni-za (DEUS)SOL-mi- SOL-da-mi- ti-wa/i+ra/i-mi (DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma- (DEUS)SOL-wa/i+ra/i-ma- (DEUS)SOL-wa/i-da-mi-i- SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-
ALEPPO 2, § 8 KARATEPE 1, § I.3 BOYBEYPINARI 2, § 5 KULULU 5, § 3 KARKAMIŠ A18h, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A5a, § 1 KULULU 2, § 1 KULULU 4, §§ 1, 2
PNN. For theophoric names with SOL / tiwada (Empire and Late) see Hawkins apud Herbordt, PBS, p. 296 Excursus 12 Tutaya
LATE (DEUS)tu-ta-ia-
JISR EL HADID frag. 1, l. 3
(seal) RS 17.159; SÜDBURG, § 3 EMİRGAZİ 1, §§ 26, 29; 2, §§ 1, 3, 6, 14; NİŞANTAŞ AI, § 3; AII, § a; AV, § a; SÜDBURG, § 3; seal (Tudhaliya IV) RS.17.159 also see Laroche, Ugaritica III, pp. 14–21; reading, Hawkins, StBoT Bh. 3, p. 32 “(Divine) Land’s Queen” LATE (DEUS)REGIO-ni-sa/si(-i) (MAGNUS.DOMINA)ha-su-sa5+ra/iMEHARDE, §§ 1, 6, 8; SHEIZAR, § 7 (DOMINA) (DEUS)REGIO-ni-sa-na MAGNUS.FEMINA-sa5+ra/iKIRÇOĞLU, § 2 “(Divine) Lady of the Earth” LATE TERRA (DEUS)DOMINA
KARKAMIŠ A5a, §§ 9, 13
MANUS+ENSIS DN (L.53, the Sword-God, Cun. dNergal // dU.GUR) see above, Sulinkate
Part 6: Selected Glossary
YAZILIKAYA, no. 27; SÜDBURG, § 3 HANYERİ, left mountain-man
here? BOĞAZKÖY 12
TOPADA, §§ 17, 38
TOPADA, §§ 17, 38
ANCOZ 9, § 2
GLOSSARY: (5) Personal Names List (PNN) Ahali LATE á-ha-li-
CEKKE, §§ 10, 12
Aki-Teššub EMPIRE *a-ki-TAS(U)-pa
ALEPPO 1, § 2
Alalani(?) LATE á-lá/í-|FRATER.LA-
Alantalli? EMPIRE AVISx-li AVISx
Alayaza LATE á-lá/í-ia-za-
MALPINAR, §§ 1, 5, 18, 26
Alimu LATE á-lá/í-mu-
ŞARAGA, §§ 2, 3
Amara-ura LATE á-mara/i+ra/i-MAGNUS+ra/i-
KULULU lead frag. 1, i.2, ii.2
Amu LATE á-mu-
CEKKE, § 17n
Ana LATE á-na- á-na-si- (?)
KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 19; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 34; İSTANBUL 1, § 1 BABYLON 1, § 3
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Ana-ziti EMPIRE á-na-VIR.zi/a
A(ni?)tiwara LATE (LITUUS)á(-ni?)-ti-wa/i+ra/i
HOGARTH seal 3
Apani LATE á-pa-ni-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.40
Ar(a)hwida LATE a+ra/i-hwi/a-⌈da⌉-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 1.1
Arikuwani LATE a+ra/i-ku-wa/i-ni-
Arimi(?) LATE PUGNUS-ri+i-mi- PUGNUS-ri+i-mi-
CEKKE, § 17f CEKKE, § 17m
Ariyahina LATE ara/i-ia-hi-na-
Arma-ziti EMPIRE LUNA-VIR.zi/a
Arnu-L.466 LATE AVIS3-nu-L.466
Arnuwanti TRANSITIONAL a+ra/i-nú-wa/i-ti- a+ra/i-nú-wa/i-ti- AVIS3-(wa/i-tá-)
İSPEKCÜR, Side A, A § 1; B § 1; Side C IZGIN 1, § 12 DARENDE, § 1(×2)
(5) Personal Names List
Arpa LATE ara/i-pa-
ALEPPO 2, §§ 1, 25
Asatarhunza LATE á-sa-TONITRUS-hu-za-
Ashwi(si)s LATE á-⌈sa-hwi/a-si⌉-
BOHÇA, § 1
Asmaya TRANSITIONAL *a-sa-ma-i(a)-
Asnu-hepa EMPIRE *a-sa5-nú-ha-pa-
Astiru(wa) LATE á-sa-ti-ru-wa/i- á-sa-ti-ru-
KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 17 KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, frag. 1, 1a; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 1; KÖRKÜN, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A27e, § 1; ADANA 1, § 1b
Astitarhunza LATE á-sa-ti-TONITRUS-za- á-sa-ti-TONITRUS-hu-za-
CEKKE, § 17k KARKAMIŠ A7, § 8; KARKAMIŠ A18 f, § 1
Astiwasu LATE á-sa-ti-wa/i-su-
ERKİLET 2, § 1; MARAŞ 14, § 7
Astuwalamanza / Astuwaramanza LATE á-sa-tú-[wa/i-la/i]-ma-[za]- á-sa-tú-wa/i-la/i-ma-za- á-sa-tú-wa/i-lá/í-ma-za- á-sa-tu-wa/i-la-ma-za- á-sa-tu-⌈wa/i⌉+ra/i-ma-za-
KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 1 KELEKLİ, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1 KARKAMIŠ A27u, l. 2 MARAŞ 8, § 1; MARAŞ 17, § 1
Ati LATE á-ti-
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Atika LATE á-ti-ka-
ADANA 1, § 1b
Atiwarami LATE á-ti-wa/i+ra/i-mi-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 3.20
Awariku LATE á-wa/i+ra/i-ku-
KARATEPE 1, § II.7 (Hu, Ho)
Azami LATE á-za-mi(-i)-
Azatiwada LATE (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i-da-
BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 4, 9; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 5, 18; IZGIN 1, § 17; 2, § 9
(LITUUS)á-za-ti-i-wa/i-da- [(LITUUS)á(?)]-za-[t]i-wa/i+ra/i- (LITUUS)á-za-ti-wa/i+ra/i- (OCULUS)á-za-ti-wá/í+ra/i- (OCULUS)á-za4-ti-wá/í-da- (OCULUS)á-za-tí-wá/í-da- (OCULUS)á-z[a]-[t]i-w[a/i]-da-[…]
KARATEPE 1, § LXVII.360 (Hu); KARATEPE 1, § XXII.115 (Ho), LXIII.342 (Hu); KARATEPE 1, § XLIX.275 (Hu); KARATEPE 1, §§ LI.290 (Hu), LVIII.326 (Hu), LVIII.326 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, § LXXIV.406 (Hu); KARATEPE 1, § XXVIII.143(?) (Ho) KARATEPE 1, § I.1 (Hu) KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 1 KARATEPE 1, §§ XXII.115 (Hu), XXVIII.143 (Hu) KARATEPE 1, § LVIII.326 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, § XLIX.275 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, § LI.290 (Ho) KARATEPE 2, § 1
Azini LATE á-zi-ni- á-zi-ni-
MARAŞ 2, §§ 1, 3 KÖRKÜN, § 1
Bente-šina EMPIRE pa-ti-si-na
Datuhapa LATE da-tu-ha-pa
(5) Personal Names List
Ha LATE ha-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.53
Haha LATE ha-ha-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 6.35
CEKKE, § 17k
Halparuntiya LATE TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-ru-ti(-i)-ia- TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-CERVUS3-ti(-i)-ia- ⌈TONITRUS⌉.HALPA-⌈pa⌉-CERVUS3-[ti-i]a-
MARAŞ 1, §§ 1a, 1c MARAŞ 4, §§ 1, 10; MARAŞ 1, § 1e TELL TAYINAT 1 frag. 6
Halpatiwara LATE TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-SOL-wa/i+ra/i-
CEKKE, § 17o
Halpawari LATE TONITRUS-HALPA-pa-wa/i+ra/i-
Halpawasu LATE TONITRUS.HALPA-pa-wa/i-su […]
MARAŞ 11, § 7
Hami(ya) LATE ha-mi-ia-
KULULU lead frag. 1, ii.6
Hamiyata LATE ha-mi-ia-ta-
TELL AHMAR 6, §§ 1, 29, 30, 34; TELL AHMAR 2, § 1; TELL AHMAR 5, §§ 1, 19; BOROWSKI 3, § 1; TELL AHMAR 4, l. 1; TELL AHMAR 1, § 13; ALEPPO 2, § 9
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Hani LATE ha-ni-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 4.21, 9.59
Hanuwa LATE ha-nu-wa/i-
KULULU l.s. 3, i
Hapatila LATE ha-pa-ti-la-
Hapira/i LATE ha-pi+ra/i-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 3.7, 4.20, 9.49
Hapiyami LATE ha-pi-ia-mi-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 2.2
Hara-… LATE ha+ra/i-x-ia-
Harali LATE ha+ra/i-li-
CEKKE, § 17b
Harana(m)u(?) LATE hara/i-na-(m)u?-
CEKKE, § 17a
Haranapi(ya) LATE hara/i-na-pi
Haranawari LATE hara/i-na-wa/i+ra/i-
ASSUR letter f+g, § 45
Haranawiza LATE hara/i-na-wa/i-za-
ASSUR letter e, § 1
(5) Personal Names List
Harani LATE ha+ra/i-ní-
CEKKE, § 17c
Harhariya LATE ha+ra/i-ha+ra/i-ia-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 9.51, 9.61
Hartapu / Kartapu TRANSITIONAL há+ra/i-tá-pu-
KIZILDAĞ 1, 2, 4, § 1; KARADAĞ 1, § 1; KARADAĞ 2
LATE ka+ra/i-tá-pu- há+ra/i-tá-pux há+ra/i-tá-L.430- há+ra/i(?)-tá-pu-
Hasu LATE ha-su-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.56
Hatamana / Hatanima(?) LATE ha-ta-ma-na- [h]a-ta-[n]í?-ma-
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 37 KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 3
BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 1, 17c, 19; MALPINAR, §§ 1, 2, 5, 18; ANCOZ 7, § 13; ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 7, 8; ANCOZ 4, § 2 ANCOZ 13, § 3
Hatusamuwa ha-tu-sà-mu-wa/i-
ALİŞAR ostracon
Hiparawani (PN?) hi-pa+ra/i-wa/i-ni-
ASSUR letter e, § 28
Hudarla LATE SERVUS-lá/í-a-
BABYLON 2, § 1
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Huhasarma LATE AVUS-ha-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-
ERKİLET 1, § 1
Huhawari LATE AVUS-ha-wa/i+ra/i-
CEKKE, § 17j
Hulasaya LATE hu-la-sa4-ia-
KULULU 5, § 3
Huli LATE hu-li-
KULULU 4, § 15
Huliya LATE hu-li-ia-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 3.11, 4.16, 5.30, 7.41–44, 7.46
Hunita LATE hu-ní-ta-
MARAŞ 16, § 1
Hu(?)wasarma hu?-wa/i-SARMA2+MI
KARKAMIŠ A18d, § 2
Ihawarpami LATE i-ha-wa/i+ra/i-pa-mi-
ANCOZ 8+5, § 9
Ilali LATE i-la?-li-
KULULU 3, § 1
MALKAYA, inscription 4
(5) Personal Names List
Isaruli-[…]ni LATE BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-⌈x⌉-ní-
CEKKE, § 14
Isarulimuwa LATE BRACCHIUM-lu/a/i-mu(wa)-
Isikaritispa LATE i-si-ka+ra/i-ti-sa-pa-
Iya LATE i-ia-
BEIRUT stone bowl, § 1
Iyami LATE i-ia-mi
ASSUR letter f+g, § 1
Iyara/isa/i LATE i-ia+ra/i-sà-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.30
Kaka LATE ka-ka-
ASSUR letter c, § 1
Kamani LATE ka-ma-ní- k]a-[ma]-ní- ka-ma-ni(-i)-
Kamara LATE ka-mara/i+ra/i- Kartapu see Hartapu
AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 10; CEKKE, § 6a(×2); KARKAMIŠ A17b, § 1 ADANA 1, § 1a AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 16; KARKAMIŠ A6, §§ 8, 18; KARKAMIŠ A7, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 13; AFŞİN+KARKAMIŠ A31, § 16; KARKAMIŠ A4a, §§ 1, 2; KARKAMIŠ A25b, § 1b
CEKKE, § 17e
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Katuni (PN?) LATE ka-tu-ni- Katuwa LATE ka-tu-wa/i- ka-tú-wa/i-
KARKAMIŠ A2+3, §§ 1, 5, 16 KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A23, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A13d, §§ 1, 5
Kazupi(?) LATE ka-zu?-pi?-
Kiyaki LATE ki-ia-ki-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.38
Kiyakiya LATE ki-ia-ki-ia- kix-ia-kix-ia-
Ku LATE ku-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 8.45
Kukuwa/i LATE ku-ku-wa/i-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 3.11, 4.19, 4.24, 5.31, 9.47, 9.57
Kuli LATE ku-li-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 3.8, 9.52; 2, § 1.6
Kumawari LATE ku-ma-wa/i+ra/i-
KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 10
[kupanta-??]-kurunti(ya) EMPIRE … CERVUS2-ti
Kupapiya TRANSITIONAL ku-pa-pi-ia-
(5) Personal Names List
Kurti LATE ku+ra/i-ti- ku+ra/i-ti-i-
HİSARCIK 1, § 5; KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.22 BOHÇA, § 1
Kurtiya LATE ku+ra/i-ti-ia-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.17
Kuruntiya EMPIRE CERVUS2-ti
Kuwa/i LATE ku-wa/i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.33
Ku(wa)la(na)muwa EMPIRE EXERCITUS-mu(wa)
LATE EXERCITUS-lu/a/i-mu-wa/i-
Kuzi-Tešub TRANSITIONAL ku-zi-TONITRUS ku-zi-TONITRUS- ⌈ku-zi-TONITRUS-⌉ (REX)ku-zi/a-TASU-pa
İSPEKCÜR, § 1 GÜRÜN, § 1b KÖTÜKALE, § 1b LİDAR bulla (B)
Kwarimuwa LATE REL+ra/i-mu-wa/i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.32
Kwarinazi LATE REL+ra/i-na-zi-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.34; lead frag. 1, i.3, ii.3
Kwasai LATE REL-sà-i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 2.4; 2, § 2.13
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Kwaza-lani-(?) LATE REL-za-FRATER.LA-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.17
Kwazanani LATE ⌈REL?⌉-za-na-ni-
KULULU 6, § 1
Kwazayara LATE REL-za-ia+ra/i-
CEKKE, § 17e
Kwilaya EMPIRE REL-la?-i(a)
LATMOS, group 4
Kwipatiwari LATE REL-pa-ti-wa/i+ra/i-
ASSUR letter a, § 1
Kwisisitimi LATE REL-si-si-ti-mi-
ASSUR letter c, § 1
La LATE la-
CEKKE, § 17h; KÜRTÜL, § 1; TOPADA, § 39; KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 4.18, 9.59
Labarna LATE la-pa+ra/i-na-
CEKKE, § 9
Lahi(ya) EMPIRE la-hí
LATE la-hi-ia-
KULULU l.s. 3, i
Lali LATE la-li-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.2
(5) Personal Names List
Laluwi LATE la-lu/a/i-wa/i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.31
Lani-wari(?) LATE FRATER.LA-wa/i+ra/i-
CEKKE, § 17d
Lanizawa(?) LATE FRATER.LA-zá-wa/i-
Lapariziti(?) LATE la-PRAE-VIR?/la?-
BABYLON 1, § 1
Lara(?) LATE la+ra/i+a-
Larama LATE la+ra/i+a-ma la+ra+a-ma-
İSKENDERUN, § 6; MARAŞ 1, §§ 1b, 1g; MARAŞ 8, § 1 MARAŞ 17, § 1; MARAŞ 16, § 1(×2)
Lawada LATE la-wa/i-da-
YALE seal
Lu LATE lu/a/i
Malitispa LATE ma-li-i-TONITRUS-pa-
Mami LATE ma-mi-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.7
Manana LATE ma-na-na á-m[a]-n[a- ma-na-na
ARSUZ ⌈1, § 1⌉; 2, § 1; 1, § 18 ARSUZ 2, § 18 ARSUZ 1 and 2, § 28
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Manazi/a EMPIRE ma-na-a-zi/a
Mar(a)sata(?) LATE mara/i+ra/i-sà-ta-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.2
Mariti TRANSITIONAL(?) ma-ri+i-ti?-
Masanazami LATE DEUS-na-(OCULUS)á-za-mi-
Masani LATE DEUS-ni- DEUS-ní-i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.55; lead frag. 1, i.1, ii.1 KARATEPE 4, § 2
Masaurhisa LATE ma-sa-MAGNUS+ra/i-hi-sà-
Maza-Karhuha TRANSITIONAL ma-zi/a-KAR-hu-ha
(M)ukalani LATE (m)u-ka-FRATER.LA-
Muksa LATE mu-ka-sá- mu-ka-sa-
KARATEPE 1, §§ LVIII.327 (Ho), XXI.12 (Ho) KARATEPE 1, §§ LVIII.327 (Hu), XXI.12 (Hu)
Mur(a)ki LATE mu+ra/i-ki-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 2.5
(5) Personal Names List
Muwa LATE mu-wa/i-
KARKAMIŠ A4a, § 9; KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 5.32, 7.38
Muwaharani LATE mu-wa/i-ha+ra/i-ni-i mu-wa/i-ha+ra/i-[ni]-
unpublished text NİĞDE 2, l. 1
Muwahi LATE mu-wa/i-hi-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.1
Muwattalli EMPIRE BOS.MI-tax-li mu](wa)-tax-li
LATE mu-wa/i-ta-li- ⌈mu⌉-wa/i-ta-li- mu-wa/i-ta-li-i- mu-wa/i-ta-lu/a/i-i-
MARAŞ 4, § 10; MARAŞ 1, § 1d; MARAŞ 17, § 1 MARAŞ 8, § 1 YASSIHÖYÜK, § 1 MARAŞ 4, § 1
Muwizi LATE mu-wa/i-zi-
MARAŞ 4, § 10; MARAŞ 1, § 1 f; MARAŞ 17, § 1; TRAGANA
Naha-Tarhunza LATE LITUUS+na-ha-TONITRUS-hu-za-
İVRİZ frag. 2
Nai LATE na-i-
KULULU lead frag. 1, i.5, ii.4
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Nana LATE na-na-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.16
Nanasi LATE na-na-si
KÖRKÜN, §§ 8, 10, 11
Nani LATE na-ni-
CEKKE, § 17d
Nanimuta LATE na-ni-mu-ta-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.42
Nani-tiwara LATE DOMINUS.SOL-wa/i+ra/i- DOMINUS-ti-wa/i+ra/i-
CEKKE, §§ 1, 2 CEKKE, § 12
Nanizarma LATE DOMINUS-ni-za+ra/i-ma-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 5.29
Ni LATE ni- ni-ia-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.19 KARABURUN, §§ 3, 7, 9, 10
Ninuwi(?) LATE L.447-nu-wa/i-
KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 2
Niya EMPIRE nì-i(a)
Nu LATE nu-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 2.6, 4.20, 4.25, 4.26
Nuna LATE nu-na-
(5) Personal Names List
Nunu LATE nu-nu-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 7.41, 9.57; 2, §§ 1.4, 1.8; 3, i
Nunura LATE nu-nu+ra/i-
Paluzi LATE pa-lu/a/i-zi-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 2.13
Pamu[…] LATE pa-mu-[…]
Panamuwati LATE pa-na-mu-wa/i-ti(-i)-
BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 1, 8; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 1, 17b, 19
Panuni LATE pa-nu-ní-i-
KULULU 2, § 1
Papanali LATE pa-pa-na-li-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.18
Papi LATE pa-pi-
CEKKE, § 17j
Papidati LATE pa-pi-⌈da⌉-ti-
Parakipa LATE pa+ra/i-ki-pa-
Parhwira LATE pa+ra/i-hwi/a+ra/i-
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Parisami(ya) LATE PRAE+i-sà-mi-ia-
Parisarma LATE PRAE-ri+i-⌈SARMA+RA/I+MI⌉-ma-
Parita LATE PRAE-tá-
HAMA 4, § 1; 8, § 1; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 1
Parni-… LATE [DOM]US-ni-L.375-[…]-
ASSUR letter d, § 1
Parniwari LATE DOMUS-ni-wa/i+ra/i- [DOMUS]-ni-wa/i+ra/i-
ASSUR letter b, § 1 ASSUR letter f+g, § 33
Pihami LATE pi-ha-mi
ASSUR letter d, § 1
pihamuwa? EMPIRE pi-ha-mu(wa)
LATMOS, group 6
Pisamita LATE pi?-sa-mi-tá-
KARKAMIŠ A18a, l. 1
Piyai LATE pi-ia-i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.12
Piyasarma LATE pi-ia-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-
KULULU lead frag. 1, i.⌈6⌉, ii.5
Piyasili TRANSITIONAL pi-ia-si-l[i …
KARKAMIŠ frag. a/b, l. 2
(5) Personal Names List
Piyatarhunza LATE pi-ia-TONITRUS-hu-zá-
CEKKE, § 17h
Pudu-hepa EMPIRE pu-tu-ha-pa
Pulai LATE pu-la-i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 6.37
Runtapi LATE CERVUS3+RA/I-ta-pi-
KÖTÜKALE, §§ 1b, 5; GÜRÜN, § 1b MALATYA bulla
LATE CERVUS3-ti-ia- …-CERVUS3-ia-
Ruwa LATE ru-wa/i-
KULULU 1, § 1; KULULU 4, §§ 1, 15
Ruwada LATE ru-wa/i7-da-
Ruwati LATE ru-wa/i-ti-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.40
Sahasi LATE sa-ha-si-
ŞARAGA, §§ 2, 4
Sahwi LATE sa-hwi/a-
ŞIRZI, § 1
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Sakwisani (PN?) LATE sà-REL-sà-ni-
Saluwakwi LATE sa-lu/a/i-wa/i-⌈REL?⌉-
ANCOZ 8+5, § 9
Samituli EMPIRE sà-mi-tu-li
Sangara LATE sa5-k[a]+ra/i-
Santa-lani(?) LATE sà-tá-|FRATER.LA-
CEKKE, § 17c
Santa(mu)(?) LATE sà-tá-(m)u?-
CEKKE, § 17i
Santasarma LATE sà-ta-SARMA2+RA/I+MI-max?- NIMRUD Santatiwari LATE sà-ta-ti-wa/i+ra/i-
TÜNP, § 1
Sapaziti LATE sá-pa-VIR-ti-
Sariya EMPIRE SUPER (antithetic)-i(a)
LATE sax+ra/i-ia-
(5) Personal Names List
Sarpuwani LATE sà+ra/i-pu-wa/i-ní-
YUNUS 1, § 1
Saruwani LATE sa-ru-wa/i-ni-
Sarwatiwara LATE sa5+ra/i-wa/i-ti-wa/i+ra/i-
SULTANHAN, §§ 13, 45; ⌈§ 1⌉
Sastura LATE sa-sa-tù+ra/i- sa-sá-tù+ra/i- sa-sa-tù
CEKKE, § 1; ⌈§ 2⌉; KARKAMIŠ N2 CEKKE, § 6a KARKAMIŠ A21b+a, § 2, frag. 8
Satanu LATE sa-ta-nu-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.9
Sauskaruntiya EMPIRE sa+US-ka-CERVUS3-ti
Sikara LATE si-ka-ra+a-
Sipi LATE si-pi-
KARABURUN, §§ 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10
Suhi LATE su-hi(-i)-
Sunatiyami LATE su-na-ti-ia-mi-
KARKAMIŠ A14a, § 1; KARKAMIŠ NI, § 7; KARKAMIŠ A4b, § 7; KELEKLİ, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A14b, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11a, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A1b, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A2+3, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A12, § 1
KULULU l.s. 1, § 8.46
Part 6: Selected Glossary
SÜDBURG, §§ 3, 6, 9, 14; NİŞANTAŞ, AI, § 1; AII, § d; AIII, § a; AVI, § b; AVIII
ANCOZ 8+5, §§ 7, 8; 13, § 3; ARSUZ 1, § 1; BOYBEYPINARI 1, §§ 1, 11; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 17a, 19; ANCOZ 4, § 2 BOYBEYPINARI 1, § 4; BOYBEYPINARI 2, §§ 1, 2, 7; ARSUZ 1, § 18; ARSUZ 2, §§ 1, 18; ANCOZ 7, §§ 6, 13; TELL TAYINAT 4, § 4
Ta LATE ta-
YUNUS 1, § 1; KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.9; 3, i
Taita TRANSITIONAL tá-i-tá- ta-i-ta-
ALEPPO 6, § 1 MEHARDE, § 2; SHEIZAR, § 1
Taksala LATE ta-ka-sa-la- [ta]-ka-sa-i-[la-]
ASSUR letter a, § 1; ASSUR letter b, § 1; ASSUR letter c, § 1; ASSUR letter f+g, § 1 ASSUR letter d, § 1
Talmi-Šarruma EMPIRE TAL(A)-mi-SARMA2+MI
ALEPPO 1, § 1
LİDAR bulla (C)
Tami LATE tá-mi-
GELB seals (a)
Tanimi-lani(?) LATE OMNIS-mi-|FRATER.LA-
CEKKE, § 17m
Taprammi EMPIRE LEPUS+ra/i-mi
(5) Personal Names List
Tarhu[…] LATE TONITRUS-hu-[…]
NINEVEH bullae 5
Tarhunaza LATE TONITRUS-hu-na-za- TONITRUS-hu-na-(LITUUS)á-za-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 3.10, 3.14, 6.36, 7.44, 9.62 BULGARMADEN, § 1
Tarhuntapiya LATE TONITRUS-hu-ta-pi-ia-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.23
Tarhuntawari LATE TONITRUS-hu-tá-wa/i+ra/i-
CEKKE, § 17b
Tarhunti… LATE TONITRUS-hu-ti-i-[…]
ANCOZ 8+5, § 9
Tarhuntinani LATE TONITRUS-[h]u-ti-na-ni-
KULULU 6, § 1
Tarhuntiwari LATE TONITRUS-hu-ti-wa/i+ra/i-
CEKKE, § 17a
Tarhuntiwasti LATE TONITRUS-hu-ti-wa/i-sa-ti-
MARAŞ 2, § 1
Tarhupiya LATE TONITRUS-hu-pi-ia-
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Tarhuwari LATE TONITRUS-hu-wa/i+ra/i-i-
EĞREK, § 1
Tarhuwarpu(?) LATE TONITRUS-hu-wa/i+ra/i-L.273-
Tarhuwasuwa LATE TONITRUS-hu-wa/i-su-wa/i-
CEKKE, § 17l
Tarhuzarma LATE TONITRUS-hu-za+ra/i-ma-
EĞREK, § 1
Tarkasnawa EMPIRE ASINUS2A-wa/i ASINUS2A-wà/ì
Tarna(n)zi/a (PN?) EMPIRE 3-na-zi/a
Tarnitispa LATE tara/i-ní-ti-sa-pa-
Tarpami LATE tara/i-pa-mi- tara/i-pa-i-mi-i-
KULULU l.s. 3, ii ASSUR letter a, § 6
Taspuni LATE ta-a-sa-pu-ni-
GELB seals (c), l. 2
Tata LATE ta-ta- táx-táx-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 8.45, 9.62 SUVASA, C
ALEPPO 1, § 1
(5) Personal Names List
NINEVEH bullae 1–4; KHORSABAD bullae
Tiwarimi LATE SOL-wa/i+ra/i-mi-
CEKKE, § 17i
Tiyamartu LATE ti-ia-ma+ra/i-tu-
İVRİZ 1, § 4
Tudhaliya MONS, (MONS2), RN Tudhaliya (L.207); also MONS2 (L.4, Empire only) EMPIRE Tudhaliya IV MONS+tu, RN “Tudhaliya” (also MONS2+tu) BOĞAZKÖY 3, l. 1; BOĞAZKÖY 18, ll. 1, 3; BOĞAZKÖY 19; BOĞAZKÖY 24; DELİHASANLİ, l. 2; YAZILIKAYA, no. 81; YALBURT block 1, § 1; EMİRGAZİ 1, § 33; KARAKUYU, l. 1; NİŞANTAŞ AI, §§ 1, 2; AII, § d HATTUSA+MONS+tu(URBS) KARAKUYU, l. 2 SOL2.M[ONS+tu] BOĞAZKÖY 11 Seals (= Cun. Idu/tu-ud-ha-li-ia) Herbordt, PBS, no. 468 (MAGNUS.HASTARIUS) Herbordt et al., SGG, nos. 111–131 (SOL2.MAGNUS.REX.LABARNA+la) MONS2+tu YAZILIKAYA, nos. 64, 83 Seals: Herbordt et al., SGG, nos. 89–109 other Tudhaliya (I/II) son of Kantuzzili (Otten, Arch. Anz. 2000. p. 375 f.) Tudhaliya (I/II) with Nikkalmati (Cruciform seal: side i, lower) Tudhaliya (III) with Satanduhepe (Maşat: Alp, HBM, Abb. 2, Taf. 1–2 Mşt. 75/10; 75/39 Tudhaliya (III) with Taduhepa (Ortaköy: A. Süel, VII ICH, p. 827 f. res. 1) Tudhaliya (III) (SBo I, no. 58) Tudhaliya (III) (no queen) (Cruciform seal: side i, upper) Tudhaliya (Kuşaklı: Muller-Karpe, MDOG 130 (1998), p. ** Abb. 9) Tudhaliya MAGNUS.LITUUS with Kantuzzili MAGNUS.HASTARIUS (Bo. 78/56: Dinçol, IV ICH, pp. 89–97) MONS+tu TELL AÇANA 1
KARKAMIŠ frag. a/b, l. 1 ANKARA 2, § 2
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Tuki LATE tu-ki-
Tumisi LATE tu-mi-si-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.6
Tutu LATE tu-tu-
KULULU l.s. 2, § 1.6
Tuwa/i LATE tu-wa/i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 3.13
Tuwani LATE tu-wa/i-ni-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 7.39
Tuwarsai LATE tú-wa/i+ra/i-sa-i-
Tuwati TRANSITIONAL tu-wa/i-ti
LATE tu-wa/i-ti(-i)- tú-wa/i-ti(-i)- tú-wa/i4-ti-
KULULU 1, §§ 1, 7, 11, 13, 15; KAYSERİ, § 19; YASSIHÖYÜK, §§ 1, 2 ÇİFTLİK, §§ 1, 2, 5, 11, 15; KULULU 7, l. 1 TOPADA, § 1
Una LATE u(?)-na(?)-
Uradami LATE MAGNUS+ra/i-da-mi-
HAMA 1, § 1; 2, § 1; 3, § 1; 6, § 1; 7, § 1
(5) Personal Names List
Uramuwa LATE MAGNUS+ra/i-mu-wa/i-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 2.3
Urasarma LATE MAGNUS+ra/i-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma-
MALKAYA, inscription 5
KARKAMIŠ NI, §§ 1, 7; CEKKE, § 17l KARKAMIŠ NI, § 4; KARKAMIŠ A4b, §§ 1, 4 KARKAMIŠ A11b+c, §§ 4, 30
Urhilana LATE u+ra/i-hi-la-na ⌈u+ra/i⌉-hi-la-na u+ra/i-hi-l[a]-n[a ⌈u⌉[+ra/i-hi-l]a-[n]a u+ra/i-[hi]-la-[…] u+ra/i-hi-l[a]-n[a] […-n]a u+ra/i-[hi]-la-na
HAMA 9, f, BM 134325 HAMA 9, b HAMA 9, c HAMA 9, d HAMA 9, h HAMA 9, i HAMA 9, l HAMA frag. 5
Urhilina LATE u+ra/i-hi-li-na
HAMA 4, § 1; 8, § 1; RESTAN // QALʿAT EL MUDIQ // TELL ŠṬĪB, § 1 HAMA 1, § 1; 2, § 1; 3, § 1; 6, § 1; 7, § 1
Uwawa LATE u-wa/i-wa/i-
Walinaya LATE wa/i-li-na-ia-
CEKKE, § 17n
Wana LATE wa/i-na-
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Wanati LATE FEMINA-ti-i-
BABYLON 1, § 3
War(a)piyami LATE wa/i+ra/i-pi-ia-mi-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 4.27
Warika LATE wa/i+ra/i-i-ka-
ÇİNEKÖY, §§ ⌈1⌉, 2
Warpalawa LATE wa/i+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i- wá/í+ra/i-pa-la-wa/i- wa/i5+ra/i-pa-lax-wa/i-
İVRİZ 1, §§ 1, 3, 4; BOR, § 1; BULGARMADEN, §§ 1, 2, 8; also in an unpublished text NİĞDE 2, l. 3 TOPADA, § 4
Warpasi LATE wa/i+ra/i-pa-si-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.54
Warpata LATE wa/i+ra/i-pa-tá-
CEKKE, § 8
Warpiri(?) LATE L.273-pi-ri+i-
Wasti LATE BONUS-ti(-i)-sa
KARKAMIŠ A1a, § 22; A1b, § 1
Wasuma LATE wa/i-su-ma-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 5.28, 9.50
Wasu(?)runtiya(?) LATE MONS.CORNU?.CERVUS3
(5) Personal Names List
Wasusarma LATE wa/i4-su-SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma- wa/i4-su-SARMA2+RA/I+MI-max- wa/i-su-SARMA+RA/I+MI-ma- wá/í-su-SARMA2+RA/I+MI-ma-
TOPADA, §§ 1, 2, 39; SUVASA, B SUVASA, C SULTANHAN, §§ 1, 8, 13, 45 KAYSERİ, § 1
Yahilatispa LATE ia-hi-la-ti-sa-pa-
Yariri LATE i-a+ra/i-ri+i(-i)- i-ara/i-ri+i- i-ia+ra/i-ri+i-
KARKAMIŠ A6, § 1; KARKAMIŠ A7, § 6 KARKAMIŠ A15b, § 1 KARKAMIŠ Stone Bowl, § 1
Zahamu LATE za-ha-mu-
CEKKE, § 17f
Zahanani LATE za-ha-na-ni-
Zarma Ni (or Zarmayani) LATE za+ra/i-ma-ia(-)ni-ia
KULULU l.s. 1, § 9.58
Zashapuzi(?) LATE za-sa(-)ha-pu-zi-
CEKKE, § 14
Zaza LATE za-za-
CEKKE, § 9
Zazaya / Ziziya EMPIRE zi/a-zi/a-i(a)
Zaziya / Ziyazi/a EMPIRE zi/a-á-zi/a
Part 6: Selected Glossary
Ziti LATE VIR-ti- VIR-⌈ti⌉-
Zuna(m)u(?) LATE zu?-na-(m)u?-
CEKKE, § 17o
Zuwani EMPIRE zu(wa)-wa/i-ni
Zuwarimi LATE zú-wa/i-ri+i-mi-
Zuzi LATE zú-zi-sa-ha
CEKKE, § 17g
PUGNUS-rimi LATE PUGNUS-ri+i-mi-
KULULU l.s. 1, §§ 4.15, 9.58
LATMOS, group 5
L.324-ziti EMPIRE L.324.VIR.zi/a
MALKAYA, inscriptions 1, 3–6
(5) Personal Names List
EMPIRE L.324?-PRAE-na-i(a) L.324-PRAE-na-i(a) … PRAE?-na? (OK to include?)
MALKAYA, inscription 3 MALKAYA, inscription 4 MALKAYA, inscription 2
EMPIRE L.424(3)
KARKAMIŠ A30h, § 4
KULULU 4, § 5 (PN?)
[…]aralani(?) LATE […] ara/i-|FRATER.LA-ia
TÜNP, § 1
[…]-Lani LATE …-F]RATER.⌈LA-i⌉-
…lumili(?) LATE PUGNUS-mi-lu/a/i-li-
CEKKE, § 17g
…-lura-huha(?) EMPIRE x-lu+ra/i?-AVUS?
…muwa TRANSITIONAL LOCUS-ti-L.273-wa/i-
Part 6: Selected Glossary
LATE LOCUS-la/i-ti-mu-wa/i-
(…)naha-Tarhunza LITUUS+na-ha-TONITRUS-hu-za-
İVRİZ frag. 2
…pisa LATE AVIS?-pi-sa-
PALANGA, §§ 1, 7, 13
[x]-rusa LATE [x]-ru-sa-
KULULU l.s. 1, § 2.2
…sahi LATE x-sa5-hi
GELB seals (b)
…walati EMPIRE L.476-wa/i-la-ti-i
unpublished text
…walazi LATE …?]wa/i-lá/í-zi-
Inscriptions Listed Alphabetically Inscription
Corpus no.
Page nos.
Plate nos.
II.78. II.26. XIV.33. XIV.3. VIII.4. VIII.5. VIII.6. VIII.7. see ANCOZ 8 VI.17 (+) 9. VI.19 (+) 20. see ANCOZ 10. VI.21. VI.22. VI.23. XIV.28. XIV.27. VII.13. VII.13. XIV.22. XIV.21. XIV.9a. XIV.23. XIV.14. XIV.18a. XIV.18b. XIV.25a. XIV.18c–e. XIV.16. XIV.18f. XIV.25b. XIV.25c. XIV.24. XIV.25d. XIV.9b. XIV.10. see BOĞAZKÖY 21 XIV.13. XIV.25e. XIV.18g. XIV.18h. XIV.18i. XIV.9c. XIV.18j. XIV.25f. XIV.18k. XIV.11c. XIII.23. XIV.34. XIV.37. I.8. XIV.9d. II.81. XIV.4.
119 113, 203, 309 96 14 150 151 152 155
84 79–80 69 4–5 98 98 99–100 101
131, 244, 329 134, 245, 330
92 93
135 136 137 87 86 138 138 79 78 39 80 55 72 72 82 72 69 72 82 83 81 83 40 42
— — — 61–63 60 94 95 52–53 52–53 27 54 39–42 47 47 56 48 45 48 57 57 55 58 28 28
48 84 72 72 72 41 72 84 72 46 176 98 101 108 41 123 17
36–38 58 49 49 49 29 49 58 49 32 114 70 73 76–78 29 86 6–9
Inscriptions Listed Alphabetically
Corpus no.
Page nos.
Plate nos.
XIV.5. XIV.6. X.52. X.55. XIV.2. X.54. II.82. XIV.31. XIV.12. XIV.32. XIV.30. X.55. X.46. VII.14. XIV.11a. XIV.8. XIV.19. XIV.35. II.77. II.84. II.26. II.75. II.79. XIII.24. II.76. XIV.26. XIV.26. XIV.17. XIV.15. XIV.38. XIV.36. IV.20. IV.21. XII.18. XIV.14. XII.19. XII.17. II.83. XIV.1. XIV.13. XIV.33. II.80. XIV.11b. XIV.29. XIV.20. XIV.20. III.11. IX.22. VII.17. XIII.22. VII.15. VII.16. XIV.19. X.56. XII.20. XII.21. XII.22.
26 30 159 164 12 163 123 94 47 95 92 164 158 145 43 37 76 98 118 125, 317 113, 203, 309 115 121 176 117 85 85 70 66 101 99 130, 230, 324 130, 230 171 55 172 168 125 11 48 96 122 45 90 77 77 125 158 150 175 148 150 76 166, 338 174 175 175
10 11 105 108]] 2–3 107 87 67 34–35 68 65–66 108 103–104 96 30–31, 33 26 50 71 — 88 79–80 81–82 88 114 83 59 59 46 43–44 74–75 72 91 91 111 39–42 112 110 — 1 36–38 69 85 32 64 51 51 89–90 102 — 114 97 97 50 109 113 — —
Inscriptions Listed Alphabetically
Corpus no.
Page nos.
Plate nos.
XIV.7. X.53. II.76.
31 160 117
12–25 106 83
Location of the Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions Inscription
Museum Inv. no.
Corpus no.
no. 18157 no. 1982 no. **
II.78. XIV.34. I.8.
Adıyaman Museum ANCOZ 8 + ANCOZ 5 ANCOZ 10 (+) ANCOZ 11
nos. 682 + 364 nos. 486 and 485
VI.17+9. VI.19+20.
Turkey Adana
Afyon Archaeological Museum KOCAOĞUZ
Antakya Museum TELL TAYINAT 5 Hatay Archaeology Museum ARSUZ 1 and 2 JISR EL HADID 4 ?? TELL AÇANA 1 (a) orthostat TELL AÇANA 1 (b) bulla TELL TAYINAT 4
no. 29-1-79 ?? no. 24.1.08 Bo. 388/z, 385/z, 386/z, 387/z, 1004/z no. 1813 Bo. 55/l no. ** Bo.68/266 no. 52 no. 32 no. 13-1-06
XIV.28. XIV.27. XIV.11c. XIV.9a. XIV.18a. XIV.18c–e. XIV.16. XIV.18f. XIV.25d. XIV.35. XIV.15. X.53.
VII.16. no. ** no. ** no. ** (AT 20414) no. **
no. ** no. 614 no. ** no. ** no. 1.544.85 no. 7015 no. 10456 Bo. 2418/91 Bo. 100/92 Bo. 96/97 Bo. 2001/1 Bo. 2004/46 no. **
VII.13. VII.14. XIV.20. XIV.20. VII.15.
XIV.23. XIV.18b. XIV.25a. XIV.25d. XIV.9b. XIV.10. XIV.25e. XIV.18g. XIV.18h. XIV.18i. XIV.9c. XIV.18j. XIV.25f. XIV.18k. XIV.9d.
Location of the Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions
Museum Inv. no.
Corpus no.
no. KH.15.O.690 no. 11-317-400 no. KH.11.O.400 no. ** no. KH.11.O.65 no. 850
II.26. II.81. II.75. II.79. XIII.24. XII.19. II.80. II.76.
no. 7776 no. 7775 nos. 7784, 7770, 7783, 7782 no. 1597 or 7771
XIV.22. XIV.21. XIV.4. XIV.5.
no. M2909
İzmir Archaeology Museum KARAKUYU (TORBALI)
no. 25478
Kastamonu Museum KINIK
no. 946
Kayseri Museum KARAKUYU
no. **
Kaman-Kalehöyük Archaeological Museum YASSIHÖYÜK (b) fragment
no. YH 100004
no. 1982 no. A 1991
X52. X.46.
Ancient Oriental Museum BOĞAZKÖY 1 BOĞAZKÖY 2 EMİRGAZİ 1 EMİRGAZİ 2 Haluk Perk Museum ? İSTANBUL 2
Kastamonu Kayseri
Kirşehir Konya
Ereğli Museum EREĞLİ 1 İVRİZ 2 Konya Archaeological Museum EMİRGAZİ 3
Maraş Museum MARAŞ 16 MARAŞ 17
no. ** no. **
IV.20. IV.21.
Sivas Museum GEMEREK
no. 2004/24
Sivas Urfa
Urfa Archaeological Museum URFA 1 Urfa Museum URFA 2 URFA 3
XII.20. XII.21. XII.22.
Yozgat Archaeological Museum ÇALAPVERDİ 4
no. 1603
Location of the Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions
Museum Inv. no.
Corpus no.
Jāmiʿ al-Qīqān mosque ALEPPO 1 Aleppo Museum KARKAMIŠ TELL AHMAR 6
no. M11611
II.77. III.11.
Walters Art Gallery “TARKONDEMOS” Seal
no. 57.1512
Oriental Institute Museum TELL TAYINAT seal
no. OIM A41977
Baltimore Chicago
Corpus no.
Private Collections Haluk Perk Museum ? İSTANBUL 2
Lost/Unknown Location CHRISTIES seal GÜRÇAY POTOROO
VIII.4. VIII.5. VIII.6. VIII.7. XIV.25b. XIV.25c. XIV.24. XIV.2. XIV.31. XIV.12. XIV.32. XIV.30. VII.14. XIV.11a. XIV.38. XIV.36. XIV.14. XIV.33. XIV.1. XIV.13. XIV.29. XIV.7.
XIII.23. II.82. XII.17.
Concordance Publication no.
No. in this Corpus
Messerschmidt, Corpus Inscription Hettiticarum CIH III A CIH XXVIII no. 3 CIH XXX CIH XXXV CIH XXXVII–XXXVIII.1, 2, 4, 5 ?? CIH XXXVIII.3 CIH XXXIX no. 1 CIH XLII no. 9 CIH2 XLIX? CIH2 XLIX CIH2 L
XIV.3. XIV.14. XIV.2. XIV.15. XIV.33. XIV.33. XIV.11a. XIV.11b. XIV.4. XIV.5. XIV.4.
(inscription, previous name)
(inscription, current name)
Gelb, Hittite Hieroglyphic Monuments HHM 2 ALEPPO HHM 22 FIRAKTİN HHM 27 HHM 34 KARAKUYU I HHM 37 HHM 41 HHM 48 HHM 51 TAŞCI
XIV.3. XIV.2. XIV.30. XIV.8. XIV.35. XIV.15. XIV.1. XIV.29.
Meriggi, Manuale di eteo geroglifico Seconda serie 65
Meriggi, Manuale di eteo geroflifico Terza serie 1 2 11 19–22 23 38 39 40 41 43 44 46 47A 47B 48 49 50 60 73 74 75
XIV.33. XIV.11a. XIV.15. XIV.4. XIV.5. XIV.36. XIV.22. XIV.21. XIV.9a. XIV.14. XIV.18a. XIV.25a. XIV.18c. XIV.18d. XIV.18e. XIV.16. XIV.18f. XIV.35. XIV.2. XIV.29. XIV.30.
77 95–96 147a 156 306
XIV.31. XIV.8. XIV.32. XIV.34. XIV.3.
XIV.21. XIV.22. XIV.2. XIV.1. XIV.29. XIV.11a. XIV.31. XIV.34. XIV.20. XIV.23. XIV.11b.
Bossert, Altanatolien 547 548 550–552 553–554 555–556 557–559 564 567 576 676 715
List of Plates Plate nos.
Corpus no.
Page nos.
1 2–3 4–5 6–9 10 11 12–25 26 27 28 29 29 28 30–31, 33 32 32 34–35 36–38 39–42 43–44 45 46 47–49 50 51 52–53 52–53 54 55 56–58 59 60 61–63 64 65–66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74–75 76–78 79–80 81–82 83 — 84 88 85 86 87 —
XIV.1. XIV.2. XIV.3. XIV.4. XIV.5. XIV.6. XIV.7. XIV.8. XIV.9a. XIV.9b. XIV.9c. XIV.9d. XIV.10. XIV.11a. XIV.11b. XIV.11c. XIV.12. XIV.13. XIV.14. XIV.15. XIV.16. XIV.17. XIV.18. XIV.19. XIV.20. XIV.21. XIV.22. XIV.23. XIV.24. XIV.25. XIV.26. XIV.27. XIV.28. XIV.29. XIV.30. XIV.31. XIV.32. XIV.33. XIV.34. XIV.35. XIV.36. XIV.37. XIV.38. I.8. II.26. II.75. II.76. II.77. II.78. II.79. II.80. II.81. II.82. II.83.
11 12 14 17 26 30 31 37 39 40 41 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 55 66 69 70 72 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 85 86 87 90 92 94 95 96 98 98 99 101 101 108 113, 203, 309 115 117 118 119 121 122 123 123 125
List of Plates
Plate nos.
Corpus no.
Page nos.
88 89–90 91 91 92 93 — — — 94–95 96 97 97 — 98 98 99–100 101 102 103–104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 — — 114 114 114
II.84. III.11. IV.20. IV.21. VI.17 (+) 9. VI.19 (+) 20. VI.21. VI.22. VI.23. VII.13. VII.14. VII.15. VII.16. VII.17. VIII.4. VIII.5. VIII.6. VIII.7. IX.22. X.46. X.52. X.53. X.54. X.55. X.56. XII.17. XII.18. XII.19. XII.20. XII.21. XII.22. XIII.22. XIII.23. XIII.24.
125, 317 125 130, 230, 324 130, 230 131, 244, 329 134, 245, 330 135 136 137 138 145 148 150 150 150 151 152 155 158 158 159 160 163 164 166, 338 168 171 172 174 175 175 175 176 176
XIV. EMPIRE Plates 1–75
Text: copy courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. Photographs: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. 1. SİRKELİ
b Photographs: a. cast in Kayseri Museum (photograph reversed). b. Hawkins, 1981. 2. FRAKTİN
Details. Drawing: courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. Photographs: Hawkins, 1981. a. Stag-God(?) with Hattusili III. b. Hebat with Puduhepa. c. Puduhepa’s titles.
c original emplacement
emplacement up to removal to museum in 2018
Photographs: a–b, Garstang’s(?), early 20th century showing original emplacement of inscription, upside-down in mosque wall. c, Hawkins 1971, showing replacement of inscription right way up, done in 1930s, also marking old emplacement. 3. ALEPPO 1
Text: copy traced from stone. Photograph: courtesy of H. Gonnet. 3. ALEPPO 1
Text: copy, see Plate 9. Photographs: taken in Istanbul Museum in 1987. 4. EMİRGAZİ 1 Altar A
Text: copy, see Plate 9. photographs: as for Altar A. 4. EMİRGAZİ 1 Altar C
Text: copy, see Plate 9. photographs: as for Altar A. 4. EMİRGAZİ 1 Altar B
A Text, photographs: as for EMİRGAZİ 1 Altar A. (side A and side B) 5. EMİRGAZİ 2
Text: copy traced from the stone in Konya Museum in 1992 and redrawn. Photographs: taken in Konya Museum in 1992. 6. EMİRGAZİ 3
7. YALBURT Block 1 + frag. 1
Text: copies traced from photographs. Photographs: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus; fragment courtesy of M. Poetto publication.
7. YALBURT Blocks 16 + 10
Texts: copies as for block 1. Photographs: Hawkins, 1989.
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. 7. YALBURT Block 2
7. YALBURT Block 4 (Block 3: see Blocks 12 + 13 + 3)
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus.
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. 7. YALBURT Block 5
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: courtesy of H. Gonnet. 7. YALBURT Block 6
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: Hawkins, 1991. 7. YALBURT Block 7
7. YALBURT Block 8
Text: copy not attempted. Photograph: Hawkins, 1991.
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: Hawkins, 1991. 7. YALBURT Block 9
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: courtesy of H. Gonnet. 7. YALBURT Block 11
Block 12
7. YALBURT Blocks 12 + 13 + 3
Text: copy as for block 1. Photographs: Blocks 12 + 13 Hawkins, 1991, Block 3 courtesy of Ehringhaus.
Block 13 Block 3
Block 14
7. YALBURT Blocks 14 + 15
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: Hawkins, 1991.
Block 15
Text: copy as for block 1. Photograph: Hawkins, 1989. 7. YALBURT Block 17
Block 18
Block 19 Text: nothing legible. Photograph: Hawkins, 1989. 7. YALBURT Blocks 18, 19
Text: copy traced from photograph and collated. Photograph: taken in Kayseri Museum in 2001. 8. KARAKUYU
Text: copy traced from photograph. Photographs: taken from publication. 9a. BOĞAZKÖY 3
BOĞAZKÖY 19 Texts: copies traced from the stone in Museum, 1990. Photographs: taken in old Boğazkale Museum in 1990. 9b. BOĞAZKÖY 18 10. BOĞAZKÖY 19
Text: copy traced from photograph. Photograph: taken in yard of excavation house in 1995. 9c. BOĞAZKÖY 24
a Text: copies traced from photograph, (b) possible alternative reading to (a). Photograph: taken in yard of excavation house in 1995. 9d. DELİHASANLI
c General view. a. North from exit of Pass. b. courtesy of H. Gonnet. c. relief taken in 1997. 11a. KARABEL
Text: copy (a) made direct from rock on acetate in 1997, (b) reconstructed from tracing. Photograph: courtesy of S. Mitchell. 11a. KARABEL A
Text: drawing reproduced from Wright, EH. p. 156. Photographs: prints from Walters Art Gallery. 11b. “TARKONDEMOS” seal
Bo. 388/z
Bo. 385/z Text: copies from Güterbock, Boğazköy V, p. 51 with corrections. Photographs: taken from publication. 11c. BOĞAZKÖY sealings
Text: sketch reproduced from Kohlmeyer, Publication. Photograph: from Kohlmeyer.
Text, Photograph: courtesy of Kohlmeyer. 11. KARABEL C1
b Text: (a) sketches of Güterbock, with suggestions of Hawkins. (b) sketches of Kohlmeyer with suggestions of Hawkins Photographs: from Kohlmeyer 11. KARABEL C2
General views, courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. 12. HATİP
Text: drawing, copy, courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. Photograph: Ehringhaus. 12. HATİP
Photographs: courtesy of P. Neve. Kammer 2, BOĞAZKÖY 20 (above), 21 (below) 13. SÜDBURG
Image from 3D model—Archive of the German-Italian International Cooperation Project in Hattusa: German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul, University of Naples Federico II, University of Naples SOB, courtesy M. Marazzi..
Text: copy traced from stone and redrawn, with collation of Oreshko (zi/a […, § 13).
c. 11:45 a.m.
c. 12:45 p.m.
c. 1:45 p.m. Photographs: courtesy of P. Neve. showing advance of shadow in September. 14. NİŞANTAŞ
c Text: composite copy, made from photographs collated from the rock, traced in ink on acetate, enlarged and redrawn. a. copy reduced. b. high-lighted: sentence connectives. c. high-lighted: verbs. 14. NİŞANTAŞ
c a. copy high-lighted: toponyms. b. copy high-lighted: passage with parallels (see Pl. 42). c. composite of high-lighted elements. 14. NİŞANTAŞ
c Text: parallel passage high-lighted. from (a) YALBURT block 3, (b) EMİRGAZİ 2, §§ 4, 5, (c) NİŞANTAŞ AIV. 14. NİŞANTAŞ
collation (l. 2 middle)
Text: copy traced on acetate from the stone and collated (below, collation of unclear middle of line 2). Photograph: courtesy of I. J. Gelb. 15. KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA
b Photographs: (a) courtesy of I. J. Gelb. (b) taken in Ankara Museum. 15. KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA
c Text: copy traced on acetate and redrawn. Photographs: (a, b) taken in Ankara Museum. (c) courtesy of A. Schachner. 16. BOĞAZKÖY 12 (Quellgrotte stele)
Text: copy traced from photograph. Photograph: courtesy of Afyonkarahisar Müze Müdürlüğü. 17. *KOCAOĞUZ
b ii Text: copies (a) copy traced from photograph. (b i) taken from publication. (b ii) taken from publication; drawing made by dig-artist (given by P. Neve). Photographs: (a) taken from publication. (b i) taken in old Boğazkale Museum. (b ii) not available. 18. BOĞAZKÖY fragments (6 (a), 7i, ii (b i, ii))
e Text: (c) copy traced from photograph. (d) excavation drawing given by P. Neve to J. D. H. (e) copy traced from photograph and reconstructed. (f) reproduced from publication. Photographs: (c, d, e) taken from publications. (f) courtesy of A. Schachner. 18. BOĞAZKÖY fragments (9 (c), 10 (d), 11(e), 13(f))
not available
not available
Texts: (g, h) copies traced from the photographs. (j, ki-kiii) copies traced from the stone. Photographs: (g, h) courtesy of M. Alparslan. (j, ki) courtesy of J. Seeher. (kii–kiii) photographs not available 18. BOĞAZKÖY fragments (23.1–2 (g–h), 25 (j), 27 (k))
Text: copy courtesy of A. Müller-Karpe. Photographs: courtesy of A. Müller-Karpe and S. Aro-Valjus 19. KARAKUYU (TORBALI)
Texts: copies by H. Peker (Orthostat drawing: preliminary version). Photographs: courtesy of H. Peker. a. orthostat b. bulla 20. TELL AÇANA 1a, b
BOĞAZKÖY 1 Photographs: courtesy of the Institute of Archaeology, University of Liverpool. 21. BOĞAZKÖY 2 22. BOĞAZKÖY 1
BOĞAZKÖY 1 Texts: copies traced from photographs. 21. BOĞAZKÖY 2 22. BOĞAZKÖY 1
Text: copy by M. Alparslan. Photographs: courtesy of A. Schachner, M. Alparslan. 23. BOĞAZKÖY 4
Text: copy reproduced from publication of P. Neve. Photographs: taken in September 2001.
Text: copy traced from photograph. Photographs: (a) reproduced from Bittel, Publication. (b) taken in yard of old Boğazkale Museum. 25. BOĞAZKÖY 8
BOĞAZKÖY 15 Texts: copies, reproduced from Güterbock and Neve (Publications). Photographs: courtesy of M. Alparslan. 25. BOĞAZKÖY 14, 15
BOĞAZKÖY 26 Photographs, Texts: reproduced from Neve and Dinçol, Dinçol, Publications. 25. BOĞAZKÖY 17, 22, 26
Text: copies traced from photograph. Photograph: reproduced from Publication.
Text: copy courtesy of M. Çifçi. Photographs: M. Çifçi. 27. ANKARA 3
Photographs: courtesy of Ankara Museum and director İ. Temizsoy. 28. *ANKARA 2, inscription 1
28. *ANKARA 2, inscription 1
Text: (a) traced on acetate on cup itself (1 : 1). (b) enlargement of a. (c) redrawn from b, with collations.
c Text: (a) traced on acetate on cup itself (1 : 1). (b) the same enlarged. (c) redrawn from b. 28. *ANKARA 2, inscription 2
TAŞÇI B Texts: drawings with epigraphs, courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. Photographs: (A) courtesy of I. J. Gelb. (B) courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. 29. TAŞÇI A, B
b General views. a. taken in 1967. b. courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. 30. İMAMKULU
Drawing: courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer (epigraph of Storm-God of Aleppo corrected from Hawkins, Fs Hoffner (2003)). Photographs: taken in September, 2001 before noon. 30. İMAMKULU
Drawing with epigraphs: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. Photograph: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. 31. HANYERİ
Drawing with epigraphs: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. Photographs: courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. 32. HEMİTE
c Texts: copies courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. Photographs: (a) view from foot of Manısa Dağ, 1967. (b) the figure, courtesy of H. Ehringhaus. (c) the inscriptions, courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. 33. SIPYLOS (AKPINAR)
Epigraph: from (c) Güterbock (1947); (d) Hawkins, in Meijer (1992). Photographs: (a) Bittel (1976); (b) Hawkins (1992). 34. ÇAĞDIN
Text: traced from photographs. Photographs: courtesy of I. J. Gelb. 35. KARGA
Text: copies traced from stone by Hawkins, redrawn by Weeden. Photographs: taken by T. Oshima (photographer, Kaman-Kalehöyük), inscription 2 by Bossert loc. cit.
inscription 4
inscription 3
inscription 1
inscription 2
inscription 6
inscription 5
Text, photograph: courtesy of İ. Taş, M. Weeden.
groups 1–4
group 1
group 4
group 5
group 6 Photographs: courtesy of A. Peschlow-Bindokat, S. Herbordt. 38. LATMOS
groups 1
group 4 group 3
group 2
group 5
group 6 Text: copies, courtesy of S. Herbordt. 38. LATMOS
I. CILICIA Plates 76–78
a. Storm-God and bull-chariot, courtesy of M. Novák. b. collations to copy (Hawkins, Weeden, 2012). c. Phoenician text, copy, photograph, courtesy of R. Tekoğlu, A Lemaire.
zi! (accidental 2 strokes damage)
left side
right side
front Photographs: courtesy of R. Tekoğlu. 8. ÇİNEKÖY
left side
right side
front Text: copies courtesy of R. Tekoğlu. 8. ÇİNEKÖY
II. KARKAMIŠ Plates 79–88
Kubaba Stele with new fragments, courtesy of H. Peker
Text: copy courtesy of H. Peker (+ Hawkins). Photographs: H. Peker. 26. AFŞİN + KARKAMIŠ A31
Photographs: courtesy of N. Marchetti, H. Peker. 75. KARKAMIŠ N1 with A4b
KARKAMIŠ A4b Text: copy courtesy of H. Peker, copy of KARKAMIŠ A4b (Hawkins) with collations by H. Peker. 75. KARKAMIŠ N1 with A4b
Text: copy courtesy of H. Peker. Photographs: H. Peker. 76. (KARKAMIŠ) YUNUS 1
Text: copy courtesy of R. Akdoğan. Photographs: R. Akdoğan. 78. ADANA 1
Text: provisional copy traced from photograph. Photograph: M. Poetto, publication. 80. ŞARAGA
b Text: copies from publications, courtesy of (a) Z. Simon, (b) M. Poetto. Photographs: from publications. 81. DÜLÜK
Text: copy courtesy of H. Peker, with suggested adjustment. Photographs: courtesy of N. Marchetti, H. Peker.
frag. B frag. A
Text: copy from publication. Photographs: courtesy of N. Marchetti, H. Peker. 84. KARKAMIŠ A24a6
[[see H. Peker, forthcoming]] 79. KARKAMIŠ N2
III. TELL AHMAR Plates 89–90
Text: copy traced from photographs and redrawn. Photograph: courtesy of G. Bunnens.
Photographs: courtesy of G. Bunnens.
IV. MARAŞ Plate 91
20. MARAŞ 16
Text: courtesy of H. Peker [[GEPHYRA 24, 2022, pp. 1–10]]. Photograph: courtesy of H. Peker.
21. MARAŞ 17
Photographs: courtesy of H. Peker.
VI. COMMAGENE Plates 92–93
17 (+) 9. ANCOZ 8 (+) ANCOZ 5
Text: (from Publication) copy traced from photograph (Hawkins, with collation); and courtesy of M. Poetto. Photographs: Hawkins, Poetto.
copy (from Publication) rearranged as continuous strip. 16. ANCOZ 7
19 (+) 20. ANCOZ 10 (+) 11
Text: (from Publication) copy traced from photograph (Hawkins); and courtesy of Poetto.
VII. AMUQ Plates 94–97
ARSUZ 2 Photographs: courtesy of A. Öztan, H. Peker. 13. ARSUZ 1 13. ARSUZ 2
ARSUZ 2 Text: copies courtesy of H. Peker. 13. ARSUZ 1 13. ARSUZ 2
Side D
Text: copy traced from photographs. Photographs: courtesy of B. Dinçol, H. Peker.
Side A
TELL TAYINAT 5 Text: copies courtesy of M. Weeden. Photographs: by J. Jackson, courtesy of TELL TAYINAT Archaeological Project. 15, 16 TELL TAYINAT 4, 5 (frags.)
VIII. ALEPPO Plates 98–101
Text: copies traced from photographs. Photographs: courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. 4, 5. ALEPPO 4, 5
Text: copy traced from stone in 2003 and redrawn. Photographs: courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. 6. ALEPPO 6
Photographs: courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. 6. ALEPPO 6
Text: copy traced from fragments and redrawn in estimated placing. Photographs: courtesy of K. Kohlmeyer. 7. ALEPPO 7
IX. HAMA Plate 102
Photograph: taken from publication, M-O. Rousset 2010. 22. TELL ŠṬĪB
X. TABAL Plates 103–109
46. İVRİZ 2
Photographs: courtesy of Dinçol, Poetto and Peker.
Text: Not yet available. See B. Dinçol and M. Poetto (forthcoming). 46. İVRİZ 2
52. EREĞLİ 1
Text: copy from Publication, courtesy of M. Poetto. Photographs: M. Poetto.
Text: copy courtesy of R. Akdoğan (frag. M. Weeden). Photographs: R. Akdoğan (frag. from publication).
A Text: copy courtesy of R. Akdoğan. Photographs: R. Akdoğan. 54. GEMEREK
Side A
Text: copy courtesy of M. Weeden. Photographs: courtesy of İ. Taş.
Side B
Side C
Text: copy courtesy of F. Arslan and J. Osborne Photographs: courtesy of J. Jackson 56. TÜRKMEN KARAHÖYÜK
Text: copy traced from photographs and collated. Photographs: courtesy of D. Collon. 17. POTOROO
Text: copy traced from photograph. Photographs, drawing: courtesy of A. Herda. 18. MILETOS
Text: copies drawn by K. Reczuch Parker, V. R. Herrmann. Photographs: courtesy of V. R. Herrmann, T. van den Hout. 19. PANCARLI
Text: copy from Publication, courtesy of M. Poetto. Photograph: M. Poetto. 20. URFA 1
XIII. SEALS Plate 114
c KARKAMIŠ N3 seal Text: (a) copy traced from photographs. (b) not available. (c) copy drawn by B. Dinçol. Photographs: (a) courtesy of Oriental Institute, Chicago. (b) Christies catalogue. (c) courtesy of N. Marchetti, B. Dinçol, H.Peker. 22. TELL TAYINAT seal 23. CHRISTIES seal 24. KARKAMIŠ N3 seal