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Test Bank For Community Corrections 2nd Edition By Robert Hanser (All Chapters, 100% Original Verified, A+ Grade)
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition Chapter 1 1. Which form of probation consists of five face to face visits, a minimum of 132 hours of community service and a set curfew, among other demands? a. Shock Probation b. Probation with community service and restitution *c. Intensive supervised probation d. Boot camp
2. Among the probation population, about _________percent are female offenders. a. 175% b. 37% c. 32% *d. 23%
3. During the past decade, the rate of probation absconders has ___________. *a. increased b. decreased c. stayed the same d. not been reported
4. Judges are trained in matters of ___________________ rather than administration and are typically not equipped to administer probation services a. legal liabilities b. punitive sanctions *c. legal interpretation d. rights and privileges
5. The administration of probation may be determined by the __________ of the offense. a. crime victim b. circumstances c. harshness *d. seriousness
6. The coordination of centralized state-run probation systems tends to be _______________and also allows for better integration of overall services. *a. much better b. lacking control c. somewhat functional
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition d. disorganized
7. In the vast majority of cases - upward of_______ of all cases - the final sentence is the result of a plea between the prosecution and the defense counsel. a. 50% b. 27% *c. 90% d. 10%
8. The term voir dire refers to ____________________. a. legal selection b. sentence selection *c. jury selection d. court selection
9. When inmates are in prisons, they are not likely to ____________________. a. have Constitutional rights b. have a sense of self-efficacy *c. provide any meaningful restitution d. have developmental disorders
10. ____________________ is the same as other forms of probation but is administered by privately owned and operated companies that contract with courts to supervise misdemeanor cases. a. semi-private probation b. wholesale probation c. public probation *d. private probation
11. From the standpoint of the community supervision officer, the two most important sections of the PSI are the ________________________. a. interrogation and the evaluation b. investigation and the arresting *c. evaluation and the recommendations d. sentencing and the amount of bail
12. If a defendant can afford such services, their defense counsel may find it beneficial to purchase private services to construct a _____________for that defendant. a. supplemental judgment
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition b. supplemental recommendations c. supplemental representation *d. supplemental PSI report
13. According to _____________ (2002), the public perceives the judge as the principal decision maker in a criminal court. *a. Neubauer b. Collins c. Swazye d. Martin
14. Which form of probation uses programmed contact systems? a. Day reporting centers b. Boot camps *c. Home confinement with electronic monitoring d. home confinement and global positioning system
15. ___________________ are actions that do not comply with the conditions and requirements of a probationer's sentence, as articulated by the court that acted as the sentencing authority. a. Legal violations b. Public violations c. Probation violations *d. Technical violations
16. The variety of sanctions that are available to probation agencies are what gives probation its _____________. a. weakness b. ability to generate revenue c. weakness *d. strength
17. The sanction of_________________ is the basic form of supervision that is administered by most agencies. a. outside probation *b. standard probation c. private probation d. general probation
18. _______________ is a stated amount of money that the offender must pay to the victim or to a state victim fund. a. Institution
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition b. Generosity *c. Restitution d. Recovery
19. ______________________ are treatment facilities that offenders are forced to report to on a daily (or near daily) basis. a. 24 hour Reporting Centers b. Daycare Reporting Centers c. Sometimes Reporting Centers *d. Day Reporting Centers
20. ___________________ are short-term forms of incarceration in an environment that is similar to basic training in the military. a. Fashion Camps *b. Boot Camps c. Exercise Camps d. Scout Camps
21. __________have randomly programmed times during the day and night when an automated system calls the offender's house. a. electronic monitoring b. return call system c. GPS monitoring *d. programmed contact system
22. A __________is a residential setting for offenders who are courtordered to stay at the facility while on community supervision
a. residential treatment home *b. official halfway house c. Home confinement and GPS d. Day reporting centers
23. Neubauer (2002) notes that in larger court jurisdictions, a technique of ________may be common. *a. judge selection b. judge swaping c. judge shopping d. judge hopping
24. Treatment is most effectively utilized in the community setting, because the effects of _________________are avoided and because most social services are typically better administered in the community
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition
a. privatization b. prison cultures c. prison modeling behavior *d. prisonization
25. The new emphasis on victimology and victims' rights has ensured that elements such as _______________are considered both during the plea bargaining phase and during subsequent offender supervision while on probation. a. witness impact statements *b. victim impact statements c. victim opinion statements d. victim cooperation statements
26. The plea bargaining process provides the prosecution with ________over the defendant *a. leverage b. advantage c. evidence d. power
27. The general notion about probation is that _________ can be minimized effectively enough so as to ensure that the advantages to the public outweigh the disadvantages. a. reincarceration *b. recidivism c. re-evaluation d. revocation
28. All probationers are required to report to their probation officer. a. True *b. False
29. Felony offenses may be supervised by state level personnel while misdemeanor cases may be supervised by local governmental probation agencies. *a. True b. False
30. The two primary objectives of community supervision and/or probation is to make the community more understanding of offenders while also reintegrating the offender.
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition
a. True *b. False
31. The use of plea bargaining is a critical element of our adversarial system of justice. *a. True b. False
32. From a strict fiscal and administrative point of view, institutional treatment programs are more desirable than are communitybased programs. a. True *b. False
33. Private probation is experiencing high growth and is constantly changing. *a. True b. False
34. There is typically not much disagreement between the probation officer's recommendations and the judge's decision when sentencing. *a. True b. False
35. Though other actors may be able to cause some problems in the courtroom, it is nevertheless clear that the judge ultimately has the real authority and is vested with the ability to use that authority to gain courtroom compliance. *a. True b. False
36. If the justice system has no official record of an offender committing another crime while on supervision, that does not automatically mean that the offender could not have recidivated. *a. True b. False
37. Technical violations are not necessarily criminal and would likely be legal behaviors if the offender were not on probation.
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition *a. True b. False
38. Champion (2002) notes that the most commonly used measures of recidivism for probationers are convictions, incarcerations, and probation revocations. a. True *b. False
39. Standard probation is considered a form of supervision that is appropriate for any but the least serious of offenders. a. True *b. False
40. Standard probation is typically the type of probation that the community has in mind when forming the perception that probation is soft on crime. *a. True b. False
41. Residential treatment home facilities are designed to house the offender but the offender is not ordered by the court to stay at the facility. *a. True b. False
42. The shock of incarceration is expected to have no deterrent impact on the offender with a corresponding sense of gratitude when the offender is released from the facility to probation. a. True *b. False
43. About 1 in 3 probation offenders have committed acts of violence. a. True *b. False
44. In comparison, the total population of federal probationers is less than 1 percent of the number that comprises state-level probation *a. True
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition b. False
45. List the six categories of operations and their functions within the probation systems. Correct Answer: Juvenile: This includes separate probation services for juveniles that are administered through county or municipal governments, or on a statewide basis. Municipal: These are independent probation agencies that are administered through lower courts or through the municipality itself. County: The probation agency is governed by laws or guidelines established by the state, which empowers a county to operate its own probation agency. State: One agency administers a centralized probation system that provides services throughout the state. State combined P & P: Probation and parole services are administered together on a statewide basis by a single agency. Federal: Probation is administered nationally as a branch of the courts.
46. What has happened to the overall population growth of probationers during the past couple of years? Correct Answer: it has slightly declined.
47. List five of the ten commonly required conditions set before probation. Correct Answer: Refrain from associating with certain types of people (particularly those with a conviction) or frequenting certain locations known to draw criminal elements. Remain sober and drug free; refrain from using or being in possession of alcohol or drugs. Obey restrictions on firearm ownership or possession. Obey requirement to pay fines, restitution, and family support that may be due. Be willing to submit to drug tests as directed by the probation officer or representatives of the probation agency. Maintain legitimate and steady employment. Refrain from obtaining employment in certain types of vocations (e.g., an embezzler would be restricted from becoming a bookkeeper, or a computer hacker from working with automated systems). Maintain a legal and legitimate residence with the requirement that the probation officer is notified of any change in residence prior to making such a change. Obey the requirement that permission be requested to travel outside of the jurisdiction of the probation agency or to another state. Refrain from engaging in further criminal activity.
48. What is the purpose of probation? Correct Answer: The purpose of probation is to reintegrate offenders into society,
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition thereby improving public safety as offenders become less inclined to reoffend
49. Intensive Supervised Probation (ISP) - this form of sanction is usually viewed as the most effective alternative to imprisonment. List the seven aspects of this process. Correct Answer: Five face-to-face visits between the probation officer and the offender per week. A minimum of 132 hours of community service. A set curfew. Mandatory employment (which should be required in all cases). A weekly search for any new arrests. Automated tracking of arrests using a state crime information system. Frequent yet random testing for drugs or alcohol.
50. List the three key tasks of Day Reporting Centers Correct Answer: The offender is supervised on a face-to-face basis. The offender is kept busy and thus cannot be out on the street offending. The offender is forced to comply with treatment, and as we know from our earlier readings, a certain amount of this will eventually be processed by the offender, even if he or she is resistant.
51. Discuss the two methods used to maintain electronic monitoring. Correct Answer: A variety of methods may be used to maintain the electronic monitoring. One is the use of programmed contact systems that have randomly programmed times during the day and night when an automated system calls the offender's house. The offender is required to repeat certain words and phrases, at which time a voice analysis determines if it is truly the offender who has answered the phone. If the phone is not answered, or if it is found that it is not the offender who answers, then community supervision personnel are alerted. Home Confinement and Global Positioning System (GPS) uses a series of satellites to monitor and locate offenders. This system is far superior to any other program of supervision because it ensures that probation officers have nearinstantaneous notification of an offender's violation of his or her community supervision. With this system, supervision officers can track an offender with a computer system and can even tell which street the offender is on in any part of the country. Further, these programs can be set up to detect areas of inclusion or exclusion according to the limits of offender travel. Thus, if an offender enters a certain area that is restricted, the supervision officer is instantly notified. Essay Questions
52. Discuss why and how a defense attorney may use the technique of judge selection. Correct Answer:
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Hanser, Community Corrections 2nd Edition Through a process of implementing motions of continuances and motions for a change of judge, defense attorneys may maneuver to have their case heard by a judge who is perceived as being more receptive to the offender's plight. Though judges strive to remain within common guidelines in decisions and rulings, the fact of the matter is that they tend to differ in terms of the sentences that are given, the manner by which they oversee their courtroom, and the number of cases that they have pending (Neubauer, 2002). An understanding of these tendencies can aid both the defense and the prosecutor in achieving a more favorable outcome consistent with their own particular desires.
53. Discuss General Strain Theory and how it applies to the offender and probation. Correct Answer: General strain theory, developed by Robert Agnew, is based on the premise that persons experience strain when they are not able to obtain success goals that they desire. These goals can entail money, status, and even relationships. In some cases, persons may resort to criminal activities to alleviate this strain or to obtain their desired goal. However, strain is not caused only by the failure to achieve one's goals, often referred to as goal blockage; it can also occur when some type of undesired stimulus presents itself, or just as important, when some valued stimulus is taken away from the offender. This theory, though not complicated, is important for probation officers to understand, since most reasons that offenders give for their crimes reflect the basic tenets of this theory. This is then important both from a sanctioning level (determining the type of sanction to give an offender) and from a treatment planning perspective for helping professionals.
54. Discuss the victim's rights and it effects on the judicial proceedings. Correct Answer: In times past, the victim was not necessarily a party that was considered in plea negotiations. Often, the main focus given to the victim during sentencing revolved around restitution which, in many cases, might be administered through a victim's compensation fund, removing the victim from the direct process of adjudication. However, the new emphasis on victimology and victims' rights has ensured that elements such as victim impact statements, probation officer follow-ups with the victim, and victim input throughout the supervision process are considered both during the plea bargaining phase and during subsequent offender supervision while on probation. Likewise, the variety of probation sanctions allows for better compensation to victims, while innovations with mediation, restorative justice, and other types of community and victim involvement have resulted in better account-ability of offenders to the victims that were directly impacted by their criminal behavior.
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