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. ' 295> 3°2> 309, 324> 34L 352, 354,

359 Furness, Sir Robert Allason, 224, 352

20, 28; English versus foreign novels, 12; ‘round’ and ‘flat’ characters, 15-16;

Gandhi, Mahatma, 156

evil in fiction, 17-18, 58; boredom, 18,

Garnett, David, 18, 19, 265, 266

221-2; bores, 27, 28; writers’ aims,

Gaskell, Elizabeth, 127-8, 323

20-1; love, 23, 33-4, 39, 93, 201, 226-

Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 220, 351 Geneva, 91, 292

7; animals, 25, 90, 102, 105, 118, 181-2, 191, 214, 258, 259; ‘a middle-aged novel’,

George VI, King, 103

29-30; his mother, 30, 40, 55, 176, 243,

George, Stefan, ///, 194, 328-29

254; his elusiveness, 31; moments of

St Germain d’Auxerre, 146

heightened awareness, 31, 95-6, 105,

Gibbon, Edward, 45, 279-40, 273, 357

150, 155, 168, 172, 185, 211, 212, 228,

Gide, Andre, 155, 162, 269, 327, 330-31

234; forgetfulness, 32, 224; music, 32,

Gifford, Walter S., 74

91, 95, 111-12, 126, 158, 160, 184, 203,

Gifford, William, 11 j, 302

209, 215, 222, 244, 294; West Hack-

Giono, Jean, 155, 327

hurst and the surrounding area, 36-8,

Goldsmith, Oliver, 11, 79, 265-6

39-40, 55, 56, 58, 79, 98, 112, 159, 165,

Goldsmith, Ruth, 176, 335

168, 169; astronomy, 38-9, 187, 221,

Gombrich, E. H., 2/4, 361

246; death, 41, 95, 102, 218-19, 231-2,

Gray, Thomas, 179-80, 336-7

254, 258; character-reading, 44-5 ;

Great Expectations (Dickens), 18, 19, 265

literature, 47-8; sense of place, 51;

Green, Julien, 58

thought and logic, 52; dreams, 54, 92,

Green Mansions (Hudson), 11, 263

102, 103, 112-13, 165, 173-4, 181-2,

St Gregory of Nazianzen, 142

197, 227, 234, 255, 256; old age, 55,

St Gregory of Nyssa, 142

57, 58, l6°, i87> 188, 224, 238, 247; trees, 56-7; women, 59-60, 92, 93,

Grey, Edward (Viscount Fallodon), 266, 298

149, 173, 175, 226, 227; criticism, 78;

Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 10, 11

his own character, 85, 97-8, 101, 103, 105, 159, 238, 258; his own writing,

Halliday, Sebastian, 211, 347

87, 150-1, 188, 219, 230, 238, 257-8;

Hamilton, Clayton, 263

Howards End, 203-4; money, 91-2;

Hampson, John (John Simpson), 261,

own letters transcribed (to Golds¬ worthy Lowes Dickinson, 92; to

3J5> 30, 324» 327-8> 337 Hansard, 229-4, 352

Stephen Tennant, 98-9; to Benjamin

Hardy, Emma, 236, 355

Britten, 206-07, 249i to the Mistress of

Hardy, Florence, 236, 355

Newnham, 216-17;to William Gold¬

Hardy, Thomas, 7, 12, ioo, 124, 148,

ing, 248); happiness, 94, 95; his health

207-08, 209, 231, 27/, 296, 322, 346,

and physical state, 99-100, 171-2,



366 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 17, 18

Keyes, Sidney, 31 x

Haydn, Joseph, 244, 245, 358

Keynes, Lydia (Lydia Lopokova), 19j,

Heard, Gerald, 18, 96, 37, 49, 52, 53, 92,

12J, 127, 129, 133, 265, 274, 308


Keynes, John Maynard, 182, 338

Heart of Midlothian, The (Scott), 12

King Lear, 243

Heather, Lindsay, 218, 351

King’s College, Cambridge, 260, 262, 267,

Hedda Gabler (Ibsen), 36

270, 276, 333, 334, 346, 347, 348, 360

Hegel, G. W.F.,311

Kirke White, Henry, 245, 358

Heine, Heinrich, 47

Knowles, John, 214, 349

Hemingway, Ernest, 99, 127, 296, 307

Koteliansky, S. S., 85, 288

Henley, Samuel, 166, 332-3

Kurtz, Harold, 205, 345, 346

Herbert, George, 244 Hill of Devi, The (Forster), 296

La Bruyere, Jean de, 94, 107, 270, 299

Himerius, 144

Dady Chatter ley’s Dover (D. H. Lawrence),

Hine, Reginald L., 191

223-4, 352

Hippocratic Oath, 201

Lampedusa, Prince Giuseppe di, 349

Hitler, Adolf, no, 301

Danchester Tradition, The (Bradby), 105,

Hodgkin, Thomas, 137, 140, 317 Holderlin, Friedrich, 32 Holroyd, Michael, 269

298 Lawrence, D. H., 49, 30, 60, 120, 163,



Home, Henry (Lord Karnes), 285

Lawrence, Frieda, 59, 277

Hopkins, Gerald Manley, 146, 328

Lawrence, T. E., 58, 60, 105, 153-4, 163,

Horner, David, 208, 346

2.71, 277, 325

Housman, A. E., 21-2, 32, 47, 61, 84, 85,

De Cid (Corneille), 61-3

105, 203, 266-7, 27°> 278, 288, 344 Howland, Allan, 129

Lenin, V. I., 96, 110-11

Hoyle, Sir Fred, 187, 246, 358

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 283

Leff, Gordon, 258, 362

Hudson, W. H., 27

Lewis, Percy Wyndham, 49, 274

Hutchinson, Hilton, 98-9

Leyden, Dr, 186, 339

Huxley, Aldous, 163

Libanius, 144

Huxley, Sir Julian, no, 244, 245, 301

Dittle Eyolf (Ibsen), 42

Hyndman, Tony, 192, 341

‘Little Imber’ (Forster), 346, 355 Dolly Willowes (Sylvia Townsend Warner),

Ibsen, Henrik, 23, 99, 43-4, ioj-6, 109,

121-2, 222, 270, 299 Isherwood, Christopher, 99, 105, 295,


19, 266 Dongest Journey, The (Forster), 270 Dord of the Flies (Golding), 356 Dook Back in Anger (Osborne), 259, 362

Ithen, Pino, 217

Lowes Dickinson, Goldsworthy, 92, 102,

‘Ivory Tower, The’ (Forster), 109

104, 114, 117, 158, 163, 180, 181, 182, 197, 230, 236, 276

James, Henry, 7, 14-14, 18, 19, 29, 62, 74,

fy, 177, i78, 29°> 336

‘Jean Paul’ (Johann Friedrich Richter), 1,

Lubbock, Percy, 7, 262 Lucas, F. L., 96, 59, 276, 277, 297 Lucretius, 113, 114, 303-4

260 Jebb, Bishop John, 1

McCarthy, Desmond, 102, 105, 297, 298

St Jerome, 1)2, 1)9, 199, 196, 312, 313,

Macaulay, Thomas Babington Lord, 199,

314-15 Johnson, Samuel, 4, 77-7, 78, 79-80, 148, 261, 283-6, 322 Jonson, Ben, 182-9,

341 Macchiavelli, Niccolo, 101 Mahler, Gustav, 40, 253-4, 361


Malherbe, Francis de, 124, 124, 307, 308

Jones, Henry Arthur, 7, 262

Mallarme, Stephane, 124, 308

Journal of the Plague Year, A (Defoe), n

Malory, Sir Thomas, 109, 297

Joyce, James, 3, 91, 49, 58, 87, 269,

Mann, Sir Horace, 122, 307

289-90 Jules et Jim (Film), 242, 357

Mann, Thomas, 28, 29, 30, 298, 268-9, 356

INDEX Mansbridge, Albert, 27, 268 Marius the Epicurean (Pater), 11 Mansfield, Denis, 20 ‘Mark Rutherford’ (William Hale White) 18, 265 Marlowe Society, 210, 296 Marshall, Frances (Frances Partridge), 49, 274 Marshall, K. W., 277 Marvin, F. S., 27, 268 Marx, Karl, 108, 109, 300, 301

367 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 194 Nixon, J. E., 90, 291 Nonnus, 144, 318-19 Oedipus Tyrannus (Sophocles), 101 Old Wives’ Tale, The (Bennett), 8, 20

Olier, Jean-Jacques, 128, 310 Orwell, George, 258, 362 Our Mutual Friend (Dickens), 18 Ovid, 136, 342 Owen, Wilfred, 214-13, 216, 349, 350

Masood, Syed Ross, 31, 217, 273, 337 Masood, Syed Ross, 51, 217, 273, 337, 350 Massingham, H. W., 48, 274

Palladas, 144, 319 Palmer, Reg, 5, 182, 261-2 Parker, Dorothy, 200, 343

Maugham, W. Somerset, 157, 200

Parry, Donald, 213, 348

Mauriac, Frangois, 38, 271

Paul, David, 335

Maurois, Andre, 77, 58, 276

Peacock, Thomas Love, 20

Mauron, Charles, 52, 105, 126, 132-3,

Pears, Sir Peter, 207, 208, 346

155. 204, 203, 275, 298, 309, 324-27, 328

Peer Gynt (Ibsen), 35, 270 Peirce, Hayford, 137, 315

Mauron, Marie, 154, 309

Pelagius, 313

Melville, Herman, zy, 18, 100, 164, 184, 263, 296, 332

Philo of Alexandria, 236, 362

Memoirs of a Midget (de la Mare), 10, 263

Pigou, A. C., 210, 211, 346-7

Meredith, George, 7, 8, 40, 59, 240, 272,

357 Meyerstein, E. H. W., 212, 348

Peregrine Pickle (Smollett), 4

Pilgrim’s Progress, The (Bunyan), 11 Pitt-Rivers, Michael, 239

St Michael’s Church, Coventry, 24

Pius XII, Pope, 186, 339 Plato, 114, 303

Middleton Murry, John, 1, 2, 46, 118, 260 Mill, John Stuart, 162

Plomer, William, 156, 182, 265, 332, 338

Miller, Henry, i6y, 333

Poe, Edgar Allan, 91, 291-2

Millet, Jean Francois, 233, 356

Pope, Alexander, 27, 88-3, 116-ij, 290, 304

Milton, John, 43, 103-04, 166, 248, 272,

297, 332, 358

Porter, Hal, 247, 358

Mirza, Baber, 48

Poston, Elizabeth, 215, 349

Mitchell, Donald, 249

Poston, Ralph, 161

Moby Dick (Melville), 6, 20

Powys brothers, 58, 276

Moll Flanders (Defoe), 4

Priestley, J. B., 31, 59, 88, 157, 258, 269,

Montague, C. E., 27 Moore, George, 74

277j 29°> 362

Moore, G. E., 233

Prisoners of War, The (Ackerley), 6, 262 Proclus, 144

Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 163, 284, 331

Propertius, 113, 302

Morris, Mowbray, 183-6, 339

Proust, Marcel, 3, 8, 12, 16, 148, 161, 181,

Morris, William, 53

136, 138, 201, 321-2, 342, 343, 344 Proverbs, 33

Mortimer, Raymond, 135 Mosley, Sir Oswald, 36 Muir, Edwin, 2x7, 218, 241, 351, 357

Pumpkin Eater, The (Penelope Mortimer), 252, 360 Purcell, Henry, 184, 338-9

Napier, Marjorie, 93, 293 Nebuly Coat, The (John Meade Falkner),

248. 359

Racine, Jean, 183, 339 Radef, Mattei, 246, 358

Newton, John, 114-13, 304

Rakshit, Indu, 36

Ney, Marshal, 205-06, 345

Raleigh, Walter, 79, 285-6

Nicolson, Harold, 207

Ramsay, IvorErskine St Clair, 219, 351



Rasselas (Johnson), n, 79-6, 283-4 Rattigan, Sir Terence, 184-5 Raven, John, 213, 348

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 172, 209, 334, 344, 359

Shire, E. S., 174, 230, 335

Raven, Simon, 247, 339, 358

Shostakovich, Dmitri, 151, 324

Read, Ernest, 295

Sidgwick, Henry, 353

Read, Sir Herbert, 310, 318

Silence de la Mer, Le (‘Vercors’), 155, 327

Reed, Trelawney, Dayrell, 145, 319-20

Sitwell, Dame Edith, 207, 208

Rehearsal, The (Duke of Buckingham), 66,

Smith, Logan Pearsall, 76, 284


Smith, Sydney, 199, 200, 341

Reid, Forrest, 18, 102, 176, 177, 335

Smollett, Tobias, 3,11

Renier, G. J., 90, 291

Smyrnaues, Quintus, 144, 318

Richard III (film), 358

Socrates of Constantinople, 146, 319

Richards, I. A., 285

Spender, Natasha, 192, 341

Richardson, Charles F., 91

Spender, Stephen, 120, 201, 305

Richardson, Samuel, 11-12, 18, 19, 24

Spinoza, Baruch, 249

Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 9, 11, 262-3

Spire, The (Golding), 248, 359

Rodin, Auguste, 14S

Spoils of Poynton, The (James), 15

Rodogune (Corneille), 74, 279, 283

Sprott, W. J. H. (‘Sebastian’), 23, 267,

Rome, 221

270, 281, 324

Rooksnest, 215, 333

Stalin, J., hi

Rose, Jasper, 212, 348

Stallybrass, Oliver, 296, 299, 311-12

Routledge, Norman, 192, 341

Stanhope, Lady Hester, 26, 267

Roxana (Defoe), 6, 9, 10

Stephens, Ian, 190, 340

Royden, Maude, 92, 292-3

Sterne, Laurence, 2-4, 8, 11, 12, 20, 261

Rubens, Peter Paul, 234, 354

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 7

Ruskin, John, 119, 127, 156, 167, 180,

Stisted, 105, 297

181, 189, 310, 333, 337, 338 Russell, Bertrand, 45, 51, 102, 238, 274-5, 284, 356

Strachey, Lytton, 28, 123, 267, 269, 293 Straus, Ralph, 9 6, 294 Strong, L. A. G., 294 Stuart, Neil, 160, 161

Sackville-West, Victoria, 90, 274, 291

Sweerts, Michiel, 348

St Evremond, Marquis de, 70,71, 72,

Swift, Jonathan, 3, 10, 11, 80, 81, 117,

281, 282


St Remy, 105, 204-05

Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 149, 323

Saintsbury, George, 280

Sylvia’s Lovers (Mrs Gaskell), 149, 310

Samuel, Viscount, 293

Symonds, John Addington, 53, 74, 87,

Sassoon, Siegfried, 43, 90, 207, 208, 268, 272, 291,346

88, 224-6, 228, 229, 290, 352-3 Synesius, 149

Scarfe, Norman, 361 Schopenhauer, Friedrich, 11 j Schumann, Robert, 91

Talleyrand (-Perigord), Charles Maurice, 176, 207, 335, 346

Schuster, Frank, 90, 268, 291

Taylor, Sherwood, 176

Schwarz, Ernest Herbert Lewis, 91, 274

Tennant, Stephen, 98, 295

Scott, Sir Peter, 105, 241, 298

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 60-1, 229, 244,

Scott, Sir Walter, 11, 12, 18

277, 353) 357

Searight, Kenneth, 119, 303

Tesserete, 217, 350

Seccombe, Irene, 249, 359

Thackeray, William Makepiece, 12

Sevigne, Marquise de, 120-1, 127, 305-6, 307-8

Thais (Anatole France), 20, 266 Themistius, 144

Sforza, Ludovico, 227, 353

Thomas, Edward, 27, 268

Shakespeare, William, 10, 47, 68, 69, 81,

Thompson, Edward, 27, 268

Lb 85-7, 94, 95, 103, 104, 210, 263,

Thompson, E. V., 206, 345

270, 282, 285, 286, 288, 289, 295, 297

Thornton, John, 115

Shaw, George Bernard, 60, 87, 129, 311

Thornton, Lucy, 187

Sheppard, Dick, 92, 292-3

Thornton, Marianne, 252, 258

INDEX Tibullus, 302-3 The Times, 29,96 Together (Norman Douglas), 20, 266, 296 Tolstoy, Alexei, 12, 15 Tomlinson, H. M., 27, 268 Tonbridge School, 198 Tovey, Donald Francis, 111, 302


War and Peace (Tolstoy), 6, 7, 8 Waterlow, Sydney, 44, 272 Waterston, Hugh, 118, 151, 304-5, 324 Waterton, Charles, 164-4, 332 Watson, George, 280, 281 Wavell, Field Marshal Earl, 149, 323

Treasure Island (Stevenson), 9

Webster, John, 101, 296-7 Weitling, 148

Trevelyan, Sir G. M., 207, 302, 309

Welch, Denton, 189, 340

Trevelyan, R. C., 90, 160, 291, 302, 330 Treves, 145, 319

Wells, H. G., 14, 16, 21, 37, 264, 266

Trilling, Lionel, 161, 178, 330, 336

Where Angels Tear to Tread (Forster), 351

Tristram Shandy (Sterne), 11, 12, 267, 275, 298 Trollope, Anthony, 20, 307 Turner, W. J., 48, 273

When We Dead Awaken (Ibsen), 41, 42 V hichelo, Louisa Graham, 176, 335, 357 Whichelo family tree, 88, 290 Whitehead, Alfred North, //, 196, 275 Whiteley, Opal, 21, 266

Twain, Mark, 158-9

Whitman, Walt, 37, 53

Tyler, Royall, 138, 315

Wilkinson, L. P., 192, 196, 337, 341, 342

Valery, Paul, 129, 311

Wilpert, Joseph, 138, 316, 317

Williamson, Hugh Ross, 126, 308-9 Vanbrugh, Sir John, 8, 262

Wilson, General R. T., 302

Van Gogh, Vincent, 299, 249

Windham, Donald, 192, 341

Vaughan, Henry, j6, 2)6, 276, 355

Wolfe, Humbert, 94, 293

Vaughan, Keith, 236, 237, 355

Woolaston, 6, 262

Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 27, 203, 268,

344 Vaux, Lord, 77, 270 Verrall, A. W., 71, 282

Woolf, Leonard, 31 Woolf, Virginia, 10, 54, 105, 263, 274,

3D Wordsworth, William, 83-4, 119, 129,

Verrochio, Andrea del, 254

l(i3, 170, 188, 189, 209, 241, 243, 305,

Vicary, Frank, 29, 53, 116, 120, 269, 274,

3°7> 333, 339, 357

275> 3°5 Virgil, 198, 343

Wortham, H. E., 91-2, 269

Voltaire, 90, 97, 98, 116, 280, 294-5, 3°4

Yeats, W. B., 74, 196, 209, 219, 234, 342,

Von Gaertringen, Friedrich Hiller, 203

346, 349 Young, Edward Hilton (Lord Kennet), 105, 206, 298, 345

Walpole, Horace, 44, 99, 122, 12), 273, 307

Yudkin, Michael David, 229, 353

Walpole, Hugh, 59, 277 Walter, William Grey, 210, 347 Walton, Izaak, 272

Zangwill, Israel, 153, 154, 327 Zechariah, 104, 297

Wagner, Richard, 194, 254

Zuleika Dobson (Beerbohm), 11

Publishers’ acknowledgements

The Commonplace Rook contains extracts from the work of a number of authors still in copyright. The Publishers are grateful to them, their publishers, agents or executors for allowing their work to appear in this form, and wish particularly to acknowledge the help of the following: The Bodley Head Ltd, for J. D. Sinclair, The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, volume i: Inferno. Curtis Brown Ltd, for Christopher Isherwood, Mr Norris Changes Trains; William Cooper, The Tver-Interesting Topic; and H. A. L. Fisher, History of Europe, volume i. John Calder (Publishers) Ltd, and Grove Press, Inc., for Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer: copyright Grove Press, Inc., 1961. Jonathan Cape Ltd, for Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Tell Tolls, and R. A. Furness. Cassell Ltd, for Gerald Heard, By Any Other Name and The Creed of Christ. Chatto and Windus Ltd, for Aldous Huxley, Grey Eminence; Norman Douglas, Experiments; and Marcel Proust, A la recherche du temps perdu. Constable and Co. Ltd, for H. E. Wrotham, Oscar Browning. Editions Gallimard, for Paul Valery, Works; Marcel Proust, A la recherche du temps perdu; Andre Malraux; Andre Gide, Journal; Jean Cocteau, Works. The Executor of the Estate of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, for the un¬ published diary. Faber and Faber Ltd, London, for the lines from Four Quartets by T. S. Eliot; ‘Hammerfest’ by W. H. Auden; and Collected Poems by Edwin Muir. Gordon Press Inc., for The Speeches of Adolf Hitler translated by N. H. Baynes, volume 1.

publishers’ acknowledgements


Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc., for T. S. Eliot, Your Quartets. Harrap Ltd, for A. P. Wavell, Allenby: Soldier and Statesman. Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd j Granada Publishing Ltd, for G. L. Keynes, My Early Beliefs-, and A. E. Housman, Eetters. Rupert Hart-Davis and The Hogarth Press Ltd, for William Plomer Sado. David Higham Associates Ltd, for Denton Welch, Journals, published by Hamish Hamilton. The Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells, for H. G. Wells, Boon. The London Magazine for Hal Porter, Boys will be Boys. Macmillan (Publishers) Ltd, for Edward H. Carr, Biography of Michael Bakunin. Michael B. Yeats and Macmillan London, for the extract from W. B. Yeats, The Magi-, reprinted with the permission of Macmillan Publishing Company, copyright 1916 by Macmillan Publishing Co., renewed 1944 by Bertha Georgie Yeats. Methuen and Co. Ltd, for T. S. Eliot, The Sacred Wood-, and Francois Mauriac, Le desert de Tamour. Gavin Muir and The Hogarth Press Ltd, and Norwood Editions, for Edwin Muir, An Autobiography. John Murray (Publishers) Ltd, for Kenneth Clark, The Nude. University of North Carolina Press, for Stefan George, translated by O. Marx and E. Marwitz. Oxford University Press, for The Oxford Chekhov, translated by Robert Hingley; and Stars and Atoms by A. S. Eddington. Oxford University Press, Inc., for Edwin Muir, Collected Poems. Phaidon Press Ltd, for Professor E. H. Gombrich, Meditations on a Hobby Horse, copyright 1963 Phaidon Press Ltd. Princeton University Press, for C. P. Cavafy, Collected Poems, translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard, copyright 1975 Princeton University Press. Routledge and Kegan Paul, and Princeton University Press, for The Collected Works of Paul Valery. George Sassoon, for Siegfried Sassoon. Martin Seeker and Warburg Ltd, and Curtis Brown Ltd, New York, for John Knowles, A Separate Peace.




Martin Seeker and Warburg Ltd, and Alfred E. Knopf Inc., for Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain, translated by H. Lowe-Porter. Martin Seeker and Warburg Ltd, and Viking Penguin Inc., for Dorothy Parker in The Paris Review. The Society of Authors, as the literary representative of the estate of Norman Douglas, A Plea for Better Manners, and as the literary representative of the estate of John Middleton Murry. Neville Spearman Ltd, for E. H. W. Meyerstein, Tetters. The author, for Ian Stephens, Horned Moon. The Times, for two extracts, 17 March 1925 and 29 September 1934.

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PR6011 .058Z45 1985 Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970 Commonplace book

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