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GORGIAS p r e s s 2005
First Gorgias Press Edition, 2005. The special contents of this edition are copyright 2005 by Gorgias Press LLC. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States of America by Gorgias Press LLC, New Jersey. This edition is a facsimile reprint of the original edition published by George Bell and Sons, London, 1883. ISBN 1-59333-177-0
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Printed and bound in the United States of America.
PREFACE. LITTLE need be said in the way of introduction to the following Work, which in answering to its title sufficiently explains its own object: viz. to furnish a complete analysis of the text of the Four Gospels, as it exists in that ancient and venerable Syriac Version of the New Testament, commonly called Peshito—i.e. the simple, or literal:—a Version which loses nothing of its value from the fact, that whereas for a long time it was regarded as the most ancient, the researches of later years have brought to light a MS. of the Gospels in Syriac, supposed to be at least as ancient as the Old Latin, and which is now in the British Museum. The plan which I have endeavoured to cany out in the following pages is this .—To give 1. The Syriac word, as it stands in the text. 2. The English rendering, according to the Authorized Version, with-a more literal translation w;here it seems necessary. 3. The corresponding Greek word, or words,—preceded, where not strictly literal, by the. abbreviation Gr. 4. The parsing of the word, with all its various forms, as occurring in the Gospels, or in other parts of the New Testament, with references. As a rule, I have not thought it necessary to give the affixed forms, except where the simple form does not otherwise occur, or where the affix seems to present any peculiarity. 5. The derived forms traced to their respective Roots. Under this head are in some cases added derivatives from verbs and nouns, which, although not occurring in the Gospels, often serve to illustrate the meaning of the original Root.
The analogous, or cognate, form, where such exists, (a)
In Hebrew, with reference (except in a few very common words) to one or more familiar passages in the Old Testament.
In Chaldee, with similar, but fuller, references to the Books of Daniel and Ezra.
A literal translation of such passages as deviate in any
remarkable degree from the Original, whether in grammatical construction, or in the actual reading of the text.
Where the
Syriac Version, thus deviating from the Received Text, agrees with one or more of the most ancient Greek MSS., such agreement is noted: the MSS. referred to being principally the Sinaitic, the Vatican, and the Alexandrine. I have appended a complete Index to the whole Work, by reference to which the Student will readily find every word— including every conjugation of the Verb—where it first occurs, and where it is fully explained. In the arrangement of this Clavis, the Gospel of S. John is placed first in order; since, as in Greek, so in Syriac, its language and construction is the simplest, and presents fewer difficulties to the beginner: and by this plan, the Gospel of S. Luke, which is the most difficult, stands last. The Text which I have followed is that published by Mr Bagster, and bound up with Gutbir's Lexicon.. Although designed, in the first instance, for the use of beginners, this Work does not profess to be, in the strictest sense, elementary;
it being taken for granted that the student
has mastered at least the Elements of Syriac Grammar, and is acquainted with the forms of .Nouns and Adjectives, Paradigms of Verbs, &c. The Grammars to which I have occasionally referred are those of Dr Phillips, President of Queens' College, Cambridge (Deighton, Bell and Co.), and B. Harris Cowper, Esq. (Williams and Norgate).
There is also a very useful little Grammar pre-
fixed to the " Syriac Reading Lessons," published by Mr Bagster,
I take this opportunity of expressing my great obligation to the Rev. J. Sandford Bailey, for hia kind counsel and invaluable assistance while this work was preparing for the press:—to the Very Rev. the Dean of Canterbury, for his great kindness in allowing me to submit the MS. to his inspection; and to my revered Diocesan, the Lord Bishop of Chichester, for the high honour he has done me in permitting me to dedicate these pages to him.
It is my earnest hope that my work may prove not
altogether unworthy of such patronage.
I shall feel that my
object has been fully attained, and the labour of many years well spent, if it should be the means of affording some assistance to those who have begun, and perhaps of encouraging many to begin, the study of the Syriac L a n g u a g e : — a Language which must commend itself to all, not only for its own intrinsic beauty and sweetness (the very Italian of the Semitic family), and the ease with which, especially with a previous acquaintance with Hebrew, it may be acquired;—but chiefly as being, in all probability, the native Tongue of the Son of God Manifest in the Flesh,—the Language in which His "Gracious Words" were uttered, His Sermon on the Mount, His Parables, His Words of love, reproof, and warning;—the Language which gave expression to His last Cry on the Cross,
June 22, 1883.
3, line 14, for ,_> read 21, „
16, for iOoASD ¿ A read ¡X30¿&D ,-Lo.
88, „
4 from the bottom, for "quadrilateral," read " quadriliteral."
90, „
4, for
read f-is.
101 (Chap. v. 2), for TZrJO? read I'Asoj.
103, lines 21, 22, for ] l o i \ ]ioi, read ] l o { X
134, line 13, for ^oAj] read ^oAj). 145,
• . 0 7
t> »
5, for ^OpjAj? read ,ol_»jAji.
1* •
13, for ni, t.AVnX read OJj-^AVtN. *
* ^
f r n m
. i
f.Vip >int.+.nrn fnr /! . f f l l
12, for OÜJJ read OTA?). 2
5, for Of^ read O^.
1, for
read ^
14, for "Editors" read "Editions".
23, for
0 -X
7 -X
3 from the bottom, for
ßj fnr lypftV,!.» rpa.H |ym
read -
« 7
386, 387, top of page, for "Matthew" read "Mark". 391, line 15, for ]n . ^ 480, „
4, for 1jla£D read ijJOCD.
S. JOHN. AjfjOj li^lo
llOi-O ^ J - w O J J "jZoiO^D Im-'rO ^O . \ t ^ j o l «oamala
The Holy Gospel, the Preaching of John the Preacher, and •preached in Greek at Ephesus.
which he spoke
CHAPTER I. (vj witness, record, is found once, J o b xvi. 19. 7 —
jOXCQJj to bear witness, that he might bear xoitness—Iva
Aphel fut. 3. sing. (pref. 5 here a causal conjunction) of 5CLCD, witnessed.—-Aph.
53TCd] (ver. 32, below), bore witness:—Pret.
sing. ZjtlCd"), Act3 xxiii. 1 1 : — 1 . sing. Zjoxco"|, ver. 34, below: —3. pi. OjaTTo]7, Acts x. 43 :—1. pi.
v jaxCo],
1 Cor. xv. 15
Fut. 1. sing. John xviii. 37 Imperat.» 3CT1ID|, ver. 23. •x »X7LCD|, y . S.Rev. 7 S. John Infin. OJOTXQIdA, xxii. 16 Part. ICTICQ^D, iii. 32;
vii. 7 ;
viii. 13, 1 4 : — F e m . "¡KTimV), Rom. ii. 15.—PL
S. JOHN I. 7.
Ver. 7.
S. Matt, xxiii. 31, &o.
^ x 1 . x n r a V ) , S. John iii. 11. concerning—Trepi—Preposition.
v *
" —
m a n ,
> a l l
+ V J U ] , by aphseresis of ] , but often used as separate words. —
^ . V l
Pref. J, causal conjunction. 7
/ m i g h t believe—Gr. •Kiardautm—Aphel fut. 3. sing, (with 3, prefixed to the foregoing word, having the force of the subjunc7 "i*
tive) of
f a i t h f u l ;
part. Peil ^ . Vx ) ] , def. • I f a i t h f u Fern. (same form) 1 Tim. v. 5:—def.
l ,
used only in Phil. i. 3 : —
Acts xii. 5.—
PI. — U U t l o f , Acts i. 14, &c.:— def. ] V • V>1", 1 Tim. v. 23.— I I 7. I Ethpeel
^¿Ul, Tt
r e m a i n e d
once in Imperat. pi.
Q-LkplZf, Col. iv. 2. ~
7 T>
(S. John iii. 18)
I n this form the
characteristic ¡"] of the Heb. Hiph. p f i N H is retained, and the 1st radical changed to Yud.
Usually followed by
; but
sometimes immediately by the noun, as in S. Mark xvi. ] 1: A
S. Luke xxiv. 11.
Pret. 3. sing. fem. 'ZulCuOl, S. Luke i. 45—
2. sing. AilQ^CTI, S. John xx. 29, &c.—1. sing. A T*V) .01, Acts xvi. 15.—3. pi. Q_iSq_, I1 1»V ) ,01, S. John iv. 2 1 : — P I . CLlkL.Ol, ch. x. 38, &c Inf. Q - l i O i O a l n X ch. T. 44 Part. ,rnV> v e r . 50, below, 7
and frequently.
(-LLq^OtId, ch. xx. 2 7 : — F e m .
form) ch. xi. 26, 27: — D e f .
] ] f i o s k . c n i o , Acts xvi.
(same 1.—PI.
S. JOHN I. 7—9. Ver. 7.
masc. ^ i l^fl .cnlo, ver. 12, below;—combined with ^ 1 . 1 i 1V) .CTllo, ch. iv. 42:—Def. jikL.C7iiO, Acts viii. 2, &c. ^ i 7
Part. pass. _Lq_.(TILd, one loho is faithful,
in whom trust is
reposed, S. Matt. xxv. 23; S. Luke xvi. 10.—Def. (1 .Clio, S. Matt. xxiv. 45; xxv. 21, 23; S. Luke xii. 42. Used also in def. state as a substantive, an Eunuch, Acts viii. 27, &c.—Fem. (same form) 1 Tim. i. 15 :—Def. "j A i
.mVi, Acts xiii. 34.
masc. def. ] i V> .mVn, S. Luke xvi. 11, 12.
As a substantive,
S. Matt. xix. 12.—PL fem. ^ i k L c J l k ) , 1 Tim. iii. 11;—Def. 1> i '-n .rn^n Rev. xxi. 5. Heb. Hiph. (as above) Gen. xv. 6.—Chald. Aph. p^Vl, Dan. vi. 24. 8.
Part. pass. ch. ii. 4 5 ; vi. 5.
commonly regarded as identical with the
Gr. word which it here represents.
But its etymology as com-
pounded of . r + w is evident from its meaning in ch. x. 10, except, unless—Gr. 9. —
— — —
—^"j ]]], ¿av ¡xrj, ch. iii. 27.
Gr. yap ; and, like it, never begins a sentence. \
|5;_»?, of the truth, i.e. the tine Light—Gr. (to N s \ , into the world—eU TOV KOCT/XOV. Def. (with pref. prep. X ) of (ch. iii. 15), noun masc. primarily signifying a long or 7.
indefinite world,
space of time—eternity
Lat. mundus. Rom. xvi. 25.
(al. e0»w), Rev. xv. 3. W. C.
(alu'iv, Lat. cevurn); then the 1», S. Matt. vi. 13.
Gr. o /3acrtXeus TWV ayiuiv 2
s. JOHN I. 9—11.
Ver. 9. 10.
Heb. Q ^ i y , Ps. xxv. 6.—Chald. *
perpetMitij, Dan. iii. 33.
, knew Him—avrov. ..eyva)—Pret. 3. sing, (with aff. 3. sing. 7 (ch. iv. 1) knew, understood. For tlie rule of the
masc.) of
* X
vowels, see Phillips's Gr. § 48; Cowper § 102. Pret. 3. sing. fem. ' A L ^ , S. Mark v. 3 3 ; S. Luke vii. 37.— 7 ' / 7 2. sing. Ai,-», with aff. S. J o h n xiv. 9:—Fem. , S. Luke *x *i 7» * xix. 44.—1. sing,
S. J o h n xvii. 7; S. Luke xvi. 4.—3. pi.
Q-Cu, * I S. John vii. 26, &c.—2. pi. ^ * X Gal. iv. 9: with aff. S. J o h n viii. 55.—1. pi. S. J o h n iv. 42, &c Fut. V J , 'i * S. J o h n vii. 51, &c.:—Fem. - •
S. Matt. vi. 3.—2. sing. *
S. J o h n xiii. 7 ; S. Luke i. 4.—-1. sing.
S. Luke i. 18.—
3. pi. ^QAjJ, Rom. L 28:—with aff. S. J o h n xvii. 3 ; S. Luke ix. 45:—Fem. ^ I j j , Rev. ii. 2 3 . - 2 . pi. ^QAiZT, S. J o h n viii. 28, 32, &c.—1. pi. v£j, 1 Cor. ii. 12; 1 S. J o h n v. 20
VSJ, Hebr. viii. 11:—PI. Q A j , S. Matt. xxiv. 33, 43
Inf. with
S. J o h n xiv. 5
ch. i. 31:—Fem.
ch. iv. 10 ; coalescing with S. Luke xix. 42.— O 7 7 v o 1 PL masc. ^ • \ • , ver. 26, below: coalescing with v 1 ' t '• v ch. iii. 2;—with v c/J"j, ^ A j - s J , 2 Cor. iii. 3.—Constr. .'.' Syl, Rom. vii. 1 For the part. Peil, see note, S. Matt, xxvii. 16. Heb. JH» (very frequent)—Chald. Dan. ii. 8, &c. 11.
m ^
\ , to his own—€ts rd IS la—Prep. X , prefixed to
a particle
compounded of j (or «_»>, Chald. CTin
O , received Him—avrov..
aff. 3. sing. masc. ) of
.irapiXaftov—Pael pret. 3. pi. (with
^Lo, demanded of a person, with aff.
. »1
n , Acts xxv. 21.
part. ^XlLo, Rom. xi. 2.
S. JOHN I. 11, 12. Ver. 11. Opposed himself,
fut. ^ Q n Q j , Rom. viii. 33.—Pa.
iii. 3 3 ; S. L u k e ix. 11), took, received, accepted.—Pret.
3. fem.
'AILclO, 1 Tim. v. 10.—2. sing. A X ^ I O , S. Luke xvi. 25.— 1. sing. A V o n ^ S. J o h n x. 18.—3. pi. q X c l O , ch. xvii. 8.— 2. pi.
\ n n , S. Luke vi. 24.—1. pi.
A c t s xxviii. 21.
S. Matt, xviii. 5; xix. 29, &c.—Fem. , , \ o n L , n
H e b r . xi. 11.—2. sing. ^ A o Z , 1 Tim. v. 19;—Fem.
. NnnZ, ^
S. L u k e i. 31.—1. sing. ^ A o f with aff. 2 Cor. vi. 17.—3. pi. ^ q X c l Q J , S. M a r k xii. 40; S. L u k e xx. 47; with aff. S. J o h n vi. 21.—2. pL
o l , ch. v. 43.—1. pi. W n n i , Gal. iv. 5
Imperat. ^ A o , S. Luke xvi. 7.—PL o l A o , S. J o h n xx. 22; S. Matt. xi. 14 Inf. n \ A o V > \7 S. J o h n vii. 3 9 ; with aff. (pleonastic) ch. xiv. 17.__Part. ^ c i Q l D , ch. iii. 32, &c. Fem. } l n a l O , Hebr. vi. 7.—PI. masc. . \ 1o o V n J S. J o h n iii. 11, 0 7 7 , 7 &c,—Coalescing with v 1 k ' , ^ i . \«-i A c t s xxiv. 3 :—with ^oAj], ^oAjJ^CIQId, Col. iii. 24
P a r t . pass. W n i i V l , used as
a n o u n ; see note, S. Luke iv. 19. Heb. Piel S ^ j ? , Prov. xix. 20.—Chald. Pa.
Dan. ii. 6 ;
vi. 1; vii. 18. 12. — —
* \ -1, they, as many •n
(as)— ocroi — Demonstr. pron. pi., usually
followed (as here) by j . r
same as the Gr. Se, used in the same way and signification,
vGiJLj, He gave — IScoxev—For the peculiarities of this verb, see " Phillips's Gr. § 40 (9); Cowper'a Gr. § 113 (6).—A verb defective in t h e F u t . tense and Inf. Mood, which are supplied by the verb , found in these two forms only. See note, ver. 22, 7 below. Pret. 3. fem. ' A c o u , S. Mark vi. 2 8 . - 2 . sing. A c o r l , •n S. J o h n xvii. 2, &c.—1. sing. AjOOT_i, ch. xiii. 15; xvii. 8, 14, 2 2 . - 3 . pi. a ^ C T U , S. Matt. xv. 3 6 . - 2 . pi. ^ A a o i l , S. Matt. r y xxv. 35, 42.—1. pi. —^CTL», Acts xxi. 7, 19 Imperat. ^ c n ,
S. JOHN I. 12.
Ver. 12. S. John iv. 15, ¡J2, fifty years old, S. Jolin viii. 57.
j f f l \LiL . i 1* • 7 7
twelve years old, S. Luke ii. 42.
« » T O , those of the household, viz. all but the heads of the family, father and mother, S. Matt. x. 25, 36; xxi v. 45; S. Luke is. 61. i i i n , sons of the free, i.e. the free, S. John viii. 33, 36; S. Matt. xvii. 26. ]iooiQ_£
.—i 1
sons of relationship, i.e. kindred, S. Luke i. 58.
l Z u o l ^ i 1 n , acquaintance, S. Luke ii. 44. sons of the city, citizens, S. Luke vii. 12; xv. 15; xix. 14. - o T ..7 [.V).V> . i f i ,
sons of the people—nation, S. John xviii. 35.
, the son of peace, i. e. one worthy of your favour or regard, S. Luke x. 6. OlAiui ¡¿2, the son of his time, i.e. in that very hour, immediately, Tt
S. John v. 9; xiii. 30; S. Matt. xiii. 5, 20; xxi. 20. Similar phrases occur in other parts of the N . T.; as, ^OCTiZqjlSoo]
and cnZ(Lllco] • -
a son of their craft, or
occupation, felloio-craftsman ; fellow-craftsmen, Gr. ¿/xorexvos, ojnoTCXVOI. Acts xviii. 3, and xix. 24, 25, 38. I'Z.]
• i i n , sons of the place, i.e. they of that place, Gr. oi «VroVtot, Acts xxi. 12.
|i 1*1 . » i n , grandchildren, Gr. tK-yova, 1 Tim. v. 4. —7 aiw—Def. of i o ? (Acts xvii. 26.) noun masc. Blood—Takes with aff. 1. sing, and 2, 3. pi. the vowel of its abs. state, as * i Vi?, ch. vi. 54, seqq.; S. Matt, xxvi. 28, &c.; ^OCllO?, S. Luke xiii. 1. Heb. Ps- xciv. 21. T
• £> £> H f» • t A f » Ii 11 » of the will—eK uzXyjiiaTos—Def. of ^ > noun masc. Will, good pleasure. W i t h pref. adv. willingly, sud sponte, *k 7 o Gr. ¿Kovaa, Eom. viii. 20.—Constr. ^OC7T_*_21_3 i by the ^ « 7 o •»» will of their soid, willingly, 2 Cor. viii. 3.—PI. with aff. - • i • my desires, will, Acts xiii. 22.—R. I s ^ , willed.
" j ^ m o j , of the flesh—o-apxo's—Def. (with } of the gen.) of ;cr>o T, "71
5. Heb. Def. —
");•-> ^
T •
i^HO, S. Jude ver. 7. Gen. vi. 13; Ps. lxv. 3.—Chald. Dan. vii. ch. ii. 11; iv. 9.
of man—avSpos—Def.
(with j of the gen.) of ¡—i ^
A man, and man, i.e. the male sex in general.—PI. def.
Acts i. 16, &c. (chiefly in poetry) Ps. xxxiv.
Dan. ii. 25; v. 11.—PI. p 2 ; I , def. Heb.
was strong, prevailed—Syr.
ch. iii. 8, 12.
Ethpe. or (Ethpa.) I
showed himself strong, Imperat. pi. Oj-CL^.], quit you like men, 1 Cor. xvi. 13. —
OjJXjZ], were bom—eywij&rjaav—Ethpeel
pret. 3. pi. of ¡^i»-», gave
S.. JOHN I. 13, 14. Ver. 13. birth
(ix. 19), was
V-»-»> ch- viii. 3 8 — 3 . pi. o i u , ver. 39, below, &c.; F e m . .-»{-kj, S. Mark xv. 47 &c.—2. pi. ^oAjI-w, S. J o h n v. 37, &c
cli. iii. 3 . —
2. sing. li-wZ, ver. 46, 50, below.—1. sing. "|i->->'f, S. Mark x. 51 — 3 . pi. ^ p W J , ^
S. J o h n vii. 3 : — 2 .
below;—1. pi. ch. vi. 30 7 &c.;—pi. Cl_>o, ch. iv. 2 9 : — F e m . Inf. Part. o
ver. 39,
Imperat. «—>!-••->, ch- ^ii- 5 2 '< o i S. Matt, xxviii. 6
S. Matt. xiii. 1 4 ; pref. \ ver. 33, below;
S. Matt. xi. 7, 8, 9, & c . —
ch. iv. 1 9 . — P I . masc. 7 7 r ch. vi. 2, &c,:—coalescing with ^ 1 ^ 1 >V-*->, ch. ix.
4 1 ; — w i t h •>. . J S. Luke viii. 42. * X Heb. T I T ) Gen. xxii. 2.—R. TiV, was united. -T ~T ^-iO), which (is) from , noun masc.
the Fath&i
This noun (like
Gr. irapa Ilarpos—Def. of ,
brother, and jlCLu, fatherin-law) takes in the sing. O before all affixes, excepting that of 1. sing, in which 7 is changed to p , thus :—- , my father, ch. ii. 7 * * "i 16:— * thy father, ch. viii. 19] «—»OIQ^d], his father, ver. 18, b e l o w ; — c n a o | , her father, iv. 1 2 ; — y o u r
ch. viii. 4 4 ; — v a o | , our father, ch.
ch. viii. 38;—^CCTICLC) |,
father, S. Matt. iv. 21.—The pi. has two forms; masc. ^ o x o ] , .. 0 -7 ^ I CTLO|, S. Luke i. 17, patres naturales-,—and
i T>
fern. def. I Z ^ T , s . J o h n v i i . 22, patres spirituales. According to Amira, this distinction extends to the singular, the first being distinguished by Ruchocli ( l ^ l ) , and the second by Kuschoi (tel). Heb. Ps. ciii. 13; Constr. lxviii. 6.—Chald. 3 X , with aff. VtfSN, Dan. v. 2.—PI. JJ-ftX, with aff. Dan. ii. 23; Ezr. iv. —
15; v. 12.' UiOJ, which (is) full
but masc. see note above, ver. 1)— wXifpijs—Part. Peil (pref. rel. > with 7 before a vowelless consonant) of I l k ) , filled. Here, as throughout the N". T., in immediate construction with the following word.
, ch. xxi. 11;
Acts xvii. 16; S. James iii. 17.—Constr. A r \ y > ; S. Luke i. 28;
S. J O H N I. 14, 13. Ver. 14.
Eph. iii. 1 0 . — P I . masc. .
S. Matt. xiv. 20, Ac.—Constr.
i V n , 2 S. Pet. ii. 1 3 . — P I . fern.
V n
1 S. Pet. i. 22.
F o r t h e verb itself, see note, S. J o h n ii. 7. -l>, 7 7 |Ln n i ( j , grace—Gr. x°-PLT0^—Def. of 0,*~i > £ (Rom. iv. 4) fem. Favour, and
beneficence. truth—Gr.
(-¿, Pa. -•"> • •h
xal akyjOtLa's—Def.
n o u n masc. Truth.—PL
(pref. O) of Z.O •
_ > A j Q - Q , n o t occurring i n the N . T. i
p ^ ' p , P s . lx. 6 ; Prov. xxii. 21.—Chald.
D a n . iv. 34, 15.
of a truth,
ch. ii. 47.
JOXCD, bare witness—¡j-aprvpei—Verb P e a l pret. Was a witness, testi_ -n n fied. Pret. 2. sing. Z.JCT1ED, ch. iii. 2 6 . — 3 . pi. OJCJLCD, A c t s vii. 5 8 . — P u t . ; m m i S. J o h n ii. 2 5 ; — 2 . sing. 3 NV) noun fem.
, of His fulness—IK
Dan. vii. 24.—Fern. def. ver. 8. k
. 7
TOV TR\r}pw/J.a.TO.
Occurs in the N. T. only
S. JOHN I. 16, 17.
Yer. 16. once elsewhere, with aff. fem. CJl'Zo » V o , its filling up, i.e. that which is put in to fill it up, S. Matt. ix. 16. R. lllD, P a . >,jl V n , X
filled. — —
_j_kj, we, all of us; all we—jj/acis T r a v r c s — , pron. 1. pi.— .7 * For , see note, ver. 3. 7 7 ^ —CICDJ, we have received—iXafiofitv—Pret. 1. pi. of I ' l f f l 1 (oh. xiii. 30), took, obtained, bore away; cut o f f , S. L u k e xxii. 50.— U/j]
S. Matt. xxii. 25.—"With
j a f (pref. »£> pleonastic) l a l o . n m 1, assumed * "" - »7 «
. i nrai,
played the hypocrite;
whence part. pi.
S. Matt. vi. 2, ¿ c
P r e t . 3. fem. 'Z'AcQJ, S. L u k e vii. 37; xiii.
21.—2. sing. A r ^ m J , 1 Cor. iv. 7.—1. sing. Aoffl.1, S. Matt. xxvii. 9; S. Luke7 xiv. 20.—3. pi. masc. C l I T l T, 7S. Matt. xvi. 7, *• *k &c. Fem. r »- • o r m , ch. xxv. 1, 3.—2. pi.7 "^N/ i n m 1, ch. x. 8 P u t . . ^ w i , S. J o h n vi. 7.—2. sing. .nfflZ., S. M a r k vi. 18.— 1. sing. vDBDf, Phil. iii. 14.—PI. ^ n m i , S. Matt. xvi. 5 . - 2 . pi. ^o r u s7Z , S. J o h n xvi. 24.—1. pi. . n m 1, S. 7Mark vii. 2 7 — I m perat.
S. Matt. xviL 27, &c.—PI. OTUCD, ch. xxv. 28, &c.
S. J o h n iii. 27, &c
Part, o m i ,
S. J o h n iv.
36, &c. Fem. j r i m j , S. Mark ii. 2 1 . — P I . masc. • » nCfi 1, I S. Matt. xvii. 24, &c.—Coalescing with , - L w , v T i n m 1, 1 S. .\
, for, answerable to—avri—Preposition,
in the room of, S. Matt. 7 * K ii. 22.—Takes affixes of nouns masc. pl. as . i ^ y» 7 .0 for Me... for thee, S. Matt. xvii. 27. — ^jOIO ^ i N k>, for him, S. L u k e ii. 2 7 . — ^ a ^ j - S u L ^ , for you, S. Mark ix. 40 because, S. Luke
? iINu,
44 R. Pa. changed, exchanged. 7 f l , noun, used as a of prep. Numb,(1xviii. IflDOlcU,Heb. the, &Law—o vo/xos—Def. JXQlOJ Cor. 21, ix. 31. 21) noun masc.
Law. —PI. def. j m o V n , Acts xxxi. 3.
S. JOHN 1. 17, 18. Ver. 17. —
, i *">, by, through, lit. at the hand of—Sia—See note, ver. 3.
OOT_»Z1, was given—¿8odrj—Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of »SCL» , gave.— Pret. 3. fem. - ¿ ¿ a i l l f , oh. vii 39; S. Mark vi. 2.—In Hebr. viii. 6 the Vien. and some other Editions read 'ZoCLaZ').—3. pi. masc. CLOCTL.Z'i > Hebr. i i 4:—Fem. . . P a u l ] , 1 Cor. ii. 12 X
S. Matt. vii. 7, &c. Fem. . . ^ m .27
X ,,
xii. 39; without
S. Luke xi. 29; Eph. iv. 19
S. Matt.
S. Matt. xxi. 43; S. Mark viii. 12; Inf. n^v-n , XM n \ ; S. Mark xiv. 5.
—Part. ^CTuZ'io, S. Matt. x. 19.—Fem. ]rjOllA&, ch. xvi. 4. X
—PI. masc. ^jjOCruAkJ, 1 S. John v. 16. —
]-»>• i • V), the Anointed, Christ—Xpicrros—noun masc. def. The MesX 7 . " 7 1 " • » Vfi siah. Of form part. Peil of anointed.—| .n» a false Christ, Antichrist, 1 S. John ii. 18, «fee.—PI. def. | ^ . x
S. Matt. xxiv. 24.
Heb. h ^ ' i S . Dan. ix.:—with a£f. Ps. ii. 2, &c. ~ •T iooAio ,-io no man ever, at any time—ouSeis mou-ore— JsOoAIo, IsOoAiO ^ V), SnriAViVij ever, sometimes.
Preceded or
followed by ]], never, in various forms; as : 1.
^OOAIO ,.£> }T, S. Matt. xxi. 42; S. John v. 37; Gal. v. 16.
S. Luke xv. 29; 2 S. Pet. i. 10. S. Luke xv. 29; xix. 30; S. John viii. 33.
lOoAk^C |T, S. Matt. xxi. 16; S. Mark ii. 12, 25; S. Luke xxi. 34; S. John vii. 46; Eph. v. 29; 2 S. Pet. i. 21.
]Ti>00Ak£D, S. Matt. vii. 23; ix. 33; x x v l 33; Acts x. 14; xiv. 7.
the Only-begotten God—Gr. o /¿ovoyevijs uios. 0 X ]*~)0 S*~i, in the bosom—eis TOV KOXITOV—Def. (with pref. prep, i d ) of OCLl», noun masc. Bosom. S. Luke vi. 38.
PI. def. focLi., with aff. .«•>*> • —-n v
S. JOHN I. 18, 19.
Ver. 18.
• • v A « | , He hath declared—efrjyr/craTo—Ethpael )JL»,
smeared over, smoothed—Ethpe.
self, was delighted. x. 7.
pret. 3. sing, of
. > s A j ] , delighted
Inf. n • vA »
to play, Gr. ira%uv, 1 Cor.
Ethpa. delighted {others) by discourse, narrated,
hack news.—Pret.
3. pi. O .
Acts viii. 33.—1. sing. j i A ^ I , ch. xxviii. 20
M U ,
S. Mark y. 1 9 . — P I . ell-»)]
Heb. n y K '
S. Mark v. 16, &o
'jvA .
j i / a ^ O , Acts xiii. 41.—PL
S. Matt. xi. 4 . _ P a r t .
1 S / l i V i , ch. xv. 3, 12.
smeared over; of the eyes, was closed, dim,
Isai. x x x i i 3. 19.
«_»C1 I'OTO ,• and this is—KO.1 avrtj ItrrLv—|?CT1 (always thus pointed when alone, as below, ch. iL 12), Demonstr. pron. fem. vjCI , person, pron. fem. here supplying the place of the subst. verb, and therefore losing its own vowel and taking the linea occultans. Pronounced with the preceding word as one, Hodoi.
— — —
OlZ.OjG"LED, the record, lit. his record—rj fxaprvpia—See note, ver. 7.— The affixed pronoun is pleonastic, referring to the following noun. 7 ¿D, when—ore—Conjunction. 77 . o5,_», they sent—amuTti\av—Pael pret. 3. pi. of (Peal not used) 7 7 . ' \7 7 Pa. ?,_» (iii. 17.) Sent, sent forth, sent away—Fut. S. Matt. 77 " hr xiii. 41.—1. sing. 5,-» | , S. Luke xx. 13; with aff. S. J o h n xvL 7. •X 7 77 —3. pi. vCjj-a-l, S. Matt. xxi. 34 Imperat. S. Mark v. 12. «. » 7 , .7 7 Inftn. « V r > \ S. Luke iv. 18 Part. 3, m V), ch. xiii. 20, 1 77 7 7 17 below.—PL • V), coalescing with • V), Acts xxv. 27. . -n .- p no * " » (JOIO, priests—iepds—Pl. def. of ,01D, def. (JTIO (S. Luke i. 5) noun masc. A priest. Heb. Ps. ex. 4, and very frequently.—Chald. | n . 3 , def. Ezr. vii. 12, 21.
. .rn . in\]
PL def. K ^ H S , ch. vi. 18, &c.
that they might ash him—to ask him—Iva. ipvn-qa-tixTiv fut. 3. pl. with aff. 3. sing, (used as a subjunctive
with pref. }) of
, asked, sought for,
(ch. iv. 52) questioned, demanded.—Pret.
intransitive.—Pa. 3. pl. a i r . , ch. ix. 19.
S. J O H N I. 19, 20. . 19. — F u t .
with aff. ch. xiii. 24; xvi. 30.—1. sing.
with aff. S. Matt. xxi. 24, &c —PI.
ch. ix. 21, 23
xxii. 46.
Part. V V f - ^ ,
S. John xviii. 21.
Inf. a l f J V l ^ , with aff. S. Matt.
S. John xvi. 5, &c.—PI.
.\]«V), *
S. Matt. xii. 10. Heb. Pi.
begcjed, Ps. cix. 10.
A j I , v:ho art thou?—cn) ti's tT;—
A j ] , pers. pronoun; standing, in the second instance, for the subst. verb. pron. inteiTog. of the person.
Of the thing, S. Luke viii. 30.
Followed by J it becomes a relative, S. John iii. 2. Chald.
-JO, Dan. iiL 15; Ezr. v. 3, 4, 9.
jo")o, and he confessed—koI uS/xoXoyijcrc—Aphel pret. 3. sing, of ],_» (not used in Peal).
Pref. O, to which the first vowel is remitted.
Aph. « - » j o ] , confessed, 'professed, with « O of the object, S. Matt, iii. 6; x. 32.
Gave thanks to, with X , S. John xi. 41.—Pret. 3.
fem. A l j o f , S. Luke ii. 38
Fut. "jjOJ, S. Matt. x. 32; S. Luke
xii. 8.—2. sing. I j o Z , Rom. x. 9.—1. sing, "jjo], S. Matt. vii. 23; x. 32
Inf. n
Eph. i. 16
Part, " ¡ j o i o , S. John xi. 41;
S. Matt. xi. 25, &c.—PI. masc.7 ^ - . j a L o , S. John xii. 42, &c.— 7 7 ** 1 Coalescing with v * • ? n V n , 1 S. John i. 9. Heb. Hiph.
confessed, Ps. xxxii.
Chald. A p h .
K l i n , praised. Part. X 1 H 0 , contr. X I t o , Dan- ii- 23; vi. 11. N7 . B . For verbs doubly imperfect, see Cowper's Gr. § 129. ;_2L2, denied—ypnja-aTo—Verb 24.—Pret. 2. sing.
Peal pret. Denied ; refused, Hebr. xi. Rev. ii. 13; iii. 8.—3. pi. 0^213, A c t s
vii. 3 5 . - 2 . pi. ^ ¿ ¡ A d , ch. iiL 13, 14 x. 33, & c . — 2. sing.
Fut. 3CL2L2J, S. Matt.
S. John xiii. 38, &c.—1.
S. Matt. X. 33, &c.—1. pi. i a s m l , Acts iv. 16 Part. f f X » ^213, S. Luke xii. 9.—PI. masc. •; ^ c h . viii. 45.—Constr. 7
iii. 2.
refusers of (thanks), unthankful,
Gr. a^apicrrot, 2 Tim.
S. JOHN I. 20, 21.
a l j , that I am not—on ovk el/A lyw—p | , personal pron.; 7 in t h e second instance supplying the place of the subst. verb, and forming the pres. tense of ] c o i .
See Phillips' Gr. § 33.
and they asked him—/cat TjpwTrjcrai> avrov—Peal
(or Pael,
see below) pret. 3. pi. (pref. O and aff. 3. sing, masc.) of (S. Matt, xxvii. 58) asked, requested.—Pret.
3. fem. • A i U , S.
L u k e i. 40.—2. sing. Z ' X U , Hebr. x. 6 . - 3 . pi. C l ^ U , S. M a r k ix. 15.—2. pi. v. 15
S. J o h n xvi. 24.—1. pi. ^ A U , 1 S. J o h n
S. J a m e s i. 6:—fem. • • V[ - ^ S. Matt. xiv.
7 . - 2 . sing.
S. J o h n xi. 2 2 . - 3 . pi. ^ o S ] • 1, S, Matt,
xviii. 19.—2. pi. ^cAUZ.*, S. J o h n xiv. 13, &c.—1. pi. S. M a r k x. 35
(in phrase) Tit. iii. 15; 3 S. J o h n
ver. 15. Fem. . . V j i , S. M a r k vi. 22.—PI. c A ^ i , S. J o h n ix. 21, 23 (Vienna,—others read c A p » , Pa.) xvi. 2 4 ; S. Matt. vii. 7, &c
« V A , S. J o h n xv. 7
«fee.—Coalescing with Fem. &c.
ch. iv. 9,
j 1 S , ] j , I ash, desire, Eph. iii. 13.—
S. M a t t . xx. 20.—PI. masc. Coalescing with
> V]
S. Matt. viL 11,
1 » V(-», Eph. iii. 2 0 : — w i t h
^ o A j A U , S. M a t t . v. 47.—PI. fem.
Rom. xvi. 16; 1 Cor.
xvi. 19. The phrase frequently occurs \ (or enquired after the peace of, i. e. saluted, in various forms and persons ; see S. M a t t . v. 4 7 ; x. 12; S. L u k e i. 40. N . B . The affixed pret. forms O l X U (ch. xviii. 19), . . m n \ ] » (as above), . » l n \ ] j (Acts xxviii. 18) are commonly regarded as Peal.
thing asked, e.g.
is intransitive, or transitive only as regards the 1» n 7 ... -A • OT^^SJ he asked—i.e. asked for
—the body of Jesus. So in t h e F u t u r e forms with affixes, t h e meaning is, asked a person for a thing, i. e. asked a thing of a, person, the object being t h e t h i n g asked for:—e.g. . . a—m •
. ^
petet ab eo, S. M a t t . vii. 9, 1 0 ; S. Luke xi. 11, 12:—so also
S. JOHN I. 21, 22.
Yer. 21. . . 1 .
S. Mark vi. 23: — . »mn . \ | ver. 24; * * — X ^ 0 1 . l o V j l Z», s . Matt. vi. 8;—• . i i n \ ] «7* s. John xiv. 4.—
— —
Such pret. forms therefore, as, with affixes, have the same vowels in Pael as in Peal, and signify questioned, or demanded of—the direct object being the person asked or questioned, should be regarded as Pael. Compare S. John iv. 52; ix. 19, where this is the meaning, and the verb clearly Pael. Heb. Ps. ii. 8.—Chald. Dan. ii. 10, 11, &o. "; —r OOZ., again—(this is not in the Gr.) Adverb: again, besides; yet, ch. xvi. 12. ] 1V), whatl—rt;—Interrog. p
pron. usually of things.
Its simplest
form is _ ! o , which occurs once, S. Luke i. 29, in the form of Q-ll0 = 0C7l ,_Lo. Such is the reading of the Vienna and many 7 O X *9 O Editions: others read CLllO = CCT1 ( j J u . — I t is joined both with masculines and feminines, as may be seen, S. Mark i. 27.—When
. . .
«« »
joined with prepositions it becomes an adverb; as, |_li£LO, with, what, how? xiL 5. — —
S. Matt. v. 13. — ] i
i *~iCTl, therefore, X )
\ n ; and on the day which (was) after it, i.e. the next day—Gr. ry ¿iravpiov—Pref. O with 7 before a vowelless consonant; and prep. X , marking the time at which an action is performed; as Lat. ad diem insequentem. * . . i 9 7 pDQ_j, def.* of ¡>OQ_», * »noun masc. A day, occurring in the expressions bCCU ,-Lo , day by day, 2 Cor. iv. 16; 2 S. Pet. X i* »» * • ii. 8 . — o r ^OO \ \fly every day, daily, S. Matt. xxvi. 55, &c.—The pi. has a masc. form &c.—Def.
VVnr> i
S. John ii. 19, 20,
Gal. iv. 10.—Constr. . V V)Q-I, S. Matt. ii. 1,
&c.;—and a fem. def. ]ALoq_» (S. John ii. 12), which is joined with masc. verbs, 5Z.O, and two—KO! Svo—Cardinal numb. masc. Pref. O with
• .rnn_ . V o \ 7 ^'•n of his disciples—IK
a vowelless consonant. affixed pron.) of from,
def. 1, taught.
See note, ch. vi. 7. T_J, Hebr. -X x. 2 4 ; xii. 2 Imperat. 26
Acts iii. 4 ; iv. 29.—PL o5q.>j, S. Matt. vi. 1,
Part. 5 [jo (pron. Khoyar), x
S. Mark v. 32, &c.—Pl. masc.
with A of the object, Gr. irpocrSoKiSvres, S. Luke viii. 4 0 : 7 7 X O 0 9 —coalescing with 2 Cor. iv. 18.—Fem. —
20. j^OliOS. Luke yO, iv. walking,
as He walked—Gr.
S. J O H N I. 36, 37. VER. 3 6 .
• •» 7
(CH. V. 9 ) .
PRET. 3. PI. O O A O L , ACTS XVI. 6 ; HEBR. XIII. 9 .
— 2 . PI. ^OANSFJL, COL. III. 7 ; VCZ-.CCN ^OAAXCJL (PLUPERF.), EPH. II. 2 . — 1 . PI. ^OSCJL, 2 COR. XII. 1 8 ; 2 THESS. III. 7
S . JOHN XI. 1 0 . — 1 . SING. ^ O L F , 2 COR. VI. 1 6 . — 3 . PI. ^O^NCTLJ, S. MARK XII. 3 8 . - 2 . PI. ^RHNGLZ, EPH. IV. 1, &C.—1. PI. ^ C T U , ROM. VI. 4 , 1, S. J o h n iv. 50, &c.—Fem.
ver. 16,&c.—PL masc. oJ^T, S. Matt. ii. 8, &c.—Fem. ^ ch. xxv. 9, &c Inf. S. J o h n vi. 67, &c. forms are of very frequent occurrence. Heb.
Most of these
Prov. xx. 14.—Chald. S t X , Dan. vi. 19; Ezr. iv.
23; v. 8, 15. —
^OCXlX, pers. pron. dat. pleonastic, after verb of motion. See Cowper's Gr. § 198 (6).
^Q-e—») C7l5Ai3, after Him
that (is) Jesus, i.e. after Jesus.
For t h e
pleonastic use of pronouns, see Phillips, Gr. § 55: Cowper, § 198. 38.
. . i
and He turned, Himself-—Gr. o r p a ^ a s Se—Ethpeel sing. (pref. O, to which the first vowel is remitted) of returned.
Ethpe. Was turned, turned himself.—Pret.
•A-LjJiZf, ch. xx. 14, 16.—1. sing. A . \ O - J L a Z T , Acts ix. 35; xi. 21.—2. pi.
aSeX^oi—def. Takes affixes after the
(see ver. 14, above), e.g. - • »• |, my brother,
S. John xi. 21; J.IL.1' thy brother, -7 S. Matt. v. 23, 24; (fern.) S. John xi. 23; ^-JOIQ-KJI, their (fern.) brother, ver. 19.— PI. ^ l l i f , def. U»T, ch. xxi. 23. Heb.
Gen. iv. 2 (very frequent).—Chald. ¡~!K> with aff.
Ezr. vii. 18. 41.
Trpwros—Adverb, formed by prefixing
to the
constr. state of ] i 0 j 0 - 0 , the front part (opp. to "|5AcorD, the bach ' 7 -x • part) and transposing o . — i O t . C Q A _ i O , formerly, sometime, 71 7 *. * Eph. v. 8.—VJj-. isOj^JOA He foreknew, Rom. viii. 29.— X * . * . V n n r> \ ^Vp, first, Gr. irpwroe, Acts xxvi. 20.
w. c.
S. JOHN I. 41, 42.
V e r . 41.
we have found
(aff. pleon. and followed by i i of 7 +T,
t h e object)—^vp^xa^ev—Pret. 1. pi. of valent to
| (ver. 43, 45) equi-
with 1 prosthetic, Found.
P r e t . 2. sing. Aj.t
R e v . ii. 2 :—Fem. « - i A j o ^ » " ) , S. L u k e i. 30.—1. sing. S. M a t t . viii.•x 10.—3. 7 -*pi. O j ^ L . ] " S. M a t t . xvii. 1 6 ; xxvi. 60, — 2 . pi.
•." . |
^ J o » ! " ch. xvii. 19
ch. xxvi. 4 0 — w i t h aff. ch. ii. 8. — 1. pi. Fut. . . ^ « y
xi. 1 3 : — F e m . (without final *
^ O j o ^ U l J , S. L u k e ix. 12 Fem. ]
^ -
. „x . o . P n
S. M a t t . 7 att. S. M
S. M a t t . viii. 28; S. M a r k -a7 S.-nM a r k iv. 3 2 . - 3 . pi.
ver. 46, b e l o w : —
xii. 43, 4 4 ; xix.
7 ix.
xi. f*
coalescing with
^ 1 »uT«V),
Eph.'iii. 4.—PL
ynA . . . i . O i ,
S. J o h• n
S. J o h n xiv. 5 ;
22; with
J o h n iii. 9. N.B.
These forms are b y some regarded as a n irregular A p h e l
conjugation. The part. Peil is regularly
pi. fem.
o ..i ix> ,
present, 7 2 S. P e t . i. 8. • "> » | , in the above tenses, with "" its part. also signifies could, ivas able; and is t h e n followed, either
1. 2. 3. 4.
By By By By
the the the the
Inf. with pref. ^ (S. J o h n iii. 2); or F u t . w i t h pref. J (S. J o h n iii. 3); or F u t . alone (S. J o h n i. 46) ; or Participle (S. J o h n v. 19).
T h e first two constructions are b y f a r the most common. T h e part. fem. | kv Possible, and w i t h
« Vi is sometimes used as a n adjective,
Chald. A p h . n a ^ ' n , found, 42.
C7I-»AJ|O, and he brought him—xat
S. M a t t . xix. 2 6 ; xxiv. 24, &c. Dan. ii. 25; vi. 6, 12; Ezr. vii. 16. yyayev avrov—Aphel
pret. 3. sing.
(with affixed pronoun, a n d pref. O, to which t h e first vowel is remitted) of
Came.—Aph. (ch. xix. 39), Caused 1 " 7 come, led, brought. — P r e t . 3. fem. -A->A_i], w i t h aff.
to 7
S. JOHN I. 42, 43. . 42.
S. Matt. xiv. 11.—1. sing. A^A^f, S. Mark ix. 17.—3. pi. O^A^f, x x S. John ii. 8.—Fem. v l ' ^ f , S. Luke xxiv. 1.—2. pi. ^ A j A ^ f , 1A 7 Acts xix. 37; with aff. S. John vii. 45 Fut. |A_i_J, Acts ix. 2, •J»
&c. — 3. pi. rOAuJ, ch. v. 21, 2, ver. 2 8 — 7
S. John xx. 27.—PI. o A j f , ch. ii. 8
n .A . < . n \
S. John x. 16 ; S. Mark vi.' 55
S. John xv. 5.—Fem. "[IA.i.Vo, ch. xii. 24; S. Mark iv. '28.— ,
PI. masc.
Acts iii. 2.—
Chald. Aph. TIV7, Dan. v. 3, 23 ; vi. 17, 25. l ^ o Z Z Aj"), thou shalt be called—en) KX-qd-qa-Q—Ethpeel fut. 2. sing, of ~ 7
Called. Ethpe. »_»;_oZ] (ch. ii. 2), Was called, read.
Pret. 3. fem.
• ¿ J ^ l ' f , Acts i. 19; Col. iv. 16.—2. sing. ¿ U ^ o Z ] ' 1 Cor. vii. 21.—3. pi. a - i j l o Z ] ' Acts xi. 2 6 . - 2 . pi. ^oA^TiZl' 1 Cor. i. 9 Fut. I ^ o A j , S. Matt. ii. 23, etc.—Fem. l ^ o Z Z , Col. iv. 16.— 1. sing. l^oZ"}* 1 Cor. xv. 9 . - 3 . pi. ^ ¡ - O A j , S. Matt. v. 9.— 2. pi. ,C>;_oZZ, S. Matt, xxiii. 8, 10
Part. l^oA^b, S. John xi.
54, &c.—Fem. ^ ¡ ^ A k j , ch. v. 2, &c.—PI. S. Matt, xxiii. 7, &c. , Cephas—a stone—Kty^as—Noun,
here used as a proper name.
See note, ch. ii. 6, below. 1^3«, willed, would—i}6iX.r]crev—Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Willed, de7 . sired, was ivell pleased.—Pret. 2. sing. A »,.*")>, Hebr. x. 5, 8.— 7
I. sing. A_i_0», S. Matt, xxiii. 37, &c.—3. pi. CIO», S. John vi. -X 7 -J 7 I I , 21, &c.—2. pi. ch. v. 35, &c.—1. pi. ^ i Acts xvi. 10;
1 Thess. ii. 18
J , S. Luke x. 22.—
1. sing, l i ^ l , Pom. vii. 18.—3. pi. ^ Q ^ J , Rev. xi. 6.—2. pi. ,CL^tj-y S. John xv. 7 ; Acts xxiii. 15, Gr. SiayivuicrKeiv, such is the reading of the Vienna and some other editions ; while others read ^Q^oZ, from ]
enquired, investigated.
S. JOHN I. 43, 44.
Ver. 43.
2 Cor. viii. 10, 11; Phil. ii. 13 Part, » p o &c.—Fem. | > ,rw , oh. iii. 8, &c.—PL masc. 7 7 » Coalescing with
S. J o h n v. 6, 21, o » n » , ch. y. 40, &c.— • *A 1
, ch. xii. 21, &c.—with ^O/. J | ,
S. Matt. vii. 12.—PI. fem. ^ » n ^ , 1 Cor. xiv. 35.—
^A •
V * , Chald. X ^T i 'f , Dan. iv. 14, 22, 29 ; v. 19, 21. —
to go forth—iv—Infin.
(with pref.
43), Went out, 'proceeded forth.
7 o * (ch. iv.
W i t h (jjOj, defended
pleaded his cause, Acts xix. 3 3 ; ,S. Luke xii. 11 (where some editions, including the Vienna, read
v CLQ£jZ,—others
v O O a Z7. ) Pret. 3. fem. ' ^ A s u , S. J o h n xxi."23, &c.—2. sing. A r > ° n , ch. xvi. 30.—1. sing. A q s j , ch. viii. 42, &c.—3. pi. Q-Q»U, ch. iv. 30, &c.; Fem. .„ i f i P l I , S. Matt. xxv. 1; S. Mark xvi. 8.—2. pi. ^ L d S U , S. Matt. xi. 7, &c.—1. pi. , - o A j , Acts xvi. 13, .fee
Flit, - n n g i i , S. John x. 9 ; S. Matt. ii. 6:—Fem.
« _ » _ O a S . Matt. xii. 43.—2. sing, ¿ j o a l , ch. v. 26; S. Luke xii. 5 9 ; Fem. ^
Acts xvi. 18.—1. sing. t O a a | , S. Luke
xiv. 18.—3. pi. ^ a r u a j , S. Matt. viii. 12 (Gr. ¿k/Ui^Voi'tcu) ; xiii. 4 9 ; S. J o h n v. 2 9 . - 2 . pi. 1. pi. « 0 0 2 U , Heb. xiii. 13 Fem. • •
v a_a£>Z,
S. Matt. xxiv. 26.—
Imperat. £ 0 2 , S. Mark i. 25, &e.
ch. ix. 25.—Pi. QjOO£J, S. Matt. xxv. 6, &c
Part. »QjQJ, S. John x t . 26, &c.—with
Acts xxiv. 10
(here UjOj); xxv. 8 ; xxvi. 1, 2, 24 :—Fem. -h x p 5, &c.—PI. masc. ^ • o
S. Matt. iii. » a *#
S. Matt. viii. 28, ,V),
S. J o h n ii. 1.—Constr. A L i ^ O , S. Matt. iv. 5.—PI. ^ J - ^ O , 8. Luke viii. 4.—Def. i L L ^ O , S. Matt. iv. 25, &c.—
S. JOHN I. 44—46. Yer. 4 4 .
I n p h r a s e , j j - i j i o j - L . / n n , in every city, T i t . i . 5 . — R o o t vp? v5, judged. Heb.
a province, E s t h . i . 1 . — C h a l d .
the same,
D a n . ii. 4 8 ^ 4 9 j ¿ c . 45.
v - » O i n \ s « ^ A d j 0 0 1 , He of whom...did write—Gr. oV typmpe—Verb ~
P e a l pret. (the pref. J t a k i n g 7 before a vowelless consonant), Wrote.—Pret. 1 . s i n g . A o A o , c h . x i x . 2 2 . — 3 . p i . aoAo, Acts x v . 2 3 . - 2 . pi. ^ o A ^ A o , 1 Cor. vii. 1 . — 1 . pi. ¡ . C i A o , A c t s x x i . 25 F u t . i O O ^ i J , 2. s i n g . » O O A o L-n, S . J o h n x i x . 2 1 . — 1 . s i n g . ^ o A ^ I * S . L u k e i . 3 . - 2 . pi. ^ a o A d L , 2 C o r . iii. 1 . - — 1 . pi. Imperat. . ^ o A o , S. "Luke xvi. 6 , 7 I n f . S. M a r k x . 4 1 T h e s s . i v . 9 , jA1^, under the earth, Phil. ii. 10.
is a preposition, Tinder, and takes affixes of the plural; as,
2.Gl*jL 7
, under me. Heb. n n n , uwier,
Dan. iv. 9, 11.
Ps. x. 7, &c.—chaid. n n f l ,
S. JOHN I. 4 8 - 5 1 .
Yer. 48.
"\LL, X
fem. the fuller form of which.
PL def. (masc. form) |j|Z, S. Mark xi. 13;
S. Luke vi. 44; or }j)Z, S. M a t t vii. 16. Heb. 49.
HJXj 7 !,
Gen. iii. 7.
r •• ;
noun masc.
(aff. pleon.)—o'
¡ 3 a < n \ a h — y S ± Q
(Hebr. vii. 1, 2)
Def. ^ L l l O (S. Johniv. 46).—PI. • .
S. Matt. ii. 6, Heb.
i.e. the fruit.
I*15- x -
16,—and very frequently.—Chald. def.
i oT SIs -, Dan. ii. 4, &a. 50.
Z j ] ^Vn _
;—Part, with pronoun, form-
ing present tense 2. sing.—See note, ver. 7, above.
greater things—¡iu£w—Adj. pi. fem.*(pref. j , introducing an assertion). The comparative degree expressed by the following See Phillips, 7 7_Lo. 7 1 " . 7Gr. § 22; Cowper § 188.
def. fo5o5, 1 Cor. i. 1.—Chiefly used in the pi.
2 S. Pet. ii. 11. Def. ( a i ' o j , S. John xxi. 11, &c.—PI. fern! def. lA^j'OJ, S. Matt. xxiv. 24, &c. Hence the adv. , p . j greatly,
Acts viii. 2, ¡fee. The root
>n*~l3 (Heb.
m a n y ,
occurs only
increased) i
in the reduplicated Pael (Palpel) form «¿d5o5, in which the first is changed into O; and its pass. Ethpalpal »o5o5Z.|, was magFut. 3. sing, and 1. pi. k O j O j A j , Phil. i. 20; 2 Cor. x. 15.
51. —
verily—dfiyv—A 7 V of _Vo|, was constant.
—tl£>\, ~ P
f r o m
particle of asseveration ; properly part. Peil See note, ver. 7, above. hereafter—aif
5 introducing
an assertion.—]_»1.A£J, Rom. iii. 13.—PL fem.
Acts ix. 8.
Heb. nn-3, Ps. xxxix. 10.—Chald. ¡102, part. Peil ( T H S . Dan. vi. 11; vii. 10. —
^ C T i a o i l i o , and the angels (affix pleon.)—koX tovj ayye'Aovs—y. y 7 def. (ch. v. 4) noun masc. An Angel.—PL def. ch. 7
xx. 12, &c.—The root (j^P) exists only in Ethiopia
Heb. T j ^ S f i , Ps. xxxiv. 8, &c.—Chald. ^ t f S f t , with aff. Dan. iii. 7 28; vi. •23. V ' —
> p| \ m j^D, ascending—avtt/3atVoi/ras—Part, (marked as such by ,D) pi. masc. of > f l \ r o (ch. ii. 13), Went up. This verb in all its forms, except 7 ft Peal pret. and part, active, 7 and Ethpaal, drops i
Pret. 3. fem. 'Z f i N m , Acts i. 26—1. sing. A n V r n , S. John xx. 17.—3. pi. n n ^ m , ch. vi. 22, &c. xv. 41.—1. pi. v f ) N m , Acts xxi. 2,6,15
Fem. • V nV'm^ S. Mark Part.
S. John
vi. 62, il'c. —Fem. j f A m , S. Mark iv. 32.—PL fem. ^ o S i i , S. Luke A c o j , He was raised, taken up, Acts i. 2,xxiv. &c. 38—Ethpaal . n N 7 7 Chald. pSD, Dan. ii. 29; vii. 3, 8, 20; Ezr. iv. 12.
S. JOHN II. 1—3.
CHAPTER Yer. 1. "]A\2.}, the third,—lit.
vjhich (is) three—-rfj rpiT-Q—Cardinal number
masc. (see ver. 6, below) used for the ordinal.—Fem. A S i , ch. xiii. 38, &c. Heb.
Chald. H n S f i , masc.
Ezr. vi. 15. a banquet—lit.
a drinking;
ya'juos—Noun fem. def. Compare —
specially, A
R. IAjp, drank.
Estk. i. 3, &c.
OtLd]o, and the mother (affix pleon.)—kcu 77 ¡irj-njp—|So"| (S. Matt. x. 37) noun fem. def. A mother. x. 30. Heb. E X , Ps. xxvii. 10.
PI. (irreg.) ]Zorio"|, S. Mark
thither, ch. xi.
15; S. Matt. ii. 2 2 . — ^ I d I I ^iD, from thence, ch. iv. 21; v. 26.— ^ ¿ ¿ 5 ( 7 1 , lo, there! S. Mark xiii. 21; S. Luke xvii. 21, 23. Heb. BE*.—Chald. H/3i"l, Ezr. v. 17; vi. 1, 6, 12. T
and also—8e k c u — , conj. Also—The prefixed O.—It forms compounds; as
vowel remitted to the k£l] (or
ch. viii. 14, &c. but, even, at least, ch. xiv. 11; S. Mark vi. 56; S. Luke xix. 42.
At least, yet, 2 Cor. xi. 1 6 . — I l a f , not even, ch.
i. 3, a b o v e . — ^ - J - k ^ ] , we also, 2 S. Pet. i. 1 8 . — ^ X a ] , to us also; us also, Rom. iv. 24; 2 Cor. iv. 14. —
N.B. The next word, OOI, may be regarded either as pleonastic, or reciprocal ( = ipse), or as representing the Gr. art. o. ckl, to it, sc. the feast. X with aff. 3. sing. fem. and here pleonastic, |0C1
7 referring to the following noun. ' • and there was wanting—Gr.
with w. C.
f V ko.1 *vaTcpyja-avTO'; iolvov)—O
before a vowelless consonant.—Verb Peal pret. 3. sing, 7
S. JOHN II. 3—5.
Ver. 3.
(with ] o o i forming the imperf. or pluperf. tense), Was deficient, lost, suffered loss.—Pret. 1. sing. / ; m > • Phil. iii. 8
Fut. ¡XQjj-3, 7 y S. Matt. xvi. 26, &c. Fem. (without final u ) ¡ m .../ J S. Luke xxii. 32.—2. pi. ,Oi-CQjjZ, 2 Cor. vii. 9 Part. ; m - S . Luke xv. 1 4 V 7 Pael jXQ-»->, wronged, occasioned loss, with aff. Philem. ver. 13. Heb. "lDn> was lacking, suffered want, Ps. xxiiL 1; xxxiv. 11.
— P i nDPt, Ps. viii. 6.— —
7 1" I^LQjo, wine—Gr.
V o'vov—Noun masc. def.
Deut. xxxii. 14; Isa. xxvii. 2.—E.
def. X ^ f o n , Ezr. vi. 0 ; vii. 22; Dan. y.
1,2,4,23. —
Transl. and His mother saith to Jesus, lit. to Him, to Jems. I f i o l , part. fem. for present tense; see note, ch. i 38.— c n S , pleonastic.
- • ->\o . . \
what have I to do ivith thee?—lit. what to Me and to
thee1—tC ifioi kcu croi;—jib, interrog. pronoun, used of the thing. woman—yvvai—Noun
fem. def.
A woman,
¿ A j f , S. Matt. xiv. 3; S. Mark vi. IT, 18. Pl. (anomalous) S.'Matt. xi. 11, &c. Heb. n & X for t
Gen. ii. 22, 2 3 . — ( K B . T
I n Syr. L takes
the place of and Nun, which in Heb. is compensated for by Dagesh, is retained with the linea occidtans.)—PI. D'iJ'J-—Chald. (not occurring in the Bible) N f l t f , def. { W l t f or N n D J X T
¡ m
not yet—ovttu>— yet, €Ti, Acts ix. 1.—Compound x* „ I• of until, and ^ • ->, inseparable particle. 7 a ' ' * 1 ¡jlov—p*-», 1° * ^xA^», my hour—-q o 7 prepos.) of • '-D (S. Matt. xx. 26), noun masc. def. A servant, minister;
Fem. def. form ] À j
S. JOHN II. 5, 6. 7
Ver. 5. —
deaconess, Rom. xvi. 1.—Root Pa. ministered, from the 7 it part, of which (m it is formed. it 7 0,1 do—Trotifcrare—Imperat. pi. masc. of . *-> (ver. 11, 15), Did, •n * performed, worked, committed, made war, brought forth fruit, celebrated a feast:—a word of very frequent ..7 -n occurrence in these and kindred meanings. Pret. 3. fem. L, S. Matt. xxvi. 10, &c.— 2. sing. S. Luke ii. 48; iv. 23.—1. sing. ¿ j n S , S. John iv. 2D, 39, &c. —3. pi. O j A i , ch. v. 29, &c.—2. pi. Av S. Matt. xxv. 40, 45, &c.—1. pi. S. Matt, vii. 22, &c Fut. , -T>i S l , S. John vii 17, &,c. Pem. _ , Ä i . Z 1», S. James iii. 12. —2. sing. , n \L, S. Mark x. 35, &c.—l. sing. .T-.], S. John iv. 1» 1» 34, ], there were—rjaav—Imperf. 3. pi. fem. of ]oai. See note, ch. i.11.
S. JOHN II. 6.
Yer. 6.
U - ^ f ) waierpots—vhpiai—PI. fem.
A bowl, basin, pot.
def. (of masc. form) of l i - ^ ;
Occurs in the N. T. here and in the
next verse, only. Heb. J5X, pl—
Isa. x x i i 21.
of stone—Gr. \ldivai—Def. fem.
A stone, rock.—PI.
(S. Matt. xxiv. 2), noun
(of masc. form)
S. J o h n viii 59, &c. Heb. — —
used only in pl. Jer. iv. 29; Job xxx. 6.
Lm, six—If—Card. 0
def. ^
numb. fem.—Masc.
S. Matt. xvii. 1.
i TO;, which (were) set, 'placed—Gr. xeifievat—Part. iOQXD JxiCD (ch. xix. 19), Put, placed, imposed;
Peil pl. fem. of ordained, con-
stituted; destined; gave a name; laid a foundation.—Pret. 2. sing. AV)TO, S. Luke xix. 21; with aff. S. J o h n xx. 15.—1. sing. Z'nCO, S. Luke xix. 22; with aff. S.x John xv. 16.—3. pl.# nViTO, S. J o h n xix. 2, 29, «fee
Fut. s-n . m i (as from a verb ^ S ) , S. J o h n xv.
13, &c.—2. sing. iO_iSS>L, Rom. xiv. 13.—-1. sing. S. Matt. xii. 18, «fee.—3. pl. . Q k u j 3 a j , S. Mark xvi. 18, &c.— 2. pl. ^qLd^SDL, S. Matt. vi. 19
Imperat. Is)» TO, S. J o h n
xviii. 11, &c.—PL qIOjJ23, S. Matt. vi. 20, &c 1 Cor. iii. 11; 2 Cor. xii. 14
Inf. SaomViN,
Part. ^O^m, S. Luke iv. 40, &c.—
Pl. . . V ) . TO, S. J o h n xviii 18, &c Part. Peil i o . j . i a , S. John •> " xix. 29, &c. Fem. p£UXD, S. Luke vi. 48; xvi. 26.—Pl. masc. 1
• Vn . to, Heb. —
S. J o h n xx. 5; S. Luke xxiv. 12:—-Coalescing with i . Vn . m^ 1 Thess. iiL 3. and WW, Gen. ii. 8.—Chald.
Dan. iii. 10, 29;
v i 15, &c. for (according to, after the manner o f ) the purification— 1 "' Kara, tov KaOapia-jj-ov—Noun fem. def. (with pref. prepos ) A cleansing, purification.—R.
ILd ».—7?, noun fem. def. Purity, D.
I¿ Q - l S i
ivas pure.
Whence also
sincerity, 1 Cor. v. 8 ; vii. 7, &c. - ¡> [> -X
(J, filthiness, Rev. xvii. 4. — (^.20), noun masc. def.
S. JOHN II. 6. Ver. 6.
Hebr. i. 3, & c . — a d v .
sincerely, Phil. i. 17; 2 Thess. ii. 10. —
pi. fem. (pref. J, which marks 7 ~r the participle as such, and takes the first vowel) of | (S. Matt. xiv. 3), Laid hold of, seized, caught, possessed, held,
shut, S. Matt. vL 6;—with aff. S. J o h n viii. 20.—Pret. 3. fem. A-kj], ch. xxi. 6; S. Luke vii. 16; viii. 37.—1. sing. ¿ f j o | , Hebr. viii. 9.—3. pi. Oyj^l, S. Matt. xxi. 35, 39, &c.; with aff. pleon. S. J o h n xviii. 12: Fem. ^-»^jj], S. Matt, 7xxviii. 9.—2. pi. ^oZ.jjj), V with aff. S. Matt. xxvi. 55.—1. pi. S. Luke v. 5 Fut. S. Luke xiii. 25: Fem. _}Q_m]Z, 1 Cor. vii. 2; 2 Tim. ii. 17.—1. siug. 3Q_kj I, with aff. Philem. ver. 13.—3. pi. 1 Tim. iii 9; with aff. S. J o h n vii. 32, &c.— 2. pi. S. J o h n xx. 23; with aff. . . i•X in,->' S. Luke xxii. 52 ch. xxvi. 48
dropping the first rad. ], -x
Imperat. JQ-»~»|, S. Matt. vi. 6.—PL OjQ_»j|, - ,]f , S. Matt. xii. 11, &c Part. Peil i » _7 S. Luke xi. 7; often used actively, S. Mark xvi. 8, &c. Gr. cpuv
Hebr. i. 3; , ».>0]
7ravTOKpariDp, 2 Cor. vi. 18:—Fem. {. » (act.) S. Matt. viii. 1-1. 1 7 1 i —PL masc. _ S . J o h n xx. 19, 23, 26:—actively, S. Matt. 7 7 1 . 17 1 xiv. 5, &c.: coalescing with ^ , • • • |, P o m . iii. 9, &c.— Pl. fem.
1 kj |, S. Luke xxiv. 16.
Heb. THX, P s . xlviii. 7. — T —
»$Z, two apiece—Gr.
ava ovo—Distributive,
expressed by re-
petition of the numeral. —
o ]7, or—rj—Conjunction,
0 distinguished from the interjection o],
by the point above it. N.B.
"When o]7 follows an adjective, it marks the comparative degree; as S. Matt. x. 15; xix. 24; S. Mark v i 11; x. 25; S. Luke x. 12, 14; xv. 7; 2 S. Pet. ii. 21.—As the Gr. r,, it is
S. JOHN II. 6—8.
Yer. 6.
used also as an adverb of interrogation, Nurnl) see S. Matt. vii. 9; xii. 29 j xx. 15. Heb. IX, 2 Kings ii. 16.
^ i N*"~>3, firhins—ixerp-qras—PI. of
noun masc. def. A liquid
measure probably the same as the Jewish reckoned -= about 7J gallons. 7.
-which is usually
See 2 Chron. iv. 5 and L X X . there.
nV 7 f i , Jill—ye/xtcrare—Imperat. was full;
pi. of jBl i o (S. Mark xv. 36), Filled, was completed, of time, S. Luke ii. 21.—Pret. 3. fern.
Z t l i o , S. Matt. xiii. 4 8 . - 3 . pi. n V n , in this verse, next clause: —Fern. . ' . ' V p , Acts vii. 30
Fut. UiOJ, S. Luke xvi. 21:—
Fem. (without final •_>) )Hn7 (to) draw i. e. to Jill her vessel with, water, S. John iv. 7.—2. sing. UioL, with aif. Acts iL 28.—3. pi. ^O V m ,
S„ John xL 19 (where see note)
Infin. jIf l i n T\i n X ,
S. Luke xv. 16._Parfc. i l i b , Acts xiv. 16.—PI. masc. 1 Thess. ii. 11 (but probably to be referred to reading is faulty
or the
Part. Peil |Ik>, see note, ch. i. 14, above.
Heb. n S D x S f t , Gen. L*22.—Chald. x S f i , Dan. ii. 35. .H TT "T T: ! > accusat. pleonastic. Transl. lit. Fill them, the water-pots (with)
water. i? r , up to—ems—compounded until', S. Matt. i. 25.
of ]lD + ,-i.;—followed by j ,
to the top, to the brim—?_*_>5, the beginnings of the months, i. e. the new moons, Col. ii. 16. Heb.
, Gen. iii. 15, and very frequently.
the head, Dan. iL 38.
The sum, amount, eh. vii. 1.—PI. p ^ X " ! ,
ver. 6; Ezr. v. 10. the feast.
ÜSToun masc. def. A reclining ; company of recliners,
Gr. KXicrla, S. Luke ix. 14:—Room or place for
xiv. 8.—Stability, stedfastness, Gr. crr^iy/xoi, 2 S. Pet. iii. 17.— PL
repeated with a distributive force, by companies,
in ranks, S. Mark vi. 39, 40.—Def. ]nLOCD, S. Matt, xxiii. 6; 7 S. Luke ix. 14; xiv. 7; xx. 46.—R. up.
reclined, propped
S. JOHN II. 9, 10.
"Ver. 9. ioi^, he tasted—Gr. eyeva-ara—Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Tasted.— Pret. 3. pi. QioLl, Hebr. vi. 4, 5.-2. pi. ^Mn'v/, 1 S. Pet. ii. 3 Fat. ^oL^J, S. John viii. 52.-2. sing. ¡>aiJ^L, Col. ii. 21. —3. pi. ^-ov S. Matt. xvi. 28, &c. —1. pi. ^ol^J, Acts xxiii. 14 Part. Peil » Acts xxvii. 33. Ethpeel ¿L], was grafted q. A was made to taste the sap of the'stock—Pret. 2. sing. AV) S ¿If, Eom. xi. 17, 24 Put. ^OL^Aj, 1. sing. ^O S ¿¿f, ver. 19.—3. pi. ^oVis'/Aj, ver. 23, 24.I_Aphel grafted.— Fut. ^Q^J, ver. 23.— Heb. D^'Ps. xxxiv. 9.—Chald Djftp, Pa. Dan. iv. 22; v. 21.— 7
— 001, Demonstrative—here representing the Gr. article. — ^QJCIj, who themselves—PL (pref. relat. 5) of 001, he, himself. — ^QJ |, Pronoun accus. pi. masc.—Pleonastic, referring to the following Uii. to the bridegroom,—Gr.
tov vv[i. one who takes any one's daughter in marriage, Ps. xix. 6.—R. jnn, 9 °> daughter in marriage—Part. jnh> xviii. 1. 10. > father-in-law, l i ,when, after Exod. that—orav—5 taking the vowel of the following wo7rd, to which it is prefixed. • i they have well, sufficiently, drunk—/xeOvo-dwcri—Aphel pret. 3. — CLj05|j, pi. of |05, Drank his fill, was intoxicated—Aph. with the 7 1 . same signification. A MS. reads Q_»O5J, Peal pret. 3. pi. Heb. Hiph. T¡"fl"Vl> watered copiously, Isa. Iv. 10. n"p •' . — ^-ij-jOI, then—Tore—Adverb of time. See note, ch. i. 51. x 7 x 7 , — which is worse—TOV iXaa-crw—(pref. j) adj. Small; less 7 1 > in size or value.—\\ i \ n j-n-Ci, Gr. a-n-o /¿epous, (he hath grieved) 1 1 -• in part (all of you), 2 Cor. ii. 5.—Def. the least, S. Matt. -PI -J ^7 v. 19; Fem. ch. ii. 6. Form of part. Peil from '
S. J O H N II. 10, 11.
Ver. 10. Decreased.
"Whence also
noun fem. def. A small thing,
1 Cor. iv. 3; xi. 17. —
hast kept (pron. pleon.)—Ter-rjpT]Kas—Pret. 2. sing, of
7 (2 S. Pet. ii. 5), Kept, guarded, watched, reserved.—Pret. 3. sing. fem. 'L-J^l, with aff. S. John xii. 7 . — 2 . sing. L-J^J, R e v . iii. 8, 10.—1. sing.
S. John xv. 10; xvii. 12, C7I it E O
JCT1, as in the preceding verse, and
ch. i. 19. -rroAAa;—Adj. used adverbially, as Lat. paulum. Lit. light, little. ' See note, ch. vii. 33, below. 13. |001 «¿Xi^DO, and ..icas at hand—«at lyyvs rjv—-*"1 , adj. Near, nigh at0hand, x 7 nearest. Of form part. Peil of »Si-Q, was near.— a few, not many—Gr. ov
_ *
Def. • ;, used as a substantive, One who is near, a neighbour, S. Luke x. 36; and with affixes, as ver. 27, 29, &c.—Fem. ("*» »; Acts ii.
10, &c.: coalescing with i » ^ i » n n J Gr. irapovres, 2 Cor. x. 11.—Dei Eph. ii. 13, 17.—PL fem. .¿Q, S. Mark i. 38, Dan. ii. 8. ' :T N.B. The Editions vary in their reading of this passage; thus, 1.
^ i 1
and found
those that bought, is the
reading of the Vienna Edition, Tremeliius, aud H u t t e r : — 2.
,>-tt-i « ] n J and found o those that bought,—De la Boderie, Paris 4to:— x
in the temple
]laj v ^ »*| n , and found
^ . \