Chair Yoga for Seniors, Beginners & Desk Workers

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS FULLY ILLUSTRATED What are the benefits of chair yoga? (In just over 5-6 minutes of simple st

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Table of contents :
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


How to Use This Book

Chapter One:  Breathing Techniques (Pranayama)

Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

Ocean Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama)

Cleansing Breath (Kapalbhati)

Bellows Breath (Bhastrika)

Breath Retention (Kumbhaka )

Cooling Breath (Sitali)

Hissing Teeth Breath (Sitkari)

Chapter Two:  Warm-Up Exercises

Chair Mountain Pose (Chair Tadasana)

Seated Neck Rolls (Kantasanchalana)

Chair Cat-Cow Stretch (Chair Marjaryasana Bitilasana)

Pelvic Tilts/Circles

Foot and Ankle Stretch

Seated Shoulder Rolls

Seated Side Bend Pose

Sun Salutations

Marching Flow

Knee Swings

Chapter Three:  Our Specialized Introductory Program  for Absolute Beginners

Breathing Exercise

Warm Up Your Body

Upper Body Exercises

Assisted Neck Stretch

Up-Down, Right-Left (Eye movement)

Wide Smiles

Shoulder Shrugs

Elbow Extensions

Arm Circles

Hand pulls

Wrist Extensions

Torso and Lower Body Exercises

Seated Forward Bend

Single Leg Stretch

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

Chair Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Leg lifts

Seated Knee Hugs

Seated Heel Raises

Toe raises

Standing Chair Warrior I

Cooling Down

Cooling Breath (Sithali)

Final Relaxation and Meditation

Chapter Four:  Our Dedicated Intermediate Program

Cleansing Breath (Kapalbhati)

Seated Head Tilt

Close/Open (Eye Movement)

Open wide (Mouth movement)

Shoulder Rotations

High Altar Arms

Finger Extensions

Wrist Rotations

Eagle Arms (Chair Garudasana)

Extended Side Angle

Standing Forward Fold

Seated Twist

Chair Pigeon Pose

Knee to Chest Pose (Eka Pada Apanasana)

Chair Goddess Pose (Chair Utkata Konasana)

Cross-Legged Side Bend

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Quad Stretch

Feet Point and Flex

Calf Stretch

Cooling Down

Cooling Breath (Sithali)

Final Relaxation and Meditation

Chapter Five:  Our Exclusive Advanced Program

Breathing Exercise

Seated Head Circles

Eye circles

Sides-to-sides with Lower Jaw (Mouth Movement)

Shoulder Swings

High Altar Side Leans

Upside-Downside Finger Extensions

Seat Lifts

Intense Side Stretch (Parsvottanasana)

Chair Boat Pose (Chair Navasana)

Chair Goddess Twist (Chair Parivrtta Utkata Konasana)

Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)

Cross-legged Twist

Advanced Hamstring Stretch

High Lunge


Raised Knee Balance

Tippy Toes

Cooling Down

Cooling Breath (Sitkari)

Relaxation and Meditation

Chapter Six:  Beginner Program for Osteoarthritis of the Hands, Knees, and Hips

Breathing Exercise

Hand pulls

Finger Extensions

Wrist Extensions

Elbow Extensions

Shoulder Shrugs

Hands on Shoulder Rolls

Seated Forward Bend

Knee Swings

Single Leg Ankle Circles

Cooling Pose: Legs on a Chair (Savasana Variation)

Final Relaxation and Meditation

Chapter Seven:  Intermediate Program for Osteoarthritis of the Hands, Knees, and Hips

Breathing Exercise

Alternating Arm Raises with Weights

Shoulder Rotations

High Altar Arms

Wrist Rotations

Seated Knee Hugs

Raised Knee Balance

Opposite Leg and Knee Lift (Vyaghrasana Variation)

Sit to Stand

Seated Twist

Final Relaxation Pose



Chair Yoga for Seniors, Beginners & Desk Workers

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  • Chair Yoga, Reduce Pain, Improve Health and Muscle Strength, for Seniors, Beginners & Desk Workers 5-MINUTE DAILY ROUTINE FULLY ILLUSTRATED
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