Bodyweight Training: Achieve Maximum Growh in Strength and Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises 2708969098

20 Bodyweight Exercises With Images For Muscle And Strength Gains Start Your Journey to Achieving Fitness When on the p

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Table of contents :
Bodyweight Training: Achieve Maximum Growh in Strength and Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises
Table of Contents
Chapter One – Chest and Back Bodyweight Training
Chapter Two – Shoulders and Arms Bodyweight Training
Chapter Three – Legs Bodyweight Training
Chapter Four – Core Bodyweight Training
Chapter Five: Full Body Bodyweight Training
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Bodyweight Training: Achieve Maximum Growh in Strength and Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises

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Bodyweight Training: Achieve Maximum Growh in Strength and Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises Jonathan Bukowski ©2015 Jonathan Bukowski

Table of Contents Introduction Chapter One – Chest and Back Bodyweight Training Chapter Two – Shoulders and Arms Bodyweight Training Chapter Three – Legs Bodyweight Training Chapter Four – Core Bodyweight Training Chapter Five: Full Body Bodyweight Training Conclusion

Introduction Often times when one thinks of fitness there are several things that will put them off. The first could be a negative body image, where they imagine people will be watching and whispering, the second could be time, especially how to fit gym time into a busy schedule, and the third could be finances. Going to the gym can seem expensive, you must pay for your membership, purchase gym clothing and shoes and find one that meets all your needs. Getting fit does not mean that you need to spend any money in the gym. You can get the same benefits at home, completely free of charge and on your own terms. That is what this book is talking about as it addresses bodyweight training. Bodyweight training is a method of exercise where you do not use loads of gym equipment to get your workout results, rather you use the body of your weight alone so that you can build muscle, tone your entire body and lose weight.In addition to this, bodyweight training is also excellent for building endurance and maintaining discipline. With bodyweight training, you do not have to attain a certain level of fitness to try the exercises and enjoy the benefits. So whether you are overweight or obese, or have an athletic, well maintained body, you can still get massive benefits from these exercises. Bodyweight training exercises are incredibly versatile, so you can improve on the level of difficulty as you go along. For example, you may start off with the classic push up, and within no time you may be able to master the one armed push up. This type of exercise is forgiving, allowing you to set your own pace.

This book is aimed at not just providing you with information on bodyweight training, it will also equip you by describing the basic exercises you can start that are simple to follow, and that will guarantee results. There are a total of 20 exercises that are described in this book, and these exercises include the classics and the modern. Read on if you would like to learn about the secret and free ways that people are keeping fit today.

Chapter One – Chest and Back Bodyweight Training When you begin to work on strengthening and growing your muscles, you will quickly realise that no group of muscles really works in isolation, they are corrected in so many ways. For example, when doing a push up, you will use your shoulders and arms, leg muscles, core ad back muscles. However, only a particular set will really get a significant work out. For this reason, the chest and back muscles are grouped together when you are working out. Here are four bodyweight exercises that will work your chest and back together. The Classic Push Up An exercise regime would be deemed incomplete if the classic push up was not incorporated. This is one of the most well known bodyweight training exercises. It is often done in schools and perfected with more practice over time Once one has the classic push up down to an art; then a whole load of variations begin to take centre stage. To do this bodyweight exercise, begin by lying flat on your stomach on a firm surface. Then elevate yourself as you put your hands shoulder width apart. Have your feet firmly flexed at hip distance and tighten your abdominal core muscles. Next, you should bend at the elbows until your chest reaches the ground and then before you can lie down, push yourself back up. For you to see a positive effect on your muscles, you should aim to complete at least three sets of ten push ups each day. You should see a difference in

your chest and back muscles, and your core muscles will also thank you as time passes.

The Reverse Fly

This is the only chest and back exercise here that will incorporate a little physical weight. The weights, however, will not be expensive dumbbells or barbells, neither will they be significant enough that you have to consider taking a deep breath before you lift them. Basically, you should take two cans of soda or bottles of water, and that will do. You will need one for each hand. To begin this exercise, you will need to stand up straight and while finding your balance, place one foot in front of the other, maintaining the front knee in a slightly bent position. Next, you should have your palms facing each other. Suck in and tense your abdominal muscles. You will then require to bend forward slightly from the waist and extend your arms out to the side, all while squeezing your shoulder blades. You can then do at least 10-15 repetitions of this exercise. To visualise this exercise, imagine yourself as a superhero about to take flight.

The Contralateral Limb Raise

The name explains what this particular exercise entails. You will be doing something contrary or opposing the norm of the lateral platform. This is another exercise that starts off from the lying down position. To being, you should lie on your stomach with your arms outstretched and the palms facing each other. Your next move should be to lift one arm slowly several inches off the floor, and making sure that it remains straight without rotating the shoulders. For this exercise to be effective, your head and torso should be as still as is possible. When you have your arm straight and raised, hold that position for at least five seconds. You can then lower your arm and repeat the same exercise and movements with the other arm. This is an exercise that builds up your muscle based on your endurance ability. It is great for working the chest and back, and can be modified to include leg movements for a full body type of training.

The Pull Up

When it comes to giving your upper body a full workout, then pull ups are a great option. As well as working out the chest and back muscles, they also work the arms. In fact, they work eight major muscles from the aforementioned body regions. To do this exercise, you will need a bar in your home that is high enough for you to pull yourself effectively up. It should also be strong enough to support your weight. If you do not have one of these readily available, you could always go to a public park and use the jungle gym. Doing the pull up correctly could save you from sustaining an injury. You should start by hanging on to the bar with your palms facing away from you. Adopt the dead hang position which is when you make sure your arms are fully extended but your shoulders are not too loose. Grip the bat at a shoulder width distance and keep your legs either crossed at the ankle or completely straight. It is once you have set yourself up like this that you can raise yourself steadily up. You should raise yourself up until your chin has completely cleared the bar and then slowly lower your body until you are back in the dead hang position. You should start off with at least 10 repetitions.

You can work your chest with a combination of endurance exercises as well as those that need repetitions and sets.

Chapter Two – Shoulders and Arms Bodyweight Training The result of excellent weight training is beautifully toned biceps and triceps that look great when flexed. When someone has well developed arms, he or she are commended for working out well and achieving result. It is possible to develop and tone the shoulders and arms as well using bodyweight training. In fact, using your existing body weight is not only a great way to get toned up, but also easily sustainable as your body takes the necessary time to develop its actual muscles. In this chapter, four bodyweight training exercises that are meant to grow and strengthen the muscles are to be discussed and these are: The Arm Circle

The shoulders and arms are inevitably connected so it only makes sense that when working out, they should be trained at the same time. Of all the arm exercises in this section, the arm circle is the one that fully embodies what it means to work the arms and the shoulders.

This is an excellent exercise for strengthening the muscle as well as for toning. If you are a person who is trying to lose weight on their arms or even get rid of bat wings, then this is the right exercise for you to do. To get started, make sure that you are standing on a firm surface, with your legs slightly apart. Extend your arms by your sides, ensuring that they are perpendicular to your torso. Once you have found your balance and can stand in this position comfortably then you are ready for the next step. You should then slowly make clockwise circles that are around a foot in diameter with your arms. Continue making these movements for approximately fifteen to thirty seconds. Once you have completed the time, repeat the very same movements, but this time, moving in a counter clockwise direction. If you would like to achieve faster results, especially with increasing your muscle size and strength, then you should carry out this arm circle exercise with a bottle of water in each hand, as the weight resistance will likely make your muscles work just a little bit harder.

The Boxer

Boxing looks like a dangerous sport, where one may hurt someone or get severely hurt by someone should they choose to indulge. However, boxing makes for an excellent workout, with lots of movement and strategy coming into play. If you are looking to work your arms and shoulders, doing the bodyweight exercise known as the boxer is an ideal way for you to not only have fun, but actually have some physical results to show for it. Begin this exercise by standing with your feet a hip width apart and have your knees slightly bent. Make sure that you are able to maintain your balance in this position. Next, you should keep your elbows in. Imagine the stance that you see on boxers before they take a punch and do your best to emulate that stance. Now it gets exciting. Extend one of your arms forward and the other arm to the back. Try to do this in a relatively swift movement. Then hug your arms back in and switch arms. It is best to do this while visualising yourself in the ring. This exercise will work on your biceps and shoulders the most.

The Triceps Swing

This is the first exercise that focuses on one core muscle in the shoulders and arms category. The triceps are often the forgotten arm muscle when people are weight training and bulking up. However, should this muscle not receive the attention that it receives in a work out, it does not hide its disappointment, as one may develop bat wings, or have an uneven looking arm due to too much attention being given to the biceps for example. Excellent triceps will make you look toned, and they will also change the way that you view your arm as a whole. The triceps swing is done lying down on one’s back, and it uses light weights so those bottles of water will come in handy. So to start, you need to lie down face up with your feet touching the floor but your knees bent. Make sure that you are holding a bottle of water in each hand. Begin by having your arms by your side, relaxed and holding on to the bottles of water. Raise them a few inches off the floor to begin. Keeping them both straight, raise them until they are directly above your chest – they should be at a 90 degree angle from the starting position. Then extend one arm to go above your head. Slowly return your arm to the starting position and then repeat with the other arm. You should aim to do at least 10-15 repetitions of this exercise.

The Bicep Curl The previous exercise focused on the tricep, and this one focuses on the biceps. The biceps are like the final finish of the arms; they are used to determine how fit the arm is. This is because of all the muscles; they are the ones that are most visually recognisable. Although many people believe that the only way to build your biceps is through weight training, this is incorrect. Using bodyweight training techniques, one can develop and tone their bicep muscle, making them much easier to maintain in the long term than someone who is simply pumping iron. The bicep curl is a simple exercise that can be done either standing up or sitting down. It is best done with a bottle of water in each hand, as just that little bit of resistance gets the muscle to work a little harder. To execute a bicep curl, hold the bottle of water in your hand. Next, tighten your bicep and curl your hand towards your chest. It is really that simple. Make sure to do several repetitions so that you are able to measure the results.

Chapter Three – Legs Bodyweight Training The legs are an important part of the body, and they are primarily used for balance. Strengthening these muscles will help with your overall posture and base strength so that you can better execute any other exercises. These are several muscles that need to be strengthened in the legs and these include the calf muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps. These four exercises within this chapter all focus on strengthening the particular and collective muscles in the legs. They include: The Basic Lunge This is a highly popular exercise often used when warming up the muscles before a workout. Like the push up or sit up, over time, the basic lunge has been modified and renamed. As the name suggests, a lunge entails a sudden forward thrust of the body. With exercise, it is about making a movement that is not the norm. To get your lunges right, you should begin by standing with your hands on your hips and your feet should be a hip width apart. The next step you need to do is to step your right leg forward, and then you should slowly lower the body until the right knee is close to or even touching the floor. At the very least, it should be bent to 90 degrees. After this, you should slowly return your feet to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. This exercise gives your entire leg a workout, and it is relatively simple to exercise using one of the other altered lunges.

The Quadruped Leg Lift

When you are exercising your shoulders and arms, you refer to the muscles found there as the biceps and triceps. This section shall be looking at the quadriceps. The quadriceps muscles, often referred to as a quad or quads, can be found on the front part of the leg between the waist and the knee. This muscle is often forgotten when one is working out their legs, as the hamstrings and calves receive the most attention. With bodyweight training, this shall not be the case anymore. The quadruped leg lifts have ensured that. They can be executed rather simply. First, get on your hands and knees. This exercise will begin with this unique posture as you should keep your back flat at all times while engaging or holding in your core abdominal muscles. Next, raise the left leg straight back and stop when the foot is at hip level and the thigh is parallel to the floor. At this juncture, you will be attempting to find your balance. Once you do hold the position

for as long as you can or at the very least for five seconds. Next, you should raise the bottom right toe off of the floor. As you do so, you should tighten your gluteus maximus, your back and your abs. Again, you should hold this position for at least five seconds before you switch legs.

The Calf Raise

While the first exercise worked on the entire leg, and the second one looked at the quads, this exercise shall deal with the calf muscles. These muscles can be found in the lower leg, behind the knees and ankles. They are the muscles that are used when you spring into a jumping position, or can be referred to as “those muscles that put a spring in your step.” To do the calf raise, you need to start by adopting a standing position. Once you are in this position, slowly rise up on your toes, keeping your knees straight and heels off the floor. You should try to emulate a ballerina. Once you heels are off the floor, hold this position for at least 5 seconds, and then lower yourself down. Repeat this action at least twenty times. You can also attempt a variation for faster results, such as standing on something elevated.

The Standard Squat This particular exercise has gained popularity due to people wanting to work on improving their backside muscles. Celebrities have taken to showing off the results that they have received from the humble squat. However, this is one of the main exercises that should always make up a part of your exercise regime. It has also got many modifications to suit new age tastes, as well as to work other parts of the body. Many exercises that start off or incorporate a squat in them can effectively lead to an excellent full body workout. The squat is simply a movement that resembles sitting, and it is an endurance type of exercise that becomes even more effective with several repetitions. As well as working the muscles in your legs and your behind, it is great for improving your balance. It should effectively strengthen your hamstrings and calves. To begin your squat, stand with your feet parallel or turned out a little bit, whichever is the most comfortable for you. They should be a small distance apart from each other. Then, slowly start to crouch by bending the hips and knees until you get to a position where your thighs are parallel to the floor. The best thing is to imagine yourself sitting on a non-existent chair. It is the same movement you would make lowering yourself on to it. While in this position, you need to ensure that your heels do not raise up off the floor. You will need to press them to return to the standing position. This exercise should be repeated at least 10-15 times, and when your thigh is parallel to the floor, you should attempt to hold the position for several seconds.

Chapter Four – Core Bodyweight Training This is the most important part of your body and requires the strongest possible muscles. That is because at your core, you are holding or connecting both your upper body and lower body. Therefore, this section has a role to play. The core muscles are primarily abdominal, and they also include muscles found in the lower back. These muscles need to be stimulated, strengthened and grown, though unlike some of the other muscles in the body, they require a gentler approach so as to avoid injury or damage. This chapter details four bodyweight training exercises you can try to develop your core muscles and they are: The Crunch This is a favourite exercise amongst people trying to strengthen and build their abdominal muscles. It has been emulated as being used by the military to keep in excellent shape, and it is highly results oriented. There are numerous variations to the crunch. The reasons for this is because the crunch on its own works mainly the abs in the front section. The variations to the crunch are supposed to work the abs from all directions. Once you start to do this exercise, in order to maintain the results, you will need to continue with it for life. When people put on weight, especially as they get older from their late thirties onwards, it often starts to collect on the abdomen. Any exercise that will avert this situation should become a lifestyle choice. In order to begin, you need to lie flat on your back on a firm or hard surface, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then, place your hands behind your head, and slightly lower your chin bringing it close to your

chest. Next, you should slowly raise your head and shoulders off the mat while you are engaging your core. Extend your curl until your upper back is no longer in contact with the floor. Hold for three to five seconds, then lower yourself back onto the mat slowly so that you can assume the position that you stood from. Ideally, these are done in sets, and one should try to complete at least 3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions at each training session.

The Russian Twist

There are various things associated with Russia and they all spell danger – Russian Mafia, Russian Vodka, Russian Roulette and so on. The Russian Twist is no different, although it is looking at a different type of danger

altogether. This is an exercise that is designed to get you to feel the burn of your abdominal core muscles at work. It will also work on your lower back and at the end of it all, shall strengthen these muscles so that they can grow and accommodate more work and fitness attempts that may strain the body. This exercise is done in a sitting position on the floor. To proceed, you should start off by sitting on the floor with the knees bend and your feet together. You should make sure that your feet are lifted a few inches off the floor. You can look at some basic yoga poses to get an idea of how to accomplish this posture and position. With you back at a 45 degree angle from the ground, begin to move your arms from one side to another in a twisting motion. Make sure that you have engaged your abdominal core muscles to get the best results. This exercise cannot be rushed as you might injure yourself. Therefore, you should swing your arms slowly, and feel your abdominal core muscles at work. Repeat as many times are you are able. The Russian Twist will push your muscles to their limit, so should you feel increasing pain, stop the exercise and if possible, pick it up later.

The Abdominal Press

This is an excellent exercise in bodyweight training as it is a classic example of how you can use your weight to increase pressure for muscle building and growth. In addition to working the abdominal muscles excellently, it also works the legs and arms. There are two main types of the abdominal press. You can start off with a single leg abdominal press, and as you become more confident and have mastered what needs to be done, then you can move on to the double leg abdominal press. Get started by lying down on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Once you are comfortable in this position, tighten your abs and raise your right leg. As you lift your leg, ensure that your knee and hip are bent at a 90 degree angle. Now your hands will come into play. Use your right hand and push it on top of the lifted knee. Your core muscles should now be used to create pressure between the hand and the knee. You will feel the strain on all your muscles, hold the position for at least five seconds, then lower yourself back to your original position and repeat with the other arm and leg. You should try and repeat this exercise at least five times. This is the single leg abdominal press. For the double leg abdominal press, you only have to

bring up both legs at the same time, while pushing both hands against the knees.

The Side Plank

The plank is revered even by fitness enthusiasts as it really works all your muscles and tests your endurance. The side plank is the same, it is a little more difficult and will definitely make a difference in your core muscles. The reason for this is that the core muscles are the ones that will support the entire body. Starting the side plank is simple. You need to lie down and roll to one side. The next thing to be done is lifting of the body, which you will do using your foot and your elbow. You should lift yourself up sideways until your elbow is completely straight, using your foot to maintain balance on the ground. In the process, watch your hips and ensure that they are lifted. Throughout this, your core should be engaged. Hold the position for at least thirty seconds and then switch to the other side. Hold for at least thirty seconds again.

If you want to feel the full effects of a plank of any sort, you should try and hold the position for as long as possible. The longer you are able to retain the position, the more your core muscles are at work holding your body up.

The core, like biceps in the arms, are also visually appealing muscles that people aspire to attain. They should be given an appropriate amount of attention during a workout, and a range of exercises that will work on the entire area should be done.

Chapter Five: Full Body Bodyweight Training Now that you have concentrated on building different parts of your body, you can bring it all together with a full body bodyweight training session. This is guaranteed to cover any areas that may have been left out with your other exercises. A full body bodyweight training session serves several other purposes. You could use it to warm up before a workout, or cool down after one. You could also do it on its own if you are pressed for time. There are four fun and effective exercises that are explained in this chapter. These are: The Tuck Jump The Tuck Jump is an exercise that is sure to fill you with joy and take you back to your childhood. Just looking at the movement should bring back vivid memories of being on a trampoline.

To do this exercise, start by standing on a firm base with your knees slightly bent. Your legs should be close together, though they do not need to be touching. Next, using your knees to spring you upwards, jump up as high as

you possibly can and then bring your knees in towards your chest. You can use your hands for support. Then, stretch your arms out to the side. When you land, for safety and comfortability, make sure your knees are slightly bent. As you land, you should quickly jump up again and repeat the movements. Ideally, you should work towards completing 10 – 15 sets. This exercise will strengthen your legs, especially between the thigh and the knee. It also gently works on your abdominal core muscles and your arms, toning your biceps and triceps.

The Burpee

This exercise has nothing to do with letting out air, though the name may imply so. IT is actually a combination of two exercises – a low squat and a push up. By doing these exercises together, you can execute one of the most effective full body bodyweight training exercises around. To do the exercise, begin by getting into a low squat position with your hands on the floor. You should look like you are about to do a frog jump.

The next thing you should do is kick your feet back so that you are in a push up positon. At this point you should complete one push up, and then immediately return your feet to the squat position. If you want to add a touch of flair to your exercise, you should leap up as high as possible prior to squatting and moving back to the push up position. So that you can see the results of this exercise, you should aim to complete 10-15 sets per day. This exercise is especially helpful when strengthening your core muscles. It also does justice to your back muscles, shoulders, legs and arms.

The Plank

This is an exercise that is going to test the very limits of your endurance. Though it looks and sounds simple, it effectively works on all your muscles, to the extent that you are likely to feel them tingle and strain. It is an excellent option when you are looking to build and strengthen all your muscles as a whole.

It builds your core and shoulder muscles the most. To start off, you should lie face down on a solid surface. Make sure that your forearms are on the floor and your hands are clasped together. Next, extend your legs all the way behind the body and rise up on to your toes. You should almost look as though you are doing a sit up, except the position of your arms will be different. Then keep your back as straight as possible and lighten your core muscles. Then comes the tough part. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds, or as long as possible, then slowly collapse and take a few deep breaths. Repeat at least 5 times, or as many times as you can endure.

The Jump Squat

Ideally, any exercise you do where there is a squat variation will work on almost every muscle in your body. Especially with the jump squat, you will jolt your heart into supplying your muscles with blood and oxygen. When this happens, you will build and strengthen your muscles. The jump squat is all about a burst of energy, using your muscles to propel you into the air. This exercise is excellent if you are looking to work your quads. Start off by standing on a flat and firm surface with your feet shoulder length apart. Next, you should do a regular squat. Hold the position briefly. Then hold in your core abdominal muscles and jump up with explosive energy.

Once you land, simply lower your body back into the squat position and repeat. You should be able to do a minimum of fifteen repetitions. For safety and to be effective, when you are getting ready to jump, make sure you use your whole foot instead of balancing on your toes. The more you practice and do these four full body bodyweight training exercises, the happier your muscles will be. You do not need to have a personal trainer to get your body working and muscles performing at their peak.

Conclusion Bodyweight training is the solution for anyone who wants to get fit without having to spend a large amount of money. This is especially true for the person who has struggled with personal trainers, fad diets, expensive gym memberships and so on, and all they are really looking for is a way to get fit. If you begin your fitness journey with the simple exercises outlined in this book, you will increase your fitness before you know it. The best way to begin is to allocate one section of the body as outlined in the chapters to a day in the week. This book is divided into five chapters that have looked at the chest and back, the shoulders and arms, the legs, the core and finally the full body for bodyweight training. This means that you can exercise at least five days a week, building your strength and your muscle. Perhaps the most positive aspect of bodyweight training is its long term benefits. These exercises are simple to do and to incorporate into your lifestyle, so you are more likely to continue practicing them for a long time to come, unlike a gym membership whereby you may stop due to your membership lapsing. So as you begin your fitness journey, you should keep in mind the following advantages of bodyweight training: You can do a range of exercises at no cost.


Build your stamina


You can pace yourself, starting with easy exercises and increasing their difficulty as you go along. -

Psychological benefits of working out in your own space



It is excellent fun

Make bodyweight training a part of your every day. Use this book to start your new muscle strength training today by choosing from one of the twenty techniques explained.