Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Robotics, User Interfaces and Natural Language Processing [1 ed.]
3540647902, 9783540647904
This book constitutes a carefully arranged selection of revised papers on assistive technology, first presented at relat
Table of contents : Interface and language issues in intelligent systems for people with disabilities....Pages 1-11 Iconic language design for people with significant speech and multiple impairments....Pages 12-32 Lexicon for computer translation of American sign language....Pages 33-49 On Building Intelligence into EagleEyes....Pages 50-58 Providing intelligent language feedback for augmentative communication users....Pages 59-72 Saliency in human-computer interaction....Pages 73-83 A wearable computer based American sign language recognizer....Pages 84-96 Towards automatic translation from Japanese into Japanese sign language....Pages 97-108 An augmentative communication interface based on conversational schemata....Pages 109-125 Assistive robotics: An overview....Pages 126-136 Progress on the deictically controlled wheelchair....Pages 137-149 Developing intelligent wheelchairs for the handicapped....Pages 150-178 Integrating vision and spatial reasoning for assistive navigation....Pages 179-193 Speech and gesture mediated intelligent teleoperation....Pages 194-210 Personal adaptive mobility aid for the infirm and elderly blind....Pages 211-220 HITOMI: Design and development of a Robotic Travel Aid....Pages 221-234 NavChair: An assistive wheelchair navigation system with automatic adaptation....Pages 235-255 Wheelesley: A robotic wheelchair system: Indoor navigation and user interface....Pages 256-268