Advances in logic, artificial intelligence and robotics Laptec 2002 9784274905452

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English Pages 286 Year 2010

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Table of contents :
Cover......Page 1
Title page......Page 2
Contents......Page 8
Retriever Prototype of a Case Based Reasoning: A Study Case......Page 10
Dynamic Compaction Process of Metal Powder Media within Dies......Page 18
Automated Theorem Proving for Many-sorted Free Description Theory Based on Logic Translation......Page 26
Annotated Logic and Negation as Failure......Page 38
Multi-agent System for Distribution System Operation......Page 47
ArTbitrariness: Putting Computer Creativity to Work in Aesthetic Domains......Page 55
An Overview of Fuzzy Numbers and Fuzzy Arithmetic......Page 64
The Brain and Arithmetic Calculation......Page 71
Evolving Arithmetical Knowledge in a Distributed Intelligent Processing System......Page 77
Meme–Gene Coevolution and Cognitive Mathematics......Page 84
Neuronal Plasticity: How Memes Control Genes......Page 91
The Influence of Heterogeneity in the Control of Diseases......Page 97
Paraconsistent Logics viewed as a Foundation of Data Warehouses......Page 105
Visualization of Class Structures using Piecewise Linear Classifiers......Page 113
Design of Tree Classifiers using Interactive Data Exploration......Page 121
Clustering Based on Gap and Structure......Page 129
Tables in Relational Databases from a Point of View of Possible-Worlds-Restriction......Page 135
On Some Different Interpretations of the Generalized Modus Ponens using Type-2 Fuzzy Sets......Page 143
Paraconsistent Knowledge for Misspelling Noise Reduction in Documents......Page 153
Automata with Concurrency Relations — A Survey......Page 161
Learning with Skewed Class Distributions......Page 182
An Enlargement of Theorems for Sentential Calculus......Page 190
A Real-time Specification Language......Page 203
Defuzzification in Medical Diagonis......Page 211
Fuzzy Rules in Asymptomatic HIV Virus Infected Individuals Model......Page 217
Categorical Limits and Reuse of Algebraic Specifications......Page 225
Constructive Program Synthesis using Intuitionist Logic and Natural Deduction......Page 233
An Agent-oriented Inference Engine Applied for Supervisory Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems......Page 243
LTLAS: a Language Based on Temporal Logic for Agents Systems Specification......Page 251
Fuzzy Identification of a pH Neutralization Process......Page 259
A Fuzzy Reed–Frost Model for Epidemic Spreading......Page 267
Invited Talks – Abstracts......Page 274
Data Mining in Large Base using Rough Set Techniques......Page 276
An Automaton Model for Concurrent Processes......Page 277
It is a Fundamental Limitation to Base Probability Theory on Bivalent Logic......Page 278
Polysynthetic Class Theory for the 21st Century......Page 281
Development of a Fuzzy Genetic System for Data Classification......Page 282
Why the Problem P = NP is so Difficult......Page 283
The Importance of Evaluating Learning Algorithms during the Data Mining Process......Page 284
Author Index......Page 286

Advances in logic, artificial intelligence and robotics Laptec 2002

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