A Fulfulde (Maasina) - English - French Lexicon | Lexique Fulfulde (Maasina) - Anglais - Français 0870133268, 9780870133268, 9780870139420

The Lexicon brings together lexical material from a wide range of published and non-published sources to create an exten

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A Fulfulde (Maasina) - English - French Lexicon | Lexique Fulfulde (Maasina) - Anglais - Français
 0870133268, 9780870133268, 9780870139420

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A Fulfulde (Maasina) - English - French Lexicon A Root-Based Compilation Drawn from Extant Sources Followed by English - Fulfulde and French - Fulfulde Listings

Lexique Fulfulde (Maasina) - Anglais -


Une compilation basee sur racines et tiree de sources existantes sui vie de Iistes en anglais - fuIfulde et fran.;ais - fulfulde

A Fulfulde (Maasina) - English - French Lexicon A Root-Based Compilation Drawn from Extant Sources Followed by English - Fulfulde and French - Fulfulde Listings

by Donald W. Osborn David J. Dwyer Joseph I. Donohoe, Jr.

Michigan State U ni versity Press East Lansing


Lexique Fulfulde (Maasina) - Anglais -


Une compilation basee sur racines et tiree de sources existantes sui vie de listes en anglais - fulfulde et


par Donald W. Osborn David J. Dwyer Joseph l. Donohoe, Jr.

Editions Michigan State University East Lansing


- fulfulde

Copyright © 1993 Donald W. Osborn and Joseph I. Donohoe, Jr.

All Michigan State University Press books are produced on paper which meets the requirements of American National Standard of Information Sciences-Permanence of paper for printed materials ANSI Z239.48-1984 Michigan State University Press East Lansing, Michigan 48823-5202 Printed in the United States of America 01 009998979695 94 93 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Osborn, Donald W. A Fulfulde (Maasina)-English-French lexicon: A root-based compilation drawn from extant sources followed by English-Fulfulde and French-Fulfulde listings / Donald W. Osborn, David J. Dwyer, Joseph 1. Donohoe, Jr. p. cm. English, French, and Fula. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-87013-326-8 1. Fula language-Dictionaries-French. 2. Fula language-Dictionaries-English. 3. French languageDictionaries-Fula. 4. English language-Dictionaries-Fula. 1. Dwyer, David J. II. Donohoe, Joseph 1. III. Title. PL8183.083 1993 496'. 332321-dc20



La publication d'un dictionnaire est une vaste entreprise qui demande Ie devouement et la cooperation d'un grand nombre de gens. Quoiqu'il soit impossible de signaler l'apport de chaque individu qui a, d'une maniere ou d'une autre, contribue a la realisation du Lexique fuifulde-anglais-fram;;ais, les auteurs tiennent a marquer ici leur forte reconnaissance envers chacun d'entre eux.

The publication of a dictionary is a vast undertaking requiring the dedication and cooperation of large numbers of people. While it is impossible to single out the scores of individuals who in one way or another contributed to the realization of the Fulfulde-EnglishFrench Lexicon, the authors would like to mark here their enduring gratitude to each and everyone of them. Given the pioneering bent of the Lexicon, special thanks m!lst be directed to our language informants, former graduate students from Michigan State University Dr. Cheick Bocoum and Abdoul Barry. The writers would like equally to extend their appreciation to our colleagues at Michigan State University, Professors Leonard J. Rahilly, Romance and Classical Languages, and David Robinson, History, for their precious counsel. Heartfelt thanks as well to those at the Africana Library at Michigan State and in particular to Mrs. Onuma Ezera, Dr. Lerthen Dorsey, and Dr. Joseph Lauer. Many thanks also to Dr. Stanley Cushingham of the African Language Resource Center of New Haven and Mrs. Mary Rosner of the Anthropology Department at Michigan State for technical advice in the preparation of the manuscript. Professor David Wiley, Director of the African Studies Center of Michigan State University, Professor Yacob Fisseha, Assistant Director of the Center, and Mrs. Joanne Peterson, also of the Center, have incurred our gratitude for their wide-ranging logistical support. Finally it should be noted that the production of this Lexicon benefitted significantly from a grant under Title VI from the United States Department of Education.

Etant donne Ie caractere novateur du Lexique, nous nous devons de lt~moigner nOLre reconnaissance it nos informateurs linquistiques, anciens ctudiants de Michigan State Ie docteur Cheick Bocoum and Abdoul Barry. Nous aimerions egalement remercier nos colIcgues de Michigan State University, les professeurs Leonard J. Rahilly, de la secLion Langues romanes et classiques, et David Robinson, section Histoire, de leurs conseils prccieux. Nous devons aussi de grands remerciements au personnel de la BiblioLheque Africana a Michigan State et surtoUL a Mme Onuma Ezera, et aux docteurs Lerthen Dorsey et Joseph Lauer. Force nous est ensuite de reconnaitre Ie Dr Stanley Cushing ham du Centre de resources pour les langues africaines a New Haven et Mme Mary Rosner de la section AnLhropologie a Michigan SLaLe pour des conseils techniques Louchant la prcparaLion du manuscriL. Le professeur David Wiley, DirecLeur du Centre d'cLudes africaines a Michigan SLaLe University, Ie professeur Yacob Fisseha, son adjoint, et Mme Joanne PeLerson, egalement du Centre, ont gagnc droit a notre reconnaissance en nous appuyanL a chaque tournant du chemin. En dernier lieu il convient de noLer que les recherches menant a la publication de cet ouvrage ont eLC subventionnces en partie par Ie Dcpartement de I'cducation du Gouvernement des ELaLs-Unis.




Preface Presentation










Appendices A. Entrees problematiques


B. Changement de consonnes initiales


C. Extensions verbales


D. Listes de noms arranges par classe


E. Orthographe et ordre alphabetique







This Fulfulde (Maasina)-Eng/ish-French Lexicon brings together lexical material from a wide range of published and non-published sources to create the most extensive compilation to date of the vocabulary of Fulfulde as it is spoken in that part of central Mali known as Masina. 1 The Lexicon is intended primarily for non-Fulfulde speakers who are learning the language at the intermediate or advanced levels and who need access to a comprehensive reference source on Fulfulde vocabulary. Scholars, development workers and others whose research or fieldwork involves use of the Fulfulde of Masina may find it helpful as well in clarifying nuances of meaning and standardized spelling for the less familiar terms they might encounter. It is also intended that the present work, beyond the matter of organizing vocabulary, will contribute significantly to the expanding lexicographical and linguistic investigations of Fulfulde.

Ce Lexique fulfulde (Maasina)-anglaislranc;ais reunit des materiaux provenant de toute une gamme de sources publiees et non publiees pour creer la compilation la plus etendue a ce jour du vocabulaire du fulfulde comme on Ie parle dans la partie du Mali central connue sous Ie nom de Massina l • Le Lexique vise en premier lieu ceux ne parlant pas fulfulde qui apprennent la langue aux niveaux intermediaire ou avance et qui ont besoin d'une source etendue de vocabulaire. Erudits, travailleurs dans les pays en voie de developpement, et autres dont les recherches ou Ie travail sur Ie terrain exige l'emploi du fulfulde de Massina pourront aussi en profiter pour eclaircir les nuances de signification ou d'orthographe dans les expressions moins usitees qu'ils pourraient rencontrer. Au-dela de l'organisation de vocabulaire, c'est egalement notre intention que cet ouvrage apporte une contribution utile aux recherches lexicographiques et linguistiques sur Ie fulfulde lesquelles se multiplient actuellement.

The Fulani, or Fuloe as they call themselves, are, along with associated Fulfulde-speaking groups, among the most studied peoples of Africa, and the Fulfulde speakers of Masina and their dialect have unquestionably received their share of attention. But while a considerable amount of lexical material on the Masina Fulfulde is available, there is regrettably little conformity among the various sources. This means that one source may report either lexical items not appearing in other sources or added meanings not found elsewhere for items listed in common. Historically this has created problems for students and researchers since different word lists and lexicons tend to have varying and unforeseeable strengths and weaknesses. The difficulties, moreover, are compounded by the fact that a good deal of lexically relevant material located in diverse monographs and scholarly articles has not yet figured in any lexical work. At this point in Fulfulde lexicography, especially as it relates to the Masina dialect, it would appear most desirable to take into account, and to consolidate, all that the uncoordinated gathering of lexical material has produced, and that is in fact what the present volume proposes to accomplish.

Les Peul, ou Fuloe comme ils s'appellent en fulfulde, avec certains autres qui parlent fulfulde, sont it coup sUr parmi les peuples d'Afrique les plus etudies, et ceux qui parlent Ie fulfulde de Massina ne font pas exception it la regIe. Mais quoi qu'il existe des quantites de renseignements lexicaux sur Ie fulfulde de Massina, il y a malheureusement peu de conformite entre les multiples sources. Cela veut dire que telle source pourrait renfermer des termes completement ignores des autres, ou bien, fournir des significations differentes pour les termes qu'ils s'acccordent pour donner. Jusqu'a maintenant cet etat de choses posait des problemes pour chercheurs et etudiants puisque les differents lexiques et listes de vocabulaire existants avaient des avantages et des faiblesses aussi variables qu'imprc5visibles. Les difficultes augmentaient en plus du fait que bonne partie des renseignements lexicaux qui paraissent dans les livres et les articles critiques ne figure pas encore dans un lexique. Au point ou en est aujourd'hui la lexicographie du fulfulde de Massina, il semblerait souhaitable de commencer it contr6ler et it consolider tout ce qu'a produit Ie rassemblement non-coordonne des donnees lexicales, et c'est cette tache que notre ouvrage se propose d'effectuer.

The present Lexicon is, however, for a number of reasons, more than just an extensive compilation of materials derived from previous sources. In the first place, we have sought judiciously to introduce into the entries diverse spellings and varying glosses in a manner neither

Le present Lexique represente, cependant, et pour plusieurs raisons, plus qu'une compilation tres etendue de materiaux tires de diverses sources precooentes. En premier lieu, nous avons cherche judicieusement a introduire 1. Le nom de Mlissina (ou Macina) dans son application la plus etendue comprend Ie delta interieur du Niger et d·autres regions dans les environs. En fulfulde on ecrit Maasina.

1. Masina (or Macina) in its broadest sense includes the inland Niger delta and certain adjacent areas. In Fulfulde it is wrillen Maasina.



disconcerting to the user nor disrespectful of the original sources, whom we have identified in each instance. Secondly, we have grouped entries to the extent possible by the roots or radicals on which the morphological\y rich Fulfulde vocabulary is based, thereby enabling the language learner to gain a better understanding of the semantic field associated with each. Third, glosses have been provided in both English and French in order to make the lexicon accessible to a broader range of Fulfulde students. Finally, we have provided EnglishFulfulde and French-Fulfulde listings based on the glosses reported for each entry, a feature lacking in most Fulfulde lexicons but which should prove particularly useful to the learner since these listings may be utilized as indexes to entries in the Fulfulde-English-French section or, with care, for locating words for use in speech or writing.

dans les informations des variations d'orthographe ou de commentaires de fa~on a ne pas derouter Ie lecteur tout en respectant nos sources que nous identifions a chaque occasion. Deuxiemcment, nous avons groupe la OU possible les mots selon les racines sur lesquel\es est base Ie vocabulaire du fulfulde, permettant ainsi a l'etudiant de la langue de se familiariser davantage avec Ie champ semantique entourant chacun des mots. Troisiemement, nous avons foumi des commentaires en anglais aussi bien qu'en fran~ais pour que Ie Lexique soit accessible au plus grand nombre possible d'etudiants de fulfulde. En demier lieu, no us avons donne des listes de vocabulaire anglais-fulfulde et fran~ais-fulfulde basees sur les commentaires du lexique; c'est un element qui manque a la plupart des lexiques de fulfulde mais qui serait d'une grande utilite pour l'etudiant puisque les listes peuvent s'utiliser comme des index pour les mots dans la section Fulfulde-anglaisfran~ais ou, avec prudence, pour trouver des mots devant servir a l'ecriture ou a la la conversation.




1. General

1. General

This compilation is arranged in three sections: I) Fulfulde-English-French, 2) English-Fulfulde, and 3) French-Fulfulde. The first section is organized alphabetically by root or key word. Where a root is identifiable, I all words derived from it are grouped together under it. In cases where the root is not clearly identifiable but several words are clearly derived from one form (such as a noun and its diminutive and augmentative forms), the various derived forms are listed under the principal form (or key word) and cross-referenced where necessary. Because of Fulfulde's system of initial consonant changes (see Appendix B), words often begin with a consonant different from the initial consonant of their root. Such words (e.g., debbo, "woman") are cross referenced to their roots (e.g., REW-), where a complete listing is given. Words with irregularities in spelling are also cross-referenced to the root or key word. Words under each root or key word are in turn alphabetically organized (and words formed from the root plus an extension are placed after those formed without extensions). We have resisted the temptation to identify roots for nouns that are not clearly related to a verb in all but a few cases.

Cette compilation est divisee en trois parties: 1) Fulfuldeanglais-francais, 2) Anglais-fulfulde, 3) Francais-fulfulde. La premiere section est organisee par ordre alphabetique a partir de racines ou de mots-clefs. Quand on peut identifier la racine l , tous les mots qui en derivent sont groupes ensemble en dessous. Dans les cas oil on ne peut identifier la racine avec certitude mais oil il est evident que plusieurs mots sont tires d'une seule forme (tel un substantif et ses formes diminutives et augmentatives), les diverses formes sont inscrites en dessous de la forme principale (mot-clef) avec des renvois la oil cela est necessaire. Etant donne Ie systeme de changements de la consonne initiale en fulfulde (voir Appendice B), les mots commencent souvent avec des lettres autre que les consonnes initiales de leurs racines. Pour de tels mots (p.ex., debbo, "femme") on renvoie Ie lecteur a la racine (p.ex., REW-) oil se trouvent les indications completes. Pour les mots dont l'orthographe est irreguliere on renvoie de meme a la racine ou au motclef. Les mots trouves apres chaque racine ou mot-clef sont aussi classes par ordre alpharetique (et les mots formes de la racine avec extension sont places apres ceux formes sans extension.) Nous avons resiste dans presque tous les cas a la tentation d'identifier les racines des noms sans rapport evident avec un verbe. Les mots empruntes aussi bien que leurs formes derivees presentent quelquefois des difficultes, surtout quand il s'agit de mots "instables. "2 Nous avons essaye neanmoins de grouper les mots apparentes, quelquefois autour d'une racine tiree du mot emprunte, quelquefois autour de l'une de ses formes. Quelques mots interrogatifs sont groupes comme s'il s'agissait de racines (p.ex., hono, "comment," se trouve apres NO). Nous avons aussi choisi de classer les pronoms personnels par personne et nombre (sous les pronoms sujets de formes courtes) pensant que cet arrangement pourrait aider I'etudiant a choisir correctement parmi diverses formes semblables tout en augmentant sa comprehension des relations mutuelles entre elles.

Loan-words and their derived forms sometimes present difficulties, particularly when these are "unstable. "2 In any event, we have tried to group related words together in some cases under a root which has been derived from the loan word, and in other cases under a form of the loan word. Some interrogatives are grouped as if by root (e.g., hono, "how," is listed under NO). We have also chosen to group personal pronouns by person and number (under the short form subject pronouns) with the thought that this format might help the user to choose correctly among various similar forms while increasing his understanding of their interrelationships. The Fulfulde-English-French section also includes notations concerning sources consulted for each entry, dialect information as indicated by some of those sources, part of speech, and, where helpful, semantic field.

La partie Fulfulde-anglais-francais contienL aussi des indications sur les sources consultees pour chaque mot, des precisions sur Ie dialecte venant des memes sources, la partie du discours et, lorsque nous l'avons juge utile, Ie champ semantique.

The English-Fulfulde and French-Fulfulde sections may be used as indexes to the main section. They may

Les sections Anglais-fulfulde et Francais-fulfulde peuvent fonctionner comme index de la partie principale. On peut aussi les utiliser pour trouver des mots de

1. Several sources were of particular help in identifying roots: Fagerberg-Diallo (1984), Gaden (1914, 1969, 1972), Noye (1990) and Taylor (1932). Works of A.H. Ba and Seydou include comments which were also helpful in this regard. 2. Exhibiting significant variation in pronunciation and therefore in transcription.

1. Ces quelques sources en particulier nous ont aide II identifier des racines: Fagerberg-Diallo (1984), Gaden (1914, 1969, 1972), Noye (1990) et Taylor (1932). Les ouvrages de A. H. Ba et Seydou comportent aussi quelques commentaires qui nous etaient utiles en cet egard. 2. Mot caracterise par des variations importantes de prononciation et donc de transcription.



fulfulde it employer dans l'ecriture ou dans la conversation, mais il faut alors proceder avec circonspection puisque ces mots proviennent de la section principale, une compilation de plusieurs sources quelquefois divergentes, qui auraient pu utiliser les memes termes differemment, et qui n'ont pas, a notre connaissance, ete arrangees prealablement en listes Anglais-fulfulde ou

also be used to locate Fulfulde words for use in speaking or writing, but with caution, since they are derived from the main section, itself a compilation of several different sources which may have used words and terms differently one from another, and which have not, to our knowledge been organized previously into EnglishFulfulde or French-Fulfulde formats.


2. Alphabetical Order

2. L'Ordre alphbetique

The Fulfulde orthography used and the order in which the entries in this Lexicon are presented are as follows:

Le systeme d'orthographe de fulfulde utilise et l'ordre alphabetique dans lequel se presentent les mots dans ce lexique sont les suivants:

a b f> c d cf e f g h i j kIm mb n nd ng nj I)iioprstuwyy

a b f> c d cf e f g h i j kIm mb n nd ng nj l)flOprstuwyy Lorsqu'elles ne se trouvem pas cependant au debut d'un mot, on traite, en ordonnant les mots, les sequences qui representent des consonnes prenasalisees (lmbl, Ind!, lng!, Injl) comme s'il s'agissait de deux caracteres plutat que d'un seul. Cela veut dire, par exemple, que WAANDE, WAANDU, WAANGO, et WAANJ- sont inscrits entre WAAN- and WAANUDE plutat qu'entre WAANTEERE et WAARE. (Une discussion plus ample de l'orthographe, de l'ordre alphabetique, et les conventions de l'orthographe se trouvent it I'Appendice E.)

When not at the beginning of a word, however, the sequences representing prenasalized consonants (lmbl, Indl, Ingl, Inj/) are in fact treated as two characters rather than as single letters in ordering the entries. This means, for instance, that WAANDE, WAANDU, WAANGO, and WAANJ- are all listed between WAANand WAANNUDE rather than between WAANTEERE and WAARE. (A more extensive discussion of orthography, alphabetical order, and spelling conventions is given in Appendix E.)

3. L'Oganisation des entrees

3. Organization of Entries

Les racines ou mots-clefs it partir desquels s'organise ce lexique sont donnes en lettres majuscules. Les extensions, mises entre tirets, peuvent suivre. Dans les quelques cas ou des mots combines ont ete identifies, Ie signe "plus" (+) est placee entre les elements qui forment une combinaison. Chaque racine est inscrite une seule fois et sui vie de ses formes derivees. Dans Ie cas des racines homonymes it significations differentes, des chiffres sont attribues qui permettent de distinguer entre elles (p.ex., WAR - (1) a la signification de "venant" ou "arrivant," tandis que WAR- (2) a celIe de "tuam".)

The roots or key words by which this lexicon is organized are given in upper case letters. Extensions, set off by hyphens, may follow. In the few cases where compounds have been identified, a "plus" sign (+) is placed between the elements which have been combined. Each root is listed only once, with words derived from it following. In the case of homonym roots with different meanings, numbers are assigned to facilitate distinguishing between them (e.g. WAR- (1) has the meaning of "coming" or "arriving," and WAR- (2) has that of "killing"). Bold face characters mark the target words of each entry. These may be followed by other information (part of speech, cross-reference or, in the case of nouns, class indicator and plural form(s» in italics. English and French definitions are given in regular print, and may be followed by terms and examples using the target word. Information on origin of loan words, sources consulted in writing the definition of the target word, dialects, and synonyms appear in a different type face. Apart from the loan word information, which follows the root, this information follows the italicized information and precedes the definition.

Des caracteres gras marquent les mots cibles de chaque entree. Ceux-la peuvent etre suivis d'autres informations (partie du discours, renvoi ou, pour les substantifs, des indicateurs de classe ou des formes plurielles) en italique. Les definitions en anglais et en fran~ais som imprimees en caracteres ordinaires et peuvent etre suivies d'exemples faisant valoir Ie mot cible. Des renseignements sur l'origine des mots empruntes, sur les sources consuitees en etablissant la definition du mot cible, sur les dialectes et les synonymes sont donnes en d'autres caracteres encore. Outre la notation sur les mots empruntes qui suit toujours la racine, les informations indiquees ci-dessus suivent les renseignements en italique et precedent la definition.

Abbreviations are generally used to indicate the part of speech. Nouns may be indicated in one of three ways:

On emploie normalemem des abreviations pour indiquer la partie du discours. Toutefois, les substantifs se font conxii


1) the abbreviation n., or 2) presence of a class indicator italicized and in parentheses, or 3) a slant or diagonal (f) followed by a plural in italics. Ideally each noun has both a class indicator and a plural, but in a few cases one or both of these were not present in the sources and could not be determined with certainty and so were omitted.

naitre de faeons diverses: 1) par l'abreviation n., 2) par la presence d'un indicateur de classe en italique et entre parentheses, 3) par une entaille (f) suivie de la forme plurielle en italique. En principe, chaque substantif comporte et indicateur de classe et forme plurielle, mais parfois run ou l'autre des deux ne se trouvant pas dans les sources, on a choisi de I'omettre plutot que de risquer un contresens.

Verbs are given in infinitive forms as was done in Mali (1979) and Fagerberg-Diallo (1984). We feel this to be more helpful to the learner of Fulfulde than to list the singular progressive form as did UNESCO (1971) and Zubko (1980).

Les verbes som donnes exclusivement a l'infinitif comme I'ont fait Mali (1979) et Fagerberg-Diallo (1984). Les auteurs trouvent ce sysreme plus utile a l'etudiant de fulfulde que celui qui consiste a foumir Ie singulier de la forme progressive comme l'ont fait UNESCO (1971) and Zubko (1980).

Cross-references are given for words which, because of an initial consonant change, may appear in a different part of the dictionary than their root. Full listings for these words then appear under the root. Some cross-references are also given when, because of assimilation of a consonant in the presence of an extension, a word may alphabetically be located apart from its root. Finally, some cross references are given for variant forms. We have generally avoided the use of cross-references for etymologically unrelated synonyms.

Des renvois sont donnes pour les mots qui, par raison d'un changement de consonne initiale, ne se trouvent pas au meme endroit du lexique que leurs racines. La pleine notation pour de tels mots se retrouve alors avec les racines. Des renvois sont utilises egalement quand l'assimilation d'une con sonne en presence d'une extension eloigne Ie mot de sa racine dans l'ordre a1pharetique. Entin, on emploie quelquefois des renvois pour les variantes. En general, nous avons evite l'emploi de renvois pour les synonymes sans parente etymologique. Plusieursentrees comportent des mots entre crochets: l]. Parmi ceux-Ia se trouvent des mots a orthographe variable, des synonymes et des mots a significations rapprochees. Suivant Ie crochet final on trouve parfois deux-points et un code de source (un code de dialecte aussi, si cela est requis) quand Ie mot en question ne figure pas ailleurs dans Ie lexique. Dans quelques cas seulement on a mis entre crochets des indicateurs de classe variants ou des pluriels de substantifs variants. Le cf. qui precede un mot (au racine) entre crochets indique que Ie mot (ou racine) en question a des rapports ou semantiques ou etymoloqiques avec Ie mot principal de l'entree.

Many entries include some words in square brackets: []. These include variant spellings, synonyms, and words with closely related meanings. The end bracket may be followed by a colon and a source code (and also, where appropriate, by a dialect code) when this word is not listed elsewhere in the compilation. In a few cases the brackets have also been used to list a variant class indicator or plural form for a noun. A cf. preceding the brackets identifies either 1) a word which is semantically related to the main listing and thus of possible interest to the user, or 2) a root (or word) which may be etymologically related. Some Fulfulde words include multiple glosses which we have attempted to organize by meaning, using commas and/or semi-colons.

Quelques-uns des mots fulfuldes comportent des commentaires multiples et nous avons essaye d'organiser les diverses significations en utilisant des virgules etlou des points-virgules.

As mentioned above, information on sources consulted in writing each entry of this lexicon appears following the word (and part of speech information) using a set of single-letter source codes (see pp. xviii-xx). When the various sources give differing glosses for the given Fulfulde word, each gloss is given followed by a source code (or codes) in parentheses. This procedure sometimes involves some complication, as in cases where more than one source may give similar glosses for a lexical item, but only one source gives a different gloss. In order accurately to report the information given without unduly cluttering the entries, we have adopted three conventions for such situations:

En ecrivant les entrees du lexique,comme no us I'avons deja note ci-dessus, les renseignements sur les sources consulrees suivent immediatement Ie terme principal aussi que l'indication de la partie du discours, et utilisent un code de sources a lettres simples (voir pp. xviii-xx). Quand les diverses sources consul tees foumissent des commentaires variants pour un mot fulfulde, nous donnons a chacun d'entre eux un code (au des codes) de source entre parentheses. Ce procede entraine un certain niveau de complication, comme dans les cas ou plus d'une source donnent des commentaires similaires pour un terme donne, et une seule source foumit quelque chose de different. Pour rendre pleinement compte des renseignements sans trop encombrer les entrees, nous avons adopte les conventions suivantes:



1) Le code attribuc a une source donncc parait apres Ie commentairc dans la langue originelle de la source (i.e., anglais ou fmn~ais) et non apres la traduction en parallclc du commentaire. Par exemple, Ie code de source pour Mali (1979),"D," ne se trouvera qu'a la suite d'un commentaire fran~is, tandis que Ie code pour Fagerberg-Diallo (1984), "F," suivra toujours un commentaire anglais. Tres peu des sources consultees pour ce lexique donnaient des commentaires en anglais et francais.'

1) The code for a given source appears after the gloss as reported in the language of that source (i.e. French or English) and not following its parallel translation. For instance, the source code for Mali (1979), "D," will be only seen following a French gloss, and that for Fagerberg-Diallo (1984), "F," following an English gloss. Only a very few of the sources used offered glosses in both English and French.' 2) When all sources consulted regarding a word seem to be in consensus on a particular gloss (or glosses), this is (these are) listed without source codes before any other glosses.

2) Quand toutes les sources consuItees s'accordent pour donner Ie meme commentaire, celui-ci est place sans code de source avant tous les autres renseignements.

3) A source code may indicate that one or several words in the gloss are drawn from that source. When the code follows a gloss without an intervening space, it refers only to that gloss. When it follows the last of a series of glosses grouped between semi-colons with an intervening space, it means that all of that series of glosses is reported by that source.

3) Un code de source insere dans un commentaire indique d'habitude qu'un ou plusieurs mots du commentaire sont tires de ceue source. Quand Ie code suit immMiatement un commentaire sans intervalle, il se refere uniquement a ce commentaire. Lorsque Ie code suit Ie dernier d'une suite de commentaires groupes entre des deux points et sans intervalle, cela indique que toute la serie se rapporte a ceUe meme source.

Sources are not indicated in the English-Fulfulde and French-Fulfulde sections with the exception of some terms reported only by Mali (1982) and Guide de transcription du Fulfulde ("T" and "G" respectively) which the language learner should use with caution. (see notes 9 and lIon p. xix)

Les sources ne sont pas donnees pour les sections Anglais - fulfulde, Fmn~ais - fulfulde, exception faite pour des termes tires uniquement de Mali (1982) et du Guide de transcription du fulfulde ("T" et "G" rcspectivcment) que I'etudiant du fulfulde ne doit utiliser qu'avec prudence. (voir les notes 9 et II, p. xix)

4. Questions. 4. Questions When there is some doubt about information given in an entry we have signaled this using question marks. A question mark may appear in any part of an entry. When a question mark follows the target word (or the plural form of a noun) it indicates that there is some doubt about the Fulfulde spelling of the word. This is sometimes a problem for words reported in a non-standard transcription of Fulfulde, such as done by Gallais (1967, 1984), Imperato (1973), N'Diaye (1976b), and von Maydell (1983). Less frequently, apparent errors in lexicons or other sources leave some doubt as to what spelling was intended.

La ou il reste un doute sur les renseignements donnes sur un mot, nous I'avons signale en utilisant un point d'interrogation. Un point d'interrogation peut donc se trouver dans n'importe quelle partie d'une entree dans Ie lexique. Lorsqu'un point d'interrogation suit immediatement Ie mot cible (ou Ie pluriel d'un substantif) cela indique la presence d'un doute sur J'orthographe du mot en fulfulde. Cela pose quelquefois des problemes pour les mots tires d'une transcriplion non-standard du fulfulde, telle Gallais (1967, 1984), Impemto (1973), N'Diaye (1976b), and von Maydell (1983). Moins souvent, les erreurs dans les lexiques ou autres sources laissent un doute sur I'orthographe voulue.

3. All of the sources from which Fulfulde lexical material was drawn were in French except Fagerberg-Diallo (1984) and several sources consulted regarding selected entries: Cisse (1985), Eguchi (1969), Grayzel (1977, 1990), Henry de Frahan (1990), Imperato (1973), Kane and Robinson (1984), LaViolette (1987), Lewis (1981), Netting et al (1980), Swift et al (1965), Taylor (1932), Trimingham (1959), Turner (1989), Wagenaar et al (1986), and Wilson (1986). All of the latter were in English. UNESCO (1971) and Ba (1966) were in both English and French, and Riesman (1977) is the English translation of his origina work (1974) in French. (Some references to Fulfulde texts without translations were also made.)

3. Toutes les sources dont on avait tire des matieres lexiques sur Ie fulfulde etaient en francais sauf Fagerberg-Diallo (1984) et une poignee de sources consuMes pour des cas speciaux: Cisse (1985), Eguchi (1969), Grayzel (1977, 1990), Henry de Frahan (1990), Imperato (1973), Kane et Robinson (1984), La Violette (1987), Lewis (1981), Netting et al (1980), Swift et al (1965), Taylor (1932), Trimingham (1959), Turner (1989), Wagenaar et al (1986) et Wilson (1986). Tous ces derniers sont en anglais. UNESCO (1971) et Ba (1966) sont en anglais et fran98is, et Riesman (1977) est la traduction en fran~ais de son ouvrage anterieur (1974). (On a fait egalement reference a quelques travaux en fulfulde.)



A question mark in an English or French gloss, separated from the word it follows by a space, indicates some question about that gloss. In a few instances, the use of question marks was not judged to be an adequate measure of our questions concerning a particular entry. Such entries are grouped together in Appendix A.

Un point d'interrogation dans un commentaire anglais ou francais, separe du mot qu'il suit par un espace, indique la presence de quelque doute sur ce commentaire. Quelquefois lorsque l'emploi d'un point d'interrogation n'exprimait pas assez nos doutes concernant un mot, nous avons trouve a propos de ranger de tels mots dans l'appendice A.



1. Grammar and semantic fields.

1. Grammaire et champs semantiques

adjective adverb

adj adv Afr.

agriculture anatomy augmentative compare, see also class indicator conjunction compound word diminutive for example emphatic form equestrian term especially etcetera euphemism exclamation extension figuratively generally geometry vulgar term history ideophone independent infinitive interjection interrogative long form literally mathematics medicine, health military noun negative object oneself

Agr. Anat. aug. cf.

c.i. conj

cpd dim. e.g. emph.

Equ. esp. etc. euph. excl ext fig. gen.,gen. Geom.,Geom. gros. Hist. ideoph, idcoph indo inf. interj interrog If lit. Math. MM.,Med. Mil.

n. neg. obj. o.s. p.cx.

adjectif adverbe locution franyaise africaine ou malienne agriculture anatomie augmentatif comparer, voir aussi, coruere indicateur de classe conjonction mots composes diminutif forme emphatique terme equestre et cetera euphemisme exclamation extension figure generalement geometrie terme grossier histoirc ideophonc independant, autonome infinitif interjection interrogalif forme longue litteral, au sens propre mathematiques mMecine, sante militaire nom, substantif negatif objet par cxemplc

(continued on next page)




particle pejorative plural possessive preposition pronoun probably

religion relative somebody, someone subject science school short form singular something suffix (of nominal class) variant animal health, veterinary term see, refer to verb active voice verb intransitive verb middle voice verb passive voice verb transitive verb (appears between sing. and pI. forms of a noun) dialect (see pp. xvii-xviii) (see p. xiii) (see p. xiv-xv)

part. pej.,pej. pI. poss. prep.,prep.

pm prob. qqch qqn ReI. reI. sb sbj. Sci. Scol. sf sg. sth suL var. Vet.,Vet.

V. v. v.av v.i. v.mv v.pv v.L

/ () []


2. Languages from which words have been borrowed.

sujet sciences ecole fonne courte singulier suffixe (de classe nominale) variant sante des animaux, tenne veterinaire voir verbe verbe - voix active verbe intransitif verbe - voix moyenne verbe - voix passive verbe transitif (mis entre la forme singuliere et la forme plurielle du nom) dialecte (voir pp. xvii-xviii) (voir p. xiii) (voir p. xiv-xv)

2. Langues dont des mots ont He empruntes.

Sources for words which have come into Fulfulde from other languages are given in abbreviated form following the root (or key word) heading for the word(s) in question. The origins of loan words as indicated by various sources have been recorded here except in a few cases, where we have made some modifications or additions of loan word attributions. Abbreviations for source languages of loan words are as follows:

Arabic Bambara4 Berber

particule pejoratif pluriel possessif preposition pronom probablement quelque chose quelqu'un religion relatif

Nous donnons en abreviations suivant la racine (ou Ie mot-clef) les sources pour les mots empruntes par Ie fulfulde aux langues etrangeres . Nous enregistrons les origines des mots empruntes d'apres les indications des sources, sauf dans les cas ou nous avons fait nous-memes des modifications ou des additions. Les abreviations utilisees pour les langues etrangeres sources de mots emprunres sont les suivantes:

Ar Bam Ber

arabe bambara4 berbere continued on next page 4. Aucune des sources consultees n 'a pu nous indiquer quels dialectes de mandenkan sont a l'origine des mots emprunres utilises dans Ie fulfulde de Massina. Dans quelques cas nous avons choisi de signaler des mots ayantl'air d'etre emprunre au bambara.

4. None of the sources used specify which dialect(s) of Mandenkan are the origins of loan wonls used in the Masina dialect of Fulfulde. In some cases we have chosen to indicate words which appear to have been borrowed specifically from the Bambara.



English French Rausa Mandenkan(Bam bara, Malinke, etc.) Serer Soninke Songhay Wolof

Eng Fr Rs Man

anglais fran~ais

haoussa langues mandin~ues (bambara, mahnke, etc.) serere soninke sonral wolof

Ser Soni Sonr Wol

3. Fulfulde dialects.

3. Dialectes du fulfulde

Although this dictionary compilation focuses on the Masina dialect, two lexical sources have been used which cover all dialects of Fulfulde, UNESCO (1971) and Zubko (1980), and another is used which treats dialects within Mali, Mali (1980). In addition, reference has been made to several sources dealing with dialects other than that of Masina. When words or terms were included in this compilation which were also indicated for other Fulfulde dialects by any of the above mentioned sources, a notation concerning those dialects was included. This has been done for three principal reasons: 1) In some cases a word may be reported as occurring in Masina by one or more sources but not by others. In order to reflect the apparent disagreement among the sources, the word is included in this compilation along with the appropriate notation. 2) Lexical material actually reported for dialects other than that of Masina is sometimes included to help illustrate the range of meaning of a particular word or root, and dialect notation helps the user to identify it as such. 1) Such notation may be of help to the user of this dictionary in understanding the geographical range of use of a particular lexical item.

Quoique ce lexique s'occupe du dialecte de Massina, nous avons consulte deux sources lexicales qui s'etendent sur tous les dialectes du fulfulde, UNESCO (1971) et Zubko (1980), et une troisieme qui traite les dialectes it I'inrerieur du Mali, Mali (1980). En plus, nous nous sommes refen5s it plusieurs sources traitant les dialectes autres que celui du Massina. Quand les mots compris dans ce lexique ont ere signales par les sources citees ci-dessus comme appartenant aussi a d'autres dialectes, nous avons ajoute une note sur ces dialectes. Nous avons procede de cette maniere pour les raisons suivantes: 1) dans quelques cas, une ou plusieurs sources peuvent attribuer un mot donne au Massina, tandis que d'autres n'en font rien. Pour donner une idee des divergences reelles parmi les sources par rapport it un tel mot, nous avon decide de conserver au lexique Ie mot en question avec les renseignements necessaires. 2) Nous gardons parfois des matieres lexicales attribuees it des dialectes autres que celui du Massina dans Ie seul but d'aider it montrer Ie champ semantique de tel mot, et la note rappelle au lecteur de quoi il s'agit. 3) Une telle notation pourrait aider celui qui utilise ce lexique a se rendre compte de I'aire geographique des usages d'un mot en particulier.

Aucune notation de dialecte n'est donnee dans ce lexique No dialect notation is indicated in this lexicon for words and terms reported by UNESCO (1971) and pour les mots qui, d'apres UNESCO (1971) et Zubko Zubko (1980) as occurring only in the Masina dialect. In (1980), se rencontrent dans Ie seul dialecte de Massina. a few cases we were able to give an indication of variant Dans quelques cas seulement no us avons pu signaler des usages within Masina. s Dialect notation 6 always appears usages variables dans Ie Massina. s Les remarques sur les within angled brackets: () dialectes 6 se trouvent toujours en crochets it angle: ( ) A Adamawa B Benin, Benin BF Burkina-Faso DO dialectes orientaux, eastern dialects = (A,G,K,NE,S) F Ferlo (une zone foulaphone du Senegal; a Fula-speaking area of Senegal) FJ Fouta Djalon, Futa Jalon FN Fouta Nioro (zones foulaphones aux alentours de Nioro, Mali; Fula-speaking areas in the vicinity of Nioro, Mali) (continued on next page) 5. Only one source we have referred to, Mali (1980), dealt with variations within the Masina dialecL In a few instances, when this source reponed a particular tenn or usage as occurring in one pan of Masina and no reference to this word or tenn is found elsewhere, notation of the area is given. 6. Abbreviations adapted from those used by UNESCO (1971) and Zubko (1980).

5. Une seule source que nous avons consultee, Mali (1980), avait trait6 les variations dans Ie dialecte de Massina. Dans quelques cas, quam! ceue source indiquait qu 'un tenne ou un usage se trouvait usit6 dans une partie de Massina et aucune trace ne s'en trouvaitailleurs, nous avons ajout6 en note Ie nom de la region. 6. Nous avons adopte en les modifiant les abreviations utilisees par UNESCO (1971) et Zubko (1990). XVII


FT G Gam Jam'aare K Kefieba M N NE NO S SH

Fouta Toro, Futa Toro Gombe, Gombe Gambie, Gambia Diamare (zone foulaphone du Cameroun et sous-dialecte d' Adamawa; Fula-speaking area in Cameroon and sub-dialect of Adamawa) Kano (zones foulaphones aux alentours de Kenieba, Mali; Fula-speaking areas in the vicinity of Kenieba, Mali) Massina, Macina, Masina Niger Niger oriental, eastern Niger Niger occidental, western Niger Sokoto Seeno-Hayre (zone foulaphone qui se trouve a I'est du Massina; Fula-speaking area to the east of Masina)

Two additional notations are used:



Deux autres notations sont employees:


Indicates that the source whose abbreviation appears before (e.g. C ( - ) , Z ( - » lists the word given without specifying a dialect. Indicates that the source (e.g. C ( +) , Z( +}) lists the word given with variant forms or plurals attributed to different groups of dialects including (M).

( +)

4. Source Identification

Ce signe indique que la source dont l'abreviation parait avant (p.ex. C (-), Z( -» donne Ie mot sans preciser de dialecte. Ce signe indique que la source (p.ex. C (+) etlou Z ( +) ) donne Ie mOL en question avec des formes ou des pluriels variables, attribues a divers groupes de dialectes dont (M).

4. Identification des sources

Each entry in the Fulfulde-English-French section includes references to the source(s) consulted. The most frequently used sources are indicated by single letter codes (see key below). Other sources are indicated with more complete references. The source code(s) appear between the Fulfulde word and its definitions. Each letter in turn may be in upper or lower case. Generally, when the letter is in upper case, the source was of primary importance in writing the entry. That is, it provided the listed form (or one of the listed forms) of the Fulfulde word, it provided a gloss for that term, and the source either (a) concerned with the Fulfulde of Masina or of Mali in general or (b) it indicated the word was used in Masina or was in general use among Fulfulde speakers. In all other cases, lower case notation is used.

Dans la section Fulfulde - anglais - fran~ais chaque mot com porte des references aux sources consultees. Les sources les plus souvent consul tees sont marquees d'un code a lenres simples (voir la clef en bas). Les autres sources sont identifiees de fa~on plus complete. Les codes de sources se placent entre Ie mol fulfulde et les definitions. Chaque lettre du code peut etre ou en majuscule ou en miniscule. Generalement, lorsque la lettre est en majuscule la source ainsi marquee a joue un rOle de premiere importance dans la composition des definitions; c'est-a-dire, qu' elle a fourni la forme (ou rune des formes) du mot fulfulde, un commentaire sur Ie terme, et la source ou relatif au fulfulde de Massina ou du Mali en general, ou qu'il indique que Ie mot s'emploie communement au Massina ou generalement parmi ceux parlant fulfulde. Dans tous les autres cas nous utilisons des lettres miniscules.

Six letter codes, which are usually or always found in lower case, identify sources which did not deal wilh the Fulfulde of Masina per se, but were helpful in writing definitions. These include two (b, u) consulted mainly regarding origins of loan words. Three (k, r, x) dealt with dialects outside Masina but were helpful, in writing some definitions. One, (q), did not deal with Fulfulde at all but with French as spoken in Mali, and was helpful in understanding French glosses given by some sources.

Les codes de six lettres, normalement en lettres miniscules, marquent les sources qui, n'ayant pas trait au fulfulde de Massina, ont neanmoins contribue a faire les definitions. Parmi ceUes-Ia, nous en avons consulte deux (b,u) sur les origines des mots empruntes. Trois autres (k,r,x) traitaient les dialecles en dehors du Massina mais servaient egalement pour les definitions. L'une d'entre elles, (q), ne visait point Ie fulfulde mais plutot Ie fran~ais du Mali et nous fut utile pour la comprehension des commentaires des sources fTan~aises.







Mimeographed list of tree names (DNAFLA).8 Ba,Oumar. 1977. Le Fouta Toro au carrefour des cultures. C UNESCO. 1971. Dictionnaire elementairefulfuldefranr,;ais-English. (CRDTO) D Mali, Ministere de l'Education. 1979. Lexiquefulfulde-franr,;ais (Konngi Fulfulde -Maanda Ma}}i e Faransi). (DNAFLA) E N'Diaye, Bokar. 1970b. Groupes ethniques au Mali. F Fagerberg-Diallo, Sonja. 1984. A Practical Guide and Reference Grammar to the Fulfulde of Maasina. G Mali, Minisrere de l'Education. Guide de transcription defulfulde. (DNAFLA)9 H Mali, Minisrere de l'Education. 1980. Dialectes fulfulde - Haalaa}ifulfulde. (DNAFLA) I Gallais, Jean.IO 1967. Le Delta interieur du Niger: Etude de geographie regionale. ___ . 1984. Hommes du Sahel: Espaces-Temps et pouvoirs - Le Delta interieur du Niger, 19601980. J Ba, Amadou-Hampate. laawambe: Traditions historiques des Peul Jaawambe. K Kintz, Daniele, et Bernard Toutain. 1981. Lexique commente peul-latin desflores de Haute-Volta. L Labouret, H. 1952. La langue des Peuls ou Foulbe. M Ba et Daget. 1961. L'empire peul du Macina (1818-1853). N Mimeographed list of words beginning with "n" (DNAFLA). (some input from Osborn's personal notes) P Daget, J. 1954. Les poissons du Niger superieur. q Queffelec, A., F. Jouannet et al. 1982. Inventaire des particularites lexicales dufranr,;ais au Mali. R Taylor, F.W. 1932. A Fulani-English Dictionary. S Seydou, Christiane. 1976b. La geste de HamBodedio ou Hama Ie Rouge. T Mali, Ministere de l'Education. 1982. Regles de transcription dufulfulde suivies de quelques terminologies. (DNAFLA)II U Labatut, R. 1983. "Les emprunts du peul a l'arabe," in Langue arabe et langues africaines. V Ba, Amadou-Hampate. 1966. The Fulbe or Fulani of Mali and their Culture," Abbia, No. 14-15. W Fulfulde language lessons, Units 11-13, Peace Corps, Mali.

Une liste poycopiee des noms d'arbres (DNAFLA).8 Ba,Oumar. 1977. Le Fouta Toro au carrefour des cultures. C UNESCO. 1971. Dictionnaire e!ementaire fulfuldefranr,;ais-English. (CRDTO) D Mali, Minisrere de I'Education. 1979. Lexiquefulfulde-franr,;ais (Konngi Fulfulde -Maanda Ma}}i e Faransi). (DNAFLA) E N'Diaye, Bokar. 1970b. Groupes ethniques au Mali. F Fagerberg-Diallo, Sonja. 1984. A Practical Guide and Reference Grammar to the Fulfulde of Massina. G Mali, Minisrere de I'Education. Guide de transcription defulfulde. (DNAFLA)9 H Mali, Minisrere de I'Education. 1980. Dialectesfulfulde - Haalaa}ifulfulde. (DNAFLA) Gallais, Jean.'o 1967. Le Delta interieur du Niger: Etude de geographie regionale. ___ . 1984. Hommes du Sahel: Espaces-Temps et pouvoirs - Le Delta interieur du Niger, 19601980. J Ba, Amadou-HampaLe. laawambe: Traditions historiques des Peul laawambe. K Kintz, Daniele, et Bernard Toutain. 1981. Lexique commente peul-latin desflores de Haute-Volta. L Labouret, H. 1952. La langue des Peuls ou F oulbe. M Ba et Daget. 1961. L'empire peul du Macina (18181853). N Une liste polycopiee des mots commen~ant avec "n" (DNAFLA). o (des donnees venant des notes personnelles de M. Osborn) P Daget, J. 1954. Les poissons du Niger superieur. q Queffelec, A., F. Jouannet et al. 1982. Inventaire des particularites lexicales dufranr,;ais au Mali. R Taylor, F.W. 1932. A Fulani-English Dictionary. S Seydou, Christiane. 1976b. La geste de HamBodedio ou Hama Ie Rouge. T Mali, Minisrere de I'Education. 1982. Regles de transcription dufulfulde sui vies de quelques terminologies. (DNAFLA)II U Labatut, R. 1983. "Les emprunts du peul a l'arabe," in Langue arabe etlangues africaines. V Ba, Amadou-HampaLe. 1966. "Des Foulbe du Mali et de leur culture," Abbia, No. 14-15. W Fulfulde language lessons, Units 11-13, Peace Corps, Mali.

7. Complete citations are given in the bibliography. 8. Direction Nationale de I' Alphabetisation Fonctionelle et de la Linguistique Appliquee (National Direction of Functional Literacy and Applied Linguistics) of the Ministere de I"Education (Ministry of Education) in Mali. 9. Lexical items and glosses having only the source code "G" is generally intended for use in instruction and may not be present in common speech. 10. These two works were treated together because much of the Fulfulde material Gallais introduces is mentioned in both. I I. Lexical items and glosses having only the source code "T" are generally intended for use in instruction and may not be present in common speech.

7. Les citations completes sont donnees dans la bibliographie. 8. Direction nation ale de I'alphabetisation fonctionelle et de la linguis· tique appliquee du Ministere de I'education du Mali. 9. Les mots et les commentaires ayant comme seul code de source Ie "G" sont destines a I'usage dans I'enseignement el peuvent ne pas se retrouver dans la langue de tous les jours. 10. Nous avons mis ensemble ccs deux ouvragcs parcc qu'it peu pres Ics memes materiaux fulfuldes se relrouvent dans lOUS les deux. II. Les mots el les commentaires ayant comme seul code de source Ie "T" sonl deslines it I'usage dans \'enseignemenl ct peuvenl ne pas sc relrouver dans la langue de tous les jours.




Noye, Dominique. ]989. Dictionnairefoulfouldefranr;ais: Dialecte peul du Diamare NordCameroun. Y Quane, Adama I. Koval. 1976. "Structure morphemique du mot fulfulde," Etudes Maliennes. Z Zubko, G.V. 1980. Dictionnaire peul (fula)-russefranr;ais.


Noye, Dominique. 1989. Dictionnaire foulfouldefranr;ais: Dialecte peul du Diamare NordCameroun. Y Quane, Adama I. Koval. 1976. "Structure morphemique du mot fulfulde," Etudes Maliennes. Z Zubko, G.V. 1980. Dictionnaire peul (fula)-russefranr;ais.



A coutumes d'un pays ou d'un peuple(Z)

A prn,sbj,s/ OFZH Z(-) you (sg.) tu -a suf,pos F your (sg.) (only with certain nouns such as those which refer to close family members) ton, ta, tes (seulement pour certains substantifs, tels ceux qui se rapportent aux membres de la proche famille) aan prn,ind OFZH [an):Z(-) you (sg.) (emphatic) toi (emphatique) ad'a prn,sbj,lf OFZH [acfo):Z you (sg.) tu -d'aa, -d'a prn,sbj OF you (sg.) (used with imperfect and subjunctive forms) tu (employe avec les formes imparfaites et subjonctives) -e prn,obj F you (suffix used in certain grammatical conditions) te (sufftxe employe dans certaines situations grammaticales) ma, maa prn,obj FZH Z(-) you (sg.) te ma, maa, maad'a prn,pos OFZH Z(-) your (sg.) ton, ta, tes




aadondiral (nga/) T [kabbondiral) alliance alliance aadondireede v.pv+ext T [fibondireede) to make a contract contracter

AADAMA Aadama PN OZ Z(-) man's first name, Adam prenom d'homme, Adam aadamanke(ejo) (0) / aadarnankeeoe (oe)


C(FJ,FT,M),Z(-) [bii-Aadama, necfcfo, remme, tagaacfo, tomotte)

human being etre humain



aade (0) Db human beings etres humains

AAFaafugol (ngol) 0 installation of a bed installation d'un lit

AAJaajaade, ajaade v.rnv

0 [moob(u)de, faggaade,

mubbude, wubbude)

to amass amasser



aalude v.av z to split, dissociate fendre, dissocier

aadi (0) / aadiiji (di) OFCZT C(-),Z(+) [amaana) agreement(FC), promise(F), convention(F), accord, pact(C), conftdence(C); custom [alaada] serment(D), contrat(T), convention(Z), accord(CZ), pacte(C), confiance(C); coutume(Z) [alaada] alaada (0) / a/aadaaji (di) OFzbu Z(G,A) [aada/

AAM- (1) aamde v.av 0 to start, create, trace the place for a dwelling commencer, creer, tracer l'emplacement d'une habitation .

aadaaji):O,Z(FT) [laada/laadaaji):OF [aadi):Z [sunna, tawaangal)

AAM-T- (2) aamtude v.av +ext 0 to split, open (calabash) fendre, ouvrir (calebasse)

custom(F), habit(F), tradition, cultural custom (F) , totality of habits and customs of a country or a people coutume(DZ), habitude(D), tradition(Z), coutume culturelle, ensemble des us et




aamare, amare (nge)

aatude v.av

DZX(Turner, 1989) Z(M.A}

DeZH C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) cf.:[haacude.



coloration of cattle; white cow with red spots; white cow with small colored spots(Turner, 1989) robe de vache(D); vache blanche tachetee de rouge(Z); vache blanche aux taches colorees

to lose one's head; to scream loudly, cry out s'affoler(DH); crier tres fort(D), pousser un grand cri(Z)

AAWaawde v.av FCZV CZ(-) to plant seeds, sow, seed, plant semer, ensemencer, planter aawdi (ndi) / aawai (ai) FCz C(-),Z(A,G)

amare / amari (R(A»): white cow with red flanks; vache blanche aux flancs rouges (X(A(Jam'aare)): (zebu) with a white coat spotted red or black; (zebu) Ii robe blanche avec quelques taches rouges ou noires

seed semence, graine aawgol (ngo/) F cf.:[sankere] planting, seeding, sowing plantation, semailles, ensemencement, semis

AAMIN aamin, aamiina DZ so be it, amen! ainsi soit-il, amen!

AAN aan AAR Fr


pm,ind V. a

-IRaawirde (nde) / aawirae (a e) Z calabash in which to put seed calebasse pour y mettre la semence

aar n. T are (100 square meters) are (100 metres carres)



aayaare (nde) T [gaayaare] anarchy anarchie aayiid'o (0) T [gaayiicfo] anarchist anarchiste

aare? n. (Imperato, 1973) part of a design woven in kaasa blankets including diamond shapes partie de dessin tisse dans des couvertures kaasa comprenant des formes de diamant aarude v.av ZH Z(FT.M} to split; to half-open a cashbox by lifting the lid; to open a ring fendre(H); entrouvrir une caisse en soulevant Ie couvercle(Z); ouvrir un anneau(Z)



aaya (0) / aayaaji (ai), aayaaje, aajeeje (ae)



verse of the Koran; three dots at the end of each verse of the Koran; dot verset du Coran(DZ); trois points a la fin de chaque verset du Coran(Z); point(Z)

-Taartude v.av+ext DY to split, separate fendre(D), separer(D), ecarter(Y)






abada, abadaa, abadan DFZ Z(-) never(F) (with negation); ever(F); long ago jamais(D) (avec la negation)(Z); jamais; il y a longtemps


Aaraabo, Aarabo (0) / Aara66e, Aara6e'en (6e) DFcz CZ(G.A} [Araabo/Araabe]:W [Ara(a)buujo. Laarabuujo]

Abada mi yahaali. (F): I have never gone. ; Je ne suis jamais aile. abada pati (F): don't ever; ne faites jamais (qqch) gila abada (F): since long ago, forever; depuis longtemps, toujours

Arab Arabe aaraa6ere, aaraa6uure (nde) - var.arabiya(nkoore) Z


Arabuujo, Araabuujo (0) / Arabuu6e, Araabu6e


abajada, abajadda (0) / abajadaaji (ai)

(6e) - var.- Aaraabo Z (FJ,M) arabiya, arabiyankoore (nde) D'Z)N Z( +)

DeZ C(FJ),Z(-} [habajaacfa, harfeeje. karfeeje, limto]

alphabet alphabet

[aaraabere. aaraabuure]

Arabic language langue arabe 4

calcul(Z); nombre(Z)


adadu keeweendi (1'): cardinal number; nombre cardinal

abba (0) OFh [baa, baaba, babba] father (term of address) pere (titre)


Ox [adikko]:X(A(Jam'aare» [adiikowol]: CZ(G) [misoro, mosoro]

abbam (H): my father; mon pere abbiiko (H): his or her father; son pere

ABBERE abbere ACC-

scarf, head tie mouchoir de tete

var.- wabbere DcZ C(FJ),Z(-)


adi'ade, adii-adii n. 0 game of running, race jeu de course




adiliijo (0) / adili'en (6e) Dz

accaneede v.pv+exl Z to have a bad reputation avoir une mauvaise reputation

Z(A) [nuundudo]


person who is just, honest qui est juste, honnete



Z (FT,M)


aduna (0) OFCZ CZ(+) world, universe; people monde, univers; gens

AD- (1)

ADA ada AF-

adaade v.pv OFZ C(FJ),Z(-) [artaade] to be first, precede; to promise etre Ie premier, preceder, devancer; promettre(D) adan adv. FZ Z(-) [aran] at first, in the past, in the beginning premierement, autrefois, a l'origine adiido (0) / adii6e (6e) F person who is or was first qui est ou fut Ie premier


pm,sbj,lf V. a

PN DE [Anady]:E [Hammadi]

name of first, eldest child (boy) prenom du premier enfant, aine

(gar~on) afo, afoojo / afOe, afoo6e, afo'en (CZ(G,A,FJ»): first born, eldest child ; premier ne, I'aine des enfants

AF- (2?) arude v.av 0 to have a baby animal nurse by animal not its mother faire teter on petit animal a one autre que sa mere

AD- (2) adal (ngal) Z transportation, haulage transport, roulage adoowo (0) / ado06e (6e) Z (A,M) porter, carter porteur, charretier adude v.av OcZ C(NE),Z(-) to take; to gather; to carry, bring, transport (by lots) prendre(DC); ramasser(D); porter, apporter, transporter (par lots) (Z)


var.- waddude OCZ


accude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to leave, leave alone, let alone, renounce, permit laisser, laisser seul, abandoner, renoncer a, permettre

accirde (neddo, huunde) v.av+ett to leave sth to sb laisser qqch a qqn


addiko n.



agoogo (0) / agoogooji (ai)

Dczx C(G,N),Z(G,N,A)


watch montre

AJ- ajaade var.- aajaade AJABAA- AI


ajabaajo (0) Ox unmarried woman une celibataire


adadu (0) / adaduuji (ai) OZ Z(-) quantity, measure; sum, total; calculation; number quantite, mesure (D); somme, total (Z);

(X(A(Jam'aare)): unmarried, widowed, or divorced woman; woman of loose morals, prostitute ; femme Iibre, veuve ou divorcee; femme de moeurs Iibres, prostituee






ALAMBANAARE alambanaare (nde) / alambanaaje (ae) mule [alfadariire); zebra mulet(D) [alfadariire); zebre(Z)


akoturu (ndu)

Dx [ako(o)tiiru (ndu)/ako(o)tiiji (di)]: CZ(G,A,NE) [pootiiru]


can ? boite

F [alalbaare]



aku n. ZX Z(A,M) parrot perroquet

alasoore n. D [bugewol) dark black turban turban noir fonce

(Fairbairn, 1933 (-»: grey parrot; Jacko (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) aku/akuuji (X(A(Jam'aare»): parrakeet, parrot, Senegal long-tailed parrakeet ; perroquet, perruche, perruche verte a collier (Psittacula krameri krameri)


albarkaare (nde) / albarkaaje (ae) Z gum gomme

Z(-) [njaflu, malu, arsike]

luck; wealth; possession, inheritance; development ?; metal, mineral chance(D); richesse(Z); possession, patrimoine (Z); essor(Z); metal, minerai

ALBARKANTEEJE albarkanteeje n. D incense made from the sap of a tree incens a base de seve d'arbre



Dczu [albasa (o)]:Z(FT,M) [albasarre):CZ(G) Oaba(are))

onion oignon

CZL CZ(FJ,M,NO) [allugal, gallaawal, luwal, wallaa(n)du]


horn (of animal) corne

alfaade v.mv D to wish for; to make an avowal souhaiter; faire un aveu aifella n. D wish, vow souhait, voeu


ALAL alai var.- alam ALALBAARE AI alalbaare / alalba Wednesday mercredi


albasaare (nde) / albasaaje (a e)

alaadu (ndu) / galaaai, galaaji (ai)

alaama (0) / alaamaaji (ai) sign, mark signe, marque

DS [balaawu]:T


galo (0) / aldu6e (6e) DZ(Labouret, 1955) Z(-) rich person; happy person personne riche; personne heureuse(Z) ngalu (ngu) / ngaluuji (ai) DZ(Labouret, 1955)

ALAA alaa var.- walaa DFcZ ALAADA alaada V. aadALAADU


albalaa'u, albala'u n. epidemic, calamity epidemie, calamite





alarbaare / alarba Wednesday mercredi

akooti(iru)/akootiiji (X(A(Jam'aare»): box, tin trunk; caisse, cantine



alam DFZ [alai, alan, alat] Sunday dimanche

ajami, ajamiya (0) Z (-) ajami (indigenous written form based on Arabic script) adjami (graphie indigene basee sur l'ecriture arabe)

DCz C(-),Z(A)



AI via Hs?

alfadariire (nde) / a/fadariije (ae) [alambanaare)

D [alarbaare]

mule mulet


DZ Z(-)




alkaasi n. CZ (M,BF) uanngal(i), lampo-na'i] cattle tax impot sur Ie betail

alhaali (0) D [noone, kulor (2)] color, tint couleur, teint alhaali/alhaaliiji (Z(FJ»: thing, product; chose, produit

ALHAALI (2) At alhaali (0) cz (M,BF,N)


[needi, tagu, liaa]

character, behavior; mode of action caractere, conduite, fa!;on de se comporter; mode d'action



alhaali (0) Zb (FT,M) way of being, situation maniere d'etre, situation




[darngal, liande darngal]

Resurrection Day Jour de la Resurrection





[A1qur'aana]:C [Qur'aana]:CZm [Uraa'aana]:Z

the Koran Ie Coran




A1kur'aan, A1kur'aana (0) Fez CZ(G,A)


aljaaburu (0) Tu [aljabru]:U(-) algebra algebre


Alia (0) dFZ Z(-) [A1lah]:D [A1laa]:Z God Dieu



aljahannama (0) Z hell enfer


At via Fr?

alkool n. T alcohol alcool

alhorma (0) z(Seydou, 1987) Z(DO) prestige, honor, respect, esteem, glory prestige, honneur, respect, estime, gloire



alkiyooma, alkiyoomi (0) ZS Z{M,NO) (ReI.)

alhariiri (ndi) Z (DO,M) [haniri] thread of silk ftl de soie



alkibaar (0) Z [habaaru, kibaaru] (V.kabaaru); situation, state (of being) (V. kabaaru); situation, etat

alhamdu (0) 0 title of ftrst verse of the Koran; (PN) fIrst name of a man titre du premier verset du Coran; (PN) prenom d'homme



alkamisaare / alkamisa F [alkamiisa]:C Thursday jeudi




alkama, alkamaari (ndi) DCZ CZ(M,NE,G,A) wheat ble

allooji (di) (Wagenaar et ai, 1986) plough oxen boeufs de labour



aljanne, aljenna, aljenne (0) DFCZ C(-),Z(+) heaven, paradise paradis, del

allubaanaare (nde) Dy [aliabanaare]:Y [foodi] cf.:[allumbanaare]

bead of amber perle en ambre

AUUMAARE aljumaare V. juma ALKAALI At


allmali, alkaaliijo (0) / alkaali'en (Be) DZq Z(-)

allugal (ngal) 0 [alaadu, gallaawal, luwal,



judge, local judge versed in Koranic and customary law; (PN) man's ftrst name juge, cadi; (PN) prenom d'homme

horn (of animal) corne



ALLUKI alluki (ki) / allude (de) DZAr Z(DO,M} tree, 'whitethorn' - Acacia sieberiana arbre (acacia a gomme sucree(Z)) - Acacia sieberiana

AM am pm,pos&obj AMAANA At

ALLUMBANAARE allumbanaare (nde) / allumbanaaje (de) Z decorated support for flowers support orne pour des fleurs At

AMARE amare var.- aamare Z (M,A) AMEERI ameeri/ameeri'en var.- amiiru F AMEN amen, am in V. min AMIIRU At

alluwal (ngal) / al/uuje (de) DCZV CZ(FJ,M,NO,BF}

small wooden plank used by Koranic school students, slate; blackboard planchette en bois des eleves de l'ecole coranique, ardoise; tableau

amiiraaku (ngu) Mq [kaanal)kaaku] chieftainship, position and duties of a chief chefferie, les devoirs de chef

alluwal oalewal (T): blackboard; tableau noir alluwal takkirde (T): bulletin board; tableau d'affichage alluwel (ngel) (T): slate; ardoise


amiraaku konu (His!.) (Sanankoua, 1990): command of the army; chefferie de I'armee


amiiru, amiiri (0) / amiraaoe, amiiraaoe, amiir'en (oe) DFZTbeIM Z(-} [ameeri] cf.:[arc:fo,

almaade v.mv DZ Z(FJ,M} to preside, direct; to lead the prayer Ouulnude]; to take the title of Imam pre sider, diriger (D); diriger la priere(Z) Ouulnude]; prendre Ie titre d'Imam(Z) almaami (0) / almaami'en (oe) DFZ Z(-}

jom, hoore(ejo), kaanal)ke, laam(ii)c:fo]

chief; chief of a ngenndi chef; chef de ngenndi (M) amiiru awgal (I): chief of fishing; chef des peches amiiru daaka (M): chief of a Bozo camp, quarter, or town ; chef d'un campement, quartier ou agglomeration bozo amiiru jaande (I): chief of a herd of 2100 head; chef d'un troupeau de 2100 tetes amiiru jawdi (M): chief of several herds; chef de plusieurs troupeaux amiiru na'i (1M): chief of all the herds in an area, (His!.) chief of all the herds in one of the 5 regions of Masina ; chef de tous les troupeaux dans une region, (Hist.) chef de tous les troupeaux dans une des 5 regions de Massina amiiru saare (M): chief of a saare (when not Fulani, Bozo, or dimaajo); chef de saare (si'il n'etait ni peul, ni bozo, ni dimaajo cf.:Uom saare]


Imam, leader of prayers at the mosque; (PN) man's first name Imam, qui dirige les prieres a la mosquee; (PN) prenom d'homme(D) almiid'o (0) / almiioe (oe) - var.- almaami F



almeeti (0) CZ (FJ,M,BF,N) matches allumettes



almudu n. Z second month of the hot, dry season deuxieme mois de la saison seche et chaude




ammaa conj. Dz Z(A) [kaa] only, but seulement, mais



almuud'o (0) / almuuoe, almuooe (oe) student; (ReI.) disciple; schoolchild eleve; (ReI.) disciple(Z); ecolier(Z)

V. mi

amaana (0) DCZ CZ(A,G,N,M,B} [amanaj:Z [aadi] convention, understanding, agreement, pact, confidence convention, entente, accord, pacte, confiance




alwa / alwaaji Z sweets sucreries

zv Z(-}

amre (nde) Dz Z(FT,Gam} turtle (freshwater) tortue (d'eau douce)



altineere / altine DFcz [altine]:CZ(FT,M,BF,N,B,G,A} Monday lundi

ana part. DFH [ina]:Z(-} it is, that is, 'is'; predicate/modal particle c'est; particule predicatif/modal du duratif


anndud'o c06l'>uli (T): sutveyor ; geometre anndud'o jannde hiisa (T): mathematician; mathCmaticien anndud'o kaaye (T): geologist; geologue anndud'o kiinndi (T): historian; historien anndud'o leydi (T): geographer; geographe ganndud'o nguurnd'am (T): biologist; biologiste ganndal (ngal) DeZth C(FJ},Z(-} [anndal] cf.:[gannd-]

+NI annii, annin, annina prep.

OFZh [nani, na nii,


here is, here it is (F); there is, there it is voici(DZ), Ie voici; voila(Z), Ie voila



Annabi, Annabiijo (0) / Annabi'en (oe) OFCZ(Seydou,1981) C(+),Z(FJ,BF,NO)

bookish knowledge, theoretical knowledge; SCIence connaissance livresque, connaissance theorique; science(Zt)

prophet(F); the prophet Muhammad prophete(CZ); Ie prophete Muhammad(D) annabaajo (0) / annabaaoe (oe) Dez CZ(FJ} person who is sent, prophet envoye, prophete annabaaku (ngu) Z (M,A) life and activity of the Prophet vie et activites du Prophete


ganndal hiisa (1): mathematics; mathCmatiques [anndal h.]

ganndal kaaye (1): geology; geologie [anndal k.] ganndalleydi (1): geography; geographie [anndall.] ganndallimoore (1): arithmetic; arithmetique [anndall., ganlimoore hiisa] ganndal terd'e, ganndal tere (T): anatomy; anatomie [anndal t.] ganndal tesko, ganndal teyko (T): natural sciences ; sciences naturelles


Annasaara (0) / Annasaaraaoe (oe)


[Annasaaraajo ]:Z

Christian; European, white person [Tuubaaku] chretien; Europeen, blanc [Tuubaaku]

-INanndinde v.av+ext OF to cause to know, introduce, show, explain faire savoir, presenter, montrer, expliquer

ANNDanndal (ngal) / annde (de)




knowledge (practical and theoretical), learning, wisdom, experience; science connaissance (pratique et theoretique), savoir, sagesse, experience; science

annditidde v.av+ext OF to recognize (lit. to know again) reconnaitre (lit. connaitre encore)

anndal hiisa (T): mathematics ; mathematiques [ganndal



annditinamwol (ngol) / annditinamji (di)

anndal kaaye (T): geology; geologie [ganndal k.] anndal kiindi (T): history; histoire anndal koode (T): astronomy; astronomie anndalleydi (T): geography; geographie [ganndall.] anndal Iimoore (T): arithmetic; arithmetique [ganndal I., ganlimoore hiisa] anndal nguurndam (T): biology; biologie anndal terd'e, anndal tere (T): anatomy; anatomie [ganndal t.) ann do (0) Zt [ganndo, anndudo, ganndudo]

riddle, puzzle devinette

-IT-IRannditirdu (ndu) T identity documents pieces d'identite

ANNII anii, annin, annina V. ANNIY- AI

person who is lettered, learned; magician lettre, savant; magicien(Z) anndo koode (1): astronomer ; astronome [ganndo koode] anndoode n. 0

mark marque anndude v.av OFCZH CZ(-} to know savoir, connaitre anndud'o (0) / annduoe (oe)



ana + ni

anniya (0, kay / anniyaaji (di) OFZ Z(FT,M,A) intention, design, project, plan, desire intention, dessein, projet, plan, desir anniyaade v.mv FZ Z(-} to intend to, plan to do sth, want to avoir l'intention, projeter de faire qqch, vouloir

ANN 00 RA annoora, annoore V. OFzt Z(FJ,A}

[anndo, ganndudo, ganndo]

person who is knowledgeable, wise qui a des connaissances, savant 9


ardiid'o serkel (T): commandant of a cercle (district) ; commandant de cercle [gardiid'o serkel] ard"aaku (ngu) FIM cf.:Uahilaaku]

Al]GALAARE aQgalaare (nde) 0 garlic ail

Al]GELE AJJgele F English anglais

traits of being an ardo(F); dignity of the ardo mawdo; (Hist.) time of the aroe caracteristiques d'un anf0; la dignite de l'ardo mawdo(M); (Hist.) Ie temps des

Fr [engele]


ard"o (0) / arlie, arduoe (oe)

OFCZEHIM C(M,N,G,A},Z(-} cf.:[pereejo, amiiru, ardiicfo, jom, kaanal]ke, laam(ii)cfo]

d'enngal Al)gele (F): English language; langue anglaise [engelenkoore]

chief (of a Fulani group), person who guides or leads; (Hist.) warrior-chief and pastoral guide (esp. in the Diallo clan) chef (d'un groupement peul), qui guide ou qui dirige; (Hist.) chef-guerrier et guide pastoral (surtout du clan Diallo(M))

APPappude v.av OZ to decompose, rot(v.i) se decomposer, pourrir(v.i.)

ARAAWA araawa (nga) / araaji (di)

OZ Z(M,BF} [ndakiire,

ard'o mawd'o (Hist.)(M): Ard'o of Masina, the oldest man in the family of Maghan Diallo ; l'Ard'o du Massina, Ie plus age de la famille de Maghan Diallo gardiigu (ngu) T cf.:[gard-]




command commandement

ARAB- Araabuujo, Arabuujo; arabiya, arabiyankoore V. aaraab-



ardinaad"o (0) T [gardinaacfo] chief of arrondissement or of cabinet chef d'arrondissement ou de cabinet ardinde v.av+ext DeZ C(-} to cause to precede, make to pass into first position; to lead faire preceder(D), faire passer en premier lieu(Z); conduire en precedant(C) ardineede v.pv+ext OZ Z(-} to be placed in front, before, ahead etre mis devant

aranal (ngal) Z (M,A) [demal aranal] first clearing premier debroussaillement arandeejum (dum) Z (M,A) first; in the past premierement; autrefois arane, arano adv. OF [adan, arannde] firstly, at first, in the beginning; (adj.) first d'abord, primo, au debut, autrefois; (adj.) premier arannde (nde) FCZ Z(+} Uaamaanu] the old days(F); (adv.) in the past, formerly, in the beginning autrefois; (adv.) au passe, jadis, au debut

-IN-Tardintinde v.av +2exts Z to do sth ahead of schedule faire qqch avant terme



ardaade v.mv OFHy to guide, lead, be first, precede devancer, preceder, guider, conduire, mener ardihfo (0) / ardiioe (oe) cZT C(FJ},Z(-}


arkilla, arkille (0) / arkillaaji (di)

OZ(Gardi et

Seydou, 1986) Z(A,M} [harkille]

mosquito net; curtain, hanging; caparison (esp. for camel) moustiquaire; rideau, tenture; capara~on (surtout pour chameau)(Z)

[gardiicfo] cf.:[arcfo, amiiru, hoore, jom, kaanal]ke, laamcfo]

chief; village chief; commandant [kumandaw] chef; chef de village(T); commandant(T) [kumandaw]



armoor (0) Z wardrobe, cabinet armoire

ardiid'o penal tonteere (T): chief of an administrative and financial unit ; chef de cellule administrative et financiere [gardinaacfo penal tonteere] ardiid'o salWUusi, ardiid'o sarwisi (f): chief of service; chef de service [gardiid'o salWUusi, g. sarwisi]



ARRAKA arraka n. 0 happiness, well-being bonheur, bien-etre


asangal, asaangal (ngal) / asaale (de) DZ Z(M,FT,A)

pelvic bone, coccyx; hip, haunch, leg (of animal) os du bassin,os coxal; hanche, gigot (Z)


arsi (0) DZ Z(-) sky, heavens ciel, voiite celeste arsike (0) / arsikeeji (di) FZ Z(-) [arsuku,


asaweere, asawere (nde) / asawe FZ Z(M,FJ) [asewe):CZ(FT,FJ,M)

Saturday samedi

arsukaaku, ngalu, njabu, malu)

luck, good fortune, fate chance, bonne fortune, sort arsukaaku (ngu) V. arsike Z arsuku (0) DZ Z(-) [arsike]:Z wealth; luck, good fortune richesse(D); chance, bonne fortune (Z) arsukunte, arsukunteejo (0) / arsukunte'en (fJe)

asawere Nukuma (Hist.) (Sanankoua, 1990): appelation for the battle of Nukuma which began on a Saturday and ended on a Saturday (lit. the Saturday of Nukuma) ; appelation donne II la bataille de Nukuma qui a commence Ie samedi pour se terminer Ie samedi (lit. Ie samedi de Nukuma)


DZ Z(-)


aseeti (0) / aseetiiji (di) plate, dish assiette

person who is rich, favored qui est riche, favorise



arsinkinde, arsikinde v.av+ (2?)ext DFCZ



asira n. Dz Z(G,A) [asiri, laasara) late afternoon prayertime - about 4-5 pm priere d'apres-midi - 16h a 17h environ

[dari(u)de, riisude)

to be or become rich, get rich; to be lucky(Fc) etre ou devenir riche, s'enrichir; avoir de la chance(cz)

ARTAADE artaade V.


ASK-INaskinde (ned"d"o) v.av+ext. z (FT) to praise sb in reciting his genealogy faire l'eloge de qqn en recitant sa genealogie askinoo6e (fJe) V genealogists genealogistes

adaade CZ


ARTUME artume n. 0 medicine medicament




asli (0) / asliiji (di) Dez CZ(G,A) [iwal, iwdi, layli,

asude v.av DCZ CZ{FJ,FT,M) [wasude]:C

lasli) cf.: [asulu)


origin, source, provenance origine, source, provenance

to dig, turn over (earth) creuser, becher, remuer la terre gasal (nga/) DH [celol, gaawol) ditch fosse gasol (ngo/) DH [ildugo) cf.:[celol) gutter caniveau



asote (0) T nitrogen azote



asulu (0) 0 cf.:[asli) origin, genealogy origine, genealogie

-IRash-gal (nga/) / asirde (de) CZo pick(axe); tool for digging pioche(CZ); outil pour creuser



atiimaaku (ngu) Z [atimaaku, yatiimaaku] orphanage, state of being an orphan orphelinage, etat d'orphelin


atiime, atiimeejo (0) / atiimee6e, atiime'en (6e)

A WLUBE awloo6e, awlu6e - var.pl.- gawlo AWT-

DFCZH Z(M,BF) [atimeejo/atimeebe, atime'en] [yaatime, yatiimaajo]

awtaade v.mv( +ext?) Z [aftaade]:Z(-) to scratch the ground (animals) gratter la terre (animaux)

orphan orphelin



attam n. 0 food nourriture



attey (0) F(Dumestre, 1983) [attay] tea the

AWawaade v.mv V. awde Z (M,BF) awde v.av FZ Z(-) [awaade, awnaade]:Z to fish, fish with a net pecher, pecher du poisson au filet

-INaybinde v.av+ext (Seydou, 1987) to reveal the faults of divulguer les defauts de

awgaJ (ngal) 0

fishing peche awoowo (0) / awo06e (6e) F person who fishes, fisher qui peche, pecheur

AYBU aybu n. Z [awjere, haljere] cf.:[ayb-] misfortune, misery malheur, misere



awnaade v.mv +ext V. awde Z



ayba (0) / aybaaji (di) CZ flaw, vice; fault; contravention, offense, crime; sin defaut, vice; faute; contravention, delit, crime; peche aybude v.av Z'f Z(-) to have faults or vices; to he a glutton; to lose one's control avoir des defauts ou des vices(Z); etre glouton(Z); perdre controle(Y)

aywinde v.av( +ext?) 0 [uywinde] to hunt (chase away?) with dogs chasser avec chiens

awdi var.- aawdi DZ Z(-)

AWJawjude v.av Z [haljude (3), yirwude] to he very lively, restless etre tres vif, remuant

AYayude v.av Z (A,M) cf.:[wuppude] to beat (e.g. the laundry) hattre (p.ex. Ie tinge)

AWJ- (2?) awjere (nde) Z [ayba, haljere] misfortune, misery malheur, misere



BA (1) ba c.i. F [mba, nga] class indicator indicateur de classe kamba pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ba, mba and nga classes) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs des classes ba, mba et nga) maggs pm,pos f its (for nouns of the ba, mba and nga classes) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs des classes ba, mba et nga)

baaba (0) / baaba'en (oe)

father, dad (term of address) pere, papa (titre) baabiraad'o (0) / baabiraaoe (oe) father; paternal relative pere; parent (paternel)(Z)



baabuwol (ngol) / baabl,LUji (di) Dez chapter chapitre


BAADE baade, baade pl.- waande BAADE baad'e pl.- waadere BAADI baadi pl.- waandu BAADIRAADO

CZ(G,A) [no]

like comme bane (H(SH»: how; comment [hono]


baad'iraad'o (0) / baadiraaoe (oe)

Ba'aa5e PN iM [Uuruube] those with family name of Ba or Diakite (one of the four Fulani clans) les Ba et Diakite (run des quatre clans peuls)


CZ(FT,M) [baada]:Z(-) [baadiraawo]

nephew, niece of maternal uncle (man's sister's child) neveu, niece de roncle maternel (enfant de la soeur d'un homme)

Baa, Bah (Fo): Ba, SA, Bah Jaakite (F): Diakite, Diagite Balde (F): Balde Baal (F): Bal Jah (F): Dia

BAAFAL baafal (ngal) / baafe (de)

DFZV Z(-) cf.:[damal,


door porte, battant

BA'E ba'e pl.- waare BAA (1) baa, baaba V. baabiraad0 BAA (2) baa e sigi n. Z (FJ,M) reading by syllables lecture par syllables


CZ(FT,M) [baabiraawo]

BA (2) ba Dez

DFZ Z(-) [abba, baa,


BAAHE baahe pl.- waare BAAJOL


baajol (ngol) / baaji (di)


cf.: [boggol]

lash or strip of bark, or untwisted fiber (used as rope) laniere ou lambeau d'ecorce, ou fibre (utilise comme corde)

BAABAHO baabaaho n. D [gara] [baabaho]:C(G,N),Z(?,N) indigo indigo baabaho n. D indigo plant (Indigofera tinctoria ?) indigotier (Indigofera tinctoria ?)

baajol-Ieydi / baaji-Ieydi (CZ): snake; serpent [mboddi, boggol-leydiJ



baakawol (ngol) / baakaaji (di)

baabal n. D public place, stadium, airport place, stade, aerodrome



leather belt with talisman, leather belt, amulet worn around the waist ceinture en cuir avec talisman(D), ceinture de cuir(Z), amulette de reins(Z) 13



Baakunu,Bakunu PlV hM region of Fogoti region de Fogoti

baaru (ndu) / bahi (di) Z cf.:[baaru] quiver carquois


BAASAL baasal/baasi; baascfo V. BAATARO

baalaare (nde) P fish - Hemichromis fasciatus poisson - Hemichromis fasciatus

baataro n. D ugly person ?

BAALDAL baaldal; baalducfo/baaldu6e;


baale V. waal-

BAALDE baalcfe


BAATASARI pl.- waalnde; V. waal- FCZ

baatasari, baataasari n. D(BA, 1974) cf.:[leelewal] full moon (14th of lunar month); three days of the full moon in a month pleine lune (14me du mois lunaire)(D); trois jours de plein de lune du mois(Ba, 1974)

CZ(-) [balcfe]

BAALI baali; baalinke/baalinkoo6e V. mbaalu



baaliki n. D [nayeejo] aged man homme age

BAAMLE baamle pl.- waamnde BAANJITOODO baanjitoocfo V. BAANT-

baatondirral n. T [gonondiral, waatondiral] conspiracy ? conjuration



baawal (ngal) D [caygal (1)] wild duck canard sauvage

baantude v.av M [bantude]:Z(FT) to condemn, blemish (one's reputation) fletrir baantuure (nde) M cf.:[bantuwal] lance with some barbs directed forward and others backward lance aux barbe1ures dirigees les unes vers l'avant, les autres vers l'arriere

BAAWAL (2) baawal; baawcfo V. waawBAAYDO baaycfo / baaylie var.- baasdo,' V. waas- CZ(FJ,FT,M)

BABBA babba var.- baaba; V. baabiraado BA'BATTl ba6atti pl.- mba6attu BACC-

(M): this weapon caused its victim to cry out in a way dishonorable for a warrior; 'cette arme arrachait a la victime des cris deshonorants pour un guerrier'(M,p.72n)

baccari n. 0 [suka] child (boy or girl) enfant (gar~on ou rille) baccel (ngel) cZ C{G),Z(G,M) [cukalel] child enfant mbaccaaku (ngu) cZ C{G),Z{G,M) [sukaaku,

BAAI)TAL baautal n. T [yarara] breeze brise



baaiiaaru (ndu,o) / baaiiaaji (di) DF [duroowo] herder berger

BAAPANO baapaiio

childhood enfance mbacciri n. D young man jeune homme mbaccu (0) Z baby, small child hebe, petit enfant

var.- bappaaiio Z


BAARAADI baaraacfi BAARU (1)

pl.- mbaaraagu

baaru n. D beautiful voice (intonation) belle voix (en parlant de l'intonation)




BADDI baddi n. Dh H(SH} youth, children jeunes (enfants)

bakureewi (ki) / bakureeje (tie)

cf.:[suka, baccarij

tree - Sarcocephalus esculentus arbre - Sarcocephalus esculentus

BADE bade (o,tie) smallpox variole



balaade v.mv D to weed a rice field desherber la riziere balagol (ngol) D weeding of a rice field desherbage de la riziere

batte bade (Z): marks of smallpox; traces de variole

BADAL bad'al V. watiBADDO bad'd'o V. watitiBAGGI baggi pl.- mbaggu & pl.- baggol BAGGOL

BAL-N- (2?) ko balnata T odorless inodore

baggol (ngol) / baggi (tii) DZ hip; woman's leather belt hanche(D); ceinture de femme en cuir(Z)



BAlJO bajjo V. wajjBAlOOJE bajooje pl.- wajoore; V. wajBAlUUJE bajuuje pl.- mbajuure BAKALEERE

BALAAWO balaawo (ngo) / balaaje (tie) - var.- balawal



BALAAWU balaawu var.- albalaa'u BALAKENKEWAL

T [cafirgolj


balakenkewal (ngal) / balakenkeeje (tie)

Zy Z(-}


temple; jaw tempe; machoire

BAKlILU bakiilu n. miser avare


bal-mal-huti n. I stellar period between March 21 and April 2 which opens the new year in the pastoral tradition periode stellaire entre 21 mars et 2 avril qui marque Ie debut de la nouvelle annee dans la tradition pastorale

bagi boogaaao / bagiiji boogaaai (F): tie-dyed cloth; tissu teint a la methode nouer-lier-teindre

bakaleere (nde) pulley poulie




bagi (0) / bagiiji (tii) fabric, cotton cloth tissu, cotonnade

S [bakure(e)hij:



BALAMAAWE balamaawe wod'e (nge) D red cow with white shoulders and feet vache rouge a l'epaule et aux pattes blanches

BAKKbakkude v.av Cz C(M,FJ,BF},Z(FJ,BF} to plaster (with mud) platrer (avec de la terre)

BALAMINA balamina n. D a man's braids tresses d'homme

BAKKE bakke (tie) Z (A,M) food put into the pot nourriture mise dans Ie pot

BALAWAL balawal (ngal) / balaaje, balaaye, balbe (tie) DCZH CZ(FJ,M,G,A) [balaawoj

BAKKIL- bakkilal; bakkiliid'o V. wakkilBAKKOL

shoulder epaule

bakkol (ngol) D edge bordure

BALDE bald'e pl.- wain de; V. waalCZ(-} [baldej



bammbugol (ngol) I Fulani custom of exchange of children between the brother and the sister habitude peule d'echange d'enfants entre Ie frere et la soeur

BALKI balld pl.- mbalku BALLADO (1) ballad"o; ballal, ballaQaI; ballondiral V. wall-

BALLADO (2) ballad"o (0) D mentally ill person malade mental

BAMMB- (2?) bammbaad"o (0) / wammbayoe, wammbaaoe (oe) DFZEHi Z(-) [bammbaajo/bammbaabej:1


griot (who accompanies himself on the hoddu when he recites(F», musician griot (qui s'accompagne au hoddu lorsqu'il recite), musicien

ballifol (ngol) / ballifi (di) DZ Z(-) invention; poem, work in verse invention(D); poeme, ouvrage en vers (Z)



bammbaari, bambaari (ndi) / bam (m)baariiji

balol (ngol) / bali (di) DZ Z(A,M) cf.:[mbali) leaf of deleb or fan palm; (pl.) palm sprouts, leaves (used to make mats) feuille de ronier(D); (pl.) pousses, feuilles du palmier (servant a fabriquer des nattes)(Z)

(di), bam(m)baaje (de) FcZH Z(-) [mbam(m)baari, hammanaare, kamamaari, makarij

corn, maize mats



Bammbaragke, Bammbaranke (0) /

balol (ngol) I transhumance during the rainy season transhumance durant la saison des pluies

Bammbaral)koooe, Bammbarankoooe (oe) DFZ [Bammbaraajo / Bammbaraabe]

Bambara Bambara bammbaragkoore, bammbarankoore (nde)

BAMDI bamd"i pl.- mbabba BAMFULOOWEL Bam bamfuloowel (ngel) small hat petit bonnet


Fw(Seydou, 1987)

(Seydou, 1977)

Bambara language langue bambara


pl.- wamdu; V. wam-

bambaade n. D cloth for carrying a baby on one's back pagne pour porter Ie hebe sur Ie dos bammbaad"o (0) / wammbaaoe (oe) DZI

banaa n. Z [daabaj domesticated animal animal domestique



bananaare (nde), banaanaaru (ndu) /


bananaaje (de), bananaaji (di) ZH Z(-)



child carried on the back, person who is on the back; child who is adopted by the aunt or uncle according to the custom of bammbugol enfant porte sur Ie dos(Z), qui est au doseD); enfant adopte par la tante ou par l' oncle selon l'habitude peule du bammbugol(I) bammbude v.av Z (+) to put sth on one's back, carry sth on one's back (e.g. an infant); to educate, have the guardianship of sb mettre qqch au dos, porter qqch sur Ie dos (p.ex. un enfant); eduquer, tenir qqn en tutelle

banana banane

BANI bani pl.- mbana BANIWAL baniwal (ngal) D container used only for fresh milk recipient servant uniquement a garder Ie lait frais



bank, banke (0) / bankji (di) bank banque


ZT Z(-)

BANNDIbanndi n. F brother or sister - term of address frere ou soeur - titre banndiraad"o (0) / banndiraa6e (6e)


Baiiagara PN F [Bannjagara):(Seydou, Bandiagara (town) Bandiagara (ville)



bappid"idde v.av+ext to be flat etre plat

bappaaiio (0) / wappay6e (6e)

DFCZ CZ(-) [baapano] [bappiraawo/bappiraabe ]:Z(-) cf.: [kaawiraad 0]

unele (paternal) onele paternel

Banngaaro (0) D Moor (name of Moorish ethnic group) Maure (nom d'ethnie maure)


bannge (0) / banngeeji (ai)

DCZTH C(M,NO,BF), Z(FT,DO,M) [banl')e/banl')geeji, bal')ne/bal')neeji, bal') I')e , bal')nge]


side, edge, part of (F); (adv.) beside, in the vicinity of, near to, aside cote(DT), bord, partie de; (adv.) a cote de, a proximite de, pres de, de cote banngeere (nde) D cf.:[bal')eere, banl')eere] side (left or right) cote droit ou gauche bangeere (nde) / ban1)eeje (ae) C (BF,M)


baraaji (ai) DFZb Z(-) grace, rewards (divine) for a good deed grace, recompense divine (pour une bonne action) aan e baraaji (F): may you be blessed, have grace (response to aan e tiyaabu); que tu sois beni, aies de la grace (reponse a aan e tiyaabu)

BARDO bard"o V. BAREEJO 80nr

[deende] cf.:[banngeere, bal')eere]

district quartier

war- (2)

bareejo (0) / baree6e (6e) mason


D [mahoowo]






bareeru (ndu) / bareeji (ai)

bantineewi, bantinneewi (ki) / bantineeje,

DzhYo Z(FJ),

H(Keneba},O(FJ} [rawaanduj

bantinneeje (de) DcZbY Z(-} [mbantineewij

dog; herding dog chien; chien berger(Y)

[bantineekij:B [bantine(e)hi]:CZ

kapok tree - Ceiba pentandra fromager - Ceiba pentandra

BARFEERE barfeere n. gold bar barre d'or

bantanre (nde)jbantanje (de) (Z(-»: fruit (Pod) of the kapok tree; fruit (en forme de cosse) du fromager

BANTUWAL cf.:[baant-]


BARINAA'BE Barinaa6e PN M [Fittoobe] those with family name of Sangare or Bari (one of the four Fulani clans) les Sangare et Bari (l'un des quatre clans peuIs)

BAI)EERE bageere (nde) / ba1)eeje (ae)

Ar via Bam?

baraada (0) / baraduuji (ai) F teapot theiere


bantuwal (ngal) D type of harpoon sorte de harpon

Z (FT,M) cf.:[bappinaade]






consanguine or affinal relative; sibling; childhood friend parent, allie; frere, soeur; ami d'enfance banndiraagu (ngu) DZ Z(-) [bandiraagu] kinship, consanguinity; friendship parente, consanguinite, relation de parente; amitie(D)

BANNJALDE bannjald"e, bannjalle

ba~me var.- bannge FCTH

Z (BF.M)

cf.:[banngeere, banl]eerej

quarter, piece quart, morceau

Bari (F): Bari, Barry Sangare (F): Sangare





barminde v.av+ext to wound blesser

albarka DZ Z(-) thank you merc} barke (0) / barkeeji (di) DFCZb CZ(M,FJ,NO,BF) blessing, benediction (of God), sign of grace, gift of spreading this grace around one; prosperity, abundance of goods, good fortune grace, benediction (de Dieu), signe de grace, don de repandre autour de soi cette grace; prosperite, abondance de biens, bonheur



barma (0) / bannaaji (di)

Fzb [barme/barmeeji):


cast-iron cooking pot marmite en fonte banne kulor, banne sol? (D): container for chemical products (of smith) ; vase pour les produits chimiques (du forgeron ou du bijoutier)



-INbarkinde, v.av+ext

FZT Z(-)

barraad'o (0) 0 person who has no children qui n'a pas d'enfant



to have or spread grace, be blessed, be born with God's blessings; to have success in one's work; to bless; to be kind avoir ou repandre grace, etre beni, etre ne avec la benediction de Dieu; benir; avoir du succes dans son travail; etre aim able barkind'o (0) / barkimoe (oe) D(Nadio, 1984) person who is hard-working, who has succeeded, who is blessed; person who is rich, who was able to migrate and make money travailleur, qui it reussi, qui est beni (D); qui est riche, qui a pu quitter son pays (aller en exode) et amasser de l'argent (Nadio, 1984)


DZu Z(A,M)


gunpowder poudre it fusil

BASI basi, basuji BASILAARE

pl.- mbasu

basilaare (nde) 0 cloth wrap pagne



batoowo (1) (0) 0 courtier courtisan batu (0) / batuuji (di) DFzTblM Z(FT) meeting, assembly, council, court, crowd, entourage, halo reunion, assemblee, conseil, cour, rencontre, foule, entourage, halo

BARKAANI barkaani n. 0 cf.:[bark-) excellent rider ?, who has experience excellent cavalier, qui a de l'experience

BARKEEWI barkeewi, barkeehi, barkehi (ki) / barkeeje (de) DZ(Seydou, 1976a) Z( +) [mbarkeewi) [mbarsewi):A cf.:[bark-)

batu ardinaad'o (T): arrondissement council; conseil d'arrondissement batu dow (M): higher circle?, celestial assembly of divine spirits; halo superieur, assemblee celeste d'esprits divins batu feccere (f): council of a sub-grouping; conseil de fraction batu jannginoolJe (T): teachers' council; conseil de maitres batu jawle (Hist.)(M): council of the amiraalJe na'i in Masina ; conseil des amiiraalJe na'i au Massina batu kalfinaalJe (T): council of ministers; conseil des ministres batu lammingol (M): assembly or meeting for the purpose of naming a chief; assemblee ou reunion qui a pour but de nommer un chef

tree or bush - Piliostigma reticulata arbre ou arbuste - Piliostigma reticulata

BARMbarmande (nde) / bannande (de) wound, cut blessure barmude v.av DFZ Z(-) to be wounded, be hurt etre blesse mbarmu (0) Z wound, cut blessure


barruutu, baruutu, baruudu (0)

FZ Z(-)



batu mawd"o (Hist.)(IM): Grand Councilor advisory majlis in Hamdullahi; Grand Conseil ou madjlis consultatif Ii Hamdallaye batu ne'edi (1): disciplinary council; conseil de discipline batu saahiif>e (Hist.)(M): council of notables; conseil des notables batu serkel (1): council of the cercle ; conseil du cercle batu tayre (1): regional council ; conseil regional batude v.av DFZ Z(FT,M,FJ)

baylol (ngol) zv Z(-) one-stringed musical instrument (in the form of a bow) that is played with the mouth instrument musical a une corde (arc monocorde) que 1'0n joue avec la bouche

BAYRAL bayral V. wayrBE'I be'i; be'inke/be'inkoo6e V. mbeewa BECCAL beccal/becce; becce V. wecco BECCOL

to meet(F); to unite (F); to be dependant on sb; to be a courtier; to stay near sb se reunir(D); unir; etre dependant de qqn(Z); etre courtisan(Z); se tenir pres de qqn(Z)

beccol sandarmori n. T cf.:[beccal] company of gendarmerie (constabulary?) compagnie de gendarmerie

BATAWAL batawal (ngal) / bataaje (de) snuffbox tabatiere

Z (M,BF)

BEDI bed'i pl.- mbedu; V. wedBEEG- (1)

BATIRI batiri, bateri (0) / batiriiji, bateriiji (di) battery (car) batterie

ZT Z(-)

beegeede v.pv 0 to be hungry [yoI5ude]; to be drunk avoir faim [yoI5ude]; etre soUl

BATOOWO batoowo (2) v. waat- (1) BATTANE battane V. watt- (1) BATTE

BEEG- (2) beegude v.av Z (A,M) to desire, want; to like, have a liking for sb; to miss sb desirer, vouloir; aimer, avoir de la sympathie pour qqn; s'ennuyer de qqn

batte (de) DZt Z(-) cf.:[wad"-, watt-] tracks, marks; circumstances traces; circonstances(T)



beegunuure (nde) / beegunuuje (de)

bawd'i n. 0 cf.:[wudere (2)] piece of music about a hero morceau de musique heroique

rubbish heap, pile of household garbage depotoir, tas d'ordures menageres

BAWDI (2&3) bawd'i pl.- wawdu & var.pl.-

BEELI beeli pl.- mbeelu & pl.- weendu BEEMBAL



beembal (ngal) / beembe (de)

bawlude v.av cz

(FJ,M,NO,BF) [flawlude (2), hibbude, sillude, soofude]

granary; place or large jar where one keeps precious things; platform grenier; lieu ou grand vase oil on met des choses precieuses; estrade(Sanankoua, 1990)


beembal kitaabu (M), beembal dewte (Sanankoua, 1990): name given to library of Seku Amadu, in which were kept copies of the Koran and religious writings (lit. granary of books); nom donne a la bibliotheque de Sekou Amadou, ou etaient gardes des exemplaires du Coran et des ecrits religieux (lit. grenier de livres)

1988) [gaagawal]

BAYAANA bayaana n. T margin marge

[banl)e, daawal]

BAYEERI bayeeri var.- mbayeeri


1990) CZ(-) [ndal)a, lukkare]

to urinate unner bawngal (nga/) D(Blonde et ai, crow - Corvus sp. corbeau - Corvus sp.


(M,BF,NO) Uiddere]

BEERLE beerJe; beero V. weer- (2?) BEETE beete V. weetCzl


BAYL- baylaaji; baylo V. wayl19


berger qui suit les vaches benndi traditionellement un homme de 30 d'age

beewngol (ngol) T Uoomngol,leewngal] cf.:[metangal]

flame flamme

BENTEERE benteere (nde) 0 piece of a pirogue morceau de pirogue

BELbelaade v.mv 0 to pray, supplicate prier, supplier

BELAADE belaad"e (1) pl.- welaande BELDUM belaad"e (2); beldum, beld"um


benti; bentikoo6e var.- benndi; benndikoooe



beiiwar (0) / beiiwareeji (di) Zq (Gam,M) basin, large (enameled) bowl used for doing laundry baignoire (Afr.), bassin, grand cuve d'etain pour la lessive


BELLAA Bellaa, Bellajo, Bellaajo (0) / Bellaaoe (oe) DFE member of the class of Tuareg slaves (and artisans) of the Tuaregs, descendant of Bellaaoe; (Hist.) captive or slave of Targuis or Tuaregs membre de la classe d' esclaves (et artisans(E» Touaregs, descendant des Bellaaoe; (Hist.) captif ou esclave des Targuis ou Touaregs


a 45 ans

BERDO berd"o (0) 0 person who is hindered by fatigue qui est empeche par la fatigue

BEROOWO beroowo (0) 0 beggar quemandeur


bellere (nde) I gravelly soil sol gravillonnaires

BESEMAN beseman, bessema, besma (0) IMS (Hist.)? chief of rimayoe in a region, dimaajo technical advisor concerning lands chef des rimayoe dans une region(I), dimaajo conseiller technique pour les terres(M)

BELTOL beltol? n. (Imperato, 1973) (Gimmballa) [pood'ol?] cf.:[oelt-]

warp thread til de chaine



besu, bese n. MS cf.:[doro, konjam] mead, type of alchoholic drink hydromel, sorte de boisson alcoolique

benndi (di) FiM(Wilson, 1986) [benti]:l(Sanankoua, 1990)

milk cows kept as long as possible in the flooding zone near their usual pastures and the towns; herd of milk cows with their calves and a certain number of bulls; flock of sheep grazed on reserved village pastures (Wilson, 1986) [bucal] vaches laitieres gardees Ie plus longtemps possible dans la zone d'inondation, pres de leurs paturages et des villages; troupeau de vaches laitieres avec leurs veaux et un certain nombre de taureaux (Sanankoua, 1990); troupeau de moutons qui paissent dans les paturages villageois reserves [bucal] benndiQke (0) / benndil}koooe (oe) FiM [(pl.)

BEYI beyi; BEYT-

beyinkejbeyinkoo6e V. mbeewa

beytude v.av Z(Seydou, 1981) to compose a poem; to chant prayers; to chant verse composer un poeme (Seydou, 1981); psalmodier des oraisons(Z); chanter des vers(Z)



beytel (0) DI public property bien public


herder who herds the benndi cattle traditionally man of 30-45 years of age



beytelmaal, beytalmal (0) ZM Z(-} wealth of the state; state; government [laamu] les richesses de l'etat(M); etat(Z); gouvernement(Z) [laamu]

biirude v.av Z (A,M) [nehude, ne'ude) to educate well, raise well bien eduquer, bien elever



beyyirgal (ngal) T square, angle-iron equerre

biiraad"o (0) 0 vagabond vagabond

BI'AANGOL bi'aangol V. wiyBIBBE

BIIRNOL (1) biimol n. 0 [birille, dundere) cemetery cimetiere

bibbe (ae) 0 cf:[mbibbi](Appendix 0) fruit of a tree fruit d'un arbre

BIIRNOL (2) biimol n. 0 Koranic verse permitting invulnerability verset du Coran permettant l'invulnerabilite

BICAL bical (ngal) 0 the younger cattle of a village (collectively) ensemble du petit betail d'un village

BUJI biiji, biiji, biige pl.- wiige BIL-

BICCIRGAL biccirgal V. wicc-irBIDAL

bileede v.pv 0 to get angry se racher

bidal? n. (Imperato, 1973) design woven in kaasa blankets which represents family compounds dessin tisse dans les couvertures kaasa qui represent des concessions familiales

-Tbiltaade v.mv+ext OFZ Z(-} to escape (a danger); to finish (with), complete echapper (a un danger); finir (avec), completer biltude v.av+ext T [oiltude):T to acquit acquitter

BIDINOL bidinol (ngol) 0 narrow band bordering kaasa blankets bande mince bordant les couvertures kaasa


BILBILDI bilbild"i, bilwild"i, bilwili pl.-

bid"otood"o (0) T [biriotoodoJ inspector inspecteur




biliyon (0) T trillion (U.S.) ? billion

BIFIRGAL bifirgal, bifirgol; bifoole, biifoole V. wif-


BILLE bille pl.- win de; V. wiinnde BIMMBEERE

biibinaaji n. M Koranic school students (about 7-10 yrs. old) eleves de l'ecole coranique (de 7 a 10 ans)


bimmbeere (nde) T platform, stage ? estrade

BUDE biide n. T


biide bodeeje : red corpuscles; globules rouges biide daneeje : white corpuscles; globules blancs


bimmbi (0) / bimmbiiji (ai) Dcz



morning, dawn matin, aube

biidi (ai) (Seydou, 1977) temporary streams fed by rainwater runoff ruisseaux passagers alimentes par la pluie

BIILLE biille pl.- wiinnde 21


BINND- binnde; binndirgal/binndird'e,

BIWRUDI biwrudi n. D bellows soufflet

binndird'i; binndol/binndi; binndoowo V. winnd-

BINYI binyi pl.- mbinyu BINOTOODO


biiiotood'o (0) T [bidotoodo] inspector inspecteur

biY'Y'ere (nde) / biyye (de) DCZ CZ(FJ) cottonseed graine de coton mbiyyiri (ndi) D food made from cotton seeds aliment it base de graines de ooton

BIRAL biral n. 0 cutlet? cotelette

BO'E bo'e BOBB-

BIRGI birgi n. 0 animal manure that is dried and powdery excrements d'animaux, desseche et en poudre


to fall; to collapse(C); to go down tomber; s'ecrouler; se degonfier(Z) bo66ude v.av F to fall down, tumble tomber, faire une chute

birille n. 0 [biirnol, dundere] cemetery cimetiere Fr

BOBI bo6i pl.- wowrn BODE- bod'e-; bod'eejo BOFLE

biro (0) / birooji (di) FZT Z(-) [gollirde, yiilirde, horrewal]

bureau, office bureau, lieu de service


BOGOORU bogooru, boogooru (ndu) / bogooji, boogooji (di) DCZ squash; papaya, pawpaw courge(DC); papaye(Z)

BITbitaade v.mv 0 to prostrate o.s. se prosterner

BOHE bohe var. pl.- woore BOJE boje; bojel V. wojere BOnUI bojiiji, bojji var. pl.- boyol; V. BOKAL


bita n. OcH(Bidaud et Prost, porridge bouillie


V. wod- (3)

boDe (de) Z (A,M) period of labor, childbirth; ftrst period of maternity periode d'accouchement; premiere periode de maternite


bismilla interj FZs Z(-} [bismillaahi] [bisimillaaj:S welcome (greeting) (in Arabic - 'in the name of God') bienvenu, soyez les bienvenus (salutation) (en arabe - 'au nom du Dieu')


pl.- woore

bo66aade v.mv DCZH CZ(M,NQ,BF} [bobbaade,



V. wiy-

1982} C(BF} cf.:[bittam]



bokal (ngal) D throat (enlarged) gorge (grossie)

bitiik, bitiki (0) / bitiikaaji (di) FZ Z(-} shop, store boutique, magasin


BITTAM bittam (dam) (Seydou, 1977) cf.:[bita] whole-grain millet porridge bouillie de mil entier

var.- bolonngal ZI

Bolaaro (0) / Wolar6e (6e) ZM Z(-) nomadic Fulani of the Touft region; member of a branch of the Bari or Diallo clan


Peul nomade dans la region de Toufi(M); membre d'un rameau du clan Bari ou Diallo(Z)


bond'um (aum) F [bone] sth bad qqch de mauvais bone (ae) DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,N,BF,B) misfortune, sth bad, wrong, faulty, maliciousness malheur, qqch de mauvais, mal, defectueux, mechancete boneeji (ai) 0 ills, misfortunes maux, malheurs bonki n. 0 nastiness, spitefulness mechancete bonude v.av FCZH CZ(-) to be bad, ruined, spoiled (F); to be nasty, spiteful etre mauvais, ruine, gate; etre mechant(ZH) mbondi (ndi) Z (FT,M) bad meal mauvais repas

pl.- wolii(n)de

boliiru (ndu) / boliiji (ai) gourd (long-necked) gourde (it long cou)


BOLLAL bollal n. T (SeoL) homework, exercise devoir

BOLLE (1) bolle (ae) 0 kind of wild fruit sorte de fruits sauvages

BOLLE (2&3) bolle

pl.- mboddi & pl.-




bolol (ngol) / boli (ai) DZT Z(-) lane, alley, space between two compounds, way, path ruelle, allee, espace entre deux concessions, chemin, sentier


bondooru (ndu) Z storehouse for grain magasin it grains

BONNbonneere, bonnere (nde) / bonne (ae)


bolonngal (ngal), bolonnga (nga) / bolooae (ae)

damage, harm, wrong; misfortune(F) degat, dommage, tort; malheur(Z) bonnooru (ndu) 0 animal that wastes everything animal qui gaspille tout

DCZeiLqY CZ( +) [bolaangal]:ZI [bolongal]:F [bolonru, bolooru]:ZE [kirhirdi]

vestibule, entryway, room at the entrance of the compound opening onto the courtyard vestibule, piece it l'entree de la concession donnant sur la cour

BOMOL bomol V. BON-

bonooru (C(FJ),Z(-»: hyena; hyene DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,NO,BF) cf.:[gokkude (1)]

bonnude v.av


bonande (nde) / bonane, bonanndaaje (ae)



to make bad, ruin (sth), damage, spoil, do sth bad; to waste rendre mauvais, ruiner (qqch), abimer, gater, faire du mal; gaspiller(DZ)



sth ruined or spoiled; bad action, damage qqch de ruine ou de gate; mal fait, dommage, degat (Z)

-ANbonnande (ned'd'o) v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to have a prejudice against sb(F); to do sb harm, wrong sb avoir un prejuge contre qqn; nuire it qqn, faire tort it qqn (Z)

bonannde hoolaare (T): breach of trust ; abus de con fiance [hodo hoolaare]

bonannda n. 0 wasting gaspillage bond'o (0) / bonoe (oe) DFZ Z(DO,FT) person who is bad, ruined, spoiled mechant, qui est mechant, mauvais

BOOBO boobo (0) baby enfant


DeZ C(FJ),Z(-)

BOOBOOJO Booboojo (0) / Booboooe (oe) Bobo Bobo boobonkoore (nde) W Bobo language langue bobo

water returns - Protopterus annectens poisson qui s'enfonce sous la terre humide au moment oil l'eau disparait et qui rapparait lorsque l'eau revient - Protopterus annectens


BOORO booro (ngo) / boorooji (di) Dez CZ(G,A) water skin; sack, bag outre a eau(D); sac(CZ)

BOOBU boobu n. T colored chalk craie de couleur


BOOTO booto (0) / bootooji (di) DeZ C(FJ),Z(-) [mbootooru, dal]e]

boo5e pl.- wooore;

cloth sack, bag, bag for grain sac en cotonnade(D), sac(Z), sac

v.- wooo-


boogoowo (0) / boogoooe (oe) F person who tie-dyes qui teint selon la methode nouer-lier-teindre boogude v.av F to tie-dye teindre selon la methode nouer-lier-teindre

boowal (ngal) / boowe (de) DZ Z(-) plain, clearing; (adv.) outside, out of plaine, clairiere; (adv.) dehors, hors de



boowle V. woow-

booyd"o (0) 0 person who limps, lame person boiteux, boiteuse

booge n. T limestone calcaire


a grain(C)

BOOYOOWO boogeeji var.pl.- woogeeru; V.

booyoowo (ngo) / booyooje (de) do [boojoowo]:D




straw mat, (V. sekko) secco, (V. sekko)

boogooru var.- bogooru CZ


booko, booke n. DHo [Ioopere] clay; mud argile; boue

borde n. 0 excrement of sheep or of goats excrement de mouton ou de chevre· bordoodol (ngol) / bordooji, bordoodi (di)



rectum rectum wordoonde (nde) / bordoode (de) zh Z(A),H(SH) excrement, droppings excrement, crotte

pl.- mbooddi (var.- mboddi)

boolooli (di) AI< [buuluuli, guuluuli] [bololol/



bordiya n. h (SH) [bananaare, bananaaru] banana banane

water lilies - Nymphaea lotus, N. micrantha nenuphars - Nymphaea lotus, N. micrantha

BOOMI boomi pl.- mboomri BOONNGUDO boonngud"o V. BOONOOGAL



boolaade v.mv 0 to unsheath sortir du fourreau


borgoore (nde) 0 ball ballon

boonoogal, boonogal (ngal) P(B4, 1974) [mboonawu (ngu)/mboonaaji (di)]:Z(-)

fish which buries itself in the ground when the water recedes and comes back out when 24


BOROORE boroore (nde) P fish - Clarotes laticeps poisson - Clarotes laticeps

BORTI borti pl.- mbortu BOITAARI bottaari V. BOY En via Fr?

bukkol (ngol) plait, braid tresse

0 [moorol] cf.:[wukkuru]



bula Dz blue bleu

boy (0) 0 domestic servant domestique




bulannga n. Do shea butter beurre de karite

BOY-BOYIIRU boy-boyiiru n. 0 shallow well puits non-profond

BULASI bulasi n. T lime chaux

BOYNGAL boyngal (ngal) / boyle (de)

CZ (M,BF) [boygal,


BO Y0 L boyol / boyi, boyi V. BUBBOL



pipe (for smoking) pipe woy-

bulon (0) bolt boulon

bubbol n. 0 fishing net filet de peche

pl.- mbulku

T [Iebulebuure)

BUMAANGAL bumaangal (ngal) / bumaale (tie) DcZ C(G,A,NE),Z(G,A,NE,M) [wutaandu):C


layer covering an ear (of grain) before maturity; millet flower; millet pollen couche recouvrant l'epi avant la maturation(D); fleur de mil(Z); pollen de mil(Z)

bucal n. (Wilson, 1986) [benndi) flock of sheep and goats grazed on reserved village pastures troupeau de moutons et chevres qui paissent dans les paturages villageois reserves


BUDE bude n. feces feces

pl.- wukkuru

bumbutu? n. V large calabash filled with water with a smaller inverted calebash placed on top which is used to beat time with two sticks grande calebasse remplie d'eau sur laquelle on renverse une calebasse plus petite et sur laquelle on bat la mesure avec deux baguettes

0 [bu'e):CZ(FJ,G,A) [mbutiri, sobeeri)

BUGA buga-gorel n. I grass - Echinochloa pyrimidalis herbe - Echinochloa pyrimidalis


BUMDAM bumdam; bumdo/bum6e V.

bugewol (ngol) Om dark black turban turban noir fonce


[buge):M [alasoore)


BUMMEWI bummewi (ki) / bummeeje (de) tree - Vitex diversifolia arbre - Vitex diversifolia


buguuru (ndu) / buguruuji (di), buguruuje (de) DCZIq CZ(FJ,M)

BUMPIRDE bumpirde

grass hut, shelter made of grass; herder's hut paillotte, abri en paille; hutte du pasteur



Z [ngummeewi)

pl.- wumpirgal; V.


BUNEEJO buneejo (0) 0 person who is tipsy ? qui est gris

burguure (nde) I cf.:[burgu] plot in the compound in which corn or sorghum is generally cultivated parcelle dans l'enclos OU en general on cultive Ie mats ou Ie sorgho

BUNKAAJI bunkaaji? n. (Turner, 1989) coat pattern of cattle - white head with colored speckles and colored body robe de vache - tete blanche tachetee et corps colore

BURRUUJI burruuji (ai) 0 cf.:[buruji] songs of war chants de guerre



bunku ndiyam? n. (laViolette, small water pot petit canari, jarre a eau



bursuwa n. T [taajiri] bourgeois bourgeois




burtaade v.mv( +ext?) F to pass (by), bypass, go beyond passer, contourner, depasser

bunna / bunnaaji DZ Z(-) [fanna, fuuna] anus anus



Burdaame, Burdamme (0) / Burdaaoe (oe)

burtol (ngol) / burti (ai) DFcZHIM C(G,A),


Z(G,A,M) [gurtol] cf.:[gumpol, buurtol, guurtol]

Tuareg Touareg buurdaamenkoore (nde) W Tamasheck language langue tamacheck

passage or path of animals in transhumance (to the north each year(F»(in the dry areas bordering the delta); trail passage ou chemin des animaux en transhumance (au nord chaque annee)(sur les bordures seches du delta(I»; piste(Z)



burgaade v.mv 0 to plow before seeding labourer avant de semer

burugal (ngal) / burnae (ae) Dz Z(Gam) [burwirgal]

instrument used to mix or blend mixateur, malaxeur

BURGU burgu (ngu) / burguuji (ai) DFZIH(Sanankoua,

burugal (Riesman, 1974&1977 (BF)): milk whisk; fouet de lait

1990) Z(-) cf.:[gamarawel]

grasses in the flooding zone; grassy plain in the flooded zone after waters have receded, pasture in the flooding zone; the flooding zone of the inland Niger delta herbes dans la zone d'inondation; plaine herbeuse dans la zone d'inondation apres la decrue, paturage dans la zone d'inondation; la zone d'inondation du delta interieur du Niger burgukooji, burguuji (ai) I(Gallais, 1975) herds belonging to the Fulani of the inland delta troupeaux appartenant aux Peuls du delta interieur

BURUJI buruji n. T cf.:[burruuji] battlefield champ de guerre

BURUUTU buruutu n. 0 [mburuutu (ngu)/buruuti (di)]: CZ(A,G,BF) [buruuti/burutooji]:Z(BF)

guinea-worm ver de guinee

BURUWEETI buruweeti (0) ZT wheelbarrow brouette




mbuuku n. OJ dupery, trickery duperie, supercherie

burwirgal (ngal) 0 [burugal] instrument used to mix or to blend mixateur, malaxeur

BUULAL buulal; buulo; BUULUULI

BUSAL busal (ngal) / buse (de) OCZH CZ(FJ,FT,M,NO,BF) thigh CUlsse

buuluuli (di) 0 [boolooli, guuluuli] water lilies - Nymphaea lotus, N. micrantha nenuphars - Nymphaea lotus, N. micrantha



busam (dam) Z [mbuso, mbusam] marrow moelle

buureeti pl.- mbuureetu

buurtol (ngol) / bUUlti (di) OCZ CZ(M,NE)

BUTAALI butaali pl.- wutaandu BUTALAARU butalaaru var.- butel BUTEL Fr

cf.: [burtol]

boulevard, large route [guurtol]; trail; cattle trail [gurtol] boulevard, grande voie [guurtol](D); piste(Z); piste de betail [gurtol] (C)


butel (0) / butelaaji (di) FZ [butalaaru] bottle bouteille

BUTTULI buttuli pl.- wuttudu; V. BUUBI buubi pl.- mbuubu BUUCAL

buulol V. wuul- (2)


buuruuji pl.- mbuuru

buutol (ngol) / buuti (di) DZH Z(A,M) loincloth; rag, piece of cloth cache sexe(DH); chiffon, torchon (Z)



buueal n. 0 (Vet.) [becce, ducfcfe, picfe, pusel] pleuropneumonia peripneumonie (bovine)

buutulal (ngal) 0 long flute longue flute



buudoowo (0) 0 scribbler gribouilleur

buuwaangal (ngal) 0 [daalaare] cf.:[wuuw-] public place place publique

BUUDUUDI buuduudi pl.- mbuuduudu BUUDI buud'i pl.- mbuudu, mbuudu BUUGAALI buugaali pl.- wuugaa(n)ndu BUUK-

BUUWAARO Buuwaaro (0) / Wuuwarve (ve) FmS member of a lineage of nomadic Wod'ee6e Fulani membre de lignee des nomades peuis wod'ee6e

buukaade v.mv 0 to sweep in like a whirlwind ?, be troubled ? rentrer en trombe, etre trouble


buuwe; buuwirde, buuwirgal; buwoowo V. wuuw-


B etre pres (temps, espace), etre proche, s'approcher; etre sur Ie point de Iladaangal (ngal) D environment environnement Ilade / 6adeeji, 6adaaji Z surroundings alentours

BAACI Ilaaci (ki) / 6aaciije (a e) Z [kokoowi] coconut palm ? cocotier? Ilaacol (ngol) /6aaci (ai) DCZ CZ(M,G,A) fiber of the deleb or fan palm; edible shoot of the deleb or fan palm; shoot of coconut palm fibre du ronier(D); rejet de palmier ronier comestible(C); rejet du cocotier(Z)

BAIa(a)hi (C(G,A),Z(G,A,BF): quiver; carquois

BAAWO Ilaawo (ngo) Z [nguugu, female genitals sexe feminin


CZ(FJ,M,BF,N) [balwude]


(D,C(FJ,BF,N,NO,G,B,A),Z(BF,N,G,A),H(Kefteba»: back, in back of, after; dos, derriere, apres [caggal]

Ilawlinde v.av+ext to blacken noircir

BADIladaade v.mv FZ Z(-) [battaade] to be near (in time or space), approach, be soon; to be about to do sth(t) 28



redresser(Z) oantude hoore (Z): to master o.s. ; se maitriser

Ilaldugal (ngal) 0 [daldugal,laldugal]


cf.:[wed(d)aade, tippaade]

shuttle used by a weaver navette du tisserand

Ilanndu (ndu) /oalli (ai) DCZ CZ(-) [terde] human body, body corps humain, corps

BALGU Ilalgu n. 0 medicine for one who has just been circumcised medicament pour circoncis

BALLI Ilalli pl.- oanndu BALWUDE Ilalwude var.- oawlude oal-w-

BANNG-INIlannginnde, Ilanginde v.av+ext DZ Z(-) cf.:[bannge]

to make to appear; to show faire apparaitre(D); manifester, montrer (Z)


(1); V.


Ilantude var.- oamtude; V. oam-t-

Ilagude v.av eZ C(BF,NO),Z(BF,NO,M) to marry; to ask; to ask for in marriage epouser; demander(Z); demander en mariage(Z)

BAMIlamaad'o (0) /oamaaoe (oe) F debbo oamaado / rewfle oamaaoe: married woman; femme mariee [debbo kuurtiido] Ilamde, Ilamude v.av DFCZ CZ( +)


to take (with), pick up, appropriate; to marry, take in marriage [6al]ude] prendre, emporter, ramasser, s'approprier; se marier avec, epouser [6al]ude]

Ilagnge (0) /oa1jngeeji (ai) - var.-

bannge F

BAPP-INIlappinaade v.mv+ext Z cf.:[bappididde] to sit with one's legs to one side; to squat, crouch down against the ground (animals); to get down etre assis les jambes repliees sur Ie cote; s'accroupir, se serrer contre la terre (animaux); s'abaisser

oamude reedu (Z): to become pregnant; devenir enceinte [haamilde, reedude] Ilamd'o (0) Z [eabbudo, yamu-yamu]

fiance fiance Ilameede v.pv F to be married, taken in marriage etre mariee Ilamgal (ngal) /oamge (ae) Z marriage mariage Ilamud'o (0) /oamuoe (oe) F

BARNAADE Ilariiaade n. 0 part of harness element du harnais

BASIlasude v.av 0 to patch, weld ? rapiecer, souder

gorko oamudo / worDe oamuoe : married man; homme marie [gorko kuurtindo]

-ONDIRIlamondirde v.av+ext F to marry each other s'epouser



Ilataaki, Ilataake (0) /6ataakiiji, 6ataakeeji (ai) DFCZ C(FJ,M),Z( +) [derewol, leeter, talkuru) cf.:[kuriya)


letter lettre

Ilamtaare (nde) DT carefulness, correctness; ascent [yeptaareJ soin, correction (d); ascension(T) [yeptaareJ I}amtiid'o (0) 0 person who is careful qui est soigneux Ilamtude v.av DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,N) [oantude] to take up again; to repeat(F); to lift up(C), raise(C), set upright reprendre; repeter; soulever(CZ), lever(Z),

BATIIlattaade v.mv FZ Z(-) [oadaade) to be near (in time or space), approach, be soon, be about to do sth etre pres (temps, espace), etre proche, s'approcher, etre sur Ie point de


6attol h H(SH) beside a cote de

la proche famille) kam6e pm,ind FCZH CZ(-) them (emphatic) (of humans - class 6e) eux, elles (emphatique) (pour les humains classe 6e) ma66e pm,pos FCZH CZ(-) cf.:[mumen, mUl]en] their (of humans - class 6e) leur, leurs (pour les humains - classe 6e)


-IN6attinde v.av+ext DZ Z(-) to bring closer; to move near, hold out to rapprocher(D); approcher, tendre a (Z)

BATIITANDE 6attitande (nde) /6atte (de) scar cicatrice




6ee6ude v.av DFCZ C(-),Z(+) [horsude (2)] to dry up, go dry, evaporate, be soaked up in the soil, disappear (water) tarir, assecher, s'evaporer, se perdre dans Ie sol, disparaitre (eau) 6eemri (ndi) 0 receding of the water level decrue


6awlude (2) v.av

Z (FJ,M,BF) [hibbude, bawlude, bumnude(1), sillude, soofude]

to urinate uriner

BAWLUDE 6awlinde; 6awlude BAWTOOWO 6awtoowo (0) T talebearer rapporteur

(1) V. 6ai-

-IN6ee6inde v.av+ext Z [beemnude] to dry (up, out)(v.t.), parch, cause to go dry secher, dessecher, faire tarir

[pillitoowo, fillitoowo]


BAY6ayde v.av 0 to ooze suinter 6aynde (nde) 0 spring source

6ellere (nde) /6elle (de) DFCZ fat, grease; fatty meat graisse; viande grasse(Z)



6eltaade v.mv CZ [bettaade] to pass (by), continue on one's way; to be passed by (in time); to go beyond(C) passer, continuer son chemin; etre passe (dans Ie temps)(Z); depasser(C)

BE 6e pm,sbj,s/ DFCZH CZ(-)

they its, elles 6e c.i. DFZ class indicator for plurals (humans) indicateur de classe pour Ie pluriel (humains) 6e pm,obj FCZ them les 6e, 6ee pm,reiat. DFCZ Z(-) who (pI.) qui, que, dont e6e pm,sbj,/f DFzH Z(FT,N) they (humans) ils, elles (humains) -ii6e sUf,pos FH their (only with certain nouns such as those which refer to close family members) leur(s) (seulement pour certains substantifs tels ceux qui se rapportent aux membres de

BENDUDO 6enducfo (0) /6endu6e (6e) Z person who is powerful due to occult forces qui est puissant grace aux forces occultes

BENN- (1) 6ennude v.av Z to drink quickly boire vite

BENN- (2) 6ennude v.av Z to let pass, make it possible to continue on one's way laisser passer, donner la possibilite de suivre son chemin

BENND6enndude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [benndude]:F to ripen, be ripe, be ready for harvest [naaude]; to be cooked 30

5etugol (ngol) T evaluation evaluation

morir, etre mor, etre pret pour recolter [nad'ude]; etre coit



6enndinde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) to cook (lit. make sth be cooked)(F); to cause to ripen faire cuire (lit. rendre qqch cuit); faire morir(CZ)

6etirde (nde) 0 [oetirgal. jakkirgal. mandake, peesirgal]

scale (for weighing) balance (pour peser) 6etirde weertaango n. T surface measure mesure de surface 6etirgal (ngal) / 6etirtie oz Z(-) scale [6etirde]; measure; weight balance [6etirde]; mesure(Z); poids(Z) 5etirgel (ngel) T compass compas

BERK-IT6erkitaade v.mv +ext 0 to tear, rip (v.i.) se dechirer

BERN6emde (nde) / bertie (tie) OFCZH CZ(-) heart coeur 6ernude v.av CZ C(-),Z(G,A,M) to get angry se facher, se mettre en colere

BETT5ettaade v.mv Fez CZ(BF,NO) [oeltaade] to pass (in time and space), pass by, go beyond passer (dans Ie temps et dans l'espace), depasser 5etti- (+ sur.) adj. f passed (that which has) passe (ce qui est)

BES5esaade v.mv 0 cf.:[oey-] to milk temporarily? traire temporairement ?


6esngaaku var.- 6eyngaaku T

yontere &ettinde (F): last week; la semaine passee


6etannde (nde) T dimension dimension 6eto (ngo) T [eto] measure mesure

6eydi (ai) (Wilson, 1986) cf.:[oeyngejoeydi] nurse flock of sheep troupeau de brebis qui ont agnele 5eynge (nge) /6eytii (tii) OZH milk cow (cow which has a calf) vache laitiere (vache qui a un petit(Z» 6eyngu (ngu) OF children, offspring progeniture

&eto henndu (1): barometer; barometre &eto kaalisi (1): budget; budget &eto keewki (1): measure of capacity; mesure de capacite &eto kuumndi (1): measure of volume ; mesure de volume &eto njunndi, &eto njuutundi (1): measure of length; mesure de longueur &eto teddeefi, &eto teddeeki (1): measure of weight; mesure de poids 6etol diidi n. T Uannde eooouli, soometiri]

-D5eydaade v.mv ZT Z(-) to increase, grow; to distinguish o.s. more; to dilate s'accroitre(Z); se distinguer d'avantage(Z); dilater(T) 5eydaari (ndi) OT surplus, complement, augmentation, addition surplus, complement, augmentation, ajout 5eydagol (ngol) T [jaajgol. jajjitagol. liirtagol] dilation dilatation 5eydol (1) n. G

geometry geometrie 6etotoodum (tium) T size grandeur 6etude v.av T [etude] to measure, estimate mesurer, estimer

&eydol caggal : sufftx ; suffixe &eydol yeeso : prefix; prefIxe


flii mum debbo (F): his/her daughter; sa fille flii mum gorko (F): his/her son; son fils

6eydude v.av FCZT C(FJ,M,NO,BF), Z(FJ,M,A,G,NE) to augment, increase, add to augmenter, accroitre, ajouter 6eydugol (ngol) T increase augmentation

6ilJngel, 6inngel (ngel) / Dikkoy (koy) small child, dear child(F) petit enfant, cher enfant

flinngel-Aada (CZ): human being; etre humain [aadamanke, flii-Aadama, ned'd'o, remme, tagaad'o, tomotte] flil)ngel dewel (F): little girl ; fillette flil)ngel gorel (F): little boy; gar"onnet oinngel keccel (Dz): baby; bebe

-D-ONDIR6eydondirde v.av+ext ZT Z(-) to complement one another; (Math.) to add up se completer l'un l'autre(Z); (Math.) additioner(T) 6eydondirgol (ngol) T (Math.) addition addition




6iicooru (ndu) /oiicooji (ai) small pigeon petit pigeon

6eyneede v.pv F to be born etre ne 6eyngaaku (ngu) T fertility, fecundity fecondite 6eynude v.av DFZ Z(-) to give birth enfanter, accoucher

6iirtude v.av( +ext?) to scrape racler

'BIKKOY 6ikkoy 'BIL- (1) 6i1ude v.av DCz to wedge serrer, coincer




pl.- oiljngel; V. oiaao


'BIL- (2)

6eydol (2) n. D tear of the anus dechirure de l'anus

6i1ude v.av cz C(-),Z(G,A,M) to hang up, suspend, hang above Oonngude, saggude]; to hang o.s. accrocher, suspendre, pendre au-dessus Oonngude, saggude]; se pendre(Z)

'BEYWA 6eywa n. DiP fish - Gymnarchus niloticus poisson-cheval - Gymnarchus niloticus

-IR6i1ird'um (aum) Z any device for suspending sth tout dispositif pour suspendre qqch

BIDDO 6i66e-lekki (ki) / oiooe-leaa e (ae) fruit fruit 6id'd'o (0) /oiooe (oe) DFCZ CZ(-) child enfant 6ii (0) /oiooe (oe) DfCZ CZ(-) child (of) enfant, flls ou fiDe de




'BILL6i11aare (nde) Z tightening, grip; reclusion, confinement serrage, enserrement; reclusion, confinement 6i11ude v.av DCZ CZ(-) to squeeze, press serrer, presser


flii-Aadama / flii-Aadama'en, fliflfle-Aadama(DFCZ): human being; etre humain [aadamanke, ned'd'o, remme, tagaad'o, tomotte] flii-baafal / flii-baafe (DCZ): key; cle [cokirgal, cokitirgal, cottirgal, uddirgal] flii-haram (DCZ): bastard; batard [njaalu, karamaajo] flii-Iadde (zL): lion; lion [rawaandu-Iadde, laddeeru, ngayoori, mbaroodi) flii-Ieydi (I): citizen; citoyen

6inaare (nde) D fawn faon

'BII)NGEL 6ilJngel,6inngel V.





6iraad"am (aam) /oiraaae (ae) OFCZI CZ{-)

6oggo1 (ngo/) /ooggi (ai) OFCZH CZ{-) ct.: [baajol] rope, cord; fiber; cable corde; fibre(Z); cable(Z)

[kosam biraadam]

fresh milk lait frais 6iraawe (nge) /oiraaji (ai) FZ Z{-) [beynge]

floggol fere (I): brake cable; cable de frein floggolleydi (Z): snake; serpent [mboddi, baajol-Ieydi] floggol njamndi (z1): wire, cable; fit de fer, cable cf.:[caUalol njamndiJ


milk cow vache laitiere 6ireteenge (nge) Y milking cow vache a lait 6irgol (ngo/) OZ Z{-) action of milking action de traire 6iri ? (ai) I cf.:[biraawe] milk cows given by a young Fulani to his future in-laws to support his fiancee vaches laitieres donnees par un jeune Peul a ses futurs beaux-parents pour l'entretien de la fiancee 6irude v_av OFCZV CZ{-) [saafude] to milk traire

BOKK- (1) 60kkaade v.mv 0 to boast, brag se vanter

BOKK- (2) 60kkude v.av Z [fiyude] to hit frapper

BOKK- (3) I>okkude v.av Z to defecate (animals) defequer (animaux)


-D6irdugal (nga/) /oirduae (ae) DFCZ C{FJ,M),Z{-) [caafirgal]

calabash (or other container) used for milking calebasse (ou autre recipient) a traire

Z(M,G,A) [oro (o)wi] cf.:[boggol]


baobab - Adansonia digitata baobab - Adansonia digitata

6iY'Y'e (ae) 0 pliers, instrument used to pull out thorns lodged in the body pince, instrument servant a arracher les epines restees dans Ie corps

BOBB- 6066aade


I>ohe (ae) Dq seeds found in the fruit of the baobab; fruit of the baobab graines qui se trouvent dans Ie fruit de baobab; pain de singe, fruit de baobab I>okki (ki) /oohe, ookke (ae) DcZAbk C(G,A),

BOLI>olu (ngu) OZ Z{-) emptiness; denudement, bareness vide(D); depouillement, nudite (Z) I>olude v.av oz Z(-) to lose its leaves; to denude, strip perdre ses feuilles(D); denuder, depouiller

var.- boooaade Dczh


BOCC6occoonde (nde) /ooccooae (ae) OFCZH CZ{-)



60lum n. OT [meere] zero; (adv.) for nothing zero(T); (adv.) pour rien(D)

egg oeuf



60ccinde v.av+ext FZ Z{-) to lay an egg pondre

60ltude v.av+ext OZ Z{-) to skin [worcitaade]; to strip the bark from; to cut up ecorcher(D) [worcitaade]; ecorcer, decortiquer (Z); depecer(Z)

BOD-IN60dinde v.av+ext 0 to strip (v.t.) depouiller




600saaru (ndu) /ooosaaji (di) OCZ CZ(-)

lioooude v.av 0 to water, run (of eyes) larmoyer


dog chien



liooogu, liowngu (ngu) /oow(fi (di) OFCZ

liooyal (ngal) T duration duree 600yde,6ooyude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) [neebude] to spend or be or stay a long time durer (longtemps), faire longtemps, rester longtemps


mosquito moustique

'BONNlioiiiiaade v.mv 0 to fit tightly around the hips ? serrer les hanches


'BOODERE lioodere (nde) /ooode, ooole, ooode (de) cZ C(N,G,A),Z(M,N,G,A)

600y-e pl.- ooyre

lioptude v.av Z (FT,M,BF) to amass, put into a pile (with broom or rake) ramasser, grouper ou mettre en tas (avec un balai ou avec un rateau)

lump of sth (e.g. earth, salt, butter) motte de qqch (p.ex. de terre, de sel, de beurre) liood"e (de) 0 balls of food boules de nourriture

'BOR60rde v.av OCZ CZ(-) to pluck, pull out, extract, uproot plumer, arracher, extraire, deraciner

'BOODERE liood"ere (nde) /ooode (de) Z [hayre] rock pierre

'BOR'BORTE 60r60rte (nge) 0 one month old calf veau d'un mois

'BOOLDU liooldu (ndu) /oooli (di) OczM CZ(NE)



60rkude v.av 0 cf.:[piye] to injure by friction or rubbing blesser par frottement

club, cudgel, mace, bludgeon gourdin, massue, assommoir, casse-tete



600101 n. 0 (Vet.) [koyngel, ko dow, cowaacfe, pettu,

60rke n. M (Vet.) [gurso] mange gale


anthrax charbon (maladie)



60rnaade v.mv OF to get dressed (o.s.), wear sth s'habiller, porter un habit liornude v.av F to dress (sb) habiller (qqn)

lioomude v.av OZ Z(FT,M) to fade; to shrivel, shrink faner(D); se racornir, se retrecir (Z)

'BOOSlioosude v.av OCZ CZ(·) to massage masser

-T60rtaade v.mv+ext OF to get undressed (o.s.) se deshabiller

'BOOSAARE 600saare (nde) Dq soap which is made locally savon noir, de fabrication artisanale

&oortaade laamu (T): to abdicate; abdiquer


60rtude v.av+ext F to undress (sb) deshabiller (faire deshabiller qqn)

engraisse (Seydou, 1977»

BULBI 6u16i (ki) / 6ul6e (ae) OAk tree (one which produces gum) - Acacia seyal arbre (a gomme) - Acacia seyal

BORTERE 60rtere (nde) 0 ball of wool boule de laine


BOTA 60ta (nga,mba) /60ti (ai)

(1) v.av 0 [hibbude, bawlude, oawlude(2), sillude, soofudej


OeZ C(N,BF,G,A),


to urinate uriner

kid, young goat chevreau, jeune chevre

BUMNUDE 6umnude

BOTT60ttude v.av Dz Z(BF) to gather (together) ramasser

pl.- 6unndu

(2) V. 6uu6-in- OZ

Z(FT,M,BF) [boptudej

BUMRI 6umri n. 0 venereal disease maladie venerienne

-IR60ttirgal (nga/) Z instrument for gathering together (e.g. grain) instrument pour ramasser (p.ex. du grain)

BOWNGU 6owngu/6owd"i

BUNNDU 6unndu (ndu) /6ulli (ai)

V. 60nngu Fez

well; spring [6aynde] puits; source, fontaine (Z) [6aynde]


BOYGAL 60ygal (nga/) /60ye (ae)

BURZ [ooyngal/ooylej:

6ural (ngal) /6ure (ae) OZ Z(-) [ndaannuj superiority, excellence, advantage; inequality superiorite, excellence(Z), avantage(Z); inegalite(Z) 6urde,6urude v.av FCZ CZ(-) to be better (than), be more (than), exceed valoir meiux (que), depasser, surpasser

C(M,BF),Z(BF) [boyngalj

wooden pipe for smoking pipe en bois

BOYL60ylude v.av OCZ C(FJ,FT,M,BF,B,N),Z(-) to twist(C), bend; to hurt, have a cramp, have a convulsion tordre(DC), contourner(Z), courber(Z); faire mal, avoir une crampe, avoir une convulsion (Z)

-AN6urande (ned"d"o) v.av+ext to be preferred by sb etre prefere par qqn

BOYRE 60yre (nde) /6ooye, 60ye (ae) kidney rem

6urdirde v.av+ext Z to give preference to sb, prefer sb or sth donner la preference a qqn, preferer qqn ou qqch

OZ [ouddu/ouddij:



6ursirde (nde) /6ursirae (ae) OCZ CZ(-) stone (flat) for ginning cotton; (pl.) piece of iron for ginning cotton pierre (plate) a egrener Ie coton; (pl.) fer a egrener 6ursird"i n. 0 [oursirdi (ndi)]:CZ(FJ,G,A) piece of iron for ginning cotton fer a egrener Ie coton

type of insect; flea sorte d'insecte(D); puce(Z)

BUJ(J)IRI 6ujiri, 6uijiri (ndi) /6ujji (ai)

fZ Z(-)


OZo Z(-)

BUBBU 6u66u (ngu) /6u66i (ai)



O(Seydou, 1977)

[ujiri, ouyiri,laagirij

ox (of at least five years, castrated and fattened) boeuf (d'au moins cinq ans, castre et 35

'BUSTIRGEL 6ustirgel; 6ustude V. 6uyt'BUT-

-IN6uu6inde,6uumnude v.av+ext Z to please; to refresh, cool [5umnude (2)] plaire; rafraichir, refroidir [5umnude (2)]

6utaade v.mv CZ C(M,BF,NO),Z(-) to be full, plentiful etre rempli, abondant 6utude v.av 0 to fIll remplir


AI 6uuccaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to suck; to embrace, kiss; to make a kissing sound with one's lips sucer; embrasser, donner un baiser (Z); faire avec les levres Ie bruit d'un baiser(Z)

'BUTT6utto (0) /6uttu6e (6e) fat person qqn de gros 6uttude v.av F [fayde] to be big etre grand

ZH Z(-) [flutti]:H

'BUUDDI 6uuddi (ndi) /6uulle (de) - var.6uure CZ C(-)

'BUUMNDI 6uumndi; 6uumnude; 6uundi V. 6uu6-



6uure (nde) /6uuye, 6uye (de)

6uttidinde v.av+ext DZ Z(-) to put on weight; to fatten grossir(D); engraisser(Z)

DeZ C(NO),

Z(M,NO) [uure, fluuddi]

abcess; swelling; wound abces; enflure(Z); plaie(D)



6uu6al n. DI [dirte, potte] trypanosomiasis trypanosomiase 6uu6alla n. 0 humidity humidite 6uu6de (de) L trees having cool shade arbres qui donnent de l'ombre frais 6uu601 (ngol) /6uu6i (di) DFcZ C(FJ),Z(-) damp cold(C), coolness(F), humidity froid (humide et malsain)(DC), fraicheur(Z), humidite(Z) 6uu6ri (ndi) FZL Z(-) [dowdi] shade(F); coolness in the shade ombre; fraicheur a l'ombre(ZL) 6uu6ude v.av DFCZ CZ( +) [feewde (2)]

6uuteede v.pv Z (+) to be swollen; to be incomplete etre gonfie; etre incomplet 6uutude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to be swollen, swell up s'enfier, se gonfier, enfier, gonfier

'BUYN6uynude v.av to roast ratir

0 [duppude]

'BUYT6uytude v.av DFCZ CZ(M,NO,BF,FJ) to reduce, diminish, decrease reduire, diminuer

-IR6uytirgel n. minus moms

cf.: Daangude]

to be cool, cold; to be humid, wet; to die faire froid, frais; etre humide, mouille; mourir 6uumndi, 6uundi (ndi) Z coolness fraicheur

T (Math.) [flustirgel]

'BUYIRI 6uyiri var.- 6uj(j)iri


(Seydou, 1977)

c etre en ruines

CA'E ca'e pl.- saare CAA

CAANAABA Caanaaba PN DM(8! et Dieterlen, 1961) dragon, symbol of wealth in livestock; mythical python dragon, symbole de la richesse en betail (D); python mythique(M) canaabawol (ngol) (8! et Dieterlen, 1961) natural depression which starts near Sansanding and joins the old river bed (of the Niger?); in mythology, part of the route taken by Caanaaba depression naturelle du terrain qui s'amorce pres de Sansanding et qui epouse l'anden lit du fleuve (Niger?); dans la mythologie, one partie du periple de Caanaaba

caa ideoph. Z wad'ude caa : to flyaway; s'envoler [diwde)

CAABEEJE caabeeje pl.- saabeere CAABUNE caabune pl.- saabun(n)de CAADAADE caadaade, caadaad'e pl.saadaare; V. saad- (1)

CAADUDO caadud'o; caad'u V. saad- (2) CAAFAL caaral; caatirgal/caatird'e V. saa!CAAFO caaro (0) D person who has a gap(s) between his teeth personne qui a des dents ecartees


CAAHU caahu V. saahCAAJOL

caandalo (0) D stubborn person tetu

caajol n. D cf.:[caayewol] long plain longue plaine

CAANGANAAWU caanganaawu (ngu) P fish - Hepsetus odoe poisson - Hepsetus odoe

CAAJU caaju (ngu) DZ horse with a white face, red horse with a white strip on its face cheval it front blanc(D), cheval rouge it raie blanche au front(Z)

CAANGIRI caangiri, caangri (ndi) DZ couscous made from rice; type of couscous couscous it base de riz(D); sorte de couscous(Z)

caaju I'>aleewu (M.S. Diallo, 1990 (F»: black and white horse ; cheval pie-noir caaju wod'eewu (M.S. Diallo, 1990 (F»: red and white horse ; cheval pie-rouge

CAANGOL caangol (ngol) / caandi, caali (di)

DCZ CZ(FJ,NE,M) [canngol/calli,candi) [callol (1), maayel)

CAAKANNEERI caakanneeri (ndi) / caakanneeji (di)

stream, temporary watercourse; river ruisseau(DZ), marigot(CZ); riviere(CZ)

C(8! et

Kesteloot, 1969)

skink scinque


CAAPAALI caapaali n. D carniverous animal that is very quick animal carnassier tres rapide


caaku (0) / caakuuji (di) sack sac

DZ Z(-)

CAAROL caarol, caaru V. saarCAARTAL

CAAMcaamu-caamu n. D remains, pieces restes, morceaux caamude v.av Z [caabude):Z to be in ruins

caartal (ngal), caartol (ngol)

DZ [caaru (o)):Z(-)


rinderpest peste bovine


CAAT- caatagol var. saatagol; V. saat37




caawd'e pl.- saawndere; caawe pl.- saawere; V.sawandere


caka purta n. 0 rude or uncouth individual personnage grossier

caayewal (ngal) 0 cf.:[caajol] plain plaine



cabbaad'o; cabbo, cabbud'o; cabu, cabungal; ca66u-ca66u V. sabb-


CALDE cald"e pl.- salnde, salde CALDI (1) cald"i pl.- saldu & pl.- salndu CALEEDE caleed'e pl.- salaare; V. salCALLALOL Wol,Ser

ca6al (ngal) 0 [catal, salndu] branch branche


callalol, callol (2) (ngol) / callali, calli (ai)

ca66uli (ki) / caaaule (ae) Do tree - Ximenia americana arbre - Ximenia americana

CZTb CZ(M,NO,BF) [callalal (ngal) Durbol, jolokowal]


callalal oetirgal, callalol poondirgol (I): (surveyor's) chain measure; chaine d'arpenteur callalal jokkondiroowal (I): transmission ; chaine de transmission callalol njamndi, callalal njamndi (ZI): wire, chain ; fiI de fer(Z), chaine(l) cf.:[ooggol njamndi]


CALLEWOL callewol (ngol) 0 fish net fIlet de peche

cafroowo V. sawr-


caggal (ngal) / cagle, cagge, caggule (ae) DFCZH

calligiid"o V. sallig-

callol (1) (ngol) / calli (ai) CZ [caangol, maayel] stream, temporary watercourse; river ruisseau, marigot; riviere


back; backside; (prep.) after, behind dos; derriere; (prep.) apres, derriere

CALLOL (2) callol (2) var.- callalol CALU calu (1&2) V. sal- (1&2?) CAMAL

caggal dum (F), caggal dun (H): after that(F), henceforth ; apres r,;a, desormais(H) caggal mun (H): behind, after; derriere, apres caggal nde (F): after, after that ; apres, apres r,;a caggal-suudu n. F

carnal n. 0 voluntary work; forearm travail benevole; avant-bras

toilet, latrine, w.c. (lit. behind the house) latrine, w.c. (lit. derriere la maison) caggalawal (ngal) 0 [gadaal] hind leg patte de derriere


I callale

chain, small chain chaine, chainette

cafirgol (ngol) T [bakalleere] pulley poulie



cakka (ka) / cakkaaji (ai) DZb Z(-) necklace of beads collier(Zb) de perles (D)

pl.- sawru

CADDAL cad'd"al V. saaaCADDE cad"d"e; cad"ee; cad"eele V. CAFANDE cafand"e pl.- safande CAFIKA cafika var.- safuko F CAFIRGOL

V. saah-

carnal junngo (D): forearm; avant-bras

CAMBOOWU camboowu, cammboowu (ngu) DZP fish - Bagrus spp. poisson - Bagrus spp.(P)

pl.- saare

cahid"o (0) 0 rebellious person personne rebelle



CAPPU cappu (0) / cappi (di) DFo [durugel, dewrudu] kitchen (hut or room where one cooks) cuisine (hutte ou piece oil l'on fait Ie cuisine)

cami, cammewi (ki) 0 tree whose leaves are given to animals arbre dont les feuilles sont destinees aux animaux


cami/came (X(A(Jam'aare)): bush; arbuste (Fluggea virosa)

cardi (ndi) / carde, care (de)

CAMMULLE cammulle pl. sammunnde CAMPOOWO campoowo v. sampCAMTUDO camtud'o V. samtCANAABAWOL canaabawol V. Caanaaba CANCANDOWAL cancand'owal (ngal) / cancandooje (de)

silver argent (metal)


sar-d- (2)

canal n. D ray of light rayon de lumiere




spider araignee

cargol (ngol) T Uaajnugol, yaaynugol] copy (official) ampliation (copie officielle)

CANCAYDO cancayd'o (0) / cancay6e (6e)




weaver tisserand

cariije n. mat? tapis


carkel n. D illness due to malnourishment maladie due a une insuffisance alimentaire



Z (DO,M)

v. sar- (1)

casnird'o n. D [fitirla,lampa] blowtorch lampe a souder

CANNDAL canndal n. D wrestler's hold ? accroc de lutteur

CATAL (1) catal (nga/) / cate (de)

CANNGOL canngol var.- caangol CZ CAI)ALE caQale; caQngale pl.- s01jalde,

branch branche, rameau


CANIRGAL caiiirgal; caiioowo; caiiu;

cata) n. D position astride position a califourchon

caii(ii)udi V. saii-

CAPAATO Capaato, Cappaato / Safal6e, Safar6e (6e)


DFZw [Capato]:Z ((pl.) Capatuube]:W

cato) (ngol) / cati (di) Z (A,M) line, rank, file; line of writing ligne, rang, file; ligne d'ecriture


CAPPANDE cappand'e; cappantati V.

DCZ Z(FT,M,FJ) [cabal,



Moor, Mauritanian Maure, Mauritanien( ne) capaatankoore, cappaatunkoore (nde) language of the Moors langue des Maures



candal n. D artist's personal sign signe personnel d'un artiste candal (ngal) / cande (de) quill of a porcupine piquant de porc-epic


CZ(FJ,M,NO,SF) [kaalisi, kaalise]

CATTUDO cattud'o V. sapp-





cawgal (ngal) / cawle (de) CZq C(M,NQ,BF),

ceemeedo (0) D young woman jeune femme


bucket, pail [siiyo); container for drawing water seau [siiyo); puisette(C)

CAWLI cawli V. sawlCAWNDONDIRDI cawndondirdi

CEEMNDAM ceemndam (dam) Z cf.:[seeo-] pointed extremity; summit of a mountain extremite pointue; sommet d'une montagne



CEENE ceene pl.- seeno CEERAADO ceeraado; ceeraaku; ceeral,

CAWRAADO cawraado; cawroowo/ cawroo6e; cawrooji V. sawr-

ceergal; ceerdo; ceerdum V. seer-



caygal (1) (ngal) / cayle (de) DCZS CZ(FJ,M,NQ,BF) [(pl.) cayd'e]

wild duck, goose; spur-winged goose Plectropterus gambensis canard sauvage(DCZ), oie(Z); oie armee de Gambie - Plectropterus gambensis(S)

DcZbh C(FJ,FT),Z(-),H(Kerieba) [moodib(b)o, mobbo] cf.:[seer-]

marabout, cleric, Muslim scholar marabout, savant musulman (Kane and Robinson, 1984): ceerno derives from ceerndoowo, "one who separates' ; ceerno derive de ceerndoowo, "qui separe"

CAYKI caygal (2) (ngal) - aug.- cayki Z cayld (ki) / cayde (de) DCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF) tree - Acacia albida arbre - Acacia albida

CAYL- cayl. V. saylCAYYAM cay-y-am CE'E ce'e pl.- saare CEBE


v. sayy-

CEKKE cekke; cekkeeji CEKOL

V. seo-

Ceddo (0) / Se6lie (oe) DFzHMW Z(-) Bozo, fisher Bozo, pecheur ceddoQkoore, ceddankoore (nde) FZW

V. sekko

cekol (ngol) Z temporary pond after the rainy season mare temporaire apres la saison des pluies

CELLAL cellal; celludo CELLUKA


Bozo language langue bozo

CEEDE ceede pl.- seedere CEEDIRDE ceedirde; ceedu V. CEEKAL ceekal V. seekCEELOL ceelol V.seelCEELTOL ceeltol V. seel+ (2?) CEEMDE ceemde pl.- seemnde

pl.- sewre, setre

ceggu n. T [seggu, ciiwirgal] filter filtre ceggude v.av T [seggude, siiwde] to filter filtrer ceggugol (ngol) T [ciiwgol] filtration filtration

ce6e n. D powder of the dum palm (fruit ?) poudre de doum (fruit ?)



ceerno, ceernoojo (0) / ceemoooe, seerenoe (oe)

V. sell-

celluka n. T [naahu] grammar grammaire


CELOL celol (ngol) / celi (di) CZ C(M,BF),Z(-) [ildugo, gaawol, gasal, gasol]

ditch; canal fosse; canal(Z)

CEMBAM cembam, cemmbam


V. semb-


CEMTE cemte, cemteele; cemtoowo V. semtCENAGOL cenagol; cenerd'e V. senCENDE cend'e, cend'i pl.- senngo CENGALAL

cigirgol (ngol) D rope for tying a load corde pour attacher une charge


cengalal (ngal) / eengele (ae) Z (FT,M) grain basket panier a grains

ciibol-kammu n. rainbow arc-en-ciel



cenge (ae) Z (FT,M) millet that has been partially pounded; dish made with partially pounded millet mil grossierement pile; aliment prepare avec du mil a moitie pile

CIIFOL ciirol (ngol) / ciifi (ai)

ceQendiral (ngal) T linking enchainement

line trait, ligne

ceppaad'o; ceppam; ceppind'o

CIILAL ciUal (nga/) / eiile (ae) DCZl(Seydou, 1977) CZ(-) bird of prey, hawk; black kite - Milvus migrans parasiticus [gabuure] rapace, epervier; milan - Milvus migrans parasiticus (Seydou, 1977) [gabuure]

CERDI cerdi garmood'e n. D pipes of bellows tubes de soufflet

CIINATEENGOL ciinateengol V. siin- (2?) CIIWAADO ciiwaad'o; ciiwdi V. siiw- (2) CIIWAL

CEREEDI cereed'i; cereeli pl.- sereendu CETIAL cettal; cettirgal V. settCETIUNGOL

ciiwal (ngal) H grass that resembles turf grass herbe qui resemble au gazon

Cz C(M,BF),Z(BF) [ket(t)ungolj


CEWDI (1) cewd'i (ai) Z (-) cf.:[sew-] change monnaie (petite)


Z(FJ,BF,NE,M,A) [diidol]

V. sepp-

cettungol (ngol) cream creme

cii5aali V. sii6-

ciid'o (0) DZ cf.:[siid-] grey, dark ?; light-skinned African gris, noiratre (D); Africain de teint clair(Z)



D [timotimoongal]

ciiwam; ciiwgol; ciiwirgal V. siiw-


[kaalisi-cewdo, weccit]

CIKKAL cikkal v. sikkCILLE ciUe; cillird'e V. sillCILLEL-NA'I

CEWDI (2) cewd'i n. D (Vet.) pasteurellosis pasteurellose

cillel-na'i n. D bird of cattle oiseau de vache

CEWDO cewd'o; cewndam V. sewCEWE cewe pl.- sewre CEYIIDO ceyiid'o V. seycrAL ci'al; ci'e, ci'i V. saare CIFOL cirol v. sifCIGIRDO cigird'o V. sigir-

CILLUKI cilluki (ki) / cillude (ae) DZAk(Seydou, 1976a) tree - Acacia sp. (A. raddiana, A. flava or A. seyal) arbre - Acacia sp. (A. raddiana(Ak), A. flava(k) ou A. seyal(Z(Seydou, 1976a»



cimtam V. simt-

CODGOL codgol V. soodCODAL cocfaIjcocfe; cod"i V. CODE

CINDIRI cindiri n. 0 cf.:[sinnd-] river fleuve

cocfe (ae) 0 type of fruits espece de fruits


cinndaawi; cinndamaawi; cinnde; cinndi; cinndo V. sinnd-

CINNOOWO ciiiiioowo v. sinnCIPPAL cippal; cippi; cippital; cippoowo;

COFAL cofal (nga/) / cofe (ae) OFCZ C(+),Z(-) [gertogal,

cippudi/cippule V. sipp- (1)


soa- 0

gertal, gertol]

chicken(F), hen(C) pou1et(D), poule(CZ)

cippirde; cippirooji V. sipp-ir- (2)


cirgal (nga/) Z cf.:[sirg-] small bird petit oiseau

cofucfo (0) 0 cf.:[sof-] person who collects qui recueille



ciroowu, cirowu (ngu) oZP tiger-fish - Hydrocyon forskali poisson-chien - Hydrocyon forskali

coggal (ngal) 0 cf.:[sood-] herd of cattle for sale troupeau de boeufs a vendre



cirtirki (ki) 0 knife used to split couteau servant a fendre

coggu (ngu) / cogguuli, cogguuji (ai) CZ(+) cf.:[sood-]


sale, purchase, agreement to buy or sell; cost, price, value; (V. jongi, tolo (1» vente, achat, convention d'achat ou de vente; cout, prix, valeur; (V. jongi, tolo (1»(1)

CIRYE cirye V. siryCIYAM ciyam V. si'COBBAL


cobbal, cobal (nga/) / cobbe, cobe (ae) OCZEH

cohircfe n. T [maatirde] sensory exercise exercice sensoriel

C(-),Z(FJ,M) [kodde]:Z(FT),E

cream made with millet, soured milk and sugar; porridge made with millet; ball of millet or rice flour mixed with sugar or honey creme a base de mil, lait caille et sucre(E); bouillie a base de mil(Dz); pate de milCH), boule de mil ou riz sucree ou au miel(CZ)


cokirgal, cokitirgal V. sok- (1)

cokki n. 0 [tinnga] game jeu

cobbal pe(e)yngal (DZ): soured milk that is very rich, soured milk that has been churned ; lait caille gras(Z), lait caille battu(D)


COBBI co66i, co66uli p/.- soooundu COBDO co6d"o V. soo- (1) COCORGAL cocorgaIjcocord"e V. soccCODDUNGOL

sok- (2)

v. sol-

cole-cole 0 spotted tachete


coddungol (ngo/) / codduli (ai) OZ Z(-) tendon of the foot, Achilles' tendon; back of the knee tendon du pied(D), tendon d'Achille(Z); jarret(Z)

colla (0), collal (nga/) OF cf.:[mbulwuldi] dust poussiere




colo (0) D

contud"o (0) D

person having scars of smallpox personne portant des traces de variole

person who is unsuccessful qui n'a pas de succes



colokoowu (ngu) iP


fish, tiger-fish - Hydrocyon brevis poisson, poisson-chien - Hydrocyon brevis


light rain at the end of the rainy season petite pluie de fm d'hivernage (cQocQo in Bambara lJleans a light steady rain ; cQocQo en Bambara veut dire une pluie fine qui dure (BaiIIeuI, 1981))

COO CO cooco n. D cf.:[coo-coo]

rain that is driving and intermittant pluie battante et intermittente

COLU colu (ndu) / coli (ai)



coo-coo (0) Z cf.:[cooco]


period between the cold and hot seasons (Feb.-Mar.)(F); season of the receding of the flood (Feb.-Mar.); period just before dabbunde periode entre les saisons froide et chaude (fev.-mars); saison de decrue (fev.-mars)(W); periode juste avant dabbunde(I)


(+) [ndobu, ilaatooru]

leopard leopard

coodoowo V. sood-

cood"al (ngal) / cooae (de) DZ Z(-)

species of bird; heron espece d'oiseau(D); heron(Z)

combeeje pl.- sombe(e)re

(Fairbairn, 1933 (-»): grey heron; heron cendre (Ardea cinerea cinerea)

comcol (ngol) / comci (di) Dez eZ(FJ,FT)

garment vetement

eOOFOL coofol (ngol), coofal (ngal) DZ Z(A,M)


small valley; river, watercourse vallon(D); riviere, cours d'eau (Z)

comcom n. D

unending quarrel querelle interminable

COOFU cooru n. 0


grassy space espace herbeux

comd"o (0) D [cobdo] cf.:[sob- (1)]

person who is soiled qui est sale

COME come pl.- somre COMOTOODO comotood"o; comoyaaji

eOOLO coolo (0) 0

person who is poorly educated qui est mal eduque







coital (ngal) / colle (ae)



torment, martyrdom tourment, martyre

coolobe (ae) 0

conkaali pl.- sonkaa(n)go; V.

grains of rice graines de riz

sonk- (1)



conndi (ndi) / conndiiji (ai), coone, conle (de)

coome n. 0

Dez ez(-)

unidentified violent illness maladie foudroyante non identifiee

flour, powder farine, poudre(Z) conndi-malfaI (Z(Labouret, 1955)): gunpowder; poudre [bar(r)uutu, baruudu]

eOOME (2) coome pl.- soomre (var.- somre) eOORAGOL cooragol V. soor-

a fusiI




cowaaoe n. 0 (Vet.) [koyngel, 000101, pettu, ko dow,

coordi (ndi) DE(Sanankoua, 1990) [cordi] rice dish made with fish and butter, dish of rice cooked with dried fish to which is added melted butter or fish oil riz au gras fait de poisson sec et beurre, plat de riz prepare a l'eau avec du poisson seche et arrose de beurre de vache fondu ou d'huile du poisson(Sanankoua, 1990)


anthrax ? charbon bacterien ?

COWE cowe; cowgal V. sow- (1) COWOOWO cowoowo V. sow- (2) COYOOLAL coyoolal (ngal) 0 species of bird espece d'oiseau

COORTAL coortal n. T cf.:[sort-] drawer tiroir

COYYAAKA coyyaaka (ka) i(Itinerances, 1981)(Imperato, 1973) type of kaasa blanket sorte de couverture kaasa

COOWIRI coowiri (ndi) 0 [coowu, welaande] cf.:[birgi] cattle dung bouse de vache


COOWNGU coowngu n. 0 softened rice ? riz ramolli

cu66e n. 0 type of fruit sorte de fruit



coowu n. 0 [coowiri, welaande] cf.:[birgi] cattle dung bouse de vache

cu6oi; cu6e; cu6i; cu6iroum; cu6irgal

V. sUD-





cukaaku; cukalel/cukaloy V.


cooyu n. 0 coloration of cattle robe de vache


cuddaaje; cuddamaaje V. sudd-

cuddu n. 0 [cuddi (ndi)1 cuddiiji (cfi)):Z{-) [kippu] mist, fog brume

cooyngol fajiri n. H [fajiri, pooyngol] dawn aube


cukkeeki; cukkiri/cukke; cukkoori V. sukk- (1)

CUKKO cukko v. suk- (2?) CUKKOL cukkol/cukki v. sukkCUKKU

coppiriniioo V. sopp-ir-in-


CORAWU corawu (ngu) P fish - Distichodus rostratus poisson - Distichodus rostratus


cukke n. 0 ill (person who is ?) malade cukku (o,ngu) DZ illness maladie

CO RINKE corinke (0) / corinkoooe (oe) DVq seer-healer, interpreter of the aspects, acts and movements of animals(V) charlatan(D), interprete des aspects, faits et gestes des animaux(V)


cu6aaoo V. suo-

CUKKUDI cukkudi V. sukk- (2) CUK(K)ULI cukku(u)li, cukuli pl.suk(k)undu

cottirgal/cottiroe V. sok-it-ir-




cule-cule; culo V. sul-



cumal; cumgol (1); cumogal; cumoodi; cumu V. sum-


cumbo, cummb- V. summb-

cute n. 0 scraps of wool dechets de laine

cumgol (2) (ngol) 0 [pooyngol, fajiri] cf.:[sum-] dawn aurore

CUUBU cuubu n. 0 piece of music morceau de musique

CUMPITAL cumpital (ngal) 0 main piece of wood of a bed bois principal du lit

CUUDIIDO cuudiid"o V.suddCUUDI cuud"i; cuud"iid"o; cuud"inkoofie




cuncunka 0 in hiding en cachette


cuukaati pl.- suukaango; V.



CUNKUMAL cunkumal n. 0 brand (charred piece of wood) tison

pl.- suundu

cuumo (0) 0 girl or woman whose lips have been blackened celle aux levres noires


CUUMU cuumu v. suum- (1) CUURAM cuuram v. suur- (3) CUURKI cuurki; cuurtam V. suur- (4) CUUSAL cuusal; cuuso V. suus-

cunndi n. 0 species of tree espece d'arbre sunduuhi (K(BF»: small tree; petit arbre (Maerua crassifolia)



cunne n. 0 pleasant odors boones odeurs


curki - var.- cuurki; V. suur- (4)

cuuti var.pl.- suundu H

CUUYDO cuuyd"o v. suusCUWOOGAL cuwoogal V.

cuppol V. supp-




son cou


daake woae (D): white cow with red head and neck; vache blanche avec cou et tete rouge daakol n. (Hinerances, 1981) cf.:[dakol?]

daaba (0), daabawa (mba,nga) / daabaaji (di) DFCZbH CZ(-) [dabba, banaa]

animal(FC); domesticated animal; beast of burden animal(DCH); animal domestique(Z); bete de somme(Z)

design woven in kaasa blankets (which evokes the different colored band which certain animals have around their neck) dessin tisse dans des couvertures kaasa (qui evoque la bande de couleur differente sur Ie cou de certains animaux)

daabaaji ladde (F): wild animals (lit. animals of the bush) ; animaux sauvages (lit. animaux de la brousse) [kulle ladde] daabaaji wuro (F): domesticated animals (lit. animals of the village) ; animaux domestiques (lit. animaux du village)

DAAK- (2)

DAA'Bdaa5ude v.av 0 to trace out the foundation of tracer les fondations de

DAA'BAADO daa5aad'o V. DAADO



Daado PN DZ Z(-) name of the fourth daughter [Dado]; name of the fifth daughter prenom de la quatrieme fille(D) [Dado]; prenom de la cinquieme fille(Z)

DAADE daad'e DAAF-

daal- (Seydou, 1987) (sense of giving instructions, warning, advising) (sens de donner des instructions, avertir, aviser) daalaade v.mv z(Seydou. 1987) [daal(u)de]:Z(-) to speak (on the part of God) parler (Dieu)

pl.- daande & pl.- raande


daafude v.av 0 to pull up grass with one's hands arracher de l'herbe a la main



daaka (0) / daakaaji (di) DZbm Z(+) [tuddunde] camp; Bozo camp; camp near a river camp; camp de Bozos(D); camp pres de la riviere(Z) daakude v.av 0 to camp camper

daalaare (nde) / daalaaje (de)

Df(Brasseur. 1968)

[feltekereere, buuwaangal]

public place; clearing; courtyard (large) place publique(D); clairiere(D); cour (grande)(Brasseur, 1968)


daago (ngo) / daage (de), daagooji (di) DFCZbHo


mat (for sleeping or sitting on); mattress natte (pour se coucher ou s'asseoir); matelas(Z)

daalol (ngol) / daali (di) M cf.:[raande] long rope or chain stretched between two stakes to which are tied the ropes to which calves are tethered longue corde ou chaine tendue entre deux piquets a laquelle sont fixees les attaches des veaux

(Bidaud et Prost, 1982 (BF»: mat made with dum leaves ; natte en feuilles de doum

DAAK- (1) daake (nge) Drx(Seydou, 1976a) (Turner, 1989) coloration of cattle; cow whose neck is of a different color than the rest of its body; white cow with a large colored spot(s) covering most of its neck(Turner, 1989) robe de vache(D); vache dont Ie cou est de couleur differente du reste du corps(Seydou, 1976a); vache blanche avec one grosse tache(s) couvrant la plus grande partie de

DAAM-ITdaamitaade v.mv 0 [dammude] to enjoy happiness se plaire dans Ie bonheur

DAAMAAJI daamaaji


pl.- ndaamaari


dasal (nga/) D piece of wood used to reduce the spirit of a cow bois servant A reduire la fougue d'une vache

daande (nde) / daaae (ae) DFCZH CZ{-) neck; voice(FC); bank (of watercourse)(f) cou; voix(CZ); rive(Z) daande junngo n. Zo Z(-) wrist poignet daande maayo, daande ndiyam FZ Z{-)

-IRdasirde (nde) D weight (of loom) poids (metier A tisser)



bank of a river rive du fleuve, bord du fleuve

daasondirde v.av+ext Z to pull from different sides or in turn tirer, chacun de son cote ou A son tour

DAANGOL daangol (ngo/) / daanai, daangi (ai) DcZ


C{G,NE),Z{M,NE) [dengol]:1 [dangol, raande] cf.:[daande, rad-]

daawaade v.mv V. daawde T daawal (nga/) T [banl)e, bayaana] margin; distance marge; distance daawde v.av T [daawaade] to graduate (make graduations) graduer daawgol (ngo/) T graduation graduation

tether, rope for tying up calves; rope for tying up cows at night or for milking attache, corde pour attacher les veaux; corde pour attacher les vaches la nuit ou pour les traire

DAARdaarude v.av Z (FJ,M,BF,A) [ndaarude]:Z to watch; to surveil, protect regarder; surveiller, proteger


DAARIGI daarigi n. mat? tapis

daayude v.av Dz Z{FT) to stop at, terminate, be limited to s'arreter A, terminer, se limiter A ndaaye n. D limit limite


DAARTOL daartol (ngo/) T [taariik(i), taalol] history histoire

DAAYE daaye V. DAB- Man



dabaade v.mv Zq [dawrude] to cast a spell; to perform the gestures of a seer-healer; to perform a work of magic against sb jeter un sort; faire des tours de charlatan(Afr.) (devin-guerisseur); faire une operation de magie contre qqn dabare (nde,o) / dabareeji (ai) DZb Z{FJ,FT,M,A)

daasaade v.mv CZ (-) to pull o.s. se trainer daasol (ngo/) / daasi (ai) DZ Z{+) trail, tracks, tracks left by a thing dragged on the ground (e.g. by an animal carrying its prey); snake [mboddi] trainee(Z), trace laissee par une chose trainee par terre(Z) (p.ex. par un fauve portant sa proie(D»; serpent(Z) [mboddi] daasotoongol (ngo/) Z [mboddi, daasol,


curse, bad spell; decision; amulet mauvais sort, sortilege; decision(D); amulette(Z)

baajol-Ieydi, boggol-Ieydi]

snake serpent daasude v.av DCZ CZ{-) [gusude] to pull, drag; to moor ? tirer, trainer; amarrer(Z)

DABBdabbiti? n. I part of the dunti or dunci herd which is kept in the village beyond the time when floods cover the plains (Oct.)(esp. in the northern



delta) partie du troupeau dunti ou dunci gardee dans Ie village apres Ie moment la crue submerge les plaines (oct.)(surtout au nord du delta) dabbol (ngol) 0 place where one stays during the cold season lieu du sejour pendant la saison froide dabbude v.av OFcZ C(FJ),Z(-) to pass the cold season; to come (dabbunde) passer la saison froide; venir (dabbunde)(CZ) dabbunde (nde) / dabbule, dabbunde (de)

dad"aade v.mv F [dacfcfude] to stretch out, spread out, expand s'etendre, se disperser, elargir dadd"o (0) Z winning runner coureur gagnant dad"ude v.av F cf.:[reenaade] to escape danger; to win (a race) echapper it un danger; gagner (un concours)


OFCZI C(-) Uaangol]

cold (and dry) season (Nov.-Feb.), harvest season saison froide (et seche)(nov.-fev.), saison des recoltes

dandude v.av+ext FZ Z(-) [dacfnude]:F to save (sb) (lit. to cause to escape) sauver (qqn), proteger, faire echapper


dad"ondiral (ngal) T competition; race concours; course


dabboyde v.av+ext 0 to transhume during the cold season transhumer pendant la saison froide

DABBA dabba/dabbaaji DABII13~

var.- daaba

DADDdad"dude v.av 0 to spread (out) etaJer, etendre



dabii6e (6e) bM (MiI,Hist.) guides forming part of the avant-garde of an army who know the topography of the country it crosses perfectly guides composant une partie de l'avant-garde d'une armee qui connaissent parfaitement la topographie du pays qu'elle traverse




dagamere n. 0 wild animal animal sauvage


DA13DA1313AR~ da6da66are (nde) P

dagana n. 0 special drink of Kunari boisson speciaJ du Kounari

fish - Alestis nurse poisson - Alestis nurse



daggada n. 0 [wage] shrewd, intelligent, cunning malin, intelligent, ruse


DAHA daha, dahaa var.- dawa ZTb DAKAM dakam, dakan var.- ndakam

Daado (Z(-»): name of the fifth daughter; prenom de la cinquieme fille dadaade v.mv Z (-)



to fasten a belt, put on a belt attacher une ceinture, mettre une ceinture

DAKIIR~ dakiire/dakiije var.- ndakiire F DAK.KER~

-ORdadorgol (ngol) / dadordi (di)


DADOL dadol V. radDAFAADO dafaado V.

da66-; da660 V. ra66-

Dado PN (BA et Kesteloot, 1969) name of the fourth daughter prenom de la quatrieme fille

[kawgel, dogdu]

dakkere (nde) / dake, dakke (de)


OZ Z(-)


[kumirgal, kumol, kumorgal]

morsel of food ? tartine(D), morceau de pate(Z)

belt ceinture

(R,X(A»): steamed lumps of sorghum flour dough ; petites boulettes de pate de sorgho cuites a la vapeur



dammbihfo (0) / dammbiioe (oe) ZL Z(-) person who spends the seven days (or the necessary time) after a ceremony qui passe les sept jours (ou Ie temps necessaire) apres une ceremonie dammbude v.av ZT to look after the dambiido, take care of the dammbiido; to besiege [dammbinde, uddude] surveiller Ie dammbiido, prendre soin du dammbiido (Z); assieger(T) [dammbinde, uddude] dammbugal (ngal) / dammbude (de) FCZGY

dakol ? n. (Imperato, 1973) cf.:[daakol, d'akkol] black woolen braid stitched onto the edges of a kaasa soutache de laine noire attachee aux bordures du kaasa dakol bod'eeri ? (Imperato, 1973): broad red stripe extending from selvedge to selvedge in a kaasa ; large raie rouge qui s'etend de lisiere a lisiere dans un kaasa



daliili, daliilu, daliil (0) / daliiluuji (di) DFCZu Z:(+) [daaliilu]:U

proof, testimony; reason, cause (FC); right; exactitude; justice preuve(DZ), temoignage(Z); raison, cause (CZU); droit(Z); exactitude(Z); justice(Z)

C( + ),Z(FJ,M,NO,BF)

door, entrance(C), opening, doorway(C); threshold(C); (V. dammbordu)(F); lineage; chapter porte(GY), entree(Z), ouverture(Z), baie de porte(Z); seuil (de porte)(CZ); (Y. dammbordu); lignage(Z); chapitre(Z) dammburu (ndu) F [dammbordu, dammbugal] period of seclusion of the bride periode de solitude d'une jeune mariee

-INdalIinde v.av +ext D to prove o.s. faire ses preuves

DAL(L)OL dallol, dalol (ngol) / dalli, dali (di) CZ C(-),



dammbidiid'o (0) / dammbidiioe (oe) L companion of the dammbiioe compagnon des dammbiioe

marshy region; wide river valley(C), basin region marecageuse(Z); large vallee, cuvette, bassin d'un fleuve (C)




dammbinde v.av+ext T [dammbude, uddude] to besiege assieger

dama (0) Z prohibition, taboo interdit, tabou



dammbitaade v.mv+ext FZL Z(-) to end the period of dammbordu sortir de la periode de dammbordu

damal (ngal) / dame (de) DFZ Z(-) [dammugal, dammbugal, baafal]

door, entry porte, entree



damd'i pl.- ndamndi

dammbordu (ndu) / dammbonfi (di)

FZ Z(-)

[dammbugal, dammburu]

period of seven days following the marriage periode de sept jours suivant Ie mariage

dammude v.av D [daamitaade] to enjoy the possession of sth jouir de la possession de qqch



dampude v.av DCZb CZ(-) to stamp (feet), kick frapper ou taper du pied, donner un coup de pied(CZ)

DAMMBdambe (de) DZ Z(-) lineage; nobility, dignity; title of nobility lignee(D); noblesse, dignite (Z); titre de noblesse(Z) dammbaade v.mv FZ Z(-) to spend the first seven days after the marriage passer les premiers sept jours apres Ie mariage

DAMPE dampe (0) Z type of clothes sorte d'habits



danndi (ndi) DZ cf.:[ndeendi, fiamaku] red pepper piment

damugal, dammugal (ngal) / damuae, dammuae (ae) Dez C(G,A,NE),Z(A) [damal, dammbugal, baafal]


door porte

dannga (ka) / danngaaji (ai) DZbM Z(FT,M) pouch, pocket of leather (worn on the chest, held by a cord of braided leather); saddlebag poche, pochette en cuir (D) (qui se porte sur la poitrine, suspendue au cou par un cordon de cuir tresse(B», bourse(Z); sacoche(M)

DAMULOL damulol, dammulol (ngol) ZL Z(+) [daaba] smallstock (one animal) petit betail (une bete)



danamare ndiyam? n. (laViolette, 1987) [Ioonde

danngeere (nde) Ds [dal)eere, dafieere]:S [daande

ley suudu]

maayo, daande ndiyam]

large water jar grand canari, jarre

riverbank berge

a eau

DANANDI danandi; dandalli V. ranDANDUDE dandude V. daa-nDANDE dand"e pl.- ndanki DANE- dane-; daneeji; daneejo; danerwa ?;

DANNURU dannuru (ndu) Z cf.:[dac:f-] competition competition


danewol V. ran-

DANGOL dangol

dage / da1]eeji C [booto, mbootooru] cf.:[mbasu] bag for grain sac a grain

(ngol) / dandi (ai) - var.

daangol Z (M,A)



daiiude n. 0 gain, profit gain, profit daiiude, daUde v.av DFcZ C(BF,NO),Z(-)

dankoraaku (ngu) Z [needi, mbiirki] education, training education, formation

DANK! danki


var.- ndanki cZ C(G,A,N,BF),

[arsinkinde, riisude]


to have, gain, win, beget, succeed; to receive, acquire, procure avoir, gagner, engendrer, reussir; recevoir, acquerir, se procurer (Z)

DANKU danku n. V jerky wide or narrow step (of dance) l'allure saccadee, etroite ou large (de danse)



daiiugol (ngol) / danuli (ai) Z(Labouret, 1955) Uafiugol]

dannude v.av D cf.:[dac:f-] to have animals bigger than those of others avoir des animaux plus grand que ceux des autres

canton canton

DARdaraade v.mv DFCZ C(-),Z( +) [tontaade] to stand up, stand still; to be about to do sth(F); to appear (new moon) etre debout, se tenir debout, se dresser, s'arreter; etre au point de faire qqch(z); apparaitre (nouvelle lune)(Z) darande (nde) Z stop; time(s) [koyngal, laawol] arret; fois [koyngal, laawol]

DANNAALO dannaalo (0) D person with short hair personne aux cheveux courts

DANNDI dandiiwi (ki) / dandiije (ae) pepper (plant) poivre (plant)



DASAL dasal; dasirde V. DAW-

darnde (nde) / darae (ae) DFCZ CZ(-) height; standing; position, rank taille, hauteur; arret, station; position, rang (social)

dawde v.av FCZ CZ(-) to take a trip, travel (F); to begin a trip early in the morning; to get up early in the morning(C); to do sth starting in the morning voyager; se mettre en route de bon matin(Z); se lever de bon matin(CZ); faire qqch des Ie matin(Z) dawgol (ngol) / dawe (ae) F Uahal, yaadu] trip, voyage, journey voyage dawol (ngol) / dawi (ai) ZI Z(-) early departure depart de bonne heure

-Ndarngal (ngal) resurrection resurrection

FCZ CZ(-) (ReL) [alkiyooma]

iiande darngal (F): Judgement Day, Resurrection Day; Jour de Jugement, Jour de la Resurrection darnude v.av+ext DFCzr CZ(-)

to stop(C) (v.t.); to set up(F), make stand up (or still)(F), erect(FC); to decide, determine faire arreter(Dc); dresser, faire tenir debout, edifier; decider(Z), determiner(T) darnude coggu (T): to set the price ; fixer Ie prix darnude lekki (Z(M,BF»): to plant a tree ; planter un arbre darnugol wolde n. T

DAWA dawa n. ink encre

armistice armistice


Ar czr CZ(M,G,A,NE) [daha(a))

DAWAADI dawaad"i; dawaangel; dawangal

dartaade v.mv +ext F to be correct, straight, just etre correct, droit, juste dartiid"o (0) / dartiioe (De) Z man of handsome bearing homme de belle prestance


DAWE dawe, dawwe DAWL-


-T-IRdartirde (nde) T punctuation ponctuation

DAWR- (1)



dawrude v.av Zq (FJ,M) [dabaade] to perform the gestures of a seer-healer; to perform a work of magic against sb faire des tours de charlatan(Afr.) (devinguerisseur); faire une operation de magie contre qqn

darge (nge) x(Turner, 1989) cow with white legs and a colored body vache aux pattes blanches et au corps de couleur Ar

darja (0) / darjaaji (ai)

pl.- ndawwal

dawla (o,ka) / dawlaaji (ai) DFZ Z(-) [darja] renown, prestige, glory, honor, reputation renommee, prestige, gloire, honneur, reputation dawlud"o (0) Z person known and venerated personne connue et veneree dawlude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) to. be renowned, have a wide reputation; to be in the place of honor etre renomme(D), avoir grande reputation(Z); etre a l'honneur(Z)

dartinde v.mv+2exts FZ Z(-) to correct, make straight (F); to set up or put in again corriger, rendre droit; dresser ou mettre de nouveau(Z)



DZ Z(-) [daraja]:(Seydou,

DAWR- (2)

1981) [dawla]

dawronoowo (0) / dawronoooe (De) Z adviser, aide conseiller, aide

renown; dignity; honor; grade, rank; personality renommee(DZ); dignite(Seydou, 1981); honneur(Z); grade, rang (Seydou, 1981); personnalite(Z)


debe e sappo n. FZ [cappancfe-joyi) ftfty cinquante

dawrude v.av cz (8F,NO,G,A) to counsel, assist by consulting, consult(C), confer(C) conseiller(Z), aider en consultant(Z), consulter(C)

DEBEERE debeere (nde) D bundle, sheaf ? gerbe

DAWR- (3?) dawrude v.av D to undertake, decide entreprendre, decider

DEBERE debere (nde) / debeeje (ae) ZI [debbere):1


[ruunde]:Z cf.:[saare)

village of captives (kaadime) village des captifs (kaadime)

dayde v.av D to have, obtain avoir, obtenir



debolobbo / debolobbooje G plant - Cassia occidentalis plante - Cassia occidentalis

darrere (nde) D cf.:[rayyere] species of grass espece d'herbe


daaye, dayye(Seydou, 1981): high coarse grass growing in clumps ; herbes hautes et raides poussant en grandes touffes (p.34-35n.) dayre, dayyre(Z(-»): plant, tuft of grass; pied (plante), touffe d'herbe aayye(K(8F»): perennial grass; graminee vivace (Andropogon gayanus)

de66ude v.av CZ CZ(FT.M) to sink (in water); to stagnate (water); to form a watertable, form a pool; to be in water couler, sombrer; stagner (l'eau)(Z); former une nappe, former une flaque d'eau (Z); etre dans l'eau de66uka (ka) Z boat that has sunk bateau qui a sombre

DEBdebaade v.mv DZ to cut branches for small ruminants; to break (branch) couper des branches pour les petits animaux(D); casser (branche)(Z) debagoI (ngol) D cutting of branches action de couper les branches debu, ndebu n. 0 branches cut for small ruminants (load of) branches coupees pour les petits animaux (charge de)

DEEDAADO DEEDE (1) deede (0) D mother mere

DEEDE (2) deede (0) ZH brother, older brother frere(H), frere aine(Z)


(Z(Ff)): younger brother; frere cadet

debaare ? (nde) / debaaji (ai) low-lying plain where feeya plains converge plaine profonde ou convergent les feeya


deegard'e pl.- reegarde

ndeelam (aam) T [ndiyamanum] liquid liquide

DEBBERE debbere (nde) IS grass - Oryza barthii herbe - Oryza barthii


deedaad'o (1,2); deed'i V. reed-

-Ddeeld'al n. T (Sci.) [mbaaka ndeelum] liquid state etat liquide deeld'ude v.av T to liquify liquefter

debbo; debereedu V. rew-

debe n. DFZ [cappancfe-nayi) forty quarante



ndefu taadoroi (M): meal for a circumcision ; repas de circoncision

deenal/deene; deeniicfo V. reen-

deende (nde) / deede (de)


DFZHIY [banl]eere,

defnude v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to cook for a salary(F); to hire sb to cook; (lit. to cause to cook) faire la cuisine pour un salaire; engager qqn pour faire la cuisine(Z); (lit. faire cuisiner)

deyaande] cf.:[reen-, reent-]

quarter in a town, district, neighborhood quartier d'une ville, district, voisinage




deeuenneeji (di) D species of fish espece de poisson

deftere (nde) / defte (de) -


DEGAL degal? n. I large celebration of the return of the herds to the village grande fete du retour des troupeaux au village

DEERTdeertude v.av DZ to start (oft), leave, get going demarrer, partir(D), se mettre en marche(Z)


DEESEWAL deesewal (nga/) / deeseeje (de)

delude v.av to tremble trembler

DM [depsewal,


flag, standard, ensign drapeau, etendard(M), enseigne(M)


DELBI delbol (ngo/) / de/hi (di) liana Hane

DEEY-Ndeeynude v.av+ext to decant decanter deeynugol (ngo/) T decanting decantation


var.- dewtere

T [diyyinde,henwinde]

DZ Z(-)

delbi/delbe (K(BF»: climbing woody plant; plante grimpant Iigneuse (Baissea multiflora) delbi (ki)/delbe (ae) (B(FI): Gardenia erubescens

[diyyingol, henwingol]

DELaO Deloo PN (SA et Kesteloot, name of the seventh son prenom du septieme fils

DEFdefoowo (0) / de/oove (ve) FZ Z(-) cook cuisiniere, cuisinier defude v.av DFCZH CZ(-) to cook, prepare (food or drink) faire cuire, faire la cuisine, preparer (nourriture) ndefu n. DM cooking; meal prepared to celebrate an event (of which there are seven principle ones) cuisine, cuisson(D); repas qu'on prepare pour celebrer un evenement (dont il y en a sept principaux) (M)



dema; demal; deme; demoowo; demunal, deminal V. rem-

DEMM-INdemminaade v.mv( +ext?) F to pass the season just before the rains, when the fields are being prepared passer la saison avant les pluies pendant laquelle on cultive les champs demminaare (nde) / demminaaje (de) Fz Z(FT) [dulbe]

season just before the rains(F); seedtime saison juste avant les pluies; saison de semailles(Z)

ndefu julde (M): meal for a religious festival; repas de fete religieuse ndefu kodu (M): meal for a guest; repas de I'etranger, de I'hote ndefu kurtugu (M): meal for a marriage ; repas de mariage ndefu lamru (M): meal for a baptism ; repas de bapteme ndefu Quraana (M): meal for the completion of study of the Koran; repas de fin d'etude du Coran ndefu sadaka (M): votive meal ; repas votif

DEMMBdemmbude v.av 0 to float flotter


DENTAL dental; dentondirgol DEI)LOODE

DEMMBA Demmba PN OZE(BA et Kesteloot, 1969) Z(-) [Demmbaajo]

degloode n. T [wawaade, yilla] shield bouclier

name of third son prenom du troisieme fIls



den de, dene (de) OZ [rendere] watermelon, melon pasteque, melon(Z)

deppaade v.mv Z to fallon one's behind tomber sur les fesses deppuru (ndu) os [ndeppu]:O [fowru, namaaru] hyena (lit. sloping rump) hyene (lit. croupe-fuyante(S))

DENDI dendi V. renndDENDIRAADO dend'i n. F cousin (term of address) cousin (titre) dend'iraad'o (0) / dendiraaoe (De) OFCZ

(S): a nickname of the hyena evoking its lower hindquarters; 'un surnom de l'hyene dcint il evoque la croupe basse' (p.43n.)



deppitaade v.mv+ext 0 to remain without work rester sans besogne

cross-cousin; joking cousin cousin-croise; cousin de plaisanterie dend'iraafle-reedu (Z): children of the maternal unele ; enfants de l'onele maternel


dend'iraagal (ngal) ZI Z(-) kinship between cousins; mythical alliance uniting two groups parente entre cousins; alliance mythique qui unit deux groups dend'iraaku, dend'iraagu (ngu) FZJ Z(-) cross-cousin relationship; joking cousin relationship relations entre les cousins-croises; relations entre les cousins de plaisanterie

var.- deesewal 0

deremeere (nde) 0 ingot lingot

DESAAJI desaaji pl.- ndesaari; V. resDESAL desal (ngal) / dese (de) - var.deesewal CZ



detaade v.mv 0 to manipulate an instrument which serves as a fetter in a child's game? manier un instrument qui sert d'entrave dans un jeu d'enfant

dengol (ngol) i(Sanankoua, 1990) [dengwel/dale]:1 cf.:[danngeere]

strip along the riverbanks forming a kind of natural causeway facilitating penetration into the burgu bourrelet de rive fournissant une chaussee naturelle qui facilite la penetration dans Ie

DEWAL dewal n. CZ C(FT,M),Z(FT,M,Gam) [fudnaange, funnaange, lettugal]


east est, orient, levant

DENKdenkude v.av OZ Z(FT,M) to let fall hard; to hit with the palm of the hand laisser tomber dru(D); frapper de la paume de la main(Z)


dewel; dewgal/dewle; dewo; deword'o V. rew- (1)

DEWETEEDO DEWRAL dewral n. T clause clause

-ITdenkitaade v.mv+ext Z (FT,M) to waddle along marcher en se dandinant



dennduuro V. rennd-


deweteed'o V. rew- (2)


DIFf- (1)

dewrudu (ndu) Z [defirdu]:Z(-) [cappu, durugel] kitchen cuisine


ditlude v.av Z (DO,M) [diwtude] to regain consciousness reprendre connaissance

DIFf- (2)



DIGA diga? n. I wild rice riz sauvage


book livre

DIGGIDAGGdiggidaggude v.av to totter, be unsteady chanceler

DEYAANDE deyaande (nde) Z [deende, banl)eere]] neighborhood, quarter quartier (ville)

DIGGOL (1) diggol (ngol) / diggi (di) DcZ C(NO,BF),



deyyere (nde) DFZ Z(-) silence, calm, tranquillity silence, calme, tranquillite

braid of hair; tuft of hair left in the middle of closely cropped hair tresse de cheveux(D); houppe de cheveux laissee sur Ie crane tondu(Z)



deyyinaade v.mv+ext dFZ Z(-) [deyyinaade]:D cf.:[teen]

diggol (ngol) D sandbank banc de sable

to be quiet, silent(F); to set one's mind at rest; to be still; to be silent, reserved se taire(D); se tranquilliser(Z); etre tranquille, ne pas bouger (Z); etre silencieux, etre de caractere reserve (Z) deyyinde v.av+ext CZ CZ(FJ,M,BF,N) Ue'inde] to silence, calm, cause to be quiet faire taire, apaiser, rendre calme, tranquille


diftaade; ditlude V. dippit-


dewtenkoo6e (6e) E Koranic school students of the second level eleves de l'ecole coranique du second degre dewtere (nde) / dewte (de) DFCZ CZ(B,M,BF,NO)


dihal V. ndiyam

diidaade v.mv FZ Z(-) to have shoes made (by a sakke)(F); to limit o.s. faire faire des chaussures (par un sakJee); se delimiter(Z) diidel (ngel) T dash, hyphen tiret diidol (ngol) / diidi (di) DFCZT CZ(-) line, dash, mark; drawing(C), plan, sketch(C); mark of property; (Math.) line (of fraction, etc.) [kelol] ligne, trait, marque; raie; trace(CZ), plan(Z), dessin(CZ); marque de propriete(Z); (Math.) barre (de fraction, etc.)(T) [kelol]

di'eele var.pl.- ndiyam

dibon / dibonaaji Z (Gam,M) [tigaare, gerte] peanut, groundnut arachide

DICCdiccaade v.mv DFcz CZ(FT,G,A,N) [tikkinaade] to kneel down se mettre it genoux

DIDDdiddal n. T [riukkere] constellation constellation

diidi cawndondiroi (T): parallel lines ; Iignes paralleles diidol keengol (1): broken or dotted line ; ligne brisee diidol kofiingol (1): cutved line ; Iigne courbe diidol poortiingol (1): straight line ; ligne droite

diooal denoe (T): archipelago; archipel

diddude v.av DZ to pile up, dike; to fill empiler, endiguer (D); remplir(Z)


diidol uddiingol (1): closed line ; ligne fermee

diirtungo n. D action of surpassing action de surpasser

diidude v.av DFCZT CZ(-) to trace, mark, draw a line (around), delineate; to make shoes (by tracing shape of foot)(F); to mark out the foundation of a dwelling tracer, tracer une ligne (autour de), esquisser; faire des chaussures (en tracant autour du pied); tracer les fondations d'une case(Z)


diisi n. D food made from a plant aliment a base de plante

ko diidi (Math.)(1): linear; lineaire



diidirgal (ngal) T ruler regie

hubeere, serkel]

district, 'cercle' cercle (circonscription administrative)



diiwal (ngal) D pole perche

diile, diilnge (nge) / dii/i (di) DZl Z(-) cow entrusted to a friend vache confiee a un ami diilude v.av Z (M,DO) to entrust sb with the care of cows confier a qqn Ie soin des vaches ndiilamaawa n. D dairy animal given for its milk bete laitiere donnee pour son lait

DIIMAAJO diimaajo

DIIWAL (2) diiwal v. DIIWNGAL


diiwngal (ngal) / diiwle (de) C [dimngal] load (for a pack-animal) charge, fardeau

DIIWT- diiwtaade; diiwtude DIIWTAL

var.-dimaajo; V. rim-

V. dippit- CZ

diiwtal (ngal) Z chase, pursuit chasse, poursuite


DIINdiinude n. D state of a child who has cried too much etat d'un enfant qui a trop pleure



diiwaan (0) Tb [diiwaan/diiwaanuuji]:B(FT) [ndewgu

diidirgal daawaangal (1): graduated ruler; regie graduee

DIIDE diide V. DIlL-

var.- disaare Z

DIK-ITdikitaade v.mv+ext Z to draw aside to let sb pass s'ecarter pour laisser passer qqn


diina (o,ka) / diinaaji (di) DFCZlS CZ(-)



dikintinde v.av +2exts? Z to move sth, push sth away deplacer qqch, ecarter qqch

religion; Islam [lislaamu]; holy war Dihaadi]; (pl.) doctrines of Islam religion; l'Islam [lislaamu]; guerre sainte(ZL) Dihaadi]; (pl.) dogmes de l'Islam(Z) Diina PN DFZM (Hist.) theocratic state of the Fulani of Masina, empire of Masina (1818-1862) etat theocratique des peuls du Massina, empire du Massina (1818-1862)

DIKKdikkeere (nde) D first birth premier accouchement Dikkuru, Dikko PN dzE(BA et Kesteloot, 1969) (Seydou, 1977) [Diko]:Z [Sira]

name of the first daughter prenom de la premiere fille

DIIRTdiirtude v.av( +ext?) D to push to get a place, compete; to surpass pousser pour prendre une place, concurrencer; surpasser

Dikko (Z(-»: name given to the first son; prenom donne au premier fils dikkuru n. Dze

first born premier ne



charge(T), bat et charge(Z)

dikkeere (nde) 0 basket panier

DIMNO- dimooowo; dimo V. rimDINKAARE diokaare (nde) 0



Dikko PN F cf.:[Jaliube] family name nom de famille


DINNDEERE diondeere (nde) T [bimmbeere] platform, stage ? estrade

DILL- (1) dillude v.av OCZH C(-),Z(FJ,M,BF,OO) to go (away), leave s'en aller, partir

DINdifiude v.av oz to crawl, drag o.s. along ramper, se trainer(Z)

-ANdillande v.av + ext Z [tewiiaade] to go to look for sth or sb aller chercher qqch or qqn

DIPPdippude v.av 0 [wamude, wommude] cf.:[ripp-] to dance danser

DILL- (2) dillere (nde) / dille (ae) FZ Z(-) cf.:[duko, tod'd' ande]


noise; ringing bruit; tintement(Z) dillude v.av FCZ CZ(FT,M) [tod'd'ude] to be noisy, turbulent (F); to make a noise; to clink, ring, sound etre bruyant, turbulent; faire un bruit(C); cliqueter, tinter, sonner (Z)

dippitaade v.mv( +ext?) OCZ CZ(M,BF.G,A,NE) [diftaade, diiwtaade, diwtaade, wippitaade]

to withdraw brusquely from s'en retirer vivement, s'en arracher dippitude v.av( + ext?) OCZ CZ(M,BF,G,A,N) [diftude (2), diiwtude, diwtude, wippitidde]

to remove brusquely (with force), snatch retirer brusquement (de force), arracher

DlMAAJO dimaajo; dimaaku V. rimDlMAARE


dimaare (nde) Dq type of bed made of grass sorte de couchette faite d'herbe

dirde v.av 0 to take fright and run (animals) prendre peur et courir (animaux) dirgol (ngol) DH flight (of animals in the face of danger) fuite (d'animaux devant Ie danger (D»

DIMBdimbude v.av Z (FT,BF,M) to harvest fruit recolter des fruits



diraa, dira / diraaji n.


ZT Z(-) [huulde, kuulol,

kuutal, sogone]

dimme n. 0 hope espoir

cubit coudee



direere (nde) OM slave dance; Fulani dance danse d'esclave(D); une danse peule(M)

dimmiode v.av+ext 0 to hope for, count on esperer, compter sur



dirkol (1) (ngol) OH polishing action de polir

dimogal (ngal) / dimae, dimle (ae)

eZT C(G,NE),Z(FT,M,G,NE) [diiwngal]:C [Ioowdi, donngal]

load, packsaddle and load


[foomude, fmude]; to cross, pass [yawtude]; to skip over, omit; to exceed, surpass sauter [tuucfude, fittude, suurde]; voler, s'envoler [foomude, fiirude]; franchir(CZ), depasser(Z) [yawtude]; sauter, omettre; exceder, surpasser diwol (ngo/) / diwi (di) Zt Z(-) [diwgol]:T jump saut

dirkude v.av Oz Z(FT) cf.:[daatude, delkude] to polish (a skin), make shiny (leather) polir (un peau), faire briller (cuir)

DIRKOL dirkol (2) n. (Gardi et Seydou,

1986) cf.:[tonngol


wooden axle (part of loom for weaving wool) axe en bois (partie de metier a tisser la laine)


diwgol toowndi (I): high jump; saut en hauteur diwol njuunndi, diwol njuuteendi (I): long jump ; saut en longueur diwtati, diwtatal (I): triple jump; triple saut

dirooji n. 0 teasing between youths involving the giving of a present to one who is discovered in the company of a girl taquinerie entre jeunes qui consiste a donner un cadeau a celui qu'on surprend en compagnie d'une jeune fille

DIWT- diwtaade; diwtude V. dippit- CZ DIYEELE diyeele, diye; diyelol V. ndiyam DIY(Y)diy-ude v.av CZ (FT,M) [diyyude]:CZ(NO,BF) to sink (straight to the bottom) couler a pic

DIROOJI (2) dirooji (di) M (MiI.Hist.) [kelooji tata] horses (8-12 years old) specially trained for breaking defensive walls of villages chevaux de choc ages 8-12 ans specialement dresses et entretenus pour briser les murs de defense des villages (M, p.71)

-INdiy-y-inde v.av+ext T [henwinde, deeynude] to decant decanter diy-y-ingol (ngol) T [henwingol, deeynugol] decanting decantation

DIRT-IN- (1) dirtinde v.av +ext T to move away from decaler

DIYYAL diy-y-al (ngal) 0 group of weavers groupe de tisserands

DIRT- (2) dirtude v.av Z to take away one's rival's girlfriend enlever au concurrent son amie dirturu (ndu) Z taking away of one's rival's girlfriend action d'enlever au concurrent son amie ndirtiigu n. 0 competition over a girl concurrence autour d'une fille

DOBdobude v.av 0 to patch rapiecer

DOBI do6i pl.- ndobu DODDU doddu var.- dogdu; V. DOFE dofe V. ro/DOFOROORE

DIRTE dirte 0 [buubal, potte] trypanosomiasis trypanosomiase


dog(g)-d- os

doforoore n. 0 [mbawlu] pillow oreiller


disaare (nde) / disaaje (de) FzHm(Seydou, 1972)


Z(FJ) [diisaare]

dogdu (ndu) / dogli (di) ZT Z(FT,M) [doddu,

long wrap-around cloth, pagne pagne


race; flight course; fuite(Z)

DIWdiwde v.av OFCZH C(-),Z(FJ,FT,M,BF,A) to jump [tuucfude, fittude, suurde]; to fly 58

ndogureedii, ndogu-reedu, ndoggu-reedu n.


DFZ Z(-) [(ngu)]:Z [caarol, caaru]

diarrhea diarrhee

cawroowo] [doktoro]:Z(-)

doctor docteur, medecin

-(I)Ndogginde, doginde v.av+ext FCZ C(FJ,M),Z(-) to drive a car; to cause to flee [dognude) conduire une voiture; faire fuir(Z) [dognude) dognude v.av +ext FT to make run(F) [donnude, dog(g)inde); (Math.) to apply (a formula) [siinude) faire courir [donnude, dog(g)inde); (Math.) appliquer (une formule)(T) [siinude]

DOLLE dolle n. D [doole] force, power; fruit concentrate force, puissance; concentre de fruit


(ai) DFCZbq CZ(+) [saaya, toggoore]

boubou (large) grand boubou

donnoowo (0) D driver conducteur donnude v.av V. dognude DFz Z(FT) donnuru (ndu) D race course

DONAADO donaad'oj donalj donli DONKE donke, dOQke pl.- ronkere DONNDOORU

V. ron-

donndooru (ndu) D carniverous animal; small drum animal carnassier; petit tam-tam


DONNGAL donngal V.roondDONNOOWO donnoowo; donnudej donnuru

Z (A,M)

V. dog(g)-n-

DONO dono V. DONS· Bam?

DOGGOL doggol (ngol) T [garol, gor(r)ol] order; list; rank ordre; liste; rang


donsaade v.mv D [Iohaade] to go hunting aller a la chasse donsonke, donsotood'o (0) / dosonko06e,

doggol/doddi (Z(-»: cord on which to string fish; cordelette pour enfiler des poissons doggol ceoondiral (I): order of magnitude; ordre de grandeur doggol ceoondiral dow (I): ascending order of magnitude ; ordre de grandeur croissant doggol ceoondiralley (I): descending order of magnitude ; ordre de grandeur decroissant

donsonto06e (6e) Z [Iohotoodo]

hunter chasseur

DONTOORU dontooru

(ndu) / dontooji (ai)

- var.- ndontoori CZ Z(-)



dogol n. D [dol)ol] hillock, mound tertre

DOGOTORO dogotoro, dogotooro


dollokke, dolokke (0) / dollokkaaji, dolokkaaji

donnude puccu (F): to race a horse ; faire courir un cheval cf.:[gensi]

doggirde v.av+ext to run away from s'enfuir de


dokotoro (0) / dokotoro'en (6e) Fz [dogoto(o)ro,

dOQol (ngol) D high riverbank; hillock, mound [dogol) berge haute; tertre [dogol)



dokotoro FZ

DOK- dokude var.- doggude; V. dog(g)DOKKAL dokkal, dokkol; dokko; dokkude

doobude v.av D to wear several articles of clothing porter plusieurs vetements


rokk- [hokk- (1)]

DOOBAL doobal (ngal) / doobe (ae) Z (FJ,FT,M) bustard outard


dobal/dobe (X(A(Jam'aare)): (Neotis caffra denham i)



dooiiorgal (ngal) / dooiiorae (ae) DZV Z(-) cameleon cameleon

doo6ude v.av 0 to commence, start work commencer, demarrer des travaux



doosude v.av 0 to tether with a long rope (horse) attacher avec une longue corde (cheval)

doodi (ndi) / dooae (ae) DcZ C(FJ,BF), Z(FJ,BF,M)

feces, excrement [mbutiri, soBeeriJ; refuse, rubbish feces, excrements [mbutiri, soBeeriJ; dechets, ordures (Z)

DOOYRE dooyre n. 0 herds of small animals troupeaux de petits animaux


DOPP- (1)

doodo n. 0 mask masque


doppude v.av 0 to nurse at a certain age teter a un certain age AI

DOPP- (2)

doole (0) / doolaaji (ai) FCZTb C(FJ,M),

doppere (nde) 0 violent blow coup violent doppude v.av Z (+) to push away with the hand; to stumble over qqch repousser avec la main; buter contre qqch

Z(FJ,M,Gam) [doole (de)]:Z [dolle, semmbe]

power, force; authority [laamu, jamiroowo, jogonaacf0 ] pouvoir, puissance, force; autorite(T) [laamu, jamiroowo, jogonaacfoJ doole dillinooje (Sci.)(1): motive force; force motrice



doomude v.av DFCZ CZ(M,NO,BF) [fadaade] to wait (for) attendre

doppinde v.av +ext Z to crush, trample ecraser, fouler aux pieds

DOOM- (2?) doomtuuru n. sentry sentinelle



doppitinde v.av+2exts Z to eradicate extirper



doomburu (ndu) / doombi (ai) DcZ C(FJ),Z(-)

dorbude v.av Z [dog (g)inde] to cause to run; to drive (a car) faire courir; conduire (une auto)

[doombru, doomru]

mouse; rat(C) souris; rat(CZ)



doomngal (ngal) 0 [ndoomri] mushroom champignon

DOONGAL doongal/doole


doro (ngo) DCZ CZ(M,BF) cf.:[besu, bese, konjam] beer, wine, alcoholic beverage biere, vin, boisson alcoolique var.- donngal; V.



dorrol (ngol) / dorri (ai) Z crop, whip made of hippopotamus skin cravache, fouet en peau d'hippopotame

DO ONdooiiude v.av 0 to move aside, clean ecarter, nettoyer

DORTdortude v.av Z to skin enlever la peau, ecorcher 60

prayer or Koranic readings; school; class(F); seminar, section, chapter (F) ecole coranique; foyer(D); endroit reserve a la priere ou a la lecture du Coran(Z); ecole(T); classe; seminaire(Z), section, chapitre

DORWdorwere (nde)

T [dorweere):Z(DO) [kowral, korwargal, karwirgal, giilel)

bobbin bobine

DOTE dote; doti V. DOW


dudal denndinngal (I): university; universite


dow (0) DFCZH CZ(-) top, upper part; north; (adv.) up, on, on top; depending upon(F) dessus, haut, partie superieur; nord ; (adv.) au-dessus, sur, en haut; dependant de

dud'd'ude v.av DZ Z(-) to hit hard on; (ned"d"o) to beat sb; to beat (heart) taper fort sur(D); (ned'd"o) battre qqn, taper qqn (Z); battre (coeur)(Z)



doyde v.av 0 to rub frotter

dud'd'e n. DT (Vet.) pleuropneumonia [buucaI]; anthrax [koyngel] peripneumonie (bovine)(D) [buucal]; charbon (maladie) (T) [koyngel]

DOYYdon"ude v.av DZ Z(-) to make fall; to knock over; to fall faire tomber(D); renverser(Z); tomber(Z)

DU (1) du DU (2)

DUGGERE duggere (nde) / dugge (ae) ZT Z(-) mound [yoolde, tintimmaare]; cleared land butte(T) [yoolde, tintimmaare]; terrain defriche(Z)

var.- duu DZ Z(FJ,M,BF,A)


du n. 0 name of fish nom de poisson

DU'- du'aade DUBAL (1)

var.- duwaade FCZ CZ(FJ,M)

DUROL (1) duhol (ngo/) / duhi, duai (ai)

dubal n. 0 group of twenty-five cattle lot de vingt-cinq boeufs

belt (of pants) ceinture (de pantalon)


dubal (ngal) Dz [duubaljduube]:Z(-) two-franc coin piece de deux francs

duhol n. M (Vet.) illness (of horse) - retention of urine maladie (de cheval) - retention d'urine

pl.- rnbbere

dubiwal (ngal) / dubiije (ae) trunk of a dead tree tronc d'arbre mort

DUBUURE dubuure

DUK(K)dukkuru (ndu) OF rancor, anger, complaint rancoeur, colere, plainte duko (ngo) / dukooji (ndi)


DZM [dukko]

ef.:[diliere, toddande]

var.- ujunere Dez

noise, shouts (of dispute, quarrels); reproach; quarrel, strenuous discussion bruit, cris (de dispute, de querelle)(Z); reproche(Z); querelle, discussion acharnee (Z)


DUBBAL du66al; du66e V. DUDAL

DZ Z(-) [duwol,





dugule (0) Z local man homme du pays


dud'al (ngal) / duae (ae)

DfZTm Z(-) [dudalj dude):F ct.:Ual)ngirde, janngirdu, lekkol]

Koranic school; hearth; place reserved for


dum ana ouri Kaka duko (M): it's noisier than Sofara (an old saying which referred to Sofara's very animated market) ; 'c'est pire que Sofara pour Ie bruit' (un dieton ancien qui fait allusion au marche tres anime de Sofara) dukude v.av DFZ Z(-) [dukkude):F

dumare wod'e (D): cow with red head and forebody; vache II la tete et avant du corps rouge

DUMO dumo (ngo,ko) DZ bran; husk, chaff, covering (of grains of millet, rice) son(D); balle, enveloppe (du grain de millet, de riz)(Z)

to get angry at sb, scold sb; to complain; to gossip; to shout loudly; (e ned"d"o) to complain to sb(F) se facher a qqn, gronder qqn; se plaindre; bavarder(D); crier fort(Z); (e ned"d"o) se plaindre a qqn

DUNCdunci (di) F(Sanankoua, 1990) [ruumte/duumti) [dunti):I

part of the herd (of milk cows) remaining in the village during the period of transhumance to supply milk for the villagers partie du troupeau (de vaches laitieres) restant au village pendant la periode de transhumance pour assurer les besoins en lait de la population duncude v.av FCZ CZ(M,NO) [duiiude):C to feed a fire(F); to leave certain cows behind in the village at the moment of transhumance(F); to push(C), incite entretenir un feu(Z); laisser certaines vaches au village au moment de la transhumance; pousser(CZ), inciter(Z) ndunce (nge) / dunci (di) Z cow (kept in return for its milk) vache (gardee moyennant son lait)

-INdukkinde v.av+ext to upset, irritate vexer, agacer


DULBE dulbe n. OJ [demminaare) season before the rains, season when rains fall without being useful saison avant les pluies(D), saison OU il pleut sans utilite(I)

DULLdullere (nde) DZ ignorance ignorance dullude v.av DZ to ignore, be unaware of ignorer



dundere (nde) Z [birille, biirnol) cemetery cimetiere

dulluum, duluum (ndu) / dulluuji, duluuji (di) DCZ CZ( +) [dulooru):D [duluru):Z

whirlwind, dust devil, eddy; wind, cloudburst tourbillon, remous(Z); vent, trombe (Z)

DUNKEEJO dunkeejo (0) / dunkeeoe (oe) Z (Hist.) soldier, warrior (of the theocratic state) soldat, guerrieur (a l'Etat theocratique)

duluuru (V): hurricane twist (dance step) ; con torsion de cyclone (pas de danse)



dumare (nge) dZX(Turner, 1989) [na9ge dumarej cow with colored front and hind quarters and white back and stomach(Turner, 1989); white cow with black markings vache a l~avant du corps et arriere-train colore et dos et estomac blanc; vache au pelage blanc aux taches noires(Z)

dunkoom (ndu) / dunkooji (di) DZ cf.:[fowru, deppuru, ndeppu, iiamaaru)

hyena (small); baboon hyene (petit)(D); cynocephale(Z)

DUNYdunyude v.av DH [duiiude (1), duiicude] to push, push back pousser, repousser

(R(A»: cow that is splotched red and black - fore quarters different from hind quarters; vache tache tee rouge et noir - avant du corps different de I'arriere du corps dumare oale (Turner, 1989): cow with black front and hind quarters separated by a white middle section ; vache avec Ie devant et I'arriere-train noir separe par Ie milieu blanc

-ONDIRdunyondirde v.av Z to jostle one another se bousculer




durma (ka) / dunnaaji (di)

dunQude v.av ZM Z(-) to permit, facilitate, authorize permettre, faciliter, autoriser nduQ8Q8aki (Id) M [ndunndeewi) tree - Ficus platyphylla arbre - Ficus platyphylla

DCZM CZ(M,FJ,BF) (Med.& Vet.) [duruma/durumaaji]:Z(M,BF)

cold; mucus rhume; morve durmude v.av FZ Z(-) to have a cold(F); to be the cause of a cold etre enrhume; etre la cause du rhume(Z)

DUN- (1) duiiude v.av cz

DURNGOL dumgol, dumude, duroowo,

(FJ,M,BF,NO) [duiieude)

durude V. dur-


to push; to encourage, exhort; to crawl pousser; pousser ft, exciter ft (Z); ramper(Z)


DUN~ (2) duiiude v.av DeZ C(FJ,BF,NE),Z(FJ,BF,M,NE) to be pregnant; to beget (animals) etre enceinte; engendrer (animaux)(CZ)

recitation (of the Koran) recitation (du Coran(Z» dursude v.av DZ Z(-) [dursaade) to recite; to modulate, recite in a chanting voice; to memorize, learn by heart (Koran); to do one's Koranic studies reciter(D); moduler, reciter d'une voix chantante (Z); apprendre par coeur (Coran)(Z); faire ses etudes coraniques(Z)

[duiiude (1), dunyude)

DUPPduppude v.av DFeZ C(FJ,FT,N),Z( +) to grill on a fire, roast [juoude]; to burn(C) griller, ratir [juoude]; brUler(CZ) nduppuki n. D cooking CUlsson

-ITdursitaade v.mv +ext FZT to memorize(F), learn by heart(F) (Koran); to modulate, recite in a chanting voice; to recite apprendre par coeur (Coran(Z»; moduler, reciter d'une voix chantante(Z); reciter(T)

DURdurdude (nde) / durdude (de)

DZT Z(-) [huiiaade,


DUNCduiicude v.av F to push (sth) pousser (qqch)


dursaade v.mv ZT Z(-) to recite; (V. dursude} reciter; (V. dursude)(Z) durso (ngo) / dursooji (di)


CZ(M,N,BF,G,A) [durngol):Z

pasture, grazing land paturage dumgol (ngo/) DFZ Z(FJ,M,BF) grazing, pasturing (F) [durgol]; (V. durdude) action de faire paitre(D) [durgol]; (V. durdude)(Z) duroowo (0) / duroooe (oe) DFZ Z(-)

DURUGEL durugel n. kitchen CUlsme

I(Brasseur, 1968) [eappu, dewrudu)

DURWdUNO (ngo)

cf.:[baaiiaaru, benndinke, gareinke, gaynaako]

CZ (M,N,BF,G) [sippiro, ndeenndoori]

wrestling lutte durwude v.av to wrestle lutter

herder, one who grazes cattle berger, patre, qui fait paitre Ie betail durude, durde v.av FCZh CZ(-) [gaynaade, waynude]

to graze, take to pasture, tend (cattle) faire paitre, garder (Ie betail)

CZ (M,N,BF,G) [sippirde)

DURWOL dUNOI (ngol) Z [duhol, duwol)


belt ceinture

durnude v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to herd for a salary(F); to cause to graze or herd faire paitre pour un salaire; faire paitre ou garder(z)




dutal (ngal) / dute (de)

duululol (ngol) skein echeveau


Z(FJ,M,NE,A) cf.:[gonogal]

vulture vautour, charognard

DUTTAL duttal DUTUURU dutuuru n. gourd gourde


duumaare; duumird'e, duumord'e; duumti V. ruum-


DUUNE duune pl.- ruunde (1) DUUNGAL duungal V. ruunde DUURU


duu, du adv. DFCZH CZ(G,A,M,BF,N) also, too, as well aussi, en plus, egalement

DUUTTETEEDE duutteteed'e (de) T archives archives


duubaleewi (Id) / duubaleeje (de)


[nduubaleewi, ndubareewi]

tree - Ficus thonningii arbre - Ficus thonningii

DUW- (1)


duwaade v.mv Fz Z(FT) [du'aade, duwude] to give a prayer, benediction or blessing (F); to implore, pray to God for a favor faire one priere, donner une benediction, benir; implorer, prier Dieu pour one faveur


duu6i pl.- ndunngu; nduu6u(ru), ruu6uru; V. ruum-



duuru n. D type of plant sorte de plante




duude pl. ruunde (2)

(Z) duwaawu (0) / duwaawuuji (di) FZ Z(FT,M) blessing, benediction; prayer, wish addressed to God benediction, faveur; priere, souhait adresse it Dieu(Z) duwude v.av V. duwaade Z

duufude v.av DZ Z(FJ,M) to pound millet to obtain flour; to crush (grain) piler Ie mil pour produire la farine(D); ecraser (grains)(Z) nduufaandi (ndi) D ground millet mil moulu nduufri (ndi) Z (FT,M) millet that has been pounded but not winnowed mil pile et non vanne

DUW- (2) duwol (ngol) D [duhol, durwol] belt (of pants) ceinture (de pantalon)

-Tduwtude v.av+ext Z to strip the pants off of sb depouiller qqn de son pantalon

DUULERE duulere (nde) / duule (de)

ZHY Z(-) [duulal, luurde]:H(SH) [ruulde]:H(FN) [ruulde(re)]:Z(G,A)

cloud nuage


DA(A) -daa, -da pm,sbj V. a DAAL-

DAANDI daandi (ndi) / aali, aaali, aalli (ai) DZ Z(DO,FT,M) [(Pl.) d'aalli]:(BA et Kesteloot, 1969)

daalal (ngal) D mark left by a (riding) whip trace d'une cravache daalde (nde) / aaali (ai) cZ C(G,A),Z(G,A,M) contusion, bruise contusion, meurtrissure

pack ox boeuf porteur

DAANNUDE daannude V. aaat-nDAATdaatude v.av FCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF) cf.:[d'elmude, waggid'inde, d'elkude]


to be soft(C) (to the touch)(F); to be soft of body or skin; to be smooth, polished; to be fine (texture)(C) etre.doux(CZ), mou(C) (au toucher)(Z); etre au corps doux ou a la peau douce(Z); etre lisse, poli (Z); etre fin (CZ)

daameede v.pv Z to have pain in one's spleen avoir mal a la rate daamol (1) (ngol) / aaami (ai) Z (+) pancreas; engorgement of liver and spleen; spleen pancreas; engorgement du foie et de la rate; rate

-Ndaannude v.av DZ cf.:[dirkude; d'igginde] to polish, make smooth; to mill, crush (grain), pulverize; to make soft; to subjugate completely; to know perfectly polir, rendre lisse; moudre, ecraser les grains, pulveriser; rendre mou, amollir (Z); soumettre completement(Z); connaitre parfaitement

DAAMOL daamol (2) (ngol) D [kaliya, pentelli] tape worm tenia

DAANdaanaade v.mv DFCZH CZ(-) [d'anaade]:H to sleep, be asleep, go to sleep dormir, s'endormir daanagol (ngol) / aaanaali (ai) Z usual manner of sleeping maniere habituelle de dormir daanude v.av V. aaaninde Z

DAAYdaayd"o (0) DZ Z(A,M) [puyd'o] person who is nonchalant; person who is lazy qui est nonchalant(D); paresseux(Z) daayeere (nde) V. aaayndam Z daayndam (aam) Z [d'aayndam] laziness [puuyd'am, waamre]; lightness; weakness paresse [puuyd'am, waamre]; legerete; faiblesse daayude v.av Z (A,M) to be slow; to be lazy [fuuyde] etre lent; etre paresseux [fuuyde]

-INdaaninde v.av+ext FZ [d'aanude, d'annindej to put sb to sleep; to extinguish endormir qqn; eteindre(Z)

-KINdaankinaade, dankinaade v.mv+ext DZV Z(-) to pretend to sleep faire semblant de dormir



dabbude v.av DZ Z(-) to massage masser(Z) (au chaud)(D)

daantaade v.mv+ext FZ Z(-) [d'antaade] to fall asleep again se rendormir



dabii'a (0) / aabii'aaji (ai) CZu (G,A,M) nature, characteristic nature, caracteristique 65

DABBcfa66oowo (0) / aaMoooe (De) zr

cfaldu (ndu) / aali (ai) abandon abandon cfaleede v.pv Z to be left, abandoned etre laisse, abandonne



researcher, seeker of; competitor; candidate chercheur(Z); concurrent(Z); candidat(T) cfa66ude v.av DeZ C(FJ,A),Z(-) cf.:[tewtude] to seek, search; to undertake, try, endeavor; to be in quest of, seek after out of ambition; to intend to, be about to chercher, rechercher (CZ); entreprendre(D), essayer(Z), tacher(Z); querir, ambitionner (Z); avoir l'intention, etre sur Ie point de (Z)

DALDUGAL cfaldugal (ngal) / dalduae (ae)

Dz Z(FT) [baldugal,laldugal) cf.:[wed(d)aade, tippaade)

shuttle used by a weaver navette du tisserand


DACCcfaccere (nde) / aacce (ae)

cfam c.i. DFZH Z(-) [cfan):H(SH) class indicator for liquids, oils, and certain abstractions indicateur de classe des liquides, corps gras, et certaines abstractions kafijam pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the aam class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe



gum arabic; grain of gum arabic gomme arabique; bowe de gomme arabique cfaccuki (Id) D(von Mayden, 1983) tree which yields gum (Acacia senegal, A. spp., Sterculia setigera ?) arbre a gomme (Acacia senegal, A. spp., ou Sterculia setigera ?)


ma,ijam pm,pos F its (for nouns of the aam class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe dam)

DADOL cfacfol (ngol) / aaai (ai) DCZHM CZ(-) cf:[rado) root; tendon; nerve; muscle; vein, artery; wrinkle; (Vet.) dislocation of the pastern (horse) racine; tendon; nerf; muscle; veine, artere; ride; (Vet.) luxation du paturon (cheval)(M)



cfaminaade v.mv+ett DZ Z(-) to hope; to seek after out of ambition, seek to obtain esperer(D); ambitionner, chercher a obtenir (Z) cfaminde v.av+ett D to hope esperer

DAKKcfakkaade v.mv DZ Z(-) [yesindaade, hesindaadej to walk or drive along(side), border; to be near, neighboring, bordering; to follow sb's advice cotoyer(D), 10nger(Z); etre proche, voisin, limitrophe (Z); suivre les conseils de qqn(Z) cfakkol n. Z (M,BF) surroundings; (adv.) near to alentours; (adv.) pres de

DAMINBcfaminbude v.av( +ett.?) D to mend, patch up raccommoder, rapiecer

DANCUKU cfancuku n. D Fulani shirt blouse peule

-IRcfakkircfam (dam) T glue colle

FZ Z(-)


DANK! cfanki; cfanki-pucci V. ndanki Z DANNINDE cfanninde var.- aaaninde,' v.


daan-in- FCZ CZ(-)

cfalaacfo (0) / aalaaoe (De) DZ widow; widower veuve; veuf(Z) cfalde, cfalude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to abandon, leave, quit; to tolerate abandonner, laisser, quitter; tolerer(D)

DATOL cfatol (ngol) / aati (ai)

dFCZH CZ(BF,M) [datal (ngal)):D,CZ(FJ,NE,G,A) [laawol)

road, path, way, route route, sentier, chemin, itineraire



DELMd"elmude v.av CZ (M,G,A,NE) [daatude] to be soft, tender; to be fragile, fine etre doux, mou, tendre; etre fragile, fin

d"awre (nde) / aawe (ae) Dz Z(FT, DO) [tirre] avarice; refusal to share a meal with others; egotism avarice(D); refus de partager Ie repas avec autrui(Z); egoi'sme(Z)

DEMNd"emngal (nga/) / aemae (ae) DFCZH CZ(-)



tongue; language [haala] langue (Anat.); langue, langage [haala]

d"aylude v.av DZ to wither, fade (v.t.); to wither (v.i.); to be weak, puny; to be foolish, without intelligence fletrir, faner(D); se fletrir(Z); etre faible, chetif (Z); etre sot, sans intelligence (Z)

denngal muyngal (F): mother tongue; langue matemelle

DENd"eiaaade v.mv 0 to start, jump sursauter



d"aylinde v.av+ext Z to wither (v.t.) fletrir

d"eppol (ngo/) 0 flatness, levelness ? planeite


DER- (1)

d"e c.i. DFZH Z(-) indicator of one of the plural classes indicateur d'une des classes de pluriel ed"e pm,sbj,/f DH they (animals, plants, objects) ils, elles (animaux, plantes, objets) kaiaje pm,ind f them (emphatic) (for nouns of the ae class) eux, elles (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe ae) majje pm,pos F their (for nouns of the ae class) leur, leurs (pour substantifs de la classe ae)

d"eraade v.mv 0 to be slender; to hold in one's abdomen etre svelte; presser volontairement l'abdomen

DER- (2) d"erde v.av 0 [morude] to castrate castrer

DEREWOL d"erewol (ngo/) / aereeji (ai) DFCZt C{M,BF,N,G,A),Z(-) [derool]:C(BF,M)

paper (piece ot)j letter(C) [bataaki]; document; book [dewtere] papier (feuille de); lettre(CZ) [bataaki]; document(Z); livre(Z) [dewtere]

DED(D)d"ed"d"ude, d"ed"ude v.av DCZ CZ(-) to strangle, choke; to press(C) etrangler, etouffer(Z); appuyer(C)

derewel jannde (f): school form; fiche scolaire derewol iima (f): report card? ; bulletin de notes oerewol jannginirgol (f): form of preparation? ; fiche de preparation derewol jiilotoongol (f): circular; circulaire derewol pillitol (f): report; rapport

DEDOL d"ed"ol (ngo/) 0 cf.:[ded(d)-] type of necklace ? that is tight aroud the neck espece de collier qui serre Ie cou

DI d"i c.i. DFZH class indicator for one of the plural classes indicateur d'une des classes de pluriel kaiiji pm,ind f them (emphatic) (for nouns of the ai class) eux, elles (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe ai) majji pm,pos F their (for nouns of the ai class) leur, leurs (pour substantifs de la classe ai)

DEETd"eetaade v.mv 0 to peer at lorgner

DELKd"elkude v.av DFCZ C(-) cf.:[dirkude, daatude] to shine, gleam, be shiny, be polished briller, luire, etre luisant, etre poli



DIISd'iisude v.av D [disude):C(FT,BF.N.G.A).

d'i660tood'um (dum) T (Sei.) compressible (matter) compressible (matiere)


to put in(to), drive in, push in mettre dans, enfoncer



d'id'a6- (+suf.) FCZ CZ(-) [dimm-):Z(-) second second, deuxieme

d'iilde (nde) / diile (de) CZ (M.BF) [dillere]:Z [(pi) dillaali):D

sneeze eternuement d'illude, d'iilude v.av DCZ C(BF.NO.M).Z( +)

dida60 (Z): second (for the class 0) ; deuxieme (pour la c1asse 0) d'id'i n. FCZH

[illude. iilude)

two deux

to sneeze eternuer

didi fuu (F): both; les deux, tous (Ies) deux

d'id'iiwe (nge) / didiije (de) ZL Z(-) [wiige


d'imbitinde; d'immitaade; d'immitidde; d'immitinde V. didi


heifer that is two years old genisse de deux ans d'id'o n. FCZ two (people) deux (personnes) d'imbitinde var.- dimmitinde D d'immitaade v.mv +ext Z to repeat repeter d'immitidde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to double doubler d'immitinde v.av+2exts DFZ Z(-) [dimbitinde) to restart, redo, do (sth) a second time recommencer, refaire, faire pour la deuxieme fois

DII)Gd'iQgUde v.av D to set up, reinforce dresser, renforcer

DIRNOL d'irnol n. D necklace of beads of amber collier d'ambres

DIWTd'iwtude v.av DZ Z(-) [diftude (1)] regain consciousness; to feel better reprendre connaissance; aller mieux(Z)

DO d'o, d'oo DFZH Z(-) here [gaa]; there [too]; presently ici [gaa]; la(ZH) [too]; it present(Z)

DIF-T-INdiftinde v.av + 2exts D to revive, save sb's life ranimer, rendre la vie

doo e ,." do e ... (FZ): from now until ... (F), in ... (time) ; de main tenant jusqu'a .... dans ... (temps)(Z) doon (F), don (CZ): there, in that place (already mentioned ; la. a ce lieu (deja mentione) doon e doon (Fz): right away, here and now, then and there; tout de suite. aussitot. sur-Ie-champ Uooni]

DIGG-INd'igginde v.av+ext DZ Z(-) cf.:[daannude] to mill, pulverize; to soften; to subjugate, subdue moudre(D), pulveriser(Z); amollir(Z); soumettre, dompter (Z)


DOFd'ofaade v.mv Z (DO.M) to come from; to gush forth from provenir; jaillir de

d'iilde/d'iile, d'iilude V. dill-

-ORd'oforde (nde) / doforde (de) Z (DO.M) source of a stream or river source d'un coors d'eau

d'iiraade v.mv D to stir, move little by little remuer, bouger petit a petit



d'oftude var.- dowtude; V. dow-


DOJJcfoiiere (nde) / aojje (ae) F [doyru]

DOOK! (2)

cough toux

v. aow-



cfoijude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [doyude]

cfoppitidde v.av+ext DZ Z(-) [doptude, doofude]

to cough tousser

to pull up, break up; (V. aoofude) arracher, defoncer (D); (V. aoofude)(Z)



cfokko (0) / aokkoooe, aokkuoe (oe) DZH Z(-) [piripampaajo]

one-eyed person borgne

cfoptude V. aoofude Z

cfowde v.av DZ Z(-)

to guide (placing oneself in front), lead; to carryon the neck guider(D) (en se pla~ant devant)(Z), conduire(D); porter sur Ie cou(D) cfowdi (ndi) / aowai (ai), aowle (ae) DCZ

DOMcfomka (ka) / aomkaaji (ai) DFCZH CZ(-)

thirst soif

CZ(-) [dowki, buubri] [mbeelu]:C


shadow, shade(C) ombre cfowki (ki) V. aowdi

cfomcfude v.av FCZ C(-),Z(FT,DQ,M) [dondude]

to be thirsty avoir soif

CZ (BF,M) [dooki (2)]


-D-ITcfomcfitidde v.av+2exts

cfooki var.- aowki;


d'owtal (ngal) Z


accompaniment, company accompagnement cfowto (0) Z travelling companion; follower compagnon de route; fidele cfowtude v.av+ext DFCZ CZ(FJ,M,NQ,BF)


to quench one's thirst se desalterer

-D-IT-IN cfomcfitinde v.av+3exts DZ Z(-)

to quench one's thirst; to water se desalterer; arroser(Z)

DON cfon, cfoon; cfoo v. ao DONDUDE cfoncfude var.- aomaude

[doftude] cf.:[liwn(d)aade]

to accompany, escort sb back accompagner, reconduire




d'owtondirde v.av+2exts Z


to accompany each other, escort each other back s'accompagner, se reconduire

cfoocfere (nde) D [doodde]:Z(FT)

lump of earth, piece of rock motte de terre, morceau de pierre





D [doyde (de)]:Z(-) [eemel, tooto]

dysentery dysenterie

cfoofude v.av DZ Z(FT,A,M) [doptude, doppitidde]

to uproot; to pull up (by hand, carefully); to weed, pull up plants deraciner(D); arracher(D) (avec la main, doucement); sarcler, arracher les plantes (Z)

DOYNGOL cfoyngol (ngol) / aoy/i, aoyai (ai) DFCZ C(FJ,NE,M,G),Z(FJ,NE,M,G,A,BF)

sleep, sleepiness; dream; mystification sommeil; reve(Z); mystification(Z)

DOOK! (1) cfooki (ki) / aooae (ae) DZk(von Maydell, 1983)



bush - Combretum spp.; tree whose leaves are used in infusions to relieve coughing arbuste - Combretum spp.; arbre dont Ie feuillage est utilise en infusions contre la


d'oyru; d'oyude V. aojjd'ud'al var.- duaal F



dum pm,indic DFZh Z(-) [dun] this, that, it, that thing; (c.i.) class indicator ceci, cela, ~a, cette chose; (c.i.) indicateur de classe duma interrog. 0 what, what is it quoi, qU'est-ce dumaarni n. 0 the thing in question la chose en question hodum, hodun inte"og. FZH Z(M,Gam) [kodun]

DUUDduudude v.av DCZ CZ(-) [he (e)wde] to have in abundance; to be abundant, multiple, numerous avoir en abondance(D); etre abondant, multiple, nombreux (Z)

DUURTduurtaade, durtaade v.mv( +ext?) DZ(Seydou, 1987) Z(FT,M}

to make a gesture indicating indifference; to look at with an air of discontent, scorn or mockery; to turn away, turn one's head with contempt; to turn a deaf ear faire un geste traduisant son indifference; regarder d'un air mecontent, meprisant ou moqueur; se detourner, detourner la tete avec mepris; faire la sourde oreille duurtaango (ngo) / auurtaali (ai) Z (FT,M) scornful look, mocking look regard meprisant, moqueur

[hedum, hendu]:Z

what, what thing quoi, queUe chose kaoum pm,ind DfzH it (emphatic); neutral pronoun; also, in addition lui, ~a (emphatique); pronom neutre (D); aussi, en plus(H) majjum pm,pos F its (for nouns of the aum class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe aum)

DUUSduusude v.av 0 to be stuck to, insert se coller ii, inserer

DURRO durro n. 0 [mbinndiri, fido, sifto] dictation

E E e

EDEN eden pm,sbj,/f V. en conj&prep DCZ CZ(-) and, with, amongst, to, at, in, on, over et, avec, parmi, ii, en, dans, sur


eeda/eedi var.- eda DZ

eedam (aam) DZV juice of fruit of eedi tree jus de fruit de l'arbre eedi, boisson de prunes suavages(Z) eedere (nde) / eede (ae) Zo cf.:[huyyere] fruit of eedi tree fruit de l'arbre eedi, prune sauvage(Z) eedi (ki) / eede (ae) DZo Z(M,A} [eeri]:Z(-) tree - Sclerocarya birrea arbre, prunier sauvage(Z) - Sclerocarya birrea

EBERE ebere, ebereeri n. 0 [njarniri] sheep raised in a compound mouton de case

EBBe66aade v.mv 0 [happude, taafude, tuumde] to accuse accuser



eda (mba) / edi (ai) DCzq C(FJ,M,BF,NE), Z(FJ,BF,NE) [eeda (nga)jeedi (di)]:Z

eelude v.av Z [Iamndaade] to ask demander

large antelope, antelope; bushcow( C) grande biche ou antilope(D), antilope(Z); buffle(CZ)




eeltucfo (0) / eeltu6e (6e) trainer (of animals) dresseur

ekkotoocfo (0) / ekkoto06e (6e) amateur amateur


EEMEL eemel n. D dysentery dysenterie

-ITekkintinol (ngol) Z [ekkitinol):Z(-) teaching enseignement ekkintinteecfo, ekkititoocfo (0) Z ef.:Uanngoowo] pupil, schoolchild eleve, ecolier ekkitaade v.mv+at FZT Z(-) [ekitaade]:D

[doyde, tooto]

EENNDeenndude v.av to evaluate evaluer


Ual)ngude, janngude]


to learn apprendre

eere n. D coloration of cattle robe de vache


T Uiddo)

-IT-INekkitinde v.av+at

Fz [ekitinde]:D [ekkintinde]:Z Ual)nginde, jannginde]

eewnaade var.- ewnaade; V.

to teach, cause to learn enseigner, faire apprendre




eggol (ngol) / eggi (di) ZI Z(-) transhumance; departure, move; migration transhumance; depart, demenagement(Z); migration(Z) eggude v.av DFCZV(Seydou, 1977) CZ(-) [gunnjude) to move, migrate; to transhume, take the herd to a distant location; to roam, wander demenager, se deplacer, emigrer; transhumer, amener Ie troupeau it un lieu eloigne; vagabonder, errer (Z)

ekkorde (nde) exercise exercice



ekuru n. T screw ecrous

ELelude v.av DZV Z(-} to hit on the neck; to wound on the head frapper it la nuque(D); blesser it la tete(ZY) elugol, elol n. D wound on the head blessure it la tete

-IReggirgol (ngol) / eggirdi (di) FzI Z(A) moving, transhumance; group of transhumance demenagement, transhumance; groupe de transhumance(I)

+ HODegga hocfa n.cpd. nomad nomade

T (SeoL)

ELEKTIRISITE i(Sanankoua, 1990)

elektirisite n. electricity electricite



T [kura(n)]


eh interj. D exclamation exclamation

eleldu, eleleldu (ndu) / eleldi, eleleldi (di) DCZq CZ(+)

water monitor - Varanus niloticus and V. exanthematicus gueule tapee, iguane d'eau, varan - Varanus niloticus et V. exanthematicus

EJejude v.av D to hesitate hesiter


ekitaade; ekitinde var.ekkitaade; ekkitinde; V. ekkit- D 71




endoode (nde) Z measure; intention, attempt; measure(s) foreseen mesure; intention, tentative; mesure(s) prevu en dude v.av Z (FJ,FT,M) to test, try; to evaluate; to endure, be patient essayer; evaluer; supporter, etre patient

ella (0) / elle (de) DZ Z{-) flaw, blemish; camp defaut, tare; camp(D)

EN eden pm,sbj,/f FZH we (inclusive) nous (inclusit) en pm,sbj,sj FZH we (inclusive) nous (inclusit) -en suf,pos F our (inclusive) (only with certain nouns such as those which refer to close family members) notre (inclusit) (seulement avec certains substantifs, teIs ceux qui se rapportent aux membres de la proche famille) en, men pm,obj FZ us (inclusive) nous (inclusit) enen pm,ind DFZH we (inclusive) (emphatic) nous (inclusit) (emphatique) meeden, men pm,pos DFCZH our (inclusive) notre, nos (indusit)

-IRendirde v.av+ext Z to compare comparer, confronter

ENDURUUWOL enduruuwol (ngol) D cf.:[nduooi] last sprout of the deleb or fan palm ? derniere pousse du ronier



English language anglais (langue)

ENeiiude v.av DZ to gut and split open a fish, divide a fish into two equal parts eventrer et aplatir un poisson(D), diviser un poisson en deux parties egales(Z) eiiugol (ngo/) D gutting and splitting open of a fish fait d'eventrer et d'aplatir (poisson)

ENendam (dam) / endamaaji (ai), ende (de) DFCZJ CZ{-)

maternal milk; maternal family ties symbolized by the sharing of maternal milk lait maternel; parente maternelle symbolisee par Ie partage du lait maternel enndu (ndu) / endi (di) DFCZHY CZ{-) mamary; breast; udder mamelle; sein; pis

ERD-INerdinde v.av to intend to se proposer

-Tentereejo (0) / enteree6e (6e)


Engeleejo (0) / Engelee6e (6e) Z (-) [Ar]gele] English person; (adj.) English Anglais; (adj.) anglais engelenkoore (nde) DZ [denngal al')gele, haala

Dz [entere (nde)/

ente (de)]:Z{-)


a, entendre qqch


weaned child, child who has just been weaned enfant sevre, enfant qu' on vient de sevrer entude v.av DZV Z{-) to wean; to educate sevrer(DZ); eduquer(ZY)

ere? n. friend ami

D [kere] [gido, yigo, waayiraagu]

ERG-INerginaade v.mv D [yerginaade,lanl')inaade] to stand up, draw o.s. up se dresser

ENCencude v.av D to mollify, coax amadouer

ERSE-ASULI erse-asuli, erse-asulu n. origin origine 72

D cf.:[asli]



ewude v.av D

eryaade v.mv D

to make little cries pousser de petits cris

to make rows se faire des raies


(Z(-»: to announce a death; annoncer un deces



esansi, esans (0) ZT Z(-) [isaas]

ewli n. D piece of Fula music morceau de musique peule

gasoline essence



esiraad"o (0) / esiraa6e (6e) DFCZ CZ(M,FT) father-in-law, mother-in-law; (pl.) parents-in-

ewnaade, eewnaade v.mv DZGY Z(-) [noddude]

to call, hail, shout out to; to call to prayer [noddinde] appeler, heier, interpeller, crier; appeler ala priere(Z) [noddinde]

law beau-pere, belle-mere; (pl.) beaux-parents esiraagal (ngal) F

in-law relationship beau-parentage

ewnagol (ngol) DZ Z(-) [noddol, nodditere)

call; exhortation appel(D); exhortation(Z)

ETetannde n. T [betannde]


dimension dimension

eyd"iiraad"o (0) / eytfiiraa6e (6e) D [eyraacfo]

eto (ngo) / etoli (tfi)


Zt Z(-)

person who has children of marrying age qui a des enfants en age de se marier

capacity, contents capacite, contenance


eto kaalisi (I): budget ; budget [f>eto kaalisi)

etude v.av DCZH CZ(-) [betude]

to mesure, weigh; to test, prove; to evaluate, estimate mesurer, peser; essayer, eprouver (Z); evaluer, estimer (Z)


eyraad"o (0) / eyraa6e (6e) -

var.- eytfiiraatfo D

EYYO eyyo interj DFZ

yes OUi



etaar n. T [teemedere aar)

eY'Y'agol (ngol) D trial, try, attempt

hectare hectare

essai, tentative


F FAADUDE faad"ude (2) V. fah-dFAAFU

FA'DE fa'de; fa'rude V. fah- (2) FAA

faafu n. 0 instrument of fiber instrument en fibre

faa, fa OFCZH C( + ),Z(M,S) [haa): CZ(FJ,FT,NE,G),H(FN)

until, up to; so that, in order to (F); toward jusqu'a, jusque; pour que, afin de (z); vers (Z)


faa heewi (V. heewi); faa timmi (Y. timm-)

faaleede v.pv DeZ C(FJ),Z(-) [yicfude] to like, desire, want aimer, desirer, vouloir

FAABfaabaade v.mv OZ Z(-) [faaoaade, wallude] to help, aid aider faabo (ngo) / paabe (de) ZM(Johnson, 1976)



faammaade v.mv OZ Z(-) to be understanding; to be clear, comprehensible etre comprehensif(D); etre clair, comprehensible (Z) faamu (0) / faamuuji, paamuuji (di) OFcZ

(Sanankoua, 1990)

aid and taxes; (Hist.) tax used exclusively for military expenditures in the theocratic state [murguJ aide et impots (Z); (Hist.) irnpot exclusivement destine aux depenses militaires de l'etat theocratique [murguJ paabo (0) 0 aide, apprentice aide, apprenti paabu (0) Z [ballal)al, mballudi, wallaadu) help aide

C(FJ),Z(-) [(ngu)):Z

understanding; conscience; intelligence comprehension; conscience; intelligence faamude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to understand, apprehend comprendre, apprehender(Z)

-(I)Nfamminde, famnude v.av+ext OF to explain, translate (lit. to cause to understand) expliquer, traduire (lit. faire comprendre)

-ONDIRfaabondiral (nga/) OZ Z(-) mutual aid entraide

-ITpaamitare n. 0 [katafe] person who is slow to understand qui comprend difficilement

FAABURU faaburu, faabru var.- faamburu F AAB- faa6aade var.- faabaade F FAADE faade V. fah- (2) FAAD-

-N-IT-ORfamuitoraade v.mv( +3exts?) 0 to consult se referer a

faad"- (+sul), paad"- (+suf.) adj. Z (.) narrow etroit faad"ude (1) v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to be narrow, tight (F); to shrink, narrow; to be difficult (situation) etre etroit(CZ), serre; se retrecir(D), devenir etroit(Z); etre difficile (situation)(Z)

-ONDIRfaamondirde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) [yi'ondirde) to understand each other, get along; to reach agreement se comprendre; tomber d'accord(Z)



faamreede v.pv +ext 0 to understand each other ? se com prendre

faad"inde v.av + 2exts Z to make narrow, tight retrecir



faaro (ngo) / faarooji (di) Z pride; vanity; boastfulness orgueil; vanite; vantardise paarfaaro (0) Z (FT,M) man proud of sth homme fier de qqch

faamburu, faambru (ndu) / paam, paabi (di) DCZ Z( +) [faab(u)ru]

toad; frog(C) crapaud; grenouille(D)


FAAR- (4?)

faanda n. D intention intention faandaade v.mv Z (-) to be the place where one goes; to be close (in space or time); to have as a goal, intend to etre l'endroit OU on va; etre proche (dans l'espace ou dans Ie temps); avoir pour but, avoir l'intention de faandaare (nde) / faandaaji (di) zr Z(-) purpose, intention but, intention(Z)

faareede v.pv D to be an ace; to have means etre as; avoir de quoi

FAARUDE faarude var.- fa'rude; FAASIKI Z (A,M)

malicious, spiteful man; person who is debauched; hypocrite homme mechant; debauche; hypocrite

FAAT- (1) faataade v.mv D to fall into a chasm, die tomber dans un precipice, mourir


FAAT- (2)

faandu (ndu) / paali (di) DCZH CZ(-) gourd; small container for water(C); calabash gourde, courge; petit recipient pour l'eau; calebasse(Z)

faatere (nde) Z foolishness; madness sottise; folie faatude (1) v.av DZ to be spoiled (character); (V. faaticfidde) etre gate de caractere(D); (V. faaticfidde)(Z)

faandu dawa, faandu dahaa (T) : inkpot ; encrier

FAAN[lippitaade, naayude]

-IDfaatid'idde v.av+ext to be a fool etre sot, fou

FAAR- (1) faarde v.av D [sembude] to drink milk mixed with water boire du tait melange avec de l'eau paaram (dam) D milk mixed with water lait melange avec de l'eau

Z (DO,M)

-KINfaatikinaade, faatinkinaade v.mv+ext to feign madness simuler la folie


FAAR- (2)

faata n. vagina vagin

faamude v.av+ext D to lollop from side to side se dandiner

FAAR- (3)


faasiki, faasikiijo (0) / faasiki'en, faasikiioe (oe)


faaiiude v.av D to strut about se pavaner

v. fah-r-

(2) FZ

-INko faandina T approximate approximatif

(FT,M) [ganndal]

D [mbodorko]

FAATUDE faatude FAAY- (1)


faare n. D pride; malice orgueil; malice

faayde v.av to find trouver




v. fah-t- (2)

Z (M,DO)

FAAY- (2)


faayde v.av Z (-) to make a mistake; to lose one's way; to be unaware of se tromper; se fourvoyer; ignorer

fa66inde v.av+ext F to delay, put off retarder, differer (Z(A»: to prolong; prolonger

A faayi kosam? (Z): You don't know where milk is sold? ; Tu ne sais pas ou l'on vend du lait?

-ITfa66itidde v.av+ex't Dz Z(FT,OO) to cancel or postpone one's trip; to put off until later; to not be able to carry out that which has been planned renoncer a ou retarder son voyage(D); remettre a plus tard(Z); ne pouvoir reaIiser une chose projetee(Z)

-Tfaaytude v.av+ext Z (FT,M) to not recognize sb ne pas reconnaitre qqn

FAAYDfaayda (0) / /aaydaaji (di)

dF [fayda (2)]:0



honor, respect, importance honneur, respect, importance faaydude v.av F [teddinde] to honor, show respect honorer, montrer du respect

faccude v.av OZ Z(M,DO) to pour from one continer into another; to pour (out), spill transvaser(D); se deverser, se repandre (Z)



faccirde v.av+ext to comment commenter

faaydinde (neddo) v.av+ext F to honor sb honorer qqn



faccitidde v.av+ext 0 to translate; to separate traduire; separer

fabbere (nde) 0 [wabbere] droplets; seeds gouttelettes; graines


FABBfa66i janngo n. OFCZ day after tomorrow apres demain

T [tafsirde]

fadaade v.mv CZ (FJ,FT,M) to wait [doomude]; to linger attendre [doomude]; s'attarder(Z)



faIJIJiti-jal]ngo (FCz): three days from now ; dans trois joul'li faIJIJititi-jal]ngo (FCZ): four days from now; dans quatre joul'li fa66ude v.av OFZ Z(M,OO) cf.:[booy(u)de]

fadale (nge) Orx [fedele]:(Turner, 1989) cow with a white tail and colored body vache a robe coloree et queue blanche


to last a long time, be a long time (F); to sojourn, live a long time in the same place; to hesitate, dawdle; to wait durer assez longtemps (Z), faire longtemps; sejourner(D), demeurer longtemps au meme endroit(Z); hesiter, lambiner (Z); attendre(Z)

faddaade v.mv ZH Z(-) to prevent, bar passage; to forbid; to forbid access to evil, remove danger by working magic empecher(H), empecher Ie passage(Z); interdire(Z); interdire l'acces du mal, ecarter Ie danger par une operation de magie (Z) faddoore (nde) 0 separating knot of an amulet noeud de separation d'une amulette faddunde (nde) T [doole, paddule] constraint contrainte

-ANfa66ande v.av+ext F to spend time with passer du temps avec



poisson - Hyperopisus bebe occidentalis

faddaare n. D sack of grain sac de grains

FAGGfaggaade v.mv DZ to amass [mo06ude, a(a)jaade); to take charge of amasser(D) [mo06(u)de, a(a)jaade); se charger(Z) faggo (ngo) / [aggooji (di), pawde (de) DZ

FADDE fadde, fade DFCZH CZ( +) before; instead of; fIrst avant (que); au lieu de(DZ); d'abord(H)



load (of wood); load containing personal goods, goods; kitchen utensil charge (bois)(D); charge contenant les biens personnels, biens (Z); ustensile de cuisine(Z) faggude v.av D to pile up entasser

faddere n. D [fiddere] not quiet? pas tranquille

FADE (1) FADE (2)

fade - var.- Jadde

fade? n. (Turner, 1989) white cow with small colored spots on its neck vache blanche a petites taches colorees sur Ie cou

-ORfaggorde (nde) D place for depositing loads depot de charges faggordu (ndu) T savings bank caisse d'epargne

FADD- (1) faddude v.av D [wed (d)aade] to throw lancer, jeter

FAH- (1)

FADD- (2)

fah- (+suf.) adj. CZ (-) deaf sourd paandam, pancfam (dam) Z deafness surdite pabo (0) / pahoooe (oe) DZ Z(-) [pahoojo]:z deaf person personne sourde

faddeede v.pv V. Jaddude Z faddude v.av Z (M,FT) [faddeede] to be the most attractive, the most elegant etre Ie plus joli, Ie plus elegant

FADD- (3) faddaade v.mv FCz C(G,A,M,NE),Z(G,A,NE) to put shoes on o.s. se mettre des chaussures, se chausser faddude v.av FCz C(G,A,M,NE),Z(G,A,NE) to put shoes on sb meUre des chaussures, chausser fado (ngo) / pade (de), padeeji (di) DFCZ

-Dfaadude (2) v.av+ert DCZ CZ(-) to be or become deaf etre ou devenir sourd

CZ(M,BF,NE,G,A) [padal (ngal)):F,Z(·) [tollo]

FAH- (2)

shoe; sandal; horseshoe chaussure, soulier; sandale(Z); fer a cheval(Z) padaade v.mv Cz C(FJ,M),Z(FJ) [yaaoude] to tread on, step on marcher sur, fouler

faade v.av DFzh [fa'de, fahde, fayde, suppaade] to go towards, head towards aller vers, se diriger vers



fa'rude, faarude v.av( +ert) FZ Z(FT,M) [fahrude] to head in the direction of se diriger vers

faddo n. T [heppiyere, cuumu] asphyxia asphyxie



faatude (2) v.av+ert Z to head towards se diriger vers

fado pullo debbo n. P fIsh - Hyperopisus bebe occidentalis



FAL- (1)


fajiri (0) DFCZH C(FJ,BF),Z(-) [beete, subaka-

falaade v.mv DZ Z(-} to put o.s. across; (necfcfo) to be an obstacle to sb, get in the way, bar sb's passage se mettre de travers(D); (necfcfo) etre obstacle pour qqn, entraver, barrer la route a qqn


dawn, sunrise, morning; time of the first prayer of the day aube, lever du solell, matin; moment de la premiere priere de la journee

(Z) falde, falude v.av DZ Z(-) to bar, put across; to get in the way; to accost barrer, mettre en travers; entraver(D); accoster de travers(D) palal (ngal) DZ Z(-} crosspiece (wood); wooden bolt; pole forming part of the ceiling traverse (en bois)(D); verrou en bois(Z); perche de plafond(Z) paliingol (ngol) T (Geom.) hypotenus hypotenuse

FAKAARE fakaare (nde) Dq cf.:[loonde] large water jar grand canari d'eau

FAKALA Fakala PN BIM(Sanankoua, 1990) region between the Bani River and the Bandiagara plateau south of Kunari and north of the Bobo country; the high country of Masina as opposed to the floodable zone region comprise entre Ie fleuve Bani et les falaises de Bandiagara au sud du Kounari et au nord du pays Bobo; Ie haut pays au Massina par opposition it la zone d'inondation(B)

-Tfaltaade (1) v.mv+ext CZ CZ(BF,NO,M) to pass by, go beyond passer, depasser faltude (1) v.av+ext 0 to open by raising the bar ouvrir en levant la barre

Fakala-Kunaari (Hist.)(M): one of the five regions of the Masina state; l'une des cinq regions de l'itat du Massina

FAKALAARE fakalaare (nde) / pakalaaje (de) Zq [fakaare,

FAL-T- (2?)


water jar canari, jarre

faltaade (2) v.mv+ext DZ Z(-) to separate, put aside; to except separer(D), mettre a part(Z); excepter(Z) faltaare (nde) T autonomy autonomie

a eau

FAKKfakkere n. 0 joint jointure fakkude v.av 0 to mend, weld rapiecer, souder

FAL-T- (3?) faltude (2) v.av+ext DCZ CZ(BF,M) [haarude] to be full (esp. after eating ?) etre (bien) rassasie, repu



fakkire n. 0 extreme poverty extreme pauvrete


falam n. 0 peel of fruit pelure de fruit



fako? n. 0 annual plant whose leaves are used to make a sauce - Corchorus spp. plante annuelle dont les feuilles sont employees pour faire une sauce - Corchorus spp.

falantere (nde) 0 [foloniire, foliniire, henerde] window fenetre

FALDU faldu n. 0 hesitation in speech ? hesitation en parlant ?

fako, fakuho / fakuuje (K(BFl): (c. tridens, C. olitorius) faku (ko) (Bidaud et Prost, 1982 (BFl): (c. sp.)




famd"ude v.av

falfalde v.av D cf.:[fal-] to occur periodically se produire periodiquement

to be small etre petit


famcfa hakkiloojo (Z(M,DO»: person who has little intelligence ; qui est peu intelligent famcfa neediijo (Z(M,DO»): person who is poorly raised ; qui est mal cleve ko fluri famcfude (to): what is smaller, less than, inferior ; ce qui est plus petit, inferieur [Iesrel:T

faljude v.av DcZ C(G,A,FJ),Z(FJ,M,G,A) to make a mistake, err; to be disconcerted se tromper, commetre une erreur, rater; se troubler(D)



falkaade v.mv D to drink in big gulps boire a grandes gorgees

famd"inde v.av+ext DZ Z(+) to make small, reduce, diminish, make few; to not attach much importance to rendre petit, amenuiser, diminuer, rendre peu nombreux; n'y pas attacher beaucoup d'importance(Z)

FALKO falko n. D skin of the genita1s of a child peau de l'organe genital d'un enfant


-D-ITfamd"itidde v.av+2~ts Z (A,M) to become small; to shrink, be shortened; to become scorned devenir petit, rapetisser; se retrecir, se raccourcir; devenir meprise


falla n. Dzb Z(FT) weft til de trame

[palle, geese]



fallanndu, fallaandu (ndu) / pallaade (de)

famd"itinde v.av+3~ts Z (A,M) to make small (intensive); (ned"d"o) to humble, humiliate sb rendre petit (intensif); (ned"d"o) rabaisser, humilier qqn

DCZq [pal (I)aandi]

lizard - Agama agama margouillat, lezard - Agama agama

FALLANTOROWAL fallantorowal (ngal) D piece of wood at the front of a saddle morceau de bois au devant d'une selle

FAMMDUDE fammdude var.- Jamdude; v. Jam-a-

FALNDE falnde (nde) T


F AMMINDE famm-, famn-, fam\J-? V. JaamFAN- (1)

[palol] cf.:[fal-(1)]


fanaade v.mv DZ to say incantations in order to protect dire des incantations en vue de proteger


FALO falo n. D place for milk gourds emplacement des gourdes

DFCZtH C(-),Z(M,DO) [fammdude,

fan dude]

FAN- (2) fanude v.av D to die (child) mourir (enfant)

a lait

FAMfamar- (+sut), pamar- (+sut) adj. dFCZ small petit pamaro (0) / Jamar6e (6e) DZH Z(-) small person petite personne


FAN-T- (3) fantude (1) v.av Z to do sth again; to pass by sb's place faire qqch de nouveau; passer chez qqn

FANDUDE fand"ude var.- Jamaude; V. Jam-a- DFCZ CZ(-)




falJude v.av 0 [yiidude, ndaaroyde] to pay a visit rendre visite

pankaro (0) DZ [ciiwaacfo, noontaro, baataro] ugly man homme vilain pankaru (0) Z sth that is ugly qqch de vilain

-IRfalJirde n. 0 place that one frequents lieu de frequentation

-IDfankididde v.av+ext Z [niddude, siiweede] to be ugly etre laid

-ORfalJorde v.av+ext 0 [yaadude] to accompany sb accompagner qqn

FANKIIRU fankiiru (ndu) 0 horse race with acrobatics course de chevaux avec acrobatie

FAI)I)ERE falJIJere, falJure n. 0 cf.:[fal)-] parcel (of land?) parcelle

FANNA fanna n. 0 [bunna, fuuna, laka] anus anus

FAPP-ITfappitaade v.mv+ext 0 to appear abruptly apparaitre brusquement

FANNDfanndude v.av DZ [giisude] to accost, come alongside (a boat) accoster(D), accoster un bateau(Z)

FAR far adv. 0 very white tres blanc

FANNDUWAL fannduwal (nga/) T [seelemmewal] shaft brancard

FARfaraalJgo (ngo) / faraali (ai) Dz Z(FJ) snorting (hippopotamus) reniflement (hippopotame) farude v.av Dz Z(FJ) to snort; to make noise in the manner of a hippopotamus; to neigh as a horse renifler(D); bruire a la falron de I'hippopotame(Z); hennir comme Ie chevaI(Z)

FANNGERE fanngere (nde) 0 cargo of a pirogue charge de pirogue



fannu (0) / fannuuji (ai) cZTu C(FJ),Z(-) art(C); ornament; branch of science; (Scol.) subject art(CZ); ornement(Z); branche de science(Z); (Scol.) matiere(T)

-FAR-Tfarfartude v.av+ext 0 to snort without stopping renifler sans arret

(Trimingham, 1959 (-»: legal studies; etudes de droit



fantude (2) v.av( + ext?) F [ganndeede] to be proud etre fier

farnude v.av+ext 0 to cause an animal to cross faire traverser un animal



fantere n. 0 spoiled child enfant gate

faram n. halter licou



faramawo (ngo) D bridle for a horse bride pour cheval

FARR- (1)


farrati n. D risk, danger risque, danger



farandukke n. D man who brings misfortune homme qui porte malheur


farritaade v.mv+ext to risk risquer


Faransi (0) D France; French France; fran~ais faransinkoore (nde) French language langue fran~aise

FARR- (2?) farraade v.mv D to climb, scale escalader

Z [tuubal)koore]

farreede v.pv D to lose one's children at young age perdre ses enfants en bas age

far6aade v.mv DZ to drink eagerly and with much noise boire avidement et avec beaucoup de bruit

FARSfarsude v.av D [nirkude] to pound grain ecraser Ie grain


farilla (0) / farillaaji (di) Dzbu Z(FJ,DO) obligatory prayers, divine obligation prescribed in the Koran, moral obligation; Koranic tax; duty; period, menstruation prieres obligatoires(D), obligation prescrite dans Ie Coran(B), obligation morale(U); dime coranique(Z); devoir(Z); regles, menstrues (Z)

FARU faru n. space espace

T [weeyo]

FAS- (1) fasude v.av D to cut up meat decouper la viande

FARIMAKE Farimake PN Hi Farimake, region on the left bank of the Niger bordering Lake Debo, northeast of Masina and west of Gimmballa Farimake, region sur la rive gauche du fleuve Niger et en bordure du lac Debo, au nord-est du Massina et a l'ouest du Gimmballa Farimakinke (0) H inhabitant of Farimake habitant du Farimake

FAS- (2) fasude var.- fatude FASIILI AI

cZ C(fT),Z(FT,M)

fasiili n. Dbu gifted in speech doue de parole

FATfatude v.av


[tasude (2)]

to boil bouillir



parDO (0) D charming person charm ant

fate (o,de)

DZ [fata]:(Sarwuusi Jannde Mawoe, 1984) [yoogirde, yoogirgel, jurowol]

pail (with which one draws water from a well) seau (avec lequel on puise dans un puits (Z»

-IDfarDhfidde v.av to be charming etre charm ant


FARR- (3)





FATI fati var.- pati

fariiid'idde (Z(DO»: to be knock-kneed; eIre cagneux




FAYfayde (1) v.av DFZ Z(-) to put on weight, be fat grossir, engraisser, etre gras paycfo (0) / fayfie (fie) DZH man who is fat, obese; proud man homme gras(DZ), obese(H); homme orgueilleux(Z)

faw DG until infmity; plus, increase jusqu'a l'infini(D); plus, augmentation (g)

FAWfawaade v.mv FZ Z(-) to depend on, count on (F); to be above, dominate; to put (on), place on; to assume responsibility dependre de, compter sur; etre dessus, dominer (Z); mettre, poser sur (Z); assumer la charge, la responsibilite (Z) fawde v.av DFZ Z(FJ,FT,M) to place on, put down on; to pile up; to pack(F); to add; to load (an animal); to impose upon sb; to accuse sb mettre dessus, poser sur; entasser(D); faire ses bagages(Z); ajouter(Z); charger (un animal)(Z); imposer a qqn(Z); accuser qqn(Z) fawre (nde) DZ Z(-) load; crossing; accusation charge; traversee(D); accusation(Z) pawaJ n. T charge frais

-Nfaynude v.av + ext Z to fatten (up) engraisser paynucfo (0) / faynufie (fie) L person who fattens (cattle) qui engraisse (Ie betail)

FAYANNDE fayannde (nde) / payande, payane, fa'ande (de) DeZe C(BF,G,A,FJ),Z(BF,G,A,FJ,M) [fotiire]

cooking pot marmite

FAYDfayda (1) n. Z (A,M) utility; fertility, fecundity utilite; fecondite faydude v.av Z (A,M) cf.:[nafude] to be useful, advantageous; to be fertile etre utile, avantageux; etre fecond

-Nfawnaade v.mv T [heoude] to gain ? gagner

-INfaydinde v.av+ext Z (A,M) to make useful, advantageous; to make fertile rendre utile, avantageux; rendre fecond

FAWFfawfaade v.mv 0 to go into the bushes purposelessly aller dans les broussailles sans but


fayda (2) vaT.- faayda;


fawiiaade v.mv DZ to rush forward; to pursue sb in order to punish him se precipiter(D); poursuivre qqn pour Ie punir(Z)

fayko (ko) 0 [faayko]:Z(Gam) pubic hair poils du pubis



faynde n. 0 [oaynde,ounndu] spring? source

fay DFCZH CZ(M,BF) [fey, fes] even, not even, even if meme, meme pas, meme si


fay-batte (F): nothing; rien fay-gooto (F): nobody; personne fay-hunnde, fay-huunde (PH): nothing, not a thing; rien, neant fay-nokku (F): nowhere ; nulle part fay so tawii (F): even if ; meme si

fayne n. 0 brightness ? eclat



fayde (2) vaT.- faade; V. fah- (2) FzH



v. faayd-

fed" oode, ped"oole (de) 0


buttons boutons fed"ude v.av CZ C(-),Z(M,A) to button, fasten boutonner, attacher

faytaade v.mv 0 ct.:[fayko]

to shave (pubic area) se raser (sexe)

FECCfeccaade v.mv FCZ CZ(-) [felsaade]


to be divided, shared (F); to divide in two (v.i.); to split; to receive one's part in a sharing etre divise, partage; se diviser, se partager en deux (CZ); se fendre(Z); recevoir sa part dans un partage(Z)

fettude v.av Z

to unbutton deboutonner

FEDEENDU fed"eendu (ndu) / pedeeli (di) DFcZV C(G,A),

ko feccotoo (Math.)(l): divisible; divisible feccere (nde) / pecce (de) DFCZT CZ(-) [heltere]

Z(M,G,A) ct.: [fed-)

fInger; toe(F); fingernail, claw (C) doigt; orteil; ongIe, griffe (CZ)

part, half, fraction part, moitie, fraction


feccere nayooere (F): one fourth; un quart feccere poortiingol (Geom.)(1): half-line, half-ray; demi-droite fecceteende (nde) T (Math.)

feefe (o,de) DZ

pepper, condiment poivre(D), condiment(Z)

dividend dividende feccoore (nde) T (Math.) divisor diviseur feccude v.av DFCZT C(-),Z(FJ,M,BF,N) [felsude,

FEENfeeIio (ngo) Z [hello]

slap gifle feeIiude v.av DZ Z(-)

to hit; to rumble (thunder); to sprout; to be evident, clear; to be brought to awareness; to be born frapper(D); gronder (tonnerre)(D); germer (D); etre evident, clair (Z); se reveler(Z); naitre(Z)

fettude (3)] cf.: [feyyude, yeddude]

to divide, share, distribute; to split, chop, cut, tear; (Math.) to divide diviser, partager, distribuer; fendre, couper, dechirer (CZ); (Math.) diviser peccugol (ngol) ZT Z(-) [feccugol):T sharing, distribution, division part age, distribution, division

FEERfeerde v.av DZL Z(-)

to hatch ?; to be educated; to open, half-open (eyes); to rise (celestial bodies) eclore(D); etre instruit(D); ouvrir, entrouvrir (les yeux)(ZL); se lever (astres) peeral (ngal) 0 intelligence, clairvoyance intelligence, clairvoyance

FEDDE fedde (o,nde) / pelle (de), feddeeji (di) FZT Z(-)

association, organization, society, party; age-group; clan; (Mil.) troop; (Math.) class, class of equivalence association, organisation, societe, parti; classe d'age(Z); clan(T); (Mil.) troupe(Z); (Math.) classe, classe d'equivalence (T)


fedde baafal (f): avant-garde; avant-garde fedde go'oji (Math.)(f): class of units; classe des unites simples fedde renndo (T): social class ; classe sociale


feertaade v.mv+ext Z

to be clear (weather) etre clair (temps)

fedele - var.- fadale; V. fadal-

fed"aade v.mv cz (M,BF,N,G,A)

to be attached, be fastened ( to) s'attacher, etre fIxe



-Nfeewnude (1) v.av+en Fz Z(FT)

feere (nde) / peeje (de) OCZ C(FJ,M),Z(FJ,FT,M)

business, matter; means(C), feasibility; decision, intention; plan, project; machination, plot affaire(DZ); moyen(CZ), possibilite(Z); decision, intention (Z); plan, projet (Z); machination, complot (Z)

to fix up; to straighten up, make straight; to (make) correct reparer; redresser, rendre droit; corriger, rendre correct (Z) feewnugol, peewnugol (ngo/) T

arrangement amenagement


ko feewnaaki, ko feewndaaki T

feere (nde) OZH(LaViolette, 1987) [fere/pehe]:Z(FT)

incorrect incorrect

cf.: [fehere]

small earthenware bowl used for ablutions; pot, recipient vase de terre servant aux ablutions; pot(D), recipient(H)

-Tfeewtude (1), fewtude v.av+en OFCZ CZ(FJ,M,N,BF)

feere/pehe (CZ(FJ): earthenware pot (used especially for dyeing) ; grand vase en terre cuite (utilise en particulier dans la teinturerie)

to turn around(F); to face; to head towards; to open onto; to address sb; to menace; to happen to sb; to be in front of(C) faire demi-tour; faire face a(D); se diriger vers(Z); donner sur(Z); s'adresser a qqn(Z); menacer(Z); arriver a qqn(Z); etre en face de(C)

FEERE (3) feere adv. OFCZH CZ(-)

apart(C), aside, separately(C); specially; (adj.) different(FC), separate(F) a part(CZH), de cote(D), separement; specialement(Z); (adj.) different(C), separe


-T-INCewtinde v.av +2ens 0

to direct towards diriger vers


feeto (o,ngo) / feetooji (di) OZ Z(-)

FEEW- (2)

horse race [gensi]; ceremony; celebration course de chevaux(D) [gensi]; ceremonie(D); fete(Z)

feewde (2) v.av Cz C(BF,N,G,A,M),Z(A,FT) cf·:Uaangude,ouuoude]

to be cold, become cold; to be or become humid avoir froid, faire froid, etre ou devenir froid; etre ou devenir humide(Z)

FEEW- (1) feewde (1) v.av FcZ C(FJ),Z(-)

to face, be in front of (F); to be straight, go straight; to be or become correct, just; to behave well faire face a, etre devant; etre droit, etre dans Ie droit chemin; etre ou devenir correct, juste (Z); se conduire bien(Z)

-Nfeewnude (2) v.av+en CZ CZ(BF,A,G,A,M)

to make cold(C); to be cold; to become cold, cool down( C) refroidir; faire froid(CZ); devenir froid

feewi n. OfT [ana feewi]


good, okay, straight, just bon, bien, droit, juste

feewtude (2) v.av+en CZ CZ(G,A,NE,BF,M)

to be very cold faire tres froid

feewngo (ngo) T [fonngo]

direction direction


peewndam (dam) Z

accuracy justesse peewo (0) 0 cf.:[fewskilled person qui est adroit

feeya, Ceeyo (ngo) / feeyeeji (dj) OFI

plain(F); pasture land flooded at moderate depth; the bush; space plaine; paturages inondes de profondeur moyenne(I); brousse(D); espace(D)




FEEYO feey-o n. D [felyo] section, part tranche, partie

felfelde (nde) D ring bague



fellude v.av DCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF) [fid'ude] to shoot fusiller, tirer au fusil

feggere (nde) / pegge (de) DcZ(Swift et ai, 1965) C(G,A),Z(M,G,A)

ring (esp. for toe (Swift et aI, 1%5» anneau, bague (surtout pour orteil)



felle (nge) r(Turner, 1989) cow with a white spot on a colored head vache dont la tete coloree a une tache blanche

fehere (nde) / pehe (de) DZ Z(M,BF) cf.:[feere (2» pot; small pottery sauce dish pot(D); petite sauciere en terre(Z)

felle / pelle (R(A»): red cow with a white spot on forehead ; vache rouge Ii tache blanche sur Ie front



fekaade v.mv D to lead (sb to do sth), encourage entrainer, encourager


fellero n. D [fellere (nde»:CZ(G,A,NE) [nokku(ure)] site emplacement



fekkoraade v.mv Z Z(M,FT) to lose consciousness, faint perdre connaissance, s'evanouir fekkorde v.av D to pass out, faint tomber en syncope, s'evanouir

fellisude v.av F [fellitude] to decide decider pellisal (ngal) / pellise (de) F [pellital] decision decision

FEL- (1)


felude v.av Dcz C(FJ),Z(FJ,A) [riil)ude, wajude] to criticize, reprimand, reproach critiquer, reprimander, reprocher pelol (ngol) / pelooje (de) D [riil)ere, riil)oore] reproof, blame remontrance, blame


fellisude v.av zo Z(FJ) to fall in ruins; to be bankrupt tomher en ruine; etre en faillite

FELLITfellitere (nde) D decision decision fellitude v.av zo Z(-) [fellisude (1)] to decide decider pellital (ngal) / pellite (de) DZ Z(-) [pellisal] decision, decree, resolution; certitude, assurance; self-confidence decision, arrete, resolution; certitude, assurance (Z); confiance en soi(Z)

FEL- (2) felde v.av ZI Z(-) [felnude] to break; to shell briser; decortiquer peletol (ngol) D piece piece, morceau

FELBfel6ude v.av D to shout at the top of one's voice crier a tue-tete

FELO (1) felo (ngo) / pele (de) D sole semelle

FELEWERE felewere (nde) D width of the chest largeur de la poitrine

felo/pele (Z(FIj): foot; pied


FELO (2)

mensonge, tromperie fenude, fende v.av DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO)

felo (ngo) / pete (de) Z small temporary pool of water surrounded by trees petit mare temporaire entouree d'arbres

[fennde]:D [tarfude]

to lie, deceive mentir, tromper(Z) penoowo (0) / feno06e (6e) Zo Z(-) [fenoowo]:Z(-


) [kottudo]

felsaade v.mv V. feccaade Z felso (ngo) / pe/se (de) DZ Z(-) [felsitande] [(pI.)

liar, deceiver menteur, trompeur



piece of or half of kola nut morceau de cola, moitie felsude v.av V. feccude Z

pentoowo (0) / pento06e (6e) Z gossip, telltale cancanier, rapporteur

-ITfelsitande (nde) V. felso



fenduure (nde) Z [bifirgal, bifirgol, mbedu] fan eventail

FELTEKEREERE feltekereere (nde) D [daalaare] clearing clairiere

FENG- (1) fengude, fegude v.av cZ C(FJ) [sel]ude] to set in the ground ficher en terre, dresser

FELYO felyo n. D [feeyo] section, part tranche, partie

fengude dewgaJ (Z): to conclude a marriage (contract) ; conclure un mariage cf.:[fenng-] pengal (1) (ngal) / pende (de) Dz Z(FT) Uuggal]


stake, stake or picket used for tethering; tether piquet(D), piquet d'attache(Z); attache(D)

Femay PN iM region on the left bank of the Bani between Pondoori and Sebera region sur la rive gauche du Bani entre Ie Pondoori a l'ouest et Ie Sebera a l'est

-Tfegtude v.av+ext Z (FT,M) to pull up (that which had been buried or planted) arracher (ce qui a ete enfonce ou plante)

FEMBERE fembere (nde) D [fiiriinde, fitina, haDo, konu, wolde] war, fight guerre, bagarre

FENG- (2) fengere (nde) Dz Z(DO) spot that is not deep, shallow ford lieu non profond(D), gue peu profond(Z)

FEMBOODE femboode n. 0 instrument using wind to separate millet from bran instrument utilisant Ie vent pour separer Ie mil du son

FENNGfenngaade v.mv 0 [samaade, wasaade] to court courtiser penngoowo (0) Z [kaaloowo, wakkili] intermediary intermediaire

FEMMBfemmbude v.av CZ C(FJ,N,BF,M),Z(-) [laDude] to shave [suumtude]; to name a child (at baptism, during which his head is shaven) raser [suumtude]; nommer un enfant (au bapteme, au cours duquel sa tete est rasee)

FENO feno n. D savanna savane

FENfenaande (nde) / pene (de), peneeji, penaali (di) DFCZH C(M,FJ),Z(M,FJ,FT) [fewre]

lie, deception


FENTO fento n. T [fewjo, conception conception

-R- (?) ferro (ngo,o) F [fero):(BA et Dieterlen, 1961) bush where the nomads transhume, high bush brousse la-on transhument les nomades, haute brousse perret n. M high bush haute brousse


FEI} feQude; feQtude V. [eng- (1) FENfeiiude v.av 0 to crackle ?, sparkle ? petiller

perrel tuppe (m(Sanankoua, 1990): area covered with grasses, thorny plants, and gravel ; espace couvert de graminees, d'epineux et de gravier

FER- (1)


ferde, ferude v.av DFCZH CZ(-) to emigrate, scatter, migrate; to flee; to separate off from a group emigrer, disperser, migrer; fuir(CZ); se separer d'un groupe(Z) fergo (ngo) / [ergooji (di) FZ Z(-) [fergol (ngol),

fertude v.av+ext 0 to separate, escape separer, s'echapper

FER- (2) feraade v.mv DZ [fergaade) to throw a stone into a tree (to cause fruit to fall); to beat a tree using a stick (to obtain fruit) lancer une pierre sur un arbre (pour faire tomber les fruits)(D); gauler des fruits(Z) perereeje (ae) 0 stones to throw pierres a lancer

ferngo (ngo)):Z [pergu)

emigration; flight emigration; fuite(Z) Feroo6e (oe) V. pereejo/[eroooe pereeji (di) (Seydou, 1977) animals belonging to the Feroooe animaux appartenant aux Feroooe feru n. H forest foret pereejo (0) / [eroooe (De) ZHIMS(Seydou,

FERE fere (0) brake frein


(Sanankoua, 1990)

representative of the So or Sidibe clan; warrior-chief of the Sidibe or So clan, title equivalent to ard0 for the Sidibe or So clan; (pl.) those who emigrate; Feroo6e - clan Sidibe or So [SoosooBe) representant du clan Sow(Z) ou Sidibe; chefguerrier du clan Sidibe ou So, titre equivalent a ara0 pour Ie clan Sidibe ou So(M); (pl.) ceux qui emigrent(Seydou, 1977); Feroo6e - clan Sidibe ou So (HIM(Sanankoua, 1990» [SoosooBe) pergu n. 0 [fergo) exodus exode peru / peruuji I(Sanankoua, 1990) old alluvial deposit (elevated) made up of clays and silts which is not covered by water during the flood and may be wooded levee alluviale ancienne dont la terre est composee de l'argile et limon qui n'est pas couverte pendant la crue et qui est parfois boisee



FERGfergaade v.mv DCZ C(-),Z{DO) to strike (sth against sth) [ferjude); to throw a stone into a tree (to cause fruit to fall) [feraade); to stumble(C) [teppitaade) heurter (qqch contre qqch) [ferjude); lancer une pierre sur un arbre (pour faire tomber les fruits)(D) [feraade}; trebucher(C) [teppitaade) fergere (nde) Z (M,DO) [ferjere) stumbling (over sth) trebuchement

FERJ - ferjere; ferjude V. [ergFERR-


ferraade v.mv Z to sit with legs crossed etre assis les jambes croisees ferrungo (ngo) Z position of one who is seated with legs crossed position de celui qui est assis les jambes croisees 87



feto (1) (ngo) / pete (de) DZH Z(FT,M) pool of water (after rain), pond flaque d'eau (apres la pluie)(DZ), mare(DH)

fersude v.av D to take a shortcut prendre un raccourci

FETT- (1)


fettaade v.mv D cf.:[fed'eendu] to tap one's fingers; to hit with the finger taper du doigt(D); frapper avec Ie doigt(Z)

fertere (nde) D awakening; cunning eveil; ruse

FETT- (2)


fettere (nde) / pette (de), petteeji (di) CZ

fery-ude v.av D to make a mistake se tromper


(FJ,M,BF) [pettol]

spark etincelle pettol (ngo/) V. fettere D

fes var.- fey H


fesaade v.mv Z (M,BF) to be tatooed etre tatoue fesoode (nde) / fesoode (de) CZ C(FJ,M),Z(-)

fewde v.av DZ Z(-) to be in early pregnancy; to be or become pregnant; to give birth etre en debut de grossesse(D); etre ou devenir enceinte(Z); accoucher (Z) pewe n. D

illness of pregnancy maladie de grossesse pewoowo (0) / fewoove (ve) Z [haamili, debereedu]

pregnant woman femme enceinte

FEW-D - (2) fewdere (nde) Z deftness, skill adresse, habilite fewdude v.av+ert DZ to be skillful, deft etre adroit, habile

Fr? D


v. fecc-

FEW- (1)

marks, tatoo of a tribe marques, tatouage de tribu fesude v.av DCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF) [Iaariude] to scratch; to vaccinate(C); to tatoo(C), make incisions in the skin; to bleed sb egratigner(D); vacciner(DCZ); tatouer(CZ), faire des incisions a la peau(Z); pratiquer une saignee(Z) pesagol (ngo/) T vaccination certificat certificat de vaccination pesogol (ngo/) D mark of vaccination trace de la vaccination pesoode (de) Dz Z(BF) vaccinations; marks, tatoo of a tribe vaccinations(D); marques, tatouage de tribu(Z) fetaade v.mv to play jouer feto (2) n. D game Jeu

fettude var.- feccude;

CZ Z(-)

[Iaanal (2)]


fettude V. fed+

FEW- (3) fewre (nde) / pewe (de) cZ C(G,A,NE), Z(G,A,NE,M,BF) [fenaande]

lie mensonge


fetalaare var.- fetere Z

fewjo n. T [fento, miijo] conception conception

fetere (nde) / pete (de) DZ [fetalaare] piece of cloth; fabric; scarf morceau de tissu(D); etoffe(Z); mouchoir(Z)


fi6ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to tie (a rope), knot; to tie (sth) up; to marry nouer, faire un noeud; attacher; se marier fimre (nde) / pibe, pi6e (ae) DZ Z(-) [fiflre] knot noeud fimru (ndu) / fimruuji (ai) F religious part of the marriage which takes place at the mosque mariage religieux (qui a lieu dans une mosquee) pi601 (ngol) / pilii (ai) DZ Z(-) talisman on a strap; amulet talisman en attache(D); amulette(Z)

fewjude v.av DZ Z(FJ,FT,M,DO) to undertake; to decide, make a decision; to direct, command entreprendre(D); decider, prendre une decision (Z); diriger, commander (Z)

FEWTINDE fewtinde; fewtude V. feew- (1) FEY fey adv. DFZh [fes] not at all, at all, nothing pas du tout, du tout, rien

FEYANNDE feyannde (nde) exponent exposant

T (Math.)

-ONDIRti60ndireede v.pv+ext T [aadondireede] to contract, make a contract contracter

FEYpeye (ae) 0 pieces morceaux

-Tti6tude v.av+ext to untie denouer

FEYY- (1) feyyere (nde) / peyye (ae) DZ Z(-) cutting of trees; act of splitting, chopping; place cleared with an axe coupe d'arbres(D); action de fendre, couper(Z); endroit defriche a la hache(Z) feyyude v.av DFCzh C(M,G,NE),Z(G,NE),H(SH)

FICCticcude v.av ZM Z( + ) to shake one's hand or o.s. to get rid of sth; to kick out (donkey or horse); to refuse categorically; to fish (with a line) secouer la main ou se secouer pour se debarasser de qqch; ruer (be ou cheval); refuser categoriquement(M); pecher a la ligne(Z) ticcuru (ndu) M (Hist.) raids or harassing operations against populations hostile to Islam (obliging them to convert or abandon their territory) operation de razzia ou de harcelement contre des populations hostiles a l'Islam (pour les obliger a se convertir ou a partir)(p72) piccal ndewa n. v gesture or step of dance ('flinging out of the cold or unwilling female') geste ou pas de danse ('ruade de la femelle retive ou froide')

[feccude, tayude]

to split, chop, cut, sever fendre, couper, trancher feyyudengesa (Z): to clear some land; debroussailler un terrain

-IRfeyyirde (nde) / peyyirae(ae)



axe hache

-ITfeyyitidde v.av+ext to break casser

Z [hel(u)de, fusude, tokkitinde]

FEYY-IT- (2) feyyitaade v.mv +ext to be extraordinary etre extraordinaire

FI' - fi'de; fi'oo6e FIB-


FIDDERE tiddere (nde) 0 [faddere] unruliness, insolence; not quiet turbulence, insolence; pas tranquille

V. fiy-

fi6re (nde) / pi6e (ae) - var.- fimre





piilal (ngal) OH roll (of sth) rouleau piilam (aam) 0 action of rolling up action d'enrouler

fido n. T [durro, mbinndiri, sitto] dictation dictee

FID - (1) fid'ude v.av ocz CZ(-) [fellude] to shoot, shoot a gun; to shoot (an arrow, a bullet) and hit the target tirer, tirer un coup de fusil(D); tirer (une fleche, une balle) et atteindre Ie but

FIILK- fiilkaade; fiilkude V. filkFIIR-

fiirude v.av CZ (M,BF,NO,G,A) [diiwde. foomude] to fly voler, s'envoler

FID - (2) fid'ude v.av Z (M,OO) to palpitate, throb (heart) palpiter (coeur)

-Tfiirtude (1) v.av+ert T cf.:[fir-] to develop developper

FIDAFIDOONDE fid'afid'oonde (nde) Z cf.:[fidd-] reticulum, stomach bonnet (Anat.), estomac

FIIRE fiire (nde) OH body; wound that has healed over corps; plaie cicatrisee(D)

fioofiooonde (R(A»): the third stomach or omasum; troisieme estomac ou omasum

FIIRIINDE fiiriinde V. fiy-rFIIS-

FIDD fid'd'ude v.av OZ Z(FT,FJ,M,A) to dust, shake the dust off of an object; to brandish epousseter, secouer un objet pour en faire tomber la poussiere; brandir(Z)


fiisude v.av cZ C(G),Z(M,G) [wuuwude] to sweep; to wipe, clean balayer; essuyer, nettoyer (Z)



fiitaade v.mv OZ Z(-) to unwind thread; to wind up (thread) derouler du fll, devider; pelotonner (fll)(Z)

fii (0) / fiijiiji, fijiiji (ai) oz Z(FJ,FT,OO,M) good, thing, object; fortune; matter, subject, question, undertaking bien, chose, objet; fortune(D); affaire, sujet, question, entreprise (Z)



-ORpiitorgal (ngal) 0 cf.:[pitorgal] instrument used to untangle wool instrument servant a delier la laine

var.- fiyde H


fiifaade v.mv Z (FJ,M,OO) [riittaade, piipaade] to blow one's nose noisily se moucher bruyamment

fiitirde (nde) T (Math.) coefficient coefficient



fiilaade v.mv cz C(FT,M),Z(-) [fil(i)taade] to put on a turban; to surround; to embrace s'enturbanner (CZ); entourer(Z); embrasser(Z) fiilde, fiilude v.av OCZ C(FJ,FT,M),Z(FJ,FT,M,BF)

fijo (ngo) / pije (ae) OFZT Z(-) [fijirde (1)] rejoicing, game(F), amusement, sport rejouissance(D), jeu(Z), amusement(Z), sport(T) fijo law6e (E): dance of law6e ; danse des law6e fijo wayluf>e (E): dance of blacksmiths ; danse des forgerons rtjude v.av FCzH C(-),Z(FJ)


to wind, surround; to mix; to put a turban on sb, put on a head scarf; to dress a wound enrouler, entourer; melanger(D); enturbanner qqn(CZ), mettre un mouchoir de tete(Z); panser une blessure(Z)

to play jouer




tilkaade, fiilkaade v.mv DCZ CZ(M,FT)

fijirde (1) (nde) / pijirae (ae) FCZ C(-),

to put a turban on (o.s.); to roll up (v.i.); to put on or around o.s. mettre un turban, se couronner d'un turban; s'enrouler(D); se ceindre(CZ) tilkude, fiilkude v.av CZ (M,FT) to put a turban on se couronner d'un turban pilkol (ngo/) / pilki (ai) DZ(Sanankoua, 1990)

Z(FJ,FT,M,A) [(pl.) fijirde, fijirdeeji]:Z

game, amusement, distraction [fijo); joking; dance; public place for dancing and singing jeu, amusement, distraction [fijo); plaisanterie(Z); danse(Z); endroit publique ou on danse et chante(CZ) fijirde (2) (nde) T [njeenu, jino] adultery adultere


turban, long band of cloth that men wear wrapped around the head and the neck turban, longue bande de tissu que les hommes enroulent autour de la tete et du cou (Sanankoua, 1990)

FUJUDE fiijude n. D

generation generation



fikaade v.mv D

filla (o,ka) / Jillaaji (ai) DeZ C(FJ),Z(-)

to stir the flour (cooking term) remuer la farine (terme de cuisine)

narration, account, story narration, recit, histoire fillaade v.mv FeZ C(FJ) ,Z( + ) to tell, recount, report; to repeat, retell; to cultivate a second time (to remove weeds) dire, raconter, rapporter; repeter, redire(CZ); cultiver une seconde fois (pour enlever de mauvaises herbes)(Z) fillo (ngo) Z narration, account; second cultivation (to remove weeds) narration, recit; seconde cultivation (pour enlever de mauvaises herbes) pilli (ai) D tales contes

-ITfikitaade v.mv+ext DZ

to move about, stir se remuer, bouger

FIL-(I)Tfiltaade, filitaade v.mv+ext DCZ CZ(G,BF,M) cf.:[fiilaade, fillitaade]

to go around; to surround(C) contourner(D); entourer(CZ)

-Ntilnude v.av+ext Z [fiil(u)de]

to roll up enrouler



tilorde (nde) D

fillitaade v.mv+ext FZ Z(-) cf.:[filtaade]

latrine toilettes

to repeat, retell; to revise; to wind around repeter, redire; reviser; enrouler fillitagol, pillitagol (ngo/) T doubling doublement fillitoowo, pillitoowo (0) T [oawtoowo] talebearer rapporteur

FIL- (2?) tilude, tilde v.av CZ (FJ,M,BF) [sokude (1)]

to lock, bolt (a door) verrouiller (une porte)

-Ttiltude v.av+ext CZ (FJ,M,BF) [sokitidde]

FILS- (1)

to open, unbolt (a door) deverrouiller (une porte)


filsude v.av D [yiilaade]

to go for a stroll, walk around se promener


tilapuulon (0) T

plumbline til aplomb


FILS- (2)

tinude, tinde v.av ZL Z(-) to darken with kohl (eyelashes, eyebrows) noircir avec du khal (les cils, les sourcils) tinugol (ngol) Z darkening with kohl (action) noircir avec du khOl (action de)

filsude v.av 0 [reenaade, hisude] to escape a danger echapper a un danger

FILTtiltude v.av 0 [wuuwude, fiisude] [fittude]:



to clean, dust nettoyer, epousseter

tinkude v.av 0 to forget one's troubles? s'etourdir

FIMRE timre; timru V. fioFIN- (1)

FINKIYtinkiyaade v.mv 0 to go into action; wake up abrubtly se mettre en action; se reveiller brusquement

tinude, tinde v.av FCZ CZ(-) to wake up, awaken; to awaken (v.t.); to be up to date on, be at the height of progress se reveiller, s'eveiller; eveiller(Z); etre au courant de l'actualite, etre a la hauteur du progres (Z) piinal (ngal) 0 [fiin-?] flowering, blossoming floraison piindi (0) Z (FJ,M) [fiin-?] flowers (collectively) fleurs (collectivement) piindi (ndi) / piindiiji (di) OcZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M)

FINNtinnude v.av 0 to win a contest of beauty ? remporter en beaute

FINNDE tinnde (nde) 0 event, convention evenement, convention

FINNDEWOL tinndewol (ngol) T form, slip bon


flower, bud fleur, bourgeon pinndi (ndi) FCZ C(G,BF,NO,M),Z(-) flowering, blossoming; flower floraison; fleur

finndewol d"aflflugol (I): order form; bon de commande finndewol kewtirgol, finndewol keptirgol (I): delivery slip ; bon de Iivraison finndewol sodgol (I): purchase form ; bon d'achat



tindinde v.av+ext FCZ C(-),Z(+) to wake (sb) up; to cause to regain consciousness; to civilise; to deceive, con sb reveiller, eveiller; faire reprendre conscience(Z); civiliser(Z); tromper, rouler qqn (Z)

tiiiaare (nde) / piiiaaje (de) oPS fish - Lates niloticus poisson, capitaine - Lates niloticus

FIPPtippude v.av 0 to struggle se debattre

-IRtinirde (nde) 0 [firrude] place of birth lieu de naissance tirrude v.av+ett 0 to wake up with an idea se reveiller avec one idee

FIRtiro (ngo) / pire (de) FZ Z(-) explanation, translation, meaning explication, traduction, signification firude, firde v.av DzT Z(FJ) to translate; to explain, comment (on); to mean traduire; expliquer, commenter; signifier(Z)

FIN- (2) tina (o,ka), tinaari (ndi) OcZ)J C(FJ,BF), Z(FJ,BF,M)

beauty product, eyeliner pencil; antimony, kohl produit de beaute, crayon pour les cils (D); antimoine, khal (CZV)


FIT- (1)

-Tfirtude v.av+ex't FZt Z(-) [fiirtude (2»:T [firritidde] to untie, unknot; to diwlge a secret(F); to translate(F); to explain; to demolish, take apart, undo denouer, detacher, delier; diwlguer un secret; traduire(T); expliquer(Z); demolir, demonter, defaire (Z)

fitaade v.mv D to move; to undo wool se remuer; defaire de la laine

FIT- (2) fitaade v.mv L to refuse obstinately refuser obstinement

firtude f>oggol (F): to untie a rope ; denouer une corde firtude kOl)ngol (F): to explain, translate words ; expJiquer, traduire des mots

FITAARE fitaare (nde) / pitaaje, fitaaje (ae), pitaaji (ai)

FIRKfirkaade v.mv to enlarge elargir

DZH Z(-)

type of plant; forest; bush; clump of mediumsized dum palms sorte de plante(D); foret(Z); buisson(Z); touffe de doums de -taille moyenne(H) pitaale (ae) H leaves feuilles


FIRLITINGOL (1) firlitingol (ngol) expense depense

T [pirlitgol (1)]


FIRLITINGOL (2) firlitingol (golle) n. conjugation conjugaison

fitila, fitiila (0) / fitilaaji, fitiilaaji (ai)

T [pirlitgol (golle» cf:[fir-]


CZ(NE,M) [mot(t)ila,lampa]

oil lamp, lamp, lantern lampe a huile(b), lampe(Z), lanterne(Z)



firfiude v.av D to cry (of child) pleurer (enfant)


fitina (0) / fitinaaji (ai)

DFCZbu CZ(-) [firiinde,


fight, argument, disagreement, discord, quarrel; impertinence; mischievousness; trouble, riot, sedition bagarre, dispute, desaccord, discorde, querelle; impertinence(Z); espieglerie(Z); troubles, emeute, sedition (cZ) fitinde v.av FZ Z(-) to get angry, have a fight (F); to upset, worry, bother se flicher, se battre; vexer, tracasser, importuner (Z)

FIRNUDE firfiude n. D school of fish banc de poissons

FIRR-ITfirritidde v.av+ert D [firtude] to translate, explain; to undo traduire, expliquer; defaire pirritol (ngol) D response reponse

FITIRLA fitirla n. D [Iampa, casnirdo] blowtorch lampe a souder

FIRRUDE firrude (n.); firrude (v.av. +ert) V. fin-ir- (1)


FITORDE fitord'e pl.- pitorgal FITT-

fisitaade v.mv+ext D to untangle; to scatter demeler; eparpiller

fittaade v.mv D to struggle; to untie se debattre; detacher

FISIFASA fisifasa ideoph. pell-mell pele-mele


D [pisipasa] cf.:[fis-]


FITI- (2?)


fittode v.av CZ (M,NO,BF) [diwde, tuudude]] to jump sauter

foccaade v.mv FZ Z(-) cf.:[foocc- (2)] to stretch out s'etendre


FITIOO'BE Fittoo6e (De) I(Sanankoua, 1990) [Barinaabe] clan Sangare or Bari clan Sangare 00 Bari

fodoore (nde) / podooje (ae) OFZ Z(FJ,FT,M) fortuitous event; promise(F); divine promise evenement fortuit(D); promesse(Z); promesse divine(Z) fodude v.av FZ Z(-) to promise promettre

FIYfiyde, fiyude v.av OFC C(-) [fi'de]:F,Z(-) [fiide]:H [tappude]

to hit frapper piid"e (ae) oz Z(M,A) blows (given in hitting sb); beating, banging coups (donnes a qqn en Ie frappant); battement(Z) piyaandi (ndi) 0 [pi'aandi] cf.:Uawdiri] male animal of a certain age animal male d'nn certain age

-ANfodande (ned"d"o) v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to promise sb promettre a qqn

FODDE fodde V. [otFODDERE fod'd"ere (nde) / poaae (ae) OF pill, medicine com prime, medicament

jawdiri pi'aandi (L): ram castrated by hammering '1 ; b.mer castre par martelage

piyoowo, pi'oowo (0) / jiyoooe, ji'oooe (De) ZM person who hits (sth or sb); torturer, (Hist.) person who applies corporal punishments other than the lex talionis qui frappe (qqch ou qqn); bourreau(Z), (Hist.) qui applique les chatiments corporels autres que selon la loi du talion(M)

FOF fof V. fuu CZ FOFfERE foftere


var.- [oo[tere; V. [oo[-t- cZ


FOHfohaade v.mv D to clear (up) s'eclaircir

-Rfiiriinde (nde) / piiriiae (ae) D [fembere, fitina,



fokkitidde v.av+ext 0 to have confidence avoir de la confiance

fight bagarre



fiya conj. ? F about, to be about, on the subject of a propos de, concernant, au sujet de

folode v.av DZ Z(-) to play (animals), gambol, leap about in play s'amuser (animal), gambader, sauter en jouant

FO'B'B- (1)


fo660de v.av DCZ CZ(FT,M) [hellude] to beat, hit; to clap one's hands (while dancing) taper, frapper (D); battre des mains(C) (en dansant)(Z)

folkeede v.pv D to be an idiot etre idiot polgu (ngu) D [ndaabu, ndunndaru] silliness malsene polkaad"o (0) D simpleton malS

FO'B'B- (2) fo66aade v.mv D cf.:[yinaade, wuulaade] to swim at the head of the cattle nager au devant des boeufs


d'eau(Z); paroi d'un puits(Z)

FOLLERE follere (nde) / polle (ae) OCZAkq CZ(-)


red sorrel - Hibiscus sabdariffa; kenaf, plant cultivated for fiber - Hibiscus cannabinus or H .. asper oseille de Guinee - Hibiscus sabdariffa (CZkq); dah(Afr.)(D), chanvre de Guinee Hibiscus cannabinus ou H. asper(Aq) polli n. 0 fiber of kenaf fibre de dah, chanvre

fonngo n. T [feewngo]

direction direction

FONTAANGO fontaango (ngo) / pontaali (ai) Cz C{BF,M), Z{BF)

breath, respiration haleine, respiration



fontoonde, fontere (nde) / ponte (ae) 0

follu n. 0

testicle testicule

juice of the palm tree jus de palmier




foiiude v.av F

foloniire, foliniire (nde) OT [henerde, falantere]

to weed (a field) sarcler (un champ) poiiotood"o (0) 0 person who weeds qui desherbe

window fenetre

FONNDfonndude v.av OFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF) cf.:[fot- (1)]

to equalize, divide equally; to measure; to compare; to treat in the same way; to put in order egaliser, diviser egalement; mesurer(DCZ); comparer(Z); traiter de la meme fa~on(Z); mettre en ordre(Z)

FONOLfoiiolde v.av 0

to dupe duper

FOO foo V. /00/00 CZ CZ{N,M) FOO'BTIINDE fo06tiinde (nde) V. /ooftere



fonndo OH [yeeso]

FOOCC- (1)

in front of en face de

fooccaade v.mv 0

to be skillful etre adroit

FONNGfonngude v.av OZ

FOOCC- (2)

to converse at mealtime; to say sth at the wrong time, say sth unseemly or unfitting causer au moment du repas(D); dire qqch mal it propos, dire des paroles peu seantes (Z) ponnge (ae) oz inspiration born of a frugal meal; conversation that is not quite fitting, remarks that are out of place (during a meal) inspiration nee d'un repas frugal(D); conversation peu seante, propos deplaces (pendant Ie repas) (Z)

fooccude v.av 0 cf.:[focc-]

to pull, stretch tirer, etendre pooccol (ngo/) T median mediatrice


FOODfood"aade v.mv OZ Z(-)

to stretch; to become large or long; to hurry s'etirer(D); devenir grand ou 10ng(Z); se hater(Z) food"ngo (ngo) T attraction attraction

FONNGO (1) fonngo (ngo) DzH Z(FT)

riverbank, riverside, riverbank which rises sharply; wall of a well berge(DH), bord(D), berge it pic d'un cours


food"ude v.av




foogi (0) DZ fruit of afoog(ir)iiwi fruit d'unfoog(ir)iiwi foogi, foogiiwi, foogiriiwi (ki) / foogiije, foogiriije (de) DZko bush or vine . Saba senegalensis arbuste ou liane • Saba senegalensis

to pull; to drag; to attract to o.s. tirer; trainer(Z); attirer a soi(Z) food'ude taoa (Z): to smoke; fumer cf.:[yar(u)de) 1973) [beltol 1)

pood"ol? n. (Imperato, warp thread fil de chaine pood"ugol (ngol) D pulling action de tirer

FOOLE foole n. T [mana] rubber caoutchouc

FOODI food"i n. D [allubaanaare. tume] amber for adornment ambre pour ornement

FOOLO foolo n. D leather sack sac en cuir

FOOFfoofaango (ngo) / poofaali, poopaali (di) DeZ


C(FJ),Z(-) [fooftaango, fontaango, foofugol)

respiration, breath; (pl.) breathing respiration, haleine; (pl.) souffle foofude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [fowtude) to breathe respirer foofugol (ngol) / poofuli (di) F [foofaango,

foomude v.av to fly voler

FOOMRE foomre (nde) / po06e (de) base; trunk base; tronc

fooftaango, fontaango]

breath haleine, souffle


FOOND· foondude v.av D to breathe heavily respirer fort poondaali (di) D heavy breathing forte respiration

-IRfoofirde (2) (nde) punctuation ponctuation

D [diiwde, fiirude)

T [maande, dartirde)

-Tfooftaade v.mv+ext Fez CZ(FJ,NO) to rest, relax; to take a breather se reposer, se detendre; reprendre haleine fooftaango (ngo) V. foofaango Z fooftere (nde) ZT Z(-) [foftere, fowtere, foootiinde)

FOONDU foondu (ndu) / pooli (di) bird oiseau foondu-maraandu (ndu) dove, turtledove colombe, tourterelle foondu-sukaa6e n. CZg

[guurte, kurje, kurja):T

rest, ease; vacation, holiday repos, aisance; vacances, conge fooftude v.av+ext V. fooftaade CZ



Z (FT,M)



foofirde (1) (nde) D fontanelle fontanelle

owl hibou foondu-sukuiiaa6e, poolal-sukuiiaa6e n. (SA et Kesteloot, 1969)

FOOFOO foofoo DCZ C(M,BF,N,B),Z(BF,N,M) [foo, greeting of thanks, hello(C) salut de remerciement(D), salut(CZ)



owl (lit. bird of sorcerers) hibou (lit. oiseau des sorciers) poolal (ngal) / poole (de) Zg Z(-) bird (large) oiseau (grand)

sadi, use]

foo maa, foo maada (Z(M,B,N,BF): greetings to you; salut


poolel (ngel) / pooloy (koy) bird (small) oiseau (petit)




FOOY- (2?) fooyre (2) (nde) / pooye (de) FTq [galle, baade]


cf.: [fooy-]

hearth(F); compound foyer, atre; concession(T)

fooiiude, fooiiiiude v.av ZL Z{-) cf.:[fooy- (1)] to make thin amaigrir pooiiudo (0) / fooiiu6e (6e) L person who makes thin qui fait maigrir


FOOY- (1) fooY'ude v.av DFCZ C{M,NE,BF),Z{FJ,M,NE,BF) to be thin, become thin etre maigre, maigrir

pl.- poordo

FOOY-T- (2) fooY'tagol, pooY'tagol (ngol) T (ScL) easmg detente fooY'tude v.av+ext T (SeL) to ease detendre

foosokere (nde) / poosoke (de) D cf.:[foskre] [ ndawkalaari]

viper, adder vipere foosokre/poosokje (Z{DO»): non-poisonous snake; couleuvre [foskre]:Z{M) foosokre/poosokje (RX{A»): adder(R), very poisonous snake ; vipere, serpent tees venimeux(X)


foottaade var.- fottaade;

v. fott-

FOPPfoppaade v.mv 0 to cover o.s. with cream; to rub o.s.; to dry o.s. s'enduire de creme; se frotter; s'essuyer foppude v.av cZ C{FJ,FT),Z{FJ,FT,M) to rub, wipe; to coat, smear, rub (with ointment or oil) frotter, essuyer; enduire, badigeonner, frictionner (d'une pommade au d'un corps gras)


foowude v.av DCZ CZ{+) [wul(u)de] to be hot, be tepid; to heat [wulnude] etre chaud(DZ), etre tiede(Z); chauffer(CZ) [wulnude]



fownude v.av+ext D to heat slightly chauffer legerement

forde v.av 0 to steal animals voler des animaux pore (nde) 0 theft of animals vol d'animaux


foowlude var.- fowtude; V. fowt- FCZ CZ{M,BF,NO)

FOOYfooyre (1) (nde) / pooye, poowe (de) DZ


Z(DO,M) [annoora, annoore, nuuru]

forfortude v.av+ext 0 to burn in several spots brUler en plusiers endroits

light; glimmer, ray of light lumiere(D); lueur, rayon (Z) fooyre caggaI (1): tail light ; feu arriere

fooyude v.av Z (-) to gleam; to dawn, break (dawn) luire; poindre (aurare) pooyngol (ngol) Dzh Z{BF),H(SH) [fajiri, cooyngol

-Tfortaade v.mv +ext 0 to rise, rush, flee, move away abruptly se lever, brusquer, s'enfuir, s'ecarter brusquement


dawn, daybreak aurore, aube

FORBforbude v.av 0 to make a mistake, make a slip (of the tongue) se tramper, faire un lapsus

-Nfooynude v.av+ext Z (-) to give off a glow, light up (fire); to appear (stars) donner des lueurs, eclairer (feu); apparaitre 97


FOT- (2)


forba (0) Z grouping of the leading clan and associated clans (in Bambara areas) ensemble du clan dirigeant et des clans associes (en pays bambara)

foteede v.pv Z to be suffering from smallpox etre atteint de variole foto (ngo) DZ syphilis; smallpox syphilis(D); variole(Z) fotude v.av Z to transmit smallpox transmettre la variole potaad'o (0) 0 syphilitic syphilitique pote-pote n. 0 spotted tachete

ngesa forba (Z): collective field ; champ collectif

foroba (0) F collective field; communal place champ collectif; place publique

FORKIYA forkiya

(o,ka), forko (0) - var.-

jorokiya Z

FOROFORO foroforo n. ringworm teigne

0 [kaba]




forokiya (0) / jorokiyaaji (di)

fotiire (nde) / potiije (de)

CZ [forkiya, f~rko,


cooking pot, casserole(F) marmite

type of shirt with short sleeves sorte de blouse a manches courtes

fotiire lacciri (LaViolette, 1987): couscous steamer; marmite II vapeur pour Ie couscous [fotiire fiintiire, laccorde, fiintiire, simtinirde, surtinirde, yulnde] fotiire maafe (LaViolette, 1987): medium cooking pot; marmite de grandeur moyenne fotiire fiiiri (LaViolette, 1987): large cooking pot; grande marmite fotiire fiintiire (LaViolette, 1987): (V. fotiire lacciri) fotiire oro (LaViolette, 1987): small cooking pot; petite marmite

FOSKRE foskre (nde) / poske (de)



Z [foosokre]:Z(DO)


non-poisonous snake couleuvre

FOT- (1) fodde adv. FCZ C(FJ,M,BF,G,A),Z(FJ,M,BF,G,A,FT) about, approximately, equals, in proportion to, in conformity with a peu pres, approximativement, egaux, en proportion de, conformement a fodde (nde) Z (FJ,FT,M,BF,G,A) equivalence; suitability; measure; unity, whole equivalence; convenance; mesure; unite, integralite fotude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [fodde]:D to be equal to; should, ought to etre egal a, valoir(Z); devoir

FOTTfottaade, foottaade v.mv DZ to move away (from), extricate o.s. s'eloigner (de), se degager(D)

-INfoUinde v.av+ext Z to move apart (a little), put aside ecarter (un peu), mettre de cote

FOWNUDE fownude V. foow-nFOWRU

foti (1): equals ; egale hono foti (FzH): how many, how much; combien [no foti] pota) (nga/) Z [potol]

fowru (ndu) / pobbi, poooi (di)

DFZV Z(-) [deppuru, ndeppu, namaaru] cf.:[dunkooru]

hyena, spotted hyena hyene, hyene tachetee(Z) fowru maayo n. P fish - Synodontis courteti, S. gobroni poisson - Synodontis courteti, S. gobroni

equality, democracy egalite, democratie poto) n. T [potal] equality egalite

FOWTfowtere (nde) / pote (de) - V. fooftere DcZ C(FJ,BF),Z(FJ,BF,M)


fowtude v.av DZ [foowtude, to rest; to calm down se reposer; se calmer(Z)


fooftaade, foofude]

fud'd'aade v.mv CZ (FJ.FT,M,NE) to start, begin, undertake, proceed to; to be the fIrst (to do sth); to begin (v.i.) commencer, debuter, entreprendre, proceder a; etre Ie premier (a faire une chose)(Z); commencer (v.i.)(Z) fud'd'oode, fud'd'oore (nde) / puaaoo/e (ae)

-INfowtinde v.av+ext Z (FJ,M) to give sb the chance to regain his strength, give sb a rest donner la possibilite a qqn de retablir ses forces, donner du repos a qqn


beginning, start; foundation [ngooroondi] debut, commencement; fondation(T) [ngooroondi] fud'd'ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to begin, start, undertake commencer, debuter, se mettre a, entreprendre

FOYfoyde v.av DZ [honude] to pillage; to take by force piller; prendre de force(Z)

FU fu var.- fuu FUBB-IN-


fubbinaade v.mv+ext D to be puffed up, boast se gonfler, se vanter

furraade v.mv +ext DZ to break the fast at sunset; to eat the fIrst meal during the fast couper Ie jeftne au crepuscule(D); manger Ie premier repas pendant Ie jeftne(Z) furrude v.av Z to begin with sth commencer par qqch

FUC-ITfucitaade v.mv+ext Z to burst (v.i.) (abscess) percer (v.i.) (abces) fucitidde v.av+ext Z [fuyyitidde] to lance an abscess ouvrir un abces

FUFU (1) fufu n. 0 insect (species of ?) insecte (espece de ?)

FUDfud'ngo n. T germination germination fud'o (ko) DcZh C(NE),Z(-),H(SH) [hudo] grass herbe fud'ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to sprout, grow; to come up(F) (sun) pousser, germer; se lever (soleil)(Z) funngo (ngo) zT Z(FJ) [pudi] flora; verdure flore(T); verdure(Z) pud'i, puddi (2) (ndi) ZT flora, vegetation flore, vegetation punndi n. D new growth nouvelles pousses

FUFU (2)


fufu n. D [wakawal, paiia] basket of kola nuts panier de cola

FUGAARU fugaaru (ndu) / pugaaji (ai) DZM spy; blackmailer; mischievous child espion(DM); maitre chanteur(D); enfant espiegle(Z)

FUR fub var.- fuu FUJfujaade v.mv Z [woofude, fuurude] to err, make a mistake faire erreur, se tromper fujoore (nde) / pujooje (ae) Z error erreur

+NAANGE funnaange, funnange, fud'naange (nge)

DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,NE,BF) [furnaange, lettugal, dewall

east (lit. the rising of the sun) est, orient (lit. la levee du soleil)



FUKKfukkaade v.mv DCZH CZ{M,BF,NO,K) to go to bed, lie down se coucher, s'allonger

Fulankiriya6e ? (lie) (Marie, 1975) pastoral group of the Gourma which in former times had its camp in Kiri in the inland Niger delta (lit. the pagan Fulani of Kiri) groupe pastorale du Gourma qui avait autrefois son campement a Kiri dans Ie delta interieur du Niger (lit. les Peul paiens de Kiri)


FUKKIKE fukkike n. D embolism embolie



ful- F (sense of dispersion, scattering) (sens de dispersion, d'eparpillement) fulaare (nde) D(Seydou, 1987) Fula or Fulani language (esp. a poetic way of referring to it) langue peule (dans la langue poetique (Seydou, 1987»

fulkuru (ndu) / pulki (di) DZ Z(-) large intestine; stomach cavity ? (of ruminants); viscera (less the intestine) gros intestin(D); poche stomacale (des ruminants)(Z); visceres (moins l'intestin)(Z) (R{A»: the fourth stomach or abomasum ; quatrieme estomac ou abomasum pulkal (ngal) D

kaaloowal fulaare (Seydou, 1987): a great speaker of the Fula language ; un 'grand parleur de la langue peule'

fulfulde (nde) / fulfuldeeji (di)

large intestine gros intestin pulki n. D stomach estomac


[pulaar (FT), pular (FJ) ]

Fula or Fulani language langue peule fulfulde mawnde (Ba, 1985 (F»: prose; prose


pulaade v.mv (Grayzel, 1977) to behave as a Fulani ('do the Fulani thing') se comporter comme un peul ('faire Ie peul') pulaaku (ngu) / pulaakuuji (di) DFZh Z(-) way of life of the Fulani, qualities characteristic of Fulanis mode de vie des Peuls(D), ensemble de qualites caracteristiques des Peuls(Z)

fulla n. D hammer (of smith ?) marteau (de forgeron ou d'orfevre ?)

FUMMfummude v.av Z [tayude kooyol] to eat the morning meal prendre Ie repas du matin pummaari (ndi) Z (M,BF) [tayikooyol, tayu-kooye] breakfast petit dejeuner

Omo ley pulaaku (F): He is a true, proper pullo. He is behaving according to pulaaku.; C'est un vrai peul, un veritable peu\. II se comporte comme un vrai peu\. yim6e pulaaku (Grayzel, 1990): term used by Fulani to refer to non-Fulani (artisans, rimayt;e) who speak Fula and dress in the Fulani manner; terme employe par les peuls en parlant des non-peuls (artisans, rimayt;e) qui parlent peul et qui s'habillent en peul

FUMM- (2?) fummere, fummeere (nde) DZ celebration; major prayer of religious holidays fete(D); grande priere des fetes(Z)

pulaar, pular n.

DFcz CZ{FJ,FT,Gam) [fuutal)koore, fuutankoore]


Fula or Fulani language (in the Futas) langue peule (aux Foutas) Polio (0) / Fullie (lie) DFCZi Fulani Peul

fumpaade v.mv D to grope or feel one's way along tatonner

FUNIunaade v.mv FZ Z(-) to give birth to twins donner naissance aux jumeaux fune (0) / funeelie (lie) FZ Z(-) [funeejo]:Z(-)

Pullo bod'eejo / Ful6e wodee6e (PHI): 'red Fulani,' one who is associated with the nomadic lineages that still specialize in caring for cattle ; 'Peul rouge,' qui est toujours associe aux lignages noma diques specializes dans I'elevage Pullo 6aleejo / Fu\6e 6alee6e (I): 'black Fulani,' one who is sedentary; 'Peul noir,' qui est sedentaire


twin jumeau ou jumelle 100

FURNAANGE furnaange

funneere (nde) 0 twin, identical jumeau, identique funude v.av OZ Z(-) to give birth to twins donner naissance aux jumeaux punaad'0 (0) V. June 0

V. Jutf +naange



furne (0) / Jumeeji (tfi) F grill, charcoal burner fourneau

FURRAADE furraade; furrode V. Jutftf-rFUS-

FUNNANGE funnaange, funnange; funngo V. Jutf-

fuseede v.pv 0 to be crushed etre ecrase fusgo n. T [posgo] fall ? chute fusude v.av OFCZ C(-),Z(+) to break(F) [hel(u)de, feyyitidde, tokkitinde]; to crush; to disperse(F); to burst(C); to rain casser(Z) [hel(u)de, feyyitidde, tokkitinde]; ecraser(D); disperser(Z); eclater( CZ); pleuvoir(Z)

FUR- (1) fur- (+suf.) adj. grey gris puro (0) 0 dirty person personne sale

var.- Junnaange;



puro/furOuoe (Z(DO»: poor man, poorly dressed man; homme pauvre, mal vetu puro/puroOOe (Z(FJ»: white-haired person; personne aUK cheveuK blancs

-Dfurd'ude v.av+en OCZ CZ(-) to be grey; to be or become white (hair); to be dusty; to fade etre gris; etre ou devenir blanc (cheveux) (Z); etre poussiereux(CZ); se deteindre(CZ)

FUSUNAARU fusunaaro, fusunnaaru / Jusunaaji, Jusunnaaji OFM

Koranic school student (about 11-15 yrs. old) eleve de l'ecole coranique (de 11 a 15 ans (M»

FUR- (2)

FUTI- (1)

furaade v.mv OZ to question, ask puzzling questions; to solve a problem questionner, poser des colles (D); resoudre un probleme(Z) puro) (ngo/) / puri (tfi) OZT task, duty; riddle; (Math.) problem tache, devoir (D); devinette(D); (Math.) probleme(ZT)

fullude v.av 0 to swell s'enfler


FUTI-IN- (2) futtinaade v.mv +en to stare at devisager



purol wasude, purol ciinateengol (Sco1.)(I): practical problem ; probleme pratique

futte (0) / Jutteeji (tfi)


OFCZIL(Grayzel, 1990)


dowry, group of heifers given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage, small assortment of cattle given to the bride by the groom's family (Grayzel, 1990), matrimonial compensation, dower dot, lot de genisses donne par l'epoux a sa femme au moment du mariage(I), petit lot de betail donne a la jeune mariee par la famille du jeune marie, compensation matrimoniale(ZL), douaire(Z)

furkitaade v.mv+en Z (M,BF) to become pale, become grey palir, devenir gris

FURNfurnude v.av( +en?) Z to be a dandy etre un gommeux purnud'o (0) 0 person who is proud qui est fier



fuurude v.av Z (FT,M) [woofude, fujaade] to make a mistake se tromper


futuro, futoro (0) / futurooji, futorooji (ai) DFCZH(Riesman, 1974 & 1977) [futuroo]:C

fuurude laawol (Z(Ff,M»: to lose one's way ; se tromper de route [majjude]

twilight; sunset [naange-muta); prayer at sunset crepuscule; coucher du soleil [naange-muta); priere du coucher de soleil

FUUSfuusaade v.mv F [guyaade, siidaade] to joke blaguer, plaisanter fuusu n. D joke blague

FUU fuu DFCZH CZ{-) [fu, fuh, fof] all, everything; completely, entirely tout; entierement, tout fait


FUUDfuud'aade v.mv DZo to put on henna, dye o.s. (hand, feet) with henna se mettre Ie henne, se teindre (la main, les pieds) au henne fuud'ande (nde) Z application of henna application de henne fuud'uru (ndu) Z ceremony of application of henna on a girl by her friends at the time of marriage ceremonie d'application de henne a une jeune fille par ses amis au moment du mariage puddi (1), puud'udi (ndi) DZV Z{+) [pundi] henna henne

FUUTA Fuuta PN Of [Futa]:H [Fuuta Tooro, Fuuta Jalon] Futa, land or region inhabited by Fulani or Fulfulde speakers (esp. Futa Toro, Futa Jalon) Fouta, pays habite par les peuIs ou foulaphones (surtout Fouta Toro, Fouta Djalon) Fuutagke (0) / Fuutal]koooe (oe) FZ Z(-) person from Futa (esp. Futa Toro); Tokolor, Haalpulaar'en originaire de Fouta (surtout Fouta Toro); Toucouleur, Haalpulaar'en fuutagkoore, fuutankoore (nde) F(Seydou, 1987) [pulaar, pular]

dialect of Fula spoken in Futa, term for Pulaar in Mali dialecte peul parle au Fouta, designation du Pulaar au Mali

FUUFfuufude v.av DCZ C{M,BF,NE),Z(M,BF,A,NE) [wuttude]


to blow, give out air; to play the flute souffler, venter, emettre de l'air; jouer de la flute(Z)

fuuyde v.av FeZ C(FJ),Z(-) ef.:[d'aayude] to be lazy; to be without character, be without value etre paresseux, sans caractere, sans valeur fuuyd'o (0) V. puuydo DC puuyd'am (dam) Fez CZ(NE) [puuyndam]:CZ(-)

FUUNfuunude v.av DZ Z(-) to rust, be rusted; to ferment; to be moldy; to germinate in the granary rouiller, etre rouille; fermenter(D); etre moisi(Z); germer dans les greniers(Z)

[waamre, d'aayeere, d'aayndam]

laziness(FC); imbecility, idiocy paresse; imbecilite, idiotie (CZ) puuyd'o, puyd'o (0) / fuuyoe, fuyoe (oe) FCZGH


Z(-) [fuuyd'o, d'aayd'o]

fuuna n. D [bunna, fanna, laka] anus anus

person who is lazy(F), idle, good-for-nothing; person who is without character, who does not know how to behave (F); thoughtless person qui est paresseux, faineant, vaurien (Z); qui est sans caractere, qui ne sait pas comment se comporter; personne legere(Z)

FUURfuuroore (nde) / puurooje (ae) Z (FT,M) error erreur



puuycfol (ngol) D fool, lazy person bete, paresseux

fuynaade v.mv D to take in some air at sunset prendre de l'air au crepuscule

-Dfuycfude v.av + ext Z to do nothing, waste one's time, lead an idle



fuyniide n. D placenta (of an animal) placenta (chez les animaux)

ne rien faire, perdre son temps, mener une vie vame



fuytude v.av+ext D to decrease; to do nothing diminuer; ne rien faire

fuyre (nde) / puye (de) DCZ CZ(+) wound; pimple, pU!itule; blister plaie(D); bouton, pustule (CZ); ampoule (Med.) (CZ)

-T-INpuuytinaacfo (0) D fool bete

FUY -T -

fuyl)e; fuycfude V. fuuy-


fuy-y-itidde var.- fucitidde; V.

fuc-it- Z

fuytude V. fuuy-t-

G GA' AL ga'al; ga'i V. ngaari GA'E ga'e var. pl.- ngayka GAA

GAAGAWAL gaagawal (ngal) D(Blonde et ai, 1988) [bawngal) crow - Corvus sp. (c. albus ?) corbeau - Corvus sp. (C. albus ?)

gaa adv. DFZH Z(-) [ngaa) cf.:[ao, aoo) here, this way (direction), on this side ici, par ici, de ce cote ci


GAABOGOL gaal)ogol (ngol) / gaaooole (de) gills branchies


gaajaade v.mv FZ Z(-) [yewtude, yeewtude) to converse, chat (F); to joke, have fun causer; plaisanter, s'amuser (Z) gaajaate (0) / gaajaateeji (di) DFZb [yeewtere,


yewtere, ngeewta)

conversation, chat; amusement, joking causerie, conversation; amusement, plaisanteries

GAABOOLE gaal)oole (de) D jaws machoires

GAALAABO gaalaabo, gaalabbo (0) / waalaaoe (oe) DZ griot; leather worker griot(D); cordonnier, artisan de cuir (Z)

GAACI gaaci n. DT [gaace):T [njaru) mUSlc musique

GAALE gaale (de) D balls boules

GAACOL gaacol (ngol) / gaaci (di) DZ [gaccol) cf.:[gacc-] hair (long and coarse, e.g. hOff,e hair) crin (de cheval)




gaayaare (nde) T [aayaare] anarchy anarchie gaayiid'o (0) T [aayiicfo] anarchist anarchiste

gaamaade v.mv 0 [yaalaade] to yawn hailler

GAANAAJE gaanaaje

pl.- waanaare; V.




gaanditird'i (ai) T ef.:[annditirdu] identity papers pieces d'identite

gaaye (ae) Z [gulio, aacfo, lior(ng)o, Dorke] scabies, mange gale


GAAYI gaayi pl.- ngaayu; V. GABBE gabbe pl.- wabbere GABBI gabbi pl.- ngabbu GABRU AI

gaandol (ngol) 0 aquatic plant plante aquatique

GAANgaanude v.av DZ Z(-) [barminde] to wound (in general but not by a firearm) blesser (en general sauf par une arme a feu)

gabru, gaburo (0) / gabrnuji, gaburnuji (ai) zu Z(FJ) [qab(u)ru]:Z(FJ,FT,M)

tomb, grave tombe, tom beau

GAARAWOL gaarawol (ngol) / gaaraaji (ai) DFCZV CZ(-)



gabu n. 0 dried onion oignon secM gabu, gabuure (1) (nde) Z Oaba(are) , albasa(are)] omon oignon

thread til



gaas (0) T gas gaz


gaas defeteeoo (f): cooking gas; gaz de menage gaasool (Sci.)(f): gaseous state; etat gazeux [mbaaka gaas]

GAASUWAAL gaasuwaal (0) diesel fuel gazoil


gabuure (2) (nde) / gabuuje (ae) ez(Seydou, 1977) CZ(BF) [eiilal]

black kite - Milvus nigrans parasiticus milan - Milvus nigrans parasiticus



GABBUDE ga66ud'e, ga66ule GABTARO


pl.- watitiugo

ga6taro (0) 0 person who is unlucky qui est malchanceux

gaatande, gaatere (nde) Z burp rot gaatude v.av DZ Z(-) to burp roter


var.- gattoro Z

gaccaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to use coarse language; to reproach sb dire des grossieretes(D); faire des reproches a qqn(Z) gacce (ae) DFZq Z(FJ,FT,BF,G,A,M) coarseness, uncouthness; shame (sense of reserve, modesty, self-respect)(F); sth dishonest grossierite(D); honte (sens de reserve,

GAATTE gaatte n. 0 . . hobbles; device for weaning which contams thorns and is placed on the muzzle entraves; appareil aux piquants place au museau pour favoriser Ie sevrage

GAAW- gaawal/gaawe; gaawol/gaawi v. gaw104


pudeur, respect de soi); qqch de malhonnete ou deshonnete(Z)


galce kosam n. T curd (of milk) grumeau de lait

gaccinaade v.mv+ext F to be ashamed, have shame avoir honte

GACCOL gaccol (ngol) /



gallaawal (ngal) / gallaade (de) horn (of animal) corne

DcZh C(N,BF},Z(-},



bottom [dote]; anus [bunna]; (prep.) behind, on the other side (of a river), after [caggal] derriere(DCZ), cuI (ZH) [dote]; anus(D) [bunna]; (prep.) derriere(Z), de l'autre cote (du fleuve)(Z), apres(C) [caggal] gadaal (ngal) / gadaaje (de) CZ C(M,BF,N}

galle (0) / galleeji (di)

DFCZEIHq CZ(FJ,FT,M,NO,BF} cf.:[baade, fooyre, suudu)

compound (of a family); house; family concession, enclos familial; maison; famille ngallu (0), ngalluure (nde) / ngalluuje (de) DZT [galluure/galluuje):CZ(M,DO,BF,N,NE} ef.:[wuro, saare, ngenndiJ


hind leg patte de derriere

city, town, village; district, borough ville, village; commune(T)

GADAL gadal; gadane, gadene; gaddo V.




galmaare (nde) / galmaaje (de)

DFeZM C(G,A,NE},Z(M,BF) [galamaare, lIeddude, lIerrude)

pl.- waddere

scoop, ladle (made from small long-handled calebash); unit of measure for selling milk louche en calebasse (avec manche); unite de mesure pour la vente du lait


gafakke (0) / gafakkeeji (di)

zMs Z(-} [gaffaka):ZS [gafakka]:S [ngafakka/ngafakkaajiJ:CZ·

satchel, bag (of leather); feedbag sacoche (en cuir); musette mangeoire(ZM)

GAHI gahi


var. pl.- ngaari F


galol (ngo/) / ga/i (di) DZ Z(-) cord of beads worn around the waist by young girls ceinture de perles portee par les jeunes rilles

GAKAY gakay n. P fish - Arius gigas poisson - Arius gigas


GAKK- (1)

galovaaji (di) D braid, stripes ? galons

gakkude v.av DZ to hit with the door; to strike (illness) taper avec Ie battant(D); frapper (maladie)(Z)

Fr [galon/galonji):Z(-}


GAKK- (2) gakkannde (nde) spot tache

DY [alaadu,

allugal, luwal, wallaa(n)du)

gada (ka,o) / gadaaji (di)

GADDE gadde

pl.- wallaa(n)du


gaaco/ CZ [(pl.) gaeee):C


[galse 1

GALLAADI gallaadi

gacci (di) var.-

var.- ga/maare

galse n. T [galee curd (of milk) grumeau de lait

T [tobbere, tosannde)

GALAADI galaadi, galaaji GALAGAL



pl.- alaadu

galyude v.av D to throw up milk (a baby) rejeter du lait (chez Ie bebe)

galagal (ngal) Z (FJ,M) trumpet blast of the Last Judgement trompette du Jugement dernier




gamarawel n. I grass of the burgu - Echinochloa stagina herbe au burgu - Echinochloa stagina gamarawol (ngol) 0 species of aquatic plant espece de plante aquatique gambaraawo n. H vegetation of the burgu vegetation du burgu gambaraawol (ngol) 0 species of sweet grass; sprout espece d'herbe sucree; bourgeon

ganko n. 0 kind of flowers espece de fleurs

GANLIMOORE ganlimoore hiisa n. T [anndal hiisa, ganndal hiisa] arithmetic arithmetique

GANNDganndaado (0) Z braggart vantard ganndal (3?) (ngal) 0 [faaro] vanity vanite ganndeede v.pv DZ [fantude (1)] to be proud, boastful etre orgueilleux, vantard

GAMMA gamma (0) Z rheumatism rhumatisme

GAMMBARI gammbari n. 0 piece of music; piece of cloth used for hanging up a guitar morceau de musique; mourceau d'etoffe servant a accrocher la guitare

GANND- (2?) ganndaade v.mv DZ to meet, confront; to head towards rencontrer, affronter (D); se diriger vers(Z)

GANNDAL (1) ganndal; ganndo; ganndudo


V. annd-

gammbol (ngol) 0 limit, railing limite, garde fou

GAMOL gamol/gami V. GANDURE

GANNDAL (2) ganndal (nga/) / gannde (tie) DCZh CZ(M,BF) [beccal] [gannde]:DH cf.:[gannd- (2?)]


chest poitrine ganndeere (nde) M breast harness bricole

gandure (nde) Z cotton pagne dyed indigo pagne de coton teint a l'indigo



pl.- nganki

ganngiwol (ngo/) / ganngi, ganngiiji (di) CZ (M,BF)

gane (de) DZ(Seydou, 1987} Z(-) [ganni(nkoore)] language using anagrams, secret language, slang, coded speech langage par anagramme, langage secret, argot, parole codee

mane (of horse) criniere de cheval

GANNI ganni n. Dz Z(FT) Ghana (ancient?); (adj.) very old, of olden times Ghana(D) (ancien?); (adj.) tres ancien(D), des temps anciens(Z) ganninke (0) T [tamiid'o] conservative conservateur

GANGIWAL gangiwal (ngal) 0 central beam of a house poutre centrale d'une maison

GANJganjaade v.mv 0 to carry slung across the shoulder porter en bandouliere

GANKI ganki/gande V.




en saison des pluies pour retourner apres la crue garcigkaaku (ngu) M state of being a garciIJke etat du garciIJke garcigke (0) / garciIJkoooe (oe) DFM young herder (traditionally 17-30 yrs. old) who looks after the larger transhuming herd jeune berger (traditionellement 17 a 30 ans) qui surveillent Ie troupe au de grande transhumance

GANNI (2?) ganni, ganninkoore (nde) secret language langage secret


Z [gane)


gaQ8are (nde) / gaIJaaje (de)

DcZ [ganl)aare/

ganl)aaje):C cf.:[oro)

okra (pod of Hibiscus esculentus) gombo (fruit d'Hibiscus esculentus)

GAI)AARE (2) gagaare (nde) 0 basket panier



gardaade v.mv Z to march; to guard defiler; garder gardiijo (0) / gardi'en (oe) soldier of the guard soldat de la garde


gaiiude v.av DZ to have, succeed; to triumph, win; to pass an exam; to complete one's studies avoir, reussir (D); vaincre, gagner (Z); etre re~u a un examen (Z); terminer ses etudes

(Z) ngaiiaari (ndi) profit benefice

garda n. T paragraph paragraphe



GARDIIJO gardiijo V. gardGARDO gard"o V. war- (1) GARF-

gappude v.av 0 to crunch in a special way croquer d'une fa~on speciale

garfude v.av 0 to rub; to crush frotter; ecraser

GARA DCZ [baabaaho j

GARGASAAJO gargasaajo (0) / gargasaaoe (oe)




garaaji var.- gaaraaji; V. gaarawol

leather worker artisan de cuir



gardiid"o; gardiigu; gardinaad"o

V. ard-

gaiio V. waii-

gara (ka) indigo indigo



ngaiiaari ke()aI (1'): earnings; gain



gargasaajo (Riesman, 1974 & 19n(BF»): craftsman; artisan

gara) V. war- (1) Fr


garam n. T gram gramme



garguleeti (0) / garguleetiiji (di)



pitcher cruche, (gargoulette?)

garhinde V. gariibu



garbinde v.av+ext

garci (di) DFiM [garti):l larger herd which transhumes (moving north with the rains and returning to the delta when the flooding has receded) troupeau de grande transhumance compose du gros du cheptel qui se deplace au nord


to beg, request mendier, solliciter


CZ(Seydou, 1976a) CZ(M,BF,N)


garibaaku (ngu) Z [garibal] begging mendicite gariba) (nga/) Z begging (state), beggary mendicite (etat) gariibu (0) DZ8(Seydou, 1976a) [garribo] beggar; Koranic school student (who begs for alms) mendiant; eleve de l'ecole coranique (qui est mendiant) garribaade v.mv F [garbinde] to beg for alms mendier garribbo (0) / garribaaoe (oe) - V. gariibu F

garsaaji (di) cattle boeufs

GART- garte; garto) V. GARUWAL

DfZHI [garwal/garwuuje]: F ct.: [hufleere]

house of adobe or cement; room maison ou case en banco ou ciment; piece, chambre

GASgasii interj. FCZ C(FJ,M,BF),Z(FJ,M,BF,FT) [moYYii] good, okay; certainly, of course, that's good, that's fme; so much the better (C(FJ,Ff}) bien, c'est d'accord; certes, certainement, c'est bien, c'est parfait; tant mieux (C(FJ,Ff), Z{FJ,M,BF,Ff}) gasude v.av DF to be good, perfect etre bien, parfait

garmoode n. D wooden part of bellows bois qui fait partie du soufflet




gasude (CZ(FJ,Ff): to finish, end; finir, s'achever

GASAL gasa); gaso) V. asGATAMAARE


gamaani n. D [garnagal, hunting horn corne de chasse


gatamaare (nde)

ziM [ngatamaare/ngatamaaje]: Z(FT) [gata ware]: I

first big rain of the year premiere grosse pluie de l'annee

GAROL garo) n. list liste

war-t- (1)

garuwal (nga/), garuwol (ngo/) / garouje (de)


gamitaade v.mv + ext to meet rencontrer

D ct.:[garci]

T [doggol] cf.:[gar(r)ol]

GATE gate n. D wood of a bed bois qui fait partie du lit

garol cef>ondiral ? (1): order of magnitude; ordre de grandeur



gattoro (0) Z [gafltoro, neeta(a)ro] person who is impertinent qui est impertinent

garooje n. D ct.:[war-(1)] condition associated with the first dentition maladie de premiere dentition


GAROOWO garoowo v. war- (1) GARRIB- garribaade; garribbo V. gariibu GARS-

gaawa) (nga/) / gaawe (de) DZM Z(-) large spear, spear with a large flat point grand lance, lance it grand fer plat cordiforme gaawol (ngo/) / gaawi (di) ZT Z(-) canal [celol]; ditch [ildugo, gasal]; furrow canal(T) [celol]; fosse(Z) [ildugo, gasal]; sillon(Z)

garsude v.av D to mill, grind, crush moudre, ecraser ngarsiri (ndi) D dish made from ground millet plat de mil ecrase

-Tgawtaade v.mv D to dig the soil with its hoof (horse) creuser Ie sol avec Ie pied (cheval)


GAYN- (1)

gawtude v.av M [asude, I]awtude] to dig deeply creuser profondement

GAWDI gawdi var.- ngawdi 0 GAWJAL gawjal var.- gawyal GAWLO

gaynaade v.mv 0 [waynude, dur(u)de] cf.:[wayn-] to drive to pasture conduire au paturage gaynaako (0) / gaynaakoooe, gaynaaoe,


waynaaoe (oe)

DZ Z(-) [(pl.) aynaa(koo)be]:Z [duroowo] cf.:[wayn-]

herder, family herder berger(D), patre familial(Z)

gawlo (0) / wawluoe (oe) DFZq Z(-) [gaalaabo] [gawloojo / awlube, awloobe]:Z(-)

griot originally from Futa Toro(F); lower class of griot; griot - chronicler, genealogist griot originaire du Fouta Toro; categorie inferieure de griot(D); griot - chroniquer, genealogiste(Z)


GAYN- (2) gaynude v.av Dcz CZ(FJ,FT,BF) to terminate, fmish terminer, fmir, achever



gayngaade v.mv 0 to praise, congratulate louer, feliciter

gawlu n. (Seydou, 1987) [konngol, bi'aangol] speech parole



gaytude v.av( +ext?) 0 to succeed; to arrange, get ready reussir; arranger, appreter

gawri (ndi) / gaweeji (ai) DFCZHI C(-),Z(A) millet mil, petit mil


gawri bodeeri (I): white millet ?(1it. red millet), a short season variety; mil blanc ?(lit. mil rouge), une variete hiltive gawri mawde (I): large millet, a short season variety ; grand (petit) mil, une variete a croissance rapide

gebbol n. 0 cf.:[gewol, gew-] crack lezarde

GEDDAL geddaljgedde; geddo V. yedd- (1) GEDAL ged'aljged'e; ged'el V. yeaGEEel Wol

GAWYAL gawyal (ngal) / gawye (ae) DZVo [gawjal, yombal] cf.:[gombol]

stalk (of millet) tige (de mil)

geeci (0) DZb Z(-) sea mer

GAYDOOBAL gaydoobal n. 0 bustard outarde

GEEDI geedi pl.- yeendu GEELLE (1) geelle pl.- ngeendi; V. yenGEELLE (2)

GAYDOOMBAL gaydoombal IZ. 0 species of rodent espece de rongeur


geelle n. 0 gift, present don, cadeau

gayd'e; gayka; gaykaare/gaykaaje V.



GAYI gayi var. pl.- ngaari GAYLII)KOOBE


geelood'i pl.- ngeelooba

geene n. 0 species of grass espece d'herbe

Gayligkoo6e (oe) M inhabitants of the region near Saro habitants de la region pres de Saro

geene (de) (CZ(G,A)): high grass, weeds; hautes herbes, mauvaises herbes



GEENOL geenol (ngoZ) / geeni (di) DZ Z(M,FT)

gemaade v.mv D

nape (of neck) nuque

to be pleasing to plaire a



gemene n. D

geesaade v.mv DZ Z(-)

to sit down insolently; to confront, challenge, pit o.s. against s'asseoir effrontement(D); affronter, defier, se mesurer a qqn (Z)

beard and sideburns barbe et favoris

GEN- gene; genndi-; GENEWOL


genewol (ngol) D

geese (de) DZGHM Z(-) cf.:[palle, falla]

recipient; ornament for horses recipient; ornement de cheval

thread for weaving, weft thread, warp thread fit de trame(DH), fit a tisser(G), fit chaine(DZ)

GENSI gensi n. D [feeto]


horse race course hippique

geeto (0) / yeedoe (De) DZ

person who is thoughtful, lucid; normal person qui est reflechi, lucide (D); personne normale(Z)

GERE gere eZH C(BF),Z(M,BF} cf.:[bannge]

next to, beside, near


a cote de, pres de

geeye (de) DH [tigaaje, gerte] cf.:[ngeeyu (1)]


peanuts graines d'arachide

gerfude v.av D

to backbite medire

GEEYEL geeyel (ngel) Z [hottere]


clitoris clitoris

gerraI, gerlaI (ngaZ) / ge"e, gerZe (de) DCZHq CZ(+)

GEEYI geeyi pl.- ngeeyu (1) GEJJIRDE

bush-fowl, francolin - Francolinus spp. perdrix, francolin - Francolinus spp.

geijircfe n. M (Hist.) ef.:[gey(y)-]


name of a prison in Hamdullahi nom d'une prison a Hamdallaye

gertal, gertol var.- gertogai

gerte (de) DeZ Z(FT,M),C(FT) [tigaaje, geeye]



gele n. D

peanuts, groundnuts arachides

gap between the incisors espace libre entre les incisives



gertogal (nga/) / gertoode (de) DFeZH

gelenru (ndu) / ge/enji (di) Z (FJ,M,BF) [korral]

C(FJ,FT,G,A),Z(-) [eofal, gertal, gertol]

chicken(F); hen; rooster poulet(DH); poule(Z); coq(Z)

calf (Anat.); shin Mollet; tibia


GELLE geUe pl.- ngenndi; V. yenGELLEEJE gelleeje pl.- yellere & ngellewi; V.

gerwe n. 0

species of tree espece d'arbre



Geno; genum V. yen-

geloocfe pl.- ngelooki



GIDO ghfaacfe; gicfaacfo; gicfaale; gicfo V.

gerwo n. 0 tear, rip dechirure


GIGGOL giggol v. yiaGIGILE gigile pl.- ngigili GIHAL gibal/gibe var.- gi'al H GIHE gibe pl.- giire GIIDAL giidal V. yiy-d~ GIIL- giila; giileede; giilel; giilol/giili V. yiilGIIRE

GESE gese pl.- ngesa GEWgewude v.av Z (FT,M) to crack, be cracked feler, etre fele

GEY(Y)geY'elle (ae) DcZ C(FT,G),Z(FT,M,G) handcuffs, fetters menottes(D), fers de prisonnier(Z) geY'Y'ude v.av Z to put sb in irons mettre les fers a qqn

giire, giireere (nde) / gihe, gi'e (ae), giireeji (ai) DCZq Wire] cf.:[konndoore]

ground squirrel(C) - Xerus erythropus ecureuil(D), rat palmiste(CZ) - Xerus erythropus


GI'AL gi'al (ngal) / gi'e (ae)

DFCZH [giyaljgiye] [gihal, yi'al, yiyal]

giiri-gaara (0) Z (FT,M) goings and comings allees et venues


bone; thorn os; epine


gi'al musoroowal (Y): root, radical morpheme, central element of a noun, verb or pronoun, representing the substance of the word and the core of the given formation ; racine, morpheme radical, 'I'element central du nom, du verbe, du pronon, element representatif de la substance du mot, du noyau de la formation donnee.' (Y,

giisude v.av D to slow down, to sink in(to); to accost [fanndude] freiner, s'enfoncer; accoster [fanndude]

GIITEELE giiteele, giiteeli var. pl.- yiite GILA


giyel (ngel) M (Vet.) condition of the fetlock (of horse) molettes (du cheval)

gila, gilla DFCZH CZ( +) [ilia] since; before (with negative verb) depuis; avant (avec verbe en forme negative)

GI'E gi'e pl.- gi'al & pl.- giire GID-

GILAAJE gilaaje n. D species of plant espece de plante

gidaade v.mv 0 to frighten, threaten effrayer, menacer kammu ana gidoo : the sky looks threatening; Ie ciel menace gidaade (Z(Ff): to thunder; tonner

gidi (ai) D threats menaces gidude v.av to thunder tonner



GILDI gilcfi pl.- ngilngu GILE gile (0) DcZH C(FJ),Z(-) clove; kind of ingredient clou de girofle; sorte d'ingredient(H)


GILLA gilla var.- gila GILLE gille pl.- yiande; v. yiaGIMBAAJE


gidon (0) T handlebars guidon

gimbaaje (ae) bracelets bracelets





girbal (ngal) / girbe (ae) cz (G,M,BF) wooden spatula (for use in cooking); wooden ladle; wooden spoon(C) spatule en bois (de cuisine)(Z); louche en bois(C); cuillere(Z)

gimmbaawo (ngo) 0 hoe, type of daba houe, sorte de daba

GIMMBALLA Gimmballa PN IH(Sanankoua, 1990) region to the north of Kunari and east of Farimake; erg of Niafunke; (Hist.) (Y. Nabbe-Duud'e) region au nord du Kounari et a l'est du Farimake; erg de Niafunke(Sanankoua, 1990); (Hist.) (Y. Nabbe-Duud'e) (Sanankoua, 1990)


GIRLAAJO girlaajo (0) / irlay6e (6e)

member of a fraction of the Diallo clan membre d'une fraction du clan Diallo

ginal (ngal) / gine (ae) Ozq Z(FT) marabou stork - Leptoptilus crumeniferus marabout (oiseau) - Leptoptilus crumeniferus



pl.- ngiroowu, ngirow

girraaje n. 0 [yirroyirroonde] hair in spirals cheveux en spirale

gindude v.av 0 to rumble (thunder) gronder (tonnerre)



girraajo (0) 0 cf.:[girlaajo] honorary title titre honorifique

gine (0) / gineeji (ai) DZ thing [huunde]; (pl.) baggage [kaake] chose(Z) [huunde]; (pl.) bagages(D) [kaake]



giryude v.av 0 to roar ?; to be troubled? ronfler; se troubler

ginnaado (0) / yinnaa6e (6e)

Cz C(G,A,N,BF,M), Z(G,A,N,BF) [kaangaado, kaal')aado)

person who is possessed, crazy qui est possede, fou ginnaaru (ndu) / ginnaaji (ai) Z

GlTE gite pl.- yilere; V. yiyGIYAL giyal; giyel V. gi'al GIYIRAADO


Oinnaaru, jinni, ginnawol]

spirit, jinn esprit, djinn ginnawol (ngol) / ginnaaji (ai)

giY'iraad"o (0) / giyiraa6e (6e)

DFCZ CZ(FT,M) [giraado, banndiraado, waaldeere, waaldeejo] cf.:[girraad'o]

CZ C(G,M),


age-mate, friend of the same generation camarade de meme age ou de meme generation

(V. ginnaaru)(CZ); (Y. nginnaaku)(Z) nginnaaku (ngu) CZ (M,NO,G) [ginnawol] madness folie, demence

GIYYgiY'Y'ude v.av DZ to march, walk hard on one's heels marcher au pas(D), marcher en tapant les talons(Z)

GINOL ginol (ngol) / gini (ai) DZ Z(-) hobble for cattle; lead; rope passed through the nostrils of a pack oxen entrave pour boeuf(D); guide(D); corde passee dans les naseaux du boeuf porteur(Z)

GIRAADO giraado

(Monteil, 1932)

cf.: [girraajo]




giriyasi (0) T screening, fencing grillage

GO'O go'o V. GOB-

var.- giyiraaao


gobaade v.mv 0 to be cut up in pieces, break se decouper en morceaux, se briser 112


GOBBE gobbe (ae) 0 fruits of a liana; pips, seeds fruits de liane; pepins

gokkooru (ndu) 0 gris-gris, amulet which fits tightly around the neck gris-gris, amulette serrant Ie cou



gobe (ae) 0 nuts noix (pI.)

gokkulol (ngol) 0 fmery parure



gobiiru (ndu) 0 cf.:[booldu] club, bludgeon gourdin

goIal (ngal) / gole (ae) Z cheek joue



goddol (ngol) / goddi (ai) DZ Z(FT,M) throat, gullet gorge, gosier


golle (0) / golleeji (ai) DFZ Z(FJ,FT,M) work, job; action travail, besogne; action golIoowo (0) / golloo6e (6e) FZT Z(-) worker, person who works; agent travailleur, qui travaille; agent(T)


godoron (0) Tq tarred road; tar route goudronee; goudron

GODDO goddo; goddum V. GOGGIRAADO

golloowo fJaggiid'o (1): auxiliary agent; agent auxiliaire golloowo debbo / golloofle rewfle (F): maid; bonne gollude v.av DFCZH CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO)

woa- (1)

to work; to act travailler; agir(Z)

goggiraado, goggo (0) / goggiraa6e, goggo'en (6e) DFCZ CZ(G,A,M,NE) [909901]:Z


aunt (paternal)(FC); one of the father's wives tante paternele(CZ); une des femmes du pere(Z) goggo (0) dFcz aunt (term of address) tante (titre)


gollinde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to work for a salary(F); to make to work travailler pour un salaire; faire travailler(Z)

-IRgollirde (nde) T [biro, yiilirde, horrewal] bureau, office bureau gollirgaI (ngal) / gollirae (ae) ZT Z(-) tool [(pI.) kaake-gollinfi]; program [tuugorgal] outil [(pI.) kaake-gollinfi]; programme(T) [tuugorgal]

var.- go'o; V. woot- H

gojaare (nde) / gojaaji (ai) Zq bird with a large beak calao, oiseau a gros bec



goje n. 0 kind of children's game sorte de jeu d'enfants

golol (ngol) M tether, lead longe

GOKK- (1)


gokkude v.av Z (FT,M) cf.:[bonnude] to waste gaspiller

gom n. 0 starch amidon

GOKK- (2) gokkude v.av Z to collide with sth se heurter contre qqch



golwole pl.- wolde


touque(C); boite en fer blanc(Z)

gomaade v.mv 0 to be healthy etre en bonne sante

GONNJgonnjude n. 0 shouts of rejoicing of herders cris de rejouissance des bergers

GOMBERE gombere (nde) / gombe (ae) DZH [wuuflere] small ball made of flour (esp. millet) which is found in porridge; ball of millet dough petite boule faite avec farine (surtout de mil) qui se trouve dans la bouille; boule de pate de mil(Z)

GONNJO gooojo n. 0 kola - variety that comes from Ghana cola - variete provenant de Ghana

GONOGAL gooogal (ngal) 0 [goonoogal]:(8&, 1974) cf.:[dutal] species of vulture espece de vautour

GOMBO gombo n. DH air-vent? ventouse

GONONDIRAL goooodiral (ngal) T [baatondirral, waatondiral] conspiracy? conjuration

GOMBOL gombol (ngol) 0 cf.:[gawyal, yombal] fiber from millet stalks used for weaving mats fibre de tige de mil pour tresser des nattes


GOMMA gomma, gommo certain certain


-Tgoobtajum (aum) Tb bleaching agent decolorant

GOMYAL gomy-al (ngal) 0 species of grass espece d'herbe

GOOBE goo6e pl.- wo06re; V. wo06GOODAALI goodaali V. wood- (3) GOODAL goodal V. wood- (1) GOOFAL

GONDAL gondal; gondudo V. won-dGONDINDE gondinde; gondude V. goonga GONDI gondi pl.- gon(n)gol; V. woyGONG-IN-

goofal (nga/) D temporary pen parc temporaire

gonginde v.av+ext 0 cf.:[goonga] to inform ?; to expect avertir; s'attendre a


googeerujgoogeeji var.-

woogeern; V. woog- DCz C(G,A,N,FJ,M),



gongel (ngel) Z haunch, hind leg (horse) hanche, patte arriere (cheval)



goobaaki Tb [noonaaki] colorless incolore

GOOLOOWO gooloowo (0) M (Hist.)? Ueeyoowo] cf.:[gooyt-] town crier crieur public

gongol, gonngol V. woy-


gonje n. 0 porridge made with watermelon bouillie de pasteque

gooQdiode v.av+ext dF [gondinde]:D to believe in, have faith in, worship, adore croire en, avoir confiance en, adorer(D) gooQdude v.av F [gondude] to believe, believe to be true croire, croire que qqch est vrai

GONNGOORU goongooru (ndu) / gonngooji (ai) CZ Z(M,G) petrol tin(C), gas can; metallic container



goonga, ngoonga (ka,o) / goongaaji (di) OFCZ CZ(-)

gorcol (ngol) 0 [worcoonde] knot noeud

truth; justice verite; justice




gooro (0), gooroore (nde) / goorooje (de) OFCzb C( +),Z(G,A,N,BF) [goro] kola, kola nut cola, noix de cola

gorgaJ n. OCZ C(NQ,BF,M),Z(NQ,BF,M,Gam) [hiirnaange]

west ouest


GORO goro var.- gooro GOROBONE Fr

gootaade v.mv 0 to look at with distain regarder avec mepris

GOOTO gooto; gootum V. GOOYT-


gorobone, goroboneejo (0) / gorobonee6e (6e) OZq


one who is elegant [kappalaaru]; pretentious dandy; (pej.) big shot, boss galant(D) [kappalaaru]; gommeux(Z); (pej.) gros bonnet, patron (Z)

gooytaade v.mv( +ext?) 0 to proclaim publicly crier publiquement

GORRAL gorral n. 0 day of rest of a herder jour de repos de berger

GOOYE gooye (de) OZ peanut hay; hay, leaves (forage) fanes d'arachide(D); fane, feuilles (fourrage) (Z)

GORROL gorri (di) 0 cf.:[worr-] lines; small animals lignes; petits animaux gorrol (ngo/) / gorri (di) OZT [goroljgori]

GOPPgoppaade v.mv 0 to collide se heurter

[doggol, garol]

row, line, column, classification; paternal lineage from male to male; blood relations; paternal relatives rang, rangee(D), colonne(T), classement(T); lignee paternelle de male en male(Z); parente consanguine(Z); parents paternels(Z)

-INgoppinde v.av +ext 0 to ram into, strike tamponner, heurter

GOPPEERE goppeere (nde) 0 large sparrowhawk gros epervier

gorrol capanoe (T): tens column; colonne des dizaines gorrol go'ooji (T): ones column; colonne des unites gorrollimtawol (T): alphabetical list; liste alphabetique gorrol ndewaaku (T): alphabetical list by sex ; Iiste alphabetique de sexe gorrol teemedeeji (f): hundreds column; colonne des centaines gorrol ujunaaji (f): thousands column; colonne des milliers

GOPPOL goppol (ngol) 0 type of path sorte de chemin

GOR - gor-; gorbi; gorel; gori; gorko; gorword'i


V. wor- (1)

gortaalo (0) 0 divorced man, widower divorce, veuf

GORBgor6ude v.av 0 to grumble grogner

GORWOL gorwol (ngol) / goruuji (di) Z [yayre] river; pond riviere; mare 115



gosi (0) / gosiiji (ai) DzE Z(FT) type of porridge; porridge made from millet sorte de bouillie; bouillie de mil (E)

gubaa II. D ardor, pressure fougue, poussee gubude v.ov D to push pousser

GOSIIWE gosiiwe (nge) D [wijaawe] cow with its horns turned back on its head vache aux cornes rabattues sur Ies tempes

GUBBAL gubbal (ngol) D [guppal] hook of a guitar crochette de guitare

GOSOL (1) gosol n. D incantation against a bad spell incantation contre Ie mauvais sort

GUBgu6aade v.mv D to cut a tree down at ground level couper un arbre a ras de sol

GOSOL (2) gosol (ngol) D rope for cows corde pour vache

GUBBgu66aade v.mv DZ to punch, hit with the fist donner un coup de poing, frapper avec Ie poing wu66ere (nde) / gu66e (ae) DZ [Iukkere, uttere] punch; fist coup de poing; poing(Z)

GOWE gowe n. D type of roots sorte de racines

GOYBUDE goybude v.ov D to mix when weaving mats with leaves of diverse colors melanger en tressant les nattes de feuilles de diverses couleurs

GUDDAL guddal V. wudd- (2) GUDDE gudde pl.- wuddere GUDDI


guddi (ki) DH species of tree espece d'arbre

goylere (nde) D [goytol] sprain, dislocation, bruise entorse, luxation, contusion goylude v.ov Z to bruise o.s.; to have a dislocation se contusionner; avoir une luxation






v. wudd- (2)

guddo (0) Z man without a successor homme sans successeur



goytol (ngol) D [goylere] sprain, dislocation entorse, luxation

gude pl. wudere (1&2)

gufa n. D [ngufa] shock of hair tignasse

GOYYgoy-y-aade v.mv D to drink to excess boire a l' exces

GUFAADE gufaade n. D warning mise en garde

GU gu, guhu (ngu) D [puccu] horse cheval

GUGURUURE guguruure (lIde) D dump, place where garbage is disposed depot d'ordures, terrain de decharges 116



guhu V. gu

gullal (ngal) D cf.:[yul-] large hole? gros poquet

gujal n. D [wujo, gujowal) shell of a mussel coquillage de moule


GUJE guje pl.- wujo GUJJO gu.uo v. wujjGUJJUWAL



gummeeje pl.- ngummeewi &

wummere; V. ngummeewi

gujowal (ngal) D [wujo, gujal) shellfish coquillage

GUMPOL gumpol (ngol) / gumpi (di) Di(Cisse, 1982) (Sanankoua, 1990) [gumpel):1 cf.:Uumpude) trail for the movement of herds within the delta; path made in the water by animals; corridor granted to an outside herd for passage through a plot of land used by a family piste de deplacemant des troupeaux a l'interieur du delta; voie tracee dans l'eau par les animaux(D); couloir de passage accordes a un troupe au etranger dans une parcelle familialement appropriee(Cisse, 1982)

GUKKgukkaade v.mv D to bang o.s. against sth se cogner gukkude v.av Z (FT,M) to push away brusquely repousser brusquement gukkungo (ngo) / gukkuli (di) Z brusque push poussee brusque guld'um V. wul-

GUMU gumu n. D instrument for weaning calves instrument pour sevrer les veaux

gUIi (di) D lack of knowledge or understanding ? meconnaissances guli (Z(-»): retracted statements; propos rt!tractes


GULl (2) guli, gulli pl.- wuddu GULIWULTI

guneede v.pv D to be taken away etre emporte

guliwulti n. D contradiction, confrontation contradiction, confrontation

GUN-T- (2?) gunteede v.pv D to be distended etre ballonne

gulwuli (Z(-»: statement made in anger; propos tenus avec colere



gullaade v.mv D to deny, contradict nier, contredire


guile pl.- wullere (2)

gumalo, gumaro n. D one who is beardless; one who is without horns imberbe; sans corne

gu.uuwal (ngal) Z oyster huitre


guile; gullite V. wull-

gunamaare (nde) D type of grass sorte d'herbe

gullaali, gullali pl.- wullaango;


V. wull-


gundaade v.mv DZ Z(FJ,FT,M) to whisper, murmur chuchoter, murmurer




gungaade v.mv V. gungude Z gungal (nga/) 0 [gunl)ere] cf.:Dookre, yaawnde] rising of water, isolation by water crue, isolement par eau gungeede v.pv 0 to be isolated etre isole gungude v.av Z [gungaade] to ftll up with water during the rains (basin) se remplir d'eau pendant les pluies (bassin) gunguwol (ngo/) 0 dike digue gunQere (nde) 0 [gungal] rising of water, isolation crue, isolement

guppude v.av Dz Z(BF) [Ionnude] to wash clothes, wash on a board faire la lessive, laver sur planche(D)

GUPPAL guppal (nga/) 0 [gubbal] hook of guitar crochette de guitare

GURAL gural; gure V. GURB- (1) gurbaade v.mv 0 to clear (land) defricher

GURB-IT- (2) gurbitaade v.mv+ext 0 to get up abruptly se lever brusquement

GUNNDI gunndi (ndi) 0 draught animal bete de trait

GURI guri p/.- ngurn GURMAL gurmal n. 0 species of tree espece d'arbre

GUNNJgunnjude v.av 0 [eggude] to transhume transhumer

GURMU gurmu n. 0 small construction on the deck of a boat ? rouf

GUNNJURU gunnjuru, gunjuuru (ndu) DZH [saaya kaasa] woolen boubou; wool woven for boubous; warm clothing (of wool) boubou en laine(D); laine tissee pour les boubous(H); habits chaudes (en laine)(Z)

GURROL gurrol (ngo/) 0 string of fruit chapelet de fruits



gunnud"o (0) 0 person who is proud, arrogant qui est orgueilleux

gursaade v.mv DZ to scratch o.s. vigorously, scrape o.s. se gratter vigoureusement, se faire une ecorchure gurso n. 0 mange gale d'animaux gursude v.av DZ to remove the seeds from cotton; to give sb a scratch egrener Ie coton(D); faire une ecorchure it qqn(Z)

GUNUURU gunuuru (ndu) 0 weeds of the rice fields mauvaises herbes des rizieres

GUNANNJEERE guiiannjeere (nde) 0 woodpile? bOcher

GUNO guiio, guiia n. scabies gale


DCZ [gaaye. liaaao, lior(ng)o]

GURSOOJE gursooje (ae) 0 cf.:[ngursoowi] wild fruit? (of Grewia sp.?) pommes sauvages (de Grewia sp.?)




gurtol (ngol) / gurti (tfi) DCZ [burtol]:D [buurtol]:C passage of animals, cattle trail passage d'animaux(D), piste de betail(CZ)

guuluuli (tfi) 0 [boolooli, buuluuli] water lilies - Nymphaea lotus, N. micrantha nenuphars - Nymphaea lotus, N. micrantha



gurugara n. 0 type of cream sorte de creme





guume (de) 0 bracelets of silver bracelets en argent

guruguru n.? 0 onomatopoeia onomatopee



guurte n. T [kurje, kurja, fooftere] cf.:[wuur-t-] vacation conge

gusude v.av 0 [daasude] to drag trainer



guurtol (ngol) / guurti (tfi) 0 [buurtol] boulevard, large route boulevard, grande voie

gusuuru (ndu) / gusuuji (tfi) DCZ cf.:[gus-] rat (large) rat (gros(D»

guurtol/guurti (CZ(NO,BF): cattle trail; piste de betail [gurtol]



gute (tfe) 0 rumbling grondements gutude v.av 0 to rumble gronder

guusude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) to slow down; to stop short (horse) freiner(D); s'arreter net (cheval)

GUUTU guutu, guutubala (0) / guutuuji (di) DZ Z(-) phantom, monster fantome, monstre

guttird"o, guttirgal; guttuld"i V.




guu6e pl.- wuuliere

guutuure (nde) 0 plant, clump of grass plante, touffe d'herbe

guudaade v.mv 0 Uoodude] to dribble, drool baver guundol (ngol) 0 cf.:[kooyal] drool bave



guurawal (ngal) 0 [maagawal] fishing implement instrument de peche

gurugukkunnal n. 0 species of bird espece d'oiseau


guumeeje var.pl.- wummere; V.

ngummeewi 0

GUYguyaade v.mv 0 [fuusaade, siidaade] to joke blaguer


guugi pl.- nguugu

guyaaji, guyaale, guyaali pl.-

nguyka; V. wujj-


H HAAD- (2)

HAA (1)

baad'ude, baadude v.av FCZ C(-),Z( +) to stop (at the limit(F)); to reach the limit(F); to end s'arreter (a la limite); atteindre la limite; se terminer, aboutir kaaddi, kaadi (2) (ndi) DZ Z(+) [kaattudi, keerol] limit, border; end (Z) limite, frontiere, borne; aboutissement, kaandi (ndi) Z limit; integrity limite; integrite kaattudi (ndi) czt CZ(FJ) [kaaddi (1), keerol] limit, boundary limite, frontiere (CZ)

baa interj. 0 cf.:[hayaa] response to being called reponse a un appel

HAA (2) baa var.- faa

czh CZ(FJ,FT,NE,G),


HAABkaabo (0) / haabidoe (oe) Z (M,DO) woman who has had children femme ayant eu des enfants


HAABU baabu n. DZ Z(M,BF) [(ko)]:Z wool; cotton [rimo] laine(D); coton(Z) [rimo]


kaattudi dow (Math.)(T): maximum; maximum kaattudi ley, kaattudi les (Math.)(T): minimum; minimum

haabu-baali (CZ): wool; laine

HAA'Bbaa6ude v.av DFZ Z(-) to be sick of, be fed up, have had enough of, grow weary of; to be obsessed se degouter de, en avoir marre, en avoir assez, se lasser de; etre obsede(Z)

-Tbaad'lude v.av Z (-) to come to an end; to reach a limit s'achever; atteindre une limite ko haaatinay (T): infinite ; infini

HAA'BE Haa6e pl.- Kaado HAACbaacude v.av

HAAHAA'BE baabaa6e var.- haangaaoe; V. haang-

CZ (FJ,M,NO) [halbude] cf.:[aatude,




baaju (0) / haajuuji (di)

Fczbu C(FJ),Z(FJ,FT) [haaje (d'e)]:CZ(M,BF,N,G,A) [haajo (o)]:Z(FJ,M,Gam) [hood' eende]

to cry out for help cner au secours

need; problem; business besoin; probleme; affaire baajude v.av FZ Z(-) [hood'eede] to need, want; to have business, a problem, a care (F) avoir besoin, vouloir(Z); avoir affaire(Z), un probleme, un souci

HAAD- baadude var.- haadude; V. haad- (2) Z

HAAD- (1) baad'ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [riiddude] to be bitter; to be sour(F) etre amer; etre aigre(Z) kaadi (1) (ndi) Z bitter pulp of wild watermelon; bitterness, bitter flavor pulpe amere de pasteque sauvage; amertume, gout amer kaad'am, kaad'd'am (dam) DFCZ [kosam

HAAKO baako (ko) / kaake (de), kaakolooji, haakooji, kaakooji, kaakooli (di) DFCZ CZ(+) [haakoloowal, kaakol]

leaf; leaves, foliage; young plant(C); sauce made with leaves or legumes feuille; feuilles, feuillages; jeune plante(CZ); sauce en en feuilles et en legumes(CZ)

kaad' (d')am]

soured milk, curds; soured milk used for curdling lait caille(D); lait aigre servant a cailler(CZ) kaad'd'um (dum) / kaaddi (d;) DZ sth bitter qqch d'amer


haakoloowol (ngol) / haakolooji (di)



[haaklowol]:D [haakolo]:Z [haako, kaakol]

haaldude (e) (1) v.av+ext FZ(Seydou, to talk with, converse, discuss parler avec, converser, discuter

leaf; young plant; leafy branch feuille (plante); jeune plante(Z); branche feuillue(Z) kaake (de), kaald (di) FZt thing$, belongings, baggage affaires, possessions, bagages

-Nhaalnude v.av+ext DF(Seydou, 1987) to explain(F); to tell; to make an announcement to expliquer; dire(D); faire annoncer a(Seydou, 1987)

kaake dudal (f): school furniture; mobilier scolaire kaake-gollirdi (F): tools ; outils [gollirde) kaakol (ngol) DZ Z(-)

container; (V. haakoloowal) recipient; (V. haakoloowal)(Z)

-Rhaaldude (2) v.av + ext (Seydou, 1987) to speak (in this or that way), speak by means of, speak for, speak because of parler (de telle ou telle maniere), parler au moyen de, parler pour, parler a cause de

HAALhaala (ka) / haalaaji (di)

1987) Z(-)

DFCZq(Seydou, 1987)


speech, discourse; conversation, discussion; language, dialect(F), language (style), speech (manner ot), idiom; matter(C), business, problem parole, discours; conversation, palabre; langue, dialecte, langage(Z), parler(Z), idiome(Seydou, 1987); chose(Z), affaire(CZ), probleme(Seydou, 1987) haaleede v.pv (Seydou, 1987) to be disparaged, criticized etre decrie, critique haalude, haalde v.av DFCZVV CZ(-) [wowlude]

-Thaaltude v.av+ext DFzY(Seydou, 1987) Z(FT) to repeat gossip, repeat a statement (that was heard); to report, recount, expose; to convince repeter des racontars, repeter un propos (entendu); rapporter, raconter(Z), exposer(DY); convaincre(DY)

-T-ANhaaltande v.av+2exts z(Seydou,1987) [haltandej to report to; to recall to, indicate to; to let in on the secret rapporter a (Seydou, 1987); rappeler, signaler a (Seydou, 1987); mettre dans Ie secret(Z)

cf.:[wiyde, merude]

to talk, speak parler, dire ko haala (Scol.)(f): oral; oral [(ko) haaletee):T

kaalaado (0) / haalaafJe (fJe) (Seydou, 1987) person who is spoken about, criticized personne dont on parle, critiquee kaalld n. D speech, language parole, langue kaaloowo (0) / haaloofJe (fJe) MV [kaloowo/

-T-IDhaaltidinde v.av +2exts (Seydou, 1987) to agree again on s'entendre a nouveau sur, se remettre d'accord sur


kaloof)e]: M

haaltinde v.av + 2exts DY to denounce; to announce; to warn denoncer; annoncer; mettre en garde

speaker, person who speaks; intermediary in all sorts of matters [penngoowoJ parleur, qui parle; intermediaire dans toutes sortes d'affaires(M) [penngoowoJ

-T-IN-ONDIRhaaltinondirde v.av +3exts DY to denounce each other se denoncer mutuellement

-ANhaalande v.av+ext (Seydou, 1987) to talk to, talk of; to expose, explain, announce (sth) to; to inform, advise, warn (sb) of parler a, parler de; entretenir (qqn) de; exposer, expliquer, annoncer (qqch) a; informer, aviser, avertir (qqn) de

-T-ONDIRhaaltondirde v.av+2exts (Seydou, to tell tales about each other se cafarder mutuellement



haandinde neddo e huunde (Z): to consider sb as worthy of sth ; considerer qqn comme digne de qqch

HAAMhaameede v.pv to be tight etre serre



HAANGhaangeede, haaueede v.pv FZ [haandude) to be crazy etre fou haalJude v.av Z to drive mad rendre fou kaand"i (ai) Z madness folie kaangaad"0, kaaQaad"0 (0) / haangaalie, haal)aalie (lie) DFCZ C(M,NO,BF),Z( +)


haamili (0) DZ [debereedu, pewoowo) pregnant woman femme enceinte haamilude v.av FCZ [fewde, bamude reedu) to be pregnant etre enceinte

HAAMNhaamnaade v.mv( +ext?)

Fz Z(DO,M)


[kaahaal)o, ginnaado)

to be bothersome, troublesome, a nuisance etre vexant, etre tracassier, etre importun haamnaare (nde) DZ Z(DO,M) sth unbearable; humiliation; harassment qqch d'insupportable (d); vexation(Z); tracasserie(Z) haamnude v.av( +ext?) Z (DO,M) [haamnaade):Z to upset, bother, importune vexer, tracasser, importuner kaamniid"o (0) D person who is irritating, bothersome individu aga~ant, genant

crazy person fou

HAANGE haange (nge) / kaalii (ai) LS cf.:[haab-, haab-) young cow (that has calved only once) jeune vache (qui n'a encore vele qu'une fois

(S» (Gaden, 1914(FI)): 2 to 3 year-old heifer (obsessed by bulls) ; genisse de 2 II 3 ans (obsedee par les taureaux)

HAAI)- haalJaalie; haaueede; haauude V. haang-

HAAMRE haamre (nde) / kaalii (ai) obsession obsession

HAARZ cf.:[haab-)

haarude v.av FCZ CZ(-) [faltude (2)] to be full, have had enough to eat etre rempli, rassasie


HAARAN haaran - var.- harama HAAREERE haareere; haareewi HAAS-

haamu (0) Z cf.:[hamm-) preoccupation, worry; affair preoccupation, souci; affaire

haasaade v.mv D to be smooth etre lisse haasannde (nde) / kaasaade (ae) file lime haasude v.av DZ to file; to rub limer(D); frotter(Z)

HAANhaanude v.av FCZ CZ(-) should, oUght to; to be just, correct (F); to deserve; to be necessary devoir; etre juste, correct; meriter; etre necessaire(Z)

HAAND- (1) haandude v.av to be crazy etre fou

Z [haangeede, haal']eede)



haasidaade v.mv+ex-t Zb to bring envy to sb ? porter envie a qqn haasidaagal (ngal) Z manifestation of envy manifestation de l'envie

HAAND-IN- (2) haandinde v.av+ext Z (Fr,M) to consider as worthy of sth considerer comme digne de qqch



Z (Fr,M)

V. kaareewi

haasidaaku (ngu,o) DZu Z(-) egotism; enmity; hate egolsme(D); inimitie(Z); haine(Z)

kaawesi (0) / kaawesaaji (di) dF [kaaweefi):D [(pl.) kaaweeji):F [kaawee)

marvel, wonder, miracle miracle, merveille



haatannde (nde) / kaatane (de) DFZ

haawnaade v.mv+ett FCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M)

Z(FJ,M,Gam) [(Pl.) kaatene) [(Pl.) kaatine):CZV

[haaynaade, haynaade)

one of the three supports (stone or pottery) on which a cooking pot is placed; (pl.) the three supports on which a cooking pot is placed; (pl.) cooking place, cooking area one des trois supports (en pierre ou en terre coite) ou se pose la marmite; (pl.) les trois supports ou se pose la marmite; (pl.) cuisine, foyer

to be surprising, astonishing, marvellous etre surprenant, ebahissant, merveilleux haawnude v.av+ett FZ Z{-) [haaynude (2), juhude, yaylaade]

to surprise (sb), astonish, fill with wonder surprendre (qqn), ebahir, emerveiller

HAAY- (1)

kaatene jaawuoe (Sarwuusi Jannde Maw&e, 1984): improved wood stove ; foyer ameliore kaatene Jenne (Hist.)(A.I. Diallo, 1986): Moroccan palace in Jenne, which consisted of three structures ; palais morocain Ii Djenne compose de trois edifices


haayaade v.mv Z [tallude) to train (e.g. a horse); to tame dresser (p.ex. cheval); dompter

HAAY- (2) haayde v.av T [taayde] to melt (v.i.) fondre (v.i) haayo n. T [taayo) melting fonte


haatumeere, haatimeere (nde) Ztu Z(+) [haatummeere, hartumeere, hatumeere)

design with magical properties; tablet with a passage taken from the Koran; document; table dessin a vertues magiques; tablette avec sentence prise du Coran(Z); document(Z); table(Z)

-Nhaaynude (1) v.av+ett T [taayde] to melt (v.t.) fondre (v.t.)

haatimeere (alluwal ?) (I): diagram; diagramme haatumeere durso e jimol (Scol.)(I): table of recital and song; tableau de recitation et chant haatummeere (Scol.)(I): schedule; emploi de temps hartumeere cowgol (Math.)(I): multiplication table; table de multiplication hartumeere kaooi (I): age chart; tableau d'age hatumeere jalJde (I): schooling list ; table de scolarite hattumbeere (Z(A»: rectangle ; rectangle

HAAYNhaaynaade v.mv Cz C(BF,M,NO,G),Z(BF,NO,G) [haynaade, haawnaade)

to be astonishing, prodigious, strange, surprising; to be surprised etre etonnant, prodigieux, etrange, surprenant; etre surpris haaynude (2) v.av Z [haawnude] to surprise, fill with wonder etonner, emerveiller

HAAWhaawde v.av FZ Z{-) [haawnaade, haaynaade, haynaade]

to be surprising, astonishing, marvellous etre etonnant, ebahissant, merveilleux haaweede v.pv FZ Z(-) [hamnaade] to be surprised, astonished etre surpris, emerveille kaawcfe (de) D [kaawee] surprise(s) surprises, etonnement kaawee (0) / kaaweeji, kaawakeeji (di) cZ

HAAYRE haayre var.- hayre FCZ CZ(+) HABAARU habaaru (ndu,o) / kabaruuji (di) - var.- kabaaru FCZ C(M,BF,FJ),Z(-) [alkibaar, kibaaru]

HABAJAADA habajaacfa var.- abajadda G HABha6eede v.pv DH to make trouble, fight faire des histoires, se battre


astonishment, surprise; miracle, wonder [kaaweefi, kaawesi] etonnement, surprise; miracle, merveille (Z) [kaaweefi, kaawesi]



ha60 (ngo) / haliooji (di)

DFcZ C(FJ,NO), Z(FJ,M,NO) [fitina, fiiriinde, fembere]

quarrel, fight, battle, dispute querelle, bataille, dispute ha6re (nde) / kalie (de) - V. haoo

haccitaade v.mv( + ext?) FZ Z(-) to eat lunch(F); to eat a large lunch dejeuner; dejeuner copieusement(Z) kaccitaari (ndi) / kaccitaaje (de) dF [kacitarri]:D


C(G,A,NE,BF,M) ,Z(G,A,NE,BF,M,FJ) ha6ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-)

cf.: [bottaari, sawdaari]

midday meal, lunch repas de midi, dejeuner

to fight, quarrel se battre, se quereller


-IRka6irgal (ngal) / kaliirde (de)

haddaade v.mv FZ to be circumcised subir la circoncision haddamaare (nde) Z pagne, cloth wrap; clothes pagne; ensemble de vetements haddude v.av CZ CZ(G,NE,M,FJ) to dress or wrap with a pagne, fasten a cloth around(C); to hide, protect; to subtract; to circumcise habiller ou entourer d'un pagne, attacher un pagne; cacher, proteger (Z); soustraire(Z); circoncire(Z) kaddu (ngu) Dcz CZ(FJ) dress, clothes tenue, habillement kaddungal, kadungal (ngal) / kaddule, kadule

dZT Z(-) [(pl.)


weapon, arm, armament arme, armement

-Tha6taade v.mv +ext Z to make a counter-move when wrestling, defend o.s. riposter au cours d'une lutte, se defendre

HABBha66ere (nde) / kaMe (de)



bundle of firewood; bundle of millet; package; (lit. that which has been bound together) fagot; gerbe de mil; paquet; (lit. ce qui a ete relie ensemble) ha66ude v.av FCZH CZ(-) to tie, attach, bind attacher, lier, bander ka66ucfo (0) / haliouoe (oe) CZ CZ(A,M,BF) fiance(C) [cabbuoo]; fiancee fiance(C) [cabbuoo]; fiancee(Z) ka66ugal (ngal) 0 celebration of marriage celebration de mariage

(de) DFCZV C(M,BF,FJ),Z(M,BF,FJ,DO) [kaddu, koltal, kultu]

garment; clothing vetement; habillement

HADhacfude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to prevent, stop; to refuse; to prohibit(F); to advise against empecher; refuser(D); interdire, defendre (Z); deconseiller(Z)


ko haaata ndiyam (T): impermeable; impermeable F cf.:[mboc:fa, ngoc:fa]

ka66anaad"o (0) / halilianaalie (lie)

CZ CZ(A,M,BF) [cabbaac:fo, yamanaac:fo, cabbu-cabbu]

kad"aacfi (di) taboos tabous

fiancee, woman who is betrothed fiancee


-ONDIRka660ndiral (ngal) alliance alliance

hacfcfe Cz C(FT,M),Z(FT) before(C) [fad(d)e]; until avant que(C) [fad(d)e]; jusqu'ft ce que(Z)

T [aadondiral]

HAF- (1)

HAChacaade v.mv to remember se rapPeler

hafaade v.mv 0 to be slender etre svelte hafeede v.pv 0 to be slender avoir une taille svelte



hafude v.av D to make a bundle of wood faire un fagot

hakkille (0) / hakkilleeje (de) Fz [hakkil(l)oj hakkil(l)aaji]:cZ(M,BF) (hakkil]:Z(-),T

sense, intelligence, intellect, reason; attention; memory bon sens, intelligence, intellect, raison; attention; memoire(Z)

HAF- (2) hafaade v.mv D [weepaade] to underestimate sous-estimer kafe (1), kafiyaaku n. D lacking respect sans estime


hakkunde (nde) / hakkundeeji (di) DFCZHY CZ(+)

middle, center; (prep.) between, in the middle, in the center milieu, centre; (prep.) entre, au milieu, au centre

HAGANE hagaiie? n. I resprouts of the large grasses repousses des grandes graminees

hakkunde-jemma (FZ): midnight; minuit [hejjere, reedu-jemma] hakkunde-naange (F): noon ; midi hakindo (Math.)(1): mean (average) ; moyenne ko hakkindii (Math.)(1): average; moyen kakindal, kakkindo (Scol.)(1): passing mark of fifty per-cent ; moyenne

HAlhajaade v.mv D [yecfcfinde] to calm calmer

HAlJA Hajja V.

hakkundeejum (dum) T intermediate ? intermediaire hakkundeere (nde) / hakkundeeje (de) FCZ



hakkitinde v.av +2exts D to separate, lift separer, lever


intervening space espace, intervalle hakkundeeru (ndu) / hakkundeeji (di)

~(1) Ar hakke (0) / hakkeeji (di) DFCZ C(G,A,NE,M,BF),

Z(Riesman, 1974 & 1977) Z(-) [hakkunde]

Z( +) [hakkee]:Z Uunuuba]

middle finger medius, majeur hakkundeewol (ngol) T bisector bissectrice

sin, offense, fault; act which is legally permitted or prohibited; expiation peche, offense, tort; acte legalement permis ou defendu(Z); expiation(Z) accan am hakke (Fz): forgive me (lit. leave me my sins) ; excuse(z)-moi, pardonne(z)-moi (lit. laissez-moi mes pecMs)

hakkundeewol tatiwal (Math.)(1): median; median hakkundewol mbecfu (1): diameter; diametre


~(2) hakke adv. T

halaade v.mv DZ to be powerful, strong; to put on weight etre puissant, fort (D); engraisser (v.i.)(Z) halde v.av DZV to leave an animal non-castrated; to fatten; to give power laisser un animal non castre(D); engraisser (v.t.)(Z); donner la force(V)

as much, as many autant



hakkilalJke (0) / hakkilQJ}keefie (fie) F intelligent person personne intelligente hakkilante (0) D reasonable man homme raisonable hakkilde, hakkilude v.av DFCZ C(-),Z(A,M) to pay attention; to have sense, be intelligent (F) faire attention; avoir du bon sens(D), etre intelligent

halude (Riesman,1974&1977 (BF)): to have a lot of personal power; avoir beaucoup de force vitale kalhaldi (ndi) / kalhali (di) DZ Z(-} [kalahaldi, kalohaldi]:Z

non-castrated male, stallion, bull male non castre(D), etalon(Z), taureau(Z)


death; to be cursed depenser; perdre qqch par distraction(Z); etre perdu, perir de mort violente (Z); etre maudit(Z)

HAL'Bhalfiude v.av

DCZ CZ(FJ,M,NO) [haacude] cf.:[aatude, hiwde]

to shout loudly, cry out for help(C) crier fort(D), crier au secours( CZ)



AI kalfaad"o (0) / halfaaoe (oe) Z master, owner of sth maitre, proprietaire de qqch kaliifa (o,ka) 0 that which is entrusted or held in trust, consignment ce qui est confie ou mis en depot, consignation

hallude v.av Z).J Z{-) to weave a fringe(V); to twist (string) tresser des franges(V); tordre (ficelle)(Z)

HALLERE hallere (nde) / kalle (ae) male genitals, penis sexe masculin, penis

HALTANDE haltande var.- haaltande; V. haal-t-an-



AI Hamdallay Lm Hamdullahi - name of the capital of Masina (1818-1862) (in Arabic - 'praise to God') Hamdallaye - nom du capital du Massina (1818-1862) (en arabe - 'louange aDieu')

halfinde v.av DFZ to entrust, put in sb's care, put in storage; to confide in, confide to (F) confier, donner en garde, mettre en depot; se confier a, charger de kalfinaad"o (0) T [kowal]:T cabinet (ministerial) cabinet ministeriel


AI hammu (0) / hammeeji (ai) Fzb Z(FT) [haamu] worry, preoccupation souci, preoccupation hammude v.av FZ Z{-) to be preoccupied by, worried about; to plan sth etre preoccupe, soucieux; projeter qqch

HAU- (1) haljude v.av 0 to take in the mouth prendre dans la bouche

HAU- (2) haljude v.av to paddle pagayer

DZ Z(-)· [hollere]


HAMMA hamma (0) CZ (M,BF,A) first son; elder brother premier ftls; frere arne

HAU- (3) haljude v.av Z [awjude, yirwude] to be lively, restless etre tres vif, remuant

HAMMADI Hammadi, Hamadi PN

DZ(BA et Kesteloot, 1969) (Seydou, 1977) Z{-) cf.:[Afo]

HAU- (4)

name given to the firstborn son prenom donne au ftls aine

haljere (nde) Z turbulence; misfortune, misery [awjere, aybu] turbulence; malheur, misere [awjere, aybu] haljude v.av z (FT) to be worried; to be turbulent etre preoccupe; etre turbulent kaljud"o (0) / haljuoe (oe) Z (FT,M) person who is worried, tormented qui est preoccupe, tourmente

HAMMANAARE hammanaare (nde) / kammanaaje (ae)

CZ [kamamaari/kamamaaje]:Z(M,BF) [bam(m)baari, mbam(m)baari, makari]

corn, maize


HAMNhamnaade v.mv to be surprised s'etonner

HALKhalkude v.av cZ C(BF,A),Z(+) to spend (money); to lose sth due to absent-mindedness; to be lost, die a violent


H [haaweede]

finir, epuiser; etre acheve, fmi, termine, epuise; reunir(D); corriger(D) kantu n. D success reussite, succes

HAMPERE hampere (nde) D wad of tobacco bouchee de tabac



hampirre (nde) Dq [Ioonde] water jar that is squat in form ? canari plat

haiiude v.av D(Riesman, to defecate (humans) defequer (humains)



haniri n. Z [alhariiri] thread of silk mde soie

happaade n. D accusation accusation happude v.av DZ Z(-) to accuse [tuumde, taafude, e66aade]; to slander, accuse falsely accuser(D) [tuumde, taafude, e66aade]; calomnier, accuser faussement (Z) kappud"o (0) T [tuunmdo, taafdo] accuser accusateur

HANKEN hanki, haUki, hankin, haukin, hanken


CZ(+) Demma yabbiido]

last night ceUe nuit, la nuit derniere (Ff,FJ,FN): yesterday; hier

HANNhannude v.av( +ext?) Z to hit frapper

HAPThaptaade v.mv F to get angry se facher

HANNDE hannde n. DFCZ CZ(-) [hannden] today; now, presently aujourd'hui; maintenant, a present

HAR- (1) haraade v.rnv Z to measure o.s. against se mesurer avec qqn

HANNDEERE hanndeere (nde) / kanndeeje, hanndeeje (ae) DCZ CZ(M,BF)

HAR- (2)

basket, large basket corbeille, grand panier

HANO hano HANSIIRU hansiiru (ndu) puppy chiot

1974 & 1977)

harde v.av Z'f Z(-) to snore ?; to purr; to groan; to breathe rontler; ronroner(Z); gemir(Z); respirer

var.- wano; V. way- F

HARAAMU haraamu; haram; hariima V.

D [dawaangel]




harama n. Zu [haaran] third month of the harvest season of the Fulani year troisieme mois de la saison des recoltes de l'annee peule

HANT- (1) hantaade v.mv DZ to be nice; to be a serious man etre sympathique(D); etre un homme serieux(Z) kantiid'o (0) Z serious man homme serieux

haaram (S): first month of the Fula and Muslim year; Ie premier mois de I'annee peule et musulmane

HARFEERE harfeeje (ae)


FC C(G,A,M,BF) [abajadda, habajaada, karfeeje, limto]

HANT- (2) hantude v.av DCZ CZ(BF,M,NO) to finish, exhaust; to be accomplished, finished , terminated, exhausted; to collect; to correct

alphabet alphabet


harfeere (nde) / karfeeje (de)




hamere (nde) / kame (de) earring (small) boucle d'oreille (petite)

letter of the alphabet; word [konngol]; notion; phoneme; (pl.) alphabet [harfeeje, abajadda, habajaad'a] caractere de l'alphabet; mot [konngol]; notion(Z); phoneme(G); (pl.) alphabet [harfeeje, abajadda, habajaad'a]

HARO haro (ngo) / harooji (di) game, amusement jeu, amusement

harfeere limoore (1): abstract number; nombre abstrait



DZ cf.:[har- (1)]



harkiUe (0) / harkilleeji (di) mosquito net moustiquaire


harrude v.av( +ext?) to twist (rope) tresser (corde)

F [arkilla]

Z [hawde (2)]



hartaango (ngo) / kartaali (di) - V. kaartudi hartere (nde) / kane (de) - V. kaartudi Z

haraamu (0) DZ Z(-) prohibited, illicit prohibe, illicite haram (0) / harameeji (di) FZ Z(-) illicit act, sth forbidden; sin; taboo qqch d'illegitime, qqch d'illicite; peche(Z); tabou(Z) hariima n. 1M pastures or watering places reserved for village herds paturages ou points d'eau reserves aux troupeaux villageois harmude v.av FZ Z(-) to be forbidden (by religion), illicit etre interdit (par la religion), illicite karamaajo (0) / karamaa6e (6e) Z [njaalu, flii



hartude v.av zr Z(DO),R(A) cf.:[tuttude, siryude] to spit; to clear the throat(R) cracher(Z); se racler la gorge kaartudi (ndi) DCZ CZ(G,BF,M) [hartaango, hartere]

spit, spittle crachat

HARTUMEERE hartumeere


haatumeere, haatimeere T

HAShasude v.av to praise louer

haram, meereejo]


illegitimate child, bastard enfant illegitime, batard karmu (0) Z cf.:[kadaadi, mboda, ngoda] taboo, prohibition tabou, prohibition



hasbo n. T


results, balance

bilan hasboore (nde) Zf last Judgement Jugement dernier

-INharminde v.av+ext DZM Z(-) to renounce, give up forever; to prohibit, proclaim or make illicit renier, renoncer a jamais; interdire, proclamer ou rendre illicite (Z) harmingol, karmingol (ngol) T banishment banissement

Z(-) (ReI.)

HASID-INhasidinde v.av+ext Z cf.:[haasid-] to be interested in doing sth, have need of sth etre interesse de faire qqch, avoir besoin de qqch

HAT- (1) hatude v.av D to have sexual relations avoir des relations sexuelles kate n. D sexual relations rapports sexuels

HARI)harQude, hamude v.av Z to wrap envelopper


HAT- (2)

s'entendre; rencontrer(DZ), tomber sur(Z); joindre(CZ); se rassembler( cZ) kawraad'un,kaWTad'un n. T consentual consentuel kaWTital (ngal) F meeting rencontre, reunion

hatude v.av Z to be punched or kicked ? recevoir des coups

-INhatinde v.av+ext Z (.) to punch or kick donner des coups



haWTinde v.av +ext T to bind lier

hattaade v.mv 0 to regret regretter



haWTindinde v.av +3exts T to assemble assembler

hatte DZ Z(-) affirmation; certainly affirmation(D); certainement(Z)


HAW- (1)

haWTondirgol (ngol) T [dentondirgol] assemblage assemblage kaWTondiral (ngal) T centralization centralisation

hawde v.av DZT Z(FJ,FT,M) [honude, jiimde] to have the upper hand, defeat, win; to butt with horns or with the head; to attack, fall upon; to pillage; to conquer avoir Ie dessus, vaincre, gagner; donner des coups de cornes, frapper de la tete (Z); attaquer, foncer sur (Z); piller(Z); conquerir(T) kawgel (ngel) T [dacfondiral] competition concours kawngu n. T [njiimaandi] conquest conquete kawu n. 0 [lib(u)gol] victory victoire

HAWRE haWTe (nde) 0 bundle, sheaf gerbe

HAWSANKE Hawsanke (0) / Hawsankoooe (oe) Z Hausa Haoussa hawsaQkoore, hawsankoore (nde) F(Seydou, 1987) [hawsaare]:Z(M,A)

Hausa language langue haoussa

HAW- (2)


hawde v.av DZ Z(-) to weave; to twist (rope) [harruoe] tisser(D); tresser (corde)(Z) [harrude]

hawtaade v.mv 0 to start; to leave demarrer; partir kawtiid'o (0) 0 person who has started (to go) qui a demarre

HAWJhawjude v.av Z (FT,M) [hawjicfidde] to be stubborn etre entete


-IDhawjid'idde v.av +ext V. hawjude Z

var. fay cZh C(FJ),Z(-)

haya interj H cf.:[nde(e)n, ndenno, jonne] then alors

HAWRhawrude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to reconcile; to agree, see eye-to-eye (F); to meet, run into (F); to join(C); to assemble reconcilier(D); se mettre d'accord(Z),


HAYAA hayaa interj Z ct.:[haa shout to call sb cri d'appel

kay-youd'o (0) 0 person who is not tranquille, who is difficult qui n'est pas tranquille, qui est difficile


HEBB-INhebbinde v.av+ext to fill remplir

HAYBhaybude v.av FZ Z(FJ,M) to take care of(F); to watch prendre soin de, s'occuper de; surveiller(Z) kayboowo (0) Z guardian gardien

HEBBERE hebbere (nde) / kebbe (de) Okqr burr grass - Cenchrus biflorus; prickly seed of burr grass cram-cram - Cenchrus biflorus; graine epineuse du cram-cram

HAYME hayme n. 0 [oaawo, kuutu, female genitals sexe feminin



HAYN- haynaade - vaT.- haaynaade; V.

he6eede v.pv 0 to be possessed; to be taken etre possede(D); etre pris(D) he6ude, heMe v.av OFZT Z(-) to have; to obtain, get, procure avoir; obtenir, gagner, se procurer ke6al (nga/) / ke6e, he6e (de) OZT Z(-) acquired earnings, earnings, acquisition; assets; economy; production, result of work; (Scol.) results; revenue gain acquis, gain, acquisition; avoir(Z); economie(D); production, resultat du travail (Z); (Scot) resultat(T); revenu(Z) ke6ud'e (de) 0 vice made of wood (traditional) etau en bois (traditionelle) ke6ude bifdi n. 0 handle of the bellows (forge) manche de soufflet (forge) kebki (ki) Z earnings, acquired wealth gain, richesse acquise kekki (ki) Z cf.:[kemki] action of spoiling (e.g. a child) action de gater (p.ex. un enfant)


Z (M,A)

HAYRE hayre, haayre (nde) / kaaye (de)



stone, rock; rocky place, rocky hill; hill, mountain pierre, roche; lieu rocheux, colline rocheuse; colline, montagne haayre njamdi (Z): iron ore ; minerai de fer kaaye persirde (D): weights; poids Hayre-Seeno PN M (Hist.) [Seeno-Hayre]

one of the five regions of the Masina empire, hinterland of Fakala and Kunari une des cinq regions de l'empire du Massina, arriere pays du Fakala et du Kounari kaay-al, kay-a. (nga/) Do large stone, mountain grosse pierre, montagne kaay-e. (nge/) / kaayoy (koy) zTo Z(-) cf.:[koeeu] pebble, small stone caillou, petite pierre

HAYThaytude v.av( +ext?) 0 to have one's period avoir ses regles

HECC- (1) heccude v.av FeZ C(FJ),Z(-) to be older (than) etre plus age

HAYTALLA haytalla, haytala in a moment en un instant



+HANI)KI hecci-hagki, hecci-hagkin n. night before last la nuit d'avant-hier

HAYYhay-y-era n. 0 turbulence turbulence


hecci-hanki jemma (Z(M,BF,N,FJ,Ff): during the night before last ; avant hier pendant la nuit


hed"eneede n. M kind of examination serving as culmination of Koranic studies sorte d'examen servant a couronner l'enseignement coranique

+ KEENA hecci-keeiia n. Fez C (A) ,Z(OO) day before yesterday avant-hier



hecciti-keeiia n. F three days ago it y a trois jours

hettinaade v.av+2exts V. hedaade CZ (M,BF,NO)

hettinagol (ngol) Z hearing, listening audition, ecoute

HECC- (2) kecco adj. 0 new nouveau keccol (ngol) oz greenery; fresh, raw verdure(Z); frais, cru (D)

HEDDERE hed"d"ere (nde) / kedde (de) OZ Z(-) [heyyere/ keyye]

clot of blood caillot de sang


kedde-kedde (D): many clots of blood; beaucoup de caillots de sang

heccid"ude v.av Fez CZ(-) [heeeude (2)]:F cf.:[hes-

HEDUM hed"um var.. HEEBEERE Ar


to be fresh, be tender; to be new; to be green; to be humid etre frais, tendre; etre neuf(Z); etre vert(Z); etre humide(Z)

hodum; V. dum Z

heebeere (nde) / keebeeje (de), keebeeji (di) OCZbM CZ(G,A,NE,BF,M) (Equ.) [heeboode/ keebooje]:Z [alkab(e)re]:B(FT),Z(FT,G,A)


stirrup etrier

heddaade v.mv FCZ C(FJ,FT,M,BF),Z( +) to remain, be left over [horaade); to perish, die (while on a trip or at war) rester [horaade); perir, mourir (en voyage ou ala guerre)(Z) heddude v.av Z (FJ,FT,M) to leave a remainder; to omit; (Y. heddaade) laisser un reste; omettre; (Y. heddaade) kedde (de) OF remains, remainder, left-overs restes, reliquat

HEEDheedude v.av FCZ C{-),Z{ +) to be located; to be located near, be in the vicinity of; to be behind (overdue?, backward?) etre situe, se trouver; se trouver a cote, etre aux alentours de; etre arriere(Z) heedude caggal (Z): to stay behind; se tenir derriere

keedal (ngal) 0 [deende] part, neighborhood partie, voisinage

HEDDE hedde prep. FZT CZ(FJ,BF,M) [heede]:Z(FJ,M)


cf.: [heed-]

heedirde v.av+ext F to be located at, located in se trouver a, etre situe a

to, towards, by, near, in the direction of; (adv.) about, approximately (F) a, vers, pres (de), dans la direction de; (adv.) a peu pres, environ (T) heddere F near, in the direction of pres ( de), dans la direction de

HEED-AN- (2?) heedande v.av+ext F to protect from proteger de



heed"ere (nde) / keede (de) Z [helitande) shard, fragment of sth broken tesson, fragment d'une chose cassee

hed"aade v.mv FCZ CZ(-) [hettinaade] to listen (attentively) ecouter (avec attention(Z»




heefude v.av DCZ CZ(-}

beewde v.av FCZH CZ(-} [hewde]

to scale (fish), skin, peel; to scrape, scratch ecailler, ecorcher, eplucher; racIer, gratter (Z)


to be much, many, plentiful; to be full etre beaucoup, etre nombreux, abonder; etre rempli, plein heewde kiiti (Z): to be quarrelsome; etre enc1in aUK querelles ko Duri heewde (F): usually, most often; d'habitude, Ie plus souvent beewi ZTH Z(-) [ko heewi]:H

beefeer6e, beefer6e pl.-


HEEGE beege (o,nge) / heegeeji (ai) DCZ C(FJ},Z(FJ,M}

many; full beaucoup; plein

[yolbere, yolbere]

hunger, famine faim, famine

ana heewi (F): it's a lot ; c'est beaucoup faa heewi (H): many, lots; beaucoup keewal (ngal) DZ Z(-)


large quantity, abundance grande quantite, abondance keewki n. T capacity capacite

beelade? v.?v D

to choose the best animals choisir les meilleurs animaux

HEEL- (21) beelde v.av V

HEEYRE beeyrejkeeye HEEY- (1)

to remove the milk from butter delaiter Ie beurre


var.- heyre D

beeyude v.av D

to slice, cut into small pieces trancher, couper en petits morceaux

been Fz Z(-}

in it, of it, among, on en, dans, de, parmi, sur

HEEY- (2)


beeyude coggu v.av T [damude coggu, yeeyude coggu] cf.:[hey-]

beendu, benndu (ndu) / kene (ae), keneeli (ai)

to set the price fixer Ie prix

FCZ CZ(-} cf.:[henn-]

wind; air

vent; air



befere (nde) D

scale (e.g. of fish) ecaille

beefieede v.pv D [bonude]

to be spiteful etre mechant keefiu n. D cruelty, meanness cruaute, mechancete

HEJJbeiiere (nde) DZ [hakkunde-jemma, reedu-jemma]

midnight; night minuit; nuit(Z)


beiiude v.av DZ

to get up during the night; to not get to sleep until very late at night, to not sleep at night se lever la nuit(D); ne pas dormir jusqu'a tres tard la nuit, ne pas dormir la nuit (Z)

beefiere (nde) / keene (ae) DZ Z(-) [helriere, heeyre, heyre]

liver foie



beeraade v.mv D

beiiinde v.av+ext Z (+)

to choose among others choisir entre autres

to keep sb from sleeping; to awaken empecher qqn de dormir; reveiller

keeraagu (ngu) D


prejudice, bias parti pris

bekude v.av DZ Z(-)

to cackle (hen, guinea fowl, etc.); to chatter 132

hellude v.av

(monkey) caqueter, chanter (poule, pintade, etc.); caqueter (singe)(Z)

to clap one's hands (rhythmically); to hit, slap battre les mains (en cadence(V»; frapper, gifler, claquer

HEKKhekkude v.av 0 to perk o.s. up; to be greedy se ragaillarder; etre gourmand

HELL- (2) hellere (nde) / kelle (ae) Z (-) fruit of kelli fruit de kelti hellude v.av V to collect leaves ofkelli cueillir 1es feuilles de kelli kelli (ki) / kelle (ae) dZAbkM Z(M,DO) bush, small tree - Grewia spp. arbuste, petit arbre - Grewia spp.

HELheide, helude v.av

DFCZV CZ(-) [feyyitidde,

fusude, tokkitinde]

to break casser, briser kelgu / kelae 0 break cassure kelol (ngol) / keli (ai) zr Z(-) break, broken place, fracture; (Math.) line (of fraction, etc.) [diidol] casse, cassure, fracture (Z); (Math.) barre (de fraction, etc.)(T) [diidol]


Z (M,BF)

hello (2) n. T page page


fragment, broken piece fragment, morceau casse heltaade v.mv+ext DCZ CZ(-) to fold, bend (v.i.); to break again (v.i.); to cease (rain, rainy season)(C) [heltude] se plier(D); se casser de nouveau(D); cesser (pluie, saison des pluies)(CZ) [heltude] heltere (nde) T [feccere] fraction fraction

HELNERE helfiere (n{ie) / keliie (ae) var.heeiiere Z

HEMMBhemmbere (nde) 0 cf.:[kelngu, fracture fracture hemmbude v.av Z (Med.) to put back into place remettre, remboiter kemmboowo (0) Z bonesetter rebouteur

heltere piccal (Math. )(f): decimal fraction ; fraction decimal heltude v.av+ext DFCZL C(-),Z(+)

to break (an ear (corn) or stalk), shatter, smash into pieces; to cease (rain, rainy season) [heJtaade] casser (un epis ou une tige(D», fracasser, briser en petits morceaux; cesser (pluie, saison des pluies)(ZL) [heltaade]


HEMNhemnude v.av( +ext?) 0 to give to, help to obtain donner a, aider a obtenir

HELL- (1) hello (ngo) / kelle (ae)


(A,Z(M,DO),RX(A»: G. mollis (M,(M.S. Diallo, 1990)(F»): G. bicolor (K(BF),(von Maydell, 1983)(-»: G. mollis, G. bicolor (Riesman, 1974&1977 (BF»): G. tenax (Ba, 1985 (F»): a sacred tree of the Fulani associated with feminine activities; un arbre sacre des Peuls, associe aux activites feminines

-(I)Thelitande (nde) / kelitane (ae)



HEM(E)RE DcZ C(FJ),Z(-) [feerio]


hemre, hemere (nde) / keme (ae) eighty; one-hundred quatre-vingt; cent hemre alsilaama n. 0 [teemed ere ] one hundred (lit. Islamic hemre) cent (lit. hemre islamique)


slap, slap in the face, cuff; clapping (at a dance); (pl.) applause gifle, soufflet, taloche; battement des mains (a la danse)(Z); (pl.) applaudissements(D)



hemre, hemre-bambara n. eighty quatre-vingt


F [cappancfe jetti]

HENNhennaade v.mv D to winnow; to blow (wind) vanner; venter

(buucfi) hemre(-bambara) : 400 F CFA hemre(-bambara) e sappo n. F [cappancfe jeenay]

hennata (1): odorless; inodore

ninety quatre-vingt dix

HENNDhenndude v.av

(buucfi) hemre(-bambara) e sappo : 450 F CFA


hemre(-bambara) sappo wala V. mali-hemre e sappo mali-hemre n. FZ [mallihemre]:Z [cappancfe

to demarcate; to divide, separate (C) delimiter(Z); separer, departager (C)



sixty soixante

henndirde v.av+ext CZ (G,A,NE,BF,M) to demarcate; to divide, part, separate (C) delimiter(Z); partager, diviser, separer (C)

(buucfi) mali-hemre : 300 F CFA Fzo [mallihemre e sappo]:Z [hemre(-bambara) sappo wala, cappancfe je(e)cfcfi]

mali-hemre e sappo n.

HENNDU henndu var.- heendu

HENS- hensaade; hensaare V. hemsHENWIN-

seventy soixante-dix (buucfi) hemre(-bambara) sappo waiaa, (buucfi) mali-hemre e sappo : 350 F CFA

henwinde v.av( + ext?) T [diyyinde, deeynude] to decant decanter henwingol (ngol) T [diyyingol, deeynugol] decanting decantation

HEMShemsaade v.mv V. hemsude Z [hensaade] hemsaare (nde) Z (DO,M) [hensaare] premeditation; plan that has been carried out premeditation; projet realise hemsude v.av Z (DO,M) [hemsaade] to act with premeditation; to carry out a plan agir avec premeditation; realiser un projet

HENhefiaade v.mv DFCZ C(FJ,M),Z(-) [yaaw(u)de] to rush, be in a hurry, hasten se presser, se depecher, se hater hefiude v.av FZ Z(-) to hasten, hurry, rush se hater, se presser, se depecher

HENhenude v.av DZ to be gallant, neat etre galant, propre(D)


HENDE hende interrog when quand

hefifii adv. H enough assez hefifiude v.av DZ to have enough; to eat one's fill avoir suffisamment(D); se rassasier(Z)

Z cf.:[ho-, nde (2)] [man(n)de]

HENDELDE hen del de (nde) spindle fuseau


HEPPheppere (nde) dZ Z(-) haste; impatience precipitation; impatience heppude v.av FZ Z(FJ,M,A) to be impatient (in waiting for sth); to be in a hurry, hurry, do sth quickly; to wait, hope for etre impatient (en attendant qqch(Z»; etre presse, se presser, faire vite qqch (Z); attendre, esperer (Z)

HENDU hendu interrog Z [hocfum, what, what thing quoi, quelle chose

hocfun, kocfun]

ko hendu? (Z): what is it? ; qu'est-ce que c'est?

HENERDE henerde n. window


T [foliniire, foloniire, falanterej




hese-hese Z (BF,M) [heese-heese]:Z [seese-seese] slowly; long time lentement; longtemps

beppiyere (nde) T [euumu, taddo] asphyxia asphyxie beppiyidde v.av 0 to be short of breath avoir Ie souffle entrecoupe

HESINDhesindaade v.mv( +ext?) 0 to go alongside cotoyer

HERK-ITherkitidde v.av Z to start laughing se mettre a rire


HETEERE beteere (nde) / keteeji (ai) wall (of a compound) mur (d'une cour)

HERRherrude v.av( +ext?) Z to take sb's side prendre parti pour qqn


HETI- (1) hettude v.av DFZ Z(-) to harvest(F); to cut recolter(D); trancher(D), couper(Z) kettal (ngal) / kette (ae) Fez [keltal (2)]

HERShersa (ka) DFZ(Blonde et aI, 1988) Z(FJ,M,BF) modesty, reserve(F), proper behavior(F) honte, modestie, bon comportement hersude v.av DFCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF) [yaagaade,



harvest recolte, moisson kettungol (ngol) DeZ


to have shame, be modest, be reserved avoir honte, etre modeste, etre reserve


[ketungol, cettungol]

cream creme

-INhersinde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF) Uinndude] to shame, embarrass; to humiliate, offend; to snub; to oppress faire honte a, embarrasser; humilier, offenser (Z); rabrouer(Z); oppresser, opprimer (Z)

HETI- (2) hettude v.av Z (FJ,FT,M) to plan; to make a plan, forsee; to invent planifier; etablir un plan, prevoir; inventer

HETIINAADE hettinaade; hettinagol V.



heryere bakalleere n. T groove of a pulley gorge de poutie

HEWDE hewde HEWT- (1)

HES- (1)

var.- heewde


hewtaade v.mv 0 to catch up with rattraper hewtude v.av DFCZ CZ(-} [yottaade] to arrive, achieve, reach a goal; to recuperate, recover, take back arriver, parvenir, achever, atteindre un but; recuperer, recouvrer, reprendre

bes- (+suf.), kes- (+suf.) adj. dFeZh new neuf, neuve besude v.av F [hesdude, hesididde, heydude] et.:[heee- (2)]

to be new etre neuf, nouveau

-(I)Dhesd'ude, hesid'idde v.av+ext V. hesude




hewtaade v.mv Z to free o.s., extricate o.s.; to have free time se liberer, se degager; avoir Ie temps libre hewtaare (nde) Z liberty, independence; well-being, prosperity liberte, independance; bien-etre, prosperite


HES- (2) hesude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) to cut; (huoo) to cut grass tondre, couper (D); (huoo) couper de I'herbe(Z)




beyre (nde) / keye, keyye, kelie (de)

hili6itaade V.nlV+ext DZ to move back; to approach reculer(D); s'approcher(Z)

DCZ CZ(FJ,G,A,M,NE,BF) [heeyrejkeeye] [heenere, helnere]

liver; (Vet.) distomiasis foie; (Vet.) distomatose(D)

-ONDIRhili60ndirde v.av+ext ZT Z(-} to be close to each other; (Math.) to be complementary [timmitirde] se resserrer l'un contre l'autre(Z); (Math.) etre complementaire(T) [timmitirde]

HEYbey-i, bey-ii FH [ko heyyi]:H enough assez bey-ude v.av FCZ CZ(-) to be enough, be full; to contain; to suit suffire, etre pleine; contenir(Z); convenir(Z)

HEYYERE bey-y-ere

HI'BO hilio / kioe cover couvercle

var.- heddere DZ




hiddude v.av

bibbude v.av ~umnude(1),


DFCZ [bawlude, ~awlude(2), sillude, soofude]

to urinate unner kibbam (dam) / kibbe (de) unne urine, urines

to be old, worn, get old etre vieux, use, vieillir


DZ [cille]

hiiddude v.av to be cunning etre ruse




bili6aade V.nlV DZ Z(-} to approach; to lean against; to be tight; to end up, join; to close up; to end; to get angry s'approcher; se serrer contre(Z); etre serre(Z); aboutir, se joindre (Z); se fermer(Z); s'achever(Z); se facher(Z) hili600de (nde) / kioooole (de) Z closing fermeture bili6ude v.av DFZ Z(-) to be complete(F); to tighten; to cover (e.g. with a cover); to surround; to close a ring; to perfect, put the finishing touches to etre completeD); serrer(Z); fermer (p.ex. avec un couvercle)(Z); entourer(Z); fermer un anneau(Z); parfaire, parachever (Z) ki66al poortiingol n. T diamond ( shape) losange ki66udi n. D complement complement

hiijaade V.nlV D to guard, keep ? garder

HIIKhiikude v.av Z to groan, moan (as one wounded) raler

HIILhiila (o,ka) DZH Z(-) cunning, deceit, deception; clever move, stratagem; way ruse, tromperie, duperie; habilite, stratageme (Z); maniere(Z) hiilde v.av DZV Z(-} to deceive, delude, mislead sb tromper, leurer, induire en erreur

HIIMhiimaade V.nlV

CZ C(BF,N,M,G,A},Z(BF,M,G,A} [miccaade, miijaade, miilaade] cf.:[him-]

to think, consider, believe, reflect, ponder penser, songer, croire, reflechir, mediter

-INhili6inde v.av+ext to complete completer

dFCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF} [hiicfcfude]:DC


HIINNUDE hiinnude




var.- hiimude; V. hiir-n-


HIINOLDE hiiiioide (nde) / kiiiio[ae, kiiiioole (ae) DZ pancreas [biiialde]; crop (of birds), gizzard pancreas(D) [biiialde]; jabot (des oiseaux)(Z), gesier(D)

hiirnaange (nge) FCZy CZ(FJ,FT,M,NE) [hirnaange, gorgal]

west ouest Hirnaangene (0) / Hirnaangeno06e (6e) Z



hiiraande, hiraande (nde) / kiiraaae, kiraaae (ae) DFZI Z(-) [hiiro] evening meal, dinner repas du soir, diner hiirde, hiirude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to be late (in the evening), be night; to spend the evening faire tard, faire nuit; passer la soiree hiiri n. F evening

a Westerner, an inhabitant of the west un Occidental, habitant de l'ouest

HIIShiisa (o,ka) / hiisaaji (ai) DCZTH CZ(FJ,M,BF) [hiise (o)):cz cf.:Oate]

calculation, counting; arithmetic calcul, comptage; arithmetique hiisa binndaad'o (T): written calculation; calcul ecrit hiisa hoore (T): mental calculation; calcul mental hiisa kaalaaka (T): oral calculation ; calcul oral hiisaade v.mv DCZT C(-) [hiis(u)de] [limude, jataade]


hiiro (ngo) V. hiiraande Z kiikiide, kiikihfe (0) DFCZH CZ(-) evening, afternoon soir, apres-midi kiirhirdi (ndi) D cf.:[kirhirdi] shadow in the evening ombre Ie soir kirte n. D evening chat causerie du soir

to calculate, count calculer, compter hiisaare (nde) T accounting comptabilite hiisiyanke (0) T [annducfo jannde hiisa] mathematician mathematicien hiisoore (nde) T operation (mathematical) operation (mathematique) hiisude, hiisde v.av Fz Z(FJ,BF,A) [hiisaade,

-Nhiirnude v.av+ext FZ [hirnude] to greet in the evening se saluer Ie soir

jataade] cf.:[limude]

to calculate calculer

-N-Dhirndude v.av+2exts dZ Z(-) to go on a trip in the evening aller en voyage Ie soir

HIIThiitaade v.mv DZ to reproach, reprimand, scold; to express one's displeasure faire des reproches, reprimander, gronder; exprimer son mecontentement kiite / kiitaaji CZ [kiita]:C(G,A,M),Z(G,A) judgement, sentence; judgement, legal procedings; law jugement, sentence; jugement, proces; droit

-N-ONDIRhirnondirde v.av +2exts Z to greet each other in the evening se saluer Ie soir

-Thiirtaade, hirtaade v.mv+ext DFZ Z(-) to eat in the evening, eat dinner manger Ie repas du soir, diner hirtagol (ngo/) / kirtaae (ae) DZ Z(-) dinner, evening meal (action); time of night corresponding to dinnertime diner, repas du soir (action(Z)); moment de la nuit correspondant au diner

HIITAANDE hiitaande var.- hitaande HUhijaango (ngo) / kijaa/i (ai) DZ Z(-) neigh hennissement



hijude v.av to neigh hennir




hilleede v.pv DFCZ Z(-) to be interested in, be affected by, be attracted; to be concerned(C) s'interesser a, etre affecte par, etre attire; s'inquieter(C) hillude v.av FZV Z(-) to interest(F), affect(F), attract attention; to be interested in sth interesser(Z), affecter, attirer l'attention(Z); s'interesser a qqch(V)


Alhajji DFz title of EI Haj (man who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca); title of respect for an older man(F) titre d'EI Hadj (homme qui a fait Ie pelerinage a La Mecque); titre de respect pour un homme age Hajja F title of a woman who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca; title of respect for an older woman(F) titre d'une femme qui a fait Ie pelerinage a La Mecque; titre de respect pour une femme agee hi,iji, hiiju (0) Z (+) pilgrimage to Mecca pelerinage a La Mecque hiijude v.av DFCZ CZ(M,BF,N,G,A) to make the pilgrimage to Mecca faire Ie pelerinage a La Mecque

-IThillitaade v.mv +ext F to bother, disturb importuner, troubler

HIMhimaade v.mv to suppose supposer

himyaango (ngo) / ldmyaa/i (di)

Z [hinyaango,


blinking; wink clignotement; clio d'oeil himyude v.av Z [hinyude, hiriude, mayyude] to wink, blink cligner de l'oeil, clignoter kimyol (ngol) 0 [himyaango, hinyaango] wink clin d'oeil

(Seydou, 1981)

HIKK-IThikkitaade v.mv +ext Z to advance, approach avancer, s'approcher

HINERE hinere (nde) / kine (de)



[hineere]:Z [kinal]

nose(F); nostril(C); (pl.) nose nez(DZH); narine(Cz); (pl.) nez(CZH)

hikkintinde v.av + 2exts Z to put in front; to prefer, single out; to cause sb to succeed (e.g. to a position) mettre devant; preferer, distinguer; faire succeder qqn

hineere floggol (Z): knot at the end of a rope; noeud terminal d'une corde kinhinol (ngol) 0

rope for leading a pack oxen corde du nez du boeuf porteur

HIKKA hikka (0) DFZH this year cette annee

0 cf.:[hiim-]


-Oyki,ijoyd"o (0) pilgrim pelerin


Z(-) [nde hitaande]

HINKORDE hinkorde (nde) / ldnkorde (de) small calabash petite calebasse

HILhilde v.av V to shout loudly to cause animals to advance in the water pousser un hululement pour faire avancer des betes dans l'eau

HINNhinnaade v.mv DFZ [hinnude] to care for, take care of s'occuper de, prendre soin de hinnude v.av V. hinnaade F


Z (G,A,M)



hinnde (nde) T caste caste

hiroowi (ki) A bush - Salvadora persica arbuste - Salvadora persica

hindiroe (Z(-»: people of the same ethnic group; gens de la meme tribu

HIRShirsude v.av DFZ Z(-) to slaughter an animal (by slitting its throat); to kill in cold blood(F) egorger, abattre un animal; tuer de sang froid kirse (de) Z FT,M) massacre massacre kirsoowo (0) 0 butcher, one who slaughters animals (by slitting the throat) egorgeur

HINhifiude v.av 0 [himyude, mayyude] to wink cligner de l'oeil

HINALDE hifialde (nde) 0 [hiir'iolde] pancreas pancreas

HIPPhippaade v.mv ZL Z(-) to lie down on one's stomach se coucher sur Ie ventre hippere (nde) 0 lining doublure hippude v.av FCZ C(-) to turn over, reverse, turn upside down; to be overcast (weather) renverser, bouleverser, mettre qqch a l'envers; etre couvert (temps)(Z) kippu n. 0 [cuddu] mist, fog brume kippudi n. 0 [ommboode] covering, roof of a house couverture, toiture de maison


hisude v.av FCZ CZ(-) [reenaade, filsude(2)] to escape danger, be fine s'echapper a un danger, se sauver, etre sain et sauf A hisii! (F): response to sadi (lit. you have escaped danger) ; reponse a sadi (lit. tu a echappe au danger) [yaa his!]:F kisal (nga/) / kise (de) cZ C(FJ),Z(M,FJ)

deliverance, remission; deliverance, remission;

liberation, salvation; grace, health liberation, salut; grace, sante

-INkisindam, kisndam (dam) DcZ C(G,A,NE,BF),

HIRhirde, hirude v.av DFZ Z(-) to be jealous, envy etre jaloux, envier hiro (ngo) - var.- kim dam Z kiram (dam) - var.- kim dam kirndam (dam) 0 [hiro. kiram] jealousy jalousie

hirtaade; hirtagol V. hiir-t-


security; protection; (V. kisal) securite(DZ); protection(Z); (V. kisal)(CZ)

HISO hiso n. 0 [ngaso] wild legume legume sauvage


(Bidaud et Prost, 1982 (BF»): leaves for sauce; feuilles pour sauce (Gynandropsis pentaphylla)



hiraande; hirnaange; hirnaangene; hirndude; hirnondirde; hirnude V. hiir-

hitaande (nde) / kitaale (de) DFCZH CZ(-) [hiitaande]

year annee, an

HIRBhir6ude v.av Z to close firmly, tightly fermer fortement, hermetiquement

nde hitaande (H): this year; cette annee [hikka]



decreter (Dieu); penser, croire hoddorde (Z): to think, believe ; penser, croire

hiwde v.av DZ Z(FJ,FT,M) [aatude] cf.:[haacude,

hoddireede v.pv F to be destined etre destine hoddiro (ngo,o) / koddirooje (ae) F fate, destiny destin

hal Elude]

to shout loudly; to shout (to chase birds from a field); to protect, save; to cry out before an epileptic seizure crier fort(D); crier (pour eloigner les oiseaux d'un champ)(Z); proteger, sauver (Z); crier avant Ill. crise d'epilepsie(Z) kiwal (ngal) D period of watching over the harvest periode de surveillance des recoltes

HODDORDE hoddorde V. hoddirHODDU hoddu; hoddude V. hoa- (2) HODO hodo (ngo) zt Z(FJ) Uamba, jammba, njambu] deception, betrayal tromperie, trahison

-Tkiwtaali (ai) D shouts of those who watch over the harvest cris de ceux qui surveillent les recoltes

hodo hoolaare (1): breach of trust ; abus de confiance [bonannde hoolaare]


HOD- (1)

hiwiiaade v.mv D to cling on to sth s'agripper

hol)6e- (+ suf.) Z (DO,M) foreign etranger


wuro h06l)eewo (Z): village of foreigners; village


ho- (+suf.) inte"og. Zo Z(FT,M,Gam) (prefix of an interrogative word) (preflXe du mot interrogatif)

hod"aade v.mv FZq Z(-) to be the guest of sb; to put up or accomodate a guest etre l'etranger de qqn, etre l'bOte de qqn; loger un hote(Z) hod"ude v.av DFCZ CZ( + ) to camp; to settle (o.s.), live at (FC); to alight(C), disembark camper(DZ); s'installer, habiter, demeurer (CZ); descendre(CZ), debarquer(Z) kod"aaku (ngu) FCZ CZ(-) hospitality hospitalite kod"d"o (0) / hoooe (oe) FZi Z(-) cf.:[honnaaEle] person who is settled(F); (V. kooo) qui s'est etabli; (V. kooo)(Z) kod"o (0) / hoooe (oe) DFCZi CZ(FJ,M,N,BF,B)

hodum (Y. dum); homo (Y. 0); hono (Y. no); hoto (Y. to)

HOBB-IThol)l)itidde v.av+ext Dz Z(DO) to remove bark; to peel by hand enlever l'ecorce(D); peler a la main(Z)


hol)l)e V. hoa- (1)

hoccude, hooccude v.av DeZl C(FJ,FT,BF,NO), Z(+)

to pick sth up (from the ground), glean; to find and pick up that which is lost; to give presents (to a guest) ramasser (ce qui est a terre(Z», glaner(Z); trouver et ramasser ce qui est perdu(Z); faire des cadeaux (a un bOte)(Z)

cf.: [honnaaEle]

outsider, guest etranger, hote re~u chez qqn, invite kod"u (ngu) / koaeeli, koai, koauuli (ai) DZm

HODARU hodaru n. Z first month of the planting season of the Fulani year premier mois de la saison des semailles de l'annee peule



gift of welcoming; visit cadeau de bienvenue; visite(Z) koddiid"o (0) / hoddiioe (oe) FZ Z(-) cf.:[takkalemme, taakallemme]

one who lives in the same compound; neighbor qui vit dans la meme concession; voisin(Z)


hoddirde v.av Zu Z( +) to decree (God); to think, believe


hoofaade v.mv Z to fall back on o.s.; to tuck a limb up under; to kneel down se replier sur soi; replier un membre; s'agenouiller howru (ndu) / koppi (di) DFcZV C{FJ,BF,NO),

-ANhod'ande (ned'd'o) v.av+ext Z to be the guest of sb etre l'etranger de qqn, etre l'hOte de qqn

-Nhod'nude (wuro) v.av+ext F [honnude]:F to found (a village) etablir, fonder (un village) honnaa6e (oe) I [hoooe] groups that united with others or joined a tribe that offered them hospitality, those who came to settle later groupes qui se sont unis a d'autres ou se sont associes a une tribu qui leur a offret l'hospitalite, ceux qui sont venus s'installer plus tard

Z{FJ,M,BF,NO) [hofru]:CZ{FT,G,A,NE,M)

knee genou

HOGGO hoggo/hoggooji V. howHOJOHOJO hojohojo n. 0 din vacarme

HOJOM hojom n. minute minute

-ORhod'orde (nde) DZI Z{-) [kodorde]:I encampment, camp; area of waiting along the border of the delta before the return to the

T [salma]

HOKK- (1) hokkere (nde) Z gift, talent don, talent hokkude v.av DFCzH


campement, lieu de sejour; ceinture d'attente des troupeaux sur la bordure du delta avant de rentrer dans Ie burgu(I)

C{N,BF,M),Z(DO) [rokkude,


HOD- (2)

to give donner

hod'ude v.av FCZ CZ{FJ,M,BF) [hoddude]:Z to play the hoddu, playa stringed instrument jouer du hoddu, jouer d'un instrument a cordes hoddu (ndu) / kolli (di) DFZEMV(Seydou, 1987)

-IThokkitidde v.av+ext to give back, return rendre, restituer

Z{-) [(pI.) korli]:Z cf.:Durkel, jurukelle, moolaaru]


HOKK- (2)

lute, Fulani guitar, stringed instrument (of 4 or 5 strings) played by griots (wammbayoe) luth, guitare peule, instrument a cordes (4 ou 5 cordes) joue par griots (wammbayoe)

hokkere (nde) / kokke (de)

CZ C{+),


shortage of water, drought; long period without rain during the rainy season; clear weather disette d'eau, secheresse; longue periode sans pluie en hivernage(Z); beau temps(Z)

HODUM hod'um, hoffun inte"og. V. dum HOFhofoodu (ndu) D angle, fold angle, pli hofude, hoofude v.av DFZ Z{ + ) to kneel down, bend at the knee(F); to fold (up); to bend, bend again (tree branch, metal rod) s'agenouiller(D); se plier(D); plier, replier (une branche d'arbre, une tige metallique)(Z)

HOKONAARE hokonaare, hookannaare (nde) fish - Synodontis spp. poisson - Synodontis spp.(P)


hokonaare l'>aleere (P): (Synodontis nigrita) hokonaare raneere (P): (Synodontis batensoda, membranaceus) hokonaare wOii : God willing; s'i1 plait II Dieu

JABATTl ja6atti JABB-IT-

JABAGAAWAL jabagaawal (ngal) M bowl of wood or iron ecuelle de bois ou de fer

ja66itaade v.mv +ext Z to seize, catch sb saisir, attraper qqn



jabbere (nde) / jabbe (de) Z (FT,M) hole made for seeds poquet pour recevoir la semence

ja66annde (nde) T refrain refrain

JABBE ja66e; ja66i V. njaofJi JABBIRDE ja66ird'e pl.- yaooirde; V.

jabbude v.av Z (FT,M) to make holes in which to put seeds faire des poquets pour recevoir la semence




jabbirgal (ngal) (Seydou, 1977) that which is used to dig holes for seeds ce qui sert a creuser des trous de semence

ja6ird'e (de) D cf.:[yaab-, yabb-] pedals (on a weaver's loom) pedales (metier a tisser)

-ITjabbitidde v.av +ext Z (+) to make holes for seed repeatedly; to limp slightly faire des poquets pour recevoir la semence maintes reprises; boitiller

pl.- njaoattu

JADDjaddude v.av DZ cf.:[elude] to hit on the neck or on the withers with a stick donner un coup de baton au cou ou sur Ie garrot




jabbati (0) Z [njabattu] wasp; hornet guepe; frelon

Jafaraa6e PN S Diafarabe (town on the Niger) Diafarabe (village situe sur Ie fleuve Niger) jafaraaji (di) (Wagenaar et ai, 1986) herds from the Diafarabe area troupeaux de la region de Diafarabe Jafaraajo (0) / Jafaraaoe (oe) M person who lives on the right bank of the Niger habitant de la rive droite du Niger

JABE jabe pl.- yabere JABIIBI Bam jabiibi (ki) / jabiibiije (de) Z pineapple (plant) ananas (plante) jabiibiire, jabiibuure (nde) / jabiibiije, jabiibuuje (de) Z


pineapple (fruit) ananas (fruit)


jagantu, jagantaare n. DqY bitter tomato (Solanum aethiopicum) aubergine(Afr.) (Solanum aethiopicum( q)

JABTE jabte (de) M cf.:Dab-] kind of soles made from tanned hide and held on the feet by straps



ja.ijitagol (ngol) T dilation dilatation

jaggaade, jagaade v.mv Z Uagitaade] to seize by force s'emparer de force jaggere (nde) / jagge (de) DZ Z(-) Ueggere] hawk, sparrowhawk faucon(D), epervier(Z) jaggude v.av DFZ Z(-) to grab hold of, seize; to arrest, capture prendre, empoigner, saisir; arreter, capturer

JAKA (1) jaka conj. DZ Z(-) cf.:Ualla, nde(e)n] but [ka(a»); (adv.) then; (adv.) already; (interj.) then mais(D) [ka(a)]; (adv.) alors(D); (adv.) deja(Z); (interj.) donc(Z)

JAKA (2)

(Z) jagitaade v.mv + ext V. jag(g)aade Z

JAGGAL jaggal (ngal) / jagge (de) ZT Z(-) [nuygal] counsel; (pl.) support; support; dignitary, important notable, officer; manager; (pl.) staff, specialists conseil(Z); (pl.) support(Z); soutien(Z); dignitaire, grand notable, officier (Z); cadre(T); (pl.) cadres, specialistes (Z)


jahaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to yell, threaten; to scold, reproach crier, menacer (D); gronder, faire des reproches (Z) jahotoocfo (0) D Uehotoodo] person who yells loudly qui crie fort

-IRjakkirgal (ngal) T

scale (for weighing) balance (pour peser)

jahaali; jahal/jahe; jahdiicfo V.

jakkirgal henndu (1): barometer; barometre [&eto henndu, eto henndu]


pl.- jahal (V. yah-) & pl.- yaare


jakka (o,ka) / jakkaaji (di)

DZ(Sanankoua, 1990)


jahil, jahili, jahiliijo (0) zMu Z(A) person who is ignorant, without law, illiterate qui est ignorant, sans loi, illettre jahilaaku, jahiliiyaaku (ngu) I(Sanankoua, 1990)

tithe (levied on all goods, payable in kind or currency); tax dime (portant sur tous les biens, payee en nature ou en especes(Sanankoua, 1990); impot(Z)

(Hist.) cf.:[ardaaku]

period preceding Islam, 'time of ignorance, paganism and nomadism' periode precedant l'Islam, 'temps d'ignorance, de paganisme et de nomadisme'

ja.ijitaade v.mv+ext T

[betirde, betirgal, peesirgal,



JAHU jahli; jahoowo JAJJ-IT-

jakaraaje pl.- njakaraari

jakkaade v.mv D to measure mesurer jakkagol (ngol) D measuring (action of) mesurer (action de)




jaka n. ZTb Z(FT) brass; aluminum [kankasi, mbudu] laiton(Z); aluminium(T) [kankasi, mbudu] jakawelle n. T(B4, 1974) [kire, kiri] copper; brass cuivre(T); cuivre jaune(Ba, 1974)



[liirtagol, beydagol, jaajgol]

JALjaleed'e (de) laughs nres jalude v.av to laugh rire

V. yah[beydaade, liirtaade)


to dilate dilater



FCZH CZ(-) cf.:[waakaade, toryitaade]

JALTINGOL jaltingol var.- yaltingol; V.



jalnude v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) to be funny, amuse, make laugh etre drole, amuser, faire rire

JAM jam v. yamJAMAA AI


jama'are, jama'aare (nde) / jama'aje, jama'aaje (ae) cz (G,A,M,BF) (v. jamaa); humanity (V. jamaa); humanite(Z) jamaa (0) / jamaaji (ai) FeZ C(FJ),Z(-)

jal6ude v.av Z(Seydou, 1981) to gleam, shine, sparkle luire, briller, scintiller

JALENOL jaleiiol var.- jaanelol JALI-MALI

(Cisse, 1982)

Dama'aare (o)/jama'aaje (de)):CZ(G,A,M,BF)

crowd, group; assembly; people foule, groupe; assemble~; peuple(Z)

jali-mali n. F kind of blanket sorte de couverture

JAMAANA jamaana, jamana, jamaanu var.- jaamaanu



jalijali n. 0 strength force

jamahi (ki) / jamaje (ae) knife, dagger; razor couteau, poignard; rasoir

JALLA jalla interj. 0 ef.:[yalla, jaka if only; (excl.) phew! si seulement; (excl.) ouf!

Z (M,BF)



jamale (nge) dx Demele]:(Turner, 1989) cow with large colored spots spread over a white body(Turner, 1989) vache blanche aox grosses taches colorees sur tout Ie corps

JALLAL jallal (ngal) / jalle (ae) M spear made entirely of iron (a traditional arm of the Tuaregs) lance faite entierement de fer (arme traditionelle des Touaregs)

(R(A»: cow with big patches of black and white ; vache aux grosses taches noires et blanches jamale oale (D): cow that is white and black on the forehead ; vache blanche et noir au front jemele wod"e (furner, 1989): cow with large brown spots distributed over a white body; vache blanche aux grosses taches brones partout sur Ie corps

JALLO Jallu6e PN FM(Sanankoua, 1990) those with family name of Diallo (one of the four Fulani clans) les Diallo (I'un des quatre clans peuls)


AI(via Man?)

jamba (0) / jambe (ae), jambaaji (ai)

dFZbr (Dumestre, 1983) Z(-) Dammba]:D Dambi, jamfa, njambu]

Jallo (F(Sanankoua, 1990»: Diallo Jal (F(Sanankoua, 1990»: Dial Kah (F): Ka Kane (F): Kane Dikko (F(Sanankoua, 1990»: Dikko

trick, betrayal, treachery, deception, perfidy; ingratitude ruse, trahison, fourberie, tromperie, perfidie; ingratitude(Z) jambaade, jammbaade v.mv DFZ Z(DO,M) to trick, deceive, betray tramper, trahir jambotood'o (0) Z deceiver, traitor; ungrateful man trompeur, traitre; homme ingrat

JALO jalo (ngo) /jale (ae)


DFCZiq C(+),Z(FJ,M,FT)


hoe houe, daba(Afr.), binette jalu-malo (I): special hoe for working in rice fields ; houe speciale pour Ie travail des rizieres (= jalo-maaro?, jalomawngo?)

JAMDE jamd'e pl.- njamndi JAMFA jamfa (o,ka) / jamfaaji (ai) var.-

jalo sari / jale sari TW plow charrue

jam (m)ba,· V. jam(m)b-


JAMIROOWO jamiroowo V. yamir-



jannde gollirgol (1): professional or vocational education ; enseignement professionnel jannde janngirgol (1): teacher education; enseignement normal jannde jogola suudu (1): home economics ; enseignement menager jannde kaaye (1): geology; geologie jannde leyiire, jannde lesiire (1): fundamantal education ; enseignement fondamental jannde mawfle (1): literacy instruction; alphabetisation jannde su£laande, jannde karallaagol (1): technical education ; enseignement technique


jammeede v.pv F to have as a family or clan name avoir comme nom de famille ou de clan jammoore (nde) DFZ(Seydou. 1977) [yettoore) family or clan name; praise nom de famille ou de clan; louange jammude v.av FZ [manude) to recite geneologies; to flatter reciter les genealogies; flatter

jagngoowo, janngoowo (0) / ja1}ngoooe,

JAMMA jamma; jammaare V. je1}ngJAMMBERE

janngoooe (oe) FZ Z(-) ef.:[ekkintinteedo. ekkititood 0 )

student eleve, etudiant jagngude, janngude v.av DFCzr CZ(-)

jammbere (nde) / jammbe, jammbeeje (de) DFCm C(FT.M.BF.N).Z(FT.M.BF.N.FJ) Uambere):M Uambeere]:Z Uempere. feyyirde) axe

of.: [ekkitaade )

to study, learn; to read etudier, apprendre; lire


JAMME jamme

pl.- njammi & yammere; V.



JANAL janal/jane JANAN-

janngande (nde) T (SeaL) course cours

v. yan-

janannde (nde) 0 [huunde jananere):Z(-) property of others bien d'autrui janano (0) / jananoe, janamoe (oe) FZ Z(-) stranger, outsider etranger

-IDjanngidiille, janngidinlle (oe) Tq (Scol.) group of students who have followed the same course of studies together promotion



jagnginde, jannginde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) to teach, instruct, teach how to read and write (lit. to cause to study) enseigner, instruire, faire apprendre a lire et a ecrire(Z) (lit. faire etudier) jagnginoowo, jannginoowo (0) / ja1}nginoooe,

janjude v.av Z to be going full swing battre son plein

JANNG-, JAI)NGjannde (nde) / jande, janndeele (de) FCzr C(FJ.M).Z(FJ.NE.M.BF)

jannginoooe (oe) FZ Z(DO.M) Uangino'o):Z

study(ies); lesson; reading; course, conference; education, instruction, teaching; doctrine, theory etude(s); lec;on; lecture; cours, conference (Z); education(Z), instruction(Z), enseignement(T); doctrine, theorie (Z)


teacher, instructor enseignant, instituteur

-IN-IRjannginirdu (ndu) T [janngirdu) class classe

jannde (sawtinde) (1): reading; lecture jannde aranndeere (1): middle school ? ; premier cycle jannde flii leydiyangal (1): civics instruction; instruction civique jannde coflfluli (1): geometry; geometrie [£letol diidi, soometiriJ jannde dowuure, jannde dowroore (1): higher education ; enseignement superieur jannde oioooer(n)de. jannde hakkundere (1): secondary education; deuxieme cycle, enseignement secondaire

-IRjanngirdu (ndu) T class [jannginirdu); school [dUGal, jalJIlgirde, lekkol); rag [tosirgal) classe [jannginirdu); ecole [dUGal, jalJIlgirde, lekkol); chiffon [tosirgal)


jagngirde (nde) / ja1)ngirde (de)


FCz C(-},Z(A}

Uanngirdu, dudal, lekkol]

jatiugol (ngol) / jaiiuli (di) canton canton

school ecole

-ITjanngitude v.av+ext

JAPPZ(BA et Kesteloot, 1969) Z(-}

jappeere (nde) / jappeeje (de) saddledoth, saddle blanket tapis de selle jappude v.av oz Z(FT,M) to impose; to spread out imposer(D); etendre(Z)


to reread relire



janngal (nga/)

CZI(Seydou, 1972)(Johnson, 1976) (Sanankoua, 1990) CZ(-) Uanngali]:C(A), Z(NE,BF,M,FJ)

jarde v.av T to cost couter


V. ja1)ngo

ko jarli

JARNI jarni JAT- Man

femelle [ko rewndil C(FJ) [tefeewu]

pl.- njarniri

jataade v.mv OZ to count, calculate [hiisaade, hiisude, limude]; to think, believe; to value, appreciate compter, calculer [hiisaade, hiisude, limude]; penser, croire (Z); estimer, apprecier (Z) jate (0, de) OZ cf.:[hiisa, limre] count; opinion; estimation compte; opinion, avis (Z); estimation(Z)

OF Uantol/janti]:(BA et

Kesteloot, 1969)

story, tale histoire, conte(D) jantaade v.mv OFZ Z(-) cf.:Uanng-it-] to tell a story; to cite, enumerate raconter; citer, enumerer (Z)



jantaneede v.pv +ext 0 to cause stories to be told about o.s. se faire raconter

jattaro (0) OZ [neetaaro] person who is impolite, ill-mannered; vile person qui est impoli, malappris; personne vile(Z) njattaru n. 0 impoliteness impolitesse


janti (0) T rim (of a wheel) jante


JAI)NGO jagngo, janngo n.

CD: female;

Z (-)

njarlu (ngu) / njarli (di) Dc mare jument



pl. yardude; V. yar-d-

jarl. (+suf.), njarl. (+suf.) adj. feminine, female feminin, femelle

janseede v.pv 0 to receive gifts on the occasion of a ceremony recevoir des cadeaux a l'occasion d'une ceremonie jansude v.av 0 to distribute distribuer janta (0) / jantaaji (di)



cattle tax [alkaasi, lampo-na'i]; (Hist.) personal tax paid by a dimaajo to his master impot sur Ie betail [alkaasi, lampo-na'i]; (Hist.) taxe personnelle payee par un dimaajo a son maitre


ZL [daiiugol]

jatte n. 0 (Vet.) [pidam] variola (of cattle) variole (bovine)



tomorrow; future demain; avenir(Z)



var.- laawanndo M



jawdi (ndi) / jawaeele, jawle, jayle (ae) DFCZMV

je6e1 (ngel) T [gedel] element element


riches, wealth; livestock richesse, fortune; betail, cheptel

JEDDI jeddi; jeddondiral V. yeddJEDAADO

jawdi cankal (ScoJ.)(fq): guarantee deposited by students at the beginning of the school year ; masse de garantie jawdi laamu (f): crown property; biens de la couronne jawdiyankaagu, jawdiyankaaku (ngu) T

jed"aad"o (0) D cf.:[yedd-(1)] person who has been contradicted celui qu'on a contredit

capitalism capitalisme jawdiyanke (0) T capitalist capitaliste njawdiri (ndi) / jawai (ai) DCZl C(-),Z(M,A)

JE(E)DDI jed"d"i, jeed"d"i n. DFCZH CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) Oeedidi]

seven sept Jeed"d"iwal PN (Sanankoua, 1990) (Hist.) large room with seven doors in Hamdullahi that served as the meeting place of the batu mawdo grand salle a sept portes a Hamdallaye qui servait de siege au batu mawd0 jeed"id"al)- (+suf) FCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF) seventh septieme jeed"id"o n. F seven (people) sept (personnes)


ram, sheep belier, mouton jawdiri pi'aandi (L): castrated ram ; belier castre par martelage


jawe pl.- jawo & pl.- yawaare

jawo (ngo) / jawe (de) DFCZM CZ(-) bracelet (not closed) bracelet (non-ferme(M»

JAWRE jawre (nde) / jawreeji (ai) DcZq C(FJ),Z(-) antelope - Ourebina ourebi biche, antilope - Ourebina ourebi(Z)

JEDE jed"e pl.- geaal (2); V. yeaJEEDIRDE jeedird"e pl.- yeedirde; V. yeedJEEGON

JAYjayde v.av D Oaasude] to be good for nothing etre bon a rien jayre (1) (nde) Z lowness, baseness; practical joke (nasty) Hichete, bassesse; mauvaise plaisanterie

jeegol)- (+suf.) adj. F Oeego'ao-]:Z sixth sixieme jeegomo n. F six (people) six (personnes) jeegon, jeegom n. DFcZHI C(NO,BF),Z(NO,M,BF)

-Rjayrude v.av+ext Z Oaayrude] to make fun of sb, tease sb se moquer de qqn, plaisanter qqn

Oeego '0]: CZ (FJ, FT, M)

six; (Hist.) one-sixth part of the harvest paid by a dimaajo to his master six; (Hist.) sixieme de la recolte paye par un dimaajo a son maitre(1)

JAYRE jayre (2) (nde) D cf.:Oay-] grassy space espace herbeux

JEEGOORE jeegoore n. M measure standardized by Seku Amadu (Masina) mesure standardisee par Sekou Amadou (Massina)

JAYjay-ude v.av D [yayude] to hesitate hesiter

JE' -IN-



je'inde var.- deyyinde,' V. deyy-in- cZ



jeemtude var. jemtude; V. jemt- Z


jeyngol/jeyli (Z(G»): light; lumiere

jeenaaje pl.- njeenaari

jeenay, jeenayi n.

JEGGERE jeggere var.- jaggere D JEHOTOODO jehotooao var.- jahotoodo;


V. jah-


neuf jeenayal)- (+suf.) adj. ninth neuvieme jeenayo n. F nine (people) neuf (personnes)



Jelgooji PN

m(Riesman, 1974&1977)(Sanankoua,


Jelgoji, region southeast of Seno-Hayre in northern Burkina Faso; (Hist.) the easternmost province of the Masina empire Dyilgodyi, region au sud-est du Seno-Hayre au Burkina Faso; (Hist.) province la plus orientale de l'empire du Massina Jelgoowo (0) / felgo06e (oe) M(Riesman, 1974&

JEENE jeene (de) Z grass herbe


person from Jelgoji originaire du Dyilgodyi

JEENGA jeenga (nga) / jelle (de) Z [yeedirde, yeenga] resting of cattle during the hot part of the day; place where cattle rest repos du betail aux heures chaudes; endroit on Ie betail se repose



jeliijo (0) / jeliioe (oe) griot (Manding) griot (mandingue(Z»

DZ Z(-) Deli]

JELLE jelle p,l.- yeenga JELLI jelli pl.- yeendu JEMMA jemma V. je1JngJEMPERE jempere var.- jammbere JEMT-

JEERE jeere (nde) / jehe (de)


Dz Z(FT) [Iuumo, sakaro,


market marche

JEERTjeertude v.av( +ext?) D to notice s'aviser jeertungo (ngo) D distrust; alert mefiance; alerte


jemti n. D provocation provocation jemtude, jeemtude v.av DZ to provoke; to tease provoquer(D); taquiner(Z)

JEESE jeese pl.- yeeso JEETTI jeetati, jeetti V. jetti FCZh JEETULE jeetule pl.- yeetingal; V. yeet- (2?) JEEWO

JENNE Jenne PN S Jenne (town near the Bani River) Djenne (ville pres du Bani) Jenneeri, Jeneeri PN HMS(Sanankoua, 1990) region around Jenne; (Rist.) one of the five regions of the Masina empire, region between the Bani and Niger region aux alentours de Djenne; (Hist.) une de cinq regions de l'empire du Massina, region entre Ie Bani et Ie Niger Jennenke (0) / fennenkoolie (lie) Zo

jeewo (0) / jeewoe (De) DZ Z(FT,M) ct.: [yeew-] first wife (of a polygamist) premiere epouse (d'un polygame(Z»

JEEWTAL jeewtal; jeewte V. yeew-tJEEYGOL jeeygol; jeeyoowo V. yeey- (1) JEEYNGOL


jeeyngol caggal (ngol) T taillight (of vehicle) feu arriere

inhabitant of Jenne habitant de Djenne


jeyngol/jeyli (Z(Ff)): flame, fire ; f1amme, feu


jennooje pl.- yennoore; V. yenn-

jeyegol (Math.)(1): membership (of a set) ; appartenance (a un ensemble) njeyankaaku (ngu) Z

JEI)NGjemma (0) / jemmaaji (di) DFCZH CZ(-) Uamma/jammaaji):DFCZH Uammaare (nde)/jammaaje (de)):Z

feudal oppression; feudalism oppression feodale; feodalisme

night nuit


jemma yaf>f>iido(H): last night; cette nuit, la nuit demicl'e [hanki(n), hal)ki(n), hankenj

jeydaado (0) / jeydaaoe (oe) FCZ CZ(N,BF,M,G,A) relative; (pl.) family(F) parent; (pl.) famille

jenngo (ngo) 0 evening (spent in company) veillee jenngude, jeungude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to be late at night(F); to return home late at night faire nuit (pleine nuit)(CZ); rentrer tard la nuit(D)

JEYNIRGAL jeynirgal (ngal) 0 [njeynirgal) (turning instrument or turning part of loom) tournette (metier a tisser)

JEYTANNDE jeytannde n. 0 alternating, taking turns tour de role

-ANjeungande v.av+ext F to spend the evening until late at night passer la soiree jusqu'a une heure tardive



jibinde v.av( +ext?) CZ (FJ,FT,M,NE) to give birth; to beget(C) accoucher, donner naissance a; engendrer(C)

JETTI jeetatal)· (+suf.) adj. FZ Ue(e)ttao-?] eighth huitieme jeetato n. F Ue(e)tto?] eight (people) huit (personnes) jetti n. DfZH Ueetti, jeetati) eight huit

JIDDAADO jiddaado (0) 0 [ceppaado) leper lepreux

JIDDERE jiddere (nde) / jidde (de) cZ C(G,A),Z(M,G,A) [beegunuure)

rubbish heap, pile of household garbage; pile of manure depotoir, tas d'ordures menageres; tas de fumier(Z)

JETIOOJE jettooje pl.- yettoore, yettoode; V. yett-

JEWTUDO jewtudo V. yeew-tJEY-

JIDAADO jidaado; jiddo V. yidJIGALE

jeyaado (0) / jeyaaoe (oe) FCZ CZ(-) Uihaado, jiyaado, maraado, maccudo, di(i)maajo)

jigale (nge) 0 multicolored cow vache multicolore

slave, captive, person who is possessed esclave, captif, qui est possede jiyaado fuh (Z(M»: whoever; quiconque


jeyal (ngal) / jeye (de) FZ Z(-) property, possession, belonging; servitude propriete, possession; servitude(Z) jeyde v.av Fez CZ(-) to own, possess posseder jeyeede v.pv FZT Z(-) to be possessed by, belong to; to be from(F); to have as master; (Math.) to belong to etre possede par, appartenir a, etre la partie de; venir de; avoir pour maitre(Z); (Math.) appartenir(T)


jihaa, jiha DZ Z(-) aside, on the side of, towards de cote, du cote de, vers



jihaadi (ndi) / jihaaji (di) Zi Z(-) cf.:[diina) holy war guerre sainte

JIHAADO jihaad"o var.- jeyaadoj V. jey-




JIHAALI jihaali n. 0 raid, foray, razzia raZZla


jiiliicfo (0) 0 cf.:Oill-] person who is mixed up qui est melange



jiimcfo (0) T [mahcfinoowo, jiimoowo] colonist, colonizer colon, colonisateur jiimde v.ov zT Z(FT) [hawde (1), honude] to conquer; to be above, overhang conquerir(T); etre au-dessus de, surplomber (Z) jiimoowo (0) T Dimdo] colonizer colonisateur njiimaandi (ndi) T colony [koloni]; conquest [kawngu] colonie [koloni]; conquete [kawngu]

jiibe (0) DZ cf.:[caadu] carcass; animal that was killed without having its throat slit; putrifying matter charogne; animal tue sans avoir ete egorge; matiere en putrefaction jiibude v.ov 0 to die without having its throat slit (animal) mourir sans etre egorge (animal)

JIIBA jiiba vor.- njiibo



JII'Bjii6aade v.mv FZ Z(-) to be mixed together completely; to be moving; to be strange or troubled; to make a mistake; to be mixed up in sth etre completement melange; etre en mouvement(Z); etre etrange ou trouble(Z); se tromper(Z); etre mele dans qqch(Z) jii6ude v.ov DFCZ CZ(-) to mix together (as in a solid and a liquid), blend; to put in disorder; to torment, bother melanger (par ex. un solide et une liquide), malaxer, petrir; mettre en desordre(Z); tourmenter, embeter (Z)

JIIRE jiire (nde) / jihe, ji'e (de) - vor.- giire Cz C(FT,G,S,A,NE,M),Z(FT,G,S,A,NE)

JIITONDIRAL jiitondiral V. yiy-t-ondirJIKKjikkaade v.mv FZ Z(-) to hope(F); (huunde) to trust, rely on esperer; (huunde) se fier a(Z) jikko (ngo,o) / jikke (de) Fz Dikke (o)):Z(FJ,M) hope; confidence espoir; confiance

JILIIDO jiliicfo; jilorgoojo V. yiilJILL-

JIIDjiida n. T interest interet

jiJIaade v.mv FZ Z(-) to be mixed together(F); to mix (v.i.) etre melange ensemble; se melanger(Z) jillude v.ov FCZ CZ(-) to mix, put together, throw together (two things which can later be separated(F»; to add to, thin down; to mix, cross (v.i.) melanger, meier, mettre ensemble (deux choses qui peut etre separe plus tard); ajouter a, delayer (Z); se melanger, se croiser (Z) njilliri (ndi) 0 dish of rice mixed with fish sorte de pate, riz melange a du poisson njiJIundi (ndi) T alloy alliage

jiida hoore jawdi (1'): interest on capital; interet du capital

JIID- (2?) jiidude v.ov Fz Z(FJ,FT) to be the same, have the same parents, have the same origin etre Ie meme, avoir les memes parents, etre de meme origine JIIDAL jiidal V. yiy-

JllLAAJI jiilaaji pl.- yiiloorn; V. yiilJIILE jiile V. yiyJIILGOL jiilgol; jiilotoocfo V. yiil-



jinngude v.av DZ Z(-) to take a side in a quarrel (without getting involved); to do sth together, join efforts for prendre parti it une querelle (sans s'y meler(Z»; faire qqch ensemble, joindre des efforts pour (Z)

jillondirde v.av+ext ZT Z(-) to mix with each other; to mix (v.t.); to associate with se melanger run avec 1'autre(Z); melanger(T); frequenter(Z)



pl.- yimre; V. yim-

var.- jinnaarn

jinnihro (0) D that which one likes or loves ce que ron aime

jiminta n. Dq food in the form of balls made from rice flour, peanut butter, honey or sugar aliment presente sous forme de boules melange de farine de riz, pate d'arachide (Afr.), de miel ou de sucre



jino n. T adultery adultere


[njeenu, fijirde)

jina (0) (Z(FJ,FI)): cohabitation, illegitimacy ; concubinage, batardise

jimmihaade v.mv 0 to be thoughtful, pensive etre pensif


jimminaade (Z(-»), jimmitaade Z(A): to bow, lean over; to hang one's head (when one is ashamed) ; s'incliner, se pencher; pencher, baisser la tete (quand on a honte) jimminaade (Z(FJ»): to be very sad or afflicted ; etre tres triste ou afflige

jinord"e; jinotood"o V. yin-

jippaade v.mv DFCZq CZ(-) to descend, get down, go down [regaade]; to get off work(F); to stay at sb's house; to put up a herder descendre [regaade]; descendre du travail, quitter Ie travail it la fin de la journee; descendre chez qqn(Z); loger Ie berger(D) jippunde (nde) / jippule (de) DZM Z(-) lodging, place to stay, camp, shelter logement, campement, gite

JIMOL jimol; jimoowo V. yimJINAL jinal V. yinJINNAARU At jinnaaru (ndu) / jinnaaji (di)

DFcZ C(FJ), Z(FJ,M) Uinni, jinnaare):F [ginnaaru, ginnawol) [cuucfiicfo):Z

genie, jinn, spirit, demon, devil genie, djinn, esprit, demon, diable

-INjippinde v.av+ext dZ Z(-) to receive a guest at one's house, put sb up; to cause to descend recevoir un hote chez soi, heberger qqn; faire descendre(Z)

JINNDjinndeede n. D sth one cannot get rid of qqch dont on ne peut pas se defaire jinndeende (nde) Z Uinndere] predicament, impasse; importunity embarras, impasse; importunite jinndere (nde) D predicament embarras jinndude v.av Z [hersinde] to put in an awkward position mettre dans un embarras

-ORjipporde (nde) / jipporde (de) FCZ CZ(-) station, stop, place to get down; lodging, place to stay station, arret, lieu de descent; logement

JIRBjirfiude v.av D to knead, blend ? malaxer



jinngi n. D impartiality impartialite

jirtude v.av( +ext?) D to disentangle demeler




jirtinaare (nde) 0 concentration concentration

jogoroojo (0) 0 [morgaajo, moofo) person who limps, is wobbly, bandy-legged bancal

JIYAADO jiyaad'ojjiyaa6e var.- jeyaaao,· V. jey-

JOKKjokkere (nde) / jokke (ae) DCZ CZ(G,A,M,FJ) articulation, joint; transhuming herds (collectively); retinue articulation, jointure; ensemble de troupeaux transhumant(D); suite(Z) jokko (0) DZM person who follows, accompanies another person; person who accompanies the husband or the wife; assistant, deputy, replacement personne qui suit, qui accompagne une autre personne; personne qui accompagne Ie marie ou la mariee(D); adjoint(ZM), remplacement(Z) jokkude v.av DFCZ C( + ),Z(FJ,M,BF) ct.: [rewude,

Fez CZ(FJ)

JIYYUDUM jiyyud'um n. T contemporary contemporain

[jamaanu hannde)

JO'URO jo'uro var.- jom wuro JOBA

Z [jooro):M

joba? n. I rice cooked in water with milk added riz cuit a l'eau auquel on ajoute du lait

JOHDI jo6d'i; jo6e; jo601 V. yooJODDE jodde n. 0 female with one mamary femelle a une mamelle

tokkude, cfowtude]

to follow; to accompany; to pursue sb; to continue (action) (F) , pursue sth; (buunde) to do sth, accomplish sth; to join end to end suivre; accompagner(D); poursuivre qqn(Z); continuer (action), poursuivre qqch(Z); (huunde) faire qqch, realiser qqch (Z); joindre bout a bout (CZ)

JODjod'ere (nde) 0 joint, knitting, welding jointure, soudure jod'ude v.av 0 to knot, weld, knit nouer, souder

-INjokkinde v.av+ext to cause to follow faire suivre

JODD-IN- jod'd'inde var.- joyyinde; V. joyy-in- Cz Z(FJ)



jogaade v.mv FCZH CZ(-) to have, own, possess, have in hand; to be provided with, endowed with; to stop, hold back; to adopt; to raise, educate avoir, posseder, tenir en mains; etre muni de, etre dote de (Z); arreter, retenir (Z); adopter(Z); elever, eduquer (Z) jogiid'o (0) / jogiioe (oe) Z adoptive parent parent adoptif

jokkitere (nde) D chronic state of an illness etat chronique de maladie jokkitude v.av+ext Zo (-) to follow sb; to pursue sth suivre qqn; poursuivre qqch

-ONDIRjokkondiral (ngal) ZT Z(-) [jokkondirgol]:T continuity; coordination continuite(Z); coordination(T) jokkondirde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to follow one another; to link or join up with; to be in communication, be in contact se suivre, se poursuivre; se raccorder(Z); etre en communication, en relation (Z)

JOGONAADO jogonaad'o (0) authority autorite

DZ Z(-)

T [Iaamu, doole, jamiroowo)

JOKKOLDE jokkold'e


pl.- yokkolde

jom saare (M): village (saare) chief (if a dimaajo) ; chef de village (saare) (si un dimaajo) jom suudu (F): spouse (either husband or wife, depending on context) ; epoux ou epouse (selon Ie contexte) cf.:[gorko, jom galle, debbo, genndi] jom taabal (0): merchant who sells items that are on a table ; petit commer!;ant qui etale des articles de vente sur une table jom tolo (M): administrator of a passage in a watercourse ; administrateur d'un passage de cours d'eau jom tu&e (Hist.)(M): tine who has a war drum; possesseur d'un tambour de guerre jom wuro (Ffm): village chief; chef de village UO'uro] jomaade v.mv 0

JOKOLLO jokolle, jokollo (0) / jokol6e (6e) DFZY Z(M,FJ,DO)

young man in the prime of life(F), robust young man; young woman in the prime of life(F) jeune homme(DY) dans la fleur de l'age, jeune homme robuste(Z); jeune femme dans la fleur de l'age

JOLjolde v.av DZ Z(FJ,M) to traverse, cross, ford traverser(D), passer a gue(Z) joJngo (ngo) 0 crossing (place) traversee (lieu) jolol (ngol) 0 traversal, crossing (time) traversee (temps)

to be in the hands of one's adversaries etre entre les main~ de ses adversaires Joomam n. +pos.suf. F my Lord (God) mon Seigneur (Dieu) joomiraacfo (0) FCZ CZ(M,BF) master, owner, possessor; (Joomiraacfo) Lord (God) maitre, proprietaire, possesseur; (Joomiraao0 ) Seigneur (Dieu)

-Njolnude v.av+ert 0 to cause to traverse, cross faire traverser

JOMjomol (ngol) 0 long rope tied to the head (of a cow) longue corde attache a la tete (d'une vache) jomude v.av 0 to tie a rope around the horns mettre une corde autour des cornes

JOLBE jolbe, jo16e; jolbeede V. yol6JOLDE jolcfe pl.- yolnde JOLLOORU jollooru (ndu) / jollooji (di)


Z(G,A,M,BF,NE,FJ,N) cf.:[yoll-]

(CZ(NE,BF): to put a rope around sb's neck; passer une corde autour du cou de qqn

gourd, large calebash (for carrying water(C» gourde, grande calebasse (pour porter l'eau)


JOMBjombaajo (0) /yombay6e (6e)

AI via Bam

FZ Z(+)

person who is newly wed(F)

jolokowal (ngal) / jolokooje (de), jolokooji (di)

nouveau marie(Z{FT,M», nouvelle mariee(Z{ -) ) njombaaku (ngu) Z wedding; state of being a young bride noce; etat de jeune mariee

CZ(Dumestre, 1983) CZ(FJ,M) [call(al)ol, callalal, jureol]

chain; (pl.) chains, handcuffs chaine; (pl.) chaines, menottes (Z)

JOM jom, joom (0) FZ Z(-) owner, possessor, master; chief proprietaire, possesseur, maitre; chef

JOMNGUL jomngul? n. torch flambeau

jom galle (F): husband, head of the household ; mari, chef de famille [gori, gorko, jom suudu] jom hudo (M): administrator of one or several prairies ; administrateur d'une ou de plusieurs prairies jom jawdi (I): owner of cattle ; proprietaire de betail jom konu (Hist.)(M): chief of an armed expedition; chef d'une expedition armee jom kosam (0): girl or woman who sells milk; vendeuse du lait [cippoowo] jom ngenndi (Lewis, 1981): village (ngenndi) chief; chef de village (ngenndi)

T [Ieewngal] cf.:Uoomngol]



jongi? n. I [tole (1), tole, coggu] pasture fee paid by owners of herds from outside the delta to enter the burgu (collected by the jooro) taxe de paturage payee par les proprietaires


des troupeaux etrangers pour entrer dans Ie burgu (perl,;u par les jooro)


joonde, joonnde (nde) / joode, joole (de) OCZTM CZ(G,M) [deental]

assembly; meeting, session; meeting of several members of a larger assembly; assizes; (Y. jonnde) assemblee(D); seance(Z); reunion de quelques membres d'une grande assemblee(M); assises(T); (Y. jonnde)(CZ)

jonnde V. jood-

jonne prep. H cf.:[nde(e)n, ndenno, haya] then alors

joonnde iiaawoore (1): audience ; audience



jonngude v.av 0 [saggude, oilude (2)]] to suspend a recipient suspendre un recipient

joocforgal (ngal) / joodorde (de) OFCZT CZ(BF,M,NO,G) Uoodol?]:O [seesi]

stool, chair, bench; seat escabeau, tabouret, chaise, bane; siege


jontaade; jonte; jonteede; jontere; jontude (1) v. yon-t-



jontude (2) V. jowtude Cz

jottaade v.mv+ext Z to sit down for a moment s'asseoir pour un moment



v.mv+ext 0 to lie down on one's back se coucher sur Ie dos

JOOKjookaade v.mv 0 to incriminate; to be in a bad position incriminer; etre en mauvaise posture jookre (nde) Z (FT,M) ef.:[yaawnde, gungal] place whose exits are closed; period of flooding (during which villages are surrounded by water); hunting on the (temporary) islets endroit dont les issues sont fermees; epoque de la crue (pendant laquelle les villages sont cernes par les eaux); chasse sur les ilots jookude v.av Z (FT,M) to imprison; to keep strict watch over; to surround, drive into a place with no exit emprisonner; surveiller etroitement; cerner, acculer dans un endroit sans issue

JONjofiude v.av 0 to move back reculer

JOOBjoobu n. 0 uncultivated field champ inculte joobude v.av Do to leave a field uncultivated ? (laisser un) champ inculte

JOODjoodude v.av Z [guudaade] to dribble, salivate baver, saliver

JOOKKAA jookkaa var.- jooni kaa; V. JOOKOODE jookoocfe, jookoole pl.-


yookoonde; V. yook-

jonnde (nde) / jonle (de) FeZ C(FJ),Z(-) Uoonde] seat, place to sit; seated position; headquarters(F) siege, place pour s'asseoir; position de celui qui est assis(Z); siege central joocfaade v.mv OFCZ CZ(-) to sit down; to be permanent or long-lasting; to be established, settle s'asseoir; etre permanent ou durable(Z); s'etablir, se fixer (Z)

JOOLA joola n. D foreigner, emigrant etranger, emigrant njoolaari (ndi) D foreign land pays etranger

JOOLIIDO jooliicfo v. yool100M joom; Joomam; joomiraacfo, Joomiraacfo V. jom




man guide, responsable en toutes matieres de la transhumance, qui surveille les droits du paturage; chef d'une region; homme venere

joomngol (ngol) T [beewngol,leewngal] cf.:Domngul, metangal]

flame flamme

(contraction of jom wuro which was originally applied to a man who had gained the confidance of an Ardo ; 'contraction de jom wuro (qui) s'appliquait primitivement un homme qui avait merite la confiance d'un Ardo' (M) p.73) jooro wuro (M): chief of an encampment ; chef d'un campement

JOONCjooncude v.av D to reside or stay (someplace) usually resider habituellement


-IRjooncirde (nde) D usual place, residence lieu habituel, residence habituelle

JOOROOJO jooroojo (0) Z city dweller citadin

JOONI jooni, joonin adv. DFCZH CZ(-) now; henceforth; immediately maintenant, a present; desormais(Z); aussitot, immediatement (Z)

JOORTOL joortol (ngol) D collar? collier

jooni-jooni (FZ): immediately, right now; immediatement, tout de suit jooni kaa (F): now then, next; maintenant. .. [jookkaa] [joon kay, jonkay]:C(M,NO,BF)


JOOTjootaad"o (0) / jootaa6e (6e) DZ Z(-) gourmand; unlucky, envious man gourmand(D); homme malchanceux, envieux

joonnde, joonde V. jood-

(Z) joote (de) DZ Z(FT) cupidity, greed; envy, jealousy; misfortune, bad luck cupidite, gourmandise (D); envie, jalousie (Z); malheur, malchance (Z) jooteede v.pv DZ Z(-) to be a gourmand; to envy; to be misfortunate, unlucky etre gourmand(D); envier(Z); etre malheureux, malchanceux (Z) njootu n. 0 greediness gourmandise

jooraade v.mv D to cut the brush debrousser jooriya n. D cutting of brush, clearing of a field debroussage, nettoyage du champ

JOOR- (2) jooraade v.mv D to take a shower se doucher

-Tjoortaade v.mv+ext Z Dortaade]:Z(-} to fall violently (e.g. rain) tomber violemment (p.ex. la pluie)

JOOWjoowude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) to make a pile, pile up; to be in a heap, disorderly faire des tas, entasser; etre en tas, en desordre

JOOR- (3) joorude v.av Z (M,DO) to pile up (grain, sand) entasser (grain, sable)


(Z) jowre, joowre (nde) / jowe, joowe (ae) DZ Z(-)

jooral; joord"o; joord"um V. yoor-

jooro, jowro (0) DFIM(Cisse,

[saadaare, jaawre, yoowande, riukkere]

pile tas

1985) cf.:Dom wuro,

jom hudo, jom tolo]


guide, one responsible in all matters of the transhumance, one who supervises water and pasture rights; chief of a region; venerated

joowtude var.- jowtude; V.

jowt- FC


joppal V. yopp-



jubaade v.mv Z [wumpude, yonkude, wurwude] to churn milk to make butter battre Ie lait pour faire Ie beurre

jorde v.av 0 to embroider a boubou broder un boubou



jubbalo (0) OZ cf.:[njumbalu, njumbalaaku] long-lived person personne de grande longevite

jorkude v.av Dz Z(OO) to patch, stitch up; to embroider rapiecer, repriser un tissu; broder(D)


JUBBI jubbi (di) T [Iuwe, gallaadi] antennae antennes

jorngal (ngal) M (Vet.) cf.:[yoor-] strain of the muscles of the hind end (horse) effort des muscles du train arriere (cheval)


JUBBOOLI jubbooli pl.- yubboodu JUBBI jul)l)i; jul)l)ihfum V. yu66JUCC-


jottoojum kuran n. T (Sci.) conductor (of electric current) conducteur (de courant)

juccude v.av 0 to stand still, hesitate s'immobiliser, hesiter

JOWE jowe pl.- jowre & V. yowJOWl jowi var.- joyi FCZ CZ(-) JOWRO jowro var.- jooro 0 JOWT-

JUDDAAJO juddaajo (0) 0 dwarf; leper nain; lepreux

jowtiiru (ndu) 0 condolences condoleances jowtude v.av( + ext?) FCZ CZ(M,BF,NO,FJ)

JUDDERE juddere (nde) / judde (de) CZ (FJ,M) [tuggere] cf.:[yuddaare]

tree stump souche d'arbre

Uoowtude, jontude (2)]]

to greet saluer

JUDjud"ude v.av Dcz C(FJ),Z(FJ,FT) [duppude, sahude] to grill griller

JOYI joyal)- (+suf.) adj. dFz [njoyio-]:Z fifth cinquieme joyi, joy n. FZH Uowi] five cinq joyo n. F five (people) cinq (personnes)

JUGGjuggude v.av 0 to choose choisir

JUGGA jugga excl. M exclamation made by the one who is the first to obtain a thing exclamation pousse par Ie premier a obtenir une chose

JOYY-INjOY'Y'inde, jOY'inde v.av+ext OFCZ Z(FJ,FT,M) Uoddinde]

to put down, place; to fix, set (a date, place ...) placer, deposer; fixer un date, un lieu, etc.

JUGGAL juggal (ngal) OM stake, stake for tying up an animal (generally carved) piquet(D), piquet d'attache (generalement sculpte)(M)

-IN-T jOY'Y'intinde v.av + 2exts Z (FJ,FT,M) to set down again; to readjust faire asseoir de nouveau; rajuster


commer~nt infortune njulaaku, njulaagu (ngu)

JUGUDUURE juguduure (nde) 0 summit sommet

CZT CZ(+) Daagu,


commerce; marketing; condition, situation of a merchant; cheating commerce; commercialisation(T); condition, situation du marchand; tricherie(Z)

JUGUNUURU jugunuuru (ndu) 0 hedgehog herisson

JULAARE julaare (nde) 0 pagne, cloth wrap pagne

JUHjubaandu (ndu) Z state of sb who is surprised etat de celui qui est surpris jubude v.av DZ Z(FJ,M) [yaylaade, haawnude,

JULANDE julaD(Ce; julde V. yulJULDE julde; julnaade V. juulJULLAARE

haaynude (2)]

to surprise; to catch sb unexpectedly surprendre, etonner; prendre de maniere inattendu

jullaare (nde) / jul/aaje (ae)


[yuddaare, yudde]

stump or trunk of a tree that has been cut, stump souche ou tronc d'arbre coupe(Z), chicot(T)

JUJUURE jujuure (nde) 0 surprise surprise



aljuma (0), aljumaare (nde) / aljumaa

JUKK- (1)


CZ(M,BF) [(pI.) aljumaaje):CZ

Friday vendredi jumaa (0) / jumaaji (ai) F [misiide, juulirde) big mosque for Friday prayers grande mosquee pour la priere de vendredi jumma (0) DZ Friday prayer priere de vendredi jummude v.av Z to pray in the Friday prayer faire la priere de vendredi

jukkawal (ngal) 0 harpoon; fishing basket harpon; panier de peche jukkude v.av 0 to harpoon harponner

JUKK- (2) jukkoore (nde) T fine amende jukkude v.av ZT Z(FJ,M) Uukkaade, jukkeede]:T to fine; to condemn punir d'amende(Z); condamner(T) jukkungo (ngo) DZ Z(-) punishment, condemnation, fine peine, condamnation, amende njukku (0) Z monetary penalty, fine peine pecuniaire, amende

JUMPjumpude v.av ZI Z(-) cf.:[gumpel) to wade about; to walk with great difficu1ty across sth (e.g. mud, crowd), to force one's way through; to soak (v.i) in patauger(I); marcher a grand-peine a travers qqch (p.ex. boue, fou1e), se frayer Ie chemin (Z); tremper (v.i.) dans (Z)



junnabasel, junna-basel n.(cpd?) acrobatics, somersault acrobatie(D), cabriole(Z)

jula, julaajo, julauke (0) / julaaoe,julal)koooe (oe) DFZ Z(-)

merchant [jaagotoocfo); Ju1a (Dyu1a) commer~ant, petit commer~ant [jaagotoocfo); Diou1a (Dyula)(Z{Ff}) julabasel n.(cpd?) 0 cf.:[waas-] unfortunate merchant


-ITjunnitidde v.av+ext Z (FJ,FT,M) to overturn, turn upside down renverser, mettre sens dessus dessous




jutalo (0) 0 free woman femme libre

juoogel (ngel) / njuukoy (koy) ZH Z(-) Uuungel] small hand, small arm petite main, petit bras juoogo, jUQogo (ngo) / juude (de) OFCZHM

JUTTINDE juttiode var.- juutinde F JUTUKELE jutukele var.- jurkel, jurukelle JUUDE

CZ(-) Uuungo]

arm, hand; sleeve; (Mil.Rist.) wheeling flank of an army; (Mil.) unit of an army bras, main; manche (de vetement)(Z); (Mil.Rist.) aile d'une armee(ZM); (Mil.) unite faisant partie de l'armee(ZM)

juude n. 0 [yongo, reegarde] ford gue

junngo nano (FZ): left hand ; main gauche junngo ftaamo (FZ): right hand; main droite junngo ftiiwa (Z(-»): trunk (of elephant) ; trompe d'elephante



iiande juulde]


prayer; celebration (esp. religious) priere; fete (surtout religieuse)

juraade v.mv 0 to draw water with a bucket puiser avec un seau jurowol (ngol) 0 [fate, yoogirde] bucket for drawing water seau it puiser de l' eau

juulde alsilameef>e (E): Muslim holidays; fetes musulmanes juulde layya (F): prayer, celebration of Tabaski ; priere de Tabaski, fete de Tabaski [Iayya, tafaske] juulude v.av dFCZ CZ(-) Uulde]:O

to pray, do prayers required in the Koran; to celebrate; (e oeddo) to bless; to be a Muslim prier, faire les prieres coraniques(Z); feter (DZ); (e oeddo) benir(Z); etre musulman(Z) juulugol (ngol) Z religiosity religiosite ojuulduka (ka) 0 garment worn for praying vetement pour la priere ojuulu n. 0 prayer priere

-Tjurtude v.av+en Z (+) to run fast; to pour water gently courir vite; verser doucement de l'eau

JURBOL jumol (ngol) 0 [call(al)ol, callialal, jolokowal] chain chaine

JURKjurkude v.av 0 to provoke, incite provoquer, inciter



jurkel (ngel), jurukelle (0) DZ Uutukele (o)]:Z

juuldugo, juulduogo (ngo) OZ mat or skin used for prayer natte, peau de priere

cf.:[moolaaru, hoddu]

single-string guitar guitare monocorde


juude pl.- junngo, jU1)ngo

juuldo (0) / juu/oe (oe) FCZ CZ(-) person who prays, Muslim qui prie, musulman juulde (nde) / juulde (de) DfCZem CZ(-) Uulde,


junuubu (0) / junuubaaji (di) OZu Z(-) [hakke] sm peche




jurmeele; jurmoodiral V. yunn-

juulirde (nde) / juulirde (de) FCZ CZ(-) [misiide, jumaa]

mosque [misiide]; church(F); (lit. place to pray) mosquee [misiide]; eglise; (lit. lieu pour la priere)

jurngioaade v.mv+ext Z (M,OO) to be seated pensively with head in hands etre assis pensivement la tete dans les mains



visiter une tombe, un sanctuaire, ou un lieu sacre

julnaade v.mv+ext D to submit o.s. to circumcision ? se (faire ?) circoncir juulnude v.av+ext FCZ CZ(+) to lead the prayer [almaade); to convert(v.t.) to Islam(c) [tuubinde); to circumcise, excise diriger fa priere [almaade); convertir a I'Islam(cZ)[tuubinde); circoncire, exciser (Z)

JUURTIIDO juurtihfo (0) D person who is messy, simpleton desordonne, niais

JUUTjuutnde (nde) / juulle (de) FZ Z(-) cf.:[tooweeki] height haut taille juutud'o (0) / juutuoe (oe) FZ Z(-) person who is tall, giant personne de taille elevee, geant(Z) juutude v.av DFCZH CZ(-) cf.:[toowde] to be long; to be tall; to be a long time etre long; etre haut; etre long (temps), durer (longtemps) (Z) njuuteendi, njuutndi (ndi) T length longueur njuutundi (ndi) T [beto njunndi] measure of length mesure de longueur

JUULLE juulle pl.- juutnde; V. juutJUUNGO juungo; juungel var.- junngo; junnge/; V. junngo


JUUR- (1) juuraade (1) v.mv z (-)

[yarnude, domditinde,


to water arroser juuram (dam) T [yaame] waterfall chute (d'eau) juurnde (nde) T waterfall, cascade cascade juurude v.av DZH Z(-) to descend; to flow from above; to pour forth, leak out descendre(DH); couler d'en haut(Z); epancher, ecouler (Z)

-(I)Njuutinde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF,NE) to lengthen; to extend(C) allonger; prolonger(Z) njuunndi, njuundi (ndi) DZTm length; duration 10ngueur(DZ); duree(T)

-Njuurnude v.av+ext Z to pour from above verser d'en haut

JUUR- (2)


njuundi gaawal (Hist.)(M): length of the lance called gaawal ; longueur de la lance dit gaawal



juuraade (2) v.mv Z(Seydou, 1981) Z(-) to visit a tomb, sanctuary, or sacred place


juwa); juwe V. yuw-

K KA (1)

KAADAM kaad'am, kaad'd'am; kaad'd'um/ kaad'd'i V. haatl- (1)

ka c.i. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe kaQka pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ka class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe

KAADO Kaad'o (0) / Haaoe, Haooe (oe)



Dogon; non-Fulani African Dogon; Africain non-peul


(Z(-»: pagan, idolater; palen, idolatre

makka pm,pos f its (for nouns of the ka class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ka)

kaad'onkoore (nde) W Dogon language langue dogon

KA (2)


ka, kaa conj. DFCZH Uaka (1), kono] but; on the other hand(F); only mais; d'autre part; seulement(D)

kaafaawi (ki) / kaafaaje (de) DMY saber, sword sabre

KA'I ka'i var.- kahi Z KAABO kaabo V. haab-

KAAHAAI)O kaahaaQo



var. kaangaado, kaa1}aado; V. haang- D [kaahaango]:Z(NE)

pl.- haange

kaakarawal (ngal)

Senegal bustard - Eupodotis senegalensis poule de pharaon, outarde de Senegal Eupodotis senegalensis

kaadaad'o n. D slaughtered animal which was not sick animal egorge qui etait sans maladie kaadam (dam) D meat of a slaughtered animal which was not sick viande d'un animal egorge qui etait sans maladie

KAAKE kaake, kaakolooji, kaakooji; kaake, kaaki; kaakol V. haako

KAALA kaala n. M (Hist.) measure standardized for cloth by Seku Amadu mesure standardisee pour Ie tissu par Sekou Amadou KAALAADO kaalaad'o V. haal-

KAADANDIRI kaadandiri (ndi) D [kaadoori] short season variety of millet espece de mil hatif KAADI kaadi (1) V. haad- (1)

KAAD(D)I kaaddi, kaadi KAADIME AI

(Seydou, 1977) [kakarawal]:





haad- (2)

kaalawal (ngal) pole perche

kaadime (0) I(Seydou, 1976a) (Hist.) [dimaajo wuro] household captive or slave (the date of whose original enslavement is not known) captif de case ('serviteur attache a la maison ou a la famille et dont on ignore la date originelle d' asservissement' ( q) )


KAALEEWU kaaleewu (ngu) albino horse cheval albinos





kaalisi, kaalise (0) / kaalisiiji (di) DFcZH money; silver [cardi] argent (monnaie, devises); argent (metal)

kaadoori (ndi) D [kaadandiri] short season variety of millet espece de mil hatif




kaalisi-cewd'o (F): change; monnaie [cewd'i, weccitj

KAALKI kaaUd; kaaloowo V. haalKAAMIBOL kaamibol var.- kaanibol KAAMILU AI

kaare n. T square carre


Kaareeri PN M region of Ndioura region de Ndioura


KAAREEWI haareere (nde) / kaareeji (di) Z fruit (green) of the shea tree fruit vert du karite kaareewi (ki) / kaareeje (de) DY

kaana (ka,o), kaanaari (ndi) Z sugar-cane canoe a sucre



shea butter tree - Butyrospermum parkii arbre a karite - Butyrospermum parkii kareewi ngori (ki) A tree - Lophira alata arbre - Lophira alata

kaana1)koooe (De) DFZbL(Seydou, 1987) ZL(M,BF) cf.:[amiiru, ardo, hoore(ejo), jom, laam(ii)do]

chief, ruler, king chef, dirigeant, king kaanaQkaaku (ngu) Fq [amiiraaku] chieftainship, position and duties of a chief chefferie, charge de chef


kaanantoorowal (ngal) 0 wooden part at the front of a saddle devant de selle en bois


KAARI (2) kaari interj. Z what a pity c'est dommage

KAANDI kaandi V. haad- (2) KAANGAADO kaandi; kaangaado,


kaaQaado V. haang-

kaariyante n. 0 person who is temperate sobre



[kaamibol, binndirgal]

pen, instrument used for writing; penholder ecritoire, instrument servant a ecrire; porte-plume

kaaru n. 0 ash cendre

KAANKAANGEL kaankaangel (ngel) Z cf.:[haad- (1)] bile, gall [keefi]; gall-bladder; bitterness bile, fiel [keefi]; vesicule biliaire; amertume



KAASA kaasa (ka) / kaasaaji (di)

DFZHIM(lmperato, 1973)

(Seydou, 1987)


woolen cloth; woolen blanket (esp. those woven by the maabuoe of Masina) tissu de laine; couverture en laine (surtout celles tissees par les maabuoe du Massina)

kaanoori (ndi) Dq male antelope antilope male kaara n. T continent continent


kaari n. DZb so-and-so un tel





kaananke, kaanaQke (0) / kaanankoooe,

kaanibol (ngol) / kaanibi (di)

[nay kibal]


kaamilu (0) Dz Z(FJ} book; the Koran [Alkur'aan(a)] livre(D); Ie Coran(Z) [Alkur'aan(a)]


var.- kardal Z

KAASAADE kaasaade

AI [duungal]


pl.- haasannde


KABA (2) kaba n. Zh H(SH) [kabaaru (ndu) dog (children's speech) chien (langage des enfants(Z»

kaata (0)

DCZH(Blonde et ai, 1988) CZ(G,M,BF) [kaataari (ndi)):Z(DO,M)

potash (a salt rich in potassium chloride obtained from ashes of wood or of certain plant matter which is used in cooking) potasse(Afr.) (sel vegetal riche en chlorure de potassium obtenu a partir de la cendre de bois ou de certains vegetaux empoyee dans la cuisine)



DFcZ C(FJ), Z(M,FJ) [alkibaar, habaaru, kabaru, kibaaru]

news, information, event; account, story nouvelle, information, evenement; recit, histoire (Z)




millipede(C); centipede mille-pattes(DCZ); scolopendre(CZ)

kabbe? n. (Brenner, 1985) article of faith, dogma; teaching in dogmatic theology given orally in Fula article de foi, dogme; enseignement en theologie dogmatique transmis oralement en langue peule


kaatib, kaatibu (0) M (Hist.)? [kaatibo):Z(FJ) officially appointed secretary secretaire assermente kaatibu batu, kaatibu saare (Hist.)(M): clerk; greffier

KABBANAADO ka66anaacfo; ka66e;

KAATfUDI kaattudi V. haaa- (2) KAAWDE kaawcfe; kaawee; kaaweefi, kaawesi

ka66ondirgal; ka66ucfo; ka66ugal V. haoo-

KABE ka6e; ka6irgal/ka6ircfe, ka60rcfe V.

V. haaw-


KAAWIRAADO kaaw (0) DFZ uncle (term of address) oncle (titre) kaawiraacfo (0) / kaawiraaoe (oe)

KACACCI kacacci (ki) D species of tree espece d'arbre


KACCITAARI kaccitaari, kacitarri

cf.: [bappaafio)

KADDU kaddu, kaddungal/kaddule V. haddKADEN kaden var.- kasen Z KADAADI kacfaacfi V. haaKAFA Soni


KAAYTI kaayti juddu n. T birth certificate acte de naissance



uncle (maternal) oncle maternel kaawtal (nga/) departure depart


kabaaru (ndu,o) / kabaaruuji (ai)




kabaare (nde) Z corn, maize (grain) mats (graine)

KAATANE kaatane, kaatene, kaatine pl.-

kaatatal (ngal) / kaatate (ae)

(2)):Z [rawaandu)

kafa (0) DZb Z(-) dye (black) used by leather-workers teinture (noir(Z» de cordonnier

[talkuru ndimu)

KAFE (1) kafe, kafiyaaku V. haf- (2) KAFE (2) Fr

KAAY AL kaay-al; kaay-e; kaay-el V. hayre KABA (1) Bam?

kafe (0) coffee cafe

kaba n. DZ ringworm [foroforo]; rabies teigne [foroforo]; rage(Z)


Zo Z(-)


arc (arme)

kaggu (ngu) / kagguuji (di) DZT(Brasseur, 1968)



kalacal n. D walking stick of an elderly person baton de vieillard

small shelter; type of shelves; place for drying petit hangareD); sorte d'etagere (ZT(Brasseur, 1968)); sechoir (Brasseur, 1968)

KALFAADO kalfaad'o; kalfinaad'0; kalfinoowo; kaliifa V. half-


KALHALDI kalhaldi/kalhaIi, kalahaldi,

kahi (ki) / kahe, ka'e (de) DZako [kay]:A [ka'i] African mahogany tree - Khaya senegalensis cailcedrat - Khaya senegalensis

kalohaldi V. hal-



kaIikaIiwal (ngal) / kalikaliije (de) CZ [Elaargal, yeel)irgal]

kajiba n.? D beating sb up ?; taking turns (action de) passer tabac; tour de role


ladder echelle




kaIim n. (Sanankoua, 1990) writing implement made from a slender piece of bamboo instrument a ecrire taillee dans du bambou

Kaka PN M Sofara - town on the Bani between Jenne and Mopti Sofara - village sur Ie Bani entre Djenne et Mopti




kaliya n. D [pentelli, daamol] tape worm tenia

kakka n. DM enclosure made of millet stalks; woven panel used in fencing enclos en tiges de mil(D); claie servant de cloture(M)

KAUUDO kaljud'o V. haljKALLE kalle pl.- hal/ere KALLIMA

KAL kal c.i. fZ class indicator indicateur de classe

kallima n. D audience, attachment audience, attachement

KALA (1)


kala adv. D so, so much si, tant

KALA (2)

kallusu n. D madness folie Ar


kala adj. FcZu C(G,A,FJ),Z(FJ,M,G,A) each, every chaque, tout

kalmaade v.mv Z to report; to call to justice rapporter; appeler en justice kalmu (0) / kalmi (di) Z action of reporting action de rapporter

KALAAMU kalaamu (0) DZ Z(-) diction, voice; sth said, discourse; written work diction, voix (D); dit, discours (Z); ecrit, oeuvre (Z)




kaluru (ndu) D [Elunndu] well puits


kalaawal (ngal) / kalaaje (de) Z (M,BF) [Iaarial (1), larial, lagawal]

bow (weapon)





kampaaje n. 0 pincers, pliers tenailles, pinces

kalwa (0) / kalwaaji (di) OZ Z(-} [kawla] [xalwa]:CZ(FJ,FT,M}

retreat (religious, of marabout), isolation (solitude devoted to praying) retraite (pieuse(Z), du marabout(D», isolement (solitude consacree a prier(Z»

KAMSA kamsa n. 0 stinging insect insecte piquant

-INkalwinaade v.mv+ext Z (-) [xalwinaade]:



kamsel (o,ngel) / kamselaaji (di) OFzq

to withdraw to pray, isolate o.s. from all outside contact se retirer pour prier, s'isoler de tout contact avec l'exterieur



camisole(F), blouse(F), short-sleeved woman's garment which fits the bust closely and widens from the waist to the thigh camisole(D), vetement feminin a manches courtes, serre au buste, evase de la taille a mi-cuisse (q)

pm,obj V. mi

kama n. 0 [Iool)gal, loongal, walle] beat, battue battue

KANA kana prep. FZ except excepte, sauf

KAMAMAARI kamamaari/kamamaaje, kammanaaje V. hammanaare


KAMANDENDI kamandendi (ndi) 0 assemblage assemblage

KAMBA kamba V. ba & nga KAMBARI kambari var.- kammari KAMBULAM


pl.- hanndeere

kane (de) 0 quick time (pace of horse) pas cadences (cheval)



kanfalaaje (de) 0 [dakkere/dakke] fritters? tartines

kambulam (dam) OM water which has been used to wash millet from which the bran has been removed; type of drink [cem(m)bam] eau qui a servi a laver Ie mil dont on a retire Ie son(dM); sorte de boisson(Z) [cem(m)bam]



kankanuje (de) 0 squashes, watermelons courges, pasteques

KAM'BE kaml)e V. 6e KAMMARI

KANKASI kankasi n. T [mbudu, jaka] aluminum aluminium

kammari conj. OFZH [kambari, ngammari, sabi, saabi, saabi]

because of a cause de, parce que, c'est pourquoi

KANKEEWA kankeewa n. 0 [Iaana] pirogue, canoe pirogue

KAMMU kammu (0) / kammuuji (di) OFCZ CZ(+} sky; rain [t060, iiwoonde] ciel; pluie [tooo, iiwoonde]

KANKO kanko, kagko V.



& ko

recoltes vivrieres (Sanankoua, 1990)


nanng006e karaaje (Hist.)(M): appelation of the taxcollectors to whom the karaaje and paabe (taxes) were paid; appelation des percepteurs auxquels etaient verses les imp6ts karaaje et paabe

kanndi (ndi) DZ Z(-) colostrum, first milk of a mother colostrum, premier lait d'une mere



kanni n. 0 creeping aquatic grass which children put on their arms herbe aquatique rampante que les enfants mettent au bras

karabaraaru n. 0 container for safekeeping of finery garde parure (recipient)

KARAL karal (ngal) / kare (de)

KANTIIDO kantihfo V. hant- (1) KANTU kantu V. hant- (2) KANUURU Fr kanuuru n. cannon canon

plain; sterile lateritic region; half (lengthwise) of a fish [karalliingu] plaine(D); region de laterite sterile(Z); moitie en long de poisson(Z(Labouret, 1955» [karalliingu] KARAMAAJO karamaajo V. hann-

0 [kanu (o)/kanuuji (cfi)]:Z(-)



kaQude v.av 0 to foam mousser

karaw n. 0 wooden instrument used for milking instrument en bois pour traire

KAI)KA kaQka; kaQki; kaQko; kaQko; kaQkoy;


kaQngal; kaQnge; kaQngo; kaQngol; kaQngu V.

karawaasi n. 0 whip fouet, cravache

ka; ki; 0; ko; koy; ngal; nge; ngo; ngol; ngu



kaQQe (0) / ka1}1}eje (de)


DFZb [kal)a, kal]e,




karawaati (0) / karawaatiiji (di) tie? cravate

gold or

-IDkanQicfidde v.av+ext to be gilded etre dore

DZ(Labouret,1955) Z(+)

[karawalj cf.:[kertal, feeyoj



karawal (ngal) / karawaaje (de)

DZ Z(-) [karalj

cf.:[kertal, feeyoj

plain; barren and hardened land plaine(D); terrain dur et nu

KANJAM kaiijam; kaiije; kanji; kaiium V. dam; de; di; dum

KARAWIRI karawiri n. 0 first excrement of a baby animal premiers excrements d'un petit animal

KAPPALAARU kappalaaru n. Dq [gorobone] person who is elegant, well-dressed galant



karbon n. T carbon carbone

KAPPUDO kappudo V. happKARAAJE karaaje (de), karaaji (di)


M(Sanankoua, 1990)




kardal, kaardal (ngal) / karde, kaarde (de) carder (weaving) carde (tissage(Z»

tax on harvests during the time of the empire of Masina; tax on the defeated levied on the harvest of foodstuffs impot sur les recoltes au temps de I'empire du Massina(M); impot des vaincus paye sur les 180



KARE kare n. D [kawsara] imaginary taste of paradise ? gorgees imaginaires du paradis

card carte kaart dante (f), kartal dantele (Z): identity card ; carte d'identite kartal iimaaji (Scol.)(f): register of notes; registre de notes kartallimorde maad'e (Scol.)(f): roll; registre de matricule

Z [Ieeso] cf.:[karka]

KARU karu n. M (Vet.) lampas (illness of horses) lampas (une maladie du cheval)

KARJA karja excl. D exclamation used for chasing dogs away interjection qui s'emploie pour chasser les chiens

KARWIRGAL karwirgal (nga/)

D [korwargal, dorwere, kowral,



bobbin bobine

karka n. D cf.:[karga] kind of couch canape


KARMINGOL karmingol; karmu V. KARNE Fr




var.- kaydi T

kasen, kasi, kasin n. DF also, again encore une fois, aussi

kaarne noddirde (f): record of roll-call; registre d'appel

KARNGOL karngol (ngol) D cord for holding an instrument cordelette pour maintenir (soutenir?) un instrument


[kaden, kadi, kali]


kaske (0) / kaskeeji (di) Z [kaska/kaskaaji]:Z(-) European hair style; helmet coiffure europeenne; casque

pl.- hariiere

KASOOJO kasoojo (0) D Dogon griot griot dogon

karol n. D jump when running ? bond de course (en courant ?)





kasu, kase (0) DZb [kuse]: D prison prison kasunke (0) / kasunkoooe (oe) prisoner detenu

karoori n. D male of mature age male d'un certain age

KARTAALI kartaali, karte V.


kasanke, kasanka (0) shroud linceul

kame n. ZT Z(-) [kaarne):T notebook; register carnet(Z); registre(T)


Dzt Z(FJ) [kaart,


KAREEWI kareewi; karehi V. kaareewi KARFEEJE karfeeje pl.- haifeere KARGA karga (o,ka) / kargaaje (de) bed lit


kartal (nga/) / karte (de)




KATAFE katafe n. D [paamitare] person who is slow to understand personne a comprehension difficile



cahier; liste(Z) kayee cafrird'o, kayee cawrird'o (T): record of (medical) visits ; cahier de visite kayee jogitord'o (T): journal (notebook) ; cahier de journal kayee kel'loord'o (T): homework notebook? ; cahier de preparation kayee natird'o (T): sketch book, sketch pad; cahier de dessin kayee pilneteed"o (T): mileage record ; cahier de roulement kayee seede (T): homework notebook; cahier de texte

kalamaajo (0) 0 [safi, muddo] imbecile imbecile

KATE kate V. hatKATTE katte n. 0 lacking (sth) fait de manquer de


KAYRE kayre; kayri; kayru V. nde; ndi; ndu KAYYUDO kay-youd'o v. hayyKEBBE kebbe pl.- hebbere KEBKI kebki V. heoKEBAL ke6al/ke6e; ke6ude; ke6ud'e V. heoKECCO kecco; keccol V. hecc- (2) KEDDE kedde V. heddKEDDE ked'd'e pl.- heddere KEEBEEJE keebeeje, keebeeji pl.- heebeere KEECI

katti (di) 0 bracelets of grass bracelets d'herbes

KAWGEL kawgel; kawngu V. hawKAWLA kawla var.- kalwa 0 KAWLE Man


kawle n. Db(Kane and Robinson, 1984) hot humid season after the rains; period before the rains [korsol] saison chaude et humide qui suit les pluies; periode d'avant les pluies(D) [korsol]


keeci (ki) / keeceeji (di) dFz Z(-) [keecci]:D

kawli n. 0 scarf foulard


lower back, small of the back reins, creux des reins


kawraad'un, kawrad'un; kawrilal; kawondiral V. hawr-

KEEDAL keedal V. heedKEEDE keed'e pl.- heedere KEEFE

KAWSARA kawsara n. 0 [kare] imaginary taste of paradise ? gorgees imaginaires du paradis

keefe n. 0 backbiting, criticism medisances, critique

KAWTIIDO kawtiid'o V. hawtKAWU kawu V. haw- (1) KAYARDE

KEEFEERO CZ(-) [geddo Alia]

unbeliever, infidel, non-Muslim; pagan; atheist incroyant, infidele, non-musulman; paien; athee keeferaaku (ngu) DZ Z(-) cf.:[luttere] unbelief; apostasy; paganism; atheism incroyance; apostasie; paganisme; atheisme

kayard'e n. 0 sexual illness of young buys maladie sexuelle de jeune gar~on


kayboowo V. hayb-

kaydi n. Dt [kasdi]:T lease location(D), bail(T)

KEEFGOL keefgol (ngo/) T [muntugol, jaafagol, mooytugol bonannda]

kaydi (ndi) (Z(FJ)): paper, document; papier, document


amnesty amnistie


kayee, kaye (0) / kayeeji (di) ZT notebook; list


keefeero, keefero (0) / heefe(e)r6e (De) DFCZEY




KEEFI keefi n. Z bile [kaankaangel]; affliction of the gall-bladder bile [kaankaange1]; maladie de vesicule biliaire

kelemiwal (ngal) D species of bird espece d'oiseau



kelenteewal (ngal) D nocturnal species of bird espece d'oiseau de nuit

keefol n. D Uontere j malaria paludisme



kelenegate n. D often used (riding horse) ? souvent utilise en parlant du cheval monte ?

keekeewi (lei) M tree - Ficus iteophylla arbre - Ficus iteophylla

KELGU kelgu/keld'e; kelitane; kelol V. KELlKAYE


keelelam, keelalam (dam) DZ Z(-) limpid water eau limpide


kelikaye ndufirdi n. D mold (for ingots) lingotiere

pl.- heeiiere

KELLE kelle KELLI (1)

keenen, keene, keenan, keena DFCZH CZ( + ) yesterday hier

KEENU keenu V. heeiiKEERAAGU keeraagu V. KEERI


KELLI (2) kelli/kelle KELLO

(2) V. hell- (2)

kello (0) Z red dye of local fabrication (of leather workers) teinture rouge de provenance locale (des cordonniers) kelloori (ndi) (Gardi et Seydou, 1986) species of wild millet (used to make a red dye for dyeing wool) espece de mil sauvage (utilise pour faire un teinture rouge pour teindre Ie laine)

KEEROL keerol (ngol) / keerolji, keerdi (di) dCZT C(G,M,FJ,NE),Z( +) [keervol]:D [kaaddi, kaattudi]

boundary; limit (lit.,ftg.); line; thin strip of hair left on a shaven head frontiere; limite (lit.,ftg.); trace (d); etroite bande de cheveux laisee sur la tete rasee(Z) Fr


keesu (0) / keesuuje (de) DZ Z(-) cashbox, trunk CaIsse

kelmeeji (di) T vocabulary vocabulaire

KEEWAL keewal; keewki V. heewKEEYE keeye pl.- heeyre (var.- heyre) KEGEL

KELNE kelne KELTAL (1)

pl.- heliiere (var.- heeiiere)

keltal n. D cf.:[hel-] automatic rifle fusil automatique

kegel n. D acrobatics in a horse-race accrobatie en course de chevaux

KEKKI kekki V.

(1) pl.- hello; V. hell- (1)

Kelli? PN I cf.:[baalinkoooe] family or clan name of FulBe Wod'eeBe who raise sheep nom de famille ou de clan des FulBe Wod'eeBe eleveurs de moutons

keeri n. Z cf.:[heer-j [tooiia(a)ngej injustice injustice



KELTAL (2) keltal



var.- kettal; V. hett- (1) D



keltu-nopel n. Z cf.:[hel-] hole in the ear-lobe for earrings trou dans les lobes des oreilles fait pour les boucles d'oreille


kensagol (ngol) 0 work well done travail bien fait

KERE kere? n. D [ere] [gido, yigo, wayiraagu] friend ami


keme n. DFCZ CZ( +) [teemedere, hem (e)re] hundred; (pl.- hem( e)re) (F) centaine(D); (pl.- hem(e)re)(CZ)



kereloowal (ngal) D horn (bugle) clairon

kemki n. D cf.:[kekki] spoiled child enfant gate



kemmboowo V. hemmb-

keroowa (ba,nga) D [kuuroowa] spotted goat chevre tachetee

kemmbu n. D dental cavity carie dentaire

KERKA kerka n. (Gardi et Seydou, 1986) [arkilla kerka] type of arkilla hanging type de tenture arkilla

KEMMU kemmu n. D dental disease maladie de dents

KERTAL kertal n. D [karal, karawal, feeyo] plain plaine

KEMPE kempe n. D full to bursting plein a craquer

KERYAL kery-al n. D sectioned stalk tige sectionnee

KENAM kenam (dam) D cf.:[haan-, hen-] property propriete

KENE kene, keneeli, keni KENHENAM

KES- kes- V. hes- (1) KETAL ketal/kete var.- kettal/kette,· V.

pl.- heendu


(1) cz


kenhenam n. D cf.:[heendu] storm orage

pl.- heteere

keteewu n. D sheep of the damas variety mouton de l'espece damas

KENI-KERI keni-keri? n. I cf.:[mbayeeri] sorghum - an appreciated variety of Sorghum nigerium sorgho - une variete appreciee de Sorghum nigerium

KETEWOL ketewol n. D damas breed (sheep) espece damas (moutons)


KENJORJI kenjorji, kenjordi? n. I most prudent and experienced of the cattle in a herd boeuf Ie plus prudent et experimente du troupeau

kettal/kette; kettungol V. hett- (1)

kewal (nga/) / kewe (de) DCZl C{NE,M) [liwol] cf.:[pitorgal]

spindle (small - about 25 cm long, on which is wound thread that has just been spun);



distaff(C) fuseau (petit fuseau long de 25 cm sur lequel on enroule Ie fil qui vient d'etre file(L»; quenouille( C)


KIIMAAD E kiimaade; kiimagol V. KIINDI

keygal (ngal) D cf.:[hes- (2)) fleece of sheep tonte de mouton keyri (ndi) D cf.:[hes- (1)) new harvest nouvelle recolte

KIINOLDE kiiiiolde, kiiiioole pl.- hiinolde KIIRAADE kiiraad'e; kiirhirde V. hiirKIITAL

KEYE kere, kerre pl.- heyre KEYYE kerre pl.- heyyere (var.- heaaere) KI

kiital n. D trick ruse

kaQki prn,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ki class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe ki) ki c.i. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe makki prn,pos F its (for nouns of the ki class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ki)

KIITE kiite V. hiitKIJAALI kijaali pl.- hijaango; V. KILLEWOL

KILLIFAADO killifaad'o (0) D person who is wise sage

kibaaru (ndu) / kibantuji (ai) CZ CZ(FJ.M.BF)


[alkibaar. habaaru]

(V. kabaaru); announcement of a death (V. kabaaru); annonce d'un deces (Z)

killiliwal (ngal) / killiliije (ae) Zq (M.DO) white-faced tree-duck - Dendrocygna viduada canard siffleur - Dendrocygna viduata( q)




kilo (0) / kilooji (ai) FZ Z(-) [ujunere garam]:T kilogram kilogramme

kibbu n. T cube cube

KIMYAALI kimraali; kimrol V. KINAA


kibla ? (0) cz [qibla]:CZ(FJ.FT.M) direction of Mecca direction de la Mecque


kinaa (+ v. subj.) part. F must, have to doit, modal indiquant 'devoir'

KI'B'BAL ki66al; ki66oole; ki66udi V. hi66KI'BE ki6e pl.- hibo KIIDDUDE kiid'd'ude var.- hiaaude; v.

KINAL kinal; kine; kinhinol V. hinere KINKORDE kinkord'e pl.- hinkorde KIPPU kippu; kippudi V. hipp-

hiaa- CZ (BF.NO.G.A.M)

KIIKIIDE kiikiide, kiikiid'e V.


killewol (ngol) D species, race, breed espece, race




kiindi (ndi) D cf.:[hidd-] old harvest ancienne recolte


KIBBAM kibbam/kibbe V. KIBBU Fr


kiikiriwal (ngal) (Seydou. 1977) cf.:[hiir-] nocturnal bird of prey rapace nocturne



KIRABOTIOMEERE kirabottomeere n.cpd D cf.:[hiir-, wott-, midday mea1 which is late repas de midi retarde


KIRSE kirse; kirsoowo V. hirsKIRTADE kirtad"e; kirte V. hiirKISAL kisal; kisindam V. hisKISlKASA



kire (0) DZtH Z(M,FT) copper cuivre kirewol (ngo/) D copper instrument instrument en cuivre

kisikasa ideoph. D onomatopoetic expression indicating noncha1ance onomatopee denotant la noncha1ance

[kiri]:T Uakawelle]


kitangal (ngal) DI cf.:[hitaande] great famine; the great famine of 1913 grande famine; la grande famine de 1913

KIRHIRDI kirbirdi (ndi) / kirhirdiiji (di)

fq cf.:[kiirhirdi,

kitangal gigile (I): the great famine when people ate the fruit of Boscia senegalensis (1927-31); la grande famine ou on mangea les fruits du Boscia senegalensis (1927-31)


porch veranda


KIRI KARA kiri kara ideoph.? without value sans valeur

kitime n. D twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan vingt-septieme jour du mois de Ramadan


KIWAL kiwal; kiwtaali V. KIYAASA

KIRIKIRI kirikiri, kiri-kiri (0) DZ epilepsy; type of sickness epilepsie(D); espece de ma1adie(Z)

KO (1)

kirikookoro n. D children's game jeu d'enfant

kagko (2) pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ko class). ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe



kirimmeewal (ngal) D part of a saddle partie de selle de cheva1

ko c.i. DFZH

class indicator indicateur de classe makko (2) pm,pos F its (for nouns of the ko class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ko)

KIRINDAY kirinday D children's expression expression d'enfants

KO (2)


ko FCH cf.:[yo]

kiriyon (0) T pencil crayon

what, that, that which is; what? que, ce que; quoi?, qU'est-ce que


kiriyon goobiid'o (T): colored pencil; crayon de couleurs

ko dow pittel]

KIRKE kirke (0) / kirkeeji (di), kirkeeje (de)

DcZM C(G,A),Z(M,FJ,G,A) [kirke (de)]:Z [kirki/kirkiiji]:Z


D (Vet.) [boolol, pettu, cowaad'e, koyngel,

anthrax ? charbon bacterien ?

saddle selle

KIRNDAM kimdam V.


kiyaasa n. D method, fashion methode, fa~on




KO'E ko'e hir-


pl.- hoore



kodde n. 0 remainder of grain after sifting restes de graines apres tamisage

kobaaje (de) DHI [koba):1 fishing implements; two-handed fish net; small adjoining nets that one closes on fish instruments de peche(D); filet a deux mains(H); petits filets accouples qu'on referme sur Ie poisson(I)

KODDIIDO koddihfo V. hod- (1) KODDIROOJE koddirooje pl.- hoddiro; V. hoddir-



kocfaaku; kocfcfo; kocfo; kocforde; kocfu V. hod- (1)

kobaawi (Id) 0 type of knife sorte de couteau



kocfol (ngol) / kodi (di) DcZ C(FJ,N,G), Z(FJ,M,N,G)

kobo corokotoowu n. P fish - Barbus occidentalis poisson - Barbus occidentalis

necklace of beads (amber); beads collier de pedes (d'ambre(D»; pedes(Z)


KO'B'BOOJUM ko66oojum (dum) T inflammation inflammation

KOFOL kofol n. T curve, hook courbe, crochet

KO'BOLAL ko6olal (ngal) / ko60le (de) DCZ CZ(M,FJ)


cf.: [kugol)

bark (of tree); piece of bark, shell; hull ecorce(DC); morceau d'ecorce, coque (Z); coque de navire(Z)



kofortif (0) T [koppe):T [koportif):Z(-) cooperative cooperatif


kofortif kebal, kofortif njencudi cooperative for production ; cooperative de production kofortif lekkoy scholastic cooperative ; cooperative scolaire

kocce var.pl.- kosam F


koccu (0) DZ Z(-) cf.:[korokayye,korkaaye) gravel gravillon, gravier

KOGOLE kogole (nge) 0 coloration of cattle robe de vache

KOCUUJE kocuuje (de) 0 [koosuuje) shoes made of cowhide, sandals chaussures en peau de vache, sandales



var. pl. - hoore F

kojoli (Id) / kojole (de) DAko tree - Anogeissus leiocarpus arbre - Anogeissus leiocarpus

kodda (0) / koddaa6e (6e) DZ Z(-) [koddaajo):Z cf.:[hocf- (1)]

last born, last child dernier ne, dernier enfant

KOKKE kokke pl.- hokkere; V. KOKOOWI Fr

KODDAARU koddaaru ? (ndu) 0 little fmger auriculaire mawni koddaaru ? (ndu) ring finger annulaire

kocfun inte"og. var.- hodun; V.

dum FH

hokk- (2)

kokoo (0), kokoore (nde) / kokooje (de) Z coconut noix de coco kokoowi (Id) / kokooje (de) Z cf.:[baaci) coconut palm - Cocos nucifera cocotier - Cocos nucifera






Z(M,BF} [maadi]

wall mur

komit yellitaare (1'): (regional) committee for development; commite (regional) de developpement

kokowol Seeku Aamadu (Sanankoua, 1990)(Hist.): wall surrounding the royal palace in Hamdullahi ; mur d'enceinte entourant Ie palais royal Ii Hamdallaye

KOMMBOL kommbol/kommbi V. hommbKONDONDOL kondondol (ngol) /


konddondi (ai) - var.- konondol CZ

kol c.i. DH class indicator indicateur de c1asse



(L): (disappearing from use; 'en voie de disparition' (L, p.32-33»

kongoru (ngu) D black horse cheval noir

KOLAN kolan n. D immigrant immigrant

KONI koni D fmally, but if .. . entin, mais si .. .

KOLAN(G)AL kolanal, kolangal (ngal) D cf.:[hol-] forest, bush foret, brousse

KONJAM konjam (aam) M cf.:[doro, besu, bese] millet beer biere de mil

kola(a)ngal/kolaade (Z(-}): plain; plaine kola(a)ngal/kolaade (Z(FJ,Ff): easily tilled land without trees or rocks ; terre meuble sans arbres ni pierres kola(a)ngal/kolaade (Z(Kane and Robinson, 1984)(Ff): tract of floodplain land ; etendue de terre inondable


KONKEEWI konkeewi (ki) / konkeeje (ae) DZko tree - Detarium microcarpum or D. senegalense arbre - Detarium microcarpum(k) ou D. senegalense(Z)

kolce pl.- holsere

kolfe n. D cooking implement instrument de cuisine



pl.- hoddu; V. hoa- (2)


kollital V. holl-it-

konndodol (ngol) / konndodi (ai) var.- konondol CZ

kolndam; koltal V. hol-



konndoore (nde) D cf.:[giire(ere}, jiire] squirrel ecureuil



konndoowu (ngu) / konndooji (ai) DZPY fish - Heterotis niloticus; horse-fish? poisson - Heterotis niloticus(P); poisson-cheval(D)

koloni (0) Z [njiimaandi] colony colonie



konkotoowel (ngel) (Seydou, 1977) small conical hat petit chapeau conique

kolonel (0) Z colonel colonel



komit, komite (0) zr Z(-} cf.:Oiidal] committee comite

kokowol, kokuwol (ngol) / kokooji (ai) DFCZV

pl.- holoore

KONNGA konnga n. D covering for a mat protege natte

komboowu (ngu) P tish - Labeo spp., Barbus spp. poisson - Labeo spp., Barbus spp.



KONNGOL konngol, kOlJngol (ngol) / konngi, kOl)ngi, konnguuli (ai) OFZ(Seydou, 1987) Z(+)

kooli (ki) / koole (ae) OAk tree - Mitragyna inermis arbre - Mitragyna inermis

word(F), verb; sentence, phrase(F); expression(F), maxim; secret; assertion; language mot, verbe (D); phrase(Seydou, 1987), syntagme, locution; expression, parole(Z), sentence(Z); secret(DZ); affirmation(Z); langue(Z)

KOOLOL kool(ol)oljkool(ol)i V. KOOMA

hool- (2)

kooma n. 0 difficult situation situation difficile

KONO kono conj. FeZ C(FJ),Z(-) [ka(a)] but mais

KOOMASA koomasa n. 0 laborious worker travailleur laborieux

KONONDOL konondol (ngol) / konondi (ai) CzY C(FJ,FT,M),

KOORDO koordo; koorka V. KOOREL

Z(FJ,FT) [(pl.) konoli]:Z [kondondi, konndodol]

throat(C); trachea, windpipe; gullet, esophagus gorge(CZ); trachee(ZY), trachee-artere(Z); oesophage(CZ)


koorel (ngel) 0 (Vet.) ef.:[hoor-] aphthous fever, foot-and-mouth disease fievre aphteuse



konso n. Mq charm or juju of herders fetiche pastorale

koorte (o,ae) Z drug; poison drogue; poison

KONU konu/konuuji, konuuli V. honKONOLI koiioli, koiiolli V. honoldu KOOBA

KOOSU koosu n. grass herbe

kooba (mba) / koobi DCZq CZ(-) antelope, roan antelope(C) - Hippotraginus equinus antilope(D), antilope-cheval(C) Hippotraginus equinus(Zq)


KOOSUUJE koosuuje (de) 0 [koeuuje] shoes made of animal hide chaussures en peau


KOOTOL kootol V. hootKOOTONE kootone(-noppi), kootane(-noppi)

koocal (ngal) / kooce (ae) OZ thorny branch branche epineuse

KOODAL koodal; koode V. KOODOL

pl.- hoolngo

pl.- hootonnde(-nowlU), hootannde(-nowlU)

KOOWAADO koowaado; koowgal V. KOOYAL



kooyal (ngal) 0 soiled marks on the face in the morning trace de salete au visage Ie matin

koodol (ngol) H [koolol(ol)] echo echo



kooyal (nga/) / kooye (de) F [kooyol] [wayre

koogol (ngol) 0 facial feature, straightness of the nose trait de visage, droiture de nez

moonde] ef.:[guundol]

saliva salive

KOOLAADO koolaado; koolaaje;

KOPPI koppi

koolondiral; kooludo V. hool- (1)


pl.- hOWlU; V. hol-



kopporo (0) D (Hist.?) SOU (piece of small change) sou

korirgal (ngal) T test epreuve

koporo / koporooji (Z(-»): 2 sou piece; piece de 2 sous



korkatooru n. D unmarried person ? celibataire

koral? n. (Imperato, 1973) weft trame



kormowal (ngal) / konnooje (de) hoof (of horse) sabot (de cheval)

korboori (ndi) D [ngaari] cf.:[horbude] bull taureau



korokayye, korkaaye (de) DCZ cf.:[koccu] gravel; deposits of iron ore graviers(D); gisement de minerai de fer( cZ)

kordaaku (ngu) Z situation and way of being of a female slave situation et maniere d'etre d'une esclave kord"o (0) / horoe (oe) DFCZ CZ(-) female servant, slave or captive servante, captive, esclave femelle

KOROKOROOJE korokorooje n. D instrument for hunting birds instrument de chasse d'oiseau

KORE (1)


kore n. DH sense sens

korooji (di) M cf.:[horroobe] scouts, sentinels eclaireurs, vedettes

KORE (2)


kore / koreeji I household (family members living together) menage (membres de famille vivant ensemble) korewol (ngol) / koreeji (di) Cz C(M,NO,BF), family, parents (C) famille, relations(C)

KORE (3) kore; KOREWOL

koroori; korooro V. hor-

korral (ngal) / korre (de) DCZ CZ(M,BF) ankle [yitere koyngal); leg (lower(C»; shin [gelenruJ cheville(D) [yitere koyngal); jambe(Z) (entre genou et pied)(C); tibia(Z) [gelenru)


korel/koroy V. horde


korewol (ngol) D subject sujet

korsud"o V. hors- (1)

korsol (ngol) D(Seydou, 1972) [kawle] period before the rains; fIrst part of ndunngu periode d'avant les pluies(D); premiere partie du ndunngu(Seydou, 1972)

KORI kori interrog DFCZH CZ(-) cf.:[yalla] is it that, I hope (that) est-ce que, j'espere que

KORWAL korwal (ngal) / korwe (de) ZT Z(-) spindle; cylinder fuseau(Z); cylindre(T)

KORIGANNGIWOL koriganngiwol (ngol) D second beam seconde poutre


Z (FJ,M)

KORWARGAL korwargal (ngal) D [kowral, karwirgal, dorwere, giilel]

bobbin bobine

korihfo V. hor-




koyam n. (Sanankoua, 1990) camp for transhuming herds on slightly elevated terrain campement de transhumance sur terrain legerement eleve

korwol (ngol) 0 shuttle navette

KOSAM kosam (aam) / kose, kocce, kosameeje, koseele (ae), kosamji (ai) OFCZh C(-),Z(+)

KOYDE koyd'aajo; koyd'e V. koyngal KOYDO koyd'o; koyeendam; koyeeram V.

cf.:[kaad(d)am, biraadam]

milk lait


KOYDOL koyd'ol V. hoyaKOYE koye var. pl.- hoore KOYNGAL

KOSRI kosri (ndi) Z [dokkal] present, gift cadeau

koyd'aajo (0) (Seydou, 1972) [taamakuru] foot soldier fantassin koyngaI (ngal) / koyae OFCZHMy

KOTIAL kottal n. 0 grimace rictus

CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) [yabbirde]

foot, leg, paw; time(s) [laawol, darande]; (Mil.Hist.) flank of an army pied, jambe, patte; fois [laawol, darande]; (Mil.Hist.) flanc d'une armee(ZM)

KOTTE kotte pl.- hottere KOTfU kottu n. 0 cf.:[yennoore] insult insulte

koyngal gootal (F): one time ; une fois koyd'e d'id'i (F): two times; deux fois koyngal nanal (Z): left foot ; pied gauche koyngal iiaamal (Z): right foot ; pied droit koyngal yeesowal (Y): foreleg; patte anterieure koyngel (ngel) OT cf.:[boolol, pettu, cowaade, ko dow]

KOTfUDO kottud'o (0) 0 [penoowo] liar menteur

(dim.- koyngal); (Vet.) blackleg; (Vet.) anthrax (dim.- koyngal); (Vet.) charbon symptomatique (D); (Vet.) charbon {maladie)(T)

KOW kow n. 0 horse with white face and legs cheval a pattes et front blancs

KOYROBORO Koyroboroojo (0) / Koyroboroooe (oe)

KOWOL kowol V. howKOWRAL



Sonrai Sonrai koyroboronkoore (nde) W [sol)aare]:Z(-) Sonrailanguage langue sonrai

kowraI (ngal) 0 [dorwere, korwargal, karwirgal, giilel] bobbin bobine


KOYOL koy-oJ V. hoyKOYYULI koy-y-uU pl.- hoyyudu KU (1) Man

kagkoy pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the koy class) ~ (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe koy) koy c.i. OFZH class indicator (diminutive plural) indicateur de classe (pluriel pour la classe des diminutifs) makkoy pm,pos F its (for nouns of the koy class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe koy)

ku, kuu (0) OCZH [kuure (nde) / kuuje yam igname

KU (2) ku c.i. 0 class indicator indicateur de classe



kun (L(FJ): class indicator for diminutives; indicateur de la c1asse des diminutifs [ngel]


KUGOL kugol (ngol) 0 cf.:[koDolal, haako] bark, leaf, skin ecorce, feuille, peau

hub- (1)


kubbol (ngol) / kubbi (ai) OCZ CZ(G,N,M,BF) plait of hair tresse de cheveux

kugune n. 0 cf.:[kufune] hairstyle ?, hat ? coiffure


KUJJAL kuijal V. hujjKULDO kuld"o v. hulKULE

kubugol (ngora)? n. v dance step or gesture of the male soliciting the female geste ou pas de danse du male qui sollicite la femelle

kule n. 0 person who sews broken calebashes qui coud les calebasses cassees

KUBBIRDAM ku66ird"am; ku66ird"i; ku66u; ku66uuli V. huM-

KULLE kulle var.pl.- huunde & pl.- kuddi KULO kulo(owo); kulol v. hulKULOR (1)

KUBEEJE ku6eeje, ku6eeji pl.- hu6eere KUBINDIIDO ku6indiid"o V. hu6indKUCCE kucce pl.- huyre KUDDI kuddi/kulle V. huaKUDDU Wol kuddu (ndu) / kudduuji (ai), kudduuje (ae)

kulor n. 0 cf.:[barma] suIfer? souffre?



(FT,M) [kuwiyer] cf.:[sookoloowal]

spoon made of metal cuillere en metal



kultu (ngu) L [koltal, kaddungal] clothing habillement en general

KULULUUWAL kululuuwal (nga/) D wind instrument ? instrument a vent

V. hudo

kufaara (0) / kutaraaji (ai) zT Z(FT) [wana,

KUMANAADO kumanaad"o; kumirgal;

huulgo, I)aro] cf.:[huf-]

kumol/kumi; kumorgal/kumord"i V. hum-

sheath, cover fourreau

KUFOL kufol/kufi V. KUFUNE Soni,Man?



kud"d"edeedi (ai) 0 [tekette, teket(t)i] intestines intestins

KUDEL kUlfel; kud"ol/kud"i KUFAARA AI


kulor (0) / kulorji (ai) Z (-) [noone, alhaali color couleur



kumandaw (0) OT [gardiid'o, ardiid'o] commandant commandant


kufina, kufune (0) / ku/inaaje, kufuneeje (ae)


CZbLS Z(M,BF) cf.:[huf-]

hat bonnet, fez, coiffure

kummbareewal, kumareewal (ngal) / kummbareeje, kumareeje (ae) OCZSY CZ(G,A,N,M) [kumbareewal, kumaareewal]


egret, heron, species of crane, crestedcrane(C), crowned crane - Balearica pavonina aigrette(D), Mron(Y), espece de grue(Z),

kugal (ngal) 0 lock serrure



grue-trompette(C), grue-couronnee(C) Balearica pavonina(S)

kunko n. 0 accident, unforseen change, misfortune accident, imprevu, malheur

KUMBAWELNDUNGU kumbawelndungu n.cpd D species of red insect espece d'insecte rouge

KUNNDU kunndu n. D sweet aquatic grass or beverage made with it herbe aquatique sucree ou boisson faite avec

KUMMBA (I?) Kummba PN

DZE(SA et Kesteloot, 1969)(Seydou, 1977) Z(-) cf.:[hum-]

KUNNGA kunnga V. hunngKUNTAADO kuntaad'o V. hun-tKUNUKUNU

name of the second daughter prenom de la deuxieme fIUe

KUMMBA (2?) kummba (0) / kummbaafie (fie)

kunukunu n. 0 murmur murmure

Cz C(FT,M),

Z(FT) [mi(rii)raado]

younger sibling frere cadet ou soeur cadette

KUMMBEEJI kummbeeji


V. hummb-

KUMPA kumpa/kumpaaji V. KUNAARI


kuppe n. D cut portion (e.g. of cigarette) morceau coupe (p.ex. de cigarette)

pl.- hummbeewo; hump-

KUPPIDAL kuppidal (nga/) D lead an action jointly mener une action en commun

Kunaari PN DEHMS(Sanankoua, 1990) Kunari, region in the environs of Mopti between the Niger and the foothills of the Bandiagara plateau Kounari, region aux environs de Mopti entre Ie Niger et les contreforts du plateau Bandiagara



kura, kuran (0) T [elektirisite] electrical current courant electrique

Fakala-Kunaari (V. Fakala) Kunaari keyri (Seydou, 1977): 'new Kunari' - region in western Niger; 'nouveau Kounari' - region dans I'ouest du Niger Kunaarivke (0) / Kunaari1)koofie (fie) F



kural (ngal) / kure (ae)



arrow; pointed piece of iron used in braiding hair; quill (e.g. of a hedgehog); spear, projectile; bullet fleche; fer pointu servant a tisser les cheveux(D); piquant (p.ex. d'un herisson)(Z); lance, projectile (Z); balle(Z)

person from Kunari originaire de Kounari

KUNDOWU kundowu n. 0 sheep raised for wool mouton a laine

KURBIRI kurbiri n. D(Blonde et ai, 1988) type of food (cake or thick porridge (toyoori)?) sorte de nourriture (gateau ou gateau(Afr.?)

KUNDUDE (1) kundud'e n. D bad fate mauvais sort



KUNDUDE (2) kundud'e, kund'e, kunud'e

kurbirrgal (nga/) D cooking utensil ustensile de cuisine

pl.- hunduko, hunko, hunuko

KUNKANTE kunkante n. D ethnic group groupe ethnique

KURFAANUUJE kurfaanuuje, kurfannuuje pl.- hurfannuure



KURRINkurrinde v.av( + ext?) 0 to have the character of a chicken avoir un caractere de poulet

kurfendu (ndu) Z type of fan espece d'eventail


KURSUKURSU kursukursu n. 0 scratching here and there gratte par-d, par-1ft

kurga (ba, nga) DI small individual field petit champ individuel

KURI kuri var.- kuruwi, KURIMBELLU


kuruy H

kuruhi (dambu) ? (ki) A tree - Bombax costatum arbre - Bombax costatum

kurimbellu n. 0 [kufol nofru] earlobe lobe de l'oreille


KURUKURU kurukuru, kuru-kuru (0) DZ [kurukuruure]:D chicken coop poulailler


kuriya (0) Z mail, letters courrier, lettres


KURJA kurja, kurje n. T [guurte, fooftere] vacation conge

kuruwal (ngal) 0 seat ?, siege ? siege



kurje n. 0 species of watermelon espece de pasteque

kuruy, kuruwi, kuri (0) DZH prayer beads chapelet



kurjunuuru n. 0 [wuuduru] watermelon pasteque

kusaasa n. 0 boubou boubou

KUSAL kusal; kuse; kusel V. husKUSE kuse var.- kase, kasu 0 KUSEEJI kuseeji pl.- huseeru KUSUBU

KURKAADU kurkaadu (0) / kurkaaduulie (lie)

DZ Z(-)

cf.:[suka; korcfo]

adolescent, child; servant (esp. woman) adolescent(D), enfant(Z); domestique (surtout femme)(Z)

kusubu (0) DZ misfortune; sadness, heavy heart malheur(D); tristesse, coeur gros (Z)

KURKUNDOLLOORU kurkundollooru (ndu) D(Blonde et ai, 1988) turtledove - Streptopelia sp. tourterelle(D) - Streptopelia sp.(Blonde et aI, 1988)

KUTE kute, kutiya V. KUTBO Ar


kutbo ? (0) / kutboolie ? (fJe) czo [qutboj



Kurmaari PN hM region of Kogoni region de Kogoni

KURMUDI kurmudi V.

pl.- huruure

luminary, eminence (in learning or in religion) pole, eminence (en savoir ou en religion)



kuttukuruutu n. 0 flower of a plant fleur d'une plante 194



kuura n. 0 species of snake espece de serpent

kutufaniire, kutufaaniire (nde) / kutufaniije, kutufaaniije (ae) zY Z(OO) spur; caparison for horses eperon(Y); capara~on de cheval(Z)


KUTURU kuturu n. 0 sth short and robust qqch de court et robuste

kuuroowa (ba,nga) spotted goat chevre tachetee


0 [keroowa]

KUURT- kuurtiicfo; kuurtincfo; kuurtungu/

kuu6e (ae) 0 blades of rice brins de riz

kuurtinooji V. huurt-

KUURUKAARAARE kuurukaaraare (nde)



0 [huuru-haaraare]:Z

[hu(u)meere, huuiiaare]

kuuea n. 0 one who has short ears qui a de courtes oreilles

species of tortoise espece de tortue

KUUSEEJI kuuseeji


KUULE (1) kuule var.pl.- huunde KUULE (2) kuule; kuulol/kuuli V. KUULONGAL

pl.-huuseeru; V.- huseeru



kuueuuci (ai) 0 worms of dried fish vers de poisson seche

kuulongal (ngal) covering recouvrement

var.- kuru) CZ

kuutal (ngal) cubit coudee

0 [huulde, kuulol, diraa, sogonal]

KUUTlRAL kuutiral? n. 0 absolute belief in .. . croyance totale en .. .

huul- (1)

0 cf.:[huul- (2)]

KUUTOL kuutol (ngol) / kuuti (di) genitals; perineum sexe(H); perinee(Z)

KUUMEEJE kuumeeje pl.- huumeere KUUNAALI kuunaali pl.- huunaango; V.




ZH Z(-)

pl.- huutooru

kuutu n. 0 [oaawo, nguugu] female genitals sexe feminin

kuundal n. 0 cooking utensil ustensile de cuisine



kuuwdi (di) excrements excrements

kuungal (ngal) 0 large beast grosse bete


KUUNAAJE kuuiiaaje pl.- huuiiaare KUUR- kuuramaawo/kuuramaaji;

0 [gadde]


kuwiyer (0) / kuwiyereeji (di) soololoowal]

spoon cuillere

kuurangaaji; kuurgal V. huur-

KUYAM kuyam V. huyKUYE kuye, kuye pl.- huyre 195

F cf.:[kuddu,


KUYYE kuy-y-e pl.- huyyere

kuyyinaade v.mv+ext 0 cf.:[huy·] to shout with joy crier de joie

L LA'-

comprehensible (Z)


la'aade v.mv Do [lahaade,layyaade] to make the sacrifice on the feast of Ramadan faire Ie sacrifice au Ramadan

laamnirde (nde) 0 [saabun(n)de] soap savon

LA'AARE la'aare n. T [cenagol] hygiene hygiene

LAACI laaci (ki), laacol (ngol) /laace (ae) OCZH CZ( +) [laool]:O [lacci]:H [samare, sam me]

tail queue laccude v.av 0 to hit or sting with a tail frapper, piquer avec one queue

LA'AL la'al (ngal) /la'e (ae) OFCZIM CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF) [Ie'al]

wooden bowl, shallow wooden bowl, wooden dish; tree trunk; (Hist.) central part of the Masina empire [wuddu, geju] ecuelle en bois, jatte en bois, assiete en bois; filt de bois(M); (Hist.) partie centrale de l'empire du Massina(I) [wuddu, geju]


LAADA laada var.- alaada; V. aadLAAFA


laafa (ka) /laafaaji (ai) OZ [Iaafaaru (ndu)]: CZ(FJ)


hat (woolen) bonnet (en laine(Z»

laa'inaade v.mv+ext 0 to recite the verse of the Koran evoking the name of God reciter Ie verset du Coran evoquant Ie nom de Dieu

LAAGAARI laagaari (ndi) 0 [oujiri, ujiri] fully grown ox boeuf en plein developpement



laa6al (ngal) OFZ Z(-) cleanliness, purity; honesty, integrity; clarity; mnocence proprete, purete; honnetete, integrite; clarte(Z); innocence(Z) laa6ude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) [senaade] to be clean, pure, clear; to be correct(F); to be understandable; to be sincere, honest etre propre, pur, clair; etre correct; etre comprehensible(Z); etre sincere, honnete

laaka n. 0 rice that has not been dried riz non etuve



laakara (0) OFCZ CZ(FJ,M) other world, the beyond autre monde, au delft

LAAL- (1) laalaade v.mv Z to become foolish devenir sot laale n. 0 [safiyaaku] idiocy idiotie

laaoude-reedu (F): to be good ; etre bon cf.:[moyyude] kammu ana laaoi : the sky is clear; Ie ciel est clair

-INlaa6inde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) [laooinde,lamnude] to purify, make clean; to make clear, understandable purifier, rendre propre; rendre clair, 1%

Laamu Diina (Sanankoua, 1990)(Hist.) : the Diina state (or Masina empire) ; I'etat du Diina (ou I'empire du Massina) cf.:[Diina]

laalude v.av Z to make foolish rendre sot


LAAL- (2)

laamnude, lam min de

laalaade v.mv CZ [tiittude) to be dying, be near death agoniser, se mourir laalaade v.mv Z to place o.s., lie down across; to be prohibited by society se mettre, se coucher en travers; etre prohibe par la societe laalawal (ngal) /laalaaje (de)




capital, headquarters; chiefs residence, palace (C) capitale, chef-lieu, siege; residence du chef, cour royale (CZ)


piece, debris (of calebash, shell, hull) morceau, debris (de calebasse, de coquille, de coque)

LAAM- (2?)


laamaade v.mv 0 to cross(breed) animals croiser des betes

laalo (ko) DZ Z(-) type of glutinous sauce; sauce made with baobab leaves [oro 50kko] sorte de sauce gluante(Afr.) (glutineuse); sauce faite avec feuilles de baobab(Z) [oro 50kko]

LAAMBAASU laambaasu n. 0 idiot idiot


laam (0) Z [lamo):D razor (blade) lame


-ORlaamorde (nde) /laamorde (de)




to appoint as chief, install in power (lit. to cause to govern) installer un chef, mettre au pouvoir (lit. faire gouverner) lammingol (1) (ngol) M naming of a chief action de nom mer un chef

LAAL- (3)




[Iaamu (2)):Z


LAAME laame n. 0 skin disease maladie de la peau

LAAMlaamaade v.mv DFCZ CZ(-) to rule, govern, reign; to be or become chief commander, gouverner, regner; etre ou devenir chef(CZ) laamd"o, laamiid"o (0) /laamoe, laamiioe (De)

LAAMNIRDE laamnirde V. laaD-n-irLAANA laana (ka) /laanaaji (di), laade (de)



DFcz CZ(G,A,FJ) [Iamcfo, amiiru] ct.:[jom]

pirogue, canoe, boat, vessel; motor-powered vehicle pirogue, bateau, navire; vehicule a moteur

ruler, leader, sovereign; chief chef supreme, dirigeant, souverain; chef(CZ) Laamd"o (0) Dz [Lamcfo):Z [Alia, Joomiraacfo) Lord, God Seigneur, Dieu laamu (ngu,o) /laamuuji (di) DFCZ(Lewis, 1981) CZ(-) ct.: [doole, jamiroowo, jogonaacfo] power, authority, command; government, political regime, reign; territory controlled by an authority; kingdom; dynasty pouvoir, autorite, commandement; gouvernement, regime politique, regne; territoire controlle par une autorite; royaume(Z); dynastie(Z)

laana cummbeteeka (Wo): pirogue which is propelled by pole ; pirogue a perche laana-cuurki / laanaaji-cuurki (ZG): (steam) boat; bateau (3 vapeur) laana-piirooha (C(G,M,BF)): airplane; avion cf.:[fiir-]

LAANDlandinal (ngal) preparation preparation



il adviendra que (avec un verbe l'inaccompli)

-INlaandinaade, landinaade v.mv +ext FZ to be ready, be prepared (F); to get ready to do sth etre pret, etre prepare; se pre parer a faire qqch(Z)

LAAWlaawde, laawude v.av Z (FT,M) to add more flour to the porridge mettre plus de farine dans la bouillie



laafial (2) (llgal) Z [fesoode] marks, tatoos of a tribe marques, tatouage de tribu laafiude v.av Z [fesude] to tatoo, make incisions in the skin; to bleed sb; to vaccinate tatouer, faire des incisions a la peau; pratiquer \ une saignee; vacciner

laawol (llgol) /laawi, laabi (ai) DFCZTH C(-), Z(+) cf.:[cfatol, bolol, bu(u)rtol, guurtol]

road, path, way; manner, proper way of doing things, conforming with religion; law; time(s)(F) [koyngal, darande] route, chemin, voie; maniere(D), bonne maniere de faire(Z), conforme a la religion(Z); 10i(T); fois(Z) [koyngal, darande]



laafial (1) (llgal) /laaiie, laaye (ae) ZTHm Z(-)

laayude (e huunde) v.av Z (FT,M,BF) to move away from sth, be removed from sth s'ecarter de qqch, etre ecarte de qqch

[larial]:M cf.:[laari-]

bow (weapon) [kalaawal, lagawal]; parenthesis; (Math.) curve, arc; parenthesis; arrow [kural] arc (arme)(Zm) [kalaawal, lagawal]; parenthese(T); (Math.) arc de cercle(T); fleche(H) [kural]

LABAAJO labaajo (0) /labaaoe (oe) DZ Z(-) [Iobaajo (2)] person who is good-looking, charming qui est charm ant, beau

LAARABUUJO Laarabuujo (0) / Laarabuuoe (oe) - var.- Aaraabo





labangal (llgal) /labaale, labale (ae) CZbM




bit, bridle mors, bride

laasara (0) /laasaraaji (ai) DFCZ(Sanankoua, 1990) CZ(M,N,BF,G)

LABBO (1) labbo V. law-

prayertime in late afternoon around 4:30 p.m.; prayer of late afternoon heure de priere de l'apres-midi correspondant a 16h30; deuxieme priere de l'apres-midi

LABBO (2) labbo (llgo) /labbe (ae) DCZm CZ(-) [Iaooo/ laooe]:M

spear lance

LAATana laatoo adv. CZ [ana moyya,maa-taw, nde go'o, ta(a)ma, yaama] cf.:[taw-]


perhaps, maybe peut-etre laataade v.mv DFCZ CZ(-) to become; to happen, occur; to be, exist; to begin(F) devenir; advenir, avoir lieu; etre(DZ), exister(Z); commencer laatii cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) [tawi] it so happened that, though, without (with a verb in the perfective form) il advint que, alors que, sans que (avec un verbe a l'accompli) laatoo cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) it will occur that (with verb in the imperfective form)

la6aade v.mv DFZ Z(-) to shave one's head se raser la tete la6eede v.pv FY to be shaved etre rase la6i (ki) /laoe (ae) DFCZH CZ(-) knife [pemorki]; dagger; razor [la50rki, la5arki] couteau [pemorki]; poignard(Z); rasoir(Z) [la60rki, la5arki] la6ude v.av DFCZMy CZ(-) [femmbude] to shave [suumtude]; to name a child (shaving its head as well) raser [suumtude]; nommer un enfant (au


bapteme, au cours duquel sa tete est rasee) lamru (ndu) /lamruuji (di) DFZIm [lamuru]:Z

LAGAWAL lagawal (ngal) /lagaaje (de) Cz C(G,M),Z(G)


[Iaarial (1), larial, kalaawal]

baptism (naming ceremony and fIrst cutting of the newborn's hair) bapteme (ceremonie de l'imposition du nom et premiere coupe de cheveux d'un nouveau ne)

bow (weapon) arc (arme)


-ORla50rki (Id) /lafJorde (de) FCZ CZ(-) [Iaoarkij laoarde]:CZ(FJ,M) cf.:[laoi,laam]

razor raSOlf




lahaade v.mv 0 [la'aade,layyaade] to make the sacrifIce on the feast of Ramadan faire Ie sacrifIce au Ramadan

la56inoore n. G cf.:[laao-in-] simple vowel (oral) voyelle simple (orale)

LACCI lacci; laccude; lacol LACCIRI


Lagine PN 0 Guinea Guinee Laginenke (0) / LaginenkoofJe (De) Z Guinean Guineen

LAHAARE lahaare (nde) 0 part of the saddle on which one sits partie de la selle OU on s'assoit

V. laaci


lacciri (ndi) /lacceeje (de) DFZE Z(-) couscous, pounded and steamed millet (or corn) couscous, mil (ou mats) pile et cuit a la vapeur laccorde (nde) 0 [yulnde, riintiire] pot with holes in the bottom which is used for cooking couscous marmite percee de petits trous servant a pre parer Ie couscous

lahol (ngol) 0 horse collar collier de cheval

LAHU lahu (ngu,o) /lahi (di) DZp fIsh, silurid - Clarias anguillaris poisson, silure - Clarias anguillaris

LAJAL lajal (nga/) 0 cf.:[genum] antiquity antiquite

LADDE laddanke (0) Tq person from the bush, rustic broussard, rural ladde (nde) /laddeeji (di) DFCZq C(-),

LAKA (1) laka n. 0 [bunna, fanna, fuuna] anus anus


the bush, wilderness; forest, nature, countryside brousse; foret, nature, paysage laddeeru (ndu) DZ Z(-) [rawaandu-Iadde,

LAKA (2) laka n. 0 larynx larynx


ngayoori, oii-Iadde]

lion lion

LALAM lalam (dam) Dt [lalan]:T rock salt; alum sel gemme(D); alun(T)

LAGA laga n. 0 pasture herbage

LALL- (1) lallam (dam) 0 rinse water eau de rin~age


LAMMINDE lamminde (1); lammingol (1)

lallude v.av DCZ CZ(FJ,M,G,A) to rinse (utensils); to clean rincer (ustensile(Z»; nettoyer(Z)

V. laam-n-



lamndaade v.mv FCZTH CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO)

lallitidde v.av+ext DCZ CZ(G,A,M,FJ) to rinse again; (V. lallude (1» rincer a nouveau(D); (V. lallude (l»(CZ)


to ask (a question); to request, demand; (Scol.) to test demander, poser une question; prier, demander, exiger (Z); (Scol.) interroger(T) lamndal (nga/) /lamndi (ai) dFzT [Iamdal] question; (Scol.) test question; (Scol.) interrogation(T)

LALL- (2) lallude v.av DCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF,NE) to disappear, get lost disparaitre, se perdre

LAMDAL (1) lamdal var.-lamndal LAMDAL(2)

DZ Z(-)

LAMNUDE lamnude var.-laa6inde, la66inde; V. laa6-in-

lamdal (nga/) D invulnerability invulnerabilite

LAMO lamo (0) D [Iaam(u)] razor (blade) lame

LAMDO lamd'o var.-laamao,· V. laam- zy LAMJATAL


lamjatal n. D species of bird espece d'oiseau

lamol (ngol) D cf.:[cfacfol] root racine



lam-lam n. grass which is rich in salt - Sporobulus spicatus herbe riche en sel - Sporobulus spicatus lamd'am (aam) / /amaamaaji, lamaameeji (ai)


lampa (o,ka) /lampaaji (ai) DZTb Z(BF,M) cf.:[fiti(i)la, mot(t)ila]

lamp, lantern; headlight; bulb; blowtorch [fitirla, casninfo]; light bulb [yitere laaytal] lampe, lanterne; phare(D); lampe a souder(D) [fitirla, casninfo]; ampoule(T) [yitere laaytal]

DFCZH CZ(-) [lancfamjlancfe]:Z(-)

salt sel lammeefi n. D salting salaison lammud'am (aam)




lampo n. DZ Z(FJ,M) tax impot


lampo-na'i (CZ): cattle tax; impOt sur Ie betail [alkaasi, janngal(i)]

[kaacf (cf)am]

soured milk used for curdling lait aigre servant a cailler lammude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to be sour, acid(F); to be salty(F) etre aigre, acide; etre sale(Z)

LAMRU lamru V. la6LAMYINDlamyindaade v.mv( +2exts?) DZ Z(FT) to lick, lick one's fingers lecher(D), se lecher les doigts(Z)


LAND-IN- landinaade; landinal V. laand-inLANJORDE

lammid'ingol (ngo/) V. lammingol (2) T

-INlamminde (2) v.av+ext DFCZ CZ(-) to make sth sour, sour(F); to make salty(F) rendre aigre, aigrir; rendre sale(D) lammingol (2) (ngol) T [Iammicfingol] fermentation fermentation

lanjord'e (ae) D [Iol]orcfe] glasses lunettes



LANKANA lankana n. D [misoro]

lappol (ngol) D

type of rope sorte de corde

scarf echarpe



laral (ngal) /lare (ae) DCz C(-),Z(DO,FT)

lanndaaka (ka) i(Itinerances, 1981)(lmperato, 1973}

cowhide for making shoes; skin, leather (C) peau de boeuf pour faire des chaussures(D); peau, cuir (CZ)


type of kaasa blanket; the finest type of kaasa (lit. "one does not wonder" - the quality of its pattern is so excellent that one need not question it)(Imperato, 1973) sorte de couverture kaasa; la plus fine des kaasa (lit. "on ne se Ie demande pas" - la qualite de son dessin est tellement bonne qu'on n'a pas besoin de la questionner)

LARGAL largal n. D

ground, soil ? sol

LARU laru (0) DZ


dish made from the semolina of millet or rice; type of porridge plat fait de semoule de mil ou de riz(D); sorte de bouillie(Z)

lanndejore? n. (Imperato, 1973)

type of kaasa blanket sorte de couverture kaasa



lanndilal n. D cf.:[laand-]

larwaade v.mv Z [Iarwude, lawaade, wuraade]

predisposition predisposition

to search through sb's baggage fouiller les bagages de qqn larwude v.av Y [Iarwaade, lawaade, wuraade] to search through fouiller

LANNGA lannga n. D

children's game, tripping-up jeu d'enfant, croche pied



lasal n. (Cisse, 1982)

lanvinaade v.mv+ext D [erginaade, yerginaade]

founder, original occupant, owner fondateur, premier occupant, propietaire eminent LASLI lasIi (0) /las/iiji (ai) var.- lay/i cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M)

to stand up, draw o.s. up se dresser

LAI)lavo (ngo) Z

LASO (1)

growth of a creeping plant croissance d'une plante rampant lavol (ngol) Z creeping (action of) rampement, action de ramper

laso n. cZ C(BF,N),Z(BF,M) [nooga(a)y, nooga(a)s]

twenty vingt

LASO (2)

IANlaiiol (ngol) DZ

lime chaux

arm, branch, stem; stem of a climbing plant bras, branche, tige (D); tige de plante grimpante(Z) laiiude v.av Z to creep (plants) ramper (plantes)



laso n. T [bulasi]

LAT(T)lattaangal (ngal) /lattaaae (ae) Z (FT,M)

kick (by foot or hoof) coup de pied, coup de sabot latude v.av DCZ CZ(-) to kick; to kick out (animal); to resist donner des coups de pied; ruer(Z); resister(D)

laiial var.- laanal (1) M



LAW¥lawyude (kakke) v.av to wash (dishes) laver (la vaisselle)

lataawa (ba,nga) 0 special field champ special


LATAAWA (2) lataawa? n. 0 dried fish and butter poisson secM et beurre


lawyirde (nde) Z place where one washes dishes lieu on l' on lave la vaisselle


Fr via Bam??

latikolo, latikoro n. z

lawyorko (ko) / /awyorkooji (di) Z that which is used to wash dishes ce qui sert it laver la vaisselle

wujjaade latikolo, wujjaade latikoro: (Y. wuj-) (latikolon in Bambara means cologne ; latikolon en Bambara veut dire eau de Cologne (Lexique Fran~ais­ Bambara, 1980))

LAYA laya (0) /layaaji (di) Z (M,OO) second month of the harvest season; (V. layya) deuxieme mois de la saison des recoltes; (V. layya)

LAW law adv. OFCZH CZ(-) quickly; early; in time vite; tot, de bonne heure; it temps


LAW- (1)

lay6ude v.av 0 to provoke, annoy provoquer, taquiner

labbo (0) /law6e (6e) FZIM Z{-) woodworker; person of the caste of artisans who work with wood artisan qui travaille Ie bois; qui fait partie de la caste des artisans qui travaillent Ie bois lawde v.av FZ Z{-) to sculpt in wood, dig out wood, carve sculpter en bois, creuser dans Ie bois



layli (0)

OZ [Iasli] ct.:[njaatiraado, maamiraaoe, asli, iwal, iwdi]

ancestor; natives; origin; cause ancetre; autochtones(D); origine(Z); cause(Z)


LAW- (2) lawaade v.mv 0 [Iarwaade, to search through fouiller dans


layndi n. 0 creeping plant plante rampante

larwude, wuraade]

LAW-T- (3?)

LAYTAL laytal n. 0 brightness of a torch eclat d'une torche

lawtude v.av+ext Z to take the stitches out, undo; to divulge decoudre, defaire; divulguer



lawji n. 0 word, expression mot, expression

layya (0) DFZq Z{-) [Iaya, tafaske] Tabaski; sacrifice (ritual) Tabaski, fete des moutons; sacrifice (rituel) juulde layya (F): prayer, celebration of Tabaski ; priere de Tabaski, fete de Tabaski layyaade v.mv FZ Z(-) [la'ade,lahaade]

LAWRE lawre n. 0 disease that forms a hump maladie qui forme une bosse

to sacrifice sacrificier



lawyi (ki) Ok(von MaydeU, 1983) species of tree (prob. Combretum sp.) espece d'arbre(D) (prob. Combretum sp.)

lay-ude v.av to limp boiter


OCZy CZ{-) [woosude, yuggude]


layre (nde) OZ Z(-) disease of the foot (of animals); limping maladie de pied d'animaux(D); boiterie(Z)


le'al (ngal) /Ie'e (ae) var.-Ia'al

leelde v.av ZT Z(-) [sakitaade, tartude] to be slow; to be late etre lent(Z); etre en retard(T) leelnde (nde) Z (FJ,FT,M) slowness; lateness lenteur; retard



LEBBI lebbi pl.- lewrn LEBULEBUURE


lebulebuure n. OT screw; bolt [bulon]; plowshare ecrou(D); boulon(T) [bulon]; soc de charrue(D)


leelinde v.av +ext 0 to slow down ralentir


pl.-Ieggal & lekki; V. leggal

leele n. 0 country pays

leebaajo (0) 0 person who squints ? qui louche

LEELE (2) leele (0) oz

LEEBlee5al (ngal) Z skill, fitness art, habilite lee5de, lee5ude v.av OFZ to be kind, be obliging; to be good, be correct(F); to do sth with great skill etre gentil, serviable(D); etre bon, correct; faire qqch avec un grand art(Z)

LEELEWAL leelewal (ngal) /Ieeleeji (ai)


cf.: [baata(a)sari]

moonlight claire de lune

leefli (D): that's kind; c'est aimable



leelngo n. T combustion combustion

lee501 (ngol) / lee6i (ai)

OCZHY CZ(FJ,BF,M,NE) [leembol]:H [leemre]:C(BF,NO,M),Z(BF,NO) cf.:[sukundu]

hair (on skin), fur, feather poil, fourrure, plume



type of drink; milk set aside to curdle (but which has not not yet curdled) espece de boisson(D); lait mis a reposer pour cailler (mais pas encore caille)(Z)

[cumgol, lewnungol]

LEEMBOL leembol; leemre LEEMBURU- Ar via Bam?

leece var. pl.- leeso

V. lee601

leeburuba (0), leemburubaare (nde) / leemburnbaaje (ae) Z [leemuru]:CZ(G,A,NE,BF,M) orange orange leemburuure (nde,o) /Ieemburnuje (ae) FZ

leedude v.av 0 to bleat (goat) beler (chevre)

[Ieemburu] [leemuure]:CZ(G,A,NE,BF,M)


lemon citron

leefude v.av FCZ CZ(FJ,M,NE) [Ieppude] to be drenched, be wet, be moist etre trempe, mouille, humide

LEENAL leefial n. 0 signs made on the face signes faites sur Ie visage

LEEKE leeke (ae) 0 jaws machoires




leijaade v.mv 0 to lie down on one's back se coucher it la renverse

leeso (ngo) / leese, /eece (ae)

DFcZq C(G,A,BF,NE),Z(G,A,BF,NE,M,FJ) [(pl.) leesuuji]

bed; mattress; fme mat; stretcher; judge's chair couchette, lit; matelas(Z); natte fme(Z); brancard(Z); chaise de juge(Z)

LEKITOL lekitol n. 0 axle of a shuttle (used in weaving ?) axe de navette (tissage ?)

LEETleetaade v.mv 0 [Ieppaade] to look at out of the corner of one's eye regarder de cote


LEKKlekkude v.av 0 to imitate, copy imiter, singer


leeter (0) / /eeterji (ai)

CZ (FJ,M) [oataaki, oataake, cferewol, talkuru] cf.: [kuriya]

LEKKI lekki; lekkoy LEKKOL Fr

letter lettre

lekkol (o,ngol) /lekkolji (ai)


school ecole

LELlelaade v.mv DFCZH CZ(FT,M,BF,FJ) [fukkaade] to lie down, go to bed; to descend se coucher, s'etendre; descendre(Z)

leeynude V. leyainde; Iey-a-in-




lefel (nge/) - dim.- /e/o/

lelnugol ka6ircfe n. T cease-fire cessez-Ie-feu lennude v.av+ext 0 to lay down (v.t.) faire coucher

lefel saasi (f): compress ; compresse

lefol (ngol) /leppi (ai) DZTY Z(-) band; band of woven cotton; cloth; (pi.) piece of cloth bande(T); bande de coton tisse(Z); toile(Y); (pl.) morceau de tissu(D) lefol/lep(p)i (CZ(BF): turban; turban lefolleydijleppi leydi (Hist.)(M(Sanankoua, 1990»: canton formed by several villages in Masina (lit. strip of land) ; canton forme par plusiers villages au Massina (lit. bande de terre)

-Tleltaade v.mv+ext F to lie back down (again) se recoucher

LEG GAL leggal (ngal) /Ieaae (ae)

Z (-) Ual)ngirde,

janngirdu, ducfal]

leewngol (ngo/) T cf.:[lewnungol, metangal] flame [joomngol, beewngol]; torch [jomngul] flamme [joomngol, beewngol]; flambeau [jomngul]


V. leggal


lelkooji (ai) 0 hair on the chest poils de la poi trine


wood, piece of wood; tree [lekki] bois, morceau de bois; arbre [lekki] leggel (ngel) /lekkoy (koy) ZT Z(-) (dim.- leggal); short stick [kud'el]; wood shaving; splinter (dim.- leggal); batonnet(T) [kud'el]; copeau(Z); echarde(Z) lekki (ki) /leaae (ae) DFCzH C(-),

LELLA lelia (nga) /Ielli (ai)

cZ C(FJ),Z(M,FJ) [Iewla/


gazelle - Gazella rufifrons gazelle - Gazella rufifrons



lemmpe n. 0 type of loincloth sorte de cache-sexe

tree; medicine, herbal medicine; means to protect o.s. arbre; medicament, medicament it base de plante; moyen pour se proteger(Z)


lennude V.lel-n-


lewru darotoondu (F): next month ; Ie mois prochain


le\)gUru, lenguru (ndu) /lel}gi, lengi (di) DeZ C(G,A.BF,FJ},Z(G,A,BF,FJ,M,NE} [lennguru/lenngi]:C

lesre T (Math.) [ko buri famc:fude]

bell (small, spherical) clochette, grelot(Z)

inferior inferieur ley FCZH CZ(M,BF,FJ) [Ies]


under, below, low, on the bottom; in, during, amongst sous, au-dessous, en bas, au fond; dans, pendant, parmi leydam (dam), leydaagu, leydaaku (ngu) T chauvinism chauvinisme

leiiol (ngol) /Ielii, leyyi(di) DFCZ CZ(+} [leriliol]:Z

clan, fraction, extended family; tribe, ethnic group clan, fraction, famille etendue; tribu, groupe ethnique

LEPP- (1)

leydi (ndi) /Leydiiji (di), leyde (de)

leppude v.av DeZ C(FJ,FT},Z(FJ,M,FT) [Ieefude]

DFCZHI(Cisse, 1985) CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) [leyde]:D [(pl.) le'e]:Z

to be wet, moist etre mouille, etre humide

earth, soil; land, country; province, territory; grazing unit (administratively defined)(Cisse,



leppinde v.av+ext DZ Z(-)

terre, sol; pays; province, territoire; unite de paturage (administrative)

to moisten, make wet mouiller, rendre humide

leydi beytel (I): land controlled by the chief; terre de chefferie leydi bodeeri (I): red soil; terre rouge leydi I'laleeri (I): black soil; terre noire leydi daneeri (I): white soil ; terre blanche leydi jareendi (I): sandy soil; sol sableux leydi maral (I): individual land ; terre individuelle

LEPP- (2) leppaade v.mv Z (-) [Ieetaade]

to peer at, look at out of the corner of one's eye lorgner, regarder de cote leppaavgo (ngo) 0

leywol (ngol) T [Ieswol] cf.:[foomre]

look regard

base base

leppaangol (ngol) (Z(-»): look to the side; regard de

leywol hakkunde (f): medium base ; base moyenne leywol mawngol (f): large base ; grande base

cote LEPPI leppi pl.- lefol LEPTORDE

-Dlesd"ugol (ngol) T (Math.) [famc:fere]

inferiority inferiorite leyd"ude v.av+ext

leptorae n. 0 [buulol]

high forehead Ie front haut

LES les; lesdugol; lesre; leswol LETIUGAL



V. ley

to be down low, be near to the ground etre bas, etre tout pres du sol


lettugal n. Dcz CZ(BF,NO) [funnaange, fuc:fnaange, dewal]

leyd"inde v.av +2exts DFCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF)

east est


to lower, reduce abaisser, faire descendre, rabaisser



lewnungol (ngol) T [cumgol,leelngo] cf.:[leewngol]

combustion combustion

Ii'aade v.mv 0

to put on sauce mettre la sauce


li'aade (CZ(FJ)): to baste, season with butter; arroser, assaisoner de beurre

lewru (ndu) /lebbi (di) DFCZHY CZ(-}

moon; month lune; mois 205

Ii'o n. sauce sauce


D [maafe, naaji]

liheeri n. H [ngemmbuuwa, vegetable gardens jardins potagers

LIBIDORO Iibidoro n. D type of perfume espece de parfum

LIILliilude v.av DCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) to spread out under the sun to dry; to strip (v.t.) off in front of everyone, bring to light etendre sous Ie soleil pour faire secher; mettre a nu devant tout Ie monde, mettre au jour (Z)

LI'B1i6ude v.av DCZ CZ(-) to bring down, make fall, knock down; to defeat, triumph over one's adversary abattre, terrasser, faire tomber, renverser; vaincre, triompher de son adversaire

-Dliildude n. D place for spreading out clothes (to dry) lieu d'etalage de vetement

liMe ((Kane and Robinson, 1984)(Ff)): to throw down, pin (in wrestling) ; faire tomber (dans la lutte) 1i6ugol, 1i6go1 (ngol) Y [kawu]


victory, fact of defeating victoire, fait de vaincre

liingu (ngu) / liaai, liyyi (ai)


Z(BF,M,A,FT) [Iir]ngu]


fish poisson

li6itaade v.mv+ext D [siloitaade] to be supple, elastic etre souple, elastique

Jid'd'i joord'i (0): dried fish; poisson seeM



liirtaade v.mv+ext T [oeydaade, jajjitaade] to dilate dilater liirtagol (ngol) T [oeydagol, jaajgol, jajjitagol] dilation dilatation

liccal (nga/) - aug.- lieeere Z liccere (nde) / lieee (ae) DCZ [pitol] rag, piece of cloth chiffon, torchon, marceau de tissu


var. pl.- liingu

LIITliitaade v.mv D to imitate the gait or walk of a giant imiter la demarche d'un geant

lifaafa (ka) M woolen blanket folded so as to make a kind of hood couverture de laine pliee de fa~on a former une sorte de capuchon

LIGG- (1) liggaade v.mv



liiter, liitir, liituru (0) liter litre


ZT Z{-)


cf.: [gollude]

to undertake, research; to trade, do commerce [jaagaade, tijude]; to work (for wages) entreprendre, rechercher (D); faire Ie commerce(D) [jaagaade, tijude]; travailler(C) (a gages)(Z) ligge (ae) cZb C(FJ,FT),Z{FJ,FT,M) work (for wages) travail (a gages(Z»

liiwa (ba,nga) D [liheeri, ngemmbuuwa] field of cotton, vegtable garden champ de caton, jardin potager

LIKKlYlikkiyaade, likiyaade v.mv to have hiccups avoir Ie hoquet likkiyere (nde) D hiccup hoquet

LIGG- (2) liggude v.av to hang up accrocher


CZ Z{-)




LIMTO Iimto n. T alphabet alphabet

liIIi n. D [pritipotoori?] type of latex espece de latex



Iilligeewol (ngol) D type of scarecrow sorte d'epouvantail

IiUgolivgoore (nde) / li1Jgoli1Jgooje (de) Dzr Z(DO) [lingolingoore]:Z [kaatatal]

centipede mille-pattes(D), scolopendre(Z)


LII)NGU Iinngu, IiUngu

Iilliroowal (ngal)

D [iliorowal]:(BA et Dieterlen, 1961) [poopili(i)wal] cf.:[iII-]

var.- liingu FCZ


flute made from a millet or sorghum stalk flute en tige de mil ou de sorgho

LIPP-ITIippitaade v.mv+ext to strut about se pavaner

LIMIimogal (ngal) D census, inventory recensement Iimoore (nde) / limooje (de) DZT Z(-) numeration, result of calculation, count, calculation, number numeration, resultat d'un calcul, compte, calcul, nombre Iimre (nde) / lime (de) F cf.:[hiisa, jate] number nombre Iimude, Iimde v.av FCZT CZ(-) Uataade] to count, calculate compter, calculer

D [iiaayude, faaiiude]

LISIisaade v.mv D to dance supplely danser souplement LIS~U


Iislaamu, Iislam (0)




[alsiiamaagal]:Z(FT) [diina]

Islam Islam

LITTOL Iittol (ngol) D [pitol] winding path chemin contourne



Iimtoore (nde) D calculation, verification of a calculation calcul, verification du calcul Iimtude v.av+ext DZ Z(-) to count, recount; to recalculate compter, recompter(Z); refaire Ie calcul(D)

Iiwtude v.av+ext DG to ruminate; to chew ruminer(D); macher(G)

LIWAL Iiwal (nga/) D cf.:[malfal] rifle with a long barrel fusil a long canon

-T-ORIimtorde (nde) T number numero

[abajad(d)a, habajaada, harfeeje, karfeeje]


LIWNIiwnaade v.mv V. liwndaade




Iimadogaare n. D children's game jeu d' enfant

Iiwndaade v.mv+ext to accompany (sb) accompagner (qqn)


DFZ [liwnaade] cf.:[dowtude]


limbo (0) D man who is large and handsome homme grand et beau

Iiwndu (ndu) /liwi, liwli (di) DZM forked stick; pole with a hook (for picking fruit); (Hist.) weapon consisting of a long handle with a recurved blade on the end baton fourchu(D); perche a crochet, croc 207

(pour cueillir des fruits) (Z); (Hist.) arme manche longue munie d'une lame de fer recourbe(M)



LOBBlo66ude v.av D to place or do with force and rudeness mettre, faire avec force et grossierete

LIWOL Iiwol (ngol) spindle fuse au

D [kewal, pitorgal]

LOHlohaade v.mv DFZL Z(-) [donsaade] to hunt(F), hunt big game aller a la chasse(D), chasser Ie gros gibier(ZL) lohotoodo (0) / lohoto06e (6e) FeZ C(FJ),

LIWRE liwre (nde) D big noise, rumbling from an unknown source grand bruit, grondement de source inconnue

Z(FJ,M) [donsonke, donsotoocfo]


hunter chasseur

liY'Y'aade v.mv D to brusquely pull up a child carried on the back remonter brusquement un enfant porte au dos

LOHAL lohal n. D (Equ.) ornament for a horse ornement du cheval

LIYYI liY'Y'i var. pl.- liingu LO'-


lo'oore (nde) D weakness faiblesse lo'ude v.av eZ C(FJ),Z( +) to be weak, be fragile, weaken; to grow old; to be tired [tampude]; to vomit [tuutude] etre faible, fragile, faiblir; vieillir(Z); etre fatigue(Z) [tampude]; vomir(Z) [tuutude]

lohol n. M (Equ.) martingale martingale

LOJlojol (ngol) / loji (a;) dZ Z(-) foreign object in one's eye corps etranger introduit dans l'oeil lojude v.av DZ Z( + ) to put sth in the eye; to get into the eye (e.g. a bit of dust); to hit the eye mettre qqch dans 1'0eil(D); entrer dans l'oeil (p.ex. grain de poussiere)(Z); frapper 1'0eil(Z)

LOBAAJO lobaajo (1) (0) Z chosen one, elect choisi, elu

LOBBlobaajo (2) (0) Z [Iabaajo] handsome man; beautiful woman bel homme; belle femme lobb- (+su£.) adj. FZ Z(-) beautiful, pretty, attractive beau, belle, joli(e)

LOKERE lokere (nde) /lokeeje (ae) cavity cavite


debbo lobbo (FZ): beautiful woman ; belle femme lobbere (nde) FZ Z(-) [I]ari]

loko n. DiP cf.:[hoore loko] fish - Alestes leuciscus poisson - Alestes leuciscus

beauty; perfection beaute; perfection(Z)



lolle n. D that which is public ce qui est public lollude v.av DZ Z(-) to be well known by all, be famous; to have a good reputation; to spread (rumor) etre bien connu de tous, etre celebre; avoir

lobbididde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) [I]arcfude, woocfude] to be beautiful, be perfect in form etre beau ou belle, etre de forme parfaite

LOBBUNDU lobbundu (ndu) / lobbuai (a;)

Z (-) [wuddere,


t [yooboodu,





bonne reputation (Z); se repandre (rumeur)(Z)

lompoodu (ndu) 0 [sobbundu, yooboodu, lobbundu]


angle, summit angle, sommet

lollinde v.av+ex-t DZ Z(-)

to become public, acknowledged and accepted by all; to spread (rumor); to inform; to push, promote; to make famous devenir public, reconnu et accepte de tous (D); repandre (rumeur)(Z); informer(Z); faire de la propagande(Z); rendre celebre(Z)


lomtinde; lomto; lomtude V.

10m (m)b-t-

LONJlonjaade v.mv Z [so(o)ynaade]

to look; to see in the distance regarder; voir au loin



101l0IJuere (nde) 0

lonjordu (ndu) 0

part of the saddle partie de la selle

lever levier

lollol]eere (Z(Ff)): part of a hinge ; logement du gond



lonngaade v.mv Z (-)

lomaade v.mv 0

to bring food to one's mouth porter de la nourriture a la bouche

to eat alone in hiding manger seul en cachette

lonngere (nde) /lonngi (ai) DCZ CZ(M,BF,NE)


portion of food as taken with the hand, mouthful poignee d'aliment, bouchee

lombaade v.mv DZ Z(-)

to place o.s. between (people who are quarreling in order to make peace), get in between . se mettre entre (des gens qui se dispute pour les reconcilier(Z», s'intercaler


lonnoowo; lonnude V. loot-nvar.- /omtiiao & lomto; V.

10m (m)b-t-

lommbude v.av T


to insert, intercalate intercaler

101J0rde (ae) Z [Ianjorcfe]

glasses lunettes

-Tlomtal (ngal) Z (FT,M)


replacement; succession remplacement; succession

loiii n. 0

edge of the eyelids bord des paupieres

lomtihfo (0) Y [Ionto (o)):Z




looco n. 0

lomto (ngo) / /omte (ae) ZG Z(-) [Ionto (ngo)]:Z

woman's fmery, beads (long?) parure de femme, perles (longues?)

replacement; pronoun remplacement(Z); pronom(G) lomtude v.av+ex-t DY


to replace remplacer

loocol (ngol) /Iood (ai) CZHq C(M,BF}, Z(FJ,FT,M,BF)


whip, switch; cord wound from wires fouet, cravache, chicotte; cordelette en fIls metalliques tordues(Z)

lomtinde v.av +2ex-ts 0

to cause to replace faire remplacer

LOODO lood"o (0) 0

person who is weak qui est faible



LOOFloopal (ngal) /loope (de)

loori (ndi) manure fumier

cZHq C(FJ),Z(FJ,M)

[booko, oakkere]

mud, silt; marsh, bog; adobe boue, vase(Z); marais, marecage (Z); banco (Afr.) (sorte de pise) loopere (nde) /loope (de) DFCZq

LOOTlootaade v.mv DFCZH CZ(-) to wash o.s., bathe se laver looteede v.pv FC C(-) to be washed (by sb) etre lave(e) lootori (ndi) D(BA, 1974) part of celebration of a Muslim holiday; ritual bathing on the occasion of (lunar) new year's day jeu de fete musulmane(D); bain rituel a I'occasion de la fete du nouvel an (Iunaire)(Ba, 1974) lootude v.av FCZM CZ(-) to wash (sth or sb) laver (qqn ou qqch)

CZ(G,A,FJ,M,NE) [booko]

adobe, clay, mud banco(Afr.), argile, boue

LOOF- (2?) loofogel (ngel) T bay baie loofoodu n. T gulf golfe

LOOKOBE lookobe n. D bronchial tubes bronches



lonnoowo (0) Z person who does laundry blanchisseuse lonnude,loonnude v.av+ext

loomtondirde v.av+2exts T to commute (a sentence) commuter loomtondirgol (ngol) T commutation commutation

to wash clothes, do laundry laver Ie linge, faire la lessive


loomasa n. D very dark blue bleu tres fonce

lootorde (nde) /lootorde (de) bathing area, shower endroit ou ron se lave


looturu n. D [Iowturu] type of drink espece de boisson

water jar (pottery) canari, jarre a eau (poterie) loonde ley suudu (LaViolette, 1987): big water jar; grand canari

LOOWloowde v.av DCZ CZ(-) to put sth in a (deep) container; to fill a container; to pour(C); to load a gun mettre qqch dans un recipient(D) (profond) (Z); remplir un recipient(Z); verser(C); charger une arme a feu(z) loowdi (ndi) ZT Z(-) [dimngal, donngal] that which serves fo fill a container; load, contents tout ce qui peut servir pour remplir un recipient(Z); charge, contenu (T)


looggal, loongal (ngal) DZm [kama, walla] battue, beat, large ritual hunt battue, grande chasse rituelle

LOOP- loopal, loopere / loope LOORDE

FZ Z(-)


DFCZq CZ(-) [mbulku,

fak(al)aare, hampirre]



C(M,BF,NO,FJ),Z( +) [Iootnude]


loonde (nde) / [oode (de)


V. loof-

loorde n. D power, strength, physical force puissance, pouvoir, force physique



loowru (ndu) T capacity contenance

lowturu n. D [Iooturu] ef.:[loow-] type of drink espece de boisson

-Tlowtaade v.mv D to put back in a recipient remettre dans un recipient

LOYGAL loygal (nga/) D collarbone, clavicle clavicule

LOOWOL loowol (ngol) DH· gully, watercourse ravin, cours d'eau

LOYloy-ude v.av DZ ef.:[yoolaade] to drown sb; to immerse noyer qqn; immerger(Z)

LOOWRU loowru (ndu) DG monsoon, trade wind mousson, alize

LU'Blul>aade v.mv FCZT C(-),Z( +) [riamlaade]



loppude v.av DZ Z(·) to pound, crush in the mortar, crush into small fragments piler, ecraser dans Ie mortier, ecraser en petits fragments

to borrow; to lend emprunter; preter(Z) lul>al (ngal) ZT Z(-) [riamaande] borrowing emprunt lul>ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [riamlude] to lend (esp. clothing, object) preter a qqn (surtout vetement, objet(Z))

LOR- (1) loraade v.mv DZ Z(FT,M) [yeelaade] to count on; to be dependant solely on, live at sb's expense compter sur; dependre uniquement de, vivre aux frais de qqn lorude v.av Z to be very weak (sick person) etre tres faible (un malade)

LUGGluggere (nde) /lugge (de) DFCZ C(N,BF,M), Z(M,BF,A,N)

deep spot (in a water course), depression, low spot; river valley endroit profond (d'un cours d'eau), depression; vallee de riviere(Z)

LOR- (2)


lorude v.av D to whitewash, paint badigeonner, peindre

lugghfidde v.av+ext FCZh C(-),Z(FT,M),H(SH) to be deep, profound;to be difficult to understand etre profond; etre difficile a com prendre

-Rlorrude v.av+ext Z to efface with sth effacer avec qqch

-INlugginde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) [Iuggidinde] to deepen; to go into in detail approfondir; entrer en detail(Z)

LORDU lordu (ndu) D ef.:[lor- (2)] container for dye vase de teinture


LUKK- (1) lukkere (nde) Dez CZ(G,A,NE) [uttere, wubbere] punch (with fist) coup de poing


lotel (0) Z hotel hOtel


lowtaade V. loow-t-

LUKK- (2) lukkude v.av Z to inflate gonfler

lotere var.- rotere Z




lukkare (nde) Z [beembal, ndal']aj storeroom, large jar in which the a family's grain reserve is stored magasin, grande cruche destinee a recevoir la reserve familiale de grain

luunnude v.av+ext to cause to stink empuantir


T [ko lunndiij

LUUMNluumnaade v.mv( + ext) CZ CZ(G,NE,FT,M,BF) to smell, sniff; to embrace; to breathe sentir, flairer; embrasser; respirer(Z)

LUMMBlummbaade v.mv dZ Z(-) [lumbaadej:D to swim across; to swim [yinaade] passer a la nage, traverser a la nage; nager(Z) [yinaade] lummbal (ngal) /lummbe (de) Z(-) [Iumpalj:

LUUMO luumo (ngo) /luumooji (di), luube (de) DFCZHIM CZ(FJ,FT,M,G,A,NE,N) cf.:[sakoroj

weekly market (held in a ngenndi) marche hebdomadaire (dans un ngenndi), foire luumorde (nde) /Iuumorde (de) F market district quartier du marche

(Lewis, 1981)

crossing of a water course traversee d'un cours d'eau lummbude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to cross a water course, cross a bridge traverser un cours d'eau, passer un pont(Z)

LUUNNUDE luunnude V.luu6-nLUUR-

LUNNDlunndaade v.mv to refuse refuser


luulu (0) /luuluuji (di) Z window pane; diamond vitre; diamant

LULNDII lulndii n. contrary contraire

Z (FJ,M)

z (-) [salaadej

luural (ngal) /Iuure (de) ZT Z(-) [poodondiralj contrariness; bad character; dispute (legal ?) esprit de contradiction(Z); mauvais caractere(Z); contentieux(T) Guridique ?) luurde v.av DZ Z(-) to disagree with, contradict; to part with; to have bad character n'etre pas d'accord avec, contredire; se separer; avoir mauvais caractere(Z) luureede v.pv DZ Z(-) to be contrary, quarrelsome; to have bad character avoir l'esprit de contradiction, etre querelleur; avoir mauvais caractere(Z)

ko lunndii (1): contrary; contraire [(ko) lulndi]:T

lunndagol (ngol) T contravention contrevention

LUTIluttere (nde) Z [keeferaakuj apostasy apostasie luttude v.av DFCZ CZ(FJ,BF,M) to miss sb, arrive in their absence, fail to meet sb venir en l'absence de, manquer qql1


LUTI- (2?)

luutondiral (ngal) /luutondire (de) ZT Z(-) missing one another on the road; lack of mutual understanding, dissention, contradiction; opposition fait de ne pas se retrouver sur Ie chemin(Z); absence de comprehension mutuelle, mesentente, contradiction (Z); opposition(T)

luttaade v.mv Z to object objecter

LUUBE luube var. pl.- luumo LUUBluu6ude v.av DFCZ C(-),Z(FT,M) to smell bad, stink sentir mauvais, puer



luutondirde v.av+ext ZT Z(-) to not meet on the road; to not understand one another, not find a common language; to oppose ne pas se rencontrer sur Ie chemin(Z); ne pas se com prendre, ne pas trouver de langue commune (Z); opposer(T)

luwal (ngal) /luwe (ae) FCZTH CZ(-) [alaadu, alluwal, gallaawal, wallaa(n)du]

horn (of animal); (pl.) antennae [gallaacfi, jubbi] corne; (pl.) antennes(T) [gallaacfi, jubbi]

M to track down, surround traquer, cerner

MA ma, maa; maa pm V. a MAA (1)

MAADI maadi V. niah-

maa conj. F [naa] or, on the other hand ou (bien), d'autre part


maa ... maa ... (FeZ): either...or... ; soit ...soit ... [so...so...]

maafaade v.mv Z [Ii'aade) to season a meal, put sauce on assaisonner Ie repas, y mettre la sauce maafe (0) / maafeeji (ai) DFZI Z(FJ,FT,M) [Ii'o,

MAA (2) maa (+ v. impera.) part. F will (modal used to indicate future action) (modal utilise pour indiquer une action a l'avenir)

naaji] [maafe (de)):Z

sauce sauce

(Z(-»: it is necessary that; i1 faut que

MAA (3?)


maa-taw adv. FC C(FT,M) [ana moyya, ana laatoo,

maagawal (ngal) 0 [guurawal] hoop net? (fishing) nasse (peche)

nde go'o, ta(a)ma, yaama] cf.:[taw-]

perhaps peut-etre

MAA (4)

maad'a V. a



maage n. 0 straw hat chapeau de paille

maa (0) / maaji (ai) Zq manatee - Trichechus senegalensis lamantin - Trichechus senegalensis

maagewal (Z(FJ): straw hat of the learned and the notables ; chapeau en paille des lettres et des notables

MAABO maabo, maa60 (0) / maabuoe (oe) DFZEHIM



maajaade v.mv V. maajude Z maajoowo (0) / maajoooe (oe) Z demonstrator manifestant maajude v.av Z [maajaade] to march defiler

weaver (of caste); griot tisserand (de caste); griot

MAAB- (1) maa6aade v.mv 0 [maooaade] to take a big handful of sth; to fIll one's mouth when eating prendre une grande poignee de qqch; se remplir la bouche en mange ant maa6ude v.av Z (FT,M) to take in big handfuls prendre a grandes poignees

MAAJE maaje var.pl.- maayo Z MAALE maale vaT.- malle 0 MAALU Ar maalu (0) z(Seydou, 1981) Z(FT) cf.:[mal-] wealth richesse

MAAB- (2) maa6ude v.av cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M)




maama, mamma (0) DFCZ Z(-) grandmother or grandfather (term of address) grand-mere ou grand-pere (titre) maamiraad"o (0) / maamiraaoe (oe) FCZ

maagondiral (ngal) T embrace accolade


CZ(M.FT) cf.:[njaatiraado, layli]

maaray n. D illness caused by food maladie causee par la nourriture

grandparent; (pl.) ancestors(C) grand-pere, grand-mere; (pl.) ancetres(CZ)



maana, maanaa (0) / maanaaji (ai)



maari n. D [makari] condiment made from seeds of the locust bean tree condiment a base de graines de nere


meaning sens maandaade v.mv Z (FT.M) to distinguish distinguer maande (nde) / mandeeji (ai)


[maanda] [dartirde, foofirde]

trace, track, sign, mark; punctuation trace, signe, marque; ponctuation(T)


MAASINA Maasina PN fEm(Sanankoua, 1990) Masina: region on the left bank of the Niger; region including the Niger inland delta; (Hist.) one of the five regions of the Masina empire or theocratic state; (Hist.) the empire or theocratic state of the 19th century [Diina] Massina: region sur la rive gauche du fleuve Niger; region englobant Ie delta interieur du Niger; (Hist.) l'une des cinq regions de I'empire ou I'etat theocratique; (Hist.) l'empire ou l'etat theocratique du 19me siecle [Diina]

maande heeriinde (T): private agreement ; acte sous-seings prive maando (ngo) / maandooji (ai) zT Z(FJ}

impression, memory; analogue impression, souvenir (Z); analogue(T) maandude v.av D to be known etre connu

-INmaandinde v.av+ext T to mark marquer

Maasina e wuddu pulaaku. (Sanankoua, 1990): Masina is the navel of that which is Fulani. (a saying) ; Le Massina


est Ie nombril de ce qui est peul. (un dicton)

maanditaade v.mv + ext Z (+) to make a note; to distinguish, mark (again or particularly) faire une note; distinguer, marquer (de nouveau ou particulierement)

Maasinagke, Maasinanke (0) / Maasina1)koooe, Maasinankoooe (oe) FZ

person from Masina originaire de Massina maasinagkoore, maasinankoore (nde) F dialect of Fulfulde spoken in Masina dialecte du Fulfulde parle au Massina

MAANGORO maangoro, maangoroore (nde) / maangorooje (ae) 0 [mangoro(ore) / mangorooje] [mongoro]

mango mangue maangoroowi (ki) / maangorooje (ae) mango tree - Mangifera indica manguier - Mangifera indica

MAATmaatude v.av DZ Z(DO.M) to remark, observe; to sense, perceive, experience a feeling remarquer, observer (D); sentir, percevoir, eprouver un sentiment (Z)


MAANI maani (0) / maani'en (oe) so-and-so un tel


maaro (ngo,o,ko) / maarooji (ai) nce nz



maatinde v.av+ext Z (DO,M) to let know, inform faire savoir, informer



MAGGA magga; maggal; maggel; maggo; maggol; maggu pm,pos V. nga, ba, mba; ngal; ngel; ngo; ngol; ngu

maatirde (nde) / maatirde (de) ZT Z(-) feeling that is experienced; (pl.) sensory exercise [cohinfe] sentiment eprouve(Z); (pl.) exercice sensoriel(T) [cohird'e]

MAHmaadi (ndi) / maali (di) DcZ C(G,FJ),Z(M,FJ,M) [mahudij

construction, building; wall [kokowal] construction, batiment; mur [kokowal]

MAAYmaayde v.av DFCZH CZ(-) cf.:[waatudej to die mourir maayde (nde) / maayle (de) DFCZ CZ(-) [yahale,

maadi konngi (f): sentence construction ; construction de phrase mahoowo (0) / maho06e (6e) FZ Z(-) [bareejoj

mason(F), builder constructeur(Z) mahude, mahde v.av DFZ Z(-) cf.:[iiibudej to build, construct batir, construire mahudi (ndi) var.- maadi Z



death mort maayiti (0) / maayitiiji (di) F [mayiitij funeral, burial funerailles, deces, enterrement



mahnude v.av+ext Z to build for a salary; to cause to be built for o.s. batir pour un salaire; faire batir pour soi

maayel (ngel) / maayoy (koy) ZHq Z(M,FJ,FT) watercourse, stream marigot, ruisseau maayo (ngo) / maaje (de), maayooji (di)



flyer fleuve, riviere

mahd"inoowo (0) T colonist colon

MABBma66aade v.mv D [maabaadej to take a large handful of sth prendre une grande poignee de qqch ma66ande (nde) / ma66ande (de) Z (FT,M) something that has been siezed chose saisie ma66ude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) to seize sth brusquely saisir brusquement qqch


MAJmaja (0), majaawu (ngu) / majaaji (di)



electric fish - Malopterurus electricus poisson electrique - Malopterurus electricus majaggo n. D [majerej lightening eclair majere (nde) / maje (de) Z lightening eclair majude v.av D [mayude, mayyudej to shine, flash (lightening); to wink; to electrocute briller, donner des eclairs; cligner de 1'0eil(D); electrocuter(Z)

pm,pos V. 6e

ma6i n. D lace (of shoe, etc.) lacet

MACCUDO maccud"o (0) / maccu6e (6e) DFZEH Z(-)


cf.:[di(i)maajo, kordoj

majjude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to get lost, be lost, disappear (from sight); to lose one's way, go astray; (ned"d"o, huunde) not to know sb, sth se perdre, etre perdu, disparaitre (de vue(Z»; se perdre, s'egarer (Z); (ned"d"o, huunde) ignorer ou ne pas reconnaitre qqn, qqch(Z)

slave, captive of war; (Hist.) mercenaries of the ardu6e esclave, captif de guerre; (Hist.) mercenaires des ardu6e maccukaaku (ngu) Z slavery esclavage


se meIer de ce qui ne te regarde pas

MAJJAM ma.ijam; ma.ije; ma.iji; ma.ijum pm,pos V. aam; ae; ai; aum

MALFAL malfal (ngal) / malfe (ae) OZM [marfal, marfa] rifle fusil

MAKARI makari, makkari (ndi) OZE Z(+) [makka]:Z fermented condiment made with locust bean tree seeds [maari]; corn, maize [bam(m)baari, hammanaare] condiment a base de graines de nere fermentees(D) [maari]; mais(ZE) [bam(m)baari, hammanaare]

MAKKA makka

MALI Mali PN Fo [Ieydi Mali] Mali Mali

MALI-HEMRE mali-hemre; mali-hemre e

pm,pos V. ka & var.-

sappo V. hem(e)re




makkalleere n. M [menkellere] Arab weight of about 4-5 grams used for gold mesure arabe valant de 4 a 5 grammes utilisee pour peser l'or

MAKKATIRI makkatiri n. 0 [mboyoko] fruit of a tree fruit d'un arbre

MAKKI makki; makko

(1); makko (2); makkoy pm,pos V. ki; 0; ko (2),· koy


MALLmallude v.av OZ to criticize indirectly critiquer indirectement


Malaado PN 0 woman's name prenom de femme malal (ngal) Z (FJ,M) happiness, bliss; salvation bonheur, felicite; saIut maleede v.pv OF [niineede, weide hoore] to be lucky avoir de la chance malu (0) / mali (ai) OFZ [(ngu)]:Z [malal, arsike,



malle n. Db [maale] weaver who is not of a caste; master tisserand qui n'est pas du caste; maitre

MALLEEWE malleewe (nge) 0 coloration of cattle robe de vache

ngalu, nja[)u] cf:[maalu]


luck, chance chance malude v.av Z to make happy, be the source of happiness, give happiness rendre heureux, etre source de felicite, donner la felicite



malkisaado (0) / malkisaa6e (6e) OZ Z(-) person who is a failure, unfortunate, damned; person who is spiteful, malicious rate, malheureux, damne; mechant(Z) malkisidde v.av Z (-) to damn (of God) damner (Dieu) malkisu n. Z (Fr,M) ill, misfortune mal, malheur

malmalluure (nde) / malmalluuje (ae) Z lightening eclair

MAMMA mamma var.- maama MAMNmamnude v.av( +ext?) 0



to bother, inconvenience embeter, indisposer

malayka (0) / malaykaaji (ai) OFu angel ange

MANmanude v.av OZ Z(-) to praise, flatter, congratulate faire des eloges, louer, flatter, feliciter

MAL'Smal6aade v.mv 0 to interfere in what is none of one's business



-Tmantaade v.mv+ext OZ Z(-) to flatter o.s., boast, be vain se flatter, se vanter, etre vaniteux

maiieede v.pv 0 to have scabies, be mangy etre galeux


MANA mana (0) / manaaji (di) rubber; plastic caoutchouc; plastique

maraacfo (0) / maraalie (lie)

ZTo Z(BF.M) [taari]

MANAKU manaku var.- masaku MANDAKE

ZS (M.OO) Deyaac:fo. jihaac:fo. jiyaado. maccudo. di(i)maajo]

slave (lit. one who is possessed) esclave (lit. qui est possede(S» maral (ngal) / mare (de) Z (FJ.M.A) conservation, economy; possession, good, property; wealth, abundance; kingdom; domination, -power conservation, economie; possession, bien, propriete; richesse, abondance; royaume; domination, pouvoir marde, marude v.av OFCZHY CZ(-) to keep, store; to possess; to raise, take care of; to economize, save (money); to protect garder, conserver; posseder; elever, entretenir; economiser, epargner (argent) (CZ); proteger mareede v.pv Z to be a slave etre eSclave marga) (ngal) OZ slavery; dependence esclavage(D); dependance(Z) margo) daabaaji n. F animal husbandry elevage d'animaux


mandake (de)

CZ (FJ.FT.M) cf.:[betirde. betirgal. peesirgal. jakkirgal]

scales (for weighing); trays of a scale balance (pour peser); plateaux de balance(Z)

MANDE man de, mannde inten'og


[mane]:H(SH).F [hende]:Z

when quand

MANGAAKU mangaaku; mango V. mawnMANGAS I mangasi var.- mal)gasi MANGORO mangoro, mangoroore var.maangoro(ore)




maniiyi n.

Ou [mbolam. mboryam. mbulam. nduunam. ngulam. nguunam]

sperm sperme




mankude v.av 0 [Iuttude] to miss manquer, louper

martude (kumpa) v.av+ext OZ to find out about, learn some news s'informer de, apprendre des nouvelles


MARFAL marfa) var.- malfal

manna n. 0 posterior, anus posterieur, anus


MANNDE mannde var.- mande MANSA mansa n. 0 signs slgnes






mariyaasi n. 0 game of cards jeu de cartes


maQgasi, mangasi (0) storeroom magasin


marhabaa, marhabaan Z expression of welcome formule de bienvenue





Markaajo (0) / Markaalie (lie) cf.:[Nononkoobe. Sarankulleejo]

Marka, Soninke Marka, Soninke



markankoore (nde) W language of the Markas or Soninkes langue des markas ou soninkes


MAWNmangaaku n. F adulthood etat d'etre adulte mango (ngu) FeZ CZ(-) [manngu):C largeness; adult or old age grandeur; age mfu ou avance mawdo (0) / mawoe (oe) FCZ(Riesman, 1974 &

MARMALLUURE marmalluure (nde) / mannalluuje (ae)



hail; hailstone grele; grelon


1977) CZ(-)

maracaakunke (0) T communist communiste marucaaku n. T cf.:[mar-, saak-) communism communisme


adult, old person; superior; notable, elder; leader, chief adulte, personne agee; superieur; notable, doyen; dirigeant, chef mawdo konu (T): chief warrior; chef gl'Ierrier

Mawla PN 0 [AlIa, Joomiraacfo) God Dieu mawna, mawni (0) Zo Z(-) older sibling (sf of mawniraaao or term of address) aine, ainee (sf de mawniraaao ou titre) mawniraado (0) / mawniraaoe (oe) FCZH


masal (nga/) / mase (ae) DZ Z(-) vowel; accent; action of masude voyelle(Z); accent(D); action de masude(Z) masude v.av DZb Z( + ) to correct; to place accents, place vowel marks in ajami text; to punctuate corriger(D); mettre les accents(D), mettre les signes vocaliques dans Ie texte adjami(Z); ponctuer(Z)


CZ(FT,M,BF) [mawraacfo)

older sibling aine(e) (frere ou soeur) mawniraado debbo (0): older sister; grande soeur mawniraado gorko (0): older brother; grand fcere mawnude v.av FCZ CZ(-)


masaku (0) DZq [manaku) sweet potato - Ipomoea batatas patate douce - Ipomoea batatas


to be big; to be old; to be important; to be an adult etre grand; etre age; etre important; etre adulte


masiibo (0) / masiioe (ae) CZo CZ(BF,M)



disaster, calamity (C); defeat; revolt, riot; epidemic, plague(C) desastre, calamite (CZ); defaite(Z); revolte, emeute (Z); epidemie, peste (Z)

mawninkinaare (nde) Z self-importance suffisance



mawndalde n. 0 bird of prey oiseau a proie

masimbinde v.av( + ext?) DZ Z( +) cf.:[masiibo] to damage, destroy; to kill [warde (2)] endommager(DZ), detruire(D); tuer(Z) [warde (2)]


MAWUURI mawuuri (ndi) FcH C(BF) [mawruuri):Z



Masin (0) / masinji (ai) DZt Z(-) machine, apparatus, mechanism machine, appareil, mecanisme

next year annee prochaine mawuurti (ndi) F [mawruurti):Z year after next, in two years dans deux ans

masilJ henndu (T): windmill ; eolienne

MASIRI masiri n. 0 fmery

MAYIITI mayiiti var. maayiti 0


MAYRE mayre; mayri; mayru pm,pos V.

MEELLmeellaade v.mv CZ (M,BF,NO) to put on a turban se couronner d'un turban meellol (ngo/) / meelli (di) CZ (BF,M,N) [mellol] turban turban meellude v.av CZ (M,BF,NO) to put a turban on sb enturbanner qqn, couronner qqn d'un turban

nde, nge; ndi; ndu

MAYY- (1) mayude, mayyude v.av CZ CZ( +) [majude] to flash (lightening); to start, jump, wince briller, eclater (eclair); sursauter, tressaillir (Z) mayyere (1) (nde) / mayye (de) Cz C(G,NE,BF,M),Z(G,NE,BF)

lightening (flash) eclair, eclat

MEEMmeemaade v.mv Z to rub one's fingers with the powder of burned bones se frotter les doigts de la poudre d'os brule meemude v.av Z to rub frotter

MAYY- (2) mayyere (2) (nde) / mayye (de) Cz C~G,BF,M,NE),Z(G,BF,NE)

wink, blink clin d'oeil (cZ), clignotement(C) mayyude v.av CZ C(G,BF,M,NE),Z(G,BF,M,NE,N) [majude, himyude, hiriude]

to wink, blink cligner de l'oeil, clignoter

-ORmeemordi (ndi) DZ chalk; white powder made from bones (used by spinners of thread) craie(D); poudre blanche d'os (employee par les fileuses)

MEECO meeco n. D [foto, yakko] syphilis syphilis

MEED- (1)


meedude v.av DFCZ C(NE),Z(FJ,M,NE) to taste; to have ever done gouter; avoir jamais fait

meere; meereejo; meereewe V. meh-


MEES-ONDIRmeesondirde v.av +ext D to fight with one another, quarrel se battre, se quereller

-Nmennude v.av+ext DZ Z(-) to cause to taste faire gouter



meesi (0) D wick of a lamp meche de lampe

MEED- (2) meedude v.av Z (+) to pass time doing (sth); to become used to doing sth; to do sth once perdre Ie temps a; s'habituer a faire qqch; faire qqch une fois



meetar, meeteer, meeter, meetere (0) / meetarnuji, meeteraaji, meetefji (di) DFZT meter metre

MEEDEN meeden pm,pos V. en MEEKANIK Fr


meekanik n. T mechanics (engineering) mecanique


meetiri (0) Z Ual)nginoowo] teacher, professor maitre, professeur



meelde, meelude v.av DZ to plaster, cover with mud or cement; to level crepir, recouvrir avec argile ou ciment; aplanir(Z)

meettaade v.mv D [oetude, etude] to mesure mesurer




megude v.av 0 to miss the objective manquer l'objectif

memondiral (ngal) T contact (physical) contact


MEH- (1) meere (nde) DFCZH CZ(-} [oolum] nothing, zero; that which is useless, has no utility; (adv.) for nothing, in vain, uselessly rien, zero; ce qui n'a pas d'utilite; (adv.) sans frais, pour rien, en vain, inutilement

memtaade v.mv+ext DZ [mentaade]:Z to be bitten by a snake etre mordu par un serpent mento n. 0 snake bite morsure de serpent

haalde meere (F): to talk saying nothing; parler pour ne rien dire meere mettaande (D): for nothing at all ; pour rien du tout meereejo (0) / meeree6e (6e) DFZ Z(DO)(M)


pm,obj&pos V. en

mene n. 0 cf.:[namtiri] sesame sesame

a nobody, good-for-nothing; bastard vaurien, bon Ii rien; batard(Z) meereewe (nge) 0 good-for-nothing qui ne vaut rien meh- (+suf.) adj. FZ Z(-) [meer-]:Z zero, nothing (F); empty zero, rien; vide(Z)

mene-mene (0): type of confection made with sesame seeds and formed into balls ; confection en sesame et formee en boules

MENKELLERE menkellere (nde) / menkelleeje (ae)

Z (M,BF)


MEH- (2)

measure of weight for gold of 4 to 5 gr. mesure de poids pour l'or de 4 Ii 5 gr.

mehoowo (0) / meho06e (6e) DZ Z(-) stammerer begue mehude v.av DZV [me'ude]:CZV to stammer, stutter; to bleat begayer; beler(Z)

MENNUDE mennude V. meea-nMENTO mento V. mem-!MEI)I)A meQIJ8 n. 0 [ngoonga, goonga] truth verite

MEJOL mejol (ngol) 0 [ooggol] rope corde

MERmerude v.av Z cf.:[wiyude, haal(u)de] to say, speak dire, parler

MELLEW mellew n. 0 [meere] nothing rien

MEREWE merewe n. 0 type of insect sorte de insecte

MELLOL mellol (ngol) / melli (ai) CZ (BF,N,M) turban [meellol]; crown turban [meellol]; couronne(Z)

MERGOL mergol (ngol) / mergi (ai) DZS cf.:[mer-] verse, poetry; short poem (of herders ?); (pl.) poetry (genre) vers, poesie (D); piece poetique(S) (chez les bergers ?); (pl.) poesie (genre)(Z)

MELSmelsude v.av 0 to sparkle, glitter, twinkle etinceler



mernitaade v.mv+ext Z to take a short nap faire un petit somme

memude v.av DFZ to touch, feel sth toucher, tater


gout peu agreable( CZ)

MESmeseede v.pv Z to have nausea avoir des nausees mesude v.av Z to nauseate donner la nausee a


MEYmeyo n. D way of making o.s. noticed fac;on de se faire remarque meyude v.av D to make uncalled-for or out of place gestures faire des gestes deplaces


mesalal (ngal) / meselle, mesele (ae) DFZ Z(-} needle aiguille


MEYmeyude v.av Z to trot (along, about) trottiner, trotter menu


meseke, mesekeeje n. DCZT [mesek, mesekuuje):T SCIssors ciseaux

MESKIINO meskiino, meskino

MI am pm,pos DFCZH CZ(-} my mon, ma, mes -am suf,pos F my (only with certain nouns such as those which refer to close family members) mon, ma, mes (seulement pour certains substantifs, tels ceux qui se rapportent aux membres de la proche famille) kam, am pm,obj DFCZH CZ(FT,M,BF,N} [kal])

(0) /

meskiinve (ve) - var.- miskiino ZL Z(-}

METANGAL metangal (ngal) / metenge, metele (ae) Z cf.:[yiite, beewngol, joomngol, leewngol)

tongue of flame langue de feu

METr- (1)


me moi, me mi pm,sbj,sf DFCZH CZ(-}

mettaade v.mv DcZ C(FJ},Z(FJ,M} to lick, taste; to scrape (out); to lick o.s. ? lecher, gouter; racler(D); se lecher(Z) mettande n. D scraping? raclee mettude v.av Cz C(M,BF,NO},Z{FJ,A} [meedude)


je mid"o pm,sbj,/f

DFZH [mide):ZH [mida, mede]: H(Soosoobe(Guumel}} [bido):H(Gimmballa(Nafunke)}



je miin, min pm,ind DFCZH me (emphatic) moi (emphatique)

to taste gouter, deguster

METr- (2) mette (ae) DZ Z(-} [metteeji) bad taste; grief, melancholy; resentment; displeasure; hurt mauvais gout(D); chagrin, melancolie (Z); ressentiment(Z); deplaisir(Z); douleur(Z) metteede v.pv Z (G,M,A) to be distressed etre desole, afflige metteeji n. D [mette) bad taste; dissatisfaction mauvais gout; mecontentement mettude v.av FCZ C(-} ,Z( + } to hurt, pain, bother; to be unlucky; to be bitter; to be unsavory (taste) vexer, chagriner, deranger; etre malchanceux(Z); etre amer(Z); etre d'un


MICCmiccaade v.mv Fz Z(DO} [miicaade, miijaade, miilaade, hiimaade]

to think, believe; to reflect (upon), study; to hope(F) penser, croire; reflechir, etudier; esperer miccito (ngo) Z memory souvenir

-IN-Tmiccintinde v.av +2exts Z to remind rappeler



-ITmiccitaade v.mv+ext Z [miilitaade] to remember se rappeIer

mijude v.av 0 to tie up tightly attacher tres fort

MUJO mi,ijo var. miijo;V. miijMILIYAAR Fr

MIDEN miden V. min MIFY-

miliyaar n. T billion (U.S.) milliard

mifyaade v.mv 0 cf.:[miibaade, mimyude] to expel air through the nose rejeter l'air par Ie nez




miliyon n. T [uuna ujunaaji] million million

mii6aade v.mv Dez CZ(BF) cf.:[mifyaade, mimyude]

to inhale, breathe in through the nose, sniff aspirer par Ie nez, renifler

MIIC- miicaade var. miicaade; V. miccMIU- At




millo adj. T (Math.) [ko faandina] approximate approximatif

miijaade v.mv DFcZ C(FJ),Z(-) [miilaade,

MIMS- mimsa; mimsitidde var.- nimsa;

miecaade, miicaade, hiimaade]

to think, believe; to reflect (upon), study; to hope(F) penser, croire; reflechir, etudier; esperer miijo (ngo) / miijooji (ai) dZT Z(-) [mijjo]:D

nimsitidde; V. nims- DL

MIMYmimyude v.av CZ [misoaade, niioaade, riiioaade] cf.:[mifyaade, miioaade]

[miilo, tinndinoore, fento, fewjo]

to sniff renifler

reflection; thought, idea, conception; opinion reflexion; pensee, idee, conception; opinion, avis

MIN amin, amen pm,pos DFCZH our (exclusive) notre, nos (exclusif) -amin suf,pos F our (exclusive) (only with certain nouns such as those which refer to close family members) notre, nos (exclusif) (seulement avec certains substantifs, teIs ceux qui se rapportent aux membres de la proche famille) miden pm,sbj,/f DFH [oide]:

MIILmiilaade v.mv Fez C{FJ),Z{FT) [hiimaade, miecaade, miieaade, miijaade]

to think, believe; to reflect (upon), study; to hope(F) penser, croire; reflechir, etudier; esperer miilde, miiIude v.av DFZ to think, imagine penser, imaginer miiIo (ngo) / miilooji, miili (ai) DZ Z{-) [miijo, mijjo]

thought, reflection pensee, reflexion


we (exclusive) nous (exclusif) min pm,obj DFZH us (exclusive) nous (exclusif) minen pm,ind FZH we (exclusive) (emphatic) nous (exclusif) (emphatique)

-ITmiilitaade v.mv+ext f [miccitaade] to remember se rappeIer

MIIMOORE miimoore (nde) 0 pottery container for washing hands recipient en terre cuite pour laver les mains

MIN (2) min var. miin; V. mi

MIIN miin pm,ind V. mi




pluie fine, petite pluie, crachin, averse misude v.av DZ [riaafude] to rain in a fme mist tomber une pluie fme


minooro n. 0 fruit of minoowi fruit de minoowi minoowi (ki) / minooje (de) 0 tree - Spondias mombin arbre - Spondias mombin

MISBmis6aade v.mv

Cz C{M,BF),Z{BF) [mimyude, niibaade,riiibaade]

to sniff renifler

MINI-HARAMA miiii-harama n. Z cf:[harama] first month of the hot, dry season (ceedu) premier mois de la saison seche et chaude



misgala jarratin Do nothing at all; nothing bad rien du tout; rien de mal




miiii-hodaru n. Z cf.:[hodaru] second month of the planting season of the Fulani year deuxieme mois de la saison des semailles de l'annee peule


misiide (nde,o) / misiideeji, misiidaaji (di) DFCZV Z{FJ,M) Ouulirde]

mosque, place to pray mosquee, lieu pour prier




miskiino (0) / miskinoe, miskimoe (oe)

miiii-idi n. Z cf: [iidi] first month of the harvest season (dabbunde) premier mois de la saison des recoltes


[meskiino, baasdo, baaydo, talka(ajo)]

poor person, one who is miserable pauvre, miserable


miskimoe nuunauoe (Hist.)(M): 'the just poor' companions of Seku Amadu who had proved their disregard for honors and things of this world and who had never been convicted of corruption (the saa'i were recruited from among them) ; 'Ies pauvres justes' - 'Ies compagnons de Cheikou Amadou qui avaient prouve leur mepris des honneurs et des biens de ce monde et qui n'avaient jamais ete convaincus de corruption.' (M, p.66) (Ies saa'i ont ete recrutes parmi eux)

MINIRAADO miiia, miiii (0) DFZo Z{-) younger sibling (sf of miiiiraaoo or term of address) cadet, cadette (sf de miiiiraaoo ou titre) miiiiraad"o (0) / miniraaoe (oe) DFCZ CZ{FT,M) [miraadojmiraabe]

younger sibling cade(te) (frere ou soeur)



misoro (ko) / misornuji (di) scarf, head tie foulard, mouchoir (de tete)

mifiiraaao debbo (0): younger sister; petite soeur mifiiraaao gorko (0): younger brother; petit frere


MO mo pm V. 0 MOBBO mobbo V. MOBEL Fr

mire (de) 0 that which is used for tying up (pI.) attaches .


Fq [addiiko, mosoro]


mobel, mobil, mobili (0) / mobilaaji (di)

miral n. 0 large ant grande fourmi miru (ngu) / miri (di) 0 ant fourmi


[mobel (ngel), mobilaaru (ndu)]:Z [watiir(u)]

automobile, car automobile, voiture

MOBDE mobde; mo6re; mo6tude MOCC-


moccol n. D recitation having the power of healing recitation ayant pouvoir de guerison

MISmiso (ngo) DCZ CZ{G,A,NO,BF,M) [mesonjmese]:C fine rain, small rain, gentle rain, slight rain, shower



moccude v.av Dz Z(-) to recite a prayer to relieve pain reciter une priere pour adoucir une douleur

mojaade v.mv DZ Z( + ) to cover o.s.; to cross one's arms se couvrir; se croiser les bras(Z) mojude v.av Z (-) to cover sb, envelop sb couvrir qqn, envelopper qqn

MODDmoddude v.av DCZ C(FT,M,G,A,BF,N), Z(FT,M,G,A,BF,N,FJ)

to be compact, dense; to be thick (liquid) etre compact, dense (D); etre epais (liquide)(CZ)

MOLmolaade v.mv D to move forward in the manner of a hunter s'avancer a la fa~on du chasseur

-IN-IRmoddinirde (nde) D [toordi] recipient for saving butter r~cipient pour garder Ie beurre

MOLDU moldu; molel V. MOLKOORE


molkoore (nde) D [yellere] fruit of the dum palm fruit du palmier doum

mode (de) Z tablet, pill comprime modude v.av CZo CZ(-) to swallow avaler

MOLMmolmande (nde) / molmande (de) Z [mowfande]:Z(-)

caress caresse molmude v.av Z [mowfude]:Z(-) to rub, stroke, smooth (out, down); to caress frotter, lisser; caresser

MODDANDE mod"d"ande (nde) Z [woomre, wuumre, wuwre] cf.:[mod-]

mouthful boucMe



moldu n. D small horse petit cheval molel (ngel) / moli (di) cZ C(FJ,NE),Z(FJ,M,NE) filly pouliche molol (kol,ngol) / moli (ai) ZL Z(-) foal, young donkey, young camel poulain, anon, chamelon molu (ngu) / moli (di) DCZ CZ(-) foal poulain

modol (ngol) D rope supporting a load carried by a donkey corde soutenant Ie charge porte par un ane

MOFfUDE moftude


var.- mo06tude; V.

mo06-t F

MOGGmoggaade v.mv Z (-) [suudaade] to hide (o.s.) se cacher moggotore (nde) D hiding place cachette moggude v.av Z (-) [suudude] to hide, conceal (a thing behind or in another) cacher, dissimuler (une chose derriere ou dans une autre)

MON mon MON-

pm,obj&pos V. on

monaade v.mv D to enjoy jouir de


MON-T- (2?)

moggitaade v.mv+ext DZ Z(-) to hide o.s.; to come out from hiding se cacher, se cantonner (D); sortir de la cachette(Z)

montaade v.mv+ext D cf.:[moofl-] to gather, assemble (v.i.) se rassembler



mooptal (ngal) T [mooftal] sth conserved ? conserve mooptugol (ngol) T [maral] conservation conservation

monde (nde) D cf.:[moolle] ball of flour boule de farine


mongoro var.- maangoro CZ




mooptirgel (ngel) T compartment, drawer, locker caSler

monnudi (ndi) M feed (for horses) made from whole millet flour, powdered baobab leaves and potash and formed into balls aliment (pour cheval) fait de la farine de mil avec son, poudre de feuille de baobab et potasse et rMuit en boules


MONTmontude v.av( + ext?) Z [momtude]:Z to wipe essuyer, torcher

DFCZMq(Trimingham, 1959) C( + },Z(FJ,M} [ceerno]

marabout, cleric, person (esp. man) who is versed in the Koran marabout, Iettre musulman

-IRmontirgal (ngal) Z [tosirgel binndi] eraser gomme


mooaon pm,pas V. an

moofo (a) / maofu6e (6e) DZ Oogoroojo,



montorgal (ngal) Z toilet paper papier hygienique



mobbo n. DFCZ marabout (term of address) marabout (titre) moodibo, moodibbo (a) / maodifJ6e, maadibaa6e, moodibbaa6e (6e)

person who is bowlegged; flat-footed person qui est bancal(D); qui ales pieds plats(Z)



moofiaidde v.av +ext DZ to be bowlegged; to be flat-footed avoir les jambes arquees(D); avoir les pieds plats(Z)

montoro, montor (0) / montorooji, montorji (di) DCZ CZ(+} [agoogo]

watch montre



mooftal var.- maaptal; V.

maa6-t- T

mo6re, moomre n. T collection collection moo6aade v.mv CZ (-) [moooondirdej:Z(-} to gather, collect, assemble (v.i.) se rassembler, s'assembler moo6ude v.av DCZT C(-},Z(FJ,M} [moede,

MOOLmoolaade (neaao, huunde) v.mv DCZ(B§. et Dieterlen, 1961) C(FJ,BF,M,NO},Z(FJ,BF,M,NO,FT} [toolaade]

to pray to God for protection from sb or sth; to trust sb, seek sb's protection; to avoid, flee; to exorcise; to anathematize, curse prier Dieu pour demander protection contre qqn ou qqch(D); se confier a qqn, chercher protection aupres de qqn (CZ); eviter, fuir (Z); exorciser(Ba et Dieterlen, 1961); jeter l'anatheme(Ba et Dieterlen, 1961)

a (a)jaade, faggaade, mubbude, wubbude]

to amass, collect, gather together (v.t.) amasser, collecter, rassembler

-Tmoo6tude v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-} [moooitude, mobtude, moftude, moptude, mooptude, mottude]


to gather together, collect, save together, put aside, put in safekeeping rassembler, concentrer, conserver, mettre de cote, mettre en surete

moolanaaao (a) D person who has benefitted from divine protection



beneficiaire de la protection divine

moonisaade v.mv D [moomikaade) to find o.s. in a better position se trouver dans de meilleurs conditions

MOOL-T- (2?) mooltaade v.mv+ert D to go without letting anybody know beforehand s'en aller sans prevenir les siens

MOOPTAL mooptal; mooptirgel; mooptude; mooptugol V. mo06-t-

MOOLAARU moolaaru (fldu) / moolaaji (di)


D(Bi et Dieterlen, 1961) [moolooru/moolooji):CZ{-) cf.:Ourkel, jurukelle, hoddu) cf.:[mool-)

mooraade v.mv FCZ CZ{-) to have one's hair plaited, braided; to plait, braid one's own hair etre coiffe, s'etre fait tresser les cheveux; se coiffer, se tresser les cheveux moorol (ngol) / moorli (di) DZ [bukkol) small braid or plait petite tresse mooroowo (0) / mooro06e (6e) FZ Z{-) woman who dresses, plaits, braids hair femme qui tresse les cheveux, fait des coiffures moorude v.av DFCZ CZ{-) cf.:[r'iuggude] to dress, plait or braid hair coiffer, tresser les cheveux (a qqn) moorugol, moorngol (ngol) / moorli (di) DFCZ

sort of lute or guitar (with one string) sorte de luth ou de guitare (a une corde (Ba et Dieterlen, 1%1) moolooru/moolooji (X{A(Jam'aare»): mandolin, guitar (with 3 or 5 strings) ; mandoline, guitare (a 3 ou 5 cordes) (loanword from Hs - emprunt du Hs)

MOOLIYAARU mooliyaaru fl. D small bird; lute petit oiseau; luth

MOOLLE moolle (de) D cf.:[monde) small balls of flour boulettes de farine


hair style; dressing of hair coiffure; action de coiffer(Z)

MOOMmoomaade v.mv DcZ C{FJ),Z{FJ,M) to feel, grope, caress; to rub up against with the body (like a cat) tater, Hl.tonner, caresser(D); caresser de tout son corps (a la maniere d'un chat)(CZ) moomude v.av Z (-) to rub with the palm of one's hand frotter avec la paume

MOOSmoosande (nde) / moosande (de) smile sourire (n.) moosude v.av to smile sourire


moosude v.av D to make ropes faire des cordes





DZ Z{-)

MOOS- (2?)

moomikaade v.mv D [moonisaade) to fmd o.s. in a better situation se trouver dans de meilleurs conditions moomlude v.av to rub out effacer

Z (-) [mooso

(ngo), moose (de»):Z

Moosinke (0) / Moosinkoo6e (6e) Mocinkoooe):L

Mossi Mossi

v. mo06-


moonaade v.mv Z to pretend to be sick so as not to have to work simuler une maladie pour ne pas travailler

moosindorde (nde) D Adam's apple pomme d'Adam



moonginne n. M fly whisk chasse-mouches

mootude v.av to disolve


T [saaynude, yoosude)

W [(pl.)

dissoudre mootugol (ngol) dissolution dissolution

engager les fils (tissage)(D); arrondir une boule avec la main(Z)

T [saayugol, yoosugol)

MORSmorsude v.av to get ready s'appreter

MOOYTUGOL mooytugol bonannda n. T

[muntugol, keefgol,



amn.esty amnistie


morse, morso (0) piece morceau

MOOYU mooyu (ngu,o) / mooyi (di) termite termite

MOPTUDE moptude V. MOR



MOSOLA mosola (o,ka) DZ [muusala) ease; that which is not expensive, dear facilite(D); ce qui n'est pas cher(Z)

mo06-t- FZ Z(+)

MOSORO mosoro

mor inteTj. D exclamation expressing distaste exclamation exprimant degout

(0) / mosorooji (di) -

var.- misoro Z

MOTfmotto (ngo) / motte (de) Z (-) [gaarawol) thread fil mottoowo (0) / motto06e (6e) Z (-) person (esp. woman) who spins cotton, spinner of cotton fileuse (de coton) mottude (1) v.av DCZ CZ(-) to spin cotton filer du coton

MORmorgol (ngol) Z castration castration morude v.av Z [derde) to castrate castrer

MORGAAJO morgaajo (0) D Oogoroojo, person who limps qui est bancal



MOTTI Motti PN FHo Mopti (city located at the confluence. of the Niger and Bani Rivers; capital of the ftfth region of the Republic of Mali) Mopti (ville situe sur Ie confluent du Niger et Bani; chef lieu de la cinquieme region de la Republique du Mali)

MORNmoriiude v.av DCZ to make animals return; to twist(C) faire retourner les animaux(D); tordre(CZ)

MORRmorraade v.mv Z to roll sth up in one's clothes so as to hide it enrouler qqch dans son vetement pour Ie cacher morre (nde) Z that which is rolled up; ball, pellet ce qui est enroule; boule, boulette morre (de) D bullets balles (d'arme it feu) morrude v.av DZ to twist; to wind thread by hand; to insert, attach the threads (weaving); to make a ball with one's hand tordre(D); tordre du fil dans la main(Z);

MOTTILA mottila, motila (ka) / mot(t)ilaaji (di)


[fiti(i)la, lampa)

oil lamp, kerosene lamp lampe it huile, lampe it petrole

MOTfUDE mottude MOYLOL moylol (ngol) D [gUlol] vertigo, dizziness vertige




mo06-t- DZ Z(-)

attractive, correct, perfect; to prepare; to make rendre (qqch) bon, reparer; mettre en ordre, arranger; ameliorer, embellir, perfectionner; preparer; fabriquer mOY'Y'inoowo (0) / moyyino06e (6e) Z (-) creator, founder, maker createur, fondateur, fabricant

MOYTmoytude v.av( +ext?) DZ Z(-) to wipe, clean; to rub, smooth; to caress essuyer, nettoyer(D); frotter, lisser(Z); caresser(Z)

MOYYana moyya adv. Co

[ana laatoo, maa-taw, nde go'o, ta(a)ma, yaama) cf.:[taw-)


perhaps, maybe peut-etre moyyaa adj. To bad; (Scol.) poor (mediocre) mauvais; (Scol.) mal (mediocre) moyyaade (e neddo) v.mv Z (-) to have concern for sb; to do sb good avoir de la sollicitude pour qqn; faire du bien a qqn moyyere (nde) / moyye (de) DFCZ CZ(-) goodness, that which is good, kindness, merit, privileges bonte, ce qui est bien, bienfait, merite, privileges moyyii, moyyi interj. DCZT CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF)

mOY'yintinde v.av + 2exts

to put in order, readjust, arrange, repair, mend; to reconcile mettre en ordre, rajuster, ranger, reparer, raccommoder; regler les re1ations(Z)

-ITmOY'Y'itude v.av+ext Z (-) to become good again redevenir bon



mu'jin (0) M muezzin muezzin

[gasii) [wooddi):C

good, that's good, okay; (Math.) accurate [feewi] bon, bien, c'est bien, d'accord, c'est d'accord; (Math.) juste(T) [feewi]

MUBBmubbal (ngal) DZ public fishing; collection of forage grasses peche publique(D); ramassage de l'herbe fourragere(Z) mubbude v.av DZ to gather, amass; to collect forage grasses amasser(D); ramasser de l'herbe fourragere(Z)

ana moyyi (Fz): that's good; c'est bon ko moyyi: that which is good; ce qui est bon moyyii sanne (fo): very good ; tres bien, tres bon

moyyo (0) / moyyu6e (6e) FZ person who is good; person of good family qui est bon; personne de bonne famille(Z) moyyude v.av FCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,N) cf.:[laabude] to be good; to be good-looking, fme-looking; to be good-tasting; to be benevolent, kindly; to of good family; to improve etre bon, bien; etre beau, joli; etre savoureux; etre bienveillant; etre de bonne famille(Z); s'ameliorer, s'amender (Z)

MUBB- (1) mu66aade v.mv 0 to take mouthfuls faire des boucbees

MUBB- (2) mu66aade v.mv 0 to cover one's genitals se cacher Ie sexe

-ANmoyyande (neddo, huunde) Z (-) to be good for sb, sth, to suit sb; to treat sb well etre bon pour qqn, qqch, convenir a qqn; bien traiter qqn



muccude v.av to suck sucer


MUDD- (1)

-INmoyyinde v.av+ext



muddo (0) / muddu6e (6e) imbecile, fool imbecile, sot



to make (sth) good, to fIX, repair; to put in order, arrange; to improve, make (more)


Z (-) [safi, katamaajo)



muddid'idde v.av + ext DZ Z( + ) to be dull, lose sharpness; to be an imbecile, be a fool etre emousse, s'emousser; etre imbecile, sot

MUDD- (2)

mulla n. D disease of the skin, the lips maladie de peau, de levres

MUM mum, mun, mUQ pm,pos FZ his, her, its son, sa mumen, mUQen pm,pos F their leur, leurs


muddi (0) / muddiiji (di) DZMqu measure, unit of volume for grain figured to contain ten handfuls; tithe; (Hist.) tithe paid for breaking the annual fast [muddu] mesure(D), unite de volume pour les grains sense contenir dix poignees(M); dime(Z); (Hist.) dime de rupture du jeune annuel(M) [muddu] mudlliire (nde) Zu [horde muddiirej calabash (used to measure grain and tithes) calebasse (servant de mesure pour Ie grain et Ie dime) muddu (0) / mudduuji (di) Z(Sanankoua, 1990)

MUMmumaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to harvest millet before it is mature; to shell, shuck, remove barely ripe millet grain from the ear with one's fingers cueillir Ie mil avant terme(D); egrener, detacher avec les doigts les grains d'un epi de mil a peine mur (Z) mumri, mumari (ndi) DZ millet harvested before maturity; grey millet ? mil recolte avant terme(D); mil gris(Z)


(Hist.)(V. muddi); measure for grain of 645805 gr. or 4 kg. (Hist.)(V. muddi)(Sanankoua, 1990); mesure pour Ie grain de 645 a 805 gr. ou 4 kg. (Z)

MUMRE mumre n. G simple consonants ? consonnes simples

MUDDmud'd'aade v.mv Z to put in the mouth mettre dans la bouche

mumre iiondoore (G): nasalized consonants; consonnes nasales

MUKKE mukke (0) Z deaf-mute sourd-muet


AI munaafiki (0) / munaafikiioe (oe) - V. naafigi z [munaafiqij:Z



mungas n. D(Dumestre, 1983) [njakirdej small pliers for picking up bits of gold petite pince pour prendre les graines d'or

MULmulaade v.mv D to get dirty, dirty o.s. se salir mulude v.av Z to dirty, soil, make sticky salir, poisser

MUNKAANDI munkaandi (ndi) D couscous with peanuts couscous aux arachides


MULGmulgo (0) / mulguoe (oe) Dz


munkari (0) dZ debauchery; adultery debauche (d); adultere (Z)



person who is missing teeth personne edentee



muntugol (ngol)

mulgid'idde v.av+ext Z (DO,M) to be toothless, missing teeth avoir une bouche edentee


amnesty amnistie


T [mooytugol bonannda, keefgol,



murkitidde v.av+ert to crush, grind ecraser, broyer

mufial (ngal) / muiie (de) FCZ CZ(-} patience, resignation patience, resignation mufio (0) 0 [murido]:Z(-) person who is patient qui est patient mufiude v.av DFCZ CZ(M,BF,N,G,A) [muriitaade] to be patient; to bear, endure; to wait patiently; to resign o.s., submit; to restrain o.s., master o.s.; to calm down etre patient, patienter; supporter; attendre avec patience(Z); se resigner, se soumettre (Z); se retenir, se dompter (Z); se calmer(Z)

MURSmursey n. 0 [nimsa] regret regret mursude v.av 0 [nimsude, to regret regretter


mufiande v.av+ert Z (A,M) to be patient for; to treat with care; to be satisfied with sth; to pardon etre patient pour; traiter avec soin; se satisfaire de qqch; pardonner





murotoore (nde) / murotooje (de)

mufiitidde v.av+ert Z (A,M) to be patient or indulgent; to be docile, submissive etre patient ou indulgent; etre docile, soumis

Z (-)


desert date, fruit of mur(0 )tooki datte sauvage, fruit du mur(0 )tooki murtooki, murotooki (ki) / murtooje, murotooje


(de) DZb Z(-) [tanni]

mufiirewa? n. 1(lmperato, 1973) type of kaasa blanket sorte de couverture kaasa

tree, desert date - Balanites aegyptiaca arbre, dattier sauvage, dattier du desert Balanites aegyptiaca


MURmuraade v.mv DFZ Z(-} to do an act willingly(F); to refuse to respond, turn a deaf ear faire expres(D); refuser de repondre(D), faire la sourde oreille(Z)

musinde v.av+ert

Cz C(M,BF,N,G,A},Z(BF,N,G,A}


to nurse, suck teter, sucer

MUTmutomutongal (nga/) Zr aquatic bird - kingfisher; cormorant oiseau aquatique - martin-pecheur; cormoran mutu n. I (Hist.) first generation of captives (lit. the lost) premiere generation de captifs (lit. les perdus) mutude v.av DFCZ CZ(-} cf.:[sumpitidde] to go down, sink (into sth), disappear (under sth); to set (sun); to immerse, plunge baisser, s'enfoncer (dans qqch), disparaitre (so us qqch); se coucher (soleil); immerger, plonger

MURA mura n. C (M,NE) cold (mucus) rhume (mucus)


murtude v.av DZ Z(FJ,FT,M) to revolt, rebel; to renounce Islam; to change one's conduct; to do sth intentionally se revolter, se rebeller; renier l'Islam(Z); changer sa conduite (Z); faire qqch expres (Z) murtuugal (ngal) 0 revolt revolte


mufiitaade v.mv+ert V. muiiude



MURGU murgu n. M(Sanankoua, 1990) (Hist.) [paabe] special contribution made to aid a war effort (or to replenish the state treasury) contribution extraordinaire pour aider l'etat a faire la guerre (ou pour renflouer Ie tresor de l'etat(M»




muusala n. ease facilite

mutasibi (0) M (Hist.) type of agent posted in villages to assure public order sorte d'agent affecte aux villages pour veiller sur l'ordre public

MUUSUURU (1) muusuuru (ndu) / muusuuji (ai)

MUTIRI mutiri (ndi) Z type of millet sorte de mil

0 [mosola]

cZ C(BF,N),

Z(M,BF,N) [ulluunde, ulluundu]

eat chat


MUUSUURU (2) muusuuru (ndu) / muusuuji (ai) cz

MUTU mutu n. 0 idiot bete, idiot

rat rat



muutaral (ngal) Z animal animal

mumfude v.av Dz Z(BF) to eat flour; to devour, eat (noisily and messily) manger de la farine(D); devorer, manger (avec bruit et malproprement)(Z)

MUUTUMAATA muutumaata n. 0 woman who is beautiful and stupid femme qui est belle et bete

MUUKUMAAKA muukumaaka ideoph. 0 ehewing or eating in an exagerated manner macher ou manger d'une maniere exageree

MUUYmuuyde v.av FZ Z(-) to want, desire (F); to will, decide (God) vouloir, desirer; vouloir, decider (Dieu)(Z) muuyeede, muyeede v.pv DZ Z(-) to want, desire avoir envie, desirer

MUUMmuumaaku (0) Z muteness mutisme muumeede v.pv Z to be a deaf-mute etre sourd-muet muumo (0) / muum6e (6e) mute person; deaf person muet; sourd(Z)



MUYNmuynoowo (0) / muyno06e (6e) Z infant (unweaned) nourrisson muynude v.av DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) [musinde] to nurse, suck (on the part of the baby) teter, sueer

DZ Z(-) [mukke]

-INmuuminaaku (0) Z taciturnity taciturnite muumini, muuminiijo (0) / muuminii6e (6e)

-INmuyninde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to nurse (a baby) faire teter, allaiter muyninoowo (0) / muynino06e (6e) woman who nurses an infant nourrice

DZ Z(-)

saint; believer; person who is silent sainteD); fidele, croyant (Z); sileneieux (D)

MUUSmuusude v.av Z (FJ,FT,M) [naawde] to hurt, be painful; to suffer faire mal, etre douloureux; souffrir


MUYTmuytude v.av( +ext?) to suek (at) sueer, su~oter


DCZ CZ(-) [waacitaade]


MBA mba c.i. DFZH [ba, nga):F class indicator indicateur de classe

mbabbaawu (ngu) 0 species of fish espece de poisson



mbaafi (Id) DA tree, liana; tree - Afzelia africana arbre a lianes(D); arbre, lingue - Afzelia africana(A)

mba6attu (ngu,o) / baliatti (di) Z(M,G,A) grasshopper, locust sauterelle, locuste



mbaccu (1)

mbaaka n. T (Sci.) state etat

mbaccaaku; mbacciri; bacc-

MBACCU mbaccu (2) n. Oqr [wacco] tiger nut - Cyperus esculentus pois sucre - Cyperus esculentus

mbaaka gaas (1): gaseous state ; etat gazeuz mbaaka ndeelam (1): liquid state ; etat liquide mbaaka joord'um (1): solid state; etat solide



mbad'ad'i (ki) OAk bush - Commiphora africana arbuste - Commiphora africana

baalinke (0) / baalinkoolie (lie) ZIV(SA et Dieterlen, 1961) Z(-)

Fulani who raises only sheep, raiser of sheep Peul qui n'elevent que les ovins, eleveur de moutons mbaalu (ngu,o) / baali (di) DFCZ

MBADDAKEREEWI mbad'd'akereewi, mbad'akereewi (Id) 0 [mbatakaawij:D [mbatakereewi):A

species of bush espece de arbuste


sheep, ewe mouton, brebis

mbadagereehi/badagereeje (K(BF)): bush ; arbuste (Euphorbia balsamifera)



mbaalu (ngu) Z (A,M) mole, beauty spot grain de beaute

mbaggiri V. wagg-

mbaggu (ngu) / baggi, bawdi (tfi) DCZHq CZ(-) [(pI.) bawd'ij:CZ


drum tam-tam, tambour

mbaandi (ndi) Z beauty beaute



mbaju (0) Zb cloth used to make blankets tissu qui sert a la fabrication de couvertures mbajuure (nde) / bajuuje (de) Zb blanket couverture

MBAARAAGU mbaaraagu (ngu) / baaraadi (di) 0 white horse cheval blanc



mbaayam V. waay-

MBALAARU mbalaaru (ndu) 0 leather sack sac en CUlr

mbabba (mba) / bamdi (di) DCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,NE,G,S) [(pI.) baddi, bamli):Z [ndakiire, tefeewa, tefeere)

donkey ane, anesse


MBARKEEWI mbarkeewi

MBALI mbali n. Do cf.:[balol/bali] palm leaf (in general); leaf of the dum palm; tree, dwn palm - Hyphaene thebaica [ngelleewi] feuille de palmier (en general); feuille de down; arbre, palmier doum - Hyphaene thebaica [ngelleewi]

bark- Oa



mbarooba n. Dq cf.:[war- (2)] antelope biche, antilope

MBAROODI mbaroodi; mbaroowo V.

MBALKU mbalku (ngu) / bal/a (ai)

var.- barkeewi; V.





leech; fluke, liver parasite sangsue; douve, parasite du foie (Z)

MBALLIIGU mballiigu; mballudi V. MBAM

mbasu (o,ngu) / basi, basuji, mbasuji (ai)



bag (goatskin), water skin sac en peau (de bouc), outre



mbam n. 0 person who is inexperienced ? inexperimente

mbata n. OT bag, small bag, satchel sac, petit sac, cartable

MBAMBAARI mbambaari, mbammbaari

MBATAKAAWI mbatakaawi

var.- bam(m)baari CZf


mbaa(a)akereewi 0


MBAWGU mbawgu V. waawMBAWLU mbawlu V. wawlMBAYEERI

mbana (nga) / bani (ai) Dcz CZ(G,A) black goat; bush cow [e(e)da] chevre noir(D); buffle(CZ) [e(e)da]

MBANTINEEWI mbantineewi



mbayeeri, bayeeri (ndi) / mbahe, ba'e (ae)

bantineewi DA



sorghum, guinea corn sorgho, gros mil

MBAI]I)YAANDI mbaQQY8andi (ndi) 0 food that is boiled aliment bouiIIi

mbayeeri &aleeye ? (I): (Sorghum nigerium) black sorghum - generally used to feed horses ; sorgho noir generalement donne aux chevaux cf.:[keni-keri] mbayeeri gumuuri ? (I): (Sorghum cernuum var. orbiculatum) mbayeeri mbodeeri (Z): species of red millet; espece de mil rouge

MBAN- mbaiiaad"o; mbaiiaandi V. wanMBARAGU mbaragu (ngu) 0 gift to father in law don au beau pere

MBAYLA mbayla V. way/MBAYRAARI mbayraari V. MBAYWOL

MBARALLU (1) mbarallu n. Dq python boa(D), python

mbaywol (ngol) Dz cassava mamoc





mbarallu n. 0 sack (large) sac (gros)

mbayyugu n. 0 food that has been sufficiently cooked aliment assez cuit


mbayungu (Riesman, 1974 & 1977 (BF): whole-grain millet mush; mil cuit II I'eau

mbargu n. T [cukkol, uddo, uddere] dam barrage 233



mbifam (dam) D cf.:[ndifam) milk that has been churned (to obtain butter) lait battu

mbedaare (nde) D part which holds bait in a trap; short pagne support d'appat d'un piege; pagne court

MBEDU mbedu; mbeduujum V. MBEELU



mbiinam (dam) D stagnant water eau stagnante

mbeelu (ndu) / beeli (di) DFCZ CZ(+) [cfowdi):C [(ngu,o)):Z


shadow (of a man); specter, phantom; image(F), reflection(C) ombre (d'un homme); spectre, fantome (Z); image, reflet (Z)

mbindudi n. D cf.:[winnd-) talisman (for water ?) talisman (pour eau ?)

(Trimingham, 1959): the shadow soul; I'ame-ombre ?



be'inke, beyinke (0) / be'inkoooe, beyinkoooe (oe) V(SA et Dieterlen, 1961) Fulani who raises only goats Peul qui n'eleve que des caprins mbeewa (ba,nga) / be'i, beyi, behi (di) DFCZ


mbinyu/ binyi (di) D nit oeuf de poux


MBIYYIRI mbiryiri V. biyyere MBOD- mboddi; mboda; mbodorka V.

goat, nanny-goat(C), billy-goat(Z) chevre, bouc(Z)




mbeeyeewu (ngu) P fish - Alestes macrolepidotus poisson - Alestes macrolepidotus

MBODE- mbode-, mbodeeri V. wod- (3) MBOJOY mbojoy pl.- bojel; V. wojere MBOLAM

MBEEYU mbeeyu V. weey- T MBELEEFI mbeleefi, mbelki (2), mbelndi V.

mbolam (dam) D [maniiyi) sperm sperme MBOLOORE mboloore (nde) D sth fried? (qqqch de) frit


MBELKI mbelki (1) (ki) D cf.:[kahi) medicine made from the African mahogany tree medicament a base de caicedrat

MBONDI mbondi V. bonMBOOFO mboofo V. woof- (1) MBOOFOODI mboofoodi V. woof- (2) MBOOFUDE mboofude var. woofude (1) MBOOMRI

MBELLAARE mbellaare (nde) D [sanaare) ring of gold worn in the nose anneau nasal en or



var.- bellaajo D

mboomri (ndi) / boomi (di) DFZ Z(-) [surbaajo) young girl (who has attained the age of puberty and who is not yet married), virgin jeune fiUe (ayant rage de puberte et qui n'est pas encore mariee), vierge

mbenta n. D underwear cale!;on


MBOOPUDE mboopude var. woofude MBOORTU mboortu var.- mbortu CZ

mbidaaka (ka) (Hinerances, 1981) [kaasa mbidaaka]

type of kaasa blanket sorte de couverture kaasa 234

(1) F (M,BF)


MBOOTOORU mbootooru (ndu) / bootooji (ai)

mbulwuldi (ndi) CZ (M,A) fine sand, dust sable fin, poussiere(Z)

CZ [booto,

dal)e] cf.:[mbasu]

bag, bag for grain sac(Z), sac a grain(C)

MBOOWDI mboowdi; mboowka MBORDI mbordi V. wor- (2) MBORTU


V. woow-

DeZ C(NO),Z(NO,M) [mboortu (ngu) / boorti, booti (di)]


lambj two year old ewe agneau(D)j brebis de deux ans(Z)

mbureetu var.- mbuureetu CZf

mburwiri (ndi) 0 type of porridge sorte de bouillie

MBORYOM 0 [maniiyi]

MBUSO mbuso (ngo), mbusam (aam) marrow moelle

MBOY mboy n. 0 (Vet.) rinderpest peste bovine

ocz [busam]

MBUTTIRI mbuttiri, mbutiri (ndi) / mbut(t)iriiji (ai)




mboyri (ndi)


excrement, feces, droppings excrement, feces, crotte

porridge made with rice, millet or corn bouillie au riz, au mil, ou au mais

MBUUBU mbuubu (ndu) / buubi (ai)




mboyoko n. 0 [makkatiri] fruit of a tree fruit d'un arbre

fly mouche



mbuuduudu (ngu) / buuduudi (ai)

mbu66utu n. 0 tadpole tetard

Oczq C(G,A),


mason wasp guepe-mac;onne, mouche-mac;onne

MBUDU mbudu n. T aluminum aluminium

mbum(n)dam V. wum-

mbuiiaari? n. I grass - Acroceras amplecten herbe - Acroceras amplecten

mbortu (ngu,o) / borti (ai)

mboryom n. sperm sperme

cf.:[njaareendi, coUa(l)]

MBUUDU mbuudu, mbuudu (ndu) / buuai (ai)

[kankasi, jaka]


monetary unit, five francs unite monetaire(D), cinq francs(FZ)

MBULAM mbulam (aam) sperm sperme


0 [maniiyi]


mbuuku V. buukmbuuldi V. wuul- (3?)

mbuuiia n. 0 swelling of the feet enflure des pieds

mbulku (ngu) / bulki (ai) OcZq C(G,A),Z(M,G,A) water jar, pottery container for water [loonde]j pitcher(C) [garguleeti] canari (d) [loonde]j gargoulette(D), vase pour l'eau(Z), cruche(C) [garguleeti]


OFZ Z(-)


MBUUREETU mbuureetu (ngu,o) / buureeti (di)


[mbureetu / mbureeti]


mbuuru (0) / buurnuji (di) F bread pain

grasshopper, cricket, locust sauterelle, criquet, locuste

N NA (1)


na, naa FCZ CZ(G,M,N,BF) interrogative marker put at the end of a question; "is it not?" particule interrogative mise a la fin d'une question; "n'est-ce pas?"

naad'aade v.mv nCZ CZ(-) to stretch (o.s.) s'etirer naad'ude v.av NCZ CZ(-) to stretch (v.t.), pull etirer, tirer(N)

NA (2)


na F cf.:[ni) particle used with the progressive verb form to emphasize that an action is actually taking place at the time of speaking particule employee avec la forme progressive du verbe pour indiquer que l'action est en train de se produire




NA'I na'ele; na'i; na'inke/na'inkoo6e V. nagge


NAA naa, na NFZ or ou bien


naahu n. Tu grammar grammaire



naa ... naa ... (F): either...or... ; soit...soit...



naafigi, naafige (0) / naajigiioe, naajige'en, naajigeeoe (oe) NFZu Z(-) [naafigiijoj:Z hypocrite(F), perfidious person; troublemaker(F), telltale; coward hypocrite(NZ), perfide(Z); fauteur de troubles, rapporteur(N); lache(Z)

Omo na defa. (F): There she is (in the process of) cooking.; La voila en train de faire la cuisine.

NA NIl na nii var.- annii; V. ana cz


naafude v.av Nu to do an additional prayer faire une priere supplementaire

naaji (0) sauce sauce


naa'ibu / naa'ibuuji ZM Z(-) deputy of the imam who assists him; state employee, representative of the authorities suppleant de l'imam qui l'assiste(M); fonctionnaire, representant des pouvoirs(Z)


Bam N [maafe, Ii'o]

NAAK-INnaakinaade v.mv+ext to wait patienter




naabaade v.mv N to lie; to hit mentir; frapper

naalad'o (0) N [Iaambaasu) idiot idiot naalude v.av cZ C{G,A),Z(G,M,A) to curse maudire

NAAB- (2?) naabaaru, naabaru (0) NZ warrior; dancer; mask guerrier(N); danseur(N); masque(Z)



indus naannude, naatnude v.av dFZT Z(M,FT)


naamu, naam interj ? FZ Z{-) [nam] yes, I hear you(F), I am listening (reply upon being called, deferential response) oui, je vous entends, je vous ecoute(Z) (reponse a un appe~ reponse de deference)


to bring in(F), cause to enter(F); to show sb in ?; to carry sth in; to bring in the cattle; to get sb to do sth, hire sb; to store up; to include faire entrer(Z); introduire qqn(Z); porter qqch(Z); faire rentrer Ie betail(Z); entrainer qqn dans qqch, engager qqn; emmagasiner(Z); inclure(T) naatnee n. T [nanngal] recruitment recrutement

NAANA naana n. No aromatic plant, minteD) plante aromatique(N), menthe(D)

NAANE naane NCZ CZ{ +) just now; formerly(C); during a moment tout a l'heure(NcZ), tantot(Z); jadis(CZ); en un moment(Z) naanen N just a moment ago il y a un instant

-IRnarrude (1) v.av+ext ZLr(Gamble and Baldeh, 1981)

to enter through, enter with entrer par, entrer avec



naawalla (0) / naawallaaji (tfi) NFcZ C(N,BF),

naange (nge) / naangeeji (tfi) NFCZH CZ{-) sun soleil


pain(Fc); illness(C) douleur(Z), mal(Z); maladie(NCZ) naawde v.av FCZH C(M,BF,N,G,A),Z(M,BF,N,G,A,FJ)

hakkunde-naange (F): noon ; midi

naange-fucfa n. F cf.:[fajiri] sunrise lever du soleH naange-muta n. F cf.:[futuro, saafo] sunset coucher du soleil

NAANN- naann- V. NAAT-


to be painful, hurt; to be or become ill(C); to hurt(F), suffer; to be vexing, upset; to ill-treat; to make ill(C) faire mal; etre ou devenir malade(CZ); avoir mal(ZH), souffrir; etre vexant, vexer (Z); maltraiter(Z); rendre malade(C) naaweede v.pv H [naweede] to suffer, hurt souffrir, avoir mal


naato n. N nocturnal visit with a woman visite nocturne a femme naatude v.av FCZo CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,N) to enter(FC), penetrate; to appear; to start, arrive (season) entrer(CZ), penetrer(Z); apparaitre(Z); commencer, arriver (saison)

NAAYKO naayko (ko) Z (FT,M) millet stalks (harvest residue) which serve as animal forage after the harvest tiges de mil abandonnees servant de fourrage apres la recolte



nabbude v.av NZ Z(-) to climb up, mount ? monter

naattinal (nga/) T annexation anneXIOn naattinde v.av +ext T to annex annexer ko naannaa T (Math.) included

NABBE-DUUDE Nabbe-Duucfe, Nabbe e Duucfe PN M(Sanankoua, 1990) (Hist.) [Gimmballa] cf.:[nawre, ruunde (2)]

one of the five regions of the Masina empire, region to the north of Lake Debo as far as


Timbuktu (lit. lakes and islands) une des cinq regions de l'empire du Massina, region au nord du lac Debo jusqu'a Tombouctou (lit. les mares et les iles)

relative for his use vache donne en garde a qqn; vache donne a un ami ou a un parent pour en faire usage(L) nafoore (nde) FZ Z(-) utility(F); useful thing utilite; chose utile(Z) nafude v.av NFCZb cf.:[faydude] to be useful(FC), effective; to serve; to help, support etre utile(NCZ), efficace(Z); servir(NZ); aider, soutenir (Z)

NABBI nabbi pl.- nawre NA'Bna6ude v.av NFZy Z(-) [nawde] to take (with, away); to bring (along); to take sb or sth somewhere; to carry (along) emporter; amener; emmener; porter (avec)

-Tna6tude v.av+ext to bring back ramener



naftunge (nge) D Ueynge, yiite] fire (as use by a blacksmith or goldsmith) feu (employe par un forgeron ou bijoutier)

NACCnaccude v.av N to sting, bite (of insect) piquer (insecte)

-T-ORnaftoraade v.mv+2exts N [nawtoraade] to use, make use of se servir de naftorde v.av+2exts FZ Z(-) to make use of (sth), use (sth) se servir d'une chose, utiliser une chose

NADnadude v.av to be ripe etre mur

Z [oenndude]



na'ele (de) ZL herd troupeau na'inke, nayinke (0) / na'inkoooe, nayinkoooe

nadde n. T depression where water collects bas-fonds naddere (nde) N hollow creux naddire (nde) N [yuugo] hump bosse naddu (ngu) Z saddled horse cheval selle naddude v.av Z (-) to have an arched back avoir Ie dos concave


(oe) Z\v(BA et Dieterlen, 1961) Z(-)

Fulani who raises only cattle Peul qui n'eleve que des bovins nagge (nge) / na'i, nayi, nay, nahi (di) cow; (pl.) cattle, cows vache; (pl.) betail, vaches


na'i dunkji (I): cows lent for milk; vaches pretees pour Ie lait na'i leydiiji (I): original cows (of a geneology continuing to belong to the same suudu-baaba) ; vaches d'origine familiale (suudu-baaba) dont la genealogie est connue na'i sukkere (I): baptismal herd; troupeau de bapteme



najude v.av N to be bored s'ennuyer

nafa (ka,o) / nafaaji (di) FCZ C(-),Z(FJ,M) use(F), usefulness(C); benefit(C), significance; food(c) utilite(CZ); profit(CZ), interet(Z); aliment( cZ), nourriture(Z) nafal poofgal n. T respiratory function fonction respiratoire nafamaange (nge) / nafamaaji (di) ZL Z(-) cow put in sb's care; cow given to a friend or

NAKKA nakka n. rectum rectum


N [bunna, manna]

nanondirde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to understand each other, get along se comprendre, s'entendre

NAKKISnakkiseede v.pv N to feel lousy etre mal fichu

-T-INnantinde v.av +2exts FZ to translate(F), interpret, comment on; to report, communicate traduire(Z), interpreter(Z), commenter(Z); rapporter, communiquer (Z)

NALAADO nalaad'o (0) / nalaaoe (oe) Z fool; rude or uncouth man sot; homme grossier

NAM nam var.- naam(u) NAMBARA Bam?


NANARnanaro (0) / nanarOe (oe) Z (M,OO) disobedient man; incorrigible man homme desobeissant; homme incorrigible nanaru (ndu) cZ C(G,BF),Z(M,BF,G) disobedience; incorrogibility, being incorrigible desobeissance; fait d'etre incorrigible

nambara (0) / nambaraaji (di) NZ Z(-) swindling; disagreeable incident; conflict escroquerie(N); histoire desagreable(Z); conflit(Z)



nammaadi (Id) / nammaaje (de)

NAko(Seydou, 1974) [nammaari, nammaahi, nammarreehi):(Seydou, 1974)

bush - Bauhinia rufescens arbuste - Bauhinia rufescens namman-nareeje n. (Seydou, 1974)(Seydou,

NANI Bani var.- annii; V. ana NANNDnandoro (0) N look-alike ressemblent nann dude, nandude v.av to resemble ressembler


(SH) [nammannareeji, nammammareeji]

place(s) covered by nammaaje endroit(s) couvert de nammaaje





namtiri (ndi) Zk cf.:[mene) sesame - Sesamum indicum; oil-producing plant; condiment sesame(ZK) - Sesamum indicum; plante oleagineuse cultivee(K); condiment(Z)

nanngal (ngal) / nannge, nanngale (de) ZT Z(-) levying of taxes; roundup, raid; recruitment levee des impots(Z); rafle(Z); recrutement(T) nanngal-Iewru (ngal) Z (FT,M) eclipse of the moon eclipse de lune nanngude v.av NCZ CZ(-) to take, seize; to catch; to take possession of; to arrestee) prendre, saisir; attraper; s'emparer de (z); arreter( CZ)

NANnaneneede v.pv N [humpitidde] to have news of avoir les nouvelles de nanude, RaDde v.av OFCZH to hear, understand; to speak a language(F); to perceive; to learn (of) entendre, comprendre; parler une langue; percevoir(Z); apprendre(Z) (que)

NANNUDE nannude var.- naannude,· V. naat-n- OF



naD- (+suf.) n. CZ CZ(-) left gauche naDO (ngo) FCZH CZ(-) left, left hand, left side or arm, on the left gauche, main gauche, cote ou bras gauche, gauche

narrude (2) v.av + ext Z to hear, learn from sb entendre, apprendre de qqn

-ONDIRnanondiral (ngal) ZT Z(-) mutual understanding, consensus comprehension mutuelle(Z), consensus(T)






nawde n. T coal houille

nareeri n. CZ C(+),Z(FJ,M,NE) yellow [00101]; yellow powder from the fruit of the locust bean tree jaune [00101]; poudre jaune du fruit du nere(Z) nareewi (ki) / nareeje (ae) cZb Z(-) [nareeri]:C

NAWDE (2) nawde NAWEEDE oaweede NAWKI


tree, African locust bean tree - Parlua biglobosa arbre, nere - Parkia biglobosa


armpit aisselle



narkal n. V type of dance (done with a slow and langourous step) sorte de danse (au pas lent et langoureux) (2)


v. nan-ir-

nawla,oawli (0) FZM Z(-) co-wife(F); rival; (term of address or short form of nawliraad"o) co-epouse; rival(ZM); (titre ou forme courte de nawliraad"o) oawliraad"o (0) / nawliraalie (lie) FCZm (FT,M,N) co-wife; rival, competitor co-epouse; rival, concurrent

v. naat-ir-; narrude


nataade v.mv F to have a picture taken se faire photographie natal (ngal) / nate (ae) FZTb Z(FJ,FT,M) picture, image, photo; drawing [natirgal]; diagram, figure [i'al] image, photo; dessin [natirgal](T); figure(T) [i'al] natoowo (0) T drawer, one who draws dessinateur natude v.av FZ Z(-) to take a picture(F); to make an image (eg. draw, photograph); to stick (on) prendre une photo; faire une image (eg. dessiner, photographier)(z); coller(Z)

NAWRE oawal (ngal) / nawe (ae) ? I permanent pond (large) remaining after the receding of the flood water mare permanente (grande) subsistante apres la decrue nawel (ngel) I permanent pond (small) remaining after the receding of the flood water mare permanente (petite) subsist ante apres la decrue nawre (nde) / nabbi (tfi) Fi pool of water, pond flaque d'eau, etang




naye-, nayee- (+su£.) adj. CZ (-) old (of animates) vieux (etre anime) oayeejo (0) / nayeelie (lie) FZ Z(-) elderly person vieillard, vieux; vieille

natirgal (ngal) / natirae (ae) FT camera(F); drawing [natal] appareil photographique; dessin [natal](T)

NAW-T-ORnawtoraade v.mv +2exts F [naftoraade] cf.: [naf-] to make use of s'en servir de nawtorood"o (0) / nawtoroolie (lie) F cf.:[naf-] one who takes advantage of a situation qui profite d'une situation

NAWAL nawal; nawel V.

var.- naaweede H

nawki (Id) / nawae (ae), nawkiiji (ai) cz

nareewi tuubaaku ., (0): tree; arbre (Prosopis juliflora) [ngawdi Makka]

NARRUDE narrude (1)

v.av var.- naliude Fz


-Wnaywude v.av FCZ CZ(FT,M,BF,NO,G,A) to age, be or become old vieillir, etre ou devenir vieux




NAYI (1) nayi, nay n. four quatre

neene (0) ezh CZ(FJ,FT),H(FN) [inna] mother (short form of neeniraawo) mere (forme courte de neeniraawo) neeniraawo (0) / neeniraafie (fie) CZ


nay kif>al (f): square; carre [kaare] naycawndol (cpd)(f): parallelogram ; parallelogramme naya6- (+suf.) adj. FCZ CZ(-)

CZ(FJ,FT,M) [inniraado, inniraawo, yaayiraado]

mother; maternal relative (female) or maternal aunt mere; parente de cote maternel ou tante maternelle

fourth quatrieme nayo n. F four people quatre personnes


NAYI (2) nayi, nay; nayinke/nayinkoo6e V.

negeso (0) T [welo, bicycle bicyclette, velo


NE ne interj. Z (FT,M) particle serving to emphasize the word or clause that it follows particule servant a attirer l'attention sur Ie mot ou la proposition qU'elle suit

NE' - ne'aade; ne'edi; ne'ude V. NEBBAM

needi (ltdi) / neediiji (ai)

FCZT CZ(FJ,M,BF) [ne'edi/ne'ediiji):Z(DO),T [alhaaJi, tagu]:C [mbiirki, dankoraaku]

education, upbringing (F); character, behavior (C); morals; wisdom; training (animal); raising (animals); education education(Z); caractere(CZ), conduite(CZT), fac;on de se comporter(CZ); morale(Z); sagesse(Z); dressage(Z); elevage(Z); education(T)


nebammaaji (ai) FCZTH

butter, oil beurre, hulle

ne'edi bonndi (f): bad behavior; mauvaise conduite ne'edi moyyundi(f): good behavior; bonne conduite needi cald'i (f): physical education ; education physique [coftal f>alli] neetaaro, neetaro (0) / neetarfie (fie) FZ Z(-) [gaf>toro, gattoro)

nebbam keccam (FZ): fresh butter; beurre frais nebbam sirme, nebbam silme (FZq): butter (in a cooked liquid form which can be stored indefinitely) ; beurre cuit, beurre fondu (qui peut etre garde indefiniment) nebbam tigaaji (F): peanut oil ; huile d'arachides


one who is poorly raised, impolite celui qui est mal eleve, impoli nehaade v.mv FZ Z(-) [ne'aade):Z to be raised, educated, disciplined, punished (F); to be well raised, polite; to educate o.s.; to be wise etre eleve, eduque, discipline, puni; etre bien eleve, etre poli (Z); s'eduquer(Z); etre sage(Z) nehaaku (ngu) T morals morale nehude, nehde v.av FZ Z(-) [ne'ude):Z [biirude) to raise(F), educate(F); to teach good manners; to instruct; to train; to punish(F), discipline(F); to condemn elever(Z), eduquer(Z); enseigner les bonnes manieres(Z); instruire(Z); dresser, entrainer (Z); punir(Z), discipliner; condamner(Z)

Fz Z(A) [neddankaaku]:C(FJ),Z(-)


humanity, human, humanitarian humanite, humain, humanisme ned"del (nge/) dim.- neaao DZ nedd"o (0) (pl. = yimfie) FCZH C(-),Z(FJ,M,N,A) ef.:[neh-]

person, human being, an individual; somebody, someone personne, etre humain, un individu; quelqu'un


var.- naa Z (FJ,M)

nee6ude v.av FeZ C(FJ,N),Z(-) [f>ooy(u)de] to be a long time, to stay a long time durer, rester longtemps

NEEDE neede; needi V.



nebbam, nebam (aam) / nebbe (ae),

neddaaku (ngu)

neh- FZ

neh- F



newde v.av FCZ to be light (weight); to be inexpensive etre leger (poids); etre bon marche(Z)

nekud"o (0) T disabled person infirme

newude (Riesman, 1974&1977 (BF): to make easy; faciliter



nelaad"o (0) / nelaalie (lie) FCZ CZ(G,A,M,BF,NO)

newnude v.av+~t F to lighten, simplify alleger, simplifier

[nulaado/nulaabe]:NCZH(Seydou, 1987)

messenger(FC), envoy(C); prophet messager(CZ), envoye(CZ); prophete(Z)


Nelaad'o Alia (F): messenger of God, the Prophet Muhammad; envoy«! de Dieu, Ie Prophete Muhammad nelal (ngal) / nele (de) FZ Z(-)

newre (nde) / newe (de) CZH C(-),Z(M,FJ) cf·:Uunngo]

message(F) (verbal), mission; messenger, delegation message (verbal), mission (Z); messager, delegation (Z) nelude, nelde v.av FCZ CZ(-) [nul(u)de]:NCZ to send sb with a mission or task envoyer qqn avec une mission ou une tache

palm (of hand); sole of foot; hand; small lake, pond paume; plante du pied; main(Z); petit lac, mare (Z)

NI ni part. F cf.:[na (2)] particle used with the progressive verb form to emphasize that an action is actually taking place at the time of speaking particule employee avec la forme progressive du verbe pour indiquer que l'action est en train de se produire

-Dneldaari (ndi) / nelde (de), neldariiji (di) FCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF,NO,A} [neldal]

gift which is sent cadeau envoye neldude v.av+ext FCZ C(FJ,M,BF,NO,A) to send (sth to sb) envoyer (qqch a qqn)

Omo ni defa. (F): Here she is (in the process of) cooking. ; La voici en train de faire la cuisine. ni, nii FCZH Z(-) [ni'i, nih] cf.:[hono, non]

thus, like that ainsi, comme ~a

NEL'BI nel6ere (nde) / nellie (de) Z (-) fruit of nellii fruit du nellii ne16i (ki) / nellie (de) AHMko tree - Diospyros mespiliformis arbre - Diospyros mespiliformis

NI'B'Bni6liere (nde) Z (FJ,M) obscurity, darkness obscurite, tenebres ni6liude v.av FCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF,NE) to be dark etre obscur ni6re (nde) / ni6e (de) FCz C(FJ,FT,NE,M),

(Ba, 1985 (F): A fruit tree with medicinal value. It is the sacred tree of the Fulani, associated with masculine activities; the herder's staff is always made from a branch of this tree. ; "(Un) arbre fruitier aUK vertus medicinales. C'est l'arbre sacre des Peuls, associe aUK activites masculines; Ie baton du berger est toujours tire de cet arbre." (Ba, 1985, p. 140)

Z(FJ,FT,NE) [nimre]

darkness, obscurity tenebres, obscurite


NII'B- niiliaade var.- fiii6aade; V. fiiib- (2) C NIIS-

nenno F in that case en ce cas

niisude v.av CZ [nincude, riincude] to grind moudre

NEREEWI nereewi var.- nareewi A NEW-

NIMRE nimre var. ni6re; V. !li66NIMS- Man

newaade v.mv FZ Z(·) to be soft, easy, kind, tender etre doux, facile, aise

nimse (de) Z (-) [mimse] regrets regrets



nimsude v.av Zo Z(-) [mimsude]:Z(DO) to regret, have remorse, be sorry regretter, avoir du remords, se repentir

-IT nootaagu (ngu) zM (Milo) [nootaangu]:Z(-) counter-attack to an invasion; reinforcement sent to a unit in combat riposte it une invasion; renfort envoye it des unites combattantes nodditere (nde) V. noddol T nootaade v.mv+ext Fez CZ(-) to answer, respond (to a call) repondre (it un appel)

-ITnimsitidde v.av+ext to regret regretter



NINenincude v.av CZ [niisude, nincude] to grind moudre

NOKKU nokku (0), nokkuure (nde) / nokkuuji (di)


NFCZ CZ(+) [(pl.) nokkuuje, nokkuuli, nokkuule]:Z [fellero]

nirkude v.av Z (FT,M) [farsude] to pound, crush (grain) ecraser (grains)

place, site; domain endroit, lieu, emplacement; domaine(Z) nokku fuu (P): everywhere, each place ; partout nokku gooto (P): one place ; un lieu, meme place nokku piindi (Scol.)(T): flowerbed ; parterre

NO hono FCZTH C(M,FT),Z(FJ,FT,M,Gam) [no, yeru, yona, yono]


how; like; example comment; comme(H); exemple(T)

non adv. NCZ CZ(-) [noon] cf.:[hono, ni(i)) thus, in this way; then; presently; now, immediately; already ainsi(NC), de cette fa~on(C); alors(N); presentement, immediatement, sur-Ie-champ (Z); dejit(Z) noon FZ Z(-) [non] thus, like that (F); word emphasizing a command or suggestion ainsi, comme ~a; donc(Z) (particule de renforcement)

hono foti (FzH): how many, how much; combien [no foti] hono mum (P), hono nii (PH), hono non (H) : like this, like that ; ainsi, comme ~a no FCZh CZ(-),H(SH,Keneba) [ba (2)]

how, like, as, as if comment, comme, comme si

NO (2?) no prep. Z [so] if




Nononko06e (6e) Eio cf.:[Markaajo/Markaaoe] Nonos (sub-group of the Marka ethnic group) Nonos (sous-groupe de l'ethnie Marka)

noddol n. (Seydou, 1977) [nodditere, ewnagol] call appel noddude v.av FCZ CZ(-) [eewnaade, ewnaadej to call; to invite, summon(C) appeler; inviter, convoquer (Z)

NOOBI noobi pl.- noorwa, noora NOODA nooda (ba,nga) / noodi (di) NFczq CZ(G,NE) [noor(w)a, I]ata]


crocodile crocodile, cruman(N)

noddinde v.av+ext CZ (-) [eewnaade] to call to prayer appeler it la priere

NOODI noodi pl.- nooda & pl.- noora NOOGA(A)Y


noogay, noogaay n. NFCZH CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,N)

noddirde v.av+ext CZ (-) to call sb by... , call a person a certain name appeler qqn par... , appeler qqn par un certain nom


twenty vingt


annoncer, emettre

NOOMnoomaade v.mv N to be puny etre chetif




NOOTAADE (1) nootaade n. N forked instrument instrument a fourche



noonaaki T [goobaaki] colorless incolore noone (0) / nooneeji (ai) NCZ CZ(-) cf.:[alhaali,

NOR-Dnord"ude v.av+ext N cf.:[noor-] to cover all of the back couvrir tout Ie dos

kulor, sii]

color; aspect, look; kind, type, fashion; character, custom, habit couleur, coloris; aspect(N); espece(CZ), sorte(CZ), fa~on(Z); caractere, coutume, habitude (Z)

NOWRU nowru (ndu) / noppi (ai) NFCZH CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) [nofru]

ear oreille



noontaro (0) N person who is ugly, unlucky qui est vilain, malchanceux

noy-noy N [noy]:H(SH) [hono, no] like comme



noore (nge) NHx(Turner, 1989) cow with spotted sides; cow vache au flanc tachete; vache(H)

norude v.av N to lie; to make snap or click mentir; faire claquer

noore / noori (R(A»): red (or white) cow with black (or red) back; vache rouge (ou blanche) au dos noir (ou rouge noorel n. N [caggal]

NUDD-INnuddinaade v.mv+ext Z (FT,M) to curl up in one's clothes se pelotonner dans ses vetements

back dos noorol (ngol) / noori (ai) Zx Z(M,FJ) [noorol

NUDnud"aade v.mv N to hide (o.s.); to bend down se cacher; se courber


backbone colonne vertebrale



noora (mba) / noobi, noodi (ai) var.- nOOlWa cZ C(FJ,BF),Z(M,FJ,BF)

nufude v.av NZ Z(-) to sink, get stuck; to push sth into the mud or sand s'enfoncer(N); enfoncer qqch dans la boue ou dans la sable (Z)

NOORAL nooral (ngal) M [duuta sukku, sukka haakowal] type of spear sorte de lance



nuggaro (0) N one who is withdrawn, disagreeable renferme, antipathique

noorwa (ba,nga) / noobi (ai) NFCzqS C(M,NO), Z(NO) [noora, nooda, I)ata]

crocodile(F), black crocodile - Crocodilus cataphractus crocodile(CZ), cai"man(N), crocodile noir Crocodilus cataphractus(S)


nootaade; nootaagu V.




nukureewol (ngol) / nukureeji (ai) bNM strap of a saddle, girth amarre de selle(N), sangle(M)


noosude v.av N to announce, emit


nulaad"o/nulaa6e; nulde, nulude V. nel-


nuundudo (0) / nuunau6e (6e)

numancala n. NP [majaawu] electric fish - Malopterurus electricus poisson electrique - Malopterurus electricus

NUND- nundal; nundudo V. NUNUWOL

one who is just, fair, honest celui qui est juste, veridique, honnete

NUUR- (1)


nuurde v.av N to plant out repiquer

nunuwol (ngol) N rope serving as a marker corde de repere

NUUR- (2)

DZ(Seydou, 1981)

light [nuuru, fooyre]; aspect, appearance lumiere [nuuru, fooyre]; aspect(Z) nuuru (0) NZ Z(-) light [annoora, annoore, fooyre); brightness; inspiration lumiere(Z) [annoora, annoore, fooyre); eclat(Z); inspiration(N) nuuruwal (ngal) aug.- nuurn (Seydou, 1981)

N [fiy(u)de]

NURnuraade v.mv to hit frapper


annoora (0), annoore (nde) / annooraaji (ai)

NUPPnuppaade v.mv to hit frapper


[nuncfucfo]:Z [adiliijo]

N [fiy(u)de]



nurso (0) N woman considered as having no backside ? femme sans fesses

nuurdidde, nuurdude v.av+ext to be bright, shiny, brilliant etre brillant, eclatant



nuuba adv. N each one in turn a tour de role nuubaade v.mv N to take one's turn or to hit with force faire son tour ou frapper fort

nuusaade v.mv N to lean against to get in s'appuyer pour s'inserer

NUYGAL nuygal (ngal) / nuyle (ae) NTo pillar; manager ? [jaggal] pilier(N); cadre(T) [jaggal]

NUUNDnuundal (ngal) / nuunae (ae) Nz [nuncfal]:Z honesty, sincerity, truth, justice honnetete, since rite, verite, justice nuundidde v.av FZ Z(-) to be just, fair, truthfu1, honest, sincere etre juste, equitable, veridique, honnete, sincere

NUYKnuykaado (0) N crazy person, fool, idiot fou, bete, sot, idiot nuyku n. N madness folie


Fr(Seydou, 1981)


chercher(DH) (avec insistance); parcourir de nouveau(Z); examiner qqch, essayer qqch(Z); examiner qqn(Z)

V. raa6-

ndaaaum (dum) D such a thing telle chose

-T-ORndaartorgal (ngal) / ndaartorde FZ Z(-} [ndaarndorgal, timtorgal, tinndirgal, tintorgal)


mirror mlrOlr

ndaamaari (ndi) / daamaaji (di) DZHqY python python(Z), boa(DHqY)

NDAATIIRI ndaattiri (ndi) D(Blonde et aI, 1988) type of food (cake or thick porridge (toyoori)?) sorte de nourriture (gateau ou gateau(Afr.) (toyoori)?)

NDAANNU ndaannu n. D [bural) superiority superiorite



ndaayoro D never jamais

ndaaraade v.mv F to be about to do sth, on the verge of etre sur Ie point de faire qqch ndaarude, ndarude v.av DFCZH

NDAAYRI ndaayri (ndi) DZb Z(-} [tabbej fruit of the water lily fruit de nenuphar


to look for, search for [tewtude]; to look at(C) [yeewude,daarude], see [yiyde]; to envisage, examine; to desire; to admire; (V. daarude) chercher, rechercher [tewtude]; regarder(CZ) [yeewude,daarude], voir(Z) [yiyde]; envisager, examiner (Z); desirer(Z); admirer(Z); (V. daarude)



ndabu n. D dupery duperie


NDA'B'B- nda66-; nda66u NDAFU ndaru V. rafNDAGU

ndaamdaade v.av+2exts? DZ Z(-} to go on reconnaissance; to weigh in one's hand; to test alIer a la reconnaissance(D); soupeser(Z); eprouver(Z)

V. ra66-

ndagu T [hedde) about a peu pres (environ)

-N-D-ORndaamdorgal (ngal) V. ndaartorgal D



ndakam (dam) DCZt CZ(FT,FJ,G,M,BF} [dakam,

ndaaroyde v.av+ext Z (-) [fal)ude, yiidude) to visit, go to see sb rendre visite A, alIer voir qqn


taste, flavor, sweetness gout, saveur, douceur


-Tndaartaade v.mv+ext CZ CZ(-} to look at o.s. (in the mirror) se regarder, se mirer ndaartude, ndartude v.av+ext DFZH Z(-} to look for (insistently)(F); to go (all) over again; to examine sth, try sth; to examine sb

ndakiire (nde) / dakiiji, ndakiiji (di) DFCZ [dakiire):F [ndakiiwa (mba)):Z [ndakiya (mba)): CZ(M,NO) [mbabba)

donkey ane



NDAMBI ndambi n. P fish - Schilbe mystus poisson - Schilbe mystus

ndamgu (ngu) 0 horse with white hooves cheval aux sabots blancs


NDARTUDE ndartude; ndarude

ndammubalaaku, ndammubalu, ndambalu, ndamu (0) DZ Z{FT,M) [(ngu)):Z{FT) cf.:[raoo-) short life, shortness of life courte vie, brievete de la vie

NDAWAKOY ndawakoy NDAWKALAARI ndawkalaari (ndi) viper vipere



billy-goat; billy-goat with a white face [mbuuldi] bouc; bouc a front blanc(D) [mbuuldi]


ndawwal (ngal) / dawe, dawwe (ae) DcZ



ostrich autriche DFZr [danki,


danki) [denki):l

ndaynday n. 0 cries of warning cris d'avertisement

shed (flat-roofed and open), shelter hangar, abri ndanki pucci (Z): stable; ecurie [d'anki pucci]: Z{M,BF,DO)


NDAI)A ndaua n. 0 granary grenier

0 [foosokere)



ndanki, ndauki (ki) / danae (ae)

pl.- dawangel; V.

rawaandu H

NDAMNDI ndamndi (ndi) / damai (ai)


ndaartude; ndaarude,' V. ndaar- HY

ndaynday n. 0 species of bird espece d'oiseau


NDE (1)

NDAI)U (1)

kayre pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the nde class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe

ndauu adj. 0 extraordinary, important extraordinaire, important


mayre pm,pos F its (for nouns of the nde and nge classes) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs des classes nde et

NDAI)U (2) ndauu n. 0 being even or tied (game) a egalite Oeu)


nde c.i. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe

NDARAAKI ndaraaki n. 0 height taille

NDE (2) nde DFCZH CZ{-) when, then; time(s)(C); since quand, lorsque; fois(DC); depuis(H)

NDARNDANEEWI ndamdaneewi (ki) 0 species of tree espece d'arbre

nde go'o (CZ(A,NE,M,BF»): perhaps, sometimes: peut-etre, parfois(C) cf.:[ana moyya] ndeen, nden, ndenno DFCZH CZ(-) cf.:Uaka (1), haya, jonne]

dandaneehi/dandaneeje (K(BF»): bush; arbuste (Boscia angustifolia, Acacia hockii, ou Acacia sieberiana) danarehi ? (von MaydeU, 1983 (-)): (Boscia angustifolia) dandane? (von MaydeU, 1983 (-)): (Acacia sieberiana)

then, at that time alors, en ce moment (la) nden ka (F): then, before, in the old days ; alors, avant. dans Ie temps


nden adv. H [ndeen] [tan] only seulement

NDEBU ndebu var.- debu; V. deb- D NDEELAM ndeelam V. deelNDEENAAGU ndeenaagu; ndeenka

mayri prn,pos F its (for nouns of the ndi class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la class ndi) ndi c.i. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe




ndifam (dam) D cf.:[mbifam] partially churned milk lait it moitie battu

NDEENDI ndeendi (ndi) D cf.:[danndi] food aliment

NDIGA ndiga n. D [fay so] even if meme si

NDEENGEEWU ndeengeewu (ngu) Z species of fish espece de poisson

NDEENNDOORI ndeenndoori NDEFU ndefu V. defNDELM-IN-

NDIGEERI ndigeeri (ndi) D [ndontoori, dontooru, njakaraari] rooster coq



ndelminde v.av +ext Z to thin (down) amincir

NDEMA ndema; ndemoowo; ndemri NDEN nden, ndenno V. nde (2) NDER

ndiimri (ndi) D thick porridge mixed with milk ? gateau(Afr.?) malaxe au lait

V. rem-

NDIII)AAWI ndiivaawi (ki) Dk species of plant espece de plante(D)

nder prep. DCZh CZ(-),H(FN) [ley] cf.:[reed-] under, underneath; in, inside sous, en dessous (D); dans, dedans (CZH) nderndeeri n. D personal secret secret personnel


ndiilamaawa V. diil-

di1)aali, dingaali (K(BF»: bush; arbuste (Gardenia erubescens, G. temifolia)

NDIIRIIWI ndiiriiri n. D fruit of a plant fruit d'une plante ndiiriiwi n. D species of plant espece de plante

ndesaari V. res-

ndewgu hu/)eere n. Tq [diiwan, serkel] cf.:[rew- (1)] district, 'cercle' cercle ( circonscription administrative)

NDIKKA ndikka n. D [dikkeere] first birth premier accouchement

NDEWRU ndewru n. D distant relationship that tends towards rivalry parente eloignee qui tire vers la rivalite


ndimaaku; ndimaangu,

ndimaagu V. rim-


NDIMARU ndimaru V. rimarNDIMDINDO ndimdlndo; ndimu NDIR'BUNDIR'BU

kayri pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ndi class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe ndi)

V. rim-

ndimundimu n. D remainder of food (liquid) at the bottom of a


NDOGUREEDII ndogureedii, ndogu-reedu

container reste de nourriture liquide au fond d'un recipient


NDONGU ndongu; ndonu V. ronNDONKANAANDI ndonkanaandi

NDIRINDARAAJI ndirindaraaji n. 0 nonsense non-sens




ndontoori (ndi) / dontooje (de), ndontooji (di)

V. dirt-

DCZH C(M,BF,NO),Z(-) [dontooru, ndigeeri, njakaraari]

rooster coq

ndisawol (ngol) 0 scarf echarpe

NDOI)AARE ndogaare (nde) 0 grassy hillock tertre herbeux

NDIYAAWU ndiyaawu (ngu) DZP [ngoomoowu) fish - Distichodus brevipinnis poisson - Distichodus brevipinnis(P)

NDOOKU ndooku n. 0 pose of a bird; waiting (of a human) pose d'un oiseau; aUente (en parlant d'un etre humain)

NDIYAM dibal (kal) F large amount of water grande quantite d'eau (L(-»: a little water; un peu d'eau


diyelol (ngol) I entry into the water (to return to the burgu) entree dans l'eau (pour retourner au burgu) ndiyam (dam) / diye, ndiyameeje, di'eele, diyeele

ndoomka n. 0 cf.:[doom-] watching over a field surveillance d'un champ


(de), ndiyameeji, ndiyamji (di) DFCZHM

ndoommaare (nde) 0 rabbit, hare lapin, lievre

water; liquid; (Vet.) swelling of the hoof (horse) eau; liquide; (Vet.) enflure du pied (cheval)(M)



ndiyam sawel (T): chlorine ; eau de javel ndiyamajjum (dum) T [ndiyam, ndeelam) [ndiyamjum):Z

ndoomndoomki n. 0 species of plant espece de plante

liquid liquide

NDOOMRI ndoomri (ndi) 0 mushroom champignon

NDOBU ndobu, ndofiu (ngu) / do6i (di)

DczHq CZ(G)

[colu, ilaatooru)

ndoondi (ndi) / ndoondiiji (di), doode (de)

ndobu (V): panther's bound (dance step) ; bond de la panthere (pas de danse)

DCZH C(-),Z(FJ,M,A) [nooni]:H(SH)

cinder(s); location of a fire; ruins cendre(s); lieu d'un incendie; ruines

NDODDEEKI T [ngoddeefi, daawal, yolnde,



ndoondo n. 0 tune of music air musical

distance distance

NDOFIYAAKU ndotiyaaku



leopard leopard, panthere

ndod'd'eeki n.



V. rof-

cf.:[wudere (2)]

ndoondoore (S,(Seydou, 1972»: musical line used in singing of Silaamaka and Pulloori ; 'devise musicale' utilisee en chantant de Silaamaka et de Pulloori



nduya pm,indic. D that one celui-IA, celle-IA

ndooraari n. (Seydou, 1977) sheep that is non-wooled, short haired, and generally of two colors (half white, half black) mouton sans laine a pail ras et generalement bicolore (moitie blanc, moitie nair) (Seydou, 1977, p. 229n.) ndooraawu n. D [njarniri, ebere(erij sheep kept in the compound mouton de case ndoordi n. D sheep without wool mouton sans laine


du66al (nga/) aug.- nduofjj Z ndu66i (ki) / duMe (ae) DZAH tree, deleb or fan palm - Borassus aethiopum arbre, ronier - Borassus aethiop1,lm ru6liere (nde) / duooe (ae) DZ Z(M,DO} fruit of deleb or fan palm fruit du ronier



ndud"andal n. D dusty earth terre poussiereuse

ndooyukuure (nde) D dark stone pierre sombre

NDOPPA ndoppa exct.

ndubareewi var.-

duubaleewi D

NDUFANDALDI ndufandaldi (ndi) D species of snake espece de serpent


vulgar expression addressed to one who laughs without cause expression grossiere s'adressant a celui qui rit sans raison

NDUGUURU nduguuru (ndu) D small and thin animal animal petit et maigre

NDORROWAL ndorrowal (ngal) D gutter gouttiere


NDUKKUWAL ndukkuwal (ngal) M luck that was unhoped for and considerably profitable chance inesperee et d'un profit considerable

ndottaandi V. rott-

ndottiijo (0) / ndottiioe (oe) DCz C(M,NO},



adult, grown man adulte, homme miir


ndunndaru (ndu) DCZ [ndaaou, polguj silliness; stubbornness niaiserie(D); entetement(CZ)

NDOYNDOYWAL ndoyndoywal (ngal) D type of bird sorte d'oiseau

NDUNNDEEWI ndunndeewi (ki) DMAko [ndul)al)aakij tree - Ficus platyphylla arbre - Ficus platyphylla

NDU kayru pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ndu class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe ndu) mayru pm,pos F its (for nouns of the ndu class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ndu) ndu c.i. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe

NDUNNGU ndunngu, nduQngu V. ruumNDUI)UI)AAKI nduQulJaaki V. dU1)[ndunndeewij

NDUPPAARA nduppaara n. D target cible


nduppuki V. dupp-

NDUITUDI nduttudi V. rnttNDUUBALEEWI nduubaleewi




nduuiiu n. soot

duubaleewi 0

NDUUBII nduu6ii; nduu6u(ru)/nduu6ii V.




NDUUFAANDI nduufaandi; nduufri V.

nduuruuwi (ki) 0 species of tree espece d'arbre


NDUULALDI nduulaldi (ndi) 0 sterile ground terre sterile

NDUYGU nduygu n. 0 desolation, flight desolation, fuite

NDUUNAM nduunam (dam) sperm

0 [yumndi, yunndi]

0 [maniiyi]

NG taureau, boeuf; animal male



kamba pm,ind it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ba, mba or nga classes) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe ba, mba ou nga) magga pm,pos F its (for nouns of the ba, mba or nga classes) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ba, mba ou nga) nga c.i. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe

NGA(A) nga, ngaa NGAALLA

ngababbi 0 aquatic plant plante aquatique

NGABBU ngabbu (ngu) / gabbi (di) hippopotamus hippopotame

NGADngadaare (nde) / ngadaaje (de) ZM hobble, fetter entrave ngadude v.av Z to hobble, shackle, fetter (e.g. horse) entraver (p.ex. cheval)

ngaalla koy? excl. Z is it possible?, is it true? est-ce possible?, est-ce vrai?




ngadeluko n. 0 phoney (person) fumiste

NGAARI ga'al n. G bull (large) taureau (gros) ngaari (ndi) / ga'i, gayi, gahi (di)



var.- gaa DH

ngaandi (ndi) / ngaandiiji (di) brain cervelle, cerveau


NGAFAKKA ngafakka/ngafakkaaji gafakke CZ (G,A,M)

NGAFIRI ngatiri (ndi) 0 domesticated animal animal domestique



bull, ox; male animal





kaungal pm,ind 1 it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ngal class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe

ngarwartiri (ndi) D wild millet or rice mil ou riz sauvage



maggal pm,pos F its (for nouns of the ngal class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ngal) ngal c.i. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe

ngaso n. D [hiso] wild legume legume sauvage

NGATTU ngattu n. fall chute

NGALLU ngallu, ngalluure V. galle NGALU ngalu V. alNGAM

NGAWDI ngawdi (ki) / gawde (de) DZAko [gawdi] tree - Acacia nilotica (var. adansonii) arbre - Acacia nilotica (var. adansonii)

ngam conj. DFcz CZ(G,A,NO) [saabi, kammari] because of, because, so that, in the name of, for the sake of a cause de, parce que, pour que, au nom de, pour, par egards pour

ngawdi Makka ? (0): tree; arbre (Prosopis juliflora) (nareewi tuubaaku]

NGAYKA ngayka (ka) / gayde (de)

ngammari (H): because of ; Ii cause de


CZH CZ(FJ,M,BF,NO) [gayka, ngaykaare, gaykaare] [(pI.) ga'e]:D c1.:[as-]


hole, pit trou, fosse ngaykaare (nde) gaykaaje (de) - V. ngayka

ngangu (0) Z (FT,M) large misshapen head grosse tete malformee




NGANIIMA nganiima V. yanNGANKI nganki (ki) / gande (de) Dko tree - Celtis integrifolia arbre - Celtis integrifolia

ngayoori (ndi)

Z [rawaandu-ladde,laddeeru, mbaroodi, flii-Iadde]

lion lion


NGE kagnge pm,ind 1 it (emphatic) (for nouns of the nge class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe

NGANAANDI ngaiiaandi, ngaiiaande V. waii-





mayre pm,pos F its (for nouns of the nge and nde classes) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs des classes nge et nde) nge c.i. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe

ngarbaari (ndi) D uncastrated animal animal non-castre

NGARNAAWU ngarfiaawu (ngu) ZPY fish - Polypterus bichir lapradei poisson - Polypterus bichir lapradei

NGARSIRI ngarsiri V. garsNGARTAL ngartal var.- gartol; V.

NGEDU ngecfu V. yedNGEELOOBA ngeelooba (ba,mba,nga) / gee/oodi (di) war-t- (1)

CZ(G,A,M,NO) [(pl.) geloddi]:D

camel chameau





fruit du palmier doum

ngeenaari (ndi)


OCz C(G,A,M,FJ},Z(FJ,G,A} [njeenaari) cf.: [njobdi)

ngelooki (Id) / gelooae (ae) DczAko [gelooki):

reward; salary; bribe; present given in return for services rendered recompense; salaire(Z); pot de vin(D); cadeau donne it qqn pour payer ses services(Z)


bush - Guiera senegalensis arbuste - Guiera senegalensis


NGEENDI ngeendi var.- ngenndi; V. yen-

ngemmbuuwa n. 0 vegetable garden jardin potager


NGEERA ngeera n. 0 trench, trap tranchee, piege

NGEMPE ngempe (o,ae) / ngempeeji (ai) Z loincloth cache-sexe

NGEETU ngeetu (0) OZH reasoning, reflection; reason, intellect raissonnement(D), reflexion(DH); raison, intellect (Z)

NGENNDI ngenndi V. yenNGESA ngesa (ba,nga,ka) / gese (ae) field champ ngesa ndemaaba, ngesa ndemaaka (Y): cultivated field ; champ cultive

OZH Z(+}

NGIGILI ngigili (ki) / gigile (ae) OAk bush - Boscia senegalensis arbuste - Boscia senegalensis

ngeeyu yitere (Z): eyeball; globe de l'oeil

NGEEYU (2) ngeeyu n. fine amende



NGEEWTA ngeewta V. yeew+ NGEEYU (1) ngeeyu (ngu) / geeyi, ngeeyi (ai) pit, kernel noyau

[liheeri, liiwa)


NGIIFU ngiifu n. OM cf.:Dawo] toy with string and discs; bracelet (closed) jouet de ficelle avec des rondelles(D); bracelet circulaire ferme(M)

NGEL kangel pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ngel class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe



ngilngu (ngu) / gilai, gilyi (ai)

maggel pm,pos F its (for nouns of the ngel class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ngel) ngel c.i. OFZH class indicator (of diminutives) indicateur de classe (des diminutifs)



worm, maggot; earthworm; caterpillar ver; ver de terre; chenille

NGINNAAKU nginnaaku V. ginnNGINNDAARI nginndaari (ndi) 0 uncastrated billy-goat bouc non-castre

NGELLEEWI ngelleeri (ndi) H powdered fruit of the dum palm poudre du fruit de doum ngelleewi, ngellewi, ngellehi (ki) / gelleeje (ae)

NGIROOWU ngiroowu, ngirow (ngu) / girooji (ai)



ZAHo [mbali)

pig; wart-hog - Phacochoerus aethiopicus cochon(DC); phacochere - Phacochoerus aethiopicus

tree, dum palm - Hyphaene thebaica arbre, palmier doum - Hyphaene thebaica yellere (nde) / gelleeje (ae) dZ [yaye) fruit of the dum palm



NGO kagngo pm,ind



it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ngo class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe

ngonka n. T [isaas, esansi]

gasoline essence

ngo) maggo pm,pos F


its (for nouns of the ngo class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ngo) ngo d. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe

ngonka weeyo n. T

climate climate ngonka weeyo nguli (T): tropical climate ; climat tropical


NGODA ngod"a V. wod- (2) NGODDEEFI ngod"d"eetit ngod"d"eeki V.

ngoobiloore (nde) 0

product of gathering which serves as finery produit de cueillett~ servant de parure




ngooddi n. 0

kagngol pm,ind f

animal excrement that is not dry excrement pateux d'animaux

it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ngol class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe ngol) maggol pm,pos F

NGOOMOOWU ngoomoowu (ngu) P [ndiyaawu]

its (for nouns of the ngol class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ngol)

fish - Distichodus brevipinnis poisson - Distichodus brevipinnis

ngol c.i. DFZH


class indicator indicateur de classe


var.- goonga

ngooroondi (ndi) 0

snake (non-venomous) couleuvre

ngolbu (ngu) Z

chestnut -colored horse cheval alezan

NGOOROONDI (2) ngooroondi (ndi) T [fuddoode]


foundation fondation

ngol6iri (ndi) 0

aquatic plant with upright stems plante aquatique a tiges

NGOORU ngooru n. 0


soft substance of the deleb or fan palm substance molle du ronier

ngolobu (ngu) 0

black horse cheval noir



ngootuuri; ngowtuuriije V.


ngolooru (ndu) 0

N GOR - ngor-; ngorba; ngoroy V.

hooked stick, club baton crochu, gourdin

wor- (1)

NGOTAANDI ngotaandi (ndi) Z


roasted millet millet grille

ngolowal (ngal) 0 Dalo]

hoe, daba houe, daba

NGOWLA ngowla (mba,nga) DZq cf.:[ngolwa]


snake - Naja nigricollis; python serpent cracheur(D) - Naja nigricollis(q); python(Z)

ngolwa (mba) Z cf.:[ngowla]





ngoyongoyo n. D [wembere] cf.:[woy-] embarassement embarras

ngummeewi (Id) / gummeeje (ae) ko [bummewi] tree - Vitex spp. arbre - Vitex spp. wummere (nde) / gummeeje (ae) D fruit of Vitex spp. (small, round and black) fruit de Vitex spp. (petit, rond et noir)

NGU kaQngU pm,ind f it (emphatic) (for nouns of the ngu class) ~a (emphatique) (pour substantifs de la classe



maggu pm,pos F its (for nouns of the ngu class) son, sa, ses (pour substantifs de la classe ngu) ngu d. DFZH class indicator indicateur de classe

ngursoowi (Id) / gursooje (ae) D bush of the savanna - prob. Grewia sp. arbuste de la savane - prob. Grewia sp. ngursoohifgursooje (K(BF»: shrub of dry zones; arbrisseau des regions seches (G. tenax) gursoohi, gursoowi ? (von Maydell, 1983 (-)): G. villosa


NGUBABBI ngubabbi n. D type of plant sorte de plante


v. WUTS-

nguru (ngu) / guri (ai) DFCZH CZ(FT,M,BF,NO,A) skin, epidermis, animal skin peau, epiderme, peau d'animal

NGUDDA ngudda V. wuddNGUDU ngud'u V. wuaNGUFA


v. wuu-

nguturgal (ngal) D [guttird'o, guttirgal] blowtorch? chalumeau (lampe a souder ?)

ngufa n. D [gufa] shock of hair tignasse



nguudiindi (ndi) D deserter deserteur

ngufo (ngo) DeZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) [nguufo]:C [yuufuko]

foam, froth; spray mousse(D), ecume(Z); embrun(Z)

NGUJAM ngujam v. wujNGUJJOOWO ngujjoowo NGUIAM


nguufo var.- ngufo Cz C(FJ,M,BF},



v. wujj-

nguufuuwo (ngo) D bracelet of silver bracelet en argent

ngulam (aam) D [maniiyi] sperm sperme


v. wurj-

NGUUGU nguugu (ngu) / guugi (ai) D [baawo] female genitals sexe feminin

nguld'am, nguleefi; nguli V.




ngulumnjaafii (Id) DAkr bush, thorny shrub with non-edible red-brown berries - Ziziphus mucronata (or Z. abyssinicus) arbuste, jujubier a fruit amer - Ziziphus mucronata (ou Z. abyssinicus(A»

nguumi (Id) DAo cf.:[l)oral)oroowi] climbing plant; climbing bush with recurved thorns (in general? or Capparis spp.)(o); bush - Combretum micranthum plante rampante(D); arbuste rampante a epines recourbees - (generalement ? ou Capparis spp.)(O); arbuste - Combretum micranthum(A)


guumi ? (von Maydell, 1983 (-»: (Acacia pennata, Capparis tomentosa)




nguwtiri (ndi) D wild millet mil sauvage

nguuiiam (aam) D [maniiyi] sperm sperme

NGUYKA nguyka V.

NGUURE nguurdam, nguurndam; nguure V.



bOte; chef de famille(Z)

var.- jaabu; V. jaab- Z

NJAATIRAADO njaatiraad"o, njaati (0) / njaatiraafJe (oe) DFZ

njaafiaanndi (ndi) D poUnded jujube jujube pile njaa6i (Id) / jaaoe (ae) DZA Uaabi] tree, jujube tree - Ziziphus mauritiaca arbre, jujubier - Ziziphus mauritiaca

cf.:[taaniraado, layli, maamiraado]

great-grandchild; great-grandparent; ancestor(F) arriere-petit-fils ou arriere-petite-fille(DZ); arriere-grand-parent (z); ancetre

NJAAWKOY njaawkoy

NJAA'BIRDI njaa6irdi n. D Uabirde] cf.:[yaab-, yabb-] pedals (on a weaver's loom) pedales (metier a tisser)

NJAAYLAAKU njaaylaaku (ngu) D crune banditisme

NJAAFAADO njaafaad"o; njaafu V. yaafNJAALU


njaalu (0) / njaali (ai) DCZT C(B':,M),Z(G,BF,M)

njaayndi (ndi) T [njaanjeendi, njaanji, njaiiiii]

[bii-haram, karamaajo]


bastard, child born of adultery batard, adulterin


largeness largeur



njaanjeendi, njaanji, njaaiiiii (ndi) ZT

njaayri (ndi) / njaayriiji (ai), jaayae (ae) DCZ



largeness largeur

open space; pasture clairiere; paturage(Z)



njaareendi (ndi) / njaareendiiji, jaareeji (ai),

njafiattu (ngu) / jafJatti (ai) DCZ CZ(G,NE,M)

jaareele (ae) DFCZHY CZ(-) cf.:[mbulwuldi,



wasp; hornet(C) guepe; frelon(CZ)

sand sable njaareendiiri (ndi) Z sandy region [seeno]; sandbank region sablonneuse [seeno]; banc de sable


pl.- jaawngel; V.


NJA'B'BI nja66i (ki) / jaooe DZ [njammi] tamarind tree - Tamarindus indica arbre, tamarinier - Tamarindus indica



njaatigi, njaatigilaare (0) / njaatigaaoe (oe) FZS host; head of family

nja6u n. D [arsike, ngalu, malu] luck




njamiri (ndi) / jami (ai) DZ(Wilson, 1986)


[ebere(eri)j cf.:[yar-n-]

njakaraari (ndi) / jakarf,lllje (ae) CZ (G,A,M,NE)

sheep kept in the compound (to be fattened) mouton de case (que l'on engraisse)

[ndontoori, dontooru, ndigeerij

rooster coq

NJATTARU njattaru V. jattarNJAWDIRI njawdiri V. jawdi NJEDDU njed'd'u V. yeaaNJEDU njed'u V. yeaNJEEBA

NJAKIRDE njakirde n. 0 [mungasj pliers (small) for picking up small bits of gold pince (petite) pour prendre les graines d'or

NJAKUDI njakudi n. 0 varied jewels bijoux divers

njeeba n. 0 [mbeewaj goat chevre



njamala (mba,nga) / njamaZaaji (ai) DZ Z(-) giraffe girafe


njeekiraad'o (0) / njeekiraafJe (6e) Z [yeekiraad 0]

father-in-law; sister-in-law beau-pere; belle-soeur

jam(m)b- Z

NJEENAARI njeenaari (ndi) / jeenaaje (ae) DeZ C(BF),

njammi (ki) / jamme (ae) DZAkM [njabbi] tamarind tree - Tamarindus indica arbre, tamarinier - Tamarindus indica yammere (nde) / jamme (ae) DZk Z(-) tamarind (fruit) tamarin (fruit)

Z(M,BF) [ngeenaarij cf.:[njobdi]

reward; salary; bribe; present given in payment for services rendered recompense; salaire; pot de vin; cadeau donne A qqn pour payer ses services



njeenu n. Tr [njenu]:Z(A) Wno, fijirde] adultery adultere

njamndi (ndi) / jamae (ae) DFCZH CZ(-) [njanndifjande] cf.: [korokayye, korkaaye]

iron; iron object; metal fer; objet en fer; metal njamndi ndimri (ndi) ZT Z(-) [silaamu] steel acier njamngel jamaare n. M (Hist.?) curved piece of iron suspended from a ring which is hit with an iron bar (for sounding an alert) bande de fer noir recourbee en gouttiere, munie d'un anneau pour la tenir et frappe avec une tige de fer (pour sonne une alerte)



NJEEYGU njeeygu; njeeyoowo V. yeey- (1) NJEYANKAAKU njeyankaaku V. jeyNJIIBA Ar njiiba (ka) / njiibaaji, jiibaaji (ai) pocket poche

DZu [jiiba]

NJIILOTOODO njiilotood'o; njiiltu, njiilu V. yiil-

NJIIMAANDI njiimaandi V. jiimNJILLIRI njilIiri; njillundi V. jillNJINORKA njinorka; njinotood'o V. yinNJOBBO

v. yam-

njanugu (ngu) T banditry brigandage

Njobbo PN (8! et Kesteloot, 1969) name given to the sixth son prenom du sixieme ftls

NJARAM njaram; njaroowo; njaru V. yarNJARLU njarlu V. jarZ257


NJOWRU njowru n. wisdom sagesse

njobbo (0) 0 cf.:Doyi] fIfth child cinquieme enfant


NJOYIB- njoyi6- var.- joya6-; V. joyi CZ NJUBBUKI nju66uki; nju66undi V. yu66NJUGUNTU

Njobi PN M nickname that the Fwani give themselves which evoques the idea of a man capable of exploits which seemed beyond his power surnom que les Pews se donnent eux-memes il evoque l'idee d'un homme capable d'exploits qui paraissaient au-dessus de ses forces (M, p.85)

njuguntu n. Oq type of shorts sorte de culotte

NJUKKU njukku V. jukkNJULAAKU njulaaku, njulaagu V. jula NJULTAM


njultam (dam) 0 menses menstrues

njolloori (ndi) 0 goal but

NJUM- njumaade; njumri V. yumNJUMBALU

NJOMBAAKU njombaaku V. jombNJONKUDI njonkudi V. yonkNJONI)UURI

njumbalu, njumbalaaku (ngu) longevity; luck longevite; veine, chance (Z)

njonvuuri (ndi) 0 sheep having four horns mouton a quatre cornes

DZ cf.:Dubbalo]


NJOOBAARI njoo6aari V. yoo6NJOOLAARI njoolaari V. joola NJOOLIIDO njooliid"o V. yoolNJOOTU njootu v. jootNJOOWAAKA njoowaaka? n. 1(lmperato, 1973) type of kaasa blanket sorte de couverture kaasa

0 cf.:Dooro]

njuru n. 0 fIne debris debris fIns


NJURUM njurum v. yunnNJUUKOY njuukoy pl.- junngel; V. junngo NJUULDUKA njuulduka; njuulu V. juulNJUUMTAARI


njuumtaari (ndi) compensation compensation

NJORNDI njorndi V. yorNJOTIIIDO njottiid"o V. yott-

T [nduttudi] cf.:[yum-, yuum-]

NJUUNDI njuundi, njuunndi; njuuteendi, njutndi; njuutundi V. juut-

NJUWTIRI njuwtiri V. yuw-t-ir-


IJ Qaasude v.av DCZ C(FJ,M),Z(-) [I)aarsude] [I)as-]:Y


to scratch (lightly); to play on a violin or stringed instrument egratigner, gratter legerement; jouer d'un violon ou d'un instrument a cordes

QIUl6aare (nde) DZ

arrogance, insolence, inconsiderateness arrogance(D), insolence (D), sans-gene(Z) Qaa6ude v.av DCZ CZ(-)

to open widely ouvrir grandement, largement

I)AATQaatude v.av D

to cry out ?, bray crier, braire

I)AACI Qaaci (ai) T cf.:[l)aas-,l)aOo]

quotation marks guillemets

I)AAW Qaaw n. D cf.:[kaaw]

uncle (pej.) oncle (pej.)

I)AAKAALI Qaakaali (ai) D

braying of a donkey braiement de l'ane

I)ABBQabbaade v.mv V. IJabbude CZ (FT,M) Qabbude v.av DFCZ C(FJ,M,N),Z(FJ,FT,M,N)


to climb up; to mount (horse) monter, grimper; monter (a cheval)(CZ)

QIUllude v.av DCZ Z(M,FT) [I)oolude]

to gnaw, chew; to skin with help of teeth; to eat a watermelon ronger(D), macher(CZ); ecorcher a l'aide des dents(Z); manger une pasteque

I)ABB-ITQIl66itaade v.mv+ext D

to be cracked; to be impolite etre fendu; etre impoli

I)AANDI Qaandi (ndi) D [wannde, yammbuure]


bait appat

QaC- M cf.:[l)aas-]

(sense of clawing, scratching) (sens de griffage, d'egratignure)


Qaccal (nga/) / IJacce (ae) DZLM

Qaangude v.av D

spear with iron barbs, assegai lance a fer barbele(M), lance crochue(D), sagaie(Z)

to desire a woman desirer une femme



Qaaiiaade v.mv Fz Z(FJ)

Qad'ude v.av DZ

to scratch o.s. se gratter

to faint; to be overripe (fruit); to be transfixed with astonishment s'evanouir(D); etre trop mur (fruits)(Z); se petrifier, demeurer cloue d'etonnement (Z)

QIlaiiude v.av FeZ C(FJ),Z(-)

to scratch; to itch(F), irritate gratter; demanger, irriter(Z)



QIlkkude v.av D

Qaarude v.av DCZ CZ(M,BF)

to yelp with pain (dog) crier de douleur (chien)

to crawl, creep; to drag o.s. ramper; se trainer(Z)



Qaarsude var.-IJaasude CZ

QIlnd'ude v.av( +ext?) D


to harden, be inedible durcir, etre inconsommable

I)AASQIlasal (nga/) D

scratch egratignure



I)ANA uaoa n. 0 country pays

uara n. 0 tough ?; artist crac; artiste


I)ARAL uaral n. 0 nothing, no damage rien, aucun dommage

IJaoaari PN M region bordering Kaareeri and Farimake (lit. rugged country) region limitee par Ie Kaareeri et Ie Farimake (lit. pays rugueux)

I)ARO uaro (ngo) / IJare (ae), IJarooji (ai) OZT Z(FJ)


[huulgo, kafaara, wana]

sheath, cover; cover (of a book) fourreau(DT); couverture (de livre) (Z)

uaoiiaade v.mv 0 to provoke provoquer



uarraade v.mv ZT to climb (snakes, plants) grimper (serpents, plantes (Z))

uappeede v.pv Z to have a space between the teeth avoir un espace entre les dents uappere (nde) / IJappe (ae) OZ Z(M,OO) crack, gap; space between the teeth fente, breche(D); espace entre les dents(Z) uappo (0) / IJappuoe (oe) OZ Z(-) person who is missing teeth; (fig.) imbecile, coward personne edentee, qui manque des dents; (fig.) imbecile, poltron uappude v.av OCZ CZ(-) [I)apitidde] to bite into (e.g. fruit), cut with one's teeth, bite off a piece entamer avec ses dents (p.ex. fruit), donner un coup de dents, enlever un morceau avec les dents

I)ATuata (1) (0) / IJataaji (ai) Dez CZ(FJ,BF) labor pains douleurs de l'accouchement uatu (0) oz bug, vermin, biting insect punaise(D), vermine(Z), insecte piqueur(Z) uatude v.av OFCZy CZ(-) to bite, sting; to feel a shooting pain mordre, piquer; ressentir une douleur lancinante(Z)

I)ATA Uata (2) (mba) / IJataaji (ai) OCZS CZ(M,BF) [nooda, noor(w)a] cf.:[l)at-]

crocodile; crocodile - Crocodilus niloticus crocodile(DCZ); crocodile du Nil - Crocodilus niloticus(S)

-ITuapitidde v.av+ext V. IJappude Z



uappitinde v.av +2exts 0 to break a piece casser un morceau

uaw1ude v.av 0 to make plaintive cries (dog) lancer des cris plaintifs (chien)


I)AWNuawnude v.av( +ext?) 0 to be about to give birth etre sur Ie point d'accoucher

uari (ki,o) / IJariiji (ai) OFCZ C(-),Z(M,FJ) [Iobbere]

beauty, charm; physical characteristics(F) beaute, charme; caracteristiques physiques



uawtude v.av( +ext?) 0 [asude, gawtude] to dig creuser

uard"ude v.av+ext OFZ Z(-) [Iobbididde] to be beautiful, pretty etre beau, joli




geewde v.av Z to mew, meow miauler

Q8yaade v.mv 0 to be awakened etre eveille Q8yude v.av 0 to take to one's heels ? montre ses talons ?

I)ELSgelsude v.av 0 to draw by small amounts puiser peu a peu

I)ECCgeccude v.av Z to spur on piquer des deux QeCcuure (nde) /1)eccuuje (ae) ZM [I]eccirde,


uembude var.- 1)emmude Z

gemmol (ngol) Z imitation imitation gemmude v.av Z [I]embude, I]emminde, iiembude] to imitate imiter

i'\ek(y)uure, takkumaare, kutufaniire]

spur eperon

-IRQeccirde (nde) /1)eccirae (ae) - V. 1)eccuure Z



gemminde v.av+ext V.lJemmude Z

Qed"ude v.av 0 to draw (from) ? puiser

I)EMSQemsude v.av 0 to make a sign by touching lightly faire signe en touchant legerement

I)EE'BQee6aade v.mv 0 to be impolite etre impoli

I)EMYQemyaade v.mv 0 to make a gesture of distain faire un geste de dedain

I)EENQeeiial (ngal) 0 [iieeiial] art, skill art, adresse geeiio (0) DZ [i'\eei'\o] person of a caste, griot, master, artist personne de caste, griot, maitre, artiste ~iiude v.av 0 [iieei'\ude] to be skillful, intelligent, reflective etre adroit, intelligent, reflechi


geppitidde, Qepitidde var. 1)appitidde DZ

I)ERYgeryude v.av Z to make the noise characteristic of bodies or dry objects that are about to snap produire Ie bruit caracteristique des corps ou des objets sees qui sont sur Ie point de se briser

I)EERQeeraade v.mv 0 to be puny, malformed etre chetif, mal forme Qeerde v.av DZ to be puny; to craze, chap, crack etre chetif(D); se fendiller(D), se fendre(Z)

((M.S. Diallo, 1990){F): to gnaw; ronger

I)USgiisude v.av 0 to crush ecraser



Qillude v.av 0 to tickle chatouiller

Qeeru n. 0 (Vet.) illness of the back maladie du dos




QiniQini n. 0 cf.:(lJiII-]

Qoo6ungo (ngo) 0

tickling chatouillement

sad attitude attitude triste


I)OOD- (1)

Qobude v.av Z (FT,M)

Qood'ude v.av 0

to bite (fish) mordre (poissons)

to have a tingling ('pins and needles') feeling in the foot avoir des fourmis au pied


I)OOD-T- (2)

Qo6aade v.mv 0

Qoottaade v.mv +ext F

to be crooked etre tordu

to rest, relax se reposer

I]OB-IN- (2?)

Qoottude v.av DZ Z(-)

Qo6inaade v.mv+ext 0 cf.:[lJob-]

to rest; to renounce se reposer; renoncer a(D)

to gnaw ronger



Qoolude v.av DCZ C(-),Z(FJ,FT,M) [lJaalude]

Qofude v.av 0 [wofude]


to bark aboyer

to gnaw, chew; to skin with aid of the teeth; to eat a watermelon ronger, macher; ecorcher a l'aide des dents(Z); manger une pasteque(Z)

I)OKKQokkaad'o (0) /l)okkaa6e (6e) Z [cep(in)aacfo, jiddaacfo, juddaajo]


leper lepreux Qokke (0) Z [ceppam, i\aw-boncfo, iiaw bando,


Qooiii (0), Qooiiiire (nde) DZMq [lJoiii]:M [lJoomi, sinassar]

fritter (made with rice, millet, or corn flour) galette, beignet (fait avec la farine du riz, du mil, ou du mais)


leprosy lepre

Qooiiude v.av 0


to make fritters faire des galettes

Qolaade v.mv 0 cf.:[lJool-]

to gnaw, crunch a bone ronger, croquer un os

I]OON- (2?) Qooiiaade v.mv 0


to be well made, well rounded (out) etre bien fait, bien arrondi

Qomitaade v.mv+ext 0 to chit-chat ?

I]OOS- (1)


Qoosude v.av 0


to cultivate in a lazy manner labourer de fa~on paresseuse

Qomsude v.av 0 (lJaasude]

to scratch egratigner

I)OOS- (2) Qoosude v.av CZ


to gnaw, chew ronger, macher

QOQre (nde) /I)ol)ai (ai) FCZ Z(·) [lJoncfi]:Z

sleepiness, drowsiness; desire to sleep sommeil; envie de dormir(Z)

I)OOTTAADE I)ooa-t- (2)

QOQude v.av DFCZ CZ(-)

to be sleepy, drowsy; to doze avoir sommeil, envie de dormir; somnoler


Qoottaade; Qoottude V.



QOoyre (nde) D [hallere]

Quccude V.av DZ Z(FT,M)

penis penis

to pinch, pinch with fingernails pincer(D), pincer avec les ongles(Z)


-IT-INQuccitinde v.av +2exts D

Qoppe (de) CZ Z(-) [I)okke, eeppam, riaw bondo, r'iaw bando]

to remove a piece enlever un morceau

leprosy lepre



QunuQunu n. Dz Z(FT)

Qoral (nga/) / IJore (de) ZT Z(-)

suspicious or dubious act; Whispering acte 10uche(D); chuchotement(Z)

riverbank; level area on a riverbank berge(T); gradin sur une berge (z)



Quurude v.av eZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M)

QoraQoroowi (ki) ko cf.:[nguumi]

to growl (dog) grommeler, ronchonner (chien)

bush (with recurved thorns) - Acacia pennata arbuste (aux epines recourbees) - Acacia pennata

QuuruQuuru (ndu) D

wild cat chat sauvage

(0): (also/aussi A. ataxacantha ?)



Qomaade v.mv( +ext?) D

Quuyaali (di) Z howl(s) ?

to become tense, remain silent se crisper, rester silencieux



Quuyude v.av DZ

Qottude v.av DZ

to howl (hyena) hurler (hyene)

to cease, give up cesser, abandonner

QUYQuyngal (nga/) D

pack of hyenas bande d'hyenes

I)OYBQoyfiaade v.mv D cf.:[l)ol)ude]


to doze somnoler

Quylude v.av DcZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M)

to whine (like a puppy) pleurnicher (comme un chiot)



fiaa (0) / naaji (di) Dez CZ(FJ) [needi, tagu,

fiaadeede v.pv D

alhaali (2)]

to be affected with scabies or mange etre galeux

character, behavior caractere, fa~on de se comporter

fiaacfahoore, fiaadahooreejo (0) / naadahooreeoe, naaaahoore'en, naadako'e (oe) DCZ CZ(-)

NAABURU fiaaburu-Jenne (ndu) / naabi-Jenne (di) Z(81i et

person who is unlucky; murderer; person who has a bumpy head malchanceux; homicide(D); crane rugueux(D)

Kesteloot, 1969)

species of pigeon, spotted bird of Jenne espece de pigeon(Z), oiseau tachete de Djenne(Ba et Kesteloot, 1969)


iiaamde, iiamde (nde) / fiaamde (de) DFZ food, meal; provisions(F) nourriture, Ie manger, repas; provisions iiaamndu, iiaamdu, iiamdu (ndu) /

iiaad'o (0) D crime; scabies, mange crime; gale


fiaamduuji, naamli (di) DFCZ CZ(-)

iiaafude v.av D [misude) to rain lightly tomber une petite pluie

food; provisions(F); way of eating; usual food; cereals nourriture, aliments; provisions; maniere de manger(Z); nourriture habituelle(Z); cereales(Z) iiaamo (ngo) DFCZ CZ(-) right (side); right hand [jugngo iiaamo] droite (cote); main droite [jugngo iiaamo] iiaamooru n. D [waylitooru) cannibal cannibale iiaamri, iiamri (ndi) / fiaameele (de) DFCi

NAAGiiaagaade v.mv



to beg, beg for alms; to beseech, implore; to request, solicit quemander, mendier; prier, implorer; demander, solliciter iiaagotood'o (0) / naagoto06e (6e) FZ beggar, person who begs mendiant iiaagunde (nde) / naagule (de) DFZ plea, entreaty; begging(F) priere(D), sollicitation(Z); mendicite(Z)


cereal, grain; food, provisions cereale, grain; nourriture, aliments, provisions iiaamude, iiamde v.av DFCZHY CZ(-) to eat manger iiam-iiamd'o (0) D person who is always eating qui mange a chaque instant

NAAKOOWA iiaakoowa (ba,nga) D coat coloration of a goat cooleur de la robe d'one chevre

NAAKU iiaaku (ngu) / naaki (di)



DCZ CZ(-) [riaakii

iiaaminde v.av+ext F [riamminde) to feed (lit. to cause to eat) nourrir, donner a manger (lit. faire manger)


bee abeille


-IRiiaamirde v.av +ext 0 to eat with (sth) manger avec (qqch)

iiaalal (ngal) / naale (de)

DeZ C(FJ,FT,N,G), Z(FJ,FT,N,G,M) [riaalel]:C(M,A),Z(A)

cattle heron, white tick bird, cattle egret Bubulcus ibis aigrette(D), fausse aigrette(Z), heron garde-boeufs - Bubulcus ibis

-Tiiaamtaade v.mv +ext Z to eat without thinking; to rust manger machinalement, automatiquement; se rouiller iiaamtar (0) / fiaamtar6e CZ (G,M) [riantaro,

NAALDE iiaalde (nde) / fiaalde, fiaale (de)



groin; ganglion aine; ganglion

riaamdaro) [yootaado):C

gourmand; greedy person; selfish person gourmand; avide; egoi'ste



iiaaleejo (0) D one who only has one testicle qui n'a qu'une testicole


NAAMiiaamdaro (0) / naamdaroe (6e)

iiaamlaade var. fiamlaade; V.

fiam(I)- Z

iiaancorgal (ngal) comb peigne

Z (FT,M)

[riaamtar, riantaro)

glutton glouton, goinfre


D [sancirgal)


iiaawude v.av Z to spot, speckle tacheter

iiaande (nde) D residues of millet dechets de mil


NAAW- (3) iiaawude v.av to hunt? chasser

iiaangal V. naayre

iiaangal (nga/) T artisans artisanat

-Tiiaawtude v.av+ext 0 to draw one's sword ? tirer d'epee

NAANiiaaiiaare (nde) CZ (G,A,M,N) scratching; itch, itchiness action de se gratter; demangeaison iiaaiiude v.av DCZ CZ(M,N,G,A} [I)aariude] to scratch; to irritate gratter; irriter(Z)

NAAYGAL iiaaygal (nga/) D thimbles for weaving? des de tis sage

NAAYNGAL iiaayngal (nga/) 0 virgin pastures paturages vierges

-IRiiaaiiirgal (nga/) M currycomb made from a husked ear of corn etrille faite d'un epi de mats egrene


NAATOORU iiaatooru, iiaato (ndu) / naatooji (di)


iiaangal (nga/) D large bead grosse perle iiaayre (nde) / naaye (de) bead perle


H(SH} [ndobu, colu]

leopard leopard, pantMre

NAAW- (1)

DZL Z(-}


iiaawoowo (0) / naawoooe (oe) ZT Z(-} judge [caroowo], man of law; assessor juge [caroowo], homme de loi (Z); assesseur(T) iiaawude v.av Z (FJ,FT,M,BF) to judge; to call to justice; to make a judgement; to condemn; to decide, decree (God) juger; appeler en justice; rendre un jugement; condamner; decider, decreter (Dieu)

iiaayude v.av DCZ CZ(-} to strut about, show off se pavaner

[faariude, lippitaade)

NABIBBI iiabibbi (ki) D species of tree espece d'arbre

NA'BARO iia6aro (0) D man who is tough, special ? homme dur, special

NAAW- (2) iiaawe (de) Z (DO,M) marks of smallpox marques de petite variole iiaaweede v.pv Z to be spotted etre tachete iiaawo (0) Z [riaawaado):Z(-} man who has freckles or scars of smallpox homme qui a des taches de rousseur ou des traces de variole

NADORORE iiadorore (nde) P fish - Ctenopoma kingsleyae poisson - Ctenopoma kingsleyae

NAFUNKE Nafunke PN H Niafunke (town on the Niger River) Niafounke (ville sur Ie Niger)


fiallaande, fiallande (nde) DZ Z(-) one day's farming, work done in a day; remarkable or memorable day travail de culture d'une journee, travail fait en une journee; journee remarquable ou memorable(Z) fiallo (ngo) DZ Z(M,FJ) gathering, daytime meeting rassemblement, reunion dans la journee fiallude v.av FCZ CZ(-) to spend the day, pass the day; to be daytime(C) passer la journee; faire jour(CZ) fiallunde n. 0 milk to be curdled lait a cailler fialooma (0), fialoomaare (nde) / naloomaaji

NAGA fiaga n. 0 dirt saleh~

NAGGADAARE fiaggadaare (nde) 0 type of scarf sorte d'echarpe

NAK(K)fiakal (nga/), fiaku (0) Z lack, absence manque, absence fiakude, fiakkude (2) v.av DFZ to be missing (sth), be incomplete, be insufficient manquer, etre incomplet, etre insuffisant fiakudi (ndi) Z that which is needed to complete sth ce qui manque pour completer qqch

(di), naloomaaje (de) FCZTH CZ(M,BF,NO) [iialawma]:H,T,CZ(G,NE) cf.:[wa(a)lnde]

day (sun-up to sun down), daytime journee (du lever au coucher du soleil), Ie jour fiande, fiannde (nde) / nalde (de) dFcZ

NAKAWULLEEWU fiakawulleewu (ngu) P fish - Hydrocyon lineatus poisson - Hydrocyon lineatus

[iiennde] cf.:[sattu, wakkati]

day; date jour; date


ftennde fuu (0): always; toujours [wakkati fuu)

fiakkude (1) v.av 0 [iiikkude] to snap up, take suddenly happer, prendre subitement

fiandeen n. F the other day; several days ago l'autre jour; il y a quelques jours fiannde 0 when quand

NAKKO fiakko (0) Z evildoer malfaiteur


NALAANDE iialaande V. nal(l)NALE fiale (nge) / naloi, nalbi (di) heifer (up to one year old) genisse Gusqu'a un an (ZL» fialel (ngel) / naloy (koy) CZ calf veau

fiallinde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to greet (at mid-day and in the afternoon); to pass the day saluer qqn (a midi et a l'apres-midi); passer la journee(Z)




fiallirde v.av+ext DZ Z(-) to spend the day without eating rester la journee sans rien manger

NAL(L)fialaande (nde) / nalaade (de) DFCZ CZ(-) daytime; time, epoch(F); epoque of glory; advantage(F) journee; temps(D), epoque; epoque de gloire(D); avantage

-ITfiallitiri (ndi) 0 cf.:[ndefu) meal on the occasion of a celebration repas de fete fiallituru n. 0 cf.: [kuurtungu] marriage ceremony ceremonie de mariage

ftalaande Seeku Aamadu (Sanankoua, 1990)(Hist.): time of Seku Amadu ; I'epoque de Sekou Amadou



preter iiamiiamalo (0) Z creditor; debtor [iiamliif>undu naatundu (1): reflex angle; angle rentrant soof>undu seef>undu (1): acute angle; angle aigu sof>f>undu weertiindu (1): obtus angle; angle obtus


siwili, siwil n. ZT Z(-) civilian civil

so so conj. FCZH CZ(FT,BF,M,NO,FJ) [soko]:F [salla, se]:CZ if



soccaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to rub one's teeth with a stick se curer les dents, se frotter les dents soccude v.av DCZM CZ(FJ,M,BF) to clean out, wipe, rub ; to groom (horse) curer(D), essuyer(D), frotter(CZ); panser (cheval)(M)

so... so... (Z): either... or... ; soit... soit...

SOB- (1) c06cfo (0) DZ Z(+) [comcfo] one who is dirty, base, immoral; tired man; good-for-nothing, ne'er-do well qui est malpropre, immonde, immoral; homme fatigue(Z); vaurien, propre a rien (Z) s06e n. D excrement excrements so6eeri (ndi) / s06eeji (di), s06eeje (de) CZ

-ORcocorgal (ngal) / cocorde (de) DZqy Z(-) tooth cleaning stick cure-dents, batonnet pour frotter les dents


(FJ,M) [mbut(t)iri]

refuse; feces, excreta immondice; feces, culot s06ude v.av DZ Z(-) to be soiled, dirty, foul; to soil o.s.; to be immoral, unclean etre souille, sale, immonde; se souiller(Z); etre immoral, immonde (Z)

sodude v.av Z to go into the body (e.g. splinter) entrer dans Ie corps (p.ex. echarde)

SODcocfal (ngal) / code (de) Z dressing ?; decoration toilette(s); decoration cocfi n. D finery parure socfaade v.mv DZ [paraade, sinkaade] to put on one's finery se parer socfude v.av DZ to adorn, decorate parer, orner

SOB- (2) s06ude v.av Z to harvest cotton, beans recolter du coton, des haricots

SOBB-ITs066itaade v.mv+ext CZ (FT,M) to slip or sneak away, escape s'esquiver, s'echapper



s066irre n. czS CZ(NE,BF,S) [saahal, sahal] north nord

sofaade v.mv D to draw water puiser


SOFAAJO sofaajo var.- soofaajo SOG- Soni

s066undu (ndu) / c066uli, c066i (di) CZT CZ(FJ,G,BF,M) [yooboodu, lobbundu, lompoodu]

angle; peak, summit; salient; end, tip; elbow(C) angle(ZT); pic, sommet(Z); saillant(Z); bout(Z); coude(CZ)


sogonal (nga/) / sogone (de) CZbI CZ(FJ,M) [sogone (o)/sogoneeji (cfi)] [kuutal]

cubit coudee

cofIf>uli dinndindirdi (1): adjacent angles; angles adjacents cofIf>uli timmondircfi (1): complementary angles; angles complementaires



battre la terre(Z)

soggude v.av DZL Z(FJ,M,FT) to drive (a herd, animals); to chase conduire un troupeau, pousser des animaux devant soi; chasser(Z)

SOKO soko var.- so SOKOMBA


sokomba? n. I sorghum used in dyeing - Sorghum caudatum sorgho tinctorial - Sorghum caudatum

SOK- (1) sokoode (nde) D padlock cadenas sokude v.av DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) to lock [fil(u)de]; (ned"d"o) to imprison sb boucler, fermer it cle [fil(u)de]; (ned"d"o) cnfermer qqn

SOKOORE sokoore (nde) D cf.:[ngelleewi] seed (germ) of the dum palm germe de doum

SOKOTIU sokottu 11. D fault, flaw defaut

-IRcokirgal (llgal) D [bii-baafal, cokitirgal, cottirgal,

SOKUNA sokufia var.- sukuiia SOL-


key for closing cle pour fermer


cold"o (0) / soloe (oe) DZ Z(-) person who is missing teeth personne edentee solde, solude v.av DCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF,NE) to lose one's teeth; to remove, take off, pull out, take out perdre ses dents(D); enlever(Z), retirer(CZ), arracher(Z), sortir (v.t.)(C)

-ITsokitidde v.av+ext F [filtude) to unlock ouvrir (ce qui a ete ferme it cle)

-IT-IRcottirgal, cokitirgal (llgal) / cottirde, cokitirde (de) DcZ C(NO,BF) [bii-baafal, cokirgal, uddirgal] key cle

SOLAADE solaade n. T [hokotooru] funnel entonnoir

SOK- (2) coku (0) Z blackening of the lips action de noircir les levres sokaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to have one's lips tatooed; to have one's gums colored blue se tatouer les levres(D); se bleuir les gencives(Z) sokude v.av Z to dye sb's gums blue bleuir les gencives a qqn

SOLANNDE solannde (nde) D type of harpoon sorte de harpon

SOLLE solie n. (Turner, 1989) coloration of cattle robe de vache

SOLSsolsere (nde) Z loss perte solsude v.av Z [maliude] to be lost (lit., fig.) etre perdu (lit., fig.)

SOKEERE sokeere n. D clump of trees touffe d'arbres

SOKKsokkude v.av DCZ CZ(FT,M,G,A) to pound ears of millet; to thresh grain, pound in a mortar; to ram, pack, pound earth piler Ie mil en epis(D); battre la cereale (cz), piler dans un mortier(Z); damer, tasser,

SOMsomude v.av FCZ CZ(BF,NE,G,A,M) [tampude] to be tired etre fatigue



-Tsomtude v.av+ext

somre (nde) / come (de)




Z(+) [soomre/coome]

to no longer be tired n'etre plus fatigue

cricket; species of cicada which is a parasite of the cotton plant grillon; espece de cigale parasite du cotonnier(Z)

SOM(M)comotoodo (0) D buyer acheteur somaade v.mv D to do one's shopping faire ses achats somoya, sommoya (0) / som(m)oyaaji (di)

SONsonude v.av D to strengthen family ties through frequent visits serrer les liens de parente par des visites frequentes DFz



sona (+ v. subj.) part. must doit

condiment (for sauces) condiment (pour faire la sauce)


SONK- (1)

sommoyaade v.av+ex't F to go do the daily shopping aller faire ses achats quotidiens

sonkaango, sookaago (ngo) / conkaali (di) cry; tears, sobs; quarrel cri; pleurs, sanglots; querelle

som'mu? n. I (Hist.)? sacrifice of a bull by an adolescent (initiation rite) sacrifice d'un taureau par un adolescent (rite d'initiation)

-INsonkinaaogo (ngo) Z tears, sobs pleurs, sanglots sonkinde v.av+ert DZ to lament; to bellow, yell; to quarrel se lamenter(D); gueuler(Z); se quereller(Z)

var.- sompa(a)wo



SONK- (2)

sombere, sombeere (nde) / combeeje, sombeeje

sonkude v.av DZ to finish flowering; to not bear fruit (etre a la) fin de floraison(D); ne pas avoir de fruits(Z)

(de) Z (FJ,M) cf.:[sombaawo, sompa(a)wo]

pickaxe pioche a douille



sombi (0) Z diluted porridge bouillie diluee

Soonaa6e (6e) M lineage or sub-group of FuIani lignage ou sous-groupe des peuIs

SOMONO Somono, Somonoojo (0) / Somono06e (6e)




SOMBAAWO sombaawo

F [sonaa, sinaa]


soongere (nde) Z (FT,M) prey proie sonngi D menacing menalrant sonngude v.av DCZ Z(FT,M) to be menacing; to drive away(C) (small animals); to pounce 00 prey etre menalrant(D); chasser(C) (les petits animaux)(Z); se jeter sur une proie(Z)

(-) cf.:[Hommbolbe]

fisher, Somono pecheur, Somono

SOMPAAWO somp~wo (ngo) / sompi (di) CZ [sombaawo, sombere]


pick, pickaxe pioche


acheteur soodude v.av DFCZH CZ(-} to buy; to exchange acheter; echanger(Z) soodugol (ngo/) T [codgol] purchase achat

SONT- (1) sontaade v.mv( +ext?) DZ to kick, strike with the foot donner des coups de pied(D), heurter avec du pied(Z)

SONT- (2) sontude v.av( + ext?) 0 to unlock ouvrir avec un clef

-ITsoottude, sottude v.av+ext


to sell vendre

SOlJ8nke (0) / SOl}anko06e (6e) z (-) [Koyroboroojo]


Sonrai Sonrai

SOI)KINDE sogkinde var.- sonkinde SOI)L-

soonnude v.av+ext to sell vendre


sorrude v.av+ext Z to buy from acheter des mains de

SOOFsoofude v.av DCZH C( +},Z(FJ,FT,M} to urinate [hibbude); to get wet, soaked; to make soft; to be softened by being soaked in a liquid uriner [hibbude]; se mouiller(CZ), s'imbiber (Z); rendre mou(D); se ramollir en s'imbibant d'un liquide(Z)

SONsoiiude v.av DZ to make o.s. undesirable; to impose one's power, importune se rendre indesirable(D); imposer son pouvoir, importuner (Z)



soiiiiude v.av Cz C(FT,BF,NO,G,M},Z(FT,BF,NO,G} to make a sound, make an audible movement (C) faire un bruit


soofaajo, soofa (0) / soofaa6e (6e)

Zblq (Hist.)


sofa, warrior, soldier sofa, guerrier, soldat


SOOKsookude v.av DZ to rain, fall (rain), start to rain pleuvoir, tomber (pluie), commencer pleuvoir



kammu sooki (Z): it has started to rain ; la pluie a commence

SOOKOLOOWAL sookoloowal (nga/) spoon (wooden) cuillere en bois

0 cf.:[kuddu, kuwiyerj

SOOMsoomaade v.mv DZ Z(-} to veil o.s., be hidden se voiler(D), etre cacbe(Z)

SOODcoodoowo (0) / soodo06e (6e)



so\)lude v.av Z to be preoccupied, worried about sth; to want, need etre preoccupe, inquiete par une affaire; avoir envie, avoir besoin

soobade v.?v 0 [soobeede] to be serious etre au serieux soobee (0) / soobeeji (di) czo reality, fact; sth serious realite, fait; qqch de serieux soobee- (+suf.) Z (FJ,M) serious, important; effective serieux, important; efficace soobeede v.pv F [soobade] to be serious etre au serieux


Z(+} cf.:[yeeyude]






SOPP- (2)

soomude v.av DCZ CZ(M,FJ) to veil, cover; to hide; to wrap; to put aside; to economize; to marry sb voiler, couvrir; cacher; emballer(D), envelopper(Z); mettre de cote(Z); economiser(Z); se marier avec qqn(Z)

SOOMETIRI soometiri n. geometry geometrie

soppude v.av DCZ CZ(FJ,A,G,M,BF) to bite (snake)(C); to peck (at) mordre(D) (serpent)(CZ); picorer, piquer du bec (CZ)

SOPP-IN- (3) soppinaade v.mv+en cz to squat down s'accroupir


T Uannde coElbuli, Eletol diidi]

SOOMRE soomre

-IR-INvar.- somre CZ

coppiriniid0 (0) D person who is huddled up qui est recroqueville


SOONNUDE soonnude V. SOOR-


SORsorde v.av DZ Z(-) to go into the shade; to enter crouched down, slip under; to hide, seek shelter se mettre a l'ombre(D); penetrer en se baissant, seglisser sous (Z); se cacher, se mettre a l'abri(Z) sornde (nde) D moment of rest moment du repos

sooraade v.mv T to infiltrate infiltrer sooragol, cooragol (ngol) T infiltration infiltration




sooro (o,ngo), soorooru (ndu) / soorooji (di) DCZL C(-),Z( +)

SOR-T- (2?)

upper story, house with more than one one story etage, maison a etages

sortude v.av+en DZ Z(-) [soortude] to take out of the granary; to take out, pull out, extract sth from sortir du grenier(D); retirer, tirer, extraire qqch de (Z)

SOORO (2) Sooro PN D man's name prenom d'un homme

SOORTUDE soortude (2?) cz (FJ,M,BF,N) SOOSOOBE

SORKsorkaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to mix with; to enter unexpectedly se meier deeD); s'introduire a l'improviste(Z) sorkude v.av D to mix (v.t.) meIer

var.- sortude; V. sor-t-

Soosoo6e PN M cf.:[pereejojferooEle] those with last name of Sidibe or So (one of the four Fulani clans) les Sidibe et So (l'un des quatre clans peuls)


Soo,Soh(Fo): SO,SOW

SOOSSIYAAWAL soosiyaawal V. SOOTIUDE soottude V. sood-itSOOYN- sooynaade var.- soynaade


soria / sorlaaj; pants pantalon

Sidibe (F): Sidibe


Zu Z(M,BF) [tuuba]

SOROMBIYA sorombiya? n. E pillow made of tooled leather oreiller en cuir ouvrage

FCZ(Seydou, 1987} Z(M,FT)

SOPP- (1)

SORRUDE sorrude V.

soppude v.av DcZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) to cut, split wood, cut down a tree couper(D), fendre du bois(CZ), abattre un arbre(Z)



sowde v.av CZT(Seydou, 1977) C(-),Z(FJ.FT,M)



sos- M (sense of making noise) (sens de faire du bruit)

to double; to fold; to multiply doubler, mettre en double; plier; multiplier (ZT) soweteende n. T (Math.) multiplicand multiplicande sowgol, cowgol (ngo/) T multiplication mUltiplication sowoore (nde) T(Seydou, 19n} nickname; (Math.) multiplier surnom (Seydou, 1977); (Math.) multiplicateur (T) sowre (nde) / cowe (ae) ZT [sowal):Z(-) pleat (after folding); (Math.) double, pair pli (apres Ie pliage)(Z); (Math.) double, pair (T)

+ SI'soossiyaawal (nga/) M spear with a long diamond shaped head (which causes blood to flow noisily from the wound it causes) lance a fer allonge a section losangique (qui trans perce et fait couler Ie sang avec bruit) (M, p.71)

SOTA sota n. D (townaawi) species of bush espece d'arbuste

SOTO soto n. DZk Z(-) parasitical plant (on tree branches Tapinanthus spp.); lumps on a tree trunk plante parasite(D) (sur les rameaux des arbres - Tapinanthus spp.(k»; bosses sur Ie tronc d'arbre(Z)

sowre sappof>ere (T): ruler (20em.) ; double decimetre cf.:[diidirgal)

SOW- (2) cowoowo (0) / sowoooe (De) Z (FT,M) person who speaks politely or figuratively qui parle poliment ou figurement sowde v.av Z (FT,M) to choose one's words; to be polite employer des termes choisis; avoir de la politesse

SOTT- (1) sottude (2) v.av Z to move bouger, se deplacer

SOTT- (2)

SOW-N- (3)

sottude (3) v.av CZ C(FT,M.BF.NO.G,A),

sownude v.av +ext Z to make wet, moisten mouiller, imbiber

Z(FT.M.BF.NO) cf.:[sokk-)

to hull, crush or pound (grain); to pound millet to remove bran decortiquer, briser ou piler (grain)(Z); piler Ie mil pour en ater Ie son ( c)

SOY-Dsoyd"ude v.av+ext D to color colorer

SOTT-IN- (3) sottinde v.av+ext T [waanjitaade) to copy copier

SOTTUDE (1) SOW- (1)

SOYNsoynaade, sooynaade v.mv+ext DFCZ(Seydou. 1987} (soynaade):C(FT.M).Z(FT) [Ionjaade)

sottude V. sood-it-

to look from afar, aperceive, glimpse regarder de loin, apercevoir, entrevoir


sowaade v.mv deZ C(FJ).Z(FJ.M.FT) [sawaade):D to be folded (in two); to be doubled; to be pregnant etre plie (en deux(Z»; etre double(Z); etre enceinte(CZ) sowannde (nde) ZT Z(-) [kommbol) fold; folding; time(s); (Math.) mUltiple pli(Z); pliage(Z); fois(Z); (Math.) multiple(T)

soyfude v.av CZ to make a sound(C) (muffled) faire un bruit (sourd(C»

SOYNDE soynde (nde) D spot that is shaded and humid endroit ombrage et humide


baguette (de tisserand)

SOYY- (1) soyyaade v.mv oz to doze somnoler



sufitaade v.mv+ext to rechoose rechoisir

SOYY-IT- (2) soyyitaade v.mv+ext CZ (M,BF,NE) Uaayaade] to return home, return [hootude]; to return from grazing(C) [jaayaade, jaaiiude] retourner chez soi, revenir (Z) [hootude]; rentrer du paturage(C) [jaayaade, jaaiiude]

SUDDcuudiid'o (0) Z [cuddiicfojsuddiibe]:Z(-) wife, one of the wives in a polygynous marriage epouse, une des epouses d'un polygame suddaade v.mv FCZ CZ(-) to be covered, cover o.s. etre couvert, se couvrir suddaare (nde) / cuddaaje (de) CZ

SOYY- (3) soyyude v.av to rinse rincer

0 [sayyude]



(V. suddamaare); veil (V. suddamaare); voile(Z) suddamaare (nde) / cuddamaaje (de)

su'ude v.av Z to regain courage reprendre du courage





blanket couverture du lit suddude v.av OFCZ CZ( + ) to cover, veil; to marry a young girl couvrir, voiler; se marier a une jeune fille(DZ) sudduru (ndu) Z widowhood; marriage with a young girl veuvage; mariage avec une jeune fille


subaka n. OFH cf.:Uanngo] tomorrow, tomorrow morning(F) demain(DH), demain matin

SUBcu6aad'o (0) 0 person who is chosen qui est choisi cu6d'i n. (Gardi et Seydou, 1986) weaving technique technique de tissage cu6i (di) 0 chosen cows vaches choisies su6aade v.mv OFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,N) to choose, make one's choice; to be chosen(F) choisir(CD), faire son choix(Z); etre choisi su6ude v.av OFCZ C(-),Z( +) to pick up (that which is spilled); to choose from among many ramasser(D) (ce qui est verse)(Z); choisir(FC) entre plusiers (Z) sumgo (ngo) / cuoe (de) Fz Z(FT) choice choix

-ITsudditidde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) to uncover, reveal(C), show decouvrir, montrer(CZ)

SUFfUDE suftude var.- suutude; V. suutSUGULLA


sugulla n. 0 grief, worries chagrin, souds



sujididde v.av Du to prostrate o.s. (in prayer) se prosterner (priere) sujuude n. OM [sujuudu (ndu)]:Z(FJ) prostration (a position in prayer) prosternation (une position de la priere)



cu6ird'um (dum) Z basket for picking cotton panier pour cueillir du coton cu6irgal (ngaZ) 0 stick (used in weaving)

cukaaku, sukaaku (ngu) OFCZ C(FJ,M,N,BF),Z(-) childhood, youth, adolescence enfance, jeunesse, adolescence(Z)


SUKK- (2)

cukalel (ngel) / cukaloy (koy) FZH Z(FJ,M) small child; adolescent petit enfant; adolescent suka, sukaajo (0) / sukaaoe (oe) DFCZH CZ(-) child, youth, adolescent enfant, jeune, adolescent suka-debbo (0) / sukaaoe-rewoe (oe) FCZ CZ(-) girl; girlfriend(F) jeune fille(CZ); petite amie suka-gorko (0) / sukaaoe-woroe (oe) FCZ CZ(-) young man; boyfriend(F) jeune homme(CZ); petit ami

cukkol (ngol) / cukki (di)

cZ C(G},Z(G,M)

[uddere, uddo, mbargu]

dam barrage de retenu cukkudi n. (Gardi et Seydou, 1986) weaving technique technique de tissage sukkaade v.mv DCZ CZ(FJ,M,NE) to raise to one's lips to drink; to drink from the bottle emboucher pour boire; boire a meme la bouteille(Z) sukkude (2) v.av CZ C(-),Z(FJ,M,DO) to introduce into, put in; to put in the mouth (of sb); to stop up, block an opening; to be stopped up introduire, mettre dans; mettre dans la bouche (de qqn); boucher, fermer l'ouverture; etre bouche(Z)

+ FU-IRsuka fijiraa n_cpd.

(Imperato, 1973)(Gardi et Seydou, 1986) [suka fijirtaa]

design woven into some kaasa blankets and arkilla hangings (lit. this is not child's play) dessin tisse dans des couvertures kaasa et des tentures arkilla (lit. ce n'est pas un jeu d'enfant)


SUK- (2?)

sukkara (0) sugar sucre

cukko (0)

T(Kane and Robinson, 1984) (Kane and Robinson, 1984)(FT) [dewo]

deputy adjoint sukude v.av

Fr FCZ [sikkoro, sikkor]


z(Kane and Robinson, 1984) Z(-),(Kane and Robinson, 1984)(FT)

sukundu, sukkundu (ndu) / cukuli, cukku(u)/i (di) DFZV Z(-) cf.:[sukk-(l), suk-]

to succeed (sb) (Kane and Robinson, 1984); (yolnde ned'd'o) to succeed sb succeder (a qqn); (yolnde ned'd'o) succeder a qqn(Z)

hair cheveux



sukuiia (0) / sukuiiaaoe (oe) DzbE Z(FT) sorcerer, person who casts spells, 'one who eats people' sorcier, jeteur de sort, 'mangeur d'hommes' sukuiiaagal (ngal) Z sorcery, magical operarion performed by a sorcerer sorcellerie, operation magique realisee par un sorcier sukuiiaaku (ngu) Z mystical power possessed by a sorcerer force mystique nocive que possede le sorcier

SUKK- (1) cukkeeki n. T [teddeefi, teddeendi, tekkeendi] density densite cukkiri (ndi) / cukke (de) - var.- cukkoori Z (FT,M)

cukkoori (ndi) DZ clump of plants touffe de plante sukki adj. T dense dense sukkude (1) v.av DZ Z(-) to be bushy, be thick, grow in a bushy clump etre touffu, etre epais(Z), pousser en massif touffu(Z) sukunde (nde) D sth bushy qqch de touffu

SULcule-cule (de) D small marks petites taches culo (0) D [colo] person who has the scars of smallpox personne qui porte des traces de variole


sulle (nge) x(Turner, 1989) cow with small white spots on a colored body vache a robe coloree aux petites taches blanches

sumude v.av DFCZH CZ(-) [wul(u)de, wulnude] to burn (v.i.,v.t.), set on fire; to burn o.s. brUler (v.i.,v.t.), incendier; se brUler(CZ) (M.S. Diallo, 1990 (F»(Vet.): to brand; to cauterize; marquer au feu; cauteriser

sule / culi (R(A»: red cow with white spots ; vache rouge aUK taches blanches nagge sule (X(A(Jam'aare»): spotted or speckled cow; vache tachetee, mouchetee

SUMALLE sumalle (0) / sumalleeji (tfi)

SULAKAAJO Sulakaajo (0) / Sulakaalie (lie)

water skin; sack, leather bag for books and provisions outre; sac, sac en cuir aux livres et a provisions (Z)


[Sulukaajo ]:Z(FJ)

Lebanese, Syrian Libanais, Syrien


SULKsulkaade v.mv D to box, punch boxer, donner des coups de poing sulkere (nde) D fist poing

v. suli-

cumbat (ngal) D pole perche cummboowo (0) D person who transports by pirogue piroguier summbeede v.pv D to be transported by a pirogue which is poled se faire transporter par une pirogue a perche summbude v.av DCZ CZ(BF,NO,M) to paddle, pole pagayer, faire de la perche(D)

SULTsultere (nde) D rest repos sultude v.av( + ext?) to rest se reposer






sumpitaade v.mv +ext D to fall into a well tomber dans un puits sumpitidde v.av+ext D cf.:[mutude] to immerse immerger

cumal (nga/) / cume (tfe) DeZ C(FJ),Z(-) brand [cumogal); fire; fire, blaze marque(D) [cumogal); feu(Z); incendie(CZ) cumgol (ngol) T [leelngo,lewnungol] combustion combustion cumogal (ngal) D(Ba et Kesteloot, 1969) [cumal] brand; sign marque(D); signe(Ba et Kesteloot, 1969) cumoodi (ndi) Do branding iron ? fer a marquer ? cumu (ngu) / cumi (tfi) FZI Z(-) fire(F), incendiary(F), action of burning; burning of pasture, bush or savanna on fire; burn feu, incendie, action de brUler(Z); feu de piiturage(I), brousse ou savane en feu(Z); brUlure(Z) sumeede v.pv D to be burned etre brUle

SUMSUMKO sumsumko (ko) / sumsumkooji (tfi) CZ'f CZ(BF,G,M) [suusunko]

moustache moustache

SUNA suoa? n. I cf.:[gawri] short season variety of millet variete hative de mil



suooa (0) / sunnaaji (tfi)

Zb Z{FJ,M) [alaada,


custom, tradition; sacrifice, ritual; initiation; customary law coutume, tradition; sacrifice, rituel; initiation; droit coutumier




sunndude v.av DZ to treat a sick child; to give care to, heal a baby traiter un enfant malade(D); soigner, guerir un bebe(Z)


suraati (0) Z (BF,M) [suurawol] sura (chapter of the Koran); text sur ate (chapitre de Coran); texte

SURBAAJO surba n. 0 young girl jeune fille surbaajo (0) Dez CZ(N) [dewel]:C [mboomri] age of puberty; nubile girl, young woman age de la puberte(D); jeune fille nubile, jeune femme (CZ)

SUNCsuocude v.av Z to surpass sb slightly in sth surpasser legerement qqn en qqch

SUNERE suoere (nde) / suiieeje (ae) Z container or basket (of palm leaves and fibers) recipient ou panier (en feuilles et fibres de palmier)

surbaajo (Z(N}): young man who is old enough to marry ; jeune homme nubile

SUR'Bsumaade v.mv Z to eat or drink little manger ou boire peu

SUppcuppol (ngol) 0 straight path chemin droit suppaade v.mv DZ to go straight, head towards [faade); to stick in, sink into aller tout droit(D), se diriger vers(Z) [faade); se ficher, s'enfoncer (Z) suppude v.av Z to stick in, prick; to eat couscous with one's hand ficher, piquer; manger Ie couscous a la main

SURGI surgi n. (Sanankoua, 1990) (Hist.) tax paid by a dimaajo to the owner of land he cultivated if this was not the land of his owner or the state impot paye par un dimaajo au proprietaire de la terre qu'il cultivait si celle-ci n'etait pas la terre de son maitre ou de l'etat

SURWAL surwal n. (Sanankoua, 1990) type of pants that do not go below the ankles espece de pantalon qui ne depasse pas les chevilles

SUR- (1) suraade v.mv Z to save o.s. se sauver surode v.av DZ to intervene in a disagreement, reconcile; to beseech intervenir dans un differend, reconcilier(D); supplier(Z)

SUSsusude v.av CZG CZ{-) to inhale, sniff, smell (animals) humer, renifler, flairer (animaux(CZ»



sutura (0) / suturaaji (ai) clothes vetements

SUR-T-IN- (2) surtinde v.av+2exts ZT Z(-) to steam (cook); to evaporate [suurtude) preparer a la vapeur(Z); evaporer(T) [suurtude) surtinirde (nde) 0 [simtinirde] [Iaccorde, i'lintiire,


SUTURA (2) sutura n. DZ Z(FJ,M) act of hiding the bad side of sb or sth; modesty, discretion; hidden spot fait de cacher Ie mauvais cote de qqn ou de qqch(D); pudeur, discretion (Z); endroit cache(Z)


pot with holes in it used for cooking couscous passoire, marmite trouee servant a la cuisson du couscous

SUTURA (3) sutura, suturaare V. suut-


reniflement suukude v.av DZ to breathe with the nose congested; to sniff respirer par les narines bouchees(D); renifler(Z)

SUU'S- (1) suu6aade v.mv to suck sucer


SUU'B- (2)


suu6aatu n. D deceptive beauty beaute trompeuse

suuliya (ka) D(Sanankoua, 1990) boubou with large sleeves extending below the knees (like that worn by Seku Amadu) boubou aux larges manches descendant audessous des genoux (comme celui porte par Sekou Amadou)

SUU'S- (3) suu6eede v.pv D to have pimples on the mouth avoir des boutons a la bouche

SUUM- (1)


cuumu n. T [faddo, heppiyere] asphyxia asphyxie suumaade v.mv D to asphyxiate (v.i.); to put O.s. out s'asphyxier; se gener suumude v.av D to asphyxiate (v.t.) asphyxier

cuud'iid'o (0) Z Uinnaaru, jinni, ginnaaru, ginnawol] genie, jinn genie, djinn cuud'ilJkoo6e (lie) F people of the household gens de la maison suudu (ndu) / cuuai (ai) DFCZtHijM CZ(-) house, hut; room; family, lineage maison, case; chambre; famille, lignage (Z)

SUUM-T- (2)

caggal suudu (F): latrine ; latrine suudu-baaba (UM): descendants of the same ancestor, division of a tribe, (lit. father's house) ; ensemble de descendants d'un meme ancetre(M), fraction d'un tribu(I), (lit. maison du pere) suudu henndu (T): inner tube; chambre a air [sammburuyeer] suudu wakilaaoe (T): legislative assembly; assemblee legislative suud'aade v.mv DFZ Z(-) [moggaade]

to hide o.s. se cacher suud'eede v.pv F to be hidden etre cache suud'ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to hide, veil, conceal cacher, voiler, dissimuler

suumtude v.av cz to shave raser

(M,BF,NO) [Iabude, femmbude]

SUUME suume (nge) D white cow vache blanche suume / cuuli (R(A»: white cow with black lips and ears ; vache blanche avec levres et oreilles noires

SUUNDU suundu (ndu) / cuuli (ai)

DcZh C(NO) [(pl.)


jackal chacal


SUUR- (1) suuraade v.mv D to be happy etre heureux suurde v.av DCZ to jump sauter

SUUFsuufude v.av D to make a hem with gaps in it ? faire une couture en ourlets espaces ?

SUUFA suufa, suufaajo (0) / suu/aalie (lie) Z (FJ,FT,M) (Y. soofaajo); close collaborator; vassal (Y. soofaajo); proche collaborateur; vassal

SUUR- (2) suuraare (nde) salvation salut

SUUKsuukaango (ngo) / cuukaali (ai) sniffing




Z (ReI.)


suurude v.av FCZ Z(M,FT) cf.:[suucf-, suut-] to defend, protect, cover, hide prendre la defense de qqn, proteger, couvrir, cacher

sutura (3) (0) Zm protection, defense protection, defense suturaare (M): one who helps sb out of'a difficult position, raises him up in dignity and protects him ; qui tire qqn d'une position difficile, qui Ie releve en dignite et qui Ie protege (M,p.42n.) cf.:[sutura (2)) suutaade v.mv OF

SUUR- (3) cuuram (dam) D milk that one drinks in the evening lait qu'on boit Ie soir suurde v.av D to eat a meal with milk prendre un repas avec lait

to leave the marriage household abandonner Ie domicile conjugal suuteede v.pv 0 to be saved from drowning etre sauve d'une noyade suutude v.av ZM Z(-) [suftude] to raise up, lift up; to go out of; to protect; to toss up elever haut, soulever; sortir de(M); proteger (M); faire sauter en l'air(Z) suwtaango (ngo) Z [suutungo]:Z(FT) flight of a wife leaving her husband; time that a wife spends away from her husband's house fuite de la femme quittant son mari; temps que la femme passe hors de la maison de son man suwtagol (ngol), suwtere (nde) Z manner and reason for which a woman left her husband maniere et raison pour laquelle une femme a quittee son mari

SUUR- (4) cuurki (ki) / cuurkiiji (di)


CZ(FJ,FT,NO,M,BF) [curki]

smoke; steam; fog fumee; vapeur(Z); brouillard(Z)

-Tcuurtam (dam) T vapor vapeur suurtude v.av+ex"t zT Z(OO) [surtinde] to evaporate; to smoke, escape (smoke) evaporer (T); fumer, s'echapper (fumee) (Z) suurtugol (ngol) T evaporation evaporation



suurawol (ngol) / suuraaji (di) Z (G,M) sura (chapter of the Koran); text surate (chapitre de Coran); texte




cuwoogal (ngal) CZ dyepit teinturerie suuwude v.av cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M,FT) to put in water, soak (dyeing); to dye mettre dans l'eau, tremper (teinture); teindre

cuusal (ngal) oz Z(FT,M) bravery, courage, valor bravoure(D), courage(Z), vaillance(Z) cuuso (0) / suus6e (6e) OZH Z(M,OO} [cuuycfo]:Z(FT,M} [(pl.)suybe]:H

person who is brave, courageous, valiant qui est brave, courageux, vaillant suusude v.av DFCZ C(FJ,FT,M,BF},Z(FJ,FT,M,BF,A}

SUUY-Nsuuynude v.av+ext Z to encourage; to launch or set against sb (e.g. a dog) encourager; lancer contre qqn (p.ex. un chien)

[suyde, waamtude (1)]

to be brave, courageous, rash, audacious, to dare etre brave, courageux, temeraire, audacieux, oser

SUWT- suwtaangol; suwtagol, suwtere V. suut-

suusude reedu (Z): to dare ; oser

SUUSUNKO suusunko (ko) /



suyde v.av H to be brave etre brave

(di) - var.- sumsumko CZ (FJ,M,NE}


[suusude, waamtude (1)]


TA ta, taa V. wota(a) TA'ADta'adude v.av CZ (M,BF) to circumcise, initiate circoncire, initier(Z)


taadude v.av DZ [taakinaade] to be slow, be late, walk slowly etre lent(DZ), retarder(D), marcher lent(Z) taadugol (ngol) Z slow walk; slowness marche lente; lenteur



taabal (ngal,o) / taabe (de), taabi, taabalaaji (di) DFCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF) table table

a pas

TAAFtaafdo (0) T [tuunmcfo, kappucfo] accuser accusateur taafude v.av T [tuumde, eooaade, happude] to accuse accuser

taabal e joodorgal (Scol.)(f): desk and seat; table-bane

TAABtaa6aade v.mv DZ to walk, step; to mark out; to step over or across marcher, faire un pas(Z); jalonner(D); enjamber(D) taa6ande (nde) / taaoande (de) Z [takande] step pas

TAAGU taagu fl. D signs signes

T AAJIRI taajiri TAAK- (1)

TAADtaadaade v.mv CZ (G,A,M,BF) [taadude] to put around o.s., put on a belt; to equip o.s., make weapons, prepare o.s. se ceindre, se ceinturer(C), s'equiper(Z), faire des armements(Z), se preparer(Z) taadamaare (nde) / taadamaaje (de) DZ pagne; woman's loincloth pagne(D); cache-sexe de femme(Z) taadeede v.pv Z to undergo circumcision subir la circoncision taadoowo (0) / taadoooe (oe) Z man who performs the circumcision homme qui execute la circoncision taadude v.av CZ CZ( +) [ta'adude] to cause to undergo circumcision, circumcise; to put around (v.t.); (V. taadaade) faire subir la circoncision(Z), circoncire(C); ceindre(Z); (V. taadaade)(Z)

taakaade v.mv to ring retentir

V. tij- (2)


TAAK-IN- (2) taakinaade v.mv +ex-t D [taacfude] to walk slowly, be slow, slow down marcher lentement, etre lent, ralentir

T AAKALLEMME taakallemme var.takkalemme; V. takk- D

TAALtaalaade v.mv Z to tell or relate a story conter, raconter taalol (flgol) / taali (di) DFCZHY tale; story; fable conte; recit; fable taalude v.av FCz C(-),Z(FJ) to tell or relate a story conter, raconter

-ORtaadordi (di) Zm ceremony of circumcision ceremonie de circoncision




taalibbo, taaliibo, taalibo (0) / taaliioe, taalibaaoe, taaliooe (oe) DFZY Z(FJ,M) student, Koranic student, disciple eleve, etudiant, eleve du Cor an, disciple 327

taalibel (ngel) dim.- taalibbo


taarol (ngol) / taan (di) CZ (BF,G,M) coil rouleau taarude v.av FCZ CZ(-) to encircle, wind around; to twist (v.t.) entourer, ceindre; tordre(CZ) targol (ngol) D [tiibal, mbed'u, taarde] circle cercle

(Seydou, 1981)


taamaade v.mv DZb to do one's ablutions without water (with sand) faire ses ablutions sans eau (avec du sable)

TAAMA taama, tama, tamma adv. FCZH C(NO),Z(NO,M) [ana moyya, ana laatoo, nde go'o, yaama] cf.:[taw-] maybe peut-etre

-ANtaaranaraaji ? (di) (Cisse, 1982) animals without herders grazing in the immediate vicinity of the village betes sans bergers paturant dans les environs immediats du village taarancaraaji ? (di) (Wilson, 1986) medium sized flock of sheep which graze untended in the vicinity of the village troupeau de grandeur moyen de moutons qui paissent sans berger aux alentours du village

TAAMAAWU taamaawu, taamawu (ngu) DZP fish, large silurid - Heterobranchus bidorsalis poisson, grosse silure - Heterobranchus bidorsalis



taamakuru (0)

zL Z(FT) [taamake]:Z(FT) [koyd'aajo] (Mil. Hist)

foot soldier fantassin



taamu (0) / taamuuji (di)

taarorde (nde) / taarorde (de) Fz Z(-) bathroom, shower (F); circle, sth laid out in a circle w.c., douche, douchiere; cercle, ce qui est dispose en cercle (Z)



special kapok for flint, touchwood, wad of kapok kapok special pour silex(D), amadou(Z), bourre de kapok(Z)

-Ttaartude v.av+ext to unwind derouler

TAANEERE taaneere (nde) dZ [tannde] anvil enclume (de forge)




taara (0) /taaraaoe (oe) CZb C(FT,M),Z(+) (V. taaraajo); concubine(C), person cohabiting with another (V. taaraajo)(Z); concubine(CZ), personne vivant en concubinage avec une autre(Z) taaraajo (0) / taaraaoe (oe) CZ (FJ,M) wife who was born in servitude; least favorite wife (in a polygamous marriage) epouse de naissance servile; femme la moins pre£eree (dans Ie mariage polygame)(Z)

TAANIRAADO taana, taani (0) FZH Z(-) grandchild (term of address) petit-fils, petite-fille (titre) taaniraacfo (0) / taaniraaoe (oe)

DFCZ CZ(FT,M) [taaniraawo]:Z(FJ,NE) cf.:[maamiraad'o, njaatiraad'o]

grandchild(F); great-grandchild petit-fils, petite-fille(Z); arriere petit-fils, arriere petite-fille (DCZ)



taaraade v.mv FCZ CZ(-) to be encircled(F); to twist, roll up (v.i.) etre entoure; se tordre, s'enrouler (CZ) taarde (nde) / taarde (de) Fez CZ(G,A) [mbed'u,

taari (ndi) / tahe (de)


cf.:[mana, d'aecere, foole]

rubber, latex; wax; gum(C) caoutchouc, latex(Z); cire; gomme(C)

targol, tiibal]


circle cercle


taariiki, taariik (0) ZT history, chronicle histoire, chronique(Z) 328


effect effet


taasa (o,ka) / taasaaji (di)


tabe gulnooje (T): caloric effect; effet calorifique [badal gulnowal]


dish, bowl, shallow bowl; cup; small calabash in the form of a spoon assiette, tasse(Afr.), bol, ecuelle, jatte; tasse(Z); petite calebasse en forme de cuillere(I)

-IN-Ttabintinde v.av+2en ZT to make real, put in concrete form rendre reel(Z), concretiser(T)

tassa (I): great famine of 1923 (the halVest was disastrous and grain became so rare that it was sold in the small measures usually used for milk) ; grande famine de 1923 ('Ia recolte fut desastreuse et les cereales si rares qu'on les vendait dans les petites mesures utilisees habituellement pour Ie lait' (Gallais, 1967, p. 164)) taasawal (ngal) / taasaaje (de) Zq

dish, enamel bowl tasse taasawo (0) / taasaaje (de), taasaaji (di) taasa FCz C(BF,M,G,A),Z(BF,G,A)

-ITtabital (nga/) / tabite (de) Z reality realite tabitidde v.av+en. Z (-) to be true etre vrai, veridique ko tabiti (Math.)(T): real; roncret



-Dtaasd"idde v.av+en Fz to be polished, shiny etre poli, brillant


C(M,BF),Z(FJ,M,BF) [taba, sira, simme]

TABAAWO tabaawo n. bud bourgeon

TAASAADE taasaade, taasannde (nde) DZ flint ?; lighter fer de silex(D); briquet(Z)


taba (0) CZ tobacco tabac



TABALE tabale (0) / tabaleeje (de)


Z [tabalde, taballe]:S


taataade v.mv Z (-) to slide glisser taatude v.av Z (-) to be slippery; to be smooth etre glissant; etre lisse

large drum of a chief; (Hist.) war drum grand tambour de chef; (Hist.) tambour de guerre

TABB- (1) tafifiaade v.mv Z to bring up the roots of a lotus or water lily monter des racines de lotus ou de nenuphar tafifiere (nde) / ta66e (de) DZo Z(-) cf.:[ndaayri] fruit of the water lily; tubercule or root of the lotus or water lily fruit de nenuphar(D); tubercule ou racine de lotus ou de nenuphar(Z)

-IRtaatirgal (nga/) Z sliding on the riverbank (type of game) glissade sur la rive (espece de jeu)

TAAYtaayde v.av CZT CZ(FJ,M,NO,BF) to melt (v.i.) fondre (v.i.) taayo n. T [haayo] melting; melting of ice fonte; fonte de la glace

TABB-IT- (2) tafifiitaade v.mv+en to catch on the fly attraper au vol


TACC- (1?) taccude var.- tayude



tabaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to do regularly, get used to, do sth all the time faire regulierement, s'habituer A, faire qqch tout Ie temps tabe n. T

TACC- (2?) taccude v.av FCZ to cross, traverse traverser, passer





pIier; enrouler(Z)

tafude v.av OZV Z(-) to forge; to machine ? forger; usiner(Z)

-ORtaggorgal (ngal) 0 roll rouleau

TAFARAARE tafaraare (nde) 0 hobble or fetter for cattle entrave de vache

TAFASKE tafaske n. Tabaski Tabaski

TAKANDE takande (nde) 0 step pas

AI ZE Z(-) [Ouulde) layya]

TAKARtakareede v.pv( +ext?) 0 to be well braided etre bien tresse

TAFO tafo FZ [tafon] not yet (with neg. v.) pas encore (avec v. neg.)

TAKKtakkaade v.mv OFCZ CZ(-) to approach?; to be stuck to, coupled with(F); (V. takkude); to be sticky s'approcher deeD); etre colle a, accouple avec?; (V. takkude)(Z); etre collant(Z) takkalemme (0) / takkelemoe (oe) dF

mi yahaali tafo (F): I haven't gone yet; je ne suis pas encore aile

tafon FZH at first, first of all d'abord, tout d'abord



[taakaliemme]:O cf.:[koddiido]


neighbor voisin Takko, Takkoojo PN O(BA et name of the fifth daughter prenom de la cinqieme fille

tafsiiru (0) zru Z(-),R(A) exegesis, commentary (esp. on the Koran) exegese, commentaire (surtout du Coran) tafsirde v.av cT C(FJ,FT) [faccirde] to comment commenter

Takko (Z(-»: name of the fourth daughter; prenom de la quatrieme fille

takkude v.av to stick coller

TAGtagaade v.mv Z to be full of good sense etre plein de bon sens tagaado (0) / tagaaoe (oe)


-IRtakkirdam (dam) glue colle

FCZ CZ(-) [aadamanke, bii-Aadama, neddo, remme, tagaado, tomotte]

human being etre humain tageefo (ngo) OZ Z(-) world; humanity monde(D); humanite(Z) tagu (ngu) / taguuji (di) CZ

Kesteloot, 1969)

T [dakkirdam]

-ONDIRtakkondiral (ngal) T juxtaposition juxtaposition takkondirde v.av+ext T to juxtapose juxtaposer

CZ(M,BF) [alhaali (2),

needi, riaa]

character, behavior caractere, fa\;on de se com porter tagude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to create (God) creer (Dieu)

TAKKI takki (ki) Z species of bush whose leaves have curative properties espece d'arbuste dont les feuiIIes ont des proprietes curatives

TAGGtaggude v.av OZ Z(-) to fold; to roll up


[haayaade]; se tourner(CZ)

takko (ko) Z leaves of the takki bush feuilles de l'arbuste takki

-INtallinde v.av + ext M to cause to roll in the sand or dust (horse) faire rouler dans Ie sable ou la poussiere (cheval)

TAKKITOL takkitol (ngol) 0 response reponse




talla (0) / tal/aaji (ai) DZ Z(-) leather pillow, cushion made of embroidered leather oreiller en cuir(D), coussin en cuir brod6(Z)

takkumaare (nde) / takkumaaje (ae)

Z (M,DO) [fiek(y)uure, I)eccirde, I)eccuure, kutufaniire]

spur eperon



talli (ai) 0 cf.:[talaare) fish of the rains ? poissons de pluie

talaare (nde) DZP fish - Citharinus spp. poisson - Citharinus spp.(P)

TALATAARE talataare / talata Tuesday mardi





taltaldi (ai) reins renes

DFcz [talaata):CZ



tamannde (nde) / tamanae (ae) DZ Z(-) handful poignee tamde v.av DZ Z(DO,M) to take in one's hand, grasp; to close one's hand or hold in a closed hand prendre dans la main, empoigner(D); fermer la main ou tenir dans la main fermee(Z) tamre (nde) / tame (ae) DCZm CZ(BF,G,M) fist; handful; ball poing; poignee; boule

talka, talkaajo (0) / talkaa6e (6e)

DCZ(B§ et Kesteloot, 1969) C(M,BF,NO),Z(M,BF,FT,NO) [talko):Z [baasdo, baaydo, miskiino, meskino)

poor person; subject pauvre; sujet(Z) talkude v.av F to be poor etre pauvre

-IDtalkid'idde v.av+ext Z (M,DO) to be or become poor etre ou devenir pauvre

tamre nebam (M): lump of butter molded between the fingers; (fig.) a person who has never worked and who would collapse under the effect of fatigue as butter under the effect of heat ; 'boule de beurre moulee entre les doigts'; (fig.) 'une personne qui n'a jamais travaille et qui s'effondrerait sous I'effet de la fatigue comme Ie beurre sous I'effet de la chaleur' (M, p.127n.)

TALKURU talkuru (ndu) / talki (ai)

Dz [taltalol/taltali):Z(-)



gris-gris(F), talisman, amulet; letter(C) [6ataaki]; page; sth written on paper(F) gris-gris(D), talisman(DZ), amulette(Z); lettre(DC); feuillet(Z); ecrit(Z)

(+ HUUR-?) Tambura? PN I Tamboura - family name (of descendants of maccu6e mercenaries of the Ar6e) Tamboura - nom de famille (des descendants des maccu6e, mercenaires des Ar6e)

talkuru egginol (ScoI.)(1): certificate of transfer; certificat de transfert talkuru tabitol (Scol. )(1): certificate of attendance ; certificat de frequentation

(I): Tamboura comes from tam, 'take,' and ~, 'close your ears' - the Ardu6e did not want to hear complaints brought about by the pillaging of their shock troops ; 'Tamboura viendrait de tam, "prend" et oura, "ferme les oreilles" ; les Ardube ne voulaient pas entendre les reclamations suscitees par les pillages de leur troupe de choc.' (Gallais, 1967:130)

TALLtallude v.av DCZ C(-),Z( +) to roll (on the ground); to roll up; to wrap; to break a horse [haayaade]; to turn (o.s.) rouler(DC)(sur Ie sol)(Z); enrouler(D); emballer(D); dresser un cheval(Z)

TAMA tama var.- taama 331





tan adv. DFCZH CZ(-) only; just seulement, seul; juste

tamaati (0) / tamaatiiji (di) F tomato tomate




tamaroore (nde) / tamarooje (de)

tankere (nde) D(Blonde et ai, 1988) large fritter ? grosse tartine (Afr.?) (beignet?) tankude v.av D(Blonde et ai, 1988) to take large fritters ? prendre de grosses tartines (Afr.?) (beignets?)


Z(FJ,M,BF) [tamoro]:D

date datte tamaroowi, tamoroowi (Id) / tamarooje, tamorooje (de) CZA CZ(-) [tamorohi]:CZ(M,BF) tree, date palm - Phoenix dactylifera arbre, palmier dattier - Phoenix dactylifera

TAME tame var.- teme TAMIIDO

TANKA tanka (0) / tankaaji (di) centime centime



tamihfo (0) T conservative conservateur


tankoowi (ki) D species of tree espece d'arbre


tamma (0) / tammaaji (di)


DZ [tammaaru


tannde (nde) D [taaneere] anvil enclume (de forge)

one franc piece piece de 1 franc

TAMMA (2) tamma var.- taama TAMMBtammbaade, tambaade v.mv


tanneere (nde) / tanneeje (de)

wild date, fruit of tanni datte sauvage, fruit du tanni tanni, tanne (ki) / tanne, tanneeje (de)

to support with one's hand, hold or carryon one's hand; to support soutenir par la main(D), tenir ou porter sur la main(Z); soutenir(CZ), appuyer(Z)


CZ( +) [mur(o)tooki]

tree, desert date - Balanites aegyptiaca arbre, dattier sauvage, dattier du desert Balanites aegyptiaca



TANN-ORtaiiiiorde v.av+ext to be certain avoir la certitude


to be tired, be very tired etre fatigue, etre tres fatigue(Z)

D [tayorde]

TANNU taiiiiu (0) Z despair desespoir

-INtampinde v.av+ext FZ to tire out, wear out fatiguer, lasser

CZ (-)



tampere (nde) / tampereeji (di) DFCZ fatigue, tiredness fatigue tampude v.av DFCZb C(FT,M,BF,NO),



CZ(FJ,M,BF,NO) [temmbaade]


DZ Z(-)


TAPPtappude v.av to hit frapper

-ITtampitidde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(BF,NO,M) to rest, recover from being tired prendre de repos, reprendre ses forces

TAPPA tappa n. D gamebag


DFCZ CZ(-) [fiy(u)de]



TAPPATARSINDA tappatarsinda n.(cpd?) perilous jump saut perilleux

TASSA tassa var.- taasa TATA Man,Ser,Wol ?

G cf.:[tapp-, tars-in-]

tata (o,ka) / tataaji (ai) ZbMq Z(FJ,FT,M) (Hist.) enclosure (fortified), wall (high and thick), rampart (esp. surrounding a village); entrenchment, fortification enceinte (fortifiee), epaisse muraille, rem part (surtout entourant un village); retranchement, fortification (Z)

TARtarde v.av 0 to plaster, slip, smooth crepir, glisser, lisser

TAR-T- (2?)


tartude debbo v.av+ett Z (M,OO) cf.:[taar-t-] to strip a woman of her clothes depouiller une femme deses vetements

tata6- (+sut) adj. FCZ CZ(-) third troisieme tata6ere n. FZ Z(-) one-third un tiers tati n. OFCZH CZ(-) three trois tatiiri Maasina (ndi) EM dish made from the best rice of Masina, the best fish and fresh butter mets prepare avec Ie meilleur riz du Massina, Ie meilleur poisson et du beurre frais (eM) tato, taton adj OF three (people) trois (personnes)

TARFtarfude v.av to lie mentir

0 [fen (u)de]

TARGOL targol V. taarTARI tari n. 0 game jeu

TARO taro n. T cf.:[tippaade taro] shot (shot put) poids (a lancer)

TAROL tarot (ngo/) path, road chemin


TAW0 [laawol]

tawa F it so happens that il se trouve que tawaade v.mv FZ Z(-) to happen, occur arriver, se passer, avoir lieu tawan CZ CZ(M,BF) perhaps, maybe peut-etre tawde v.av OFZh Z(-) to fmd; to get(F); to encounter(F), run into trouver; obtenir; rencontrer, tomber sur (Z) tawe, tawete CZH [ana moyya, ana laatoo, maa-taw,

TARS-INtarsinaade v.mv+ett 0 to try hard, endeavor s'efforcer

TAStasaade v.mv 0 to sink down, fall se laisser choir, tomber

TASKtaskaade v.mv OZ Z(-) [taykaade] to observe, consider, look at, examine observer(D), considerer(D), regarder(Z), examiner(Z)

nde 90'0, ta(a)ma, yaama]

maybe, perhaps peut-etre taweede v.pv OZ Z(-) to find o.s.; to be found se trouver; etre trouve(Z)

-ITtaskitaade v.mv+ext FZ Z(-) [taykitaade] to examine(F), examine attentively; to reflect examiner, examiner attentivement(Z);


paragraphe(T) [garda]; vague(T) [wempeyere]; circonscription(T); (Scol.) cycle(T)

tawi FeZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) [Iaatii] it so happened that il advint que; alors que tawte adv. CZ (M,BF,NO) maybe, perhaps peut-etre

TAYRI tayri n. 0 rupture rupture

-Dtawdeede v.pv+ext ZH Z(-) to have on o.s.; to participate together in, collaborate with sb avoir sur soi; participer ensemble a, collaborer avec qqn (Z)

TAYtay-aade v.mv 0 to be in good form, slender etre en forme, svelte tay-ikooy-ol, tay-u-kooy-e n. OZ


breakfast petit dejeuner tay-oowo (0) 0 person who cuts coupeur tay-ude, tay-y-ude v.av OFCZh CZ( +) [taeeude] to cut(FC); to break off, break, shatter; to pay one's dues couper(DC); (se) rompre, (se) casser, (se) briser (Z); payer sa cotisation (Z)

tawrude v.av+ext OZ Z(-) to find on o.s., find some place; to find a certain way?; to catch red-handed trouver sur soi(D), trouver quelque part(Z); trouver comment(Z); prendre en flagrant delit(Z)

-T-ORtawtoreede v.pv+ext FZ Z(-) to be discovered, found out(F); to be caught red handed (again) etre decouvert; etre pris (de nouveau) en flagrant delit(Z)

tayude kooyol (F): to eat breakfast ; prendre Ie petit dejeuner [fummude] tay-y-e, tay-e (de) OZ

dues cotisation( s)

TAWAANGAL tawaangal (nga/) OZ cf.:[taw-] [alaada, sunna] that which is hereditary, ancestral; morals, custom, tradition (ce qui est) hereditaire, ancestral(D); moeurs, coutume, tradition (Z)

TAYORtay-oral (nga/) / tayore (de) certainty certitude absolue tay-orde v.av OF to be sure, certain etre sur, certain

TAYAWOL tayawol (ngol) 0 deep spot partie profond

tay-orma n. 0 cf.:[tay-] deception; breaking of one's word [tayurma] deception; rupture de parole [tayurma]

0 [taskaade]

TAYURMA tay-urma n. 0 [tayorma] breaking of one's word rupture de parole

-ITtayldtaade v.mv +ext Z [taskitaade] to examine closely; to reflect examiner attentivement; reflechir

TAYY- tay-y-e; tay-y-ude V. tayTEB-

TAYRE tayre (nde) / taye (de)



TAYKtaykaade v.mv to observe observer


[pummaari] cf.:[tayude kooyol]


teliude v.av OCZ CZ(FJ,M) to pick; to cut in small pieces cueillir; couper en petits morceaux(D)

[tayre]:O cf.:[tay-]

piece; passage, article, paragraph [garda]; wave [wempeyere]; district; (Scol.) academic cycle morceau, piece; passage(Z), article(T), 334



te6tude v.av+ext Z to pick cueillir

teedaade v.mv 0 to mistrust se metier de



te6aare (nde) 0 small piece petit morceau

teefe n. 0 small cushion of the saddle coussinet de selle



te66aade v.mv DeZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) to catch, seize; to catch a small stone tossed in the air capturer, saisir (D); attraper au vol une petite pierre(Z) te66e (ae) Z game played with small stones jeu aux petites pierres

teelal (ngal) 0 solitude solitude teelde v.av OZ Z(FT,M) to isolate o.s., be solitary; to be single, unique; to be deserted s'isoler, etre solitaire; etre seul, unique(Z); etre deserte (z)



te6oowo n. T herbivore herbivore

teelnude v.av+ext ZT Z(-) to isolate (sb); to cause to be deserted isoler (qn); rendre desert(Z) teelnugol (ngol) T isolation isolement

TEBTEBEL te6tebel (ngel) / teliteboy (koy) Z cartilage cartilage




teeltude v.av+ext OZ to isolate o.s., separate o.s from s'isoler, se detacher

teddeefi n. T density [tekkeendi, cukkeeki); that which is heavy [ko teddi) densite [tekkeendi, cukkeeki); (ce qui est) lourd [ko teddi) teddeendi (ndi) / teddeele (ae), teddeeli (ai)

TEELAKAAWI teelakaawi (ki) 0 dagger poignard

FZT Z(-)

weight; importance,influence,authority; density poids; importance, influence, autorite; densite(T) teddude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to be heavy; to be important etre lourd; etre important

TEELOODE teeloode (nde) Z spot from which hair has fallen; baldness plaque de pelade; calvitie



teemedere (nde) / temedde, temeaae (ae)

ko teddi (1): heavy; lourd [teddeefi)

OFCZTbHy CZ( +) [temmeere, hemre alsilaamaj

teddungol (ngol) / teddule (ae) FZ Z(-) honor, respect, esteem [faayda); heaviness honneur, respect, consideration [faayda); 10urdeur(Z)

hundred cent (buuoi) teemedere (f): 500 F CFA



teen, tenn ideoph. Z

teddinde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) to make heavy; to honor, treat with respect [faaydude] alourdir, rendre lourd; honorer, traiter avec consideration [faaydude)

waoude teen (Z): to be silent; se taire [deyyinaade)



TEENteenude v.av DCZM CZ(-) to go to cut wood; to look for, gather dead wood (C); to pick up aller couper du bois(D); chercher, ramasser du bois mort (eM); ramasser(Z)

teewu, teew (ngu,o) / teewuuji, teewuuli (di) FCZ CZ{ +) [tew(u)] [(pl.) tebbeeli, tebbi]:Z

meat; flesh; game viande; chair; gibier



tefoowo (0) / tefo06e (6e) Z researcher, person who looks for chercheur tefude v.av Fh H(SH) [tewtude, ndaarude] to search for, look for chercher, rechercher

teenoyde v.av+en 0 to go to look for wood aller chercher du bois

TEENENGU Teenengu PN FM cf:[teen-, neengu] Tenenku (town in Masina) Tenenkou (ville au Massina)

TEFAARE (1) tefaare (nde) 0 rope for tying up corde pour attacher

TEEI)teeQude v.av 0 to be resistant, solid etre resistant, solide

TEFAARE (2) tefaare (nde) / tefaaje (nde) CZ boulder rocher

TEERteerude, teerde v.av Z to break loose from hobbles (horse) se defaire d'entraves (cheval)

TEFEEWA tefeewa (nga), tefeere (nde) DZ ef.:[ndakiiri, mbabba]


female donkey anesse

teera, teere n. DeZH C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) cf.:[ilaango, ilam)


current of water, stream of water, wave; rapid (of a river) courant d'eau, til d'eau, vague; rapide (d'une riviere)

tefeewu (ngu) DZ [njarlu] [tefewu]:C(NO,BF) ef.: [pueeu J mare jument



teesindaade v.mv+2~ts 0 to install o.s. in royal fashion s'installer royalement

tegalel n. 0 Tuareg drum tambour des touaregs



teetaade v.mv CZ (FJ,M,BF,G,A) to run away, flee; to be picked, pulled out s'enfuir; etre cueilli, arrache teetude v.av DeZ C(FJ,BF,NO,G,A),Z(FJ,M,BF,G,A) to remove, snatch sth from sb, take by force, pillage retirer, arracher qch a qn, prendre de force, piller

teketol (ngol) / tekette (de), teketti, teketi (di) DCZHYo [kuddedeedi] cf.:[sewgol]

intestine; (pl.) entrails intestin; (pl.) entrailles

TEKKtekkal n. T (Sei.) [tiidal, jooral, mbaaka joordum] solid state etat solide tekkeefi n. T [tekkeendi] thickness epaisseur tekkeendi (ndi) / tekkeele (de) ZT Z(-) [eukkeeki,

TEETOONDE teetoonde (nde) 0 tuft of hair on the head touffe de cheveux sur la tete

teddeefi, teddeendi, tekkeefi]

density; thickness


densite; epaisseur(Z) tekkere (nde) / tekke (ae)

TELEWEL DCZ(Blonde et ai, 1988)

telewel (ngel) D young Fulani jeune Peul


cushion, head pad (which one carrying a load places between his/her head and the load); roll coussinet ou chiffon roule (que Ie porteur place entre la tete et la charge); rouleau(Z) tekkude v.av DFCZ C( +),Z(FJ,FT,M,BF,NO,G,A) to roll up; to make hard; to be thick(F), thicken; to be profound(F); to be dense(F); to be weighty(F); to become large; to be stout, sturdy enrouler(DZ); endurcir(D); etre epais(CZ), epaissir(Z); etre profond; etre dense; etre pesant; grossir(Z); etre gros, robuste( cZ) tekkud'um (aum) T [tiiddum, joordum] sth solid qch de solide

TELLtellaade v.mv to get down descendre

TELNteliiude v.av D to dazzle, bedazzle eblouir

TEMBA temba, temmba (mba,ka) / tenai (ai) louse, head louse pou(DH), pou de tete(Z)

TEMBILtembilaade v.mv D to be bare chested etre torse nu


tembid"ude (Z(DO»): to be bare; etre nu



tekkinam, tekkinan (aam) T concentrate concentre

tembu D at once de suite

tekkinam kosam (T): condensed milk; lait concentre


tekkinde v.av+ext z (-) to make thick; to reinforce rendre epais; renforcer tekkingol (ngol) V. tekkiagol T

teme (0) SIeve tamis

Fr DZ [tame 1


TEKO teko (ngo,o) / tekooji (ai) whooping cough coqueluche


Z(FT,M) [tel)ga, tennga, tenngu]

-IDtekkid'gol (ngol) T condensation condensation


temere (nde) / teme, temeeje (ae) ulcer ulcere

DZ Z(-)


TEMMB- temmbaade var.- tammbaade

TELtelaade v.mv F [tilaade] to be completed, fmished, achieved etre complete, fini, acheve

TEMMEERE temmeere var.- teemedere TEMOOWU temoowu (ngu) P fish - Alestes dentex sethente poisson - Alestes dentex sethente

TELE tele n. D kind of children's game sorte de jeu d'enfants

TEMUURE lemuure (nde) D half of a pirogue moitie de pirogue

(Ba, 1985 (1')): A game a little like golf, which is played by two teams. One hits a ball with a stick to make it arrive, not at a hole, but a goal. Each team tries to keep the other from making points. ; '(Un) jeu un peu semblable au golf, qui se joue a deux equipes. On frappe une balle avec un baton pour lui faire atteindre non un trou, mais un but. Chaque equipe essaie d'empecher I'autre de marquer des points.' (Ba, 1985, p. 91)





TENtenngu (ngu), tennga, teQga (nga) / tendi (di)

teugere (nde) D type of dance of hunters espece de dause des chasseurs

DCz [tern (rn)ba]

louse, head louse pou, pou de tete tennude v.av( +ext?) to look for lice chercher les poux



teppeere, teppere (nde) / teppe, teppee/e (de) DCz C(-),Z(FJ)

heel; load of wool talon; charge de laine(D) teppol (ngo/) / teppi (di) DzM Z(FT) lasso used by herders lasso dont se servent les bergers teppude v.av DZ Z(-) to tie up with a lasso; to hobble a horse; to stop short; to hinder attacher avec un lassoeD); entraver un cheval(Z); arreter net(Z); empecher(Z) teppuiol (ngol) D action of tying up action d'attacher

-D-INtencCinde v.av+ext to have lice avoir des poux


TENDEERE tendeere (nde) Z [waayeere] cf.:[tenndeere] place for butchering and sale of meat boucherie

TENKtenkere (nde) Do waiting for a meal at someone else's place (by a gourmand, without invitation) attente du repas chez autrui (par un gourmand, sans invitation) tenkude v.av D to wait for a meal at someone else's place attendre Ie repas chez autrui

TENN tenn var.- teen TENNDEERE

-ITteppitaade v.mv+ert to stumble trebucher

Cz C(FT,M),Z(FT) [fergaade]

TEPPERE teppere (nde) D cf.:[tepp-] exodus, expatriation to seek wealth exode, expatriation pour chercher la fortune


tenndeere (nde) D cf.:[tendeerej shelter, place of meeting, location of a grill hangar, lieu de reunion, de grillade

TERAKADE terakade n.

cf.:[terkaawe] terakade oale (furner, 1989): grey cow j vache gris terakade wode (furner, 1989): brownish-grey cow j vache gris-brun [wune(ewe)]

TENNGAADE tenngaade, tenngaare (nde) / tenngaade (de)



hat of woven straw chapeau de paille tresse

tereba (mba) / terebi (di) Z red antelope antilope rouge



tenuaade v.mv D to drive animals a long time without rest conduire les animaux longtemps sans repos tenngo n. D several days without rest plusieurs jours sans repos

tergal (nga/) / terde (de) DFcZ CZ(+) limb; (pl.) body [6anndu] membre du corps; (pl.) corps [6anndu]

TERKAAWE terkaawe (nge) D spotted cow vache tachetee

TENI)EERE tenueere (nde) D prominent forehead front bombe


terkaawe oaleewe (D): cow with black spots j vache avec taches fermees tirant sur Ie noir terkaawe wod'e (D): cow with small red and white spots j vache aux taches fines, rouges et blanches



tewtude v.av DFZH [tefude, tewde, ndaartude] to search for, look for; to want (to), attempt rechercher, chercher; vouloir, tenter (Z)


termaade v.mv bo to ask for a price demander Ie prix


-ONDIRtermondirde v.av+ext to bargain discuter Ie prix

teyfaajo (0) 0 intermediary in a sale intermediaire de vente




teykaade v.mv F to notice, remark upon remarquer, faire une remarque sur teykeede v.pv F to be noticed etre remarque

terwaade v.mv 0 [puccude] to tie the hind legs attacher les pattes de derriere



tettee-tettee n.? 0 first steps of a child premiers pas d'un enfant

TEW tew, tewu TEWtewde v.av H to look for chercher

TEYMteymaade v.mv 0 to sift tamiser

var.- teew(u) DCH C(M,BF,NO)


[tewtude, tefude, ndaarude]

tibbalde (nde) 0 hillock, mound monticule

TEW- (2?)


tewde v.av V. tewrude F

ti6aro, ti66aro (0) 0 person who is lucky qui a de la chance

-Rtewrude v.av to beg mendier

F [tewde]

TIDDEERE tiddeere (nde) garbage heap tas d'ordures

TEWDA tewda Il. 0 antelope antilope

TIDDthfd"ude v.av Z to empty (e.g. a basket) vider (p.ex. un panier)

TEWJ-INtewjinde v.av+ext 0 to follow its mother (said of a newborn calf) suivre sa mere (se dit d'un veau nouveau-ne)

TIFA tira Il. 0 dome dome

TEWNtewiiaade v.mv Z [dillande] to go to look for sb or sth aller chercher qn ou qch



tiga (0), tigaare (nde) / tigaaje (de)



CZ(FT,M) [gerte, dibon]

peanut, groundnut arachide

tewiiitaare (nde) Z machinations, intrigues menees, intrigues

tigaaje pelnacfe (L): shelled peanuts; arachides decortiquees tigaaje peme (D): roasted peanuts; arachides grillees

TEWTtewtoowo (0) candidate candidat


T [daflfloowo]


tigadege n. FZq peanut-butter pate d'arachide

courageux, perseverant, applique; etre patient tiidnude, tiinnude, tinnude v.av+ext OFCZ Z(-) to make difficult; to do things seriously, make an effort (F); to try hard, strive, persevere (C); to be persevering, diligent rendre difficile(D); faire serieusement, faire un effort; essayer avec perseverence(CZ); etre perseverant, applique (Z) tiinnaare (nde) FZ Z(-) seriousness, perseverance, efforts serieux, perseverance, efforts


(Z(-): dege is a loan word from Wol. ; dege est un emprunt au Wol.)

TIGGtiggaade v.mv 0 to carry one's clothes on the head porter ses habits sur la tete tiggude v.av Cz C(M.BF.G.A).Z(OO) to set up, set in the ground dresser


-T-INtiittinde v.av+2exts FZ Z(-) to make sth difficult(F); to make solid, firm; to take seriously, attach importance to; to make more expensive; to persevere rendre qch difficile(Z); rendre solide, raffermir(Z); prendre au serieux, attacher de l'importance (a) (Z); rendre plus cher(Z); perseverer(Z)

tiggitaade v.mv+ext 0 to look above (sth) regarder par dessus (qch)

TIIBAL tiibal n. circle cercle

0 [targol. taarde. mbedu]



tiidal (ngal) ZT Z(-) hardness, solidity; difficulty; (Sci.) solid state [mbaaka joonfum, tekkal, jooral] durete, solidite(Z); difficulte(Z); (Sci.) etat solide(T) [mbaaka jooroum, tekkal, jooral] tiidalla (0) / tiidaalaaji (di) OF difficulty, problem; expensiveness difficulte, probleme; cherte(D) tiiddum (dum) T Uoordum. tekkudum] sth solid qch de solide tiidude v.av OFCZ CZ( +) to be difficult, hard; to be expensive; to be strong, solid etre difficile, penible; etre cher; etre dur, solide

tiigaade v.mv OCZ CZ(M.BF) to press, cause pressure; (V. tuugaade) appuyer, faire pression (D); (V. tuugaade)(CZ)

TIIMtiimngo (ngo) Z (FT.M) complete operation of divination and prediction operation complete de divination et de prediction tiimude v.av DZ(Seydou. 1987) Z(FT.M) to overhang; to look, look at from above; to examine attentively, attribute importance (to); to foretell the future, practice divination surplomber(D); regarder(D), regarder de haut(Seydou, 1987); examiner attentivement, preter de l'importance (a) (Z); predire l'avenir, pratiquer la divination (Z)

tiioude hoore (tz): to be stubborn; etre entete tiioude junngo (0): to be stingy; etre avare tiidudo (0) / tiiduoe (oe) F

person who is solid; stingy person qui est solide; qui est avare

-Ttiimtaade v.mv+ext Dq [tintaade] to look at o.s. in the mirror se regarder dans un miroir, se mirer

-Ntiidnaade, tiinnaade, tinnaade v.mv + ext


CZ(FT.FT.M.BF.NO) cf.:[hornude]


to make an effort, try hard, strive, persevere; to be serious, conscientious, hard-working, courageous, persevering, diligent; to be patient faire un effort, essayer avec perseverance; etre serieux, consciencieux, travailleur,

tiiode (nde) / tiide (de) FCZH CZ(-) forehead; summit of sth; (adv.) in front, before [yeeso] front; sommet de qch(Z); (adv.) devaot, avant (H) [yeeso] 340

etre fini, acheve; etre epuise; achever

TIINNAADE tiinnaade; tiinnude; tiinnaare V. tiid-n-

TILAY (1) tilay (0) DZ cf.:[til-) last day of appearance of the moon, last day of the lunar month dernier jour de parution de la lune, dernier jour du mois lunaire

TIIRtiirude v.av Z to swell, puff up s'enfler, se tumefier



tiisaade v.mv CZ to press down on appuyer sur

tilay n. DZ [waajibi) sth obligatory; (adv.) absolutely, without fail chose obligatoire(D); (adv.) absolument, sans faute (Z)

TIITOODE tiitoode (nde) D [titeretiinde) tuft of hair on the forehead touffe de cheveux au front


tilfude v.av Db to annoy, bother, indispose embeter, gener, indisposer

TIITTtiittude v.av( +ext?) to be dying agoniser

D [Iaadaade (2»)

TIITTINDE tiittinde V. TIJ- (1)

tilfude (Z(FJ}): to harm, hinder; to lose, ruin; faire du mal, empecher, nuire; perdre, abimer comph~tement


tillude v.av D to finish, terminate finir, terminer

tijaade v.mv D [tijjaade):Z(FT} to hope, expect esperer, s'attendre a

TIJ- (2)


TILStilsmfum (dum) T essential (need) essentiel (besoin) tilsude v.av D to be obligatory etre obligatoire


taajiri (ndi,o) / taajiri'ell (oe) ZT rich man, bourgeois homme riche(Z), bourgeois(T) tijude v.av Zu Oaagaade) to trade commercer




faa timma, faa nde timmi H until finished jusqu'a la fin tim mal (ngal) / timme (de) FZ Z(-) end [timmorde]; death [maayde, yahale]; (V. timmoode) fin [timmorde]; mort(Z) [maayde, yahale]; (V. timmoode)(Z) timmoode (nde) / timmoode, timmooje (de) Z

TIKK- (1) tikkere (lIde) / tikke (de) FCZ C(-},Z(+} anger; sadness colere; tristesse(Z) tikkude v.av DFCZ C(-},Z(FT,M} to be angry, get angry; to renounce; to be sad se fikher, etre £ache, etre en colere; renoncer a(D); etre triste(Z)

(FJ,M,BF) [timmal, timmorde, reere, wattande)

TIKK-IN- (2)

end, ending, completion; limit fin, terminaison, achevement; limite timmude v.av FCZb to be finished, finish; to die; to reach the summit, the limit; to be accomplished etre fini, finir; mourir(Z); atteindre Ie sommet, la limite (Z); s'accomplir(Z)

tikkinaade v.mv+ext CZ (M,BF) [diccaade) to kneel (down), bend at the knees, get on one's knees s'agenouiIler, faire une genuflexion, se mettre a genoux

TILtilaade v.mv FCZ to be finished, achieved; to be used up; to finish


explication(Z); description et qualite decrite(Z); etude(s)(CZ) Dannde]; avis [mijj0] (T) tinndinoowal (ngal) G verb verbe

-INtimminde v.av+ext to finish, complete finir, achever

FZ Z{-)

-IT-IRtimmitirde (nde) T complementary complementaire

TINNDIRGAL tinndirgal (ngal) / tinndirde (de) C [ndaarndorgal, ndaartorgal, timtorgal, tintorgal] cf.: [tinnd-]

-ORtimmorde (nde) end fin

mirror miroir

T [timmal, timmoode]


timmorde haala (T): conclusion (lit. end of talk) ; conclusion (lit. fin de parole)

tinnga n. 0 game jeu

TIMOTIMOONGAL timotiimoongal (ngal) / timotiimoode (de)



(M,G,A) [ciibol-kammu]

rainbow arc-en-del

tinngaade (nde) / tinngaade (de)

z:f Z{-)


hat; pillow chapeau(Y); oreiller(Z)

TIMTORGAL timtorgal (ngal) 0


[ndaarndorgal, ndaartorgal,


tinndirgal, tintorgal]

mirror mlrOlr

tintaade v.mv qY [tiimtaade] to look at o.s. in a mirror se regarder dans un miroir, se mirer

TIN- (1)


tinaade v.mv Z to earn one's profits realiser ses gains tino (ngo) / tinooji (di) ZT earnings, income; profit gain, revenu (Z); benefice(T)

tintorgal (ngal) / tintorde (de)

cz:f C{FJ),Z{FJ,M) [ndaarndorgal, ndaartorgal, timtorgal, tintorgal]

mirror miroir


ittude tino e huunde (Z): to make a profit from sth ; tirer son profit de qch

tintimmaare (nde) / tintimmaaje (de)

Z [yoolde,

duggere, toobere]

TIN-T- (2)

mound, hillock butte

tintode v.av+ext Z to barricade the door with sth barricader la porte avec qch

TII)OBELLEL tilJobellel n. 0 children's game jeu d'enfant

TINNAADE tinnaade; tinnaare; tinnude V. tiid-n- 0



tinndinde, tindinde v.av+ext DFCZ CZ{-) to explain, describe; to give advice(F), warn(F) expliquer(DZ), decrire(DCZ); conseiller(CZ), avertir(Z) tinndingol (ngol) / tinndini (di) F advice avis, conseil tinndinoore (nde) / tinndinooje (de) CZT CZ{-) explanation; description and quality described; study(ies) Dannde]; opinion [mijjo]

tipaade v.mv Z [tippaade]:Z to throw back ? rejeter

TIPPtippaade v.mv DZtL cf.:[tipaade, tippude] to throw; to throw a javelin or a harpoon; to shoot (arrows); to throw back? lancer, jeter; lancer un javelot(Zt) ou un harpon(Z); tirer (des fleches)(Z); rejeter(Z)


tippaade laldugal (D): to toss the weft (done in weaving) ; lancer la trame (tissage) [wed(d)aade laldugal) cf.:[&aldugal, d"aldugal) tippaade taro (T): to put (shot) ; lancer (Ie poids) tippaade waango (T): to throw Gavelin) ; lancer Gavelot)

TO'Btol)o (ngo) / tooooji (di) OFCZH CZ(-) [iiwoonde] cf.:[kammu]

rain pluie tol)ude v.av FCZ C(-),Z(FJ,FT,M) [tobbude]:Z to rain, fall in drops (of rain and of water) pleuvoir, tomber des gouttes (de pluie et d'eau)

tippude v.av C to throw away(C); to throw back jeter; rejeter(C)

TIRE tire n. H mark on the body trace sur Ie corps

TO'B'Btol)l)ere (nde) / toooe (de) OFCzr C(-),Z(+) drop; mark; (pl.) marks on the coat of certain animals; (pl.) suspension points [jowe] goutte; tache; (pl.) taches du pelage de certains aoimaux(Z); (pl.) points de suspension(T) [jowe]

TIRRE tirre (nde) 0 [dawre] avance avarice (Z(FJ,Ff)): courage, audacity; courage, audace

too&e d"ioi (T): colon; deux-points [cinnde) to&&ere e piccal (T): semi-colon ; point virgule too&ere lamndal, too&ere naamdal (T): question mark; point d'interrogation too&ere pelJal, too&ere tontal (T): exclamation mark; point d'exclamation tol)l)ude v.av CZ C(-),Z( +)

TITtitude v.av 0 to envisage, intend to envisager, se proposer de


to pour by drops; to rain [toDude]; to drink milk, feed o.s. on milk; to bribe sb, grease sb's palm verser goutte a goutte; pleuvoir [toDude](Z); boire du lait, se nourrir avec du lait(Z); corrompre qn, graisser la pate a qn (Z)

titaare (nde) 0 stool escabot

TITERETIINDE titeretiinde (nde) 0 [tiitoode] tuft of hair on the forehead touffe de cheveux au front

TOCCtoccude v.av 0 to end, stop finir, arreter

TIWRE tiwre (nde) 0 long path, route chemin, route longue


TOCCOONDE toccoonde (nde) 0 [toggere] hillock, mound monticule


tiyaabu OF term of greeting, blessing; 'thank you'(F) terme de salutations, benedictions(D); 'merci'

TODDtoddande (nde) / toddande (de) Z cf.:[dillere,

aan e tiyaabu (F): thank you, bless you ; merci, sois beni cf.:[aan e baraaji]


nOlse bruit toddude v.av Z [dillude] to make noise faire du bruit

TO hoto inte"og. FCZH C( + ),Z(M,FT,Gam) where


hoto hen (H): where, where is it ; OU, ou est-ce (que) to, too, toon OFCZH CZ(FJ,M,NE,BF)


there, over there; at, in, towards la, la-bas; a, dans, vers

toggel (ngel) / toggoy (koy) - dim.- toggere M



toggere (nde) / togge (ae) FZEIM [toccoonde] hillock, hill, high point of land which remains unfIooded, islet in a basin liable to flooding; grove; the bush, savanna tertre, colline, partie haute d'un terrain qui n'est pas inondee, ilot situe dans une cuvette inondable(I); bosquet(M); brousse, savane (Z)

tollo n. D [fado, shoe chaussure

TOLLURU tolluru (ndu) / tolli (ai)

tuft of hair left on a shaven head houppe de cheveux laissee sur une tete rasee

toggodeewi (ki) M short sword sabre court

TOLNGE tolnge (nge) 0 cow with a broken horn vache a corne cassee

TOGGOORE toggoore (nde) / toggooje (ae)

CZq C(M,N,G,A),


Z(M,N,G,A,BF,NO) [dolokke]:Z

toloo n. T level mveau

boubou; tunic, short shirt(C) boubou(Z); tunique(C) tokara var.- tokora


TOLO tolo (1), tole n. I(Nadio, 1984) Oongi, coggu] pasture fee or tax paid by owners of herds from outside the delta to enter the burgu and collected by the jooro (officially the tolo does not exist) droit de pacage ou taxe de paturage qui est paye par les proprietaires des troupeaux etrangers pour entrer dans Ie burgu et per~u par les jooro (officiallement Ie tolo n' existe pas (Nadio, 1984» tolo (2) n. D(Cisse, 1985)(Seydou, 1981) cf.:Oom

tokkude v.av CZ (FJ,M,G,A) to bind together; to join end to end Ookkude]; to be subordinate to sb, obey attacher ensemble; joindre bout a bout Ookkude]; etre subordonne a qqn, oMir

-IT-INtokkitiode v.av+2exts

D [fusude, hel(u)de,


to smash, break briser, casser


tolo, ruunde (2)]


virgin pasture; grazing area often in an area not suitable for agricultural use (lit. benefit) (Cisse, 1985); high depression which leaves islets covered with grasses as the floods recede paturage vierge(D); paturage qui se trouve (souvent) dans les lieux qui ne conviennent pas a I'agriculture (lit. avantage); haut fond qui a la decrue laisse apparaitre des ilots couverts d'herbe (Seydou, 1981)

tokora, tokara (0) / tokoraa6e, tokaraa6e (6e) DFzb Z(-)

namesake homonyme

TOLtolaade v.mv D to reject, refuse rejeter, refuser


tole var.- tolo (1)

tolkude v.av to destroy detruire

Z (FT,M) [toolooru,





TOLORE tolore (nde) P fish, silurid - Heterobranchus longifilis poisson, silure - Heterobranchus longifilis




Tombo n. I (Hist.) cf.:[Kaado/Haabe] term given to peoples today called Dogon ensemble des peuples aujourd'hui appeles Dogon

tollaade (necfcfo) v.mv Z to seek refuge, shelter with sb chercher un refuge, un abri aupres de qqn



hobbling rope(e) [ton(n)goode] endroit ou on amarre des animaux ou des prisonniers(Z); entrave, corde [ton(n)goode]

tomontaare (nde) 0 universe, creation univers, creation tomonte n. 0 cf.:[tomotte] creature creature tomotte (0) CZ [tomoto]:H(SH)

TONNGI tonngi, tonni n. 0 pulley (of loom ?) poulie (du metier a tisser ?)

[aadamanke, bii-Aadama, neddo, remme, tagaado]

TONNGOL (1) tonngol (ngol) / tonngi (ai)

human being etre humain

TON ton V. TON-T- (1)

one of two small wooden boards which support the dirkol (part of a loom for weaving wool) l'un de deux planchettes en bois qui tiennent Ie dirkol (partie de metier a tisser la laine)

to DCZ CZ(-)

tontaade v.mv+en Z [daraade] to stop, be standing s'arreter, se tenir debout tonteere (nde) / tonteeje (ae) DzT Z(BF) [pengal] stake, stake for tying up a horse; cell piquet(D), piquet d'attache pour cheval(Z); cellule(T) tontude v.av CZ (M,NE,BF) to set up; to drive in, nail dresser; ficher, douer (Z)

TONNGOL (2) tonngol (ngol) T (Math.) formula [toIJIlgol]; (Scot) summary (Math.) formule [toIJIlgol]; (Scol.) resume

TONNGOMMAARE tonngommaare (nde) hillock, mound tertre


tontude v.av+en Z (FJ,M) to slaughter (a cow) and divide up the meat egorger (une vache) et partager la viande

tonngorde (nde) number numero


tonntal n. (Itinerances, 1981) design woven in kaasa blankets (lit. unshackling) dessin tisse dans des couvertures kaasa (lit. desentravement)



lip; side (of a boat); bank (of a watercourse); arrondissement [hu6eere] levre; bord (d'un bateau)(Z); bord (d'un cours d'eau)(Z); arrondissement(T) [hu6eere]

TOI)NGOL tOQngol var.- tonngol (2) TOI)I)UDE tOQQude var.- ton(n)gude




toitiiude v.av Z cf.:[toyyude) to break open (of eggs at the moment of hatching) se casser (se dit des oeufs au moment de l'edosion)

tongoode, tonngoode (nde) / ton(n)gooae (ae) DcZ C(NE,BF),Z(M,NE,BF) [ton (n)girde]

hobble, rope entrave, corde(Z) tongude, tonngude v.av DCZ CZ(-) [tol]l]ude) to hobble, tie up, tie up sb's feet entraver, attacher(D), lier les pieds a qqn(Z)

TOO too var.- to TOOBERE

-IRtongirde, tonngirde (nde) / ton (n)girae (ae)

T [limtorde]

TONNI tonni - var.- tonngi TONNTAL


TONNDU tonndu (ndu) / tolli, toni, tonai (ai)

0 [toccoonde, toggere,


TON-T- (2)

tonkonoowal (ngal) / tonkonooje (ae) duck (domesticated) canard (domestique)

(Gardi et Seydou,


FZH Z(-)

toobal (nga/) - aug.- toobere 0 CZ


place where animals or prisoners are tied; 345


TOORDI toordi n. D [moddinirde] container for storing butter recipient pour garder Ie beurre

toobere (nde) / toobe (de) DZ [duggere, tintimmaare, yoolde]

mound, hillock; pile of dirt butte(Z), butte moyenne(D); tas de terre(Z)



toom, toowru (ndu) / tooruuji, toowruuji (di)

toode (nde) / toode (de) Z foam on fresh milk mousse de lait frais


fetish, talisman, idol(C), juju(C) fetiche, talisman(Z), idole(Z), gris-gris



tooke DC C(-) venom, poison venin, poison tookeede v.pv Z to be poisoned; to get angry etre empoisonne; se facher tookude v.av Z [tunude] to poison empoisonner

toosude v.av Z to use friction to light frotter pour allumer

TOOTO tooto n. Z [doyde, eemel] dysentery dysenterie

TOOWtoowal (nga/) / toowe (de) DZ Z(-) elevation, ascension; glory elevation, ascension; gloire toowde v.av FeZ C(FJ),Z(-) cf.:Ouutude] to be or become high; to rise, gain altitude; to be of a high rank; to make one's career, succeed etre ou devenir haut; s'elever, prendre d'altitude (Z); etre d'un rang eleve(Z); faire sa carriere, parvenir tooweeki n. T cf.:Ouutnde] height hauteur tooweendi, toowendi (ndi) ZT Z(-) altitude; high level altitude; haut niveau(Z)

TOOLtoolaade v.mv CZ [moolaade] to avoid, flee; to dread; to seek refuge with sb(c); to be subject to sb's will; to beg sb; to trust or confide in sb eviter, fuir (Z); redouter(Z); chercher refuge aupres de qqn; etre soumis a la volonte de qqn(Z); prier qqn(Z); se confier a qqn(C)

TOOLUURU tooluuru (ndu) D [tolluru, yubboodu] tuft of hair touffe de cheveux

TOONtooiiaade v.mv Z [toonude] to commit an injustice, be unjust; to wrongly accuse; to bother; to oppress commettre une injustice, etre injuste; accuser a tort; tracasser; opprimer tooiiange, tooiiaange (nge) / toona(a)ngeeji

-Ntoownude, townude v.av+ext DFZ Z(-) to elevate, raise up; to respect; to help to make one's career clever, exhausser; respecter(Z); aider a faire sa carriere(Z)

(di) DZ Z(M,DO)

injustice [keeri]; unjust accusation; wrong done to sb else; oppression; provocation, aggression injustice [keeri]; accusation injuste(Z); tort(D) fait a autrui (Z); oppression(Z); provocation, aggression (Z) tooiiude v.av DFZ Z(-) cf.:[yennude] to insult, offend (F); to test sb; (V. tooiiaade) insulter, offenser; faire tester (d); (V. tooiiaade) (Z)

TOOWNAAWI toownaawi (ki) 0 [sota] species of bush espece d'arbuste


toowru var.- tooru CZ

tooyre (nde) 0 muzzle, snout museau




toppnde v.av Z cf.:[huooude] to light (e.g. a lantern) allumer (p.ex. nne lanterne)

tosirgal (ngal) rag chiffon

tosirgel binndi (I): eraser j gomme [montirgal)



toppotoore (nde) 0 hat bonnet


totooru (ndu) 0 species of rodent espece de rongeur


toto(o)ru / totooji (Z(FJ)): small carnivore ; petit carnassier (toto in Bambara is a large rat; toto en Bambara veut dire Ie 'rat voleur' (Cricetomys gambianus) (Bailleul, 1981))

toriiaade v.mv 0 to curl up se replier



torra (ka) / to"aaji (di) Z (M,A) trouble, dissatisfaction; suffering; misfortune, grief; humiliation trouble, mecontentement; souffrance; malheur, chagrin; vexation torraade v.mv DZ Z(M,A) to have difficulties; to work, struggle; to fret, tire o.s. out; to trouble; to disturb; to anger; to upset; to vex avoir des difficultes(D); travailler, peiner(Z); se tourmenter, s'extenuer(Z); troubler(Z); facher(Z); vexer(Z) torrnde v.av FZ Z(M,A) [hillitaade] to bother, bore (sb)(F); to torture; to bother; to oppress importuner, ennuyer (qqn); torturer(Z); troubler(Z); opprimer (z)

tottude v.av ZL Z(-) to give, return; to deliver; to pay, give back in payment; to payoff, discharge donner, rendre; livrer; payer, remettre en paiement (Z); s'acquitter(Z)

TOWtowude v.av



to put sb on one's head or shoulders mettre qqn sur la tete ou sur les epaules

TOWNUDE townude var.- toownude TOYL-

DZ Z(-)

toylaade v.mv 0 to throw lancer


TORY-ITtoryitaade v.mv+ext 0 to burst out laughing eclater de rire

T Uanngirdu]


toyoori (ndi) 0 [riUri oro] meal (usually of millet) cooked into a kind of thick porridge which is eaten with a sauce semoule de cereale (generalement du mil) cuite, qui donne une sorte de pate mangee avec de la sauce


TOStosaade v.mv Z to be stained etre tache tosannde (nde) T [toooere, gakkannde] spot tache toseede v.pv Z to be wiped off, erased; to be struck from the list etre essuye, efface; etre raye de la liste tosnde v.av DZ Z(M,BF) to wear away, off; to soil, taint; to be stained, spotted; to remove spots, stains s'effacer(D); entacher(Z); etre tache(Z); enlever les taches(Z)

TOYYtoy-y-aade v.mv 0 to snap one's fingers or click one's tongue claquer du doigt ou de la langue toy-y-ude v.av Z (FT,FJ,M) cf.:[tonnude] to break the shell of eggs to hatch briser la coquille des oeufs pour faire eclore

TV tn ideoph. 0 exclamation expressing distaste, spitting (on) out of distaste exclamation traduisant Ie degout, cracher sur par degout 347

TUBAL (1) tubal (ngal) / tube (ae)

TUGULAARU tugulaaru (ndu) / tugulaaje (ae) hoop net for catching fish nasse pour prendre Ie poisson

CZMS(Seydou, 1987)

CZ(NO,BF,M) [tabale]

drum; large drum of a chief; (Rist.) war drum tambour; grand tambour de chef(CZ); (Rist.) tambour de guerre(ZM)

TUKAMEEJI tukameeji? (ai) I cows that a Fulani woman receives from her father and her unele on the occasion of each pregnancy vaches qu'une femme peule re~oit de son pere et de son onele a chacune de ses maternites

TUBAL (2) tubal n. T canton canton

Uariugol, dariugol]


TUL- (1)

tuddude v.av F to be filled up with rain water se remplir avec de l'eau de pluie tuddunde (nde) / tuddule (ae) FTM town, neighborhood, or camp of Bozo fishermen agglomeration, district, quartier, ou camp dont les habitants sont des Bozos

tulal (ngal) / tule (ae) CZH [seeno] dune dune tulde (nde) / tulae, tule (ae) DCZ CZ(FJ,M) mountain, high spot, hill; pile, heap (large); dune, sandy hill mont, hauteur, colline; tas, amas, grand tas (Z); dune, colline a sol sablonneux (Z)

TUDD-IN- (2?) tuddinaade v.mv +ext Z to uncover o.s. (lit., fig.) se decouvrir (lit., fig.)

TUL-D- (2) tuld'ude v.av+ext 0 to refuse, rebel refuser, se revolter


TUL- (3?)

tud'aade v.mv Z to get under a light shelter se mettre a l'abri leger

tulude v.av Dz Z(FT) to miss, fail, hesitate manquer, faillir, hesiter

-ORtud'orde (nde) / tuaorae (ae) light shelter abri leger



tullude v.av cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) to dunk in a liquid while holding the end of that which is dunked (e.g. bread in coffee) immerser qqch dans un liquide en Ie tenant par un bout (p.ex. du pain dans Ie cafe)

TUFtufude v.av CZ C(-),Z(FJ,M,NE,BF) to pierce, stick, sting; innoculate(C) percer, piquer(Z); inoculer(C)

TUMBERE tumbere (nde) / tumbe (ae) Z (FJ,M) piece, part of a whole; piece of land to plow, plot; middle, center morceau, partie d'un tout; morceau de terre a labourer, lot; milieu, centre

-IRtufird'um (aum) / tuftrae (ae), tuftrai (ai)



large needle grosse aiguille


TUGGERE tuggere (nde) / tugge (ae)


tume (ae) 0 [foodi, allubaanaare] pieces of amber boules d'ambre



root left in the ground; tree stump(C) Uuddere] racine laissee en terre(Z); souche d'arbre(C) Uuddere]

TUMMBUDE tummbude (nde) / tummbuae (ae) calabash (esp. large) calebasse (surtout grande)




TUPP- (2) tuppude v.av cz (FJ,M,BF,NE) to lance, open an abcess percer, ouvrir un abces

tunude v.av Z (M,BF) [tookude] to poison empoisonner


TUPP-IN- (3?) tuppinde v.av + ext Z to embroider broder

tunduru (ndu) Z(Labouret, 1955) forked tree trunk tronc d'arbre fourchu



tuppe n. M [yucce] type of prickly grass sorte d'herbe epineuse

tungeere? n. E principle dance of the Fulani, which can be danced by everyone (noble, caste, rimayoe) (esp. during marriages) danse principale des Peuls, qui peut etre dansee par tout Ie monde (noble, caste, rimayoe)(surtout lors des mariages)

TURturaade v.mv DCZ CZ(-) to bend over, stoop se courber en avant, se baisser



tunndi (ndi) / tunndiiji (ai), tunndeeje (ae)

turld (o,ki) / turkiiji (ai) ZE Z(FT,M) shirt with or without sleeves; shirt, undershirt without sleeves worn underneath the shirt blouse avec ou sans manches(E); chemise, sous-vetement sans manche porte sous la blouse(Z)

FCzH C(FT,M),Z(FT) [tuundi/tuude]

dirt, impurity, stain; (pl.) debris, scraps; menses, period; alluvium; thing or action which is dirty or dishonest salete, impurete, souillure; (pl.) debris, dechets; menstrues, regles; alluvion; chose ou action malpropre, malhonnete tunnude, tunwude v.av FCZ CZ( +) to be or become dirty, impure; to menstruate etre ou devenir sale, impur; avoir ses regles (femme)(Z)

TUS(U)KEL tusukel, tuskel adj. o (Seydou , 1976a) small petit




tusuiie (0) / tusuneeoe (oe) Z [defoowo] cook cuisiniere, cuisinier

tunninde v.av +ext Z to make dirty, foul (up); (ned"d"o) to slander sb [no'ude neooo) salir, encrasser; (ned"d"o) calomnier qqn [no'ude neooo)

TUTtutande (nde) Z (FJ,M) propagation by cuttings bouturage tutateeri (ndi) / tutateeji (ai) cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) nursery; culture, plant; legume pepiniere(Z); culture, plante(Z); legume tutu de v.av DFZ Z(-) to plant, replant planter, repiquer(O)

TUNNGU tunngu n. 0 meal repas

TUPIRI tupiri? n. I cf.:[tupp- (1)] recession culture culture de decrue

-T-INtuttinde v.av+2exts? Z (FJ,M) to pull up, uproot, transplant arracher, deplanter

TUPP- (1) tuppude v.av DCZ to plant, fix; to set in the ground(C) planter(O), flXer(O); dresser(C) par terre(Z)


tuufude v.av Z (DO,M) to set traps poser les pieges

TUTItuttude v.av DcZ C(FJ},Z(FJ,M} [tuutude):C to spit (on); to make to go out, leave; (fig.) to speak cracher (sur); faire sortir, laisser (Z); (fig.) parler(Z)


-IRtuufirde pical v.av+ext Z to catch with a trap attraper avec un piege


tuubal (ngal), tuubugol (ngol) Z humility, submission humilite, soumission tuubude v.av DFCZbu CZ(-} to repent(C); to convert (v.i.) to Islam(FC); to ask for pardon(c); to submit to the authority of a chief se repentir(DCZ); se convertir it I'Islam(CZ); demander pardon( cZ); se soumettre it l'authorite d'un chef(Z)

TUUFEERE tuufeere, tuufere (nde) / tuufeeje (de)

brick (esp. adobe); lump of earth brique (surtout en banco); motte de terre(Z)

TUUGtuugaade v.mv DCZ CZ(FJ,M,G,A} [tiigaade] to lean (on), press; to move along while leaning on sth; to hold on; to count on sb; to touch the ground; to lean on, rest on s'appuyer (sur), s'arc-bouter; aller en s'appuyant sur qqch(Z); se tenir(Z); compter sur qqn(CZ); toucher Ie sol(Z); appuyer, reposer sur(Z)

-INtuubinde v.av+ext


cf.: Uuulnude]

to convert (v.t.) to Islam, convert (v.t.) to any other religion convertir it I'Islam, convertir it toute autre religion(Z)

-ORtuugorde (nde) Z [tuugordu] support (that which serves as) appui (ce qui sert de) tuugordu (ndu) D support [tuugorde]; stick, cane appui [tuugorde]; baton, canne tuugorgal (ngal) T [gollirgal] program programme

TUUBA tuuba (ba,nga) / tuubaaji (di), tuube (de) DFcZE C(FJ} [sarra, soria]

pants pantalon

TUUBAAKU Tuubaaku, Tuubaako (0) / Tuubakuuoe, Tuubaakoooe FCZ CZ(FJ,BF,M,N,FT}



white person, European blanc, Europeen tuubaukoore (nde) F French language [faransinkoore]; English language (less often) [engelenkoore] langue fran~aise [faransinkoore]; langue anglaise (moins souvent) [engelenkoore]

tuuma n. suspicion

var.- tuufol; V. tuuf- Z

D [tuumo, sikke]


tuumaaoo (0) / tuumaaoe (oe) ZT Z(-) person who is suspect(ed), accused qui est suspect(Z), soup~onne(Z), accuse(T) tuumaade v.mv DZ Z(-} [tuumtaadej:Z to suspect

TUUDtuud"ude v.av to jump sauter


Z(FJ,BF,M} [(pl.) pereeje]

D [diwde, fittude]


tuum de v.av CZTb C(+},Z(-} [sikkude] [taafude]:T to think, believe, suppose; to suspect(C); to accuse penser, croire, supposer; soup~onner(CZ), suspecter(Z); accuser(T)

TUUFtuufol (ngol) Z [tuugol] bird trap piege it oiseaux

tuumde dow fenaande, tuumde dow fewre (f): to wrongly accuse; accuser faussement


tuumo (ngo) / tuumaaji (di)


ZT Z(-) [tuuma,


tuurre (nde) DeZ C(BF),Z(M,BF) vomiting, vomit vomissement, vomissure

thought, opinion, supposition; doubts, suspicion; accusation pensee, opinion, supposition(Z); doutes, soup~on (Z); accusation(T) tuunmd'o? (0) T accuser accusateur

TUUT- (2) tuutude v.av cz (M,BF) to lose color(C); to be gray; to be dusty deteindre(CZ), se decolorer(Z); etre gris(Z); etre poussiereux(Z)

-Ttuumtaade v.mv+ext to suspect


Z [tuumaade]:Z(-)

tuuya (ka), tuuyere (nde) Z intense desire desir violent tuuyeede v.pv Z to desire intensely (a thing which one has a habit for and of which one is deprived, e.g. tobacco) desirer violemment (une chose a laquelle on est habitue et dont on est prive, p.ex. Ie tabac)



tuundi (ndi) / tuude (de) - var.tunndi; V. tunn- CZ (FJ,BF,N,M)


V. tuut-r- (1)

tuusorgel (ngel) 0 short stick for wiping o.s. dry batonnet pour s'essuyer


TUUT- (1) tuutaad'e (de) Z (FJ,FT,M,BF,NO) spit, saliva crachat, salive tuutam (dam) cZ C(NE),Z(M,NE) vomit, vomiting vomissure, vomissement tuutude v.av DFCZH CZ(-) to vomit; to spit(C) vomir; cracher( C)


tuy-aade v.mv 0 to curve s'arquer



tuy-y-am, tuy-am (dam) / tuyye, tuye (de)



bleeding, hemorrhage; blood from a nose-bleed hemorragie(Z); sang provenant d'un saignement de nez( CZ) tuy-y-ude, tuy-ude v.av CZ C(-),Z(FJ,FT,M,BF,NE) to bleed from the nose saigner du nez

u U'-

mugir, beugler (D); rugir(Z)

u'aade v.mv 0 to caw croasser

UBB- (2) ubbude v.av FCZh to bury, inter enterrer, inhumer

UBB- (1) ubbango, ubbaango (ngo) DZ Z(-) bellowing, lowing, mooing; roar mugissement(D); rugissement ubbude v.av DZ Z(-) [uggude] to bellow, low, moo; to roar

CZ(FJ,FT,M),H(FN) [irude]

-ITubbitidde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M) to dig up, exhume deterrer, exhumer, deconcer



UDDuddaade v.mv to close (v.i.) se fermer

UJujaade v.mv 0 to show drawbacks presenter les inconvenients

Z (-) [ommbaade]

oemde am uddii (Z): I don't have any appetite; je n'ai pas d'appetit uddere (1) (nde) T [uddo, cukkol, mbargu]


dam barrage uddere (2) (nde) Z lack of appetite; foolishness; cloudy weather accompanied by wind and rain [udduru] manque d'appetit; sottise; temps nuageux accompagne de vent et de pluie [udduru] uddo n. T [uddere, mbargu, cukkol] dam barrage uddude v.av DFCZT C(FJ,FT,M,NO,BF),Z(-) to close, shut, block [ommbude]; to shut in; to invest, blockade, besiege [dammbinde, dammbude] fermer, boucher [ommbude]; enfermer(Z); investir, bloquer, assieger (Zt) [dammbinde, dammbude] udduru (ndu) Z [uddere (2)] cloudy weather accompanied by wind and rain temps nuageux accompagne de vent et de pluie

one-thousand mille (buudi) ujunere : 5000 F CFA ujunere garam (I): kilogram; kilogramme [kilo) ujunere meetere (I): kilometer; kilometre uuna ujunaaji, ujunaaji uuna (M): million; million [miliyon)

ujunere6a1 t thousandth millieme ujunereoalliiter (I): milliliter; millilitre ujunereoal meeter (I): millimeter; millimetre

ujunereejo T thousandth (rank) millieme (rang) ujunerekel n. T thousandth (fraction) millieme (fraction)

UJUURU ujuuru n. 0 pretext pretexte

Z [bii-baafal,

UKK- (1)

key cle

ukkaare (nde) Z intervention, meddling intervention, ingerence ukkude v.av DZ Z(-) to put in a lot; to introduce; to put in; to plunge (v.t.); (e +inf.) to start to do sth mettre en quantite(D); introduire(Z); mettre dans(Z); plonger(Z); (e +inf.) se mettre a faire qqch (z)

-ITudditaade v.mv+ext Z(Riesman, 1974 & 1977) Z(-) to open (v.i.); to go through the initiation rite (Riesman, 1977) s'ouvrir; passer Ie rite d'initiation(Riesman, 1974) FCZ C(FJ,FT,M,NO,BF),Z(-)

[udditinde, omtude]

UKK-IT-IN- (2)

to open (v.t.); to lift the siege of a village ouvrir; lever Ie siege d'un village assiege (z)

ukkitinde v.av+ext to smell very good sentir tres bon

-IT-INudditinde v.av+2exts to open (v.t.) ouvrrr

0 [udditidde,omtude]

0 [uur(u)de]

UL-T-INultinde v.av +2exts? 0 to be proud etre orgueilleux

UGGuggude v.av Z to roar (lion) rugir (lion)


CZ(FT,M,BF,NO) [uuna, uyna]

cokirgal, cokitirgal, cottirgal]

udditidde v.av+ext


ujunere (nde) / ujunaaji (tfi)

-IRuddirgal (nga/) / uddirtfe (de)

var.- fJujiri 0

[ubbude (1)]




ulluunde n. 0 [muusuuru) [ulluundu/ulluudi):

urdugal (nga/) / urdule (de) Z (M,FT) where fish and grain are dried; incense burner, perfume burner sechoir pour poissons et episr; cassolette (odorante), brule-parfum


cat chat

UMMummaade v.mv DCZ C(-),Z(FT,M,DO) [immaade,


ummude) cf.:[wittude, anniyaade]

urnaade v.mv+ext DZ Z(-) to smell; to use perfume sentir(D); se parfumer(Z)

to get up, stand up; to leave, set out(C); to get ready, have the intention se lever, se dresser; partir(CZ); se preparer, avoir l'intention (Z) ummude v.av 0 [ummaade) to get up se lever

URAA'AANA Uraa'aana - var.Alkur'aan(a) Z

URE ure (nge) z(Turner, 1989) Z(Gam) [uure):Z(-) cow that is white with small colored spots on its head (Turner, 1989); (Y. uruole, uule) vache blanche aux taches colorees sur la tete; (Y. uruule, uule)(Z)

UNunude v.av DCZV CZ(-) to pound (in a mortar); to hit, beat piler (dans un mortier); frapper, battre (Z)

nagge uure (X(A(Jam'aare»): name given to certain cows (without precise meaning) ; nom donne a certains vaches (sans signification precise) uure (R(A»: white cow with red ears and rims round the eyes; vache blanche aUK oreilles rouges et rouge autour des yeux

-Dundugal (ngal) / undude (de) DCZ CZ(-) [unndugaljunndude]:C [unirgal]

pestle pilon



urfaade v.mv 0 [urfinaade) to lie down on one's legs? se coucher sur les jambes

unirde v.av+ext 0 to pound with help of piler a l' aide de unirgal (ngal) / unirde (de) DCZEY CZ(-) pestle [undugal]; mortar [wowru] pilon(DCZY) [undugal]; mortier(E) [wowru]

-INurfinaade v.mv+ext V. uifaade 0


UPP- (1)

urmaade v.mv 0 to bump one's nose on the ground se cogner Ie nez au sol

uppaade v.mv 0 to blow into souffier dans


uppude nagge (Z(DO»: to blow into the udder (so as to cause milk to flow) ; souffler dans Ie pis (pour faire couler du lait) uppude v.av 0 [futtude)

uruule (nge) Z [uule] cow that is white with spots vache blanche tachetee

to swell s'enfler

URWA unva n. M drawing of straws tirage au sort avec des pailles de divers longeur

UPP-IN- (2) uppinaade v.mv+ext 0 to squat, crouch s'accroupir

USE use Dez CZ(G,A,NE) [sadi, foofoo(C)) hello (a salutation) salut

URurde v.av ZV to incense; to embalm encenser(Z); embaumer(Y) urdi (ndi) / urle (de) - var.- uurdi Z (FJ,M,A)


useni Dez CZ(G,A) please s'it vous plait


uumude v.av

to groan; to buzz, hum, snore, rumble, growl; to make a muffled noise; to murmur (prayers); to roar gemir; bourdonner, vrombir, ronfler, gronder (Z); faire un bruit sourd(Z); murmurer (des prieres)(Z); rugir(Z)


usuru (0) DZ(Sanankoua, 1990) Z(-) commercial tax, duty; (Hist.) tax on merchandise sold in or in transit through the territory of the Diina taxe commercial(D), impot(Z); (Hist.) taxe port ant sur les marchandises vendues au en transit sur Ie territoire de la Diina (Sanankoua, 1990)

UUNA uuna UUR-

uttere (nde) / utte (ae)

var.- ujunere M

uurdi (ndi) / uurle (ae) Dz Z(DO) [urdi] perfume, incense, pleasant odor parfum, encens, bonne odeur uurude, uurde v.av FCZV CZ(-) [ukkitinde] to smell good(F), smell sentir bon(CZ), sentir(Y)

UTICZ C(FJ,M),Z(-) [wuflflere,


punch (with fist), blow; fist coup de poing; poing(Z)



uure (nde) / uule (ae) DZ [fluure] wound; abcess; swelling plaie(D); abces(Z); enflure(Z)

uubel (nge/) Z small abcess; small swelling petit abces; petite enflure



Uuru(u)ro, Uru(u)roojo (0) / Uurnu6e (6e) Zi

uulaade v.mv D to warm o.s. up se rechauffer

Z(-) [(pl.) Ururflej:(Sanankoua, 1990) [(pl.) Sa'aafle]


person of the clan of Ba and Diakite membre du clan Ba et Diakite



uwude, uwde v.mv

uule (nge) Z [uruule] cow that is white with spots vache blanche tachetee

Dezh C(NE,G,A),Z(NE,G,A,BF), H(SH) [ubbude, ir(u)de]

to bury, inter enterrer, inhumer


UYNA uyna/uynaaji

uulo n. D grass (a species of ?) herbe (une espece de ?) uuluwol (ngol) / uuluuji (ai)

var.- ujunere

UYWINuywinde v.av( +ext?) D [aywindej to hunt (chase away?) with dogs chasser avec chiens




thread of wool; wool [haabu(-baali)] til de laine(D); laine(CZ) [haabu(-baali)]

uyyaade v.mv D to discredit, denigrate discrediter, denigrer

UUMuumaade v.mv to groan gemir

DCZV CZ(-) [oonude, uumaade,


D [uumude]



w WA'- (1)

WAAG- (1) waage (nge) Dx(Turner, 1989) cow that is red with a white flank; cow with a white stomach on a colored body (Turner,

wa'ude, wa'de v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [wayde] to be like(FC), be as if(F), resemble; to be, seem etre comme(Z), etre pareil a(CZ), ressembler a(CZ); etre, sembler (D) wano Fz Z(FJ,NE) [hano] like, as, as if comme, pareil a

1989) vache rouge au flanc blanc(D); vache coloree au ventre blanc (rX(A»: cow with white stomach and flanks (the rest being red or black) ; vache aux ventre et flancs blancs (Ie reste etant rouge ou noir)

WA'- (2)

WAAG- (2)

wa'ude CZ (FJ,M,BF) to reap, harvest with a sickle faucher, moissoner a l'aide d'une faudIle

waagaade v.mv D to puncture the stomach of ? crever Ie ventre de



waabude v.av D [waayude] to boil, overflow bouiIlir, deborder

waagaare (ae) D type of gum which is odorous sorte de gomme odorante



waabiliire (nde) / waabiliije (ae) Dcz CZ(FJ) morning rain; rain shower; tornado, storm (C) pluie matinale(D); averse(Z); tornade(CZ), orage(C)

baajotomfo (0) T adviser conseiller waajaade v.mv DFZ Z(-) to counsel, exhort; to exhort, lecture, preach conseiller, recommander; exhorter, sermonner, precher waaju (0) / waajuuji (ai) FZ Z(FJ,M) advice, recommendation; sermon; exhortation conseil, recommandation; preche; exhortation(Z)

WAABwaa6ude v.av D to be welcome ? etre bien venu

WAACwaacaade v.mv DZ Z(BF,M,NE) [waaccaade]:D to chew; to ruminate macher(D); ruminer(Z)


-ITwaacitaade v.mv+exl CZ Z(BF,M,NE) to ruminate; to suck at [muytude] ruminer(Z); su~oter(C) [muytude]

WAADDE waadde var.- waatude; V. waal-


waajib- (+ sur.) adj. m necessary, inevitable, obligatory necessaire, inevitable, obligatoire waajibi adv. DZ [tilay (2)] obligatorily; without fail, absolutely obligatoirement(D); sans faute, absolument(Z) waajibi (0) / waajibiiji (ai) dFZ Z(FJ,M)





obligation; duty, fate obligation; devoir, fatalite waajibude v.av Z (-) to impose, (lay down,) decree (God) imposer, decreter (Dieu)

waade v.av D cf.:[wa'-(1)] to be, become etre, devenir

WAADERE waadere (nde) / baade (ae) DZ Z(-) raindrop; drop; spot goutte de pluie(D); goutte(Z); tache(Z)



-Twaaltaade v.mv +ext 0 to be laid down etre pose

waakaade v.mv 0 [toryitaade) to roar with laughter rire aux eclats


WAALwaalaaru (ndu) 0 bridal room chambre nuptiale waalde t waalude v.av DFCZV CZ(-) to spend the night, pass the night passer la nuit

waalaa6e pl.- gaalaabo,


WAALDE waalde (3) n. Dq grain, seed; lead? (shot?), cash? grain, graine; plomb


waala-daware (I): to spend the night and leave in the morning (a herding practice during the diyelol) ; passer la nuit et partir Ie matin (une pratique de transhumance durant Ie diyelol) waala-daware (I), waldaware (Cisse, 1982): a hillock on which the herd rests; gathering place, common passage ; tertre sur lequel se repose Ie troupeau(I); point de rassemblement, passage commun (Cisse, 1982)

waaUyaawal (ngal) 0 stork cigogne

WAALO waalo n. 0 sail of pirogue ? voile de pirogue

waalnde, walnde (nde) / baa/de, ba/de (de) DFCZT CZ(-) cf.:[nalooma)


day (as counted by nights) jour, journee (compte par les nuits) waalnde-naal n. 0 camp, provision camp, provision

waamnde (nde) / baamle (de) cZ C(G,BF,NE), Z(G,M,BF,NE)

rocky hill colline rocheuse


WAAMNURU waamnuru (ndu) 0 [wamdu, ngamri, gamol, bomol] dance danse

baaldal (ngal) 0 cohabitation; act of passing the night without eating cohabitation; fait de passer la nuit sans manger baaldulfo (0) / baa/dulie (lie) 0 spouse epoux ou epouse waalde (1) (nde) FZTI Z(-) [idere]:I age-group; generation [yiyyannde); society, collectivity societe d'age, classe d'age; generation(T) [yiyyannde); societe, collectivite (Z) waalde (2) (0) V. waaldeere Z (BF,NE,M,G,A) waaldeere (nde), waaldeejo (0) / waa/deeje (de),

WAAMRE waamre (nde) 0 [puuydam, daayeere, daayndam) laziness paresse

WAAMT- (1) waamtude v.av( + ext?) 0 [suusude, suyde) to be courageous etre courageux

WAAMT- (2) waamtude v.av( + ext?) Z to be fond of sth avoir un penchant pour qqch

waaldeelie, waalde'en (lie) FCZ CZ(+) [waalde (2), giyiraado, giraado, banndiraado)

age-mate camarade d'age

WAANwaanaare (nde) / gaanaaje (de) Cz



waalnude v.av+ext FZ [walnude):Z to greet (in the morning); to offer shelter for the night dire une salutation matinale; offrir un abri pour la nuit(Z)

cloth or pagne for covering o.s. linge ou pagne pour se couvrir

WAAN-D- (2?) waandaade v.mv +ext 0 to take in one's arms prendre dans ses bras 356

pas; homme chetif(Z); homme faible d'esprit(Z) waasude v.av DFCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF) to not have, be missing (sth); to fail to do (sth), be unable; to be poor(C) ne pas avoir, manquer de (qqch); echouer (qqch), ne pas pouvoir; etre pauvre(Z)

WAANDE waande (nde) / baade, baaae (ae) DCZ CZ(-) termite mound; ant hill(C), ant nest termitiere; fourmiliere(Z)

WAANDU waandu (ndu) / baaai (ai) DCzH C(-),Z(DO) monkey singe

waasude jeyal, waasude naannude (Math.)(f): not belonging to a set ; non-appartenance Ii un ensemble


WAAT- (1)

waango n. t cf.:[tippaade waango] javelin javelot

batoowo (0) D one who is dying moribond waatude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [waadde]:DS to die (of non-humans), die off mourir (se dit des non-humains), crever

WAANJ-ITbaanjitood"o (0) Tq (Sool.) [oottinoowo] person who copies copiste waanjitaade v.mv+ext? T [sottinde] to copy copier

WAAT- (2) waataade v.mv cz [waatude (2)]:C to swear, take an oath jurer, preter serment waatude v.av V. waataade Cz Z(FT)

WAANNUDE waannude V. waa-nWAANTEERE Fr?

WAAT- (3) waataade v.mv( +ext?) Cz C(G,A,M),Z(G,A)

waanteere, wanteere (nde) DZ cf.:[weytinde] auction; sale at a good price, reduced price vente aux encheres(D); vente a bon marche, solde (Z)

[Dornaade] cf.:[waa-]

to dress o.s. s'habiller waatude v.av( +ext?) Cz C(G,A,M),Z(G,A)


[Dornude] of.:[waa-]

to dress (v.t.) habiller

waare (nde) / ba'e, baahe (ae) DCZ C(FJ,M,BF), Z(FJ,M,BF,G,A)

beard; chin; bunch, bundle of firewood barbe; menton; botte, fagot

WAATORDE waatorde (nde) D place lieu ou on a tres honte

waare tembeere (Sanankoua, 1990): sparse beard; barbe peu foumie





baasal (ngal) / baasi (aj) DFZbH(Seydou, 1972)

baawal (ngal) / baawae (ae) DF power, ability pouvoir, aptitUde, capacite baawd"o (0) / waawoe (oe) FZ Z(-) person who can, who is able, capable, skillful; person who is omnipotent, powerful qui peut, qui est capable, adroit, habile; qui est omnipotent, puissant mbawgu (ngu,o) Z force, strength; power force, puissance; pouvoir waawude, waawde v.av DFCZH CZ(-) [wawude]:H can, to be able; to know (how to), learn to do; to vanquish, dominate; to have strength; to have the advantage pouvoir, etre capable; savoir (faire), apprendre

Z(-) [(pl.) waase]:Z [baasi (di)]:Z(FT)

poverty, lack, absence of means, misery; problem, difficulty, worry; (pl.) quarrels, troubles; (pl.) ill, misfortune pauvrete, manque, absence de moyens, misere; probleme, difficulte, souci; (pl.) querelles(DH), histoires(D); (pl.) mal, malheur (Z) Korl baasi fuu walaa? (F): Hopefully there are no problems? ; J'espere qu'il n'y a pas de probleme? baasd"o (0) / waasoe (oe) DFCZ C(FT,M), Z(FT,M,BF,FJ) [baaydo, miskiino, meskiino, talka(ajo)]

poor person; person who does not have (sth); person who can't(F); puny man; weakminded man pauvre; qui est prive de (qqch); qui ne peut


a faire (Z); vaincre(cZ), dominer(Z); avoir

ngaayu (ngu) / gaayi (ai) OZ Z(-) charger, fast horse coursier, cheval rapide waayo n. 0 porridge bouillie waayude v.av F'Z:'( Z( +) [waabude] to boil; to be quick in a race bouillir; etre rapide a la course(Z)

de la force(Z); avoir l'avantage(CZ) wawaade (nde) OM [del)loode, yilla] shield; (Mil.Hist.) rear guard of an army bouclier; (Mil.Hist.) arriere garde d'une armee(M) wawaade v.mv M to make o.s. strong by entrenching o.s. behind sth se rendre fort en se retranchant derriere qqch



waayo nguli n. 0 sweat sueur

waawdude v.av+ext 0 to know how to get out of a situation savoir se tirer d'affaire


-Nwaawnude v.av+ext to force, coerce forcer, contraindre

wabude v.av Z to rustle cattle voler du betail

FZ Z(-)


WAAWRU waawru (ndu)

wabbaade v.mv Z (M,BF) to rejoin; to pursue, catch (again) rejoindre; poursuivre, rattraper


depression made in food for sauce creux fait dans un plat pour la sauce



wabbere (nde) / gabbe (ae)

grain; seed; (pl.) grains, cereals grain; graine(CZ); (pl.) grains, cereales (Z)

WABUDE wabude n. 0 infected wound plaie infectee

WAAYEEJO waayeejo (0) / waayee6e (6e)


[abbere, fabbere]

waayaade v.mv Z to diminish, contract; to go bad, spoil; to be false diminuer, retrecir; se gater, s'abimer; etre faux OZ [wayanke/

wayankoooe] [waayanke ]:Z(FT)

WA'B'B- wa66aade v.mv var.- waaaaade; V.

butcher boucher waayeere (nde) Z [tendeere] place for butchering and sale of meat boucherie



WA'B'BUGO wal)l)ugo (ngo) / ga66ule, ga6fJuae (ae)


C( + ),Z(FJ,M)

cheek joue

WAAYIRAAGU waaye (0) / waayeraa6e, waaye'en (6e) Z (+) friend [gid'o, yigo); my dear ami [gid'o, yigo); mon cher waayiraagu, waayraagu, waayraaku (0) OZ Z( + )

WACwacoore (nde) / wacooje (ae) ZJ Z(-) praise; nickname given to a man or animal expressing either admiration or derision 10uange(Z); sobriquet donne a un homme ou a un animal qui peut exprimer soit un sentiment d'admiration, soit de derision(l) wacude v.av z (-) [hasude, manude] to praise louer


friendship amitie

WAAYmbaayam (aam) Z boiling water eau bouillant




wacfirde v.av+ext Zo Z(-} [warrude]:Z{-} to do with (sth), do in a certain manner faire avec (qqch), faire comment

wacco n. Dqr [mbaccu] [waccuure/waccuuje]:R(A} tiger nut - Cyperus esculentus pois sucre - Cyperus esculentus

WACITAADE wacitaade


var.- waacitaade,'

V. waac-it- Z

waannude v.av+ext 0 to cause to do faire faire

WADDwaddude (1) v.av DFCZH CZ(M,BF,N,G,A}



to bring (sth(F), bring (sb?) apporter (qqch), amener(DZ) waddugol daande n. T [waddude e faandu]:T oomplicity complicite


baddo (0) / wadiioe (oe) Dz Z{BF} [puccu):M cavalryman cavalier waddaade v.mv DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,N} [waooaade]

to mount (a horse, etc.) monter (a cheval, etc.)



wadinirde (nde) 0 container for fermentation recipient de fermentation

wadd"inde v.av+ext Z {+} to ride with sb behind (on the pillion); to provide or lend a horse; to cover, serve (horses) prendre qqn en croupe; fournir ou preter une monture; saillir (chevaux)

WADbadal (nga/) / bal/e (de) ZT Z(-} [gadal] action, action to do action, action a faire


baaal gulnowal (I): caloric effect; effet calorifique [tabe gulnooje] baaal tabe (I): effect; effet [gaaal tabel

wacfdere (nde) / gadde (de) 0 excrement excrement

gadal (nga/) V. bada/ T gadane, gadene (de) 0 kindnesses bienfaits Gad"do PN 0 woman's ftrst name prenom de femme gaddo (0) 0 person who did (sth) qui a fait (qqch) ko wadi interrog. FC C(-} why, why is that pourquoi, pourquoi est-ce que wadude v.av DFCZH CZ(-} [wadde] to do; to make; to put; to happen, occur faire; fabriquer; mettre; se passer, arriver, avoir lieu

WAFwafo n. 0 leaving sortie wafude v.av 0 to go out, leave sortir

WAGE wage n. 0 [daggada] shrewd, intelligent, cunning malin, intelligent, ruse

WAGGmbaggiri (ndi) Z {A,M} grain that is not yet mature grain qui n'est pas milr



gaddi (di) 0 relations, intervention, mediation rapports, entremises waddude (2) v.av+ext CZ (FJ,M,BF} to do together; to have business with faire ensemble; avoir affaire avec(Z)

waggidinde v.av+2exts 0 [daatude) to be soft etre mOll


wakkati fuu (Z): always; toujours [iiennde fuu] wakkati gooto (PH): in a minute ; en un instant

WAHwahaade v.mv Z to lie on one's side supporting the head with the hand se coucher sur Ie cOte en appuyant la tete de la main


bakkilal (ngal) D acceptance of the will of God, patience fait de s'en tenir A Dieu, patience bakkiliid"o (0) / wakkiliioe (oe) F person who is patient, stoic qui est patient, stoique wakkilaade v.mv Fz Z(FJ) to be stoic, be patient; to be courageous; to be perseverant etre stoique, patient; avoir du courage(Z); etre perseverant(Z) wakkilde v.av DZ Z(-) to leave it to; to have sb as guarantor or proxy, designate a representative; to be sb's representative s'en remettre A(D); avoir qqn comme caution ou mandataire, designer un mandataire (Z); etre Ie representant de qqn(Z) wakkili (0) / wakkili'en (oe) dF [wakiili]:D intermediary, representative; witness(F) intermediaire, representatif; temoin

WAJwajaade v.mv V. wajude Z wajoore (nde) / bajooje (de) DFZ Z(FT,M,DO) criticism, reproach, accusation; mockery critique, reproche, accusation; moquerie(Z) wajude v.av DFZ Z(-) [wajaade, felude; nil]ude] to criticize, reproach, accuse; to make fun of sb critiquer, faire des reproches A, accuser; se moquer de qqn(Z)

WAJJbajjo (0) / wajjuoe (oe) DeZ C(G,FT,FJ),Z(-) only child enfant unique waiiere (nde) DZ Z(-) thing that is unique, thing that is very large and the only one of its kind unique(D), tres grande chose unique dans son genre(Z)

WALwalde, walude v.av Z(M,FT) [faccude] to (spill and) spread out over a surface (se) repandre sur une surface

-IDwajjid"idde v.av+ext to be an only child etre enfant unique

Z (-)

WALA-WALA wala-wala interj. D expression of distaste, of despair expression de degout, de desespoir

WAKAMERE wakamere n. scarf echarpe

(Sanankoua, 1990)

WALA-WAWI wala-wawi n. (Turner, 1989) cow with white stomach and legs on a colored body vache coloree aux jambes blanches et ventre blanc

WAKAWAL wakawal (ngal) D [fufu (2), basket of kola nuts panier de noix de cola




WALAA walaa part. FCZH CZ(M,BF,N,G,A} [alaa] negation - not to have, not to be, there is/are not negation - ne pas avoir, ne pas etre, il n'y a pas

wakkannde (nde) Cz C(FJ,NE,M,BF),Z(FJ,NE,BF) load carried on the shoulder charge portee sur l'epaule


Ar wakkati (0) / wakkatiiji (di) FCZTh

walaa fey (H): not at all ; pas du tout

CZ(G,A,M,BF,N) [wakkiti, waktu, wattu, sa'a] [(pl.) wakkatuuji]:T


time, hour, moment, epoque; (pl.) timetable, schedule; (adv.) when temps, heure, moment, epoque; (pI.) horaire(T); (adv.) quand(Z)

waldaa part. F [wanaa gootum] to not be the same ne pas etre la meme chose



WALDAMAALI waldamaali n. D transitional bud ? bourgeon de transition


ballondiral (ngal) mutual aid entraide





walka n. D [yarnirde] watering place of animals abreuvoir (lieu)

wallaandu, wallaadu (2) (ndu) / gallaaai (ai) ZT Z(M,DO) [alaadu, allugal, gallaawal, luwal]

horn (of animal); (pl.) antennae [jubbi, luwe); (pl.) fourche [salamburu, salndu) corne(Z); (pl.) antennes(T) [jubbi, luwe); (pl.) fourche(T) [salamburu, salndu)



walle n. battue battue

[mballudi, ballal)al]

aid, help, protection aide, secours, protection ballaJ,Jal (ngal) V. mballudi D mballiigu n. D [walliima] aid, help, mutual aid aide, entraide mballudi (ndi) F [ballal)al, wallaadu,


wallaahi interj. DC C(-) oath using the name of God (in Arabic - 'by God') juron employant Ie nom de Dieu (en arabe 'par Dieu')

walii (0) DZu saint; tutor, protector; one who is learned saint; tuteur, protecteur (Z); savant(Z)

ballacfo (0) D one who benefits from help qui beneficie d'un secours ballal (ngal) / bal/i (ai), balle (ae)

Z (FJ,M)

D [Iool)gal, loongal, kama]

WALLERE wallere (nde) humidity humidite ballal,


mballiigu, paabu]

D [ouuoalla]


wallifaade v.mv DCzu C(-),Z(FJ) to translate; to compose, write traduire(D); composer, ecrire (cZ)

aid, help aide wallaadu (1) (ndu) V. mballudi D walliima n. D [mballiigu] mutual aid entraide wallude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to help, aid [faabaade); to be useful, effective; to satisfy aider [faabaade]; etre utile, efficace (Z); satisfaire(Z)



walluha (0) / walluhaaji (ai) ZM Z(-) time of day - about 8-9 a.m. heure de la journee - environ 8 it 9 heures du matin W ALNDE walnde; walnude V. waal-

WAMgamol (ngol) / gami (ai)


Fez CZ(FJ,G) [ngamri.

wamdu, bomol, waamnuru]

wallitaade v.mv+ext DZ Z(-) to make use of; (V. wallude); to help (without zeal) s'aider(D); (V. wallude)(Z); aider (sans zele)(Z)

dance danse ngamri (ndi) V. gamol DZ Z(-) wamdu (ndu) / bami (ai) v. gamol D wamude, wamde v.av FezH CZ(NE,G,A)


[wom(m)ude, dippude]

to dance danser

wallitiraade v.mv + 2exts Z to enjoy sth, profit from sth jouir de qqch, profiter de qqch

WAMMBAABE wammbaa6e, wammbay6e pl.- bammbaaao; V. bammb-


WANTEERE wanteere WAI)-

WAMMBALLA wammballa n. D calf of straw veau en paille

walJude v.av D to have difficulties in giving birth (animal) avoir des difficultes a mettre bas (animal)

WAMNGO wamngo n. D large piece gros morceau


WAI)NwalJiiaade v.mv D [iiuumaade] to chase sb for a meal ? chasser qqn pour un rep as


wana (ka) / wanaaj; (d;) ZTb Z(-) [kufaara,


huulgo, I)aro]

gaiio (0) / wafiuoe, wayoe (oe)


sheath, cover, scabbard fourreau(T), fourreau de sabre(Z)

WANAA wana, wanaa

enemy enneml mbaiiaad'o (0) Z misanthrope; egotist misanthrope; egolste mbaiiaandi (ndi) D object or food that is detested objet au mets deteste ngaiiaande (nde) / ngafiaali (d;) Z contempt, scorn, disdain; egotism mepris, dedain; egolsme ngaiiaandi (ndi) D hate haine waiiude v.av DFCZ CZ(M,BF,N,G,A) to hate, detest, dislike, scorn; to not accept halr, detester, ne pas aimer, mepriser; ne pas accepter(Z)

var.- wonaa; V. won-


WANCwancude v.av DZ to renounce, give up; to not like any more renoncer a(D); ne plus aimer(Z)

WANJA wanja (0) / wanja'en (oe) Z barber coiffeur, barbier

WANNDE wannde (nde) D [yammbuure,l)aandi] bait appat

WANNGwanngaade v.mv Dez CZ(FJ,FT) to go around; to stroll; to circle around the Ka'ba contourner(D); se promener(cZ); faire Ie tour de la Ka'ba(Z)

WANNAARE waiiiiaare (nde) D act of keeping sb from eating or obtaining sth fait d'empecher qqn de manger ou d'obtenir qqch

WANNGIYAARE wanngiyaare (nde) rejoicing rejouissance



wappude v.av D to be out of energy etre a bout de force


WAPP-IR- (2?)

wannjalde (nde) / bannjalle, bannjalde (de) DZ beauty spot; wart; (pI.) pimples appearing on the forehead bouton de beaute(D); verrue(Z); (pI.) boutons se formant sur Ie fronteD)

WANO wano v. WANS-IN-

var.- waanteere Z

wappirde v.av+ext D to measure sb against another mesurer qqn par rapport a un autre

WAPPA YBE wappay6e WAR- (1)

wa'- (1)

pl.- bappafio

garal (ngal), garol (ngol) DZH Z(-) [yaraangal]:H coming, arrival venue, arrivee

wansinde v.av+ext D to go into decrepitude aller en decrepitude


gard'o (0) H


person who came qui est venu garoowo (0) D person who comes, is coming qui vient warde, warude v.av DFCZHY CZ(M,BF,N,G,A) to come, arrive venir, arriver

wartaade v.mv+ext

WARYwaryude v.av


to set on fIre enflammer


warde wattu (1): to be on time ; etre II I'heure H [garal, garol]

wargol (ngo/)

wasaade v.mv Dz

arrival arrivee


to glory in; to boast, brag; to court [fenngaade] se glorifIer deeD); se vanter(Z); courtiser(Z) [fenngaade]

-Tgarte n.

DZ Z(-)

to kill o.s., commit suicide se tuer, se suicider



relapse of an illness rechute d'une maladie gartol (ngo/) Dz Z(FT) [ngartal (ngal)] return retour wartude v.av+ext FCZ CZ(G,A,M,N,BF) to come back, return; to become, be transformed revenir, retourner; devenir, se metamorphoser

wasaango n.

WASORDE wasorde (nde)

D [yeedirde]

resting place of animals lieu de repos des animaux

WASUDE wasude

var.- asude; V. as- Cz




-T-IRwartirde v.av+2exts


automobile, car automobile, voiture

WATI- (1)

Fz [barc:fo-hoore (o)]:Z

battane / battaneeji cz


(FJ,M,BF) [wattande]

end, conclusion, result fm, conclusion(Z), resultat(Z) wattande (nde) / battane (de) FZ Z(-) [battane,

killer tueur DZ Z(-) (euph.)

timmal, timoode, timmorde, reere]

lion [rawaandu-ladde, 6ii-ladde, laddeeru, ngayoori] (lit. killer); (big) game lion [rawaandu-Iadde, 6ii-ladde, laddeeru, ngayoori] (lit. meurtrier); (gros) gibier

mbaroodi mbayla n.

ZH Z(-)

[mobel, mObil(i), mobilaaru]

WAR- (2) bard'o (0) / warlie (lie)


watiir, watiiru (0) / watiilUuji (di)

to bring back; to come back with ramener, rapporter; revenir avec

mbaroodi (ndi)


large package of millet ? gros paquet de mil

end fIn

wattude v.av


to begin commencer


vice (tool) etau mbaroowo (0) / waroolie (lie) 1Z Z(FT,M,BF)

-IN-Dwattindaade v.mv +2exts F to end


murderer, person who kills meurtrier, qui tue warude, warde v.av DFCZV CZ(-) [masimbinde,


WATI- (2) wattude v.av


DC C(G,A,M) [wattitidde] cf.:[wac:f-]

to exchange, barter echanger

to kill tuer



-ITwattitidde V. wattude C (FJ,M,BF)

WAYIIRE wayiire (nde) 0


amusement amusement

wattitinde v.av +2exts 0

to exchange again echanger de nouveau


WATTU wattu var.- wakkati FT WAW- wawaade n.; wawaade v.; wawude

baylo (0) / wayluoe (oe) OFZEHI Z(-)

smith, blacksmith (if a man); potter (if a woman); person of the caste of blacksmiths forgeron (homme); potiere (femme); qui est de la caste des forgerons


waaw- OHM


baylo f>aleeri/waylufle flaleeri (F): blacksmith; forgeron baylo kal)l)e e kaalisi/waylufle kal)l)e e kaalisi (F): goldsmith, jeweler; orfevre, bijoutier [baylo kabbaaro):Z(FI) mbayla (ka) / baylaaji (di) OZ Z(-)

wawdere (nde) 0

fruit of a tree fruit d'un arbre


forge, smithy forge (atelier) waylo n. T conversion conversion waylude v.av OFCZT CZ(-) to change, transform; to put, pour out, pour from one container into another; to recopy, reproduce a text; to translate; to give form to, fashion; to forge changer, transformer; mettre, verser, transvaser; recopier, reproduire un texte(Z); traduire(Z); donner une forme fl, fa~onner (z); forger(Z)

wawdu (ndu) / bawdi (di) DcZ C(BF),Z(M,BF) [wawru, worsoonde, wowdu] cf.:[wa'- (2)]

sickle; scythe faucille(CZ); faux(D)

WAWLmbawlu (0) / mbawluuji (di) F

pillow oreiller wawlaade v.mv Z

to support one's head (esp. when lying down) soutenir sa tete (surtout en se couchant)


wawlu6e pl.- gawlo

wawo n. 0


leg of mutton gigot de viande

waylitidde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-)

to change, transform; to turn (around, over, upside-down); to translate changer, transformer; tourner, retourner, renverser; traduire(Z)

WAWORO waworo n. 0

eye medicine medicament pour les yeux

WAWRU wawru (ndu) var.- wawdu WAY-NEEDI

-IT-INwaylitinde v.av + 2ext

Z (BF,M)

way-needi (0) Z cf.:[waas-]

lack of education manque d'education

WAYANKE wayanke V. waayeejo cz WAYDE wayde var.-wa'ude;V. wa'-(l) WAYDO



to turn (around, over, upside-down); to convert (into) tourner, retourner, renverser (Z); convertir (en) (T)

WAYLITOORU waylitooru n. 0 [iiaamooru)

cannibal cannibale



waydo (0) / wayoe (oe) Z

waynaade v.mv OFcZ C(FJ),Z(-)

person who is unhappy with sth, who is opposed to sth qui est mecontent de qqch, qui est oppose fl

to say good-bye, say one's farewells dire au revoir, faire ses adieux


puisque, parce que; derriere

waynude v.av Z (M,OO) [gaynaade, dur(u)de] cf.:[gayn-]


to graze (v.t.), guard; to watch over; to take care of faire paitre, garder; surveiller; s'occuper de, prendre soin de

waytinde v.av+(2?)ext 0 to waste away deperir

WAYT- (2?)


waytaade v.mv( +ext?) Z (BF,M) to ruminate ruminer

waynoyde v.av+ext 0 cf.:[gayn-] to go on transhumance aller en transhumance



waywayko (ko) / waywaykooji (di) cZ C(G,A),

waynaare (nde) 0 (pej.) liver foie


eyelash cit

(Z(DO),Rx(A»): third stomach or omasum(R), reticulum of ruminants ; troisieme estomac ou omasum, bonnet des ruminants(Z) cf.:[fid"afid"oonde)

WAYYwayyude v.av 0 to not be very ripe ne pas etre bien mur

WAYRbayral (ngal) / bayre (de) OZ Z(-) long absence, long time passed without doing some particular thing longue absence, longtemps passe sans faire une chose en particulier mbayraari (ndi) Z (A,M) meal of the night (during the fast) repas de nuit (pendant Ie jeune) wayraade v.mv Z to eat the morning meal (during the fast) prendre Ie repas matinal (pendant Ie jeune) wayrude v.av FCZ CZ(-) to be a long time since (without) doing some particular thing or seeing a particular person passer une longue periode sans faire une chose en particulier, rester longtemps sans voir une personne en particulier



weecit (0) Fzb Z(FT) [cewdi, kaalisi-cewdo] change (money) monnaie weceude v.av OFZb Z(FT,M) to make change, give change faire la monnaie

WECCO beeeal (nga/) / becce (de) OFCZM CZ(+) chest [ganndal (2)]; side, rib(s); (Vet.) pleuropneumonia [buucal, duaae, piae, pusel]; (Mil.Hist.) forward part of main body of an army poitrine [ganndal(2)]; cote, cote(s); (Vet.) peripneumonie(O) [buucal, duaae, piae, pusel]; (Mil.Hist.) Ie devant du gros d'une armee(M) weeeo (ngo) / becce (de) Fez eZ(G,NE,BF,M)

Mi wayrii yiyde mo. (Fo): I haven't seen him/her for a long time. ; Je ne I'ai pas vu depuis longtemps.



wayrondirde v.av+ext oz [wayrindirde]:Z(-) to be a long time without seeing each other rester longtemps sans se voir

side, ribs, rib-cage; chest cote, cotes; poitrine


En mbayrondirii! (0): It's been a long time (since we've seen each other)! ; II ya longtemps (qu'on ne s'est pas vu)!

wedaade, weddaade v.mv eZH ez(+) [werraade] to throw jeter, lancer

WAYRE MOONDE wayre moonde (nde) 0 [kooyal] saliva salive

wedaade laldugal, weddaade laldugal (D): to toss the weft (done in weaving) ; lancer la trame (tissage) [tippaade] cf.:[lJaldugal, d"aldugal) weddude v.av Fz Z(FT)


to throw jeter, lancer

wayri Z (FJ,M) cf.:[wayr-] since, because; behind



wedere (nde) 0 throw? jet?

weelude v.av Z (FT,M) [weeltude] to hang, be suspended pendre, etre suspendu

WEDmbed'eejum (dum) T sth circular (qqch de) circulaire mbed'u (ndu,o) / bedi (di)

-Nweelnaade v.mv +ext D to take in hand prendre en main




round cover woven from grass(F); fan [bifirgol, fenduure]; winnower (shallow concave disc); circle, disc [taarde]; surface, area couvercle en paille tressee (rond)(DZ); eventail(DZ) [bifirgol, fenduure]; van(DC); cercle, disque (T) [taarde]; surface, superficie (Z) wed'aade v.mv Z to be carried away by the wind; to flap or flutter in the wind etre em porte par Ie vent; flotter au vent wed'ude v.av D to make leave, cast to the wind faire partir, envoyer au vent

WEDD-IT- wed'd'itidde

weeltude v.av+ex-t V. weelude

Z (FT,M)

WEELO weelo (ngo,ko) 0 scarcity disette

WEEMBweembaade v.mv F to worry, be upset s'inquieter, avoir des ennuis weembude v.av Z to disconcert deconcerter


var.- weyyitidde Cz



V. weet-n-d-or-

weendu (ndu) / beeli (di) DFCZh CZ(-) lake, pond; puddle [weewo] lac, etang; flaque d'eau(CZ) [weewo]

wee6ude v.av CZ (FJ,FT,M,BF,NE) to be light (in weight)(C) [hoyde]; to be easy, accessible; to have a mild, easy-going character etre leger [hoyde]; etre facile, accessible, aise(Z); etre de caractere doux, facile(Z)

WEEN NUDE weennude WEEN-

V. weet-n-

weeiiude v.av D to move apart (v.t.) ecarter

WEEDE weede n. D cover couvercle

WEEPweepaade v.mv D [hafaade] to underestimate sous-estimer

WEEDweed'ude v.av D to give to sb, hold out to donner a qqn, tendre

WEER- (1) weerude v.av DZ to beg for, ask quem ander, demander

WEEKweekaade v.mv D(Blonde et ai, 1988) to insult, heap abuse on crier sur(Afr.)(D), insulter, accabler d'injures weekere (nde) D boo huee weekude v.av DZ to make fun of, tease; to boo sb se moquer de, taqUiner; huer qqn(Z)

WEER- (2) beero (0) / weer6e (6e) Fz guest hOte, invite weerde (lIde) / beerle (de) lodging (temporary) logement temporaire



FZ Z(-)

weerude v.av FZ Z(-) to lodge as a guest; to settle, live somewhere temporarily loger en tant qu'etranger; s'installer, habiter temporairement

weeyude v.av DCZ CZ(-) to soar, fly (gliding); to flyaway; to float planer, voler (en planant(Z»; s'envoler(Z); flotter(CZ)

WEEY-T- (2?)


weeytude v.av+ext D to praise, sing louer, chanter

weertaade, wertaade v.mv OF to stretch (o.s.) out; to be spread out(F) s'etendre(D); etre etale weertannde so66undu, weertannde lobbundu n.

WELbelaad"e (de) Z (FT,M) pleasure plaisir heldurn, beld"urn (dum) DZ Z(-) that which is succulent, pleasing ce qui est succulent, agreable rnheleefi, mbelki n. D cutting edge of a knife tranchant d'un couteau mbelndi (ndi) Z good meal, delicious meal bon repas, repas delicieux welude, weide v.av dFCZH CZ(-) to be good, pleasant; to be good (food), sweet; to please, be pleasing; to be sharp etre bon, agreable; etre doux, sucre; plaire, faire plaisir; etre tranchant


angular opening ecart angulaire weertude, wertude v.av


[weyyitidde, wedditidde]

to spread, open out, layout (e.g. mat); to expose, align etaler, etendre, deployer (p.ex. natte); exposer, aligner (Z)

WEETbeete (o,de) OFCZ CZ(M,BF,NE) morning, dawn matin, matinee, aube weetude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to be early morning; to spend the morning faire (petit) jour; passer la matinee


weIde hoore (DZ): to be lucky; avoir la chance, etre chanceux [maleede, iiiineede]

weetinde v.av+ext D to keep for the morning garder pour une matinee weennude v.av+ext DZ [wennude] to greet at noon, say the morning greetings saluer a midi(D), dire la salutation matinale(Z)

-Nwelnata jaagu n. M tree said to make trade prosperous arbre repute a rendre Ie commerce prospere welnetee6e (oe) 1M (Hist.) people among the non-Fulani to cajole in order to attract them to Islam gens parmi les non-Peuls a amadouer pour les attirer a I'Islam welnude v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) to sweeten, make pleasant; to sharpen adoucir, rendre agreable; aguiser

-N-D-ORweendorde, wendorde v.av + 3exts Z (+) to be surprised by the day; to wake up late se laisser surprendre par Ie jour; se reveiller tard



weewo n. D [weendu] puddle flaque d'eau

welnande (ned"d"o) v.av+ext to spoil (sb) gater (qqn)

WEEYweeya n. V pirouette (dance step) pirouette (pas de danse) weeyo (ngo) eZT C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) atmosphere, air; space atmosphere, air; espace(T)

-Tbeltiid"o (0) D [eeyiido] happy, delighted person qui est dans la jouissance




weltaade v.mv+ext DFCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF,N) to be delighted, be happy, be glad se rejouir, etre heureux, etre content

WEI)weuaade v.mv 0 to bring down violently terrasser violemment

-T-ANweltanaade v.mv+2exts CZ (FJ,M,BF) to be pleased with sb or sth, congratulate sb for sth; to thank etre content de qqn au de qqch, feliciter qqn de qqch; remercier

WENweiiude v.av Z (-) to put upside-down mettre sens dessus dessous



weiiondirde v.av +ext 0 to be opposed to etre oppose a

welaande (nde) / belaaae (ae) DFCZ CZ(M,BF,N) [coowiri, coowu) cf.:[birgi)

cattle dung bouse de vache

WERwerde, werude v.av Z to be unequalled, be first ne pas avoir son egal, etre Ie premier

WELLwellaade v.mv DZ [welaade):CZ(M,BF) to go beyond, pass depasser, passer


WERCwercude v.av 0 [wersude) to pour verser


welo (0) ZT [negeso, puccel-njandi) bicycle bicyclette, vela

WERLwerlaade v.mv CZ (FJ,FT,M.G) [wedaade,



welsindaade v.mv +2exts 0 to reject the argument of rejeter l'argument de

to throw lancer, jeter



werraade v.mv DT [wedaade, werlaade) to throw lancer

wembere (nde) Dzi Z(DO) [wemberewal):L [ngoyongoyo)

hindrance; stupidity; distraction; lack of will embarras(D); stupidite(Z); distraction(Z); manque de volante


WEMPEYERE wempeyere (nde) T [wempeyyere):Z{A) [tayre,

WERT- wertaade; wertude V. WES-


wave vague

ween- F

wesude v.av 0 to winnow vanner

WENCITDE wencitde n. T [ruooitinde) inverse inverse

WEY-T-INweytinde v.av+2exts 0 cf.:[waanteere) to sell cheaply vendre a bon marche

WENDOOGO wendoogo n. Z (FT.M) period of darkness before dawn periode d'obscurite avant l'aube

WENDORDE wendorde; wennude V.


wersude v.av Z [wercude) to pour, empty verser, vider

WEY-WEY-T- (2?) weyweytude v.av+ext· 0 cf.:[weey-) to flutter about voltiger




wifoongo, wifongo (ngo) / bifoole (ae) dZ Z(-)


[(pl.) biifoole]:D

weyyitidde v.av+ext CZ {FJ,M,BF,N,G}

wing aile wifude v.av CZ CZ(-)

[weyitidde):Z [wecfcfitidde, we(e)rtude)

to spread, layout etendre, deployer

to fan; to blow eventer; souffier(Z)

-IT-INweyyitinde v.av + 2exts D


to spread, stretch (v.t.) etaler, tendre

WI' - wi'de var.- wiyde; V. wiy-

bifirgal (ngal), bifirgol (ngo/) / bifirae (ae), bifirai (ai) DCZy CZ( +) [biiforgal]:Y fan [mbedu, fenduure]; bellows event ail [mbedu, fenduure]; soufflets(D)

FCZ C(-},



WIH- wihude, wiide var.- wiyde; V. wiyWIID-IN-

wiccude v.av Cz C(FJ,M,BF),Z(FJ,BF)

to splash sb with water, spray, water faire gicler de l'eau sur qqn, asperger(Z), arroser(Z)

wiidinaade v.mv +ext Z

to be situated etre situe

-IRbiccirgal (ngal)



(Sarwuusi Jannde Mawoe, 1984)

(Imperato, 1973)

wiige (nge) / bijji, biiji, biige (ae) DCZl CZ(-)

watering can; design woven in kaasa blankets simulating water thrown from a container onto the ground(Imperato, 1973) arrosoir(SJ.M., 1984); dessin tisse dans les couvertures kaasa qui simule de l'eau versee d'un recipient sur la terre

heifer (one or two years old) genisse (d'un an ou deux(Z» (R{A»): 2 to 3 year old heifer; genisse de 2 II 3 ans wiige didiiwe (L): two year old heifer; genisse de deux ans

WIINNwiinnde, winnde (nde) / biille, bille (ae) dFCZIM



wid"aade v.av Z

camping place during transhumance, former camp of animals; village or camp (esp. abandonned) lieu de campement durant Ie transhumance . ' anCIen campement d'animaux; village ou campement (surtout abandonne)(cZ) wiinnude v.av z (FT) to abandon a village abandonner un village

to scratch the ground (as in birds looking for food) gratter la terre (oiseaux cherchant a manger) wid"agol (ngol) T [wicforde] inspection inspection wid"o (ngo) Z scratching of the ground action de gratter la terre



mbiirki n. education education

wid"orde (nde) T [wicfa901)

inspection inspection

D [needi, dankoraaku)



wijaawe (nge) D [gosiiwe]

wid"to n. T [winndannde)

cow with its horns turned back on its head vache aux comes rabattues sur les tern pes

study of a text etude d'un texte



wiltere n. (Seydou, 1981)

wifaade v.mv Y Z{-)

new grass herbe nouvelle

to fan o.s.; to get some air, be ventilated s'eventer; s'aerer. etre aere (Z)




wippitaade v.mv+ext V. wippaade

wilwilndu (ndu) / bilwildi, bilbildi, bilwili (di)

wippitidde v.av+ext

bat chauve-souris

cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) [diftude (2),


to snatch, remove brusquely arracher, retirer brusquement

WINNDbinndol (ngol) / binndi (di)

cZ C(FJ),


CZ (+)



[bindol):D [winndere)

writing, line of writing, orthography, spelling; (pt) sth written, writing ecriture, ligne d'ecriture, orthographe; (pt) ecrit, ecriture binndoowo (0) / winndoooe (oe) FZH Z(-) writer, person who writes, clerk ecrivain, qui ecrit, clerc winndannde (nde) ZT Z(-) copy, example of a text; study of a text [wiato] copie, exemplaire d'un ecrit(Z); etude d'un texte(T) [wiato] winndere (nde) / binnde (de) FZ Z(-) writing, text; universe; creature ecrit, texte; univers(Z); creature(Z) winndude v.av FCZ CZ(-) to write; to inscribe; to create (God) ecrire; inscrire(Z); creer (Dieu)(Z)


wirdi (0) Z saying of prayers on prayer beads; prayer beads; religious extasy action de dire les prieres sur un chapelet; chapelet; extase religieuse (wird - Arabic term designating the special prayers of one or another (Sufi) order; ouird - 'terme arabe designant les prieres speciales II telle ou telle confrerie' (Seydou, Im:95n.)) wirdude v.av Z (FT,M)

to say prayers on prayer beads dire Ie chapelet, dire les prieres sur un chapelet

WIRFwirfaade v.mv Z [wirfitaade] to turn around, retrace one's steps se retourner, revenir sur ses pas wirfude v.av Z to retrace one's steps; to journey back revenir sur ses pas; s'en retourner

-IRbinndirgal (ngal) / binndirde (de), binndirdi (di) DFCZTq CZ(M,BF,N) [bindirgal):D [kaanibol] pen, writing instrument styIo, ecritoire(Afr.), instrument avec Iequel on peut ecrire

-ITwirfitaade v.mv+ext V. wiifaade wirfitidde v.av+ext Z (-) to journey back again s'en retouner de nouveau

binndirgal danewal (f): piece of chalk ; craie

mbinndiri (ndi) T spelling, orthography [binndol, mbinndin]; dictation [fido, sifto] orthographe [binndol, mbinndin]; dictee [fido, sifto]


WIRTwirtaade v.mv( + ext?) CZ (FJ,NE,M) to be discovered; to be caught; to be ashamed etre decouvert; etre pris sur Ie vif; avoir honte, tomber dans Ia honte (Z)

-ONDIRwinndondirde v.av+ext Z to correspond etre en correspondance

WITTwittude v.av FCZ CZ(M,FT) to go away, leave s'en aller, partir

WIPPwippaade v.mv+ext

cZ C(FT),Z(FJ,M,FT) [wippitaadej [diftaadej

WITT- (2?) wittaade v.mv CZ (M,NO) to pass near to, pass by; to brush against passer pres de, passer par; froler

to pull away, withdraw sharply from; to seize, snatch brusquely and carry off; to struggle (with) s'en arracher, s'en retirer vivement de; saisir, arracher vivement et emporter avec (Z); se debattre(Z)


WOD- (3)


bod'e- (+sut), mbod'e- (+sut), wod'e- (+sut) Z red rouge bod'eejo (0) / wodeeoe (oe) DFZ Z(-} person with a light or reddish complexion, Fulani(F) personne de teint clair ou rouge, peul mbodeeri (ndi) d [mbodeeri]:D red (color) rouge (couleur) wod'eede (2) v.pv F [wojjude] to be red etre rouge wod'eewe (nge) D red cow vache rouge woijude v.av DCZh CZ(FJ,FT,M,NO,BF) [woojude]

bi'aangol (ngol) (Seydou, 1987) cf,:[konngol, gawlu] sth said; (ReI.) precepts, commandments qqch de dit; (ReI.) preceptes, commandements biyeteedo (0) / wiyeteeoe (oe) F person who is called, who is named qui est appelle, qui est nomme wiyde v,av FeZ Z(-) [wiide, wi'de] ef.:[haalude, merude]

to say, tell; to name, call; to designate; to have the intention; to instruct(C) dire; nommer(Z); designer(Z); avoir l'intention(Z); instruire mbii-mi : I say, I said; je dis, j'ai dit

wiyeede v,pv Fz [wi'eede]:Z(-} to be said; to be called etre dit; etre appele ana wiyee (F): it is said; on dit (que) Hono mbiyete-d'aa? (F): What is your name? ; Comment t'appeles-tu?


to be red, become red etre rouge, rougir

WOD- (1)


god'd'o (0) / woooe (oe) FZ Z(-) the other person, the other one, another person; someone l'autre personne, I'autre, une autre personne; quelqu'un(Z) god'd'um (dum) fZ Z(-) something (else) quelque chose (d'autre) wod'ude v,av F to be another, other etre un autre (different)

woijinde v.av+ext DZ to redden, make red rougir, faire rougir

WODDngod'd'eefi, ngod'd'eeki n. T distance distance


ngod'd'eefi hakkunde (T): distance between; distance entre wod'd'ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-)

to be far away etre loin de

WOD- (2) mbod'a (0) / mbodaaji (di)


ZJ (DO,M) [ngoc:fa]


ef.: [kac:faac:fi]

wod'd'inde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to advance, make progress; to move further away, eliminate; to postpone the date; to send sb into exile avancer, faire avancer; eloigner, eliminer; reporter la date(Z); envoyer qqn en exile(Z)

totem; taboo, forbidden thing totem; tabou, chose interdite mbod'orko (ko) Z (FJ,M,FT) [faata, nguugu] vagina (lit. taboo opening) vagin (lit. ouverture tabouee) mboddi (ndi) / bolle (de) DCZ CZ(FJ,BF,N,M} [mbooddi/boolle] [ooggol-Ieydi, baajol-Ieydi]


snake (lit. taboo thing) serpent (lit. chose tabouee (Z» ngoda n. D [mboc:fa] ef.:[kac:faac:fi] taboo tabou wod'eede (1) v.pv D to be avoided, feared etre evite, craint

wod'd'itaade v.mv+ext DCZ CZ(-) to move away; to plunge; to repudiate, renounce s'eloigner; plonger(Z); repudier, renoncer a (Z) wod'd'itidde v.av+ext FZ (-) to move away, move over (F); (V. woaainde) eloigner, deplacer; (V. woaainde)(Z)



wolude v.av D to dye red teindre au rouge

wod'd'ondirde v.av+ext FZ Z(-) to be far from one another etre loin l'un de l'autre

-Twoltude v.av +ext D to remove the dye enlever Ie teinture

WOFwofude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) [I)ofude) to bark aboyer


WOGGwoggude v.av DCZ CZ(M,BF,N,G,A) [woogude) to rub, polish, file (down) frotter, polir(CZ), limer(Z)

Wolar6e pl.- Bolaaro

wolde (nde) / golwole (de) DZ Z(-) [konu, oorngal, habo]

war, conflict, battle, combat; army, armed troop guerre, conflit, bataille, combat; armee, troupe armee (Z)

WOHE wohe (nge) (Turner, 1989) cow with big colored spots on its head vache dont la tete porte de grosses taches colorees

WOLK-ITwolkitidde v.av+ext D to fix the hem of a boubou ? reprendre les pans du boubou

WOJERE bojel (ngel) / mbojoy (koy) - dim.- wojere ZH



wojere (nde) / boje (de) DCZ C(-),Z(FT,M)

bomol (ngol) / bomi (di) CZ (NO,M) [gamol,


ngamri, wamdu, waamnuru)

rabbit, hare lapin, lievre

dance danse womude, wommude v.av DCZH C(M,BF),

WOJJ- woijinde; woijude V. wod- (3) WOKK-

Z(M,SF,A) [wam(u)de, dippude]

to dance danser

wokkude v.av Z [wokkitidde, yeeweede) to feel nostalgia, miss one's family avoir la nostalgie, s'ennuyer de sa famille

WOMB- (1) wombaade v.mv V. wombude Z (FT,M,DO) wombude v.av Z (FJ,M,BF,N) [wombaade]

-ITwokkitidde v.av+ext V. wokkude Z


to buzz (fly) bourdonner (mouche)

WOL- (1) woliinde, woliide (nde) / boliide, botle (de)

WOMB- (2)

(Seydou, 1987)

term, word vocable, mot

wombude v.av Z [fayde] to be large, fat, robust etre gros, gras, robuste

CZ(NE): speech, discourse, language; parole, discours, langage



wommbude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) [wommbilaade] to twirl, whirl, swirl; to hang around (but at a distance); to watch over, protect a column from a distance by flank guards tournoyer, tourbillonner (D); roder autour (mais a distance)(Z); surveiller, proteger une colonne a distance par des flancs-gardes(Z)

wowlude v.av+ext z(Seydou, 1987) Z(FJ} [wolwude ):CZ(NE,G,A) [haal (u)de)

to speak parler

WOL- (2) wolo n. D product of dyeing produit de teinture




wontinde v.av+2exts Z{FT,M,FJ) to become again that which one or sth was before redevenir ce que 1'0n etait auparavant

wommbilaade v.mv DZ [wommbude] to stroll, wander; to hang around (but at a distance); to watch over, protect a column from a distance by flank guards flaner, errer (D); roder autour (mais a distance)(Z); surveiller, proteger une colonne it distance par des flanc-gardes(Z)



wonld (ki) / wonkiiji (di) DFCZb(Trimingham, 1959) C{ + ),Z{FJ,FT,M) [yonki]

soul, vital force; being arne, souffle vital; etre

WONwon v. FH to have [jogaade]; there is, there exists, sth is

WONNUDE wonnude V. wood-n-



avoir [jogaade]; il y a, it existe, qqch est

woo6re (nde) / goooe, boooe (de) Z [woomre] swig lampee woo6ude v.av DCZ CZ(NE,BF,A,M,G) to take a gulp, a swig, to sip prendre une gorgee, une lampee, siroter woomre (nde) DZ [wuumre, wuwre, mocfcfande] mouthful; gulp [wo06re] bouchee(D); lampee(Z) [wo06re]

Won ko anndu-daa heen? (F): Is there sth you know about it? ; Y a-toil qqch que tu en sais? Babbam won baali sappo. (H): My father has ten sheep. ; Mon pere a dix moutons. wonaa part. FZ Z(-) [wana(a))

it is not, not to be ce n'est pas, ne pas etre wonude, wonde v.av DFCZ CZ(-) cf.:[won] to be, exist; (e +inf.) to begin, put O.s. to doing (F) etre, exister; (e +inf.) se mettre it faire qqch(Z)

WOOCwoocaade v.mv D to be used to avoir l'habitude

Mi woni e jalJngude. (F): I began studying. ; J'ai commence Ii etudier.


WOOD- (1)

gondal (nga/) DCZ CZ(-) cohabitation, living together(C); proximity; manner of being with; coexistence; agreement, harmony cohabitation, vie commune(D); voisinage(CZ); maniere d'etre avec(Z); coexistence(Z); accord(Z) wondude e v.av+ext DFCZ CZ{·) to be with, live in the company of; to have, possess; to have sth to do with, concern; to be lodged near, with etre avec, vivre en compagnie de; avoir, posseder; avoir rapport a, concerner (Z); etre loge pres de, avec (Z)

goodal (nga/) DZ Z(·) existance, being existence, etre woodude v.av FCZ CZ( + ) to be, exist; to have, possess etre, exister; avoir, posseder woodii (F): there is (some) ; il y en a woodaa (F): there isn't any; il n'y en a pas

WOOD- (2) goodaaJi (di) D cries of distress cris de detresse woodude v.av cZ C(NE),Z{NE,M) to shout crier

-IRwonirde, worrude v.av+ext fZ Z{·) to intend to, be for sth; to behave in a certain manner avoir l'intention de, etre pour qqch; se porter comment

WOODwood'ii, wood'd'ii interj. CZ{M,BF,N) [moyyU, gasU] that's fme, great; well, it's okay (C) c'est bien, parfait (Z); bien, c'est d'accord (C) wood'ude v.av DFCZ CZ(·) [lobbididde,l)arcfude] to be beautiful, pretty, charming etre beau, joli, charm ant

hono ...woniri, hono ...worri (F): how it is, like it is ; eire comment


woogude v.av DeZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,FT,M) to scratch; (V. woggude) gratter(D); (V. woggude)(CZ)

-(I)Nwonnude, wood"inde v.av+ext DCZ CZ(BF,M,N) [moyyinde]

to make beautiful; to make (sth) good; to put in order, arrange; to improve, make (more) attractive, correct, perfect; to prepare; to make rendre beau; rendre bon; mettre en ordre, arranger; ameliorer, embellir, perfectionner; preparer; fabriquer

WOOJUDE woojude var.- wojjude; V. wojjCz C(G,A,NE,M),Z(G,A,NE)

WOOKwookude v.av Z (A,M) to bark; to moo, low; to cry; to tease, make fun of aboyer; mugir; pleurer; taquiner, se moquer de


WOOMRE woomre V. wo06WOONDU

wood"intinde v.av+2exts CZ(M,BF) [moyyintinde] to put in order, readjust, arrange, repair, mend; to settle relations mettre en ordre, rajuster, ranger, reparer, raccommoder; regler les relations(Z)

woondu n. D cf.:[woodcries of distress cris de detresse

WOOF- (1)



mboofo (0) D clumsy person maladroit woofannde (nde) T error erreur woofude v.av DCZ CZ(M,BF,NE) [woopude,

boonngud"o (0) D person who desires or has need qui a envie, besoin woongude v.av D [haajude] to need avoir Ie besoin de

WOOP- woopude var.- woofude; V. woof- (1)

mboofude, mboopude]

Dez C(FJ),Z(FJ,FT)

to make a mistake, err; to miss (a goal); to fail; to sin se tromper; manquer (un but); rater, echouer; pecher(Z)

WOOR- (1) woorde, woorude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) [woortude] to avoid, go around an obstacle eviter(D), contourner un obstacle(Z)

WOOF- (2)


mboofoodi (ndi) D [mboofoondi]:Z(-) egg yolk jaune d'oeuf woofaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to brood, sit on (eggs), cover the chicks couver, etre etendue sur les petits woofaaru (ndu) Z stay of a woman in her parents' home after childbirth sejour d'une femme chez ses parents apres l'accouchement woofoonde (nde) / boofooae, boofooje (ae) eZ

woornude v.av+ext Z [woortinde] to cause to fail, thwart faire echouer, dejouer

-Twoortude v.av+ext V. woorde D

-T-INwoortinde v.av +2exts V. woomude Z

-T-ONDIRwoortondirde v.av + 2exts Z not to meet each other ne pas se rencontrer


egg [Boccoonde]; eardrum oeuf[Boccoonde]; tympan(Z)

WOOR-T-IN- (2) woortinde v.av+2exts C [hu(u)rtinde, hoowde] to marry epouser

WOOGwoogeeru (ndu) / googeeji, boogeeji (ai) DeZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) [googeeru]

violin violon



WOOTO wooto n. Dq Dalo] hoe houe, daba(Afr.)

woorcaade v.mv D to shell egrener



mboowdi (nd;) / boowle (ae) F [mboowkaj custom, habit coutume, habitude mboowka (ka) / boowe (ae) Z (DO,M)

woore (nde) / bo'e, bohe (ae) DZHpq(Blondeet al,1988)

fish - carp (Tilapia spp.) poisson - carpe (Tilapia spp.) woore raneere (P): (Tilapia galilaea)


habit, custom habitude, coutume woowde v.av FCZ C(M,G,BF,NE),Z(FJ,FT,M) to be used to, accl,lstomed to etre habitue a, avoir l'habitude de woowere (lIde) Zo habit, being accustomed ( to) habitude, ayant l'habitude (de)

WOOSwoosude v.av DCZ CZ(G,A,M,NE,BF) to limp [yuggude, layude); to be paralyzed(C); to be stiff boiter(D) [yuggude, layude); etre paralytique(CZ); etre raide(Z)

WOOTgo'o n. DFCZH CZ(-) [gohoj one un

-Rwoowrude v.av+ext FCZ CZ(M,G,BF,NE) to be familiar with, be acquainted with; to be accustomed to connaitre; etre habitue a

go'ooji (Math.)(T): units, ones; unites [ngowtuuriije)

gooto (0) DFZ Z(+) single, unique (for the class 0); one person(F); certain seul, unique (pour la classe 0); une personne; certain(Z)

WOpp- (1)

gooto fuu (FZ): each one, al\ of them ; chacun, tous gooto kala (F): everyone, each one ; tous, tout Ie monde, chacun gooto-gooto (F): one by one, piece by piece, each one ; un a un gootum (aum) FZt Z(-)

WOPP- (2)

woppude v.av Dez CZ(FJ,FT,BF) to quit, abandon delaisser, abandonner woppude v.av Cz C(FJ,M),Z(FJ) to strike with a branch (to collect fruit) frapper avec une branche (pour cueillir des fruits (Z»

same thing meme chose

WOR- (1)

fuu gootum (F): it is (these are) al\ the same; c'est la meme chose, ce sont les meme choses ko gootum (Math.)(T): identical; identique wanaa gootum (0): it is (these are) not the same; ce n'est pas la meme chose, ce ne sont pas les meme choses [waldaa] ngootuuri (nd;) D

gor- (+suf.), ngor- (+suf.), wor- (+suf.) FCZ CZ(-)

male, masculine male, masculine gorei (ngel) / goroy, ngoroy (koy) FZH Z(-) small man, small boy petit homme, petit gar~on gori n. H [gorko, jom galle] husband man

calf that is one year old veau d'un an ngowtuuriije (ae) D [go'oojij units unites wootere (nde) d figure one (1) ? figure un (1) ? wootude v.av F to be one, unique etre seul, unique

goram (C): my husband; mon mari goriiko (0): her husband; son mari gorko (0) / wor6e (6e) DFCZH CZ(-)

man; husband homme; mari



ngorba (nga) / gorbi (di) ? DZ male donkey me mate wordu / gori H strapping fellow gaillard worwordu (ndu) / gorwordi, gorworli, gorgordi (di) Z (M,FT,A) house or hut of the father maison du pere, hutte du pere

worsoonde (nde) sickle faucille

WOSwosaade v.mv Z to move aside, let pass se mettre de cote, laisser passer wosude v.av Z to give a gift to the mother of a newborn faire un cadeau a la mere du nouveau-ne

WOR- (2) mbordi (ndi) pus pus, same


WOT- (1) wotude v.av DZ to wound on the head blesser a la tete

-Dword'ude v.av+ext to be purulent etre purulent


WOT- (2)

worcitaade v.mv+ext 0 to skin ecorcher


WORCOONDE worcoonde (nde) 0 knot noeud

[wote (cfe)]:Z

WOTA [gorcol]

ta, taa sf- wota DCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M) wota part. FCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M) [pati, (+ v. imperat.) don't (+ v. imperat.) ne pas


fati, ta(a)]



bottaari (ndi) / bottaaji (di) DFZI Z(-) cf.:[kaccitaari, sawdaari]

lunch(F), noon meal(F); morning meal dejeuner(D), repas de midi(Z); repas du matin(I) wottaade v.mv DFZ Z(FT,M) to eat lunch, eat at noon dejeuner, prendre Ie repas de midi

WORDESAWEL worde sawel n. chlorine eau de javel


wote (0) / woteeji (di) Z vote, ballot; election vote, scrutin; elections wotude v.av Z to vote voter


worde adj. T odd, uneven impair

0 [wowdu, wawdu, wawru]

T [ndiyam sawel]

WORDOONDE wordoonde V. WORDU wordu (ndu) / gori, gordi (di) thumb pouce


WOWDU wowdu var.- wawdu 0 WOWLUDE wowlude V. wol-wWOWRU

Zo Z(-)

wowru (ndu) / b06i (di)




worraade v.mv( +ext?) Z cf.:[won-ir-] to return from pasture; to complete one's turn in the collective pasture rentrer du paturage; achever son tour dans Ie paturage collectif

WORRUDE worrude V.


mortar mortier

WOyboyol (ngol) / boyi, bojji, boyi, bojiiji (di)




tear ( drop), sob, lamentation; grief, sadness larme, sanglot, lamentation; chagrin, tristesse



WUDD- (2)

gongol, gonngol (ngot) / gonai (ai) DFZ Z(FT,FJ,M)

guddal n. 0 [ngudda] animal with its tail cut off animal a queue coupee guddo (0) / wudduoe (oe) DZH Z(M,DO) one-armed person manchot ngudda n. 0 [guddal] animal with its tail cut animal a queue coupee

tear (drop) larme goyoowo (0) Z (FT,M) person who is always crying pleureur, pleureuse woyde v.av DFCZH C(-),Z(M,G,FT) cf.:[wullude] to cry, weep, lament pleurer, se lamenter woyde neaao (Z): to mourn; pleurer qqn



wuddid'idde v.av+ext Dz Z(G,A) to lose the tail; to be stunted; to be mutilated perdre la queue(D); etre rabougri(Z); etre mutile(Z)

woynude v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) [wullinde] to make (sb) cry faire pleurer (qqn)



woytd'ude v.av+2exts Z (FT,M,BF) to complain; to ask or call for se plaindre; reclamer

wuddere (nde) / gudde (ae) cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M,FT) [Iokere, yolnde]

opening, hole; (Archit.) loophole ouverture, trou; (Archit.) meurtriere(Z)

WOYTARAANDU woytaraandu (ndu) T alibi alibi

WUDDU wuddu (ndu) / guti, gulli (ai) DCZIM(Sanankoua, 1990) CZ(FJ,M,BF)


navel; umbilical cord; (fig.) term for Masina; (Hist.) central part of the Masina empire [geju, la'al]; (MiI.Hist.) main part of an army on the march nombril; cordon ombilical (Sanankoua, 1990); (fig.) terme designant Ie Massina (Sanankoua, 1990); (Hist.) partie centrale de l'empire du Massina(I) [geju, la'al]; (Mil. Hist.) Ie gros de l'armee en marche(M)

woyeede v.pv 0 to be sad for avoir de la peine pour

WUB-INwubinde v.av+ext 0 to fertilize (manure) rice ? fumer Ie riz



wubbaade v.mv 0 to pull, drag trainer wubbude v.av 0 [mubbude, moof)ude, a(a)jaade,

wudere (nde) / gude (ae) DCZh C(+), Z(FJ,M,BF,N),H(FN,SH) [disaare]

pagne, cloth wrap; blanket(C); article of clothing pagne; couverture(CZ); vetement(C)


to amass, gather up in passing amasser, ramasser en passant

WUDERE (2) wudere (nde) / gude (ae) DZS cf.:[bawai (1),

wubbude (Z(Fl}): to cut grass, straw; to collect fodder; couper de la paille; ramasser du fourrage


ndoondo, njaru, saygalaare]

tune (of music) air de musique

wu66ere V. guoo-


wuddude v.av DeZ C(FJ,BF),Z(FJ,M,BF) to trouble (water); to be turbid, dirty (water) troubler (eau)(D); etre troublee, sale (eau)

wudo n. 0 pen for small animals pare pour les petits animaux




wujjude v.av OFCZH CZ(-) to steal voler, derober

wuduwude (nde) 0 species of bird espece d'oiseau

WUJO wujo (o,ngo) / guje (ae) OZ Z(-) [gujal, gujowal] shell; shell used for scraping out pots; mussel, oyster coquille, coquillage; coquillage employee pour racler les marmites(D); moule, huitre (Z)

WUDngmfa n. O(Blonde et ai, 1988) insect which eats wood perce-bois(Afr.), insecte qui ronge Ie bois wucfude v.av Dz Z(FJ) to rust; to be rotten, eaten away, worm-eaten se rouiller(D); etre pourri, ronge, vermoulu (Z)

WUJUWAJA wujuwaja n. 0 fluctuation fluctuation

WUF-INwufinde v.av+ext 0 to put on weight (baby) grossir (bebe)

WUKKURU wukkuru (ndu) / bukki (ai) OcZ C(BF.NE), Z(M,BF,NE) [wunnguru]

tuft, clump, bunch, cluster; cluster of dates; cottonseed touffe, bouquet, grappe; regime de dattes(Z); graine de cotonnier(Z)

WUFYwufyude v.av CZ (FT,M) [wunyude, wuyyude] to rinse out sb's mouth rincer la bouche a qqn

WUGAANDU wugaandu


var.- wuugaa(n)du

guhfum (aum) F sth hot qqch de chaud nguhfam (aam) 0 heat chaleur nguleefi (ki) FZH [kuflflu] heat(F); sweat chaleur(H); sueur(Z) nguli (ki) oz [kuflflu] sweat sueur wulaare (nde) OF heat chaleur wulude, wulde v.av OFCZ C( + ),Z(-) to be hot [foowude); to burn(C), set ftre to [sumude) etre chaud, faire chaud [foowude); brftler(CZ), incendier(Z) [sumude)

Z (M,BF)

WUJngujam (aam) OZ Z(-) oil for use on the body, liniment; fat huile a enduire Ie corps, liniment; graisse(Z) wujaade v.mv OCZ CZ(-) to cover o.s. (with oil, etc) s'enduire (d'un corps gras) wujjaade latikoro, wujjaade latikolo (Z): to use perfume ; se parfumer wujude v.av OCZM CZ(-)

to cover (with oil, etc.); (Equ.) to rub a thin coating of butter over a horse's body enduire (avec un corps gras); (Equ.) passer une legere couche de beurre de vache sur Ie corps d'un cheval(M)

WUJJgujjo (0) / wuylie (lie) OFCZHmY thief voleur


wuyDe iieJl)e (M): clever thieves; voleurs habiles

ngujjoowo (0) H person in the act of stealing qui est en train de voler

wulnude v.av+ext OCZ CZ(+) to warm, heat, heat up again; to burn, set ftre to chauffer, rechauffer; brftler, incendier (CZ)

nguyka (ka) / guyaa/e (ae), guyaali, guyaaji (ai)

oz Z(-) theft vol

-Twultude v.av +ext 0 to reheat rechauffer, reprendre forme 378



wulliiru n. 0 return of animals retour des animaux

wultinaade v.mv + 2ex-Is 0 [uulaade j to warm o.s. up se rechauffer wultinde (ned"d"o) v.av+2exts Z to remind and reproach sb faire se rappeler et reprocher qqn

WULSUDERE wulsudere (nde) 0 cream creme

WULLguile (ae) 0 cries cnes wullaade v.mv Dcz CZ(G,A) to complain se plaindre wullaango (ngo) / gullaali, gullali (ai) DZ Z(-) shout, cry of fright or pain cri, cri de frayeur ou de douleur wullude v.av DFcZh C(FJ),Z(-),H(SH,Kerieba) to cry out, complain, protest; to cry [woyde] crier, se plaindre, protester; pleurer(CZH) [woyde]

WULUDE wulude (nde) 0 kind of gramineae sorte de graminee

WULUURE wuluure WUM-

bumd"o (0) / bumoe; wumoe (oe)

DCZ C(-),


blind person aveugle mbumndam, mbumdam, bumd"am (aam) CZ(+)


blindness cecite wumude v.av to be blind etre aveugle

wullanaade v.mv + ext 0 to complain about sb se plaindre de qqn

-INwullinde v.av+ext CZ to make (sb) cry faire pleurer (qqn)

var.- ujunere Dczh


CZ(FJ,M,BF,NE) [woynudej


WUMMA wumma n. 0 fool, illiterate, idiot bete, illettre, idiot

-ITwullitaade v.mv+ex-t DZ Z(-) to complain about (sb or sth); to implore; to ask for; to call for help se plaindre de (qqn ou qqch); implorer(Z); reclamer(Z); appeler au secours(Z) wullitagol (ngo/) Z complaint; demand plainte; reclamation wullito (ngo) / gullite (ae) cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) complaint; crying plainte; pleur

WUMMB-ITwummbitidde v.av+ext 0 to overflow deborder

WUMMERE wummere V. WUMPwumpude v.av


DZ Z(-) [yonkude, wurwude,


to churn by shaking milk in a gourd hattre Ie lait en l'agitant dans une gourde


WULLERE (1) wullere (nde) 0 bag, bundle ? paquet

wumpirgal (ngal) / bumpirae (ae) container for shaking milk recipient pour battre Ie lait


WUMRE wumre (nde) Z unit unite

wullere (nde) / guile (ae) Z first sprout of a seed premiere pousse d'une graine





-ITworitaade v.mv+ext 0 to search again refouiller

wone (1) (0) / wuneeji (di) Dz Z(FT) unexpected glory; reputation; consideration; luck, good luck gloire inattendue(D); reputation(Z); consideration(Z); chance, bonne chance (Z)

-Nwornaade v.mv+ext ZL Z(-) to stick into, insert fourrer, introduire

WUNEEWE woneewe, wone (2) (nge) OZ coloration of cattle; grey-brown cow [terakade wod'e] robe de vache (D); vache gris-brun(Z) [terakade wod'e]

WUR-T- (2?) wortaade v.mv+ext Z to come out, appear sortir, paraitre


WUR-T- (3?)

wonnde (nde) 0 articulation articulation

wortude v.av+ext 0 cf.:[wuur-t-] to decide against a purchase renoncer a un achat



wonndi (ndi) 0 garment of coton habit en coton

worbude v.av 0 to stir with force remuer fortement

WUNNDUMBAARE wonndumbaare (nde)


OZM(Sanankoua,1990) Z(FT)

wor6ude v.av 0 to knead malaxer

[wundun baare]

pauper, person who is without support and cannot feed himself; term for orphans and widows without children; elderly woman indigent, sans soutien, qui ne peut pas se nourrir; terme designant les orphelins et les veuves sans enfants (Sanankoua, 1990); vieille femme(Z)

ngurju n. 0 collapse effondrement worjude v.av 0 to collapse s'effondrer


WURO gural (nga/) - aug.- wuro 0 woro (ngo) / gure (de) OFCZEHIM(Sanankoua,


1990) CZ(-) [saare, ngenndi] [(pI.) gureeji, gurooji]:Z

wonyude v.av CZ [wufyude, wuyyude] to rinse out sb's mouth rincer la bouche a qqn

Fulani village or hamlet; Fulani neighborhood; (Hist.) nomadic group; herd; resting place of a herd, cattle farm village ou hameau peul; quartier peul(M); (Rist.) groupe nomade(I); troupeau(Z); lieu de sejour du troupeau, ferme a betail (Z) woronke (0) / wuronko06e (6e) fHI [(pl.)

WUppwoppude v.av DeZ C(FJ),Z(-) [Ionnude} cf.:[ayude] to hit the laundry hard when washing it; to wash clothes taper fort sur Ie Hnge en Ie lavant(D); laver Ie linge(CZ)


Fulani who is not a herder, sedentary Fulani Peul non-berger, Peul sedentaire

WURworaade v.mv 0 [Iarwaade, to search through fouiller



WUNNGURU wonnguru (ndu) 0 bunch of fruit regime de fruits



larwude, lawaade]

ngursu n. 0 weakening affaiblissement



wursude v.av D [wuusude) to faint? (avoir une) defaillance physique

wuttinaade v.mv +ext to strip to the waist se meUre torse nu

WURWwurwude v.av

WUTT-IR- (2?)

DCZ CZ(BF,NE,M,G,A) [wumpude, yonkude, jubaade)

guttird"o (0), guttirgal (ngal) blowtorch? chalumeau

to mix; to cream butter, churn milk malaxer(D); agiter, battre Ie lait(C), baUre Ie beurre(Z)



FZ [cawroowo daabaaji)



wuu6ere (nde) / guu6e (ae) CZ (G,M) [gombere) lump in porridge (tiny balls of flour which are part of the porridge) moUe de gruau (petites boules qui font partie de la bouillie)

wurya n. D home, hearth foyer, atre


WUUDURU wuuduru (ndu) watermelon pasteque

WUSUWASA wusuwasa ideoph. D onomatopoeia indicating liberalness ? and nonchalance onomatopee denotant l'ampleur et la nonchalance

D [kurjunuuru)

WUUDwuud"aade v.mv D to charge at, rush at foncer sur, se precipiter sur


WUTAANDU wutaandu (ndu) / butaali (ai)

D [nguturgal)


wuturiner, wuturner (0) veterinarian veterinaire

wurwurde v.av D to know by heart connaitre par coeur

wusiwusi n. newborn nouveau ne


wuufude v.av DcZ C(FJ,BF),Z(FJ,M,BF,NO) to put in the mouth; to have or keep sth in the mouth; to raise to one's lips; to chew tobacco mettre dans la bouche(D); avoir ou garder qqch dans la bouche(CZ); emboucher(Z); chiquer du tabac(Z)



ear (millet, corn) epi (mil, mats)

WUTTnguttu (0) DZ Z(-) feeling of distension, flatulence; constipation, indigestion balonnement(D); constipation, indigestion (Z) wutteede v.pv D to have a distended stomach avoir Ie ventre ballonne wuttude v.av DCz C(FJ,FT,M),Z(FJ,FT) to distend; to blow [fuufude] balonner(D); souffler(CZ) [fuufude] wuttudu (ndu) / buttuli (ai) Cz C(BF,M,G,A,NE),

WUUGAA(N)DU wuugaadu, wuugaandu (ndu) / buugaali (ai) DZ(Blonde et aI, 1988) [wugaandu):Z

turtledove - Streptoptelia sp.?; wild pigeon tourterelle(D) - Streptopelia sp.?; pigeon sauvage(Z)

WUUL- (1) wuulaade v.mv DZ to jump into the water; to swim [yinaade] se jeter dans l'eau(D); nager(Z) [yinaade]

Z(BF,G,A,NE) [beccal, wecco)

WUUL- (2)

side, rib cote, flanc, cote wuttuldu (ndu) / guttulai (ai) DZ stomach; sides of the stomach ventre(D); parties laterales du ventre(Z)

buulal (ngal) / buuli (ai) cz baldness calvitie



nguurndam, nguurdam (aam) / nguure (ae)

buulo (0) / wuulooe (oe) Z (A,M) bald man homme chauve buulol (ngol) D(Seydou, 1976a) (Seydou, 1976a)(SH) high forehead (esp. of a man); white forelock (horses, cattle), tuft of white hair above the forehead (man); clearing Ie front haut (surtout chez l'homme (Seydou, 1976a»; Iiste blanche (cheval, bovin), meche de cheveux blancs du haut Ie front (homme) (Seydou, 1976a); clairiere(D)

DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF,N) cf.:[yonki]

life; life expectancy vie; esperance de vie wuurude, wuurde v.av to live, be alive vivre, etre en vie

-Twuurtude v.av+ext dFz Z(FT,FJ) [wurtude]:D to resurrect(F), resuscitate, live again ressusciter(Z), revivre (DZ)

(Seydou, 1976a)(SH): a sign of nobility or holiness in a man; signe de noblesse ou de saintete chez l'homme (CZ(FJ,BF,G,A,NO»: baldness; calvitie mbuuldi (nd;) D [ndamndi]

WUUSwuusude v.av DZ [wursude] to lose all one's strength; to fall down, collapse perdre toutes ses forces(D); s'ecrouler, s'effondrer (Z) wuusugol (ngol) Z falling down, collapsing fait de s'ecrouler, s'effondrer

billy-goat with a white face bouc it front blanc wuul- (+suf.) adj. Z (-) having a spot (natural) on the skin or coat ayant une tache naturelle sur la peau ou Ie poil wuule (nge) DZ(Turner, 1989) Z(-) coloration of cattle; cow with white head and colored body (Turner, 1989); cow that has a spot (esp. white) robe de vache (D); vache coloree it tete blanche; vache qui a une tache (surtout blanche)(Z)

WUUWbuwoowo (0) Do sweeper, person who sweeps balayeur, qui balaye mbuuri (ndi) / buuwe (ae) CZ (M,G,NE,BF) sweepings balayures wuuwde, wuuwude v.av FCZV CZ(BF,NE,M)



wuuhfude v.av +ext D to have a high forehead avoir Ie front haut

to sweep balayer


WUUMRE wuumre (nde) mouthful bouchee


buuwirde (nde) / buuwirai (ai) broom balai buuwirgal (nga/) / buuwirai (ai)

D [woomre, wuwre, mocfcfande]

F [buuwirgal]




broom [buuwirde]; rake [rato] balai [buuwirde]; rateau(Z) [rato]

wuundaade v.mv DCZ C(-) to take in one's arms, embrace(C); to put on one's shoulders, carryon the shoulders; to be ready for sth, aspire to sth prendre dans ses bras(D), etreindre(C); se mettre sur les epaules, porter sur les epaules (Z); etre pret pour qqch, aspirer it qqch (Z)

WUUWARBE Wuuwar6e WUWRE wuwre n. D mouthful bouchee

pl.- Buuwaaro

[woomre, wuumre, mocfcfande]



wuyko n. D hair of a baby before baptism cheveux de bebe avant Ie bapteme

nguure (0) / nguureeji (ai) DZ Z(FJ,M) [(cfe)]:Z food, provisions; life (animal or vegetable); milk products nourriture, vivres; vie (animale ou vegetative)(Z); produits laitiers(Z)


wuyude v.av DZ Z(-) to grow; to have a lot of hair pousser(D); avoir beaucoup de cheveux, de poils (Z)


WUywuyaade v.mv ZT Z(-) [Iubaade] to borrow emprunter

-Nwuynaade v.mv +ext 0 to let one's hair grow in a tangle laisser pousser ses poils en desordre

WUyywuyyaade v.mv DZ to wash one's face (in the morning); to rinse one's mouth [wuy6aade] se laver Ie visage(D), se debarbouiller Ie matin(Z); se rinser la bouche(Z) [wuy6aade] wuyyude v.av Z [wunyude, wufyude] to rinse out sb's mouth rincer la bouche a qqn

WUYBwuyfiaade v.mv Z (FJ,M) [wuyyaade] to rinse one's mouth se rincer la bouche

WUYBE wuyfie pl.- gujjo; WUYUWAYLA

V. wujj-

wuyuwayla n. 0 ebb and flow

y Y A' - ya'faade var.- yaafaade


yaafaade v.mv DFCZ CZ(-) [ya'faade, yafaade] to pardon, forgive; to grant amnesty pardonner, excuser; amnistier(Z) yaafude v.av FCZ CZ(FT,M) to be light (weight); to be easy, easily accessible; to be inexpensive; to be weak, puny, sickly etre leger; etre facile, facilement accessible; etre bon marche; etre faible, chetif, malingre (Z)



yaa interj FZ indeed(F); oh (invocation) vraiment, en effect; 0 (invocation)(Z)

YAAByaalJude v.av DZ Z(-) [padaade, yabbude] to tread on, trample, press on with the foot marcher sur, pietiner, appuyer avec Ie pied

Y AADE yaade; yaadu; yaadude YAAF- Ar


V. yah-

yaagaade v.mv FZ to have shame, modesty, reserve [hersude]; to respect, venerate; to fall in love, be in love avoir honte, se gener [hersude]; respecter, venerer (Z); tomber amoreux, etre amoureux (Z) yaage (de) DZ Z(-) shame; good habits, good upbringing honte(D); bonnes habitudes, bonne education (Z)

jaafaad'o, njaafaad'o (0) / yaafaaoe (oe) DFZT person who is pardoned(F), amnestied; person who is innocent, blessed qui a eu Ie pardoneD), amnistie(T); qui est innocent, bienheureux (Z) jaafagol (ngol) T [keefgol, mooytugol bonannda, muntugol]

amnesty, pardon amnistie jaafd'o (0) / yaaf6e (oe) Z person who is easy to deal with personne de bonne composition

YAAJjaajgol (ngol) T [liirtagol, beydagol, jajjitagol] dilation dilation

jaafdo hoore (Z): obedient child; enfant obeissant

njaafu (0) Z pardon, grace pardon, grace 383

yaajude v.av DFZ Z(-) to be wide, ample; to be plentiful; to be patient, tolerant etre large, ample; etre abondant(Z); etre patient, tolerant (Z)

YAARE yaare (nde) / jahe (de) DCZ CZ(-) scorpion scorpion



yaasi, yaasin n. DCZ C(-),Z(FJ,M,BF) [sella] outside, outdoors dehors, exterieur

jaajnugol (ngol) T [yaaynugol, cargol] copy (official) ampliation (copie officielle) yaajinde v.av+ext zO Z(FJ,DO) to widen elargir


YAATIIME yaatiime var.- atiime; V. atiimYAAWjaawd'o (0) / yaawoe (oe) H person who is in a hurry qui est presse jaawngal, jaawgal (ngal) / jaawle (de) CZ


ya¥aade v.mv (Seydou, 1987) to declare declarer

(G,A,M,BF,N) Uaawlal (nga\)]:Z

guinea-fowl pintade jaawngel (ngel) / njaawkoy (koy) H young guinea-fowl pintadon yaawde, yaawude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) [henaade) to be quick, rapid; to go fast, walk quickly; to hasten, hurry etre rapide; aller vite, marcher rapidement; se hater, se depecher

YAALyaalaade v.mv Z (FJ,M) [gaamaade] to yawn hailler

YAALAL'BE Yaalal6e, Yaalar6e (oe) HIM lineage of Fulani - sub-group of the Ba clan lignee peule - sous-groupe des Ba



yaama adv. DZH Z(A,M) [ana moyya, ana laatoo,

yaawnude v.av+ext Z (FJ,FT,M) to accelerate, hasten; to do quickly accelerer, hater; faire vite

maa-taw, ta(a)ma] cf.:[taw-]

maybe; accidentally peut-etre; accidentellement(Z)



yaaynude v.av+ext 0 to clear (up) s'eclaircir

yaamanajuuju (0) / yaamanajuuju'en (oe) Z Uuddaajo, dacco)

dwarf nain


yaarnana-juuju (Ba et Kesteloot, 1969): spirit-dwarfs; genies-nains

yaaya (0) DCZ [yaaye]:Z [inna] mother (term of address) mere (titre) yaayiraad'o (0) / yaayiraaoe (oe) DCZ [inniraaao,

YAAME yaame n. 0 Uuuram] waterfall chute d'eau

inniraawo, yummiraaao, neeniraawo]

mother mere

YAAMIRDE yaamirde V. yamirYAAN-

YAAYNUGOL yaaynugol (ngol) T Uaajnugo\, cargol) copy copie, ampliation

yaanide? v.?v 0 to believe, think that croire, penser que


YAANGE yaange, yaavge (nge) /yaangeeji, yaOl}geeji (di) var.- yange, YOl}ge; V. yan(n)g-


yabere (nde) / jabe (de) Z bullet balle


YAAR(U)DE yaarde, yaarude V. yah-r384



ya66ude v.av cZ C(FJ},Z(FJ,M} [yaaoude, padaade] to tread on, step on, press on with the foot; (ned'd'o) to treat sb without regard marcher sur, fouler au pied, appuyer avec Ie pied; (ned'd'o) traiter qqn sans egards(Z)

jabdiid'o (0) / yahdiioe (oe) F person who goes with, goes along; companion qui va avec, accompagne; compagnon yaadude v.av+et1 CZH CZ(-} [fal)orde] to go together, go with, leave together, accompany aller ensemble, aller avec, partir ensemble, accompagner

-IRya66irde (nde) / jaooirae (ae)

Z (FT,M)



foot; paw pied; patte

YAF- yafaade YAFUWOL

yaarde, yaarude v.av+et1 Z to take away, take with emmener, emporter

var.- yaafaade Z

Z(-): to go (in a certain manner) ; aller (comment) C(BF,NE,G,A}: to take to ; conduire

yafuwol (ngo/) 0 watering place point d'eau

YAKAWERE yakawere n. T energy energie

YAGGyagge (ae) Z warning mise en garde

YALyalaade v.mv 0 to eat hot food manger une nourriture chaude

-INyagginde v.av+et1 Z to warn, put on guard mettre en garde

YALLA yalla, yalaa interrog. DFCZ C(-} [kori] if (question marker), if it were, I hope si (pour indiquer une question), si c'6tait, j'espere

YAHjabal (nga/) / jahe (ae) cZ C(FJ},Z(M,FJ} [dawgol]

trip, journey; departure voyage; depart(Z) jaboowo, yaboowo (0) / yahoooe (oe) DFcz person who goes; walker; traveler qui va; marcheur; voyageur yabale (ae) DCZ Z(-} [maayde, timmal] death mort yabde, yaade, yabude v.av DFCZHo CZ(-} to go, walk; to go away, leave; to take a trip; (fig.) to die(O) aller, marcher; s'en aller, partir; voyager; (fig.) mourir

YALTyaltude v.av DFCZHY CZ(FJ,BF,M} to go out (of), withdraw; to appear, show sortir (de), se retirer(Z); paraitre(Z)

-INyaltinde v.av+et1 FZT Z(-} to take out, remove, force out, (cause to) move out, take away; to deduct, extract retirer, enlever, faire sortir, soustraire; deduire, extraire (T) yaltingol, jaltingol (ngol) T cf.:[biirugol] deduction, extraction deduction, extraction

mi yehii (flO): I went; I'm going; je suis aile; je m'en vais njehen (LO): let's go ; allons( -y)

-oyyaltoyde v.av+ext Z to go relieve O.s. (respectful term) aller aux toilettes (terme de respect)

yabdu, yaadu (ndu) / jahli, jaa/i (ai), jahaa/e (ae) DFCZ C(-},Z(M,FJ,A,G,NE,BF}

trip; going, process; gait, pace voyage; marche, processus; demarche, allure yahdu flanndu (I): functioning of the body ; fonctionnement du corps


ordonner yamiraade v.mv +ext F to command, order commander,ordonner yamiroore (nde) / yamirooje, jamirooje (ae),

YAMjam (0) FCZ CZ(-) peace, tranquillity; health, well-being, happiness paix, tranquillite; sante, bien-etre, bonheur

jamiraaji (ai) FZT Z(FJ,M) [yambiroore]:T

jam-jam (F): peacefully, slowly, quietly; paisablement, lentement, tranquillement [seese-seese) jam ni (0): (var.- jam tan) jam tan (Fz): response to greetings (lit. peace only) ; reponse aux salutations (lit. paix seulement) njamu (0, ngu) Z(NE,M,BF,A) [njama (ka)):CZ(G,A,NE,BF) [cellal)

health sante yam adj. healthy sain

order, command, decree ordre, commandement, arrete

YAMMB- (1) yammbaade v.mv D to fish with a line pecher a la ligne yammbuure (nde) D bait appat




yammbinde v.av+ext to make joyous rendre joyeux

yamdude v.av FCZ CZ(BF,M,G,A,NE) to be peaceful, tranquil (F); to be safe and sound; to be well, better, healthy etre paisible, pacifique, tranquille (Z); etre sain et sauf(CZ); se porter bien ou mieux(Z), etre en bonne sante

yammbana n. D grass of the lake herbe de lac


YAMMERE yammere V. YANjanal (nga/) / jane (ae)


Z [yanaa(n)de, yanirde,


-D-ITyamditidde v.av+ext CZ (NE,G,A,BF,M) to get well, be better, recover aller mieux, etre mieux, guerir

grave, tomb tombeau, tombe nganiima n. M spoils of war butin de guerre yanaade, yanaande (nde) / yanaaae, janaa/e


-D-IT-INyamditinde v.av+3exts CZ CZ(NE,BF,G,A,M) to bring relief, healing, to cure apporter un soulagement, une guerison, guerir

(ae) ZM Z(FJ,M,DO) [yanirde, yenaade, janal)

grave, tomb tombeau, tombe yanude, yande v.av DCZT C(M,BF,N),Z(+) to fall upon, attack; to fall (animate); to rape, do violence to; to pillage; to break out (war); to set (sun) tomber sur, attaquer; tomber (etre vivant)(Z); violer(D), violenter(Z); piller(Z); eclater (guerre)(Z); se coucher(soleil)(CZ)


YAMBIRDE yambirde; yambiroore V. yamir-




yamdinde v.av +2exts Z to wish the healing of sb souhaiter la guerrison a qqn

yamba (0) opium opium

[I)aandi, wannde]

(euph.)(Z(FI): to die; mourir



jamiroowo (0) T [Iaamu, doole, jogonaado) authority autorite yaamirde v.av+ext D(Seydou, 1987) [yambirde):D

yanirde (nde) tomb tombe

[yamirde ):Z(FJ,A)

to order 386

D [yanaa(n)de]



yardude (1) (nde) 0 [yarnirde, walka) watering place for animals abreuvoir (lieu) yardude (2) (nde) / jarduae (ae) CZ C(-),Z(+) cup; calabash for drinking or for millet tasse; caIebasse Aboire ou pour Ie mil(Z)

yaniire (nde) 0 joke plaisanterie

YANK-IRyankirde v.av+ext 0 to deny nier

-Nyamude v.av+ext DFCZV CZ(-) to give a drink to, water (animals); to water (plants) faire boire A, abreuver; arroser

YAN(N)Gyange, yalJge (0) / yangeeji, ya1Jgeeji (ai)


Z( +) [yaange, yaal]ge):F

feast, celebration, festival (F); feast given on the occasion of sth or sb (esp. on the occasion of a marriage or circumcision) fete, celebration; fete donnee A l'occasion de qqch ou de qqn (surtout A l'occasion d'un mariage ou d'une circoncision)(Z)

-N-IRyarnirde (nde) 0 [yardude (1), walka] watering place of animals lieu d'abreuvoir des animaux



yaral n. T [ruulo) rain shower averse

yannginde v.av + ext 0 to have a celebration faire une fete



yarana n. 0 goal; net? but; filet

yappo n. 0 test test



yarara n. breeze brise

njaram (aam) / njare, njarameeje (ae), jaramaaji (ai) DFCZt CZ(+)

drink; vitality; wine boisson; vitalite(D); vin(Z)


T [baal]tal, baar)


yarraade v.mv DFCZ CZ(M,BF,NO) [yarlaade):F to resign o.s.; to pardon, forgive (F); to be tolerant of; to agree(C); to be satisfied with(C); to renounce se resigner(D); pardonner, excuser; avoir de la tolerance A l'egard de(Z); etre d'accord(CZ), se satisfaire de(C); renoncer A(Z)

njaram ciginoojam, njaram mbaddam alkol (1): alchoholic beverages; boissons alcoolisees [doro] njaroowo (0) Z

drinker buveur njaru (0) ZTMS drinking (action of); drunkenness; art of song and music; music, tune of music; musical line used in singing about Boubou Ardo Galo action de boire; ivrognerie(Z); art de chanson et de music(Z); musique(T), air de musique(M); 'devise musicale' utilisee en chantant de Bonbou Ardo Galo(S) yaraawo n. 0 [njaram) drink boisson yarude, yarde v.av DFCZHoY CZ(-) to drink; to smoke boire; fumer

YATIIMAAJO yatiimaajo/yatiimaalie; yatiimaaku V. atiim-

YAWyawaade v.mv DFCZq CZ(-) to underestimate, scorn, belittle; to think one is better than; to be despised, looked down upon (F) sous-estimer, mepriser, minimiser (DCZ); se croire superieur A(Z); etre meprise, regarde de haut

yarude sigireeti (Z): to smoke cigarettes ; fumer la cigarette cf.:[foodude]


yeddaade v.mv Z to contradict o.s. se dementir yeddude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to contradict, deny, refute; to refuse, object contredire, nier, dementir; refuser, objecter

yawaare (nde) / jawe (ae) OCZ C(M,G,A,BF,NE), Z(FJ,M,G,A,NE)

scorn, disdain, underestimation mepris, dedain, sous-estimation yawude, yawde v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to underestimate, despise, belittle, look down upon sous-estimer, mepriser, minimiser, regarder de haut

-ONDIRjeddondiral (ngal) ZT [yeddondiral]:Z(-) discussion; contradictions discussion(Z); contradictions(T) yeddondirde v.av+ext Z (-) to contradict one another, quarrel se contredire, disputer

YAW-T- (2?) yawtude v.av+ext OFCZ CZ(+) [diwde] to pass over, cross, step over, jump, fly over; to pass by, go past; (euph.) to die passer dessus, franchir, enjamber, sauter, survoler; passer, depasser; (euph.) mourir(Z)

yeddondiri (1): contradictory; contradictoire [ko yeddotiri]:T

YEDD- (2) yeddude v.av czT CZ(BF) cf.:[feccude] to distribute distribuer

YAYRE yayre (nde) Z river; pool of water riviere; mare

YEDgedal (1) (ngal) / geae (ae) DeZT C(G,A,N),Z(-) part, share; attribute; thing; order of things part; attribut(DT); chose(Z); ordre des choses(Z)

YECCyeccaade v.mv DeZ C(BF,NO),Z(M,BF,NO) to look behind [yeeyaade]; to retrace one's steps [yeeyude] regarder derriere(D) [yeeyaade]; revenir sur ses pas(Z) [yeeyude]

gecfal sariya (1): judicial matter; affaire judiciaire

gedal (2) (ngal) / geae, yeae (ae) cZ C(FJ) [(pI.) jede]:Z


offer, gift of God; offer, present offre, don de Dieu; offre, cadeau gedel (ngel) ZT Z(-) sth unique; element UeBel] qqch d'unique(Z); element(T) UeBel]

yeccitaade v.mv+ext FZ Z(M,FT) [yeecitaade]:F [yeeyitaade]

to turn around(F), turn one's head, look behind o.s. se retourner, faire volte-face, tourner la tete(Z), regarder derriere soi(Z)

gecfel gootel (T): unique element; element unique gedel guumoowel (T): nutritive element; element nutritif gecfel ngel waylataa (1): neutral element; element neutre ngedu (Ildu) / geae (ae) OFCZ CZ(FJ,M,BF) [gedal (1)]

YEDD- (1) geddal, geddal A1laa (ngal) / gedde, gedde Allaa (ae) OZo(Blonde et ai, 1988) [geddel Allaa (ngel)]:O

type of small lizard (gecko ?) sorte de petit lezard, salamandre(Afr.?) (gecko?) geddo (0) / yedduoe (oe) Z (M,FJ,FT) denier; rebel; Christian negateur; rebelle; chretien geddo A1laa (0) / yedduoe Allaa (oe) oz

part; side(F); that which is divided up part; cote; objet d'un partage(Z) njedu (0) Z predestination; predestined part predestination; part destinee yedude v.av CZ CZ( + ) to share; to offer, give one's part to sb partager; offrir, donner sa part a qqn

Z(M,FJ,FT) [keefe(e)ro]

pagan; heretic paien(D); heretique(Z) jeddi (ai) 0 contradictions contradictions

YEDDnjeddu (0) Z sound mind esprit sain


(Seydou, 1976a): orycterope (Orycteropus afer) (R(A).(Ba et Kesteloot. 1969»: ant-eater ; fourmilier

yeddude v.av Z to be of sound mind; to be calm etre sain d'esprit; etre calme

YEENGA yeenga (nga) / jelle (ae) Z [yeedirde, jeengaj resting of cattle during the hot part of the day; place where cattle rest; place where one comes to chat repos du betail aux heures chaudes; endroit ou Ie betail se repose; endroit OU 1'0n vient causer

-INyeddinde v.av+ert to calm calmer

Z (FJ,M) [hajaadej

YEEByeebaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to neglect; to be bad negliger(D); etre mauvais(Z) yeebaare (nde) Z (M,DO) negligence negligence


YEERyeeraade v.mv D to sift tamiser

yeecitaade var.- yeccitaade

yeedere (nde) D rest of animals repos d'animaux yeedirde (nde) / jeedirae (ae) Dz



yeesal (ngal) Z foreleg, forepaw; shoulder blade; breast (animal) jambe de devant, patte de devant; omoplate· poitrail ' yeeso (ngo) / jeese (ae) DFCZ C(-),Z(FJ,M,NE,G,A) face; (prep.) in front of, ahead; in the presence of sb; after, later face, visage; (prep.) devant, avant; en presence de qqn(Z); apres, plus tard (Z) yeeso- (+sut) adj. Z (-) of the front de devant

Z(FT) Deenga,


resting place of animals (cattle); resting by cattle during the hot part of the day lieu de repos des animaux (du betail(Z»; repos du betail aux heures chaudes(Z) yeedude v.av z (FT) to be calm, be tranquil, calm down; to rest (livestock) etre calme, tranquille, se calmer; se reposer (bestiaux)

YEETyeetaade v.mv CZ (FJ,M,NE) to tell, announce, report; to relate, narrate dire, annoncer, rapporter; raconter, narrer

YEELyeelaade v.mv D [Ioraade, fawaadej to depend solely on dependre uniquement de

YEET- (2?) yeetere (nde) / yeetereeji (ai) Z tranquillity tranquillite

YEELDE yeelde (nde) Z space between the teeth espace entre les dents

-INyeetingal (ngal) / jeetule (ae) Z good sense; calm bon sens; sang-froid

YEENyeenude v.av DZ Z(-) to pay, reward, give a gift to; to corrupt (sb) payer, recompenser, faire un cadeau it qqn; corrompre (qqn)

YEEWyeewde v.av FZ Z(-) to be alone, solitary; to isolate o.s.; to be deserted; to be without sth et~e seul, solitaire; s'isoler(Z); etre desert(Z); etre depourvu de qqch(Z)

YEENDU yeendu (ndu) / jelli, geedi (ai)

DZ(Blonde et ai,

1988) Z(M,DO)

mole; anteater, pangolin? taupe(D); fourmilier orycterope(Z), pangolin ? 389

njeeygu n. T Uaagu, njuulaaku, njuulaagu] commerce commerce yeeyde v.av FCZ C(FJ,M,BF,NE),Z(FJ,M,BF,NE,FT) to sell (door-to-door(F»; to announce publicly vendre (demarchage); crier des avis au public(Z)

yeeweede v.pv DFZ Z(-) [wokkude, wokkitidde] to be nostalgic, be 10nesome(F), miss sb or sth avoir de la nostalgie(D), etre seul, solitaire, s'ennuyer de qqn ou qqch(Z) yeeweende (nde) FZ Z(-) solitude, loneliness; nostalgia, desire to see sb or sth again solitude; nostalgie, desir de revoir qqn ou qqch

-Nyeeynude v.av+ext DZ Z(-) to announce publicly crier des avis au public

-Nyeewnude v.av +ext F to be lonesome for, want to see sb again s'ennuyer de qqn, desirer de revoir encore qqn

YEEY-N- (2) yeeynude v.av+ext to tighten threads tendre les fils

-Tjeewtal (nga/) Z conversation, talks conversation, pourparlers jewtud"o (0) D cheerful person personne gaie ngeewta / ngeewtaaji, geewti

YEEYRE yeeyre var.- yeyre YEEY-


yeey-aade v.mv DZ Z(FT,M) [yeccaade] to look behind o.s. (by turning one's head) regarder derriere soi (en tournant la tete(Z» yeey-ude v.av Z [yeccaade] to retrace one's steps revenir sur ses pas


[yeewtere, yewtere]

conversation, discussion; speech; course conversation, entretien; discours; cours yeewtere (nde) / jeewte (de) FZ Z(-) [yewtere,

-ITyeey-itaade v.mv+ext CZ CZ(M,G,A) [yeccitaade] to turn one's head, look behind o.s., look around tourner la tete, regarder derriere soi(Z), regarder autour de soi( C)

ngeewta] [gaajaate]

joke; conversation, discussion; cheerfulness plaisanterie; conversation, entretien (Z); gaiete(Z) yeewtude v.av+ext FCZ CZ(+) [yewtude,

YEEY- (2?)


to converse, joke(F); to cease being alone, deserted; to be lively, busy (socially); to relieve boredom, amuse; to amuse o.s. causer, plaisanter; cesser d'etre solitaire, desert (Z); etre anime, frequente (Z); dissiper l'ennui, distraire (Z); se distraire(Z)

yeey-ude coggu v.av

T [darnude coggu, heeyude


to set the price ftxer Ie prix

YEGGITyeggitidde v.av

-T-INyeewtinde v.av +2exts to cheer up egayer


FCZ CZ(M,BF,N) [yejjitidde):F,


to forget oublier



YEEY- (1)

yeggitinde v.av+ext

Dz [yeggintinde]:Z


jeeygol (ngo/) T marketing commercialisation jeeyoowo (0) / yeeyoo6e (6e) FZ [njeeyoowo] traveling salesperson(F); town crier, person who announces publicly [gooloowo] vendeur ambulant; crieur public(Z) [gooloowo]

to cause to forget; to forget faire oublier(Z); oublier(D)

YEL- (1) yelaade v.mv DCZ C(FJ,M),Z(FJ,M,DO) to wish, desire, hope souhaiter, desirer, esperer



YEL- (2) yelaade v.mv Z (FT,M) to ask favors from God demander des faveurs aDieu

yenaade (nde) grave tombeau



yella OF [yolla, yalla] cf.:[kori] how, why; I hope (question marker)(F) comment, quoi (D); j'espere que (indiquant une question)

YELLERE yellere V. YEM-

OM [yenaande]:CZ(FJ,G) Danai,


yenkaade v.mv 0 to hit, tap hard taper fort



yennoore (nde) / jennooje (de) OZ insult, rudeness, abuse insulte, grossierete, injure yennude v.av oz Z(-) cf.:[tooriude] to insult, abuse insulter, injurier

yemaade v.mv 0 to wash grain to remove sand and pebbles laver la cereale pour enlever Ie sable et les cailloux


Z(-) cf.:[kottu]


gene n. T antiquity antiquite genndi n. Fo wife (short form or term of address) epouse (forme courte ou titre)

yerondirde v.av +ext. to compare comparer

T [endirde, fonndude]

YERGyergude v.av 0 to tremble, move trembler, remuer

genndam (H(8H»): my wife; ma femme genndiiko (F), genndum (0): his wife; sa femme

genndiraad'o, genndiraawo (0) / genlldiraaoe



yermude v.av 0 to loosen desserrer

wife epouse Geno PN V(BA et Kesteloot, 1969) God (lit. the Everlasting) (a pre-Islamic name) Dieu (lit. I'Eternel) (un nom pre-islamique) genum n. T [ko gencfi]:T antique antique ngenndi, ngeendi (lIdi) / gel/e, geel/e (de)

YERO Yero PN (BA et Kesteloot, 1969) name of the fourth son prenom du quatrieme fils


YERU yeru (0) / yernuji (di) OZT Z(M,OO) [yerre]:H resemblance, likeness, equality; example; (adv.) like ressemblence, similitude; egalite (Z); exemple(T); (adv.) comme(D)

OFCZIM(Sanankoua, 1990) C(M,FJ) [ngeenndi]

town or large village composed of several neighborhoods or quarters, city; old town; eternal city or village; (Hist.) basic administrative unit of the Masina state agglomeration ou gros village compose de plusiers quartiers, ville; agglomeration ancienne(M); ville eternelle ou village eternel (CZ); (Rist.) unite administrative de base de l'etat du Massina (Sanankoua, 1990) yen- ZM Z(-) old, ancient; eternal ancien; eternel(Z)

YERWyerwaade v.mv to mix? malaxer


YES-IN-Dyesindaade v.mv+2exts to go alongside cotoyer


0 [hesindaade, cfakkaade]

YEITyettoore, yettoode (nde) / jettooje (tie)

aime(e), bien-aime(e) gid'aale (tie) FZ Z{-) desires(F); favoritism; stimulants desirs; favoritisme(Z); excitants(Z) gid'o (0) / yi66e, yitloe (oe) OFCZ CZ{-)


(Seydou, 1977) Z{ +) [(pl.) gettooje]:Z [(pl.) yettoode]:1 Uammoore]

clan or family name; praise(F); greeting; thanks, acknowledgement nom de clan ou famille; louange; salutation(Z); remerciement, reconnaissance (Z) yettude v.av OFCZ(Seydou, 1977) CZ{-) to praise, honor (sb by greeting him with his clan name); to thank; to greet; to treat with respect louer, honorer (qqn en Ie saluent de son nom de clan (Seydou, 1977»; remercier; saluer(DCZ); traiter avec respect(Z)

friend ami giggol (ngol)

friendship, affection(C), 10ve(C); desire amitie, affection(Z), amour(CZ); desir(CZ) jid'aad'o (0) 0 person who one loves personne que l'on aime jid'd'o (0) OT person who desires, loves; amateur [ekkotooao] qui desire, qui aime (D); amateur(T) [ekkotooa0] yid'nde, yid'de (nde) / gille (tie) F [giggol] love, desires, affection amour, desirs, affection yid'ude v.av OFCZ CZ{-) [yidde, faaleede] to like, want, love aimer, vouloir, desirer

yewtere (nde) / yewtereeji (tli)

OFCZ CZ{FJ,M,BF,NO) (prob.var.- yeewtere) [yeewtere, ngeewta, gaajaate]

chat(C), jokes(F); conversation(C), discussion, debates; speech; class causerie(D), plaisanterie; conversation(Z), entretien(CZ), debats(D); discours(Z); cours(Z) yewtude v.av( +ext?) CZ CZ{FJ,M,NE,A) (prob.var.yeewtude) [gaajaade]

to tell, relate; to converse, chat raconter, relater; causer

YIGGyiggude v.av

OCZ C{BF,M,G,A,NE), Z{BF,M,G,A,NE,FT) [yirgude]


to rub (hard), scrub, erase; to wash frotter (avec force), effacer; laver

yeyre, yeeyre (nde) OZ Z ( + ) pelvis ?; udder; groin bassin(D); pis de vache(Z); aine(Z)

YIGO yigo (0) / yigiraaoe (oe)


friend ami

YIIDE yiide; yiidude; yih- V. yiyYIIL-




giila n. H one who is dizzy qui a Ie vertige giileede v.pv OcZ C{FJ),Z{-) to feel dizzy, giddy avoir Ie vertige, sentir Ie vertige giilel (ngel) 0 [dorwere, karwirgal, korwargal, kowral] bobbin of a loom bobine de metier a tisser giilol (ngol) / giili (tli) OCZ CZ(-) [moylol] dizziness, giddiness vertige, etourdissement


YIDDE yidde var.- yitlude YID-

cZ C{BF),Z{M,BF) [gido,

waaye] [(pl.) yugiraaoe]

yey-ude v.av OCZ CZ{FJ,FT,M,NE) [yinkude] to rock, swing; to shake bercer, balancer(D); secouer(CZ)

yibbude v.av to collapse s'ecrouler

DCZ CZ(FJ,NE,M) cf.:[waay(i)raagu,

yidnde, yidde]


YI' - yi'de, yi'ude; yi'ondirde V. yiy-


waaye] [ere, kere ?]


gid'aad'e (tie) O(Seydou, 1987) whims, needs; things that one likes caprices, besoins (D); choses aimees (Seydou, 1987) gid'aad'o (0) / yitlaaoe (oe) F beloved, person who is loved 392


jiilotoodo, njiilotood'o (0) Z Uilorgoojo] vagabond vagabond jiliido (0) D person who has travelled a lot qui a beaucoup voyage njiilu, njiiltu (0) Z [yiilaaru] stroll; journey; wandering promenade; voyage; vagabondage yiilaade v.mv DFCZ CZ(-) [filsude) to go for a stroll, walk around, wander about se promener, faire un tour, errer yiilaaru (ndu) / jiilaaji (ai) ZH Z(M,A) walk, stroll; trip; gymnastics promenade; voyage(Z); gymnastique(Z) yiilude v.av DZ Z(FJ,M,NE) to turn round and round; to cause to turn, shake this way and that, move; to divert sb; to look for tournoyer(D); faire tourner, agiter dans tous les sens, remuer (Z); detourner qqn(Z); chercher(Z)

giiteele (ae) D lights lUDlieres yiite (nge) / yiiteeji, giiteeli (ai), giiteele (ae) DFCZH C(-),Z(M,FJ,A,NE,BF) [(pl.) giteeji):H(SH)

fIre; hell feu; enfer

YIITIIMAWUURI yiitiimawuuri n. G kind of insect sorte d'insecte

YIITINKINAADE yiitinkinaade; yiitondirde; yiitude

YILLA yilla n. T shield bouclier

gimol (ngol) / gimai, gimi (ai)

cz(Seydou, 1981)

CZ(FJ,NE) Wmol, yimol, yimre]


singing, poem; religious chant or hymn chant, poeme; chant religieux(Z) jimdo (0) (Seydou, 1981) bard chantre jimol (ngol) / jimi (ai) DcZT C(BF),Z(M,BF)

-ORD Uiilotoodo)

[yimol, yimre, gimol)

singing, song(C); religious chant or hymn; poem chant(DCZT), chanson(CZ); chant religieux(Z); poeme(Z) jimoowo (0) / yimoooe (oe) ~ Z(-) smger chanteur yimol (ngol) V. gimol, jimol, yimre Dez CZ(BF} yimre (nde) / jimi (ai) DFCZ C(M,G,A,FJ},

-Tyiiltude v.av + ext D to go around, take around tournoyer, promener

-T-INyiiltinde v.av + 2exts M to walk ( a horse) faire promener (cheval)

Z(M,G,A,FJ,FT) [yimol, jimol]

song(F); poem(F), work in verse; religious chant, hymn or song chanson(D); poeme, ouvrage en vers (Z); chant religieux(Z), chanson religieuse(C) yimude, yimde v.av DFCZHY(Seydou, 1981) CZ(-) to sing; to recite poetry(F); to compose verse chanter; reciter de la poesie; composer des vers(Z)

yiiltinde koyde mun (Z(-»): to walk around to stretch one's legs ; se promener pour se degourdir les jambes

YIILIRDE yiilirde (nde) T bureau, office bureau

[wawaade, del]loode)


yiilnude v.av+ext Z to take sb for a walk promener qqn jilorgoojo (0) vagabond vagabond

v.- yiy-t-

[gollirde, biro, horrewal)

YIINAADE yiinaade n. D cf.:[yiy-] that which is seen well ? (ce) qui est bien vu

YIM'BE yimfie (oe) (sg. = neaao) C(FJ,FT,M,B,G,A),Z(-)

people gens 393


yimkoy (koy) (sg. = neddel) - dim.- yim6e

one's strength); to be well known etre en abondance(D); remuer(Z); etre remuant(Z); etre mouvemente, anime (Z); se distinguer (surtout par sa force physique)(Z); etre renomme(Z)



YINjinal (ngal) Z swim nage jinotoolfo, njinotoolfo (0) / yinoto06e (6e) Z swimmer nageur yinaade v.mv DCZ C(-),Z(FJ,FT,M) [wuulaade]

YlTERE yitere V. yiyYIYjiile (de) Z view; spectacle; scene; landscape; watchfulness; point of view, views vue; spectacle; scene; paysage; vigilance; point de vue, vues yitere (nde) / gite (de) DFCZHM CZ(FT,M,NE,G) eye; (pl.)(Vet.) conjuntivitis oeil; (pl.)(Vet.) conjonctivite(M)

[yinnude]:C cf.:[fobbaade]

to swim nager yino (ngo) Z swim nage

flingel-yitere (Z(-»: pupil (of eye) ; pupille de l'oeil ngeeyu-yitere (Z(-}): eyeball; globe oculaire yitere laaytal (I): (light) bulb; ampoule [Iampa] yitere-Iokere (Z(-»: eye-socket; orbite de l'oeil yitere koyngal n. DCZ CZ(M,NE) [korral]

-ORnjinorka (ka) D shorts for swimming culotte pour nager yinorde (nde) / jinorde (de) ZI Z(-) crossing of water; place where one swims across; place for bathing traversee de l'eau(I); endroit OU ron traverse it la nage(Z); endroit pour se baigner(Z)

ankle cheville (os) yiyde, yiide, yi'ude, yi'de v.av to see; to understand voir; comprendre(Z)



giidal (ngal) / giide (de)

yinkaade v.mv DCZ to swing, rock, lollop from side to side se balancer, se dandiner yinkude v.av DCZ [yeyude] to shake, rattle; to tremble secouer, ebranler; trembler(CZ)

YINNUDE yinnude V. yinaade YINO yino-yinorde, yino-yinoode (nde) whirlpool, eddy tourbillon, remous


Z(G,M,N,BF,A,FJ) Diidal]

meeting; visit(C); perception, vision; view; visibility; landscape rencontre, entrevue (Z); visite(CZ); perception, vision (Z); vue(Z); visibilite(Z); paysage(Z) jiidal (ngal) / jiide (de) CZM (V. giidal); discussion(s), negociations; select committee (V. giidal)(CZ); entretien(s), negociations (Z); comite restreint(M) yiidude v.av+ext cZ C(FJ,G,A,NE),Z(FJ,G,A,NE,M) to visit [ndaaroyde, faI]ude]; to meet; to agree [hawrude] visiter; se rencontrer, se voir(Z); s'entendre(Z) [hawrudeJ


Z cf.:[yin-]

YIRGyirgude v.av CZ (FJ,M) [yiggude] to rub (hard), scrub, erase frotter (avec force), effacer

YIRROYIRRONDE yirroyirronde n. D hair in spirals cheveux en spirale




yi'ondirde v.av+ext Z (FJ,M) to meet each other, see each other; to agree, understand each other [faamondirdeJ se rencontrer, se voir; s'entendre, se comprendre [faamondirdeJ

YIRWyirwude v.av DZ Z(FT,M) [awjude, haljude (3)] to be abundant; to move; to be restless; to be animated, lively; to distinguish o.S. (esp. by




yiytude, yiitude v.av+ext DFCZ CZ(-) to find (again); to see again(F); to recover one's sight retrouver, trouver; revoir(Z); recouvrer la vue(Z)

yoptaade v.mv+ext F [yombitaade] to pay back; to revenge rembourser; venger

YOBBERE yo66ere (nde) D hoof sabot

-T-IN-KINyiitinkinaade v.mv +3exts D to make o.s. seen se faire voir

YOGA yoga DFZr Z(M,DO) some, piece, part, portion certains, morceau, part, portion

-T-ONDIRjiitondiral (nga/) Z meeting rencpntre yiitondirde v.av + 2exts Z (+) to find each other again; to consult each other; (hakille) to understand each other; to agree about sth se retrouver; se consulter; (hakille) se comprendre; s'entendre sur qqch

yoga heen (F): some of it, some of what is in it ; un peu de (ce qu'i1 ya dedans)

YOKKOLDE yokkolde (nde) / jokko/de (de) Z segment, part segment, partie

YOLANNDE yolannde (nde)

YIYYyiY'Y'annde (nde) T generation generation

T [ngocfcfeefi, ndocfcfeeki, daawal,


distance distance



yiyude (Z(FI): to be of the same age ; etre du meme age

yol6ere, yolbere (nde) / jo/6e, jo/be (de), yo/bereeji (di) DFCZH CZ(M,BF) [heege] hunger, famine; period of scarcity faim, famine; periode de la disette(Z) yol6ude, yolbude v.av FZ Z(M,FJ,DO) Uolbeede,

YO yo part. FH is; should est (demonstratif existentiel); doit

yolbeede, rafeede, beegeede]

YOBjo6e (de) D debts of fasting dettes du jeiine jo601 (ngo/) Z (+) vengence; payment vengeance; payement njo6di (ndi) / jo6di (di)

to be hungry avoir faim yolbeede v.pv V. yo/6ude

C (M,BF)


-INyolbinde v.av + ext to starve (v.t.) affamer

FZ cf.:[ngeenaari,


salary, sum of money, payment; compensation (payed for putting an end to revenge) salaire, somme d'argent, paiement; compensation (payee pour eteindre une vengeance )(Z) yo6ude v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to pay, repay payer, rembourser


YOLLyollaade v.mv DCZ CZ(FJ,M,G,NE) to immerse o.s.; to plunge, dive into water; to descend into a small valley se plonger(D); plonger dans l'eau(CZ); descendre dans un valloneCZ) yollude v.av CZ (FJ,G,M,NE) to put into, plunge into (water, a hollow) introduire, plonger (dans l'eau, dans un creux)

-Nyo6nude v.av+ext Z to make pay faire payer

YOLLA yolla var.- ye//a




yontude v.av FZ Z(-) to be recurrent; to spend a week revenir periodiquement; passer une semaine(Z)

yolnde (nde) / jolde (de) DCZT CZ(-) [wuddere] split, hole, hollow, gap; window (c); distance fente, trou creux, vide; fenetre(D); distance(T)

(Z(Kane and Robinson, 1984)(FI): to be adult, nubile, of marrying age ; etre adult, etre nubile, etre en age de se marier

YOMB-ITyombitaade v.mv+ext Z [yoptaade] cf.:[yob-] to avenge o.s.; to return sth to sb for sth se venger; rendre qqch a qqn pour qqch


YONA yona D [yono, hono] like comme

pl.- jombaajo


yommboode (nde) D braid of hair tresse de cheveux

njonkudi (ndi) Z milk churned to make butter lait battu pour faire du beurre yonkude v.av z (NE) [wumpude, wurwude,

YOMME yomme n. D cf.:[yob-] day of fasting observed after the month of Ramadan jour de jeiine a observer apres Ie mois de Ramadan


to churn butter battre Ie lait

YONKI yonki (ki) / yonkiiji (di) DcZ C(BF,NE,G,A),


Z(BF,NE,G,A,M) [wonki, nguurndam]

jond'o (0) / yonoe (De) Z one who has attained the age of puberty qui a atteint l'age de la puberte yoni, yonii adv. Z (FJ,FT,M) enough assez yonude, yonde v.av FCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF) to be sufficient, enough; to be time(F) suffire, etre assez; etre Ie moment de, I'heure de

soul; life arne, souffle vital; vie

YONNGyonngaade v.mv DZ Z(FJ,M) to climb on a wall; to raise o.s. up to speak or to see over sth monter sur un mur(D); se hausser pour parler ou pour voir au-dessus qqch(Z)

-ORyonngord'e (de) 0 rings worn on top of the ear anneaux portes sur la partie superieur de l'oreille

-Tjontaade v.mv F Uonteede, yonteede] to have a fever; to have malaria avoir une fievre; avoir Ie paludisme jontere (nde) / jonte (de) CZ CZ(+) [keefol] malaria, fever malaria, paludisme, fievre jontude (2) v.av+ext Z to be the cause of malaria etre la cause du paludisme yonteede, jonteede v.pv FZ Z(+) Uontaade] to have a fever; to have malaria avoir la fievre; etre atteint du paludisme yontere (nde) / jonte (de) DFCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M) week semaine yontitannde (nde) D seventh day septieme jour

YONO yono F [hon~, yona] for example, like par exemple, comme

YOOBOODU yooboodu (ndu) D [sobbundu, lobbundu, lompoodu] angle angle

YOO'B- (1) njo05aari (ndi) / njo06aariiji (di) Z (M,FJ) supplies for a trip provisions de route yo05aade v.mv z (-) to collect supplies for a journey s'approvisionner en vue de voyage


cesser d'etre pale; etre completement pale

YOO'B- (2) yooSaade v.mv Z [war(u)de (2), masimbinde] to finish off, kill achever, tuer

YOONE yoone n. 0 festivity festivite

YOOKyookeede v.pv Z (M,OO) to have goiter etre goitreux yookoonde (nde) / jookooae, jookoo/e, yookooae (ae) Z (M,DO) [yookoode] goiter goitre

YOORjooral (nga/) zT Z(DO) dryness; sterility; (Sci.) solid state [mbaaka jooraum, tiiaal, tekkal] secheresse(Z); sterilite(Z); (Sci.) etat solide(T) [mbaaka jooraum, tiiaal, tekkal] joord'o (0) / yooroe (De) 0 person who is miserly, hard qui est avare, dur (sec)

YOOLjooliid'o, njooliid'o (0) Z dro~ed person noye yoolaade v.mv Z (-) cf.:[loyude] to dro~ se noyer

joord'o junngo (Z(-»: miser; avare

joorcfum (aum) ZT Z(-) sth dry; (Sci.) solid [tiiaaum, tekkuaum] qqch de sec(Z); (Sci.) solide(T) [tiiaaum, tekkuaum] njorndi (ndi) / njomdiiji (ai) 0 dry soil, firm earth, earth sol sec, terre firme, terre yooro (ngo) oz drought secheresse yoorude v.av FCZ CZ(-) to be or become dry, dry out etre ou devenir sec, se dessecher

YOOLAL yoolal (nga/) T (Scol.) Uoppal, diiwal, duttal] expulsion renvOI

YOOLDE yoolde (nde) T [duggere, tintimmaare, toobere] mound, hillock butte



yoordude v.av+et1 0 to finish drying finir de secher

yoomre (nde) Z (FT,M) pallor; weariness; anguish paleur; lassitude; angoisse yoomude v.av OZ Z(FJ,FT,M) to be sad; to pale, be pallid; to be weary; to be anguished etre triste(D); palir, etre pale (Z); etre las(Z); etre angoisse(Z)

-Nyoornude v.av+ext Fz Z(FT) [yornude]:Z(-) to dry seeher, faire seeher



yoosude v.av zT Z(FJ,A) [saaynude, mootude] to dissolve dissoudre yoosugol (ngol) T [saayugol, mootugol] dissolution dissolution

yoomtere (nde) Z (FT,M) no longer being pallid; relaxation; relief cessation de la paleur; delassement; soulagement yoomtude v.av+et1 Z (FT,M) to cease to be pallid; to cease to be weary; to cease to be anguished cesser d'etre pale; cesser d'etre las; cesser d'etre angoisse

YOOSI yoosi (0) / yoosiiji (ai) Z imitation hair (made with grass or animal hair) cheveux pastiches (que l'an fait avec des herbes ou des pails)

-T-ITyoomtitidde v.av+2exts(?) Z (FT,M) to cease to be pallid; to be very pallid 397


-ONDIRyottondirde v.av +ext Z to collide with each other se heurter l'un contre l'autre

yootaad"o (0) / yootaaoe (De) C [riaamtar] greedy person; gourmand; selfish person qui est avide; gourmand; egoiste



joppa) (nga/) T (Scol.) [diiwal, yoolal, duttal] expulsion renvOI yoppude v.av DFCZ to leave, allow, permit, free; to leave behind, abandon laisser, permettre, liberer; laisser, abandonner

jowe (de) T [tobbe] suspension points points du suspension yowaade v.mv DZ Z(-) to be above, be set up high; to hang on etre au-dessus de, etre pose en haut; s'accrocher(Z) yowre (nde) / jowe (de) Z (M,BF,G,A) beehive ruche yowude v.av DCZ CZ(-) to set on (top of), put on (top of), put up high; to hang (up) poser sur, mettre sur, mettre en haut; accrocher

YOPTAADE yoptaade V. yoo-tYORyorude v.av cZ C(G,A),Z(M,G,A) [yorngude] to come undone, slip (e.g. bracelet or garment) se defaire, glisser (p.ex. bracelet ou vetement)



yornude v.av+ext Z (DO,M) [yorginde] to tie up loosely attacher sans serrer

yowtaade v.mv+ext Z (FT,M) to fall from a height tomber de haut

-Tyortude v.av+ext) Z (A,M) to come undone; to slip, escape, get free se defaire; glisser, echapper, se liberer

YORGINDE yorginde var.- yomude YORNGUDE yorngude var.- yornde YOTT-

YUBBOODU yubboodu (ndu) / jubbooli (di) DZ [tooluuru, tolluru]

tuft of hair; crest, tuft touffe de cheveux(D); crete, houppe (Z)


YUBBju66i (di) Z poem, composition poeme, composition ju66iid"um (dum) D that which is done, correct qui est fait, correct nju66uki n. D agreement; harmony concordance; harmonie nju66undi (ndi) T administration [nju66udi]; table of contents [nju6undi] administration [nju66udi]; table des matieres [nju6udi]

njottiid"o (0) Z person who has attained the age of puberty personne pubere yottaade v.mv DFCZ C(-),Z(FJ,M,BF) [hewtude] to arrive, reach a destination; to attain a goal, succeed arriver (a une destination); atteindre un but, reussir yottaaru (ndu) D condolence condoleance

-INyottinde v.av+ext DCZ CZ(-) to give an explanation; to transmit, convey, deliver (C) rendre compte(D); transmettre, remettre, livrer (Z)

njul'll'ludi kasuuji (T): penal system; administration penitenciaire njul'll'lundi gardiingu (T): administration; administration [laamu] njubuddi (Z(FJ»): organism, institution; organisme, institution


yumude v.av 0 [njumaade] to collect honey cueillir du miel

yu66aade v.mv 0 to be correct, well done etre correct, bien fait yu660 n. T system; (Anat.) system, tract, apparatus systeme; (Anat.) appareil


yuf>f>o bawbirgo (f): urinary tract; appareil urinaire yuf>f>o f>etgol, yuf>f>o etugol (f): metric system; systeme metrique yuf>f>o jibingol (f): reproductive system; appareiJ genital yuf>f>o naamgol (f): digestive system; appareil digestif yuf>f>o poofirgol, yuf>f>o poofgol (f): respiratory system; appareil respiratoire yuMo yiiyawol,yuf>f>o yiiyamol(f): circulatory system; appareil circulatoire yu66ude v.av Z (FJ,M)

[inniraacfo, inniraawo, yaayiraacfo, neeniraawo]

YUNGAADE yungaade (nde) / yungaaje (de) 4 veil of the Tuareg voile des Touaregs·

YUNK- (1) yunkude (1) v.av 0 [wumpude] to churn butter (by shaking), shake battre Ie lait, secouer

YUDDAARE cf.:Uuddere]

YUNK- (2) yunkude (2) v.av CZ to tremble; to make a jump; to flyaway; to have a fever, suffer from malaria trembler; faire un saut(Z); s'envoler(Z); avoir de la fievre, etre atteinte du paludisme (Z)

YUFF-ITyuffitaade v.mv+ext 0 to be disorderly etre desordonne

YUGlRAA'BE yugiraa6e


mother mere

to go through, pierce; to thread; to compose verse; to sing ? transpercer; enfl1er; composer des vers; chanter yuddaare, yudde (nde) T Uullaare] piece of trunk or branch chicot


yumma (0) OFcZh Z(FJ,FT,M),C(FJ,FT),H(FN) mother (term of address) mere (titre) yummiraad"o (0) / yummiraa6e (oe) OF


var.- yigiraaoe; V.

yuveere (nde) 0 half-sack? demi-sac

yigo (Ba et Kesteloot, 1969)



yulannde (nde) / ju/ande (de) ZH Z(-) entry; hole in an object entree(H); trou dans un objet(Z) yulnde (nde) / julde (de) OZE Z(FT,M) hole, slit, crack; clay pot with holes for cooking (steaming) couscous [laccorde, iiintiire] trou, fente(D); pot en argile perce de petits trous pour preparer Ie couscous a la vapeur(EZ) [laccorde, iiintiire] yuJude, yuJde v.av Z(Seydou, 1977) Z(-) to pierce percer

yuppaade v.mv cZ C(FJ,FT),Z(FJ,FT,M) to pour out (v.i.), flow by itself; to overflow verser, couler de soi-meme; deborder yuppude v.av OFCZ C(FJ,M,BF),Z(FJ,M,BF,A) to pour; to spill(FC); to empty, pour out; to pour from one container into another verser(DC); repandre; vider, deverser (Z); transvaser(Z)

YURMnjurum (o,dum) FCz C(FJ,M,FT),Z(FJ,FT) sympathy(F); pitiful thing, pity(C); sadness sympathie; qui fait pitie(C); tristesse(Z) yurmaade v.mv FZ Z(-) to have sympathy, pity etre compatissant, avoir pitie de yurmeede v.pv OCZ CZ(-) to have pity for, take pity on avoir pitie de, prendre pitie de

YUMnjumaade v.mv Z [yumude] to collect honey; (fig.) to exploit recolter du miel; (fig.) exploiter njumri (ndi) OCZ C(-),Z(FJ,M) honey miel


yurmeende (nde) / jurmee/e (ae) pity, compassion pit ie, compassion


FZ Z(-)

yuurnaade v.mv( + ext?) DZ Z(-) to look askance, spy on; to look at, examine, analyze regarder a travers, regarder a la derobee, epier; regarder, examiner, analyser (Z)

-INyurminaade v.mv+ext DZ Z(-) to inspire pity; to feel pity for faire pitie; s'apitoyer sur(Z) yurminde v.av+ext FCZ CZ(-) to be pitiful, sad (F); to inspire pity; to feel pity for etre pitoyable, triste; faire pitie(Z); s'apitoyer sur(CZ)

YUWjuwal n. T injection, shot piqure juwe n. D embroidery broderie yuwude, yuwde v.av DFCZ CZ(-) to stick, prick, stab, wound with a pointed weapon; to ask a difficult question piquer, poignarder, blesser avec une arme pointue; poser une question difficile(Z)

-ONDIRjurmondiral (nga/) Z mutual compassion; solidarity, moral support compassion reciproque; solidarite, soutien moral

YURTyurtaade? v.mv( +ext?) to be badly arranged etre mal agence


d [yartaade]:D

njuwtiri n. (Gardi et Seydou, weaving technique technique de tissage




yuumd"ude v.av+ext 0 to be well laid out etre bien agence

Yuwaru PN HS Yuvaru (town near Lake Debo) Youvarou (village pres du Lac Debo)



yaa6ude v.av D to limp slightly boitiller

yaare (nde) 0 blade (of grass), leaf brin, feuille


YAAFyaafude v.av 0 to ferment fermenter

yaawnde (nde) / yaawndeeji (ai) DF season of harvest [yamnde]; period of flooding(F) [jookre] saison des recoltes(D) [yamnde]; peri ode de la crue [jookre] yaawoore (nde) 0 action of passing the season of harvest action de passer la saison des recoltes yaawude v.av 0 to pass the harvest season in a certain place passer la peri ode des recoltes a un endroit

YAAR- (1) yaaraade v.mv 0 to return first (speaking of animals) rentrer les premiers (en parlant des animaux)

YAAR-T- (2) yaartaade v.mv+ext 0 to disturb deranger


fiancee yamal (ngal) / yame (de) FZ Z(-} [yamru] proposal of marriage(F); engagement demande en mariage(Z); fian~ailles(Z) yamu-yamu (0) Z [flam do, cabbudo] fiance, man who is betrothed fiance yamude v.av DFCZ C( + ),Z(FJ,M,BF,N,G,A)

YAB(B)ya5aade, ya55aade v.mv DCZ to pass (by), go beyond(C) passer, depasser(CZ)


-ITya5itaade v.mv+ext D to go past the limits depasser les limites


to seek in marriage, propose marriage (to a widow or divorced woman(F»; to get engaged; to ask for chercher en mariage, demander en mariage (une veuve ou une divorcee); se fiancer(Z); demander(CZ), reclamer(Z)

YAGGyaggude v.av D to leap (about), jump up gambader, bondir

YAH yah-yah interj D interjection used to chase an animal away interjection pour chasser un animal

-ANyamanaado (0) / yamanaaoe (oe)

YAKKyakkude v.av DFCZV to crunch, chew croquer, macher

fiancee, woman who is betrothed fiancee


-Tyamtude v.av+ext D to ask for repayment of a loan reclamer un credit

-IRyakkirde (nde) / yakkirde (de) DCZ molar (tooth) molaire (dent)


YAM- (2) yamude v.av D [yui'kJde] to spoil, rot; to petrify pourrir; petrifier

-ITyakkitaade v.mv+ext

(Seydou, 1987) [yakkitidde]:



to rechew recroquer, remacher

yamnde (nde) D [yaawnde] season of harvest saison des recoltes

yakkitaade haala (Seydou, 1987): to keep bringing up an argumentation, to persist in returning to a subject of conversation; ressasser une argumentation, s'enteter a relancer un sujet de conversation

YANyanyautude v.av +ext D to disturb for a moment troubler pendant un moment

YAKKO yakko n. D syphilis syphilis

YANNDyanndude v.av D to grow big (calf) grandir (veau)

YALTyaltaade v.mv( + ext?) to be large in size avoir la taille grande


CZ(BF,G,M) [cabbaado, yamaado]


YAPPyappude v.av DZ to add lumps; to put on top, cover ajouter des mottes(D); mettre dessus, couvrir(Z)

YAM yam adv. D [yem]:Z(FJ} very sweet tres sucre, doux


YAM- (1)

yaraade v.mv D to pass in the wind ? passer au vent

yamaado (0) / yamaaoe (oe)

cZ C(FJ,BF,NO}, Z(FJ,M,BF,N,G,A) [cabbaado, yamanaado]

fiancee, woman who is betrothed


YATIyattaade v.mv to insult sb injurier qqn

escalader(CZ); aller au nord; se tenir sur la pointe des pieds(CZ)

Z (FT,M) (gros.)

yeel]ude maayo (Z): to come out of the river up onto the bank; sortir du fleuve et monter sur la berge



yeeQirgal (nga/) / yee1)irae (ae)

yay n. D children's game jeu d'enfants

stairway on the edge of the water; ladder(C) escalier au bord de l'eau(D); echelIe(CZ)

YAYLyaylaade v.mv to surprise surprendre

-OYD Duhude, haawnude, haaynude]

yeegoydo (0) / yee1]oyoe (oe) ZL herder (accompanying the herds northward during the rainy season) patre (accompagnant les troupeaux au nord en hivernage)

YAYyayude v.av to hesitate hesiter


[baargal, kalikaliwal)

D Dayude]

-Tyeegtude v.av+ext Z [yentude):Z to reach a higher level atteindre un niveau superieur

YAYE yare n. D [yellere] fruit of the dum palm fruit du palmier doum

YEERyeeraade v.mv D [yell (it)aade, yerraade] to put a load on the head without holding it poser une charge sur la tete sans la tenir

YEEFyeefaade v.mv D [yoraade] to take a run up, jump up prendre son elan, bondir

YEEWyeewnditaago horo jannde n. T (Seol.) exam examen yeewude, yeewde v.av DFCZ C(-),Z(FJ,FT,M) to look at, scrutinize, contemplate, consider, look for, observe regarder, scruter, contempler, considerer, chercher, observer

YEEGOL yeegol (ngo/) / yeeli (ai) Dez stream, river riviere


YEEKIRAADO yeeka (0) sf- yeekiraaao DZ Z(FT,M) yeekiraado (0) / yeekiraaoe (oe) FZ




sister- and brother-in-Iaw(F); younger brother or younger sister of the husband; wife of the brother; husband of the sister beau-frere ou belle-soeur; frere cadet ou soeur cadette du mari(Z); epouse du frere(Z); mari de la soeur(Z)

yeewtaade v.mv Zt Z(FT,M) to look at attentively, watch over; to examine, inspect, check regarder avec attention, surveilIer(Z); examiner(Z), inspecter(Z), controler yeewtal (nga/) T [hasbo) results, balance bilan yeewtotood0 (0) T [korooro] inspector controleur

YEEI)yeegol yiiyam n. T hypertension hypertension gondudo e yeel)o yiiyam(T): person who suffers from hypertension ; hypertendu yeegude v.av DFeZ C(FJ,NE,G),Z(FJ,M,G,NE) ef.: [yentude, farraade, yel)aade]

YELL- (1) yellaade v.mv

eZ C(FJ,G),Z(FJ,M,G) [yeeraade,


come out of the water; to climb up(FC), go up; to go north(F); to stand on tiptoe(C) sortir de l'eau(D); grimper, monter,

to put or carry sth balanced on the head mettre ou porter qqch en equilibre sur la tete



-ITv.mv + ext Z to leave sth on the head without holding it laisser sur la tete sans tenir

Y'ettude v.av


to take, carry a child; to take; to set upright, pick up, lift up, raise; to get up (again), lift o.s. up, rise prendre, porter un enfant(D); prendre(Z); relever, soulever, lever (CZ); se relever, se soulever, se lever (Z)

YELL-IT- (2) Y'ellitaade v.mv +ext to go to the limit alIer it la limite


yelJitaade (C(FJ),Z(FJ,NE»: to be at the culminating point of; to climb, go up, scale; etre au point culminant de; grimper, monter, escalader

YI' AL Y'i'al var.- gi'a/ YIBBI

YELL-IT- (3)

fig figue Y'ibbi (ki) D [ibbi] tree - Ficus gnaphalocarpa arbre - Ficus gnaphalocarpa

cf.:[yell- (2)]



Y'iifaade v.mv D to whine pleurnicher

Y'emtude v.av( +ext?) DCZ to raise, lift (up), help up; (V. yettude)(C) lever, soulever, relever; (V. yettude)(CZ)



Y'iiwoonde (nde) / yiiwoo/e (de) DZH Z(FT,M) rain, storm pluie, orage Y'iiwude v.av D to flow in a trickle; to begin to appear couler goutte it goutte; commencer it paraitre

DZ Z(-) [yeentude]:Z


to come out of the water; to reach a higher level sortir de l'eau(D); atteindre un niveau superieure(Z)



Y'iiY'am (dam) / yiiye (de), yiiyameeji (di)

Y'eQaade v.mv DCZ CZ(FJ,M) [yeel]ude]:CZ to stand on tiptoe se tenir sur la pointe des pieds


DZ Z(-} [yibbinre]:D

[ibbere] [(pl.) yibbe]


Y'entude v.av( +ext?)


Y'ibbere (nde) / yibbeeje (de)

Y'ellitaade v.mv+ext Z to examine, run one's eye over examiner, parcourir des yeux Y'elu n. D summit sommet

DCZ CZ(FJ,FT,M,BF) [yeptude]:Z


DFCZH CZ(-) [yiiyan]

blood sang mettude yiiyam(F): to be unkind; etre peu amiable

V. yettude Z (M,BF,FT)

welude yiiyam(F): to be attractive, kind; etre attrayant,



Y'erginaade v.mv+ext D [erginaade,lanl]inaade] to stand up, draw o.s. up, put o.s. on guard se dresser, se mettre en garde

YERRAADE Y'erraade

Y'ircilli n. D type of grass sorte d'herbe

var.- yeeraade,


yellaade Z

Y'irfude v.av Dq to hit with a switch frapper avec chicotte

YESY'esaade v.mv D to hit as hard as one can mettre toute sa force it frapper

YIWDE Y'iwde var.- iwde; V. iwYIYAL Y'iyal var.- gi'a/ C (G,M)


C (M,BF.N,G)



yoltaade v.mv( +ext?) 0 to be very big etre tres grand

yoolol n. 0 search for water recherche de l'eau



yombal, yommbal (ngal) j yom be, yommbe (de) OCZ CZ(M,BF,G,A) [gawyal, gawjal] stalk (e.g. of millet); interior stem of an ear of millet; ear of grain tige (p.ex. de mil); tige interieur de l'epi de mil(Z); epi(Z)

yooraade v.mv 0 [yuuwaade] to stretch, rise up s'etirer, se cabrer

YOOWANDE yoowande (nde) 0 Daawre, nukkere, saadaare, jo(o)wre]


pile tas

yombuyombel n. 0 summit; fact sommet; fait

YORyoraade v.mv 0 [yeefaade] to take a run up, jump up prendre son elan, bondir

YON-YON-Tyonyontude v.av+ext 0 to trot trotter

YOYRE yoyre var.- yoyre YO¥


yoyude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to be (or become) shrewd, cunning, clever; to be mature, wise, experienced; to be ripe( C) etre (ou devenir) malin, ruse, adroit; etre mur(DCZ), sage(Z), experimente(Z); etre mur(DC), it point (fruits)(Z) yoyyo,yoycfo (o)jyoyoe (oe) FeZ [yoydo/

yongo n. 0 [reegarde, juude] ford gue

YONNGO yonngo (ngo) j yol/e (de), yonngooji (di) OZio Z(-)

hump (of an animal) bosse (d'un animal)


cunning, shrewd person; clever person(F); mature person malin, ruse; personne adroite; personne mure(Z) yoyre, yoyre (nde) / yoye (de) OFCZ C(-),

YOOGyoogu n. 0 looking for water action de chercher reau yoogude v.av OFCZ CZ(-) to draw water (or any other liquid(C» puiser de l'eau (ou un liquide quelconque( CZ»


mischief, cunning, cleverness; scheme(C); way of doing (sth); wisdom, sense malice, ruse, adresse; intrigue(CZ); maniere de faire(Z); sagesse(Z)



yoogirde (nde) j yoogirde (de) Dez C(G,A),Z(G)

yu66e n. M [tuppe] type of prickly grass sorte d'herbe epineuse

[fate, fata]

calabash used for drawing water calebasse pour puiser de l'eau yoogirgel (ngel) dim.- yoogirde (Sarwuusi Jannde

YUFFyutTude v.av 0 to foam mousser

Mawbe, 1984)

YOOKOODE yookoode (nde) 0 [yookoonde] goiter goitre

YUGGyuggude v.av 0 [Iayude, woosude] to limp boiter



YUKK-INyukkinaade v.mv+ext DcZ C(G,A),Z(M,G,A) to swell; to stoop, huddle up (C) se gonfler(D); se pencher, se blottir (CZ)

yuubaade v.mv to incline incliner

YUL'BERE yul6ere - var.- yulmere; V. yulmYULLODE

YUUFyuufo (ngo) / yuufooje (de) DZ Z(M,BF) swelling; anger; pride; foam gonflement(D), enflure(Z); colere(Z); orgueil(Z); mousse(Z) yuufude v.av DCZ CZ(-) to swell, be swollen or inflated; to foam, froth (C) se gonfler, etre enfle ou gonfle; ecumer, mousser (DC) yuufuko (ko,o) CZ (BF,M) [ngu(u)fo] foam, spray ecume, embrun

yullode (nde) D pimple, inflammation bouton, inflammation

YULMyulliere, yulmere (nde) / yuloe (de)



charcoal, live charcoal charbon, braise (ardente) yulmude v.av D to make charcoal f*e des braises


YUMByumbude v.av to be soaked etre trempe

yuugaad"o (0) / yuugaaoe (oe) cZ C(FJ),Z(FJ,M) hunchback bossu yuugeede v.pv D to be hunchbacked etre bossu yuugo (ngo) / yuuge (de) Z [nacf'cf'ire] hump bosse


YUMNDI yumndi,yunndi (ndi) soot suie

CZ (FJ,FT,M,BF) [nduuriu]



yunnude v.av D to wash vigorously laver avec force

yuulde (nde) D boil, furuncle furoncle



yuiude v.av D [yamude] to spoil, rot; to petrify pourrir; petrifier

yuuwaade v.mv D [yuubaade, yooraade] to incline; to rear up s'incliner; se cabrer



yurude v.av D to flow with pus couler de pus

yuuyude v.av D to increase in volume augmenter de volume

YURG-INyurginaade v.mv +ext to arch one's back faire Ie gros dos

D [yuuwaade]



yuuyude v.av D to give (push with?) the head to get out ?; to inflate donner (de?) la tete pour sortir; gonfler

YUSyusude v.av D to cry without tears pleurer sans larmes



A abandon: d'aldu abandon (v.) : d'alde, d'alude, yoppude, woppude abandoned, left (be) (v.) : d'aleede ability : baawal able (be) (v.) : waawude, waawde [wawude] able (person who is) : baawd'o ablutions : salligii ablutions (do one's) (v.) : salligaade, saligaade ablutions (do one's, without water - i.e. with sand) (v.) : taamaade ablutions (person who has perfomed his) : calligiid'o about: hedde [heede] about, nearly: fodde about, on the subject of : fiya about to do sth (be) (v.) : 6attaade, 6adaade, daraade [tontaade] above: dow above (be) (v.) : yowaade, fawaade, sakkaade [jiimde] above (get) (v.) : sakkaade abscess : 6uure, uure [6uuddi] abscess (small) : uubel absence of means : baasal absolutely, without fail: waajibi, tilay (2) abundance (have in) (v.) : d'uudude [heewde, hewde] abundance, large quantity : keewal abundance of goods : barke abundance, riches : maral abundant (be) (v.) : heewde, hewde, d'uudude, yirwude abuse : yennoore abuse (v.) : hud'ude, yennude [honnaade] accelerate (v.) : yaawnude, pompude accent (mark) : masal accept (v.) : ja6ude accept (not) (v.) : waiiude acceptance of the will of God : bakkilal accessible (be easily) (v.) : yaafude accident : kunko accidentally: yaama accommodate a guest (v.) : hod'aade accompanies another person (one who) : jokko accompanies the husband or the wife (one who) : jokko accompaniment, company: d'owtal accompany (sb) (v.) : liwnaade, liwndaade, d'owtude, yaadude, faIJOrde, jokkude [d'oftude]

accompany each other (v.) : d'owtondirde accomplish (v.) : huwude [huuwude] accomplish sth (v.) : jokkude (huunde) accomplished (be) (v.) : timmude, hantude accord: aadi [amaana] accost (v.) : fanndude, giisude, falde, falude account, narration : fillo account, story: kabaaru [alkibaar, habaaru, kibaaru] accounting : hiisaare accuracy: peewndam accusation : happaade, tuumo, wajoore, fawre accusation (unjust) : tooiiange, tooiiaange accuse (v.) : happude, e66aade, tuumde, taafude, wajude accuse falsely (v.) : iio'ude (ned'd'o), happude accuse sb (v.) : fawde accuse wrongly (v.) : tooiiaade [tooiiude] accused (person who is) : tuumaad'o accuser: kappud'o, taafd'o, tuunmd'o accustomed to (be) (v.) : woowde, woowrude ace (be an) (v.) : faareede achieve (v.) : hewtude [yottaade] achieved (be) (v.) : tilaade [telaade] acid (be) (v.) : lammude acknowledge one's faults (v.) : ronditaade acknowledgement : yettoore, yettoode [jammoore] acquainted with (be) (v.) : woowrude. acquire (v.) : daiiude, daiide [arsinkinde, riisude] acquired earnings : ke6al acquisition : ke6al acquit (v.) : biltude [6iltude] acrobatics : junnabasel, junna-basel acrobatics in a horse-race : kegel act (v.) : huwude, huuwude, gollude act silly (v.) : horbaade act which is legally permitted or prohibited : hakke act with premeditation (v.) : hemsude action : golle action, action to do : bad'al [gad'al] Adam's apple : moosindorde add lumps (v.) : yappude add more flour to the porridge (v.) : laawde, laawude add to (v.) : 6eydude, fawde add to, thin down (v.) : jillude adder : foosokere 409

addition : 6eydondirgol addition, sth added : 6eydaari address sb (vo) : feewtude, fewtude adjective : sifa administration: nju66undi [nju66udi] administrator of a passage in a watercourse : jom tolo administrator of one or several prairies : jom hudo admire (vo) : ndaarude, ndarude [tewtude, tefude] admission : irragol admit (vo) : irrude [irraade] admit to (vo) : ronditaade adobe: loope, loopere, loopal [booko, 6akkere] adolescence, childhood, youth : cukaaku, sukaaku adolescent : kurkaadu, suka, sukaajo, cukalel adopt (vo) : jogaade adoptive parent: jogiid'o adore, love deeply (vo) : horsinde adored, loved (be) (vo) : horsude adorn, decorate (vo) : sod'ude adorn, make beautiful (vo) : iiaiiude [iiancamaari] adornments : paraad'i adult : ndottiijo adult (be) (vo) : mawnude adult, old person: mawd'o adult or old age : mangu [manngu] adultery: njeenu, jino, munkari, fijirde (2) adulthood : mangaaku advance, approach (vo) : hikkitaade advance, make progress (vo) : wod'd'inde advantage: 6ural, iialaande [ndaannu] advantage (have the) (vo) : waawude, waawde [wawude] advantageous (be) (vo) : faydude advantageous (make) (vo) : faydinde advice : tinndingol, waaju advise against (vo) : had'ude adviser: baajotood'o, dawronoowo alTair: haamu alTected by (be) (vo) : hilleede alTection : korsa, giggol affirmation : hatte aITlX (to) (vo) : sigude (e huunde) amiction of the gall-bladder: keefi afraid (be) (vo) : rofd'ude [rofid'd'ide, hul(u)de] afraid (person who is) : kuld'o, kuld'o-reedu, kuloowo, kulo, dofe African (non-Fulani) : Kaad'o [6aleejo] African locust bean tree (see condiment, powder, tree)

African mahogany tree (see medicine, tree) after : caggal, gad'a after, later: yeeso afternoon: kiikiide, kiikiid'e afternoon (late), prayertime - about 4-5 pm : asira, asiri, laasara against sb (be) (vo) : honkaade age (vo) : naywude, ronkitidde, rogkitidde age-group : waalde (1), fedde [idere ?] age-mate: giyiraad'o, giraad'o, waaldeere, waaldeejo, banndiraad'o aged man : baaliki agent : golloowo agent (type of) posted in villages to assure public order: mutasibi agents who oversaw the Koranic schools (Rist.) : saa'i aggression : tooiiange, tooiiaange agree (vo) : ja6ude, yarraade, yarlaade, yiidude, yi'ondirde, sabbude [sabbaade] agree about sth (vo) : yiitondirde agree again on (vo) : haaltidinde agree on (vo) : sartude agree, reach agreement (vo) : faamondirde agree, see eye-to-eye (vo) : hawrude agree with each other (vo) : sabbondirde agreement : amaana, amana, aadi, nju66uki agreement, harmony: gondal agreement to buy or sell : coggu agriculture : demal, dema, ndema, demal, deme ahead : yeeso aid: ballagal, mballudi, wallaadu [ballal, paabu] aid (mutual) : ballondiral, faabondiral, walliima [mballiigu] aid (vo) : wallude, faabaade [faa6aade] aid and taxes : faabo aide : dawronoowo aide, apprentice : paabo air, atmosphere: weeyo [mbeeyu] air, wind: heendu, henndu air-vent ? : gombo airplane: laana-piirooha airport : baabal ajami (indigenous written form based on Arabic script) : ajami, ajamiya alcohol : alkool alcoholic beverage : doro alert : jeertungo algebra : aljaaburu alibi : woytaraandu alight (vo) : hod'ude align (vo) : weertude, wertude [weyyitidde,


analogue : maando analyze (vo) : yuurnaade anathematize (vo) : moolaade (neooo, huunde) ancestor: njaatiraaoo, njaati, layli [lasli] ancestors : maamiraaBe ancestral (that which is) : tawaangal ancient, of olden times : ganni and: e angel : malayka anger : tikkere, yuufo anger (vo) : torraade angie : s066undu, yooboodu, lompoodu, lobbundu, hofoodu angry (be, get) (vo) : tikkude, bileede, 6ernude, haptaade, hi66aade, too~eede, fitinde angry at (get) (vo) : dukude, dukkude anguish : yoomre anguished (be) (vo) : yoomude animal : daaba, daabawa, dabba, muutaral animal (carniverous) : donndooru animal (carniverous) that is very quick : caapaali animal (domesticated) : daaba, daabawa, dabba, banaa, ngafiri animal (uncastrated) : ngarbaari animal (wild) : dagamere animal given for its milk: ndiilamaawa animal husbandry : margol daabaaji, needi animal skin : nguru animal that is sterile : ndimaru animal that was killed without having its throat slit: jiibe animal that wastes everything : bonnooru animal which is male : ngaari [korboori] animal which is small and thin : nduguuru animal with its tail cut (off) : ngudda, guddal animals (domesticated) : daabaaji wuro animals (small) : gorri animals (wild) : daabaaji ladde, kulle ladde animals (untended) which graze in the immediate vicinity of the village : taranaraaji animals belonging to the Feroo6e : pereeji animated (be) (v.) : yirwude ankle : korral, yitere koyngal annex (vo) : naattinde annexation : naattinal announce (vo) : haaltinde, hollitidde, yeetaade, noosude announce, declare (vo) : hollude announce publicly (vo) : yeeyde, yeeynude announcement of a death: kibaaru [alkibaar, habaaru] announcement to (make an) (vo) : haalnude

weooitidde] all : fuu [fu, fuh, fof] alley : bolol alliance : aadondiral, kaBBondiral alliance (mythical) uniting two groups: denoiraagal allow (vo) : yoppude allow a liquid through (vo) : si'ude alloy: njillundi alluvial deposit (old, elevated) made up of clays and silts which is not covered by water during the flood and may be wooded : peru alluvium : tunndi [tuundi] alms : sadaka alone, solitary (be) (vo) : yeewde alphabet: abajada, abajadda, habajaaoa, harfeeje, karfeeje [limto] already: non, noon, jaka (1) also : duu, du also, again : kasen, kasi, kasin [kaden, kadi, kali] also, in addition : kaiium alternating : jeytannde altitude : tooweendi, toowendi alum: lalam [lalan] aluminum : kankasi, mbudu, jaka (2) always : wakkati fuu, iiande fuu amass (vo) : mooBude, moBde, aajaade, ajaade, faggaade, mubbude, wubbude amass, put into a pile (with broom or rake) (vo) : Boptude amateur: ekkotoooo, jiooo (T) amber (bead of) : allubaanaare, allabanaare amber (pieces of) : tume [foooi, allubaanaare] amber for adornment: foooi [tume] amnestied (person who is) : jaafaaoo, njaafaaoo amnesty: jaafagol, keefgol, mooytugol bonannda, muntugol among: heen amongst : e; ley [les] ample (be) (vo) : yaajude ample (very) : iiiffi-iiaafa amplitude: iiiffi-iiaafa amulet: talkuru, safaare, pi5ol, dabare [dabere] amulet which fits tightly around the neck: gokkooru amulet worn around the waist : baakawol [baakanwol] amuse (vo) : jalnude, yeewtude [yewtude, gaajaade] amuse o.s. (vo) : yeewtude [yewtude, gaajaade] amusement : gaajaate, wayiire [yeewtere, yewtere, ngewwta] 411

apprehend (v.) : faamude apprentice : paabo approach (v.) : Battaade, Badaade, hiBBaade, hiBBitaade [takkaade] appropriate (v.) : Bamde, Bamude [BaI)ude] approximately: hedde, fodde [heede] Arab: Aaraabo, Aarabo [Araabo, Ara(a)buujo, Laarabuujo] Arabic language : arabiya, arabiyankoore [aaraaBere, aaraaBuure] Arabic script (indigenous written form based on) : ajami, ajamiya arch one's back (v.) : yurginaade arched back (have an) (v.) : nad'd'ude ardor, pressure : gubaa area of waiting along the border of the delta before the return to the burgu : hod'orde [kod'orde] argue (v.) : cippirde argument: fitina [firiinde, fembere] arithmetic : hiisa, ganlimoore hiisa [hiise, anndal hiisa, ganndal hiisa] arm : junngo, jUI)Dgo [juungo] arm (small) : junngel [juungel] arm (upper) : seemnde arm, armament : kaBirgal arm, branch : lanol armistice : darnugol wolde armpit : nawki army (main part of, when marching) (Mil.Hist.) : wuddu army, armed troop : wolde army (part of, where supplies and munitions were grouped) (Mil.Hist.) : reedu army, troop of invasion: konu army unit (Mil.Hist.) : junngo, jUI)Dgo [juungo] arrange (v.) : moyyinde,moyyintinde, wiid'inde, wood'inde, wonnude, wood'intinde arrange, get ready (v.) : gaytude arranged (be badly) (v.) : yurtaade ? [yartaade] arrangement : feewnugol, peewnugol arrest (v.) : jaggude, nanngude arrival : garal, garol, wargol [yaraangal] arrive (v.) : hewtude, yottaade, warde, warude arrive (season) (v.) : naatude arrive in sb's absence (v.) : luttude arrogance : qaaBaare arrogant (be) (v.) : hurginaade arrogant (person who is) : gunnud'o arrondissement : huBeere, tonndu (T) arrow: kural, laanal (1), Baaru art: fannu

annoy (v.) : tilfude annoy, provoke (v.) : layfiude another (be) (v.) : wod'ude another person: god'd'o another route (take) (v.) : seltude [seeltude] answer: jaabu, jaabaabu [njaabu] answer (to a call) (v.) : nootaade answer, respond (v.) : jaabaade ant : miru, honndorde [hondolde] ant (large) : miral ant (large black) : honndorde [hondolde] ant (small, black, of which the bite is painful) : nuunu [nuungu] ant hill, ant nest : waande anteater : yeendu antelope : mbarooba antelope : tewda antelope (large) : eda [eeda] antelope (male) : kaanoori antelope (red) : tereba antelope - Ourebina ourebi : jawre antelope, roan antelope - Hippotraginus equinus : kooba antennae : gallaad'i, jubbi, luwe anthrax ? : cowaad'e, koyngel, Boolol, pettu, ko dow, pittel, dud'd'e antimony : fina, finaari antique : genum [ko gend'i]:T antiquity : lajal, gene anus: bunna, fanna, fuuna, gad'a, laka anus of a woman : nammu anvil : tannde, taaneere apart : feere aperceive (v.) : soynaade, sooynaade [soynaade] aphthous fever : koorel apostasy: keeferaaku, luttere apparatus : masin appeal to God : sintirgol appear (v.) : hollinaade, naatude, yaltude, wurtaade appear (make) (v.) : Bannginnde, Banginde appear (of new moon) (v.) : daraade [tontaade] appear (of stars) (v.) : fooynude appear abruptly (v.) : fappitaade appearance, aspect: annoora, annoore [noone] appearance, description : sifa appetite (lack ot) : uddere (2) applause : kelle application of henna: fuud'ande appoint as chief (v.) : laamnude, lamminde (1) [laaminde] appreciate (v.) : jataade


roondaade, ronndaade [ronndude] assume responsibility (v.) : fawaade astonish (v.) : haawnude [haaynude (2), yaylaade, juhude] astonished (be) (v.) : haaweede [hamnaade] astonishing (be) (v.) : haawnaade, haynaade, haawde [haaynaade] astonishment : kaawee astride (position) : catal at: e at first: adan [aran] at, in, towards : to, too, toon at once : tembu atheism : keeferaaku atheist : keefeero, keefero athlete : sara0, card"0 athletic (be) (v.) : saraude atmosphere: weeyo [mbeeyu] attach (v.) : hao6ude attach importance to (v.) : tiittinde attach much importance to (not) (v.) : famd"inde attached (be) (v.) : humaade, feaaade attachment : kallima attack, fall upon (v.) : hawde [honude, jiimde] attain a goal (v.) : yottaade [hewtude] attempt : eyyagol attempt to do sth (v.) : hornude [hoornude] attention : hakkille [hakkillo, hakilo, hakkil] attract attention (v.) : oytaade attract to o.s. (v.) : food"ude [foodude] attracted (be) (~'.) : hilleede attraction: food"ngo attractive: lobb- (+ suf.) attractive (be the most) (v.) : faad"ude attractive, more attractive (make) (v.) : wonnude, wood"inde, moyyinde attribute: sifa [ged"al (1)] auction : waanteere, wanteere audacious (be) (v.) : suusude, siinde, siinude [suyde] audience : kallima augment (v.) : 5eydude augmentation : 6eydaari aunt (maternal) : inniraad"o, inniraawo aunt (paternal) : goggiraad"o, goggo [goggol] aunt (term of address) : goggo authority: jamiroowo, jogonaad"o authority: laamu, doole [dolle, semmbe] authority, importance : teddeendi authorize (v.) : dunlJude automobile : mobel, mobil, mobili, mobilaaru, watiir, watiiru

art (esp. of artisans) : neenal, geeIial art of song and music : njaru artery: d"ad"ol article, passage : tayce [tayre, gardaI articulation : jokkere, wunnde artisan : neend"0, iieeno artist : lJara artist's personal sign : candal as, as if: no as well : duu, du ascent : oamtaare [yeptaareI ash: kaaru, ndoondi [nooni] ashamed (be) (v.) : gaccinaade, semtude, hersude, wirtaade ashamed of himself (person who is) : koyd"o aside : feere, jihaa, jiha, bannge, banI]e, bal]De, baIJIJe, oaIJDge aside (put) (v.) : soomude, fottinde aside (put), put in safekeeping (v.) : mo06tude, mo06itude, mootude, moftude, moptude, mooptude, mottude ask (v.) : lamndaade, eelude, oaIJude ask a difficult question (v.) : yuwude ask a question (v.) : lamndaade [naamnaade] ask favors from God (v.) : yelaade ask for (v.) : wullitaade ask for (esp. in marriage) (v.) : yamude,6alJude ask for a price (v.) : termaade ask for pardon (v.) : tuubude ask for repayment of a loan (v.) : yamtude ask or call for (v.) : woytd"ude ask puzzling questions (v.) : furaade asleep (be) : d"aanaade [aanaade] aspect, look: noone [annoora, annoore] asphyxia: fad"d"o, heppiyere, cuumu asphyxiate (v.i.) : suumaade asphyxiate (v.t.) : suumude assegai : lJaccal assemblage : kamandendi, dentondirgol, hawrondirgol assemble (v.) : hawrindinde, hawrude assembly : joonde, joonnde, deental, batu, jamaa Uama'aare] assertion : konngol, kOlJngol assessor: naawoowo assets : keoal assistant : dewo, cukko (T) assistant, deputy : jokko (T) assizes : joonde, joonnde associate with (v.) : jillondirde association : fedde assume (charge of, resposibility, etc.) (v.) : 413

avoided (be) (v.) : wod'eede (1) avowal : irragol avowal (make an) (v.) : alfaade awaken (late at night ?) (v.t.) : hejjinde awaken (v.i.,v.t.) : finude, finde awakened (be) (v.) : gayaade awakening : fertere awarenesss (be brought to) (v.) : feenude awkward position (put in an) (v.) : jinndude axe: jammbere, jambere, jambeere, jempere, feyyirde axis: palol [falnde] axle of a shuttle (used in weaving ?) : lekitol axle (wooden, part of the loom for weaving wool) : dirkol

autonomy : faltaare available (be) (v.) : hu6indaade available (person who is) : ku6indiid' 0 avant-garde : fedde baafal (T) avant-garde of an army on the march (Mil.Hist.) : hoore avarice: d'awre, tirre avenge o.s. (v.) : yombitaade [yoptaade] avoid (by moving aside or bending down) (v.) : ruud'aade avoid (evil, temptation) (v.) : ruud'aade (fig.) avoid, flee (v.) : moolaade, toolaade, selude, seeltude avoid, go around an obstacle (v.) : woorde, woorude

B bag (small) : mbata bag, bundle ? : wullere bag for grain : booto, mbootooru, daIJe baggage : kaake, kaaki, gineeji bait : IJaandi, wannde, yammbuure balance sth on the head (v.) : yellaade [yeeraade, yerraade] bald man : buulo baldness : buulal, teeloode ball ('ballon') : borgoore ball ('boule') : tamre ball (small) made of flour which is found in porridge: gombere [wuu6ere] ball of flour : monde ball of millet dough: gombere [wuu6ere] ball of millet or rice flour mixed with sugar or honey : cobbal, cobal ball of wool : 60rtere ball, pellet : morre balls : gaale balls of flour (small) : moolle balls offood : 6000e Bambara : BammbaraIJke, Bammbaranke [Bammbaraajo] Bambara language : bammbaraI]koore, bam(m)barankoore banana: bananaare, banaanaaru [bordiya] band (group) : sete band (narrow bordering kaasa blankets) : bidinol band (strip) : lefol band of cloth (long) that men wear wrapped around the head and the neck : pilkol

Ba, Ba, Bah (family or clan name) : Baa, Bah baboon : dunkooru baby: boobo, mbaccu, 6inngel keccel back : caggal, noorel back (lower, small of the) : keeci [keecci, keci] back (put sth on one's) (v.) : bammbude backbite (v.) : gerfude, no'ude (ned'd'o), honnaade [hud'ude] backbiting : noore, nowoore, keefe backbone : noorol [noorol caggal] backside : caggal bad: moyyaa bad (be) (v.) : bonude, siiweede, yeebaade bad (make) (v.) : bonnude bad (sth that is) : bone, bonoum bad action : bonande bad character : luural bad character (have) (v.) : luurde, luureede bad luck: calu (2) bad man : ciiwaad'0 bad meal : mbondi bad position (be in a) (v.) : jookaade bad reputation (have a) (v.) : accaneede, no06ude bad, ruined, spoiled (person who is) : bond'0 bad subject (be a) (v.) : huymbude [huywude, hummbude] bad taste : metteeji, mette bag: mbata, booro, mbootooru, booto bag (goatskin) : mbasu bag (leather) : gafakke [gaffaka, gafakka, ngafakka]


battery (car) : batiri, bateri battle: wolde, ha60 [konu] battlefield : buruji battue : looggal, loongal, kama, walle bay : loofogel be (v.) : wonude, wonde, woodude, wa'ude, wa'de, waade, wayde, laataade (see also is) be in the hands of one's adversaries (v.) : jomaade be with (v.) : wondude e bead : iiaayre bead (large) : iiaangal beads: kod'ol beads (long ?) : looco beam (central) of a house : gangiwal beam (second) : koriganngiwol bean: iiebberejiiebbe bear, endure (v.) : muiiude [muiiitaade] beard : waare beard and sideburns : gemene beardless (one who is) : gumalo, gumaro beast (large) : kuungal beast of burden: daaba, daabawa [dabba, banaa] beat (v.) : f066ude, hottude, unude [fIyude, hellude] beat (e.g. the laundry) (v.) : ayude beat (of heart) (v.) : duad'ude beat a tree using a stick (to obtain fruit) (v.) : feraade [fergaade] beat sb (v.) : dud'd'ude (ned'd'o) beaten (be) (v.) : hotteede beating, banging: piid'e beating sb up ? : kajiba beautiful: lobb- (+ suf.) beautiful (be) (v.) : garaude beautiful (make) (v.) : wonnude beautiful, perfect in form (be) (v.) : lobbid'idde beautiful, pretty, charming (be) (v.) : wooaude beautiful voice (intonation) : baaru beauty: lobbere, 1)ari, mbaandi beauty product, eyeliner pencil : fIna, fmaari beauty spot : wannjalde beauty that is deceptive : suu6aatu because (of) : saabi, sabi, saa6~ sabaabu, sabu, kammari, kambari, ngam become (v.) : laataade, waade, wartude become again that which one or sth was before (v.) : wontinde bed : leeso, karga bed - a type made of grass : dimaare bee : iiaaku [iiaakii] beehive : yowre

band of woven cotton : lefol Bandiagara (town) : Bailagara, Bannjagara banditry: njanugu bandy-legged (person who is) : jogoroojo [morgaajo, moofo] bang o.s. against sth (v.) : gukkaade banishment : kuddi, harmingol, karmingol bank: bank, banke, horrewal [faggordu] bank (of a watercourse) : daande, tonndu bank of a river: daande maayo, daande ndiyam [danngeere] bankrupt (be) (v.) : fellisude baobab (see fruit, seed, tree) baptism (naming ceremony & fIrst cutting of newborn's hair) : lamru [lamuru, inndugol] bar of gold : barfeere bar passage (v.) : faddaade bar, put across (v.) : falde, falude bar sb's passage (v.) : falaade (neaao) barber : wanja bard: jimd'o bare chested (be) (v.) : tembilaade bareness : 60lu bargain (v.) : termondirde Bari, Barry (family or clan name) : Bari Bari and Sangare (clan) : Fitto06e bark (of tree) : k0601al, kugol bark (piece of) : k060lal bark (v.) : IjOfude, wofude [wookude] barren: ndimar- (+suf.), rimar- (+suf.) barren (be) (of a plant), not bear fruit (v.) : sonkude barren and hardened land : karawal [karal] barricade the door with sth (v.) : tintude barter (v.) : wattude [wattitidde] base : foomre [leywol, leswol] base (person who is) : co6ao [comd'o] basin : beiiwar basket : dikkeere, gaIJClare, saggiire, hanndeere basket (large) : hanndeere basket (of palm leaves and fIbers) : suiiere basket for picking cotton: cu6iraum basket of kola nuts : fufu, paila, wakawal basket that is not full : iiowtere bastard, child born of adultery (see illegitimate child) bat:wilwilndu bathe, wash o.s. (v.) : lootaade bathing (place for) : yinorde bathing (ritual) on the occasion of (lunar) new year's day : lootori bathing area : lootorde


[lennguru] bellow, low, moo (v.) : ubbude, huunude [uggude] bellow, yell (v.) : sonkinde bellowing: ubbango, ubbaango bellows : bifirgal, bifirgol, biiforgal, biwrudi bellows (wooden part ot) : garmoode belong to (v.) : jeyeede belonging : jeyal belongings : kaake, kaaki beloved, one who is loved: giaaaao, korsuao below : ley [ies] belt : kumol, dadorgal, kumirgal, kumorgal, durwol, duhol, duwol belt (leather, for women) : baggol belt (leather) with talisman, leather belt: baakawol [baakanwol] belt (of pants) : duhol [duwol, durwol] bench: jooaorgal bend (v.i.) : ooiiaade, heltaade, taaraade bend (v.t.) : ooiiude, ooylude bend a piece of iron (e.g. a wire) (v.) : ogude bend at the knee (v.) : hofude, hoofude bend, bend again (tree branch, piece of metal) (v.) : hofude, hoofude bend down (v.) : nuaaade bend over (v.) : turaade, oofiaade bending or curving of sth : ooiiugol benediction : duwaawu benediction (of God) : barke benediction (give a) (v.) : duwaade [du'aade] benefit, significance : nafa benevolent, kindly (be) (v.) : moyyude beseech (v.) : iiaagaade, surude beside : banDge, gere, oattol [balll)e, baI]Ile, bal)l]e, oaIJDge] besiege (v.) : uddude, dammbinde, dammbude betray (v.) : jambaade, jammbaade betray, disclose (v.) : jaawtude betrayal: jamba, jammba, jambi, jamfa, njambu, hodo betrothal : cabu, cabungal, sabbundu betrothed man: cabbuao, cabbo, yamu-yamu, oamao, kaoouao betrothed woman: cabbaaao, yamaaao, yamanaaa0, kaooanaaa0, caoou-caoou [kaBBuao] better (so much the) : gasii better (than) (be) (v.) : ourde, ourude better after an illness (be), feel better (v.) : samtude, santude, yamaitidde, yamaude, hoyde better for sb (be) (v.) : ourande (neOao) between : hakkunde

beer: doro beer (millet) : konjam beetle : hoowoordere before : fadde, fade [haaa e] before (with negative verb) : gila, gilla [illa] before, in front : yeeso, tiinde, fonndo before, in the presence of sb : yeeso beg (v.) : iiaagaade, tewrude [garbinde, tewde] beg for alms (v.) : garribaade, iiaagaade [garbinde] beg for, ask (v.) : weerude beg, request (v.) : garbinde [garribaade] beg sb (v.) : toolaade [moolaade] beget (v.) : jibinde, daiiude, daiide beget (of animals) (v.) : duiiude beggar : iiaagotooa0, beroowo, gariibu beggar (Koranic student) : gariibu [garribo] beggiug : iiaagunde, garibaaku [garibal] begging (state), beggary: garibal begin (v.) : fuaaude, wattude begin (v.i.) : fuaaaade, laataade begin, put o.s. to doing (v.) : wonude, wonde (e +inf.) begin to appear (v.) : yiiwude begin, undertake, proceed to (v.) : fuaaaade begin with sth (v.) : furrude beginning: fuaaoode, fuaaoore beginning (in the) : arannde, adan [aran, arandeejum, jaamaanu] beginning at : iwde (e) behave (person who does not know how to) : puuyao, puyao behave as a Fulani ('do the Fulani thing') (v.) : pulaade behave in a certain manner (v.) : wonirde, worrude behave well (v.) : feewde behavior: ilaa, need~ tagu, alhaali (2) behind: caggal, gaaa, wayri behind (be) (v.) : heedude being : wonki [yonki] belief (absolute) in ••• : kuutiral ? believe (v.) : miijaade, miilaade, miccaade, miicaade, hiimaade, hoolaade, sikkude, tuumde, hoddirde, jataade believe, believe to be true (v.) : gooqdude [gonaude] believe in (v.) : gooqdinde, gondinde believe, think that (v.) : yaanide ? believer: muumini, muuminiijo belittle (v.) : yawude, yawde, yawaade bell (small, spherical) : leqguru, lenguru


between (get in) (v.) : lombaade beware (v.) : rentaade [reentaade] bias : keeraagu biceps : seemnde bicycle: negeso, welo, puccel-njandi big (be) (v.) : mawnude, 6uttude big (be very) (v.) : yoltaade big shot, boss (pej.) : gorobone, goroboneejo bile : kaankaangel, keefi billion (U.S.) : miliyaar billy-goat : ndamndi, ndamdi billy-goat (uncastrated) : nginndaari billy-goat with a white face : mbuuldi, ndamndi bind (v.) : ha66ude, hawrinde bind together (v.) : tokkude bird: foondu/pooli bird (aquatic) - kingfisher: mutomutongal bird (cattle heron, white tick bird, cattle egret) Bubulcus ibis: iiaalal [iiaalel] bird (crowned crane) - Balearica pavonina : kumbareewal, kumareewal [kummbareewal, kumaareewal] bird (egret, heron, species of crane, crested-crane) : kumbareewal, kumareewal [kummbareewal, kumaareewal] bird (large) : poolal bird (small) : cirgal bird (small) : mooliyaaru bird (small) : poolel bird (spotted, of Jenne) : iiaaburu-Jenne bird - nocturnal species of : kelenteewal bird of cattle: cillel-na'i bird of prey: mawndalde bird of prey, hawk: ciilal bird of prey (nocturnal) : kiikiriwal bird - species of : lamjatal bird - species of : ndaynday bird - species of : coyoolal bird - species of : cood'al bird - species of : gurugukkunnal bird - species of : pereperewal bird - species of : kelemiwal bird - species of : wuduwude bird - type of : ndoyndoywal bird with a large beak : gojaare bird (see also crow, duck, hawk, heron, marabou, owl, pigeon) birth (be about to give) (v.) : gawnude birth (be about to give) (of cow) (v.) : reweede (euph.) birth (first) : dikkeere, ndikka birth (place of) : finirde [firrude]

bit, bridle : labangal bite (of fish) (v.) : I)Obude bite (of snake) (v.) : soppude bite into (e.g. fruit), bite off a piece (v.) : gappude bite, sting (v.) : 1)atude bitten by a snake (be) (v.) : memtaade [mentaade] bitter : iiiddam bitter (be) (v.) : haad'ude, iiiddude, mettude bitter (sth that is): kaad'd'um bitter tomato (Solanum aethiopicum) : jagantu, jagantaare bitterness : kaankaangel bitterness, bitter flavor: kaadi (1) black: 6ale, 6alee- (+ suf.) black (be) (v.) : 6awlude black person, non-Fulani : 6aleejo [Kaad'o] blackboard : alluwal blacken (v.) : 6awlinde blackening of the lips : coku blackmailer : fugaaru blackness : 6awlewol blacksmith: baylo, baylo 6aleeri [baylo gorko] blacksmith, person of the caste of blacksmiths : baylo bladder : sillirde blade ( of grass) : yaare blade of grass : kud'01 blades of rice : kuu6e blame : iiiI]ere, iiiI)Oore [pelol] blame (v.) : iii1)ude [felude] blanket : suddamaare, suddaare, mbajuure, wudere blanket (woolen, esp. those woven by the maabu6e of Masina) : kaasa blanket (woolen) folded so as to make a kind of hood : lifaafa blanket (kind of) : jali-mali blanket (the finest type of kaasa) : lanndaaka blanket (type of kaasa) : coyyaaka blanket (type of kaasa) : lanndejore ? blanket (type of kaasa) : muiiirewa ? blanket (type of kaasa) : mbidaaka blanket (type of kaasa) : njoowaaka ? blanket (type of kaasa) : sakalare ? blanket (type of kaasa) : sambopolo ? blanket (type of kaasa that is white and without designs) : danerwa ? bleaching agent : goobtajum bleat (of billy-goat) (v.) : hubude bleat (of goat) (v.) : leed'ude bleat (v.) : mehude, me'ude


giilel bobbin of a loom : giilel Bobo : Booboojo Bobo language : boobonkoore body: fiire body, human body: 6anndu, terd'e boil : yuulde boil (v.) : fatude, fasude (2), waayude boil, overflow (v.) : waabude boiling water: mbaayam bolt : bulon, lebulebuure bolt (wooden) : palal bolt, lock (a door) (v.) : filude, filde [sokude] bone: gi'al [giyal, gihal, yi'al, yiyal] bone (nasal) : ftiftugal bone (nasal) of animals : ftirgal bonesetter : kemmboowo boo : weekere boo sb (v.) : weekude book: dewtere, deftere, kaamilu, d'erewol, d'erool boot : hurfannuure border: 6aaro, kaaddi (1), kaadi [kaattudi, keerol] border, be bordering (v.) : d'akkaade [yesindaade, hesindaade] border found around the edge of a mat : kunnga bore (sb) (v.) : torrude bored (be) (v.) : najude born (be) (v.) : rimeede, 6eyneede, feeftude borrow (v.) : ftamlaade, lu6aade [wuyaade]:T borrowing : lu6al [ftamaande] both : d'id'i fuu bother (v.) : torrude, tilfude, tooftaade, haamnude, jii6ude, fitinde bother, disturb (v.) : hillitaade [torrude) bother, inconvenience (v.) : mamnude bothersome (be) (v.) : haamnaade bottle : butalaaru, butel, sinngiliiru bottom, on the bottom : ley [les] bottom, posterior: gad'a, dote boubou : saaya, saayo, kusaasa, toggoore boubou (half-length) of the Fulani which is drawn at the waist by a cord : siftare ? boubou (large) : dollokke, dolokke [saaya, toggoore] boubou (woolen) : gunnjuru, gunjuuru [saaya kaasa] boubou with large sleeves extending below the knees (like that worn by Seku Amadu) : suuliya boulder : tefaare [kaayal] boulevard : guurtol, buurtol boundary: keerol, kaaddi (1), kaattudi bow (weapon) : laaftal (1), laftal, kalaawal,

bleed from the nose (v.) : tuyyude, tuyude bleed sb (v.) : laaftude, fesude bleeding : tuyyam, tuyam blend? (v.) : jir6ude (see also mix) blend (instrument used to) : burugal, burwirgal bless (v.) : barkinde; juulude, julde (e ned'd'o) blessed (person who is) : barkind'o, jaafaad'o, njaafaad'o blessing, benediction : duwaawu blessing, grace : barke blessing (give a) (v.) : duwaade [du'aade] blessing (term of) : tiyaabu blind (be) (v.) : wumude blind person: bumd'o blindness: mbumndam, mbumdam, bumd'am blindness (night) (see hemeralopia) blink : mayyere (2) blink (v.) : himyude, mayyude [hinyude, hiftude] blinking : himyaango [hinyaango, kimyol] blister : fuyre block (v.) : uddude [ommbude] block an opening (v.) : sukkude block the way, cut the road (v.) : sakkaade blockade (v.) : uddude [dammbinde, dammbude] blood: yiiyam [yiiyan] blood from a nose-bleed : tuyyam, tuyam blood relations : gorrol [gorol] blossoming : piinal, pinndi blow (of wind) (v.) : hennaade blow (violent) : doppere blow, give out air (v.) : fuufude, wuttude [wifude] blow into (v.) : uppaade blow one's nose (v.) : ftittaade, piipaade, fiifaade blow one's nose noisily (v.) : fllfaade blow, punch: uttere [wu66ere, lukkere] blows (given in hitting sb) : piid'e blowtorch: fitirla, casnird'o, lampa blowtorch ? : guttird'0, guttirgal, nguturgal bludgeon : 600ldu, gobiiru blue: bula blue (very dark) : loomasa board (one of two small wooden boards which support the dirkol in the 100m for weaving wool) : tonngol boast (v.) : 60kkaade, fubbinaade, mantaade, wasaade boastful (be) (v.) : ganndeede boastfulness : faaro boat : laana (see also - pirogue) boat (steam) : laana-cuurki boat that has sunk : de66uka bobbin : dorwere, kowral, korwargal, karwirgal,


brass : jakawelle, jaka (2) brave (be) (v.) : suusude, suyde brave (person who is) : cuuso [cuuyd'0] bravery : cuusal brawl : sippiro [durwo] bray (v.) : gaatude, hookude braying of a donkey : I]aakaali breach of trust : bonannde hoolaare [hodo hoolaare] bread: mbuuru break: kelgu, kelol break (v.) : heide, helude, feyyitidde, fusude, felde, felnude break (v.i.) : gobaade break (an ear (corn) or stalk) (v.) : heltude break (branch) (v.) : debaade break a horse (v.) : tallude break a piece (v.) : I]appitinde break again (v.i.) : heltaade break loose from hobbles (of horse) (v.) : teerude, teerde break millet stalks to harvest grain (v.) : ooyude yombe break otT, break (v.) : tayude, tayyude [taccude] break open (of eggs at the moment of hatching) (v.) : toiiiiude break out (of war) (v.) : yanude, yande break the fast at sunset (v.) : furraade break the shell of eggs to hatch (v.) : toyyude break up (v.) : uoppitidde [d'optude, d'oofude] break with sb (v.) : seertude (e neud'o) breakfast: tayikooyol, tayu-kooye, pummaari breaking of one's word : tayorma, tayurma breast (of animal) : yeesal breast harness : ganndeere breast, mammary: enndu breath : foofugol, foofaango, fooftaango, fontaango breathe (v.) : foofude, luumnaade, harde [fowtude] breathe heavily (v.) : foondude breathe with the nose congested (v.) : suukude breather (take a) (v.) : fooftaade breathing : poofaali breathing (heavy) : poondaali breed : killewol breeze : baagtal, yarara, baar (T) bribe : njeenaari, ngeenaari bribe sb, grease sb's palm (v.) : t055ude brick (esp. adobe) : tuufeere, tuufere bricks : tufeeje, pereeje bridal procession : sakkuru

lagawal bowl: taasa [tassa] bowl (large, enameled) used for doing laundry : beiiwar bowl (small, earthenware) used for ablutions: feere bowl (wooden), shallow wooden bowl: la'al [le'al] bowl of wood or iron : jabagaawal bowlegged (be) (v.) : moofiuidde bowlegged (person who is) : moofo [jogoroojo, morgaajo] box, punch (v.) : sulkaade boy (small) : gorel boyfriend : suka-gorko Bozo: Ceuuo Bozo camp: daaka [tuddunde] Bozo language: ceud'oI]koore, ced'd'ankoore [ced'd'oore] bracelet (closed) : ngiifu bracelet (not closed) : jawo bracelet (woman's metallic) : senkuure bracelet of silver: nguufuuwo bracelets: gimbaaje bracelets of grass : katti bracelets of silver : guurne brag (v.) : 50kkaade, wasaade braggart: ganndaad'o braid hair in a simple and temporary fashion before dressing it (v.) : iiuggude braid of hair : diggol, yommboode braid (black, woolen) stitched onto the edges of a kaasa : dakol ? braid (see also plait) braided well (be) (v.) : takareede braiding (see dressing of hair) braids of a man : balamina braids of straw : cekke brain : ngaandi brake: fere bran: dumo branch : ca5al, catal, salndu, lanol branch (leafy) : haakoloowol branch (piece of) : yuddaare branch (thorny) : koocal branches cut for small ruminants (load of) : debu, ndebu branch otT (roads) (v.) : selude, seltude, seeItude branching otT: salndu [saldu] brand : cumal, cumogal brand (charred piece of wood) : cunkumal branding iron ? : cumoodi brandish (v.) : fid'd'ude


bridal room : waalaaru bride (young, state of being a) : njombaaku bridle for a horse: faramawo [faran] bright (be) (v.) : nuurd'idde brightness: nuuru [fayne?] brightness of a torch : laytal brilliant (be) (v.) : nuurd'idde bring (sth) (v.) : waddude (1), adude [addude] bring, carry (along) (v.) : na6ude [nawde] bring a curse upon o.s. (v.) : hud'aade [hud'taade] bring back (v.) : wartirde, na6tude, hoorrude bring back home (v.) : hoorrude bring closer (v.) : 6attinde bring down (v.) : li6ude bring down violently (v.) : weIJaade bring envy to sb ? (v.) : haasidaade bring food to one's mouth (v.) : lonngaade bring in (v.) : naannude, naatnude [nannude] bring in the cattle (v.) : naannude, naatnude [nannude] bring relief, healing, to cure (v.) : yamd'itinde bring the herd home (v.) : jaafiude [jaayaade, jaayaade, soyyitaade] bring to light (v.) : liilude bring up, educate (v.) : nehude, nehde, ne'ude, hoyude, jogaade bristle (v.i.) : sarginaade bristle (v.t.) : sarginde broken piece : helitande [heed'ere] broken place : kelol bronchial tubes : lookobe brood (of chickens), have lie down in front of one (v.) : huufude brood, sit on (eggs), cover the chicks (v.) : woofaade broom : buuwirde, buuwirgal brother (elder) : hamma, deede brother (term of address) : banndi brother (younger) (term of address) : mma brother-in-law, husband ofthe sister: yeekiraad'o [yeeka] brother-in-law, younger brother of the husband : yeekiraad'o [yeeka] brown? (make) (v.) : siid'ude bruise: d'aalde, 6aynde bruise O.s. (v.) : goylude brush against (v.) : wittaade bucket: siiyo, cawgal bucket for drawing water : jurowol bud : piindi, tabaawo budget : eto kaalisi, 6eto kaalisi (T) bug, vermin : IJatu

build (v.) : mahude, mahde build (esp. not of earth) (v.) : iii6ude build, cause to be built for o.s. (v.) : mahnude build for a salary (v.) : mahnude builder: mahoowo [bareejo] building ~ maadi, mahudi [hu6eere] bulb: lampa bull : ngaari, korboori, kalhaldi bull (large) : ga'al bullet : kural, yabere bullets : morre bump one's nose on the ground (v.) : urmaade bumpy head (person who has a) : iiaad'ahoore, iiaad'ahooreejo bunch : wukkuru bunch of fruit : wunnguru bundle : hawre, debeere bundle of firewood: ha66ere [faggo] bundle of millet : ha66ere bundle of wood (make a) (v.) : hafude bureau : biro, gollirde [yiilirde, hon:ewal] bum: comu bum (v.) : duppude, hu66ude, hondude bum (v.i.,v.t.), set on fire (v.) : somude [waryude, wuIude, wuIde, wulnude] bum in several spots (v.) : forfortude bum o.s. (v.) : somude [wul(u)de, wulnude] bum to a cinder (v.) : hulsude, hukkude [hurmude] bumed (be) (v.) : someede buming of pasture, bush or savanna on tire : comu burp : gaatande, gaatere burp (v.) : gaatude burr grass - Cenchrus biflorus : hebbere burst (v.) : fusude burst (of abscess) (v.i.) : fucitaade burst out laughing (v.) : toryitaade [waakaade] bury, inter (v.) : ubbude, irude, uwude uwde bury, inter (esp. animals) (v.) : irude, irde [ubbude] bush ('the bush') : ladde, fitaare, feeya, feeyo bush ('the bush') (high) : perrel [fer(r)o] bush ('the bush'), savanna: toggere [toccoonde] bush ('the bush') where the nomads transhume : ferro, fero bush (climbing) with recurved thoms : nguomi bush - Acacia pennata (also A. ataxacantha ?) : gorat)Oroowi bush - Bauhinia rufescens : nammaadi [nammaari, nammaahi, nammareehi] bush - Boscia senegalensis : ngigili


business: haaju, feere, haala [haaje, haajo] business with (have) (v.) : waddude (2) bustard : gaydoobal, doobal busy (socially) (be) (v.) : yeewtude [yewtude] but: ka, kaa, kono, jaka (1), sako butcher: waayeejo [wayanke] butcher, one who slaughters animals (by slitting the throat) : kirsoowo butt with horns or with the head (v.) : hawde butter: nebbam, nebam butter (cooked, in liquid form) : nebbam sirme, nebbam silme butter (fresh) : nebbam keccam butter (see also shea) buttocks : dote, dubbe button, fasten (v.) : fed'ude buttons: fed'oode, ped'oole buy (v.) : soodude buy from (v.) : sorrude buy milk (or other foods) retail (v.) : sippude buyer: coodoowo, comotood'o buying or selling (milk, liquid) : cippal buzz (v.) : uumude [oonude, uumaade, ubbude] buzz (of fly) (v.) : wombude by, near: hedde [heede] bypass (v.) : burtaade

bush - Combretum micranthum : nguumi bush - Combretum spp. : d'ooki bush - Commiphora africana : mbad'ad'i bush, small tree - Grewia spp. : kelli [kellil] bush of the savanna - prob. Grewia sp. : ngursoowi bush - Guiera senegalensis : ngelooki bush, small tree - Lannea sp. (prob. L. microcarpa or L. acida) : peguuwi bush or vine - Saba senegalensis : foogi, foogiiwi, foogiriiwi bush - Salvadora persica : hiroowi bush, thorny shrub with non-edible red-brown berries - Ziziphus mucronata (or Z. abyssinicus) : ngulumnjaaOi bush - species of: mbad'd'akereewi, mbad'akereewi [mbatakaawi, mbatakereewi] bush - species of : toownaawi, sota bush - species of, the leaves of which have curative properties : takki bush (see also tree) bush - type of (of savanna) : safotoowol bush-cow: eda, eeda, mbana bush-fowl - Francolinus spp. : gerral, gerlal bushy (be) (v.) : sukkude bushy (sth that is) : sukunde

c calcinate (v.) : hulsude calculate (v.) : hiisude, hiisde, hiisaade, jataade, limude, limde calculation : hiisa, adadu [hiise] calculation, result of calculation : limoore calculation, verification of a calculation : limtoore calf : nalel calf (Anat.) : gelenru calf of straw: wammballa calf that is one month old : BorBorte calf that is one year old : ngootuuri call : noddol, nodditere, ewnagol call (v.) : noddude, eewnaade, ewnaade call for help (v.) : wullitaade call, name (v.) : wiyde [wiide, wi'de] call sb by•••, call a person a certain name (v.) : noddirde call to justice (v.) : kalmaade, iiaawude call to prayer (v.) : noddinde, ewnaade, eewnaade [noddude] called (be) (v.) : wiyeede [wi'eede]

cabinet : sato [kowal] cable : 6ogg01 cackle (hen, guinea fowl, etc.) (v.) : hekude calabash : horde, faandu calabash (esp. large) : tummbude calabash (large) filled with water with a smaller inverted calebash placed on top which is used to beat time with two sticks : bumbutu ? calabash (small) : korel; hinkorde calabash (small) in the form of a spoon: taasa [tassa] calabash (used to measure grain and tithe) : muddiire calabash for drinking or for millet : yardude (2) calabash in which to put seed : aawirde calabash ladle : horde calabash used for drawing water : yoogirde, yoogirgel calabash (or other container) used for milking : 6irdugal, caafirgal calamity: albalaa'u, albala'u, masiibo, balaawu


watiiru caravan : sete carbon : karbon carcass : jiibe card : kartal [kaartal] carder (weaving) : kardal, kaardal cardinal points : paad'e [paale] care for (v.) : hinnaade, hinnude care of (take) (v.) : haybude, hinnaade, hinnude, waynude care (give, to a baby) (v.) : sunndude care (one who has received) : cawraad'o careful (person who is) : 6amtiid'0 carefully, prudently: seese [jam-jam] carefulness, correctness : 6amtaare cares : kumpa caress: molmande [mowlande] caress (v.) : moomaade, moytude, molmude [mowlude] cargo of a pirogue : fanngere carp (see fish - Tilapia spp.) carpenter (v.) : se'ude [sehude] carried away by the wind (be) (v.) : wed'aade carrion: caad'u carry (v.) : adude carry (along) (v.) : na6ude [nawde] carry a child (v.) : yettude [yeptude, yemtude] carry a load on the head (v.) : roondaade, ronndaade, roondude, ronndude carry on the neck (v.) : d'owde carry on the shoulders (v.) : wuundaade carry one's clothes on the head (v.) : tiggaade carry out a plan (v.) : hemsude carry slung across the shoulder (v.) : ganjaade carry sth balanced on the head (v.) : yellaade [yeeraade, yerraade] carry sth on one's back (e.g. an infant) (v.) : bammbude carrying away : ittiwo cartilage : te6tebel carve (v.) : lawde, se'ude [sehude] carve a piece of wood (v.) : settude cashbox : keesu cassava : mbaywol cast a spell (v.) : dabaade cast to the wind (v.) : ruuyinde, wed'ude caste : hinnde caste (not belong to a) (v.) : rimd'ude caste (person of a), griot, master, artist: iieeiio [l)Ceiio] castrate (v.) : d'erde, morude castration : morgol

called (person who is) : biyeteed'0 calm : deyyere, yeetingal calm (be) (v.) : yed'd'ude, yeedude calm (v.t.) : hajaade, yed'd'inde, hom tude calm, cause to be quiet (v.) : deyyindeUe'inde] calm down (v.i.) : fowtude, muiiude, muiiitaade, yeedude, saalaade 6ernde [foowtude] calming down : hom to came (person who) : gard'0 camel : ngeelooba cameleon : dooiiorgal camera : natirgal camisole, blouse, short-sleeved woman's garment which fits the bust closely and widens from the waist to the thigh : kamsel [kamisel] camp : daaka, jippunde, ella camp (v.) : daakude, hod'ude camp for transhuming herds on slightly elevated terrain : koyam camp near a river: daaka [tuddunde] camp, provision: waalnde-naal camping place during transhumance, former camp of animals : wiinnde, winnde can (person who) : baawd'0 can (v.) : waawude, waawde [wawude] can, tin : pootiiru, akoturu ? can (gas) : gonngooru canal : celol, gaawol [ildugo, gasal, gasol] cancel or postpone one's trip (v.) : fa66itidde candidate : tewtoowo, d'a6600wo cannibal : iiaamooru, waylitooru cannon: kanuuru [kanu] cannot (person who) : baasd'o [baayd'o] canoe (see pirogue) centon : jaiiugol, daiiugol capable (person who is) : baawd'o capacity : keewki, loowru caparison (esp. for camel) : arkilla, arkille [harkille] caparison for horses : kutufaniire, kutufaaniire capital (city) : laamorde [laamorgo] capitalism : jawdiyankaagu, jawdiyankaaku (T) capitalist : jawdiyanke (T) captive of Targuis or Tuaregs : bellaa, bellajo, bellaajo captive, slave (born into a noble family) : dimaajo [diimaajo] captives (first generation of) (lit. the lost) : mutu captives settled along the river by the chiefs of old (Hist.) : Hommbol6e capture (v.) : jaggude car: mobel, mobil, mobili, mobilaaru, watiir,


cat: muusuuru [ulluunde, ulluundu] cat (wild) : lJUurUIJuuru cataract (Medo) : ndaneeri catch, seize (vo) : nanngude, te66aade catch a small stone tossed in the air (v.) : te66aade catch fire, burn (vo) : hondude catch on the fly (vo) : ta66itaade catch red-handed (vo) : tawrude catch sb (vo) : ja66itaade catch up with (vo) : hewtaade catch with a trap (vo) : tuufrrde pical caterpillar : ngilngu cattle : na'i, nayi, garsaaji cattle (younger) of a village (collectively) : bical cattle in a herd which are the most prudent and experienced : kenjorji, kenjordi ? cattle of the Fulani of the inland delta : burgukooji cattle of the Fulani of the Seno : seenokooji cattle (small assortment of, given to the bride by the groom's family) : futte cattle (coat pattern of) - white head with colored speckles and colored body: bunkaaji ? cattle (coloration of) : aamare, amare cattle (coloration of) : cooyu cattle (coloration of) : daake cattle (coloration of) : eere cattle (coloration of) : kogole cattle (coloration of) : malleewe cattle (coloration of) : solle cattle (coloration of) : wuneewe, wune cattle (coloration of) : wuule cattle (coloration or coat pattern of) (see also cow) cattle pen : hoggo cattle trail : buurtol [gurtol] caught (be) (vo) : wirtaade caught red handed (again) (be) (vo) : tawtoreede cause : layli [Iasli] cause : saabi, sabi, sabaabu, sabu, saa6i cause an animal to cross (vo) : farnude cavalryman: bad"d"o, puccu, jom-puccu cavity (dental) : kemmbu caw (vo) : u'aade cease (vo) : lJOttude cease (of rain, rainy season) (vo) : heltaade, heltude cease being alone, deserted (vo) : yeewtude [yewtude, gaajaade] cease-fire: lelnugol ka6ird"e cease to be anguished (vo) : yoomtude

cease to be weary (vo) : yoomtude ceiling (put in a, install a) (vo) : iii6ude celebrate (vo) : juulude, julde celebration : yange, ya1Jge, yaaI)ge, fummere, fummeere, feeto celebration (espo religious) : juulde, julde [iiande juulde] celebration (have a) (vo) : yannginde celebration (large) of the return of lhe herds to the village (espo on the eastern side of the delta) : dennduuro ? celebration (large) of the return of the herds to the village : degal ? celebration of a Muslim holiday (part of) : lootori celebration of marriage : ka66ugal cell : pengal, pel)gal, tonteere (T) cell (prison) : seliire, selluuru cemetery : biirnol, birille, dundere center: hakkunde, tumbere center (in the) : hakkunde centime : tanka centipede : lil)golil)goore, lingolingoore, kaatatal centralization : kawrondiral cereal : iiaamri, iiamri cereals : iiaamndu, iiaamdu, iiamdu, gabbe ceremony: feeto ceremony of application of henna on a girl by her friends at the time of marriage : fuud"uru ceremony of circumcision : taadord"i certain : gomma, gommo certain : gooto certain (be) (vo) : tayorde, taiiiiorde certainly : hatte certainly, of course, that's good, that's fine : gasii, moyyii certainty : tayoral certitude, assurance : pellital chaff: dumo chain : jur601, jolokowal [callol, callalol, callalal] chain, small chain : callalol, callol (2), callalal Uur601, jolokowal] chains, handcuffs : jolokooje, jolokooji chair: jood"orgal, seesi chair (of a judge) : leeso chalk : meemordi challenge (vo) : geesaade change (vo) : waylude, waylitidde change direction (vo) : selude, seeltude change direction (make the herd) (vo) : oDl)gude change one's conduct (vo) : murtude change (make, give) (vo) : weccude change (money) : cewd"i, kaalisi-cewd"o [weccit] 423

chant ( religious) : gimol chant or sing religious hymns (v.) : jaarude UaaraadeJ chant prayers or verse (v.) : beytude chanter of religious hymns : jaareejo chapter : baabuwol, dammbugal chapter of the Koran (see sura) character: needi, ne'edi, alhaali, tagu, ftaa character, custom, habit : noone character of a chicken (have the) (v.) : kurrinde character trait of man or animal : padalo characteristics (physical) : gari charcoal burner: furne charcoal, live charcoal : yuloere, yulmere charge at (v.) : wuucfaade charge of (take) (v.) : faggaade charge from all sides (v.) : ftasude charger, fast horse: ngaayu charity : sadaka charm : 1)ari charm or juju of herders : konso charming (be) (v.) : farfticfidde, woocfude [lobbicfidde, 1)arcfudeJ charming person : labaajo, parfto charred? (be) (v.) : hurmude chase (v.) : riiwde, riwde, soggude [ribbude?J chase again (v.) : riwtude chase away (v.) : riiwde [riwdeJ chase, pursuit : diiwtal chase sb for a meal? (v.) : ftuumaade, waI]daade chased (away) (be) (v.) : riiweede chased again (be) (v.) : riwteede chat (evening) : kirte UenngoJ chat (v.) : yewtude, yeewtude, gaajaade chat, jokes : yewtere, yeewtere, ngeewta, gaajaate chatter (monkey) (v.) : hekude cheating : njulaaku, njulaagu check (v.) : yeewtaade cheek : waoougo, golal cheer up (v.t.) : yeewtinde cheerful person : jewtucf0 cheerfulness : yeewtere, seyo cherish (v.) : horsinde chest : beccal, wecco, ganndal (2), gannde [wuttuduJ chew (v.) : waacaade, waaccaade, 1)oosude chew, crunch (v.) : yakkude chew, gnaw (v.) : 1)Oolude, 1)aalude, 1)Oosude chew, ruminate (v.) : liwtude chew tobacco (v.) : wuufude chewing in an exagerated manner: muukumaaka chicken coop: kurukuru, kuru-kuru [kurukuruure]

chicken, hen : cofal, gertogal, gertal, gertol chief: amiiru, amiiri, ameeri, jom, joom, hoore, hooreejo,laamcfo, laamiicfo, lamcfo [mawcfoJ chief (be or become) (v.) : laamaade chief (of a Fulani group), one who guides or leads : arcf0 chief, leader, president : hooreejo chief of a ngenndi : amiiru, amiiri, jom ngenndi [ameeriJ chief of a region : jooro, jowro chief of a saare (if a dimaajo) : jom saare chief of an armed expedition : jom konu chief of rimay6e in a region, dimaajo technical advisor concerning lands : beseman, bessema, besma chief of village : ardiicf0 [gardiicf0 ] chief of village: jom wuro Uo'uro, jooro] chief, ruler : kaananke, kaana1]ke chiefs residence, palace : laamorde chieftainship, position and duties of chief: amiiraaku, kaana1]kaaku child: suka, sukaajo, oicfcfo, baccari, kurkaadu child, child of : oii, oicfcf0 child (dear) : oi1)Dgel, oinngel child (small) : cukalel, oi1)Dgel, oinngel, baccel, mbaccu child adopted by the aunt or uncle: bammbaacfo [bambaacf0 ] child carried on the back, one who is on the back : bammbaacf0 [bambaacf0 ] child who has just been weaned : entereejo, entere childbirth, labor : bofle childhood : mbaccaaku, cukkaaku, sukaaku childhood friend : banndiraacf0 [bandiraacf0 ] childless person: barraacfo children : sukaa6e, 6i66e, baddi children, offspring : 6eyngu chin: waare chirp, sing (of insects) (v.) : ilkude chisel : sappirde chit-chat? (v.) : 1)Omitaade chlorine : worde sawel [ndiyam sawelJ choice : sumgo choke (v.) : cfecfcfude, cfecfude choose (v.) : juggude choose among others (v.) : heeraade choose from among many (v.) : suoude choose, make one's choice (v.) : suoaade choose one's words (v.) : sowde choose the best animals (v.) : heelade ? chop (v.) : feyyude, feccude [tayude, felsude,


clean, dust (v.) : fIltude [wuuwude, fiisude] clean out (v.) : soccude clean sb's nose (v.) : iiittude clean, wipe (v.) : moytude, ftisude cleanliness, purity : laa6al cleansing product (e.g. soap) : senernde clear (be) (v.) : laa6ude clear (land) (v.) : gurbaade clear (make) (v.) : laa6inde [la66inde, lamnude] clear (of weather) (be) (v.) : feertaade [laa6ude] clear (up) (v.) : fohaade, yaaynude clear, comprehensible (be) (v.) : faammaade clear, evident (be) (v.) : feeiiude clear weather : hokkere cleared land : duggere clearing : feltekereere, daalaare, buulol, buuwaangal clearing (first) : aranal [demal aranal] clearing, place cleared with an axe : feyyere cleric : moodibo, moodibbo clever move, stratagem : hiila clever person: yoyyo, yoyd'o [yoyd'o] clever, shrewd (be) (v.) : yoyude clever, skillful (be) (v.) : iieeiiude, IJeenude cleverness : yoyre, yoyre click (v.) : sehjude [se1Jlude, senyude] climb (of snakes, plants) (v.) : ~raade climb on a wall (v.) : yonngaade climb, scale (v.) : farraade climb up (v.) : IJabbude, yeeIJude climb up, mount? (v.) : nabbude cling on to sth (v.) : hiwiiaade clink (v.) : dillude [tod'd'ude] clip (v.) : hoolde clitoris : hottere, hottetere, geeyel close (v.i.) : uddaade, ommbaade close (v.t.) : uddude, ommbude close (in space or time) (be) (v.) : faandaade close a ring (v.) : hi66ude close, bolt (object used to) : ommbirgal close firmly, tightly (v.) : hir6ude close one's hand or hold in a closed hand (v.) : tamde close to each other (be) (v.) : hi660ndirde close up (v.) : hi66aade closing : hi6600de clot of blood : hed'd'ere, heyyere cloth : lefol cloth (piece ot) : leppi, fetere [fetalaare] cloth (piece ot) used for hanging up a guitar : gammbari cloth (woolen) : kaasa

fettude (3)] chopping (action) : feyyere chosen (be) (v.) : su6aade chosen (person who is) : cu6aad'0 chosen cows : cu6i chosen one, elect: lobaajo (1) Christian : Annasaara, Annasaaraajo, geddo chronic state of an illness : jokkitere church : juulirde chum butter (v.) : jubaade, wurwude [yonkude] churn butter (by shaking milk in a gourd) (v.) : wumpude, yunkude cicada (species of, which is a parasite of the cotton plant) : somre [soomre] cigarette : sigireeti cinder(s) : ndoondi cinema: sinima [siniman] circle : tiibal, targol, taarde circle, disc: mbed'u [iiorgo] circle, sth laid out in a circle : taarorde circle around the Ka'ba (v.) : wanngaade circular (sth that is) : mbed'eejum circumcise, cause to undergo circumcision (v.) : taadude, ta'adude, juulnude, haddude circumcised (be) (v.) : haddaade circumcised (be), undergo circumcision (v.) : taadeede circumcision (submit o.s. to) ? (v.) : julnaade circumference : kowol circumstances : batte cite (v.) : jantaade city : ngallu, ngalluure [galluure] city, eternal city or village: ngenndi, ngeendi city dweller: jooroojo civilian : siwili, siwil civilise (v.) : fmdinde clan : jaaiielol, fedde clan, fraction : lenol [lennol] clan or family name : yettoore, yettoode [jammoore] clap one's hands (rhythmically) (v.) : hellude (1) clap one's hands (while dancing) (v.) : f066ude clapping (at a dance) : hello clarity : laa6al class: jannginirdu, janngirdu, dud'al, yewtere clause : dewral clavicle : loygal claw : fed' eendu clay : loopere, booko, booke clean (v.) : dooiiude, lallude clean (be) (v.) : laa6ude, senaade clean (make) (v.) : laa6inde [la66inde, lamnude]


cloth for carrying a baby on one's back: bambaade cloth or pagne for covering o.s. : waanaare cloth used to make blankets : mbaju cloth wrap (see pagne) cloth wrap serving as an undergarment : pendel clothes (black) : sinaare clothes - type of : dampe clothing (warm, of wool) : gunnjuru, gunjuuru [saaya kaasa] clothing (article of) : wudere clothing, clothes, dress : kaddungal, kadungal, kaddu, koltal, kultu, haddamaare, sutura [disaare, saaya] cloud : duulere cloudburst: dulluuru, duluuru, dulooru [duluru] cloudy weather accompanied by wind and rain : uddere (2), udduru clove: gile club (object for hitting) : 6001du, gobiiru, ngolooru clump: wukkuru [wunnguru] clump of medium-sized dum palms : fitaare clump of plants : cukkoori clump of trees : sokeere clumsy person : mboofo cluster: wukkuru [wunnguru] co-wife: nawliraacfo, nawla, nawli coal: nawde coarse language (use) (v.) : gaccaade coarseness, uncouthness : gacce coat (of animal), coloration : saye, sayeewe coat of a goat - color of : ftaakoowa coat, smear (v.) : foppude coccyx : asangal, asaangal cockroach : ftebere coconut : kokoo, kokoore code (of laws) : sar