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English Pages [43] Year 2007
Fulfulde Technical Language Manual
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Preface Welcome to Mali and our language training program! Our language training program, already proven highly effective in its ability to teach trainees language acquisition in a very short amount of time, continues to seek ways to broaden the language program the language skills needed by Volunteers. Discussions and reflections among Peace Corps Staff and Volunteers about how we can improve the effectiveness of the language program focused on the integration of language and technical skills acquisition for the purpose of improving Volunteer performance in the field. The genesis of this reflection involves the following question: “What are the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) that Trainees need in order to become highly effective Volunteers?” This manual is, in part, an answer to this question as its purpose is to situations that you should expect to encounter as a Volunteer in Mali. This manual also represents a big step in the direction of implementing the new training design and evaluation process, whereby all training activities are driven by clearly defined competencies, KSAs, learning objectives and teaching methods. As a Trainee, you have a very limited amount of time to acquire a new language. However, the adequate acquisition of your new language will be vital for you if you are to become an effective Volunteer. You can best use your precious language learning time by employing effective language learning strategies to improve your language skills. One such strategy that has proven successful is to use technical vocabulary and dialogues from real situations that you will encounter in your work. Learning languages also requires a sense of adventure and a certain amount of experimentation on the part of the learner. As the learner, you need to also be willing to make mistakes. You are highly encouraged to do so, as your language trainers are a very sympathetic and friendly audience with whom to make mistakes. They will guide you and correct you as needed, helping you to build your skills along the way. We also ask that you practice often with the vocabulary and phrases in this manual, and even use role plays with your language instructors to improve your mastery of the content. It will only help to ease your comfort level and build your confidence, so that once you are a Volunteer using these technical vocabulary and phrases in real situations with your counterparts, colleagues, and fellow villagers, you will not be intimidated (or at least, a little less so!). Note that the work and other aspects of their service in Mali. So give it a try and see how it can help you to improve your acquisition of local language as well as your understanding of the technical aspects of the work you anticipate doing as a Volunteer. I would also like to give a big “thank you” to the wonderful language training staff of Peace CorpsMali, who has labored hard to produce this manual, which is just one in a series of similar manuals. Their diligent work and dedication are acknowledged, and Peace Corps- Mali is grateful for their service and commitment to Trainees and Volunteers alike. They strive to insure that Trainees and Volunteers attain a comfort level in the language in which they will work. With such a comfort level, Volunteers will be able to work productively, integrate culturally, live happily, and leave Mali with a successful legacy of service to their communities. Good luck and again, welcome to Mali! Dr. Michael J. Simsik Country Director U.S. Peace Corps – Mali August 7, 2007 2
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Malian Economic Growth ......................................................................... 4 Numeracy ................................................................................................... 7 Feasibility studies ....................................................................................... 9 Marketing ................................................................................................. 12 Record Keeping and Accounting ............................................................ 15 Saving and Credits ................................................................................... 18 Mobile Bank Organisation ...................................................................... 21 Fruit Transformation .............................................................................. 24 Solar Drying ............................................................................................. 27 Mud Stove………………………………………………………………….30 Artisana .................................................................................................... 33 Tourism in Mali ....................................................................................... 36 Project Design and Development ............................................................ 39 SED Volunteer Work ............................................................................... 41
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Fewnugol Keǣ ǣal Mali Malian Economic Growth OBJECTIVES:
Discuss the Malian economy Talk about the market constraints
Questions: -
Ley koǧum yimǣe ǣuri heǣude kaalisi ley Mali? Eǧum jogi nafa ley leydi ndi na? Koǧum woni tiiǧalla e majjum?
Notes: • •
In general Malians believe that success is linked to God’s will rather than physical and intellectual effect. In Mali people believe that the political leaders make the country poor.
Text: Mali ana limte e leyǧe ǧe ngala bawǧe ley aduna oo. keǣal Mali heewa sane sabi o wala bannge mayo geeci. Rafi iiwoonde ana gaa Ganne, laawi lobbi. Keewa ga, yimǣe ǣe ngala e golle duu ana keewi. Dum fuu ana ǣuyta keǣal sanne. keǣal Mali fuu yo demal, awgol e marugol daabaaji woni. Iizinji moƔƔinooji nebam, e bagi e ko nanndi e munen ana ley Mali. Haabu e tigǧǧje e kaŋŋe duu ana nanna kaalisi e leyǧi ndi sabi leyǧe goǧǧe ana cooda ǧum. Jawdi kewdi woni ley leydi Mali kaa kaalisi wala ko masinŋaaji coodire laamu kayes e Morila ley laamu sikasso kaȂun e nokkuuje goǧǧe. Yimǣe raneeǣe hewǣe ana ngara Ɣeewude ley Mali eǣe mbiye tuuristen, eǣe ngara hakkunde decemburu yaade lewru janwier, eǣe Ɣeewoya moti, e Tombouctou, e Gao kaȂun e Sikasso to tulle ǣooyuǧe e kulle kawniiǧe ngoni. Dum fuu ana nannana Mali kaalisi. 4
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Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
E ley leyǧe heǧe Mali limtete? Koǧum ǣuytata keǣal leydi Mali? Hoto keǣal Mali iwata? Inzinji sin kodum woni ley Mali? Hoto kaŋŋe iwata e Mali?
Vocabulary Fulfulde Laamu Jawdi Jaago Awgal Demal SaȂugol Tafugol Jannde Durugol Kaŋŋe Kaalisi Maaro Haabu Daabaaji Gawri Mbambaari Liǧǧi Iisine Paǧe guri Jawo Hootonnde DuwaaȂe Poliisi Lampo Luumo
Français Gouvernement Richesse Commerce Pêche Agriculture Tissage Forge Etude Elevage Or Argent Riz Coton Animaux Mil Blé Poisson Usine Chaussure en cuir Bracelet Bague Douanier Policier Impôts Marché
English Government Wealth Trade Fishing Agriculture/ Farming Weaving Forge Study Hearding Gold Silver Rice Cotton Animals Millet Wheat Fish Factory Leather sandals/shoes Bracelet Ring Customs agetn Policeman Taxes Market
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Mali ana limte e leyǧe ǧe ngala bawde Keǣal leydi Mali heewa sanne Kaŋŋe ana ley Mali Jaama ana ley Mali Iizinji sin kewǧi ana ley leydi Mali Jawdi kewndi ana ley leydi Mali Raneeǣe kewǣe ana ngara ley Mali Raneeǣe ana ngara ley lewru marsi Mali walaa kaalisi ko soodira masinŋaaji 5
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Multiple Choice Questions 1. Mali yo leydi ndi wala (……….) sanne a. kaalisi b. bawǧe c. awdi 2. Keǣal leydi Mali ana …… a. heewi b. famǧi c. moƔƔi 3.Iizinji moƔƔnooji ….. ana ley Mali a. nebam b. bagi c. kosam d. a + b
Word Match Exercise Kaŋŋe Kaalisi Jawdi Geeci Daabaaji Iizinji Demal Ko hawni Lewru
Money Wealth Gold Sea Factories Farming Animals Month Mysterious things
Ask about the economy growth in your region.
Translation of Text: Mali economic growth Mali is one of the developing countries in the world. Mali’s income is not very broad because we are not next to the sea (continental). There is a lack of rain in Mali; we do not have many paved roads, and unemployment rate is very high here. Mali’s income derives from farming, fishing, animal raising. We have factories for oil, clothes and things like that. Mali makes money with cotton, peanuts and gold, because they are exported. Our soil is very rich but, we do not have enough money to buy factories to do the work. We have gold in Sadiola in the Kayes region and Morila in the Sikasso region and in many other places. Many white people (tourists) usually come between December and January. They visit Mopti, Timbuctu, Gao and Sikasso where we have old and mysterious things. All of that makes money for Mali.
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Jate Numeracy OBJECTIVES:
Give some expressions related to numeracy Give numbers in fulfulde and the monetary units.
Useful expressions - Ȃennde fuu jaagotooǧo ana haani limude kaalisi mun - ǣuytude sappo e sappo - Feccude teemedere laabi joy - Noogay faa nde jeenay - ǣuytude noogay e Malli hemre - Sappo e sappo e joy - Noogay nde joy - Joy nde joy
Vocabulary Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fulfulde Goo ǧiǧi Tati Nay Joy Jeegom Jeǧǧi Jetti jeenay Sappo Sappo e go’o Sappo e ǧiǧi Sappo e tati Sappo e nay Sappo e joy Sappo e jeegom Sappo e jeǧǧi Sappo e jeetti Sappo e jeenay Noogay Noogay e joy Cappannde tati Cappannde tati e joy Cappannde naye / Debe Cappannde naye e joy / Debe e joy Cappannde joy / Debe e sappo
Monetary units (CFA)
buuǧi ǧiǧi
Buuǧi tati
Buuǧi nay Buuǧi joy Buuǧi jeegom Buuǧi jeǧǧi Buuǧi jetti Buuǧi jeenay Buuǧi sappo 7
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55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 150 200 250 1000
Cappannde joy e joy Cappannde jeegom / Mallihemre e joy Cappannde jeegom e joy / Maliherem Cappannde jeǧǧi / Maliherem e sappo Cappannde jeǧǧi e joy / Maliherem e sappo e joy
Cappannde jetti / hemre bambara Cappannde jetti e joy / hemre e joy Cappannde jeenay / hemre e sappo Cappannde jeenay e joy Teemedere Teemedere e debe e sappo Teemede ǧiǧi Teemedeǧiǧi e debe e sappo Ujunaaje ǧiǧi
Buuǧi sappo e go’o Buuǧi sappo e ǧiǧi Buuǧi sappo e tati Buuǧi sappo e nay Buuǧi sappo e jou Buuǧi sappo e jeegom Buuǧi sappo e jeeǧǧi Buuǧi sappo e jetti Buuǧi sappo e jeenay Buuǧi noogay Buuǧi cappannde tati Buuǧi debe Buuǧi debe e sappo Teemede ǧiǧi
Numeracy -
A trader should do his/her accounts every day Ten minus ten To divide five hundred into three One hundred nine times Three hundred fifty minus one hundred Ten plus seventy five One hundred ten times Twenty five times
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Jataade No Jaago MoƔƔirta Feasibility studies OBJECTIVE: Notes:
Talk about the six steps of feasibility studies and their importance
• Many Malians start their business without doing a feasibility study. • In general, Malians think that the success of a project is a matter of luck. • Many businessmen rely on “gris-gris” (wearing amulets) to improve their businesses or to be very well known. • Due to the lack of creativity, you will notice people selling the same products and in the same area. • There is a popular saying that “someone who is lucky, even if he/she sells water at the beach, he/she will get money with the will of God”
Dialogue: Samba:
Jam waali Billy, Mïǧo yiǧi mballiraa kam hakkille lobo?
Mïǧo jogi kaalisi am seeǧa mido yiǧi waǧude jaago baali, kaa miǧo hula pati mi mursu kaalisi am
Gasi. A wadi golle lobbo jaati sabi so ada yiǧi wadude jaago fuu aǧa haani jataade no jaago ngo moƔƔirta tafon. Jooni kulle jeegom kaanuǧa taykaade tafon, ǧum woni: suǣaade ko cottatako, Ɣeewude so jaago ma ngo ana soode, Ɣeewude hono jaago. Ma ngo yaarata, jataade kaalisi ko naati hen ko fuu, jataade ko cottuǧa ko fuu tafon so Ɣeewa so jaago ngo ana moƔƔi.
Mi faami jaati; jaka ǧum wadi so jaagooji kewǧi njaata yeeso sabi min annda oo jate. An e tiyaabu Billy
Baraaji. Jam war ga ma
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Koǧum Samba yiǧi gollude? Koǧum Samba lamndi billy? Koǧum Samba haani waǧude? Koǧum Saabi so jaagooji kewdi njaata yeeso? 9
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Vocabulary: Fulfude Jataade no jaago moƔƔirta Jataade Montude hakkillaaji Lamndaade Hakkille Fuǧǧude Golle Porse Jaago Kaaki jaago Sottude Soodude Kosaabi? Coodooǣe Golle Golloowo Gollonoowo Hooreejo golle Gollirde hooreejo Gollirde Hoto? Hono? Mannde? Homo waǧata? Marude Naǣugol kaaki
French Etude de faisabilité Tenir compte Réunir les informations Rechercher L’idée Commencer L’entreprise Projet Commerce Produit Vendre Acheter Pourquoi? Les clients Travail Travailleur Employé Gérant Lieu de travail de gérant Lieu de travail Où? Comment? Quand? Par qui? Garder Transport
English Feasibility studies To take into account To gather information To research Idea To start Entreprise Project Commerce Product To sell To buy Why? Clients Work Worker Employee Manager Manager’s office Workplace Where? How? When? By whom? To keep Transport
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Samba ana jogi kaalisi Samba ana yidi gollirde kaalisi makko oo Jaagotooǧo ana haani jataade no jaago moyyirta Kulle sappo jaagotooǧo haani jataade Samba ana hula pati o mursu kaalisi makko Rafi jate wadi so jaagooji kewdi njaata yeeso Billy ana miila samba waǧi golle lobbo
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Samba ana jogi kaalisi a. faa heewi b. see ǧa c. kewǧo 10
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2. Jaagotooǧo ana haani jataade kulle a. jeegom b. ǧiǧi c. sappo 3. Samba ana yiǧi ……. Kaalisi makko oo a. Ȃaamude b. hokkitirde c. gollirde
Word Match Exercise Jaago Hakkile Lobbo Huunde Jeegom Suǣaade Baali
Sheep To see To choose Trade Good Idea Six
Essay: Interview some traders in your village and ask them what strategies they used before starting trade.
Translation of Dialog Samba:
Good morning Bill! I want you help me with a good idea
I have some money and I want to sell sheep, but I am afraid to loose my money.
OK! Well done, because if you want to do trade, you should first study your project. Now there six steps you need to take into account; those are: choosing your product, checking to see if your product is already being sold, observing how your trade is going, calculating all the money you have, investing it, calculating all your sales. Then you will see if your trade is good.
I understand it. That is why many traders are failing; because we did not know this system. Thank you.
You are welcome. See you.
See you.
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Dabare no jaago soodirte Marketing OBJECTIVE:
Talk about the importance of marketing in commerce
Text: Jaagotooǧo ǣuruǧo fuu mawnude e ngenndi amen ndi ana wiye Demba. Omo jogi butiki mawǧo, omo sotta kulle kewǧe. o buyti coggu makko oo fuu yella kaaki makko ana coode o yoǣi suudu radio “Daande Douentza” yella eǣe ngaǧana mo publicité kaaki jaago makko ǧi Demba hokki gootel e ko mo sottata ko fuu ngaǧooǣe jaago pamaro ǣe. O nati nate kaaki butiki makko oo nokkuye ǧe fuu. Demba ana jogi gollooǣe njoyan mballooǣe mo sottude.
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Homo woni jaagotooǧo mawǧo ley ngenndi amen? Koǧum Demba sottata? Koǧum Demba waǧi faa kaaki makko coode? Gollooǣe hono foti Demba jogi?
Vocabulary Fulfulde Kaakijaago Jannde jaago Jate coggu Jataade ley hakkille Darnude coggu Jataade Furne Fotiire Kaaki defiirǧi Pompiter Namasa Conndi gawri Lamǧam Nebam Jaba Tomaati waǧude publicité Sahude / sa-ude Natude No golle yaarata Fellitaade Yulǣe Sukkaro
Français Produit Etude de marché Analyse de prix Réfléchir Fixer un prix Évaluer Fourneau Marmite Ustensiles Pomme de terre Banane Farine de mil Sel Huile Oignon Tomate Faire la publicité
English Product Market study Price analysis To think To set a price To estimate Stove Pot Utensils Potato Banana Millet flour Salt Oil Onion Tomato To advertise
Frire Afficher Plan de travail Décider Charbon de bois Sucre
To fry To stick/ to post Work plan To decide Charcoal Sugar 12
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Faire la cuisine
To cook
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Demba yo jaagotooǧo mawǧo Jaagotooǧo mawǧo wala ley ngenndi amen ndi Demba jaǣay ǣuytude coggu makko oo Kaaki Demba ana coode sanne Demba ana waǧa publicité Radio “daande Douentza” ana waǧana Demba publicite Demba nati nate jaaki butiki makko oo nokkuuje ǧe fuu Bemba ana jogi golloǣe sappo
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Demba yo jaagotooǧo mawǧo ley …………… a. Mali b. Moti c. ngenndi amen 2. Demba …….. ǣuytude coggu jaago makko a. jaǣay b. jaǣi c. saliki 3. Demba nati nate …… nokkuuje de fuu a. kaaki butiki makko b. butiki makko c. golloǣe makko
Word Match Exercise Mawǧo Jaagotooǧo Cottoowo Yoǣude Jaago Natude Natal Kaaki Butiki
Trader Seller Big Commerce To pay To put up a picture Goods Shop Picture
Essay: What are the strategies of marketing used by your village people? Translation of Text: Marketing The biggest trader in our village is Demba. He has a big boutique. He sells many things. He lowered all his prices in order to sell his products. He paid the radio station “Daande Douentza” so that they do 13
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advertisements for him. Demba gave one of each of his products to all the retailers. He stuck his boutique’s pictures every where. Demba has five salesmen who help him sell.
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Jannde Jate Record Keeping and Accounting OBJECTIVES:
Define accounting Point out the importance of accounting Use the vocabulary related to accounting
Notes: • • • •
In Mali record keeping is not a cultural practice. Most of sellers do not use accounting books. Some Malians don’t like to count their property, because they believe that in doing so the number or the quatity may reduce. However, Islam recommedends that all Muslims do a yearly inventory in order to determine the Zakkat (yearly tithe/alms) they will have to offer.
Text: Jannde Jate Walde rewǣe ngenndi SAALA Ȃalmiki Milliooji Tati BDM (Banque Malienne de Développement) faa ǣe uddita manngasi maaro e gawri. Hakkunde rewǣe ǣe debbo gooto ana janngi. Rewǣe ǣe udditi keesu maǣǣe ǣe ǣami suudu, ǣe coodi taabal, e cahier e bikki e seesiiji faa ǣe nyaltina jate maǣǣe. ley cahier,eǣe mbinnda, Ȃaamaale, ko sotta kaȂum e ko sooda fuu. Lebbi tati caggal mun ǣe ngaǧi jate jaago maǣǣe ngo faa ǣe Ɣeewa yella engo mari nafa. Hitaande wayliti duu ǣe itti jate kasen, ǣe tawi ǣe keǣi tino faa gasi, ǣe njoǣi Ȃamaale maǣǣe fuu.
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Hono foti walde rewǣe nde Ȃalmi? Hoto ǣe keǣi Ȃamaande kaalisi? Homo ǣe cubi hakkunde maǣǣe? Mande ǣe ngaǧi jate jaago ngo? Koǧum ǣe coodi?
Vocabulary Fulfulde Waǧude jate Binndi jate Dewtere Bikki Kiriyo Keesu Reegili Diidude Ȃalaande Ko naati e ko yaalti Coggu Ko sotta
Français Comptabilité Tenue de register Cahier Bic Crayon Caisse Règle Tracer un trait Jour Ce qui est entré ou sorti L’achat Vente
English Accounting Accounting books Notebook Pen Pencil Cash Box Ruler To draw a line Day What came in or out Purchase Sale
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Hakke Kaalisi ko naati Kaalisi ko yalti Musakaaji Naatude Yaltude Coggu Kaalisi laaǣuǧo Kedde Kawral Ȃamaande Hikka Rawani Winndude Tino
Quantité Recette Dépenses Frais Entrer Sortir Prix Argent comptant Reste Total Crédit Cette année L’année dernière Écrire Benefice
Quantity Income Expenditure Expenses To enter To go out Price Cash Balance Total Loan This year Last year To write Profit
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Walde rewǣe nde Ȃalmiki ujunaaji debe BDM yo banki laamu Amerik ǣe cuǣiki debbo jannguǧo ǣe coodi dewte faa kewi ǣe coodi cuuǧi didi Koǣe cotti kaȂun eko ǣe coodi fuu ǣe mbinndam Lebbi nay caggal mun ǣe ngaǧi jate koǣe keǣi ǣe kebi tino fa heewi
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Banki BDM Ȃalmiki walde nde ……. a. ujunaaji joy b. Milliooji joy c.Milliooji tati 2. ǣe cuǣiki debbo gooto sabi omo ……… a. weli hakkamme b. mari anndal c. janngi 3. Lebbi ------ caggal mun, ǣe ngadi jate a. nay b. tati c. joy
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Word Match Exercise Walde Rewǣe Ȃalmaade Maaro Gawri Tino Jate Nafa Yoǣude
To take a loan Rice Millet Benefit Accounting Importance To pay Association Women
Essay: Go to the market and ask the vegetable sellers what kind of accounting they do.
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Marugol e Ȃamaande kaalisi Saving and Credits OBJECTIVE:
Talk about saving and credit bank and their importance in the society
Notes: • •
Some people do not trust the formal structures of saving and credit. They prefer to keep it themselves, and most of the time they hide it. In some traditional areas, people bury their money somewhere in the house or in their field in order to save it. Lending money to relatives, colleagues or friends is a common practice. A person, who refuses to lend soeme money to a relative, a friend or a colleague while he/she has money is seen as a mean person.
Dialog Ali:
Jam waali musa! Haaje am mawǧo ana e ma.
Musa: Bissimila ma koǧum waǧi. Ali:
Debbo am rimi, lamru am yo subaka fey ǣuuǧu mi wala. Miǧo yiǧi Ȃalmoǧaaka kam kaalisi seeǧa fadde jaago am ngo dartaade.
Musa: Musa! Hono ngadata kaalisi keǣata oo fuu? Ȃeesigi so ana gamen faa walla en montude e Ȃalmaade kaalisi. Ali:
Dum kaa mi annday. Musa hono ngaǧan-mi? Ko ǣe njoǣete ko ana heewi na?
Musa: Heewa fey seeǧa. Aǧa waawi montude kaalisi ma ton wakkati fuu, ǣamta wakkati fuu so aǧa yiǧi Ȃamaande duu eǣe mbaawi Ȃalmaade ma so ǣe koolikima. jaagotooǣe kewǣe, ǧum ngondi joomi. Hono foti kaaje ǧo? Ali:
Ujunaaje ǧiǧi. kaa sa alla jaǣi jontere waroore nde mi yahan winndoyaade. An e tiyaabu.
Musa: Baraji
Compréhension Questions 1. Koǧum Ali ndaarta? 2. Kasaabi Ali ana ndaara Ȃamaande kaalisi? 3. Koǧum Musa wihi Ali waǧa? 4. Koǧum woni golle Ȃesigi so?
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Vocabulary Fulfulde Nafa x Marude Kaalisi Keesu Tino Yoǣude Jaagu Jagotooǧo Musakaji Keǣal Nyalmotooǧo Jate kaalisi Pari
Français Importance de x Épargne Argent Caisse Bénéfice Remboursement Commerce Commerçant Dépenses Revenu Emprunteur Montant de l’argent Tontine
Jate Marude ǣeydude Nyalmaade Hokkude nyamaade Yoǣude Wallude Heǣude Faa Naatude Famminde Nafa x ana heewi
Comptabiliser Économiser Augmenter Prende un prêt Donner le crédit Rembourser Aider Obtenir Pour Adhérer Sensibiliser X est important
English Importance of x Saving Money Cash box The profit The reimbursment Business The trader Expenses The income The borrower Amount of money Saving insurance group/ Rotating credit association Accounting To save To increase To take a loan To give a credit To reimburse To help To get So that / in order to To adhere To sensitise X is important
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4.
Ali ana ndaara Ȃamaande Ali ana wonndi e lamru Musa ana wondi e dewgal Ali ana ndaara teemede ǧiǧi
5. 6. 7. 8.
Ȃesigiso yo suudu dogotoro Ali ana golla Ȃesigiso Njaagotooǣe hewǣe ana gollida e Ȃesigiso Ali ana yiǧi gollidinde e Ȃesigiso
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Ali ana ndarda e Musa ……………………. a. Ȃamri b. Ȃamaande c. Ȃamdu 19
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2. Ali ana wondu e …………………….. a. dewgal b. julde c. lamru 3. ŋesigiso ana …….. kaalisi a. hokka b. Ȃalmo c . mara d. b + c
Word Match Exercise Ȃalmaade Marude Kaalisi Jaagu Tino Keesu Yoǣude Naatude Famminde
To adhere To sensitise To save To take a loan Money The profit Cash box To trade To reimburse
Essay: Go to a Ȃesigiso bank and ask about the terms and conditions of their loans Translation of Dialog Ali: Good morning Musa! I really need you Musa: Welcome. What is is wrong? Ali: My wife gave birth, and the naming ceremony is tomorrow. I do not have anything. I would like you to borrow me some money until my business improves. Musa: Musa! What do you do with all the money you earn? Ȃesigiso is here to help us save and borrow money. Ali: I did not know that. What can I do? Do people pay them a lot for that? Musa: It is not much at all. You can save your money there any time you want, and withdraw it any time you want. If you want to borrow also, they lend money if they trust you. Many traders are doing that now. How much do you need? Ali: Two million. But if god is pleased, I will go to get registered next week. Thank you Musa: You are welcome.
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Baŋ ŋki Njiilotooǧ ǧo Mobile Bank Organisation OBJECTIVE:
Talk about what mobile bank is and its importance in the community
Dialogue: Oumou: Jam weeti Fanta! Kaaki jaago ma ngo ǣuytiki dee, koǧum waǧi Fanta: Oumou hunnde fuu ko cottu-mi fuu mi Ȃaaman. Mi ronki momtude kaalisi am oo. Oumou: A nanay kibaaru oo? Yimǣe ngallu ǣe ngari gaa ǣe ngardi e baŋki njiilotooǧo. Aǧa waawi momtude kaalisi ma e junngo maǣǣe. Fanta: A tayyori ǣe Ȃaamata kaalisi am oo? Hono foti, ǣe tayata hen? Oumou: ǣe Ȃaamata kaalisi ma oo Ȃamloma fuu aǧa waawi hokkude kaalisi ko mbaawuǧa faa hiǣǣa lewru so a yiǧi a ǣamtan faa nde njiǧu-ǧa. fey mbuuǧu a yoǣata faa nde ǣamtuǧa kaalisi ma so ǣe taya hen ko waarata e ko njoppata Ȃalooma gooto. Fanta: So mi ǣamti kaalisi am oo fuu, miǧo waawi miǧo waawi momtude e junngo maǣǣe kasen naa? Oumou: Ayyo! Aǧa waawi fuǧǧude nde njiǧuda fuu. Faa ǣe mballa en tan golle maǣǣe darani, ǧum saabi so ley gelloy pamaroy koy tan ǣe ngoni. Fanta: Mi faami jaati, so alla jabi subaka mi yahan winndoyaade. An e tiyaabu Oumou: Baraji.
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Koǧum heǣi Fanta? Koǧum woni goole baŋki njiilotooǧo? Hono foti ǣe taƔƔata e kaalisi yimbe? Heǣe baŋki njiilotllǧo gollidinta?
Vocabulary: Fulfude Kaalisi Keesu Baŋki Ȃamaande Marugol Coggu Nafa Jaago yoǣude Kaalisi keesu Joyyingol kaalisi
Français L’argent Caisse Banque Crédit Epargne Prix L’importance Commerce Rembourser Capital Dépôt
English Money Cash box Bank Credit Saving Price Importance Commerce To reimburse Capital Deposit 21
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Yaltinngol kaalisi Hokkude Ȃamaanda Tino Bonannda Jannginde Walde rewǣe Jataade Dabare
Retrait Donner un credit Bénéfice Une perte Enseigner Association de femmes Estimer Une solution
Withdrawal To give a loan Profit Loss To teach Women’s association To estimate A solution
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Fanta yo jaagotooǧo Fanta yo cottoowo Oumou yo janngoowo Baŋki njiilotooǧo ana momta kaalisi yimǣe Baŋki njiilotooǧo an Ȃaama kaalisi yimǣe
6. 7. 8. 9.
Ȃalooma fuu yimǣe ana mbaawi marude kaalisi Baŋki njiilotooǧo ana taƔa e ko waarata marugol Ȃalooma gooto Fanta waawa mimtude e junngo maǣǣe so o ǣamti kaalisi makko Fanta faamay golle baŋki njiilotooǧo
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Fanta ana wada a. jaago b. demal c. golle kaalisi 2. Baŋki njiilotooǧo ana a. hokka yimǣe kaalisi b. Ȃalmi kaalisi c. mara kaalisi
Cross Word Exercise Marude Kaalisi Sottude
To save To sell To eat
Ȃaamude Tayude Wallude Gelle
To cut off To help Villages Money
What is the bank system in your site (tell in Fulfulde)
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Translation of Dialogue: Oumou: Good morning Fanta! Your products have diminished. What happened? Fanta: Oumou, I eat all I sell; I failed to save my money. Oumou: You didn’t hear the news? The people from the city came here with a mobile bank. You can save your money with them. Fanta: Are you sure they won’t eat my money? How much will they cut from my money? Oumou: They will not eat your money. You can deposit what you can every day for one month. You can withdraw it whenever you want. They won’t cut anything from your money until the day you withdraw all your money. At that time they take the equivalent of one month’s deposit. Fanta: If I withdraw all my money, can I save with them again? Oumou: Yes, you can start saving whenever you want. They are here to help us. That’s why they work only with the smalll villages. Fanta: I really understand. Tomorrow I will go to suscribe, if God pleased. Thank you. Oumou: You are welcome.
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Waylitingol ǣiǣǣe Leǧǧe Fruit Transformation OBJECTIVES:
Talk about the importance of fruit transformation. Use vocabulary related to the topic.
Dialogue: Fanta: Jam waali Oumou, ngesa maa nga moƔƔi hikka dee, kaa ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe ma fuu anni bona koǧum waǧi? Oumou: Fanta mi ronki sottude ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe am ǧe mi annda fuu no ngaǧan-mi Fanta: Mi maatani en dabare keso jooni ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe men nde fuu ana mbaawi waylitteede ǧe ngaǧe ley dutuuji tawe ǧe bonay. Ūum woni ko wiyete konfitiri. Maangoro, polle bodeeje e ko nanndi e mun fuu ana waawi wayliteede. Eǧum soode nafa majjum ana heewi. Oumou: Hono ǧum ne gollirte, kori kaalisi mun heewa? Fanta: Wolonter kor de la pe ana jooǧi gaa, eǧen mbaawi noddude mo wara mo holla en no moƔƔinirte. Mi tiƔori, mo salataako Oumou: Gasi, an e tiyaabu
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Koǧum heǣi ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe Oumou? Koǧum Oumou waawi waǧude? Homo waawi hollude ǣe no golle oo waǧirte? Kosaabi Oumou ana yiǧi waylitinde ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe makko?
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Vocabulary Fulfulde Suǣaade ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe Suǣaade ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe ǣennduǧe Lootude Lootiorde ndiyam jawe Homtude Taccude Peesude ŋiisude Wattude somoyaaji waȂȂude Warude geeƔi Wattude x ley kaakol Momtude Somoyaaji ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe Sukkaro Leemburu lammuǧo Suuwude Laǣi Fotiire Horde Ŋiisirgal Siyo Furne Taasa mana Taasa fugan Dutuuru Ɠulǣe
English Select fruits Select ripe fruits To wash To wash with bleach To peel To cut To weigh To grind To add ingredients To boil To sterilize To pack To preserve Vegetables Fruits Sugar Lemon To dip Knife Pot Ladle Grinder Bucket Stove Plastic plate Aluminum plate Bottle Charcoal
Français Triage des fruits Choisir des fruits mûrs Laver Laver avec l’eau de javel Epulcher Couper Peser Broyer Ajouter des ingredients Bouillir Steriliser Emballer Conserver Ingredients Fruits Sucre Citron tremper Couteau Marmite Louche Broyeuse Seau Fourneau Tasse en plastique Tasse en alu Boutielle Charbon
True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Ngesa Fanta moƔƔi hikka Ngesa Oumou moƔƔi sanne hikka ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe oumou fuu annii mona Oumou ronki sottude ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe makko Oumou ana waawi waylitinde ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe makko Fanta ana jogi dabare lobbo Wayhitingol ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe ana yaafi Wolonter kor de la pe ana waawi wallude ǣe Fanta e Oumou ana yiǧi noddude wolonter kor de la pe wara walla ǣe
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Multiple Choice Questions 1. Ngesa Oumou moƔƔi ………….. sanne a. rawani b. jooni c. hikka 2. Oumou ronki ………………….. ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe makko a. soodude b. Ȃaamude c. sottude 3. …………… leǧǧe ana mbaawi wadeede konfitiri a. pitaale b. ǣiǣǣe c. ǧaǧi
Word Match Exercise ǣiǣǣe leǧǧe Ngesa Waylitingol Yornugol Sottude
Jam Mango To sell To eat Farm
Ȃaamude Maagoro Konfitiri
Fruit Transformation To dry
Essay: Tell how to make mango jam in Fulfulde (write a paragraph) Translation of Dialog: Fanta: Good morning Oumou! Your farm is very successful this year, but all your fruit is going bad. Oumou: Fanta! I could not sell my fruit. I do not know what to do Fanta: I heard about a new idea. We can transform all our fruits and put them in bottles. This is Jam. We can transform the mangos and things like that. It is easily sold and makes a lot of money. Oumou: How is this made? Is it expensive to make? Fanta: There is a PCV here, we can call hm/her to come and show us how to make Jam. I am sure he/she will not refuse to come. Oumou: OK! Thank you!
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Yornugol Ȃamdu Solar Drying OBJECTIVES:
Explain the different methods of solar drying Speak about the advantages of solar drying
Text: Hono Ȃamdu yornirte? Yornugol kulle ana heewi alhaadi, ley ko yaǣǣi yimǣe ana mboowi yornude Ȃamri e Ȃanaduuji. Eǣe daǧǧa daage e leydi na ǣe daǧǧi Ȃorǧe so naage yalti, kaa ko ǣuri fuu heeweude tuundi ana naata hen, ǧum ne yo farrati sabi fulǣe mbi “reedu waawa looteede”. Dum waǧi so yimǣe keǣi hakkileeji esi no kulle njornirte. Hono liilude dow karaaje naa dow danǧe ǣe tiloo ǣe cudda ǧum kaddungal saasi. Dum ana haǧa buubi koǧude dow hen ana haǧa naange duu bonnude Ȃamdu ndu.
Comprehension Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Hono yimǣe mboowi yornirde Ȃamdu ley ko Ɣaǣǣi? Koǧum woni farati e yornugol kulle? Koǧum woni hakkillaaji kesi e yornugol kulle? Koǧum buubi ngaǧata Ȃamdu?
Vocabulary Fulfulde Ko yornirte Naange Montude Yornude Ȃolude Geeyi Waylitinde Bonnude Nafa Ȃamdu ǣeydaari Donkal Ȃaamude Hettude Feewude Nafaka kewǧo ǣonnudude Ittude Wertude Momtude
English Dryer Solar dryer To conserve To dry To rot Germs Contaminate To spoil Food value Surplus Shortage To eat To harvest To increase Many advantages To ripen To extract To spread out To conserve
Français Sechoir Sechoir solaire Conserver Secher Pourrir Microbes Contaminer Gater Valeur alimentaire Surplus Penurie Manger Recolter Multiplier Beaucoup d’avantages Mûrir Extraire Eparner Conserver
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True or False 1. No kulle njormirte ana heewi 2. Ȃamdu ana yorne dow daage 3. So Ȃamdu suddaaka tuundi ana naata hen 4. Ȃamdu yorneeteende ana haani suddeede 5. Ȃamdu ana waawi liileede dow danǧe 6. Buubi ana njiǧi hoǧude dow Ȃamdu 7. Naange ana bonna Ȃamdu
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Yimǣe ana mboowi ………… Ȃamdu a. Ȃaamude b. defude c. yornude 2. So Ȃamdu ana yorne ana haani ………… a. suddeede b. looteede c. yuppeede 3. Buubi ana …………………dow Ȃamdu a. jippo b. koǧa c. naata
Word Match Exercise Yornude
To be used to
Ȃamri Ndanki Daago Tuundi Mbuubu Bonnude Woowude
Hunger Mat Dirt Fly To spoil Food To dry
Essay: What are the methods used to dry food in your village?
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Translation of Text: Solar Drying – How to dry food. There are many ways of drying things. In the past, people were used to drying crops and food. They spread mats on the ground or they spread fans under the sunlight, but most of the time the food contains some dust and this is a risk, because peulhs say “a stomach cannot be washed inside”. That is why people found new methods of drying things such as drying on bamboo beds or on hangars, and then they cover it with a mosquito net or a cloth. This method can protect the food from flies and the sun.
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Kaatane Moyyintinaaǧ ǧe Mud Stove OBJECTIVES:
Talk about the necessity to use improved stove Talk about the two types of stoves with their importance
Text: Ley leydi men ndi leǧǧe ana ngondi e famǧitinde. Nde iwoonde wari fuu ana waǧa bonannda e leydi ndi, dum wadi so ana tinndina yimǣe ǣuyta sumugol leǧǧe yella ladde men an darto yella gese men ana ndeeno e bonannda ndiyam e henndu. Kaatane kese moyyintinaaǧe sin ǧiǧi ana ngoodi, ǧe bonnata leǧǧe eǧe moyyi sanne, ǧum woni. - Kaatane booko: eǧe moyyinira nyamndi tool keso e booko, eǧe mbaawi defireede leǧǧe e yulǣe. - Kaatane nyamndi: eǧe moyyinira nyamndi tool keso eǧe mbaawi defireede Ɣulǣe, ǧe bonnata Ɣulǣe, ǧe bonnata kaalisi ede keewi nafa. Ana tinndina pati yimǣe nyoppuǧe ley iwoonde, pati ǣe ŋifu yiite nge dow kaatane ǧe e ndiyam sabi dum ana waǧa so kaatane ǧe puuna.
Comprehension questions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Koǧum woni e leǧǧe leydi men ndi? Koǧum haani waǧeede faa ladde men darto? Kaatane sin hono-foti ngoodi? Koǧum woni haybbo dee kaatane?
Vocabulary Fulfude Kaatane booko Booko Booko manaawo Hayre Njaareendi Beeku Leggal Jaltinirgal cuurki Lugeere Cuurki Saǧǧaaji Nafaaji X faa heewi X ana yaafi Coggu x tiiǧa Mahude x
Français Foyer amélioré Banco Argile Caillou Sable Bouse de vache Bois Cheminée Trou Fumée Dépenses Avantages Beaucoup de x Facile Moins coûteux
English Mud stove Mud Clay Stone Sand Cow shit Wood Chimney Hole Smoke Expenses Advantages A lot of x Easy Less expensive
To make / to build 30
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Ndartude x Yoppude x Lewnude x Diiǣude x Meelude x Sumude x Marude x Nafa x ana heewi X + ana haaja x
Chercher Laisser Mouiller Pétrir Crépir Brûler Economiser X est avantageux Avoir besoin de x
To look for To leave To wet/ to dampen To make mud To plaster To burn To save X is advantageous To need
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Ladde men ana wondi e famǧitinde Rafi leǧǧe ana saabo bonannda leydi Rafi ledǧe ana saabo bonannda gese Kaatane kese sin tati ngoodi Kaatane kese sin ǧiǧi ngoodi Kaatane booko ana moyyinire e njamndi tool Kaatane nyamndi ana moƔƔinire e nyamndi toll Kaatane kese ǧee ana bonna Ɣulǣe Ana tinndina pati yim-ǣe ŋifu yiite dow kaatane
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Leǧǧe leydi men ana ngondi e a. mawnude b. majjude c. famǧitinde 2. Rafi ledǧe e ley gese ana saabo bonannda a. ndiyam b. henndu c. a + b
Word Match Exercise Leǧǧe Leydi Bonannda Sumude Kaatane Ndiyam Kaatane booko Kaatane nyamndi
To turn off Mud stove Stove Trees Wind Water To burn Disaster
Describe the different kind of stoves used in your village (in Fulfulde)
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Translation of Text Trees are disappearing in our country. Any time rain comes, it can cause disasters. That is why people are informed to slow tree burning in order to restore our forest and save our farms from erosion. There are two kinds of new improved stoves. They do not waste woods and are very good. - Mud stove: they are made of a new metal and mud they can be used with both charcoal and wood. - Metal stove. It is made with a new metal. It can be used with charcoal. They do not waste charcoal, they do not waste money, they are very useful. It is suggested not to leave them out under rain, and not to throw water on them to extinguish the fire because it can make the stove rust.
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ȃeeȂal ley Mali Artisana OBJECTIVES:
Talk about the artisana workers Use vocabulary related to Artisana
Notes: Artisans are caste people. In many traditional areas artisana work is only for caste people. Text: Artisanat Bamako ȃeeȂal Bamako yo gollirde mawnde ǧo golloǣe juude ngoni: ley artisanat Bamako ana tawe:
Sakkeeǣe ǧum woni gollooǣe guri, eǣe moyyina paǧe, e sakkoosiiji, kufineeji, doforooje, Ȃaaje e jawe Wayluǣe, ǧum woni golloǣe jamǧe ǣaleeje e kaŋŋe e kaalisi eǣe moyyina seenuji, buukuuluuji, jawe, montorooji, jale, e gollirǧe leydi fuu Ȃo-ooǣe masin, mbakooǣe kaddule e saȂooǣe lawǣe e gollooǣe taabe e leese kaȂun e moyyinooǣe kaaki jimi e ko nanndi e mun en
ȃeeȂal ana jogi fedde laamu Mali miyeteende CNPA hayBoore golle maǣǣe so ana wallaǣe no jaago maǣǣe fewnirta
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Koǧum woni ȃeeȂal? Koǧum woni golle sakkeeǣe? Koǧum woni golle wayluǣe? Koǧum woni golle CNPA?
Vocabulary Fulfude Golloowo Junngo Baylo Sakkeejo Kaŋŋe Kaalisi Buukulu Seenu Hootonnde Paǧe Nguru Kaaki gollirde Ȃo-oowo Bakoowo Njamndi Walde
Français Travailleur Main Forgeron Cordonnier L’or Argent Boucle d’oreille Chaîne Bague Sandals Cuir Outils Tailleur Teinturier Fer Association
English Worker Hand Blacksmith Cobbler/Shoe repairer Gold Money Earring Chain Ring Sandals Leather Tools Taylor Dry cleaner Iron Association 33
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Lampo Sottude Soodude Mbaggu Hoddu Sereendu Tummbude Saaya CNPA ȃeeȂal
Taxes Vendre Acheter Tambour Guitare Flûte Calebasse Boubou Centre National Promotion Artisanat Arisanat
Tax To sell To buy Drum Guitar Flute Calabash Dress CNPA Craftwork
Exercise: True or False 1. ȃeeȂal yo gollirde golloǣe juuǧe 2. Sakkeeǣe yo yimǣe gollooǣe guri 3. Wayluǣe yo yimǣe gollooǣe leǧǧe 4. 5. 6. 7.
Ȃo-ooǣe masin ana ley artisanat Lawǣǣe yo yimǣe gollooǣe leǧǧe Njimooǣe ana golla ley artisanat Bamako CNPA yo fedde laamu Mali gollidoore e artisanat
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Artisanat yo gollirde gollooǣe ……………………. a. masin b. jamǧe c. juuǧe 2. Sakkeǣe yo yimǣe gollooǣe ………………………. a. jamnde b. guri c. leǧǧe 3. MoƔƔinooǣe kaaki jimi ana golla ley ……. Bamako a. luumo b. gese c. artisanat
Word Match Exercise Nguru Paǧe Sakkoosi Doforoore Kaŋŋe Taabal Leeso
Shoes Bag Leather Gold Pillow Bed Table 34
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To weave
Essay: Describe the different kinds of artisana workers in your site and tell how they are organized. Translation of Text: The Bamako Artisanat is a center where there are many hand workers. In Bamako artisanat, you can find - shoes repairers; that is, people who make leather shoes and bags, hats, pillows, necklaces and bracelets - Blacksmiths, and people who work in iron, gold and silver. They make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, watches, hoes and farming tools - Tailors, cloth dyers and weavers - Wood workers and carpenters and people who make musical and things like that; Artisanat has an association of workers for the development of artisanat (National Centre for the Promotion of Artisans).
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Garal Tourist en ley Mali Tourism in Mali OBJECTIVE: Talk about the importance of tourism in Mali Notes: In some areas most of the time expatriats (all the white people coming from Europe or America) are being treated as tourists. In other areas people believe that these white people are visiting our country are just spies.
Text: Garal tourist en ana nanna kaalisi kewǧo ley Mali. Tourist en ngarooǣe ley Mali ǣe fuu ana mbelto sanne sabi eǣe njiha kulle kawniiǧe. So ǣe ngari Mopti eǣe njiha mom hombori, Main de Fatuma, misiide jenne e dow kaaye haaǣe e ko nanndi e mun. So ǣe ngari Tumbuctu eǣe njiha misside djinngarey Ber e kulle kaawniiǧe. Eǣe njaha Gao e Sikasso e Kayes e nokkuuje kewǧe ley mali. So ǣe ngari ley Mali eǣe njippo ley oteliiji faa nde ǣe kootata. Garal tuurist en ana mari nafa ley leydi menndi sanne, sabi yimǣe hewǣe ana ngollida e maǣǣe ana keǣa kaalisi.
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Koǧum garal turist en nafata leydi men ndi? Koǧum turist en ngarata waǧude ley Mali? Hoto e hoto turist en njahata ley Mali? So ǣe ngari ley Mali hoto ǣe njipoto?
Vocabulary Fulfulde Koǧo Raneeǣe Yiilaade Ɣeewude Natude Dawude Ko haawni Kulle ǣooyude Misiide Egliisi Kaaye Tule Laana Mobel Awiyo Tuurist Giddi Kado Foto
Français Un étranger Les blancs
English A stranger White people
Se promener Observer Faire une photo Voyager Mystérieux Des vieilles choses Mosquée Eglise Roche Montagnes Pirogue Une voiture Un avion Un tourist Un guide Un cadeau Une photo
To walk around To watch To take a picture To travel Something mysterious Hold thing Mosque Church Rock Mountains Canoe A car A plane A tourist A guide A present A photo 36
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Kaalisi Otel Tuubaaku Dawla Ko dawulini
Argent Hotel Un blanc Célébrité Célèbre
Money Hotel A white person A fame / celebrity Famous
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Tuurist en ana ngara ley Mali Garal tuurist en nafata a Mali Kulle kawniide ana ley Mali Tuurist en ana njahaa ley nokkuuje kewde ley Mali Tuurist en njahata ley laamu Mopti Tuurist en ana njippo ley otel Tuuristen en ana nafa yimǣe hewǣe Garal tuurist en ana nafa yimǣe hewǣe
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Kulle ------ ana keewi ley Mali a. lobbo b. kaawniiǧe c. kese 2. So tuuristen ngari ley Mali, eǣe njippo ley: a. cuuǧi yimǣe b. cuuǧi laamu c. cuuǧi otel 3. Hewǣe ana ngollida e tuuristen a. rewǣe b. yimǣe c) sukaaǣe
Word Match Exercise Ko haawnii Misiide Kaaye Kaalisi Warude Weltaade Hootude Yiilaade
Mosque Rock Money To come To be happy To go back To go around A mystery
Ask about the famous places in Mali and try to know their stories.
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Translation of Text: Tourism in Mali Mali makes a lot of money from the tourists. All the tourists coming to Mali are very happy, because they visit many mysterious things. When they come to Mopti, they visit Mont Hombori, le main de Fatima, the mosque of Djenne and Dogon country. When they come to Timbuktu, they can visit the mosque of Djingarey Ber and many mysterious things; they visit Gao, Sikasso and Kayes, and many places in Mali. When they come to Mali, they stay in hotels. The coming of tourists is very important for our country, because many people work with them and make money.
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No Projet Darnirte Project Design and Development OBJECTIVES:
Use vocabulary related to project design Identify the components necessary for the creation of a small project.
Text: Yimǣe ngenndi Djenne mbi ana njidi waǧude projet tutugolleǧǧe ǣe lamndiki gollirde ONG faa walliraǣe kaalisi. ONG oo jaǣi hokkude ǣe millionji joy. E kaalisi o ǣe coodi lekkoy kaȂum egollirǧe kewǧe ǧe ǣe kaaja. ǣe njoǣi gorko gooto faa asana ǣe ǣunndu ko ǣe njarnira leǧǧe ǧe. ǣe puǧǧi golle faa leǧǧe ǧe keǣi cm 15 (sappo ejoy), ǣe cotti e leǧǧe ǧe, ǣe tuti yoga e majje. Nde leǧǧe ǧe ǣe tuti ǧe mawni nde ǧum weli laamu oo e ONG yoojaaji faa sanne, faa ǣe kokki ngenndi ndi kaalisi. Projet oo feewi fa sanne, ǣe coodi mobel njahoowel hakkunde Djenne e Moti. Kaalisi keǣeteeǧo e mobel ngel oo ana waǧe ley keesu ngenndi ndi.
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4.
Koǧum yimǣe Djenne njiǧi waǧude? Hono foti ONG oo kokkiǣe? Hono ǣe njaǧi leǧǧe ǧe? Koǧum ǣe coodi ko ǣe keǣi kaalisi ko?
Vocabulary Fulfulde Poroje Walde Kawral Batu Mballa Kaalisi Haybu Keesu Kayboowo keesu Tino Bonnanda Coggu Yomtude Sottude Jataade Biltude
Français Projet Association Compréhension Réunion Aide financière Argent Gestion Caisse Caissier Bénéfice Perte Prix Rembourser Vendre Estimer Résoudre
English Project Association Understanding Meeting Help fund Money Management Cash box Cashier Profit Loss Price To reimburse To sell To estimate To solve
Exercise: True or False 1. Yimǣe ngenndi Djenne ana njiǧi tutude ledde 39
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2. Yimǣe ngenndiDjenne ana njogi kaalisi koǣe gollira 3. ONG oo jaǣay hokkude ǣe kaalisi 4. Be coodi kaaki gollirǧi faa heewi 5. ǣe tuti leǧǧe faa heewi ley ngenndi ndi 6. ǣe cotti yoga e lekkoy maǣǣe 7. Laamu oo weltiki sanne ko ǣe tuti leǧǧe ley ngenndi ndi 8. ǣe coodi mobel ko ǣe ndawira hakkunde Moti e Djenne 9. Kaalisi mobel ngel ana naata e keesu poroje oo.
Multiple Choice Questions 1. ONG oo hokki projet oo Millionji ……… a. tati b. joy c. nay 2. Porojet oo soodi…………. a. kaaki b. kaaki gollirǧi c. kaaki Ȃamruǧi 3. Mobel ǣe coodi ngel ana dawa hakkunde ………. a. Djenne b.Moti c. Moti e Djenne
Word Match Exercise Tutugol ledde Waǧude Kaalisi ONG Kaaki gollirǧi Laamu Hakkunde Keesu
Savings account Money To put Tree planting NGO Between Authority Working tools
Essay: Your village association wants to do a project and you are asked for help. What would be your reaction? How can you help them? (Write a small dialog)
Translation of Text: Project Design and Development People in Djenne said that they want to make a tree nursery project. Before starting, they asked for help (financial) from an NGO. They agreed to give them five million CFA. With the money they bought tree plants and many tools that they needed. They paid one man to dig for them a well in order to water the trees. They started working until the plants had grown to 15 cm. They sold some of the plants and they planted some of them. When the trees grew up, the government and some other NGO were very happy with that, and they gave them some money. After the project has developed, they have purchased a car to go from Djenne to Mopti. The money earned from the car is put in the savings account of village. 40
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Golle Wolonter Ley Golleji Cewǧi SED Volunteer Work OBJECTIVES:
Explain the role of SED volunteer Explain Peace Corps roles
Dialogue: Amiiri:
Hono mbiyete ǧa?
Miǧo wiye Demba Dicko
Koǧum woni golle ma?
Mi wolonter kor de la pe mi gollidoowo e golloǣe golleeji cewǧi
A waddanii min kaalisi faa heewi na?
Mi waddanii en hakkillaaji kesi faa mi walla on yella jaaguuji mon ana njaara yeeso
Koǧum woni golle kor de la pe ley Mali jaati.
Kor de la pe yo fedde laamu ameriki. Miden ley leydi kewde ley aduna oo, leyǧe ǧe ngala bawǧe sanne. So min ngari miden njidi anndude tiiǧalla ngonǧo gaa faa min keǣa no min mballira on, ǧum waǧi so miǧen njanga. Haala mon e neesuuji mon min njooǧo ley Mali duubi ǧiǧi so min daȂa hootude Amerik
ah! Mi faami sanne. Jaka mi faamay no sabi mi sikku onon ka kaalisi tan ngaddaton so kokkon min. bissimila e ma
Comprehension Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Hono woni innde Mike ley Mali? Koǧum woni golle Mike? Koǧum Mike waddami Mali? Koǧum woni kor de la pe? Duuǣi hono foti Mike haani jooǧaade ley Mali?
Vocabulary French Le volontaire Le consultant L’agent (m) L’auto-promotion( f )
English Volunteer Consultant Agent Self-help
Fulfulde Wolonter Nanngoowo jate Gollowo Wallude hooremun 41
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La formation L’auto-suffisance ( m ) Autrui Le projet Le peuple La compatibilite La sensibilisation Le marketing L’individu l’association Une idée Le calcul numerique L’etude de faisabilite L’epargne (m ) Assister Travailler avec Faciliter Prendre credit Avoir confiance en soi-meme Apprendre
Training Self-sufficiency Other Project People Accounting Sensibilization Marketing Individual Association Idea Numeracy Feasibility study Savings To assist To work with To facilitate To take credit To have self- confidence To learn
Jannde HeƔude hooremun Goǧǧo Golle/Proje Yimǣe Jataade Fammingol Margol kaalisi Neǧǧo gooto Waalde Hakkille / hakkillaji Jate Nanngude jate Margol kaalisi Wallude Gollindinde e x Yaafinde Nanngude Ȃamaande Hoolaade hooremun Janngude
Exercise: True or False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Amiiri ana wiye Demba Dicko Mike yo wolonter kor de la pe Mike waddi hakkillaji kesi Mike ana jooǧo ley mali duuǣi tati Kor de la pe yo fedde laamu amerik Amiiri miili, mike waddi kaalisi Wolonter en ana ley leyǧe kewde e Aduna oo Mike waddi kaalisi faa heewi Mike yo amiiri ngenndi ndi
Multiple Choice Questions 1. Mike ana wiye ……...; a. amiiri b. Demba c. Samba 2. Mike waddani en hakkillaaji ………. a. lobbi b. kesi c. kiǧǧi 3. Amiiri e yimǣe ngenndi miili mike waddi …..…. a. hakkillaaji kesi b. mobilaaji 42
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c. kaalisi
Word Match Exercise Wolonter Hakkillaaji Aduna Wallude Duuǣi Faamude Kaalisi
Money Trade Years World To understand To help Volunteer
Essay: This is your first time you have met your homologue. Explain to him who you are, and what is your role (make a small dialogue)
Translation of Dialogue Amiiri: Mike: Amiiri: Mike: Amiiri: Mike: Amiiri: Mike:
What is your name? My name is Demba Dicko What is your job? I am a Peace Corps volunteer; I work with SED Did you bring us a lot of money? I come with new ideas in order to help you improve your trade What is the role of Peace Corps in Mali? Peace Corps is an agency of the US government. We are in several countries in the world. We want to know what kind of difficulties you have in order to know how to help you. That is why we learn your languages and your culture. We stay in Mali for two years before we go back home
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