Zhuangzi and the Happy Fish 9780824854256

The Zhuangzi is a deliciously protean text: it is concerned not only with personal realization, but also (albeit inciden

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English Pages 336 [312] Year 2015

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Table of contents :
1. Zhuangzi: The Happy Fish
2. Yuzhile: The Joy of Fishes, or, The Play on Words
3. The Relatively Happy Fish
4. Zhuangzi’s Notion of Transcendental Life
5. Knowledge and Happiness in the Debate over the Happiness of the Fish
6. The Relatively Happy Fish Revisited
7. Knowing the Joy of Fish: The Zhuangzi and Analytic Philosophy
8. Of Fish and Knowledge: On the Validity of Cross-Cultural Understanding
9. Zhuangzi and Theories of the Other
10. Of Fish and Men: Species Diff erence and the Strangeness of Being Human in the Zhuangzi
11. The Happy Fish of the Disputers
12. Fact and Experience: A Look at the Root of Philosophy from the Happy Fish Debate
13. Rambling without Destination On Daoist “ You-ing” in the World
14. “Knowing” as the “Realizing of Happiness” Here, on the Bridge, over the River Hao

Zhuangzi and the Happy Fish

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