XI JINPING [First ed.] 9781006010507

Xi is called “The Accelerator General”. It is surprising that in a period of less than 10 years in power, Xi has not onl

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Table of contents :
PROFACE Yu Jinshan
1. Xi Jinping's Path to Rise
2. Fake Respect for Confucius, Real Support for Mao
3. From Bun Xi to Emperor Xi
4. Anti-corruption Fight Against Dissidents to Capture Power
5. Restoration of the Cultural Revolution and the Maoism
6. South China Sea Hegemony and Rivalry
7. One Belt One Road and Aborted Projects
8. Infiltrate the United States as the Enemy
9. Xi and Kim - A Double Act of Nuclear Fraud Against the U.S.
10. Tyranny and Crisis
11. Slave Revolt
12. The Public Conscience Calling
13. The Suppression of Xinjiang
14. Reddening Hong Kong
15. Annexation of Taiwan?
16. American Awakening
17. The Scourge of the Plague - the Enemy of Mankind
18. Removal of Xi - It's Consensus of the CCP Members and Chinese People
Attachment: Xi Jinping's Ten Codes
I. Xi Jinping's Rise to Power: A Bursting Soap Bubble
II. Political Regression and Social Hooliganism
III. Towards International Isolation and Conflict
1. Conflict in the South China Sea
2. “One Belt, One Road” Strategy
3. China and the U.S. are at Loggerheads
4. Meng Wanzhou Incident
5. Three Dead Ends for Uyghurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
6. Coronavirus Outbreak
IV. Fourth, What Exactly Is Xi Jinping Up to?
V. Reason Analysis: Situation Misjudgment and Totalitarian Personality
First, three serious misjudgments:
The totalitarian personality
First, Rude and Brutal
Second, Rigidity of Thought
Third, Vanity and Boasting
Fourth, Narrow-minded
VI. Will Xi Jinping's Road Work?
First, China no longer has a historical background of totalitarianism.
Second, China's economy cannot support his dreams of empire.
Third, there is no public opinion base.
Fourth, bureaucratic groups lying flat
Fifth, China's potentially huge opposition forces.
VII. The End of the Xi Jinping Era
First, the end of Xi Jinping
Second, the end of the Chinese Communist Party
Third, China Splits
First. Restore National Relations with Taiwan
Second. the U.S. president went to the United Nations to speak.
Third. a drone propaganda offensive.
Optimal timing
Be Smart and Touch
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XI JINPING [First ed.]

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Xi Jinping By Zhong Wen & Zhang Jie

Bouden House · New York

With thanks to Yu Jinshan. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in review. For information regarding permission, write to: [email protected] Copyright © 2022 by Zhong Wen & Zhang Jie Translated By Lily Cohen Published by Bouden House·New York First Printing, softcover, January 2022 Printed in the USA Price: $38.00

PROFACE Yu Jinshan

I am very impressed by another great work by my good friend Zhong Wen. According to the synopsis he has sent by email, I know that he is going to write a book commenting on Xi Jinping and Chinese Communist regime of today. Xi is called “The Accelerator General”. It is surprising that in a period of less than 10 years in power, Xi has not only offended all the Western countries causing turmoil in the world but has trapped the Chinese Communist Party in a state of terminal uncertainty. I didn't know much about Xi Jinping before he took office. What surprised me most was what he said to the diplomats and local Chinese in Mexico during his visit to the country before he took office: “Some foreigners who have nothing better to do than to eat, after they are full, they pointed finger to tell us what we did wrong. China is not exporting revolution, not exporting hunger and poverty, and not tormenting you, so what else is there to say…” I heard Xi Jingping saying this shortly after his “accession to the throne” of CCP. He gave another speech at a conference with a large number of Chinese and foreign VIPs. The first thing he said was that he loved to read and then he spent 20 minutes reciting the cultural masterpieces, both ancient and modern books he had read in his youth. Unfortunately, when he referred to the classical Chinese saying, he pronounced “Kuan Nong” as “Kuan Yi” and he pronounced “Nong” in simplified Chinese as “Yi”. This proves that he had not read the booklist made for him by his staff, which caused many people at home and abroad to comment on it. Later on, he pronounced “Jing Zhan” (精湛) as “Jing Shen” (精甚) I

in his speech to make people feel that he likes to show off too much but he knows only more than an illiterate person. So Li Rui, who had been Mao Zedong's secretary, said in a press interview before his death, “Xi Jinping knowledge is only a primary schooleducated level.” He received his PhD from Tsinghua University without attending the university. Of course, these unpleasant performances have not affected his ability to become a national leader. He is very aggressive in fighting corruption. He has won the praise of many people at home and abroad. Even the important figures of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, such as Lien Chan, James Soong and Hung Hsiu-chu, have praised him as the best leader in China and a wise leader of great merit. They congratulated him on the centennial of the Chinese Communist Party. Xi Jinping's most striking performance in recent years, however, is that he has been in office for less than a decade and has attracted hostility from the West. More importantly, the United States, which brought the Chinese Communist Party together to turn China from poverty to wealth and superpower, is also eyeing him. In addition to the trade war against him, America has also deployed naval and air forces to block the South China Sea. All of a sudden, the warships were at the sea and missiles were flying around China. It seems China is repeating the siege strategy of the Korean War back in the 1950s during the Mao era, although Xi Jinping warns the communist army: Don't fire the first shot. Meanwhile, his promoted diplomatic elite of the war wolves gnashed their teeth against the U.S.---led Western countries in a reckless attack. I believe that Xi Jinping is not happy to see such a big trouble caused by the CCP regime, but his ministers are accustomed to the CCP's usual campaign to create gods. They have been trying to make Xi Jinping a great hero with great power and wisdom, who is in charge of the world. When he was in office, he had a taste of power. The Western proverb “power makes people complacent” II

began to influence Xi Jinping's mentality. Someone said: Xi Jinping is not bad, just stupid. In fact, in politics, stupidity is bad. Because of his stupidity he gladly accepted the flattering; because of his stupidity, he could not get out of the magic of power; because of his stupidity, he put the country in danger and the nation in a desperate situation. Who could be worse than him? He is a powerful and domineering man possessed by Mao Zedong’s ghost. The Chinese dissidents call him “Xi Zedong” for a good reason.





Yu Jinshan .................................................................... I

XI JINPING: A BIOGRAPHY Zhong Wen .........................................................................1


Xi Jinping's Path to Rise ...................................................1


Fake Respect for Confucius, Real Support for Mao .......10


From Bun Xi to Emperor Xi ...........................................12


Anti-corruption Fight Against Dissidents to Capture Power ................................................................17


Restoration of the Cultural Revolution and the Maoism...............................................................22


South China Sea Hegemony and Rivalry........................25


One Belt One Road and Aborted Projects.......................29


Infiltrate the United States as the Enemy ........................34


Xi and Kim - A Double Act of Nuclear Fraud Against the U.S. ...........................................................................46


Tyranny and Crisis ..........................................................51


Slave Revolt ....................................................................65


The Public Conscience Calling .......................................72


The Suppression of Xinjiang ..........................................84


Reddening Hong Kong ...................................................90


Annexation of Taiwan? ...................................................98


American Awakening ....................................................103


The Scourge of the Plague - the Enemy of Mankind ... 110


Removal of Xi - It's Consensus of the CCP Members and Chinese People ...................................................... 117

Attachment: Xi Jinping's Ten Codes ............................................ 120 PART II

WHAT DOES XI JINPING WANT? Zhang Jie ..................................................................... 122


Xi Jinping's Rise to Power: A Bursting Soap Bubble ... 122


Political Regression and Social Hooliganism............... 126


Towards International Isolation and Conflict ............... 128


Fourth, What Exactly Is Xi Jinping Up to? .................. 134


Reason Analysis: Situation Misjudgment and Totalitarian Personality .......................................... 141


Will Xi Jinping's Road Work? ...................................... 147


The End of the Xi Jinping Era ...................................... 154


TO THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS: THREE MOVES TO DEFEAT XI Zhong Wen .................................................................... 165


Restore National Relations with Taiwan ...................... 167


The U.S. president went to the United Nations to speak. ...................................................................... 169


A drone propaganda offensive. ..................................... 172



uring the cultural revolution, Xi Jinping was sent to a juvenile detention center for group fighting in the street. During this time, Xi Jinping was a marginalized member of society, with no one to turn to and no one to depend on. He was lice infested and was not well mentally or physically. Xi Jinping's experience at the bottom was similar to that of Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng, who was sent to Zhao as a hostage, suffering humiliation and hardship. He not only tasted the bitter fruits of the Party struggle, but also dimly realized the philosophy of the Party struggle —— the loser is the prisoner, the winner is the emperor —— such a political philosophy began to germinate in his mind, and eventually developed into his thicket of political struggle.

1. Xi Jinping's Path to Rise

Xi Jinping was born in Zhongnanhai, Beijing, in June 1953. His father, Xi Zhongxun, was a vice premier of the State Council. As a child, Xi boarded at Beihai Kindergarten and at the age of 7 enrolled in the Bayi School which was founded for the children of 1

high ranked cadres of the CCP. In 1962, Xi Zhongxun was sentenced to imprisonment by Mao Zedong for supporting the writing of Liu Zhidan's novel and his family was kicked out from Zhongnanhai to the Central Party School in the western suburbs. That year, Xi Jinping was only 9 years old. It can be said that long before the Cultural Revolution, Xi's family had already been reduced to a pariah in the underclass. His family was split up and he was ostracized by the children of the Red Second Generation because he was the son of a political victim, and no one wanted to hang out with their siblings, so he had no choice but to play with the children of the lower class, becoming one of their street thugs. Once he was sent to a juvenile detention center for group fighting in the street. During this time, Xi Jinping was a marginalized member of society, with no one to turn to and no one to depend on. He was lice infested and was not well mentally or physically. Xi Jinping's experience at the bottom was similar to that of Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng, who was sent to Zhao as a hostage, suffering humiliation and hardship. He not only tasted the bitter fruits of the Party struggle, but also dimly realized the philosophy of the Party struggle —— the loser is the enemy, the winner is the emperor —— such a political philosophy began to germinate in his mind, and eventually developed into his thicket of political struggle. During the Cultural Revolution in 1966, Bayi school was closed. Xi was transferred to Beijing No. 25 Middle School. In the midst of social unrest, Xi rarely attended classes as his father had been imprisoned and he no longer belonged to the Red-second generation and could not join the Red Guard. In 1967, Xi Jinping was also dragged to the stage as a child to stand next to the “black gang” to accompany his father when he was struggled by the Red Guard. Xi Zhongxun's wife Qi Xin also participated in the meeting and raised her hand and shout slogans “Down with Xi Zhongxun, Down with Xi Jinping”. I believed her mother’s behaviors deeply hurt his heart as a teenager. However, due to his low intellectual,


he did not quite understand what issues his father had with Liu Zhidan and Gao Gang. Why a novel will get his father in trouble. He did not understand the power struggle within the CCP. Xi Jinping didn't not hate Mao Zedong. He only knew that Chairman Mao was great, that everything was right and that it was right for Mao to imprison his father because of Liu Zhidan. He worshipped Mao, the Red Sun and never had the slightest doubt about Mao. For a while, he was sent to juvenile jail because of fighting in the streets with gang members. During this time Xi Jinping belonged to the margins of society with no one to turn to, growing lice on his body, was not very well mentally and physically. In 1968 he was sent to live in the home of his great aunt in Fuping, Shaanxi arranged by his father. In 1969, Mao Zedong wanted the youth to go to the countryside, Xi Jinping was sent and settled in the Liangjiahe Brigade in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province. After a few months he sneaked back into Beijing and was detained by the police. He was then sent to a study camp where he was released after a few months. He was forced to return to Liangjiahe and continued to work in the communes. After returning to the village, he behaved more honestly and worked better. In the winter of 1974, Xi Jinpin was allowed to join the CCP. He was also made local CCP party secretary in the winter of 1974 because his father had been back to Beijing and regained his power in the CCP. In 1975 Xi was recommended by the communes to enter Tsinghua University without passing any examination. He studied in the Department of Chemical Engineering and served as CCP party secretary there. During that period, he introduced his classmate Chen Xi to join the CCP. Chen Xi was later promoted to the Central Organization Department by Xi Jinping as Vice Minister. In 1979, Xi Jinping graduated from the Chemical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University. He did not want to pursue career in chemical engineering. Relying on his father's 3

relationship with top senior officers in the central government of China, he was arranged by his father to work in the General Office of the Military Commission, becoming the secretary of the Deputy Minister of Defense Geng Biao. He entered the door for politicians. In 1982, Xi was once again arranged by his father to Zhengding county, Hebei as deputy secretary of the county party committee. Originally, Xi Jinping was expected to be the chief secretary of Zhengding county, but Gao Yang, the CCP Chief secretary of Hebei Province said Xi’s had shown up just like something was suddenly parachuted into the county, so he should be the deputy secretary first. Until today, he still hates Gao Yang for that. Gao Yang later became the president of the CCP Central Party School. When Gao Yang died, Xi Jinping was the president of the CCP Central Party School. Xi Jinping refused to attend Gao Yang's memorial service. In the second year after the came to Zhengding, Xi Jinping was promoted to the position of chief secretary of the CCP of Zhengding county, and he met Li Zhanshu, the CCP secretary of the neighboring county Wuji. Li Zhanshu was later promoted by Xi Jinping to the Central Committee as a member of the Standing Committee, Director of the Central Office and Chairman of the National People’s Congress. In April 1985, Xi Jinping was appointed as the head of a delegation from Hebei Province to the United States to study corn products processing. He spent ten days in Ohio, USA. Xi is said to have been so unimpressed with the U.S. When boarding a plane in San Francisco to return home, he finally cursed: “Fuck you, motherfucking America!” In 1985, Xi Jinping asked to be transferred to Xiamen, where there were more opportunities as one of the special economy zones in China. He was appointed vice mayor of Xiamen, but Xi's political performance in Xiamen was very poor. His reputation was not good either. Xi received less than 50% of the votes in the 4

Xiamen Municipal People's Congress election and was transferred out of Xiamen to Ningde City. In 1990, he was promoted to the CCP Chief Secretary of Fuzhou City. Six years later, in 1996, he was promoted to the position of the CCP Deputy Secretary of Fujian Province, in 2000 to Governor of Fujian Province, and in 2002 to Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province. During this period, he studied Marxism, ideological and political education at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tsinghua University. This is an on-the-job study program; he got a PhD degree after two to three years of study. However, he thought the Ph.D in Marxism was too hypocritical. He asked Tsinghua University to change it to a doctorate in law. Tsinghua University agreed to give whatever he requested. Anyway, the purpose of having this Ph.D was just to put on a doctoral gown and made him look good. In 2007, Xi Jinping's chance to become a member of the Central Committee came when he was first transferred to Shanghai as secretary in March and then to Beijing in the fall for the 17th Communist Party Congress, where he was nominated by Jiang Zemin to become a member of the Standing Committee, one of the 9 Standing Committees, secretary of the Secretariat, head of the Hong Kong and Macau Coordination Group and president of the Central Party School. In 2008, he became the president of the country, and in 2010, the vice chairman of the military commission. His power was only under Hu Jintao. He was the hidden successor of Hu Jintao, approved by Jiang Zemin. Originally Hu Jintao intended to let Li Keqiang take over. However, Jiang Zemin preferred the second generation of the red cadres. Hu Jintao had no choice but to accept. In November of 2012, the Chinese Communist Party opened the 18th National Congress, Hu Jintao handed over full power to Xi Jinping, including the General Secretary of the CCP and Chairman of the Military Commission. Xi thus got a monopoly of power.


Not only he owned the political power, he also owned the financial power. In the year 2012, Bloomberg reported that Xi Jinping's family had assets worth 379 million yuan. The Xi family holds 38 percent of the $11.7 billion as assets of China Rare Earths Corporation which is indirectly owned by the Xi family. The Xi family has another $90 million in technology holdings and seven properties in Hong Kong worth $7.5 million. They are owned by Xi Jinping's sister Qi Qiaoqiao, brother Xi Yuanping and brotherin-law Wu Longchang. In addition, Qi Qiaoqiao, brother-in-law Deng Jiagui owns a large number of shares in Wanda Group but the shares were later transferred to an old friend Xu Zaisheng to conceal the Xi Family’s Xi Jinping's first wife, Ke Lingling, is daughter of a senior Chinese diplomat Ke Hua, married Xi in 1979 after graduating from Tsinghua University. Three years after their marriage, Ke went to England to study and asked Xi to go with her. But Xi was keen to be a government official at home and did not go to England. They divorced in 1982. Ke stayed in England and Xi went to Zhengding County, Hebei Province. Ke Lingling has been in London, but in recent years her good friends can't find her. She was probably recalled to China by Xi Jinping who treated her generously to conceal Xi’s private life in their marriage. As Ke Lingling knew Xi's background, Xi Jinping was on the edge of his seat, worried that he would be exposed at some point. One day, Ke told her friend why they divoiced. “It is hard to live with a person who do not take shower for a week. Besides, he has no interest in anything except becoming a higher rank official, that is his dream of life.” Xi met Peng Liyuan in 1986 and married her in Xiamen in 1987. This is Xi Jinping's 2nd marriage. They have a daughter, Xi Mingze. Xi Mingze was born in 1992. She studied psychology at Harvard University in the U.S.. When she was about to graduate, she was recalled to China by Xi Jinping in 2014 to work as her parent's image designer, who is very active in China’s internet media.


Xi's mother, Qi Xin, is an old retired CCP cadre in her 90s and lives in Shenzhen. Xi's eldest sister, Qi Qiaoqiao, and brotherin-law, Deng Jiagui, reside in Canada. Second sister Qi Anan, second brother-in-law Wu Longchang, live in Australia, and young brother Xi Yuanping, lives in Australia. All the way from the countryside as a youth, to Tsinghua University, especially in Hebei after becoming an official, there was explicit news of Xi Jinping's sexual affairs, in 2014. A writer collected the news of his sexsuality into a book in order to publish it in Hong Kong. Somehow, Xi Jinping heard it and immediately sent guobao (state security officers) to Hong Kong to kidnap the publisher so that the book publication could be aborted. Five years later, in 2019, still similar contents were published in the United States. (2019: Si Nor: Xi Jinping and His Lovers), which, in addition to chronicling Xi's racy affairs, also exposed the rules of the game and the unspoken rules of the Chinese Communist Party officialdom. The book led to the arrest of the owner of the Causeway Bay bookstore in Hong Kong, which triggered the anti-sending campaign and the subsequent Hong Kong National Security Law. This event shows that private lives of leaders of totalitarian states can be the spark for a social movement, and exposing their private lives can be the starting point for the downfall of a thriving city. Xi also intervened in other cases that would have affected him. Lai Changxing, born in 1958, a native of Fujian province and five years younger than Xi Jinping, was a treacherous businessman who colluded with the official smuggling to get rich. Being most wanted by the Chinese government, he evaded Canada for 12 years. He was deported to China in 2011 and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2012. It is rumored that the central government is discussing the death penalty, but Xi Jinping is strongly in favor of not killing him. At the end of 1986, a seminar on cross-strait relations was held in Xiamen, and a female professor from Tsinghua University, 7

Bai Liping, was on the delegation of Taiwan. Talking with Vice Mayor Xi, Professor Bai gave Xi Jinping one of her papers, asking him to study it and write his own report to influence the Communist Party's high-level policy on Taiwan. The thesis was to be clear that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were no longer rivals, and that the common heartache was the DPP. The Kuomintang wanted to use the power of the Communist Party to crush the DPP. Xi Jinping was very happy by saying, “very good, very good, working together.” In 2007, the Chinese Communist Party opened the 17th National Congress election to determine the next successor for the post of general secretary, Jiang Zemin preferred Xi Jinping, Hu Jintao preferred Li Keqiang, both sides laid out for votes. In the afternoon of June 23, 2007 at the Beijing West Hotel, more than 400 members and alternate members of the CCP Central Committee received “recommendation ballots” to vote for their preferred members of the Politburo to be recommended to the Standing Committee. The results were announced at 4:30 p.m. Among the 420 people who voted, Xi Jinping, as the candidate for general secretary got 211 votes, while Li Keqiang got 209 votes, making Xi Jinping the winner. Hu Jintao's face became white when he learned the results and he kept sitting for a long time without standing up while Jiang Zemin came over to shake hands with Xi Jinping with joy. Hu Jintao saw Liu Yandong extending the V gesture to Xi Jinping. Greatly surprised, he understood what was the reason and he turned his head away from them and hurriedly left the meeting. Xi Jinping had ambitions to become the central CCP leader and so had Bo Xilai. Jiang Zemin considered promoting both of them to the central. Bo Xilai was not willing to end up only a “Southwest King” (Chongqing municipal party secretary). After 2007, Chongqing Bo Xilai was engaged in “singing red and fighting black” ——Singing Red is singing revolutionary songs and creating the resurrection of Mao Zedong's cultural revolution. 8

Fighting Black is arresting gang members. In three months, more than 100 task forces were set up to arrest more than 5,000 criminals. “Chongqing model” emerged in national public opinion, even the patriarch Kissinger, who opened U.S.- China relations, came to Chongqing to study. In 2011, Bo Xilai intensified his activities in preparation for his election to the Standing Committee of the Central Committee at the 18th National Assembly in 2012 and ordered the chief of Chongqing Police Bureau Wang Lijun to step up his efforts to understand the movements of the central leadership and monitor their activities in order to formulate countermeasures to “join the Standing Committee''. The government's surveillance minister, Ma Wen, noticed Wang Lijun's activities and reported them to Hu Jintao. Hu Jintao understood that Bo Xilai struggled to become a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee. He saw Xi Jinping as a rival, step by step to compete for the general secretary position. Hu Jintao had been working on a strategy of sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight. He asked Ma Wen to continue monitoring the situation and not take any measures. On February 6, 2012, Wang Lijun entered the U.S. consulate in Chengdu, where he was sent to Beijing in accordance with Ma's plan to seek political asylum. The U.S. consulate sent him to Beijing. Wang Lijun and others related were convicted according to the law. Bo Xilai was also detained in custody during a meeting in Beijing. Bo Xilai was sentenced to life imprisonment in September 2013 and sent to Qincheng prison in November.


2. Fake Respect for Confucius, Real Support for Mao

As soon as Xi Jinping came to power in 2013, he put on a new face, breaking the tradition, not by making a pilgrimage to Xibaipo or Yan'an but by visiting Qufu in Shandong province, the hometown of Confucius where the party leaders had never been before, although the party media reported that he was “on a study tour.” Hong Kong newspapers were very excited by this news, saying that President Xi was going to respect Confucius. In fact, Xi Jinping made an exception visiting Qufu out of a speculative mentality. The social atmosphere at the time was more enlightened due to Hu Jintao's liberalization of Confucius propaganda. Yu Dan's lectures on Confucius which had a wide impact for several years at home and abroad forming a social trend to resume learning of traditional culture. Xi Jinping knew that it was not possible to go against the current, so he also took advantage of this trend to put a feather in his hat. Xi Jinping went to Qufu to seemingly honor Confucius, but also out of payback to Hu Jintao, as a gesture to make Hu Jintao happy. In 2012, Hu Jintaoto got rid of Bo Xilai, Xi Jinping's rivals. Hu removed Xi’s biggest barrier and paved the way for Xi Jinping and completely handed over, once for all, the two big positions of President and Chairman of the Military Commission to Xi. Xi then owned sole control of power. He, therefore, was grateful to Hu. Hu Jintao was so angry, but he could not eliminate Jiang Zemin’s influence. He had a lot of grievances. He erected a statue of Confucius in 2011 in the east of Tiananmen Square. The statue of Confucius in the east of Tiananmen Square was approved by Hu Jintao but only after three months, it had to be dismantled and removed by Jiang Zemin. Xi Jinping was a member of the Standing 10

Committee at the time and he understood Hu Jintao's grievances and so he made a special trip to Qufu to let Hu Jintao take the load off. Shortly after Qufu visit, Xi Jinping went to the Central Party School and gave lecture specifically about the traditional ideas of Confucius: like cultivating oneself, sincerity, righteousness, cultivation, family, ruling the country and pacifying the world; like the way of the ruling law, the path of democracy, the path of righteousness and profit. Of course, these were only the Confucius thoughts written on textbooks, it was not Xi Jinping's intention to apply them in real world. He was only making a gesture, temporarily in line with the trend of public opinion, and also let Hu Jintao know he is on his side, so that Hu Jintao could be happy. President Hu really intended to promote Confucius philosophy. He strongly supported to make a movie on Confucius. When public opinion at home and abroad saw Xi Jinping's gesture, they thought for a moment that he was juxtaposing Confucius with Marx, using the Confucian tradition to remedy Marx's flaws. But as many people know, Mao Zedong said: “If we have to invite Confucius back, it means that the Communist Party is no longer viable and will soon be finished.” Mao was at odds with Confucius. It is hard to believe that Xi Jinping would go against Mao's words and really invite Confucius back. Sure enough. Soon afterwards Xi Jinping turned around, he held a national conference on philosophy and social sciences completely reversing the direction of Confucius and praising Mao Zedong. He not only restored Mao's four greats (leader, mentor, commander-in-chief, helmsman), but also newly invented three titles for Mao and put on three new hats on Mao’s head: great philosopher, great thinker, great social scientist. With Lin Biao's four greats plus Xi Jinping's three greats, Mao Zedong would have 7 great titles. Xi Jinping's philosophical and social science speech was 15,000 words long in which Confucius completely 11

disappeared, and his name was not even mentioned. Xi Jinping finally summarized his speech as “three self-confidences”: theoretical self-confidence, road self-confidence, institutional self-confidence, adherence to the ideals of communism and began to form his own “Xi Jinping thought system”. The highest social science conference was attended by all Marxist leftists and none of the 150 people were liberals which was thus the “dismissal of a hundred schools of thought and the reverence for one”. Xi Jinping also elevated Marx to the top position of “the thinkers of the millennium”. Xi Jinping, with the launch of his “two non-objections” —— didn't not object the history of pre-Cultural Revolution nor the post-Cultural Revolution, never mentioned the anti-rightist Maoist era, the Great Leap Forward, the great famine from 1959-1961. He also declines Deng Xiaoping's claim that the Cultural Revolution was a catastrophe. Instead, Xi Jinping said that the Cultural Revolution was a “difficult exploration”. He whited-out the disaster caused by Mao's mistakes with “two non-objections” and opened the way for the restoration of Mao Zedong’s thoughts.

3. From Bun Xi to Emperor Xi

Xi Jinping, in his first year in office, created a “bun fiasco” in which he personally lined up to buy buns for lunch. One day, he suddenly appeared without warning in front of a bun restaurant, Qingfeng Bun, in Beijing and lined up with the ordinary people to buy buns. He bought 4 buns with a plate of small dishes and sat down to eat with the other people. When the news was reported, it caused a national sensation and the party leaders and presidents lined up with the crowd to buy and eat lunch, although there were 12

many plainclothes guards around to protect him. Xi Jinping was so pro-people. The bun restaurant became a red-hot spot and not only Beijing citizens scrambled to buy buns but also the people from other cities queued up to taste the buns. In less than two years, the Qingfeng Bun restaurant had expanded and opened up 300 stores in Beijing and other cities. Someone also made up a song online: “pro-people love people Xi DaDa”. The personal worship to Xi started from his purchase of buns and the effect of propaganda was surprisingly good. Then some Xi worshipers made up the song “Marry Xi if You Want to Marry” and renamed the song “The East is Red” in praise of Mao as “The East is Red Again”, with the old song filled with new lyrics and changed the song “People's Great Savior” in the praise of Mao to “People's Great Blessing” in the praise of Xi. At the National People's Congress(NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) in Beijing in 2016, each Tibetan delegate had a Xi Jinping medallion wearing on their clothes, just like people wore the Mao Zedong medallion during the Cultural Revolution. Each delegate offered khata to Xi the Great, just like Tibetans offered khata to Chairman Mao back then. This delighted Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping also compared “Liangjiahe” in Shaanxi Province, where he was lived and worked as an intellectual youth for a few years, to Mao's “Shaoshan Village”, the birthplace of Mao. Xi Jinping promoted the new campaign of personal worship like Mao Zedong back then, his personal worship campaign caused a backlash of disgust in public opinion. The famous outspoken real estate developer Ren Zhiqiang, he has a nickname of Ren Cannon, opened fire in the network, opposing Xi Jinping's cult of new personal worship. He was banned by Xi Jinping, deleting his online name to fight him down. Ren Cannon had been banned to speak on internet for several years afterwards. However, he continued to criticized Xi in other channels against cult of personal worship. Xi Jinping could not stand him anymore. He 13

ultimately arrested him in the name of anti-corruption and sent him to prison. He was sentenced 18 years’ jail time because he criticized Xi Jinping. In 2016, Xi Jinping made a big fanfare and personally led a team to inspect the three major medias in Beijing (CCTV, Xinhua News Agency and People's Daily). Xinhua News Agency posted a big slogan “We are ready to listen to your order”. Xi Jinping wants the party medias to belong to the party, in fact, “the party medias belong to Xi”, Xinhua News Agency dedicated a day to open a front-page column “study Xi in progress”. If there are no new instructions or activities today, they will repeat yesterday's headlines, and if there are no new Xi activities on the third day, the headlines of the previous two days will be published. Such propaganda of Xi’s personal worship is more than that of the Cultural Revolution party newspaper headlines. At that time, only a Mao quotation had to be published on the front page on Party’s newspapers. Xi Jinping took advantage of anti-corruption to grab and keep his power. Anti-corruption threatened the Grand Patriarch Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong. In March 2015 Jiang Zemin camp plotted a coup using Hong Kong media’s rumors of deposing Xi Jinping. Zeng Qinghong had planned to take advantage of Xi Jinping's foreign visits, adopting the model to remove Hu Yaobang. In the Chinese Communist Party Politburo meeting, the government's decided to remove Xi Jinping from office in accordance with the party's internal procedures, with Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao presiding over the meeting of the Politburo. The meeting planned to be held while Xi Jinping was visiting Pakistan and could not return in time. The decision of Jiang and Zeng to hold the “life meeting” on March 23, Pakistan's National Day, had been supported by Li Changchun, Jia Qinglin, Li Lanqing and other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. The coup did not happen because Hu Jintao refused to support. The Hong Kong media analyzed that because Hu Jintao had 14

too deep a grudge against Jiang Zemin, it was difficult to cooperate with him anymore. The first thing that happened was that Hu Jintao did not participate, and some of the original supporters of the Standing Committee to participate in the fall of Xi also backed out. This led to the failure of bringing down Xi Jinping by Jiang and Zeng. The first thing Xi Jinping did when he later on learned of the attempted coup plot was to pay a visit to Hu Jintao to express his “sincere gratitude” for saving him from being stepped down. Xi Jinping's crazy personal worship and crackdown on dissent within the party provoked a fierce resentment within the party. In March 2016, 170 loyal party members wrote an open letter demanding the immediate removal of Xi Jinping. The letter pointed out Xi Jinping’s 5 major mistakes: one, to create a cult of the personal worship; two, to destroy the rule against the law of personal dictatorship; three, to disregard for people's livelihood spilling the country's wealth to the outside country; four, to combat dissidents using the military; five, his corrupt life having affairs. Xi Jinping sent people to kidnap the bookstore owner in Hong Kong because he had published a book about Xi’s affairs. The open letter ended with a request to elect the general secretary for 80 million party members with each one casting their vote. Xi Jinping's frenzied personal worship and the use of anticorruption crackdown on political opponents to seize power had provoked a strong backlash within the party. Overseas media published a joint letter from a number of top members of Communist Party's central committee, demanding a meeting to deal with Xi Jinping's problems and rumors that the seniors intended to let Standing Committee member Wang Yang take over from Xi Jinping, with Vice Premier Hu Chunhua replacing Xi's over-hyped cultural and propaganda Standing Committee member Wang Huning. The media in Hong Kong continued to report that a number of retired members of the Standing Committee were unhappy with 15

Xi Jinping's use of anti-corruption to crackdown on Politburo members and were disgusted with Xi Jinping's statement that “anti-corruption is always on the way” and that “tigers and flies are beaten together,” saying that he was engaged in a major internal conflict that continued on a large scale. They took the opportunity to appear in public to express their discontent or to conspire with each other to cause panic to Xi Jinping. Some media reported that Jiang Zemin personally visited Hu Jintao in the South China Sea where he was on vacation and visited Li Ruihuan in Tianjin in an attempt to dispel past prejudices and seek cooperation against Xi. Fearing that the patriarchs were colluding to overthrow him, Xi kept rotating their guards, assigning the guards to monitor their activities further provoking the patriarchs' resentment and increasing conflicts. Xi Jinping's grasp of power and sole control of everything is unprecedented in the history of the Communist Party of China. In addition to the three highest titles of General Secretary, State President and Chairman of the Military Commission, he is also the Chairman of the National Security Council, head of the Leading Group for Deep Reform, head of the Leading Group for Military Reform, head of the Central Leading Group for Taiwan Work, Chairman of the Committee for Civil-Military Integration and Development, and the Chairman of the Network Security Committee. The State Council Premier Li Keqiang has been marginalized, the State Council Premier has been put under his leadership of the Central Leading Group of Finance and Economics. The other six Standing Committee of the Politburo have to report to him, the collective leadership is denied and the Standing Committee no longer has the right to vote. If Xi Jinping visits abroad, the Standing Committee is suspended, they don't dare decide anything, they must wait for his return to the country to deal with the board.


4. Anti-corruption Fight Against Dissidents to Capture Power

Jiang Zemin has been in power for 12 years plus the actual control of Hu Jintao for 10 years, practicing indulgence in corruption of military and political officials in exchange for his loyalty and support, resulting in the idea that “all officials are corrupt, no official is corrupt” nationwide. The government has to replace the Xi’s people so it must get rid of a number of heads from the Jiang and Hu eras and establish the power system of President Xi. The people have long hated corrupt officials. They are happy that Xi has uncovered corrupt official tigers. Anticorruption is unstoppable and easy to handle. As the tigers, big and small, were caught and put in jail one by one, the public found out that Xi Jinping was not always really “against corruption” but selectively against corruption, looking for dissident officials, party officials who did not agree with him and senior officers who do not fit his taste and were not loyal to him. He focuses on politics... In fact, this is a “political anti-corruption” campaign. When Xi Jinping proposed that “anti-corruption is always on the road”, the national masses generally demanded a shift to “institutional anti-corruption” legislation to establish a system to prosecute and punish corruption in accordance with the law rather than just continue hastily by discipline committee members. Xi Jinping ordered the Discipline Inspection Commission to arrest people without the evidence at hand to investigate. They were first arrested, then tried and later on investigated. After trial and investigation, corruption information easily came out. The court was not needed anymore. The court has also been following the party's and President Xi’s instructions on how many years or life imprisonment or death penalty to be imposed. The court just does the paperwork for the sentence. The court also gives the corrupt 17

officials the right to “appeal”, however, sentenced corrupt officials understand that “appeal” is only a formality. If they appeal, the results are the same: “The original sentence is upheld”. So the condemned also learned a good lesson: “fully accept, no appeal”, only hoped for leniency: not to pursue family members, not to implicate relatives, and to accept their own unconditional prison sentence. The nation's people are clamoring for the normalization and institutionalization of the fight against corruption and its normal handling through the prosecutors and courts. But Xi Jinping wants to keep the anti-corruption power in his hands forever and not to let it go. The discipline inspection committee is his tool, his hand, he wants the discipline inspection committee to arrest whoever they want. The masses ask the government every year, like other countries in the world, to establish a system for officials to announce their assets. Xi Jinping delays it year after year, as usual. He has ignored the requests. This is because he knows that the masses will follow the trail to the root of the problem, hiding cannot last long. Not surprisingly, Xi's own family fortune, which according to Bloomberg Finance information was $420 million in 2012, will have grown to more than $1 billion by 2021. Would all the uncovered “big tigers” be dwarfed? How can such a super tiger be announced in front of the whole nation? Xi Jinping's “anti-corruption” campaign targets senior officials from different factions who hinder his grasp of power. Ling Plan, the director of the Central General Office under Hu Jintao, was familiar with party secrets and the power system. Xi Jinping sees him as a major threat in grabbing power from his hands. Xi, therefore, caught him for trial. So he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Xu Caihou was a general who was cultivated by Jiang Zemin to take charge of the personnel and organizational power of the military commission. Xi Jinping could not manipulate him as he wished and so was eager to get rid of him. Xu Caihou was isolated 18

for bribery and corruption, expelled from the Party, imprisoned for introspection and charged with “conspiring with Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai in a coup against Xi”. In 2015, he died in prison. The next position Xi Jinping was looking to fill was that of Guo Boxiong. He was the vice chairman of the military commission. After the removal of Xu Caihou, Xi started to catch Guo Boxiong. In 2015, Guo Boxiong was under incarceration review for the crime of bribery but no data of how many millions of bribes was released. In 2016, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Guo Boxiong was born in 1942 and is still in prison. Sun Zhengcai was the secretary of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, the “King of Southwest China” after Bo Xilai, born in 1963, young and promising, regarded as a candidate for the Standing Committee of the 19th National Congress, or even called the ideal candidate to replace Xi Jinping. He was not the second generation of the red generation, belonged to the group faction and was regarded by Xi Jinping as a major problem in his heart. In 2017, Xi took advantage of his meeting in Beijing, detained and imprisoned him. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2018 for taking 170 million yuan in bribes, accusing him of conspiring to seize the top leadership. Li Yuanchao was formerly the Central Organization Minister and was widely regarded as a confirmed member of the Standing Committee at the 18th National Congress in 2012, but was suppressed by Jiang Zemin and replaced by someone of Jiang's choice. Li Yuanchao only continued to be a member of the Politburo because he did not belong to Xi Jinping's faction. After the 18th Congress, he was removed from the post of Organization Minister and in 2013, he was given the title of “State Vice President'', a powerless position, until 2018 when he retired without a word on the grounds that he had reached the right age. Liu Shaoqi's son, Liu Yuan, is in charge of logistics in the 19

Military Commission, and is considered the best candidate for Vice Chairman of the Military Commission, but he does not belong to Xi Jinping's faction. Xi Jinping supported Mao's restoration of the Cultural Revolution; Liu Yuan also went along with the MaoLiu feud. However, Xi Jinping still does not trust him. Because Xi cannot catch any corruption evidence of Liu, he has transferred him out of the Military Commission to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Finance Panel, so that he can serve as a virtual title without real power in an idle position. Communist dictatorship and corruption have become a fixed malignant “unspoken rule, no official can take bribes, but collective bribery has become a fixed system, the top and bottom are not taken seriously. In the Hu Jintao era, the Audit Office also announced every year that it had found tens of billions of yuan in typical small treasuries of a certain ministry. The so-called small treasuries are bribes received or collective corruption and are scraped from land finance, which has not yet been distributed according to the size of the official position. In Xi Jinping’s era, the audit information obtained by the Audit Office will not be published but only be used as a tool for Xi Jinping to arrest people, to crackdown on dissidents at any time. Xi Jinping has been fighting corruption for several years, catching tigers and flies, and catching hundreds of thousands or even millions of corrupt officials. There is no exact figure but even if they are a million or several million, they account for only less than 5% of the total tens of millions of Chinese Party and political officials. According to mainland research institutions, the exposure rate of corrupt officials is 4%. That means 95% of corrupt officials are safe as long as they do not offend His Majesty and they can continue to do their jobs in peace. The American leftist Li Dunbai--Sidney Rittenberg, who was deceived by the Maoist Communist Party and worked for Mao, returned to the United States after 16 years of unjust imprisonment. He used his fame in the Cultural Revolution where 20

he was the head of the foreigners' rebellion corps and no one knew about him and so he opened a consulting service in Seattle under his name. He was able to lead the way for American businessmen to invest in China and bring them to find connections, and with his reputation, it was easy for him to get through the official circles. Foreigners are also familiar with the unspoken rules of the CCP officialdom, where bribes have to be prepared equal to 3-5% of the investment. Generally, they have to follow this unspoken rule to make it work. Large companies have large bribery rules; small companies have small company requirements. A Hong Kong business owner has confessed that he opened a 500-worker lighting factory in Dongguan and every year on the occasion of three major holidays: The Chinese New Year, May Day, the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day, he offered money to several top government management departments: police, customs, taxation, health bureau, village and town governments. Each time he sent 30,000 yuan in red packets to each of his 5 top bosses. This is true for a small factory and can be inferred for a large factory on a proportional basis. If you want to settle the case in court, you have to pay a bribe, which is roughly 10% of the amount of the lawsuit. A large hotel in Qinghai was forced into bankruptcy because of the construction of the highway through the hotel. The hotel owed the bank a construction loan of $20 million with interest for many years. The lawsuit went to court. The court ordered him to pay $20 million. He had no money to pay. The court told him to give 10%, or 2 million yuan as a bribe and the case would be closed. The construction of the highway made him bankrupt. But paying 2 million to eliminate the case is really wrong. So he fled abroad. If the Xi Communist Party wants to rectify, it would be very easy. That doesn’t matter if the targets are large companies or small business owners. When Jack Ma privately disagreed with the central government and was disrespectful to Xi the Great, the Xi 21

Communist Party announced that he would be fined 18 billion yuan for having counterfeit goods in Alibaba's online stores. He is in the country and has no choice but to admit the penalty.

5. Restoration of the Cultural Revolution and the Maoism

Xi Jinping opposes Deng Xiaoping's conclusion that the Cultural Revolution was a catastrophe and proposes that “the 30 years before and after cannot be negated”. In other words, Xi Jinping wants to affirm Mao Zedong's era in general so that there is “no demonization of the Cultural Revolution itself” and no total negation of the Cultural Revolution. Xi Jinping called the disaster of the Cultural Revolution “a difficult exploration”, “a mistake in the exploration”. Xi understates the catastrophe of the Cultural Revolution. He not only banned the book exposing the disaster of the Cultural Revolution but also directed not to touch the matter of persecution and injustice of the Cultural Revolution. He directed not to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution. Xi Jinping instructed all media to be “surnamed Party” and wanted promotion of “positive energy” only for future generations. The debate over whether the media should be “surnamed Party” or “surnamed People” has been going on for a long time. In recent years, some people have rehashed the inscription of former Premier Zhu Rongji's October 7, 1998 visit to CCTV: “Supervision of the public, the mouthpiece of the masses, the mirror of the government, the pacesetter of reform.” At that time, someone reminded Zhu Rongji: did you write: “the mouthpiece of the 22

masses” as a mistake of “the mouthpiece of the Party”? Zhu Rongji replied seriously: “It is not a slip of the tongue”. He also said: he thought about it the night before. This caused his blood pressure to go up. This shows Zhu Rongji's prudence. A difference in words, a huge difference. In fact, Xi Jinping not only wants the media to be surnamed Party but also to be surnamed Xi. Although he is not at liberty to say so publicly, the three major media in the central government have already understood it. If you open Xinhua Newspaper, you will see the front page headlines every day, which must be the reports of Xi Jinping's activities and instructions with his large photos. If there is no new news about Xi Jinping's activities on the second day, the front-page headlines will still repeat Xi Jinping's activities of yesterday. If there is a lack of President Xi's appearance, the public will guess that there may be an accident. People also notice that the front page of Xinhua has a daily column in the upper right corner: “study” “review” “in progress”, which is dedicated to report the activities and instructions of the leader continuously every day, even more powerful than the propaganda of Mao during the Cultural Revolution when only one Mao’s quotation was published in the upper right corner of the People's Daily every day. In the Xinhua website, there is also a continuous column of “Talking” about Xi, continuously promoting Xi Jinping's activities and stories. All of these are concrete manifestations of the “party media surnamed Xi”. CCTV, Xinhua, and People's Daily have become tools to promote Xi's personal will. Xi Jinping has also continued to publish books, compiling his speeches, instructions and various statements into annual collections: “Theoretical Confidence”, “Communist Ideals”, “Community of Human Destiny”, and “Great Power Governance Model”. He constructs his system of “Xi Jinping Thought” as the “Mao Zedong Thought” developed in the new era. These books are available on Amazon.com in mainland China. Ratings and reviews are an important part of Amazon's e23

commerce and are the main way to attract shoppers. On Amazon's Chinese website, Xi Jinping on Governance, published by the Chinese government, does not have any online user ratings and reviews because the function is disabled for Xi's books. The reason is that the book was originally reviewed too poorly. The Chinese government, upset by negative reader reviews and unable to tolerate ratings below 5 stars, demanded that ratings and reviews be banned. About two years ago, Amazon, in an effort to curry favor with the Beijing government and in cooperation with official Chinese propaganda agencies, banned reviews or ratings of Xi Jinping's speeches and text selections on Amazon's Chinese website. Bo Xilai “sang red and fought black” in Chongqing, creating a “red ocean”. Xi Jinping also opened a red song conference in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, singing red songs. There were 300 people on stage dancing the “Loyalty Word”, singing the song “Sailing in the Sea by the Helmsman”, praising leader Mao, restoring the atmosphere of the Cultural Revolution. Xi Jinping approved a 30-meter-high unprecedented huge statue of Mao, using 8,000 tons of granite in Changsha. We can see more ambition than the Cultural Revolution era. A huge portrait of Xi Jinping appeared in many city’s squares, several times larger than the Mao portrait of the Cultural Revolution overshadowing the huge Deng Xiaoping portrait in Shenzhen. Now that Bo Xilai is down and in jail, people say that Xi is implementing the “Bo Xilai’s route without Bo Xilai”. His so-called “Chinese dream” is actually his “imperial dream”; what Mao Zedong did not achieve, he wants to achieve and surpass. His “community of human destiny” is a replica of Mao's “liberation of all mankind”. Xi the Great wants himself to take control and wants the countries of the world to be included in his “community”. Xi Jinping is an empty straw man, uneducated and unskilled and wants to be an emperor in his life but has no real name and no skills. His 8 books on “Xi Jinping's thought” are all the works of


his imperial talents. Zeng Guofan has said, “Those who enjoy great fame without merits will have a strange disaster.” Xi Jinping has been stealing the supreme power of the party and the state. He has been tossing around lawlessness for eight or nine years and people have been angry with him. The calls of rebellion have continued and he has been nearing his ending day - 2022 will be his last year perhaps.

6. South China Sea Hegemony and Rivalry

The ownership of the reefs islands in the South China Sea have historically been disputed by China and neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines but this has not affected navigation and peace. Deng Xiaoping proposed “setting aside disputes and joint development” and this policy continued under Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. In 2012, Xi Jinping quickly extended his fist and changed Deng Xiaoping's policy of “setting aside disputes and joint development”. He brutally proposed that “the South China Sea is my lifeline”, “core interests”, and “where sovereignty lies”. In spite of the reactions of the neighboring countries, they have militarized and occupied the South China Sea, built artificial islands, airports, naval ports and missile bases on these artificial islands. This threatened the safety of the free shipping lanes in the South China Sea and caused strong reactions from the neighboring countries, such as Vietnam, Malaya and the Philippines. In July 2016, the five arbitrators of the international arbitration tribunal unanimously ruled that China did not have the historical rights he claimed, after the Philippines filed the South China Sea Arbitration case in 2013 accusing China of violating the 25

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The arbitration also found that China's land reclamation had caused irreparable damage to the environment and demanded China to stop its activities in the South China Sea but the Chinese government refused to accept the arbitration. Xi Jinping is spending tens of billions of dollars to build a military base in the South China Sea in order to control the international shipping lane connecting the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, the southernmost point of the South China Sea where this shipping lane must pass. Xi Jinping built a military base there in an attempt to control the maritime lifeline of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, who have a large number of merchant ships passing through this essential shipping lane every day. This very important international shipping lane has been patrolled by the U.S. Navy since the 1940s to prevent pirate infestation and attacks. Xi Jinping is ambitious to choke the throat of this lifeline and has spent $50 to $100 billion or even more. In the light of Xi's frenzied military expansion in the South China Sea which has begun to threaten the safety of international shipping lanes, the United States has announced its Asia-Pacific strategy in 2015 opposing the CCP's militarized actions in the South China Sea; and the U.S. Navy has stepped up its cruises near the Freedom Passage, not recognizing the CCP's claimed rights in the sea. But Xi Jinping insists on his military actions in the South China Sea to unilaterally push the U.S. out of the South China Sea. He has called out publicly that “the Pacific Ocean is big enough to accommodate both China and the U.S.”. He wants to bifurcate the Pacific Ocean, with the East Pacific dominated by the CCP and the U.S. squeezed out to the West Pacific. The Chinese Communist Party has built military bases on artificial islands in the South China Sea threatening the safety of shipping lanes and threatening all countries. There are constant rumors that the U.S. is going to open up and destroy those military facilities of the Chinese Communist Party. On June 1, 2018, 26

Kenneth McKenzie, head of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff was asked by reporters, “If the U.S. is going to destroy (Blow apart) the Chinese Communist Party in the South China Sea, how much combat power does the United States have?” He answered: “I can only tell you that the U.S. military is experienced in capturing small islands in the Pacific.” This shows that the U.S. military does not deny that it is ready to carry out the task of destroying those man-made islands. On July 13, 2020, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that the Chinese Communist Party's claim to security in the South China Sea is illegitimate and has denied the unjustified claim that the South China Sea is an internal sea. On August 26, 2020, the United States blacklisted 24 Chinese companies and imposed visa restrictions on some of the companies' personnel for their involvement in military construction operations such as building artificial islands in the South China Sea. On March 16, 2021, the United States and Japan issued a joint statement reiterating their opposition to the CCP's illegal maritime activities in the South China Sea and reaffirming that the 2016 international arbitration ruling is final and legally binding on the parties. On April 17, 2021, following the U.S.-Japan summit meeting, the U.S. and Japan issued a joint statement reiterating their strong opposition to the CCP's illegal claims in violation of international law and that the U.S. and Japan support and guarantee freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea. Until today, the U.S. military has not taken action to destroy or cripple the military facilities on the CCP's man-made islands. However, U.S. ships still enter the 12-mile maritime zone claimed by the Chinese Communist Party from time to time, not recognizing the Chinese Communist Party's maritime rights. The Chinese Communist Party is helpless in the face of the powerful 27

U.S. Navy. The only way to keep up appearances is to issue official warnings and messages about the Chinese Communist Navy trailing surveillance. The standoff between the U.S. and China since 2013 continues in a stalemate. In May 2021, the United Kingdom announced that it would send a fleet of newly launched aircraft carriers to the Far East for a cruise to cheer the United States against the challenges of the Chinese Communist Party. The United States has joined Japan, Australia and India to confront the Chinese Communist Party and the United Kingdom will join to strengthen its voice. Xi Jinping Pulls Out the Punches to Battle the U.S. In addition to the South China Sea, following the establishment of a naval base in Djibouti, East Africa, in 2017, a secret agreement was signed with Cambodia in 2019 to establish a naval base and military airfield in Cambodia. Combined with military installations in the South China Sea, it forms a triangular peripheral position that encircles the entire Southeast Asia. According to the agreement between the Chinese Communist Party and Cambodia, the Chinese side will build two new docks at the naval base in Yunyang and dig a deeper harbor to facilitate the docking of large Chinese naval vessels. The Chinese side will be allowed to use the base for 30 years, after which the contract will be automatically renewed every 10 years, and the Chinese side can station military personnel, store weapons and berth warships. In addition to the Cambodian naval base in Yunyang, China has been granted a 99-year lease to build a large military airfield at Chissinghai, 60 kilometers away from Yunyang. 2 miles of runways allow long-range bombers and giant transport planes to land and take off and there are several curves for fighter planes to land and take off quickly. From there, direct attacks can be made on targets in Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, etc.


7. One Belt One Road and Aborted Projects

As soon as Xi Jinping came to power in 2013, he was ambitious enough to begin to unleash his “dream of greatness” (under the name “China Dream”) on the international community. He proposed the “One Belt, One Road” unprecedented international leap forward plan. With the wealth and foreign exchange reserves accumulated during the reform and opening up of the Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao eras, Xi has been trying to achieve the ambition of world domination that Mao Zedong failed to achieve. Xi Jinping's transnational economic belt covers China's historical Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road, including the whole of Asia, the Indian Ocean coast, the Mediterranean coast, Africa, South America, and countries in the Atlantic region. In addition to the U.S. and Western countries in Europe, Xi Jinping's ambition is to implement his “international grand strategy” through the Belt and Road, to manipulate countries economically and politically so that he can establish a “community of human destiny” under his control. “This is to separate himself from the U.S. He creates another so-called Chinese model”. As of March 2021, China has signed 200 “Belt and Road” cooperation documents with 141 countries and 31 international organizations. China's investment capital is estimated at more than $500 billion. Most of the “Belt and Road” projects lack economic efficiency and are caught in a “debt trap”. There is no benefit for the Chinese people and there is a lot of resentment in the country for the “big money spreading”. According to statistics, of the 1,674 projects invested in 66 countries, it is obvious that there are troubles and so 234 projects are in bad shape. The whole “Belt and Road” project is recognized as a huge failure in terms of performance from both domestic and international evaluation angles.


In May 2014, anti-Chinese demonstrations in Vietnam protested against China's unilateral oil drilling in the South China Sea. The riot caused the deaths of six Chinese employees and over a hundred were injured. Xi Jinping's Belt and Road madness has caused a sharp rise in the number of conflicts between the locals and the Chinese. Chinese embassies abroad handled 60,000 cases of Chinese requesting protection and assistance in 2014 alone, involving 73,000 Chinese people. In June 2015, overseas reported that China's investment in a casino, hotel and entertainment resort complex in the Atlantic Bahamas had collapsed with the $3.5 billion investment going down the drain. 3,000 employees were hired for these projects and they were just laid off. In May 2016, overseas reported that China had invested $7.5 billion in Venezuela to build 468 kilometers of railroad tracks and that construction had been halted and rotted for years leaving the site in ruins. Sri Lanka's Chinese-invested Hambantota port (Hambantota) has poor economic performance and is not operating as expected. It owes a huge debt to China which cannot be repaid, forcing it to cede its territorial sovereignty, with China acquiring the right to use the port and the surrounding 15,000 acres of land for a 99-year lease. The Chinese Communist Party has always opposed imperialist aggression to establish leases and now it is Xi Jinping's Red Empire's turn to establish leases in foreign countries. Tens of thousands of Sri Lankan protesters demonstrated in the capital city Colombo on Sept. 5, 2018. They opposed the government's participation in China's Belt and Road project. Back in January 2017, already there were anti-Communist demonstrations in Sri Lanka. Djibouti, a small African country, was forced to cede the port of Doraleh due to its inability to repay Chinese loans and the Chinese Communist Party then militarized the civilian port establishing a naval base. China stationed additional warships and 30

military personnel in the port, making it the first overseas military base of Xi Jinping's Red Empire. The Chinese Communist Party signed a $20 billion East China Sea high-speed rail project with Malaysia. In 2019, the new Prime Minister Mahathir re-evaluated the project when he came to power. He intentionally wanted to dismiss the high-speed rail project. China pleaded repeatedly to lower the price to $11 billion before Malaysia reluctantly agreed to keep the project and restart construction. With such a low price, the Chinese side is destined to suffer serious losses. The chairman of China Railway Corporation also admitted that the Moroccan high-speed rail project and the Polish highway project are also huge loss-making projects. Xi Jinping only wants his “red empire” to take root and establish bases in various countries in line with his grand international strategy for which he is willing to lose money. Xi has thus put the economy second to his political ambition. Xi Jinping invested $50 billion in loans in Venezuela. He was on hot terms with his leftist president, Chavez. Chavez was forced out of office amid popular opposition at home, leaving Xi's investment a bad debt and it is not known at all how much he will recover. Xi Jinping has also invested $50 billion in the “ChinaPakistan Corridor,” a plan to build a China-Pakistan railroad through the mountains and no-man's land to open up a direct land route for oil imports from Pakistani ports. The project is unprecedentedly difficult and it is not known whether it can be realized or become a bad deal. The Center for Global Development in Washington, D.C., has published a report in 2018 saying that 23 of the 68 countries participating in China's Belt and Road projects are highly indebted. Another eight countries are at risk of high project debt. January 17, 2019 Another anti-China demonstration happened in Kyrgyzstan where hundreds of demonstrators marched to demand the deportation of Chinese, opposed Chinese debt and thoroughly investigated the collapse of a Chinese31

maintained power plant. Further, in September 2019 Anti-Chinese demonstrations broke out in several places in Kazakhstan against the Belt and Road where demonstrators protested that the Belt and Road had plunged Kazakhstan into a debt crisis. On March 27, 2021, another 300 people held a rally in front of the Kazakh National Academy of Sciences to protest Chinese migration and expansion in Kazakhstan and called on the government to restrict China's rights in Kazakhstan. In April 2020, John Magufuli, the President of Tanzania in Africa, said that Tanzania would withdraw from the Belt and Road, pointing to the former president's agreement with China for the construction of the port, during which Tanzania had no right to have any input into the port, saying that “only a drunk would accept such a clause”. A July 2017 investigation by the Financial Times found that 18 high-speed rail projects worth $143 billion were secured by China, but five, worth $47.5 billion, were later canceled. Xi Jinping also plans to build the 100-kilometer Grand Clarion Canal in Peninsular Malaysia connecting the Indian Ocean to the South China Sea with an investment of $25 billion. He also wants to build a 300-kilometer Grand Canal in Nicaragua, USA, with an investment of $50 billion, which can replace the US-controlled Panama Canal. This is his grand strategy to compete with the United States for supremacy The Belt and Road is Xi Jinping's path to establishing a global empire. He wants to invest to manipulate many countries and export the “China model” of corruption and authoritarian surveillance to achieve his ambition of world domination. Pakistan's Diamo Basha Dam project, which was ready to be built with a cost of $14 billion, was cancelled in 2017 after Pakistan was dissatisfied with the harsh conditions that the dam would be owned by China and 17,000 laborers would be imported from China. Most of the Communist Party's Belt and Road projects are high-speed railroads, highways, ports, airports and other major 32

infrastructure projects, but some countries don't even have many ordinary railroads and so they don't care whether they actually need them or not, and those that are urgently needed for people's livelihoods are left unattended. Chinese laborers are used in most of the construction projects in which the Chinese Communist Party is involved. When Chinese laborers go to foreign countries to work, they are like slave laborers under the Communist dictatorship. Their passports are seized and detained. They have no personal freedom. They work overtime and have no holidays. They are not paid and are isolated from local communities. They are recruited by deception and false promises, are intimidated and threatened. Their labor protection and safety equipment are inadequate with poor living and working conditions. They are not provided with medical treatment for illness and injury. The Chinese government restricts workers' freedom of speech and punishes those who lead protests. Thus, the Chinese workers have no human rights at all. Many of the Belt and Road projects have not only posed huge debt risks for the participating countries but have also put China itself under financial pressure. Several countries deeply involved in Belt and Road projects have accumulated huge debts to China that have exceeded 10% of their GDP. They are under heavy pressure to repay their debts and are forced to accept the political and military demands of the Chinese Communist Party when they are unable to do so. The 417-kilometer high-speed railroad being built in Laos costs $5.6 billion, while Laos' 2015 GDP was only $12.3 billion, making it difficult to pay the debt and in fact Laos does not need the high-speed railway. Meanwhile, China's foreign exchange reserves accumulated over the years have plummeted and China's financial credit has also declined. The domestic public is complaining about Xi Jinping's “spreading money” to the outside world, regardless of domestic poverty and the welfare of the people. The Belt and Road will not benefit the Chinese people in any way but is only Xi Jinping's personal political project, just as the Great Leap Forward was Mao's personal political project 33

and the Three Gorges Dam was Li Peng's personal project. In order to train his Belt and Road agents in Africa, Xi Jinping has given the green light to African students by granting them high scholarships starting from tens of thousands of RMB to 100,000-200,000 RMB a year. Xi Jinping not only provides higher than average standard dormitories for foreign students but also takes care of their lonely personal lives and mobilizes the Communist Youth League to organize Chinese female students to “accompany” them to take care of their personal lives and open the door for them to have promiscuous relationships with men and women. Many foreign students are rich and promoted and they do not do what they want, causing Chinese students to protest against the authorities' policies, such as the expulsion of foreign students from Wuhan University in 2020. In September 2017, Luo Jianbo, a professor of diplomacy at the Central Party School in Beijing, issued another warning: the focus should be on solving domestic problems, not on being a world leader. He pointed out: “domestic problems are piling up and there is a lot of money to be spent, so don't dream of being a ‘savior'”. In 2020, U.S. Vice President Pence described the Belt and Road as a “belt of bondage” (Debt-bound participating countries) and a “road of no return” (rotten, withdrawal).

8. Infiltrate the United States as the Enemy

With great goodwill gesture in June 2013, the United States President Barack Obama carefully invited Xi Jinping, who had just assumed power, to a special meeting at a California estate, 34

together with dinner to chat without ties about goodwill diplomacy hoping that Xi Jinping would cooperate in the interests of both China and the United States for world peace. As a parting gift, Obama also sent Xi Jinping a special expensive California mahogany bench made for two people to sit expressing the hope for China and the United States to sit together and cooperate with each other. The U.S. expressed its greatest concern about cyber security at the California Manor meeting where U.S. networks were often hacked to steal intelligence and trade secrets. In terms of North Korea's nuclear test issue, the United States hoped that China and the United States cooperation would prompt North Korea to abandon its nuclear programs. For the South China Sea security issues, the United States hoped that China would respect the South China Sea international channel’s freedom of navigation, to ensure the safety of the channel and to maintain demilitarization of the South China Sea. In response to the U.S. goodwill request, Xi Jinping has played a trick, superficially responding to it saying yes at the table but doing another thing under the table, making up a new term: the “new type of major power relationship” between China and the United States. This “new type of relationship”, to put it bluntly, is to say one thing and do another. Superficially a false response but in reality is “fighting”. For the time being “fighting but not breaking”. The so-called dialogue is like a chicken talking to a duck. Xi Jinping's ambition was to take over the world when he came to power and the United States is the biggest obstacle to his world domination. After the Manor meeting, Xi Jinping extended his fist to the U.S. as usual, strengthening his professional cyber army not only by conducting cyber espionage, but also by directing the military to enter U.S. corporate websites and steal trade secrets to supply Chinese companies for their benefit. The U.S. prosecuted five Chinese Communist military officers in 2014 after it found 35

concrete evidence. The year 2015 saw the announcement that the U.S. Federal Personnel Office had been hacked by the Chinese Communist Party stealing 21.5 million pieces of civil service data, including 5.6 million fingerprints, an illegal intrusion by the Chinese Communist hackers that caused great concern among the American public. In August 2015, NBC News reported: According to NSA information, the Chinese Communist Party's cyberattack covers all sectors of the United States, the defense industry (Lockheed Martin), the government, large companies such as Google, are the targets of the Chinese Communist Party military, a map with red dots marks 600 victim companies and government units in the past three years including Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami, Detroit and many other cities. The damage caused to the United States by the CCP’s theft of classified information, including data on the latest designs for U.S. military and civilian air traffic control systems, oil and electric vehicles, and drug formulas, was much more serious than the rampant piracy of the past. In September 2015, Xi Jinping took advantage of the 70th anniversary of the victory over Japan to demonstrate his military strength in a parade in Beijing, with the intention of demonstrating to the United States. Before that, Xi sent out five warships to the Americas, passing through 12 miles of U.S. territorial waters in Alaska: it was in fact, a clear demonstration of his intention. Since then the Communist Party of China (CPC) has ignored U.S. appeals and has continued to build islands in the South China Sea, while the third airport at Mischief Reef continues to be built. The U.S. and Chinese military planes made another “dangerous pass” over the Yellow Sea on September 15, 2015, and the Americans were so angry that they decided that the Chinese Communist Party was more vicious than Russia, Iran, North Korea, and LS Islam and was the number one enemy. Xi Jinping said on the surface that there would be no confrontation, no conflict and that he would


manage differences and cooperate for a win-win situation but in fact he was moving toward conflict and confrontation. Out of the 5.5 million Chinese in the United States, experts estimate that 300,000 are communists who have infiltrated or served the Chinese Communist Party over the years. They are located in many Chinese groups and community groups, working as propaganda for the Communist Party, infiltrating academic groups to steal intelligence and bribing international students to use as unification tools. The activities of these communists in the United States have caused serious concern among the Americans. After four months of dedicated investigation, Newsweek published a lengthy investigative report in October 2020 under the cover of Xi's Secret Plan to Subvert America pointing out that the CCP had filtered more than 600 groups in the United States including chambers of commerce, hometown associations, academic groups, societies, and media. It had formed procommunist forces that greatly influenced and even controlled these groups. The Chinese Communist Party's online army had entered the U.S. and set up fake accounts on Facebook and Twitter, posting articles in rudimentary English to glorify the CCP and incite conflict and confrontation in American society. On social media sites they posted messages supporting “Black Lives Matter” and police crackdowns, attempting to reinforce the confrontation between the two sides and incited antagonism. Newsweek found that there were 300 fake accounts of Chinese Communist Party online forces on Twitter and 60 fake accounts on Facebook, using American names which were not real people. The International Cyber Policy Center of the Australian Institute for Strategic Studies (AIS) found that between February and July 2020, these Chinese Communist Party (CCP) online military accounts posted messages that emphasized the racial divisions and social injustices in the United States to deliberately create internal unrest and promoted China as better than the United States. However, because of the poor English, often with Chinese


characters mixed in, grammar and vocabulary use were problematic, difficult to resonate with the Americans and even made people feel annoyed. In Australia, out of the 2240 tweets sent by the Chinese Communist Party's online army, only 2 netizens responded with praise. It is thus clear that the Chinese Communist Party's online army is promoting the political goals of the Chinese Communist Party and denigrating the United States but it is very ineffective due to its poor tactics. In addition to the ineffectiveness of the online army, the CCP has infiltrated the U.S. federal government, state and local governments, as well as companies, university think tanks, social groups, and cultural groups to promote programs that benefit the CCP's political and economic interests and cultivate interpersonal relationships. Newsweek's investigation has found that there are more than 600 pro-communist organizations throughout the United States that have been “united” by the CCP, including 83 hometown associations, 32 chambers of commerce, 38 Taiwan organizations that promote the “peaceful reunification of Taiwan,” 10 “China Assistance Centers,” and 5 “China-U.S. China Assistance Centers.” 5 “China-US Friendship Associations”, 129 procommunist educational and cultural groups, and 13 pro-communist Chinese media. Out of the 70 Chinese professional associations, half are infiltrated by the CCP's “United Front”. There are 265 “Chinese Students and Scholars Associations” at universities across the United States, almost all of which are used as instruments of the CCP's United Front, controlled by education officials at CCP consulates to serve the CCP's political infiltration and propaganda. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has noted that the Chinese Communist Party has secretly infiltrated into the United States, reaching into state governments and interfering in local politics, business and community activities. A Chinese Communist Party think tank has created data on state governors, specifically rating whether they are “friendly” to the CCP.


Since 2008, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has proposed the “Thousand Talents Program” to bring in senior scientific and technological talent, most of whom are Chinese American experts and scholars, in order to gain access to various advanced technologies in the United States. In 2013, Xi Jinping came to power with great ambition and began to implement a plan to replace the U.S. world's hegemon, greatly enhancing the “Thousand Talents Program” by investing heavily and offering salaries three times higher than they got in the U.S. American projects. To publicize the achievements of the Thousand Talents Program, the Chinese Communist Party has allowed the list of participants to be published on the internet where one can see their names, their workplaces in the United States and China and their affiliation with universities or academic institutions. Not all scientists worked in universities, but at least 300 scientists were working in government, and at least 600 scientists were working in the United States. In 2018, the FBI noted the tendency of the Thousand Talents Program to leak and steal U.S. high-tech secrets. The FBI made the Thousand Talents scholars a priority of its investigation, at the airport, repeatedly intercepting several experts and scholars who carried confidential scientific and technical information, in an attempt to leave the country. The FBI arrested and prosecuted several of them. The FBI's actions alarmed the Chinese Communist Party, which in September 2018 ordered a moratorium on publicity and reporting on the Thousand Talents Program, removed the list of Thousand Talents Program from the internet and subsequently changed the name of the program to the Overseas High-Level Talent Introduction Program. The program was then rebranded but continued its ploy to pay off the applicants. In January 2018, Charles Lieber, head of Harvard University's chemistry department and 2 Chinese-American academicians were charged by U.S. justice with stealing U.S. technology for China and passing sensitive information to China.


Lieber, who works at Wuhan University of Technology and is considered a favorite for the Nobel Prize, was charged with felony lying to federal investigators. In 2019 the U.S. Department of Energy ordered a ban on Department personnel from participating in China's talent acquisition program. That same year the U.S. Senate Committee declared that heavy Chinese recruitment posed a threat to U.S. interests. The Department of Justice instructed law enforcement to pay close attention to remove scientists stealing research from U.S. laboratories. In 2018 federal prosecutors indicted Xiaorong You, a researcher working for Coca-Cola in Atlanta, who was accused of transferring $120 million worth of trade secrets, transferring company documents to her cloud computer and taking photos of lab equipment, which earned her a “Thousand Talents Program” bonus, but she refused to plead guilty. Boston University researcher Ye Qing (Yanqing Ye), who was charged in 2018 with working for the Chinese government during her studies and research and concealing her identity as a lieutenant in the People's Liberation Army when she applied for admission, had fled back to China. But defining whether the law was broken was no easy task. The U.S. has a tradition of academic exchange and openness, most universities have lax rules on off-campus employment and income and the government has no rules prohibiting employees from joining the ranks of Chinese talent, said Peter Zeidenberg, a lawyer representing 24 Chinese-American scientists under investigation, adding that “in most cases, prosecutors did not charge technology transfer issues instead, prosecutors focused on the scientists' concealment of funding. The key is that the Chinese Communist Party has been willing to throw money around. Illegal, you say? Not necessarily, you say unethical? Of course, it is. You call it espionage? Hard to define. Would you say illegal? Likely yes.” 40

In 2019, there was more than one accidental fall of a scientist involved in the “Thousand Talents Project” in California. Did someone push him to fall to his death? Or was it an accidental misstep? No follow-up reports came leaving only room for speculation. The Chinese Communist Party has blocked information internally and invested billions of dollars each year in foreign propaganda. In addition to using mainland loudspeakers to broadcast outward, it has been infiltrating and bribing overseas Chinese media, greatly influencing the public opinion of tens of millions of ethnic Chinese overseas. Stanford University's Hoover Institution published a 213page investigative report: “Chinese Influence & American Interests; Promoting Constructive Vigilance”, on 29.11.2018 warning that the Chinese Communist Party is fully infiltrating and manipulating the U.S. government, universities, think tanks, coal ministries, businesses and the diaspora. The report, which took 1.5 years to be completed, was co-authored by 32 scholars in China. The 22-page report on the CCP's control of Chinese language media in the United States found that the CCP had strengthened the English-language bases of state-owned media in the United States, bought out large numbers of once-independent Chinese language media, and infiltrated emerging Chinese language websites and media. The Hoover Report categorizes CCP control of Chinese language media in the United States into three categories: first, expanding the size of CCP state-owned media in the United States, second, controlling newspapers, television or websites through wholly owned or majority ownership, and third, influencing the independence of media outlets through their business interests in mainland China. The China Press is directly controlled by the Chinese Communist government, funded by the Beijing Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and its main editors and managers are appointed by 41

the Chinese Communist Party. The paper is referred to as a “party newspaper” by overseas Chinese. The newspaper also has local editions in the West and some major cities in the United States and is one of the four largest Chinese newspapers in the United States. Founded in Hong Kong, the New York edition of Sing Tao Daily was sold to a pro-communist businessman in the 1990s. The owner of Sing Tao Daily had become a member of the Chinese Communist Party's Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 1998, and his political stance was aligned with Beijing, and Sing Tao Daily had been one of the four major Chinese newspapers in the United States, with a large readership in Hong Kong, Guangdong and China. The World Journal is sponsored by the United Press of Taiwan and its reporting position is relatively independent and objective. However, because the Taiwanese owner wants to develop business in mainland China and has advertising interests involved, the editorial position of the World Journal has changed. It avoids touching the sensitive nerves of the Chinese Communist Party in international reporting and commentary on the U.S.-China relations and Taiwan-Mainland relations. On the surface, it is not very obvious, relatively hidden and not easy for readers to notice. The World Journal is still the number one Chinese language newspaper in the United States. Ming Pao, one of the four major Chinese newspapers in the United States, is popular with immigrants from Hong Kong and Guangdong but is also controlled by Beijing. Ming Pao receives funding from the Chinese Communist Party but is still operating at a loss and has ceased publication. How much money do the major newspapers receive from the Chinese Communist Party? Xu Jiatun (former director of the Chinese Communist Party's Xinhua News Agency in Hong Kong), who fled to the United States at the end of 1989, said that he had directly financed the pro-Communist newspaper Zhong Bao, which was published in Hong Kong and the United States, to the 42

tune of $30 million in the 1980s. The newspaper was completely abandoned by its readers because of its owner's support for the June 4 incident in 1989, when the Chinese Communist Party suppressed the Tiananmen pro-democracy movement, and companies withdrew their advertisements. In addition to the four major Chinese newspapers in the United States, the Chinese Communist Party has not spared any other media in the United States and 90% of the Chinese media in the United States have fallen into its trap because they cannot withstand the financial lure. Literature City, a popular Chinese comprehensive website, was founded by a mainland student in 1997 and after it was handed over to a Chinese American from Taiwan in 2000, the new director went to the mainland to look for investment opportunities, cooperated with the Chinese Communist Party's domestic media, found more advertisers at home and abroad, and developed mainland readers. In 2011, Lin Wen, CEO of Literary City, said publicly that most of Literary City's news reports were written by the China News Service and most of the articles came from the official media in China. There are rumors that Literary City received a US$1 million subsidy from the CCP propaganda department. “For many years, Dovetail was an independent Chinese language media outlet in the United States but in 2009 it was acquired by a Hong Kong businessman who had substantial business interests in mainland China. The businessman also founded the Center for U.S.-China Relations at Tsinghua University and wrote his own pro-communist articles on the South China Sea and Dovetail is now based in Beijing. The backchina.com, the fifth-ranked Chinese website in the U.S., was once an independent media outlet like Dovetail but in 2017 it too fell into the arms of the Chinese Communist Party and after the organizers attended the 9th World Chinese Media Forum organized by the China News Service and received funding from


the CCP, Backchina's China coverage became increasingly positive. CNA is the overseas center of the CCP's foreign propaganda and its president is a senior CCP official. Every two years, the CCP organizes the World Chinese Media Forum in China, holds advanced training courses for overseas Chinese media, invites hundreds of overseas Chinese media directors and editors, and journalists to visit China and covers the key construction models of the “Belt and Road”, and serves as a sounding board for the CCP's global strategy. The CCP has done a lot of unification work for overseas Chinese media, making Chinese media, Chinese schools (including Confucius Institutes) and Chinese associations the “three treasures” of overseas “unification war”. The Hoover Report, after citing the influence of the Chinese Communist Party on the Chinese media in the United States, has pointed out that there are few truly independent Chinese media outlets left in the United States today. The only truly independent Chinese media in the U.S. today are “Da Ji Yuan”, “Look at China”, “Voice of Hope”, “New Tang Dynasty TV” and a few other not-so-large media outlets that are truly independent of the CCP. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has opened 110 Confucius Institutes and 500 Confucius Classrooms in the United States, using Confucius as a signboard, and in the name of learning Chinese, teaching Chinese literature, history, philosophy, and folk culture, stuffing Xi Jinping's global governance, the Community of Human Destiny, the CPC's two-hundred-year strategy, inculcating communist ideology and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Propaganda infiltration and directing international students in universities to participate in political activities, to oppose the visit of Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, to oppose protests against the suppression of Tibet, to prohibit discussion of topics related to criticism of the CCP and to interfere with


academic freedom. The Confucius Institute is essentially a nest of spies for the Chinese Communist Party. The University of Chicago and Penn State University suspended their Confucius Institute cooperation program in 2014 and on August 13, 2020 the U.S. State Department declared Confucius Institutes to be CCP missions abroad and a CCP propaganda apparatus. The CCP has over 400 Confucius Institutes in other countries around the world. France, Canada, and Australia have closed some Confucius Institutes and in Sweden all Confucius Institutes and classes were closed in 2020. Xi Jinping ordered the renaming of the Confucius Institute after countries uncovered its inner intentions. In July 2020, the Chinese Communist Party's Ministry of Education announced that the Confucius Institute had changed its name to the Language Exchange Center but everyone now understands that it is an old wine in a new bottle. No matter what name is used, the substance and mission will remain the same. In January 2011, Hu Jintao intended to re-establish Confucius and approved the casting of a 9-meter-high, 9-ton statue of Confucius to be erected in the east of Tiananmen Square but it was not allowed by Jiang Zemin and after 3 months, the statue was dismantled in the middle of the night and put in a museum. Since Xi Jinping came to power, he visited the hometown of Confucius in Qufu, Shandong Province in 2014 under false pretenses, seemingly advocating Confucius but the giant statue of Confucius has remained in the museum and in the future, even the name of Confucius will not be mentioned.


9. Xi and Kim - A Double Act of Nuclear Fraud Against the U.S.

Xi Jinping came to power in 2013 and decided his grand international strategy to replace the United States as his enemy and dominate the world. North Korea, next to home, was a pawn that must be used and controlled. But North Korea has had its own independence for three generations of dynasties since Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il to Kim Jong Un and has not so easily been controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. Seeing the value of the CCP's use of them, the Kim dynasty has always blackmailed the CCP for free assistance and money. The CCP had to give things if it wanted to pull him in. North Korea is determined to be strong in order to blackmail the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party and there is nothing stronger than a nuclear power. Since 2003, the six-party talks involving China, the U.S., the Soviet Union, Japan, North Korea and South Korea had been held in Beijing every year for six rounds until 2007, nothing had been achieved because North Korea had no intention of abandoning nuclear weapons but only wanted to blackmail the Chinese. In 2006, North Korea announced a successful nuclear test and conducted the first nuclear explosion and in 2009, North Korea announced that it was withdrawing from the six-party meeting, followed by five nuclear explosions in 2009, 2012, 2015, 2016 and 2017, which caused a sensation in the world. Further in 2016, North Korea announced a “perfect test explosion” of a hydrogen bomb, more powerful than the atomic bombs of the past. The U.S. and Russia have agreed to destroy all the hydrogen bombs they had in 2013 which were expensive to 46

maintain and had a short storage life and Britain and France had stopped producing them long ago but only the Chinese Communist Party still has 30 hydrogen bombs. Now little brother Kim is coming up to play rogue blackmail and extortion with hydrogen. But Xi’s attitude is ambiguous. Brother Xi is happy that little brother Kim will use the hydrogen bomb to frighten the United States. Kim will help him to increase the negotiation power against the U.S. Empire but at the same time Xi also is worried that little brother Kim will be out of control. The September 2017 red-headed document sent by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to the Liaison Office states that “North Korea is not only an important military buffer zone against hostile Western forces, but also an important political and strategic position for the socialist countries, which is irreplaceable, and the regime should be safeguarded at all costs.” The Chinese Communist Party wants North Korea to let down the U.S. and add to its troubles. The CCP has been happy to see North Korea conducting frequent missile test launches and nuclear weapons tests. The “support for denuclearization of the North Korean region” is just diplomatic rhetoric. Xi Jinping wants Kim Jong-un to be a strategic pawn, constantly making disruptive moves to create problems for the United State so that Kim will keep America distracted and busy. But also to avoid losing control, he wants to be able to hold on to Kim to compel him to obey. North Korea has always wanted to deal directly with the United States without being controlled by the CCP and be able to blackmail the U.S. Empire directly. When President Trump took office, Kim Jong Un sent a message of invitation to the U.S. through talks with South Korea and on March 8, 2018, Trump announced to South Korean officials at the White House that he had accepted Kim Jong Un's invitation to talks. The government's decision to take a direct approach to the issue was a matter of concern to Xi Jinping. He was worried that 47

he would be marginalized and that the CCP would no longer be at the center causing the CCP to lose its voice. Xi rushed to extend an invitation to Kim Jong-un to Beijing. The two sides discussed how to deal with the U.S. and at the end of March, Kim Jong-un made a successful trip to Beijing, his first visit to China in many years, with the goal of dealing with the U.S. together. On April 14, Xi sent Song Tao, the Communist Party's minister of foreign affairs, to North Korea to meet Kim Jong-un in intensive preparations for the upcoming Trump-Kim meeting. Then on May 3, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Pyongyang for talks with Kim Jong-un, and on May 11, Kim Jongun made a surprise appearance in the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian to meet Xi Jinping making final preparations for the upcoming Trump-Kim meeting in Singapore while talking about what Kim Jong-un wanted from China. On May 24, Trump announced the cancellation of a U.S.North Korea summit scheduled for June 12 after North Korean officials attacked Vice President Mike Pence in a display of “open hostility”. On May 25, North Korea issued a statement that was close to an apology, reiterating its willingness to sit down face-toface with the U.S. to resolve the issue, regardless of any sort of formality. On May 26, South Korean President Moon Jae-in met Kim Jong-un for the second time at Kim Jong-un's suggestion and Kim Jong-un pledged his “firm will” to meet Trump saying he was ready to work on the goal of denuclearization. Only afterwards did Trump loosen his stance and stated that the meeting with Kim Jong-un on the 12th of next month was going well. U.S. experts on international issues pointed out: the CCP, and the Communist Party of North Korea, the two communist countries interacted with each other intensively before the Trump-Kim meeting, stirred up the situation, overplayed their hand, and nearly cancelled the Trump-Kim meeting by Trump, which did not help solve the crisis on the Korean Peninsula. 48

The long-awaited U.S.-North Korea nuclear talks came to a lively close on June 12, 2018. Xi Jinping sent a special plane to Pyongyang to pick up little brother Kim and fly him directly to Singapore. Thousands of journalists from all over the world came from far away. They covered the event intensively, expecting to break the shocking news. But after a day of intensive talks, nothing came of it. The parties were greatly disappointed to learn that Kim Jong-un had no intention at all of abandoning the nuclear program but only wanted to blackmail the U.S. for aid and to give up sanctions. But Trump didn’t give up since he was confident that his personal charm would help him to convince Kim San to give up the nuclear deal and would reach an agreement. They both agreed to the 2nd U.S.-North Korea talks, the location chosen was in Hanoi, Vietnam. Trump wanted Kim to know that Vietnam used to be an enemy of the United States and fighting had caused both the countries apart in the past. But since Vietnam opened its door and economy, we all saw how prosperous Vietnam was then. Trump implied that if North Korea could take the road of Vietnam, it ensured North Korea would also be prosperous. Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un again intensively discussed countermeasures to blackmail the U.S. empire. This time Kim took his special train to Vietnam via China. Xi Jinping ordered the railroad to make special arrangements for Kim. The special train passed through Beijing and Xi Jinping boarded the train to meet Kim. The green train was majestic through the entire Chinese mainland; the people were watching and cursing as Xi Jinping had lost his national character. When the train entered the border of Vietnam, Vietnam called a halt and used a car to pick up Kim to Hanoi instead and didn't allow his green train to enter Hanoi to show its high prestige. On February 27, 2019, 2nd U.S.-North Korea summit in Hanoi, had arranged talks longer than the first. Trump made all the tricks and finally only he, Kim and an interpreter, three people 49

alone, were there to talk. Even for a while the interpreter was told to leave. Kim had studied in Europe and so he understood English. Despite Trump's assurances and coaxing, Kim the Third Fat just used the phased denuclearization delaying tactics to cope up with. Trump understood that he did not intend to abandon the nuclear deal, had no more patience to talk and decided to leave Hanoi early to return home. The talks did not end happily and ended with no results. Everyone was greatly disappointed. It was later rumored that North Korea executed four diplomatic officials and two interpreters were sent to labor camps. Kim Jong-un took it out on subordinate officials for not reaping any fruits of lifting U.S. sanctions. The President of the United States lost his national character and actually consumed himself sitting with a rogue regime that had no diplomatic relations. The USA was cheated by North Korea and its backstage boss the CCP. Meanwhile, North Korea lost nothing. North Korea had attained the long dreamed opportunity of direct negotiations with the United States. This greatly improved its international status hinting that North Korea and the United States were on an equal footing. In May 2019, three months after the Hanoi talks, North Korea launched another long-range ballistic missile demonstration and again in December conducted two ground tests at the missile engine test site, again to show that it had increased its “nuclear deterrent”. The outside world suspects that North Korea is poor and technologically weak and so how can it have the strength to develop nuclear weapons? And there is still room to export nuclear weapons equipment to Iran and Pakistan. The Chinese Communist Party received nuclear weapons aid from the Soviet Union and had scientists who returned from the United States. It took the CCP 10 years to test the atomic bomb successfully. Even though North Korea had some Soviet aid, which was much less than China. In 2019 Chinese domestic internet rumored that a senior official of the Foreign Ministry had told overseas that the CCP had helped


North Korea to get it up, and that North Korea's nuclear weapons and long-range missiles were even shipped from China to be deployed there. The CCP had sent tens of thousands of scientific and technical engineers to do tests with the North Koreans secretly. Whether the rumors are true or not, the rumors will be confirmed only after the fall of both communist regimes. No one ever doubted that the first subway in Pyongyang was not built by North Korea itself. It was only after 40 years that it was revealed that Mao Zedong had promised Kim Il Sung to help build it in 1966, and all the equipment and engineers used were shipped from Beijing. But after its completion, Kim Il-sung announced that it was self-built. The Chinese Communist Party has long been providing oil, food and almost free aid to North Korea. Kim San visited China twice and Xi Jinping gave 500 billion yuan to feed a soldier against the U.S. Even if it was a bottomless pit, Xi the Great decided it was worth it. In June 2019, when Kim junior invited big brother Xi to visit North Korea, 100,000 people in Pyongyang turned out all over the city, singing and dancing along the streets. Kim welcomed Xi the Great for his first visit in unprecedented grandeur, giving Xi unprecedented imperial enjoyment, the most wonderful reward given by Kim.

10. Tyranny and Crisis

Xi Jinping exploits the peasants to maintain his rule. In Ningbo, an acre of land is expropriated from the peasants and the peasants are given 10,000 yuan to sell to the developers for 500,000 yuan and so the government and the developers make a 51

net profit of 490,000 yuan per acre. If 100 million mu, that's 49 trillion, what a resource! The Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Social Sciences did a survey. Migrant workers are paid 10,000 yuan wages but the output of GDP is 25,000, the difference of 15,000 is what? A professor from the Central Party School said, “Is this 15,000 surplus labor? He said yes; it is depriving the peasants.” In 2020, China will receive RMB 8.4 trillion from land sales, accounting for 44% of national revenue (40% in 2019) and 84% of local revenue. All are by violent demolitions and forced relocation acquiring peasant land and ultimately deprive them of their land. Forced evictions are a major tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist government receives a large amount of land revenue from the demolition of houses. Land selling has become a major source of local finance, called “land finance”. “Land finance” accounts for more than 20% of government revenue and a large part of the revenue from land sales is used for the government's “image projects” to show the Communist Party's great, glorious, correct performance with new local construction and to maintain the legitimacy of the regime. Part of the revenue from land sales is transferred to the “small treasury” of each province which is a collective embezzlement to be shared with the local top government officers. A small percentage is embezzled by the departments and personnel who happen to handle it. After the Chinese New Year in 2014, Xi Jinping made a hypocritical visit to Nanluo Pot Alley in Beijing saying that he would respect the legitimate rights and interests of the evicted people and put on a veneer of “good governance” and “love for the people”. But the brutal evictions in 2014 were worse than the evictions of 2013 and the methods were even more brutal. And the scale of demolition was also bigger. According to information released by the Ministry of Land and Resources, the revenue from land sales in 2013 was 4.1 trillion yuan, much higher than the 315 52

million yuan in 2011 and in January 2014, the revenue from land sales in Beijing alone exceeded seven times that of the same period in 2013. The revenue from land sales in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou exceeded 100 billion yuan, continuing to drive the national land sales market higher. The reliance on “land finance” is even deeper in various places. Government-sanctioned and government-led forced and hasty demolitions in various places have caused numerous tragic cases. On March 21, 2014, at 2:00 a.m., one villager was killed and three injured when a tent in Du Jiao Tong Village, Fengtai Street, Pingdu City, Shandong Province, was razed and set on fire. The local government claimed it was a “fire” but it was actually an arson attack by village official Du Qunshan, who gathered Wang Yuefu and others to set the fire. After his release from prison, Wang Yuefu repeatedly threatened and intimidated evicted families, threw firecrackers to create explosions, smashed windows and doors with an axe and harassed and assaulted the villagers. On December 27, 2014, an “AIDS demolition team” consisting of six people living with HIV were formed in Nanyang, Henan Province, by a government-approved developer. The AIDS demolition team threatened residents to “infect you if you don't move out” and set off firecrackers in the middle of the night to scare them. On July 16, 2014, outside the China Youth Daily in Beijing, seven middle-aged men and women by taking poison fell on the ground foaming at the mouth and committed suicide. Seven people from Sihong, Jiangsu Province, who had petitioned for compensation for demolition and relocation in 2013, were forcibly repatriated by the government and put in a black jail. They felt desperate and escaped to Beijing to take medicine to commit suicide. On January 15, 2014, the demolition of the West Street 53

Village in Baoxiang County, Hebei Province caused the Feng Wenji couple to self-immolate in front of the forced demolition construction team. They got seriously burnt and Feng Wenji died on the 23rd and his wife went to the intensive care unit. On November 19, 2014, the owner of a farm in the village of Songxia Town, Changle City, Fujian, poured gasoline on his body before the construction team indulged in the forced demolition. He ignited a fire and rushed towards the construction workers and the village director was held and burnt. On January 7, 2014, Li Dongdong, a villager from Hewan Village in Pizhou, Jiangsu Province, was stabbed to death for stopping the forced illegal occupation of land. Hundreds of villagers stopped the forced construction and clashed with the construction team and another villager, Li Weinan, was stabbed and seriously injured. On October 14, 2014, a fierce clash between villagers and hundreds of demolition-armed construction workers in the rich village of Jinning, Kunming, resulted in six deaths on the construction site, two deaths occurred among villagers, and a total of eight injuries on both sides. On July 28, 2014, a court in Weifang, Shandong Province, sentenced Ding Hanzhong, a 53-year-old villager a death penalty because he had hacked two demolitions workers to death with a sickle in a clash with several demolition workers on Sept. 25, 2013, a tragic case that has been banned by the Chinese Communist Party. The above examples are from the demolition cases recorded in 2014 by a law firm in Beijing that specializes in litigating for demolition families. There are many millions of similar cases of forced demolition, black demolition and blood demolition in China. Many people have been displaced by the brutal demolition and they have nowhere to complain about their grievances. Some 54

of them have petitioned for redressal. The Chinese Communist Party has always shirked its responsibilities towards petitioners and many of those who petitioned in Beijing had no way to seek redressal and were left on the streets. Most of the provinces took the petitioners back to their places of origin and digested them locally, leaving them with no place to live, no means of livelihood and on the streets. On November 5, 2018, hundreds of pneumoconiosis workers went to the Shenzhen government for three days in a row to demand compensation. Early in the morning of August 17, 2018, the government of Nantong, Jiangsu Province, led a 200-strong demolition team to forcibly demolish three residential houses in a storm, two of which were for people like Zhang Wugong with disabilities who was nearly 80 years old and had been hemiplegic for more than 20 years. In the early morning of October 30, 2018, dozens of forced construction teams in Harbin's Songbei District sealed doors and blocked roads to forcibly demolish the residential home of the disabled Zhang Tiehua family. They dumped soil and rocks on Zhang's family to force them to move out. The Harbin visitors who rushed to the scene accused the forced eviction as despicable behavior. They were injured by the construction team who deliberately reversed the car to beat up the Zhang family. On October 28, 2018, 10 old workers from Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province's wollastonite group, representing more than 150 retired homeless households, petitioned in Beijing and at 2:00 a.m. and on the 29th, the Beijing General Security Bureau barged into their residence, violently twisted them into the car, punched and kicked them. Zou Yongzhen, an old man, was beaten up and had several incisors and taken back to Jiangxi. A petitioner from Hebi, Henan province, was escorted to his hometown and his escort stabbed him to death on the way home. Many of the petitioners who were living on the streets of 55

Beijing did not want to be repatriated and had nowhere to spend the night and so they found some cardboard boxes and slept on the streets of Daxing County, forming a “petition village” and surviving by begging. In November 2017 a bizarre fire broke out at midnight in Beijing's Daxing County in the affordable rental house in Jufu Park in which 19 people were pronounced dead officially but actually more than 40 had been burned to death according to popular rumors. After the Daxing fire tragedy, Beijing CCP head Cai Qi quickly deployed the city's major cleanup and remedy operations to demolish illegal buildings. From November 21, the city mobilized a forced relocation team composed of police, urban management, etc., to launch a 40-day investigation and cleanup operations. They cut power and water supply. All the small shops, small workshops, households, etc., which were classified into the scope of relocation and demolition were cleaned up within 3 days. In less than a week, hundreds of thousands of people were displaced from the city's districts and counties. They were dragged out with their bags on the streets in the cold and were left in dismay to find another way to live. Many people suspect that the government authorities were intentionally creating fires. In order to build the gorgeous red capital demanded by Xi Jinping, government authorities organized and premeditated the expulsion of the “lower class outsiders”, the “low-end population” from Beijing by using the pretext of eliminating fire hazards. The displaced nannies, cleaners, vendors and small stores were needed by low- and- middle-income households in Beijing and they were only living on the edge of the city, invisible to foreigners and tourists. Some estimates predict that the government got rid of 3 million people to clean up Beijing. In November 2018, Ding Kehui, a low-end person in Ya'an, Sichuan province, was evicted from Beijing's Daxing County who went to the Daxing government to petition because he suspected 56

that tens of thousands of dollars of items in his rented house would be taken away by the local village committee. The local police station didn't care but arrested and detained him. The government has been forced to demolish many newspaper kiosks in Beijing's urban areas, including the subway entrance and street kiosks. 72 kiosks with business licenses were demolished around August 1, 2014 in Chaoyang District and some kiosk owners had physical confrontations with the demolition police. Many eviction victims and other victims of injustice have sought lawyers to redress their grievances in court. The Xi Jinping government is so displeased with human rights lawyers that it has turned them into enemies and persecuted them in an organized manner. In 2015, the “709 arrests of human rights lawyers” occurred, in which 286 lawyers were arrested in 27 provinces nationwide in the early hours of July 9 by the Public Security Bureau. Wang Yu, a prominent human rights lawyer in Beijing and her husband Bao Longjun (a lawyer) and 16-year-old son Bao Zhuoxuan disappeared one after another at 4 a.m. on July 9, 2015. There were more than 20 police officers surrounding the building where Wang Yu lived under the pretext of arresting him for drug use. Wang Yu was arrested and his whereabouts became unknown. On July 10, 2015, all four members of Beijing Fengrui Law Firm were forcibly taken away by unknown people one after another and their whereabouts became unknown. Many law firms were raided and the Beijing authorities unjustifiably revoked the licenses of many law firms to practice law. Many lawyers were sentenced to 3, 4, 7 and up to 7.5 years in prison on the fabricated charges of “subversion of state power” and this Red Scare has continued to this day and some lawyers are still in prison. 57

The U.S. Department of State issued a statement as recently as July 12, 2015, expressing alarm at the systematic detention by Chinese police authorities of people defending the rights of others in a peaceful manner. The United States strongly urged the Chinese government to respect civil rights and to release all those detained who protected human rights. German Deputy Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel met several dissidents during his November 2016 visit to China. He called on the Chinese government to release detained human rights lawyers. German Chancellor Angela Merkel met 2 detained lawyers during her visit to China in May 2018 and accepted a letter from the wife of one of the lawyers. The British Embassy in Beijing stated on July 17, 2015 that the British government fully supported the EU's statement on the recent human rights developments in China. August 8, 2016, the British Embassy issued a statement on the EU's response to charges of subversion of state power against lawyers in major countries. On August 8, 2016, the British Embassy issued a statement on the EU Statement on Lawyers Charged with Subversion of State Power, expressing strong support for the Chinese lawyers. The CCP persecutes religion and claims to be “atheistic”. The CCP only recognizes Marx as God, and they want to see Marx when die. Later Mao Zedong (Red Sun) was added. The CCP sees Mao God as the Sun God. The CCP cannot ban all folk faiths so they allow several major religions to exist from the surface. But all religions have to wear a big hat on their heads “Patriotism”. The CCP does not distinguish between party and state, “patriotism” is love of the Party, love of the Party used to be love of Mao Zedong and now add love of Xi Jinping. The Communist Party wants to control everything and is in charge of everything. The CCP controls religion. Religion is under the control of the United Front Work Department. Christianity believes in God and the United Front Work Department adds “Party” (Xi Jinping) to 58

God. If the church is not patriotic to the CCP, it is not legal, and one can only hold worship and preaching activities in secret. The Chinese Communist Party has been cracking down on Christians, Catholics and Muslims (Muslims) who do not love the Party and disobey the leadership of the United Front Work Department. The CCP tore down crosses erected by Christians and Catholics harassing religious activities of the faithful, arresting church pastors and restricting the free activities of the faithful. On April 2, 2020, Zhao Huaguo, the pastor of the Burt's Family Church in Cili County, Hunan Province, was arrested on the false charges of “inciting subversion of the government. Twenty-two Christians were detained at the Maoming City Detention Center in Guangdong Province in October 2018. Guangzhou rights lawyer Fan Biaowen was granted access to meet them at Maoming City Detention Center No. 1 only a month later but the meeting was too short to get more details. In October 2018, Fujian Christian Church was continuously harassed and suppressed by the government. Water and electricity were cut off for 10 days and city police were continuously sent to storm the church to threaten believers. The church leader was forcibly taken to the police station for interrogation while he was hospitalized for heart disease. On November 4, 2018, when 700 members of the Evangelical Church of Chengdu met for worship, undercover police showed up to monitor them. On the 5th, a group of seven people from the Communist Party's Religious Bureau, State Security and the community came to the home of evangelist Jiang Tian and tried to force him to sign documents from the religious department which Jiang Tian steadfastly refused. He also asked for audio and video recordings of the meeting but was also refused. A believer was fired from his workplace for believing in Christ. In September 2018, Pastor Zhang Ganghua of Changsha Mars Church signed a statement of support for the Christian faith. Mars 59

Church was then subjected to a series of government harassment. In October the church door sign was smashed, the authorities sent someone to the door and questioned Pastor Zhang Ganghua for 4 hours. The church door lock was broken. On November 11, the Religious Affairs Bureau officials came to the door claiming to ban the church; the police brutally and forcibly took away 3 believers and injured 1 person. The church called the police several times but the case was not accepted. On November 25, 2018, a Christian house church in Zhengzhou University City was stormed by more than 10 religious bureau officials. There were only 10 or so believers there that day before it was finally banned and seized. It is estimated that there are currently 100 million believers in God scattered throughout mainland China; most of them are church house members who are not tolerated by the Chinese Communist authorities. They continue to meet and practice their religion despite constant harassment and persecution. The CCP's greatest success with religion has been the privatization and commercialization of Buddhism. The Buddhist monks at the top of Buddhist temples have mostly accepted the Communist Party's religious administration. The CCP's Religious Affairs Bureau allows and encourages wealthy businessmen to conspire with monks and abbots to invest in Buddhist monasteries from which religious officials also receive benefits. Senior monks and abbots can become millionaires, have girlfriends and get married. Religious officials ask monks and nuns to pledge their allegiance to the CCP. The Buddhist monks and nuns can dance in disco and the “loyalty dance”. The CCP has corrupted the senior members of Buddhist temples who are wearing Buddhist clothes, while the majority of lower-level Buddhists still adhere to their Buddhist beliefs. The Chinese Communist Party's persecution of prodemocracy activists has had a major impact on the international community, as it did on Liu Xiaobo, who won the Nobel Peace 60

Prize and died in prison of a terminal illness. Liu Xiaobo was a doctoral lecturer at Beijing Normal University, a writer, and a social activist who led the drafting of Charter 08 in 2008 and was arrested and imprisoned in 2009. Since Xi Jinping came to power in 2013, Liu Xiaobo's liver cancer had been worsening in prison and the Xi regime had denied his medical parole since June 2017. It was only when he was about to die in prison that he was granted medical parole under false pretenses. Liu Xiaobo died a month after entering Shenyang Hospital at the age of 61. His body was then cremated and his ashes scattered in the sea. His peace prize was never received. Another typical example of the CCP's persecution of prodemocracy activists is the long-term persecution of Qin Yongmin, a pro-democracy activist of worker origin. Qin Yongmin was a Wuhan worker who insisted in the late 1970s that people should have the basic human rights of expression, publication, association, etc. He had been summoned, monitored, and detained by the CCP regime for years. From the 1970s to 2012, he was arrested and detained 39 times in 43 years and spent 23 years in prison, making him the longest-standing political prisoner in China since the Deng Xiaoping era. Since Xi Jinping took power in 2013, the persecution of Qin Yongmin was intensified and in January 2015 he was placed in administrative detention at Wuhan Detention Center No. 2 for “giving too many interviews to foreign media and writing too many articles,” and his wife Zhao Suli was subsequently detained and was made to disappear. In June 2016, Qin Yongmin was indicted by the Wuhan Procuratorate for “allegedly inciting subversion of state power”. According to the indictment, “Qin Yongmin has organized and planned a series of subversive activities to achieve his political goals of pluralistic democracy, writing articles and publishing books and proposing reconciliation, human rights supremacy, benign interaction and peaceful transformation for all people”. 61

On July 11, 2018, the 3.5-year prosecution of Qin Yongmin was extended by the Wuhan Intermediate Court to 13 years in prison for subversion of state power, without giving a detailed account of the case and the reasons for the verdict. Qin Yongmin was born in 1953 and sentenced to another 13 years which meant he would stay in prison until he was 78 years old. Thus he had no chance of coming out alive. After his release from prison in 2010, Qin Yongmin was invited to visit abroad several times but he said he wanted to stick to the front line of human rights activities and would never go abroad until China was democratized. While in prison before 2010, the deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Prison also approached him about going abroad but he refused to agree to the authorities' conditions and refused to go abroad. In response to Qin Yongmin's resentencing to another 13 years, the EU and Amnesty International both issued condemnations. The EU's July 11, 2018 statement stated: “the situation of civil rights in China has deteriorated and a number of Chinese human rights defenders are being convicted and imprisoned.” Xi Jinping's comprehensive and thorough crackdown on speech that does not heed Xi's words has led to the suspension of the publication of “Yanhuang Chunqiu,” which was supported by a group of the CCP patriarchs, including military generals, in July 2016. Founded by 92-year-old veteran Du Guozheng, “Yanhuang Chunqiu” has a history of 25 years and has published a large number of reflections on the historical mistakes of the CCP, which are very popular among all walks of life. But Xi Jinping only allows the publication of “positive energy” that he approves of, not the articles reflecting on historical mistakes. The article is not allowed to be published. The “Yanhuang Spring and Autumn” could not survive even with Xi Zhongxun's “well done” inscription in the past. On the one hand, Xi Jinping has intensified his tyranny, 62

forcibly demolished and relocated millions of people and a large number of peasants have been unable to survive and have petitioned and repeatedly been mercilessly persecuted, while on the other hand, he has hypocritically implemented his “poverty alleviation and poverty eradication” plan and implemented “fake poverty eradication” throughout the country. In March 2021, he also held a celebratory conference in Beijing to announce that “China has successfully eradicated poverty”, “China has won the battle against poverty”, “created a miracle on earth” and “created a Chinese sample for global poverty eradication”. Xi Jinping has announced 98.99 million rural poor people are all out of poverty; 832 poor counties are all off the cap of poverty; 12.8 poor villages are all off the poverty line. Ironically, in May 2020, Premier Li Keqiang has said that China has 600 million low- and middle-income people, whose average income is less than 1,000 yuan per month, and that the 90 million people Xi Jinping has said are poor, are actually not out of line with the UN's absolute poverty line of $1.90 per day. The Sichuan provincial government just announced in 2020 that the urban and rural low income guarantee standard in Peng'an County was RMB 590 per person per month for towns and RMB 390 for farmers. In reality till today a large number of poor farmers only earn 200-300 RMB per month. Xi Jinping's regime has to support 80 million oversized officials and heavy military expenses plus heavy stability maintenance expenses. The top and bottom and widespread corruption, swallowing the fruits of the people's work, domestic ostentation to engage in cosmetic projects, image projects, foreign big-spending, a bottomless pit, generally low wages and high taxes, is the main reason for the poverty of the people. Although China has become the 2nd largest economy, the proportion of poor people is still quite large. In 2019, the Economist Lang Xianping made statistics: add up the wages of all people in the country, except for the total economic GDP of a country, Europe is the 63

highest, is 55%, South America 38%, Southeast Asia Philippines Thailand, etc. 28%, the Middle East Iran, etc. 25%, African countries 20% or less, China 8%. This shows how deeply the Xi regime has deprived the people. How can it not cause massive poverty? The collusion between Xi Jinping's regime and the black and evil forces in society has created a black deterioration at the grassroots level in the violent demolition and relocation, which has also triggered violent resistance from some people and deepened the social crisis. As early as 2015, an open letter signed by a group of staunch Communists was circulated in China demanding that the central government should remove Xi Jinping as general secretary, which set off an anti-Xi undercurrent. The open letter pointed out five major mistakes of Xi Jinping, including his cult of individual worship, abolishing collective leadership, brutally suppressing human rights lawyers and making enemies abroad. Hong Kong business owner Li Ka-shing, who was sensitive to Xi Jinping's change of face since he took power, began to deploy investment withdrawal from the mainland in 2015. This has caused the party media “Global Times” to crusade against “Li Ka-shing ran away”. In response to Xi Jinping's retrograde and evil policies, many CCP officials are demoralized and negligent and there is a rising trend of official suicides. In 2016, Zhu Tiezhi, deputy editor-inchief of the official journal of the CCP Central Committee's “Quyi”, hanged himself. Under Xi Jinping's perverse administration, the morality of mainland society has deteriorated, having a large number of fake goods, drugs, tobacco and alcohol, education, contracts, news, achievements, false claims and other “conscienceless” corruption. We thus see a deepening social crisis. Xi Jinping is unpopular. He did not dare to face the local people every time he went out. The male and female police officers pretended to be the masses to create a welcoming scene. 64

In a photo published by Xinhua News Agency in August 2018 of Xi Jinping's visit to Anhui to inspect the flooding, netizens discovered that the woman holding a child to greet Xi was Yan Jing, deputy chief of the Funing County Public Security Bureau. This kind of staging and fake performance is the world's first fake public show off under Xi Jinping's evil administration.

11. Slave Revolt

Xi Jinping's oppressive rule over Tibet and restrictions on religious freedom have led to widespread resistance from the Tibetan farmers and herdsmen. Many lamas and nuns including farmers and herdsmen being provoked by a wave of bitter protest have expressed their strong protest by setting themselves on fire and have been demanding the return of Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, to Tibet. As of November 2017, at least 50 Tibetans have set themselves on fire and at least 26 of them have died. Many of the self-immolators were youths which included 18, 19 and 20-year-old herders, high school students and female nuns. On November 9, 2012, shortly after Xi Jinping took power, the number of Tibetan self-immolations increased dramatically at least 20 people were killed within a month. They strongly condemned the authorities' harsh crackdown on Tibet and demanded that Tibetans be given freedom. To prevent the spread of Tibetan demonstrations, the Chinese government sent a large number of military and police officers to the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The Dalai Lama has repeatedly called on the Xi government to thoroughly investigate the self-immolations of Tibetans. On 65

December 10, 2012, Tibetans and sympathizers who had fled to Belgium staged a massive protest in Brussels which was attended by at least 600 people. In August 2020, American journalist Barbara Demick published a new book, “Eating the Buddha: A City of Robberies and Survival in Tibet,” in which she has recounted the story of her field interviews of the Aba Tibetan Autonomous Region in Sichuan that had become the capital of self-immolation for the Tibetan Buddhists. Instead of facing up the causes of the mass self-immolations, the Xi government has been arresting those behind the so-called self-immolations and further persecuting Tibetans in a brutal manner. The Communist Party's dictatorship has brutally oppressed the people and provoked countless protests by the people. The number of people involved in each event ranges from dozens to hundreds to thousands. Before Xi Jinping took power, the CCP had already announced the number of mass incidents each year: 8,700 in 1993, 32,000 in 1999, 60,000 in 2003, 74,000 in 2004, 87,000 in 2005, 100,000 in 2007 and no more since 2008. Sun Liping, a sociology professor at the Tsinghua University, has estimated that the number of cases is increasing by more than 20,000 per year. Since Xi Jinping came to power, social conflicts have intensified and the human rights situation has plummeted. With an annual increase of only 20,000 cases, at least 260,000 mass incidents had occurred by 2020, with an average of 700 cases per day and over ten million participants. Those involved in the protests included groups who suffered forced evictions, groups of victims of ecological damage and environmental pollution, groups of victims of land appropriation, groups of victims of private land sales by officials, groups of migrant workers, groups of laid-off workers, groups of victims of wrongful cases, groups of victims of forced family planning, groups of victims of tofudreg projects, groups of victims of fake drugs and toxic food, 66

groups of victims of fraudulent investment, groups of veterans with no livelihood, and groups of veterans with unfair treatment, the group of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners, and the group of families of prisoners of conscience. Among them, the largest was the group who were victims of forced demolition and eviction. The group of ecological damage and environmental pollutionrelated protests had exceeded 300 per day nationwide. The Chinese Communist Party has absolutely prohibited the reporting of such mass events. The large number of mass protests that occur in the past each year inevitably stirred up public anger and has increased social unrest. The Xi regime has continued to increase its efforts to maintain. The annual spending on stability maintenance has been increasing to more than the national defense military spending. In 2013, the CPC spent 769 billion yuan on stability maintenance, exceeding the national defense budget of 720.1 billion yuan in that year and the stability maintenance expenses increased by 10% over 2012 expenditure. In 2019 the stability maintenance increased to nearly 1.4 trillion yuan (138.79 billion yuan). It increased one time in five-year, exceeding the national defense budget of 119 billion yuan. The Chinese Communist Party feeds hundreds of thousands of armed police forces dedicated to suppressing mass protests with tear gas, poison gas, water cage heads, and rubber bullets using all kinds of repressive measures. In addition to mass incidents in society, strikes in mainland factories have also been heard from time to time. In February 2016, hundreds of angry miners protested against the plant's delay in withholding wages and benefits at the Longmei Coal Mine in Heilongjiang, putting up banners, singing patriotic songs and holding signs in protest. The Xi regime declared the strike illegal and hundreds of public security police rushed to the protest site, removed the banners, ordered workers to be back to work and dispersed the miners. The Hong Kong-based labor rights organization - China 67

Labor News has reported that more than 2,700 strikes took place in mainland China in 2015, more than double the number in 2014 and that more than 500 strikes and protests broke out in January 2016. Most of the protests were moderate and did not involve political attacks but focused on immediate issues such as unpaid wages, reduced benefits and unsafe workplaces. The Chinese Communist Party has always kept a lid on such news and has never reported or disclosed strikes or protests that have taken place. Xi Jinping has been a perverse and unpopular person for many years and many people hate him from the very inside of their bones. They want him to step down and go away immediately. A representative young woman from Hunan raised her hand in front of a large Xi Jinping propaganda poster at the HNA building in Shanghai at 6 a.m. on July 4, 2018 and said in a righteous voice: “Oppose Xi Jinping's dictatorial and despotic tyranny and the Communist Party's brain-controlled oppression of me”. She then lifted her inkpot and indignantly poured ink on Xi Jinping's portrait showing him the great man. She continued in a loud voice: “I hate him to the bone, oppose Xi Jinping's dictatorial tyranny, oppose the Communist Party's brain-cavity oppression of me and I ask international organizations to intervene and I will cooperate with the investigation and evidence. Yes, I have spilled ink on him today. I see what he can do to me. Xi Jinping, I'm here waiting for you to arrest me. I'm just one person against the Chinese Communist Party, against the Communist Party dictatorship and tyranny. I'm standing here today, I'm asking you to come and arrest me and behind me is the HNA building, Xi Jinping your assets. I will stand in front of your assets and splash ink, see? See your ugly face?” The young woman named Dong Yaoqiong was from Hunan and she made her living as a real estate agent in Shanghai. The above act of ink throwing and the words she said in a loud voice were filmed and recorded by a friend and put on Twitter for the public to see. At 3:30 p.m. that day, Dong Yaoqiong sent a final


tweet on her Twitter account saying, “There are a bunch of uniformed people outside my door right now, waiting for me to get changed and get out, I am not guilty. What is guilty are the people and organizations that hurt me.” Dong Yaoqiong's Twitter account was then logged off and her video footage on Twitter was deleted. She then lost contact with the outside world and her whereabouts became a mystery. Dong Yao Qiong was thus taken away by the Xi government. Dong Jianbiao, the father of Dong Yao Qiong, a coal miner in Zhuzhou, said righteously when he learned that his daughter had been arrested by the Chinese Communist authorities for “attacking a national leader”: “If it were me, I would have splashed the blackink on him. I think her behavior is quite good, she is not speaking for herself, she is representing the bottom class and what she has said is the truth but daughter may not be able to survive this because President Xi treats himself as an emperor. In the past, offending the emperor was to be linked to the death of nine clans. Having offended such a high and powerful person, if she is sentenced to death, I am willing to take the death and stop it. If I can't, I don't want to live. I'm going to save my daughter's life,” said Hua Chung. An artist who sympathized with and supported the Dong father and daughter, appealing for them: “I hope freedom-loving people all over the world will appeal for freedom of expression on behalf of Dong Yaoqiong and Dong Jianbiao.” Soon Hua Chung was also arrested in the middle of the night for a break-in. The Shanghai Public Security Bureau forced experts to identify Dong Yaoqiong as mentally ill, sent her back home to Hunan Province as a mental patient and put her in a mental hospital in Hunan Province; actually treated her as a “political prisoner”. Dong Yaoqiong was tortured for more than a year in a psychiatric hospital, given psychiatric drugs and tortured as a half-psychiatric patient. On January 2, 2020, Dong Yaoqiong was released to go home, her mental state changed dramatically, her 69

original lively and talkative nature turned into a silent and shrinking reticence. Dong Yaoqiong was released and lived in confusion for some time but the Xi regime was still uneasy, afraid that she would cause trouble again and sent her to a mental hospital and then her condition became unknown. Dong's father was also taken away and his whereabouts are unknown. It seems that until Xi Jinping steps down, Dong's father and daughter will never see the light of day. A photo of a giant propaganda poster of Xi Jinping in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province was splashed with mud, which was unpleasant to look at, and was uploaded by an anonymous netizen in Guangdong on July 5, 2018. Dong Yaoqiong's brave act of ink throwing was generally appreciated by public opinion at home and abroad. On July 4, 2019, the occasion of first anniversary of Dong Yaoqiong's ink throwing at Xi Jinping, 50 Chinese people in the United States gathered in front of the Chinese Communist Consulate General in Los Angeles to demonstrate and protest chanting slogans, denouncing Xi Jinping and demanding Dong Yaoqiong's release. The crowd then imitated Dong Yaoqiong by lifting an ink pot and splashed ink on a giant photo of Xi Jinping and a photo of Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Cheng. The day will soon dawn; Dong and her father will be released to regain their freedom and Xi Jinping will be sent to the psychiatric cage. President Xi is the real psychopath and his 10year dictatorship has brutalized countless good people. Anti-Xi struggles have been taking place everywhere but the Xi government has blocked information, making it difficult for outsiders to find out. Zhang Jilin, a worker in Chongqing who goes by the screen name “Yue Jia Gun,” leads a group of 500 people who in addition to posting articles online on current affairs, also gather from time to time in Chongqing's Guanyinqiao Square to 70

deliver speeches with the slogan “The removal of Xi Jinping is now a done deal.” He denounced Xi Jinping's evil and tyrannical rule over the years and was so passionate that he was applauded by the audience. The crowd grew so large that the police were alerted to arrest him in handcuffs and he has not been heard at all since then. Anti-Xi community groups like the “Yue Family Gun'' are numerous across the mainland but most of them are not public and remain underground. As early as October 2018, a leaflet entitled “Beijingers' attitude toward Xi Jinping has changed'' appeared in Beijing, stating that Xi was far worse than Jiang and Hu; that Xi should not fight with the United States; that he should not engage in the Belt and Road project; that he should not waste money everywhere; that he should not engage in selective anti-corruption; that he should not amend the constitution to create a lifelong system ; that he should not engage in the cult of the individual worship; that he should not suppress publicists; that he should not clean up the low-end population in Beijing and that he should not control public opinion. The government should not endeavor at all to control public opinion. Xi Jinping is in crisis; the people are struggling in the midst of fire and water, many people hate and abuse the Xi's Communist Party and many people openly say that they want to overthrow the Communist dictatorship of Xi. Some people openly say that they want to form a party team to expand the anti-Xi team, the dark tide is surging everywhere. No public rallies are allowed so they gather in the form of a dinner party. It is very common to gather at a table for a meal and three tables should not have more than 30 people in a meal together. Xi Jinping's crisis is in the dry fire, just waiting for the fuse to detonate.


12. The Public Conscience Calling

Shortly after Xi Jinping took office, he ordered that “no delusional comments about the central government” - with immediate effect, no discussion about him and all people were banned from speaking out but many public intellectuals still dared to speak out and attacked Xi Jinping directly. Ren Zhiqiang, who is known as a “cannon,” has been publicly attacking Xi Jinping since he took power in 2013 and in 2012 he spoke at Beijing University, calling on students to rise up and tear down the wall of the Chinese Communist dictatorship and re-establish a democratic system. In February 2016, when Xi inspected the three major media, Ren sharply criticized Xinhua News Agency for its “Party media surnamed Party and absolute loyalty to the CCP in February 2016 “. Ren was born in 1951 and his father, Ren Quansheng, was the vice minister of commerce of China. Ren belongs to the second generation of the red, a real estate entrepreneur, a master of law from Renmin University and is a contemporary of Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan. In 2020 March Ren has published an article with heavy artillery bombarding Xi Jinping, attacking Xi Jinping's speech on February 23, 2020 at a national video conference of 170,000 people and attacking Xi Jinping calling him a clown who wants to become emperor even after being stripped naked. He has exposed Xi Jinping's ambition to be an emperor and whoever does not let him be the emperor will be made to perish. At the time the Chinese people were trapped by the pandemic, Ren pointed out: people's lives were hurt by the virus together with the serious illness of the system. On March 12, 2020, Ren was arrested by the Chinese Communist Party's Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and his son and secretary were also controlled by the CCDI. Ren


has been out of contact since then. On September 22, 2020, Ren was sentenced to 18 years of imprisonment by a Beijing court on economic charges. It was rumored on the mainland internet that Ren was on a hunger strike in prison despite having heart attacks and health worries. In March 2021, it was even rumored that he had died in prison. Officials are not sending any messages. Xu Zhangrun, a law professor at Tsinghua University, has raised the banner of criticizing Xi Jinping's authoritarian perversions and has continuously published long and wellreasoned articles which are very popular and thus he is the most representative leader of public intellectuals on the mainland. After publishing a long article on “Humming Reform and Opening Up” in January 2018, Professor Xu has published a long article exposing Xi Jinping's dark rule, “Our Current Fears and Expectations” in 2018 listing the people's “eight kinds of grievances”: 1. fear of losing property rights, the party to eliminate private ownership in the end 2. Another political hangover, far-left reappearance, intellectual panic, 3. Class struggle again 4. Shutdown again.The government's policy is to make sure that the government will not be in trouble with the U.S., but it is in hot water with North Korea, 5. The foreign aid overload to tighten everyone's belt 3 trillion foreign reserves, 40 years of hard work and accumulation to pay water 7. The war system and stability maintenance system in parallel, 8. Reform to end the return of totalitarianism for the nation's greatest panic. Then Xu Zhangrun has listed the eight expectations of the people: 1. stop the big spending on foreign countries, do justice, domestic problems are like a mountain, the countryside is withered, people's welfare gone 2. stop the spread of wastefulness, 3. abolish the privileges. 4. abolish the special offer. 5. implement the sunshine bill on officials' property. 6. the cult of the individual hurriedly breaks and the party media stops creating gods. 7. restore the tenure system, end lifelong leadership, no checks and balances, 73

the people tremble. 8. vindicate “The June Fourth Incident. Professor Xu has finally attacked Xi's core power manipulation, governance, perverse practices and collusion between government and business. The village of Liangjiahe in Shaanxi Province where Xi Jinping went to his hometown has only 40 to 50 families but it has a permanent liaison office and agricultural products exhibition hall in Shanghai which is a double act of collusion between government and business. Beijing Supreme Procuratorate has also opened a “Procuratorial Service Center” here and it is jointly listed with the “Liangjiahe Village Party Branch”. The actual “Liangjiahe University Question” project was launched by the Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Federation which has been frantically pushing against the trend of the God-making movement. In January 2019, Xu Zhangrun published a long article entitled “Xi Jinping's Red Empire Never Rises, Idiot Talks about the End of the Road”, criticizing Xi Jinping's amendment of the constitution as “fixed in a single place”, narrowing the framework of the party-state to a small circle of the inner court, semiparalyzing the existing party-state bureaucracy, one party, one leader, one doctrine. The Axis Group fetishizes and worships power, does whatever it wants. They monopolize wealth and truth. The Red Empire seems to have taken shape, causing terror to the nation, unrest to the neighbors causing fear and trepidation. But Xi Jinping has underestimated the historical tide that is vast and unstoppable; the people seeking change and transformation have been raging undercurrents just waiting to surge forward. Once it outbreaks, Xi and its core inner circle will collapse. A constitutional democracy, people's republic, the return of government to the people, will surely come. In February 2020, Xi Jinping first concealed the pandemic and then brutally closed the city killing people and spreading the pandemic around the world causing anger both at home and abroad. The people are no longer afraid. They condemn “his core 74

circle” for its lavish entertainment, dancing and singing, empty slogans, blocked information and loss of conscience. Hong Kong is the most affluent and civilized place in China. But the Xi regime's high-handed suppression has caused the people to be separated from their morality. Xi Jinping shouts “community of human destiny” but refuses to integrate the system into the civilization, who will follow him? Dozens of countries have imposed travel bans on China; the world is averse to China and has rejected it, completely isolated it. Emperor Xi is alone on the map of civilization, a loner; he has lost the hearts of the people and the powers are clinging to their weaknesses in an isolated world; the dawn is seen in the sky; it will be bright. In fact, the countdown has begun, the time for constitutionalism will come soon. The scribe holds a pen as a sword and hundreds of millions of people are roaring against injustice. Each one with heart and life are ready to embrace the coming sun of freedom. On May 21, 2020, Xu Zhangrun has published “China's Lonely Boat on the Ocean of World Civilization”, which deplores that China has been a civilized and righteous country for 2000 years but unfortunately it has been invaded by the Russian Communist Party and kidnapped by the communist devil as a scourge for the past 70 years just like being conquered by the barbarians, holding its nose and leaving the track of world civilization. The Chinese Communist Party does not abandon the evil communist framework and it is only deceiving the people by talking about civilization. Xu deplores the fact that China has become a civilized lonely boat but also deplores the fact that the world's great civilized country, the United States, has actually fallen into the hands of Trump in recent years. The sick man is ruling the country, losing the number one power's mind and bearing no big picture in his mind. He has no shoulder to bear, is angry, lies, and lacks populism, “the man who has no mind, scourges the country is not false “, he is helpless.


Xu Zhangrun has also complained that the United States has misjudged the Chinese Communist Party for the past 30 years not knowing where the enemy is. It has exhausted the dividends on the Cold War against the Soviet Union and ignored the growing wings of another Red totalitarian power which has left a legacy of canker, just as it did in World War II. When the United States danced with the wolves and destroyed the German fascists, at same time America raised a eviller Red Soviet demon. In order to fight Green terrorism, the United States has allied itself with the Red evil which has resulted in the fattening up of an even bigger evil the greatest lesson for the free world at the beginning of the 21st century. To this day, the East is engaged in a daily low-level war of words against the West. It only exposes the low nature of their under-civilization. Xu pursued the old U.S. for misjudging the Chinese Communist Party. He also still does not forget to whip the liberal regime. The liberal regime has been living in a corner, in peace for a long time and has lost the will to fight, slackened and neglected, resulting in the “Fazlism” sitting on the big and finally has incurred a great disaster. Xu also has not forgotten to criticize Kissinger and has alleged that: “Kissinger is a clown. He can no longer fool people. His game came to an end. Paulson types induce a lot of crooks, certainly will not see the good and will not dare to trip again in muddy water.” Xu has sternly condemned the 70-year old tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party that has resulted in a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood and is still the largest monopoly landlord depriving peasants of their land. When he called on the CCP to return land rights to the peasants, he also suggested that Zhongnanhai should be returned to a heritage park and no longer be used as a private residence for high-ranking officials and the party; Tiananmen Square should be restored to its civic function and be opened as a farmers' market on weekends; and the Memorial Hall, which was exclusively occupied by Mao, should


be changed to a “Shrine of the Sages of China”. On July 7, 2020, Xu Zhongrun published “Trampling on civilization will drive evil to the world”, severely condemning the Communist Party of China for the mass demolition in the capital city, driving away the low-end population and not sparing the artists. He has pointed out that the capital city “includes the studio of the famous painter Shang Yang, the creative studio of the famous poet Yu Xinqiao, the recording studio of the famous musician Qin Wanmin, the Yuan Ti Art District, 008 Art District, Songzhuang Art District, Shuipo Art District, Heiqiao Art District, Winery Art District, Rome Lake International Art District and a large area of residences in Cui Village and Liu Village are all demolished and destroyed, which is a catastrophe.” It is a painful statement that several generations of artists have invested their blood and sweat in the project which has greatly enhanced the human ecology and been welcomed by the people. But now the sharp axes are coming down and the shovels are ending them. The HOS does not exist and the culture is gone. The CCP is the world's largest landlord by depriving people of their natural land rights, natural legal rights and by making them vagrants. After the demolition of the land, the CCP was able to get the land listed at an exorbitant price for sale. In July 2020, Tsinghua University was ordered to dismiss Xu Zhangrun from his public position leaving him with no means of livelihood. He was moved to write an open letter “to Tsinghua alumni” on July 19, saying, “Today the temple is extravagant, most of our compatriots are barely fed and struggling, the official media is rising, half of China is soaking in water, the storm is shaking. The government's malignant quality will not change and all the countries in the world will become orphans. As long as I don't die, I will call out. I will live on, bear the suffering, the dark night fire, to welcome the dawn. I am in need of the same warm people as my compatriots, please transfer the charity donations to the urgent need of the place, love and righteousness sown in the


suffering of the compatriots. Zhang Run can still labor to earn food and sell words to buy rice.” In less than 400 words, Xu's text message provides a glimpse of the bones of traditional Chinese scholars and the conscience of the nation which touches the hearts of hardworking people. “He is a very brave man,” said Jerome Cohen, a close friend of Xu Zhongrun and a New York University law professor who is over 90 years old, on July 15, 2020: “He faces three choices: to continue to publish occasionally in China and then be punished more severely by the authorities (like Xu Zhiyong and other outspoken reformers), the second is to remain as silent as possible, dive into research and thinking and wait for the right time. The third is to leave China if approved by the authorities.” Professor Kong has expressed the hope that he can sponsor Xu Zhanyun to come to the United States. In early July 2020, Xu Zhangrun was arrested and the police brought in more than 10 police cars and 20 police officers to search his computers and took away his paperworks. They arrested and questioned him and then released him a week later on July 12, under surveillance. On September 9, Geng Xiaonan couple, the bookstore owner and publisher who supported Xu Zhangrun, were arrested by the police which aroused Xu Zhangrun's anger. He wrote, “For many years, she has been a public-spirit, selfless and unbiased person who speaks out courageously and fearlessly for those who have suffered for the public good and she has run for justice holding her salary and holding her horse at all costs and she has been cynical about evil, combining beauty, talent and justice. She is a martyr who went on the rugged road to freedom without rebellion, a great citizen who pursued democracy with great vigor.” Xu Zhang Run said sternly at the end of the Letter to Tyranny: “Do not do evil, put down the butcher's knife, release Xiaonan, return the freedom of Xiaonan couple and give justice to the world. If Xiaonan is guilty, we are equally guilty, do not bully women, 78

jail and kill, please start from Run Zhang.” In 2021, Geng Xiaonan was brutally sentenced by the authorities to three years’ imprisonment for “illegal business operation” and her husband was released on bail to live under surveillance. Xu Zhangrun kept speaking out even though he lost his freedom under surveillance and on September 29, 2020 he wrote another long article “Why do you shiver so hard?” Ruthlessly he dissected and condemned the CCP revolution from Mao to Xi for creating terror, building a kingdom of lies, bringing everyone into deception, infinite dictatorship, open shamelessness, causing mountains of corpses and seas of blood. He has said the leader of CCP is the biggest master slave. The revolution is a marathon of competing who is more ferocious and who is more cunning, the end of which is a ten-thousand-foot cliff, piling up the bones of countless slaves. In “Our Current Fears and Expectations,” Xu Zhangrun asks Xi Jinping's government to maintain a minimum of “four bottom lines”: 1. maintain basic law and order, 2. respect private property rights, 3. tolerate freedom of life, and 4. maintain the term system (abandon the lifetime system). The eight expectations require President Xi to do one of them first. First of all is to announce the removal of the ban on “no presumptuous discussion of the central government”. They can clamp down on the people of the country as they wish and a certain corrupt official is paying people “hush money” to prevent scandals from leaking. Xu Zhangrun's appeal to “hold the bottom line” was strongly echoed by Yi Zhongtian, a professor of history who also condemned his majesty for singing high tones and not holding the bottom line but doing the “Chinese dream” and “world dream”. He is keen on holding international forums' everywhere, appearing as a world leader and likes to talk big and release “global governance” in a high profile, disregarding the fact that a large number of people in China are poor and living in hardship and 79

suffering. Medical, education and livelihood problems are piling up like a mountain but the money from the accumulated blood and sweat of 1.4 billion people are spilling to the outside world. Various deadly disasters in the country are only engaged in “telegram governance” yet never actually solved. Yi Zhongtian has pointed out: what is lacking in China nowadays? The most lack of the CCP is the abandonment of the bottom line which is the lifeline of the CCP. Without the bottom line, the government will dare to do anything. They torture people to extract confessions. Anything, like slaughtering people, will happen. Yi Zhongtian has said: My hope for the Chinese Communist Party is eight words: “Do not sing a high tune, keep the bottom line”. Beijing University sociology professor Zheng Yefu has also bravely spoken out on Dec. 22, 2019. Professor Zheng had published “The Cause of the Difficulty of Political Reform” in 2018, pointing out that the Chinese Communist Party did not even dare to implement the property disclosure system, so how could it reform? He asked the 7 Standing Committee of the CPC, starting with Xi Jinping to take the lead in public disclosure of property and Zheng's stern initiative: “The CPC retires with dignity and fades out of history.” Zhao Shilin, a professor at Beijing's Central University for Nationalities, has written a letter to Xi Jinping in March 2021, sharply criticizing the human factors that have led to the ferocious spread of the pandemic and pointing out that Xi should take the primary responsibility. Professor Zhao has said that Mr. Xi can only get a 0 on this test. Zhao has analyzed the five major causes of the out-of-control pandemic: 1. the system's extreme stability maintenance, 2. the system's failure to report good news, 3. the system's exclusive use of power, 4. the loss of civil society functions, and 5. the lack of transparent and unobstructed information. It is pointed out that it is a systemic crisis and President Xi is responsible for the first. Zhao Shilin has said: to uphold conscience and assume social 80

responsibility is the duty of intellectuals. Speaking out is the job of the intellectuals just like workers to do work and the farmers to do planting. However, after the disclosure of his petition, his WeChat and Weibo accounts have been blocked. Cai Xia, a professor at the Central Party School in Beijing who had always criticized Xi Jinping, could no longer gain a foothold at home and fled to the United States in August 2020, saying bluntly, “The CCP is already a political zombie, Xi Jinping is a gangster, I am off fishing and back in the ranks of the people, I am back in line, my retirement package is gone, my life is broken from its source but I do not regret criticizing Xi Jinping.” Zhang Ming, a professor at Renmin University of China in Beijing, has criticized Xi Jinping's core saying, “The whole world doesn't want communism, we do. The whole world wants democratic constitutionalism, we don't. The whole world's people are standing up, we're on our knees.” He also has said, “The whole world endorses universal values, we don't. The world's officials do not enjoy the special offer; our officials enjoy it with peace of mind. The whole world supports anti-dictatorship, we don't. People all over the world enjoy free education and medical care, we can't.” Yu Jianrong, director of the Social Issues Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, as early as 2014 when it was Xi Jinping's second year in power, put forward the “ten don'ts” to Xi's core: 1. don't make the “Chinese dream”, 2. don't let corruption run rampant, 3. don't let the Constitution be a piece of straw, 4. Don't let the youth become losers, 5. Don't let the peasants become stragglers, 6. Don't treat falsehood as selfconfidence, 7. Don't treat infringement of civil rights as a tool of governance, 8. Don't treat the NPC as a decoration, 9. Don't treat political reformers as enemies, 10. Don't forget your historical responsibility. On February 2, 2020, some alumni of Tsinghua University, after the death of Li Wenliang, published a “letter to compatriots”, 81

denouncing the government for killing the truth and put forward five objections: 1. the survival of hundreds of millions of people should be put in the first place, 2. oppose group blocking, 3. oppose to maintain a stable mode of thinking and the people as the enemy, 4. oppose to turn the disaster into a glorification event, to pursue the system responsibility, opposed to change the disaster into a glorious event, to chase the system responsibility, 5. opposed to regression, insist on abolishing the leadership for life, restart the reform. In January 2020, Xu Zhiyong, a human rights lawyer, published a 10,000-word “letter of dissuasion” against Xi Jinping while in exile which was well-reasoned, pertinent and without any falsehoods and it pierced like a sharp sword into Xi's heart. Xu Zhiyong was sentenced to four years in prison in 2013 for publishing an open letter calling on Xi Jinping to take the road to democracy and constitutionalism and in early 2020 he was threatened with exile from Beijing and was sent into exile in the south. Xu Zhiyong began by saying to Xi Jinping, “Once again, the people expect, you give up!” Then he counted Xi Jinping's “four self-confidences, eight clear, 14 adhere to”, a basket of terms. He said he didn’t know what to say, isn’t it the Cultural Revolution? A dictatorship? The more self-confidence in the mouth, the less self-confidence in the heart. He relies on a small group of alcoholic brothers and sisters who carry a dozen team leaders; they would not do anything but waste resources and labors. Xi uses Belt and Road in order to control the economy of weak countries but that’s just a waste of trillions of wealth earned by hard working people in China. When major crises come, they are helpless. They are aggressive to Hong Kong and constantly encroaching on freedom. During the Wuhan pandemic, they intimidated doctors, blocking the truth to the national disaster. They are mediocre and the cult of the individual dictatorship will reverse the flow of history. They are back to the historic Liangjiahe.


Private enterprises also were requested to set up a CCP party branch. Doesn’t it mean to share assets? with the public private enterprise’s mission will be over. This is a full-scale withdrawal. Xi is the only one left in the news broadcasting. Xi’s portraits were posted on the streets and alleys. Yuan Shikai retrograde history, you are far worse than Yuan, Yuan still cannot compare with Xi. What do you Xi dream about? Desperately trying to maintain stability, but ghosts on all sides, security special agents are continuously on increasing its activities. They don’t do the right thing, only busy maintaining stability. Due to Xinjiang’s detention being arbitrary, a large number of Chinese have fled from Xinjiang. Should the Xinjiang model be promoted in the mainland? There are more than 200 million cameras and their number is increasing rapidly. The cost of stability maintenance has long exceeded the military expenditure, the more maintenance the more unstable governance. China is hollowing out, everyone is in debt, the whole country has to pay. You are in the emperor's new clothes parading and I am the child who is speaking the truth. Xu Zhiyong's final advice to Xi: “the world trend is vast against the current. You go home and rest, it's too late to regret!” Xu Zhiyong, who was arrested on February 15, 2020 at a friend's home in Panyu, Guangzhou and was taken back to Beijing; he has not been heard since then. His girlfriend, Li Qiaochu, a labor researcher and feminist, is also imprisoned in Beijing and her situation is also unknown. The Xi government has been paying students to inform them and set up a system of so-called “student informers” to monitor teachers. Tan Song, a professor at Chongqing Normal University, was forcibly removed and dismissed in July 2017 for engaging in truthseeking about red history and in 2019 Zhao Siyun, vice president of Zhejiang Media College, Li Mohai, head of the political science department at Shandong Institute of Technology and professor at Yantai Party School, Yang Shaozhi, professor at Guizhou Normal 83

University, Shi Jiepeng, associate professor at Beijing Normal University, Xu Chuanqing, associate professor at Beijing Architecture University, You Shengdong, professor at Xiamen University, and Wuhan Zhai Qinghong, associate professor of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, have been expelled, suspended, dismissed and expelled from the Party for making statements that are not allowed by the Xi regime.

13. The Suppression of Xinjiang

Since Xi Jinping came to power in 2013, his hard-line crackdown on Uighurs in Xinjiang escalated and so Uighurs resisted with the violent attack at Kunming Railway Station on March 1, 2014 in which 31 Uighurs were hacked to death, shocking the nation. Following the incident, Xi Jinping visited Xinjiang from April 27-30 and deployed a tougher crackdown, calling for a comprehensive push to “fight against terror, infiltration and division” and to “show no mercy” and “arrest everyone who should be arrested. No one should be spared.” On the last day of Xi's visit, another violent attack took place at the Urumqi train station. After Xi's departure, another terrorist incident occurred at the Urumqi Park North Street morning market on May 22 and another terrorist attack in Sha County, Xinjiang, on July 28. The spate of violent protests shows that the more pressure on Xi Jinping's town, the greater the resistance. In August 2016, Xi Jinping transferred his close associate Chen Guoduo to be the king of Xinjiang and Chen Guoduo increased repressive measures across the board, including the widespread establishment of “re-education camps'' throughout Xinjiang. The so-called “re-education camps” are detention camps 84

where the CCP forces extrajudicial detention. People there lose personal freedom, are put into forced labor, are forced to ideological reform, are denied freedom of religion and have physical abuse and punishment. After Chen Quanguo arrived in Xinjiang, more than 30,000 police officers were added, 7,300 security checkpoints were set up throughout Xinjiang and tens of thousands of “convenient police stations” were set up in the streets and alleys of all counties. There were 949 in Urumqi alone, with 90,000 co-police officers at these stations to deal specifically with Uyghurs. The number of people jumped seven times more than in 2016. In total, Xinjiang accounts for 1.5% of the country's population but the number of people detained in Xinjiang in 2017 accounted for 21% of the country's total detentions. How many “re-education camps” are there in Xinjiang? In April 2018, Radio Free Asia interviewed at least eight “reeducation camps” in Yecheng County, Kashgar, and May 2018 Jamestown Foundation Releases Solicitation Information for 73 “Re-Education Camps” in Xinjiang. In May 2019, Canadian scholar Zhang Shao of Columbia University used government information and earth imagery records to document 66 “reeducation camp” locations. In September 2020, the Australian International Network Center had a database of concentration camps using satellite technology to show that there were more than 380 suspected camps in the Xinjiang region with at least 61 “re-education camps” were in fact internment camps with armed guards at the gates, high walls, iron fences and watchtowers and were not freely accessible. How many people have been detained in Xinjiang's “reeducation camps”? The Chinese Communist Party never announces. But on August 10, 2018, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has stated that it has credible information that the Chinese Communist Party is secretly imprisoning one million Uighurs in Xinjiang and that another two million are being forced into “re-education camps”. 85

The U.S. State Department's International Religious Freedom Report has stated, in 2019 the U.S. estimates that Xinjiang reeducation camps hold more than one million members of the Uighur, Kazakh, Hui and other Muslims as well as some Uighur Christians. In 2019, a German anthropologist Adrian Zenginz estimated that the people in re-education camps could be as high as 1.5 million people. On September 13, 2018, Radio Free Asia reported that Xinjiang Normal University President Azati Sulitan, Xinjiang University Professor Raiyla Daouti, Professor Abdul Karim Rehman, Professor Arslan Abdullah and Professor Gayeti Osman were sent to “re-education camps” located at Xinjiang University. In January 2019, the New York Times reported that more than 100 Uyghur scholars, professors, university presidents, writers and poets had not been heard since their detention and imprisonment in late 2017 according to a list assembled by Xinjiang exiles. Among them was the well-known anthropologist Riyla Daouti, who was studying Islamic sacred sites, folklore, and folk songs. The June 2019 Uyghur Human Rights Report counted at least 386 Uyghur intellectuals were detained and missing. Among them was the writer Nur Muhammad Tohti who was reportedly dead. The Communist Party of China (CCP) has implemented cultural cleansing in its “re-education camps” by destroying ethnic and religious beliefs, forcing detainees to sing red songs, eat pork and drink alcohol. They “thank President Xi” for their meals, and chant “Long live President Xi” before eating. “On February 3, 2018, the BBC reported that Abdurrahman Aishan, a businessman from Kashgar whose mother was a 68-year-old retired teacher and wife with two children, was put into a re-education camp in Shufan County Kashgar Region at the end of July 2017. The punishment for disobedience was to put the guilty one on a wooden bench and 86

was made to fast from morning to night. The businessman said, “I would rather love my wife and mother to be shot than have them abused to death by the Chinese Communist government.” On May 15, 2018, Radio Free Asia interviewed a police officer by phone at a police station in Hotan district and asked him about the living conditions in the concentration camp. The police officer replied that 70 people were living in a room of 50-70 square meters, sleeping on double bunk beds with wooden planks. In May 2019, Sanli News reported that a Kazakh journalist infiltrated into Xinjiang for a secret interview and learned that in the camps, husband and wife lived separately and could only see each other only once after a few months; before meeting, they had to take birth control pills, special drugs were added to the food so that men's genitals could not get an erection and the women stopped menstruating; those who were pregnant when they entered the camps were forced to abort. In August 2019, Xinjiang fugitive Li Xin (Han Chinese) reported that Han Chinese detainees were treated similarly; her family was held in a cell of less than 10 square meters with ethnic minorities; the cell was windowless, monitored by three cameras 24 hours a day; she was not allowed to speak; she was subjected to daily thought reform; if she spoke or if someone reported, she was sent to a corporal punishment room; some were hung, handcuffed and hung from a height and were beaten up with whips. Others were electrocuted, being made to sit on a tiger stool and forced to confess. On August 5, 2020, the BBC reported that a man from Xinjiang, Maidan Aba, was imprisoned who later on described in a WeChat message his experience of spending 18 days in a police station with more than 50 people handcuffed and hooded. On February 3, 2021, the BBC reported that many women in Xinjiang's re-education camps were raped, sexually abused and tortured and some were forced to undergo sterilization. Some 87

media reported that hundreds of people had died in six months in camps in the Aksu region as well as rumored that the mother of prominent religious figure Muhammad Saleh al-Hajj and World Uyghur Congress President Dorikun Aisha, Ayhan al-Bayati, had died. After completing trials of detainees in Xinjiang's reeducation camps, some were sent in batches to the mainland for further re-education. On September 29, 2018, Radio Free Asia interviewed staff of the Heilongjiang, Tailai County CPPCC, who confirmed that a group of people had been transferred from Xinjiang to Tailai prison more than 20 days ago. On October 1, 2018 Radio Free Asia reported that a large number of Uyghur detainees were transferred from southern Xinjiang to the northern border and that detainees from the northern border were transferred to Gansu and other places. All of them were more than 200,000 people. Rahima Sennai, who had been detained since 2017, said, “You go into the camp saying you have 1,000 points, and the points are reduced for violations, even for yawning or smiling, and once it's reduced to 500 points, you have to be detained for another year.” In November 2019, the New York Times disclosed a total of 24 copies of 703 pages of classified documents brought out by traitorous officials in Xinjiang, revealing that the Chinese Communist Party had begun planning the repression and persecution of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in 2016 and the measures listed were broadly consistent with reports leaked over the years, indicating that the Chinese Communist Party concentration camps were indeed cruel. One female detainee said: “We were only allowed to go to the toilet for 10 minutes every day, we were not allowed to waste water washing our hands, we could only shower for 2 minutes a month with cold water and we slept on the floor with concrete walls on all sides.”


The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) also verified the authenticity of the 703 pages of documents with the participation of 75 journalists and partner organizations from 14 countries. It has been confirmed that at least 350,000 people have been arrested and prosecuted and more than 1 million people have been sent to “re-education camps” in extrajudicial detention since Chen's 2016 reign in Xinjiang. The Xinjiang's leaked document mentions that Wang Yongzhi, secretary of the county party committee of Shandong County, Kashgar Region, was dismissed from his post. Wang Yongzhi was in charge of building detention camps in Shadong County, detaining more than 20,000 people. He released 7,000 people in defiance of the Party's harsh policy and was punished by the Chinese Communist Party for corruption. Another secretary of the Aketa County Party Committee, Gu Wensheng, was also dismissed from his post for failing to faithfully implement Party policies. All these suggest that there are officials within the CCP who have the conscience to resist the Party's iron-fisted persecution. In September 2020, the U.S. Department of State and the Treasury Department announced sanctions against four highranking Communist Party officials: Chen Guanguo, Secretary of the Xinjiang Wang Party Committee; Zhu Haicang, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee; Wang Mingshan, Vice Chairman of the Xinjiang Government and Director of the Public Security Bureau; and Huo Liujun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau. All assets of the sanctioned individuals in the United States were frozen and all sectors were prohibited from trading goods or services with the sanctioned individuals. The State Department also announced that visa restrictions had been imposed on four of the sanctioned individuals and that their immediate family members would not be allowed to enter the United States. 89

On January 14, 2021, the U.S. announced sanctions against Xinjiang cotton and tomato products on the grounds of forced labor, refusing to import those products into the U.S. Further, The European Union followed the U.S. and also announced sanctions, causing the Chinese Communist Party authorities to become very upset and launch a party media campaign.

14. Reddening Hong Kong

According to the original Sino-British agreement, Hong Kong should have democratically elected the Chief Executive in 2015 but Xi Jinping has wished to control the Chief Executive who must listen to him. So he has not allowed the public to nominate the Chief Executive candidate directly, but it has been through a nominating committee composed of 1200 people under his control. This is obviously the “birdcage democracy” of the Chinese Communist Party; it is in fact not a real democratic election. Xi Jinping is afraid of losing control of Hong Kong and is even more afraid that democracy in Hong Kong will affect the demand of the mainland people for democracy. Hong Kong must survive under his tyranny and “one country, two systems” has been declared null and void. Hong Kong has long been under British rule and has a tradition of freedom of speech and publication. When Xi came to power in 2013, some books, critical of Xi Jinping, such as Xi Jinping Changes Everything in China, Xi Jinping: The Grand Plan and the Calculation, The Xi Era: China in Danger Again, and The Empire of the Red Sun, etc. were published in Hong Kong. In 2015, a book publisher in Hong Kong prepared to publish the book Xi Jinping and His Lovers exposing his scandalous inappropriate 90

relationships with women. Before 2015, Hong Kong bookstores had been selling books on Mao and his women, as well as books on Jiang Zemin's scandals and the CCP had not interfered but when it came to Xi Jinping, he wanted to make himself look like the pure emperor, not allowing books on his scandals to be published and actually wielded a sword and sent police across the border to illegally kidnap the publisher and capture him for trial and persecution inside the mainland. In October 2015, Chinese communist agents were sent to Thailand to kidnap Hong Kong publisher Gui Minhai, a Swedish citizen who was taken back to China for interrogation. Two other employees of Mighty Current Media Company Limited, Lui Bo and Zhang Zhiping and the owner of the Causeway Bay bookstore in Hong Kong, Lin Rongji, were also kidnapped in October 2015 and taken back to the mainland for trial. In late December 2015, Paul Lee, the largest shareholder of Hong Kong's Mighty Current Media Company Limited, was kidnapped by nine men on Hong Kong's Chai Wan Road and pushed into a seven-passenger car to be driven to the mainland for trial. Paul Lee is a British citizen. In order to cover up the illegal crimes of the CCC, the CCP has made the rumor that Paul Lee and the others were caught sneaking into Shenzhen to visit prostitutes. Lin Rongji, a bookstore owner who was taken to the mainland for trial, was imprisoned in June 2016 but escaped to address a press conference to reveal that he was transferred blindfolded from Shenzhen to Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, where he was held for five months, tortured 20-30 times, forced to “confess guilt on television” and forced to sign a waiver to find a lawyer and contact his family. He was persecuted by the task force and he tried to commit suicide several times. On June 16, 2016, at 6:45 pm, Lin Rongji escaped from the control of 2 special case officers and contacted Hong Kong MP Albert Ho to assist him for a press conference to explain the truth of his abduction. On October 24, 2015, he was kidnapped by 11 91

people, pushed into a 7-person car, his documents were confiscated and he was interrogated about his personal information at a police station in Shenzhen; he was made to sit in a prisoner's chair all night and was not allowed to sleep. All precautions were taken to prevent him from suicide. During his 5 months in Ningbo detention center, Lin Rongji was guarded 24 hours a day by 6 groups of special investigators and was arraigned 20-30 times, always 2 arraignments were outside asking him to identify the client who had purchased the book. He was forced to make a confession video under the arrangement of “a director with lines” (the confession video was aired on Phoenix in February 2016) In April 2016, Lin Rongji was transferred from Ningbo to Shaoguan, Guangdong, where he was placed under library surveillance and had no freedom of movement. During his stay in Shaoguan, he was taken to Kirin Villa in Shenzhen to have tea with Li Bo, Lui Bo and Zhang Zhiping who were under imprisonment and was monitored and videotaped. During his stay in Shenzhen at 1:00 a.m. one night, he was seduced by two girls who were assigned to tap on his door and solicit him for sex. He was then charged with “prostitution”. In June 2016, Lin Rongji was notified in Shaoguan that he was allowed to return to Hong Kong to visit his family on the condition that he must take out the data of the Causeway Bay Bookstore's mainland customers' book orders and to bring them back to the mainland. At 7 a.m. on June 14, he returned to Hong Kong via Shenzhen by a high-speed train in Shaoguan accompanied and monitored by the 2 task force agents. He first asked the Hong Kong police to cancel the case as arranged by the task force. During the two days in Hong Kong, the 2 task force agents were afraid to be photographed when walking with him and so they started to walk on separate roads. Lin Rongji used the cell phone provided to him by the task force to report his whereabouts by SMS all the time to keep him under surveillance. 92

On June 15, Lin Rongji went to Li Bo's office to retrieve the data of his bookmaking client records as requested but found that the hardware he obtained was not a bookmaking record, and delayed until late at night to inform the special investigators that he had mistakenly retrieved data. In the afternoon, he decided to escape from the surveillance of the special agents and contacted Hong Kong legislator Albert Ho to hold an emergency press conference to reveal the truth about his abduction. Lin Rongji's courageous revelation of his persecution by the CCP during his abduction and interrogation has provoked public outrage at home and abroad. The United States, Europe and other countries have condemned Xi Jinping for using the mafia to persecute people in the publishing industry. Gui Minhai, who was kidnapped from Thailand to Ningbo by Chinese public security agents, was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment on February 24, 2020 by a Ningbo court for “illegally providing information abroad” after 4 to 5 years of detention. The whereabouts of Li Bo, Lui Bo and Zhang Zhiping are still unknown till date. Lin Rongji was the only abductee who escaped from Communist surveillance and returned to Hong Kong where he was unable to survive normally any more. He was forced to leave Hong Kong for Taiwan in 2019. Fortunately, the Taiwanese welcomed him and he reopened his bookstore in Taipei in 2020, still under the same name of Causeway Bay Bookstore. A few days before the opening, he was dining at an outdoor seat in a coffee shop near the bookstore when three black-clad men who were following him rushed at him and threw red paint on his head, upper body and hands, causing damage to his skin and clothing and backpack. In April 2021, a Taipei court sentenced the three black-clad men to 8 months, 7 months, and 6 months’ imprisonment respectively with a compensation of 300,000 Taiwan dollars to him. Taiwan has been infiltrated by the Chinese Communist Party's United Front for many years and there is a small group of 93

pro-Communist unificationists within the country who follow the baton of the CCP. In early 2017 when Huang Zhifeng, secretary of the Hong Kong House of Representatives, arrived in Taiwan for a visit, he was also protested by more than 200 members of the procommunist united front group “Patriotic Heart Association” at the Taiwan airport. When Huang arrived at the departure hall, several men in black suddenly rushed forward and attempted to beat him with their fists but he was quickly protected by police officers and he left without being injured. In September 2019, Hong Kong singer Denise Ho Wan See arrived in Taipei to participate in a pro-democracy protest in Taiwan and was sprayed with paint by Hu Guangwei, a member of the pro-Communist Party for the Promotion of Chinese Unity. In late September 2019, the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office placed Hu Guangwei under arrest for “public insult” and “defacement” with 200,000 bail. In March 2019, Xi Jinping's government ordered Hong Kong to sacrifice the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, so CCP didn't have to use triad tactics like they did in 2015 to arrest people for imprisonment in the mainland but could be explicitly arrested and sent back to the mainland for trial under the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance Amendment Bill, which aroused strong opposition among the Hong Kong public. From March 15, the Hong Kong people staged a sit-in in front of the government headquarters to demand the withdrawal of the amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. The Civil Human Rights Front launched two demonstrations between March and April, to June 9; a large-scale demonstration broke out, a large number of people participated and one million Hong Kong people took to the streets. Climax came again on June 12 and 16 when there was another large-scale demonstration having “Five Demands” including asking Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor to resign and step down, etc.. The “five demands” were: 1. withdraw the “fugitive offender’s ordinance” 94

amendment, 2.withdraw the demonstration “riot” characterization, 3. withdraw the arrested charges, 4. Independent investigation to investigate the abuse of violence by the police force, and 5. Realization of “genuine dual universal suffrage”. On July 1, some protesters occupied the Legislative Council Building. Almost every week protesters launched protests and clashes though the police were intensified. In August, protesters paralyzed the Hong Kong International Airport twice. In October, fierce demonstrations erupted in Hong Kong, causing even more clashes and in November, the “three strikes” further escalated, with fierce clashes between the police and the public at the two universities of CUHK and Poly U in which the police used batons, pepper spray, tear gas, water hoses, rubber bullets, and cloth bags. The clashes resulted in at least 15 deaths (including 4 suicidal protesting youths), over 2,600 protesters and 600 police officers were injured; there were 10,000 arrests and over 2,500 underwent prosecutions. The protest movement went on for almost a year without a unified leadership, mainly through social media contacts and calls for organizations, with demonstrations, rallies, sit-ins, singing, shouting, “three strikes”, non-cooperation movement, road blocking, setting up the Lennon wall, “undercover” and other ways to express their purposes. Most of the participants were peaceful, with the youngest 11 years old and the oldest 84 years old. On November 24, 2019 during Hong Kong District Council elections, 1.8 million voters voted for the democratic camp, the democrats won 389 out of the 450 District Council seats the procommunist “pro-establishment” collapsed and were defeated. The Liaison Office of the CCP failed to control the election. Hong Kong people thus have rewritten the history with the votes indicating that the CCP has lost the hearts of the people. In 2019, Hong Kong experienced an unprecedented demonstration movement of one million people. The protesters raised the banner of “Restoration of Hong Kong, Revolution of the 95

Times”, shouted “God destroy the CCP”, “Death to the whole family of the Communist Party”, “No National Day, only national mourning” and posted “conscience” stickers and cartoons of Xi Jinping. There were rallies and demonstrations in 50 cities in 9 countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Northern Europe, Japan, South America, Taiwan, etc.. On October 1, 2109, one million people participated in the rally. On November 18, 2019, U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo issued a commentary on Hong Kong to condemn the Chinese Communist Party's suppression of democratic freedom. On November 19 and 20, 2019, the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives passed the Hong Kong Bill of Rights and Democracy to support the Hong Kong democracy movement and condemned the Chinese Communist Party's suppression and persecution. On May 27, 2020, the Secretary of State Pompeo issued a statement confirming that Hong Kong no longer had a high degree of autonomy and that Hong Kong may no longer enjoy special preferential treatment from the United States. The “anti-China” pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong has made the world see the true face of the CCP and has revealed Xi Jinping's intention to accelerate the defamation of Hong Kong and eliminate the democratic forces in Hong Kong which is bound to intensify the contradictions between the CCP and the free world and intensify the global anti-communist struggle. In 2019, Hong Kong's “anti-China” movement gave Taiwan a great stimulus, “Hong Kong today, Taiwan tomorrow”, a great blow to the unificationists, affecting Taiwan's 2020 elections. Tsai Ing-wen “picked up Hong Kong's gun and fired violently at the mainland. The situation in Hong Kong has inspired the Taiwanese people to be warier of the CCP than ever before. Tsai Ing-wen is “pro-US and anti-communist” and her campaign has gained momentum. Xi Jinping helped Tsai Ing-wen, who won the election 96

with high votes. Xi Jinping's attempt to take over Taiwan is increasingly becoming a sham. In July 2020, Xi Jinping put all his efforts into suppressing the “anti-China” movement. In July 2020 he introduced the National Security Law, directly manipulating Hong Kong with the legislation of the Chinese Communist Party-controlled National People's Congress, forcing Hong Kong to implement his draconian law and giving the police more power to bugging, searching, banning from leaving the country and freezing assets at will. This will speed up the defamation of Hong Kong as a seaport under the control of the CCP, not different from mainland cities, but Hong Kong is inextricably linked to the rest of the world, with many foreign companies, media and civil society organizations. On December 2, 2020, a Hong Kong court sentenced popular protest leaders Huang Zhihua, Zhou Ting, and Lin Rongyan to 7 to 13 months in prison, and in April 2021, arrested Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Lai Chi-ying and seven others. Many prodemocracy activists were forced to flee and a ship carrying more than 10 fugitives left Hong Kong for Taiwan and was intercepted by police. Xi Jinping's attack on freedom and democracy will not stop. Xi's army even calls for the expulsion of 7.5 million Hong Kong people and 8 million immigrants from the mainland, further exposing the true face of the CCP's barbarism and making the world aware of the viciousness and brutality of Communism which will inevitably provoke countries to besiege the CCP and speed up the end of Xi Jinping. Hong Kong is a bridgehead against the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party, a beacon of democracy and as the “Pearl of the Orient”, Hong Kong will continue to shine brightly.


15. Annexation of Taiwan?

Taiwan is the last piece of fat that the communist devil will want to swallow. The fight against Chiang is not complete until Taiwan is captured. Mao tried for 30 years, but failed. Deng Xiaoping and other successors had the will, but had no capacity either. Xi Jinping is ambitious and so accelerating the pace of annexation to unite Taiwan has been part of CCP’s dream since 1949. Taiwan's economic prosperity and rise in Asia is very attractive to mainland China and more importantly, Taiwan's freedom and democracy, like a lighthouse, emits light and shines on the other side of the Taiwan Strait making Xi and CCP more afraid of. Since Taiwan opened up to mainland tourism in the 1980s, the number of mainland compatriots visiting Taiwan has increased year after year and all those who have been to Taiwan have been impressed and praised Taiwan. In 2012, the famous writer Han Han wrote an article “The Wind of the Pacific” about his experience of visiting Taiwan, concluding that the most beautiful scenery in Taiwan is the people. The mainland compatriots praised the good moral character of the Taiwanese. The Guangzhou New Weekly then even published a 200-page special report to recommend Taiwan to its readers. The result of the New Weekly's trip to Taiwan: “Exactly as we had envisioned in advance”, because of its respect for Confucius and religious freedom, Taiwan has many Christian believers. The morality of mainland society cannot be compared with Taiwan. All mainlanders who have been to Taiwan can see that Taiwan's freedom and democracy has become a role model, causing greater fear of the Xi Communist dictatorship which must be eaten up by Taiwan. Taiwan is protected by the U.S. “Taiwan Relations Act” and


the United States continues to sell defense weapons to strengthen Taiwan's defense. If the Xi Communist Party really dares to send troops to Taiwan, he is afraid of U.S. intervention. America is not a “paper tiger” and China is not a real dragon. And the forceful violation of Taiwan is simply unpopular. The army may not always listen to the command. Therefore, the use of force has to be used only as a form of intimidation, which is difficult to do in practice. There are polls within the CCP, 2/3 of which advocate maintaining the status quo and intend a peaceful solution. The Chinese Communist Party's means of “peaceful solution” is to induce, unify and infiltrate and to open up Taiwan's capital economically which is beneficial to the development of the mainland economy also. Thus, they can attract Taiwanese people, making them accept the CCP's united front politically and creating a “cross-strait family” atmosphere to soften Taiwan people who will go with the CCP. The CCP has given preferential treatment to Taiwan's economic and trade exchanges and even Taiwan's local fruits are open for sale on the mainland to buy the hearts of Taiwanese people. Taiwan's richest businessman, Kuo Tai-ming, has opened one electronics factory after another in Shenzhen and other places, reaping great economic benefits and helping mainland industries to take off. In 2020, he is going to run for the post of the president, and even shouted the slogan of “national defense depends on peace” in Taiwan but he has no support. The CCP and KMT had two corporations in the past. The CCP wants to use the old relationship with the old KMT to develop a new corporation in the new era. The members of KMT, like Lien Chan, Soong Chu-yu, Hao Bo-cun, etc. visited the mainland. The CCP offered them high-national level treatment to draw them in. When Xi Jinping came to power, he developed such a relationship even more insisting on a “peaceful solution” for Taiwan. On November 7, 2015 Xi Jinping successfully enticed Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeou and met him in Singapore. Although the meeting between the two sides was openly 99

“reciprocal” and both sides addressed each other as “Mr.” instead of “President” and “Chairman”, the most crucial thing was that the meeting was held under the “One China” principle. “The one China” principle of Xi Jinping is of course Beijing's big China, whereas Taipei's is a small Taiwan. The Xi-Ma meeting was the first step in Xi Jinping's dream to achieve the first step to eat Taiwan and was a “peaceful solution” of the big breakthrough. Ma Ying-jeou is united with the CCP. Taiwanese don’t like it. Ma does not have a broad support base from the public. The slogans of “hand in hand”, “mutual benefit and win-win”, “blood is thicker than water”, are the CCP’s crowning glory. After the Ma-Xi meeting, 87% of the people polled consider themselves Taiwanese and 6% consider themselves Chinese in Taiwan. The general public fears that Taiwan will gradually become part of China and be eaten up by the Communist Party after the Ma-Xi meeting. The French news agency Agence France-Presse has devoted an article to Xi Jinping as a “decoy”. Taiwan expresses its disgust at Ma Ying-jeou's KMT shaking hands with Xi Jinping's Communist Party with votes. In May 2016 presidential election in Taiwan, DPP's Tsai Ing-wen was elected president by a high margin receiving 6.89 million votes that is 56 percent, while KMT's Chu Li-lun got 3.81 million votes that is 31 percent, and Pro-Democratic Party's James Soong got 1.57 million votes i.e. 13 percent. Xi Jinping's unification with Taiwan has failed to work. Tsai Ing-wen, who does not even recognize the “1992 Consensus and the One-China table”. The Chinese Communist Party has no choice but to offer a diplomatic baton. Xi Jinping, with his stolen state power, has used the power of “Greater China” and taken 1.4 billion people's hard-earned money and economic aid as an inducement to entice Taiwan's diplomatic states to fall to Beijing. Since May 2016, when Tsai Ing-wen became president, by September 2019, seven countries have been induced by Xi Jinping to break diplomatic relations with Taiwan and establish diplomatic


relations with Beijing. Taiwan has had 47 diplomatic allies since the 1950s but has significantly reduced since 1970 with only 15 diplomatic allies so far. However, even for countries that have broken off diplomatic relations with the Republic of China, they still maintain economic and cultural exchanges and offices for the practical interests of the country and the exchange of visas for nationals is not affected. In the 2020 Taiwan election, Han Guoyu, who has a clear heart for the people, won the hearts of the people. But due to the KMT's ambiguous posture of “peace and China”, she lost to Tsai Ing-wen, who is “pro-US and anti-China”. Tsai got 8.17 million votes, Han got 5.52 million votes, the DPP got 61 seats in the legislature, and 38 seats in the National Assembly. The DPP got 61 seats and the KMT 38 seats. Xi Jinping has always threatened to eat Taiwan by force despite the 500 million people living in abject poverty with only a few hundred yuan a month. Xi scraped the wealth of 1.4 billion people to develop weapons. Since coming to power, he has developed the navy with the power of a single country and various offensive ships have been built and launched like dumplings into boiling water. 90 new large warships have been built in the past five years and put into the Navy. Three more large warships were delivered to the Navy in April 2021.One is a 40,000-ton amphibious landing assault ship, which can carry 30 helicopters, multiple attack tanks and combat vehicles, two battalions of troops, and a close-range missile launch system, equivalent to an aircraft carrier, which adds up to three aircraft carriers for the Communist Army. Also launched for service are nuclear submarines and a 10,000-ton destroyer both of which are intimidating. Xi Jinping put on his military uniform and personally attended the ceremony to deliver the ships to the navy to show his prowess. At present, the number of communist warships cruising in the western Pacific Ocean is 4-5 times bigger than that of the U.S. warships and they have an overwhelming advantage over 101

Taiwan by land, sea and air, in addition to CCP's Air Force and nuclear weapons, enough to scare the Taiwanese to death. Ma Ying-jeou was so frightened that he said “the first war is the final war”, meaning that Taiwan will be dead once the communist army sends its troops. Besides Xi Jinping’s weapon threatening Taiwan, CCP launched an unprecedented propaganda repeatedly called “the motherland must be unified, and is necessarily unified”, as if the arrow was on the string, must eat Taiwan into the stomach in order to meet his pursuit of a third term in 2022. But Taiwan has the backing of the United States, will Xi Jinping dare to fire the first shot? Once the war starts, the battlefield is not limited to the Taiwan Strait. Modern warfare is comprehensive and three-dimensional, the battlefield does not distinguish between the front and back, Xi Jinping can hide underground to give orders. I am afraid that Xi Jinping will be dead in some underground command center before the communist army succeeds in landing on Taiwan. Besides, not many people within the Chinese Communist Party agree to use force on Taiwan, so Xi Jinping cannot command it. Will all the generals of the Communist army listen to him? Will he be able to withstand internal opposition? Taiwan can be invincible and crush any plot to eat Taiwan as long as it is like Israel, not afraid to be scared, resilient and sworn to defend itself. Taiwan is the only remaining spark of Chinese civilization on the mainland, which has been occupied by the communist evil. Taiwan should not only stand firm, but also be prepared to stretch its arms and legs across the mainland, so that the flame of civilization can be rekindled all over the mainland. Xi Jinping seems to be huge and unbeatable, but his internship is always “Xi Swell” (as the Beijingers call him) and he is a loner. Taiwan has an absolute advantage not only in terms of justice, but also in terms of the hearts and minds of the people. In addition to holding fast to the island, Taiwan should be justified in launching a 102

counter-attack against the Communist Party on the mainland, with civilization and justice on the side of Taiwan, and all the people of Taiwan should attack the Communist Party, exposing the evil of the Communist Party, revealing the unprecedented disaster caused by the Communist Party to the mainland, and the unprecedented catastrophe caused by the spread of the virus today, and arousing the righteous indignation of the whole of China and all mankind. All should work hard to make Xi Jinping step down as soon as possible. Some people in Taiwan say that the China-US conflict is intensifying; Taiwan is caught in the middle, more trouble than good, this is wrong. The intensification of the conflict between the United States and China is the result of Uncle Sam's awakening in recent years. The USA cannot be deceived and is angry against the common devil. The United States is on the side of Taiwan. This is the blessing of Taiwan and is the greatest guarantee of Taiwan's security. This will crush any “peaceful reunification” tactics of the United Front.

16. American Awakening

In 2015, Michael Pillsbury published “The 100-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy To Replace America as the Global Superpower”, a milestone in America's awakening to China. The book is a milestone in America's awakening to China. Being fluent in Chinese and with 40 years of first-hand experience dealing with the CCP, he served as assistant secretary of defense and retired as director of the Center for China Strategy at the Hudson Institute, a think tank. His “100-Year Marathon,” which had been in draft form shortly after Xi took office in 2013, was 103

circulated within the Defense Department and resonated widely. Xi's 2013 meeting with President Obama was insincere like “chicken-and-egg”. Obama's good intentions for the U.S.-China cooperation came to naught. Xi Jinping shouted “building a community of human destiny”, “providing Chinese solutions for the world”, extended his fist to the United States in the South China Sea and spread the Belt and Road to change the world map. 2014 Russia sent troops to East Ukraine and Crimea and the United States imposed severe economic sanctions. Xi Jinping, however, gave Putin a major blood transfusion, signing a 25-year, $270 billion oil deal and paying $70 billion in advance in one go, clearly going against the United States. The U.S. was under the illusion of aiding the CCP, hoping that China would “join the club of democracies” in 2015 but found that it had been deceived and had misjudged China. Michael Collins, an assistant at the CIA, also said that the CCP is a “duck in the water” that hides on the surface and moves undetectably below the surface. Xi Jinping speaks grandly of a “win-win situation between China and the United States,” while CCP think tank Jin Canrong admits that “a win-win situation between China and the United States means that China wins twice,” and another think tank, Zhang Weiwei, says that “the CCP is starting to set rules for the United States. The U.S. government accepted the revelations of the Centennial Marathon. After 2015 Obama began to change his policy of “Engagement” to “Containment” of China. Deploying a return to Asian military power in 2016 to counter Xi Jinping's South China Sea strikes. The U.S. has helped the CCP enter the World Trade Organization (WTO) for more than a decade but the Chinese Communist Party has violated its commitment to open markets. Xi Jinping's rise to power has intensified his efforts to pull out his sword on the United States. On November 29, 2018, more than 30 leading U.S. experts on China, after 1.5 years of research, published a 192-page report


titled “Chinese Influence & American Interests, Promoting Constructive Vigilance.” marked the awakening of a whole generation of Chinese experts who had discovered that they had misjudged the CCP. Many of them, who used to be friendly and expectant of the CCP, now feel that their dreams have collapsed, creating a sense of disgust and powerlessness, and set up a consensus that they have a grievance against the CCP. The report generally resonates with Bangrui Bai's “100 Years of Marathon ''. The report is authored by Larry Diamond, a professor at Stanford University's Hoover Institution and Orville Schell, director of the Asia Society's Center for U.S.-China Relations. In October 2018, the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence delivered a special speech on China’s policy stating that U.S. expectations of China over the years to respect the principles of freedom, respect private property, respect human rights, and respect religious freedom had all fallen short. China has benefited from U.S. aid, its GDP has grown nine times over the past 17 years and it has become the world's second largest economy. Now it is turning plowshares into swords, making the United States its enemy, stealing U.S. trade secrets, illegally acquiring U.S. intellectual property, stealing U.S. technology, confronting the United States militarily on land, at sea, in the air, and even in outer space. China has struck into the South China Sea to push the United States out of the Western Pacific and militarized the South China Sea aggressively. The CCP controls almost every aspect of people's lives, including domestic surveillance of the people, persecution of human rights and the Great Firewall is getting higher and higher. Domestically, the CCP persecuted Tibetan monks protesting self-immolation, imprisoning millions of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang. Externally, the Belt and Road to “debt diplomacy” hold involved countries. Taiwan has been suppressed and some countries have been induced to break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan by corrupting them with money. Three Latin American countries have been drawn in by the Chinese Communist


Party and have broken off diplomatic relations with Taiwan since 2017. Vice President Pence condemns Xi Jinping for not only trying to make the domestic media go by the Party name, blow the trumpet for him but also for spending billions of dollars around the world to make big propaganda for the CCP. China International Television reaches 75 million Americans in the U.S. and directly propagates that line of the CCP masters. The CCP-controlled China Students and Scholars Associations which have more than 150 chapters in U.S. universities. They also control the social activities of 430,000 students and scholars. If a student deviates from the CCP’s line, he/she will be denounced to the Chinese embassy or consulate and her family will be harassed at home. The CCP undermines academic freedom and freedom of expression in the United States. Pence said the U.S. will not back down in the face of the Chinese Communist offensive and is determined to defend the American tradition of freedom and security. Pence's speech sounded the clarion call for a comprehensive U.S. denunciation of the Chinese Communist Party, which will be deployed to contain it on all fronts. Nikki Hailey, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, who retired at the end of 2018, advocated for the organization stand for America in February 2019. China, Russia, Iran as “international threats” and the Chinese Communist Party is “the largest foreign threat to the United States. Hailey pointed out that the former Soviet Union to which the United States fought against during the Cold War, had an economy only a fraction of the size of China's today and that the U.S.-China confrontation was not the same as the U.S.-Soviet confrontation. She said the U.S. must rethink its national security strategy and improve relations with its allies. The U.S. should rally countries against China and resist the Chinese military threat, strengthen its military, improve its information technology and cyber warfare capabilities and modernize its longneglected nuclear infrastructure. She noted that, fortunately, there


was cross-party support for a policy of confronting CCP’s aggression. The United States faces a life-or-death risk and must act now. On July 20, 2019, the Committee on Current Dangers, a group of hawkish political, academic, and military leaders, issued a statement calling on President Trump not to become “the fourth U.S. president to save the Chinese Communist regime”. The statement has more than 130 signatures, co-signing a letter to Trump and More than 130 people signed a letter to Trump and Congress, calling on the U.S. government to stick to its hard line against the Chinese Communist Party. “The Committee on the Present Danger, which had been defunct for years, was revived this year in a climate of crisis due to the rising threat of the CCP, with the intent of preventing Trump from compromising with the CCP as he wavered.” The Committee on the Present Danger, which took credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union, is now advocating that the United States should treat the Chinese Communist Party as the Soviet Union and deal with it forcefully. On July 23, 2020, Secretary of State Pompeo delivered a 25minute speech on China at the Nixon Memorial Library in Los Angeles: Communist China and the Future of the Free World”. He said: “If the free society does not join hands to change the CCP, it will wait to be changed by the CCP. He added, “Xi Jinping is a believer in bankrupt totalitarian ideology, and he will not reform it on his own.” If Pompeo's ideas are adhered to, it is believed that in less than three years, the CCP will change and the United States will be the final gravedigger to bury communism. Pompeo repeatedly said that the world can only be safe if the Chinese Communist Party is changed to create a China that is free internally and friendly externally. Pompeo pointed out that the CCP has been taking advantage of America's freedom and openness, infiltrating America, destroying freedom of expression in the media, destroying research centers and academic freedom on campuses. The CCP is afraid of the true voice of the people. If 107

we do not act, the Chinese Communist Party will violate our freedom, destroy our rule of law and order, and our children and grandchildren will be at its mercy. Nixon made an exception in 1970. He went to Beijing to meet Mao Zedong to invite Mao into the United Nations. He opened the door to Mao when he was the President. Pompeo chose to deliver an unprecedented speech on the new China policy at the Nixon Memorial Library. He said the U. S. closed the door to Nixon now, the United States is changing the policy of opening the door to the evil Chinese Communist Party, ending Nixon's political legacy. The U.S. will no longer listen to the lies of the CCP, to separate and raise the flag of the crusade against the evil Party. Pompeo's speech is a powerful manifesto for the destruction of the Communist Party. On November 10, 2020, Secretary Pompeo again delivered a special address on China at the Reagan Research Center: “America's Commitment”. He points out that the United States was founded on the belief in freedom and that the U.S. government aims to preserve freedom. In the face of the CCP's evil behavior at home and abroad, the U.S. goal is that China must eventually end CCP rule, end one-party rule, and return political power to the Chinese people. Freedom against the CCP has been a bipartisan consensus in the United States, and the United States will persist in doing so. Pompeo also pointed out that Marxism-Leninism is a monster, authoritarian and barbaric opposed to human freedom. China will be like the Soviet Union, where the people will determine the course of the country's history. American liberal democracy is the “shining city on the hill” and we will “hold fast to God's will and promise”. Pompeo said, “My knowledge of and attitude toward the Chinese Communist Party was formed when I was director of the Central Intelligence Agency in 2017.” In December 2020, Pompeo did not call Xi Jinping President, but General Secretary of the CCP of China with the intention of 108

not recognizing Xi as the normal President of the country, indicating that he proposed to “change the Communist Party” against Xi Jinping. Pompeo also said for the first time that “Taiwan is not a part of China”, which means to break the “one China” magic shield of the CCP. According to Pompeo, it is not long before the United States and Taiwan resume diplomatic relations, and there are in fact two Chinese governments. When President Biden took office, he sent a special presidential envoy to Taiwan in April 2012 to meet with President Tsai Ing-wen, strongly signaling his intention to restore formal diplomatic relations between the United States and Taiwan. President Biden basically continues Pompeo's policy towards the CCP. Liaising with the EU, UK, Japan, Australia, India and other allies, President Biden launched an encirclement and siege of the CCP. By August 2021, when the Wuhan virus origin report comes out and reveals the truth about Xi Jinping's manufacturing and spreading of the virus, the general policy of encirclement of the CCP took shape and Xi Jinping will not be able to escape from his guilt. As early as August 14, 2015, the Chinese Communist Party's Military Medical Press published an internal textbook: “Unnatural Origins of SARS and Human-made Human New Strain Virus Genetic Weapons” revealing that the Chinese Communist Party had weaponized the SARS coronavirus 5 years ago and had already predicted that World War 3 would be biological warfare. The book was published internally by the military and went unnoticed by the outside world for several years. 2021 was turned up by the Australian media, The Australian, and the U.S. intelligence have together verified the existence of the book. The five-year-old Chinese military's prediction has coincided with the contagious disaster scenario of the new coronavirus in the year 2020. Now the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research is doing virus breakdown and synthesis to create new viruses. If it is not for biological weapons testing, why do we need military biological weapons defense 109

experts to participate? Although the Chinese Communist Party has deliberately concealed and destroyed the evidence there are a large amount of leaked fragmentary information which the CCP could not remove one by one. When we put the leaked secret data together, it is enough to explain the context of the leak. Xi Jinping cannot escape the guilt.

17. The Scourge of the Plague - the Enemy of Mankind

On January 23, 2020, Xi Jinping announced the closure of Wuhan, making the world know that there was a pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan. The pandemic spread rapidly to countries around the world and till May 5, 2021, more than 570,000 people had died in the United States and 3.24 million worldwide. But the latest research from the University of Washington indicates that the number of deaths in the United States should be 900,000 and the global death toll is estimated at 7 million. Xi Jinping has caused the biggest pandemic havoc of the century which is still developing and the death toll is rising with every passing day. In fact, Covid-19 virus leaked from Wuhan Institute of Virus Research which was built with French aid in 2016 and completed and began operations in 2018. France knew the great danger of virus research. France signed an agreement with China that 50 French experts should participate in the laboratory for five years but the Chinese Communist Party violated the agreement and did not allow French experts to participate and the Chinese Communist Party has been operating it secretly. As early as 2013 when Xi Jinping came to power, he took the 110

United States as his enemy and ordered the study of various superlimit warfare methods to defeat the powerful military power of the United States, the so-called “overtaking”, no matter what crooked methods were used, among them was biochemical warfare. Biological chemical weapons are both insidious and efficient. It’s difficult to detect and defend. This leads to it having the potential to deal with the enemy unknowingly. But biochemical weapons have long been outlawed by the United Nations and all countries have signed on to recognize them. Therefore, the CCP's research and development had to be conducted very secretly. Also China lacked advanced biotechnology for virus decomposition and synthesis. In 2015, the Chinese Communist Party negotiated with France to establish a virus laboratory. France carefully signed an agreement with the CCP which was opened in 2016. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing was very concerned to learn that the Wuhan virus laboratory went into operation in January 2018 and sent experts to Wuhan several times to visit and inspect the laboratory; it was. They found that the laboratory staff was doing research on bat coronaviruses. They were shocked and their researchers lacked safety training. They did not have tight virus protection measures. So the U.S. experts warned the laboratory supervisor that SARSlike coronaviruses from bats could infect humans. In early December 2019, the medical authorities in Wuhan discovered human-to-human transmission of the pneumonia virus and reported to the central government leaders of Wuhan city and Hubei province the discovery of human-to-human transmission. This was sent. However, according to CCP regulations, provinces and municipalities do not have the authority to release information about the pandemic outside the country. so they have to wait for instructions from the central government. On December 30, 2019, Wuhan ophthalmologist Li Wenliang exchanged information to a friend in an online WeChat message, suggesting that a SARS-like virus infection had been detected and 111

asked the friend to pay attention to it. Li Wenliang's information about the virus spread and he was admonished and disciplined by the Wuhan city authorities for violating the rule that he could not privately disclose the virus infection. Li Wenliang insisted on continuing to track 9the development of the virus infection and so he himself got infected by the virus, showing symptoms of pneumonia on January 10. He was diagnosed with pneumonia due to the new coronavirus on January 31, and died on February 7 at the age of 34, posthumously acknowledged as the first whistleblower and the first victim. Dr. Yan Limeng, a virus expert from the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong, fled to the United States on April 28, 2020 to expose the origin of the Wuhan virus. She confessed that she had been informed by her friends at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on December 31, 2019, that human-to-human transmission of SARS-like virus had been detected. She was in possession of a large amount of information about the virus. On January 1, 2020, the Hubei Provincial Health Commission issued a telephone notice: Wuhan all new crown pneumonia virus samples must be destroyed, no further testing to be done. Obviously this was an attempt to conceal the source of the virus. On January 3, 2020, Professor Yongzhen Zhang of the Shanghai Public Health Center received a virus sample that detected a novel SARS coronavirus. He recommended disease control and pandemic prevention measures which went without any response. On January 3, 2020, the National Health Commission issued another notice that no unauthorized information about biological samples should be provided to outside parties. On January 9, 2020, the United Nations World Health Organization, based on the data provided by the Chinese government, announced that the virus would not spread easily 112

from person to person, and the head of the WHO was considered to be under major suspicion of being bribed by the CCP for stuffing money. he executed the CCP creating a false impression to the outside world. On January 12, 2020, the CCP shut down the Shanghai P3 virus laboratory and destroyed the virus samples to cover up the source of the virus. On January 14, 2020, the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China held a provincial video conference and announced that Thailand had a confirmed diagnosis of Wuhan pneumonia virus indicating that the virus had crossed out the country's border. However, WHO actually ignored it and did not propose any precautionary measures. On January 23, 2020, Xi Jinping suddenly announced the closure of Wuhan, a few days before Xi Jinping was on a visit abroad and the CCP Standing Committee had no authority to make any disposition. When Xi Jinping returned to China, he made the major decision. At that time, it was announced that there were 375 confirmed cases and 17 deaths in Wuhan. If it was indeed such a small number and so it was not worth closing the city of Wuhan, which has 12 million people. In fact, the severity of the pandemic was far greater than the official figures announced, with millions of people entering and leaving Wuhan before the closure. Millions more fled Wuhan after the closure, leaving the country and scattering all over the world. On January 31, 2020, the U.S. custom announced closure for Chinese travelers, but 430,000 people had already entered the U.S. before that and the rest had flown to European countries. In late January 2020, the CCP announced that Major General Chen Wei, the chief biological weapons defense expert, would take over the Wuhan P4 Virus Institute to do aftercare and cleanse the evidence. Xi Jinping used the army to seal off Wuhan, treating patients as enemies. Taiwan's Dongsen TV, regardless of safety, went into 113

the patient concentration camps, patient homes and funeral homes. They interviewed people and took photos of real situations. It was exposed that Xi Jinping has resorted to various barbaric methods of sealing, arresting, clearing, isolating, and burning. Patients were arrested, beaten, dragged, escaped over the fence, beaten with sticks, and ran away when they did not want to go to the isolation camp to die, with the police officers chasing after them. The CCP is fighting a “people's war” with patients as the target. such T horrific scenes were filmed by Taiwan TV. In a TV interview on February 5, 2020, it was revealed that Wuhan funeral parlors had handled the cremation of more than 10,100 people, with 1/3 of the bodies coming from hospitals and 2/3 directly from the families of the deceased. This caused an increased workload of funeral parlors several times. The staff could hardly sleep just four hours a day and had to hire temporary workers to handle the job. There is more information to reveal the Wuhan virus from the secret research of the virus laboratory. February 15, 2020, Guangzhou. The South China University of Technology Professor Xiao Botao has pointed out in a paper: Wuhan virus experiments on the research of captured animal mismanagement, is the source of pneumonia virus. Professor Xiao pointed out that: Wuhan laboratory went to Hubei, Zhejiang and Yunnan respectively to capture 600 bats back for research. There was a staff member who was bitten by a bat and got stained with blood and someone who was shot with urine by a bat needed quarantine and isolation for 14 days. The Daily Mail has reported on April 11, 2020 that documents obtained show that the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research captured a large number of bats from Yunnan Province for coronavirus experiments. Some researchers were infected after spraying blood containing the virus which then spread. The so-called source of the virus announced by the CCP is the Wuhan South China Seafood Market, which is a front. Even if 114

there are wild animals with the virus in the seafood market, its source is the animals studied by the Wuhan virus laboratory, and the laboratory used to take out the experimented animals to sell in the market for economic benefits. How many people have died from coronary pneumonia virus in mainland China so far? The official national statistic is 4,858 (2021.5.9.) Obviously an artificial figure from the CCP, circulated on the internet on the mainland: On March 30, 2020 Wang Huning asked the Hubei Provincial Party Committee: How many people have died? Hubei replied it was more than 720,000 people. Xi Jinping has created, concealed and spread the pneumonia virus, causing a huge disaster in various countries. The death toll in India is rising and may reach a million. The pandemic is still developing and countries are still busy vaccinating, hoping to control the pandemic in the short term, and are not able to hold the CCP accountable. Once the pandemic eases down, countries will join hands to hold the CCP accountable and may take Xi Jinping to the international court; Chinese domestic public opinion has realized the seriousness of the problem. Xi Jinping is facing not only the Eight-Nation Alliance, but the 80-nation Alliance, which is much bigger than the international crisis faced by the Qing Dynasty. On April 30, 2021, on the front page of the French Newspaper Le Figaro published an open letter signed by more than 20 international scientists calling for a deeper investigation into the origin of the New Coronavirus and further investigation of the virus that leaked from the Wuhan virus laboratory. The world has reason to wonder why the CCP had to travel thousands of miles to capture thousands of bats with infectious viruses and return to Wuhan to decompose and synthesize them to create new viruses. Although the Chinese Communist Party deliberately concealed and destroyed the evidence, a large amount of scattered information has leaked out. The CCP cannot remove it one by one. Putting would be. Xi Jinping cannot escape the blame. 115

As early as August 14, 2015, the Chinese Communist Military Medical Press published an internal textbook: “Unnatural Origins of SARS and Genetic Weapons of the New Human-to-Human Virus”, revealing that the CCP had weaponized the SARS coronavirus 5 years ago and predicted that World War 3 would be biological warfare. The book was published internally by the military and remained unnoticed by the outside world for several years. In 2021 it was brought forth by the Australian media and further The Australian, and U.S. intelligence has verified the existence of the book. On May 25, 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden ordered his subordinates to deliver a report on the origin of the Wuhan virus within 90 days; On May 26, Biden ordered 17 national laboratories to cooperate with the investigation because they have super computers that can organize and analyze the vast amount of information and dynamics collected about the virus; Even if the Chinese Communist Party hides the truth, they can sort out the spider traces and find the original face. Former Secretary Pompeo said in an interview with reporters on May 29: “I'm sure the lab worked with the military on classified programs that started at least in 2017 and they tried to make the virus more infectious and more deadly. Wuhan laboratory is still operating, which may cause the virus to leak, must be clarified to avoid repeating the same mistake.” The Chinese public online comments: “the crime of the public enemy of mankind, the crime is too big even with 1 billion yuan to buy perjury but also useless. Track the truth in order to eliminate the plague, prevent the plague again, there is no room for compromise.”


18. Removal of Xi - It's Consensus of the CCP Members and Chinese People

In late August 2021, the U.S. Wuhan virus origin report came out. The U.S. and other countries around the world proved that the virus originated from the Chinese Communist Party's intention to develop biological weapons. Xi Jinping could no longer deny it in front of a thousand-page investigation report with iron-clad evidence. The countries all over were bound to file claims for compensation based on the loss of life and economic losses since the pandemic. They want to take Xi Jinping to the United Nations and international courts based on his criminal record. Faced with astronomical claims from various countries, the CCP cannot cover the claims even if it sells all its national assets and raids the national treasury, plus even stripping 1.4 billion people of their clothes. They can only plead for leniency. On the condition of promising to abandon Xi and the Party and the Communist Party for political reform and transformation and to return the political power to the people, the U.S. and other countries agreed to pardon Xi Jinping from criminal prosecution by the U.N. and international courts. They only wanted him to provide symbolic compensation to the families of those who have died as a result of the plague. For Xi Jinping, the best outcome will be to return to the holy land of Liangjiahe and drink the holy water to end his life. He may also agree to go to his old mother's place in Shenzhen and leave him enough money to live on in his old age, in addition to confiscating more than 1 billion yuan assets of Xi's family. This can happen in late 2021 to early 2022, or at the latest by October 2022. 117

In 1976, when Mao collapsed, the Communist Party cadres had to abandon Mao's transformation. Deng Xiaoping should have abandoned Mao as Khrushchev had abandoned Stalin in 1956 but unfortunately Deng Xiaoping took the “4 insistences” to let Mao still hang high in Tiananmen and to let communism lurk down to plague China. Xi Jinping came to power and dragged the Mao zombie out to embolden himself as the Communist Emperor and brought the Mao corpse back to life for 10 years. In 2020 Xi Jinping let the communist virus spread around the world so that countries could know that the evil of communism was the source of the plague. Xi Jinping is the public enemy of mankind, provoking the anger of all countries and The United States has woken up to lead the army to find out the source of the virus. Thus, Xi Jinping's guilt cannot escape him. The people of the world can no longer tolerate the Communist Party which has been ravaging the world. The year 2022 will be the year of the end of the century's disaster of communism. Communism will be crushed to the end at the same time as the plague. Xi Jinping dragged out Mao's corpse from the grave after Mao died 45 years ago. Now it is the time to bury Mao’s corpse with Maoism and Communism. If the Communist Party is not destroyed, the world will not be at peace. Many members of Congress are now calling for the restoration of official diplomatic relations with Taiwan, the restoration of Taiwan's status in the United Nations, the revision of Nixon's 1970 mistake of forcing Taiwan out of the UN and the abandonment of the “One China” policy that has given the Chinese Communist Party so much credit. The President Biden is expected to take steps in early 2022 to formally restore official diplomatic relations with the Republic of China on Taiwan, recognize the de facto existence of two Chinese regimes and promote the restoration of Taiwan's status at the UN. This U.S. decision will be a fatal blow to the Chinese Communist Party's desire to eat 118

Taiwan and will certainly cause shockwaves on the mainland prompting the Communist Party to spurn Xi Jinping. Not only will Taiwan not be eaten up with the support of the awakening of the United States but it will also become a beacon for the transformation of the mainland into a democratic country. In fact, Taiwan got transformed from a KMT dictatorship to a democratic constitutional state more than 30 years ago and is a model for the transformation of the Chinese Communist Party. Taiwan will use its successful historical experience of transformation to assist in the reformation of the CCP. When the mainland is successfully transformed into a democratic country, the final reunification of China will be achieved and the two regimes of Taipei and Beijing will naturally merge into one. Xi Jinping's perverse practices are unpopular and the CCP has long been disgusted with Xi Jinping. In fact, they have been calling for his termination for years. Xi Jinping thinks he can kidnap 1.4 billion people in his chariot and do whatever he wants. Beijingers have been calling Xi the president “Swell” who has been suffering from severe swelling disease, seemingly huge and unbeatable and in fact, he has long been a loner. The majority of party members and cadres in his hostage, act false, weary and perfunctory, only awaiting to abandon the sinking ship. In 2022, Xi will come to an end, the night will end and a new dawn is ahead. The bright sunshine of freedom, democracy and civilization will shine again on the dragon land.


Attachment: Xi Jinping's Ten Codes

Under the leadership of the CCP, China has been completely lifted out of poverty and has entered into moderate prosperity and has become a model for all mankind. I. Three things: first resolutely respond to whatever President Xi advocates; second resolutely implement whatever President Xi decides and the third is to resolutely refrain from doing whatever President Xi prohibits. II. Three entries: the President Xi's teachings are in the textbook, the President Xi's teachings are in the classroom, the President Xi's teachings are in the mind - all these should enter into the passion of a couple at night when they are in love. The mass in China has to wait for President Xi's approval before adding even a word. III. Everything i.e. all important matters are decided by President Xi; all work is done as per the wish of President Xi; and all actions are under the command of President Xi - even masses have to listen to his command before marriages and having children. IV. Four self-confidences: theory, road, system, culture. V. Four consciousness: political awareness, awareness of the big picture, core awareness, awareness of alignment. VI. Four major understandings: understanding of the development of socialism; understanding of the development of capitalism; understanding of the influence of Chinese socialism on human thought; and finally understanding of the current international environment and international struggles.


VII. Four greatnesses: to carry out great struggles; to carry out great projects; to promote great undertakings and to implement great dreams. VIII. The four completions: 1. build a well-off - well-off has been completed on schedule but President Xi has said to prevent the return of poverty. If poverty returns, that will be a big problem! 2. to deepening reforms 3. the full implementation of the rule of law 4. comprehensive strict governance of the Party - that is, strict strengthening of the leadership of the Party! IX. Five major ideas :1. innovation - 2. coordination - 3. green - 4. open - 5. sharing. How to be green? How to share? What can't be green? What absolutely cannot be shared? I dare not explain, please forgive my clumsiness. X. Seven don’ts: don’t talk universal values, don’t talk freedom of the press, don’t talk civil society, don’t talk civil rights, don’t talk historical mistakes of the Chinese Communist Party, don’t talk the powerful bourgeoisie and finally don’t talk the independence of the judiciary. (Note from Yu Hong: The above is a compilation of the insightful statements that I have taken from central government documents and important speeches of President Xi over the years, all of which have their sources. I am convinced that the Party Central Committee will have no objection and that Xi Jinping will be able to realize his grand ideal of a community of human destiny ahead of schedule by regulating all people in this way. 2021.6.1.)




i Jinping is a mystery. It is a mystery that he came to power; it is a mystery that he has tossed China into internal and external trouble for nine years and it is an even bigger mystery how he will step down in the future. It is not easy to say what Xi Jinping wants to do because his governing style is not quite like Mao Zedong's and not quite like Deng Xiaoping's. In fact, Xi's ambitions have far exceeded those of Mao and Deng but his prestige, knowledge and abilities are far less than those of Mao and Deng. Xi Jinping is caught between Mao and Deng and is himself a contradiction.


Xi Jinping's Rise to Power: A Bursting Soap Bubble

In November 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held and the baton of power was passed on to Xi Jinping who had just entered the era of the


second generation in power then. “In fact, the predecessors were very dissatisfied with the state of affairs in the last decade. In their view, the country that their fathers built had been ruined by eunuchs, butlers, secretaries and administrative bureaucrats including the regimented gang and thus corruption had become very serious. Like the Soviet Union, the Party and the country will die. Therefore, it is necessary to reorganize and re-establish the good traditions of the Party. The Party's fine traditions restore the faith of Marx, Lenin, and Mao, and will save the CCP from collapse because 'the baton is now in our hands' (Xi in Hebei to meet with veteran cadres).” [1] It was not easy for Xi Jinping to get the baton of power in the CCP and it can be said that every step was frightening and saberrattling. First of all, Xi Jinping benefited from Jiang Zemin's “next-generational designation”. Jiang Zemin chose Xi Jinping not because of his outstanding political performance but precisely because of his inaction; not because of his remarkable intelligence but precisely because of his seeming stupidity. This inaction and seeming stupidity have allowed Xi Jinping to gain access to a wide range of forces in the CCP. Secondly, Xi Jinping is carefully disguised. He disguises himself as a nobody so that Jiang Zemin thinks he is not a threat to him so that he can manipulate him with ease. Xi's disguise comes from the ancient Chinese practice of “hiding one's light”. The King Goujian of kingdom Zhao during the Spring and Autumn Period and Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty, who were both masters of disguise. Once again, Xi Jinping was challenged by Bo Xilai who was also a second-red generation in the final stage of the power transition. Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao took advantage of Wang Lijun's defection to capture Bo Xilai allowing Xi Jinping to ascend to the pinnacle of power in China as he wished. Xi Jinping, while he was delighted, was also anxious about this hot potato. On the surface, the “Golden Decade” of the “HuWen New Deal” showed a prosperous scene but there were crises


in the substance, reflected in: 1.

Stagnant economic development.


Corrupt officials.


Unchecked administrative power.


Judicial injustice.


The disparity between the rich and the poor.


Frequent mass incidents.


Deepening ethnic conflicts.

As stated in Charter 08: “The existence of law but no rule and the existence of a constitution but no constitutional government, remains a political reality for all to see. The ruling group continues to insist on maintaining authoritarian rule and rejecting political change, which has led to official corruption, difficulty in establishing the rule of law, lack of human rights, moral degradation, social polarization, abnormal economic development, double destruction of the natural and human environment, lack of institutionalized protection for citizens' freedom, property and the pursuit of happiness, accumulation of various social contradictions, and continuous rise of discontent, especially the confrontation between the government and the people. The intensification and proliferation of mass incidents are showing a disastrous trend of loss of control, and the outdated nature of the current system has reached the point where it must be changed.” 5 China has come to a crossroads and so has the CCP also. Xi Jinping has two roads in front of him: the new road leads to constitutional democracy and the old road leads to Mao Zedong's totalitarianism. When Xi Jinping stepped into power, all sectors of the Chinese population were optimistic. The Red second-generation was optimistic because they had finally taken control of the Red Empire established by their parents. Those with the “red family 124

gene” expected Xi Jinping to retain the permanent ruling position of the CCP. The democrats were optimistic because Xi's father, Xi Zhongxun, was a reformist figure in the CCP. They expected Xi Jinping to achieve a constitutional democratic transformation of China like Gorbachev and Chiang Ching-Kuo. Others were optimistic because China had become the world's second-largest economy. They expected Xi Jinping to follow Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening-up line. They expected him to carry out steady political reform, “not to make a fuss,” and to continue to “make a big fortune in silence”. Some Chinese public intellectuals have developed a theory of “socialist constitutionalism” for Xi Jinping. This theory was represented by Tong Zhiwei of East China University of Political Science and Law, Zhang Qianfan of Peking University, Xu Chongde and Han Dayuan of the Renmin University of China, Hua Bingxiao of Northwestern University and Qin Qianhong of Wuhan University. Their core proposition is to gradually realize constitutionalism by improving the CCP inner system and achieving relative separation of powers. They advocate democratic elections and protection of civil rights without changing the ruling status of the CCP. There are overseas democrats who are convinced that Xi Jinping will move toward constitutional democracy, even issuing several open letters; there is a defense of Xi Jinping's centralization of power as a stage condition for change. But this beautiful soap bubble will soon burst. In December 2012, Xi Jinping gave a closed-door speech to the local officials in Shenzhen. He sighed at the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the dramatic changes in the Eastern Europe, saying that “no one is a man”. In April 2013, the General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) issued a circular on the current situation in the ideological field, specifying the “Seven No Talking’”, i.e., no talk about universal values, freedom of the press, civil society, civil rights, historical mistakes of the CPC, 125

powerful capitalism, and judicial independence. On April 24, 2014, prominent journalist Gao Yu was arrested on charges of leaking the document and on November 26, 2015, she was sentenced to five years in prison by the Beijing High Court. At this point, most Chinese democrats have abandoned their illusions about Xi Jinping's constitutional reforms.


Political Regression and Social Hooliganism

Xi Jinping has been in power for nearly nine years now. The Xi era has proven to be an era of political regression, human rights disaster, total hooliganization of Chinese society, age of the cult of the individual worship, of lies, and violence, and an era of injustice. In 2012, Premier Wen Jiabao warned at the last press conference of his term of office. He said, “the reform has now reached a critical stage without the success of reform of the political system. The economic system reform cannot be carried out to the end, and the achievements made may be lost again. We will not be able to solve the new problems from the reform. The Cultural Revolution and other historical tragedies may happen again.” And thus Wen Jiabao's fears have become a reality in the Xi Jinping era. Throughout his nine years of rule, Xi Jinping has gathered power and governed the country. He has succeeded in removing political opponents Bo Xilai, Zhou Yongkang, Ling Jihua, Xu Caihou, Guo Boxiong and Sun Zhengcai through anti-corruption. He has punished more than 4 million CCP officials who did not abide by political rules. Xi has centralized military power 126

through military integration; and has centralized government power in his own hands by establishing the numerous reform leadership groups. Xi has abolished the collective leadership system established by Deng Xiaoping and has returned to the individual dictatorship of Mao Zedong. Xi Jinping's regime has concentrated on arresting some human rights lawyers and activists; suppressing freedom of speech, religious freedom, and civil society; implementing a second “public-private partnership” for private enterprises in the name of “mixed ownership” reform; emphasizing “the Party leads everything” and annulling Deng Xiaoping's achievements in separating the Party from the government and government from enterprises; persecuting ethnic minorities: genocide of Uighurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang and cultural extermination of Tibetans and Mongolians. In October 2017, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held its 19th National Congress. At the conference, wrapped in “beautiful” terms, Xi Jinping unabashedly articulated his policy the ideas of totalitarian dictatorship internally and world leadership externally. In March 2018, Xi Jinping manipulated the National People's Congress (NPC) to amend the constitution to remove term limits for the president and vice presidents. It abandoned the leadership succession system established by Deng Xiaoping, i.e., the realization of a term system for top leaders: the constitution stipulates that the term of office of the president shall not exceed two terms of five years each; instead of the current general secretary designating the next general secretary, the previous general secretary or the actual top leader shall exercise greater decision-making power, which is known as the “nextgenerational designation system; and the establishment of a “crown prince system,” or a succession system, whereby the party and the nation will make public the choice of the next general secretary after the new general secretary is confirmed. On July 1, 2021, at the Communist Party's centennial 127

celebration, Xi Jinping delivered an aggressive war-wolf speech, demonstrating that he would not hand over power as Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao did. In summary, during Xi's administration, China has experienced severe political regression and the legacy of Deng Xiaoping's political reforms has been abandoned. In nutshell, China is evolving toward a North Korean political ecology.


Towards International Isolation and Conflict

While the Xi Jinping regime is totalitarian and authoritarian internally, it is practicing ideological diplomacy internationally. At the 19th National Congress, Xi Jinping claimed that China wanted to move closer to the center of the world stage. His claim of a community of human destiny, the “Belt and Road” strategy and the World Conference of Political Parties demonstrate his desire to become a world leader. However, with the global spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the Xinjiang Uighur genocide, the abolition of “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong, and the blatant challenge to the existing international order, China's relationship with the world has become increasingly strained and thus China has been plunged into isolation and conflict.

1. Conflict in the South China Sea Since the end of 2013, China has been carrying out largescale land reclamation projects in the South China Sea. At present, China has carried out expansion works on at least seven islands including Meiji Reef and Yongxia Reef and at least three islands have got paved airstrips.


China's military deployment and sovereignty claims on the islands in the South China Sea has posed a major challenge to the navigational safety and core interests of the West and neighboring countries and have created a serious geopolitical threat. According to the World Maritime Council, 25 percent of global maritime shipping goes through the Malacca Strait and the South China Sea to all the continents. In fact, China's 60 percent of the foreign trade traffic, more than 85 percent of Japan and South Korea's oil and 90 percent of U.S. trade in Western Pacific raw materials have to pass through the region. In early 2012, the Philippines filed an arbitration case with the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) on the grounds that China's maritime rights and interests in the disputed waters of the South China Sea based on the nine-dashed line and its recent maritime law enforcement and island development activities had violated the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). On July 12, 2016, in the absence of China, the five arbitrators of the tribunal unanimously ruled that China did not have historical rights to natural resources in the South China Sea based on the nine-dashed line under UNCLOS. The tribunal also found that China's land reclamation in the South China Sea “has caused irreparable damage to the environment” and demanded that the Chinese government must stop its “activities” in the South China Sea. On July 23, 2020, the Australian government submitted a statement to the United Nations expressing its opposition to any Chinese sovereignty claims that were in conflict with the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, particularly maritime claims that didn’t not comply with the Convention's baseline, maritime zone and character classification provisions. Australia's statement rejected the historical basis for China's sovereignty over the South China Sea, saying it was inconsistent with international conventions on the law of the sea and was “invalid” under the 2016 South China Sea arbitration case. Both the Trump and Biden


administrations have clearly not recognized China's sovereignty claims in the South China Sea.

2. “One Belt, One Road” Strategy “The Belt and Road”, a transnational economic belt was initiated and led by Xi Jinping in 2013 to cover countries in mainland China, Central Asia, North and West Asia, the Indian Ocean coast, the Mediterranean coast, South America, and the Atlantic Ocean region along China's historic Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road. China's “Belt and Road” strategy, although far beyond China's economic power and is fraught with investment risks, is an important step in Xi Jinping's quest for world domination through economic cooptation and control of underdeveloped and developing countries. “The money diplomacy and debt trap brought about by the Belt and Road strategy have caused the United States and other Western countries to be highly alert and resistant to it.”

3. China and the U.S. are at Loggerheads When Trump entered the White House in 2017, Xi Jinping believed that the United States had declined and that the world's trend of “rising in the east and falling in the west” was unchangeable. But to Xi's surprise, after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Trump administration quickly adjusted its national security strategy to make China the number one strategic adversary. In early 2018, Trump launched a trade war, imposing high tariffs of 25 percent on the Chinese exports to the United States. The Chinese government also immediately took tough trade countermeasures. As the confrontation between China and the United States expanded from trade to technology and ideology, the U.S. ended its “engagement with China” policy that had begun during the 130

Nixon era. In 2020 , former U.S. National Security Advisor O'Brien stated in a speech that as China had become more affluent and stronger; he also believed that the CCP would become enlightened and would satisfy Chinese people's growing needs and desires for democracy. In hindsight, this was a bold and purely an American idea. Unfortunately, this miscalculation led to the biggest failure in U.S. foreign policy since the 1930s. How did we make this mistake? How could we not see the CCP for what it is? The answer is simple: because we didn't pay attention to the CCP's ideology. We have closed our eyes and ears to the wishful thinking that these party members are nothing more than members in name only. Now let's set the record straight: the CCP is a Marxist, Leninist party. Xi Jinping, the party's general secretary, sees himself as the successor of Stalin. On July 21, 2020, the United States closed the Chinese consulate in Houston; on July 24, China closed the U.S. consulate in Chengdu. In January 2021, the Biden administration took office, inheriting the Trump administration's policy toward China adding a joint alliance to confront China. From the Indo-Pacific Quadripartite Dialogue mechanism to the signing of the New Atlantic Charter by Britain and the United States, the G7 summit, NATO summit, EU summit, to Biden's meeting with Putin in Geneva, Biden's strategy toward China is becoming clearer: Stabilize the Indo-Pacific. Support Taiwan. Loosen Japan. Unite with allies. Unite with Russia to control China. So far, both U.S. and Chinese ambassadors have left but neither has yet sent a new ambassador.

4. Meng Wanzhou Incident On December 1, 2018, Canadian police arrested Meng Wanzhou, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of Huawei who was transiting in Vancouver at the request of the U.S. 131

government for mutual legal assistance. China implemented hostage diplomacy in retaliation, arresting Canadian citizens Kang Mingkai and Spuff and commuting the sentence of Canadian suspect Schellenberg for drug crimes, from 15 years in the first trial to the death penalty in the second. The verdict is contrary to the international criminal trial principle of no additional sentence on appeal.

5. Three Dead Ends for Uyghurs, Hong Kong, and Taiwan In 2014, Xi Jinping began to implement the Uyghur genocide policy, starting with the arrest of Professor Ilham, the construction of large-scale re-education camps to imprison Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and others, and the systematic implementation of genocide against the Uyghur people. Currently, the U.S., British, Canadian, Dutch, Lithuanian, and other parliaments consider the Chinese government to have committed genocide and crimes against humanity against the Uyghurs. The outbreak of the Occupy Central Movement in Hong Kong in 2014 and the anti-Send-China Movement in 2019 were both suppressed by the Chinese government. 2020 saw the introduction of the Hong Kong National Security Law by the Chinese National People's Congress and the amendment of the Hong Kong electoral system in 2021. The “one country, two systems” in the SinoBritish Joint Declaration and the Hong Kong Basic Law have been abolished de facto. After the DPP took power in 2016, Tsai refused to recognize the “1992 Consensus” and accepted “one country, two systems.” Xi Jinping resorted to forceful coercion, with military aircraft and warships frequently disturbing Taiwan. On July 1, 2021, Xi Jinping vowed to resolve the Taiwan issue and to achieve the complete reunification of the motherland at the Communist Party's Centennial Conference. He called the recovery of Taiwan “a historical task to which the Chinese Communist Party is firmly committed”. 132

The human rights issues of Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are red lines of sovereignty. Still, they contradict the universal value of “human rights over sovereignty,” making it difficult to ease China's international relations with the West.

6. Coronavirus Outbreak In early December 2019, the Coronavirus began to spread in Wuhan. The Chinese government tried to cover up the epidemic, admonishing eight “whistleblowers,” including Dr. Li Wenliang. But the move to seal off the city did not go through any legal process and was left to Xi Jinping's sole discretion. The extreme and barbaric closure of the city has caused a serious disaster in life and increased the suffering of the people of Wuhan. Nearly 200 million people have been infected and over 4 million have died worldwide. In March 2020, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian tweeted dumping the source of the Coronavirus on U.S. military personnel attending the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019. In early 2021, the World Health Organization, under international pressure, organized a team of experts to investigate Wuhan. The investigation report released in March largely ruled out the possibility of a leak from the Wuhan Virus Institute. However, the conclusion has been widely questioned due to China's refusal to provide raw data on early cases. WHO DirectorGeneral Tan Desai has now repeatedly and publicly called on China to cooperate with the second traceability investigation and release the initial case data. In the nine years of Xi Jinping's rule, China's diplomacy has faced a great dilemma, unprecedented since the founding of the PRC, especially after establishing diplomatic relations between China and the United States. First and foremost, U.S.- China relations have reached an intractable impasse. There is now an 133

unprecedented consensus between the two parties in the United States, left-center-right figures, and pro-Chinese and anti-Chinese factions, unanimously advocating a containment strategy against China's development and expansion in the world. The Biden administration has formed an International Democratic Alliance to address the Chinese challenge jointly. According to an independent scholar Rong Jian, the root of China's diplomatic woes lies in the fact that Xi Jinping's diplomacy has abandoned Deng Xiaoping's 27-word policy of “observe calmly, hold your ground, deal with the situation calmly, hide your light, keep low key, and never take the lead”. Xi has adopted an ideologically oriented diplomatic line. He has pointed out that the overall root of China's ideological diplomacy is its ideological bias against U.S. diplomacy. China has long established the United States as the general representative of hostile forces overseas from a specific ideology. By using North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Russia as friends and confronting Japan, China has drawn the line entirely against the United States: seeing America's enemies as friends and America's friends as enemies. The essence of China's ideological diplomacy is China's values diplomacy. The core of these values is that communism must be achieved, socialism must win over capitalism, China must lead the reorganization of the world order and China must replace the United States as the new leading country in the world.


Fourth, What Exactly Is Xi Jinping Up to?

There are currently five main different views. The first view: Xi Jinping wants to return to the Maoist era. This view is that Xi Jinping is a Red Guard trained by Mao Zedong 134

and that he wants to return China to the era of the Cultural Revolution. Indeed, Xi's governance is full of Maoist elements. But what is difficult to explain is that Xi has not closed the door of China's opening to the outside world, has not engaged in a planned economy and has not encouraged the masses to rebel and seize power. Despite holding high the banner of Maoist thought, Xi Jinping does not possess many utopian elements which have been grafting the legitimacy of the CCP onto traditional Chinese culture. The second view: the continuation of Deng Xiaoping's line. This view is that Xi Jinping is not essentially different from Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao and is still following the path of Deng Xiaoping, adhering to reform and opening up and following the four basic principles. According to political scholar Hu Ping, in essence, there is no difference between Xi Jinping's line and Deng Xiaoping's line. What Xi Jinping has done is basically an extension of Deng Xiaoping's line but with some deviations, taking the evil elements inherent in Deng's line to the extremes. According to Cha Jianguo, Xi Jinping claims not to follow Mao's old path and not to follow the “evil path” of Western democracy but to be more leftist in politics and more rightist in economics, with both hands being harder. This is the core concept of understanding China's current era and current situation. But what is difficult to explain is that Deng Xiaoping abolished the lifetime system and established the tenure system, opposing the cult of individual worship. Jiang Zemin advocated “making a fortune by muffled voices,” and Hu Jintao advocated “no fuss”, but Xi Jinping's policy is exactly the opposite of theirs. He has abolished the tenure system of the president, vigorously promoted the cult of the individual, advocated the philosophy of struggle, approached the center of the world stage in a high profile and has not stopped tossing and turning. The Third View: The Road to the Red Empire. According to Li Weidong: Xi Jinping is not going back to the Cultural


Revolution but to build a Nazified Red Empire representing the interests of the CCP's powerful capitalist clique. Xi has a mature set of strategic thinking and is not blindly fooling around. He wants to avoid the lessons of the Soviet Union's demise by continuing to carry the banner of Marxism and insisting on marketoriented reforms under the premise of macro-controllable and state-owned subjects. Xi's Chinese dream is to achieve national wealth and strength while maintaining the one-party rule of the Communist Party in the long term. In order to realize his dream, it is necessary to remove all murmurs, regain the ideological position, vigorously promote anti-constitutional and antiuniversal values and revive the “main theme” of MarxismLeninism-Mao Zedong Thought. Xi Jinping does not want to return to the Cultural Revolution but emphasizes “national socialism”. Xi's path is to build a Naziized Red Empire that represents the interests of the Communist Party's powerful capitalist group. The Fourth View: Neo-Totalitarianism. The first person to put forward the view of neo-totalitarianism was Professor Xu Ben of Saint Mary's College of California. He has argued in his 2005 article “China's “New Totalitarianism” and The Scene in Its End Times'' that China entered a post-totalitarian era between the end of the Cultural Revolution and the June 4 massacre in 1989 after which China entered a neo-totalitarian period. On the other hand, Cai Xia, a retired professor at the former Central Party School, argues that Xi Jinping implements a highly refined form of neototalitarianism. She points out that since Xi came to power, he has worked hard to use high technology to gain a super powerful surveillance capability that surpasses that of Hitler and the former Soviet Union. Based on Brzezinski's overview, perhaps we can now define the CCP's rule in China as fear + ideology + digital technology control system (using information technology and artificial intelligence) = redefined as a highly sophisticated new totalitarianism.


Xi Jinping's regime is totalitarian because he also practices “one doctrine, one leader, one party” and “grand unification (Han Chinese unified state).” The Nazi Party under Hitler's control was “National Socialist” based on racism; Xi Jinping's extreme nationalism is also associated with racism. Moreover, the CCP has continued reinforcing its sense of Han Chinese superiority by practicing disguised cultural genocide against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia for a long time. The Fifth View: Post-Totalitarianism Returns to Totalitarianism. Professor Feng Chongyi of the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, argues that Xi Jinping's line is the return of totalitarianism in China. He points out that the current Chinese Communist regime or the power structure and operating mechanism of Chinese society are not beyond the scope of totalitarianism or post-totalitarianism and do not qualify as a new regime type. Therefore, there is no need to use the vague concept of “neo-totalitarianism” to describe it. Moreover, defining the current Chinese regime as a “new totalitarian” exaggerates its innovative capacity and stability. Even the combination of oneparty dictatorship and a semi-market economy was practiced by the fascist regimes in Italy and Germany. Although the former communist regimes in Soviet Eastern Europe did not adopt a “socialist market economy”, the main manifestations of the “return of totalitarianism” in Xi Jinping's era are at least the following three things: First, the return of the leader system from the “collective leadership” system. Second, the re-establishment of the ideological unity of the party and state. Third, the reestablishment of the party's “monolithic leadership,” that is, the re-establishment of a political system in which the dictatorial party is above the law and intervenes in all areas of society at will causing the pain of the “lost paradise”, the fear of constitutional transformation and the dream of permanent control and monopoly of power. Xi Jinping and the Red second Generation are trying to stop the historical process of China's move toward constitutionalism and in fact pulling China back from a post137

totalitarian society to a totalitarian society. The above ideas relate to the concepts of totalitarianism, post-totalitarianism, and neo-totalitarianism. It is necessary to give a brief overview of the theory of totalitarianism. According to Karl Popper, Plato's doctrine is the one that advocates totalitarianism. Sparta in ancient Greece also had the main characteristics of totalitarianism. But Arendt and Talmon argue that totalitarianism emerged in the eighteenth century in the course of human modernization and that the development of modern capitalism, liberal democracy has provided favorable conditions for its formation and development. Thus, the ideology of totalitarianism also has the idea of liberal democracy as its constituent element. Totalitarianism has followed the tradition of the French Revolution but gradually diverged in the first half of the 19th century to form Bolshevik left-wing totalitarianism, represented by Lenin and Stalinism; and right-wing totalitarianism, represented by Hitler's Nazism. In his book “The Myth of the Nation and the Intention of Revolution”, Talmon has pointed out that Lenin expounded the universal will of the proletariat, while Hitler emphasized the nation and race. Thus, communism and nationalism became the right and left arms of totalitarianism, like two wings, but sharing the same qualities and merging with each other, culminating in a terrible scene of the twentieth century. Totalitarianism, also known as “totalism,” is a form of government in which an all-powerful government exercises total control over all individuals. Conquest defines it as “a totalitarian polity in which the state recognizes no limits and seeks to control every aspect of public and private life to the best of its ability.” Arendt points out that totalitarianism is a new form of domination that human history has never seen. Totalitarianism is not for the benefit of one part of humanity but is utterly opposed to society as a whole, all humanity and all civilization. “Totalitarianism is one of the most profound political revolutions 138

in human history whose original purpose was to transform human nature by means of a state apparatus. Before that, any government - whether democratic or authoritarian - focused only on regulating the people's behavior. Totalitarianism also had to regulate the thoughts and beliefs of the people. Whereas ordinary authoritarian rule only governs 'actions,' totalitarian politics governs 'minds.'” “Totalitarianism is a modern phenomenon that differs from the imperial, dynastic rule; at the same time, the emphasis on its modernity is also on the might of its power. It’s a logical arrogance; it is what Hayek has called a fatal self-importance. It is expressed in the omnipotence of power, from the material to the spiritual, from the body to the mind. We can see the so-called triumph of the will of Nazi Germany in the totalitarian states of history, the movement to transform the human spirit, the soul, and the creation of the new man that took place in Nazi Germany, the former Soviet Union, and China. This utopian ideal design is based on the virtues: selflessness, forgetfulness, altruism, devotion and sacrifice, of a man which we can feel has taken on a religious character, and it's completely contrary to liberalism based on individualism.” The theory of totalitarianism divides totalitarianism and totalitarianism, and post-totalitarianism. We have already analyzed totalitarianism and will not repeat it. The so-called posttotalitarian era, as Mr. Li Shenzhi puts it, is the period when the original momentum of totalitarianism has been exhausted. In the words of the Soviet writer Almarik, it is the period when the 'general clockwork of the revolution has been loosened'. The powers that be have lost the originality and harshness that their predecessors possessed. But the system still works largely as it is, by inertia or original force. The powers have to speak a little more of the rule of law than they did in the past and consumerism is becoming more prevalent and corruption is increasing. But society is still as indifferent and inhuman as ever and 'the center of power is still the center of truth'. The highest principle of this society is 'stability'. And in order to maintain stability, the basic conditions 139

on which it functions remain: fear and panic. The pervasive omnipresent fear has created pervasive and omnipresent lies. There is a fundamental difference between totalitarianism and authoritarianism. Cai Xia points out that although totalitarianism and authoritarianism are both authoritarian dictatorships, there are clear differences between them. Political scientist Giovanni Sartori distinguishes between different types of authoritarian dictatorships. By analyzing the core features of different types of dictatorships in light of Sartori's theory, it is clear that the Chinese Communist regime is totalitarian rather than authoritarian. A distinguished scholar Brzezinski's research of communist systems points to a similar conclusion. He writes: “The two defining dimensions of totalitarianism are fear + ideology. It is the extreme combination of the two that creates the other features of the system. The extremity of totalitarianism, its rigidity and the tightness of its control dictate that a direct advance from totalitarianism to liberal democracy is impossible; a loosening of totalitarianism to authoritarianism must precede it.” After nine years of observation of the Xi Jinping regime, I believe Xi Jinping wants to revive Deng Xiaoping (including Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao) post-totalitarianism to totalitarianism in order to build a fascist Red Empire to rival the Western world. My view is a synthesis of Feng Chongyi's view and Li Weidong's view. Feng Chongyi defines the essence of the Xi Jinping era theoretically whereas Li Weidong explains the path of the Xi Jinping era practically. Specifically, I argue that the Mao era is the Chinese version of totalitarianism, which is subordinate to Soviet left-wing totalitarianism, although there are also many differences between them. The Deng Xiaoping era was post-totalitarianism. The path Xi Jinping wants to take is to return from the Deng Xiaoping era of post-totalitarianism to Mao's totalitarianism.


The Xi era has not bid farewell to the Deng Xiaoping era; it has continued to open up to the outside world and “grasp with both hands and make both hands hard”. But there are also major differences between them. That's why Xi's line has Mao's and Deng's overtones. But it seems Mao is not Mao, and it seems like Deng is not Deng. Mao's overtones are heavier than Deng's. Xi Jinping's era is still evolving and his red empire is not yet built. To sum up, I believe that after the end of Mao's totalitarian era, China has entered the post-totalitarian era of Deng Xiaoping. On the other hand, the Xi Jinping era is the return of the posttotalitarian era to the totalitarian era, which looks to complete the historical cycle of Chinese totalitarianism and draw a totalitarian circle: it begins with Mao and ends with Xi Jinping.


Reason Analysis: Situation Misjudgment and Totalitarian Personality

Why does Xi Jinping want to return to totalitarianism? My view is that Xi's learning disability personality, and his cognitive ability determine his dependence on the path of totalitarianism.

First, three serious misjudgments: First is a misjudgment of China's economic strength. Xi Jinping's view of China's economic strength is too optimistic. It is true that China's GDP has surpassed Japan's and has become the world's second-largest economy. But the rise of China's economy is not based on its economic strength and the capabilities of technological innovation but mainly on the business opportunities brought by globalization of the economy. China was pushed into 141

the WTO by the US and thus it became the world's factory and relied on non-compliance with WTO rules with high pollution, high energy consumption, low welfare and low human rights to reap huge profits. The year 2009 was the turning point of China's economic boom and bust with the country's threefold economy: investment, domestic demand and foreign trade all went into trouble. The advantages of Deng Xiaoping's reform and openingup policy had been exhausted in the Hu Jintao era. So a comprehensive reform of the political system became necessary. Second, is the misjudgment of the international situation. In the 1990s, Deng Xiaoping had always stressed the importance of hiding one's own strength. He especially exhorted the third generation for collective leadership. He said, “we should not brag, the more we develop, the more modest we should be”, “do not casually criticize others, accuse others, do not overstate the words, do not overdo things”. “Hiding one’s own strength should continue for 50 years, not to be the leader, not to be the number one”. Xi Jinping arrogantly abandoned Deng Xiaoping's foreign policy and even thought that the world trend was “rising in the east and falling in the west” and that the “time and trend” were on China's side. After the 19th National Congress, he began to change his diplomacy to that of an aggressive war-wolf one. Third, is a misjudgment of public opinion. Xi Jinping does not know what the Chinese think and he thinks he can make the Chinese obey his leadership by brainwashing propaganda and rules (strict law) as long as the economy develops. But he does not know that the Chinese people are not what they used to be and have seen the world. The actual idea of the Chinese people is to live and work in peace, not to toss and turn, not to engage in political movements. Of course, the reform of the political system can come slowly and democratization is not rushed. But in their hearts, they agree with freedom and democracy and universal values. Xi Jinping has been in power for nine years. Still, whether it is the cult of the individual, the advancement of the State-owned 142

enterprises and the retreat of the private enterprises, or the dilution of the Cultural Revolution, China is still the China of Deng Xiaoping's time. The Chinese train is still moving slowly on Deng Xiaoping's track. Some Chinese friends say that in today's China, as long as politics is not involved, the people's lives are not very different from the Deng Xiaoping era. This phenomenon shows that Xi Jinping's return to totalitarianism is not complete, nor can it be. Even the hatred of the West that has emerged in China today is the result of nationalism. It, however, is very different from that of the Mao era.

The totalitarian personality In a democratic country, the character of the state leader does not have much influence on the direction of policy because the parliament and the judiciary will constrain his power. This is not in a totalitarian state where the character of the state leader will have a significant impact on the fate of the state. Thus, for example, Mao Zedong's character has strong hobo characteristics, reflected in anti-sociality and brutal savagery. Xi Jinping tried to conceal his character before he took over portraying himself as simple and foolish so that the Communist Party's power groups could accept him. However, when he took power, his original personality soon revealed itself and his totalitarian character became evident. Gao Wenqian, the author of the book “Zhou Enlai in Later Years,” has pointed out that Xi's greatest characteristic trait, especially among the second red generation, was his ability to keep a low profile. This was the key to his victory in the game with Bo Xilai. Xi appears to be benevolent, but in fact he has a deeply hidden mind. He is well versed in the official politics of the CCP, which stems from his family's experience as a child, where he witnessed the darkness and cruelty. This, coupled with his father's advice, has led to a deep understanding of the subtle rules. Xi is cold-blooded and brutal at heart and once he gains power, he then dares to show his 143

true personality, changes his face and makes the people suffer. In my opinion, Xi Jinping has the following characteristics :

First, Rude and Brutal When Xi Jinping met overseas Chinese in Mexico on Feb. 11, 2009, he said, “Some foreigners who have nothing better to do after eating are pointing fingers at our affairs. China doesn't export revolution, it doesn't export hunger and poverty and it doesn't toss you around, so what else is there to say.” Xi Jinping, who was vice president of the country at the time, issued such a statement during a visit abroad, reflecting his violent and brutal character. After Xi Jinping came to power, his characteristics were on full display. In the anti-corruption campaign, he launched, more than 4 million officials have fallen so far. Once Xi decides to take action, he is “ruthless” and “overbearing”, regardless of the consequences.

Second, Rigidity of Thought Why did Xi Jinping, who suffered persecution during the Cultural Revolution era, develop a fondness for Mao and his totalitarian line while disdaining his father's reformist ideas? Xi Jinping grew up during the Cultural Revolution era with a lack of formal education and a particular lack of understanding of modern Western civilization. Mao's totalitarian ideology profoundly influenced his values and shaped his totalitarian personality. The totalitarian personality determined his preference for dictatorship and aversion to freedom and democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and universal values.

Third, Vanity and Boasting From 1998 to 2002, while working in Fujian, attended an “in-service doctoral program in Marxist political education at Tsinghua University,” while actually attend the doctoral program but eventually 144

Xi Jinping theory and he did not obtained a

doctorate in law from Tsinghua University. Xi Jinping is afraid of being looked down upon for his lack of knowledge; so he often recites book title lists in his speeches to show off his erudition and knowledge. He loves to quote scriptures in his speeches but often makes mistakes because he does not understand their meaning. Xi's imperfect knowledge and his vain personality have led to serious misinterpretations of China's history, the country's situation, the opinions of the people and the international situation. Xi Jinping does not understand economics but he is headstrong and has strong self-opinion. The project is Xiongan New Area is his head-scratching project. He identified the Xiongan New Area as a national development zone and a thousand-year project, at par with Shanghai Pudong and Shenzhen Economic Development Zone. But the project was not rigorously and scientifically justified and ignored its serious geographical shortcomings. Xi Jinping's good mindset is also reflected in his big spending of money on his foreign trips.

Fourth, Narrow-minded Xi Jinping served in Zhengding County, Hebei Province, for more than three years from 1982 to 1985. His superior leader at that time was Gao Yang. Gao Yang, former Minister of the Central Ministry of Chemical Industry, was then the first secretary of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee. During that time, rumor has it that Xi Zhongxun wrote a letter to Gao Yang suggesting that Xi Jinping be promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. But Gao Yang made the letter public at a meeting of provincial cadres and stated, “This is not in line with the Party's policy and I am not prepared to do it.” With no good political record but a handout for an official position, such a reputation and no hope for promotion made it impossible for Xi Jinping to stay in Hebei Province. So Xi Zhongxun went to Hu Yaobang privately and begged him. Later, Hu Yaobang placed Xi 145

Jinping as deputy mayor of Xiamen, Fujian Province. Before he left, Xi said goodbye to Gao Yang, who said, “You are a cadre under the control of the central government, you are free to come and go, so there is no need to say goodbye to me.” His words were embarrassing to Xi Jinping. Some years later, when Gao Yang passed away, Xi, as the later president of the party school and former subordinate, did not bid farewell to the body of Gao Yang, nor did he attend the memorial service. Xi Jinping set up a task force to plan and implement the cross-border kidnapping of a Hong Kong Causeway Bay bookseller because of the gossipy little book “Xi Jinping and His Lovers”. The incident became one of the triggers of the antisending back to -China movement in Hong Kong in 2019. In summary, Xi Jinping's rude, brutal, and vain character dictates that he does not fit into a constitutional democracy. As President Biden has said, he has no democracy in his head. Xi Jinping's fossilized and rigid personality makes it difficult for him to accept Western civilization. His narrow-minded and petty personality makes him suspicious and difficult to work with. In his article “The Totalitarian Personality and Bo Xilai's Defeat,” Tong Zhiwei, a professor at East China University of Political Science and Law, summarizes the ten characteristics of the totalitarian personality. According to his article, the totalitarian personality is anti-democratic; contemptuous of human rights; intolerant of dissenting voices; “aggressive” in interpersonal relationships; obsessed with the will to gain power; vengeful and unambiguous; anti-rule of law; and fervent pursuit of power and behavior without bottom line. Looking at Xi Jinping's character and behavior, his character is more typical of a totalitarian personality.



Will Xi Jinping's Road Work?

Li Weidong points out that “Xi Jinping's path to the Red Empire shows how old the knowledge of a great power's ruling clique is, how it has missed the mark on the world's trends, how blind it is to its own self-confidence, how realistically designed its future goals are and how selfish and self-serving it is at a major historical turning point. Neither the economy nor the hearts of the people can support the realization of this dream anymore. The path of the Red Empire is doomed to fail and is likely to bring disaster to the country and its people.” I agree with Li Weidong's judgment for the following reasons:

First, China no longer has a historical background of totalitarianism. The emergence of totalitarianism is generally associated with a historical context of national distress, charismatic leaders and a population that has been brainwashed by long-term propaganda but these no longer exist in China today. It is difficult for Xi Jinping to use the invasion of China by Western powers a century ago to awaken the Chinese people's sense of national suffering because today they live in peaceful times and are relatively affluent. The blurred historical memory and the objective interpretation of the truth of the century of shame by many scholars over the years have dissipated the passion of Chinese people to “save the country and survive”. Xi Jinping's inheritance of power from his predecessor Hu Jintao has prevented him from attaining the prestige of Mao and Deng Xiaoping. Forty years of reform and opening up policy have opened the wisdom of the Chinese people and official lies are difficult to deceive. As Xu Ben has said: Since the public increasingly does not believe these ideological lies, these lies can only be maintained 147

by coercive means. Such lies have a kind of cynical “transparency”, the listener knows it well and the liar knows it well to that the listener knows; both sides play the “fool's game” with great care, as long as no one says it openly.

Second, China's economy cannot support his dreams of empire. China is certainly the world's second largest economy but the Chinese economy has entered a period of stagnation and is in urgent need of structural adjustment and reform of the political system. Xi's nine-year rule has accelerated China's economic crisis. The private sector, which supported China's economic rise, has become unsustainable. In short, China's economic strength simply cannot support Xi's totalitarian dream of a red empire. According to economist Cheng Xiaonong, “China's economic growth in the past 20 years or so was built on a one-time “export boom” and “civil engineering boom” that cannot be replicated, so that boom was also a one-time event and never sustainable. On the other hand, the Chinese economy has accumulated a series of serious and almost insurmountable difficulties that make it difficult for the CCP to pursue economic prosperity again. First of all, local governments rely heavily on the revenue from the sale of land and taxes from the sale of houses bought by real estate development for their fiscal revenues. On June 4 this year, the Ministry of Finance of the Communist Party of China (CPC) ordered that local governments' income from land sales will be changed to taxation, which will be held by the central government; starting from July 1 this year, it will be implemented in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Anhui, Yunnan and other provinces and cities first; starting from January 1 next year, the whole country will do so uniformly. This measure taken by the central government for lack of money is a fatal blow to local governments. The huge amount of bonds issued by local governments for infrastructure and real estate development will 148

not be repaid and will cause shocks in the securities market. Secondly, the above policy of the central finance will also shake up the real estate market. Commercial banks have already invested huge amounts of money in civil engineering, or become home purchase loans for home buyers. Banks are very afraid of the bursting of the real estate bubble, otherwise their bad debts will rise sharply and jeopardize the safety of banks. Next, high housing prices have squeezed the working class to scrimp and save to pay their mortgage. It is difficult for the younger generation to buy a house and start a family just by scrimping and saving; at the same time, many industries have laid off a large number of employees because of the recession. Those who remain have taken pay cuts, so the average income of the employed labor force is declining; coupled with the accelerating trend of population aging and the limited consumption of the elderly. These three factors together make the consumption power of more than one billion people no longer able to boom the economy. The real estate, government financial and banking sectors are in a state of decline and not only will the economic boom be difficult to recreate but the economic difficulties reflected in high unemployment and low wages will intensify day by day bringing an end to the “good old days” of the Chinese economy. The future outlook for China's economy will never be the same as compared to those two years of boom with high inflation and a deteriorating real economy becoming the new features of the “new normal”. The “Lying Down Flat” mode of life (i.e. not seeking a job, not seeking a spouse, not getting married, and living on their parents' pension at the lowest level), which is now becoming popular among some young people on the mainland, reflects to a large extent the pessimism of this young generation about the future.


Third, there is no public opinion base. On April 15, 2013, People's Daily's “People's Forum” launched an online public opinion survey called “Confidence Faith - Belief”. The survey is divided into four items: 1. Do you agree that the CPC has enough courage and wisdom to speed up reforms? 2. Do you agree with the statement that “adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is beneficial to the fundamental interests of the broadest number of people”? 3. Do you agree with the statement that “only the CPC can lead the people on the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics”? 4. What do you think of China's system of “one-party rule and multiparty participation in government”? There are four choices under each sub-item: A. Agree completely; B. Agree; C. Don't know; D. Disagree. At around 2 p.m. Beijing time on April 15, the results of the survey and the voting page of People's Forum were all closed. Before closing, the poll results showed that: for the first question, as many as 75.40 percent of the respondents chose “no”; for the second question, 82.33% chose “No”; And for the third question, 83.85% chose to disagree; and to the fourth question, 81.32% chose to disagree. According to economist He Qinglian, “The fact that this public opinion survey started with confidence and ended with fearful disappearance fully illustrates that China's ruling group and the propaganda system serving it have become a self-imposed system of political violence. They lack basic knowledge of both the relationship between the people and the government and the real public opinion in China, and even foolishly take the “public opinion” they have created as the real public opinion. This survey, a rare reflection of public opinion, shows that most Chinese identify with universal values and advocate constitutional democratic reform and that Xi Jinping's return to


totalitarianism and building a red empire has no popular base at all. Interestingly, on July 8, 2020, the Ashe Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government released its latest study: Understanding Communist Party Resilience: A Long-Term Survey of Public Opinion in China, showing that Chinese people's satisfaction with the Communist government was 93.1 percent in 2016, a record high since the survey was conducted in 2003. But the center ignores that Chinese people under totalitarian rule do not use their mouths to express what they really think.

Fourth, bureaucratic groups lying flat After Xi Jinping came to power, the bureaucratic group has been the most ruthless target. He made officials suffer; 243 officials committed suicide in the eight years between 2009 and 2016 and more than half of them chose to jump from high buildings. The rest committed suicide by hanging, taking drugs, disappearing, shooting, crashing into trains, drowning and slitting their wrists. After the 19th National Congress, it has been found that corruption in the CCP has not diminished but on the contrary has become more insidious and more serious. While the causes of corruption are certainly related to the degradation of officials, the root cause is the totalitarian system. On August 26, 2018, the Commission for Discipline Inspection announced the newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China. The regulations can be described as harsh in which only expulsion from the party membership has 45 items. Xi Jinping wants to use these CCP laws to tie up 95 million party members like a rope, so that they dare not criticize the government or be corrupt and can only be party slaves. But the result is counterproductive. Since they can be blamed at every turn, these officials, who have no political beliefs, are simply not doing any job, just talking. 151

Fifth, China's potentially huge opposition forces. Li Weidong points out that Chinese officials have unconsciously cultivated seven opposition forces that did not exist in the past and all of which are the result of using force to maintain social stability and using high pressure to keep the social order over the years. The first is the tens of millions of three-no-peasants over the years. The three-no-peasants are those who have no land, no base land for houses and their houses have been demolished and they have no jobs. The largest estimated number is 60 million or at least 30 million. The main part of the drifters is them, which has become very dangerous. They are people without any social security at the bottom of the social ladder and are struggling to live. Their motivation to change their situation is very strong except that they are a peasant class and unorganized. Once they are taken hostage by other organizations and other political forces, the destructive power of this group of people is very big. The second is the military veterans. In recent years, their unsolved problem is very much, many issues have not been properly resolved after they leave the military as veterans. The third force is the religious opposition - the underground churches and religious organizations in Beijing and across the country. Also the folk Buddhist and Taoist organizations have been highly suppressed over the years. The fourth force is the opposition forces in the border minority areas. The fifth force is the petitioners floating in the middle layer of the society due to various forced demolitions, various legal cases of injustice and insufficient compensation for layoffs over the years. The sixth force is the college graduates who cannot be fully employed. These people are the emerging post-80s and post-90s 152

people with good internet technology and strong modern awareness. In the future, they will form a big impact force like in the Jasmine Revolution and become the main body of it. The seventh kind is the intellectuals. No dynasty in ancient China would offend all the intellectuals on the left or right. Except for a few flattering intellectuals, the entire intellectual community, both the left and right wings say they are bad. It is unprecedented for a ruling authority to have the entire intellectual community criticize him and to continue to criticize him with increasing intensity. Feng Chongyi describes the liberalism group in China that opposes Xi Jinping's totalitarianism from a different perspective. He argues that, in fact, the positive forces of Chinese society, especially the six strands of the Chinese liberalism group, have been resisting Xi Jinping's Red second generation perversions and restoration of comebacks as hard as they can. One is the liberal intellectuals or liberal public intellectuals. Despite more restrictions on their speech, they continue to speak out for the cause of constitutional democracy, pursuing rights of freedom and social justice, spreading constitutional ideas, attacking authoritarian corruption and exploring the path of transformation. The second is the intra-party democrats. Although they have finally lost the last two collective speech platforms, Yanhuang Chunqiu and Gong shi website, their ideal goal of pursuing constitutional democracy has become clearer. They are still fighting separately in a piecemeal manner, while turning into a latent force waiting for an opportunity to move. The Third are the dissidents of the pro-democracy movement. They have lost almost all of their space for activities in China but are still holding high the banner of freedom, democracy, human rights, constitutionalism, and rule of law, holding on to their


overseas positions and maintaining inextricable ties with the domestic public. The Fourth is the Christian liberals and other people who advocate freedom of religious belief. The Fifth is the defense rights lawyers. In the past few years, they have become the main target of the CCP's crackdown but they have not been defeated. The protest team has been strengthened by the support of the legal community and other people, both explicitly and implicitly. Especially the “709 Lawyers” and their supporters have bravely faced the harsh suppression of the CCP and State system without fear or disorganization. Sixth,is the grassroots human rights activists. They are still tenaciously fighting on the front line of civil rights defense, both rising up to fight head-on against the CCP's fighters when they can't stand it anymore, and adopting a roundabout strategy of stalking and soft resistance. Even in the face of the CCP's harsh “net-cleaning” campaign, WeChat groups with constitutional democracy as their core belief have spread across the internet. These six liberal groups in China today have formed a large, invisible coalition of liberal democracy.

VII. The End of the Xi Jinping Era

First, the end of Xi Jinping My view is that there are several possibilities: First, take control of military power and retire to the background. Second is to be deposed as Professor Cai Xia has said. Ren Zhiang has said that the reformist faction of the CCP will force the palace to make 154

another arrest of the Gang of Four and make them surrender their power. Third, it will die in an unnatural way. Fourth, Xi Jinping has been in power for a long time. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is more likely that Xi Jinping will remain in power at the 20th National Congress. But even if Xi stays in power, the first three possibilities cannot be ruled out afterwards. Even if Xi stays in power for another 20 years, he will eventually grow old and be caught in the succession crisis. The longer Xi stays in power, the sooner the CCP will collapse.

Second, the end of the Chinese Communist Party According to Professor Feng Chongyi, there is no Red Third Generation in the Party State and the totalitarian Party State cannot be passed down to the Red Third Generation. No matter how much the Red Second Generation tosses and turns, there is no precedent so far for a revolutionary party to reach eighty years of continuous rule after violently seizing power and implementing one-party dictatorship. Among the longest-running parties, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ruled for 74 years, from the successful coup in 1917 to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991; the Kuomintang of China ruled for 72 years from 1928, when it unified the country, to 2000, when it went out of power in the first political party rotation of the Republic of China. The Korean Workers' Party came to power in 1948 and the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949. Although these two parties are still surviving, they have little chance to break the “70year limit”. Cai Xia believes that the Chinese Communist Party is not an ironclad system. She has worked in the Party school system since 1986 and from her more than 30 years of contact with senior Chinese Communist Party officials, at least 60-70% of the senior Chinese Communist Party officials are aware of the progress of modern world civilization. They understand that only a democratic 155

and constitutional government can provide China with long-term stability, human rights, dignity and personal security. The educated people in the CCP recognize the goodwill of the United States. The CCP may look powerful but this modified neototalitarian Stalinist dictatorship is quite weak inside. The CCP has the ambition of a dragon but it is only a paper dragon. Under certain circumstances, there are many factors that can lead to unexpected and sudden changes, or even the collapse of the regime. She believes these factors include the unsustainability of the economic model such as high levels of debt; the inherent and insurmountable contradictions between its false and pompous ideological propaganda and the reality; its conflicting dual-track system of distribution between the market and the state; its growing disparity between the rich and the poor; its ongoing corruption and its intense infighting over succession to the top. Xi's excessive suspicion and narrow-minded suspicion have led to a constant purge of dissidents within the CCP which has led to an extreme sense of insecurity among middle and senior officials within the CCP to the point where everyone is at risk.

Third, China Splits Once the CCP collapses, the possibility of a split in China is high. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and Inner Mongolia will all demand independence. This is the evil of the 70-year rule of the CCP and the longer the CCP stays in power, the more likely it is to split up, even if it becomes inevitable. The above is my analysis of the question “What is Xi Jinping up to”? Since the Xi era is still evolving, my analysis is only one perspective and is not comprehensive. I hope that more scholars will think more deeply about this issue because Xi Jinping's problem is not just about his personal and family fate but about the fate of China and the future of the Chinese nation.


Note: 1.

Li Weidong, “The Dead-end of the Road for Red Empire” Oct. 19, 2013, in Bosun News. https://news.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/ 2013/10/201310190845.shtml


The previous general secretary or the actual top leader of the CPC decides the next generation of leaders, which is called “intergenerational designation”, but this rule is not institutionalized and is a political practice or hidden rule established by Deng Xiaoping.


This refers to the case of Wang Lijun, then Vice Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Government and Director of Chongqing Public Security Bureau who fled to the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu to apply for political asylum on February 6, 2012.


The Hu-Wen New Deal is a comment by certain news media on the governance of the fourth generation of the Chinese Communist Party's political system. It is also known as the Hu-Wen system because it is led by General Secretary Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao. During the period of Hu's administration, he emphasized “harmonious society,” “maintaining stability,” and generally maintained China's stability without making major reforms. Since China became the second largest economy during Hu Wen's administration, some media have called his ten years in power the “Golden Decade”. However, some opponents have criticized him for avoiding or failing to respond to major political, economic, social and environmental issues, giving the impression of a “decade of inaction” and “passing the torch”.


Charter 08 is a political declaration inspired by the symbolic document of the Czechoslovak anti-establishment movement, the Charter of July 7th, drafted by Zhang Zuhua, revised by Liu Xiaobo and others, and signed by the first 303 people from all walks of life on December 9, 2008, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948.


The term “Zhao family members” originates from a Chinese internet buzzword and refers to the red powerful class of senior bureaucrats, top executives of organizations, business owners, tycoons, entertainers, cadres in the system and their family members and children who are closely related to the Chinese Communist Party. 157

In reality, it refers to senior Chinese Communist Party bureaucrats, tycoons, institutional cadres and their families and children, i.e. those with vested interests and those who are actually in power. 7.

He Yu Huai: “Torn China-Observations and Reflections on the Current Social Ecological Social Thought in Mainland China,” in Feng Chongyi and Yang Hengjun, eds. “The Blueprint and Path of China's Constitutional Transformation,” Spiegel Press, 2019, pp. 144-145.


U.S.-based democrat Feng Shengping published three open letters to Xi Jinping in February 2013, urging him to implement intra-party democracy and a party-led constitution; the president of Spiegel News Group, He Frequent, agreed with Xi Jinping's centralization of power, arguing that Xi's centralization was a stage condition for change.


On June 28, the Communist Party of China (CPC) held the second press conference of its centennial party celebration in Beijing, where Xiao Pei, deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and deputy director of the State Supervision Commission, said that since the 18th National Congress (November 2012, i.e., since Xi Jinping's administration), the Department of Discipline and Inspection has opened 3.85 million cases for review, investigated and punished 4,089,000 people, including 392 officials above the provincial ministerial level.

10. Since July 9, 2015, Chinese police authorities have arrested, summoned, criminally detained, taken away, made lost contact with, and interviewed hundreds of human rights lawyers, civil rights activists, petitioners, and their relatives on a large scale in as many as 23 provinces. The whereabouts of some of them are unknown as a result. These people were later prosecuted and sentenced on charges of inciting subversion of state power and other charges by television. The incident is known as the 709 arrest of human rights lawyers. 11. On November 15, 2013, the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee released its Decision on Several Major Issues of Comprehensively Deepening Reform, which states that a mixedownership economy should be actively developed, in which stateowned capital, collective capital, and non-public capital are crossowned and integrated with each other. It is considered the second 158

“public-private partnership” after the Communist Party and the 1950s, and is aimed at controlling, weakening and appropriating private capital. 12. In the 1950s, the Communist Party carried out the so-called “socialist transformation” of private industry and commerce, including privately owned and operated individual workers. The public-private partnership (PPP) actually meant that the Communist Party forcibly took over the property of private entrepreneurs and then gave the original private capitalists a fixed interest dividend of 5% per year. In reality, however, in September 1966, the Communist Party issued a document stating that fixed interest would no longer be paid and that the property of the PPP enterprises became state assets. 13. On January 15, 2020, independent scholar Rong Jian pointed out in his article “The CCP's Achilles' Heel: The Odd Succession Circle” published in the New York Times: Whether the outcome of the CCP's game has formed a formal document or a fixed institutional arrangement is too difficult to say because of the lack of documentary evidence and can be regarded as a kind of “subterfuge”. However, from the top power arrangement formed at the 14th CPC Congress, the dual power structure of the General Secretary and the “Crown Prince” and the term of office of the Party's top leaders were actually created. From the 10 years of Jiang Zemin's formal rule and Hu Jintao's 10 years of rule, they both implemented the term system, the “next-generational designation system” and the “crown prince system”. 14. The 1992 Consensus refers to the informal consensus reached between the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and the SEF in 1992 through talks in Hong Kong and subsequent correspondence. The two sides agreed that discussions on political implications could be left out of the transactional consultations, but they disagreed on whether there was room for their own expression of the political meaning of one China and how to pursue China's reunification. Since the two sides did not officially sign an agreement document, but only informal verbal consultations and exchange of messages, there is a long-standing dispute between China and Taiwan over the content of the consensus actually reached at that time. 15. Rong Jian, China's Diplomatic Dilemma and the “East Asia 159

Breakthrough,” the Key to Renormalizing Sino-Japanese Relations,” October 24, 2018, in New Perspectives, General Issue No. 83. 16. Hu Ping: “What is the reason for praising Deng and suppressing Xi? , Nov. 5, 2018, in Radio Free Asia Chinese website, https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/pinglun/huping/hp-11052018150 057.html 17. Cha Jianguo, “Three misjudgments of China's current situation,” March 6, 2019, in Bosun News https://boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/ 2019/03/201903061210.shtml 18. Li Weidong, “The Red Empire That Won't Go Away,” in Bosun News, Oct. 19, 2013. https://news.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2013/ 10/201310190845.shtml 19. Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski (March 28, 1928 - May 26, 2017) was a prominent American international relations scholar of Polish descent, geopolitician, and diplomatic activist. Brzezinski belonged to the realist school of international relations, following the geopolitical tradition of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas Spykman. His major books include The Great Failure: The Rise and Fall of Communism in the Twentieth Century and Out of Control: Decoding the Chaos of the New Century. 20. Cai xia, China-US Relations in the Eyes of the Chinese Communist Party: An Insider’s Perspective, CGSP Occasional Paper Series No. 1 • June 2021 21. Feng Chongyi: “Preface Breaking the Return of Totalitarianism in Current China” in Feng Chongyi and Yang Hengjun, eds, The Blueprint and Path of China's Constitutional Transformation, Spiegel Press, 2019, pp. 7-40. 22. Karl Raymond Popper (July 28, 1902 - September 17, 1994) was an Austrian-born Jew who is regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century. In The Open Society and Its Enemies and The Poverty of Historicism, Popper attacked historicism and defended the “open society,” that is, a society of freedom and democracy. He has been hailed as the most thorough and difficult criticism of Marxist philosophy and historical doctrine. 23. Xu




Reading 160





Totalitarianism'“ (March 2, 2010), at http://m.aisixiang.com/data/ 31957.html 24. After the Second World War, the theoretical study of Western totalitarian democracy was represented by the American Jewish philosopher and political scientist Arendt and the Israeli historian Talmon. Together, they laid the foundation of Western totalitarian theory. Arendt's book The Origins of Totalitarianism explains how totalitarianism may have taken shape in modern Western society. Talmon published a trilogy on totalitarian democracy, namely, The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy, The Political Messiah: The Romantic Phase, and The Myth of the Nation and the Imagery of Revolution. 25. According to Taiwanese political scientist Tsai Ing-wen, “In other words, both the Bolshevik democratic revolution of 1917 and the National Socialist revolution of 1933 reasserted the Jacobin radicalism of the French revolution. Like the French revolution, both of them appealed to the ideal of freedom and democracy and had the 'welfare of the people' as their primary concern, but they eventually led to totalitarian rule by terror.” See Tsai Ing-wen, “Totalitarianism and Modern Democracy,” in Political Science Series, Vol. XIX, pp. 57∼ 84. 26. J. L. Talmon: The Myth of the Nation and the Vision of Revolution (Berkeley and Los Angles, University of California Press,1981) P.13-17.J. L. Talmon: The Myth of the Nation and the Vision of Revolution (Berkeley and Los Angles, University of California Press,1981) P.13-17 27. Zhang Qianfan, “The Construction and Deconstruction of Totalitarianism” in China Strategic Analysis, No. 1, October 2016 issue. 28. Chen Wei, “The Logic of Totalitarianism: A Pilot Study of Hannah Arendt's Totalitarianism” (September 15, 2013), in Love Thought. https://www.aisixiang.com/data/67701.html 29. Zhang Qianfan, “The Construction and Deconstruction of Totalitarianism,” in China Strategic Analysis, No. 1, October 2016 issue. 30. Guo Yuhua, “Reflections on Totalitarianism - The Meaning of Hayek” (September 27, 2017), available on the Independent


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31. Li Shenzhi (August 15, 1923 - April 22, 2003) was a representative figure of liberal intellectuals in mainland China since the late twentieth century and an expert on international issues. 32. Li Shenzhi: The Power of the Powerless and the Politics of AntiPolitics: Philosophy of Life in the Post-Totalitarian Era, Preface to Havel's Collected Works (May 23, 2003), in “Love Thought” website https://www.aisixiang.com/data/1724.html 33. Li Shenzhi: The Power of the Powerless and the Politics of AntiPolitics: Philosophy of Life in the Post-Totalitarian Era, Preface to Havel's Collected Works (May 23, 2003), available at https://www.aisixiang.com/data/1724.html. Giovanni Sartori (May 13, 1924 - April 4, 2017) was an Italian political scientist with a focus on democratic theory and comparative politics. 34. Cai xia, China-US Relations in the Eyes of the Chinese Communist Party: An Insider’s Perspective, CGSP Occasional Paper Series No. 1 • June 2021 35. Zhang Jie, “A Study of Totalitarianism in China,” July 12, 2021, in The Parliamentary Press https://yibaochina.com/?p=242047 36. Voice of America, Chinese: “Focus Dialogue: Seventy Years of Communist Party, Inventory of Mao Deng Xi's Behaviors and Personality,” September 27, 2019 https://www.voachinese.com/ a/voaweishi-20190927-proandcon-three-strongmen-personalitiescharacter-and-legacies/5101284.html 37. Zhang J., “Xi Jinping's Nine Character Traits,” April 23, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Trvmk7ofQ0&t=4s ; Zhang J., “Xi Jinping's Nine Character Traits,” April 23, 2017. https://yibao china.com/?p=238837 38. Gao Xin, “Xi Jinping in Li Rui's Eyes,” Aug. 10, 2018, in Radio Free Asia Chinese. https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/zhuanlan/ yehuazhongnanhai/gx-08102018100139.html 39. The Causeway Bay Bookshop incident is the disappearance of five people from the Causeway Bay Bookshop in Hong Kong between October and December 2015. The five missing persons were Gui 162

Minhai and Lu Bo, shareholders of the store's parent company, Giant Stream Media Limited, business manager Zhang Zhiping, Causeway Bay Bookstore manager Li Bo, and store manager Lin Rongji. Four of the five disappeared in Thailand and mainland China, while Li Bo disappeared in Hong Kong. 40. Tong Zhiwei, “The Totalitarian Personality and the Defeat of Bo Xilai,” August 25, 2013, in “Love Thought” website. http://www.aisixiang.com/data/67033.html 41. Li Weidong, “The Dead-end Road Red Empire” in Bosun News, Oct. 19, 2013 . https://news.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2013/ 10/201310190845.shtml 42. Xu Ben, “China's “Neo-Totalitarianism” and Its End Times”, in Contemporary China Studies, Vol. 4, 2005 (No. 91). 43. Cheng Xiaonong, “ Navigating the maze of China's economic 'boom',” June 18, 2021, on the website of Radio Free Asia. https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/pinglun/chengxiaonong/cxn-0618 2021104758.html 44. He Qinglian: 'People's Forum' Survey Destroys Beijing's Institutional Confidence, April 16, 2013, on the Voice of America Chinese website https://www.voachinese.com/a/public-opinionsurvey-20130415/1641814.html ; He Yuhuai: “ The torn of China-Observations and Reflections on the Current Social Ecological and Social Thought in Mainland China,” in Feng Chongyi and Yang Hengjun, eds. “The Blueprint and Path of China's Constitutional Transformation,” Spiegel Press, 2019, pp. 144-145. 45. He Qinglian: 'People's Forum' Survey Destroys Beijing's Institutional Confidence, April 16, 2013, on the Voice of America Chinese website https://www.voachinese.com/a/public-opinionsurvey-20130415/1641814.html 46. Li Weidong, “The Dead-end of Red Empire,” in Bosun News, Oct. 19, 2013. https://news.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/ 2013/10/ 201310190845.shtml 47. Feng Chongyi: “Preface Breaking the Return of Totalitarianism in Current China” in Feng Chongyi and Yang Hengjun, eds, The Blueprint and Path of China's Constitutional Transformation, Spiegel Press, 2019, pp. 7-40. 163

48. Feng Chongyi: “Preface Breaking the Return of Totalitarianism in Current China” in Feng Chongyi and Yang Hengjun, eds, The Blueprint and Path of China's Constitutional Transformation, Spiegel Press, 2019, pp. 7-40. 49. Cai xia, China-US Relations in the Eyes of the Chinese Communist Party: An Insider’s Perspective, CGSP Occasional Paper Series No. 1 • June 2021.




i Jinping came to power in 2013 and started his foreign expansion since then. When Xi completes his 10-year term as a state president, Xi should step down on schedule, according to the rules. But Xi Jinping wants to be the communist king for life and is struggling desperately to stay in office for another term, maybe forever. So the year 2022 is a critical year for China to move forward to democracy or backward to Mao's Dictatorship, and therefore for determining whether the U.S. and China will continue to confront each other. During Hu Jintao's reign, there was an opportunity for the Chinese Communist Party to downplay Mao, re-warm Confucius, and gradually reform and transform. Hu Jintao condoned Yu Dan's nationwide lectures on Confucius for two years, encouraged the filming of the Confucius movie, and approved the erection of a statue of Confucius in Tiananmen Square. China appears to be returning to the Confucian tradition and abandoning Mao Zedong's Communism. In contrast to Hu Jintao, who pursues a "compromise" pacifism, Xi Jinping promotes a "war wolf" style of foreign expansion, preaching war. For example, he has invested 1.3 billion RMB in producing the war-mongering movie "Lake Changjin." It 165

distorts historical facts, deceives the Chinese people, incites hatred against the U.S. and patriotic madness, and prepares public opinion for a war against the U.S. and Taiwan. Xi Jinping came to power, revived the Cultural Revolution, worshipped Mao Zedong, drove backward to Mao's time of "oneman show," returned to totalitarian politics, opposed the trend of world civilization, and pulled China back to the years of totalitarian disaster. 2015 onwards, Xi launched a study on virus warfare, which resulted in the spread of the virus worldwide, causing more than 5 million deaths from the virus, with more than 800,000 deaths in the United States alone. Xi Jinping has become the public enemy of all humankind. Xi Jinping's remaining in power in 2022 means confrontation, war, and an all-out attack by totalitarianism on universal values, and the world will no longer be at peace. China's democratic reform forces are doing their utmost to prevent Xi Jinping's implements of the newly amended constitution from eliminating the two-term rules as President of the state. U.S. support for China's democratic forces has a major impact on victory or defeat. 1989's Tiananmen pro-democracy movement saw China lose its golden opportunity for reform and transformation when Zhao Ziyang was deposed due to President Bush's lack of support. The year 2022 is critical in the history of civilization. Xi Jinping's third term means war in the Taiwan Strait, which means the United States is involved in a war to maintain international order and defend world peace. The United States can no longer afford to miss the mark and must use all peaceful and just means to fully support China's anti-Xi democracy movement. Xi's removal from the throne not only means no war in the Taiwan Strait, no war in the Pacific, no war on the Eastern Front; in a word, long-term peace of the world. The fate of the Taiwan Strait 166

is in Xi Jinping's hands; Xi Jinping's future is in the hands of the United States. Faced with Xi Jinping, the new emperor for life of the Chinese Communist Party, who poses a significant threat to world peace, the United States must force Xi Jinping to abdicate. The U.S. attitude toward Xi determines the two major prospects of war and stability for the future of humanity. To force Xi Jinping to step down, three major initiatives for peace must be employed.

First. Restore National Relations with Taiwan

The complete restoration of U.S. state relations with Taiwan, the exchange of ambassadors, the establishment of embassies, and the recognition of the objective fact of the existence of two Chinas will certainly cause Xi Jinping to be in disarray. The democratic reformists rose and attacked Xi Jinping, forcing him to step down on schedule. In 1945, Truman imagined that the Communist Party would form a coalition government. Guided by this wrong decision, Mao Zedong successfully deceived the United States and forcefully seized power in China. As a result, Chiang Kai-shek's government was forced to relocate to Taiwan. President Truman's weakness to Mao's Communist Party resulted in the loss of China, which made Mao arrogant and sent troops to help Kim Il Sung launch the Korean War. After Kim Il Sung's defeat, he even went into battle bare-chested and sent the so-called "volunteer army" into Korea to fight (Actually, he sent Chinese-Korean troops to Korea even at the beginning of the war). In 1950, in the face of the Chinese Communist Party sending 167

forces across the 38th parallel, Truman did not dare to deal a devastating blow to the Chinese Communist Party forcefully. It would have been entirely appropriate for the U.S. to beat Mao until he surrendered. Unfortunately, removing Commander MacArthur failed to succeed in the war/achieve success. If the U.S. had carried out MacArthur's and Eisenhower's decision to be tough on the enemy, Chiang's regime could have recovered the mainland. In the 1970s, Nixon flew to Beijing and gave Mao an unconditional gift: the expulsion of the representative of the Republic of China on Taiwan to the United Nations and a permanent member of the Security Council. In 1979, President Carter followed Nixon's lead and established diplomatic relations with the Chinese Communist Party. The ambiguous American diplomacy towards Taiwan will give the "war wolf" —— Xi Jinping an opportunity to launch a war in the Taiwan Strait, placing the 23 million people of Taiwan under the bloody rule of totalitarian Chinese Communism. Although the CCP isolates Taiwan's diplomacy, it is now standing among the world's democracies, developing its economy and transforming itself into a constitutional democracy after 1986. Over the past 40 years, Taiwan has become a model democracy on par with the United States. It has become the undefeated country of the East for 70 years since 1949. Taiwan has conserved the Chinese Confucian tradition, embraced Jesus and God's faith, and is internationally recognized as a civilized nation. The Chinese Communist Party, from Mao to Xi, has been deliberately trying to "liberate" Taiwan, with decades of a military threat, economic bribery, and international isolation. The Xi Communist Party has been desperately developing its navy and air force for nine years, increasing pressure on Taiwan and often sending swarms of fighter jets to intimidate Taiwan. Xi Jinping is ambitious to occupy Taiwan within ten years, fulfilling his longcherished dream of becoming General Secretary for life and the new emperor of China. Xi's ambition to annex Taiwan will come 168

to naught when the U.S. resumes relations with the Taiwanese state. Suppose Xi Jinping's strategy of resisting the U.S. to attack Taiwan becomes a bubble. In that case, there will be no need and rationality for his third term or life-long President and Chairman (general secretary). The democrats will force him to step down and end his power. If Xi Jinping steps down and the Democrats come to power, Taiwan will be welcomed back to the mainland. We will work together to reform, transform, and re-establish a truly unified new China under democracy and universal rule. Taiwan is a beacon of progress and a model of reform for the mainland today. Countless mainland visitors to Taiwan have praised Taiwan as a beautiful landscape. They praise the beauty of Taiwan's scenery and the moral beauty and humanity of its people. On the contrary, under the totalitarian rule on the mainland, human morality is destroyed, morality is disintegrated, people have no freedom of speech, and there is no fairness and justice in society. The occupation of Taiwan's democratic state by a totalitarian state on the mainland would disgrace modern human civilization, and the United States will never sit back and watch this happening.

Second. the U.S. president went to the United Nations to speak.

In April 2022, President Biden should go to the United Nations to deliver the world's first declaration in 100 years condemning the crimes of Communism and the last declaration of the duel to bury Communism. The President's speech should target Xi Jinping, the last demon of the Communist Party of China, by 169

counting his 10-year series of major crimes, including the destruction of civil society, the restoration of the Cultural Revolution, the frenzied expansion of the military, the attempt to capture Taiwan, the rampant expansion of Communism in the name of the Belt and Road, and the effort to establish global communist hegemony. It openly challenges America's position as the leader of the civilized world. It destroys the world's civilized order, especially by expanding military force in the South China Sea in a vain attempt to control the South China Sea and drive American power out of the Western Pacific. In Xinjiang, the Uyghurs are persecuted, and slavery camps are set up. In Hong Kong, the pro-democracy movement is brutally suppressed, protesting youths are arrested, and pro-democracy activists are persecuted. It has seriously undermined the SinoBritish agreement on "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong. It is a vain attempt to comprehensively redress Hong Kong and change its international status. All of the above are the major "battles" that Xi Jinping has been waging with his reactionary forces at home and abroad during his years in power. Xi Jinping has thus earned the title of a top accelerator of communist failure. The 100-year communist movement that began with Lenin will finally end in Xi's hands. In 2019, Xi Jinping spread the Covid-19 virus from Wuhan, which has killed more than 5 million people worldwide in the past two years. A huge amount of information has emerged from various sources indicating that Xi Jinping ordered the Wuhan Virus Institute to develop a virus weapon in 2015 in preparation for an "over-the-limit war". The new virus, which first affected people in Wuhan, soon spread throughout China and worldwide. After the virus spread, Xi deliberately covered it up, responding perfunctorily to the World Health Organization's investigation, quickly destroying human and material evidence of its manufacture, altering the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research, even going so far as to kill people to silence them. Under Xi Jinping's 170

control, the CCP refused to allow the WHO to conduct a second investigation. Even if the WHO were to enter for a second time, it would be impossible to allow a free investigation under Xi's manipulation. It is no longer possible for the United States to obtain direct evidence of the virus's origin. There is no need for a walk-through investigation. From the massive amount of information that has been revealed over the past two years, with all the physical evidence, it can be concluded that Xi Jinping is the originator of the virus. The person who started it all must be punished. This time, if the virus creator is not punished, the consequences will be endless, and humankind will enter the era of virus war. It can now be decided that Xi Jinping is the public enemy of humanity who caused the death of 5 million people and is a war criminal who tried to start a virus war. The United States should make three claims to the United Nations on this basis. First, declare Xi Jinping a public enemy of humanity and a virus war criminal who spread the virus and caused the world disaster. Demand that China immediately removes Xi Jinping from office and hand him over to the United Nations. The United Nations should set up a special court to prosecute Xi Jinping. Second, demand that the U.N. stop China's membership and stop China's seat on the Security Council as a permanent member until after the CCP removes Xi Jinping and considers reinstating him. Third, accept the economic losses caused by the pandemic in various countries and seek compensation from the Chinese Communist Party. The above three demands will cause a great shock in mainland China, lead to a decision to remove Xi Jinping from office, force him to step down early, hand over Xi Jinping to the U.N., ask for forgiveness from the U.N., and pardon the sky-high claims that cannot be honored.


Third. a drone propaganda offensive.

It is strongly recommended that from May 1, 2022, drones enter mainland China at high altitudes and distribute massive amounts of information exposing Xi Jinping's crimes over Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and other major cities. The "paper bombing" continues for more than three months, day and night, breaking the information blockade of the Communist Party. Xi Jinping is most afraid of opening up freedom of speech in China. He is blocking truth to fool the people so they can only be slave people under the powerful propaganda machine he manipulates. Xi's mentor, Jiang Zemin, has long said that once freedom of the press is opened up, the Communist Party will be finished. That is why Xi himself is the head of the Internet Leadership Group. Hundreds of thousands of Internet police officers are deployed throughout the country to stifle any discontent with Xi Jinping. There is absolutely no room on the Internet for any speech against Xi Jinping or Mao Zedong. No information that exposes the dark side of Xi Jinping's Communist Party will be seen in government propaganda and even the internet community. Foreign news cannot enter the Chinese mainland network, and people can only read Xinhua News Agency CCTV news. Xi Jinping can spread communist propaganda all over the world through 500 Confucius Institutes overseas and use the money to buy more than 80% of overseas Chinese media to propagate for Xi Jinping. Still, no U.S. cultural institutions are allowed to enter mainland China, so people cannot get accurate information from the Internet, and foreign voices cannot enter mainland China. Now, accessing foreign websites over the wall will be prosecuted as a criminal offense. Xi Jinping has been able to deceive the public with rumors, incite resistance against the U.S., and create a war frenzy. In 2021, he spent 1.3 billion dollars 172

to produce "Changjin Lake" about Korean War, which is Xi Jinping's "masterpiece" to brainwash the slave population and incite the Chinese people against the United States. The Chinese Communist Party has blocked the Internet, so outside voices cannot be heard, and the U.S. has only one way to confront the Chinese Communist Party's "big foreign propaganda" by using drones. Drones are a peaceful offensive that does not involve the use of force, and are a measure that the U.S. has to use to counter the CCP's Great Foreign Propaganda. The true voice of justice can penetrate the internet "Green Wall" of mainland China and undermine Xi's army. The drones distributed 2/3 of the massive information from mainland China to expose the dark side of Xi Jinping's crimes, including information from many democrats and people with a sense of justice. 1/3 came from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and overseas Chinese, as well as foreign revelations and comments. Without moving a single soldier, the U.S. drones have been bombarding the country with paper bombs to stimulate a wave of anti-Xi opposition and to hasten Xi Jinping's downfall.

Optimal timing The best time to officially implement the three initiatives is April 2022. All preparations should be made well before then. The three initiatives will be complemented by one more thing: the disclosure of Xi Jinping's family's overseas assets, which will expose the assets of the family of the big corrupter Xi Jinping at home and abroad. There is a precedent in the United States for releasing the assets of mainland Chinese officials. The New York Times published the assets of Premier Wen Jiabao, causing a stir at home and abroad. Xi Jinping's family assets, published by the U.S. news agency Boxer News eight years ago, amount to at least $400 million. The U.S. could follow precedent and let news organizations publish Xi Jinping's family assets.


Xi Jinping has beaten many corrupted officials, called "big tigers," for ten years, but only those who disagreed with him are put in prison. So his anti-corruption campaign is also called "selective anti-corruption," which never happens to his family members, relatives, and trusted followers. Now people are waking up to Xi's being the most vicious big tiger and most deserving of immediate ouster and imprisonment.

Be Smart and Touch Communism is the Antichrist and the ideology, social movement, and political system of the Anticivilization. The American people and officials need to be as competent enough to know the nature of the totalitarianism of Communism as President Reagan was. As early as 1919, when Communism began to be practiced in the Soviet Union, Karl Kautsky, the leader of the Second International, stated that "communism is a terrorism". There are three kinds of terrorism in human history: racial terrorism represented by Hitler, religious terrorism represented by ISIS, and totalitarian terrorism represented by Communism. Compared to racial terrorism, which is the enemy of a specific race, and religious terrorism, which is the enemy of specific faiths, totalitarian terrorism is the ugliest, most vicious, most horrific, and most widely targeted terrorism in human history is centered on absolute power. It uses terrorism as a tool to scare people to obey their authority to seize and consolidate more power. It arbitrarily classifies opponents as enemies and destroys them by terrorist means—Totalitarian terrorism, the enemy of all, including their companions. Once a colleague becomes an obstacle to the power and profit, they will be classified as a different kind of dissident and will eliminate as soon as possible. Stalin's purges, Mao's famine, Pol Pot's massacres, and Xi Jinping's tiger hunting are classic examples of totalitarian terrorism. We have to be smart enough to know that, in political warfare, they are a "cold blood" species because there is no common belief and rule and value between Communism and any other ideology. 174

The lessons of history are worth remembering: totalitarian terrorism will never stop after it finishes cleaning up its domestic colleagues and compatriots. After Xi controls the domestic national power, he will expand his power internationally and head overseas, like he said to establish a "community of human destiny". He wants to become the world leader and show the muscle to the weak neighborhood countries first that stand in the way of his becoming the world leader. He will enjoy the power lust of all nations. This is the law of totalitarian terrorism. China's current problem is that internal affairs profoundly affects diplomacy, while unfavorable diplomacy in turn complicates internal affairs and directly affects the domestic economy, which in turn makes the diplomatic dilemma insoluble for a long time and finally brings China's external environment gradually into an uncontrollable and even dangerous state. The President who thoroughly understood the nature of totalitarian terrorism of Communism could lead the universal value civilization to avoid being impacted by Communism. President Reagan adopted a tough foreign policy toward Soviet Russia, called Soviet Communism the devil, and contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The toughness of the commander-inchief is the key to winning the war. The United States is much stronger than the Xi Communist Party in terms of strength, and it stands on the moral high ground of God. Supported by universal public opinion, it completely overwhelms the CCP in terms of momentum. The U.S. has always been a rear-guard state, well-prepared for war without fear and not fighting first. However, the United States must not be soft in dealing with rogue states. It is essential to capture the thief first, end the fighting as early as possible, and reduce military, civilian casualties. The battle of wits is more of a battle of courage, to see who has the toughest posture, to see who has the toughness to overwhelm the enemy to stop the war by courage. America must be tough in order to win. 175

The United States' tough implementation of the above three initiatives will undoubtedly promote the internal division of the CCP and the disintegration of the central government and local governments. Xi's Communist Party will inevitably fall under the pressure of external force. Xi Jinping seems unbeatable, just like Saddam in Iraq in the 1990s. China is like a pressure pot; then, inner pressure is up to the highest level. Xi has no idea how to solve the problems because he is the problem maker. Xi Jinping is similar to Saddam back then, who called for a bloody war and was unbeatable, but once he goes to the war, he will prove to the world that he is only a paper dragon. The current posture of confronting the Chinese Communist Party is forming. The U.S., Britain, and Australia have created a democratic alliance, and the Quadripartite Security Dialogue has helped Japan build aircraft carriers to target the Xi Communist Party-. The six countries in the South China Sea are conducting military exercises against the CCP, strengthening the containment and encirclement of the CCP, and joining forces with the European Union in the Indo-Pacific region to form an encirclement of the CCP. The arms race is also increasing, but the economy is not decoupled from the Chinese Communist Party. We must recognize the nature of totalitarian terrorism, unambiguously raise the banner of anti-communist and anti-Xi, in the political, economic, and cultural confrontation. At present, Biden should raise the banner of anti-communism and anti-Xi resistance, and his complete commitment to burying totalitarianism is the priority in 2022. The elimination of Communism is the ultimate guarantee of future peace in the United States and the world. Just like the U.S. election year determines the next four years in the U.S., 2022 is a critical year to determine the winner of the political warfare between Communism and democracy. There are two years for the next presidential election. Besides the economic and pandemic issues, one of the most critical themes to unite the 176

public is anti-communism. Anti-communism is the American priority. America must bury the Communists as its priority, and all other "priorities" are temporarily subordinated to this first priority. I hope President Biden will be a more extraordinary president than Reagan to bury Communism totally. Only when Communism is successfully buried will the world be free from international totalitarian terrorism, and humanity will have ultimate peace. If the Democratic Party ignores the biggest enemy of our time and misses the target on anti-communism, if Biden wastes the critical period and opportunity to fight Xi in 2022, it will affect the mid-term election in 2022 and the presidential election in 2024. Three years later, the banner of burying totalitarianism may have to be taken over by another president. The new President, a resolute anti-communist warrior, will continue to push China to return the right track of constitutional democracy, promote the great integration of Eastern and Western civilizations, and create a perfect culture in the world after Xi steps down.