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English Pages 282 Year 2009
WordPress Pl ugi n Devel opment Begi nner's Gui de
Build powerful, interac ve plugins for your blog and to share online
Vladimir Prelovac
WordPress Pl ugi n Devel opment Begi nner's Gui de
Copyright © 2009 Packt Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmi ed in any form or by any means, without the prior wri en permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quota ons embedded in cri cal ar cles or reviews. Every effort has been made in the prepara on of this book to ensure the accuracy of the informa on presented. However, the informa on contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, Packt Publishing, nor its dealers or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book. Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark informa on about all the companies and products men oned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this informa on.
First published: February 2009
Produc on Reference: 2200209
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd. 32 Lincoln Road Olton Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK. ISBN 978-1-847193-59-9 www.packtpub.com
Cover Image by Vinayak Chi ar ([email protected])
Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1: Preparing for WordPress Development How will you benefit? WordPress features More sites means more opportuni es Big players use it Urgent response to security issues Flexibility Search engines friendly Easy to use Social aspect
Plugins as tool for promo on Dogfooding WordPress plugins Challenges involved Development Security Work a er development Localiza on Documenta on Support Promo on
Plugins developed in this book Digg This Live Blogroll The Wall Snazzy Archives Insights Post Types Development Goodies Tools for the job
1 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9
9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12
12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16
Table of Contents
WordPress Text editor FTP client Web browser
16 17 17 17
Firebug Ubiquity Screengrab IE tab
17 19 20 21
Final notes Installing and managing plugins Searching documenta on Summary
21 22 23 25
Chapter 2: Social Bookmarking
Plugging in your first plugin
Time for ac on – Create your first plugin
The plugin informa on header Checking WordPress versions Checking the plugin
30 30 31
Time for Ac on – Tes ng the version check
Displaying a Digg buƩon
Time for Ac on – Implement a Digg link
Using the Digg API Acquiring post informa on
35 37
Post permalink URL
Edi ng the theme files WordPress plugin hooks
37 39
Time for Ac on – Use a filter hook
WordPress hooks
Filter hooks Ac on hooks Prac cal filters and ac ons examples
41 42 44
Adding a Digg buƩon using JavaScript code Time for Ac on – Implement a Digg bu on
46 47
Condi onal Tags Styling the output
49 50
Time for Ac on – Use CSS to posi on the bu on
Chapter 3: Live Blogroll
StarƟng up with the blogroll
Time for ac on – Roll into the blogroll
RSS Feed Processing jQuery JavaScript library Implemen ng a mouse hover event in jQuery [ ii ]
62 63 63
Table of Contents Time for ac on – Crea ng a hover event with jQuery
JavaScript and WordPress
Ini alizing jQuery Expanding jQuery knowledge
68 68
Crea ng the pop-up with CSS
Time for ac on – Apply CSS to the popup
DemysƟfying Ajax Simple example of using Ajax
73 73
Time for ac on – Use Ajax to dynamically retrieve feed posts
Using JavaScript with WordPress Parsing parameters using wp_localize_script Ajax and WordPress
79 79 80
Ajax in admin panel
jQuery.ajax method
Time for ac on – Use advanced Ajax call
Ajax script security using nonces
Time for ac on – Add a security nonce
Chapter 4: The Wall
The main concepts behind the Wall plugin CreaƟng a widget
87 89
Time for ac on – Create a 'Hello World!' widget
Register widgets with descrip on Widget controls
93 94
Time for ac on – Expanding the widget with controls
WordPress op ons Display widget control Handling widget input Handling widget output Create a WordPress page from the code
97 97 98 98 100
Time for ac on – Insert a page
Handling user input
Time for ac on – Create the wall comment form
Managing Ajax comment submit
Time for ac on – Save the comments
Using Ajax to submit forms Saving comments in WordPress post Dynamically load comments
113 115 117
Time for ac on – Display the comments
WordPress database query Comment output Displaying the comments Ajax security
120 121 122 123 [ iii ]
Table of Contents Time for ac on – Display the comments
Chapter 5: Snazzy Archives
Using a class for plugin
Time for ac on – Create a new plugin class
Showing template output with shortcodes
Time for ac on – Use a shortcode
Shortcode API
Enclosing shortcodes
Custom templates
Time for ac on – Create a custom template
Prepare archives
Time for ac on – Show archives of posts
Get all posts from database Using a regular expression Retrieve comment count for a post Using output buffers Apply styling and jQuery to archives
142 142 142 143 143
Time for ac on – Style the archive view Time for ac on – Use jQuery to allow user interac on
CreaƟng plugin opƟons page
143 147
Time for ac on – Create an op ons page
Managing plugin op ons Handling op ons form Adding administra on pages Use plugin opƟons
155 156 158 159
Time for ac on – Apply the plugin op ons
Caching the plugin output
Time for ac on – Create archives cache
Chapter 6: Insights for WordPress
CreaƟng custom panels in the editor screen Time for ac on – Create a new plugin outline
169 169
Custom edit panels in WordPress Searching the posts
172 174
Time for ac on – Display a list of matching posts
InteracƟng with ƟnyMCE
Time for ac on – Insert the link into nyMCE
Using Flickr API
Time for ac on – Display Flickr photos
Using third-party solu ons—phpFlickr CreaƟng a ƟnyMCE plugin
191 192
Time for ac on – Adding a bu on to nyMCE
192 [ iv ]
Table of Contents
Create a func onal nyMCE plugin window Time for ac on – Open a nyMCE window
197 197
Chapter 7: Post Types
Handling localizaƟon
Time for ac on – Create plugin and add localiza on
Op mizing localiza on usage How does localiza on work? Adding a post template
206 207 208
Time for ac on – Create 'add photo' post template
Backend CSS classes Handling file and image uploads
212 213
Time for ac on – Handle uploaded image
Using custom fields Adding custom fields Retrieving custom fields Quick post a link
223 223 224 224
Time for ac on – Add link template
Tinkering with WordPress backend menus Time for ac on - Remove 'Link' from the Write page
Programming the Manage panel
228 228
Time for ac on – Add post type column in the Manage panel
Modifying an exis ng column Manage screen search filter
233 234
Time for ac on – Add a search filter box
Handling error messages
Time for ac on – Adding support for errors
User roles and capabiliƟes
Time for ac on – Add user capability checks
Chapter 8: Development Goodies
CreaƟng LocalizaƟon files
Time for ac on - Create a POT file Upda ng POT file Time for ac on – Perform transla on Upda ng transla on
244 247 248 249
DocumentaƟon and support Plugin readme file
250 250
Time for ac on – Create a sample plugin readme.txt file
Sec ons of readme.txt
General informa on Special codes Screenshots Installa on instruc ons
254 254 254 255 [v]
Table of Contents
Plugin homepage Providing support Code management and plugin repository Reques ng repository access Using SVN Time for ac on - Manage a local repository using SVN Tagging a new version
Using WordPress development SVN Local copy of plugin repository PromoƟon Plugin promo on checklist General plugin development guidelines Security Performance Re-using resources Keeping API up-to-date WordPress MU development WordPress and GPL Online resources WordPress documenta on (WordPress Codex) WordPress development news WordPress blog WordPress development updates WordPress Trac WordPress dev IRC channel
255 257 258 258 259 260 261
262 262 263 264 264 265 265 265 266 266 268 269 269 269 269 269 269 269
Debugging and tes ng
Unit tes ng Automated tests
270 270
Mailing Lists
WP hackers WP professionals Other mailing lists
270 270 270
WordCast WordPress Weekly
271 271
Author's (Vladimir Prelovac's) web site Summary
271 271
[ vi ]
Preface If you can write WordPress plugins, you can make WordPress do just about anything. From making the site easier to administer, to adding the odd tweak or new feature, to completely changing the way your blog works; plugins are the method WordPress offers to customize and extend its func onality. This book will show you how to build all sorts of WordPress plugins: admin plugins, Widgets, plugins that alter your post output, present custom "views" of your blog, and more. This book focuses on teaching you all aspects of modern WordPress development and usage. The book uses real and published WordPress plugins and follows their crea on from the idea to the finishing touches, in a series of carefully picked, easy-to-follow tutorials. You will discover how to use the WordPress API in all typical situa ons, from displaying output on the site in the beginning to turning WordPress into a CMS in the last chapter. In Chapters 2 to 7, you will develop six concrete plugins and conquer all aspects of WordPress plugin development. Each new chapter and each new plugin introduces different features of WordPress and how to put them to good use, allowing you to gradually advance your knowledge. This book is wri en as a guide to take your WordPress skills from the very beginning to the level where you are able to completely understand how WordPress works and how you can use it to your advantage. This is a Packt Beginners Guide, which means it focuses on prac cal examples and has a fast-paced but friendly approach, with the opportunity to learn by experimenta on and play. Each chapter builds a prac cal plugin from the ground up using step-by-step instruc ons. Individual sec ons show you how to code some func onality into your plugin and follow up with a discussion of concepts.
What Thi s Book Covers Chapter 1 teaches the advantages of WordPress development, and what WordPress has to offer to plugin authors. Chapter 2 creates a working, useful, and a rac ve WordPress plugin from scratch. It shows how to extract informa on using the WordPress API and how to use CSS to improve the look of our plugin. Chapter 3 explores more cool things we can do with WordPress by livening up the default WordPress blogroll. The purpose of the plugin is to display the most recent posts from the sites listed in the blogroll using a nice pop-up window. Chapter 4 uses the mixed approach, by taking advantage of crea ve WordPress and JavaScript techniques, in order to create an Ajax powered 'Wall’ for your blog’s sidebar. It introduces quite a few interes ng techniques such as Widgets, interac ng with the WordPress Database, and Ajax form submission. Chapter 5 covers the crea on of a very sleek and stylish looking WordPress enhancement. The purpose of the Snazzy Archives plugin will be to present your site archives in a unique visual way. It shows how to manipulate the layout of the template using shortcodes and custom templates. Chapter 6 is all about digging a li le deeper into WordPress and hacking the Write Post screen. It shows how to create custom panels in the various sec ons of the Write Post screen. It teaches how to access the current WordPress rich text editor, nyMCE, and create a bu on on its toolbar. Chapter 7 explores the possibili es of turning WordPress into a Content Management System (CMS), using methods provided to us by WordPress. It shows how to modify the Manage Posts panel to display the informa on we want. It also covers managing who can use your plugin by looking at the logged in user capabili es. Chapter 8 covers the addi onal steps involved in localizing, documen ng, publishing, and promo ng your plugin. It also covers useful ps and ideas to improve your general WordPress knowledge further.
Who i s Thi s Book For This book is for programmers working with WordPress, who want to develop custom plugins and to hack the code base. You need to be familiar with the basics of WordPress and PHP programming and believe that code is poetry; this book will handle the rest.
Conventi ons In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that dis nguish between different kinds of informa on. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explana on of their meaning. Code words in text are shown as follows: "Edit the insights.js file and add the func onality to insert the HTML directly into tinyMCE." A block of code will be set as follows: /* Add Digg link to the end of the post */ function WPDiggThis_ContentFilter($content) { return $content.WPDiggThis_Link(); }
When we wish to draw your a en on to a par cular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items will be made bold: