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English Pages 87 Year 2018
Ministry of Planning and National Development
Facts and figures 2018
ii \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Ministry of Planning and National Development
Facts and figures 2018 Somaliland 2018
PREFACE The Ministry of Planning and National Development is proud to produce and present the first (2018) edition of Somaliland Women and Men Booklet which is first comprehensive Gender booklet on the Somaliland population. Somaliland Gender booklet has been highlighted opportunities across some sectors of the society, including economic participation, employment, education, health and decision-making. This booklet is supported technically and financially by Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Agency for Development and International Cooperation (Sida). This publication will be updated annually where more information will be encompassed as it becomes available. The ministry is delighted to welcoming comments and suggestions regarding this booklet from its readers and users.
iv \ Women and Men in Somaliland
CONTENTS Preface .................................................................... iv Gender equality ......................................................... 2 Guide for readers....................................................... 4 Population ................................................................ 5 Health ............................................................................ 20 Education....................................................................... 38 Employment .................................................................. 53 Crime and violence ........................................................ 69 Influence and Power ...................................................... 76
Women and Men in Somaliland / 1
GENDER EQUALITY Gender equality refers to a situation where women and men have equal conditions for realizing their full human rights and potential such that they are able to contribute equally to national political, economic, social and cultural development and benefit equally from the results. It pertains to equal distribution of resources and benefits and participation of women and men in all areas of society and also to the need to give equal weight to the knowledge, experience and values of both women and men in society. Gender Equality entails that the underlying causes of discrimination are systematically identified and removed in order to give women and men equal opportunities. The absence of discrimination on the basis of one’s sex in the allocation of resources or benefits or in access to services is the hallmark of any society which practices gender equality.
Gender equality in Somaliland Since the reassertion of its sovereignty in 1991, the Republic of Somaliland has focused on peace-building and the reconstruction of its nation, which was adversely affected by the war. The process of peace-building and socio-economic reconstruction towards national development required a concerted effort of both men and women to ensure growth and good governance in all sectors. Women played an active role in this process but were soon affected by some negative traditions and customs that perceived national development as a male domain. This perception stemmed from the patriarchal lineage 2 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
of the clan-based system, which recognizes male dominance and perpetrated gender inequality through customary laws. The norm of gender inequality, which was once a feature of nomadic society, is gradually getting better to meet with the national development plan. Politically, public attitude has been tending to favour male dominance over women, although the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland does not condone any form of discrimination. By virtue of Article 8 of the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland: ‘All citizens of Somaliland shall enjoy equal rights and obligations in the practice of the law, and shall not be accorded precedence on grounds of color, clan, birth, language, gender, property, status, opinion etc.’. It is further provided that: ‘Precedence and discrimination on grounds of ethnicity, clan affiliation, birth and residence is prohibited; and at the same time programmes aimed at eradicating long-lasting bad practices shall be a national obligation’. Respect to women and their rights was one of the main aspects of religious and cultural characteristics of people of Somaliland. In recent years, both the public and private sectors are encouraging the participation women in development actions in Somaliland. Indications are that disparities exist between men and women in actual power sharing, participation and control over decisionmaking processes and resources are still major problem.
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GUIDE FOR READERS The information in this booklet is collected from different surveys.
The source is given in conjunction with each table/graph. In most places, the tables and graphs provide absolute numbers and/or proportions (%) for certain attributes for both women and men. Proportions (%) are used in two ways: •
Proportion (%) of all women and proportion (%) of all men with certain characteristics, such as literacy rate.
Distribution of sex within a group, such as head of household.
The total figures in the tables are not always in agreement with the partial figures because of rounding off.
4 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
POPULATION The chapter on population gives background information to the statistics presented in the booklet. In this chapter you find information about how women and men in Somaliland are distributed over different age groups, regions and types of residence. The chapter also contains information about sex ratio, total fertility rate, head of households and marital status.
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Population by age, 2014 Percentage distribution and numbers in thousands Age 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-40 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4
Females 1,729
Males 1,779
Percent Source: Population Estimation Survey of Somaliland, 2014
The population of Somaliland is young; more than half of the population are younger than 20 years. There are almost as many women as men.
6 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Population by age, 2014 Percentage distribution
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Female
Source: Population Estimation Survey of Somaliland, 2014
About six out of ten women and men in Somaliland are 15–64 years. Almost four out of ten are children 0–14 years and 2 percent of women and 3 percent of men are 65 years or older.
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Population by type of residence, 2014 Percentage distribution 60 50
40 30 20 10 0 Rural
Urban IDP camps Nomads
Source: Population Estimation Survey of Somaliland, 2014
More than 50 percent of the females and males in Somaliland lives in urban areas. The second most common type of residence is being a nomad.
8 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Sex ratio by age, 2014
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84
85+ Total 0
100 120 Sex ratio
Source: Population Estimation Survey of Somaliland, 2014
Sex ratio is defined as the number of males per 100 females in the population. A sex ratio above 100 indicates that there are more men than women. The overall sex ratio for Somaliland is 102.9, indicating more males than females in the population.
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Sex ratio by type of residence, 2014 110
Sex Ratio
0 Rural
Source: Population Estimation Survey of Somaliland, 2014.
Among the nomadic, IDPs and in rural areas, there are more men than women, while there are more women than men in urban areas.
10 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Total fertility rate by type of residence, 2011 Average number of children per woman 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Rural
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
The total fertility rate (TFR) is a measurement on the average number of children that would be born per woman given that all women lived to the end of their childbearing years and bore children according to the measured fertility rate at each age.
The TFR is higher in rural areas (6.1 children per woman) than in urban areas (5.0 children per woman). In total, a woman in Somaliland gives birth to 5.4 children during her reproductive period. Women and Men in Somaliland / 11
Total fertility rate by region, 2011 Average number of children per woman Maroodijeex/ Saaxil Sanaag Sool Awdal Togdheer 0
2 3 4 5 Total Fertility Rate
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
The total fertility rate (TFR) is lowest in Maroodijeex/Saaxil, 4.9 children per woman, while all other regions have a TFR close to 6 children per woman.
12 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Total fertility rate by education level, 2011 Average number of children per woman 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 None
Primary Secondary or higher
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
The total fertility rate is higher among women who have no education or only primary education compared to women who have secondary or higher education. TFR for women with no education or primary education is 5.7 and 5.6 respectively, compared to 3.5 among women with at least secondary education.
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Total fertility rate by wealth quantile, 2011 Average number of children per woman 7
Total Fertility Rate
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Poorest
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
The total fertility rate is highest among women from the poorest quintile, 6.7 children per woman. Women from the richest quintile have the lowest TFR, 4.3 children per women.
14 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Head of household by type of residence, 2014 Sex distribution Rural Urban IDP Nomads Total 0
60 Percent
Source: Population Estimation Survey of Somaliland, 2014
In Somaliland, it is most common that households have a man as the head. The share of female headed of households is highest in IDP camps (37 percent) and lowest among nomads (9 percent).
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Head of household by level of education, 2014 Sex distribution 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 None
Source: Population Estimation Survey of Somaliland, 2014
The share of female head of households is about two out of ten in households with no education or primary education. In households with secondary or tertiary education the share of female households is lower, about one out of ten.
16 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Population by marital status, 2014 Persons aged 15 years and above. Percentage distribution Abandoned Divorced Widowed Never Married Married 0
40 Percent Female
Source: Population Estimation Survey of Somaliland, 2014
Out of all women aged 15 or older, 53 percent are married and 40 percent have never married. Of all men, 49 percent are married and 47 percent have never married.
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Women who first married or entered a marital union before their 15th/18th birthday by age, 2011 Percent of women aged 15–49/20–49 years 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Total 0
Married before 15
Married before 18
Source: 1Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
Among women aged 15–49, 9 percent were married before their 15th birthday. 31 percent of women aged 20–49 were married before their 18th birthday.
18 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Women who first married or entered a marital union before their 15th/18th birthday by type of residence, 2011 Percent of women aged 15–49/20–49 years 40
30 20 10 0 Married before 15
Married before 18
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
The share of women who were married before their 15th or 18th birthday is higher in rural areas compared to urban areas.
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HEALTH The chapter on health includes statistics on mortality among girls and boys. It also includes information on different aspects of reproductive health: women with an unmet need for contraception and women who were assisted by skilled personnel when they gave birth. There is also information about female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C).
20 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Probability of dying within the first month of life, 2006–2010 Number of deaths per 1 000 live births 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Girls
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
The neonatal mortality is the probability of dying within the first month of life. Out of 1 000 newborn children 36 girls and 48 boys die within the first month of life.
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Probability of dying between birth and the first birthday, 2006–2010 Number of deaths per 1 000 live births 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Girls Boys Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
Infant mortality is the probability of dying between birth and the first birthday. Out of 1 000 newborn children 68 girls and 76 boys die before their first birthday.
22 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Probability of dying between exact ages one and five, 2006– 2010 Number of deaths per 1 000 children surviving to age one 25
20 15 10 5 0 Girls Boys Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
Child mortality is the probability of dying between the exact ages one and five. Out of 1 000 children 19 girls and 20 boys die between age one and five years.
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Probability of dying between birth and the fifth birthday, 2006–2010 Number of deaths per 1 000 live births 100 90 80 Percent
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Girls Boys Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
Under 5-mortality measures the prevalence of children who dies before their fifth birthday and is expressed as the number per 1 000 live births. The mortality is higher among boys than girls. Out of 1 000 newborn children 86 girls and 95 boys die before their fifth birthday.
24 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Women who have had a live birth by age 15 and 18, by age, 2011 Percent 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Total 0
15 Percent
Live birth before age 15
Live birth before age 18
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
Out of all women aged 15–49, 3 percent had a live birth before they were 15 years old. Among women aged 20–49, 18 percent had a live birth before they were 18 years old.
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Women who have had a live birth by age 15 and 18, by type of residence, 2011 Women aged 15–49 and 20–49 years old. Percent 30 25
20 15 10 5 0 Rural
Live birth before age 15 Live birth before age 18 Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
It is more common for women in rural areas to give birth before 15 and 18 years age. 4 percent of women in rural areas gave birth before their 15th birthday compared to 2 percent in urban areas. 21 percent in rural areas and 15 percent in urban areas gave birth before they were 18 years old. 26 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Early childbearing by region, 2011 Women aged 15–19 years who had a live birth by age 15. Percent
Togdheer Awdal Sool Sanaag Maroodijeex/ Saaxil 0,0
1,0 1,5 Percent
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
In Togdheer and Awdal, 1.5 percent of all women aged 15–19 had a live birth before the age of 15.
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Early childbearing by wealth quintile, 2011 Women aged 15–19 years who had a live birth by age 15. Percent 2,5
2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 Poorest
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
It is most common among women aged 15–19 in the poorest wealth quintile to have had a live birth by the age of 15. There are no early childbearing among women in the richest wealth quintile.
28 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Women with an unmet need for family planning by age, 2011 Percentage of women aged 15–49 who are currently married 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Total 0
15 20 Percent
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
The chart shows the percentage of women 15–49 years currently married with an unmet need for contraception for spacing or limiting the number of children. In total 20 percent have an unmet need for contraception.
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Women with an unmet need for family planning by type of residence, 2011 Percentage of women aged 15–49 who are currently married 30 25
20 15 10 5 0 Rural
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
Out of women in rural areas, 19 percent have an unmet need for contraception. In urban areas, it is 22 percent.
30 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Women with an unmet need for family planning by region, 2011 Percentage of women aged 15–49 who are currently married Sanaag Awdal Togdheer
Sool Marodijeex/ Saaxil 0
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
Out of women in different regions the share who have an unmet need for contraception is highest in Maroodijeex/Saaxil (22 percent) and lowest in Sanaag (16 percent).
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Women with an unmet need for contraception by education level, 2011 Percentage of women aged 15–49 who are currently married 30 25
20 15 10 5 0 None
Primary Secondary+
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
20 percent of women with no education or primary education have an unmet need for contraception compared to 18 percent of women with secondary or higher education.
32 \ Women and Men in Somaliland
Women with an unmet need for contraception by wealth index quintile, 2011 Percentage of women aged 15–49 who are currently married 30 25
20 15 10 5 0 Poorest
Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Somaliland, 2011
The chart shows women in wealth quintiles who have an unmet need for contraception. The share is between 19 and 23 percent in the different wealth quintiles.
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Person assisted at delivery by type of residence and mother’s age at birth, 2011 Percentage distribution of women aged 15–49 who had a live birth in the two years preceding the survey Mother's age Total
Type of residence at birth Urban