242 70 27MB
English Pages 146 Year 1976
0 -517-527839
$6, 95
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A Winterthur Guide to American Chippendale Furniture Middle Atlantic and Southern Colonies Charles F. Hummel Over 150 illustrations
The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum is famous for its collection of early American fine art and decorative art. Nearly two hundred period rooms and special displays illustrate in detail how Americans lived, from Colonial days through the years of the young Republic. Furniture and textiles, silver and pewter, porcelain and earthenware, paintings and prints, have been assembled into a series of domest ic settings incorporating paneling and other architectural features taken from old houses, ranging from New Hampshire to Georgia. Publication of the first three books in the Winterthur Guide series celebrates not only our nation's bicentennial but also the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the Winterthur Museum.
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Cover Illu stration : High Ch est of Drawers . It is difficult to f ind
carving in the " modern" tast e m ore e;tu berant and better exec uted than that used on th e high ches t and mat ch ing dressing table mad e for M icha el and Miriam Gratz in 1 76 9 (see Figur e 108 fo r th e dr ess ing table). To prov ide addi tional variety, th e indented quart er columns of its base section are carved, but th ose 0/ th e upper section are fluted. Perhaps th e largest Philadelphia pea nut (cabocho n) ever to be carv ed was placed on th e carto uche. Th e ch inoi serie drawer pull s add an oth er design elem ent of this period to th e fo rm . PI. Xl: mahog any, w hite cedar, tul ip; H (cartouche tip) 102 112" (260.2 em) ; ace. no. G5 7.506 .
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