Wild things: recent advances in palaeolithic and mesolithic research
9781782977469, 9781782977476, 9781782977483, 9781782977490, 1782977465, 1782977473, 1782977481, 178297749X
Recently, Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology has been breaking boundaries worldwide. Finds such as the Mesolithic h
Pages 208
Year 2014;2015
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Table of contents :
Cover......Page 1
Title page......Page 2
copyrights......Page 3
Contents page......Page 4
Preface......Page 6
List of Contributors......Page 7
Chapter 1: Chronology of the Mid Upper Palaeolithic of European Russia: Problems and prospects Natasha Reynolds......Page 10
Chapter 2: Invisible Individuals, Visible Groups: On the evidence for individuals and groups at the Lower Palaeolithic site of Caddington, Bedfordshire, UK Frederick W. F. Foulds......Page 21
Chapter 3: Alpine ‘Hunters’ from the Middle Mesolithic to Early Neolithic: A contribution to the study of lithic industries from two high altitude loci (Gerland and La Mare) in Vercors, Northern French Alps Alexandre Angelin......Page 50
Chapter 4: The Phenomenon of Mesolithic Settlement within the Bohemian Paradise Area, Czech Republic Petr Šída, Marta Moravcová, Dagmar Vokounová Franzeová and Jan Prostředník......Page 70
Chapter 5: Palaeoenvironments and Prehistoric Interactions in Northern France from the Eemian Interglacial to the End of the Weichselian Middle Pleniglacial Jean-Luc Locht, Emilie Goval, Pierre Antoine, Sylvie Coutard, Patrick Auguste, Clément Paris and David Hérisson......Page 79
Chapter 6: The Feasibility of Reconstructing Neanderthal Demography as an Approach to Examining Extinction Danae Rebecca Dodge......Page 88
Chapter 7: Le Cuzoul De Gramat (Lot, France): A key sequence for the early Holocene in southwest France Nicolas Valdeyron, Aureade Henry, Benjamin Marquebielle, Bruno Bosc-Zanardo, Bernard Gassin, Sylvene Michel and Sylvie Philibert......Page 103
Chapter 8: Human Craniometric Variation Supports Discontinuity at the Late Glacial Maximum in Europe Ciarán Brewster, Ron Pinhasi and Christopher Meiklejohn......Page 115
Chapter 9: Funerary Contexts: The case study of the Mesolithic shellmiddens of Muge (Portugal) Olívia Figueiredo, João Cascalheira, João Marreiros, Telmo Pereira, CláudiaUmbelino and Nuno Bicho......Page 128
Chapter 10: Fire as a Component of Mesolithic Funerary Rituals: Charcoal analyses from a burial in Cabeço da Amoreira(Muge, Portugal) Patrícia Diogo Monteiro, João Cascalheira, João Marreiros, Telmo Pereira and Nuno Bicho......Page 135
Chapter 1: Animal Magic: The discovery of Upper Palaeolithic Parietal art in Cathole Cave, Gower Peninsula, South Wales George Nash......Page 142
Chapter 12: Ideology of the Hunt and the End of the Epi-Palaeolithic Piotr Jacobsson......Page 153
Chapter 13: Animal Exploitation Strategies in Eastern Aquitaine (France) during the Last Glacial Maximum Jean-Christophe Castel, Myriam Boudadi-Maligne, Sylvain Ducasse, Caroline Renard, François-Xavier Chauvière, Delphine Kuntz and Jean-Baptiste Mallye......Page 169
Chapter 14: Locating Potential Mesolithic Fish Sites in Britain using Predictive Modelling: Applying the ‘fishing site model’ to British conditions Kris Hall......Page 184
Chapter 15: Foragers and Farmers in Mesolithic/Neolithic Europe, 5500–3900 cal. BC: Beyond the anthropological comfort zone Peter Rowley-Conwy......Page 194