162 47 12MB
English Pages [391] Year 1993
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These outspoken intellectuals seek to reclaim "people" as an effective political concept by revisiting its use
127 25 427KB Read more
Warning that the era of globalization is witnessing not the disappearance of borders but a return to them, this book ana
119 0 849KB Read more
Explains the role of the madrasa in the cultural, intellectual and religious experience of Muslims The prospects for
103 33 11MB Read more
What do Jews think scripture is? How do the People of the Book conceive of the Book of Books? In what ways is it authori
132 76 3MB Read more
What is democracy? Under what conditions does it thrive? What are the consequences of democracy? This book aims to answe
146 90 20MB Read more
The leading idea of the book is to focus on the common roots of Islamic and Western traditions and to increase awareness
154 16 2MB Read more
Is the Sublime Sustainable? introduces the key points of debate around the sublime while opening new avenues for future
172 47 3MB Read more
Penal Systems: A Comparative Approach is a comprehensive and original introduction to the comparative study of punishmen
214 25 2MB Read more
Upon its publication in 1962, this book became one of the founding texts of organizational sociology. Bringing together
107 89 45MB Read more
Including contributions from some of the world's leading scholars, this ground-breaking book provides a carefully c
464 62 1MB Read more