Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Animals: Textbook and Colour Atlas [7 ed.] 9783132429338, 9783132429345, 9783132429352

Put yourself in the box seat at exam time … The days of cramming dry anatomical facts are over. It's time to look

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Table of contents :
Foreword to the 7th edition
Editors Introduction
1 Introduction and general anatomy
History of veterinary anatomy
Directional terms and planes of the animal body
Division of the animal body in organs and organ systems
Locomotor apparatus (apparatus locomotorius)
Skeletal system (systema skeletale)
Muscular system (systema musculare)
General anatomy of angiology (angiologia)
Organisation of the cardiovascular system
Vessels (vasa)
Lymphatic system (systema lymphaticum)
General anatomy of the nervous system (systema nervosum)
Functions of the nervous system
Architecture and structure of the nervous system
Nerve tissue (textus nervosus)
Central nervous system (systema nervosum centrale, CNS)
Peripheral nervous system (systema nervosum periphericum, PNS)
Nerve transmission of information
Barriers in the nervous system
General anatomy of the viscera
Visceral mucosa
Visceral connective tissue
Functions of the viscera
Body cavities and their serous lining
2 Axial skeleton (skeleton axiale)
Overview of the skull
Overview of the vertebral column or spine
Overview of the thorax
Skeleton of the head
Skull, neural part (cranium, neurocranium)
Skull, facial part (facies, viscerocranium)
The skull as a whole
The skull of carnivores
Cavities of the skull of carnivores
The skull of the horse
Cavities of the equine skull
Vertebral column or spine (columna vertebralis)
Cervical vertebrae (vertebrae cervicales)
Thoracic vertebrae (vertebrae thoracicae)
Lumbar vertebrae (vertebrae lumbales)
Sacral vertebrae (vertebrae sacrales)
Caudal or coccygeal vertebrae (vertebrae caudales)
Thoracic skeleton (skeleton thoracis)
Ribs (costae)
Joints of the skull and trunk (suturae capitis, articulationes columnae vertebralis et thoracis)
Joints of the skull (synchondroses cranii)
Joints of the vertebral column, the thorax and the skull (articulationes columnae vertebralis, thoracis et cranii)
Intervertebral articulations (articulationes columnae vertebralis)
Articulations of the ribs with the vertebral column (articulationes costovertebrales)
Articulations of the ribs with the vertebral column (articulationes costovertebrales)
Joints of the thoracic wall (articulationes thoracis)
The vertebral column as a whole
3 Fasciae and muscles of the head, neck and trunk
Superficial fasciae of the head, neck and trunk
Deep fasciae of the head, neck and trunk
Cutaneous muscles (musculi cutanei)
Cutaneous muscles of the head (musculi cutanei capitis)
Cutaneous muscles of the neck (musculi cutanei colli)
Cutaneous muscles of the trunk (musculi cutanei trunci)
Muscles of the head (musculi capitis)
Facial muscles (musculi faciales)
Muscles of the lips and cheeks (musculi labiorum et buccarum)
Muscles of the nose (musculi nasi)
Extraorbital muscles of the eyelids (musculi extraorbitales)
Muscles of the external ear (musculi auriculares)
Mandibular muscles
Specific muscles of the head
Muscles of the trunk (musculi trunci)
Muscles of the neck (musculi colli)
Muscles of the back (musculi dorsi)
Muscles of the thoracic wall (musculi thoracis)
Muscles of the abdominal wall (musculi abdominis)
Muscles of the tail (musculi caudae)
4 Forelimbs or thoracic limbs (membra thoracica)
Skeleton of the thoracic limb (ossa membri thoracici)
Pectoral girdle (cingulum membri thoracici)
Skeleton of the arm (brachium)
Skeleton of the forearm (skeleton antebrachii)
Skeleton of the manus (skeleton manus)
Skeleton of the manus (forepaw) in carnivores
Skeleton of the manus in the horse
Joints of the thoracic limb (articulationes membri thoracici)
Articulations of the thoracic limb to the trunk
Shoulder or humeral joint (articulatio humeri)
Elbow joint (articulatio cubiti)
Articulations of the manus (articulationes manus)
Intermetacarpal joints (articulationes intermetacarpeae)
Phalangeal joints
Muscles of the thoracic limb (musculi membri thoracici)
Deep fasciae of the thoracic limb
Girdle or extrinsic musculature of the thoracic limb
Intrinsic musculature of the thoracic limb
5 Hindlimbs or pelvic limbs (membra pelvina)
Skeleton of the pelvic limb (ossa membri pelvini)
Pelvic girdle (cingulum membri pelvini)
Pelvic cavity
Skeleton of the thigh (skeleton femoris)
Kneecap (patella)
Skeleton of the leg (skeleton cruris)
Skeleton of the hindfoot (skeleton pedis)
Joints of the pelvic limb (articulationes membri pelvini)
Sacroiliac joint (articulatio sacroiliaca)
Coxofemoral or hip joint (articulatio coxae)
Stifle joint (articulatio genus)
Tibiofibular joints
Pedal joints (articulationes pedis)
Muscles of the pelvic limb (musculi membri pelvini)
Fasciae of the pelvis and the pelvic limb
Girdle or extrinsic musculature of the pelvic limb
Intrinsic musculature of the pelvic limb
Muscles of the crus
Short digital muscles
6 Statics and dynamics
Architecture of the trunk
Thoracic limb
Pelvic limb
7 Body cavities
Positional stability of the organs in the body cavities
Thoracic cavity (cavum thoracis)
Abdominal and pelvic cavity (cavum abdominalis et pelvis)
8 Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)
Mouth and pharynx
Oral cavity (cavum oris)
Palate (palatum)
Tongue (lingua, glossa)
Sublingual floor of the oral cavity
Salivary glands (glandulae salivariae)
Masticatory apparatus
Pharynx (cavum pharyngis)
Muscles of the hyoid apparatus
Cranial part of the alimentary canal (oesophagus and stomach)
Stomach (gaster, ventriculus)
Structure of the intestinal wall
Innervation of the intestine
Blood supply of the intestine
Small intestine (intestinum tenue)
Large intestine (intestinum crassum)
Glands associated with the alimentary canal
Liver (hepar)
Gallbladder (vesica fellea)
9 Respiratory system (apparatus respiratorius)
Functions of the respiratory system
Upper respiratory tract
Nose (rhin, nasus)
Nasal cavities (cava nasi)
Paranasal sinuses (sinus paranasales)
Lower respiratory tract
Trachea (trachea)
Lung (pulmo)
10 Urinary system (organa urinaria)
Kidney (nephros, ren)
Location of the kidneys
Shape of the kidneys
Structure of the kidneys
Functional units of the kidneys
Blood supply
Renal pelvis (pelvis renalis)
Ureter (ureter)
Blood supply
Urinary bladder (vesica urinaria)
Blood supply
Urethra (urethra)
11 Male genital organs (organa genitalia masculina)
Testis (orchis)
Structure of the testis
Deferent duct (ductus deferens)
Investments of the testis
Vaginal process (processus vaginalis) and spermatic cord (funiculus spermaticus)
Position of the scrotum
Blood supply, lymphatic drainage and innervation of the testis and its investments
Accessory genital glands (glandulae genitales accessoriae)
Vesicular gland (glandula vesicularis)
Prostate gland (prostata)
Bulbourethral gland (glandula bulbourethralis)
Prepuce (preputium)
Muscles of the penis
Blood supply, lymphatic drainage and innervation of the urethra and the penis
Erection and ejaculation
12 Female genital organs (organa genitalia feminina)
Ovary (ovarium)
Position, form and size of the ovaries
Structure of the ovaries
Uterine tube (tuba uterina)
Mesovarium, mesosalpinx and ovarian bursa
Uterus (metra, hystera)
Structure of the uterine wall
Vestibule of the vagina (vestibulum vaginae)
Ligaments (adnexa)
Muscles of the female genital organs
Blood supply, lymphatic drainage and innervation
13 Organs of the cardiovascular system (systema cardiovasculare)
Heart (cor)
Position and size of the heart
Shape and surface topography of the heart
Compartments of the heart
Structure of the cardiac wall
Blood supply
Conducting system of the heart
Functions of the heart
Vessels (vasa)
Arteries of the pulmonary circulation
Arteries of the systemic circulation
Veins (venae)
14 Immune system and lymphatic organs (organa lymphopoetica)
Lymph vessels (vasa lymphatica)
Lymph nodes (lymphonodi, nodi lymphatici)
Lymph nodes of the head
Lymph nodes of the neck
Lymph nodes of the thoracic limb
Lymph nodes of the thorax
Lymph nodes of the abdomen
Lymph nodes of the pelvic cavity and the pelvic limb
Lymph-collecting ducts
Thymus (thymus)
Function of the thymus
Position and form of the thymus
Spleen (lien, splen)
Function of the spleen
Position and form of the spleen
Blood supply, lymphatics and innervation
15 Nervous system (systema nervosum)
Central nervous system (systema nervosum centrale)
Spinal cord (medulla spinalis)
Brain (encephalon)
Pathways of the central nervous system
Central autonomic nervous system
Meninges of the central nervous system
Ventricles and cerebrospinal fluid
Blood vessels of the central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system (systema nervosum periphericum)
Cerebrospinal nerves and ganglia
Cranial nerves (nervi craniales)
Spinal nerves (nervi spinales)
Peripheral autonomic nervous system (systema nervosum autonomicum)
Structure of the autonomic nervous system
Sympathetic system
Parasympathetic system
Intramural system
16 Endocrine glands (glandulae endocrinae)
Pituitary gland (hypophysis or glandula pituitaria)
Position and form of the pituitary gland
Function of the pituitary gland
Pineal gland (epiphysis cerebri or corpus pineale, glandula pinealis)
Position and form of the pineal gland
Function of the pineal gland
Thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea)
Position and form of the thyroid gland
Function of the thyroid gland
Blood supply, lymphatics and innervation
Parathyroid glands (glandulae parathyroideae)
Position and form of the parathyroid glands
Function of the parathyroid glands
Blood supply, lymphatics and innervation
Adrenal glands (glandulae adrenales or suprarenales)
Position and form of the adrenal glands
Function of the adrenal glands
Blood supply, lymphatics and innervation
Pancreatic islets (insulae pancreatici)
Gonads as endocrine glands
17 Eye (organum visus)
Eyeball (bulbus oculi)
Shape and size of the eyeball
Directional terms and planes of the eyeball
Structure of the eyeball
Adnexa of the eye (organa oculi accessoria)
Orbit (orbita)
Fasciae and extrinsic muscles of the eyeball
Eyelids (palpebrae)
Lacrimal apparatus (apparatus lacrimalis)
Blood supply and innervation
Blood vessels of the eye
Innervation of the eye and its adnexa
Visual pathways and optic reflexes
18 Vestibulocochlear organ (organum vestibulocochleare)
External ear (auris externa)
Auricle (auricula)
External acoustic meatus (meatus acusticus externus)
Tympanic membrane (membrana tympani)
Middle ear (auris media)
Tympanic cavity (cavum tympani)
Auditory ossicles (ossicula auditus)
Auditory tube (tuba auditiva, Eustachian tube)
Internal ear (auris interna)
Vestibular labyrinth (pars statica labyrinthi)
Cochlear labyrinth (pars auditiva labyrinthi)
19 Common integument (integumentum commune)
Subcutaneous layer (subcutis, tela subcutanea)
Skin (cutis)
Dermis (corium)
Epidermis (epidermis)
Blood supply
Nerves and sense organs of the skin
Hairs (pili)
Hair types
Patterns of hair
Skin glands (glandulae cutis)
Specialised forms of skin glands
Mammary gland (mamma, uber, mastos)
Suspensory apparatus of the mammary glands
Structure of the mammary glands
Development of the mammary gland
Mammary glands (mamma) of carnivores
Mammary glands (mamma) of the pig
Udder (uber) of small ruminants
Bovine udder (uber)
Equine udder (uber)
Footpads (tori)
Digit (organum digitale)
Horny enclosure of the distal phalanx (capsula ungularis)
Deciduous horn shoe (capsula ungulae decidua)
Modification of the different segments
Claw (unguicula)
Hooves (ungula) of ruminants and pigs
Equine hoof (ungula)
Horn (cornu)
Bovine horn (cornu)
Horn (cornu) of small ruminants
20 Topographical-clinical anatomy
Head (caput)
Clinical applications
Neck (collum)
Clinical applications
Visible and palpable bony structures
Superficial thoracic and muscular grooves
Clinical applications
Visible and palpable bony structures
Superficially visible pathways
Clinical applications
Forelimb or thoracic limb (membra thoracica)
Clinical applications
Hindlimb or pelvic limb (membra pelvina)
Clinical applications
Palpable bony structures
Palpable bony structures of the head
Palpable bony structures of the neck and the back
Palpable bony structures of the thorax
Palpable bony structures of the thoracic limbs
Palpable bony structures of the pelvic limbs
Projection of the organs onto the body surface
Organs of the abdominal cavity
Organs of the thoracic cavity
21 Avian anatomy
Musculoskeletal system
Pectoral limbs (wings)
Pelvic limbs
Body cavities
Digestive system (systema digestorium)
Proximal digestive tract
Gastrointestinal tract
Accessory organs of the intestinal tract
Respiratory system (systema respiratorium)
Nasal cavity (cavum nasi)
Lung (pulmo)
Bronchial system and gas exchange
Air sacs (sacci pneumatici, sacci aerophori)
Urinary system (systema urinarium)
Male genital organs (organa genitalia masculina)
Testis (orchis)
Deferent duct (ductus deferens)
Phallus (penis, phallus masculinus)
Female genital organs (organa genitalia feminina)
Ovary (ovarium)
Oviduct (oviductus)
Uterus (metra)
Structure of the avian egg
Cardiovascular system (systema cardiovasculare)
Immune system and lymphatic organs (organa lymphopoetica)
Lymphatic vessels (systema lymphovasculare)
Lymph heart (cor lymphaticum)
Lymphoreticular formations
Lymphatic organs (thymus, bursa cloacalis and spleen)
Central nervous system (systema nervosum centrale, CNS)
Brain (encephalon)
Spinal cord (medulla spinalis)
Endocrine glands (glandulae endocrinae)
Eye (organum visus)
Middle layer (tunica media)
Inner layer (tunica interna bulbi, retina)
Ear (organum vestibulocochleare)
External ear (auris externa)
Middle ear (auris media)
Internal ear (auris interna)
Common integument (integumentum commune)
Skin and skin appendages
Featherless body regions
Feathered body regions
22 Sectional anatomy and imaging processes
Plastination in science
Diagnostic imaging
Imaging modalities
Endoscopy in the horse
23 Appendix
Glossary of terms

Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Animals: Textbook and Colour Atlas [7 ed.]
 9783132429338, 9783132429345, 9783132429352

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