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English Pages [68] Year 1953
Narodna omladina Jugoslavije .
5th Congress ,
Belgrad , 1953 . V congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia .
Launay Collection
on latina
of the
MARCH 6-9,
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HQ799 Y8N19
Collection 1963
March 6-9 ,
( Reports and Resolutions )
Issued by the Central Committee of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia
Report to the Fifth Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia
Comrades ,
Our Congress is being held directly following the important events in our The social life which have opened a new era in the history of the Yugoslav peoples. Sixth Congress of the League of Communists and the recent Congress of the People's Front of Yugoslavia, now the Socialist Alliance of the Working People, have marked out the paths of our socialist development . It is our duty at this Congress , starting from the created economic and social conditions in our country, to determine the place and role of the People's Youth Organisation. Also , by analysing our past successes and weaknesses , we shall determine the trends of the further development of the People's Youth and define its tasks in the struggle for the socialist education of youth,
Unity of Youth in the Fuilding of Socialism
Four years have passed since the Joint Congress of the Communist Youth League and the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia , the Congress which strongly demonstrated the achieved unity of the youth of our country. In the past period this unity was strenthened even more in the struggle for the independence of our country and for the building of socialism. Prolonged threats, the aggressive pressure on the part of the Soviet Union and the direct menace to our country's independence, have awakened an unprecedented patriotisa in the hearts of our youth , made them ready to defend their country and aroused hatred towards those who wish to undermine its independence and obstruct the free development towards socialism . If we take a view of the Fast period and appraise the role of the Feople's Youth in creating the political unity of youth in the struggle against the Corinform and Soviet aggression , we can say that the People's Youth has honourably fulfilled its task . It has made great efforts to explain the ideological and theoretical achievements of our Farty, which took shape in the struggle against the Cominform , as a result of the endeavours to create a new and genuine path towards socialism , This stressed even more the political character of the People's Youth Organisation and gave it impetus in its political activity among the youth . Farallel with the struggle against the Cominform and Cominform activity views , the Feople's Youth
organisations took an active part in all political actions
in our country. The youth were informed through meetings , conferences, lectures , pamphlets , etc. , about the organisation of our country, its internal policy and especially the economic policy of the Yugoslav government , as well as international events and other problems . Thus 1,383 political lectures were held in Vojvodina during the election campaign in 1950 and they were attended by 85,000 boys and girls . Fesides this 158 youth meetings were organised , rallying about 65,000 young people. The Fassing of the law on the workers ' management of enterprises , the decentralization of the bodies of state administration , the extension of the people's management genuine expansion of socialist democracy - all this was understood by the vast majority of youth as the only possible way for the building of socialism . These events made a tremendous impression and gave an unprecedented impetus and swing to youth activities and life in their organisations . A large number of youths have been elected to the workers' councils and management boards. About 300 of them were elected in Sarajevo, 180 in the enterprises in Tuzla, Derventa , Gracanica, 22 youths were elected in the "Iskra " factory. For self- sacrificing work 512 youths received the Order of Labour decoration, 29 , 402 were proclaimed shock -workers , 25 , 314 were singled out for special Fraise and 15,000 received rewards . In Ereza and Kakanj alone 1 , 100 youths were proclaimed shock-workers , in the Tuzla basin enterprises - 3,000 , in the Zagreb enterprises 8,937, The past period saw a strong development of the social life of the youth , the strengthening of many organisations in which the young people gather . In 1952 about 250,000 youths in Croatia and 140,000 in Slovenia were active in the sports, cultural end social organisations . A total of 182 youth cultural societies , with 22, 435 members is working in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Some 111,050 youths took part in the cultural and
sports rallies in Serbia in 1952. The system of the education of youth has developed strongly in Slovenia. The rallies of the village youth , cultural festivals of the town youth, the Students' May Festival and similar manifestations have stimulated hundreds of thousands of youths to take part in cultural activities, The period in question was especially characterized by the great participation of youth in the building of the country , by its unselfish efforts in the construction of the key projects of the Five Year Plan. Seven years ago, on March 1, 1946 , the youth began to construct the Ercko-Banovici railway line. The work on this railway was one of the forms of the participation of youth in the construction of the economic foundations of the socialist society - this form of activity was inaugurated as far back as 1942 when the Sanicka youth carried the harvest by night from before the German and Ustasha pill-boxes . Youth work brigades were constantly formed and important work drives organised from 1945 till 1952. There is hardly a larger project under the Five Year
that has not been built with the participation of the People's Youth . The youth worked on the construction of 11 railway lines: Ercko-Banovici , Samac- Sarajevo , banja Luka- Doboj , Gradacas-Modrice, Niksic-Titograd , Kucevo-Brodice , Sezana-Dutovlje, Furacic- Doboj , Goles-Veliki Balacevac , Foca and Borovic; on six roads: The Belgrade- Zagreb motor highway, Potiski -Coka, Djurdjevac-Pregrada, Berane-Rozaj , Celje-St.Petar and Peljesac roads; on the construction of 14 industrial projects ; the Ivo Lola Ribar heavy tool machine factory at Zeleznik , the Zenica iron works , the Hydraulic Machine Factory at Zitnjak near Zagreb, the "Jedinstvo " factory in Zagreb, the "Titan " factory at Kamnik, the copper rolling mill at Sevojna, the fire-clay factory at Arandjelovac , the fire- clay factory at Mladenovac , the textile factory at Novi Pazar , the "Krusik " military enterprise, the magnesite factory at Rankovicevo , the industrial projects at Gorazda
Foca, the industrial project at Hadzici , the cable factory at Svetozarevo and the iron works at Niksic ; on the building of 5 large hydro power plants: Jablanica , Mavrovo , Vinodol , Vlasina, Mali Zvornik ; on the construction of canals: Posavski , Begej , Vido-Polje, Jasenica , on the reclamation of the Strumica area, the regulation of Gorski Rijak and Resnica, the Ralja River , the construction of the embankment at Veliko Gradiste; on the building of the New Belgrade and Nova Gorica projects ; on the building of projects in the Aleksinac mines and at Vares; the student towns in Zagreb, Sarajevo and Ljubljana; the pioneer children's railways: in Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Skoplje, as well as the pioneer children's towns in Zagreb and Belgrade; the sports stadium in Sarajevo, the Radicevo village in Backa and on many forest projects in Serbia, Croatia, BosniaHerzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro. One million twenty thousand boys and girls worked on the construction of 70 important projects of the Five Year Plan and gave about 50 million voluntary work days . The extent of the works done by the youth is shown - although not fully - by the construction of the railway lines and the Motor Road . The length of the Ercko-Banovici , Samac-Sarajevo , and Eanja Luka-Doboj railways totals 430 kilometers , while the Belgrade Zagreb motor road runs to 382 kilometers . In the construction of all the four projects the youth brigades had to do 24,912 , 254 cubic meters of earth works of all categories , to dig tunnels to a length of 5,017 meters , to construct 103 bridges to a total length of 6,373 meters etc. Through work competitions the members of youth work bridges showed great selfsacrifice in their efforts to achieve results. Their achievement - the projects built by the youth will serve as a testimony of the readiness of the Yugoslav youth to struggle for socialism . May these few examples illustrate the working heroism of youth, shown at the work drives The Sid brigade , the Second Lika and First Ljubicko-Trnavska brigades worked on the construction of the motor road . During their work extending over two months these brigades gave the initiative for the organising of competitions the breaking of old and setting of new norms. They surpassed the norm every day by 200 250%. In recognition of this work the Sid brigade was proclaimed a shock- brigade eleven times , while the Second Lika and First Ljubicko-Trnavska brigades won this title ten times. The group of five headed by Stojadin Saric , from the Second Jablanica brigade on the motor road , in 1950, handled in one shift 55 cubic meters of earth, which had been
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considered impossible. The Eihac brigade on the Eanja Luka-Doboj railway worked in the Ljeskove Vode tunnel under the hardest conditions , but always surpassing the norm by 220%. The brigade of the students of the Economic Faculty of Eelgrade achieved an average surpassing of the norm by 210 % while working on the site of the factory at Svetozarevo . The village youth Ljubivoje Grujevic from Eanatsko Rankovicevo who worked voluntarily on the work drives for 24 months , from 1945 till 1953, became shock-worker twelve times and was awarded the Order of Labour II class . Stevo Vidakovic , the youth who had taken part in the partisan movement since 1941 , spent 43 months on the work drives , was proclaimed shock-worker 15 times and received the Order of Labour II class . Simeonovic Slavko , who took part in all the campaigns during the last seven years, was proclaimed shock-worker 17 times and twice received the Order of Labour III class . The youth received from the nation a fitting recognition of their selfless activity: 907 work brigades and 2, 503 youths were decorated with the order of labour and other awards , 4 , 559 trigades were proclaimed shock-brigades , while 123 , 892 boys and girls received the title of shock-worker . Youths from the villages , from the schools , universities , and from the factories in all parts of Yugoslavia came to the work brigades , to the youth work sites . They came consciously, enthusiastically, voluntarily. The idea of the building of socialism, the consciousness for the need of rapidly doing away with the age-long backwardness by way of the industrialization and building of the economic foundations of socialism , inspired them with great strength , made them ready to meet all difficulties and endure all privations and to show unprecedented heroism at work. Many of them were leaving their homes and their villages for the first time ; many of them for the first time took the shovel and wheel-barrow in their hands having never done anything of the kind , coming as they were straight from the school benches and their books . What was drawing our youth to the youth work drives? It was necessary to exert the greatest efforts at the work sites , push the heavy wheel -barrows and trucks filled with earth, often work in the cold and rain , in water or blast rocks , dig in the tunnels. What made the youth take up such tasks? It was above all the love of their country, their people , it was their burning patriotism . It was the same love with which the youth joined the Fartisans during the war , as they knew there was no other way to win their freedom, to see the victory of the National Revolution . The same readiness
conscience was shown by the young builders , although in different conditions and in other forms . They too knew that socialism could not be built without great efforts and difficulties , that it was necessary first to overcome age-long backwardness , that it was necessary to industrialize the country, that without this there could be no socialism , no better and finer life for the young generations . This awareness , this knowledge gave birth to the voluntary work of the youth ; not as an accidental , isolated manifestation , but as a general movement , expressed in tens of millions of work hours . At the work drives the youth not only created a new attitude to duty - great efforts , self- sacrificing application to their task - but also a new tempo of labour , the tempo of building which was previously considered impossible , exaggerated , but which was indispensable in our circumstances as it was necessary to make use of all the means and possibilities in order to get as soon as possible out of the backward and colonial economic situation. Herein lies the great significance of the voluntary labour of Yugoslav youth . Conscious of the importance and necessity of their participation , the young people began to value it , found something fine and beautiful in it , discovered themselves , while forming their character as fighters for socialism. To this should be added the mass development of the collective conscience both at work and in camp life , the elimination of trifling passions , egoism , intolerance, development of an all- round understanding for life and needs of the community, for collective labour and life . In his report submitted to the Sixth Congress of the League of Yugoslav Communists, comrade Tito thus characterized the significance of the youth work drives: "These work drives of the youth brigades have not only given a big material contribution to our socialist construction , but also contributed to the moral -political , ideological and cultural advancement of youth , who , taking part in joint labour, al so
formed their own characters. Hundreds of thousands of youth from the whole country, the village youth, the youth from the towns, from economic enterprises and from schools, came to know each other, saw various parts of the country and witnessed various activities and efforts of our people , the huge successes , achieved and learnt of the single view among all our peoples of the need to get as soon as possible out of the backwardness to become their own masters in their own country. The participation of the rural youth , the youth from the schools and from economic enterprises in the common efforts , has meant a lot towards imparting the real ideas on labour in a socialist country. La bour received the significance that belongs to it - the pride of the man in the new society, a need and not , as it is the case in the capitalist world , Something many people are sometimes even ashamed of"
a necessary evil and
The slogan : " We are building the railway , the railway is building us " came into being on the youth railway sites. Despite various weaknesses and shortages of material means, an intensive political and educational work developed on the youth work drives . According to incomplete data, about 215,000 lectures were given at the building sites , nearly 20,000 cinema shows were organised as well as 4,000 performances, by various theatrical and dramatic groups from all over the country, while the youths themselves organised about 15,000 concerts and other cultural manifestations. A great many books were read, tens of thousands of rural youth learned to read and write , hundreds of thousands of various courses and schools were organised. It is our duty to encourage in the future the spirit of the labour drives and to organise them (not every year ) of course, adapting them to the new conditions and in a new way.
Education of Youth Under Conditions of Socialism and Socialist Democracy
What is the explanation of this great creativeness of youth in our country, its unselfish efforts in the building of the country? The explanation is in the situation and role of youth in our society. The victorious conclusion of the liberation war has brought about important changes in the life and position of youth. Its role and activity in society has grown to enormous proportions and conditions have been created for its full and all-round activity. For the first time it is participating equally freely on all the questions of social and political life of the country. Taking part in the election of the bodies of the people's authority, at voters' meetings and in all the other activities of social self-government , the youth took part directly, together with the other citizens of our country, in adoption of all the important decisions The working youth in the enterprises are managing and disposing for the first time , not only in the history of our country but in general , with the products of their labour . In Croatia and Serbia alone , nearly 11,000 working youths are members of the workers' councils. In our country the state authority issued special decrees for regulating the policy of rewarding young workers , their right to rest , health protection and education . Here are some data which illustrate to a certain extent the economic conditions in the life of our young workers. In a large
number of enterprises in Serbia, the average
earnings of youths varies between 6 and 11 thousand dinars. The state has given great material means for the education and expert training of young workers. Whereas in old Yugoslavia there were 380 evening schools for apprentices , attended by 43, 539 pupilsapprentices , in 1946 this number rose to 577 schools , while in 1949/50 it rose to 879 with a total of 120,000 pupils. After liberation , we had a total of 87 hostels for pupils in economy, while in 1949 , their number together with the industrial boarding schools was 480. There were in them 45,495 pupils .
We shall mention some other data from old Yugoslavia. The Eelgrade Inspection of Labour in its intervention extending over seven years , had 9,200 established cases of impermissible employment of small children and serious abuse of their social and economic position . 90% of the apprentices in old Yugoslavia worked 12-14 hours daily , over 30% of them suffered by their twenty fifth year from various bodily deformations , 50% from tuberculosis etc. In our genuinely socialist country
favourable conditions have been created , in
keeping with possibilities , for the development of all -round activities of youth. The Yugoslav social organisation and community are offering the youth every assistance for the development of the creative youth initiative. For this very reason we are called upon to visualise more clearly our duties at the present stage of our social development. The post-war restoration and building of socialism urged the youth to exert all their efforts for the fulfilment of economic tasks of the country,
for the building of
important projects of the Five Year Flan . Hence the chief activity of the youth was directed towards the solution of these questions and we can say with pride that our youth has honourably fulfilled its tasks in the building of socialism . However , conditions are different today - most of the projects have been
pleted , the new economic system and the workers' management of economy have greatly stimulated the productive forces of our country. The League of Communists of Yugoslavia is leading the working class and the workers into the struggle for socialist democracy Under these conditions we are setting ourselves new tasks , we are laying stress on the ideals which will be embraced by the present generations . In the period of the building of the economic basis of socialism, the youth were called upon to exert all their efforts for the building of the country , but now they are asked to devote all their creative energy to education and study, in order to understand the development of our country and take an active part in it , that is to be the upholders of progress , the up--
holders of the new spirit which is to score the final victory over the old system. The man of socialism must have an all - round education , must be able to take an all -round view of things , must have an all -round character and aims . The demand for an 11 -round education is a great and revolutionary task , as without the fulfilment of this task our quick successes in the setting up of the socialist society would not be possible Eut in order to enable the youth to fulfil this task , all progressive social forces in our country should watch constantly over the education of youth . All the more so as the education of youth with us is developing in rather complicated circumstances: What are these circumstances? Above all , it is our economic and cultural backwardness from which we are only just emerging and which prevents us from making an even greater effort in the education of youth. In many parts of our country we have first to insist on the basic education of youth , to struggle against illiteracy, and only then shall we be able to make headway. Fesides this , the education of youth in our country is develop ing under very complicated class conditions where the working class is conducting a fierce struggle against the remnants of the dispossessed elements . The more the remnants of these classes will be losing their economic positions , the more fiercely will they struggle for their ideology, their conceptions and their bourgeois morality. In the midst of the struggle against these classes a new danger is making its appearance bureaucratism , which has come into being to a considerable extent under the influence of the ideology and practice of the USSR, and partly issued from our post war administrative system conditioned by economic and cultural backwardness; this system, it is true , has dealt a decisive blow to the dispossessed classes , but under the new conditions it acts as a check on further development . The struggle against both dangers calls for the mobilisation of all progressive forces of the society, for exerting all their efforts , together with the working class which is holding the flag of socialist democracy - for the winning of the final victory of socialism . Eesides this , we must bear in mind the complex state of international events in which our country finds itself , in the constant struggle for freedom and independence threatened by the imperialist policy of the USSR. Of course the complexity of all these conditions calls for maximum efforts in the all -round education of our youth .
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Eut here we must stress the decisive factor which strongly influences our youth, which permeates the life of youth and which will play an increasingly important role in their education and activity. It is the development of productive forces and socialist democracy, in which the youth, of course, takes an active part. As the youth will intensify their direct participation in the building of socialism, as the elements
course of the development of our society will be explained to them, they will become all the more conscious of the need for the victory of socialism in our country. Therefore it is the common duty of all the forces which are working on the education of youth, to inform them as plainly and clearly as possible of what is going on in our country , to stir up the enthusiasm of youth for these events and make of them active fighters for Overcoming difficulties and ensuring the victory of new social relations . It needs stressing that all the forces in our country, working on the education of youth are not sufficiently united . These forces are now apart, each acting in its Own sphere so that there is no unity of action which such process as the education of youth demands . What is more , it was considered until recently that only the People's Youth Organisation was competent for the education of youth. Of course , in spite of great successes in that direction , the People's Youth cannot alone perform this task . All the forces must be united for the education of youth , as this is an important social question in our country - it is a question of the future citizens of socialism. "The care for the education of youth in the spirit of socialism must be the affair of all: the school , family, trade unions and all the other political and social organisa tions, the whole of our society. Our young generations are burdened with the huge task of understanding and developing further the present revolutionary achievements, to decide tomorrow on the future of our country in workers ' councils, cooperatives, in schools, the councils of producers and in other forums . The society which does not devote enough attention to youth and fails to educate them properly, undermines its own foundations. Hence , the education of youth and their training for conscious socialist citizens should be viewed as a question of the building of a socialist society in our country ", (Aleksandar Rankovic On Work With Youth ) .
In every society the family is a strong factor in the education of children and youth. Of course , education in the family was always class education which is conditioned by the varied political and economic situation of the families . In our society based on new economic and social conditions , new family forms are springing up. The development of productive forces in the village , the association of peasants in the farm cooperatives , where younger members of the family work independently, - all this destroys the bounds of old patriarchal families in which the father was the upholder and main factor in the family. Springing into being instead of it is the new family of free and independent members which emancipates hundreds of thousands of boys and girls , primarily in the economic sphere : later they become independent in political life , they go to industry, to work drives etc. Frecisely owing to this development of the village family, grows the role of political and other organisations in the countryside which are to care for the education of youth. In the town , on the other hand , the family, sprung from the tourgeois society , is disintegrating under the blows of the revolutionary changes in our country. The bourgeois family in our country still has an important influence on youth , on their ideas and role in social life. In a section of these families petty bourgeois conceptions and habits are being conveyed to the youth; these surroundings are producing weaklings and persons who have no courage or vital energy , who sit in the schools and learn everything by heart , bow to everybody, show no desire for activity, but go straight home from the school . It is their wish to study only at those faculties which provide them with knowledge required for a profitable occupation. But a large section of youth , especially those who live in such families , while being daily under the influence of our socialist reality , break away from family influences . It is our duty to direct our attention to the education of youth in the families of workers and other working people. The fact should be stressed that in most of these families little attention is devoted to the education of youth and children. This is partly due to the tem— porary difficulties in maintaining the living standard , and also because our society ,
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and especially our educationists , have not yet succeeded in developing the interest in education among these families and impressing upon them that education of children and youth is one of the major problems . Every parent loves his or her children , but many Farents do not pay sufficient attention to the formation of their children's character . They are lenient to their children's weaknesses and possess but little pedagogic knowledge for education. There are Farents who consider that social education , which their children Set in various political , cultural , sports and other organisations is sufficient for their children. however , educational work in all these organisations is not yet on an enviable level .
And as these organisations are still incapable of replacing
farily education , the family is called upon to play an ever more important role in the building of character and in the all - round education of young people. We consider that the socialist society , our educational science , political and other organisations should do all to raise the family on a higher level to make it grasp its duties and obligations in re
rd to the socialist education of children and youth .
In our social system the school plays an enormous role as nearly the whole youth Fasses through it . Our school system, contending against great difficulties, has scored important successes in orientating the activities of youth, especially after the Third Flenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist Party, which gave a great impetus for the further development of the educational system and thought in our country. Ey conscientious efforts of educationists and teachers many weakmesses have been removed in schools - weaknesses which appeared in the post-war period . The Feople's Youth organisation is grateful to the teachers and educational workers for their care and efforts in the education of youth. We feel it is our duty, however , to warn our educationists and teachers of a serious school weakness which is reflected in the education of youth. The events in which the youth live outside the school are turbulent , e strong industry is rapidly springing up, great youth work drives are being organised , new railways and roads, artificial lakes and hydro- power stations are being built , new enterprises and towns founded ; the youth take part in political manifestations , in social , cultural and sports life . The schools , that is teaching in them, is still inadequately linked with these events. This linking can only be achieved by harmonising the tuition in schools with our socialist practice . The extent to which this will have teen and the extent to which subject matter will have been conveyed to the youth with conviction and earnestness , will be the measure for the school becoming an attractive institution for young people in developing their love of science . We consider it is imfor certain teachers to take the objectivist , allegedly political , neutral attitude in teaching or in the course of their lectures to use marxist slogans at random ( the marxist ideology being the ruling ideology in our country ) and thus vulgarise science , which is unfavourably reflected on the conception of youth and love towards the adoption of scientific truth . The school , through the study of scientific truths , may be a strong and decisive fector for the all-round education of youth , for the forming of character in young men , for the forming of the new citizens of socialist Yugoslavia. However , there are some educational workers in our country who consider it their duty only to convey knowledge, and not at all to care for the moral education of the youth whose training
es been entrusted ,
to them. We consider that their duty is to watch the whole process of the education of their pupils both in school and outside it , in the family; in various organisations , and to inform both their pupils and others , of the positive and negative manifestations in the development of character among boys and girls. Similarly, the help of educationists in the work of youth and other organisations is invaluable both in school and outside it . They can hugely contribute to directing these organisations ' activities for ensuring the proper education of youth. We believe that educationists and teachers , just because they have at heart the education of youth, will do their best for making the school a center of education and all -round education of socialist citizens . The social organisations to which the youth belong , also exercise a strong influence on the youth . Many young people work in trade union organisations , the organisations of the Feople's Youth , various cultural and sports organisations , the People's Technics organisation and others . It is not necessary to stress particularly the
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.img played by all these organisations in the political and general education of youth. We cannot imagine the socialist society and successful development of democracy without the existence of just such organisations in which the social life of youth will develop where the youth can spend their leisure hours, where they can give expression to their creativeness, or rest and find entertainment. But it should be pointed out that all the organisations , which , of course , have their programme of work and their tasks , do not Pay sufficient attention to linking their activities to the educational influence on
fear shoul the
the youth. This particularly applies to sports organisations , where the youth readily assemble , and where there is no serious trend towards the socialist education of youth. The League of Communists has an important role in the education of youth. This organisation , under whose banner the youth marched forward in the National Revolution , and are now marching surely in the building of socialism, inspires the youth with the revolutionary spirit in their creative work , the spirit of boundless devotion to the cause of socialism and struggle for the freedom and independence of cur country. That is why one cannot imagine today genuine work for the education of youth without the
most earnest efforts of members of the League of Communists who are active among the youth , without their daily care for the all-round education of youth in the spirit of socialism. There is no nobler and finer task of young members of the League of Communist s than to be the upholders of an all-round activity in the ranks of the youth, the upholders of progressive ideas , upholders of new relations among the people , and to set an
Te se example to the young people around them as to the relations of people in socialism. Only joint efforts of all these forces ,
joint cooperation and mutual assistance
in such a complex task as the education of youth, can increase our successes . The joint efforts are necessary, as this is not a momentary task, or a transitory activity, but this is a long process which never ends and which obtains its characteristic trait in various environments . It is worthy of note that it is here a question of organisational linking of these forces for which we must find the best forms and manners . But it is more important to understand that it is here the question of a uniform view of the problem of education , the single method of a single process.
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It should be noted that it is essential for the proper education of youth that its most conscious section should adopt
the materialistic view of life. The struggle
for materialistic conceptions is no political slogan but the process of an ideological struggle for the scientific treatment in all fields of science and in all manifestations of our life.
"Dialectical materialism is the result of modern scientific develop-
ment and modern class struggle. And just as this class struggle must finally lead to the classless society , so every kind of idealism must cease in science , and materialcommon " , " everyday " , " natural " conception of man . Modern materialism become the ism as an aspect of life has already been victorious in every true branch of science . To negate dialectical materialism, or not to depart from it in the treatment of phenomena, is not only stupid, senseless and reactionary, but also ridiculous , especially in a country where it was confirmed most convincingly by concrete social practice (revolution) through the shedding of blood and sweat of millions . " ( Djilas - Meditations on Various Questions ) . In our country, materialism is the only possible form for the introduction of humanist elements into the education of youth. It develops the free personality to which all dogmatism and all grooved thought is alien. It creates from free personalities a strong collective of free men of socialism, it develops a new attitude towards man who is the upholder and creator of everything in society. Comdare Kardelj said in his report at the Fourth Congress of the People's Front : "Only a free man , free personal labour, free personal initiative on the basis of the social property of the means of production , enables socialism to bring about that rise in the development of productive forces which gives it an advantage over capitalism and which renders it an historical social necessity" . Nor can the education of youth be imagined without the acceptance of the socialist morality. Young people should adopt definite attitudes and views on various questions of life . We reject the bourgeois morality as it is false, and are creating the new socialist morality - the morality of the future . Take , for example , the ques-
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tion of
social property: the youth should not only be deterred from destroying it
fear of punishment , but should also be taught how it came into being and what attitude should be taken towards it . Further the question of the family, respect of the elders , the cultivation of tradition , relations between young men and girls , the grasping of the idea of brotherhood and unity of the Yugoslav peoples , the new Yugoslav patriotism and other questions must be explained to youth so that they may adopt them. It should be noted here that the explanation of these truths to youth must not relapse into empty phrases and Freaching , into abstract analysing which can only bar the youth from adopti ing these principles. Their explanation must come naturally - through the medium of life and activity of youth, by way of social organisations to which the youth belong , inside the family , and especially through the school tuitions. Our science of pedagogy can play an important role in this respect by correctly explaining these principles . In order that this education may have its full effect on the youth, it is our duty constantly to study all manifestations among the youth -MO both positive and negative. The present generation of youth has its own characteristics , by which it differs from previous generations. This is a generation which has widely developed its creative forces; it is an active participant in the building of socialism, as is shown by the work drives and other activities , it is displaying lively interest in political and other questions; it is active in the development of its own social life. But while this is a characteristic of the greater part of our youth , among a smaller part of our youth we see a series of negative manifestations . The latter section is seriously under the influence of bourgeois elements , reflected in the manner of life and conceptions . There are serious examples of uncultured conduct , drinking, undignified treatment of others , criminal actions and so on. Eut it should also be pointed out that there is in our country a considerable number of well intentioned persons , sincere and enthusiastic workers for socialism who do not look quite correctly on all these negative manifestations among the youth . One frequently meets people who will ascribe the misbehaviour of individuals and certain groups to the entire youth, who attack the young generation declare it is not revolutionary and progressive . Such accusations are exaggerated . These people obviously do not understand the fact that , in the process of the building of socialism and all the complex conditions , we are educating and raising from thousands of youth who had never taken part in such life and it is understandable that there may be certain weaknesses in this process , certain negative manifestations among a section of the youth. It is our duty to analyse such manifestations , to discover their causes and do our best to eliminate them. These manifestations will be less numerous if the problem of the education of youth is understood as a social problem , as the task of educating citizens of the socialist society , the citizens who are to take up and further develop the socialist revolution.
III The Feople's Youth ** Expression of the Political Unity of the Youth Masses
1. The basic characteristics of the People's Youth Organisation .
Comrades ,
Starting from the principles , set forth earlier , on the education of youth , the People's Youth has grown into a strong political organisation . It is a special type of youth organisation which by the manner of its development and by the function it is performing, constitutes an entirely different body from any organisation in the world that we know of . Today there are various youth organisations in the world , two types
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of which stand out clearly: the Komsomol type and similar organisations in the Cominform countries , and the type of different organisations and youth clubs set up by various political parties in capitalist countries. What are their characteristics? The Komsomol is a narrow enough organisation which embodies about 30% of Soviet youth. This is the organisation to which Stalin assigned the task of being the transmission
conveying the instructions and orders of the government to the youth ranks . Komsomol has the task of controlling the whole life of the youth and preventing all initiative other than prescribed . A secretary of the basic Komsomol organisation cannot read a report, nor call a meeting without permission of the district committee. Many decisions are taken and orders issued . Thus the Kuybishev regional committee sent 350 directives and decisions and 33 telegrams to the district committees in a single year . In such an organisation life is empty and arid , free thought cannot obtain expression , creativeness is lacking although it is usually a characteristic of youth, all are subjected to the same rule, all have to know the fixed terms , premises, political slogans and to vie with each other in learning them by heart. In the Komsomol the youth are brought up in the spirit of contempt of other countries , under-estimation of the history and culture of other nations , they do not have connections with the youth of other countries , they exchange no experiences and make no friendships . Hence the Komsomol has become an instrument for deceiving the Soviet youth , for subjecting their creative tendencies to bureaucratic despotism in the country and to plans of conquest which aim far beyond the range of Soviet bayonets. In the structure of Soviet machinery, the Komsomol has been allotted the role of perverting and burying in the eyes and hearts of the young generation of this vast country - all the revolutionary ideals and tendencies , and to replace the ideas of socialism by the idols
bureaucracy. This policy determines the spirit of rigidity which reigns in this organisation and its dry demagogic prophile . There is no united youth movement in capitalist countries. It is dismembered and subjected to the policy of different parties: hence its inability to strive more actively for the political and economic demands of youth. This especially applies to the communist youth organisations , whose activity is reduced to the popularising of the USSR policy, various peace appeals , the "Pact " of the five great powers and everything else that suits the interests of Soviet foreign policy . This attitude has estranged them from the interests and problems of the youth of their own countries, so that these organisations are mostly sectarian and do not exercise much influence on the youth. Of the other organisations those worthy of note are the socialist youth organisations which today undoubtedly constitute the most progressive section of the youth. Their characteristic is that they are small in number and that they still have to fight for winning wider support among the youth. In our opinion , the reason for this is not only inadequate practical activity, but also poor aid from social -democratic parties . However , today exist objective conditions for the development of the socialist youth movement , which particularly applies to the non-European countries like India, Burma , Indonesia and others , where the youth is called upon to play a significant role in the political , social and economic transformation of these countries. As regards student organisations ,
(we mean primarily the national unions
students ) , they rally the larger part of the students and play a significant and positive role in the settlement of social , economic , cultural , sports and other problems of the students . In viewing the new conditions created in our country, it is necessary to stress certain basic characteristics of the People's Youth Organisation in the present period Above all , it is a political organisation . Why is such a political organisation as the class People's Youth needed in this period? It is to be noted that as long as the struggle goes on , it will be necessary to create in youth ranks special political organisations which will wage a resolute struggle together with other progressive social forces , against all that is outmoded , which will fight for new social relations . The People's Youth Organisation has shown in the past admirable examples of political activity in the settlement of important political and social problems of the country. Today,
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one of the most important tasks of the People's Youth organisation is to take an active Part in all the political events of the country by raising the conscience and improving the knowledge and understanding of the progressive section of youth. The Feople's Youth Organisation is conducting a resolute struggle against all the enemies of the building of socialism. At this stage of our development , this struggle
is going on simultane-
ously in two directions or , to put it better , on two fronts . This is the struggle against bureaucratism and against the remnants of capitalism in our country. To wage a struggle against bureaucratism means to uproot Cominformism which for the most part emanates from the former , from the ranks of various ccareerists and similar elements which see the materialization of their wishes in the strengthening of bureaucracy. Such elements , by their class origin , may become Cominformists , that is the fifth column , in those countries where bureaucracy has achieved unprecedented prosperity. The struggle against bureaucratism and Cominformism in our country should be linked with the struggle for our national independence , against the Cominform policy of the USSR. It would be necessary therefore to persist in unmasking , among the youth , this imperialist policy , strengthening the spirit of new Yugoslav patriotism , the spirit of readiness to defend the achievements of socialism and socialist democracy. On the other front is the struggle against the capitalist elements and bourgeois ideology. The remnants of the dispossessed classes , as long as they exist , will resist the new socialist society. This struggle is especially being sharpened in the matter of influencing the people's conscience. The efforts of the remnants of the bourgeoisie to link themselves with the youth have not proved very successful , but its influence is detestable in certain manifestations among the youth. Our youth , especially intellectual youth, used to show a certain incorrect understanding of our socialist democracy . Some did not take into account its revolutionary content and the form of the self-government of the masses , on the path of the further building of socialism, but only saw the possibility of all kinds of activity , so that even the enemy , hiding under the cloak of democracy, could carry on his shattering activity and break the political unity of youth. Others again , understood democracy as anarchy, as a system devoid of all other social norms and obligations , having a free hand over the society and defying the society and its interests . Such conceptions and theories about socialist democracy were encouraged by various reactionary and Cominform elements in order to pave the way for their destructive activity among the youth. This was accompanied by an incursion of petty bourgeois elements into the youth ranks , which obtained expression in various forms , both in relation to work and study and in behaviour , appearance , mutual relations , conception of life and so on. A section of the clergy is especially active in linking itself with the youth. It wished to turn to account the religious disposition of a part of youth for political purposes and for struggle against the building of socialism. It made use not only of the Church and the mass , the religious instruction classes , church processions and celebrations , but it happened that the priests also took the trouble of buying balls , they refereed football matches , opened dancing schools , organised excursions and occupied themselves with similar activities , with the sole object of rallying the youth and exercising influence on the youth through these activities which have nothing to do with the church and worship. Through these activities they tried to turn the youth against . workers management of economy , the cooperative movement and the People's Youth Organisation , tried to confuse their patriotic conscience , wished to deter them politically from the building of socialism . The Feople's Youth organisations fought against these activities of the clergy with more or less success , often failing to uncover the essence of their plan . Folitical work in the Feople's Youth Organisation takes the form of explaining the problems of the building of socialism and the international position of our country. But it should be borne in mind that this political activity must not be turned into a repetition of empty political phrases , but it must be linked to the whole life of youth, to all the forms of its activity.
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The People's Youth is an educational organisation , which means that its entire work is imbued with a definite trend in the education of its members. Starting from this point , we should stop gauging our successes in education with figures of the lectures given and meetings held, but with how much we have achieved at a given task for the education of youth. Every meeting of the youth, every separate activity , every action in which the youth take part must be imbued with sound moral teaching and their success or failure , besides other things , must be measured by the impression it has made - positive or negative - on the minds and education of youth. The People's Youth should bring out and encourage all the humane and noble qualities which are to be found among the citizens of a genuinely socialist society. Such education of youth can best be conducted if it is linked with the daily work and life of youth , with the whole social activity of young people. Hence is the duty of the People's Youth Organisation not only to develop such educational activity in its organisations and among its members but also to engage the best and most devoted members to introduce the spirit of this education into all those organisations where the youth are active , particularly into cultural and sports organisations . The People's Youth as a political organisation is to decide at this Congress on its attitude to the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia. The youth organisations have made a study of the programme of the Socialist Alliance of the Working People and most of the organisations have adopted that programme , as it is the programme of the building of socialism in our country. There is no doubt that the delegates to this Congress , expressing the will of the vast majority of the People's Youth members , will unanimously adopt the decision that the People's Youth Organisation should be a member of the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia. The People's Youth as a political organisation will develop an even wider political activity in the ranks of the Socialist Alliance and will extend strong support to the realization of the programme of the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia.
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Development of the People's Youth since the Congress of the Communist Youth League of Yugoslavia up to present, can be divided into two periods: middle of 1950 and from then on up to today. The fusion of the Communist Youth League of Yugoslavia and the Feople's Youth has freed the youth life of regidity and parallelism and has enhanced the activity of the youth organisations . Eut , it cannot be maintained that the task of fusion was always correctly understood , nor that it was properly implemented at all the instances. Some where of the opinion that nothing should be changed in the work of the youth organisations , that the fusion should be carried out mechanically, among the groups of members of the Communist Youth League and those of Feople's Youth , understanding only the formal side of the entire process. This resulted in that the work was not developing to such an extent as the sections of the Feople's Youth should work , or on the other hand , disorderliness prevailed to such an extent that the organisations were fading political ly, membership criterion was diminishing , etc. In certain places , the actual break in the work of the organisations of the Feople's Youth occurred , while youth organisations were being neglected . When speaking about the first period , which was characterised not only by the mechanical implementation of fusion of the Communist Youth League and People's Youth , but by the administrative system of leadership resulting from the influence of Russian ideology and practice , from our specific development after the war which implanted into the Feople's Youth bureaucratic elements and this inevitably brought about the suppression of youth initiative , strengthening of independence , as well as the comprehensive activity of the basic organisations . At that time , there were approximately 5,000 professional youth leaders in the People's Youth organisation . This system of work and leadership , insufficient contact with the youth , etc. , has become a serious obstacle in the further broadening and strengthening of the Feople's Youth. Professionalism necessarily slided down into bureaucratism of work and conception , which inevitably had damaging effects . In this period , youth leadership and youth organisations have done much in the mobilisation of youth for work drives. Furthermore , they aided the organs of authority in buy-up campaigns and in the realisation of various other economic and political measures . There , where this was accompanied with political work and explanation , where force and administrative relations towards the youth were not used - meant and could only mean
further strengthening of the youth organisations and their militant spirit .
In the meantime , youth leadeship was being exhausted with this work alone , neglecting political , cultural , educational and sport activities. Because of this certain youth organisations were losing their youth character , they were becoming biased , onesided , non-interesting and sometimes they had a taint of forcefulness , becoming an appendage to some organ of authority . Second period , middle of 1950 up to present, is marked with an enthusiastic and swift development of the Feople's Youth. New economic system and greater orientation towards the development of the socialist democracy, which has actually inscribed a new path to socialism , being a true negation of Stalinistic bureaucratic- despotic system, has contributed to such a swift development . This change was first of all reflected in the abolishment of professionalism , which was brought down to minimum , through the rejection of bureaucratic methods of leadership and strict centralisation , while on the other hand , development of comprehensive youth activity increased . The People's
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Youth was not looked upon any more as a place where all the youth activities were exclusively to be developed . Primarily it was obtaining political character , it has become a source of active youth which is aiding with the development of youth activity in various other cooperative , sport , cultural , professional organisations , where hundreds of thousands of young people are embraced. This course towards the development of various activities of the organisations , bearing in mind the aspirations and wishes of the youth, developing the initiative of the youth masses , nourishment of democracy in the life was the very core of the new inspirations of our youth movement in the past two years. Actually on this path of finding new forms of work there was a certain extent of wandering in some of the organisations ( for example: there existed conceptions that the People's Youth was not necessarily a political organisation , or that the People's Youth should fuse entirely with the People's Front, etc. ) . Also, some of the organisations carried out rather slowly , and at times incorrectly, the decrease of leading professional cadre. During the period under review, People's Youth has grown into a mighty organisation , numbering 13 , 455 organisations with 1,571,000 members. Out of this number 19 per cent falls on the working youth, 56 per cent on peasant youth, 15 per cent are pupils of vocational schools , 5 per cent students and 4 per cent employees . The People's Youth has become a school where great majority of the young men and women of our country are being educated . Analysing the past work experiences , having the new tasks as the starting point , we should , at this Congress , emphasise some of the new, but for all the organisations uniform principles of the future development of the People's Youth. These principles are formulated in the new Statute of the People's Youth, which is being submitted at this Congress for approval . This , first of all , is the principle of development of independence and initiative of the basic organisations of the People's Youth , without which there can be no further progress. Meetings of the basic organisations , during which the youth will come to the realisation , that
it is the one that is deciding,
especially on the matters of interest to the respective organisations , are necessary. Empty meetings , at which only the directives of the higher leaders are transmitted and dues paid, although this will be necessary at times , are boring and lack interest among the members of the People's Youth. The following should serve as an illustration of our practice and the path that we are going to follow in the future. A city committee decides to carry out a competition among the pupils of the vocational schools , after this , the decision is brought down to the school committees and they are asked to inform the youth that a competition is being organised , etc. There is no doubt , that such a decision and plan would be more successful if a lively discussion developed in the basic organisations . School committees would not be ordered to organise a competition ,
they would be asked only to decide whether or not to participate in the or-
ganisation of such a competition . Furthermore , there is no doubt that such a decision would stimulate greater interest of the youth , new proposals would be suggested, and the youth would feel that it is making its own decisions ; that this was their own initiative and idea , and that it was not being faced with a task because it was its duty towards the community and similarly. This would serve as an incentive for broader activisation and self-initiative among the youth. Or , for example, among the working youth, when in question is the struggle for greater utilisation of the material and other means , secured by the community , and when this struggle cannot succeed outside of youth ranks through general slogans and propaganda, but , when the youth itself of the respective enterprise must place its demands and must struggle for the realisation of the same . It is understandable , that the duty of the People's Youth leadership, in one and the other case , is to extend the assistance to the organisations of the People's Youth , in carrying out conclusions adopted by these organisations , in addition to being initiators. In this way, the basic organisations will grow and strengthen into independent youth collectives , which will be in a position to take care of the working and living conditions , including the youth education.
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Emphasising the principle of the development of independence and initiative of the basic organisations , means only one thing, and that is strengthening the role of the Feople's Youth and its contacts with the youth masses , it also means developing the activity under the new conditions of our social development , whose core is the social democracy . It is being understood , that the further development will bring about a change in certain places , primarily in the cities , whereby, the Feople's Youth will become more and more allied with the various youth organisations , which will have mutual interests as to the education of the youth , and will through the Feople's Youth unite their forces in the struggle for socialism and the solution of youth problems . Speedy process of transformation in having basic organisations become more independent , will impose such a path of development ; therefore , it is our duty to exert all our efforts in the direction of development of the independence and initiative of the basic organisations in the coming period . Our Congress should pay special attention to the tion .
member ship
It is usually asserted that the People's Youth is a mass organisation ,
ques be-
cause it has embraced youth of all the peoples and national minorities of Yugoslavia, youth from all the social ranks - workers , peasants , pupils and students. In the past period , precisely because of our emhpasise on the large membership of some of our organisations , and due to other weaknesses , membership criterion in the Feople's Youth , especially in schools , where all the pupils of one class-room joined collectively , has been lost . Membership in the People's Youth began to lose that significence , that self- respect of a member , which is absolutely necessary in the People's Youth, due to the fact that grew out of the traditions and struggle of the members of the Communist Youth League of Yugoslavia , whose physiognomy was known to every citizen of our country. Likewise , acceptance into the membership has been transformed into a mere formality - new members have not even been familiarised with the
Statute or the
program and the tasks of the organisation , furthermore , a considerable number of memters have not paid their membership dues. Such tendencies represented a serious weakness in the strengthening and developing of the People's Youth. Feople's Youth is a voluntary educational organisation , which young men
women may join upon reaching the age of 15. Self- sacrificingly exerting their efforts in the fulfilment of the tasks , corresponding to their level of education and political consciousness , young men and women paying special attention to their personal education , work in the enterprises , villages , schools , encampments, various social organisations; who are active in the struggle against the enemies of socialist construction , aiming for the victory of socialist democracy , and who recognize the program and principles of the Statute of the Feople's Youth Organisation . A member of the Feople's Youth , who has voluntary taken the organisation of the youth, he should , first of
all be familiarised
with the program and principles of the Statute , he should be a member of one of the basic organisations , he should possess a membership book , pay his dues regularly , undrestand the rights and duties and should consciously and actively advance the decisions adopted by his organisation . Now, more than ever before, status of a member of the Feople's Youth should be respected and his prestige exalted among the youth . Member of the Feople's Youth, should through his education , political conviction , activity and initiative serve as an example in the centre where he lives , works and spends most of his leisure time. During the practical implementation of this principle , we are meeting with two erroneous tendencies , to which we must draw out attention. Some of our leaders and organisations , being accustomed to the old conceptions and method of work , are not un-dertaking anything to exalt the prestige of members of the People's Youth , but, on the contrary in their daily practice are pertaining to the old erroneous practice, not paying attention to the required criterion for the acceptance into the membership. Fractice has proven that this is leading to transformation of the People's Youth into a colorless
apolitical organisation . Another negative tendency among the leaders and
organisations is that a certain number of the members should be expelled from the organisations , in order to purify the membership overnight . Proposals as to the percentage
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of the membership that is to be expelled are being adopted , etc. This is an isolationist tendency, whose aim is to transform the People's Youth into a narrow organisation for selected members only, therefore isolating themselves from the other youth; in the meantime, experience has shown that fractionalism has always represented a serious danger to the youth movement . People's Youth has great possibilities to develop into a mass or ganisation, educating its rank and file membership, parallel with this, bringing up hun dreds of thousands of youth, regardless through what forms and methods they are assisting in the building of socialism. Fighting against one and the other erroneous tendencies we shall succeed to mold such a Feople's Youth Organisation that will correspond to the present needs of the development . Faramount question is that of the development of a new leadership
in the People's Youth. This , up to present has been
exercised on
the principles of genuine democracy. The leaders were elected directly from the rank and file , they worked and carried out their duties according to the regulations , without any financial compensation. These leaderships should be such, that they represent an assemblage of the most politically active and most culturally advanced young people , who are active in different organisations of the People's Youth. They must be precisely the very persons that are living and working with the youth and that have been rewarded and commended for their work. Only in this way will the leaders , expressing the demands and views of the organisations , be in a position to steer and solve most important questions and problems of the youth . It is naturally understood that such a system of leadeship requires a system of work , it is absolutely necessary that the leaders as a whole participate in making decisions and in the implementation of adopted conclusions.
Working Youth
In the past period , working youth achieved great results in its work , especial ly in the struggle for the realisation of the Five Year Plan. During 1949 and 1950 , a year in which the main slogan was , high productivity of work , youth organisations , organised a number of brigades in factories and mines . In Slovenia, there were 333, in Bosnia and Herzegovina 217 and in Vojvodina 158 of such brigades. It must be emphasised that under such economic system, prevailing in our country at one time , formation of these brigades was of great benefit not only in economy, but also from the moral and political standpoint . After the adoption
of the law on self-administration , a new era in the life of
working youth commenced , new perspectives were opened . New
economic system has solved
a number of questions and has extended new economic stimulus , inducing every individual to increase the productivity of work. Eecause of this , the need to have the fulfilment of production plans treated in the old way has ceased . Due to the fact that a large num ber of young workers are participating in the administration of the enterprises and are deciding on all the matters , new tasks for the People's Youth have arisen , such as: greater need for general and professional education of youth and greater concern for the working and living conditions of young workers.
of working youth in the enterprises represents an enormous
task, majority of them coming originally from the villages , illiterate and semi - illiter a te bringing with them their customs and conceptions . It is our duty, jointly with the trade unions to carry on systematic educational work among the youth rank , in order to
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elevate their cultural level , lacking this the young workers cannot comprehend neither the workers administration nor are they in a position to take active part . Special effort should be made to broaden the existing cultural and sport organisations in the enterprise , localities should be secured either in the municipalities .
enterprises , encampments or
One of the primary tasks of the People's Youth in the enterprises is to assist trade unions in their endeavour to give professional training to the young workers , thus ensuring the working class with highly professional resources , which will be in a position to increase the production of the respective enterprises . This is of even greater necessity , because young workers are personally interested in the success and prosperi ty of the entire collective in the respective enterprise . I want to point out another major task, which has to be emphasised even today , inspite of the fact that most profressive laws and regulations were adopted , I am referring to the necessity to have the People's Youth pay greater attention to the work in g and liv i ng condi tions of the young workers . Cases of unjust dismissal of young workers , cuts in wages by the instructors, poor technical protection, including inadequate health protection in some of the enterprises are not rare . Young apprentices in the enterprises and in private employment are especially exposed to this injustice ; Because of this the People's Youth should induce the young workers to protest against such injustice and to demand the application of legal regulations and other rights . Some of the organisations have undertaken positive steps in this direction (organisations of working youth in Belgrade and other cities had significant successes) . Special emphasis should be laid upon apprentices in trades who are a component part of the working youth , whose position inspite of the endeavours of the State organs is still unsolved . Apprentices spend part of their time in the enterprise and part in shools . In a number of enterprises there are as yet u.solved questions , such as : installation of special workshops , the need to have the instructors pay special attention to the pprentices , allocation of rewards , etc. There are also unsolved questions in the schools for apprentices . In our country there are 700 such schools with 20,993 puils . It is generally recognized tnat in schools for apprentices , euucational plans are constantly being changed , lectures are disorganised because the lecturers are mostly on part time basis , and there is no doubt that the apprentices profit very little these schools .
Ainong the meinbers of personnel of these schools there are persons who are poor as lecturers , no only from the moral-political view, but from the professional as well. Our impression is that the educational organs are not paying the attention these schools and pupils deserve . e are also of the opinion that a greater orientation should be made towards industrial schools attached to the enterprises . Such schools would be financed by the respective enterprises . Other enterprises , would pay according to their number of pupils attending these schools . As to the general apprentice schools , a sufficient nunter of these should remain to cover the needs of the apprentices not covered by the enterprises and those working in the private shops ; these schools should be staffed with professional personnel , also a uniform plan of study should be instituted .
leasant Youth
It has already been underlined to what extent the peasant youth has participat_ in the work drives and to what extent have these drives influenced its education . In the past period youth from the villages achieved major successes in all the political and economic drives undertaken in our village ; in the buy-up drives and the organisaed
tion of cooperatives we witnessed numerous examples of self-sacrifice by the peasant youth . People's Youth was that political force which assisted the party and the organs of authority to successfully solve individual heavy problems of the village . It is precisely because of such and similar activities that the People's Youth is playing a significant
role. Therefore, it is our duty to advance and broaden its political and social activities , so that it may become a bearer of economic and cultural transformation of our village. Thus, the education of the peasant youth has been given a priority. People's' Youth organised various courses , including a course for the elimination of illiteracy , etc. We shall cite the example of Montenegro, where already in 1949 , the illiteracy among the youth was liquidated . Generally speaking the education of the peasant youth lacks proper organisation . Peasant youth after completing grammar or intermediary school , is left without any contact with educational institutions , and naturally, in due time they forget everything that they have been thought. This problem can be solved only through a better system of education in the village . A system that would embrace youth after completion of grammar or intermediary schools and prior to their joining the arity, should be instituted . In villages of Slovenia and other regions of the country such a system is already functioning. It is understood that the People's Youth should continue to enhance sport and cultural life of the peasant youth . It should see to it that the peasant youth reads daily newspapers and that bookshops and libraries are organised in the cooperatives. Means and forms to familiarise the peasant youth with the accomplishments in other sectors of life , for example , the construction of major objects should be found. This should also include the elaboration of foreign and internal political problems. The People's Youth should become that foremost conscious element among
peasants , a bearer of progressive ideas and rebirth of the village . If the youth is to be the initiator of our new economic policy in the village , policy aimed at raising agricultural production and creation of large agricultural holdings , then it is clear why it should have set perspectives , i . e. some peasant will daily go and work in the enterprises while a considerable number will remain in the villages. Measures have been undertaken to have the professional qualifications of those remaining in the village improved . People's Youth should assist in the organisation of different agricultural , hygiene and economic courses, at which the youth would be familiarised with daily requirements of life. It is our duty, also , to supervise the publication of suitable educational , scientific and other literature. Although the existing circulation of such literature is large , it as yet has not been adjusted to suit the needs of the village. The work along these lines , has in the past year given satisfactory results . In Serbia alone , in the year of 1951-52, 320 courses , attended by 12,924 pupils were in progress . Having in mind the existing experiences , our youth is obliged to give assistance to the organisations and preparation of lectures at these courses. Here , we must draw your attention to the fact , that in our villages activisation of young girls is a serious problem, because many of them have not joined the People's Youth Organisation . We shall best succeed to have young girls become active members of youth organisations through a system of education and special courses for good house keeping. Eut , we must not lose from our sight the fact , that we must aim at engaging young girls in the entire political and economic life of the village , because they represent a great proportion of the village population and play a significant role in the production, Therefore , it is necessary that the People's Youth discovers most varied forms of activity to attract the young girls and to hold special meetings if that proves to be necessary. In this way, our People's Youth can be a bearer of our new socialist
conceptions of women's equality in our entire social and political life ,
fighting against all superstitions , ignorance and abnormalities in relation to the women in the village .
Intermediary School Youth
Intermediary school youth has scored significant results in its work in the past period . In order to assist the schools in solving their study plans , the People's Youth has , especially in the period from 1949 to 1950 placed as its foremost task a struggle for the most suitable plan of study. People's Youth gave a significant contribution to the school in this respect . Unfortunately parallel with the successes certain
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negative appearances care to expression , such as : placing and attempting to find a solution for a number of questions that were originally to be solved by the schools themselves. Advancement and organisation or varied political , cultural , sport and other activities was neglected due to the fact that the youth was preoccupied with these problems . Third Flenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of eosiavi» posed questions in relation to our school system , giving the incentive for the advancement of Pedagogical science and activity of intermediary school youth. In order to achieve correct organisational orientation of the Feople's Youth in schools , it is necessary to elaborate certain questions in detail , primarily , the question relating to the position of youth organisations in schools . In some of the schools , Feople's Youth organisations and leading members
these organisations , refuse to accept whatever assistance from the teaching staff , maiing excuses by telling tales about the independence of the organisation , etc. Sich a state of affairs is detrimental to our work . We believe that the Feople's Youth organi- “ sation can work even more independently , if it accepts the assistance offered by wellintentioned teachers . In some of the other schools , on the contrary , professors and principal directors , in majority cases well intentionally believe that the Feople's Youth organisations in schools should serve to implement the measures and decisions of the school boards , thus , overburdening the advancement of youth activities in schools , Mistakes made in either one of the directions greatly effect the moral work of the Fecple's Youth. Here, it should be pointed out that neither the organisations nor the elected leaders of the Feople's Youth are entitled to any privileges in relation to other students . They as such , should serve as an example to other youth . We must erphesise , that the Feople's Youth cannot remain indifferent towards the individual teachers , who attempt to lecture idealistic and other conceptions , through their normal teaching channels. Frecisely because Feople's Youth is conscious and progressive , it will fight against such attempts . Members of the Feople's Youth should not be mislead and should not allow themselves to be carried on by illusions that they can master their studies exclusively through various group studies. This primarily depends upon the system of lecturing and then upon the industrious work of individual students . Duty of the Feople's Youth in this case is to inspire love towards science , and to point out to the youth that this is not beneficial to our future social community only , but that its future in the society , among other things , depends upon the degree of education and the understanding of scientific truth. Therefore , rost advanced members of the Feople's Youth should associate their studies with our socialist practice , in order to be able to place their knowledge at the service of socialism . Tasks of the Feople's Youth are comprised in that it should organise in schools as well as out of schools ric n and varied political and social
for the intermediary school youth . Further on , we must pay at-
tention to have these diverse activities adjusted in such a way that they ao not interfere with normal studies. Intermediary school youth , in greater majority , is interested in political events , and opportunity should be extended to have the youth follow political events through lectures. Fupils in hither classes that are interested in ineological and other questions of Marxism-Leninism , questions relating to our socialist theory and practice , should be given an opportunity to form debate clubs , Specially study groups , etc. Literary
roups showed good results and these should be encouraged ,
but not according to a recipe , but according to the existing conditions in individual schools . Feople's Youth among the intermediary school youth should engage itself even more in the organisation of cultural work and cultural groups, organising as many excursions as possible. We must exert greater efforts to organise sport and other physical-cultural activities among the intermediary school youth, as this youth spends most of its time tied to school desks. Sport events were well organised in Zagreb, Split, and other cities, and these gave good results. Developing cultural and sport life, the school as a collective is strengthening, thereby, being in a position to play a greater role in shaping of individuals. Our special attention should be paid to normal schools, as these play significant role in the education of future teaching personnel which is to become a bearer of the educational work in the villages.
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Union of Students
In the post-war period universities and higher schools of education developed and expanded extensively throughout the country. This was an inevitable consequence of the general advancement in our country, first of all industrialisation . The following figures will illustrate to what extent have higher schools developed: in the year of 1938/39 there were 29 faculties , high and higher schools in Yugoslavia , while in 1951/ 52 this figure rose to 85 ( 300 per cent) . Number of students increased also. This number rose from 17,734 students in 1938/39 to 58,000 in 1951/52 school year , or ( 341 per cent ) . Our socialist community is spending great material means not only on the up-keep of schools , salaries of teaching staff , etc. , but also on the material aid extended to students , their centres, cultural and sport needs , health protection , eta. For children's allowances , scholarships and loans our State allocates annualy 1, 100,000,000 dinars ; ( 1938/39 school year only 3.3 per cent of the students were receiving material aid from the State , while this number has now reached 70 per cent of the total number of students ) During the past four years 15,000 students graduated ( 1951/52 school year 5 , 550) . Eelgrade University approximately 9,500 students graduated in the post-war years. This was of considerable aid to our economy , culture , health and administration . The Yugoslav Union of Students was formed in February , 1951 at the initiative of Belgrade University students. Its founding Conference was held in April , 1951 and the first Congress in March, 1952 , including the annual meetings at faculties and universities. The Union of Students, in spite of enormous difficulties and misunderstandings , has developed into a strong organisation embracing agout 80 per cent of students , Experience has shown , that the Union , through forms of its work and organisation is more suitable for the students , conditions of university life , specifities and needs of the students , than was the case with the People's Youth Organisation at the Universities . Students associations at faculties ( according to groups and sectors) are more and more becoming into the actual organisers of the entire social life of students , such as , political , educational , professional , cultural , sport , etc. Most favourable forms of work are being discovered through these associations . In addition to this , the student associations are aiding the activities of clubs and associations of sport unions , such "Partizan ", "Popular Science ", mountaineering and shooting. Even more intensive political life developed at the universities in the last Political discussions , lectures , etc. , on most varied subjects of interna-
two years
tional and internal life are being carried on in the organisations . The organisations have obtained a more militant character , reaching immediately against the enemy activity. This activity came to an expression in the mass participation of students during the election campaigns and election itself , at the public meetings of the students ( 12,000 students attended one such meeting in Belgrade) , during the Trieste demonstrations tens of thousands of students marched through Belgrade , Zagreb and Ljubljana is more,
streets , what
they were the initiators of that decisive mass public opinion. Their partici-
Fation in the partizan marches and pre-military training, served to strengthen the fitness of the students that later on served the army , etc. All this does not mean that we have faculties without short- comings . But , viewing the situation as a whole , political life of the students has become more intensive. Special emphasis should be laid upon strengthening of the social role of the students in districts and places outside of the university centres during the summer vacation . This is not being expressed only through work of political , cultural and sport character , but is 1 being manifested through the participation of students in the work of various groups (educational , health , technical , agro -technical ) , being of iinvaluable aid in the field work . All this work is carried out through student associations organised by the students . Participation of the students in the work drives is also considerable , last year over 10,000 students took part in the construction of a railway line Banja LukaDo boj .
In spite of all the accomplished successes , it is necessary to emphasise certain negative appearances among the students , the remnants of which are being met here and there. Students have accepted the general progress of democratisation , i.e. strengthening of the self-administration of the masses in all the domains of life , development of social democracy in the struggle against bureaucracy. Eut there were erroneous conceptions as to what the socialist democracy meant, conceptions that this means giving the enemies of socialism a possibility to act , attempts to understand socialist democracy through its formal aspects only , and not through its revolutionary content and rôle in our further revolutionary socialist advancement . Socialist democracy was mistaken for anarchy, some believed that this meant a disrespect of whatever norms and authority, that one may do whatever one pleases . Significant infiltration of petty-bourgeous ideas among the student ranks was felt. This was expressed in the students' behaviour towards work , conceptions of life , acceptance of various new trends in literature , painting , mu sic , etc. It was precisely here that arxist students showed greatest passivity , reacting unnoticed , awkwardly, most of the time treating the problems mechanically . As an expression of this , a theory on "practical work only " ,
"deviate politics
from the university and students ", studies should be completed and employment secured, leave politics aside , etc. , was being instituted In other words , be disinterested in our revolutionary problematics , do not take part in the building of socialism with a revolutionary elan of a young intellectual . The change of regulations on scholarships was misunderstood and long discussions followed. This change has not effected the global sum spent on scholarships , only the forms of allocation have been changed ( introduction of children's allowances ) . Some of the students were of the opinion , that the State, i.e. working people were obliged to allot scholarships irrespective of the material standing of their parents , thus , individual bureaucratic conceptions came to light. All these tendencies , taken as a whole have been overcome , only here and there are they felt . The role of students ' associations has increased while combating these tendencies , great efforts in that direction are still necessary , i.e is desired .
greater elevation of general ideological level of the students
Students themselves , have greatly improved in the past two years Examinations are prepared punctually. Studies are being completed at a greater speed , the number of post-graduates taking their studies over and above the normal perica of study , are decreasing. Social life of the students - cultural , sport , etc. , - has become more varied and more intensive . The number of respective organisations has augmented . Irrespective of the apparent successes , considerable number of students is still not being actively engaged in sport , cultural -artistic work , etc. This is namely due to inadequate material conditions , and to the lack of interest. Analysing the achieved successes of the Union of Students , we must evaluate them as positive , organisation of the Union of Students has been fully justified , upbringing of professional , politically conscious and loyal sons of their peoples should in future also be the basis of the work of the Union of Students , realised through broader and more varied activity.
Vembers of the People's Youth in the Yugoslav Army
has ,
Youth in the Army has scored great success in its work since the Congress. It so-
jointly with the other youth , given great contributions to the building up of
cialism . Eighty thousand army men worked at the construction of "Brotherhood- Unity " Highway. Out of this number 40 , 328 were proclaimed as shock-workers . In cooperation with the People's Front brigades , our youth in the army constructed a 75 km railway line Sabac-Zvornik. One thousand seven hundred and sixty two were proclaimed as shockworkers , 4 , 358 were commended for their work , while 42 received Order of Labour . Army youth took part in numerous other drives in our country. Youth organisations in the army were successful in raising the political level of the young soldiers and assisted
the commanding staff , as well as the organisations of the Communist League of Yugoslavia with the improvement of military ability of the army men , and strengthening of the army ranks. In the period from 1948 to June 1st , 1952 - 152, 586 army men were taught to read and write . In 1951 to 1952 there existed 3,255 choirs , with 175 , 697 members; 157,053 wall - newspapers were printed ; 4,730 plays and performances were given for the army Youth in the army is taking full advantage of the opportunity extended by the army to raise its cultural level and to improve its qualifications The above mentioned facts are a proof that the members of the People's Youth in the army have played an important role in the education of their colleagues. Feople's Youth has , by strengthening its political and cultural -educational activity, contributed considerably to the attainment of these successes , in the field of socialist construction , as well as in nourishment of patriotism , love for socialist homeland
development of conscious discipline in the army. Our army in itself is a strong organisation embracing all its members , in which each individual is being educated in the spirit of socialism and
guarding of independence
Ideological -political and cultural
education is being fostered intensively in the army under the responsibility of the unit commands Communist League Organisation through its educational - political activity has embraced all that is primary in the education of an army man, who in greater majority are young men . Therefore , at the present stage of development in the Army the existence
separate organisations of the People's Youth has become superflous , these have ceased with their further activities . This does not mean that the members of the People's Youth Organisation upon joining the army cease to be members , on the contrary intensive work on the qualification of the defenders of socialist community , as well as in the elevation of their ideological and political knowledge is expected
After demobilisa-
tion from army , People's Youth members join one of the organisations , and the time spent in the army is recognised as membership status
Wide cultural -artistic activity , initiated through festivals and reviews , has contributed to the mass participation of the youth, likewise to the organisation of different forms of this activity through sections such as: folklore , drama , choirs , etc Number of cultural and artistic sections has considerably increased in the districts and cities Frominent part in the cultural -artistic work of the youth was played by such youth cultural -artistic associations as: "Joza Vlahovic ", Zagreb; "Lola Ribar" and "Branko Krsmanovic ", Belgrade ; "Kajuh ", Ljubljana and " Milenko Cvetkovic ", Sarajevo . 1 These associations received financial aid from the State, In Serbia alone there are 2,493 cultural - artistic clubs and groups with a total membership of 71 , 624
young men and women from other cultural - artistic groups in schools and cther organisations , as a rule were absorbed by these prominent clubs , a result of this was that a limitation and even liquidation of cultural-artistic activity took place in other organisations. Most of these groups and clubs were short - lived , in spite of strenuous efforts and material aid Contrary to this , youth cultural -artistic clubs , organised at the initiative of youth in individual places , schools and enterprises , whose number has constantly increasing , have given good results
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Cultural -artistic activity of youth in the past period has been characterised by the uniformity of its work , especially in the cities and cultural centres. In majority cases only some branches of this activity dominate , folklore singers and dancers , while other sectors , such as: music , choirs , drama , etc. , are being neglected . In addition to it being uniform , the entire activity would only become alive periodically. Insufficient attention was paid to have these , already organised sections remain active , becoming organised collectives in which the youth would participate at its own will , not only when the necessity arose. If we analyse the cultural-artistic activity of the youth , then we shall reach a conclusion that in the past few years , very small percentage falls on the workers youth, here we are not mentioning its participation in the youth and trade union associations , but in gestion is its participation in the general youth cultural manifestations . One should have in mind that a lack of professional aid , necessary for broad and qualitative cultural - artistic activity of the youth represents a serious obstacle . Youth exhibitions in the village are suitable for the development of cultural educational work among the peasant youth . In some of the districts , exhibitions were held in the municipalities first and then in the districts Seven thousana participants took part in the Trogir and Split reviews In Serbia, in 1952, 34 exhibits and reviews of the young cooperative members were held at which 30,801 members participated ; 175 displays of agricultural products were also organised . In Macedonia over 15,000 young cooperative members participated in various festivals. These results are confirming the fact that festivals and reviews are becoming a national form for a more lively culturalartistic life in the village . The purpose of further organisation of reviews and festivals is to contribute to a better cultural life of the peasant youth . Youth cultural centres , represent one of the conditions for the development of cultural and entertaining work among the youth. In recent years , great number of these homes were constructed . In larger Macedonian district villages and cities 18 youth centres
have been opened . In Serbia 2,032 youth homes , in Eosnia and Herzegovina 585
youth centres and locals were also opened . Material aid allocated for this
purpose by
the people's authority and enterprises amounted to 4 million dinars , in 1952. Nevertheless , the utilisation of these centres , especially cooperative and workers' homes , is still insufficient , very often these are used for other purposes . The only activity that takes place in some of these centres are dances. It is our duty to secure additional centres and locals , without which there can be no cultural -educational work among the youth ,
Union for Physical -Education " Partizan" Union for Physical - Education "Fartizan" , has greatly
expanded this year , num-
bering 803 organisations with 210,000 members . Its activity in the past year gave fruitful results . Hundreds of thousands young people participated in the reviews organised in the course of the year . In Croatia 30,000 , Slovenia 20,000 and in Eosnia and Herzegovina where 18 festivals were organised 1,500,000 members of the youth organisation took part. As a result of such an intensive activity the work of "Partizan" was greatly enriched , therefore , being more interesting. It is our duty to aid in the development of "Partizan” as the basic organisation for physical - cultural education of the youth , as it represents a basis upon which other physical activity rests .
Sport Organisations
Sport unions are composed of 2,433 organisations numbering 133 , 327 members . Majority of the members are young people. Members of these unions obtained great results in country and abroad Results achieved during the Olympics in Helsinki explicitly confirm , as well as , that the quality of our sport has improved .
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Sport organisations have great problems to tackle in their work. This primarily is the procuration of material basis , such as: stadiums , swimming pools , play grounds , especially in the cities . Other serious problem is the elevation of cadres , beginning with professionals up to the organisers, of which there is a dire need in schools as well as in the field work. Mass Farticipation of the youth in physical training greatly depends on the solution of these matters . We should give every assistance to the sport organisations in the solution of these problems . Negative appearances in the sport organisations are having bad influence upon the youth. Some of these are: favouritism , chauvinism, carelessness and detention of youth from its regular work . Without a great activisation of our Organisation in the leadership of these organisations , we cannot expect to secure proper upbringing of the youth. First of all , one must be an active member of these organisations and fight for a just physical and general education of the youth .
Popular Science
Popular Science represents today a mighty organisation , whose main task is to give technical education to the people and the youth. Results achieved in this field of work, clearly point out that youth organisations are interested in attaining greater technical education of the youth, and this being in the interest of their preparation for the cultivation of the land , should pay greater attention to this organisation Today , Popular Science numbers 450,000 members , with 3,500 organisations . Over 220,000 young men and women have passed through various courses organised by the Popular Science organisations. If we bear in mind the fact that 75 per cent of the members of the Popular Science are members of youth organisations , then it is clear that this youth is receiving technical education precisely in the Popular Science organisations. Thousands of young men and women were trained as chauffers, pilots , parachute jumpers , radio-telegraphists , thus , being directly trained for the defense of the country. Speedier technical education of our youth and adjustment of this education with general education should be shared jointly by the People's Youth and Popular Science . the Members of the Feople's Youth organisations can contribute greatly in assisting work of the Popular Science organisations , thus , making the work more interesting. Members of the Feople's Youth organisations should give the initiative for the organisation of Popular Science clubs in schools , and villages . Also , it is our duty to assist the formation of such youth organisations as: Mountaineers Union , Shooting Union , Philatelistic Union, scouting organisations , antialcoholic organisations , etc. People's Youth will exert all its efforts for the socialist education of the young people in these organisations .
at in of a
After the Cominform Resolution , Cominformists have attempted with all the means their disposal to isolate the People's Youth from the progressive youth organisations other countries and international youth movements in general . Prior to the issuance the Resolution the Russians have eliminated Balkan Youth Council , considering it as
"superflous " organisation , under an insinuation that because of this ( Balkan Council ) youth of the East European countries deviated from the Soviet youth , etc. Elimina-
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tion of the Balkan Council was a signal for a wild anti -Yugoslav campaign among the youth and youth organisations not only in the Soviet Union , but also in the Eastern satellite countries . The significance of this campaign against Yugoslavia is not only in that it fabricated slanders at the expense of Yugoslavia and Yugoslav youth , but , that it incited chauvinist hatred towards Yugoslavia, this being completely in accordance with the aggressive pressure of the Soviet Union , which is threatening our independence through all means at its disposal . Likewise , Russians attempted to exploit World Federation of Democratic Youth and International Union of Students reining them into their circle of anti -Yugoslav campaign . First of all they ceased to publish anything what- so- ever about Yugoslav students and Yugoslav youth , they broke off every contact with our organisations (de• legations , work brigades , cultural groups , etc. ) in order to be able to initiate through these organisations a shameful campaign similar to that in the satellite countries. It was on the question of Yugoslavia that they trampled all principles and regulations , upon which these very organisations were founded , so that they may finally expel the Feople's Youth. It should be mentioned here that the leaderships of these organisations "cooperated " with Hungarian and Eulgarian police at the time of the expultion of Yugoslav delegates from Eudapest and Sofia. Although the People's Youth was excluded from these organisations , it has actually come out victorious politically and morally. We remained indifferent to all their provocations , working consistently and exposing the anti -Yugoslav activity of these organisations , activity that was contrary to the aims , tasks and statutes of these organisations . In the meantime , World Federation of Democratic Youth and International Students Union, have become nothing less than a common instrument in the Soviet aggressive proPaganda , this has especially become evident in the Yugoslav case . Result of such a policy actually was their dissemination , so that today their membership is composed exclusively of organisations from Eastern countries and Cominform groups in other countries. Various "beaceful " drives did not help to broaden their organisations , neither has the much published "unity conference ", organised by the IUS adjusted to attract the western students ' unions . "Unity conference " was a total failure , because IUS has once again , especially on the question of Yugoslav initiation , come out as an ordinary Soviet agency . In view of all the aforementioned our immediate task after the Resolution was to expose the Cominform campaign against our country and People's Youth in the international youth movements , to make impossible isolation of our youth , widen our contacts and cooperation with democratic , progressive organisations , to have the truth of our country reach other youth in foreign countries . We have succeeded , in a very short time , in establishing contacts with great number of organisations , especially student . Our exposure of IUS practice , in its relations towards our students has contributed to formation of a definite stand among the democratic student unions . These have realised that there can be no student cooperation tased on equality , therefore , these organisations one after the other left IUS. Formation of a Union of Students , which acts independently in relation to other foreign student organisations was of special importance in practical establishment of ties with foreign organisations . These contacts are developing on specific student questions in the field of education , exchange of delegations , cultural and sport groups , Professional practice , scientific groups , tourism , etc. Participation of our students delegation at international students conferences in Edinburgh and Copenhagen ( 1952 ) con tributed towards establishment of new additional contacts with the organisations in North and South America , South Africa , Near , Middle and Far East . In addition to this our Union is cooperating with the Coordinating formed January 1952 in Edinburgh -- Scotland .
Secretariat in Leyden , Netherlands ,
Our attempts were directed towards the establishment of contacts with socialist youth organisations , other progressive organisations of workers youth in general . We have already in 1950 established contacts with socialist youth of England , Belgium,
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Norway and other countries. Although among the rank and file of these organisations certain misunderstanding and prejudices as to the People's Youth of Yugoslavia existed , this of course does not surprise anyone , but , what is important is that a genuine desire to cooperate with us has dominated . At the very beginning there were great hardships caused by the leaders of the International Union of Socialist Youth who obstructed this cooperation , by warning their organisations about discipline. Later on they changed their view, especially after the visit of IUSY delegation to our country. We should and must cooperate on a broader basis with the youth of European and Asian countries , as with young people that are struggling, in one way or other , to build socialism having in mind the facilities and concrete forms of struggle in various countries , possibilities and education of youth, giving this cooperation , its content and forms a concrete and realistic character . During the past period we established contacts with youth in other countries , different organisations (cultural , sport , tourist , etc. ) , through different forms of work. This change has contributed towards the spreading of truth about Yugoslavia, its path into socialism, significance of its conflict with Soviet Union, because of which Prestige of Yugoslavia and its youth has increased . This exchange , on the other hand , was beneficial to us , it offered an opportunity to familiarise ourselves with the life and work of youth in other countries. The following figures will illustrate the extent of this exchange. In the various work drives , during the past four years approximately 3,700 foreign youth (from 40 countries ) participated , about 120 members of our youth organisations worked in a number of foreign countries. Also , over 1,700 foreign youth visited our country as part of delegations ,
scientific groups , students that
practice and those that came for summer vacation, etc. Seven ple visited other countries through similar channels.
came to
hundred of our young peo-
On what basis have we been developing our cooperation and on what basis
can it
exist in future? Total equality and voluntariness must prevail at all times , otherwise , there can be no cooperation without these principles , sufficient proof of this was the experience with IUS and WFDY. We are all living in different countries under different conditions , that is why there are varied differences among us. Conditions of our life and education , as well as the paths our countries are following differ. Irrespective of all these differences and specifities , we must attempt at discovering that what is mutual , and to have our possibility for cooperation rest on this , i e. atmosphere of goodwill and truthfulness. If we step forward in this manner , we shall discover great mutual possibilities for cooperation , it can only be more interesting and more fruit ful . This cooperation can only be of joint interest, of interest for youth, safeguarding of independence and full equality among small and big peoples , for the betterment of living conditions and education of young generations.
Feople's Youth according to its character and tasks is a socialist organisaOur young men and women - together with other workers - are self-sacrificingly
working on the building of socialism. It is only natural that our youth desires
establish contacts and to cooperate with socialist youth of other countries , to exchange the experiences , creating new practical forms of cooperation, also with other progressive and democratic organisations of the youth and students .
Comrades ,
In the history of our youth movements congresses as a rule to a considerable extent , marked new eras and heralded wider activisation of the militant and creative forces of our youth . In order to have our organisation take a long stride ahead , we must exert our efforts to carve out even more its creative form , to move with passion and inspiration generations , which are in greater and greater waves flowing into our ranks . We must attempt to raise indirectly and through broad basis of work the consciousness and strengthen social position of young working class , to bring up among school student youth young forces devoted to our country, and to have our entire organisations float
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in rich and varied activities , out of all this , united forces should spring up, in our free country: Eright future perspectives are ahead of us. We would not be what we are, if we did not believe in the future whose foundation has already been struck . United and strong , let us march proudly ahead in the struggle for socialism - towards a greater bloom of our free and independent fatherland
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Milovan Djilas , Vice Chaimen of the Federal Executive Council , in his greeting on behalf of the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugosla via said in part :
"I want to point to one more extremely inportant question , to the ques tion of cooperation with other movements . It is clear to me also and to all of you that our youth organizations champion the same principles championed by the Socialist Alliance of the Working people of Yugoslavia, and that this coopera tion is possible if it is to be socialistic and genuine , only if based on real equality expressed in the freedom of criticism of both sides. I an convinced that our young generation will show immense elasticity and maturity in this cooperation with progressive youth movements in the world which is required that the progressive youth movements might understand conditions our country which is proceeding along a new socialist way . But I am likewise convinced that foreign progressive youth movements will also demonstrate more elasticity and more understanding for Yugoslavia that some people frequently demonstrate, including Some otherwise progressive and democratic movements in the world which do not belong to youth. That is natural . The young generations in the world live today in new and different conditions , and it is far easier for them to free them selves of various prejudices , obsolescent ideas , remnants of ideas from the past, This cooperation of our youth should spread in all directions - political , cultural and sports -- fighting constantly for one goal : to secure equality in all the organisations of our youth in that cooperation . I think that the time has already come when we no longer only have to submit reports to our friends abroad or to describe what it is like in Yugoslavia, but when also they have to describe to us what it is like in their countries , and when we exchange experiences meet together to learn from each other . starting with this standpoint of mutual cooperation with
youth organisations , I also in the name of the Socialist Alliance greet the representatives and guests at this Jongress . As far as I have been able to see, you have placed struggle for
socialist education of youth as one of the most important tasks . The period of work drives has passed . That was a heroic period , which was necessary, but which would no longer be able to yield such economic and political results had it continued when objective requirements had ceased . In the struggle for socialist education I want only to point to the need of bewaring of dogmatism , of bewaring of fixed standards , already obsolete ideas; that it is necessary in the struggle for socialist education to understand that the socialist education of youth cannot be reduced only to studying or explaining some socialist theories or policies , but that in a country where socialism is already triumphing, where the working masses really hold power in their hands , where the working masses manage production - in such a country socialist education is not only a study of pure socialist theory, of pure political principles , but also of every cultural advancement , of every advancement of the educational level , of every literacy . The cultural advancement of these people at the same time be comes socialist education . Our country , our peoples , our youth particularly , are in such a situation where the factors that impel our people toward , that develop in them a spirit of daring, creativeness , initiative , selflessness , all
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those factors which help raise their cultural level in any respect , all this is in fact socialist education . Hence, since the forms of education encompass the whole of life , they cannot be foreseen , life itself must produce them. And life will produce them unless we discover them in our offices and unless we inject life to those we have already discovered . And since this work , as incentive , is primarily the work of the people's Youth of Yugoslavia, it must simultaneously be the work of all our schools, of all our political orga nisations , and of all those cultural workers who really are for socialism . Hence , this must be the reflection of movement of all those forces which are fighting for socialism . I am convinced that only with these broad forms is it possible to aeate a real socialist consciousness, a consciousness of socialist democracy, a new democratic and socialist man ” .
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The struggle of our peoples for independence, the unwavering resistence to the tendencies of the Moscow rulers, the struggle for equality, and the rights of small nations, as well as the socialist building up of our country and the developing of the freedom of personality, socialist democracy etc, has met with the interest and sympathy of the youth of other countries. This shows all the progressive people in the world new paths and possibilities for the devolopment of socialism and smashes the illusion about the USSR as a country of socialism . This is confirmed by 7.200 youths and students from forty various countries who have visited our country since 1948 , which also shows the wideness of the co operation of the People's Youth with other organisations. About one thousand young Yugoslavs visited twenty five countries. Struggling against various prejudices in our country, as well as in the international youth and students movement, the People's Youth today is cooperating with the democratic youth organisations of Europe , North and South America, the Near East, and South East Asis , as well as with all National Unions of Students, outside the cominform countries and Franco's Spain . The significance of establish_ ing contact with the Socialist Youth International and the majority of socialist youth organisations should especially be pointed out. The World Federation of Democratic youth, and the International Union of Students , attempted to isolate the People's youth, but their attempt failed at the very beginning . The degeneration of the leadership of the World Federation of Democratic Youth and the International Union of Students to the agency of the Moscow foreign policy reduced the influence of these organisations, and by the withdrawal of many organisations from their membership, they have lost their representative character and every progressive role in the international youth movement. The youth organisstions of the cominform countries do not represent the interests of the youth of these countries. The Moscow agency in their leaderships used them for the carrying out of the policy of the Russian bureaucratic caste . We protest against the anti -Yugoslav chauvinistic education in the cominform coun and tries as well as against every racial discrimination , both in the cominform in other countries, which instigates the young generation for a new war and pre pares them for aggression . The youth organisation can play a prominent role in the mobilisation of the young generation against war and aggression . All the youth regardless of political , religious and other conceptions are interested to live in pease, to work and struggle for their rights. In every war the young generation gives the great est sacrifices. We are all equally concerned with our independence and freedom, and we consider that possibilities exist for cooperation between all democratic organisations, regarsless of their political and ideological character, on the fundamental question of life and work - on the question of true peace in the world . Great results can be realised in the development of solidarity and friendship among the youth and students by direct and regional cooperation , be cause all this youth have relatively common interests and possililities for cooperation . This in no case excludes but surmises the linking of cooperation and various activities by way of international conferences of centres and organisations , etc.
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We are struggling for the independence of our country and its economic uplifting , and that is why all our sympathies are on the side of those who are struggling for national and economic independence , and all such youth and student movements and organisations will meet with our full support . True to the freedom-loving socialist principles on which our country is being built up, the People's youth is prepared to cooperate with all progressive youth and student organisations in the world, who desire such cooperation , respecting our independence , equality , voluntariness and the freedom of discussion on al 1 questions. Every political and other grouping which would aim to dominate indivi -dual organisations at general international conferences and in the international youth and students cooperation , can only harm this cooperation. This does not exclude but surmi ses free setting forth and the struggle for its attitudes principles , mutual criticism and the exchange of experiences.
Wider exchanges for mutual acquaintance (delegations , cultural and sport groups , publications , films , scientific and tourist trips camping festivals , technical training and seminars ) as well as wider discussion on many questions among the youth and student organisations will remove many disagrements, and will create conditions for allround cooperation . The congress considers that even greater efforts should be exerted for an allround and more complete informing of the membership of the Peoples Youth of Yugoslavia and the Union of Students about the foreign youth organisation and mo vements, on the realised contacts and forms of cooperation . The congress approves the past work of the Central Committee of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia in the establishment of ties and the organising of cooperation with foreign youth and student organisations and proposes to the newly elected leadership to exert all its forces in the further development of this cooperation .
The workers self-management and the new social relations
our country represent realistic basis for the allround development of apprentices . Several hundred opened hostels and schools in which there are tens of thousands of pupils, the results acheived in the technical training of young workers , care for health protection, laws which protect the interests of the young workers, the sys tem of material rewarding -- all this speaks that the basic conditions exist for the schooling, physical and intellectual
development of apprentices ,
But besides the creative condition it is a fact that the very serious question of the young workers is standing unsolved for a long time . The rich pro cess of our development set forth a series of new problems among the apprentices .
1. The further development of our economy and the workers Self-manage ment demands the schooling of highly qualified workers with an allround general education , who will be capable to handle and manage the modern means of produc… – tion . In the present conditions this task can best be performed by industrial schools. That is why a bigger orientation is necessary for the opening of industrial schools wherever conditions for them exist , not neglecting aither the schools of the apprentices. That is why it is necessary to fix the character of individual schools, to draw up the contents and the relations of the theoretical and practical tuition, to draw up solid and lasting tuition plans and programmes , to carry out a revision of the existing and to make new text books . It is neces-
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sary to study and to better organise institutes for the selection of occupations and the professional orientation of the youth . 2. In the aim of schooling the necessary expert cadres it is necessary to examine the problem of economic stimulation of the enterprises and to study possibilities and needs for creating special funds in the enterprises for schooling expert cadres . kesides this, it is necessary to more correctly solve the question of C the economic position of apprentices and to ensure their influx in industry and the crafts by economic measures , especially in those professions in which there is a shortage of expert manpower .
It is necessary to make changes in some of the
clauses or the decree on apprentices , which at the present no longer correspond . It is also necessary to examine to what extent to treat the hostels of the ap prentices as institutes for independent financing and to analyse the problem of schooling children whose parents are not employed in the economy and do not have the possibilities to completely ensure them materially . The question is put of rewarding and stimulating tradesmen - instructors and teachers of the industrial schools and the schools of the apprentices who , owing to incorrect rewarding work on the expert training of the youth with insufficient interest . 3. Numerous are the examples of unconcern and bureaucratic relations towards the apprentices on the part of individual organs of the government and enterprises . This is expressed in the old viewpoint on the young workers , in the disrespecting or lawfulness, in the unconcern for technical protection and health of the apprentices, in the allocation of poor buildings for schools and hostels , in the appointment of poor instructors and educators and unconcerned for their training, in the insufficient budgeting of schools and hostels of the young workers, in the slow solution of these and other problems . The examples are not rare of the exploitation and abuse of the young workers by private craftsmen individual workers and enterprises, the non hiring of apprentices who have fi . nished school in enterprises and the unjust dismissal of those employed, insufficient care and the incorrect conception of the older workers for the expert perfection of the apprentices . Because of this , the congress sets forth the need for a more resolute strug-
gle against these appearances and the consistent application of the laws and de crees which are related to the apprentices . The education , schooling and ensuring of better material Conditions of life to the apprentices must be the concern of the whole social community. This is why we call upon the state-administrative organs , working collectives , working councils , councils of producers and social organisations , and above all the traue union organisations , to exert their efforts in the solution of these problems and in the noble tasks of educating the young workers the standard bearers of the further building up of the socialist society. The People's Youth is bound to devote more attention to the living conditions and the education of the young workers, to struggle against injustices towards the apprentices and to work more actively in moving the social and state organs for the solution of the questions set forth.
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The congress considers that it is necessary to widen the sys
tem of educating the youth in the village and proposes; to work on the drawing up of a system and various forms of educating the village youth, starting from teaching them to read and write to study in va rious fields of science with varied programmes on the basis of which the courses would gradually, according to possibility, be replaced by youth prolonged schools. In these schools the youth who have interest in this would further develop their knowledge gained in the elementary school , the studying of agriculture, economic problems , husbandry etc. Although there would be much in common in the programme of these schools , the programmes should not be uniform and burdened with too many subjects, but adapted to the conditions and perspective plans of the development of individual parts , districts and villages . where there are no conditions for these schools work should be done on the education of the youth through courses and the most varied forms of enlightening the youth, To accept the initiative which is already being realised in some districts and to systematically commence the organisation of periodical schools for the illiterate with a wider programme which would be compulsory for the illiter ate young men and women ; To organise village, agricultural schools and courses for youth who show special interest for the fundamental study ing of inuividual branches of agricultural production .
It is necessary to devote special attention on the rational use of
existing means for educational work as well as to ensure new ones for the more successful education of the village youth. The congress specially considered that special attention be devoted to the still wider rallying of the young women by way of the most varied courses , schools and other forms of education . It is also necessary that the programme of teachers and eight year schools be more adapted to the needs of the village. The congress considers that the proposed measures can become a mighty means in the education of village youth and expresses the conviction that the educational workers , cooperative organisations and agricultural experts inspi te of many difficulties against which they are struggling will exert their efforts and do everything in the task of educating the youth .
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The Fifth Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia especially ad dresses itself to the educational workers, who are in direct contact with the youth , and best feel the spirit and dynamics of the whole of its life . The youth shows the wish and is exerting great efforts to gain still more knowledge and to master every thing which the schools offer to it in this direction . But the education and enlightenment does not depend only on the subjective relations of the youth towards these tasks but on a series of other problems which demand urgent and more purposefull solutions: the overburdened tuition plans and programmes, verbalistic methous of tui tion which do not awaken the interest and active relations towards science, the remnants of the bureaucratic relations towards the education of pupils possessed by some teachers , the shortage of text-books for a series of subjects, the shortage of material conditions for the widening of social activities and so on-all this has deep expression on the education of youth . That is why we appeal to the educational workers to energetically conduct a struggle for the solution of these questions . Unity in the aims and endeavours , mutual trust and understanding close and cordial relations between teachers and pupils are necessary conditions for greater successes in the education and enlightenment of the youth . Out-dated and cold relations between the teachers and pupils in the present conditions are not maintainable, because the struggle for a new socialist school is simultaneously the struggle for new relations between teachers and pupils. We rightly expect of you to directly and more open-heartedly start solving this perhaps the most im portant and most difficult pedagogic problem . With the aim to remain faithfull
to the revolutionary tradition , to
really develop into free and important builers of socialism in their country , to be in the front ranks of the struggle for everything that is new and progressive , the youth necessarily must clash with everything which hinders and bridles it in this. It cannot be satisfied with monotonous and frequently biassed interpretation of facts from the field of scientific , cultural and social life - it demands convincing replies to these questions, as well as to innumerable questions which directly concern the personality of the pupils themselves. Free discussions, the opened expression of their conceptions and aims are necessary to it for this, in which the L inclination to overthrow authority cannot always be seen . On the contrary in this is expressed the vital strength of the youth and the guarantee of our peoples for the future. That is why we are addressing ourselves to the teachers and instructors of the youth to develop in their ranks such conception that
their pedagogic actions to cultivate in the youth these positive characteristics and to correctly direct them both through tuition and through every day conduct with the youth .
The congress expresses the conviction that the educational workers will do all to make the schools really become the centre of the allround education and enlightenment of the youth .
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Through the struggle for better life and against exploitation and national oppression , the People's Youth, headed by the Communist Youth League, created and strengthened the unity of the Youth of Yugoslavia. The mass participation of the youth in the struggle against the fascist conquerors for the liberation of the homeland , for the realisation of a juster social order during the war conditioned the creation of a wide anti -fascist youth organisation - The United League of the Anti -Fascist Youth of Yugoslavia. The youth of Yugoslavia resolutely and convincingly showed its unity in the struggle for a better future and national liberation during the People's Liberation war, as well as after the liberation of the homeland and the taking over of the authority on the part of the working people, when it unselfishly exerted all its physical and mental forces in the building up of the socialist homeland - the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. From the wide political unity and activity the youth created in the struggle prior to, and in the course of the Feople's revolution , as well as in the post-war period , ensued the fusion of the Communist Youth League of yugoslavia and the people's Youth into a united organisation - the People's Youth of Yugoslavia. The youth of Yugoslavia owes immeasurable gratitude to the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, which watched over the creation and the development of the progressive youth movement and was the educator of the youth in its revolutionary struggle.
The People's Youth of Yugoslavia is a mass political organisation which works on the education of the youth in a socialist spirit and directs its forces in the struggle for the building up of a socialist society . The People's Youth is an independent organisation, organised on democratic principles, where admittance into the membership is carried out on the principle of voluntariness and in which the rights and independence of the basic organisations - fixed by this Statute - are not limited by anything. The people's Youth is endeavouring to educate its members to adopt scientific socialism as their outlook on the world and to be guided by it their creative activity. It is struggling against the counter-revolutionary formist ideology, idealism , misticism and other reactionary influence,
The People's Youth is educating bold , militant builders of socialism, men of wide interest and free troughts , who clearly look into the future , who are self-sacrificing and sincere comrades , noble and honest in work and personal life . The young generation of Yugoslavia is proud of its socialist homeland , which has been liberated from the system of the exploitation of man by man, in which national oppression and rightlessness does not exist, in which socialism is becoming a reality, where the development of social managing and socialist democracy is bringing more and more prosperity to the workers , more personal joy , freedom and possibilities for creative work and initiative of young men, where
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all the conditions for allround development and happy life of the youth are being created . That is why the safeguarding of the free and unhindered development of socialist Yugoslavia and the preservation of her independence, especially from the threatening aggressive policy of the Soviet Union , is the most honourable du ty of the people's Youth of Yugoslavia, The membership of the people's Youth is struggling for still closer rapprochement and the mutual acquainting of our peoples and youth, for the studying of the history and culture of individual nations , for the preservation and further strengthening of the brotherhood and unity of the peoples of Yugosla via, for the developing of the consciousness and love towards the Yugoslav community. The people's Youth looks after the living conditions and education of the young and struggles against bureaucratic relations towards the youth and its needs , seeing to it that they enjoy to the full extent all the rights and bene fits which they are ensured by our socialist community. The allround education , enlightment, and cultural advancement , health , physical and technical education , the vacations and entertainment of the youth are the constant care of the people's Youth . That is why the youth organisations give initiative and help in developing various forms and organisations which function in that direction and cooperate with all organisations and institutions who work and care for the life and education of the youth. The people's Youth of Yugoslavia participates in the activities of
Socialist Alliance of the Working people of Yugoslavia - in the realisation of the programme of the socialist build-up . In harmony with its traditions and aims , the People's Youth develops co operation and friendship with all progressive youth movements and organisations in the world on the basis of equality and mutual respect , in the spirit of progress and the preservation of peace.
1. Young men and women from fifteen
to twenty-five years of age , who
accept the Statute , the principles of the people's Youth and exert efforts their realisation can join the people's Youth.
After the age of twenty-five members of the people's Youth , who wish , can further work in the organisation of the people's Youth as regular members . 2. When serving their military term in the yugoslav Army membership the people's Youth does not cease .
3. At their meetings the basic organisations accept new members in the People's Youth on the basis of the wishes of the young men and women . 4. The duties of members of the people's Youth are : - to constantly enrich their idealogical and political knowledge , education and culture so as to be active fighters for the building up of socialism by their personal example and knowledge , to work according to their wishes and inclinations in the cultural economic , sport , technical and other organisations which rally the youth; to participate in the work of their basic organisations and to regulary pay the membership dues .
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5. A member of the People's Youth, has the right: - to equally participate in the work and the adoption of decisions; to elect and to be elected into all the leaderships of the people's Youth; to set forth his opinion on the activities of no matter which member of the leadership or organisation and to refer to all the leaderships and the organisations of the People's Youth on various questions. 6. For self- sacrificing and active work and exemplary fulfilment of the tasks members of the people's Youth can be cited or rewarded . 7. For work which is not in harmony with the aims of the organisation and for the rude violation of the clauses of the Statute members of the people's Youth can be reprimanded and expelled from the organisation . The decision on the expulsion and the removal of fines is brought by the basic organisation and the corresponding leadership for its member. The expelled person has the right to appeal to all organs and leaderships of the people's Youth , which can demand that the appeal of the expelled youth the organisation which pronounced the punishment .
be placed before
A basic organisation of the people's Youth is created where the youth live and work and where it can most successfully organise its activities ; in an enterprise , village , school ,
settlement , society etc.
A basic org nisition must have at least five members. 9. At the annual meeting the basic organisation examines its activities a
and brings conclusions . It elects a president and secretary and if necessary secreteriat for the carrying out of current affairs,
10. The highest organ of the people's Youth in a municipality , dis trict or tom , region or rovince is the conference of the people's Youth . The municipal , district and town conference is held every year, and the regional and provincial once every two years. The conference of the people's Youth of municipalities , districts , towns, regions and provinces debates on the work of the leadership and organi sations in the past period , establishes tasks , elects a leadership and supervisory commission. 11. The highest organ of the people's Youth
of a people's Republic and
the people's Youth of yugoslavie is the congress . The congress of the people's Youth of a Republic and the congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia takes an attitude on the report of the Central Com mittee and the Supervisory commission , it establishes the general line and tasks of the people's Youth and elects a central committee and a Supervisory commission .
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The Congress of the People's Youth of a Republic and the Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia is held at least once every four years. The Congress of the people's Youth of Yugoslavia makes amendments and supplements to the Statute of the people's Youth of Yugoslavia. 12. At the meetings , conferences and congresses of the people's Youth decisions are adopted by the simple majority of votes. The decisions are valid if at least two thirds of the elected delegates attend the conferences and congresses. The voting on the decisions is public insofar as the meeting does not decide otherwise, and when electing the leaderships and delegates it is secret, 13. A regular conference and congress is convoked by the corresponding leadership and it fixes the number of delegates . An extraordinary conference and congress of a people's Republic is convoked at the demand of one third of the organisations or on the decision of the leadership, and the congress of the people's . Youth of Yugoslavia, at the demand of three organisations of the people's Republic , or on decision of the Central Committee of the people's Youth of Yugoslavia, 11. Between the conferences and congresses the work of the organisations is led by the Committee of the People's Youth. The municipal , district , and town committee elects a president and secretary and according to necessity a secreteriat. Committees can also be formed in the enterprises , schools and settle ments where more organisations of the people's Youth exist. For the carrying out of current affairs the regional , provincial , central committee of the people's Youth of the Republic and the Central Committee of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia elects a presidency , president and secretary . 15. The number of members of the committee and supervisory commission is established by the conference or congress . The Leadership of the people's Youth and its members are responsible for their work to the organisation which elected them. The members of the leadership can be dismissed , and those who do not correspond to their duties replaced and new ones can be co-opted in their place. The corresponding leadership up to one third of its members can be replaced and co-opted , and in the contrary a conference is convoked - that is a congress for the election of a new leadership . 16. The Central Committee of the people's Youth of a Republic can dissolve a basic organisation in case of rude violation of the clauses of the sta tute and the basic principles of the people's Youth. 17. The Supervisory Commission carries out at least once annually a review of the material and financial affairs , and it is responsible for its work to the organ which elected it .
18. The League of Students of Yugoslavia is a component part of the People's Youth and it works on the basis of its Statute . 19. According to conditions and needs special organisations can be created in the framework of the people's Youth.
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Financial means: 20. The sources of the financial means of the people's Youth are
membership dues and other income . The amount of the membership dues is fixed by the Central Committee of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia.
21. The insignia of the people's Youth is a red five-pointed star in the centre of which is a crossed bundle of grain and a hammer. In between the hammer and bundle is an open book with the letters, NO - the initials of the Organisation . The banner of the organisation of the people's Youth of Yugoslavia is red with the insignia of the people's Youth in the centre . The insignia is bordered by a narrow golden ribbon . Above the insignia is written - The people's Youth of Yugoslavia, and below it stands the name of the organisation to which the banner belongs .
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The Drafting Commission which was elected at the XVIth Flenum of the Central Committee of the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia, proposed
the new Statute of the
eople's Youth
to this Congress , because the old Statute for some time already does not correspond to the conditions of work and life of the Feople's Youth. The draft of the new Statute is the third for our Feople's Youth in succession . (The first Statute was adopted at the congress in Zagreb in 1945 , and the second , the present one at the joint congress the Communist Youth of Yugoslavia and the People's Youth) .
The new paths of our socialist social development , the democratisation of our social life have changed to a great extent not only the role of the party but also the position and role of social organisations in socialism , and of course the role of the Feople's Youth. The changes in our social development , as well as the advancement in the work of the People's Youth, demand the changing of earlier organisational forms and regulations The Feople's Youth would not be able to work successfully under the new conditions in the organisational frameworks which are envisaged in the old Statute
the People's Youth. Just as a political organisation has to constantly refresh and adapt its programme and slogans to new conditions , it must in the same way adapt organisational forms , principles of managing and work of the basic organisations , so that they would make possible the most successful development of the political , educational and other activities of the organisation , There were also objective reasons that certain principles in the Statute were then established , in a manner that no longer corresponds to us. These reasons are both of an internal character (the consequences of the fusion of League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia and the Feople's Youth) , and because of the difference in the degree of our social development , the manner of managing the economy, because of the differences in the development of our social democracy etc. Four years ago all this gave the Feople's Youth such a character which in the new present conditions it cannot have. It is comprehensible that today we cannot set tasks to the People's Youth in the enterprises "to work on the raising of the productivity of labour and the strengthening of working discipline ", when the new social relations created by the system of self management stimulate and develop the initiative of the workers for increasing the productivity of labour , just as it ensures working discipline. For similar reasons today we cannot request of the People's Youth "to carry out concrete measures of organs of the people's authority and to barticipate in the control of the fulfillment of tasks on the part of the people's authorities, " as this was demanded in the former statute , because the Feople's Youth, thanks to the development of social self-governing and socialist democracy, has long ago rid itself of carrying out administrative technical actions (buy up and similar ) , besides that , today all the citizens who participate in the election of organs of the People's authority , control the work of their elected organs. We cannot set to the People's Youth, as a political and educational organisation , tasks which are separated from the working people , to control "how the People's authority is carrying out its tasks. 11
However , in the old Statute there were such weaknesses , such clauses which even then did not correspond to the spirit of our organisation and our aspirations . These weaknesses are mainly in those principles which we at that time copied from the Soviet Komsomol , as for example the procedure of admittance into the People's Youth , (the written application of the person who wished to be a member of the People's Youth, then
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references of two members , the demand that the youth - when he has studied the Statute of the Feople's Youth , to verify whether he studied it , etc. ) . Eesides that, all rights were not granted to the organisations of the Feople's Youth. Every punishment and decision had to be confirmed by the higher leadership in order to become valid , which is characteristic for a centralistic organisation , and our Feople's Youth, in essence was not such. The relation of the Feople's Youth and the Communist Party was also not established as it should be in the Statute ; to the example of the Komsomol , we called our People's Youth "A reserve ", "transmission " and "instruments " of the Party. Eecause of our devotedness and love towards socialism , because of the enthusiasm with which the youth of Yugoslavia approached its building , we in 1948 cherished illusions in the Soviet Union , we copied its organisation and principles and referred at the last congress to the organisational experiences of the Komsomol , formulated in the Constitution of the Komsomol . "We adopted some bureaucratic clauses proclaimed for the Komsomol although even then they did not correspond to the spirit of our organisation , to our aspirations › What is more in our present Statute of the People's Youth we referred to Soviet Union as to a country of socialism , expressing respect and love towards
the the So-
viet Army , and we took the Komsomol organisation as an example. The XVth Plenum of the Central Committee which was held on the 20th and 21st of December 1950 in Belgrade corrected such a formulation in four articles of the Statute ( articles 9 , 10 , 11 and 26) . Even prior to this the Central Committee received a series of proposals from the organisations to do this . Although according to the Statute , the Central Committee did not have a right to make these changes , it considers that it would be doing a much greater wrong both towards the youth and towards our organisation , and towards the spirit of the Statute itself if in these , changed conditions , when the Soviet Union and its army represented the fiercest and almost daily danger for the independence of our homeland , it passed carelessly over a formulation which praises the Soviet Union and its Army, It is known that especially in 1949 our country was threatened by open armed attacks and thousands of provocations were carried out on our frontiers precisely on the initiative and on the part of the Soviet government, her troops and her satellites. Article 26 has also been changed , which speaks about the World Federation of Democratic Youth and our obligation to help the development of the international democratic youth movement through it . It is known that the World Federation of Democratic Youth is an ordinary Cominform organisation , which serves and is serving as a weapon of the Soviet policy , It is also known that in 1949 the Federation excluded the People's Youth from its ranks It is not necessary to speak that such an organisation cannot be either democratic or to serve a sincere and friendly linking of the youth of the World end that every reference to such an organisation harms the reputation and sullies
dignity of the Feople's Youth On behalf of the Central Committee of the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia , I request this congress to approve the attitude of the Central Committee in connection with the change of the mentioned article of the old StatuteThe commission for the Statute which was proposed at the XVIth plenum of
Central Committee of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia , placed the draft of the new Statute for discussion to the leaderships and organisations of the People's Youth . Discussion on the Statute showed the great interest of the membership and the leaders of the People's Youth for the adoption of such a Statute which will best correspond to modern conditions. The youth , as well as others and the press , followed this discussion , with a great number of articles. The commission for the Statute received several hundred remarks from various sides. Much of these remarks coincide . The commission attentively studied all the remarks and adopted a large number of them, The commission could not adopt some remarks for many reasons . Especially great was the number of remarks which , although they are not incorrect in principle, if adopted would make the Statute too detailed , and non-elastic .
Some comrades insisted to "widem the rights of the leaderships ", but to the detriment of the basic organisations , as is the proposal that the leaderships have the right to nullify the punishments which are brought by the basic organisations. Then there are remarks whose contents remind that among certain leaders the old manner of looking at the People's Youth and its social function is still not out of use , as are , for example, the proposals to introduce into the Statute the obligatory writing of biographies , who and how will the biographies be issued to members of the People's Youth , that the Statute should make precise when meetings of the People's Youth should be held , that more punishment should be introduced for members of the People's Youth , (a written reminder , a comradely reminder , and similar ) . And , finally there are remarks which speak about the sectarian attitude and conception of some youth leaders who proposed that our organisation should again be called. The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia , to eject the word "mass ", from the Statute , that measures be undertaken for the purging of those who do not fulfill the conditions for membership in such a "communist organisation ". When doing this , these leaderships refer to the article of Comrade Rankovic, who,
speaking about the political role of the People's Youth emphasised that the People's Youth should be an organisation "of the most active and most loyal youth to socialism ". These comrades wrongly interpret the words of comrade Rankovic, to whom he explicitly emphasises the need of the stronger political activisation of the People's Youth at a time when some leaderships neglected that work or when they abandoned it to the forces of nature. We cannot demand that the young men and young women who should be members of the Feople's Youth must pass through certain trials and political schools before they would "gain the right " to be its members. We must look at members of the People's Youth in development , and the tasks of the People's Youth , - are in the first place to educate its membership not only in the political but also in the moral outlook , to help them in gaining knowledge , in gaining cultural customs , to qualify them for their calls of life , so that , in that manner , struggling resolutely for the re- education of its members , the Feople's Youth aspires towards the aim to be the organisation of the most active , militant , diligant young men and women. The views which aim that the People's Youth should not be a mass organisation are rude sectarian interpretations and inflict damage on our organisation and are incorrect towards a large number of militant and respectable youth who now bear the name of members of the People's Youth, and who, according to such opinion , could not be members of our organisation . Such views are contrary to the spirit of our organisation , they are incorrect towards our youth, which in the huge majority is prepared to exert its efforts for the advancement of our country and the building of socialism. We must look at the People's Youth as at an active force in whose ranks young men and women become mature and educated , and not as a narrow bureaucratic organisation , of selected , most conscious , most loyal and most active . Such sectarian conceptions in essence are detrimental , just as are harmful the views that the Feople's Youth should be some kind of a wide and scattered organisation without political physiognomy. Mainly from these , enumerated , reasons the commission could not adopt a certain number of remarks . One should especially dwell on the proposals on changing the name of the organisation . There were many and various such propositions . The commission received following proposals on the changing of the name . That the name of the People's Youth be changed to : The League of the Socialist Youth of Yugoslavia, The League of the Young Generation of Socialist Yugoslavia, The League of the Socialist Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia, The Socialist League of the Youth of Yugoslavia , The Socialist Youth of Yugoslavia,
The Socialist League of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia,
The League of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia , The League of the Young Communists of Yugoslavia , The League of the Communist Youth of Yugoslavia. Examining all these proposals and their explanations , the commission came to the conclusion that there were no serious reasons to change the name of our organisation. The reasons because of which the commission stood on the viewpoint not to change the name of our organisation at this Congress are the following : The People's Youth is , by its historical existence , by its development, by its character today, by the perspectives of its further development , a special kind of Youth Organisation which by essence and character differs from all the Socialist Organisations known to us, both in the near past , and today , so that the changing of the name to the Socialist Youth or to The League of Socialist Youth could be grasped as some kind of change of course. The narrowing down of the organisation , or eventually that we in this manner wish to correct our past work and the policy in our youth organisation , or that we are aiming to copy the Socialist Youth organisations in the West or somewhere else , which on important questions , differ to a great extent from our People's Youth (on which there were words in the report and discussions at this Congress ) . Many of our comrades who proposed the changing of the name were inspired by the changing of the name of the People's Front , or , perhaps , the Communist Party , although the same reasons which led to the changing of the name of the People's Front cannot be related to the People's Youth. The Socialist Alliance of the Working People is no kind of organisation in the idea of some kind of Socialist Party, nor on this Part can it be compared and equalised with other Socialist Parties , let us say in the West .
The present name
The People's Youth , - under which our organisation numbering
millions was in the front ranks of the builders of our homeland, in which the youth is united and prepared to guard the independence of our country, to build socialism , to struggle for free men , democratic relations in our ranks , is sufficiently well known and sufficiently popular , and this not only among our peoples and our youth, but to a great extent among the progressive youth in the foreign world. Its closest past and deeds speak that in the name of the organisation of the People's Youth , that is how it represented itself in its past work, has sufficiently socialist contents and militant spirit , enthusiastic youth disposition , which should adorn the youth organisation in a country which is building up socialism with its own forces and for the happiness of the whole people and the active participation of the huge majority of our youth. The present name of our organisation
harm us in the least , it
does not in the least belittle our tasks in the socialist building up, it does not make colourless our efforts and tasks which we should fulfill in the future. It is the name of a wide and mass youth organisation which rallies huge masses of youth in its ranks , which in its own ranks is prepared to educate itself and struggle for its own happiness for the happiness of our social community .
The Statute points out that the People's Youth by its character is a political organisation and that its task is to educate the youth in the spirit of socialism. Our organisation has already shown that it is such an organisation of militant young men and women of Yugoslavia , who , carried by the ideals of socialism and democracy, are conscious that only by the utmost efforts of our peoples, and in the first place our youth , can we successfully build a better life. We can say that in the ranks of our youth there are few of those who are under the influence of hostile propaganda, who are disposed in a reactionary and hostile manner towards Socialist Yugoslavia. But there is
a number of youth who are up,
not prepared to exert themselves in the socialist building
who are not willing to build a better future for themselves with their hands. The
Feople's Youth should endeavour to activise our youth to the widest possible extent and to direct all its forces for the good of our socialist society. The People's Youth must bear in mind all the difficulties and complicated character of our struggle , it must qualify the young men and women for a political struggle , acquaint them with the policy and perspectives of socialism in our country and with the development of events outside our country. That is why it should not be grasped that the People's Youth is a gathering of professional politicians , but an organisation of all youths who wish to learn to work to struggle for a nicer and better life , for socialism . That is why the Statute of the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia points out the political character and the educational character of the Feople's Youth . As one of the basic principles of leading and work of the basic organisation , the Statute points out the democratic character in the relations and independence in the work of the basic organisations. Complete democratic character in leading and in the relations , in the organisation, is ensured if the democratic character in the work of the basic organisations is represented and if we are struggling for correct democratic relations in our own ranks , in the ranks of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia. This principle of internal relations between the leaderships and basic organisations is not formulated in the draft as "the principle of democratism ". The term "centralism " itself, that is "democratic centralism " has been avoided for the clearness and popularity of the Statute , and then , for us in these conditions centralism is not essential to such an extent as the democratic character and independence of the basic organisations is important to us. On this side such a principle of leading is not completely that old one, "democrotic centralism " at least how it was grasped and conducted in the practice. In the first chapter of the draft Statute it is said: "The People's Youth is an independent organisation , organised on democratic brinciples, where admittance into the membership is carried out exclusively on the principle of voluntariness and in which the rights and independence of the basic organisations fixed by this Statute -- are not limited by anything ". In this part of the Statute and in later clauses the basic organisations of the People's Youth have been given rights which in fact they had thus far , regardless of the limitations which were made by the Statute, as was the admission into the organisation , the right of expulsion and similar . We have no reason to be afraid that because of this the discipline in the organisation of the People's Youth will weaken . In our organisation discipline is not based on some kind of bureaucratic skills , administrative control and limitations placed from " above ", but on the consciousness of the members of the Feople's Youth , for social and democratic organisations especially mass youth organisations , which would not have this basic right , would not have aims for existence. Of course , in such a democratic organisation decisions and recommendations of the leaderships elected in a democratic way, must be respected on the question of general interest . The insurance of complete rights to the basic organisations - on the basic questions and in the scope of their work -- will develop keen interest as initiative of the members , it will contribute to the even stronger unity, discipline and firm ness of the organisation , and it will surely strengthen the control of the work of the elected organs on the part of the membership. Educational work on the development of the consciousness of the members,
development of interest of every member of the People's Youth for the work of his organisation , the devoting of more attention to the personality of every member of the People's Youth , and not administrative pressure and looking at the People's Youth as on some kind of impersonal mass this is the essence of our leading of the People's Youth. The Soviet Komsomol , as well as other social organisations in the USSR, were created for the needs and schemes of the Soviet bureaucratic system, as well as the whole other state and social apparatus . The basic organisations of Komsomol do not have the right either to accept or to expell until the decision of the basic organisations are confirmed by the competent leaderships . The directives are prescribed from the centre . The basic organisations and their members are bound to obey the directives , "from above"
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night and day, and everything which would look like independent and initiative work ,, could be categorised as undiscipline , disobedience , as uncovering military and state secrets and many other things. Such an organisation , which will be "the transmission " -in the thought of carrying out to the letter the directives from the centre, and this not from the centre of its organisation , but from the centre of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union , - which is the "instrument " of the Party , ( for the Soviet bureaucracy everything is the instrument of the bureaucratic caste, society, the state , science , education, and organisations ) , only such an organisation is solely possible in that system, as is Komsomol today. Since the position of the youth and the aims of its existence are completely different than these which have been mentioned , the position of the People's Youth in relation to the Communist Party is also different. At the last Congress we adopted the programme of the Party as our programme and established that the People's Youth is under the general leadership of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, that the People's Youth is a reserve of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and similar . The Communist Party , that is the League of Communist , not only has thus far not stifled the independence and activity of the People's Youth, but on the contrary it helped it in work and education of the Youth. For reasons of principle , because of the present role of the League of Communists , the position of the People's Youth in relation to the League of Communists must be formulated more suitably. It is obvious that it would not correspond to reality if in the Statute it was formulated that the People's Youth is "under the leadership of the Party ", when it is known that the League of Communists does not impose on any organisation and on any place in the State and social life its leading role in an administrative manner , by formal provisions , but by its influence, educational work , propaganda and activity in every field of social life. The League of Communists in the whole and its basic organisations further remain for the youth of Yugoslavia in general, and for the People's Youth in the first place, an example of revolutionary militancy , self-sacrifice and resoluteness in the struggle for a better life and safeguarding the, freedom of our home-land . By its nature and by its aims the People's Youth is close to the League of Communists but it truely is not "an instrument ", "transmission ", but an independent organisation, and , as such , a serious social force of socialism . In our country both the League of Communists and the Social Alliance of the Working People, and the People's Youth and other social organisations are only instruments of the working class and the working people of Yugoslavia in the struggle for a socialist society. Only such, independent and free , social organisations can be a mighty force and have a name which is not separated from society. Only in such an organisation as is the People's Youth can young men and women be really enthusiastic with this new, better , free life for which it should struggle. For the Soviet Komsomol it is said that it is a "a reserve for all branches of State and Social administration ",
in other words , the aim and ideal for
which an individual member of such a "reserve " organisation should aspire , is to push using all kinds of means into that bureaucratic paradise - " into all branches of State and Social administration ". In contrast to this our organisation is not any kind of reserve in the cadre essence. By its nature the youth is a reserve , it inherits and replaces the old generations whether any kind of youth organisation exists or not . As far as relations towards other organisations are concerned: Trade Unions , the Women's Anti -Fascist Front , the League of Fighters , the Organisations of the People's Techniques , the Red Cross , Physical Culture organisations and others. No kind of legal formulations can more constructively solve the problem of cooperation and relations among all these organisations than the way it is solved by that common aim and common programme which we are aiming for in the long run. The name of the basic organisation of the People's Youth
"active " has also been avoided in the Statute because the forms of work of the People's Youth have become so varied that the idea " active ", · grasped in the present thought , is not a sufficiently wide idea and can be a hindrance to the wider and more elastic work of the People's Youth. "The basic organisation ", as it stands in the Statute, is not some kind of new
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"active ", 8 but an idea which permits the possibility of existence of basic organisations of the People's Youth with different and wide contents of work and offers the possibility for organising the Youth in various manners in harmony with the conditions of individual young man .
name , instead of
The Union of Students of Yugoslavia as was already said in the report was created at the foundation Assembly in Eelgrade at the end of April 1951. It was created as a separate and independent organisation of the students , and the need for it came about through many reasons . First of all the customary forms in the scope of the activities of the People's Youth were too narrow that they could embody the wide activity of the students at our universities . The town leaderships of the People's Youth frequently were not in a position to pay attention to a series of problems which interested the students much more than the other youth, not only political , but also cultural , economic , health, and others . Besides that , it is natural for an independent students organisation to exist in the country, through which the students of individual Universities in our country will link themselves in order to exchange experiences , to organise joint actions , as well as because of international ties and cooperation . Nine months after the foundation Assembly the Congress was held in Zagreb in 1952 at which the Statute of the Union of Students of Yugoslavia was adopted . The Statute of the Union of Students of Yugoslavia embodies the character and tasks of the Union of Students and the structure of the Union . As far as relations towards the People's Youth are concerned the Statute expresses the attitude that the Union of Students is a component part of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia, then the Statute says: "The Union of Students accepts and continues the traditions and experiences of the pre-war progressive student movement and student organisations of the People's Youth, which successfully works on the creation of the ideological and political unity of the Students, the reconstruction and arrangement of the universities and colleges , the solution of problems of studies and tuition , economic and social health and other needs of the students and the organising of their social life . " The formation of the Union of Students has already shown itself very beneficial and the Central Committee proposes to the Congress to approve the decision on the creation of the Union of Students as well as the work of the Union of Students on the basis of the Statute which was adopted by their congress . When proposing this statute to the Congress, the commission made efforts helped to a great extent by proposals and discussion of our organisations and leaderships , to prepare such a Statute which would be the most suitable for the People's Youth today , which would be sufficiently elastic to enable it various forms of organised work , which would have in view evident perspectives of the development of our organisation, and especially which would correspond to the present conditions of work and development of the Feople's Youth . No matter what this Statute which we are adopting is like , it is not final , the last and for all times. From us it is requested in the first place that it corresponds to modern conditions . The Commission considers that the Statute which has been proposed fills these demands .
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Pierre Francois, Chief of Youth Section , Lepartment of Education of UNESCO :
Dear comrades , I am fortunate for being able to bring you the greetings and good wishes of UNESCO, the specialised organisations of the United Nations for education, culture and science. The first thing I wish to tell you, is that if I ever doubted in your enthusiasm , my doubts are now completely removed. Here since yesterday I saw your manifestations and grasped where they came from, which I must admit impressed and enthused me because this shows with how much enthusiasm and sincerity you expressed manifestations towards your country. No matter what kind of difficulties we meet with , I convince you that you should not lose trust and belief in the organisation and that you should further support it. UNESCO , and especially its youth section counts on the support of the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia, in its work, especially on the three point activities of UNESCO which we intend to develop in the near future . The first point is the development of mutual information , because it is necessary that the young understand each other , and through mutual understanding to grasp the laws and necessity of international cooperation. The second point is the development of exchange between the young and I know how many young people there are in various countries who wish to come to Yugoslavia and establish contact with you. The third point on which we are working is the participation of the youth in the so-called basic education , and this is the education which ought to be given to those places and those parts which were backward and thus far could not participate to the full extent and to join the achievements of civilisation to the full extent . In many countries the youth have already started this task and I know that the Yugoslav youth have seriously approached it. It is known that the students were active in this ; that which we wish is that the Yugoslav youth and other youth coordinate the approaches for the fulfillment of that task in the whole world in order to contribute to our aim.
Guy Penne , President of the National Union of French Students :
Comrades , I am fortunate to be able to deliver the greetings of the young Frenchmen to you, I am fortunate that I can greet you on behalf of all the French students united in the National Union of Students in France which I have the honour here to represent as its president . The students of France are very keenly interested in the problems of the students of Yugoslavia and they have authorised me to transmit this to you, I wish to point out that the traditional friendship of the students of France and Yugoslavia was not a friendship only in words but in deeds. Hence I wish you to permit me to set forth here several moments which in the policy of the students of Yugoslavia and the National Union of French Students were the same in the post-war period.
I would wish to emphasise that from the beginning the National Union of French Studel believing that the International Union of Students would really be the representativ of the students of the whole world and that it would succeed to achieve and maintain their unity. To our regret, our hopes were very quickly deceived . I
wish to emphasi
that in 1949 the National Union of French Students withdrew from the membership of tl International Union of Students in the first place because the Executive Committee of the International Union of Students ventured to expell the organisation of Yugoslav students from the Congress. I also wish to emphasise and probably you were informed of this by your repre sentatives who participated at international conferences that the policy of the Nation Union of French Students from 1949 until the present was not to participate in any ki of action in any kind of activity of the International Union of Students until it admits its error , which it made by excluding the Yugoslav students . I would wish to emphasise how much we hoped at the beginning that in the International Union of Student there would be new cooperation in the practical field , and how much we were disappoin ed when all this was reduced to the fact that the International Union of Students attempted through the Student Unions which were its members to carry out the cominform policy in their country. The Internation Union of Students still invites the National Union of French Students to cooperate. Their organisation for mutual students assistance recently invited the French students to participate in its work . However , the National Union of French Students consider it as impossible and impermissable to participate in no matte what kind of activity of the Internationa Union of Students , whether this is an action of assistance, or sports action , or any other action , if this action conducts discrimination towards one country and one students union which in this case is the Yugoslav We in France are always against no matter what kind of monopoly of students assistance or a monopoly of sports , or even a monopoly of peace . We are against everything which is reduced to demagogy , and everything which has a purely arbitrary character . We have orientated ourselves towards the organising of tournaments and I am pleased that I can imform you that prior to the opening of the Congress of the French Union of Students a soccer match will be held in Rouen between French and Yugoslav teams. I am pleased that I can remind you here also of the fact that in 1952 at the Festival of Student Youth of Yugoslavia French students were also invited who sent a group from Biscay. I wish to emphasise once more that such an exchange is the best way for strengthening mutual cooperation and mutual friendship and that this cooperation and friendship must not necessarily have any other political characteristics than the struggle for peace
Vedat Eszan , Representative of the Students of Turkey .
Brothers Yugoslavs , we are unusually grateful that we were invited to th
big Fifth Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia and we are happy to be in your midst . We are convinced that this beginning of mutual cooperation of our states and
the youth organisations is such a condition which makes possible even greater deepenin of this cooperation . I beg you to receive them in the same manner we received them. As representatives of the Federation of the Turkish Students we wish that the forthcoming mutual contact and cooperation should widen and be realised even more , be
cause today both the peoples and all the youth organisations who wish for peace and freedom have the greatest possibility for the coordination of their relations and mutua cultural cooperation . Permit me in the first place to thank you for the hospitality shown. At the en of this month we also shall have a congress which will be held in Ankara and we would be very pleased if on that occasion we saw you in our midst. On behalf of the youth I represent and in my name I greet the Fifth Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia and wish it successful work.
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Joanis Papadimitriou , ! epresentative of the Students of Greece :
53 It is not a question of a conventional obligation or of a formal act which has moved us to greet the Fifth Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia , on behalf of the Student Youth of Greece . This is not a conglomeration of words which are repeated on every occassion but this is a reality which fills the soul of true friends This is because at this moment we are among delegates of a youth of a people with whom we are linked by a long friendship and joint efforts which several times was sealed with the blood of the children of our two countries . The Ankara agreement is already making one precious renewal of a tradition of a long and joint cooperation and is opening new range of the cooperation of our two countries In the wide framework of this cooperation the youth gets a completly special role which is of inestimable importance , because the task belongs to it to safeguard and estimate with te strength of its enthusiasm and its constant efforts the friendly feelings I which already exist and to develop them in the aim of joint prosperity , We are sure that this role belongs especially to the youth , because the future belongs to you and us. Even prior to coming to your country we were filled with natural admiration towards it , caused by your heroic struggles for winning freedom and by your recent struggle to shake foreign pressure We are in a position to estimate the value of your achievements because the history of our country is full of similar struggles Fut today the efforts which you are exerting in the field of production , the will with which you want to lead your people to prosperity , the huge activity of the Yugoslav Youth, give us hopes that you will be victorious in the struggle for production in the same manner facts
Your enthusiasm as well as your unity are a guarantee of these
Eut we consider that it is unnecessary to address more words to men of action and working men. We only wish , in conclusion , to especially emphasise once more the need of getting acquainted and cooperation between the youth of our two countries. because this getting acquainted will help us in the struggle for production and will be a guarantee for peace in spite of every new attempt of confusion between our two countries Our friendshhp will be the best guardian of peace , Long Live the Friendship of the Youth of Greece and Yugoslavia.
Ueli Gotsch ,
epresentative of the Socialist Youth of Switzerland:
Comrades , I have received the pleasant task to transmit to you the cordial greetings of the young swiss socialists Today we have the opportunity to come into organised contact with the young socialists of Yugoslavia There are still difficulties which must be removed from , especially because of different conceptions on democracy and freedom, which create a certain uneasiness : Eut these problems can and must be spoken about . On the other hand in the field of democracy in the enterprises and economy you have carried out a pioneers deed which will enrich us with new ideas and experience . Your struggle against false socialism and against capitalism has met with our full sympathy
I am convinced that we , although of different national conditions and tasks are aiming at the same goal . We want a new society which will not know either the exploitation of workers or the terror of police and dictatorship of a minority. A society in which people would live without material worries and in which human dignity would be respected . In order to contribute to two sided understanding , already this year the socialist youth of Switzerland will visit your country, with a delegation of thirty members in order to get better acquainted with your problems and conceptions. Let your work contribute to the further success in the direction of democratic socialism Long live the International friendship of the youth !
Long live International Socialism!
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From the Young Adult Council of the National Social Welfare Assembly
Dow Trimus,
The Young Aluit Council of the National Social Welfare Assembly,
States member of the Torld Assembly of youth and central poly of American youth, on the occasion of the Firth Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia, sends reetings. e hope the filth Congress wil, meet with every success and that it wil result in increased efforts to achieve the aspirations of the youth of Yugoslavia. The youth of our country are dedicated to the building of a free and peaceful world with economic, politica imi social justice for all , we feel that the youth of action to these us to look forward to closer cooperYuosi Vi share cu ation in their chevement, During the past your many of our youth letters have had the pleasure of meeting your representatives in the [nite States, we have discussed with them means of effecting coolative relations, e have cooperated in encouraging American Youth to visit your country ni ve have met with youth tho have returned 1rom YugoSiivit mth in 11,30 price 101 the Yubojiti people, we hope that such ech in betren our countries can of indel . We regret that we are unable to have a representative at your congress out we fully expect that wikin 158 we shall have opportunities for continuing coliapolution, Demo tist when our representatives visit Yugoslavia in the future 13 cun se u5 sureu of the most cordial reception, we want you to know also that we vill Welcome representatives in this country.
From the National Association of Labour Student Organisations of reat ritain Dear friend ,
on sellad
of the National Association of Labour student organisations
I write to think you for your kind invitation for a delegate from our organisation to attend your 5th Congress in BeijPOde, Unfortunately the distance and cost of travel make it impossible for us to accept your invitation though we would have liked to very much. pleasse accept this letter as a message of cur good will . Te land udaled to be able to tell you that the Socialist student movement in 31tain 15 active anu grovin, and making its contribution towards the establishment of Socialia in this country. All of us are watching with ever inci casing interest the veloments in your country and many of us hope to be wole to visit Yugoslavia during this coming summer, on that occasion we are sure that at 11 to the benefit of both our organisations to have as much exchange as possible of views and opinions towards the furtherance of international
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Friendship and understanding.
Wishing you every success for your Congress and in the hope that 1953 be yet a further year in socialist advance,
From the Federation of Socialist Youth of Spain in Exile :
Dear Friends , We have received your cordial invitation for the y congress of your organisation. on this occassion we are sending you our wishes forsuccess in your work and we hope that your V Congress will make a resolute step forward and adopt positive resolutions in the aim of realising socialism, peace and democracy . It is mom to us that the people and youth of yugoslavia cherish friendly feelings towards the Spanish people and youth and that it hates Francoism: the voting of the Yugoslav representative in paris , during the VII general conference of UNESCO , once again confirmed this common feeling. The Yugoslav attitude deserves the greatest sympathy of all Spanish democrats . Repeating wishes for success to you , receive our cordial greetings.
From the Confederation of Socialist Youth of
The Confederation of Socialist Youth of Belgium sends good wishes for the work of your Congress.
From the Socialist Youth of France :
We are sorry that we cannot send a delegation because of material difficulties. We are sending you fraternal wishes in connection with the congress in the aim for the struggle for peace, socialism, and democracy.
From the National Union of Students of Finland:
We regret being unable to send delegation . Best wishes for your work to the benefit of youth and international cooperation.
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