Untamed 9781604352610, 1604352612

Kidnapped and delivered into the arms of one shockingly handsome warrior, Aleash could not help but admire the man who p

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Untamed: Sting of the Scorpion By Kenna Fallon 2

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Untamed – Sting Of The Scorpion by Kenna Fallon Red Rose™ Publishing Publishing with a touch of Class! ™ The symbol of the Red Rose and Red Rose is a trademark of Red Rose™ Publishing Red Rose™ Publishing Copyright© 2006 Kenna Fallon ISBN: 978-1-60435-261-0 Cover Artist: Shirley Burnett Editor: WRFG Line Editor: Bernadette Smith All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. Due to copyright laws you cannot trade, sell or give any ebooks away. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. Red Rose™ Publishing www.redrosepublishing.com Forestport, NY 13338


Untamed: Sting of the Scorpion By Kenna Fallon 4

Chapter One

Shelif the Wolf furrowed his brows in irritation. He had been summoned by the king at this ungodly hour and he could do nothing more than respond immediately to the request. He had only just arrived to his own quarters this very day, only two hours past, after having been away for some time to do his king‟s bidding on another venture which had turned out to be fruitless. He was still weary from his journey and did not think he could beckon his full strength again until he got some much-needed slumber. And soon. Shelif sighed wearily, wishing he was more like his brother who held his own rule. Even though his brother was in the jurisdiction of the same king he himself held post to, it was a well known fact his brother answered to no man, be it ruler or otherwise. The king knew better than to breach the silent understanding which had been set in stone between the two for more than a total of five years now. Shelif and his brother hailed from a desolate tract of land in Arabia. Both brothers held the dark good looks of their father, the Sheikh of Anadonda, but the brothers wished for more than the life their father had


bestowed upon them. Both brothers wished for adventure in their own right, wanting to rid themselves of the constant fight for privilege between themselves and their siblings. If the Sheikh‟s offspring had to beg for the attentions of their own father, they wanted nothing to do with any of those actions. The demands for favor had become too much for either brother to bear, and so, armed with the meager blessing from their father and nothing more, the brothers had disengaged their ties with their own family for good. Shelif snorted in disdain as he rubbed over his weary eyes quickly with the back of one beefy hand. Aye, he had given up opulence only to be at the beck and call of a king who apparently does not require sleep. At least he and his brother were not under the demanding rule of their father any longer, with each proving they could make their own way in this world. Rounding a corner and coming to a sudden stop as his warrior‟s instinct came fully into position, Shelif removed his hand slowly from the hilt of his sword, relaxing somewhat. A young, brash guard had foolishly stopped him from entering the king‟s private chambers, bidding him to wait in the hall until he was called for. Shelif knew the young pup had not realized how close he had actually come to death‟s door by stopping the warrior like he had. The young man‟s


arrogance clawed at Shelif‟s midsection like a deadly parasite, and he thought once to put the boy in his rightful place. However, he did not want the confrontation this eve, deciding to go along with the game, taking his seat with a loud grunt as indicated. Still growling under his breath, he wanted to take the young guard and crack him in half with his own bare hands, if only for the pleasure of a few nights sleep in the dungeon his efforts would afford him. Perhaps then he would gain the respite he sought. Shelif sat upon the hard bench in the faintly lit hall, with his elbows resting on his legs and his palms cradling his chin. He still contemplated the urge to take the guard within his beefy hands and snuff the life right out of him, but decided the absence of strength in the guard would provide him with no satisfaction. He signed after a moment, grinning as he leaned back against the wall. The small sound had the guard reaching for his weapon with shaking hands. Shelif raised his brows in silent amusement. If he were in the king‟s boots, he would not rely on the efforts of this snotty-nosed whelp to provide any protection whatsoever other than sewing fancy lace to the cuffs of his sleeves.


After what seemed an eternity, but in reality was less than five minutes, Shelif was called into the private chamber of the king. As he passed the young guard, he grunted in amusement once again, knowing he could do serious bodily harm to the infantile with a simple swipe of his hand in a display of feeble gesture. Once inside the richly appointed chamber, Shelif bowed upon one knee before the king and waited for the man to bid him rise. A smile twitched at his lips when the king did not say a word for a short time, obviously testing his anger while being flippant at the same time. He appreciated the man‟s try at humor, but damn the holy lands, it was much too late in the eve to play this game! Calmly he waited, wishing for the strength to see him through the ordeal the king had in store for him this time. He sighed as he grew increasingly aware of the stench of whore‟s perfume and sweat. “Ha! I knew you would grow weary of the wait!” Shelif lifted his head and gave the king a slight smile, wishing he could hurry the conversation along. He stood to his full height as the king bid him to, settling his bulky frame into a chair which looked barely stable enough to support the weight of a meager fly. Placing a finger along his upper lip as he placed his elbow on the arm of the chair, Shelif smoothed his


mustache and goatee as he noticed a serious notion cross the king‟s face. Suddenly alert, he leaned forward expectantly, waiting for the man to say something. The king‟s voice was hesitant as his eyes settled on the man who sat across from him. “Shelif the Wolf, I must ask you to do me one small favor, even though I know you have just returned from a recent crusade.” “My liege?” Shelif knew right away something was not as it should be and his brow furrowed in concern. What the devil was going on now? The king sighed and closed his eyes as he leaned his head back along the cushion of his chair, his famously outlandish behavior taking over. “‟Tis Aleash. I must get the child out of my castle before she starts an uproar and brings the whole of my kingdom crashing about my ears.” His eyes opened once again to settle upon the warrior before him. The man was tall, dark and broad of chest, carrying himself with an almost regal quality. He was brawn and muscled, more so than the other knights in his service, and his dark hair was left long, hanging to his hips. His eyes were the color of the sky and his smile was always at the ready. Shelif was considered to be a very handsome man and with his kindheartedness, he was measured to be a very fine catch for any of the ladies who pined away for his attentions from afar. But he had never been


told of any advances, nor out of turn actions by this man toward any of the women in his keep. However, this mission was not about the man‟s physical appearance, for it was Shelif‟s brother which interested the king the most, not the warrior this time. “Uproar, my liege?” Shelif groaned inwardly. Aleash was the most bullheaded, hellish, demon-woman he had ever had the misfortune to meet! Ah, but putting all that aside, she was the most desired woman in the land. Her beauty was known far and wide, making her a target for any man who thought to claim her for his own. God forbid! They would bring her back before a fortnight had fully past, most likely wishing to pay her uncle to keep her from ever escaping the kingdom walls again. He almost grinned. “Aye, Shelif. I have a need to get the woman out of my keep for good…umm…and I am enlisting your help in the act, as it were. Do not think the love I hold for my only niece has died and gone away, for that is not the case here.” The king cleared his throat slightly as he grasped his hands behind his back and laced the fingers tightly together in a nervous gesture. He hoped the man who sat before him did not guess the intended plan he had in mind. By all that was holy, he had to get the woman out of his keep once and for all!


Shelif raised his brows and knew from the sound of his king‟s voice, this mission boded him ill in all facets of beginning to end. He cringed to think of what the man had in store for his niece and better yet, for him. “If I may be so bold as to ask you, my liege, to what extent do I need be involved in matters of your niece? Is she not looked after well enough by the guards you have in place?” He held his breath as he waited for the dreadful words to come, trying to think quickly of a reason to beg his leave, other than the obvious fact of not wanting anything to do with the horrible devil-woman. The king leaned forward and smiled slightly. “You have a brother who is very well known for his protective nature and prowess in defense.” Shelif‟s heart stopped and then started to beat wildly within his chest. His brother? Lord Scorpion? Dear God above, what was the king going to embroil his brother into? Scorpion lived by his own rule and did not take kindly to any issues demanded of him by others, least of all this man whom they now call their king. Side by side, Scorpion far outweighed Shelif by a good fifty pounds and stood a good two inches taller than he himself did. Even with the obvious stated, he did not believe his brother would be able to handle the demon from woman‟s hell any better than the next man. Aleash had proven numerous times she was a force to be reckoned with, and


he doubted his brother would tolerate her eccentric manners for long, if at all. To involve Scorpion in something which promised his irritation to storm across the land in a rage, brought on by one headstrong female, was not a good jester of peace. Shelif opened his mouth to voice the very thought, when the king continued on suddenly. “I would have you take my niece to your brother, to have him watch over her for a period of time. Until things settle down to their normal capacity once again.” The king clicked his tongue, looking at Shelif with a rather taut smile of enforcement gracing his lips. Shelif wondered briefly if he should deny the king outright for his brother‟s sake, but decided to try a different tactic instead. “But, my liege, you know how my brother despises issues such as this dropped into his lap without forewarning. He needs to agree to this arrangement before-” The king held up his hand to silence the warrior. “My mind is set.” He leaned forward as his brows furrowed in quick irritation, driving home his demand. “You tell your brother that he owes this duty to his country. I have never called upon his help before, leaving him alone to his own devises. Many have told me that he has a virtual fortress that is totally unpenetratable. Short of tossing the spirited woman into my own dungeons, this is the only other feasible alternative I have. As you can clearly fathom,


my hands are virtually tied in this matter of unrest. I would have no undue harm come to her person and I cannot guarantee that here, even within the walls of my own kingdom. I will see this done to my exact request or there will be hell to pay…from you both.” With his meaning clearly stated, he sat back in his chair with an exaggerated sigh. “I do not mean to threaten, but this is a request which needs to be carried out with the utmost respect to my sovereignty. My niece is a handful, true, but she needs the hard hand of the Scorpion to reclaim and regulate her ways. „Tis my hope Scorpion will demolish the unruliness of her ways and present to me, in a reasonable amount of time, a docile young woman who will be ripe for marriage.” Silently, Shelif let out the breath he had been holding and gave the king a sudden passive look, knowing it would be in his best interest to abide by the command for now. He knew well the king had ways of showing his retribution for unruliness in rather cruel and unusual ways. “For how long must Scorpion keep the woman?” Again, he held his breath, trepidation clearly etched upon his handsome face. “I would deem that one year would suffice, mayhap a little longer.” The king steepled his fingers in front of his nose as he grinned. “Scorpion is


the one man whom I trust to do this deed.” He dropped his hands to his lap, twisting a golden ring around on his index finger, a sure sign of somber deliberation. “He will either break her disobedient ways, or she will die in the task.” Shelif closed his eyes. Aye, she just might perish, for Scorpion would surely not tolerate her perverse actions any more than he would allow it coming from any of his own women. He was not sure if this deed set before him would be one that would break the spirit from the girl…or separate Scorpion from his own sanity. God help them all!

The endeavor had been carried out rather quickly that same eve, leaving Shelif the Wolf in a dangerous mood. With little sleep and no food to speak of, he conceded the deed alone, as was the wish of the king, steeling away in the middle of the night so as not to be detected by anyone. Shelif sighed as he rubbed despairingly at his eyes before he looked over to the woman. Her glare blazed fire at him accusingly, knowing full well that he was one of her uncle‟s own warriors. She narrowed her eyes in his direction, giving him a pointed look that radiated pure hell to come his way for this deed.


Cringing slightly as he straightened his shoulders, Shelif moved over to the small fire he had built a short time ago. The aroma of roasted rabbit smelled like a heavenly feast, being that his hunger had raged for the past three hours. Sitting down on the ground, he turned the spit and heard sizzling as the juices ran from the rabbit meat onto the hot coals below. He looked over at the woman, grinning, dismissing her earlier seething looks. “We will be eating soon, my lady. I am sure that you are as hungry as I.” Aleash narrowed her eyes at Shelif the Wolf. “Do not even try to make amends for what you have done, you bastard! My uncle will have your head! And if he does not, then I most certainly will take it from your body myself!” Shelif raised his brows as he rose, knowing full well that she would carry out her threat if the opportunity arose. He was glad he had tied her to the tree with sturdy ropes to thwart her escape. He knew now that he should have kept her gag in place. The first words out of her mouth were a literal threat to his own life, among a string of foul oaths blistering his ears as she called him every nasty name he had ever heard, and then some he had never heard before at all.


He sighed, wishing he could tell her that this was not his own act, that her uncle had ordered the deed to be carried out. He knew she would not believe a word he uttered, so he saved his breath and remained silent. This was the first day into their journey and already Shelif prayed for strength. With five full days to go before they reached his brother‟s lands, he hoped the ropes which bound the fiery demon would last that long. He shook his head and ignored her words, turning his back to her as he squatted down before the small fire, pulling a piece of meat from the rabbit‟s bones. He knew he would be a dead man right now if her hands were free and he was thankful he had bound her as he had. “Are you not going to acknowledge what I have said to you?” It irritated Aleash that the knight had tied the ropes expertly around her wrists, leaving no room for escape, but what provoked her rage more so was the fact he had dismissed her so rudely. Shelif closed his eyes and stilled the harsh words that sprang to his tongue. “My lady, I am sorry for your plight, but I bought you fair and you are now my property. So if it is my head you would want, then I must deny you your request. I like my head fine where it is and I have no intensions of losing it any time soon.”


He paused as he turned to her, narrowing his own eyes at her while giving her the promise of his own retribution to come if any foolery were to be dealt to him from her own hands. “So be warned, my lady, my patience grows thin and I will not tolerate insolence of any kind. This is your quandary now, so have a care how you treat your master or you may find yourself sold to someone far worse and uncaring than I.” Aleash clamped her mouth shut lest he make good upon his threat. Damn the man! If she saw the opportunity to get away from him, she would most assuredly take it. And then Shelif the Wolf would be the hunted prey! Settling herself against the tree, she kept her sharp eyes upon him, watching every move he made. He was a brute of a man, but the most darkly handsome she had seen in a very long time. His hair was braided to hang down his back to his waist and she could see that he kept it clean and neat, not like some of the other knights her uncle housed. He wore a sleeveless tunic in royal blue that reached just past his hips and black hose with knee high black leather boots which encased and emphasized every honed muscle the man had in his legs. His mighty sword hung from his side and she knew the piece, in all probability, outweighed her by at least fifty or more pounds. He was beefy, undeniably the most powerfully built man she had ever seen, but she detected a kindness in him,


one she had not figured out as of yet. She had seen the emotion in his pale blue eyes, knowing compassion was not an asset any warrior held. That virtue was practically unheard of in any of the knights she had had the misfortune to know. She sighed as she closed her eyes and tried to rest, for it sounded as if the journey was to be a long one. With any luck, she would be confined for a day…mayhap two.

It had been a long four days. The demon-woman in Shelif‟s charge had been nothing but trouble since the very day they started the journey. She had bitched, she had moaned and she had complained about everything from the time the sun rose till the time it set and beyond. Never had he been so frustrated, nor so misfortunate in all his life! Shelif‟s head had pounded for the past two days since the wench had tried to knock him out with a sharp jab to his temple from the tough boots she wore upon her demon hooves. Once he had gotten his bearings about him after the unexpected blow, he had tried to take her boots, only to find himself with a busted bottom lip, along with a black eye from the additional assault upon his


person. She had somehow managed to get her ankles unbound and had kicked him with a deadly force, once again, that had sent him reeling. Becoming enraged, Shelif had then bound her wrists to her ankles from behind, after confiscating the deadly weapons she wore upon her feet, leaving only enough slack in the ropes for her to sit uncomfortably on her destrier. He had gagged her as well, hoping to still the forked tongue in her mouth which shouted foul curses at him. For good measure, he had placed a black piece of cloth over her eyes so she would be disoriented enough not to attack him again. She had ensued no further attacks since that day, but the knowledge did not help his aching head. He fleetingly thought she had crushed his skull to a degree which had bone shards pressing in upon his brain, but he dismissed the thought as, by the fifth day, the painful throb had ebbed somewhat and had eventually dissipated altogether. Now as he sat next to the fire that eve, staring as the yellow flames licked hungrily over the pieces of dried wood he had just put into the embers, Shelif wondered if his brother would send him away, refusing to take in the woman. He sighed as he rubbed his eyes. Nay, he would not stay another six days with her again. He would tell Scorpion to deliver her


back to her uncle himself and he would be gone to the south, finding a new home to divest himself of her company once and for all. Shelif looked over at her sleeping form as she leaned against the trunk of a nearby tree, wondering if perhaps she was this wild and untamed in her bed. He grinned when he thought of her taming. If anyone could do the taming, it would be his brother. But somehow, he did not think that Scorpion would welcome this delectable diversion. He would need to entice his brother to the woman‟s stunning attributes and pray Scorpion would agree to the arrangement which the king had demanded. He hoped it would be so.


Chapter Two

Lord Scorpion was not about his castle when his brother arrived with his baggage. Halting a servant in the great hall, Shelif demanded a solitary chamber which had no windows, only one entrance and the door must lock from the outside. His request was accommodated quickly and a small storage room was provided to him below in the dungeon. The dungeon was not what he would like to call his first choice of where to put the woman, for no matter her hellion ways, she still was of regal bearing, but he thought the accommodations would suffice for the present time. Once stowing Aleash, kicking and screaming, into the small storage chamber and bolting the door from the outside, he leaned against the thick wooden panel and sighed with relief. This had been a trying ordeal and he now needed sleep in the worst way. Having to keep his eyes upon the woman all day and night had worn his patience thin and had flared his fury with even the most mundane tasks he had set about doing. The entire folly had more than likely been the wench‟s intent from the beginning.


Going above to the great hall, Shelif found another servant and inquired as to when his brother would return. The small servant woman informed him Lord Scorpion would not return until the next day as he had been called upon to help a neighboring keep which had had problems with thieving bandits of late. Satisfied that Aleash would be fine with her current accommodations for the time being, Shelif went to the chamber he had been directed to by the servant, asking not to be disturbed for anything other than for his brother‟s return. He also requested Aleash be feed three times daily and cautioned the servant to heed his warning well, under no circumstances was her door to be opened. All meals would need to be slid under her door upon parchment paper, if they had the means to do so, lest she use the serving platter as a deadly weapon upon her release. He demanded no knives, forks or spoons of any kind be given to her as well. She could eat with her fingers for all her cared! He sealed his demand by putting the only key to her holding chamber into a small pocket of his hose before he shut the door to his compartment with a harsh bang. Falling upon the bed as he cursed her willful hide, Shelif was literally asleep before he hit the comfortable feather-filled tick, sleeping for one


whole day before the sounds of screeching below woke him suddenly from his slumber on the next eve. Pulling the sword from his side as he unbolted the door to his chamber hurriedly, Shelif rushed down the steps to the great hall and skidded to a halt at the scene before him. Aleash had somehow managed to escape from the storage room and now held a hefty rusted sword to the throat of a rather large warrior, demanding to be brought her destrier. The look in her eyes were wild, to say the least, but she appeared to look no worse for ware as she blindly wielded her sword about her like a mad woman, suddenly releasing the warrior as he fell to his knees in horror when her sword nicked lightly across his throat, drawing blood. Shelif sheathed his sword as he crossed his arms over his barrel chest and viewed her through narrowed eyes. She was absolutely beautiful in her ire and he had to applaud her efforts of escape, however menial they were. She would likely not get very far in her flight. Aleash pointed the rusted, pathetic excuse for a sword in Shelif the Wolf‟s direction when she caught sight of him. “You bastard! I dare you to take another step toward me!” Shelif raised his hands in surrender. “My lady, I will not try to stop you from taking your leave. If you must go, then I say to you, go! But I must


warn you of…certain barriers…which will bar your path.” His brother, Lord Scorpion, had just appeared in the doorway, watching the exchange with mild interest. The twinkle of humor in Shelif‟s blue eyes made Aleash pause as to the reason and meaning. “Well…good! I did not want to cause such a riff, but I must be on my way.” She did smile sweetly at him then. “And my uncle shall hear of this deed. It will be your head, sir, preferably by my own sword!” Shelif felt a chill go down his spine as he took the lady‟s words to heart, for he knew she would see her threat through and was perfectly capable of serving his head on a silver platter. But his smug smile returned when he saw his brother lean against the jamb of the main door and cross his own arms over his chest, grinning at the woman. The lord of the castle filled the doorway with his width and his height, a brooding structure to be reckoned with for sure. The light from outdoors illuminated his body from behind, making him appear to be some type of heavenly creature. But that misconception would quickly be tossed away once the gaze from his sapphire eyes settled upon his unsuspecting victim. Not even the small smile that graced his lips could be called a pleasurable notion where this man was concerned.


Scorpion shifted next to the doorjamb, leaning his shoulder against the hard wood. He raised his brows at the woman whose backside faced him enticingly. She wore men‟s hose and a long sleeved tunic in a deep crimson color which hugged her curves to perfection, but her feet bore no shoes. Her hair was a whisper-soft blonde, curling around her hips with subtle tantalizing movements as she held an old rusted sword steadily at his brother. He nearly laughed out loud at the hilarity of the situation, but he found that the woman intrigued him. He could not wait to view her face, for if it was anything like her back side, he would certainly be a lost soul. He grinned at his brother across the great hall as he raised his brows, waiting for the inviting bit of female to turn his way. Aleash felt a presence behind her before she had the opportunity to turn and make her escape. Ah, so this barbarian knight thought to take her unawares? Not likely! Spying a table out of the corner of her eye situated next to her only exit to the outside world, she leapt upon the table top suddenly, maneuvering herself in such a way to view both of the dolts who tried to keep her in ropes which bound her from freedom. The bright light illuminating from the door was nearly blinding and all she could make out was an enormous figure leaning casually upon the


doorjamb. He was massive, a god-like figure that beckoned her to come to him, sapping the strength from her body, it seemed, and making her mind lose what little control she had within. She narrowed her eyes suddenly as she pointed her sword in his direction, snapping herself out of the near dream-like state, all the while keeping a close watch on Shelif the Wolf who now lounged in a nearby chair as if he had not a care in the world. “You there! Step into the hall and make yourself known!” Scorpion‟s grin widened when he saw her leap upon the table, immediately pointing her sword at him in a threatening way. Ah, she was as lovely as he anticipated, more so than any other he had seen and he felt himself grow hard with his desire instantaneously. She was a tantalizing site, to be sure, and he felt the urgent need to bury himself deep within her heat. She was unlike any of the eager females he had bedded before; the very air around her emanating her quick wit, her exotic sensuality. Pushing himself from the door and telling himself he did so not by her demand but from the mere curiosity of seeing her a bit more clearly, Scorpion stepped into the hall, keeping his eyes upon her lovely face. He tried to swipe the grin from his lips as he stood before her, viewing the front side of her delectable body with eager eyes. The tunic she sported had a deep cut in the center and try as he might, his eyes could only focus upon


the generous display of breasts that screamed out to him, vying for his attentions. He could clearly see her nipples, which stood erect; hardened nubs under the thin crimson material. His mouth watered in anticipation of taking those nubs and suckling joyfully upon each one, leisurely and delicately. “Who are you, sir?” Aleash wanted to smash her fists into the handsome face of the brute before her as he ogled her chest with what she could only sum up to be a vulgar display of hunger. She felt her nipples harden under his intense gaze and she cursed her body‟s reaction to the gorgeous warrior. Her grip tightened upon the hilt of her sword, trying not to lose herself in the most striking shade of blue eyes she had ever seen. Scorpion pulled his eyes, with effort, from her breasts and finally settled his gaze upon her face. She was breathtaking, unlike any other piece of female ass he had ever seen. Her beauty was rare indeed and he wondered briefly just what his brother‟s purpose with this one had been. “I am the lord here, my lady, so I would suggest you lower the weapon you have trained upon my heart.” The deep sounding authority in his voice reverberated off the rafters from above, ultimately demanding a peaceful resolve to the situation. Or else.


Aleash grinned at him, the rumbling tone of his voice sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. She took a moment to appraise his person, noting that she dealt with no ordinary man. This one was muscled, looking to be the breadth of a table and stand as tall as a tree. His hair was long and dark, hanging unbound to his waist in waves of silk that promised the most tantalizing sensations when touched. When he cleared his throat suddenly, her eyes darted back to his own, her mouth still holding its grin and wishing she had the leisure to view the remainder of his assets. “I do hope you enjoy what you see. Feel free to taste the commodities you have observed…if you please.” The softly spoken words brought a small laugh from Aleash as she lowered her sword, thinking she may be ale to talk reason with the handsome warrior. “I would, sir, but I think I should at least know your name first.” Her grin was infectious as she saw his smile widen. He bowed formally before her, allowing his eyes to rake boldly over her luscious form as he came to his full height once again. His gaze dared to issue her a challenge of sensual play, even as he crossed his arms over his solid chest once again. “I am Lord Scorpion and it would seem you are a guest in my castle. Now, my lady, if you would be so kind as to tell me who


you are? Or mayhap we could bypass the formalities…and I can take you straight to my bed.” Aleash had never allowed many effects to astonish her, but his words and the mention of who he was, had her mouth hanging open in a state of unbelievable amazement. Had she heard him correctly? She shook her head and closed her mouth, thinking he meant to shock her into silence. She could play this game as well as any man. “Nice effort, my handsome warrior, but if it is a game of lust you want, then who am I to deny the Scorpion? Your prowess in the art of love is known far and wide in these lands. But I am curious. Is it true that your sex member is as big as I have heard it is? Long, hard and being a true warrior‟s weapon, giving great pleasure to any woman whom you decide meets your fancy at any given moment?” It was Scorpion‟s turn to have his mouth hanging open at her saucy question. He gathered his bearings quickly, giving her a quick grin. “Ah, so I see you want to play, eh? That is fine with me. I love to play with the wenches. And as an answer to your bold inquiry, I must tell you I have never had one complaint from any of my conquests.” “Indeed, I‟ve no reason to doubt your arrogant words, but this wench may not be so willing to give in to your wiles, no matter how handsome you


are.” She smiled at him as she put the tip of her sword in the tabletop and leaned over the hilt her hands rested upon. She knew she afforded him an excellent view of her breasts which fairly burst out of her tunic right before his ravenous gaze. She nearly laughed in his eager face. “However, I must decline your offer. I was just about to take my leave before you came into the hall. Mayhap some other time, hum?” Scorpion grinned as the invitation was laid out before him, ripe for the taking. “Fair lady, I may not be willing to let you take leave of my castle until I have tasted your treats, so do not tempt me, my sweet.” He gave a short laugh and eyed her with interest. She was truly delectable. “Nay, in fact, I believe I will keep you here with me until which time I decide your…services…are no longer needed.” Scorpion came at her quickly before she could respond in kind at his offhanded remark. He grasped the spitfire around the waist and pulled her into his strong embrace as his lips set hungrily upon hers. Desire shot through his veins like a driving liquid heat, blazing into his already hard member, encouraging his hard cock to throb with wanting and urgent need. He was on fire with just this simple, single gesture and he could not wait to taste what other tantalizing nectar she held as he delved his tongue into her mouth.


Aleash felt the fire burn into her stomach as his lips touched her own. Scorpion kissed with the expertise she had heard about, but even with that knowledge of him, it still did not prepare her for the pleasure the onslaught of his tongue brought her as it pressed fully into her mouth. Oh, he was skilled in this art of love, she could tell just by how he used his lips to manipulate her into wrapping her arms around his neck and holding tightly, pulling a deep moan of lust from her chest. His hair felt like silk against her fingertips and his tongue did wonderful things to her insides, making her wish fleetingly it would lave softly over her wet pussy. She felt hot, felt herself spiraling toward a wellknown place, liking how he ran his hands along her back to finally cup her bottom with a gently squeezing motion. She felt him pull her forward into his hard length, his intent obviously stated. A leash found she liked what he did to her; all of it. What woman would not…for this was Lord Scorpion, the most reputed, notorious lover in all the land. Scorpion heard himself groan with the desire he felt for her as he picked her up into his arms, intending on carrying her to his chamber. However, the voice of his brother interrupted his intent slightly. “Scorpion! We must speak!”


Scorpion tore his lips from the woman‟s as she lay weakly in his arms, groaning as she tried to pull his mouth back to her own. He ground his teeth in frustration as his eyes set angrily upon his brother. “Shelif, I am sure that this can wait, brother!” Shelif the Wolf grinned. “Nay, it can not. We must speak. Now.” Scorpion groaned and slowly slid the woman down the length of his body until her feet touched the floor. Even with his own height, he found that she was a tall woman, coming up to his chin, and her generous breasts pressed lusciously against his chest. Never had a woman teased his senses like this, to the point of madness it seemed, and he found his want of her increased dramatically. Aleash settled her passion lit gaze upon him with a lure of seduction clearly written in her eyes. She moved the tip of her tongue slowly over her bottom lip in obvious invitation to what she now blatantly offered to him. The man was just too gorgeous for his own good and now she felt the heat within her belly spiraling lower to entice herself with an image of what he could give to her. She pulled his head slowly back down to her own with a soft moan, anticipating what was to come. “Scorpion…”


His brother‟s voice hounded into his ears once again and Scorpion sighed, looking over to Shelif, but not willing to release the woman as of yet. “Set her from you, Scorpion, and converse with me. I have a great deal to tell you.” Shelif raised his brows at his brother, waiting for him to release the woman. “And I suggest you put her back in the storage room below, lest she take flight and be gone from here before you can know what has happened.” Aleash let go of Scorpion‟s shoulders and took a step back, suddenly realizing she had acted no better than a whore, giving in to his heated ministrations willingly.

She narrowed her eyes at him accusingly.


demand to be released from this place so I may go back to my own home!” She made a move to brush past him, but he caught her around the waist once again and hauled her next to his hard chest. Her eyes looked angrily up at him as she struggled against him, nearly allowing herself to slip once again into the velvet allure of his seduction which shone brightly within the depth of his eyes. “You will go nowhere until I say so.” Scorpion whispered the words next to her lips, wanting to kiss her thoroughly once more. “I will put you back in the storage room for now…but this eve you will spend in my chamber above…with me as your most eager host.”


Aleash felt desire wash through her veins like molten heat and she gasped at her own wicked thoughts. Oh, dear God above! Besides the fact that she actually wanted those attentions he had whispered to her, she refused to be treated this way. Immediately stiffening her body within the confines of his tight grip, she began to struggle against his hard body once again. “I will not be taken below and tethered to a pole like some thieving riff-raff awaiting trial! Let me go now and I will save your hide when my uncle hears of this.” “Nay, I think not. I said you would stay here until I deem it otherwise.” Scorpion shouted over his shoulder for two guards, who came running to their lord‟s demand. He grinned as his men hauled the delectable woman down to the lower level as she kicked and screamed, cursing his soul to hell. He laughed outright as he turned to his brother. “Tell me, Shelif, where did you get such a treasure? She is a true gem! Of course, she needs a little polishing, but she is a very fascinating piece and I would wager she holds a true delight for any man between her thighs!” Shelif grinned as well. “Aye, she is a treasure, but I must caution you on her nasty demeanor. She will chew you up and spit you out with no blink of her eye. She is vicious and most likely will try to cut your heart out


as you sleep.” He knew he should not be telling his brother the inevitable, but he felt the need to warn Scorpion against future harm. “I would wager she is a handful, a very delectable handful, as I have already felt for myself. Her beauty is astounding!” Scorpion placed his hand upon his hips as he smiled. “I will buy her from you. How much do you want for her?” Shelif laughed at his brother‟s eagerness. “Ho! You know nothing about her and you wish to purchase her? Come now, Scorpion! I have never known you to be so insensible in your spending before.” Scorpion shrugged one broad shoulder. “I want her. She is like a breath of fresh air and the woman I have now are growing stagnant. I am due for a change and I know she will more than suit my lusty needs just fine.” Shelif nearly choked at his brother‟s words, but managed to at least keep a straight face. Oh, Scorpion had no idea what he was asking for! “I do not own her, but her uncle has asked this favor of me.” “What is the favor?” Intrigued, Scorpion raised his brows, waiting for an explanation on the luscious piece of ass that he found to be very much to his shameless liking.


“He simply wants to keep her out of trouble and to keep her safe, „tis all. He asked me to take her for a period of one year, mayhap a while longer, so his keep can return to normal. She is an exceptional beauty, as you have seen for yourself and her uncle wants to clear his keep of lovesick swains who all have the intent of taking her to wife. They have quite bombarded him and he wishes for her to be kept in my care until it is safe for her to return to him. So you can see his dilemma. I can hardly keep her from harm where I am presently staying…so he thought mayhap she could stay here…with you…for a time.” Shelif hoped the hurried explanation would be all Scorpion would ask of him. If not, he would need to tell him who she is…and more importantly, who her uncle is. He deliberately left out the king‟s demand for Scorpion to do this deed, knowing his brother would balk at such a request…even if it were from his liege. Knowing Scorpion like he did, he doubted even the lust Scorpion held for the ripe young woman would be able to sway him on the stipulate any more than the hag who lived in the small village nearby. His brother just did not take commands. From anyone. Scorpion settled his eyes upon his brother, not liking the fact that so many suitors were after the woman‟s sweet little tail. He was not sure why he felt like ripping the heads off of each and every one of the swains, but he


did not dwell on the issue for very long as his mind drifted back to holding the fascinating piece in his arms. Ah, she would make for one smooth ride on a trip of sensual delights! His mouth watered at the imagined taste of her wet pussy upon his tongue and he refrained himself from rushing down stairs to gather her within his arms once more. Scorpion envisioned her long, tantalizing legs wrapping with eagerness around his waist, throwing her head back with delicious erotic abandon as he sank his hard cock deep within the hot, wet folds of her waiting pussy. Shaking himself back to the present with a sigh, he cleared his throat, trying to tamp down the immense passion she had brought out in him. “Shelif, what do you want for her. Name your price…I care not what it is. I must have her.” Shelif sighed as he shook his head. His brother was not even listening to him. Mayhap that was for the best. He murmured an outrageous price, thinking his brother would balk and say him nay, but instead, Scorpion clapped him gleefully upon his broad back and called for his personal servant, Osmere, to fetch the agreed upon coin posthaste. “Come! Let us have a bit of wine to celebrate our transaction!” Scorpion could hardly wait to taste the treat he had bought, knowing she


would give him trouble aplenty, but he also knew the little goddess would give him much pleasure in his bed as well. Shelif hesitantly followed his brother into his private meeting chamber and settled into a chair across a wide oak table from him. Taking a sip of the delicious wine set before him in an elaborate jewel encrusted goblet, he sighed heavily, knowing that he must tell all to his brother. He must or he would face the wrath when Scorpion found out who the wench is in truth. He could not deceive his brother in such a way. Not even for the sake of his king‟s demand. “Scorpion, I must tell you more about Aleash.” A grin split Scorpion‟s handsome face at the sound of her name. “Aleash, is it? Well, do tell, Shelif! I would know all about her. Tell me everything.” He settled back into his chair, waiting for his brother to speak. He ran his long fingers along the length of his goblet, envisioning the soft skin of her pussy beneath his touch. He could hardly wait for the moment when he would finally feel the lusciousness of her flesh, nor could he wait to lick over the tight buds of her nipples with his tongue. He cleared his throat softly as he reluctantly brought his attention back to Shelif, trying to push the thoughts of the woman from his mind. He grinned at the absurdity of the situation, but rather liked the idea of finally


finding a woman to match his own lusts. He knew he had found the one he had longed for. He felt it when he held her in his arms just moments before, and he saw it burning deep within her lovely eyes. “Aleash is a different breed of woman, as you have seen for yourself. Her beauty has gotten her numerous requests for her hand in marriage, but her uncle has denied each and every offer.” Shelif took a sip of his wine as he pondered the reasoning for that. The king, nor his young wife Edina, obviously wanted any of their own kinsmen to wed the woman, no doubt for fear of them dumping her off on their doorstep after a few days had past. Nay, that would make it impossible for them to be rid of her presence once and for all, if that reason be the king‟s true objective in the matter. His suspicions told him that was exactly the reasoning behind this whole ordeal, as absurdly ridiculous as it was. He sighed and set his goblet down on the table top in front of him. “Herein is the situation which was set unwillingly before me, so listen well. She is a bothersome wench, constantly in some sort of trouble or another and a hellion in her own right. She is a demon, sent from hell to make life pure agony for any who have association with her.


She is wild and

untamed…and she needs a strong hand to settle her ways, as per her uncle‟s request.” Scorpion raised his brows as he conjured up the image of her leaping upon his table, sword at the ready. Hellion, aye, he could see that, but a demon? Nay, he doubted his brother‟s words, for a woman such as she was made for loving, to taste, and to fuck! To enjoy her treasures to the fullest would be any man‟s desire. He grinned. “Tell me who this uncle is, Shelif. I can not imagine any relative tossing her aside like some discarded belongings. There has to be more to this matter, perhaps more than you know…or perhaps more than you are willing to advise me of.” Shelif cleared his throat as he reached for his goblet once again and downed the entire contents in one loud gulp. He placed the goblet back upon the table as his eyes connected with his brother‟s. “Her uncle is King Ebinar.” Scorpion‟s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward in his chair. “What? Are you telling me that she is the niece of the king?” He had heard many tales of this woman; never having seen her himself, but obviously what he had heard was indeed true. Her beauty far outshined any other woman across these lands, for he had played witness to that himself. She was rumored to


be a witch, enticing men to her wiles as she danced for them in erotic abandon, setting upon them a trance which could never be broken. Shelif nodded, praying that his brother would not deny him. Surprisingly, Scorpion did not utter another word of intended denial on taking the woman into his keep, so he continued on, encouraged by the silence. “The king requests that you watch and protect the woman, tame her, if you want to know his exact wording.” Scorpion laughed out loud, a deep rich sound which carried throughout the chamber. When his eyes settled upon his brother once more, he nodded. “So, the king has finally called upon Lord Scorpion for services? Am I to be delighted he has chosen me for this solitary task? Dear God, to tame a hellion woman? Tell me it is not so, even though the thought be pleasing! Is this the best he can do?” Shelif would not exactly call the thought a pleasing one, but he would let his brother call it what he liked. “He chose you because he feels you are the one who will deliver her a strong hand and ease the wildness from her. He especially wants your protection for her. When the men who pine away for her affections learn where she is, the king feels your stronghold will be able to keep the eager swains at bay.


If your reputation does not do the deed, of course. I have my doubts if any man would be foolhardy enough to cross over yon threshold and demand the woman from the likes of you. However, there is always the possibility, you understand.” “And if I deny him? What then?” Scorpion stood from his chair posing a foreboding figure as he paced across the chamber, looking at his brother as he went. “Am I to believe this task is an honor, bestowed upon me by our king whom does not ever acknowledge I exist until this day? He has a need for me to give guardianship to his own niece, to keep her safe from all men who wish to taste her charm?” His words had become bitter then, knowing he would crack the skulls of any man who dared to touch her with lustful intensions in mind…other than himself, of course. It burned the inside of his stomach to think there were hundreds, maybe thousands, of other men who mirrored his own thoughts in fantasizing about what lie between her legs. His anger increased slightly as he realized she may find another more to her liking other than himself. He would be damned if that would come to pass. The thought surprised him, but he tossed it aside as his anger continued to grow. Now


was not the time to analyze any of the specifics regarding her likes nor dislikes. “It is King Ebinar‟s request, Scorpion. He would not have chosen you if he did not think you could take the task to hand. I believe he trusts your judgment to cultivate her in any way you see fit. He has asked nothing of you before and his hope was this matter would be seen through…by you, naturally.” Shelif held his breath as he waited for his brother to ponder his words. Scorpion thought of the beauty in his dungeon and a trivial smile lit his handsome features suddenly. She was a nagging image in his mind, one which he must taste to be rid of. If his king wanted him to protect his niece…and tame the wench as he saw fit, then so be it. There was no demand of how the wench should be returned to her uncle. He knew of an exceptionally superior way to domesticate any woman he had ever been in contact with, turning them all into purring pussies with ease! Turning back to his brother, his anger totally dissipated now, he raised his own goblet in his acceptance, thinking the sensual bit of ass in his dungeon would be handled accordingly…how he thought best! And when he had had his fill of her, he would assign one of his men to take on the task of her protector and keep her in line.


Chapter Three

Aleash pondered her situation as she sat on a barrel in the dark storage room. The only light in the small chamber was filtering through the cracks in the thick wood of the door and it barely lit enough for her to see her hand in front of her face, much less afford her the luxury of observing her surroundings. She sighed as she pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her folded legs as she rested her chin upon one knee. If this situation were not so severe, it would be quite amusing. Imagine, her in Scorpion Castle, with the most handsome of men as her host! Well, mayhap not her host…but he had nearly laid her out with the kiss he had given her a few moments before. He was a very skilled warrior, she was certain, in the art of battle and of love. He had tossed out every feasible image in her mind, save for him alone, and had left her breathless and weak, wanting to eagerly spread her legs to his delectable rutting. She let a smile play about her lips as she recalled the rich feel on his body next to her own. Ah, the rumors she had heard about this man were certainly the truth and somehow his actions toward her had not scared her in the least. She had actually enjoyed them, wanted them.


She laughed aloud to the dark and quiet room, thinking about the man who had ravaged her thoughts as he ravaged her mouth. The mere thought of what he had done to her sent the fingers of a deep desire filtering through her body, making her pussy wet and hungry for more of the same. Would it be so bad to desire the same man she had heard a million and one women whisper about? Would she herself be able to regale her own images of him lying naked against her as she sucked greedily upon his hard and throbbing cock? Her eyes widened and she felt her face go aflame as the deliciously evil images ran rampant inside her head. Even though she had not said a word, the thought of this erotic act brought shame to her heart for even thinking of the deed…but how could one not help but think about the man? Or to perform delicious acts of sexual fantasies with him? She groaned aloud and decided she needed to put her mind on something else, lest she find herself banging on the door, shouting a deplorable demand that he fuck her until the cocks crow the beginning of a new day. She sighed. There was no use in denying herself. Aye, she wanted him, wanted to feel his hard cock buried deep inside of her, wanted to wrap her legs around his waist as he forcefully pumped into her, aided by the slick desire she felt even now.


Ah, the desire was swirling widespread through her mind and body now, making her breath quicken with the sharp images of his lean, rigid body, his too handsome face, his hard throbbing cock which she had felt against her thigh. She closed her eyes and allowed the image to take over her mind, not wanting to struggle with the denial any longer. The delicious metaphors of him looming over her, thrusting his hard pulsing cock of his into her hot, wet pussy was a thought that demanded immediate restitution…

Scorpion unlocked the door quietly and peered into the storage chamber, holding the small tallow candle in front of him. What greeted his vision had his lust raging and his manhood throbbing in a matter of a heartbeat. There his goddess was, sitting atop a barrel of rum with her eyes closed and a pleasurable look upon her beautiful face. But what had gained his immediate attention and had his length pulsing with unyielding need was what she was doing to herself. He licked his lips in anticipation as a small groan of desire escaped his mouth. Aleash slowly massaged the soft pink folds of her pussy as she moaned out softly. She had pulled her hose down to her knees and had her


legs spread as far apart as she could get them, thinking of the man she longed to have. She had placed a hand in between her thighs, swirling over and over her wetness, even dipping her fingers inside of herself to further her enjoyment. The images which scattered through her mind were heated and sensual…and only of the Scorpion who had teased her beyond her normal reason… The candle afforded scarcely any light, but as he shut the door quietly behind him, Scorpion decided he did not need much light for what he was about to feast upon. Only his sense of taste was what he needed at this very moment. He breathed in deeply and inhaled her delicious scent, a scent that he knew would taste as good as it smelled. Scorpion set the candle and holder down upon the dirt floor as he walked slowly toward her, seeing the glistening nectar of her desire upon her fingers as she continued to caress the soft, silken folds of her center. He heard her small moans of pleasure as it encased around him. Again he licked his lips as his cock throbbed heatedly inside his hose. Scorpion stood before her and watched in fascination as she dipped her fingers into herself with another soft moan, over and over again, hearing the wet noise of her luscious plundering loud and clear in the quiet of the room. And when she whispered his name, his manhood swelled even


further, if that were possible, throbbing with the knowledge she thought of him as her fingers moved with slow, deliberate ease into her silken sheath. He grasped her wrist then, hearing her gasp of fright as his eyes met hers. Scorpion drew her hand up to his mouth slowly as he placed the finger she had just pulled from herself into his mouth, feeling the heat of her body as they touched his lips. He ran his tongue along the length, tasting the sweetest nectar he had ever tasted from any woman he had lain with, closing his eyes to savor the succulent flavor. He let go of her first finger, moving on to the next, and then the next, until he had licked every finger clean of the desire she held for him. His eyes met hers once again and he clearly saw the yearning that lit her lovely face. For a second time this day, he saw her open invitation unmistakably spoken without the utter of any words. Aleash looked at Scorpion with wide eyes, unsure of what she should do. He had caught her unawares, pleasuring herself, trying to rid her mind of his delicious image and now he stood before her, as if conjured up mentality, to tease her senses even further. The tenderness of his tongue moved ever so slowly over her skin, giving her the sensation of near breathlessness and a deep unstated lust.


Aleash felt no embarrassment of his invasion of her privacy, if an invasion of her privacy was indeed what it was, feeling nothing but the rich feel of his tongue, wishing it were her pussy he licked ever so slowly. Trickles of pulsing desire were sent rushing through her soul and she allowed a small moan to escape her lips softly. Scorpion settled her hand against her side as he reached out his own hand to trail his fingers over the heated wetness of her pussy that lay in wait for his pleasure. He leaned forward and brought his lips to her own, drinking in the eagerness of the passion she held. He pulled his hose down as he continued to caress her center, delving a finger into the velvety softness, feeling her pulse softly around him. She grasped his wrist to set his hand in a rhythm she wanted, pulling his hot fingers from her depth and running them over her swelled clit softly before she plunged them deep inside of herself once again. After a few moments of this pleasure, she looked at him as she pulled his fingers from her pussy and began to pull his hips toward her instead with eager anticipation. Scorpion let out his own groan of satisfaction as the tip of his manhood found her smoothness, dipping into her heat as he let out a sigh of relief. Ah, she felt better than he had ever imagined. Her wet, hot liquid


surrounded him, the luscious heat filling his mind with the sensations of the true pleasures to come. Aleash raised her hips up slightly, feeling him enter her with only half of his length, but wanting so much more. She pulled off the right leg of her hose, scooting further against him, finally encasing the whole of him within her. She grasped his hard ass and pulled him closer, hearing his groan of pleasure as he slid further into her. She raised her knees to his waist, wrapping her legs around him and locking her ankles behind his back. Her breath was hot on his cheek as she kissed him tenderly, rolling her tongue over to his ear. Her whispered pleas of wicked intent went unanswered for the longest time as she begged him to fuck her faster, until he suddenly thrust into her with a soft moan, grinding his hips next to hers. Scorpion felt her hands upon his back, felt her tear into his flesh with her fingernails, as she pulled him closer, rotating her hips enticingly. His thrusts became fevered then, as she delved her hand between them and cupped his tight balls within her palm, squeezing softly, gently. He let out the breath he had been holding, concentrating on the wondrous woman who spread out before him like a flower. Her moans mingled with his own and he closed his eyes to gather in the heat she gave to him, breathing in the intoxicating scent which was hers


alone. He grasped her hips, pulling her forward harshly, thinking he might have acted too rough in his haste, but he felt her pulse around him tightly as she found her release with the motion. She wrapped her arms around his neck, finding his lips as she delved her tongue inside his mouth, mimicking the thrusts he delivered to her from below. She felt the silk of his hair, the ripples of his muscled shoulders beneath her palms and sighed as the last of her pulsing diminished, leaving in its wake a powerful urge for more. She grasped his hips again, pulling him into her with a force that had his breath exhaling from his body harshly against her cheek. Scorpion give a small laugh at her eagerness and then a loud groan as he began to thrust wildly into her hot center again, his thumb finding her clit and massaging gently as his fervor heightened once more. It sent chills down his spine at how quickly she had brought him to this state, not wanting to lose the delicious sensations which now pulsed erratically through his body. His release had come of a sudden, giving him hardly any time to savor the ejaculation of his seed into her willing sheath. But it was different this time. The pleasure of the release seemed as if it kept going on and on until he did not think he had another drop left within himself to spew forth. She


continued on with her movements, as did he for the span of what seemed only a few moments, until the pulsing of her center brought on another brash onslaught of rippling heat over his length. He felt her fire, heard her soft cry of pleasure and felt himself spiraling into the wild sedation of spent longing, bringing a harsh cry to his lips as he brought his mouth crashing down upon her own. His tongue wildly searched the inside of her mouth, feeling her own tongue snake around his with long laving strokes, sucking upon him, feeling her breasts thrust into his hard chest as she began to pulse around him yet again. Dear God, the woman was erotically insatiable! Coming to a slow hip grinding stop with labored breath and passion set deep in her eyes, Aleash looked at Lord Scorpion with a sensual smile, running her hands under his tunic, feeling his tight muscles bunch under her touch. She kissed him again, this time with a deep longing, ultimately craving what was yet to come. “You are a lusty wench! More so than any I have ever had.” Scorpion‟s smile was quick as he leaned back from her slightly, still trying to catch his own breath. Aleash grinned at him as she pulled his body closer to her own. He was still deep inside of her, still hard, so she rotated her hips enticingly.


“Lusty?” She raised her brows at him. “I would not have been so robust if you had not enticed me beyond mere reason, Lord Scorpion. The kiss above stairs certainly set my blood to a boil and had my pussy dripping wet within the span of mere seconds.” He laughed at her brazen words quietly as he brushed her hair from her forehead. “Ah, then it must have been an extension of my own lust, wench.” He cocked a brow at her as he kept his grin in place. “But I must tell you I was surprised.” “You were? What on earth were you surprised about?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, grinning at him still. “You are not a virgin.” She raised her brows at him in turn. “Neither are you.” He laughed again, a deep rich sound that rumbled in his chest. “Nay, I am not. But I had expected you to be.” “Why did you expect such a thing? Do you think it terrible a woman can love a man without condemnation? Without people thinking her a woman of ill repute? Women have passions as well, my lord, and sometimes when there are no men about…we gain our pleasure in other ways.” He shook his head. “Oh, do not think I did not enjoy your display! I found it to be rather…intoxicating and very well performed! „Tis something I


would like to witness again at my leisure. But now, as I have you wrapped well within my embrace, I must confess I am not ready to relinquish my hold upon you, nor these pleasurable acts you do for yourself. You are a fine piece of ass, better than any I have ever had and I am not willing to give you up just yet. I have finally found a lust to match my own!” “Until you tire of me, or you find someone else to take my place?” She laughed as she pushed him away playfully, setting her feet upon the dirt floor, bending at her waist to pull her hose into place. “Mayhap I shall tire of you long before that happens.” He growled deep within his throat as he grasped her breasts from behind, pulling her roughly against his chest. “Nay, wench, you will not. My plans are to keep you abed, to fill your mind and body with sensual cravings, none of which you have ever felt before. And those craving will be only for the scorpion‟s sting which I alone can give to you.” Aleash laughed as she twisted out of his embrace. “I doubt you could show me greater enticement than we have already had, my lord. What we just shared will be very hard to best.” She gave him a saucy smile. “Mayhap I have a few things I could teach to you…things which will have you begging me to fuck you again and again.”


He raised his brows at her teasing tone. “Just how many men have you been with, woman, to learn these sensual treats which you claim you will share with me as your eager student?” He was not sure he liked where this conversation was leading. Did he really want to know how many men had bedded her? “I can tell you that it has not been nearly the count of women you have been known to have. Your conquests shout out your prowess with half lidded gazes, as smiles touch their brightly painted lips.” She mockingly fluttered her eyelashes and touched the back of her hand to her forehead. Scorpion grinned at her exaggerated display of playing the besotted female. “And what do you feel, woman? Did I touch a part of you which you will remember, even as you sleep at night? Will you dream of me?” Aleash smiled, dropping her hand to her side. “You saw what I did when I thought of you. You literally caught me with my fingers in the honey pot. You had me so wet and heated, I would never have been able to satisfy the hunger I felt for you on my own. But I was giving it a good try, nonetheless. „Tis a good thing you came along when you did.” She bent down to straighten her hose and she heard him give a low growl of longing. Standing, she continued to smile at him. “Aye, I will dream of you, Lord Scorpion, for your sting has numbed my good intent and has left me weak.


Alas, I will leave here today knowing you are the lover I have been told you are. However, „tis a secret between us. I do not kiss and tell all.” “Aye, I am that lover you have known well this day my lovely lady, but you will not leave me this day.” Aleash narrowed her eyes in his direction, the smile which had graced her face fading. “Why not? You do not even know my name, nor do I wish to release it to you. Just let me go and I will live happily with this memory of you. Hopefully, you will do the same.” Scorpion shook his head as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Shelif has told me your name, Aleash. And I forbid you to go anywhere. You will stay with me.”


Chapter Four

Oh, the man was infuriating! Lord Scorpion refused to allow her to pass through the main door of his castle since she had been brought here three days ago. He watched her every move like a hawk which made her want to beat him black and blue. But what Aleash could not fathom was why he was totally insistent upon keeping her here with him. It was a mystery unto him, for he had not uttered a word about the issue, even when she brought up the subject. On the one occasion she did bring it up, he had filled her mind with other…more enticing…thoughts and actions, bringing great cries of sensual passion to her lips. She smiled as she remembered just that very morn how he had made her forget what she had even asked him while his hands played over her tingling flesh as if she were a finely tuned instrument. Shaking herself from the pleasurable thoughts, Aleash sighed heavily as she stood and looked out the windowpane of his chamber, wondering if there might be a slight chance if she could at least go outside to breathe some fresh air later this day.


Leaning on the rough stones surrounding the window, she peered out thinking she should just steel her heart to the man, not allowing him to pull her under his spell of lust and desire. She needed to leave this place and go back to her own home, doubting if she would have any say in the matter where Scorpion was concerned. In reality, he seemed to be adamant about the fact of keeping her abed, not allowing her to leave his chamber, which he had bolted from the outside. Hearing a key fit into the lock then, she turned hopefully at the sound, waiting for his large frame to fill the doorway. But, alas, it was not Scorpion this time. Osmere smiled warmly at the woman whom his master had bid him prepare a bath for. As he held the door wide to allow two young serfs to bring in a huge metal bathing tub, he walked over to the beauty and bowed before her. “Lady Aleash! „Tis an honor to finally greet you in person! I am Osmere, your humble servant and I shall be at your beck and call for any whim you may desire!” Aleash stared at the little man who barely reached her shoulders. His hair was a glossy black and kept neatly trimmed up to his ears. His face was endearing, like that of a child‟s and his smile was a brilliant white. She crossed her arms over her chest as she raised her brows at his over


exuberant display of cheerfulness. She decided to test him and see how far he would allow her desires to run. She wanted to find out if the allegiance to his master was strong. Mayhap she would find him a confidant and enlist his help for her escape. “I have a whim, if you please, Osmere.” “Oh, my lady! Anything which pleases you!” Aleash‟s lips twitched at his eagerness to please her, giving into the grin which had threatened to spring forth since the man walked into the chamber. “I wish for you to allow me to leave this castle before your lord returns. I shall pay you dearly for your efforts, if you would but aide me in this one request.” Osmere‟s smile faded a he regarded the woman with raised brows of his own. “Do you not like me then?” Puzzled, she nodded her head. “Aye, I think you to be very likable.” “Then why would you wish for Lord Scorpion to tear me limb from limb? That is what he would do if I were to honor your request!” “Nay, I did not mean-” He held up his hand to silence her. “No matter what you did not mean. He will do the deed within the span of a heartbeat if the act were to come to pass!”


Aleash looked at Osmere, astounded. He spoke to her as if he were the lord of this keep, making her wonder what his true station was. She started to speak again, but he silenced her once more. “My lady. You must understand my regret at not being able to help you in the notion of your escape. But ask me anything else.” He eyed her with a small smile. “Within reason, of course.” Aleash regarded him with narrowed eyes then, her heart plummeting at the denied request. Obviously Osmere‟s indebtedness to his master was vast. “I do not wish for anything at this time. If I think of something, I shall let you know posthaste.” Osmere bowed before her again, his wide smile easily slipping back into place. “As you wish. But before I go, tell me what it is you would like to have in your bath water. Do you wish for the scent of jasmine, roses perhaps?” This man went from one extreme to the next! Aleash sighed, deciding to appease the man in his quest to please her. “Jasmine would be fine.” She watched as he clapped his hands together twice and a lovely young woman stepped into the chamber carrying a glass decanter of liquid. Standing over the filled tub, the woman pulled the stopper and poured in a generous


stream of fragrant oil. The chamber filled with the scent, making her relax as she sat on the edge of the bed watching the woman. Aleash‟s eyes narrowed suddenly as she saw the woman snarl her lips at her when she turned to leave the chamber. Just as suddenly as the intended slight appeared, it was gone and the woman replaced the stopper quickly, stepping from the chamber hastily. As rapidly as it had happened, Aleash thought that mayhap she had imagined the look, but she did not think she had. It was hostile and menacing, making her think the woman may have been a past lover of Scorpion‟s. She shook her head. He probably had his castle crawling with the women he had had in his bed. “My lady. Do you wish for anything else?” “Aye. Tell me who that woman was?” “Her name is Maliz. Why do you ask?” “Judging by the look I got from her, I would wager to say she was one of the past lover‟s of your lord?” Osmere‟s eyes widened suddenly. “Did she disrespect you, my lady?” “Just answer the question, Osmere, and do away with the obedient servant‟s act. It does nothing for me, for I do not impress easily.” Aleash clamped her mouth shut, wanting to apologize for her harsh outburst but


knowing the little man more than likely appreciated her honesty by the humored look which now graced his face. Osmere laughed outright. “No wonder Lord Scorpion keeps you about! I bet you are a true joy to him!” He placed his hands upon his hips as he kept his grin in place. “And as for Maliz, I do not know if she has been bedded by Lord Scorpion or not. I try to keep my nose out of his affairs.” It was Aleash‟s turn to laugh. “Somehow I doubt that, Osmere. I think you know more than what you would lead me to believe.” She shrugged as she stood. “It matters not. Tell me, when do you suppose Scorpion will return?” “I would dare to say he will be here in a few hours. He needed to make a round of his lands. He is usually gone the whole day, but he did tell me to expect him back for the evening meal, which is most unusual. He normally does not return until after night has fallen.” Aleash nodded as a plan began to form in her head. Judging by the sun‟s position, she had at least three hours to find a way out of this castle. “Thank you, Osmere. I am looking forward to taking a long bath. Please make sure no one disturbs me.”


Scorpion‟s eyes widened as he saw a horse and rider take flight from the woods surrounding his castle. The black cloak rippled out behind the rider like great wings of doom and he wondered who it was that had taken their leave so quickly from his keep. His eyes narrowed suddenly as he got a sinking suspicion in the pit of his stomach. Nay, it could not be! Or could it? Had the swains figured out where Aleash was hidden already, coming in droves to his lands intending on taking his woman? He thought not! He was about to kick his destrier into a run toward his castle until he saw the hood of the cloak slip from the rider‟s head. Seeing the pale hair of Aleash billowing out behind her, Scorpion cursed lividly as he turned his mount toward the rider swiftly, making haste in his pursuit. Aleash thought she was finally free and clear of the castle and its leering eyes as she made her way quickly toward the east, bidding them all a sweet farewell. Kicking her destrier in the sides sharply, she allowed the wind to fill her ears as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She breathed deeply of the fresh air, thinking freedom never smelled this good! Scorpion was gaining on her quickly, knowing he would beat her for trying to get away from him. And he would give her an extra smack on that tight little ass of hers for making him run his destrier as hard as he did now. His lips curled into a humorless smile as he got within ten feet of her mount.


Aleash heard the thundering behind her and quickly turned her head in the direction as she opened her eyes. She blinked in fright as her eyes widened, seeing Lord Scorpion closing in on her quickly. Now where in the hell did he come from? With no time to think, she leaned over her mount‟s neck, spurring him on faster, digging her heels into his sides. Only it was a little too late. Scorpion came along side of her swiftly, reaching out to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her into his chest with a harsh thud. He drew back on the reins of his mount as she kicked and screamed, beating her fists against the iron band that held her. When one of her heels caught his destrier in the side sharply, the animal let out a scream and came to a sudden stop, bounding up on his hind legs as he reared in the air with his front hooves. This caused both Scorpion and Aleash to go tumbling off the animal, to land in a heap on the hard ground, putting them both dangerously close to the destrier‟s powerful hind hooves. Cursing, Scorpion rolled them away from the threat, tumbling them over each other for a few feet until they were out of harm‟s way, lying on their sides and facing one another.


Aleash tried to untangle her cloak from Scorpion‟s body, but to no avail. Her escape had been cut off completely as the material had been wound around his form as well as her own. She cursed as well, leaving a string of foul words echoing into the forest nearby. Scorpion slammed his hand into her back side and received minimal satisfaction from the yelp of pain coming from her mouth. Again and again he swatted at her until he thought he may have hurt her if he continued, so he managed to get to his feet, hauling her up in front of him as he did so. Grasping her shoulders until he thought he heard her bones crack, he shook her harshly. “What do you think you are doing, woman?” His breath was harsh in his struggles and his words were clipped with his anger. She kicked out at him, catching his shin with the toe of her boot, satisfied as he growled at her in his pain. “Let go of me!” “Nay, I will not!” He shook her again for good measure. Damn, she had one hell of a hard kick! His right shin throbbed painfully and he knew he would have a bruise come the morn. She drew back her foot again, intending to deliver him another kick, but he shoved her to the ground, nearly sitting on top of her to still her


struggles. The air whooshed from her lungs and she hit the earth so hard her teeth rattled in her mouth. “Cease your fight, Aleash! „Tis getting you no where!” Thinking she would stop for a moment, if only to gain her breath, she looked up at him with narrowed eyes. “Get off of me, you big oaf! I cannot draw breath into my lungs!” Scorpion did not bother to even reply to her request this time. She was a wild wench, giving him everything she had to fight off his attack. He grinned down at her as his braid slid over his shoulder to land in a black silken pool between her breasts. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, making him think of how she became heated like this right before he fucked her. Leaning down, he captured her mouth with his own, being sure to keep a tight grip upon her wrists. Aleash did not fight him, as she had wanted to do, but instead, moaned into his mouth as a spark of passion lit deep within her belly and spread throughout her body. She felt him release her wrists as he gathered her into his strong embrace and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. Opening her lips slightly, she laved her tongue over his own as her hold upon him tightened, drinking in the taste of his lips and the feel of his hands as they roamed over her breasts. Hearing the thin


material rip as he pulled with impatience upon the neckline of her gown, she thrust her bare breasts forward into his eager palms, groaning in satisfaction as they settled over her tight flesh. Scorpion breathed deeply of her fresh jasmine scent, roaming his lips over her neck and on to her breasts. The hardened nipples peaked into his mouth and he laved them gently with his tongue as he sucked softly. He heard her groans of passion surrounding him and he thought once to carry her into the woods for some privacy from prying eyes, but he did not think that he would be able to walk the few feet it would take. Pulling the skirt of her gown up past her hips, he groaned as she eagerly spread her legs to his pillaging fingers. He whispered her name as he raised his head to look into her face. She was immensely wet and hot, slick with a desire which had her hips rising to meet his fingers as he smoothed over her with precise tenderness, delving into her finally, relenting to her heated begging. She had her eyes locked on his and the look of pure passion that lit her face had Scorpion withdrawing his fingers from her, only to thrust into her with his engorged cock which throbbed with an intense craving that matched her own.


She met his thrusts with her own, grasping his back and feeling his muscles bunch under her fingertips with his effort. He was hard and smooth, driving into her with all the power he possessed and she lie beneath him, wildly meeting his hips in an eager abandon that had stolen her breath. Scorpion brought his lips down upon her harshly, delving his tongue into the soft recesses of her mouth, seeking the hidden avenue of lust held for her alone. He heard her groan at his rough handling, grinding his hips into hers with the intent of finding a much sought after release. He felt her luscious pussy tighten round his manhood, pulsing and sucking upon his member until he thought it would drive him into madness. But he held on, not wanting the sensations he felt to end just yet. Aleash raised her hips to meet his own as she drove her tongue into his mouth, withdrawing it as she sucked gently upon his own. She wrapped her legs around his hips, forcefully pulling him into her liquid haven of velvet and heat. Still, she bucked under him, meeting him thrust for thrust as his breath came in heavy gasps next to her cheek. The longing Scorpion had kept inside for so long came bursting out of him in one colossal gush as his thrusts intensified. He torn his mouth from hers, leaning his head back to moan loudly into the quiet around them, filling her with the heated desire he felt rushing through his body.


Aleash pushed him onto his back as she straddled his hips with an enticing movement. Pushing forward and pulling back, she rubbed her clit along his length, feeling it glide over his smooth erection with an ease that had her mouth watering and had feelings of sensual abandon rushing wildly throughout her body. The heightened pleasure of his deep groans had her surging forward, spurred on by the liquid fire that blazed within her soul. His hard thrusts continued to come in great jerking motions, meeting her with the intensity of the power he held within, wanting to feel her break free of the chains which held her back. He felt his cock harden further, feeling as if he would burst at any moment. An intense heat surrounded him, gliding over his hard length with teasing excitement. Another deep rumbling cry of satisfaction tore from his lips as yet another release seared through him, consuming his soul within its blazing flames. Crying out softly as the waves of fire raced through her body with pulsing fingers, Aleash fell upon his chest in a heap of spent desire and harsh breathing, kissing his neck and cheeks. After a time, she rose upon her elbows, looming over him with smiling eyes as her pale hair cloaked around them in silken waves. Scorpion kissed her temple as he gathered her within his embrace, not willing to let go of her just yet. They lay like that, out in the open for all to


see, until their breathing had come under control and he saw her lift her head once again to smile at him. He noticed right away the ever-present look of longing still shone bright within the depths of her beautiful eyes. “Ah, the Scorpion‟s sting has left me quite pleased and satisfied. „Tis not poison he holds, but an aphrodisiac which makes my mind forget who I am as it paralyzes my good intensions with lust and a hunger that takes my breath away.” He grinned at her flowery words. “Aye, and it would serve you well not to forget what you have just proclaimed. I pick my victims with intense scrutiny, knowing the one I choose will honor me with her whole being.” Aleash sat up then and tried to pull the tattered remains of her gown together, finally giving up. The gown was ruined, torn to shreds at the neck and she smiled at him again. “My lord, I would know your purpose with me. Although I find that our attraction is most definitely mutual, I have to wonder why you took me from Shelif.” “I desired you.” He sat up as well, laying a gentle palm next to her soft cheek. “I can honestly say I have never desired another more than I do you.” She laughed as she looked down to her hands that she had clasped together in her lap. “Truly there are others who would kill me to have a


place by your side.” She looked up at him and smiled impishly, knowing she spoke true. “I have heard the same of you but the ones you speak of do not interest me in the least. I would have you alone.” “But I still do not understand why you hold me. Why can I not go back to my own home?” “Go back to your own home and leave me?” He stood then as he offered her his hand. She took it readily and as she came to her full height, he pulled her to his hard chest, cradling her next to his heart. “I will not let you leave. Cast the thought from you, Aleash, for I have made up my mind on the issue. I will not allow you to leave me. Ever.”

Scorpion regarded her with a stern gaze as she sat across from him with her arms folded across her chest in a stubborn stance of defense. He shook his head, nearly grinning, but managed to keep his intended foreboding disposition in place. It had been three weeks since her last escape attempt and she had wrecked havoc in his castle for what seemed an eternity now. His men were pleading with him to take the bothersome woman in hand. He sighed. How could he approach yet another issue with her and not make her overreact? He sighed again.


“Oh, just come out with it, Scorpion! Say what you wish to say and be done with it!” Her ire had approached the beginnings of a deep irritation and Aleash wanted to scream out her frustration. She did not know what this little meeting was all about, but every time he brought her to his meeting chamber, it boded ill for her. She had tried to be respectful and stay out of the way from the people in his keep. But sometimes it was just not possible. He raised his brows at her as he drummed his fingertips on the scarred table top. She was lovely this morn in her pale blue gown of velvet. The deep neckline exposed a generous display of full, ripe breasts before his eyes, pushing them forward and up enticingly as they strained against the almost too tight material. He saw her nipples harden under his gaze as he tried to pull his eyes from the wondrous orbs. He managed, with difficulty, to finally meet her narrowed-eyed glare. Scorpion cleared his throat and briefly prayed for strength. “Aleash, Mortison has come to me this morn with a…request.” It was Aleash‟s turn to raise her brows. “And by what nature, pray tell, is this request?” “He wishes for you to refrain yourself where his men are concerned.”


“Refrain myself?” She looked at him with her mouth hanging open, obviously stunned by his words. “Aye. He has told me you entice his knights into mock battles and because none of them wish to hurt you, they do not defend themselves to the extent which they should and end up with major injuries caused by the over aggressiveness of your sword.” She clamped her mouth shut, but still allowed a small laugh to pass by her lips as she uncrossed her arms from her chest, leaning forward slightly. “I do not engage in mock battles, my lord. I know not what he refers to.” “Do not deny what is clearly written across your face, woman!” His own irritation was coming quickly to the surface and he wanted to beat her ass for her out right lie. Aleash smiled smugly at him and gave him a saucy wink. “And what is written there?” “Guilt.” She laughed at him as she stood and walked around the table to his side. She looked down at him with a grin. “Guilt, eh? Well, then reprimand me, my lord. You know I crave your touch whether it be from a hard hand for my willfulness or tantalizingly soft from your lust.”


He bit his tongue so he would not fall into her trap of seduction, at least not yet. “Aleash, I must insist.” “And I must insist that you take me in hand, Scorpion. Beat me, tie me to you bed post, but do so quickly. I feel another round of mischief springing to my mind.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek softly as she whispered the most alluring sexual words she knew next to his ear. He grasped her wrists and pulled her into his lap with little effort. Smiling at her, he finally laughed at her antics to lure him into a place of desire. “Woman, I think you shall drive me into insanity if you do not cease your headstrong ways.” She nibbled on his neck as she whispered, “Then appease to my wishes, Scorpion. I find I need something to occupy my mind while you are away from me. I need activity to keep my thoughts of you in check.” “If it is activity you wish for while in my absence, then I will find you something to take your mind from its premeditated displays of insubordination.” “Insubordination is not what I would call it. Your knights engage in sparring skirmishes willingly. I do not force them. In fact, they seem eager to oblige me.”


This information did not sit well with Scorpion as thoughts of his woman in the arms of another man sprang to his mind. He felt a rage build within his chest and wanted to beat her ass for putting herself on display for his men to ogle. Damn! Jealousy was something he had yet to experience in his life, but it reared its ugly head within his chest frequently now and he knew that the woman he held within the close circle of his arms was the immediate culprit. He set her from him as he stood also, keeping her at arms length, lest he fall once again into her seductive web of yearning hunger. “I will not tolerate you being around my men again, woman. If I find that you have disobeyed me on this demand, I shall seek you out and beat your little ass myself! Do you understand? And this time, you will not be able to sit on that ass for a week. „Tis a promise I make to you.” She stared at him defiantly, but something within his glare told her not to nay say him on the issue.

She nodded her head in compliance,

swallowing the insolent words which waited upon the tip of her tongue. She hoped she would be able to stick to the unwilling consent she just gave to him on the matter. Scorpion pulled her to him suddenly, crushing his mouth upon her own, demandingly pushing his tongue into her mouth. He felt her try to push him away, but then relax in his arms as his kiss turned soft and gentle.


He heard her soft moan as she clung to his shoulders, wrapping her arms around his neck. He tightened his hold and wished to the saints above she saw his way of thinking on this matter and heed well he meant what he said. If he ever caught her within the arms of another man, they both would likely die by his own hands. Wanting her to know this, Scorpion turned her away from him and bent her forward onto the tabletop as he lifted her skirts from the rear. He pulled his hose from his waist and plunged into her wet pussy from behind with an urgency that left him weak. He heard her groan her pleasure as he glided his length into her with clear intent. What he strove for was the knowledge he would be the only man to ever do this act with her. She was his and he would be damned if he would allow her to get away from him. No other man would ever know her touch, her soft scent, her eager pussy that dripped honey for him alone. She moved over him with a tantalizing motion, wiggling her bottom along his lower belly and moaning with the delight she felt in this act. She called his name in a whisper, begging him to fuck her harder as she felt her release wash quickly over her body. She quivered under his touch, allowing him to grasp her hips from behind and pull her over his hard cock even as she begged him for more.


He complied with her wish as his thrusts became wild, plunging into her liquid heat and feeling her tighten around him in a release that had him tilting his head back and groaning his own pleasured discharge. He continued to buck into her with hard thrusts and she received each one with a groan of heightened pleasure spent. This was not how Scorpion wanted to take her, fast and hard, but she had enticed him beyond what he could stand and he knew she had wanted it just as much as he had. She was always wet and ready for him, a sure pleasure that had his mouth watering every time he drew near her. He leaned over her back, pressing his chest against the softness of her velvet gown as he breathed out a sigh of relief. “Woman, you have now been taken in hand. Regard my words well and know I shall be watching you for any further disobedience.” She grinned as she looked over her shoulder at his handsome face, her eyes twinkling with the mischief he had forbade her to hold.

Sighing with boredom, Aleash sat down in her chair and stared out the window to the courtyard garden. It was a lively place with birds and squirrels, benches, herbs and lovely flowers galore. Bright colors in an array of blues, pinks, yellows and reds adorned every nook and cranny of the


space that was set just outside the great hall. It was a peaceful place of solace to go and think away from everyone and everything, to breath in the scents of fragrant herbs and roses. But even the garden‟s beauty could not shake her from the dullness and inactivity around her. Did nothing exciting ever happen in this place? She sighed again, this time with more emphasis than the last. She was regretting her promise to Scorpion about involving herself in no further mischief, wishing she could find some avenue of escape from the long days which seemed to stretch further and further into a dreary oblivion with each passing second. Looking around the hall when a blur of pale blue caught her attention, Aleash smiled at Osmere as he came to stand before her. She noticed he balanced a hawk on one gloved arm and she looked at the bird with a grin. It was of a brown color, with spots of white over its back, sporting a patch of the silky white feathers just under its sharp beak. Laughing as the hawk squawked loudly, she smiled up at Osmere from where she sat. “He is a beauty, Osmere!” “Aye, that he is, my lady! That he is. Would you like to hold him?” At her eager nod, Osmere handed her a long, thick glove of leather, telling her


to slip it onto her hand and forearm. He gently eased the hawk over to her care when the glove was in place and grinned at the woman‟s face as it became alive with wonder. The hawk screeched loudly again, flapping its wings as it settled upon the arm of his new master. Osmere smiled at the lovely woman as she stroked the hawk‟s glossy feathers covering his back. He liked to see her like this, at ease, with no mischief playing on her face, no daggers spewing from her eyes. He had asked Scorpion about giving her the hawk that very morning, both of them for the past week trying in earnest to come up with a way to keep her contented during the day while the lord was away from the castle. Scorpion had agreed to the gift, telling Osmere to teach her the fine art of the bird‟s care and hoping the hawk would keep her out of trouble as well. After her last attempt to escape, she had been watched well for any trickery she may try to bestow upon others. Scorpion had severely reprimanded the guard who had let her escape and none of those who resided at Scorpion Castle wished to have the wrath of their lord upon their heads again. “What is his name?” She smiled as the hawk screeched out a quick reply. Osmere gave a delighted laugh. “He is called Valkr and I shall teach you how to take care of him. „Tis a gift from Lord Scorpion.”


Aleash smiled over at Osmere. “Truly?” She lowered her eyes as she rubbed lightly over the bird‟s neck with her fingertips. “I would wonder why he gives me this gift. I have caused him nothing but grief since the day I arrived. I would think he would be tired of me by now and I must admit I am surprised he has not cast me from his keep.” Osmere clicked his tongue, taking in her words with raised brows. So, she thought to make Scorpion so sick of her presence he would cast her out of his castle for good? Oh, he would have to tell his liege lord this bit of news! „Tis no wonder she has acted with such an uncaring nature all this time. She wished for his obvious displeasure so she could gain her freedom when he could take no more of her impudent behavior. “My lady! Do not think such thoughts! If Lord Scorpion wanted for you to be departed from him, he would have cast you out long before now. You have a tie to him no other woman has been able to gain.” He clapped his hands together as he saw her begin to say something. He had said too much already and now he needed to change the subject, and quickly, before she voiced her thoughts to him on the matter entirely. “Come with me to the courtyard. I will now show you how to take care of Valkr!”


Chapter Five

Osmere grinned wickedly over the table at Aleash. “The moves must be concise and direct. Your opponent will see your hesitation and know you falter in your judgment.” Aleash nodded, taking the smooth ivory chess piece in her hand and looking him in the eye as she set it in front of his king. “I believe this is called check mate?” Osmere narrowed his eyes on the hand carved ivory king she had wittingly captured and then looked at her with a leveled grin. Aleash did not think the little man had ever forgiven her for her last escape attempt a few days past. She had shoved him headlong into her bath water and had fled the castle, only to be brought back kicking and screaming by Scorpion a short time later. How the man constantly knew of her whereabouts was beyond her imagination, for Scorpion seemed to appear from the mist like a great ghost and harshly take the desired freedom from her time and again. She shook her head. It was no use on even trying to figure out how Scorpion knew her every move, albeit even before she herself did.


She tried to hide her smile as the image of Osmere sputtering loudly came to her thoughts once again. He had made a grand display of thrashing around wildly within the metal bathing tub while he shouted he could not swim amid flailing arms and legs. She had to admit he did nearly drown and if it were not for Mortison pulling the little man by the scruff of his neck to safety, he probably would have. Smiling, Osmere sat back in his chair. “Aye, it is check mate. You have taken my king and he has surrendered to you peacefully!” Aleash smiled at him, knowing he had let her win. “Tell me, Osmere. When will Scorpion allow me to leave?” She eyed him intently as she took a sip of cool wine from her cup. The wine was smooth and sweet, making her think of the richest berries she had ever tasted. Since the last time she had tried to leave, Scorpion had kept her in his chamber for the entire span of the three days past, naked and in his bed. She grinned. Not that she had minded! He was a skilled lover and she always found such sweet and wondrous release within his arms. But now her stay at Scorpion Castle had exceeded well over seven weeks, she had not tried to leave him again since the last time a few short days ago. It seemed fruitless to even try again. But she did wonder suddenly why there had been no knights from her uncle‟s castle to seek her out. She knew why and she allowed the smile to fade from


her face. Shelif would have steered them clear of this place, if in fact he were summoned to find her. “My lady, you surely know the answer to your own question.” Osmere began to gather the game pieces and place them into the velvet lined box that would hold them until the next time they would play. “I think him to be very…fond…of you.” He winced at his own words and made a grand display of focusing intently upon the placement of each game piece neatly into the box. Aleash gave a small laugh and sat her cup upon the table in front of her. She had heard Scorpion‟s kitchen servants talk, calling her every filthy name known to man. But far and wide, she knew deep down what they said was true. She was still no better than a whore for spreading her legs willingly for his luscious entry every time he drew near to her, but she seemed to lose all reasonable thoughts when he drew near. Mayhap the servants were correct in their assumption of her soiled virtue. Was she truly a whore to Scorpion…or just his willing prisoner in lust? “He is fond of me?” She shook her head and looked down into her cup as if it held the answers to the questions she continually asked. “Mayhap for a time, but when the infatuation wears thin and he seeks another, where will I be then? I shall be dubbed nothing more than the Scorpion‟s cast off,


his leavings; for I gather he goes through his women as he does his barrels of wine.” She raised her chin a notch, allowing her eyes to flow to the main door where the object of her conversation stood, hearing every word she had said. His face had turned to stone and as he walked slowly toward her and she felt the familiar seductive tingling she always felt whenever he was near. Scorpion came to stand by her table and was glad Osmere had hastily excused himself from the great hall. He looked down at her and thought he had never seen anything so lovely in all his days. Even now, the desire he felt for her fired in his blood, making him hard and throbbing for her touch. He had never had a longing for one woman last this long and he had to stop and think as to why this woman was different than all the rest. Her eyes were a startling shade of mystifying green filled with the ever-present waywardness; her hair was as pale as the moon‟s light surrounding an astoundingly beautiful face whose deep red lips begged to be kissed by him alone. He knew, setting aside her observable splendor, her passion and lust for his touch is what kept her by his side. She was the most sensual woman he had ever had the pleasure of fucking and the heights to which her loving worship would climb made his hold upon her stronger with each passing


day. Let her go and have a piece of his own life die and whither deep inside of him? Nay, he would never allow such a thing to happen. “My lady. Why do you insist upon leaving me? Do I not make you happy, giving to you the finest gowns to clothe yourself in; giving you everything I can to make your stay here more comfortable? Do I not fill you with a craving for me as deep as the ocean?” He reached out a hand and brushed his fingertips across her cheek and over to her lips. “And do I not ease that craving you feel time and again?” Aleash looked into his handsome face, losing herself within his sapphire gaze. He wore his hair unbound this day and the shimmering dark locks hung in delicious soft waves to his hips. His blue tunic strained with the muscles that pushed at it from behind and his legs where encased in dark brown hose, all of which showed every hard angle of his powerful body, displaying it enticingly before her. She smiled as she reached out a hand to touch the hardness that was obviously present between his legs. It throbbed under her gentle touch and she saw his eyes grow darker as his passion deepened. “‟Tis true what you have said, Scorpion. But allow me to take my leave and know I will come back to you often. I just wish to return to my own home, „tis all, and make sure my family fairs well.”


“Often? How far would you travel to ease the ache of my touch that you will miss? How long would I have to wait to feel you surround me with the hot velvet I long to feel every waking hour? I would go mad with the thoughts and I would not enjoy the fact you were not within my reach, wet and hot, waiting for me to take at my will. Nay, lady of mine, I will not let you go, for I find I like to have you within my castle, waiting for my return at the end of every day. I like how you caress my cock even now, how I enjoy the passion that crosses your face when I am near; how I know you can pleasure me beyond any pleasure I have ever known. I know your desire for me is as great at the desire I hold for you. How could I let all of that slip through my fingers, knowing I could not have you anytime I wanted? Here is where you will remain.” He leaned down to her, whispering next to her ear, “I know my touch gives you great satisfaction. I know how my tongue makes you feel as I lick the heat of your desire from the soft pink lips of your pussy, tasting the same desire upon my lips. You call my name even in your sleep and I am always by your side to sedate the hunger which aches you. I feel the heat I instill within you and know, without a doubt, your fire of passion burns as mine does this very moment.” Scorpion pulled her to her feet as he kissed her softly, delving his tongue into her mouth and hearing her soft moan as she caressed his tongue


with her own. He felt her smooth hands brush over his back with an eagerness that had a groan slipping from his own lips. He picked her up within his arms, carrying her through the hall and quickly to the steps that led above, to his chamber where he laid her out upon his bed and pulled the gown from her body. Creamy flesh met his heated gaze and his desire increased tenfold as he watched her spread her legs, brushing her fingertips over her hot center, hearing her moan with delicious delight as her tongue snaked slowly, invitingly, over her lips. She was lusciously wet, he could tell by the way her finger glided over her flesh smoothly and from the sound her voice made as she called his name, begging him to fuck her. Ah, so he had been within her thoughts long before his return this eve for her to be as ready for him as she was. „Tis good that she thought of him often in such a manner. She had always been willing and pliant within the palm of his hands, waiting with eagerness for the growl of lust to burst from deep within his chest. He shed his clothes quickly as he kissed her sweet lips, anticipating the release that would be his soon. His hands glided over her heated flesh, as they skimmed across the breasts that rose and fell with rapid breath, finally making his way to her center, feeling the hot liquid of her desire encase his fingers as she moaned her pleasure. Her hands grasped his as she


moved her hips slowly along his finger‟s length, moving her body enticingly before his eyes. He allowed his tongue to play upon her flesh as he made his way to the inner heat which seemed to whisper his name. He laved her hardened nipples, sucking gently as he continued his exploration of her body, groaning himself as he slipped another finger inside her velvet-soft pussy. She was tight and hot, smooth and inviting as she opened her legs wider for his exploration, spreading the lips of her pussy further with her own fingers. He felt her fingertips ease around his own and follow him inside her heat as she closed her eyes to enjoy the pleasure. Aleash jerked with the sensation of his touch where she wanted it the most, softly moving her hips to meet the tender invasion her body. She felt his tongue glide over her belly, sucking in her breath as the heat of his lips finally touched her clit, laving his tongue slowly over the sensitive flesh. She opened her legs wider to his touch, allowing the most sensual feelings she had ever known to invade her mind as his soft tongue licked over her passion‟s heat. He played there for a time, dipping his tongue gently inside of her, feeling the soft nips he made over the swollen flesh of her center, kissing her with tender awareness.


Again and again, she felt his tongue plunge into her, her small thrusts becoming sensually aggressive with an urgency that began to fill her with the deep pleasure he always seemed to deliver to her. She called his name softly as she lifted her hips to his tongue one last time, allowing the release he gave her to wash over her body with delicious tingling stings of heated desire spent. But he was not done with her yet, she knew, for when he loomed over her then, his hot pulsing cock entered her with a need as great as her own, taking her breath away. Scorpion felt the liquid of her heat surround him and the groan which escaped his lips was filled with the deep passion he felt. She pulsed around him, tugging as his cock from within, making him grind his teeth at the near pain of holding back his release. She pulled his body down upon her own as her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to her, hearing her gentle cries as she begged him to come with her. He delved his tongue into her mouth, knowing she tasted herself upon his lips and feeling the motion of her hips increase next to his own. She met him thrust for thrust, bringing their rhythm to a wildly fast pace, grasping his hips and pulling him forward harshly. She craved this release as she had all the others before with him, feeling as if she were being lifted by invisible hands upward into the clouds of the sky and then gently


lulled back to a peaceful state of mind when the sensations grudgingly left her body. She shuddered slightly under him, allowing a heated whisper of praise to pass her lips. He felt the folds of her flesh surround him from within the heat of her being, beckoning him to follow her to the tantalizing feel of sweet release. He let his own pleasure finally take over his mind as he met her hips with the powerful thrusts of his own, feeling her pussy convulse around him, squeezing him as she seemed to suck on his entire length from within herself. He threw back his head and let out a heated cry of pleasure as he found his release, not wanting the moment to end, wanting the sensual feel of her under him to never go away. Slowing his pace as he felt her legs loosen around his waist, Scorpion kissed the lips which had called out his name in whispered pleasure. This was the sweetest moment in time he had ever known. He felt the ache within his chest blossom under her gentle touch as her fingertips roamed over his back, tracing the scorpion brand he bore there, seared permanently into flesh. He rose upon his elbows then as his eyes dove into hers. They were still filled with the same passion he always saw there, hoping against hope the obsession he saw on her face was for him alone. He smiled at her


when she licked her lips in an enticing notion, wanting, begging her to pull him into her web of pleasure once again. “Aleash, you have now known why I will not release you from here. If I could not have this with you any time I desired, I would go mad. Accept your fate, my lady, and know that no harm will ever befall you while in my care. I will not give up this pleasure we have known, that grows between us even now. And I refuse to allow another man to hold what is mine.”

Aleash wondered into the kitchen area one afternoon, thinking she would be able to gain a tasty tidbit for Valkr. Stepping over to a small table where scraps of meat fat were left out for her by a kind, older woman who did the cooking of the meats, she picked up several pieces and was about to be on her way, when a silky, smooth voice halted her in her tracks. “Ah, I see Lord Scorpion has finally tired of you and has sent you to his kitchens to now earn your lousy keep.” Aleash turned to face Maliz and raised her brows at the pretty woman who had fire blazing from her brown eyes. “You are mistaken. I came only to get these scraps for Valkr.” She dared not say anything further as she tried to brush past the woman who now blocked her from exiting the room and being on her way without mishap.


Maliz reached out a hand and grasped Aleash‟s arm in a tight grip. “Scraps are what you shall be when he is done with you. You are nothing but his whore for now, but soon he will cast you aside and take me back as his one true desire. I know he will. I have seen the way he looks at me still; I have felt the caress of his eyes upon my body.” Aleash narrowed her eyes at the hand which restrained her from going any further and decided she had had enough of the woman‟s snide remarks over the past several weeks to last a life time. Her vow to Scorpion of refrain be damned! “Unhand me immediately or you shall be minus an arm when next you wake.” She gained little satisfaction when the woman released her and took at step back, realizing she had spoken out of turn with the new mistress. She was not like the other women who graced Scorpion‟s kitchen, allowing Maliz to talk down to them. “I am not a whore to any man. If I chose to give myself to Scorpion freely, that is a decision of my own free will and has nothing to do with you.” She tossed her hair over her shoulders as she took a step forward. “And I take offense to any who would interfere in my affairs. They are my own and by no means any of your business.”


Maliz crossed her arms over her ample chest and grinned with little humor in her eyes. “He will tire of you soon, just as he has done with all the rest.” “Much like he has done with you?” Aleash grinned as the woman‟s eyes narrowed dangerously, not concerning her in the least. “If he does tire of me, then so be it.” “He will take me back to his bed when the deed happens.” Maliz became emboldened when Aleash made no further comments, thinking the other woman was backing down. “And when that comes about, I will demand his fucking whore be dismissed from this castle, never to return.” Aleash felt the blood boil in her veins when the spoken words seemed to punch her in the face just like that of a real fist. Enraged beyond reason, she struck out, hitting the woman in front of her with a tightly balled up fist which went smashing into her lush red painted lips. The woman fell to the ground and Aleash jumped on top of her form, pounding her fists into the woman wildly as the raw meat she held in her hand was slung in all directions around her. The two woman rolled around on the floor of the kitchen for a few moments before a gruff voice, bursting with rage stilled both their movements.


Scorpion himself stood in the threshold of the kitchen with his hands upon his hips, his eyes shooting a blaze of fury. The woman Maliz looked as if she had been beaten within an inch of her life and now sat on the hard stone floor, burying her face in her hands, weeping uncontrollably. Aleash was a different matter altogether. She had already stood and straightened her clothing, looking like the freshest of spring days as she walked past him with a slight smile curving her lips and a heated curse upon her tongue. He let her go. He would deal with her in a few moments. Shouting for the head cook to come and aide the still weeping Maliz, Scorpion turned on his heel and bellowed out for Aleash to be in his meeting chamber immediately. He ground his teeth together in frustration and gathered his hands into fists at his side. Lord help him, if he did not do her harm this time, she would be most lucky! She appeared in the doorway of his meeting chamber and walked over to sit in a chair facing him across the wide expanse of the large table he had once fucked her on. She pushed the luscious image out of her mind as she lifted her chin and narrowed her eyes at him, preparing for his obvious onslaught of words which would further enrage her. Scorpion looked at her with raised brows and a slight glare. This was yet another issue with her he had to deal with! Trying to calm the raging


emotions within his chest that threatened to spew forth and take her in hand, or ring that lovely neck of hers, he prayed for divine intervention…or at least strength to see him through this ordeal. She had been unruly before, but now her antics were wrecking havoc upon his castle with the force of a well trained army. He felt she did things to defy him outright, knowing his ire would explode. He thought she actually liked the mischief she strew over his keep, obviously thriving upon the created visions of gaining her escape from him. He rubbed a hand over his eyes as he saw her attitude harden toward him. “Your ways must change, Aleash. You can not continue to engage in fights with my servants, or my men.” She let out a huff of irritation as she unfolded her arms from her chest and leaned forward over the table at him, bracing herself with her hands. “Then you had best warn those in your keep to hold their forked tongues when I am within earshot.

I will defend myself from their vicious

accusations till my dying breath.” She stood straight then and her mouth formed into a thin line of displeasure. “And know as well, Lord Scorpion, the objects of my discontent had better heed the warnings of my condemnation, for I am not one to take insult without unwarranted actions on my part.”


He sighed wearily. How would he handle this issue without making her think he pointed the finger of blame in her direction once again? “She has been warned already to stay clear of you and to make no further comments upon your honor.” Aleash shook her head. “You need not force the words of her warning upon me, my lord, for it is obvious she did not heed the words well. And I warn you again, lest you have forgotten since the last time. If the bitch so much as looks in my direction, I shall finish her off without a second notion to the matter. Being called a whore to the lord of this keep is a serious offense in my eyes, whether you see it that way or not.” “I do not consider you to be as such to me. Why must the silly words of a single woman throw you into such agitation? Ignore the words of one so young and foolish.” “Pay no heed to the biting insult of a vicious woman whom I know for fact graced your bed before I came to be here? „Tis her jealousy of not being by your side which has made her tongue wicked.” She turned from him and headed toward the door, throwing over her shoulder as she went, “She will know my wrath for a certainty if I find her to be speaking of me with such disrespect again. She will know more than the solid punch of my fist into her mouth the next time.”


Scorpion winced as the door slammed behind her, nearly shaking the walls down with the force. He shook his head, making up his mind to have Maliz sent away from his keep lest he wake one morning and find her hanging from his rafters by her feet. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, thinking of all the things he had had to reprimand Aleash on in the three months she had been at his keep. He nearly grinned at some of the childish things he had been requested to resolve with her, not to mention the headstrong values she refused to relinquish. It would be much better for his men and his servants, if he did allow her to take her leave…but it would not be better for him in any aspect of the unthinkable act. He would not let her go no matter if she brought his castle falling to the ground in a heap of broken wood and crumbling stone. He desired her deeply and he would not allow for her to go from him, only to end up in another man‟s arms. Nay, he would not! She was indeed a stubborn hellion, but even with her unwillingness to cooperate with his orders in most cases, he knew that she would be willing and eager for his touches come this eve. His mouth watered at the thought of her wet, heated passion and he opened his eyes to stare above him, looking into his bed chamber with his mind‟s eye to conjure up her sensual image as she lay across his bed waiting


for him to come to her. Ah, she was a demon to his soul, a demon he was willing to release his very being to if she would but ask the deed. The pleasure he had known in her arms was something he would not readily give up for anyone. She had emboldened herself into his mind, taking his good common sense and replacing it with thoughts of her delicious body under his own. He groaned aloud to the empty room, feeling the familiar pulsings of heat which blazed in his blood for her. She had to understand she was his, had been his from the very day he had set eyes upon her, and he would not allow her to seek her way home. Nay, „tis something he would not let happen, even if he himself died in the effort of keeping her with him. That may be the only way he would allow her to leave! And now with a request coming from a neighboring lord just that very morn, he was honor bound to act with his warrior‟s reputation for battle and aide the man in his quest to fight off thieving rebels. He sighed, realizing he would need to order Aleash bound and gagged in the dungeon to keep her from running away from him again, for his stay this time could be lengthy. He had to keep her in his castle somehow and decided he would leave his most trusted knight here to guard her.


Although he knew

Mortison would likely balk at the very issue, he was a loyal warrior and would abide by his liege‟s bidding. Standing, he bellowed for Mortison to join him in his meeting chamber, even as his thoughts drifted to a much more enticing issue.


Chapter Six

He came behind her, silent as the night, to wrap his arms around her luscious body. She readily snuggled next him without hesitation, placing her arms over his own as she leaned her head back into his chest. He breathed in her fresh scent of jasmine and desire washed through him immediately. Would he never rid himself of his want for her? He sighed and settled his chin on top of her head. “‟Tis a beautiful night, my lord.” Aleash was hesitant to say anything to him because of the way she had behaved that very afternoon. Wrestling on the floor of the kitchens with his maid servant Maliz had not been what she would have dubbed a pleasant day. All she wanted to do was look for some raw meat for her hawk Valkr, and be on her way. But the snide comment from the jealous woman had her bristling with fury and seeing red. Her whispered words washed over Scorpion‟s mind, teasing him like the gentle touch of her fingertips. “It is.” He smiled when he looked out into the night, following the horizon with his eyes to settle on the starry


constellation of the scorpion. He pointed his index finger in the direction of the grouping of stars. “Your scorpion watches over you this eve, my lady.” “My scorpion?” She followed to where he pointed, easily making out the formation of stars twinkling softly in the dark sky. She smiled. “He is beautiful.” “It is my name sake, Aleash, and it will watch over you as I have said it would.” “Ah, and does this mere constellation know it shares its name with a too handsome man, virile and lusty? Does it know that even though it shines bright in the dark night sky, its beauty pales in comparison to the man? The Lord Scorpion himself?” Scorpion grinned at her compliment as he kissed the top of her head. He tightened his hold around her waist as he nuzzled her neck softly. “My lady, your compliments flow freely this eve to set my desire to a blazing inferno.” He allowed her to turn in his arms to face him and he smiled down at her lovely face. “No matter where you are, know all you need to do is look above to the scorpion and he will guide you. He will comfort and keep you safe until I can return to your side once more.” She looked up at him and smiled slightly. “I am sorry for my outburst this day and with my confrontation with Maliz. But you must discern


enough about me now to know I will defend myself to the wicked tongues of others. I doubt any could change the trait I carry to defend my own honor.” “She is gone, Aleash. I have sent her away this very eve, never to return. You need not worry about her any longer.” “I did not worry about her before. But „tis good you sent her away. She would have been dead by morns first light as it were.” He laughed outright at her admission, knowing she would have done what she promised. “I do not fault you for defending your own honor. „Tis a trait I find extraordinary in you.” “Now you give me compliments.” She grinned at him as she leaned back in his arms. “Be careful, Scorpion. A woman loves to her the man she is fond of speak so highly of her. It adds zest to our love making.” “Then I shall shower you with compliments from here on out! Had I known that was the way of things, I would have done so long before now.” He kissed her softly then, admiring the way she had spoken so honestly to him, admitting her fondness. “Come to my bed, lady, and let me love you into the early morn hours. I need this time to carry with me when I go.” “You leave me then, Scorpion?” She wrapped her arms around his neck as she leaned into him with an inviting smile. “Is this why you have


shown me the constellation? So I will not feel alone even as my mind and soul scream for your embrace?” “I leave in two days time. But I will not be gone long.” He kissed her tenderly and then raised his head to look into her emerald eyes. “I fear I could not be gone from you for very long. I need the heat your body provides to me, Aleash. I could not live without your touch. I would surly die.” A slow smile lit her features then. “Ah, so you admit you need me to survive?” She rose up on her toes to kiss under his ear, running her tongue slowly along his sensitive flesh, enjoying the taste of him. “I must confess, setting aside food and water, you are a craving I must have as well. This deep longing I feel for you ravages my body with a hunger that is becoming insatiable. I think you have cast a spell upon me, Scorpion, to crave only your gentle touch.” A small laugh rumbled deep within his chest as he rested his chin on the top of her head once again. “Nay. I cast no magical spells, lady mine. What you feel goes beyond what a mere spell could reach. It is called desire, and you will always have the feeling deep within your soul for me. Only for me.”


She laughed at his conceit. “Handsome you may be, my lord, but I can tell you what I speak of is far more than mere desire.” Her eyes lit on his then, her passion for him blazing within the depths. “Shall I show you what I feel?” Before he could answer her, she had pushed him against the parapet wall of stone and slid her palms along his chest to the waist of his hose, getting to her knees before him. Ever so slowly, her fingers delved under the waist band, touching his flesh and leaving a hungry trail of heat in her wake. She heard him groan aloud when she pulled the material from his cock, closing her hand around him with a delighted sigh as she began to slowly massage his suddenly erect member. It throbbed under her touch, jumping with elation when her lips touched the swelled tip as her soft tongue swirled over the smooth skin slowly. Her moans of passion filled the air around them with thrilling expectation, but when her lips touched softly over the tight skin of his length, taking him in as deep as she could, all she could hear was the groans of pleasure she brought to him. Her tongue continued to play over him softly, gently, with an unhurried motion, savoring the flavor of his throbbing cock. He pulsed sensually within the velvety depths of her warm mouth, hearing his soft


moans of pleasure driving through her mind. Her fingers explored and plundered, grasping gently at the smooth skin to message him into a breathless release. She wanted to taste his offering upon her tongue, feel his seed exploded into her mouth. But it was not to be. Scorpion pulled her roughly to her feet, raising her skirts in one fluid motion. Pressing her against the stone wall, he lifted her legs around his waist as he sunk into the wet pussy which eagerly welcomed him. He kissed her deeply as his pulsing length glided into her smoothly, over and over again, urgently thrusting into the hot liquid that surrounded him. Her moans spurred him onward; taking her with a heated necessity that gave him the sensual pleasure of knowing her release would be just as great as his own. She tightened her legs around his waist, feeling his great length slide inside her, to fill her with the solid hot thrusts of his need. Her tongue laved over his own, taking the tip between her lips and sucking gently. Her body bucked against his own, her hips meeting his with the same beat he gave to her. She felt him become wild in his invasion, his thrusts more demanding and his hands gripping her thighs more tightly as his hard cock continued on. And as she tilted her head back to softly moan out the pleasure which


had taken over her soul, she felt him explode into her with a force greater than any she had ever felt from him before. Pushing into her hot pussy, he felt her pulse around his length and gave way to the surrender that had been within his grasp for so long. Thrusting into her with a force he had never felt before now, he felt his seed spew forth in a great release which had his body jerking uncontrollably as he continued to delve deeper into her wetness. Her scent seemed to surround his mind and body with gentle hands, soothing his lust, but finding he wanted so much more. As his thrusts went on, he felt her jerk under his hands, grinding her hips next to his own as she called out his name softly next to his ear, begging him to fuck her harder. She convulsed suddenly around his cock and he felt her shiver as the last of the climax left her body. Aleash found his mouth, placing her lips upon his own, breathing heavily from her exertion. He had fulfilled her needs once again and she wondered if her insatiable desire for this man would ever go away. Even when he was not near to her, just his handsome image in her mind would have her pussy wet and hot, begging for his tongue to lave softly over the pulsing pink flesh. His hard length would follow into the same place his tongue would lick with such succulent detail and her mind would scream


for him to come to her, to sedate this undying lust she constantly held for him. Scorpion kissed her sweet lips as he gently lowered her legs from his waist. She had once again managed to suck the very strength from his body, giving him a translucent glow of contentment and a hunger that would raise its head again for more very soon. He lifted his hands to her breasts and felt the tight nipples under the thin material of her gown. He grinned at the lust he constantly felt for her. Aye, for a fact, her lust mirrored his own, for he felt it in every move she made around him. “My lord,” she breathed next to his ear as she nipped the flesh with her teeth softly. “I would have you again if you would but take me to your bed. I find I am not through with you yet.” A rumble of laughter softly radiated around them as he leaned back and gazed into her sensual eyes. “Aye, my lady. I shall grant your wish, for I feel I could go on with this very act of fucking you all night long.” She smiled as she ran the tip of her tongue along her lower lip, hoping to entice his cock once again into her mouth. “Then take me as you will, Scorpion. I am yours for the pleasure we both crave.”


He gazed at her with longing deep in his chest. The moonlight that filtered into the window washed over her figure as she lay curled next to his side. He touched the ends of her pale hair and watched as it sparkled along his fingertips, bringing the fragrant scent of jasmine into the air around her. He breathed deeply of her, wishing he could take her with him on the morrow, but knowing he could not. A woman was the worse diversion any man could have while trying to concentrate upon deadly tasks at hand, ones he could possibly face soon. He sighed slightly as he pulled her closer to him, wondering if his desire for her would soon abandon him. In the past months before he had known Aleash, he had had his share of eager women, all willingly throwing themselves at his feet. He could have chosen any one of them, could have had them all if he pleased, but the only woman that had kept his interest was the one who now lay by his side. Since she had came to be with him, she had been the only woman he had bedded from that day forward. Kissing her tenderly as he got out of the bed, he walked naked over to his window and looked out at the lands around him. Bathed in the gray light from the moon, it cast a glow of solitude across his keep and he smiled at the contentment he now felt. He needed nothing else in his life, no


further riches, no more lands, not even a bigger castle. He had everything he could possibly want right here, right now. He turned from the window and leaned a broad shoulder against the casing, studying Aleash from where he stood. She had become his breath, his soul and now, his very life. How she had managed the task was beyond him, for the hellion was indeed a handful and the biggest pain in his ass he had ever known. But she had captured a part of him no other had, making him think about devotion and love…two things that had never crossed his mind before meeting her. She had endeared her way into his heart and he knew if ever there was a woman who had matched him lust for lust, she was the one. Before Aleash, he could not pass up a hot, willing pussy for his pleasure. And now…well, now he had no desire to even touch another woman let alone fuck one. He lay beside her once more as he gathered her willing body next to his own. He thrilled in the whisper of his name upon her soft breath as he felt her ass move enticingly over his cock, bringing the deep lust he felt for her bursting to the surface of his soul. He grinned as she turned willingly into his arms and placed tender kisses along his chest and neck. And as he


lay on his back to allow her smooth palms to glide over his heated flesh, he wished the moment would never end.

Aleash sighed dejectedly as she rolled out of bed. It had been three weeks since Scorpion had held her last and she was beginning to think he may have found another to ease his lust with. She had had no word from him what so ever and the fact did not bother her as much as the images of him lying with another woman, taking his pleasure with great hip grinding thrusts. She closed her eyes to the dreadful thought as her rage came to the surface once again. If he thought to fuck another and dismiss her altogether, she would save him the breath and leave on her own! This had been rolling through her mind for the past several days since she had been bounded upon by those images of Scorpion within the arms of another woman. And now she decided she must do something about the issue! And to think a few short weeks ago she had actually contemplated the fact of staying at Scorpion Castle on a permanent basis! Pulling the gauzy see-through gown from her body, she drew a soft gown of velvet over her head and pulled on her boots. Damn him anyway, for he had taken her men‟s hose and tunic from her, doing God knows what


with them, leaving her with only the luscious gowns of silk and velvet. Not her first choice for riding upon her destrier, but it would have to do. With determination written upon her face and the once hidden rusted sword held firmly within the tight grip of her palm, she dared any man to stand in her way!


Chapter Seven

“Lord Scorpion! You have returned earlier than expected!” Osmere dipped into a low bow before his master, playing the part of the obedient servant well, even going so far as to go on one bended knee before him. Scorpion raised his brows at the man. What the hell was this little exhibit all about? “Osmere, I trust no unfortunate mishaps have occurred since my departure three weeks ago?” A grin lit his handsome features as he tossed his waist length black hair over his muscular shoulders and crossed his massive arms across a well-proportioned chest. His sapphire eyes were bright with merriment as he waited for the little man to fill him in on all the adventures that had taken place, for he knew there had to be plenty. He wondered briefly where Aleash was and thought mayhap she waited for him above stairs in his chamber, spread out over his bed…moaning his name on a heated whisper. He cleared his throat and looked pointedly at his servant, wishing he had not asked the question. What he really wanted to do was find Aleash and pull her into his arms. He had truly missed the woman.


Osmere‟s dark brown eyes widened and he pursed his lips as he looked up at his master. “My liege, I am not at liberty to—” “What has she done now?” Scorpion dropped his arms to his side and curled his hands into tight fists. The little hellion was more problems than what she had cost him in servants and men! His hands itched to beat her smooth little ass, among other things, and he knew she would fight him every step of the way. Damn! Why had he let his brother talk him into this situation in the first place was beyond him. But he knew why. Aye, from the very moment he had gazed into her brilliant emerald eyes, he knew she would be nothing but a tremendous burden to him. As well as a delight in his bed. And he had been right on both counts. The dark brown eyes snapped shut as Osmere began to pray fervently. He prayed for Lord Scorpion, he prayed for the man‟s sanity, but he prayed mostly for Aleash who would bare the marks of Scorpion‟s beating for months! “Tell me now…and stand up, for God sakes!” Scorpion was fast loosing his patience and he could feel the rage begin to course into his veins, making his whole body throb with the want to smack his palm on her tight backside.


Osmere opened his eyes slowly and looked into the sapphire gems which now sparked with a deep fury. He shivered as he stood. “My liege, she did not wish to stay! She wielded her sword at all of us and threatened to send us to our deaths if we tried to stop her! She was fine up until a few days past when she seemed to become restless…and very unruly. Again.” He shivered once more as he made the sign of the cross over his chest. “She was totally unstoppable! Even your knight, Mortison, was laid low by her blade!” “What?!”

The tenseness of his muscles bunching into hard knots

ran across his back and over his shoulders, coming full force into his arms. Oh, to have the wench before him at this moment would mean her death, or his, for sure! “Where is Mortison? And when did she take flight?” “Mortison is in his chamber and the lady left just this very morn…my liege?” Scorpion left the servant and turned briskly upon a booted heel, heading for the set of steps that would lead him to the second floor, anger clearly marring his striking features. He did not even wait to hear the full explanation from Osmere, nor did he care to. Damn the woman! He would check in on his dear friend first and then he would set out to find Aleash. And she had better hope he never finds her.


Picking up a sturdy oak branch which lay on the decay covered forest floor boasting leaves and underbrush, Aleash measured its weight in her right hand. She grinned, showing the pleasure of her find. Her emerald eyes narrowed, setting her complete concentration upon the straightness of the branch as she held it out before her. She shrugged as she opened her eyes fully again. It mattered little if it was straight or not. What she had in mind for the piece would likely turn it into kindling anyway. She just needed it for a little reassurance…and protection. Looking about the forest with keen eyes that missed nothing, she tossed her thick braided hair over her shoulder, feeling the mass hit her hips lightly. Soft honey colored curls framed her face lovingly, making her appear to be a fallen angel that had lost her wings. Even with the smudges of dirt upon her face and forehead, she looked enchanting, absolutely breathtaking, for her beauty was known far and wide across the lands of Lord Scorpion and beyond. Which was why she stayed within the cover of the woods, knowing any who may see her would try to stop her by order of their lord. Whistling low, she grinned as the black destrier came into her view and bounded across a nearby stream, sending a waterfall around himself in his haste to get to his lady‟s side. Whinnying softly, he came to a stop


suddenly and tossed his massive head in her direction, sending his silky mane flowing about his long neck like a banner. He was a true vision, all shiny black, muscled and solid. Just like another whose image swam before her eyes with teasing reality. She shook her head, placing her hands upon her hips, trying to send the provocative image of Scorpion from her mind. “King Triton, you naughty boy! Where have you been?” She stepped over to him and patted his nose lovingly as she laid her head along the side of his massive face. He smelled of mint and fresh grass as he breathed heavily upon her hand. “Come. Let us not tarry any longer. It grows dark and I wish to be tucked safely away before the sun sets.” She kissed his velvety nose lovingly before she lithely settled herself upon his back, hiking her skirts to her thighs as she guided him through the forest. With a meager fare of a raw potato and a few wild onions for her evening meal, Aleash laid herself back upon the soft moss covered ground and closed her eyes as she munched on some wild mint. Placing an arm behind her head, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply of the cool night air. It smelled wonderful out here in the middle of nowhere and she loved the solitude it afforded her. She needed this time to gather her wayward thoughts. And her thoughts were of one brutally handsome warrior who she knew would give chase to her upon his return.


She nearly yelped out loud as his face swam into her mind, so real did it look before her. He was horribly angry and his eyes flashed fire from their depths. Snapping open her eyes and sitting up quickly, she surveyed her surroundings swiftly. When she was satisfied nothing stirred around her and her heart had slowed to its normal rate once more, she relaxed again as she lay back down trying to find her sleep. As she drifted into a peaceful relaxing mode, she allowed her mind to dream of the scorpion who had branded her with a white-hot passion, not easily sedated. His hands were like a liquid blaze of fire as they drifted slowly over her bare skin, leaving in their wake a delicious sensual throb with the realization this was not something she was soon to forget. Aye, she craved his touch, most times begged for it, but she would not continue to be his whore. She was much better than that. Besides the fact she had not seen him for three solid weeks, she wondered if he would bring another woman to his castle upon his return and cast her out like he had done to the others before her. So she had left his great keep to find her way back to her own people, even as she yearned for his tantalizing touch and knew it would be a long time before she would forget him…if ever she did. Sleep did not come easy to her. With her mind filled of erotic thoughts of Scorpion‟s hands languidly brushing across her breasts and


downward to her parted thighs, she wiggled enticingly under his imagined fingertips, waiting for the feather soft touch of his lips against her waiting pussy. She groaned aloud into the night, feeling the hot, wet desire seep from her soul. Aye, he had branded her with his touch, his lips and his hard pulsing length until she could think of nothing but him and the luscious things he could do to her. He melted her reserve, allowing him to breach the part of her soul that no one had ever crossed before. He had settled his brand upon her heart with a painful sting, but no regret had ever entered into her mind. She wanted his touch, wanted to touch his hard muscled body in return, knowing she would find the greatest pleasures as she did so. She sighed as her mind allowed him entry into the ravenous folds of her center, swallowing an outcry of the lust which threatened to set her back upon her destrier and rushing into his arms once again. His seduction of her had been one she had welcomed over and over again as his imagined hands played along her flesh. It was as if he actually stood before her and did the deed himself. Slipping into a fitful sleep, one filled with the ripe scent of his skin pressed heatedly upon her breasts, she longed for the touch of the one man who could give her the release she craved. And as the forest settled into the


quiet of the eve, her heightened breathing and lustful moans of a passion not yet found could be heard clearly, breaking the silence of any peacefulness that could be found around her. She wanted him to come to her, to lick her pussy as it eagerly awaited him and she wanted him to fuck her so long and so hard it would be something she would remember for a very long, long time. Not even her fingers pleasuring herself could bring her a release this time and she sighed as she settled into a fitful sleep, waiting for something more to come to her. Something hard and pulsing with a want as deep as her own, with thrusts of smooth silk that would leave her breathless. She moaned again into the night air, calling the name of the Scorpion, begging him to come to her.


Chapter Eight

Scorpion had found her easily enough. She had left a trail as big as the ocean in her wake and he wondered if she had left it for him to follow on purpose. He smiled. Nay, she would never do that. But she was his and his alone and he would never let another savor the intoxicating nectar he had tasted. Aye, a taste he craved just as much as the air he breathed. He closed his eyes and could almost taste her sweet skin upon his tongue as he let out a small moan, feeling his cock grow hard with his appetizing thoughts. He had been gone for far too long and now he felt the intense need to have her. And soon. He nearly burst with his need right that moment and knew his release would be great. Opening his eyes, he moved toward her sleeping form and grinned as she breathed out his name in a passionate whisper. Ah, so she dreams of him. Perhaps her need was as great as his own. He would soon see. Stripping all of his clothing from his fevered body took longer than he wanted as he fumbled with ties that knotted in his haste. Finally, void of any coverings, he crouched down beside the vision and lightly brushed a


fingertip over her nipple that lay hard and erect under the thin velvet that covered it. Aleash moaned erotically and grasped his wrist as she pushed his hand down to the apex of her thighs. Once there, after she had wiggled her skirts up to her waist, she gently rubbed her wetness over his hand. She was ready for him to take her now, but she dare not open up her conscience fully for fear he would not be there. She wanted to enjoy this stimulating dream a little while longer. She moaned out her pleasure into the dark night and it echoed around her, filling her mind with the thoughts of other passionate nights spent in Scorpion‟s arms. He felt her heat warm his hand and fingers and he groaned as she convulsed slightly with her first release. And there would be more. So many more. She was the most passionate woman he had ever been with and knew no other would be able to appease the hunger he had for her alone. He curled next to her, felt the heat of her body and saw the passion in her face. Never had any other woman instilled such need in him as she did. Leaning down, he kissed her sweet lips, delving his tongue into her mouth as he did so. He tasted fresh mint and deepened the kiss as she opened up to him. He felt her arms go around his neck and pull him closer, running her palms over his back.


Aleash moaned her pleasure again. If this was a dream, she never wanted to wake. But she knew it was Scorpion, even with her eyes closed and her subconscious gently bringing her from the sleepy daze she found herself in. She would know the feel of him, the taste of him, anywhere. And his scent drove her to near madness. His hard muscles bunched under her fingertips and she felt the indent of the scorpion that had been branded upon his back years ago. Its tail was by his left shoulder and its head was by his right hip, covering the biggest part of his back. She trailed the outline of the brand with her fingers as she opened her eyes slightly to gaze into his handsome face. Looking into the dark emerald of her eyes dimly illuminated by the moonlight overhead, he had to catch his breath. She was so lovely, so very sensual, that he could lose himself in her every time his eyes looked into her own. Like he did now. “Scorpion. You have returned.” She sighed and trailed tender kisses along his cheeks and neck. “Tell me you are not of my imagination. Tell me you are real. My need for you grows to pain me miserably. I have ached for you for so very long.” “I am very real, Aleash, as you will soon find. And I have returned to take you as my own once more.” He caught her lips with his and delved into


her mouth deeply with his tongue. He loved the taste of her, the smell of her skin. Gently, she massaged his hard buttocks and kissed his shoulder, running her tongue along the width of him. “Come and love me well, my Scorpion, for my journey will take me from you on the morrow.” Not giving him the opportunity to speak, she captured his mouth and pushed him to his back as she climbed upon his massive body, straddling his thighs. He cock was hard and throbbing and she moaned her obvious pleasure as she slid easily over his length aided by the wet, hot desire she felt for him, tossing the cumbersome gown she wore over her head and onto the ground beside her. The cool night air touched her nipples, bringing them to achingly hard nubs, vying for his hands, his lips, to fondle. Scorpion groaned as if in pain and grasped her hips, tugging her forward slightly. He felt her pulse around his cock, every velvety touch caressing him with an intense fire which had him shaking with his need. He throbbed with her gentle ministrations, knowing the best was yet to come. She felt like heaven, moving over him with unhurried movements and he watched in amazement as she tossed her head back to allow passion‟s heat to overtake her completely. Her soft, golden hair was unbound and blanketed around them both like a rich veil of the finest silk. It gave him a


luscious tickle over his hips and stomach, making him squirm with unconcealed eagerness. Aleash moved her hips over his pulsing hardness, loving the rich feel of him inside of her. She rotated her hips over his cock with slow acute tenderness and then raised herself to a sitting position, taking him fully within her. She found her release quickly with him, as always, but she knew there would be more. Allowing the feel of the immense pleasure to wash over her body, she took great pains in making sure Scorpion would feel the same pleasure as well. She tightened over his length and was rewarded with a low growl that resounded into the dark night. She wiggled her hips enticingly over him, feeling his thrusts become harder, knowing that as she did so, her velvet heat would fully encase him, bringing him a step closer to the release she so desperately craved for him as well as herself. Scorpion felt her liquid heat of her pussy surround him completely and he wanted to shout out his delight.

The seductive, unhurried

movements and the way she looked at him with passion filled eyes had him wanting to burst his seed then. But he held back on purpose. He knew she was not ready for him to be done, so he would hold on for as long as he could.


Aleash drew herself from Scorpions length and placed delicate fingertips to the underside of his throbbing cock. She loved to do this, for she knew he enjoyed it so much and she did want to please him well this eve. She heard his groan as he thrust his hips toward her, begging her for more of the same. Placing her lips gently on the tip of his cock, she laved him softly with the tip of her tongue and blessed him with a slight sucking sensation which had him holding her head in place as he raised his hips up to thrust into the soft recesses of her mouth. Again, she heard him moan her name and she had to smile at the response she had received from him. She caressed every inch of his member with her tongue, her hands, her lips and she knew the sensation of having him in her mouth was bringing her upon another wild ride of complete shameless lust and want. A want to have him inside of her again, to feel his power and his strength between her thighs would seem like heaven to her. She slid her pussy smoothly over him, loving him, touching him in a way only she knew he enjoyed, allowing herself to finally breathe out the sensations she felt as she squeezed tightly over his cock. He felt her plunge over him once more and it took his breath away. He would never tire of this woman and he vowed to keep her by his side


from this moment on. He loved all the things she did to him, to further his pleasure, and he wished for the moment to never end. He enjoyed her like this, so untamed and wild, not wanting to give up such wondrous pleasure he had found within her arms. His release was as swift and as hard as his thrusts, seeming to go on forever. It took his strength and it took his breath, all in one single moment as he savored the heat and lust which ran widespread in his chest, through the whole of his being. But at the same time he felt rejuvenated and ready to love her again and again until their entire evening was spent at the mercy of passion‟s erotic wiles. With one final, agonizingly slow twist of her hips, Aleash grinned down at Scorpion as she licked her lips with the tips of her tongue. “You please me immensely, my liege. I shall remember our times spent together forever.” With a grin forming at the corners of his mouth, he raised his brows at her comment. “It sounds as if you want to leave me for good, woman.” He placed folded arms behind his head and gazed up at her lovingly. She was a goddess, a vision with her hair highlighted by the moon‟s soft glow and streaming over the front of her body, hiding her breast from his view. He


reached out a hand and brushed the strands of silk away from the nipples that stood erect and hard from the passion they had just shared. “I am.” His hands stilled in their gentle ministrations and he stared at her with intense sapphire eyes. “What say you?” He felt as if the wind had been knocked from his lungs. “You cannot leave me. I will not allow it. I have returned now and I will not be leaving you again. This I promise you true.” He felt his rage rising as he gripped her arms. Would she dare? He shook his head and knew she would. “Aleash, do not tease me. I have come for you and you will return to my castle this eve.” “I do not tease, Scorpion.” She pulled from his heat and stood over him, her hands upon her hips and her face a mask of hurt and anguish. “I can no longer stay with you, my lord. I go back to my own people. I will start my journey on the morrow.” “You will go nowhere until I deem it so!” He stood as well and glared down at her. “You are mine and you will remain so until I tire of you. Until that time, you will stay by my side!” “I will not stay as your whore, Scorpion! „Tis what I have been to you since the day I stepped foot in your castle. I can no longer be that woman to you.”


“How can you say these ridiculous words after what we had just shared? You know as well as I do my touch is what you will always crave.” He had taken great pains to make sure of that fact. “Am I not the one man who has you wet and begging me to fuck you with just a simple look? Am I not the man who touches you, giving you pleasure beyond your imagination?” She lowered her eyes so he could not see her shame. “True, but I will not-” “You are not leaving me!” “Why not?” Her emerald eyes snapped fire in his direction. “There will be others who will gladly take my place. I doubt you will not want for any loving like what we have shared. The same would hold true for me as well.” He descended upon her like the scorpion he is, intent upon a kill, grasping her arms in a painful grip and shaking her slightly as he leaned his face down into her own. “There will be no one else for you except me! Do you understand?” He thrust her away from him and turned his back on her, trying to gain some of his composure. Damn her! If she thinks to take another lover, she will have another think coming. He will never allow that. Never!


“You do not own me, my lord.” She stood her ground as he turned back in her direction to glare at her. She raised her chin a notch, becoming furious with his actions toward her. “Your brother owns me, in truth.” “I bought you from my brother! You are, in truth, my property to do with as I see fit!” He knew he stepped dangerously close to releasing his true feelings for her, but he dared not tread on the subject at this moment. “You will do as I say or you shall work as a servant in my kitchens like the other wenches! Do not tempt your fate, Aleash.” “Then you leave me no choice.” He narrowed his eyes at her. “No choice for what?” When she did not answer, he became agitated and took another menacing step toward her. “What are your intensions, woman? Do you wish to slice my throat open from ear to ear, cut out my heart and feed it to your little pet hawk, poke my eyes out with your fingers? Well?” “None of those, my lord. But do not try to stop me. I wish to return to my own home, my family.” “As I have said, I will not release you, not now, not ever!” He ran a hand through his thick black hair as he took a deep breath to calm the rage that increased with each passing second. “Gather your things. We go back to my castle now.”


“Nay.” “Nay? You deny me?” He stared at her incredulously, hardly believing she would refute him in this, yet knowing she would. “I do.” She pulled the crimson gown over her head and quickly twisted her hair into a tight braid. “I told you not to try and stop me. The results will not be very sightly.” “Oh, so you threaten me now?” He pulled her into his arms harshly and crushed his lips to hers. He wanted to hurt her as she had hurt him. He felt her struggling against him, pushing at his chest, but then her struggles ceased as her arms curled around his neck, drawing him closer to her. He softened the kiss as he delved his tongue into her mouth, loving the taste of her, the feel of her upon his tongue. God, he would drive himself to the brink of madness if this continued! She unnerved him, made him insanely jealous and made his heart ache for her smile, the enticing feel of her hands upon his skin. He craved her touch and wanted to be the only man who gave her pleasure. But what he wanted to give her the most, he dare not utter. Even in his own thoughts he could not conjure up the words for fear of her throwing it back in his face. Nay, there had to be a way to show her what he could not completely say.


Aleash felt like she was drowning in his flesh, the very scent of him moving her off her feet and into his arms. When would this madness end? When would she ever be able to put him aside and move on? Never, is what her mind screamed, but never was too long to wait. The time to go was at hand. She hated what she was about to do, but necessity made it this way. Holding her breath even as she caressed his lips with her own, she placed her thumbs into his pulse points on either side of his neck and watched with sadness as her handsome scorpion crumpled to the ground. She had warned him, had she not? The thought still did not lighten her mood any as she began to gather her things quickly. It was much earlier than she wanted to leave, but now was the time and she must take it while she could. Damn! Why had he pressed her into this? Why could he not just let her go? The effective move she had performed on Scorpion to make him pass into a deep sleep was something she had learned from Osmere. But if the little man had known she would eventually use it upon his liege lord, she was sure he would have refused to show her any defensive moves at all. But he had shown her so she may have the knowledge for her own defenses someday. And this was the day.


Chapter Nine

The dust rose from the bottom of the sandy gorge, settling like a thick, heavy cloud on the rock ledge some fifty feet above the pass. Making sure to keep out of site, Aleash leaned forward carefully, squinting her eyes. She sighed and settled back against the rock wall after a few moments, pulling her knees to her chest. She grinned suddenly and could not wait until darkness settled over the small village that was no more than five miles over the next hill. She could not wait to see her family and to sleep in her own bed again. Her thoughts turned to Scorpion as she closed her eyes against the sudden feelings of loneliness. She had been gone from him for over a week and she hoped he fared well. She doubted he would search for her, for she did not know if he knew where she had come from, nor had he ever asked. She did miss him, but she hoped to get on with her existence the best she could. Having not sharing his bed every eve left her with a dull luscious ache in her belly and she knew the feeling would never go away. The ache would remain with her, no matter whom she would lay with in the future,


knowing the only heat she craved came from the very man she ran from. She would not be his whore, nor his mistress, even though her heart screamed out for his touch. She was of royal blood and she had a better life here with her family than what she would have if she stayed on with Scorpion. Well, that was not entirely true, for her thoughts were constantly on the darkly handsome man and not on her family. She sighed miserably. Her family could never provide the means to stop the eternal succulent ache which dwelled within her heart. If she had stayed with Scorpion, the constant reminder of his past loves would haunt her like there was no tomorrow, always throwing in her face that she was just as disposable as the last woman had been before her. She opened her eyes as Scorpion‟s image formed before her, to tease and to tantalize her with his rock hard form, deeply craving his touch as he said she would. Had he cursed her to hunger after his feel, his very scent, for the rest of her days? She closed her eyes and tried to rest but could not diminish his body from her mind. He was erotically handsome and she would envy any other woman who may share his bed in her absence. She wished it could be different, for she would love to stay by his side, but not as his current love interest. She needed more than mere interest.


Part of her wanted to run back into his arms, willing to become his whore, his mistress or even his occasional bed partner. The other half kept her head high with the knowledge she was doing the right thing. Somehow, she had to come to terms with the decision she had made, even though she had loved every moment she had spent in his arms. She once again closed her eyes. His image grinned at her from behind her closed lids and she smiled. To have him all to herself would be something which dreams were made of. He was the kind of man every woman craved as her own, a warrior worth fighting for…a warrior to deeply love. His face became passion filled then and she felt herself become aroused as if he touched her physically. She lifted her arms over her head and imagined his tender touch, his stroking tongue, as it moved over her flesh, leaving in its wake a path of fire like the sting of a true scorpion. She heard herself moan aloud as the image of his fingertips trailed over her breasts and then flowed over her belly to whisper softly over her wet pussy with agonizingly slow and succulent movements. Her breath quickened and she heard his deep, low laugh, felt the roughness of his hands as they dug into her flesh. She imagined him pulling her closer for a deep searing kiss upon the velvet skin of her center which


lay in waiting for him to take and drink of, leaving her breathless…wanting so much more. She imagined his tongue laving over the soft folds of her skin as she wiggled beneath his gently nipping kisses. The thought delivered her to near madness, loving how his tongue delved deep inside of her to taste the sweet nectar which was for him alone. She would never tire of this, of him, for the paradise he had shown her would live on in her memory for the rest of her days. She sighed suddenly, knowing the mere images of him would never appease the deep ache within her. She needed the real man in order to find the pleasures she dreamt of. If only she had not left him…oh, this was absolute madness! She forced her eyes open and stepped back into reality with a sadness winding its way around her heart. She missed him so much and briefly wondered if he missed her as well. Dejectedly, she hung her head. She would be with her family soon and would not have to worry about thinking of him often. She would be much too busy, she tried to assure herself, even as she continued to feel his imagined touch scorching her flesh, tingling all the way to her toes. She loved the Scorpion‟s sting, the feel of his hands upon her flesh. So she afforded herself the luxury of basking in his passion


once again, imagining the touches she felt were as real as the scorpion she longed to embrace.

Scorpion cursed her name for the thousandth time in a week. He was so furious he could barely contain his rage and he knew when next he came face to face with the little hellion he sought, she would rue the day she had ever disobeyed him! He would love beating her into submission and he would enjoy pulling her to him, thrusting deeply within the warmth of her pussy. She was his one true delight and would remain so for the rest of his days. He closed his eyes as her image swam before him, a smile upon her lovely lips. Setting a provocative pose before him, she would tantalizing his mind until the ache he felt for her kept him hard and throbbing for most of the day. It made for a very uncomfortable ride upon his destrier…and that was just one more issue he would add to his list of reasons for beating her ass as he intended to do! She haunted his every waking hour and at night when he dreamt of her, he would wake up suddenly, always right before he would find the sweetest release he had ever known and spill his seed onto the ground.


It was then he would curse her name as well, for if she had not been so foolish as to leave him, he would be enjoying her warmth right at this moment! He ached for her so badly and knew, without a doubt, nothing would ever stand in his way of getting her back. He would drag her back to his castle by force, it need be. And if he needed to tie her to his bedpost to keep her in his bed and his bed alone, he would do just that. She would never flee his embrace again, nor would she be left alone to be looked after by his servants. Aye, he would do the task himself from now on. Even those few simple thoughts made him throb with wanting and he prayed he would find her soon. He would forego her beating, make love to her first and after he sated his hunger, he would then have the pleasure of beating her ass. He closed his eyes and grunted, feeling the throb between his legs intensify. Oh, how he hoped he would find her soon. The image of her ass beating was nearly too much to tolerate, knowing her smooth flesh would call out to him with a hunger as great as his own. And so he went on, trying to remember from which direction she had been brought from and realizing he had only half listened to what his brother had said to him that fateful day. He had been so deeply enthralled with the beauty which spit fire at him as she stood proudly, raising her chin up and giving him a defiant glare. He desired her then and he desired her


even more now. She had worked her way under his skin and he found that he did not want a cure from the ache she had given him. She was everything to him and he knew he would not function suitably until he had her back in his arms. For good this time. He did remember fleetingly Shelif mentioning her uncle was the king. He had never had the pleasure of meeting his liege lord, nor had he traveled to the king‟s home. Their existence to one another was just that; no contact and no demands. Even with the obvious stated, Scorpion still did not know if Aleash lived in the same area as her uncle. Mayhap she came from a neighboring village. He did not know, but he was more determined than ever to find out. Shaking himself out of his reserve, he spotted a small village up ahead and decided to stop for the night. It was nearly dusk and he wanted to get an early start on the morrow. Mayhap he could even find out more about Aleash‟s location, hoping that mayhap someone would have seen her. The village itself afforded little by ways for weary travelers to partake in a meal and sleep in a bed for the eve. He had been given an animal skin cask of mulled wine and a loaf of fresh bread by a kind husband and wife who looked scarcely able to afford flour to make the bread, much less give it away to him. Tossing two shiny gold pieces into the air as he turned his


destrier in the other direction and headed to the south, he smiled when he heard the woman exclaim her joy at the coin, calling out heartfelt thanks. Lifting his hand in a salute, he continued on in the direction the man had told him to travel, to King Ebinar‟s village further south. The village boasted a few large eateries and more than one place to buy a bed for the night. He had been told it would only take two hours to get to Visteam, having never been there himself. He decided to shorten the time by kicking his heels into his mount‟s side and race across the valley to a destination that would bring him the sweetest love he impatiently craved. At least he hoped he would find Aleash there or learn of her whereabouts and continue on. Upon his arrival to Visteam, he noticed the little village was actually a large community of happy, smiling people and well placed buildings. The place was nearly bursting at the seams, however, as he learned there was to be some type of celebration the next day. Something about one of the nobility being knighted by King Ebinar. Not impressed nor interested with the upcoming event which was to take place, Scorpion went to find a room and a decent meal. He was glad his journey was finally at an end, for he knew his brother to live somewhere within the wall of this great keep. He decided to ask around for directions


to his brother‟s housings, but first, he must eat and bathe. And he would see if any knew of the woman he sought. Aleash, the one who invaded his mind and the one who held his heart.

A wide grin spread across Aleash‟s face as her uncle dropped heavily into his chair and stared back at her in astonishment. She thought he seemed to be acting a bit strange, but she brushed it aside, thinking of it as his joy of seeing her again. “Aleash!” King Ebinar‟s face had lost its normal tan color and had become quite ashen. Alarmed, Aleash rushed forward and grasped his hand in her own. She had assumed her uncle had thought her dead all this time since his pallor appeared to look as if he had seen a ghost. She hugged him tightly around his neck, smiling happily at finally being home. King Ebinar held his niece tightly and closed his eyes, lest she see the lack of enthusiasm for her return. He had thought Shelif the Wolf had assured him Lord Scorpion would not let the chit leave his castle and would keep her from his community until he sent word. Alas, they had not known what they were up against: one rebellious woman who would fight tooth and nail to get what she wanted. Her freedom first and foremost was what


the woman sought and if it meant destroying all in her path to achieve her goal, so be it. Pasting a smile upon his face, he held her at arms length and looked into her lovely face, the face that had been the envy of many a woman and had every man who looked upon her favors fall deeply in love. “I must summon your cousin. He will be thrilled you are here! And Edina will be sorry to have missed your arrival. She is away visiting with relatives on the coast. Sit and I will get Alex!” He stood quickly and left his private chamber in a hurry, leaving his niece with a stunned look upon her face at his abrupt departure. Watching him rush from the chamber, she placed her hands upon her hips and shook her head. What the devil is going on? This was not at all like her uncle to behave in such a manner. Something did not feel right and that in itself made her defenses spring into action suddenly. He knew she cared not a wit for his young and immature wife, Edina, having never liked the woman since the day she had wed her uncle and it was also strange he did not summon a servant to fetch her cousin Alex, bidding to do the deed himself. Aye, something was amiss. After a quarter hour had past and her uncle still had not returned, Aleash decided she would make her way to her own chamber. She wanted


to change into a proper gown and pull her favorite sword from its hiding place at last. She would then seek out her uncle and her cousin to find out what the hell was going on.


Chapter Ten

Scorpion was surprised he had been sought out so quickly. He had just finished bathing when he had heard a resounding knock upon his rented chamber door. When he opened the door, he expected to see a maid with his ordered meal, or his brother whom he had sent word to of his arrival. Instead he saw the beefy looking man before him and he immediately drew his sword, posing a menacing figure waiting upon an unwanted encounter. The two men stared at one another for what seemed an eternity before the stranger afforded Scorpion a slight smile as he begged for entry. When Scorpion‟s took a defensive stand to bar the other man‟s path, the truth of the man‟s identity was revealed. After a moment, Scorpion bid the man enter. Scorpion sat and listed intently to what the man before him had to say. He learned, in truth, it was Aleash‟s uncle, the king himself no less, who had ordered her to be removed from his palace as Shelif had told him. And the reason behind the abrupt removal did not settle well with him at all.


It would seem the hellion was a walking mound of impending doom and trouble, just as she had been at his own keep. Finding trouble seemed to be what she craved the most and their community had been hazard free since the day she had left. But the main reason for her departure was a bluntly stated fact. Her uncle did not want his niece within the walls of his keep any longer. There seemed to be quite a riff between the king‟s new wife and Aleash, who did not see eye to eye on one issue. Short of telling his niece to get her belongings and get out, the king had thought it best to stage an abduction to have her removed. Unfortunately for the king, Aleash loved her family enough to seek them out and return to a home where she was unaware of her unwelcome stature. Then, of course, there were the issues of the men who vied for her affections. And the list of men was a mile long and growing every day! Scorpion detected a bit of humor in tale, noting the king‟s new wife Edina was miffed the men were not after her favor instead. He got the rather blatant impression the woman was as vain as one could get! “And so you can imagine our surprise when Father saw Aleash breeze into his chamber.” Alex shook his head at his cousin‟s willfulness. “We did this to protect her and now she unknowingly puts herself in jeopardy once


again. We even had to send your own brother to safety, for she has threatened to behead,” he cleared his throat rather uncomfortably then, “or unman him herself.” Taking a sip of ale from the tankard sitting on the table, Scorpion raised the rim to his lips, viewing the other man with interest. Sitting the tankard down once again, he raised his brows and grinned. “And what do you propose to do about her? She is quite the handful, to be true!” He was relieved she had been found safe and unharmed, but he still could not wait to get his hands on her. She had a sound beating coming to her, among other things, and he intended upon seeing the deed done himself. Alex laughed outright. “Being that you, the great Lord Scorpion, happened to be in Visteam inquiring about Aleash, as we were told, you must have perused her for a reason…a reason I am sure only you yourself are kin to. And whatever the reason, I have a proposal for you.” Intrigued, Scorpion bid the man continue. This was becoming very interesting, to say the least. Here he sat with the cousin of Aleash and the man had told him in one breath his father did not want his cousin under his feet and in another, he had stated sending her away was for her own protection. He wondered just what the devil the real reason was.


“In as much as I and my Father appreciate your care of Aleash over the past several months, we want to make the arrangement more appealing to you.” Alex leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, the muscles in his arms bulging in the effort. “We know of your reputation, Lord Scorpion, as do many afar, which is why we insisted you oversee to the welfare of my cousin in the first place. But now we wish for you to care for Aleash on a more…permanent…basis. We propose to give you her hand in a bonding that will be much to your liking. My Father promises this to you, as do I.” Stunned silence hung heavy in the chamber as the words sunk in. His brother had never told him the king had wanted him to have a bonding with the willful woman. Not that it would have mattered, for his lust had surely ruled his mind on the issue…but mayhap Shelif did not know himself what the king had had in his mind from the very beginning. And now, this man, Aleash‟s cousin, proposed for him to take her hand in a bond, to make her his in every legal sense of the deed. To do with what he will. But the very thought of a union with Aleash made his heart thud rapidly in his chest. When he finally found his voice, it was barely above a whisper. “What say you?”


Alex grinned. “Take my cousin‟s hand in marriage and my father will pay you for the… deed, as it is.” He leaned forward as his grin deepened. “You will be a very wealthy man in your own right, my lord, and my father will most assuredly put ink to parchment giving you his solemn vow he will never call upon your keep to defend his own. Father only wishes to seek out a man strong enough to handle the hellion and keep her safe. You need not bed the wench, unless of course, you want to. Just keep her from harm. You can even lock her away somewhere, or give her to someone else to keep for you. And if you will refuse us, we shall go and find another who will take on the deed. It is for her own good, as I am sure you understand. Ours has not been a happy home for some time…since Father wed Edina. I am of an opinion my father‟s new wife is indeed jealous of Aleash‟s beauty and was the one who had put the initial thought in my father‟s head to be rid of her.” He shrugged as he shook his head.

“I truly love my cousin, do not

misinterpret my feelings, but I feel this will be the best thing for her. She will be much happier away from here. As will we.” Scorpion closed his eyes briefly and saw her face in his mind‟s eye. By the saints, how could he possibly do this? He did not wish to wed, not even to Aleash, but he did not want to give her up to another man, either. He did not want her to learn of the distaste her entire family felt for her as well.


„Tis all she had spoke of when trying to reason her leaving from Scorpion Castle. All she wished to do was to be back with the family she loved. His sapphire eyes snapped open and he shook his head. “She will never agree to such a thing.” “We are very persuasive, Scorpion. She will do as she is bid.” Now that tone did not sound to his liking at all. He did not want her uncle to force their union, whether it was to him or another. Hell, forget the other! He would be damned if someone else would take her from him. He knew she would resent the fact, more so with him, and cause nothing but trouble for the rest of his days, in addition to what she had already dished out to him thus far. Still, he needed time to think. Not even the deep desire and affection he felt for her could make him consent to this bonding with such haste. “I shall reflect on the subject over the eve. I will give you my answer in the morn.” Alex nodded and stood to his full height of six foot three. His long blonde hair swished over his back to his waist as he placed a firm hand upon the sword that hung at his side. “I will be here before the cock crows on the morn. Think hard on this, Scorpion. If you say us nay, our search for another must begin immediately.”


Scorpion watched him take his leave as he stood and went to gaze out the window. Looking outside, his thoughts filled with Aleash‟s image, her smile and the pleasure of all the times he had taken her. His heart beat wildly in his chest when he thought of wedding her. And a new thought nearly brought him to his knees. He loved her. With his whole heart, he loved this demon-woman and all the trouble that came with her. He had known for some time he had felt the strange new emotions swirl through his body whenever she was near. She was all he could think about most days and she certainly was the first woman who had kept his interest for longer than a few weeks. This new revelation terrified him beyond anything else in his life, making him want to leap upon his destrier and take flight back to his own homeland. But the thought of having her for his wife, to hold forever within his arms, made him think the deed would make him a very satisfied man. If he agreed to this bonding, he would make doubly sure his wife would never want to set eyes upon another man. Her desire would be for him alone, always and forever. And as a slow smile curled up the corners of his lips, an idea began to form in his mind. A delicious idea filled with the pleasures of lust, passion and desire. Ideas perhaps born of desperation on


his part, true, but he had to make her understand she will have no other man but him. Ever. His brand would live forever upon her flesh. He would see to the deed himself. Scorpion threw his head back and laughed suddenly, wanting to shout out this newfound discovery of love. Aye, he was ready for the fight he knew would come from her, but he craved the confrontation as much as his hardened length throbbed with wanting for her at that very moment. He could not wait for the morn to arrive. He would welcome the new day with open arms!

A slight grin formed on Aleash‟s lips as she looked from her uncle to her cousin. “What? Surly I did not hear you correctly.” Alex placed his hands upon his hips and looked at his cousin thoughtfully. “I do not think you have become hard of hearing in the months since you have been away. You know what has been said.” He waited for the onslaught to begin and was surprised as he watched his cousin sit calmly in the chair across from him. “And whom do you have in mind, dear cousin of mine? I can only hope the man you have chosen for me to wed will match my wit, my strength and my passion for the sword.” She laughed at him, humor lighting


her eyes. “Can you provide to me a man with long dark hair, sapphire eyes and a physique that would make my mouth water? How about one with a will as strong as my own? He will need to be a sturdy warrior, untamed of course, and a faithful husband, very appeasing to my eyes and gloriously handsome in every aspect of his being. And he would need to love me as I would love him. If he is not who I have just described, send him away, for I will have no other.” She laughed again and waited for Alex to rant and rave about the man he had chosen for her not even coming close to her fantasy lover. Well, he was not a fantasy lover, for she had described Lord Scorpion in detail, but her cousin did not need to know that detail. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for his response, a big grin upon her face. But when Scorpion appeared to stand beside Alex, his sapphire eyes drilling into her own with a smile gracing his handsome face, she closed her eyes and prayed for strength from above. “Cousin, may I present-” “I know who he is, Alex!” Aleash crossed her arms over her chest as she let her eyes travel over Scorpion‟s hard form.

Oh, he looked too

delicious, as always, and she felt herself become wet instantly as her craving for him intensified beyond the normal capacity she was used to.


Slowly, her caressing gaze smoothed over him like a tender touch and when she finally glanced into his eyes, she nearly gasped at the passion she saw burning there. She wanted to rush into his arms and hold him to her, never letting him go again. Her breath quickened as she held his gaze, rooted in place and not wanting to move. He stood three feet from her and she could smell his scent as it wafted over to her, teasing her, touching her with invisible fingers of luscious warmth and a deep dark yearning. “Is he not everything you have described to me?” Alex had to bite his tongue lest he laugh in her face. So! His cousin had fallen in love with a warrior befitting her station in life, one who could clearly bring her to submission with just a look. He was indeed happy for her and glad to be rid of her presence at the same time, once and for all. “He is.” Her whispered words surrounded Scorpion, making him week in his knees and wanting to haul her over his shoulder to find the nearest bed. A table would do, or even the floor would suffice! She was so near he could almost taste her sweet scent upon his tongue and it nearly drove him to madness. She had invaded his entire thoughts for over a week now and had swept him away on one erotic ride after another in his dreams. And now, there she stood, beautiful beyond belief and all he could think about was


bedding her and making her his wife. His wife, to have and to hold. To love for the rest of his days. “Good. The clergy will be here within the hour. Be you ready to wed. And no trickery, Aleash.” Alex crossed his arms over his chest and gave his cousin a guarded look. She shook her head as she smiled. “Nay, no trickery.” She stood and stepped closer to Scorpion, feeling his heat radiate around her. She lowered her voice as she spoke to him. “I am surprised you are here.” “Did you not think I would come after you? I do owe you an ass beating for leaving me as you did.” He reached a hand up to brush back a few curling strands of silken hair from her cheek, catching his breath at the softness, the very scent of her. She felt the heat of his hand, feeling the sting of his touch as he lightly brazed over her skin with his fingertips. “Beat me if you must, my Lord Scorpion, but know that I will enjoy every minute of it. You do have a way of bringing to me such an erotic feeling of lust with all your beatings. Mayhap I should get into more trouble than usual just to feel your luscious sting.” She leaned into him and wound her arms around his neck. “I will welcome the diversion.” She laved her tongue slowly over his lips, hearing a deep rumbling groan within his chest.


“If you insist upon seducing me in front of your uncle and cousin, then I shall do the same. I shall throw you upon the floor and make you scream with your pleasure as I rove my tongue over every inch of your thighs, including every luscious thing which lies in between. I have missed you in my arms, woman.” He kissed the tip of her nose and pulled her to his chest, hugging her tightly to him. “Never leave me again.” His whispered words of lust had her breath coming in small gasps even as she noticed her family had vacated the chamber. She smiled at the thoughtfulness, lazily laving her tongue slowly over Scorpion‟s neck, tasting the familiar scent of his sex and desire. “We are quite alone, my lord. Do you make good on your offer now, or did you dish me out your words just to tantalize my mind? I crave your stroking hands and inform you I am quite ready for your welcomed entry into something hot and wet that begs for your touch.” He growled low in his throat, delving his tongue into the velvety recesses of her mouth. She tasted good and felt so delicious in his arms, the need he felt for her heightened to an extreme level. He picked her up in his arms, carrying her over to the chair she had sat in a few moments before. Starting at her ankles, Scorpion slowly roamed his hands up her legs, pushing her gown up as he went. He grinned when he reached the apex of


her thighs, finding no restrictions from his urgent request. She had never worn undergarments in his presence before and here he thought it was to keep his interest and imagination flying with all sorts of mouth-watering thoughts. He wondered if she knew him to be nearby so as not to wear the bothersome items and his grin deepened. Nay, she had not known he was here or she would not have told her cousin what she was looking for in a husband. She had described him perfectly and he leaned into her to whisper next to her ear of what he had heard as his fingers softly explored the velvet wetness of her passion. “Do you come to me willingly, woman?” “Aye, I do, now and always. You know I do, Scorpion.” She wiggled enticingly under his fingers, wishing for something more. She had missed him so much over the past week and now her need for his hard length to be inside of her was overwhelming. “I know you want me like this, but do you want me as a husband?” Her emerald eyes lit on him with such an intense gaze of passion, and if he saw right, there was love shining there as well. He nearly thrust into her at that moment, but he had to know. He had to hear it from her. “What do you feel, my Scorpion? What is it you would have me say?” She tenderly kissed his lips, dipping her tongue inside his mouth, tasting the


manliness of him, bringing to her memory the passion they had shared over and over again during their months together. She looked at him once more and did not wait for his response. “Aye, I would have you for my husband,” she gasped as one of his fingers slowly slid into her heated pussy. “But I will have you willingly…not by force.” She closed her eyes, enjoying the delicious feel of his fingers as he continued to massage inside her heat. “Oh, I come to you willingly, Lady Scorpion, for I would have you no other way. I have branded you long ago with my sting and I refuse to let another taste the sweets I have enjoyed so much. I have told you I will never let you go. I meant every word I have said.” “Then brand me again, my lord, for I welcome your sting this time, and every time in the future. You are all my heart has desired for a very long time and to make you my own will make me a very satisfied woman.” She placed her hands on either side of his face, gazing into the intense sapphire of his eyes. “I have held you in my heart for so very long. Love me well, Scorpion, and give me what I crave most.” Releasing his hard cock from his codpiece proved effortless. Aleash had brushed his hands aside in her haste to have him inside of her and he gave a small laugh at her eagerness. His heart had lightened with her earlier


admission and he wondered if she actually had spoken the words or if he had imagined them. Had she proclaimed her love for him? Could he find hope in his own heart that she had, in fact, said she loved the Scorpion? He would find the answer to his questions, but first he needed to make sure he appeased her longings, as well as his own. Grasping her thighs, he slid smoothly into her warmth and sighed as she surrounded his hardness with a velvety touch. He had missed this feel for some time now and he intended to take full advantage of her fervent offerings. Aleash closed her eyes, allowing the heat to overtake her body. He felt so very good inside of her and she relaxed as she rocked her hips gently back and forth, the slow movements bringing a moan of pleasure from Scorpion‟s lips. She deftly pulled her cumbersome gown over her head, thrilled with the knowledge his dark sapphire eyes lit on her with immense pleasure. She thrust her full breasts forward, teasing him as she gently lifted the round orbs into her own hands, squeezing her nipples to hard peaks. Continuing to rock under him, she tilted her head back, moaning her pleasure as the feel of his cock growing inside of her intensified. He thrust into her with a steady rhythm, matching her own hips, feeling the heat of him seep into her soul.


Scorpion leaned down and took one rigid nipple into his eager mouth as he suckled ravenously, laving his tongue over the hardened nub slowly. She tasted of sweet flowers, honeysuckle perhaps, and he breathed deeply of her scent. She was absolutely delicious and as he moved over to her other waiting nipple, she convulsed around him suddenly with a soft moan, finding her first sweet release. He grasped her breasts tenderly, squeezing as he continued to pump into her center of velvet and liquid fire. He wanted this one moment to last forever, never ending, but knew he would soon take her again. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she thrust her hips against his own, feeling him bury deeper inside the heavenly bliss of her, knowing soon he would loose his control to spill his seed into her soul. She grasped onto his shoulders as she pulled him up to her waiting lips where she stroked her tongue over his own, moaning into his mouth with her pleasure. She felt his muscles tense in his back and raised her hips to meet his with such force that she nearly pushed him over in her eagerness. She wanted nothing more than to enfold herself into his soul, to stay there, never leaving him. It was then that he slowed his pace somewhat, to tease her she knew, and she tightened her legs around his waist to pull him into her further. She felt every hard inch of him slide inside her welcoming pussy


and groaned aloud in her thrill. This was the first time she had felt him so completely, knowing that as he slowed his pace even more, the best was yet to come. She tightened herself around the length of his cock, tugging and massaging him from within herself, giving him everything she had to offer in respect to this love she craved so desperately. Delving her tongue inside his mouth once again, she toyed with his inner heat until she felt him fairly explode within herself, the force was so great. Aye, the scorpion who branded her his own and would hold her heart for the rest of her days had, once again, taken her to heaven to soar among the clouds. On and on Scorpion continued, thrusting deeper each time, making her melt like liquid fire under his own body. His groans of passion mingled with her own, stealing her breath away as it did his, leaving him with the blaze of her touch across his very soul. Languidly, he gazed into her emerald eyes bright with the pleasure they had just shared. He kissed her enticing lips as he ran a tender hand over her sensitive breasts, still inside of her, still hard and waiting for the next round of play to sate his lust, his unstated desire. He nuzzled her neck with his lips, leaving a fiery path of heat across her silken flesh. Tantalizing her with heated lover‟s words of endearment,


he raised his head to look at her beauty which fairly emanated throughout the entire chamber. He was in awe of her seductive position under him, her sweet flesh exposed to his hungry eyes and he grinned suddenly. “What do you smile about, Scorpion? Is it the knowledge you have taken my heart and branded me as one of your erotic concubines? Your personal untamed slave of love?” He shook his head. “Nay, woman. I look at you and know you are finally mine. I will let no others take you from me. Our union will be just like it is now. Full of love and passion‟s fire, untamed and wild. I will ensure you are kept fully satisfied by me lest you stray into another‟s arms.” He kissed her sincerely, wanting her to know how he felt. “And as for your heart, I promise to hold it with a tender hand, lady mine.” “I will not stray, my lord.

With your iron grip and your ever

watchfulness of my actions, I fear you have intensions of keeping me abed from morn until night.” She smiled, running a silken hand over his brow, smoothing back his dark hair and admiring his handsome face. “Am I correct in assuming such?” He laughed outright. “Aye, you are, but I intend to do so much more. I must know, my lady, if you spoke true earlier. Do I hold your heart? Am I the only man you will desire from this point forth?”


“You have been the only man I have ever known in my heart. You should know this admission already, for I have but showed it to you in a million ways. You are all I desire. Why would I need to go searching for something else when I have everything I want right here with you?” She pulled from him then and stood, pulling her gown back over her head and smoothing it into place. Going over to a long table alongside one wall, she poured them a tankard of wine to share. Taking a sip, she then handed him the tankard and watched as he drank deeply of the sweet ruby liquid. “I would know something of you as well, my lord.” He raised his brows at her, bidding her to continue as he sat in the chair she had lain on just moments before, still feeling the heat from her body. Vivid images of their passion filtered through his mind and he felt the ever-present deep longing for her begin to rise in his loins once again. Would he ever tire of her? “You realize I will not stand by and do nothing if I know you have taken a mistress. Fidelity is a must in my heart and I will not tolerate your fucking other women.” She crossed her arms over her chest as she narrowed her eyes at him. “You are too delicious for words and with a smile from those luscious lips of yours, or a wink from those sapphire gems that are your eyes, any maid or maiden, for that matter, would fairly swoon at your


feet, begging to have the sting of your brand upon them. I would have your word that none of my fears will come to pass. Agreed?” Scorpion threw back his head and roared his laughter. She was priceless, a true joy, and if he was not mistaken, jealous of those unknown maid and maidens. She should know by now he did not care for any other woman but her. He tried to pull her into his strong embrace as he stood, but she smacked his hands from her. “I would know, Scorpion. If this is your intent then I will refuse to wed you and end my life as the possession of some elderly warrior looking to find a young wife to give him more sons.” She shivered at the thought as her eyes turned to him in a glare. “Is this what my fate is to be then? Bedding a one hundred year old, withered creature with no teeth and no hardness between his legs to appease the ever-present ache you have instilled within me? Well? Tell me true!” He wanted to laugh at her rising fury, but instead he crossed his arms over his own chest, grinning at her. “I find the thought of an old man trying to fuck you not much to my liking, let alone how you feel about him. And as for being ever faithful to you…ah…” He sidestepped her intended blow to his midsection as he laughed at her anger. “Aye, woman!

You know I am but

teasing you. I surrender to your charms, your beautiful face,” he pulled her


into his arms and kissed her neck as he went on with, “your delectable body, your welcome seduction of my mind, and of my soul. I cannot live without you any more than I could ever forget how you please me. No other woman could ever fill the void of you in my life. Your uncle and cousin did not need to twist my arm to get me to agree to this union. I came to this proposed union willingly in the hopes you would follow me. I want you more than you could ever know. More than life itself. Know I will always hold you in the highest regard, and desire you with the same. And have faith in my fidelity. I would not cause undue heartache to you any more than I would expect you to do likewise to me.” He kissed her lips tenderly, feeling the surge of heat fill his groin from the simple gesture. “You need not worry about any maids or maidens turning my head. My eyes hold your image only, as does my mind. You are all I have thought about for months now and yet you ask me if I will have an opinion to lay with another. Silly wench. Do not be so foolish as to think I am the worst of men.” “I did not know you felt this way.” Aleash grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pacified for now, with his admissions. “Then I will speak true and tell you I go willingly into this bond as well. I welcome the adventure I am sure to give you and myself.” She raised her brows at him. “An adventure to be sure.”


“What adventure do you speak of?” He nuzzled her neck with his lips as he ran his tongue along her jaw line, leaving a path of fire blazing on her flesh. “The adventures in and out of our bed.” She moaned as his lips nipped at the tender flesh under her ear. “Aye, show me the adventure, woman, for I grow hard with my wanting once more. My hunger for you is sedated for one single moment, but then it seems to grow again and again when I look into your eyes, knowing you feel the same heated lust as I do.” “Aye, a lust that matches my own, I would have solid merit to wager. I wish to feel your sting, my Scorpion. Please me well and I shall hold you, once again, to my heart for an eternity.” Her words thrilled him, made him hunger for her all the more. He moved her against the wall as he lifted her legs so they were placed around his waist, raising her gown as he did so. He felt the silkiness of her flesh as his hands roamed up her thighs, heard her small moans of passion whispered next to his ear. Her breath was hot, searing him with a level of energy and lust which had his body screaming for his immediate release. Scorpion entered her quickly and smoothly, groaning aloud as her velvety heat surrounded him, squeezing and pulling him further into the


sweet abyss she had created for him alone. Gliding on silken waves of seduction and passion‟s blazing fire, he pressed her into the wall as he thrust into her with a force that nearly left him winded within minutes of starting the sweet onslaught. Aleash clutched at his shoulders as her legs tightened around his waist, thrusting her breasts forward into his hard chest, delivering him an erotic kiss filled with the aching desire she wanted to give to him. Her arms tightened around his neck as she pulled her lips from his, moaning her pleasure loudly as her release shook her to her bones. He plunged into her gladly, took every amount of passion he could suck from her flesh, feeling her delight as he did so.

He found his own

rapture then as well, wishing it had not ended as soon as it had. He continued to ease his thrusts into her heat, enjoying the feel of her, tight and hot around him. His hands continued to smooth along her hips with gentle teasing strokes and he heard her sigh with obvious satisfaction. Scorpion leaned his forehead on the wall behind her for a moment, breathing heavy with his exertion. He smiled into her hair and he took a deep breath of her honeysuckle scent into his lungs. He raised his head to look at her then, not believing he held her once again in his arms. He felt the strong pressure of love well within his chest and he knew now was the time


to confess his feelings for her. She had agreed to become his wife, his soul…his living breath. Looking into his sapphire eyes still ablaze with his passion, Aleash leaned weakly into his arms, feeling him tighten his hold upon her waist. His look had become serious as she continued to look into his handsome face, almost growing concerned with his somber gaze. Scorpion did not let her go, holding her next to him as he whispered she held his heart and she always would. He wanted her to know he did not want some docile woman as his wife; he wanted fire and wild abandon. He wanted the untamed antics of the woman who had captured his heart with just a single smile. He wanted her to believe she held his soul and she would be the only woman to ever do so. Stunned by his whispered admission, she pulled back from his face and allowed her feet to finally touch solid ground beneath her, retaining a hold on his muscular shoulders lest she fall over from the shock. Had she heard him correctly? Had he, the infamous Lord Scorpion, told her he loved her? Neither said a word as they stared into the blazing heat of love‟s afterglow in each other‟s eyes. The very air around them crackled with wild


lust and want. The smell of sex embraced them both, luring them into the erotic notion of more to come. Tenderly, she reached out a hand to smooth back the dark hair from his brow. He was so handsome, deliciously so, that her heart ached with the thought of holding him to her for the rest of their days. To love him fully, as a wife should love the man she has bonded with. This was the fantasy of how she envisioned her life since she had been a child. And to have a bond with this man, Lord Scorpion, the wild and untamed warrior who held her so tenderly within the brutal strength of his arms, was more than she could have ever hoped for. He had not meant to profess his love to her, had not meant for her to hold his love over his head, to use it as a tool for vengeance as women were want to do. But as Scorpion saw her eyes change from passion filled back to reality, there was none of the emotions he thought he would see present in her stare. There was no condescending remorse, nor a power play of slated authority. Only the mirror of what he felt in his own heart was seen on her lovely face as a slow smile curled the corners of her lips up on the ends. “You love me.” It was not a question, but a statement, as her whispered words delved into his mind, bringing with it, the realization her smile enchanted him


beyond mere worldly feats, making him weak and longing to hold on to her for the strength which lie within her. Aleash leaned her head against the wall behind her and grinned as she trailed her fingertips along his cheek. They would start anew, their happiness and hope fragile, but she knew their future life together would be one filled with an abundance of unabashed love and the ultimate feelings of sweet desire‟s ecstasy. Scorpion smiled slightly as he continued to drink in her beauty. Dare he hope for this small repast of security from a woman who has been nothing but a pain in his backside? A woman whose willfulness had sent her from her own home to keep her safe? A woman he loved more than his own life? “I love you, my Lord Scorpion. I think I have loved you since the first day my eyes set upon you. You have stung me with your passion, bringing an ache to my heart and paralyzing me with your strength and power. I could have never hoped for more, even in my dreams of where I lay at your feet in a sea of thousands and beg you to love me in return. And now I give to you my whole heart, leaving nothing held back, for I see in your eyes the pleasure my words have given you. I have wished upon a thousand stars for this one small thing, even praying to the scorpion constellation that it


would be so and I have been granted your love at long last. I love you, make no mistake, and I will keep you as mine for as long as I am able to draw my own breath.” He smiled then, pulling her tighter into his embrace. “I do love you. I thought at our first meeting you had stolen my heart then and mayhap you had, but I think I love you even more now, even your wild ways. And I vow the same to you, my Scorpion Princess, that you shall always hold my heart and I shall defend your love till I draw no more breath into my body. This I promise to you always.” Kissing him soundly then, Aleash felt the pent up pressure from her true feelings release her from the rigidness she had not known she held. It was like a relief to finally say what she had wanted to for all these months now. “I shall get us more wine, my lord.

We should celebrate our

upcoming nuptials with a private toast of longevity and happiness.” She smiled at him over her shoulder as she went to fill their cup once again.


Chapter Eleven

The door to the chamber opened as Alex peeked inside. He grinned at Scorpion who stood before him with a smile touching his lips. He shook his head and grinned. He was glad for his cousin, but he somehow pitied the man who was to be her husband. “Lord Scorpion!” Alex walked forward with his grin still in place. “Before we have the clergy man set upon us, Father and I wish to give you the funds now for taking our offer of my cousin‟s hand. We are glad to be free of her and you are now a very wealthy man!” His smile faded as he saw Aleash appear from behind a decorative screen, her face full of pain, hurt…and obvious fury. “What say you?” Her whispered words sounded loud in the quiet chamber. She turned accusing eyes toward Scorpion and then back to her cousin. “You had to bribe him with coin to take my hand?” She looked back at Scorpion and shook her head. “So all the sweet words you have said to me were nothing but lies?” The tankard of wine slipped from her hand and fell to her feet, banging loudly upon the stone floor. The ruby liquid washed


over her feet and flowed around her like blood, almost depicting the death of a love that barely had time to thrive. She shook her head as Scorpion took a step in her direction. “Do not! Stay where you are and tell me no more of your deceitful words meant to blind me to the truth!” She turned hatful eyes toward her cousin then. “And you, Alex! If neither you nor Uncle Ebinar wanted me here, all you had to do was tell me to be gone. You did not have to barter for my hand in order for me to be cast from your sight. I had at least thought you, of all people, would never do this to me. I, however, was mistaken.” She rounded on Scorpion then, who had made his way to stand in front of her. “Damn you! If all you wanted was coin, I could have paid you to leave me be.” Her hand snaked out then to deliver him a resounding slap to his left cheek. Rage burned in his eyes and he grasped her wrists as she tried to throw another swing his way. “Cease this childish play!” “Childish? This is not child‟s play, Scorpion. This is my life you barter for. Damn me, if you had to be forced into this farce then I am no better than an animal to you. How could you do this to me?” She saw her seething words stung him in their intensity, but she took no pleasure in the hurtful look upon his face. “Be gone from me, you bastard! And you too, Alex! But do not fear, both of you. I shall be gone from here shortly, never to return.


And you can tell my uncle he will never have to put his eyes upon me ever again, for I now know his true intent.” “Aleash, I did not barter for you-” Scorpion ducked suddenly when he saw her produce a blade swiftly from her side. Where in the hell that thing had come from, he did not know, but as he sidestepped her attempts to cut him down, he finally pulled his own sword from his side to defend her blows. He was shocked she wielded the blade so well, making him block one hefty swing after another. She was quick and had caught him unaware several times, cutting into his flesh and feeling her anger with each thrust. “I do not want to wed you, Scorpion, nor do I want to spend the rest of my life with a man whose reputation for bedding women is a banner that flies proudly upon his tower. Be gone from me! I never want to look upon your face for the rest of my days!” The fight had gone out of her and she lowered her weapon as she bowed her head in defeat. Tears stung her eyes, but she pushed the emotions from herself as she finally brought her eyes to meet his once more. Hurt, anger, and a deep unsettling fire blazed in their depths as she narrowed her eyes in a hatful glare. “I never want to see you again.” The words were barely above a whisper, but they rang loud and clear in the chamber. “Go now.”


Furious beyond what he had ever felt in his life, Scorpion sheathed his sword and stalked from the chamber, throwing over his shoulder as he went, “You will never set eyes upon me again. Have no fear, lady. I want nothing more to do with you, either!”


Chapter Twelve

Scorpion‟s face matched the rage he felt in his heart. What in the hell just happened? In one moment he was making love to the woman of his dreams and in the next he had stormed out of the chamber in a rage because she believed a misconception in the words her cousin had spoken. Well, to the fire‟s of hell with her! He did not need this in his life. He did not want her in his life! But even as his mind shouted the words, his mind also screamed the denial. He loved her with a passion that far outreached anything else in his sorry life and he had just walked out and left her without even trying to reason further with her. Not that she would have allowed the words to be spoken, the stubborn wench. Scorpion stopped suddenly and placed his hands upon his hips, pondering the events which had taken place a few moments before. She had placed the blame on him and had literally shoved him completely out of the picture without even understanding what had happened. The little hellion! He should just let it go and be on his way, but he decided he would beat her soundly and make her listen to what he had to tell her.


Rushing back up the steps to the second floor once more, he burst into the chamber and drew his sword loudly, ready to meet her head on again if he must. Not a sound was heard and a sudden chill went up his spine. She was gone; the chamber was empty. He felt helpless, and an emotion he had never before felt in his life sprang upon him suddenly. He was scared. He was scared he would lose her and never see her again. His chest felt constricted of air while his heart beat wildly within his chest. She had become his lifeline…and the love of his mere existence. Had he loved her for so long then? Had she held the only passage to his heart, his life? He realized with astounding clarity she had and she always would. He wanted to have a life with her and no other. He wanted her to carry his children and to love only him. As determination set across his handsome face, he vowed he would have those desires with her and so much more. He loved her, loved her to the point of being dangerous to his own self being, but he knew also she was a woman of sincere devotion. She had confessed her love of him, had said she loved him since the moment she had set eyes upon his form. He refused to let her forget her own words!


Darkness had settled quickly. Scorpion had followed Aleash at a distance, waiting for the right moment to make his presence known. He wished to hold his lady once again, to feel the love she had for him wrap around his entire being, but right now his anger was too great for him to even consider the notion. The fool woman had gone off by herself into the dark night where God only knows what awaited her. As the small fire she had made spit tiny sparks into the black sky, Scorpion silently made his way to her destrier, making sure to stay out of the glow of the fire, waiting for the right moment to let her know of his presence. He knew the upset and fury which had crossed her face earlier was a deep hurt and not just from what she thought was his deceit. She was hurt her cousin and her uncle did not want her near them. He was sure she had gotten that exact impression, for he had gotten the same impression from her cousin the day before. He hoped to appease her emotional wounds of this day and make her know he did not want her uncle‟s coin. He wanted her alone. And he damn well would have her…even if it killed him. Silently, Aleash mulled over the events of the day. Damn! What a literal mess! Her family obviously did not wish for her to be anywhere near


them, so they had paid coin for Scorpion to take her away for good. She had had no idea her family did not love her enough to want her around and she wondered briefly if her they had ordered her to be taken from her home all those months ago. Could the same reasoning be true at to why her uncle had acted so strangely when she had shown up suddenly after being gone for so long? She shook her head. By the Saints! How could she have been so blind! She had to find the man who had taken her, Shelif the Wolf, and put the question to him. But as she hung her head, she knew what his answer would be. Dejected, Aleash settled herself upon the blanket she had brought with her and laid on her side facing the fire. The low flames warmed her face and she closed her eyes, thinking of another warmth she would rather have. Scorpion‟s face pierced her heart and she felt like she had died inside from his deceit. How she wished the flowery words were true, the words of love and the words of an eternal bond, the promise of him holding her forever. Aleash sighed suddenly as she tuned upon her back to stare at the stars above. She smiled when she found the constellation of stars which formed the scorpion image above her. She remembered when she had been


shown the mass of stars by Scorpion himself; how he had told her how proud he was to share the name with the astrological creation and to bear the mark of the great constellation. He had told her to look above whenever she was longing for him, to call out his name and he would appear to her. She smiled as she called out his name softly. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply of his scent that seemed to swirl around her, teasing her with his imagined presence. She knew he was only within her mind's eye, but still she felt herself become aroused at the smell of his own hunger. Once more she tried to brush away the erotic thoughts her mind had conjured up. This was not exactly the time or the place to allow herself this teasing pleasure, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to cast him from her thoughts. His exotically handsome face swam before her eyes as she swallowed down a moan of passion. Damn! Aleash gave in to her thoughts finally, imagining the most delicious pleasures, sending herself into a spinning journey of lust and emotional need as she pulled every fiber of her being into the fantasy of his love for her. She moaned seductively, running her tongue along her top lip as the imaginary hands of Scorpion brushed over her breasts, her belly, over her thighs which opened to his touch like a blossom holding the sweetest nectar.


Scorpion saw the hunger on her face and he knew she thought of him. She had called out his name and he had felt his heart hammer in his chest rapidly. She consumed his soul, had invaded his body like the poison of his namesake as if she had taken the very heart from his chest. He loved her beyond the normal capacities of what he had ever felt for a woman and vowed to keep her safe for all time. And keeping her safe was mostly what occupied his time. He grinned to himself, thinking he would not have the hellion any other way. He loved her spirit, her strong will and wit, but above all else, he loved the enchanting seduction of the sensual passion‟s flame which burned in her eyes, in her very soul. He would enjoy the taking of her again soon, long and hard, slow and soft, however she wanted him. Sighing quietly and feeling his hard cock between his legs begin to throb with want, he stood slowly and began to form a plan of action in his mind. Aleash happened to open her eyes at the same moment Scorpion stepped into the pale light of the fire. He stared at her with no emotion upon his face and she felt her heart break a little more. He was so very handsome, too damn delicious for words and she wondered if he knew what she truly felt for him. Did he know she loved him more than her own life and would have done most anything to keep him as her own? Nay, he did


not know, nor would she tell him. She was tired of being hurt, the pain of his lost love burning deep within her heart making her want to lash out at him again for her suffering. “Scorpion.” She lowered her eyes, biting her bottom lip. “Why are you here?” “I am not sure why I have come.” He knew damn well why he was here. He just did not know how to say the words so her. Would he ever? She raised her eyes to drink in his glorious features as she stood. His face had softened into a look of longing and she felt her heart take flight as it always did when he looked at her with the cravings of a hungry warrior. She wanted him, as he wanted her, but the thought of what had taken place earlier kept her heart embraced within a steel band of mistrust. Aleash looked away from him, staring into the fire instead. “Whatever your reasons, you should not be here.” She kicked at the dirt under the toe of her boot, wanting to kick out at him, but remained where she was. She did not want to fight with him again this night. It would be best if he just went on his way and left her to her own thoughts. After a few moments of silence, she finally felt the nerve to look into his eyes once more, not prepared for the anger within the sapphire depths. “My reasons are my own, woman.”


Scorpion‟s voice was low and calm. His words should be taken as a warning by the woman who stood no more than five feet from him but he doubted her stubborn demeanor would allow the threat to stop what she wanted to say or do. He went to stand in front of her, and felt the heat of the fire on his back along with the heat from her glare which grazed his front like the slice of a sword blade. Her lust was the only fire he wanted to feel and he ached to take her in his arms and hold her to his heart. But he dared not. He turned from her and walked over to the fire, bending down on one knee. He stared into the low flames, pulling a small medallion of a scorpion from around his neck. The dull metal shone in the pale firelight and he gave a small laugh as he tossed the piece into the fire. “Aleash, I would…” “You would what, Scorpion?” She came to stand behind him, wanting so badly to touch his hard, smooth flesh. She gazed at his handsome profile and wondered if she would ever love another like she loved this one man. She wanted to tell him he meant the world to her, but dared not murmur the words. Her heart had suffered the pain of a full nation and she did not think she could abide any more of the sting he would give her. So she remained silent in her misery, waiting for him to speak.


“I would not have you push me away once again, my lady.” He closed his eyes as the scent of her wafted over to him, the rage billowing inside his chest like a blazing fire. “You have always said I have branded you with my sting.” He stood, turning toward her, his face a mask of fury now. “I intend to do the task now.” Her eyes widened when she saw the glowing medallion hanging from his right hand, suspended upon a chain which swayed slightly from his movements. She clearly saw the small scorpion image glowing from the heat of the fire and wondered if he was serious about his threat. She turned questioning eyes to him, but did not move from where she stood, even as he slowly approached her. “You are mine, Aleash, and I will brand you, in truth, as my own. And even if you do not agree to this union as I had hoped you would, then any man you intend to share your bed with in the future will know you are the property of Lord Scorpion and will forever remain so. No man would dare to trespass upon what is knowingly mine.” He grasped her arm in a tight grip, seeing the rebellion in her eyes quickly rise to the surface. She struggled and tried to pull away from him, but he held her too tightly. “Do not fight me on this, Aleash! I do this not to have you look at me with mutiny in your eyes.”


“Then why do you do this, Scorpion? To blatantly display the fact I was your whore? To give me the mark of a used woman so none other will hold my hand?” Her eyes became wild in her rising fury. She despised his conceit and his arrogant ways. How dare him! She continued to struggle, pushing at his chest with her free hand, but to no avail. His steadfast hold showed no signs of releasing any time soon, so she drew back her foot and kicked him swiftly in the shin. He grunted in minimal pain, but did little else and remained where he was. The sapphire of his eyes drilled into her own, making her cease her actions. “Why? Why would you parade me so uncaringly before all who would know I was your whore? Is this to be my lot in life? To hold your mark for the rest of my days so no other will touch me? So no other will ever find love for me in their hearts for fear of your wrath?” “Aye! It is my intent!” He pushed her to her knees and then onto her back as he pulled up the skirt of the gown she wore. The satiny feel of the cloth in no way compared to the smooth feel of her skin upon his open palm, even as she continued to struggle against him, trying to push him from her. Aleash cursed at him, foully using his name as her whipping post, trying to degrade his intensions. She pushed with all her might upon the solid wall of his chest, but to no avail. He was like a huge unmovable rock,


set in its place for all eternity. He could not do this to her! She threw a string of evil curses his way, hoping the venom each word carried would make him see the fault in what he was about to do. Her reaction brought a smile to his lips as he quickly flipped her to her stomach and straddled her thighs from behind, laying the hot metal upon the left cheek of her smooth, tight ass. He closed his eyes when she screamed out her pain and he winced as the smell of burnt flesh met his nostrils. The outer edge of her skin tuned a bright red where the imprint claimed its station upon her body, harshly caressing with the knowledge his mark would forever be upon her, allowing no other man the ultimate satisfaction he had found within the circle of her arms. Aleash‟s rage had intensified to give her the strength of ten men and she finally was able to buck Scorpion from her back, cursing his hide to the deepest pits of hell. She sent her fists flailing wildly in his direction, hitting nothing but the crisp air which surrounded her. Tears blinded her vision, making it difficult to see him clearly, but onward she continued until she felt her knuckles crack against the stubble along his jaw line. Not even his grunt of pain gave her the satisfaction she craved from this little stunt he had afforded her. Her ass burned and so did the fury deep within the pit of her soul.


She would have his head, knowing she could rip it from his shoulders right at this moment, but instead, she sat back on her heels as she folded into a small ball and allowed the tears of her frustrations to roll freely from her eyes. Never in her life had she felt so…so…hell! She did not know what she felt! Her ass burned like the fires from hell and her heart ached with the wicked knowledge he had branded her for his own, in the same instance tying her to him for all eternity. Her tears began to fuel the fire which still raged inside her soul as she sprung upon him like a wild heathen suddenly, scratching him along his neck with her sharp fingernails. Bright crimson met her eyes then and she stared in satisfaction as his blood ran into the neckline of his tunic, running over her fingertips to stain her skin as well. “You bastard! Did my uncle pay you to do this deed also? Was this part of the original price, or did you gain a little extra coin for the effort to brand me?” Scorpion pushed her from him as he stood and swiped at the blood which trickled down his neck. “Go from me then, fucking wench!” His order held the sound of his barely checked fury, underlining each word with raging emphasis. “If you can not stand my company and would rather I not enjoy


you as a wife, then go! I have never fought to be in the company of any woman before, nor will I start now.” He whistled shrilly for his mount and grunted in satisfaction as the large animal came into his view. Swiftly taking his seat, he left her behind, heading for his castle as he cast her from his mind once and for all. Damn the woman!


Chapter Thirteen

Spotting the object of her fury, Aleash wrapped the thin cloak around herself tightly, pulling the hood over her head to hide her face. She kept to the shadows for a time, watching the man make his way across the dark streets toward the castle on the distant rise. Smiling slightly, she stepped from the shadows finally, kicking out at a stray cat which had the misfortune of stepping into her path. At the loud screech from the animal, she was finally facing the man with a broiling intent set deep within her mind. She would find out the truth this night or die trying. Shelif the Wolf turned toward the sound of the squalling animal, pulling his sword slowly when he saw a dark cloaked figure had positioned itself into the middle of the thoroughfare. He could not tell who stood facing him in a foreboding and challenging stance, deciding to make the move slowly forward, hoping this confrontation would not end in bloodshed. Aleash watched as he moved toward her with stealth grace, the everwatchful warrior, honing in on his prey. She grinned, for her moment was at


hand to finally find out why he had taken her from her family. She waited until he was ten feet in front of her before she spoke aloud. “Shelif the Wolf.” Shelif stilled as the recognition of the voice registered in his head. Ah, so she makes her presence known now? He almost grinned. He had been asked to watch over her, to make sure that no harm would befall her while she stubbornly took up her residence in the nearby forest. And the look upon her face did not seem to be at all friendly. Dear God above, this was not how he wanted to end his day. Lowering his sword, but still keeping it at the ready, he took a few more steps toward her. He stopped within five feet of her form, inclining his head with respect to her station of royalty. “Lady Aleash. You should not be out here alone.” She laughed softly as she pushed the hood from her head, her eyes settling upon his face with mild hostility. “I have been alone in yon forest for weeks. I hardly believe standing in the middle of this cobbled path will be a destitute passage for myself considering how I have lived recently.” She clicked her tongue and continued quietly. “If I am not to be alone out here, where am I to be, Shelif? Tell me and I shall go.” “My lady, you need to be within the safety of your rooms.”


“You know damn well I am not welcome in my own home.” She smiled at his discomforted look. “Stay your blade, my lord, for I have no intent on a fight this eve. I only seek answers.” “Answers, my lady?” “Do not skip around what you know I will ask of you.” She paused as her eyes narrowed slightly, getting directly to her words. “Did my uncle demand you take me from my home all those months ago? Tell me true, my fine warrior, for your fate does rest upon this one simple request.” Shelif raised his brows at the gentle threat to his life and he sheathed his sword, crossing his arms over his massive chest. “Where did you get such a notion?” “I would have your truth of words. Did my uncle request the deed to be done?” “My Lady, I believe you should put this question to your uncle, not I.” “Did you do your king’s bidding, Shelif?” Her hands knotted into tight fists at her side, her palms itching to take the blade from her side, forcing him into an answer that would appease her breaking heart. An answer which would ease the still throbbing pain of rejection from those she loved dearly.


He sighed as he dropped his hands to his sides. “Would it matter if you uncle did demand the action or not? Would it ease your mind any at all to know what he bid me do?” “Aye.” Her whispered word was laced with the painful admission of a truth which would rip the heart from her chest. She stood taller then, squaring her shoulders for the onslaught of cutting words that were to come. “So be it.” He shook his head and sighed, continuing on. “Aye, Aleash, King Ebinar bid me rid your presence from Visteam. I did not go into details with him regarding his desire to have you removed from your home, although his actions gave me pause as to the real reasons. But I did not ask, nor did I care to know. I did my king‟s bidding without question, fulfilling a demand he had me see through personally.” He paused as he studied her face in the dim light, seeing the emotion of sorrow cross into her eyes. “Does this admission ease your mind, my lady? Is this what you wanted to hear? Did you truly need to know your uncle does not want you?” Aleash raised her chin as she held back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. “I must admit, even though I knew what you were to say, nothing could have soften the blow as I had hoped. However, I will go from


this place and I shall never return. Say good day to your Lady Aleash, warrior, for she will die this very eve.” “My lady, I bid you not to do anything foolish where your uncle is concerned. He does not hold affection in any regard for the people around him, no matter who they are, family or not. But I shall defend his life if I must.” She shook her head. “I will not go near the king, so rest easy. My words were not meant to target his life. As of this moment, I am no longer a relative of the king. My ties to this place are forever severed and I say to you good riddance. I did not know the king held such a low opinion of disregard for me.” She bowed her head slightly, deep in her own thoughts for a time before she spoke once again. “But one last favor, if you please, Shelif. I would know of your brother…Lord Scorpion. How does he fare?” She bit her tongue for her foolish words, but she had to know. Shelif the Wolf looked at Aleash, trying to decide if he should give her the news of his brother. He shrugged. She would find out on any account, for this news would not take long to spread in these lands. “He fares well, lady. In fact, I have just received word from him no more than two days past he is to wed within a fortnight to a woman, whom he dubs is the love of his life. I will begin my journey to his lands on the morrow so I may attend the


event. „Tis an affair I will not miss, I can assure you. Finally, Lord Scorpion will take a wife in truth.”

Aleash sighed once more and waited patiently in the thicket which afforded her an excellent view of the castle that loomed at least a mile in the distance. She had come here today, wondering if the awful rumors she had heard for over a week now bore any truth, and it broke her heart to think they did. The day was bright and sunny; a definite sign summer had sprung suddenly upon the valley. Not a cloud marred the sky overhead and the sound of birds chirping cheerfully made her heart sink even further into the boundaries of her own dejected misery. It had been exactly one month since she had last seen Scorpion. He had not returned to claim her as his own, as she naively had thought he would. Nay, not this time. Her heart ached with the knowledge of him wedding another and she tried to harden her heart against the fact it had not taken him long to replace her. And, oh, she had heard plenty…enough to last a lifetime! She had heard how he had fallen madly in love with a beautiful woman, upon


first sight, so the tale was spoken, and now it was rumored he would wed the woman this very day. The grandeur she had seen thus far did not speak the lie to the supposed event as she had hoped it would. Ladies, dressed in fine satins and lace adorned the keep surrounding Scorpion Castle. Men dressed in their finery strutted about here and there, trying to gain the attentions of the lovely ladies mingling in and among them, all eager for a glimpse of the one woman who had finally claimed the hard heart of the infamous Lord Scorpion. She snorted her irritation and decided she would head to the east to find a place for herself. Aye, she would make the journey for her own peace of mind. She needed to voyage far from this place to rid herself of the deep heartache and hurtful admission that the only man she would ever love was to take another woman for his wife. But first, she wanted to see whom this woman was, her curiosity winning out over the more rational thoughts to leave these lands immediately. She wanted to see the woman who had claimed the heart of the one man who held her own. Keeping low to the ground, she crawled out of the thicket backwards on hands and knees, posing an enticing picture for the man who sat behind her upon the back of a black monstrous destrier.


Scorpion grinned as he watched her ass move in an alluring erotic motion before his eyes. The men‟s hose she sported showed every luscious detail of her body and the tunic she wore did little to cover the seductive view from his penetrating, lustful eyes. Oh, how he longed to reach out and touch her, take her as his mind screamed for him to do. He ached to make love to her as he had a thousand times over in his dreams since the day he had left her, forcing her to his attentions at long last. Shelif had come to him this day, privately telling him he had seen Aleash slip into the woods surrounding the castle and warning him of the mischief that would surely be afoot. His heart had beat with rapid anticipation of seeing her luscious form again and he had hurriedly ordered his destrier be brought around to him posthaste. He touched his neck gingerly where he still bore the marks of her claws upon his neck, wondering briefly if she had subconsciously branded him as he had done to her that night and he shrugged to himself. It mattered little now. He would wed today, a beautiful woman, one who made his heart sing and his body ache for her tender touch. He allowed his hand to drop silently to his side once again. He heard Aleash curse as she stood, bringing his attentions back to her alone as she pulled a bramble bush limb from the underside of her left


arm. He nearly laughed aloud at the comical display of her pulling at the thing, trying to dislodge it from the material of her sleeve, only to have the opposite end snag onto her other sleeve. She fought the branch for a few moments before the branch realized it dealt with one determined hellion and decided to release itself from her covering. Sensing someone behind her, Aleash drew her sword quickly and had it to the man‟s neck within the length of time it would take to blink an eye. And when her vision cleared enough from her rage to realize that the sapphire eyes that glared back at her were the same eyes she longed to gaze into for so long, she lowered her sword and stepped back a few feet from his menacing form. She took a moment to allow her eyes to rake hungrily over his handsome form and her heart beat wildly at his endearing image. His hair was unbound, flowing freely in the slight breeze to tease the area around his muscular thighs. It shone like black diamonds, looking as silky soft as the fur of a kitten. He wore a form fitting white tunic, adorned with little sprigs of green leaves embroidered around the neckline and cuffs. His hose were of the same white color, showing the muscles of his legs clearly as they bunched and then relaxed. Black knee high leather boots encased his calves and as


her eyes slowly, eagerly, traveled back up his body to his magnificent face, she sucked in her breath at the grin playing about his seductive mouth. “Do I meet with your approval, my lady?” She raised her brows at him, the humor in his voice not going unnoticed. “You always have, my lord. Very much so.” His heart lurched at the admission from her, however small it was. “My sediments exactly.” He did smile at her then as he slid from his mount‟s back to the ground. He held the reins loosely in his hand, never once breaking the contact their eyes held. “It has been a long time, Aleash.” Much to long. “So it has, and I must admit I came here today to see if the hearsay was true.” She sheathed her sword as she crossed her arms over her chest, wanting to kick herself for her hasty words. “Hearsay?” His voice caressed over her gently, teasing and tantalizing her senses, making her tingle all the way to her toes. Aleash cleared her throat. “Aye. The rumors of your bonding. This very day.” She held her breath and waited. Scorpion laughed as he nodded his head slightly. “‟Tis true.” His eyes delved into the deep emerald of hers as he continued. “She is everything I


have ever sought in a woman. Her beauty is widely known and she is kind and gentle when she has a mind to be. Her smile lights up the sky and her eyes can sparkle with mischief…or they can grow dark with anger. And when they show the sparks of passion, I lose myself within the enticing circle of her sweet arms.” He paused as he saw her hand tighten over the hilt of her sword, telling himself to tread gently onward. “She has captured my heart like no other ever will and I can not wait to make her my own. My wife in truth.” Clicking her tongue, Aleash turned from him and closed her eyes. By her own stupidity and stubbornness, she had lost a man she truly loved. Now, he had found another to hold in his arms and she would be left with nothing…less than nothing. Damn her own miserable hide! How many times in her life had she judged something so wrong, to end up in a deplorable mess, physically and emotionally? Her eyes snapped open as she felt his hand touch her shoulder. The warmth he left there burned a path to her heart, making it very difficult for her to breath, making her weak with the longing of lust which filled her very core.


“I want you to be there. I want you to witness my bonding.” He allowed his hand to drop at his side when she turned to face him, her mouth hanging open in her bewilderment. “Surely you jest!” She gave a short laugh as her eyes shot daggers at his head. “You would have a past lover, your whore, as witness to your union.” He winced at her self name-calling, and continued to stare at her as if she were a dream, as if she would disappear if he moved too quickly. She was absolutely lovely with her hair unbound and her eyes the same snapping emerald green as the tunic and hose she wore. Her brow was furrowed and she looked like she could spit fire at him if she could. “I never called you whore, my lady. But that is neither here nor there. You are a whore, by your own admission, to me no longer, so I see no harm in your joining the festivities. Please find it in your heart to come.” When she made no response, only continued to seethe at him, he grinned down at her. “I have sorely missed you.” Stepping forward and unable to contain the need for a small taste of her lips next to his own again, he captured her mouth with his in a searing kiss which left his heart hammering in his chest. He felt her arms tighten


around his neck as she slid closer to him, putting the full length of her body next to his own. Scorpion‟s cock sprang to life, regaling in the feel of her again within his strong embrace. The very touch of her could still set his body to a pulsing, vibrating mass of unabashed lust and need. As her tongue slipped seductively into his mouth, he grinned against her lips as he set her from him, while he still had the strength to do so. She was a lovely sight, with the passion of the moment blazing within the depths of her beautiful eyes, her breathing heightened. He knew she would be wet and hot for his bidding, but he turned from her instead, gaining his destrier‟s back and leaving her behind, wishing by all that was holy he could have her again. He was gone quickly, thundering across the valley to his castle with the banner of the Scorpion flying proudly at the highest peak to welcome guests in the spectacle which was to be his bonding with another. The sweet passion‟s fire Aleash had craved for so very long went out of her quickly, bringing tears to her eyes and making her scream out in her agony. How could she have been so blind? She should go after him, make him her captive, make him understand he cannot wed another.


She dropped to her knees, closing her eyes and crying out her sorrow for what seemed like hours. But then her eyes opened suddenly as a plan began to form in her mind. Make him her captive? The more she thought on the idea, the more she liked it. That is exactly what she would do. Take him by knifepoint if she must! Her laughter echoed into the quiet of the forest.

Stealing into the castle was the easy part. Aleash essentially blended in with the other guests and was able to gain entry into Scorpion Castle quite effortlessly amid the confusion. She had stuffed her hair under a wide floppy hat, keeping the brim low over her brow as she made her way strategically to the back of the packed great hall and then on to the hidden set of steps which led above. Keeping her steps light, she gained the second floor on silent feet, going in search of Scorpion with determination clearly written upon her face. She was ready to force him to come with her if she must and a slow smile curled her lips up at the corners as she placed a firm grip upon the door handle to his bed chamber. Ah, to the victor, the great prize of Lord Scorpion…


Scorpion settled himself in his chair and closed his eyes. A smile played about his lips as the ever-present image of Aleash washed across his mind. Ah, she was pure heaven, a taste of the freshest honey and still he longed to pull her into his embrace to never let her go after all this time. She was an addiction he would never tire of, a sweet release from a cruel world of evil which tired to separate them time and again. When would she learn? When would she come to realize he held the key to her soul? He felt a deep desire wash over him and he knew he would have it all, wife and lover, by the end of this day. His wife would keep him on the straight and narrow path to a good and righteous life. But his lover would lead him down the path of seduction and ecstasy, an enticement he was surely looking forward to embracing. It was only a matter of time…

Slipping into the chamber unnoticed and undetected had Aleash breathing a sigh of silent relief. Finally, she could get the trophy she came for and steal away, forcing him go with her on this planned ride of seduction‟s erotic wondering. Thoughts of him grinning at her with passion in his eyes made her stifle a moan of passion as she quickly looked around


his chamber. Time enough for passion later. Right now, she needed to find the man she sought and be gone. She saw him then, sitting in a chair with his feet upon a table, his eyes closed in a few minutes of restful solitude. A small smile lifted the corners of his mouth and she wondered with growing irritation, if he thought of his betrothed. She studied his profile for a time, wondering how the Lord above had created a man so perfect, making every woman who saw him fall in love with him. His dark wavy hair hung over the arms of his chair, curling about his hips, inviting a lover‟s gentle touch. His long lashes lay against his dark cheeks as his lips still held the smile of a secret desire. He was a true godlike figure, rigid, muscled and begging to be fucked. She licked her lips in anticipation. She would have him eating out of her hands momentarily and she dared any other woman to take him from her. Quietly, so as not to disturb him, she silently crossed the room and pulled the dagger from her right sleeve. Standing before him, she leaned down and pressed her lips to his own as the blade of the dagger went to his throat. Desperation is what she felt then…desperation, yearning and an acute lust for a man she wanted to hold forever within her embrace.


Feeling the cold metal press lightly against his flesh, Scorpion snapped open his sapphire eyes and glared into a set of emerald green. “Aleash.” “Aye, my lord.” She kissed him lightly upon his soft lips, running her tongue slowly over the bottom one, giving a small moan as desire washed over her like buckets of warmed scented oil. With her free hand, she tossed the hat from her head and allowed her hair to flow about them both in a bounty of pure honeyed silk. Her whispered words caressed his mind and soul. Scorpion nearly groaned aloud himself, but refrained from making even the slightest of moves lest she slice him from ear to ear. “It is I, the one who brings you a desire unlike any you have ever felt before.” She kissed him deeply then, forgetting the dagger as he pushed it from his neck and pulled her onto his lap, cupping a soft, rounded breast. She dropped the dagger to the floor with a soft thud upon the carpet rug as she wound her arms around his neck, feeling the silken strands of his hair wrap around her fingers. Scorpion felt the heat overtake his mind and thrilled in the fact he held her once again. He had longed for this moment since he had left her a month ago. And the entire ordeal had been agony. She tasted so very good


to him right now and he doubted he could stop the madness even if he wanted to. She seemed to encase him in passion‟s fire wherever she touched, feeling her hands gliding over his hot flesh. He would reprimand her for the dagger later. Right now, all he wanted to do was bury himself within the heat of her pussy, feel her pulse around him as she moaned his name in a whispered gasp. Moaning into his mouth, Aleash allowed her hands to caress his neck, moving over the hard planes of his chest and abdomen, ever so slowly, to the engorged proof of his passion. Her hand played over the throbbing member with keen attention, making sure no part was left untouched. She worked her way down over his neck with tiny sensual kisses, leaving a trail of fire in her wake. She pushed up his tunic and suckled one hard nipple, then moved on to the other as she continued unhurriedly down his sensual body, smoothing her hands along the tense muscles which seemed to dance under her fingertips. Finally reaching a part of him she wanted so desperately to caress with her mouth and tongue, she gently nibbled his hard length through the material which closed tightly over him. Groaning his obvious pleasure at her ministrations, Scorpion rotated his hips gently as she slid her fingers into the waist of his hose, pulling them


over his hips. He let out a soft moan as she tenderly nipped his sensitive flesh along the way and when her hot mouth closed slowly over the hardness of his cock, he nearly came then, so great was the feelings. He had been without her for so very long and now his body ached for her, craved her touch like the only means of saving his soul. And maybe she had just saved his soul. He delved his hands into her silken hair and felt her tongue glide along the underside of his hard cock, only to travel oh-soslowly back up to the tip, sucking gently, licking seductively, all the way. The sweet sensations she instilled upon him seemed to go on forever, making Scorpion wonder if he dreamed about her again. He felt her hands wrap around the base of his cock and knew this was no dream as she gently massaged him up and down, still sucking upon the swelled head of his member ever so delicately. He knew only a few more strokes from her soft hand would send him over the edge, but he did not want to spill his seed into her mouth. He wanted to bury himself deep within the velvet fire of her pussy. He knew he would be rewarded with the sensual wet heat which would surround him, tightening and quivering, sucking him from within the luscious walls of her sweet honeyed nectar.


Tugging at her hose so he may reveal to his hungry eyes the treat he so desperately craved, he ran a fingertip over her slick center, groaning aloud at the wet hot fire she held there for him. Aleash felt him pull her up to straddle his thighs and as she slid smoothly over the hard length which felt like pure paradise, she sighed as she took his mouth in a heated kiss. Slowly, she moved over him, savoring every inch of his cock she could gather, tugging over him as she lusciously tightened and then relaxed around him. Aided by the sensations of a deep blaze which flamed within her, Aleash lost herself among the unhurried rotation of her hips and felt him harden further inside of her. The sensual caress of his fingers along her breasts and nipples brought her agonizingly close to her release. But still she hung on, savoring his taste upon her tongue, feeling the throbbing length of his cock deep inside of her. She was dangerously close to letting herself go, feeling the wild heat surround her, filling her nostrils with the luscious scent of the scorpion which held her in this passionate state of unrest. With precise movements and position, Scorpion plunged into her hot pussy once more and felt the release of her massage all around him. He groaned loudly as he felt himself become lost in the sweet abyss, spilling his


seed inside the liquid heat of her. He continued on, thrusting in a soft and teasing manner as he suckled upon the hard nubs of her breasts lying heavy in his hands. She squirmed over him and he heard her laugh softly as his tongue shot out to gently lave the luscious hardened nubs which begged for his attentions, practically screaming out his name on their own. “Scorpion.” He felt her hot breath scorched his cheek and he smiled up at her as she settled herself above him. “What is it, my lady?” He sensed her hesitation and as his sapphire eyes met her emerald ones, he saw the misery there. Alarm shot threw him and he tightened his hold upon her waist. He also read regret within the depths of her eyes. Regret…and sorrow. “I…I know you are to wed another today.” She closed her eyes to the tears threatening to spill onto her cheeks. “But I…I wanted to tell you I am sorry for everything I have done to you. I wanted to let you know I do not feel like your whore any longer.” Wanting to say more, but letting her words die off, she turned her head away from him. Aye, she knew how precious all those times were now and how precious they will remain in her memories.


For after today, a few short hours perhaps, he will belong to another and she will never hold him again. She felt the agony of it all grip her heart in a tight, painful clutch, feeling the mourning of her loss. “I must know…do you love her?” Aleash closed her eyes and waited for his answer, taking a deep breath and holding it inside her lungs until she thought she would burst. “I do, with all my heart.” Nodding once but saying nothing further, she got to her feet and stood beside the chair in which he sat, staring into the most beautiful eyes she had ever gazed upon in her life. He was so very handsome and as she reached out her hand to tenderly touch his face, she drew in another deep breath and held his scent inside her lungs for a long moment. Placing a hand upon her waist, Scorpion turned her around so her backside was facing him. Brushing her silken hair aside, he traced the outline of the scorpion upon her left buttock cheek and smiled. It was perfect in its position, for it mirrored what was on his own back to perfection. Every detail was there, right down to the stinging tail lying in wait for the unsuspecting prey to come closer. He kissed the brand, feeling the heat of his mark upon her flesh for an eternity, knowing she will remain his forever. He released her. He wanted


to pull her back into his arms immediately to love her again, but refrained himself. To love her as she had never been loved before, as he had dreamt for weeks on end, was the only desire he wished for. Straightening her tunic and pulling on her hose and boots, Aleash walked toward the door, stepping quietly into the hall, whispering her heartfelt commitment to him. She knew he would not be able to hear the words of her dedication to him alone which suited her fine. He was to wed another…and she would not interfere. The bluster had gone out of her, along with her fearless attempts to make him her hostage and as her heart was breaking, she made her way down the steps to the great hall. Aye, she would stay for the union ceremony and know he, Lord Scorpion, was hers no longer. Then she would go away, never to return to the one place, nor to the one man, who held her heart. She would go as far as the horizon would allow and then further still if she must. But no matter how far she traveled, no matter what perils she would meet in the future, she knew the ties which had bound her to the scorpion in the first place would never be severed…


Scorpion smiled when he heard the door close. None of his men would allow her to leave his castle. This was one event he wanted her to witness. Aye, he was eager for the hour to pass.


Chapter Fourteen

The crowd in the great hall cheered when they saw Scorpion appear at the top of the main stairs, his long black hair shining in the light of a thousand candles which had been lit for the bonding ceremony. His smile was deep as he looked over the hall, picking Aleash out almost immediately. She was beautiful, as always, with her cheeks tinted a pale pink and her eyes downcast as she looked at the floor. At least she had not put the ridiculous hat back on her head and had left her hair unbound, allowing the honey colored mass to cascade down her back in a mound of shining curls. As he made his way down the steps among the well-wishers and bawdy jests regarding his wedding night, his deep rich laughter could be heard throughout the entire castle. “My lord, Scorpion! Where is your bride? Has she gotten scared and left you behind?” Shouts of laughter followed this remark, and Scorpion grinned, his eyes alight with humor. “Nay, she has not! My love will be by my side


shortly, I assure you! After the heaven she has found in my arms, she would not dare to think of ever leaving me!” More laughter resounded across the hall, leaving Aleash to bite her tongue. She wanted to scream out her hatred of this unseen woman-demon who had taken the scorpion from her. She wanted to rip the woman‟s eyes from her head and tear out her tongue. Most of all, she wanted to wrap her arms around Scorpion‟s neck and never let him go from her again. Dejectedly, she knew none of that would happen. She would have to suffer through this ordeal and know he was now another‟s. Just for the sake of knowing she could go on with her meager existence and try to forget him, knowing in her heart that she never would, she forced herself to stay. To watch the spectacle would be her deepest sorrow but watch the union she must do if ever she was to find peace in her heart. Moving to the back of the hall and into a corner, she leaned against the cold stone wall, fervently praying for this whole nightmare to be over soon. “Lord Scorpion! It is time!” Osmere shouted from the middle of the hall with a huge smile lighting his face. “Go and fetch your bride, for the hour grows late and the time is at hand!”


“Aye!” Shelif the Wolf shouted from his position by Osmere, a wide grin splitting his handsome face. “Your last moments as a free man are about to end!” “I am sure your bed grows cold without the woman‟s presence for the past hour!” Osmere hooted with unbridled laughter as the hall filled with more bawdy insinuations. Shouts of laughter followed Scorpion as he made his way through the closely packed bodies in the great hall. A knowing smile lit his handsome features as his sapphire eyes traveled slowly over the ladies, trying to locate the one he was to wed. Aleash felt the cold dread seep into her bones and her body stilled in all motion as she watched Scorpion look about the hall with a wide grin spreading across his handsome face. He raked a hand through his hair and she closed her eyes, thinking of all the times those hands had brought her immense pleasure. She swallowed, trying to keep the bile from rising in her throat. It literally sickened her to subject herself to this, but she knew she must. If only to have closure to this part of her life, to move on and…never forget his touch, his smile, nor his passion. As if she ever could forget his wild, untamed passion.


Scorpion spotted his lover in the back corner as he continued his search. When he was certain Aleash watched him once more, he headed to the opposite corner, moving through the throngs of people and finally coming to a stop before a beautiful young woman. Her skin was smooth as silk and her dark blue eyes were lined with kohl. Her dark hair was covered in a shimmery lace veil which shadowed her face slightly from those who looked upon her. But even with the gauzy see-through covering, anyone could fathom her beauty. And it showed on Scorpion‟s face. Sinking deeper into the dejected feeling of drowning within ones own misery, Aleash watched as the love he felt for the young beauty washed across his face. She saw Scorpion‟s eyes held a certain mischief as he leaned down to kiss the woman‟s hand. She swallowed as, once again, the bile rose to her throat. Trying to quell the sick feeling of doom, Aleash decided she had seen enough to know he would be happy. And well loved. To the victor go the spoils and what a mighty treasure he is. She hoped this woman knew how lucky she was. Closing her eyes and ears to the sight of him and the sound of the joyous shouts around her, Aleash waited for an opening as hundreds of bodies closed in about her, nearly smothering her as they all seemed to press


in closer. She no longer wanted to be a part of this event, not wishing to witness the union kiss or the parade to the marriage chamber. Looking for the avenue of her escape, she blanched slightly when she opened her eyes and saw Scorpion standing directly in front of her. Scorpion stopped before her, his beautiful Aleash, and saw the shock register on her face. Ah, and now for the fun to begin! He grinned. “My lady, Aleash.” His grin widened when he saw her face tinge a slight shade of pink. “May I present to you my beautiful Adella.” Before he could go on, he saw Aleash bow her head and then swoop into a regal presentation of a properly executed curtsy. Raising his brows in stunned silence, for he did not even know she knew what a curtsy was much less dipping herself into one, he squeezed the woman‟s hand he held, all the while grinning at her with a wink. “My lady, arise! You need not bow before me. „Tis I who should bow before you.” With questioning eyes, Aleash looked at the other woman as she returned to her upright position. “My apologies, Lady Adella. There is no need to bow before me, for I am no one.” “You are of royal blood, are you not? Lord Scorpion has told me you are.” Adella grinned sweetly at the beautiful woman.


Aleash had to smile at the impish grin the young woman bestowed upon her as the shock of Scorpion telling this woman anything about her ebbed painfully away. Adella truly was a beauty and after catching a glimpse of her eyes, seeing the kindness there, Aleash smiled as well. “I have been associated with royalty, my lady, but it has been quite a while since I have been known as such. Alas, I am dubbed a family member no longer. My means of being known as such are as meager as the clothes upon my back.” “Oh, and why is that? You sound saddened by your own words.” Aleash shrugged and laced her fingers together behind her back. “I will journey far from here this eve. Far from where I am not wanted. I do not think I shall ever return…but this place will always hold a special piece of my heart as with all who reside here. They have all become very dear to me.” She chanced a look at Scorpion who gazed at her with an intensity made to melt her insides with a desire which fired in the pit of her stomach. Quickly, she lowered her eyes, but still she felt his stare as it caressed over her form slowly. “Well, I do not believe you should make hasty decisions. Please! You seem like you would be a wonderful friend to me. Will you not reconsider?” Adella smiled brightly. “You could stay here with us, at Scorpion Castle.”


Aleash‟s head snapped up and she stared in astonished horror at the woman. How could she be a friend to this woman when she has known her soon to be husband in the biblical sense for the past several months? And how could she even consider living within these walls, the same walls which have heard her moans of pleasure for so very long. If the lovely Adella knew Aleash had lain with Scorpion many times, she would surly scratch her eyes out. She dare not look at Scorpion for assistance in the matter either. The desire she felt for him would surly show on her face and give her feelings away for a certainty. Aleash cleared her throat softly and chose her words carefully. “My lady, my thanks to you for the offer, but my decision is a final one. I am quite eager for the adventure, if truth be known, and I am set to go this very eve. I do not think I will be changing my mind on the matter. I wish to make a new beginning for myself and take my leave of this place.” “Nay, you will not leave.” Scorpion‟s softly spoken words made Aleash‟s stomach flutter wildly and her heart beat madly in her chest. What in the hell did he think he was doing? Had he gone mad? She stared at him with raised brows and shook her head slightly. And when he smiled at her as he dropped the other woman‟s hand, taking hers instead,


she felt as if the wind had been forced from her lungs. Dear God above, was this real? This could not be happening! She tried to pull her hand from his grip, but he only tightened his hold upon her. “You will stay here with me.” He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “I will not let you get away from me again, Aleash.” “But…what…are you insane?” She whispered harshly as she jerked her hand from his finally and took a step back, looking at Adella who grinned at her as well. Had they both gone mad? Or mayhap it was she who had slipped into insanity‟s soft embrace? She shook her head once more. “Aleash, may I present to you, Adella. My sister.” He winced at the shards of rage that was directed at his head by Aleash, knowing if the look was a real blade, the attack would be deadly indeed. When she said nothing, only stared at him with fury at his apparent deceit, he bent down on one knee and pulled her hand into his once again, kissing the top with a tender graze of his lips. He looked into her emerald eyes and felt the desire flood through his soul, making his hands shake slightly as he tightened his grip. “Aleash, I want you to be my bride.” If Aleash thought her heart hammered in her chest before, it was nothing in comparison to what she felt this time. Had she heard right?


“I have waited for you for so long. I had to get you to come to me somehow. The rumor of my union was started by me in hopes you would care enough to come. And you have.” He stood then, but kept her hand held in his own. “I wanted to wed you before, but you thought I was being paid to do the deed. I was not, nor did I accept any coin from your uncle.” Scorpion swallowed nervously as her face softened to his words and he went on with hesitation. “I want you to be my wife. I have since the day I saw you.” He stood and pulled her to him then, kissing her soundly. He then hugged her to his chest as he whispered next to her ear, “I love you with all my heart and I can not go another day without you. If you leave here, I will follow you, I swear to you I will. I will not let you leave me again.” He kissed her cheek and then gazed into her beautiful emerald eyes, speaking loud enough for those standing around them to hear his words. “I love you. I love you and I would have you as my wife, if you would have me for your husband.” His pleading eyes broke her heart and Aleash felt herself tremble slightly. “So, you tricked me into coming here, thinking I would be jealous to find you were wedding another? A testing of my true affections perhaps?” When Scorpion nodded his head once, she shook her head slowly. “And if I did not come to you, what would you have done then?”


“I would have walked through fire to get you back to me.” “And when you tire of me, what am I to expect?” Aleash felt herself being lost in his sapphire gaze and she grasped his strong shoulders for support. He gave her a small smile. “I will never tire of you, my lady. No matter how tremendous a pain in my ass you do, and have, become.” Aleash smiled at his admission as the hall‟s patrons broke into hysterical laughter. “I am to believe you will take me to wife, being faithful so as not to spark my murderous fury of any other woman who may catch your eye?” An audible gasp was heard throughout the hall, mostly from the proper ladies as they gapped at her with wide eyes while the men continued to laugh uproariously at her threat. Obviously, the ladies present did know her reputation for vengeance if wronged. Scorpion laughed softly at her obvious warning to the ladies in his keep and he smiled. “Aye, Aleash. You will keep me well satisfied. I promise this to you, woman.” He reached out a hand to tenderly caress her cheek. “There is no other for me but you. No other since the day we first met.”


Aleash looked into his sapphire eyes, the sincerity of his words ringing in her ears, the pleading look in his eyes melting her tough outer shell. She smiled at him. “Then I would find it an honor to be your wife.” She smiled as the cheers resounded about them. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gave him a most heated kiss, one of passion and deep yearning, one filled with love. “I love you, my Scorpion,” she whispered next to his lips. “I love you so much it brings an ache to my heart. I thought I had lost you forever…and I will not soon forget your deceit of this mock union to lure me back to you.” Scorpion grinned down at her. “I am here for you, as forever I will always be. As for my deceit, I only did so to bring you back to my arms.” He grinned with a shrug. “A desperate act from a desperate man in love with a woman who sets his soul on fire.” He kissed her then, a kiss of promise and one of desire. He felt her sensual heat seep through his tunic and growled next to her ear as he pulled her closer to his chest. “Wed me now and let me take you to my chamber where I can love you for the rest of our lives.” Aleash grinned and hugged him all the tighter. “Aye, my Scorpion. Our adventure is only just beginning.” She laughed at his sudden worried expression and kissed him soundly as the loud cheers from the well-wishers


continued. “Put your mind at ease. The adventure I speak of is for your eyes only. Sensual and seductive is all you should need to know.” She gave him a delectably wicked smile of promise. Scorpion raised his brows and smiled as well, his handsome face coming alive with the mere image of this seductive mystery quest he was soon to travel. “I can hardly wait, woman!” The crowd of people parted to allow Scorpion and Aleash a safe path to the clergy man who waited patiently on the bottom step of the main stairs with a broad smile covering his face. “Get this over and done with, for I will not have her running from me again.” Scorpion pulled Aleash to his side and grinned down at her. “I am most eager to take my new wife to our bed so I may lay claim to my husbandly rights!” The clergy man sputtered his embarrassment as he quickly set about the task of wedding the happy couple and be on his way. When the final words were spoken and the bonding kiss requested to seal the union had transpired, Scorpion pulled his wife to his chest yet again and kissed her with all the love and passion he had ever felt.


He hulled her into his arms suddenly as he took the steps two at a time in his haste to be in their chamber. He stopped when he reached the top landing, giving those below a narrowed-eyed gaze. “I will kill the first man, or woman for that matter, who tries to disturb me and my beautiful bride before a week has passed. Heed my warning well and know I mean what I have said.” He turned on his heels and went on his way down the hall, grinning down at Aleash as she laughed at his eagerness. He kicked open his door with his foot and slammed it shut behind them, locking it from the inside this time. Setting her on her feet, Scorpion knew he was in for a treat when his beautiful wife Aleash shoved him against the door and delivered him a resounding kiss, one which shook him to his bones.

The End


Author Bio

Having an insatiable love for historical romances, Kenna Fallon has continued to give her readers depictions of realistic, sexy heroes who blaze across the pages of her books, adding delightful erotic twists for her heroines to divulge within. Calling Ohio her home, Kenna enjoys spending time with her close friends and family.