United Nations Technical Aid in Burma: A Short Survey 9789814459761

This survey, the first of its kind, brings out the salient features of the modalities of the operations of the major U.N

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BIBLIOGRAPHY. Annotated Author Listing
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United Nations Technical Aid in Burma: A Short Survey

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V. Setty Pendakur

library Bulletin No. 15


Publ ished by Inst itute of Southea st As ian Studies Hang Mul Keng Terrace Pas Ir Panj ang S Ingapore 05 11 All r lghts reserved. No part of thI s publication may be r eproduced, stored In a r etrieval system, or transm itted In an y form or by any means, elec troni c , mechanical , photocopying, recordi ng or otherw ise, without the prior perm ission of the Inst i tute of Southeast As ian Studi e s. C 1984 Institute of Southea st As ian Stud ies ISSN 02 17-0914 ISBN 9971-902-88-5





vi vi i

I I I BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotated Author Listing IV





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The assistance of the International Development Research Center (Canada) in preparation and publication of this Bibliography is gratefully acknowledged.



While there are numerous new journals and publications in Asia dealing with urban development, very few are primarily concerned with urban transport. Much of the useful information is in government and international agency documents and government funded consultant studies. There is a tendency in Asia simply to lock up these reports and make it difficult to obtain them for research purposes. As one bureaucrat put it: Information is Power. Researchers have to struggle to obtain copies of even secondary and published information. This bibliography is prepared after nearly two years of collection and selection of documents related to Urban Transport in South and South East Asia. It is hoped that not only will it be useful for other researchers but also reduce the cost and ease the pain of secondary source research. Several people have helped the author in this task. Thanks to all of them, especially Dr. David Maunder of the U.K. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Sandhu, Director of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore and Mr. Om Parkash of the Indian Roads Congress. Research assistance of Mr. Krishna Pendakur of Point Grey Mini School for initial annotations and Ms. Jane Duke for word processing is very much appreciated. V. Setty Pendakur University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C., Canada 1984 October V



If you are interested in a particular country or countries , the Geographic Index will help you.


Documentation Research Road International The Center of the OECD in PaDis is computerised . Their IRRD Retrieval Number is shown in ( ) at the end of annotations i lf that reference is in the IRRD Center.


A sample entry i s as follows: Howe , J.D.G.F . " Transport Planning in Developing U.K . ?" the for Lessons Some Countries: Control, and 15, Engineering Vol. Traffice No. 14, June 19 74/ Draws attention to some ideas being used in high vehicle In Singapore , the Third World . taxation has been announced to give one of the Us ing highest road user charges in the world. this a s a case study, the paper compa res that actual effect of road pricing with theoretical undertaken. been already have which studie s (Gen. Sing . IRRD 211608) Gen.

Con cepts and ideas di scussed are of general significance to all countries i n the region .

Sing .

Deals with Coun try c ode. S ingapore in particular .


Road International Documentation Retrieval Number vi





This bibliography does not include references on: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Urban Transport Engineering Urban Traffic Control Street and Highway Design Operation and Maintenance of Vehicle Systems

and it includes references on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Bibliographies Mass Transit Para-Transit Urban Transport Urban Transport Urban Transport Urban Transport Urban Transport

and the Urban Poor Planning and Analysis Plans and Studies Systems Management Surveys


Abelson, P.W. "Quantification of Road User Costs: A Comment with Special Reference to Thailand", Journal of Economics and Transport Policy, January 1973, pp.80-97. An economic study of the road and user cost recovery. (Gen. Thai) 2



Abeysinghc, K.M. and Selvarajah, E. Role of Local Authorities for Development of Human Settlements in Colombo, Paper presented at the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Development of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific, Yokohama, Japan, June 9-16, 1982. Bangkok: Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1982. A summary of local government structure, physital, economic and social aspects of the human settlement in Colombo (SL) Adler, Hans A. (a) Sector and Project Planning in Transportation. Washington, D.C.: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1970. "A How To Do" manual on preparing transport sector program, including defining objectives, transport inventory, forecasting traffic, outlining policies, and defining investment program. The second part deals with cost-benefit analysis of a transport project. (Gen) Adler, Hans A. (b) Economic Appraisal of Transport Projects: A Manual with Case Studies. Bloomington, Indiana: University of Indiana Press, 1971. "A How To Do" manual on the measurements of benefits and costs of transport investments with specific studies from developing countries. (Gen)

(a) "Urban Mass Transport ation in Agarwal, K.C. India", in E.J. Visse n (ed.) Transpor t Decisi ons Ma rtinus Bo s ton : in an Age of Unc ertainty. Nijobb, 1977. (I nd i a) Agarwal , K.C. ( b ) Urba n Mas s Tran spor t a tion in In d i a , Paper presen t ed at the Third World Conf erenc e on 26 -28, Transport Resear ch, Ro tt erdam, April Hague: Nether lands Institute of The 1977. Transport , 1977 . and applicabi lity the Cov e rs app ropri a t eness of mass transpor tation systems in India and looks a t the soci a l a spect of such systems. (India) Alam,

Banglades h Na ti ona l Phy sica l Planni ng M.K . Project. A Proposa l for Integrated Deve lopmen t Planning Or ganiza tion for the Dacca Metr opolit an No. Project Habitat, UN Nairobi: Area. BGD/72/ 104, 1979. that prese nt deteriora t ion of Obse rv es social a nd physica l environme nt i s a res ult of sporadic and uncoordin ated de velo pme nt de cision . ef f ect ive more a for proposal Outlines in stit utio nal set - up taking into account the rol e of people, poli tici ans, adm ini stra tors and nature a s f a ctors that bu ild up the total env i ronment. (Bang)

Allport, R.J . Improv ing Road-Base d Publ i c Tran s po rt in Metr o-Manila, Paper presen t ed at the South East As1a n Reg ional Conf ere nc e on Appropri ate Technolog y , Mani l a on 08 Decembe r 1976. Manila: The Republi c of the Philippin es, Ministry of Tra n s portat i on and Comm un ic a tions, 1977. ( Phil) Allport , R.J. and P.J. Prynn. (a) "The Evaluat i on of Systems in De ve l op ing Transit Mass Ur ban Cities ", ITE Journal , July 198 3 , pp. 30-3 4 (Pa r t I ) and August 1983, pp. 20- 23 (Part I I ) . issues: four c onfronts paper The uncer tai nt y, under planning a ffordabil ity , 2

evaluation and providing data for analysis. Argues the importance of adequate data base for analysis. (Gen) 10

Allport, R.J. and Prynn, P.J. (b) "Towards More Effective Planning in Developing Cities", Proceedings of Seminar held at PTRC summer annual meeting, University of Sussex, England, July 4-7, 1983, London: Planning and Transport Research Corporation, 1983, Volume P237, pp.321334. Addresses base level problems in urban planning of developing cities. Provides Case Study of Manila (Gen. Phil. IRRD 273968)

1 1

Anantharajan, I. Travel Behavior of Slum Dwellers in Madras, Paper presented at the World Conference on Transport Research, London, 14-17 April 1980. Gull, Hampshire: Gower Publishing Co. Ltd., 1981. (India)


Arthur D. Little and Associates. Southeast Asian Regional Transport Survey. Man1la: Asian Development Bank, 1971, Three Volumes. This study is in three volumes. The first volume identifies findings of the research tasks and summarizes the recommendations. Volume 2 contains the basic analyses performed in the course of the survey, dealing with the economies of the region, inland transport, seaports, ocean shipping, and air transportation. Volume 3 contains detailed supporting and statistical material, along with a full report on the studies of the principle economic sectors in the region. Appendix 8 of Volume 1 contains a selected bibliography. (Gen. Thai. Malay. Indo. Phil. Sing)

13 Association of State Road Transport - Undertakings. (b) Minibuses in Calcutta - Supply Characteristics. New Delhi: Association of State Road Transport Undertakings, Working Paper No.40, 1980. (India)


1 •



Association of State Road Transport Undertakings. Resul ts of Calcutta Passen er Pub lic Trans ort and Delhi : New Minibus Attitude Op1ni ons Survey. Transport Road State of Association Undertakings, Working Pape r No.39, 1980. (India) Bagade, M.V. et al . Public Transport in Medium-Sized Urban Areas. Pune, India: Central Institute of Road Transport, 1978. study of Aurangabad, India which A case viable a building exposes the issues in transport system and the interrelationship of urban of aspects other with transport development. (India)


Bangladesh, Government of. Non - Motorized Transport in Bangladesh, Paper Prese nted a t the Workshopthe Improvement of Nonon cum-Exhibition Economic Bangkok: Transport . Motorized Commission for Asia and the Pacifi c , 1983. rickshaws, bullock includes Discussion carts, river boats and t he i r role in urban and rural transport. (Bang)


Banjo, G.C . and Dimitriov, H.T. Urban Transport Problems and the Third World Cities: The Third summer Generation, Paper presented at PTRC annual meeting, University of Warwick, England, Transpor t and July 1980. London : Planning Research and Computation, 1980. (Gen)


Major Probl ems o f Urban Transport in G. Bareja, India. Bang kok: Econom i c Commission for Asia and the Far East, 1970. (India)


Institution Building for Traffic R. Barret t, Washington, D. C. : World Bank, Management Technical Paper No.8, 1983. Report outlines and responsibility management agencies, 4

examining for methods of traffic performance provides gu i delines for

effective enforcement procedures and for accident data collection. Argues that a common, flexible institutional framework is possible while recognizing differences in political and cultural attitudes among countries. A checklist for assessing institutional development components is provided. (Gen) 20

Barua, A. A Study of Central Area Parking Characteristics . Singapore: Urban Redevelopment Authority, 1982. Presents data on location, extent, capacity, type and operating characteristics of all existing facilities. (Sing)

2 1

Barwell, I.J. and Howe, J.D. "Appropriate Technology and Low Cost Transport", Transportation Research Record, No.702, 1979, pp.22-30. Concerns the provision of appropriate transport facilities in rural areas of developing countries. Argues that technologies applied in the past have been inappropriate to, and ineffective for the poorest people. Suggests that attention should be focussed on improving the technology of basic vehicles. (Gen. IRRD 245114)

2 2

Batchapalsitte, S. Minibus Operation in Hat Yai, Thailand. Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology, Unpublished Masters Degree Thesis, 1982. A study of Minibus Operation in Hat Yai, Thailand. Focusses on socio-economic aspects of users, drivers and owners. (Thai)

2 3

Bawa, D.S. and Bansal, A.N. "Cycle in Urban Transport", Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, Vol.42, No.2, November 1981, pp.291306. Examines the bicycle as a mode of urban transport. Criticizes the fact that the bicycle 5

has been almost totally neglected transport planners in India. (India) 2.



Beckmann, I. Transport Planning in Urban Areas West Berlin: Institute of Technology, 1980. Stresses the importance of clearly defining the objectives of transport planning. Examines criteria necessary for effective urban planning. Emphasis on traffic restraint and faster journey times at reduced operating costs. (GEN. IRRD 251522)

2 5

Behbehani, R. et al. Singapore Area Licencing Scheme 1975-1983: An Impact Assessment. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Staff Working Paper, 1985. An assessment of the Area Licencing Scheme (City Center Traffic Restraint) in Singapore from the time of its introduction in 1975 to 1983. Includes an evaluation of travel patterns, car pooling, goods traffic, environmental factors, safety. Urban growth factors and property values. Concludes that the scheme has been highly successful as a traffic restraint measure and can be applied to other Asian cities with modifications but cautions that such measures should be combined with strong policies to curtail the growth of private car population. (Sing)

2 G

Bendixson, T. Instead of Cars. London: Temple Ltd., 1977. (Gen)

2 7

Bertrand, T.J. "Congestion Costs in a Transport System with an Application to Bangkok", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, September 19 7 8 . ( Tha i )

2 8

Bhandhachat, P. Low Cost Transporation Study, A Socio-Economic Study of the Samlor and Silor Drivers in the City of Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Chiang Mai University Press, 1979. 6


Study of socio-economic characteristics of silor (mini-bus) and samlor (pedi-cab) the drivers in the ci ty of Chiang Mai, Thailand. Problems relating to the system are identified . (Thai) 2 9

Urban Accessibility, Transport Policy Black, J . A. Paper and Analysis in Developing Countries, presented at PTRC summer annual meeting held at of Warwick, England, July 1980. University London: Planning and Transportation Research and Computation, 1980. (Gen)


.T . Blair, London: (India)

3 1


Problem Cities in Search of Solutions. Pol yt echni c o f Central London, 1981.

Subsidation of Urban Public al. et P.H. Transpott. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Res earch Laboratory, 1980. between relationship the Di scusses patronage, fares, service levels, subsidies and various other factors in public transport to determine the value of subsidation. (Gen)

3 2

Bovy, P.H. ( a) Pedestrian Transportation Planning in Cities of Developed and Developing Countries. New York: MAUDEP, May 1975 . (Gen)

3 3

( b) Non Motorized Urban Transport in P.H . Bovy , Developing and Developed Countries - An Overview . Berkeley: University of California, Traffic and Transportation of Institute Engineering, Information Circular No.41, 1975. Surveys the growth in motorized transport since World War II, and its effect on transport the for concerns out Points planning . environment and limited resources of energy. and priorities, the for Recommendations non-motorized for planning in objectives transport are presented. (Gen. IRRD 232911) 7

J 4

Alternative Transportation (a) F.E.K. Britton, Paris: Technologies for Developing Countries. and Co-operation Organization for Economic Development, 1973 . (Gen)

J 5

Paratransit in the (ed.) (b) F.E.K. Britton, Developing World: Neglected Opt1ons for Mob1l1ty and Emplofment. Paris: Organisation for Economic Development Development, and Co-operatlon Center, 1976. (Gen)

J 6

Britton, F.E.K. (c) "Para-Transit: An International Survey of Innovative Bus, Taxi and Automotive Transit Arrangement", EcoPlan, 1977. (Gen)

J 7

Case, D.J. and Latchford, J.C.R. A Comparison of Public ~ransport in Cities in South East Asia and Road Transport Berkshire: Crowthorne, Res~arch Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1981 . Information on public transport systems from eight cities in South East Asia has been compared to examine from the users point of view, the characterstics of different public transport modes. The cities included in this comparative study are Manila, Jakarta, Surabaya, Kuala Lumpur, Georgetown, Bangkok, Chiengmai and and systems transit mass Both Rangoon. personalized public transport are described and analyzed. (Gen. Phil. Indo. Malay. Thai. Burma)

J 8

Transportation Planning in Developing M. Cason, Areas, Selected References. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University, Transportation Center. December 1976. 350 listing An annotated bibliography references, includes an author index and a geographic index. Very few references on urban transport. (Gen. IRRD 230893)



Catchpole, D. and Spencer, I. Bus and Street Car Travel in Karachi. Karachi: Karachi Development Authority, 1973. (Pak)


Chand, M. (a) "A Study on the Present and Future Demand of Auto-Rickshaws in Bangalore", Indian Highways, September 1980, pp.22-29.


Attempts to find out the characteristics and problems of auto-rickshaw drivers and commuters, and estimate present and future demand of auto-rickshaws. (India) 4 1

Chand, M. (b) "Paratransit Systems in Indian Cities", Indian Highways, February 1981, pp.511. I~ an attempt to paratransit, analyze regarding paratransit, estimate the demand for

4 2

study some aspects of various current issues and develop models to paratransit. (India)

Chand, M. and Ramanayya, T.V. "A Conmparative Study of Public and Institutional Transport in Bangalore City", Indian Highways, October 1981, pp.31-39. Studies the motivation of employers in providing transport services and the cost pattern of these services. Analyzes the operating performance of institut i onal buses and compares it with the performance of the Bangalore Transport System and analyzes feasibility of the integration of the two services. (India)

4 3

Chatterjee, A. and Greece, W.L. "Transportation Planning in Small and Medium Size Urban Areas. Lessons learned in the U.S.A. and and Approach for India", Indian Highways, November 1978, pp.5-15. The paper reviews the evolution and changes in the planning process and identifies major pitfalls that have been discovered and lessons 9

learned. (Gen. India) 4 Q

Chatterjee, Chrikumar "An Analytical Study of the Transport System of the Sundarbans Region", Geographical Review of India, 41:1, March 1979, pp.77-82. (India)


Chavan, S.B. Sixth Five Year Plan, 1980-1985, MidTerm Appraisal. New Delhi: Government of India, Planning Commission, 1983.


Presents, in detail, the sixth Five Year Plan of India including urban transport. (India) Q 6

Chopra, P.N. Metropolitan Transport (Metropolitan Transport Project Proposals for Calcutta, Bomba~, Madras and Delhi)", Indian Railways, 24:9, December 1979, pp.20-24. (India)


Courtney, J. "Transportation, Land Policy and the Urban Poor in Developing Countries", Transportation Research Circular, No.199, February 1979, pp.7-10.


Addresses the necessity for development transportation and land policy that responsive to the needs of the urban poor developing countries. Includes a case study Manila. (Gen. Phil. IRRD 242931) 48

of is in of

Crooks Mitchell Peacock Stewart. Urban Renewal and Development Project, Singapore. New York: Un1ted Nations Development Program, 1970. Describes, among others, the transportation plan for Singapore. Discusses policy options, future travel demand, alternative transport, and possible expressway locations. (Sing)

4 9

Cundill, M.A. and Byrne, H.M. A Study of Goods Crowthorne, Vehicle Restraint in Bangkok Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory , Overseas Unit, 1982. 10

Examines the idea of goods vehicle restraint on a daily basis: the selective banning of vehicles during specific parts of the day. For some years now Bangkok has banned goods vehicles (lorries) from the urban area during peak periods. This study reports the effect of such restraint on users and non-users of 1 or r i e s . ( Tha i ) 50

Cuthbert, R. "The Jakarta Traffic Management Study: Part 2 Assessment of PCU Value", Traffic EngineerinT and Control, Vol.24, 1983, pp.366369. (Indo

5 ,


"Realignment of City Streets", Calcutta Municipal Gazette, April 18, 1981, pp. 21492150. Suggests that congestion and traffic problems can be solved only by realignment of the streets. (India)


CMPO. Traffic and Transportation Plan - Calcutta Metropolitan District, 1966 86. Calcutta: Calcutta Metropolitan Planning Organization, 1967. (India)

5 3

CRRI. (a) Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Studies of Greater Bangalore. New Delhi: Central Road Research Institute, 1973. Comprehensive study of urban transport in Greater Bangalore, Karnataka State, India. Includes travel patterns, travel behaviour and travel projections to the next 20 years. (India)


CRRI. (b) Planning of the Road System for Bombay Metropolitan Region, Vol. I, Traffic and Transportation Studies. New Delhi: Central Road Research Institute, 1982. Comprehensive study of traffic and transportation in Bombay including travel projections to year 2000. Data includes 11

household travel surveys, goods transport, parking, pedes t rian movements and major modes. ( India ) 5 5

Describes the project for electrified ring railway services in the Delhi area . Examines and recommends the level of occupancy of these services which is considered minimum to justify operation. Suggests measures for improving viability. Recommends improvements. (India) 5 6

Dalvi, M.Q. and Mar t in, K.M. "The Measurement of Preliminary Results", Accessibility--Some Transportation, Vol . 5, 1976. (Gen)

5 7

Darmstadter, J. "Resurrecting the Environment, 22 ( 7 ), 1980, pp. 25-28.


Proposes how we might temper the necessity of automobiles in our system wi t h a socially and environmentally desirable payoff. (Gen) 58

Dasgupta, K.N. et al. "The Calcutta Rapid Transit System and the Park Street Underground Station", Proceedings, Institution of Ci v il Engineers, Part 1, Vol. 66, March 1979, pp . 261 - 275 . Describes the salient features of the design and c onstruction of the Park Street Station against a background of the entire project of construction of the rapid transit line in Calcutta, the first ever in India . (India)

5 '

David, N. A. (ed.) Transportation: An International Overview, Compendium of Technical Papers presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, London, 14- 18 August 1983. Washington, D.C.: Institute 12

of Transportation Engineers, 1983 Discusses the introduction and establishment of traffic engineering capability in Third World cities. Has case studies in urban traffic control and discuss transport policies to improve the environment of inner cities. (Gen. IRRD 275170) 6 0

navies, C.J. Transportation and Traffic Management: Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Public Administration, 1975. (Malay)

6 1


Gouville, A. Transports Urbaine: Pour une Meilleure Mobilite des Citoyens du Tiers Monde . (Urban Transport: For Better Mobility of the Citizens of the Third World.) Paris: Ingenieurs Civils de France, Congres International-Sciences et Techniques au Service des Pays en Development-Paris. 9-14 mai 1976. The rapid increase in urban development gives rise to serious transport problems in numerous cities of the Third World. These problems are identified and some solutions are suggested. (Gen. IRRD 107479)

6 2

Deen, T.B. "The Discussion on the Session on Transportation and Urban Land Policy in Developing Countries", Transportation Research Circular, No . 199, February 1979, pp.10-13. Reviews four papers submitted at the session. Each paper approaches the problem from an entirely different pespective. Cover many hidden aspects of Third World high-density planning. (Gen. IRRD 242932)

6 3

Dent, D.M. "The Urban Transport Scene in Metro Manila", Queensland Division Technical Papers, Institution of Engineers of Australia, Vol.22, No. 15, June 1981 . Discusses options available for transport systems in Manila, the studies being undertaken, 13

the methods of funding and the problems encountered in the implementation of improvement se he me s . (Phi 1 ) Devarajan, B.R. Further Regional Co-operation in the Improvement and Wider Use of Non-Motorized Transport, Paper presented at the Workshop/Exhibition on the Improvement of NonMotorized Transport. Bangkok: Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1983. (Gen) s

Devkota, B. Government Expenditures on Road Transport in Nepal. Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University, Center for Economic Development and Administration, March 1980. (Nep)

6 6

Dhar, Lokesh.' Public Transport in Medium-Sized Urban Areas 1 Pune, India: Central Institute of Road T ran s po r t , 19 7 8 . ( I nd i a )

6 7

Dick, H.W. (a) "Small Scale Urban Public Transport: Lessons from the Indonesian Experience", Australian Transport Research Forum, Forum Papers. Perth, Australia: Director General of T ran s po r t , 19 7 8 . (I ndo )

6 8

Dick, H.W . (b) Becaks , Bemos and Buses: The Rise and Fall of Non-Corporate Public Transport in Three Javanese Cities. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, 1978. (Indo)

6 9

Dick, H.W . (c) "Urban Public Transport: Jakarta, Surabaya and Malang", Bulletin of Indonesian =E~c~o~n~o~m~i~c~S~t~u~d~ieT=s, March 1981 (part I), pp.66-83 and July 1981 (part II), pp.72-89.


Indonesian cities are characterised by a great variety of public transport ranging from electric trains to pedicabs and pony cnrts. This paper addresses the question whether jitneys are a socially efficient form of public transport in Indonesia and to what extent the increased role 14

of city buses would be at the expense of jitneys and pedicabs. (Indo) 70

Dick, H.W. and Rimmer, P.J. The Imperialism of Urban Public Transport in South East Asia, Paper presented at the 4th Inter-Congress of the Pacific Science Association. Canberra: Australian National University, 1981. (Gen)

7 1

Dimitrou, H.T. A Call for the Effective Integration of Urban Development and Transport Planning in Developing Countries, Paper presented at the PTRC annual summer meeting at the University of Warwick, July 1977. London: Planning and Transport Research Computation Co. Ltd., 1977. (Gen)

7 2

Dixit, A.A. "Need for Urban Transport Planning", Prashashan (Administration), 39th Issue, March 1984. (Nep)


Drake, G.L. and Tratkirm J.E. Thailand Transportation Coordination Study, Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Agency for International Development, June 1970. A detailed study of all modes in Thailand. (Gen. Thai)



7 5


Dunford, J.E. et al. Bangkok Traffic Management Project - Problems of Scheme Design and Implementation, Paper presented at the PTRC summer annual meeting held at the University of Warwick, July 1980. London: Planning and Transport Research and Communication, 1980. (Thai) DDA.

(a) Master Plan for Delhi. Development Author1ty, 1958.


Delhi: Delhi

Master plan for Delhi Metropolitan Region including the plan for urban transport. (India) 15



(b) Policies for Delhi - 2001: Traffic and Transportation , Background Paper No. 1. New Delhi: Delhi Development Authority, 1983. Development of urban transport in Delhi . Vehicle mix and travel data, and institutional framework is described. (India)

7 7


(c) Policies for Delhi- 2001: Traffic and Transportation, Background Paper No. 2. New Delhi: Delhi Development Authority, 1983. Discussion of urban transport policies and their impact under different growth scenarios for Delhi. Existing transport system and the year 2001 system are discussed. (India)"

7 8


Delhi Transport Corporation - A Leap Forward, Background Note. New Delhi : Delhi Transport Corporation. A descriptive study of the corporation's service characteristics and operations along with trip a nd travel data. Historical and descriptive analysis. Covers the period 19711981 for travel and operating data. (India)

7 9

DTPB. (a) Integrated Urban Development of Bangalore City: Report of the Study Group on Traffic and Transport. Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, Department of Town Planning, September 1979. Report of .the study group on examining the linkages between ur ban development patterns and urban transport services. Recommendations are made for better coordination and more transport investment. (India)


DTPB. (b) Salient Points on the Traffic and Transportation Plan for Bangalore. Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, Department of Town Planning, March 1981. Summary Met ropolitan


the urban Bangalo re . 16

transport plan for Contains data,

discussion and analysis of travel patterns and land use linkages . (India) 8 1

Eastman, C.R. and Pickering, D. Transport Problems of the Urban Poor in Kuala Lumpur Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1981. De scribes the results of a study in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia of travel habits and attitudes to provide information on modal choice, trip purpose and expenditure on transport of squatter and other low income communi ties in the city. (Malay)


Ehrhardt, R. Canadian Development Assistance to Bang ladesh . Ottawa, Canada: North-South Institute, 1983 . . Examines Canada's aid to Bangladesh in detail. Determines whether any of this aid reaches the poorest, mo st destitute and needy people in the country. (Bang)

8 J

Elangovan, T. "Scope for Introducing Electric Trolley Buses in Ur ban Areas in India", Indian Highways, January 1983, pp.S-25. Suggests the electric trolley bus possible transport system for l arge centres in India . (India)


as a urban

ECMT. (a) Influence of Mea sures Designed to Restrict the Use of Certain Transport Modes, Report of the 42nd Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris, November 9-10, 1978. Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and De velopment, 1978. A report on the influence of measures designed to restrict the use of certain mode s of transport by Professor M.E. Beesley. Includes the summary of the round ta ble discussion on the subject, and a list of participants. (Gen) 17

8 5

ECMT. (b) Scope for the Use of Certain Old-Fashioned Urban Transport Techniques, Trams and TrolleyBuses, Report of the 38th Round Table Conference on Transport Economics, held in Paris, March 2425, 1977. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1978 . A report on the scope for the use of trams and trolley-buses . Includes a summary of the round table discussion on the subject and a list of participants. (Gen)

8 6

(c) Paratransit, Report of the 40th Round ECMT. Table on Transport Economics, Paris, January 2627, 1978. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1979. This ECMT round table report contains a background paper on paratransit by Bovvy and typology of the covers which Krayenbuhl of characteristics paratransit system, the paratransit and the development of the sector . Supplementary papers are included on extending the use of taxis as a part of urban passenger transport, dial-a-ride schemes in Great Britain, the dolmus, car pools and transport services provided by employers in France. (Gen)

8 7

Urban Transport and the Environment, (d) ECMT . Report of a Seminar organized by the OECD in co operation with the ECMT, July 10-12, 1979 . Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1979, Vol.II . for reports summary city Contains specialized sess1ons on Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. Deals with the role of pedes t rians and cyclists in urban transport. Suggests ways transpor t and traffic urban improve to in the paratransit at Looks management. developed world . (Gen. Sing. Malay. Thai)

8 8

Urban Transport and the Environment, (e) ECMT. Report of a Seminar organized by the OECD in cooperation with the ECMT, July 10-12, 1979. Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation 18

and Development, 1979, Vol .III. Provides a s~noptic chart of sixteen city case studies of 1nnovative urban transport schemes implemented to improve the environment. Case studies include: Singapore. (Gen. Sing) B 9

ECMT. (f) Urban Transport and the Environment, Report of a Seminar organized by the OECD in cooperation with the ECMT, July 10-12, 1979. Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1979, Vol.IV. Conclusions of the seminar on pedestrian and cycle traffic, paratransit applications, financing, energy, flexibility and political considerations. (Gen)


Mass Rapid Transit in Bangkok. Bangkok: Ministry uf Interior, Expressway and Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand, 1979.

ERTAT. ~ (a)

A description of the proposed Mass Rapid Transit System in Bangkok including travel patterns and volumes, costs and routes. (Thai) 9 1

ERTAT. (b) Feasibility Study on the Second Stage Expressway System in Greater Bangkok. Bangkok: Ministry of Interior, Expressway and Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand, 1982. Comprehensive data study of the proposed Greater Bangkok. (Thai)

9 2

base a nd feasibility expressway system in

ERTAT. (c) Flexibility Study on the Second State Expressway in Greater Bangkok, Interim Report, Appendix. Bangkok, Ministry of Interior, Expressway and Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand, December 1982. Presents comprehensive data on demographics, travel patterns, vehicle systems for 1981 and also projections for the year 2000. (Thai) 19

g 3

ESCAP. (a) "Prospective Demand for Dif fere nt Modes of Transport". Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific, No.51, 1977, pp. 1-7. Factors necessary to the forecasting and planning of transport demand in developing countries. Includes a comparison between the various modes of transport. Material based mainly on inter-regional link s. (Gen. IRRD 232741) ESCAP. ( b) "Transport Strategy for Singapore". Transport and Communication Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific, No.51, 1977, pp.26-29. A comprehensive set of policies on land use and transportation development. Assessment of relative roles of private and public transport. Emphasis on restraints and alternative modes. Suggests that the area license scheme is a workable measure for reducing private car travel in congested areas. (Gen. IRRD 232740)

g 5

ESCAP. (c) "Strategy for Coordinated Transport Development in Bangladesh". Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific. No.52, 1978, pp.57 60. Discusses co-ordinated transport modes in developing countries. Contains transport investment recommendations to ensure coordinated tran sport sector development coverin g air, highway, road, rail, and inland water transport . (Gen. IRRD 243325) ESCAP. (d) Transportation for Urban and Rural Areas with Emphasis on Groups with Limited Resources. Ba ngkok: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Document G/I II /7 , 1982. A description and analysis of urban and rural transport needs of the poor in the ESCAP Region. Generalized to cover various countries and diverse contexts. (Gen) 20



ESCAP. (e) Improvement Potential of Non-Motorized Transport. Bangkok: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1983. Considers the role of non-motorized transport, rural transport, existing non motorized technologies, potential for improvement, implementation and recommendations. (Gen)



Fallen-Bailey, D.G. and Byer, T.A. Energy Options and Policy Issues in Developing Countries. Washington: World Ba nk, Staff Working Paper #350, 1979. Reviews energy sources of developing countries with emphasis on import of oil. Discusses the need for national energy planning, energy demand management, conservation and pricing policy. (Gen . IRRD 252882)



Faraqui, M.S. Karachi: Physical Situation of Human Settlements , Paper presented at the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Development of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific, Yokohama, June 9-16, 1982. Bang kok: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1982. Summary of local government structure, physical, economic and social aspects of the human settlement in Karachi. (Pak)

10 0

Feibel, L.C. and Walters, F.A. Ownership and Efficiency in Urban Buses Washington, D.C.: World Ban k, Staff Working Paper No.371, 1980. This paper compares opeating costs of public and private bus companies in Calcutta, Istanbul and Bangko k and finds the privately owned buses to be more efficiently run even when the fares charged are equal. (Gen. India. Thai)


10 1

Fouracre, P.R. (a) Intermediate Public Transport in Developing Countries Crowthorne, Be rkshir e : Transport and Road Research Laboratory, 1977. This study surveys intermediate forms of urban transport including shared taxis and minibuses, and auto and cycle rickshaws in the developing world. The organisation and operation of paratransit is described briefly. The study concludes that intermediate transport services are efficient and popular with users. (Ge n )

10 2

Fouracre, P.R. (b) Some Issues of Public Transport Policy in Delhi. Crowthorne, U.K.: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1982. Public transport system of Delhi is taken as a case study both to illustrate characteristics of growth, diversity and poor financial performance common in developing countries, and to investigate the implications of some possible transport policy options. (Gen. India.)

10 3

Fouracre, P.R. (c) Public Transport Surveys in Jaipur: Supply Characteristics. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Unit, Working Paper No.157, 1984. Documents availability and use of public transport in second order cities in India. Examines and compares the way in which public transport has been developed in Jaipur. Assesses costs and benefits of the different approaches which can be adopted in the provision of public transport. (India)

1 0 4

Fouracre, P.R. and Maunder, D.A.C. (a) "Urban Public Transport in Chiang Mai, Thailand", Traffic and Engineering Control, Vol.18, No.5, May 1977. Discusses public transport in Chiang Mai, in pa r ticular, minibuses and pedicabs. (Thai) 22

, 0 5

Fouracre, P.R. and Maunder, D.A.C. (b) Public Transport in Surabaya, Indonesi a Crowthor ne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1978. Surveys the operations and organisation of the publi c transport system in Surabaya, Indonesia . Describes and compares regular trans por tation and paratransit us ed i n the area. The study focu sses on thr ee main forms of public transport cycle rickshaws, minibuses and conventional buses. (Indo}

, 0 6

Fouracre, P.R. and Maunder, D.A.C. (c) Public Transport Development in Third World Cit ies Proceedings of A.R.R.B. , Vol.11, Pa rt 6. Vermont South, Vic t oria: Australian Road Research Board, 1982. This paper b rings together available information largely for a cross-section of Indian cities, to suggest possible relationships between city characteristics and public transport development. (India)

, 0 7

Fouracre, P.R. and Maunder, D.A . C. (d) Public Transport i n Third World Citi e s . Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, 1982. The state of deve~o~ment of public transport i n different c1t1es is intimately connected with city characteristics such as prosperity, size and nature of the road network. This paper brings t oge ther available information, largely for a cross-section of Indian cities , and suggests possib l e relationships between public trans port development and city chara cteristics . (Gen)

, 0 8

Fouracr e, P.R. et al. (a) Characteristics of Public Transport Demand in Indian Cities Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1981.


Presents results of surveys done in a number of Indian cities on the demand for pub li c transport . I t focusses on travel patterns a nd socio-e c o nomic characteristics of passengers and related t ransport demand. (India) 1 0'

Fouracre, P.R. et al . ( b) Public Transport Supply in Ind i an Cities Crowthorne, Berkshi re: Transpo rt and Road Resea rch Laborato ry , Overseas Unit , 1981 . A r evi ew of publi c transport supply in Ind ian citi e s, this repor t compares supply levels and costs, and c ommen t s on t he efficie nc y a nd profitability of the operations. (India)

1 10

Fouracre, P.R. et al. (c) Resear ch on the Effectiveness of Urban Public Transpor t , Paper presented at the PTRC summer meeting Ju ly 13-16, 1981, University of Warw ic k . London: Plan nin g and Transport Resear ch a nd Computation, 1981. Looks at some of the fi nd i ngs from a two year research programme , 1978-80, on problems of urba n public transport in India . Presents a broad outline of ope r ating environment, suppl y and demand. (India)

1 1 1

FHA. Highway Taxes and Fees: How They are Colle ct ed and Di st ri buted . Wa shin gton , D. C. : Federal Highway Adm in1st ra tion , 1981 . Includes ta bul a r inf orma tion regarding state la ws that provide for the taxat i on of moto r fue l, fee schedules for registering vehi cles and the distributio n of these ta xes and fee s . (Gen)

1 1 2

Ga ke nheime r , J . "An Introd uc tion to Transportation and Ur ban Land Polic y in Devel op in g Count r ie s ' , Transportation Research Circular, No. 199 , February 1979 , p . 2 . Covers relationships be t ween urban travel, urbanizat ion of land an d land use, compa r es 24

post-industrialized and developing countries transport needs, and solutions. (Gen. IRRD 242927) 1 13

Gakenheimer, R.A. and Bovy, P.H. Urban Transportation Planning in Developing Countries - A List of Selected References Berkeley: University of California, Institute of Transportation Studies, 1975. Three main topics: transportation and development, urban transportation planning and transportation information, all at national and regional scales. Categorized under topical headings. (Gen . IRRD 225337)

1 1 Q

Gower. (a) Transport Research for Social and Economic Progress, ·Proceedings of World Conferen~e on Transport Research, London, April 14-17, 1980, V1~, Gull, Hampshire: Gower Publishing Company Ltd., 1981, Vol.1. Contains papers covering: transport research its nature and organisation, obtaining public input in transport planning. (Gen. IRRD 259638)


Gower. (b) Volume 1-2. Contains papers covering: frameworks for analysing and evaluating transport investment alternatives, decisi ons models for developing countries; and transport research centres in developing countries. (Gen. IRRD 259639)

1 1 6

Gower. (c) Volume 3-1. Contains the following papers : the dynamics of urban traffic control, travel behaviour of slum dwellers in Madras; and transpo rt problems of urban poor in developing countries. (Gen. India. IRRD 259645)




Gower. {d) Volume 3-2. Includes papers on: the changing cost of travel, sensitivity of change in user fares to transit ridership; a user's view of highway research. {Gen. IRRD 259649)

1 18

Gower. (e) Volume 4 . Volume four contains the following papers: in transport on research and education developing countries, new approaches to traffic control. (Gen. IRRD 259652)

1 1'

Report on Urban Design Landscape M. Graham, Planning Kathmandu, with Special Reference to the Vishnumati Link Road , September-December, 1974. New York: UNDP, Department of Housing, Building and Physical Planning, 1974. landscape and Report on urban design planning in Kathmandu, Nepal. Describes physical environs of city to determine the design of a road that would link the west side of town to the town center. Discusses relevant aspects of road design, in particular, safety. (Nepal)

12 0

Grava, S . "Locally generated transportation modes Transportation World", Developing the of Research Board Special Report No.181, 1978, pp. 84-95. The details are given ef three public transportation cases in Asia, Africa and South America, and brief descriptions are given of five cases from other parts of the developing these cases particularly Summarizes world . highlighting the administrative, financial and regulatory features. The vehicles, ownership, procurement and use are described, as well as operation and income of the motorized the tricycle rickshaws of Karachi. Jeepneys of the Philippines are also described. The key features of all these highly successful services are flexibility and responsiveness. {Gen. Pak) 26

1 2 1

Gupta, J.D. (a) "Regional Land Use and Transportation Development Optimization for the Delhi Region of India", Transportation Research Record, No.848, 1982, pp.21-28. A regional scale land use and transportation model is developed that may be used for the analysis of the decentralization options of the Delhi region. The model searches for regional development configurations that minimize the combined costs of providing urban infrastructure and intercity transportation ' costs. (India. IRRD 267803)

12 2

Gupta, Jiwan D. (b) "Regional Land Use and Transportation Development Optimization Model for Delhi Region of India", Transportation Research Record, No.848, 1983, pp.21-28. Rapid industrialization has brought rapid population growth l\ in majon ,metropolitan areas in India. The rapid population growth rates in the Delhi metropolitan area (created by strong expansion of the economic base due to industralization) have led to the adoption of decentralization policies for the region. A regional scale land use and transportation model is developed that may be used for the analysis of decentralization options. The model searches for regional development configurations that minimize the combined costs of providing urban infrastructure and intercity transportation costs. (India)

1 2 3

Gurin, D. "Planning Transportation in Developing Countries", Mazingira, 5(4), 1981, pp. 58-65. This paper seeks to revolutionize the provision of public transport in developing country cities by penalizing the use of private car, extolling the merits of the bicycle and upgrading public transport. (Gen)


1 2 4

Surabaya Area Associates and Fox Halcrow of Ministry London: Transportation Study. Overseas Development, 1977. (Indo)

12 5

Halder, Dilip Kumar. Urban Transport Problem, An Economic Investigation into Public Utilities in 1977. Calcutta. Calcutta: Academic Publishers, (India)

12 6

"What Price Roads?" Town and Graham. Hallett, Country Planning, 49(5), 1980, pp.156-157. Singapore succeeds in charging motorists roads in peak hours. The its using for circumstances in Singapore are special, but the system could be adapted for use elsewhere. (Sing)

12 7

Hammerton, S.K. and Ford, D.J. The Formulation of a Transportation Planning Process for the Surabaya Paper presented at Area Transportation Study, the annual summer meeting at the University of Warwick, 9-12 July 1979. London: Planning and Transport Research Computation Co. Ltd., 1979. (I ndo)

12 8

Hansen, K. "Urban Development and Transportation; Singapore Debate Continued", Planneurs: The Journal of the Singapore Institute of Planners, Vol.7, No.3, December 1980, pp.18-23. A review of the urban transport development Rapid options especially the proposed Mass Transport System in Singapore, its impact, costs viability. An assessment of the urban and development, economic and other impacts of the options. (Sing)

12 9

Singapore's Transport and Urban K.R. Hansen, Development Options: Final Report of the MRT Review Team. Singapore: Ministry of National Development, 1980.


Suggests three types of mass rapid transit systems for Singapore. Concludes that a three line, rail system could be most efficient. Review various urban transport proposals and the resulting urban development patterns. (Sing) 1 30

Harding, C.H.V. "Project Planning in South-East Proceedings of Fourth Conference of The Asia", Road and Engineering Association of Asia and Australia. Kuala Lumpur: Director General of Publ1c Works, 1983, pp.83-107. planning project of overview Brief planning road and general, processes in processes in particular, as related to Southeast Asian countries. Emphasis is placed on rapid transit, traffic restraints, and priority for high occupancy vehicles. (Gen. IRRD 266550)


Hayat, N. and Kha ~ , A.R. I• Master Plan for Karachi Metropolitan Region. Bibliography of Karachi: Social and Historical Aspects. Karachi: Karachi Development Authority, April 1973. Bibliography of books, reports and articles on all aspects of Karachi in particular and about Sind in general. (Pak)

13 2

Higgins, Tom "Road Pricing - Should and Might it Happen?" Transportation, 8(2), 1979, pp.99-113. This article discusses recent attempts to implement a federally sponsored road pri~ing demonstration in the United States. It exam1nes reasons for the attempts, pointing to several enduring traffic related problems; the greater effectiveness and flexibility of road pricing compared to other measures, and the proven feasibility of area licenses as in Singapore. (Gen. Sing)

1 3 3

Hillman, M. and Whalley, A. Walking: The Neglected Transport Mode, Paper presented at the World Conference on Transport Research, London, 14-17 April 1980. Gull, Hampshire: Gower Publishing 29

eo. Ltd. , 198 1 . ( Gen) 13


13 5

Total Social Costs of Transport. v.w. Hogg, D.C.: The World Bank, Economic Washington, Development Institute, Course Notes CN815. March 1976. (Gen) Holland, Edwin and Waston, Peter "Singapore's Area Licencing Scheme: results and lessons", in Urban Planning Practice in Developing Countries, (eds.) J.L. Taylor and D.G. Williams. New York: Pergamon. 1982. A case study of Singapore's area licencing programme costly new than Rather scheme. an represents systems, Singapore's project maximum utilisation of existing at effort capacity. (Gen. Sing)

1 36

National Transportation Planning in B.J. Houel, Developing Countries: A Critical Review of of University Berkeley: Methodologies. California Institute of Transportation Studies, 1979. Considers different aspects of national transport planning and the need for such plans developing countries. The methodological in some and trends since 1961 are discussed suggestions are made for practical improvements. Nine case studies are included. (Gen. IRRD 251437)

13 7

From Trishaws to C.S. Howe, B.E. and Mellor, Kawasakis - Upgrading the Transport Systems in Presented at National Conference on Malaysia 1981. 23-25, September Tran sport, Public Australia: Institution of Engineers, 1981. The land tra ns port systems of Malaysia are total presented within the context of the before planning transportation national and socio-economic basic the discussing administrative conditions affecting changes in the transport systems both urban and regional, 30

with the current proposals for converting from manually driven trishaws to 'motorized trishaws' as a specific example. (Malay. IRRD 255113) 1 3 8

Howe, J . (a) Countries :

"Transport Planning in Developing Some Lessons for the U.K.?" Traffic ~E~n~q~i~n~e~e~r~i~n~g~a~n~d~C~o~n~t~r~o~l, Vol . 15, No.14, June 1974. Draws attention to some ideas being used in the third world . In Singapore, high vehicle taxation ha ve been announced to give one of the highest road user charges in the world. Using this as a case study, the paper compares that actual effec t of road pricing with theoretical studies which ha ve already been undertaken. (Gen. Sing. IRRD 211608)

13 9

Howe, J. (b) "Engineers Must Return to the Basics to Me~ t the !Third World's Needs" New Civil Engineer, No .433, 1981, pp . 7-16. Claims that the basic need for improved vehicles has been neglected, whilst investment has been c oncentrated on overdesigned road projects . Examines possible alternative vehicles for rural poor . (Gen. IRRD 254247)




Huang, Yukon et al. Nepal: Development Perf ormanc e and Prospects. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 1985. Covers development policies and achievements for the period 1975-79 in Nepal . Examines strategy options for key development sectors - agriculture, industry, tourism, energy and transport . Human resource development is also looked into . (Nepal)

14 1

Hughes, G.A. Public Transport in Developing Countries, Paper presented at PTRC summer annual meeting held at the Univeristy of Warwick, July 1977. London: Planning and Transport Research and Computation, 1977 . (Gen ) 31

1 4 2

Hussain, A.A.M.Z. Chittagong City: A Monograph, Paper presented at the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Development of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific, Yokohama, Japan, June 9-16, 1982. Bangkok: Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1982. A summary of local government structure, physical, economic and social aspects of the human settlement in Chit~agong City. (Bang}

1 4 3

HKIE. Transport in the Eighties. Rail and Buses, Papers presented at the Conference sponsored by the Institution of Civil Engineers and the UK Department of Town Planning in conjunction with the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the· British Overseas Trade Board, Hong Kong, February 15-19, 1982. London: Thomas Telford Ltd., 1982. Includes papers on: impact of mass transit railways on the environment; bus body building in South East Asia; planning of new ports in East Asia. (Gen.IRRD 263 500}

1 4 4

India, Republic of. (a} Metropolitan Transport Project (Railways} Delhi--Public Mass Transport for Delhi. New Delhi, India: Government of India, Report of the Working Group, 1977. (India}

1 4 5

India, Republic of. (b) Report of the National Transport Policy Committee. New Delhi: Planning Commission, Government of India. May 1980. An analysis of national transport policy as a prelude to the preparation of the next five year national plan of development. Includes a discussion of central government role in urban transport. (India}

1 4 6

India, Republic of. (c) Local Authorities and Human Settlement Development in Bombay. Paper presented at the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Development of Human Settlements 32

in Asia and the Pacific, Yokohama, Japan, June 9-16, 1982. Bangkok: Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 1982. Summary of local government structure, physical, economic and social aspects of the human settlement in Bombay. (India) 1 ' 7

India, Republic of. (d) Report of the Study Group on Requirement of Buses for the Delhi Transport Corporation. New Delhi: Planning Commission of India, January 1982. An assessment of the mass transport system in Delhi in view of population forecasts to the year 2000. Analyses and forecasts the bus system needs. (India)

1 '8

1 ' '

Indian Institute of Management - A. Urban Transport Policy for Large and Medium-Sized Cities. Ahmedabad, India: Indian Institute of Management, 1979. (India) Indian Institute of Technology-B. Indo-French Workshop on Urban Transportation. Bombay: Indian Institute of Tec hnology, 1983. (India)

1 50

Indonesia, Republic of. (a) Area Transportation Study. Dan Daera, 1975. (Indo)

Jakarta Metropolitan Directorat Tata Kota

1 5 1

Indonesia, Republic of. (b) Local Authorities and Human Settlements Development in Jakarta, Paper presented at the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for Development of Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific, Yokohama, June 9-16, 1982. Bangko k : Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacifi c, 1982. Summary of local government structure, physical, economic and social apsects of the human settlement in Jakarta. Includes a current urban t r ansport description of condition. (Indo) 33

1 52

Jacobs, G.D. a nd Downi ng , A.J. A Study on Bus Safety in Delhi Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Un it, 1982 . Interviews of 580 Delhi Transit Corporation bus drivers give a better understanding of how driver factors, such as training, experience and working conditions could affect accident rates . (India)

1 53

Jacobs, G.D. and Fouracre, P.R. "Urban Transport in Developing Countries", Traffic Engineering and Control, Vol.15, No.20, Dec.1974. Examines transport planning with respect to growth, examples of very high population successful long-term schemes are discussed. (Gen. IRRD 212123)

1 5 4

Jacobs, G.D. et al. "Public Transport in Third World Cities", Highway Engineer, March 1982. Makes a broad review of the demand for and supply of both conventional and paratransit forms of public tra nsport in the third world and compares and contrasts the situation with conditions in western Europe and North America, also outlines special problems faced by public transport operator in developing countries. (Gen)

1 5 5

Jain, S . C. "Poverty in Nepal", Nepalese Economic Journal, Vol.2, No .1, April 1980. (Nep}

1 56

Jamieson Mackay and Partners. (a) Congestion Survey, Bangkok . London: Jamieson, Mackay and Partners, Traffic Management Project Technical Paper No.22, 1979. (Thai)

1 57

Jamieson Mackay a nd Part ners. (b) The Minibuses and the Public Transport System of Kuala Lumpur Crowthorne, Berkshire : Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1981. 34

Describes minibus system in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the factors behind its succe ss. While the conventiona l bus is more efficient per unit of capacity, various institutiona l factors have made the minibus system more successful. (Malay) 1 58

Japan Overseas Consultants Ltd. Results of the Jeepney Dri vers Interviews Survey June 1981. Manila: Republic of the Philippines , Ministry of Transportat ion and Communicati ons, 1982. Comprehensiv e survey of the characteris tics of the jeepney units, routes and socio-econom ic characteris tics of drivers. (Phil)

15 '

Japan OTCA . Urban Transport Study in Manila Metropolitan Area. Tokyo: Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency, 1973. Comprehensi ve urban transportati on study for Metropolitan Manila. Provides data on household surveys, travel patterns and trip characteris tics. Analyzes the current transport system a nd proposes improvement s based upon three scenarios of urban growth. Has population and land use projec ti ons to 1991. (Phil)


Jayawardena , N. Transport Research Centers in Developing Countries: The Sri Lanka Experience, Paper presented at the World Conference on Transport Research, London, 14-17 April 1980 . Gull, Hampshire: Gower Publishing Co. Ltd., 1981. (SL)

1' 1

Jenkins, I .A . The Role of Public Transport in a Medium Sized City of India, Paper presented at PTRC summer annual meeting held at the University of Warwick, England, July 9-12, 1979 . London: Planning and Transport Research and Computation , 1979. (India)


16 2

Jones, J.H . et al. The Effects of Urban Traffic Control in Bangkok Crowthorne, Berksh1re: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1982. Studies the effect of urban traffic control in Bangkok . Before/after surveys were taken to show changes in car and bus travel times, driver behaviour and traffic volumes. (Gen. Thai)

16 3

Justo, C.E.G. and Reddy, K.C. "Improvements in Level of Service for Traffic Operation - A Case Study", Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, Vol.39, No.3, December 1978, Paper #325 . Investigates various traffic problems on Jaya Chamarajendra Road, Bangalore, India, and suggests both immediate and long-term measures so as to improve the level of service for traffic operation. Stresses importance of decreasing travel times for greater efficiency. (India)

16 4

JMDP. Jabotabek Metropolitan Development Planning, City and Regional Transportation Issues and Development . Jakarta: Ministry of Public Works, Directorate General of Housing. Identifies the key policy issues and recommends action that can be taken. Issues considerea include traffic management, allocation of resources, desired level of mobility and the role of bus transport. Details projects designed to maintain the , economic vitality of the area . (Indo. IRRD 251525)

16 5

Kadiyali, L. Road User Cost Study in India. New Delhi: Central Road Research Institute, 1982 . Comprehensive study of road user costs in India. Technical analysis includes a range of vehicles in a variety of road conditions. Most comprehensive and thorough analysis of road user costs in India. (India)


1 6 6

Kamal, S.I. (a) Master Plan for Karachi Metro olitan Re ion. Bus and Tram Travel in Karach1 : A Report on Bus Passenger Speed Delay Study and the Survey of Bus Routes, Coverage.and Freq uencies . New York: United Nat1ons Developme nt Programme, Document MP-RR/ 46, 1972. Provides data on the amount of bus travel taking place in Karachi and investigates some aspects of the level of service provided . Focuses on routes, coverage and frequency . Descri bes causes of delays and concludes with proposals for more immediate improvements. (Pak)

16 7

Kamal, S.I. (b) Master Plan for Karachi Metropolitan Region. Auto Rickshaw Operation in Karachi. New York: United Nations Developmen t Program, Documen t MP-RR/46, April 1972. Describes in deta i l auto rickshaw operation in Karachi. Suggests that the au to rickshaw should be retained until an equally cheap available transport mode is evolved. (Pak )

1 '8

Kartodirojo, S. The Pedicabs in Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1981. This study the describes Becak transportation system in ter ms of vehicles, trips, trip ti mes and passengers as well as socio-economic characteristic s of drivers in Yogyakarta. (Indo)

16 9

Kelker, V.L. and Banskota, M. Road User Charges and Route Licencing. Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University, Center for Economic Development and Admnistration, 1972 . A rationale for road user charges is presented . Operating data on vehicle syst ems is discussed and a rationalisation plan for rout es and user charges is proposed for Kathmandu. (Nep)


17 0

Khanel, M. Trans ort Mana ement in Kathmandu, Paper presented at the workshop seminar on Passenger Transportation, April 1984. Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University, Center for Economic Development and Administration, May 1984. Institutional structure governing urban transport and urban development is reviewed . Argues that there is serious lack of coordination and a systems approach is needed. (Nep)

17 1

Kim, K.C. (a) Singapore Statistical Charts 1982/ 85. Singapore: Department of Statistics, 1984. Includes statistical charts for 1973-83 on climate, land, population, national accounts, balance of payments, labour, employment, manufacturing, utility, construction, external trade, transport, tourism, banking, public finance, education, health and prices (Sing)

17 2

Kim, K.C. (b) Yearbook of Statistics - Singapore, 1983 / 84. Singapore: Department of Statistics, 1984 . Concise statistics for 1973-83 demographi c s, e c onomic and characteristics of Singapore. (Sing )

on the social

17 3

Kiola, P. Large Scale Land Use - Transport Studies : How Relevant Are They to Asian Cities?, Paper presented at the PTRC annual summer meeting at the University of Warwick, July 1976. London: Planning and Transport Research Computation eo. Ltd . 1976. (Gen)

17 q

Kirby, R.F. et al. Paratransit: Neglected Options for Urban Mobilitl. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, 1974. Gen)


17 5

Kocks, F.H. and Rhein-Ruhr. Bangkok Transportation Study. Bangkok: Kingdom of Thailand, 1975. Comprehensive study of transportation in Bangkok with travel projections to the year 2000. (Thai)

17 6

Kumar, R.K. and Rao, M.S.V. "An Appraisal of Transportation Planning and Travel Forecasting No.9, Vol.3, Indian Highways, Techniques", September 1975. Suggests the need for simultaneous and transportation inter-dependent land use and socio-economic variables Examines planning. and developed which behave differently in developing countries. Recommendations are made for forecasting techniques in India. (India. IRRD 220059)

17 7

Master Plan for Karachi Metropolitan Region. KDA. Final Report on Transportation. Karachi: Karachi Development Authority, April 1973. Deals with all aspects of transportation within the Karachi metropolitan region based on data compiled by the master plan department. Short and long term proposals provide solutions to several multifarous problems faced in the region. Appendix contains description of the technical procedures and model calibration used. (Pak)

17 8

Latchford, J.C . R. "Traffic Management in South East Asia", in Institution of Civil Engineers and the UK Government Department of Transport. Transport into the 80's. London: Thomas Telford, 1982, pp. 25-30. (Gen)

17 9

Jeepney Transport Policy Formation. J. Lavares, Manila: Republic of the Philippines. Ministry of December Communications, Transportation and 1979.


policy for Policy analysis and basis formulation for rationalising jeepney operations in Manila in the context of Mass Transit and Buses. (Phil) 1 8 0

Calcutta the of Lawson, G.P. "Some Aspects Ptoject", Proceedings of the PTRC Engineering Summer Annual Meeting, July 13 16, 1981, and Planning University of Warwi ck . London: Research and Computation eo. Transportation Ltd., 1981. Overview of 'Calcutta Engineering Project' aimed to improv e traffic conditions (Gen. India . IRRD 266719) .

1 8 1

Lea, N.D. and Andrews, J .A.C. "Urban Transport Investment Criteria for Developing Countries" in Highway Investment in Developing Countries. London: Thomas Telford Ltd., 1982. Suggests some g ui de lines for evaluating and for investments transport comparing u rba n developing countries, specifically, roadway and transit alternatives. (Gen)

18 2

Lea, N.D. and Associates Transit ?re-Fea si bility Guidelines. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, Urban Pro jects Departme nt. 1982. (Ge n)

1 I 3

Lea, N.D. and McGean, T.J. Urban Transit Technology and Land Development in Deve loped and Developing 25th the at presented Paper Countries, the Transportation of Meeting Anniversary Research Forum, Washington, D.C.: Transportation Researc h Forum. Discusses policy framework for transport planning and technology in the context of rapid urbanization. In particular, covers right-of-way transit technology, sharing, requirements and development. (Gen)


18 4

Leinback, T.R. "Urban Core Regions and Transport Development: The Case of Peninsular Malaysia", The Journal of Tropical Geography, Vol. 49, December 1979, pp. 34-41. Explores the interaction between urban growth and transport development. An empirical model is developed for peninsular Malaysia to identify the influence of urban core regions upon the pattern of network investment. (Malay)

1 8 5

Leon, Liew Peng "Singapore's Traffic Management", Town Planning Quarterly, 42, 1976, pp.27-28. Like all major cities Singapore is faced with formidable traffic problems. Two main proposals are advanced 1) Area Licensing Scheme whereby the CBD is a restricted area and charges are levied on cars entering the zone unless they carry 4 or more passengers, and ii) a Park and Ride Scheme. (Sing)

1 8 6

Levinson, H.S. Transportation Plans for the Colombo Urban Area New York: United Nations Development Program, Project SRL-78-122, March 1980. Proposes short and long term improvements in transport in the Colombo urban area in Sri Lanka. Presents an integrated transportation plan for the area based on future population and travel growth. (SL)

1 8 7

Lim, Wei-Yue. A Comparative Study of Public Transport in Principal Asian Cities. Washington, D.C . : The World Bank, Urban Projects Department, 1979. (Gen)

1 8 8

Linn, J.F. Cities in the Developing World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983, Chapter 4, pp. 88-119. Discusses urban transport strategies designed to increase the efficiency and equity of urban development in developing countries. 41

For each of the main areas of transport policy action investment , pricing, and regulation policies are proposed which contrast with those commonly found in the cit i es of the deve l oping countries . Includes statisti c al data. (Gen) 1 8'

Lockwood, S.C. "Contrast and Convergence: Urban Transport Planning in Developing and Industrialized Contexts", Proceedings of Seminar held at the PTRC 10th Annual Summer Meeting at the University of Warwick, U.K. 12-15 July 1982, Vol. P223. London : Transport Research and Computation Co. Ltd. 1982, pp. 91-106. Examines, critizes, and suggests solutions for administrative problems in urban transport planning in developing countries (Gen. IRRD 272665).

1 '0

Loudon, W. and Marroquin, O.A . A Sketch Planning Approach for Urban Transportation Studies in Developing Countries, Paper presented at the World Conference on Transport Research, London, 14-17 April 1980. Gull, Hampshire: Gower Publishing Co. Ltd. (Gen)

1' 1

Luna, T.W., Jr. et al. The Jeepney- A Low Cost Transport Metropolitan Manila. Manila: Pamanthasan Ng Lungsod Ng Manila, 1978. Examines the jeepney through the eyes of those involved in its operation drivers, commuters, operators, traffic policemen and government transport officials. (Phil)

1 ' 2

Lynn, J.C. Report of the Study Group Constituted by the Government of Karnataka for Suggesting Improvements in the Transport System in Bangalore Metropolitan Area . Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, Ministry of Transport. 1980 . Investigates problems of the transport system in Bangalore City and suggests measures for improvements. Technology improvement is 42

examined. (India) 19 3

Madappa, P.P. Origin and Destination Survey of Passenger Traffic in Banga lor e. Ba ngalore: Karnataka State Road Tra nspo rt Corporation, 1982. Includes data on family size, income distribution, nature and purpose of trips, conveyance, trip distance and other general household survey data. (India)

1 9.

Maharashtra (Ind ia ), Government of. The Cycle Network Project for Pune. Pune, India: Government of Maharashtra. Traffic and T ran s po r t a t i on Ce 11, 19 8 1. ( I n d i a )

1 9 5

Mahayni, R. G. (a) Passive and Dy namic Aspects of Transportation Planning in Developing Countri e s. Seattle: Univerity of Washington, 1972. This study focuses on the shared transport problems that are common among many developing countri es. These are: the spatial dispersion of human settlements, institutional and administrative elements, technical elements, and economi c elements. The study argue s for a major change in transportation planning rationale in order to utilize the dynamic aspects of its spillover effects in regional development efforts. (Gen)

1 9 6

Mahayni, R.G. (b) Transportation Planning in Third World Countries: An Annotated Bibliography Monticello, Il linois : Council of Planning Librarians, 1976. Focuses on the dual role that transportation plays in national development planning: meeting existing and forecast transport demand and, using transport policies and investment to bring about desirable changes in the spatial macro-economic landscape of the country. This bibliography focuses on trans por t planning in general but not urban transport in 43

particular. (Gen. IRRD 229257) 19 7

Mannadiar, P.S. "Study of Bullock Cart Traffic", Indian Highways, August 1979, pp.26-31 . Forecasts that the bullock-cart will still be in use in the 21st century. Examines it's social effect and effects on traffic. (India)

1 9 8

Bangladesh National Physical Planning N. Matin, Project: Impact of Transport Im~rovement in Nairobi: Bangladesh: A Case Study in Par1dpur. UN Habitat, Project No. BGD/72/104, 1979. Examines rural transport development in relation to in comprehensively Bangladesh equitable development of economy. Reviews past studies, methodology and impact of accessibility of rural roads. (Bang)

1 9 9

Household and Travel (a) D.A.C. Maunder, Characteristics of Two Middle Income Residential Crowthorne, Colon1es of Delh1, India, 1981 Research Road and Transport Berkshire: Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1982. Describes results of survey in which public of both characteristics supply transport unconventional paratransit and conventional household systems were collected. Extensive surveys in two middle income communities of determine to Delhi, India were undertaken and rates, trip expenditures, transport household characteristics . Modal choice, trip lengths and service levels are analysed. (India)


Household and Travel (b) D.A.C. Maunder, Characteristics in Two Suburban Resident1al Crowthorne, Areas of Delhi, Ind1a, 1982 Research Road and Transport Berkshire: Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1983. which Describes results of surveys in public transport supply characteristics both of conventional and unconventional para transit 44

systems in two contrasting socio-econom ic areas of Delhi, India were collected. The study includes data on modal choice, trip length, socio-econom ic characteris tics of the household and transport costs. (India) 2 0 1

Maunder, D.A.C. (c) ~P~u~b~l~l~·c~~T~r~a~n~s~p~o~r~t~~i~n~R~e~l~a~t~i~o~n~t~o the Travel Needs of the Urban Poor in Cities of Developing Countr1es. Leicester, U.K.: university of Leicester . Ph.D. Dissertation , 1983. This study examines the travel needs of the urban community in the Third World cities and how these needs are met.Emphasi s is on the urban poor, recognizing that they are a significant and increasing number. The study contends that their needs are rarely considered when urban transport plans are formulated. Various measures are discussed to improve the mobility and accessibili ty of the urban poor. Delhi data is used as an example. (GEN, I ndia).


Maunder, D.A.C. (d) Household and Travel Characteris tics in Vadodara, Ind1a. Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, 1984. Documents the information gathered from a household survey implemented in Vadodara, India, January / February of 1984. Covers socio-econom ic characteris tics of households and trip patterns. (India)

20 3

Maunder, D.A.C. and Fouracre, P.R. Specialized Bus Services in Three Third World Cities. Crowthorne, U.K.: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Supplementa ry Report #811, 1983. Describes operational characteris tics of three specialized bus services in Bangkok, Delhi and Hyderabad. Socio-econom ic characteris tics and trip characteris tics of passengers are also examined. (India. Thai)


2 0


Maunder, D.A.C. and Jacobs, G.D. (a) Transport Problems of the Urban Poor in Delhi, India. Paper presented at the 2nd Conference on Urban Transport in Developing Countries (CODATU II), Caracas, Venezuela, 1982. Crowthorne, U.K.: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, 1982. (Gen. India)


Maunder, D.A.C. and Jacobs, G.D. (b) Public Transport and Travel Needs of the Urban Poor in Delhi, India . London: Planning and Transport Research and Computation, 1983. An examination of surveys conducted in Delhi during 1979/82 into the travel needs and habits of different socio-economic groups and the way these needs are met at present. This report uses the results of these surveys to identify the special travel problems of low income groups and especially of those groups relocated at considerable distance from the city. (India)


Maunder, D.A.C. et al. Household and Travel Characteristics in Two Residential Areas of Delhi, India, 1979 Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Overseas Unit, 1981 . Describes the results of extensive household surveys in two contrasting socioeconomic areas of Delhi, India . The discussion includes household, income and transport aspects. (India)


McGlynn, R. F . "Calcutta Traffic Engineering Project Goals and Realities", Traffic Engineering and Control, Vol.21, No.11, 1980, pp.531-5. Five articles concerning the CTEP. A critical analysis of that large-scale land use/ transport planning project. (India. IRRD 252394)



McNe ill, D. Urban Transport in Developing London: University of London, Countries. Development Planning Unit, Working Paper No.1, 1977. (Gen)

2 0 9

Mei, B.Y. "Planning for Bicycling", Planneurs: Journal of the Signapore Institute of Planners, Vol.7, No.3, December 1980, pp . 50-54. Describes the potential for the use of bicycles for urban transport in Singapore. (Si ng)

2 \ 0

Meier, A. "Becaks, Bemos, Lambos and Productive Pandemonium", Te chnology Review , 1977. (Gen)

2 \ \

Meier, A. Intermediate Transport in South East Asia . New York: Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1977 . (Gen)

2 \ 2

Meyer , John R. (ed.) Techniques of Transport Planning. 2 Volumes. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution , 1971. The first volume of this book centers on pricing a nd projects evaluation of transport projects . The second volume develops a model for evaluating transport systems. (Gen)

2 \ 3

Meyer, John R. "Transport Technologies for Developing Countries", American Economic Review, Vol.56 , May 1966, pp.8 3-90 . A discussion of the possibilities of factor and tech nological substitutions in transport planning. Meyer argues that the ~ey consideration for most developing countr1es should be " capital saving" rather than "modern" or "labour intensive" inputs, where technolgica l change can be used to reduce capital requirements per unit of output. (Gen)


2 14

Midgely, P. Urban Transport and Traffic Management : How to Maximize Benefits a nd Avoid Unnecessary Presented at the International Investments Highway African IVth Federation, Road Conference, Paris, January 20-25, 1980. Nairobi: International Road Federation, 1980. Analyzes available documentation on traffic management compiled by the World Bank. Thirteen categories of traffic management measures are briefly characterized and evaluated from the in applicability their point of view of developing countries. (Gen)

2 15

Minn, T.T. and Kiun, L.H. "Planning for Pedestrians in High Density and Intensity Environment", Planneurs: Journal of the Singapore Institute of Planners, Vol.7, No.3, December 1980, pp.29-37. Focuses on planning priority and quality of environment for pedestrians in a high density and intensity environment. Selected Singapore examples are given to help present an outlook planning for pedestrians in the local for context. (Sing)

2 16

Mitra, Sisir. A Public Facility, Its Management and the Workers: A Case Study of the Calcutta New Tramways, Its Growth and Decay, 1939-75. Delhi: Peoples Publishing House, 1980. (India)

2 17

Public Transport Ltd. Co. Mitsui Consultants Requirements in Intermediate Size Cities, Tokyo: Mi tsui Consultants Co . Ltd. , 1977. (Gen)

2 18

M.C. "The Jakarta Management Study: Mogridge, Impacts of High Para-Transit Flows", Traffic Engineerinf and Control, Vol.24, 1983, pp.441 448. (Indo

2 19

Mohan, R. The Effects of Population Growth, of the Pattern of Demand, and of the Technology on the Process of Urbanization: An Application to Washington, D.C. : World Bank, Staff India. 48

Working Paper No.520, 1978 . A model is created that demonstrates that rapid agricultural productivity growth, high rates of investment, and Engel curve demand effects c ombine to increase urbanization as development occurs in the economy. (India) 220

Morrison, D. "City Traffic: Problems and Alternatives", Geographic Bulle tin. NSW, 12 ( 3), 1980 , pp . 154-156. This paper argues that motorized vehicles are to blame for traffic congestion and the technological skills of the developed world should be combined with the thrifty modal choices of the less developed countries . There is a need for redestr i bution of street space with greater emphasis on the cycl e and a void major investme nts if possible. (Gen )

2 2 1

Mukherjee, S . K. "Urban Transport Pol icy , Land Use and the Energy Crisis", Urban India: Journal of the National Institute of Indian Affairs, Vol.2, No.1, March 1982, pp.9-1 7 . Prepares a status report on urban transport . Analyzes the need for projects such as underground railways. Studies the i nterrela tio nship be t ween land use and transportation needs. Suggests an appropriate tar iff structure for urban transportation systems . (India)

2 2 2

Mur ty , K. V. S.S . Public Transport Accessibility for the Urban Poor: A Case Study of Slums in Madras. Madras, India: Indian Institute of Technology, M.Tech. Thesis, June 1982. (In dia)

2 2 3

Nash, C.A . Public Versus Pr ivat e Transport . London : Macmillan Studies in Economics, 1976. (Gen)


2 2 4

Nierres, J.U. ~Improving Mass Transportation in Metropolitan Manila: Some Short-Range Non Capital Intensive Techniques~, Philippine Planning Journal, Vol.10, April 19 79, pp.1-24. (Phil)

2 2 5

Noel, E.C. ~Transportation Engineering: Problems in Developing Countries", ITE Journal, January 1 9 8 3 , pp . 1 4 - 17 . Quickly overviews some major problems in transport planning and engineering in developing countries. (Gen)

2 2 6

NATPAC. (a) Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Planning Studies of Trivandrum, Vol. I, Trivandrum: National Transportation Planning and Automation Center. March 1979. This volume is a study of intercity traffic to and from Trivandrum, India. Household surveys, vehicle systems data, travel patterns and projections to the year 2000 are presented. (India)

2 2 7

NATPAC. (b) Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Planning Studies of Trivandrum, Vol. II, Trivandrum: National Transportation Planning and Automation Center. April 1979. This volume is a study of the travel characteristics of commuters. Household surveys, travel data, vehicle systems data and projections to the year 2000 are presented. (India)

2 2 B

NATPAC. (c) Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Planning Studies of Trivandrum. Vol. III. Trivandrum: National Transportation Planning and Automation Center. April 1979. This volume is a study on intra-city travel characteristics. Household surveys, vehicle systems, travel characteristics and projections to the year 2000 are presented. (India) 50

2 2 9

NATPAC. (d) Comp r ehensiv e Tr a ffic and Tra ns portation Pla nn ing Studies of Cochin , Vo l. I. Trivand rum: National Transpo rtation Planning and Automation Cen t er, October 1980. This vo l ume is a st udy on int er- city traffic to and from Cochin, I ndia. Household surveys, vehicle system data, travel patte rns and projections t o the ye a r 2000 are presented. ( India )

2 30

NATPAC. (e) Comp rehens iv e Traffic and Transportation Plann in g Studies of Coch i n, Vol. II. Tr ivandrum : Na tional Tra nspor t atio n Planni ng and Automation Ce n te r , October 1980 . is a study on tr a ve l This vo l ume characteristics of c ommuters. Household surveys, travel patterns, vehicle systems and proj ect ions to the year 2000 are presented. (India)

2 3 1

NATPAC. (f) Comprehensi ve Traf fie a nd Transportation Planning Studies of Cochin, Vo l . Ill. Trivandrum : National Transportation Pla nn ing a nd Automation Ce nter , December 1980. This volume is a study on intra - city travel c ha rac te ristic s. Household survey s, trave l patterns, ve hi c le systems and projections to the year 2000 are presented . (India)

2 3 2

Ocampo, R.B. Low Cost Transport in Asia: A Compa rat i ve Report of Five Cities. Ottawa: Interna tional Deve lopme nt Research Centre, 198 2. Five Case Stud i es: Chia ng Mai, Thailand ; Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Manila, Philli p i nes; Istanbul, Turkey; and Ba ndu ng , Indonesia. Data are presen t ed on economics and travel characteristics of paratra ns i t and on the socioe conomi c characteristics of drivers, owner s and users. (Thai. Phil. Indo)


2 3 3

Ogar, M. Urban Transportation and Public Policy in Developing Countries: Towards Improving Mobility and Accessibility. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1984. Aims to contribute towards the improvement of mobility and accessibility in developing countries through a comprehensive analysis of urban transportation conditions. Concludes that the problems of urban passenger transport in developing countries are due to inappropriate decision making and lack of understanding, rather than due only to the rapid rate of urbanization. (Gen)

2 3 4

Ornati, O.A. Transportation Needs of the Poor. New York: Praeger, 1969. (Gen)

2 3 5

Overton, D.T. and Walker , J.S. "Implementing Area Traffic Control in Developing Countri es", Traffic Engineering and Control, Vol . 22 , No.5, May 1981, pp.298-301. Summarizes some of the problems and implications of area traffic control system specification, and highlights some of the problems likely to be encountered during implementation in developing countries. (Gen)

2 3 6

Owen , W. (a) :..:A~u:..::t:.:o::.:m:.:.o=b..;i..:.l:.:e::..:s::._a:::..:..:n..:::d~C:::...l~·t.;,.=.i..:::e..:::S:..::·~S:::...t~r::;.a..::t..::e:.:gl.:l;;..:.e::...::.s__:;f..::o~r Developing Countries Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Working Paper No.5. 1973. Discusses how motor vehicles affect the environment and the consequences of growth in car ownership on urban travel patterns. Suggests methods of improving urban transport including improvements in bus transport and rail rapid transit. Emphasizes the need for greater planning in cities to create a better balance between transport supply and demand. (Gen. IRRD 208036)


2 3 7

Owen, W. (b) Transportation and Human Settlements . Nairobi: UN Habitat, 1975. Des cri bes transport for rural settlements a nd in relation to t he tota l environmen t, and internal transpor t for ur ban conc e ntrations . Suggest s development of rapid transit systems and automotive expressways to ease traffic problems . (Gen)

2 3 B

OECD. (a) Para-Trans it of the Third Way: Al t erna tiv e Transport Arrangements for the Third World . Pa ri s: Organ i zation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Development Cen t er, 19 77 . Surveys differen t forms o f para transit. Detai ls a thr ee pha s e research project to e xam in e these systems and how t hey might be improved. (Ge n . I RRD 229539)

2 3'

OECD . (b ) Energy Prob l ems and Urban and Suburban Transport. Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Deve lopmen t, 1978. Exam in es the depe nda ncy of ur ban transport on pe trol eum. Looks at various methods of energy conser va tion . (Gen)

2 4 0

OECD . (c) Managing Ur ban Transport. Paris: Organization for Econom ic Co operation and Deve lopme nt . 1979. A s erie s of paper s on several citi es of developed and developing count ries de scri bing and analysing the experie nc e in managing the urban transport condition, especial l y in the center . Several case studies from Europe an d As i a are presented . Si nga por e's Area Licensing Sc heme is a lso presented. A compara tive illustrative document with data and ma nag ement t e chn ique s . (Gen. Sing)



OECD. (d) Transport is for People, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Theory and Prac tice in Transport Economics held in Madrid, November 2-4 , 1982. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-opera ti o n a nd Developme nt , 1983. (Ge n)

2 • 2

Pak-Poy and Kneebone Pte Ltd. Metro Man il a Urban Transportation Strategy Planning Prospect, Part A. Manila: Republic of the Philippines, Ministry of Tra n sportation and Communications, 1982.



and find i ngs inter im Descr i bes recommendation since the p roj ect began in midSeptember 1982. Acts as a progress re por t . Includes a detailed d iscussi on of current and future urban transport systems . ( Phil ) 2 • 3

Pakistan, Government of. Non-Motorized Transport in Pakis t a n . Paper prese nt ed at the Workshop-cumExhibition on the Improvement of Non-Motorized Social and Economi c Bang kok : Transport . Commission for As ia and the Pac ifi c, 198 3. Descripti on , role a nd discussion of nonmotorized t ra nspor t in Pakista n . Includes an i mal drawn carts and other non - motorized vehicles used in urban and rural areas. (Pak )

2 ••

Pandurangarao, D. and Sivayya, K.V. "A Review of and Li te ra ture on Transportation", Research Indian Highways, July 198 1, pp.5-19. A re view of research and literature on Is transportation. of aspect s dif f e r e nt indi c a tive t o the vast amount of inter est the subject has evoked among scholars. (India)

2 • 5

Parker , B. "An Approp ri a te Approach to Transport Planning", Built Environment,. Vol.5, No . 2 , 1979 , pp.125-35. Compares the features of tra nspor t p l a nn ing i n de velope d c oun tries with tha t in developing countries. Approache s to planning in the Madras 54

region are described where it is suggested that lessons might be learned by planners in the west. ( Gen . India. IRRD 243333) 2 q 6

Parker, G.B. "Transporta t ion and the Poor", Proceedings of the Seminar Held at the PTRC Summer Meeting, July 4-7, 1983. University of Sussex. London: Planning and Transport Research and Computation, 1983, Vol.P237, pp.299-319. Paper examines the transportation problems ofthose with limited resources and the contribution to these problems of past transportation policies. Suggests policies to remedy and reteriorate transport conditions for the urban poor. (Gen. IRRD 273967)

2 q 7

Pas richa, P.S . "Pedes tr ian Planning in Greater Bombay", Traffic Engineering and Control, 24(2), 1983, pp. 62-6 7. Describes improvements made to help the flow and th~ safety of pedestrians around Victoria Termina l and Churchgate stations. (India)

2 q 8

Pa t ankar, P.G. (a) Urban Transport. of India, 1979.

Report of the Working Group on New Delhi: Planning Commission

Formulates a general set of urban transport policies for large, de velop i ng urban areas of India. Data a nd transport system analysis for a variety of cities is presented. (India ) 2 q 9

Patankar, P.G. (b) Performance Statistics of State Transport Undertakings, 1981-82 and 1982-83. Pune, India: Central Institute of Road Transport, 1984. Covers general state transport statistics, cost hikes and capacity utilisation and ca pital structure. (India)


2 50

Peleg, M. Transportation of the Future in Developing Countries Haifa, Israel: Bruner Institute of Transportation, Publication No.1. 1971. Suggests the adoption of advanced forms of transport by developing countries instead of investing at a loss in methods that will be obsolete in the forseeable future. (Gen. I RRD 200855)

2 5 1

Pendakur, v.s. (a) Transport Policy and Planning in Metro Manila: An Identification of Policy Questions. New York: UN Center for Building, Housing and Planning, Mission Assignment Report, Annex IV, 1975. Identifies transport policy and planning gaps for consideration and action, particularly in urban transport. Suggests a policy framework for rationalising various modes of urban transport in Manila including the jeepneys. (Gen. Phil)


Pendakur , V.S. (b) Impact of Transport Modernisation: Manila Jeepney Driver, The Man in the Middle. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University, 1976. Examines the socio-economic characteristics of 125 jeepney drivers selected at random from five busy routes. Concerned with socio-economic impacts of transport modernisation and exposes the myths about paratransit such as its inefficiency. A case study of Manila . (Phil)


Pendakur, V.S. (c) For a Common Future with the Third World - Technology Transfer Issues, Paper presented at a Conference on International Strategy: Key to Canada's Development, Camosun College and United Nations Association, Victoria, Canada, March 28, 1981. Vancouver, Canada : University of British Columbia, 1981. Covers the relationship between Canada and the Third World. Over fifty important points are 56

raised (Gen) 2







technology transfer.

Transport Modernization, (d) V. S. Pendakur, Technology Transfer and Development Policy, Paper presented at the Congress of the Canadian Asian Studies Association, Mount St. Vincent Halifax, Canada, May 25, 1981. University, British of University Canada: Vancouver, Columbia , 1981. Covers the context of modernization and urban transport for the urban poor and affluent. Studies these in relation to public and private transport, non-motorized and motorized paratransit and other urban transit options. (Gen)

2 55

Pendakur, V.S . (e) Urban Poor and Urban Transport in South Asia, presented at the Congress of the Canadian As1an Studies Associaiton, University 1982. 1, of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, June British of University Canada: Vancouver, Columbia, 1982. States that the urban poor are ill served the indigenous and transport, public by paratransit systems available to them are being continual~y downgraded. Covers research findings from var1ous sources, conclusions are drawn to show various levels of service. (Gen)

2 56

Pendakur, V. S. (f) Urban Transport Planning and the Urban Poor, Paper presented at the Congress of the Canadian Asian Studies Association, Guelph, Ontario . Vancouver, B. C. : The University of B.C., School of Community and Regional Planning, June 1984. Argues that the current urban transport planning methods being developed in the advanced somewhat capitalist countries are generally irrelevant to the need of the less developed countries and, in particular, do not protect the interests of the urban poor . Concludes that a drastic modification of these planning methods 57

is necessary. (Gen. India) 2 57

Urban Transport in ASEAN. (g) V. S. Pendakur, Sout h East Asian of Institute S i ngapore: Studies , 19 8 4 . This study is a critical review of the urban transport systems in ASEAN cities from the policy viewpoint in the context of modernization and vast new investments. This brings together a comparative data base on system c omponents such public split, as vehicle ownership, modal transport, slow-moving vehicles, cost, energy linkages . socio-economic and efficiency, of the fleet, nature patterns, Ownership vitality of vehicles, operating environment, and pri vate enterprise elements are d i scussed in the system a nd context of priva t e-publ ic role efficiencies. A policy framework to protect the i nt erests of the poor and modernize t he s ystems in ASEAN is proposed. (Gen. Malay . Phil. Thai. Indo )

2 5 8

Pendakur, V.S. (h) "Urban Transport Planning and the Urban Poor in India " , Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, Vol.45, Part 3, November 1984 . Urban transport planning methods have a significant influence on urban development and the urban poor. Based upon the experience of major cities in India, this paper argues that the current values and assumptions underlying t he planning methodology produce au t omobile and road oriented technologies to the detriment of transport modes used particularly by the poor: The et c. pa r atra n si t , bicycles, wal king, i ntellectual baggage borrowed from the western are that myths of full is countries i nappropriate for India a nd need s to be altered dras t i c al ly . (Gen. India)

2 5 9

Pendakur, V.S . and Sarkar, A. K. Ur ban Transport and Paper the Urban Poor: The Delhi Exper i ence, presented at the 1984 Congress of the Canadian Asian Studies Association, Guelph, Canada, June 1984. Vancouver, Canada: Univ ersity of 6-8, 58

British Columbia, 1984. Presents an analysis of urban transport in Delhi: Nandnagri, Dakshinpuri, Shakarpur, Wes t Patelnagar, Janakpuri, and Saket. Shows that low income areas receive worse public transport service than high income areas, and argues that it should be the other way around. (India) 260

Peters, H.S. A Re view of Institutional Problems in the Transport Sector of Developing Countries. Berkeley, U.S.A.: Institute of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of California, 1970. (Gen)

2 6 1

Philippines, Republic of . (a) Metro-Manila LRT System Study, Final Report. Manila: Minis tr y of Transportation and' Communications. June 1978. (Phi!)

2 6 2

Philippines, Republic of. (b) Local Authorities and Human Settlements in Manila, Paper prepared by the City of Manila for the Regional Congress of Local Authorities for De velopment of Human Settlements, June 9-16, 1982, Yokohama, Japan. Bangkok: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 198 2. Summary of local government structure, physical, economic and social aspects of the human settlement in Manila. (Phi!)

263 Philippines, Republic of, and Freeman Fox and Associa tes. METROPLAN: Metro Manila Transport Land Use and Development Planning Project - Final Report. Quezon City, Phili ppi nes: Department of Public Works, Transportation and Communications and Freeman Fox and Associates, 1977. (Phi!)

2 6 4

Pickup, L. and Town, s.w. The Role of Social Science Methodologies in Transport Planni nq . Crowthorne, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory, 1981. 59

Discusses applications of social science in transport research and their potential within mainstream transport planning. Evaluates the use of social science theory and explanation for both model development and for a greater understanding of travel causes. (Gen) 2 6 5

Pillai, K.S. (a) Data Base: Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region. Bangalore, India: Indian Institute of Management, 1982. Contains a comprehensive data base assembled for a traffic and transportation study of the Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region, India. (India)

2 6 6

Pillai, K.S. (b) Strategy Plan-Systems Desiqn, Visachapatnam Metropolitan Region. Bangalore: Indian Institute of Management, Center for Transportation Stud ies, 1983. Examines and proposes short term plan systems design for the Visakhapatnam metropolitan region. (India)

2 6 7

P i 11 a i , K. S • ( c ) ..:.T...:;r...:;a;-v:....e:::....=.l----:;:D;-oe::..:m:..::a::..:..:n..::d~Pc..:r:....o=---fj-