Understanding Journalism Third Edition [Third Edition] 1526428105, 9781526428097, 9781526428103

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Table of contents :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the author
About the Book
Part One From Knowing How to Being Able
Chapter 2 Who is a Journalist?
3 Journalism as Decision Making
Part Two Journalism in Action
4 Finding Stories
5 Choosing Stories
6 Researching Stories
7 Researching Stories Interviews
8 Researching Stories Data
9 Telling Stories
10 Editing Stories
11 Long-Form Stories
Recommend Papers

Understanding Journalism Third Edition [Third Edition]
 1526428105, 9781526428097, 9781526428103

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Understanding Journalism


‘Understanding Journalism is an injunction and a guide to students, journalists and others to think about journalism – what is is, how it is done, and what it means – at time when it has never been more important to do so.’ Michael Bromley, Centre for the Study of Journalism and History, University of Sheffield ‘Lynette Sheridan Burns was among the first to apply a genuine “reflective practice” approach to journalism education – teaching students how to report effectively within ethical boundaries. The latest edition of Understanding Journalism – co-written with Benjamin J. Matthews – retains that mindful approach to the enterprise and applies it to a host of fresh situations – including social media, false news and citizen journalism – in the digital and geopolitical context. The authors reaffirm the importance of considered and research-based journalism practice in a troubled and divided world. This book continues to set the standard as the truly international primer for journalists.’ Mark Pearson, Griffith University ‘This third edition of the classic text on understanding, thinking about and practising journalism hones the argument that, amid the chatter, reflective and ethical journalists are the upholders of journalism’s purpose in a rapidly transforming media environment. Understanding Journalism brings theory and practice together to provide a richly informed, scholarly, accessible, engaging and practical step-by-step guide to the decision making process that is public interest journalism. All journalism students and journalists should read and learn from it.’ Bonita Mason, Curtin University


Understanding Journalism 3rd Edition Lynette Sheridan Burns Benjamin J. Matthews

Los Angeles London New Delhi Singapore Washington DC Melbourne


© Lynette Sheridan Burns and Benjamin J. Matthews 2018 First edition published 2002, reprinted 2009 Second edition published 2013 This edition first published 2018 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers.

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#10-04 Samsung Hub Singapore 049483 Library of Congress Control Number: 2018933597 British Library Cataloguing in Publication data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-5264-2809-7 ISBN 978-1-5264-2810-3 (pbk) Editor: Michael Ainsley Assistant editor: John Nightingale Production editor: Imogen Roome Copyeditor: Neil Dowden Proofreader: Leigh C. Smithson Indexer: Adam Pozner Marketing manager: Lucia Sweet Cover design: Francis Kenney Typeset by: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd, Chennai, India Printed in the UK


For Gordon Lewis Sheridan (1930–2017)


Contents About the Authors About the Book Preface Acknowledgements Part One: From Knowing How to Being Able 1 Introduction 2 Who Is a Journalist? 3 Journalism as Decision Making Part Two: Journalism in Action 4 Finding Stories 5 Choosing Stories 6 Researching Stories 7 Researching Stories: Interviews 8 Researching Stories: Data 9 Telling Stories 10 Editing Stories 11 Long-Form Stories Glossaryy Bibliography Index


About the author Lynette Sheridan Burns is Professor of Journalism and Deputy Dean of Humanities and Communication Arts at Western Sydney University. A former awardwinning journalist, and innovator in journalism education, she divides her time between inner-city Sydney and the ‘splendid isolation’ of the family home in a rural village outside Newcastle. Benjamin J. Matthews is a consultant and Adjunct Fellow at Western Sydney University whose lecturing and scholarship focuses on digital communication and media work. His career in the creative industries began with copywriting, before advancing to strategy and production – he is now principal of River Rock Content Consultants.


About the Book This book focuses on the practices of the everyday journalist and seeks to understand them. Its premise is that if you are able to encounter a new situation and understand what it is, how to make the decisions that journalism practice requires and you are able to do that ethically and with confidence, then this book has done its job. The book focuses on what Schon (1983) called ‘the conversations we have with ourselves’ as it guides readers through the thinking processes used by journalists to produce thoughtful, quality journalism that is also attractive to the market. It offers a means to negotiate the challenges.


Preface ‘If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.’ Albert Einstein The preface of the first edition of Understanding Journalism (2002) began with the words: First and foremost, this book owes its genesis to the brilliant young minds I have encountered teaching journalism in universities … It was as a teacher, not as a journalist, that I found myself asking how I knew the things I knew to be true. In this new edition, one of the first of those minds is my collaborator. Our careers have been very different. We have experienced the changes brought about by mobile and social media differently and our perspectives are not always the same. My journalism career was a twentieth-century one that started with a newspaper cadetship when I left secondary school. My university degree was undertaken quietly, in my own time, as I built a successful career as a print journalist. In the 1980s and 1990s, the separations between print, radio, TV and photography were inviolate. Journalists did not move between roles unless they left one organization for a new job at another one. I later freelanced as a journalist while working as an academic, but I have always been employed in a full-time role. Ben’s career began with a university degree, followed by a period as a radio journalist then further study and teaching followed by several years working in creative industries, and now a portfolio career that includes academic research and teaching, and consultancies in market research and content creation. For him, career has never been defined by an ongoing connection to a single employer. He contracts his work on a project basis and lives with the precarity that comes with that. It was in one of our intermittent long conversations, some 20 years after he was my student, that we discovered that despite our divergent experiences we shared a belief that journalism, for all its challenges, is more important to 11

society than ever before. As our conversation continued, we began to frame this edition of Understanding Journalism. We found ourselves concerned with issues arising from the dominance of the combination of social media and the platforms underpinning Internet searches, including the rise of new media forms and the impact of fabricated ‘news’. We then found ourselves reflecting on the very definition of journalism in the twenty-first century. We conclude that, despite and perhaps even because of the challenges, journalism is still the means by which societies speak to themselves and to other societies. Its potential to empower people to understand the world around them and make informed decisions about their values and lives is constantly under threat from sources of misinformation that mimic its attributes for political or financial gain, illustrating the importance of understanding journalism. We believe that mindfully thinking through what you are doing while you are doing it is the only way to satisfy yourself that your decisions are sound in every circumstance, and that is the source of deep self-efficacy. Then you can be confident that you are part of the solution, not evidence of the problem. Lynette Sheridan Burns, December 2017


Acknowledgments LYNETTE SHERIDAN BURNS This third edition is dedicated to my father, Gordon Lewis Sheridan, who died aged 86 in June 2017. This wonderful man was the source of my love of words and the idea that knowledge could solve the world’s problems. Throughout my adult life my father read and commented on every article, chapter or book I published. He introduced me to the term mindful, which is at the heart of my approach to reflective practice. I will always thank him for that crucial insight into the difference between knowledge and understanding. My thanks also go to John Nightingale and Michael Ainsley from SAGE Publications and I have appreciated the wise words from our anonymous reviewers. As always, I am sustained by the love of family and friends – Mum, Denise, Tracy, Tricia, Anne, Mark and Tim, and especially Riley Burns and Grace Sullivan, who have lived with this book since they were children. BENJAMIN J. MATTHEWS It is humbling to complete a circle whose arc began in 1995 when I, as a truculent student, sat in a journalism tutorial containing no digital technology and said, ‘What’s the point? It’s all about money?’. My lecturer, Lynette, patiently replied, ‘Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it? Either you work within the system and do your best to change it, or you walk away. Your choice’. I walked away, into a career in the creative industries. Two decades later, I realized I was wrong. This book is a tribute to a dedicated scholar and educator, Lynette Sheridan Burns, whose passion and influence will, I hope, continue to bring us all to the conclusion that understanding journalism is more vital to our collective wellbeing than ever. My gratitude goes also to my partner Katherine, my good friends Michael and Pegs, and to my family for their ever-present love and support.


Part One From Knowing How to Being Able


Introduction When the second edition of Understanding Journalism was published in 2013, the emergence of journalism distributed through social networks such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook was changing practices that had been largely unchanged for decades. At the time of writing this edition, the combined domination of social media platforms and technology companies challenges the very definition of journalism.The emergence of the Internet, and the principles of the open web that were initially underpinned by it, took control of information from the few and transferred it to the many. It was, at its core and in its design, a democratizing technology. The ubiquity of mobile technology has also changed communication practices. By 2022 there will be 6.1 billion smartphone subscribers, for many of whom the phone will provide the only means of access to the Internet (Lighterman, 2017). Five years ago, it was thought that interactive journalism, comments on articles, crowdsourcing and podcasting all offered exciting opportunities for journalism. This potential has been realized with varying degrees of success, while other developments present new challenges. For example, podcasts have been around for more than a decade (audiobooks and similar listening formats even longer) but have found a fast-growing audience in recent times. This is partly because audiences have tired of endlessly scrolling through screen media, and podcasts represent an alternative. However, the current generation of mobile devices and Internet speeds have also helped to accelerate the consumption of podcasts. In more economically developed countries, it’s possible to download new material almost anywhere, very quickly, and listen to podcasts without interference. The same can’t be said for TV shows and movies, as mobile screens are still too small for most users’ viewing preferences. Podcasts, meanwhile, are versatile and useful for travel, such as the commute to work (DeMers, 2017). In its annual consumer survey, Edison Research and Triton Digital found that 40 per cent of those surveyed had listened to a podcast in the last month, and one in four respondents had listened in the last week (Edison Research, 2017). Digital publication such as podcasting has also inspired a renaissance of narrative-driven, long-form journalism, sometimes known as ‘slow journalism’, for both a range of new digital-first players and the legacy media (Blanding, 2015; Dowling and Vogan, 2014; Hiippala, 2016; Le Masurier, 2014). This change is in part attributed to a general dissatisfaction with the increasingly ‘sped up’ quality of the digital news cycle, where careful 15

investigation is sacrificed in favour of supplying an endless high volume ‘feed’ of news content to audiences. It is also attributed to the affordances of digital publication, which is accessible to new players at a relatively small entry cost, and where large amounts of information can be presented in ‘multimodal’ form at no significant extra expense. This journalism is able to incorporate any web or application deliverable content such as text, images, audio-visual and interactive media. Another major development is that we now get our news tailored to our interests, across multiple platforms, without knowing just how much is actually Personalized. It was technology companies like Google and Facebook, not traditional news organizations, that made it so. Personalization extends beyond how and where news providers meet their readers. Already, smartphone users can subscribe to push notifications for the specific coverage areas that interest them. On Facebook, users can decide – to some extent – which organizations’ stories they would like to appear in their news feeds. At the same time, devices and platforms that use machine learning to get to know their users will increasingly play a role in shaping ultra-personalized news products. While news personalization can help people manage information overload by making individuals’ news diets unique, it also threatens to create filter bubbles. The term ‘filter bubble’ has entered the lexicon to describe an effect created by using algorithms to filter and personalize information to the individual user of a news feed. This process tends to reinforce existing bias by offering the user only what they already prefer, placing the user in a ‘bubble’ that alternative perspectives do not penetrate. As data-tracking becomes more sophisticated, voice recognition software advances and tech companies leverage personalization for profit, personalization will only become more acute. This is potentially alarming given the growth of websites – news-oriented and otherwise – inhabiting the political extremes, which on a social platform such as Facebook are easy to mistake for valid sources of news. When users can customize their news, and customize to these political and social extremes, civic discourse can suffer. Cadwalladr (2016) argues the denial by platform companies that they are not in the business of publishing is no longer plausible. The evolution of this relationship points to a critical question for news organizations. Google’s business model is built around the idea that it’s a neutral platform. That its magic algorithm waves its magic wand and delivers magic results without the sullying intervention 16

of any human. It desperately does not want to be seen as a media company, as a content provider, as a news and information medium that should be governed by the same rules that apply to other media. But this is exactly what it is. (Cadwalladr, 2016) Personalization has rendered mass media advertising increasingly obsolete and destroyed the historical interdependence between legacy news media and the advertising that paid for its production. In turn, this has led to a worldwide reduction in traditional (also known as legacy) media outlets, and a consequent decrease in employment opportunities for journalists on a scale not seen before (Shirky, 2008). This unprecedented decline in jobs for journalists has been brought about because the journalist’s privileged access to the means of production has been irrevocably lost. The impact of this decline has also impacted on quality in some legacy media, particularly newspapers, where cost cutting has seen crucial, previously in-house practices such as sub-editing outsourced to private companies that may be remote from the communities they serve. This is also an example of one of the defining characteristics of the new environment – the growing distance between journalistic ‘work’ and journalistic ‘labour’. As discussed in Chapter 2, the distinction between journalism work and journalism labour is important because work is ‘physical or creative effort that produces a deliverable product or accomplishes a task’, and labour ‘is the delivery of services/work by an individual for payment’ (Rottwilm, 2014: 6). This decoupling of the work and labour that underpins the practice of journalism is far reaching in its implications, not least in the reconstitution of the institutional structures and practices journalism relied on during the industrial era. In fact, the very definition of what constitutes journalism in the twenty-first century is contestable. It is clear that journalism can no longer be described simply in terms of employment status, nor limited to the processes used to complete the work of journalism. Such descriptions attach no social obligations to the power that individual journalists exercise in framing the world for audiences, and also fail to account for new media forms that have already emerged during the twenty-first century. This book takes the view that journalism is distinguished from other media activities by its ideology, which is driven by the notion and ideal of service to the public interest. In this frame the journalist can be anyone, but only if they adhere to the normative principles and processes prescribed by the ideological framework for journalism that emerged alongside its professionalization 17

during the late twentieth century. This framework remains dominant despite the pressures and failings of the last 25 years, and in this sense journalism may still be defined as bringing to public attention something that ‘someone, somewhere, wants concealed’. This is the definition of acting in the public interest, whether the journalist is telling the story with words, images or both. Open access to digital dissemination platforms has also allowed for a rise in entrepreneurial and social enterprise-based journalism, where producers are not constrained by the usual market-driven imperatives. This space has seen the development of new ways of organizing journalism work, based around emerging organizational models that are primarily collaborative rather than commercial, and able to foster the professional and ideological features associated with a longer history of journalism. An example is the expanding prevalence of entrepreneurial journalism, which is based on smaller, more independent and agile – if less stable – enterprise constructs that are a feature of creative industries. Sheridan Burns and Matthews (2017) found that these digital sites, while organized differently to legacy media, still meet the definition of journalism. Whether social enterprise, not-for-profit, profit-driven start-ups or a hybrid of these, the primary motif of the organizations is an ideological definition of journalism; and the journalistic work produced by these new organizations meets the ‘professional’ requirements of verification, transparency and public interest (Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2017: 68). A feature of these new organizations is that they embrace entrepreneurial thinking and discard the notion of a ‘wall’ between editorial and advertising/marketing functions. Mensing and Ryfe (2013) define entrepreneurship as ‘pursuing change rather than resisting it’, and argue that it offers hope for journalism: It holds promise as an antidote to resistance to change found in some newsrooms and to the despair that many people feel about the future of journalism … advocates of the entrepreneurial model see a need for journalists to invent new forms of journalism that add value to new forms of democratic politics. (p. 2) In the search for new forms of journalism, some scholars have proposed new values, such as transparency and engagement, or new practices, such as community organizing and facilitation (Singer, 2015). The significance of 18

changing news values is explored in Chapter 4. The digital environment also facilitates collaboration between journalists across space and time to investigate stories of shared interest. For example, the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) is an international association of non-profit organizations that support, promote and produce investigative journalism. GIJN holds conferences, conducts training, provides resources and consulting, and encourages the creation of similar non-profit groups. The network has grown to 155 member organizations in 68 countries (GIJN, 2017). At the 2017 Global Shining Light Awards, sponsored by GIJN, the top prizes went to investigations into missing funds in Iraq and extra-judicial killings in Nigeria, with citations of excellence to exposés of arms trafficking in Eastern Europe and complicity behind anti-Muslim riots in India.


Journalism in Society The role of the journalist in society has changed too. For almost 200 years, newspapers were the dominant medium through which society ‘spoke to itself’. The newspaper seemed to be a ubiquitous and fixed part of the communication landscape and those who prepared the news were seen as similarly integral. With social media so powerful, we are now seeing the consequences of a global free information society. Errors of fact and interpretation, opacity and carelessness are amplified by new technology and new capabilities. Bell argues that in this context, journalism performs a vital function: ‘Journalism is a thin thread in a vast new global tapestry of conversation and information. But that thread, I would argue, keeps the whole cloth together, because when it works as it should, it gives people a daily feed of important, entertaining, interesting and vital information’ (Bell, 2015). Using this analogy, journalism binds and organizes the fabric of public communication. It can be argued social media disrupts this function, and has not lived up to aspirations that it would allow audiences easy access to the facts, unmediated by news organizations or other interest with an agenda. Instead we are in an environment where Facebook has greater reach as a news organization than any media corporation, where algorithms are used to define and write news, and fabricated ‘news’ is all around us. The 2016 US presidential election made it clear that social media and the Internet could be used to fabricate ‘news’ intended to mislead that was almost impossible to detect for both journalists and other consumers. Good reporting is not currently algorithmically privileged on many platforms. Not on Facebook, not on YouTube, not on Instagram, not even on Twitter – though Twitter’s open environment does allow more rigorously presented journalism to be elevated within informed groups. At the same time, the costs of producing high-quality journalism can be great, while distributors of fake or misleading content are able to make tens of thousands of dollars on stories that take seconds to write. At the benign end, this situation promotes human-interest stories, or these days more often animal-interest stories. But at the other end of the spectrum, it means stories can become successful by playing on fears or partisan allegiances, and exaggerating or even fabricating for effect. For example, a 40-year-old father of two living in California set up Disinfomedia.com as a shell company through which to proliferate fake news sites, like Denver-guardian.com. What 20

started as an exercise by a political activist to expose and ‘infiltrate the echo chambers of the alt-right’ with totally fabricated stories ended by creating similarly false stories, which spread like wildfire. They were adopted as true by partisan groups who did not care whether the stories were true or not, and the man claimed he could earn between US$10,000 and US$30,000 in advertising in one month (Sydell, 2016). Other technical developments in the digital space reinforce the importance of journalism in helping citizens navigate through more content than they could ever consume. For example, developments in data-mining software now mean that individuals may be targeted for news feeds based on their personalities and beliefs, not just their spending habits. Arvanitakis (2017) described Cambridge Analytica, an artificial intelligence (AI) data-mining organization, as ‘weaponizing’ AI to manipulate opinions and behaviour. Originally developed by a Cambridge University psychology academic, the algorithm correlates an individual’s Facebook ‘likes’ with their scores on the OCEAN personality questionnaire. The questionnaire measures five traits – openness to experience, consciousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. By correlating the two data sets, the algorithm identifies an individual’s gender, sexuality, political beliefs and personality traits with remarkable accuracy, and claims to be better at the task than its human acquaintances. Arvanitakis (2017) identifies the danger this holds for democracy: Our data can be harvested to not only predict our behaviour, but ultimately to modify it. That has to have an impact on democracy. In a democracy, we assume that we understand where information comes from, but this is no longer the case. The sources we have come to rely on for gathering information are themselves reliant on algorithms that can be gamed. Democracy relies on us knowing where the information we rely on comes from. When an algorithm becomes opaque, convoluting the path information takes from a source to us, our sense of reality is challenged. How we satisfy ourselves that we believe what we believe will continue to challenge us all under these conditions, and journalism has an important role to play in this process. In 2018 an undercover investigation by the British ITN network revealed secretly recorded interviews with the Managing Director of Cambridge Analytica in which he told a potential client that the company has 21

influenced elections in Kenya, Nigeria, the Czech Republic, India and Argentina as well in the United States. In the televised interview, Mark Turnbull explains how CA uses data: The two fundamental human drivers when it comes to taking information on board effectively are hopes and fears and many of those are unspoken and even unknown. You didn’t know it was fear until you saw something that evoked that reaction from you. There is no point fighting an election campaign on facts because actually it is actually all about emotions (ABC, 2018). According to a 2017 study by the Pew Research Center and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center for Research, the current environment allows ‘“fake news” and “weaponized” narratives to flourish, but there is nothing resembling consensus about whether this problem can be successfully addressed in the coming decade’ (Wagner, 2017). The research found that the fake news ecosystem preys on deep human instincts and digital tools will continue to be used to take advantage of these. It also found that technologybased solutions will struggle to keep pace with the developments, as technologies continue to emerge that exacerbate existing problems with algorithmically promoted misinformation. Growing pressure on Facebook to take greater responsibility for content delivered by the platform led to changes in early 2018. CEO Mark Zuckerberg published a series of posts on Facebook in January, beginning on the 4th, when he wrote ‘we currently make too many errors enforcing our policies and preventing misuse of our tools’, a pattern he intended to set about ‘fixing’ (Zuckerberg, 2018). On January 12, he announced a shift in news feed content away from ‘public content’ from businesses, brands and media and towards posts from friends, family and groups, with the goal of fostering ‘more meaningful social interactions’ (Zuckerberg, 2018). On January 20, he wrote: There’s too much sensationalism, misinformation and polarization in the world today. Social media enables people to spread information faster than ever before, and if we don’t specifically tackle these problems, then we end up amplifying them. That’s why it’s important that News Feed promotes high quality news that helps build a sense of common ground. … [A]s part of our ongoing quality surveys, we will now ask people whether they’re familiar with a news source and, if so, whether they trust 22

that source. (Zuckerberg, 2018) The rationale Zuckerberg offered for the use of these surveys was objectivity: We considered asking outside experts, which would take the decision out of our hands but would likely not solve the objectivity problem. Or we could ask you – the community – and have your feedback determine the ranking. We decided that having the community determine which sources are broadly trusted would be most objective. (Zuckerberg, 2018) Effectively, the ‘fixes’ outlined here appear to reduce the overall quantity of news any given news feed will supply to the user, and introduce measures to allow the community to define trust: placing responsibility for the authenticity of news content at the feet of users. Facebook’s move then, was towards further claims at neutrality – and the ongoing attempt at maintaining the vision of a platform that facilitates networked communities, rather than determining them through editorial intervention. This position rapidly changed when it emerged soon after that Facebook failed to protect user data from third parties. The company admitted that Cambridge Analytica were able to gather user data from 50 million, but later updated this to 87 million users without their knowledge or consent (Schroepfer, 2018). The subsequent public outcry prompted the sudden shift in Facebook’s public position – beginning with an apology, and a promise to radically overhaul data management and advertising policies (Inskeep, 2018; Meyer, 2018; Schroepfer, 2018). On 10 April 2018, Zuckerberg appeared before the US Senate’s Commerce and Judiciary committees to discuss data privacy and Russian disinformation on his social network, and apologized: I’m sorry. I started Facebook, I run it, and I’m responsible for what happens here. So, now, we have to go through our – all of our relationship with people and make sure that we’re taking a broad enough view of our responsibility. It’s not enough to just connect people. We have to make sure that those connections are positive. It’s not enough to just give people a voice. We need to make sure that people aren’t using it to harm other people or to spread misinformation. And it’s not enough to just give people control over their information. We need to make sure that the developers they share it with protect their information, too… . 23

This includes the basic responsibility of protecting people’s information, which we failed to do with Cambridge Analytica. (Transcript of Mark Zuckerberg’s Senate hearing, 2018) The case of Facebook highlights the danger created when owners reject responsibility for ethical decision making about what to publish, and when. The need to monitor the impacts of news content has been highlighted, and the stakes have escalated as we enter a complex and unpredictable new era marked by publication at unprecedented scale, reach and technological sophistication. Major media outlets are now challenged to deal directly with this struggle. For instance, international news agency Reuters (2017) predicts that fighting fake news, understanding algorithms and guarding against the ‘filter bubble’ will be priorities during the next few years. However, the useful thing the ‘fake news’ scandal made evident, for both journalists and global social platforms, is that properly answering the public’s need to know what is really going on in their communities takes more than just disseminating journalism under a known brand. Authentic engagement with publics will be crucial for all media outlets, which must adapt and learn to narrate reality to remain credible in the new and complex ecosystem. Hedges (2011) predicted a gloomy outcome to these changes, in which audiences became ‘unmoored from reality’: The world will not be a better place when worker bees in fact-based news organisations die. We will be propelled into a culture where facts and opinions will be interchangeable, where lives will become true, and where fantasy will be peddled as news. I will lament the loss of traditional news. It will unmoor us from reality. The tragedy is that the moral void of the news business contributed as much to its own annihilation as the proto-fascists who feed on its carcass. (2011: 213) Recent events support Hedges’ worldview to some extent. This is a volatile time for journalism and its future is not clear but it is also certain, because journalism has been revealed to be still integral to society and much needed as a filter for misinformation. The challenge for modern journalists remains finding a way to negotiate the often-competing professional, commercial and ethical considerations involved in finding and presenting news; all this, while taking responsibility for the important role journalism plays in society. It is a complex business, trying to please your editor, yourself and the myriad 24

audiences that may contribute to and consume your work – but it has never been more important. Andrew Keen laments the relegation of the professional as a reliable source and arbiter who sorts truth from misinformation: Before the Web 2.0, our collective intellectual history has been one driven by the careful aggregation of truth – through professionally edited books and reference materials, newspapers, radio and television. But as all information becomes digitalised and democratised, and is made universally and permanently available the media of record becomes an Internet on which misinformation never goes away. It’s impossible to stop the spread of misinformation, let alone identify its source. Future readers often inherit and repeat this misinformation, compounding the problem, creating a collective memory that is deeply flawed. (Keen, 2007: 75) The role journalists play in guiding citizens through the clamour of public communication to the information they need to know has been hampered by the Internet, with enduring effects. Journalism as we know it today has been evolving continuously, sometimes as a result of developing technology, sometimes as a reflection of changes in society. For example, the invention of telegraph technology changed the language of journalism. Previously, reports adopted a form more like a letter from a correspondent, but pay-per-word telegraph technology dictated that reporters ‘stick to the facts’ and deliver them in the most economical language possible. When journalism was produced by hot-metal linotype, the technology dictated that all stories could be cut from the end up, because the technology did not allow for last-minute cuts within sentences. Today, digital technologies affect how journalism is presented, as new audiences and novel forms of journalism continue to emerge. The renaissance of long-form journalism, both online as well as in podcasts, is an example of this. In some ways, the new forms draw on old techniques – for example there are parallels between telegraphic writing and writing for Twitter. At the same time, opportunities for new ways of presenting information in the digital environment allow for storytelling to take on a new prominence because audiences can get simple ‘facts’ for themselves. It’s also important to acknowledge that the culture of the organization through which the journalist is publishing is every bit as influential on their work as the broader, societal culture. In fact, the ‘reality’ of any journalist’s working 25

life is most likely to be shaped by the values of the individual and the organizations for which they work. Gaunt argues: On an individual level, the role and image of the journalist is affected by the details of their own experience – their training, the size, type and culture of organization(s) worked for, editorial pressures and personal idiosyncrasies. Journalists’ view of themselves ‘as disseminators, interpreters, investigators or adversaries’ depends on ‘the society they live in, the image of the press in general, and the image of the organization in which they work’. (Gaunt, 1990: 142) This book argues that every individual journalist at some point chooses the words they use to describe the world. Each is empowered to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Each has the power to resist the ‘easy’ story that is fed to them by obliging media relations personnel. Each has the power to choose a different interviewee, to seek another point of view before writing. Each has the power to choose their own words to describe events, rather than duplicate what is provided to them in a media release. Today’s journalists, either with their editors or despite them, must find ways to fit challenging ideas into conservative news agendas. The crucial factors are determination, a sound understanding of the organization’s news values and a willingness to accept responsibility for the kind of journalism you write, and therefore the kind of journalist you are.


Negotiating the Challenges Sometimes beginners think that knowing how to write journalism is the same as being able to do it. In truth, the second is the more difficult of the two, because it requires applying conceptual knowledge and understanding to new and unfamiliar situations. This book provides a methodology to guide journalists through the processes required to produce thoughtful, quality journalism that is also attractive to an audience. The question ‘Where to begin?’ is equally crucial whether tracking down an interviewee or undertaking research into data. The book’s premise is that journalism practice consists of a series of illstructured problems that are resolved by a series of decisions. Modern journalists resolve these problems in a context where ‘every decision is at once an ethical decision, a professional decision and a commercial decision’ (Sheridan Burns, 1996: 4). The book contends that while the answers a journalist reaches will depend on contextual factors, the questions he or she asks are the same around the globe. This book therefore focuses on what Schon (1983) called ‘the conversations we have with ourselves’ – the processes used by journalists to define, identify, evaluate and create journalism. It sets out to show that no matter how much natural talent you bring to it as a writer, journalism is not an organic or intrinsic practice but an approach to writing that can be taken apart and understood. While the answers journalists find to their questions may depend on the sensitivities of the individuals, and the rhythm of the sentences may owe much to an intrinsic affinity with words, the questions the best journalists ask themselves and those asked by the least talented are not the same. The answers will differ because each journalist’s thinking processes and values are unique. This book offers questions to guide the way to reliable, consistent decisions. The central proposition is that a journalist who is conscious of and understands the active decisions that make up daily practice is best prepared to negotiate the challenges involved. The second major proposition in this book is that every journalist has some power to practise responsibly, thoughtfully and effectively. The power is literally within the individual, and is demonstrated with every decision they make about what news is, what questions to ask, what to include and omit, and so on. Every one of these decisions has professional, commercial and 27

ethical dimensions that must be brought into balance in the context of the story. This applies to everything a journalist writes, no matter how ‘small’. For example, a fair reported in the local newspaper responsibly and with flair can do real and great good in a small community. In the same way, a metropolitan daily’s thoughtless wording from a police brief about a road death in a suburb of the city may cause lasting harm to those affected. It is not the owner of the news medium who has that power, however powerless an individual journalist feels in the newsroom. It is also a complicated business because individual journalists are expected to bring many qualities to their decision making. The third proposition is that every journalist should acknowledge and accept the responsibility that comes with the media’s potential to affect people’s lives. Professional integrity is a state of mindfulness that you bring to everything you write, no matter how humble the topic. As a journalist, you face the unknown every day and make the best of it. The person who writes the story helps set the agenda. If this is done thoughtfully, mindful of the values brought to decision making and aware of the potential consequences of those decisions, then ethical journalism is more than feasible – it is a reasonable expectation. Put simply, given the power that you have to do good or harm by virtue of the decisions you make, under pressure each day, the least you can do is think about it. That is not the same thing as relinquishing control to the media consumer; it is instead re-asserting your professional status. Hartley criticized journalism education as ‘aspiring to produce architects while actually turning out real estate salesman’ (1996: 35). In this statement, he makes a distinction between the architect, who works in the best interest of the client, and the real estate agent whose only priority is making a sale. For some journalists, the concepts in this book may represent a writing-down of what is simply ‘common sense’. The trouble with common sense, of course, is that it is not common to you until someone tells you. Everyday journalism consists of a series of decisions. These include: decisions about what constitutes news; decisions about the nature and scope of the public interest; decisions about the accuracy of information and the reliability of sources; decisions about the ethical considerations applicable to the situation; and decisions about the best way to organize information into news. This book offers a process for decision making that centres on developing skills in critical self-reflection. Critical self-reflection has always been a feature of the work of a professional journalist.


Critical self-reflection is a hallmark of good professional practice. When other groups, such as accountants or doctors, engage in debate about their professions, it is part of their practice, not a remote and separate intellectual discussion. … Most journalists don’t deny the power that the media has to define the ‘taken-for-granted-world’. Instead they blend the development of professional writing skills with the ability to critically reflect on what they do and why. (Sheridan Burns, 1999a: 4) This book is focused on developing your sense of self-efficacy in negotiating these challenges. Efficacy is the key factor in human agency, perseverance and resilience, and an individual with a strong sense of efficacy faces challenges and recovers quickly from failure, meaning their level of anxiety is reduced and sense of personal accomplishment is enhanced (Bandura, 1997: 2–3). Self-efficacy, which is not to be confused with self-esteem, influences the choices journalists make, their aspirations, how much effort they put into any given endeavour and how they persevere in the face of difficulties or setbacks. The more capable you judge yourself to be, the higher the goals you set for yourself and the more firmly committed you remain to them. This book presents journalistic tasks, strips back the layers of the tasks, and identifies and considers strategies for selecting and implementing resolutions. Then it reflects critically on the appropriateness of those choices. This approach integrates media, communication and cultural theory with the conscious development of writing skills. The book is not primarily a critique of media practices, but offers a means by which to negotiate the challenges. In the rough-and-tumble of old-style learning ‘on the job’, if you made a mistake you were called to account for it, usually in no uncertain terms. In the newsrooms of the late twentieth century, the only sin that was completely unforgivable was to not know why something had been done a certain way. Making mistakes was inevitable, but there was no excuse for a blank stare when asked ‘Why?’. If you could articulate the factors you prioritized, you were still wrong but at least you were ‘being professional’ in your approach to your work. This book investigates the way that journalists work through consideration of journalism stories commonly reported around the world. It reveals that while the context in which journalism is produced is defined by the culture of the society, the questions faced in making a journalistic decision are the same. For example, while reporting the death of a prominent individual is likely to have global news value, how that death is reported is a direct reflection of the 29

society’s attitudes about the privacy of public figures, community standards about reporting grief and any restrictions imposed by the society’s laws. All media is now increasingly multi-modal and visual storytelling has taken on an unprecedented value in all media. This third edition of Understanding Journalism includes a greater focus on the visual aspects of storytelling, while maintaining an emphasis on writing and editing across a variety of genres from the most abbreviated forms of communication, such as Twitter, to longer formats such long-form journalism. A second focus is the development of a clearly defined ethical framework. A reasoned individual framework for evaluating information and acting ethically is more important than ever before because it is increasingly difficult to codify practice. The importance of mindful research and the development of processes for evaluating the appropriateness of sources are equally important. This book does not set out to describe a set of rules defining ‘how to’, but emphasizes the thinking processes involved in journalism. It may be argued that while a court story may illustrate different priorities from community news, the thinking processes used are the same. The book does not provide exemplars because ‘best practice’ is defined by the professional, social and cultural context in which the story is written. This first part of the book, ‘From Knowing How to Being Able’, considers how professional journalists develop their skills and understanding: Chapter 2 considers the definition of journalism in an era of multiple journalisms and platforms. It argues that it is through identifying and internalizing the underlying processes used in decision making that professional knowledge is realized in action. Chapter 3 explores the methodology underlying professional practice as a process of critical reflection which Schon (1983), Adam (1993), Meadows (1997) and others have identified as central to media’s professional role in society. The chapter explores professional ethics and provides a structure by which to make explicit what is implicit in the professional decision making and to consider these factors in relation to the media’s ethical, professional and commercial obligations. The second part of the book, ‘Journalism in Action’, is specifically concerned with fundamental journalistic activities: identifying potential stories; evaluating information and the reliability of sources; writing stories; editing stories for an audience; and the role of journalism in society. It uses working 30

examples commonly experienced by journalists around the world: Chapter 4 explores the nature of news and the factors influencing the exercise of news judgement, particularly consideration of the audience. It provides a methodology for identifying news and critically reflecting on processes through the consideration of a specified journalism task. Chapter 5 focuses on the way that journalists exercise power in choosing the information that will be presented as news. It offers a methodology for reliable ethical decision making in any circumstances. Chapter 6 looks at the ways that journalists gather news, and considers the challenges faced in judging the veracity and usefulness of information provided by a range of secondary sources, including those found on social media sites. Chapter 7 considers the processes used by journalists to gather information from human sources, focusing on the issues inherent in reporting on grief. Chapter 8 focuses on data as a source of journalism, and investigates the knowledge and skills required to interpret and visualize data. Chapter 9 explores the processes used in transforming ‘raw material’ into journalism, and reflects critically on the processes underlying the inclusion and omission of information. Chapter 10 considers the editing process as applied to news. It also provides a methodology by which readers can strip their own writing back to its parts and critically reflect on the decisions underlying style, tone and content. Chapter 11 looks at long-form journalism in the age of digital publication, and explores the processes that underlie the development of an idea into a piece of writing targeted at a specific publication. As with any text, this book describes decision making in journalism in its own context. That the questions posed in this book might give rise to other questions not raised here is further evidence of ‘the conversations we have with ourselves’ in action. When you finish reading this book, you will have already made hundreds of professional journalistic decisions. If the book has done its job, you should also be confident you know how you made those decisions and the values that you brought to bear. This combination of active decision making and critical reflection is the most important thing a journalist needs. Since you will also know how to make a sound ethical decision in any circumstances, you can approach the work of journalism with confidence.


Chapter 2 Who is a Journalist? You are checking the most clicked items on YouTube for story ideas and you find the most viewed item for the day is a piece titled ‘Rid Yourself of Fear and Anxiety’. It appears to be a television journalism interview, but when you go to the link, it is an infomercial for a self-help course. Is it news? What makes what you might write journalism? The answer to the question ‘Who is a journalist?’ is complicated because today journalism can be produced by anyone. At the same time, merely engaging in journalistic activity, such as taking a photograph at the scene of an incident or posting to a blog, does not necessarily produce journalism. Being employed by a media organization does not necessarily mean what you produce is journalism either. This prompts two questions: Is a journalist defined by their output, or their intent? If the answer is intent, what is journalism? Definitions of journalism, more or less stable since the introduction of the newspaper as a commercial enterprise almost 200 years ago, have lost much of their relevance over the last ten years. The newspaper once seemed to be a ubiquitous and fixed part of the communication landscape, and those who prepared the news were seen as similarly integral. Access to self-publishing technology changed that irrevocably, as Shirky noted in his 2008 book Here Comes Everybody: The pattern here is simple – what seems like a fixed and abiding category like journalist turns out to be tied to an accidental scarcity created by the expense of publishing apparatus. Sometimes this scarcity is decades old (as with photographers or even centuries old as with journalists) but that doesn’t stop it from being accidental, and when that scarcity gets undone, the seemingly stable categories turn out to be unsupportable. This is not to say that professional journalists and photographers do not exist but it does mean that the primary distinction between the two groups is gone. What once was a chasm has now become a mere slope. (p. 76) In the twentieth century, a journalist was easily defined as someone who was employed by a media organization to gather and report ‘news’, but two innovations in the first decade of the twenty-first century irrevocably changed 32

the media landscape. The entrepreneurs behind them – Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg (2006) and the iPhone’s Steve Jobs (2007) – were in the technology business, not journalism, but the interactions made possible by their inventions have transformed media structures and practices. In September 2016 Apple released its iOS 10 operating system, including an updated News app, available via a single right swipe gesture from the home screen. This more sophisticated app allows for greater personalization, and includes a capacity to learn from individual interactions and update feed content accordingly, while also permitting subscription-based access to paid news services. Perhaps most importantly, it allows publishers to ‘push’ breaking news notifications to mobile devices (Raymundo, 2016). Facebook, meanwhile, achieved one billion active users (those who had logged on in the previous 30 days) in the third quarter of 2012, signalling that Facebook’s news feed had become a primary source for millions of consumers (Lighterman, 2017). Mobile access to Internet and social media created an environment in which audiences could easily access news without recourse to commercial legacy media (newspapers, television and radio). Another influential feature of social media emerged with the development of sophisticated algorithms that employ data about the media usage of individual consumers to target them for personalized advertising. But this technology has had far reaching implications. For instance, Cambridge Analytica, discussed in Chapter 1, was the business front for an opaque technology that now used its own modelling, public data and Facebook data to permit organizations to profile individual audience members and target them personally. (Kirchgaessner, 2016). The 2016 Republican presidential campaign made use of their services, and Wired reported in October 2017 that Cambridge staff helped the campaign to make a list of voters who seem likely to swing towards Republican candidates, along with those most likely to donate funds to the campaign: during August 2016, ‘Cambridge was critical to helping the campaign raise $80 million in the prior month, after a primary race that had been largely self-funded by Trump’ (Lapowsky, 2017). This cycle of data extraction and voter manipulation called for highly complex manipulation via Facebook AI. For instance, the Republican campaign delivered 175,000 versions of the same Facebook advertisement during the period leading up to the third presidential debate during October. This level of personalization of advertising is not possible without high tech solutions – and the AI would also yield powerful, precise data about the success or failure of the ad messages to further inform the campaign. At the 33

time, the Republican team played down the role of Cambridge Analytica (Lapowsky, 2017), but it was later shown to be integral to the campaign. Open access to digital dissemination platforms has also allowed for a rise in entrepreneurial and social enterprise-based jouralism, where producers are not constrained by the usual market-driven imperatives. This space has seen the development of new ways of organizing journalism work, based around emerging organizational models that are primarily collaborative rather than commercial but are able to foster the professional and ideological features associated with a longer history of journalism. Such constructs engage with both an entrepreneurial approach and charitable institutional structures that attract funding from a variety of sources, including donations from private citizens and private and public institutions.


The Decline of ‘Industrial’ Journalism In December 2014 the Tow Centre for Digital Journalism – a research centre of the Columbia University Journalism School – published their USA-focused report, ‘Post-Industrial Journalism: Adapting to the Present’ (Anderson et al., 2014). The phrase ‘post-industrial’ is taken from the writings of Doc Searls, who first used the concept in an October 2001 blog describing his frustration at the difference between inexpert opinion journalism published in the week following 9/11 and the ‘blog world’. Searls argued that the distance between the world of ‘personal journalism’ and the domain of opinion journalism such as editorials, reviews and op-ed essays should be understood in terms of proximity to the influence of the publishing industry, where writing is ‘essentially an industrial process, like extruding rails at a steel mill’, which generates ‘finished products in the information production process’ (Searls, 2001). In this industrial setting, content is the goal, and expertise is irrelevant in the face of an industrial imperative to fill publications and generate sales. The relationship is understood broadly by Searls to translate into a newsroom governed by a practical, rather than managerial, rationale where ‘the people producing the words had to be close to the machine, often in the basement, that would reproduce their words’ (Searls, 2001). Post-industrial journalism, alternatively, is ‘journalism no longer organized around the norms of proximity to the machinery of production’ (Searls, 2001). Therefore, the context of post-industrial journalism is one in which the requirements of mechanical publication have been replaced by digital technologies. These technologies created a growing distance between the orthodoxy of the newsroom and the culture of journalistic writing that is created for delivery and consumption on web ‘platforms’ via screen media and the Internet. As explained in Chapter 1, there is also growing distance between journalistic ‘work’ and journalistic ‘labour’. The distinction between journalism work and journalism labour is important because work is ‘physical or creative effort that produces a deliverable product or accomplishes a task’, while labour ‘is the delivery of services/work by an individual for payment’ (Rottwilm 2014: 6). This division translates into a key insight around the transition we are witnessing between the industrial journalism of the twentieth century and the ‘post-industrial’ journalism of the present. As Rottwilm argues:


In the 20th century, journalism in most countries developed in a fashion where the work of journalists and journalistic labor went hand-in-hand as most journalists were salaried employees of news organizations. The twenty-first century, however, is beginning to show evidence of a decoupling of ‘acts of journalism’ (work) and journalistic employment (labor). (Rottwilm, 2014: 6)


Features of Industrial Journalism The most dominant characteristic of industrial journalism was the interdependence between comercial mass media and advertising. In fact, the interdependence between journalism and profit was essential to its development as a ubiquitous form of communication in the twentieth century. Journalism, as we have known it, was introduced in the United Kingdom in the late nineteenth century and was made possible by two developments. The first was the introduction of the Elementary Education Act, which mandated schooling for all children aged 5–12 years. The Act came just a few years after the repeal of Stamps Tax, which had made printed publications too expensive for the lower classes. The entrepreneurial Alfred Harmsworth (later Lord Northcliffe) saw a business opportunity in the probability that these literate working people would want something entertaining to read. With this understanding of how the new literacy could be exploited, he created a model geared towards mass circulation by linking industrial production methods with emerging mass transport systems (Bell, 2015). He reasoned that display advertising, printed in his newspapers, would allow him to sell the product very cheaply and thus attract a huge audience. By on-selling these ‘eyeballs’ to advertisers he could generate huge profits. This model was soon being introduced around the globe and remained more or less stable for more than a century.The audience that Northcliffe sought to attract was ‘everyone who could read’, and his publications were designed to appeal to a broad mass audience who would be the receivers of the information or ‘news’ he disseminated. He was not interested in what became known as ‘public interest’, only in what the reading public might be interested in. He popularized the adage that news is ‘what people are talking about’, irrespective of its importance. Northcliffe noted the potential for advertisers to influence what was reported, but in his vision advertisers needed newspapers more than newspapers needed advertisers: It is not pleasant to think that … newspapers are now for the first time in their history entirely dependent on advertisers. I see no way out of this impasse, other than maintaining a great daily net sale and thus keeping the ‘whip hand’ of the advertiser. (Cudlipp, 1980: 82) After World War Two, new industries such as advertising and market research emerged to refine the effectiveness of media advertising. At the centre of this 37

research into media audiences was the creation of audience ‘demographics’ – statistics drawn from mass surveys of consumers about their lifestyles and interests. This data was used to create a ‘picture’ of the average reader and to focus on content designed to appeal to this person. Evaluation of ‘news values’ in prioritizing journalistic activity was always tied to the perceived interests of the target demographic and cognizant of the need to not offend advertisers. The use of demographics has become increasingly irrelevant in the last ten years, and the effectiveness of market research strategies such as telephone polls has been seriously undermined by the fact that many households cannot be accessed via a landline number recorded in a telephone book. As a result, these methods are replaced by algorithms used to identify the interests of individual social media users. The new paradigm doesn’t offer advertisers access to ‘everyone’, but rather access to a particular, highly nuanced audience segment. From the 1950s a professional ideology for journalism gained prominence around the world (Deuze, 2005). This ideological framework was reflected in the various professional codes of ethics created around the world that called for reporters to remain aloof from commercial imperatives while simultaneously being an employee of a profit-oriented company. For example, the Society of Professional Journalists’ (SJP) code states journalists will: Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility. Deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to influence news coverage. (SJP, 2014) To protect journalists from the direct influence of advertisers, the business models of news organizations were constructed around a separation between the journalistic and commercial elements of the business. This was always problematic because of the conflict between the journalistic imperative to inform society and the journalist’s job: to increase the profits of his or her employer. Then journalism experienced a fundamental shift towards market-driven practices, where high circulation (and maximum return to shareholders) became a guiding priority. In the 1990s, Koch (1991), Underwood (1993) and McManus (1994) all found that the influence of the market in the last decade of the twentieth century was revealed to significantly hamper the capacity of journalists to disclose hidden matters of public interest, or to expand the 38

variety of perspectives voiced in the media. Sheridan Burns (2001) also found the daily reality of journalists as employees contradicted the assumption of individual independence that is at the centre of the professional model. This message was made explicit by one editor, who would remind his staff that: ‘You want to know if a newspaper’s first responsibility is to inform, educate or entertain? It is none of these. Its first responsibility is to continue to exist’ (Sheridan Burns, 2001: 23). From this time, it was clear that the ‘professional’ journalist worked within a constellation of power relations in which every decision is ‘at once professional, commercial and ethical (Sheridan Burns, 1996a: 99). The degree of agency experienced by an individual journalist is determined by many factors, but under the industrial paradigm of the late twentieth century these were primarily the objectives of the employer, the target audience and the culture of the workplace.


Features of Post-Industrial Journalism For Anderson et al., ‘post-industrial’ journalism takes on an ideologial dimension in their report, which is described by the authors as an ‘essay’ that is also ‘part survey and part manifesto’ that was designed to intervene in an emergent ‘news ecosystem’ in the USA (2014: 1–2). This is a move that seems to be in keeping with Searls’ initial designation of the term as associated with a ‘personal’ process of expression driven by the ‘need’ to share and exchange knowledge and ideas about the world in real time via such autonomous platforms as independent weblogs. Specifically, the authors begin from the basis of five core beliefs. These are: ‘That journalism matters; that good journalism has always been subsidized; that the internet wrecks advertising subsidy; that restructuring is, therefore, a forced move; and that there are many opportunities for doing good work in new ways’ (p. 2). The authors argue that journalism is important and needs to be protected from the market whilst being subsidized by an alternative revenue stream, and note that the monoculture of news production linked to advertising has broken down. They posit that organizations that adopt hybrid approaches to journalism based on partnering with and participating or collaborating with a range of organizations and entities (down to the level of the individual) are better positioned to survive as they are not embedded in the old paradigm and the legacy of assumptions it entailed. For example, entrepreneurial journalism exhibits the decoupling of journalistic work and labour in an industrial context where the uptake of new communication technologies plays a key role. The Internet and digital media create the possibility for a move towards the establishment of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) based on the creation of content to be distributed through websites and blogs, or syndicated through other businesses. Importantly, this pattern of enterprise supports ‘one or a small cooperative of journalists and provide[s] coverage of local communities or specific topics’ (Creech and Nadler, 2017: 18). In entrepreneurial journalism, journalism labour is seen as the generation of expertise in collective contexts of practice. The effects of this shift away from employment in a large-scale enterprise and towards an entrepreneurial model could be far reaching if the cooperative activity of individual journalists in the SME achieves a scale of operation to replace the traditional, large-scale media outlets. Until then, ‘forced entrepreneurship’ exists in less stable contexts that require journalists to take on greater financial risk and to conduct a range of activities previously executed by employers (Cohen, 2015: 513). The effects of this mixing of contexts raises the possibility of a shift towards consultancy 40

roles for individuals who had previously been engaged solely in journalistic roles, inviting new challenges to the integrity of the ideological definition of journalism. Briggs notes the rise in the discourse of entrepreneurial journalism amongst scholars, journalists and commentators (in North America in particular) as an optimistic ‘vision [that] sees the very technologies used by corporations to destabilize journalistic employment as solutions for a flailing industry’ (2011: 513). For Cohen, the concept holds the danger of focusing discussions on the profit motif, overlooking the implications of precarity for the experience of and output from journalism, and ‘narrowing the space necessary to consider alternative ways of organizing media production and journalistic labour’ (2015: 528).


Redefining ‘journalism’ and ‘journalist’ The changes to the way journalism is created and consumed brought about by the introduction of social media and mobile access to the Internet have profoundly impacted on the definition of the term ‘journalist’. Once simply characterized as a person employed by a media organization, today journalism is also produced outside the structures and practices of commercial media, so historical definitions couched in terms of employment, or labour, are no longer adequate.


Journalism as Labour Peters and Tandoc’s review of scholarly, legal and industry publications sought to define the term ‘journalist’ and concluded the following: ‘someone employed to regularly engage in gathering, processing, and disseminating news and information to serve the public interest’ (2013: 61). However, they found that such definitions ‘fail to recognize the legion of unpaid citizens who gather, process, and disseminate news and information on matters of public concern, making them largely obsolete’ (p. 61). Despite this, an ‘industrial’ definition continues to inform such vital processes as policy formulation, and as recently as September 2016, the US Senate reinforced its definition of a journalist as an employee in a proposed ‘shield law’ designed to protect the confidentiality of journalistic sources. In its decision, the US Senate defined the ‘journalist’ as ‘an employee, independent contractor or agent of an entity that disseminates news or information … [who has been] employed for one year within the last 20 years or three months within the last five years’ (p. 61). While broader than previous definitions that privileged current employment, this articulation still assumes that journalism must be mediated through an institutional structure before reaching an audience. In this sense, it views journalism as the content produced by someone employed as journalistic ‘labour’. The definition of a journalist as a member of an occupational group is unsatisfactory because it fails to account for the increasing dislocation of journalism work from journalism labour. Peters and Tandoc conclude the proposed law should protect the practice of journalism, not the occupational group ‘journalists’ (2013: 62). After all, journalistic outputs can be produced by anyone working within the normative ideological framework for journalism, which has remained relatively stable despite the many material changes outlined here. Journalism labour, on the other hand, can be seen as exposed to a new experience of precarity of employment. It is no longer, and perhaps has never been, adequate to define journalism only in terms of the processes used to produce it.


Journalism as Work A second abiding definition suggests that a journalist is defined by the qualities of the work they produce. The limits of this way of thinking about journalism are evidenced by a recent proposition in The Huffington Post that five tests distinguish journalism from other forms of communication. These are: ‘Is the product intended for the general public? Is the work creative and analytical rather than a simple relay of raw information? Is the reporting based on verified information? Does the product convey multiple points of view? Does the author acknowledge any conflicts of interest?’ (Kent, 2013: 1). Using these criteria, journalism can be produced by anyone and without recourse to institutional support. However, the reliance on a twentieth-century view of ‘objectivity’ in these criteria means that they could also be applied to many forms of promotion and advertising that do not serve the public interest. Splichal and Sparks (1994) found that defining journalism as labour (employment) or work (practices) was the dominant means of distinguishing journalists from ‘non-journalists’ until the 1990s. They argued that journalism was more accurately described as a profession because journalists answered to a higher calling than mere employees – ‘to seek the truth’ (Splichal and Sparks, 1994: 36). Professionalism, defined by acceptance of this ideology, was the dominant model for describing throughout the 1990s. The US Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists still reflects a professional ideology that distinguishes between advocacy and reporting, suggesting that the former is not journalism, and places ‘public interest’ as the primary motivator of journalists. The Australian Journalists Association, which is part of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, publishes a Code of Ethics for its members. The code describes the professional journalist as ‘employed in private enterprise, but with public responsibilities’, as follows: Journalists describe society to itself. They seek truth. They convey information, ideas and opinions, a privileged role. They search, disclose, record, question, entertain, suggest and remember. They inform citizens and animate democracy. They give a practical form to freedom of expression. Many journalists work for private enterprise, but all these have public responsibilities. MEAA members engaged in journalism commit themselves to honesty, fairness, independence and respect for the rights of others. (Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), 1997: 15) 44

The code reinforces the professional definition of a journalist as a person who has a measure of independence in their exercise of their duties and must accept personal accountability for their work because of the power they exercise (p. 3). The idea of journalism as a profession, self-regulated by its own industrial unions and codes of practice, is under constant challenge. The MEAA has no power to compel workers to join or adhere to its code of ethics. The strengths and weaknesses of journalism unions vary from country to country, but generally such organizations offer only guidance to members, not regulation. In addition, codes fail to take account of social journalism and notfor-profit journalism, where the transparent presentation of a political, social or ethical position of the journalist is a feature.


Journalism as Ideology This way of thinking defines journalists by their acceptance of an ideological framework that emphasizes the accountability that comes with power and privilege. Under the professional model, a journalist is defined by their integrity, measured by the degree of commitment to truth over personal gain. Journalistic integrity is defined as compliance with the social obligations that come with a privileged position in society to disseminate information. Specifically, integrity is interpreted to mean that a journalist places the public good ahead of personal advancement and profit (Sheridan Burns, 2013). Deuze (2005) reviewed a wide range of literature that attempted to define the essential qualities of a journalist and identified core values or beliefs suggested in these studies; these values emphasize that journalists perform a public service, that they are fair, autonomous and ethical. This, he states, is the basis of the journalist’s claim to being a ‘legitimate source of information’ (2005: 447). He argues that the definitions found in literature about journalism fail when tested in the actual conditions under which commercial journalism is produced. These concerns are not new. Paletz and Entman (1982) found that where the primary objective of a news organization was efficiency in the gathering, describing and transmitting of news, the result was frequent reliance on official sources, and high levels of homogeneity in reporting. Reliance on news sources to increase the efficiency of news production affects the news agenda. Under pressure, journalists tend to select those news items that are the easiest to find and edit such as items provided by public relations companies. Koch (1991) found the daily reality of journalists as employees contradicts the assumption of individual independence that is at the centre of the professional model. He put it bluntly: ‘A reporter or editor in a profit-maximizing media firm who subordinates market standards to those of journalism may be tolerated about as long as a counter clerk at McDonald’s who refuses to sell fried food’ (p. 23). This market-imposed power relation can subjugate the guiding ideology of professional journalism to the conditions of industrial journalism. Postindustrial settings reveal a different set of relationships between the market and journalistic practices. While Deuze’s (2005) critique did not consider the emergence of journalism created outside the industrial model, his more recent work does. Deuze and Witschge (2017) proposed a framework that moves past individualist and institutional approaches, allowing for a broader 46

definition and understanding of the practices and processes that make up contemporary journalism: It is crucial to recognize that the supposed core of journalism as well as the assumed consistency of the inner workings of news organizations is anything but consensual, nor is it necessarily the norm. At the same time, it would be a mistake to assume that the types of journalism emerging outside and alongside legacy news organizations are necessarily different or oppositional to the core values, ideals, and practices of the profession. We propose to widen journalistic conceptualizations beyond the false core–periphery dichotomy, understanding that the core is no more homogeneous than the so-called periphery, while neither necessarily represents the other’s antithesis (p. 4)


Emerging Models of Journalism Key features of this changing context are journalism produced by organizations that don’t fit the model of traditional media organizations, and new models that support journalism and the activity of journalists. These new organizations typically rely on digital platforms to deliver the content and tend to be organized around special interests or highly targeted audiences. Three examples are the technology industry news delivered by the US-based Techcrunch, the Australian university-focused Hijacked, which publishes the work of students and staff writers, and the highly political US site AlterNet. These and other similar organizations are based on a mix of orthodox approaches that extend the traditional commercial model, through to not-forprofit organizations that rely on a mix of fund-raising and voluntary labour. Techcrunch is a commercial media outlet, launched in 2005, that was acquired by AOL in 2010. It leverages its position in the market by conducting other activities, such as hosting the annual international Techcrunch Disrupt conference. The conference began in 2011 to help technology start-ups compete for capital investment, prize money and publicity (Ames, 2017). They also maintain CrunchBase, a database of investors and incubators that fosters the start-up culture (CrunchBase, 2017). Hijacked is a business operated by Ooh! Media, a public company that specializes in outdoor advertising. Hijacked was launched in 2014 as a venture to generate content for distribution via screen medias on university campuses and a website. The company describes Hijacked as ‘a national multimedia platform that showcases journalism, photography and video for and by students’, and it curates and publishes journalism along with advertising. AlterNet is a publication with a clearly declared progressive political orientation, operated by a not-for-profit organization called the Independent Media Institute. Launched in 1998, it supplements the work of staff writers with stories drawn from other independent media. AlterNet states that its curation process ‘amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources’ with the aim of inspiring ‘action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, health care issues, and more’ (About AlterNet, 2017). While this declaration locates AlterNet far from the traditional commercial media model, it survives by selling advertising to support journalism, albeit using a non-traditional approach. AlterNet describes the income generated by advertising in entrepreneurial 48

terms as ‘self-generated through our advertising program and online donor program, both of which are leveraged by our large traffic’. AlterNet describes itself as ‘dedicated to business growth’ and claims its budget has grown consistently over the past decade. While some scholars are enthusiastic about the potential of emerging entrepreneurial models for funding and organizing the production of journalism, others express alarm. For example, Mensing and Ryfe describe entrepreneurial journalism as promoting a ‘demand-side’ approach to journalism, where journalists must prioritize the desires of audiences, companies, and advertisers and view the journalist’s function as meeting particular market needs (2013: 2). Other scholars argue that the independent thinking of the journalist is inevitably compromised by the need to satisfy those providing funding, whether it is via advertising or sponsorship (Coddington, 2015; Cohen, 2015). Coddington argues that unlike other boundaries of journalism, scholars and journalists agree that journalism ‘that serves the public good first and foremost should be shielded from commercial influence’ (2015: 67). He describes the ‘wall’ between advertising and editorial production as akin to the separation between Church and State, and the separation of journalistic and business-oriented functions of a news organization as ‘one of the foremost professional markers of journalism and a principle that is strongly reinforced in journalism socialization’ (p. 67). Coddington concludes: The news–business wall is the cornerstone upholding journalists’ sense of autonomy and allowing it to function as a profession to the extent that it does. Journalists have constructed and enshrined a border between themselves and their organization’s business operations primarily as a way to safeguard their professional autonomy, or the journalists’ ability to exercise judgment and control their work processes. (p. 68) Cohen goes further, arguing that the discourse around entrepreneurial journalism actually works against re-consideration of journalism as it has been practised; and of the failings of the advertiser-supported, profit-oriented model: To be sure, as it stands, entrepreneurial journalism is not concerned with the craft or form of journalism, nor is it concerned with the broader social role that journalism could play if freed from corporate control. 49

Rather, it is aimed at restoring journalism’s profitable status and encouraging individuals to take greater responsibility for achieving such goals. Never before has the conception of what a journalist is been so closely tied to the profit seeking of media companies. (2015: 528) Cohen seems to be suggesting that new entrepreneurial approaches break an existing separation between the practice and the business of journalism. However, it is clear that since journalism emerged as a practice in the nineteenth century the ‘conception of what a journalist is’ has always been ‘closely tied to the profit seeking of media companies’. Rottwilm argues that ‘empirical research on the changing nature of journalistic work and journalistic labour is still limited’, suggesting further investigation is needed to understand the ‘work’ and ‘labour’ of journalists in emergent enterprise structures, and particularly those that appear to have attained some stability over time (2014: 21). Such stability indicates the presence of more enduring organizations, and of an emerging context of journalism work. For instance, Emily Bell described the rise of BuzzFeed as ‘the most startling publishing success story in America in the last five years’ (2015: 10). The website, created by Jonah Peretti in 2006 as a social media adjunct to The Huffington Post, has quickly become America’s most copied news site. Bell attributes this to a sophistication that encompasses market intelligence in a manner that hints at an interlocking potential for a kick in journalistic ‘standards’: Buzzfeed works on the principle of understanding the social web and building on top of it. It also works because it understands the math of the social web. For Buzzfeed to grow its 400 strong staff the advertising rates of the Internet dictate it must have massive audiences. It is widely studied for being the sophistication of thought it gives to how technology and journalism work together … I am hopeful even optimistic that this understanding of how to create and harness scale in mass-market journalism can support serious mission and a new set of standards for journalism too. (2015: 10) Bell is enthusiastic about the potential for emerging forms of journalism to remain governed by assumptions based in the ideological definition for journalism discussed above. BuzzFeed is an additional feature of a larger, traditionally structured corporate entity that operates on a large scale to create 50

journalism that succeeds in the market in the same manner as legacy media. At the same time, recent research has focused on the potential for journalism to be conducted in broadening contexts, leaving some cause for optimism (Anderson et al., 2014; Briggs, 2011; Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2017). However, Creech and Nadler (2014) argue these scholarly projects and other similar recent offerings on the topic of the future of journalism fall back on ‘innovation’ as the escape route from ‘questions of digital journalism’s democratic aspirations in favour of market-oriented solutions’, such that the detail of the relationship between the elements in emergent socio-technical systems have not been subjected to effective scrutiny: Innovation has come to operate as an ambiguous signifier in much of the discourse surrounding the future of journalism, open for interpretation and often used to forward visions of journalism that adhere to the market dynamics defined by Internet and technology companies. (p. 1) Throughout this literature, success is measured through profitability and the related capacity to sustain production over time where the model does not compromise ethical journalism through the need to fund it. Box 2.1 Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics


The Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists


Seek Truth and Report It Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Journalists should: Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible. Remember that neither speed nor format excuses inaccuracy. Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story. Gather, update and correct information throughout the life of a news story. Be cautious when making promises, but keep the promises they make. Identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of sources. Consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted. Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing. Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public. Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless. Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant. Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all. Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate. Boldly tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience. Seek sources whose voices we seldom hear. Avoid stereotyping. Journalists should examine the ways their values and experiences may shape their reporting. Label advocacy and commentary. Never deliberately distort facts or context, including visual information. Clearly label illustrations and re-enactments. Never plagiarize. Always attribute.


Minimize Harm Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect. Journalists should: Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness. Show compassion for those who may be affected by news coverage. Use heightened sensitivity when dealing with juveniles, victims of sex crimes, and sources or subjects who are inexperienced or unable to give consent. Consider cultural differences in approach and treatment. Recognize that legal access to information differs from an ethical justification to publish or broadcast. Realize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention. Weigh the consequences of publishing or broadcasting personal information. Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do. Balance a suspect’s right to a fair trial with the public’s right to know. Consider the implications of identifying criminal suspects before they face legal charges. Consider the long-term implications of the extended reach and permanence of publication. Provide updated and more complete information as appropriate.


Act Independently The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public. Journalists should: Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts. Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and avoid political and other outside activities that may compromise integrity or impartiality, or may damage credibility. Be wary of sources offering information for favors or money; do not pay for access to news. Identify content provided by outside sources, whether paid or not. Deny favored treatment to advertisers, donors or any other special interests, and resist internal and external pressure to influence coverage. Distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two. Prominently label sponsored content.


Be Accountable Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one’s work and explaining one’s decisions to the public. Journalists should: Explain ethical choices and processes to audiences. Encourage a civil dialogue with the public about journalistic practices, coverage and news content. Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness. Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently. Explain corrections and clarifications carefully and clearly. Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations. Abide by the same high standards they expect of others. The SPJ Code of Ethics is voluntary. The present version of the code was adopted by the 2014 SPJ National Convention.


Reflective Practice Another way to define journalism is to think about the things that journalists think about as they go about the business of telling stories to an audience; the things they consider are constant, whether a journalist writes for a commercial new organization, a not-for-profit organization or a start-up. These things are also constant whether the journalist tells their story visually through still or moving images, through audio, or through a combination of media. Schon (1983) argued that the traditional view of professionals as exclusive keepers of an ‘expert body of knowledge’ passed down from practitioner to practitioner is outdated and inappropriate as a model for understanding professional practice. He wrote that professionals do not simply retrieve stored knowledge to inform their practice; rather they engage with their practice through actions underpinned by intrinsic intellectual processes. They do not apply remembered rules and practices to the solution of problems – they create solutions appropriate to the context in which the problem arises, by reflecting on the lessons of experience and speculating on the appropriateness of potential strategies. This, according to Schon, is why an experienced practitioner cannot easily convey the art of his practice to a novice merely by describing his procedures, rules and theories, nor can he enable a novice to think like a seasoned practitioner merely by describing or even demonstrating his ways of thinking: Often we cannot say what it is that we know. When we try to describe it we find ourselves at a loss, or we produce descriptions that are obviously inappropriate. Our knowing is ordinarily tacit, implicit in our patterns of action and in our feel for the stuff with which we are dealing … Our knowing is in our action. (1983: 49) Schon’s model is ideal for journalism because reflective practice is also a hallmark of good journalism, however ‘good’ and ‘journalism’ are defined (Sheridan Burns, 1999a: 4). The term describes the capacity to identify, sort and prioritize contextual elements surrounding practice. Journalists are constantly evaluating information in terms of their own experience, perceptions about accuracy, the perceived audience and its interests, and the aspirations of their employer, to name a few. 57

Returning to the scenario at the start of this chapter, the YouTube video is not unlike the media release of the twentieth century – it purports to be something it is not. But that does not mean that it is not a prompt for journalism. That it was the most viewed item suggests that a lot of people would like to get rid of anxiety in their lives. Reporting on this could be to act on behalf of the public’s interest, but it requires the journalist to conduct independent research and conduct primary interviews to transform advertising to journalism. In fact, the YouTube video may only be news in the sense it had a lot of hits. The writer is a journalist only if he or she interrogates the information provided, rather than merely sharing it or rewording it. By reflecting on the message in the context of the public interest, and through the filters described above, the YouTube video can be transformed from advertising to journalism.


Conclusion The definition of what constitutes journalism in the twenty-first century is contestable, especially in light of transformative changes in journalism work and journalism labour, the effects of which are not yet clear. Journalism can no longer be described simply in terms of employment status, nor limited to the processes used in creating journalism products. Such descriptions attach no social obligations to the power that individual journalists exercise in framing the world for audiences, and also fail to account for new media forms that have already emerged during the twenty-first century. Considered as an ideology, what distinguishes journalism from other media activities is the notion of service to the public interest; the journalist can be anyone, but only if they adhere to the normative principles and processes prescribed by the ideological framework for journalism that emerged alongside its professionalization during the late twentieth century. This framework remains dominant despite the pressures and failings of the last 25 years, and in this sense journalism may still be defined as bringing to public attention something that ‘someone, somewhere, wants concealed’. This is the very definition of acting in the public interest, whether the journalist is telling the story with words, images or both. It therefore makes sense that the most appropriate framework through which to understand journalism is the systematic consideration of information in response to a range of values; a process refined by the context in which the information is collected and disseminated. This focus on process, and the factors that guide the myriad decisions journalists make, is further explored in Chapter 3.


Further Action 1. Consider the stories published in your news feed. How many of the reports meet the definition of news as ‘what someone, somewhere wants concealed – everything else is advertising’? 2. Choose an article. What thought processes help you to decide whether you believe what you read? 3. Watch a TV news bulletin. Is the news the same or similar to the news in your feed? Do you have greater or less faith in this medium? Why? 4. Go online and seek out an alternative news medium, that is, one not posted by a major news organization. Who owns the publication? Is this publication more or less trustworthy than a mainstream publication? Why?


Further Reading Anderson, C.W, Bell, E. and Shirky, C. (2014) Post-industrial journalism: adapting to the present. Available from: http://towcenter.org/research/postindustrial-journalism-adapting-to-the-present-2/ (accessed 11 August 2017). Deitz, M.L. (2010) Watch This Space: The Future of Australian Journalism. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. Deuze, M. and Witschge, T. (2017) ‘Beyond journalism: theorizing the transformation of journalism’ in Journalism. London: Sage, pp. 1–17. Shirky, C. (2008) Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organising Without Organisations. New York: Penguin.


3 Journalism as Decision Making A friend sends you a retweet with the hashtag #protestsniper. Below a grainy photo of two men in combat attire, with guns trained on the street below, is the following text: SNIPERS ON THE ROOF OF THE MUSEUM IN WILLIAM STREET AT PEACEFUL PROTEST. VISITING VICE-PRESIDENT OK Is this news? How will you decide? Using the definition of journalism as a practice motivated by public interest and focused on engaging the attention of an audience, this chapter proposes a model for thinking through the elements that make up that practice. It considers how professionals ‘think by doing’, and provides a theoretical rationale for reflective practice as a model for journalism that remains relevant despite the changes to the industrial conditions under which it is created, and the repositioning of audiences as newly empowered media makers. O’Donnell (1999) found that reflective practitioners constantly test their theoretical knowledge against practical experience, and then develop individualized action strategies appropriate for the context. As explained in the previous chapter, the interests of the audience were once measured simply by circulation of mass media, informed by a universally accepted set of news values said to determine what the mass audience is most interested in. Now, sophisticated algorithms track the online activity of individual users and target them with ‘personalized’ advertising. As discussed further in Chapter 4, the ‘people formerly known as the audience’ find their own journalism, and can do so without recourse to legacy media at all (Rosen, 2006). Rosen coined this term when calling out commercial media in The Huffington Post. He wrote: The people formerly known as the audience wish to inform media people of our existence, and of a shift in power that goes with the platform shift you’ve all heard about. Think of passengers on your ship who got a boat of their own. The writing readers. The viewers who picked up a camera. The formerly atomized listeners who with modest effort can connect with 62

each other and gain the means to speak—to the world, as it were… . The people formerly known as the audience are those who were on the receiving end of a media system that ran one way, in a broadcasting pattern, with high entry fees and a few firms competing to speak very loudly while the rest of the population listened in isolation from one another—and who today are not in a situation like that at all. Once they were your printing presses; now that humble device, the blog, has given the press to us … Once it was your radio station, broadcasting on your frequency. Now that brilliant invention, podcasting, gives radio to us. And we have found more uses for it than you did. Shooting, editing and distributing video once belonged to you, Big Media. Only you could afford to reach a TV audience built in your own image. Now video is coming into the user’s hands, and audience-building by former members of the audience is alive and well on the Web. You were once (exclusively) the editors of the news, choosing what ran on the front page. Now we can edit the news, and our choices send items to our own front pages … You don’t own the eyeballs. You don’t own the press, which is now divided into pro and amateur zones. You don’t control production on the new platform, which isn’t one-way. There’s a new balance of power between you and us. The people formerly known as the audience are simply the public made realer, less fictional, more able, less predictable. You should welcome that, media people. But whether you do or not, we want you to know we’re here. (Rosen, 2006) Rosen’s rousing statements underline a fundamental shift in access to and use of media that has realigned audience–journalist interaction. Into the bargain, journalism and journalistic practices have undergone a major paradigm shift that is challenging the established industrial model of journalism. Under industrial journalism, journalists are employees of media organizations, and undergo inculcation into the structures, practices and culture of each organization they are employed by. This influences decisions that journalists make as they go about completing work that meets with the approval of editors. Journalists working in non-commercial media are subject to similar influences arising from the publication’s mission statement, which may prioritize sustainability over profit. Despite this, it is wrong to think of journalists as professionals who routinely 63

apply a set of rules to new circumstances. Journalists habitually modify and adapt their strategies. They accomplish this through consideration of principles or ‘rules’ in the light of their own professional experiences and values. These factors combine in the individual to create professional processes informed by, but not restricted to, education, training and personal experience. In this sense, every journalist also uniquely interprets the knowledge he or she acquires about journalism. This is reflected in each journalist’s intellectual and professional processes and in the personal values brought to the work, irrespective of the setting in which the work is done. Journalism is about making decisions, whether they are on matters of news judgement or ethics. Every decision a journalist makes has an impact, which is why a reliable way to make ethical decisions is so important. This is explored in detail in Chapter 5. To make decisions reliably and effectively, we need principles, or shared beliefs, to use as a basis for those decisions (King, 1997: 22). Journalists demonstrate their knowledge through their actions, which are informed by critical reflection on prior experience. Kolb argued along these lines, that critical reflection ‘is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience’ (1984: 38).


From ‘Knowing How’ to ‘Being Able’ Gilbert Ryle (1960) wrote that knowledge develops in three stages. The first, which may be described as knowing what, refers to the ability to identify something; for example, to recognize the product of journalism. Applied to journalism, the second stage, knowing how, refers to an ability to repeat procedures, practices or skills associated with the production of journalism. The third stage, which Ryle views as evidence of knowledge, may be described as being able to do. In journalism, this refers to the crucial intellectual processes required for journalism, including an ability to identify ‘news’, to gather and evaluate information and make ethical decisions. The journalist filters these decisions through an individual understanding of the target audience, the priorities of the publisher and his or her own beliefs about the role of journalism in society. Most significantly, the journalist uses these processes to negotiate a professional practice characterized by exposure to new experiences. Industry critics of formal approaches to journalism education reinforce the idea that journalism cannot be taught, only learned by experience. This view is underpinned by the notion ‘there are no hard and fast rules for journalism, it all depends on the circumstances’. Certainly, doing journalism is always contained in its context. This usually includes the journalist’s own values and experiences, the style of the publication, the perceived audience, the editor’s own values and experiences, and the extent of time and resource limitations. Depending on the context, other social, political and economic pressures may also apply. The problem with this view of journalism is that it suggests that the way individual journalists think is so intrinsic as to defy explanation. Journalists themselves find it hard to describe what they do, to the point of describing their knowledge as action. They may even argue that they ‘just know what to do without thinking’. This is because their thinking processes, once internalized, are used almost without conscious thought. Schon’s 1983 and 1986 books considered the ways various professional groups exercised their professional knowledge. He called this process ‘thinking in action’, later describing it as ‘the conversations with ourselves’. The process may equally be described as critical reflection, even when it is subconscious. It is what people mean when they talk about ‘thinking on their feet’ and ‘learning by doing’. Adam (1993) argues that journalism practice involves criticism, or the conferring of judgement on the shape of things. The 65

application of the values used by journalists is reflected in the selection of subjects and in the judgements inferred by them in their reporting about the state of the world that they reveal. Schon (1986) found that it is common for professionals to find it difficult to articulate explicitly what is implicit in their practice. In journalism, the conscious use of critical reflection provides a structure by which decisionmaking skills are learned along with, and as part of, writing and research skills. Journalism requires active learning, and critical and creative thinking. Journalists gather information of significance to the task at hand, assessing its credibility and its validity. In writing a story that is at once ethical, accurate and attractive to the audience, journalists are held to high standards of thinking. Reflection is the bridge between journalism theory and professional practice. It is through critical self-reflection that journalists develop selfreliance, confidence, problem-solving abilities, cooperation and adaptability while simultaneously gaining knowledge. Reflection is also the process by which journalists learn to recognize their own assumptions and understand their place in the wider social context (Sheridan Burns, 1996: 95). Critical reflection is not necessarily a negative activity. When journalists engage in ‘shop talk’ about a colleague’s great story they are critically reflecting on what makes that story so admirable. As King argues, ‘by thinking about what we do, we can make better decisions as journalists and provide the basis for a philosophy of journalism. Furthermore, such analysis does not need to lead us too far from the newsroom’ (1997: 22). Bernard Cohen observed that the media’s greatest power was in telling people not what to think, but what to think about: ‘the world will look different to different people, depending on the map that is drawn for them by writers, editors and publishers of the paper they read’ (1963: 13). It is in the daily drawing and redrawing of the map described by Cohen that the actions of journalism are revealed. For all the rhetoric about objectivity, the product of journalism can never be separated from the intellectual processes in the mind of the individual journalist. In media workplaces around the world, individual journalists from different societies make the same kind of decisions every day about how to balance their professional, commercial and ethical priorities. The answers reached by these journalists will vary widely across cultures, but all will engage in the subjective process of decision-making.


Reflective Practice The rhetoric used by journalists to describe what they do may be built around a notion of intrinsic behaviours, but it also values critical reflection, although perhaps not in so many words. In the vernacular of journalism, being able to ‘think on your feet’ and ‘keep your wits about you’ are highly valued as intellectual abilities. Both these phrases also describe critical reflection in practice, suggesting that we can think about what we are doing while we are doing it. Boud and Feletti (1991) suggest that critical reflection has three stages. The first occurs in the preparation stage, and focuses on what the journalist knows, assumes and needs to know. The second occurs during the activity, in the form of noticing and intervening in an action while there is still an opportunity to affect the outcome. The final stage of reflection occurs after the event, when the individual re-evaluates the experience with hindsight. The notion of reflection should not be confused with inaction. Reflecting does not necessarily mean taking time out from a task to stop and think about potential strategies and ramifications. Schon defined reflection in action as occurring when ‘our thinking serves to reshape what we are doing while we are doing it’ (1986: 36). He argues that it is wrong to seek to separate thinking from doing, seeing thought only as a preparation for action and action only as an implementation of thought. Schon argues that through critical reflection, doing and thinking are complementary, because ‘doing’ extends thinking in experimental action, and ‘thinking’ feeds the doing and its results. All enquiry, in this sense, is a continual interaction of thinking and doing. When someone learns a practice, he is initiated into the traditions of a community of practitioners and the practice world they inhabit. He learns their conventions, constraints, languages and appreciative systems, their repertoire of exemplars, systematic knowledge and patterns of knowing in action … Through reflection, a practitioner can surface and criticize the tacit understandings that have grown up around the repetitive experiences of specialized practice and can make new sense of situations of uncertainty or uniqueness. (Schon, 1983: 61) Schon’s position is that as you become a member of a community of practice, your professional learning includes the language and conventions of the 67

practice, and how it is valued. These things form part of your ‘intrinsic’ understanding of that practice. You may not notice this, but as you are ‘doing’ you are also deciding not only what to do, but how to do and why you should do it. So, through attention to your processes, you develop strategies for ‘doing’ in a new situation. This in turn develops your sense of efficacy, which is your confidence in your ability to know what do in a new situation. Bandura (1997) named four sources of efficacy beliefs. The first and most powerful is to successfully master a task, which increases confidence in your ability to do it again. However, to have a resilient sense of self-efficacy requires experience in overcoming obstacles through effort and perseverance. The second source of self-efficacy comes from our observation of people around us, especially people we consider as role models. Seeing people similar to ourselves succeed by their sustained effort raises our beliefs that we too possess the capabilities to master the activities needed for success in that area. Influential people in our lives such as parents, teachers, managers or coaches can strengthen our beliefs that we have what it takes to succeed. Thus, the third, which is being persuaded that we possess the capabilities to master certain activities, means that we are more likely to put in the effort and sustain it when problems arise. The final source of self-efficacy is your state of mind and confidence in your abilities. The more capably journalists engage with and draw self-efficacy from past performance, the more capably they make reliable decisions about the public interest.


Decision Making in the Industrial Model Until recent years, the process used in selecting articles for publication had been unchanged since the emergence of commercial journalism in the nineteenth century. These processes are still the model for commercial media, but new models have emerged in journalism generated by creative industries and in social media. The approaches to producing journalism now vary from reliance on a hierarchy defined by notions of expertise, through to collaborative decision making using digital communication technology, and even algorithm-driven decisions. In commercial newspapers, radio and television newsrooms, the production process begins when executive staff first consider each new edition, and continues through to the moment of publication. Then it starts again. The exact process varies from workplace to workplace, but the objectives are the same: planning the coverage. The production process for every individual story usually involves several people who encounter the story at different stages of its production. The reporter, who gathers the information and writes the story, plays a relatively small and limited role in this process. A senior staff member with sectional responsibilities, such as sport or features, usually assigns stories to reporters. At the editorial conference used to plan each edition, the section editors articulate the strengths of the various items in a way that compels the editor to use the copy in that edition. To prepare for this, the section editor considers all the potential information with regard to several factors. These include the news value of the piece, which is measured in terms of timeliness, proximity, consequence, relativity and other factors relating to perceived public interest. These values, articulated by Galtung and Ruge in 1965, have been maintained and introduced to beginning journalists ever since (Meissner, 2015). The current role of news values, and the development of more recent measures of the likely interest of audiences, is explored in Chapter 4. The editorial team considers the potential display of the story – how it might be structured and illustrated, the angles that might be used, and how the story fits with the overall style of the publication. These journalists must also consider each potential story in the light of other recent publications, assessing such things as whether a story is too similar to another recently published piece. In assigning priority to individual articles, the section editor also seeks to create a balance between the pieces that add up to a ‘satisfying’ reading experience. For example, an editor is likely to resist having too many ‘dark’ or serious pieces together, so may give an important 69

story less priority than a ‘light’ story on a given day. Visual storytelling is also a priority for most media, so the selection process includes the relative strengths of imagery (photographs, video, data visualization) to increase the appeal of a particular story. The selection process is a subjective one, based on the expertise of those making the decisions. Expertise in this context may be defined as the combination of knowledge, training and experience accumulated by the individual over a long career. In subjectively deciding what is important to the audience and what is not, the editorial conference uses similar processes to those used by the section editors in their pre-conference deliberations. They discuss the strengths of relative news values as the section editors have, but their discussion focuses on the story’s contribution to the publication as a whole. They predict the audience reaction to the news they are considering. They discuss whether the audience is tiring of a topic and how and if their interest could be regained. Above all, they decide what is interesting, which can only be defined through their own interests, values and experiences. Patterson and Wilkins (1994) posit that news reflects certain cultural values and professional norms. They claim that journalists have a ‘nose for news’, meaning they have a common definition of news that has developed through professional training and experience (p. 4). Because commercial media measures success through audience size and profit from advertising, there is a professional perception that people are attracted to news that entertains even when it does not usefully inform. For example, a story about an English policeman who was bitten on the genitals by a ferret received world-wide exposure on radio and TV news as well as in print and social media. The reason that journalists professionally value this type of story is based on a perception that people who get pleasure from consuming a product will be drawn to consuming it regularly. That is important to them, because journalists measure their professional success by the popularity of their product, and the commercial success of their product is the measure by which journalists’ performance is judged by their employer. Such a story fails the journalism test of public interest, but is nevertheless interesting to audiences. Writing for entertainment purposes is an exercise in audience building, which is important to the success of journalism entities, but not their core business. The editorial conference does not always assign priority to every item, but the conference does decide the order of importance of the stories to be presented, thus ‘telling the audience what to think about’. The editor may even suggest preliminary headlines at this point, to guide the group’s visualization of the total product. In broadcast media, the images 70

captured and then selected to tell the story are at least as important as the words to be spoken. In fact, stories may be broadcast for their visual appeal alone. At the end of the meeting, the section editors are dispatched to realize the vision that has been generally defined at the editorial conference. In briefing the reporter about the story, the editor is selective (and subjective) in the information provided. That is how he or she can ‘paint a picture’ for the reporter about the way the story is envisaged to go. The editor is seeking to impart the news values that the editorial conference has given priority. This part of the process is a clear reinforcement of the professional understanding implicit in journalism that there are many ways to tell a single story, all equally accurate, if not true. The briefing directs the reporter’s research, whether it is followed exactly or used as a guide. Even a reporter who decides to take an entirely different angle knows he or she will be required to defend the decision against the briefing. Despite this, the reporter has a lot of control over what happens next. No matter how objective reporters set out to be, their every action and word will be dictated by an internal process that remains unrecognized by many journalists.


Algorithm-Driven Decision Making Digital communication platforms, including websites and social media, use algorithms that determine with precision what an individual user’s interests are by scrutinizing their online habits. This atomized way of viewing a user allows advertising to be individually targeted based on previous searches and purchases, but also permits the determination of which stories will be popular with readers. BuzzFeed is a successful example of algorithm-driven decisionmaking in journalism. The homepage of the site is powered by an algorithm that monitors 120 million unique articles of partner sites that include Time, Aol News, TMZ, Life and many more. When the BuzzFeed algorithm determines a piece of content on one of these sites to be ‘going viral’ it triggers the story and flows it into rotation on a set of reserved units on BuzzFeed.Com. Determining a story to be ‘going viral’ requires a subjective decision, but this is a decision informed by total traffic to a story in relation to the portion of that traffic that comes from sharing platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and any other social media sources that are not news sites. Another example is Medium, a long-form journalism site that combines more traditional editorial curating processes with algorithm-driven advertising. Medium launched a sponsored content programme as part of its search for a more sustainable financial base. Under this model it charges advertisers for ‘total read time’ (TRT), based on the assumption that longer viewing times mean advertising is more likely to be successful. At the same time, Medium made a move to bring in more engaged readers, opening its platform to publishers with small but dedicated readerships. These publishers are engagement-focused but lack revenue, and so are willing to trade banner ads for the opportunity to show sponsored posts or help create them on behalf of brands. Publishing brands have been seen to lend credibility to platforms dominated by user-generated content, which Snapchat learned when it launched Discover. The influx of their content diversifies the user base and improves the quality of content (Sluis, 2016). Facebook, meanwhile, achieved one billion active users (those who had logged on in the previous 30 days) in the third quarter of 2012; a milestone that signalled the platform’s news feed had become a primary source for millions of consumers. In 2016, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg articulated the values embedded in Facebook’s algorithm for selecting articles. Zuckerberg (2016) said the priorities for Facebook’s news feed are as follows: 72

Friends come first: ‘keeping you connected to people, places etc’ New information is key Don’t forget to entertain – following celebs, funny cats, watching live videos Diverse opinions are prized Authenticity is important While media organizations have historically defined what matters to their audience through their own editorial judgement and considering the results of market research, Facebook’s working definition of what matters to any given Facebook user is just this: ‘What he or she would rank at the top of their feeds given the choice?’. Facebook’s algorithm doesn’t just predict whether you’ll hit the like button on a post based on past behaviour, it also predicts whether the user will click, comment, share, hide or even mark it as spam. It will predict each of these outcomes, and others, with a certain degree of confidence, then combine them all to produce a single relevancy score that is specific to both user and post. Once every possible post in a user’s feed has received its relevancy score, the sorting algorithm can put them in the order that can be seen on the screen. The post visible at the top of an individual user’s feed, then, has been chosen above thousands of others as the one most likely to make the user laugh, cry, smile, click, like, share or comment. It is important to remember that Facebook’s algorithm is written and constantly refined by a small group of people, so the algorithm itself is a subjective form of selecting what will appeal to the audience. Initially, interactions were seen as the definitive indicator that a given post has struck a chord. They also happen to be the fuel that drives the Facebook economy: clicks, likes, shares and comments are what make posts go viral, turn individual users into communities and drive traffic to the advertisers that Facebook relies on for revenue. The result has been a news feed optimized for ‘virality’ rather than quality, such that the like (or ‘react’) button isn’t just a new way for users to interact on the site – it is a way for Facebook to enlist its users in filtering their own news feeds. Facebook’s news feed algorithm was one of the first to surreptitiously enlist users in personalizing their experience, and influencing everyone else’s into the bargain. In 2016, Facebook made public a new tool called Audience Optimization that used a data set of user likes to predict the success of stories in 282,000 categories. Havlak and Ableson (2016) found that: Facebook says there are 88 million interested in sin, 81 million in 73

boredom, 41 million in crying, and 28 million in envy. These are tiny, though, when compared to the 839 million interested in love or the 571 million in happiness. The interests get weirder the further down the list you go, like ‘narcissistic parent’ with an audience of 41,660. The data analytics relied upon here were misleading because the algorithms used had scraped keywords from posts. For example, the grammatical term for words such as ‘with’ supposedly has an audience of 58 million, who may just be heavy users of the word ‘with’. And MS-DOS, which is made up of two common letter strings, shows a bigger audience than PlayStation. According to Facebook, there were: 1.4 billion daily active users on average for December 2017 2.13 billion monthly active users as of December 31, 2017 (Facebook Newsroom, 2018) As a result, the company are in possession of vast quantities of resources, including real-time, individuated data. As discussed in Chapter 1, the events of 2016 inspired the company to make changes towards predictability and control. Facebook is arguably the world’s largest distributor of news, and makes use of AI to curate this content. In 2016 this technology, the ‘Trending News Module’, was discovered to be monitored by a distributed editorial team (Thielman, 2016). Fearing public response to the progressive political leanings of these humans, the team was sacked and news selection fell back on a non-partisan, algorithm only approach, with disastrous results. Wired published an overview of the changes in February 2018 and concluded that this period: … altered Facebook’s fundamental understanding about whether it’s a publisher or a platform. The company has always answered that question defiantly – platform, platform, platform – for regulatory, financial, and maybe even emotional reasons. But now, gradually, Facebook has evolved. Of course it’s a platform, and always will be. But the company also realizes now that it bears some of the responsibilities that a publisher does: for the care of its readers, and for the care of the truth. You can’t make the world more open and connected if you’re breaking it apart. So 74

what is it: publisher or platform? Facebook seems to have finally recognized that it is quite clearly both. (Thompson and Vogelstein, 2018) Wired cite an unnamed executive who claimed the revelations had negatively affected CEO Mark Zuckerberg and ‘massively changed his personal technooptimism … It has made him much more paranoid about the ways that people could abuse the thing that he built’ (Thompson and Vogelstein, 2018). Zuckerberg evidenced this when he told the US Senate on 10 April, 2018: We didn’t take a broad enough view of our responsibility, and that was a big mistake… . What I think we’ve learned now across a number of issues – not just data privacy, but also fake news and foreign interference in elections – is that we need to take a more proactive role and a broader view of our responsibility. (Transcript of Mark Zuckerberg’s Senate hearing, 2018) In the lead up to these statements, during late 2017 a federal investigation of Russian intervention in the 2016 US Presidential Election headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, levelled indictments that show tens of millions of dollars were spent over several years to create a public mood and build a set of narratives that would prepare the way for a Republican victory (Drobnic Holan, 2017; Kirchgaessner, 2017; Lapowsky, 2017; Thompson and Vogelstein, 2018). A range of content and activities achieved, and continue to achieve – as was evidenced in the wake of the 2018 Florida High School massacre – the goals of subversion and division, promoted through a variety of means (Applebaum, 2018; Frenkel and Wakabayashi, 2018). This included technology like ‘bots’ that possess varying levels of AI, with platforms like Twitter and Facebook as the central protagonists.


Collaborative Decision-Making Some new journalism constructs emerging from the creative industries have adopted entirely new processes for making editorial decisions. For example, Scoop.co.nz is a social enterprise focused on public interest news. Scoop was first established in 1999, but transformed its mission in 2015 when the Scoop Foundation for Public Interest Journalism was established as part of an attempt to create a sustainable financial base for the organization. The primary goal of Scoop is not commercial success, but sustainability towards achieving its mission, which is a motif typical of social enterprise: Scoop believes in the power of information to transform lives. It believes in the power of the Internet to resolve conflict. And it believes in the power of compelling ideas to propel themselves into political consciousness if they are able to get exposure and be debated. Scoop is, necessarily, a forum that is neither censored through its own prejudices nor controlled by a multinational media conglomerate. (Scoop News, 2017) Scoop uses ‘Loomio’, an open source software developed by the Enspiral Network and launched in 2012, which has proven to be highly effective at facilitating inclusive and egalitarian organizational processes, permitting cohesive, carefully governed and recorded horizontal – ‘democratic’ – decision making by a distributed network of participants. Scoop describes the use of Loomio in its decision-making model thus: This is an active community in which Scoop’s readers, members and contributors get to be consulted, help make decisions and have discussion about how the Scoop eco-system is organized for people who have volunteered to actively support the Scoop project – anyone can apply to join. If you’re a supporter of Scoop and you’d like to join in ask to join the group. The Future of Scoop will be what we make it together! (Scoop, 2017). Alanna Krause of Loomio describes the software as ‘the operating system for a new kind of organisation’ (Enspiral, 2015; Rushkoff, 2014). The coupling of 76

technical and social systems via Loomio, as a kind of cultural ‘operating system’, permits any participant in a network the equal opportunity to contribute, support, vote on or block decisions from a smartphone application, and the process is recorded for later review (Loomio, 2014). This technology is used by the participants to create a less hierarchical, more stable and transparently mediated format of networked action and interaction that is particularly useful to entrepreneurial ventures. All three of these models of decision making are inevitably subjective, whether by way of personal judgement, through the design of an algorithm or as the product of collaborative discussions by an open group. Today’s reporter attends the scene with a multi-purpose tool such as a smartphone, and as well as conducting interviews for a print story, the reporter will capture audio, still and moving images for web delivery. This audio-visual material is edited by a multimedia producer, but meanwhile the reporter will send the first two paragraphs, images and sound back to the office, returning later to write in longer forms. The information will be edited at a centralized editing facility by multimedia producers, who are a modern form of sub-editor, who may not be co-located with the reporter. As discussed in Chapter 9, the role of sub-editing is becoming increasingly centralized, placing greater responsibility in the hands of reporters, who must accurately edit their own work. During this next step of the production process, the reporters’ deliberations are subjected to fresh scrutiny at a remove, and the focus is on whether the story has met expected standards. If it has not, the reporter may be required to change it, to rewrite, or even to do more interviews. The story will also undergo editing to fit the publication format. For example, broadcast journalism stories are edited to strict time limits. In text-based forms, the final length of the story is determined in part by the style of the publication and the layout of the page. The headline is usually not written by the reporter, but by an editor whose priority is to write a compelling headline within the constraints of the layout. This journalist may also have to cut the text to fit the layout, and make judgements about the copy without reference to the reporter who wrote it. It is here that crucial changes to copy can inadvertently occur.


Decision Making in Action Consider the scenario at the start of this chapter. It has certainly gained your attention, and you have seen the photo, so it could be a news story in which the role of the journalist is simply to collect and record the facts. The public interest in these events may be assumed to be high, based on news values of proximity, relevance, consequence, timeliness and prominence. On another level, answering the questions ‘who, what, where, when, why and how?’ with certainty is a complex task, capable of being interpreted in more than one way. In the scenario described, the first thing you must do is establish whether the tweet is true. You need to establish whether the incident actually happened and whether the account you have been given is accurate and not exaggerated, because once it is published the story will take on a credibility it did not have before – the fact that a topic is trending on Twitter doesn’t mean the information being retweeted is true. For example, 16-year-old Samuel Gardiner managed to fool a huge number of the UK’s football fanatics by pretending to be a sports journalist working for The Times and the Daily Telegraph named Samuel Rhodes. At the height of its popularity, his Twitter account had over 20,000 followers and he was retweeted numerous times by sports websites. Eventually, both The Times and the Daily Telegraph caught on and exposed the account as fraudulent, but not before thousands of people read and shared his completely made-up news updates. The picture in his Twitter profile was also fraudulent – a stock photo of a business man (Bertrand, 2015). So the next thing you must do is establish as fact the information you think you already know. You could grab your coat and race to the scene, but your honest impressions of the scene are hardly ‘facts’. You could pick up the phone, ring stores in the street in question and ask them if they heard anything. But to meet your obligation to the public interest you must provide the audience with reliable answers to the questions ‘who, what, where and when?’. You need to attribute what you assert to be true to an authoritative voice – that is, someone who is likely to have access to the facts. Traditionally, authoritative sources tended to be viewed as people representing institutions. This notion of the authoritative source is under challenge as it is has been shown to favour a small group of voices at the 78

expense of all the others. As audiences lose trust in the credibility of institutions, including commercial media, they tend to place more trust in their own networks. Without having picked up the telephone to dial the police, you are already engaging in critical reflection as you consider the context of the interview you are about to undertake, including the strengths and weaknesses of your human source of information. For example, you might expect that a police officer can provide facts drawn from police records and is an authoritative source. On the other hand, the police officer is an individual whose personal opinions may not be insightful at all, regardless of the certainty with which they are expressed. In 2016, American Mark Hughes was marching in a Black Lives Matter march in his home town when a sniper opened fire. As he ran from the scene he approached a police officer, handed over his own gun, and rushed home. When he got there, he was told that police had tweeted his running image with a message urgently seeking public help in identifying the sniper. Mr Hughes went to the police and identified himself, and was taken into custody. Several hours later, police confirmed the mistake. More than a year later, he was still receiving online death threats and was considering moving to another state. The tweet from the Dallas Police Department’s Twitter account with a photo of Hughes, and the caption ‘This is one of our suspects. Please help us find him’, had made Hughes a target to anyone seeking retribution for the killing of five officers (Solomon, 2017). Hence even an ‘authoritative’ source of information can be completely reliable in one context and completely unreliable in another. It is only by critical reflection in the context of the moment that a reporter can make these judgements. What is the risk in re-tweeting the information before you are satisfied it is true? The reporter must also decide what to ask the interviewee as a means of establishing the facts. Of all the powers exercised by journalists, their decisions about what to include and what to omit from reporting have the greatest influence on the messages received by audiences. There was a sniper on a roof, but does that mean anyone was shot? Does it even mean a gun was fired? If shots were fired and people hurt, is it important to the story to report the identities of those people? What would be achieved by reporting this? During the course of the interview the reporter is constantly reflecting on the information being collected, in the light of the reporter’s own perceptions about the honesty of the interviewee and the potential presence of other agendas in the interview. How will the journalist distinguish between speculation and informed comment? As part of that process, the journalist in 79

this scenario must also consider whether other sources are available to verify the information already collected. Is there any information that you have gathered that you cannot verify? For example, would you include a secondhand account of the incident? If you decided it was too important to the story to leave out, you would probably be valuing the dramatic narrative of the incident over any legal action that might follow the crime. All the same, the journalist must consider the question: ‘Could you defend your choice in court?’. Some facts can be independently verified by seeking out physical evidence. Are some sources, such as databases or other media like websites and books, intrinsically more credible than others? Why? This scenario illustrates the importance of self-efficacy in journalism because in practice so much depends on the journalist’s competence in critical reflection. Once the interview is completed, the reporter must again consider the question: ‘What are the relevant facts?’. This decision is made in light of their own professional understanding of the role of journalism, the public interest, and the interests and priorities of the audience. Before writing, the journalist must also consider: ‘What contextual conditions limit my ambitions and expectations?’. As we have seen, Schon (1986) aptly described the way that professionals reflect in action as ‘the conversations we have with ourselves’. The internal conversation undertaken by the journalist during the act of writing is critical reflection in action. In the scenario given, the reporter has initial control over how the events are described. This task is informed by the closest thing to an ‘expert body of knowledge’ a journalist has – a broadly accepted set of ‘news values’ used to prioritize information. (News values are explored in greater detail in Chapter 4.) In the scenario at the start of this chapter, the predominant news values are likely to be prominence, proximity and relevance, because readers could be directly affected in the short or long term. If there is a political element to the news, the public interest in democracy is also engaged. The reporter’s reflective judgements about the relative importance of these and other news values will drive all decisions about what to include and what to omit from the story. This will be most evident in the introduction to the story, which will establish the ‘angle’ or focus of the story. In this scenario, the reporting is likely to be structured around possible implications of the facts. There is a strong temptation for journalists in a situation like this to seek to answer the question ‘why?’ as early as possible in the reporting, because this question is the most likely reaction of readers to the news. In the case of a breaking story, it is easy to represent speculation as something more 80

substantial. In choosing one angle for the story, you are dismissing others. This choice is a direct reflection of your perceptions about the audience. Other formats are less interested in ‘news’ as breaking information and more focused on issues. If you were writing for Medium, for example, your focus might be on the background of the protest and how this relates to the reported events. The people you would want to talk to may not even have been at the scene. This give and take between writer and reader provides the context for the third distinct phase of critical reflection, which occurs when the reporter reviews the finished article before submitting it for publication. In the scenario outlined above, the reporter evaluates the completed story against the ‘conventions, constraints, languages, exemplars and appreciative systems’ of professional practice (Schon, 1986: 36). This reflection centres on the effectiveness of the writing in disseminating the information the writer set out to impart. A nuanced understanding of different audiences (discussed in Chapter 4) is crucial for all journalists who may find themselves using the same research to write different stories for different audiences. Box 3.1 Decision making in action



Box 3.1 illustrates some of the decisions based on self-observation and critical reflection that might be used in responding to this particular scenario. The internal questions the journalist asks must include an assessment of the veracity of his or her own work. As described in Chapter 2, a journalist must be guided by public interest. Before a journalist can be confident that his or her own work is in the public interest, he or she must be satisfied that assertions can be substantiated and no questions are left unanswered. He or she must also be consciously satisfied that the reporting is fair and that any harm caused to any person by the reporting can be justified as being for the greater good. Critical reflection is fundamental to practice, because it allows journalists to reflect on, assess and understand the nature and meaning of words and the hidden meanings contained within words and news writing as a whole.


Conclusion Critical reflection as part of the practice of journalism should never be confused with the personal navel-gazing that journalists sometimes indulge in at a bar at the end of a long week. It is not about indulging in guilt or defensiveness about action already taken. It is an active commitment in journalists to scrutinize their own actions, exposing the processes and underlying values in their work while they are doing it. Langer (1989) described how ‘process orientation’ not only enables more reliable professional decisions but adds a dimension of self-efficacy: Awareness of the process of making real choices along the way makes it less likely that we will feel guilty in retrospect… . On occasion, after learning the consequences of a choice, we may wish we had chosen differently, but we still tend not to be quite as hard on ourselves when we know why we did what we did. True process orientation also means being aware that every outcome is preceded by a process. (p. 75) Langer names the process orientation that she describes as ‘mindfulness’, and this book seeks to develop mindful understanding of journalism and reflective practice. The second part of this book explores in detail the professional decisions that guide reporters in their practice. This subjective process directs all aspects of the reporter’s craft – how they identify news, do primary and secondary research, evaluate sources, construct and edit news. The way the reporter resolves the many questions faced in pursuit of the story is a reflection of the interaction of the reporter’s professional, commercial and ethical values.


Further Action 1. Look at breaking news stories on online national media. What part do pictures play? 2. Choose a front-page story. Do you believe it? Why? 3. Try posting a tweet with a highly unusual string of words, then go to Google and search for that same string.


Further Reading Adam, S.G. (1993) Notes Towards a Definition of Journalism: Understanding an Old Craft as an Art Form. St Petersburg, FL: The Poynter Institute for Media Studies. Bell, E. (2015) Hugh Cudlipp Lecture. Available from: www.theguardian.com/technology/2007/jul/25/media.newmedia (accessed 15 September 2017).


Part Two Journalism in Action


4 Finding Stories You are waiting at the local railway station and you overhear two people talking about a commotion the evening before at a local park. The gist of their conversation is that a youth group that meets in the community hall adjoining the park is out of control, and that the group often spills noisily into the park where there is drinking and other illicit activity. The conversationalists agree that decent people are afraid to go to the park at night and the police don’t seem to be doing much about it. Is there a story here? For most inexperienced journalists, the idea of ‘finding’ news is the most daunting part of the job. Their uncertainty about where to begin is not helped by the language still used by journalists to describe ‘news’. They talk about having a ‘nose’ for news, and ‘seeing’ the story they later write. Few journalists, when pressed, can find a standardized definition of news, but all would say they know a good story when they see it. This chapter explores the nature of news and the factors influencing the exercise of news judgement – particularly the role of the intended audience.


Defining News The word ‘news’ has been used to describe the things journalists write about for at least 500 years, and was in use well before newspapers were around. News, both important and frivolous, gets people talking to one another, binding them through common interests that provide a sense of community. It also distributes information that people need to exercise judgement about what is happening in the world around them. People use the news to help them make up their minds so they can function as informed citizens. It also helps them organize their daily lives by advising them about predicted weather, transport problems or the upcoming tour of a popular act. There is no reliable rule about exactly what constitutes news because there are too many variables to predict. ‘What people talk about’ can be just about anything, and is usually something a little out of the ordinary. Even the weather can be important news if it is unpredictable or relentless enough. Cyclones, big thunderstorms, prolonged periods of heat, wet, dry or fog and lightning strikes are always news where they occur, because they are uncommon. Reporting on uncommon events is a major part of the journalist’s repertoire, as is reporting predicted or ‘expected’ news. ‘Expected news’ is a term that may be used to describe the everyday events that journalists cover. News editors become aware of these stories through media releases, invitations and other forms of advance notice. ‘Unexpected news’ can be used to describe the news that is collected as a result of a regular call to the local law enforcement agency. It also covers the news that reporters become aware of through observation, or a ‘tip-off’ from the public or a ‘contact’. Successful journalists are often known for their wide range of ‘contacts’ – people who provide them with news ideas or interviews. Journalists create ‘contacts’ by staying on good terms with the people they come into contact with, and recording the contact details of everyone who is useful to them in covering a story. All journalists, wherever they work and whatever they write, write for an audience. Their work exists for the people who consume the message they send. They share the common aim of attracting and moving their audience in some way, and the definition of a ‘good story’ is one that is interesting to the target audience. In this sense, all journalism is news journalism, whether it is a news story published in traditional news media, on a long-form journalism 89

site, or a monologue self-posted on the Internet. Looking at the range of journalism that does get published, it is apparent that journalism has a variety of impacts. It can be used to get bad laws changed and expose crime, just as it can create fashions and provide a level of fame for people out of all proportion with their usefulness to society. Finding ‘news’, when defined as ‘what interests a consumer’, is a complex and subjective task that has far reaching implications. The most important tool in a journalist’s kit is curiosity. To find and write stories, you need to be constantly thinking about the questions that arise in your mind as you observe and participate in the world around you. However, the things that attract you may not be interesting to the audience you are trying to reach. So journalists refine their thinking by filtering it through ‘news values’ – themes that have been shown to resonate with audiences over time.


News Values More than 50 years ago, Galtung and Ruge (1965) created the concept of a news value by describing how different aspects of an event increase the likelihood of it being selected as news by journalists. Lipmann (1922) was the first to argue that journalists select the news they publish not randomly or because they are influenced by personal interests, but according to the anticipated value a given news story would have for their audiences. This is a news value system at work that journalists acquire in the course of their training, or through socialization, and which guides them in their news selection (Harrison, 2006). On the Internet, we not only find traditional cultural industry intermediaries, like mass media journalists, but also a growing number of bloggers, social media users and special interest opinion leaders who are organized around specific topics. The Internet has made the concept of a news value less important to explanations of a journalist’s choices. But an audience’s capacity to absorb and digest journalism still remains limited, as does the opinion leader’s ability to share news. Even at the level of the individual online opinion leader, a certain filtration process still has to take place. Box 4.1 Galtung and Ruge news values Frequency Threshold Unambiguity Meaningfulness Unexpectedness Consonance Elites Personalization Negativity

Galtung and Ruge (1965) established a list of 12 factors that together determine the news value of a story. Since then, many authors have built on or edited their list, including Bell (1991). Galtung and Ruge described their list of news value factors as cumulative and compensatory – the more news value factors a story has, the more newsworthy it is. However, a missing factor can be compensated by another one (for example, a really brutal killer who killed a lot of people does not have to be prominent or from a 91

culturally/geographically proximate country). Palmer (2000) tested Galtung and Ruge’s news value factors and found that different news outlets may prefer different news stories. Some media focused more on human interests and others on political news, indicating that different stories or values are relevant to different audiences. Journalists decide what they think is relevant to their respective audiences, and whether it can be understood by them – and they feel they have to reflect popular tastes in order to appeal to mass audiences (Allern, 2002). More cynically put, market mechanisms turn journalism into a service profession, and journalists are service intermediaries for their audiences. Curran and Seaton (2003) argued that news values help journalists to turn complicated reality into ‘neat’ stories that reinforce stereotypes and established points of view. In more recent cultural industries research, there are indications that news values remain an important concept to explain cultural flows. While fulfilling all news value factors is no guarantee for coverage, the concept of news value tries to explain on what basis opinion leaders attempt to serve their audiences. The basic news values are described below: Impact refers to the relevance a story has to the audience’s lives. It goes beyond advice on everyday things, to cover stories such as freak weather that takes off scores of roofs in a local residential area. It might be a price rise that affects a lot of people, it might be changed arrangements for a sporting event, or a proposed change in the law. But measuring impact today demands far more than a simple matter of asking how many or how much – it means examining how a change in any system affects those involved in its web and what effects those changes may have. Timeliness refers to information that helps people organize their lives. It might be a bus strike that people need to know about before they leave for work, a hailstorm predicted for Thursday night, or a tax that comes into effect in four weeks’ time. In the 24-hour news cycle, timeliness becomes redefined around minutes rather than hours or days. Proximity refers to how ‘close to home’ a story is. That is, how a car crash that kills four people in the community where you live comes to be seen as more important than 4000 dead in Somalia. For example, there were 96 wars ongoing at the same time as the 1991 Gulf War, but only one got widespread international coverage. Nevertheless, proximity takes on new meaning in the digital environment of live-streaming on social and other digital media. Conflict is the news value most people associate with media, and is often seen as the most important news value in today’s media. There has to be more than one side to a story of conflict, and the stronger the contrast 92

between the points of view, the greater the conflict. Conflict is present in news that ‘afflicts the comfortable’ by making them anxious or guilty. It is also what is meant by the tabloid dictum to ‘anchor every story to its emotional base’. Currency is the term used to describe how ‘hot’ an issue is at any one time. Environmental issues have a currency at the moment that has never existed before. The women’s movement had currency in the 1970s and lost it again in the 1990s. A single event can also create currency for a topic. For example, a politician making racist remarks in parliament can give race-relations-based issues currency. Prominence is a news value that privileges the activities of well-known people over the activities of unknown people. A person’s prominence was once defined by their contribution to society, but in the digital age this has been replaced by celebrity. A person may achieve prominence simply through being a celebrity. Human interest is a news value that prioritizes stories that shed some light on the human condition. Such stories can have high news value without being attached to current events. Novelty is given a high news value. There is an adage about journalism: ‘It’s not news if a dog bites a man, but if a man bites a dog then it is news.’ Of course, like most generalizations, it falls apart if, for example, the biting dog is in a pack of ten roaming a suburban street. The unusual can also be found in serious stories. For example, a politician sticking to the party line is not news, but a politician changing sides is news. Relativity is the most complex and subjective news value. Sometimes even when a story meets all the tests of news, it does not get published. The phenomenon puzzles people outside the industry. Why, for example, is the review of one amateur drama production published prominently and the next show ignored? Why is the wedding of one TV personality front-page news while another’s goes unreported? Relative news value is also affected by the medium the journalist is using. Some events, such as firework displays, are considered more important as ‘TV stories’ because the visual medium displays the spectacle of fireworks to best effect. TV prioritizes vision, or interesting pictures, which explains why TV stations around the world will broadcast images of a tall chimney stack being demolished by explosives. Or as a TV news producer once quipped: ‘Fraud doesn’t give you vision.’ Colour photographs can also record the images, but they lack the sound of the fireworks exploding or the gasps from the spectators. Stories best suited to radio are those that are unfolding and changeable. During the 1999 conflict in East Timor, many foreigners were 93

trapped in their consulates without communications. Radio journalists, calling mobile telephone numbers, were able to record and distribute live information at a time when journalists could not get in or out of the area. News values are also applied relatively in consideration of the genre. Certain values, such as human interest, are always important in visual storytelling, as is setting a scene. In podcasts, the need for audio texture will prioritize certain values. In the digital environment, multimedia is used to tell stories, with different values assigned to different parts of the package. Virality has emerged as a news value in a digital environment dominated by social media. It is evident when a story, or media such as an image or video, is shared among many people in a short time frame. So a story may have huge currency without being of any importance – for example, a YouTube video of someone’s cat that goes ‘viral’ and scores millions of hits.


Algorithm-Driven News Values With the development of online journalism sites and social media news feeds, algorithms have been created by many organizations to track what is interesting to audiences. BuzzFeed, for example, privileges virality as a news value. It bases editorial decisions on an algorithm that reviews stories from hundreds of other sites to see which stories are most vigorously shared. Algorithm-driven news values do not privilege the ‘news sense’ of journalists, but the responses of audiences.


Mission Statements as News Values In the post-industrial era, journalism has emerged in different digital environments and publications have emerged that are focused more on sustainability than profit. These publications are often built around a clearly articulated mission statement that replaces the commercial imperative to be popular with as many people as possible. For example, online publication The Mission takes its news values from this mission statement: We strive to publish as many evergreen stories as possible. We want to publish stories that will matter today, next year and, if we’re lucky, for decades… . Each story must align with our themes – Technology and science; Explorations; and Improving the Human Condition. We love promoting uplifting stories about the individuals and teams lifting humanity and creating a better world… . Each story should try to tie in to an important topic (whether its importance was lost in the past, exists now, or will be vital in the future). Our stories seek to explore, entertain, and spark conversation around rapidly emerging technologies and issues. (Postles, 2017) Many of Galtung and Ruge’s new values would be excluded by The Mission’s editors, including conflict, timeliness, currency and virality. Scoop.nz is a daily online publication owned by the Scoop Foundation in New Zealand. It also articulates its own priorities when it comes to selecting news for publication. Scoop describes itself as ‘an open forum for a variety of sources to co-exist, just as the sources intended’, which is in line with the organization’s mission: Scoop believes in the power of information to transform lives. It believes in the power of the internet to resolve conflict. And it believes in the power of compelling ideas to propel themselves into political consciousness if they are able to get exposure and be debated. Scoop is, necessarily, a forum that is neither censored through its own prejudices nor controlled by a multimedia conglomerate. (Mission – Scoop News, 2017)


Social enterprises such as Scoop describe their mission in ethical terms, and with a clear social purpose that also rejects some traditional new values.


Visual News Values The visual dimension of storytelling became increasingly dominant during the twentieth century, but became suddenly enhanced by digital media and online contexts of journalism. Urry argues that photography should ‘not be viewed as part of the gradual unfolding and continuous history of visual representation’, but instead as ‘the most significant component of a new cultural economy of value and exchange in which visual images are given extraordinary mobility and exchangeability’ (2014: 86). The broad availability of mobile communication devices that include a high-quality, easy-to-use camera that can capture both photographs and video means that journalists now use these devices as an all-in-one content creation and sharing tool. As a result, the need to sort through and find reliable and relevant visual content has become a common task for journalists. Indeed, a key outcome of the rise of online journalism, and the digital expertise that has accompanied it, has been a growing demand for ‘a special capacity to identify significance within informational clutter’, which ‘takes the practices of thematic selection and message filtering that have long been aspects of news journalism and elevates them to new jurisdictional importance at the core of the identity of online journalism’ (Boyer, 2010: 87). There is now ‘the desire within news organisations and amongst members of the public for “as it happens” reporting from the scene of incidents, regardless of geographical proximity’ (Mythen, 2010: 52). This pattern has involved increased audience participation, as news-based media outlets routinely advertise calls to the public for submissions of photographs and video, particularly during news events – such content plays a major role in determining what is and is not considered news. Images and text do the same thing. They both tell a story. So when a journalist surveys a scene and takes a photo or shoots some video, they are thinking of the story they have to tell and how they will tell it. Visual storytelling usually focuses on the human or living elements. That could be a person, but it could also be something that shows the scale of a landscape or puts a story in context. Saggin describes how this process is the same for writers and photographers: Journalists assume the reader knows nothing about their story and include all the facts. As a photographer, assume the same and include the 98

‘who, what, when, where and why’ in your visual story. This is why overall/scene setters are important. Watch TV and, whether it be news, drama or a movie, and you’ll see how often they start a scene with an overall shot and work their way in – the visual inverted pyramid at work. It might be a cliché but ‘a photo tells a thousand words’ is true. You can’t tell a story if you have little or no facts. (Saggin, 2016) The goal is to draw the viewer in, often by putting them in the place of the subject or the photographer. Saggin emphasizes the storytelling element of visual journalism as a reminder that images are never merely decorative in journalism, and must add something to the narrative. Another element of visual storytelling is data visualization, a process that often relies on software to present complex ideas in a way that is easy to comprehend. Data visualization can be a form of journalism, depending on the story that it tells. Data visualization is explored further in Chapter 8. When it comes to applying the news values discussed above to visual storytelling, differences are created by the mode of interpretation. Impact and timeliness are highly valued in visual storytelling, because you are seeking to draw the viewer into the story as though they were there. Conflict is also a strong value because drama and action make an image more compelling and memorable. Novelty is often better demonstrated through images than words, as is celebrity. The most important value, though, is human interest as the visual storyteller seeks to give the viewer a lived experience of the story. News values all come down to the professional judgement of journalists. Their decisions depend on how much news there is to choose from, how much is positive and how much is negative, and understanding the target audience. For most people starting out in journalism, news is whatever the editor says it is. Journalists hear lots of points of view, but each will have to reach their own conclusions. They call on ‘news sense’ to recognize the potential news value in facts that might by themselves seem unimportant, and to select the parts that will interest people. News sense is finding ways to bring the audience into the story, making connections between facts and events, and predicting the way an audience will react. News sense is relatively easy to develop, if you ask yourself the right questions. Before you can do that, you must identify your own position, or point of view. Hall (1992) argues that journalists never deliver a single meaning but many meanings, in which one is preferred and offered, over others, as the ‘most appropriate’.


In a scenario such as the one at the beginning of this chapter, individual journalists and their editors play a crucial role in whether a dock strike is represented in the media as a defence of workers’ rights, or a minority group holding the public to ransom. The position from which the journalist observes the ‘facts’ determines the presentation of the ‘truth’. Patterson and Wilkins conclude that news reflects certain cultural values and professional norms (1994: 26). They argue that journalists’ ‘nose for news’ is based on a definition of news that has developed out of their professional training and experience. Gurevitch found that adherence to professional definitions of news values may also act as a powerful force for conformity; that is, for arriving at a common answer, across an otherwise diverse set of news outlets, to the question ‘What is the most significant news today?’ (1990: 282).


Finding News in Action The scenario set out at the beginning of this chapter is a common experience for journalists because they are actively curious. Journalists become accustomed to almost subconsciously assessing the news value of ideas as they arise. Many good ideas have come to mind when a journalist was doing something else. It might be something observed on the way to work or a conversation at a party, or it might be something read in other media that triggers a question or an idea. In the case of the people congregating in the park, you must decide whether the idea warrants further investigation. This is the internal process of professional decisionmaking – Schon’s ‘conversations we have with ourselves’. The most important question to be answered is: ‘Would people be interested to know about this?’. To answer this question, you must answer several more related ones. In this case, you must identify the stakeholders in the story and decide whether they would want the story told. The people most affected by the subject of the potential story are the residents living near the park, the people who go there and the general public, who may, if the complainants are right, be inhibited from going to the park because of the alleged activity. Next, you must identify the ‘news values’ or factors that make a story interesting and important to audiences by asking yourself: ‘What are the news values attached to these conclusions?’. In the case of this scenario, the answers might include: proximity, because people are interested in the things that affect them directly; relevance, because parents need to know if their children are at risk; timeliness, because if there is danger, people should be aware of it; and public interest, because people have a right to know if there is anything to worry about. Are there other important values to consider? If you are telling a visual story, you might be drawn to the conflict in the situation, so you need to consider that images must convey the facts too. You must also consider the way a lot of stories told in the media tend to reflect the status quo in society. What influence do media stereotypes have on your thinking through of these questions? In resolving the questions, the journalist is ultimately deciding whether telling the story is ‘in the public interest’. The ‘public interest’ is not the same as ‘what the public is interested in’. The public interest or ‘public good’ is served by telling an audience things they need to or have a right to know. As part of 101

deciding whether something is in the public interest, you must decide whether telling the story could harm anyone, and whether this harm is justified. Before proceeding you must decide whether using information overheard in a private conversation is justified. First, consult your conscience. How do you feel about what you are considering? Will the conversationalists be identified? Could they be harmed by your appropriation of their information? How would you feel if you were in their position? Second, ask yourself: ‘Is there another way to achieve my objective without using the information?’. In this case, the information is an idea, or tip-off. Could you tell this story without the element of conflict you have overheard? Is all conflict newsworthy? Why? Should you identify yourself to the conversationalists at the station and tell them you have overheard their conversation? Should you ask their permission to follow up the idea? What will you do if they say no? If you do not follow it up, are you then meeting your obligations to your audience, and to your employer? Finally, conduct conversations in your head with all the parties involved, asking ‘How will my decision affect others?’. Your boss would probably say, ‘If there’s trouble in a public place people have a right to know’. The local residents would stand to benefit if the alleged noise problems stopped. You might assume that the people complained about would deny the allegations, and if the conversationalists were wrong, then the people gathering in the park would likely want to be vindicated. Before you finally decide whether the story is in the public interest, you need to consider the social context in which the alleged activity was happening. Some societies and communities take an uncompromising stand against breaches of public order, while in others there is a high level of tolerance for public conduct. Depending on the prevailing social attitudes and laws, your conclusions about public interest might include the notion that residents have a democratic and legal right to privacy and to not be disturbed at night. You might conclude that there are laws against excessive noise, and if illegal activities are taking place they should be stopped. You might also conclude that if potentially dangerous activities go unchecked, someone may be harmed, and the park is a public place where all citizens have a legal right to feel safe. You might decide that this is a local story affecting local people who are part of the target audience; and if people are already talking about the allegations, the audience would be reassured to know if the rumours are 102



Pursuing the Story Based on your conclusions reached from the discussion above, you may decide that the story is worth pursuing. This decision creates a whole new series of questions that must be answered and it is here that the reporter first exercises the media’s power to define ‘the taken-for-granted world’. Each individual journalist has the responsibility of knowing something, of deciding what questions are raised, getting answers, and selectively putting it together to tell a real story about real people. The individual reporter has so much power because it is the journalist who makes sense of information, who tells people what to think about. That is why reporters need to know what they understand and why before they can identify the right questions to ask others. First you must ask ‘What do I already know?’. There are three kinds of knowledge: what you know; what you don’t know; and what you don’t know that you don’t know. For reporters, this means facts you can substantiate; questions you want answered; and factors you have yet to consider. To establish what is known, you must first establish how it is known. The first step is to identify whether any of the ‘facts’ are actually assumptions. You must establish the veracity of information – whether it can be independently proved or is an unsubstantiated opinion. In this scenario, the ‘tip-off’ is an opinion shared by two strangers who are overheard at a railway station. How can their opinion be verified and by whom? You might opt to seek the points of view of other groups likely to be affected by the alleged incidents before making a decision. This leads to the second important question in this part of the process: ‘How do I choose interviewees?’. It is an important question, because the sources you choose and those you prioritize will direct what you eventually write. All the potential interviewees must be evaluated for their strengths and weaknesses as sources of information. In this scenario, the local residents may provide first-hand experience of the alleged problems and be a source of colourful quotes about their experiences that enhance the audience’s understanding of the facts. These same residents may also feel very strongly about the issue and may even be prone to exaggeration, so information provided by them that is outside their personal experience would need to be substantiated in an authoritative way. If you are telling a visual story, the way you frame images of the residents will have a direct impact on the way they are perceived by viewers. If the image accompanying a story is of anxious104

looking residents, it will portray them as the victims, even if the text is more balanced. Should you choose to visit the park, the images you collect will influence whether the audience determines that the park is safe. At a time when most people carry mobile phones with a camera, it is possible that you could be offered video or photographs that you are told show the commotion the night before. Most media organizations accept this type of ‘eye-witness’ citizen journalism because ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’. How will you know whether it is real? How will you know whether it is a true representation of the events? The police should be able to provide facts about any incidents reported to them or official action taken, but are unlikely to offer opinions. Police officers might also be expected to focus their information in accordance with the official perspective on whether there is a law-and-order issue surrounding the complaints. The local government authority or park owner can provide substantiated facts about whether any damage has been found at the park or any other evidence of large public gatherings. This body should also be able to substantiate whether residents have complained under any noise pollution laws. The youth group organizers, whose activities have been criticized, should have an opportunity to answer the allegations before you publish them. Apart from a right of reply, this group offers another perspective on the youth club activities and may offer other insights into the source of the complaints. Individual youth group members, like the local residents, may offer colourful quotes to assist in bringing the story to life for the audience. If they deny their gatherings are rowdy and out of control, information from these sources can help the reporter and the public to decide whether the criticism is warranted. Again, your images of this group will be scrutinized by the viewer for clues to understanding the ‘real story’. Once you have identified the informants necessary to substantiate the idea, you must decide ‘Who do I speak to first?’. This is an important decision, because as you collect information, it is tested against the information gained before. The order in which you conduct any interviews can profoundly affect the direction of the story. For example, speaking to local residents first might seem a good place to start, to establish whether the story is worth pursuing. This group offers a human and emotional perspective on the issue in everyday language accessible to the media audience. This group is also usually less expert than 105

statutory bodies in dealing with media interviews and may be ignorant of the legal implications of strongly held views. To speak to this group first will define the conflict element of the story in human terms, but may assign untested credibility to this perspective in the preparation of future interview questions. On the other hand, if your first stop is the police, the perspective you get on this story will be in relation to the potential law-and-order issue and the authority’s general desire positively to reinforce community perceptions of police responsiveness. This group is usually experienced in providing information to the media and may be sceptical about media interest. The police often take a minimalist approach to providing information to the media to decrease the likelihood of the story being taken further. You also need to be aware that individual police officers are sometimes more expansive than official policy allows and offer personal opinions mixed with official information. If you go to the local government authority first, you might reasonably expect its perspective to focus on the effects on council property and issues about where jurisdiction lies in responsibility for the ratepayers’ concerns. You might expect that the authority’s perceptions will be coloured by a general desire to be seen in a good light. If you go to the youth group organizers first, you might expect their answers to focus on ensuring the continuation of the youth group. Because this group has been the subject of complaint, do you assume they will be hostile to your approach? Will this affect your questions and the way you ask them? If you speak to this group before the residents, what effect will it have on your questions to the latter group? Do you need to establish the exact nature of the allegations before you talk to the group organizers? Is this group more credible than the individual young people who are members of it? If you go first to individual youth group members, you face the same problems as faced in interviewing residents – they can offer opinions rather than facts. You must also consider whether you have assumed what they are going to say and how this has affected the preparation of your questions. Because the reporter will be the one conducting the interviews, it is important that you have considered the relative strengths and weaknesses of the various groups used as sources. So, before and after the interviews, you must ask: ‘What information do I reasonably expect to get from them?’. For example, it is very important not to ask people for answers they are not able or qualified to provide. In the case of the local residents you can expect to be told ‘the facts’ as the interviewees see them. But is the information specific or generalized? Is it information that can be verified, and how? Do the 106

interviewees seem credible? Why? Could the interviewees have an undeclared motive for wanting the youth group meetings stopped? All these factors could significantly affect the amount of credibility you assign to this source. In interviewing the police, you are primarily seeking to establish verifiable ‘facts’, such as recorded information about whether anyone has been charged with a crime. Do the police facts support the story you set out to pursue? What is the official police position on the allegations? Interviews with individual police officers can be a source of quotes including the more general social issue of public behaviour. The other statutory authority can also substantiate whether any reports of damage to the park or the hall have been recorded. Officials might be able to verify whether or not the authority is aware of complaints about noise or other disturbances. This body can also provide facts about any regulations or restrictions covering the hire of the hall. When it comes to the youth group organizers and youth group members you find yourself asking similar questions to those asked about local residents. Is their information specific or generalized? Is it information that can be verified, and how? Do the interviewees seem credible? Why? Could the interviewees have a motive for denying the allegations? As the accused, are they less credible than the local residents? Are there additional considerations involved in interviewing young people? The processes used in gathering news are explored in detail in Chapter 5. After you have completed preliminary interviews, you are in a position to make the crucial decision about whether the emerging story should be offered for publication. One little understood feature of news gathering is that journalists’ preliminary enquiries often lead to nothing. Before you decide whether to offer the story, you must be able confidently to answer the question: ‘What are the facts?’. To find this answer, many more questions must be asked. You must decide whether any of the information collected cannot be verified. If that is the case, is it so important to the story it cannot be left out? If the decision is yes, what news values are you assigning priority in using unverified information? The journalist must also decide whether sources are credible. They will certainly appear to be credible once the media is a forum for their views. Are some sources, for example ‘official’ ones, intrinsically more credible than others? You must be satisfied that you can substantiate everything that is asserted and that your decision can be defended – in court if necessary. As part of this, you must once again ask yourself whether any information is 107

assumed to be ‘known’, without substantiation. Before taking the decision to write, ask yourself whether there is a single statement or quote that embodies the central issue in the story. Can a story be structured around this? What news values are given priority as you consider the information? Why? Have you assigned ‘hero’ or ‘villain’ status to any party? Have you been fair to all parties? How you evaluate your information before constructing the story is explored further in Chapters 6, 7 and 8. Box 4.2 Finding news in action



Finally, you reach the point of deciding ‘Is there a story worth telling here?’. How that question is answered is a reflection of the sum of the decisions already made about the relative values associated with this story. Throughout, you have been making decisions based on your understanding of the audience, and the public interest. In the workplace you also consider the news values given priority by your news organization. News organizations usually have a particular audience in mind when they prioritize news values. Online journalism sites emerging from the creative industries often publish a mission statement, which articulates new values. In the case of the people in the park, the demographics of the community and media audience are significant. If the park is an area of the city that is always busy late into the night, and most residents are young and/or transient, then the news value attached to public disturbances is less than if the area is residential and populated by elderly home owners. If the audience is known to be an older demographic, then it might be assumed that issues about public disturbances would be more important to them than to a younger community. If you are writing for a youth-oriented radio station, the angle you take on the complaints might be quite different. Similarly, if the news organization publishes only to a local audience, the activity in a local park is more relevant than it would be to an audience that includes a whole metropolitan city. A news organization that publishes to this group would likely require a wider news value, such as indications of a bigger problem, before publishing to its audience. To reach a reliable decision to proceed, you must again consider all you know in the light of public interest and the public’s right to know. In this case, the decision is achieved by re-visiting the questions asked in your first internal conversation about the story. Will the story harm anyone? Can the story be told without harming anyone or their interests? Does the good done by publishing this information outweigh any harm that might be done? Why? Finally, you can decide whether your idea is ‘news’. Whatever the decision, there is one more thing to think about. Consider the sum of the ‘facts’ and ask: ‘Are other potential stories prompted by this one?’. Even if you decide to proceed with the park story, part of your job is to consider ways in which the story that exists might lead to other potential stories. For example, the park scenario could prompt an investigation into the cost to the community caused by vandalism. How would a reporter pursue this idea? Where would be the best place to start? The same scenario could also generate an idea about the 110

range of facilities for youth groups in the community. Whose perspective is the most authoritative on this? A follow-up story on the park might be an investigation of juvenile crime or drug use in the community. If so, what facts need to be established first and where would the information be found?


Conclusion This chapter has revealed the process used by journalists to identify and evaluate potential news stories. It has revealed it as a series of decisions that may be applied to every idea a journalist encounters. The ‘right’ answers in every case are a direct reflection of other aspects of the context in which the decisions are being made. These factors include: the role of the news publication in the community; the community’s pre-existing attitudes to the topic; the demographic profile of the target audience; individual values and your view about the media’s role in serving the public interest. Through being mindful of this process, you will develop confidence in your ability to know how to make the best decisions in each case. How you might organize and express the ‘facts’ as news involves a whole new series of decisions, which are explored in Chapter 9.


Further Action 1. Take a walk in your local area, looking for potential stories. Or take a bus and observe your fellow passengers. Find three possible stories worth investigating. 2. Choose a news story in print, on TV or online. Try to describe the target reader by considering the language, angle and style of the piece. 3. Conduct an audit of non-mass media news sites. What are their news values? 4. What other, related, stories are prompted by the events described in the scenario?


Further Reading Clarke, M.D. (2016) ‘It’s time for a new set of news values: here’s where we start’. Available from: www.poynter.org/2016/its-time-for-a-new-set-of-newsvalues-heres-where-we-should-start/418952/ (accessed 22 September 2017). Mullin, B. (2016a) ‘At long last Facebook articulates a set of news values’. Available from: www.poynter.org/2016/at-long-last-facebook-articulates-aset-of-news-values/419365/ (accessed 22 September 2017). Palmer, J. (2000) Spinning into Control: News Values and Source Strategies. London: Leicester University Press. Patterson, P. and Wilkins, L. (1994) Media Ethics: Issues and Cases, 3rd edn. Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill.


5 Choosing Stories You are reporting the local court and are surprised to see a very prominent politician there. You discover that the politician’s 21-year-old son has been charged with common assault and assaulting a police officer. You attend the hearing and learn that police were called when the politician’s son became extremely agitated at a railway station when asked for his ticket. When the police arrived, a scuffle broke out and a police officer suffered a broken nose. The court is told the 21-year-old is receiving treatment for a psychotic illness and was frightened and deluded when approached by the police. The court finds the offence is proven but no conviction is recorded. Will you report the story? If so, how? Are there limits on the public role of a public figure? Perhaps the greatest power wielded by journalists is in choosing, from all the things that happen, the information that will be presented to the audience as news. Every decision to report is accompanied by decisions to ignore other happenings as less important or interesting. The audience, too, is aware that news media provide edited highlights of a day’s events, rather than comprehensive coverage. So when something is selected for publication, its prominence in the public sphere is inevitably increased. Journalists were traditionally urged to be ‘objective’ in their selections of news, thus mediating their power with social responsibility. This was never achievable because objectivity is a value-free concept, whereas journalists’ decisions are always based on the prioritizing of values. True objectivity dictates that every story is published no matter how interesting it is perceived to be. When a professional value system is applied to choosing news, it should be assessed on its importance to society, but ‘good’ photographs still get boring stories published at the expense of important ones. Commercial news is presented in an attractive package because news providers are in commercial competition with one another for the loyalty of a similar audience. As discussed in Chapter 4, these decisions are influenced by news ‘values’. These taxonomies of items that people find interesting include values such as entertainment and human interest, which may not serve the public interest at all. As journalism is tailored to serve markets, critics argue that instead of 115

providing a clearer picture of the world, the media provides one that satisfies and reassures the dominant group in society. The effect is to create a climate where journalists cease to challenge or confront audiences, unless it is over an issue where the public’s position is clear. Some journalists still aim to disturb the complacency of their audience, but by and large mainstream journalism supports the status quo by ‘mirroring’ the society in which it participates (Altschull, 1984). Altschull’s analogy of a mirror fails to take into account that journalists are never impassive observers – they are implicated as players in politics, policy and society. For example, minorities or any people who challenge the universality of the status quo are not perceived to have high news value. Or, as a metropolitan daily editor announced at a news conference after the publication of a series of articles about homelessness: ‘I don’t want any more stories about losers. Our readers aren’t losers.’ Another way that journalists exercise enormous power is in their capacity to bring private citizens to public attention. It may be argued that the media creates public figures by giving them repeated prominence. Certainly, the media sometimes directly assigns celebrity or public status to private individuals. Consider the case of Monica Lewinsky, who became internationally notorious when her affair with former US President Bill Clinton became public in 1998. The objective news value of that story was that the US president was accused of acting with impropriety and lying about it, so the actual identity of the person with whom he had consorted was irrelevant, unless there was something illegal in their association. Decades later, the activities of Ms Lewinsky are still attributed with sufficient news value to justify reports about her being published in international media as recently as 2017. She has her own Wikipedia entry, and an Internet search for her name returns more than 5,500,000 hits, despite the fact that most people under the age of 30 don’t recognize her name. In this sense, it may be argued that she has become a public figure, even though she did not seek public attention, nor did she hold a public office. Whether an individual is a public or private figure is significant in the relative values applied to choosing news. In some countries, such as the USA, a public figure has fewer legal rights to privacy than a person without a public profile. The ethical values that journalists bring to these decisions about choosing news are often called into question. Janet Malcolm began a controversial article published in The New Yorker with the words: Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice 116

what’s going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible. He is a kind of confidence man, preying on people’s vanity, ignorance or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse. (Malcolm, 1989: 38) The real sting in Ms Malcolm’s article and later book, The Journalist and the Murderer, is not its powerful language, but its essential truth. Most journalists at some point know the triumph of interviewing, for example, a petty bureaucrat who inadvertently reveals his disdain for the people he is supposed to help. The journalist gleefully records the damning comments, knowing the official will regret them when he sees them published, that he will feel used and that he will have to answer to his superiors. Yet putting the phone down, the journalist does not feel unethical. It is ‘Yes! Got him’. Journalists face such decisions every day. All professions face ethical conflicts, but journalists publish the results of theirs. For this reason, you need to know why you are doing what you are doing. By scrutinizing your processes, you can be confident that your practice is also ethical.


Choosing the News Every day journalists take information known only to a small group of people and publish it to a larger audience, invoking professional decisions about public interest, trustworthiness of sources and invasion of privacy. Journalists constantly seek a balance between the way they want to write the story, the way to write the story to get the biggest audience, and the way to write the story while doing the least harm to the fewest number of people. Often there are dilemmas to resolve because the things that journalists write about are real. The people and places are real and so are the consequences of what is published. While the scale of the dilemmas encountered in deciding what should be published varies, the potential for harm is undiminished. The decision whether to publish details of a crime for fear of prompting copy-cat attacks may be, in practice, no more crucial than the decision whether to publish the name of a person arrested for indecent exposure whose elderly mother has just had a stroke. Somebody could die. Somebody’s family could be permanently ruptured. Journalists make ethical decisions constantly in ways that profoundly affect their work. Even not considering the impact of what you write is an ethical decision of sorts, and the evidence of these decisions is found in the way you portray the person you just interviewed. For example, consider the case of whether you publish that a bank manager was booked for urinating in the gutter. If you make this public and he is humiliated or he loses his job, the effect of your ethical decision will be devastating for him, even though the crime is a misdemeanour. Making an ethical decision is never easy, and the only way to be able to do it with confidence is to practise. Deciding what to do is seldom as simple as consulting your conscience and deciding what is ‘right’, because a decision requires weighing numerous, often competing, factors. In everyday journalism, values are multiple. There is the desire to get to the truth, and to write the best story you can in a compelling way. There is the desire to please the employer by meeting the editor’s definition of a good story. There are also social or ethical values to consider, such as acting in the public interest and maintaining the individual’s right to privacy. Of all the journalist’s ‘internal conversations’ the most crucial surrounds public interest – and striking the balance between the public interest, what the 118

public is interested in and the potential harm publication could do. All the decisions that follow – how to research, evaluate sources, construct the story and write it – are dependent on the subject position adopted by the journalist at this point. An ethical dilemma occurs when competing moral values collide. A moral value is a tenet or rule of conduct, such as ‘lying is bad’ or ‘thou shalt not kill’. But what if there is someone at your door who wants you to reveal the whereabouts of a third person so that person may be murdered? Lying is bad; killing is bad; you must choose. Perhaps you will opt to say nothing, avoiding the lie while not telling the truth, but in doing so you are choosing to distance yourself from the decision as to whether a third person dies. Every decision has consequences. In journalism, the dilemma might revolve around choosing to publish something that will cause someone to be embarrassed. Making a decision is a no-win situation because some important value, such as the individual’s right to privacy, is going to be compromised. How comfortable a journalist feels with the implications of his or her choices depends on the ethical value system they bring to their deliberations.


Non-News Values in Choosing News Ethical value systems have shifted over time, and this chapter does not provide an overview of these developments. Rather, it considers several positions in relation to journalism to guide your understanding of ethical decision making. Virtue ethics, as defined by Aristotle, separated ethics from actions by emphasizing the influence of the individual’s character. This premise dictates that a journalist who is a morally upright person will make decisions that are ethical. Later, a reliance on professional codes of practice, or codes of ethics for journalists, shifted the focus to conduct – the ethical quality of individual acts, rather than people, were now to be assessed. Ethical people, it was here assumed, could do otherwise unethical things if the circumstances were appropriate. This also relied on the view that one did not require a moral character to be capable of moral conduct, only to be motivated by duty. From this perspective, the moral worth of an action did not depend on its consequences. Immanuel Kant (1785) coined the term ‘categorical imperative’ to describe the unconditional moral obligation that is binding in all circumstances and is not dependent on a person’s inclination or purpose. Based on this premise, on the grounds that duty justifies such conduct, journalists have rationalized lying and using secret means to obtain the story. For example, the journalist criticized by Janet Malcolm (1989) in The New Yorker was attacked for lying to his source (who was in prison) about his motives for writing a book about the prisoner. His defence was that a journalist’s duty to the ‘truth’ overrode all other ethical obligations. Another approach values consequence in considering an ethical dilemma. Philosopher John Stuart Mill (1863) argued that if the result of an action is for the greater good, it is ethically justified. The advantages for investigative journalism of this ethical position are quickly apparent. Using this approach requires consideration of the potential for ‘pleasure’ against the potential for ‘pain’. It may be argued that this approach justifies any action, if no one gets hurt. For example, it would be ethically OK for a TV crew to set up a disreputable businessman, however dishonestly they obtained their information. Journalists aligning with this ethical position often find themselves accused of ‘playing God’ with people’s lives. Modern philosophers focus on ethical decision making as a balancing of 120

competing values. Patterson and Wilkins argue that the core is a process for decision making: Thinking about ethics is a skill anyone can acquire. It first requires some background study of ethics… . While each facet of mass communication has its own ethical quandaries, thinking about ethics is the same, whether you make your living writing advertising copy or obituaries… . Thinking about ethics won’t make those choices easier, but, with practice, ethical decision making can be more consistent. Ethics will then become not something you have, but something you do. (1994: 3–4) Consider a situation where a person you are interviewing says something they later regret and tells you so. Your problem arises because you know that what was said is timely, relevant and would be very interesting to your audience. You know your editor would want the information included and you know that the interviewee will be hurt if you do include it. You can do the ‘right’ thing by either your boss or your source, but either way you may feel uncomfortable with the consequences of your decision. The reason you will feel guilty is that loyalty is the strongest of all moral motivators. The work of a journalist is almost entirely defined by conflicting loyalties. There are your loyalties as a person – to treat people with dignity and respect, to be truthful and open and not cause harm to them. There are professional loyalties – to write good journalism, to give your audience what they want, to become a better journalist, to stand up for the little guy, to make the world a better place. Then there are loyalties to the employer – to meet deadlines, to produce useable copy and to meet employer expectations. Finally, you consider loyalties to the media and its obligations to promote free speech, to uphold truth, to be a voice and mirror for society. The one constant, inescapable aspect of every ethical decision faced by a journalist is that there is never the opportunity to consign it to the ‘too-hard’ basket. When it comes to making a decision the exits to escape consequence are blocked. Even a decision to do nothing has consequences. Perhaps this is why some journalists argue that their editors make the decisions, not them, so the individual’s ethics are irrelevant. Yes, the editor wants you to do it. Yes, you’re in a weak power position. Yes, there are others perfectly willing to do it if you don’t. Yes, the adrenaline is pumping and yes, it’s a great story. But an approach 121

focused on the decision asks: How do you rise above the pressures? How do you do the ethical thing and minimize damage to your career? If you can’t ethically write the story the editor wants, what story can you write? OK you’d be human to be weak in making the right choices, but that doesn’t make faltering acceptable. (Sheridan Burns, 1996: 95–6)


Choosing News in Action While journalists are not always alone in making decisions about what will and will not reach the public eye, they always have a measure of control over the information they provide. Consider the scenario at the start of this chapter. As the person at the scene, you cover the court sessions as a matter of course. If you do not tell your editor about a case, the chances are that the story will not be published, unless other media are present. That is a lot of power, so you do need a system for making fair and reliable decisions. Bok (1978) argues that professional ethical decision making always revolves around two questions: ‘What duties do I have, and to whom do I owe them?’ and ‘What values are reflected by the duties I’ve assumed?’. Consider the rest of the scenario. You regularly cover the weekly sitting of the local court, and court reports are published in the paper. Company policy is that names are published without fear or favour. Internal policies like this are not unusual, especially in regional media where such everyday goings-on are a staple part of the content. Court reports are often popular with readers as they satisfy a desire to know what is going on in local people’s private lives. The editor may contend that publishing court reports is always in the public interest. He might argue that the public needs to know if a school teacher drinks too much, because it could affect professional performance or behaviour. Information that a local mechanic has been charged with beating his wife is relevant news, because potential customers may need to know if he has a violent nature. When you see a very prominent politician at the court, your interest is piqued because reporting misconduct by a public official is in the public interest. When you make enquiries, you discover that the politician’s 21-year-old son has been charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assaulting a police officer. Again, you consider the public interest. The court is told the accused is receiving treatment for a mental illness and his psychiatrist gives evidence that he was suffering from a psychotic episode. The defendant appears to be calm and self-controlled in the dock. The magistrate finds the offences proved but records no conviction, and the son is released into the custody of his distressed mother and psychiatrist. You have your phone with you so it is a simple matter to take photographs and video of the politician and son leaving court. They are in a public place, so there is no law against recording them or photographing them. They don’t even notice you. The law 123

has very strict rules about reporting what inside in a courtroom, but not outside it. Do you have to ask them before you capture images? How would images add to and shape the telling of the story? In what circumstances could you ethically capture images?


Defining Public Interest Sometimes helping a large number of people effectively means damaging other people. Will you choose to record what happens in the case before the magistrate? Is the reporting of this case warranted? Is it anyone’s business to know about the arrest? Is your decision affected by the fact he was in a public place? Are people entitled to more privacy at home than in public? You might take the view that the politician’s son gave up his right to privacy when he broke the policeman’s nose. Consider how many others in court that day were charged with common assault. Are some people more entitled to privacy than others? To evaluate this, you need to consider the relative impact of publication. Is it more embarrassing for the politician’s son to be in court than it is for any other citizen? Why? Does the politician’s reputation in the community entitle his son to special consideration? Or is revealing mental illness in the politician’s family in the public interest? Is it more interesting because the politician is a woman? Would you consider omitting the story if you were satisfied the son had a ‘good’ reason? Do you need to be satisfied that the son really is mentally ill? How much do you need to know about mental illness, if anything? On the one hand, no conviction has been recorded against the man, but on the other hand, this approach would seem to go against your professional responsibility to follow company policy. Can you absolve yourself of responsibility for harm caused by taking refuge in company policy and leaving it to others to decide? On what basis would you decide a reason is ‘good’ enough to make an exception? Should all cases be reviewed in that way, or is the need to do so balanced against the scale of potential harm? Is it in the public interest for the story to be published? You might certainly think that others would be as curious as you to know the circumstances of his arrest. You might consider that people are already gossiping about the issue and the ‘truth’ should be told. Is a desire to know the same as a right or need to know? What public interest might be served by reporting the incident? Does the public need to know? Will knowing this help them in the performance of their duty as citizens? What purpose is served by publishing the story? Depending on the priorities you assign to your loyalties, you may decide that this family’s crisis is nobody’s business and censor it, or you may decide that the public has a right to know anything that happens in the public domain. A third consideration is that responsible reporting of mental illness can be in the public interest because it aids community understanding and 125

reduces the stigma against people living with mental illness. Before you can decide, you must establish the extent to which the politician’s public role is a news value in your deliberations. Is the son by extension also a public figure? The legal definition of a public figure varies around the world. In some countries, a person must earn a salary in a public role to be deemed a public figure. In other societies, anyone who occupies a position of privilege and whose activities are reported by the media is considered a public figure. By this definition, successful professional athletes are public figures because they are admired by a section of the community. When assessing public interest in this case you would need to consider that the community might take a different view of the politician politically if they had a lower opinion of her personally. Is it fair to expose the politician to this harm over something her son has done? Is there a limit beyond which the politician may not be scrutinized? In a landmark Australian invasion of privacy case (Ettingshausen v. HQ Magazine 1995), a prominent footballer was awarded a record compensation payment after a magazine published a photograph of the player showering after a game. The footballer claimed that his privacy was invaded because his genitals were partly visible in a photograph taken without his knowledge. The magazine argued that the image was taken by a photographer who was authorized to be there, that the shot was not pornographic and, significantly, that the footballer was also a male model often photographed wearing very little. An important feature of the court’s decision was the finding that the footballer retained control over how much of his body was private – in other words, that there is always a limit to a person’s public role. With this in mind, will you send through the images you have captured outside the courthouse? As the matter has been resolved, the law does not prevent you from publishing photographs of the parties. People might be interested to see images of the distressed politician and her mentally ill son, but would it be a breach of privacy, even if the photos were taken in a public place? As part of the conversation you are having with yourself about reporting on the politician’s son, ask ‘What would I do if the man charged was unknown?’. If you answer that a crime such as assaulting police by an ‘ordinary person’ would not be news, then you have decided that the story’s currency turns on the public prominence of the defendant’s mother. If you are tempted not to publish because of the distress the story will cause to the politician’s son, you must consider the extent to which you have considered similarly mitigating factors for all the other people whose cases you will report. 126

Making Ethical Decisions Bok proposes a three-step model for making such decisions (see Box 5.1). First ask yourself how you feel about what you are considering doing. How would you feel if you were the son? You might feel sympathy for the man, or none at all, depending on any previous experience of him and what you know about mental illness. You might find yourself reflecting on all the people who asked for their names to be withheld and were refused in the past. Perhaps you have no opinion of the defendant, but you see the politician as fair game because of her position. Once the story has come to your attention, why should you treat her differently from all the other mothers of those in the dock? Box 5.1 Bok’s Model for Decision Making 1. Consult your conscience. How do you feel about the proposed act? 2. Is there another way to achieve your objective without doing the contentious act? 3. Conduct a discussion in your head with all parties, asking ‘How will my decision affect others?’

Next you must ask yourself, ‘Is there another way to achieve my objective (publishing a report) without doing the contentious act (causing harm)?’. In this particular scenario that could mean publishing the story but not the names. Would this show favouritism towards a powerful person in the community? Would you decide not to submit the story, out of respect for the individual’s right to privacy? You have the power to decide whether the politician’s son is an exception to the employer’s policy, because if you do not write the story it cannot be published. If you give priority to privacy, are you then meeting your obligations to your audience? How would you justify missing out on the story if confronted by an angry editor? Could any harm be done by not publishing the story? Perhaps other media were represented at the court that day. Will the decisions of the other journalists affect your decision? Could your publication be accused of favouritism if you do not run the story? The final conversation you have with yourself begins ‘How will my decision affect others?’. In this case, your boss would probably say ‘Politician’s psycho son in rampage’ is news and may even want to move the court report from its usual page 21 to page three. Readers might find some relief from the 127

humdrum of their daily lives by speculating on parenting in high places. The politician may be thinking of her career and the damage it may do. She may feel very strongly that publicity would be unfair, when her son’s conduct has nothing to do with her job. She may also feel protective towards her son and the attention her position brings. The son presumably does not want his humiliation made public, but then probably neither do the other people in court that day. Will you exercise your power as a journalist to keep the news quiet? How will you decide who is ‘good’ enough to be protected? On the other hand, most people have heard about the incident anyway. It is a relatively small town so anyone who is interested knows already, so what harm would it do? The audience might accuse you of a cover-up if nothing appears, given the company policy, so as a professional can you take that risk? As you consider the public interest, you must ask yourself whether reporting the case will achieve a greater understanding of mental illness by those who read it. Will it reduce or perpetuate stigma? Would a report suggest the politician’s son is violent? Is this justified? If your focus is on long-form journalism that seeks to explore the wider issues around mental illness in the community, does this change your response to the story told in court? From an issues perspective, the politician and her son could be used as an example of the fact that mental illness can affect anyone in society. There may be a story about the impact on families of caring for a mentally ill adult child. Would the events in the courtroom be relevant to the story you wish to write, or do the events simply prompt questions for further research and interviews? Sometimes news events are significant because of the further investigations they inspire. Box 5.2 Black, Steele and Barney’s Ten Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What do I know? What do I need to know? What is my journalistic purpose? What are my ethical concerns? What organizational policies and professional guidelines should I consider? How can I include other people, with different perspectives and diverse ideas, in the decision-making process? Who are the stakeholders – those affected by my decision? What are their motivations? Which are legitimate? What if the roles were reversed? How would I feel if I were in the shoes of one of the stakeholders? What are the possible consequences of my action? Short term? Long term? What are my alternatives to maximize my truth-telling responsibility and minimize harm? Can I clearly and fully justify my thinking and my decision? To my


colleagues? To the stakeholders? To the public?

Black et al. (1997: 61) propose ten questions to guide the journalist through the decision-making process. Using this model (Box 5.2) you would first ask yourself what you knew and needed to know. In this case, you know that matters discussed in a court of law are on public record and may be legally reported. Next, you consider your journalistic purpose. At one level, you have an obligation to truth-telling and to acting independently of influence. You also have an obligation to minimize harm and to be accountable for what you do. The potential for humiliating a fragile and vulnerable person and the possibility of public scorn being directed at him or his mother are real. There is also potential harm to the credibility of the paper if readers blame the journalists for highlighting his problems. Does the potential good done by truthfully telling this story outweigh the harm that might be caused? So you consider the principles provided in the Journalists’ Code of Ethics that applies to you (see Box 2.1 in Chapter 2). What guidance does it offer about intrusion, reporting of mental illness and dealing with vulnerable people? What is your employer’s policy on these matters? In this case, the paper usually offers a broad coverage of the matters to go before the court. Next, seek other perspectives on the decision. Do you think there is a case to be argued for making this woman an exception? How would you make that case to your editor? Who else could you consult before approaching him? Black et al. (1997) would suggest you then consider stakeholders’ motivations. In this case there is the defendant and his mother the politician, the readers, the court, and the newspaper you work for. You might assume that the politician and her son wish the incident had never happened and fear negative publicity. The readers may have a demonstrably strong appetite for court reports, but is this motivated by the desire to be a better-informed citizen? The newspaper may value consistency in its approach to reporting court cases, but does this value justify causing harm? Ask yourself how you would feel if you were one of the stakeholders. If it was your illness or that of a close associate that came before the courts, you may not want people to know. You might feel very protective. Thinking as a reader, would you feel deprived of the juicy gossip? Would you feel angry at the paper if you felt sympathy for the son? Consider the consequences. Short term, your action will highlight the illness affecting the son and draw public attention to his condition. Longer term, you might see a benefit in educating the public about the pervasiveness of mental 129

illness in the community. However, the credibility of the paper may suffer if readers blame the newspaper for making the story public. What are your alternatives? Is there another way to tell the story truthfully that also minimizes harm? You might consider running the story without the name, but would it have the same news value? In this case, you might form the view that reporting the case sympathetically, including all the mitigating evidence, would minimize the chances of readers scorning the politician or her son. Finally, you must ask ‘How can I justify my decision to the stakeholders?’. If you use ethical principles as a guide and can articulate values in your decision-making process, you can justify a decision even when others object. Another model for ethical decision making applicable to journalism is the Potter Box (see Box 5.3), named after the theologian who developed it. It uses values and principles defined by philosophers such as Aristotle, Kant and Mill. According to the Potter Box you must begin by deciding ‘What are the facts?’. In the case of the scenario described at the beginning of the chapter, the facts are that you are a journalist and it is your professional duty to report the local courts. Your employer values interesting stories, defined as those likely to attract readers. You know people would be interested in this case. There was no malice in your pursuit of this story and, in addition, fair and accurate reports of court proceedings are protected at law. Further, the charges are a matter of public record, but will you publish it to a wider audience? BOX 5.3 Potter Box 1. 2. 3. 4.

What are the facts? What are the values given priority in your thinking? Consider your principles. Articulate the loyalties you are valuing.

Ask yourself ‘What values am I giving priority here?’. Do you value telling the truth over any individual’s privacy? Is the concept of justice more important than the rules? Is it professionally more important to be consistent or compassionate? Are the audience’s interests always more important than those of the subject of a story? Do you value writing a professional story over social obligations? In this case, you might decide that, while you value truthtelling, you value justice more, so the public interest is not served by truthtelling in this instance. Now consider the ethical principles underpinning your practice. What purpose is served by publishing? Is anyone being hurt? Is telling this story for the 130

greater good? What good does it do? How is the good achieved greater than the harm done? What is your primary motivation? Is it to advance your career as a journalist? Is it to raise an issue of community significance? Is it to treat all potential news subjects equally? If you decide that your ethical motivation is to treat everyone the same, it is a moral act to publish the story. You could argue that the politician’s son is responsible for the consequences of his actions and you are simply fulfilling a professional duty to report. To make a decision, you must prioritize your loyalties with respect to all the value judgements you have made up to now. In this case you need to weigh up your loyalty to telling the truth, to informing the community, to protecting privacy, to writing a great story, to becoming a more successful journalist and to being a compassionate human being, for a start. Would you write the story of the politician’s son? One thing is certain: you cannot avoid making a decision. Some journalists consign such dilemmas to the ‘too-hard’ basket and try to shift the responsibility onto others. Such a journalist writes the story and leaves it to someone else to decide whether to publish. But even that journalist, who sees himself or herself as ‘just a cog in the wheel’, decides on the angle the story will take, which parts of the evidence will reach the wider public and define their understanding of what has happened. There is no escaping the consequences of individual choices about news. How would you justify your decision to whichever party is unhappy with your decision? You need a process for evaluating your decisions because a process, or system, lets you apply your values, loyalties and principles to every new set of circumstances or facts. In this way, your decision making will be fair in choosing the news. You might be thinking ‘What about the editor?’, but it is you who controls the words you use to tell the story, the points you emphasize, the extent to which you sensationalize. Your editor will have a great influence over what you write, but is unlikely to throw your copy back at you claiming, ‘This is responsible, ethical copy. We don’t print that stuff here’.


Conclusion News is selected for audiences through a process that reflects the social and cultural context in which it is produced. There are certain professional processes used to choose some information as more newsworthy than other information. These are structured around public interest and the media’s perceived mandate to give citizens information they need to participate in society. The choices made are not objective, but are the result of balancing competing professional, ethical and commercial values. In defining public interest, journalists seek to balance their power to set the agenda about what people talk about, and their obligation not to abuse that power for professional or commercial gain. Ethical decision-making systems, such as Bok’s model and the Potter Box, offer a means for journalists to consider the social ramifications of their activities in choosing information as news and to develop confidence in their ability to make the best decisions in circumstances where people you write about could be harmed. BOX 5.4 CHOOSING NEWS IN ACTION




Further Action 1. How is a public figure defined in your society? What is the difference between a public figure and a celebrity? Do public figures have a greater or lesser right to privacy than other people? 2. Do people have rights over how they are presented in images? 3. What is the difference between the public interest and what the public is interested in? 4. When, if ever, is it in the public interest to censor information? 5. Is it in the public interest to publish information about everything that happens in public institutions such as parliament and the courts?


Further Reading Black, J., Steele, B. and Barney, R. (eds) (1997) Doing Ethics in Journalism, 3rd edn. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Malcolm, J. (1989) ‘The journalist and the murderer’, The New Yorker, March: 38–73. Samaritans (UK) (2000) ‘Guide to reporting of suicide and mental illness’. Available from: www.samaritans.org.uk. Sheridan Burns, L. (1996a) ‘Blocking the exits: focus on the decision in ethical decision-making’, Australian Journalism Review, 18 (1): 87–99. Sheridan Burns, L. and Hazell, P. (1997) Response … Ability: Curriculum Materials for Journalism. National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy University Curriculum Project, Hunter Area Mental Health, Newcastle. Available from: www.responseability.org.au


6 Researching Stories You’re on Facebook and one of your friends re-posts the news of a fiery crash and that a young couple has been killed. Friends of the couple who were following in another car have created a memorial Facebook page. You follow the link to the page and see the comments and photos of a young man sitting on the bonnet of a modified car with racing stripes and party photos of people drinking. You also read numerous posts, some commenting on the cause of the accident and some that are very critical of the deceased. Someone has posted a photo from the scene, showing the mangled wreck with visible bodies. How will you use this information now you have it? For most people, the Internet is the first resort when searching for information, and journalists are no different. Even though these sources are described as secondary (as opposed to primary sources where information is collected first-hand from an interview), they are usually the first step in researching a story idea. Web search engines offer speedy access to many traditional sources too, such as government departments that post policy statements and archive media releases. In fact, the use of online services by journalists is increasingly inevitable as more and more official documents are filed directly onto the Net. A great advantage of the Internet is that it can offer fast responses to specialized questions through access to libraries, archives and user-generated websites. A disadvantage in using online resources is that verification of information and assessing its authenticity is more challenging than other sources. This chapter considers the processes used by journalists to evaluate and verify sources used in reporting. Verifying online sources presents many challenges, and the rise of awareness about ‘fake news’ has played a key role in demonstrating how legacy media have fallen victim to old assumptions about this process. It can no longer be assumed, for example, that materials published by reputable media outlets are reliable, and nor can it be assumed that simply because a story has been broadly repeated as fact by online sources it is authentic. The sudden ‘viral’ spread of information via the Internet is a commonly observed phenomenon, largely due to the algorithmic sorting and distribution of stories that ensure things that are popular become rapidly more so. Social platforms have played a central role in repeating the distribution of stories via this pathway, and Facebook is the main player. The controversial circumstances surrounding the 2016 US presidential election 137

campaign shed light on this pattern, and have resulted in renewed pressure on Facebook and other platforms to take greater responsibility for their role in repeating the publication and distribution of news materials. So significant was the impact of Russian interference in the 2016 election, that by January 2017 the US Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released a declassified report stating: Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump … . Moscow’s influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations – such as cyber-activity – with overt efforts by Russian government agencies, state-funded media, thirdparty intermediaries, and paid social media users or ‘trolls’. (Bump, 2017) It is difficult to imagine a greater impact of a misinformation campaign than controlling the outcome to another country’s election, and certainly the role of Facebook in this process was central. By April 2017, Facebook had conceded to its role in this process, and undertaken to address the issue, though it argued that the problem was not simply attributable to ‘fake news’ – but instead to a complex interplay of: Information (or Influence) Operations – Actions taken by governments or organized non-state actors to distort domestic or foreign political sentiment. False News – News articles that purport to be factual, but which contain intentional misstatements of fact with the intention to arouse passions, attract viewership, or deceive. False Amplifiers – Coordinated activity by inauthentic accounts with the intent of manipulating political discussion (e.g., by discouraging specific parties from participating in discussion, or amplifying sensationalistic voices over others). Disinformation – Inaccurate or manipulated information/content that is spread intentionally. This can include false news, or it can involve more subtle methods, such as false flag operations, feeding inaccurate quotes or stories to innocent intermediaries, or knowingly amplifying biased or misleading information. (Lanchester, 2017) 138

Indeed, the BBC reported in December 2016 that hundreds of people living in the Macedonian city of Veles were paid large amounts of money to post ‘sensationalist stories, usually plagiarised from right-wing American sites’ to Facebook during the campaign (Kirby, 2017). The problem with inaccurate news journalism has always been amplified by other parts of society and culture, but in the end social platforms are fundamental to a new and dangerous pattern. When a business describes itself as a content carrier, it is not accountable for the content in the way that legacy media is. This problem is exaggerated by the structure of Facebook, which creates small, walled-off virtual communities in which, as Lanchester argues, disinformation can spread with viral suddenness without a public discourse to challenge it, or even a broader awareness of its growing influence: In the open air, fake news can be debated and exposed; on Facebook, if you aren’t a member of the community being served the lies, you’re quite likely never to know that they are in circulation. It’s crucial to this that Facebook has no financial interest in telling the truth. No company better exemplifies the internet-age dictum that if the product is free, you are the product. (Lanchester, 2017) However, Facebook remains an important resource for journalists as a means to access communities they might not otherwise reach, exposing leads and uncovering sources for their reporting. Many reporters have used their Facebook network to help hone questions for interviews, to discover new sources for articles they didn’t know existed, or to learn about issues or events that turn into stories. Timely topics can also bring together Facebook members on a fan page or group. Reporters and media companies also use Facebook to engage with their audience, connect with sources and build their brands. The tension between the role of the traditionally ‘uninvolved’ reporter and the ‘engaged’ social media user causes problems for journalists, social networks and news organizations alike. To be effective, the journalist needs to develop a relationship with sources whether the sources are real or virtual. It’s no different as a user on a social networking site. There is an expectation that the community won’t share with you, the journalist, unless you’ve shared (your experiences, your thoughts, your passions) with them. A journalist using Facebook professionally is expected not to be a detached observer, but a participant who shares and gives back as well as taking. Because Facebook is 139

about sharing, not broadcasting, a journalist can’t expect audiences to share their thoughts unless the journalist also openly shares their own. Most news organizations realize how valuable social networking can be, both as a newsgathering tool and as a way to promote the news organization’s ‘brand’. But media companies must strike the difficult balance between these competing interests without stifling the exchange of ideas. Some are still uncomfortable with the personalization of the connection between journalists, sources and audiences. Some journalists too are concerned that joining a Facebook group could lead to their work being perceived as advocacy instead of journalism. For example, the Wall Street Journal’s policy on online activities states: Sharing your personal opinions, as well as expressing partisan political views, whether on Dow Jones sites or on the larger Web, could open us to criticism that we have biases and could make a reporter ineligible to cover topics in the future for Dow Jones. (Lascia, 2009) The Journal also counsels its reporters not to discuss articles that haven’t been published, meetings they’ve attended or planned with staff or sources, or interviews they’ve conducted. Betancourt (2009) argues that this approach reflects the misguided persistence of the notion that reporters are blank slates, which in turn is part of the reason newspapers are losing readership and relevance in the digital age.


Evaluating Sources Mencher argues that journalists have a tendency ‘to venerate the printed word, no matter what its source, perhaps because the journalist spends his or her life so close to words on paper’ (1991: 287). Journalists are often less rigorous in assessing secondary sources than they are in assessing human ones. To evaluate a published source, you first need to be satisfied that it is accurate. Just because information is contained in a book or on a website, for example, does not mean it is accurate. Journalists should always consider the date of publication in assessing the currency of information. Books written in the 1980s, for example, often portray a different picture of social history from those written more recently. The publication and author may be reputable, but the writer’s views may have changed over time. Any other influences on sources must be identified and considered. Paletz and Entman (1982) found that where the primary objective of a media organization was efficiency in the gathering, describing and transmitting of news, the result was reliance on official sources and homogeneity of reporting. McManus (1994) offers a simple explanation for this global trend – it is cheaper to rely on other news providers, such as wire services, and on media releases to learn of community events and issues than it is to hire enough journalists to find stories on their own. Such passive journalism, McManus argues, creates the potential for the public agenda to be set by those in the community powerful enough to hire press agents and manufacture events: ‘Reliance on news sources – and this extends to broadcast media in the form of radio “grabs” and video news releases – can also be manipulated to affect the news agenda in a way journalists seem unable, or unwilling to resist’ (1994: 88). Online news sources are very attractive to journalists, due to the speed with which information can be accessed and disseminated. Koch took a positive view of the role of online technologies in the future of journalism. He argues that the Internet makes the context of newsroom broader than ever before. [Journalists] are empowered to examine, discuss, or focus a story through intelligent questioning based on a large background of objective information. Writers, in short, have the opportunity, if not independently to set the general agenda, then at least to modify it, and in the process to become the gatekeepers of their own stories – wherever they may lead. The electronically generated, informational background allows the 141

newsperson, advocate, public relations writer, or interested citizen to access a context greater than that ordained by a partisan but necessary source or subject. (1990: 312) Koch described a bright future for journalists newly empowered by the freedom to engage with as many sources as they choose. He hoped that these journalists would ask more challenging questions because they will have more background information at their disposal. He argued that this would improve the quality of journalism and the self-esteem of those who practise it. However, online sources are also often fraught with particular risks. The same freedom of access that means anyone can post information on the Internet means that those who do are not subject to regulation about the accuracy of their information. This freedom has also inspired the creation of fact-checking organizations, dedicated to investigating the veracity of news. The widespread pattern of publication of fake news by online media outlets during the 2016 US presidential election campaign saw a rise in popularity for longestablished fact-checkers such as FactCheck.org (est. 2003), PolitiFact.com (est. 2007) and Snopes.com (est. 1995) (Kessler, 2017). During the height of the campaign, anti-Muslim sentiment was promoted by right-wing media outlets, and fake news reports played a key role in the process. For example, in mid-June 2016, a number of online news services reported that three Muslim Syrian child refugees had sexually assaulted a five-year-old girl at an apartment complex in the small town of Twin Falls, Idaho. The story was originally reported by The Geller Report (June 19), The Rebel Media (June 20) and Infowars.com (June 21). The Infowars.com story was picked up and featured by popular news aggregation website The Drudge Report under the heading ‘Syrian Refugees Rape Little Girl at Knifepoint in Idaho’ (DrudgeReportArchives.com, 2016; Geller, 2016; Gwilliam, 2016; Watson, 2016). Fact-checking outfit Snopes investigated the story, determining that it was based on rumour and ‘mostly false’. County prosecutor Grant Loebs said that an incident had taken place involving four minors that was filmed on a mobile phone, including four boys of Middle Eastern descent and a five-year-old girl. Loebs confirmed no Syrians were involved, there was no knife involved, there was no gang-rape and no evidence they were refugees (Anon., 2017). Police Chief Craig Kingsbury also confirmed the boys involved were of Iraqi and Sudanese descent, and that no sexual assault had occurred (Anon., 2017). Loebs also commented that a small anti-refugee movement in Twin Falls had 142

intentionally published false information in the past, and the Idaho Office for Refugees confirmed that no Syrian refugees had been settled in Twin Falls (Anon., 2017). However, the story was strongly promoted through social media and, as a long-form investigative piece published by The New York Times in September 2017 would report, the subsequent city council meeting – usually a quiet affair – was overflowing with local residents and news media who assailed the mayor with questions on what action would be taken (Dickerson, 2017). Council members’ email addresses were posted on the website Jihad Watch, along with those of the mayor, Shawn Barigar, and his wife Camille Barigar. The mayor’s inbox was soon overflowing with threatening and abusive anti-Muslim and anti-refugee emails, and his wife Camille began to receive death threats (Dickerson, 2017). Steve Bannon, who on 17 August was appointed chief executive of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and would later briefly become Press Secretary to the President Elect, was at the time Executive Chairman of right-wing news website Breitbart News. In August 2016, during the run-up to the presidential election, he dispatched an investigative reporter, Lee Stranahan, to Twin Falls, who published a series of pieces that frequently mentioned the theme of the ‘Syrian refugee crisis’ in the town, despite the absence of any resettlement programme. Despite the official response to the incident, he published a graphic piece on 4 August entitled ‘5-Year-Old Victim’s Father Saw Video of Twin Falls Refugee Rape’, and on 10 August a piece entitled ‘Twin Falls Refugee Rape Special Report: Why Are the Refugees Moving In?’ (Stranahan, 2016a, 2016b). Lack of regulation on the Internet means that authors and published materials frequently do not go through the same legal scrutiny as those working for commercial or government media organizations. But even commercial media outlets seem to escape strong controls, as evidenced by the fact that much of the material discussed in the Twin Falls example above has remained live on the Internet. It is important to remember that material published on the Internet may also be actionable, and this applies wherever in the world it is accessed. Something posted on a US website may be legal in that country, but defamatory if accessed in another country. The challenges of using Internet sources and the growing public knowledge of the potentially dangerous impacts of fake news has led to significant updates to the practices of legacy media, but the reputation and stability of news journalism remains entangled with the complicated task of verifying the source of stories. In October 2017, The New York Times released updated social media guidelines, dictating that journalists should ‘Exercise caution 143

when sharing scoops or provocative stories from other organizations that The Times has not yet confirmed. In some cases, a tweet of another outlet’s story by a Times reporter has been interpreted as The Times confirming the story, when it in fact has not’ (Benton, 2017). The implication is that the paper’s journalists should not even trust one another’s tweets as fact – let alone materials published by other media outlets, reputable or not.


Social Media Sources Facebook and Twitter allow individuals to share their thoughts and experiences with others in a virtual community where information is easily downloaded and/or shared. While this information is openly available, it is not usually intended for media scrutiny. The extra ethical dilemma is that it allows a journalist to collect first-person information from a source without the source’s knowledge. Martin Hirst provides an example: An Auckland-based newspaper provided a good example of this issue and a remarkably frank account of how its staff had access to a woman’s Facebook page through first contacting one of her online friends and then used posted photos and to comments made online to track down her physical address. Then, using Google maps the paper was able to direct a reporter and photographer to her home. The paper claimed that by crossreferencing online sources it had ‘put our people on the woman’s doorstep’. What’s missing here is any indication that the paper’s reporters and editors had considered any ethical implications of what they were doing that Facebook’s privacy settings allow users to leapfrog through one person to another is claimed as a justification rather than a problem. There is no reflexive consideration that the paper itself is breaching someone’s privacy and trust in pursuit of the story, just to claim that the paper had done it before. (2010: 140) In an online social sphere, identity is key. If a journalist does decide to access social media sites for information, it is important to verify that those sources are who they say they are. Fact-checking information from social networking sites is also critical. Facebook can be a great source for story ideas, but no news story should be solely sourced through social media. Journalists should be upfront that they are members of the media, provide their real name and real affiliation – and the fact that they are gathering news for publication. It is not enough to assume that the people they are dealing with recognize this, especially if the source is a young person or someone not accustomed to dealing with the media. If at all possible, you should seek to also interview social media sources either by phone or face to face. It is so easy to lie on the Internet, and to misrepresent oneself. No journalist wants to spread falsehoods or be taken in by a hoax. So if you are thinking of using an online source, you 145

still must verify facts, and satisfy yourself that the source is genuine. As with all other sources, you must be as certain as you can be that the information you are providing is truthful and accurate and make the source very clear. You should always disclose that Facebook was used as a source. McAdam (2011) cautions that you should always bear in mind that what you reveal about yourself on Facebook can be accessed and used by others. There is no way to truly separate your opinions from your role as a journalist, and what you say as an individual may be seen as evidence of bias in your work. If you ‘friend’ an unnamed source, you are breaking confidentiality. Be very careful about using images and content from sites such as Facebook and don’t jump to conclusions about what you see and read. If you can’t verify it, you run the risk of spreading lies. Here’s an example of something you might think would never happen in a top-class newsroom: New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller wanted to keep his staff in the loop about planning for a pay wall. At a meeting, though, several reporters tweeted what he said. They spilled the beans, which were quickly picked up by a myriad of blogs and other news organizations. What he said became a story, and then a subsequent chiding of the staff for tweeting led to more stories. Now the ground rules are clear at meetings. Reporters are expected not to tweet private deliberations. (McAdam, 2011: 16) Journalists need to be familiar with Twitter and Facebook because they are important tools, but should always be aware that they represent more than a personal opinion. You should assume that what you tweet will be spread in directions you had not envisaged and that what you report can be taken to be advocacy. Employers will hold journalists accountable for what they say on Twitter and some impose conditions on the use of Twitter. The Washington Post created a new social media policy after they were asked about it. When it comes to tweeting for The Post, reporters are required to inform senior editors beforehand if they plan to use Twitter or otherwise live-blog something. Tone is also important: The Post insists that reporters don’t use Twitter to pursue arguments with rivals or advance personal agendas. While there are lots of tools for doing journalism with Twitter, remember to keep perspective in the Twitterverse. Just because a news story is big on the microblogging site it doesn’t always necessarily mean it is offline. Nor does it replace one-on-one engagement with sources. Social media is just another means to access 146

sources, like telephone and email. Journalists use Twitter to engage with their audience, connect with sources and continue building their personal brands (Betancourt, 2009). Some journalists use Twitter to develop a personal brand that enhances their professional reputation and to source stories by crowdsourcing ideas. Crowdsourcing occurs when a journalist puts a question to followers and uses the feedback to develop a story. Twitter is also free to use, unfiltered, and offers access to many different voices and perspectives. It can democratize news selection because the followers determine the trending topics, albeit usually generated in mainstream media. It can be a great source of eyewitness accounts and is a way to source other information on a topic. Because it is unfiltered, using Twitter as a source carries inherent risks. Verification is the most significant because Twitter can easily be used to spread gossip and rumours, especially at times of breaking news. Because people use pseudonyms, there are issues of verifying identity and associated questions around fake accounts and accountability.


Using News Sources in Action In the scenario given at the start of this chapter, you must first decide whether the facts ‘stack up’ or suggest a bigger story. As explored in Chapter 4, you decide the news value of the story idea. Is reporting the story in the public interest? Here you might consider the public’s right to know about dangers on the road. Could anyone be harmed if the story is true and you do not write about it? Could anyone be harmed if you do write the story? Is preventing road deaths among young people worth the pain it might cause the families and friends of the dead? If you decide to continue you need to establish your facts and how you know them. For this you need evidence, such as whether speed was a factor. You also need to get some background on what has already been reported about the issue and verify any of this information you choose to use. When you consult the social sources available to you, you find a range of comments about the people killed. On the memorial page there are many photographs of the couple, including many of the dead man sitting on the hood of a car with racing stripes. The man is shirtless and has numerous tattoos and sits with his arms folded. There are also smiling images of the couple together and candid photos from parties where people are seen to be drinking. You can easily save these images to your own computer. Will you use these images for publication? If so, how will you choose which ones to use? Will you use the image of the wreck? Should you ask those who posted the images for permission? There is also a link to video footage of cars drag-racing – would you use this to illustrate the story? Why? Is that evidence that ‘Speedy’ was racing the night he died? Might using it give that impression? What impact will the images you publish have on the interpretation of the events? It is natural for people to seek an explanation following an unexpected death and the media can serve an important public function in this regard. In this instance, the community may have a strong interest in and perceived entitlement to information about the death. On the other hand, can a news report provide the answers the community is looking for? Can the comments by bystanders provide real insight into the dead man’s state of mind? What harm could be done by reporting speculation? Based on comments on the Facebook memorial page, the journalist may be tempted to speculate that the deaths were caused by drag-racing. Can this 148

inference be justified? How do you know speed was a factor? Although journalists may be keen to explain to people why a needless death has occurred, they should consider whether such speculation is in the public interest. For example, community attitudes towards death caused by speeding range from ‘the ultimate selfish act’ to ‘a tragedy of circumstances’. Such opinions and attitudes would be circulating via social media in response to the death and it may be tempting for the journalist to tap into this ‘community tide’. The information that is available via social media should also be considered carefully. While this information is available publicly, the sources via Twitter and other social media platforms are anonymous, with their contributions character-limited and highly subjective. How might character limits on communication impact on the information that is received? How might anonymity shape the way information is communicated? People gathering at the site may not be emotionally touched by the death so much as by the hype and likely media frenzy associated with it, and may wish to appear to know more about the events than they really do. The difficulty for the journalist is that the status of the ‘observer’ and their proximity to the event is difficult to determine via social media. What steps should the journalist take to establish the credibility of sources and verify the information received? While publicly available, expressed consent for publication or use of the content has not been obtained. In all, you have a wire report (Box 6.2), comments posted on Facebook (Boxes 6.3, 6.4), two media releases (Boxes 6.4 and 6.6), two photographs of the dead couple with their car, and video of unidentified people drag-racing on a suburban street. BOX 6.1 Using Social Media as a Source (American Society of News Editors [ASNE] 2011) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Traditional ethics rules still apply online. Assume everything you write online will become public. Use social media to engage with readers, but professionally. Break news on your website, not on Twitter. Beware of perceptions. Independently authenticate anything found on a social networking site. Always identify yourself as a journalist. Social networks are tools not toys. Be transparent and admit when you’re wrong online. Keep internal deliberations confidential.

BOX 6.2 dragdeaths/blame/smith 22/6


CAPITAL CITY: Two people were killed when their car went over an embankment and plunged into the Georges River early this morning. The couple, who have not been identified, were out with friends who were following in another vehicle and raised the alarm. Police said investigations were continuing as to how the couple’s car left the road at the popular drag-racing spot. Police spokesman Greg Good said it was tragic when young people’s lives were lost through recklessness.

BOX 6.3 Selected Comments on Facebook OMG. You were one of the greats, Speedy. Race on. Speedy UR a legend, mate. I heard he cracked 160 and the car flew over 50 metres before they hit the water! Speedy and Rachel – together forever flying the freeway. RIP Speedy and Rach – live fast, die young Speedy was an idiot and now he’s killed Rachel. I’m glad he’s dead. Get a life. Roll on Speedy – you’ll never lose your licence now!

BOX 6.4 Media Release


Performance cars ‘not dangerous’ Performance cars are a great hobby that bring fathers and sons together for quality time, according to the president of the Capital City Performance Car Club. Our club, which has lost a valuable member, would never condone drag racing, he said. ‘There’s nothing we can do about young idiots giving performance cars a bad name. The girls are as crazy as the boys these days. ‘We urge all drivers of performance cars to obey the speed limit at all times. There is no proof the young man killed was speeding.’

BOX 6.5 Facebook Profile Page Name: Speedy Age: 19 Sex: As much as I can get … Status: ‘Get your motor running, head out on the highway. Looking for adventure and whatever comes my way … like a true nature’s child I was born, born to be wild’ (Steppenwolf) I like: https://www.streetracing.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ylQKgx4Ls https://www.2fastlane.com/

BOX 6.6 Media Release 2


Ban performance cars, says MP The Federal Member for the West, Mr John Silver, has called for performance cars to be banned for young drivers after a couple died last week. ‘People under 40 don’t need access to powerful cars and banning them will save lives,’ he said. ‘The previous government failed utterly to stop the roads being taken over by hooligans with cars. ‘It is time we stepped in,’ Mr Silver said. He blamed poor infrastructure in the West and high unemployment on the rise in driving offences being recorded against young people in his electorate.

To evaluate this material, you ask a series of questions of each piece of information. The first question is, ‘What’s the angle of the story? ’. The information you have at hand presents a range of different angles. For example, the Facebook comments (Box 6.3) focus on the emotional distress of the situation. This is in contrast to the report that quotes police sources (Box 6.2), which appears to provide facts. Why? Is emotional information less reliable? Why? Are the media releases (Boxes 6.4 and 6.6) more reliable or less trustworthy than the information on Facebook? Why? Will you speak with the people who posted the comments and photos? In this way, you could evaluate the information as you would in any interview. You could use the information without speaking to the source because it is in the public domain. Is that ethical? Why? The Facebook site clearly identifies the name and other personal details about the dead couple. Do you need to check this information before you use it? Can the people who posted the comments expect to control how they are used? Next consider how the angle has been developed. Is it in the ‘facts’ or is it in the way the journalist has organized the facts? Is the emotional strength of the copy in the quotes selected or is it in the words used by the journalist? Whose perspective is the story told from? What news values underpin this story? Relative news values are explored in Chapters 4 and 5. How will you check that the Facebook users are who they say they are? Have you noted any errors of fact in the published reports? Consider whether relevant information is missing from any of the accounts. Are the Facebook allegations substantiated? Is the Facebook group a credible source of facts in the matter? Boxes 6.3 and 6.5 provide plenty of opinion but scant ‘fact’. Is 152

there a way you can check the comments for accuracy, for example the one suggesting he had been charged with driving offences? Next you must consider the source of this article and whether one may be an agenda at work. In the case of Boxes 6.4 and 6.6, you might note that the media releases are written in the style of news stories, complete with an angle. Given that journalists need an angle for everything they write, there is a strong temptation for them to repeat an angle provided by a public relations department, if it has a relevant news value. Media releases are always written in the hope that the journalists will simply repeat the information contained within. The journalist must resist this temptation because a media release may, in its wording, make an apparently plausible argument for two plus two to equal five. What might motivate the Federal Minister to contact the media (Box 6.6.)? As a politician, his general political priorities are served by casting the government in a good light. He has a personal professional motive as well, in that his public profile is raised when he is quoted in the media. On the other hand, he is an elected official, charged with a mandate to comment on issues of public interest. What of the media release from the car club (Box 6.4)? Is this an unbiased source of information because it is removed from the actual events? Does the fact that the source appears to be remote from the local story lessen the likelihood of another agenda?


Critical Reflection Before you can resolve the dilemma posed at the start of this chapter, you must evaluate what you do and do not know. Is there a prima facie case for a story about the dangers of speeding? Where did the information originate? Is it possible to track the sources of these stories? In the case of the media releases the source is apparent, but what of the information published in social media? Consider the information you have. Is there any information you must discard? Why? Is there any relevant information missing? If so, do you need to find the missing information before you can make an informed decision about whether there is a story? How will you do that? Consider whether all the information is relevant to your story. The politician’s view of the government may be dramatic (see Box 6.6), but does it add to the understanding of the issue? To answer this question, consider your research as a whole. What central issue emerges? Can you substantiate it? Are you sure of your facts? Before you go any further, ask yourself whether you have identified a hero or a villain. Could the story harm anyone? Is the potential for harm justified by the public interest? Box 6.7 Evaluating Sources in Action



Conclusion Documentary news sources must be interrogated in the same way journalists scrutinize information provided by people. It is easier to fall into accepting published material as fact, even when journalists well know that constructing journalism is a subjective process. Technological changes mean that journalists are exposed to more sources of news than ever before, which creates a great potential for freedom of information but the freedom is constrained by challenges. With changes in information technology have come information managers, whose job is to manipulate the way journalists access their sources and evaluate information. There are two other main sources of evidence for journalists – interviews and data – and these are explored in Chapters 7 and 8.


Further Action 1. Read your local newspaper and consider which stories have come from media releases. Is there a product or service advertised in the story? 2. Take a published news story and use Internet search engines to substantiate the facts in the story. 3. Take a tour of Facebook pages you can access. Is there material publicly available that the owner may not wish to see in the media? How many pages have adequate privacy settings? 4. Consider your own Facebook page. Is its content a source of facts or speculation? How would a reader know? 5. Find published reports that quote politicians. Can you determine whether the politician instigated the contact with the media?


Further Reading Benton, J. (2017) ‘The New York Times released new staff social media guidelines, so phew, thankfully that’s settled’, Nieman Lab. Available from: www.niemanlab.org/2017/10/the-new-york-times-released-new-staff-socialmedia-guidelines-so-phew-thankfully-thats-settled/ (accessed 14 October 2017). Hirst, M. (2010) News 2.0: Can Journalism Survive the Internet? Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Kessler, G. (2017) ‘Fact checking in the aftermath of a historic election’, The Washington Post. Available from: www.washingtonpost.com/news/factchecker/wp/2016/11/10/fact-checking-in-the-aftermath-of-an-historicelection/?utm_term=.64d510e6cd37.


7 Researching Stories Interviews You receive a tip that a prominent indigenous footballer has been found hanged at the city’s Dreamtime Cultural Centre and that suicide is suspected. Interviews are conducted at the scene and then outside the home of the grieving family. What are the boundaries in reporting about death and grief? When is it in the public interest to report on suicide? The previous chapter considered research using information on the public record including reports, searches of archives and on social media. This chapter focuses on interviews as the dominant primary source; that is, information that you collect yourself. Journalists sometimes conduct primary research by recording their own observations. Through considering the scenario set out above, this chapter sets out a methodology for evaluating primary research and critically reflecting on the decisions you will need to make about the inclusion and omission of information.


Interviews as a Source The interview allows a journalist to quickly obtain answers to specific questions on a topic previously unknown to him or her. For example, if the government issues a 400-page report on an issue, a news journalist is realistically unlikely to have the time to read and digest the whole report and meet a deadline in two hours. Unless the journalist has some expertise in that area, they are also not the best person to comment on the meaning of the report, because it would be a personal interpretation and lack authority. So the journalist calls a person who has some authority to speak in that area and asks them specific questions deemed to be of interest to the intended audience. ‘Authority to speak’ means that person occupies a position of authority or expertise about a topic, or has personal experience of it. Interviews allow you to gather information quickly and directly from primary sources because you can focus on only getting the facts you need to complete the story. You can also ask questions of an interviewee you cannot ask a document. Even on the phone, you can draw inferences from non-verbal clues, like the person’s demeanour. Face to face, their body language helps your understanding of what they are really saying to you. In an interview, you can press your subject for more information on specific points and find, through previous answers, new areas of discussion. A live conversation with a source also allows you to collect context around the story being covered and to make your own observations about the scene where the interview takes place. Some interviewees are happy to talk, but reluctant to be photographed, videoed or recorded. The visual elements of storytelling must be negotiated with the people you interview. It might sometimes feel as though a conversation on social media is ‘live’, but it is not first-hand because the participants prepare written responses. The interview is also preferred by news organizations as a livelier approach than a reporter describing information found in a document. In visual journalism, a variety of voices is considered essential to an interesting news bulletin, and the use of interviews reinforces the idea among news consumers that the information received is ‘the facts’. Credibility is assigned to the person doing the talking, rather than the journalist. Thirty years ago, when media consumers were less sophisticated in their understanding of news gathering, stories routinely appeared without attribution for the information they presented, and also without an acknowledgement of the fact that it was written by a journalist. In those days, 160

it was considered that these were ‘facts’, so no attribution was required. Today, the expression ‘it was in the paper so it must be true’ is more likely to be used as a cynical reflection on the accuracy of media reports. The questions a journalist asks in an interview are a reflection of his or her objective in conducting the interview. For example, the questions asked by a journalist doing an informational interview would include ‘What happened?’, ‘How did it happen?’, ‘Who’s involved?’, ‘Where did it happen?’ and ‘When did it happen?’. An investigative interview seeks to find out more than what happened. These questions might revolve around ‘Why was this permitted?’, ‘Who is responsible?’, ‘What will be done now?’, ‘What does this mean for the future?’ and ‘When did somebody realize that this had happened?’. If a journalist is seeking background information, the questions would include ‘What usually happens?’, ‘Why is that?’ and ‘What is the effect?’. Similarly, if the journalist is seeking to interpret information received, then the questions will likely include ‘What will this mean?’, ‘Who is affected?’ and ‘How will things change?’. Finally, there are personal interviews, in which a journalist seeks to obtain anecdotes or opinions from an interviewee to illustrate their character. Brady (1977: 68) says journalists seek only two things from interviews – trust and information – and the first is sought only to gain the second. Journalists need the trust of the people they interview so the interviewee will be comfortable answering the questions asked and respond honestly. The journalist then decides whether to believe what he or she has been told. Although journalists use interviews to gain first-hand information, there are limitations on the interview as a reliable source of ‘facts’. Mencher reminds journalists that they can never be sure whether the information they collect from people is accurate: The reporter must keep in mind that he or she is relying on someone else, and that fact alone makes the story vulnerable. No reporter can ever feel certain that another person’s observations are as accurate as his own or that the person lacks bias or self-interest. (Mencher, 1991: 285) In other words, a journalist never knows what the interviewee thinks, only what the interviewee says. So interviews can be a potentially misleading source of ‘facts’ if it is assumed that the person providing information is being completely truthful. Interviewees can have their own agendas. The interviewee may want to put the best, or worst, face on the ‘facts’, or may 161

hope to steer the line of enquiry away from its current direction. For this reason, when you are collecting information through an interview you should always employ a degree of scepticism. This means you should listen closely for things that do not gel with what you already ‘understand’, and then question those things. The interview is an exchange between people, each filtering what they hear and understand through their own perceptions and experience. Everybody has their own truth, and when we exchange information with one another, we inevitably make assumptions about things that are already ‘known’. An interview subject may provide inaccurate information without malicious intent. The same applies to the pre-existing perceptions of journalists, which affect what they think, see, hear and understand. Mencher (1991) describes a famous experiment in which journalism students were found to make more errors when they wrote stories about a report that was contrary to their own biases and predispositions than they did when the report supported their pre-existing feelings. The interview is also often maligned by its subjects, who routinely accuse journalists of misquoting them, of distorting the information provided and of ‘getting it wrong’. This can happen without any malice on the part of the journalist, not least because when you ask a person to tell you the ‘facts’ about something, you are really asking them to make a subjective assessment of the truth to compare to your own assessment. You then assess what you have been told and what you think it means. It is relatively easy for the reporter and source to unwittingly combine to distort the truth. Time is often the problem because journalists are always working to a rigid, specified deadline. You could go to the editor and say ‘I can’t get everything I need straight away, so I’ll need more time to do this story justice’, but more often than not the response will be: ‘Then give me what you’ve got.’ Yesterday’s news is yesterday’s news, and if the story is hot now, the pressure will be on to report on it now, whatever the complications. So the journalists compromise and reason that if they get two interviews, one from each ‘side’, and throw in a bit of background they have a story. This common approach is flawed because we all listen and retain information selectively: one plus one can equal three. It is easy especially when you have already decided, as an experienced journalist does, what your story will cover before you do your interviews. Interviews are seldom a case of: ‘Tell me all about it, I’ll consider it all and then write something.’ It is more likely to be: ‘Here’s my story, now can I get some quotes?’. The more people you speak to, the more perspectives you seek on an issue, the less likely you are to be misled or simply get it wrong.


Objectivity in journalism was once described as ‘getting both sides of the story’. It has since become very clear that there are always more than two sides to a story and the voices that are heard and those that are ignored define the message sent in a story. An issue may be quite complex and yet, in the telling, the issue is polarized. Attributed quotes are used to articulate those two positions only. Sometimes the story raises an issue and only seeks one perspective, which supports the assertion expressed by the journalist in the opening sentence. Some news organizations actually embrace this approach, with the view that: ‘We’ll present this point of view today and when there’s a huge uproar from the other side, we’ll get another story out of this issue for tomorrow.’ There are other forms of distortion of information. The greatest of these is silence, the things the interviewee didn’t say, the questions the reporter didn’t ask. Leaving part of the story uncovered by the interview gets journalists into trouble all the time, particularly when the reporter falls back on assumptions. Distortions can also be caused by pressing a person for information they do not have, or cannot adequately articulate, or by seeking elaboration of information the subject has told you they cannot clearly recall. You can also distort the information gained from an interview by asking leading questions. The way questions are phrased is likely to direct the answer received. In an episode of his 1985 TV comedy series Yes Prime Minister, writer John Mortimer neatly illustrates the problem with leading questions. In the story, the government decides to implement a survey to establish whether the general public would support the re-introduction of a period of compulsory army service for young people. A bureaucrat demonstrates for the politician the way questions may be manipulated to achieve different results. The first group of questions goes like this: 1. ‘Are you worried about the number of young people without jobs?’ 2. ‘Are you worried about the rise in crime among teenagers?’ 3. ‘Do you think young people welcome some discipline and direction in their lives?’ 4. ‘Do you think they respond to a challenge?’ 5. ‘Would you be in favour of re-introducing conscription?’ The second group of questions takes a different perspective: 1. ‘Are you worried about the danger of war?’ 2. ‘Are you worried about the growth of arms?’ 3. ‘Do you think it is wrong to force people to take up arms against their will?’ 163

4. ‘Do you think there is a danger in giving young unemployed people guns and teaching them how to kill?’ 5. ‘Would you oppose the reintroduction of conscription?’ A lot has been written about the best ways to conduct interviews. Scanlon (2013) states that the most important part of an interview is the preparation. The more you know before you get there, the fewer ignorant questions you’ll ask and the quicker you’ll get to the heart of the matter. He also says that the best questions are open-ended. They begin with ‘How?’ ‘What?’ ‘Where?’ ‘When?’ ‘Why?’ They’re conversations starters and encourage expansive answers that produce an abundance of information needed to produce a complete and accurate story. Closed-ended questions are more limited but they have an important purpose. Ask them when you need a direct answer: Did you embezzle the company’s money? Closed-ended questions put people on the record. (Scanlon, 2013) It is important to keep your questions simple, with one idea to a question. When you ask complex questions, you are giving the interviewee the option to answer only part of it. When you have asked a question, wait for the answer. People will always fill the silence if you wait. When you are asking questions, look for specific information – don’t ask abstract questions about beliefs or opinions. The most powerful quotes are short, sometimes just fragments of speech. Listen for dialogue, those exchanges between people that illuminate character, drive action and propel readers forward. It is okay to use email if you need to check something, but not to conduct the whole interview. Or start with email, then follow up with a phone call. There is a stereotype about reporters that they don’t care about people, they just care about getting stories. If you can show sources that you have empathy – some understanding of their plight – they’re more likely to open up to you. Or, as Dick Whitington wrote in his autobiography, quoting editor Sid Deamer: There is no such thing as a good objective journalist. If you are not sensitive enough to feel for your subject, to have a point of view, to suffer joy or agony or sympathy about a story you are covering, you will never be a good journalist. Don’t strive to be objective, strive to be fair. (1978: 3)


Mencher (1991) found that people are often less reliable than other sources because it has been empirically proven that people often respond to a question by looking for clues within it that point to the ‘right’ answer. It has also been demonstrated that some people pretend to know an answer, rather than admit ignorance. Finally, some people’s answers are distorted by vested interests. You can control the questions you ask, but how can you tell if you are being misled? That is where the use of healthy cynicism comes in. Ask yourself ‘Could this person have an ulterior motive?’, ‘Could this person be telling me what they think I want to hear?’, ‘Is there a reason why this person might distort this information?’ and ‘Does this person know what he is talking about?’. It is not necessary to openly challenge everything you are told, but as a journalist you are legally liable for everything you write. To claim that ‘A policeman told me it was true’ is no defence at law for publishing something that is untrue. As a journalist, all sorts of people will tell you all sorts of things, but ultimately you will control how much credibility is assigned to their information and whether it should be published to a wider audience. The power that journalists wield over those who agree to be interviewed by them comes with great responsibility. The potential to harm people by making them look foolish, to cause them to be shunned by friends or bullied online is always there, depending on how you describe them and how you use their information. You will need to make ethical decisions about how to manage the information you acquire. The final thing to consider is the context in which the interview takes place. Protocols for seeking information differ across cultures. In particular, many cultures have protocols about death and dying and it is insensitive not to familiarize yourself with these before you approach people who are bereaved. Journalists have no right to impose themselves on interviewees and should treat them with respect. After all, the interviewee is helping the journalist with information he or she could just as easily keep to him or herself. Consider the state of mind of the person you are interviewing, especially if he or she is upset or grieving. People in an emotional state of mind may express views that do not reflect what they think when they are clear-headed, as can people who are affected by alcohol or drugs. People losing control of their emotions make for dramatic video and photographs, but if the purpose is simply to illustrate grief, it is difficult to justify the harm that may be done by publishing. Once you have collected the information you need to verify it. A source may tell you that something happened in 1999, when in fact it happened in 1998. That person is not lying to you, simply mistaken, but that will not help you to explain how you came to publish something that is clearly incorrect. 165

Interviews in Action Returning to the scenario at the start of this chapter, given that prominence and human interest are important news values, your audience would likely want to know what has happened. Still, you need to have an internal conversation about how much the public has a ‘right’ to know. You need to evaluate your information, particularly with respect to interviewees’ credibility. As you consider this, you should also consider the impact of highlighting drama, violence or sensationalism in the reporting of death or grief, particularly after a suicide. Before you write the story, you need to decide whether some facts should never be reported. The first questions you ask yourself are, ‘Would people be interested to know this?’ and ‘What news values are attached to this conclusion?’. In reaching a decision, you would consider that the event occurred in the local community and the deceased is known to the audience so their misfortune is likely to attract public attention. You would reflect on the background information that the dead man’s family has lost other members to suicide, adding a tragic element to the family’s story. Finally, you might take the view that the suicide of a young person with seemingly every advantage is a question of public interest that may enlighten people about the problem of youth suicide. Interviews are the most active research a journalist can do, whether the interview happens on the phone or face-to-face. Because it is an exchange between two or more people, the reporter’s individual response to the interviewee affects the credibility he or she assigns to information gained from the interview. The first related question to ask of the scenario at the start of this chapter is ‘How do I choose interviewees?’. Consider whether the potential interviewees have first-hand experience. Could the interviewees provide quotes that will enhance the reader’s understanding? You must also be satisfied that the interviewees can provide an authoritative perspective, because publishing their comments will make them appear credible. Next consider the question ‘What do I expect to get from the interviewees?’. In this case, the reporter might reasonably expect the police at the scene to provide verified facts about the discovery of the body. The boys at the scene might be able to provide first-hand information about the circumstances of the discovery, and the reporter might seek to interview the boy’s parents or friends to see whether they can provide any insight into the dead youth’s state of mind. Before starting the interviews, you must also decide, ‘What facts do I need to tell the story?’. Consider the story in terms of who, what, when, 166

where, why and how. Do you need answers to all of these questions for your story to be complete and meaningful? Do you need to find out why it happened? Is it possible for you to do that with confidence? In this case, the reporter first speaks to police at the scene where the body was found. The policeman is affable and cooperative. He confirms the identity of the dead man and the time the body was discovered. He also tells you that he smelt alcohol on the dead man. He tells you that several other members of the large family have committed suicide. Off the record, he tells you the family is dysfunctional and the footballer was the only one to ‘make good’. You and your colleague also attempt to speak to an indigenous official at the scene but are refused entry. Outside you see two young men hanging around waiting to be interviewed by police. The boys tell you they found the body, but do not seem to be upset. They are happy to answer questions and ask whether their names will be in the paper. They seem to be enjoying the attention. You go to the deceased’s home to speak to the parents. You are met in the driveway by a man who tells you the man’s mother is too upset to be interviewed. You can hear weeping coming from inside the house. The man agrees to give you a short statement, after which you ask some questions. The notes from the interviews are given in Boxes 7.1–7.5. Before you write a single word of this story, you must first evaluate the information collected by asking ‘How reliable are my sources?’. The information from the interviews ranges from factual statements about the time and place of death to personal opinions about the motivation of the dead man. The process for assessing the reliability of your sources calls for a new series of questions, starting with ‘Did all the interviewees seem competent to answer?’. The answer to this question is particularly significant when reporting on grief. Could you be causing unnecessary harm by publishing something said under duress? People in the first throes of grief are often prescribed drugs to help them cope, which affect a person’s perceptions. A person may be confused in his or her thinking but still able to answer questions. People might like to know, for curiosity’s sake, how the dead man’s mother is feeling, but do they need to know, and is the harm you could potentially do justified? In attempting to get information, you encounter hostility from indigenous officials. Is the rudeness you experience part of the story? Why? What is the significance, if any, of this encounter? Box 7.1 Interview 1: Constable John Smith At approximately 3 p.m. today, the body of a man was found in the stairwell of the


Dreamtime Cultural Centre. The body has since been identified as Andamooka Gunjitmurra, 30, who plays in the Titans, current football premiers. The family have been now been notified and have asked for privacy. Investigations are continuing but there appear to be no suspicious circumstances.

Box 7.2 Interview 2: Official, Dreamtime Cultural Centre Hey, hey you! Come back here now – you can’t go in there. I don’t care if you are a journalist, go away now before I make you! Lady, I don’t care who you are with, you’re a woman and women aren’t allowed here. There’s ceremony on. @#*&! And don’t come back.

Box 7.3 Interview 3: Uncle Ben, Gunjitmurra Family Home This is a sad day for our whole community. We have known someone who was a good person and a hard-working Gurruna man. That fella was always happy. His mum, his brothers and sisters, his cousins, his aunties and uncles are all gutted. Now you mob leave us alone so we can concentrate on being together. I don’t care what you heard about drugs. His mother always does her best for her kids and she’s had enough heartache already without you mob making trouble.

Box 7.4 Interview 4: Jock Black, Coach, the Titans Rocky was a great kid and a damn good footballer. Like a lot of his sort, he ran like the wind. Everybody loved him – it’s a bloody tragedy to see him end up like that. That boy had everything to live for. He was the one in that family that was going to make it. He was a great example to his people on and off the field, especially with what he had to put up with. Abos have lost a real role model on how to behave.

Box 7.5 Interview 5: Jai Murphy, 15, and Trent Kelly, 16, outside Cultural Centre Kelly: We’re the ones what found him. Murphy: Yeah he was our auntie’s cousin, eh. We found him hanging in the stairwell out the back, all stiff, man. Kelly: I reckon it would take a lots guts to jump, no matter how off your face you


are. Murphy: Family curse, man. Live hard, die young, eh.


Evaluating Interviews Asking questions is only part of the skill of interviewing. How a journalist listens and deals with what they hear is the other part. Mencher offers three questions to guide your evaluation of an interviewee’s information. 1. Was the person an observer of the incident, or did he or she hear about it from someone else? 2. Is the person a competent observer? 3. Can the source provide precise details that seem consistent with the facts? (1991: 284) Consider the quotes and other information provided by the interviewees. There is a lot of speculation about the reasons for the suicide. You may argue that ‘Why?’ is a natural reaction to a tragic and unexpected incident, and that the media serves an important public function in seeking to explain it. On the other hand, is there a real likelihood of you being able to explain the death meaningfully in a 300-word news story? Are you satisfied that the interviewees are competent to provide real insight into the dead man’s state of mind? Why? The next question is whether any of the information collected should be discounted as unreliable or inappropriate for publication. There are numerous published guidelines about ethical reporting of suicide (Sheridan Burns and Hazell, 1997). Using these guidelines, you may decide to reject some information even though it is accurately recorded and ‘colourful’ copy. For example, what public interest is served by publishing graphic details about the corpse or its location? If you provide details about the exact site, it may attract voyeurs to the scene. You need to decide whether people would benefit from knowing that the corpse was hanging in a particular spot and what that looked like. Similarly, you must decide whether public good is served by drawing attention to the method of suicide. You may be keen to explain to people ‘why’ a needless death has occurred, but you must decide whether to include or omit speculation about the dead man’s motivation. For example, if you include the quote from his coach, ‘He was a great example to his people on and off the field, especially with what he had to put up with. Local abos have lost a real role model on how to behave despite your background’, you would be implying that the dead man’s family 170

had a negative effect on his state of mind. You would also be perpetuating casual racism by repeating the term ‘abo’. Other speculation, such as whether the death of the other family members is significant, is also problematic. Can you justify implying this in the way the story goes together? It may be considered respectful to ‘not speak ill of the dead’, but if you construct your story from quotes that emphasize the deceased’s positive characteristics without acknowledging that he had problems you create the impression that people without problems suddenly decide to attempt suicide. This in turn implies to the reader that suicidal people cannot be identified or helped. References to the death as inexplicable could erroneously suggest that the youth killed himself for ‘no reason’. Similarly, if you include the quote ‘family curse’ then you are suggesting that the death was definitely a suicide, even though no finding has been determined by a coroner’s inquiry. If you use this quote, you are assuming the death was suicide when this is not yet a decided fact. Sometimes the people closest to a story are not the best source of factual information. In this case, people might be very interested to know what the family is feeling after the death. But grieving people do not often present themselves in the best way. Does the fact that you accurately recorded what it said mean that you should automatically use the material? Other people, such as the coach is this scenario, may know a lot about one aspect of a person, but not be qualified to comment broadly.The diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is often lost or ignored in reporting, with generalizations made across communities and comments sought about all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In evaluating the accuracy and reliability of your information, you also need to be aware of the dangers in reporting hearsay. For example, the policeman at the scene tells you that he suspects the dead man was affected by alcohol. This is not yet a fact because only an autopsy will reveal the deceased’s blood alcohol content. You should not report hearsay as if it were fact, including information provided by the police. The coach may have honestly held views about the dead man’s childhood, but these may not be accurate as he wasn’t there. The boys who found the body are not emotionally touched by the death so much as by their new celebrity, and may wish to appear to know more about the events than they really do.


Critical Reflection Once you have considered all the information, you need to decide what the ‘facts’ add up to mean. As the journalist writing the story, you will decide how much information the public is told. What you choose to include and omit will directly affect what the audience understands about the story. This directly affects what the audience understands about the general issue of youth suicide and how it might affect them directly. You may feel pressure in the newsroom to highlight the sensational aspects of the story, but you can only be part of the solution or part of the problem. More importantly, you can meet the objectives of a ‘good’ news story without doing unnecessary harm. Next you decide ‘What facts must be included in the story?’. To resolve this, you must answer several related questions including ‘Are who, what, where, when, why and how always appropriate information to include in a story?’. In this scenario, the man’s identity is important to the story because his high public profile would increase public interest in the news. If you decide to use the name, does this mean that public curiosity is a more important value than a family’s individual rights? There is a need for greater cultural sensitivity concerning the content of media reports and how they are reported. In particular, reporting of suicide should respect both the community’s right to grieve, and cultural protocols about not naming or showing footage of a deceased person. In many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the depiction or mention of a person who has passed away can cause great distress to people, as can showing their image through visual media. Even using the same name as the deceased person, or a similar sound, can cause distress for a period of time. When it comes to describing ‘how’ the death occurred, you have a lot of information at your disposal. In evaluating this, you need to consider the implications of including details about the method of suicide. Research into reporting suicides (Sheridan Burns and Hazell, 1999, and others) has demonstrated that detailed reporting of methods tends to be followed by ‘copy-cat’ suicides using the same methods. You might conclude that the general public would be very interested to know exactly how the suicide was achieved, but you would need to be satisfied that the public interest would be served by repeating it. The reporting of suicide should be handled sensitively. Identification with the person and method in the story is seen as a risk factor for copy-cat suicide, particularly among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males.


You need to think about what you expect to achieve by reporting the story. On the one hand, you can be fairly certain that human nature dictates that your audience will speculate about the reasons for the death. On the other hand, is it your job to encourage that speculation by providing unsubstantiated opinions about cause? It is desirable to have positive and helpful stories about mental illness and suicide; however, careful consideration is required about how this is done. In particular, more information on mental health promotion and prevention of suicide would be beneficial, with an emphasis on warning signs, risk factors and where people can go to access culturally appropriate assistance. As you reflect on the choices that you have made so far, you must again consider the public interest in terms of what you set out to achieve. ‘Does my story meet the ethical objective of increasing understanding about suicide?’. A story with the elements described in this scenario creates the temptation to portray the events as a tragic narrative, built around the grieving mother doomed by fate to be robbed of her children ‘despite’ their success. The news value satisfied by this approach is the desire to tell a ‘good story’, one that moves the audience. You must beware of reinforcing the inaccurate notion that such incidents are either ‘acts of fate’ or the result of unspecified failures of parents. A journalist wishing to report on Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander suicide and mental illness must first be educated about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural issues. You would need to seek advice from the appropriate Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander group about this. Finally, because in writing this simple news story you are either part of the solution or part of the problem about reporting on suicides, you must ask, ‘Is my report consistent with ethical guidelines provided for writing news stories about suicide?’. While there may be no clear answers as to why the man died by suicide, the story could be framed around the major risk factors and warning signs for suicide, and the help that is available to people experiencing problems. Having an understanding of these factors may assist people in the community to identify when a friend, family member or colleague may be in need of some additional support and professional assistance. Sometimes the demands of the newsroom seem to be at odds with a journalist’s priorities in the private exchange between reporter and interviewee. If you need to negotiate with an editor who favours sensationalism, ensure you are armed with the facts about the damage such reporting may do. Even if your editor insists, you still control the extent to which you emphasize the sensational aspects of the story. Box 7.6 Gathering News in Action



Conclusion Journalism would look very different if reporters did not use interviews as research. For a start, it would take much longer to gather information and make sense of it. Journalism would be less direct and interesting too, if journalists relied on ‘dry’ facts and ignored the input of the people involved and those with expert knowledge. For example, if people wanted to know about something that had happened in parliament on a particular day, they could wait for publication of the full transcript of that day’s parliamentary discussions. However, the information would be expressed in parliamentary language and the reader would have to wade through volumes of material to find the information that was interesting to him or her. Even then, the reader may be no wiser as to the individual effect the information might have. Journalists have some control over what people tell them, usually exercised through the questions they choose to ask. However, the journalist always has control of decisions about information that is useful and should be included, and the information that should, or could, be omitted from the story. This control was explored in the previous chapter, which focused on the processes used in evaluating information you have not collected yourself. These sources include social media, the Internet library and media archives. The next chapter considers data, which can be both a primary and secondary source.


Further Action 1. Read a published profile of a prominent person you don’t know much about. Do you like the person after reading the profile? Why? Describe the person’s general character based on what you have read, then look for the clues in the text that are the basis of your opinion. 2. Read an account of an interview and ask yourself what other questions might have been asked of the interviewee. Where did the ideas for the extra questions come from? Was it your own prior knowledge, or a question raised by something published in the article? 3. Ask someone to interview you about a controversial topic and then consider their version of your opinions. Being an interviewee is a good way to understand the limitations of an interview. 4. Investigate the cultural protocols required when interviewing indigenous people.


Further Reading Hunter Institute of Health (2008) Response Ability, Resources for Journalism Education. Available from: www.responseability.org.au Samaritans (UK) (2000) ‘Guide to Reporting of Suicide and Mental Illness.’ Available from: www.samaritans.org.uk Sheridan Burns, L. and Hazell, P. (1999) ‘Youth suicide and the media’s response … ability’, Asia Pacific Media Educator, 6: 57–71. Sheridan Burns, L. and McKee, A. (1999) Reporting indigenous issues: some practical suggestions for journalists, Australian Journalism Review, 21 (2): 103–116.


8 Researching Stories Data You are provided with a set of statistics drawn from a population census. You are asked to write a story about the ‘average’ person living in the community described in the statistics. How will you go about it? What special considerations apply to working with data? The previous two chapters considered primary and secondary sources, the traditional ways of getting information and substantiating it. This chapter considers a third source – data – which does not fit neatly into either of the other two categories. It is ‘part of a specialized, third category of source – one that has some characteristics of both primary and secondary sources, straddling the two and throwing up all kinds of new challenges’ for the contemporary practice of journalism. Data journalism can be generally described as the use of data science in support of the journalism practices ‘where data science is defined as the study of the extraction of knowledge from data’ using a range of techniques, including the ‘gathering, cleaning, organizing, analyzing, visualizing, and publishing’ of data (Howard, 2014: 4). During the post-industrial journalism era, digital technologies have led to a rise in availability of data, and the development of techniques for meaningfully processing it into usable formats in a timely fashion. As a result, journalists who specialize in the use of data have become increasingly commonplace (Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2018). According to the American Press Institute, the consensus among journalists and educators in 2016 was that ‘by the time journalism students graduate they should have some experience with data’ (Sunne, 2016). That’s because they’ll need skill at processing and presenting data as a scientist would. As Phillip Meyer (2017) explains: When information was scarce, most of our efforts were devoted to hunting and gathering. Now that information is abundant, processing is more important. We process at two levels: (1) analysis to bring sense and structure out of the never-ending flow of data and (2) presentation to get what’s important and relevant into the consumer’s head. Like science, data journalism discloses its methods and presents its findings in a way that can be verified by replication. 178

Because data is both primary and secondary, you are likely to find yourself sorting through and presenting data to an audience in a form that is easy to interpret. There is potential for journalism to reveal hidden things in the public interest through data journalism. High-profile examples of such collaborative efforts have certainly added to the momentum that is driving the growth of data journalism and exploring the potential of collaborative journalism. Sheridan Burns and Matthews (2018) describe how the Panama Papers project is investigating a leak of over 11.5 million financial and legal records for publication in a standalone website, and various points of publication in mainstream media outlets. The project, which sets out to expose ‘crime, corruption and wrongdoing, hidden by secretive offshore companies’, won a Pulitzer Prize in 2017 for ‘Explanatory Journalism’ (The Panama Papers, 2017). Then there was the Paradise Papers project, which began to yield publications in 2017 for a number of media outlets. It relied on an international consortium of investigative journalists to process the largest leak in history with more than 13.4 million files revealing the workings of the tax haven industry (‘What Are the Paradise Papers …?’, 2017). These cases both involved large data sets, made available by major leaks, which resulted in investigations into corruption and inhumane activity by government, business and individuals. The need for journalists to work collaboratively in teams, with other journalists and those with expertise in working with data, is a feature of the new work practices associated with data journalism (Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2018: 3). However, journalists can also use the techniques of data journalism as part of their everyday work, to quickly ‘produce transparent, credible and exclusive narratives that can have enormous social and political impact’ (Graham, 2017). As Fries describes, it is clear that the role of data science in journalism will continue to grow in significance and not just in high-profile situations. The skillset required to understand and manipulate data will becoming an increasingly common part of the journalist’s toolkit as they attempt to serve the interest of a public faced with the problem of ‘information asymmetry’: Information asymmetry—not the lack of information, but the inability to take in and process it with the speed and volume that it comes to us—is one of the most significant problems that citizens face in making choices about how to live their lives. Information taken in from print, visual and audio media influence citizens’ choices and actions. Good data 179

journalism helps to combat information asymmetry. (Fries, 2017) But taking in and processing information reliably also requires verification of sources. Journalists have typically relied on primary and secondary sources of information. Secondary sources, as described in Chapter 6 usually comprise information found in published documents and audio-visual materials. The most orthodox means of ensuring information is reliable is to check that is has been published in a rigorous form. As described in Chapter 7, primary sources provide first-person substantiation for stories, such as direct comments from witnesses or official representatives of public and private organizations or businesses. These sources are regarded as highly authentic, having come directly from the source to the journalist. The process of researching a story usually draws on secondary sources of information too, but only if they can be clearly verified. When journalists publish work based on data, they often appear to be working with secondary sources, including leaked documents such as government reports, or information derived from surveys of large amounts of documents available publicly on the World Wide Web. However, for a number of reasons they are relying on a source of information that varies greatly from other secondary sources. Not least among these is the process by which the data is verified, particularly given that in most cases the amount of information involved is very large, and as yet unprocessed. Technically speaking, data is made up of many separate primary sources that are difficult to verify as authentic. How, for example, does a journalist determine the authenticity of data such as a cache of thousands of individual ‘official’ reports of abuse and mistreatment created by government employees, such as those relied upon by the Guardian for the ‘Nauru Files’? Or the 11.5 million financial and legal records that made up the data relied upon bythe journalists working on the Panama Papers? (Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2018: 3) Checking your sources has never been so complex, and the issue of authenticity is further complicated by the processes journalists use to turn it into useful and meaningful formats for delivery to a wide audience. ‘Data journalists report and write, craft interactives and visualizations, develop storytelling platforms, run predictive models, build open source software, and much, much more’ (Howard, 2014: 99). In other words, instead of relying on 180

information that has been published by reliable sources, data journalists also interpret, synthesize, analyse and evaluate data in a range creative modes.


Interrogating Data It is a mistake to think of data as simply numerical – large amounts of intractable, unthinking, value-free information. However Brooks (2013) asserts that our increased ability to gather data appears to have brought with it a growing reliance on certain potentially dangerous assumptions – for instance, the assumption that measuring things is implicitly useful because the resulting data permits us to escape emotion and value-driven bias in our analyses and interpretations of the present; or the assumption that the scientific method (make an observation, pose a question, form a hypothesis, collect data, analyse data, reach a conclusion) is always accurate. It is assumed that the method can be universally applied to gather data, and that logical and mathematical analysis of data is an authoritative source of knowledge. This way of thinking has found its way into the cultural assumptions that underpin journalism, where journalistic practices have rushed towards the uptake of data manipulation and representation. In the twenty-first century these processes have rapidly become more affordable. Data, after all, appear to provide certain evidence to offset the shortcomings of opinions offered by primary sources who may be emotional, biased or pursuing a private agenda. But data can be biased, like any primary human source, and the process by which data – both good and bad – is interpreted and represented by both ethical and well-meaning journalists can mislead or misinform. As data journalism grows in its significance, the capacity to inspect data and identify the means by which it has been corrupted, made biased, or how it is derived from flawed processes of experimentation also grow. Data is not value free. It has been created by people whose processes deserve investigation, verification and interrogation the same as any other journalistic source. A journalist must be skilled in the processes required to accurately interpret and represent data in summary form such as visualizations, and techniques and understandings that fall outside the traditional domain of journalism, such as information design and statistics.


Working With Data The skillset and tools you require to interrogate data are wide-ranging and rapidly changing. As a result it is likely that data journalism will yield a range of sub-specialties, and that the rise of data use will require journalists to collaborate with experts who are capable of interrogating data in ways that exceed their expertise (Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2018: 5). This means journalists are expected to be increasingly familiar with the language and processes that gathering and representing data rely on. The key processes used are data collection, cleaning, analysis, presentation and publishing (Howard, 2014: 58). Today, data journalists work with a range of tools that save labour, such as Web-based technologies that allow more rapid and reliable collection, interpretation and representation of data through sophisticated visualization techniques. They also work with programming languages and create interactive content in communication with developers through processes that take more time. But in the end, the data journalist is tackling problems that journalism has always faced; for example, data always comes from questions that are framed somewhere, somehow, as part of the human process of interpretation. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the analytic processes that yield the data before you can ask the enduring journalistic questions, such as ‘Is this data ethically framed?’, ‘What processes were used, or am I using, and why?’. If you are not able to think about the data from within a strong critical framework, or to interrogate the data based on questions that are meaningful, how can you faithfully report the story? Emily Bell of Columbia University argues that working with data is about this process of critical thinking and discovery, and concludes ‘that’s something which is actually available to all journalists’ (cited in Howard 2014: 58). In other words, the tools may have changed, but good journalism still relies on the same determination to tell the story honestly and with clarity. Data journalists also still aim to find out, report and tell stories for an audience so journalist ask questions of just as they would a human source. But just as a source can only give answers about which he or she has information, a data set can only answer questions for which it has the right records and the proper variables. So you must consider carefully what questions you need to answer even before you acquire your data. Then you work backwards, looking for data-evidenced statements you want to make in 183

your story – and gathering any information about the data you need in order to verify those statements (Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2018: 7). Working with statistics is a good way to familiarize yourself with working with data. Often you will start with a summary of data, but it is a good idea to see all the variables and records in the database rather than the subset that could answer the questions for the immediate story. Having access to the full data set will let you answer new questions that may come up in your reporting, and even produce new ideas for follow-up stories. You also need access to the ‘data dictionary’ that explains any codes being used by particular variables. Finally, always examine the results of your analysis and ask: ‘Does this make sense?’ (Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2018: 7)


Visualizing Data In order to make sense of data, we often need to visualize it. Just loading a data set into spreadsheet software can be considered as data visualization. The invisible data suddenly turns into a visible ‘picture’ on our screen. Thus, the questions should not be whether journalists need to visualize data or not, but which kind of visualization may be the most useful in which situation: ‘Visualization is critical to data analysis. It provides a front line of attack, revealing intricate structure in data that cannot be absorbed in any other way. We discover unimagined effects, and we challenge imagined ones’ (Aisch, 2017). It is said that ‘data is not information, information is not knowledge and knowledge is not understanding’ – and tables alone won’t give you an overview of a data set. Tables don’t allow us to immediately identify patterns within data. So it is unrealistic to expect that data visualization tools and techniques will unleash a barrage of ready-made stories from data sets. It makes more sense to look for ‘insights’ that can become stories with further investigation. Every visualization is likely to give you some insights into your data. Some of those insights might be already known (but perhaps not yet proven), while other insights might be completely new or even surprising. It might mean the beginning of a new story or it could be just be the result of errors in the data, which are most likely to be found by visualizing the data. Visualization provides a particular perspective on the data set because you can visualize data in lots of different ways. For example, tables are very powerful when you are dealing with a relatively small number of data points such as one-dimensional outliers like the top ten, but they are poor when it comes to comparing multiple dimensions at the same time (for instance population per country over time). Charts, in general, allow you to map dimensions in your data to visual properties of geometric shapes. Line charts are especially suited for showing temporal evolutions, while bar charts are perfect for comparing categorical data. You can stack chart elements on top of each other. If you want to compare a small number of groups in your data, displaying multiple instances of the same chart is a very powerful way (also referred to as small multiples). In all charts you can use different kinds of scales to explore different aspects in your data (e.g. linear or log scale). Graphs show the interconnections between different data and are very good at 185

illustrating changes over time. For example, data visualization is not only a valuable social currency for attracting readers, it also leverages a powerful cognitive advantage: fully half of the human brain is devoted to processing visual information. When you present a user with an information graphic, you are reaching them through the mind’s highest-bandwidth pathway. A welldesigned data visualization can give viewers an immediate and profound impression, and cut through the clutter of a complex story to get right to the point (Gray et al., 2017). But unlike other visual media, such as still photography and video, data visualization is made of measurable facts. Moreover, like other forms of narrative journalism, data visualization can be effective both for breaking news – quickly imparting new information like the location of an accident and the number of casualties – and for feature stories, where it can go deeper into a topic and offer a new perspective, to help you see something familiar in a completely new way. When you use data as a source, you should also tell readers where they can access the raw data, so they can see the basis of your conclusions. A good visualization speaks to the user in a language they can understand, and reveals a story that they can easily connect with.


Working With Data in Action Data research has become so important that the winner of the 2017 Walkleys Media Incubator and Innovation Fund’s $10,000 iSentia and Journalism Innovation Award was a team that designed a software that allows journalists to interrogate Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data and visualize it in easy-to-read line and pie charts (Park, 2017: 4). That a specific software was developed says something about the complexities involved in digging into a large data set. Nevertheless, working with statistics is good place to start getting to grips with data. Box 8.1 Census Data


Population data – Greater Sydney


People (ages) Are there more people aged under 40 or over 40?



Marital status (Aged 15 years and over)


People – culture and language diversity


Country of birth (top responses)


Country of birth of mother and/or father


Religious affiliation


Languages spoken at home


Family composition




Household composition


Number of motor vehicles per dwelling

The 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics Population Census (ABS, 2017) provides a useful data set to use to demonstrate working with data. The statistics in Box 8.1 are drawn from the summary table of a subset data from the census results published in 2017. The statistics relate to people living in Greater Sydney, which incudes the city of Sydney and other cities that make up the Sydney region. The ABS is an authoritative source of statistics, but media coverage of the results of the census, released in August 2017, show how interpretations of data can vary, as discussed below. A census is an important source of information about trends in society, but there is so much data that stories can get lost. How the data is reported is a reflection of the news values and perceived audience of a new outlet. Before you start looking at the stats in Box 8.1, have a look at the statistics for your suburb in the Australian census or its equivalent wherever you are. It will remind you that census statistics are about people like you and that we can all be reduced to numbers even though everyone has a story to tell. And the average person doesn’t really exist, only statistically. With this new insight, consider the statistics in Box 8.1 and ask yourself: What stands out to me? What does the average/mean reveal? Is this what I expected? What questions would I like answered? Once you have visualized your data, the next step is to ask yourself what you have learned. You can ask yourself: What can I see in this image? Is it what I expected? Are there any interesting patterns? What does this mean in the context of the data? 200

Sometimes you might end up with visualization that seems to tell you nothing of interest about your data. But there is almost always something that you can learn from any visualization, however trivial. In most cases when we start to work with a previously unseen data set we are already full of expectations and assumptions about the data. Usually there is a reason why we are interested in the data set that we are looking at. It’s a good idea to document these initial thoughts. This helps us to identify our bias and reduces the risk of misinterpretation of the data by just finding what we originally wanted to find. Take the time to make some notes on things like: Why have I created this chart? What have I done to the data to create it? What does this chart tell me? You might have found some interesting pattern in the data set that you now want to inspect in more detail. This can be achieved in a number of ways: Have look at a certain detail in the visualization aggregation to combine many data points into a single group. Filter out data points that are not your major focus. Get rid of ‘outliers’ or single points that are not representative for 99 per cent of the data set. Box 8.2 Sydney Morning Herald Report (Excerpt)


Sydney suburbs with no one born overseas are non-existent – almost You have to drive a long way to find a Sydney suburb with no one born overseas. There’s only one – the tiny hamlet of Wheeny Creek, 86 kilometres north-west of the CBD – according to country-of-birth figures from the 2016 census. The suburb-level data provided to Fairfax Media by the Bureau of Statistics underscores Sydney’s migrant character. There were 111 suburbs across the greater metropolitan area with more than half the population born in another country while just 24 suburbs had fewer than 10 per cent of residents born overseas. The inner-city neighbourhood of Haymarket had the highest overseas-born population at 90.3 per cent. Next was Sydney’s CBD (80.3 per cent) followed by Rhodes (80.1 per cent) and Ultimo (79.9 per cent). (Wade, 2017)

Box 8.3 Daily Mail Australia (Excerpt)


The only place in Sydney where NO ONE is foreign: Welcome to Wheeny Creek – the tiny hamlet of 327 people where migrants are an alien concept Wheeny Creek revealed as the only Sydney suburb with no foreign residents The town, 86km north-west of the city, was the only one across Greater Sydney Just 24 suburbs across Sydney had fewer than 10% of overseas-born residents Meanwhile, 111 suburbs recorded more than half of their population was foreign Census data reveal there is only one place in Sydney where there are no foreign-born residents. Wheeny Creek, a tiny hamlet of just 327 people 86 kilometres north-west of Sydney’s centre, is the suburb with all of its residents born in Australia, according to 2016 census figures. The small town was one of just 24 suburbs across the greater Sydney region that had fewer than 10 per cent of residents born overseas. The only Sydney suburb where no one is foreign is Wheeny Creek, a tiny hamlet of just 327 people Wheeny Creek advertises itself as a place known for its ‘peace and ambience of whistling bellbirds’, and the ideal getaway location for Sydney residents. Wheeny Creek was followed by Forest Glen, with just 5.1 per cent of its residents born overseas, then Nattai, with 5.4 per cent, and Mowbray Park with 6.1 percent. Those towns were in stark contrast to 111 suburbs which recorded more than half of their population born in another country, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. Haymarket, in Sydney’s inner city, recorded the highest overseas-born population with 90.3 per cent of its residents migrants. Sydney’s Central Business District followed Haymarket, with 80.3 percent. Sydney itself had more overseas-born residents than any other capital city in the country, with almost four out of ten born outside of Australia.

The data in Box 8.1 was widely reported in the Sydney media in different ways. For example, the Sydney Morning Herald’s report (Box 8.2) focused on the fact there was only one suburb in Sydney where no one was born 203

overseas. The report said the census showed that Sydney was a city of migrants. Box 8.3 is the Daily Mail Australia’s take on the Sydney Morning Herald story. It takes a more negative approach to the same data – describing the tiny town where ‘foreigners’ are an alien concept as ‘the ideal getaway for Sydney residents’. The Daily Telegraph took the angle ‘2016 Australian Census reveals Sydney is now more Asian than European’, while the ABC led its coverage with ‘Census Results: Australians are older, ethnically diverse and losing their religion’. Other stories about the census data published in The Conversation included: ‘Australian census data show collapse in citizenship uptake by New Zealanders’ ‘As Australia becomes less religious, our parliament becomes more so’ ‘Here’s why it’s so hard to say whether inequality is going up or down’ ‘The facts on birth rates for Muslim couples and non-Muslim couples in Australia’ ‘Taxing empty homes: a step towards affordable housing, but much more can be done’ ‘Census shows increase in children with disability, but even more are still uncounted’ ‘Census 2016: what’s changed for Indigenous Australians?’ ‘Home ownership remains strong in Australia but it masks other problems: Census data’ ‘Census 2016 puts on display the increasing diversity in Australians’ relationships’ ‘Census 2016 shows Australia’s changing religious profile, with more “nones” than Catholics’ Setting aside the stories generated by the media, there are a number of possible stories in the data in Box 8.1. In the case of this data set, it might be that while the parents of almost half of Australia were born overseas, most Australians were not. The impact of this historical context was played out in Australia’s federal parliament in 2017 when the Australian High Court ruled that a number of politicians were ineligible to serve because they had dual citizenship due to a parent born outside Australia. By law, a politician must show allegiance to only the country he/she serves. Considering the census 2016 data for Greater Sydney, does that mean 49.4 per cent of the population is ineligible to stand for parliament? The stories you choose to pursue will be a reflection of the audience you have in mind. First though, just read the statistics and see what stands out to you. If a fact generates curiosity in you, it’s great place to start. 204

The data set provided in Box 8.1 contains 12 items from the summary data for Greater Sydney as collected in the 2016 Australian Population Census. It is a summary of a summary prepared by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, so it is not nearly the whole story. You’ll need to interview the data if you are to use it as a source of stories. To begin, reflect on the statistics in Box 8.1 and ensure you know that you are looking at. For example, you will notice that the population summary describes the median age of residents as 36. What’s the difference between the mean, median and average of a number set? The mean is the sum of all the numbers in the set, divided by the amount of numbers in the set. The median is the middle point of a number set, in which half the numbers are above the median and half are below. The average of a set of numbers is the same as its mean; they’re synonyms. When Sydney media reported that the average Australian was a 36-year-old woman, reporters were using these median figures. Now consider that there were only 1.4 per cent (67,535) more women than men reported in the census. Does that suggest a different picture? Now consider the data about the average family. What is interesting about it that could prompt a story? Do the median figures tell the whole story? For example, the median weekly household income is AU$1750, but how can you work out how much of that is going on the mortgage or rent? First you need a formula to turn the weekly rent into a number that can be compared to the mortgage payments. One way is to multiply the weekly rent by 52.14 (365 days divided by 7 days per week). How does the situation for renters compare with those paying mortgages? The age data seems too dispersed to offer much insight, but the median information is more meaningful when grouped. For example, children aged 0–14 years made up almost 20 per cent of the population. You could ask yourself: ‘Australia is described as an ageing population – does the data bear this out?’. Data visualization is a useful way to look for trends. Figure 8.1 is a visualization of the age data easily created using the chart function in Word. Are more people younger than 40 or older than 40? Is that different from the rest of Australia? What other story ideas are prompted by this data? The summary data about marital status is a good example of why you don’t take statistics at face value, and of the importance of reflecting on them first. This data sets the parameter of ‘aged 15 years and over’, which could actually skew your reading of the data. As the age of consent in Australia is 16, it is likely that there are children in the ‘never married category’. To know more, you would need to sort the data to remove the youngest age group. Manipulating this data in smaller age increments should also give you insight 205

into the age by which most people marry, and whether there is an increase in older people who never marry. You would need to return to the full data set to extract information about the number of people in same sex relationships, who may currently be counted as ‘never married’. Figure 8.1 Age distribution in Greater Sydney, 2016

Revisiting the data reported in the Sydney Morning Herald and Daily Mail Australia (Boxes 8.2 and 8.3) shows there are other ways to interpret the data. For example, about 60 per cent of Australians were born here but only a third have Australian-born parents. In fact, both the parents of almost half the population weren’t born here. What does that suggest about the 2017 political furore about politicians having dual citizenship? How would you further investigate this idea? Data visualization can provide a clearer picture. Now consider the data about religious affiliation. This was widely reported in the media as ‘Australia is losing its religion’. At first glance this appears true, given that ‘No religion’ is listed second. But when you add the numbers for Catholics and Anglicans, you see that Sydney is still predominantly Christian. Do the figures align with your preconceptions about religious diversity in Sydney? Are there more or less of some groups than you expected? Is there a story here?


Thinking about the summary data on languages spoken at home, it is clear that English is most common. However, 38 per cent speak a ‘non-English language’. You would need to go back to the data set to find out what that means. Is it a total of all the other languages not listed in Box 8.1? That could tell you a lot about the diversity of languages spoken in Sydney. How would you find that data? Would visualization help? The family composition data shows that most of those in families (as opposed to single households and group households) make up most of Sydney’s population. What sort of questions could you ask this data to get a clearer picture of the situation in certain part of greater Sydney? The data on dwellings offers many possibilities for further research. For example what does an ‘unoccupied dwelling’ mean? Does it mean abandoned, or a rental property that is ‘between tenants’. You’d need to go back to the data set to find out. The data suggests more than one in five Sydneysiders live alone, but only 8 per cent live with one bedroom. Consider the data regarding home ownership. Archived census data is publicly available, so it could very interesting to compare the result with the last census, or one 20 or 30 years ago. A ‘heat map’ might reveal whether some parts of Sydney have more renters than owners. Finally, look at the number of cars per dwelling. Would a geographical sort of the data provide a more nuanced story? Does the nuanced data tell you anything about public transport availability? Is there a story about more adult children living at home? What could a postcode analysis reveal?


Conclusion Data is neither a primary source nor a secondary one. It is ‘live’ in the sense you can ask it questions and arrive at answers, unlike secondary sources, which must be taken at face value. But data is always presented, and that means that someone has set parameters on the information collected, which in turn affects what is presented. Data is not value free. It has been created by people whose processes deserve investigation, verification and interrogation the same as any other journalistic source. So, you must be skilled in the processes required to accurately interpret and represent data in summary form such as visualizations, and techniques and understandings that fall outside the traditional domain of media studies such as information design and statistics. Data can be a powerful source of research information for journalists who know how to read and interpret data and how to use the many tools available to visualize data and make it more easily understood (Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2018: 13). The next part of the journalism process – bringing together research to tell a story – is explored in Chapter 9. BOX 8.4 Working with Data in Action


(Sheridan Burns and Matthews, 2018: 11)


Further Action 1. Look at the most recent census data for your suburb/neighbourhood. Describe the average person. Is this data useful? 2. Working with the data set in Box 8.1, devise a story idea and list what else you would need to do before you wrote the story. 3. Go online and find a free data visualization tool. Import the data from Box 8.1 and describe a story idea prompted by the data. 4. Investigate free tools for analysing data. What are the strengths and weaknesses?


9 Telling Stories Civil unrest has broken out in a country with a military government. The government acts to quickly shut down television and radio stations and block access to the Internet. However, mobile communications are still active and soon Twitter is abuzz with first-hand accounts and commentary. As the story unfolds, you must file for online, radio and print news. News journalism is a diverse but very specific writing genre. It is bound by numerous conventions and contributing factors, the most significant of these being a defined audience and time frame. At its worst, news writing can be reduced to a formula but, at its best, it is compelling. This chapter explores the processes used to construct stories by transforming research into journalism targeted at an identified audience. This is followed by a systematic critique of the decision-making processes used to choose between alternatives and consider the implications of those decisions. ‘Constructing’ news is not the same as making things up. The word ‘construction’ here refers to the processes journalists use in deciding what to omit and what to include from their research material. Construction in this sense is more like the process a builder uses to build a house from raw materials. There are many ways that the builder can put the parts together to make a house, and how she does that is a reflection of the budget or resources available, and also the style of house her customer wants. In How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One, Stanley Fish describes the power exercised by choosing words: It is often said that the job of language is to report or reflect or mirror reality but the power of language is greater and more dangerous than that; it shapes reality, not of course in a little sense – but in the sense that the order imposed on a piece of the world by sentence is only one among innumerable possible orders. (Fish, 2011: 37) Most news comes down to reporting an event, speculating on the repercussions of an event, or predicting the likely outcome of one of the first two. Most but not all journalism audiences demand that news can be absorbed quickly. It is usually an abbreviated medium, in some instances more than 211

others. For example, an average radio news item consists of about 50–100 words and perhaps one or two questions and answers. A three-minute TV news item is a feature. This has a major impact on what you can say, because each message you send must be meaningful. Writing must be clear and selfexplanatory, the ‘newest’ news, so a report always starts with the most recent information. The basic structure of news writing is that information is organized in order of ‘newsworthiness’. Newsworthiness, discussed in Chapter 4, is based on a subjective assessment of ‘What interests people?’. Sometimes a fact is deemed newsworthy because it is important or significant, sometimes because it is interesting or unusual.


Writing Stories Today’s journalist needs to be able to construct a story in multiple ways to suit cross- platform delivery. While this requires different techniques for different media, at the core of this storytelling is still the construction of sentences brought together in such a way as to convey the maximum amount of meaning. While there are some basic rules, the range of sentence types at the disposal of a journalist is very broad. A sentence can be short or long, formal or colloquial. A sentence can surprise, disturb or reassure. It can shout at you or whisper. The impact of a sentence is achieved by carefully choosing every word for its maximum impact. Novelist Ernest Hemingway’s views on writing stemmed mainly from his early career as a journalist. His advice to writers (Phillips, 1984, and others) boiled down to six simple practices: use short sentences write clearly use simple words don’t overwrite avoid adjectives leave yourself out of it. Simple sentence structures and transparent paragraph structure lead the reader to continue reading, and so form the basis of news writing. Gibson offers two central pieces of advice – get rid of comma clauses and use verbs instead of nouns. You can keep a lot of your sentences down to a reasonable length with some careful trimming, and a little thought. Practice helps. You need to get the habit of eliminating excess baggage in your prose. If you learn to delete it when you see it, soon you will learn to avoid it as you write. (1989: 15) News writing always starts with the most important fact. When you report on a football game, you do not start with the kick-off, you begin with the final score. So it is with news. If someone were to blow up the building across the street from where you work today, when you got home you would not start 213

the story by saying, ‘Today seemed like an ordinary sort of day, little did I know how it would turn out’. You would say, ‘Someone blew up the building across the street!’. In other forms of journalism, it is fine for your story to have a beginning, a middle and an end. News stories, in contrast, blurt out something and then explain themselves by attributing each assertion to the evidence of a source with authority to speak on the subject. For example, a story might begin: A bystander was shot dead in broad daylight after he went to the aid of a woman outside the High Court today [assertion]. Police [attribution] said when the man approached a woman being assaulted he was shot by her assailant … You should also establish the context: The gunman escaped on foot, sparking a police shutdown of the CBD of Capital City. Fish describes first sentences as having ‘an angle of lean’ – they lean forward; inclining in the direction of the elaborations they anticipate (2011: 99). Once you have indicated, with the first two sentences, what the main point of the story is, you add additional or supporting information linked in a logical sequence. But the news story expands, rather than continuing along a line. You do not build up the interesting bits, or start at the beginning. If there are three major points, news writing does not deal with each in detail consecutively. One goes in the introduction, the other two go in the second sentence; the introduction is substantiated and linked to the second sentence in the third; some colour is added, and then the two secondary points are substantiated in turn. In constructing a news story, it is not possible for journalists to include everything. A speech might contain 800 words, but the reporter has a limit of 300 words for the news story about it. The reporter has to decide what to leave out, and in the process is defining what the story will say. So before you start writing you need to be clear on your theme – that is, the core of the story, the one-line description:


A building was destroyed by fire today. A new tax will make life harder for families. That sentence may be your introduction, or it may not appear in so many words anywhere in your story. Your news writing will be constructed of concrete, specific facts but your theme will emerge. The message is disseminated through the selection and arrangement of those specific, concrete details. How the information is arranged, or constructed into news, is a result of professional decision making in editorial processes discussed in Chapter 4. The gathering, editing and publishing of news involves decisions by people who inevitably bring their own background, values and prejudices to bear in deciding what to select, emphasize and colour as news. The issue is not if the press is biased but the nature and extent of that bias. (Barr, 1977: 5) Barr reminds journalists that it is short-sighted to deny the existence of bias or to think of themselves as arbiters of objective truth. Rather than ignore the context, or pretend it has no effect, he argues that you must declare it and let the context be part of the message. That you cannot escape your own preconceptions is not a mandate for writing carelessly, nor is the absence of objectivity. Fairness is the gauge by which journalism is judged. At law, as in life, that which is fair is acceptable, even if it is unpalatable to some. To be fair means providing as much information about the context as possible in the circumstances. For example, if you report the fact of a strike, and the inconvenience it will cause, fairness dictates that you should also include the reasons or justification for the strike and the events leading up to it. Let the reader, the audience, decide whether the strike is justified. Being fair does not, however, extend to writing about someone as you would have them write about you. That reporting would likely be unbalanced, overly sympathetic and probably not very accurate. Instead your aim is to be fair, not objective in your reporting. The aim of news writing (see Box 9.1) is to convey the salient facts about a set of circumstances in a way that is easily comprehended. News writing must be as competent at telling the story in 25 words as it is capable of telling it in 250 or 2000 words. In constructing a news story, you must always consider 215

six elements: who (the subjects in the story) what (the action that prompted the story) where (the physical context) when (the time context) how (substantiates what) why (authoritative comment). BOX 9.1 News Writing Basics Write simply. Simple words in the right combination can be powerfully evocative. First things first. News writing starts with a bang and then explains itself. Always attribute what you say to an identified source. A good introduction is everything.

BOX 9.2 Basic News Structure A bystander was shot dead in broad daylight after he went to the aid of a woman outside the High Court today. (The bottom line comes first. This sentence also answers who, what, when and why.) Police said when the man approached a woman who was being assaulted he was shot by her assailant, who escaped on foot. (Second sentence substantiates what and why and adds how.) The dead man, believed to be an office worker returning from lunch, was shot in the head and died at the scene. The woman he helped was taken to hospital with fractures and lacerations. (Third paragraph establishes the context.) ‘Capital City police won’t rest until this offender is brought to justice,’ Sgt Tom Yui said. (Quote is linked to the next assertion.) Police have cordoned off six blocks around the High Court, where the injured woman was to have appeared on a Family Court matter.

For example, Box 9.2 shows how the questions above fit into the structure of 216

assertion, substantiation and attribution. These elements are necessary to establish the facts and constitute a formula of sorts, but that should not mean that all reports are the same. Notice that the sentences are composed of plain speech, the language is direct and the verbs are active. As in most journalism, there is an assertion, namely that a man was shot, and the reason why. In Box 9.2, each assertion is substantiated by providing the context in which the assertion occurred. To explain or to emphasize what has already been reported, quotes are added. Quotes, and in this sense that includes interview ‘grabs’ in radio and TV news, are a powerful way of getting a message across – the more authoritative the source of the quote, the more powerful the message. The quote provides the sense of immediacy in journalism, the eyewitness part. This is also known as ‘colour’. The term is based on the perception that a ‘fact’ is black and white, and not open to interpretation. ‘Colour’ then, adds depth, nuances to the meaning of the fact in its specific context. Direct speech is also lively. When you quote someone, the reader reads not only what was said but the way it was said. In doing so the reader picks up clues about the speaker. Quotes are also used to add variety to the message. Radio and TV use a variety of voices because it has been shown that people’s attention wanes when they have to listen to one voice for an extended period. Even when a report is a verbatim reproduction of questions and answers, it is still edited to establish and substantiate a theme constructed by the journalist. Quotes, like cinéma vérité, may be the closest thing to reality, but lack their meaning without a narrative to hold them together. While quotes can add colour to a news report, the strength of the writing is found in the language used by the reporter to tell the story: The suggestion that he is dishonest has been rejected by the Senator. The Senator has denied allegations that he is corrupt. The first sentence is passive because the subject, ‘the Senator’, is at the end, not the beginning of the sentence. The use of verbs and nouns is also weak because it downplays the conflict inherent in the sentence. Consider the relative strengths of ‘reject’ and ‘deny’, or ‘dishonest’ and ‘corrupt’. The second sentence is more concise and yet conveys more of the story than the first. When you come to merge together facts, quotes and anecdotes into a story 217

you will be seeking to organize them into a complete message. For a message to be complete you cannot, for the sake of brevity, allude to part of the story but then not explain it. In those circumstances you must leave something out. The aim is always to provide the most accurate representation you can of what it all means. For something to be accurate it must be demonstrably correct within the clearly defined context in which it is offered. This differs from the concept of truth, which is absolute. For something to be true it must be so at every level of meaning and in every context, and in journalism that is not always possible. For instance, a journalist may write that according to police, the fire started at 10 p.m. The next day it may be revealed that the fire started at 6.30 p.m. What the journalist wrote is no longer truthful, but it is still accurate in that the police, an authoritative source, did say it on that day. That is why journalists must attribute what they assert, and lay out the justification and context for what they assert. If the journalist had written ‘The fire started at 10 p.m.’ without any attribution, the next day it would be just plain wrong. Perception about audience affects what gets into the paper, or included in news bulletins, and it also affects the way the story is told and the language used. For example, consider these two introductions to the same story. The language in each clearly places the journalist on one side or the other and reveals much about where the audience’s sympathies are presumed to lie: 1. ‘A group of hot-rod hooligans had to face the music today when they were in court to defend charges resulting from Monday’s wild free-for-all brawl with police.’ 2. ‘Members of a Capital City car club today told a magistrate that police had overreacted when club members became angry when told they could not have their weekly gathering at a local beach.’ You must also be aware of the potential for personal bias in your writing and ensure every claim you make is substantiated. For example, another reporter covering the story could take a different angle from that given in Box 9.2: Police are helpless after a mad gunman shot dead an innocent bystander outside the High Court … The simple use of the word helpless positions the author as rejecting the police’s management of the situation and the word mad presumes facts not known. Look for that sort of thing in your writing; be aware that your prejudices do show. Be fair. The worst of bad journalism makes judgements 218

and delivers loaded messages.


Visual Storytelling We live in a visual age and images are a powerful form of journalism. As discussed in Chapter 4, a strong image can ‘paint a thousand words’ about an event or an idea, as demonstrated by the iconic images that have come to represent important moments in history. As with text stories, access to digital production and dissemination of still and moving images are in the hands of every smartphone user. This means that visual storytelling is now a core practice for a journalist. The technical expertise required to create quality imagery is more and more basic, so you must consider the visual elements of every story you undertake. As Giulio Saggin wrote in You, The Citizen Photographer: Telling Visual Stories: Strong imagery – photos – married to news stories is essential. A strong image entices readers into the story. A bad image that lacks interest will give the reader cause to turn the page or click on another link. When it comes to news, photos and text do the same thing. They both tell a story. (2016: 15) Images must answer the same questions as text – ‘who, what, when, where, how and why?’. This may include setting the scene so viewers can place themselves in the situation or focusing on human elements. When capturing or choosing an image you are looking for images that reinforce the angle of your story. You also want imagery that draws focus to the part of the image that tells the story. Horizontal images are generally best, because they align with the way we view the world through our eyes. It is a useful strategy for a journalist to get used to looking through the horizontal view of the iPhone camera when viewing a scene. When you consider examples of powerful visual storytelling, you will find the images almost always contain people or are focused on the human experience of events. That’s because the aim is to draw the viewer into the story, almost as if they were there. That, in turn, allows them to feel empathy for the people facing the real situation. Journalism is about people because we are fundamentally interested in the actions and experiences of other people. When there isn’t a human element in a visual story, there will still be a living element if possible. Think what is added to your understanding of an erupting volcano if you can see it in scale with a living thing and you see the principle in action. 220

There are some basic technical rules for creating visual stories to ensure that you consider sound, light, focus and framing, as described in Box 9.3. As with written journalism, visual storytelling is most often improved by editing, frequently through cropping out unnecessary information just as a writer edits text. When choosing an image, you should always consider whether it would benefit from editing to hone the focus. Applying the ‘rule of thirds’ (see Box 9.4) can assist you in this process. Box 9.3 Visual Storytelling Using iPhone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Put the phone on airplane mode Adjust the brightness to high Hold the phone horizontally Focus using auto focus in the camera Adjust brightness if necessary For video, use a smartphone lapel microphone Don’t shoot into the light If you don’t have a tripod, tuck in your elbows to keep phone steady. Put the focus of the image in the centre of the frame. Use the ‘rule of thirds’

Box 9.4 ‘Rule of Thirds’ This is an aesthetic visual tool where the frame is divided into thirds, either vertically or horizontally. In effect, the frame is divided into nine equal spaces. The subject of your photo should fill one of the ‘thirds’. However well-balanced visual stories that fill the nine equal spaces employ the rule of thirds in one way or another. It’s another way of saying ‘use the whole frame’. (Saggin, 2016: 99)


Constructing News in Action Consider the scenario at the beginning of this chapter. Journalists now work in a multi-platform environment where they use a range of media platforms to disseminate their reporting. News websites bring together text, audio and vision to present news in multi-modal ways and the same reporter may be responsible for gathering all the content in the story. In pulling together the story from several sources, you are using a process for applying relative news values to a specific audience. The task is also technically challenging, because you must also look for inaccuracies, anomalies, hidden leads, time differences and other factors that affect how you evaluate the information you have. Some of the sources are not traditionally ‘credible’ because they are anonymous or generated by social media users remote from the action, but in a scenario such as this they are valid, if flawed. No doubt the existence of YouTube channels devoted to the Iran issue link to the omnipresent mobile phone culture into Iran and other centres made it harder for the regime to carry out its repression in secret. Indeed, it appeared to have effectively circumvent the clampdown on both local and foreign journalists. But at the same time, much of it was dross, which did not add to any real understanding of what was happening on the ground. (Hirst, 2010: 140) As a dissemination platform, Twitter has the advantage of being ‘real time’, instantaneous and worldwide, and allows you to link to more detailed information. It allows journalists to be linked in with thousands of people at once and is a powerful tool in considering ‘what people are talking about’. However, what people are talking about may not be in the public interest, and may also be inaccurate. For example, rumours can take on the appearance of facts if enough people repeat them. The brevity of the medium calls for a return to a more telegraphic form of writing, with a focus on short words and strong verbs. This requires the journalist to focus on every single word in the 140 characters to convey maximum information. But it isn’t sound-bite style reporting. Sentence structure is crucial to putting information in context within 140 characters. Consider the tweet at the start of Chapter 3:


SNIPERS ON THE ROOF OF THE MUSEUM IN WILLIAM STREET AT PEACEFUL PROTEST. VISITING VICE-PRESIDENT OK This tweet contains key pieces of information about what is happening, but it doesn’t contain all the information needed to put the events in a context. The tweet is missing important information, such as whether the snipers shot at the vice president. Consider the difference in this version: HEAVILY ARMED POLICE SNIPERS ON THE ROOF OF AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM IN SYDNEY CBD TRAIN THEIR SIGHTS ON PEACEFUL LUNCHTIME PROTEST AGAINST VISIT BY US VICE-PRESIDENT. In the process of writing the story, you will also engage the concepts of active and passive voice, the use of verbs, copy logic, sentence structure and the role of language and tone in refining media messages. Fish (2011) posits that a sentence is a structure of logical relationships and the number of relationships involved is finite. In his view there is only one rule to follow: make sure that every component of your sentences is related to the other components in a way that is clear: But just as you can’t produce a sophisticated meal without thorough knowledge of the ingredients, seasonings, sources, temperatures, utensils, pots, pans, and much more, so you can’t produce powerful content in the shape of sentences that take your readers by storm without having a command of the devices – formal devices – that are at once content’s vehicles and generators. (2011: 35) You must also consider the assumptions you attach to the news values or interests of your audience. Before you edit the stories into one, you will need to work through a process for evaluating the information at your disposal. There are hundreds of words and many links to choose from and, as you write a 140-character (or 280-character) tweet, a 100-word online story with audio links and a 300-word news story, you will omit most of them. The first question to resolve is ‘What are the main points in this story?’. To decide the news values that will drive your selection of the facts, you will consider those facts in terms of timeliness, proximity, prominence, consequence and human interest. The relative news values in this story are 223

affected directly by your perceptions about the values of your audience. On one level, the scenario described is a human tragedy, which carries news value. At the same time, there is a low consequence value, because the site of the incidents is remote from your audience. Proximity plays a crucial role in the news value applied by audiences, so the death of one local citizen takes on greater significance than the deaths of more people in a remote place. In the cases of Boxes 9.6, 9.7, 9.8 and 9.9, the relative news value attached to the information is a direct reflection of the proximity of the audience to the source of those reports. There are always exceptions, however, depending on the circumstances. World events in recent years have shown that Twitter can be a powerful source of information during unfolding events, especially when access to nonmobile media is disrupted. It is a direct, real-time way for people who witness events to spread the word. It is also a way for people far removed from the events to comment on them. Box 9.5 illustrates Twitter feeds on the events in this scenario. How will you determine whether the tweets are genuinely from people in Shah? Does it matter if they are not? How will you assess the veracity of what you read? Is there a way to check the information? How will you use the tweets? As facts? For example, some of the tweets link to the US public broadcasting system or citizen media – does that make them more reliable? Do you need to verify comments before using them as colour in the story? Are all the tweets relevant? Will you use the links provided in the Twitter feed? To what purpose? You will be seeking visual ways to tell the story. Using the descriptions in the Twitter feed, you’ll need to think about which kinds of imagery will add to the story that you are telling. You also need to think through the ethical implications of using material you might find. Is it from a public or private domain? Does it breach privacy or human rights? Could further disseminating the images do harm? Boxes 9.9, 9.10 and 9.11 offer human-interest angles on the larger story. Such angles can be very strong, but usually only if supported by proximity. Human interest can also be generated through a combination of consequence and prominence. For example, if a community has a large Shah population, there may be direct consequences even though the audience is geographically remote. Through consideration of these questions, you will arrive at the relative news values that will direct your inclusion and omission of information. ‘Human interest’, it has been shown, is a direct way to engage an audience to empathize with a story. In this case, there are many sources of imagery. Apart from those claiming to show real-time images of the events in 224

Shah, there are those you can locate yourself. If you turn to social media, you will encounter the ethical dilemmas discussed in Chapter 6 as you choose how a person is portrayed. For example, the story about the young nurse in Box 9.11 includes the quote ‘Kylie and Jenny wanted an adventure’ – if you were to use a Facebook image of them partying it could imply they were reckless. BOX 9.5 Twitter Feeds #InShah #Freedom: Thousands of protesters now marching in Shah capital. Police has responded with tear gas. Police are attacking with batons. @shah1: Around 10 people have been arrested near Azadi square in central Shah, #InShah Report: security forces attack silent pro-democracy protests. Jailed journalist dies after 10-day hunger strike. ‘http://t.co/qv5HjRu’ \t ‘_blank’ \o ‘http://to.pbs.org/jgJTWL’ to.pbs.org/jginshah RT@rantboy: Eyewitness account of #Shah silent protest: So many security forces present, Azadi Square ‘was like an armed camp.’ http://to.pbs.org/inshah #Shah: bling ban: Now no necklaces for men. Saber hunger strike death called sign of ‘human catastrophe in Iran prisons.’ ‘http://t.co/VKVoPkA’ \t ‘_blank’ \o ‘http://to.pbs.org/krmkPV’ to.pbs.org/ppkPV @faran: The ‘jinn’ is in the jeans … why #Shah men shouldn’t wear them so tight http://to.pbs.org/k77gTV @Khalid: 9.14pm GMT: Here is terrifying YouTube video footage of Shah riot police charging protesters. We can’t verify the clip but it was forwarded by a reader in Shah. @zoltman: Another first-hand account of yesterday’s scene in the #Shah capital: ‘The Basra again brought out child recruits.’ http://to.pbs.org/inshah #Shah@ Kooeji: Catastrophic failure by MOI to handle today’s peaceful situation. Overreaction, paranoia, and mindless. Shameful. #Shah: Many direct head injuries in protesters more than 20 people carried to hospital by ambulence including many women @maryahawaja, head of the foreign relations office of the Shah Centre for Human Rights: Around 300 people just got attacked at human rights activists march #shah they just fired straight at our car @oxfordgirl: OK mssg I think from Shah saying although have been clashes number of protesters growing and safe. Attacks target activists @ onlymehi: Live: Clashes in Shah with tear gas #shah #freedom


@orlando: CrowdSource.org has good images of protesters. It is a good resource for photos,videos of protests as well as links to news stories and reports.

BOX 9.6 Shah Riots/Jones 9.00pm GMT Security forces on motorcycles tried to run down protesters in the Shah capital. Witnesses said demonstrators had tried to gather in small knots until the police turned up in force, at which point they would run into traffic to seek refuge with strangers who opened their car doors. Cellular telephone service was shut off around the main squares and the Internet slowed to a crawl, activists said. Echoing tactics in Hamandi and Mousavi, sympathizers outside Shah set up the Freedom Facebook page to collect videos, eyewitness accounts and any information. Twitter feeds informed demonstrators to gather quickly at a certain intersection, then disperse rapidly. The authorities had made no secret of their resolve to stop the demonstrators. ‘The conspirators are nothing but corpses,’ Hossein Mehdi, a top commander of the Revolutionary Corps, said last week in comments published by the official news agency. ‘Any incitement will be dealt with severely.’

BOX 9.7 add shah riots 2/allen 7am GMT The Sraf news agency, a semi-official service linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Corps, indirectly confirmed the Shah protests by saying an unspecified number of demonstrators had been arrested. It called participants ‘hypocrites, monarchists, ruffians and seditionists’ and ridiculed them for not chanting slogans about Hamandi, the nominal reason for the protests. The authorities’ tactics on Monday indicated that they were resolved to stifle unrest – starting with the refusal to issue a permit for a nationwide demonstration. Reports that did emerge suggested that security forces had tried to prevent people from gathering by blocking the access routes to main squares in major cities and closing train stations in Tehran.

BOX 9.8 add shahriots/jones 5.30am GMT Hundreds of riot police officers in Shah beat protesters and fired tear gas Monday to contain the most significant street protests since the end of the 2009 uprising there, as security forces around the region moved — sometimes brutally — to prevent new unrest in sympathy with the opposition victory in nearby Hamandi. The size of the protests in Shah was unclear. Witness accounts and news reports from inside the country suggested that perhaps 20,000 to 30,000 demonstrators in


several cities defied strong warnings and took to the streets. The unrest was an acute embarrassment for Shah leaders, who had sought to portray the toppling of the secular rulers of nearby countries, Hamandi and Mousavi, as a triumph of popular support for Islam in the Arab world. The Shah authorities have shown that they will not hesitate to crush demonstrations with deadly force. Other governments across the Middle East and the Persian Gulf also moved aggressively to stamp out protests on Monday.

BOX 9.9 Audio Interview with ABC Shah Correspondent 8.30pm GMT Audio Interview with Paul Jones, ABC correspondent in Shah. ‘Essanid Street looked like a war zone: smoke, dust, teargas, screaming people, flying stones and regular attacks by the well equipped motorcycle riding guards. A petite young girl with a small backpack was walking to my left. Just before we reached Navab Avenue the guards charged from behind, one of their clubs hit my left leg but three of them attacked the girl relentlessly. She screamed and fell to the ground, but the guards kept hitting her. I ran towards them, grabbed the girl and pushed her north towards Azadi Square away when the guards charged towards us. This time the crowd fought back and stones of all sizes were directed back at them. This gave me a bit of time to ask one of the restaurants to open their doors and let us in. The girl was in crying uncontrollably and in pain. Her clothes were dusty, her backpack was torn and her hands were shaking. “Why?” she kept asking.’

BOX 9.10 Add shahriots/aussie/jones 9am GMT: A group of six Australians is caught up in the dangerous unrest in Shah. Police locked several thousand fleeing protesters inside the State University campus near where they had been holding their rally. Five people were wounded in the melee, an opposition source said. The six Australians haven’t been seen since. The students from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are part of an humanitarian student exchange in Shah. They are part of a larger group including Americans, Norwegians and Indian students. Government loyalists armed with broken bottles, daggers and rocks chased down thousands of pro-reform demonstrators in Shah’s capital on Monday, turning unrest increasingly violent.

BOX 9.11 Add Shahriots/Aussie/Jones


9am GMT: A Capital City mosque is in shock today as it comes to terms with the news that a favourite son is missing in the Shah riots. Mohammed bin Lau, 22, son of cleric Sheik Bin Lu, travelled to Shah with to study theology. ‘My son is only interested in peace,’ the Sheik said. Nothing has been heard from Bin Lu, or the other missing Australians – nurses Jenny Greene, 20, and Kylie Mazzaro, 19, from Brisbane and Samir Said, 25, from Melbourne. ‘Jenny and Kylie wanted an adventure and to help people,’ said Jenny’s distraught Mum Sue in Brisbane.


Choosing the News Now you must evaluate the sum of information you have. Some of the reports are culturally specific, targeted at a specific demographic community. You must decide when and whether race, nationality or ethnicity are relevant. Consider the relative news values of all the information and discard anything you consider irrelevant or uninteresting to your audience. Now you must consider the reliability of information left to choose from. How will you evaluate the accuracy of the information in a context where you cannot make independent checks? Have you noticed any errors of fact or inconsistencies? How can you be sure that images are real and where they claim to be from? In addition to inconsistencies and errors of calculation, you must also decide whether the information you select is substantiated. Is it reliable to include in your report? You must also consider the harm that might be done by repeating this allegation or using the imagery. Next, you need to prioritize the elements of news writing – who, what, where, when and how. Evaluate your findings, deciding what information should be discarded as unreliable. Is there any information you cannot verify that is too important to the story to leave out? How will you resolve this dilemma? Next, evaluate the elements of the story that must be included. What are the relative news values applied to the information you have selected? The priority you assign to various components reveals your assumptions about the interests of your audience. For example, does the local angle (proximity) take prominence? If so, why is the disappearance of four Australians more important to an Australian audience than the deaths of 300 Shahs? Is it newsworthy that the missing man’s father is a Muslim cleric? Why? Are the missing nurses more newsworthy because they were on a humanitarian mission? And what of the other missing foreign humanitarians? Are they only newsworthy outside their own countries if they are dead?


Critical Reflection Review the choices you have made and reflect on the values underpinning your professional decisions. Consider the angle you have chosen. Why is it the best for your audience? Think about the other possible angles you are rejecting by adopting this one – is there a better angle? Confirm with yourself that you are sure of your facts and have attributed the things you assert. If there is anything in the story that is not attributed, ask yourself why it has not been omitted. Consider whether your report could harm anyone, and whether that harm can be justified in the public interest. As you come to write the report from the various pieces, you will find you are choosing your own words to link the elements, rather than just editing the pieces together. In the writing of the final report, you again put a personal stamp on what people will understand from this report. Does your report focus on the dramatic or emotional elements? Does it focus on the scale of the incident? Consider the verbs you have used. Are they active or passive? Is your report intended to provoke an emotional response in the audience? Can you describe in one sentence why reporting the story is in the public interest? Box 9.12 Constructing News in Action




Conclusion News as a written or spoken form of communication is always constructed, in the sense that journalists never reveal all the information they have on a topic. Whether the information is presented through text, imagery and/or audiovisual means, the processes used to turn information into journalism are the same. The aim is to reach an audience and move them in some way, allowing them to better understand the information you are sharing. The process by which news is constructed is a reflection of professional judgements about the interaction of relative news values, the accuracy of information, and the style and language used to impart the information. Sometimes these decisions are made in a hierarchical structure, while in emerging models of journalism the process is more collaborative but the guiding questions are the same. It surprises some people to learn that the most important part of writing occurs once all these decisions have been made and a draft story exists. That’s because the writing really starts when the editing begins. The role and importance of editing is explored in greater detail in the following chapter.


Further Action 1. Take a short news story published in the media. From this, make a list of the facts, then use the facts to write a tweet. How do you decide what to keep? 2. Take a childhood nursery rhyme and rewrite it as a news story. What do you notice about the language you use? 3. Read a page of your national newspaper or news website carefully, highlighting all the verbs. What do you notice? 4. Write a descriptive passage of 50 words without using any adjectives.


Further Reading Aylsen, B., Sedorkin, G. and Oakham, M. (2011) Reporting in a Multimedia World, 2nd edn. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Betancourt, L. (2009) ‘The journalist’s guide to Twitter’. Available from: www.mashable.com/2009/05/14/twitter-journalism (accessed 4 November 2011). Fish, S.E. (2011) How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One. New York: HarperCollins. Layton, R. (2011) Editing and News Design: How to Shape the News in Print and Online Journalism. Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan. McAdam, M. (2011) ‘Social media guidelines for journalists’, 16 May. Available from: http://mindymcadams.com/tojou/2011/social-mediaguidelines-for-journalists/ (accessed 16 May 2011).


10 Editing Stories You have the task of editing a single breaking story. First you will tweet, then file 100 words plus headline for online, followed by a 300-word news story. Where will you begin? How will you decide what to keep and what to cut out? What needs to be changed and why? Where will you use images and sound? From the three-word advertising slogan – heard often but never seen – to the daily blog, eloquence remains a deciding factor in whose messages receive most attention. The writing process has expanded beyond organizing words into designing communication environments that are visually as well as textually articulate. But words are still the primary means by which members of society communicate with each other. In today’s media environment, where there have never been so many competing voices, writers need to understand more than ever how to organize words and sentences to maximum effect. New developments such as Twitter have forced journalists to really think about each of the 140 (or 280) characters that make up a message to ensure maximum use of the medium. The relevance of an individual blogger is also measured by his or her following, so persuasive writing is still the key to influence and reputation in social media environments. A well-written story has the facts, written in the right order and with the right emphasis, and tells those facts simply. The editing process is used to correct over-writing, clumsy sentence construction and faulty grammar. It translates jargon into plain English, and explains technical or complex ideas. This process includes deleting unnecessary words and checking the vocabulary of a story to ensure it suits the audience, that punctuation, grammar and spelling are accurate, and that readers can immediately comprehend the text. Traditionally, news organizations employed sub-editors who were senior journalists to do this work because of their expertise in editing and thorough knowledge of the community in which the audience lived. These specialists also wrote the headlines. They were located in close proximity to the reporters, so that the editing process could be a dialogue between the two if there was a lack of clarity. However, over time newspaper sub-editors have become increasingly remote from most reporters, with many working from centralized locations. In recent years this work has been outsourced to editing companies remote not only from reporters, but also from audiences. For 236

example, in May 2011 Fairfax made 82 Fairfax sub-editors redundant and outsourced their work to Pagemasters, a copy-editing company owned by Australian Associated Press (Pagemasters, 2017). In a public announcement, the company said the redundancies were necessary in order to meet ‘the strategic imperative of investing in more reporters, writers and training’ (Chessell, 2011). Fairfax replaced sub-editors with two new roles – page editors and story editors. A page editor takes responsibility for in-house editing of pages, from layout to commissioning elements, managing copy flow and getting pages away on time. Each organizational masthead also has a story editor who works closely with news editors and page editors to ensure that stories are fine-tuned and structured and adhere to quality standards before being sent for sub-editing. Some graphic design and development of artwork was also outsourced to Pagemasters. In March 2017 Britain’s Telegraph Media Group, the publisher of the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph broadsheets, also outsourced more of its sub-editing and page production to a third-party agency with only a small team left at the papers in London (Sandle, 2017). Then, in April 2017, News Corp Australia announced cuts across its editorial operations with most photographers made redundant and a drastic reduction in sub-editing staff. News Corp announced it would move from an in-house photographic model to using a mixture of staff specialists, plus freelance and agency content. News Corp’s Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney operations each lost more than a dozen photographers. According to the MEAA, the union representing journalists, redundant photographers were told they would be able to freelance back for News Corp, and to provide content as freelancers via photographic contractors Getty and AAP. Journalists at The Australian were told the publication would streamline its production process, with reporters being told they would have to write standfirsts and search engine optimization (SEO) friendly headlines, and add their own images to stories (Ward, 2017). This is a dramatic move away from the traditional model of checks and balances, which valued the expertise that came with experience. Keen described this function as gatekeeping, such that: Editors, technicians, and cultural gatekeepers – the experts across an array of fields – are necessary to help us to sift through what’s important and what’s not, what is credible from what is unreliable, and what is worth spending our time on as opposed to the white noise that can safely be ignored. (2007: 45)


As the industrial journalism model has gone into decline, journalism has emerged from new contexts. Where journalism is located in the creative industries, the editing roles are described differently. A company profile may include one or more content editors and one or more copy editors who work across a variety of writing genres including journalism. Content editing is a mix of writing, copy editing, strategy and project management. A content editor writes the brief for a writer, produces and maintains the content calendar, and edits copy such as blogs when required. Copy editors in the creative industries may find themselves working on journalism copy, or a blog, an eDM (electronic direct mail) campaign, a LinkedIn post or a PowerPoint presentation. Copy editors play the same role as sub-editors – to ensure clear communication and accuracy – and also shape content to suit the format and channel. They also ensure that the SEO keywords in the original brief make it into the final article. All these developments put additional pressure on reporters to be their own sub-editors, as they can no longer assume that someone more senior than them will be checking and finalizing their copy. This chapter explores the editing process through consideration of several ways of writing up the same information for different media contexts.


The Butcher’s Art As a young journalist, Lynette Sheridan Burns was required to edit down an article by a senior columnist from 1500 words to 500. The task was approached with trepidation because the columnist in question was known to be very vocal in his disdain for copy editors. The next morning, he approached the anxious editor with a brown paper bag. ‘This is for you,’ he said with a wink. ‘Credit where it’s due. You’ve earned it.’ Inside the bag was a crisp navy blue and white striped butcher’s apron. The analogy makes a lot of sense. A professional butcher knows how to get the most meat out of a carcass, by cutting away everything that is superfluous but nothing that is useful. In the wrong hands, the same carcass can be divided in a way that wastes its potential as a source of food. Every decision about what to keep and what to discard directly affects the final product. Your aim in editing your work is to remove any information that is not essential to the meaning of the original story. If the story is still too long, you must then look to the construction of individual sentences to find ways to reduce the number of words required to tell the story. Editing isn’t just about fixing mistakes – you also need to think about the right keywords for SEO for use in the headline and introduction. Do your research, get the right keywords and then revise, revise, revise. During the editing process, you can add appropriate keywords and links and then revise again to ensure it all makes sense and doesn’t look too spammy. But whatever you do, always check for those pesky typos! (Jones, 2017) There are some simple ground rules to guide the editing process that apply whether you are editing your own work or someone else’s. The first step is to understand exactly what the writer intended. A copy editor does not impose his or her own interpretation of the facts, but aims to make the writer’s intention clear. A good way to begin is to decide what you think the story is about. When you are editing your own work, it may help to ask someone else to tell you what they think the story is about in one sentence. Once you have a clear idea, you can evaluate how successfully the writing gets the story across.


Think about what you do when you revise a sentence: you add something, you delete something, you substitute one tense for another, you rearrange clauses and phrases; and with each change, the ‘reality’ offered to your reader’s changes … . The skill it takes to produce a sentence – the linking of events, actions, and objects in the strict logic – is also the skill of creating a world. (Fish, 2011: 37) The next thing you do as a copy editor is to apply your news sense to the facts and evaluate the choices made by the reporter. Sometimes copy needs to be restructured or re-ordered to emphasize the most newsworthy aspects. Newsworthiness, as discussed in Chapter 4, is a relative value and your decision is partly based on your understanding of the audience, their interests and values. You know a news story must contain ‘who, what, where, when and why?’, also known as the five Ws. If this information is in the story but not at the beginning, you need to rework it. Decide in what order those elements should be presented. Does ‘who’ come before ‘what’? Is ‘where’ more important than ‘who’? Sometimes ‘when’ is the most important fact but rarely does a story begin with ‘why’, although ‘why’ should never be left to the end of the story. Often ‘why’ is followed by the sixth element of news, ‘how’. Sometimes a report contains answers to the five Ws but the reporter has missed the main point. Ask yourself again, ‘What is the most interesting part of the story?’. The ideas in the story should flow logically and easily. Are the ideas in rational order? Do they lead on naturally from one to another? If you were telling this story, where would you begin? If the place where you would start the story is not at the beginning of the story in front of you, then the ‘lead’, or most newsworthy information, is said to be ‘buried’ in the story. It must be ‘on top’ or in the first sentence. Consider the difference between these two opening sentences. Both have the same number of words and are about the same topic. Both are accurate, but the second example emphasizes the most relevant facts. Several ice shelves have cracked around northern parts of Antarctica in recent years including the Larsen C shelf which is located on the Antarctic Peninsula. Scientists say a one trillion tonne iceberg that broke off Antarctica this week is the biggest in history and may be a hazard to shipping. 240

If the order of information needs improvement, you may be able to fix it without rewriting the whole story. Try re-ordering the paragraphs. Once the paragraphs are in the right order, look for gaps in the way the story is told. You will probably need to reconstruct some sentences or change their direction so that the new order makes sense. You will need to write a new introduction. Some information may need to be moved from one paragraph to another, tenses may need correction, nouns and pronouns may need to be rearranged. If you attend to the structure first, you avoid wasting time correcting typographical errors in paragraphs that you cut out or change for structural reasons. Formal grammar texts such as Hodgson (1998) insist that sentence structure is the key to good writing. All sentences must have a subject and a verb. The verb, if need be, can be qualified by an adverb. The sentence may also have an object, as in the following example: The boy [subject] ran [verb] quickly [adverb] towards the ball [object]. Sentence structure and punctuation are the tools used in journalism to make copy comprehensible as well as concise in expression. Often you will recognize that something is wrong with a sentence, but be unsure of how to fix it. In this situation, rewrite the sentence to make it clear. Some of the most common problems are described on the following pages. A copy editor is responsible for ensuring that the punctuation in a story is correct and assists comprehension. This requires checking the use of tenses, verbs, nouns, pronouns and qualifying adverbs. Other basic rules must be applied regarding sentence and paragraph length, and the use of prepositions. Punctuation must also be accurate. This requires critical reflection on the use of full stops (points), semicolons and colons, dashes, brackets and ellipses (information left out). You must also check the use of apostrophes, hyphens, and exclamation, quotation and question marks. These examples illustrate common grammatical errors to avoid.


Active voice should be chosen by you News writing convention is that the active voice is always preferable to the passive voice. I did it. [active] It was done by me. [passive] The simple reason for this is that passive expression is harder to read and wastes words. In news journalism there is rarely a good reason to say ‘Passive voice should be avoided wherever possible’ when the alternative is ‘Avoid passive voice wherever possible’. To identify the passive voice, look for phrases such as ‘is to be’ and the word ‘by’. For example, ‘will be done by’ and ‘should be done by’ can be replaced by active language such as ‘will do’ and ‘should do’.


Don’t use no double negatives neither Such sentences are wasteful of words, passive and harder to comprehend immediately.


Try to not ever split infinitives This is for the same reasons. Often it is better to rewrite the sentence: Try not to split infinitives.


When dangling, watch your participles A participle is said to ‘dangle’ when confusing the subject and object. Consider the following sentences. The children climbed the mountain with their teachers and their rucksacks on their backs. With their teachers, the children climbed the mountain with their rucksacks on their backs.


About them sentence fragments Sentence fragments are grammatically incorrect. But in journalism sometimes the subject is implied and the sentence is followed by a fragment that does not need to be explained: The boy ran towards the ball. Too quickly.


Verbs has to agree with their antecedents A verb must agree with its subject. Double subjects need plural verbs: Boys and girls do not play the same way. If the sentence is joined by a preposition, the verb is singular: A reporter, along with police, is affected by experiencing crime scenes. ‘Is’ can be a weak verb in journalism. Sometimes, ‘is’ is precisely the right word for a situation. At other times – most other times – it weakens your sentence. If that happens, cut it out.


Between you and I case is important ‘You and I’ or ‘you and me’? Check the case by removing the first part of the sentence. (John and) I went to see a movie. (John and) me went to see a movie.


But prepositions don’t start sentences It is grammatically incorrect to begin a sentence with a preposition. But in journalism, this rule may be broken if it adds comprehension or impact to a sentence: George Smith thought he was safe. But he was wrong, dead wrong.


Don’t use commas, that aren’t necessary Commas are used to enhance meaning of complex sentences and to indicate pauses in reading. Consider the different meaning of the following two sentences: ‘What is this thing called love?’ and ‘What is this thing called, love?’. The basic rule applying to commas is that you should use neither too many nor too few. Your aim is always to increase clarity. Commas are used singly: Once you realize a sentence is grammatically incorrect, you must correct it. Verbs are also used in pairs within sentences and removing only one of the pair usually causes grammatical errors: The diplomats were seen in Haikou yesterday buying clothes for the detainees, who are being held in pairs, and for their commander, who has been kept in isolation.


Another problem; semicolon over-use Another problem for writers susceptible to comma abuse is over-use of semicolons. There are times when a semicolon is the appropriate punctuation, but this is rare in news journalism because it prefers short, concise sentences. If you need to divide the information in a sentence, consider writing two sentences.


Don’t capitalize Generic Terms Capital letters at the beginning of words are also sometimes subject to misuse. Generally, proper nouns require initial capitals but generic names do not. For example, the programme for the following event might be described thus: The Annual General Meeting of the National Bank was addressed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the National Bank. In the language of journalism, the sentence is somewhat different: The chairman will address the National Bank annual general meeting today.


Don’t use apostrophe’s to pluralize Apostrophe abuse is rife in English language newsrooms around the globe. That is, when a writer uses apostrophes to pluralize words:


The commando’s were detained by the airport security troop’s. Apostrophes are used to indicate ownership, for example David’s car, and to indicate contraction in a phrase, for example ‘is not’ becomes ‘isn’t’.


Use direct statements Consider the difference between the following two sentences. The first, which is indirect, contains the same information as the second but the second sentence conveys more: Mr Smith said that he is very angry and will consider direct action if the problem is not resolved. ‘I am very angry about this and might take matters into my own hands if the problem isn’t fixed,’ Mr Smith said.


Always use a short word over a long one For example, police said the getaway car was seen (parked in the vicinity of) near the bank shortly before the robbery. Also, don’t use facilitate when you can use help or demonstrate when you mean show.


Kill the jargon Some words are familiar only to a specialized group – the jargon of journalism, for example, uses terms such as news sense, copy, intro, write-off and sidebar to describe aspects of its work. Journalists use the word ‘kill’ when they mean ‘delete’. These terms may be unintelligible to people outside the group. When faced with jargon, the copy editor’s first reaction should be to replace the jargon with plain speech that anyone could understand. If that is not possible, the term should be clearly explained.


Diss the slang Don’t assume that readers are familiar with the same terminology. Reported as part of a direct quote, slang can sometimes add colour and impact, but the meaning must be clear. One section of Australia’s youth uses the expression ‘heaps sick’ to describe something wonderful, but don’t assume everyone knows the definition. Words can have different meanings in different parts of the world. For example, the word ‘bum’ is used in the UK and Australia as a slang term for a person’s buttocks, but in the USA the term describes a person of no fixed address. The US slang word for buttocks, fanny, has a very different meaning in Australia and the UK.


Correct spelling is essentail For ordinary spelling, use a dictionary, street directory, atlas or other reference works if you think a word is spelt incorrectly. Sometimes a word may be spelled in more than one way. News organizations produce ‘style’ booklets that list the organization’s preferred spelling of words and give advice about capitalization and other presentation requirements. Don’t necessarily rely on the spelling and grammar check functions in a word processing program. You need to ensure that the dictionary loaded on the computer is the same one used your by organization and that ‘house style’ is added to the database.


Adjectives can be useful, interesting, colourful and overused Adjectives are used to add colour and nuanced meaning to sentences, but colour is best inserted into a story through the careful use of verbs and active sentence structure. Adjectives should not be avoided altogether, but over-use interferes with clarity rather than enhancing it. Sometimes adjectives paired with nouns repeatedly become clichés, for example gory detail, brutal assault, bouncing baby.


Metaphors are signposts to meaning Without metaphors and similes, our writing would be considerably barer because metaphors are full of imagery and connotations. Be appropriate. Be original. Be understandable. Don’t go overboard. Don’t mix metaphors.


Avoid clichés like the plague Once-meaningful expressions are diminished by over-use. Journalists are also a source of many clichés such as ‘corpse found in a pool of blood’ and ‘guests dined on lobster, washed down by fine champagne’.


Over-writing is thoroughly unnecessary Over-writing is the term used to describe sentences that contain more words than are necessary to get the message across. Gibson posits that 20–25 words is the proper length for an easily comprehensible sentence. Legendary British newspaper editor Harold Evans put it even more succinctly: one simple sentence for an intro, one idea to a sentence. Sometimes that is just not possible. Gibson points out that copy-editing is not only for those employed to assess the work of others. Writers who edit their own copy before giving it over to copy editors increase the likelihood of their work being published unchanged. If you learn to delete it when you see it, soon you will learn to avoid it as you write (Gibson, 1989: 15).


Writing Headlines Today headline writing skills are in new demand, as social media like Twitter can call for the brevity of just 140 characters, and technology like RSS feeds are also headlines of a sort. Online headlines are quite different from those found in print, because search engines use an algorithm to rank pages. Online headlines must take account of search engine optimization, so online headlines tend to group keywords. Print headline writers sometimes amuse their readers through the deft use of humour. While these approaches are well suited to some stories, they are seldom appropriate in news reporting. For example, a pun over-used becomes a cliché and should be avoided. Gibson (1989) warns that while good headlines are often clever, they must always be true at all levels of meaning. Headline words must have clarity (plain words that are easily understood) and impact (words with nuances used). A headline is a contracted sentence and needs an active verb, preferably early in the headline. Omitting words can inadvertently change meaning, as Gibson (1989: 30) illustrates with this unfortunate headline: Blizzard hits 3 states; 1 missing Hodgson describes the copy editor as having two main functions, both to do with manipulating words. First, the editor is ‘a synthesizer, filtering the material so that its essence is refined into a simple “read-me” message’ (1998: 125). The second function is to accommodate the words within the character (letter) count prescribed by the layout. The size of the type and the width of the headline are determined by the layout, which may not be created by the copy editor. The number of words in a headline also depends on the style of the publication. Tabloid newspapers tend to use large type across narrow widths, which means a headline may need to comprise only a few short words. Broadsheets are a larger format and can offer wider column widths for headlines, allowing the use of more words per line. Headlines attract the reader’s attention, so good headlines excite curiosity. They may also engender strong emotions in the reader such as amusement, sorrow or anger. The headline should always indicate what the reader will find in the story so readers can decide whether they are interested.


Writing a headline is one of the more difficult of sub-editing jobs. It takes a high concentration on the materials of the story – the facts and supporting quotations – to render them quickly into a few short words that will tempt the reader to read on. (Hodgson, 1998: 125) The copy editor looks for keywords in the text of the story and considers synonyms for those words. The headline is a direct expression of the keywords. The strength and power of a good headline can often be traced back to the verb. Verbs should be strong and colourful and the structure should be active. Headlines should never be misleading, because they are subject to the same tests of proof as the rest of journalistic writing. Some words, especially the short ones favoured by copy editors, have more than one meaning, so you must be careful to ensure a headline is clear. A headline should be based on the story’s introduction (which should contain the most newsworthy elements of it) but not repeat the same words. Thompson (2011) offers the following questions to guide headline writing: 1. Is the headline accurate? It must be true at all levels of meaning. 2. Does it work out of context? This means does it make sense on its own, without the accompanying copy? 3. How compelling a promise does it make? A good headline lets the reader know what to expect to learn. 4. How easy is it to understand? The more complex the words in the headline, the less likely it is to be read. 5. Would the addition of a number make it more interesting? For example, ‘Five reasons why you need an accountant’. 6. Are all the words necessary? A good headline makes maximum use of the characters (letters and spaces). 7. Does it obey the proper noun rule? Name things that are familiar and known. An unfamiliar name might cause a reader to skip the item. 8. Would it work better as an explanatory headline? Sometimes it is better to flag to the reader that the story will explain something. 9. Does it focus on events or implications? Focusing on what something means is more compelling than stating 265

it happened. 10. Could it benefit from one of these ten words? These words are attention grabbers: top, why, how, will, new, secret, future, your, best, worst. Box 10.1 Man-made global warming has already lifted average global air temperatures by about one degree Celsius since pre-industrial levels. Ice shelves fringe 75 per cent of the Antarctic ice sheet. One way to assess the health of ice sheets is to look at their balance: when an ice sheet is in balance, the ice gained through snowfall equals the ice lost through melting and iceberg calving. Warming ocean water erodes the underbelly of the ice shelves while rising air temperatures weaken them from above. The ice shelves act as giant brakes, preventing glaciers from flowing directly into the ocean. The calving of ice shelves occurs naturally, though global warming is believed to have accelerated the process. Larsen C, a floating platform of glacial ice on the east side of the Antarctic Peninsula, is the fourth largest ice shelf ringing Earth’s southernmost continent. In 2014, a crack that had been slowly growing into the ice shelf for decades suddenly started to spread northwards, creating the nascent iceberg. An iceberg a bit larger than Kangaroo Island, about the size of Luxembourg and almost as big the state of Delaware split off from Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf last week. The breakage was reported by Project Midas, an Antarctic research project based in the United Kingdom. The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels. Now that the close to 2240 square-mile (5800 square kilometres) chunk of ice has broken away, the Larsen C shelf area has shrunk by approximately 10 per cent. Sometimes ice sheets destabilize through the loss of a particularly big iceberg such as that of the Larsen A Ice Shelf in 1995 and the Larsen B Ice Shelf in 2002. ‘The interesting thing is what happens next, how the remaining ice shelf responds,’ said Kelly Brunt, a glaciologist with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland and the University of Maryland in College Park.


‘Will the ice shelf weaken? Or possibly collapse, like its neighbours Larsen A and B? Will the glaciers behind the ice shelf accelerate and have a direct contribution to sea level rise?’ ‘The Antarctic Peninsula has been one of the fastest warming places on the planet throughout the latter half of the 20th century. This warming has driven really profound environmental changes, including the collapse of Larsen A and B,’ he said. ‘But with the rift on Larsen C, we haven’t made a direct connection with the warming climate. Still, there are definitely mechanisms by which this rift could be linked to climate change, most notably through warmer ocean waters eating away at the base of the shelf.’ The biggest iceberg on record has broken away from Antarctica, scientists have said, creating an extra hazard for ships around the continent as it breaks up. The 1-trillion-tonne iceberg, measuring 5,800 square kilometres, calved away from the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica last week. ‘The iceberg is the largest recorded and its future progress is difficult to predict,’ said Adrian Luckman, lead investigator of Project MIDAS, which has been monitoring the ice shelf for years. ‘It may remain in one piece but is more likely to break into fragments. Some of the ice may remain in the area for decades, while parts of the iceberg may drift north into warmer waters,’ he said, adding it would add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but is the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America. In 2009, more than 150 passengers and crew were evacuated after the MTV Explorer sank after striking an iceberg off the Antarctic Peninsula. The Larsen A and B ice shelves, which were situated further north on the Antarctic Peninsula, collapsed in 1995 and 2002, respectively. ‘This resulted in the dramatic acceleration of the glaciers behind them, with larger volumes of ice entering the ocean and contributing to sea-level rise,’ said Prof. Luckman. ‘If Larsen C now starts to retreat significantly and eventually collapses, then we will see another contribution to sea level rise,’ he added. By itself, the massive iceberg will not add to sea levels when it melts, but scientists worry about the effects it will have on inland glaciers. If the glaciers held in check by Larsen C spilt into the Antarctic Ocean, it would lift the global sea levels by about 10 centimetres, researchers have said. [744 words]


Editing News In Action Consider Box 10.1 and ask yourself, ‘What’s this story all about?’. It is about a gigantic iceberg that has broken off Antarctica. This in itself is a novel event and likely to be interesting even though Antarctica is a remote place. There is also news value attached to the fact that the iceberg will be floating in waters that are used by cruise ships, so there may be hazards to shipping affecting people directly. You might conclude these aspects are more interesting than general information about global warming. What should come first? In a news story, the most recent development should come first – in this case that the iceberg calving has occurred. How important is the link to climate change caused by global warming? What is the most interesting part of the story? What news values are you giving priority? In this case, the important value is relevance, that is, what does the creation of the iceberg mean for readers? Once you’ve answered the question ‘What’s this story about?’, you are ready to write your Twitter post and file 20 words for the RSS feed. As previously stated, writing for Twitter can be seen as a form of headline writing because of the 140-character limit. Consider these two 140-character tweets based on Box 10.1: Massive block of ice bigger than Kangaroo Island that weighs one trillion tonnes has broken off Antarctica. Satellite images that prove that iceberg is adrift at sea. Biggest iceberg in history adrift at sea after breaking off Antarctica is a hazard to cruise ships. Scientists divided over link to climate change, rising sea levels. Both these sentences are 140 characters and both are accurate in terms of the facts contained in Box 10.1. The first version tells what happened and provides information about scale, but runs out of words before getting to why it is important to know about it – the potential impacts. The second version includes news of the event, describes the potential impact on audiences and references the larger social issue, ‘Why did the iceberg break off?’. To write the RSS feed, to be used as a breaking news ticker on a website and/or for broadcast, you need to edit the information in the tweets down to 20 words. 268

For example: Biggest iceberg in history now adrift off Antarctica is a hazard to cruise ships and may impact sea levels.


Online Report Now you have a sentence that is the core of the story, whether you are writing for online or social media, print or broadcast. As you turn to writing the next version of the story, for online, you not only look to the text but to any other resources available. Based on the decisions you make about the crux of the story, you will need to reorder the paragraphs to bring the most newsworthy aspects of the story to the beginning. These paragraphs, found at the end of the story in Box 10.1, are moved to the beginning of the story. Box 10.2 The largest iceberg is history has broken off Antarctica causing a hazard for cruise ships. According to scientists, it is unclear if the melting iceberg will lead to rising sea levels. ‘The calving occurred sometime in the last week when a 5,800-square kilometre section of the ice shelf finally broke away,’ a NASA glaciologist said. ‘The interesting thing is what happens next, how the remaining ice shelf responds,’ said Dr Mary Jones, a glaciologist with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. ‘Will the ice shelf weaken? Or possibly collapse, like its neighbours Larsen A and B? Will the glaciers behind the ice shelf accelerate and have a direct contribution to sea level rise?’ ‘The Antarctic Peninsula has been one of the fastest warming places on the planet throughout the latter half of the 20th century. This warming has driven really profound environmental changes, including the collapse of Larsen A and B,’ she said. The massive block of ice is bigger than Kangaroo Island, the same size as Luzembourg and almost as large as the size of the US state of Delaware. It has been developing as a crack across the Larsen C ice shelf over the past few years. The Antarctic Peninsula is outside major trade routes but is the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America. In 2009, more than 150 passengers and crew was evacuated after the MTV Explorer sank after striking an iceberg off the Antarctic Peninsula. Ice shelves act as giant brakes, preventing glaciers from flowing directly into the ocean. The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels but the Larsen C shelf area has


shrunk by approximately 10 per cent. Sometimes ice sheets destabilize through the loss of a particularly big iceberg such as that of the Larsen A Ice Shelf in 1995 and the Larsen B Ice Shelf in 2002. By itself, the massive iceberg will not add to sea levels when it melts, but scientists worry about the effects it will have on inland glaciers. If the glaciers held in check by Larsen C were spilt into the Antarctic Ocean, it would lift the global sea levels by about 10 cm, researchers have said. ‘The iceberg is the largest recorded and its future progress is difficult to predict,’ said David Luck, lead investigator of Project ICEBERG which has been monitoring the ice shelf for years. The iceberg may remain in one piece but is more likely to break into fragments. Some of the ice may remain in the area for decades, while parts of the iceberg may drift north into warmer waters,’ he adding it would add to risks for ships now it has broken off. ‘This resulted in the dramatic acceleration of the glaciers behind them, with larger volumes of ice entering the ocean and contributing to sea-level rise,’ said Prof. Luck. ‘But with the rift on Larsen C, we haven’t made a direct connection with the warming climate. Still, there are definitely mechanisms by which this rift could be linked to climate change, most notably through warmer ocean waters eating away at the base of the shelf.’ ‘If Larsen C now starts to retreat significantly and eventually collapses, then we will see another contribution to sea level rise,’ he added. The calving of ice shelves is natural although global warming is believed to have accelerated the process. Man-made global warming has already lifted average global air temperatures by about one degree Celsius since pre-industrial levels. Ice shelves fringe 75 per cent of the Antarctic ice sheet. One way to assess the health of ice sheets is to look at their balance: When an ice sheet is in balance, the ice gained through snowfall equals the ice lost through melting and iceberg calving. Warming ocean water erodes the underbelly of the ice shelves while rising air temperatures weaken them from above. Larsen C, a floating platform of glacial ice on the east side of the Antarctic Peninsula, is the fourth largest ice shelf ringing Earth’s southernmost continent. In 2014, a crack that had been slowly growing into the ice shelf for decades suddenly started to spread northwards, creating the nascent iceberg. The Larsen A and B ice shelves, which were situated further north on the Antarctic Peninsula, collapsed in 1995 and 2002, respectively. [727 words]


Box 10.3 The largest ever recorded iceberg has broken off Antarctica causing a hazard for cruise ships. According to scientists, it is unclear if the melting iceberg will lead to rising sea levels. ‘The calving occurred sometime in the last week when a 5,800-square kilometre section of the ice shelf finally broke away,’ a NASA glaciologist said. The massive block of ice is bigger than Kangaroo Island, the same size as Luxembourg and almost as large as the size of the US state of Delaware. It had been developing as a crack across the Larsen C ice shelf over the past few years. The Antarctic Peninsula is outside major trade routes but is the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America. In 2009, more than 150 passengers and crew were evacuated after the MTV Explorer sank after striking an iceberg off the Antarctic Peninsula. Ice shelves act as giant brakes, preventing glaciers from flowing directly into the ocean. The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels but the Larsen C shelf area has shrunk by approximately 10 per cent. Sometimes ice sheets destabilize through the loss of a particularly big iceberg such as that of the Larsen A Ice Shelf in 1995 and the Larsen B Ice Shelf in 2002. By itself, the massive iceberg will not add to sea levels when it melts, but scientists worry about the effects it will have on inland glaciers. If the glaciers held in check by Larsen C were spilt into the Antarctic Ocean, it would lift the global sea levels by about 10 centimetres, researchers have said. ‘The iceberg is the largest recorded and its future progress is difficult to predict,’ said David Luck, lead investigator of Project ICEBERG which has been monitoring the ice shelf for years. The iceberg may remain in one piece but is more likely to break into fragments. Some of the ice may remain in the area for decades, while parts of the iceberg may drift north into warmer waters,’ he adding it would add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The calving of ice shelves occurs naturally, though global warming is believed to have accelerated the process. Man-made global warming has already lifted average global air temperatures by about one degree Celsius since pre-industrial levels.


Ice shelves fringe 75 per cent of the Antarctic ice sheet. One way to assess the health of ice sheets is to look at their balance: when an ice sheet is in balance, the ice gained through snowfall equals the ice lost through melting and iceberg calving. Warming ocean water erodes the underbelly of the ice shelves while rising air temperatures weaken them from above. Larsen C, a floating platform of glacial ice on the east side of the Antarctic Peninsula, is the fourth largest ice shelf ringing Earth’s southernmost continent. In 2014, a crack that had been slowly growing into the ice shelf for decades suddenly started to spread northwards, creating the nascent iceberg. ‘The interesting thing is what happens next, how the remaining ice shelf responds,’ said glaciologist Mary Jones. ‘Will the ice shelf weaken? Or possibly collapse, like its neighbours Larsen A and B? Will the glaciers behind the ice shelf accelerate and have a direct contribution to sea level rise?’ ‘The Antarctic Peninsula has been one of the fastest warming places on the planet throughout the latter half of the 20th century. This warming has driven really profound environmental changes, including the collapse of Larsen A and B,’ she said. ‘As for the effect on Larsen C, we haven’t made a direct connection with the warming climate. Still, there are definitely mechanisms by which this rift could be linked to climate change, most notably through warmer ocean waters eating away at the base of the shelf.’ The Larsen A and B ice shelves, which were situated further north on the Antarctic Peninsula, collapsed in 1995 and 2002, respectively. ‘This resulted in the dramatic acceleration of the glaciers behind them, with larger volumes of ice entering the ocean and contributing to sea-level rise,’ said Prof. Luck. ‘If Larsen C now starts to retreat significantly and eventually collapses, then we will see another contribution to sea level rise,’ he added. [748 words]

Box 10.4 Other Resources 1. satellite.jpg (image of location of iceberg) 2. Luck.mp3 (audio of Peter Luck) ‘This resulted in the dramatic acceleration of the glaciers behind them, with larger volumes of ice entering the ocean and contributing to sealevel rise.’ ‘If Larsen C now starts to retreat significantly and eventually collapses,


then we will see another contribution to sea level rise.’ 3. Antarctic.mmv (Vision Antarctica). 4. Five minutes of aerial footage.

Box 10.5 Online Report (iceberg.jpg) The largest iceberg in history has broken off Antarctica, causing a hazard for cruise ships. According to scientists, it is unclear if the melting iceberg will lead to rising sea levels. The Antarctic Peninsula is a major destination for cruise ships visiting from South America. In 2009 more than 150 people were evacuated after their ship hit an iceberg and sank. By itself, the massive iceberg will not add to sea levels when it melts, but scientists worry about the effects it will have on inland glaciers. (Luck.mp4) Ice shelves act as giant brakes, preventing glaciers from flowing into the ocean (antarctic.wmv)

Now consider Box 10.2. The paragraphs have been reorganized to emphasize the most interesting and/or important facts, but the story does not flow easily and the rearrangement of paragraphs leaves gaps in the story. In this case, a new introduction is needed to encapsulate the main point. Box 10.3 illustrates how this can be achieved by restructuring the story. It emphasizes the most interesting part of the story and indicates to the reader what the rest of the story will cover. From the version in Box 10.3, you can construct a story for online. With just 100 words as a limit, the online story needs to make the best use of the other resources available in the format, such as audio, real time vision and still images. Taking account of the resources in Box 10.4, there are details you can omit from your text report as they are covered in supplementary material. The aerial vision of the remote area negates the need to describe it. As the online version will be followed by a more nuanced version in print, this version should focus on the highlights of the story, directing readers to the print version for more information. Consider the audio described in Box 10.4. If you choose to use it, you need not repeat information from the audio in the story. What parts of the audio would you use? Would it matter if the video was out of date? Should you identify it as such? Consider Box 10.5, which is exactly 100 words and uses the additional material. What has been omitted from the text?


Print Report As you prepare the most comprehensive report, now that you have the elements in order, next examine the copy again, looking for jargon, slang, spelling errors, excessive adjectives and clichés. You should remove passive voice, clumsy sentence structure and repetition. Consider the changes evident in Box 10.6. The text has been reordered to make clear who is the NASA glaciologist and who is the Project ICEBERG leader. Repetition has been removed. Also rewritten is the paragraph beginning ‘The massive block of ice …’. Why is that? You need to decide which geographical reference is most useful to your audience. Would an Australian audience be able to visualize the size of Luxembourg, a small European country? Would a global audience make sense of the reference to Kangaroo Island? You would need to consult an atlas to explain the most relevant reference for your audience. For a print report of no more than 400 words, you will need to decide what can be omitted altogether. In Box 10.6, the background to changes in Antarctica has been removed. However, this information could be a useful source of questions for further research into the issue for a long-form piece of journalism. A number of spelling errors have also been corrected. Can you find them? Other terms have been shortened (such as ‘some time in the last week’ to ‘last week’. In Box 10.3 the glaciologist is not identified until almost the end of the report, so in Box 10.4 the details are moved up to substantiate the claim. The possible link to climate change is paraphrased and brought forward. The glaciologist’s quotes, which are questions rather than answers, are not crucial to understanding what has happened, so are easily cut. A decision has to be made about which size comparison is useful to readers and the name of the iceberg is removed because it doesn’t add meaning. In this case, people are likely to relate to the idea of a small country rather than an island or state. Box 10.6 The largest iceberg in history has broken off Antarctica causing a hazard for cruise ships. According to scientists, it is unclear if the melting iceberg will lead to rising sea levels.


‘The break, known as calving, occurred last week when a 5,800 square km section of the ice shelf finally broke away,’ said Mary Jones, a glaciologist with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The massive block of ice is the same size as the European country of Luxembourg and had been developing as a crack across the Larsen C ice shelf over the past few years. The Antarctic Peninsula is the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America. In 2009, more than 150 passengers and crew were evacuated after the MTV Explorer sank after striking an iceberg off the Antarctic Peninsula. Ice shelves act as giant brakes, preventing glaciers from flowing directly into the ocean. The iceberg was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels but the Larsen C shelf area has shrunk by approximately 10 per cent. Sometimes ice sheets destabilize through the loss of a particularly big iceberg such as that of the Larsen A Ice Shelf in 1995 and the Larsen B Ice Shelf in 2002. By itself, the massive iceberg will not add to sea levels when it melts, but scientists worry about the effects it will have on inland glaciers. If the glaciers held in check by Larsen C were spilt into the Antarctic Ocean, it would lift the global sea levels by about 10cm, researchers have said. ‘The iceberg is one of the largest recorded and its future progress is difficult to predict,’ said David Luck, lead investigator of Project ICEBERG which has been monitoring the ice shelf for years. ‘The iceberg may remain in one piece but is more likely to break into fragments. Some of the ice may remain in the area for decades, while parts of the iceberg may drift north into warmer waters,’ he said, adding it would add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The calving of ice shelves occurs naturally but global warming is believed to have accelerated the process. Man-made global warming has already lifted average global air temperatures by about one degree Celsius since pre-industrial levels. ‘The Antarctic Peninsula has been one of the fastest warming places on the planet throughout the latter half of the 20th century. This warming has driven really profound environmental changes, including the collapse of Larsen A and B,’ she said. ‘But with the rift on Larsen C, we haven’t made a direct connection with the warming climate. Still, there are definitely mechanisms by which this rift could be linked to climate change, most notably through warmer ocean waters eating away at


the base of the shelf.’ The Larsen A and B ice shelves, which were situated further north on the Antarctic Peninsula, collapsed in 1995 and 2002, respectively. ‘This resulted in the dramatic acceleration of the glaciers behind them, with larger volumes of ice entering the ocean and contributing to sea-level rise,’ said Prof. Luck. ‘If Larsen C now starts to retreat significantly and eventually collapses, then we will see another contribution to sea level rise,’ he added. [538 words]

In Box 10.7 some of the quotes from Dr Luck are removed. Does this diminish the meaning? Why? To assist in bringing the story down to 300 words, background information is removed. This information might be a research starting point for long-form journalism. You will notice that the story is not cut from the bottom. Box 10.7 The largest iceberg in history has broken off Antarctica causing a hazard for cruise ships. According to scientists, it is unclear if the melting iceberg will lead to rising sea levels. ‘The calving occurred last week when a 5,800 square km section of the ice shelf finally broke away,’ said Dr Mary Jones, a glaciologist with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. The massive block of ice, the same size as the European country of Luxembourg, is adrift off the Antarctic Peninsula, a main destination for cruise ships visiting South America. In 2009, more than 150 passengers and crew were evacuated after the MTV Explorer hit an iceberg and sank off the Antarctica Peninsula. By itself, the melting iceberg will not add to sea levels, but scientists worry about the effects it will have on inland glaciers. Ice shelves act as giant brakes, preventing glaciers from flowing directly into the ocean. Sometimes ice sheets destabilize through the loss of a particularly big iceberg such as that of the Larsen A Ice Shelf in 1995 and the Larsen B Ice Shelf in 2002. If the glaciers held in check by Larsen C were spilt into the Antarctic Ocean, it would lift the global sea levels by about 10cm, researchers have said.


‘The iceberg is one of the largest recorded and its future progress is difficult to predict,’ said Prof. David Luck, leader of Project ICEBERG which has been monitoring the ice shelf for years. The calving of ice shelves occurs naturally but global warming is believed to have accelerated the process. Man-made global warming has already lifted average global air temperatures by one degree Celsius since pre-industrial levels. ‘If Larsen C now starts to retreat significantly and eventually collapses, then we will see another contribution to sea level rise,’ said Prof. Luck. [300 words]


The Butcher’s Art in Action At 538 words, the version of the story in Box 10.6 is much too long, so now that you are satisfied the other problems have been ‘fixed’ you must attend to the second part of the task, which is cutting the story to 300 words for print. Begin by cutting whole paragraphs that are not essential. For example, background to climate change in Antarctica is too much detail for a 300-word story, but might be important for a different form of journalism. Next identify sentences that can be shortened or simplified. As part of this process, ‘had been developing as a crack across Larson C shelf for a few years’ becomes ‘is adrift off the Antarctic Peninsula’, linking with the next sentence about shipping. Similarly, ‘struck an iceberg’ becomes ‘hit’. Remove any detail that may be interesting in a longer piece but is not essential. Now the story has been reduced to 308 words. Once you are satisfied that all nonessential information has been removed, you must turn your attention to individual sentences with a view to making them shorter. Examine each sentence and remove every possible word. Scrutinise every part of your sentence and ask, ‘What does it go with?’ or ‘What does it support?’ or ‘What information does it give about some other part?’ or ‘What is it referring to?’ All variations of the master question, ‘How does it fit into the sentence’s logical structure? (Fish, 2011: 21) Return one last time to your verbs. Are they the strongest words you can accurately use? Have words been repeated unnecessarily? Do the verbs add to the context of the story? One of the authors, Lynette Sheridan Burns, once worked for a chief sub-editor who insisted that news briefs were exactly 25 words. She didn’t believe it at first, but found out by experience that any story can be told in 25 words and still make sense. Box 10.7 shows the story at exactly 300 words. What has changed? Most sentences have been edited. The information has been reorganized to prioritize the event, the immediate impact and the possible longer-term impact. Interesting but non-essential information has been removed, and sentences simplified. How would you have edited the story? Would you have taken different decisions, made different choices? Why? 279

Conclusion Words still have primary importance as the means by which members of society communicate with each other. In today’s media environment, where there have never been so many competing voices, writers need more than ever to understand how to organize words and sentences to maximum effect. On one level, sub-editing is a production tool used by journalists to ensure that reporting fits the style, length and news priorities of the publishing organization. Editing is also the process by which writers polish and refine the messages they create. Developing editing skills and processes for evaluating the strengths of various parts of your writing is important from the very start of your career. The better the editor you are, the more effectively you can see your writing as the sum of its parts, the better writer you will be. As a writer, you should apply the same process to your work as copy editors do, before you submit the story. Never assume that others will pick up your mistakes or that you can abdicate responsibility for errors. Most of the time, the writer does not have the opportunity to negotiate changes with the copy editor, so it is all the more important to be clear about what you are saying before you submit. The same applies to the visual content you create. The clearer and more fit for purpose it is when submitted, the more likely it will be published unchanged. Box 10.8 Editing News in Action




Further Action 1. Think of a headline of about 25 characters (including letters and spaces). Now cut the number of characters in half and see whether you can distil the message. 2. Edit Box 10.1 without further reference to the edited version. How does your edited version differ from Box 10.6? 3. Choose any news story and edit it to exactly 25 words. 4. Take a piece of your own writing and cut it by 20 per cent. 5. Think of three other story ideas prompted by this story.


Further Reading Fish, S.E. (2011) How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One. New York: HarperCollins. Gibson, M.L. (1989) The Writer’s Friend. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press. Layton, R. (2011) Editing and News Design: How to Shape the News in Print and Online Journalism. Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan.


11 Long-Form Stories A three-minute YouTube video gives you an idea for a long-form story. Before you proceed to research and write it, you need to identify the best publications to target. How will you choose from the wide range available? How will the choices you make affect what and how you write? Long-form is the term used to describe journalism that explores ideas arising from the news. Like news journalism, long-form writing is still simple and spare, using mostly words of one or two syllables. The power of the written word comes not so much from the words themselves but from the way they are arranged, the rhythm in the writing and flow of ideas. Journalism written in the simplest language can move readers profoundly – to tears of joy or sadness, to anger, and it can even move them to act. Adam argues that the use of plain language in journalism is a limit imposed by the public. Whatever else might be said about the language of journalism, it is fair to say that it is disciplined by its public and empirical character. It may strive to represent scientific ideas or the abstract notions of philosophy, but it does not adopt the vocabularies of those disciplines. It always uses a vocabulary that can be understood in the street or the marketplace. Furthermore, it is always explicit in its references; it is laced with nouns, adjectives and proper names; it is concrete, powerfully descriptive and light on, though not devoid of, metaphors and similes. That does not mean it is devoid of beauty. It may well be beautiful. (1993: 32) Good journalism is especially compelling because it is real and based on real people and experiences. This chapter explores the processes undertaken by writers in taking an incomplete idea to a piece of long-form journalism. It also provides a methodology by which you can strip your own writing back to its parts and critically reflect on the decisions underlying the style, tone and content of the text. Reflecting on the organization of text and use of language demonstrates how editing affects media messages. Open access to digital communication has transformed the concept of the 285

magazine, once the undisputed home of journalism other than the 400 words or less news story. The sudden abundance of online publishers of long-form journalism has also thoroughly atomized the audience for these publications. This context creates great opportunities for publication beyond the limitations of legacy media, but presents new challenges for a writer seeking to work through the complexities of the new ecosystem. It is by critically reflecting on the processes that you use in dealing with this complexity that you can learn to confidently align what you want to say with the right publication.


What is/isn’t long-form? There is disagreement over what constitutes long-form journalism in the digital era, with length (or word count) no longer the defining feature of longform journalism. The Atlantic editor James Bennet took the opportunity in his introduction to The Best American Magazine Writing 2013 to say he was ‘fed up’ with the term, preferring ‘New Journalism’ to capture just how distant this new context is from the legacy media, arguing: ‘Long-form, on the Web, is in danger of meaning “a lot of words”’ (his italics, xii). For Bennet, quality is more important than ever in the era of high-volume content, where ‘“New Journalism” is a stirring promise to the wider world; “long-form” is the mumbled incantation of a decaying priesthood’ (p. xii). The term ‘New Journalism’ has a long history, and is a nod to the first use as the title of Wolfe’s landmark 1973 anthology of journalism. In the introduction, Wolfe claims: ‘The hell with it … let chaos reign … louder music, more wine … All the old traditions are exhausted and no new one is yet established. All bets are off! The odds are cancelled! It’s anybody’s ballgame …’ (p. 35). His anthology of works by writers including Capote, Thompson, and Didion showcased a style of journalism where stories are told through reporting scenes rather than a traditional narrative. It is certainly true that digital publishing has opened a wide range of possible modes and contexts in which this form of writing can be realized, and the outcomes represent a challenging break from a history of journalism rather than an extension of orthodox long-form into the digital context. In light of this dynamic, rapidly changing scene, long-form is best defined in terms of depth of engagement – and that long-form should possess the quality of careful attention paid to and analysis of a focused topic. However, in concrete terms, the consensus places the length of long-form over 800 words, with no clear upper limit, and written in an inclusive manner that employs language and concepts available to a broad readership. Long-form varies from news writing by being narrative based (often first person), making an argument or illuminating something to create insight in the reader, and taking on noncontemporaneous topics such as reappraisal of historical events.


Who publishes long-form? The current long-form publication landscape is a kinetic environment where players rise and fall rapidly, and the legacy media have adapted with varying levels of success. Progressive not-for-profit magazine Mother Jones (est. 1976) has sustained its large audience and success by delivering a range of innovative content via the early establishment of its online presence, MotherJones.com (est. 1993). The New Yorker (est. 1925) weekly magazine has largely attempted to mirror the look and feel of their print publication online. Meanwhile, The New York Times (est. 1851) has innovated to become a leader in delivering multimodal long-form content, and published the 2013 Pulitzer Prize winning interactive piece ‘Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek’ (Branch, 2012). So impactful on the commercial and creative fates of journalism was the piece, that ‘Snow Fall’ is now used as a verb ‘by editors who want to create similarly glitzy and high-profile projects’ (Dowling and Vogan, 2014: 9). New players tend to adopt a special interest focus and to establish a point of difference through a brand personality defined by format adopted – ranging widely in organization type and content type and focus. Notable examples are the not-for-profit aggregation site Longform (est. 2012), which is sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh and contains curated material across a range of thematic concerns. Longreads (est. 2009) is also a non-profit, which relies on the Wordpress.com platform and voluntary member financial contributions to publish long-form on a range of topics. Commercial outlets like the highly successful Byliner (est. 2011) hosts shorter feature pieces on its website, but primarily publishes longer journalism and fiction by high profile authors, sold as standalone digital pieces of 10,000–20,000 words available for download. The Atavist Magazine (est. 2011) also publishes in this word range, but with an emphasis on multimodal digital delivery and only one story per month, claiming ‘the most elegant writing and innovative design on the web’ (The Atavist Magazine – Home, 2017). Other special interest commercial publications have also emerged that include long-form journalism, though not exclusively, such as the highly political US-based The Intercept (est. 2014), and the larger, globally established Politico (est. 2007), or tech-oriented Gizmodo (est. 2002). BuzzFeed (est. 2006), originally an aggregator of viral content, has expanded from US roots to become a global company that produces a broad range of journalism, including long-form.


Another notable pattern is the emergence of Medium (est. 2012): a social media platform founded by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, with an advertisement-free approach where users can create a blog-style profile and become individual author-contributors in a network that encourages and rewards interaction by promoting content. Contributors can follow, or gain followers, in order to enhance their standing in the network. Medium also partners with other entities and established publications such as The Atlantic (est. 1857) and The Economist (est. 1843), which have used the platform as a point of publication for long-form content. Other newer publications have used Medium as a way to expand their profile, and to leverage the network effect of Medium, such as The Awl (est. 2009), which left Medium in August of 2017 after only a year, citing the absence of advertising revenue as a key motivation (Killingsworth, 2017). However, to date the most successful publications on the platform are Medium ‘native’. Notable examples include Matter, which publishes a mix of very serious, rigorously presented journalism and The Mission, which publishes in a range of formats across diverse themes, with an emphasis on ‘uplifting stories about the individuals and teams lifting humanity and creating a better world’ (Postles, 2017). Presently, Medium publishes no official ranking of publications by following, but unofficial records are maintained by websites such as toppub.xyz and, as of 25 October 2017, the top three were Matter (1,031,312 followers), The Mission (374,369 followers) and the Medium edition of The Economist (367,390 followers). Medium is far from stable, however, and laid off half of its staff in early 2017, as several high-profile partner publications departed including The Awl. In August 2017, Medium announced the establishment of a $5 per month subscription service as a way to establish a more effective business model (Killingsworth, 2017). As of October 2017, contributors are allowed to hide content behind a paywall, and take a share of the pooled subscription fees based on the popularity of their writing – how many user ‘claps’ they get for a piece determines their share (Killingsworth, 2017). The exciting thing about Medium is access, but publication on a popular Medium site offers a range of challenges, including the need for a record of existing publications and popularity. The top two publications began with user contributions, but the ascendant Matter now publishes work from a stable of established writers who are clearly advertised on their site. The Mission, as of May 2017, continues to advertise submission guidelines, and a 48-hour turnaround time on an answer, though somewhat ominously advises the writer that if ‘you haven’t heard back about a submission within 48 hours, please assume it won’t be published’ (Postles, 2017). Given the high level of following, The 289

Mission can afford to draw on writers who have an established profile, and a high level of individual following on Medium. There are many other – generally less well-followed – publications on Medium that encourage and are organized around user contributions. These publications, like The Mission, are frequently created around a stated mission aimed at a niche market rather than a broad audience. For example, Better Humans seeks only articles based on personal expertise: That’s the root of making a trustworthy article. The second is that the goal of the article is to change the reader’s life for the better. We don’t care about curiosities or philosophy. We want inspiration followed by clear, direct instructions that anyone could follow. (Stubblebine, 2017) In the sections that follow, we examine how you might shape a long-form piece around this mission statement, and respond to the Better Humans submission guidelines to get published on a Medium publication.


Getting Started With Long-Form So how do you get started on writing for publication in the online environment? A quick Google search will reveal millions of hits on ‘how to’ articles for blog authors seeking to get started, to find readers, and to succeed in having their pieces picked up by such sites as Medium that have a big following. To be successful in this space, you’ll need a presence in a community of readers and writers, such as those available through Medium. The benefits of this are far reaching, including building a skillset that has broad applicability, and starting on the gradual process of establishing your ‘digital footprint’ and building your personal brand identity as a writer. It is important to acknowledge the media ecology your writing will be entering, where a range of ‘moving parts’ interrelate to generate attention for any published material. Given the large volume of material with which you are competing, any advantage you can achieve is important, so you will need to put time into taking steps in promoting your carefully written work so that it will be seen. Presentation is also vital to engagement, as is the use of compelling visual content in a format that suits the point of publication – Medium pieces, for example, are more inviting with wider header images, and if the start of the article contains short paragraphs and bullet points, rather than being text-dense (Borgen, 2016). At the centre of any Web-based media ecology is your website, so a good starting point is to create a website that includes a blog, and you can do this using any one of a number of online services that are free and easy to use, such as Wordpress. If you can afford to, it is a great idea to create and own a URL for your website, and all other platforms for publication or promotion of your work should point back towards it. This is because a website is something you own, and which will endure even if your presence on, for instance, a social medium like Facebook or Twitter ceases. To visualize this ecology, you can draw a map of the relationships between your online platforms. Draw a circle to represent your website and blog at the centre of a piece of paper, and then draw circles around it that represent all other web presence you control, like a Medium, Twitter or Facebook account. Draw an arrow from these circles to your website, because they can direct readers back to your blog. These pathways that readers follow are called ‘channels’, and will look like spokes on a wheel. The more you have, the stronger your web presence will become, and the more people will read your work. 291

When you write a blog entry, post a link to it from your accounts on social media like Facebook and Twitter, and consider republishing it on a platform like Medium. Google frowns on duplicate content, which can negatively impact your page ranking in searches and undermine SEO, but you can make use of technology like the Medium ‘import tool’ to avoid this. The tool adds the rel=canonical tag, which passes the ultimate authority of the content to the website from where you are importing that content (SEO and duplicate content, 2017). Do your research, and discover how to increase engagement on these platforms – you will need to know how to write impactful Twitter and Facebook posts, and how you should alter the presentation of your blog entry for Medium. After you import it to Medium, you may prefer to add images, shorten the text and replace paragraphs with point form notes. You should also research and share your writing with interested online communities through websites like Reddit, or Facebook groups and forums. You can also pitch your work to Medium publications, like The Mission or Better Humans, but you might get the attention of one that doesn’t invite submissions. You are permitted to add up to five ‘tags’ to your pieces, so make sure you pick carefully – this can determine whether an interested community is drawn to your work. One of the authors, Benjamin J. Matthews, imported a blog entry to Medium entitled ‘Entrepreneurship Slump Kills Job Creation: So What Now?’, with the tags ‘Economics, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Startup, and Future of Work’, and the piece was noticed by a publication called Future of Work, that does not accept submissions who requested to republish the piece (Matthews, 2017b). Accepting the request means the piece will be seen by all followers of the publication, and that the author became advertised as a writer with the publication. Because the piece was imported, an outgoing link to the original point of publication is also included at the bottom of the piece, creating a new channel to the author’s website. Through ongoing publication in such a media ecology, this pattern of gaining attention is amplified, strengthening the impact of your writing and your digital footprint.


Elements of Long-Form Long-form seeks to provide insight and/or to bring a person or situation to life, in all its complexity. The first stage in building a framework for insight is to identify a theme for the article. The theme is the underlying message conveyed through the artful organization of the parts of a story. Your aim in choosing a theme is to think about all the facts, quotes and anecdotes and get them into focus; to bring disparate parts into relationship with each other to offer a new perspective. Here are some elements that make for a good longform: Narrative potential: is there a narrative arc, with characters and tension? Stories that provide a public service. Multimedia material: this is shown to attract more readers. The techniques used in long-form are also those used by other storytellers. Long-form also features plot, characterization, action, dialogue, sequencing, dramatization, causation, myth, metaphor and explanation. The difference is that journalism is constructed in simple language and explicit terms, and the journalist is always the narrator who guides the reader through the story. As the journalist takes the reader on a journey, clues are dropped along the way about the meaning of it all. As Tom Wolfe said in The New Journalism: It’s really reporting scenes, that’s what you look for constantly. You are waiting for things to happen in front of your eyes, because it’s really the scene that brings the whole thing to life – that’s where you get the dialogue. (1975: 5) Through scenes the characters in journalism gradually reveal personality traits, habits, feelings, attitudes and ideas that present them in a new or different light. A Sydney journalist wrote a piece about a homeless man who briefly shot to fame as the smiling face of poverty in a TV advertising campaign. When the man was found dead on the streets from the effects of alcoholism just a fortnight later, the journalist told the story of the man’s life beginning with the words: John Young’s fifteen minutes of fame lasted two weeks, but he couldn’t 293

remember a second of it. (Perrin, 1995) In telling John’s story, which was real, he wrote eloquently and vividly about the way society deals with issues of human justice. His article benefits from a compelling introduction, which some would argue is the most important part of the structure. Sometimes the ending comes to a writer first, but the starting point is always a sentence or phrase that captures not just the theme of the piece but also its style and tone. Once the theme is established, you have a framework on which to build the story. Thinking it through, planning it in your head, is the hardest part of the task for many writers, but so is getting the rhythm right. The real skill in editing is knowing what to leave out to make the picture clearer. Author Ernest Hemingway drew an analogy between writing and an iceberg, because no matter how big the story is that the writer tells, there is always so much readers do not ever see. He said: ‘If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water’ (in Phillips, 1984: 75). Quotes are a very powerful way of getting your story across. When you quote someone, the reader reads not just what they said, but the way it is said, giving clues about the speaker’s personality. For example, this quote by Hemingway reveals something of the method, the anguish and the passion behind his famously simple and evocative writing: ‘I have a diamond mine if people will let me alone and let me dig up the stones out of the blue mud and then cut and polish them’ (in Didion, 1999). Hemingway is talking about his frustration at being hurried by editors to submit new work. But the words he chooses reveal a lot about how he feels about his writing. He refers to his ideas as a ‘diamond mine’ of great potential, but in order to realize this potential he must labour to find the right words from the ‘blue mud’ of all the things he might say. He continues the analogy by saying he next has to ‘cut and polish’ the raw material. He reveals with choice his words that he finds writing arduous and that he is driven to achieve perfection. Those insights are all in his choice of words. The problem with quotes is that they are all context and need a narrative to hold them together. Anecdotes are often an essential partner to quotes because they can be woven into the narrative structure. By telling an anecdote without commenting on it, you let readers draw their own conclusions. But by selecting one anecdote over another you guide the way the reader interprets 294

what you tell. The straightforward language of journalism means that the poetry is most often in the verbs. For example, it’s the difference between: ‘Wait,’ she began; ‘Wait,’ she roared; and ‘Wait,’ she breathed. Journalists use language to add levels of complexity to their writing. Consider the difference between being ‘marched’ and ‘paraded’. Both convey a loss of individual control, but only the latter conveys a loss of dignity. It is through this deft use of language and grammatical devices that writers add depth and colour to their writing. All journalism is written to a ‘style’, which directly reflects the style of the target publication. In the case of the article discussed in this chapter, the readership is a demographic of men aged between 18 and 35. This affects the way the writer answers the question ‘What is most interesting to the reader?’ and thereafter everything from the theme and structure to the choice of individual words.


Multi-Modal Long-Form The importance of visual storytelling has been discussed in many of the previous chapters. In long-form, the use of multiple modes of storytelling are often integral to the telling of a story. And research into audience engagement has shown that stories with multiple images engage more readers (Kovacs, 2016). With long-form stories, how photographs are displayed matters because they are part of the storytelling process, assisting the reader’s journey through the story. Audio and video make the largest difference in reader engagement. More people view stories with video or audio elements, and more people share them. Video and photo should be used when it serves a specific storytelling purpose. It is easy to record video using an iPhone (as discussed in Chapter 9) and there are free smartphone applications available. Digital publication permits an array of visual techniques to engage an audience via interactive media, gamification, data visualization, drawings, maps, timelines and other graphic elements that enhance the telling of a long-form story.


Writing Long-Form in Action Watch the video at www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQlz2Y3h_GE or read the transcript (Box 11.1). What is interesting about the topic? Can you relate to the presenter’s story? Does it have a clear theme, and if so, what is it? Journalism seeks to provoke a reaction or emotional response in the reader, so ask yourself: ‘How does her story make me feel?’. Are you surprised or amused? Try to find the source of your reactions. What is the potential for this to be developed as a long-form article? Are there unanswered questions you need to resolve first? If the idea doesn’t appeal to you, think through why that is and see what stories are prompted by this insight. To work through these questions, first identify what you consider to be the point of her presentation. Is there a single sentence that seems to encapsulate her message? For example, you could choose: ‘And we only need one extra wear out of your clothes and the laundry burden is halved, with no new products or infrastructure.’ Or ‘People in and outside of my study reduced their washing frequency … We can capitalize on everyday activity as a form of activism.’ Or write your own sentence to describe what is interesting about her presentation. Are there elements of her story that resonate with you? Could you be an audience for her message? If not, why? Is her message about overwashing news to you? Are there illustrations in her presentation that resonate with you? What are your washing habits? If you’re already careful with your washing, does that mean that there is no audience for these ideas? If you work from the idea of everyday activism (above), you might not write about laundry at all. What ideas could you pursue? The next thing you have to do is to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. There is a lot the YouTube presentation alludes to, but little detail. As a journalist, your first recourse might be to contact the presenter of the video for more information. Before you interview her, you need more information. In this 297

case, an email to the presenter yielded a copy of the PhD dissertation. Box 11.2 comprises notes drawn from the thesis. When reading a very long document for research, it is important to know what you are looking for or you can get distracted by tangential information. Box 11.2 provides factual information about the research underpinning the YouTube video. The extent to which you use this information will be influenced by the publication you are targeting. In this case, the secondary research is followed by an interview with the presenter of the YouTube video. There is new information in Box 11.2 that is not on the video. Is there information here that prompts another story? How would you pursue it? For example, it includes a reference to a scholar at the University of Sydney. Could he be a good source for a long-form article? At this point in your research you are likely going to want to talk to people who can put all this information into context. Box 11.3 represents notes of a conversation with Holly Kaye-Smith, the presenter of the YouTube video. Is there information contained in this additional material that suggests a new story or different angle than the theme of the YouTube video?


Researching Publications Before you take your idea further, you need to consider whether there is an audience for your story. Who is your audience? It won’t work to say ‘everyone’ because who you are seeking to reach will affect the publications you target. You need to effectively target the audience to get past the gatekeepers to publication. Whether you are planning to reach people like you or a different audience, you need a process for evaluating the audience of the publications you review. For each publication that you investigate, pay close attention to the following aspects.


Submission Guidelines Does the publication accept non-commissioned submissions? If the articles are the product of an in-house editorial team or commissioned pieces, you are unlikely to be published. Look at the publication requirements. Can you provide the necessary links? Are you willing to become a member? Will you be advised if the piece is rejected?


The Mission Most websites have an ‘About Us’ section that promulgates the values and priorities underpinning the publication. Your story must align with this mission to be considered for publication. For example, Better Humans is interested in uplifting stories, while the popular Be Yourself is about personal empowerment through community: ‘If you love people and believe in change then this is the right place to be’ (Mwakasege, 2016).


Recent Articles Look at the articles published over the last month. Is there a trend in lead stories on the site? Make a list of the top stories in the last month. What do they have in common? Would your article fit with the interests reflected in these stories? What has recently been published is a good way to get a sense of the audience, and the priorities of the editorial team. Has Your Topic Been Covered Recently? Search the site for the last things published on your topic. If it was too recent, there may be less interest. You will also need an angle that is different from, or builds on, the last publication.

Use of Multimedia Are images central to the presentation of stories? Are hyperlinks or video material included with stories or a strong photographic? If there is a strong focus on images, audio and/or video you will need to provide these elements to be considered for publication.

Writing Style What writing style is evident in the presentation of the site? Is the writing primarily in the first person (e.g. I did this), the second person (you did this) or the third (she did this)? Could you write up your idea in this voice? What does the style of writing say about the intended reader? Is the style personal or interview based? Does the style of writing fit with the idea you’re pursuing? Before you write the article, you need to consider these elements in turn. Using Better Humans as an example, your first step would be to read the website and note the similarities in the style of stories published. Is there a place for a story about changing your habits to help the environment? On the face of it, yes. Have there been recent stories related to climate change and/or the environment? If there have, are they too similar to your idea? You might need a new angle. The mission statement for Better Humans makes it clear that it is only interested in certain types of articles. Does the story idea meet 302

those criteria? If you think of being more sensitive to the environment as being personal development, then yes, it does. The goal here is to produce the world’s most trusted advice in personal development. Our fundamental rule is that we only want advice that the author has personal experience with. For that reason, our authors are either academics, coaches, or aggressive self-experimenters. (Stubblebine, 2017) Consider the advice in Box 11.4. Could you write the article from the perspective of personal expertise? You could, but you’d need to experiment with the strategies suggested by the research in Box 11.3. The call for submissions asks for ‘inspiration followed by clear, direct instructions that anyone could follow’. Does the research in Boxes 11.1, 11.2 and11.3 provide enough information to do that? If not, what other research would you need to do? Box 11.4 describes some types of motivational articles that are welcome at Better Humans: Personal accomplishment turned tutorial where you inspire others to follow your lead. How to do X to achieve Y where you explain the subtleties of how and where the reader will struggle to change. ‘Complete guide to the science of …’ are stories from an academic perspective aimed at ‘goal oriented people’. ‘Complete guide to achieving …’ are stories with a deep research background. Think about these four types in relation to the research in Boxes 11.1–11.3. You probably have enough material to write in the style of type one, but you need a personal angle. If you were to choose type 2 your article would focus on why people struggle to wash less and that would involve further research. If you were thinking along the lines of type 3, you would likely be following the angles suggested by the university research referenced in Box 11.2 and would need to complete additional interviews. What questions would be of interest to ‘goal-oriented people? Type 4, ‘the complete guide to …’, would require much more research to answer big questions about human impact on the environment. Having made a decision about the kind of story you would like to pursue, next consider the style guide in Box 11.5. You even need your proposal to align with the style required. 303

Box 11.1 Three-Minute Thesis Presentation – Transcript Hi, I’m Holly, a social change activist. Guys, we can’t consume our way out of climate change. Making eco-friendly versions of stuff we don’t need is contributing to the problem. Because we are creating more waste and using more resources. We need humancentred solutions not consumer-centred solutions. And people need clear direction about how our daily routines impact the big picture. But, unfortunately, people have tuned out to social change media. It’s patronizing and fear based, painting our problems as so big that we feel we personally can’t help change them. That is isn’t right. We want people to feel like an integral part of the system and good about being proactive. To explore this idea further – we’ll look at my case study: how do we get people to wash their clothes less? Why? Only 7 per cent of the clothes we wash are actually dirty. So rather than making products and whitegoods to lessen the burden of unnecessary washing, I look to eradicate the unnecessary washing. And we only need one extra wear out of your clothes and the laundry burden is halved, with no new products or infrastructure. So two of my leading challenges: 1. Clothes laundering is boring so how do I get people interested and involved? 2. Challenging laundering practices means challenging societal perceptions of cleanliness. And that bad boy is complicated. So, what did I do? I designed proto-practices, and refreshed my clothes without using a washing machine. And then I tested the proto-practices by pinning the armpits of my clothes to a board, then hit the streets with a megaphone and film crew to ask random people ‘will you sniff my pits for the planet?’. And they did! And that video was just the start of my ongoing user-centred research and media that finds ways to change unsustainable routine activities … People in and outside of my study reduced their washing frequency … We can capitalize on everyday activity as a form of activism. Yes, change is possible, we just need to get creative about it. Because together, we can build a better future one armpit at a time.

Box 11.2 Notes from Reading of PhD Thesis Laundering is an extremely resource intensive activity and produces much inconspicuous waste. Washing and drying carries the biggest burden over a garment’s life, using as much


as 82% of energy use, 66% of solid waste and over half the emissions to air are amassed during washing and drying. (Franklin Associates, 1993, in Fletcher, 2008, p. 78). The routine nature of laundering can mean that there is a creeping tendency to over wash. Despite laundering’s heavy environmental impact, aspects of resource consumption, such as energy use, can go unnoticed because ‘people do not consume energy per se, but rather the things energy makes possible, such as light, clean clothes, travel, refrigeration and so on [original quote in italics]’ (Wilhite, 2005, p. 2 quoted in Pink, 2012, p. 69). Laundering, as an ordinary cleaning practice, is affected by social conventions, and it includes both conspicuous consumption – that is, of clothes, materials and machines that signify standards of cleanliness and social status – and inconspicuous consumption – that is, water and energy use (Shove & Ward, 2002). There are also the material impacts of washing detergents to consider. They are associated with the pollution of water and the consumption of energy. In addition, one needs to consider the more conspicuous destructive impact machine agitation can have on garments that are often not designed for resilience. This results in further clothing purchases. All of these are ongoing aspects of consumption rather than one-offs such as clothes or machine purchasing. Waste is another inconspicuous by-product of laundering. For example, laundering is contributing to oceanic micro-plastic waste from laundry grey water and it creates the risk of synthetic micro-fibres infiltrating the food chain2. Mark Browne in a University of Sydney study found coastal sites around the world are littered with pieces of plastic, mostly polyester, acrylic and nylon, less than a square millimetre in size. Micro plastic is transported by laundry grey water and is of growing concern because these pieces are small enough to enter the food chain. Browne’s lab experiments show that once ingested, the micro plastics move into marine life’s blood and blood cells and they are still there months later (Browne in Lauder, 2012) The reasons why we wash is an interesting area for investigation and raises the question, how ‘clean’ do we need to be? Despite our drop in ‘dirtiness’ and our rise in bathing over the last century and a half we are washing and drying our clothes more than ever (Shove, 2003, p. 17). Fletcher reveals only 7.5% of the clothes we wash are ‘heavily soiled’ as defined by Laursen and Hansen’s Environmental Assessment of Textiles (1997 in Fletcher, 2008, p. 86), which indicates a tendency to over wash.


Reasons for this could include meeting high standards of cleanliness or simply routine use of convenient devices such as machine washers. Tulia Jack’s study titled No Body Was Dirty highlights that the reasons for laundering are not always considerations of hygiene, meaning there is a gap or disconnect between laundering practices and hygienic requirements which is filled with a social concern about cleanliness. The maintenance of clothing has the most significant environmental impact of all the phases in a fashion lifecycle, consuming water, energy and chemicals, yet laundering is based on cultural mores, rather than hygienic requirements. The gap between basic sanitation and current cleanliness practices offers opportunities to save environmentally critical resources. A modification in society’s definition of ‘clean’ would have major implications for washing routines and frequency – any small change in user perceptions of cleanliness would likely bring far-reaching environmental benefits from washing less (Fletcher, 1999, p. 35, 2008, p. 9). Dombek-Keith and Loker (2011, p. 103) recommend that clothes users loosen/broaden their definitions of clean and dirty and turn to spot cleaning, airing clothes, and where possible purchasing garments with anti-odour or anti-stain finishes. Dombek-Keith and Loker’s alternatives to conventional laundering move away from machine washing and a particular meaning of machine-agitated clean. To change the meaning of clean, and its opposite dirty, requires challenging and overcoming cleanliness ideals which trap cleaning practices in a ‘moral, social and symbolic’ web of meanings (Shove, 2003, p. 80) that include pride, respect, attachment, and the capacity to care for oneself and demonstrate care for others. The meanings around cleanliness and how these play out in the ways we do things such as launder, is just as inconspicuous as the forms of consumption discussed earlier, and it needs to be brought into ‘discursive consciousness’ (Hobson, 2003; Giddens, 1984 in Lopes & Fam, 2015, p. 36) to enable reflection. The fear of ‘smelling’, judgement, and social exclusion, or non-acceptance, is common to many. Valuing our clothes: the true cost of how we design, use and dispose of clothing in the UK suggests four in ten people would ‘seriously consider’ wearing clothes a second time without washing (especially young people) if their clothes felt fresher for longer, and nearly all adults surveyed wear at least some clothes more than once before washing them, notably trousers, jeans, knitwear and fleeces (2011, p. 31). This evidence indicates the potential to explore how clothes could be made to feel fresh or be freshened between washes, where ‘fresh’ becomes an alternative to machine agitated clean. Therefore, when selecting proto-practices that I could show and experiment with others, the techniques that I used most frequently and considered the most doable did not make the ‘final list’. These included putting clothes back into my wardrobe or airing out a garment on my clotheshorse that is situated opposite my washing


machine. I did not include these in my video because they may be too great a ‘leap’ for the clothing user who is being introduced to a new concept (washing less). Instead, I reasoned that if the user trialled one of the non-wash techniques modelled in the video, they would adapt and modify the technique to best suit their environment and desired outcome, as I did. This could lead to cutting out a component, such as putting the garment in the sun if the garment did not need it. Therefore, the final list of eco-refreshing methods I selected to model and to initiate a conversation with clothes users were: Sun and air Shower steam Lemon juice Spot cleaner: ‘Exit’ spot cleaner and soap The following images are the floor plans to my home and show that the ecorefreshing methods required only small modifications to my old laundering routes. The eco-refreshing methods which include airing on the back of my bedroom door, sun and airing on my porch, sun and airing on the washing line and spot cleaning or lemon juice on the armpits of clothes performed in the laundry basin. Some garments were shower steamed. To shower steam, the garment was put onto a hanger and hung up in the shower to catch the steam while I showered. Talking laundry has the potential to disrupt current practices. The deployment of my media prototype generated a reflective conversation amongst participants and actual change in their practices. As a result, a shift in collective values was observed as participants strove to wash less using the ‘eco-refreshing methods’ and to share their experiences. Sharing practices and experiences can reveal that washing clothes less does not have to feel like a shamefully lazy and/or anti-social activity. If packaged and communicated in a way that makes the initiative feel more like a positive, uplifting and socially acceptable practice, then pre-conceived ideas about cleanliness can shift. (Kaye-Smith, 2017)

Box 11.3 Interview Notes Anything that becomes routine becomes invisible, whether it is using plastic bags to line your bin become baseline normal. Even just redistributing what you use in the home – food scraps into garden – it becomes unthinking. Food waster, plastic use is a big one for me. Everything we buy is wrapped in plastic


and we don’t even think about it. E.g. plastic spoons for coffee. What you do depends on the resources available. Things are the wrong way around. The cheapest stuff is made out of the stuff that causes the most environmental damage. Count the number of single use plastics you encounter (spoons, coffee lids, unnecessary plastic wrapping). Things become normal after a while. Where did these expectations come from? Advertising. Rise of advertising via TV. Post-WW2. Everyone thinks their view of clean is ‘normal’. People don’t have a grounded idea of how clean things need to be. Why does cellophane mean clean? Is food cleaner when wrapped? Clean = removed of all human traces. Laws dictate how supermarket food is packaged and distributed. Scale of the problem is so big individuals think they can’t make a difference. Change takes time and feels inconvenient. Clothing is only discussed by people who sell clothes and washing products. ‘Bonus wears’. Hack of washing. People are most scared about being smelly rather than dirty. I don’t see use as ever accepting body odour. Something can smell human without being offensive. Diluted Vodka or lemon juice on the armpits is the best Ask yourself: Can I get another wear out of this? Put it inside out and back on the hanger and air. Infrastructure is set up to create domestic paths through our houses. You can only do your best. If you can’t do it all it’s OK. Everyday life activism. Discourse of personal responsibility is also discourse of agency. Advertising, industries have conned us into unthinking actions. Detergent industry – VIPoo


Stop and ask yourself – why am I doing this? Advertising creates problem … Clothes wear out = buy more Stop using plastic bags. Sarah Pink – Laundering We are always innovating in the home to improvise workarounds. 5th world detergent conference proceedings – strategies for getting poor to wash more often. Clean is a sign of pride. Marketeers build campaigns on concepts such as Love your family? Buy this product.

Box 11.4 How to Submit an Article to Better Humans The goal here is to produce the world’s most trusted advice in personal development. Our fundamental rule is that we only want advice that the author has personal experience with. For that reason, our authors are either academics, coaches, or aggressive self-experimenters. To submit an article please fill out our article submission form. In general, we pay for most articles here. If you are just looking for an audience to publish to and don’t need to get paid, please note that in your submission. What types of articles are we looking for? The first fundamental rule is personal expertise. That’s the root of making a trustworthy article. The second is that the goal of the article is to change the reader’s life for the better. We don’t care about curiosities or philosophy. We want inspiration followed by clear, direct instructions that anyone could follow. If you can follow those two fundamental rules, then we’re interested in almost any personal development topic. This field doesn’t have one-size fits-all advice, so we love diversity of viewpoints.


Do We Have a Style Guide? Yes. You should read it twice, once before submitting a proposal and a second time before submitting a draft.


Suggested Types of Articles We mainly publish tutorials that have a dose of motivation. If the reader is inspired, we want them to be able to apply the steps in your tutorial in order to improve their own life. Along those lines, I want to call out some article types.


Personal accomplishment turned tutorial This article type is for authors that only have experience trying the advice on themselves. For personal success stories, we want to cover famous topics and systems, not your own personal system. Promising personal experiment turned tutorial You tried something radical and tracked the results. We’re looking for something that would work as a Quantified Self talk, but written instead with a goal in mind and a tutorial to get there.


How to do X to achieve Y First, these articles need to be based on the idea that a lot of people want to achieve X. The best version of these articles come from someone who knows the subtleties of how and where the reader will struggle. You can write the tutorial you would give your client — but please make sure to back up your own advice with expert citations. Complete guide to the science of … Are you an academic? Help us understand what science is saying about how to improve our lives. We like academics because they know the breadth and the subtleties of current research. The challenge for an academic writing for us is that you have to then frame that research for goal oriented people.


Complete guide to achieving … Do you have deep experience with a topic and love doing research? Often there are many ways to achieve the same thing. Use your experience to help people understand their options. These articles require a lot of research.


Suggested Topics We used to list suggested topics here, but then we only got submissions on those topics. The point of everything above is that we want to unlock your expertise — you know where you have had success, so start there. The only guidance I would give you is to not be afraid of covering fundamental or standard topics. What’s ‘New’ about Better Humans is the style of writing (tested advice from applied practitioners written with behaviour design in mind). That means the topics don’t have to be new.

Box 11.5 Style Guide for Better Humans: Use Behavioural Science to Change Lives We have two fundamental rules: 1. We only want advice that the author has personal experience with. For that reason, our authors are either academics, coaches, or aggressive selfexperimenters. The good news is that you are, by definition, an expert in your own experience and there are always other people like you. 2. The point of our articles is to change lives. We don’t accept thought pieces, philosophy or news. All pieces should be one part inspiration and one part clear, detailed advice. If you can achieve the above, your article will stand out against a sea of free personal development writing based on both trustworthiness and effectiveness. As an author you have an opportunity — really the most amazing opportunity — to completely transform someone’s life.


#1. Follow Medium’s Style Guide Pick a cover image that supports the article. You need rights and attribution to all images you use. Most authors pick images that are under some sort of Creative Commons licensing through a service like Unsplash or Flickr’s Creative Commons search. For headings, use Medium’s heading styles (big T, little T). Don’t just capitalize the words and bold them. Don’t sell your own stuff. The readers paid to read your article, not buy your product. Use Medium’s official list styles. Don’t try to format your own. All images need attribution. If you use Creative Commons Zero, just tell me that when you submit the article. If you are being paid for the article, skip all that footer call-to-action nonsense. No ‘please recommend’ or ‘please follow.’ The Medium Members difference is that the readers are already paid — and so the content doesn’t need to and shouldn’t feel like content marketing. Use Medium styles semantically. That means don’t style something as a quote unless it’s actually a quote. When you are done with your draft, please do a separate editing pass. Here is our tutorial for becoming a great editor of your own work — use this as a guide before sending us your draft.


#2. Please try to frame your article in terms of who the reader will become rather than what is currently wrong with them. My rule of thumb: ‘Don’t ever say that you’re trying to fix people.’ Yes, some people do need fixing, but that’s not our job. Or rather, it’s not our job to point out their flaws. Most people are plenty aware of their flaws. What the reader isn’t aware of is what’s possible through hard, smart work. That’s your job as an author. Simple example, you could write the same article with two different headlines. One is about what’s wrong and the other is about what they as a person could achieve. How to Stop Multi-tasking vs. How to Achieve Radical Focus All my quantitative data on page views and qualitative data through reader responses is that this one change is a huge win — easily helps you reach twice as many people. And often it can be done 100% through your title and intro.


#3. Give empathic tutorials. We’re looking for specific advice that takes into account the real challenges that the reader is going to face. If you’ve never tried the advice yourself or helped someone else try the advice, then I question whether you should be giving this advice at all. Part of the trust we’re building is that the articles we publish work. You wouldn’t enjoy a cookbook full of recipes that had never been tested. It’s the exact same for personal development — nothing is more frustrating to a reader than getting psyched to follow advice only to find out that the advice is impossible to follow. From a behaviour design angle, clear, specific advice also helps remove inertia. Unclear advice leaves a lot of work for the reader. Getting clear and specific reduces the work that a reader will have to do to get started. So take as much time as you need to write a tutorial that will work.


#4. Demonstrate expertise. In order to write with empathy, you’re going to need to have some expertise. We want you to mention this expertise explicitly in the article, even if it’s just your own self-experimentation. More than that, we want the advice in the article to match your expertise. One of our goals is to develop trustworthy content by demonstrating the source of expertise for all advice in our articles. There are three ways to demonstrate expertise in an article: Try the advice on yourself. Help other people try your advice. Do original research, i.e. be an academic. Hopefully, you’re writing this article because you already fall into one of those three categories.


#5. Match your advice to the source of expertise If you’ve only tested the advice on yourself, then write a first-person account: ‘This is who I am, these are the situations I was in, this is what I tried, this is how things worked out.’ Readers of your personal experience will understand that the advice you’re giving is not necessarily universal. To give advice that goes beyond personal experience you will need to demonstrate thorough research or thorough experience helping other people.


#6. How we do Citations or Footnotes We love citations to research and outside resources, but we want you to link the text. If your article is heavy on outside resources then you should include a References section at the bottom of your piece. Set the References section off with Medium’s section indicator (the three dots) Make the References section an H1 (the big T) Bullet each reference. Write each reference in the format: Title by Author at Organization or Title by Organization.


#7. How to Edit (Paid Pieces) Once you deliver a piece to us, it will go through three rounds of editing. I will make comments and send it back to you. We call this the revision. I do the best I can to work with you to produce the strongest possible article. Sometimes I have lots of comments — generally this is a reflection of a good piece which I happen to have a lot of knowledge on. Sometimes I have no comments. My rewrite editor then does a pass to tighten up your piece. Rewrite probably sounds threatening. This is a person who knows as much about personal development as I do. Mostly, she’s just looking to cut extraneous words and sentences for tightness — read William Zinser if you want to really understand this. Occasionally she will do a heavy rewrite — removing sections and adding framing. In that case, and only that case, we’ll send it back to you for review. Last, we do a copy edit. Given all that editing, do you need to do any yourself? Hell yes. Please do two things. 1. Do whatever you consider your best job of editing a piece that you want to publish. We work with a lot of authors who aren’t professional writers, so we can fix a lot. But we’d always rather be starting with your best. 2. Ask yourself what the main point of your article is and then cut everything else. The two most common cases of this are a disjointed article that should really be split into multiple articles and a lengthy introduction that spans multiple approaches to entering the body of the article. Just consider saving that stuff off for a different post.

You already know that your article must have an element of personal experience. In the case of laundry, it is likely that you do. Next, ‘the point of the article is to change lives’ so what you plan to write should inspire people to act in a positive way. You also need to ensure that what you submit ‘should be one part inspiration and one part clear, detailed advice’. Writers for Better Humans are encouraged to test their ideas against the potential impact on readers, as Stubblebine (2017) explains: How much value can you create for them? Many readers are paying Medium $5 a month. Can you do better than providing $5 worth of value? Can you provide $100? $100,000? If a person reads your article and practices your advice for the rest of their life, will they live one hour 322

longer? One year? One decade? Will they experience an extra hour of joy or maybe an entire year of joy? Will they quit their job and build a company that provides joy to a million people? This is about writing articles that lead to positive impact in people’s lives. The style guide next asks you to ensure you have an image to accompany the article. In this case, you could use an image from the video or embed the video. Or you could search for images of Holly Kaye-Smith online, or you could ask her for one. Or you could find an image that you think is evocative of the story you are telling. The style of your article will be reflected in any image that you choose and form part of the message. You need rights and attribution to all images you use. Most authors pick images that are under some sort of Creative Commons licensing. Note that the style guide asks that your article is framed in terms of who the reader will become rather than what is currently wrong with them: ‘Most people are plenty aware of their flaws. What the reader isn’t aware of is what’s possible through hard, smart work. That’s your job as an author’ (Stubblebine, 2017). Consider these examples. One is about what’s wrong and the other is about what they as a person could achieve. How to Stop Over-Washing vs How to Help the Planet by Doing Less The Better Humans style guide asks you to demonstrate that you know when, where and why the advice works. You could do this by trying your advice on yourself, get- ting other people to try it, or researching what people with more expertise than you have to say about it. To give advice that goes beyond personal experience you will need to demonstrate thorough research or thorough experience of helping other people. You will also need to follow the referencing guidelines. The last step is to see whether you can complete the submission requirements. In the case of Better Humans, this means you need to be able to meet the requirements of uploading a portfolio. So, you can’t send the first personal development article you have ever written. But you can blog about personal 323

development, and thereby create a portfolio. You need to describe your sources in order to establish that your article is trustworthy. There is also an option to ‘Leave Nice Note’ – why? It’s because you are being invited to join a community of writers interested in personal development. What would you say to enhance your chances of publication? There are also some writing and editing tips, along with the advice that your work will be edited after it is submitted. Meeting all the criteria for publication doesn’t mean that your work will be published. In many cases you won’t even hear back if your writing is rejected. Some publications require you to be an established writer on Medium and/or an active member of its digital community before considering your work for publication. Box 11.6 Article Proposals for Better Humans Better Humans is the personal development publishing studio for Medium.com’s subscription membership program. We are looking for professional quality writing that can meet the following style guidelines. Our default rate is $500/article. * Required Email address * What’s your name? * Portfolio * Please share links to 1–3 personal development articles you’ve written elsewhere, one per line. Your answer Article Title * Please give a title for the article you are proposing. Article Description * Please use this format: For to achieve by . Example: ‘For Writers to Overcome Procrastination by Meditating.’ Article Sources * What expert sources are you drawing on? Generally the options are: personal experience, coaching experience, second-hand research, first-hand academic research.


(Optional) Leave a nice note If you have other article ideas you could leave them here.

BOX 11.7




Critical Reflection As you can see there is a lot more involved in developing a piece of long-form journalism than having an idea and ‘writing it up’. As a writer, you are wasting your time if you write before you consider the publication you are targeting and the audience it seeks. As more traditional outlets for long-form usually don’t accept non-commissioned articles, it makes sense to explore the many online publications that actively seek long-form submissions. To be successful, you need to make a close study of the publication you have chosen to ensure that every aspect of your article fits with the publication’s style. Using the information in Boxes 11.1–11.3 as a starting point, there are number of angles that you can take based on this information. Which one you choose will depend on the type of article you plan to write. This will inform any additional research you need to complete. It will also determine the style in which you present the information. It is by using the style guide and submission guidelines that you can reflect on whether your work is likely to receive positive consideration. It is by observing and noting the styles of various long-form sites and comparing them to your writing that you develop the skills to target your work for successful publication.


Conclusion Digital publication has inspired a renaissance for narrative-driven, long-form journalism, sometimes known as ‘slow journalism’, for both a range of new digital-first players and the legacy media. This is partly because audiences are tiring of the ‘sped up’ quality of the digital news cycle and partly because digital publication is accessible to new players at a relatively small entry cost. Long-form is often multi-modal and images form part of the storytelling process, assisting the reader’s journey through the story. More people view stories with video or audio elements, and more people share them. Data visualization, drawings, maps and timelines are other graphic elements that enhance the telling of a long-form story. To successfully prepare to submit an article to a long-form publication, a writer must take account of, and work to, the guidelines provided by each publication. These include the mission of the publication, its submission guidelines and its preference for multi-media. You must also consider whether your proposed topic has been published about recently, because if it has, it reduces the chances of publication. Finally, you need to consider the writing style that is presented on the site. Once you are satisfied that you can meet all these requirements, you are in a position to develop a long-form piece.


Further Action 1. Choose a long-form article that you have enjoyed reading. Examine it closely in terms of the language used by the writer. What do you notice? Is there any powerful imagery? How is it done? 2. Choose a publication and consider the submission procedures. What do you find? 3. What story would you write from the information in this chapter? Try to capture the essence of the story in a 140-word tweet. Is it difficult? Why? 4. Choose any magazine long-form site. Using the layout, content, advertising and writing style as a guide, write a 100-word profile of the target reader. 5. Make a list of potential stories found in Box 11.2.


Further Reading Phillips, L.W. (ed.) (1984) Ernest Hemingway on Writing. New York: Touchstone. Ricketson, M. (2004) Writing Feature Stories: How to Research and Write Newspaper and Magazine Articles. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.


Glossary algorithm – a sequence of steps or set of rules that defines a process of calculation – particularly using computational means. For an example, see news feed. angle – the emphasis, or central theme, chosen by a journalist in telling a story. artificial intelligence (AI) – human programmed intelligence that appears in machines. An example is ‘bots’, intelligent agents that can perform a range of tasks, including posing as humans on social media platforms. authority to speak – used to describe a reliable, authentic primary source. The source is reliable because they were an eye witness, a protagonist in the events, or hold a position allowing them to speak on behalf of others, such as a police officer or government spokesperson. code of ethics – a set of rules to guide professional practices, based on clearly articulated guiding principles. These are usually linked to a stated moral obligation to society. collaborative journalism – the process of journalists working across individual and organizational boundaries to achieve a larger set of project goals. This process has become more common in the digital era, as working through large repositories of leaked documents often requires pooled resources. computer assisted reporting (CAR) – used to describe the broad set of disciplines and practices that underpin the new professional area of data journalism. critical self-reflection – a process of mindfully considering the impact of personal attitudes, beliefs and assumptions in decision-making and the impact of one’s actions. 332

crowdsourcing – using digital means, such as social media platforms, to broadly invite contributions to a clearly stated goal, such as answering a factual question. In the case of journalism, this may be in support of anything from an individual writing project to an open-ended topic or theme. data journalism – the use of data to support journalism, usually conducted by or in collaboration with experts in the disciplines of data science and graphic design, and relying on computational processes and data visualization techniques. data-mining – relies on computation to uncover meaningful patterns in large data sets. This process is a common feature of the practice of data journalism, and can assist in translating raw data into readily understood stories for a broader audience. data science – the scientific discipline that is dedicated to such processes as datamining. It is interdisciplinary, in that it draws on a range of areas including information science, computer science, mathematics and statistics. data-tracking – the practice of using computer hardware and software, most commonly via the Internet, to record information about the behaviour of individuals with the goal of developing a clear profile of their personal practices and preferences. This information is commonly used to personalize content and advertising for online delivery. editorial conference – used to describe the regular meetings of senior staff to plan each edition of a journalism publication. eDM – electronic direct mail. The most common application of this technique is through large batches of emailed newsletters delivered to a subscriber group. Using data-tracking techniques and automation, eDMs are usually personalized to the individual subscriber by large organizations. entrepreneurial journalism – 333

the phrase used to describe the growing number of small start-ups created using digital platforms to deliver journalism to a target audience with the goal of generating profit in a sustainable business format. fake news – deliberate presentation of false information in formats commonly associated with news journalism as part of a hoax designed to gain attention and mislead an audience. filter bubble – an effect created by using algorithms to filter and personalize information to the individual user of a news feed. This process tends to reinforce existing biases by offering the user only what they already prefer, placing the user in a ‘bubble’ that alternative perspectives do not penetrate. gatekeepers – individuals who hold the power to decide. Editorial policies based on assessments of what a target audience will find to be interesting create a ‘gatekeeper effect’ – a tendency for a narrowly defined world view to dominate public discussion. ideology – a commonly held set of beliefs and values, or ideas, about what is normal or natural, that is shared by a group or groups of individuals. These ideas tend to be deeply embedded and relatively stable, changing only gradually over time. industrial journalism – journalism conducted under industrial conditions, where journalists are co-located with the means of production (such as printing presses or transmission facilities) and are employees of mass media focused organizations. information asymmetry – an imbalance of access to information or quality of information that tends to lead to a power imbalance, and transactions that are marked by misinformation. intro – introduction, or the opening sentence of a story. Also known as ‘lead’. journalistic ‘work’ and journalistic ‘labour’ – 334

journalistic ‘work’ is the execution of tasks that relate to the practice of journalism, and journalistic ‘labour’ involves selling this work as a service for payment in an industrial setting. lead – the first sentence of a piece of journalistic writing, also known as ‘intro’. legacy media – mass media such as newspapers, television and radio that formed part of an earlier industrial paradigm where readers, viewers and listeners were largely passive consumers of the media. long-form – journalism that seeks to provide insight into issues arising in the news. Once defined primarily by its length in words, long-form journalism is now multi-modal and includes podcasting and interactive media. machine learning – a form of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn independently and do things such as analyse data and create explanations of patterns that emerge to make predictions without having to be programmed to do so. media ecology – (or media ecosystem) is the environment in which a medium appears, with its interacting technology and social conditions, and how the use of the medium in question affects perceptions, understanding, emotion and values over time. media platform – a general phrase to describe a specific service that delivers media content to an audience via the Internet. mission statement – a statement of intent that defines, in a public sense, the boundaries to the practices of an individual or organization. In the context of digital publications, it is a common feature that guides user contributions and reader expectations. multi-modal – a single artefact, such as a piece of digital long-form journalism, that uses multiple types and techniques, or ‘modes’, of media to interact with an 335

audience. These may include text, audio, visual and gamification. news – information that is verified, organized and presented by journalists using a range of media types for a clearly defined target audience and determined by a consistent set of ‘news values’. news feed – a common strategy and component of social media platforms, pioneered by Facebook as a continuously updated, algorithmically personalized web page hosting content posted by the network of users. news sense – an intuition for what constitutes a news story, and how best to tell it, which experienced reporters develop and often describe as automatic or ‘feel’ based – embodied rather than rational. news values – a set of criteria that determines the selection of and emphasis given to certain stories by individual media outlets. objective – used to describe adopting a ‘neutral’ perspective on reporting events later demonstrated to be unachievable. Journalists cannot be objective, but they can be accurate and they can be fair. op-ed – an abbreviation of ‘opinion editorial’ used to describe a piece of published writing that is identified as the opinion of the author, rather than ‘fact’. paywall – a technology that permits media outlets to charge an audience a fee for access to journalistic content that is delivered using the Internet. personalization – a process that automatically filters and delivers journalistic and marketing content to audience members based on data gathered about individual preferences and habits of consumption. The algorithms that permit this process are controversial for creating a bias in perspective (see filter bubble).


podcasting – the practice of recording audio-only content in a range of formats, including news, documentary, special interest and fiction. Podcasts are primarily composed for distribution and consumption on mobile devices, though are usually available for web-based delivery. post-industrial journalism – journalism conducted in settings other than the mass media employment paradigm of the twentieth century, and often identified with changes created by the rise of digital media for contexts of journalistic work and labour. power relations – the interaction of individuals and groups, understood in terms of when and how they are able to establish and maintain control over one another. precarity – a lack of certainty that accompanies the decline in opportunities for ongoing salaried positions in large, relatively stable media outlets, and the rise in outsourcing created by digital technology and globalization. primary source – a source of information gathered directly by a journalist, from people such as eye witnesses, protagonists and official spokespersons. public interest – the principle that publication of information that negatively impacts on individuals or groups should be measured against the perceived greater good for ‘publics’ that need to know the information. reflective practice – examining one’s practices in real time to take account of the influence of inherent values and biases, and to consider the implications of journalism for those directly affected by it. search engine optimization (SEO) – the practice of creating content for website-based delivery that is shaped to enhance its visibility to Internet research technologies such as the Google search engine. secondary source – a source other than a primary source, usually in the form of published or 337

broadcast materials that synthesize primary source-based materials, but sometimes in the form of expert commentary. self-efficacy – the empowering belief in one’s capacity to carry out tasks and respond effectively to new or challenging situations. small to medium enterprise (SME) – an independently owned and managed business that has fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover of under 50 million euros. subjective – means that all decisions are influenced by an individual’s prior experiences and attitudes and the context in which they are working. social enterprise – business activity that has as its primary goal addressing a social issue, and usually assisting disadvantaged members of a social minority. sub-editing – the process used by journalists to edit their own work, or that of others, to refine the message, and ensure accuracy, appropriate style, structure and language. virality – the kinetic quality of information that spreads suddenly via the Internet, such as social media platforms where algorithms promote attention for increasingly popular, or ‘trending’, content.


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Index ABC, 152 Ableson, B., 49 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, 130, 131, 132 accountability, 35 accuracy, 33–4, 53, 56, 57, 165, 174–5, 178 active voice, 184 Adam, S.G., 42, 207 adjectives, 188–9, 200 advertising, 5, 6, 8, 22–3, 24, 25, 30–1, 47, 210 algorithms, 4, 5, 7, 8–9, 11, 20, 23, 39, 45, 47–51, 68–9, 102, 189, 237 AlterNet, 30–1 alt-right, 8 Altschull, J.H., 84 American Press Institute, 137 Anderson, C.W., 25 angles, 45, 47, 55, 80, 97, 114, 115, 166, 175, 233, 237 apostrophes, 187 Aristotle, 87, 95 artificial intelligence (AI), 8, 21, 50, 51, 237 Arvanitakis, J., 8 assertions, 57, 122, 161, 164, 165, 175 The Atavist Magazine, 209–10 The Atlantic, 208, 210 attribution, 34, 53, 57, 120, 122, 161, 163, 164, 165, 175, 177, 205, 227, 230 Audience Optimization, 49 audiences, 39–40, 57, 64, 66, 70, 80, 216 audio, 216, 218, 234 The Australian, 180 Australian Associated Press, 180 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 143, 149, 150, 153 see also census data Australian High Court, 152 Australian Journalists Association, 27–8 authority to speak, 120, 237 The Awl, 210 369

Bandura, A., 44–5 Bannon, Steve, 107 Barigar, Camille and Shawn, 107 Barney, R., 94–5 Be Yourself, 218 Bell, Emily, 7, 32, 141 Bennet, James, 208 Betancourt, L., 104 Better Humans, 211, 213, 218, 219, 225–31 bias, 140, 162, 166 Black, J., 94–5 blogs, 19, 21, 25, 40, 65, 109, 179, 181, 212 Bok, S., 89, 97 bots, 51 Boud, D., 43 Brady, J., 121 Breitbart News, 107 Brooks, D., 140 BuzzFeed, 32, 47–8, 68–9, 210 Byliner, 209 Cambridge Analytica, 8, 9, 10, 11, 20–1 capitalization, 186–7 categorical imperative, 87 census data, 137, 144–9, 150–5 channels, 212 charts, 143, 150, 154 citizen journalism, 75 clichés, 189, 190, 200 Clinton, Bill, 84 Clinton, Hilary, 102 Coddington, M., 31 codes of ethics, 24, 27–8, 33–5, 87, 94, 237 Cohen, Bernard, 43 Cohen, N.S., 31 collaborative journalism, 6–7, 21, 45, 51–2, 138, 178, 237 colour, 164, 170 commas, 186 computer assisted reporting (CAR), 237 conflict, 67, 69, 71, 73, 76 consequences, 170–1 370

consequentalism, 87 contacts, 64 content editing, 181 The Conversation, 152 copy-editing, 181, 182, 184, 188, 189, 190, 205 see also editing court reports, 83, 89–90, 95, 98 Creative Commons licencing, 230 Creech, B., 32–3 critical self-reflection, 15, 41, 42–3, 53–4, 55–8, 237 crowdsourcing, 3, 110, 238 CrunchBase, 30 currency, 67, 69 Daily Mail Australia, 151–2, 154 Daily Telegraph (Australia), 152 Daily Telegraph (UK), 53, 180 dangling (participles), 185 data journalism, 137, 138–41, 238 data science, 137, 138, 238 data visualization, 71, 142–3, 149–50, 153, 154, 155, 156, 216, 234 data-mining, 8, 238 data-tracking, 4, 238 death, 119, 125–32 decision-making, 39–53 democracy, 8–9, 55 Denver.guardian.com, 8 Deuze, M., 28–9 digital footprints, 211, 213 direct statements, 187 disinformation, 103 double negatives, 184 The Drudge Report, 106 The Economist, 210 Edison Research and Triton Digital, 3 editing, 16, 52, 167, 175, 178–206, 214 see also copy-editing; subediting editorial conferences, 45, 47, 238 eDM (electronic direct mail), 181, 238 Elementary Education Act, 22 employment, 5 371

Enspiral Network, 51 Entman, R.M., 28–9, 105 entrepreneurial journalism, 6, 21, 25, 26, 31–2, 238 ethical decision-making, 92–7 ethical journalism, 14, 15, 85–90, 91, 170, 172–3 Ettingshausen v. HQ Magazine (1995), 91 Evans, Harold, 189 Facebook, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9–11, 20–1, 48–51, 101, 102–4, 108–9, 111, 112–15, 212 fact-checking organizations, 106 Fairfax, 180 fairness, 162, 177 fake news, 7, 8, 9, 11, 102–3, 106–7, 238 Feletti, G., 43 filter bubbles, 4, 11, 238–9 Fish, Stanley, 159, 161, 169 five Ws see who, what, where, when, how, why Florida High School massacre, 51 Fries, T., 138 Future of Work, 213 Galtung, J., 45, 65–6, 69 Gardiner, Samuel, 53 gatekeepers, 180–1, 216, 239 The Geller Report, 106 Gibson, M.L., 161, 189, 190 Gizmodo, 210 Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN), 7 Global Shining Light Awards, 7 Google, 4, 5, 108, 211, 212, 241 grabs, 164 graphs, 143 Greater Sydney see Sydney harm, 34–5, 57, 73, 80, 85–6, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 98, 110, 125, 170, 175 Harmsworth, Alfred (Lord Northcliffe), 22–3 Havlak, H., 49 headlines, 189–93 Hedges, C., 11 Hemingway, Ernest, 160, 214 372

Hijacked, 30 Hirst, Martin, 108 Hodgson, F.W., 183, 190 house style, 188 The Huffington Post, 27, 32, 39 Hugher, Mark, 54 human interest, 8, 66, 67, 68, 71, 84, 170–2 ideology, 5–6, 21, 25, 28–9, 37, 239 images, 166–7 impact, 66, 71 independence, 35 industrial journalism, 21–4, 29, 40–1, 181, 239 information asymmetry, 138–9, 239 Infowars.com, 106 innovation, 33 insights, 142, 213 Instagram, 8 integrity, 14, 24, 26, 28, 35 interactive journalism, 3 The Intercept, 210 Internet, 7, 65, 101–2, 105–7 interviews, 74–9, 119–30 intro, 239 iPhone, 20, 216 Iran, 168, 170–4 iSentia and Journalism Innovation Award, 143 jargon, 188, 199 Jihad Watch, 107 Jobs, Steve, 20 journalism, definitions, 19–20, 26–9, 37, 39 journalistic labour, 5, 22, 25, 27, 37, 239 journalistic work, 5, 22, 25, 37, 239 Kant, Immanuel, 87, 95 Kaye-Smith, Holly, 216 Keen, Andrew, 12, 180–1 King, J., 43 Kingsbury, Craig, 106 Koch, T., 29, 105–6 373

Kolb, D., 41 Krause, Alanna, 52 Lanchester, J., 103 Langer, E.J., 57 leads, 56, 176, 183, 239 legacy media, 4, 5, 20, 39, 102, 208, 209, 239 Lewinsky, Monica, 84 Lipmann, W., 65 local government, 75, 76 local residents, 75–6 Loebs, Grant, 106 Longform, 209 long-form journalism, 4, 12, 15, 48, 64, 93, 200, 202, 207–34, 239 Longreads, 209 Loomio, 51–2 loyalties, 88, 96, 97, 99 machine learning, 4, 239 magazines, 208 Malcom, Janet, 85, 87 market research, 23 Matter, 210, 211 Matthews, B.J., 138, 213 McAdam, M., 109 McManus, J., 105 media ecology, 211–12, 213, 239 Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, 28 media platforms, 168, 210, 240 Medium, 48, 55, 210–13, 227, 231 Mencher, M., 105, 121–2, 124, 129 Mensing, D., 6, 31 mental illness, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 132 metaphors, 189 Meyer, Phillip, 137–8 Mill, John Stuart, 87, 95 mindfulness, 57 misinformation, 12 The Mission, 69, 210, 211, 213 mission statements, 41, 69–70, 211, 218, 219, 232, 240 Mortimer, John, 123 374

Mother Jones, 209 Mueller, Robert, 50–1 multi-modal journalism, 4, 16, 168, 215–16, 218, 233, 234, 240 multi-platform environment, 168 Nadler, A., 32–3 Nauru Files, 139 New Journalism, 208, 214 The New York Times, 106–7, 109, 209 The New Yorker, 85, 87, 209 news, 11, 19, 63–4, 80, 83, 159–60, 161, 240 News app, 20 News Corp Australia, 180 News Feed, 9–10, 48–9 news feeds, 4, 20, 48, 240 news sense, 71, 182, 240 news values, 6, 13, 23, 39, 45, 46, 55, 65–72, 80, 84, 110, 115, 149, 170, 193, 240 newspapers, 7, 19, 63 newsworthiness, 160, 176, 182, 191 novelty, 67, 71 objectivity, 27, 43, 83, 122, 162, 240 O’Donnell, P., 39, 43 online journalism, 68, 70, 80 online reports, 194–9 op-ed, 21, 240 opinion journalism, 21 over-writing, 189 Pagemasters, 180 Paletz, D.L., 28–9, 105 Panama Papers, 138, 139 Paradise Papers, 138 passive voice, 184, 200 Patterson, P., 46, 72, 87–8 paywalls, 210, 240 Peretti, Jonah, 32 personalization, 4–5, 20, 21, 39, 104, 240 Peters, J., 26, 27 photography, 46, 68, 70, 83–4, 166–8, 180, 216 375

podcasting, 3–4, 12, 68, 241 police, 14, 53–4, 75, 76, 77, 126, 127, 130 Politico, 210 post-industrial journalism, 21–2, 25–6, 29, 69, 137, 241 Potter Box, 95–6, 97 power relations, 241 precarity, 26, 27, 241 prepositions, 186 primary sources, 20, 48, 101, 137, 139, 241 print reports, 199–203 privacy, 16, 73, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92–3, 108 process-orientation, 57 prominence, 67, 170 proximity, 67, 72, 170, 175 public figures, 84–5, 91 public interest, 5–6, 23, 27, 37, 39, 46, 51, 57, 72–4, 80, 84, 86, 89, 90–2, 93, 110, 129, 132, 241 punctuation, 184 quotes, 164, 200, 201, 214–15 The Rebel Media, 106 Reddit, 212 reflective practice, 36–7, 39, 43–4, 57, 241 refugees, 106–7 relative news values, 174, 175, 178 relativity, 68 reliability, of information, 174, 175 Reuters, 11 Rosen, J., 39–40 Rottwilm, P., 22, 32 RSS feeds, 189, 194 Ruge, M.J., 45, 65–6, 69 rule of thirds, 167–8 Russia, 10, 50, 102 Ryfe, D., 6, 31 Ryle, Gilbert, 41 Saggin, G., 70–1, 166, 168 Scanlon, M., 123–4 Schon, D.A., 14, 36, 42, 44, 55, 72 376

Scoop, 51–2, 69–70 search engine optimization (SEO), 180, 182, 189, 212, 241 Searls, Doc, 21, 25 secondary sources, 101, 105, 137, 139, 241 self-efficacy, 15, 44–5, 55, 57, 58, 241 self-publishing, 19 semi-colons, 186 sentences, 159–62, 163–5, 169, 183–9, 200, 203 Shah, 170–4 Sheridan Burns, L., 138, 181, 203 shield law, 26 slang, 188, 199 small to medium enterprises (SMEs), 25, 241 smartphones, 3, 4, 52, 70, 166, 167, 216 Snapchat, 48 Snopes, 106 Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek, 209 social enterprise-based journalism, 6, 21, 51–2, 70, 242 social media, 3, 7, 20, 102–4, 107, 108–11, 112 Society of Professional Journalists, 24, 33–5, 94 Sparks, C., 27 spelling, 188, 199, 200 Splichal, S., 27 split infinitives, 184 standfirsts, 180 statistics, 142, 143, 153–4 see also census data Steele, B., 94–5 storytelling, 15, 46, 68 see also visual storytelling Stranahan, Lee, 107 style, writing, 219–31, 233–4 style guides, 226–30, 234 sub-editing, 5, 52, 179–80, 181, 203, 205, 242 see also editing subjectivity, 43, 46, 64, 111, 122, 242 submission guidelines, 218, 219, 225–31, 232, 234 substantiation, 56, 74, 75, 77, 79, 115, 117, 132, 137, 139, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 175, 205 suicide, 119, 125–32 Sunday Telegraph, 180 Sydney, Australia, 144–9, 150–5 Sydney Morning Herald, 150, 151, 154


tables, 142–3 Tandoc, E.C. Jnr, 26, 27 Techcrunch, 30 Telegraph Media Group, 180 telegraphic journalism, 12 Thompson, M., 191 timeliness, 66, 69, 71, 72, 170 The Times, 53 toppub.xyz, 210 total read time (TRT), 48 Tow Centre for Digital Journalism, 21 Trending News Module, 50 Trump, Donald, 20, 102, 107 trust, 121 truth, 165 Twin Falls refugee rape case, 106–7 Twitter, 3, 8, 12, 51, 53, 54, 107, 109–10, 111, 168–70, 171, 179, 189, 194, 212 Urry, J., 70 US presidential elections (2016), 7, 20–1, 50–1, 102, 106, 107 verbs, 161, 164, 165, 169, 177, 183, 184, 185, 186, 190, 203, 215 verification, sources and facts, 105–7, 108–9, 110, 114–17, 139–40, 175 videos, 70, 216, 218, 230, 234 virality, 47, 49, 68, 69, 102, 210, 242 virtue ethics, 87 visual journalism, 120 visual storytelling, 70–1, 166–8, 177 Walkleys Media Incubator and Innovation Fund, 143 Wall Street Journal, 104 The Washington Post, 109 websites, 212 Wheeny Creek, 150, 151 Whitington, Dick, 124 who, what, where, when, how, why, 70–1, 126, 131, 162–3, 166, 175, 176, 182–3 Wilkins, L., 46, 72, 87–8 Williams, Evan, 210 Wired, 50 378

Wolfe, T., 208, 214 Wordpress, 209, 212 writing news stories, 160–6 style, 219–31, 233–4 Yes Prime Minister, 123 YouTube, 3, 7, 37, 168, 215, 216 Zuckerberg, M., 9–11, 20, 48, 50