Ultimate Docker for Cloud Native Applications: Unleash Docker Ecosystem by Optimizing Image Creation 9788196815127

Unlock the Power of Docker to Revolutionize Your Development and Deployment Strategie Key Features ● Dive into real-wor

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Table of contents :
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Dedication Page
About the Author
Technical Review Partner
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Docker
History of Docker
Pre-Docker Era
Birth of Docker
Docker v1.0
Understanding Containerization
Introduction to Docker
Benefits of Docker
Docker vs Competitors
Distinguishing Features of Docker
Docker’s Best Selling Point: Portability
The World Needs Microservices: Docker’s Contributions
Limitations of Docker
Learning Curve
Docker and Software Development Lifecycle
Docker Affects Different Roles
Software Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Docker’s Security Considerations
Examples of Docker in the Real World
2. Docker Architecture and Components
Architecture Significance
Architecture Components
Installation of Docker
Docker Daemon
Primary Role of Docker Daemon
Docker Daemon Delegation of Responsibility
Overview and Background
Namespaces and Chroot
Performance Impact of the Docker Daemon
Resource Utilization
Container Isolation
The Overhead of Containerization
Scaling and Resource Allocation
System Tuning and Optimization
Docker Clients
Docker Command-Line Interface (CLI)
Docker Remote HTTP API
Docker SDKs and Client Libraries
Third-Party Tools and Utilities
Docker Desktop
Docker Images: Structure and Composition
Docker Image Structure
Building a Docker Image
Hello World in Docker
Docker Containers
Running a Docker Container
Inner Working of a Docker Container
Docker Registry: Facilitating Image Storage and Distribution
Image Storage and Distribution
Private and Public Registries
CI/CD Pipelines
Setting Up a Private Docker Registry: An Example
Server Setup
Generate SSL Certificates
Configure Registry (Optional)
Start Registry Container
Push and Pull Images
3. Building and Managing Docker Images
Docker Image Basics
Understanding the Anatomy of a Docker Image
A Practical Example
Exploring the Different Layers and Their Significance
Leveraging the Docker Image Cache for Faster Builds
Optimizing Image Size and Reducing Complexity
Creating Docker Images
Building Docker Images Using Dockerfiles
Difference Between ENTRYPOINT and CMD
Defining the Application Environment and Dependencies
Incorporating Best Practices for Image Creation
Understanding Docker Context
Practical Example
Automating the Build Process with Build Hooks and ARGs
Build Hooks
ARGs (Build-Time Variables)
ONBUILD Instruction
Image Management and Distribution
Saving and Loading Docker Images for Offline Use
Pushing and Pulling Images to and from Docker Registries
Tagging and Versioning Docker Images Effectively
Managing Image Repositories and Repository Automation
Advanced Techniques
Utilizing Multi-Stage Docker Builds for Optimized Images
Designing and Implementing Multi-Container Applications
Microservices Architecture
Container Orchestration
Networking and Communication
Service Dependencies and Discovery
Environment Configuration
Understanding Image Vulnerabilities and Security Considerations
Image Scanning and Vulnerability Assessment
Base Image Security
Secure Configuration and Runtime Isolation
Secrets and Sensitive Data Management
Access Control and Least Privilege Principle
Image Integrity and Authentication
Best Practices for Image Update and Maintenance
Automated Image Builds
Version Control for Dockerfiles
Regular Security Scanning and Updates
Immutable Image Tags
Retire and Remove Unused Images
Practical Example
Useful Links
4. Docker Networking
Understanding Docker Networking Fundamentals
Docker Default Networking
Network Namespaces
Bridge Networking Mode
Host Networking Mode
Overlay Networking Mode
MACVLAN Networking Mode
ipvlan Networking Mode
Null Networking Mode
Third-party Network Drivers
Docker DNS and Service Discovery
Docker’s Approach to DNS Resolution
Customizing DNS Configuration
Service Discovery with Docker’s Embedded DNS Server
Using External Service Discovery Solutions
Container-to-Container Communication
Communicating Between Linked Containers
Utilizing Container Aliases
Connecting Containers with User-defined Networks
Interacting Across Different Network Types
Managing Network Security
Docker’s Built-in Security Features
Implementing Network Policies and Firewall Rules
Security Best Practices for Docker Networking
Advanced Network Configuration
Multi-host Networking with Docker Swarm
Creating a Docker Swarm
Using IPv6 in Docker Networks
Custom Bridge Networks and Subnet Configuration
Network Scopes and External Connectivity
Useful Links
5. Persistent Data Management with Docker
Importance and Benefits of Docker Volumes
Importance of Docker Volumes
Importance of Docker Volumes in Containerization
Types of Docker Volumes
Named Volumes
Host Bind Mounts
Anonymous Volumes
Comparing Different Volume Types
Docker Storage Drivers
Role and Importance of Storage Drivers
Handling Data in Containers with Storage Drivers
Overlay2 Storage Driver
AUFS Storage Driver
Device Mapper Storage Driver
Btrfs Storage Driver
ZFS Storage Driver
VFS Storage Driver
Data Management Strategies
Real-World Example
Managing Volume Data Lifecycle
Versioning Data
Archiving Old Volumes
Ensuring Data Integrity Across Container Updates
Advanced Consideration
Volume Plugins and Extensibility
Examples of Docker Volume Plugins
Docker Volume Driver for Amazon EBS
NetApp Trident
Advantages and Disadvantages
Security and Considerations
User and Group, Permissions
Encryption and Data Protection
Securing Data with Third-Party Tools
Docker Volume Crypt
HashiCorp Vault
SOPS (Secrets OPerationS)
Bitnami’s Sealed Secrets
Docker Secrets Management Tools
Useful Links
6. Docker Compose for Simplified Application Deployment
Understanding Docker Compose Essentials
Streamlining Services with Docker Compose
Syntax and Definition of Docker Compose
Example 1: Web App and Database
Example 2: Background Worker and Message Broker
Example 3: Load Balancer with HAProxy
Example 4: Batch Jobs
Advanced Tips and Techniques
Environment Variables
Working with Multiple Compose File
Compose Profiles
Scaling Applications
Live Update
Test Your Knowledge
Multiple Choice Questions
7. Scaling Applications with Docker Swarm
Introducing Docker Swarm
Importance of Scaling
Docker Swarm in the Scaling Landscape
Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
Definitions and Terminologies
Overlay Network
Global Service
Setting Up Docker Swarm
Docker Nodes Common Attributes
Docker Swarm Common Attributes
Creating and Running Services
Run a Simple Web Server
Running WordPress Stack
CLI Reference
docker swarm
docker config and docker secret
docker node
docker service
docker stack
Load Balancing and Service Discovery
Service Discovery in Docker Swarm
Practical Example
Docker Swarm Network Overlay
Load Balancer Algorithm
8. Securing Docker Deployments
Best Practices to Secure Docker
Official Images
Defining Official Images
Verifying Official Status
Integrating Official Images into Your Workflow
Regularly Update Images
Reasons for Updating Docker Images
Best Practices for Updating Docker Images
Least Privilege Principle
Use Non-Root Users
Limit Capabilities
Isolate Containers
Securing the Docker Daemon
Enforce Docker Daemon TLS Authentication
Restricting Docker Daemon Access Using Firewalls
The Role of Firewalls
Implementing Firewall Rules
Necessity of Firewall
Access Control for Docker Resources
Role-based access control (RBAC) for Docker
Auditing and Monitoring Docker Resource Access
Image Security and Vulnerability Scanning
Image Security
Vulnerability Scanning
Continuous Vulnerability Scanning in CI/CD Pipelines
Integration with CI/CD
Key Practices
Hardening Docker Hosts
Host OS Security Best Practices
Isolating Containers from the Host
Kernel Hardening and Security Patches
Kernel Hardening
Security Patch Management
Docker Official Documentation
Linux Kernel Hardening
SELinux and AppArmor
Container Orchestration Platforms
Linux Kernel Patch Management
Container Security Scanning
This Book’s Codes and Lab Exercises
9. Docker in Continuous Integration and Deployment
Understanding CI/CD Fundamentals
Importance of CI/CD
Advantages of CI/CD
Creating Your First CI/CD Pipeline
GitHub Actions
GitLab CI
Docker CI/CD Integration Best Practices
Multi-Platform Builds
Necessity of Multi-Platform Builds
Multi-Platform Build in Action
Docker Compose in CI/CD
Security and Docker in CI/CD
Security Considerations
Image Scanning and Vulnerability Management
Best Practices
Image Scanning in CI
Tooling Available for Monitoring CI/CD
Log Management
Container Observability
Observability Tools
Best Practices
References and Useful Links
10. Docker on Cloud Platforms
Understanding Cloud-Native Docker
Key Characteristics of Cloud-Native Docker
Benefits of Cloud-Native Docker
Cloud Service Providers
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
AWS Fargate
Amazon Beanstalk
Microsoft Azure
Azure Container Instances (ACI)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Service Fabric
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Google Compute Engine (GCE)
Cloud Run
Other Cloud Providers
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS)
Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)
Red Hat OpenShift
Interweaving Docker and Cloud Providers
Container Orchestration
Docker Swarm
Red Hat OpenShift
Nomad by HashiCorp
Deployment Strategy
Blue-Green Deployments
Canary Releases
Rolling Updates
A/B testing
Feature flags
Networking and Security
Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs)
Security Groups
Network Isolation and Segmentation
Encryption and Identity Management
Monitoring and Logging
Cloud Provider Monitoring Services
Third-Party Monitoring Tools
Container Orchestration Tool Integration
Cost Optimization
Rightsizing Resources
Reserved Instances and Savings Plans
Auto-Scaling and Elasticity
Spot Instances and Preemptible VMs
Cost Allocation and Tagging
Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Deployments
Hybrid Deployments
Multi-Cloud Deployments
Benefits of Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Deployments
Complexities and Considerations
Best Practices for Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Deployments
Practical Examples
Deploying a Containerized App in AWS
Case Studies
Ikea Retail uses Docker in production on AWS
Things Ikea Did Right
Things They Learned
Ikea Overall Experience
Netflix Usage of Docker in Production
Things Netflix Did Right
Things They Learned
Netflix Overall Experience
Use Cases and Best Practices
Best Practices
Future Trends
Solutions and offerings
References and Useful Links
Online Resources
Training and Courses
Articles and Blogs
Forums and Community Platforms
Additional Resources
11. Introduction to Kubernetes
Origins and Evolution of Kubernetes
Key Characteristics
Importance of Kubernetes
Real-world Examples
Kubernetes Architectures
Control Plane
Worker nodes
Current vs Desired State
Kubernetes Concepts
Control Plane
Self-Managed Control Plane
Cloud-Managed Control Plane
Creating Your First Kubernetes Cluster
Creating Your First Kubernetes Application
Creating Your First Statefulset
Exposing the Service
Creating Your First ConfigMap and Secret
Kubernetes Wrap up
Online courses
Official documentation
Community Resources
12. Exploring Advanced Docker Concepts
Docker in Docker
Rootless versus Root Mode
Dev Environments
Docker Extensions
Docker Content Trust (DCT)
Docker Stats
Daemon Configuration
Live Restore
Remote Access
Docker Alternative Runtimes
Custom Dockerfile Syntax
Linked Copy
Mount in Run
Docker Buildx
13. Future Trends in Containerization
The Rise of Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Environments
Benefits of Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Environments
Real-World Example
Increased Rate of Kubernetes Adoption
Kubernetes’ Comprehensive Capabilities
Widespread Adoption of Kubernetes
Strong Community Support
Serverless Computing: A Paradigm Shift in Application Development
Critical Characteristics of Serverless Computing
Advantages of Serverless Computing
Edge Computing: Bringing Computation Closer to the Edge
Traction of Edge Computing in the Future
AI and ML in Containerization: A Convergence of Technologies
Current Applications of AI and ML in Containerization
Future Trends in AI and ML for Containerization
Observability and Monitoring
The Importance of Observability and Monitoring in Containerization
Examples of Successful Observability and Monitoring Products
Widely Adopted Solutions for Observability and Monitoring
Container Security: Shielding Applications in the Containerized World
The Necessity of Container Security
Evolution of Container Security
Future of Container Security
GitOps and Continuous Delivery: A Paradigm Shift in Container Management
Adoption of GitOps and CD
Historical Solutions and their Limitations
Future Trends of GitOps and CD
Microservices Architecture: A Journey from Monoliths to Loosely Coupled Microservices
The Rise of Microservices
Critical Principles of Microservices Architecture
Benefits of Microservices Architecture
Microservices and Containerization
Future Trends of Microservices Architecture
Cloud-native Development
Cloud-native Development Necessity
Cloud-native Development Minimum Requirement
Cloud-native Development Aspects
Future Trends of Cloud-native Development
Service Mesh and Container Networking
Service Mesh: The Enabler of Resilient and Secure Microservices Communications
Container Networking: The Foundation for Seamless Microservice Connectivity
Future Trends of Service Mesh and Container Networking
Be Prepared and Sharpen Your Axe
Final Word
Appendix A: All-in-One Cheatsheet
Docker Setup on CentOS
Docker Host-Related Commands
Docker - List Containers
Docker - Manipulate Containers
Docker - Images
Docker – Networks and Volumes
Docker – Sample Dockerfile

Ultimate Docker for Cloud Native Applications: Unleash Docker Ecosystem by Optimizing Image Creation

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