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English Pages 534 [253] Year 2016
U.F.O. and Human Combustion A Common Cause
Written By G. John Ward
Written and published by © G. John Ward. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Edited by Sharon L. Poffinberger Book cover design by Sharon L. Poffinberger 2016 © All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION There are a number of highly unusual phenomenon reported from all over the world, such as UFO’s [unidentified flying objects], “spontaneous” human combustion, crop circles, and a host of others. Some of these events are very well documented, complete with official reports and often excellent photographs. The purpose of this book is not just to simply document these events, but to try to explain how and why they occur Some of this material is close to home for me, I also personally know three people who said they have actually witnessed these things, including my father, my son-in-law, and two of my friends who have always been trustworthy. As described, the events could not be explained on a basis of current scientific knowledge. I have no reason to disbelieve any of these people. Indeed, I believe I have witnessed one such event myself. Some of these events have been reported by a very significant fraction of the population as a whole. If the subject comes up, many people may find that they actually know someone who either has seen one of these things, or knows someone who does. In many cases, the person had not reported the incident officially, and will discuss it only with someone they trust, and then often only if the other person brings it up first The following accounts do make the assumption that the sightings described do actually have a basis in fact. The reader is asked to accept these as real, perhaps with a grain of salt, and try to avoid making final decisions on the subject until hearing all of the evidence. As you follow through the text, you may see that many descriptions fall into consistent patterns, even on what appear to be completely different subjects. Many of these descriptions are from reliable witnesses that have little to gain, and much to lose. Descriptions from independent observers have often been virtually identical. Unless there is some
reason to believe they are collaborating, this can be a strong indication of that they may have a basis in fact. It is improbable that they would independently come up with stories that are virtually identical in all aspects. Where such reports have been widely publicized, descriptions can become well known and may well be subject to imitation by others. However, many of the reports have not been widely publicized. In addition, even before they were widely publicized, many of reports were not only very similar to each other, but to the modern reports as well. Many of the reports were supported by actual physical evidence, that certainly proved that at least something inexplicable had taken place. In order to save space and provide smooth reading, sightings of the phenomenon listed in the main part of this book are not generally described in great detail. There is also little redundancy. In most cases, only one or two good examples of a specific type is included, even when there are dozens of other sightings just as good. In many cases, only those aspects of a particular sighting that are relevant to the central theme are included. Although an understanding of basic high school science should make the book easier to understand, an attempt has been made to have it written so that it should be fairly understandable by anyone with a little common sense. Also, it should be read in sequence, since one chapter leads to another. In many cases, the chapters are so interdependent that it was difficult to decide which ones should be included first. The book is written somewhat similar to a murder mystery, following the logical order that I used in reaching my final conclusion. Although many of the ideas in the book are certainly not my own, credit is given where ever due. However, I feel my own ideas are pivotal to understanding the true nature of many of the events. To the best of my knowledge, no one else in the world has accomplished exactly that. This explanation in this book do not depend on inter - dimensional portals, psychic abilities, sunken pyramids of lost civilizations, or
other unknown phenomena. All explanations in this book are based on documented scientific principles, or on experiments where scientists have claimed to have duplicated the event on a smaller scale. I realize there are aspects of some of the phenomena discussed that I make no attempt to explain. I make no apology for that. I deal only with what I think believe can be explained. I also do not attempt to explain every well-known incident of the type. There is simply not enough room in one book to do that, especially with such a broad range of subjects. Most descriptions are cross - referenced so the reader can check the source. If the reader seeks further details on some of the events, there are a number of books on the market. Every effort has been made to exclude or explain questionable sighting. In the enclosed references, I feel the author has made a serious effort to accurately document the events described, even when his conclusions were totally different than mine. Not all incidents are referenced. Material that can be looked up in common references are generally not. Material not critical to the central theme is not always referenced. There are a few that I frankly don’t remember where I did see it, especially some of those on television. In many investigations, it seems obvious that the experts either tried to simply dismiss it out of hand, or to explain the event with explanations that might even explain that particular incident, but certainly not others in the same category. Many investigators have seemed to have deliberately avoided confronting really controversial events. With many of the chapters, a number of complete book have been written on that subject alone, such as the Bermuda Triangle. There are books consisting entirely of descriptive material, making little attempt to explain why the events happened as they did. However, the main purpose of this book is to explain these events by documenting similarities between a number of unknown and mysterious phenomena. Some of the investigators are something
like story of the blind men and the elephant, each feeling a separate part and describing it accordingly. Unfortunately, there are also some very bad books on these subjects. Many are filled with pseudo-scientific jargon and/or often utilize scientific principles that are totally inappropriate to the event in question. Many of them jump to unwarranted conclusions, based on totally inadequate evidence. Hopefully, the reader will find this book is not one of them.
Chapter 2 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN COMBUSTION There are a number of phenomena reported in the world that do not appear to be explainable by any known principles of science. Of these, although extremely rare, human combustion is probably one of the best documented, where a living human being appears to suddenly catch fire and burn, often until there is little left of the corpse except ashes. Needless to say, this has not been readily explainable. The human body is mostly water, and water will not burn. Many normal victims of fire have had almost all of their skin burned off without ever having actually caught fire in any manner. These strange fires appear to have a number of characteristics that are definitely not those of combustion as we normally know it. In the following, accounts, these cases will not be referred to as the usual designation of Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC), primarily because there appears to be very strong evidence that such cases are not actually spontaneous at all, but appear to have a definite, and apparently identifiable, cause. To the best of my knowledge, no other explanation has ever been developed that explains human combustion, let alone the strange characteristics. Several of these cases have occurred in modern times, and were thoroughly investigated by forensic experts, complete with thorough laboratory analyses, excellent photographs, and complete autopsies. In case after case, the experts had to admit they were completely baffled. In other cases, experts had felt they had come up with a logical explanation for the particular case they were investigating at the time, but it was obvious that the reason did not explain other cases at all. An old saying states that " It is the exception that proves the rule ". Many people today really do not understand the true meaning of the saying. The term " proves " is used as meaning to test, as in a whiskey that tests at 90 proof. In other words, it is the exception that TESTS the rule. A good rule should be able to explain or tolerate the exceptions. A bad rule cannot.
One of the most thoroughly investigated cases was one from Saint Petersburg, Florida. The body of Mary Reeser found in a nearly undamaged apartment, her corpse reduced nearly completely to ashes. The unusual case was thoroughly investigated by fire investigators, the FBI, arson experts, and pathologists. A world famous expert on the effect of fire, Doctor Kogman, stated that " I regard it as the most amazing thing I've ever seen." He said he finally gave up trying to understand the cause (A1951). No logical cause for the event was found by any of the investigators working on the case at the time. In a number of cases of human combustion, a living person was seen to catch fire and burn, right in front of witnesses, sometimes reduced to ashes in a matter of minutes. In Texas, a woman sitting in a car was seen to suddenly burst into flame and burn to death in right in front of witnesses, somehow without significantly damaging the interior of the automobile (A1964). A woman on a cabin cruiser burst into flames and was consumed in a matter of minutes, right in front of her family. There was no apparent source of heat anywhere in the vicinity (A1938a). A young woman on a dance floor suddenly became a blazing mass of blue flames, fatally burning her within seconds, even though there was no source of fire in the vicinity, and her dress was shown not to be readily flammable (A1938b). These blue flames are a problem. The characteristic yellow flames of organic material of any kind are caused by the presence of the element sodium, discovered in the eighteenth century by a French chemist (A1758). All human tissues contain some sodium. All human tissue must therefore burn with a yellow flame. A blue flame must therefore contain no significant quantity of sodium. The fuel to sustain cases of human combustion has long been a source of controversy. At one time, it was a fairly well accepted theory that the fuel for the combustion was alcohol, derived from alcoholic beverages that had been recently consumed by the victim in very large quantities. A number of the early cases of HC had involved the consumption of alcohol. Moreover, it well documented
that many cases of human combustion did not involve alcohol. In England, in two separate incidents, babies in their cribs were found burned to death for no reason, with no source of fire found anywhere (A1973). Neither account mentions that the child had a particular problem with alcohol. A number of other cases involved teetotalers. The problem this theory is that alcohol will not cause human tissue to burn under normal conditions. In modern times, it is known that even highly intoxicated persons actually contain tiny amounts of alcohol, nowhere near enough to sustain combustion. An alcohol level of 2 percent in a living human cannot readily be exceeded by ingestion, since he will not live long enough to drink more. A water solution containing less than 40 percent alcohol will not burn. Experiments have confirmed this. One researcher soaked a dead rat in alcohol for a year, then set it on fire. The outer layers became charred, but the internal organs were hardly affected. Other tests were said to have similar outcomes (A03). The soaking allowed the alcohol to penetrate into the tissues at levels far higher than in a living person. Others have hypothesized that body fat served as fuel. One researcher claimed to duplicate human combustion by placing lard inside a cloth tube and lighting it. However, it burns slowly, like a candle. An eight - inch tube took over an hour to burn (A04). Some researchers felt they had speeded up the film to make it appear it was burning more rapidly than it really was. However, even the rate claimed is totally inadequate to provide the rapid destruction sometimes described by eye witnesses. It is also obvious that the fat burns with a distinctive yellow flame, where many descriptions of human combustion describe very strange blue flames. Logically, it seems obvious that body fat cannot provide the fuel. In one experiment, researchers wrapped a dead pig in a blanket, soaked it with gasoline, then lit it. They showed the corpse still burning briskly after 6 hours.
Soaking a blanket with gasoline is hardly analogous with human combustion. Also, I find these results very dubious. A seasoned hardwood log, which is 100 percent fuel, generally burns out long before six hours passes, even when burned in a relatively airtight stove. Also, calculations indicate the process would have to be well over 50 percent efficient, after allowing for entropy effects, such as boiling off the surplus water. This is better than most wood stoves. Open fires, such as campfires, are usually substantially less than 10 percent efficient. Also, if the victims burn for hours, it seems strange that no one has ever seen such a case in progress. Not all victims possessed a significant a supply of body fat to initially sustain a case of Human Combustion. There have been a number of documented case where slender people have also become victims. According to the Medico - Legal Journal, a slender woman of 60 years old became a victim of HC (A1961). Also, some very fat people have had most of the skin completely burned off their bodies in ordinary fires, without any of such cases ever having become a victim of human combustion. There are other reasons why body fat could not be the fuel. To ignite body fat from the outside, one obviously must burn through the skin first. Researchers have found that burning is the most severe form of pain there is. A person under normal conditions would be sure to feel severe pain long before the fat beneath the skin could actually begin to ignite. However, in many of the reported cases, victims were not even initially aware of the fact they were on fire, and were sometimes informed of it by someone else. A chambermaid was seen doing routine housework, unaware that she was actually on fire at the time, with flames issuing from her back. She was fatally injured before she be extinguished (A1788) In other cases, surviving victims were perfectly aware of the instant that they had caught fire, and certified that there was no outside source of heat. Some victims were even apparently aware of the fact that something was wrong even before they were seen to actually ignite, complaining of strange symptoms. In England, a woman
said she did not feel well, and that her back had a burning sensation. She suddenly screamed and ignited. She lost 18 percent of her skin, and died after two weeks. There were seven witnesses to the event (A1985). There have been a number of other very strange characteristics in cases of HC. Even more strange, not only were victims initially unaware of the fact they they were on fire, survivors very often have no memory of what happened during the incident. In England, a woman was badly burned for no apparent reason, with no odor. When asked what happened, she said she "...had no idea!" (A1948). One researcher claimed most survivors of HC have no memory of what happened to them. It appears there is a logical reason for this strange lack of pain or memory of what happened. An explanation for this effect will be provided in later chapters. In quite a number of cases like the previous one, it was reported that there was no smell. In a case from the Laguna Honda Home, San Francisco, a nurse found a patient in flames, with no odor (A05). In Louisiana, a victim was also found in flames, but with no odor reported (A05). This lack of smell also appears to be very much of an unexplained mystery. Burnt human flesh is said to have a very distinctive smell, that has been described as being both very noticeable and quite unpleasant. Others feel a form of phosphorus in the body may have provided the fuel. Although quantities of phosphorus do occur in the body, it is always tied up in an inert chemical form that is not flammable at all. Others have hypothesized some unknown chemical in the body might somehow serve as a fuel, although they do not try to explain what the unknown material might be. This has the obvious disadvantage of trying to explaining one unknown phenomenon with another. Others hypothesized that flatulence might be the cause. In college, some guys could actually ignite farts. While the gases are flammable, they would provide only a brief burst of flame, nowhere near to cause ignition, although one guy did burn his ass slightly. In summary, it appears there is no known constituent in the human
body that occurs in sufficient quantities that could sustain cases of human combustion. In any case, the supply of oxygen within the human body is inadequate to sustain a rapid combustion. Another theory states that the energy required came from outside, that the body was first dried by an outside source of artificial heat, such as an electric heater, and then burned. In theory, this can be done. In Egypt, dry mummies were once used as boiler fuel. However, there are many cases of human combustion where it was documented that there was no apparent source of outside heat of any kind, especially in a number of cases where there were eye witnesses. In any case, the body would have had to have burned with a yellow flame, not the blue flames often reported. There are many cases where there was no apparent source of heat anywhere in the vicinity. In a Massachusetts incident, a woman was found standing in a clearing in the woods, blazing from her shoulders, abdomen, and legs. The ground was still wet from rain. A would - be rescuer said she just seemed to suddenly burst into flames with no apparent cause (A1890). It does not appear the theory of outside source of ordinary heat has any validity, at least in quite a number of such cases. Other investigators have hypothesized that a special form of outside energy was involved. There is a natural form known as ball lightning, a glowing ball of energy, that might somehow be the cause of human combustion. The existence of ball lightning has been fairly well accepted by scientists. The problem with this theory is that there have been quite a number of incident where eye witnesses saw the entire event, from start to finish, and never saw any such ball of fire. This has naturally caused many investigators to logically dismiss ball lightning as a possible cause. Some cases get even stranger, involving incidents with multiple victims. When he approached his burning brother, one man found that both of his own hands suddenly burst into flames for no apparent reason (A1829). In Nigeria, six people were found burned to death, in an intact room with cotton mattresses (A1976). In England, a retired couple were found with the
husband nearly totally consumed. The dead wife was found badly burned, sitting in a chair. The chair was not damaged, or even singed (A1905). Human combustion is a very rare event indeed. Accordingly, the probability of having several victims burn to death in close proximity, by chance alone, would be an astronomically improbable event. Some of the multiple cases also involved some of the very strange aspects. In Illinois, a married couple were both found dead. The wife was nearly totally consumed except for a few charred bones, found at the bottom of a hole burned through the floor. The husband was also found dead, sitting upright in a chair, but unburned. The jury declared he died of asphyxiation from smoke from the fire that killed his wife (A1885). The jury did not apparently make any attempt to explain why he just sat there and died, without even getting up out of the chair. Multiple cases at the same location, like the above incidents, seem to be a strong indication that perhaps the cause of human combustion is not some characteristic of the body of the victim at all, but may somehow be a function of that particular location, perhaps at that particular time. This would also indicate a significant outside source of energy of some kind. It appears that the victim, or victims, may have simply have had the misfortune to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. In many cases, the mysterious blue flames often resist all attempts by rescuers to put them out. This is further evidence that human combustion is not ordinary burning as we normally know it. An old woman sitting in a chair was seen to begin burning. In spite of large quantities of water poured directly on her, it was said she was reduced to a mere skeleton in just a matter of minutes (A1749). In Elements of Medical Jurisprudence, the author claimed that water alone cannot be used to extinguish most cases of human combustion (A1879). To make it even more confusing, in some cases the blue flames simply just went out by themselves.
In a Sherlock Holmes novel, The Adventures of the Blanched Soldier, the statement is made that “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Many solutions are arrived at by simply eliminating what is not the cause. The truth of the matter is very, very simple. The human body is mostly water. By itself, water will not burn. To burn a human body, there has been only one way: input energy, lots of energy. A sustained period of time is required to evaporate off excess water. In a crematorium, the energy is supplied as fuel, such as natural gas, sustained over a long period. After exposing a corpse to over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit for several hours, it was found that destruction still was not as complete as some cases of human combustion (A02). In many crematoriums, the bones are still not turned to ash, and have to be reduced to a powder by mechanical means (A06). There actually is a way you can burn water (H20), at least in an indirect manner: use electricity to break it down into hydrogen and oxygen, then burn the hydrogen. The breakdown process is called electrolysis, and requires the input of a great deal of energy. This process can be demonstrated by wiring the terminals of a 6-volt battery to two inert electrodes, each immersed in a container of dilute salt water. Bubbles of hydrogen will be given off at the positive electrode, while bubbles of oxygen will form at the other. If a natural form of electricity was available, an electrical current might cause a similar breakdown of water in the human body into hydrogen and oxygen. Burning hydrogen gas can reach extremely high temperatures, especially in the presence of pure oxygen. A torch utilizing hydrogen and pure oxygen can easily cut through solid steel. If some form of natural electricity is involved in cases of combustion, the electricity involved could provide the fuel (as hydrogen), and the oxidizer (as oxygen). It could also provide the spark to ignite the very highly volatile mixture. With an adequate supply of oxygen, hydrogen can burn with a blue flame, similar to
many reported cases of human combustion. In the case of electrolysis, the element sodium could be left behind in the ash. Hydrogen is also very easy to ignite, requiring only a small spark. It has been theorized that static electricity from storm conditions had caused the dirigible Hindenburg disaster, the German airship that burst into a roaring inferno, by igniting some leaking hydrogen. The ship burned yellow, but the exterior was covered with a highly combustible coating, with a composition very similar to the composition of some rocket fuels. A helium - filled dirigible had later burned in very much the same fashion. As seen before, many cases of reported cases, the victims were not initially aware they were on fire. Incidents lacking the sensation of electricity or pain are not incompatible with electrolysis. As little as 2 volts can initiate electrolysis (A01). The sensation of electricity is not felt by most people until over 40 volts is applied. However, there may be other reasons why victims often felt nothing, even though burning is the most severe form of pain there is. In addition, survivors of human combustion often have no recollection of what happened. Some slept right through it. The reasons for these very strange aspects will be explained in a later chapter. In many cases, dry and very combustible materials located very near to the victim did not ignite. In many such cases, it should have. In England, dry hay located very close to what was left of a badly burned human body was not only found to be intact, but was not even scorched at all (A1888). Dry hay is very easily ignited, even by a very small spark. At the temperatures required for human combustion, the hay should have caught fire at a considerable distance from the body. If the source of the combustion actually depends on the breakdown of water, it might also explain why dry but combustible materials nearby often do not ignite. They do not contain much water, and might not readily break down to form hydrogen. In addition, a gas flame can burn without affecting nearby items much. It is possible to burn a flammable gas issuing from a paper tube without
actually igniting the tube itself. The gas pressure maintains a gap between the flame and the paper. There have been cases of human combustion where a charred human corpse was found to be in direct contact with combustible material. In India, a corpse of a woman was found, apparently badly charred, but still inside intact clothing (A1907), with similar cases in Kansas (A1956b) and England (A1922). Even hydrogen burning may not be able to explain that. In cases like these, perhaps body tissues broke down into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis, but never actually burst into flame, leaving the clothing intact and undamaged. If concentrated sulfuric acid is added to pure dry cane sugar, there is a violent chemical reaction, but no actual burning as such. The action of the very strong acid actually pulls the water right out of the sugar molecules. What is left is a residue of nearly pure carbon that looks very much like it had been burned, even though no actual combustion had occurred. In a similar manner, perhaps the electrolysis might similarly remove water from the human tissue, making it appeared charred and burned afterwards, even when it actually had not burned at all. In some cases, other effects of the combustion seemed to have gone well beyond that of normal burning. In the case of Mary Reeser, of the few surviving pieces of her anatomy, her intact skull had somehow been shrunken to about the size of a baseball. An investigator on the case stated that that he did not know of anything that could cause this unusual shrinking effect, and that it was his expert opinion that high temperatures should have only turned it to fine ash (A1951). If the attractive blue crystals of hydrated copper sulfate are heated, a white powder is formed, that has only a fraction of the original volume. The hydrated copper sulfate and many other crystals contain what is called water of crystallization, water is that is tightly bound within the crystalline structure. Human bone is a crystalline structure of calcium and phosphate. If electrolysis were able to somehow remove water from the crystalline structure of
human bone, it might cause a similar shrinkage to occur, even without ever having turned the bone to ash. As seen above, cases of HC have often proven to be difficult to impossible to extinguish. A burning gas can be very difficult to extinguish, since even a small leak can often continue to burn during attempts to extinguish it continued. I once had a defective propane torch that suddenly backfired into the air chamber, erupting in a ball of flames. My best efforts to smother it failed, including burying it under a pile of ashes. The gas leaked up through the ashes and continued to burn anyway. I finally had to use a fire extinguisher to put it out. It would seem logical that the rates of destruction would depend on the amount of electricity involved. With a dead short, a common car battery can actually melt the lead terminals, even with electrical current involving only 12 volts, a voltage too low to feel. With a number of such batteries wired in parallel, truly huge currents can be generated at that voltage. With a situation with a very high current flow, a rapid destruction might occur, even at relatively low voltages. If human combustion is caused by a natural form of energy, you would expect there would be cases where other materials in the vicinity had caught fire for no obvious reason. There are actually quite a number of such cases. In Canada, a household had experienced 40 unexplained fires over a period of several weeks, then a child was suddenly found in flames for no apparent reason (A1887). A number of other such cases will be described in later chapters. I believe the above explanation of human combustion is logical, but does suffer from one obvious shortcoming. It does not explain where the electricity came from. There would have to be a powerful source of electricity to cause such an effect. Are there forms of natural electricity in the environment that might cause such an effects? It appears that there are. This will be discussed in the next few chapters.
Chapter 3 NATURAL ELECTRICITY There are many forms of natural electricity. Electrons are subatomic particles with a negative charge. What we call an electric charge is actually a lot of electrons crowded into an area. Negative charges repel each other. Electrons crowded together creates forces of repulsion, referred to as voltage (volts), a sort of electrical pressure. The repulsive forces of voltage can cause electrons to flow from an area where there are lots of electrons, to an area where there are fewer. Such a flow of electrons normally takes place through a material called a conductor, and is called electricity. The volume of electricity is referred to as amperage or by the abbreviation, amps. Volts times amps equals watts, a form of power. Power is the rate at which energy is being expended. A thousand watts (kilowatt) is a little bigger than a horsepower. The total energy involved is the amount of power expended over a period of time, expressible as kilowatt - hours, the basis on which the power company bills you. An insulator tends to inhibit the movement of electrons, except at very high voltage. Electrons trapped in one spot on an insulator causes what we call static electricity, such as the mild shock received after walking across a dry carpet. Friction causes the electrons to accumulate in one spot, then discharge after contact is suddenly made with something that is a much better conductor of electricity. Actually, the voltage involved with static electricity may not be that small. Stroking a cat in the dark may generate enough static electricity that you can actually see small sparks in the fur in the dark. A repairman can actually destroy an expensive circuit board unless he takes precautions to ground himself out before he touches it. One of the most familiar and spectacular forms of natural electricity is lightning. Benjamin Franklin is credited with discovering that fact by attaching a key to a string from a kite, and receiving an electrical shock from it. Although he did take
precautions, it is conceded that he may have been lucky to survive. Modern researchers use similar techniques to call down lightning bolts on demand. While trying to duplicate Franklin's experiment, two men were later struck and killed. During a lightning storm, friction caused by the movement of air causes electrons to accumulate, similar to static electricity from a carpet, but on a vastly larger scale. By itself, dry air is a poor conductor, and tends to be an insulator. People have described strong sensations of static electricity just before a lightning bolt struck that location, often with their hair standing right out straight. In that situation, the best bet it to get to a lower location if at all possible. When enough electrons accumulate to one area, the high voltage overcomes the resistance of the air, which is an insulator, and the mass of electrons are suddenly released in a massive and often spectacular flow of electricity we call lightning. The actual electrical discharge of a lightning bolt makes only a mild snap that can only be heard very close to the actual strike. If you hear that sound, you know it is very close. The huge electrical current heats a column of air, which rapidly expands outward. A lightning bolt can reach a temperature of over 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. For an instant, this is hotter than the surface of the sun. The heated column of air cools in a fraction of a second, allowing the surrounding air to come back together at very high speed. The resulting implosion actually makes the loud noise we call thunder. The energy levels involved in a large bolt can be enormous. A lightning bolt can involve over 10,000,000,000 volts. When a tree is struck, the entire trunk often explodes. The explosion is caused when the electrical current causes the sap to turn to steam almost instantly. It is estimated that the energy of a large bolt can be equal to 500 pounds of explosive (B10). This much explosive can level a house. An accumulation of electrons also creates a surrounding electric field, somewhat similar to a magnetic field. This field is what causes static cling and other effects of static electricity. When an electrical
charge encounters a sharp object, the physics involving the point causes the electric field to become greatly concentrated. Sometimes the electric field is concentrated to the point where the air itself may begin to break down to form ions, which are simply atoms with an electric charge. Ions are far better conductors of electricity than normal air. As the electrons begin to leak a way, a bluish glow may have seen; commonly referred to as Saint Elmo's Fire, often seen on the masts of sailing ships, lightning rods, or even from mountain peaks. Lightning rods were invented by Benjamin Franklin. The function of the rods is not to be struck by lightning, but to help prevent such an event, by slowly discharging the electrical charge. They were not well accepted at first, but it soon became obvious that buildings so equipped were struck much less often. Although it was felt that it was god's judgement, after it was obvious that churches without the rods were being struck, they were converted over. The effect of Saint Elmo's fire can be duplicated using an electrostatic generator. They generate electricity by the use of friction alone. They were invented in the early nineteenth century, and are the machines with the circular wheels portrayed in some of the old Frankenstein movies. When the voltage gets to well over 10,000 volts, a bluish discharge can be produced. The bluish glow of Saint Elmo's fire consists of a plasma. Plasma consists of ions (charged atoms), much like a simple gas, but with some additional properties. Lightning and the Northern Lights are also forms of plasma, as is the glowing material found inside fluorescent and neon lamps. There are other natural forms of plasma as well. Another phenomenon seen right after a normal lightning strike, known as ball lighting, is reported as consisting of a glowing ball of energy, usually with a diameter from less than an inch to about a yard. The existence of ball lightning is accepted by most scientists (C13). It also exists sometimes as bead lightning, a string of balls. Sometimes electrical phenomena are reported as persisting for a moment, immediately after a lighting strike, sometimes covering a
large area, where the air itself is reportedly charged. In Scotland, after a feebly luminous flash appeared on the ground, a witness stated he had experienced the ..." same sensation as I have felt in receiving a shock from a weak galvanic battery " (B1883). In Switzerland, immediately after a lightning strike, several witnesses said it seemed like they were suddenly enveloped in some kind of a luminous cloud, stating that .." they felt like they were being struck in the face with tiny hailstones, and when they touched each other, sparks of electricity passed from their finger ends." (B1880). Recently, other strange luminous phenomena have been seen to be associated with lightning storms. They are faint but very distinct phenomena that require special equipment to observe. High above a regular lightning storm, there have been found what are called sprites, a red mass that resembles a jelly fish. There are other shapes called blue jets. A larger form has been seen as a huge doughnut - shaped ring, miles across, that comes and goes too fast for the unaided human eye to perceive (B1998a). Sometimes natural electricity is reported as occurring in association with earthquake activity. The old saying in popular use, refers to the term "..like a bolt from the blue." During or near an earthquake, lighting bolts have been seen to strike from a clear blue sky. Such bolts were seen during the 1905 Calabria earthquake in Italy (B1894) The reason for such bolts is that natural electricity can be generated by a mechanism besides friction of air masses during a thunderstorm. If quartz, a kind of clear rock, is placed under high pressure, electricity can be generated by the piezoelectric effect. The ignition systems for some engines and cigarette lighters utilize this principle, temporarily compressing a quartz crystal to produce a usable voltage. Many rock formations contain quartz, such as granite. Along geologically active faults, as one huge section grinds against another, rocks may be subjected to intense pressure. Pressures required to rupture rock are well over 10,000 pounds per square
inch (B09). Under such pressures, very large electrostatic fields might be generated, perhaps vastly more powerful than any generated artificially in labs. Some feel that such effects can cause ions and lightning like phenomena (B09). Others feel various visible luminosities may be created (B11). An association between earthquakes and electric effects were observed early on. In Venezuela, Von Humboldt, the famous explorer, registered a strong electric charge just before a tremor occured (B1799b). In Italy, a telegraph began operating by itself. In three incidents, electrical signals occurred just before an earthquake struck(B1887). There appeared to an electrical current induced in the transmission wires, which was then sent to the telegraph receiver. There are a number of other strange effects associated with geological activity, especially just before or during an earthquake, many of which are probably caused by electrical effects of some kind. Just before earthquakes, the pressure on rocks may be at a maximum. Electric fields have been measured only in isolated cases (B13). However, a modern Greek physicist predicted several earthquakes by measuring electrical signals from the ground, claiming an excellent success rate (B1983). Working in laboratories, researchers have fractured certain crystalline rocks, such as granite, under very high pressures. They found the rock can give off charged particles (C08). Rock under pressure has also emitted waves and even tiny glowing balls of plasma (B1998b). These experiments may help to explain other unusual phenomena that have been associated with earthquakes, only perhaps on a vastly larger and much more intense scale. It has been said that animals often react very strangely just before an earthquake. Before the Tantung earthquake in China, it was reported that hibernating snakes actually came out onto the snow in December, where they all promptly froze to death (B1974b). Snakes are cold blooded creatures who succumb very rapidly to cold temperatures, especially with their high surface to mass ratio. This has to be very abnormal behavior indeed, with such
fatal results. One hypothesis is that dry scales, fur, or feathers rapidly accumulate an electrical charge, causing the animal to notice such effects when we do not, since our moist human skin tends to conduct electrical charge away much better. It has been said that cats may scream and actually have sparks fly from their fur before an earthquake (B06) Sometimes strange fogs are reported with an earthquake. Some scientists feel that electrical phenomenon can promote fogs, with the ions generated providing a nucleus for the water droplets to form. Even low levels of ions can promote water vapor to precipitate (B01). Others state that fogs often form when an earthquake hits (B02). Strange ground fogs were reported just before the large 1975 Haicheng earthquake in China (B1975). In some cases, the fog formed at the same instant that the earthquake hit, then disappeared completely the second it was over (B1818). In Japan, some men working in a mine said that the fog became so thick they could not see the man next to them, even several days before an earthquake hit. All evacuated before the quake hit. It registered a 6.6 on the Richter scale (B1802). There are a number of luminous displays that occur. In South America, a display known as the Andes Fire, said to be much more pronounced during periods of high earthquake activity. During more spectacular events, witnesses have said that the whole area is flooded with light (B04). These lights may be a very similar to Saint Elmo's fire. In Japan, multiple witnesses reported that bluish flames had issued from within fissures in the ground (B1257). Other luminous displays have been associated with earthquakes. The first recorded sighting of earthquake lights was in 373 BC, during the Achaean earthquakes (B373). It appears that the clouds may involve electricity, where the air itself becomes charged. In Italy, a luminous cloud was seen on the same day as an earthquake, moving from east to west, seemingly driven with some degree of violence (B1731)
Yellowstone park is an area of intense geological activity, the cause of the geysers and hot springs. Several witnesses reported a hazy patch of blue light, over 100 feet across. One person reported that the cloud caused"...a marked tingling sensation in my scalp, and brushing my hair caused a snapping of tiny sparks." They also reported the smell of ozone (B1949). Ozone is produced by an electrical is charge. On Pike's Peak, witnesses said their whiskers seemed to be electrified, their scalps prickled like red hot needles, with a burning sensation on their faces and hands. They said silent lightning seemed to be everywhere. The anemometers looked like balls of whirling fire (B1874). At the same site, a witness said his hair became restless, and he experienced creepy, crawly sensations all over his body (B1879). Other luminous effects have been associated with earthquakes, many of them said to be quite spectacular. In Scotland, ribbon like flashes of light were seen just before an earthquake (B1901). In Illinois, a blinding glare was seen before earthquake (C1919). Inhabitants in China were thought they were awakened by dawn, but found that it was still night. There were red and white lights in the sky, visible for hundreds of miles. A moment later, the ground shook severely (B1976) In China, the National Earthquake Bureau have claimed to have predicted a quake, based mainly on traditional signs, such as strange lights and unusual animal behavior. It was estimated that many thousands of lives were saved by the forced evacuation (B1974a). Unfortunately, such traditional signs are apparently not always reliable. Another severe earthquake in China just a year later came as a complete surprise with heavy loss of life as a result. Other more discrete lights have been seen with earthquakes. With some earthquakes, hemispherical lights have been photographed on the ground, such as one that lasted for over a minute near Mount Kimyo in Japan (B1965). Also in Japan, thousands of witnesses reported something like Northern
Lights. At the height of the earthquake, they said a straight row of round masses of light appeared (B1930). In France, luminous globes filled the air just before a severe earthquake struck (B1779a). These balls of light seen in association with earthquakes may be similar to ball lightning during a thunderstorm, perhaps even identical to them. Some researchers have claimed to have predicted the approximate time and location of earthquakes, based on the pattern of such lights seen in the months just before the quake occurred. In Turkey, two mountains were seen to exchange balls of fire across the Euphrates (B1900) There are a number of locations where balls of light are seen on a regular basis. These are often called by various names according to local custom, often referred to as ghost lights, spook lights, or earth lights. Some have been reported for over a century. There is a specific location in each of the states of Colorado, New York, Alabama, and Missouri (B05). In Australia, they are called Minmi lights It has been claimed that natural energies are associated with various Megalithic sites, such as the site at Stonehenge, and with straight lines of alleged earth energy generally referred to as Ley Lines. Many megalithic sites were constructed near fault lines (B12). At a megalithic site called the Merry Maidens, an investigator claimed that he got an electric shock for no apparent reason (B03) Some of these sites have shown similar phenomena to the earth lights seen in the United States. At a megalithic circle near Castlerigg, in Cumbria North West England, witnesses said they saw lights near the site. One was seen to approach the circle, increase in brightness, then suddenly disappear (B1919). One theory is that the ancient people saw these phenomenon, which they took to be a sign from the gods, and therefore decided that the location was a propitious place to construct their places of worship. A phenomenon seen over swamps called the Will - of - the - Wisp may be an event related to electrical effects. The famous
astronomer Bessel and other witnesses witnessed the effect (B12). They are described as small flames, that make a sound like a gas burner coming on, with the heat produced being minimal (B07). It is said it can sometimes set fire to paper (B15). It is also said they often cause fog overhead to glow. Two close relatives of mine said they had seen such glows over swamps at night. The source of the gas may be flammable methane gas from fermentation of organic matter, with natural electricity igniting each bubble. Hydrogen from electrolysis may also be a possibility. A demonstration in a swamp showed how an eighteenth century scientist could get the same effect by using a portable electrical device to ignite each bubble of flammable gas as it popped to the surface of the water. Research dealing with extremely powerful electrostatic charges is quite difficult. One way to generate such a charge is a large machine called a Van De Graff generator. In the larger sizes, they can become hazardous, since they can actually throw off an artificial lightning bolt. However, even with large generators, only a small bolt appears to be produced, nowhere near the size or strength of many natural ones. To generate a bolt as powerful as some natural ones would require using an extremely large generator. For safety sake, the insulated area might have to be huge, perhaps covering acres. The cost of such a project would be enormous. However, if such a device were constructed, perhaps some very strange effects could be discovered. More specific information will be provided on some of these strange effects in later chapters. As shall be seen, some of these phenomena may be very strange indeed, and may explain a number of seemingly unexplainable events, complete with details as to why things happened as they did.
Chapter 4 BALL LIGHTNING Ball lightning is a glowing ball of energy of some kind, often seen floating through the air during lightning storms. The phenomena of ball lightning was first reported in ancient times. The first documented reference to ball lightning was by the poet Lucretius of the ancient Roman Empire (C60). At the time, many such sighting in ancient times were often interpreted as an omen from the gods. In some cases, they were seen as not only defining a holy place, but may have even resulted in monuments or temples being constructed on such a site. Sightings of ball lightning in modern times are said to be not uncommon. Something on the order of three percent of the general population claim to have seen ball lightning at some time in their lives (C01). Some researchers feel that it they actually be even more common than that, since the balls, at least in broad daylight, are probably more or less invisible at distances much over a hundred feet, and that they may be " ...extremely commonplace." (C11). This fact may be relevant to other unexplained events. Since ball lighting does not usually last very long, usually just a few seconds, it is difficult to get a photograph of it. Nonetheless, there are a number of such photographs. One good photo of a ball was taken in New Mexico during a severe thunderstorm, showing a distinct spherical shape (B1961a). Another was taken in Nebraska (B1933). One of the best photos was taken in more modern times. An excellent color photo was taken by a student in Japan on a fairly dark afternoon in July, which shows a glowing, orange ball at fairly close range. The exposure also shows the meandering path of the ball, several feet in length, with the path crossing in front of a nearby pole (C1987) Ball lightning is said to often occur immediately after a normal lightning strike, remaining for a few seconds after the lightning bolt
has disappeared. During a thunderstorm in England, a four - inch purple glowing ball with a flame - colored halo burned a hole in a woman's dress, about two inches by four inches, then it suddenly disappeared with a bang (C1975). Although she was not hurt, other people in such encounters have not been so lucky. My father said he had once had the opportunity to see ball lightning up close, very close as point of fact, although he really had no idea what it was at the time. When he was a youngster on a Halloween night, he and a small group of friends approached a spooky old house during a thunder storm, when they suddenly saw a bright ball of fire, reddish in color, about the size of a basketball. He said it was just hovering just over the iron railing, slowly moving up and down. He also said that the fat kid was the first one to make it back over the fence (C1924). Other sightings of the balls have not been associated with lightning storms at the time. In five percent of the sightings in one study, ball lightning was reported when there were no storms or lightning present anywhere near the area at the time (C04). In England, with no storm present, a man said he saw a blue green ball of two feet in diameter, with writhing strings of light inside, He said it traveled 1000 feet, then exploded (C1940). This may be due to electrical activity caused by events underground, utilizing the piezoelectric effects on rocks containing quartz or other minerals, as has been discussed in the previous chapter. Such an event was reported from the state of Florida. Two men walking in the woods said they saw a bright object that looked like a balloon covered with fluorescent paint, that was too bright to even look at directly. They said it suddenly appeared to explode. When they searched the area, they were able to find any trace of residue or debris of any kind left behind afterwards (C1966). There are a number of theories as to what ball lightning consists of, including a burning gas of some type. Unlike the observation during many such sightings, a combustible gas would obviously burn out very quickly, probably within a second or two. Others investigators
felt they are just an after image formed on the retina after a normal lightning strike, which, of course, would not explain photographs of the phenomenon. It would seem a person would have to be pretty stupid to make a mistake like that anyway. Retinal images move with the eye. Others have even hypothesized the involvement of radioactive particles of some kind, such as radon, but without explaining where the particles came from, or why they would suddenly disappear or cease radiating energy so suddenly. One researcher even hypothesized that a very tiny thunderstorm might be going on inside the ball somehow. This seems pretty farfetched. At any rate, none of the above theories seem to explain much about the observed behavior or properties of the balls. The most reasonable theory seems to be that that ball lightning consists of a form of plasma. Plasma is sometimes called the forth state of matter, since it differs from an an ordinary gas in a number of different ways. Plasma consists of charged atoms, or ions. Charged ions are affected by both magnetic fields and electric fields. The plasma theory seems to explain much more about the characteristics and behavior of these things than some of the alternative theories put forth. Plasma is seen everyday use. In neon and fluorescent lamps, the inert gas inside is charged by an electrical current passing through it. As current passes through the gas in the tube, the gas becomes ionized and the electrical energy is transformed into light. These types of artificial lighting sources actually have a number of characteristics in common with the sightings of ball lightning. More details on this aspect will provided in later chapters. Some have hypothesized that Saint Elmo's Fire and ball lighting may be very closely related, or possibly even different forms of the same thing. Over Newfoundland, Saint Elmo’s Fire was seen forming on the nose of an aircraft. The suddenly, a ball of fire the size of a volleyball broke off and splattered against the windshield of the craft (C07). However, it does not seem clear they are actually composed of the same material. Saint Elmo’s fire
is associated with a fixed conductor, and the balls often are not. The balls appear to have much more organization. Because the atoms of a plasma are charged, either positive or negative, they can be deflected by energy field, either by magnetic or electrostatic. An electrostatic field is the force found in " static cling " after doing laundry without having adding Downy or other antistatic agent. These forces can actually direct or even contain a plasma. The material of the sun is a form of plasma, with the high temperatures causing nuclei and electrons to dissociate. Solar flares are streams of the plasma forced to travel along certain paths by the magnetic lines of force being emitted from the surface of the sun. The magnetic fields also form the structure of the sunspots on the surface. The northern lights, or aurora borealis, are also a form of plasma, similar to what happens inside a fluorescent lamp, as charged particles from the sun are deflected by the magnetic field of the earth, striking the atmosphere in two rings, one centered on the north pole, the other on the south pole. The colors of white, green and blue are seen to be the most common. Yellow and red occur much less frequently. The curtains of light shift as the incoming streams of particles vary. Some experimental nuclear fusion reactors, such as the tokamak, use a form of plasma, consisting of hydrogen ions heated to well over a million degrees. The plasma must be kept inside what is called a " magnetic bottle ", since it would burn through any known solid in a very short time. The " bottle " not only contains the plasma, but also keeps it under very high pressures at the same time. The high pressure is required to enable the fusion reaction to proceed. Although most ball lightning is usually described as usually lasting for only a few seconds, a number of eyewitness reports have indicated that at least some of the balls can somehow last a great deal longer. One Canadian said he saw a large luminous ball pass between himself and a nearby tree, that lasted for several
minutes (C196(). Another observer said that he saw a bright ball that lasted for over thirty minutes (C1786) In 85 percent of the cases of ball lightning, the size and brightness of the ball remained constant throughout the sighting (C12). This durability is a theoretical problem. Under current theories of thermodynamics, the energy in ball lightning should rapidly dissipate, unless something is keeping it in. Some feel that the energy is contained inside a cavity within an energy field, perhaps the electrical equivalent of a tornado. This sounds reasonable, but does not explain the true nature of the containment. Movement of electrons generate an electric field around their path. One theory states that the ions may begin to move in a circular path, by random chance, with the movement of the electrons themselves generate their own containment field. Other investigators claim that theoretical calculations indicate that this should not be possible. However, there does appear to be strong evidence that the balls can be self - sustaining at times, therefore something must be keeping the energy within the ball. Many sightings of the balls have been described as having a noticeable spinning effect about a central axis. Some researchers feel that spinning somehow prevents the plasma from mixing with the surrounding air, and that somehow the energy is contained inside what some describe as "...a remarkably stable envelope of some kind " (C08). In one laboratory experiment, the researcher found that spinning a plasma increased the size of the ball formed and required less voltage (C1960b). Ball lightning has been seen in association with tornados. There are indications that tornados themselves may have a strong electrical component. Some tornados appear to be a much lighter color than you might expect, with almost a glowing effect. A few lucky survivors that have looked up into a funnel have described an interior that did appear to glow, with lightning or even ball lighting seen inside. However, even strong containment fields may not explain the very long survival times. Under the laws of thermodynamics, and simple
common sense, if the balls are giving off large amounts of energy, they should become dimmer in a short time, which they often do not. The lost energy would have been replenished somehow. Some researchers feel that somehow high energy levels are maintained from the outside by some kind of unexplained focusing effect from the environment (C10) If the balls are contained in some kind of external field, being held there by an external energy field may explain why they seem to be able to hover in one spot. A gas - like entity with an internal temperature significantly higher than the surrounding air would normally be expected to rise rapidly, much like a hot air balloon. Many sighting of ball lightning do not describe that. Although some deductions can be made about the composition and origin of ball lighting or earth lights, the simple truth of the matter appears to be that there is really no good theory that completely explains their existence. The source of the energy and the true nature of containment fields appear to be a mystery, but the balls are generally accepted by many legitimate scientists. A number of researchers have even claimed to have created a form of ball lightning in the lab. As seen in the previous chapter, small balls of plasma can be produced when rock shatters. Tesla, the famous but mysterious electrical wizard, claimed to have created it (C1899). It was said he could light incandescent lamps over ten miles without wires. It was said his experiments were sometimes disconcerting to his neighbors, who sometimes received some electrical shocks off their farm machinery. Ever since World War I, conventional submarines have used huge banks of batteries to provide pollution - free power while traveling underwater. Crewmen from a number of such vessels had reported seeing small glowing fireballs of some kind on top of the batteries. The electricity used in such batteries was only 400 volts. The balls may occur at even lower voltages. It has been claimed that a similar technique has been utilized in the laboratory. A Dutch researcher claimed to have used a massive flow of electrical current from banks of submarine batteries to produce glowing balls several
inches in diameter, that lasted for over a second after the power was shut off, with good color films of the event (C1985). Doctor Powell at Brookhaven National labs was able to generate luminous balls using radio waves. The balls hovered in mid - air, as the natural one are said to do, and some continued to exist after the power had been turned off (C02). Although they survived only for a fraction of a second, it certainly seems to support the idea that the balls can actually be selfsustaining for a while, at least under certain conditions. Other researchers claim to have produced balls of energy in the laboratory by artificial means. At Morehead Planetarium, a researcher named Jenzano was able to produce glowing blobs inside a glass tube, using a high voltage electrical charge. He could produce them in red, green and blue, and could be created either singly or in groups. He did find that the conditions inside the tube had to be just right to get them to form properly (D1960a). Another researcher, a Doctor Bostick, found that he could produce small globs of plasma in the laboratory. He called these " plasmoids ", and found that the nature and movement of the globs were very much determined by the properties of the magnetic field applied to them. They could be made to attach together or avoid each other (D1957). Plasmoids seems like a good term for entities comprised entirely of a form of plasma. In another experiment, using a configuration of two simple copper tubes, Doctor Bostick was able to concentrate a plasma concentration by over a million fold. The principle behind the device is apparently not entirely clear, but it does show that even a simple arrangement may have strange effects. It is felt that this device may even may able to initiate the nuclear fusion of hydrogen eventually. In England, witnesses heard a scratching noise, then saw a ball of light. One of them struck at with a poker, causing it to give off a brilliant burst of light, and its disappearance. There were failures of electrical circuits within the house, and the roof tiles of several houses were damaged (C1972).
Like normal lightning, there are indications that ball lightning also contains very high energy levels. They have often been reported as causing some very unusual and sometimes highly destructive effects. It has reported that ball lightning has been known to cut completely through solid steel cables, and to set fire to beds and barns (C14). In France, a tailor saw a silent, fiery ball appear in a room, then go up the chimney. There was an explosion that destroyed the chimney, hurling chunks of the debris through some nearby roofs (C1880). In England, a glowing red ball was seen, that blew a 5-foot hole in a roof and popped a number of electrical outlets from the walls in the house (C1983) A number of destructive incidents have been noted involving ball lightning. In Kansas, a fireball described about as big as a washtub struck the side of a building, ripping out bricks, then exploded into a shower of smaller fireballs, each about as big as a baseball. It was later found that both a switch and a transformer had been completely destroyed somehow (C191(). In one incident, it was possible to calculate the energy of the ball. In one incident, a red ball the size of an orange fell into a fivegallon rain barrel. It not only brought the water to the boiling point, but caused about of quart of the water to boil away. The energy to accomplish this would be equivalent to four pounds of high explosive, (C1936). That amount would not fit inside the volume of a large orange In Paris, as a red ball hovered above a tree, the tree suddenly caught fire. As the ball suddenly exploded, lightning bolts shot out in several directions. The explosion was said to knock down several eye witnesses, at some distance away (C184(). Emitting several lightning bolts would certainly indicate a very high energy content. A similar event was described in England, where a red ball of fire exploded, releasing a number of lightning bolts to the ground. At the same instant, it was said that over two thousand television sets in the immediate area suddenly went blank for
no apparent reason (C1970). The above incidents seem to confirm the electrical nature of ball lightning. One destructive effect of ball lighting can be damage to living organisms, including humans being. They have also been reported as appearing to chase people (C14). After a large ball struck an iron post, a young boy standing nearby suddenly gave a yell. He found he could not lower his arm for several hours afterwards (C1934). Biological effects of ball lightning have been reported as going beyond just injury. In Russia, a scientist named Richman was make electrical measurements during a severe thunderstorm, when a fist - sized, blue luminous ball floated out of his apparatus. The ball suddenly exploded, killing Richman, and knocking his laboratory assistant unconscious (C1754). To make it even more mysterious, some sightings of ball lightning have described internal structures, like moving worms. An experiment can be done using two clear cylinder, one inside the other, with the space between filled with a liquid to indicate movement. If the cylinders are rotated at different speeds, columns will be seen to form, with a writhing shape. A similar event may occur within some ball lightning. A few sighting indicate the balls can occur in groups. In England, a mother and daughter said they saw thousands of glowing balls, about the size of those used in billiards, near a seaside cliff. They said the numbers varied greatly during the incident, but that there were always at least twenty. They all disappeared after a few minutes (). Ball lightning is generally accepted in sizes down to perhaps the size of a marble. There are indications they can be even smaller, and I may have seen those myself. I came down onto a beach on Lake Ontario, I saw what appeared to be fireflies. As I reached down to scoop up water, I suddenly remembered it was not the season for them. As I looked up, they were gone. A fellow camper said he had seen exactly the same thing (C1985). Later examples also seem to indicate these tiny sizes may exist.
More details will be provided on the nature of these highly unusual phenomena in later chapters. Almost every characteristic described in each chapter will include plasmoids in the size range of ball lightning. Deductive logic indicates that the nature of these things may be even stranger and more far reaching than most people realize, even many researchers that have been studying the problem.
Chapter 5 UFO SIGHTINGS Investigations have shown that most UFO sightings are readily explainable. Many sincere sighting are mistaken identity of normal objects such as meteors, planets, and aircraft. Many of these sighting is not necessarily as naive as they sound, especially when viewed under the right conditions. Things are not always what they appear to be. Some UFO reports have been documented as having actually been sightings of meteors. Due to the aerodynamics of irregular shapes, some meteors can maneuver to an extent, especially if sighted along the axis of travel. I saw what I thought was an ordinary star at first, except that it suddenly got brighter and brighter, then streaked off to the side. It was apparently a meteorite coming straight at me, then being deflected as it entered the lower atmosphere (D1956). What are called sundogs or false suns have generated UFO reports. They consist of light being refracted by ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. They can be quite spectacular, consisting of what appear to be multiple suns with concentric rings. It has been said that sometimes the false suns cannot be readily distinguished from the real one. Some feel that the description of Ezekiel, that of a " wheel within a wheel “, may have been a sighting of a full sundog. Under certain atmospheric conditions, especially temperature inversions, a star or planet may appear to move (D06). The movement may become quite pronounced, as the layers of atmosphere shift. Inversion can even refract a light to the extent that a source on the ground may appear in the sky (D07). A star may appear flattened, taking on a saucer shape. However, the apparent location of the star will always be within a few degrees of the actual horizon (C18). The width of the full moon is just about a half a degree.
One of the most common source of UFO sightings is that the planet Venus, especially when at the brightest. Psychological effects can contribute greatly to a UFO sighting. The moon may appear huge when near the horizon, due to comparisons with some objects on the ground, but measurements show it to be exactly the same size as when overhead. Just as the moon over a distant ridge can look enormous, the planet Venus can also appear to be greatly enlarged. Other psychological effects may contribute. Without good reference points nearby for comparison, a lone stationary bright point against a dark background can appear to be moving, due to subtle involuntary movements of the eye, that is interpreted as movement of the object instead. With objects for a reference, such eye movements are not noticed. Imagination, combined with the above effects, can play a part in contributing to some UFO sighting. A known sightings of Venus has been reported to have a number of fantastic characteristics, including a size as big as a house, with green lights, rows of windows, and even landings (D17). The known reentry of the Russian Zond IV satellite was described by witnesses as being saucer-shaped, and having a row of windows along the side (D1968b). Balloons can generate UFO sightings, especially with high winds. After sunset, a high altitude balloon may still be high up in sunshine, which can make it appear very luminous. Due to differences in wind direction at different altitudes, balloons can even appear to go against the wind, as measured at ground level. Seen at a long distance, advertising blimps with their extensive lighting systems have often generated quite a number of sightings over a wide area. An ordinary aircraft can appear to be a UFO under the right conditions. A very convincing film of an apparent UFO was resolved by computer enhancement into a very ordinary Cessna, with some images enhanced to the point that you could even see the windows. High velocity can cause vapor condensation that can effectively mask the real outline of an aircraft, making it look very much
like a saucer or cigar-shaped object (D11). This effect is often seen at air shows. There have been a number of experimental aircraft that actually did look like saucers, like a craft called the Flapjack. A few aircraft, such as the flying wings, tend to look like a UFO from any horizontal angle. A number of rocket launching were thought to be a UFO's, especially in Russia, or debris returning from space and burning up. Others UFO sightings were caused by high altitude experiments with plasma. Some of the alleged UFO's have been proven to have been carefully planned hoaxes, although studies have shown they are actually a small minority of the total reports. Others were not quite so well planned. One photograph of a UFO, actually includes parts from a well-known commercial chicken incubator (D14). Others have thrown car hubcaps to create photos of flying saucers, sometimes with complete brand names. Other have used thin strings to support a small model. However, there have been many sightings where the witnesses reported seeing a glowing disk, with an apparent size comparable to the moon. Some of these were seen in front of a known object. UFO's have been seen below cloud cover, even seen to be lighting up the bottom of the clouds (D1959). Reports also often describe fantastic speeds and maneuvers, or some very strange effects on the environment. Some of these sightings are not readily dismissed. In many of these cases, the conclusion appears very simple: either the witnesses lied, or it had been something strange. With many such sightings, there were multiple witnesses, all reporting the same thing, many of whom were total strangers to each other at the time. In some cases, the independent witnesses were several miles apart. This would require a conspiracy of some kind, widespread, extending over centuries. Many of the witnesses are very solid citizens, including scientists, police officers, and military men. Many witnesses were pilots, including those responsible for commercial airliners, or even for
nuclear weapons. Based on what they perceived, some of these people sometimes took actions with serious outcomes. They often had little to gain and much to lose by reporting such an event. Many did regret it, sometimes a lot. It appears many witnesses thought they saw something they considered to be both real and very inexplicable. There is a category of UFO sightings that have shown consistent patterns, reported worldwide over a period of centuries. Many of the sightings in this category seem to have a great deal in common with the descriptions of ball lightning. Ball lightning and many UFO sightings have much in common. Both have been described as having a similar appearance, often consisting of glowing spheroids that radiate a variety of colors. The distribution of colors is nearly the same, with white being the most common, and violet the rarest. Both have been described as covering a range of intensity from faint to very bright, sometimes too bright to look at. As noted before, many scientists accept ball lightning in sizes up to three feet, some up to even six feet. But why not larger? There seems to be little doubt that a form of ball lightning over ten feet in diameter would be reported as a UFO. Since there does not seem to be a good theory for ball lightning, why is it so hard to assume that larger form might also exist? It seems to be a matter of mind set. Large forms of ball lightning have been reported under very typical conditions. During a thunderstorm near Albany, New York, it was reported that there were four thunderbolts over a three second period, each in the same location. Near the strike, an orangeyellow fireball about sixteen feet in diameter appeared (D1975). A ball of this size would be many times larger than the sizes normally considered to be in the range of normal ball lightning. Doctor Condon of the famous Condon Report, A Scientific Study of UFO's for the U.S. government, appeared to keep a very open mind concerning larger sizes of ball lightning, sometimes also known as Kugelblitz. Dr. Condon included a description of one that was nearly a hundred feet across, and stated that " If Kugelblitz can
be as large as is estimated by this pilot, then ground-based observations reflect only a weak manifestation of the phenomenon." (D1968) Actually, the most commonly reported size ranges of the glowing balls are from six to fifteen feet in diameter (D10). It can be difficult to estimate the size of a glowing object at an unknown distance, especially at night, since there is often nothing to compare it to. However, there are reasons to believe that at least some of the reported size estimates have been fairly accurate, within reasonable limits. Some sighting included a size that varied during the sighting. A New York City sighting described a UFO that suddenly increased from 3 feet in diameter to over 15 feet (D1961). Three feet is well within the size range that is normally considered to be ball lightning, whereas the larger size would be much too large. There are other sightings that also describe radical changes in size or shape. In many sightings, ball lightning was described as rapidly spinning about a central axis (D04). As shall be seen, the same is true of many UFO sightings. Most UFO descriptions are the result of rotating a shape around a central axis, such cylinders, spheres, saucers, and domes (D12). A saucer is an ellipse rotated around the short axis, while a cigar-shape is an ellipse rotated around the long axis. The same rotational effect is true for UFO sightings described with shapes like cones, teacups, dumbbells, hats, doughnuts, mushrooms, poles, footballs, plates, coins, spindles, eggs, or the planet Saturn. One photo of an irregular shape looked like it was also rotating about a central axis. Even a shape like that of a boomerang or crescent could still be that of a rotation, as shall explained in a later chapter. What is seen as a triangle could actually be a cone, if the third dimension were not readily perceived. Three lights traveling in a rigid formation may also be perceived as a triangle that includes all three lights. Some feel that the teardrop shape, with the tail seen
on the trailing side, is an actually a spheroid shape, distorted by the air resistance as the plasmoid rapidly moves through the atmosphere (D12). Ball lightning is most often described as a sphere, but other shapes have often been reported. Ball lightning is said to often take the shape of a trefoil knot; a shape also been seen in UFO sightings (D18). In Vermont, a Bishop reported an object that looked like unburnished copper, with tongues of flame issuing, that was six feet long and eight inches in diameter, surrounded by a halo (D1907). One 3 foot plasmoid was saucer-shaped (G1967). Many more shapes will be described later. Most UFO sightings occur at the time of day when the conditions are conducive to plasma formation (D09). Both ball lightning and low altitude UFO sightings have a similar pattern, with a sharp increase in late afternoon and early evening, and more common near midnight and just before dawn (D08). Similar patterns would make sense if they have a similar cause, especially if they are more or less identical. Both are reported having a marked pulsing effect. Both have been reported as appearing translucent at times, or even having a solid appearance, often metallic. Ball lightning has been described by the famous astronomer Flammarion as having a bright inner core and a diffuse outer layer (D20). Many UFO's have a similar appearance (D1951). Internal structure has been noted in both ball lighting and UFO sightings. Dark areas, or bright spots, have also been noted on the surface. Both ball lighting and UFO sightings have been described as having some projections that extend out from the main body of the plasmoid, sometimes at a distance. Ball lightning has been sometimes described as having tentacle-like structures (D1933). UFO sightings have been described like a tomato with stalks (D1954a). Some UFO's have been described as looking like a jellyfish (D1954b). Plasma phenomena called sprites have been found high above storms, with a similar appearance.
Ball lightning has been described as often being associated with a sharp odor, much like sulfur (D16). As shall be seen, UFO sightings have often described strange, pungent odors. It is felt the odor may be caused by ozone, a very active form of oxygen created by an electrical discharge. Many people are not familiar with the smell of ozone, and may describe it as common odors that they are familiar with. Ball lighting and UFO's are reported as behaving in a similar manner. Both are capable of hovering in one spot, even when they are radiating heat. Both are capable of moving, independent of gravity or wind direction, sometimes at very high velocities. Ball lighting has been clocked at over 2000 miles per hour (D03). UFO sightings have been reported with exhibiting even higher velocities, perhaps a function of power levels. UFO's and earth lights are often reported as making right angle turns, even at extremely high speed, or to accelerate or to decelerate extremely rapidly. A California, an earth light was described as stopping virtually instantly (D1973). In the state of Indiana, three unknown light sources were seen to make right angle turns virtually instantaneously, showing no apparent hesitation whatsoever (D1914). For a solid object of any significant mass to do that, the power required to would be almost unlimited, with unbelievable stresses placed on as solid object of any kind. On the other hand, the mass of a plasma is almost infinitesimally small, making it easy to reverse direction, or make right angle turns at high speed (D05). Both ball lightning and UFO's are described as exhibiting strange patterns as they travel. Ball lightning has been described as wobbling in flight, or sometimes making a fluttering motion, like a falling leaf (D19). These same unusual patterns will be seen repeatedly in later descriptions of various UFO sightings, especially the so-called " falling leaf " pattern, as they either ascend or descend. UFO sightings are often described as tending to last longer than most reports of ball lightning, but this may also be a function of size.
It would seem logical that larger plasmoids would have much higher energy levels than smaller ones, and may be slower to break down or dissipate due to a much more powerful containment field of some kind. UFO sightings correlate with seismic activity at a very high level of correlation (D01). This is very similar to the pattern of earth lights. If the plasmoids are generated by geological forces, correlation is perfectly understandable. Conversely, there are areas where UFO sightings are virtually nil. However, if they are simply figments of the imagination, why should these correlations exist at all? In most of the sightings of ball lightning and UFO's, size and brightness were reported to appear to remain constant (D13). If energy is constantly being given radiated, especially in the quantities described, then it must be constantly replenished, provided from the surrounding energy field. In some cases, they were described as suddenly became much brighter. Some feel there must be a flow of energy into a small volume by some focusing power from the environment (D02). Like ball lightning, some UFO's have been described as containing what appeared to be electrical energy. In France, hundreds of witnesses observed UFO's with an appearance similar to the planet Saturn, seen traveling in pairs. Whenever the two members of a given pair separated, a whitish streak, " like an electric arc, was seen to pass between them (D1952b). Both have been described as making noises that sounded like the operation of electrical devices of various kinds. Estimates of the energy density of ball lightning have been equal that of high explosives (C13). Some UFO's may also contain high energy densities. A large UFO was seen near the Caribbean island of Martinique, with a large number of witnesses, making elaborate maneuvers, at fairly close range. Estimated by several witnesses with technical training, the energy output of the observed UFO was calculated to be two
megawatts (M1965). A megawatt (1,000,000 watts) is a lot of power. There are reports of even higher power levels. In a Louisiana sighting, a physicist sighted a UFO giving off intense white light. From where he stood, he could see that the apparent intensity of the distant UFO was brighter than those of the headlights of his automobile, which were located just a few feet away from where he stood (D1968). The physicist assumed the UFO was radiating the light equally in all directions. Knowing the energy output of the headlights, and the relative distance of the two light sources, simple calculations were used estimate the energy output of the UFO at over 500 megawatts (D1968). This is equal to the output of a small nuclear reactor. Like ball lightning, UFO's are often reported as exploding, sometimes with considerable force. In Maryland, a UFO exploded with a tremendous flash, said to light up the sky for a hundred miles. A witness said he thought for a second it was an atomic bomb (D1957a). Other such explosions were seen in England, Pennsylvania, and California (D13). Other types of plasmoids have been described as exploding on occasion. A luminous cloud in California, suddenly disappeared in a huge detonation. At first, one witness said he thought it had been an atomic explosion of some kind (D1980). Other witnesses thought that other such explosions were also of a nuclear device at first glance. The plasmoids do not always explode when they disappear. Both the ball lighting and UFO's have been described as fading out into nothingness, or even suddenly disappearing. In California, a bluegreen UFO, surrounded by a glow of the same color, was described as suddenly "...vanishing like a magician's trick." (D1951). A UFO shaped like two inverted bowls was said to have blinked out like a light (D1909). In later chapters, more detail will be provided on the nature and effects of the plasmoids. In those descriptions, similarities between
ball lightning and UFO's will be provided, with many examples of plasmoids with a diameter of six feet or less, but having the same characteristics of the commonly reported UFO sightings. Late in the eighteenth century, people did not believe in meteors, in spite of the fact that people could actually see them as they fell. Thomas Jefferson stated that he would sooner believe that two Yankee professors would lie, then stones should fall from the heavens (D1801). And he was on solid scientific ground at the time, with most educated people at the time in complete agreement. However, just a few years later, the existence of meteorites was almost universally accepted, even though the evidence for them did not change all that much. Apparently common sense finally won out. Perhaps the same may be true of the plasmoids. The next chapter will cover the documentation of UFO sightings in much more detail.
Chapter 6 DOCUMENTATION UFO's sightings are often better documented than most people realize. There are a number of very good reasons to believe that people are often reporting a very real and unknown phenomenon of some kind, inexplicable in terms of existing technology and known principles of physics. Some of the characteristics have been seen in the preceding chapter. Many people feel that the type of person reporting a UFO sightings are generally crackpots and loonies. A few, of course, are, but many reports are from airline pilots, policemen, college professors, military personnel, and other perfectly respectable and sane persons, most of which have little to gain and much to lose by reporting such an event. Witnesses often report details which are consistent with other such reports, that have never been widely described in the mass media (D13). A number of famous persons have felt there may be something to the UFO's. Doctor Carl Sagan, the famous and popular astronomer from Cornell University, was an editor and contributing author of " UFO's - A Scientific Debate ", stated that he felt that "...an open mind should be kept..." (D08). Other notable people have believed in UFO's, including General Curtis LeMay, former Commander of the Strategic Air Command (D14). The Secretary of the Navy saw two UFO's traveling at an estimated 2000 MPH near Hawaii (1952d). The astronomer Doctor Clyde Tombough, discoverer of the planet Pluto, felt there was something to it (D07). A former Secretary General of the United Nations, said that he felt that UFO's were one of the most important problems facing mankind at that time (D06) Quite a number of famous people have actually reported a UFO sighting. William Lear, an acknowledged aerospace genius and manufacturer of the famous Lear Jet, claimed he saw a UFO (D11). Arthur Godfrey, the famous media personality, also
claimed he had a close encounter with one (D10). The popular movie star, Stuart Whitman, claimed that he saw several UFO's at fairly close range in New York City (D1965c). The then Governor of Florida claimed he saw two objects, each shaped like two saucers placed lip to lip (D1966a). If the UFO sightings are simply mistaken identity or mass hysteria, they obviously should correlate with population density. More people should be reporting more UFO sightings, but interestingly, this is simply not the case. As point of fact, UFO sighting show an inverse relationship with population density (D1954b). Why should fewer people report more UFO's? It is difficult to see why something that is merely a figment of people's imagination should do that. UFO sighting show a very good correlation with geography. Clusters occur along a portion of the New England coast, western Washington State, the coast of California, and the upper Mississippi areas. Certain locations in Texas, Florida, and the Caribbean area are also involved (D01). California and the Caribbean area are on the edge of tectonic plates. These are normally areas of intense geological activity. A diagonal band of strange sightings occur diagonally across central Illinois. Conversely, there are also quite large areas where very little UFO activity is reported, such as the area of the northern Great Plains, an area of little or no geological activity. The clusters occur in time as well as space. A very impressive cluster occurred in Texas. In Leveland, there were sightings in four adjacent cities. That same night, seven sightings, over a period of several hours, including a sighting by police officers. Many of the witnesses reported their automobile engines stalled for no reason, but could be readily restarted after the UFO had disappeared (D1957c). As rare as UFO sightings are, a cluster of simultaneous events like this becomes a very unlikely event indeed. Although some felt the engine stalling was merely a coincidence, automobiles do not stall in groups, nor do they start with no problems afterwards.
Some sightings have been made by very experienced observers. Near Spokane, two intelligence experts saw a large, blue - white object under cloud cover at 4700 feet, making no sound and leaving a long blue trail behind it. They were very sure it was not a searchlight. By carefully noting landmarks, they calculated the velocity at over 1400 miles per hour (1952e). No aircraft in use at that time at that time could approach that speed. A searchlight would not leave a trail. A meteor could not travel horizontally under cloud cover. Other trained personnel have reported a number of unusual and apparently inexplicable UFO sightings. In France, a searchlight being operated by trained antiaircraft personnel on a clear night, suddenly caught a motionless globe in the beam,"... sparkling like a Christmas tree ball". The crew estimated the altitude at 30,000 feet and the diameter at over a hundred feet (D1954a). There are a number of locations in the world where sightings are said to be so common that they can be virtually counted on over a relatively short period of time, similar to what is seen in the " earth lights "It is said that there are earthquake pockets that show remarkable persistence, even after long epochs of measurements. It does not seem to be widely known that there have been a number of scientific studies made of the phenomenon, done in real time by scientists. Scientific studies have been conducted at Yakima Reservation, Washington State (D1972), near Piedmont, Mississippi (D1973) and in the Hessdalen Valley of Norway (D1984). Each of the studies claimed to have documented well over one hundred positive sightings (D09). There were several studies of UFO sightings conducted by the United States government. The last and most widely known was the Project Blue Book, conducted by Air Force personnel. However, they still came up with over 600 cases even they felt they could not explain (). It appeared that very determined attempts were made to explain all sightings, even to the point of writing some off with flimsy and illogical excuses. In spite of these,
they decided to cancel the project in 1969, stating that for some reason they did not feel that further study was justified. A further study was conducted for the government by the University of Colorado, independent of the government, usually called the Condon Report after the director, Doctor Condon, a noted physicist. The study also ended up with over 20 sightings they could not explain, but still did not recommended further study (D12). Doctor Condon apparently apparently believed it was possible that that some unexplained UFO sighting could have been those of very large forms of ball lighting. It is said the military have had numerous encounters with these things. If so, it would seem like the government would believe in them if anyone does. There seem to be indications they do. Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act on UFO sightings have often had extensive areas blacked out, with no explanation as to why. The incidents in question did not appear to involve apparent military secrets of any kind. Why would they classify many portions as secret, when they are supposed to have involved entities that they consistently claim do not even exist? There have also been a number of reports that indicated the government was not telling all they knew. Over New Mexico, a pilot encountered three gray objects. After he reported it, an officer in the military warned him that he might experience radiation sickness (D1959). As we shall see in a later chapter, this may have been good advice. A couple had their film of a UFO seized by military personnel, who then told them in no uncertain terms that they had better forget everything they had seen. The film was never returned (D1952). Other such cases of governmental secrecy have been reported. On the ship Abraham Lincoln, one day out of the Panama Canal, a crimson, one-hundred-foot UFO was filmed. An Ed Sims claimed he saw the developed photos, and was told that the film had also been successfully developed. He said he was forced to sign a secrecy agreement, and was told that he would go to
prison if he ever publicy revealed what had actually occurred (D1973). There have been a number of reports of close encounters between military aircraft and UFO sightings. Near Au Sable Forks in the Adirondacks, witnesses claimed they saw a jet chasing a UFO (D1957d). A fighter pilot supposedly opened fire on a saucer (D1957e). One would hope that trained pilots responsible for very expensive aircraft and highly lethal weapons would not go around chasing, or opening fire on, things that simply do not exist. Other examples of this kind will be covered later. In September 1947, a letter was sent from the Air Technical Intelligence to what was then the Army Air Service, concerning investigations they had made into a number of different UFO sightings. The letter further stated that the investigators had come to the conclusion that " ...the reported phenomena are real." (underline added) (D1947). This conclusion was considerably different than those of the later government studies, like the infamous project Blue Book. Major Keyhoe, an officer in the military corps, had originally been a skeptic concerning UFO sightings. After investigating a number of UFO sightings for the government, he stated that he did later come to believe in them. He also came to feel that, not only did the government actually believe in them, but that there was an extensive cover - up of that belief by the military and government (D1965). At times, the cover-up does seem fairly obvious. There were also investigations by several private organizations, such as NICAP. The organization was at one time headed by Professor Hyneck, a former astronomer that worked for Project Blue Book for years, and who had also been originally a skeptic and spokesman for the government. However, after years of study, Hyneck came to believe in that UFO sightings were actually something real. The general conclusion of NICAP personnel was also that the UFO phenomenon was real (D03).
In a number of cases of UFO sightings, the witnesses were known to have immediate access to cameras, ready to go, but did not use them at the time. When asked later why they had not taken any pictures, the consensus of many of them was that they were just too astonished at the time to even think about taking photos. Reactions are often extreme. Nevertheless, there are a number of such photos. Professor Hyneck, a professional astronomer by training, examined a total of a number of photographs of UFO sighting, and that he stated at the time that he felt that the " ...probability of a hoax in all 25 cases is vanishingly small (1972). Although there are quite a number of UFO photographs, many are not very impressive, looking pretty much like a fuzzy blob, usually either silvery or glowing. Many photographic experts do not feel a definitive analysis can be performed on objects that appear to be indistinct. However, as a form of energy, this appearance would be expected. In a number of cases, photographic analysts felt that the UFO did not show the proper amount of horizontal blurring for the movement being observed at the time. These criteria may also not be valid, since witnesses have often reported that the fuzziness of the UFO was seen to have varied during the sighting. In addition, some photos have been discredited because analysts stated that the shadows on the UFO did not appear to match shadows on the ground nearby. As shall be seen later, plasmoids appear to sometimes do strange things with light. Witnesses of UFO sightings said that there were dark areas that should have been lit by the sun, but were not (E21). If those observations are true, then photographic analysis utilizing such comparative shading would also not be valid. Analysts often seem to come to some very illogical conclusions. In a video taken by a camcorder, a photographic analyst stated that he felt the object was simply the space shuttle returning from orbit. However, the video clearly showed a stationary cylinder, tilted at about a forty-five-degree angle, that suddenly took off and disappeared off into the distance. He said he said
he felt that the apparent movement was caused by motion of the camera. However, the video appeared to clearly show the object moving behind a house. In spite of the factors listed above, there have been items of graphic evidence that have been subject to careful analysis, with conclusions that the film did not appear to be faked, and that it could have been of a real entity, that could not be readily explained in terms of a known flying object, and sometimes of substantial size or velocity. Most common methods of faking a UFO, such as a model on a string, are readily detectable by modern photographic analysis. In the Condon report, an analysis was made of still photographs taken near McMinnville, Oregon. The report states that "... all factors appear to be consistent with the assertion that an extraordinary flying object, silver, metallic, disk - shaped, tens of meters in diameter, evidently artificial, flew within sight of two witnesses." (D1950c). The Condon report stated that, while it was felt that the evidence could not positively rule out fabrication, "...there are some physical factors, such as accuracy of certain photometric measures of the original negative, which argue against fabrication "(D1950c). The above statements appear to come very close to saying that they felt the photos taken were probably real. In the McMinnville photos, experts had used edge enhancement to rule out the possibility of a model suspended by a thread. They also felt that the object showed the effect of atmospheric haze that would result from the object being a considerable distance from the camera (D1950e). The object also shows a central pylon which is crooked. It seems unlikely that a forger would have included that feature. It UFO is also tilted to the ground, like many other photos, another feature that would appear to make no sense to a person faking the photo. Other UFO photos exist that would have been very difficult to fake with the technology available at the time. Over the skies of Belgium, a series of three clear photographs were taken of what appeared to be a silver - colored disk. The disk is seen above a
jet contrail, estimated to be at an altitude of about 4500 feet. At that distance, the UFO would have been nearly 40 feet in diameter (D1955). Jet contrails are known to occur only at very high altitude. That effect of a UFO above the contrail would have been extremely difficult to fake, especially during that period. Although rare, there are apparently incidents where the UFO was recorded by two cameras, a situation where the distance to the unknown can be calculated by triangulation. A detailed analysis of the French National Center for Scientific Research felt that two such images were of a real object, with luminous protuberances underneath (D1957b). In many cases, it is not clear that triangulation was every used to determine distance. It is something that is very accurate, but very difficult to fake, since the differences in angles may be small. Near London, there were three photos taken of a hubcap shaped object, estimated to be 30 feet across. Photo analysts could find no sign of tampering with the negatives. They felt it was possible to track the path of the object from the photos (D1966). There is one photograph taken, looking directly down at a UFO from a high altitude aircraft, which would certainly rule out a mirage of any kind, or any kind of an astronomical object. Over Costa Rica, a mapping aircraft photographed a disk - shaped object over a lake. At a low altitude, calculations showed that the disk would have been over two hundred feet across. The photo was said to be clear, with a little fuzziness at the trailing edge (D1971). There also appear to be good motion pictures in existence. Before the advent of digital technology, films were hard to fake, since many frames would each have to be laboriously modified. At twenty frames per second, the numbers get very high, even in a relatively short segment of film. A clear color film taken in Great Falls, Montana, shows what appears to be two perfect white spheres rapidly traveling horizontally across the sky, passing behind a water tower about 500 feet away. The objects do not appear to
vary in size or shape to any discernable degree. The conditions at the time were clear with bright sunlight (D1950a). Some experts estimated the maximum range that they would be recognizable as aircraft under those conditions. At the estimated distance, calculations showed they would be traveling faster than any known aircraft available at the time. One investigator felt that they might be reflections off aircraft. This would be valid only if both aircraft had followed an exact parabolic path in relation to the camera, throughout the filming (D1950c). Maintaining a parabolic path would be extremely improbable. The witness said there were two jets present, but at a much different angle. Interestingly, the Air Force had temporarily borrowed the Montana film for photo analysis. After the film had been returned, the owner claimed that about three seconds of film were missing from the original, and that the missing segment had actually shown the unknowns as spinning disks (D1950cd). Other witnesses have claimed that their film or photo of a UFO was confiscated by the government, without any explanation, or any attempt to return the film. From Tremington, Utah, a film shows what appear to be about a dozen white objects moving in tight circles in a blue sky. Still photographs appear to show them as oval. While some investigators felt they were sea gulls, photo experts at Wright Field emphatically disputed this (D1952d). One object appeared to leave at high speed (D1952c). Other experts disagree. They said the motion is not that expected from soaring birds, and there is not periodic decease in brightness due to the birds turning into the wind (D1952). Just watch distant seagulls sometime. They do not do loops, and they often appear to nearly disappear. Other motion pictures appear to be fairly well documented. In Hawaii, the daylight image of 9 objects were captured on a motion picture, with a background reference. At an estimated distance of two miles, the objects would have been moving at
about 900 miles per hour. An analyst said he felt that the elliptical appearance of the objects was not caused entirely by the panning motion of the camera (D1958b). One of the best UFO films may have been taken by government cameras. Near Vandenburg Air Force Base, several cameras recorded a Thor-Able rocket in ascent, against a clear blue sky. The cameras also recorded a white object, as bright as the rocket exhaust. The unknown object passed the Thor rocket, at a third a degree per second, and was later classified as an unknown (D1964b). If documented as described, this should essentially be proof of a UFO. Due to the triangulation factor, a film like that would be virtually impossible to fake. There a quite a few photos and videos that have been taken of more recent UFO sightings. However, in the digital age, it has become relatively easy to modify graphics, even to the point where an expert may not be able to tell the difference. The faker can actually go in and change a photo, pixel by pixel. Computers can also be set up to modify a series of successive motion picture frames, similar to what is done in motion picture these days. Photographic negatives still generally constitute the best proof. The obvious question is this: why there are no really good photographs or videos taken of a UFO, taken up close? It would be even better is the UFO were on the ground, preferably with nearby objects for a reference. There have been a number of reports of such close up photographs attempted. As shall be seen, there may be very good reasons to believe that most photographic or electronic camera attempts at close range are almost always doomed to failure. There may be another reason for a lack of good photographs. Ball lighting is said to usually be faint. It is said that most UFO's actually tend to be quite faint, both during the day and at night. Most photographic film and older electronics camcorders are not effective under conditions of low light, often much less so than the unaided human eye. Another question is why you don't see a UFO come down and land in Times Square? If you pick a point at random on the earth, it will
almost certainly be located out in the boonies. And most cities are not built in or near geologically active zones. However, UFO sighting have occurred within cities. During the Northeast Blackout, UFO's were seen in cities in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York (D1965b). The bright lights of cities may normally conceal fainter ones. Plasmas are known to show up on radar, such as lightning. In the early twentieth century, it was shown that ionized particles are capable of scattering electromagnetic waves (D1906). According to Phillip Klass, electrical engineer and editor of Aviation and Space, plasma is perfectly capable of reflecting radar (D02). A plasma may sometimes even reflect radar waves better than most solid objects (D04). Lightning and auroras show up clearly on radar. The Hessdalen Valley study included several tracked on a portable radar (D09). Radar sightings are of UFO's are not uncommon, there have been recordings that show unexplained phenomenon traveling at speeds higher than any known aircraft at the time. They also tracked blips that executed maneuvers that are impossible for any known craft, such as making near instantaneous right angle turns at high speeds (D13). Some would correspond to centrifugal forces over 100 times that of gravity (G force). Even with special suits to counter the centrifugal force, humans can't even sustain much over 10 times the force of gravity. Radar can be subject to mirages, or false images, just as visual sightings can be. It is said that ripples on an inversion layer will show up on radar. However, when the target is tracked by several different radars at the same time, especially from widely separated locations, operating on different frequencies, racking a false blip becomes extremely improbable. Many radar sighting have been also confirmed by independent visual sightings at the same time. Based on initial radar sightings, quite a few interceptions by fighter planes have been attempted. Near Teheran, Iran, a target was detected by ground radar. Jet interceptors tracked the target, both on their aircraft radar and visually. As one jet approached
the target, the instruments and radios of the plane failed at the same time, but then returned to normal as the jet withdrew. A second jet sent experienced exactly same thing (D1976). In North Dakota, multi - colored lights were seen high in the sky near Minot Air Force Base, with a target tracked by three different radar sets. A team sent out to investigate found interference on their radio (D1966b). Radio interference is common to plasmoids sightings. If these reports are true, hopefully military jet aircraft would not be scrambled to intercept a figment of someone's imagination. Some sightings include radar and multiple witnesses. Near the Philippines Islands, the radar of a military ship picked up an unknown blip traveling at 3,000 miles per hour, that then hovered in one spot for three minutes. The target was visually confirmed by bridge personnel, including fifteen members of the crew (1965a). The Philippines can be intensely active geologically, including several large volcanos, such as Mount Pinatubo. Over the Gulf of Mexico, a reconnaissance plane was equipped with two passive, direction - finding radars, that both indicated a rapidly mounting signal source, with both radars indicating a source from the same direction. The crew then sighted an intense bluish - white light, that instantly changed direction, then passed across their flight path (D1969). Meteors and known aircraft cannot instantly change direction. Meteors do not give off an active radar signal. One of the best documented cases occurred over Belgium, over the cities of Brussels, Liege, and Eupen, with supposedly thousands of eye witnesses, with over two thousand statements to the police, and confirmed by several radars. The acceleration noted was estimated at over forty times the acceleration of gravity. There were numbers of good photos and videos taken (D1990). In Saint Petersburg, Russia, three independent videos were taken of a UFO that hovered over the city for twenty minutes (D1997).
In succeeding chapters, there will be even more indications that UFO's are real, including some very strange effects on the environment, often with reports of serious injury to living things. Some of these effects cannot be readily explained by any other known source. Coming from different witnesses, the descriptions are often very consistent.
Chapter 7 LIGHT AND APPEARANCE The plasmoids are often reported as producing visible light. Production of light by a plasma should be no surprise. Fluorescent and neon lights both produce light by the action of an electrical current acting on a plasma. Indeed, a number of observers have reported a UFO sighting as looking very much like a fluorescent or neon light. UFO's have been described as coming in all colors of the rainbow. Some researchers have stated that color change is easy for a plasma, where energy may transfer from nitrogen to carbon dioxide, or with changes in internal energy levels (F01). Sometimes more than one color is produced in the same plasmoid at the same time. Nitrogen can produce blue color. Depending on the conditions, oxygen can produce either red or green. A northern Canadian UFO, seen up close, was been described as seeming to sparkle like a diamond, as if some electrical force or very hot air was flowing over the surface. Witnesses said that it seemed to have a glow very much like a fluorescent light (F1955). Other UFO sighting have often described with a very similar effect. A very common comment is that the light from a plasmoid can be extremely intense in some cases. Several Australian witnesses described one as " bright as an arc welder " (F1963a). The light of a UFO has often been described by witnesses to be too bright to look at directly, at a range of several hundred yards, and even in bright sunlight. The total production of light is described as stupendous at times. A Canadian UFO was said to be huge, illuminating the entire countryside for over thirty minutes, before it gradually vanished (F1929). To light up extensive areas like that with artificial lighting would be a colossal task requiring a great deal of electrical power.
Although many UFO's show a stable production of light, not all of them do. In Australia, two teenagers said they saw a large dark object, hovering about 60 feet away, that suddenly burst into bright light (F1954b). Another Australian sighting was very similar (F1954c) There are quite a few similar reports of this nature. This may be a further indication they draw energy from the environment somehow. It is well known that plasmas can radiate ultraviolet light as well. A fluorescent lamp produces ultraviolet light (F03). The glass tube keeps it from getting out. If it were not for the blocking effect of the glass, it is said that it would be entirely possible to get a sunburn from an ordinary fluorescent light. That is also the reason why you can't get a sunburn behind an ordinary glass window. In Pennsylvania, a witness sighted a 100-foot orange UFO. After twenty minutes, he found he had received an injury what looked just like a sunburn. His eyes hurt, his vision became hazy, then disappeared completely. He found his normal vision gradually returned over a period of a few days (F1965c). This sounds similar to what is commonly called snow blindness, a sunburn of the retina, which can be very unpleasant, but temporary. There are many similar cases. Near Albuquerque, a witness said she gazed at a UFO for a period of about ten minutes. She later suffered from inflamed eyes and eyelids, as well as burn injury like a sunburn to the face. A physician who examined her said he felt that ordinary sunlight would have insufficient to have caused the injuries under normal conditions (1964b). In Indiana, a 40-foot UFO was seen at a range of 1000 feet, making a noise like an electric motor. A witness watching at that distance was said to have suffered burns similar to those received when working near an arc welder (1957b). In normal use, arc welders give off fairly intense ultraviolet light that can cause burns and serious eye injury. The plasmoids do not always appear in a glowing state. On a New York to Washington flight, just after a lightning strike, an eight inch globe emerged from the front of the aircraft, floating in the
passenger cabin. It was said to have an almost solid appearance (F1963b). This effect seems to be well documented. Some plasmoids are described as change in opacity. Many UFO sightings have often been reported to be having a metallic or shiny appearance. Some researchers feel this may have been at least partially psychological in nature. A person does not expect to see a glowing object in bright sunlight, especially at a distance, so he may interpret the light as being reflected off a shiny metal surface. An Illinois observer saw an oval, metallic-looking disk. When clouds blocked the sun, he could see that, although the UFO had not actually changed in appearance, it then appeared to be glowing (F1950). Other reports of metallic disks may have the same cause. The fact that something appears metallic, does not mean that it is necessarily. Air bubbles in water sometimes have a very metallic appearance, almost like liquid mercury. The effect caused by the refraction of light along the surface of the bubble. The air has a much different index of refraction than water. On the other hand, there are times when a plasma actually can reflect light, just like a mirror. A laser requires mirrors in order to function. The more powerful the laser, the better the mirror required. With very powerful lasers, the beam is intense enough to burn through any solid mirror. In a recently developed laser, researchers used a plasma as a mirror, since it is virtually indestructible (F1998). There are also a number of reports where the UFO appeared dark or even black in appearance. It is not at all clear why this would be. One investigator speculated that this appearance may be caused by dust articles swirling around and inside the plasma (F04). There may be other reasons why they might appear dark, discussed later. One sighting of ball lightning appeared to be in the center of blackness (F16).
Witnesses have expressed confusion on the appearance of a UFO in direct sunlight, with areas that should have been light, but were dark instead. In California, a witness said a silver UFO was dark on the sunlit side (F03). A photo in California shows a UFO in sunshine, dark on the top, and light on the bottom (F1957b). Photos have been supposedly discredited because of shadows. Such analysis may not be valid. Sometimes the dark areas observed show regular patterns, both vertically or horizontally, or in definite shapes. In France, five people observed a luminous yellow sphere, estimated to be about 24 feet in diameter, that appeared to have horizontal and vertical bands of a darker tone that gave the impression of windows (F1961b). People often report a UFO as having windows of some kind along the sides. As has been seen, the geological events, such as earthquakes, have been described as being associated with strange mists or fogs. In France, a series of UFO sighting were described as " cloud cigars ", which were mistaken for ordinary clouds at first, but which then suddenly performed maneuvers that no cloud ever could (F1954b). In other sightings, the glowing area extended behind the UFO, perhaps similar to the luminous clouds previously described. In one such sighting, the UFO was seen to leave a blue, luminous trail behind it ( ). On the other hand, even a glowing plasmoids can appear to be quite faint. When a light colored UFO passed between the observer and the sun, he could see that it appeared to become translucent, so he could see the sun right through it (F05). This sighting shows that the appearance of a UFO may depend on the lighting conditions at the time. Other plasmoids have also been described as being completely translucent. A NYC observer described an orange - red UFO up close that that was dimly glowing, with the edges blurred. The witness said that it appeared to be like a gas, so dim that you could actually see the stars through it (F1961). A low density
plasma could have exactly such an appearance, since it would be giving off light at very low levels. A number of reports describe a UFO that went beyond translucent, appearing completely transparent in appearance. Reports from Tunisia describe a UFO that appeared to witnesses to be completely clear, like transparent plastic, that flew over houses, swinging like a pendulum (1954f). A sighting from Denmark described a UFO, shaped roughly like a hat, that looked like it was made of clear glass (F1959). A new England sighting described an aluminum colored UFO with a dome that appeared to be made of the " clearest material " the witness said he had ever seen (F1967a). From France, comes a description of a 20 inch plasmoid that arose from alongside a ditch, that was described as "... a dark, transparent ball, with several appendages trailing behind. " (F1957a). This last plasmoid is well within the size range normally considered to be that of ball lightning. There are a number of reports that strongly indicate that portions of the plasmoids may even go beyond transparent, and into the range of more or less invisible. In a report, two police officers said that a UFO was surrounded by an eerie lighted haze, and was pulsing every few seconds. They also said the UFO was basically circular, but that the rear portion appeared to become invisible at times (F1963b). In Scotland, a gray UFO had a solid dome that faded until it became transparent, then returned to the previous solid appearance again (F1979) A plasmoid itself could still be an object of rotation, but the invisible portion would change the appearance. A clear portion could appear to transform a saucer shape into a boomerang or crescent shape. A number of UFO sightings throughout the world have been described as either shaped like a crescent, a half moon, or a boomerang. An aircraft tracking a UFO on radar. As they approached, they could see it as a glowing object. They said they continued to track it both visually and on radar for five minutes. After the UFO suddenly disappeared, they said they continued to track it
on radar for another fifteen minutes, even though they could see nothing (F1957b). This is a strong case for the idea that the entire plasmoid can be invisible at times. In Florida, an invisible object was said to be tracked on radar for a period of time. It was said to suddenly materialize over the Saint John's River, glowing orange - red, and looking much like a burning house. The UFO was reportedly seen by quite a number of residents, from several adjacent counties in the area (F1975). This sounds very similar to the above case, only in reverse order. Flying between New Zealand and Australia, a witness said a dark gray UFO took on an appearance so he could see right through it, then suddenly vanished. A few seconds later, it reappeared a short distance away (F1931). As area as a UFO sighting is. this seems like an odd coincidence. Perhaps it was there the whole time, but just passed through an invisible stage. In one incident, a farmer said his tractor and radio suddenly stopped for no apparent reason. It is common that gasoline engines are reported as quitting during a UFO encounter. He said he could see something apparently moving through the trees, causing leaves to be twisted and scattered, but that he could not see the actual cause of the disturbance itself (F1977b). This might be caused by an invisible plasmoid. Over Arizona, the pilot of a jet saw a vapor trail forming overhead, the front of which he estimated to be traveling at 300 miles per hour. He climbed to his maximum altitude of nearly 7 miles, but still could see no aircraft. Although he should have been able to see a plane even as high as 10 miles, there were supposedly no other aircraft in the area (F1952). Perhaps an invisible plasmoid, with a typical UFO trail being formed behind it? There are other sightings that seem to describe even stranger effects on light. In a sighting in Australia, a witness driving through fog suddenly saw the beam of his automobile headlights suddenly bent to the right, at the same time a UFO was sighted nearby. A three-foot saucer shaped depression was
found at that site (F1966a). A similar incident was reported from Missouri (F1966b). Plasmoids often occur in groups. The light beams may have been refracted through an invisible plasmoid. The ability to bend light may raise other possibilities. If a plasmoid bent the light it produced, and light from the background, to a location other than the observer, he might see it as dark, like a black hole. If the light could be bent around the plasmoid somehow, it might appear invisible, perhaps even when it was still quite hot on the inside, perhaps much like the alien in the science fiction film Predator. One popular way to be invisible in the science fiction is to be simply become transparent, like the Invisible Man of the story H.G. Wells. The bending of light, or diffraction, is a function of the density of an object. A solid always has a higher density than air, and therefore must have a higher index of diffraction than a gas. Even without reflections, a transparent solid of any kind, such as glass, is readily visible because the light is very noticeably bent. A coating can reduce this effect, but not eliminate it. Flat glass can be harder to see than other shapes. Although ordinary window glass is certainly not invisible, many people have been seriously injured when they walked through a glass door they failed to notice, even when it was right in front of their face. For this reason, such doors are supposed to have a visible sticker affixed to them. People often do not look closely at things around them. ‑ However, a transparent plasmoid with a density close to that of air might not be noticed unless it were moving, and if a person looking directly at it. Very hot air has a different density than cool air, but may not be noticed unless viewing conditions are just right, and then just as a rippling effect. Putting your hand just beyond the visible part of an acetylene torch for even a split second can cause a serious burn. There actually have been sightings of such a phenomenon. In America, a woman was standing on a rug during a thunderstorm. She said that suddenly the air under her hand
appeared like hot air, with a quivering motion, that appeared to rise from the floor. She said a small fireball appeared, attached itself to one of her fingers, then suddenly disappeared (F15). Low density plasmoids may be slightly visible, but overlooked unless a person happened to look right at it. This may explain a number of sightings where one observer claimed to have seen a UFO, and yet a number of people nearby reported nothing. They may have not been looking in the right direction at the time. The moon on a sunny day is visible, but is often not noticed unless someone happens to look directly at it. However, it is also well documented that the majority of people who actually see a plasmoid will report nothing anyway, unless they are asked in confidence or as a direct question, since they suspect that they might be subjected to ridicule. And they are often right. There are many people who did, and said they would never do it again. As can be seen from the above examples, there are indications that the plasmoids may sometimes be more or less invisible. If they still may contain high energy density, they may very well retain some of the strange effects that will be described in later chapters. Also in later chapters, in a completely different context, other examples will be given that will support this general idea of invisibility. If this is true, such invisible plasmoids may explain a wide variety of other very strange and unexplained phenomena that have often been described throughout the world, down through the ages. Many of these sighting seem to make no sense in any other context. More details on this possible effect will be provided in succeeding chapters.
Chapter 8 EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT There are a number of effects on the environment that are often reported with a UFO. Some of the effects are reported quite consistently, a number of which are very strange. Some of these effects seem to be more consistent than the appearance of the UFO itself. Many such effects have been reported by people from locations all over the globe. Sightings have included physical damage to the surroundings, sometimes quite severe. There are many reports where a UFO gave off intense heat, as infrared radiation. If the plasmoids can contain the huge quantities of energy often described, severe thermal damage to the environment would not be unexpected in such cases. In France. in addition to the sensation of heat at a distance, trees were burned, roots were charred, and a section of forest dried out in the middle of a rainstorm (G1954c). In Italy, an egg - shaped object flew over a farm, surrounded by short blue and yellow flames, causing a pond to dry out, and a haystack to catch fire. There were a number of cattle that received burn injuries in the process (G1954a) In Tennessee, two hundred witnesses described a flaming cylinder moving at about 5 miles per hour that set fire to a house, singed horses, and crisped the green leaves on trees (G1869). There are a number of cases that seem to indicate that the plasmoids can sometimes exist in a form of a vertical cylinder. Additional cases will be seen later. In Washington state, a 30-foot UFO was seen to " land ", leaving a large circular imprint where not only was the snow melted, but the ground under the snow appeared to be scorched (G1965d). As anyone who has tried melting ice or snow with a torch knows, the energy required is very high. Even at maximum settings, a torch melts ice very slowly. Over Cape Cod, a silvery, cigar - shaped UFO was seen to disappear behind a row
of trees. Where it was last seen, a large hole was found in the ice in a lake, about one hundred feet across, with steam still rising from the hole. The air temperature at the time was well below freezing, and the ice on the lake was several inches thick (G1971). A somewhat similar case occurred in Sweden. On Lake Sijan, several witnesses observed a big gray object that carved a channel through ice that was three-foot-thick, with a total area of seral hundred square feet. The channel appeared several times longer than wide. Analysts said it appeared that blocks of ice had been thrown up from below. There was a clear aerial photograph of the channel that had been created, showing the channel itself and the blocks of ice (D1976). It would take a tremendous amount of work to create a channel that large. In New Jersey, a red UFO was seen rising from a forest. A crater was found nearly a yard across. It was found that the trees appeared to be damaged so extensively it would require heavy equipment, but that the damaged area was totally inaccessible to vehicles of any kind (G1964b). In Virginia, a vertical cylinder, 15 feet thick, caused an asphalt road to burn for fifteen minutes after it left (G1967b). Other cases have shown heavy damage to the environment. In an extreme case reported from Ireland, a six - foot black object was seen to hit a tree nearly forty feet tall, and over two feet in diameter. It was said the object cut right through the tree without even stopping (G1958). This is in the size considered by some to be ball lightning, and may be another example of very high energy content. There have been incidents where " phantom snipers " were said to have damaged car windshields with small pits, assumed to be projectile damage. In Seattle, over a hundred automobiles were damaged by a mysterious sniper of some kind (K1954b). Other cases have been reported from various areas of the world, with no
perpetrators ever caught, or even any form of projectile ever having been located. Damage of that kind has been found to be associated with UFO sightings. In Ohio, after a multi - colored UFO was sighted, two nearly perfect holes were found in the ground, each about three feet deep and six inches wide. Autos in the immediate area showed strange pock mark damage to the windshields (K1957d). After a Russian sighting, a number of holes were later found in glass windows located nearby (K1977c). In other cases, people said they saw the marks form. A man in a used car lot said he saw a number of pock marks develop in windshields right before his eyes (K08). Others said they actually saw the cause. In Oregon, a woman saw strange pellets that ate right through a windshield with a bubbling action (K08). These might have been a form of very tiny plasmoids, but with still enough power to melt through glass. Ball lightning has been known to sometimes burn a hole right through a pane of glass. Radio problems are common symptoms during a close encounter. It is known that plasmas can generate radio waves (G07). If a small radio is held up next to a fluorescent or neon lamp, which contains plasma, it will produce nothing but noise. If the nearby radio waves produced by the plasmoid are stronger than those of a distant radio station, the signal of the station would be effectively jammed or swamped out. A radio station twice as close will produce a signal four times as strong. There are a number of UFO sightings that reported radio interference. In Australia, a UFO caused a blinding white light, making a high pitched sound, and causing radio interference (G1965c). In Quebec, four witnesses sighted a luminous, yellow sphere, emitting two beams of light, a bottom beam that lit up the ground, and a top beam that lit up the clouds. The two radios were useless at all frequencies but one. On that frequency, there was a signal that sounded something like Morse code, but made no sense in that context (G1957a)
It is commonly reported that UFO sightings are often associated with electrical circuits that suddenly fail for no apparent reason. In many cases, the instrumentation or circuits return to normal operation as soon as the plasmoid departs. Effects on circuits are reported as varying, sometimes only the engine, only the lights, or only the radio. Electric clocks are also reported as failing on occasion (G03). The average distance of stalled cars from a UFO has usually been reported to be about 100 feet, with an effect usually reported from 20 to 200 feet (G06) Some investigators have felt that the engines may have been stalled by a magnetic field produced by a UFO. However, the magnetic field strengths required to stall an engine should be more than enough to leave a magnet residual in the automobile body. It should be possible to detect such magnetism in the auto body for a year after the exposure (G04). Tests for such residual magnetism in the metal after close encounters with a UFO have generally been uniformly negative. However, there have been a number of close encounters with UFO's that seem to indicate that the plasmoids can sometimes emit substantial magnetic fields, even if not actually powerful not enough to stall gasoline engines. Magnetic compasses are often reported as spinning wildly during an encounter (G1973). Equipment of an Antarctic research station was said to have shown wild flu cations in magnetic field during an encounter with a nearby UFO (G05). As seen so far, there are strong indications that the plasmoids radiate visible light, in all colors of the rainbow, as well as extending beyond violet into the ultraviolet light region. They also been described as giving off what appears to be infrared radiation and / or radio waves. If this is the case, it would seem logical that they might also radiate in the region of the electromagnetic spectrum located between radio and infrared, namely that of microwave radiation (see chart I). Microwaves are in the same general wavelength as radar waves, which is why the microwave oven were sometimes been called radar
ovens, after they first came out. Radar waves are produced by electrons swirling around inside a circular cavity. Perhaps a spherical plasmoid can provide a similar circular cavity, also producing such radiation. Looking in your microwave oven while it is cooking demonstrates some of the effects of this type of radiation. If they can sometimes emit microwave radiation, it could well explain some of the strange effects that UFO's are reported as having on the environment. More on some of the biological effects will be covered in the next chapter. It is well known that a strong electromagnetic pulse (EMP), such as those caused by nuclear explosions, can disable or damage electrical circuits at a considerable distance. The military has spent large sums of money to try to counteract this effect, to prevent critical circuits from being disabled by the EMP when the first atomic weapon is detonated. This effect can cover a wide geographical area, many miles across. It has proven to be difficult problem to shield equipment from this effect. It is well known that either radar and microwaves can induce electrical currents in a conductor. People have been known to get shocks off metallic equipment when a radar beam was accidently pointed at them. The military has developed microwave weapons that can disable the ignition system of a vehicle at a considerable distance (G1996). It is said that microwaves generated with enough power would be capable of causing a short - circuit any electrical equipment (G03). Failure of vehicles is often reported in an UFO encounter (G02). In Oklahoma, a car slowed and stopped, as all electrical circuits failed. The car then suddenly started back up by itself for no apparent reason (G1957b). Having the engine start by itself sounds like a stray electrical current would have to have been induced in the ignition circuit. In Texas, there were a number of nearly simultaneous sighting of balls of fire, by independent witnesses in several locations. As they passed overhead, with a sound like thunder and giving off heat, the vehicles stalled and their headlights went out. As
soon as they were gone, the engines could be restarted and operated as before (G1957). Some investigators felt the balls observed could have actually been a large form of ball lightning. In this and other cases, some investigators felt that the engine failures were just a coincidence. As any driver knows, automobile engines that suddenly fail while they are running are fairly rare, especially if there is no obvious reason. The chances against having several engines fail at the exactly same time seems extremely unlikely. If an engine does quit, it usually cannot be readily restarted. Coincidence would also not explain the headlights going out, then coming back on. Sometimes several types of equipment failed at exactly the same time, which again would have to be a remarkable coincidence. At an Army base in Vietnam, a bright UFO appeared overhead and hovered overhead, lighting up the whole area. A number of electrical generators and tractors working on the site suddenly quit, as did two aircraft that were just ready to take off. The UFO was seen to suddenly shoot straight up and disappear out of sight in mere seconds (G1966a). Ball lightning has been reported as having the same effect as the UFO reports, but having effects at a more limited range, probably due to lower energy output. An aircraft was flying at 12,000 feet, when a ball lightning appeared and exploded. It was said that the engine nearest to the explosion suddenly died, but could be later restarted with no problem (G1956a). A 30-inch fireball stalled a car in Maine (G1964a). In the former Soviet Union, a transport plane flying at 10,000 feet had a twelve-inch fireball strike the left propeller, slightly damaging it. The compass was disabled. The radio system failed, and the operator working on it had received an unexpected electrical shock, even though the system was not even powered at the time (G1956a). It has often been reported that gasoline engines fail, while diesel or steam engines do not (G02). In Italy, a strange beam of light from a UFO was seen to sweep across the countryside. There were two tractors running. The engine of
the gasoline - powered tractor died for no apparent reason, while the diesel continued to run (G1954b). Gasoline engines depend on an electrical ignition system to fire the spark plugs at the correct time. Even a small stray current can cause a cylinder to fire at the wrong time, when the piston is coming up, thus effectively stalling the engine. Diesels do not use spark plugs, since they depend on the temperatures of compression to ignite the fuel. Obviously, simple steam engines do not require electricity in any form. There are many reports of power grids that have been temporarily knocked out at the same time a large UFO was sighted. At the time the great Northeast blackout began, a large UFO was reported near a substation in Clay, New York. It was felt that many thousands of kilowatts just seemed to suddenly disappear somehow. It was said a careful analysis of the transmission system never did show any defective equipment (G1965e) (G1965a). There have been quite a few such power failures reported, where blackouts and a UFO sighting occurred exactly at the same time. Each is a fairly rare event. The two events occurring simultaneously would be very unlikely. In Cuernavaca, the power failed as a UFO passed overhead, seen by the governor, mayor, and the military chief (G1965b). In an Illinois sighting, a UFO was reported during a power failure (G1957c). Similar such simultaneous events also occurred in Argentinian (G1959). In many sighting, electrical currents were described as being induced in nearly conductors. The enormous power of some plasmoids might induce enough additional current to cause circuit breakers to trip. Many circuit breakers are not designed to handle much more than a normal load. It has been said that powerful aurora displays have sometimes overloaded power grids in the more northerly latitudes, like Quebec. Some researchers have hypothesized that a mass of plasma could cause a short circuit (G01). UFO sightings have been described where there was an actual contact between a plasmoid
and a transmission line. In New Hampshire, a small orange disk detached from a larger cigar - shaped object, approached a power line, then extruded a silver extension that appeared to reach out and touched a power line directly (G1966b). A plasmoid could be electrostatically attracted to a power line that happened to be of an opposite electrical charge. As noted before, a plasma can be an excellent conductor of electricity, many times better than dry air. A mass of plasma that touched a wire could easily conduct large quantities of electricity directly to ground, as a dead short. The resulting electrical draw on the power system would cause the main circuit breakers to overload and trip out. In other cases, electrical circuits are found to be not only temporarily disabled, but actually damaged. In Wisconsin, when a 30-foot UFO suddenly appeared, a driver found that not only did his automobile engine quit, but that his lights, horn, and radio were also suddenly inoperative. After the incident was over, he found that all of the fuses in the car had been blown, and that the engine of the automobile had overheated for some reason (G1972). Over Mississippi, a helicopter had a near miss with a red UFO traveling at an estimated speed of over 600 miles per hour. During the close encounter, the compass was said to have spun wildly. It was found afterwards to have been damaged beyond repair, and had to be replaced (G1973). We shall see similar and more serious incidents in later chapters. One effect that has been often reported in association with some UFO sightings is what is called " angel hair ", a white, fibrous material that floats to the ground after a sighting, sometimes in considerable quantities. After a short time, the material appears to evaporate. Spider webs spun by migrating spiders have been blamed, but such material would not readily disappear. It has been hypothesized that perhaps the angel hair is formed from dust in the atmosphere, strung together and held together by the strong electrical charges generated by a plasmoid. After the
material falls to earth, the charge dissipates, and it reverts back to dust. It is not clear why the material would necessarily appear white. Such material has been reported with other natural phenomena. The folklore of some northern areas claims that silken threads sometimes fall during an intense auroral display (C08). During earthquakes, hairs have been reported as spontaneously coming out of the ground " in the twinkling of an eye "(C09). If UFO's are as common as reported, it is obvious there should be good close up photographs or video tapes. The effects of microwaves may explain the absence of such pictorial evidence. In Washington state, six doughnut-shaped flying objects were photographed at fairly close range. After the film had been developed, it was found later that all the negatives had been ruined by an unexplained spotting and fogging, as if they had been exposed to some kind of radiation (G1947). In England, with overcast conditions, a woman took four photographs of what she described as a beautiful apple - green UFO, 30 feet in diameter, at a range of less than two hundred yards. The larger plasmoid was said to be accompanied two smaller ones: a ten - foot white orb, and a strange cross shaped object. Unfortunately, it was later found that all of the film in the camera had been completely ruined for some reason (G1994). During the Korean war, a fighter pilot saw a large, circular shadow on the ground. When he looked up to see the source, he saw a large silvery UFO, coal black on the bottom, emitting a reddish glow. He described it as having an oscillating motion. He experienced a sensation of warmth. As he readied his guns, his radar suddenly went haywire. It was later found that the film in his gun camera had been ruined somehow (G1950). In Ohio, two children saw an object three feet in diameter, and about 10 inches thick, making a metallic noise. They took a series of photos of the object, but all the pictures showed only
a blur (G1967a). Again, this is within a normal ball lightning size, but with a typical UFO shape, and making a sound also typical of a UFO. There are other such cases, where film had been ruined during a close encounter. Microwaves readily penetrate glass, such as lenses. This is why a microwave oven has a metallic grid over the door. Photographic film is easily ruined by radiation, which is why it cannot be taken through X ray machines at airports without shielding. Close up shots with a video camcorder are equally likely to result in a near certain failure rate, given the usual interference with electrical circuits. It is unfortunate that such photos have never turned out. If any had, it would tend to provide more conclusive proof that these things really do exist, especially if pictures were taken near the ground, with other nearby objects for comparison. This would be especially true if the UFO was seen to pass in front of an object at a known distance. As has been seen, the plasmoids have shown strong physical effects on inanimate objects, such as electrical circuits, as well as on the environment in general. In the next chapter, somewhat similar effects will be shown on living things, including man.
Chapter 9 EFFECTS ON LIVING CREATURES Electrical and electronic circuits are not the only things that seem to develop operational problems or damage in the close proximity a plasmoid, both as a UFO or ball lightning. Our nervous systems operate on a type of biological electricity. There have been many cases where humans or animals seem to experience a number of strange and often consistent symptoms in the close proximity of a plasmoid. Symptoms are said to be experienced by some persons just before earthquakes. Before a quake, symptoms included agitation, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, and an unexplained weakness of the limbs (H03). Before another quake, people reported malaise, difficulty in breathing, weakness, trembling of the limbs, dizziness, and nausea (H1887). Heart problems are often reported. In Italy, symptoms included restlessness, trembling and pounding of the heart (H1808). In the former Soviet Union, there was a dramatic increase in complaints of heart trouble for two months. Electrocardiograms were generally fine. After a catastrophic earthquake, the symptoms stopped (H1948). It is not clear exactly what causes these symptoms sometimes associated with earthquakes. Several possibilities may include charged ions in the air, electric fields, or long - length radio waves. Each phenomenon is associated with earthquake events. Each phenomenon has been also shown to have adverse effects on biological organisms, including man. Electric fields have can certainly have biological effects. Alternating electric fields cause hamsters to wander around aimlessly, and to induce females to move their young (H05). Moving young involves a considerable risk in the wild, and is only done when the mother perceives what may be a serious threat. It has been found alternating electric fields with humans can
cause nausea, rapid pulse, heart pains, and coronary collapse (H06). Positive ions can also have adverse effects. This may be what is noticed by certain people just before thunderstorms, especially by persons with arthritis or other infirmities. It is reported that breathing in positive ions can cause radical deterioration of a person's sense of wellbeing. One experiment using airborne ions caused a pronounced coronary weakness, to the point the researchers felt they were forced to finally abandon the experiments (H1931). Charged ions may be one of the main contributors to animal discomfort, effectively charging their dry fur or feathers. Cattle in a metal railroad car showed severe restlessness (H01). The metal walls of the car should have effectively shielded the cattle from energy fields or electromagnetic radiation, but the air vents would have readily allowed concentrations of charged ions to enter. As seen before, rocks under stress can generate radio waves, which are known to cause various biological problems at a high enough intensity. Some earthquakes have been associated with long radio waves (H08). Radio transmitters can be hazardous. After exposure to some radio transmitters that were poorly shielded, several employees working in the area were said to have experienced depression, fatigue, insomnia, and a general feeling of malaise (H06). Plasmoids seem to radiate energy over a very wide spectrum. Moreover, sometimes serious skin burns are seen. It appears these burns may be caused by infrared energy, very much like the heat given off by a quartz heater or a similar source of radiant heat. In Ohio, a boy said he saw an oval UFO hovering over some trees, when he was suddenly struck by a beam from the object, causing his jacket to catch fire, and inflicting second - degree burns. There was interference with nearby television sets, and dogs in the vicinity were said to have reacted violently (H1968a).
Very similar high - temperature events have occurred with plasmoids within the ball lightning range as well. In Michigan, a three - foot ball of fire was seen to hit an automobile hood, with an impact like a shovel full of gravel. The interior of the car heated up, and the windshield became cracked. The exterior of the car later proved to be too hot to touch for a period (H1961). People have sustained burns that did not appear to be caused by either infrared or ultraviolet radiation. At an army fort in Brazil, a large UFO with an orange glow was seen at fairly close range, making a steady hum " like a generator ". The electrical systems of the fort suddenly failed and the clocks stopped. Two guards said they were suddenly struck by a blistering heat, with no visible beam (1957a). Both men were seriously burned, although their uniforms were undamaged (1957b). Ultraviolet light would have been readily blocked by their clothing. Infrared radiation would have burned the uniforms as well. In seen in the previous chapter, the plasmoids may radiate microwaves, which could easily pass through the uniforms without damaging them, but burn the living flesh underneath. While meat cooks in a microwave, a ceramic dish may remain cool. One researcher felt that burns under clothing could be caused by microwaves (H04). Infrared radiation, like a normal oven, cooks from the outside in. Meat cooks faster in a microwave oven, also called radar ovens. The microwaves cause the atoms and molecules to vibrate, generating heat in the process. Since microwaves can penetrate several inches of flesh, they can cook food from the inside as well. This penetrating effect can cause profound internal effects on various living organisms, including man. Microwaves can cause bizarre symptoms, many of which involve malfunctions of the nervous system. In rats, exposure to microwaves have been found to cause amnesia, convulsions, and unconsciousness (H02). Even higher levels can cause death. Experiments have been conducted with experimental weapons that can incapacitate a person at a considerable distance (H02).
Such beam weapons could have a considerable utility on the battlefield. In an exposure to a UFO, reports of symptoms involving the nervous system seem to be especially common, some which may be caused by the effects of microwave radiation. UFO sightings are often associated with some symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, insomnia, fatigue, tingling sensations, and paralysis (H07). Some of the symptoms are often reported as completely disappearing just as soon as the plasmoid is seen to depart the immediate area. A sensation of electrical shock is common. Many such symptoms were reported as occurring at the same time an auto engine failed. During an encounter in France, the witness said he felt a sort of itching or prickling sensation spread over his body, combined with a sensation of an electrical shock (H1954a). Another such encounter also in France was very nearly identical (H1954b). Both events occurred in the same time frame and area. A man was trimming his fingernails by a window. He said he did not notice the approach of a small blue light, which hit the scissors, giving him a sharp electrical shock (A05) Paralysis is often reported with a UFO sighting. There was an interesting cluster of events with this symptom associated with a UFO sighting. In France, during the first three two weeks of October 1954, incidents involving paralysis occurred at eight locations in the same region. If the effect is based on geology, such clusters would be expected. Similar symptoms have also been reported in association with a sighting of ball lighting. In Indiana, a man sighted a blue - white object, about a foot in diameter. His house lights suddenly failed for no apparent reason, and he suddenly felt an electrical shock, finding himself completely unable to move forward at all (H1964b). There have been cases where a victim of such paralysis was observed by another person in the same area. It may be that people vary in their susceptibility to such effects. In upstate New York, a woman said that she saw a large red object that was following
her car, making a strange humming sound. She could not seem to control the car for some reason. When she looked at her son sitting right next to her, he seemed to be in some kind of a trance (H1967c). It has been argued that paralysis was psychological, perhaps due to fear, but there have been cases where animals in the vicinity appeared paralyzed as well. They should not be susceptible to such hysteria. In Argentina, a six - foot plasmoid, with semi transparent legs, was said to have caused a dog and horse to become paralyzed (H1968b). This is within the range of what some consider to be ball lightning. In France, after an encounter, a dog walked awkwardly, as if partially paralyzed (H1954d). In Denmark, witnesses were paralyzed, the birds stopped singing, and cows seemed unable to move (H1951). Unconsciousness is often reported as a common symptom of a close encounter. A number of witnesses described experiencing an unexplained electrical failure and a bout of unconsciousness at just about the same time and place. In France, four objects dropped from the sky with a " dead - leaf " motion, as both the engine and headlights of the automobile died for no apparent reason. The driver felt an electric shock, then lost consciousness (H1954a). In addition to temporary symptoms, there are reports of symptoms that persist after the UFO sighting was over. Some of the symptoms showed up hours after the encounter. Many of these involve damage to the nervous system, such as insomnia, headache, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and numbness. Amnesia and loss of muscle control seem common. Some symptoms lasted for months, or even were permanent. In addition to a temporary effect of paralysis, the lack of mobility may last for several days. In Argentina, a man lost consciousness just after his automobile engine came to a standstill. He found afterwards that he was unable to move his left arm at all for three days. He said he also suffered from nervousness and extreme pain for no apparent reason for quite a period (H1968c).
Amnesia seems to be a common after effect of a close encounter with a plasmoid. In Utah, a military man investigating a UFO was found unconscious. He was found later to have problems with repeated fainting and amnesia. He also seemed to develop some type of mental disease. He finally went AWOL for no apparent reason, disappearing to parts unknown (H1959). In 1967, after he saw a UFO, a policeman said he had been paralyzed at the time of the encounter, as well as having twenty minutes he could not later remember. Afterwards, he also claimed to have suffered from weakness, chronic sickness, and nervousness. He passed a polygraph regarding the incident, with a favorable psychological evaluation (H1967b). In England, a UFO witness said he felt a strong pressure on his head and shoulders, and his teeth seem to be vibrating. He said he was unable to scream and could move only in slow motion. He ended up with a purple rash on his neck and torso. Many of his dental filling later crumbled and fell out for no apparent reason (H1976). As in microwave ovens, metals are affected differently than organic material. In France, a medical doctor saw two large disks, with what appeared to be sparks passing between them. He said one of them emitted a white beam which struck him. He sustained six red triangular marks on his abdomen. A child nearby was said to have similar marks. He said he later experienced weakness, weight loss, and abdominal pains (H1965a). There have been incidents where the victim apparently was doing something during the period of amnesia, nothing of which they could recall. In an incident in the Everglades, a UFO was said to leave a charred circle on the ground, as well as burning the tops of several trees in the vicinity. During the sighting, the witness had been rendered unconscious. After he awoke, he could see marks on the ground indicating he had been crawling around, none of which he could recall. He later found he was partially blinded, and had long - term impairment of several deep muscle reflexes (H1965b).
Some survivors of an encounter with a UFO have shown symptoms of what appeared to be radiation sickness. Microwaves radiation could easily cause such symptoms. In New Mexico, an eight - year old boy said he saw a black object with flames, making a sound like a bullet. He suffered second - degree burns on his face and lost part of his hair (H1964a). In Philadelphia, a red ball came through a window, making a sizzling sound. As it passed by the witness, his neck tingled and the back of his head felt like it was burning. After a while, the hair on the back of his head fell out (H1960). Again, this incident involves a ball lightning size plasmoid. Loss of hair is often one of the earliest symptoms of radiation sickness. In Huffman, Texas three women sighted a diamond - shaped UFO that was crossing a road. They claimed they also saw a number of helicopters that appeared to be trying to surround the UFO. They suffered from burns to the face and hands, with photos and scarring. Some of their hair fell out. They suffered from diarrhea, and even ended up in intensive care more than once (H1980). It was said that part of the road had been seen burning and was later replaced by persons unknown. In Winnipeg, a man approached two red oval objects. As one tilted, his chest was scorched, his shirt caught fire, and his glove melted. He later suffered from nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and swelling. He also developed large red marks on his chest, lost over twenty pounds, and his white blood cell count dropped (H1967a). Loss of blood cells can be another chronic symptom of radiation sickness. On Colares island in the Amazon River, UFO's were reported as returning day after day, until authorities felt it was necessary to evacuate the entire island. The exposed population reported symptoms of dizziness, numbness, headache, and trembling. Some of them developed purplish circles on the skin, or what appeared to be puncture marks. Some also suffered from low hemoglobin levels in their blood and temporary loss of hair. (H1977).
The most serious injury reportedly inflicted by the plasmoids has been death. One investigator found a dozen cases there the victim died with 24 hours after exposure to a UFO (H09). Many victims showed symptoms that could not be explained as being caused by any known disease or injury that would be normally be expected to be encountered in everyday life. Microwaves can be fatal. One lady had decided her put her small dog in the microwave oven to dry it off. It did. To make the situation even more bizarre, she supposedly won a lawsuit, because the instructions did not warn her not to put dogs in the microwave. It would seem like anyone with any common sense would understand such an action would be rapidly fatal. They are designed to cook food after all. In northeast Brazil, the local plasmoids, which have been traditionally been called " Chupas " by the local people, are said to be small, about the size of a Volkswagen bus. One investigator claimed that a total of 35 people were injured by these things. The reported symptoms included weakness, dizziness, paralysis, and burns. Five of the people exposed were reported as having died soon after having a close encounter with one the entities (H1981). In Columbia, a man observed a six - foot yellow orange plasmoid. After two days, he had symptoms of black vomit, and bloody diarrhea. His temperature dropped to 94 degrees. His death after a week was pronounced as an unknown form of gastroenteritis. One attending physician felt his death could have somehow been caused by exposure to radiation of some kind. (H1969). A plasmoid that size would be considered by some to be ball lightning. Also in Brazil, a man said he was hit by a beam of light, that stunned and blinded him. Later, his flesh seemed to detach from his bones, even though he felt no pain. He died within six hours after exposure (H1946). After he was hit by a strange beam of light, an Englishman contracted three kinds of cancer
(H1978). Cancer can be caused by radiation. Contacting three kinds of cancer at the same time would seem to be highly improbable. In many sightings of a UFO or ball lightning, the sensation of electrical shock was experienced. It takes very little electrical current to kill a person if the current passes right through the heart. With a solid connection, ordinary household current can kill an animal as large as a horse in a fraction of a second. The current required to cause a fatality is only a small fraction of an ampere. An ordinary incandescent bulb draws over ten times that much electrical current. In California, there was an incident where three field workers suddenly died of a heart attack at the same time (H1894). The probability of three deaths occurring together like that by chance would have to be a highly improbable event. California is an area of geological activity. In South Carolina, after a lighted object, shaped like half an egg was seen, it was reported that many nearby livestock died under what appeared to be very strange circumstances (H1953). In Brazil, two UFO enthusiasts were found dead on top of hill, both of them wearing lead masks for some reason. Autopsies did not reveal the cause of death. A UFO was reported on the hill at roughly the same time (H1966). A number of UFO enthusiasts have expressed the idea they would like to try to get aboard a UFO, with some having been reported as actually making such an attempt. Maybe these men tried as well, and paid the consequences. Many of these symptoms appear to be hard evidence that at least something very strange had happened. In everyday life, there is normally no reason to expect to see symptoms of radiation sickness. In a normal environment, there is just not much opportunity for that kind of exposure. In the next chapter, we shall see some of these same symptoms again, but this time in connection with even more strange effects.
Chapter 10 HUMAN COMBUSTION: THE FINAL SOLUTION As seen in pervious chapters, there are reports that the plasmoids contain large quantities of energy, apparently as electricity, as well as being able to induce electrical currents in nearby objects. As previously described, such electricity might conceivably cause water in the human body to break down, by electrolysis, into oxygen and hydrogen. The combustion of the hydrogen could explain the blue flames (see Chapter 2). In chapter 3, we have seen a case where a small ball lightning fell into a rain barrel, causing a portion of the water to disappear. The energy density was estimated to be equal to that of high explosive (B__). It might be that the water was broken down by electrolysis instead, a process that would require even more energy than boiling away. With the information we have seen so far in previous chapters, it may be possible to explain some of the strange characteristic of human combustion that were mentioned in the first chapter. I believe that most, if not all, of these strange characteristics can be explained, by assuming that all human combustion is caused by ball lightning. Although cases of human combustion are normally exceedingly rare, they still sometimes occur in fairly tight clusters, both in time and space, exactly what would be expected if they are indeed caused by plasmoids, which in turn are caused by geological activity. Quite a few of these events have also occurred in conjunction with other mysterious phenomenon that may also be a result of plasmoid activity. In one section of England, near the turn of the century, a number of so - called " aerial carriages" were seen in the winter sky, combined with many Cases of suicides and mental breakdowns. There were three cases of combustion in close
proximity, at Rosehill, Hull, and Blyth. Four years later, there was another case at nearby Whitley Bay (J1901). Another major cluster occurred on 27 December 1938, when there were three cases of human combustion that occurred in Croydon, Brixton, and Downham. On the very next day, five more cases occurred in Liverpool and other nearby locations (J1938b). As rare as cases of human combustion normally are, the probability of having eight cases in the same area within two days, by chance alone, would have to be astronomical. In England, a researcher named Gearhart claimed that many of the cases of human combustion occurred in proximity to a peak of magnetic flux, with five such cases from 1943 to 1969, including the Doctor Bentley case (J02). This would be consistent with the idea of geological activity causing plasmoids, which in turn cause human combustion. Some cases of human combustion seem very similar to the reports of some plasmoid injuries. In Italy, a priest was found surrounded by a strange blue flame, that suddenly disappeared by itself. The next day, the skin of his right arm almost completely detached. He lapsed into delirium, convulsions, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. All of his fingernails fell out for no apparent reason. He died four days later (J1776) Another Priest died under virtually identical circumstances, reported in the London Medical and Surgical Journal. His fingernails also fell out before he died (J1837). The symptoms of loss of fingernails mentioned in the above cases are typical of those in radiation sickness. As seen in the previous chapter, cases of radiation sickness may have occurred after a victim had been in close proximity to a UFO or ball lightning. Victims of human combustion often are reported as not attempting to flee or even cry out. The effect of numbness or loss of feeling reported with a close encounter with a plasmoid would explain why a number of victims of human combustion apparently felt no pain, even though burning is one of the most severe forms of pain known.
Some victims were not even aware of the fact that were on fire until they were informed of It. One investigator stated that there often seemed to be some kind of induced amnesia associated with human combustion that prevents the victims from remembering what happened (J01). As seen in previous chapters, amnesia is a common symptom in a close encounter with a UFO. One New Jersey woman was found badly burned and dying, laying on a carpet that was not even scorched. Although she was able to speak coherently, she said she was completely unable to remember what had happened to her (J04). A similar case occurred. In England, a woman was found badly burned, but with no smell of smoke. When she was asked what had happened to her, she replied that “. she had no idea! " (J1993). In England, two cases of human combustion that were followed by amnesia occurred, less than two months apart, one in Lincolnshire, and another in Corby. Although each of the victims survived the combustion with no apparent impairment of their mental faculties, somehow neither one could explain just what had happened to him (J1974b). One of the strangest cases occurred in Georgia, where a man fell asleep in his motor home. He woke up several days later to find that his right arm had been burned black, with no memory of the cause whatsoever. Nothing else in the vehicle was burned, not even his pajamas. The injury was described as similar to a severe electrical burn (J1974a). He may have actually been in a coma, since no one can sleep for days. In Michigan, a three-foot ball of fire struck the hood of an automobile, the impact described like being hit with a shovel full of gravel. The encounter caused the interior of the vehicle began to heat up, to the point that the windshield became cracked from the heat. After it was gone, the car exterior was still too hot to touch (J1961). Plasmoids have actually been reported as causing automobile fires. In Louisiana, when a 15 foot plasmoid was seen at close
range, the occupants of a car reported that a sudden intense heat seemed to fill the interior. Right after they managed to get out, the automobile caught fire and was quickly destroyed (J1957). They may have been lucky. In Kentucky, an automobile was found containing five charred bodies. The coroner stated that he felt that there obviously should have been some attempt to escape, but it did not appear that there was. He had no explanation for this apparent anomaly (J1960). Paralysis or unconsciousness from the effect of a plasmoid is often reported. The victims in the car may have been helpless at the time the time of the fire. The state of paralysis associated with plasmoids would explain cases where multiple victims were found. In the case where the wife was found burned, and the husband was dead, he may have been helpless as a result of the exposure to a Plasmoid, but without having combusted himself (B_ _). It would explain why he just appeared to have just sat there and died, either by suffocation, or perhaps as direct plasmoid effect. If human combustion is caused by a ball lightning, then why are they not reported during most combustions? In the case of persons awake and fully alert, a person would normally get the hell out of the way if he saw a visible ball coming at him. Would you just stand there if you saw one of these things coming directly at you? I think any normal person would move, and would move very quickly. I know I would. There have been cases where near misses were reported. At a YMCA in the Capitol, a man saw an orange - red ball enter his room. Although he managed to dodge out of the way, his right arm was badly burned before he did. The ball set fire to a wastebasket, then exploded with a blinding flash and a loud noise (J03). If he had not managed to evade it, he may have been even more seriously injured. If hit directly, perhaps he would have become another case of human combustion. There are cases where there were indications of plasmoid involvement. In Florida, the body of Mary Reeser was found
almost totally burned, except for a few charred remnants. One foot was still intact, complete with a slipper. An investigators stated that they felt only items within a four-foot circle had been burned. Since the victim was known to keep her disabled leg outstretched, they felt that this probably placed the intact foot outside the circular area of destruction (A1955a). This case appears to involve a circular area of destruction, very similar to some of previous UFO sightings, and many to be described in later chapters. In the above case, Doctor Condon, author of the Colorado University report on UFO's, apparently strongly felt that the Reeser incident might very well have been caused by ball lightning (J1951a). Interestingly, there was a similar case in nearby Miami two decades later (J1975b). Logic appears to indicate that Mary Reeser could have been consumed by a fireball. However, there may have actually been an eye witness. Somebody had sent an anonymous postcard to the police, in which he stated, " A ball of fire came through the window and hit her. I saw (sic) it happen." (J1951b). If it actually was a visible ball lightning, it appears she was probably asleep at the time it happened. There are other reported cases where a visible fireball was actually seen in a case involving human combustion. In England, a man came into his kitchen and unexpectedly found his wife burning on the floor, her body badly charred, although the rug underneath was not. A strange ball of fire was seen hovering over her body. Although he had been right in the next room, he said he never heard her cry out (J1961a). In Northern Lapland, a number of incandescent globes drifted down from the sky into a local village. Several houses in the village were set afire and destroyed. A number of village inhabitants were badly burned, and one person was actually incinerated (J1938). It was hypothesized that the globes may have been a form of ball lightning. In many cases, the victim was old and disabled. In quite a number of cases, the victim was found in an easy chair or bed, and may
have been sleeping, and therefore may not have seen the approach of a plasmoid. This would explain why there is a disproportionate number of such victims. In other cases, victims may have been affected by paralysis or unconsciousness, often described when within close range of a plasmoid. In a number of cases, there were witnesses who actually saw the victim catch fire, but did not report seeing any ball lightning floating around. However, if the plasmoids can be more or less invisible (see chapter 7), ball lighting could explain these cases as well. Victims would have no reason to move away from something they could not see. Cases of combustion have not generally been reported in animals. However, animals are reported as being highly sensitive to plasmoids, becoming agitated and fleeing. The animal might move away from even an invisible plasmoid and thus avoid any harm from it. For stationary animals, like cows in stanchions, the ball might also cause a barn fire that would destroy all evidence of what might have been animal combustion. Even if there were evidence of " spontaneous " animal combustion, it might not be felt important enough to report to the authorities. However, such a combustion is not unheard of. In Ontario, Canada, after several mysterious fires had occurred in a house, a house cat suddenly caught fire for no reason, managing to bolt out the door with singed fur only (J1891). The quick departure may have save it, by avoiding the source. As point of fact, spontaneous combustion in hay has not been explained satisfactorily. It is a well-known fact that bacterial decomposition can generate heat. The traditional view is that damp hay generates the required heat in this manner. However, it is also well known a fact that most bacteria rapidly die above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, except for a heat tolerant species that are found only in exotic locations. However, the laws of thermodynamics, and common sense, heat cannot spontaneously concentrate and create higher temperatures without using an artificial heat pump. Even materials such as dry
hay cannot ignite until a temperature of well over 400 degrees is achieved. The bacteria theory does not explain where the additional heat would come from, with several hundred degrees of additional temperature required. In human combustion, the fire has often been reported as starting at one point on the body, then spreading. If an invisible ball were the cause of the combustion, it might cause fire at the spot on the body where it first touched the victim, then appear to spread as the victim was enveloped. In the Reeser case, it appears the ball was four feet across. A larger ball could envelope most of a human body, causing almost complete destruction. It may also be possible for a plasmoid to materialize inside the body. Plasmoids have often been reported as being able to pass right through solid material. There have been cases reported where witnesses said that the blue flames seemed to be coming directly from within a living human body, sometimes actually issuing from the open mouth. A continuous flow of energy from a plasmoid may explain why the fires cannot be extinguished with water. Even if they were extinguished, they might re - ignite anyway, since the cause would still be present. Due to the high energy content of the plasmoids, if it stayed with the victim, he could be quickly reduced to nothing but ashes. If the plasmoid happened to move away or disappear, as they are very often reported as doing, the combustion would appear to simply go out by itself, but without outside assistance. Such a case occurred with a priest (J1776). As an alternative, the plasmoids are sometimes reported as exploding. In Florida, it was reported that the living hip joint of a woman suddenly exploded and shattered for no apparent reason (J1968). If the plasmoids come in all sizes, you would expect there may small cases of human combustion. There are such cases reported. A Tennessee professor felt a stinging sensation on his leg. When he looked down, he saw a small blue flame. He felt he smothered it by cupping his hand over it. His pants were not
burned, but he seemed to have a deep muscle injury, that took quite a long time to heal (J__ _). In reality, he may not have put it out. The process may have simply ceased by itself. If very small plasmoids exist, they might not be recognized as a form of human combustion. There are cases where witnesses to a UFO received injuries that were little pits or what appeared to be a type of puncture or bite marks. Other witnesses received burn marks on their bodies. Small plasmoids seem to have shorter lifespans than large ones. Therefore, very small plasmoids might exist for only a second or two. In chapter 7, we have seen where plasmoids may have caused small pits in glass. In encounters with Brazilian UFO's, photographs have shown small pits in the skin of the victims affected (J1977a). In Texas, UFO's sightings were associated with small puncture wounds in the legs, and diamond shaped red marks (J1979). The pits in the skin may actually have been a tiny form of human combustion, too small to be noticed, especially if they just happened to be painless, which they often are. Such pock marks are sometimes reported without a UFO encounter. In Germany, 30 men and women were said to be wounded by " bites " of some kind while walking on the city streets (J1901). In Indiana, noises were heard in a house and some crystal broken for no apparent reason. A young girl, her mother, and her grandmother all showed what appeared to be some kind of bites, tiny punctures in their skin (J1966b). In a case reported from Brazil, a man encountered two large ball - shaped objects that merged into a yellow smoke. After he had been enveloped by the cloud, witnesses said they could find no trace of him (J1961b). The energy of some of the plasmoids has been estimated to be extremely high, sometimes equal to that of a nuclear reactor. If this is true, such a disappearance might not be beyond the realm of possibility. At Hiroshima, near ground zero of the atomic explosion, the victims also disappeared in an instant. After one man asked where the victims were, he was told that he was standing on one of them, with
nothing left but a small pile of fine ash (J1945). In an open area, even such ashes might not be noticed, or might be dispersed by swirling effects. Such events might explain some mysterious human disappearances that occurred down through the years. If a person were caught out in the open by one of the more powerful plasmoids, there would likely be nothing left. He might appear to just vanish for no apparent reason, especially if there were no witnesses in the immediate area. As seen in the above accounts, there appears to be much in common between plasmoid encounters and human combustion, enough to speculate that the plasmoids may be the actual cause. In the next few chapters, we shall see that the plasmoid and their effects may explain a number of other mysterious and supposedly unexplainable phenomena.
Chapter 11 LEVITATION There have been hundreds of reports of strange objects falling from the sky, including stones of various kinds. Vegetable material, such as nuts or grain have also fallen, often out of season. In many cases, the objects are of one type only, such as a living species of one kind of animal only. Many of them were reported as falling from a clear blue sky. One theory proposes that the falls are caused by tornadoes or waterspouts that suck things up. They could account for some of the falls, especially when falls that occurred during heavy storm activity. Tornados have been seen to actually suck a small pond completely empty (K1881). That material would have come back down somewhere, and air currents might provide some segregation of materials. However, there are reasons to believe that tornado activity does not seem to explain aspects of some of the unexplained falls. Falls were said to have shown a high correlation with earthquakes in the same general area and with various UFO sightings (K03). The falls are seen occur in clusters, in the same areas where other mysterious phenomena are reportedly very common, such as southern England, California, and southern New England (K06). There are many reports of objects in the vicinity of a plasmoid being moved. Near Mexico City, a pilot saw three UFO's speeding toward him, to the point he felt it necessary to take quick evasive action. At one point in the encounter, he noticed his plane began to vibrate and that both of his compasses suddenly began to spin wildly (K1975). Mexico City has often been the site of heavy earthquakes activity. Failure of a magnetic compass is easy to induce, given their sensitivity. A tiny force of any kind would make it read incorrectly. If a compass is placed near a wire with a current as low as 6 volts, the needle will be deflected, due to the magnetic field surrounding the
wire. There are other types of compasses, all of which have been seen to fail in proximity to a plasmoid. Electronic compasses fail, which would be no great surprise, considering the effect on other electrical circuits. The gyroscopic compass depends on a spinning disk, the plane of which remains stationary as the vehicle changes direction. Failure of this type would require a physical force to push the spinning rotor out of alignment. An object will be attracted to another object with an opposite electrical charge. If you rub a rubber balloon on a wool sweater, the friction will cause electrons to accumulate, causing a negative charge. This attractive force can be used to stick the balloon onto dry wallpaper, until the charge dissipates. This attractive charge is also seen as " static cling" on clothing after doing laundry, unless an antistatic agent is used, such as fabric softener, which helps to conduct the electrons away. An object will repel another object with a similar electrical charge. If a person is allowed to stand on a platform charged with a high voltage, he will not feel the electricity, because there is no flow of it through him. However, he will take on a strong electrical charge, and his hair will stand on end. Each hair has a similar charge and repel each other hair with a similar charge. This might not happen if the air was charged, since the hair might be repelled by the air also. As would appear obvious, if you increase the electrical voltage on a charged object, a much stronger levitation effect can be created. A small electrostatic generator can achieve electrical charges of well over 10,000 volts. An older type of these generators was seen as the rotating devices seen in old Frankenstein movies. They were originally the only type of electrical generator available. The electric charge created by one these devices can be used to bounce small rubber balls around, in sizes up to about a centimeter or two. At least one scientist has claimed to be able to lift much heavier objects by utilizing much higher voltages. Doctor Brown made a two - foot disk fly around a circular course at 12 miles per hour, lifted and driven solely by an electrical charge of 50,000 volts. It
was stated that several other scientists who were checking his work had disagreed on the physics involved, but did not dispute the fact that his device actually worked as he claimed (K1953). Even living things have been levitated in a laboratory. Scientists were able to levitate a frog, using a magnetic field that was a million times stronger than that of the earth's field (K1997). The frog did not appear to be in any discomfort and did not appear to be harmed in any way, although he apparently was not too happy with no being able to feel anything under him. I imagine a human being would feel the pretty much the same way. So far, the method has been limited to very small objects due to the difficulty of generating magnetic fields of that tremendous strength. However, there are reports that there may be even stronger forces of levitation that sometimes occur under natural conditions, generated by the tremendous geological forces occurring within the earth. A few scientists do feel that much heavier objects could be lifted up off the ground under certain conditions. One such investigator agrees, stated that if a field of sufficient energy is present, rocks might bounce around or even be " propelled out of the ground." (K01). Other scientists have discounted the possibility of lifting large objects by energy fields. While many scientists admit that ball lightning exists, none have claimed they actually understand the forces that hold it together. It may be premature to predict what side effects might be, especially involving energy fields thousands of times stronger than anything that can be presently be created in a laboratory. In the Andes mountains in Ecuador, mountain climbers found themselves surrounded by cracking and buzzing sounds, and received mild electric shocks. They tried to keep low to avoid attracting a lightning bolt. They said their goggles suddenly seemed to vibrate for some reason (K10). Mountain tops are said to be subject to various electrical effects, such as Saint Elmos fire. The Andes in particular are noted for very intense geological activity.
Similar physical forces have been reported as being associated with geological events. In Italy, a man trying to repair a watch found that it seemed to be impossible to install a thin stainless steel plate, that some invisible force seemed to push it back out of position. After he had made quite a number of such unsuccessful attempts, a violent earthquake suddenly struck the area (K1976b). Stainless steel is not normally affected by magnetic fields A normal lighting strike has been reported as being associated with objects that seemed to move by themselves for no apparent reason. Immediately after a big lightning strike in Germany, witnesses stated that several painting tilted by themselves, some hanging lamps swung back and forth, and dresser drawers came out all by themselves for no reason (K1967a). In some sightings of ball lightning, objects in the vicinity also seemed to be physically moved without any readily obvious explanation as to the cause. In France, a sighting of ball lightning was associated with a melted steel cable, some damaged electrical equipment, as well as shovels that were suddenly torn from hands of two laborers working in the vicinity (K1937). On the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, a small fireball hit the ground on a tennis court, with a crackling sound. It was reported as cutting a trench in the hard packed clay that was two feet wide and sixty feet long, throwing material over fifty feet away (K1948).The energy to create a trench that that large would be substantial. Hard packed clay can be very difficult to dig through, which is why it is useful for the surface of such courts. In England, a bright light after a flash of lightning hit the ground, causing a loud fizzing noise and fused dirt (F1887) Movements of nearby objects has been often reported in the vicinity of a UFO. In France, when a cone-shaped UFO was sighted, a metallic road sign about 20 feet away reported to suddenly go into violent vibrations, to the point it could easily be heard at a distance, as well as the metal antenna of the automobile. The cone was reported as being three feet across
(K1957c). A plasmoid of this size would be considered by many to be a ball lightning. Professor Persinger feels that a visible plasmoid actually rides on a column of electrical force that comes up out of the ground, which he estimated could be from ten feet across, to perhaps well over a hundred feet in diameter (K07). There seem to be a number of sightings that support this idea, where there appeared to be some sort of force or movement being exerted under the plasmoid as it passed over an area. A number of UFO sighting seem to support the idea that there is a column of force involved. In Maryland, a mushroom - shaped object flew over an area. Witnesses said that the snow underneath appeared to swirl about underneath it (K1967c). In Brazil, a plasmoid was seen hovering about 50 feet above the ocean. Witnesses said that the water directly below the UFO appeared to be boiling, or attracted upward, somehow (K1958a) In Michigan, a UFO seen passing over a stand of trees. The wind was at the time was calm. The trees appeared to bend in the same direction as the UFO was traveling, as if an invisible force were pushing them both (K1966a). There are other such cases reported. Similar cases of leaning trees were reported in California (K09) and Wisconsin (K1900), as well as another in Brazil, where several coconut trees directly under a UFO were said to be bent over almost double (K1957c). Such a column must normally be invisible, except for the UFO itself, but there are cases where plasmoids were seen to actually consist of vertical cylinders. Near Niagara Falls, a woman said her automobile headlights failed, then she saw a glowing rod, slim and about fifty feet high, that appeared to be slowly sinking into the ground as she was watching it (K1958b). An orange UFO was reported as rising from the ground. At that spot, a hole about two feet wide was found, where the dirt was missing, but the fine rootlets of several plants, exposed and protruding into the empty hole, were fresh and undamaged. Observers said that it looked like the dirt had been
somehow sucked out by a " ...giant vacuum cleaner " (K1957a). Investigators said they were unable to duplicate the event. Digging tools would damage the roots. A similar case was said to occur. An orange ball was said to have left a hole in the ground about a yard wide, wider at the bottom than at the top. Rootlets in the hole appeared to be undamaged (K1954a). It is difficult to see how a person could remove dirt without damaging the fine rootlets of the plants. More examples very much like these will be provided in the next chapter. Several witnesses have claimed to have actually seen a UFO as it was levitating material. In Australia, a dozen witnesses said they saw a sphere with several beams of light that extended down to a body of water, that appeared to be sucking water up. After a short period, it was seen to drop a large quantity of water back down again (K08). In Japan, a man that appeared as big as a baseball held at arm’s length appeared to be sucking water up out of the sea. His automobile radio suddenly quit at the same time (K1973) There have been a number of reports of a similar nature, but without a UFO sighting. If caused by geological forces, the UFO sighting might not be necessary, or the UFO might be out of sight, even underground. In New York State, stones were seen rising several feet off the ground by themselves, then moving horizontally up to sixty feet (K1815). There are a number of other reports. In Europe, several witnesses claimed they saw a 60pound window frame raised up forty feet by some unseen force (K1886). More violent incidents have been reported. A Canadian couple said they suddenly heard a loud report, like a cannon. When they turned around to look, they saw a cloud of stones flying up into the air, leaving large circular area on the ground that appeared to have been swept clean. They both felt very sure that what they saw could not possibly have been a whirlwind of any kind (K1880).
If the above report is true, what goes up, must come down. Stones have been often reported as falling. About a quart of warm stones was said to fall outside an office in South Carolina, with most of them up to several inches in diameter. About a week before, the area had been struck by a major earthquake (K1886). Other warm stones were reported as falling intermittently in a California location over a four-month period (K1922). California is geologically active. In one case, a perfectly round cloud was seen, spinning rapidly and making rumbling noises. It stopped, then sped south. The cloud suddenly exploded, raining down a shower of stones, some said to be good size (K1814). A spinning, perfectly round cloud sounds very much like some UFO sightings, such as the so - called cloud cigars. In another such case, rocks were seen to fall slowly, causing no significant damage, even though some were well over an inch in diameter (K1873). On the flat floor of Death Valley, there are rocks that apparently move by themselves, leaving behind a trail, sometimes well over a hundred feet long. Some of the rocks weigh quite a bit. It has been hypothesized that occasional heavy rainfall can make the smooth clay surface slick enough to allow sharp wind gusts to push them along at a good speed (K12). However, some of the Death Valley rocks moved in straight line, some changed course, and some even made loops. Others do not move at all (K12). No one has ever seen the rocks in Death Valley move. If driven by the wind, it would seem like at least some of the rocks should have a strong tendency to move in more or less parallel lines, which they apparently do not. Death Valley is located right on a geological fault, the reason why it is below sea level. If levitation effects from nearby geological events are indeed capable of moving large solid objects, then these moving rocks may be good candidates. One the strangest type of fall is that of living animals, often of only one species per fall. Although they do sometimes fall during a
rainstorm, there are often incidents where the sky was clear. In Germany, as a small yellow cloud was seen to pass overhead, there was suddenly a shower of living pond mussels (K1895). In Tennessee, a fall of living snakes was reported, about a foot in length (K1877). In many animal falls, there were hundreds of individual living animals. Some do not tolerate drying for long. It has been claimed that the living creatures involved in an unexplained show no physical damage whatsoever (K05). With tornados, injuries caused by flying debris are common. If animal falls are caused by tornados, you would think at least some would show that. In England, hundreds of tiny frogs were reported as falling from the sky (K1937). In some cases, the fallen animals were incapacitated or killed, not by flying debris, but by something apparently much more mysterious. On the coast of California, thousands of sea birds suddenly fell from the sky for no apparent reason. Many were dead, but some were still alive, but all were unable to fly. Most recovered without help. Complete autopsies of the dead birds revealed no obvious problems (K1961). Perhaps they had hit a plasmoid, with a temporary paralysis. Other bird falls have been reported. In Italy, after an earthquake, a number of songbirds were found dead for no apparent reason, as well as two canaries dead in their cage (K1976a). In Louisiana, a virtual deluge of dead birds fell in heaps along roads, including ducks, catbirds, and woodpeckers (K1896). Hundreds of blackbirds were seen to break flight and fall to the ground (K1940). With their high metabolism, birds can be fragile creatures. In West Virginia, strange animal’s deaths were reported associated with unexplained moving objects (K1790). In Maryland, near Friendship Airport, thousands of dead songbirds were found on the ground, including such species as warblers and redstarts. There were UFO sightings reported in the same area about the same time (K1954d). Considering the number of reports of humans killed or injured, birds would
undoubtedly be susceptible to such effects as well, perhaps even more so. Also in Maryland, hundreds of birds crashed onto to a road, blamed on fermented berries or a disease of some kind (K2000). The effects of disease would not suddenly hit all the birds at just the same time. Fermented berries would not affect different species at the same time. In Oklahoma, it was reported that both fish and frogs fell to the ground. Although the animals were said to be alive after the fall, most died soon after the fall. Even stranger, some individuals were said to be nearly colorless, almost like a clear gelatin (K1909). Other small frogs found after a fall were seen to be a pure white color (K1892). The loss of color would certainly not be caused by a tornado. In some cases, even larger objects have been reported as being moved by unseen forces. In the state of Michigan, a driver said he saw a dull gray object with blinking lights in the road ahead of him, making a humming sound. He said his engine then suddenly stalled, and his vehicle seemed to be suddenly and violently buffeted for no apparent reason (1966c). In northern California, when a glowing white sphere was seen, it was reported that the top of a large Douglas Fir was snapped off, and thrown some distance away. The two witnesses said their truck was dragged backwards for fifty feet (K1977b). California is noted for frequent geological activity. In Minnesota, a bright UFO hovering above a road, with sparks issuing from the underside. The driver said that his truck was pushed into a ditch. Investigation showed that there were no tire tracks leading to the truck (K1985) Larger biological specimens have been reported as being affected. In France, a horse that was being led around was said to suddenly become restless. As a gray object appeared overhead, it was said that the horse was suddenly lifted off his feet for no reason. The animal was said to be unable to move for well over ten minutes, then stumbled and fell when it did attempt to walk again (K1954c).
Levitation cases have been said to occur near megalithic sites. In France, an archeologist’s papers were lifted up in a perfectly calm sky until they disappeared from sight. Nothing else on the table was disturbed, not even the dust (K1978). Near the megalithic site of Chanctonbury Ring, England, a man and several friends claimed he was suddenly lifted up by an invisible force of some kind for a few seconds, causing him to panic (K1974). Unexplained movement of objects are often thought to be the action of poltergeists, a type of invisible ghost. A number of cases of poltergeists have been shown to be outright frauds, often children playing tricks on their elders. Others may be explained by vibrations from a mild earthquake causing objects to slowly creep along a surface, but not noticed until it suddenly fell off the edge and hit the floor. However, some persons who claimed to have actually seen one of these events, said the object did not just fall. A Maryland witness emphatically stated that the object, a small model airplane, did not fall off an edge, but actually flew across the room horizontally and smashed into the opposite wall with considerable force. He also said that pictures on the wall would not hang straight in that corner (K1985). Poltergeist activity shows a high correlation with UFO sightings (K03). Considering that there are bound to be persons that submit incorrect reports, for whatever reasons, in both categories, it is remarkable that any correlation at all can be found. A correlation like that often represent a common cause of some kind. In cases of poltergeist cases, crackling noises like static electricity were heard. Household lights were said to turn on and off all by themselves. There were sensations of cold air for no apparent reason. People have reported unexplained scratches on the skin (K04). Witnesses to close encounters with a UFO have also shown skin injury. In a Colorado sighting, a witness said she saw a bright light, like a welding torch. Later, she said she had problems with
poltergeist activity, as well as lights that turned on and off by themselves. She said later she and her daughter had problems with burning eyes, that lasted for quite a while. Portions of her hair fell out afterwards (K1967c). The symptoms of eye irritation and hair loss have been seen with UFO sightings and radiation sickness. There are also reports that show a correlation between forms of combustion and levitation. It is said that 5 percent of reported cases of human combustion had also involved poltergeist phenomena of some kind (K02). This would be logical if they both had a common cause. An English clergyman reported that objects inside the parish were suddenly hurled about, sometimes catching fire in the process, occurring over a period of several days (J1904). A similar case was said to occur in a school. In North Dakota, coals were said to suddenly fly out of a bucket by themselves, and window blinds began to smolder for no apparent reason (K1944). Other such environment damage has been noted. In a number of locations in the world, loud sonic booms have been heard from overhead, long before jets were invented. Lewis and Clark reported such noises on their expedition (K1804). Witnesses often reported hearing the booms as coming from above. A number of booms were associated with earthquakes. Some were associated with rocks or other objects that were reported as being sucked upwards. (K11). Perhaps some of these noises are the sound of exploding plasmoids, as they have often been reported as doing. In the next chapter, even more examples will be provided on the unexplained levitation of solid material, in association with yet another supposedly unexplained phenomenon that may be apparently caused by the influence of the effects of the plasmoids.
Chapter 12 CROP CIRCLES Crop circles are areas where plants are found flattened down in unusual patterns, the most common form being that of a nearly perfect circle. The crop circles are not really a new phenomenon. From ancient times, there have been traditional beliefs about what people regarded as the " magical circles " that farmers have been finding in their fields (L11). The circles commonly range in diameter from less than a foot to over a hundred feet across. The most common size range is from 20 to 30 feet (L08). Clusters of circles often occur in a field, sometimes with concentric rings. They are common in some areas, such as southern England. The possible cause of the circles has been much debated. Perpetrators have confessed to creating some of the crop circles by tying a board to a stake at one end, using it to flatten grain in a circle. When they made a demonstration circle, it was seen to be quite crude. Some crop formations appear obviously artificial, such as the bicycle or the happy face. Those that look like some kind of hieroglyphics are also suspicious. Some crop circles were under surveillance as they were formed. In England, a field was monitored with motion sensors, as well as night vision cameras. Although no intruders were detected during the night, in the morning, a small crop circle was found anyway (L1991b). Other fields that were monitored that also showed no sign humans. Many crop circles have been found with no human tracks anywhere. It appears that at least some of the crop circles cannot have been made by people crushing down crops. Some have even tried to blame the formation circles on mating hedgehogs. They would have to have a hell of a sex life to tear up several hundred square feet of vegetation in the process. It is also a little difficult to see how passionate insectivores in the throes of mating ecstasy would somehow create a nearly perfect circle in the process. Such a concept staggers the imagination.
Some people have tried to blame the circles on a type of small whirlwind or tornado. However, tornados or whirlwinds do not usually sit in one place for very long. You would expect to see a path of destruction along its path of travel of the tornado, not a discrete circle. It would also be expected that such whirlwinds should have been seen at least occasionally. No one appears to have reported such an event. The theory that seems closest to what may be the truth is the Plasma Vortex theory, a sort of whirlwind made of a plasma of some kind. The theory seems a little vague as to what the vortices consist of, or exactly where they come from. It also seems to suffer from the disadvantage of trying to explain one unknown phenomenon with another. Investigators studying the phenomenon, such as John Graham of England, says that in " authentic " crop circles, the plant stems are not simply broken over or crushed flat, but rather bent over at a right angle, as if they had been wilted somehow, then hardened again. If true, this obviously eliminates pranksters, whirlwinds, or mating hedgehogs. If wilted early in the season, it is said the crops can recover. Investigators of the French GEPAN organization found that plants within crop circles showed losses of up to half of the chlorophyll content. They also found that the plant cells appeared to have been prematurely aged somehow. They could not duplicate these effects in the laboratory (L1983). The plant chlorophyll turns sunlight into food. Again, this implies something going on besides a simple crushing process. Other researchers have found that it would take over 300 degrees C to form a circle. They felt the circle had been formed by an electromagnetic field of some kind, with the effect most intense in the center (L1981). Based on examples in previous chapters, the plasmoids could carry more than enough energy to damage plants. Plants being exposed to microwave radiation could easily wilt. Placing a living plant in a microwave oven demonstrates this effect. Microscopic
examination of the plants has shown damage that would be compatible with microwaves (L05). In a number of such reports, the ground was not just heated by the UFO, but actually scorched, sometimes even under a thick layer of snow. In such cases, all the plants in a given circle are often bent in the same direction, either clockwise or counterclockwise. Many UFO sighting describe a similar spinning effect, in either one direction or the other. Some circles have the plants radiating outward from the center. Some circles are said to even have an interwoven effect, something that would be very difficult to create artificially. A number of witnesses have reported actually seeing a crop circle as it was being formed. In England, a man and wife were walking at the edge of a field, when they said the corn began to move. A mist hovered above them, accompanied by a high pitched sound. His hair stood on end. A whirling wind began, then suddenly disappeared, leaving them standing in a crop circle (L1991c). A strong electric charge can make a person's hair stand right on end. Others in England saw such formations. A woman from Little Everdon said all she saw was swirling debris flying up air about thirty feet. She said that the plants within the circle were very hot, all bent in a clockwise direction (L1930). Levitation is often found in reports concerning energy fields. In England, a man said he spied what appeared to be a peculiar wind of some kind, that suddenly seemed to have stopped. With a hissing and rustling sound, he found a circle had formed at the location, over 100 feet in diameter (L1982). In all of the above cases, no UFO sighting was reported. However, as seen in previous chapters, if the plasmoids can be invisible, a person could be only a few feet away and not might notice the plants wilting, especially at night. It would seem logical that invisible plasmoids might contain less energy than the visible ones, but still retain more than enough energy to wilt plants. Small lights have been seen sailing near a crop circle (L07). One video shows a couple of balls cavorting over a field.
Suddenly, a huge crop circle suddenly forms directly under them nearly instantaneously (L10). Although it did not appear the small balls had created the circle, plasmoids often occur in groups. The circle may have been formed by a much larger, invisible plasmoid coming up out of the ground, wilting the plants as it passed upwards. Inside a recently formed crop circle, some observers claim to have experienced radio interference, or other electronic equipment malfunctions, especially of still cameras or video cameras. Sometimes a high pitched warbling sound has been recorded (L05). These effects have often been reported with UFO sightings. Witnesses claimed that they could feel some sort of a residual energy within a crop circle, a sort of faint buzzing sensation, that seemed to exist only within the perimeter. Other effects associated with crop circles are said to include the symptoms of nausea, headache, and extreme fatigue (L04). Identical effects have been seen in UFO encounters and with geological events. UFO sighting have been associated with circles of damaged vegetation on the ground. In Iowa, a farmer saw a dull gray metallic UFO, with a reddish-orange band, appear to take off from his soybean field, with a jet - like sound. He found a 40foot circle where the beans had been wilted, as if they had been subjected to intense heat, not just broken over. He said the circle persisted for quite a quite a while afterwards (L1969). Other UFO sightings have been associated with circles. In France, a circular UFO was seen, associated with a 20-foot circle where the grass was flattened and scorched (L1949). In Canada, a 40foot disk was seen. A nearby automobile would not start. A large brown circular spot was found in a pasture where a UFO had been seen resting on the ground (L1954) In Queensland, Australia, a large UFO was seen coming up out of a swamp, making a hissing sound. At the takeoff site, circles were found where a thick layer of dead reeds floated on the surface, torn up from the bottom five feet below the water, thick
enough to support a man's weight. Investigators felt it would have required tremendous force (L1966). Obviously, these circles were not made with the old stake and board method. In the Queensland incident, there were a total of five circles found in the immediate an area. The smallest was about eight feet across, the largest was about thirty feet. The reeds were bent in a clockwise direction in four of the circles, with a counterclockwise direction in one. Good photographs of the circles were taken, including a person standing on the reeds for scale (L1966). A nest of flattened reeds was found in a swamp in northern Japan (L1986) In England, a farmer noticed what appeared to be a UFO in a nearby field which made a humming sound, sounding like a machine running way off in the distance, with small red sparks dancing in the air nearby. His tractor suddenly stalled for no good reason. Nearby location, he found a perfect circle formed in the grass (L12). Stalling of gasoline engines is frequently reported in conjunction with UFO sighting. In western Canada, witnesses said they saw four metallic domes rise up, all of which appeared to be spinning rapidly. The witnesses all said they were unable to move. Dogs were said to have barked wildly, and cattle broke through the fences. The UFO rose up, appeared to give off smoke, then suddenly disappeared. They found five circular areas, where the plants appeared to have been pressed down somehow, but with the stems unbroken (L1974). In Venezuela, an aluminum - colored UFO was seen, associated with a circular area about 60 feet in diameter, where the grass appeared fairly normal, but the roots appeared scorched somehow (L1961). Microwave radiation might be able to penetrate a short way into the dirt to accomplish such a feat. A UFO sighting included a similar effect. The only way the researchers in the laboratory said they could duplicate it was to heat the soil to 300 degrees F.
The circles are said to sometimes persist for months or even years (L08). If an area were hit by microwaves, it would be essentially sterilized, with all seeds and beneficial organisms killed, as well as causing the soil to compact and perhaps even fuse to an extent. In one sighting, the soil was reported as looking as if it had been crystalized somehow (L1971). In another circle, the grass had been burned, insects charred, and the ground appeared petrified (L1962). Such conditions could certainly discourage regrowth. In some cases, the area inside an alleged circle was found to contain filamentous fungi, with the allegation that the fungus was the cause of the circle. On the other hand, if microwaves killed all living things within a circle, it would provide plenty of dead organic material. Under such conditions, fungi might easily to be the first organism to invade such an area. Given plenty of food, from the dead organisms, the fungi could spread rapidly by extending filaments into the area. It is interesting that some of the crop circles have been reported as in the same size range as the UFO associated with it. There has been much debate on the actual size of UFO sightings, especially those with large estimates, that perhaps witnesses were mistaken. Mistakes in such estimates surely do occur. However, some large crop circles have been measured at over six hundred feet in diameter (L06) (L1962). Very small crop circles have also been found on occasion. One circle found in France was only about three feet across (L1966c). The smallest reported one was only 8 inches across (L06). These are both well within the size range of ball lightning. Crop circles smaller than this would probably not be noticed. With many planted crops, such very small sizes could fit comfortably between the rows of plants. There has been some experimental work in the lab as far as creating effects similar to crop circles. In Japan, professor Ohtsuki announced that his research team had created tiny balls of plasma in the laboratory. They also found that, when the balls
of plasma made contact with plates covered with a layer of aluminum powder, they created small circles and rings that appeared very similar to actual crop circles (L1991a). As in the previous chapter, there have been reports of levitation associated with plasmoids. Similar effects have been reported with crop circles. Over a quarter of the circles show evidence of ground effects (L09). It has been said the crop circles often have a deep hole, located in the center, usually at least several inches in diameter (L03). In Iowa, the soil had been removed, but was not in the vicinity, nor were any tracks evident (L09). Although some have tried to blame the center holes on meteorites, the impact would not explain the crop circle surrounding the crater. In England, a saucer - shaped depression was found, about eight feet across and several inches deep. In the center was a hole about three feet deep, with four slots radiating from the center, each slot about four-foot long. Although the farmer did not see the depression formed, he said he heard a loud blast the night before (L1963). In a sighting in the Transylvanian alps, a UFO sighting was associated with a field in which the cornstalks were bent over, about three feet above the ground, located within a circle about 20 feet across. Grass was scorched. In the center of the circle, a cylindrical hole over eight feet deep was found (L1972). Some crop circles show the same pattern as some UFO sightings, with a central circle, surrounded by a concentric ring. Some crop circles occur in groups, about the same size and distance apart as the description of the oceanic circles and UFO sightings. Sometimes there is a large circle, with smaller circles in the same area. This may be similar to the " mother ship " often reported in UFO sightings, with smaller units seen closely associated with a much larger one. Like UFO's sightings, and cases of human combustion, crop circles often come in clusters, both in time and space. Many crop circles have been located near Stonehenge, one of the megalithic sites where plasmoids or electrical effects have often been reported (M02). In the book Goddess of the Stones, Doctor Meaden said
he felt that some designs used by Neolithic artists appear similar to crop circles and he feels they may have actually been inspired by seeing them (L01). The evidence that the plasmoids can cause crop circles seems to be virtually overwhelming. Crop circles have been seen with actual UFO sightings, with the usual symptoms, such as paralysis or nausea. There are many parallels between the two phenomenon, such as interference with electronic gear. It is difficult to see why more people do not perceive such a connection.
Chapter 13 BERMUDA TRIANGLE In the area often called Bermuda Triangle there has been a tradition of strange disappearances. The area considered to be within a roughly triangular area. according to different authors, the area of the apparent triangle can vary tremendously, but usually includes a triangle located roughly between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Florida. Other authors may include a different area, usually extending to the north and east, sometimes a considerable distance. A disproportionate number of disappearances themselves within this area should be no big mystery. It is a crossroads for much of the world, with traffic between North America and South America, as well as between Europe and the Panama Canal. There is also a great deal of local traffic between the islands of the Caribbean as well, due to extensive tourism and trade. Just based on the volume of traffic, you would naturally expect disappearances to occur fairly frequently. However, it is often not really the disappearances themselves that are strange, but the circumstances under which they often seem to occur. Ships and planes are often reported as disappearing, without ever giving a distress call. Boats are found abandoned for no apparent reason, often with intact lifeboats still on board. Other strange and unexplained phenomena are said to occur frequently within the same general area. UFO sightings and other strange lights in the sea are reported. A number of investigators have made claims as to the cause of these problems, such as long sunken pyramids from the legendary Atlantis, that still emit some kind of mysterious rays, ignoring the fact that there has been no evidence of any advanced civilization in the area, sunken or otherwise. Even the alleged Bimini Road has been proven to be natural. There are other naturally formed blocks that are much more regular than those of the alleged road, which is very
short, goes nowhere, and is far too uneven to carry any traffic of any kind. Nor is it high enough to be a wall. Others have claimed that there are gas deposits in the area, that suddenly release enormous quantities of methane. The gas bubbles supposedly lower the density of the water to the point that a ship can lose buoyancy and suddenly sink without a trace. Experiments with models have shown that such an effect is possible. However, the theory does suffer the slight disadvantage that such a massive release of methane gas in quantity has apparently never been documented, nor does it explain mysterious losses of aircraft in the area. It tries to explain one mystery with another. However, the basic idea may have some merit. There may be a phenomenon similar to the above. There have been huge, mounds of sea water reported in the Caribbean, some described as large as an airport, looking something like an enormous cauliflower (M1963b). These could be due to the action of an underwater volcanic eruption. Large quantities of gas are very common in such eruptions. The gas in such an eruption might lower the buoyancy as described above and cause ships to sink almost instantaneously. However, as with the methane - release theory, such an event would not explain missing planes or abandoned watercraft. Others have even hypothesized the possible existence of modern day pirates, operating from secret bases somewhere, perhaps running drugs or other illicit activities, and either stealing boats or kidnapping the occupants. However, it would be hard to keep an operation of that magnitude a secret over a long period of time. Most Caribbean island with bays are heavily populated. It would also not readily explain the losses of aircraft, or the other strange sightings often reported in the area. The northern edge of the Caribbean tectonic plate is along a line roughly from Cuba to Puerto Rico (M02). The edges of tectonic plates are generally areas of intense geological activity. This area is no exception. There have been several such disasters in the area. In 1692, the town of Port Royal suddenly sank beneath the sea during an earthquake. The island of Martinique has been
recently devastated by a huge volcanic eruption, causing massive evacuations. According to some charts, an increased probability of geological activity extends into much of the North Atlantic area. The central Atlantic is also a huge geological fault. The central Florida area is also said to be at risk. The faults at the edges of tectonic plates often have other associated faults nearby. The San Andreas fault has a number of such faults, some of which have caused serious earthquakes. This chapter is not devoted exclusively to the Bermuda Triangle area, or even necessarily to just oceanic events. In a number of location throughout the world, there are reports of other strange disappearances, both on the oceans and in the air. It appears that many of these occurrences may have a common cause, regardless of where they are found. It is said that the Bermuda Triangle is not alone, that there are other such areas of alleged mysteries. One such area is said to be located off the southern coast of Japan, often referred to as the Devil's Sea. This is located on the western edge of the Pacific Tectonic Plate, an area of intense earthquake and volcanic activity. Another such area of strange events is said to be located in the archipelago of Indonesia, especially near the Straits of Mallacca. This area is located on the northern edge of the Indo - Australian tectonic plate, another area with intense geological activity. The enormous volcanic explosions of Krakatoa and Tambora occurred in this area, two of the largest eruptions in recorded history, each with heavy damage and very severe loss of life during the nineteenth century. The Caribbean often has had reports of a number of strange events. Shining or pulsing lights are often seen in the sky, directly on the surface of the sea, or even underwater. Strange phenomena, such as spinning compasses, malfunctioning radios, loss of electrical power, and motor malfunctions are said to be common in the Caribbean (M03). These are also common plasmoid effects (see Chapter 7).
There have been some very strange phenomena that have been reported as occurring underwater. During an earthquake near Peru, the crew of a ship heard a hissing noise, like a hot iron placed in water, as dead fish floated to the surface. There was a strong sulfur odor being given off. It was found that over a hundred feet of the iron anchor chain appeared to have been melted somehow, while it was still underwater (M1828). Area near the Andes have always been noted to intense geological activity, as the mountain chain continues to be pushed up. Other strange events have occurred at sea. Off the coast of Delaware, the Mohican became surrounded by a thick, luminous cloud. The compasses of the ship began to swing wildly. A heavy metal chain seemed to be held down on the steel deck by a magnetic force of some kind (M1908). Delaware is a geological hot spot. Magnetic forces have been sometimes associated with UFO activity. As seen previously, the geologically - active areas and the associated energy fields are reported to be associated with the malfunction of compasses, radios, engines, and human nervous systems (see chapter 7 & 8). In an aircraft, engine failure could easily prove fatal when flying over water. Some of the effects could also explain a lack of a distress call, such as radio failure or loss of consciousness of the pilot. If plasmoids and energy fields are indeed the cause, one would expect to hear of near misses. There are such reports. Near Nassau, a pilot found that his radio suddenly went dead, his compasses spun wildly, and his navigational aids quit. He later found out that two other planes in the vicinity were reported as disappearing on the same day (M1968). The loss of aircraft is fairly unusual. The loss of several aircraft on the same day would be highly unusual. There are many other such cases reported. Near the Bahamas, an aircraft had both the magnetic compass and radio compass malfunction, as well as having the radio go dead. The pilot reported that he suddenly experienced severe vertigo for no
reason, and that everything outside the plane appeared to be completely black. After he had turned back for a short distance, all of the equipment malfunctions then disappeared and everything became normal again (M1945a). A pilot flying near Bimini reported that both of his compasses suddenly started to rotate and the auto - pilot malfunctioned, causing the plane to dive to the right. He said the whole aircraft glowed so strongly at one point that the wings looked fuzzy. After five minutes, the strange glow and malfunctions both suddenly disappeared and he was able to resume a normal flight to his destination (M1964a). On the final approach to Florida, a National Airline aircraft disappeared off radar for ten minutes for no apparent reason. Afterwards, it was said that all timepieces on board were found to be ten minutes slow (M06). Plasmoids are said to disrupt timepieces (Chapter 7). The crew of the ship, the Atlantic City, saw a ball of fire pass directly overhead. The gyro compass went dead and the binnacle compass suddenly began to spin wildly. Both of the ship's compasses had to be repaired later (M1955). A disappearance without a radio call for help is very strange, especially for large ships, which almost always have a backup radio. Even in a rapidly sinking ship, there is usually plenty of time to radio for help or launch lifeboats. Any competent captain knows the importance of reporting their location in order get searchers looking as soon as possible, as well as greatly reducing the area required for the search. Finding water craft that have been completely abandoned is even more strange, especially if there appears to be no good reason for it. However, quite a number of ships have been found abandoned like that, often intact and completely seaworthy, but with no crew. Several abandoned boats were found near the island of Puerto Rico (M1971). Large ships have also been found inexplicably abandoned in Indonesia (M05).
Some felt severe storms may have been the reason some of the ships were abandoned. However, launching lifeboats from a ship can be very tricky even in moderate waves. Launching from a listing or pitching vessel can be nearly impossible. Unless the ship was actually known to be sinking at the time, or other severe emergency, no experienced sailor would normally try to risk launching lifeboats in heavy seas. In some of the cases, ships were found with all of the lifeboats were still in place. Are there reports of the energy fields in the area of the Caribbean? There are quite of number of reported incidents that seem to indicate that there are, with many survivors reporting the same effects seen in earthquakes, ball lightning, and UFO sightings. Strange luminous fogs or mists are often reported in the area (M10). A personal friend off the southern coast of Florida said he experienced a luminous fog that came up to his knees. He said he had prickling sensations where the fog touched and that the hair on his legs stood on end (M1988). This sounds very similar to the descriptions of the so - called luminous clouds described in Chapter 2. Just east of the Bahamas, the ship Atlantic City had an encounter with ball lightning in which the automatic steering went haywire and there was electrical equipment damaged (M1955a). Such damage is often reported with ball lightning. In the same area, ship Richard Byrd experienced an incident where instruments malfunctioned and the crew seemed to become greatly disoriented (M1955b). UFO sightings are said to be very common in the Caribbean area (M07). A large UFO was seen off the island of Martinique, with many witnesses, making elaborate maneuvers, all at fairly close range. Some witnesses had extensive technical training (M1965). UFO witnesses of some Puerto Rico sightings were said to number in the thousands (M1972). Near Trinidad, after a weather balloon with instruments was launched, it appears to be suddenly sucked into a nearby cloud, then the instruments ceased transmitting. The balloon reappeared, minus the
instruments, which never did turn up. An object shaped like a half - moon appeared. There were six other UFO sightings in the same area (M1958). Panic and / or hallucinations caused by an plasmoid might cause people to take actions that might easily have fatal consequences at sea. Near Puerto Rico, the crew of a ship observed a UFO at a range of several hundred feet, traveling at slow speed. The crew was said to experience an extreme sense of terror. Several crewmen attempted to jump overboard, and were prevented from doing so only by being restrained by some of their shipmates (M1971). It is said that other crewman has reacted with panic to a UFO. On Lake Maracaibo, when a large UFO moved directly over some fishing boats, the crewmen immediately jumped overboard and swam to shore. One man drowned while trying to swim to safety (M1961). If exactly the same thing had happened far out at sea, all of those crewmen would have simply drowned in the ocean, disappearing without a trace, and leaving behind empty but perfectly intact boats. In a close encounter with a UFO, those aboard a ship might very well jump overboard to escape imagined horrors. Since some plasmoids are said to cause extreme discomfort or severe injury, they might virtually force the crewmen to jump overboard, like it or not. Somewhat similar incidents have apparently occurred aboard aircraft. Near San Diego, an aircraft sent a frantic distress call, then the radio went dead. After the plane had landed, it was found that a dozen crewmen were dead. It was reported there was a foul, sulfurous odor inside the plane. The exterior of the plane was damaged. There had been gunfire aboard the craft, with empty shell cases scattered about (M1939). The Flying Dutchman is a legendary ghost ship, supposedly still sailing the seas from the seventeenth century. In the south Atlantic, the crew of the Joseph Somers thought they saw an image of the Dutchman, bathed in a strange red glow. Their cargo suddenly burst into flames for no reason (M1957). This
might be a plasmoid with a hallucination that met the expectations of the sailors, combined with the effect of combustion caused by a plasmoid. The plasmoids have been described as occurring underwater, as well as in the air. Of one group of sea captains, over a quarter of them claimed they had sometimes seen glowing balls about a yard across emerge from the sea surface on occasion, burst into a larger size, then suddenly disappear (M01). Balls of these sizes would be well within the size range considered to be that of ball lightning. UFO's have been emerging from the water as well. A man on shore said he saw the sea suddenly start to stir up in a round area, then the water in the circle began to glow in various colors, gradually becoming brighter. A glowing disk suddenly rose from the water and disappeared into the sky. He said he said that he felt a tingling sensation at the same time (M1967). Sometimes huge wheels of light are seen at the surface of the water, often rotating. These oceanic wheels may actually be a form of plasmoid. In the Malacca Straight in Indonesia, huge luminous wheels were seen in the water, like the spokes of gigantic wheels, that lasted for thirty minutes (M1907). They are also said to common in the Caribbean. Off the coast of Australia, a similar wheel appeared to pulsate, at the same time the compasses on the ship went haywire (M1964b). A rotating wheel was seen the South China sea (M1917) and another near Bintang, where one of the wheels was seen for fifteen minutes (M1909). Similar revolving effects have been reported with ball lightning and UFO's. The luminous wheels are said to revolve in one direction only, either clockwise or counterclockwise. Sometimes several wheels are seen at the same time, with the individual wheels seen to be rotating in different directions. Similar rotational effects have often been reported with in cases of ball lightning, UFO sightings, and crop circles.
The oceanic wheels are often reported to be about the same size range as the some of the larger of the crop circles, sometimes over a hundred yards in diameter. The wheels sometimes occur in groups of two or three in a cluster, often within just a few diameters of each other. This is also similar to some of the crop circle formations. A tug near Florida had two compasses that both suddenly started spinning out of control. At the same time, the radio suddenly failed for no reason. Although the tow rope was still taut, they said they could not see the barge they were towing. As the equipment began functioning again, they said that the barge suddenly became visible again (M1963a). As seen in Chapter 6, UFO's may have strange effects on light. There are documented cases in the Bermuda Triangle where planes went down. Near Bermuda, a light plane suddenly had four radios quit at the same time, as well as a fuel gauge and navigational instruments that failed. A strange, swirling cloud was felt to have caused a crash that killed the pilot (M1974). If they had not been able to crash land on an island, there would have been no survivors, just a plane that disappeared for no apparent reason. Other cases have also involved deaths. If plasmoids are as common as are described, combined with all the aircraft in the sky, it would be expected that aircraft might occasionally collide with one. Such encounters are sometimes reported. In Georgia, a jet trainer collided with a ball of fire. The pilot said he thought he had hit another plane at first. It was found that his radio compass had been melted (M1952b). Other aircraft may have survived an apparent collision with a plasmoid. In the Bermuda area, the crew of an Eastern airlines aircraft said they suffered a hard jolt in a mid - air collision with something. The fuselage of the plane was found to have suffered what appeared to a fusing blast from either heat or electricity (M04). Near Fort Bragg, a plane was reported having a mid - air collision with an invisible body of some kind. As a result, the plane crashed, killing many on board. Survivors said that the crash sounded like automobiles in collision (M1953b). Previous
examples indicate that the plasmoids may be invisible, and still pack quite a punch. Over the Bass Straight near Australia, the pilot of a Cessna aircraft reported that a large UFO was on top of him. His engine was heard to splutter and then fail. There was a noise of tearing metal, then his radio suddenly went dead, and never heard from again. Neither the pilot or his aircraft were ever found (M1978). In Cuba, two MIG jet fighters were sent to intercept a UFO that had been tracked on radar traveling over 600 MPH. The lead jet suddenly exploded, with no apparent smoke or flames. The UFO was seen to climb to an altitude of 18 miles, then head toward South America (M1967) A jet fighter was sent on an interception over Lake Superior. The blip of the jet was seen to come together with an unknown blip. The crew and aircraft were lost, with no radio report ever sent. The government claimed the plane was lost due to vertigo of the pilot (M1953a). However, the plane had a co - pilot, an automatic pilot, and safety equipment that should have allowed them to safely ditch in the water. Other military interceptions were equally unsuccessful. In the former Soviet Union, at the Rybinsk missile installation, the whole base suddenly experienced a power failure when a UFO was tracked nearby, hovering at an altitude of 12 miles. Salvos of air defense missiles were fired at the UFO, all of which were reported as exploding about a mile from the target (M1961). In the case of a C-118 aircraft over Texas, witnesses said two glowing objects were seen following the plane just before the crew radioed that they had hit something, or that something had hit them. The plane then crashed, killing all those on board (M1959b). A collision with a large, high - energy UFO would be certain to cause complete destruction of the aircraft. Over Texas, a witness said he saw two bright objects near an aircraft. He said it looked like there what looked like an atomic explosion. The plane was totally demolished. Investigations supposedly revealed that there were no indication of fire or
explosion from within the plane itself (M1959c). Such explosions of plasmoids are often reported. In Indonesia, a radio message from the ship Ourang Medan said that most of the crew was dead, and the last survivor was dying. The ship was found with all the crew dead, for reasons not apparent. They did not appear to have been asphyxiated. A fire suddenly started in the hold, forcing a rapid evacuation, and the ship soon exploded and sank (M1955b). This area has been the site of numerous luminous wheels on the ocean. A similar effect has been reported with an aircraft. Near San Diego, an aircraft sent a frantic distress call, then the radio went dead. When the craft landed, a dozen dead men were found on board, found with gaping wounds. There were 45 caliber shell casing all over the plane, with the occupants apparently trying to shoot something. The exterior of the plane was damaged and there was a foul, sulfurous odor inside the plane ((M1939). These results could have been caused by hallucinations, combined with wounding and fatalities from a plasmoid. With the extremely high energy levels described, a plasmoid might even sink ships on occasion. A plasmoid that could melt a thick anchor chain could cut through the thin hull of a ship. A large vessel can be sunk by a limpet mine that contains only three pounds of explosive. According to reports, this may be equal to the energy content of a plasmoid smaller than an orange (C1936). Off the coast of California, the yacht the Hattie D sank suddenly. The survivors insisted that the boat had been rammed by what seemed to be a metal object of some kind, which seemed to have no give to it, that had punched a hole right through the hull (M1964c). Collision with an underwater plasmoid might easily cause such an effect. It is said that poltergeist activity is common in the Caribbean (M07). Poltergeists may be caused by plasmoid activity. In Barbados, the Chase family had several separate incidents where coffins inside a sealed crypt were moved, even after special precautions were taken to insure that the door seal
could not be tampered with. In one incident, the disturbed coffins seemed to form a sort of spiral pattern (M1812). Spiral patterns are also seen in crop circles, and oceanic wheels. Other levitation effects have been reported. On the way to Palm Beach, one pilot said he found himself it what appeared to be a tunnel through the clouds, revolving clockwise, that was glowing a bright white. He said he seemed to somehow experience zero gravity (M1970a). Based on travel time, he estimated his average speed at about 1000 miles per hour, compared to 120 mph normal cruising speed (M1970b). Near Long Key, Florida, a husband and wife said they saw what appeared to be a squarish " trench " of some kind in the surface of the ocean, four feet deep and twenty feet wide. Their boat suddenly lurched for no apparent reason, so violently that the wife received two broken ribs (M1965). Again, perhaps a physical force of some kind, generated by geological events. If the reports of strong physical forces associated with UFO sightings are true, such forces might act on a hull of a ship. A United States destroyer operating near Puerto Rico suddenly lost all electrical power for no apparent reason. It was also reported that the hull of the ship seemed to be under tremendous stresses of some kind, like an unseen force from below was trying to tear it apart (M1972). Near Tortuga, a small boat, the Wild Goose, was being towed by a tug when it was suddenly enveloped by a strange fog. The tow rope appeared to be under such high stress that the line was cut to prevent damage. The tug lost power. The boat being towed suddenly disappeared underwater, with four passengers on board (M1944a). The sole survivor said the boat had been pulled about 50 feet under the surface when he escaped (M1944b). In good[1] weather, the ship Dorisa suddenly sank in less than four minutes for no apparent reason, without time to send an SOS. There were a number of survivors. There was speculation later that it was torn apart by forces from below.
(M1975). Ships are actually fairly fragile. In the sinking of the Titanic, the ship broke in two as the stern came up out of the water. Relatively weak forces exerted over a large area could easily open up the seams of a ship, causing massive leakage. As can be seen by the examples, there seems to be ample evidence that some of the strange events attributed to the Bermuda Triangle and other areas may be caused by plasmoid activity, which in turn was caused by geological activity.
Chapter 14 ALIENS But what about the possibility that UFO sightings actually are alien spacecraft? Many scientists agree that it is very likely there is life on other planets somewhere. Other scientists feel that if you have a suitable planet, life is virtually certain to evolve. On earth, life may have evolved soon after our planet cooled. Life on Mars, either in the early stages or even at present, has not been entirely ruled out. The evidence for life so far appears to be a long way from conclusive. However, out of more than 100,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy, stars favorable for life may be rare. Giant stars burn out too quickly for evolution to occur, sometimes in only a few million years. To maintain adequate warmth from a red dwarf star, an alien planet would have to be in close enough to get virtually incinerated by solar flares. Such a planet would also cease to rotate, becoming extremely hot on one side. Calculations indicate that most multiple star systems would tend to create unstable planetary orbits that would not be stable long enough for evolution to occur. A combination of these factors could easily render less than one star in twenty as suitable. Planets around stars may be quite common. Recent work has demonstrated dozens of known planets around stars in the immediate galactic vicinity, although most of them appear to be radically different than the pattern in our system. Since it seems unlikely that planets would happen to occur only in nearby space, it seems logical that planets must be fairly common throughout the galaxy. It would be expected that at least a percentage of these planets would be likely to have life similar to earth. However, planet size appears to be critical. A world much smaller than half the size of earth is going to be a dead world like Mars or Mercury. Mars does have a very thin atmosphere, less than one percent that of earth. Mars shows evidence of having had quantities
of water at one time. However, apparently the weak gravity has allowed most of the atmosphere to gradually leak away into space over billions of years, leaving a dead and lifeless world, as far as anyone knows anyway. A world much larger than twice the size of the earth would likely be a water world. With a level surface, Earth would be covered with water. In two billion years, planetary cooling may bring plate tectonic activity to a halt. Without uplifting, erosion should quickly make earth a water world. Although a water world could have life, it is difficult to see how an advanced technology could develop without going through a stage using fire and steel. Planet size could easily cut the odds to less than one in a thousand. There are scientists that feel the odds may even be substantially worse than that. It has been theorized that the earth may have collided with an object the size of Mars, fairly late in the accretion of earth, that may have blown off excess atmosphere. This would have prevented a hothouse condition like Venus, caused by the excessively high levels of carbon dioxide. Others feel that the presence of our large moon may have in itself been critical to the evolution and continued existence of life. The Drake equation can be used to estimate the number of technological civilizations to be expected in our galaxy. Based on present figures, calculations seem to indicate that it would be reasonable to expect a number of civilizations at least equal to our technology within range of our present sensors. Searches for civilizations, such as the Project Seti (Search for Extra - Terrestrial Intelligence), have all proven negative so far, even after having examined very many star systems. Inter-stellar travel is no small accomplishment. Thick lead shielding may be required to protect astronauts from the radiation of deep space. Since a grain of sand would hit with the impact of an anti tank round at that speed, heavy frontal armor may also be needed. The distances between nearby stars are formidable, distances so vast they are difficult even to visualize. If our sun were as big as the
period at the end of this sentence, the nearest star would still be several miles away. According to Einstein, a spaceship cannot even closely approach the speed of light (roughly 600,000,000 mph). To reach even half that speed, a spaceship would have to provide an acceleration equal to our best jet fighters, then sustain it for months. Even if there were 1,000,000 civilizations in the galaxy, probabilities indicate the nearest would be over 100 years away, even at the speed of light. An inter stellar journey beyond the range of the Seti project would appear to require centuries, if not millennia. These factors still may not preclude inter - stellar travel. To achieve it within reasonable travel times, ion propulsion and generating energy by anti - matter would be required, but our technology is already dabbling with those. Even suspended animation may be entirely possible. Rodents have been frozen and then revived, although fatally injured. Humans are already frozen, albeit very tiny ones (embryos). It would surely make the long, long trip seem a whole lot shorter. There is one critical factor in the Drake equation, the final one, the average lifespan of a civilization. Given reasonable figures for all of the other factors, if that average lifespan is much less than a millennium, then there may be only one advanced civilization in the entire galaxy at the present time, namely that of our own. On a galactic scale, civilizations would wink on and off like fireflies. If a civilization had lasted for millions of years, and interstellar travel is possible, then some calculations indicate they should have colonized the entire galaxy by now. There are over 20,000 nuclear warheads currently existing in the world, and new member nations joining the club every decade. With that and other problems, there seems to be a finite possibility that our civilization may not last a thousand years. Although the dinosaurs had very small brains and were pretty stupid, at least they were not dumb enough to wipe themselves out. However, even if you assume an advanced extraterrestrial civilization has actually accomplished interstellar travel, and does
possess space craft capable of truly unbelievable performance by our standards, there are still very good reasons to believe that the vast majority of the unexplained UFO sightings are not flying machines of any kind. Many of the observations make no sense in that context. Previous chapters have shown that UFO's do not look at all like machines, often being translucent or even transparent, all without revealing contents, or described as appearing hollow and empty inside. They have also been described as undergoing substantial changes in both shape and size. It is difficult to see how or even why these changes could be accomplished even with an advanced technology, especially changing size to a factor of more than ten. It has also been seen that UFO sightings show a very strong correlation with active geological faults. Why would aliens be almost exclusively interested in geological faults, to the point they would exclude certain other areas, such as the northern Great Plains? That correlation appears to make no sense at all if it is assumed that UFO's are indeed spacecraft guided by some kind of alien intelligence. They seem to exhibit very strange flight patterns for machines that are allegedly under intelligent control. The so - called " falling leaf " pattern is commonly described (N07) (1954c). One UFO simply went up and down over the same spot for over an hour (K1957). UFO sightings have been described as oscillating, wobbling, or undulating in flight (N06). One UFO sightings was described as moving like something known as like Brownian movement, that is to say, a random zigzagging pattern (N08). These movements do not seem like very logical or efficient methods of getting from one place to another. It seems obvious that large, glowing spacecraft could not be common at high altitudes, or very large numbers of people would see it. A large meteor hit the atmosphere over the Rockies, then skipped back out into space. In spite of a low population density in the area, and a visibility of less than two minutes, there were thousands of witnesses, dozens of good
photographs, and two good color motion pictures of it (N1972). Of course, if large numbers of people did report such an event, the government would undoubtedly ignore it anyway. Although not emitting any light, the 100-foot Echo balloons could be seen in orbit very clearly with the naked eye, appearing much brighter than other celestial bodies. Many of the flying saucers reported could easily be seen in orbit with the naked eye. It seems obvious that, if the glowing plasmoids do exist, they must be either be mainly a low altitude phenomena or quite faint, as many are reported as being. As far as that goes, why should an alien craft be radiating megawatts of electromagnetic energy? That would be extremely wasteful and inefficient. The trend in our machines has been steadily toward higher energy efficiency. Since a large number of UFO sightings have described UFO's that were non - radiating, it appears they would not necessarily have to do so. If that was the case, why radiate at all? The popular mythology on the subject seems to have a number of discrepancies. In the alleged Roswell crash, one version describes a craft supposedly constructed of virtually indestructible materials, leaving a trail of debris for miles, but with survivors. They would have to be really, really tough little guys. It also seems strange that none of the debris has ever surfaced. You would think someone would have stashed a piece or two. The mythology seemed to be that several civilians possessed a number of items of the alien debris. One version of the Roswell story said the craft had been continuously tracked on radar, unlike some of our stealth aircraft. The UFO was supposedly knocked out of the sky, by lightning, unlike our aircraft that can survive such a hit. And that the aliens had no means of ejecting from their disabled craft, unlike most of our military craft. In spite of possessing highly advanced technology, it appears that their alleged craft would have been inferior to ours in a number of ways.
There have been alleged reports of many other saucer crashes. As seen in previous chapters, there have also been numerous descriptions of UFO's that were reported to have exploded violently. Having these spacecraft crash or explode on a regular basis does seem a bit strange for a technology that would have to be vastly more advanced than ours, at least centuries ahead of ours, if not millennia, and obviously based on scientific principles we presently know nothing about. It has been claimed that the government has even managed to secretly repair damaged alien craft, even though they are supposedly constructed of materials and designs vastly superior to ours. That sounds about as likely as a tribe of Neanderthals repairing a seriously damaged Harrier jet fighter, using rawhide and stone axes, then somehow getting it airborne. A society of the nineteenth century could not duplicate a transistor, even if they had had an example of one. The popular press often seems to imply that UFO sightings all started in 1947, with the sighting seen over the Cascades mountains, the first time the term flying saucer had been popularly used. Although often repeated, this statement is simply not true. UFO sightings were described in 1600 B.C. in Egypt, during the reign of Thutmose III. In 1561, the sky over Germany was said to be filled with various spheres, cylinders, and spinning disks (D14). Aliens have often been reported, but not very many on a percentage basis. In one study, over 96 percent UFO sightings did not included aliens (N01). Within certain variations, many reports of UFO sightings are actually quite consistent, with the vast majority consisting of objects of rotation, just in different sizes and colors. Over the years, the reports of alleged aliens themselves have been anything but consistent. Reports of aliens before the sixties often described tall blonde humans, usually from Venus or Mars, home planets that seemed to lose a great deal of popularity after the space probes landed on those bleak and inhospitable planets. At least some of the
descriptions of aliens have appeared to be outright fraud, and often did not bear up under close scrutiny. Other descriptions of the aliens have often been anything but consistent, with a bewildering variety of types. Hairy dwarfs and giants were popular at one time. Descriptions of aliens often included creatures that looked like birds, frogs, insects, Cyclops, reptiles, etc., literally hundreds of different types. It seems very unlikely that earth would have been visited by such a vast menagerie of creatures over the years. On the other hand, there are UFO sightings that do report typical plasmoid effects, combined with sightings of alleged aliens. What a person thinks he sees during a hallucination is very much affected by expectations. If a person believes he is actually seeing the landing of an alien spacecraft, he might naturally expect alien occupants to appear at some time during the encounter. As previously seen, the plasmoids appear to have profound effects on the human nervous system. It does not require a large leap of imagination to assume they could affect perception. Doctor Persinger of Canada has found that electrical currents on the scalp can produce strange effects in the brain, including paralysis or even unconsciousness. It can also produce a dream state, a sort of waking nightmare (N1965). He also felt that complex skills, such as driving, could be done during such an episode (N03). Alien sightings are occurring with typical plasmoid symptoms. In one sighting, the aliens were sighted at about the same time the witness said he suddenly felt an electric shock (M1952). When a French witness saw a UFO, he said his automobile headlights and engine died. As he felt an electric shock and paralysis, he suddenly spotted aliens. As soon as the UFO had left, he said his automobile headlights came back on by themselves (N1954c). Assuming plasmoids do often radiate microwave radiation, it is known that such radiation can seriously interfere with the normal mental processes. As seen before, there seems to be evidence that
plasmoids sometimes emit microwaves. One investigator felt that witnesses may have hallucinated under the influence of microwaves (N09). Perhaps the mental disruptions reported with a close encounter with a UFO can actually have more than one cause. There seem to be indications that some of the alleged sightings of alien beings may have actually been of a form of plasmoid themselves. When faced with a strange, unfamiliar visual patterns, people often tend to interpret things in terms of things they already know or expect, similar to the standard Rorschach test (N04). In the test, a patient interprets a random ink blot as a specific object, meaningful in that context to him alone (N10). When shown a photograph of Manhattan at night, something he had absolutely no concept of, an Amazonian native decided it must somehow be a picture of a jaguar, apparently with the city lights being equivalent of the spots on the living animal. Especially in brief moment, the object in question may actually appear to him as a sought after object, such as female deer that seem to " grow horns " for the first second or two during the hunting season. Sometimes witnesses have expressed considerable confusion about what they actually saw during an alleged sighting of aliens. In Germany, a man sighted what he initially thought was a young deer, then changed his mind, deciding what he was actually seeing was two humanoids in shimmering metallic suits. He then saw a glowing UFO just over the next ridge (N01). There is really not very much similarity between one young deer and two aliens in shiny space suits. Plasmoids often come in groups. Those in the same group often have totally different appearances. It appears likely that some of the alleged aliens may have consisted of a smaller plasmoid, perhaps modified by or even associated with a hallucinogenic affect or Rorschach - like interpretation. What else could strange shape improving across the landscape be, but something alive? The aliens have often been described as emitting light, much like a plasmoid. A Syracuse engineer saw aliens with bodies that
glowed with lights of changing colors (N1960b). Many sighting of UFO's report changing colors. An Argentinian said he saw a nine - foot tall alien with a blinding phosphorescent body, causing an unbearable stench and a loss of consciousness (N1958). In Venezuela, an alien was seen to be wearing a luminous suit (N1967b). Other aliens were described as having an appearance similar to that of a plasmoid, being translucent, transparent, or having a shimmering appearance. An alien was described as having translucent legs (N1968). One sightings describe aliens that appeared to be transparent (N1960a). An alien sighted in Sweden was said to somehow have what appeared to be a sort of shimmering appearance (N1967). In Peru, witnesses said they saw a small alien traveling along a street, leaving a luminous trail as it went (N1966). Others aliens have been described as unbearably hot. A forestry worker in Finland touched the foot of an alien as it floated through the air, severely burning his hand in the process (N1971). Another had a long discussion with a giant alien that he said radiated a tremendous heat (N1945). Biological creatures, at least as we know them, are not compatible with temperatures anywhere near that high, but plasmoids could easily radiate that kind of heat. Ball lightning is often reported as having clusters of " tentacles " that extend to the ground. In some cases, the ball itself may be seen as the large head, with the tentacles seen as a slender body and skinny limbs. The head is often described as having little or no facial features (N1975). A French sighting described aliens as having no arms or faces (N1954d). A sighting in the state of Washington described aliens that appeared to have no faces, hands, or feet (N1963b). A man saw a UFO that sounded like sewing machine, with some aliens that were roughly human in shape, but appeared to have no faces. They were enveloped in a yellowish color from head to toe (N1954a). In Venezuela, an alien had a head
surrounded by vapor (N1967b). A hazy mist is often described around a UFO or ball lightning. The above sighting, and others, are consistent with the alleged alien itself actually having been a form of a plasmoid. The glowing eyes could be the same as the bright spots often described on UFO sightings. Although aliens have sometimes been described as having one eye or three eyes, they seem to be more often described as having two. If other bright spots are noted, the witnesses often seem to interpret them as some other source of light. An alien was described as having two dazzling eyes, as well as two additional lights (N1954b). Other sightings have reported aliens, along with the typical plasmoid symptoms. In a California sighting, after he heard what he thought was a bear, a hunter said he saw some aliens with robots, with a series of flashes between them that looked very much like an arc welder. After he climbed a tree, he claimed to keep them at bay lighting matches. He also said he experienced nausea and vomiting (N1963). These symptoms are often reported from proximity to a UFO. An investigator said that he noticed that he had never seen a reported case where the aliens left footprints of any kind, even where they were seen walking on the ground (N05). There are sightings that included aliens walking on cultivated fields, but without leaving any tracks (1954a) (1954e). If they have and use levitation, why would they be walking at all? In many cases, the aliens were described as vanishing into thin air. The report[2]its often describe the aliens seen as doing strange things, like putting some soil samples in little metal pails, or even playing like children (N1960). They have been described as being surprised by witnesses, even becoming accidently separated from their craft. Why wouldn't aliens have automatic sensors that would tell when humans were approaching, and just avoid them altogether? Our relatively primitive level of technology can easily do that.
In many reported cases, witnesses describe scenes where they did more than just see aliens, but claimed that they interacted or communicated with them, often up close and personal. These more intimate cases will be covered in more detail in the next chapter.
Chapter 15 ABDUCTIONS: Some of the UFO sightings have gone beyond merely seeing aliens, but also seeing them up close, interacting with them, or even being abducted by them, often on an involuntary basis. In other cases, like Roswell, it was supposedly the aliens that were abducted by humans. These incidents are popularly classified as a close encounter of the fourth kind. An encounter of the third kind consists of just seeing aliens. As seen in the previous chapter, there seem to be indications that alien sightings may be caused by microwave radiation or electrical currents across the scalp, induced by plasmoids. There are reports that indicate that some of the alleged alien may be actually be plasmoids. In addition, some researchers feel there may be other psychological influences. Some psychologists feel that the abduction theme by have been influenced by motion pictures. Several science fiction films in the fifties, such as Earth Versus the Flying Saucers, introduced the idea of abduction of humans by aliens with large eyes, communication by mental telepathy, amnesia by hypnosis, and the use of involuntary surgery on helpless victims (P05). A scene from the soap opera Dynasty was described in a later alleged abduction, right down to the leathery alien skins with a strange cinnamon smell (P01). One popular alleged abduction was that of Betty and Barney Hill in New Hampshire, with the alleged abduction recalled only under hypnosis. The Hills reported seeing two objects close together, one of them being the UFO. Since both Jupiter and Saturn were close together in the sky at the time, they should have actually seen three bright objects in that vicinity, the two planets and the UFO (P1961a)., It appears that the only logical conclusion is that the alleged UFO was one of the planets.
The descriptions of the aliens by Betty and Barney did not agree on key points. While some discrepancies between witnesses are normal, some of these seemed pretty basic. Betty said the aliens had huge noses, like Jimmy Durante, while Barney said they had no noticeable noses at all. Betty said they had long black hair, while Barney said they were bald. Betty described the aliens as having eyes with pupils like humans, while Barney said they had huge black eyes without pupils or eyelids, much like very large insects (P1961b). Even after many sessions with hypnosis, their psychiatrist, Doctor Simon, never believed that either of the Hills were ever actually abducted (P1861c). There were aspects of the case that were strange. Barney claimed he knew they were going to be abducted, before the alleged UFO even landed. It is difficult to see how he would know that in advance. Betty said the aliens apparently had no basic concept of time (P1961e). It would be hard to run any kind of a civilization without using time. Betty was also supposedly shown a star chart that included the home solar system of the aliens inside the spacecraft. Such a twodimensional map of the stars would be useful only when viewing stars from one specific angle. Several investigators claimed it matched actual different star patterns which others said were just wishful thinking. Our technology can already produce charts than can be viewed in true three-dimensions some without even requiring special glasses. It seems like highly advanced aliens should be able to do at least as well as we can. One investigator concluded that the Hill abduction contained many of the events portrayed in the film Invaders from Mars (P1961d). It was also known that Betty had previously seen that film, as well as having read a number of popular books on UFO encounters. In later years, it was said that Betty claimed to have seen dozens of UFO sighting every night (P1961c). Even seeing one unexplained UFO is a quite rare event, perhaps one in a million. Seeing several UFO sightings every night would seem to be extremely improbable.
Besides the Hills, the aliens supposedly gave the abductees post hypnotic suggestions to forget the abduction, that can only be retrieved through hypnosis. Witnesses often report loss of consciousness with a close encounter with a UFO (see Chapter 9). With technology like that, the aliens could simply render the abductees unconscious, then experiment on them at their leisure. Victims would have absolutely nothing to remember. As point of fact, our relatively primitive technology can do that. It has been shown that hypnosis can create false memories. In Southern California, tests on hypnosis were performed. The subjects were first screened to exclude UFO buffs. Under hypnosis, they were asked to describe themselves in an alien abduction. The subjects gave accounts that were not only consistent among themselves but also consistent with descriptions from other alleged alien abductions reported over the years (P1977). Another study also showed non - abductees could be made to come up with typical abduction stories (P07). The truth is that anyone who hasn't been living in a woodchuck hole for the last thirty years is going to know the basic elements of an alien abduction. The theme has been very widespread in recent years in films, literature, and even everyday advertising. It would be difficult not to be familiar with element of such encounters in our society. Most abductees seem sincere in their beliefs. However, that does not make their stories necessarily true. Studies have shown a significant percentage of the general population are prone to fantasies, with up to 12 percent of them describing hallucinations (P08). A study of alleged abductees showed they were not representative of the general population, and were described as tending to lack self - esteem, to be highly inventive, and to often have mild paranoid tendencies (P1983). Scientific studies have shown that people have a very great capacity to compare notes with other witnesses and then modify their memories to match each other. This effect of memories being changed to match expectations is called confabulation. This has often been a real problem in police investigations. People are often
very suggestible. In one test, a number of people were shown a photograph with no barn in it. When they were asked if they had seen a barn, a large proportion of the subjects reported without hesitation that they had (P03). Unfortunately, big money can be made in the field of abductions. It is said that different UFO groups actually fight over a new witness on occasion disputing who has a claim on him (P10). Books on UFO abductions can often become very profitable best sellers. Such greed factors certainly have the potential to hamper investigations being made into any such related phenomena, if not actually create sightings or exaggerating claims for the sake of making lots of money. Many abductees described being levitated up to a spacecraft. Stimulation of the temporal lobes of the brain is said to produce very realistic floating sensations (P06). Amnesia is a common symptom of a close encounter with a plasmoid. Starting with the Hills, it has also been noticed that many abductees often fail to remember certain key features of the encounter, as a kind of amnesia, especially the time period when they would have been returning to a normal situation (P04) (P1982). There are a number of psychologists who specialize in abduction cases, and who themselves apparently believe they are real. Interestingly, some of them have come to conflicting conclusions. One psychologist found the aliens to be consistently sinister and sadistic, while another found them to be generally helpful and benevolent (P09). Inserting needles and probes without any anesthetic or painkiller into someone who is fully conscious does not really sound all that benevolent to me. The popular press seems to give the impression that most of the reported aliens are of the same basic type, generally called the Grays: short aliens with gray skins, very large heads, slender limbs, and enormous slanting black eyes with no pupils. They are usually but not always lack eyelids. That the grays have been prevalent. The Grays are actually a fairly recent phenomenon. Out of the
hundreds of types of aliens reported, the Grays were essentially non - existent before the sixties. As point of fact, the descriptions of the aliens during close encounters are still not consistent, even now. The number of fingers have been described as varying wildly. Some describe three fingers(P1976c). Some have described four, five, or six fingers. One described aliens with short, stumpy arms with suckers (P1975). One abductee described their hands like the wings of a bird, complete with feathers (P1976a). In Mississippi, aliens had hands like crab claws, with cones for eyes (P1973). The aliens of the older encounters were described as every color of the rainbow. The color of recent alleged aliens still seems to vary quite a bit. Various shades of gray seem to be the most popular, but others have described such colors variations such as tan black, putty - colored, or green. One abductee described aliens that were tall, completely black, and without any facial features whatsoever (P1989). An autopsy of an alleged Roswell alien was shown on television. One very striking aspect was not the alien features, but the human ones. Except for an extra digit and oversized head, virtually every bone and muscle seemed to be in the exactly right place. It seems highly improbable that alien evolution would be virtually identical. Even cases of parallel evolution on earth always show differences. Also, it is said there are discrepancies that rule out the film stock as being the type used during that period. Many abductees often describe the use of needles that cause pain and leave marks (P01). Close encounters with plasmoids have been described as causing pain, as well as marks on the body (see Chapter 9). Our relatively primitive technology is rapidly moving away from using needles or surgery to examine the interior of the body. You rarely seem to hear of aliens doing CAT scans, ultrasound, or other non - invasive procedures that our relatively crude technology is presently using and improving. In an extended study of abductees, it was found that many abductees reported seeing an instrument with small metallic
ball inserted up their nose. When the instrument was withdrawn the ball was gone with the obvious conclusion that it was left inside (P11). However, no one has ever been found with what would be an alien device inside their body. A metallic device would readily show up on a routine X ray. UFO witnesses have often described a total loss of sensation or numbness in close encounters with a UFO, even at a distance (see Chapter 9). If the supposedly benevolent aliens have the technology to readily produce such a loss of feeling or even unconsciousness, why would they fail to use it during procedures that they would have to know would cause pain or discomfort? Quite a number of abductees have supposedly complained to the aliens about that aspect. In most scenarios, abductees seem to describe technology that has already been in use in our system for a while. In fact, the aliens are often reported as using items rapidly becoming obsolete in our own society, such as paper, dials, or flashing lights. Events are described that seem very improbable., An alien was described as attacked and injured by a dog (P1982). Our level of technology can readily counteract hostile canines. It seems amazing that people seem to accept serious discrepancies in the stories, often without question. A Kentucky abductee claimed the alien removed her eyeballs, looked them over, then returned them to the sockets (P1976b). How could she could see her own eyes being examined? There often seem to be other discrepancies in alleged alien capabilities. In some cases, the abductees claimed that they were literally dissected like frogs, then reassembled, with no visible scars whatsoever. In other cases, the aliens were apparently not able to even insert a simple needle without inflicting pain on the victim and leaving very noticeable marks or scars. Again, our present technology can do better than that. In quite a number of abductions the victims had reported that they had seen a device like a metal balloon the end of a probe, that was inserted up the nose. After experiencing a crunching sensation, the device was withdrawn minus the ball with the
obvious conclusion that the aliens had implanted the ball (P12). The problem is that no one has ever found such a device. Such a metal ball should readily show up on an X ray. Out of many thousands of abductees at least one should have. The aliens have been described as using a wide variety of communications with contactees. Many aliens have been described as trying to communicate, but speaking a strange language. With access to our television programs, such as Sesame street, learning our language should be a snap. In one case, the aliens made barking sounds, like dogs (P1957). In another, the aliens made grunting sounds, like pigs (P1954). These sound like normal background noises, integrated into a " waking nightmare ". In more modern cases it is claimed they use of mental telepathy. In many cases, it has been claimed that the acquisition of psychic ability was proof of an alleged abduction, overlooking the fact there has never been any scientific validation of such ability. There has been a rather large financial reward offered to anyone who can demonstrate any such ability under the rigorously controlled condition of a laboratory. So far, there have been no successful applicants for the reward. Other abductees report symptoms that are typical of close encounters with a UFO, that seem to make no sense in the context of the abduction itself. A farmer said that, after he was taken aboard a spacecraft for sex noticed a strange smell, then felt sick for no reason, with vomiting (P1957b). As if highly advanced aliens would travel trillions of miles to have some nookie with some pig farmer from the boondocks of Brazil. Why not at least breed with some better human stock? Many other abductees have reported experiencing adverse physical symptoms during an alleged abduction. An Argentinian said he was abducted by humanoids with green skin, with no eyes, mouth, or ears. He said they seemed to delight in pulling out his hair, and that he experienced nausea and vomiting (P1975). This seems like very strange and illogical behavior for advanced technological beings.
In a number of cases, the aliens related supposed scientific knowledge that was meaningless gibberish, such as coming from a small galaxy near Uranus. The nearest galaxies are the Magellanic Clouds vastly beyond our solar system. In the book Communion, the aliens predicted that there would be crop damage in the early nineties, due to damage to the ozone layer (P1987). Although it is apparently a distinct possibility, it does not appear that their prediction has come true as of yet. In fact, in spite of many conversations with aliens there has never been a documented case where an abductee has reported any new scientific information of any kind. As point of fact, when you look at abductions in general, almost every one of them appears to have at least one aspect that appears to make no sense at all. Researchers do not seem to question these statements. For some reason, one alien specifically ordered that the abductee was " .to only eat cow things" (P02). The names, actions, and conversations of the aliens often sound like something out of a bad science fiction movie or a dream of some kind. There certainly does not seem to be any kind of a pattern consistent to the abductions by advanced bigness you would expect. In very recent times, there have been number of abductions with no UFO sighting at all, with aliens that supposedly pass right through solid walls and abduct the paralyzed subjects from their beds at night. Researchers have hypothesized that many of these cases sound much like certain sleep disorders. Normal people actually are paralyzed during sleep, except for sleepwalkers, who have a small organic defect in that portion of the brain. It is not uncommon to believe you are awake when you are really still asleep. A Floridean in a motel said a flash of intense white light suddenly came out of a mirror, with a high pitched humming sound. After having been abducted, he could not remember how he got back to his room. He later suffered from insomnia and exhaustion for no reason (P1980). Perhaps this was a close encounter with the phenomenon of ball lightning, with the typical associated symptoms of such an incident.
The purpose of the alleged aliens seems to vary, besides sex and warning of degradation of the environment (like we need aliens to tell us that). Some people seem very devoted to the concept of the existence of alien beings, although it is not always clear why. Some seem to feel that the aliens may offer a better future by giving us technology. A few even seem to be making it into a religion of some kind such as the Heavens Gate suicides. If aliens were actually abducting and experimenting on unwilling humans, it could have ominous implications, perhaps including such things as biological warfare of some sort. Having quite a number of people injured or killed by the alleged aliens for no apparent reason, as described in many sightings (see Chapter 9), would be inconsistent with supposedly benevolent beings. Many abductees in recent years seem to feel the aliens are creating hybrid offspring with humans for some reason. As with abductions, some psychologists feel that motion pictures have had an influence on this aspect. The concept of alien hybrids was introduced by the motion pictures, such as the film The Stranger Within, starring Barbara Eden (P1974)., There have been six other films with very similar themes. Some feel that the aliens create hybrids with humans to correct some kind of deficiency in their genetic system. If they had that kind of technology, it is not clear what they would need us for. We would be as disgusting to them as they would be to us. Such a hybridization program could also have nefarious implications, like a method to eventually take over the world, by gradually replacing the human race over many years. It appears highly unlikely that aliens could even produce such hybrids, since they almost certainly have a radically different biochemistry and body structure., Although chimpanzees are genetically 98 percent identical with humans, and very close relatives we cannot produce hybrids with them. It was said that the Nazis did make a serious effort to do just that. The idea of interstellar panspermia has been largely discounted. Due to vast distances the chances of material transferred between solar systems
has been calculated to be almost infinitely small. Even with billions of stars’ collisions between stars are unheard of. Even if aliens did evolve nucleic acids, amino acids, and sugars like ours, each of these molecules come in right - handed and left handed forms. As far as anyone knows, one should work just as well as another in an alien life form, but the opposite version would be totally incompatible with ours. For example, the mirror image of common table sugar can be readily synthesized, but it is about as nutritious to humans as sawdust. By chance, the odds against all three chemicals being the same is 8 to 1. Actually the odds are much much worse. In the translation of information from DNA to proteins each amino acid is encoded by three nucleotides for a total of 64 different types. The probability that an alien species would just happen to have evolved the same code for a given amino acid would be eight to one. For the twenty common amino acids the odds would be over a trillion to one. Failure of to properly encode just one amino acid would render many critical proteins inactive and useless. Even if they used the same identical components the alien system would be completely incompatible. Do the previous arguments prove that the earth has never been visited by aliens or that aliens have ever abducted people? Of course not. However, it is not up to skeptics to disprove it. Under scientific method, it is up to those making the claim to provide the evidence. At this point, it really does not appear they have. As Carl Sagan once succinctly stated, "...extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." There are also other reported incidents that have a number of similarities to some of the alien sightings, but are interpreted in a completely different context. In the next chapter, I believe that the similarities will be obvious, as I believe they have been in the previous chapters. I think it will also be obvious that they have a common cause.
Chapter 16 MONSTERS Down through the ages, in many locations over the world, humans have reported sighting of unusual creatures or beings, which are not supposed to exist in that location at the time of the sighting. Some of the creatures may be mistaken identity. I saw one such sighting myself. Near dusk, a large black animal bounded across the railroad tracks right in front of me. If it had just kept going, I would have sworn under oath without hesitation that it was a black panther. When it hesitated, and looked back at me, I saw it was a large Great Dane, pure black in color (Q1985). Several of the mysterious creatures have proven to be an outright hoax. The Jersey Devil was supposedly originated by a Public Relations man from a Museum of Freaks in Philadelphia, supposedly trying to drum up extra business. Interestingly, the hoax apparently gained a life of its own after a while, with additional witnesses in other areas also reporting sightings of the alleged creature (Q1906). Some have proved to have been accurate, like the alleged great cats of England, several of which were shot and killed, including pumas and leopards. And there may even still be unknown species yet to be discovered. In the twentieth century, a number of completely new species have been discovered, including the unusual megamouth shark, the Coelacanth (a fish thought to be extinct since dinosaur times), two species of peccaries, a member of the cow family, and a very unusual creature like an antelope that does not readily fit in any known family. All of the above animals are large. A case might even be made for the existence some alleged creatures, such as the North American Bigfoot or the Asian Yeti. Hair and fecal samples have been said to have been analyzed by some experts as being those of unidentified species, very probably primate of some kind. Man - like tracks several times too big for a
normal human have been seen and analyzed, with strong indications they were not faked. There have been articles in some scientific journals discussing the anatomy of the alleged creatures. There is a positive correlation between UFO sightings and bigfoot. If the bigfoot does exist, it is possible they might react to a nearby UFO like other animals, perhaps responding in panic and exposing themselves where they would not normally do so. However, at least some of the reported sightings of bigfoot - like creatures seem to show a number of characteristics that could not be those of living animals. In the Monongahela Forest, a man said his car engine suddenly stalled for no reason. As he rolled to a stop, he suddenly saw a large, hairy monster. As soon as the monster left, the car started normally again. Further down the road, as the monster reappeared, the car spluttered again, with sparks seen under the hood. The owner found that the distributor points has been burned out after the second encounter (Q1960). Plasmoids have been reported to cause electrical failure and damage to electrical circuits. In Indiana, a large hairy creature that looked like a gorilla was sighted, but made no noise as it ran through the weeds, and left no tracks. Witnesses said there were times where it seemed you could see right through it (Q1972). In the state of Pennsylvania, a dome - shaped UFO was sighted, associated with two large, ape like creatures. The UFO was said to have left a glowing area on the ground over a hundred feet across (Q1973). Somewhat similar reports involve another type of unexplained biped. These are commonly called Lizard Men, supposedly an amphibious animal of some kind, very similar to the scaly monster in the popular film, The Creature from the Black Lagoon. In Ohio, a man reported seeing three such reptilian creatures, with one of them holding a device of some kind that was emitting sparks. He also said a strange odor permeated the air (Q1955).
The sightings of sea serpents may be similar to those of bigfoot, with the possibility of real creatures, possibly non-extinct plesiosaurs. One researcher claimed that he was able to plot the range of different species on a world map, with a smaller creature off the west coast of North America, and a much larger form found in the South Seas. If true, that would be difficult to do for a completely imaginary creature. There may be problems with the existence of sea monsters in some areas, especially those reported in certain fresh water lakes, such as Loch Ness. A large creature cannot apparently access the loch from the sea. Biological studies have shown there are not enough fish to support one large creature, let alone a stable breeding population. If the creatures were air breathers, and surfaced for air in a dead calm, then they should have been making very noticeable ripples. There have been many reports of UFO sightings located on the surface of water, or even traveling under it. There are many reports of UFO's that have described dark objects. Loch Ness is a semi active geological fault, a site of many small earthquakes. If a person sees a dark object moving in water, or tracks it on sonar, he would naturally assume it was a living creature of some kind. What else could it be? Some aquatic plasmoid sightings have even shown columns that stuck up out of the water and appeared solid. In a lake in Costa Rica, four dark columns came up out of the water about for about three feet. The witnesses said the columns slowly tilted, then slowly disappeared back down under the surface of the water (Q1986). A single such column might easily be mistaken for the neck of a living creature of some kind. Sea serpent sightings have been reported to have characteristics of the plasmoids. In a sighting off the coast of Washington State, a large sea serpent was reported, over a hundred feet long, making a roar like thunder, and emitting blue fire. Witnesses said that they experienced sensations of electricity, and two
men were struck unconsciousness (Q1893). Those symptoms are often seen with plasmoids. Other sightings of sea creatures involved characteristics of plasmoids. In the Atlantic Ocean, the crew of a ship reported they saw a huge, dark object in the water, thirty feet wide and five hundred feet long, leaving a luminous wake. The back of the alleged creature was said to be dotted with twinkling lights (Q1902). It is obvious that not even the largest whales begin to approach the length described. The cause of whales beaching themselves has been an unsolved mystery. When pushed back into the sea, they sometimes come right back, only to beach themselves again, even though such action is inevitably fatal to them without further assistance (Q01). Land animals have shown extreme agitation in the presence of a UFO. Perhaps whales have a very similar reaction, trying to escape from something in the sea that they greatly fear. However, in the case of some of creatures or beings described, it appears they could not possibly exist, especially in relatively populated areas. There are many parallels between some of the sightings of strange and apparently inexplicable creatures, and those of plasmoids. This may be true in the case of even some supposedly supernatural beings. The sightings of some alleged creatures have shown a high correlation with UFO sightings (Q02). UFO sightings have been associated with geological fault lines, or with so - called ley lines, lines of alleged earth energy. If the sightings were of real or of totally imaginary creatures, it is difficult to see why such a correlation should exist. It would make perfect sense if they were indeed plasmoid induced. The idea of sharing the earth with strange beings is a very ancient one. Back when people believed in fairies, there were stories of people abducted by these beings, released at a later time, often with a period of time lost. Some of the stories even include incidents with stolen or hybrid offspring. Sound a little like the alien abductions?
An English clergyman said he saw a green circle with small fairies, accompanied by a strange humming sound. He also said they kept him there somehow, against his will, by some kind of enchantment, and that he felt like he was being "...pinched all over" (Q1600). The " enchantment " could be the typical paralysis associated with a UFO sighting. The sensation of being " pinched all over " could be that of electricity, described by someone who had never encountered it before. Another witness said he saw a group of fairies in a meadow, moving in a circle, wearing dresses that sparkled like diamonds. He said they seemed light and shadowy, not at all like solid bodies (Q1842). Plasmoids have often been reported as having a translucent, sparkly appearance. This could be a description of a plasmoid, combined with the hallucinogenic effects often associated with an encounter. Other unexplained beings have been described as more or less human. In England, there was Spring - Heeled Jack, a being with superhuman abilities. Bullets did not seem to affect him. He was also said to exhale a blue gas with a strange odor. He wore shining garments with a flashing lamp on his chest, He was once reported as disappearing into thin air, followed by the sighting of a rocket - shaped object (Q1830). The flashing light was years before the invention of electric bulbs. A more recent but somewhat similar humanoid was reported from Illinois. He was called the Mad Gasser of Matton, supposedly injecting a toxic gas with a strange odor into houses as the owners slept. A number of such events over a periods of weeks was said to have caused a near panic. Victims often reported swollen faces, burned mouths, sensations of electricity, and nausea (Q1944). These are typical plasmoid symptoms. A similar incident has been reported. In Virginia, there were a series of alleged multiple gassings by an unknown assailant, during which the victims experienced a strange, sickening odor, often followed by numbness, and loss of consciousness. After effects were reported to have included nausea, headaches, and
facial swellings. A woman had was reported to have had repeated convulsions over a period of several weeks after an incident (Q1933). In Massachusetts, the Dover Demon was seen by several witnesses, described as having a very large head like a watermelon, with glowing, orange eyes. The body and limbs were said to be proportionally long and very slender, all in contact with the ground (Q1977a). The alleged creature may actually have been of a form of ball lightning, with several " tentacles “that were seen passing to the ground surface, which were perceived as arms and legs. An old legend from England, and other counties, describe creatures known as the Black Dogs, Devil Dogs, or Hell Hounds. Although appearing substantial, it was said they could vanish, often in a fiery explosion. They were said to have red eyes, glowing like fire. One was said to have materialized in a church, seriously burning several people (Q1557). There was said to have been a similar event in a nearby church. In many sightings, the Black Dogs were said to have a sulfur odor, similar to plasmoid sightings. The alleged dogs are reported to be territorial and have often been sighted near ley lines, postulated channels of energy within the earth, and with ancient stone monuments in Europe (Q03). The Megalithic sites, like Stonehenge, are said to be often associated with the different effects associated with plasmoids. Some modern investigators have hypothesized that sightings of black dogs are somehow associated with the ball lightning phenomenon (Q03). There are descriptions from modern times that appear to describe very similar creatures, in a slightly different context. In the state of Georgia, a group of ten large black dogs were reported running from a large UFO that had been sighted on the ground at the time (Q1970). In many cases, although also conventional in appearance, there does not seem to be any possible way that the creatures could exist either, like some sightings of gigantic birds with twenty - foot
wingspans. In California, a woman reported seeing a huge bird. Later, she had poltergeists activity, with doors supposedly opening by themselves, and saw a ball of light near her bed. UFO sightings were reported nearby (Q1977b). It has been alleged that in one incident, a giant bird picked up a child ten years old, and carried him forty feet (Q1977c). A child that age would have to weigh in excess of fifty pounds. Even a bird with a twenty-foot wingspan that size could not lift that much weight. Possibly such the report could be a hallucination, but several witnesses claimed to have seen it. Perhaps it might be a levitation effect described with a plasmoid, combined with hallucinatory effects. If you watch bubbles floating on water surfaces, with sunlight passing through them, they sometimes form a cross - shaped shadow on the bottom of the container. Perhaps a globular plasmoid could somehow project a somewhat similar shape. With just a little imagination, the four projections might be taken for those of two wings, a head, and a tail. Other flying creatures have been reported. There were multiple sightings of the what was called Mothman of Virginia. Two couples said the creature was seven feet tall, with large eyes. As they drove away, the creature rose into the air and paced the car at 100 miles per hour, all without flapping. Other sightings of the alleged creature reported a noise similar to a generator, dogs barking, and interference with television (Q1966). Obviously, no large biological creature can sustain such high flying speed in level flight, much less without flapping. Other sightings were associated with plasmoid effects, some in conjunction with a UFO sighting. In England, four young people reported a black, human - sized creature with wings like a bat, and observed with a large, golden UFO (Q1963b). Some reported creatures that have been even more fantastic. In Africa, a shepherd said he saw a flying snake, making a roaring noise, with an odor like burned brass. He lost consciousness, then could not speak for three days. It was investigated by Ms. Courtney - Latimer, co - discoverer of the Coelacanth, the
supposedly long extinct fish (Q1930). Ball lightning is said to sometimes come in an extended form, commonly called a fire snake. On the Missouri river, the occupants of a riverboat reported seeing a huge flying serpent overhead, moving rapidly through the atmosphere with great undulations. The creature was reported to be breathing fire, as well as showing some lighted streaks along the sides (Q1857). Some sightings of such fire snakes may have also been perceived as fire - breathing dragons at times, especially during the middle ages and other ancient times. Other species have also been involved in somewhat similar situations. In England, a six - foot " owl man" with pincers instead of talons, and glowing red eyes was reported. The witness claimed the creature changed color as he watched it, from purple, to brown, to yellow, emitting a hissing sound. He said he suddenly became dizzy, nearly fainting. A pursuing police officer said he was overcome with nausea and headache (Q1995). South of the border, there is a legend of the chupacabras, a bloodsucking creature that is said to kill domestic animals. In Puerto Rico, a man saw a chupacabras sitting on a nearby tree branch, changing color from purple, to brown, to yellow. He said he suddenly became dizzy. A pursuing police officer said he was overcome with headache and nausea. One of the creatures supposedly levitated a heifer (Q1995). Puerto Rico is an area that is very geologically active, with many UFO sightings. Previous chapters have described situations where poltergeists might be caused by plasmoid phenomena. Other encounters with alleged ghosts seem to show similar symptoms. Witnesses often report a strange feeling of uneasiness, sometimes with no actual visual sighting made. Strange glowing mists or fogs are sometimes seen, very similar to those of the luminous clouds. Some visual sightings could be hallucinations. Some people have stated that there are no convincing photos of videos of alleged ghosts, just entities that look like burst of light or other aberration (Q05).
Sightings of ghosts are often described as being associated with a feeling of cold, sometimes fairly intense, and by a number of people in the vicinity. The same has been true of a number of plasmoid sightings. It is said that direct electrical stimulation of certain portions the brain can cause a very distinct sensation of cold (Q1998). In Italy, a young man said he suddenly felt a current of cold air pass over him for no reason, then he saw a white aerial object about thirty feet in diameter (Q1962). In France, as big ball of fire was seen, one witness said he was suddenly flung to the ground by an " ice - cold invisible force”, with a small crop circle formed nearby (Q1954a). Also in France, several children said they saw a two creatures that looked like lumps of sugar, split at the bottom for legs, associated with a 12-foot ball of fire. One of the children said he was suddenly flung to the ground by a cold, invisible force. A twelve - foot circle of grass was found nearby, flattened down in a counterclockwise direction (Q1954a). Again in France, a woman said she saw a blinding light and was grabbed by a pair of huge black hands with no arms. She said she could not breath, felt cold, and experienced pain. After she was free, she said she saw branches moving, and grass being pressed down, as if by an invisible being. She later found she had marks on her face (Q1954b). In Italy, a silvery disk was seen by two persons. Later that night, the witnesses said they saw a greenish light in their bedroom, accompanied by an unexplained feeling of intense cold. They said they also thought they saw a translucent apparition of some kind with a large head apparently peering in through the bedroom window (Q1962). There are even incidents where the cold was reported as real. In the North Atlantic, the crew of a Dutch sailing ship said they saw two balls, one black, and one bright, with a strong smell of sulfur present. Although the temperature at the time was a
relatively balmy 66 degrees F, they said that ice actually formed on the rigging (Q1887). In upstate New York, a man and his wife said they both suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Each said they saw a faint greenish glowing cloud, that was hovering just below the foot of their bed, that they felt could only be a ghost of some kind (Q1980). Again, perhaps some form of a small luminous cloud, but at a very low energy level? Several ghost hunters claimed they could detect the presence of ghosts using an electric field meter, and felt that if the field dropped to normal, then the ghosts had supposedly been " exorcised "(Q1961). Another investigator saw the ghosts as a ball of light, with a meter to measure the electrical field strength (Q1999). An electric field may also be associated with plasmoid phenomenon. The situation also involved sightings of a glowing balls, a sensations of electricity, feelings of suffocation, and chest pains, typical symptoms of a plasmoid. Some ghost encounters include the appearance of what appeared to be skin scratches. Previous chapters have raised the possibility of the existence of tiny plasmoids, that can cause small pock marks in the skin. If such a plasmoid were moving, it might leave a path of injury that would look like a scratch, before it burned itself out. If they can burn through glass, human flesh would not appear to be much of an obstacle. In one incident, water issued from the walls and ceiling for three days. The residents claimed that some of the droplets appeared to travel horizontally. Pots rattled, and one man said he felt levitated. One witness had what appeared to be scratches on his neck. There was bad smell associated with the incident (M06) The water could be condensation from the mists often associated with plasmoid phenomena.
Chapter 17 ALIENS If one assumes the so -called UFO's are actually a larger form of ball lightning, it would obviously tend to eliminate the need for any alien presence. There appears to be additional reasons why they are not of alien origin. There seems to be a number of misconceptions in the popular press, such as the sightings supposedly beginning in 1947. In reality, typical sighting was reported from ancient Egypt, by Alexander the Great, and in medieval Europe. There was a rash of sighting in the nineteenth century. If they were spacecraft, the design would have to be at least centuries ahead of anything we have, based on completely unknown scientific principles, in order to have the extremely advanced abilities reported, such as exhibiting accelerations many times more severe than any human could endure, or the ability to suddenly disappear into thin air. It would seem strange that such advanced craft would explode on a regular basis, be subject to multiple crashes, or descend with a " falling leaf " motion. Although many people have claimed to have been abducted by the alleged aliens, there does not appear to be any physical evidence whatsoever of such an activity. Abductees have often reported having small metal implants inserted, none of which have ever been found. In spite of multiple communications, no new scientific information has been reported, nor have any of the alien predictions come true. Women have often reported being made pregnant by aliens< even in cases of infertile females, but no hybrid fetuses or pregnancies have been found. The popular press often presents the majority of the aliens as the " grays "< a form basically unheard of until the early sixties. Most earlier encounters described tall blondes, often from Mars or Venus. The Grays did not actually become popular until after such creatures had been portrayed in several science-fiction movies< complete with
abductions< big eyes< loss of memory, and the use of mental telepathy. They had also become widely known in the popular press< including drawings. There have been other changes in the popular mythology. In just the last few years< abductions have been reported without any sighting of spacecraft< with the aliens simply passing through solid walls. Some researchers feel the alleged abduction may consist of a dream state< in which the subjects feel they are awake< when they actually are not< and may have even been sleepwalking at the time. Although the descriptions of aliens have been considered by some enthusiasts as being consistent< they usually are not. Fingers are described anywhere from three to six. Although the popular press often describes them as being consistently gray< they are also reported as white, black< tan, green, etc. Some modern forms were described as having crab claws or feathers. One researcher found the aliens to be consistently sinister< while another felt they were almost always kind and benevolent.
Chapter 18 BALL LIGHTNING Ball lightning is most often reported as a glowing ball that floats off the ground, which appears to be a form of energy of some kind. They also come in variety of other shapes as well. The existence of the balls are accepted by many legitimate scientists. Researchers have produced very similar balls of energy in the laboratory, on a smaller scale, some complete with good motion pictures of them, even in color. About three percent of the general population have reported seeing ball lightning at one time or another. My father described seeing a glowing red ball, about a foot in diameter, on a Halloween night, and I believe I've seen a smaller version of it myself. There have been a number of good photographs taken of ball lightning taken in various places, including Nebraska (1933), New Mexico (1961), and Japan (1987). They have most often been reported as occurring right after a normal lightning strike. With some balls, no thunderstorms were present at the time. Pressure on certain rock crystals can generate electricity. Some scientists feel that geological forces within certain rock formations may also generate ball lightning. Such balls of energy have often been reported in close association with earthquakes. There seems to be indications the balls are basically electrical in nature, somewhat similar to normal lightning. In a Paris sighting, it was reported that a glowing red ball hovered above a tree, which suddenly caught fire. As the ball violently exploded, it shot out several simultaneous lightning bolts. The explosion was said to knock down several witnesses in the vicinity. One theory is that they are comprised of plasma. Plasma is comprised of charged atoms, which can be contained inside a magnetic field. Some experimental fusion reactors contain hydrogen plasma at over a million degrees Fahrenheit. Some feel that ball
lightning may be a plasma contained inside a hole within the surrounding energy field, perhaps something like the electrical equivalent of a tornado. The balls are reported as containing very high energy levels. When a ball the size of an orange fell into a rain barrel, a large part of the water boiled away. Calculations showed energy required would be equal to about three pounds of high explosives. Most balls do not appear to dim with time. Some feel that they must somehow draw energy from the environment to replace the continual losses somehow. Many scientists accept that ball lightning can occur in sizes up to three feet in diameter, and a few accept sizes up to six feet. It is not clear why even larger sizes are not generally accepted. Glowing spheroids are most commonly reported in the range of six to fifteen feet in diameter. Doctor Condon, chairman of the University of Colorado study, apparently felt that even larger sizes of ball lighting might sometimes exist.
Chapter 19 UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS Many people have reported seeing what they believe to be Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO), traveling through the atmosphere. The vast majority of such sightings have been everyday natural objects such as planets or meteors. Some sightings were of conventional or even experimental aircraft or balloons. A surprisingly small minority of the reported cases have been shown to be apparently deliberate fraud or collusion. However, some have been seen traveling horizontally under overhead cloud cover or in directly front of distant mountains, sometimes moving at great speed. Moreover, many sightings have been reported by very reliable observers, often with simultaneous tracking on radar. Many sighting were reported by multiple witnesses, who were often strangers to each other at the time. There are quite a number of photos and motion pictures that have never been shown to be fraudulent. Sightings of ball lightning and UFO's appear to have much in common: 1. Radiate similar colors, with white the commonest, violet the rarest. 2. Light intensity can vary from faint to extremely bright. 3. May exhibit a solid or even metallic appearance. 4. May exhibit a marked pulsing effect. 5. May have a bright inner core and a diffuse outer layer. 6. Many appear to be rapidly spinning about a central axis, 7. Most consist of a shape of rotation (spheres, saucers, cones, etc.) 8. May hover or exhibit high velocity, sometimes thousands of miles per hour
9. May show near instantaneous acceleration or sharp turns at 80 G's 10. Often exhibit a wobbling, or " falling leaf " motion. 11. Often associated with a pungent odor, like sulfur or ozone. 12. Often explode violently, leaving no residue or debris. 13. Both strongly correlate with geological seismic activity. 14. May give off electricity, such as lightning or apparent electrical arcs. 15. Associated with failures of gas engines, electronics, or camera film. 16. Associated with symptoms to nervous systems, such as paralysis or amnesia. 17. May cause what appear to be apparent radiation burns. 18. Both tend to occur during the same time of day. There are indications that the government knows about, and has been covering up, the fact that UFO's are real. Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information act have had substantial areas blacked out in the name of secrecy. Why classify information as secret that is not even supposed to exist?
Chapter 20 Summary In summary then, it appears that plasmoids exist, varying in size from hundreds of feet in diameter, down to as small as a fraction of an inch. The smaller ones are usually called ball lightning, the existence of which is widely accepted by scientists. Similar, but larger plasmoids may be referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects. The plasmoids can be generated after a lightning strike. They also appear to be generated by geological activity, possibly by the piezoelectric effect, the generation of electricity by pressure on certain crystals. They are often associated with earthquake activity. They are often described as rapidly spinning. They are often seen as an object of rotation, such a spheres, saucers, footballs, doughnuts, cigars, or domes. An internal structure of some kind may be visible. All sizes are reported as hovering or moving at very high velocities. Calculations indicated the plasmoids can have energy densities exceeding those of high explosives, or may have an energy output equal to a small nuclear reactor. Incidents indicate that they can contain enough electricity to discharge several lightning bolts at the same time. The plasmoids may appear as a solid object, either metallic or dark. They may radiate energy as ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared, microwaves, or radio waves. They come in all colors of the rainbow. They may glow with a brilliant radiance, or glow so dim they are translucent. There is much indirect evidence the plasmoids can be invisible, but still retain high energy levels or exert unusual effects on the environment. Radar tracking has continued after a plasmoid was seen to disappear. In this form, they may account for several unexplained phenomena. The infrared radiation can cause thermal damage to the environment. ultraviolet radiation can cause sunburn - like injury or
temporary blindness. The microwave radiation may damage or disable electrical equipment, or ruin photographic film at close range. In human beings, microwave radiation can also damage the nervous system, causing hallucinations, paralysis, amnesia, or radiation sickness. These effects may explain unexplained losses in the Bermuda Triangle. Microwave damage to plants may be seen as crop circles, often as a rotating pattern. Microwave radiation or the resulting induced electrical currents on the scalp may cause hallucinations, resulting in accounts of sightings of seemingly inexplicable animals or alien life forms, or perhaps even explaining some of the alleged alien abductions that are often reported. ‑ There seem to be a great many reports of objects being levitated in the presence of a plasmoid. If true, they may explain poltergeist activity, as well as seemingly unexplainable falls from the sky of a wide variety of objects or living animals of various species. The electricity in the plasmoids may cause water to break down into oxygen and hydrogen, which can then readily ignite, causing rapid and often nearly complete combustion of the human body. Where there were witnesses to the combustion, the plasmoid may have been more or less invisible. As promised, all effects described are explainable in terms of known principles of physics, or something which has been created in the laboratory on a smaller scale. If true, this book is not the answer, but the question. Further research should be conducted along these lines, both to explain phenomena in the world and perhaps even lead to new technologies. It appears that investigators studying a number of mysterious phenomena throughout the world may be very much like the parable from India about the four blind men. After encountering a new object, one said it was like a pillar, another like a snake, a third like a vine, the forth like a tree branch without bark. As the argued, a man with normal sight informed them that the object was actually an elephant, each feeling a different part, the leg, the trunk, the tail, and a tusk.
GLOSSARY : ABDUCTION: Alleged kidnapping by aliens. AMNESIA: An pathological inability to remember an event. AMPERAGE: The volume in a current of electricity. BALL LIGHTNING: A natural spherical, glowing ball of energy. BERMUDA TRIANGLE: An area of alleged mysteries in the northern Caribbean Sea. BLUE BOOK, PROJECT: A study of UFO's by the United States Air Force. CONDON REPORT: A UFO study for the Air Force by the University of Colorado. CONDON, ED: Physicist, University of Colorado. Director of Condon Report. CROP CIRCLES: An area where plants are laid down in a circle DEVIL'S TRIANGLE: An area of alleged strange activities south of Japan. EARTH LIGHTS: Natural balls of energy associated with geological activity. ELECTRIC FIELD: A volume containing electrical force, like static cling. ELECTROLYSIS: Electricity breaking water into hydrogen and oxygen. ELECTROMAGNETIC: Includes radar, microwave, infrared, visible light, and UV. ELECTRONS: Sub - atomic particles with a negative charge. ELLIPSOID: A cigar shape or a flying saucer shape. FAULT: A large crack in the crust of the earth at the edge of a tectonic plate. GEOLOGICAL ACTIVITY: Events within the earth, such as earthquakes and volcanoes. GHOST LIGHTS: A common name for earth lights seen at specific locations. GRAYS: Alleged short, gray aliens with huge black eyes.
HUMAN COMBUSTION: An incident where a living human body appears to burn. IONS: Atoms with a net charge, either positive or negative. LEY LINES: Traditional straight lines of alleged natural energy. MAGNETIC FIELD: A volume containing magnetic force. MEGALITHIC: Ancient primitive European monuments, such as Stonehenge. OCEANIC WHEELS: Glowing wheels of light seen on the surface of the ocean. PIEZOELECTRIC EFFECT: Changing pressure on a crystal generating electricity. PLASMA: A substance consisting of charged atoms, or ions. PLASMOID: A discrete, sustained entity consisting of plasma. POLTERGEIST: An alleged ghost which causes unexplained movements of objects. SAINT ELMO'S FIRE: A bluish discharge of static electricity. SETI, PROJECT: Search for Extra - Terrestrial Intelligence. SPHEROID: Globes and ellipsoids (saucers and football shapes). SPOOK LIGHTS: A common name for earth lights. STATIC ELECTRICITY: Electrons confined in one spot on an insulator. TECTONIC PLATE: A large piece of the earth's crust. VAN DE GRAFF GENERATOR: A device capable of generating huge voltages. VOLTAGE: A property of electricity similar to pressure in water. WILL-OF-THE-WISP: Lights reported over swamps at night.
A01) GENERAL: Electricity at two volts can break down water to hydrogen and oxygen. Higher voltages can liberate chlorine from salt solutions (p 126 When Snakes Awake) A02) GENERAL: A researcher exposed a corpse to a temperature of over 2000 degrees
F for eight hours. The bones still did still not turn to ash (p 46 The Unexplained) A03) GENERAL: A dead rat soaked in alcohol for a year, then burned. Outer layers were charred, internal tissues were hardly affected (p 91 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A04) GENERAL: Fat placed within a cloth tube will burn slowly, with a yellow flame. An eight-inch roll took a whole hour to burn completely (p 149 Fire From Heaven) A05) GENERAL: SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: At Laguna Honda nursing home, a nurse found a patient in flames, with no odor (p72 Fire From Heaven) A06) GENERAL: The operators of older crematoriums are required to grind the bones to a fine grit after prolonged burning (P151 Fire From Heaven). A07) GENERAL: Michael Harrison was trimming his nails by a window when he said he did not see the approach of a small blue ball, which then suddenly struck the metal scissors, giving him a sharp electrical shock (p 155 Fire From Heaven) A1749) BOINEAU, FRANCE (1789) An old woman began to burn. Although water was poured on her, she was quickly reduced to a skeleton (p 42 Fire From Heaven) A1758) EUROPE: Chemist Andreas Marggref discovered that pure sodium caused a flame to take a yellow color (p18 Fire From Heaven). A1788) ENGLAND (1788), A farmer found a chambermaid scrubbing the floor, unaware of a fire blazing from her back. He rushed to put her out, but she was fatally burned (p 82 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1820) LONDON: (JAN 1820): A household had five fires, starting on the 5th. On the 7th, Mrs. Wright had her clothing catch fire near hearth. On the 12th, her clothing blazed again, nowhere near the hearth. On the 13th, she caught fire, dreadfully burned. After being put to bed, she caught fire again (p 83 Mysteries of the Unexplained)
A1829) SCOTLAND (MARCH 1829) : Doctor De Brus. tried to extinguish brother, whose clothing had burst into flames, object found that his hands appear to catch fire, which he could suppress only by keeping his hands immersed in water. Described in the Edinburgh Medical Surgical Journal (p 83 Mysteries of the Unexplained). A1879 GENERAL: Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. Water will not extinguish human combustion. (p 69 Fire From Heaven) A1885) OTTOWA, ILLINOIS (DEC 1885): Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rooney were found dead. The wife was ashes and bone pieces at the bottom of a 4 by 3-foot hole burned through the floor. The husband was found sitting in a chair. The verdict was that he died of asphyxiation from the burning wife (p84 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1887) WOODSTOCK, NEW BRUNSWICK (AUG 1887): Forty fires occurred in a house in a short time. A child was found in flames (p 106 Space - Time Transients) A1888) COLCHESTER, ENGLAND (1888): A soldier burned to death after falling asleep in a barn. Dry hay next to the body was not scorched (p 84 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1890) AYER, MASSACHUSETTS (MAY 1890) A woman standing in a clearing wet with rain, fire from her shoulders, abdomen, and legs. She burst into flames with no apparent cause (p 85 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1905) BUTLOCKS HEATH, SOUTHHAMPTON, ENGLAND: Mr. & Mrs. John Kiley. Neighbors heard scratching noise inside house. Found the husband totally consumed on the floor. The wife was badly burned, sitting a chair that was not burned, or even singed (p 85 Mysteries of the Unexplained). A1907) DINAPORE, INDIA (1907): The burned corpse of woman was found, apparently charred, but still inside her intact clothing (p 85 Mysteries of the Universe) A1922) SYDENHAM, ENGLAND (SUMMER 1922): The remains of Mrs. Johnson were found as calcined bones lying within her unburned clothing. The linoleum underneath was only slightly charred (p 62 Fire from Heaven)
A1931) BLADENBORO, NORTH CAROLINA (JAN 1931); The dress of Mrs. Williamson burst into flame. Clothing in a closet caught fire, as well as a bed and other objects. The objects burned with bluish flames, which could not be extinguished, with no smoke. After five days, the fires stopped (p 86 Mysteries of the Unexplained A1935) NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE (JAN 1935): Professor Hamilton was walking, suddenly felt a sharp pain like a bee sting on his leg. Looked down he saw a flame the size of a dime. He found the only way he could get it to go out was too tightly cup his hands over it. Later found he had a deep injury, but that his trousers were not A1938a) NORFOLK, ENGLAND, VICINITY (JUL 1938) Off the coast of England, Mrs. Carpenter was aboard a cabin cruiser, suddenly engulfed in flames in front of her family and burned to a charred corpse in minutes (p 86 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1938b) CHELSFORD, ENGLAND (AUG 1938): A young woman on a dance floor suddenly became a blazing mass of blue flames. Witnesses tried to extinguish her, but she was fatally burned within seconds. Witnesses said they saw no source. A piece of the dress would not sustain a fire from a match (it p 86 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1943) SUSSEX, ENGLAND (19 NOV 1943): Mrs. Knight. Was found burned, no smell. When asked what happened, she said she had no idea. Victims almost always cannot say what happened (p 90 Fire From Heaven) A1951) SAINT PETERSBURG, FLORIDA (1955) Mary Reeser was found reduced to ashes in a nearly undamaged apartment. Modern scientific investigation was used. One foot was intact, complete with satin slipper. Only items within a four- foot circle had been burned. The victim was known to keep her disabled leg outstretched, probably placed the foot outside the circle. Investigated by the fire investigators, FBI, arson experts, and pathologists. A world famous expert, Doctor Wilton Kogman, said that " I regard it as the most amazing thing I've ever seen." He finally gave up trying to understand the cause. (p 87 Mysterious America)
A1956a) HONOLULU, HAWAII (1956): A 78-year-old cripple was found enveloped in blue flames. The victim and the easy chair which he was sitting on were reduced to ashes, except for his feet, which were undamaged, still propped up on his wheelchair. Nothing else in the room had been damaged (p 92 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1956b) WICHITA, KANSAS (1956): Mrs. Eva Godfrey. Found dead of burns, head to foot. Clothing unscorched, hair unsinged (p 298 Strange World) A1960) PIKESVILLE, KENTUCKY (1960): A burned - out automobile with five charred corpses were found. There appeared to be no attempt to escape by any of the victims (vol 1 Strange and Unexplained) A1961) Medico - Legal Journal. A Doctor Thurston reported a case where a slim woman of 60 years old was a victim of HC (p 34 Fire From Heaven) A1964) DALLAS, TEXAS (OCT 1964): Mrs. Olga Stephans was seen sitting in her parked car by several witnesses, when she suddenly burst into flames. Although she burned to death, the interior of the automobile was not even damaged (p 92 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1973) BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND (1973): Pavinder Kaur, seven months old, and his bassinet suddenly burst into flames for no reason. In 1974, a six - month old Lisa Tipton was found burned to death nearby due to an unexplained fire (p 93 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1976) IPONRI, NIGERIA (DEC 1976): Six members of a family were found burned to death in a single room, while two cotton mattresses and the wooden structure of the room were found to be undamaged (p 93 Mysteries of the Unexplained) A1985) CHESHIRE, ENGLAND (8 JAN 1985): Jaqueline Fitzsimmons complained of a burning sensation in her back. She suddenly screamed and burst into flames. She was badly burned over 18 percent of her body and died after two weeks. There were seven witnesses to the event (p42 World of the Strange)
GEOLOGICAL EVENTS: B01). GENERAL: A low level of ionization may allow the precipitation of water vapor in situations where it wouldn't normally (p 202 Space Time Transients). B02) GENERAL: In some cases, the fog formed at the same instant that the earthquake hit, then disappeared as soon as it was over (p 134 When Snakes Awake). B03) CORNWALL, ENGLAND: At a megalithic site called the Merry Maidens, an investigator claimed that he suddenly got an electric shock for no reason (p 656 Mysteries of the Unexplained). B04) ANDES MOUNTAINS, SOUTH AMERICA: A phenomenon known as the Andes fires are said to be much more pronounced during periods of earthquakes. During some of the more spectacular events, witnesses have said that the whole area is flooded with light, visible hundreds of miles away (p 116 Forces of Nature ) B05) GENERAL: UNITED STATES: Earth lights seen at the following: Brown Mountain (North Carolina), Gonzales (Louisiana), Silver Cliff (Colorado), Suffolk (Virginia), Warrensburg (New York), Vernon (Alabama) and Joplin (Missouri) (p 42 Space Time Transients) B06) GENERAL: Before an earthquake, it has been reported that cats scream for no reason, and sparks appear to jump from their fur (p 119 When Snakes Awake) B07) GENERAL: WILL OF THE WISP: Tiny flames appear in spots, usually in yell, blue or red. They give off little heat, and do not burn or char the ground. They have been heard to make a popping sound, " like a gas burner coming on (p540 Worlds of the Strange) B08) GENERAL: L letter to Nature magazine, Dr. Hoenig of The University of Arizona found that rocks under high pressure emitted electrically charged particles just before bursting (p 214 When Snakes Awake) B09) GENERAL: Rock may burst at pressures exceeding 14,000 pounds per square inch. At an efficiency of only one percent of pure
quartz, common rocks could generate 10,000 volts per meter, more than enough energy to liberate airborne ions and produce lightninglike phenomena (p 123 When Snakes Awake) B10) GENERAL: Just before an earthquake, snakes have been known to leave their burrows in freezing weather, only to immediately perish (p 35 When Snakes Awake) B11) GENERAL: Forces pressing on crystal in rock produce electricity and an electric field through piezoelectric effect. Can produce thousands of watts per meter, even produce visible luminosity (p 202 Space Time Transients) B12) GENERAL: many megalithic sites are located near geological faults (p 31 The Unexplained) B13) GENERAL: High over thunderstorms, scientists have seen a doughnut of light, over 300 miles across, as plasma forms they called sprites, blue sprites, and elves (p 421 Science News, vol. 148) B14) DOMINION GOLF COURSE AND COUNTRY CLUB, WINDSOR, CANADA: Table cloths, paper burst into flames. 43 fires. Tables covered with tiny, dancing blue flames, like Saint Elmo's fire (p 198 Fire From Heaven) B1257) KAMKURA, JAPAN (1257): Bluish flames were described as emerging from fissures that had opened in the ground (p 740 Scientific Study of UFO's) B1731) FLORENCE, ITALY (Dec 1731), A luminous cloud was seen on the same day as an earthquake, seemingly driven from East to West with some violence (p 237 Mysteries of the Unexplained) B1755) LISBON, SPAIN (1755): Associated with a massive earthquake, it was observed that compass needles were brought into disorder, and magnets lost their power (p 114 When Snakes Awake) B1779) BOULOGNE, FRANCE (1779): A large number of luminous globes filled the air just before an earthquake (p 238 Mysteries of the Unexplained) B1799) VENEZUELA (1799): The famous explorer, Von Humbolt, measured powerful electric charges on his instruments, two major
earthquakes occurred, a few seconds apart (p 129 When Snakes Awake) B1802) SADO ISLAND, JAPAN (1802): Three days before a severe quake, miners stated that a thick fog suddenly appeared in a mine, so they could barely see a man right next to them (p 136 When Snakes Awake) B1818) MADONIA (1818 - 1819): With each quake, the air turned to fog for a few minutes, only to become completely clear, immediately after the quake was over (p 134 When Snakes Awake) 1874) PIKES PEAK, UNITED STATES (1874): During thunderstorm, a hissing noise was heard, whiskers were strongly electrified, hair seemed to become restless, with a strange creeping sensation all over the body. Also the scalp prickled like red - hot needles. Burning sensation on the hands (p 742 Scientific Study of UFO's) B1880a) CLARENS, SWITZERLAND (1880) Right after a lightning strike, witnesses said they were enveloped in a luminous cloud, that .." they felt like they were being struck in the face with tiny hailstones, and when the touched each other, sparks of electricity passed from their finger ends (P 244 Mysteries of the Unexplained). B1880b) EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND (1880): After a feebly luminous flash appeared on the ground, a witness emphatically stated he had experienced the ..." same sensation as I have felt in receiving a shock from a weak galvanic battery (p 244 Mysteries of the Unexplained).® B1894) CALABRIO, ITALY (16 NOV 1894): During a severe earthquake, lightning bolts were seen, even though the sky was clear at the time (p 146 When Snakes Awake) B1901) SCOTLAND (SEP 1901): Ribbon -like flashes of light were seen across the sky before and during an earthquake. (p 41 Space Time Transients) B1905) KITTERY POINT, MAINE (SEP 1905): A beach was seen to burst into flames. If sand was stirred in water, a flammable gas was given off (p 248 Mysteries of the Unexplained)×
B1906) VALPARAISO, CHILI (1906): During an earthquake, seven or eight fireballs were seen rising from the ground by a number of witnesses. After a short period, each of the fireballs then exploded with a loud detonation. One fireball was seen to divide into several smaller balls. Several other fireballs were seen flying rapidly toward the south. A number of fireballs rose up and exploded liked an artillery bombardment. (p 146 When Snakes Awake) B1919) ILLINOIS, US (1919): A blinding glare from the sky was described just before an earthquake. (p 41 Space Time Transients) B1930) IZU PENINSULA, JAPAN (NOV 1930): There were reported lights like the aurora borealis, appearing to be diverging from a point on the horizon. At the height of the quake, a straight row of round masses of light appeared. There were over a thousand eyewitness reports (p 178 Mysteries of the Unexplained) B1949) YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, UNITED STATES (1949): Several witnesses reported a hazy patch of blue light, about 150 feet across. One person reported that the cloud caused "...a marked tingling sensation in my scalp, and brushing my hair caused a snapping of tiny sparks." They also reported the smell of ozone, a form of unstable oxygen associated with electrical discharges (p 255 Mysteries of the Unexplained) B1953) NEWMAN, CALIFORNIA (1953): It was found that the ground burst into flame when touched (p 99 Space Time Transients) B1965) MATASUSHIRO, JAPAN (1965 -1967): Taken near Mount Kimyo, clear color photographs were taken of a hemispherical, white apparition that were touching the ground, with diameters of 60 to 600 feet, some lasting well over a minute (p144 When Snakes Awake) B1970) YUXI, CHINA (JAN 1970): Just before earthquake, fish were said to have jumped almost continuously (p 27 When Snakes Awake) B1973) HILO, HAWAII: One hour before an earthquake, certain radio transmissions ceased. It was felt that this may have been caused by the disappearance of the ionosphere layer overhead (p 202 Space Time Transients)
B1975) HAICHENG, NORTHERN CHINA (22 DEC 1975): The Chinese created the National Earthquake Bureau, with volunteers watching for earthquake signs. Tens of thousands of persons were saved as a result of an official evacuation just before a severe earthquake struck. Their prediction was based on animal behavior, electrical and light phenomena, and changes in underground water (p 107 When Snakes Awake) B1976) CHINA (JULY 1976) Inhabitants were awakened by what they thought was daylight, but found that it was still long before dawn. The light was caused by incredible sheets of red and white lights in the sky, said to be visible over 200 miles away. A moment later, the ground shook severely (When Snakes Awake). B1983) GREECE: Physicist Panayiotis Varotsos of the University of Athens found that he could predict earthquakes by detecting electrical signals from the ground. He was successful in 10 out of 14 earthquakes (p 260 Science New Vol 148) C01) GENERAL: GENERAL: A confidential poll showed that one percent of the general population has seen ball lightning (p 32 UFO's Identified) C02) BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABS, UNITED STATES: James Powell at was able to generate luminous balls using radio waves. The balls hovered in mid - air, as natural one do, and some existed after power was turned off (p 151 UFO's Identified) C03) GENERAL: Some feel that ball lightning exists not as blob of plasma, but as a form determined by associated magnetic fields (p 132 The UFO Verdict) C04) GENERAL: In five percent of the sightings, the ball lightning was reported when there was no lightning or thunderstorm present. (p 56 UFO's Identified) C05) GENERAL: Some feel power to form ball lightning can come from man - made sources, such as power lines. The power line can form a coronal discharge similar to St. Elmo's fire under some conditions, such as dirt or insects. It is felt that the discharge may
detach and move along the line (p 151 The Flying Saucer Conspiracy) C06) GENERAL: Out of a poll of 573 people, 3 percent claimed they had seen ball lightning at one time or another (p 31 UFO's Identified) C07) NEWFOUNDLAND: Saint Elmo's fire began to form on the propellers and the nose of the aircraft. A ball of fire the size of a volleyball suddenly broke off and splattered against the windshield (p 120 UFO's Identified) C08) GENERAL: One researcher felt that a spinning action stabilized the plasma and prevented it from mixing with the cooler surrounding air (p 100 UFO's Identified) C09) GENERAL: Ball lightning is sometimes seen emitted from the mouth of a tornado. Some feel that a tornado may have an electrical component (p 7 UFO's Identified) C10) GENERAL: Ball lighting is a large amount of energy in a small volume, shielded by a remarkably stable envelope. There is a continuous flow of energy into a small volume, by a focusing power from the environment (p 731 Scientific Study of UFO's) C11) GENERAL: Today most researchers believe that the Kugelblitz (ball lightning) is a genuine, probably invisible at distances greater than 40 meters. May be extremely commonplace (p 730 Scientific Study of UFO's) C12) GENERAL): 85% of observers reported that ball lightning remained constant in size and brightness, even just before disappearing. They may have a solid appearance with a dull or reflecting surface, with rotation (p 729 World of the Mysterious) C13) GENERAL: Many reputable scientists now believe that ball lightning is genuine phenomenon (p730 Scientific Study of UFO's) C14) GENERAL: Ball lightning has been known to cut wires and cables, kill or burn animals, to set fire to beds and barns, and to ooze through keyholes and cracks in the floor (p 734 Scientific Study of UFO'S)
C15) SWEDEN: Large rectifiers employed a plasma. Movement of plasma within have caused serious explosions (p 197 The Big Bang Never Happened) C060) ITALY (60 BC): The first documented reference to ball lightning was by the Roman poet Lucretius. Many of the sighting in ancient times were seen as an omen from the gods (p 27 UFO's Identified) C373) GENERAL (373 BC): Tacitus reported luminous display during an earthquake in the city (p 740 Scientific Study of UFO's) C1754) RUSSIA (1754): A scientist, G.W. Richman was taking various scientific measurements during a thunderstorm. A blue, fist sized ball came out of his apparatus, floating toward Richman, and suddenly exploded, killing him and injuring his nearby assistant (p 156 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) C1786) ENGLAND (SEPT 1786): One report stated that a bright ball of fire and light lasted for a full forty minutes (p 238 Mysteries of the Unexplained) C1849) PARIS, FRANCE (JULY 1849): As a red ball hovered above a tree, the tree caught fire. The ball exploded, shooting out lightning bolts in all directions, knocking down three people (p 156 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) C1899) UNITED STATES (1889): Tesla, the famous but mysterious electrical wizard. claimed to have created artificial ball lightning. It was said he could also light incandescent lamps at a range of twenty-five miles, and created other effects that were very disconcerting to his neighbors. He used massive coils, some nearly one hundred feet high, to produce very high voltages (p 989 The Unexplained) C1900): TAURUS MOUNTAINS, TURKEY (EARLY 1900'S): Many witnesses have said that Kekiujek and Ziaret mountains have often appeared to have " fought " back and forth with fireballs, across the Euphrates river (p 247 Mysteries of the Unexplained)
C1919) SALINA, KANSAS (8 OCT 1919): A ball of fire as big as a washtub struck a building, knocking out bricks. Exploded into balls as large as baseballs. A switch gear and transformer were burned out (p 157 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) C1934) ENGLAND - SUMMER 1934): A twelve - inch ball lightning struck an iron post. A nearby observer gave a yell, and was unable to move his arm for well over an hour (p 179 The World of Flying Saucers) C1936) GENERAL: A glowing red ball about the size an orange was seen to fall into a rain barrel containing 5 gallons of water. The water was brought to the boiling point, and about a quart of it actually boiled away. The energy required to do this is equal to about 4 pounds of high explosive (p 31 Scientific Study of UFO's) C1940) ENGLAND: No thunderstorm present. Witness saw a 2foot ball of light with a mass of writhing strings of light seen within. He said it traveled over 1000 feet, then exploded (p19 Handbook of the Unusual) C1948) NORTH DAKOTA (1 OCT 1948): F51 Mustang. Saw 6inch ball, white. Couldn't catch it in a 400 mph dive. (p 45 The UFO Phenomenon) C1957) GENERAL (1957): A researcher named Dr. Winston Bostick found that he could produce globs of plasma, he referred to as " plasmoids ", maintained inside a vacuum tube. He also found that the form that these plasmoids took could be determined by the nature of the magnetic field (p 132 UFO's Identified) C1960) DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA: Research at the Morehead Planetarium produced small balls in red, blue and green, inside a glass tube, either singly or in groups. Conditions had been just right (p 69 The UFO Verdict) C1965) DUNELLION, FLORIDA (AUG 1965): Basketball - sized ball of light exploded like a rifle shot when it hit the floor. Many balls have sulfur or ozone smell and may make buzzing or hissing noise (p 161 The Unexplained)
C1966) FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA (MAR 1966): Two men walking in the woods saw a bright object that looked like a balloon covered with fluorescent paint. The object suddenly exploded. An examination of the area revealed no pieces or debris of any kind at the site (p 324 Passport to Magonia) C1969) ONTARIO, CANADA (1969): One observer said he saw a three foot - luminous ball pass between him and a nearby tree, that lasted for several minutes (p 48 UFO Experience) C1970) SIDMOUTH, ENGLAND (12 AUG 1970): Red ball exploded, shot out lightning bolts. Over 1000 nearby television sets failed at the same time (p 12 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) C1972) DARTMORE, ENGLAND: Residents heard a scratching noise. Ball of light entered, then exploded with a brilliant burst of light when struck by a poker. There were electrical failures and rood tiles damaged (p1710 The Unexplained). C1975) SMETHERWICK, ENGLAND (1975): During thunderstorm, four - inch purple ball with a flame -colored halo burned a hole in a woman's dress, disappeared with a bang (p 257 Mysteries of the Unexplained) C1985) ROTTERDAM, HOLLAND (1985): Gerard Dijkhuis. Using 400 batteries, he produced glowing balls up to 4 inches in diameter, lasted up to a second. Balls were seen on submarine batteries during World War II. (p 187 Facts & Fallacies).
D01) The UFO sighting show a strong correlation with seismic activity, with correlation coefficients of 0.50 to 0.70 (p 200 Space Time Coefficients). D02) In most ball lightning and UFO's, the size and brightness were reported to appear to remain constant, or at least not diminish (p729 World of the Mysterious). D03) GENERAL: Ball lightning seen at 2000 miles per hour (p 127 UFO's Identified)
D04) GENERAL: 36 percent of ball lightning were reported as having a spinning or rotating effect. Of 400 people, 2.6 % claimed a sighting (p 38 UFO's Identified) D05) GENERAL: The total mass of material in a plasma is almost infinitesimal, making it easy to stop on a dime or make right angle turns (p 198 UFO's Identified) D06) GENERAL: An inversion layer refracts lights. As the layer shift, they may make a star appear to move by quite an amount (p 141 Flying Saucer Reader) D07) GENERAL: Atmospheric conditions may make an object on the ground appear to be the sky, as well as show extreme movement and a change of colors. The conditions may also magnify a star by a large factor (p 65 The World of Flying Saucers) D08) GENERAL: Researchers found that the pattern for low altitude UFO sightings is very similar to those of sightings of ball lighting, with few sighting during the day and early evening, and more numerous later at night (p 8 UFO's Identified) D09) GENERAL: Most UFO's are seen at the time of day when conditions are conducive to plasmas forming. Radioactive radon may contribute (p 164 UFO's Identified) D10) GENERAL: More than forty percent of UFO sighting are reported to be in the range of six to fifteen feet in diameter (p 113 Challenge to Science) D11) GENERAL: The passage of a plane through the air can cause condensation plume, concealing outline, giving it a saucer shape (p 50 World of Flying Saucers) D12) GENERAL: Most UFO sighting appear as bodies of revolution: saucer, dome, Saturn - like, sphere, cigar cylinder (p 161 UOF's Identified) D13) GENERAL: There appears to be a continuous flow of energy into a small volume presumably by a focusing power from the environment (p 731 World of the Strange) D1946) ALBUQUEQUE, NEW MEXICO: A UFO approached at 500 feet, exploded in a shower of red sparks. The same thing
repeated on three successive nights (p 204 AS) D1951) MOJAVE, CALIFORNIA (2 NOV 1951): A 30 foot, blue green UFO was well defined, but surrounded by a glow, then vanished, as if "by a magicians trick." (p 197 Passport to Magonia) D1952a) NORTHERN JAPAN (29 MAR 1952): An F-4 Thunderjet was paced by an 8-inch glowing ball that was traveling faster than the jet, then suddenly seen to have shot out of sight (p 38 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) D1952b) SOUTHWESTERN France (Oct 1952): Two separate but remarkably similar sightings. Hundreds of witnesses observed UFO with an appearance like the planet Saturn that were seen traveling in pairs. As two members of a pair separated, a whitish streak, " like an electric arc ", was seen to pass between them (p 221 MU) D1961 NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK (1861): An observer described an orange-red UFO that was dimly glowing, with the edges blurred. The witness said that it appeared to be like a gas, so dim that you could see stars through it (p 1919 UFO'S Identified). D1965) WARMINSTER, ENGLAND (5 MAY 1965): A 200-foot UFO was suddenly seen to explode for no reason (p 96 Space Time Transients) D1966a) NEW JESEY (1966): A UFO was seen as having 6 foot " tentacles " hanging down to the ground (p 338 Passport to Magonia) D1966c) UNITED STATES (WINTER 1966): Nuclear physicist saw a reddish - orange UFO suddenly brightened to a brilliant white. Comparing the distant UFO to headlights, estimated the energy output to be 800 megawatts (p 277 Scientific Study of UFO's) D1975) ALBANY, NEW YORK: During thunderstorm, four bolts struck. A16 foot fireball appeared after the first strike (p25 Handbook of the Unusual). D1980 REDDING, CALIFORNIA (7 MAY 1980): A luminous cloud exploded. A witness said he though at first that it was an atomic explosion. Witnesses also reported that about thirty minutes of time seemed to be missing to them (p 89 Confrontations)
1 DOCUMENTATION E01) GENERAL: UFO clusters occur along the New England coast, Washington State, the southern California coast, and the upper Mississippi area. Certain areas in Texas, Florida, and the Caribbean area are also involved (p 157 Space Time Transients). E02) GENERAL: Phillip Klass, engineer, editor of Aviation and Space Technology: Plasma reflects radar better than solid object (p 105 The UFO Phenomenon) E03) GENERAL: Among other Curtis LeMay, Commander of the Strategic Air Command and the astronomer Doctor Clyde Tombaugh, discover of the planet Pluto, were said to believe in the reality of the UFO sightings (p 304 Aliens From Space) E04) GENERAL: Plasma provides a good radar target, and can produce a stronger echo than a solid object. Lightning creates a good but very brief echo (p 82 UFO's Identified) E05) GENERAL: Dr. Helmut Tributsch (When Snakes Awake) is a Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Free University of Berlin E06) GENERAL: Mr. U Thant, then Secretary General of the United Nations, considered the question of UFO sightings the most important problem facing the world (p 250 Interplanetary Visitors) E07) GENERAL: Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of the planet Pluto, believes in the reality of UFO sightings (p 207 Flying Saucers the Startling Evidence) E08) GENERAL: Carl Sagan, famous astronomer of Cornell University, contributed to a book on UFO's. He felt " ...an open mind should be kept." (UFO’s, A Scientific Debate) E09) GENERAL: Scientific studies were made of recurring UFO's at the following areas, each over 100 sightings, located near geological fault: Yakima Indian reservation, Washington (1972). Piedmont, Missinppi (1973), and Hessdalen Valley Norway (1981). Last study including tracking by a portable radar (p 134 Scientific Studies)
E10) GENERAL: From 1947 to 1969, the government investigated 13,000 UFO sightings. Five percent could not be explained (p33 UFO The Continuing Enigma) E11) GENERAL: A couple had their film of a UFO confiscated and they were told to be quiet about it. Speed was estimated at 2500 MPH. E947) The Air Intelligence Technical Center (ATIC), a government agency, submitted a report to the commander of the Army Air Service on UFO's that stated that “. the reported phenomena are real." (p16 The Report on UFO's) E1948 MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA (24 JULY 1988): The pilot of an Eastern Airlines DC-3 saw a bright light rapidly approaching. He pulled to the left. As the UFO passed several hundred feet away, the plant was hit by turbulence. The pilot of a second aircraft also reported a bright light in the vicinity (p 40 Report of UFO's) E1949b) WHITE SANDS PROVING GROUND (24 APRIL 1949): A silver - white UFO was seen to pass in front of some mountains. It was tracked by trained persons using a theodolite (sighting instrument). The UFO was estimated to be 100 feet in diameter and traveling at over 10,000 miles per hour (p 70 Report on UFO's) E1950a) GREAT FALLS, MONTANA (1950) A color film shows two white spheres traveling horizontally across the sky, passing behind a water tower about 500 feet away. The conditions are clear, bright sunlight. Experts estimated the maximum range that they would be recognizable as aircraft. At that distance, they were estimated to be traveling much faster than any known aircraft at the time (p 193 UFO - A Scientific Debate) E1950b) GREAT FALLS, MONTANA (1950) The photographer claimed that 48 frames were missing after government returned film, and said that those frames had showed the two objects as having size, shape, and spin (p90 UFO's Yes) E1950c) MCMINVILLE, OREGON (11 MAY 1950): Condon Report stated that all factors " ...appear to be consistent with the assertion that an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disk - shaped,
tens of meters in diameter flew within sight of two witnesses." (p407 A Scientific Study of UFO's). E1950d) MCMINVILLE, OREGON (11 MAY 1950): Photos showed atmospheric haze at a distance. Edge enhancement ruled out support by a wire (p674 The Unexplained). E1950e) WHITE SANDS, NEW MEXICO: A UFO was filmed. The witnesses were told to forget what had happened (p29 Flying Saucers the Startling Evidence) E1950f) KOREA (SEP 1956): Carrier launched planes against an unknown, tracked at over 1000 miles per hour, with a jittery movement. Pilots reported silvery appearance. As the pilots readied their guns, their radar went haywire, with screen blanked out, feeling of warmth in the cockpits (p 30 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) E1951) LUBBOCK, TEXAS (1951): A case involves multiple sighting in the period August - September. There were a number of people who saw groups of blue lights traveling in formation, including three college professors. There were five photographs of the formations. Radar tracking estimated the speed at 900 mph, faster than any known jet. Similar lights had been recorded in that area since 1893 (p 50 UFO Phenomenon) E1952a) TREMINGTON, UTAH (2 JULY 1952): Near highway 305, A Navy photographer filmed about a dozen white objects circling about in the sky. One of the objects appeared to leave the group at a high rate of speed (p223 Report on UFO's). E1952b) TREMINGTON, UTAH (2 JULY 1952): Experts From an Air Force photo lab did not feel that the objects filmed were of birds (p 200). The motion is not what would have expected of soaring birds, and they do not appear to periodically fade as the birds turned into the wind (p418 A Scientific Study of UFO's). E1952c) SPOKANE, WASHINGTON: Near Fairchild AFB, two intelligence experts reported a blue - white object traveling under cloud cover at 4700 feet, leaving a long blue tail and traveling without a sound. They were very sure it was not a search light or
other known phenomenon. Estimated velocity at 1400 MPH (P12 The Report on UFO's) E1952d) HAWAII (APRIL 1952): Then Secretary of the Navy, Dan Kimball, said that he and the rest of the passengers saw two UFO's that circled their plane twice, traveling at speeds Estimated at up 2000 mph (p 79 Aliens From Space) E1956a) ROYAL AIR FORCE BASE, ENGLAND: Venom fighters were scrambled to intercept an unknown target. The pilots reported a UFO and were forced to return. Three radar stations at different locations tracked the target (p 252 Aliens From Space) E1957a) MIAMI, FLORIDA (MAR 1957): Captain Van Winkle, the pilot of a commercial airliner, spotted a bright, greenish - white UFO appearing to be coming straight at his aircraft. To avoid what he perceived to be a collision, he put the plane into a severe dive, injuring several passengers in the process (p 196 UFO's Identified) E1957b) FRANCE (MAY 1957): Photos of an object taken by two cameras was examined, with the conclusion that the objects were real (p 13 Challenge to Science) E1957c) TEXAS (2 NOV 1957) Impressive cluster of UFO sightings occurred, near Clovis, Midland, Abilene, Amarillo and Canadian (p 139 Anatomy of a Phenomenon). E1957d) LEVELLAND, TEXAS (2 NOV 1957): Seven sightings also occurred, over several hours, including a sighting by police officers. Many of the witnesses had their automobile engines stall for no apparent reason (p 156 UFO's and the Limits of Science) E1957d) PLATTSBURG, NEW YORK (8 NOV 1957): Near Au Sable Forks, witnesses watched jet fighter chasing UFO (p 264 Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery) E1957e) (SUMMER 1957): An F86 intercepted a UFO tracked on radar at 700 miles per hour. As he closed to 500 yards, opened fire, with no effect (p 2 Report on UFO's) E1958) KIMAKI, HAWAII (1958): Nine objects were filmed, estimated at 900 mph, with a background reference. Experts said
they felt their elliptical appearance was not due to panning (p204 UFO's A Scientific Debate). E1959) NEW MEXICO (13 AUG 1959): A pilot sighted three grey round things as his compasses began to spin. The pilot claimed was interviewed by an Air Force officer who told him he might experience radiation sickness (p 109 Aliens From Space) E1965a) SOUTH AMERICA (1965): UFO's were reported over several major cities, including Buenos Aires (Argentina), Caracas (Venezuela) and Lima (Peru). It was said in some cases, they were observed by hundreds or even thousands of people, sometimes for over an hour at a time (p 241 Flying Saucers the Startling Evidence) E1965b) PHOTO: A good photo shows a round thick object that was said to glow brighter than the moon. The upper part is disk shaped, with a funnel descending From below. Appears to be an object of rotation (p 70 UFO's Identified) E1966) STREATHLAM, LONDON, ENGLAND: Three photos were taken of a 30 ft. hubcap-shaped object. Consultants said there was no sign of tampering. Route was tracked From witnesses (P1879 The Unexplained). E1967) FORMER SOVIET UNION (1967): On 18 July, professional astronomers in Kazan sighted enormous flying crescents, speed estimated at over 10,000 miles per hour. On 8 August, astronomers in Kislovodsk reported similar apparitions. All sightings were reportedly acknowledged by Moscow (p 154 Aliens From Space) E1968) AUSTIN, TEXAS (16 APRIL 1968): Henry Ford II, son of Henry Ford, sighted a large round object, that paced the executive jet at 600 mph (p 177 Aliens From Space) E1969) GULF OF MEXICO (29 JAN 1969): An RB47 reconnaissance aircraft was using passive direction - finding radars suddenly indicated a rapidly moving signal source. The crew reported an intense bluish - white light in that direction, that suddenly changed course and crossed in front of their path (p 60 UFO's - A Scientific Debate)
E1973) PANAMA CANAL, PANAMA (1973): USS Abraham Lincoln, one day out of Panama Canal. A 100-foot disk was filmed and photographed by Ed Sims. He was told film had been developed, was shown photos. He said he was forced to sign a secret document; told he would go to prison if he talked (p 66 Clear Intent). E1976) TEHRAN, IRAN (SEP 1976): A UFO was detected on both ground and aircraft radars. An f4 interceptor experienced failure of instruments and communications. A second interceptor experienced the same thing (p 160 UFO's and the Limits of Science) E1988) OCALA, FLORIDA (SPRING 1966): Governor Hayden Burns of Florida and associated claimed they sighted an object like two saucers, placed lip-to -lip, giving off yellowish light at the rim (p 273 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence)
F01) GENERAL: It is said that color change is easy for a plasma, such as a transfer of energy from nitrogen to carbon dioxide, or with changes in energy level (p 105 UFO Identified) F02) GENERAL: Physicist Michel Perry at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have built a laser at a trillion watts, so powerful that standard mirrors would be destroyed. Instead, they used an electron plasma, which becomes highly reflective once it reaches a critical density. " If you have a plasma with an abrupt interface to air, it will act as a metal mirror. (page 95 Discover Magazine, January 1998) F03) GENERAL: Plasmas can radiate well into the ultraviolet (UV) region. Glass stops UV light produce inside a fluorescent light (p 97 UFO's Identified) F04) GENERAL: Containment of dust particles might explain dark areas sometimes reported on a UFO (p 111 UFO's Identified) F05) GENERAL: As a UFO passed in front of the sun, the light color of the object suddenly appeared to be transparent (p 109 UFO's Identified).
F06) GENERAL: A ball lightning was reported by witnesses to have the appearance of a " center of blackness " (p18 Handbook of the Unusual). F07) GENERAL: Mrs. Ames was standing on a rug during a thunderstorm, when she saw that the air under her hand take on a shimmering appearance, like hot air. The thing appeared to rise from the floor, and attached itself to one of her fingers as a small fireball, which then suddenly disappeared (p22 Handbook of the Unusual). F1907) BRAZIL (1907): A " transparent, mushroom-shaped " object was sighted, at the same time that a vehicle stalled (p 260) (Passport to Magonia) F1931) NEW ZEALAND (JUNE 1931) In a sighting between New Zealand and Australia, a pilot reported a dark grey object that suddenly seemed to vanish, then reappear nearby just as suddenly. The observer stated that "...one second, I could see through it, and the next it had vanished." (p 214 Mysteries of the Unexplained). F1944) SEA OF JAPAN (WW II). A fleet of American ships tracked a large number of unknown targets on several radars, causing a call to general quarters. Again, there was serious concern they were unknown weapons, since they appeared to be traveling faster than any American aircraft. However, as radar showed them as directly overhead, there was no visual sighting (p 223 The Flying Saucer Conspiracy) F1950) BRADFORD, ILLINOIS (1950): An observer saw oval, metallic-looking disk. However, when clouds suddenly blocked the sun, he said he could see that object, even though it did not actually change in appearance, he could see that it did not appear shiny at all, but rather was self-illuminated and glowing (p 108 UFO's Identified) F1951) TUNISIA, AFRICA (1954): A number of observers saw a strange object that resembled a disk of " transparent plastic " fly over a house, then swing back and forth like a pendulum (p 208 Passport to Magonia)
F1954a) EAST DANDENONE, AUSTRALIA (JUNE 1954): Janet Brown, age 16, and a 13-year-old, saw a large dark object hovering that suddenly appeared to " burst into light". (p 202 Passport to Magonia) 1954b) RIDGEWAY, CANADA (JUN 1954): A 40-foot UFO was seen with rotating lights on it. Car engine stalled and a large, brown circular areas was seen where it had been seen to be resting (p 207 Confrontations) F1954c) ENGLAND (Sep 1954): Targets were tracked by several radar sets, from different sites and different frequencies. The objects traveled in formation at speeds in excess of any known aircraft at the time. Tracking was continued for some time, but no visual identification could be made. The participants said that they felt there was something there, but that it simply could not be seen (p 217 Flying Saucers & the Straight Line Mystery) F1955 KENORA, ONTARIO, CANADA (20 AUG 1955): Two MEB a UFO THAT seemed to sparkle like a diamond, as if some electric force, or very hot air was flowing over the surface (p 98 The UFO Experience) F1957a) ROULON, FRANCE (1957): A dark, transparent ball about 2 feet in diameter rose beside a road, with appendages trailing behind (p 260 Passport to Magonia) F1957b) BANDETTE, MINNESOTA (MAR 1957): As circular object, 15 feet in diameter was seen to progress against the wind, it appeared to suck up snow off the ground underneath (p 254 Passport to Magonia) F1958a) MACELO, BRAZIL (APRIL 1958) A Wilson Lustosa and others saw a 36-foot lens shaped object, with what appeared to be portholes with red light coming out. The water underneath the object seemed to be boiling or attracted upward (p 271 Passport to Magonia) F1958b) GRAND MARIAS, MINNESOTA (SUMMER 1958): A glowing ball of light squeezed through an opening into a cabin, having a bright yellow perimeter, with an orange core contained
"..writhing, worm like shapes". Shrank and vanished when it reached the wall, then a loud firecracker report was heard (p 160 The Unexplained) F1958c) NYS THRUWAY, NIAGARA FALLS, NEW YORK (JAN 1958): A woman on the thruway, saw an illuminated slim rod, about 50 feet high, that appeared to be slowly sinking into the ground. The car motor stopped and the headlights failed. The snow was melted at the spot (p 15 Passport to Magonia)™ F1959) SVENDBORG, DENMARK (15 APRIL 1959): A diskshaped object was seen that appeared to be made of glass (p 275 Passport to Magonia) F1961a) NEW YORK CITY (1961): An observer described an orange-red UFO that was dimly glowing, with the edges blurred. appeared like a gas, so dim that you could see stars through it (p 1919 UFO's Identified) F1961b) TOULOUSE, FRANCE (AUG 1961): Five persons observed a luminous yellow sphere, 24 feet in diameter, with bands of darker tone that gave the impression of windows (p 282 Passport to Magonia) F1963) UNITED STATES: Police officers said that a UFO to be surrounded by a lighted haze, pulsing every few seconds. They said it appeared circular, but that the rear quarter became invisible at times. (p 107 UFO's Identified) F1964) ALBUQUEQUE, NEW MEXICO (APRIL 1964): A witness that gazed at a UFO for ten minutes, with a burning sensation in the eyes and face, and inflamed eyes and eyelids. Physicians felt that sunlight was insufficient to produce the injury (p 98 UFO's Identified) F1965a) EASTERN UNITED STATES (1965): During a major power blackout, UFO sightings were reported from coastal cities in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, and New Jersey (p 159 Without a Trace). ‑ F1965b) NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK (NOV 1965): During the great Eastern power blackout, Stuart Whitman, the famous actor, said he saw two hovering objects outside the window on the twelfth
floor of his hotel, one orange and one blue (p 320 Passport to Magonia) F1966a) MISSOURI (6 MARCH 1966): The light beam from a car headlights seemed distorted. A disk shaped object was seen, and the automobile slowed to 10 miles per hour (p 18 UFO's a Scientific Debate) F1966b) BENDIGO, AUSTRALIA (April 1966): Next to a UFO, beams of car headlights were suddenly bent to the right. A 25-foot column of light was seen. A 3-foot saucer shaped depression was found, several inches deep. Two days later, there was a fatal car crash at the same site (p 268 Flying Saucers, the Startling Evidence) F1967a) NEW ENGLAND (1967): A Mr. Seaman said he saw a UFO, the bottom of which appeared like dull-brushed aluminum, the top of which he said appeared to be made of the clearest material he had ever seen. There was a smell like burnt matches and the yard lights dimmed (p 215 UOF's- Interplanetary Visitors) F1967b) HAJOBA, BRAZIL (7 JUN 1967): A brilliant transparent mushroom-shaped object was seen, as a nearby vehicle stalled (p 346 Passport to Magonia) F1975) SAINT JOHNS RIVER, FLORIDA (DEC 1975): An unidentified object was tracked on radar for some time, then suddenly materialized over the river, appearing as a glowing orangered light, that looked like a burning house. The apparition was reported by residents of more than one county (p 133 Without a Trace) F1977a) FLORIDA (MARCH 1977): Off the east coast a plane picked up a blip on radar. At a range of about 45 miles, they could easily see it as a bright light. They continued to track it visually and on radar for five minutes. After the visible portion suddenly disappeared, they said they continued to track it on radar for another fifteen minutes, even though they couldn't see anything (p 87 UFO's Identified)
F1977b) FRANCE (MAY 1977): A farmer noticed that his tractor and radio quit for no apparent reason, then noticed some sort of vortex off to the side, scattering leaves and twisting branches as it passed through the tops of some trees. He said he could not see any actual object, just the effect it was producing. (p 110 Confrontations) F1979) SCOTLAND (9 Nov 1979): A Bob Taylor reported he saw a gray object, shaped like the planet Saturn, where the top dome appeared to become transparent, then appeared to become solid again. Nearby dogs barked. He experienced unconsciousness, a bad smell, and later had a painful head (P118 Visitors From Time) F1998) GENERAL: In a laser designed for one billion megawatts, powerful enough to burn through any solid mirror, researchers used a plasma that becomes highly reflective at a critical electron density, much like a metal mirror but virtually indestructible (p 95 Discovery magazine Jan 1998)
G01) GENERAL: If a radio is held up to a fluorescent lamp, which contains a plasma, the radio output will turn into static. Neon lamps do the same (p 94 UFO Identified) G02) GENERAL: Not all electrical systems are effected. sometimes only the engine, sometimes only the lights, sometimes only the motor. (p 96 UFO Identified) G03) GENERAL: A great many reports of plasmoids that induced failure of nearby electrical circuits: Canada (1947), Indiana (1957), England (1962), Virginia (1965) and Indiana (1967). (p 59 Space Time Transients) G04) GENERAL: Over 28 percent of UFO sighting involved a lasting ground effect of some kind (p 96 Mysteries of Time and Space) G05) GENERAL: The author stated that an electronic engineer, Richard Gedes, said that he felt that if a mass of plasma were to envelope a power line, it could cause a massive short circuit by
rapidly conducting a massive flow of electrical power directly to the ground (p 254 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) G06) GENERAL: UFO'S were found to halt autos, truck and aircraft, but no cases were recorded of a UFO affecting the normal operation of a steam engine or diesel engine, which do not need electricity (p 179 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) G07) GENERAL: A microwave generator with enough power could short circuit anything in its path, paralyzing every item of electronic equipment (p 159 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) G08) GENERAL: Some feel that UFO's are capable of creating electric fields of extreme intensity. (p 134 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) G09) GENERAL (1996): Working on weapons systems that use microwave frequencies, scientists were able to disable automobiles at 100 yards by induced voltages (Watertown Daily Times, Watertown, NY-22 June 1996) G10) GENERAL: In earthquakes, hairs have been seen to spontaneously rise up out of the ground "in the twinkling of an eye" (p 283 Handbook of the Unusual) G11) GENERAL: Northern folklore claims that silken threads sometimes fall from the sky during an intense auroral display (p21 Handbook of the Unusual). G1954a) FORLI, ITALY (NOV 1954): A strange beam of light from a flying object, was seen to sweep across the countryside. The engine of a gasoline tractor died. A nearby diesel tractor continued to run (p 244 Passport to Magonia) G1954b) LUSIGNY FOREST, FRANCE (OCT 1954): An 18-foot object emitted intense heat, forming a dense smoke. In spite of a recent heavy rain, the area was found to be completely dry afterwards (p 235 Passport) G1954c) BOARIA, ITALY (OCT 1954): An object flew over a farm, emitting an intense heat. A small pond was dried out, a haystack caught fire, and a number of cattle were found to have suffered burns (p 229 Passport to Magonia)
G1957a) WOODWAD, OKLAHOMA (DEC 1957): Bright object seen, about 40 feet in diameter. Car slowed, then stopped, as if the electrical circuits had failed, then suddenly started for no reason. (p 268 Passport to Magonia) G1957b) OROGRANDE, NEW MEXICO (NOV 1957): At constant speed, a car speedometer was seen to fluctuate wildly, from 60 to 100 miles per hour, then a strange silvery object was seen to the southwest. After it departed, the speedometer worked fine (p 99 Flying Saucers, the Startling Evidence) G1958) PORTLENONE, IRELAND (DEC 1958): A black flying object, 6-foot-wide, was said to cut through a tree, two-foot-thick and 40 feet tall, without even slowing down (274 Passport to Magonia) G1965a) CUSTER, WASHINGTON (JAN 1965): A 30-foot UFO was seen to touch the ground in an area with snow over a foot deep. A circular area was completely melted of snow, with the ground underneath was scorched (p 133 The UFO Experience) G1965b) CUERNAVACA, MEXICO (23 SEP 1965): UFO passed over a town, all lights dimmed and electrical equipment failed. The object was seen by the Governor, Mayor, and Chief of the Military (p 207 Aliens From Space) G1966) EXETER, NEW HAMPSHIRE (OCT 1966): Small redorange disk was seen to have a silvery extension to a power line (p 247 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) G1972) WISCONSIN (1972): When a 30-foot UFO suddenly appeared, a driver found that his automobile engine quit, and lights, horn and radio were inoperative. After the incident was over, he found that all the car fuses had been blown, and that the car engine had suddenly overheated for some reason (p 286, Aliens from Space) G1975) PASCAGOULA, MISS (OCT 1975): A red light appeared near a helicopter. The compass spun wildly, and had to be replaced (p 126 The UFO Phenomenon) G1976) LAKE SIJIN, SWEDEN (5 APRIL 1976): A big grey object was seen to cut a path through ice three feet thick, making an
opening over 700 square feet. Blocks of ice were seen to have been thrown up from below. A clear aerial photo was taken of the large hole in the ice (p 1624 The Unexplained). J01) GENERAL: Investigators found that there seemed to be some kind of induced amnesia that prevented the victims of human combustions from recalling what happened (p 150 Fire From Heaven) J02) ENGLAND, TIME VARIOUS: A researcher, Livingstone Gearhart, claimed that many of the cases of human combustion occurred near or at a peak of magnetic flux, including the following: Knight (Nov 1943), Peterson (Dec 1959), Worth (Oct 1963), Bentley (Dec 1966) and Walker (Apr 1969) (p87 The Unexplained) J03) WASHINGTON, DC: Robert Burch. An orange-red ball of fire entered his room at the YMCA, that disappeared in a blinding flash, set fire to wastebasket. His right arm was badly burned (p 151 Fire From Heaven) J04) DOVER, NEW JERSEY: Miss Green was found severely burned and dying on an unscorched carpet. Although she could speak, she was unable to remember what happened (p 89 Fire From Heaven) J1776) FLORENCE, ITALY (1776): Priest was found surrounded by a strange flame, suddenly disappeared. The next day, the skin of his right arm almost completely detached. He rapidly lapsed into delirium, convulsions, vomiting, and diarrhea. Fingernails fell out. He died four days later (p 82 Mysteries of the Unexplained) J1887) WOODSTOCK, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA (AUG 1887): There were reported 40 fires in a house in a short time. A child was found in flames (p 106 Space Time) J1891) THORAH ISLAND, ONTARIO, CANADA (1891): After a series of unexplained fires, a cat suddenly started burning and ran outside, with singed fur (p 191 Fire From Heaven) J1905) HULL, ENGLAND (1905): A surviving victim of human combustion was able to speak, but was unable to say what had
happened to her (p 89 Fire From Heaven) J1907) FALKIRK, ENGLAND (DEC 1907): A Mrs. Colchran had spontaneously burned to death without making a single outcry (p 47 Fire from Heaven) J1938a) PARAJAEVARRA, NORTHLAND LAPLAND (JUL 1938): Globes of incandescence fell from the sky, with one person incinerated, and several others badly burned. Five building in the place were destroyed. It was felt by some that the globes were a form of ball lightning (p 299 Strange World) J1938b) ENGLAND (DEC 1938): A number of persons were hit by human combustion: On the 27th, Hill (Croydeon), Flight (Briston), and Gorringe (Downham). On the 28th, Ridge (Sheffield), Pegler (Birmingham), Wright (Carlisle), Lawless (Warrington) and Gaines (Liverpool) J1951a) SAINT PETERSBURG, FLORIDA (1951): In the Mary Reeser case, Doctor Condon stated that he felt that the " ...case has all the earmarks of Kugelblitz (ball lightning) (p 734 Scientific Study of UFO's) J1951b) SAINT PETERSBURG, FLORIDA (1951): An anonymous person sent a postcard to police, claiming he witnesses a ball of fire enter the window and hit her (p 129 Fire From Heaven).: J1957) PROVENCEL, LOUISIANA (9 NOV 1957): When a 15foot UFO was seen at close range near, the occupants reported that a sudden intense heat seemed to fill the car. Right after the occupants managed to get out, the 1956 Ford caught fire and was totally destroyed (p 260 Passport to Magonia) J1961) ENGLAND (APRIL 1961): A man came into his kitchen and found his wife burning on the floor, her body very badly charred. Right over her body was a strange ball of fire. There was no report of her trying to cry out. The rug that she was laying on was not even scorched (Mysteries of the Unexplained) J1962) DIAMANTINA, BRAZIL: (1962): A man and three sounds woke up in the middle of the night hearing apparent voices and shadowy figure that seemed to move in a gliding manner. The next
morning, they encountered two UFO’s that suddenly merged into one. After the father was enveloped by the luminous cloud, witnesses said they could find no trace of him (p 286 Passport to Magonia) J1964) HOBBS, NEW MEXICO (JUNE 1964): As a metallicappearing object passed overhead, a young boy had his hair stand on end. He was later found to have singed hair, eyes that were nearly swollen shut, and second degree burns, with imbedded soot. In spite of his burns, he experienced no pain during his ordeal, just severe itching as they healed (p 27 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) J1974a) GEORGIA, UNITED STATES (1974): Jack Angel went to sleep in his motor home. then he woke up, he found that his right arm had been burned black. Nothing else had been burned, including the pajamas he was wearing at the time. The attending physician felt that the injury appeared to be very similar to an electrical burn (p 444 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) J1974b) ENGLAND: (CORBY, NORTHHAMPSHIRE-26 AUG Roland Davies) (LINCOLNSHIRE, SCUNTHORPE 18 Aug-Terry Nelson). Both were survivors of human combustion, neither could ember what had happened to them (p 96 Fire from Heaven) J1975) MIAMI, FLORIDA (12 JAN 1975): Mrs. Esther Cooks was found burned to death, close to the Mary Reeser case (p 99 Fire From Heaven) K01) GENERAL: One researcher stated that if a field of sufficient energy is present, rocks and other dielectric (insulators) might " bounce around " or even be " propelled out of the ground (p 203 ST) K02) GENERAL: Poltergeist activity is said to show a high correlation with UFO sightings (p 107 ST) K03) GENERAL: Unexplained falls were said to have shown a very high correlation with the history of earthquakes in the same general area (p 234) and with UFO sightings (p 19 Space Time Transients)
K04) GENERAL: Poltergeist activity was described as being associated with sounds of crackling and sensations of static electricity, including hair standing on end. Lights turned on and off by themselves. Scratches suddenly appeared on the skin of two residents (30 Dec 1997 Sightings Sci Fi Channel) K05) GENERAL: Many living organisms involved in unexplained falls show no sign of damage whatsoever (p 195 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K06) GENERAL: Falls occur in cluster, such as southern England, South Carolina, California, areas where other mysterious events are found (p 192 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K08) GENERAL: In Cleveland, a Robert Cubbedge in a used car lot watched as mysterious pock-marks developed in auto windshields before his eyes. In Portland, Oregon, a woman saw mysterious pellets eat right through a windshield with a bubbling action (p 80 Mysteries of Time and Space) K09) GENERAL: In Lone Pine, California, an object too intense to look at took off instantly. The trees underneath leaned with it, looking an unseen force pushing them both (p 120 Mysteries of Time and Space) K10) GENERAL: On Mount Chimborazo, Ecuador, mountain climbers heard buzzing and cracking noises, experienced electric shock, hair stood on end, and their goggles vibrated (p 741 World of Strange Phenomena) K11) GENERAL: Observers almost always report mysterious booms as coming from above them, often in groups. In 11 % of cases, occurred with an earthquake. In 7 % of cases, rocks or objects appeared to be sucked upwards (p 49 Space Time Transients) K12) GENERAL: Dr. Persinger of Laurentian University feels that the source of a UFO is an electrical column in the range of 10 to 100 feet in diameter, that comes up out of the ground (p 203 Space Time Transients)
K1814) AGEN, FRANCE (5 SEP 1814): A small, perfectly round cloud was seen to be speeding through the sky, apparently under its own power, spinning rapidly, and making loud rumbling noises. As the cloud suddenly exploded, a shower of stones rained down, some quite large (p 150 Strange and Mysterious Phenomena) K1877) RICHARDSON, NORTH DAKOTA (1877): Coals were said to fly out of a bucket, striking the teacher and some pupils. At the same time, the blinds began to smolder for no reason (p 268 Fire From Heaven) K1880) EAST KENT, ONTARIO, CANADA (1880): A husband and wife heard a report like a cannon. When they turned around to look, they saw a cloud of stones fly up into the air, leaving a circular area 16 feet across that o had been swept clean. They were very sure it was not a whirlwind (p 191 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K1886) CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA (Sep 1886): A shower of warm pebbles was said to fall outside a newspaper office, from about the size of a grape to that of a hen's egg. About a quart was found over a fairly small area. About a week before, the area had been struck by a major earthquake. (p 198 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K1887) HURROCTAE, ENGLAND (AUG 1887): In a flash of lightning, a bright white light was seen to hit the ground with a loud fizzing noise. The impact area was found to have fused sand and a "thunderstone" (p 265 Handbook of the Unusual). K1893) Paderborn, Germany (1893): As a small yellow cloud passed overhead, there was a shower of living pond mussels (p 198 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K1896) BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA (Nov 1896): A deluge of dead birds of various species that fell in heaps along the thoroughfares, including ducks, catbirds and woodpeckers (p 198 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K1900) REEDSBURG, WISCONSIN (1900): Two men saw a blimp-shaped object hovering in the night sky. As it passed overhead, trees underneath were seen to bend, even though there
was no wind at the time (p 20 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) K1907) England (Dec 1907): A clergyman named Casence reported that objects inside parish were suddenly hurled about, often catching fire in the process, and that these events occurred over a period of several days (p 85 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K1937) TROWBRIDGEE, ENGLAND (June 1937), hundreds of tiny frogs were reported as falling from the sky (p 202 Mysteries of the Unexplained). K1940) SHREVEPORT, LOUSIANA (20 MAR 1940): Near Barksdale Field, hundreds of blackbirds were seen to suddenly break flight for no apparent reason and plummeted to the ground (p244 Handbook of the Unusual). K1944) RICHARDSON, NORTH DAKOTA (APRIL 1944): At the Wild Plum School, coals were seen to fly out of a bucket for no reason window blinds began to smolder and a bookcase caught fire (p 208 Fire from Heaven) K1948) MAURITIUS, INDIAN OCEAN (1948): A 2-foot fireball hit a tennis court, cutting a trench in the hard packed clay that was measured to be about a foot wide, several inches deep and sixty feet long (p 55 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K1953) CLEVELAND (1953) It has been claimed that a Doctor Thomas Brown constructed an experiment where a two-foot disk flew around a circular course at 12 miles per hour, driven and lifted solely by an electrical charge of 50,00 volts. It was further stated that other scientists disputed the physics that he claimed was involved, but that the apparatus it did work (p 139 PA K1957) FRANCE (April 1957): When a UFO was sighted, a metallic road signs about 20 feet away was reported to go into violent vibrations (p 135 The UFO Experiment) K1958) Brazil (1958): A UFO was seen hovering about 50 feet above the sea. Witnesses said that the water below seemed to be boiling, or attracted upward. For one hour, the object continued to go up and down (p 271 Passport to Magonia)
K1959) NEW MEXICO (AUG 1959): When a pilot saw what appeared to be three UFO's speeding toward him, to the point he felt it necessary to take evasive action. At one point, he noticed that both of his compasses suddenly began to wildly spin around. K1961) WEST COAST, CALIFORNIA (Aug 1961): On the coast, from Pleasant Point to Monterey Bay, thousands of sooty shearwaters were seen to fall from the sky for no apparent reason. Many were alive, but unable to fly. Of the surviving birds, most of these were said to completely recover in a short time. An autopsy on some of the dead birds did not reveal the cause of death (p 205 Mysteries of the unexplained) L1965) HERMAN, MINNISOTA (20 DEC 1965): Edmund Bruns saw a bright UFO about six feet above the road, with sparks issuing from the underside of it. He said as the UFO rose, his truck seemed to rise with it. The truck was found in a ditch with no tire tracks leading to it (p 142 Visitors From Space). K1966a) MICHIGAN (Oct 1966): A UFO seen passing over a stand of trees was said to cause the tops of the trees to move very noticeably as it passed over them, bending in the same direction as the line of travel, as if the UFO was being pushed by an invisible force (p 131 The UFO Experiment) K1966) VICKSBURG, MICHIGAN (MARCH 1966): A dull gray UFO with flashing lights was seen in the road. As it passed over head, automobile was subjected to violent buffeting and the engine stalled for no apparent reason (p 179 Mysteries of the Skies) K1967a) ROSENHEIM, GERMANY (1967): Right after a large lighting strike, it was said that paintings tilted, lamps swung back and forth, and dresser drawers came out for no apparent reason (p 207 When Snakes Awake) K1967b) LINSTEAD, MARYLAND (1967): As a mushroomshaped object flew over an area. Witnesses said the snow underneath the object appeared to swirl under it as it passed overhead (p 340 Passport to Magonia)
K1969) MARYLAND(1969): A fall involved hundreds of wild ducks for no apparent reason (p 206 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K1973a) DETROIT, MICHIGAN (Sep 1973): Over 300 grackles were reported as suddenly falling from the trees (p 143 Space Time transients) K1973b) HOKKAIDO, JAPAN (JUL 1973): A UFO was seen sucking water from the sea. The automobile of the witness had the radio quit (p998 The Unexplained) K1976a) (May 1976): A repairman found that it seemed to be impossible to install a thin stainless steel plate into the watch he was working on. On each attempt, an unseen force seemed to push it back out. After a number of unsuccessful attempts, a violent earthquake suddenly struck the area (p 110 When Snakes Awake) K1976b) FRUILI, ITALY (6 MAY 1976): Associated with an earthquake, a number of songbirds in the area were found dead, as well as two canaries that were found dead in their cage for no apparent reason (p 72 When Snakes Awake) K1977) MEMPHIS, TENNESEE (1977): A fall of living snakes was reported, from12 to 18 inches long (p 197 Mysteries of the Unexplained) K1977b) HAPPY CAMP, CALIFORNIA (FALL 1977): A UFO was said to snap a Douglas Fir in two, with the top being thrown 60 feet away. A pickup truck with two men inside was dragged backwards for over 50 feet (p 166 Confrontations) K1977) COLARES, BRAZIL (OCT 1977): A photograph of a woman after a UFO encounter show with small pits in her skin (p 146 Confrontations) K1975) MEXICO CITY, MEXICO (MAY 1975): Carlos de los Santos found that his plane began to vibrate for some reason, then noticed a dark gray disk, 10 feet in diameter, with several others. The disk scraped the bottom of the plane, jolting it severely. The disks were supposedly tracked on radar (p 224 Mysteries of the Unexplained)
K1980) HAGERSTOWN, MARYLAND: A witness emphatically stated that the object, a small model airplane, did not fall off an edge, but flew across the room horizontally and smashed into the opposite wall with considerable force. He also said that it seemed to be impossible to keep pictures straight in that same area (personal account) K1997) (APRIL 1997): Dutch and English scientists reported that they were able to levitate a living frog, using a magnetic field more than a million times stronger than that of the earth, and without harming the frog (Vol 152 31 23 Science News 6 Dec 1997). K2000) BOWIE, MARYLAND (30 March 2000): Near route 50, 200 birds crashed to the ground for no apparent reason. (The Washington Post). L01) GENERAL: In the book Goddess of the Stones, by Dr. Meaden, he felt that the some of the designs used by Neolithic artists appear to be very similar to some crop circles and may have been inspired by them. (P 28 UN) L02) ENGLAND: It is said that crop circles have been noticed near the monoliths at Stonehenge, Avebury, and Silbury Hill, as well as near the famous White Horse of Westbury (p 62 Strange & Unexplained) L03) GENERAL: It has been said the crop circles often have a deep hole, located in the center of the crop circle, usually at least a few inches in diameter. Although some have tried to blame the holes on meteorites, they could not explain the circles associated with it (p 37 Passport to Magonia) L04) GENERAL: people have often reported symptoms of nausea, headache and extreme fatigue associated with crop circles (p 58 Strange & Unexplained) L05) GENERAL: The Center for Crop Circle Studies found that symptoms associated with crop circles have often included nausea, headache, and fatigue. A high - pitched warbling sound was recorded at one circle. Electronic equipment fails, including both
still and video cameras. A microscopic examination of the wilted crops was found to be consistent with microwave heating (p 457 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) L06) GENERAL: The smallest crop circle on record was eight inches across. The largest was 660 feet in diameter (p 453 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) L07) GENERAL: Small lights have been seen sailing near crop circles (p 456 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena). L08) GENERAL: UFO landing sights often are associated with circular patches, containing uniformly depressed, bruised or dehydrated plants. Most diameters are about 20 - 30 feet. The marks may persist for months or even years (p 129 The UFO Experience) L09) GENERAL: Of reported UFO sightings, 28 % involved ground effects (p 96 Mysteries of Time and Space) L10) GENERAL: Lagenburg, Canada: An 11-foot metallic dome, spinning rapidly, rose to 200 feet and disappeared. Witnesses were unable to move. A depressed circle was found, with plants pressed down flat, but the stems not broken (p 67 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) L1869) ASHLAND, TENNESSEE (SUMMER 1869): In front of about 200 witnesses, a flaming cylinder was seen to move at about 5 miles per hour. As it cut a path, it singed some horses, set a house on fire, and burned the green leaves of the trees to a crisp, for a width of 60 feet (p 242 Mysteries of the Unexplained) L1952) WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (AUG 1952): Deserters claimed he saw a red glow. When he investigated, he saw a circular, glowing object that emitted a misty round flare. The hair was burned off his arms and holes burned in his cap. Although some investigators felt it was fraudulent, other found that the roots of the grass had been burned somehow. Duplicating it in the lab required over 300 degrees F (p 42 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) L1954a) ROSENAC, FRANCE (Oct 1954): At the site where a UFO was seen to land, there was found a circle 21 feet across
where the grass was flattened, and the ground was scorched (p 216 Passport to Magonia) L1954b) RIDEGWAY, CANADA: A Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baker saw a disk 40 feet in diameter. Their car would not start. A brown circular spot was seen in the pasture where the disk had rested (p 207 Passport to Magonia) L1961) MERIDA, VENEZUELA (MAY 1961): An oval, aluminum colored object passed over a rural area. A roughly circular area about 60 feet in diameter was found where the roots of the grass were burned, although the grass spears themselves appeared normal (p 185 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) L1962) PAMPA POROVINCE, ARGENTINA (12 MAY 1962): Two people saw an object on the ground like a railroad car, with a humming sound. It appeared to leave a 180-meter circle where the grass was burned, insects were charred and the ground was petrified (p 204 Passport to Magonia) L1963) WILTSHIRE, ENGLAND (JULY 1963): A farmer heard a loud bang, found a saucer - shaped depression with a hole in the center and four slots radiating from the center (p 35 Passport to Magonia) L1965a) FORT MYERS, FLORIDA (MAR 1965): A Mr. Flynn observed a cone - shaped object, thirty feet high, that suddenly emitted a beam of light that struck him in the forehead, knocking him unconscious for twenty - four hours. Marks appeared to show he had been crawling around, of which he had no recollection. He was nearly blind, his face was red and puffy, and he had damage to his deep muscle reflexes. There were scorched tree tops, as well as a burned circle on the ground (p 231 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) L1965b) MOUNT AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA (AUG 1965): A small circle was found in the vegetation about 4 foot across (p 314). MONTSOREAU, FRANCE (JUL 1966): A three-foot circle in the vegetation was found (p 333) (Passport to Magonia)
L1966a) TULLY, NORTH QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA (Jan 1966): A 25-foot fireball was seen by a farmer, George Pedley, coming up out of a swamp, making a hissing sound. At the takeoff site, circles were found where a thick layer of dead reeds floated on the surface, torn up from the bottom five feet below the water, which some investigators felt required " tremendous force.". The layer was said to be thick enough to easily support a man's weight (p229 Mysteries of the Unexplained) L1966b) LANGENBURG, SASKACHEWAN, CANADA (SEP 1966): A 12-foot UFO was seen, metallic appearance, spinning, along with four others. Witnesses felt paralyzed. Five typical crop circles were found, all clockwise. The grass was not broken or burned, just pressed flat (p 68 Strange & Unexplained) L1966c) MONTSOREAU, FRANCE (July 1966) A small crop circle was reported as being only three feet across (p 333 Passport to Magonia) L1969) IOWA (July 1969): A farmer saw a dull grey metallic UFO appear to take off from his field. He found a circle where the beans were wilted as if by intense heat, not broken over (p 130 The UFO Experience) L1971) DELPHOS, KANSAS (NOV 1971): Johnson family saw a 9foot object with multi - colored lights, left a glowing ring on the ground. When the mother touched the glowing ring, she said her fingers went numb and stayed that way for a week. Her son was nearly blinded, with eye irritation and headaches for some time afterwards. The soil in the ring appeared to be crystallized (p 230 Mysteries of the Unexplained) L1972) POSETI, TRANSYLVANIAN ALPS, ROMANIA (SEP 1972): A UFO was seen to set down in a field. A 20-foot circle was found at that spot, cornstalks had been bent over about three feet above the ground. In the center of the circle was a cylindrical hole, about eight feet deep (p 230 Mysteries of the Unexplained) L1974) SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA (1 SEP 1974): Edwin Fuhr saw a metallic, dome - shaped objects, spinning rapidly, with four similar objects nearby. Gave off smoke, then vanished. He felt
paralyzed, dogs barked wildly, and cows broke through a fence. He found five crop circles (p Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) L1983) FRANCE (1983): Scientists of GEPAN (Groupe d'Études et d'Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés) found that plants in crop circles showed chlorophyll losses up to 50 percent (p 11 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) L1984) FRANCE (9 JAN 1981): Renato Nicolai has stated that he felt that the wilting found within crop circles may have been caused by an electromagnetic field, with the most severe effect usually found in the center (p 260 World of the Strange). L1991a) JAPAN (1991): A professor Ohtsuki announced that his team had created tiny balls of plasma in the laboratory. They found that, when balls of plasma made contact with plates covered with aluminum powder, they created circles and rings with an appearance very similar to those described in various as crop circles (pg. 28 UN) L1991b) AVEBURY, ENGLAND (AUG 1991). Near Stonehenge, mist above the area shimmed and moved, with a high pitched sound. The witnesses’ hair stood on end (p 64 Strange and Unexplained) L1991c) HAMBELTON, ENGLAND (25 AUG 1991): George and Vivienne Tomlinson heard plant in a nearby field being to rustle, with a mist hovering above and a high pitched sound. The man said his hair stood on end. They could see a whirling effect. (p 453 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) L1991d (MEADEN, ENGLAND (1991): A field was continuously monitored with electronic motion sensors and night vision cameras. Although there was no indication of intruders on the equipment, in the morning a crop circle was found (p 459 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) M01) CARIBBEAN: Circles of light in the water are said to be common in the area (p 112 Invisible Residents) M02) GENERAL: The Devil's Sea, located southeast of Japan, Bonin island to Marcus Island to the Mariannas. Compasses and
instruments malfunction, planes and ships disappear. There are incidents involving luminous white water and unexplained deviations in sea level (P. 49 Without a Trace) M03) GENERAL: The Bermuda Triangle is said to be an area of spinning compasses, malfunctioning gyros, radar blackouts, motor malfunctions and where power seems to be drained from systems (p 4 Without a Trace) M04) GENERAL: CARIBBEAN: An Eastern Airlines flight suffered a tremendous jolt, when all timepieces quit. The fuselage was later found to have suffered a blast of heat or electricity (p 5 Without a Trace) M05) GENERAL: INDONESIA: There are areas where large ships have been found to be inexplicably empty of passengers or crew (p 4 Without a Trace) M06) GENERAL: MIAMI, FLORIDA: A national airplanes liner disappeared off radar for ten minutes. All watches on board were found to be ten minutes slow (p 115 Without a Trace) M07) GENERAL: The Caribbean area is said to be noted for UFO sightings and reports of poltergeist activity (p 262 The Bermuda Triangle Mystery) M08) GENERAL: In the Devils Sea in the Sea of Japan, a Kawanishi flying boat in WWII reported that something is happening “.. the sky is opening up.” The aircraft disappeared with no further reports (p 50 Without a Trace) M11) STRAITS OF MALLACCA, SUMATRA, EAST INDIES: A radio message from the Ourang Medan said that most of the crew was dead, the last survivor dying. The men sent to investigate found the entire crew dead from reasons that were not readily apparent. They did not appear to have been asphyxiated. Soon after boarding, a huge fire started in the hold. Shortly after evacuation, the Ourang exploded and sank (p 112 Invisible Residents) M1940) SEA OF JAPAN (WORLD WAR II): Over Devils Sea, a Kawanishi flying boat radioed ".. something is happening. The sky
is opening up!" The transmission ceased, plane disappeared (p 50 Without a Trace) MN21) CARIBBEAN: When earth satellites passed over the area, it was said that they seemed to sometimes for no good reason, with telemetry data wiped out (p 13 Without a Trace) M15) BAHAMAS, VICINITY: A Jim Richardson saw a strange luminosity in the water. Took a photo, had a sample of water tested. Smelled strongly of sulfur. Tests showed high sulfur content (p 104 Without a Trace) M1812) BARBADOS (1812): In the Chase family mausoleum, on four separate occasions, it was found that coffins were found moved within a sealed chamber, even after a special stamp was impressed into the cement. In was said the coffins appeared to have rotated, in a sort of spiral pattern (p 191 The Unexplained) M1828) LIMA, PERU (30 MARCH 1828): During earthquake, ship's crew heard a hissing sound like a hot iron, dead fish floated up, strong sulfur odor. The anchor chain was melted (p 149 When Snakes Awake) M1907) MALACCA STRAIGHT, SUMATRA, EAST INDIES (1907): The crew of SS Delta saw revolving circle of light in the water, like the spokes of a wheel, lasted for thirty minutes (p 112 Invisible Residents) M1908) COAST OF DELAWARE (1908): The ship Mohican found itself surrounded by a thick, luminous cloud which seemed to magnetize everything on board and cause compasses to spin wildly (p 187 Passport to Magonia) M1904) EAST AUSTRALIA (1904): A wheel of light appeared to pulsate, compasses on the ship went haywire M1909) BINTANG (1909): One of the revolving wheels of light was seen for fifteen minutes M1910) SOUTH CHINA SEA (1910): A wheel of light was seen in the ocean by the crew of the ship Valetijin. M1944) KEY WEST-TORTUGA (1944)-A Joe Tally had seen strange fogs in the area, where there was no horizon to be seen.
While being towed, the Wild Goose was suddenly surrounded by a mist, the tug lost all electrical power. There was such a strain on the rope, the tugboat captain cut it. Tally was pulled up from the depths by the rope, but the Wild Goose and the four passengers disappeared (p101 Without a Trace) Ml1945a) GRAND BAHAMAS (25 MARCH 1945): An aircraft found that magnetic compass and radio compass both failed, that they were surrounded by total blackness, and that the pilot suddenly experienced extreme vertigo. All the problems cleared up after they turned back (p 43 Without a Trace) M1945) BERMUDA, VICINITY (1945) Incident involved a squadron of Avengers aircraft off the east coast of Florida. They initially reported all of the compasses had suddenly were inoperative. Later radio reports seemed to indicate that they had become greatly confused, apparently flying in circles until they ran out of gas. A second seaplane sent for rescue also disappeared without even giving a radio call (Mysteries of the Unexplained) M1952) MOBILE, ALABAMA (1952): The pilot of a T33 jet trainer from Moody AFB said he had a mid-air collision with ball. Radio compass was melted and useless (p 733 Scientific Studies of UFO's) M1955) BAHAMAS, VICINITY (1955): Just east of the Bahamas, the ship Atlantic City had an encounter with ball lightning in which the automatic steering went haywire and there was electrical equipment damaged (p 22 Mysterious World). In the same area, ship Richard Byrd encountered an incident where there were instrument malfunctions and the crew seemed to become disoriented (p 22 Mysterious World) M1957) SANTA CATARINA, VICINITY, BRAZIL (AUG 1957): A C47 cargo plane was flying at 6300 feet when a saucer-shaped object was sighted, emitting an intense green light, traveling at supersonic speeds. As it passed over the right side of the plane, the engines coughed and missed, and the aircraft lights dimmed. As soon as the object left the vicinity, all systems returned to normal (p 154 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence)
M1958) TRINIDAD, CARIBBEAN (JAN 1958): The navy ship the Tinufo launched a balloon carrying an instrument package. After the balloon suddenly appeared to be sucked into a cloud, the transmitter quit. When the balloon reappeared ten minutes later, the payload was gone. A silvery object appeared from behind the cloud. Six other sighting occurred in roughly the same time and area (p 171 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) M1961) LAKE MARACAIBO, VENEZUEA (1961): When a large UFO appeared over some fishing boats, the crews jumped overboard in a blind panic. One man drowned (p 71 Aliens from Space) M1963) FLORIDA, VICINITY (1963): A tug between Puerto Rico and Florida had two compasses that both suddenly started spinning. The radio suddenly failed for no reason. The tow rope was taut; they could not see the barge they were towing. As the equipment began functioning, they said that the barge was visible again. M1964) BIMINI, VINICITY (NOV 1964): A pilot reported that both of his compasses suddenly started to rotate and the auto-pilot malfunctioned, causing the plane to dive to the right. He said the whole aircraft glowed so strongly that the wings looked fuzzy. After five minutes, the strange glow and the malfunctions both suddenly disappeared and he was able to resume a normal flight (p 70 The Bermuda Triangle) M1967) SALINA, VENEZUELA, VICINITY (AUG 1967): A man named Conteras was on shore on shore when said he saw the sea suddenly start to stir up in a round area, then the water in the circle began to glow in various colors, gradually becoming brighter. A pancake-shaped disk suddenly rose from the water and disappeared into the sky, He said he felt a strange tingling sensation in his feet (Flying Saucers Have Arrived) M1972a) CARIBBEAN (1972): A boat named the Nightmare suddenly had the compass go haywire, and the boat light weakened. The boat had diesel engines, which don't use electricity, that continued to operate, although they did not seem to be able to make headway. A dark shape was seen just to the west. When it
disappeared, all functions returned to normal (p 73 The Bermuda Triangle) M1972b) PUERTO RICO, VICINITY (1972): The US destroyer the USS Volgelgesang lost power and as said to seem to suffer stress and strains almost as if it were being torn apart (p 58 Without a Trace) M1978a) PUERTO RICO (AUG-OCT 1976): It was said that UFO sightings were seen simultaneously by thousands of witnesses, sometimes to the point they caused traffic jams. The author felt there was a correlation between the frequency of the sightings and certain faults (p 130 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) M1978b) BASS STRAIGHT, AUSTRALIA (LATE 1978): Flying over the ocean, Fred Valentich radioed that a UFO was directly over his Cessna aircraft. The engine began to cough. It was said there was a metallic sound on the radio for a few seconds, then the radio went dead. The plane was never found (p 222 Mysteries of the Unexplained) M1953) LAKE SUPERIOR (NOV 1953): An interception occurred over Lake Superior, with the target blip reported at 500 miles per hour. The radar blip of the interceptor converged with the target, then both objects disappeared off radar. The plane was lost without ever radioing that they were in trouble. The government reported they crashed due to vertigo, but there were two pilots and an automatic pilot for backup (p 201 UFOs Identified) M1954) BERMUDA, VICINITY (SEP 1954) l The sea changed from dark color to light green, column of water shot up about 25 feet wide and 50 feet high. Another was seen a half mile away (p 99 Without a Trace) M1955) NEWPORT NEWS VICINITY (SUMMER 1955): The ship Atlantic City saw a ball of fire pass overhead. The gyro compasses dead, the binnacle compass spun. Both had to be repaired (p 95 Without a Trace) M1959) SEA OF JAPAN (1959) In both cases, the blip of the interceptor was reported as converging with the target, then both
disappeared off radar. The aircraft lost, without the pilots having radioed (p 127 Confrontations) M1965) FORT-DE-FRANCE, MARTINQUE, CARIBBEAN (SEP 1965): In the harbor, a large UFO came in, with a faint luminous trail behind it. It made three loops and vanished. Thirty minutes later, it suddenly reappeared as if "...suddenly switched on ". It made several more loops and flew west. There were many witnesses aboard three French naval vessels. The energy output was estimated at 2.3 megawatts (p 27 Confrontations) M 1968) NASSAU VICINITY (FEB 1968): A pilot found that his radio went dead, navigational aids quit, compasses spun. Two other planes in the vicinity disappeared the same day (p 94 Without a Trace) M 1971) PUERTO RICO VICINITY, CARIBBEAN (1971): Several persons aboard a yacht observed a 200-foot UFO approaching at slow speed. A number of the crew experienced extreme terror, with several even attempting to jump overboard, only restrained by crew mates. In roughly the same time and area, a number of seaworthy boats were found abandoned for no apparent reason (p 133 Without a Trace) M1974) BERMUDA, VICINITY (DEC 1974): A Cessna 172 had four radios quit, fuel gauge and navigational instruments that failed. A swirling cloud caused a crash that killed the pilot, Mike Roxby. (p 92 Without a Trace) M1975) BIMINI, CARIBBEAN (AUG 1975): A Doctor Thorne sighted a bluish white UFO traveling at what he estimated as several thousand miles per hours (p97 Without a Trace) M1975) CAPE HATTERAS (DEC 1975): In good weather, the Dorisa suddenly sank in four minutes for no apparent reason, with speculation that it was torn apart by forces from below (p 100 Without a Trace) M1976) TEHERAN, IRAN SEP 1976): A target was detected by ground radar. Interceptors tracked the target both on their aircraft radar and visually. As an F4 jet approached the target, the
instruments and radios of the plane failed at the same time, but then returned to normal as the jet withdrew. A second jet was sent out but experienced the exactly same thing (p160 UFOs and the Limits of Science) M1978) TASMAN SEA, AUSTRALIA (OCT 1978): A pilot named Fred Valentine radioed his airplane was about to collide with UFO. No further reports received, he disappeared without a trace (p 127 Confrontations) M1988) FLORIDA, VICINITY (1988) A young man named Seymour was returning from an island in the Caribbean when they experienced a strange fog on the water that came up to about his knees. He said he had prickling sensations on his legs and that the hair on his lower legs stood on end (Personal account). N01) Only about 3 percent of all UFO sightings include the sighting of aliens (p 54 Space Time Transients) N02) GENERAL: A known meteorite was reported by a number of witnesses as having a row of windows along the side (p 581 When Snakes Awake) N03). GENERAL: In an experiment, people were shown a photo with no barn. When asked " Did you see the barn? ", up to 16 percent of the subjects reported without hesitation that they had (p 107 The UFO Verdict) N04) GENERAL: Experimenters have found that a small electrical current induced across the scalp can produce strange effects on the brain, including paralysis or even unconsciousness They also found it can produce a dream -like state, a sort of waking nightmare (p 207 Space Time Transients) N05) GENERAL: The film " Killers From Space " introduced the idea of abduction by aliens with large, bulging eyes, mental telepathy, amnesia by hypnosis and the applications of advanced surgery to the victim. Other films and television shows have presented very similar concepts (p 221 The Omega Project)
N06) GENERAL: t UFO witnesses often fail to remember key features about the sightings and often experienced an amnesia between the moment of the encounter and a return to reality (p 170 Confrontations) N07) GENERAL: One researcher found that he could easily make non-abductees come up with typical abduction stories under hypnosis (p 172 Confrontations) N08) GENERAL: It is claimed that the sightings of strange, unexplained animals show a high correlation with UFO sightings (p 190 Space Time Transients) N09) GENERAL: Witnesses may hallucinate due to microwave radiation (p 12 Mysteries of the Unexplained) N10) GENERAL: Some researchers feel that interpretations of plasmoids may be the luminous equivalent of a Rorschach ink blot test (p 77 UFO's Explained) N11) GENERAL: Using hypnosis on alleged abductees, one researcher found that the aliens were consistently described as helpful and benevolent. Another researcher them sinister and sadistic (p 171 Confrontations) N12) GENERAL: It said that abductees have become so profitable that several UFO groups may actually compete for them (p 118 Direct Encounters) N13) GENERAL: There is no aircraft shape that would not create a sonic boom at the speed of sound. Many UFO sightings traveling at very high speed are reported as making no sound at all (p80 Visitors from Space). N15) GENERAL: Investigators have often described UFO's as moving with an oscillating, wobbling, rocking, or undulating motion, and often appear to vibrate (p 78 UFO's Explained) N16) GENERAL: A luminous object was described as zigzagging in every direction, something similar to Brownian movement (p 177 Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery) N17) GENERAL: UFO's' are often described with a wobbling flight, often with fluttering pattern very similar to that of a falling leaf (p 36
UFO's Identified) N1945) UNITED STATES (SUMMER 1945): A physicist said he saw a large, hot sphere. He said he also conversed with a giant alien, also radiating great heat (p 218 Flying Saucers Uncensored) N1947) RAVEO, ITALY (14 AUG 1947): A Mr. Johannis said he saw a disk on the ground with two dwarfs, felling an electric shock and a sensation of suffocation (p 192 Passport to Magonia) N1950) WHITE SANDS PROVING GROUND, NEW MEXICO (1950): It was alleged that after a UFO had been sighted and filmed, witnesses were ordered to forget what had happened (p 26 The Startling Evidence) N1952) UNITED STATES (1952): After filming a UFO, estimated at 2500 mph, a man and wife said the film was taken and they were told to keep quiet (p 1044 The Unexplained) N1954a) MARCILLY, SUR VIENNE, FRANCE (SEP 1954): An alien was described as vanishing in a strange manner (p 213 Passport to Magonia) N1954e) BAILLOLET, FRANCE (16 OCT 1954): A Doctor Roberts saw four objects drop with a falling leaf motion. The automobile engine and headlights died. Victim felt electric shock, felt paralyzed, then saw aliens. He said everything returned to normal as soon as the UFO left (p 231 Passport to Magonia) N1954f) VALENCIENSSES, FRANCE (1954): An alien had metallic reflection where his face should have been, no arms. Witness paralyzed, no footprints were found (p 45 Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery) N1955) GREENHILLS, OHIO (Sep 1955): The aliens had bodies that glowed (p 278 Passport to Magonia) N1957) BLANEY, FRANCE (1957): A UFO had appendages, extending to ground (p 214 Passport to Magonia) N1958a) BOCA DEL TIGRE (MAY 1958): A driver saw a 9-foot figure blocking the road with a blinding phosphorescent body. Unable to approach because of the stench, he fainted (p 271 Passport to Magonia)
N1958b) HALSINGBORG, SWEDEN (DEC1958): Two men named Gustavsson and Ryborg say disk-shaped object on the ground, then attacked by four gray creatures with no extremities, that tried to drag them toward the craft. The aliens were described like jelly, nothing to grab onto to. Interrogating them under hypnosis, the doctors felt they may have enchanted a "... field force of enormous strength ". (p 62 Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence) N1960a) MARISELO, VENEZUELA (May 1960): The aliens were described as appearing bright and transparent, with oversized heads (p 330 Passport to Magonia) N1960b) SYRACUSE, NEW YORK (SPRING 1960): An electronic engineer saw a round object, with two dwarfs that came out, with bodies that glowed with lights of changing color, that appeared to "play like children" (p 278 Passport to Magonia) N1961) NEW HAMPSHIRE (19 SEP 1961: The Hills reported two objects, one of which was the UFO. However, at that time period, there should have been three objects, Jupiter, Saturn and the UFO. The UFO had to be one of the planets. Barnery somehow " knew " they were going to be abducted (p 35 UFO Verdict). Betty described them as having huge noses, like " Jimmy Durante ", while Barney said they had no noses at all, just slits. Betty described black hair and eyes with pupils. Barney said they were completely bald and had huge black eyes "wrapped around their head" (p 84 Passport to Magonia). Their psychiatrist did not believe that they were actually abducted. Betty later claimed to see many up to 100 UFO sighting per night (p 84 The UFO Phenomena) N1962) SAN CASCIANO, ITALY (APRIL 1962): A Mario Zuccula, age 27, said he suddenly felt a current of cold air for no reason, then saw a metallic- looking white object about thirty feet in diameter (p 283). VERONA, ITALY (JUNE 1962): The aliens are described as being semi-transparent (p 358) (JUNE 1962): It was said that an alien " shrank and vanish like a TV image (p 285) (Passport to Magonia) N1963) CISCO GROVE, CALIFORNIA (4 SEP 1963): A man was run up a tree by alien robots. He said he had nausea and vomiting.
A flash like an arc welder appeared between the robots (p 76 The Startling Evidence) N1964) LEAMLANE, ENGLAND: (Jun 1964): Aliens were described as having hands that glowed like lighted electric bulbs” (p 299 Passport to Magonia) N1965) MIDWEST UNITED STATES (31 JULY 1965): After a large UFO was seen with 4 smaller ones over a wide area, the Air Force stated that the objects were Jupiter, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, and Capella. Astronomers pointed out that none were even visible in the sky at that time (p 113 Aliens from Space) N1968) SIERRA, ARGENTINA (JULY 1968): A man saw a silvery UFO about 6 feet long, with two with semi-transparent legs. A horse and a dog appeared to be paralyzed (p350 Passport to Magonia) N1971) KINNULA, FINLAND (1971): A forestry worker said he was burned when he touched the foot of a 3-foot-tall humanoid that was floating through the air, up toward a hovering UFO (p 239 The Unexplained) N1975) ANGENIERA, ARGENTINA (JAN 1975): A man said he was abducted by aliens with green skin and stumpy arms with suckers, and no eyes or mouth. He said they pulled out his hair, jumping up and down in glee. He also reported nausea and vomiting (p 235 MU) N1976) LIBERTY, KENUCKY (6 JAN 1976): AN abductee said an alien removed her eyeballs and looked them over, then returned them to their sockets (p 10 Direct Encounters)
GENERAL: It is claimed that the sightings of strange, unexplained animals show a high correlation with UFO sightings (p 190 Space Time Transients) P14) GENERAL: Black dogs said to be territorial, associated with ancient monuments or ley lines, postulated channels of earth energy. Associated with sulfur odor. Associated with ball lighting (p 17 The Unexplained)
P1600) ENGLAND (1600'S): A clergy man said he saw a green circle with fairies, with a humming noise. He also said he felt kept there by an enchantment and felt pinched all over (p 455 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) P1557) ENGLAND (1557): A so-called devil dog was said to suddenly materialized in a church, with two people were killed and one was severely burned. The creature was known by several names in different countries, such as Black Dogs or Hell Hounds. Although they are said to appear substantial, they can vanish at will, sometimes disappearing in a fiery explosion. They are also said to be associated with a "sulfurous odor", and have "red eyes that glow like fire." Anyone who touches a dog supposedly dies shortly thereafter. (p16 The Unexplained) P1830) LONDON, VICINITY (1830): There was reported a being called Spring Heeled Jack, a man-like creature with supposedly superhuman abilities, such as being able to leap over very tall fences. Bullets did not seem to faze him. His was also said to exhale a fiery gas that caused his victims to lose consciousness. His presence was also associated with a strange, cloying odor (p 79 M1). He was said to wear shining garments and to have a flashing lamp on his chest. His eyes were said to glow like balls of fire. In one case, he was reported as disappearing into thin air, immediately followed by the sighting of a " rocket-shaped " object. (p 35 The Unexplained). P1842) STOWMARKET, ENGLAND (1842): A man said he saw a group of fairies in a meadow, moving in a circle, wearing dresses that " sparkled with light." He also said they seemed light and shadowy, not like solid bodies (p 408 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) P1930) NAMIBIA, AFRICA (1930): A 16-year-old shepherd said he saw a flying snake, with a roaring noise and an odor like burned brass. He could not speak for three days afterwards. Incident investigated by Ms. Courtenay-Latimer, discoverer of the coelacanth (p 402 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena)
P1944) MATOON, ILLINOIS (AUG-SEP 1944): people reported being attacked by a " Mad Gasser ", using some kind of supposed gas with a strange odor. They also reported sensations like an electric current, followed by paralysis. The also showed symptoms of nausea, and swollen faces (p 462 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) P1954b) PREMANON, FRANCE (SEP 1954): A big ball of fire was seen, swaying gently. One of the witnesses said he was suddenly flung to the ground by an " ice-cold invisible force". A nearby 12-foot crop circle with sharply defined edges was seen formed, in a counterclockwise direction (p 91 Flying Saucers) P1954c) LOIRE RIVER, FRANCE: A woman said she saw a blinding light, and that she was grabbed by two huge black hands. She felt cold. Said she saw grass being pressed down, as if by an invisible force. She had had marks on her face (p 97 Passport to Magonia) P1960c) MONOGAHELA NATIONAL FOREST (Oct 1960): A man said his car engine suddenly stalled for no reason. As he rolled to a stop, he suddenly saw a large, hairy, man -like monster. As soon as the monster left, the car started normally again. Further down the road, as the monster reappeared, the car then spluttered again, with sparks seen under the hood, the owner said the distributor points were burned out (p 142 M1) P1962) SAN CASCIANO, ITALY (APRIL 1962): A Mario Zuccula, age 27, said he suddenly felt a current of cold air for no reason, then saw a metallic- looking white object about thirty feet in diameter (p 283). VERONA, ITALY (JUNE 1962): The aliens are described as being semi-transparent (p 358) (JUNE 1962): It was said that an alien " shrank and vanish like a TV image (p 285) (Passport to Magonia) P1963) SANDLING PARK, KENT, ENGLAND (16 NOV 1963): Four young people saw a golden UFO, with a black, human-sized, headless creature with wings like a bat (p 312 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena)
P1966) POINT PLEASANT, VIRGINIA (15 NOV 1966): Two couples said they were pursued at over 100 mph by a "Mothman" with large eyes that did not flap its wings (p 302 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) P 1970) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA (1070'S): Witnesses said they saw ten large, black, hairy dogs emerge form a landed UFO (p 315 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) P1972) ROACHDALE, INDIANA (AUG 1972): A couple saw what they thought was a large, hairy gorilla, that left no tracks in mud, made no sound in weeds, and that sometimes they said it seemed like they could see right through it (p 212 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) P 1973) UNIONTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA (25 OCT 1973): Two ape-like creatures were seen with a dome-shaped UFO. UFO vanished, leaving a glowing area on ground (p 215 Strange and Unexplained Phenomena) P1977a) DOVER, MASSACHUSETTS (APRIL 1977): The Dover Demon was reported to have a huge head, like a watermelon, with a featureless face and eyes that glowed orange or green. It had a small body, and thin limbs. Described as roughly three feet high (p 133 The Unexplained) P1977b) HAPPY CAMP, CALIFORNIA (JUL 1977): A woman was troubled by what seemed to be poltergeists, and thought she had seen what she thought looked like an enormous bird lying overhead. She later saw a ball of light near her bed. In the morning, all of the doors in the house were found to be open. A number of UFO sightings were seen in the same area (p 167 Confrontations) P1986) LAGO DE COTE, COSTA RICA (25 OCT 1986): In a lake, three or four post-like objects were seen to rise up about three feet, tilt over to one side, then disappear beneath the surface again (p 60 Confrontations) P1995) PUERTO RICO (1995): James Torres was walking through a field when he allegedly saw a so called legendary animal, the Chupacabras, in a nearby tree. He claimed that the creature
changed color as he watched it, from purple to brown to yellow, emitting a hissing sound. He said he suddenly became dizzy, nearly fainting. When a police officer later attempted to pursue it, he was suddenly overcome with nausea and headache. (pg. 189 UN)
H01) GENERAL: Symptoms that people in the affected area often show just before an earthquake have included agitation, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, and a trembling of the limbs (p 170 When Snakes Awake) H02) GENERAL: Microwaves can cause convulsions, unconsciousness, and amnesia in rats. A single pulse can effect nerve functions. Weapons systems have been developed to stun a victim with microwaves at a distance (p 229 Confrontations) H03) GENERAL: Mice subjected to intense magnetic fields were said to be subjected to sleep inducement and convulsive states. (p 120 Confrontations) H04) GENERAL: In a review of effects of UFO sightings, James McCampbell note that the subjects often had what appeared to be a sunburn under full clothing, thereby ruling out ultraviolet light as the cause. He felt that microwave radiation would best explain these injuries. At a 1 cm wavelength, people will feel a sensation of heat, even at an energy level only 10 percent that of direct sunlight (p 122 Confrontations) HO5) GENERAL: When subjected to alternating electric fields, it was found that hamsters would wander aimlessly around the cages and that females would even move their young from their nests (p 99 When Snakes Awake) H06) GENERAL: Persons exposed to poorly shielded radio transmitters have been reported as suffering from depression, fatigue, and insomnia. In a certain form of diathermy, treatment with electrical fields, patients suffered from heart pains, nausea, and rapid pulse (p 105 When Snakes Awake)
H07) GENERAL: Professor Persinger of Laurentian University in Canada feels that the energy field from stress points along a geological fault line can often produce some hallucinations (p 61 Omni's Catalogue pf the Bizarre) H08) GENERAL: It is said that earthquakes generate long radio waves, with depression, fatigue, insomnia, heart pains, rapid pulse and nausea (p 104 When Snakes Awake) H09) GENERAL: In an investigation of 100 UFO sightings, Jacques Vallee found that a quite a number had involved medical effects, including 12 cases where the victim had died in less than twenty-four hours (p 10 Confrontations) H10) GENERAL: Effects of exposure to a UFO have included tingling, paralysis, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, fatigue and burns (p 211 Space Time Transients) H11) GENERAL: The Chupas, a local UFO in northeast Brazil, were said to have killed 5 people, and inflict burns that resembled radiation injuries (p 134 Confrontations) H12) GENERAL: Investigators speculated that witnesses may have hallucinated under the influence of microwave radiation (p 22 Mysteries of the Unexplained) H13) GENERAL: After exposure to a 6-foot orange light, Arceso Bermudez developed symptoms that included a body temperature of only 95 degrees, black vomit, bloody diarrhea, and finally death from a form of gastroenteritis. The attending physician felt that the cause might have been radiation of some kind (p 1319 The Unexplained) H14) GENERAL: Humans subjected to direct radar beams describe hearing buzzing, clicking, hissing, or knocking noises. Wearing earplugs during the test seemed to actually improve the effect. (p 745 Scientific Study of UFO's) H15) GENERAL: Cattle inside a metal cattle railroad car reacted violently. Investigator surmised charged particles may have entered car through cracks, since electromagnetic radiation should not be able to penetrate (p 112 When Snakes Awake)
H1904) ENGLAND (WINTER 1904-1905): A large number of " aerial carriages " were seen in the sky, combined with high suicide rate and an extraordinary number of mental breakdowns (p 108 Fire From Heaven) H1931) EUROPE (1931): Biophysicist Freidrich Dessauer found that positive ions caused a radical deterioration in a sense of wellbeing, as well as a pronounced coronary weakness. They were finally forced to abandon the project (p 115 When Snakes Awake) H1946) ARACRIGAMA, BRAZIL (1946): With clear weather, a man named Pretese claimed he was hit by an intense beam of light from nowhere, that had knocked him unconscious. His flesh seemed to start to detach from his bones. He had no pain, and became unable to speak. He died six hours after the event (p 124 Confrontations) H1948) ASHKJABAD, FORMER USSR (1948): Near the Iranian border, doctors found dramatic increases in complaints of trouble, even though electrocardiograms appeared normal. After a severe earthquake struck the area, the rash of complaints suddenly stopped (p 171 When Snakes Awake) H1950) CENON, FRANCE (1950a): During an encounter, the witness said he felt itching or prickling spread over his body, combined with a sensation of electrical shock. He then said he felt paralyzed (p 58 Flying Saucers & The Straight Line Mystery) H1950B) KOREA (SEP1950): During the Korean war, a fighter pilot spotted two shadows moving along the ground, then looked up and saw what was making them: two very large UFO's overhead, traveling at an estimated 1000 miles per hour. He readied his guns, but then his radar went white and his radio went dead, making a buzzing noise. He said there was a feeling of warmth in the cockpit. The UFO's appeared silvery, with a reddish glow, but appeared coal-black on the bottom. The film for the gun cameras was later found to be ruined (p 31 Flying
H1951) SONDEBORN, DENMARK (19 June 1951): As soon as object landed, witnesses felt paralyzed. Birds stopped singing. Cows appeared paralyzed. The paralysis disappeared as soon as object flew off. (p 196 Passport to Magonia) H1952) VICO, ITALY (June 1952): As a sixty-foot object was seen to have landed, nearby witnesses received an electrical shock (p 199 Passport to Magonia) H1954a) FRANCE (1954): A man said his car headlights died, and he felt an electric shock. As he saw a UFO and three aliens, he became paralyzed. Things returned to normal as soon as the thing disappeared (p 224 Passport to Magonia) H1954b) FRANCE (1954): Witnesses with symptoms of paralysis: LaFare (6 Oct), Beamont (5 Oct), Monteaux (7 Oct), Avoux (9 Oct), Sassier (11 Oct), Bourrasole (13 Oct), Torguensteins (20 Oct) and Bucha (13 Oct) (p 219 Passport to Magonia) H1954c) BAILLOLET, FRANCE (1954): Four objects dropped with a " dead-leaf " motion, as the engine and headlights died. The driver felt an electric shock, then saw an alien at the same time. He lost consciousness (p 233 Passport to Magonia). H1954d) POUZOU, FRANCE (Oct 1954): A driver felt painful prickling, like electrical shocks. Engine died, headlights failed. Object seen hovering over the highway. Everything returned to normal as soon as it left (p 237 Passport to Magonia) H1955) WILLSTON, FLORIDA (Nov 1955): Over a dozen witnesses saw several bell shaped objects on the ground. Witnesses reported that their arms and legs went " dead " and that it felt like their clothing was burning them (p252 Passport to Magonia) H1957b) CHESTNUT, LOUISIANA (1957): A smoking car was found to be disabled. A child inside was found to have burns (p 268 Passport to Magonia) H1957c) FORT ITAIPU, BRAZIL (1957): At an Army depot, , two guards saw a 100 foot plasmoid with an orange glow, making a steady hum " like a generator ". Suddenly both men said they were struck by a blistering heat, no visible beam or flame. Although the
men were seriously burned, their uniforms were not (p 24 Aliens From Space) H1959) CEDAR CITY, IOWA (1959): A military man investigating a UFO was found unconscious. he was found later to have problems with fainting and amnesia. He also seemed to develop some type of mental disease. He finally went AWOL and disappeared without a trace. He was never found (p 274 Passport to Magonia) H1960) ELMWOOD, WISCONSIN (1960's): A police officer, George Wheeler, saw a huge ball of blue flame, estimated to be over 200 feet in diameter, too bright to look at directly. A blue beam that hit the squad car, knocking him unconscious. The spark plugs and points of the car were ruined. When he awoke, he had no strength in his arms and legs. For months, he complained of pain and severe headaches, saying that he felt he had radiation poisoning. He had a fatal heart attack six months later (p 174 Out There) H1964) HOBBS, NEW MEXICO (Jun 1964): An 8-year-old child said he saw a black object with flames fall from the sky, making a sound like a bullet. he suffered second degree burns on his face and part of his hair fell out (p 200 Passport to Magonia).) H1965) FLORIDA (March 1965): A UFO was said to leave a charred circle on the ground, as well as burning the tops of the trees. During the sighting, the observer was rendered unconscious. He later found he was partially blinded, with impairment of deep muscle tendon reflexes (p32 Aliens from Space). H1966) RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL (AUG 1966): Two men were found dead at the top of a hill, lying peacefully side by side. Both were reportedly UFO enthusiasts. Lead masks were found beside the bodies. An autopsy did not reveal a cause of death, except for possible heart failure. Suicide by poisoning was ruled out. About the time of death, several witnesses reported an orange UFO at the top of the hill (p 4 Confrontations) H1967a) WINNEPEG, CANADA (MAY 1967): A Steven Michalak saw two red oval objects. As he approached, one tilted and scorched his chest. When he touched the surface of one, his glove melted and his shirt caught fire. He later experienced nausea,
vomiting, dizziness, and swelling. His white blood cell count dropped and he ended up losing over twenty pounds (p 113 Confrontations) H1967b) BRAZIL (1967): During an encounter, the victim had burns in the form of several perfect six-inch circles on his head and torso. He later died from what was diagnosed as leukemia (p 1280 vol. 2) H1967c) ITHACA, NEW WORK (12 DEC 1967): Rita Malley. A red light was following car with a humming sound. She could not control the car. She noticed her son seem to be a trance of some kind (p 99 Charles Berlitz) H1968) FRANCE (NOV 1968): A Doctor saw two large disks, one white, the other yellow, with a white beam passing to the ground. Sparks passed between the two. After the beam struck him, he suffered from weakness, weight loss, abdominal pain. He and child had ix-inch red triangular burns on the torso (p 115 Confrontations) H1969) ANOLAIMA, COLUMBIA (JUL 1969): A father came with twenty feet of a luminous object. Within two days, his body temperature dropped to 35 degrees C, with difficulty in breathing, slow pulse, bloody diarrhea, and dark spots on skin. He died after a week (p 130 Confrontations) H1976) BOLTON, ENGLAND (JAN 1976): During an exposure to a UFO, a young woman experienced a sensation of pressure on her head on shoulders and her teeth seemed to vibrate. She found she could seem to move only in slow motion and was unable to scream. Later she developed a purple rash on the upper body, and fillings in her teeth crumbled and fell out (p 122 Confrontations). H1977) COLARES ISLAND, AMAZON RIVER, BRAZIL (SEP-OCT 1977): Repeated visits by UFOs caused most of the population of the island to evacuate. Over a dozen people were injured by them, showing symptoms of headache, dizziness, trembling, low hemoglobin level, purplish marks on the skin, what appeared to be puncture marks, and loss of hair (p 221 Confrontations)
H1979) TYLER, TEXAS (1979) A young man saw a UFO with a violet-red light passing back and forth. He ended up with 5-inch diamond-shaped burns and small puncture wounds on his legs (p 120 Confrontations). H1980) HUFFMAN, TEXAS (DEC 1980): Betty Cash, Vicky Landum, and Bobby Landrum saw a diamond-shaped UFO crossing the road in from of them. The women suffered burns to the hands and face, diarrhea, and some of their hair fell out. One was in intensive care for a while. They said their helicopters that were apparently trying to surround the object (p2121 The Unexplained). H1982) BRAZIL, NORTHEAST (APR 1982): Multiple reports of small UFO like a rectangular icebox, called Chupas. Supposedly a cluster of events around the villages of Panama, Sao Luis and Belem. with event peaking by May. Reported as sounding like an electric arc, odor like ozone. Reports of sensations of cold. Some physicians felt injuries resembled radiation injuries (p134 Confrontations)
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