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STUDI 121-126. M iscellanea Giovanni M ercati. 1946. 6 voi. ili. 127. Garitte, G. Documents pour l’étude du livre d’Agathange. 1946. pp. xvni, 447. . 128. Rationes decim arum Italiae. Latium, a cu ra di G. B attelli. 1946. pp. xxxi, 540. Carta geogr. 129. L au ren t, M .-H . Le bienheureux Innocent V (Pierre de Tarentaise) et son temps ... 1947. pp. IX , 547 [1], 4 tav. 130. Gian, Vittorio. Π cantare quattrocentesco di s. Giovanni Evangelista, 1947, pp. 104. 131. Loenertz, R. J., O. P. Les recueils de let tres de Démétrius Cydonès. 1947. pp. xrv, 139. 132. Levi Della Vida, G. Frammenti coranici in carattere cufico nella Biblioteca Vaticana. 1947. pp. X II, 64. 20 tav. 133. G ra i, G. Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur. II. Bd. 1947. pp. xxxi, 512. 134. Sussidi per la consultazione dell’Archivio Vaticano. Vol. III. Mercati, Angelo. Il « Bullarium generale » dell’Archivio Vaticano e supplemento al registro dell’antipapa Nic colò V ... 1947. pp. 104. 135. Guidi, P. Inventari di libri nelle serie del l’Archivio Vaticano (1287-1459). 1948. pp. 84. 136. Rossi, E . Elenco dei manoscritti persiani della Bibl. V aticana... 1948. pp. 200. 137. Paschini, P . Il carteggio fra il card. Marco Barbo e Giovanni Lorenzi (1481-1490). 1948. pp. 232, [2]. 138-140. H anssens, I. M., S. I. Amalarii episcopi opera liturgica omnia. 1948-1950. voi. 3.
E TESTI 144. Hobcrg, H. Taxae pro communibus servi tiis ex libris obligationum 1295-1455. 1949pp. X IX , 400. 145. Tonneau, R., O. P. et Devreesse, R. LesHomélies catéchétiques de Théodore de Mop. sueste. 1949. pp. xxxix, 623. 2 tav. 146. G ra i, G. Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur. III. Bd. 1949. pp. x x x m , 525. 1 4 7 . ------ IV. Bd. 1951. pp. xxxvi, 342. 148. Rationes decim arum Italiae. Marchia, a cura di P. Sella, con carta topografica delle diocesi. 1950. pp. [4], 742. Carta geogr. 149. Patetta, F. Venturino de Prioribus, umani sta ligure del see. xv. 1950. pp. vm , 431. 150. Cerulli, E. Il « Libro della Scala » e la que stione delle fonti arabo-spagnole della Di vina Commedia. 1949. pp. 574. 15 tav. 151. Diwan A b atu r... or Progress through the Purgatories. Text with translation, notes and appendices by E . S . Drower. 1950. pp. v u, 45. Facs. 650 x 24 cm. 152. L oenertz, R. J ., O. P. Correspondance de Manuel Calécas. 1950. pp. x n , 350. 153. Prete, S. H Codice Bembino di Terenzio. 1950. pp. 110. 5 tav. 154. M ercati, G., card. Π frammento Mafîeiano di Nestorio e la catena dei Salmi d’onde fu tratto. 1950. pp. [5], 40. 155. Blum , R. La biblioteca della Badia Fioren tina e i codici di Antonio Corbinelli. 1951. pp. x n , 190.
141. Devreesse, R. Essai sur Théodore de Mopsueste. 1948. pp. vii, 439.
156. Cian, V. Un illustre nunzio pontificio del Rinascimento : Baldassar Castiglione. 1951. pp. xi, 340.
142. M ercati, G., card. Osservazioni a proemi del Salterio di Origene, Ippolito, Eusebio, Ci rillo Alessandrino e altri, con frammenti ine diti. 1948. pp. [4], 167.
157. M ercati, A. Dall’Archivio Vaticano. 1951. pp. 119.
143. Levi Della Vida, G. Documenti intorno alle relazioni delle Chiese orientali con la S. Sede durante il pontificato di Gregorio X III. 1948. pp. vin, 191.
158. M ercati, G., card. Alla ricerca dei nomi degli ♦ altri * traduttori nelle Omilie sui Salmi di s. Giovanni Crisostomo e variazioni su alcune catene del Salterio. 1952. pp. v m , 248. 10 tav.
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«Tiferno Grafica » - S. a R. L. - Città di Castello - 1964
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lohannis Card. Mercati piae memoriae
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Several years ago I was honored by a request of the late Cardinal Giovanni Mercati to prepare a Catalogue of a number of Latin manu scripts belonging to the Barberini Collection in the Vatican Library. It is only too well known that the modern scholar in Renaissance studies often finds himself at a loss for a published edition of his humanistic work, in some instances, even when the text in question is of no small importance. The student of the fifteenth century yet awaits a single complete modern edition of Guarino Veronese as well as of many of the other important Latin poets and prose writers of this period. The Barberini collection, comparatively unfamiliar to scholars because of the lack of a catalogue com piled in accordance with modern standards, contains a wealth of humanistic writings. Although humanistic works are scattered throughout the whole collection, codex Barberinianus latinus 42 is outstandig for the extensive anthology of Renaissance Litera ture which it contains. Barb. lat. 42 is a miscellaneous collection of Renaissance poems, letters, orations, etc., copied by Ludovico Sandeo when he was twenty years old, as he testifies in his own hand (f. 40v) : L u d o v ic u s Sandeus scripsit an(n)o â Christi nativitate MCCCCLXVI Aetatis v(er)o ei(us) X X ° Aug. X III0. He probably made his selection from anthologies of authors from his native Ferrara and neighboring cities. Although the manuscript contains Latin translations of Greek authors, for example, Leonardo Bruni Aretino’s translations of Xenophon and Latin texts of Lactantius and Cornelius Nepos, it holds a greater interest for the Renaissance scholar in that many humanistic items of Sandeo’s choosing have been largely neglected by modern criticism. The existence of such a manu script did not, however, escape the attention of scholars such as
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Baron and Kristeller who quickly noted its importance and recom mended a thorough investigation of its contents 1. Most fortunately for our purposes, Professor Kristeller found a manuscript which is similar, although not identical, to Barb, lat. 42, namely MS 100.42 of the Cathedral Library of Toledo. 1 H. B a r o n , Leonardo Bruni Aretino, 173 ; P a u l O. K r i s t e l l e r , ‘ Renaissance Research in Vatican Manuscripts ’, 80, n. 37 ; previous to Baron and Kristeller, but after Battaglini, knowledge of the existence of the Zelada manuscript was evidenced by two scholars, namely, C a r l o d e R o s m in i , in his Vita e disciplina di Guarino Veronese, vol. 2, 120-121, who mentions T while discussing the poetry of Girolamo Guarini (the passage is found in our appendix to this author), and G. B. Ca r l o G i u l i a r i , in his Della letteratura Veronese al cadere del secolo X V , 78. Giuliari lists it among manuscripts containing the poetry of Guarino Veronese (see the appendix mentioned above). Seemingly Sabbadini makes no reference to T in his various works. This is strange since it would have been particularly pertinent to his list of the poetry of Guarino Veronese in his work La scuola e gli studi di Guarino Guarini Veronese, 231-3. G i u l i a r i (1. c.) does, in fact, give a list of the poetry of Guarino Veronese, which is based in part on T, only some twenty years before the appearance of Sabbadini’s work. Reference to the Barberini manuscript is more frequent in the previous century. It was known by the two editors of the works of Auso nius, C. S c h e n k l (D. Magni Ausonii opuscula) and R. P e i p e r {Decimi Magni Ausonii Burdigalensis opuscula). Various poems of Ausonius are contained in the Barberini manuscript : a) ‘ versus supra duodecim Caesares ’ (f. 226r) ; b) epigrams 16 and 17 in the edition of Peiper (f. 307v) ; and c) one poem ‘ de mensibus ’of the eclogues (f. 318v) : Peiper, ed., p. 103 and p. 99. Schenkl gives a description of the codex on p. xxviii, Peiper on p. lxxviiii. B, more over, contains certain pseudo-Ausonian works (‘ de rosis ’, f de musis ’) which both Peiper and Schenkl have edited without making reference to B. Among more recent scholars Who have made mention of B is Sabbadini. In his La scuola e gli studi, referred to above, he oftens indicates B, especially in his list of the poetry of G. Veronese (pp. 231-2), in particular, concerning the poems : a) ‘ corpus ut in membra ’ ; b) ‘ esse Iovis natas cecinere poe mata musas ’ (this is the ‘ carmen de novem musis ’ for Which Sabbadini indicates only B) ; c) ‘ nix ego de caelo spisso delapsa volatu ’. On pp. 221-4 of the same work, Sabbadini carries the text of Guarino Veronese’s letter ‘ Bene ac prudenter parentes mei ’, using the text of the Barberini manu script. Bertalot also knew and used Barb. Lat. 42; he quotes from it, for exam ple, in his ‘ Humanistisches in der Anthologia Latina ’, Rhein. Mus. 66 (1911) 77, when speaking of the poetry of Francesco Filelfo contained on ff. 324v-325r in B. Bertalot, relying on the testimony of B, therefore, is able to ascribe these poems definitely to Filelfo. Most recently, V. Branca refers to B in connection with the text of the ‘ De claris mulieribus ’ of G. Boccaccio contained on ff. 160r-222v ; see his work, Tradizione delle opere di Giovanni Boccaccio, 96.
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A considerable number of the humanistic texts in Barb. Lat. 42 are found in the manuscript of Toledo, once in the possession of Cardinal Francesco Saverio Zelada. Comparison of the two manuscripts often facilitates research and strengthens the conclusions drawn from each. The circumstances of Professor Kristeller’s discovery of the Toledo manuscript afford an excellent example of the element of chance to which even the most exhaustive research scholar has to be resigned. He had been informed by Prof. A. Campana that the University Library of Bologna contained a catalogue2, compiled by Angelo Battaglini, describing the Library of Cardinal Zelada (now chiefly to be found in Toledo3). In his examina tion of this catalogue, Prof. Kristeller came upon a manuscript (no. 1589 in Vol. II) which was evidently an anthology of humanistic writings. In his first visit to the Spanish Library he was unsuccessful in finding the codex described by Battaglini. A second visit seemed a similar failure, even though he had diligently searched the card file by subject matter as well as authors, a suggestion given him by Prof. Eugenio Massa. In the course of his search, how ever, he noted a rather vague and confusing indication under Ora tiones which he copied out for future inquiry. He did not suspect from so meager and misleading an entry that this was the manuscript of 2 The Library of Cardinal Francesco Saverio Zelada is described in Angelo Battaglini’s catalogue, now in the University Library of Bologna, MS 4256, 2 vols. (mm. 270 X 200), with the title Latinorum Italorum Gal lorum Hispanorumque Manuscriptorum Codicum Zeladianae Bibliothecae Cata logus. This title precedes the first fascicle of the first volume, while the paper cover which binds the two volumes of loose fascicles carries the entry Mss 45, Codici Zeladiani. Catalogo del Can. Angelo Battaglini. Vol. I. II. The cata logue contained a description of 1.777 manuscripts. The first volume is in a mutilated condition and commences on p. 141 with MS 226. The second volume begins with MS 860 and ends with MS 1777. The page enumeration is found partly in the original script (saec. xviii) in ink, and partly in a recent hand in pencil. The first volume contains pp. 141-853 (pp. 141-581, according to the original enumeration), volume two, 837 pages (pp. 1-216, original enumeration). T is described in the second volume, p. 568 and carries the number 1589. 3 Some manuscripts were later transferred to Madrid (see P. O. K r i s t e l l e r , Latin Manuscript Books before 1600, 201), while others, in all pro bability, remained at Rome (see G. Card. M e r c a t i , Note per la Storia di alcune biblioteche romane nei secoli X V I - X I X , 64-88; 175-6). Cardinal Mercati was especially concerned with the Zelada Library, particularly in relation to the famous manuscript of Plato, Vat. Gr. 1.
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his search. The Toledo manuscript does, in fact, contain several orations, but they are very few in number and by no means char acterize the manuscript. In his subsequent correspondence from New York with the Librarian Canon Francesco Ribera, he requested specific information on the contents of this manuscript. He was immediately able, from the data generously supplied him by Canon Ribera, to identify the Rattaglini entry as the Toledo manuscript No. 100.42. He obtained a microfilm of the codex to study its con tents for his forthcoming work, Iter Italicum. With great generosity he later put the microfilm at my disposal and thereby made it possi ble for me to compare the material of the Toledo manuscript with that of the Rarberini. Furthermore, Prof. Kristeller was kind enough to permit me access to his Iter Italicum material (part of which is at the moment, in proofs and part of which is yet in manuscript form). This material contributed greatly to the compilation of exact data on the various authors and works in the two codices which I have examined. Even a hasty comparison of B and T (we will use these two letters in the following discussion to indicate, respectively, the Bar berini and the Toledo manuscript) reveals many similarities. Yet closer examination discloses an equal number of relevant dissimi larities. First of all, there is a greater wealth of material in T than in B ; in addition to this, the works which are in both T and B, are found to have a superior text in T 4. T has a greater variety of 4 It was not our intention, in this work, to publish the texts of the two Humanistic anthologies, and, consequently, we have not made a system atic study of comparison between the texts which they have in common. Nevertheless, in the comparative reading which was required on more than one occasion, we noted a distinct and continual superiority in the text of T. For example, in a poem of Antonio Astesano (T 183v-185r ; B 323r-324v) V. 8, a pentameter, reads in B : ‘ Nec nova nec rara ergo ferenda nota est ' ; T, however, reads : ‘ Nec nova nec rara haec, ergo ferenda nota est ’. Y. 57, an hexameter, of the same poem is found in T as : ‘ Tuque sequare dei manifesta exempla licebit ’ ; B has ‘ Tu ’ for ‘ tuque ’. Moreover, the line appears extremely confused : ‘ Tu sequare (‘ sequere ’ having been written first, then emended) manifesta dei ex. 1. ’ ; the line contains marks to indi cate the inversion of the two words, ‘ manifesta ’ and ‘ dei ’. In general, therefore, although it cannot be said that the text of T is perfect, we can, it seems, safely affirm that it is, as a rule, more correct than B . At a later date, perhaps, we might be able to publish the unedited texts of these antholo gies ; at the present moment, we have limited ourselves to the choice of only a few.
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subject matter; B seems to have been designed tho supply the reader with themes almost scholastic in character or at least of local interest. Almost all of the compositions of B are found in T, one of the most notable exceptions, to this being the poetry of Francesco Ariosto. We may easily explain this if we consider that Ludovico Sandeo, who executed the Barberini manuscript, was the nephew of Francesco Ariosto (his mother being Ariosto’s sister) and, conse quently, might easily have discovered his uncle’s compositions among the various family papers. The present work is divided into two chapters, treating T and B respectively. The text is followed by four appendices, the first and the second of which consider some of the lesser known authors whose poetry is found in both manuscripts. The third appendix, contains a discussion of Leonardo Bruni’s invective against Niccolò Niccoli, together with the text of the invective taken from both B and T. The last appendix concerns Ludovico Sandeo. In conclusion, I should like to express my indebtedness to those who have assisted me in the preparation of this work. Above all, I am especially grateful for the encouragement and assistance given me by the late Cardinal Giovanni Mercati, whose guidance in the study of Humanistic manuscripts, particularly those in the Bar berini collection, was of inestimable value. Moreover, I owe a similar debt to Cardinal A. M. Albareda for having encouraged me to con tinue my study of these manuscripts, a pursuit abandoned on more than one occasion. Among my colleagues and friends, I should like to thank, first of all, Professor Paul 0 . Kristeller for his unsparing aid ; he was so generous as not only to lend me his own notes and the microfilm of the Toledo manuscript, but also to review and correct my work in all of its various stages. It would be difficult to exaggerate the benefit I have received from his vast knowledge of the field. The material discussed in this work formed the subject of a seminar held in Heidelberg with scholars of classical and medieval philology, among whom, in particular, I owe a debt of gratitude to Professors W . Bulst, Y. Poschl and F. Dirlmeyer for their valued suggestions. I hope that I may be able in the future to comply with their kindly expressed desire to see many of the present humanistic works published. My thanks are equally extended to my colleagues of classical philology at the University of Bonn, H. Herter, G. Luck,
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and W. Schmid. I should like to express sincerest thanks to the various library directors whose assistance I had occasion to call upon, particularly, the Prefect of the Vatican Library, Rev. Alfonso Raes, S. J., and the Directors of the Ambrosian Library, of the libraries of Bologna, Brescia, Cremona, Ferrara, Florence (the Laurentian and the National), Grenoble, Heidelberg, Modena, Toledo and Verona (the City and the Capitular). To the list of these libraries which have furnished me with microfilms or have permitted me to examine the various manuscripts at first-hand, I should like to add the numerous American libraries which have shown me great cour tesy and generosity in putting even their most rare and valuable volumes at my disposal. Among these I may mention especially the libraries of New York (Fordham, Columbia, Morgan, and New York Public), of Chicago, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, and the Library of Congress. Finally, I wish to mention my indebtedness to my colleagues and students at Fordham Univer sity for their generous assistance in the final drafting of the present work *.
* While the present work was in the final stage of printing, the first volume of Professor Kristeller’s Her Italicum (London-Leiden 1963) appeared ; the page references to this work have been corrected accordingly.
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A c c u r s u M a r ia n g e l i ,
Diatribae in Ausonium, Solinum, Ovidium. Rome,
1524. Memorie degli scrittori e letterati parmigiani. Ed. by P . I. Affò & continued by Angelo Pezzana, 9 vols, Parma, 1789-1833. A g n e l l i G. & R a v e g n a n i G., Inventari dei Manoscritti delle Biblioteche d’Italia. Voi. 54, Firenze, 1933. A l b r e c h t R ., Tito Vespasiano Strozza, Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Humanismus in Ferrara. Leipzig, 1891. A l t a m u r a A., I carmi latini di Giovanni Marrasio. Edizioni Sansoni Anti quariato. Biblioteca del Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani raccolta da Ettore Li Gotti, voi. 3, Firenze, 1954. A n t o n e l l i G ., Indice dei Manoscritti della civica Biblioteca di Ferrara. Pt. 1, Ferrara, 1884. A r i s i F r a n c e s c o , Cremona literata. 3 vols, Parma, 1702-1741. A s c a r i T., ‘ Francesco Ariosto Peregrino ’, Atti e Memorie dell’Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Modena. Serie Y, voi. i l (1953) 94-114. B a l z o ( d e l ) C., Poesie di mille autori intorno a Dante Alighieri raccolte ed ordinate cronologicamente con note storiche, bibliografiche. 2 vols, Rome, 1890. B a r o n H., Leonardi Bruni, Humanistisch-philosophische Schriften, mit einer Chronologie seiner Werke und Briefe. (Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, 1 Band.) Veroffentlichungen der Forschungsinstitute an der Universitàt Leipzig; Institut für Kultur- und Universalgeschichte. Leipzig-Berlin, 1928. — Humanistic and Political Literature in Florence and Venice at the Begin ning of the Quattrocento. Harvard U. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1955. — The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance. 2 vols, Princeton, 1955. B a r o t t i G. A., Memorie Isteriche di Letterati Ferraresi.Ferrara, 2nd ed., 1792, voi. 2 by L. Barotti, Ferrara, 1793. B a r o z z i L., see Sabbadini. B a r u f f a l d i G. - J a c o b u s G u a r in u s (pseudonym of Gerolamo Baruffaldi the Elder), Ad Ferrariensis gymnasii historiam per F errantem Borsettum conscriptam supplementum et animadversiones. 2 parts, Bononiae, 17401741. Basimi Parmensis poetae opera praestantiora. 2 vols, Arimini, 1794. B a s s i D., ‘ L’Epitome di Quintiliano di Francesco Patrizi ’, Rivista di Filo logia e di Istruzione Classica, voi. 22 (1894) 385-470. A ffò I r e n e o ,
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Select Bibliography
F., Enea Silvio Piccolomini e Francesco Patrizi, Due Politici Senesi del Quattrocento. Istituto Comunale d’Arte e di Storia. Siena, 1936. B e c k F., Studien zu Leonardo Bruni. (Abhandlungen zur mittl. und neuern Geschichte, Heft 36). Berlin-Leipzig, 1912. B e l l e m o G., Jacopo e Giovanni de’ Dondi dell’Orologio: note critiche con le rime edite ed inedite di Giovanni Dondi ed altre aggiunte. Chioggia, 1894. B e n a d d u c i G., ‘ Contributo alla Bibliografia di Francesco Filelfo ’, Atti e Memorie della R. Deputazione di Storia patria per le province delle Marche. Voi. 5 (1901) 461-535. B e r t a l o t L., Humanistisches Studienheft eines Niìrnberger Scholaren. Berlin, 1910. — ' Humanistisches in der Anthologia Latina ’, Rheinisches Museum. N. S. voi. 66 (1911) 56-80. — ‘ Ueber lateinische Gedichte des Porcellius ’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. Voi. 36 (1912) 738-742. — ‘ Die alteste gedruckte Epitaphiensammlung ’, Collectanea variae doctrinae Leoni S. Olschki. . . oblata. Monachii, 1921, 1-28. ■ — ‘ Uno Zibaldone poetico umanistico del quattrocento a Praga ’, La Biblio filia. Voi. 26 (1924) 59-66 ; 134-144. — ‘ Die alteste Briefsammlung des Gasparinus Barzizza ’, Beitrdge zur Forschung. N. F. 2 (1929) 39-84. — ‘ Uno zibaldone umanistico latino del quattrocento a Parma ’, La Biblio filia. Voi. 38 (1936) 77-88. — ‘ Zur Bibliographie der Uebersetzungen des Leonardo Bruni ’, Quéllen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken herausgegeben vom Preussischen Historischen Institut in Rom. Voi. 27 (1936-1937) 178-195. — ‘ Zur Bibliographie des Leonardus Brunus Aretinus ’, Quellen und For schungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken herausgegeben vom Preussischen Historischen Institut in Rom. Voi. 28 (1938) 268-285. B e r t o n i G., La Biblioteca Estense e la cultura ferrarese ai tempi del duca Ercole I (1471-1505). Turin, 1903. •— Guarino da Verona fra letterati e cortigiani a Ferrara (1429-1460). (Biblio teca dell’Archivum Romanicum, Ser. I, vol. 1). Geneva, 1921. B e r t o n i G. & V i c i n i E. P., Poeti Modenesi nei secoli XI V- XV. Modena, 1906. B o r s e t t i F., Historia almi Ferrariae Gymnasii. 2 vols, Ferrara, 1735. B o t f ie l d B ., Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures. London, 1861. B r a n c a V., Tradizione delle opere di Giovanni Boccaccio, Un primo elenco dei codici e tre studi (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura). Rome, 1958. B r a n d t S., L. Coeli Firmianì Lactantii opera omnia. CSEL voi. 27, Vienna, 1893. B r in t o n S., The Golden Age of the Medici. London, 1925. C a l d e r in i A., ‘ Ricerche intorno alla biblioteca ed alla cultura greca di F. Filelfo Studi ital. di Filologia classica. 20 (1913) 204-424. —· ‘ I codici milanesi di Francesco Filelfo Archivio Storico Lombardo. Voi. 42 (1915) 335-411. B a t t a g l ia
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G., La gioventù di Ludovico Ariosto e la poesia latina in Ferrara. (Ed. nazionale delle opera omnia, voi. 15). Bologna, 1905. Ca s o t t i G. B., Prose e Rime dei due Buonaccorsi di Montemagno. Firenze, 1718. C a t a l a n o M., Vita di Ludovico Ariosto ricostruita su nuovi documenti. 2 vols, Geneva, 1931. C e l a n i E., ‘ La venuta di Borso d’Este in Roma l’anno 1471 ’, Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria. Voi. 13 (1890) 361-450. Ci n q u i n i A. & V a l e n t i n i R., Poesie latine inedite di A. Beccadelli detto il Panormita. Aosta, 1907. C o s e n z a M, E., Biographical and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Italian Humanists and of the World of Classical Scholarship in Italy, 1300-1800. 5 vols, 2nd ed., Boston, 1962. D e l l a G u a r d ia Ai, La politia di A. Decembrio e l’umanesimo a Ferrara nella prima metà del sec. X V . Modena, 1910. — T. V. Strozzi, poesie latine tratte dall’Aldina confrontate con i codici. Modena, 1916. D o n z e l l in i G. ed., Epistulae principum rerumpublicarum ac sapientum virorum. Venice, 1574. D ü c h t in g , R e i n h a r d , ‘ Hrotsvitha von Gandersheim, Adam Wernher von Themar und Guarino Veronese ’, Ruperto-Carola. Voi. 33 (1963) 77-89. F a v a D ., La biblioteca estense nel suo sviluppo storico. Modena, 1925. F o r b e r g F. C. ed., Antonii Panormitae Hermaphroditus. 2 vols, in 1. Coburg, 1824. F r e h e r M., Germanicarum rerum Scriptores. Frankfurt, 1624. F r e y t a g F. G., Analecta litteraria de libris rarioribus. Leipzig, 1750. F u r ie t t i I. A., Gasparini Barzizii Bergomatis et Guiniforti ejus filii opera, quorum pleraque ex Mss. codicibus nunc primum in lucem eruta recensuit I. A. Furiettus. 2 vols., Rome, apud Io. Mariam Salvioni, 1723. G a r d n e r E. G., Dukes and Poets in Ferrara. New York, 1903. G a r in E., ‘ Le traduzioni umanistiche di Aristotele nel sec. X V ’, Accademia Fiorentina di Se. Mor. La Colombaria. Voi. 8 (1951) 1-50. — Prosatori Latini del Quattrocento. Milan-Naples, 1952. G e r c k e A., Theodoros Gazes. Greiswald, 1903. G i u l i a r i G., Della Letteratura Veronese al cadere del sec. X V . Bologna, 1876. H u t t o n J., The Greek Anthology in Italy to the Year 1800. Cornell Studies in English, vol. X X III, Ithaca-London 1935. — The Greek Anthology in France and in the Latin Writers of the Netherlands to the year 1800. Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, XXVIII. Ithaca, 1946. K r is t e l l e r P. O., Studies in Renaissance Thought and Letters. (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura). Rome, 1956. — ‘ Renaissance Research in Vatican Manuscripts ’, Manuscripta. Vol. 1 (1957) 67-80. — Latin Manuscript Books Before 1600. New York, 1960. — ‘ The Platonic Academy of Florence ’, Renaissance News. Voi. 16 (1961) 147-159. — ‘ The Moral Thought of Renaissance Humanism ’, in Chapters in Western Civilization I. 3rd ed., New York, Columbia U. Press, 1961, 289-335. Ca r d u c c i
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— ‘ Un ’ « Ars Dictaminis » di Giovanni del Virgilio Italia Medioevale ed Umanistica. Voi. 9 (1961) 181-200. — Renaissance Thought, The Classic, Scholastic, and Humanist Strains. New York: Harper Bros., 1961. L a n c e t t i V., Biografia cremonese. 3 vols., Milan, 1819-1820. L e R o u x d e L i n c y & T is s e r a n d L. M., Paris et ses historiens aux X IV et X V siècles. Histoire générale de Paris. Paris, 1867. L e v i E., Francesco di Vannozzo e la lirica nelle corti lombarde durante la se conda metà del sec. X I V . (Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto di Studi superiori pratici e di perfezionamento in Firenze. Sezione di Filosofìa e Filologia, Vol. XXXII). Firenze, 1908. L u c c h e s i G. in M a z z a t in t i , Inventari dei Manoscritti delle Biblioteche d’Italia. Voi. 30, Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio, Bologna, 1924. L o c k w o o d D. P., Ugo Benzi, Medieval Philosopher and Physician 13761439. Chicago, 1951. Luiso F. P., ‘ Studi su l’epistolario e la traduzione di Lapo da Castiglionchio ’, Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica. Voi. 7 (1899) 205-299. M a n g e a r t J., Catalogue descriptif et raisonné des Mss. de la Bibliothèque de Valenciennes. Paris, 1860. M e h u s L. ed., Leonardi Bruni Arretini epistolarum libri V ili. 2 vols., Flor ence, 1741. M e r c a t i G. Card., Per la cronologia della vita e degli scritti di Niccolò Perotti arcivescovo di Siponto. Studi e Testi 44. Rome, 1925. — Ultimi contributi alla storia degli umanisti. 2 vols., Studi e Testi 90-91. Rome, 1939. — Note per la storia di alcune biblioteche romane nei secoli X V I - X I X . Studi e Testi 164. Rome, 1952. M o r e l l i J., Biblioteca Manoscritta di T. G. Farsetti. 2 vols. Venice, 17711780. N o g a r a B., Codices Vaticani Latini 1461-2059. Rome, 1912. M u s c e t t a C. and P o n c h ir o l i D. ed., Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere, Trionfi, Rime varie e una scelta di versi latini. Torino, 1958. ( I s o t t a e ) N o g a r o l a e V e r o n e n s i s , Opera quae supersunt omnia accedunt Angelae et Zeneverae Nogarolae epistulae et carmina . . . edidit et praefatus est Eugenius Abel. 2 vols, Vienna, 1886. N o v a t i F., ‘ Bolletini Bibliografici ’, Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. Voi. 17 (1891) 114-117. N o v a t i F. & L a f a y e F., ‘ Le manuscrit de Lyons n. C. ’, Mélanges d’archéo logie et d’histoire, École française de Rome, vol. 12. Rome, 1893. O l iv e r R. P., Perotti’s Enchiridion of Epictetus. Urbana, 111., 1954. P a n c ir o l i G., De claris legum interpretibus libri quattuor. Leipzig, 1721. P a r d i G., Titoli dottorali conferiti dallo studio di Ferrara nei secoli X V e X V I . Lucca, 1900. — Lo studio di Ferrara nei secoli X V e XV I . Ferrara, 1903. P a r e d i A., La Biblioteca del Pizolpazzo. Milan, 1961. P e i p e r R. ed., Decimi Magni Ausonii Burdigalensis opuscula. Leipzig, 1886. P e l z e r A., Codices Vaticani Latini 679-1134. Biblioteca Ap. Vaticana, 1931. P e z z a n a A ., See A f f ò .
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Francisci Philelfl epistolarum familiarum libri X X X V I I . Venice, ex aedibus Ioannis & Gregorii de Gregoriis, 1502. P r e t e S., ‘ Initia and Indices of Initia ’, Studi Urbinati N.S. 36 (1962) 155-166. Q u i r i n u s A. M. ed., Francisci Barbari et aliorum ad ipsum epistulae. Bre scia, 1743. R e u c h l in J o h a n n , Vocabularius breviloquus. Basel, Johann Amorbach, 1478. R o s m in i ( d e ’) C., Vita e disciplina di Guarino Veronese e suoi discepoli. 3 vols, Brescia, 1806. — Vita di F. Filelfo. 3 vols, Milan, 1808. Rossi V., Il Quattrocento. Milan, 2nd ed. reprinted, 1960. R u y s s c h a e r t J., Codices Vaticani Latini 11414-11709. Biblioteca Ap. Vati cana, 1959. S a b b a d in i R., ‘ Lettere e orazioni edite e inedite di Gasparino Barzizza ’, Archivio Storico Lombardo. Voi. 13 (1886) 363-378 ; 563-583 ; 825-836. — ‘ Bollettini Bibliograf. Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. Voi. 14 (1889) 293. — ‘ Briciole umanistiche ’, Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. Voi. 17 (1891) 218-228. — ‘ Briciole umanistiche ’, Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. Voi. 18 (1891) 216-241 ; voi. 43 (1904) 244-258. — ‘ Cronologia documentata della vita di Giovanni Lamola ’, Il Propugna tore N.S. Voi. 3, part 2 (1891) 417-436. •— ‘ L’« Angelinetum » di Giovanni Marrasio ’, La Biblioteca delle Scuole Ita liane. Voi. 4 (1892) 1-13. — ‘ Notizie sulla vita e gli scritti di alcuni dotti umanisti del secolo XV da alcuni codici italiani’, Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. Voi. 5 (1895) 148-179. •— La scuola e gli studi di Guarino Guarini Veronese, con 44 documenti. Cata nia, 1896. — ' Un biennio umanistico (1425-26) illustrato con nuovi documenti ’, Gior nale storico della letteratura italiana. Supplement 6 (1903) 74-119. — La Scoperta dei codici latini e greci ne’ secoli X I V e X V . 2 vols. Florence, 1905-1914. — Storia e critica di testi latini. Catania, 1914. •— ‘ Antonio da Romagno e Pietro Marcello ’, Nuovo Archivio Veneto. Voi. 30 (1915) 207-246. —· Epistolario di Guarino Veronese raccolto ordinato illustrato. R. Deputazione veneta di Storia patria. Miscellanea di Storia veneta. 3 vols. Venice, 19151919. -—■ ‘ Documenti Guariniani ’, Accademia di agricoltura scienze e lettere. Voi. 18 (1916) 211-286. — ‘ La polemica fra Porcelio e il Panormita ’, R. Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Rendiconti. Ser. 2, voi. 50 (1917) 495-501. — ‘ Dalle nuove lettere di Gasparino Barzizza ’, Rend. Istituto Lombardo. Voi. 62 (1929) 881-890. — Carteggio di Giovanni Aurispa. Istituto Storico Italiano. Roma, 1931. — Classici ed Umanisti da codici ambrosiani. Firenze, 1933. 2
( 230)
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— and B a r o z z i L., Studi sul Panormita e sul Valla. Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto di Studi Superiori, Firenze, 1891. S a n t i n i E., L. B. Aretino ed i suoi “ Historiarum fiorentini populi libri X II ” , Annali Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa. Voi. 22 (1910) 142-5. S c h e n k l C. ed., Ausonii Opera. MGH, Auctorum Antiquissimorum, vol. 5, 2. Berlin, 1883. S h e p h e r d W., The Life of Poggio Bracciolini. Liverpool, 1802 ; 2nd ed. 1837. (Italian translation by T. Tonelli, 2 vols. Florence, 1825). S m it h L. ed., Epistolario di Pier Paolo Vergerlo. Fonti per la Storia d’Italia pubblicate dall’Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo. Rome, 1934. T it u s V e s p a s ia n u s S t r o z z a , Borsias (fragmenta). Bucolicon Liber ediderunt Iosephus Fógel et Ladislaus Juhasz. (Bibliotheca Scriptorum medii recentisque Aevorum. Saecula XV-XVI). Leipzig, Teubner, 1933. Tabulae codicum manuscriptorum praeter graecos et orientales in Bibliotheca Palatina Vindobonensi asservatorum. 11 vols. Vienna, 1864-1912. T h o r n d ik e L., ‘ Notes and Correspondence ’, Isis. Vol. 16 (1931) 447. T h o r n d ik e L. and K i b r e P., A Catalogue of Incipits of Medieval Scientific Writings in Latin. The Medieval Academy of America. Cambridge, Mass., 2nd ed. 1963. T o n e l l i T. ed., Poggii Epistolae. 3 vols. Florence, I (1832), II (1859), III (1861). V a l e n t i n i R. and Z u c c h e t t i G., Codice Topografico della città di Borna, vol. 1, R. Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, Fonti per la Storia d’Italia 81 (Rome 1940). V e r r u a P., Umanisti ed altri « studiosi viri » italiani e stranieri di qua e di là delle Alpi e del mare. Biblioteca dell’Archivum Romanicum. Voi. 3. Geneva, 1924. V i l l e d e M ir m o n t ( d e l a ) H., Le Manuscrit de Vile Barbe (codex Leidensis Vossianus Latinus 111). 3 vols. Paris-Bordeaux, 1917-1919. W a l s e r E., Poggius Bracciolinus, Leben und Werke. Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Voi. 14. Leipzig, 1914. W a l t h e r H., Carmina Medii Aevi Posterioris Latina, I. : Initia carminum ac versuum medii aevi posterioris latinorum. Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Versanfânge mittellateinischer Dichtungen. Gottingen, 1959. W e i s s R., ‘ Some Unpublished Correspondence of Guarino da Verona ’, Italian Studies. Vol. 2 (1939) 110-117. W e r n e r J., ‘ Nachlese aus Zürcher Handschriften ’, Neues Archiv des Gesellschaft fur altere deutsche Geschichtskunde. Vol. 31 (1906). W e is s R., Humanism in England during the Fifteenth Century. 2nd ed., Ox ford, 1957. — ‘ Some unpublished correspondence of Guarino da Verona ’, Italian Stud ies. Voi. 2 (1939) 110-7. W il m a n n s A., ‘ Aus humanistischen Handschriften. Ueber die Briefsammlung des Poggio Bracciolini ’, Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. Voi. 30 (1913) I-II, 289-330; III, 413-463. W o l f f M a x v o n , Leben und Werke des Antonio Beccadelli. Leipzig, 1894. W o t k e C., ‘ Beitrage zu Leonardo Bruni aus Arezzo ’, Wiener Studien. Voi. 11 (1889) 291-308.
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F., Le opere volgari a stampa dei secoli X I I I e XI V. Supplemento a cura di S. Morpurgo. Bologna, 1929. Z i p p e l G., Niccolò Niccoli. Florence, 1890. ■ — ‘ Invettiva di Lorenzo di Marco Benvenuti contro Niccolò Niccoli ’, Gior nale storico della letteratura italiana. Voi. 24 (1894) 166-186. Z u c c h e t t i G., v . V a l e n t i n i . Z a m b r in i
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1. (ff. l r-2v) Oratio Demosthenis ad Alexandrum regem. Inc. Nihil habet rex Alexander vel fortuna tua, des. hodierno die haec feceris consequutus es (ed. Remigio Sabbadini, ‘ Antonio da Romagno e Pietro Marcello 241-243). 2. (ff. 2v-3r) Oratio Heschinis ad Athenienses. Ine. Reminiscor Athenienses Alexandrum hac nostra urbe, des. obsequentes sibi supplicesque invenerit (ed. Sabbadini, ib. 241). 3. (ff. 3r v) Oratio Demae ad eosdem in contrarium. Ine. Admirans vehementer admiror, Athenienses, des. et consiliis vacuam faci litatem diripiat (ed. Sabbadini, ib. 241-242). 4. (ff. 3v-4r) Oratio (Demosthenis) ad eosdem in eadem re. Ine. Apud vos in questione verti videor videre, des. ne similes simus Thebanis (ed. Sabbadini, ib. 242-244) 1. 5. (ff. 4r-7r) Gasparinus Bergamensis Jo. s.p.d. Ine. Quanto dolore ac molestia affecerit obitus tuae carissimae filiae Joannes vir 1 This composition, and the three preceding, were written by Pietro Marcello. Nos. 1-3 were intended as orations delivered, respectively, by Demo sthenes, Aeschines and Demades. Neither T nor B indicate the intended author for the fourth oration ; T leaves a blank space where the pseudo author’s name should appear, while B carries simply ‘ cuiusdam atheniensis ’. On the author and the text, see the article by Sabbadini cited above. For additional manuscripts, cf. J. R u y s s c h a e r t , Codices Vaticani Latini 1141411709, 286 (MS 11548, 73v-75v). For remaining questions concerning these four works, cf. L. B e r t a l o t , ‘ Uno zibaldone . . . a Parma ’, 77-78.
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The manuscript of Toledo
clarissime et doctor egregie per te faciliter cogitabis, des. Cogitabis igitur melius per te quid super hoc negotio sis facturus ; vale igitur et me ut facis dilige. Patavi X° k(a)l(end)as Januarias 2. 6. (f. 7r) Philippi epistula ad Aristotelem. Φίλιππος άριστοτέλει χαίρειν. Inc. ΐσθ-ι μοι γεγονότα υίόν, des. ήμων καί της των πραγμάτων διάδοχης (ed. R. Hercher, Epistolographi graeci 466, n. 7). A text in Latin follows. Philippus Aristoteli salutem plurimam dicit. Ine. Filium mihi genitum scito, des. et nobis et rerum istarum suscep tione. Vale (ed. Hercher, ib. 466, no. 7 )3. 7. (ff. 7r-8v) De confusis vocibus ut maiorum tradidit aucto ritas vel antiquitas. Inc. Apes ampitrant vel bombitant, des. Verres quiritant4. 8. (ff. 8V-10V) Laus caritatis. Ine. Quam excellens quamque praeclara ea sit virtus quam caritatem vocant integerrimi ac sacra tissimi patres, des. ut ea optima duce ad regna paradisi id est ad verum christum pervenire valeamus cui sit honor et gloria in secula seculorum. D ix i5. 9. (ff. 10-vl l v) Bartholomaei Cascioti in coniugio epithalamium. Ine. Sentio patres celeberrimi quam grave honus vobis imperantibus 2 This letter of Gasparino Barzizza does not appear either in the edition of his works made by I. A. F u r ie t t i (2 vols., Rome 1732) or in later publica tions of his letters. Cf. R. S a b b a d in i , ‘ Lettere e orazioni edite ed inedite di Gasparino Barzizza ’, 363-378 ; 563-583 ; 825-836. L. B e r t a l o t , ‘ Die alteste Briefsammlung des Gasparinus Barzizza ’, 39-84. R. S a b b a d in i , ‘ Delle nuove lettere di Gasparino Barzizza ’ 881-890. B e r t a l o t , ‘ Uno zibal done . . . a Parma ’, 73-87 (in particular, 80-84). In this letter, Barzizza condoles his friend (Giovanni) upon the death of his daughter, quoting from the works of Virgil, Cicero and St. Augustine. s Cf. B e r t a l o t , ' Uno zibaldone . . . a Parma ’, 78. 4 H. W a l t h e r , Initia carminum, n o . 1357. 5 A prose work in praise of charity, containing examples drawn from pagan authors (as, for example, from Sallust) in addition to those taken from the Gospels, by which the orator exalts the rewards of this virtue. A different oration on the same subject (written by G. B. Ignazio Veneto) is found in the Modena manuscript, Est. Lat. 679 (alpha. T. 9.16), ine. Cum vestra semper antea erga me beneficia.
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Chapter I
susceperim, des. quod ut fiat vehementer etiam atque etiam rogita bimus. D ix i6. 10. (ff. 12r-v) Guarinus Veronensis fratri Marchioni s.p.d. Ine. Quantum discipulo praeceptor debeat nescius non es, quem parentis loco omnes statuerunt, des. vere locupletes sunt et habentur. Vale et me in Lanfranchino ama. Ex ferraria XXV martii 1441 7. 6 A brief oration by Bartolomeo Casciotti (or Casciotto) of Florence celebrating the marriage of a certain (unidentified) member of the nobility. The composition seems to be more in the character of a school exercize, and it is difficult to determine whether it was occasioned by a real event. The two most probable occasions which suggest themselves are the mar riages between Leonello d’Este and Margherita Gonzaga (d. 1439) in 1435, and between Leonello and Maria d’Aragona in 1444. At any event it is un likely that the oration was actually delivered. The marriage of Leonello d’Este and Maria d’Aragona was celebrated in an oration of Guarino Veronese, the text of which is in the Palatine codex 262 in the Library of Parma, ff. 28v30v. Cf. S a b b a d in i , La scuola, 23 ; B e r t a l o t , ‘ Uno zibaldone . . . a Parma ’, 73-87. For a discussion of the works of Casciotti, see Appendix I at the end of this work. Immediately following the epithalamium of Casciotti, T (ff. l l v-12r) contains the text of prayer and formula used in the marriage ceremony, in Italian. Inc. E t impero nui pregaremo lo omnipotente dio e la soa madre gloriosa, des. per vostro legitimo sposo et marito et in lui con sentire. In fine : cetera itidem ut superius dicuntur. 7 A letter of recommendation by Guarino Veronese written to a reli gious on behalf of a member of the same order who had been in Rhodes. Guarino mentions among his pupils Malchiores de Capitaneis whose brother (Lanfranchinus de Capitaneis) had been in Rhodes. I have discovered no references to this letter, and since it appears to be unknown, I include the following transcription of the text : Quantum discipulo praeceptor debeat nescius non es quem parentis loco omnes statuerunt. Quocirca cum Mal chiores de Capitaneis auditor meus sit, filii loco eum constituam est necesse. Cum vero praeter disciplinam, modestia singulari praeditus sit et probitate praecipuus plura illi debeam oportet. Caeterum cum me diligat colat et obser vet, omnia sibi conferam opus est. Is habet fratrem in vestro religionis ordine Rhodi commorantem Lanfranchinum nomine et nobilitate et integri tate primarium. Is cum meus sit fraterna familiaritate non modo amicus sed amicissimus, ut eum quoque suscipias intimum, opus est. Omnia namque inter amicos fieri communia debent. Cum meus Lanfranchinus sit, et tuus amicitiae iure fiet. Sic hominem tuam in fidem benevolentiam caritatem accipies : ut meam apud te commendationem pro eo tantum valuisse intel legat, ut omnia pro illo te facturum et speret et videat. Id erit mihi pergratum et tibi ornamento. Devincies quoque tibi suos consanguineos familiamque omnem quae honesta sit tum vero numerosa et multis egregiis viris ornata. Quid autem malis amplius et fructuosius reportare quam multos tibi bene-
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The manuscript of Toledo
11. (ft. 12v-13r) Libri compositi per M. Tullium Ciceronem ut quidam volunt. Inc. Rhetorica vetus. Rhetorica nova. Rhetorica brevis ad filium, des. Scipionis primus liber de re publica 8. 12. (ff. 13r-14r) C. V. Guarini Veronensis diphtongi feliciter incipiunt. Guarinus Veron(ensis) s. d. Florio Valerio. Si vales gaudeo. Inc. Non sine causa factum esse certo scio, des. a diffinitione proficisci satius esse arbitror (ed. R. Sabbadini, Epistolario, vol. 1, 76-77, no. 29). 13. (fi. 14r-20v) Ap& m jrjrj ί ϋ Γ |o ty r tr c
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