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English Pages [13] Year 2020
Cheat Sheet (English Terminology)
Trunk Wall: Muscle Charts
Superficial (Extrinsic) muscles of back
Suboccipital muscles
Rectus capitis
Posterior tubercle of
Medial part of inferior
Atlantooccipital joint: Head
posterior minor
nuchal line
Lateral part of inferior
Bilateral contraction -
nuchal line
Atlantooccipital joint: Head extension
Transverse process of atlas
Unilateral contraction Atlantoaxial joint: Head
Rectus capitis posterior major
Obliquus capitis inferior
Obliquus capitis superior
Spinous process of axis
Spinous process of axis
Transverse process of atlas
Occipital bone (between superior and inferior nuchal lines)
Posterior ramus of spinal nerve C1 (suboccipital nerve)
rotation (ipsilateral) Bilateral contraction Atlantooccipital joint: Head extension Unilateral contraction Atlantoaxial joint: Head rotation (contralateral), Head lateral flexion (ipsilateral)
Superficial layer
Descending part: Medial third of superior nuchal line, External occipital protuberance, Spinous processes of cervical vertebrae/Nuchal ligament Trapezius
Transverse part: Broad aponeurosis at spinous processes of vertebrae T1-T4 (or C7-T3)
Descending part: Lateral third of clavicle Transverse part: Medial aspect of acromion, Superior crest of spine of scapula Ascending part: Medial end of spine of scapula
Descending part: Scapulothoracic joint: Draws scapula superomedially; Atlantooccipital joint/ upper cervical vertebrae: Motor: Accessory nerve (CN XI) Sensory: Anterior rami of spinal nerves C3-C4 (via cervical plexus)
Ascending part: Spinous processes of vertebrae T5-T12 (or T2-T12)
Levator scapulae
Transverse processes of vertebrae C1-C4
Rhomboid major
Spinous process of vertebrae T2-T5
Rhomboid minor
Nuchal ligament, Spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T1
Extension of head and neck, Lateral flexion of head and neck (ipsilateral); Altantoaxial joint: Rotation of head (contralateral) Transverse part: Scapulothoracic joint: Draws scapula medially Ascending part: Scapulothoracic joint: Draws scapula inferomedially (All parts support scapula)
Anterior rami of spinal nerves C3-C4, Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
Scapulothoracic joint: Draws scapula superomedially, Rotates glenoid cavity inferiorly; Cervical joints: Lateral flexion of neck (ipsilateral)
Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
Scapulothoracic joint: Draws scapula superomedially, Rotates glenoid cavity inferiorly; Supports position of scapula
Intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Thoracodorsal nerve (C6C8)
Shoulder joint: Arm internal rotation, Arm adduction, Arm extension; Assists in respiration
Superior borders of ribs 2-5
2nd-5th Intercostal nerves
Elevates ribs
Medial border of scapula (from superior angle to root of spine of scapula)
Medial border of scapula (from inferior angle to root of spine of scapula) Root (medial end) of spine of scapula
Vertebral part: Spinous
Latissimus dorsi
processes of vertebrae T7-T12, Thoracolumbar fascia Iliac part: Posterior third of crest of ilium Costal part: Ribs 9-12 Scapular part: Inferior angle of scapula
Intermediate layer
Nuchal ligament, spinous
posterior superior
processes of vertebrae C7-T3
Serratus posterior inferior
Anterior rami of spinal Spinous processes of vertebrae T11-L2
Inferior borders of ribs 9-12
nerves T9-T12 (a.k.a. 9th-11th Intercostal nerves + subcostal nerve)
Depresses ribs/ Draws ribs inferoposteriorly
Deep (Intrinsic) muscles of back
Superficial layer
Splenius capitis
Spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T3, nuchal ligament
Lateral superior nuchal line of occipital bone, Mastoid process of temporal bone
Lateral branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves C2-C3
Transverse processes of vertebrae C1-C3
Lateral branches of posterior rami of lower cervical spinal nerves
Function Bilateral contraction Extends head/neck Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion and rotation of head (ipsilateral) Bilateral contraction -
Splenius cervicis
Spinous processes of vertebrae T3-T6
Extends neck Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion and rotation of neck (ipsilateral)
Intermediate layer
Iliocostalis cervicis: Angle of ribs 3-6
Iliocostalis cervicis: Transverse processes of vertebrae C4-C6
Iliocostalis thoracis: Angle of ribs 7-12
Iliocostalis thoracis: Angles of ribs 1-6,
Erector spinae group Spinalis
Bilateral contraction Extension of spine
Transverse process of vertebra C7
Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion of spine (ipsilateral)
Iliocostalis lumborum: Lateral crest of sacrum, Medial end of iliac crest, Thoracolumbar fascia
Iliocostalis lumborum: Angle of ribs 5-12, Transverse processes of vertebrae L1-L4 (+ Adjacent thoracolumbar fascia)
Longissimus capitis: Transverse processes of vertebrae C4-T5
Longissimus capitis: Mastoid process of temporal bone
Longissimus cervicis: Transverse processes of
Longissimus cervicis: Transverse processes of
vertebrae T1-T5
vertebrae C2-C6
Longissimus thoracis: Lumbar part: Lumbar intermuscular aponeurosis, anteromedial aspect of ilium, Posterior sacroiliac ligament
Longissimus thoracis: Lumbar part: Accessory and transverse processes of vertebrae L1-L5
Thoracic part: Spinous and transverse processes of vertebrae L1-L5, Median sacral crest, Posterior surface of sacrum , Posterior iliac crest
Thoracic part: Transverse process of vertebrae T1-T12, Angles of ribs 7-12
Spinalis cervicis: Spinous
Spinalis cervicis: Spinous
Bilateral contraction -
processes of vertebrae C7-T1, Nuchal ligament
processes of vertebrae C2-C4
Extension of cervical and thoracic spine
Spinalis thoracis: Spinous processes of vertebrae T11-L2
Spinalis thoracis: Spinous processes of vertebrae
Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion of
cervical and thoracic spine (ipsilateral)
Lateral branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves
Entire muscle: Bilateral contraction Extension of spine Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion of spine (ipsilateral) Longissimus capitis only: Bilateral contraction Extension of head and neck Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion and rotation of head (ipsilateral)
Deep layer
Semispinalis capitis: Articular processes of vertebrae C4-C7, Transverse processes of vertebrae T1-T6
Transversospinales group
Insertion Semispinalis capitis: Between superior and inferior nuchal lines of occipital bone Semispinalis cervicis:
Semispinalis cervicis: Transverse processes of vertebrae T1-T6
Spinous processes of vertebrae C2-C5
Semispinalis thoracis: Transverse processes of vertebrae T6-T10
Semispinalis thoracis: Spinous processes of vertebrae C6-T4
Semispinalis capitis: Descending branches of greater occipital nerve (C2) and spinal nerve C3 Semispinalis cervicis/ thoracis: Medial branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves
Function Bilateral contraction Extension of head, cervical and thoracic spine Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion of head, cervical and thoracic spine (ipsilateral), Rotation of head, cervical and thoracic spine (contralateral)
Multifidus cervicis: Superior articular processes of vertebrae C4-C7 Multifidus thoracis: Transverse process of thoracic vertebrae Multifidus Multifidus lumborum: Mammillary processes of lumbar vertebrae, Posterior aspect of sacrum, Posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) of ilium, Posterior sacroiliac ligament
Bilateral contraction Extension of spine
Lateral aspect and tips of spinous processes of vertebrae 2-5 levels above origin
Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion of spine (ipsilateral), Rotation of spine (contralateral) Medial branches of posterior rami of spinal nerves
Rotatores breves:
Rotatores breves and longi
Rotatores breves: Transverse processes of vertebrae T2-T12
Laminae/Spinous process of vertebra (1 level above origin)
Bilateral contraction Extension of thoracic spine
Rotatores longi: Transverse
Rotatores longi:
Unilateral contraction -
processes of thoracic vertebrae
Laminae/Spinous process of vertebra (2 levels above origin)
Rotation of thoracic spine (contralateral)
Deepest layer
Interspinales cervicis: Superior aspect of spinous processes of vertebrae C2-C7
Interspinales cervicis: Inferior aspect of spinous processes of vertebrae C1-C6
Interspinales thoracis:
Interspinales thoracis: Inferior aspect of spinous processes of vertebrae T1, T10 & T11
Superior aspect of spinous process of vertebrae T2, T11 & T12 (variable) Interspinales lumborum: Superior aspects of spinous processes of vertebrae L2-L5
Interspinales lumborum: Inferior aspects of spinous processes of vertebrae L1-L4
Anterior/posterior cervical intertransversarii: Superior border of transverse processes of vertebrae C2-T1
Anterior/posterior cervical intertransversarii: Inferior border of transverse process of superior adjacent cervical vertebra
Medial lumbar intertransversarii: Accessory processes of vertebrae L1-L4 Lateral lumbar intertransversarii: Transverse and accessory processes of vertebrae L1-L4
Levatores costarum
Transverse process of vertebrae C7-T11
Medial lumbar intertransversarii: Mammillary process of succeeding vertebra Lateral lumbar intertransversarii: Transverse process of succeeding vertebra Superior border/external surface of rib (one level below origin)
Posterior rami of spinal nerves
Extension of cervical and lumbar spine
Anterior cervical intertransversarii: Anterior and posterior rami of cervical spinal nerves
Lumbar intertransversarii: Anterior rami of lumbar spinal nerves
Posterior rami of spinal nerves T1-T12
Assists in lateral flexion of the spine; Stabilises spine
Elevation of ribs; Rotation of thoracic spine
Anterolateral muscles of trunk
Muscles of thoracic cage
Clavicular head: anterior surface of clavicle (medial half)
Pectoralis major
Sternocostal head: Anterior surface of sternum, Costal cartilages of ribs 1-6
Crest of greater tubercle
Lateral and medial
of humerus (all heads)
pectoral nerves (C5-T1)
Abdominal (Rectus) head: Anterior layer of rectus sheath
Pectoralis minor
Anterior surface, Costal cartilages of ribs 3-5
Medial border and coracoid process of scapula
Shoulder joint: Arm adduction, Arm internal rotation, Arm flexion (clavicular head), arm extension (sternocostal head); Scapulothoracic joint: Draws scapula anteroinferiorly
Scapulothoracic joint: Medial pectoral nerve (C8-T1)
Draws scapula anteroinferiorly, stabilizes scapula on thoracic wall
Muscles of thoracic cage
Superior part: Ribs 1-2, Intercostal fascia Serratus anterior
Middle part: Ribs-3-6 Inferior part: Ribs 7-8/9/10 (+ external oblique muscle)
External intercostals
Costal cartilage, Sternal end of rib 1
Long thoracic nerve (C5-C7)
Scapulothoracic joint: Draws scapula anterolaterally, Suspends scapula on thoracic wall,
Superior part: Anterior and posterior surface of superior angle of scapula Middle part: Anterior surface of entire medial border of scapula
Rotates scapula (draws inferiorly angle laterally)
Inferior part: Anterior and posterior surface of inferior angle of scapula Anteroinferior surface of middle third of clavicle
Nerve to subclavius (C5-C6)
Elevate ribs during forced inspiration; Supports intercostal spaces and thoracic cage
Inferior border of ribs Superior border of immediate rib below
Internal intercostals Costal groove of ribs Innermost intercostals
Intercostal nerves
Internal surface of ribs
Internal surface of rib
(near angle of rib)
(2-3 levels below origin)
Transversus thoracis
Inferoposterior surface of body of sternum and xiphoid process
Sternoclavicular joint: Anchors and depresses clavicle
Internal surface of costal cartilages of ribs 2-6
Depresses ribs during forced expiration; Supports intercostal spaces and thoracic cage
Depresses costal cartilages
Sternal part: Posterior aspect of xiphoid process Costal part: Internal surfaces of lower costal cartilages and ribs 7-12 Respiratory diaphragm
Lumbar part: Medial and lateral arcuate ligaments (lumbocostal arches), Bodies of vertebrae L1-L3 (+ intervertebral discs), Anterior longitudinal ligament
Phrenic nerves (C3-C5) Central tendon of diaphragm
(Sensory innervation of peripheries via 6th-11th intercostal nerves)
Depresses costal cartilages, Primary muscle of breathing (inspiration)
Muscles of abdominal wall
External abdominal oblique
Internal abdominal oblique
External surfaces of ribs 5-12
Anterior two-thirds of iliac crest, Iliopectineal arch, Thoracolumbar fascia
Lateral part: Lower edge of internal abdominal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles, Middle of inguinal ligament
Linea alba, Pubic tubercle, Anterior half of iliac crest
Inferior borders of ribs 10-12, Linea alba, Pubic crest, Pecten pubis (via conjoint tendon)
Intercostal nerves (T7T11), Subcostal nerve (T12), Iliohypogastric nerve (L1)
Intercostal nerves (T7T11), Subcostal nerve (T12), Iliohypogastric nerve (L1), Ilioinguinal nerve (L1)
Tunica vaginalis of testis
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve (L1, L2)
Linea alba, Aponeurosis of internal abdominal oblique muscle; Pubic crest, Pectinal line of pubis
Intercostal nerves (T7T11), Subcostal nerve (T12), Iliohypogastric nerve (L1), Ilioinguinal nerve (L1)
Xiphoid process, Costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
Intercostal nerves (T7-T11), Subcostal nerve (T12)
Linea alba
Subcostal nerve (T12)
Function Bilateral contraction Trunk flexion, Compresses abdominal viscera, Expiration Unilateral contraction Trunk lateral flexion (ipsilateral), Trunk rotation (contralateral) Bilateral contraction Trunk flexion, Compresses abdominal viscera, Expiration Unilateral contraction Trunk lateral flexion (ipsilateral), Trunk rotation (ipsilateral)
Retraction of testis
Medial part: Pubic tubercle, Lateral part of pubic crest Internal surfaces of Transversus abdominis
Rectus abdominis
costal cartilages of ribs 7-12, Thoracolumbar fascia, Anterior two thirds of iliac crest, Iliopectineal arch Pubic symphysis, Pubic crest Pubic crest, Pubic symphysis
Bilateral contraction Compresses abdominal viscera, Expiration Unilateral contraction Trunk rotation (ipsilateral) Trunk flexion, Compresses abdominal viscera, Expiration Tenses linea alba Bilateral contraction -
Quadratus lumborum
Iliac crest, Iliolumbar ligament
Inferior border of rib 12, Transverse processes of vertebrae L1-L4
Subcostal nerve (T12), Anterior rami of spinal nerves L1-L4
Fixes Ribs 12 during inspiration, Trunk extension Unilateral contraction Lateral flexion of trunk (ipsilateral)
Muscles of pelvic floor
Pelvic diaphragm
Levator ani
Posterior surface of
None (forms 'puborectal
bodies of pubic bones
sling' posterior to rectum)
Posterior surface of bodies of pubic bones (lateral to puborectalis) Tendinous arch of interal
obturator fascia, Ischial spine Ischial spine Ischiopubic ramus,
Obturator internus
Posterior surface of obturator membrane
Nerve to levator ani (S4)
Anococcygeal ligament, Coccyx, Perineal body and musculature of prostate/ vagina
(Pubococcygeus also receives branches via
Supports pelvic viscera, Increases intraabdominal pressure, Assists with fecal and urinary continence
Anococcygeal ligament, Coccyx
inferior rectal/ perineal branches of pudendal nerve (S2-S4))
Inferior end of sacrum,
Anterior rami of spinal
Supports pelvic viscera,
nerves S4 & S5
Flexes coccyx
Greater trochanter of femur
Nerve to obturator internus (L5-S2)
Greater trochanter of femur
Nerve to piriformis (S1, S2)
Anterior surface of S2-S4 segments of sacrum, Superior margin of greater sciatic notch, Sacrotuberous ligament
Hip joint: Thigh external rotation, Thigh abduction (from flexed hip); Stabilises head of femur in acetabulum
Perineal muscles
External anal sphincter
Skin/fascia surrounding anal canal/anus
Perineal body, Anococcygeal ligament (encircles anus)
Inferior anal/rectal branch of pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
Constricts anal canal, Supports pelvic floor
Male: Perineal body, Median penile raphe Female: Perineal body
Male: Compresses bulb of penis during urination/ ejaculation, Assists in erection of penis, Supports perineal body
Male: Perineal membrane, Dorsal aspect of corpus spongiosum and corpora cavernosa, Fascia of bulb of penis
Female: Assists in erection of clitoris/bulb of vestibule, Supports perineal body
Female: Pubic arch, Fascia of corpora cavernosa and clitoris
Pushes blood from root Ischiocavernosus
Deep transverse perineal muscle
Ischial tuberosity & ramus
Inferior pubic rami, Ischial rami
Crus of clitrois or penis
Walls of vagina (female)/ Prostate (male) Perineal body
Superficial transverse perineal muscle
Ischial tuberosities
Deep branch of perineal nerve (of pudendal nerve) (S2-S4)
of clitoris/penis to body i.e. maintains erection of penis/clitoris
Strengthens pelvic floor/ perineal body to support abdominopelvic viscera
Perineal body
Male: encircles membranous urethra, extends to anterior
External urethral sphincter
aspect prostatic urethra/neck of urinary bladder and to ischial rami (compressor urethrae) Female: encircles urethra/neck of bladder, extends to ischial rami (compressor urethrae), encircles urethra/ vagina (urethrovaginal sphincter)
Maintains urinary continence (compresses urethra) (Female: Constricts vaginal canal)
Complete your muscle charts collection Congratulations - you’ve conquered the origins, insertions, innervations and functions of the muscles of the trunk! But there’s still a lot of muscles to learn, so don’t stop here. The next step is to master the lower limb, upper limb and head & neck muscles. Luckily, we have muscle charts on every region of the body. Click below to learn more.
Cheat Sheet (English Terminology)
Head and Neck: Muscle Charts