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English Pages [215] Year 2020
Treating Victims o f Torture an d Violence
Treating Victims of Tortur e and Violence Theoretical, Cross-Cultural and Clinical Implications
Peter Elsass Translated b y John Andersen an d Haral d Fuglsan g
NEW YOR K U N I V E R S I T Y PRES S New York and London
N E W Y O RK U N I V E R S I T Y PRES S N e w York an d Londo n © 199 7 b y N e w York Universit y All right s reserve d Library o f Congres s Cataloging-in-Publicatio n Dat a Elsass, Peter. [Torturoverleveren. English ] Treating victim s o f torture an d violence : theoretical, crosscultural, and clinica l implication s / Pete r Elsas s ; translated b y John Anderse n an d Haral d Fuglsang . p. cm . Includes bibliographica l reference s (p . ) an d indexes . ISBN 0-8147-2201- 6 (acid-fre e paper ) 1.Torture victims—Rehabilitation . 2.Tortur e victims—Menta l health. I . Title. RC451.4.T67E3813 199 7 6i6.85'2io65i-dc2i 97-2108 8 CIP N e w York Universit y Pres s book s ar e printe d o n acid-fre e paper , and thei r bindin g material s ar e chose n fo r strengt h an d durability . Manufactured i n th e Unite d State s o f America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
To the "fifth province"— the psychotherapists at the Rehabilitation Center for Torture Survivors (RCT), Copenhagen
Preface xi Introduction 1 i. Torture , Violence, and Aggression: Scientifi c Difficulties i n Containin g th e "Absolute Evil " 1
Definition o f Torture an d th e Figh t fo r Democrac y 1 0 Concepts o f Aggression an d Violence 1 2 Aggression a s Essentialism o r Relativism 1 4 The Deat h Instinct : Thanatos 1 6 Torture s Three Partner s 1 8 Neutralization an d Repression 1 9 The Torturer an d th e Victim 2 0 Violencia and Bureaucratic Target Displacement 2 1 The "Freezing" of Violence: The Incarnatio n 2 2 The Conspirac y o f Silence 2 4 2