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English Pages [82] Year 2017
K. S. Mukhtarova
TIME MANAGEMENT Educational manual
Almaty «Qazaq university» 2017 –1–
UDC 005 LBC 65.290-2 М 92 Recommended for publication by the decision of the Higher School of Economics and business, RISO of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (Protocol №4 dated 26.05.2017)
Reviewers: doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor B.M. Muhamediev candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant of Professor A.K. Tankieva
Mukhtarova K.S. М 92 Time Management: educational manual / K.S. Mukhtarova. – Almaty: Qazaq university, 2017. – 82 p. ISBN 978-601-04-2679-5 This educational manual consist of the approaches to the determination of an individual fund of time learning the basics optimizing time-consuming, learning the ability to independently apply the acceleration strategy, deceleration, accumulation and ordering time, the definition of the level of competence in time and the formation of personal time management system based on their own values, goals and psycho physiological features. Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. Having poor time management skills has been a huge issue for many people. If you have poor time management skills then you are buried with all the issues that come along with it. If you adopt good time management skills, your day-to-day lifestyle will have an increasing improvement. Publishing in authorial release.
UDC 005 LBC 65.290-2 ISBN 978-601-04-2679-5
© Mukhtarova K.S., 2017 © Al-Farabi KazNU, 2017
INTRODUCTION The relevance of research. The economy of the XXI century due to the increasing pace of change and the degree of uncertainty of the economic environment increases the need t o improve the adaptability of the organization, the speed of its response to the change. This adaptabilit y is beco ming one of the most important factors of competitiveness of the organization as an economic system. One of the tools to increase adaptability is the introduction of a corporate tim e-management technologies as part of the co mpany management system. The term «time management» reflects the most common definition of the scope of management activities, took shape in th e direction of an independent management organization to XX century. Time Management includes the entire set of planning techniques of employee organizations that appl y their own em ployee for more efficient use of working t ime and enhancing accountabilit y of the increasing volume of tasks. Sometimes to describe these technologies are also use d the term «self-management», «personal (private) organization of labor» , in contr ast to the general management (Corporate Labor Organization). The purpose of research – to develop methods to make time management element of the org anization management system. To achieve this objective the following tasks are put in the study: 1. The study of various schools time management, comparative analysis of the existing approach es, the establish ment of a place in the time management system the company management. 2. Development of methods of time management, adequate modern dynamically changing business environment. 3. Development of implementation methods of time management as the organization's management system element. The extent of a problem. Time management was originally formed as a practical discipline, developed to a greater extent on management consultants rather than acade mics. A num ber of domestic and foreign experts on developing practical technology management planning, offering their managers to practitioners in the form of books and training courses. Am ong domestic work in this –3–
area is noted as having received the most widespread research and approaches G.H. Popova among Western – St.Kovi Technology (USA), L. Zayverta (Germany), K. Mellera (Denmark). Through the efforts of these and other time management of researchers to the 70-th years XX century. It took shape as an independent discipline, offering the manager, practice a wide range of planning and selforganizing systems. Time is something that you can lose and never get back. People are always wishing they had more hours available in the day. The solution to this common problem is easier than one might realize. With a few minor adjustments in how you utilize your time you can change how you manage your time. Proper time management is something that can change your life on a fundamental basis for the better. Time management has become a more and more critical element in all human activities. It is not only closed related with individual’s performance, but also businesses. Managers at all levels need to balance a wide range of strategic and operational goals on a daily basis, but in order to successfully achieve them requires careful planning and skill. Time management can be defined as activities or tools which allow you to effectively manage your time. This includes planning and keeping to a set schedule on when a task should be started and completed. Time management can also include taking breaks as a means of not «burning out». There are a variety of elements that go into time management. When you practice good time management, your productivity will increase, and if you are the owner of a business, it is likely that your business will experience larger profits. Today, time management has been broken down into a number of categories, but they all basically seek to achieve the same objectives. When you hear most people talk about time management, they are generally referring to it on a personal level. The idea of time management is that if you can spend more time doing things that are important, you are much more likely to be successful at whatever you are trying to accomplish. Once you have succeeded, you will be a happier person that will be able to get more out of life. To become skilled at managing your time, there are some skills you will need to develop, and these are setting goals, decision –4–
making, delegating, and prioritizing. Many people resort to using sophisticated tools such a s PDAs to help them . While the y can be helpful, the most important factor is the decisions you m ake. A machine can only take you so far. Being able to properly delegate tasks is important. If you have a business with em ployees, you should become skilled at delegating tasks to all of them . Everyone who works for you sh ould know what they need to do. When you are not able to quickly delegate tasks to your employees, you are failing as a business owner. The next t hing you will need to focus on is prioritizing tasks. When you write down a list of things you need to do each day, rate the m by levels of importance. This is call ed prioritizing. Prioritizing is i mportant because it al lows you t o put your energy into the most important tasks. If y ou have an un expected situation, you don’t want to be stuck doing things that are not im portant. Placing a priorit y on tasks based on their i mportance will allow you to work at a high level of efficiency. Time management refers to numerous techniques and skills that can help a person to make use of the available time in the most efficient way and to accom plish goals, tasks and projects within the predetermined period of t ime. Time management skills var y from, but are not li mited to, prioritizing tasks, plan ning, scheduling, organizing and the dele gation of f unctions. However, it also includes an analysis of the time spend for different a ctivities as well as close monitoring that allows one to improve his time management skills. Prioritization is an effective time management method as it enables to be more productive in stressful times when a manager is facing work overload as he can cas t aside ti me intensive, but unimportant tasks. There are numerous te chniques that help to set priorities fro m the simpler «ABC» prioritization and the «1-10» prio ritization scale, to more in-depth and precise te chniques like the «Pareto Analysis» (20% of your tasks contribute to 80% of your outcome, but will also take 80% of your available time), the method to prioritize tasks from «important and urgent» to «not important and not urgent» and the POSEC method that prioritizes by Organizing, Stream lining, Economizing and Contributing. –5–
The idea behind the Pareto analysis is that we can accomplish 80% of our tasks and duties within 20% of our available time, which also implies that the remaining 20% of tasks will take up to 80% of our remaining time. The 80-20 rule also implies that only 20% of our tasks contribute to 80% of our outcome. The Pareto analysis is an easy, but time intensive method to manage time and improve your productivity.
1. THE ESSENCE OF TIME MANAGEMENT Time Management – is the art of time management. Using this technique, you can significantly improve the efficiency, increase revenue and free up additional time. Let's start with the basics. One of the main ideas is that time management – is the management of not only your time but also your lives. This is not just a better way to organize your time to do more, and earn more money, it is now managing your own life. In this regard, Peter Drucker said: «You cannot manage time, you can only control yourself». The second idea: Quality of time management determines the quality of your life. You can look at every aspect of your live, and it becomes clear that the positive feeling of life, your success and effectiveness of your actions are determined by how well you use your time. As a teenager, I compared my life with the sun, and time management – with the planet that is spinning somewhere in the orbit. And when the planet is approaching, you start thinking about it, and when it is removed – you forget. But then I realized that the time management – is the sun, and all the components of my life – family, relationships with others, income, earnings, health, self-development – planets that move around it. And when I realized this, I realized that everything that happens must somehow fit into a certain frame that we must learn to manage your time. Being able to correctly position the sun, I'll do the proper running of the planets. –7–
Time management is an art – who can master, and he needs to learn. As you go by car or bike, you can learn how to manage your time. And my job is to show you how you can do it. Time management is composed of many elements. You must choose one of them, the one that you think will help you the most, and only study it. Do not try to learn everything at once, select the most important, tell yourself: «This is what I need, what I will» and study. Please you if to study any one time management skills, is achieving success in it, you begin to develop at the same time the rest of the components. Yet if you set out to explore several areas, it is unlikely to achieve something. Rule № 1. Suppose that every day you have a lot to do, and you have very little time. The average person can be loaded by 110%. If you have a situation where you will be loaded with all 120130%, if you are a worker at a conveyor belt, which cannot be stopped. As in one famous cartoon: the hero is working on a candy assembly line, trying to fill his pockets with candy, eat as much as possible. You are exactly the same character. The more you do, the more you get into work. Every day you receive 20-30 emails and phone calls without interruption. Rule №2. The fact that you have more and more work and responsibilities – a natural situation for adults. The better you do your things, the more you have opportunities and responsibilities to take on. And what is interesting: if you are a responsible person, you will not give up the new challenges. You say, «Ok, I'll do this and that, and also it». Looking for something else? Well, let’s try it too. And pretty soon you start to resemble a man who bought half the shop and trying to make it all without a bag. Hands are crowded, shopping falls down. You have nothing. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you will never be able to do everything. No matter how well you work, no matter how much time is spent, what time you get up in the morning, how many weekends you are killing. You can never do all the job. Time is not rubber, it cannot be stretched to infinity. Rule № 3. You can effectively manage your time only if you stop taking all new and a new work that floods you on the ears. Stop –8–
carry low-value tasks and be engaged with more important ones. I will make you happy: you spend only 20% of the time on the really important things. Therefore, if you double the time spent on 20% of these, you can do almost two times more than before. And if you can give up the 80% of cases of unnecessary, then release a lot of time and be able to manage your life. Later, we'll talk about how it can be done. Questions for self-examination: 1. What is the essence of time management? 2. Name the name of the scientist, who expandes the definition of time management 3. Formulate and open the first rule of time management 4. Formulate and open the second rule of time management 5. Formulate and expand the third rule of time management 6. Give an example of successful time management (with the first rule) 7. Give an example of successful time management (with the second rule) 8. Give an example of successful time management (with the observance of the third rule)
2. THE OBJECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES OF TIME MANAGEMENT Objectives – is the starting point of reference for time management. Choosing goals need to be clearly aware of their own values, the foundation of his life. Ask yourself what is really important in my life? What is important in the present – health, family, future? We need to clearly understand the place in your life takes health, family, business, career, etc. There is a very simple rule that allows you to determine what is important to you: Look at what you're doing. In difficult situations, when you have to choose between different things, your true values are manifested in the present. Many people think that their true values – this is what they want, or hope, or dream to see as these values, or what they call their values. But in reality, your values – this is what you are doing. All you dearly, revealed in action. Especially when we have to choose. Suppose you say that the family is most important to you. And then the boss asks you to finish something tonight, and you cancel the trip to the zoo with his son or dinner with his wife to finish the job. It is obvious: work is more important to you. By the way, the most successful people I've met would never be engaged in work to the detriment of the family. And they clearly understand it. Suppose you give up this work, and the chief gave it to someone else. You say that so you could lose your job? Just think! If you are threatened with job loss due to the fact that you devote time – 10 –
to his family, it is unlikely that such work be put first. Therefore, start with our values and remember that they are determined mainly by how much time you are willing to spend on them. To say that is important to you, you can also determine how much of his time, i.e. your life, you are ready to invest in it. People sometimes say, «Golf – it's not so important», but played it three or four times a week. Socializing with friends is also not so important, but it also spends two hours after work every day, or the TV he is not at all important, but watching it for five hours a day. Your time and says to you, and everyone around us that's really important to you. Interestingly enough that by changing your schedule, you change values at the same time. In fact, you can become better, become a more interesting person, just taking time so, what does it more interesting person. The second principle is in the choice of targets. Imagine now that you will live exactly six months. How would you spend your time? Think about it. Imagine that you were at the doctor, and he said to you: "I have two news for you: good and bad. The good is the fact that the next six months you will live just fine. The bad news is that after six months you will fall dead from an incurable disease. «If you had six months to live, how would you spend it? I do not know what you would have chosen, but it is sure that no one would run back to the office to respond to the current calls, because when you have to live quite a bit, then the only thing you would have been thinking, is a your true value. And almost certainly you would have thought first of all about the other person or people, members of your family. So your answer to this question must first of all tell you about your true values. This is one of the best ways to be truly honest with yourself. Interesting fact: the recognition of a person made on his deathbed, is considered the most truthful. For no one ever being near death experiences have no delusions about their true values. Dying people always tell the truth. So ask yourself this question now: «What would I do if I have to live six months?» With this question, select your main tasks. Look at your life and overloaded think: «What if I really was terminally ill? What would I change in comparison with today?» – 11 –
There is one question that you must answer: what would you do if you had a million dollars, not subject to any taxes and obligations? Be sure to write down your answer! Imagine that you have been called and said: «You have won the competition, which involved six months ago, even on vacation. You are entitled to a million dollars, it does not impose any duties and taxes, and you can get it in cash to your bank account or in any other form». Whatever you want to do first, with a million dollars? The purpose of this question is a little trick your mind, because it really sounds like the question «What would you do with your life if you could do anything»? If you feel free, if the money was enough, so that for them it would be possible not to think, if I could not be afraid of failures, layoffs or anything else, if you were the really free to choose, what would You made? This is a serious question. Some say I should just quit my job, if I had a million dollars. You know what that means? This means that a person runs the risk of no use to spend your life. As if having a lot of money, you would have gone to work, you work, not where needed. If you broke up with my boyfriend, so it's not the same person. There is an anecdote: his wife comes home at night and says to her husband: «I won the lottery today a million dollars. Get your things. «He says, «Wow, great! Where are we going? Into the mountains? On the sea?». – «Yes, I do not care where you go. Pack your bags! «If you win a lot of money, or at least think that you have won them, you immediately realize who you are and what you want. But no matter how you answer this question, you can get what you want. The very fact that you are able to write down your goals on paper, says that you can achieve them, sooner or later. Optional tomorrow, but if you want it long and hard, you get it. Once you are able to write their wish on a paper, then you have the skills, capabilities and knowledge to make it a reality. And now is the time to do one exercise. Do it right now, when finish reading a paragraph to the end. Take a pen and write down your three most important goals in life at the moment. You have 30 seconds. Note the time and quickly write three most important goals in life today. So, we write ... It's called "quick exercise recording», and those who have read my books before, are familiar – 12 –
with it. You can use it further in life, and these three responses are likely to be relevant not only today. Exercise can be done with other people, with your friends, for example. If you have 30 seconds, the answers will be as accurate as if you have been to them for 30 minutes or three hours. When you have to think fast on their most important goals, they pop to the surface of consciousness, as the balls out of the water. And another interesting feature: one of the three objectives will always be the financial one -from personal life, and another will deal with health. This is what happens in 80% of cases, or even more, because personal life, money, health or three main components to each person. About this exercise, we also know that your answers directly talk about the direction of your life. What you have written to you and moves. Also, if I were to ask, what are your three biggest problems or concerns, it would show that written goals for the solution of those problems. So your problem is the three is where you go, three goals. So where you are going. You can ask these questions to others, or from time to time to ask them yourself to get an idea of what is going on in your life at the moment. The picture becomes clearer when you answer another important question. What do you always want, but were afraid? What did you always want to achieve, but did not dare to take a step in the right direction? Have you always wanted to start a business? Going somewhere? Get married? Divorce? Change hairstyle? Move somewhere? Complete additional courses? Improve your skills and abilities? Learn something new? So, what you've always wanted but were afraid to do? Whatever it was, it is possible for you. Your first task is just to write down everything on paper. No matter what it is: the main problem on the road to success in life is a fear of failure. When you think about something, that much want you to stop by step towards this is only the fear of failure, «What if it does not work out? If I can not do this? What if I lose my money? I lost time?» Mostly, we are afraid of failure because we do not understand: success is built on a foundation of failure. The most successful people in the world were once the biggest losers. Some suffer from – 13 –
chronic failures. Incidentally, this is really a good rule. When Thomas Edison was asked about how he relates to failure, he replied: «I am convinced that when I'm working on a problem, I can succeed only tried all the wrong ways of solving it. I will have to try all the wrong methods, and can be considered a success each step that shows me my error». If you are reading this book, you probably used the method of Edison many times. And perhaps it was for many, many challenges that you attempted and failed. What to do? Just ask yourself: «How much smarter and stronger every failure made me? What she gave me?» And remember: if it could make someone before you, you too can it. If someone has already done what you are starting to do, and got what you always get afraid, then for you it is possible. Everything that keeps you – your own imagination and fear. Questions for self-examination: 1. What are the goals of time management 2. List the principles of time management 3. Give examples of a successful manager following the principles of time management 4. What work or occupation gives you a sense of self-worth and makes you happy? 5. Name 5 steps to achieve the goals in time management 6. Uncover the essence of the methodology for the phased achievement of goals. 7. What is the main essence and peculiarity of this technique and why is it effective?
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3. SETTING GOALS AND STEPS TO ACHIEVE THEM Here's another good psychological issue, or rather, several. What kind of work or activity gives you a sense of self-worth and makes you happy? In other words, what you really enjoy doing? What gives you the feeling of the rich? From what you get the greatest pleasure a splash of happiness hormones, powerful burst of energy and what you would like to receive all throughout life? As for me, I, for example, love to read. I love to learn new things and explain to others what I have read. I actually made a career out of what I like to do – and that's fine. Psychologist Marsha Sinetar wrote on this topic a remarkable book, which is called: «Do what you love and the money will come by themselves». In today's society you can do any of the hundreds of thousands of jobs. And you must always ask yourself: «What I really like to do? How can I do what I like, and still provide a decent life? How can I find a way to do things you love and make money on it?» And another clarification question: «If I could have the whole day to do something with one, what would it be?» Take a look at your present job and ask yourself: «If I could have the whole day to do something one what would I like to do? What is the most important for me? What is the most valuable for me? «And then ask yourself», How should I arrange my life to do just that things most of the time?» And if you manage to find a way to deal exclusively with things you love, you'll be amazed at what your income will increase at least twice, your life – 15 –
will be much better; you will be really happy and satisfied with your lives. One of the most effective methods of time management is to continuously improving on the few things that you like the most and are best paid. Here, finally, the last of the main issues for setting goals: if you know exactly what will be successful in achieving a major goal, what purpose would you choose? If you could wave a magic wand and wish fulfillment of any wish, what would it be desire? If you know exactly what you can achieve the same goal-big or small, short-term or long-term, what purpose would you put yourself? Whatever the answer is the life your main task. For many people, the main objective is financial. If you could achieve a certain level of wealth or income, you could solve most of the remaining issues. For some people, the biggest goal is his personal life, for someone – health. Whatever it may be, it is your primary goal, and you think about it most of the time. This is what you think getting out of bed, thinking all day, this is what you imagine, and it employs your imagination. Whatever goal you choose-you can achieve this goal. If you really want it, willing to work for it long and hard. The fact that you were able to clearly identify and designate it for yourself, have said that it is achievable. I have a lot of people asking the question «How do you set your goals?» I have several methods to choose how the installation targets. I even doing strategic planning for corporations, and sometimes we spend two days doing the setting goals is the one of the main tasks of the planning of the company. Here is a simple exercise in goal setting, which I recommend to my clients. It consists of seven steps. You can use it the rest of your life. The first step – Just decide what you want. This immediately set you apart from the gray mass and raise high, because only 10% of people know what they really want. And these people do much better than others. The second step – write it down on paper. Only 3% of adults recorded their goal. And when you take a sheet of paper and write down your goals, go to the 3% best. And please remember that you – 16 –
are not what you want or what you strive for, you are what you are doing. And if you do something that makes 3% of the most successful people, be sure to enter the number. The third step – set the deadline. It boosts your subconscious like gives it extra strength. The brain will work faster and more productively. Generally, people love a clear framework. One may ask: «What if I do not have time for the deadline?» Then you install a new one. But remember: there is no impossible goals have unrealistic deadlines. If you feel that you need to fix it, you can change it in any direction. Just do not forget to adjust it as you learn new information. The fourth step – make a list of everything that is necessary for you to achieve the goal. Write down everything you can think of. The more you break a big goal into small steps, the easier it will be to implement them and the easier it is to reach a common goal. People do not achieve their big goals because these goals are too big. Remember that you can build a big wall, if you put the bricks one by one. And it is your task. Do not be lazy to split into smaller goals. As far as I remember, S. Martini was a great exercise. He said: «Write down the seven steps to be performed on the way to the target, and record seven small steps for each of the seven major. You get one goal and forty-nine small steps». And he added: «And then just take the first step». It's really a wonderful way to present their goals. Constantly breaks them into smaller and smaller steps. The fifth step is to streamline the steps and small goals in order and importance. In order, therefore, you need to decide what will be the first step, and what followed. The importance of talking about what steps are the priority. And then, having the list of actions ordered by the importance of time and you make a plan. Plan is a sequence of steps one after another. Having a plan, start from step 1 and simply run it. Many will say: «This is an impossible goal, I want to make a million dollars and retire rich, and you are invited to perform only the first step». In fact, the first step is the recording of their goals on paper and write the same list of actions that are needed to achieve it, in the correct order. This is the basic step that will lead you to final success. – 17 –
The sixth step – perform actions on your list. Make at least one item from the list, and do it immediately. The sooner you act, the more quickly get to the rest of the points list. And finally, the seventh step, and it determines everything – every day, do something that will bring you closer to your big goal. Promise yourself that literally every day will do at least something related to the goal. Even if it's just a review of your list or reading a paragraph in a book, or a phone call. Just one small step! Decide that you will not stop. Making every day at least one step from your list, you will begin to use the secret weapon of success, which is called «the law of momentum». It states that begin to move toward the goal is very difficult, but to support such a move if it has already begun, much easier. Therefore, you should start to move and keep moving. You will see - to make each day a little something very easy, but – surprise! –a week, month or year you look back and you will be pleasantly surprised overall result. I have friends whose books sold out like hot cakes. They wrote one page a day, just get up in the morning, we sat down and wrote the following page. By the end of the year they already had a whole book. A year later, the book was published and sold well, but the author's life dramatically changed for the better. Just one page a day! Questions for self-examination: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Expand the contents of the option for setting a global goal. 12 stepping system B. Tracy Name the main characteristic indicators of a successful plan Test for compliance with the rules of planning goals a list of four main goals. 5. What is the essence and necessity of the psychological method of achieving goals? 6. Tell us about Sinelnikov's method 7. Give an example of the successful achievement of the organization's goals.
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4. RULES TO IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY Let's talk about how to increase your productivity. This is a systemic challenge, something like cooking the recipes. There are cooks who just go to the kitchen and they can quickly prepare a tasty dish. And there are such that the quality of products and excellent equipment to cook up completely inedible things. There is a system that allows you to prescription like doubling your productivity. And, realizing such a system, in practice, you can greatly improve your time management. First. It is necessary to make a list of all the tasks every day. Every day before work record on paper all you need to do. It is better to make a list of the previous day, before you go to bed. Write down all the tasks tomorrow night and move all current tasks for tomorrow, so you can with peace of mind to turn off the light in the workplace and go home without painful thoughts, knowing that your day planned out. Never work without a list. If there is a new task – to write it down in the list. If you want to make a phone call – write it there too. List good is this: making it all during the day and noting the points made in the evening you can get a wonderful sense of the work done. You'll feel like a winner. This will give you a feeling of happiness, add adrenaline, give energy and wake up new creative forces. But if you work without a list, you are behaving like an alcoholic, staggering from bar to bar, never can tell exactly where – 19 –
you were and what did you do not have the history of the event. Therefore, always use a list. Leading experts in time management found the following: the first day of work with a list of operational efficiency is increased by 25%. You just raise your productivity to unprecedented heights, and save two o'clock a busy day. 25% by eight hours is the two hours. And the savings they only work with the list. Second. Apply to your list the «80/20 rule». As we have said, it reads as follows: 80% of the useful effect reaches 20% of the actions. You only need to ask yourself, «What 20% of my actions give 80% of the effect?» By the way, sometimes it looks like a 90/10 ratio: 10% action, one item of the list, more important than anything else. And it was in front of the item, you should always put the letter «A». What you really need to learn – a creative approach to the redevelopment challenges. Creative transfer implies that the problem will have to carry in any case, because all you can do. Therefore it is necessary to consciously and carefully set aside 80% of those tasks which are the smallest value to free time on those things that really affect your life. The third key rule for doubling productivity – is a record of your results, and the ability to accurately determine the impact of all that you do or do not. This is one of the most important skills in life. You can use our so-called «method of ABCD». His foundation – accounting implications. Tasks «A» is the fact that you have to do with serious consequences. For example, a call to the client, contract, communication with suppliers, the execution of instructions chief, etc. Tasks «A» is most important. Take a list of tasks and set the «A» in front of those items that you have to perform now or in the near future. Tasks category «B» – that's what we ought to do. They are not as important as the task «A», and have an average severity of the consequences. The letter must be put at «B» all tasks to be performed as soon as possible. Tasks «B» – is something that would be nice to do, but it has consequences. Drink another coffee, talk to colleagues to see the newspaper. All these nice things, but they do not carry. And here lies a very serious problem: half the working time spent on tasks «B». What a pleasant, desirable, good, but unnecessary and completely – 20 –
useless. If you take yourself in hand and stopped to engage in tasks «V» and would do instead «A» tasks and «B», you could easily double or even triple your productivity. It is necessary to grasp the iron rule: never engaged in tasks «B», if the list is still left at least one task «A». If «A» several tasks, ask yourself: «Which of them are most important? Which of my goals is the most important? «Select it and mark «A1». This is the task to which you want to start and work on it all day until it is done. We found this: even if you do not perform their task «A1», you'll know that the whole day doing the most important thing is working on it. If you develop the habit of working on the task «A1», this wont do much more to double your productivity and income, than any other. Tasks category «G» is the fact that you delegate to subordinates or colleagues. It is necessary to entrust all that is possible to make time for those few tasks that only you can do. It is useful to use a method called «work by the hour». Ask yourself: «How do I get an hour?» Suppose you earn $ 100 000. A year. In the year you work around 2000 hours. So an hour you get $ 50. You should never do anything that is not worth $ 50. Per hour. No need to deal with photocopying or make coffee or browse the newspapers, etc. No need to do something that costs $ 5. Per hour, if you want to make 50. It is necessary to transfer such tasks, assign them to others, to make sure that these tasks are performed by people with a lower hourly wage, so you can deal with the tasks that can Once you carry out your level of hourly wages. «D» In the formula «ABCD» is a superfluous tasks. We need to get rid of unwanted and useless actions. For example, buying a lot of clothes, you will sooner or later face the need to dispose of unneeded when viewing wardrobe. Same with the problem: we have a close look at those small tasks that accumulate and that you are doing all the time. We must accustom ourselves to allocate them to throw out their lives. To control your life, you can only stop doing small unnecessary things to make time for important things. And this brings us to the fourth rule of doubling the performance: it is called a «looking for weaknesses». This is one of the most effective ways of human thinking. Its essence boils – 21 –
down to what you're asking yourself, «Am I doing anything today is what I would have never started again, knowing all that I know now?» Always apply this rule, thinking about the past. Ask yourself, «What am I refused at once, had I known then what I know now?» This rule can be applied to three areas. The first of them – a relationship. Do you now relationship, personal or business, that you would never have got, knowing what you know now? Many companies are looking at their customers and answering the question, they show that they have a bunch of customers that they are no longer needed. Sometimes we call them «customers from hell». Often, those who buy very little, a lot of complaining, they are difficult to maintain, etc. You can significantly improve the quality of their work, ceasing to serve these clients. The same in their personal lives. Do you now a relationship that, knowing all the present, you would not start? If the answer is yes, then the next question is: «How can they finish and how quickly it can be done?» The next area of your «weaknesses» – it's a business, and business operations. Do you now have any products or services that you would never propose, if I had to start all over again? Are there any ways of doing business, that you would not have started to use again? Are there any processes, procedures, methods, marketing or sales, or advertising that you would never use again, because they do not work? If the answer is «yes», then ask yourself the following question: «How to end it and how quickly it can be done?» The third important issue – it is an investment. What are the investment of time, money and emotion, made in the past, you would never do again, you know what you know now? Many people are asking themselves this question, understand how much time they take themselves at home. And they refuse cases that take the time needed for a family. They go out of business clubs and organizations, which are not allowed to communicate with children. Therefore, do not stop to ask himself about such – 22 –
investments, and remember that many previous investments can be called dead. Dead investment – an investment that is lost forever. In other words, you will never get that invested. It may be a bad relationship, of which did not work out. They are not worth it to invest more sense. They were gone forever. Or bad investments. Have you ever lost your money – so do not worry about it. Do not think more about money, just turn around and go their own way. The fifth rule of doubling productivity is a division of the entire work on the importance and urgency into four categories. Imagine a square divided into four equal parts (see. Figure). Now divide the squares on the importance and urgency. Square number 1 – it is urgent and important matter. These are things that have to do. Your direct duties or what you need to do in relation to other people. Phone calls, tasks, authorities, and other must-do. A lot of people spend most of their time engaged in the affairs of the first square Simultaneous important and urgent. This square is called the «result of a square», because all its constituent actions directly determines your productivity as an employee of the company. Then there is the square of the number 2 – makes an important, but not urgent. This is something that can greatly affect your life if you do it and do well, but they are very easy to put off, because they are not urgent. If you've ever learned in college, you know that all important lecture biding their time until the last night before the exam, when there is a real risk of blockages. Sometimes we put some very important things until the last moment. But every important matter, which has not yet become urgent, become so sooner or later. It will go into the square number 1 and will be very hot, so that just needs to be done to save the task or career. The second square is called «square building». Much of what you are doing – cultivating, learn something, plan and set ourselves goals, participate in any seminars or conferences, or just spend time with your family – not immediately, but it is important because it has or may have a far-reaching the consequences in your life. Square number 3 – it matters that are urgent but not important. The phone rings, a colleague came to talk, someone is calling you, – 23 –
you wanted to call someone, or do something – it's urgent, because you need to do now, but it does not matter, because it does not help achieve your major goals. This square is called «square illusions». It is because you are doing these things while at work, and they seemed to have the attitude to it, but really do not give you anything. In fact, you are doing self-deception. Square number 4 includes non-urgent and unimportant classes. It is called «square embezzlement». It's amazing how many people spend their time wasted. They come late, long drink coffee, read newspapers, talk to friends, call home to find out what will be for dinner, stop on the road to see what sells, leave early, etc. All are ways to waste your time. Hence – the sixth rule: spend as much time in the squares number 1 and number 2, doing important and urgent matters, and things that are important, but have not yet become urgent, and as little as possible – in the squares number 3 and number 4, squares illusion and embezzlement. Here are four questions that will help you all the time only deal with important tasks. The first question: «Why do I get paid?» In other words – and for that you get paid? If your child asked you: «Mom, Dad, why do you pay money into this place?» And you had to describe their work and the results that you achieve, what would you say? The second question – «What my actions are the best? Which of the things I do at work, has the greatest value in terms of money?» In my training somehow involved a remarkable woman. In the first lesson, I told everyone: «You will be able to double your income and free time». She heard it, to sit training until the end, but did not believe in such a possibility. A few weeks later, when the second training course, she told me what happened to her: – I went back to my office, made a list of all your work tasks and found that during the day I do 16 different things. I worked for this company for eight years for 10-12 hours a day, six or seven days a week and just do not understand how you can double your income and free time. I looked at the list and ask yourself – «Which of my cases the most valuable?» And this activity took in the circle. What business is the second most important? And he looked it. And just chose the third. Of the 16 cases I got the three most important. – 24 –
«Brayan Said – she continued – go to your boss and tell me what you want to do these three things all day, and you need his help to transfer all the remaining responsibilities to other employees. And if as a result of this distribution you will be able to double or triple their productivity, ask him to pay you twice». And I went to the head on Monday at 10 am with his list. He looked at me, looked at the list and said, «Well, I agree. Do you have more questions?» The woman was shocked. After this conversation, he handed over much of its responsibilities to other staff members, leaving her with only these three problems. And she was able to deal with them all day. Three months later, it doubled its effectiveness, began to receive twice as much money, spending time at work five days a week and work on schedule. She went to five in the evening – in the life before that she was not so happy. It really works! Remember these three things – set a limit – make up 90% of all useful and valuable, what you're doing. And your task – to make them better and better, more and more. The third question: «What can I and only I do good, that it was important for the company?» Ask yourself this question every hour. What exactly can you do this, it would be really valuable? It's pretty simple: If you do not, it will not make one. But if you prefer to use it, and do it well, it will seriously affect your life. The main question – what is it? And last, the fourth question is: «How can the best use of my time?» Whatever you are doing every minute, every hour, do not stop to ask myself how I can best use of your time right now? How can I most effectively spend the next hour? And whatever the answer, do all these things, and only to them, and as long as it is done. The seventh rule of time management and a doubling of productivity: it is total concentration on one thing. For many years I studied the success and found a lot of useful rules. But an absolute must is the only one to observe the principle of full concentration. If you can force all the attention and be given a single task, clearly understand what the problem is, and think only of her, until it is completed – you can conquer the world. You can achieve any goal, to overcome any obstacle, to become rich, successful, happy and live a long life, and there are a lot of reasons. The main thing you need to do – 25 –
today, is take a decision that you are not breaking away from the main cases, develop the habit of fully concentrate on one, the most important task, and do it only as long as it will not be completed until the end. So if you ask yourself these questions: – Which One of my problems is the most important and urgent today; – For which I am paid a salary; – Any of my problems – The most valuable; – I can do what I, and only I, such that, done well, really affect my life; – How can the most effective use of my time right now - then you realize that all the exercises and ideas of time management are one and the same: you have to pinpoint the most important and valuable task for now, and then make every effort, as much as possible to work on themselves, raising character, as long as do not perform this task as well as possible. We know the following: if you do only one task, then save 80% of the time required for its execution. Why is this happening? Leading experts of time management found that if you start to perform the task, and then leave it and come back after some time, you want to see made to understand what is left, to refresh your memory again organize themselves and start again to solve this problem. If you postpone the problem once again, all of these steps have to be repeated again. If it does not break away from the case, start it and make up to the bitter end, you'll find a surprising phenomenon: its implementation will require up to five times, up to 80% less time than if you constantly break away and come back to it. So this is the first reason why you should completely focus: concentration can dramatically reduce the time required to perform any task. I have an old good friend. I respect her a lot, she has written more than forty books. And she told me that every book says four to seven days. Before that, she engaged in the research, gathers information for weeks and months, as long as everything is ready. Then she sits on a diet, choose the correct sleep, perform special exercises and fully translates itself into operation. And then he sits down at the desk and gives «on the mountain» 300-page book in five – seven days. I thought it was just amazing. – 26 –
It is really reasonable and very effective way. I started doing it myself and achieved amazing results! First comes the preparation stage, it can take months or years. But as soon as I sit down to write, I can do it for three days, hour after hour, and I can write a book at a time in the pages 200-00. Of course, it is possible to add a supplement, hone style, etc., yet surprisingly effective approach. I now publish four or five books a year. Some in my entire life can not publish a book, and I have published four or five a year, and, as you know, it's a really good book. Detailed not like one another, and it's all thanks to the principle of full concentration. Working in concentrations may serve as a source of energy and enthusiasm. The more you focus on the important task, the more energy you radiate. You feel happier, you feel that it is the process of moving, coming to an end, and finally you end it. This approach gives you acceleration, it allows you to feel happy and motivated for the next task. This is evident even physically – your brain emits a lot of hormones into the body. You can say that you get a gun acceleration, concentrating on the most important task and just doing it as long as she will not be executed. By the way, if you force yourself to work late into the night, sometimes until morning, little sleep and fully depressed at the time of completion of the work, you'll feel great. So the most important thing you can do in your life – is to clearly define your goals and priorities are among them, to establish the importance of the task, choose the most important and do them and only them to the finish. And it will whip you and allow to take on a new task with a vengeance, give strength, strengthen the immune system, make insensitive to colds, flu and more. You will automatically become less sleep, but will wake up full of energy. Questions for self-examination: 1. How to increase labor productivity in time management without compromising the quality of tasks? 2. What rules should be observed when increasing labor productivity. Uncover the essence of these rules. 3. What priorities should be taken into account when increasing labor productivity? – 27 –
4. Name an example of the task fulfillment in compliance with the rules for increasing labor productivity. 5. What is an example of taking into account priorities when performing tasks to increase labor productivity. 6. What is the example of developing a successful plan to increase labor productivity 7. What is the role of the principle of concentration in time management?
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5. OVERCOMING PROBLEMS AND ITS STAGES Let's talk about the difficulties of time management, with which you are already familiar. This delay in the work, procrastination at a later date. I have developed 10 steps to help you avoid such tightening. The first step is to choose – Clear goals and action plans to be written. The first reason for delaying is that the objectives of the people «in the air» and not written on paper. Therefore, write down goals, make plans, lists of possible actions, and take the first step. The second step – break plans into small pieces available. In other words, make them as small as the bricks in the wall, and collect the pieces of the wall. Take one small step after another. Do not be afraid to do a lot of things, one after another. The third step - get down to some one thing. So you can begin to move towards its goal immediately. Even if some little thing, just select it and start to act. It is absolutely amazing – once you start, and you will have the intrinsic motivation to continue. In the first place to start. You can start by even a small part of the work and continued as soon as it is completed. The fourth step – make cheese from their work. In cheese, as is known, full of holes. You need to «make a hole» in the work: choose a small piece, and start from there. And if you do the work of a good cheese -a lot of cheese holes – you will eat off of a piece of his task, making one – 29 –
after the other, then this may be sufficient to start the whole process. You know how it is – enough to start, and pulled one after another. The fifth step – cut a job into pieces like a sausage. You never try to eat the sausage whole, you cut it into pieces and eat one. So, you need to cut from one piece of the problem and to make him the same thing. Tell yourself: «I will make only one piece, then maybe do something else, but first – a single piece of work, for example, will write one page of a book or make a phone call to a potential client». After that, you will feel motivated – want to do another piece, etc. The sixth step is a separate work on the 80/20 as opposed to 20/80. Sometimes, the first 20% are made by 80% of the work. Sometimes those same 20% Drawing up a clear plan of action, planning, and review the work of the first step or the first call has already accounted for 80% of success. Did you know that an appointment with a potential client, you have 80% ensured the success of the deal? Therefore, the first 20% of the work – pick up the phone, call, talk to people, make sure they are aware of the case and to make an appointment – for 80% of all work. By doing this, you have done almost everything. Once you have an appointment, all else will follow. Seventh step - set yourself a deadline. Say to yourself: «This is a big problem, so I will work on it for 15 minutes. And then I go do something else. I will not do it all at once, and will highlight it for 15 minutes». If you wish, set the timer, which will measure the necessary time, and runs for 15 minutes. This allows you to get started and often allows her to continue. The eighth step – Reward yourself for completing each part of the work. For example, you say to yourself: «So, now I have to make 10 calls to prospective customers. I put in front of a cup of coffee, and I'll do a breath after every call». Or, if you have a long telephone calls, decide to make 10 calls and drinking a cup of coffee after every 10 calls. After 20 calls, go to dinner. Thus, calls you to be closely associated with the reward for them. The move aims to combat tightening, it embodies a system of incentives. – 30 –
Here's another option: if you love cookies, then put it in front of you and promise yourself to eat a piece after each call. What is the result? You subconsciously, at the level of reflexes become motivated to cookies! Or sip of coffee, especially before it gets cold. And you do not think about failure, about the difficulties of talking on the phone, and think only of the liver, which is in front of you. Maybe you love chocolate? Place the chocolate on the table and eats a piece of every three calls. In other words, you will train yourself like a dog or a horse, train yourself to a reward system that works amazingly. Promised his wife that go to a restaurant once made two sales. Or leave it somewhere for the weekend if you make five sales. Thus, you will create a multitude of rewards, and they will motivate you day and night, forcing not to delay the work. Ninth Step – promise to others that do the work by a certain time. Look someone in the eye and say, «I promise that I will do this to such a number». We take very seriously the fact that promised to someone. And if we make a promise, no matter who – boss, colleague, friend, or anyone else, we are internally motivated to do the work. Finally, the tenth step -Look at the task list, select the most important and imagine that you have to suddenly leave town for a month. And you can perform only one task from the list. Before leaving the city for a month, you have time to do only one thing. What business would you choose? Select it and say to yourself: «What if the call can be at any moment, and I have to leave town?» And try to make the case as, for example, a dog chasing a passing car: just jump on him. Questions for self-examination: 1. The 1st step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 2. The 1st step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 3. The 2nd step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 4. The third step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example – 31 –
5. 4th step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 6. The 5th step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 7. 6th step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 8. The 7th step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 9. The 8th step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 10. The 9th step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example 11. The 10th step of the tasks on time management. Give a brief description and give an example
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6. SEVEN «R» TIME MANAGEMENT Now we should tell you about the seven ways of time management to ensure high performance. More precisely, it is the correct one's own ways of thinking. I call them the «Seven R»', because the name of each of them in English begins with that letter. The first «R» – Resistance (reaction resistance). Every time testing resistance, difficulties at work, faced with failure, you get frustrated and feel miserable. In this situation, you need to mentally go back and rather than force the issue, do the analysis, ask yourself, «Why is this happening?» Even in his youth, when I was in cars, I used to say: «Do not use force and do not take up a big hammer». Sometimes the same thing happens in your life in case of failure, we begin to «put pressure» on the situation – in the relationship, a job, frustrated and angry, but the best way in this case – to step back and ask yourself: «Maybe there's a better way?» The second «R» – Reevaluate (revision, re-examination of the situation). Each time, meeting response, re-consider what is happening and ask yourself three questions. First, what I'm trying to achieve right now? What I'm really trying to do? Second, I try to do this? It's really the best way? And the third question: is there a better way to achieve my main purpose other than the one I use now? And ask about the same of others. The third «R», which gives us a high efficiency - this Reorganization. You need to constantly change the timetable of work to do more and more of the most important things. – 33 –
Do not get lost and without dragging chore. Be prepared for the reorganization. Fourth «R» – Restructuring. It implies that it is necessary to spend more time doing those 20% of the work, that have the highest value, and the least possible time – all the rest. Restructuring moves you forward, allowing you to perform more and more valuable and thus, high-paying jobs. The fifth «R» – Reengineering (reengineering). This constant simplifying workflow, the constant search for ways to make your work easier and faster. Make a list of all the stages of your workflow. For example, the first stage – a phone call, then the purpose of the meeting, a meeting with a potential client, proposals, etc. Make a complete list of the steps and set a goal – to reduce the number of steps. Make a list and check it by asking yourself: How can I reduce the number of steps? The second phase of re-engineering - transfer all low-value business to others. On one of his training sessions, I spoke with a woman – a sales manager. She has three assistants, who do all the work, with the exception of direct personal contact with the client. Why is that? Because it is the most crucial and important area. So, it gets rid of all the other tasks, such as phone calls, meetings, etc. confirmation Delegate all non-essential, non-profit activities and dispose of all kinds of low-value tasks. This is a real reengineering. Sixth «R» – it Reinventing. Think about what you had to start over and do something completely different. You do not have to change careers, but on a subconscious level, should always be the thought: «What if I had to completely change the type of activity? What if my career or job, or the company would have gone for the night, and I had to start all over again in the current state?» Think about your work, keeping in mind the principle of «weak points». Imagine that you had a line in the past, and ask yourself, «Is there anything in my life today is something that I never would have started again?» Sometimes when people ask this question, the answer has become a real discovery. Imagine that your job or the company disappeared during the night, as it happens, by the way, with many companies in real life. Remember default, when hundreds of thousands of skilled and – 34 –
talented people suddenly lost their jobs and had to look for a completely new occupation. Think about what you really like to do, and how you can reinvent themselves. Many people who lose their jobs, they think, «Well, now I'll do what I really enjoy doing». And they find a way to earn a good living doing this. Two of the most dangerous way to lose time in my life - it's not unexpected phone calls and not something that distracts you from your work. It is improper and inappropriate work relations. Firstly, many people spend years working, not where they should be. They are never really satisfied with their work, are never really successful and earn good money, but continue to work in the same place, because it is convenient, rather than engage in real favorite thing in which they can succeed. Second – many maintain close relationships with the wrong people, because they are getting used to them. Years pass, and nothing comes out, but the time has not come back. Be really hard on themselves. If you experience negative emotions or difficulties in work or personal relationships, ask yourself, «Does my location? Should I be with this person?» And again: «If I had started my life over again, what would I do differently?» And finally, the last «R» – Regain control (return control). Starting back control of your life, you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you. You stop doing yourself favors or blame someone else. If you do not like something in your life, you tell yourself, «I'll answer for it, and I will change it». Benjamin Disraeli once said: «Never complain or make excuses». If you do not like something, change it, but do not blame others. We have considered various aspects of time management, to see the main way to better organize your time. Finally, I want to offer you seven obvious ways in which you can just do more and achieve outstanding results in all areas of your life. First – run faster. Is gaining momentum, the habit to hurry. Get used to all the time to act. Move faster. It's amazing how people do everything slowly. I read an interview with the Europeans, who have been in the United States. They came back to Europe and say, «You – 35 –
know me, no doubt, like to come to the United States, but the people working there too fast». These people really like to work slowly, measured included in the swing of things, the gradual approach, etc. But today, all need to be faster. Gaining momentum. You will be surprised when he realized how much more you can keep up working faster. Second – work harder. We need to spend more time on the job: to start a little earlier, work a little harder, a little later to finish. Works great, and you will be unable to keep up a surprising number! That, incidentally, is one rule: if you're going to work longer, spend this time alone to work. Do not waste your time. Do not talk with colleagues. Do not deliver and do not take things from the laundry. Work full-time. Consider every minute. Third – work together with other people, especially if you have to perform great tasks. Unite, let others help you. Delegate some of its tasks, delegate authority, and you are able to do important things, attracting mates. Fourth – simplifies operation. Remove unnecessary steps, to smooth complexity. Reduce the number of steps required to complete the task. Fifth – do what you do better. The more you do that do best, the more you have time, the less mistakes you can do, the better your results. And the rest of charging or give any other. Sixth – merge tasks. This is one of the main approaches of time management: to carry out tasks of the same type together. In other words, communicate with all potential clients at once, make all calls in a row, write all the letters and proposals to each other, made up of all expense reports, one by one. This is called «use of the learning curve». We found that if you make a few in a row of identical cases, each successive case takes a little less time despite the fact that the volume is the same. And making 10 such cases in a row, you will find that you have recently taken away only 20% of the time compared to the first. People often ask me how I manage to prepare as many courses, write all my letters, to implement all the projects. I have so much time to because I do all of these things together. I sit and slander courses on tape, write, do everything at once. And for once I can write 30, 40, 50 letters, or business proposals. It surprises people. But – 36 –
each successive letter is given to me faster. And having finished every little thing, I get power, that allow me to immediately set to the next, which again gives me strength, etc. You can do the same. Seventh – excellence in the performance of its basic tasks. Learn to do the most important things to do as best as possible. Become an expert in those two or three areas that bring you the most money. This is one of the most important techniques of time management. With a strong desire, you can master all the skills of business. If you know how to ride a bike, use a mobile phone or typing on a computer, you can master any skill. Many people say: «I'm not very good at phone calls, I'm not too good at communicating with potential clients, I can not close the deal, etc». So – this must be done away with. Every person who's doing something better than anyone else, once he could not do it at all. All those who today are part of the 10% of the most successful entrepreneurs, once started with a lower 10%. You can study and learn everything you need to succeed in their work. To do this, you need to start, not shelving them, and every day a little work on it, keep the bar, and – surprise! – A week, month, year, cultivating a little every day, you will become an expert in their field! You can learn masterly time management as well as you can learn anything, and that's the main tip: you can miss only one time management skills in order to double your income. You may miss only one skill business! Perhaps you already know what kind of skill ... To summarize, once again consistently repeat the main steps of time management. First – decide what exactly you want and write it down on paper. The second – set the deadline and make a plan to achieve the goal by that date. Third – decide what you need to do, and make a list. Fourth – Organize a list and prioritize tasks on a «ABCD». Fifth – immediately start with the most important task. Sixth – work hard without a break, until you have completed this task, and the seventh – never give up. Never tired of repeating myself, that the failure – not your option. – 37 –
Questions for self-examination: 1. Name seven ways of time management, guaranteeing high productivity 2. Expand the content of the 1st method «R» – Resistance. 3. Expand the content of the second method «R» – Reevaluate (review, reexamination of the situation). 4. Expand the content of the 3rd method «R», which gives us high efficiency of work, is Reorganization (reorganization). 5. Expand the content of the 4-th method «R» – Restructuring (restructuring).
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7. DIRECTIONS OF INCREASE EFFICIENCY Excellence in addressing key challenges. This is one of the best ways to manage time. The better you know how to deal with complex problems, the less time is needed to solve them. This skill can double the productivity of your work. It significantly improves the quality and quantity of the work performed and is reflected in your income. In my seminars, I give an example. Man typing with one finger, picking up from five to eight words per minute. Little practice, the same person can touch-type. For three months, exercising 30 minutes a day, you can increase the speed of printing up to 5080 words per minute. What happened? In just three months, having mastered such an important skill that a person of 58 words per minute has passed to 5080, i.e. there is a ten-fold increase in productivity. The same is true in other areas. If you are in sales, set a goal to become the best in the search for new customers in the presentations and subsequent maintenance and completion of the transaction. If you are a manager, you learn how to select the right people, to delegate, to closely monitor the work and skillfully interact with key employees. There is a wonderful question, «What will the skill maximum impact on my career, if I own it to perfection?» The answer to this question is just as important. What skills will help you succeed in your work? What a skill perfected, the most impact on your income? – 39 –
If you do not know the answer, ask your boss, his colleagues, his wife, friends and clients. But be sure to get an answer. Having clarified his main skill, write it down, make a plan for its development, set the time and immediately take over the case. Try to make every day was adding skills that bring you the most benefit. Work in real time This is an extremely important principle, on which the increase in productivity. Develop a sense of urgency cases. Learn to work quickly. Focus on action. Increase the pace. Do everything immediately! Today, there is an incredible need for speed. Those who work well and quickly, is considered better, more valuable and competent than he who hesitates to use. Make decisions quickly. Not less than 80% of the decisions can be taken when a problem occurs. Slowness only slows traffic. Do not take a long time to work as soon as it appears. Any business that needs to be paid no more than two minutes and should be done immediately. Always remember that if you do not do this now, then you will need much more time to disperse and resolve the issue. Take urgent phone call and immediately decide the issue. Discuss the issue and make a decision immediately. Respond quickly to requests boss or clients. If there is a need or possibility to – act. Create a reputation as a man who works quickly and reliably. Set a goal to acquire the reputation of the person on whom you can always rely on in a situation where something has to be done quickly. This will open up new perspectives for you to selfrealization and an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to do things quickly and well. Reorganize your work This technique is widely used, when they want to get the job done with less time, effort and money. Most of the projects and the process is now multi-purpose and multi-way and consists of a series of successive operations. Often the case is developing for some time and is fraught with many disadvantages, which until then no one thinks. Some steps become unnecessary and even useless and only increase the runtime of the project. – 40 –
As you probably is not large enough, carefully examine any forthcoming great job and write down every action required for its implementation, from the idea to the final result. After that set itself the task of reducing the number of operations by 30% from the first call. It is almost always possible, if the matter be creative. Try to combine a few steps or a few types of work one to one person doing them. Try to eliminate, suspend or cancel the action, which is no longer necessary. Ask yourself: "Why do we do so? Is not there an easier way?» The ability to simplify and optimize the work and as a result do more in a shorter period of time – an important condition for a doubling of productivity. Be updated every year. We are witnessing the greatest change. Everything is changing so fast that constantly have to re-evaluate themselves and review their life. At least once a year, to stop, to look at what you are doing and decide whether to continue it or not. For a moment, imagine that your company is burnt and you have to start all over again. How do you begin? What you would not do at all? Who are the former employees you take in the new company? From what you have refused to be, whether you have a choice? Imagine that your job a whole industry and all your business is gone and you have to re-start a career, but now you are free to choose any direction and to engage in any business. What exactly would you do? Look where you live and how your family spends leisure time and holidays. Evaluate your finances and your physical condition. Think about how you would like to spend some part of their lives. If you were an artist, how would you have represented your life today? When you become a regularly evaluate their lives looking at it from the side, you will open the possibility to change it according to their own desires. Practice approach zero. With this method, you will be able to organize their thoughts and improve quality of life. Always ask yourself: «What I would not do in my life, had I known what I know now?» Is there something like that, then you would have tried to avoid, if it had known then what you know now what an – 41 –
acquaintance that you support, or investment? This is one of the most important issues. When we talk about saving time, usually remembered unexpected interruptions or phone calls. However, the biggest losses are, if you keep doing what you do not need, whether it's work, career or acquaintance. Many spend years that they do not like and do not enjoy, and then, when they are already over 30, start all over again in a new way and a new reality for themselves. Considering your accumulated knowledge that you would not do, if given the opportunity? Everything changes so fast that at least 70% of your decisions in time prove to be incorrect. This means that all we are doing something that would not have started if they had known in advance. The main indicator of the need to think about everything from scratch – it is stress. If you are constantly experiencing stress, frustration or rejection in relation to any person or situation and if this condition persists, you have to ask yourself: «If I had known beforehand, would have made such again?» If your answer will be one short word, «No!», The next question should be: «How do I get out of this situation and how long it will take?» Is there something in your life, any business, public or private matter on which you would have refused if you knew what you know now? Is there any direction in the work, products, services, processes or costs that you would not have engaged in view of today's knowledge? Are there any investment of time, money or feelings that drag you down and do not give up and from which you would refuse, if you knew what you know now? If you are not happy with any situation, in itself it will likely not be corrected, and will in due course be even worse. So I want to ask you one question: «Do you have the courage and character to honestly deal with all that, as required by life?» You will be amazed how much more will your regular decisions and more productive action through zero approach to resolving any problems. Set your inverse priorities clearly. You know about the priorities: it works, which are performed in the first place. Back priorities – this is what is done in the least, or not done at all. – 42 –
You is already overloaded with cases, which is not enough tim e. To learn so mething new from something we must abandon. To be able to start new busine sses, it is ne cessary to syste matically set priorities among t he inverse of cases that are not as important as others. Use the method of Peter Drucker, who he calls « creative abandonment 'of works, which eventually lost their initial value. You, and too much work. Therefore Being accepted for the new, we have to part with one of the old cases. Grasp the new – to abandon the old, the beginning of one – is the end of another. Think about what you need to stop doing in order to free up time for more important things? Control of their lives can be only to the extent that you can refuse to carry out low-value cases. You can double the productivit y, free up tim e if that will be compensated in the future. When I'm overworked, I constantl y repeat: «I can onl y what I can». When you feel that you work overcomes her too much and too little time, take a deep breath and say , «I can only what I can». T hen sit down, make a list of them and select reverse priorities. Sometimes the word «No» saves ti me better than anything else. Keep balance in life. You work to provide for his family, to maintain health and enjo y important events in life. You strive for a happ y, healthy and harmonious relationship with his wife (her husband) and children. Do you want to preserve the health and well-being. You want to develop m entally and sp iritually. You strive for maximum success in the work to have everything you need to practice, it is not work-related. Unfortunately, most people put t he cart before the horse. They go back to work so that they forget why they need success. This is clearly not your approach. Remember that the most important – is the ability to maintain relationships. Up to 85% of your success depends on good relations with other people and only 15% of your happiness associated with the achievements at work. It is necessary to maintain a balance. I'm in San Diego training program for managers and specialists of the best co mpanies and try to show them how to throw unnecessary, reduce the time to work, spend m ore time with his – 43 –
family and at the same time double the income-all at the same time. Most of doubt it, until we begin to use these methods. For example, a head of the company he worked for 6,070 hours a week, earning about 55 thousand dollars a year. Five years after he began to organize their lives and to maintain the necessary balance, its revenue exceeded 300 thousand dollars, and reduced working hours to 38 hours per week. The same thing can make you. The key to balance is simple. Let your inner peace, happiness and family life will be the highest values, and let everything else revolves around it. Take time for family – in the evenings, on weekends, during holidays. The formula of equilibrium states: it is important to the amount of time at home and the quality of time at work. Do not confuse these concepts. The simple rule of balance: in the first place people. The most important people We must come first, before all others, and to all others. When you work, you work all the time at work. Do not waste time in idle talk and useless things. Work all the time. Every working minute, lost in idle talk, reduces the time you could spend with your family and other people important to you....... When in your life equilibrium is established, you will achieve more, become more money, do more and more time to spend with his family. For this and should seek to work more efficiently. Carefully plan each project. Almost everything you do – a kind of project that consists of a set of tasks to be performed in stages. In this sense, throughout the career you – the project manager. We found that success, salary, career opportunities are largely dependent on the ability to implement projects or multi-task. With a few simple rules, you can become an expert in this field. Keyword in the way of success – clarity. Start each project with a clear vision of the ideal final result, as if everything went perfectly. Then prepare a list of all the actions of the project, up to the last detail. Prioritize and sequence of actions. What you need to do first, and what is the second? What matters can be addressed at the same time? Assign responsibility for each stage of the project and specify exactly who is engaged in a specific case and by when it must be done. – 44 –
The project plan without distribution of responsibilities and specific terms -only just talking about the case. It does not lead to certain results. Finally, if the project is a serious, carefully monitor its implementation, that all went as planned. Create a reputation as a man who is able to carry out important work in accordance with the plan or ahead of plan. Do not rely on the case, do not convince yourself that all is well. Trust, but verify. Analyze what might not work? What is the most serious that could fail? And do all this not to happen. Consider what the most important phase of the project? What could hinder its implementation in time? Remember the rule, «Six P»? Proper prior planning prevents poor performance. I'm not just talking about an effort to accelerate. Today, all in a hurry. Your customers are not even aware of your product or service, and now they want it «yesterday». All have become incredibly impatient. No one wants to stand in line. Internet users switch to another site through a 78 seconds if something is loading too slowly. The main quality of those who are doing well – they are constantly in motion. They offer themselves, if you need to do some work. They do not tolerate inaction and go step by step to the goal. On the other hand, the biggest obstacle productive work is the ability to talk the issue to death. Many believe that a beautiful speech and infinite planning equivalent performance. But the action is action. Only the performance is the fulfillment. Counted only the job done. In the end, we only pay for results. The result – that's all. Focus on results is akin to higher productivity and greater achievements in any field. Become a man of action Decide right now that you act quickly, as soon as possible or necessary. Increase the pace, action, and do not stop! The bottom line is that the faster you act, the better feel and the more do, the more you have the energy, knowledge and experience. The sooner you act, the more earn and quickly rises through the ranks. – 45 –
Questions for self-examination: 1. What are the ways to improve efficiency in time management? 2. Expand the con tent and give an example of the direction « Improve in solving key problems. 3. Expand the content and give an example of the direction « Work in real time». 4. Expand the content and give an example of the direction «Reorganize your work». 5. Expand the content and give an example of the direction «Become a man of action».
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8. THE BASIS OF PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS The practical application of the teachings herein, methods and techniques can increase your efficiency and productivity, double revenues, reduce stress and make you one of the most productive people in your area of business. All successful people are highly productive. They are working longer and better spend your time. They do much more than the average person. They earn more and make a career faster. They are respected and valued by others. They become leaders and serve as role models to others. They will inevitably rise to the top level in their areas and maximize revenues. The same can make you. Any of the above are tried and proven strategies can be learned through practice and repetition. Each of these methods is used on a regular basis, gradually come into the familiar image of your thoughts and actions. Once you begin to practice these techniques in work and in life, your self-awareness, self-esteem and a sense of pride to immediately increase. And will bring you invaluable feedback to the end of life. Let's get started. Make a decision! All the positive changes in life begins with a clear and firm decision to start something new or stop doing something, including a game or leave the game to drag the fish or cut the line. – 47 –
Determination – one of the most important qualities of those who are successful. It is produced in practice as a result of multiple iterations until it becomes as natural a condition as breathing. Sad but true: people are poor because have not yet decided to become rich. Many are overweight and suffer from shortness of breath, because I have not yet decided to become slim and healthy. People wasting time, because it has not yet decided to seek the highest efficiency in all. Decide today that you will become an expert in the management of their time and their own performance, whatever it may cost you. Take a commitment that you will confess with these principles until they become second nature. Force yourself to do what is necessary for you to become the best in the business. One of the best definitions of self-discipline is this: force yourself to do what you need and when you need to, even if you do not want. It is easy to do what you like. But when the soul is not to do something, and you do force yourself, because it is necessary, at this moment you give a higher rate of his life and his career. What are the solutions you need to take to start moving to the top? Give your answer, get down to business or abstain from it, make a decision today and start driving. This alone can drastically change your life. Establish clear goals and objectives The word «clear» is undoubtedly crucial for success. At least 80% of success depends on the absolute clarity of what you are trying to achieve. Unfortunately, in 80% of cases or more failures and disappointments perceive those very vague idea of what they want and how to achieve it. Oil billionaire X. L. Hunt once said that to achieve success requires a large following. Firstly, «decide exactly what you want». (Most people never do this.) Secondly, «determine what price you have to pay for it, and firmly decide to pay it». You can get almost everything you want, unless you are willing to pay the right price. And the nature of things requires that you always pay in full and in advance. There is an effective formula of seven points for setting and achieving goals, which can be used in all situations. All successful – 48 –
people use this formula or its variations, and therefore do much better than others. This is affordable you. Here is the formula. First. Just decide exactly what you want on each segment of life. Be «certain specific» and not «diffuse interests». Decide how much you want to earn. What should be your weight. What you want to create a family and a life to lead. The process of clarifying its intentions increases the likelihood of their realization. Second. Record your decisions clearly and in detail. Always think on paper. Unwritten goal – not a goal but only impotent wish. But when you formulate goals in his imagination, and fix them on paper, you are programming your subconscious mind, where they are filled with their own energy. Third. Set a deadline. Deadline – a «Fast and the Furious» for your sub cortex. He makes you do the steps leading to the goal. If the target is large, set intermediate deadlines. Do not leave anything to chance. Fourth. Make a list of everything that needs to be done to achieve planned. Add to the list as new tasks. Fifth. Turn the list into a plan. Determine what you need to do first, and that the second, more important, what is equally important. Then make a plan on paper with the same care with which you would create your dream house project. Sixth. Please act according to plan. Do something. Do anything. Take care of business. Slide off. Do not delay. Step number seven, perhaps the most significant: every day do something of what brings you to the main goal at the moment. Make it a rule to work 365 days a year over what leads you forward. You'd be surprised how much can be done if you follow this formula every day. Here's an exercise that will help bring about change. Take a sheet of paper and write down ten goals for the coming year. Write down goals in the present tense, as though a year has passed and you have achieved your. Start with the word «I». For example: «I make so many dollars per year». «I weigh a certain number of kilograms». «I go to such and such a car». The subconscious mind accepts instructions only in the present tense, and only if they begin with the word «I». Writing ten targets, select the main of them, ask yourself the question: – 49 –
«Which of these goals if it has already been achieved, it would have had the strongest influence on my life?» Circle selected target circle. Then write it down on a new sheet of paper, set a deadline, prepare a list of necessary actions, turn it into a plan and start working on a plan each day until the goal is reached. This exercise helped to achieve success so many people. From now on, you should take a hard focus on the goal. All the time thinking and talking about their own purposes. Write and rewrite them. Analyze them every day and are constantly looking for more effective ways to achieve them. The use of this combination formula and exercises on goal setting undoubtedly will have a positive effect. Plan your day in advance. If you want to double the productivity of the work, the daily planning is absolutely necessary. Apply a rule of six «n»: proper prior planning prevents poor performance. Proper planning – a distinctive feature of a professional. Those who are successful in life, a lot of time on planning. Do not forget about the rule of 10/90, which states that 10% of the time spent on planning before you start working, will save 90% of time in solving the problems. Always think on paper. Writing actually sharpens your mind, stimulates creativity and allows you to focus better than if you worked from memory. Start by drawing up a common list of cases to be taken in the long term. Then this list will be the main checklist of your life. Complements it as new tasks. At the beginning of each month is a list of what needs to be done. Break it on the week and specify the exact start and completion dates set for the month of tasks. Finally, and most importantly, make a plan for the day – preferably the night before, to your subconscious could work on it while you sleep. Always work with the list. If during the day there will a new business, make it to the list before starting to run. After completing another task, cross it. Such tracking adds a sense of completion and progress. Deletion completed items is a good motivation and gives energy. List as a table of points, makes feel like a winner. – 50 –
It shows how far you have come, and what to do tomorrow. At the end of the day, you can go back to the list and tick what is done. It will fill you with a sense of satisfaction and give a clear picture of the situation and tasks for the next day. According to experts in the field of time management, work with a list increases productivity by 25% on the first day. All those who do well to think and work on a paper with a list. Questions for self-examination: 1. What is the meaning of the effectiveness of personal time in time management and what does it affect? 2. What are the rules of personal time efficiency by B.Traci? 3. Expand the contents of B. Tracy's rules and give an example from the personal practice of a successful manager. 4. Expand the contents of the 6-P rules. 5. What needs to be done to become an expert in managing your time and your own effectiveness?
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9. «ABCDE» METHOD FOR PRIORITIZING This is one of the most powerful ways to manage time and prioritize. The beauty of it is that it is simple and easy to use. To increase the productivity doubled absolutely necessary to determine the main problem at the moment, and force myself to work on it before its final decision. The essence of time management is to help you determine the time the main thing. As soon as a matter of prime importance is set, think about the possible consequences in case of failure or performance. Important case has significant implications in the case where it is made, and when it is not fulfilled. People with high efficiency has always calculate the consequences of the planning and organization of work. By the method of ABCDE in advance of making a list of what needs to be done. Carefully read it and put down in front of each item corresponding letter of the alphabet. The letter «A» marked very important things. They should be required to complete, since involve serious consequences in the event of their execution, and failure. Put the letter «A» in front of every important task. The problem, noted by the letter «B», also requires, but it is not as important as the problem of «A». It also has certain consequences, but short-lived and not as significant. The task «C» – it is such a challenge that it would be good to perform, but it does not stand for any consequences. – 52 –
Call a friend, drink coffee, read the newspaper, chat with a colleague – all these nice things, but they do not affect your career and success. The rule is the following: do not take up the case «B» if you have not yet done «A». Do not proceed to the case of «B» if you have not yet done the previous one. In other words, obey the order of the performance of its business. The point under the letter «D» – this is what you can delegate to someone who will cope with it better than you. The rule stipulates that you delegate everything you can to free up more time to deal with cases, marked with the letter «A». The letter «E» in this context means «Down». These cases are so unimportant that if they strike out completely, then nothing will happen. Often targeted removal of insignificant cases simplifies the work and leaves more time for important tasks. Having placed the case on the principle of ABCDE, go over the list again and prioritize tasks, marked «A». On the contrary the most important set A1, the next in importance – A2, etc. Then immediately proceed to the task of «A1», and do not depart until it is completed. A simple formula ABCDE is able to double your productivity. Separate the urgent from the important. All you have to do during the day can be divided into four groups on the matter urgent and non-urgent, important and not important. The objectives of the first group and urgent and important. They need to be addressed immediately. They are in front of your eyes. Urgent and important issues, such as phone calls, meetings, negotiations with clients or force majeure situations almost always arise not through your will and are an important part of the work. Trying to postpone such matters to you then only create serious problems. Many people spend all day on the solution of urgent and important issues. The second group includes the important things, but not urgent. Usually associated with them long lasting effects. These are such things as work on themselves, improve their skills and knowledge, physical exercise and sports, as well as the time devoted to the family. An important and urgent matter may be postponed. However, it can have a huge impact in the long term. Not urgent but important – 53 –
things sooner or later, it becomes very urgent, such as course work at the institute, or a report for the boss, or a meeting with a client, to which the contract expires. The third group consists of the case urgent, but not important. Call, talk with looking to you colleague to discuss TV shows, etc. You can do it during working hours, but it will not affect your success. Many believe that they work, when they do something urgent and important. In fact, it's a big waste of time that can ruin your career and your potential. The last group consists of non-urgent or important matters. They are completely meaningless. They are engaged in during the day, although they have no meaning and no effect. An example is reading the newspaper, call home with a question regarding the dinner menu, going to the store. Those cases do not give any of your company or you personally to achieve their goals. To double the productivity should be addressed urgent and important task, and then the important tasks, but are not urgent at the moment, and do not do what does not matter. Always ask yourself the question: «What are the long-term effects from this problem? What would happen if I did not fulfill at all?» Answers to these questions should form the basis for setting priorities. Questions for self-examination: 1. What is the content of the «ABDHD Method» for setting priorities? 2. What principles should be followed, what is the effectiveness of the «ABDHD Method»? 3. What, in your opinion, are the priorities for the implementation of the «ABDHD Method»? 4. What is the aim of the «ABVGD Method»? 5. Give an example from the practice of time management using the «ABDHD Method». Open the content of the 5th method «R» – Reengineering (reengineering).
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10. THE LAW OF FORCED EFFICIENCY AND ITS ESSENCE This law states: all the time is never enough, but it is enough for the most important. When solving a complex problem when you experience strong pressure, it is necessary to come, to see it through and get the job done on time. Many people cannot bring themselves to do the job on time and then maintain that work best under pressure. However, no pressure is better not to work. This is just an attempt to justify their inability to manage time. When you feel pressure, you are not only exposed to stress, but also make more mistakes. Often because of these mistakes then you have to redo the work. There are four questions that need to ask themselves in order to increase their efficiency and productivity doubled. Ask yourself before you get to work, «How to use the time for maximum benefit? What does it matter what I do, I will bring the greatest benefit to me and the cause? What is most beneficial to me and my company?» Talk to your boss and colleagues. Find out their opinion. You must exactly answer these questions all the time to devote to what will bring the greatest benefit. Constantly ask yourself, «Why do I get paid a salary? What I have taken on this job? What does it matter, what should I do to affect my success to the greatest degree?» Whatever the answer, concentrate on its decision over the day. – 55 –
The third issue relates to the maximum efficiency, «What can you do, and you alone, which significantly improve the situation, if it is carried out professionally?» At any time, the answer can be only one – is the work that is done at all, if you do not do. But if you do, and do well, things can change dramatically. Whatever it was, you need to work on it in the first place. This is where you can make the maximum contribution. The fourth issue is probably the most accurate in relation to time management. It is simple: «How do I use my time today with the greatest benefit?» Whatever the answer to this question, be sure to give it more of the time. Skill in each case, to put such questions and answer them will allow you to stay on track and work with maximum efficiency. «What matters the most important and valuable? What do I get paid? What can I do, and I alone, will improve the situation, if it is done wrong? How do I use my time today with the greatest benefit?» Force yourself to work only on the answers to these questions, and productivity will double. Questions for self-examination: 1. Tell us about the Law of Forced Efficiency and reveal its essence 2. What measures need to be taken to increase efficiency and double productivity? 3. What will allow you to work with maximum efficiency? 4. What results can the manager achieve when using the method of compulsory efficiency? 5. Are there «pluses» and «minuses» of the method of compulsory efficiency? Give an example.
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11. THE ESSENCE OF THE 80/20 RULE AND ITS ROLE IN THE SYSTEM OF TIME MANAGEMENT The 80/20 Rule is one of the most helpful of all concepts of time and life management. It is also called the Pareto Principle after its founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who first wrote about it in 1895. Pareto noticed that people in his society seemed to divide naturally into what he called the «vital few», the top 20% in terms of money and influence, and the «trivial many», the bottom 80%. He later discovered that virtually all economic activity was subject to this Pareto Principle as well. For example, this rule says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. 20% of your customers will account for 80% of your sales. 20% of your products or services will account for 80% of your profits. 20% of your tasks will account for 80% of the value of what you do, and so on. This means that if you have a list of ten items to do, two of those items will turn out to be worth as much or more than the other eight items put together. Here is an interesting discovery. Each of these tasks may take the same amount of time to accomplish. But one or two of those tasks will contribute five or ten times the value as any of the others. Often, one item on a list of ten things that you have to do can be worth more than all the other nine items put together. This task is invariably the frog that you should eat first. – 57 –
Can you guess on which items the average person is most likely to procrastinate? The sad fact is that most people procrastinate on the top ten or twenty percent of items that are the most valuable and important, the «vital few». They busy themselves instead with the least important 80%, the «trivial many» that contribute very little to results. You often see people who appear to be busy all day long but they seem to accomplish very little. This is almost always because they are busy doing things that are of low value while they procrastinate on the one or two activities that could make a real difference to their companies and to their careers. The most valuable tasks you can do each day are often the hardest and most complex. But the payoff and rewards for completing these tasks efficiently can be tremendous. For this reason, you must refuse to work on tasks in the bottom 80% while you still have tasks in the top 20% left to be done. Before you begin work, always ask yourself, «Is this task in the top 20% of my activities or in the bottom 80%?» Rule: «Resist the temptation to clear up small things first.» Remember, whatever you choose to do, over and over, eventually becomes a habit that is hard to break. If you choose to start your day on low value tasks, you soon develop the habit of always starting and working on low value tasks. This is not the kind of habit you want to develop, or keep. The hardest part of any important task is getting started on it in the first place. Once you actually begin work on a valuable task, you seem to be naturally motivated to continue. There is a part of your mind that loves to be busy working on significant tasks that can really make a difference. Your job is to feed this part of your mind continually. Just thinking about starting and finishing an important task motivates you and helps you to overcome procrastination. The fact is that the amount of time required to complete an important job is often the same as the time required to do an unimportant job. The difference is that you get a tremendous feeling of pride and satisfaction from the completion of something valuable and significant. However, when you complete a low value task, using the same amount of time and energy, you get little or no satisfaction at all. – 58 –
Time management is really life management, personal management. It is really taking control over the seq uence of events. Time management is control ove r what you do next. And you are always free to choose the task that you will do next. Your abilit y to choose between the im portant and t he unimportant is the k ey determinant of your success in life and work. Effective, productive people discipline themselves to start on the most important task that is before them. They force themselves to eat that frog, whatever it is. As a result, they acco mplish vastly m ore than the average person and are much happier as a result. This should be your way of working as well. Eat That Frog! Make a list of all t he key goals, activities, projects and responsibilities in your life today. Which of them are, or could be, in the top 10% or 20% of ta sks that repr esent, or cou ld represent, 80% or 90% of your results? Resolve today that you are going to spend m ore and m ore of your time working in t hose few ar eas that can really make a difference in you life and career, and less and less time on lower value activities. Questions for self-examination: 1. What is the essence of the 80/20 rule and its role in the time management system? 2. Apply the rule TRAF (Toss, Refer, Action, File). 3. Are such employee qualities as concentration and concentration a key to success? 4. It is believed that the ability to fully focus on the most important issue and not be distracted by anything until it is resolved will help to succ eed faster than any other quality. Explain by example. 5. What personal qualities of the ma nager and employee in the tim e management system will help to achieve the company's success?
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12. TIME MANAGEMENT TASKS Global, the main tasks of time management – help to the person in the organization of their time, learning of how to achieve goals with less loss of the energy and nerves, but for a shorter time. However, to solve the main tasks of time management is impossible without solving the many small tasks. Time Management teaches us to solve large problems by breaking them into smaller ones, so you can go that route. During the training to manage your time, you need to learn how to solve simple problems of time management that constitute its foundation. Some of them are prioritization, planning, delegation of responsibility and authority, ranking purposes, identifying «chrono pages» and fight with them. Solving these seemingly simple tasks of time management, you make it easy for yourselves to solve problems that are more serious: to learn efficiently use your time resource, to improve your effectiveness and efficiency, to organize the process of work and rest, and so on. Do not be afraid that solving the problem of time management, you can get into an endless cycle of affairs: on the contrary, the absence in the life of at least a minimum of planning and organization, leads to inefficient energy consumption of the human resources and time. The output is that the day passes in hectic, but did not really done anything; there are stress and fatigue, growing dissatisfaction. Time management tasks aim is – the disposal of the person from inefficient spending invaluable resource – time, so that for the same 24 hours, he managed to do twice as much, but did not – 60 –
get tired, and he would have had enough time to have a rest, and his loved ones. Thus, we can say, that the problem of time management are as follows: 1) Ongoing analysis of the daily routine, as well as cases that are performed per day, and optimization of the schedule; 2) Self-control in the work process – when and what it has to do; 3) The study and application in practice of the art of time management; 4) Ability to abandon activities which do not bring significant results and time-consuming; 5) The ability to manage your time efficiently, paying special attention to the most important and significant cases; 6) Organization your own time so that the rest was full. Questions for self-examination: 1. 2. 3. 4.
The global task of time management Name the main tasks of time management What is the solution of the main task of time management? List the tasks of time management, the most common in the practice of Kazakhstan companies. 5. Give examples of successful companies that regulate their daily routine and perform professional functions through effective time management.
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13. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKING SPACE The first thing is noticed by people coming to the reception, interview, meeting, business conversation in the organization – it is look and layout of the room in which will solve some issues. Moreover, it is not just a question of prestige and image of the organization, the office look partly depends on the results of not only the conversation and other, but the performance of the whole team that is in them. The efficiency of each employee depends not only on a properly organized labor process and of the internal relations in the team, but also on how the office is organized, in general, and the workplace of the employee in particular. Largely, the business success depends on the performance of the team, so the manager must get serious about creating a comfortable and functional office furniture that will promote business spirit and not to cause discomfort to the company's employees. Setting up your working space – not an easy thing, as it might seem at first glance. Catching the room layout and choosing the furniture, one way or another you need to remember what features are designed to fulfill this premise. Workplace is: – Landfill for business (to be functional); – Company card (must be presentable and to work on its image); – «Second home» – a roof under which we spend most of our adult life (must give the employee a certain piece of coziness, comfort and warmth). – 62 –
Organization of workplaces in the offices is of two kinds: aisles and cabinet. Knitting structure allows the placement of a virtually unlimited number of jobs in the same room. Between the tables or groups of tables put light partitions; they usually do not reach the ceiling, and a visually create some illusion of isolation; employees have to work in a «cocktail speech». Knitting system of work organization is economically more advantageous than the cabinet. In addition, it allows the manager to carry out a visual inspection of subordinates. However, for those who work in the great hall, working conditions more severe than in the structure of the cabinet offices. A large number of people and equipment concentrated in the same room, though spacious enough, no doubt creates quite notable inconvenience to working with knitting Labor Organization. Not everyone can cope with working in such conditions, it is necessary to bear in mind how those who are hired to work as well as managers and employees of personnel management services, carrying out recruitment. Another way of work organization in the office: a few tables are put together – four or six. The surface of each table is an individual sector of work, but the specific arrangement of tables – right next to each other – in the first place, saving space and, secondly, allows the manager to see what subordinates do, as well as, advising one of them, giving both explanations and others; staff, sitting at table with a group, it is easier to discuss emerging issues, make joint decisions. Sometimes in a room with a large area (room) tables are placed such groups. Each group of employees engaged in similar or close in content issues. However, aisles organization of workplaces, as well as colocation tables are valid, if the conditions of work do not imply the flow of visitors to each of the employees. It is hard to imagine the visitors (customers – potential or actual), wandering in the labyrinths of the working places of employees. However, the two main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of workplace organization – efficiency (just cheap) and the possibility of continuous monitoring of the staff in the hall – outweigh. Cabinet system can be provided premises of two kinds. The first – in the room, consisting one room, mix tables employees, however, as the room area does not exceed 25-40 square meters, there is – 63 –
placed no more than 5-8 tables. In such circumstances, each employee is convenient to work with visitors. However, to control the work of subordinates, the manager have to go through a number of rooms, to find out what his subordinates are doing. This leads to psychological discomfort for the manager and for the subordinates whose jobs posted on the cabinet system. The second type of cabinet system – room for one person – a manager / supervisor. Cabinet is not only the head of the workplace and «brain center» of the company, but often sets the style of the decoration of the entire office. This is perhaps the most unusual and multifunctional space in the office. In addition to the main (workspace manager), study and perform representative functions, serves as a venue for talks and meetings, is used for recreation, and even as a museum «of military glory» of the company or its owner. In this situation, the organization of space and equipping the director's office is not a trivial task and highly creative. Moreover, not only for manufacturers, suppliers of furniture, architects and designers, but also for the CEOs. Cabinet Chief – the largest and most spacious. In the design of the offices of Russian leaders, in spite of the new developments, often dominated by a traditional classical style. «Russian bureaucratic office» as ergonomic as any other. However, its design highlighted solid, thorough, expensive, and sometimes luxurious. All items are massive and appear as such. Used expensive materials, often cupboards, desks and tables decorated with prestigious accessories, and wall – paintings. However, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities in recent years, many executives who want to look modern. In organizing their offices most of them drawn to the European style, remove the space in modern office buildings, where a lot of space and air, set a light, mobile, easily reconfigurable furniture with lots of details from metal and glass. Standard office manager suggests the presence of three zones – working, retiring and informal communication areas. The work area is desk manager; desktop can be supplemented by various technical means – computer, fax, etc. However, the technical equipment is not a mandatory attribute of the working area – the higher the rank of a manager, it is unlikely the availability of equipment in the work area of his office – to work with the technique has a secretariat. The – 64 –
deliberative area is sufficiently large table, so how often meetings are held directly in the manager's office, rather than in a separate consultation room. On the table is usually a stack of sheets of paper – for participants of the meeting are a pen or pencil – to be able to make a record. Sometimes, on the table of organization structure of the scheme are for meetings, calendars, transport scheme, and similar informational materials. During the meeting (5-10 minutes after the start) can be served coffee – it is not served separately, and filed with the Registrar (this is part of his duty) to each of the participants. (Note that the coffee is not usually served cakes.)informal communication zone – a few chairs, a coffee table with an ashtray (if the manager allows smoking in his office), sometimes here – bar. Living area of the zone depend on informal communication officer manager level, the scale of its operations and activities of the organization. The ergonomics of office space. Modern business has reached a qualitatively new level of competition. Therefore, more and more companies analyze how the organization and design of the workspace affect the result, i.e., at a profit. This analysis is based on scientific data on the functional possibilities of man, revealing the possibility of optimal conditions for labor, both physical and intellectual, to study the problems arising in the system «man-tools, object of labor – work environment» and putting their tasks optimizing employment rights – ergonomics. The term «ergonomics» (from the Greek words ergon – work and nomus – law) was passed in England in 1949, when a group of British scientists has begun organizing Ergonomic Research Society. Ergonomics – the science that studies the complex human activities, instruments and means of its activity, the environment in the process of their interaction. It is a process of scientific organization aimed at creating instruments of labor optimization, improvement of methods of performing the person of any work because of its safety, comfort and performance. The main goal of ergonomics, which is based on many disciplines formed – to ensure the efficiency, safety and comfort of the working process. That is, the establishment of such working conditions that help to reduce human fatigue and preserve his health. Perhaps, in the organization of the order in your office premises it sounds a little lofty, but there is no doubt that the selection and placement of – 65 –
furniture, equipment, reference materials and various accessories in your office can have a significant impact on the way you work. High performance ergonomic work organization – is not so much a matter of convenience and prestige as increasing coefficient of performance (COP) employee. Ergonomics gradually causes the employee to return to work much more on the workplace, even if it is not very much wants it. To achieve a high rate in this matter ergonomics must perform certain functions. It helps to organize employee movement, and make them less optimal time-costly, for example, searching for documents, the ability to switch to another type of action, even in the possible distraction by extraneous threads. Therefore, it is no secret that being in the same room and constantly seeing each other a lot more employees talk to each other on extraneous issues. On the other hand, seeing someone constantly move the worker consistently and regularly will be distracted. This type of office life can be easily controlled furniture solutions. For example, using screens, creating a workplace privacy, you can simply delete this important stressful distraction. Thus the company not only cares about the health of its employees, who have significantly reduced nervous tension, it allows staff to concentrate much better and more productive work. In addition, if the function of screens simultaneously perform the necessary furniture items, such office obtained the most efficient and cost effective. Why is it so important to take care about the convenience of the office environment? Ease office environment has a decisive influence on the performance of any team. If a person during the working day does not have time to implement all planned, it does not necessarily mean that he is a bad worker: the reason for this may be an uncomfortable workplace that makes him a rapid fatigue, and forced to spend time and energy on unnecessary activities. It is well known, that the state of our health also depends on the competent office arrangement. Оffice Improvement. Office Ergonomics is impossible without the proper organization of space. But it is equally important to choose a comfortable office furniture, which is organically fit into the space. Currently, in the world decided to equip the working premises organizations with standard furniture, manufactured in – 66 –
series, sets - for different tastes, to a greater or lesser value. Private companies are sometimes used for business offices top-level managers of the furniture is not standard, and made individually, sometimes even by hand, i.e., expensive furniture to emphasize the official host cabinet rank. We can say that now begins in Russia office boom. For a long time we have worked for rectangular tables sat on hard chairs, and every day looking at furniture gray and brown color, which slowly but surely brings us into a depression. Now, many companies are trying to get rid of these remnants and equip their offices with comfortable furniture. Particular attention is now paid to the choice of the working office chair. This piece of furniture is the most important component in creating a comfortable workplace. Uncomfortable chair can contribute to the development of various diseases, including numbers such as the omission of internal organs, low back pain, sciatica, and other. Dynamic office chair, that chair, not a chair, lowers fatigue and meets the requirements of ergonomics. For conference halls, meeting rooms, reception can be used stationary chairs. Great influence on the performance of the team and on the psychological climate in the office has a lighting. In good daylight person feels comfortable and cozy. Considerable importance and windows themselves. They should be well groomed, clean and beautifully decorated. In an effort to get as much of the world should not abandon the curtains or blinds. Often, bright sunlight can also have a negative effect: the glare does not concentrate on work. As a result, studies have found that people in the office feels better and is much more effective when running regular (in accordance with the biorhythms) changing light scenarios. When deciding on how and what to illuminate the office, of course, we must proceed from the specific tasks the organization, the needs of those people who are in this room will work. We must remember that the best is a combination of different types of lighting: direct and indirect, as well as the combination of warm and cool light. It is equally important to think about the rest areas for staff. To employees of the company did not drink coffee and tea in the workplace, the manager must take care of their organization. The – 67 –
office should be cozy and pleasant to work with. After all, in it we spend most of our time. Office – this is the face of the company, which like can attract a potential partner, sponsor, investor, and push him away. Therefore, more and more designers are turning to the director when equip your office. In today's business world, it made the walls of premises for different purposes to paint or hang wallpaper light, neutral tones – light gray, beige, etc. Sex in the office more often were made of tiles (in any case, in the corridors, halls tiles prevails), laminate, linoleum. Parquet – expensive coverage, so the parquet floor – for individual classrooms managers for official premises, in other cases – the standard floor covering with a smaller or larger or pile that already occurs much less frequently – linoleum. Оffice improvement – it's not just a nice selection of finishing materials, comfortable jobs, swivel chairs and an advertising stand with the company's products. Modern trends in office design and decoration imply. However, a valid list of jewelry is very limited - it prints (type of graphic art), paintings, prints, wall panels, made of stone, metal, glass, and various lamps. However, the content of the above art works should not be aggressive or provocative character of gloom. Most often, it is landscapes, radiating serenity, poise. A decision was also used as decoration small sculptures – such items are usually present in the offices of managers of a high enough level. The decoration of the walls of the room service and at the same time the official «accessory» of the organization's image can serve as a license, certificate or other document proving the high level of performance of official duties or on the implementation of activities. The premises for the average performers have a need to have available a variety of information materials; it makes sense to arrange them in a way (beautiful frame), so that they both served and decoration. Every person throughout the day due to fatigue is needed relaxation, so the most progressive office necessarily has a seating area, which houses the upholstered furniture, coffee tables and flowers. The office can decorate as artificial flowers, and live. Flowers not only decorate, but also create an informal atmosphere, soften the psychological tension if the situation is close to the conflict. However, not every plant is appropriate in the office. – 68 –
Preferred flowers with large leaves and small evergreen trees in tubs (wood or ceramic), standing on the floor. With the modern development of the design of materials for decoration of office, space a huge amount. Unacceptable workplace items of a personal nature – photos of family members (even within), all sorts of figures heartwarming and similar small items. It is inappropriate to decorate the office or a separate workstation different pictures or postcards sent by «beloved friend» (friend) and pasted on the wall. It should be remembered, that the decoration in the office should not be in excess, on the contrary, they intended to set off a small amount of rigor and formality of the situation. Parlors also cannot be turned into a boudoir entirely having a lot of wall paintings, installing tanks everywhere and even a mini-fountains. Organization of the office space, accommodation in their jobs, the location of various departments and services of the organization close to or away from each other (for example, on different floors or in different parts of the long corridor) – all this has an impact on the level of ethics, which is manifested in actions, the nature of the relationship, the behavior of individual employees and the entire team as a whole. Proper organization of work increases the level of ethics in the organization, as it promotes the decrease in the number of conflicts, removal of psychological tension with official contacts in the course of meetings, joint solutions to issues and simply in the course of performing official duties in daily routine work. To ensure employee decent jobs must be guided by the organizational scheme of the enterprise, take into account the «protocol features» of the service space allocated to the employee of the post. So, following the requirements of ergonomics and paying due attention to the comfort of jobs, it is easy to turn the office into a place that is pleasant for each employee – a kind of a second home where people will come not only salary, but also in anticipation of a new and interesting job. A positive attitude – it is new ideas, enthusiasm, stamina and energy. All of this has to do office work as productive and creative.
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Questions for self-examination: 1. What is th e role of ar rangement of working space – office for effective time management? 2. Name the two main types of organization of workplaces in office spaces. 3. What is a hall and office system of organization of office premises. 4. Describe what should be the standard manager's office, what zones should be functioning in it? 5. What is the «Ergonomics of office space»? 6. What does the correct organization of work in the office premises provide?
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14. IT WORKS IN REAL-TIME Managing your working time is doing at the moment exactly what was planned, and in the allotted time limits. Unplanned action takes time away from the planned, which either leads to the default (or poorly executed) of the conceived, or to a violation of the schedule of the day. Time management problems are often caused by poor selfdiscipline and immunity. Low self-discipline can be compensated by elements of the external discipline. For example, the head delegates to his subordinate-Secretary, assistant, or a specially designated for this time manager, to manage his working time. The duties of such a specialist is usually planning chief’s working time and control the execution of the current schedule of the day. In exercising this control, often conflicts arise. This is because a subordinate within the time management should command the boss. Head, who has realized its management issues as working time, encourages Assistant persevere in situations where he (the chief) deviates from the work schedule. After some time assistant, trying to fulfill his duties, he stumbles upon a burst of furious boss who comes down to the fact that it does not get underfoot. After the next working day the boss discovers that he did not do much of the planned or missed an important meeting, the so-called time-manager again receives rebuke that he did not show proper persistence. So disorganized managers need to understand that we should not blame their problems on subordinates head. The issue of – 71 –
private time management – only the problem of the subject. Due to the low noise immunity of human unforeseen things constantly, distract him from the planned activities. High reactivity to these external signals are forming the habit of situational behavior when work actually controls the external environment. The mechanism of situational behavior lies in the fact that a person subjectively perceives as the most important for himself or herself exactly the case, which is currently, focused his attention. In addition, he does not know how to manage his attention as a mental function, automatically switching on any subject. Exemption from situational behavior habits – a difficult task. An effective method – a periodic distraction for special timer signals intended for a person to be once again asked myself, «Am I doing at the moment really important things for myself?» If after such rapid analysis, he finds that succumbed to the manipulations of others again, his distracted by extraneous things, he must resolutely return to their work plans. Gradually, the time between the appearance of distraction and the moment of its discovery will be reduced because of the security question in the mind of the employee will appear not only on the cue, but also spontaneously. Over time, a question mark in mind of a person begins to emerge already at the moment of distraction. The ability to manage their working hours requires compliance with regulations. The manager must be able to comply with the regulations by himself, and demand it from others. This is important thing for organizing meetings and other social events, when at a certain point is active only one (or more) people and others involved in the process passively, often just losing time. Not by chance, the term «regulation» is one of the main organizers of the lexicon in such meetings. Here we can say that working time is inhomogeneous in nature, although the division on the watch dial seemingly imply the opposite. It was appropriate to introduce the concept of «luxury minutes» and «cheap watches» in time management. Time of the collective actions – an example of «expensive minutes», when disappears not only time an untrained speaker, but also the time of his audience, among which are usually highly paid executives and professionals. Skills of regulations compliance, as well as a general ability to manage their working time, lies in the fact that man is able to reallocate their labor, so that – 72 –
everything that can be done in the «cheap watches» moved there from the «expensive minutes». The ability to relax as a high efficiency factor based on the truth that a successful career is easier to do those who know how to work hard and well, come to realize the importance of a high readiness to productive work. Because in today's world the work for human takes usually more time than the holiday does (if not to take into account the time of sleep, food intake and various household affairs), to effectively recuperate before the next work period should be able to relax quickly and fruitfully. Problems associated with the ability to organize their own leisure, there are quantitative and qualitative. The first leads to the fact that rest periods are shortened unnecessarily until the complete disappearance. This would happen, for several reasons. 1. Inability to work. When a person is working properly, it is often not enough working hours to carry out its tasks. To cope with them, he was delayed at work, taking time at leisure. 2. Household care. Many people after a hard day do at least tedious housework. 3. Excessive timework (whether in the workplace or at home) may be due to the influence of neurotic escape mechanism in the active work of their own psychological problems. In this case, the person tends to drive out of his mind unpleasant thoughts the objective environment of any class. 4. Narrow range of living space (not to be confused with the one-dimensional!). Normally, a person's life is divided between several worlds (work, home, circle of friends, hobbies, etc.). Wide range of living space gives a certain reliability: if one of the worlds crash occurs, a person has the ability to compensate for this wellbeing in other worlds. However, in our time are more and more people living alone in the world of work. For a complete relaxation in these workaholics, there is simply no alternative living space. If they are resting, only at the corporate events. Quality issues of the rest lies in the fact that people do not resort to the most successful forms of recreation. This is possible due to a number of reasons. 1. Neurotic complications. The man runs away from his unresolved psychological problems not only in work, but also in – 73 –
these types of pastimes that do not provide a good rest (drugs, alcohol, gambling, many hours of rhythmic dance, idle talk, and extreme sports). 2. Lack of shift phase from work to rest and vice versa. Modern business people often rest on the following scenario. They simply buy the service in the relevant market for amusement. However, unable to rest, they remain unsatisfied. They respond simple conclusions to this: not enough high-quality services in the entertainment industry have been purchased. Therefore, next time do not have to skimp and buy something more expensive. Do we need more money for this?! Do not worry, here we take additional amounts of work, if you need to sit in the office and on the weekends, but it somehow will overcome the rising cost of their holiday. Such tactics usually are not crowned with success, as the cause of dissatisfaction with their vacation incorrectly defined. Rest should be able to! Above all, it is the ability to properly switch from work to rest and back. On the transition from work to active rest always takes time. On it is necessary to be adjusted, since the enjoyment of outdoor activities requires freshness of perception. Depleted working senses and the brain need to be a passive holiday to restore health, the right to enjoy the outdoor activities. For nervous system active load, it is the same, as well as professional work! Therefore, it needs to recover as in the transition from work to rest and vice versa. Without it, people and work, and the rest will be ineffective. In modern society, people are very busy practicing continuous alternation phases of work and outdoor activities without any appreciable periods of passive recreation. Should solve this problem, not only generating capacity at rest, but also eliminating the reasons discussed above. In this article and in the other of the series we paid enough attention to ability to work. A career can be done successfully only if it is not necessary to spend its forces to foreign affairs. Therefore, it is better to choose one thing: either build its nest, or to engage in professional development. The combination of these activities often leads to failure on both fronts. As for psychological problems, there is nothing you can imagine, but to advise them still decide, and only then take up his career. – 74 –
It is impossible not to recognize the truth of the sayings «The best vacation is a change of activity». Just do not replace the activities understood only as switching from one type of work to another. Switch it is better to work on the rest. Nevertheless, you should choose the kind of rest in contrast to the type of work. For example, if the job is predominantly active, then the rest will have to passively if intelligent – physically, if urbanized – in nature, and so on. Questions for self-examination: 1. What is the essence of managing your working time 2. What are the consequences of such problems as «poor self-discipline» and «noise immunity»? 3. What determines the subjective problems of time management? 4. What is the mechanism of situational behavior in time management? 5. What does the term «regulation» mean and in what situations does it play an important role? How is the time management used? 6. What is the meaning of quality rest and how should the type of rest be built depending on the type of work activity? 7. Confirm with the example the statement «Ability to rest as a factor of high efficiency».
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15. PRACTICE «ZERO» APPROACH With this method, you will be able to organize your thoughts and improve the life quality. Constantly ask yourself, «What I would not do in my life, if I had known what I know now?» Is there something, what you would have tried to avoid, if at that time you had knew what you know now, any acquaintance that you support, or investment? This is one of the most important issues. When we talk about saving time, usually recall unexpected interruptions or phone calls. However, the biggest losses occur, if you keep doing what you do not need, whether it is work, career, or acquaintance. Many spend years on what they do not like and do not enjoy, and then, when they are already over 30, start all over again in a new way and try a new business. What you would not do if given the chance to do anything again taking into account your accumulated knowledge? Everything changes so fast that at least 70% of your decisions over time prove to be incorrect. This means that we do something that would not start, if we knew in advance. The main indicator of the need to think about everything from scratch – it is stress. If you are constantly experiencing stress, frustration or hostility towards any person or situation and if this condition persists, you have to ask yourself: «If I had known in advance to let this happen again?» If your answer is one little word – 76 –
«No!», then the next question should be: «How do I get out of this situation and how much time it will take?» Is there something in your life, any business, public or private matter on which you would refuse, if you knew what you know now? Is there any direction in the work, products, service, costs or processes that you do not become engaged in view of today's knowledge? Are there any investment of time, money or feelings that drag you down and do not give up and from whom you would refuse, if you knew what you know now? If you are not satisfied in any situation, in itself it will likely not be corrected and will eventually even worse. Therefore, I want to ask you a single question: «Do you have the courage and character to honestly deal with all that, as required by life?» You will be amazed how much more correct will be your decisions and more productive activities through zero approach to resolving any problems. Questions for self-examination: 1. What is the meaning of the «zero approach» in time management? 2. How much more correct are your decisions and more productive actions due to a zero-based approach to resolving any problems? 3. What is the mechanism of a person's subjective perception of the results of express analysis in time management? 4. Do you think that the «zero approach» in time management can solve your life problems and why? 5. Give an example of a successful solution of professional situations with the help of a «zero approach» in time management.
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CONCLUSION To sum up, Time management is the process of organizing and planning how much time person spends on specific activities. Invest some time in our comprehensive collection of time management articles to learn about managing your own time more efficiently, and save yourself time in the future. Having the right tools to manage your time is just one piece in the overall puzzle. The other pieces-prioritizing, dealing with procrastination, carving out blocks of time, delegating effectively, anticipating challenges, learning when to say no, and eliminating time leaks-can be effective in helping you to achieve your time management goals. Time management creates a false impression. Time cannot be managed; it can only be controlled by each individual person and the way time is directed. Scheduling is extremely important when it comes to managing the use of time. It is important to manage time wisely. When time is managed and organized wisely; it can make the difference between a productive day and a very hectic day. Using time management during an ordinary day can help reduce stress and simplifies life. Without have a plan on how to manage time, it can create stress in life and also forgetting important dates and deadlines. By not having some type of organization in life it will create chaos and will seem as if there is not enough time in one day to complete daily tasks. Every day will be a challenge to complete and it will be less productive. By not having an organized method to complete a – 78 –
day; it can result in frustration, stress, and not being able to accomplish much. Developing skills to effectively manage your time will bring forth improvements to your life on a dramatic scale. You must be accepting to making fundamental changes. You have to learn to prioritize and take things one step at a time. Chances for failure increase when you take on more than you can handle or when you take on too much at one time. Developing time management skills will also help you get to know yourself a little better. This is the first step in proper time management. As people age, it becomes much easier to lose track of important things in your life. It seems crazy that humans allow this to happen, but it is something that happens really easily. The first thing you must do is get in touch with what it is you want to accomplish from your life. Not making good use of time can affect people in many different ways. In general the days of the week can be very hectic and tiresome. A lot of frustration is usually the result of poor time management. Every day needed to perform daily tasks will be executed with much more difficulty and not very much will get done. Life without any form of organization is very stressful and less productive. Time is what everyone does not have enough of. There are only twenty four hours in one day. People will find themselves thinking that twenty four hours in one day is just not enough. It is very easy to come to that conclusion when people go through daily responsibilities without a plan. Once a plan is made and a day is organized people will instantly see the benefits of time management. Most of the frustrating situations can be avoided with effective planning and organizing techniques.
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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 3 1. THE ESSENCE OF TIME MANAGEMENT ....................................... 7 2. THE OBJECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES OF TIME MANAGEMENT ...................................................................... 10 3. SETTING GOALS AND STEPS TO ACHIEVE THEM ...................... 15 4. RULES TO IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY ........................................... 19 5. OVERCOMING PROBLEMS AND ITS STAGES .............................. 29 6. SEVEN «R» TIME MANAGEMENT................................................... 33 7. DIRECTIONS OF INCREASE EFFICIENCY ..................................... 39 8. THE BASIS OF PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS ................................ 47 9. «ABCDE» METHOD FOR PRIORITIZING ........................................ 52 10. THE LAW OF FORCED EFFICIENCY AND ITS ESSENCE .......... 55 11. THE ESSENCE OF THE 80/20 RULE AND ITS ROLE IN THE SYSTEM OF TIME MANAGEMENT ....................................... 57 12. TIME MANAGEMENT TASKS ....................................................... 60 13. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE WORKING SPACE ...................... 62 14. IT WORKS IN REAL-TIME............................................................... 71 15. PRACTICE «ZERO» APPROACH ..................................................... 76 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY...................................................................................... 80
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Educational edition Mukhtarova Karlygash Saparovna TIME MANAGEMENT Educational manual Computer page makeup and cover designer N. Bazarbaeva The website used for front-page designing https://ru.englishcentral.com
IS No.10999 Signed for publishing 14.06.17. Format 60x84 1/16. Offset paper. Digital printing. Volume 5,12 printer’s sheet. Edition 80. Order No.3611 Publishing house «Qazaq university» Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi, 050040, Almaty Printed in the printing office of the «Qazaq university» publishing house
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