The War Against Whites: The Racial Psychology Behind the Anti-White Hatred Sweeping the West 9781647646103

A dramatic and penetrating study which reveals Black Lives Matter ideologues do not seek “racial equality” but rather th

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The War Against Whites: The Racial Psychology Behind the Anti-White Hatred Sweeping the West

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】LE:lJ「▲ ЧドLJI


:Lur電 珂,】

巳 l邸









Theヽ Var AgainstヽVhites: The Racial Psycholo罰「 Bchind the Anti― White Hatred Sweeping the West

by Arthur Kemp Osttra Publicadons


Special thanks to David Gahtty for proofreading.

ISBN 9781647646103



Chapter l.George F[oyd:A Test Case in And― White Hatred


Chapter 2.Cop Hunti The“ Policc are Klling Blacks″



Chapter 3.Black hves Don■ Matter― When 41

Blacks Do the Klling

Chapter 4.The Undeclared Race War:Nonwhite Cri=】 :le


Agttnst Whites

Chapter 5。 Poverty:Does it“



Nonwhite Cttmep Chapter 6.Bchavior:A Product of Race, Genetics,and IQ


Chapter 7.The CttHlinal Mind I:The unk Between Low IQ,Race,and C五


Chapter 8.The CttH五 nal Mind II:Race, Schizophrenia,and the“ Aggression''Gene


Chapter 9.The Psycholo蛋 /of Envy,Why Do Blacks Strttghten Their Httrp



Chapter 10。 Pu■ hg Dowil the Statues:

Race,Demographics,and History


Chapter llo Slavery:Who Owncd Whon19


Chapter 12.Racial DisparitiesttWhy They Persist No l班 atter What


Chapter 13.BLM(Blame}whitey― The Perennlal ExcLLSe fOr Nonwhtte Fa工 ure


Chapter 14.False C18山 ms― The Strange

Budness of Hate Hoaxes


Chapter 15.Advantage,Nonwhites― How he Estab■ shment Discrirnhates agalnst Whttes


Chapter 16。 The Great Replacement:Itも Real, 甑

d Happenllg Now


Chapter 17.Physical Geo♂ aphical Separadon― Thc Pah to Tme Radal Justice


Append技 A:NadonalIQ Table




Preface T協

:名 罰

ti驚 還 ぎ蹴 越 躍


猪 雰

have perplexed many white peopleo They have presumed hat the state of race relatons should in hcory be better than ever before. After all,nonwhttes h競 nginAmencaand Europe ettoyall the benents Of mOdern technolog夕 have endless afarinadve

action and■linottty set― asides upon which to draw, and have a comparadvely high standard of l市 ing,especially when compared to the rest of he world。 There should herefore,in theory at least,be no reason for he rnobs in the streetto turn on tthite society h the way that they have. Lke so■lany other news events,the mass media refuses to discuss the real reason bchind置 重s processi the reality of race,arld of the racial psychology which underpins this att■ ti― whtte■ loveJment. and how Itis impossible to understand whatis going on― ― it can be stopped― ゴvithout gaining an understarl(五 ng of the unde強 痺ng prOcesses tthich have created the situation current]y unfolding bdiore our cyes. Itis to ulis end that this book is dedicatedo May it shine a light where othё rs either fear to look,or,moreと kely,refuse to look.

Arthur KeJmp

August 2020


Tん9昴 傷rAσ α】 ィ 澪をb駒■9s


Chapter l George Floyd:A Test Case in Anti‐ White Hatred T跳


:4 Minneapohs,Minnesota,USA,serves as a classic example 謎

鷲 総

,跳 罪


of how hes and distortions have becolne the norJm in lhe mass inedia and in the inind ofthe rnob. Thc estab■ shment narrative alleges that Floyd,a6feet 4

inCh(193 cm)and 223 pound(101 kg)“ blaCk"lAme五 carl, wasと こ■ed after he was held in a ncck restraint posttion by a whtte pohce omcer. κ ith one of the The incident was nllned by a bystander、 ス phone cameras,and showed Floyd being nOw ubiquitous ce■ held by omcer Derek Chauvin in a neck restraint pose.

On the video,Floyd can be heard tening the pOLcem甑 hat he“ cantt breathe,"and he then becoIIles unresponsive。

Floyd was subsequcndy treated onsite by paramedics, Nょs transported to a local hospital,but could not be revlved。

Hcミ&s declared dead at 9:25p.=nt on lMay 25,2020。

The footage of Floyd's treatlnent went 宙ral on social mediao Within hours, there were protests, which soon escalated into violence,looting,and arson,Thanks to the l lt■ light come as a shOck to rnany“ African― Americans″ ― and whites― to realizc hat“ black Ameicans"are actually largely of m故 ed‐ race,and not reaⅡy“ African″ at all.“ Blacks"in Anierica have on average 24 percent

European DNA,and l■ any have more than that(Katawγ na Bryc,ct al,, Genetic Ancestxy of African Ameicans, Latinos, and European

The “

Americans across the United States,"Att」 声弘れ Cenθ 士. 2015 Jan 8, 96(1):37-53).By way of compattson,in South Africa,the TColoured″ population,another rn故

ed― race

group,have a si=nilar level of European

adm技 ture,between 21 and 28 percent(Erika de Wit,ct alt,・ Genome‐ 前 de analysis of the structure of the Souh Aとican Coloured Population をGて,7と 9微鱈 Volume 128, pages 145-153 in the Western Cape," 打tを 腕α″

(2010),WIay 20,2010).


Tん9Иね rAgα 17を Sを И万笠を 9s

lxlass mediaる coverage,the protests firstwent nationalin the US(fO■ O血 g hesa■ le pattem h most cases,i.e.宙 olence,

arson,and loothgl,arld then,ina■ y,inte.Hadonally,as the protests“ spread"to inany parts of Weste■ ■ ■Europe.

Before all of the facts were known, the nttadve had been createdi Floyd had been murdered by a racist white pottceman lbr no reason at ah exceptthat he was black,and this was just one of a long line of si=n工 ar incidents where biack people are routhely murdered at、 ぇ た と 1l by whites.It is clalmed hat this is the result of tthat is ca■ ed“ syste■ 玉c racis■ ■ , or tende■ lic racis“ nギ generated of course by whites

against nonwhites. To sattsfythe mob,allfour omcerswere aredo chau宙 n was charged lwith second― degree lnurder,third― degrec=nurder,

arld manslaughter. The oher hrec ofacers present, Tou

Thao,Thomas Lane,and」 .Alexander Kueng were charged 前 th ttding and abeting boh second― degree murder and marlslaughter. The nrst naw in this narrattve ca■ le前 世l the oficial autopsy carried out on Floyd exacuy twelve hours after his death。

According to the Henneph County Medical Examiner's Omce Autopsy Report,20ぃ 3700,which listed he date and hour ofthe autopsy as 5-26-20,9:25a.m。 ,and was carried out by patholottst Andrew M.Baker,MD,the pttmtty cause of death was listed as tcardiopulinona■ /arrest"‐ 一in more CO■1=nOn ter】 ms,car(通ac arrest,or a sudden stop in effecuve and nor■ lal blood crculaion due to fallure of the heart tO pump blood。 21n Oher words,the autopsy ctted outコ 成din

twe"c hours of Floyd's death hdicated that he died of a heatt attack,arld not froHl being res仕 血 ed by the polce.

The autopsy repott went on to reveal that Floyd was, prOverbially sp∝king,as high as a ttte,and certttnly near deah from a drllg overdose,at ttle ti=ne of his arrest,In fact, Floyd had a history of drllg abuse,前 lh no less than four preⅥ ous arrests invoと ving drugs。 3 2 Ana=va Mandal,MD,4What is Cardiac ArresP″ ,∬cpsれ にαお誠 S(ン i〔

ケ /LCCS,February 26,2019.


3 Accordng to court records in Harris Counサ , Whね h encompasses Floyd's hometown of Houston,authottties ari℃ sted hirn on nine separa俺


r9α A Test Cα scin Aれ ,― M閉 牡舟9角「αι




幹 ME NO.: 20-3700




:3里 こ!L賛 ョ督拿長Xェ 含二FE長 ヽD

工 母醤こ喜 [台 岳:償 :3き全恐N NIPORCEMttNT

Ceorge Floyd aka Fioyd Perry




ASE: 46

5-25-20, 9:25 p.m.

DATE AND HOUR OF AUTOPSYi 5-26-20, 9:25 a.m. PATHOと OGIST: Andrew M. Baker, M.D,


46-year― old man who became unresponsive while being restrained by law enforcement officers, he received emergency medical care in the field and subsequently in the ■ennepin ■ealthCare (HHC)Emergency Department′ but could れOt be resuscitated, 1.

B■ unt

force injuries

A       B   C

Cutaneous blunt force in3■ ries of the fOrehead′




face, and

inauries of the ■ips

Cutaneous blunt force inう urieS Of the shou■ ders, hands′

elbows, and legs

Patterned contusions (in some areas abraded) of the wristsァ consistent with restraints (handcuffs) IIo

Natural diseases A.


Arteriosc■ erotic heart diSease′

multifoca■ , severe

Hypertensive heart disease Cardiomega■ y (540(チ )with m■ ■d biventricular

dilatation 2. C

C主 主nica■

history of hypertension

Left pelvic tumor (incよ dental, see micrOscopic description)

The nrst page ofthe original autopsy report on George Floyd, caried out twelve hours after his dcath.


Tん9胞 ″AσαЙ心を

生と を es


George 20-3700『 Page 2 II王

. No life― threatenin(チ inぅ urieS



A  B

No facia■ ′ oral mucosal, or conぅ unctiVa■ petechiae

No injuries of anterior muscies of neck or iaryngeal structures

C     D

No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain in〕


No chest wali soft tissue inコ uries, rib fractures (cther

than a single rib fracture from cPR), vertebral column inう




Or visceral inぅ urieS

on and subcutaneous dissection of posterェ

latera■ neck′ shoulders, back′

ative for occuit trauma


or and and buttocks



Viral testing (Minnesota Department of


postmortem nasal

swab collected 5/26/2020,: poSitiVe for 2019‐ nCoV RNA by PcR (See `COmments,' below) V


Hemogiobin S quantitation (poStmortem femoral blood′ Laboratory〉 : 38ζ (sec `Comments′ ' beユ ow)


Toxicology (see attached report for full details, testing lected 5/25/20 at 9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine)

performed on antemortem blood specimens co■ A

Blood drug and novel psychOactive substances screens: 1.

Fentany■ 1l ng/mL



5.6 ng/mL


4-ANPP O.65 ng/mL


Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL


11-■ ydroxy Delta-9 THC l.2 ng/mL,


Cotinine posェ tiVe


Caffeine positive

Delta-9 Carboxy THc 42 ng/mL, Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL

B       C

Bと ood

volati■ es: negative for ethano■ ′ methanol,

■soproPanol′ Uど ine

Or acetone

drug screent presumptive pos■ tive for cannabino■


amphetamines′ and fentany1/metabo■ ite

Urine drug screen confirmation: morphine (free, 86 n(y/mL

The second page of he o五 麟nal autopsy I℃ port on George Floyd, carried out tweive hours atter his death。


И〃 9乃 彪湾r9α A Test Cαs91″ をA兌す― 'を

George Floyd 20-3700 Page 3 CoHunents: The finding of sickled― appearing cells in many of the

tissue sections prompted the ■emogと obin S quantitation reported aboveo This quantitative resu■ t is indicative of s■ ckle ce■ l trait, Red bと ood cells in individua■ s with sickle cel■ trait are known to sickle as a postmortem artifact. The decedent′ s antemortem peripheral b■ ood smear (made from a complete blood count collected 5/25/20 at 9:00 p.m。 )was reviewed by an expert HHC hematopatho■ ogist at the Medical Examiner・ s request, This review found no evidence of antemortem sickling. autop、sy

The decedent was known to be pOsitive for 2019‐ nCoV RNA On 4/3/2020, Sincc PCR positivity for 2019‐ nCoV RNA can persと st for weeks after the onset and resolution of c■ inical disease′ the autopsy result most like■ y reflects asymptomatic but persistent PCR positivity from prev■ ows infection. 6/1/2020

X転 Andrew M Boker′ M.D ChieF Medに DI ExIIminer

Sittned bv:Andrew M Bnker MD

In accordance ,■ th HCME policy, thi`ュ report was

reviewed by another board― certified Forensl, pathologist prior to release.

The third page ofthe onginal autopsy report on George Floyd, carmed out ttelve hours atter his deah.


Tん9И危″Aσα矛蔭を慟駒ど を 9s

George Fioyd 20-3700 Pacre 9

Circumferentialr discontinuous, 2.5 cm maximum width′ rou(チ h■ y paral■ el pink― purple contus■ ons encirclin(J the left

wrist, with areas of superimposed abrasions up to l,3 cm

maximun dimensiOn ― On the anterolatera■ left wrist′ in a 3.5 cm ion(チ arear the injury transitions to a dried yel■ ow― blaCk abraded furrow before b■ ending into the anterior wrist crease 2.2 cm ェaximum dimension purple contusionr dorsum of lcft hand Iモ


HEAD: The soft tissues of the sca■ p are free of inぅ ury・ The calvarium ■s intact, as is the dura mater beneath it, clear cerebrospina■ fluid surrounds the 1380 g brain, which has unremarkab■ e gyr■ and su■ cェ . Corona■ sections demonstrate sharp

demarcation between white and gray matter′ contusive inぅ ury・ gangliaヶ brainstem′

wェ thout hemorrhage or The ventricles are of normal size. The basal

cerebe■ lum′ and arteria■ systems are free oこ or Other abnormalities. There are no sku■ i fractures. The atiantO― occipita■ ぅoint iS Stable. inう ury

NECK: Layer by ■ayer dissection of the anterior strap muscles of the neck discioses no areas of contus■ on or hemorrhage within the musculature. The thyroid carti■ a(ye and hyoid bone are intact. The ■arynx is lined by intact mucosa. The thyroid is symmetric and red― brown, without cystic or nodular change,

tongue is free of bite marks, hemorrhage′ or other injuries. The cervical spina■ cO■ R,mn is palpably stable and free of hemorrhage.


BODY CAV「 IES: Except as previousiy noted′ the ribs, sternum′ and vertebral bodies are visibly and Palpably intact. stripping of the par■ etal pleura reveals no occult r■ b fractureso No excess flu■ d is in the pleuralr pericardial, or peritoneal cavities. The organs occupy their usual anatomic positions. Adう acent tO

the left external iliac vessels and left psoas muscle (but not apparently arising from them or &ttached to them) is a Firm′

4 cm maximum dimension thinly encapsulated mass consisting of red― brown and fleshy white― gray areas′ admixed with centrally scarred and calcified areas,

RES,IRATORY SYSTEM: The right and left iungs weigh lo85 and 1015 g′ respectively. The externa1 8urfaCes are pink on■ y on the most anterior aspectsr and deep red… purple in ali other areast The pu].rnonary parenchyma is diffusely con(チ ested and edematous.

The ninth page ofthe original autopsy report on Ocorge Floyd。 Ofimportance are he notts on the lack ofitturieS tO the neck。


re覆 を 〃盈打9h肋 を A Test Cα setィ とAィを '■

Ceorge Floyd 20-3700 Page 10 No mass lesions or areas of consolidation are present, The pulmonary vascular tree is frec of thromboemboll. The tracheobronchial tree is free of blood′ edema f■ uid′ or foreign material.

The tenth page ofthe orittnal autOpsy report on Gcorge Floyd.Of iinportance are the notes on thc lack ofiltturieS tO the neck.


Tん9労色rAσ αjイ 憾とM〃


The autopsy report showed he fo■ o胡ng drugs in his syste■ l atthe dme of autopsy:

To虹 colo罰「 (testing perfo...■ ed on arlteJmortelm blood speciinens conected 5/25/20 at 9100 p.In. at HHC aィ ェ d on postmortem urhel A.Blood drllg and novel psychoactive substances screens:

1.Fentanyl ll ng/mL 2。 3。


Norfentany1 5。

6 ng/mL

4-ANPP O.65 ng/1mL Mcha■ lphetalnhe 19 ng/mL

5。 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC l.2 ng/11:lL,Delta-9 Car,OXy THC 42 ng/】 mL;Deita-9THC 2.9 ng/JaL.

Any one of hese drugs by themse予 es could have ldned Floyd。

1.Fentttyl is a narcotic analgesic

前 th


potency at least eighty tilnes that of rnorphine.

A dangerous dose of fentanyl in humans is 2 mg。 ,甑 d b100d concentrations of approttmtely

7 ng/ml Or greater often cause dea血 .4(Bear in mind that Floyd's sanlplc of H ng/mL was taken twe帝 c hours after his deaho This would mean

hat he■kely took a far higher oOSe。


occasions between 1997 and 2007.Hc served nea』 y a decade in pison in total,The arrests are det五 led in ttЮ se records as followsI(1)・ Aug. 2, 1997,arrested for dettvering cocaine to a second party,(2)。 Sept・ 25, 1998,arrested for theA,(3).Dec.9,1998,arrested for theft。 (4).Aug.29, 2001,arrested for refusing to idendtt himSelf to police ofacers。 (5).Oct. 最9,2002,arrested for possession of cocaine。 (6)。 」an.3,2003,arrested for cttminaltrespassing。 (7).」 an.3,2003,arrested for士 止ending to deliMer

cocaine to a second party.(8).Feb,6,2004,arrested for possession of cocaine.In total,Floyd setted over four ycars in pttson for all these cri=nes.(9).Apr.3,2009:sentenced to five years in prison lbr aggravated robbely、 vith a deadly weapon. 4 All data from the rFentanyl drug pronle″ fact sheet,European Monitoring

Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction.


A崩 1-刃駒 9五αιr9' 2.Norfentanyl is fentanyl's mttn metabolit(>― a A Tcst Cα s9加


substance ne∝ sstty for metabol協 ng fentanyl.It is a US Drug Enforce■ lent Administradon(DEA)

Schedule H controned substance. Substances in the DEA Schedule H have a high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. 3。

4-ANPP(4-anユ ino― N― phenethyl― pipendttЮ )is

anottler fentanyl metabolite conclus市 ely linked to fata■ des among dr■ lg users.5

4.Fatal methainphet孤五ne OVerdoses are formally diagnosed from 100 mg-5g。 6 Floyd's reading of 19 ng/宜 ll′ ―Oncc again, bcar in■ lind hat his salnples were taken at least twelve hours, and likely more,after he took the drugs)一

meanS hat

his overdoshg on his drug alone most likely Hlled him,especia■ y」 ven he fact hat cardiac arrest is one ofthe most coコ

nコ non

sidc effects of

mehamphetagline overdoses。

According to he US's Nadonal lnshute

on Drllg Abuse, using meuaamphetainines causes a `ヤ ariety of cardiovascular problems, includhg rapid heart rate,irregular heartbeat, and increased blood pressure 。. . people who may exhibit use meu■ amphetamine long te.‐・ 】 symptoms that can include signincant anxicty,

confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, and violent beha宙 or.力 7

Furtherlmore, the ettects of inethamphetainine generally last 2-4 hours and the drug has a haユ f― li長 )of 9-24 hours in the body.3 This lneans that 5 Hana F H al.,・ Distribuion offuranyl fentanyl and 4-ANPP

in an accidental acute dcath:A case report," Fο rて,僑 た S'rnと ,, Feb. 2018,283ie13-e17. 6 Lce Weber,・ Mcthamphetanline overdose:How rnuch ineth does it take to OD9,″ Ap五 11,2013,Amencan 7“ Methamphetan五

Addicion Center.

ne DrugFacts,"Nadonallnstitute on Dmg Abusc,WIay

2019. 8 1bid.


Tん9 ηttrAσ α】 ィ βを助



Floyd had taken the dmgjust pttor to his arrest and death.

5.11-Hydr(鴻げ Delta‐ 9 THc, Deita-9 Carboxy THC, and Delta-9 THc all are ね dicators Of heavy carinabis abuse. Ⅵ丑五le not fatal by

tlemse帝 es,when cOmbined就 血 仕le fentanyl and=nethaHlphetaHline overdOses deta工 ed above, hey would most certainly have conttbuted tO Floyd's se五 ous lnedical problems.

It is therefore clear from the to適 cOlog repOrt that Floyd wOuld have likely died that day from cardiac arrest,

regardless of wheher or nOt he had been arrested and restrね ed. 盈留 塩 言 総 鞘 垂 4:緩 要 機 難 he neck''restrttnt FnethOd)and that this then caused the SutteCt'S death.

Oncc agttn,仕 le truth was coJmpletely overlooked in the

主 二 総協足絲 踏随電 跳滋 t'絡 理 縄 礁:濃 と aild which was made pub■ cly avttlable long before the :ぜ

Floyd incident,specincttly allOwed the use of knce on the neck res甘 五nts on suspects who act什 ely redsted arrest.

As was ou血 ned in the“ Minneapolis PD Usc of Force Pohcies,5… 300 Use of Forceメ 'section 5-311,titled“ Use of

Neck Restrttnts and chOke Holds,''which was Mitten into he cOde in October 2002,a“ neck restrtttnぜ 'is dcaned as:

Neck Restraint: Non― deadly force optiOn. Derined as compressirlg one or bOh sides of a person's neck 胡 h an aHn or leg, 前 hOut appも 嵐 ng direct pressure to the trachea or EurWay (frOnt Of ttle neck)。 Only sworn emp10yees whO have recelved trttnhg frO■ 1 lhe MPD Trainlng Untt are auhorized tO use neck restrants.The MPD auttlorizes twO types of neck restrttnts: 12

― A Tcst Cα scin Aれ な ど ラ 初生打c 「。300useolFo「 ce‐


Civ(鷲 Min確 ね oO

httι red


l■ r宗 11↑ lflI↓ I‖ │モ .gov

馬‐ 300 Use of Force S‐

301 PURFOSE(10/16/02)108/17/0夕


ム Sancdtt of工 Fc md dtc Plぐ ,賦 百o住 oFllic PaЫ イ C萌 刊l B 't'hc,1と ,。

Ofll,iも `。

rtttrding tllc use●

―(lse oFPOtc,4に


ia,tcr is tt,pl()、 ,idc ttl s、

ffOrc wh,I亜 争唱ed uscd As a leFぜ


StOntt oFせ

hc thc c(,111(■

ヤ ャ Om Al'D tm01oド

、use OF fOrce poH守

and consisttat ptticics ttnd,loccdurcd l tcss("1,Ians

c OFdidr omcttl dudcs e゛ o(ct MPID Tlatnitt U前

in he dlschttF、

cc dilouЬ「,c'ut dと

lcと il'1ヴ

ts、 ■ '1+J)dcar

、ぐ a,tcど ぅ lュ

5,34 USE OF NECK RESTR趙 ぷばSAND CHOKE EOLDS(10/16/02)(08/17/0‐ イ )(10/01/10)(04/16/12) つ口FIヽFr10NSI Chltc Holと Dcadly tOrcc optkれ

碓Clrl,Ы oCttng

DcRncd AS a,と lytt dircct prcssuR on

lc Al群帯

or()hsttucing tモ

λp∝ sonヽ こ4chea

Orイ と ぃ脇り(ll('Iit()F hc


,1111,● Nec(Restlaと it:N()1卜 AS,y Fo(■ oPt予 )o Dc'lncr as col.l,rCSSing onc orも ()lli、 ldcs of a person'、 ュ ェ ccに 、 、 ′ れ m orに と,、、 thOut律 ,li】 富 dttCt pttヽ 代sutc tf thc trachぬ 。】五 w釘 (れ ()at Of dic,accl(1 0nl,′ WOJn ctュ PIo)cCS Wh。 ha、 ,cr(icciК d,江 工ag Fょ 。 ■ く 1獄 1,1■ ,Mlう D■ ning Untt arc audl()五 ztt tO use ac(ik l(「 strttnt、 hc MPD Ш il,o工 2cSヽ 、 , て ′ ヽ :ConScious Nccに Rcs● 五ntaad Uncons口 ous Ncctt Rest節 nt(04/16/121 ,蛉 Of acc(rcs世 といと (l(・


Co■scious Nectt Rcetmね ●Thc sublcctiS,1質こ d in a ncck rcstttnt載 tll intcnt t()contrd,a【 ld not to Jcodcr dic SubiCCt un(xnsct()us,by o止 v ttplying li♪ tto m()dCmtぐ pF、 、 urt

Unconsdous Neよ Rttst単jnt■ ちc subiCCtiS pユ ′ lccd in 唖consdo咽 1,ぅ ψβ ▲′ ,蛇 adCq吼 ′ PteSsute 10Ч /16/り


a ncck rcsば



tヽ lth hc tatcIItJon oF ttndcれ喀 dr pcr、



PROCEDUuS/REGULAT10NSIX. ′ A Tlic CoosclouS Nccに Rcstmint lilり bc uscd n涅 4iast a sub,cCtヽ ヽ ho is虻 むFClヽ イに Ssing御 /16/1o ic Unconsck)u、 メed(Rtstttnt sh■10nⅢ Ⅲ Ca,pttcd in thc t(〕 激 o、 ′ Jng drcut,ュstancc引 o4/16/1め


ア l1011¢ xhibtting actl∼ ,c全 8寧 CSSiOn)o■ ヽ ,ccと 、 方 え、 Ⅲlng PurP()scS,0与 `)r抵 「 a ona、 llbicCtヽ ラlio`cす、1]ibidn3 aci∇ c ttsi、 1()n asuも


tancc in o起 cr il,那

λ t coiitrol (テ

hぶ Hl bccR Orヽ

ヽ 0龍 近 kdメ bc lneatc部ヒ

Nctt tcsttats sh江 1れ Ot hC iscd attinst sub,cCtS Who aゃ P公 勲 的

a COntd oFthc suヽ 卜ct alld if,csscr狐 lcmpts

cy 04/16/り

ICS` tttig as dcancd by p。 近

Conscious Neck Restr五nt arld Unconscious Neck Restrttnt(04/16/12). Conscious Neck Restraint:The suttectiS placed in a neck restraint ttMith intent to control, and

not to render the suttect uncOnscious,by only appも れng light to rnoderate pressure(04/16/12)。

Unccnscious Neck Restraint:The suttect is placed in a neck restrttnt With the intention of

rendering he person unconscious by appも ″ adequate pressure。



FurtheHnore,according to the lMPD regulations:



II。 1.The Conscious Neck Restrttnt lmay be used against a suttect WhO iS act市 ely resisung (04/16/12)。 "


Tん9"切 rAσ αiィ 6を И〃



The regulations go on to state that a sutteCt engages in acive resistance when he or she engages: `Fin physical acions(or verbal behavlor rettecting arl intention)to make it more difriclllt for officers

to achieve actual physical control.″

As bocサ Caln footage from all the omcers irlvo什 ed in ttle case show,Floyd actively resisted arrest,and the bystander 墟deo― which went vral and was the ■lain cause of incitelxlent― ―only showed the very end ofhe entreincident。 9

The fun vidcos show Floyd beng unc。 。perauve and becomhg agitated when he was told to get into a police vehicle.In fact,he thrashed aboutin the back ofthe pohce car to the pdnt tthere he ittured himself。


FurtherJmore,the 9-1-l can which started the entire saga, reveals clearly that Floyd was heavily under the inttuence Of dRlgs and acting highly erratic long before the police became involved. As the omcia1 9_1_l call transcript‐ ―feleased by the city of Minneapolis― revealed,the person who ca■ ed the po■ ce

from Cup Foods at 3579 Chicago Avenue,in Minneapo■


reported hat Floyd was“ not in control of hiinselP'and was hea宙 ly under he inttuence of what we now know was a lendl dose of narcodcs. The transcript readsill

Operator:How can l heip youp Caller:Um someone comes our store and give us fake bills and we reahze tt before he lett the store, 9“ Body camera footage of Floyd arrest could show more of story,″


N(,ws,」 uly 15,2020;“ Body camera footage of Floyd arrest could show more ofstory,″ AssOctaを 9'Press,」 uly 14,2020,and“ Body camera footage captures distraught George Fioyd:1七n not a bad guy",Assoctα ι 9湧 Prt,ss, 」uly 15,2020. 10め 趨 .

11 91l CanTranscriptlncidentNumber:2014069 May25,2020,20:01:14, City of MinneapoLs.Also reported in“ Fun transcript of George Floyd 911 call describes ttwfully drunk'suspect who was ttot acting right',″ Ⅳて ,ιυ yorた 正た河 ∬〔 妙

'ps,May 29,2020.




sitting on his car cause he is awfu‖

y drunk and he's

The oficial ttarlscrゃ tOfhe

Operator: okav,what type of vehicle does he have?

notin control of himseli

he′ s

so he can gc home but he doesn't wantto do that,and

and return to give us our cigarettes back and so he can′

and ever■ hing and he was also drunk and everything

tO give us their phone,put thetr(inaudible)thing back

back outside,they was sitting on their car. Wete‖

bttls and we realize it befbre he left the store,and we ran

Caller: um someone comes ourstore and give us fake

Operator: Howv can i heip vou?

Cal:et Thisis ah 3759 Chicago AV.

0,etttor: 91l wharsthe address ofthe emergency?

May 25,2020,20:01:14

incident Number: 20‐

91l Call Transcript

CaWer:And… .um he's got a vehicte thatis ah,¨ ah he got

gotcha. Is it out front oris it

s underthe in■ uence of

91l caユ 帝hch started he hcident

caner: s。 印ething tike that,ves. He iS not acting rightr


has your cigarettes,and heザ

Operator: On 33th ST, So′ this guy gave a counterfeit b調 上

CalBer:Ah it's on 38th ST,

on 38th ST?

Operator: AIright blue van′

CaWer: Ves′ va n.

OperatoT: BIue van?

Calieri tt′ s a blue color. it's a blue van.

Operatori Okav′ what coioris it?

the license, The driveriicense is BRJ026.

a vehicle that is ah.¨ one second let rne see ifican see

ヽ ゞ∽﹄Q§∽ω ﹄ 卜 n 耐 通ゞ章ω鶴 さ 卜お﹄ ︲ぎぎヽ


Tん917&rAσαl■ st M〃 ,を 9s

and we ran back outside,they was dtting on heir caro We te■ hem to give us their phone,put

heir(inaudible)thing back and eve恥 れhi=lg and he was also drunk ttd evetthing and return to glve us Our cigarettes back and so he can,so he CaFl gO hOme but he doesntt want to do that,and he's sitting on his car causc he is awflぇ ■y


and he`not in cOnttol of hirnseli After as]dng for a descrゃ tiOn Ofttle car,the operator asks the caユ er to contrttm hat Floyd was under he inユ uence

something。 “



Operator: On 38th ST. So, this tt gave a counter長 玉t bi■ , has your cigarettes, and he's under the inttucnce of soIIled■ ingp

CaⅢ eri Something■ ke that,yes.Hc is not acttng right.

The omcial charge sheetissued agalnst Omcer chau撹 n12 contins he follcMね g incredblyね 中 ortarlt det五 is:

While Omcer Kueng was spe』 こng wlh the front seat passenger,Ofa∝r Lane ordered Mr.Floyd out ofthe car,put his hands on A/1r.Floyd,and pu■ ed him out ofthe car.Ofacer Lane harldcuffed

Mro Floyd.Mr.Floyd act市 ely resisted being handcuffed. Oncc handcuffed, Mr. Floyd beca■ le comphant and walked Ⅵ嵐h Ofncer Lane to the sidewak and sat on the ground at C)Incer Lanc's direcЁ on.In a conversauon thatiastedjust under two ininutes, Oficer Lang asked Mr.Floyd for his na=ne and identincaion.oficer Lane asked Mr. Lloyd f he was on anything and explttned hat he 12 Statc of Minnesota,Pl工 ntitt Vs Derek Michaci Chau悦 n, DOB: 03/19/1976,State of Minnesota,County of Hennepin,District Court, 4社1」 udicial Distict,Prosecutor File No.20A06620,Court File No.27-



A Tcst Cαs91■ Aれす― l柄牝 9角 hα を 確 iを

2,■R‐2む ‐ 1264S

nloo in o,st「 iは




すMttsoし S確 9'2020

State of Minnesota

Disttd Co観 五

f Hennepln COunサ 。

4h JudcttI Distttct Pfo働ectttoF ttle No Cotl■ Flle No



20A08620 27‐ CR‐2(卜


CO憎 Pと AINT Warant


P廟 蕊Ⅲ VS

DERE,(脇 lCHAE■ CHAUⅥH 00B:03fl朗 e7S Oakdale,MN 5S123 Defendant.

The Complama賊 韓 b献 8拍得 ∞mptalnt to the coun and stttes thatthe峰 Dて おndant∞ m ntted tie roll。 、 耐れg。 年ense(Sli


確 `proLable cause b beに


競 and Ettdtt De,磯 ved冊 配

諸 躍 濯 饂 維 饂 篤 瑠 縦 組 評 鯉 Maxin,瞼 Sentenc9125 YEARS Ore■ 30と ,Vel:Feto叫 Orense Dateく

oれ Or Bう 0ぃ :似 躍


Gontrol学 く ICRBⅢ 20200338

Cho増 e De9crゃ 臨 。■:That on or about May 25,2020,in Hennepln County,Minnesota`Derek MIcれ 奪ei chauun caused tt deah of Georgo F:oyd tty,erpetttlng an ad eFnれ a depraved mlれ d,煎 thout regars fOr ttt`:nan llfs.

entty dangero、

:sね otherls anじ



これaree,MatBttu8hter‐ 2nd Degrae‐ Cul,able Neg,ゅ れCe CFOatho Uれ FeaSOnable Rlak Minnesata stattet 60&205(1),wllh rereFenCe to〔 6m.205 Ma,dmurn Sentenoe:lo騨 S ANDア OR 320.000 0Tenseと eveti Felany Orense Date lon or about〉 Conlrot ttliCR騨




鯨観鯉賂謝 辞 s饂温綿鰈ぎ 錦 綿 臨撤 散瑠 饂 樹 綿輪縮

tak,ng a chance ofttll$ing dea■ l or9確 atむ odウ

n tc Ceorge Flov■



The ttrst page ofthe oficial charge sheet issued

agttnst Ofacer chau宙




cMね r

Aσ αinst Ⅵ刀転を 9s

27・ CR,0‐


F‖ ed

in Distnct Cou■

Sttte of Minneso愴


5129′ 2020

On May 25,2020,someone ca‖ ed 91l and repOrted that a rnan bought rnerchandise,om Cup Foods at 3759 Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis,Hennepln County,Minnesota wkh a∞ unteFett S20 bi‖ At 8:08

pm.,Minneapolis Ponce Depanment(MPD)dttcers Thomes Lane and」 A Kueng arrlved with thelr body worn cameras(3WCs)aCtiVated and running The o開 cerstearned iom store personnetthatthe man who passed the∞ unterfe1 320 was parked in a car around the∞ rnerfrom the store on 38th Street BWC video obtained by the Minnesota Bureau of ClnlinaI Apprehensbn shows thatthe o「


appЮ ached the car,Lane on the dttvers side and Kueng On the passenger side Three people were in the ca咤 Ceorge FIoyd wasin the d耐 veド s seat,a known aduに male wasin the passengerseatand a known male was si‖ng in the backseat As ttcer Lane began speaking with Mr FIoyd,he pulted his 9un out and Pointed k at Mr.FIoyd's open window and dF∝ おO Mr.FloyS to show his hands,When Mr.FIoyd


put his hands in the steenng wheet,と

ane put his gun back in its hoisler.

Wh‖ e ttcer Kueng was speaking wi々 h the'ont seat passenger,師 cer Lane ordered Mr,FIoyd out ofthe car,puthis hands on Mr FloyS,and pu‖ ed him out ofthe car Ottcer Lane handcuTed Mr Floyd.Mi FIoyd aclively resisted being handcu,む d

On∝ handcured,Mr.Floyd became compliant and walked whh Omcer Lane to the sidewalk and sat on the gЮ und at Offlcer Lane`direction in a conversaton thattasted,ust under tto minutes,Om∝ r Lang asked Mr Fioyd for hls name andidendicadon Omcer tane asked Mr Lloyd f he was“ on anything"and explained that he was arrestlng Mr Lloyd for passing counteFeit curency Omcers Kueng and Lane stood Mr日 oyd up and atempted to walk Mr Floyd to their squad car(MPD 320) at 8刊

4pm M「

Floyd sl■ened up,fe‖ to the ground,and told the dm∝ rs he was daustrophObic

MPD Omcers Derek Chauvin(the defendant)and TOu rhoa then arnved in a separate squad car The omcers made severat attempts to get Mr.FIoyd in the backseat of squad 320 from the dnvers side y falllng down,s9ying Mr Floyd did not voluntanty getin the car and struggted wtth tte omcers by intentiona‖ he was not going in the car,and refusing to stand s苗 ‖ .Mr FIoyd is over six feetta‖ and weighs more than

200 pounds WhHe standing outside the car,Mr FIoyd began saying and repeaung that he could not breathe The defendant wentto the passenger side and thed to get Mr Fioyd into trle carfron that side and臨 ne and Kueng assisted The defendant putted Mr Floyd Out ofthe passenger side ofthe squad car at 8:19:38p m.and Mr FIoyd wentto the ground iace down and sti‖ handcu守 むd Kueng held Mr Floyd's back and Lane held hisiegs The defendant placed histeft knee in the area of Mr FIoyd's head attd neck Mr FIoyd said,い i cant breathe" muitiple tirnes and repeatedly said,・ Mama'and`FpteaSer as well The defendant and the otherふ ″o dttcers stayed in their positions The omcers said,こ You are talkingれ ne・ to Mr Floyd as he conunued tO niove back and fotth Lane asked,

・shouid we rott hirn on his side?'and the derendant said,“

No,staying put where we got him)Omcer Lane

whatever'The defendant said,“ That's why we have hirn on his stomach"None ofthe three軒 向 cers moved from thetr poshions_ said,“ l am worried about exclted delittum o「

BWC video shows Mr Fioyd coninue to move and breathe At 8:24:24,Mr FIoyd stopped mo胡 ng At


The second page ofthe omcial charge sheet issued against Ofacer chau宙 n


9月 しをred す司柄晴を A Test C蝠 9in A″を

27CR 20‐

d Coun 日にdhD載 市


Stale of MIn iesola

r惚 謡 訊[胞 ∵試 与 霜職 1潔 旱 楷報を 髯記 ;B賑 ::議滞増 計絵認 瑞却 ζ 離思 ons



oTlcers niovedれ 'om their posほ


;辞 翻 冒盈毬祀 雷緒欝ば黙 潔;駐 蹄 鸞盈 晩[慧魚 島識駅謎 住 l:忌


was p「 onounced

dead at Hennepin County Medical Center

燿盈 絲翻郵辮 縦 話輯 悪 壁 認甲 〔 爆 と 激

釧田 轍

議 摯 帯 酢奇 発 鵬 娯 鵠岳

:階 _璃 Rgξ us sublectin a prone posllon is inherenJy dangeЮ

Defendantis in custody

蝉 1桑総 饂


:3 酢 蛛 訛帯


The third page ofthe omcial charge shcet issued

against Omcer chau宙 n

was arresing lⅥ ro Lloyd for passing counterfen currency.

Omcers Kueng and Lane stood Mr.Floyd up and attempted to walk Mr.Floyd to tter squad car (MPD 320)at Mr.Floyd stmened up, fell to the ground,and told thc ofacers heミょs daustrophobic。 MPD Officers Derek Chauvin(the deFendttlt)and Tou Thoa then arri予 ed in a separate squad car. The oficers コaade several atte■ lpts to get Mr.

Floyd in he back seat of squad 320 froHl he drlver`side. Mr.Floyd did not voluntΥ tt get in the car and struggledコ 前止h the ofacers by htendonally falling

dowrl,開い ng he was not gOing in he car,and

refushg to stand st■ 1. Mr.Floyd is over stt fect tall and weighs more than 200 pounds.

While standing outside he car,Mr.Floyd began saylng and repeaung that he could not breathe. 19

Tん9肋 切rAσ α,xtt bttitcs

The last sentence above,as detailed in he charge sheet, it indcates that he nOw hfamous “I cannot

is cr近 cal:

breathe″ statelment夕 前 dely used by protestOrs and rioters to jusufy heir criminal ralnpages,Lυ αs,rsを 税sett beデοre F胞 ヮ Lυ α S p】 を を を 0と ん9ィ を CCた res,α ″苛 posttioィ を を 0電〃んτ ど 9ん9 ψα' s ,α ″ stiι l stα ■ priヮ んなunder his ow=l v01idon. ,1″ Lσ τ を 1ィ

This,more than anything else,shOws hat he wasin fact S° f Carnac arre試 ,brought

潔紺 掘齢駅濯∵鞭 iξ

The charge sheet even states that Floyd、

vas able to“ mOve

back and forttl"under Chau宙 n's knee restralnti

The defendant went tO the passenger side and tried to get]班 r,Floyd intO the car frona that side

and Lane arld Kueng assisted.

The defendant puned Mr. Floyd out Of the passenger side of the squad car at 8:19:38 and Mr.Hoyd wenttO the ground face down and stin

handcuffed. Kueng held Mr. Floyd's back and Lane held his icgs.The defendant placed his ieft

knee in the area of Mr.Floyd`head and neck. 町・HOyd Sttd,“ I cantt breahe″ muliple times and repeatedly sttd,“ Maina"and“ please"as well. The defendant and the oher two omcers stayed h heir positions. The omcers sttd,れ You are talttng nne"to ⅣIr。 Floyd as he coninued tO Inove back and lbrth。

The viral宙 deO― which was the pri=ntty driヤ er Jbr the endre uproar― shOws ttlat Floyd was able to lift his head and neck even when being restrained by Chauvin's knce。 This alone proves that Chau宙 n cOuld not have sulocated him,or cut or his五 r supply,or caused the cardiac arrest. A complete transcript of the conversatiOns cOntained in the pohce bodyca■ 1■ideos13 alSO Conirins wlhout quesdOn that Floyd、 vas su■ cmng from he first sttptoms of cardiac arrest aFld breahing dificulty long before he was restrttned

by Chau宙 ni 13 Filed in Disttict COurt,State of WIinnesota,7/7/2020 1liOO a.m.


― A Tcst Cα sein Aれ を 】

red it9島 hα を


Kueng:You got foain around your mouth,toop George Floyd:Yes,I wasjust hooping earlier.14 Kueng:Take a scat. George Floyd:I canl choke,I cantt breahe Mr. OfttcerI Pleasc!Pleaset

Gcorge Floyd: W[y wrist, my wist mano Okay, okay.I want to lay on the ground.I want to lay on the groundol wantto lay on the ground! Lane:Youre getting in the squad。 15 George Floyd:I want to lay on the groundI I伍 going dowl■ ,going dowll,Ittn going dowl■


Kueng:Take a squat. George Floydi ltta going down.

Speaker 9:16 BrO,you aboutto have a heart attack and shit,man,get in the car!

Gcorge Floyd: I know.I cantt breathe. I cant breathe tcrOSStalk 00:10:181. Lalllei Get hiln on the ground。

George Floyd:Lct go oflne naan,I cant breathe. I cantt breahe. Larle:Take a scat.

George FloydI Please,Inan.Please listen to mc.

Chau宙 n:Is

he going to jai19

Gcorge FioydI Please listen to me.

Kueng:He's under arrest right now for forgery. tinaudible 0011 1:04〕 going On。

Gcorge Floydi Forgery for what?for what? Larle:Let's take him out andjust MRE。 17 Gcorge Floyd:I cantt fuc]こ ng breathe man.I carl化 fucking breahe. 14“ Hoopinゴ is Strect slang for the adnlinistration of psychoactive drugs

vla an enema ln the rectum. 15 The squad car,that is,the police vehible,At this tilne,Floyd was still standing outside the vehicle,resisting being placed inside the car.

16 A third party Obsewing the scene.

17 MRE is a reference to

Mechanical Restraint Equipment,″ i.e., “

handcums and other rnethods of physically restraining a suspect.


Tん9酌色rAσαl■ sを И〃すを es

Kueng:Here,Come on outi George Floyd: 住naudible 00:11:10)hank you.

割aank you.

Thao:」 ust lay hi=n on the ground. Larlei Can you just get up on the,I appreciate hat,I do。

Chau、 in:Do you gotyour ah,res仕 五nt,Hobblep18

Gcorge Floyd: I canl breaheo l cant breathe, I cantt breathe.

Lane:Jesus Chttst. George Floyd:I cant breathe. Ltt■ ei Thank you. Gcorge Floyd:I carltt breathe.

Kuengi Stop inoⅥ ng.

This transcript deariy demonstrates hat Floyd was medically disttessed to the point that bolh a bystander and he pointed out that he■ kely was about to suffer a“heart attack,"and that his brea慢 五ng dlnculies had started long beforc he was restr五 ned by ChauⅥn。

The “I can■ breathe"主nantra, which has becoinc the slogan most used by soぃ called protestors,had therefore nouing tO d9 Mth the po■ cc officer's actions, In add通 on, Floyd also readiサ ad面 tted to recendy adHinisteingthelethalconcoctionofdrllgsiahisrectu=1-― a technique which is used to speed up the absorpton process and get a quicker“ high.″ Yet anoher naw in the``racist whtte police"narrative hes in the fact hattwo of he omcers charged in he Floyd case are nonwhites.Chau宙 n and Lane are the only two whites.

Keung is of mlxed race(a white inother and a Nigeriarl father),while Thao is Hmong Viettlamese。


18 Hobble restraints are leather belts used to liinit thc hand and fect

movement Of unruly suspects.They are common in all police forces. 19・ omcers charged in Gcorge Floyd's Deah Not Littly to Present United

FrontF ⅣCtυ

Yorた Tines,」 une

4,2020.空 he Black Omcer who Detained

George Floyd Had Pledged to F揉 2020。


the Pohce,″ ⅣcLυ yorた 舞nes,」une 27,

A Tcst Cα setn Aィを ti― И 〃すと 9∴ 胞財r9α ・

2″ CR‐ 20・


声,c(,hう おり



-1■ ■it、 ● .■ │■ とヽ ,,▲ ■卜i、 ,i■ 、IⅢ Ⅲ │テ ゞ 、ィ t,IⅢ Ⅲ■ゝ ■ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ■■こ


717′ 20イ 01■

00 AM

l,ca碇 奪rt: isiltrite,

ヽp,脅 kef】


B9ff),奪 thevく ,rlve ott h`・


i po,ked rほ ht here,中


作on the Gentに 耐●

ke S‖





1れ に ヽど

角ぃo: ヽ

'IV,,in thereユ Ⅲも1は ゃB,れ を 1卜 ヽ

Spettkく r



lWhich one' lpで ね k`,ra t も je cnt Overthere Кu、 ・n室 ` ″tiiぐ いっ子 le' Thoく


taぃ oi Vψ p‐ yupJu,t

Geo,E偉 ″ 10vむ Hey′

ead Ⅲ

back h.They'rtぃ ou,B ar。

け い OBる t Ⅲl

nettcソ our

andS, Ⅲ


man「 節 `orryt

Sinv in the c● ィ .に ,市 ie see vourむ ther


Geo「ge FIovdi l衛


`Otry,Prn so「

ret mo see v。

Ceorge Fioydi `Jr other hand, ,le,io,ヽ4r Orlter. tant,そ

Both hands George Ffovdi !Oidnt(lo fiothiflほ

pttt yOur futking h〕

ShawandB HiII │●

中ds ttp ri8htい OWIこ et ne s,e voけ r Other

th,ぅ ,sea vowr Otherユ


】 。,ld

こはflrgeド lovl: A‖

riBht whaヽ l oo tho」 ghP

what we dO Mro箭 cer?

tつ ne:


y◇ ur

玉′ heFi

Ⅲatt up thtre,ぃ t y9ur ttCttng h〕 nd u,the鶯

Ceorは ,FIovお 18。

lJむ SuL

ttnSt keepャ our Fucttng h占 市い on the


t ttCt FrO,stak 9o(o2:001.

A、 ol, 卜 t)(1)3_Videt 2(12(,‐ 子

OS‐ _う ヽ_二 t)03((│(〕

こ れ,Iett(1()6イ



r田 ぃ珀市,th,lt亡

と世(お ,ど


どじI(ェ raヽ

The arst page ofthe body― caln transc五 ot ofthe arrest of George Fioyd.It shows clearly hat Floyd resisted arrest, and repeatedly used the phrase“ I cantt breahe"long before he was restrained.


Tん 9カ毯″Aσα

ど を es "駒 ln addidon, at the tiine of the incident, Chauvin was 乾


■la匡 ried

to a Chinese woman, Kenie,20 which makes a

complete mockery of dttms that he persona■ y is a tracist" of any sort,

In suHllntt then,the facts ofthe case are as fo■ owsi

l. Floyd was pumped fu■ of dangerous,


threating,self― ad■ linistered dr■ lgs.

2.Floyd went to a store to buy cigarettes、 vith a

fake$20 note. 3.The fake note was detected by the store staff 帝ho then ca■ed the pohce.

4.Floyd was so incapacitated that he N&s unable to dri耐 c

away from outside the store and was

siting in his vehicle when the nrst tw。


arr市 ed.

5. Floyd resisted being arrested and had to be harldcuffed.

Vhen he second set of omcers arrived, he 6. ヽ resisted being put in the back of a police vehicle. 7.While standing up,outside ofhe police vehicle, Floyd started complこ 述nね g that he was unable to

breathe.This was the arst of=nany imes that he uttered the“ I cantt breahe"sentence,and it clea』 y

had nothing to do with Chau宙 n. 8. Hc was then forced into the pohce vehicle,

but caused such a corninodon hat he ittured hiinseli

9.He was then taken out of the vehicと e by the omcers,and co■ apsed on he ground of his own vo■ don. 10。 In order to prevent httn caushg further trouble, one omcer hdd down his legs, one

his torso, and he third― Chau、in―placed his

knec on his head and neck area to resttain him一exactly as specnedね Minnesota Pdice Department guide■ nes. 20“ Wife of Derek Chauvin,ofacer charged with murderin Gcorge Fioyd's

dcath,nles for d市 orcc,″ A正




S,June 3,2020.

A Test Cα s9 τ n A7を す… M〃



ll. The 宙dё o evidence, and even the charge sheet,conarJms that Chauvin`knec hold was not

excessive,as Floyd could sti■ =nove his head and talttsolnedaing that would have been ilmpossible had his ttr supply been cut or or f ttle res甘 五nt position had been life― threatening.

12.Wh述 ebeingrestrttned夕 Floydも hfe― threatening self― ad互工niStered drugs caused hi=n to go into cardiac arrest,which resulted in his death.

13.Only two of the officers invo帝 ed― Chauvin

and Lan― are white.Keung is har black,while Thoa is Victtlattnese。

14.At the dme, Chau宙 n's wlfe was Chinese. Any sort of“ whtte racisEl″ On Chau宙 n's part is 壮lerefore exttemely ttmprobable. Despite all世 lese facts,Floydも death has been uncrtticatty

presented by the l■ ob and their suppordng=nass inedia as arl exa=ュ :lple of“ inherent white racis=l″ and proofthat“ racist white police"go about=nurderhg innocent blacks atコ 直■ in

AInenca. The facts oflhe case dearly speak oth∝ wise。 Ignoring these basic ficts,the FnaSS Inedia has engaged in endless inchement and and― white hatred, repeaung over and over attn how“ white racisn■ ''is to blarne,and m五 ntttning that the Floyd incident was merely attioher exarnple of how前 cked whtte police are to innocent blacks. The rnob,acing upon the lnass lnedia's incitement,has in tu...engaged in rioung,10oung,and vandahsln across America and Europe. The facts show clearly hat Chau砿 n and his fellow omcers coal=nttted no cri=ne. Yet they have been arrttgned on extre=Ilely serious charges which carry penalties of decades in pttson,not to=nendon the destruction of their personal lives arld careers,

Pressure from the mob ttd the Black hves Matter groups on the pohticians has reached such an extent that the city ofふ /1inneapo■ s cven issued a“ rttised″ causc of dea血 “ press 25

Tん 9蘭倣rAσ α″医乾

es サ ι "駒


OC睛 〔 o9o Avenu●

Hh"韓 い 0構,M∼ う 34,S

Press ReleaSe Report 日oyd′ Georae perry

Case Noi 2020‐ 3700

Press Release DeCedenti



46 years



George Perry′ atso known as Perry′ Floyd




3502 Glenhurst Ave


St Louis'ark

DBte&Time of lnJury:


Locauon Ofln」 ury:

3759 Chicago Ave

Statet MN

Zttp: 55416

in front of Cup Foods Minneapolis′

MN 55407

Date of Death:


TIme Of Oeath:


とocation of Death〔

Hennepin Healthcare‐ ER 701 Park Avenue(Hennepin Heaに Minneapolis′

MN 55415

hcare‐ ER)

Cause of deathi Cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual′

restralnt,and neck compttsslon Manner of death:Homicide How in」 ury。 ∝urred:DeCedent

expenenced a cardiopulmonary arrest whiに

being restrained by,つ w enforcement otticer(s) Other s19nttcant conditions:Atterioscierotic and hypertensive heart disease, fentanyt itttoxictttion,recent rnethamphetamine use Ptease direct anγ

media inqutries to Carolyn Marinan′

Hennepin county

communicadons at carolyn mattnan@hennepin us

Comments: Fthe medical examiner′ Manner Of death frassification is a statutory fΨ nctior主 。 DS part of death cettncatiOn fOr purposes of vital statistics and pub“

c health.

Manner of death is nOt a tegat determination oF culpab‖ ity or intent′ and should not be used to usurp the j」 dictat process. Such decisions are outside the scope of the MedicaI Examiner′ s role or Buthority. Under Minnesota state law′ the Medical Examineris a neutral and indept,ndent office and is separate and distinct from anγ prosecutorial authottty o「 law

enforcement agency,

The“ second″ autopsy report,issued on demand ofthe rnob, which lists“ ho■ licide″ as a causc of deau■ ,despite adding no addidonal e宙 dence to support ttis clailn.


A Test Cα scど n

ー re' A7と を ゼ Vんど を 9九協を

release report''21 in Which the“ manner of death"was listed as hoJmlcide.

The o五 駆nal autOpSy report never even had an entry tided manner of death。 "This entry has clearly been added to “

appease the rnob,and夕 of coursc,is completely inconsistent 前 da the cause of dcath,as given in he sa■ le“ press release report。 "This“ second report"states that the“ causc of dead■ is“ cardiopulmonatty arrest complicating law enforcement subdual,restralnt,and neck compression." 圧ithdrawn its omcial In addition, the MPD has now 、 gttidance for the use of leg alld arm restralnts, also in response to the rnob's demands. The Facts of the case clearly show that irl any normal


unbiased and otteCtiVe court, the charges ag五 nst he

omcers would be thrown out without further adO. However,in the c■ lrrcnt dimate of hysteria and antiぃ white hatred,there is no guarantec thatjustice of any sort 前 1l be selwed.22

This complete distortion is indeed an indication of syste=lic racism― not ag五 nst blacks or nonwhites, but rather ασαjnSを しυん打cs.

21 Press Release Report,Floyd,Gcorge Per■ y,Casc No:2020-3700,」 une

l,2020. 22 As expected, Chauvin was found guilty on Apri1 21, 20pl,after a racaillyい m故 edjury

took less than a day to make their decision.


Chapter 2

CoP Hunt:The“ Police are Blacks"Myth

Kユ 1ling

)継 宵 i■

盈 蕃瑠

訂 報

lini8Tant populadon==has as its staple idea the clalln hat

blacks aFe being dispropordonately H■ ed or targeted by racist"polc"and uhat his lbrms part of a much broader “ prograln of“ systelmic racis血 ″in whtte society。

It should come as no surprise to the reader― haⅥ ng seen he shocHng litany of hes arld deceptions contained in he

prevlOus chapter dealng胡 th he George Fioyd hcident一 hat thesc BLM d五 ms are also completely 前 thout foundadon。 A■ of the omcial staこ sics on pohce kユ hngs in Amettca show condus市 ely that far more whne people than blacks are ld■ ed by pohce in real numbers αィ を 01イ をprOpο 滝ゼ ο■ を 0

と ん9ir cttη を 9π江9S,completely contrary to the anti― white propaganda put out by the BLM carnpttgn and tts alhes,

newspaper in Britttn― whidh also sees itself as the lemst“ paper of record"in he USA,thanks to the internet,set up a specialist webstte in 2015 and 2016 which五 med at keeping a tally of police The far left exttenist Gttα

rdiα n

虹■ings in Amettca.

That specialist website,called“ The Counted,″ l had the intendon of“ provhぎ 'hOW“ racist"the pohce in Amettca

ar―an五 m which has,unforttnately for them,proven

to have been undone in face of lhe facts,2 According to he Gと をαr'iα n`tally夕 ofthe l,146 peopleと こ■ed in 2015 by lT'1に

'Glι counted,

α寇ねn4s special site can be found at―

2 The disproving Of their pre」 udiced assumption is llkely the reason why tp後 ,Gttθ 寵班α″ t stopped updating their website aFter keeping」 ust two ycars'worth of tallies,




αre鷺 ど ど ,憎

Bど αoたs″

れり ん

WLnneapo■ si The 3rd Pohce Precinct building after George Floyd protests.Hcture crediti Lorie Shau■


George Floyd protests h Washhgton DC.LaFayette Square, Picture Cred五 :Rosa Pheda. 29

Tん c,7,rttα inst И〃



police in A=nerica,582 were white,307 were black,195 were Hisparlic/Latino,24 werc Asian/Padfic lsl甑 der,24 were American lndian, 4 were F`Arab― American,'' and 19 were

other/unknOWn. While admitting that the raw ngures demonstrate that more whites are killed by polce than any other race,the and he BLA/1 ideologues― clallm hat thesc Gを 畑 rdiα λ一‐ agures shOw hat proportionate to their population,=nore blacks than whttes are ttned。

This is,of course,a deliberately simplisic and misleading argu■ lent.カ “

The ngures showed that,in reai numbers,more whttes by ponce than blacks,but, ψん9ィをCOntrα sを 9't兌 9s αre in んe cttn9 κttes ο propο 滝:ο ■を οを デeαcん σrOLιP,″ 加を α nυ ο 士 ん9″ 肥ce, icc tん α n by poι 19覆 cυ ι ο b9た r nο re llた α Ct力 デ 9nseS, ど ο をCttnttα デ ωんen it cones toフ ioι9ィ を 9speciα デ areと こ■ed



For exarnple,according to the US Department of」 ustice's Hottlicide Trends in the United States,1980-2008,"3 blaCkS “ accounted for 52.5 percent of holnicide offenders froln 1980 to 2008,wl血 whites ax連 こng up 45。 3 percent and``other″ 2.2 percent。

These l」 S Department of Justice racial classincatons always include all IIispanic cmmes into the“ white''category.

This meansthatthe 45。 3 percent``white"igure quoted above is inaccurate,as whites co■1=nit nowhere near 45 percent of a■ he murders in the Untted Stateso The omcial federal government's deinitions of race一 as used by the FB11-only American have the fo■ oⅥ ng categories: FFwhite,''“ blackギ “ lndiarl or Alaska Nat市 e,"and“ Nat市 e Hawattan or Other Pacinc lslander.″

】 て 乏 c' ttispα nics αre α〔 Forthe FBI's statistical purposes,α nS,A獅 α bs, τttο 滝んA″ icα を んαι と οと ん9■ υtttc″ oα 徒ヮOυ ,α IOnヮ ″と e″ s.ThedehberateH五 sclassincatiOn 力命覆,lcEα sを 9mers,α '」 purpose of boosting the number of is done with the cxpress crilnes which the FBI ascribes to its“ white"category. `ι


3 HoH五cide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008,US Depart=nent of ofJusticc Progranl,Bureau ofJustice Statisics,November


2011,NC」 236018, 4 Uniforin Crime Report,US Department of」 usticc― Federal Bureau of lnvestigation,LEOKA Dennitions,“ Race."


αcたs″ 力免″ん Tん 9“乃 ,ce α確 猛 ど ι inσ βど

This is done because he federal statisicians are aware that if hey correcdy idenined thesc other races'agures as nonwhite,then it would beilmpossible for even the contro工 ed media to hide the overwhellning nonwhite involvement in crime. As the FBI refuses to correcuy classify offenders by race, it is only possible to lnake assurxlpttons based on their own inost warlted"lists. Using,for example,he FBI's“ most “ wanted murderer"list of 2014,it is a safe assumpdon to makc hat only a fraction ofthe suspectsidentned as“ white" by the federal agencies are in fact Europearl― Amettcans. Using the FBI's“ most wanted lnurderer"■ st ofthat year, for exa=nple,only ll percent(or 6 of 51 suspOcts)Of all the murders ascribed to``whites″ by the FBI,were ui fact com■五tted by European― Americans.All the rest were black, Hispanic,or some oher nontthite race. G市en the caveat that this assumpdon is based purely on he FBI's“ most wanted hst,″ and is ttlerefore s■ tteCt tO a certain degrec of variation,it is possible to undertakc the fon。 就 ng analysis of he FBI's oher stausics as oudined in their tCri=ne in the United States,2014″ report.5

According to that report, there were an estiinated l,165,383 宙olent cttmes(murder and non― negligent ho■五ddes, rapes, robbettes, and aggravated assaults)in

the US in 2014. For he categpry of“ ヤiolent cttlnes"here were a total of 8,730,665 arrests,broken do― by the FBI as fbnowsi

White"6,056,687 or 69,4 percent “ ]Black orハ 凸直can American"2,427,683 “ percent American lndian or Alaska Native″ “

or 27.3

135,599 or

l.6 percent Asian 100,067 or l。 l percent “

Native Hawalian or “ 10,629 or O。 l percent.

Other Pacnc lslander"

5 2014 Crime in the United States,Cri=ninal」

ustice lnforimation ScⅣ ices

Division,US Departinent of」 ustice,Federal Bureau oflnvestigadon.



9Mね rAσ α



Using he“ 1l percentFormula″ oudined above,itis saFe to ass■ lme hat EuropeaFl― Ame五 cans in re』 土y only accounted for 666,235 arrests for宙 olent crimes. This trallslated to 7.63 percent Of all such arrests。

Nonwhites accounted therefore,for atleast 92 percent of all aビ restees

for vlolent crime in 2014.

The FBI statisics lbr the indi歯 dual cttmes which inake up the“ 宙olent cr主 主 ne"Category are as fo■ ows: Murder arld non― negligent manslaughter

Total Arrests:8,230,broken down as follows: tWhite″ 3,807 or 46.3 percent Black or African American"4,224 or 51.3 percent “ Amettcan lndian or Alaska Native″ 83 or l.0 “ percent Asian 107 or l。 3 percent “

Nadve]■ awa五an or Other Pacinc lslander''9 or “ O。

l percent.

Once the “ll percent'' for】 mula is applied to ttlese deliberately コ■isclassined agures, it transpires hat European― Americans coniinitted 905 murdero in 2014,or 10 percent of an such crilxles,

Rape Total Arrestsi 16,326,broken dowll as fonowsi Whtte 10,977 or 67。 2 percent Black or Jttrican Ame五 can"4,888 or29。 9 percent “ American lndian or Alaska Native"212 or l。 3 “ percent Asian 222 or l,4 percent “ Naive Hawaiian or Other Pacinc lslander″ 27 or “ O.2 percent。

Once the “1l percent'' for】 mula is applied to ttlese deliberately misclassined igures, it trarlspires hat 32

Tん c瑠 費)'c9α ″ 9距 ど ど を 4σ βttcた s″ ル宅たん

European― A=nericans co■ linitted l,795 rapesin 2014,or 10 percent of an such crHnes。

Robbery Total AFeStS:74,077,broken dowrl as lonowsi White∵ 31,354 or 42,3 percent “ 131ack or ハ面rican Ame五 can″ 41,379 or 55.9 “ percent American lndian or Alaska Native''616 or O。 8 “ percent Asian 617 or O.8 percent “ Nattve Hawa五 an or Oher Pacinc lslander"111 “ or O.l percent,

Once the “1l percent″ formula is applied to these deliberately misdassmed agures, it transpires that European― Americans coHHnitted 8,148 robbenes in 2014, or 10 percent of an such c五 mes. Aggravated assault Total Arrests:291,600,broken down as fonowsi tWhite"185,612 or 63,7 percent

Black “

or Ahican American″ 96,51l or 33.1 percent American lndian or Alaska Native"4,372 or l.5 “ percent Asian 4,507 or l.5 perccnt “ Natte Hawa五 an or Oher Pacinc lslander″ 598 “ or O.2 percent.

Once the “1l percent″ formula is applied to ttlese deliberately misclassined igures, 比 transpttes hat European― A=nericans co■ 1lnitted 32,076 robberies in 2014, or ll percent of a■ such cttmes. Of course,once the《 近sproportionate population igures are taken into account(the fact that whites mttle up 62


Tん 9 ИttrAσ αinsを フ 開生 たcs

percent of the entire pop■ llation6),then the nonwhite crune

ngures leap out of all proportion in relation to heir actual

populadon numbers. Accordhg to the National Crittlle Victimizadon Sulvey in

2002(United States Department ofJustice,Ofnce ofJusice Programs, Bureau of」 usice Staisucs, "Nadonal Cri=ne VictH五 zation Survey:Unbbunded Data,2002''7),the black arrest rate for robbery was 8.55 imes higher harl whites。 Blacks are also s嵌teen times morc lkelyto be hcarcerated for robbery than noni]Hispanic whiteso Robbettes wlh white victims and black offenders were inore than twelve dmes more co■ 1lnon than the reverse.

A 2004 National Crime Vicdコ 玉zaton Survcy (Bureau

of」 usice Statistics,Cttme Data Bttet Cttac]腫 ng,1993-

20038)repOrt,Which analyzed car」 acking over ten years, Ⅵctilns identined 56 percent of offenders as black,21 percent as white,aJ!ld 16 percent as

found hat carJacking

Nat市 e American or Asiarェ 。 Tん esc stttts'cs cと 9α rどこ cs ttt σcnc肥 卜 ′sんοψ を をれonιυ所と '硯r norC C元 碗9と んαn ι α兌覆 bι αcた sinpα ttω !α r― connitヵ υん es, 1,oを ん 1■ reα ど を errrι s αn'propο ttionα ど υ iを


It is therefore lo頷 cal l山 at nonwhttes wl■ feature far

more than whites in any negatve interacions 胡 th the police― υ9ち αヮ9r ttnber oデ Lυ んites αre ι

'CttC tts,α んe pο ic9と ん たを 9,2,こ ′と ι α/Lα 4プ 0を んer raciα どσrο p.These racial statistics relmttn consistent throughout the years beyond the Gttι α 寇ねれる(nOW ended)prttect・ In 2017,for example, whites lnade up 48 percent ofall宙 cti=ns ofUS pohceと 五■ings iど


in 2017-compared to blacks(27 percent),]置ispanics(21 percent),and“ Ohers''(4 percent)一 onCe agttn deaniively dispro宙 ng the■ es espoused by the ttti― white BLM group and its controned rnedia supporters, 6 Do、 vn to 60,l percent in 2019,according to the US Census Bureau

QuickFacts Population estimates,」 uly l,2019.

7 United States Departl■ ent of」 usice,Ofnce ofJustlcc Programs,Bureau

of」 usice Statistics,National Cttme Victimttadon SuNey:unbounded

Data,2002,Ann Arbor,MI:Inter― university Consortium for PoLucal and Soc髭 1l Research idiStributorl,2006-06-22.

8 CattaCking,1993-2002,National Crime Victimttation SuⅣ ey,Bureau of」 usdce Statistics Crime Data Bttet July 2004, NCJ 205123, US Department of」 ustice,Ofncc of Justicc Programs.


Tん9翻 kガ ice αre FiJπ ィ を αOた s″ σβど


Those figures on police klllと Lgs in America were compiled

alld released by he openly and― white “Po■ ce Violence Report″ 9 organization,which tties to distort the ngures t。

dttm that here is a lwhtte)racial bias to the shooungs.

According to that report,in real terins as lnany whites by pohce as blacks and Hispanics added together, despite whites in赦 五 g up less han 62 percent ofthe US populationo There is howcver no“ dstordon"in the ngures_ exceptin thc obⅥ ous sense that the number of blacks and Hispanicsと こ ■ed by police is higher than their percentage of he population。 But, in trtle ailti… white estab■ shment fashion, this discrepancy"is not blalned on the obvious fact that blacks “ and Hispanics co■ 1lnit inore crlne than whites,but rather upon the po■ ce for daring to taCkle criininals regardless of rac― and that they are therefore“ racist"because they have to deal胡 h disproportionally far more nonwhite criminals, This is he same sort of anti― white“ lo藤 c"whiCh blames white“ racism"for the higher nonwmte imprisonment rates, According to the Bureau of」 ustice Statisics,blacks account for over 40 percent ofthe prison andjail populatio學 ,Mth an incarceration rate s故 dmes higher than whites. Even those statistics are however distorted,because,as pointed out earlier, the government crlme ngures class Hispanic crime and cri■ linais as``whtte"crime,which means that the genuine white就 olent cttme rate is actually below 10 percent of an such crttninal acivities in America. are kl■ ed

This fact,along胡 th the realitぅ「 hat whites make up most of the victiins of po■ ce shootings,reveal the trllth of the situadoni that,con竹 孤y tO the controned lmeda's lies, whites are more■ kely to be立 o砿 ms of police shootings in America,and that the higher nonwhite interaction rate with police is exclus抒 ely due to the fact that the nonwhites have

a higher crime rate.

These facts have been conarュ ned tilnc and tiine agFttn。 An arucle in Tん 91〃 軌sん i4σ ι οれ Tincs in 2015,for exainple,10 9 mappingpoLceviolence,org 10“ Policc

kill more whites than blacks,but ainonty deaths generate

more outrage,Analysis contradicts widespread views about racial tar― gets,″ Tれ 9″αs崩 /LttO″を例れeS,Tuesday,Apri1 2 1,2015.


Tん9"切 r Aσ αiィ 埒ιb駒と を es

quoted Peter A/1oskos,assistant professor at the」 ohn Jay College of Crimmal」 usice at he Ciサ Un市 ersity of New York,who used igures fro」 m ttle website“ Kllled by Pottce″ in his analysis,■

Based on hat data,Moskos reported that roughly 49 percent of thoseみ 土lled by ofacers fro]m May 2013 to Ap五 1 2015 were white, wh工e 30 percent were black. Itte also

found that 19 percent were Hispanic,and 2 percent were Asian arld other races,

His results,posted on his blog Cop】 ィ をと ん9打00比 12 arriVed 就 h several caveats,notably hat 25 percent ofhe websttc's data,which is drawn largely from news reports,題 led to show the race ofthe persOnとこ■ed。 K工 led by Police■ sts

every deah,justifiedornot,including

hose in which he ofacer had been wounded or acted in ser_defense.

The data doesnt indicate which shootings are jusined “

blooded murder(not many,but some)。 And maybe that would vary by race.I dont know,butl doubt五 ,"Moskos s五 d on his blog. (the Vast mttoriサ )and whiCh are cold―

Attusted tO take into accountthe racial breakdown ofthe US population,he sttd black men are 3.5 times more likely to be H■ ed by pohce than whtte men.But also attusted tO take into account ttle racial breakdown in violent crinle,the data actually show hat police are less hkely to虹 1l black

suspects than whtte onesi r one attustS fOr the racial disptrity in ttle homicide “ rate or he rate at tthich pohce are Feloniously重 1led,whttes are achally more likely to bc H■ ed by police han blacks,″ s五 d Moskos,a for=ner B工 timore pohcenian. AttustedfOrthehomiciderate,whites are l.7 umes more “ ■kely han blacks to dic at the hands of poLce,"he s五 d.

Moskos isted two possible reasons for the racial dispamty.The nrst is that poHce assigned to largely black neighborhoods facc“ more pohtical fallout when they shoot, and thus receive better仕 五ning ttd are less inchned to shoot." 11電 12


yυ な Tん 9に偽 ι ice α確 短 ど ど inσ βι αc烙 ″′ ん

The second is that poLce assigned to black coHllnunides witt h縫 〕l crirne rates are more accustomed to dangerous situadOns and thus are more lkely to be able to reso"e them前 hOut resordng to leulal force.

Figures On pohce shootings by race are u五 n on he grOund, but Moskos's resutts have sOme support The investigat市 e journalism website PrOPと ι 例loα carne up Ⅵ 注 th a si=nilar percentage in an October 20 14 article,13 repOrting that 44 percent of allthose kllled by po■ ce were white,ushg

FBI data from 1980 to 2012. The fact― chec]五 ng website PolidFact concluded in August 20 14 that pottce kl■

=nore whites than blacks after the clalm

was=nade by consewaこ ve commentator Michael Medved.

PohiFact cited data from he Centers for Disease COntrol and Prevention on fatalitturies by“ legal inteュ vention"from 1999 to 2011. 〈 Эver the span of mOre tharl a decadc,2,151 whites died “

by being shot by pohce compared to l,130 blacks.In hat respect,Medved is correct,"s五 d POlttiFact.But Po■ dFact gave his asserdon a“ halftme"ratng because whites lnake up 63 percent Ofthe populadon,wh工 e blacks lnakc up just 12 percent.

Yes, Inore whites than blacks dic as a result of an “ encounter下 圧ith po■ ce,but whites also represent a inuch bigger chunk of he total populadOn,″ Po■ dFact sttd in its August 21 post。 But PolttiFact did not take into account the percentage of nonwhites involved in Hぬ olent cri=ne or shooungs of poLcc, as IMoskos did. Even Tん 91肱を ど ど説 r99ι 」ο口釉 αι(M瑚 一 usually one of the estab■ shment`rnouhpieces― has been forced to ad■ 五tthat there is no“ pOhce bias''in dcahng氏 足ith nonwhite c五 宜工nalS in America。 In an ardcle dtled“ The Myda of Syste=lic Polce Racism,"14

publshed while the George Floyd hOax was in fu■ s前 ng, that paper pointed out that here was “no evldence of 13“ Deadly

Force,in Black and White,″

ProPLι 乏 ″ 寛oα ,Oct.10,2014.

14“ The WIyth of Syste■ lic Polce Racisn■


どarcて rTんC7θ ど


」οと を 加 αちJune


Sを 脇 打es Tん9Ⅵねrttα tィ を

前 despread racial bias″ ainong US police omcerso According

to that report,a“ so■d body of evidence nnds nO structural bias h he crimhalttustiCe syStem Ⅵ th regard to arrests,

prosecution or sentencingo Cri=ne and suspect behavior,not race,deterttline most police acions." The ardcle goes on to pont out that in 2019, police ofncers fatally shot l,004 people,most ofwhom were ara■ ed or othettse dangerous. Blacks lnade up about a quarter of that number(235 to be exact),a“ radO that has re■ lalned stable since 20 15,″ the

V&/condnued. ・ That share of black宙 cdms is less than what the black

crime rate wouFd predict,since pohce shoothgs are a funcdon of how otten omcers encounter armed arld撹 olent suspects.In 2018,the latest year for which such data have been published, African― Americans made up 53 percent of knowll ho■ licide offenders in he US and co■ 1lnit about

60 percent of robberies,hough hey are 13 perccnt ofthe populadon,″ the report added.

The MV went on to report hat police fatally shot nhe unarllled blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019,according οれ POSt database, do― from 38 and 32, to a ttsん 咆 と respectively, in 2015。 ho■licide宙 ct近 ns,

In 2018 here were 7,407 black

Assu■ ling a comparable number of vicums last year, “

hose nine unaHned black vicums Of pOice shooungs represent O.l percent of all African― Americans kllled in 2019.By conttast,a policc omcer is 181/2 timeS more lkely to beと こ1led by a black=nale than an unarmed black=nale is to be ld■ ed

by a police omcer,"the Vd/continued. In August 2019, a research arucle t■ led F`OmCer

characteristics and racial disparides in fhtal omcer_involved sh。 。ungS"Was published by thc Proceedings ofthe National

AcadeJmy of Sciences(PNAS)。 15

The researchers found hat he more frequently omcers encounter violent suspects from any given racial group,the 15 Dawid」 。Johnson et al.,“ Ofacer characteristics and racial disparities in fatal officerinvolved shootings,″ P∬Att August 6, 2019, 116 (32) 15877‐ 15882.


需 縦認 蹴鮮 ,Ⅵ :解 結監 脳出潔 g好 五 hood of beね g ttally shotけ 洋 認 端群躍肌盈 keと

As ttle Vd/added:

A 2015

」ustice Departtnent analysis Of he Philadelphia Police Department17 found that white po■ ce Omcers were less lkely than black or Hispanic omcers to shoot unarュ med black

suspects. Rese〔 rch

by HaⅣ ard economist Roland G.

Fryer」 18 alSO found no(widence of racial r。

discri=nination in shooこ ngso Any evidence to the contrattπ Jttils to take ttlto account cri=ne rates and

civilian behavior before and during interactions 胡 th pohce.

° 鞘龍五監ど 4寛沼 な 静 ぎut ptte shooungs of Υ CH・ ed bypmcettm any 濯 M既 と 監 踏 認3'辞 C脇 瀦 藩 電 簿 滋礁 ぴ記 す管 謎 盤"but simply because blacks commit far mOre c雛 1黙



white racism夕 “ c五

=ne than whites,and therefore have a far yeater number

of interactions、 Mith the pohce.

When the number of cri=nes conllnitted by whites is compared to the number of whitesと こ■ed by pOhce,then it is clear that,proportiOnately,far more whites are kllled by po■ ce than blacks,or any other racial group. 3。

16 Potttical pressure on the authOrs ofthat ar巨 cle rbrced them tO retract it on」 uly 10, 2020, for no other reason than that it cOntradicts the

omcial narratNtpromoted by the anti― white estabttshment.

17 ζDepartment of

」ustice Relcases Report on Philadelphia POLce

Department4s Usc Of Deadly Force,″

Department of Justice,Oface of

Publc Affairs,ヽ Carch 23,2015.

18 Roland G.Fryer」

r.,・ An

Empincal Analysis of Racial Differences in

Police Usc of Force,″ 」ο税痢脱どο ,July 2017. デPο どJoα ιEcO舶 肌こ ′ iι


Tん9酌 独rAσ αi萬 燈をbttttes

This is the sirnple truh about so“ called“ pottce violence"

ln America.It is a tmtt which the BLM ideologues,甑 d their supporters in he estab■ shment and contro■ ed mass media,ignore,hide,or deny.

The propaganda surrounding he BLM ca=npttgn is,

hereFore,based on lies, and propened by an und征 駆 ng ーand nou■ ing else. and― whtte racisEユ ー


Chapter 3 Black Lives Don't Matter―When Blacks Do the K工 ling Ttte駆

れ 瑠 留 撃 迅

守 識

路 盈


media― ■s that blacks are being gunned down wholesale by racist white poiceman"and“ racist tthites"in general. “ As is to be expected,the ttuth isjust the opposite:Blacks αrebeing 7と 0と

gunned down en massein Ameica and elsewher―

by“ racist white poicemen"or“ racist whttes,″

οと んer


ι ιbこ ′

bど αoたs,

At the very height of the protests over the fake Gcorge Floyd incident,when po■ ce lbrces in America were on the retreat in the face of the宙 cious and― white hatred,black― on‐ black宙 olcnce increased dramaucally・ For example,ySA Tο υ reported on」 uly 19,2020 that: 'α

The most de証 [ly weekend h Chicago carne atthe end of May a=五 d protests and looung,when 85 people were shot,24 fatally。 _homicides and sh。 。ungS are on the rise慢 工s ycar in Chicago, New York,Atlanta,D.C。 ,Philaddphia,Houston, Charlotte, North CaroLna, Denver, Milwaukee, Minneap01is and Kansas Ciけ ,MiSSOuri...As of」 uly 5,shooungs were up 53 percentfrom he salne tilne last year in New York City,according to pohce。 1 ヂ こ SA

ToEα υ Went on to say hat in Adanta, Georgla, shoottngs were up 23 percent from the previous year as of 」uly 4,2020.Furlherlmore,shooings in Chicago increased 1・ Shootings

are on the rise in several cities,and ch工 dren pay the price,″

ナ 〔 SA To,α こ ,July 19,2020. ′


Tん c開 傷r Aσ αと ィ ぉιM〃 ,tes

46 percent from the sa=ne dme the prc砿 ous year as of」 uly 12,2020.2 The shooters are,for the greatest part,black■ lales,and heir宙 cums are also black or rLspanic. Accordhg to ngures from he Nadonal Center for httury Prevendon and Control's webい based I=]jury Statistics Query

and Reporting System,at least three housand black and Hisparlic children and teenagers are shot alid k11led by other

black and Hisp劉 正cs every year。 3 This real slaughter passes completely unremarked upon

by the BLM movement,and he mass media,who instead focus on exaggerated,and ottell outrightinvented,shootings of blacks by“ racist whites.″

Asこ ナ SA To'a電 グreported,black children and teenagers are fourteen times more lkely han their white counterparts to

die bygun honicid"athehands oftheirracialcompatriots, There can be no other explanation for this onission except a de■ berate,calculated,and determhed attempt to Whや up and_whitc hatred to the greatest extent possible. rデ β LV αOゼ υists tυ cr9 99■ tneり COncemeα αbo,を bιαcたs or ο と ん9r nο ■を υ ん es being nv寇 9reて ち と ん9υ Lυ Oとを ど ,95 'SPCれ を ο な ん etrを 9proを 9sti4σ St Otん ″ を んer α α を cr bι α cた sα PerCe兌 デ ヮ '0と '■ 允OttLυ 肪を 9S Lυ ん οα reと ん e reα l α ortん9 sttvヮ れ を 9rinと ん os9 "ptttsデ cο nn,れ た と es. Lι



Elsewhere in the US,the story is idendcal.According tO

ABC News,gun宙 olence in New York City surged in the wake ofthe outburst of and― white hatted which followed the

fake repordng which accompanied the Gcorge Floyd deah。

Accordhg to ABC News, the New York City PoLce Department(NYPD)had made l,679 gun related arrests in New York as of July 5,2020,compared to a total of l,683 for the endre previous ycar.

Put anoher way,uis lneans lhat the NYPD dealt w帆th over nine gun related incidents cvery day during the nrst s技

monhs of2020,as opposed to the nve gun related incidents every day ofthe preⅥ ous year,4 2 1bid. 3 1bid. 4“ Shootings


spike:Yet another gun violence death in NYC as surge

M確 れβどαcたs

ん9距 ど σ Dο な '7し

New York sheri管 oh viOient crine spttsin NVC:Hdre starting to lose controIB (Ofom′ NV,udgeS As sho軒 ingeい New York o■ yWere up 19o percentin」 彎ne,the surOtk cOunw she市 'says ba‖ may belo biame Fo「 uptcFね Molence

shenffTouidは Once ws rettnqui導 体hthottty to c‖ hiれ Ist ttre going to haveれ 細 s in our strs,tゞ イ J ttj,ゆ l'F、 ェ l!t,it'び !部 ⅢatF■ he,ofiSnど i「 ri辟 コ Ⅲ33ヽ住へ怜Osよ F`f` k rtcⅢ ,令 i(討 f〔 ィ (`,FV‐ ,〕 vi● =写 aめ vpilⅢ ■ ■,Ⅲ Ⅲ

In New York City there was a 180 percentintrease in shootings fofthe montれ from 89 shootlngsね st yearto 203 thほ

yeぅ れAn」

拒stthS past Juげ

ol dutte・

笠■税 ゞhη 単r

‐ u,

れh weekend New Yo「 k

city saw 21 shootiligsthatie■ 44 people sho1 3nd 8 people killed

It goes胡 thout saylng that almost all hese留 旦n related arrests were of blacks or oher nonwhites。 The Яttα noα ど何胞9S reported h mid― 」uly 2020 hat no

less han 270 peopl(>― mbsuy black and Hispani(>■ had been shotin the month ofJune 20,2020,in New York City, a154 percent increase for the=nondi ofthe previous year.5 The serio■ し sness of the situation was su=nmed up by the

former head lawyer for the NYPD, LaMence Byrne, who dedared that there was“ a slaughter gohg on in the streets of New York ttd the biood runs deep!"6 persists,"ABC7 Eプ 91っ 比″ LCSS∬Ctυ s,」 uly 8,2020, 5“ New Yorkers fear return of Ъad old days'after shootings surge,″ nttMttα J例腕es,July 17,2020. 6 1bid.



9取 2rJσ αt婚 をし恥 打cs

The NYPD's omcial statisics state that between」 une l, 30,2020,there was a 130 percentincrease in the number oF shooung incidents across the city(205v.89)as the number ofshootings rosein every borough ofNew York.7 The number of people=nurdered cittde increased to 39 arld」 une

v.30(+30 percent),fOr the=nonh,while he number of burglarics increased to l,783v.817(+118 percent),and the number of auto thefts increased to 696 v。 462(+51 percent) citywide,NYPD ngures alsO revealed. Other highlights fro】 m

the NYPD report for」 uly 2020


・ Murder、 vas

up+23.l percent(181v。 147)for

he arst s技 months of 2020 when compared to he arst s故 monhs of2019. ・There were 205 cittde ShOOting incidents in 」une 2020,compared to 89 shooung incidents in」 une 2019,a130,3 percent increase,Year― to― date,1れ rough」une 30,there was a+46 percent spike in cittde shooting incidents(528v。 362), ・ Burglary increased +118.2 percent(1,783 v.

817)in」 une and was up+46.3 percent(7,234v. 4,943)year― tO‐ date through June 30,

Once agttn,it is almost unnecessatt to add hat almost all the perpetrators ofthese cttmes were black or Hispanic, wh工 e=nost ofthe ho互 重Cide宙 ctims were black or Hispanic。 But the BLM protestOrs are mystenously absent,alid the media,ever so quick to leap on any“ racist white"shOOting, remttns almost completely sttent aboutthese ongoing black― on― black,or nonwhite― on― nonwhtte,massacres。

In Ⅲヒnncapo■ s, W監 nnesota, wherO George Floyd died, more than one hundred blacks and Hispanics were shot by oher nonwhites in he twenty― nine days fo■ owing Floyd's deah.8 7“ NYPD Announces C■ 7Wide C五 une 2020,″ July 6, =le Statisdcs for」 2020,NYPD omcial press release. 8“ Uptown shooting highlights五 sc in vlolence,″ Sbttι んι υcsを 」bを こ れ αちJune



肋 曜nβど αcたs Dο な ん9冠 ど ど inσ

This ineans that at least three blacks or Hispanics were

murdered every day for a■ 10nth by blacks and Hisparlics in the saine city where Floyd died― but BLM and its inedia supporters did notthink this worth mentioning or protesung about.9 Tんe rcα sOィ をiS Cを 9α r iを 1〃 αs bど αcた s Eο ど んe ntι tteri彎. 4σ な soと んαをね noを と υο滝純′0デ cOnm9減 οr proを 9sを ,rを 港 Onυ ψん9兌 Lυ んites α ″ el■ フοど フ9先 と んαとを んereね αtty sο tt ο デprOを 9sを or rioを ,

This focus and emphasis on the comparat市 ely iny number of white― on― black shootings― and in paricular any

interacions betwecn white polce omcers and nonwhite cri■ 五nals,

such as George Floyd― while ignoring he vast

and overwhelining number of nonwhite― upon― nonwhite shoodngs,isthe hallmark ofthis camp五 gn ofdisと 1lbrmation and openly anti― white hatted。

An overvlew of national igures underscores this reality:

According to staustics kept by he Centers for Disease Control and Prevendon(CDC),there are around 12,830 gun homicides every yearin America.101The tOtal number ofgun deaths is 36,383二 but that ngure inciudes an astonishing 22,274 gun suicides.11)

Signincandy,he number oflaw enforcement shooungs per year is around 496.12 This mearls hat, cxpressed as a percentage of the total number of gun deaths, law enforceJment shooungs account for a paltry l.3 percent of all such incidents. Even of that number, as oudined in Chapter 2 of this book,the inttority of Such shootings involve whites。


The CDC statistics also reveal that black lnales Hlakc up 52 percent of all gun honicide宙 cims,despite compttsing less than 7 percent Of the US population。 14 This means that blacks in Amettca are ten times more likely than white 9 1bid.

10 Centers for Disease Controland Prevention,Web― basedhtturyStatisucs Ouery and RepOrting Systelm(WISoARS),“ Fatallttury RepOrts,″ Feb.20,

2019. Figures represent an average of the 1lve ycars of rnost recently available data:2013 to 2017. 1l 12 13 14

lbid. 1bid, 1bid, 1bid.


Tん9酌独r Aσ αinst M〃

9s 'を

Americ孤 ■S tO die by gun homicide,and 14 umes morelikely than white Americans to be inJured in a gun assault。 15 カ This fact is caused not by“ white rtts■ ュタ Or“ Syste■ lic pohce racisin,″ as the BLM liars cl五 m, but by撹 olence

initiated by other nonwhites, directed at heir racial compatriots. The statsics show that gun violence is clustered a■ long nonwhttc suburbs of A■ lettca`mttor cides。 16 For exalnple, in Boston,53 percent of that city's gun violence occurs in less than 3 percent ofits intersecdons and streets,17 Gun Ⅵolence is the leading cause of deah anlong black children in America18 。nCe ag五 n,innicted by Other blacks, arld not“ whtte racists.″

This mearis that black children are ten tlnes lnore■ kely to be tt■ ed in a gun homicide han white ch五 dren‐ 一simply

becausc of the high gun crirne ratc among blacks, not becausc of“ racist whites,"

FurlherJmore,black women are tMce as llkely as white women to be fata■ y shot by an irltiinate partner19-once ag工 n,this is the result of black― on― black gun violё nce,not 帝hite racislm."Overall,blacks and Hispanics account for “ nearly daree― quarters of all gun homicide victims in the US, and black males are about 10 times more likely harl white Americans to be vicims of gun ho■ licide.20

Black and Hispanic crilne― often dmg― and gang― related― resulted in at least l,044 hoH五 cides and over 15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web―

based Iュ 可ury

Statisics Query and RepOrting System lWISQARS),“ Fatal and Non― fatal httury RepOrtsF Feb。 20,2019,Calculations、 vere based on ave years of the most recently available data:2013 to 2017.

16“Want to Fix Gun Violence in Ameica?Go Local,″ Tんe Gttα r♂ ね ち 」anuary 9,2017.

17 Antho■ yA.Braga,AndrewV.Papachttstos,and Da胡


Concentradon and Stability of Gun Violence at Micro Places in Boston,

″ を Oι Ogυ 26,no.1伊 010):33-53. と を αすυ9"れ ど Oデ @ttα ″ 18 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web― based ln」 ury Statistics Queryand RepOmngSystem lWISQARS),“ Fatallttury RepOrts," Feb.20,2019,Calculadons include children ages O-17 and were based

1980-2008,″ 」o班 触 θJ

On the FnOSt recent available data:2017. 19“ Ameica's

Gun Culturein 10 Charts,″

BB(デ ′ VeLυ S,OCtober


20“ Coln14unityヽ「iolencc lnterventionギ Fact sheet,Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.


W独 珀 βねcた s Dο とん9【 ι ttσ 5,742 shootings in Los Angeles and Chicago alone in 2016-an average of threc murders and ifteen shooungs iι

per day.21 This ngure(and remember itisjust for two cities), means that on average,in those two inetropoles,blacks and nonwhites shoot andと こ■ atleast seventeen oher nonwhites every day。

Nonwhite― upon… nonwhite shooungs can and do takc on war situation-1lke proportions.In Auttst 2019,for exa■ lple, Chicago's Mount Sintt Hospital was forced to temporariけ shutits doors to new patients over the nrst weekend of hat

month atter being overrun by wounded vicims lb■ o胡 ng a record― breaking nonwhite gun crilne spree which saw over nfty… nine A fo■

shootings and seven fatalides.22

■■ al attempt to hold a weekend where“ nobody kllls

anybody lbr 72 hours''in he 72 percent nonwhite city of Baltimore,Maryland,ended in predictable ttmure胡 th a mass shooting and two hottlicides。


As Tん 9 BQど を inore Sウ 兌 had to ad車五t, the organizers of that“ 72-hour Balimore FceaSeare'initiadve maビ ched and

prayed Saturday, cven as hey acknowledged hat heir

fervent pleas lbr peace could not halt he relentless pacc of shootings andとこ■ings in Baltiinore." In Sto Louis,Ⅲ Lssouri,a2016 PoLce Department report revealed that blacks madc up 13 percent of the city's

population,but were responsible for 74 percent of all the crilnc,includhg 92 percent Of all lnurders.24 This lmurder rate translates, he report sttd, into one hoH五 cide every forty― seven hours, Page 34 ofthat report revealed that blacks lnade up 92.5 percent of the arrests for murdero Most signincandy,the 21“Violent cime in LoA.jumps for third straight year as police deal with

gang,homeless issuesギ Los A″ L99ど (,s Tines,Dec.30,2016.“

Fc、 v


as Chicago hit with worst violence in nca』 y20 ycars,"Cん ど cασO T鹿 だ )税 /Lて

Dec 30,2016.


22“ 59 shot,7 fatally in Chicago weekend shooungs,″ ABCハ 修ps,August 6,2019. 23“ Ceaseare v。 lunteers undeterred as calls for end to violence=n技


fattlinar sound of gunare,″ グれ9 βαど と ど れο声 e SIを 7と,Aug 6,2017。 24“ WIetropontan Pohce Department,City ofSt,Louis 2016 Annual Report

to the Conlinunity,Wttetropohtan Police Departlnent,City oF Saint Louis,

1915 0hve Strect,St.Louis,ふ /1o63103.


Tん9"後 r Aσ αi萬 熔ι拗駒ど を es

St.Louis Po■ ce report added,85 percent of the honlicide 宙ctirns were black.25

The statistical evidenc― and he above only scratches he surface― ぃ ls clear and conclusive: Tん 9″91る α れαSSα Cre 。 をね ■oを bei7を 9 COnnttte0 デbね 。たS σOi4σ οn ttt Ane湾 oα,b,を と bυ 駒 〃ん 9確 αsts″ 2)vを 確な ん9r Z″ υοと んer bttcЙ tt αnd nonι υんたcs. This ob宙 ous fact is ignored by BLM protestors and their media allies.They岨 1ねstead seize upon■■e comparat市 ely tiny number ofincidents where there might be a white― on― black or polce― related shooings,and focus endless pub■ city on hose incidents in a de■ berate attempt to generate as much anti― white hatred as possible. In oher words,when whites do theと こ■ing,then“ black hves inatter,″ but when blacks do he kil■ ng,then“ black hves dont lnatter,"and the rnurder sprecs are swept under iを


25 1bid.


Chapter 4 The Undeclared Race War: Nonwhite Crttne Against whites '驚 1監


澪 監


譜 絲

friends by Mithg an ardcle dded“ The Race War of Black against White."l The ardde earned him thc un強 ガng hatted of his coneagues,as it was the nrst,and probably to date, the only mttnstream media admission hat crimein Amettca takes on the form ofan undeclared war ofnonwhites agttnst whites.

Sheehanも words ttng true today, nearly two decades after ttley were Mltten.

No matter how cttme ngures are massaged by those who warlt to acknowledge or dispute he e五 stence of a Dirty War,there is nou■ ing alnbiguous about what he omcial statisics pOrlray: for he past 30 years a large sttment of black Amettca has waged a war of violent retribution agttnst white America.

And he problem is getting worse,not better.In he past 20 years,vlolent Cri=nc has increased more than four umes faster than the populaton. Young blacks(under eighteen)are 140re Violent han previous generadons arld are twelve times ■lore likely to be arrested for murder tharl young whites。

Nearly all he fo■ 軸 g ngures,帝 hich speak for hemselves,have not been reported in America: According to the latest US Department of Jusuce 1 “ The Race War of Black against WhiteF Paul shechan, Tン う負,々,/とσFf(,ra及ちMay 20,1995,

を eSり



Tん9開独r Aσ αtィ を Sを Ⅵ 〃


survey of crirne victims, inore than 6.6■ linion 宙olent

crimes(murder, rape, assault, and robbery)are COmmttted in he US each year, of which about 20 percent, or l.3■

linion, aビ e

interracial crimes.

Most宙 cdms of race criine(about 90 percent)are white,according to ttle survey“ Highl地 沖tS frOm 20 Years oF Surveying Cri=ne Victims,"publshed in 1993. Aユ ュ nost l milhon、 vhite Americans were rnurdered, robbed,assauited,or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared胡 h about 132,000 blacks who were rnurdered,robbed,assaulted,or raped by whites,according to the same survcy. Blacks thus coni=nitted 7.5 tirnes lnore violent interracial cttmes tharェ whttes even though the

black populadon is only one― seventh the size of the white population.When these ngures are attuSted On a per capita basis,世 ley reveal an extraordintty disparity: blacks are conllniting

morethan 50 dmesthe number of宙 olent


of whites。

According to the latest annual report on inurder

by he Federal Bureau of lnvestigadon,

宝 nOSt

interracial=nurders involve black assailants and

white vicdms,Mth blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites lnurder blacks。

These breah― taking dispttdes began to emerge inthcH五 d-1960s,when therewas asharpincrease in black c五 me agttnst whites,an upsurge which, not coincidentЛ ly,corresponds exactly Ц hぇ ith the be」 nning ofthe modern c市 1l rights movement.

over ume, the cumulative cffect has been staggering。 」ustice Department and FBI stadsics indicate hat between 1964 and 1994 more than 25■ linion violent interracial cttmes

were committed, overwhelmingly invo"ing black offenders and white


and more

than 45,000 people were killed in interracit述 50

eC角 碗9 Aσ α を St W所 を 9s murders.By comparison 58,000 Amencans died ∬0■ を υん



in Vietnaln,and 34,000 were ld■ ed in the Korean war.

When nOn― 宙01ent cttmes(burglary, larceny, car theft,and personal theft)are induded夕 the cumulat市 c totals become prodittouS.田 ュe Bureau of」 ustice Statistics says 27■ linion nonぃviolent crirnes were co■ nitted in he US in 1992,and the survey found that 3 1 percent ofthe robberics invo"ed black offenders and white宙 ctims(while 1ェ

only 2 percent in the reverse).

When ali the cri=ne ngures are calculated, it appears that black Americans have co】 m■ itted at least 170 1nilhon c五 mes agttnst white Ame五 cans

in he past 30 yearso lt is he grcat denning disaster of American hfe and American ideals since WOrld War H.

Those statisics,as shOcHng as they are,have worsened considerably since Shechan quoted them in 1995。 According to the FBI's2018 Cr士ne in the l」 nited States report(the latest One avttlablc as oftime ofwrttingl,no leSS than 72.3 percent of a■ thosc arrested for lnurder in the US in that ycar were nonwhite。 2 According to that report,a grand tota1 0f 8,957 people were arrested fOr“ murder amd nonnegligent m孤 ■Siaughter"

in he USo The FBI table hen gOes on to break up the

arrestees by race,using the usual dettberate ploy of adding in all Hispanic numbers to their twhite"category(thereby maliciously Ovettnnaing the white arrest rate). According to this lnanner of cOunting,the FBI statistics Claユ 宜l that Ofthe 8,957 arrestees,“ whites"Inade up 3,953, blacks 4,778, American lndial■ s Or Alaska Natives 105, Asians 94,and Nadve Hawa五 ans Or Other Paciflo lslanders

27. HOwcver,he FBI does al10w a way of esimating he actual number of whitt arrestees― even if tt is only an

2・ 2018 Cttme in the United States,″

Table 43A,by Race and Ethnicity,

FBI,US Department of」 ustice,Crirninal Justicc lnforl■ ation Services



rne・ 舅〕




心i=“ ,e tれ ,よ ヽ・予 】

Fotat 5,319,●

fr tれ

をど 二いS'=説 Ic s・

To薗 arests


Ame苗 can Nattve Asian


● ●

イ ,710,900










542,“ S,381 164,430 92,737 13,698



orense charged

nonneg“ gent nianslaughte「





White Amencan


Percent ttistibuaoぉ

=l HII臥 1











Total arests



亀343,684 1,191,334


Hispanic or Latilic











む ぃく︻ゝ戸甦中 ωミい ∽け増ミざい や∽ミ い


′ VOttLυ んite C汚 碗c Aσ αtttt W覧 ど を es

estimation.In another column,it classes the arrestees by whatit cans“ehnicity,"saying that ofthe 8,957 total,5,578 were“ Not rLspanic or Latino,''and l,472 were“ Hispanic or Latino。 "

Working on the FBI's owビ

1“ loξ c"that

the“ Hisparlic Or white''totals,the “ n■ lmber of white arrestees can therefore be estimated at 2,481(that iS,3,593 1ess l,472)。 FroJm this it is clear that the actuai number of“ white″ arrestees for murder is 27.7 percent of the total,or 2,481

Launo"group has been added to heと

out of a total of 8,957.

In reality,he actual number of white arrestees M■ be even less― because the FBI and the federal government do not have prope』 y deined racial classincatiotts,and cと assify all North Africans, Arabs, W巨 ddle Easterners, and even lndians fro■ l the lndiall subcontinent as``Caucasian''or white"for their statistical purposes. “

This lneans that lmany arrestees included in lhe lower white''ngures M■ not be white,and thus the genuine white “ arrest rate for murder is hkely to be well below 25 percent ofthe total,Put aliolher way,五 is hkely that over 75 percent of those arrested lbr inurders in the l」

S during 2018 were


According to statistics contained in the US Departinent

of」usice's latest(at time Of w五 ing)National Cttme

vicumization Survey (NCVS),3 there were 3,957,720

incidents of々 iolent cttme"(that is,rape or sexual assau比 robbery,aggravated assault,and si=nple assault)in America during 2018. When broken dOwn by race into victiin and ofFender,it transpires that in 2018,nonwhites coHllnitted l,715,471 serious Ⅵolent crimes agalnst whttes,4 1n the same periodタ whites co=Hnitted 309,44 1 serious violent cri=nes ag五 nst


3 Crirninal Victirnization, 2018, US Departnent of」 ustice, Omcc of 」usticc

Programs,Bureau of Justice Statstics, September 2019,NCJ

253043. 4 Table 14:Pcrcent of vlolent incidents,by victi=n and offender racc or ethnicity,2018.Crirninal Victinttzation,2018,US Departinent of」 ustice, Offlce of」 usicc

Programs,Bureau ofJustice Statistics,September 2019,

NC」 253043.


Tん9"切 ″Aσαiィ 澪ιⅥ〃



nonwhttes.5TheSe ngures are,ofcourse,once agttn distorted because of the federal government's dchberate blurring of he distinction between Hispanic ttd white,but,even胡 th hat distortion,he trend is clear:whites are mass市 ely more often he vlctims of interracial crime than the dispensers hereoi The report goes on to reveal the nurnber of serious crirnes com■ litted in America from 2014 to 2019,broken down as fo■ ows year by yearや 20 18i nlllnber of宙 olent crirnes 6,385,520 2017i number of宙 oと ent cttmes 5,612,670

20 16i number of vlolent cttmes 5,353,820 2015i number of宙 olent cttmes 5,006,620 2014:number of vlolent cri=nes 5,359,570 Using the 2018 rado of nonwhite upon white cri=nes as a standard,this lmeans that in the nve years from 2014 to 2018,nonwhites co■ linitted l l,918,826 serious violent crllnes against whtte people in America― excluding the ho■licide statistics quoted above.

This trend has been long in the=nttgoln 2016,black and Hispanic cttm― often drLlg_and garlg― related― resuhed in atleast l,044 honicides and over 5,742 shoothgsin Los Angeles7 and Chicago alone― いan average of ttree maurders and nfteen shooungs per day. es report announcing According to the Los A4σ 9ど 9s Ti〃と hose igures,Ⅵ olent crime in that city had increased for he third year in a row,“ as police tried to steni a rash of ho■licides and gangぃ related shooings wh工 e deaing ttwith a growlng homeless populadon."The sharp rise in criine rates is directly proportional to the笠 中idly dropp置 唱 帯hite

populadons of the lmttor US Ctties.Accordhg to the US Census Bureau, “non― Hispanic whites" consututed 28.5 percent ofthe population of Los Angeles as of」 uly l,2019.8 5 1bid.

6 C五 ■■inal Victimttation, 2018, US Department of」 usuce, omce of Justicc Progratts,Bureau of」 usice Statistics, September 2019,NCJ

253043, 7“ Violent cttme in LA jumps for third straight year as police deal with gang,ho=neless issues,″ Los A帽 9ど 〔 ,s Tittes,1)ec.30,2016.

8 QuickFacts,Los Angeles city,Cahfornia,United States Census Bureau.


ど ″ tSt研〃 es ⅣO″を Lυ ん e Crin9 Aσ れ iι


The Cん ど cα ヮοTrib材 ィ を 9 reVealed that as of December 26, 2016,there had been 754 honicides in Chicago,compared with 480 during he sa■ le period the prevlous year― an increasc of 57 percento Shooting incidents also jumped by 46 percentin 2016 to 3,512 fron1 2,398. Furttlermore,the newspaper sttd,“ crimes went up by double ditttS in nearly every maJor category,i4Cludhg c五 宜工nal Sexual assaults,robberies,and thefts."Atthe same time,arrests by poLce dropped sharply ttrough December 25 to 84,644,a24 percent decrease froHl lll,499 a year earlier and he fewestin atleast ave years。


According to the US Census Bureau,the“ non― Hispanic white"population of Chicago stood at 32 percent as of July l,2019.10

CANADA It is not only in ttle us tthere this vast difference in racial

cttme statisucs presents itsel二 In Carlada,he gro前 ng black

populadon― -ln cottunmOn with he Amerind populauon一 already is responsible for a mttonty of宙 。 lent cttme here. According to a 20 18 report frottl Staistcs Canada,that count=y's ofic差 工 staisucs agency,the ratc of honicide for tindigenous peoples''(North American lndians are actua■ y indigenous to Asia,asthe DNA σぬdcncc has clearly sho-11) is ive dmes higher than for“ non― indigenous''people.12 The report expl五 ned that“ indigenous peoples,includね g those police identify through invesigadon as Fと st Nations, Mёtis,and lnuit,accounted for 50/。 ofCanada's populadon in

2018,but 22%ofall honicide vicimso Ofthe 140 indigenous victilns ofho■ licide reported by pohce in 20 18,96 were rnale 9“ Few answers as Chicago hit with worst violence in nearly 20 years," (,ん iθcLσ O空 角 わtι ″ Lて

30,2016. 10 0uiCkFacts, ',Dec Los Angeles city, Calilbrnia, United States Census

Bureau. 1l Stttos,Fabricio R.,Pandya,Arpita,TylerttSmith,Chiss et al.,こ The

Central Sibettan Ottgin for Nat市 e American Y Chromosomes,'Aれ て,施 n JOLι 河宝ガ 0デ μ Lι nα ″ L CC盈 夕 を ど cs,64(2):619-628,February 1999. 12“ Ho■重cide

in Canada,2018,″ Stadstics Canada,November 27,2019.


Tん o

MttAσ α S州 〃んど を es i7を

(69%)arld 44 were Female(31%)。 "13 Alhough une Canadiarl govemment generally refuses tO release statistics on black crilne in that country,clear racial inferences can be inade from the reporing of gang― related 宙olence and prisOn populations, As Tん 9 Grobe α.,ル免江どnewspaper reported in Febru岬 2020,here are“ two ttlinority groups in Carlada that are badly over― represented in the cOuntty's」 usuce sySte】 m, and which,not coincidentally,also l市 e前 th higher rates of poverty and h整 ォ1-SChool dropout, over― representadOn

in child welfare semces, poorer hving condttiOns On

average,and less ecOno■ lic Opportunity compared to Oher Canadians。 14 One of thedm is lhe black cOniinunity,"Tん 9 Gι ο之 “ )9 αnd 力免と continued, reveahng hat“ between 2005 and 2015, the black populadon in federal prisons grew by 69 percent. Black Canaharlsュ nake up ttree percent of the count=y's total populatOn but represent 10 percent of the Federal ,ど

pttson populationo They are also statistically more likely tO

be putinto sohtatt cOnineJment,Or have fOrce used against theam behind bars." In addidon,the“ indigenous people"make up“ 5 percent ofthe population but accOunt for an astOnishing 30 percent of federal prisOn pOpulations― a number that has been steadily rising for yearso They,too,are over― represented in sohtary coninement."The newspaper went on to ad■ it that gang wiOlence in Canada is black in origin: Pohce chiefs and government omcials often say “ that gttg viOlence isn s。 =Ilethirlg sOciety can arrest tts way out oi But the dispropOrdonate number of lndigenous and black youths in our prisOns,and he we■ ―dOcumented over― policing of raci孤 zed neighbourhoOds in TOrontO, are evidence that they are certttnly willing tO a shot."15



13 1bid.

14(How rising gun and gang撹 Olence exposes Canada`fault hnes,″ 晩 Gどoだ ″ cα ,ゴνれど ちFebruary 16,2020. /と

15 1bid.


ⅣO■ Lυ んitC C万 馳c Aσ αl■ sを Mβπを cs

Another editorial in Tん cGど οbe αn,ル免汀どin 2013 was even

more nrect: urb甑

∬ 孤rs

coluinnist Marcus Gee spe■ ed

out the facts in an aricle tttled,η Ⅳc can■ keep tiptoeing around black― on― black宙 olence,″ saying: Strect Ⅵolencc is tttng a traざ C t01l on black men and boys in this city.Both as victims and as perpetratOrs,hey are caught up【 通l tOO often。 Ifyou pick up the paper or turn on the computer after reports of a shooung,Stabbing,or violent robbery,chances are the face staring out at you 前 1l be black. Black― on― black宙 olence is a disligu五 ng stttn on the face of the city's multicultural success,It is arl uncoJmfortable trllth that,as a welco】 ming and liberal city,we prefer to ignore.The political class wontttalk aboutit for fear of being labened racist. The media are almost as cowed。 16

IInprisonment rates aiso reveal what is goittg on: in 2013,nonwhites consituted 42 percent of Canada's prison population,and the ngure keeps on ttsing year over year.

In 2013, as reported by the Ombudsman for Federal lnmates in Canada, “indigenous people″ constituted 22

percent of that countty's prison populatiOn,although they only make up 4 percent Of he tOtal population,alld blacks make up a further 10 percent of he total prison population, even though he omcial statistics cl五 =n that hey make up 2.9 percent of the country's populadon.In addttion to his,a Furher lo percent of prisoners are ciassed as“ non― Caucasian.力 Atthough their racial orittn iS nOt spedied,it is hkely that they are Chinese or other Asian。


The report alsO revealed that he incarceration rate of blacks has rocketed by more than 80 percent over he previOus ten years, as had the incarceradon rate of aboriざ nal WOmen.″ The only decline in incarceradon rates “ 16 “ We can't keep tiptocing around black― On― black■ lolenceF Marcus Gce,Tれ 9Gど0だ″ ,α /L湧 ゴ て νれど ちFebruary 20,2013. 17 “ Black inmates face second― class status in Canadian prisons,

ombudsman warnsギ

Tん に ,9α れ』′ だ И,比 'GJο

November 26,2013.


Tん e

ttr Aσ αinst M〃 lites

occurred among“ Caucasian''inmates,which had dropped by 3 percent。

Today,four in 10 of the federal士 llnate population is “ comprised of non― Caucasian offenders,"the ombudslman

report concluded, addhg that black inmates are over― represented," particularly in mれ um_security “ institudons.18

By 2017, these agures had increased to an inmate proportion of 23。 l percent for“ indigenous people"陣 th the incarceration ratc for“ indigenous women″ 五sing to 41.4 percent of all female inmates)。

Since 2010, he latest ava工 able Correcdonal Servlce

Canada statisucs repOrt revealed, the population of white inmates has decreased by 23.5 percent, wh工

e he

F`indigenous population″ has increased by 521l percent。


RACE AND CRIME WORLDWIDE The dear hnk between race and cttme was high■ こ れ ted Mth he release of he 2020 ranHngs of the world's most dangerous ctties― and he fact hat every shgle onc of hem,hcluding hose in the US■ have mttoriサ nOnwhtte populations.

According to the study,20 sto Louis, Wttissouri, is the most dangerous dty in America、圧ith a hoEliCide rate of 6 1 per 100,000 ciizens.This made St. Louis he 15th most dangerous ciサ in the world。 Other US cides on the■ st included: Baltとnore(hOttlicide rate of 5 1 per 100,000 cttizens,23rd most dangerous city in the world)。

San」 uan,Puerto Iこ co(hOH工Cide rate of 42 per 100,000 cidzens,40h■ lost darlgerous dhy in the world)。 Detro比 (honiCide rate of 39 per 100,000 cidzens,46血 血 ost dangerous city in the world)。 18“ Demographic Overview ofAbori」 nal Pcoplesin CanadaandAbottJnal Offenders in Federal CorrectionsF Omcc Ofthe correctional lnvesdgator, Correctional Scttice Canada. 19 CSC Corporate RepOrdng System lAp五 12019). θ′ s,April 15,2020。 20“ The Most Dangerous Citiesin The Wond,″ ″。河れ4ι ど


′ VOttLυ んite Crine Aσ αiィ を Sを Ⅵ β互を cs

New Orleans(hO■ 五Cide rate of 37 per 100,000 cidzens; 50th inost dangerous city in the world)。

The only other cides on the“ most dangerous''list are all in the Third World― the nonwhite world。 21

The correladon between race and cttme cannot be any clearer,arld only the■ 滋1lingly bLnd wOuld deny it。

In Western Europe,he situadon is no different.

BRITAIN omcial figures froHl the London Metropohtan PoLce` Gang〕 ほatrix"progra=n have revealed that nonwhites lnake “ up at least 87 percent of all gang swspects in Britttn.22

The MetropohtarI Polce's“ Gangs Matrik"was set up in 2012 in the wake of the wave of nonwhite rioung which burned down parts of London and inany other cides in the UK in 2011.

The syste=n works by gathettng together various inte■ igence

databases, includhg viOlent cri=ne history, entries on social=nedia,and other informadon fro■ l bodies including local councils.This then aliows the idendncation of gang members,and uses an algonth.l to calculate the risk ofthose gang lne】 mbers being violent c五 ■linals. This utterly otteCt市 e arld completely automated arlalysis identines beha宙 。r associated 胡 th gang and criminal 宙olenc― alld has been attacked by letti,ts for“ sdttadzing young black=nen"because the vast mttority ofits identtned SutteCtS are black. London serves perhaps as Brit五 n's textbook case ofthe relatioAship between race and cttmet Statistics fro■ l the 2010 census showed that only 45 percent(3.7重 li■ iOn)of 21 At least 2.5■ ■1lion people have been murdered in Latin America in just sう (teen

years(betWeen 2000 and 2016),representing 33 percent of

despite having only 8 percent Ofits population,a report by the Brazihan lgarape lnstitute has revealed.The report camed the region Of the Caribbean, Central and South America, the“ 、 vorld's most honlicidaF place,Sce“ Cittten Security in Latin America:Facts and the、 vOrld's honlicides―

Figures,″ Igarape lnstitute,Apri1 26,2018。

22“ Scotland Yard's ttnhelp良 1l gangs matr故 'under are over Fsigmatising young black=nenX`Tん θEと,9■ ど ィ と と 歿ら May 9,2018. σStC汀 ″ 'α


Tん c bttr Aσ αinsを

b駒 cs :を


ttt唖 心崎ф S hⅢ m

ipolt碗 舶

とondon sees 20%rlse in rape reports in a year,but police adnlit they Bdonけ t

understandB reason 'There is soniething gbing On、 (ギ

vith sexual ofFendif、 g inと o命 (10ti that、 ve don't futty understat,d'

●( 生、 ,'I■・ 〕 ■ⅢⅢ:│ャ 汗│■ ■ ■ l● ■ ●




■!│ ││││,中 │IⅢ !●

│ │―

● │


EttniЩ騨 細 曲 耐 ,NeWS Footbtt GOと ondo"j持 試 yに

census reveltts whtte B』 itons as ■linorky in capital fOr nrst tttne ■i■


il ;十 !!FⅢ ⅢⅢ


(iti:,′ ,I

Ⅲ lィ


ti;,,II:111:│:│ 、

洵bttLυ ん±9(,湾 れ9 Aσ αど 盈sを

bttfを es

the capital's8。 2■ 11■ ion population classed hemselves as

white B五 tons"in that ycar.23 “

By companson, 58 percent(4.3 ■lilhon)of London's populaton dassed themselves as “white Britons″ at he 2001 census, which mcans hat he white pOpuladon is dropping by at least 600,000 every ten years.Extrapolated outto 2020,itis hkely hat the white populadon of London is slightly over 3 million,and that ttle nonwhite population is hkely to be doser to 5 million.

In line with置 五s huge racial demographic shi比 , there has been a inassive increase in criine in London.A report

in 2017 revealed hat over he prwious ycar alone,there had been a 20 percent ttse in rapes,a33 percent rise in murders,a40 percent risc in robberies,and a 25 percent increase in knife cttme。 24

1n June 2007, he ββC ad■litted com=Ilunity tisl in a cri=Ile℃ risis.'''25

that the “black

QuOting a cO】 minons ho】 me affairs colnmittee,仕le BBC s五 d that ttoung black people were more illvo"ed in∝ rtttn

types Of crirnc,including robbery,dmg and gun oHcnces, They were also more m∝ lyto be he宙 ctims of宙 olent crime。 " The Com■ 五ttee report added hat this was a FFsenOuS crisis″ for“ sections of black co■11■ unides and for some young people of a=nlxed ehnic background。 "26 The report alsO revealed hat threc― quarters of a■ young black=nales in Btttれ h are“ on the nadonal DNA database。 "

A person Only gets added to the DNA database when they have been arrested. In」 une 2010,Tん eS切 ィ を υ 象ダ彎 rαpん ob伎通ned stausics on accusations of crirne 'α broken dowrl by race fro■ l the MetropO■ tan Pohce Semce in Londono The ngures showed that he mttority Of males who were a∝ used of violent crirnes in the 2009-2010 year were black。


23“ Census reveals white Britons as rninority in capitallbr arst tirne,″

Tん c

れ ,υ 9″辺crL December ll,201長 24“London sees 200/O rise in rape repOrts in a year,but poLce adnlit they 電ontt understand'reasonギ Tん (,fれ 』ett February 23,2018. 25 tBlack community in cri=ne`crisis'ギ 'cPcれEBC Ⅳて ,双 ノ s,15 June 2007. .

26 1bid. 27“ Violent inner― city cime,the flgures,and a question of race,″

Tん 9


es Tん 9"後 rAσ αl所 6を M〃すを

The data pro宙 ded a breakdowll of the ehnicity of the 18,091 men and boys who pohce took acuon agね St for


range of宙 olent and sexual offences in London in 2009-10, he T9ι 9σ rαpん reported. They show that among those proceeded againstfor street “ crilnes,54 percent were black;for robbery,59 percent,and for gun crimes,67 percento Street crimes hclude mugttngs, assault、 江ith intent to rob,and snatching property."28 The police ngures also show that black men are twice as hkely to be宙 cumsi They made up 29 percent of he male vlcims of gun crime and 24 percent of the inale victims of knife crirneo The statisics also showed hat black women are responsible for a disproportionate alnount of violent crime comttlitted by females.

The Dα ιlυ

翔膀】 どreport

of the saHle ngures stated

emphaically,“ Black men to blame for most violent city crIIle'...but theyre also the victi=ns.''29

The statisucs showed that black men are twice as lkely to be vicdms of胡 olent crimes committed by oher blacks, the paper reported。

In addiion,poLce“ hold black inen responsible for=nore

hantwo― dttds ofshootings and rnore than half ofrobberies and street crilnes in London,according to ngures released by Scotland Yard"and“ 67 percent ofthose caught by police for gun criines were black."

The hnk between blacks and violent criine is so ob宙 ous hat cven forJmer UoKo Prime mnister Tony Blair was forced to comment pubhcly on he matter,In Ap五 12007,Bl五 r Sttd that Black com=nunites“must spe』 (out ag五 nst the gang hng black ldds, cutture thatleads to gun and knifb cttmeと こと But we wonl stop this by pretending it isnt young black 電 ds doing it,"30 Bl【 述r added hat“ the spate of knife and gun murders in London was not being caused by poverty,but a ″ disinct市 e black culture。 免 Jて ,9″ αPtt」 une 26,2010. 28 1bid. 29“ Black men托 o blame for most violent city crime'…

宙ctims,″ D誠 妙M誠 ち27 June 2010.

30“ Blair blames spate of murders on black cultureF Tれ



but theytte also the Ltt April C Gvα 寇淀

Ⅳο■ι 伊ん】 を cC万 確9 Aσ αど れSオ フ阿牝 iを es

FRANCE Even though Franceも government does not pub■ sh

stadstics on the ethnic or re■ 駆ous

makeup ofits populadon,

a 2004 study coHHnissioned by the French government showed that Muslims― most of whom hail from iin■ 五grant baё kgrounds― are vastly overrepresented in France's pttson population, This ofcourse rneans that they are arrested and conⅥ cted Far more Often for criminal acu宙 ty than are white French people.

According to he study,around 70 percent of allinmates in the country's prisOn system are A/1uslim,“ according to Mus■m leaders, sociologists, arld researchers, thOugh Muslims make up only about 12 percent of the country` population."31


Germany,as he m五 n recゃ icnt Of the fake refugee invasion of Europe aFter that counttyる chance■ or,Angela Merkel,invtted hem a■ in in 2015,serves as yet another test case of he iinpact upon crilne follo胡 ng a large increase in nonwhite numbers。 OHicial government agutts haVe revealed hat 92 percent of the Jmassive increase in crime in Gerェ many has been com■litted by thc“refugees″ who pOured into Germany after 2015。 32

Acc9rding to the government― funded study carried out by cttminoiottst ChiStian Pfeiffer,the mass市 e invasion of mostly young nonwhite males has“ fueled a ttsc in宙 olent crime ln GeHnany。 '33 Using the state ofLower Saxony as an example,he study revealed that between 2015 and 2016 thereミ ょs a 10,4 percent ise in cttme,almost all committed by newly― arr市 ed 31“ In France,Pttsons Filled前 th Mushms,″ vα sん ″Lgι ο″ ιPο sち Apri1 29,

2008. 32“ Mchr Gewalt durch Zuwanderung,″

ZDF打9,ι 9J01を 侑nCIち Jan,2,2018.

33 1bid.




rAσ α を sを 肋 ■9s i″

nonwhttes fro=n NorthンⅥ五ca,sub― SaharaFI Africa,and the WIiddle East.

Those from Norh AMca were he most httly to comm五 offenses,fo■ owed by Sttans,Afghans,arld lratts.Pfeiffer sttd hat he beheved hat the lower crilne rates a■ long the latter three categories was duc to he fact that they“ are quicHy told they就 1l be allowed to remttn and are daerefore

more■ kely to play by the rules." In pracdcal terms, his means that he

refugees" in “ Germany are responsible for 10 percent of all the cri=ne COttllnitted there,This translates to around l,578c五 宜inal acts every day,according to the executive director of the Bavariarl pohce departtnent,Bernhard Egger。 34 Spe』 こng at a con長 )rence h Moscow ided“ Challenges of Modern Migration Processes,''organized by the Hanns Seidel Foundadon and the lnstitute for Jttnguisic Ci宙 hzation and Migration Processes under the Russ]回 ,Mir Foundaton, Egger s五 d hat“aligrants"in Germany com■ lit at least 10 percent of a1l cri=nes in that country。


を を ασ neWSpaper revealed that A reportin the Veと をαn So兌 ィ

here were 5,76 ■linion crilnes reported h 2017, which means hat at icast 576,000 were committed by the fake refugees.36 ″ と を ασ repOrt QuOting ofacial poLce ngures,the V91を αn Soィを

however added thatthe number of“ non― Gerinarl suspects'' arrested in 20 17 stood at 736,265-a ngure which indicates hat the actual“ refugee"crime rate is even hi」 her han Egger's agures.

His co■1=nents coniコmed an earher report from he Gerlman government which admttted that he “refugees" are responsible for rnost of the recent rise in宙 olent crilne

in Gerlmany.37 BaSed on ngures from the stateも interior Hlinistry, which keeps a separate record of criines by 34“ Where Does Migradon Flow?″

Russ闘け ヽ/1ir Foundation,」 une 4,2018.

35“ Deutschland:Zchn Prozent aner verbrechen begehen Mgranten一

Pchzel, Sp税 と ″ と iた DE,June 4,2018. 36 “Krirninahtat geht in Deutschland so stark zuriick wic seit 1993 nicht,″ Vて ,L

Apri1 21,2018.

37 “Krilninahtatsentwicmung im zusan■ menhang von Zuwanderung,″

Bundeskrininala■lt,June 7,2016.


を と υん 9 Cttme Aσ αと ィ st L7ん 打es と iを


■ligrants,"the reportFound that 92.l percent ofheincrease “ was attributable to“ young male migrants,"The sttdy also found that“migrarits were tMce as hkOly to be reported to pohce for a■ eged violent crttnes as German nadonals."

In 2019,nonwhites pretending to be refugees in Gerimany thirty cri=nes every hour during the arst nine months of 2019, according to an ofncial report frottl the CO■ 1lnitted

Federal Cri■ ina1 0fnce。 38 1n totalthe“ refugees"co■ Hnttted 199,625 offenses,which

included 261 murders/attempted murders, 3,702 sex oHenses, 21,947 dmg offenses, 52,368 forgery and fraud offenses,47,477 thefts,arld 30,879“ oher offenses." North and sub― Sahararl Africarls― named as coningfrom

he Ga=nbia,Nigetta,and So】 malia―― Ere particularly noted for their violence,arld the alnount of c五 mes they colmmitis completely dispropordonate to their numbers. It would however beincorrectto attribute all ofGerlmany's crilneproblemsto thefake refugeeinvasion alone.As reported in the β J newspaper in 2017,at least 75 percent― 一and ■kely much morttof all criminals in Berlin are legal Arab iど

immigrants"who entered Germttv decades “ and their Ger】 man― born descendants。 39


The 正死ど , quoted the Socialist Party mayor of Berhn― Neukё ■n,Franttsca Giffey,as saying hat ttlere are“ 12 to 14 criminal clans in Berlin that are threatening peace in the city,"

Atleast nine ofthese“ clans″ consist of“ large Arab famihes

with several hundred of mettbers each.They are involved in drLlg trafncking,burglary,theft arld they deal in stolen goods,human traficking,prostitution and ga■ lbhng dens,'' the β ,report continued。 守 heと parents were stateless iを

Palesunlans who reslded in Lebanon arld who arrlved in Gerlmany in the 1980s,Their sons have gotten a Gerlman passpOrt. And if onc of hem gets caught, he refuses to testify.Bccause,he doesnt want to get one Of his people


・ Krininahtat

im Kontext von Zuwanderunゴ


Betrachtungszeitraun■ :01.01.-30。 09,19017,Bundeskri=ninala■ lt,65173


39 “ Why it's so casy to co■ 114it a Crirne in Germany's capitalギ lnternational,Nov.30,2017.



Tん9恥 後r Aσ αinsを И〃



mto troubic.Hcu raher go to prison hirnselfthan report a family member.″ The report goes on to reveal hat“ Berlね is notjust he capttal of Germtty,but also ttle capital of CriFnel″ To back this llpク the newspaper reports that atleast l,558 crimes are perpettated every single day in he city, a ngure which is“ more han h any oher German state on a per capha basis."Berlin has“ more robbenes(5146), more pickpockeing(44,722),and ihel rnOSt Stolen vehicles (7349),"the report says. The refusal of ttle Arab cttminals to tesify has however led to the Berlin pohcc having a crilne soluion rate of only 42 percento The Alexanderplatz― the central square in he =liddle of Berhn famous for being the site of the city's large

TV broadcasttower― -ls so overr■ ln Mth cri=ne that“ every day someone reports a robbery or a stabbingo When darkness falls,people steer clear from Alexanderplatz."

AUSTRIA In Austria,a shocttng 300 percent increase in violent crime has been omcially linked to tthat was called“ migration

movements"follo胡 ng the mass 2015/20 16 invasion offake refugees.40 According to a report issued by the Ausdan

Federal Criminal Police Omce(BK)direCtOr Frarlz Lang,“ he number of knife attacks h Austtta has isen sharplyィ and a 300 percent″ increase in“violent criine recorded in 20 16 as “

a whole can also be attttbuted to migration movelnents."41

According to 13K data,in 2016,there were about 35,600 Afgh孤 ■S in Austria,and of hat number,at least 5,973 had been identined as viOlent cm■工nals by the poLce.42

THE NETHERLANDS In he Netherlands, o競 ci〔 述 stadstics released by the Neherlands government have revealed that nonwhites in 40・ Messerattacttn in Wien:23“ higer Afghane gesteht beide Taten,″ 五漱9 Pressc,March 8,2018. 41 1bid. 42 1bid。


ⅣOイを Lυ んite Cttη 宅 9 Aσ αt″ を st蘭 釉此es

hat country are 47 times morelikely to be hjttithari native

Dutch,are 29.5 dmes more■ 隆 ly to appear in crimmal courts,are 28。 3 thes more■ kely to face prosecuion,and are 21.l dmes more■ kely to be reざ stered suspects Mth he pohce.43

The Dutch police formally requested the government's Central Bureau for Statistics(CBS)tO examine data for the period 2010 to 2017 as to“ whether persons ttvith a non―

Western 4五 gration background are overrepresented at certttn stages of the crimhal jusこ ce chttn compared to peoplc Mth a Dutch background。 " The report l″ hich CBS produced showed exactly how often people前 置la“ Dutch background or a non― Western migration background appear in he records of the pottcc, the Pubhc Prosecudon Service,court and detention centers, aFld hOW these numbers relate to the totai number of people 胡 血 he sttne migration background。 " The number of“ Rettstered suspects by Pohce per 10,000

residents"of a Dutch background was l,versus 21.l for nonwhttes. The latter igure was made up of Moroccans (5。 4),Dutch And■ esand Amba(5。 3),Surinalnese(4),TurkS (3,2),and“ Other non― westerners"(2.7)。 Prosecudons started by thc Oficc ofthc Pubhc Prosecutor per 10,000 residents against thosc of a]Dutch background

were l,versus 23.3 for nonwhites. The latter ngure was made up of Moroccans(5。 5),Dutch Anti■ es and Aruba(6.9), Surina=nesc(4.5),TurkS(3.3),and“ Oher non― westerners" (3.1)。

Guilty sentences issLled by the Cttminal Courts per 10,000 reddents agttnst thosc of a Dutch background were

l,versus 29,5 for nonwhites.The latter igure was made up of]Moroccans(7。 1), Dutch Anti■ es and Aruba(9,6), Surinamese(5.8),TurkS(3.7),and“ Other non― westerners" (3.3)。


prisoners per 10,000 residents lbr those of a

Dutch background were l,versus 47 for nonwhites.The latter ngure was made up of Moroccans(11.2},Dutch 43

山堕grateachtergrond van personen in de strafrechtketen, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistick(CBS),MarCh 8,2019.


Tん 9 ИttrAσ αι 萬 澪を慟駒】 を 9s

Anti■ es

and Aruba(17.3),Surinalnesc(17.3),TurkS(4.8), (4。 4)。 What these ngures mcan is that in proporion to their numbers,nonwhites in the Netherlarlds are ovem「 helmingly more cttminal tharl the a】 ild“

other non― westerners″

native Dutcho When it is considered that for every“ non― Dutch"person there are approxlmately 3.5 Dutch people, hen it is clear that nonwhites are almost 160 tilnes inore hkely to beね pttson than whites。

Furhermore, even these statisucs may be distorted, because the ofacial detnition of a person with a“ Dutch migration background"is a person with“ atleast one parent tWhOI Was bOrn abroad."That mcans hat a nonwhite whose

parents were born in the Neherlarlds is automatically considered to be so]meone with a“ Dutch background.″

This mearis that nonwhite crime is lkely to be even higher than the omcial igures, as any cri=nes co■ linitted by these second― generation nonwhites are counted under the Dutch"category。 “

NORWAY In Norway, nonwhites are responsible for at least 70 percent of all the Hぬ olent cri=ne in that count=y's capital

city of Os10, accornng to a report on the TV 2 station,44 IIn■ littrants'' of all races lmake up 33 percent of Osloも “ inhabttants。

The TV 2 report sttd that“ immigrants are strongly overrepresented among people who are convicted in he Oslo District Court for the serious acts of violence,"

TV 2's report was based on a suⅣ ey of attthejud♂ ments passё d in the Osio District Court where someone had been C01■ViCted of se五 ous bodily ittury and gross bodily harm

from he beginnmg of 2018 untilthc end of February 2019. A total of 140 people had bee4 Sentenced in that period, for viOlent cri=nes involving knife attacks, beaungs, and otherinstances ofserious abuse,whose victirns had suffered Lfelong itturies,such as deep cuts and skun fractures.In 44“Innvandrere star bak nesten tre av are grove v01dshendelser,″



TV 2,

!Yow朋 をe

Cttne Aσ αど ィ を Sを

V所 を9s

one third of the cases,a knife,glass,or bottle was used. According to TV 2,over two― thirds or nearly 70 percent of the cttmes were co■ Hnitted by i■ 1=nigants,which it called a serious overrepresentadon.″ “ Osと o Pohce Chief Harls Sverre〔 苅②vold VOiced his concern

over this development, saying hat

i■linttrant “

yOuh struggling at school are overrepresented,and attrik〕 uted this to“ poverty and overcrowding,"which makes it“ tough to grow up."45 A report in′

Vο れ〃αυ

TO'切 frona May 2018 revealed that

in 2017,Oslo polce arrested 480 people under the age of twenty― two for宙 olent offenses,arld that the“ inttority Of hese are chttdren from immigrant backgrounds but legally regarded as Norwettan citiZens。


SWEDEN Thousands of nonwhite gangsters as young as lourteen regularly rainpage胡th impunity hrough the strects of Malmo,Sweden,sporting AK-47S and bunetpr。 。fvests,and 血 ro胡 ng grenades and bombs,Swedish pohce admitted in 2018. An unusually frarlk article in Tん 9何 れ9s of London, decepively dded“ Teens roa■l streets Mth rines as cttme swamps Sweden"47(aS if nO One knows whatthe con仕 olled media means by “teens"), revealed the det五 ls of the nonwhite cri=ne plagne: Sweden has been “experiencing an unprecedented surge of gang shooungs, bombings, and sexual assaults," Tん9 Tines ad■littedo ln 2017,here were more daar1 320 shootings,“ dozens″ of bombings, 110 murders,and 7,226 rapes― a10 percent increasc on 2016. ``More thar1 36 percent ofyoung Swedish women say they feel unsaFe at night,"he article continues. 45 Thesc are,of course,the usual race― c五 ■linahty

denying excuses for non、 vhite

which amounts to blan五 ng whites for tpoverty″ and

discriinination.'Sec the next chapter for a fuller discussion ofthis topic. “ 46“ Osio Police:“ Tcens have Guns&Machetes″ Ⅳon〃 αこ ′To'α こ ,May ′


47“ Tcens roani strects with五 nes as criFne Sヽ Vamps S、 vedenギ

何腕(,s,」 an.21,2018.




允』αこ ′


Tん c

ttrAσ α を Sを tィ

M〃笠を es

Nonwhite rape attacks upon whtte women has become a mttOr part of everyday hfe h Sweden.In 2018,public broadcaster SVT revealed hat at least 58 percent of lnen conⅥ cted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the previous ave years were born abroad。 48 The SVT igヒ res produced showed that alrnost 40 percent of those corlvlcted were born in the Middle East or Africa, a=ld that the Jmost conllnon nadonahty for appearing in court― apart fro】 m Swedes― were“ asyluI1l seekers"fro】 m

Afghanistarl.Four in ten had been h Sweden less han a year.

The TV documentary also revealed that the number of reported rape cases had increased by 35 percentin the last ten years,but had not had a convlcion rate to lnatch.49 `¶Lc crime surge is m五 nly conined to so― called`areas of socialexclusion,'acodeforneighborhoods suchasRosengard that are predominantly populated by immigrarlts,"Tん 9 Tines coninued.50

These “

commun五 絶s are pltted by high cttme rates and unelmployment,″ the Υ ttle adds,1lnpttg hat the buildings or the area are somehow responsibl(>― anythね g raher harl admiting he説 航 ous,namely that it is the inhabttants who are the cause. In lMallno,where a nfth ofthe 340,000 inhabttants are “ under 18,ch工 dren as young as 14 roaコ■he streets就 th Kalashn触ov assaultttnes and bunetpr。 。fvests.The average age ofgang membersis 22,the vast mttority Ofhem h五 lhg fromコ nigrant families。 ''51 Tん 9 Tines article went on to admtt that for a long “ ime the Swedish estab■ shment played dowrl the decay of i=n■ ligrant― dominated suburbs,but it can no longer ignore the explosion of工 oと ence." 48 Sweden rape: Most convicted attackers fore整 ダ bOrn, says TV,I〕 BC l―

∬CLυ S,Aug.22,2018. 49“ E基 井lt out Of 10 Fstranger'rapes in Sweden are carried out by Hllgrants,

with more than half of all rape∞ nvlctions to foreigners,study reveals,″ Dα こ ′翔肋ち Aug。 24,2018. 50“Teens roani strects with rines as c五 Jど

Tines,」 anuary 21,2018. 51 1bid.


=ne swamps Sweden,″

T,を (,S境 7を

″ 起 'α

′ V07を lυ んite Crin9 Aσ αサ ィ 〃 9s LSを 研

We “

'を have really reached the bottom: people usc machineguns and hand grenades― they want toとこ11,″ said

Zoran llCarkovic,the forlmer chief of comrnunity pohcing in Rosengard.52 1n addition,Tん9何 れ9s continued,the suburb of Hnkeby,a twenty― ■inute lmetro ride from Stockholm's old center,“ is one of Swedenる 」 most criine― 五dden areas,

ParaHledics and arenghters demand a policc escort to go thereo After nightFall,gangs of young=1len dOIminate ttle streets,ottering drugs at the enttance to the station,''53

1n fact, nonwhite cttme and 宙olence in Sweden has now reached the point tthere paramedics,arenghters,and ordinary police can only attend call― outs in“ immigrant" areas when protected by m工 itatt poliCe equゃ ped胡 血 五ot gear and inachinc― guns. As repOrted by Tん e Sp9cを αと orin Janu叫 2018,54 nOnWhite gang violencc in the city Of Malmё regularly includes shootings and grenade attacks. For Swedes, this has become a Familiar heme," Tん 9 “ Sp9ctαを or continued. “Gun violence is on the rise, wlth

d釣 れght shootings and wll五 out regard for bystanders.In the past nine years,reported and attempted=nurders involving

guns have almost doubled."

The aricle was remarkably honest in admitting the nonwhite o五 麟n ofthe crime and宙 olence,unlike the rest of the controlled mena which Лw剣「s pretends it is tSwedes″ who are behhd it.“ It's widely knowll that gang members are mttnly arst_and second― generaion immigrallts,arld problems are ramparit in what police euphemistically refer to as`vulnerable areas,″ 'the article stated.55 。rttr丘 乳そ s最 琺ヨと晃君まて罷ゲ4原 勇縫鷲:駐 ゴ玉邁∴

ζ静 寵

he pub■ shed a Facebook post revealng that all the宙 olent

crimes his poLce department were investigathg, were committed by nonwhites livttg in Sweden. 52 1bid. 53 1bid. 54“ Ыving in feari Shootings,hand― grenade attacks and gang warfare

have made some city areas no― go zonesギ γttg 2018.

Specι α ι οr,

February 10,

55 1bid,


を es Tん 9昴仏r Aσ α泳心とM釉げ

Here we go;hese are the cases l have handled Monday― ]酌直day this week:rape,rape,aggravated rape, assauh, rape, cxtortion, cxtordon, abuse ofjusice,11legal threats,violence against pohce, threats to police,druglaw,felony narcoucs crme, attempted rnurder,rape,blacktlall,and assault. Suspected perpetrators,A五 ム/1oha■ lad,Mahmod, Moha■1=ned,Moha=nmed Ali,疑學in,agttn,疑 揮in

Chttstoffer...帯 hat,is it truep Yes,a Swedish

na■ le creptinto the outsttrts of a dmg law,[then

itwasI Mohammed,Mahmod Ali,ag五 n and agね 。 Countttes represendng u■ is weekる all c五 =nes: Iraq,Iraq,角 rkey,Syria,Afghanistan,SomЛ ia, So】maユ ia,Syria agttn,SoJm戴 a,unknowricount=y, unknown countty,Sweden.Half of the suspects we cantt know lbr sure because they dont have any valid papers,This usually means they lie about nationahty and idenity。

Now weFejust talttng OrebrO municゃ ality.And these criines occupy our invesugative abihty 100%。 This is what■ looks like and has been looHng likc rbr he last 10-15 years.56

According to thc Norwettan BrOadcasting Corporation (NRKl,nonWhite cttme h Sweden has already created at least 55“ no― go"zones lor white people and he poLce.57 The NRK report s五 d hatthe 55“ no go″ areas―which are on an omcial pOttce black■ st‐ ―are di撹ded into three categoriesransngfrOm“ 五skareas″ to“ seri9uslyvulnerable." The most heav4F nonWhite areas,such as Biskopsgttden in Gohenburg Municipality,are the m9st dangerous.58 Sergcant Peter Larsson told N]RK that atleast 80 percent of the rem証 ning police ofacers are actively secHng oher jobs because polidng he nonwhite invasion has beco】 me too 56“ Pcter Springare,Facebook,Feb。

3,2017,OrebrO,sweden.″ Springare

has since been investigated twtte by state prosecutors,once for“ inciing racial hatredr though neither resulted in charges. 57 “Kttse i svensk pohti: Satses det ikke skikttlig na, cader det i katastrofe,″ 却貿馬 Sept,17,2016. 58 1bid。


Vο れ″ 崩を ′ 9C万 攪9 Aσ α加疇を

嘔ど es

dangerous,“ We have a mttor criSiSo Many coneagues are choosing to qu五 .We are not invesigating cttmes,we dont

have dme to cover the call― outs we are taskedヽ 〃ith。 ″

According to Sergeant Larsson,a“"Shift for police Omcers nOw includes being attacked by=nobs of nonwhites who throw stones at theni and thα ir patrol cars,ca■ ―outs to numerous vehicles being set ablaze,and increashg cases of assaults and murder.This was contt.ェ ..ed by a report quoted by NRK fro]m the countty`National Cttminal I=lvestigation Se獨五ce dded, “ A nadonal ovelⅥ ew of c五 宜五nal networks


mttOr httact h the local community,"which sttd五

was cottl=non,lace for unattended police cars to be attacked, for poLce omcers to be attacked夕 and hat drllg and gang 宙 olence were hcreasing rapidlyね he“ no― go″ zones.

Malmё in south Swede射 ― 耐 h a nonwhite populadon of at least 43 percent― was one of he tties which was highhghted in d■ e report as a paricularly high c五me and gang area.“ We arelosingthe nght agttnst he c五 mhals,"he police told NRK.In 2016,hey sttd,only about 14 percent of all reported cr士 nes were solved,and l士 工s rate drops each year.59

AUSTRALIA The we■ ― knoMl arld disproportional Aborlglna cri=ne rate

in Australia has remttned constant shce record― keephg began Mth the armval of Europeans on hat continent. The oficial stauttcs show hat Abongines are convicted of c五 ■les

arld impttsoned at a dispropordonately high rate, arld are also the mttority of宙 ctims of crime commtted by their owrl conllnunity.According to the Corrective Se郵 ぬces of Aus竹 よLa,as of September 2019,Aborigines represented 28 percent ofAustraha's total adult pttsoner populadon,60 while accouning for only 3.3 percent ofthe general pooulatOn。 61 59 1bid.

60“ 4512,0-Corective Semces,Australia, September Quarter 2019: Key Statistics,″ Australね n Bureau of Statisdcs,Nov.28,2019. 61 “Esumates of Abo五 顔nal and TOri℃ s Strait lslander Australians,″ Austrahan Bureau of Statisics,18 Septe14ber 2018.



9"色 rAσ αテ医乾 bttiを 9s The Austtahan lnstitute of Criininolog/reported in 2020

hat between July l,2017,alld」 une 30,2018,there were 202宙 cti=ns of honicide and 213 idendfled offenders in that countryo Abo五 駆nes aCCOunted for 35 holmicide offenders(16 percent),whiCh mearls hat he offender rate for Aboriginc ■lales was 7.53 per 100,000 compared Mth l.43 per 100,000 1br“ nonぃ Indigenous rnales,''and 3.40 per 100,000

for Aborittnal females compared胡 th O。 22 per 100,000 for non― Ind縫 停nOus women,"62 “ Howcver, over the past two decades, the Austrt工 ian

government has de■ berately encouraged Third World

lnm増強tiOn,and has taken enhusiastic part in he fake

refugec nonsenseo The results have been utterly predictable.

Sudanese― born refugees'' ■■ ing in Melbournc are “ responsible for 128 ti=nes more violent robberies and 68 dmes inore house invasions than natives,according to a report in the打 9級 ど ,Sttt newspaper,63 Amazing",he μ9確 題 S,れ article hen pointed out hat most of the controned media in Australia refuse to even IIlendon the racc ofthe attackers,and pretend that there is nottling unusual with the nonwhite cri=ne plague which is

sweeping hrough Melbourne, The paper goes on to say that Austraha can no longer

preten卜as police once did― that there is not a very big “ crillle proble】 m

in this spedic group.″ 64

ヽ Ve catt pretend― as lnany pOhticians keep doing― that “ i=nporing refugec groups from tribal war― torn Thrd World areas arld from cultures very different to ours does not put Australians here in dallgero lt is just not fttr to those who hen become victiins of criine,"the article adds。

`靴 en there is hisi the now― notorious reluctance of poLce and many media outlets to describe perpetrators, cspecially h宙 olent robberies arld home irlvasions,causes many Victorians to lose f証 dhin bo血 。 " 62“ Honlicide in Austraha 2017-18,″

Austrahan lnsitute of Crirninology,

AIC Reports,Statistical Report 23,GPO Box 1986 Canberra ACT 2601,

2020.0 63“ Three More BRltal Cimes by African Gangs,″

2018. 64 1bid.


Freraど ,sttЪ

」uly 12,

郎οれι υん


But “

9Cだ れ9

Aσ αttst W所 を 9s

bottom hnei the reason some people dont want

raCiEtt deScttptors used is because they dont want you to know here is a very real and alar■ ling problem wlth some communities we let in.You might draw an ob競 ous conclusion,''the aricleる author concludes,65 The specincally州 随can― o五 藤n crime prOblem has even caused“ housands ofMclbourne residents″ to resortto and― cri■ le measures such as insta1ling posts(called“ b01lards"in UK and Australiall English)on heir d五 Veways to“ stop their cars being stolen during armed home invasions."66 The crime is terrible. There are all these gangs “

Hcに ng around these days arld you cant tmst anyone," sald bo■ ard installer Brett Niddtte, who has seen a mttor increase in demand for his services.Wherejust a few ycars ago nobo中 owlled a bonard,a local ret〔 運ler tOld Seven News, every second house"is bttng theJm now. “ Sa■l Surace,who installs bonards,said business

had been soaringin the wake of highly pubicised cri=nein the area.“ Twenty years ago,nobody even thought about a bollard in their garage at home," he s五 d。 “ Now,cvery hOuse is getting them just about." The report went on to reveal he causc ofthe“


The capital city has been scourged by a youth cttme cnsis,where mostly Sudanese“ youths" are accused of stealing cars,invading ho】 mes and businesses,arld theft. Victoriaる Deputy Policc Coniェ nissioner

Andrew Crisp told media earlier this monh tthatl

aggravated burglaries were he“ cttme of choice″ for the Sudaneseo Weヤ e seen Swdanese youth become invo帝 ed h aggravated burglaries,"he 65 1bid.

66“ Melbourne residents instalttng drive、 vay bomards to prevent theftギ Stι れ rise,7Ⅳ9ιυ s,」 an.22,2018.



nst M〃 Tん9昴 色rAσαオ 'を

sttd.“ A lot of the tilne■ 's to steal keys,so hey can steal cars to coコ nコ nit further cri■ les. It has

become he cttrnc of choice for his particular group。


The African cttlne proble■ l has reached such propordons that the authorities have had to estab■ sh a specialist un五 de』 ing wl血 仕le nonwhite crttle,overseen by an“ African Aus甘 』ian Communiサ Taskforcc",which was established in Janu叫 2018“ to work closely with Victona Police to address ruttcan Australian youth offendhg arld antisocial behavlour。 '68

SOUTH AFRICA Hn』 ly,alttlough Soutt Aと icais not a Europett count=y, orhaseverbecncompletelymttorityOCC■ Lpied by Europe孤 lS, it is worthwh五 e to give am ove匈 iew of ttle reported cttme statistics from that nadon,if only to catch a ghmpsc ofthe

future should Europe or Amettca become mttOrity Thrd World in populadon inakeup。 Whユ e he mttoriサ Of iCims ofcime in Soutt Africa are black,it should come as no surprise to learn hat whites are dispropordonately affected by crime here. Accordiflg to the omcial gove...ment statisucs,as of」 uly

2017,here were 4,493,500 whttesin South mca.This is about 8 percent ofthe country's population.69 At the sa■ le ti=ne,the total populadon of South mca stood at 56.52 rnユ hon,ofwhom“ black△ 凸直cans″


45,656,400,or 80.8 percent,“ Coloureds″ (that is,in South Aと icarl parlallce,thosc of mtted― radal o五 頷ns)4,962,900,

Indian/Asians" 1,409,100, or 2.5 or 8.8 percent, and “

percent.70 67 1bid.

68 “Africtt Austrahan Conl=nunity Taskforce launched,″ Sんて,ppα ″ιο″L ⅣCE文 ′ S,January 30,最 019.

69・ Statistね al Release, P0302, Mid― ycar population estiτ nates, 2017ギ 」uly 31,2017,S佳 注isics South Africa,Pretona. 70 1bid.


′ Vο ″ と し υんite Cttne Aσ αど 開生 nsを フ ■9s

The Souh Attcan government's Departtment of Statisucs also keeps records of宙 cdms ofcrilne,broken down by race. According to the government`oficial report, ``Victims of Cri=ne Survey 2016/17"issued on September 28,2017,by Stadstics SA,the number ofcrtteincidentsin which whites were the宙 ctims for the 2016/2017 year stood at 200,296.71

The number of“ black Africans″ who reported being victi=ns stood at l,094,689,72

This means that pro rata to their numbers,whites cre 20 percent more likely to be宙 cthis of crime han are blacks, even though blacks inake up the largest number of crime victims.

These nttres_frOni a■ over the world― show胡 thout quesdon that wherever there are signincant numbers of nonwhites in white sociedes,there is a large and serious criine problem.

Furtherlmore, these statisics show hat whites are, overwhelmingly,the prim劉 り 宙ctims in this interracial cttmc tsuna■ 11-and that the situ甑 on gets progress抒 ely more aggressive and serious as he nonwhite population increases in size,In his regard,hese statistics froHl South Africa serve as a pardcularly so】 mber warning.

The nonwhite crime wave is, as Paul Shechan noted in 1995,indeed a“ race waビ "ag〔週nSt Whites, albeit it an unomcially dedared one,This is a fact,and the only question that needs to be arlswered is“ why."Why is there such a large and obvious nonwhtte cri=xle ratep

71“ Table 3:Distribution of cttme incidents and vicinlised houscholds, 2016/17,″ VictiFns oF Crime Survey,2016/17,Statistics South Africa, Pretotta. 72 1bid.


Chapter 5 Poverty:Does it“ Cause"

Nonwhite Crimle, N評

笛 鍵 ど駅 認 : 驚 4甚 猛 温 ,班 識 駕 亀 障 records of such things are kepto Of this here can be no doubto ThecttFidenceisjusttoooverwhel=ningto deny,andthe sources from which hese ngures are drawn are too omcial and too auhomative to dis■ liss as“ racist propaganda."

To counter this unquesioned re孤 ty,the Far left ttd the controned media and academia have invented an entire web of self‐ cross― referettcedl excuses inasquerading under he〔 邪lise of social science` and anthropology in acade=Ilia. These FFaCadernics"are then used in ttle wider colmmunity to expl五 n"why nonwhites col■ mit more crime. “

This is where he concept of so― caユ ed systemic racism comes from.It is rooted h he idea hat if all people had he same enttironment and social econo宜 五CCと Ctl=lstanCes,

here would be no dttrence in criine rates, academic achicvement, social status, emplottent, and any other soclal measure.

It is also he basis of the胡 dely held nodon that race 五self does not exlst amd is only a“ social constuct."

The acade■ lic fralnework for ttlis“ syste■ lic racism″ he works as fonowsi one farleft acade■ ■c pens a paper cl五 ■五ng hat such and such a difference between the races is due to enⅥronmentttt factors,and not genetic. A second far left acadeH五 c,uSng he nrst paper as a

basis, expands upon he heory arld pub■ shes a second paper which says essend』 ly he same thing,but perhaps dealing前 th a slightly different aspect of society. l By this itis rncant that they all quote each other's rescarch as tevi―



Dο es PoEノ 97士υ “CttS9″ Ⅳο7を Lυ 加 を9


Franz Boas,the“ faher of sociOiogy.″ A tt■ ird

far left acadenic, quoting the second paper,

approaches the issuc fro■ l another antte,arld publshes a

third paper which aiso stts essendally he sarne thing.A fourttl far left acade■ lic repeats he process and so on and so forh.

Soon,there are dozens of papers all clalttling he sa■ le

thing,and』l appeanng to be independent,whereas they

in fact are all based upon one or軽 即aal idea,which hasJust been rephcated out arld its theOry apphed to any number of social circurnstances.

In the neld of sociO10gy and anthropology, he most signincant exalnple ofthis phenomenon is the work of Franz Boas(1858-1942),the」 前 Sh SocioloJst whO in he carly years ofthe twendeh century started the sociolo」 caltheOry 79

ィ 〃すを 9s Tん 9,弘 財 r Aσ αサ を Sを И

that en宙 ronment,not inheritance,shapes the pと vsical form

and other attributes ofthe races of manHnd.

Boas launched this worldview

胡 th

his 191l work

tided “Changes in the Bodily Foコ m of Descendants of IFn■ ligrants,"2 in Which he cl五 med that his studies had

shown that head shapes among recent iin■ ligrants to AIIlerica changed according to nuttition and environment, rather than inherited racial characteristics,

Boas's paper was wnten in response to he work of other scicntists who had noted the considerable variances in height,sku■ shape cr劉 五al measurements,and ottler

physical fcatures between he then emsting Ameican population arld early twenticth centtry immigrants from southern alld eastern Europe。

These studies had been taken up into the then emerttng work of racial al■ d subracial differences,and the science of he study of racc as a biological reality。 3 The Suttect Of

these studies alnong inllnttrants tO America at that tilne lcluded,of course,」 ews.An entire bott of paper was also generated on the physical attributes of“ Hcbrews″ as they were then胡 dely known.Although it is not recorded,it is httly that Boas took personal offense at his as well. In his paper, Boas cla1lmed to study 17,821 people, divided into seven ethno― national groups, and claュ med furher that the average measurement of the cranial size of imttigrarlts were signincantly different from members of iィ

2 Boas,Franz.“ Changes in Bodily Fomm of Descendants of114■ ■grants,"

Aれ 9五 Can

οσねちN.S,14.,1912,530-562. A″ Lと んropο ど

3 These records、 vere prilnarily held by an institution called the Biological

Laboratory,founded in 1890(and nOw known as the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,or CSHL).The BiO10gical Laboratory's original purpose was to offer extra―

educational courses for college students studying zoology,

botany,comparative anatomy,and nature.Bctween 1910 and 1939,the laboratory was the basc ofthe Eugenics Record Oface(ERO)of bi010gist Charles B.Davenport and his assistant Harry H.Laughhn,the t、 vo inOSt proninent American eugenicists of the period.Their、 vork and andingS were incorporated into the Nationa1 0ttgins Act(Iinm■ igration Act of

1924),whiCh Severely reduced the number of il■ migrants to Amenca

from southern and eastern Europe,and instead only allowed irnlnigration the source of the original white American from north、 vestern Europe― ―

population.The ERO was closed down w■ h the outbreak ofthe Second

wond war.


Dο es Poυ 9だ υ TCα ttS9″ ′ Vο ttLυ ん


9 CrincP

hese sa=xle groups who were born in the Untted States.In

other words, Boas`paper clalmed,when i■ linigrants sct foot upon American soil,their children suddenly changed physical form alld their skulls becaェ ne“ longer"Or“ shorter" merely by競 rtuc of heir parents havlng emigrated to he New World. As Boas's paper statedi

The head fo...,which has always been onc of the most stable arld per4■ anent charactenstics of human races, undergoes far― reaching changes due to the trarlsfer of European races to Americarl so工 .The East European Hebrew,who

has a round head,becomes lmore long_headed; the South ltalian,who in ltaly has an exceedingly long head,becomes lnore short― headed,so that boh approach a uniforttl type in this countty,so far as the head is concerned。 4

This work was centrai to Boas's argument hat raci〔 述 differences were not i■ linutable, and could be altered by

a chanttng enVttOnment,This paper sparked the entire neld oF sociolottr devoted to reJecung genetic deterlminislm lWhiCh States that hhe五 tance determines physical,mental,

and psycholottcal trttts in all humans)in favOr of he

environmental"theory of development(WhiCh holds that all “ 打oれ O SαP19″ LS are born a“ blank slate"and are shaped by he environmentin which they are rttsed)。 According to this world宙 ew,it is possible to change the behavioral patte...s of Selected groups by chan」 ng their en宙 ronment,This suggests,for exalnple,that chan」 ng the socioecono■ 五c position of a grOup iwill alter its behavioral patterns― be it acade=lic, crilninal, Or any other sociEエ measurement system。 This,as the reader will readily appreciate,sin forms he basis of all inodern■ berattsm and cOminunis宜 1, and

he belief hat any problem h society can be so什 ed by 4 Boas,Franz.“ Changes in Bod■ y Forin of Descendants ofIIm=nttrants,″ Anettcα ″ をAnι んropο ι οσisち N.S.14,,1912,530-562.


を 9s Tん 917税 r Aσ αtnsを L7ん ど

slmply dhanging he envlronmentin whichね diiduals and themselves,

As ttle faher 9f his world宙 ew, Boas profoundly innuenced he deve16pment of=node... anhropologyo His sttdents at Columbia Un抒 ers均 卜 対 here he was a professor

of anhropolog-lncluded individuals who would ttth角 Ⅱy repeat his theottes far and前 de,and a■ launched personal cmsades in favor of he nurture over natllre world宙


In this way, Boas` behef hat dittrences h human behavior are not dctermined by hnate bioloscal make■ lp― hat is, genes― but are he result of cultural differences

acquired hrough social learning, was passed on to s the basis of modern the “ ■lalnstteaHl.″ This st工 l foIュ ■ αCを o,a belief h he total Western lberal ttЮ uぎ 五,and,ψ Sο デ equtllitar Of all in(11宙 duals,suttect only tO heir changeable environmental conditions.

The work of one of Boas's students, Ashley Montagu (1905-1999), 前 ■ sumce tO

usttate how the insertion of this“ blank slate"idea into he l■

■lEunStrea■ l was achieved.

Ashley MOntagu,a British 」ew

whose real name was lsrael Ehrenberg, took his mentor's

theories and expanded upon he■ l h his 1942 book,胞 Pぬ Mosを Dα れヮerous ル宅たん 「 Tん 9 Яαど ど αtt ο デRα Ce,3

Ashley Montagu.

This work estabished httn as he prirne opponent of he

nature″ argument of humtt development,and su■ 1lned “ up Boas`pri=ne argument that there was no lhk between genedcs ttd behavior,hat race was largely a“ social consttuct,″ arld there were no signincaFit biOlottcal

differences between races,6 と 5肋肱″ 's

ど acこ ′ れ'抒 9 Яαど ttbst Dθ 預っerOus勘 けι げ Rαtt M・

F.Ashley Montagu,

Columbia Un市.Press,New York,1942.

6 This idea is stll the doHinating belief in acade■


is itself a

further indicadon of acadettta's blatant dishonesty.Thc advent of the


Dο es Pο フettυ

ttusc″ ⅣonLυ ん c CttmeP iを

Montagu was then invtted to draw up the United Nations Educational,Scientinc and cultura1 0rganization (UNESCO)“ Statement on Race,"which dttmed that“ For all

practical social purposes ttace'is not so inuch a bioloざ cal

phenomenon as a social m山 ."7 WIontagu's work―and the resulting numerous“


that it spurred― seives as the pri=ne exainple of the“ self― quoting"process oudined above.This plethora of so― ca■ ed acade■ 五c studies― which are stin quoted α覆囮 SCをを n in the teaching of anthropology and socと ology,and which form the basis of modern Western eg』 itarianist ttlought,all der市 e from one original paper by Frarlz BOas,8 Lを

sciencc of genetic testing has deanitively proven that there are signi1lcant

and identiflable genetic differences between races,hence the ava■ of tancestry testing″ through commercially avallable DNA kits,

7“ Statement on the Nature of Race and Race Differences,″



Paris,」 une 1951.

8 Another Boas― dettved hoax was that of his studentふ /1argaret Mcad

(WhO Was nOnlinally Chnstian but of」 ewish descent through her

mother's side),、 VhO Wentto the island of Samoa in 1925,and supposedly

conducted fleld research and personal intewiews with young Samoan girls.In 1928,she published the results of her tresearch″ under the title, Tんc Cο 腕ど /と σο デA99ゼ 7L Sα nOα ρnlliam Morrow and Co.,1928).ThiS WOrk clailned that Samoans were“ sexualy liberated,″ and that they“ laugh at stories of romantic iove,scor at infldelityF they“ believe exphcitty that one love will quickly cure anotherギ that“ adultery does not necessarily mean a broken marriageギ that“ d市orce is a silnple, informal matterギ that“ Samoans welcome casual homosexual practicesギ and that“ in such a setting,there is no rooni for guilt.″ M■ lions of copies of Mcad's book have been sold in dozens oflanguages,and it became,、 vithout question,

one ofthe、 vorld'sI■ ost inauential anthropological books,As the reader win readily perce市 e,the book was in fact a thinly dissuised attack upon

Western sexuallnorals and values,and is widely acknowledged as having laid the ideological groundwork for the tseズ ual revolution″ ofthe 1960s,

Mead was acclai=ned as a genius, and was appointed president of the

Ameican Association for the Advancement of Science in 1975, and served as curator of the American Museuni of Natural IIstory until her

death in 1978,Her aura remained untarnished until 1984,when another anthropologist,Derek Freeman,after completing slx years of acld work in Samoa in order to research Mead's original work,pubttshed his Andings under the dde,脆 りαr(,と 夕 晒θα,α れd Sanο α∫御隠 」 ν,たど れσ αれ,υ ttmaた サ ィ Lσ Oデ

α■A/と と んrοpο ど ο cα ど れ生″ん(Penguin BOoks, 1984). Freeman discovered σゼ

that Mcad had in fact invented all the tresearch″

and“ conclusions″ Ibr

her book,Contrary to her claims,she could not even speak Samoan,and was unable to communicate properly in person with any of her interview SutteCtS,as she had clai=ned.She also never l什 ed with the islanders,as


″ Lsを И 〃すを 9s Tん eMね ″Aσαι

Given whatis today kno― aboutthe reames ofgeneics, itshould come asno surpriseto the readertolearnthatBoas's ottginal paper,“ Changes in Bodtty Fo■ iュ of Descendarlts of lmmigrants,″ has been horoughly debunked asJ』 se,

In 2002,two sdendsts, Corey S. Sparks and Hchard L.」 arltz,undertook a mttor sttdy of Boas's orittal wOrk,

revlcMng his melhodol鶴 乎, suttects, 俺st results, and conclusions.

Their andings, pubhshed in he r'roct9覆 1■ 9s oデ をん9 9α Sと 誠 es OデA碗 9河 cら を 郎誠 ionα ど A∝ 題9nυ οデS'9■Ces Oデ をん9υれと hat organizadon's peer― reⅥ ewed iournal which has been continually pub■ shed since 1915,revealed hat Boas had dmply ittwented his andね gS. The authors sunllnarized thett conclusions as lonows:

In 1912, Frarlz Boas pubished a study demonstrating the plastc nature of the hllman body in responsc to changes in the environment. The resutts of this study have been cited rbr the past 90 years as eⅥ dence of cranial plasucity。

These nndings, however, have never been critiqued horoughly for their statsictt and biolottcJ vЛ idiけ。

This study presents a reassessment of Boas's data w成 thin a rnodern statisical and quandtadve genetic framework.The data used here consists of head and face lmeasurements on over 8,000 individuals of various European ethnic groups. she had clahned,and had instead stayed in the very Westem home of a US Nav pharl■ acist.Furtherimore,she spent only nine months on the island,worHng on a completelyunrelated topic.Freeman actually tracked down, and inteぃ 成ewed on camera,one of Mcad's original informants, hen an elde』 y woman,who revealed hat allthe“ information″ they had pro胡ded to Mead was completelyfalse and ajoke on their part.“

have taken it sciously,"the Samoan woman told Freeman.“

She must Butl was

only joHng.As yOu know,Samoanざ rls are terriac hars when it comes to joking.But Margaret accepted our trumped― up stottes as though they were truc.″ Freeman's conclusion,based on this and other evidencc he gathered,was that Mcad's,Tん c Coni躙ヮ οデAσ9れ Sama2 was a work of

1lction, and had no basis in fact, Despite this devastadng exposure, Mcad's work is sdll a prescttbed work in anthropology studies around he world― simply because■ ats ttle anti― Western narrat市 e.


Does Poフ 9″ せy確伽

sc″ ∬onιυ所を 9Cだ


Byusingped整 Jeeコ afO・ ュェadon contalrledと a Boasも data,narrow sense herttab五 ides are esimated by

he lnehod Ofmaa涎 mu■ 1■ kehhOOd。 In adぬ don, a series of t tests and regression

analyses are performed to determine he onglnal indings on between American and Europe孤 1born children and he prolonged effect of he environment on craniallbrm. Results indicate the reladve15′ high genedc statisucal validity of Boasも

血 fferendation

component of thc head and face diarneters desptte he environlxlental dttSerences duing development. Results point tO very sElall and hsign通 cant d」 段)rences between European―

arld Amettcan― bo.上 工OffSpring, and no effe(丈 of

exposure to he Amettcan envttonment on the cranialindex h children.

Tんese resを ιltS Co″ と施 覆 icを Boα s`ο れσど■αを,■ ,1兌 σS

,9馳 οnsを ,τ ttc とんαと なん9y ttα υ nο ppο tt α 電 ォ s90と osと を SOデ pどα Sticity 響 れ97を と れOψ ん0わgy.9 α″ と α

ど ο″ を 99r b9 t7を Cttntα ど

In oher words, Boas faked his results, or at the very least,deliberately mishterpreted hem,to serve a pottdcal purpOse。

The endFe basis of=Ilodern sociology,anthropology,and ■beralism―which Jbstered lhe“ nurture"and“ blank slate" view of race arld socieサ ーiS false.

It is based upon a ddiberate lie,designed to hide the reality ofね hetttance and genedcs as the deteと ュ■ ining factor

in human physiolog,intenigence,and behavior, Despite he foundation of this worldiew httimg been thoroutthly diSproven,比 si4 forms he basis of every single explanadon lbr nonwhtte cri■ le in whtte societies。 Every ti■ le the dispropordOnate nonwhtte involvementin crirne is ad■ litted by the contro■ ed inedia or acade■ 五a,it is 9・ A reassessment of human cranial plasticity: Boas revisited,″ Corey S,Sparks and ttchard L。 」antz,Proc Ⅳαι どAccと ,Sciし (ン転 Nov 12,2002;



Tん 9昴独rAσ αtr澪 と研〃


always prefaced or explalned by a clalm that this behavior is the product of environment, of``poverty," and “social deprivation."

In addttion,this envronmentis always attributed to“ white racism。 "This attribution to“ white racisa■ ''is necesstty to

explain why these envronmental factors are alwttrS present whenever there are large numbers of nonwhites. Othe=H♂ vise,the controlled rnedia and the far ieft acade】 mics would be at a loss to explain why wherever there are large numbers of nonwhites,there is always social deprivation, econoH五 c backwardness, and the social ttlalttses which manifest hemse"es in he higher crime rates.

These “environmental" reasons must be invented and 重lalntained because the far lett and the controlled media

dare not face up to lhe only alternat市 ei namely lhat beha撹 ors,like physical attibutes or intellectual ability,are inherited and unchangeable. To adttlit he genedc basis of behaⅥ or, never 互ind physical appearance or intellectual abiliけ ,iS tO admtt hat the entire environlxlental theory of develop=xlentis a he.And

that they can never do,no inatter how overwhelming the scientinc eⅥ dence=n整 ォlt be. As a resu■ ,all inst孤 lCeS Of nonwhite ciminaliサ ,sOCial

depttvation, or any oher social measure of nonwhite

backwardness is always attributed to what is now caned systemic racism。 “


By慢is they mean hat society itselt being the product of whtte males,renects an inherent discri=ninatory posidon agttnst anyone who is not a white rnale. Whtte it is cert五 nly trtle from a histottcal poht of宙 ew that modern Western society as we know tt was developed by white=nales,wlda the ob宙 ous support and a■ d of white females,there is of course no jusincatiOn to cl五 m hat he societal sttucture by itself is the cause of nonwhtte長 五lure to achieve。

It is ttnpossible for school bu工 dings h America, for example, which are ttle technoloJcal prOduct of white enざ neers,arcれ 五ects,and which uSe electriciけ ,printed

books,furniture and attingS all invented and designed by


TCα Dο es Pο フ9河 こ 】Se″ ′

!Vο ■を υ

C CttncP


white people,to be blalned for nonwhite acade■ lic皇五lure。 Despite this,the controned lnedia and the establshment sti■ talk of“ fal■ ng″ black or nonwhtte schools― as」 somehow dhe bricks hemselves are to blame. Systemic racism″ is herefore just a code word for arlti― “ white hatted rather than a real phenomenon.It is inuch easier to blτ ttne white people for nonwhite長 五hngs then it is to loOk fOr the dceper and real reasons why nonwhttes consistently ttil to achieve or maintttn white Western European standards of behavlor,no lnatter where they may and theJmselves. Only oncc this explanation of hberal― left lhought is

understood,and exposed,can any sense be made of the anti― white

hatred so com■ lon in the world today.

The most cOmmon cl五 m made by the a】

:lti― white movement in its desperate attempts to explain nonwhite criminality and nonwhite failure to achieve in academia, social status,economics,or any other ield Of endeavor,is

one of“ poverty."

High nonwhite cttme rates in America are almost always attributed to“ social deprivation″ and“ poverty。 "10

This argument holds that a“ poor"environment is the pttmary cause of criminal beha砿 or,and if only blacks and other nonwhites did not suffer from this tremendous tpoverty,"then they would not conlinit so=nuch cttme.

Ы ke all the Boas― based arguinents, this clal■ l is an easily disproven lieo The omcial pOverty rates in America are

tracked by he US Census Bureau's American Communiサ Survey,■ which uses as a F`pOverty threshold"an income of$20,212 for a familyヽ Mith two adults and one child(as of 2018).The pOVerty rates are broken down by race and are tabulated im an easy― to― read format by the Henry」 。 10 Why blacks and nonwhites are always in“ pOverげ compared to white communides,is ofcourse never addressed,except to clairn thatitis white peoples'fault once again, that whites someho、 v all conspire to deprive nonwhites of the ability to achieve econonically.See Chapter 12 of this book for a fun discussion,

11 2014-2018 ACS 5-year Esdmates, United States Census Bureau, 30,2020.





cs rAσ α を Sを M〃 すを jィ

P6verty Rate by Race/Ethnicity t KFF イIⅢ llギ

IIキ 1下

it1 201 3


岡 謳


υnited States l



息16■ 7,800

鄭 '11060,1的

KAiser FainJy Foundadon(KFF),whiCh iS aFahated前 血


mser Permanente integrated managed care consordunl, the largest rnanaged not-lbr… profit care organizadon in the United States。

As detalled by the KFF,he rett number ofpeople,classed by race,who were li萌 ng im poverty in Amettca as of 2018, were as fo■ ows:

Whttes: Blacks:

18,080,090 8,647,800

Hispanics:11,060,10012 The lneaning of these staisucs will not be lost on the readero As noted earlier, blacks and Hispanics account for over 70 percent of arrestees for コaurder, and comttlit well over three― quarters of allthe cttme in he US一 despite having real poverty numbers we■ below lhe whne level. 吼 aS the BOas― based argument goes, poverty was he mttOr dr抒er of crminal behaior,the rett poverty rates would ttnean that whttes would be responsible rbr the vast mttOriサ Of Crm■ ein the US.As he ngures show,they are not。

The fact that nonwhites commtt he mttority Of Crime, desptte htting lower real numbers of indL宙 duals below the poverty hne,serves as deanitive proof that the Boas― based claば n of“ poverty"and“ social deprivadon"is a lie。 This reJmttns truc even ifthe numbers are extraゃ olated Out prorated in te.ュ 上 S Of COmparative population percentages。

One interesing fact which eIIlerges from these poverty levels is he fact hat in reai numbers,there are roughly as inany whttes ll撹 ng in poverty as there are blacks arld 12 Poverty Rate by Race/Eh五 city l KFF,■ meframe:2018,The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation(KFF).


Dο es Porノ9滝 υ rcα usc″ ⅣO兌 ″んite CrineP

Hispanics combinedo Once ag五n,this would,if the Boas― theory was true,indicate that ttle racial criIIle rate would be

split 50/50 between white and nonwhit"but,Of course,比 is not.

Two other importarlt case studies serve to disprove the clttm that c五 me is driven by poverty.

The nrst was accidentally highighted by CNN― one of the inost extteme anti― white news broadcasters in inodern

-ln its relendessly negat市 e coverage of US president Donald Trump. The CNN article,dtled“ Trump gives America'sゎ oOrest white towll'40pe''13(Febrlltty 6,2017),revealed that Trump had won 81 percent ofthe votein Beat岬■ 1le,Kentucky.ThiS is a town,CNN gloated,which had“ earned the unfortunate distincdon of being theゃ ooreSt White town in Amenca'from A=Ilericaい

2008 to 2012。 "14 岬

Trump 9ives Americals'poorest white towni

hope 和 I● 件 ‐ ,● ド白● 9 ■ⅢⅢ ■ヽ 'P′ “与ヤギ Ⅲ れ ● '1liイ i■





13“ Trump gives America'sゃ oOrest white town'hope,″ CNN,FebRlary 6, 2017. 14 1bid.



9Mね r

C百 me

所 と を cs Aσ αι 嬌をフИ比

rate in BeatyVHo.卜 entucky(KY〉 murders(「 βpOs lobbenOs,asSauk,ィ


C,れ 。 C呻 い 0奮 協 ・

'ime inder




く rS

´ 一  ・ 一

一  ↓ ・、

  . す  .= ,

口‐ 中 噂 い。

ヽ   一  ・﹂

一 一・ 一 レ


W■ r44



According to the US Census bureau's lnost recent igures, Bcatlッ ville is 99。 7 percent white。 15

on whidh mettc you look at,it sti■ ranks alnong the inost impoveished in the countly,"the CNN e report s五 d,pohこ ng out hat he mttority Of Beatけ 立■ residents get some rorE1 0f gOvernment ald,Mth 57 percent of houscholds recei■ ing fbod stamps and 58 percent getthg disabhty pattentS from Sodal Secuttty.All of the mttOr elmployers have lett he area,and“ att that's lett are a few grocery stores, gas stations, arld s■ lall businesses. And drugs,"the CNN report added,inadvertendy reveahng that he problems fadng Bcatサ 魁 le were therefore idenical to Depending “

hat facing Detroit or any oher nonwhite― dottlinated city in ハ正neriCa.

15 ・ ACS Demographic and Housing Estimates,″ Survey/Program: American Community Survey,2018:ACS 5-Vear Estimates Data Pronles, TableID:DP05,United States Census Bureau.


Do9s Pο υerと y κ Ctts9″ ′Vο ttLυ 肪を9Cだ ncP

That,however,is where the parallel ends,Whereas宙 olent cttme is rampant in lhe nonwhtte centers,in BcattyⅦ ■e it is all but nonexlstent.Accordng to data provided by City― Data,which uses ofacial us Gove.■ ■ ■lent statisics,since 2004 there have been no inurders in Bcattyville,one rape, arld 世ェ ree robbettes。 16 staiSic』 ly spe』 五ng, City― Data reported,he ofacia1 2015宙 olent cmme rate h Beattyville was O per 100,000 inhabitants,compared to the ofacial us average of 207.7 per 100,000五habitants.17 The comparison cannot be dearet a mttontywhite town, fadng the idendcal econottlic and soci〔 工problems as any of the nonwhite cides and towns in Amettca,has a criine rate which is statisucally insignncarit.

On the other hand, the cttme rates h he nonttne mttOrity dties such as St,Louis(MiSSOu五 ),BЛ こmOre (Mttyland),Detroit(Michigan),New Orleans(Louisianal,

and Newark(New Jerseyl― 羽げl五 Ch together make up the top ave=nost dangerous cities in Amettca― are sky high。 A second case study proves the point once again.In〕 ほarch 2016,the estab■ shttlent journal Rα ce αtt Sociα どP″οわど 9ns

published arl extens抒e study which also deinidvely smashed the cxcllSe that poverty“ causes"crilne。


1n its introducdon, the paper provldes a number of i=nportant background facts related to the topici

Department of」 usこ ce esumates indicate that one in three black lnen born in 2001 can expect to be incarcerated in the coursc of their l餌 etime。

In comparisOn,he rate for Hispanic rnales is one for whtte rnales,one in seventeen.

in sう (and

Massと rarceradon in ttle USA disproportiOnately 16 There was in fact one murder reported in Bcat弾 1le during this period,apparently a famlly― related incident.For reasons unknown,this incident、 vas not registered on he City― Data report,pOssibly because it was a family incident rather han a purely cttminal act. 17“ Crime rate in Bcatけ 宙1lC,Kentucky(KY):murders,rapes,robberies,

assaults, burglatts, hefts, auto thetts, arson, law enforcement employees,ponce ofacers,cttlne map,″


City― Data.


Wealth and lncarcerationi Results from the Nadonal Lontttudinal Survey ofYouth,″ Kh五 ng Zaw,Darnck Hanilton&William Da五 ty」 r,Rα cc α71す SO(ァ J Probど ems,vomme 8,pages lo3-1lS(2016). iα


〃すを sを И es Tん9"り rAσ αi″を

affects blacks.Among inen born between 1965 and 1969,3 percent of whhes and 20 percent of blacks had served ime h prison by their early 血


The study found hat poor black males were nearly four dmes more lkely to commit crimc han poor white males, and that poor Hispanics were not far behind.

The study's results showed hat he“

chattlces of incarceration in America are always higher for blacks than for whites or Hispanics,regardless of their level of wealth."

The paper was prepared by the auhors Khttng Zaw, Darrick Ham工 ton, and Wi■ iatt1l Dariけ Jr。 ― and it is irnportant to note that Zaw is Chhese,whtte Hainilton and Darity are black.There can therefore be no accusations of ``岨ite bias''in this study.

Although obviously set up with he intention of pro宙 ng some sort of“ discriminahn,"he study was instead le比 胡 h all hexplicable fact― for the authors,at least,namely that when an socioeconon五 c factors are eqllal,nonwhites sun have signincantly higher crime rates than whites, The study allalyzed data frolm the US Bureau of Labor's

1979 National Lontttudinal Study of Youh,19 which was a lontttudina120 prtteCt that followed the l市 es of a sample

of American youtt born between 1957-64.It originally

induded 12,686 respondents ages 14… 22 when arst interviewed in 1979,after two subsain,leS Were dropped, 9,964 respondents remttned in uie eligible samples. The study asked the participants about their assets and debts,and interviewers also noted heir type of residencc, induding whether ttley were in ajttl or prison。

ParticittantS Were grouped by race and their household wealth,and researchers ttlen went back throllgh the data to see how many people in each:ダ oup were arrested and Jttled for criminal actiⅥ ty.The study excluded allthose who 19 National Longitudinal Study of Youth, 1979.National Longitudinal

SuⅣeys, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Postal Square Building, 2 Massachusetts Ave,NE,Washington,D.C. 20 A lon」 tudinal study is an observational research method in which data is gahered for the same suttectS repeatedly over a period of dme.


Dο es Pο フ9ィ を υ TCα ttsc″ 測bnLυ んite CrincP

were only briefサ 10Cked up,as opposed to fun incarceration。 The“ poverty"gradations were di撹 ded into ten groups often percenこ les,broken up by income levels,The results found that about 2.7 percent of the poorest young white inales

ultimately went to pttson,while 10。 47 percent of black males in that category went to pttson,and 7.16 percent of Hispanics. In the next income category up,20。 48 percent of blacks went to prison,as opposed to 3.13 percent of whites,and 14.56 percent of Hispanics,

The disparity remttned constarlt throughout thc entire range,Mth the percentage ofwhites being impttsoned never rishg about 6.36 percent.

Only ttle very wealhiest black youth― hose whose household wealth exceeded$69,000 in 2012 do■ ars―had a better chancc of avoiding prison han the poorest whtte youtho Among black young people in this group,2.4 percent were incarcerated. As the study concluded: Bctween races,we ind that atlow levels ofwealth

bott blacks and Hispanics si■ had a higher incarceradon rate than whites,At higher levels of wealth at ttle baseline,alttlough ttle black― white

incarceration dispariサ was reduced for males,it was not e■ minated. After trying to explttn this end■ lring gtt by“differendal exposure to discri=ninadon,″ and Other clearly made― ■lp 色 ctors,the study then admitted hati

We do obseⅣ e that for Hispanic inales staring 前 th higher levels ofwealth,odds ofincarceradon

are si=nilar to those ofwhite inales at comparable

wealh levelso Why Hisparlic males experience this convergence but not black inales,we leave to furher study.




rAσαl■ st,7ん ites

ln other words,he study was at a loss to expl五 n why, given he sa=ne socioeconon五 c circumstances, there is a difference in the incarceradon rates between Hispanics and blacks. As Tん e Vα s肪 町 を o■ POSt noted in its report on the study:

In “

cttHttnal justice, though, you cant just

explain away the disproportionate rates at which

black and Hispanic youtts end up in prison by pointtg out that many people of color did not grow up胡 ua the sa.le ccononic advantages as

heと white



Hnally,he∞ mparatiⅥ ly 」apanesc,

lower c五 me

rates among he

and certain groups of oher Asians livhg in

America,adds a Furher dttnension to this quesdon。 22 1n ptticular,it demonstrates the Fallacy of the standby estabishment argument hat whtte racism is the causc of differing cri=ne rates― because certain groups of nonwhites (Asians)do not have high crime rates when五 宙ngね white― domねaated societies, If envronment, pOverty, or whtte racis■ l are not the causes of high nonwhite cttminaliサ ,世 len whatisp To answer this,we are forced to consider the alternatve

theorywhichFranzBoasandttelemstsch。 。lofanhropolov so■ lght

to suppressi nainely he“ nature″ part ofthe nurture

versus nature argument.

21・ Poor White ttds Are Less uttly tO go to Prison htt Hch Black Kids, T7税 sん ,xァ ι ο7を POSち Mar.23,2016. Lι α πttnc R(,porι s,which consistendy 22 Sec att ofthe he FBI'sA″ Lアを

show an extremely low宙 olent Asian cttme rate.


Chapter 6 Behavior:A Product of RIace,

Geneucs,and IQ Iを 。爾 常 弼 :途 舟 電 鷲 4繹 乳 :鴨 1瓢 践 explanation can be that racial attributes are inherited.This means that behaⅥ ora1lraits are passed doMl froHl parents

to children h the same way that physical appeararlce is passed dOwn froni parent tO child.

There are few people who would deny that children take on he physical■ keness of their parents and other direct ancestors, Consider lhe phrase“ You look just likc

your father/moher/grandfather/grandmother。 '' This is someuling Which almost everyone前 ■ have heard or s五 d, cither about themselves or someone else. Yet all too few people stop to analyze such a thと owaway phrase.It means that the person so described has hhertted the physical appearttice of his or her direct aricestors.They have tinhented their genes,''甑 d thiSis why thereis a famゥ resemblance。 This physical appearance is deteHnined by genedcs.This is why people look ttke their dと ect ancestors.This apphes to

indMduals― and

groups of silnユ ar looking people。

European people Hwill have European looking children, providing there has been no ad=五 xture胡 h non― Europcan elements. Africanpeoplewl■ haveAfrican lootthgchildren,providing here has been no adnixture wl仕 l non― African elements.

Chinese pcople win have chinese looHng children, pro宙 ding therc has been nO ad■ 五xture¬ ″ith non― Chinesc elements,and so on and so lbtth.

No one but a madman would deny he heritability of physic』 appearallce。


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Yet, thanks to he Franz BoaS― inmated “blank siate" ideology, he salne people who wl■ read工 y admtt hat plvsical trttts are hherited,前 1l engage in 4ySterical denial of he hetttability of al other huHlan trttts。 The realiサ iS that if physical appearalice is hherited, then everythね g else is also inherited,because evetthing

in a human is con廿 olled by ther genes,and genes are inhertted.This includes things such as he縫 ォlt,Skun shape, eye color,httr color,and of course,bran sttucture. And if all physical attttbutes are inhettted,hen it starlds

to reason that he genes which con甘 ol all oher aspects of humarl exlstenc― and世 is hdudes cognit市 c abi■ ty, character,and personality― are also inhertted。 This is actu孤 ly a well― known fact in medical circles, where ttle herttabiliサ Of mental illnesses,certttn discases, arld cognit市 e abihty are widely recogntted.This forms an accepted part of many dia唱 津OSuc procedures and treatinent regllnens.This is why】 medical questionnaire ask if here is any“ fam増 hiStO巧 〆 of certaln innesses. The brttn,arl organ,just lke any other h ttle body,is also made up of cells created by genes-lnherited genes. This organ controls most ofthe body,and,cridcally,ls the center of all cognitive thought processcs.

Eve恥たhing humans, see, hear, and process, everything hey say and do, is att dttected by he interconnections of he b工 hons of ncurons and their release of ncurotrans■ litters in response to nerve impulses。 In other words,eve恥 刑簡五g all humans think arld do is the direct result ofttle phydcal strllcture ofttle brね 。 A person's

character,personahty, cognidve abttity(inte■ igence), and beha五 or is dete..■ ■ ined by u■ ese plvdcal,chemically― based, interactions inside the brain.This is ioscal and ObVious. Once again,世 lis fact is wen kno_...nedical and lattan cirdes allke:“ mentalinness"is recogntted as a inalfincdon of certain parts of the brarl夕 Ⅵ壮道ch causes abeFant

behavior. This is because he bね h controis, through physical connecこ ons between nellrons, all the abstract events which humans l士 link about and expettence.It also shapes persona上 サ ,character,and behaⅥ or。 97

Tん c

ttrAσ α】 nsを 肋 ■9s

Asthe genes which make up the brain ce■ s are inherited, of these abstract characteristics,which are generated by the neuron connections in the brain,and do not come from“ outside,''are also inherited。 These genes are ttans■五tted hrough the generations, just as physical appeararlce is tral■ smitted fro]m generadon it is ob宙 ous that a■

to generation。

This fact has been armly estabhshed,with a number of mttOr Sildies deanit市 ely conarming hat genes determine braln sizc arld inte■ igence― a=ld that these are inherited traits,unaffected by erlvironment.

1.A 2016 study, pubhshed in the journal Shared genetic “ aetiolog between cognitive functions and ,v, tided, れ後兄eα 光ど αr Psυ cんと αを

physical and lmental health in UK Bioballk arld 24 GWAS consortia,″ revealed a denniuve link between cranial capacity― that is,brttn siz叶 and inte■ igence。 1

The paper, authored by an international teain of scienists at universities in Brit五 n,Australia,

Germany,and the US,tested data from the UK Biobank for “shared genetic aciology between cognitive functions and neuropsychiatric disorders and physical health,"

The study found“ highly slgnincant associations were observed between the cognitive test scores

h the UK Biobank sample and many polygenic pronle scores,including。 . .body lmass index, intracranial volume,infant head circumference, and childhood cognitive ability。


In other words, the study found a conclusive between higher intenigence and large head circumferences and brttn volume. The paper concluded that“ the genedc associadons between


1“ Shared

genetic actiology bet、 veen cognitive functiOns and physical and

mental health in UK Biobank(N=112151)and 24 GWAS consortia,″ S P Hagenaars et al, MOど ccttι αr Psこ /cん 滋ι tt volume 21, pages 1624-1632 (2016).


β9ん αフオ οr,天也cc,G9兌 9ι tcs,α 兌0頚@

infant head circu■ lference and intracranial volume with educadonal attainment and verbal― numerical reasoning are ttmportarltin themselves,

as are many oher cognitive― mental health and cognit市 c― physical healh associations。


2.Anoher 2016 study,pubished in he Royal Society journa1 0pcn 夙 oど ogυ)discovered the actual genes responsible for bigger br五 n sizes after co]mparing the genolmes of twenty― eight ■laln■ lals wl世l different brain sizes.3

The paper's conclusion s五 d that hey had identined a sct of gene families whOse sizes are “ positively associated with an expanded neocortex, pro宙 ding new insi遷主ltS into ncocortex evolution," and that ``identiも れ ng genOnlic signatures associatedヽ πith thc evolution oflarger braln size and ncocortex expansion wlll critically contribute

to our understanding ofthe molecular pathways involved in the development and in五 ntenancc of cortical areas in highly encephalized mammals, including humarls,''4 1n世 五s regard it is signincant to note hat the average cranial capacityS of WIongoloid Asiatics is l,335 c=】 :13, 。f

caucasoids l,341 cH13, and

Negroids l,284cm3.

3. A 2014 study, published in magn7ine6




rれ を 9ど を iσ




arld not


ind市 idual's

!2 Xbid,

3 “Neocortex expansion is linked to size variadons in gene fanlihes with chemo修 Ⅸis,cel卜 cem signaning and i.1lnune response functions in mammals,"Atahualpa Casdllo¨ Morales et al,Open βiο ttgυ,October l, 2016. 4 1bid. 5 Rα c(,,Eυ Oど lι ι わ ,α 独】B【 ,ん θυわ宥 Aと ″ Я7StOtt PerSpecι J[,て,,」 .Philippe Pを

Rushton,Charles Darwin Rescarch lnstitute,2000.

6“ Using a prison sample to assess the association bet、

factor of personality and general intenigence,″ れを ,Jπ99ncc,Volume て

veen the general Curtis S.Dunttl et al.,

47,Novembe卜 December 2014,Pages 72-82.




〃 rAgα と sを 引 '19s intel■ gence quotient(IQ)・ The stu申 ,conducted by professors at Flo五 da State Un市 ersity(FSU),he University of Nebraska,West 11■ nois U五 versity, 血 g Abdulaziz Unlversity in Saudi Arabia,and iィ

Eras】 mus

Un市 ersity in the Nethenands,used an research design model to draw

adoption― based heir conclusions.

Using pardcipants froHl a representative sample ofbetween 5,500-7,000 non― adopted youda and a sarnple ofbetween 250-300 adopted chttdren from he National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Hcalth,lhe sciendsts irst administered a Picture Vocabul[ど y Test(PVT)tO rniddle and high school

students and hen repeated lhe test when the participants were between he ages of eighteen and twenty― six.The PVT served as an IQ test in which pardcゃ antS had to identify photos of people,places,and things.

Researchers also analyzed her parents' bchaぬ ors―and found that parental sociE山 zation

had no detectable inttuence on children's intenigence later in life.“ Previous resenTch that

idttmedl parening― related beha宙 ors affect perhaps hcorect becauseit hasnt

intel■ genceis

taken into account gencic ttarlsmission夕


auhor Kett Beaver,a crininology professor at

FSU,s五 d

in a press release.

Howcver,an analysis of children who shared no DNA、帆h ther adopt市 e parents e■ mhated the possibittty hat parental soci甑 zaion inttuenced a child's intenigence. “In prevlous research, 五 looks as hough parenting is havlng an eHect on ch工 dと ltenigence,but in reality the parents who are inore inte■ igent are doing hese things and it is inasHng the genedc transfoHnadon of intelttgence to their chttdren,"Beaver sttd.

4.A2012 study saw a global tea■ l of scientists idenl叫 y the genes tthich control d節 ∝ences h


β9施 υior,Rα o9,G9′を 9を ics,α ■ ,頚@

brain size and intenigence.7 They Jbund that a vtriant in a gene called HMGA2 affected brttn size,as wen as a person`intel■ gence.

DNA colmprises four bases: A (adenine), c (CytOSinc), T (thy■ linc)and G (guanine). The

scicndsts found that people whose IIIMGA2 gene held a letter“ C″ instead of a“ T"at a spednc location on the gene possessed larger bralns and s∞ red more highly on starldardized IQ testS.

5.A2018 study saw several leading behavioral geneticists cOnarin that inte■ igencc is gene髄 ―

and that rQ DNA test kits w■ l soon be ava工 able in he same way that there are〔 差 eady arlcestry DNA tests.8

As reported by he Massachusetts lnsutute of Technology's 7rT Tccん 兌οι ogυ R9フ ielだ ′ gene , “ studies have nnally gOtten big enough― a=ュ d hence powerful enough― to zero in on genetic d迂障rences lnked to IQ." More thari nve hundred genes have now been tied to perforlmance on IQ teStS,and“ results fro】 m an experilnent correlaung one inillion people's DNA Ⅶ th their acadcmic success are duc at any ti=ne。 ''

QuOting Robert 」。 P10min, an Ameicall psychO10sst arld geneicist best knowll for his work in tMn studies and behavior genetics, he V/T Tccん 兌οbヮ υ R9υ ictυ sttd hat the new

discoveries“ mean we can now read the I)NA ofa young child and get a notion of how intelligent he or she w帆 1l 6。


PloJmin oudined the DNA IQ test SCenΥ io in

」arluary 20 18 in a papertided,“ The New Geneucs of lnte■ igence,''91nttng a case that parents前 ■

7 Un市 ersity of California,Los Angeles(UCLA),Hca■ h SCiences.・ New genes hnked tO brain stte,intelligence,″ Sd97ι Cて ,Dθ Jた んApril 15,2012. 8“ DNA

tests for lo are cOming,but it might not be smart to take one,″

Antonio Regalado,″ rT



を 万bp,Apri1 2,2018.

9 The new genetics ofintelligence,″ Robert PloE五 n&SOphie von Sturnrn,


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by somc of he mah racial groupings,Sce notes on the next page.F管 晒 es frOm Rα ce=夏 がしrenCCS tr宅 iσ cncer An EEメ 0ど V'o■ αtt Arを αυ StS,Richard Lynn,Washington rnteι ι Summit Publshers,2006,and虫 9α 江 θどObα τttneqLι α晦 ,Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen,Washね gton Sunl=nit Publshers,2006. IQ aS diSttit〕 uted

塩訂Ω翼p∽ ∽0げ︲∽監R︼”い ヽ

至冨Xoa ︲略鰤Oo ﹂ P砕と9Ⅳ“ ∽ω ︼


0 ュ い ” L 仲お 包 p■ 留 P郎 > ∽甘 医 あ ︵ ︼

♂ おこ


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9胞 Tん

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Rαc9,G9″ を9tiCS,α ″を湧 」@

to― consumer tests to predict childrenも mental abユ ities and make schoottng choices, a concept he cans precision education.

use direct―

In summtty,these siメ studies― a】 :ldthereare■ 1甑ymore― show beyond any question that brain stte,htelと gence,and cognitive abinty v倒り in accordance with genetic inherttance, and are unaffected by enVirOnmento What does tt■ is lnean on a racial level,and how does this iinpact raciE工


IQ DIFFERENCES It has iong been estabhshed that here are siylincant differences in inte■ igence between racial groups. Non― SutteCt市 e, or“culturttly blind,"IQ testS have nrmly estabLshed he follo■ たng average IQ sCOres for the different races,ranked froJm the lowest to the highest scoing.A table with soine ofthe mttn racialIQ disttibutions carl be seen on dhe page oppOsite。 Notes to this table:

l The statisics for North Africa are not included in the sub― Saharan agures.The reason for this is

that North ttica has a in技 ed― race population of Selmhes,Europealis,arld Africans.IQ SCOres for hese nations are in the rnid-80s range. 2 DNA has shown ttlatthe SeJmitc race's heardand is the Saudi Arabiall Penね stlla.」 ews,証 hough carりing he Semitic founding gene,have m技 ed 前 th other racial groups,The Ashkenazl」 ews in particular,have on average 30 percent European

admう壺 ture, which has dramadca■ y boosted sO】 me instances to higher than the European averageo Sephardic」 ews, who have less outside adm裁 ture,consistently show an IQ their IQ,ね

level consistent Mth the Se■ 工tic average.

3 DNA tests on蜘 監icans h he United States who have been there since the slavery era show Ⅳαttrc R9υ ttLυ S Gencι ゼ ctt volume 19,pages 148-159,January 8,2018。


Tん 9 bttr Aσαtィ 埒を昴駒と を 9s

European adコ 五xture of around 24 percento This European ancestry has r五 sed their IQ tO abOve that of sub― Saharan Africans. 4 American lndiaュ ■s have their ancestral ongins in West Asia.

5 There is considerable variadon in IQ among Europeans,as the range(87 to 105)showS,The higher IQ leVels(101t0105)are cOncenttated 置l Northwest Europe,and lower IQ levelS ErC in he South and the Southeast of Europe.These diffettng IQ levelS in the latter rettons are due to historical adalixtures froal outside Europe. 6 The higher European IQ in America is because

hemttOrityoftheUS's foundhgwhite population was frolm Norhwestern Europeo As the numbers

of Northwestern Europeans has dropped over the last decade duc to increased iln宜 五gration from other parts of Europe,this“ orittnal white Amettcan"IQ has steadⅢ dedined.

The 拉nplicadons of this racially― based IQ variance is i=nportarlt in helping to explttn beha宙 oral differences. As the facts estab■ shed above have demonstrated, a■ human atttibutes are genedc and inheritedo lntelligence is just another human attribute,hardttted into the genetics of hu=Ilans, arld therefore ttill replicate out, Iwithout change,from generadon to generaton,と respective of the environment in which those individuals ind themselves。 The exalnple ofthe“ African"elementin the United States also proves that he only way this inherited attribute caJ:l be altered,is by racial ad■ 五xture from another group which has a different― higher or lower― 一IQ score。

It is oAcn clalmed that environment canこ 工ter arl IQ.The

evldence''proHered lbr this is the occasional documented “ rise"in IQ OfarOund ten pointsinisolated caseswhere black “

children are adopted into white families。 10 This argument

10 1n the study oudined in ζ IQ TeSt Performance of Black Children Adopted by White Familles,″ Sandra Scarr and Richard A.Weinberg, ,■ Can PSycん ο University of Minnesota,Aη を 〔 ど οσねちOCtOber 1976,a hand―


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■― 堀 IQ SCOres cOrrelatedbygeographic re」 on and race.


r Aσ αinsを Ⅵ〃 Tん 9Ⅵ 危ι



道ls howeverto takeinto accountthatenvronment ofcourse allows an indi■ idual to achieve th詭 負11lest potendal― but五 does not alter hat hd宙 dual`preset level of abiliサ 。

Put arloher way:If a child has a genedcany deterinined

IQ lCVe1 0f 80, then placing that child hto a positve enⅥ ronment might aユ ow hat chnd to achieve the fullest potential of an IQ 80 person― but it cannot,and lwill not, boost that chttdも IQ level abOve the preset rnttmum.It is irnpossible to take an IQ 80 ind市 idual,send hiェn or her to Harvaビd,and expect that person to graduate as a top― class

mahemaician or a rocket scienist,no matter how good he schooling enttironment mttr be. Hnally,as a last resort,he“ blank slate″ meologucs fall back on what has become knowll as the“ Flynn Effect″ in IQ SCOringo This effect,named after New Zealand Professor of Pohtical Studics at he Un市 ersiサ of Otago in Dunedin,

es Flynn(WhO popularized u.e■ .eory),dttms thatthere has been a delmonstrable increase in IQ teSt SCOres h=nany parts ofthe world over the coursc of he twentieth century.


For example,a study in 2009 fbund that Bridsh children's average scores rose by 14 1Q pointS from 1942 to 2008,■

Oher studies asserted similar gains in oher Western Europeari nations,and two Asian naions:」 apan and South Korea。 12

The reader Ⅵ llimmecliately discern hat the documented

Flynn Effect"五 se in IQs has Only occurred in already “ ng races. high IQ racial grOups,and notin the low IQ SCO五 cated these resuhs,and tt is Other studies have not rep■ also possible that the test suttectS had been self― selected in already higher IQ groups前 thin those populationso This would easlly expl五 na“ higher"IQ harl before. However,a real problem for he“ Flynn Effeず 'is that more recent studics have shown that the averatte IQ in N orway, ful of black adoptees showed an IQ scOre risc of about ten points aFter adoption by white families.

11 “ Requiem for nutridon as the causc of IQ gttnS: Raven's gains in を 加α″ とBiOど Ogy,7 Britain 1938-2008,"Flynn,」 ames R.,Ecorとοれたる antt μ屯 (1): 18-27. 12“ The cognitve impact of the education revolution:A pOssible cause ofthe I■ ynn Effect on population IQ,"Baker,David Po ct al,r7と

Volume 49,March=Apri1 2015,Pages 144-158.


を てriヮ enc9, ,ど

Bc,吃ι フわち 尺αc9,G97を 9な ど cs,α nO虫 9

Denmark, Australia, Britttn, the Netherlaュ ェ ds, Sweden, Finland, France, and GeHnan― spe』 dng countties has in fact been dropping since the 1990s。


As reported in he∬ cLυ Scttttisを in 2014,14 the rneasured IQ Of“ Western"nations― specincally Western Europ← →is dropping dra=naicallyo Studies have showrl that IQ teSt resuttsin the UK,Denmark,alld Australia have signincantly

dechned sincc the late 1990s, and the average IQ Of Westerners"has plunged ten points Or more since 1900。 “ The reason for the dedine is however only a mystery to those scientists who coninue to ignOre or deny the reality of inhettted,genedc racial differences.The easily identinable causc of the drop is obviously the product of lnass Third

World immigradon from countties胡 th much lowerlos. In the UK,for example,tests caコ 直ed outin 1980 arld in 2003 showed that the average fourteen― year― old was two IQ points cieverer in 1980.Brighter teens who took partin the study in 2008 were on average s技 IQ pointS iess inte■ igent tharl their counterparts tested twenty― eight years earlier。 15

What the tests did not disclose was that the number of nonwhite British pupils in prilntty sch001s as of 2012 was 27.l percent of the total in pttmary schools,and 23.4 percentin secondtt schools.16(At this rate ofreproducion, nonwhites wぬ■be the=nttOrity Of the population under the age oftwenty― onein the UK by 2030。 The o五 頷n nadOns Of most of ttlese children reveal why )

the IQ levels have dropped. Pttstan has an average IQ of between 83 and 91, West′判辟ica has an average IQ Of

between 74 and 83,and lndia scores the saHle,on average, as West△ frica.A massive inユ ux from these regions― which has been ongoing in iarge numbers since the 1970s― ■s the real causc ofthe dechning IQ in Britain。 13“ An increasc ofintemigence in hbya fron■ 2008 to 2017,"A卜 Shahoniec, ct al.,P(,rso″ を αttυ α7と ど ♂Lι αどI労 ′ デ9renCes,Volume 130,August l, 2018,Pages 147-149. 'I撤 "υ

14“ Brain drain:Are we evo持 ing stupidity?"Bob Hollnes,メ VeLυ SOi9′ を ι ねち

August 20,2014. 15 1bid.

16“ London Educadon,Key lndicators,″ UK Department rbr Educadon (DFE),2013.


es Tん cMね rAσ αtttβ をb駒と を In conclusion:

1. All human attributes are inherited, or genetic in Ottζ no ThiS applies to alt human charactensdcs:phySical appearance, intenigence, character, personattty, and behaⅥ or. 2. There are substanual differences between races,

h physical appearance,htdttgence,and other abstract charactettstics,including personahty and beha宙 or。 3.As these racial《 五]お rences are genedc h ongin,they are unaffected by eFIVirOnmento They cannot be altered by“ chanttng en宙 ronmttt"一 皿 thtt hiS dOes is allow an hdi胡dual to aぬ ieve lheir fu■ est potendal,and does not change what hat potendalis. These racial differences■ ■intel■ gence are in tu...the cause of differences in racial psychology and group racial beha、ior, as renected in criine rates, social cohesiveness, acade=lic achievement,and socioeconoH工 c status.


Chapter 7 The Cri=ninal ttHnd I:The Link

Between Low IQ,Race,and Crime H無

認 :ぶ ギ 縮 濯 3免p撒 猛 Sヽ甘 胤 瀧 exlstence ofsignincant differences in IQ between the various races,the next lottcal quesion to be answered is if these two factors are related.

Much to he dismay ofthe“ blank slate″ idcologues,the answer to ulis question has been repeatedy demonsttated by a plethora of scientac studics and papers― all of tthich of course have been and sun are ignored by the controned media arld he far le■ and― white lobby which domhate current popular discourse。

One of he most extensive overviews of an the data was produced in 1985 by」 a■ les Qo WilSOn and Richard

Hcrrnstein,in theと book, C万 碗9α ■,打と を mα ■ Nαと ,rer Tん 9 D9,ィ を オiフ9罰 τ を 覆υο ι C CttSes oデ Crim9,メ デ After revle胡 ng extensive numbers of studies,all carried out by reputable sciendic bodies and indi砿 duals,W工 son and Hernstein concluded that“ For four decades, large 7を

bodies of o強 dence have condstendy shown abOut a ten IQ point gap between he average ottender and he average non― offender in Great Btttaln and the United States,"

This mearis hat he IQ of he average cttminal offender in both the US and the UK is atleast ten points iower ttlan the average IQ oftheir respecuve groupS。

Wilson and Herrnste■ 1's conclusion was contr】 med in a later sunllmary of rnore than onc hundred studies from all over he Hworld by Lce Enis and Anthony Walsh in a l Crine α J月吻寵α虎Ⅳれ倣 ref 7を


i陥 eDて ,,7ι iι ど υ9S勉 湧プ ο れc Ctを ,Scs Oデ Criη を e, デォ

Q, WilSOn and Richard J. HcH■ stein, New York: S撤 40n and



Tん e勒 色r Aσ αirぉ をИ〃



mttOr paper publshed by Tん e Sc“ ienl,cS■ を ′0デ G97を e預 αι 'こ れを 9を ど りenCein 2003.2 を αどυ αnd Yet another study, pubhshed in the Persο ィ れ ,τ フど 0税 αιD切修renCes jOurnal in 2010,found that“ cttme rates are higher in states Mth iower IQ al■ d that hese 'を

ncgative correlations are higher for宙 olent crilne(-0.58) than for non― violent cri=ne, including motor― vehicle theft and oher theft(-0・ 29)。 ''3 1n2019,a studywas carried outin the UK to deterlninethe relationship between IQ and viOlent cri=neo The conclusion, οσicα ιttkχ ttci7を 9,4 found as pubished in the journal Psυ cんοど that the prevalencc of violent crilne decreased linearly前 h increasing IQ [16.3 percent(IQ 70-79)v。 2.9 percent(IQ 120-129)]. The study found that“ After attusung fOr demographic and behavioral factors,childhood adversity,and psychiatric morbidity,co】 mpared wtth those with IQ 120-129,IQ sCOres

of l10-119, 100-109, 90-99, 80-89, and 70-79 were associated就 th l.07, 1.90, 1。 80, 2,36, and 2.25 tilnes higher odds for宙 olence perpetration,respectively。 " The paper concluded as follows:

LowerlQwasaSSOCiatedMth宙 olenceperpetradon in he UK general population.Further studies are waビ ranted to assess how low IQ can lead to 宙olence perpetradon,and wheher intelventions are possble for this high… risk group.5

It should of course be noted that this paper did not take race into its calculations alld therefore wc have no way of 2 “Cri14e, Delinquency and lntelligence: A Revie、 v of the Worldwide ,Sttent,cSを αυ Oデ G9neraど hterature,″ Lee Ellis,Anthony Walsh,Tんて lι

ι ι て,99nC(,,2003,Pages 343-365,



3 “Correlations between state IQ and FBI cttme statistics,″ Bartels, を と を ど と ι 芝 ど υゼ αttα ど 」.M.,Ryan,J.J.,Urban,L.S.and Glass,L.A.,Pcrsο ″ ′αnJれ こ こ 聯 rて 'nCに 'S,48,579-583,2010. 4“ Association

between intenigence quotient and violence perpetration in the English general populadon,″ Louis」 acob,Josep Maria Haro,and Ai

,,Volume 49,Issuc 8,」 une 2019,pp. ,,,cJ/と て οσたC況 〃て Koyanagi,Psェ /cん οι


5 1bid.


Tん 9 Linた Ecとを υ99允

LOψ r@,買 αc9,α ■,Cttm9

kno胡 五g the racial origins ofhe test sutteCtS.In one sense his does not matter,as all he oher data shows clearly hat low IQ whites also∞ mmit more crime than higher IQ whites,

Oher research shows that criminal populadons generally have an averageIQ OfabOut 92,6 and that the relationshttP of IQ tO Criminality is especially pronounced in a sma1l fraction

of the population,primarily young men,who commit a dispropordonate amount of crime. FurtherJmore, high htel■ gence pro宙 des some protecion agttnst lapsing into

criHlinahty for persons who are othe― sc at isk。 7 The ttct that low IQ ind市 iduals commit more cttme is alsO conarined by wlde― r孤 ■ging stlldies undertaken atlong indi宙 duals in pttson populations world胡 de. According to a 2012 study in the journal, ylを ど c れ9声α ι GrO,Ps&rィ をCι StO亀 “there is a wider consensus that indi宙 duals砿th below average functioning(in particlllar cognit市 e impttrments)are dispropordonately represented 前 thin the prison population."8 Z″


That study noted that although ta range of personal and environmental iactors are■ kely to inユ uence offending behavior(e・ g.gender,age,peer support,poverty,education, ethnicity,low impulse control,empathy,psychO10ttcal well― being,personaliサ ,etc。 ),the link between low levels of IQ and cttH五 nal involvement coninues to receive considerable

attendon... The ability to understand another person's emoこ ons “ may be a p五 mary funcdon ofintenigence,which ultimately also has links胡h offending...rescarch that has al■ led to exa=nine the orittns Of Offending behavior(pariclllarly

juvenile deinquency)cOntinucs to identify low IQ as a predictor of crilninal beha強


6 Does IQ Signincantly COntribute to Crime?Tα

た力を 9 SiЛ Csr Cど αsん Lσ Иetts o/と Cο れを roυ crsね どrssucs加 鋭 れ9α れOC河 れinθ ど οgυ , Hfth Edition, i″

P30-51, 1998, Richard C, Monk, ed. Richard J. Herrnstein, Charles

Murray;Francis T,Cunen,1998. 7 1bid,

8 “The reladonship between lower intelligence, crime and custodial outcomesi a briefliterary revic、 v of a vuinerable group,″ 」ames Freeman, 71を ど ■9欝αた9 Grotψ s a rncど 税sゎれ,VOlume 3,2012,Issue l. ,ど

9 1bid.




r Aσ αi萬 澪をフ 開生 tを cs

Furlhei...ore,he study found that a“ body of research has also demonstrated that indi宙 duals、 濯 ith lower IQ levels are more likely to commit more severe(and宙 01eno offenCes″ and hat“ a large body of early research found clcar links betwcen lower intel■ gence and c五■inal behavior.''10

The paper sp∝ ncally sttd hat criminality is lkely caused by“ dencits in theそ xeclltlve funcions'of he brain, which are thought to be associated、 Mith abslract reasoning and concept forinadon,as wen as sust〔 遺ning attendon and concentration''――a confIコnaion that this is down to ce■ ular sttucture,or genedc inheitance,as outhned in the prevlous chapter of this book.

In addition,he study pointed out that there is a clear relationship between lower executiヤ e funcdonhg and “ andsocial behavior,with the latter factor sttongly linked tO criminal acu宙 サ throughout ttle l■ erature."1l ln other words,tarldsocial behaⅥ or,"or what society experiences as disrupuve behavior,is also hnked to low IQo Once agttn,the racial imphcauons ofthis finding are obvious。

The paper goes on to point out that“ two large scale studies provided indicadon that the offence of=nurder is disproportonately over― represented among inmates with an intellectual disabiliけ ….tand〕 hatthOSe前 th孤intellcctual disability are more lkely to∞ mmtt oher types of offences,

includhg agttnst property and person such as assau比


arson,and the比 ―related offences.''12 1n this regard,he paper makes arlinteresting observation aboutsexua crimes,Itsayshat“ cognitteけ impttred"sexLl』 perpetrators are “ over― represented in he legal system."13 0nce agttn dis provides an explamation oflhe much higher sex criine rate arnong nontthites as demonstratedね the FBI's[ナn」 b′ ″ιCttme尺 9pο tts. One study quoted by the paper reported that 37.5 percent of sex offenders had IQ sCOres below 75,and 25.l percent scored below 70。


10 1bid. 11 lbid. 12 1bid. 13 1bid. 14“ On intelligencc and crimei a compattson ofincarcerattd sex offenders


Tん9Lど れたるとを Lυ 997を Lο Lυ 聰 ,尺 α C9,α ■,crinc

This ttnding has been conarumed by independent rescarch published in thc Psυ 。んοど οσicα どBttι ど 9tttt which showed that sex o■ cnders have on average even lower IQS han non―

ittst解 滉問 ぢ 崩晩花 ど 5き 漑 監ぜ 湯就汁 比 ,「

group are also at a greater risk of recidi、 たsm。 16

1t is irnportant to note that this cOrrelation between lOw IQ arld Criminality is not racially exclus市


In other words,criminals across the board tend tO have

d group averages.Low IQ whites commit more crime then higher IQ whites,and 10w IQ lower IQs then their raciε

nonwhites commit mOre crime than higher IQ nonwhites,

譜報 霊綿 献寵: ぷ温1ま丞託1穏 爾督監e撃乱。

immediately see hat he average lowerIQ OfmOst nonwhite

Ptte唱 :盤 詫s:緒 Чがぎ 群 上 記乳郵慧

vllinerable"element oF society.

In oher words,he sheer number oflower IQ nOnwhites means that there are lnorc Of them who,by virtue Of their



♂::試 iぎ

e蹴 狂 濯 縄∵ 島 認 乙 辞 溺 explanation lbr the racial differendation in criine rates and the sorts of cri=nes that are com=nitted by different racial groups.

評 絶


problemo Most impOrtarldy, it reveals the intellectual bankruptcy of the claim that“ white syste■ 五c racislm″ or poverty"is the cause of the high nonwhite criine rate. “

抱 mtr脆 兌 デ 祝翡与協拝嵌脇財吼縄 鴛糊 鴇封サ F'れ uΥ 撒 】 駐 活 嘉 雛淋 問選 ζ 鳥1韻靴s.Bmce ch五 競 £ 斃絨 発掘 線 縞 窮 郡 第評 親 則 猛 3写





r Aσ αinsを Ⅵ〃 'を

The attelmpt to blame whites for nonwhite crilninahty is

just one part of the poLcy of arlti… white hatred一 and those

media outlets, poLdcians, and acade■ lics who propagate uis he are nothing short of cri=ninai themselves。 Homicide victim12atiOn rates,by race,1980-2008 60 口E Blて■ck 由― a Whitc "い

0 4 0 3 0 2

^ ヽヽ留 樹 0■ 、石 盛o再 000 〇 〇 日 〓C a ぃ

。 5











解名器脇触 魁賞移 Чゞ訛留競 渉炊滋研 980-2008,NC」 236018.Page ll. e yn'c'Stα ι es,ど

ん ″ をと



Homicide o打 ending rates,by race,1980-2008 60

。 4

F` イ

l. iI


I“ ギ

` “ .


・.ア ド

抑 0 2

ヽば 目0●S﹃PaOa OOo^ oO H HoL oつ

0 5

‐ .BIacl( … い百い‐ White










陥糀 ど 燃 Ъ解出 Чゞ盤留競9'説 許♀ 浮炊淀 2008.NC」 236018。 Page ll. Tren,sj″ ιtん e Un■


αtts,ユ 980‐

Chapter 8 The Criョ 温inal Mind II:Race,

Schizophrenia,and the “Aggression"Gene


ユ 監 鰍

ど 肌

話 記 評 謎 rilicant 雪

two addidonal factors which also contribute in a siこ

way― arld which have importarlt racial l=nphcadons.Boh

factors are also genedc in ott」 n arld therefore have nothing

to do wlh so― ca■ ed white racism or any form of systemic racism.

No ovemew of an explanation of high nonwhite crime levels is complete胡 hout considettng these tto factors: schizophrenia,and the so― ca■ ed“ aggressiOn gene.″

SCHIZOPHRENIA According to the ofacial deanidon as issued by the US government's Nadonal lnstitute of Mental Healh(NIMH), schizophrenia“ is a settous rnental disorder in which people interpret reality abnor=nallyo Schizophrenia may result in sOme combination of ha■ ucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered hinttng and behaior hat imp工 rs d五ly functiOning,孤 ユd

Cal■ be disabttng。 "1

1n add樋 on,he NIⅣ IH sald he cause of schizophrenia “differences in braln sttucture, funcdon, aFld interactions a=Ilong che=lical messengers (called

hes in he

nellrotrarlsmitters}・ "

In parucular, he NIIMH coninues,“ 曲 隆 rences in he volumes of spec近 c components of the brttn, in the way reざ OnS Of the brain are connected and work together,and 1“ Sch抜 )phrenia,″

NadonaHnstitute of Mental Health(NIMH),May 2020.


Tん c,7あ rttα

】 をⅥ〃,19s '蟹

in neurotrarlsmitters, such as doparnine, are found in people Mth schizophrenia."2 More Significandy,世 le NIMH says that psychodc episodes are inost coHl=non in``people who are vulnerable due to gencucs." Untilthe advent of mode...genedc studies,it was knowrと only that schizophrenia appeared to be inherited,or“ ran in ″ famllies。 However,he genetic component of schizophrenia

was conarimed in 2014

前 th

a report in the 肋

を r

Psycん iα を υ journal:


It “

has iong been recognized that generalized dencits in cognttive abユ ity represent a core co】 mponent ofschizophrenia(SCZ),CVident before fu■ inness onset and independent ofmedication,3 The possibユ ity of genetic overlap between risk “

for SCZ arld cogn比 市e phenotypes has been suggested by the presence of cognitive deictts in arst_degree relatives of pattnts wih SCZ;

however, undl recently, molecular genetic approaches to test uus overlap have been lacHngo Within the last few years, large― scale geno=ェ le― wide

association studies(GWAS)of SCZ

have de】monstrated that a substarltial proportion

of the herttability of the disorder is explained

by a polygenic component consisting of lnany


single― nuclcodde

pol即 orphiSms

(SNPs)of eXtremely small effect.Sim工 ar results have been reported in GWAS of general cognidve ability. Results provideョ molecular conarlmation of the genetic overlap between SCZ and general cognit市 e abillサ , and may pro宙 de addidonal insight into pathophysiology of the disorder."4

A2017 study pub■ shed in the Scん izopん rettα

Bvι ど 9を 加

also pointed out that there“ is evidence for geneuc overlap 2 1bid.


ふ 江olecular genetic evidence for ovedap bet、 veen general cognitive “ ability and risk for schizophrenia:a report from the Cognitive Genonics

consorTium (coGENT),″ Feb;19(2):168-74. 4 1bid.


ec班 ど αr T Lencz at al., 翔めど

Psこ/cん ど αι 狙%


″ 沢hcc,Scん izqpん r97を と α,α ■,と ん9 η σσresstο ″ を G9イ を 9

between cognidve abilities and schizophrenia(SCZ), and genome‐ wide association studies(GWAS)demOnstrate that boua SCz and general cognitve abユ ities have a strong polygenic component Ⅵ注h many single― nudeodde p01卿 ユOrphisms(SNPs)eaChヽVith a small effect。 "5 That study's results pro宙 ded“ ぃidence for polygenic overiap between SCZ arld educatiOnal attainment, and idendfy novel pleiotropic 10cio Oher studies have reported genetic Overlap between SCZ and cOg五 don,or SCZ and educadonal att〔運nment,前th negaive correlaton。

A2018 study,pub工 shed in the S∝ィ を


フ οv脅 河 ο デ Psycん οど gu,pointed this out in no uncertain “ Э 'inα temms,along 前 th the clear identincadon of genes lnked to intenigencei jα tt」

Despite he consistent finding that cognttive dysfuncdon is a core characteristic of schizophrenia(SCZ), little is known about the underttng pattOphysiology. Recent progress in human genedcs,dr什 en by large genolme― wide association studies(GWAS), has proⅥ ded new data about the genetic archttecture of complex human ttaits,including cognitiOn and SCZ`






unprecedented opportunities tO leverage he large amount ofinformatOn froEI GWAS, Hcre we r(秀 五ew the latest indings related to genetic architecture arld ttsk genes Of sCZ and cognitve functions,and recent indings of overlapping geneic factorso The recent GWAS of SCZ imphcate over 100五 sk gene 10ci,each with a stlall effect,

A simユ ar genettc archttecture seems to be present

in cognttive dornains, suggesing that hese phenotypes arc highly polygenic. 5“ Identincation of Gene Loci That Ovedap Between Schizophrenia and

Educational Attainmentr stephanie Lc Hellard et al., Scん 諺ゅPん′ 97'α

βと を ど ι 9と と ,2017 May l,43(3):654-664. 6 1bid.'ィ


MИ ∝r Aσ 6直 7を Sを

フ阿竹 iを 9s

Further,GWAS have revealed inore than 20 gene loci associated 前 th cogniuve traits, including 士ltelhgence,general cognidon(g― factOr),rcaCtiOn

dme and verbal― numerlcal reasoningo Several gene loci have been implicated in educational att五 nIIlent,aproxylmeasure ofcognttive funcion。

Recently, overlapphg gene loci were found between education arld SCZ,and betwcen SCZ and cognidve tralts,suggesting co■ 1lnon genedc 五sk between SCZ ttd cognitive dysfunction。

Mathematical modehng of CIWAS ofcognition alld SCZ indicate that only a fraction ofthc heritability is identined. Tttθ 9フ :09■ ce sLι 9σ eStS α POιυgentc

0ィ を S,α イ を nt,フ 9ノ 立 ncを と r scz α れ αД ジを9c・をreデο 7 ' 'coσ cnctic ttsた sん α red αι αtte d宴 σ デ iを


"99ο In oherwords,an the scientincrescarch shows a clearhnk

between intenigence(cOgnidve funcdon)and genes― and, impOrt孤 ■tly,an equally clear link between schttophrenia and iow士 比el■ gencc(cogn五 市eё い functiOn)。 This is of dgnincal.ce in more ways than one,primarily because there is already(see previous chapter)a clcar link between low htdigence and cttmhal activiサ .

There is also a hnk between sd五 zophrenia and crittlinal activtty.This is not to say that all schizophrenics are cri■ linals, but among criininals, the incidence of

schizophrenia is disproportionately higho One inight think hat this is ob宙 ous from the nature of cttHinal acti宙 ty, which is,by ttselt an abnOrmal behavioral trttt。

As early as 1986,scienists had already clearly ttnked schizophrenia to violent c五

=Ile.8A2008 study specined what sorts ofcnmes aビ e notable ainong schizophrenics: 7“ How

can genedcs help understand the relationship bettcen cognitive dysfunction and sch乏 ophrenia?″ Olav B Smeland, 01c A Andreassen, CんοJο σy,2018 Feb;59(1):26-31. α/L」 bttmaど θ Scan,inaυ ど デPSこ ′

8 “Relationships between diinensional factors of psychopathy and schttotypy,″ Ragsdale KA,Bedwell」 S,F′ ο″ 19rS in Psycんοo側,2013 Jul Lι



沢りo9,Scん 諺ψ んr9ntら α兌』ど ん9`指greSSiOn″ G9兌 9

絶荒。 温継 絆 洗冠 靴 靴 are at elevated五


姑 驚

sk when cOmpared to the general populaton to be convicted ofnOn― violent c五 ■工nal ofrences,at higher ttsk to be cOnvicted of宙 。lent cttminal offences,alld at even higher isk tO be convicted of hOnicide."9

A2009 report in lhe」 ο,碗 誠 οデ とんeAれ 9だ Oα n J隆 ,,icα ど Assoctα を と o■ revealed that FFperSOns wlh schizophrenia are 血 ought to be at increased risk Of committing viOlent crime 4 to 6 tiines he level of general populatiOn hdividuals without this disOrder,"10

That study also specined he sorts of cr士nes involved: homicide,assault,robbery,arson,any scxual offense,1■ cgal threats,and intinidadOn,11 The relationshゃ haS been conirmed h numerOus stunes

since then,12 and pehaps mOst dramatically h a 2013 overvlew of all the availabic literature,which cOncluded as followsI

:鍛却報盈 ]認 識溌 Ⅷ誓1:そ韻


concluded hat mttOr mental disOrders per se, especially schizophrenia,even withOut alcOhol

丞恐 縄 鑑招¶1盤 red胡 h

}蹴 蝉 薄 船巌 施賦焼絆就麓所露流 諸零 t儲





1 1 lbid.



9胞 r Aσ α 婿をV阿 生】を9s i躙

A 2014 study in lsrael found hat “increased risk of i劉 g鴛 s亀

歿 ど 誕 驚絶輩哲 撃謝 理譴猛Y難 患粧ぎ clinical management,''14

Another 2014 study added that here

is “

now robust

evidence that schizophrenia is associated with an increased risk of宙 olence.Across Europe,the numbers of forensic

路潔艶!齢 紀武需靴 寵瀞 ∵更路どみ粗 :d。

咤 : 驚斡鶴 }騨蒐ご 華 :こ

beha並 our towards ohers.''15 0ne aspect of schizophrenia which is co】 mHlonly noted

沼輩品凱民鴛瑠途焔消灘露: 就琶評紹翼 he chances of substance abuse, or whether substance 鷲 対熱i雄 認Υ躍 驚嵐ぎ 燃華絆転離 between the two and vlolent cri=ne。


A1998 study showed that there“ is a real link between iolence and crittLC On One hand and mentalilhessindudhg

Yぎ 淵蹴1驚 認 誓 糀ぎ ぎ 報阻 鴛魁望 Υ substances,"17 Another study on the sa=ne topic showed that he incidence ofviolent c」 irne increases by a factor of 30 percent

軽 理 期ο む継線と 脚穐騨:穂鶯 れ 糀錫 細縄慾i錢縛饉 蝉鶴蠍 訂 'I与

僻 54.


解Ъ 話潮

Rα oら Scん 力呼 んr9ィ と を 9′ ,α イ を αと ん9`鞄greSStOn″ G97を 9

(from 21.3 to 30。 33)in indi撹 duals“ conaorbid for bolh schizophrenia and substance abuse.″ 18 1n suttlェ nary then the scientinc cvidence on schizophrenia shows the follo胡 ngi 1,Schizophrenia is a seriOus lnental illness、 wih a genetic basis;

2.There is a clear ink between schizophrenia, low intelligence,and宙 olent cttminality;

3, Violent cttme among schizophrenics is aggravated by substance abuse. This su■ 11■ ary is of性 nportance when it is considereト as oudined in he prevlous chapter― that there is a lhk between iow llltenigence and violent crilne.

There is, hOwever, another important factor at work, naIIlely ttle fact that nonwhttes display a markedly higher rate of schizophrenia,particula』 y in America and Europe。

Once agttn,he link between race and schizophrenia is a wel卜 establshed fact。

In 2007, he

力を を erれ αtio″を αど 」OVmα ι ο ′ デ Ept'9nioJο ヮこ pointed out thatirn4玉 grant“ groupsin Western Europe have markedly increased rates ofschizophreniao Tん eん iσ eSt ttι es αreデ。,noと ′ を9な ん″ LiC σrOupsと んαをαre pkガ ο ηす″ を αttιυZ,ど αCた 。 '49 ,を

Thatreport went on to reveal hat blacksin the US are 200 percent inore likely to develop schizophrenia than whites, and that the“ 覆 αを α加湧icαι erSデ Sv之 ″ sを α ttα ι ι 9'π ttes oデ υ9ど 9υ αを scん izοpん rentα α nο 4σ 】 汚 cα ′ υん げ をAnettcα ■stィをCOnfク αriso″ をと ″ん 9s in ttlis birth cOhortr and hat l士 lis“variance"has also been noted in Btttttn. 7を


A2004 study,published in the journal A覆 れを ィ を iSを 籟 αnα Pο Ecこ ′を ′ を脆 崩αど打9α ど と 'on ん 財遭 V移 を と αιtteα ど を んSerて ノ iCeS Reseα rc″ ちstudied the relationship“ among race,diagnoses 18 “Clinical correlates of later violence and cttn五 nal offences in schttophrenia,"Soyka M,Graz C,Botuender R,Dirschedl P,Schoech H., SCん 修ψ ′ を rer'α Rescarc先 2007 Aug,94(1-3):89-98. 19・ Race and risk of schttophrenia in a US birth cohorti another example

of heatth dispaity?"′ nt(,mα ι わ″ と ttθ ど αど」οを ι ο デEPお 跨脱わO襲,2007





を 9s rttα i岱 を ι '晩 oF schizophrenia,inood disorder, and ad■ lission to state psychiatric hospitals″ in a sainple of 2,3 1l individuals Tん

who had hospital admissions in lndiana dunng all e ycar period。 20

h he general population,均 膊 cα n beο υ9″9presettc'α ttο ィリ Irttα ιι9疵S zフ んr97を lα .為脚 Cα ■ Ancttcα ィをS″ er9デo材 r とん 0施 り ■οscs oデSCん ど ψど tiettsを O rec9ι 9α 誠堅枠osね ア e trり α たoυ を ロnw荷 を tinω moreι ι 21 rentα ο ,"the study concluded。 デscん izopん を ι ttα ど ο A2014 stutt pub■ shedin the Vο 河,」ο デPsυ C'嘔 α “In

comparison Anettcα ,凋 Lυ ereデο


孔覆 をO



'υ based on a comprchensive sunMnary of empttical research

on race and diagnosis of psychotic disorders spanning a 24た。 ο 殻wれ 9rs α。 year pettod,found that“ Aヵicα れAnettcα ″ プβど r99を οデ Ovr れαυ 9ra′ 99と ん SんOLυ α範を 9 roデ scん彦郎れrcniαデoデ 。 んυんerと ん αtt ELι rO― Aれ 9汚 Cα 〃 肋 イ9 oo体 ,mers,"22 iを

。 1n additon,the study added,“ Lα tino Aneだ oα れ/打 ispα れと υん 9り Oiα σれοSed ι consvれ9rs ψ9re αJsο ,たpropο ttι Oれ αを mαを 9υ と んr99,れ 9s psυ cんotic ttsotters oれ αフerα ヮ9 αpproχ ι Ⅵ刀 9 cons,碗 ers。 " んigん9r compα r90 ι οβ rO― Aれ 9万 切 Jと


A 2004 study, pubhshed in the 'をjournal

βioι Oσ 】 oα ι

Psυ cん iα 夕υ,specincallyidenined one ofthe genes responsible

for the high incidencc of schizophrenia among blacks in he US,The goal of the study was,in its o― wordS,tO to invesigate the reladonship between the NOTCH4 gene “ and schizophrenia in African American(AA)arld European Amencan(EA)sutteCtS,"23 The SCientists sttdied two single

nucleotide polymorphislms(SNPs)“ at the NOTCH4 1ocus in 123 AA schizophrenia patients, 223 EA schizophrenia

padents,85 AA healthy control suttectS, and 21l EA ″The specnc markers are called healthy control suttectS・ ぃ 1725T/G and-25T/C。 20“ Race,Schizophrenia,and Adaission to State Psychiatric Hospitals,″ ,7Lι α を と ,ど Freα ι と αれ湧 ″て ど を J POι tcプ とPttR夕 ″ Arnold Barnes,A'η をどtstratわ 7L α″ ,α 汀 河て と んScrυ tces Reseα rcん volume 31,pages 241-252(2004)。 ,と



9 1 1bid.

22“ R3cial disparities in psychouc disOrder diagnosis:A review ofempirical literature,″ Robert C Schwar位 影and David M Blankenship,Vorど 」 Jο ttmαど ο ″ デPSyCん iα ι υ,2014 Dec 22,4(4):133-140,

23・ NOTCH4 genc haplotype is associattd with schttophrenia in African cん Americans,"涎 ngguang Luo et al.,】 究ο σtcα 〃Psこ ′ sue 2,January 15,2004,Pages l12-117. Jο


ι ,VOlume 55,Is― 型グ

″ Rα c9,Scん izοpん rettα ,α nα を ん9η 宴 ο兌 G9れ 9 "essど

Comparisons of allele and haplotype frequencies “

between patients and control sutteCtS Were

perfOr]med with the chi― square test,the Fisherも

Exact Test, arld CLUMP software. ]防 nkage disequilibttum (LD)between these two SNPs was calclllated wl血 the 3LOCUS program.Tん 9 reSと を ど を SOデ を んesを 立dυ coア をV09,と んαとな p9 ん9・ んqpど oとυ -=72567=25T αssociα を es to scん izopん r9れ 】 ″ αι ιAA s,b」 ieOs,bvを ■ ο を加 EA svり 9ctS,24 The haplotype …1725G/-25T at the NOTCH4 “ locus, which resutts from SNPs of NOTCH4 that are h LD, may increase suscepubility to Cι

sdizophrenia in AAso Any effect of this locus on risk for schizophrenia is population― specinc."25

In the UK, an identical pattern can be found, The BBC reported in 2000 that a study by the UK's lnstitute of Psychiatry revealed that “Aとican― Caribbearl" people are“ s技 dmes more■ kely thaJ:l whttes tO be diagnosed as schizophrenic.″ 26

An ofncial Bttush govern■lent study, na=ned Acsοp α′ を

励 ん″ を iCiυ

αィ を んer i″をSC付 んizopん renfα by psychiatrists and epide■ 五 'olo頷 0を sts at the social psychiatry untt of the lnstitute of Psychiatry at the Maudslcy hospttalin south Londom― which serves a heamy black part of the capital city―found hat members of the“リ ゼ cα n Cα ttbbcα 兌 ∞ 碗れを を nttυ αre ntncす ntt norc π た9υ を OSを ι erデ″ ο n sCん izopん reniα 肱醒n p9οpどg inと ん 9 Lυ ん ど を 9 デ デ rA9を i01ogυ


Psυ cんοses,conducted

connv崩 を ノ arld

described it as arl“ epidemic.″ 27

A2008 report in the β万をねん 」∝〃■αどοデ Gc■ 9,9ど 駒 Ctice also stated hat the incidence of schizophrenia in black Caribbeans h宙 ngin the UKwas nineti=xles higher tharlin ttle white Briish population,and,cven inore disturbingly,that 94 1bid. 25 1bid. 26“ UK ttfe blaFled fOr ethnic schttophrenia,″ Bc Fttday,」 uly 14,2000. =ヨ 27“ Schizophrenia tpiden■ ic'among African Caribbeans spurs prevendon pohcy changeF Tん て ,Gttα r♂ ど α/と,December 9,2009.


Tん e

bttrAσ αtnsを Ⅵ〃 es 'を

it was even higherin second― generation black Caribbeans.28 The report revealed that these black schizophrenia padents are“ more llkely to be unemployed,to have a record of conⅥ cdons, tandi tO be resident in decaylng hner― city areas,"29

The actuai number of blacks involved are staggeringi a November 20 15 report froIIl the New York Ctty gove・・ ・IIlent revealed that 20 percent(or l,7=n五 五on people)of New York

City's8.5■ li■ ion pOpulation have scttous mental healh problems,including Mttor Depress市 e Disorder(MDD), schizophrenia,and drllg abuse。


According to the US Census Bureau,32.l percent of New York City`population is“ white″ 31(a httly overesumation, g市 en ttle federal government's notoriously inaccurate SySteFn Of rad江 dassi1lcaton)。

Trarlsposing hat percentage onto ttle l,7m■ lion agure of

people前 th mentalillness,it appearslikely hat he number of nonwhites affected by mental disorders in New York City alone is around l,139,000。 In tts report,the NYC Hcalth Departments五 d ttLat“ Latina adolescents feel disproportionately sad or hopeless and are more hkely to attempt suicide,"while“ African Americarls are more 14ely tO be ttven a diagnosis of schizophrenia and oher psychotic disorders。 "32

G市 en the armly established hnks between schizophrenia and cri=ne,there can be■ ttle doubt that this mental illness plays a signincant role h the black crilne rat(>― and this has nothing to do with“ syste■ lic racisn■ ''or`1龍ite oppressionギ but rather with genetics. 28“ Schizophrenia in black Caribbeans hving in the U【 :an exploraton of ο用αど0′ G9確 rθ J underttng causes ofthe high incidence rateF B滝 偽ん」 lを

Pract健,2008 Jun l,58(551):429-434. 29 1bid.

30・ RepOrti Understanding New York City's Mental Hcalth Challenge,″

The City of New York,Ofacc ofthe wlayor,New York,NY 10007,compiled by」 actte Bray,November 12,2015. 3と “ QuiCkFactsI NewYork clty,New York,New York, US Census Bureau, 」uly l,2019. 32 1bid.


天hc9,Scん 修甲 んreniα ,α れ,と ん9解 !σ gression″ G9■ 9

Man accused oF puShing GOrman bby under train surfers frOm schizophrenia A▼ P ,ド

■● 11iI,iァ

=f oi

16 0i CtSr402100

ft ュサ iミ


Jヽ れ ⅢⅢ!手 、




洵 Prf iと ぶ よ

An t‖ tttan ma● e`cu3●


,庁 ぉⅢl,主 主s'、 lⅢ 、

患0!に 出ino


h=ヤ φ し


an dghl‐ yeari01む boy by puttHng hlmけ ndと ,4'お In

FTank他 :1佑 3t mOnthに 3uttettng rrOm ttaFOndd Scm2●

,缶 FeF,臆

Ⅲ l German

prCSI● 的 FS eatd Thttrsdey

“ ,お

ah atヽ ack

which ho「 rlれ ed Oerriany etthe Ond of」

atettpled tturder"er9eS agよ pushed in front of a hig「

The boy's mother、

safet,whHoつ ptaヽ



prosecutors taid fvlurdeF a■


st une man ater a youn9 bOy was ttHed haM119 been

speed train in Frankfurt stakion

as also ellegedly pushed onto thetracks berbre manoged to ro“

78‐yearヽ o)S


womaぃ was abretO reSst an a、 tempt to pllsh htr onto t随

イ orm`鎮 one bed

ACcordlぃ 9

1P tⅢ e

pubhC pЮ secut9ns ofaCe,tho 10∼

にsuFfelngれ om ,SyChat「 たhospК d custodテ

tpう randd scttzophre耐

year・ old


suspect,who was■ manded in

has tten transfered ic a

諧潔ピ騨ぎ 礁飢珠継常 縮溜縣,ぜ 脇8精 認紹♀

Secut∝ S


ィ 澪ιM〃 ,を es Tん 9弱独r Aσ αサ

THE“ AGGRESSION"GENE The“ aggression″ gene,also ca■ed the``warrior"gene in

some circles,properly known as the monoamine oxidase A(MAOA)gene alld its variants,is yet another factor that inttucnces crilne rates.

Monoa■ line oxldases(MAOs)are enttes that are involved in the breakdo― of ncurotransaitters such as serotonin and dopainine arld are, therefore, capable of inttuencing fee■ ngs, rnood, and behavior of individuals. If there is a inutadon to the gene that is involvcd in the process of promoting or inhibiung MAO en賓 邪nes,it affects a person's personahty or behavior and makes the■ 1 lnore prone to aggression。


Having the gene does not make that ind市 idual automadcally a violent crinlinal,but it has becn deanitively showrl thatitis proninendy found arnong such offenders。 34 The MAOA gene wasin fact arst detected in aviolent Dutch

criminal family in 1993,which seNed aS al■ explanation why success市 e generations of hat clarl were all depraved criminals.35

Success市 e studies honed the topic even further,and,in

he words ofonc of he many s伍 des on he suttecti This stu中 ,drawlng on appro重 mately l,100 males from thc National Longitudhal Study of 33“ Two genes hnked with violent chme,″

BBC News,October 28,2014.

34 Just threc of the arst wave of studies on the topic included these signincant papers:“ The VNTR 2 repeatin MAOA and delinqucnt belavior

in ad61escence and young adulthoodi associations and MAOA promoter

Guo G,Ou XM,Rocttger M, Shih」 C,ELι ′Opeα ″L Jο 税胞 ιOデ The VNTR 2 打tι れα″ をG(,nt,tics, 16(5): 626-34, 23」 anuary 23, 2008; “

acti宙 ty,″

repeat in MAOA and delinquent beha宙 or in adolescence and young adulthood: associations and MAOA promoter activity," Guang Guo,

Xね o― Ming Ou,Michael Roettger&」 ean C Shih,Dttrο peα 7L JO班 駒 誠 οデ 打税れα Gて 19撤 お V01ume 16,pages 626-634(2008),and“ The integradon of genetic propensities into socia卜 control models of delinquency and /を


violence among lnale youths,″

Guo G,Roettger M,Shih」 C,A鹿 て,施αn

,73(4):543-568,August 2008.

Oσ たαど R(夕 υ l(死 υ SO(メ iθ ど

″ Velυ Scん 疵ね 35“ Does the Faggress市e gene'lurk in a Dutch fami埼 だ ゴ ち

October 30,1993.


″ Rα ce,Scん 技役pん rent9′ ,α れ,と んc ttσ σresstο ″ を G9■ 9

Adolescent Hcalth,de】 monstrates the importance

of genetics, and genetic― environmental lnteractions, for understanding adolescent delinquency and宙 olence. Our analyses show that 世lree genetic

pOlymOrphism― specincally,



prOmOter― reglon variable number tandena repeat

(VNTR)in MAOA,he 40-bp VNTR in DATl,and

he Taql poけ mOrphism in DRD2‐ ―are signincant predictorsofseriousandviolentdeinquencywhen added to a social― control=nodel of dehnquency,

Iinportandy,indings also show hat the genedc effects of DRD2 and MAOA are conditional arld interact Mth family processes,school processes, arld friendship networks.These resutts,which are a■ long the flrst that link inolecular genetic variarlts to ddinquency,signincandy expand our understanding ofdelinquent and宙 olent behaⅥ or, and they highhght the need to sttnultaneously consider their social and genetic o五 駆ns,36

The nrst indicator that the gene was lhked to oher geneic cOnditions such as low IQ calne in 2007:

High testosterone,maternal tobacco smoHng during pregnancy,poOr materialli宙 ng standards, dropping out of school, and iow IQ prediCted violent behaⅥ or are associated Mth rnen wlh the low― acu宙 ty alleles,37 Itwas only afterthelink between ttle MAOA gene,宙 olenceタ aJild lowIQ Was arlnounced,that researchers began settously studying the link between race and the gene's prevalencc.

Up undlthen,the prevalcncc of he MAOA gene in all races 36“ The lntegration of Genetic Propensities into Socia卜 Control Models of Delinquency and Violence among Male Youths,″ Guang Guo,Michael E. Roettger,Tian」 l Cai,Anc■ oα 80Cわ ι ο91ct汀 どRCυ ι 9ι υ ,August l,2008. 37・ Early Trauma ttd lncreased Risk for Physical Aggression duttng Adulthood:The Moderating Rolc of MAOA Genoり pe,″ Giovanai Frazzetto /を

et al.,PLOS Ont,,2(5)i e486,May 30,2007.


ィ Tん9開俄rAσ αサ 澪をコ〃,を es

erendadon to be made,but as genetic research techniques were reined,the evidence

had not allowed a clear racial d罰

soon becalne apparent。

A 2006 study, pubhshed in the a。 ど 。 cα I Psycん と α ヮど "υ journal,pomted out hat“ studies Mttth white males have shown that genotypes associated 胡th high levels of monamine o適 dase A(MAOA)proteCt ag五 nst ttle impact of childhood=naltreatment and adversity on the development of andsociai beha五 or and conduct disorder,″ but this `ψ rο を9Ctiフ 9豆 々

n9σ ど 9ct9』


jnOι υ ど

をυαSれ OtデOVれ 0デOrれ 。■-lυ ん it9 αbvs9'α


s."38 ι

',α published in the Journal ttα tvrc in A lengthy article October 2009,dealt with a court casc in ltaly in which an Algerian immigraュ it murderer rece市 ed a hghter sentence becausc he had the MAOA“ ag〔 Jesdon"gene and,an appeal court ruled,was ttlerefore not entirely responsible for his acdons.39 There have been at least ifty such installces where this defensc has been used in court cases in Europe and America since then,Mth vttwng degrees of success. In 2013, a study pub■ shed in he journal Personα ι と を υ αn,rれ ,iυ i,,α を正狂俸 renCes revealed hat the 2-repeat allele MAOA genc was ncarly completely absentin white鋭

Alheofresearchhasrevealedhatapo牧 宝lorphiSm h he promoter rettOn Of the MAOA gene is related to arlisodal phenotypes,Most of these studies exalnine ttle effects oflow MAOA act市 ity alleles(2-repeat arld 3-repeat alleles)agttnst the effects of high MAOA acti宙 ty alleles(3.5-repeat,

4-repeat,arld somedmes 5-repeat alleles),前 th rescarch inncaung that the low MAOA acti宙 ty alleles confer an increased risk to antisocial phenotypes。 38 “MAOA and the Fcycle of violencer childhOod abuse and neglcct, MAOA genotype,and isk for violent and antisocial behavior,″ Cathy Spatz Widom,unda M Brzustowicz,Bittο ttcα どPsプ c角崩ヶ♭ 2006 0ct i;60(7):684-9. 39“ Ыghter sentence aor rnurderer with jall terl■

October 30,2009.


Ъad genes':Itahan court reduces

しι ttre, after tests idenufy genes linked to violent behaviour,″ か

″G97を 9 氏hce,Scん izοpん reFを ι α,α イ を 0と ん9犠 σσk,sstο 7を

The current study exainined whetherthe 2-repeat allele,which has bcen showrl to be functionally different fro=ェ lthe 3-repeat allele,was associated 覇″ ith a range of antisocial phenotypes in a sample of■ lales drawn froal the Nadonal Longltudinal Study OfAdolescent Health.




ttican‐ Amettcan

Hlales who carried the 2‐ repeat allele were, in

comparison Mh oher Africanぃ American

■■ ale genotypes,signincantly mOre■ kely to be arrested and incarcerated。

Additional analyses revealed hat African― AInettcan ■lale carriers of the 2-repeat a■ ele scored signincantly higher on arl aJ:ltisoci』

phenotype index and on measures assessing il■

volvelment in violent behaⅥ ors over the life

course. Tん 9 9√デ 9CtS O′

を ん9 2-rep9αオαど 1919

coェ な ど

enni″ を9'と イをCαuCα stα ィをれαι eS becα ,sc ∝廟

9カ を.40

■0を b9

' lυ O.ユ o″を


In 2014,a paper published in he Psこ ′ cん と て を を ″ υ @vα tterどυ

journal revealed that

A″ ican―Ancttcα ■ nα ど cs

Iだ ′ んο cα βυ と ん92-rep9α ι α CIC Fοデ と ん9W40Aヮ cneデ αre sり 兌√ぬα崩 ど ′nOre こ ι iた CIυ と tt ん α α ど ι oを ん cr pes enο と を o 94σ α ′ σ こ σe tFを “ sん οοを ι ′ α を 覆 Sを α b之 ,fnσ )9ん 之 α:メ iOrS αrと 0 を o repο ″ せ σ 施 フi4σ n班 と を e sん οοを う,σ αィ と ,sを αbbゼ 7をσ フiCを ″虎s.41 ″ι i″

Thatstudywasatpttnstopointoutthatthis2-repeatallele was completely ndependent Of en宙 ronmental inttuences. 40“ ExplOring the association between the 2-repeat allele of thc MAOA

gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests,incarceration,and lifetime antisOcial bchavior,"Bcaver KM,ct al.,Fセ rsο れαど 抱 αnα れ 誠υ題税αど正班々renCes,volume

54,Issue 2,」 anuary

2013,Pages 164-168,

41・The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene cOnfers an increased risk lbr sh。 。ung and stabbing behaviors,″ Ke宙n M Bcaver,」 C Barnes,Bttan B Boutwell,Psυ cん ね ι 9穐,2014 Sep;85(3):257-65. ovα ″ "υ



e脆 ″Aσ α をSt M〃




There is only one only possible conclusion to be drawn from the stadsics oudined in the prevlous chttter and this one: na■ lely hat here is a directiink between crime rates arld a hree― ±1-one combination oflow IQ,SChiZophrenia,and the taggression"gene. Itis aiso clear that nonwhites in Amettca arld Europe,arld thosc ofAttican descentin particular,experience this“ threc― in― one"symptom at the highest rates― arld this expl五 ns to a large degrec their higher crilne rates,independent of environmental pressures.

This is all extremely signincallt h light of he cl五


racism" and “whne radst pOhce omcers″ as currently made by the Black bves Matter iobby,heir of ``syste■ lic

establishment supporters,and the contro■ ed lnedia. As discussed earlier, the reason that nonwhites have inore interactions with police is because ofheと

higher cri■ le

rate,not because police are racisto Crilne rates conirm hat this is the case.After the reasons for thc higher nonwhtte crime rat-low IQ,SChiZophrenia,arld aggress市 eness― are considered,it can be seen that pohce lbrces are not being racist," or delberately picHng on nonwhites― but are “ merely doing theirjob,focusing on crimhals. It is the denial of genedc racial differences which lies at the core ofthe“ proble■ lr arld not“ systemic racism"or any of the lmyriad of sociolottcal arェ d envlronmental excuses which are continually proffered by the and― whitt lobby.

Until this fact of racial differences is understood arld accepted,there wl■ never be a solution to the F`prOblem。 " It is herefore in everyone's interest hat the real causes are openly discllssed and addressed in a way in which the ongoing connict can be minimized or,preferably,complctely removed Jrom play。


Chapter 9 The Psychoユ ogy of Envy:Why Do Blacks Straighten Their Hair, I龍

繋 をお



懇 が猛 犀 獣 逮 “Eurocentic society″ and calling for its“ deconstiuction″ ― ―

but the very tools they use to inake thesc outbursts are all products of the“ Eurocenttic sOciety"which they appear to

hate sO much. The tools lhey use include the c10thes On heir backs,

the eyeglasses they wear,he lariguages hey speak,he written languages on heir signs,he paper upon which their screeds are printed,the microphones they use for ttleir and― white

speeches, the vehicles and transport systems

they have used to get to their demonstrations,he electricity they use in their cveryday ttves,he houses and aparttnents in which they live,he utihties they use to=nake their lives comfortable, the medical care hey receive, alld even the towns and roads in which they demonstrate.

In fact,here is qutt hterally nothing that hey use which does not come from“ Eurocentric society。 ''The inost lusing part of this irony― 血 at is,ifit were not so dcadly and maliciou(‐ is hat these astatOrs do not everェ realize that if their calls for“ deconsttuction''of white innucnce in society were c孤 ‐ed through to the lottcal COnclusion, then they would quite htera1ly have nou五 ng.They would be naked,rllnning around barefootin the untamed bush,胡 th no schools,no、 Tiing,no technolov― nothing.1 This unpalatable factis because Europeans have shaped the lmodeと throu」 h their technology,science,and learning.To can for dadr“ expulsion″ or“ decolonization″ a=ェ

fro■l society is to call for the dcstmction of society itselと


l As most of Africa was less than t、 vo hundred years ago. 2 1t would be tedious here to list all the inventions and technological





r ttαinst M〃 'と

is situation aside for one=noment, Putting the irony of慢 ■

he deeper quesdon arisesl why would the anti― whttes openly call for ttle removal and destrucdon of everyhing ・ Eurocenttic"in the nrst place,especially when itis obvious

to anyone hat almost eveげ hing in modern society comes froin Europcansp What=notivates such a deep― seated and visceral hatred ofwhites ttd white civlliztton?What sort of delusion=nust someone be under to even suggest that“ white socieち 〆'be deconstructedP There can only be one answer to this quesiono This hatred is not fueled by any lo駆 C,but raher a deep,and even subconscious, racially― based hatred and enw of whttes.This,combined with a force― fed dict of and― whtte

propaganda which blames whites for a■ problems which nonwhites experience, produces a devil's brew of hatred which lnanifests itselfin the“ deconstrucion"detusion. These problems which nonwhites expettence in white societies are real.For the greatest part,nonwhites do indeed 登工l to achieve parity wl血 whites in terins of social status,

ccononic sllccess,and educadonal attainment. Howcver,the reason for this良 辻lure is not“ white racism.″

It is not because there is a “whhe conspiracy" against nonwhitts to deliberately deny hem opporttnity, Raher,this hability to achicve atthe sarne level as whites is based on the biological,genetic characteristics oudined in he earlier chapters ofthis book。

SiIIlply put,how can a group wlh an average IQ of 85 (blaCkS in Americal realiStically expect to compete Mth a group which has an average IQ of 101(Whites in America)? It just isnt possible for two so dissi=nilar groups to compete evenly. It would be likc expecung a pOOdle to breakthroughs made by Europeans which have shaped the modern world, Suface tO say that almost everything we sec around us today comes fЮ m the European mind,胡 th only a handful ofimportant ttems

having been developed in China and」 apan― and nOne whatsoever in Africa.The staggering backwardness of sub― Saharan Afica is revealed by the fact that the wheel was completely unknown there undl the First

white explorers reached hat region in the 1860s.This makes nonwhite cans for the“ decolonttadon of science″ nothing less than laughable.


9■ Tん etrと た 所rP 駒 Dο BIα cた s ttkガ υんと compete equallyコ 戯th a greyhound on a racetrack.Dresshg

the poodle in the tnest“ racing outnt,"feeding it the correct foods,and even training it in special schools,is never going to overcome the ob撹 ousi=npediment it faces on a biolo」 cal level.

Actually,he lberal― left establishment recOgnizes this fact,even if hcy wont admit it openly.This is he reason hey have developed“ afnと ュェ aこ ve acdon,"which they claim is“ 五ghting previous wrongs, but which everyone actually knows is anti― white discri=nination in favor of nonwhites.

Despite all these sct― asides and anti― white=1lcasures, nonwhites are for the greatest part stin unable to achieve the ultimate goal of parity前 th white society,and always 皿 l behind on every single social mcasure。 In realitぅ 「,this函 lure

to achieve must bc highly stressfuと


■me and dme agttn,despite he best eHbrts of society to artincially boost nonwhite achievement tthrough“ mと Юttty set asides," “ afarmative actionr and blatant bias3)he disparities in outcome between the races remaln.

This leads to the dyna■ lic upOn whidh he deep psycholoざ cal hatred of whites is d五 ven:(al an httЫ lity to understandthebioloξ calbasisofpotentialandachievelment, or slnple denialthereot and(b)endless propaganda blalning white oppression''for the fallure to achieve parity。 “

Under these circumstances,it is easy for nonwhites to shp into cOnspiracy mode and beheve that somehow whttes are“ holding thenl down." There is,of course,no white conspiracy to hold anybody down.The re[遺 ty is that low IQ Whites are also unable to compete effecively and emciently前 h the demarlds of an advanced Firstヽ Vorld societyo This inability to achieve is not duc to some vast white conspiracy,but to biology.

Thatthis is unttr,is unqucttonably true,butis arloher moral phユ osophical quesuon all to itseli Sumce to say here that ttlis inherent inequahty is reahty. A society which refuses to take cognizarl∝ of his re孤 ty前 1l inevitably collapse.

3 See Chapter 15: Advantage, Nonwhites: How the Estabhshment Discri■ linates against Whよ cs.



紀sを 9"切 rAσ αど

M汗すを es

Perhaps a suitable parallel would be an architect Mshing

to build a new skyscraper on a certain plot of land.The land surveyors warn the architect that the selected land is

swampy,and cannot support decp foundations to hold a bu五 ding ofhe sizc heis contempladngo The aビ chitectignores

this sound,scientnc advice,and,rather han looHng lbr alternaives,pushes ahead Ⅵ u.his grandiose designo When the inevitable happens‐ 一the building falls do― ― he blaines

the workers who buitt the st=ucture,rather than his denial of reality.

So it is wil五 the nontthtte fallure to achieve paity. Groups Hwith average IQs Of 85(blackS in Americal or 89 (HiSparlics in Americal are unable to effecively compete on any level with whites in AIIlerica who have an average IQ Of 101.The deliberate refusal to accept the sound scientinc 孤 宙 ce that biological reality prevents he hberal― left dream of social equaliけ frOm ever beng achieved,and,combined 前 th he endless propaganda blaming“ whitc oppressors,''is the simple explanaこ on ofttle orittn Oflhe racial enw which underpins ttti― white hatred.

This racial envy also manifests itself in ways that are obvious to all with an open mind. This is the reason why the ``refugee crisis" and he Inigrant crisis"is〔 工ways a casc of nonwhites“ ユeeing″ to “ and neverthe oher way around.There are whtte countries― ‐ not millions of whites竹 〕ng to“ nee″ to nonwhite countries. It is always he ottler way around‐ ■yet,ね the era of race― denial,he establshment never dares point this out or ask the si=nple question of why ttlis is so.


For all hat

centric socicty'' is ac―

cused to bc =xlade up of “evll white racists"


鵬 …

Euro― “

oppressors,'' “


is strange that an the nonwhites of the world sceal to have an insa‐ uable desire to get into



racist″ “

countrics as quicHy as


Dο βを αcたs説 梵崩クんを 9兌 Tんetr五た江r?

possible.This phenomenon was accurately summarized in a widely read internet meme,showing a group of assorted nonwhites,suitcases in hand,rushing toward Europe,cryぃ ing out,“ Let`go be oppressedl''

Another even more obvious way in which nonwhite― while sipposedly haing “white sodety,″ ――also have a driving, a11-devouring, subconscious desire to emulate

whites,■ es in theと adoption of the whtte aesthedc norlm in physictt appeara】:lce.

It is a fact that the European standard of appearancё dress,technolottF,ccOnomy,and culture itsel王 l is the lnOst desired otteCt OFnonwhtts throughout he enure world.


In particular, the aesthedc norm set by European standards ofbeautyisacknowledged,mostlysubconsciousiy, as the desired starldard to be reached by t述


This phenomenon is something that is OFten blamed upon he】 media or the advertising industry,According to nonwhites that beauty lies only in a Europecn appearance.This is,just hkc all he other anti― white smears and propaganda, completely Mthout foundation,as the sciendic evldence has showll agttn and agttn,and which wⅢ be demonstrated below。 The European aesthetic norm is also wldely scen in the superimOdel world,where even nonwhite superlmodels only“ make it"because hey appro遺 mate he starldards of European bcauty.4 that accusation,hese industries te■

A good example ofthis can be seen in countttes which are not Western― style pohtically cOrrect,such as South Korea。 There,the beauty pageants are an obvious farceo Every year, it is clear hat almost all the contestants have had plasic sllrgery to make the】 m look hke Europeans.5

1n South Korea― arld in fact,throughOut most of Asia― ngindustry.The most

plastic surgery is rarnpant and a booH五

4 1n this regard,it is also of interest to note that the handful of lsraeli

supermodels―such as Esu Ginzberg, Bar Refach, Chava Mond, Sarai G市 aty,Vael Goldman,Tchila Rich,and others― are barely distingulshable Europeans,and few,if any,look`」 ewish″ in the way that,for

FЮ m

example,・ comedian″ Sarah Silverstein does, 5“ Plasdc Surgery Blamed for Making Am Miss Korea Contestants Look Alike,″ Gθ を つた9r,Apri1



Sを M〃 jι cs Tん 9И ね r Aσ αiィ を

COHIInOn Surgeries are those which change eye shape to be more“ round"alild to“ elongate"the face(most COmmOnly by cheek and chin surgery)。

Above,the 2013 winner oftheふ /1iss South Korea competition, Yu― Mi Kim,has freely admitttd to having cosmetic surgery,

saying:``I never said l was born beautiful.″ Her“ before and after″

appearance showjust how drastic the changc has been, The inass surgery cr角 アe is yet another indication of the ilnphcit acceptance in the nonwhite world thatthe European standard relm五 ns the aesthetic norin.The factthatthis takes place in Asia一 where the inedia and advertising indust=y is not controned by Whites― proves that this aesthetic norm is not being driven by some riendish“ white conspiracy,"as is clailned in the West.

Another exalnple ofhow nonwhites scek outthe European acsthetic noコ m comes in he coHllnercializadon of sttn lightening and hair strttghtening products。 The skin l整 ォ ltening indust=y is one ofthe fastest gro胡 ng

beauty industries worldコ ideo Current prttectiOns are that it Mた ■be worth$31。 2 btthon by 2024.6 1n lndia,for in Skin Lightening Productsギ World HCalth Organization, Depart14ent Of PubLc Hcalth,Environmental and Social Deter■ linants of Health,2019. 6“ Mercury



"ゥ ltening

exalnple,the sLn liこ ォ

胡 th

β肱 たs観 確υんを 9れ

Tん9,r rttrP

industry(including products

and胡houtュ mercuryl represents 50 percent of the

sHncare market and is esimated to be wor血 $450-535 mil■ on.7 0nCe ag五 n,it is not“ racist whites"who control the advertishg and inedia sectOrs in lnna,so the starldby argument of“ white rads=n"is also not apphcable there。 In△ frica,itis the same storyo Numerous studies― carried out bynonwhites― on that coninent have delmonstrated that Africarls associate lighter skin with increased desirability andコ marriage prospects,wealth and sOcioecono■ 五c status, Oncc agttn,itis not“ whites''cOntroning the.ledia in ttica.

For example,a2020 studyin Kumasi,Ghana,taken froJm a randoni sampttng ofshoppers in three of Kumasi's largest markets,showed that an outtight mttOЁ げ (56 percen9 0f black females admitted to udng sttn ttghtening products,8 despite warnings about their harmful adverse cHects arld he iinple■ lentation of regulatory bans.

Signincandy, the study reported hat ``users of skin― ■ghtening agents were more nkely tO agree就 th statements that associated lighter skin 胡 th beauty, self― esteem,

attractiveness,and weal血 A sirnilar study carried out in 2019 attnong students at A■ loud Un市 ersity in Bora■ la,So】 maliland,reported ttlat over 52 percent of respondents ad■ litted using skin lightening .″

products。 9

The study concluded hat“ compared with non― users, more SL[sHn l整 オlteneri prOduct users agreed that hghter sttn color gives a woman lmore conndence,helps a woman have better Job opportunities, and increases chances of getting lmarried.They also agreed that advertisements on teloぬ sion for SL products innuence a women's preference For a lighter sttn tone。 " 7 1bid. 8“ Skin― ■ghtening practices among shoppers in select rnarkets in Kuma―

si,Ghana:A cross‐ secdonal survey,″ Mariah Owusu‐ Attκ i et al.,JAAつ ι 9胤 αι ゎ″χ ちVolume l,Issue 2,December 2020,Pages 104-110. “ 9 “Skin lightening practices, beheis, and self― reported adverse effects r/ι

among feniaic health science students in Borama,Somanland:A cross― sectional survey,″ Mukhtar A.YusuF et al., r/と と 9れ αヶ iθ nα J」ο ttmα ど0デ

VO腕 97と 'S


′αι OtOgy,Volume rι

5,Issue 5,December 2019,Pages 349-






r Aσ αね をM〃 'を

A2019 French study of sttn lightening products used also reached inuch he sarne conclusion,say■ ng that“ hghter sttn continucs to be a constant preoccllpation among a large mttority of dark― sHaned women,and it is felt to be synonymous 胡 h beauty in association載 h an even compl∝ ion (the desire for a uniaor=xl complexlon somedmes appcars as a cuphemism for hght sHn,paricularly on he packaが ng of irl French― spe』こng sub― Saharan/砥 nca

cosmedc specialies)。 "1°

The study went on to say that a“ light comple道 on is identiied as a key par【 運nCter of beauty and is sought both

for personal satisfaction and lbr the purposes of seduction, h order to ind or keep a male partner(WhO iS imattned as ha砿 ng a preference for h」 ater― Sttnned women)."・

Interesingly,this study aiso conarimed the usc of sttn ■ghtenhg

products among nonwhtte males,stving that

述n reasons given by■ lales beauty is also one of the a■ 〔 “

pracdcing sHn l縫 ォltening, for example in he Congo or Nigeria.Asin women,he beauty attrbuted to■ ght skin is a source of self‐ strengthening and sensual pleasure."12 The study went on to point outthatin lndia,“

the biggest

movie stars promote ■ghtening coslxletics designed to make】men more handsome, such as Karush Khan胡 血 `Fttr and Harldsome,″ 帝hile in the US,IsHn hghtening is practiced arnong Fnale Stars of show business or sport,such as baseba■ player Sa■ lmy Sosa。 "The paper conduded by saylng hat“ he femininity valuc of a light sttn is hus not

he sole explanadon for why sttn lightening has become a mass phenomenon。 "13 The global sttn■ ghtenhg products market size was valued at$8。 3b工 lion in 2018。 14 10 “Sttn lightening and its mot市 es: A histoical ovetticttP(La depigmentation volontalre et ses modvations:une perspective historiquc), A7を 穐

せ 0ど Oσ tt

"CS'c Demα 2019,Pages 399-409.


湧cV鬱 れしたoど Oσ 演名 Volume

146,Issuc 5,May

1l lbid. 12 Xbid. 13 1bid.

14“ Sttn Hghtening PЮ ducts Market Size, Share&Trends Analysis RepOrt by Product(Crea]m, Cleanser, Maskl, by Nature(Synthetic,

Natural, Organic), by RegiOn, and Segment Forecasts, 2019-2025,″

Grand View Research,San Franclsco,CA,2020.


Mtt Dο βど αcた s観 々崩υんと en Tん 9trとた所″ P

In the US,a2009 stuむ found that black wo】 men use skin hghtening products as a means of attracting“ avattable″

black inen lbr=xlarriage。 15 As the paper s五 d:

The inter― raciallmarriage gap that opened in the

past 50 years is generally attributed to a decline in he availability of young black maビ riageable ■leno We contend that the associated shortage of

desirable men in he marttage market pro撹 des hose black】 men who are sought after with he oppOrtunity to attaln a h薬 ュ1-Status spousc, which has placed a pre■ 五uHl on black women 就 h lighter sttno We pro宙 de cvidence,based on data draMl fro】 m the Muli City Study of Urban lnequdity,consistent with this hypothesis.Our heoreucal anЛ ySis ofthe■ lΥ ttage marketreveals hat rnarriage promOdOn pohcies to increase the desire to=narry on the part ofyoung black wottlen 胡 1l serve to exacerbate the importance attached to sttn shade。

The httr strttghtening industry is anoher hncator of a subconscious racial desire by nonwhites to“ appear'' European.Once ag五 n,帝 henever this topic is raised,it is it`White people's fautt for =Ilet with ttle usual cttes ot“ tening everyOne that the white aesthetic norlm is the inost desirable"― 一but,of course,this does not explaln why it is so wldespread in Africa,where there are comparadvely few whites and they do not controlthe=nedia. In 2009, the black American colme《 近arl Chtts Rock― hね ぉelf no stranger to rttsing awkward racial questions disguised as entertttnment16_prOduced a fu■ -length nlm tided Gο o,胞 と 7 which dealt exclus市 ely、 成h the“ black h五 r"hdustry. ,■

15“ Shedding`喚 れ t'on lnarriage:The inI】 ucncc of sttn shade on ttnarttage for black femalesギ Darrick Hamllton et al.,」 otι mθ ど ο と ο腕おB9'とθυ わr デEcο ″

&ο ′σαnttι tb″を ,V01ume 72,Issue l,October 2009,Pages 30-50.

16 Sec his famous“ Black Pcople versus N蛯 電ers"Sketch in his HBO Bri町

と んc Paゼ ″ をTV Series,1996. 17 Coo』 劇しど ち HBO Films,LD

EntertainFlent,Chis Rock Producdons,



Tん 9開色rAσ αinsを 勒駒


Rock cttmed hat he had decided to investigate the topic after his daughter had one day asked h近 n, “Daddy,why donttl have good hair?″ in reFerence to the fact that she had the African“ peppercorn"hair as opposed to whtte girls who

had the str五 ght“ good"httr,18

Rock goes on to reveal hat in he year he made he movie,he“ black hair industry"was worth$9 binion in the US alone,alld hat black woコnen were paying up to$18,000 ust to for httr str五ghtening tteatments,weaves,and wigs― 」 appear in public wtth strttght,rather han ther natural,or as Rock calleⅢ ■,“ nappデ httr・ `■hett hair costs ttnore han anything they wear,they spend more money on their httr.… maybe their rent is

more.You know whatl mean,It's■ ke the No.2,3 expense of heir whole■

fe。 ''19

Rock s五 d he was shocked to learn hat regular black woHlen spend thousands of donars on weaves― and even 」anet Jackson spends$5,000 to go buy theHi on layaway。 “ to he Grammys on her h五 r,"he told Oprah on Tん 90p砲 ん sん 。ψ .20

Anoher staple of the industry is relaxers― also called creamy crack。 “ '

You “

natle a black woman, any black woman," Rock

Theyヤ e ctther had heir hatr relaxed, or heyTe sald. “ ha砿 ng thoir har relaxed right now.''21 The active ingredient

h relaxer is a substarlce called sodmm hydroxide.Rock's nl.n delmonstrated hat ttle che,micalis so strong tt can burn a womarl'sh五 r ott Or utterly destroy a soda can.

The nlln also reveals wherc hc h五 r that is used ifL blaCk 胡 gs comes fro111: India. This is because lndian hatr is black― a】:ld long and strttght.22 18“ Chis Rock's good hair day,″ 19 1bid.


ど Ott」 anuary


20“ Chris Rock on the bilhon domar black`good hair'industry, CNN,

November 4,2009. 2 1 1bid,

is phySiCal appearance:a Fn破 between a native South Asian population,and another

22 The genetic origins of the lndian people caused u■

dettved from outsider“ Steppe― people"from the Caucasus,whose DNA is sirnilar to those in Central Asia,West Asia,and Europe,Seeヽ Ictspalu Mt, ct al.,“ Shared


and unique components of human population stiucture

Dο βど αCたS ttR所 りんと 9■ Tん 9tr五比すrP

In its revealing co■ 1lnentary on he nlln, the far― left newspaper ad■ litted that the F`eXtraordinary

Gttα r,iα ■

lengths black women go to, to achieve long tto胡 ng hair has long been something of a ttξ llilty sccret wlthin the black

community.″ 23 Perhaps the two most recent exalnples― ■ln he pubhc ey― of black women stiugghng wlh their natural hair and doing everything possible to avoid being seen with it,are former US First Lady Michelle Obama and actress Meg浄 【 n


US actress Meghan lMarkle,with her natural hair,and her artincially straightened hair.

and genome― wide signals of positive selection in South AsiaF Anc″

Icα 7ι

」OLtmα ど0デ 胞 寵α″ とG修 ″ と 9tics,2011,89(6):731-44,and=nany others. 23・ Should you stra縫 Ⅲten yOur afro hair?"η tt Gttα 竃崩αち September 18,





r Aσ αinsを И〃すを 9s

Al血 ough Marme's fatheris white,she飩 1l has the“ nappy" h五r of her mother,and is seen in public就 血 strttght hair because she uses a techniquc known as a“ Brazlhan Blowout"仙 戯iCh iS actually a bralld name of a product), according to Eι !e rnagazine.24

This treatinent involved dousing African peppercorn har in“ keratin ttcatments.″ This is however a popular misnomer,because kerath does not acttally strttghten he h五r,itjust soothes and shines frizT h五 ro What is actually used to strttghten ttle httr in ttlesc treatments is a soludon contttning a fonmaldehyde denvadve or glyo為 れc acidタ

which is worked through the hЯ lr tO break the bonds and reseal them in a str工 観ater posidon.The soludon is then blow― dried and sealed with a nat iron,and the results can last anywhere from threc to s技 monhs。 25 1n Miche■ c Obalnaる case, the photographic evldence showed that she shΨ ly kept her naturtt httr closely cropped,and wore an extensive Ettray of wlgso She would

often swap hem out more than oncc a day, appeattng at separate funcdons 前 世lin a 12-hour period loottng completely different.

Whatever method of appearance altettng is used,this Mdespread pracuce alnong people of African descent a■ around he world remains indicaive of a deep psycholoざ Cal desire to look like whttes.

To consider the issuc frolm another angle:readers would

unquestionably be shocked f one inorning they wokc up and discovered that almost cvery white woman on earth had aruncially darkened theと skin前 血 stttn,arld were wearhg afro wlgs,Not one,orJust a few,but 95 percent ofthem.

What would drive every white woman to want to hide heir natural hair and sl(in color,and ddiberately adopt another race`physical featuresp such a shitt would no doubt atttact he immeditte attention of sociolo」 sts arld the rnedia,and“ experts″ would be trotted out on television to explain what was happening. 24・ Meghan Marme Does Keratin Treatments to Get Str証 ght Httr一 Here's How lt Works,″ Eど 虎みMay 21,2019, 25 “Everything You Need to Khow about Keratin Hair Treatinents,″ Frθ ψ er`Bα zα αr,」 uly 28,2020.


Mtt Dο βど αcた s ttRガ リんを cn Tん etr


Former US First Lady,Miche■ e Obama,above,with her natural hair,and with somc of her many、 vigs.

Yet,apart from Rock's inovie,the phenOmenon of black women around the worid all trying to loOk■ ke whites is ignored,or,if discussed at all,disEliSSed in terms of``white racisnl"being he cause. The clal■ l that``white racis■ 1," through a process of ``socialization," somehow “causes"


Tん eИ ね rAヮαinsを M〃

'tcs blacks to want to be white,first came to pro■ lincnce in the 1960s during the famous Browll v Board of Education court declslon.

This rllling,whichwasthearstmttOrschooldesegregation

court case in America, included a presentation by he prosecution of a nllned experi=nent conducted by black act抒 ist Kenneda Clark. This presentadon, which subsequently became a staple ele=nent of thc“ white racist socialization"argument,proceeded as lb■ ows: Black children were shown two idendcal dolls,one dark― sttnned and the other whtte― sとcinnedo When asked which one they preferred,almost all chose the whtte don。 This was presented to the court as t`evidence"of racial stereotyping which segregation had caused and was pivotal in persuading the court to Order desegregation。 26 The argument was that black children aspired to be white because of“ racisal''and segregation,and dhat if they were allowed to m技 freelywthWhites,his sensc ofself― inferiority would vanisho Of course,nothing of the sort happened,as he ongohg sttn lightening arld strttght h五 r mania shows。

To test the heory that school and social integration had solved the

problenl,an enterprising

young black nllnmaker,

mm DaⅥ

York the

s fro】m


City, repeated Kenneth Clark



2007.Usセ Lg identical props, young black ね

children ね A still from the 2007 1■ o胡 e A Girτ Liた

c朧 】which

duplicated the

、 vhite― black do■ test.




New York City were

asked to choose the“ best'' do■―司ぬth the unscripted resu■ s being captured

26 The events are fully detailed in Carleton Putnam's classic book,Rα ど と trnd Rcα ど ,PubhC ガ こ

Ostara Publications,2012.



Affairs Press,Washington DC, 1967,rep五 nted by

Mtt DO βJα cたs

ttkttυ んと 9兌 Tん91r工 たすrP

on nlm。 27s故 deCades after desegregadon,the results were

identicalo The black children sttd that the whtte dons were better'' and hat the black do工 s were “bad.″ Even more “ incredibly,社le black children then identned themse市 es 前 th the black dons,when they were specincally asked.In

oher words,the in五 n arguJment of Kenneth Clark`thesis, na=Ilely that desegregadon would do away Mth this dttmed hferiottty complex,"was proven completely falseo More “ than s■ xty years of desegregatiOn and lbrced integradon had not done away、 溺ith the black desire to be white. The blaIIle for a“ destte to be whtte"can herefore no longer be put atthe door of“ segregation"(1.c.“ White racis=n," or“ white people`fault.")

The real reason for he white don experilnent results, and he httr relaxer and敵 五 lightener craze,is simply hat the European aesthetic norm is desired by all races,This reality,as un色敵 as h may seem,has not been ttuncially created by Europeans to be Fnean to everyone else。

To suHlrnarize,heni The and― white inovement in he West today is lbunded on ani∬ ational attack on whtte sodety arld the ca■ for its deconsttuction。 "This demand is both irrational and self― “ defeathg because modem society is exdus抒 ely tac product of white Westem clllture. Its deconstrtlction前 1 lead to

he destmction of evetting which the nonwhite mobs

currently cttoy,indudhg all of uae mearls胡 th which they abuse white people. This anti― whitc

hatred is fueled by a subconscious envy of whttes,cxacerbated by propaganda, which presents whites as the“ oppressOr.″ The sciendic and biolottcal faCtS Show that nonwhttes are unable to compete on an even basis石 μith whites in a Western Fと st World en宙 ronment. raci〔 述ly― based

This in turn creates an unbridgeable dispamty in achievement outcomes between he races when sharing a conl=non geographic area. Bccause the reason for ttlis perpetual disparity is denied and ignored, nonwhites are 27 A Cirど Li花 9礎 ,directed by Kitt Davis,produced by Rcel Works Teen Fil■ 1lnattng,WIay





を es rttα insを 肋 ゼ

led to bcheve dhat here is some vast white conspiracy dhat continually oppresses them,even hough allthe facts show the very opposite.

This psycholo」 cal env is best工 lustrated hrough the coninuous desire by nonwhttes to get into whtte countries,

at whatever∞ st,even hough hey hen d五 m that hese sa=ne white countries are fun of“ r孤 ist oppressors."

In addttion,he nonwhite desと e to emulate whites,h terms ofphysical appearance,serves as yet another powerful indicator of his racial psycholottCal envyo Nonwhites wl■ Ce,even go to extreme lengths to emulate white appear孤 ■ using dangerous che■ licals to alter ther sttn color and hcと ir texture so that they appro涎 mate the European norュ n.

en cycle of env ttd hate.The arst sOluhn is the physical exter■ linaこ on of whites, and herefore he eradicadon of the p五 ■1孤y“ causc''ofraCial enw。 28 This destruction胡 ■ be There arc only two soludons to this psycholottcally dr市

the inevttable resutt of the dispossession of whites of their

terrttottes hrough mass Thttd World immigraion,as is currently happening。 29 The second solution is oudined in the last chapter ofthis book.

28 Even then,the lighter― skinmed nonwhites will be targeted by the mobs,

and the cycle will repeat almost endlesstyt See T.Lothrop Stoddard's T,19 Pr9■ c″ をR9υOι Lと を とど n Sα れDo″ Li″ Lσ O fOr the story of the siave uprising

which created the island state of Haiti for a gruesome description of 'o″ this annihiladon process,starting with whites and then working its way hrough the inulatto classes,

29 See Chapter 16 ofthis book,


Chapter 10 Pu■ ing Down the Statues:Race, Demographics,and Histo呼 I:継 ittg怒

盈 醗 鍬 i駅 :絆 訛 ど 魁 紹 monumentso At arst this was directed against statues of so… called racist whites,in paricular those celebrating heroes ofthe Confederate States of America。 1

However,this calnp五 gn quickly exparlded and revealed its 仕ue intentithe general destrucion of any世 ing represendng white civilization.This was mOst nouceablein the June 2020

attack by a BLM mob on a Madison,WiscOnsin statuc of an American Ciwil War Union Army colonel,Hans Chrisuan Heg.The incensed=nob smashed o∬ he statueも head and hrew he parts into a nearby lake,shOwing the fun venom of thdr“ and― racism"protest.2

The trouble is that Heg was anything but a“



in Norway,Heg was a newspaper editor and an outspoken

member ofthe anti― slavery Frec So工 Party, The Free Soil Party,formed in 1848,was a single issue grOup set up to prevent the expansiOn of slavery into the western territones ofttle Untted States.Running as the Free Soil preddendal candidate in the 1848 presidendal election, fornler Preddent Martin Van Buren won 10。 l percent of he popular vote.Its lnost proIIlinent rnembers of Congress included the famous Salmon Po Chase of Ohib,John P,Hale ofNew Ha■ lpshire,and Charles Sumner of Massachusetts.

When Congress passed the 1854 Kansas― Nebraska Act一 a=nove which allowed slavery to expand into the new territottes-1110St Free Soilers joined in the founding of the 1“ Protesters

topple statuc oF confederate general in D.C,,sё t it on are,″

Assο iα ι (,,Pr(,ss,」 une 20,2020. 2“ Wisconsin crowd pulls down statuc of aboLdonist who died aghting (ァ


AssocJαι 9,Press,」 une 24,2020.




rAσα17LSを И〃jを 9s

and― slavery Repubicarl Partyo That party remttns onc of the two doninant pardes in America to this day. Heg played a inttor rOle in all these developinents,and when the Ci宙 l War broke out,he was chosen to lead a rettment from Wisconsin.He was Hlled leadね g his troops at the Batde of Chickamauga rl 1863.There is therefore no jusincatiOn to claim any racist intent on Heg's part.If anythね g夕 he was a noted and― siavery acu■ist who devoted his poと こcal and=n工 ittty career to sta=nphg out he praoLce. All of uis mearlt no慢 五ngto the BLM mob in June 2020。 A工 hey saw was a statuc ofa whtte man,arld this was good enough for themo This attack revealed that the trLle target

in thesc events was not“ racisぜ 'whites,butraher historical igure.

any white

Further evldence of慢 is carne Mth the nature of a second statuc in Madison thatミ&s puned dOwn atthe same dme as ′ αkち 3 which StOOd in Heg's,This was a statuc kno― as Fο ■た front of the state capitol buildmg。

FO寵〃αtthich is aiso he M「 iscons近L State logo― ■sa Greek goddess― style statue o五 頷nally designed to represent the State of¬

Wisconsinatthe 1893 ChicagoWorldExposidon.

Cra■ ed by sculpttess」 ean Pond Wttner,the statue represents an a■ egory of devotion and progress, quaides Wヒ ner felt What to know about the Forward statuc that was toppled during 3 “ aど Sentirteち June 24,2020. αvた ee」ο班″と Madison protests,″ れ何l双 ′


Rα cc,DenOσ rαρんics,α ィ を


'rttSを the same

Wisconsin embodied。 4 This statue was seized by mob who destroyed the Hcg statueo Forψ αtt was severely deFaced,and also throwrlinto a lake.This vandalism clearly had nothing to do胡 th opposing“ racist″ history,but rather was arl■ nbridled attack upOn a European artifact,simply

because it looked European and represented European culture.

The sa■ le month, vandals attacked the statuc of Canada`irst priine■ linister, Sir John A. Macdonald in Willnot TOwnship,Ontario.S That fonowed a simllar attack

on a statuc in Prince Edward lsland, and anoher in Charlottetowrl. Khowrl as the“ Father of he Confederation,"who created

modern Canada,Macdonald's“ sin"appears to have been his attempt to uphft the Anaerinds ofthat natiOn by creaing gOvernment― sponsOred rettgious schools designed to glve

the lndian youth a lmodern European― style education.In this way,Macdonald hoped tO“ educate"them to a higher level and prepare thelll for life in the modern world.

That attempt conapsed_predictably― not becausc it was mahcious or il卜 intentioned(it Was in fhct the very opposite),

but because thc lndians were of course incapable of being turned into FFdark skinned Europeans″ by siinply having their eriv置 onment


As a result,the f証 lure of this pro― nonwhite pohcy is now regarded as“racist intent'',and the memOry of someonc as lberal asム /1acdonald lnust also be extirpated from memory. This hatred clearly has nothing to do Mth allindi■ idual's

intendOns or persOnal oudOOk,but rather is fOcuSed on

the fact that an individual was white,and a white inale in particular.

This can be seen also in the inedia coverage of“ white'' participantsin BLM protests.A casual glal■ ce at photographs

of such crowds shOws an ovettwhellning preponderancc of usually overweight,butch-looking feminists,whOsc hatred of white males shines through at every ttrn,6 4`Forward'Statue,Wisconsin HistOttcalふ 江useum,March 2,2006と 5“ Vandals dump lmore paint on statue of Canada's nrst P、 /1 in Baden, Ont.:police,″ 6“ These

Gどοわαど打(,Lυ S,」

une 23,2020.

Gins Are Leading Black Lives Matter Protests,"Ⅳ cιυyorた

Tinて ,s,


Tん 9

MttrAσ αinsを Ⅵ〃 9s 'を

This anti… white=nale

hatted then spread to includc he famous statue of Thcodore Roosevelt, which has stood outside the New York Museurrl of Natural History since 1940。

Was Theodore Roosevelt a violent racist or Ku Klux


The statue's sin is thattt shows a whtte rnan on a horse,

accompanied by an Amencan lndian and a Negro― bo血 artfully and respectfully depicted― but he two nonwhtts are on foot.It is now clalmed hat the two nonwhites are depicted in a“ subordhate"position,and the statue前 ■ be 」une 26,2020.


氏bc9,」 Den9ヮ rαpん ics,α 兌すと打sをο″ υ

removed,according to New York MayOr Bin de Blasi。 ,7 wh。 purely coincidentally,is martted tO a biack woman and has ■1lxed― race ch工 dren. The message could not be any clearer:he rnOve to destroy ,

沼総晶砕潔 荘認配,幣紀翠鷺沼践だ蓑 all.

Needless to say,he controlled media Лw剣「s reports such incidents as “and― racist″ prOtests, raher dhan he overt attack upon white society which they are. Not even the ultimate aFiti― Natt Btttish hero,Winston Churchi■ ,e】 merged unscahed from outburst of and― white hatted.Duttng BLA江 “ prOtests″ in London in early June 2020-引 ch predictably turned violent,胡 da inobs "肛 large statue of Btttttn's wartilne pttme attacHng polc_a





siogans calling httn a`FraCiSt.″ 8

This was apparently because Churchill beheved in “racial hierarchies″




These selected examples―

and here are many mor"

demonstrate hat he tme mouvaton behind hese types of protests is not a desre t。 eradicate racism from sOcicty,

but raher stems from antiぃ white hatred。

Observers of these protests lnight wonder why all this is happening in 2020。 In actual fact,this is the violent cOndusion of a steady process of anti― whtte hatred arld propaganda which has been brttg 7“ Roosevelt statuc to be removed from New York's Museu■ History,″

Assoaaι tt Press,」 une 22,2020,

l of Namral

魯撒 総 毬〕錦 郡 能 避就 騨 財 協 Fnghndon 胤 9“ Black Ыves Matter pЮ testt why was Churchiltt stane defaced?″ βBQ 」unc 8,2020,



Tん etわ傷rAσ αtr澪 をM〃 'を

for several decades.The steady revision of history in favor oF so― called“ black"history started in the 1890s wtth the works of Wo E.B.Dubois,10 but really only took root in he acade■ lic world in the 1960s when the nrst“ Department

of Black Studies" was created at San Francisco State Un什 ersity in California. From herc,the study of“ black historデ has bal100ned time industry,■ larked by the lnost fantastic and into a fu■ ―

incredible exaggerations, appropriation of other cultures, and outright hes。

In his way an entte mytholoξ cal black history has bcen developed,designed for the sole purposc of providing nonwhites前 th some sort of history― and also providing prooP'for supposed white suppression of this history. “ In this regard,it is worhwhtte to understand that even the very narne“ Africa"was given to that coninent by whtte people.The word Africa comes from the Lath A″ (Shgular A∫9う whiCh Was what ttle white Romaris called

.iヽ ■Ⅲi二 子│三 II■ ド



凛 車1球 ■緯警 │ど

・ _■ 五 ■ ィ I.II● す││;lif■ 〔 │、


10 William Edward Burghardt Du Bois oW.E.B.Dubois)is today Celebrated

y show that he was at best an Octoroon,of conarmed Dutch and English ancestry, with onc Negro ancestor. His・ colored″ status derives from this black as a“ blacrウ historian,even though photographs of hirn clea』



Rた9,」Denogrα pttcs,α ttα ttπSをου he inhabitarlts of Africao lt entered coinmon llsc after the conquering of Carthage(10cated in present― day Tunisial

in 202 BC by the Roman general Pubhus cOrnchus Scipio

Africarlus.This sttlall butiJmportant fact reveals much about the history of Africa,for thOse who are載 ■hg to sce it。

The advent of professiOnal black studies departtnents has resulted in he now就 despread behef that there were aFiCient black civilizations either on a par胡 th,or supettor to,he classical European civユ izadons. Perhaps the most popular example of慢 五s calne win the 1975 issuing of a settes of posters by the Anheuser― Busch beer company in Amettca titled“ Great Kngs and QueenS Of Africa."These posters marked the irst mttOr estab■ shment venture into fabricating history,portraying a=nong ohers

he famous Hannibal of Carthage, and AkhenatOn and Nefertiti of Egypt as black Africans.

These clttms were patently unttuc,as aユ l hc histottcalタ archaeolo」 Cal,alld most recently,genetic銀 ア idence,has dearly showl■ .■ Predictably, the “ black histOr5だ industry has churned out a large number of bOOks and “acadeH五 c″ courses which clailn that Africans were responsible for the arlcient E霞 應北ian civilizadon, the Carhattnian ci宙 hzadon, and several others.

Perhaps the height of this delusion caine、 江ith the 1987 book, βι α cた Aと ん e″ をα r Tん 9 4カ リ αSiα をiC Rο οts Oデ CttsSiCα ど α フど を 滋αι ι οn,12 by the」 ewish auhor]Mardn Bernal,which

went even further and daimed that Africans actually l五 d ttle genesis fOr Etttian,PhOenician,and Greek ci撹 hzations.

In he book,Bernal cl五 med that dassical schOlars(that is,white peOple)have always deliberately played dowll he “Asiarl and African″ cOntribudon to Greek cuiture

due to racist and and― Se■ litic lmotives.As Bernaユ put it, βど αcた Atん 9■ α began“ in a search fOr his Owli ethnic and 1l For a full discussion of he white o五 駆ns of ancient Egyptian

civilization,including DNA evidence,see this author's book T′ を (,(テ ´ と ど re″ を 及ガ ο oriθ θち αれ♂ C諺 允てた Eυ 趨 9ィ と c9デοr AnCiて ,■ を開駒」 を 9 Eσ ″ ち デRα r A財 盗亀 河為ι ,せ

second edition,Ostara pubhcations,2017.

12 BJα cた Aとんenα ∫Tれ て ,ステοαSね 施 Roο ι s ο われ,Martin デ α αsSをCα どα υれη ι

Bernal,Rutgers University Press,1987.


ィ を Sを M〃 jtes Tんel〃 初r Aσ αオ

Martin Bcコ aal,one ofthe foremost propagators ofthe nonsensc that Afrttans created the classical European ciwil弦 ations,

roots"and」 his brought him up agttnst what he s五 d was“ the systematic anti― Se■五dc and racist bias of ― century histo五 ography.″ Hencc e業主止ecnth and nineteen観 ■ inte■ ectual

´ て 汀 αcた Aと んc″ を his cr■ lsade,in βど ,“ tO

leSsen Europearl cultural

arrogttice"by radically質 前Sing ancient history。


Desptte beimg patent nonsense arld debunked by

α remれ s胡 dely used αcた Aと ん9″ ι mttnstteam historilns,β ι in black history deparments allover America and elsewhere, and forttLS the basis of】 much ofthe fantasies which have been

developed around this theJmeo Although a■ of the histoncal, archacolo」 Cal,and genedc cvldence proves the contrtty, he belief that Africans had`Fiost ancient cMttzadons"and even l五 d the groundwork for classical European ci■ 二lizations has now become就 despread.

Along Mth this behefis an exphcit statement that“ white racists″ have also suppressed black history, and this is why tt hasnl been known undi this tittlet Oncc agttn,he underけhg dr市 e is not to seck histottcal realiけ ,but rattLer to unde....lne,denttrate,and deny European history. In pop culture,this distorion has found expression in the MaⅣ el Co】 mics iction of“ Wakanda,"a highly developed 13“ Black Athena Revisited,"E■ zabeth Shemman,T'tt,,1■

Sping 1996.


JsO″ と@堕 αrι erどυ,

Rα c9,jD9碗 99rαpん ics,α ■0打 isを 0ヮ

black nation hidden somewherc in Africa,which was never

盤整 黙齢盤整蠍

could have been胡 thout Europeans. When Wakanda was arstrea■ zed in ce■ u10id in the 2018 Hollywood nlm βlα cた P醜なんeち one Of that mo並 eる stars, Kenyan― born Lupita Nyongも , asserted hat“ Wakanda is special because it was never cO10nized,so what we can sce

there For all of us is a re― imaざning iott What WOuld have

been possible had Africa been al10wed tO reahze itseli"141n

oher wOrds,this was what ttica wOuld have been,had it not been for thosc evil whites。 The sad reality is that subと saharan Attca did not cven

brers 鷺 離■簿璃乱鷺剤獣漑珀 」 路i蹴猛評 All of he Europeans who visited Africa at that tirne― people such as Iも 砲n, Li宙 ngstonc, Galton, Du Ch五■u, Speke,Baker,Schweinfurth,and ohers15 wrOte extens市 ely On he,ackwardness Of“ uncO10nized"難 ica,often fOcusing on the前 despread pracice of cannibalsm and slavery in pardcular。

This reality aside,比 rem五 ns clear hat the ideolo駆 cal groundwork for what happened in 2020 was l五 d decades ago.As the fantasy Of black histoⅢ waS perpetuated and

innltrated the acade■ 五c in五nstreanl,so the scene was sct to portr〔 もπEuropeans

arld European histOry as ncdonal or

just pl五 n racist.

This ideolottcal moVement has now swllng into physical acdon as the direct result ofracial demographic shifts in the west.161t is no coincidencc hat uie mttor areas Of cultural

attack upOn Europearl history have taken place in areas where nonwhites are now tt■ e demographic mttOttty. 14“ Lupita

Nyong6 says Black Panther's Wakanda is Africa ifit had never

been c010nised,″ 〃て ,ォroし Vtt Februa=y22,2018,

15 For a fascinating review of their Observations, sec Professor」 ohn rd Un市 ersity Press,1974,republished 2012 by B急

盟李 I報洗 爵笛ζ .Xお

16 Sce Chapter 16 of this book for a full discussion of the racial


:1啓 [hiC

Changes undepway in Arneica, Western Europe, and


Tん 9拗独r Aσ αinsを

b駒ど を cs

Whilc he controned meda and the acade=lic world pretend thatrace does not e道 st and has no effect on culture, reality stares everyonc h the face. A culture is merely the product ofthe population前 thin a certain deaned geographic area.A people creatc a cultur" but a culture does not create a people。

Chinese people create a Chinese culture,


people create a」 apanese culture,European people create a

European culture,African people create an African cutture,

sh people create a Jttsh culture,and so on and so


forh. Ifthe populadon in a certain area changes,and one group becomes a mttority,hen he domhantc■ llttre in hat area changes to renect that Ofthe new do■ inant group.

In recent times, his was demonstrated ive ycars prior to

he 2020 otty of destrumon一 but h South Africa. In that country, black mobs descended upon statues of the whites who had shaped hat country― people such as Bttish lmpettalist Cecil

John Rhodes,and Boer Repubhc President Paul Kruger.In April 2015, he Rhodes statuc at the Un市 ersity of Cape ToMl was retloved, sparと こng a naionⅥ de drive to remove the statucs of white people and to rdecolonize″


Once ag五 n,it should coJme as no surprise that black Africans would have no aFanitytoward sttbols ofindi宙 duals or groups which created white society arld white culture.

G市 en this reality,it cannot be surprising that mttority

nonwhite cities such as New York,Chicago,BOSton,and mtty others have dedded to dispense 載 ua European cultlぇ ral

artifacts,which indeed no longer represent or have

any afanity前 th the new population of hose territories. In fact, it would be strange al■ d unnatural for one racial group to embrace thc history,artifacts,culture,甑 d 156

Rα o9,D9η 宅 99rαpん ics,α P遭 打 isを oυ

world撹 ew of anottler race`Each race(orin Ame重 ca's case, anew m技 ed race),前 1l develop its own cultural no....s. Each race M■ develop its OwIll understanding of history, and its own understanding and level of ci就 Lzadon.Only a madman would believe hat a clliture cOuld rerrlain static while the racialinakeup of a population changes. The tearing doM1 0f statucs is merely a renection of

the changing demographics of he areas in which his is occuring. 覇rihout an understanding of this fact, 五 is i=npossible to either nght ttlis phenomenOn or to develop a realisticギ ternat市e plan to preserve tthite European cultural identiサ


It is pOndess, for example, for us cOnfederate sympahizers to attempt to nght he remOval of Confederate

statues in ddes such as New Orleans, Louisiana, or Richmond,virginia.A city which is 70 or 80 percent black is not going to tolerate sttb01s of white histOry,and any attempt to persuade theni Ohettse is doomed to皇 五lure. White cul伍 ral artぬ cts前 工 Only be preserved in areas where white Europeans are lhe ovetthchaing inaJonty of the population.This is the ctticalfact tO understanding the core of he prOblem,and to achieve a soludon。

This, then, is he great lesson of he desttucdon of European ardfacts:it is a byproduct of the race― dettng social and mmigratiOn pOlicies pursued by leftist hberals over the past six decades.This pohcy has led tO Europeans beingdispossessed ofmttOtttyoccupaton oftheirteritones. LeFt unchecked,u■ is replacelment of Europeans with non― Europeans司 l inevitably lead tO he total extermhation of nOt just white peOple,but their cultural arld histottcal idendty as well. Preventing tt■ is froni Occurmng is the great cha1lcnge of our d=xle.A soluton has tO be developed which is based in race realislm and an understanding hat demographics is destiny:that race and teritottally based IJ:1再 ority OCCupadon is the anal deter.linant Of wheher a particular c胡 五zation stands or falls.


Chapter ll



avery:Who Owned Whom?

献 謎




拓 4紹


to uphtt black areas of the city as“ reparations''2 1marked a

new step in the ongoing debate over slavery。 Accor(近 ng to the announce】

ment by the Ashoぬ ■e City

Counc量 ,it wl■ not lェ lake direct payments to residents of Ashoぬ ■e,but instead make tnvesttnents in areas where black residents face disparities."

The council resoludon s五 d it would be funding“ ■linority home ownershゃ and aCCess to oher affordable housing,

increasing mhority business owllershゃ and Career opportunities,"engttng in“ stratedes tO grOw equity arld generaional wealth,"and“ closing the gaps in healthcare, education,cmployment and pay,neighborhood safety,and f五 rness胡 hin


whtte racislm" and Given the curent hysteria over “ slavery,五 is possible hatthis sort oflunacy Mll be extended to other dies across America一especiЛ ly those contttning nonwhtte mttortties.

In paricular, the arlnounce]ment reinforced the long― standing idea that all whites in the twentieth century are to blame For slavery― and hat blacks are st量 1“ suffettng the aftereffects,"onc hundred fifty years aher slavery was


仕le US.

The geneic causes of socioeconoHic status are outlined in ttis booko When,however夕 it co】 mes to the allti― whtte

ideology which characterizes the estabhshment at the l Populadon esti=nates,」 uly l,2019:total population,92,870,of、 vhich 77 percent,“ Asheville city,North

white alone,not Hispanic or Latino,″ “ Carottna,″

US Census Bureau,QuickFacts.

2“ In historic 140Ve,Norh Carohna city approves reparadons lor Black ア residents,″ 〔 SA Tο 』αy,」 uly 15,2020. 3 1bid.


Oψ 90協駒OmP 7を

present tilne,facts and reality have litde bearing upon the fantasies which the“ blank slate″ ideologues embrace.

A bttef revlew of the historical realides surrounding slavery and its impact upon society is,therefore,in order。

The instttuion oF slavery,or forced labor,is as old as organized human society itsel■ In fact,all of the ancient ci■ 二 ■zations were slave― driven societies. Ancient Egypt,

ancient Greece, ancient Rome, to narne but a few,


widely used slaves to the point where those societies were eventually undone by this pracice― when the slave numbers grew sO great as to ovetthelin he onginal creators ofthose ci、 江 hzations. The advent ofChristianityndhtdeto changethe situation. Slavery persisted in Europe for lmore tharl a lm■ lennium after the ycar attributed to the birth of Christ,and was sin c。 .linonplace in Europe as late as the 1500s,Perhaps one ofthe=nost famous slaves ofthis ime was the Scottish

relittous refOrmer,John Knox(1514-1572),most knOwil for founding thc Presbyterian Church of ScOdand.In 1547, Knott was wor]五 ng as a nainister to the garrison ofttle Casde

of Sto Andrews in Fife,Scouand,when a French Catholc neet l五 d siege to the fortress.The garrison surendered, arld were then一 Khox included― forced to work as galley slaves in he French neet,manning the oars of the huge Shや S in numerous vOyages between Frallcc and England. Khox only escaped this slavery in 1548,when sttpatt■ izers purchased his freedo■ lfrom he French。

G市en this background,a number ofimportantfacts need to be highttghted about the transadandc slave trade. Fact li Africans sOld other Africans into Slavery

The transadantic trade would have been i=npossible the active assistance and support of Africans

胡 hout

hemselves,Slavery was a co=1lnon fact of life h Attrica at

he dme,and local chiefs made s■ lall fortunes se■ ing or heir owiltribesmen,or enc]my tribesmen captured in battle, to the slave traders,4 4 See for example the writings of Scottish Exp10rer I)avld Livingstone,



Tん 9 ИttrAσαinst M〃 'ι

The well― kno― biography of a French slave trader, Ott Or, 物 9■ υ Yを αrs oデ α兌 』げ河Cα Sど αフer, by COptα をCa″ を t″


Theodore Canot(reai na=ne Thё ophile Conneau), reveals how easy it was to purchase Africans.

Canot revealed hat the African slave ttaders regularly

captured and traded their own people as slaves, wl血 tribesmen se■ ing each oher,and their own wlves,説 sters, daughters, and sons to slave traders for ttnes such as botues ofruHl or a handful of beads.

Some African chieFs grew so ttch froni the slave trade,

Canot reveals,hat when he inally decided to halt his the local Africans were so antt that they

bushessr “

burned down his property in revenge for his refusal to buy any more slaves frona them。 5 Fact 2:North America inttially had indentured servarlts,not “slaves.″

The transatlantic slave trade was caコried on by nadonals froni four European nations in parucular:Brita」 France, Spttn,arld Portugd。 6 There were however,two c五 dcal dittrences between he Enttsh practice aFld that of the Portuguese,French,and Spanish。 The nrst difference was that the lnttority Of the Africans purchased from the black tttbesin Africa by the English were shipped to Noru■ America,while those purchased by the l″

American explorer Paul de Chaillu, British soldier Sidney LangfOrd Hinde,and 14any Others. θrs oデ αn A′ iCα 7L Stttノ er,Theodore Canot, 5 Capιθ とて οヶ Or,a〃 cnι こ ′yて夕 'a/と first published 1854,reprinted by Ostara Pubhcadons,2019. J″

6 A threc― volume book issued by the black Muslim“ Nation of lsl〔 江4″ in ,ps claimed υ99″ とBど θCた sα 允 わrbsん ゎ B(,と を 1991,titled Tれ eS(,cr(夕 をR9ど αと

that Jews dominated the Adantic slave trade through the 'Jて ownership of

the slave boats and auction houses.The arguments put foNttrd in the α允撹c FnagaZine books were ad■ litted to be tne in an articlc in tt Aとど

of September 1995(“ SiaVery and he」 ews: A reiew of The Secret Relationship Bctwcen Blacks and」 ewsi Volume One″ by Winthrop D. ,7と を kみ September 1995),but thiS fact was dismissed as a 」ordan,Tん cAな ど

relativeも πhigh propor髄 on of」 ewish slavehokttng was a function of the concentraion of Jews in ″ cities and towns,not oftheir descent orコ el祟 革on・ ,Aを ど α″ を 税 b said,the“ coincidence,because,as駒 て


肋 οOι υれθJヽ7ん onP

oher three nations were inosuy shipped to the Caribbean and Ccntral and South America. The second mttor differencewas that he English pracuce used indentured servants,rather than slaves,as the oher 世lree nations did.This meantthat under he English system, the Africarls could,after a certain periOd Of work,become free men,alld then do whatever ttley就 shed.7 Fact 3:The nrstindentured servants in ttle Thirteen Colonies were whitest In addition,it is a litde― known fact that the very arst

such indentured servants in the English colonics Of North America were white,and not black。 During that time,orgtt■ ized gangs seized white children froln thelowest social classesin Btttttn,foruse asindentured servamts in the colonies,with the fun approval ofthe ruhng upper classes.This practice,ca■ ed■こd nabbingF iS in fact the Ongin ofttle word“ 重 dnapping。 ″ The inost cO■ linon destination for he立たこms of these garlgs was the Bndsh colonies ofVirttnia and the Caroinas in A■ lettca, where hey becaIIle indentured laborers on the tobacco farms.In ttlis way,a large number of whites under the age of twenty― one arrived in colonial Amettca as indentured selwants.8

The process worked as fonowsi a yOung person would sign, or be forced to sign, a contract焉 足ith a tradero The trader would then sen the contract to a ship's captain,whO

would transport he person to the New Worid,recouping costs and車 王遵こng a pront upOn landing by rese■ ing the conttact(and thus he person's labor)to a CO10nist in need of laborers.Once the cbntract had been fllin■ ed,the indentured servant was then free to leave,and inany went on to become successfui color工 sts themselves,9 7“ White Sepぬ tude in The Colony of Virginia:A Study ofthe System of lndentured Laborin The American Colonies,″ 」ames Curtis Ballagh,Jο ん″ と rttοpttnsし 晩ど υ9rs,y StE寇 わS」 ′ L河偽ι Oric・ θどαれ ,Pο ど Jttα どSc施 ■cc,Thirteenth

senes,vI_vH,」 une…July 1895,Baltimore,The Johns Hopkins Press. 8 1bid. 9 1bid.




И生たes r Aσ α力憂乾 ワ

One of these whttc hdentured servants, Winia=n Moraley,Motc extens市 ely of his experiences, and his ,99 ん9 yoυ α ttnα を 9: or, と a=nあ ng autobiography, Tん e rnデο メ ° μ insc砺 声 ど を 9n bυ 開町 α n Jん α 9υ reS Oデ 9ィを 勉 αれ ,Vriと 'A'υ a fascinaung insight proⅥdes into the l麓 of an indentured “ sewantin the New Woddi My Master employed me in he Business: I coninucd saisned Hwith httn for somedme;but being desirous to settle at Philadelphia,during the rest of my seⅣ itude, I declared to him, I would stay no longer,and desired hi=n to disposc of me to somc other〕 亜aster,and insisted upon it, agreeably to the Tenour of my lndenture.

This Demand made hi=n cross to me, and I attelmpted an Escape, but was taken, and

put into Prison;but was soon relcased,前 ha prOmiSeto saisfy my Demand.About a Fortnttnt after,we went to he Mayor of Philadelphia,his Nme was Gttfith,a lMan of exact」 usice,ho' an lrishman,who reconc工 ed usi so l returned

back to Burlhgton, and conunued 前 th him three Years, he forgiⅥ ng me he other Two: I

was cver atter perrecuy pleased Mh my Master's Bchaviour to ine,which was generous。 ■ It did not however take long for the British traders tojoin

in he pracice of bu〕 ng Africans from he friendly trbes along he Westハ 由Ёcan coast, arld transporthg thetti to North America.Even then,he Africans were transported as indentured labor,and could also achieve free Fnen Status after a certain number of years,

The arst African hdentured servants to land in North America were brought ashore at Jamesto― ,Virginia,ね 1619.Ultimately just iess tharl 10 percent of ttle entire 竹ansadantic trade in Amcans landed in Notth Amenca, どiα れ Mο rα ど cプ , es oデ L♂ A'υ en勉 ′ ん9 7oyα σ9 α″ 確 r■デOrt,允 ater Oち と ''lι Vriι ι cnわ υFrinsett william Moraley,Newcastlc,England,1743;repint,


Chester,PA:T″ 1l lbid。



,D9ど θLυ α′ と L,1884. 9 Cotを ″ ι ′Repttbttcα ″ こ

И〃笙)OLυ 7を 9』 И万比onP

with he other 90 percent going to the Caribbean and Central and South Amettca。

Accordね g to the 1800 census,12 there were 893,602 Africans in Ame五 ca. The further lnportadon of Africans was forbidden after 1808,but even so,by 1860,theど壁五can populadon had rocttted to 3,953,760。 Whatever else slavery did to blacks,託 did not k工 lthem.13 Fact 4:The arst legttly recognized“ slave″ ね North America belonged to a“ Frec Negro"and not a whtte.

The indentured servarlt nature of the system meant,of coursc,hat substantiai numbers of Africans becalne“ frec men"after their period of labor had ended.In one of the greatest ironies of he endre “slave巧 だ saga, it therefore transpired thatit was one ofthese“ frec blacks″ who became the nrst lega■ y― recognized slave owrler in America. This

free black man,by the name of Antony Johnson,is litue mendoned when theissue ofslaveryis r五 sed,butthe re』 ity is hat he played a pivotal role in estab■ shing the pracuce of

slavery in North America. 」ohnson「 ■his adopted na■ 1(>― had been purchased from a black也『ibe by a Portuguese slave trader off he coast of present― day Angola. Transported to Ame五 ca, he was reζ Stered as“ Antonio,a Negro″ h the omdalrecords ofthe

Colony of Vir」 nia.HC Wentto work for a white farmer as all ・ indentured servant。

Upon cOmpleting his period of indentured labor,Antony was declared a“ free negro″ ;and was graFlted land by ttle white― rllled colony,14 Hc turned out to be an industttous 12“ 1800 0vettiew,″ 河盗と oriθ て 汀 JS蛯 なis鯨 弱 οデ と,LC〔 アイLiι Й Tin(,s toヱ

esf COど 0允 ねど Sι αι

97Q United States Census Bureau,Bicentennial Editおn,Parts

l and曼 ,Washington,DC,1975.

13 By 196い only one hundred years iater― ― the black population in America hadjumped to over twenty mllliOn.This amounts to a staggeing 2,300 percent increasc in just onc hundred s伐 サ yearS・ See the“ 1960 0verview,″ 河偽ι oriθ θど§地れ覚 ics oデ ι んCy″ tiι c,説 αι (,sr Coど οァ をiα ど何腕esを o ′97Q United States Census Bureau,Bicentennial Edition,Parts l and 2,


14拗税 ου οデBど acた An9撤 班 僑 r Frott A,iθ α ιοιれ9 Encυ θ″tcて ,oデ ι′と9 COと ιOn κ L9'0れ ,Philip S,Foner,Oxford Un鶯 ersity press,1980, i″


Tん 917税rttα ″憂乾 M万,を es

far=ner, and by」 uly 1651,Johnson had ave indentured selwarlts of his ottnclu(ling at least three whttes:TwO of he white indentured servants alld one of the black― nained」 ohn Casor‐ 一subsequendy ran away. Casor hen went to work for a white colonist,voluntarily

enteing into a new indentured labor contract就 血 he Englishman Robert Parker in 1653.」 ohnson-11宙 d that his

indentured laborers had run away― resorted to the colonial courts to get the■ l back,a conlinon pracdcc at the dme. 」ohnson brought his suit in the Norhalnpton Court in 1654,delmanding that Casor be returned to hiin,because, The sttd Negro(」 Ohn as the court ttallscttpdon read, “ Casor)replyed,hee caine for a certayne tv■ ■ ■ e and had an lndenture Anthony」 ohnson s五 d hee never did sec any But that hee had h上 n for his life。 ''15 1n oher words,」 ohnson appealed to the courtfor Casor's return to his selwice on the grounds that Casor had never becn an indentured laborer,but a sewarlt“ for hfe."In 1655, the court ruled in favor of Johnson,saylng that:

This daye Anthony Johnson negro made his complalnt to the court ag五 nst mro Robert Parker arld dcclared that hee deteyncua his selwant」 ohn Casor negro under the pretence that sttd negro

was a free m甑 。The court sciously consideinge and maturely weighing the premisses,doe fynde that he s五 dc Mr.Robert Parker most uttustly keepeth the sttd Negro fro】 m Anthony」ohnson his inaster...It is therefore the」 udgement of

he Court and ordered That he sttd」 ohn Casor Negro forth胡 th returne unto the scmce of the sald master Anthony 」ohnson, And that WIr。 Robert Parker make paコ ment Ofan chargesin the suit.16

15 “Court Ruhng On Anthony


and His Sewant (1655),″

Northampton County Order Book 1655-1668,fol.10,as reprinted in the E況 り cどοpeEね Иヮ tnね ,Virginia Humanities,Library of Virginia,August


16Tん 90ι♂つonど れを ο″ L加 せ ん9S(,υ 9疵 99/ι ι ん Cc″ 税ヮ fA Dο 〔 理ncィ と と θυ 河ねι Oυ Lと

ο れど ら ′σ06ヱ /00,Warren Billins,Un市 ersity of North Carolina デ 7iυ ど

Press,Revised edttion(August 6,2007).


Oι υn90 1″ 駒Юれ P 、 l tschY!1‐ r 8yく 、

箭制眼瓶 all ヽ 21NE


lA〈 ;│ゝ

4Aa coM

ヽlARC卜 8=● │ア

The Horrible Fate of,ohn Casar,The First BIack Man tO be Dectared siave far Life in


Black peopl(Pin(aArlド いは1lelica lvereょ とt stavest Atteli this ia、 Ysllit.theF collld l)(・


he cnl、


dcanite再 :c。 ■ れ,Cted to」 ohH Casor`通 おis this daⅢ .in 1654 0r 1655・

aS,Orniヽ ヽ htn he ttnew(id s。 leヽ ゞ

CaSor Was oHginal、 an indentured sI:ド REと




′憶と。 ヽ とfinde五 範К ヽ もと igated l】

:f.(::占 ● い ■、 :い o,│││ば ! ヽ オiti荘 i、

ヽ hta

、 、 れlch ineant he、 、 ■s prACtiCalⅢ 'a siare in scnle

sentts`Bkitヽ ゞ hat、 ras bo4こ と ,tOrsdd、 、 電され1五 n!玉

AT[000暉 に

Itl notヽ

.le血 ,ng oと 、 れen he died lrs、 Fhen he bctame aぎ are

、 ャ as

his contttct

hin tO、 fOrk tor itt holdeF tOr tlie

pe貧 od it set_At Sit end oFthat hれ ユヒ,indenttredさ

eAan志 一、、hO

・ co■ 1想 be ofanゝ race― 、 、ere considerod legalI)と ee and scnt out into

This court ru■ ng was therefore a turning polnt in American history, as it inarked he date from which he practice of indentured laborers becaine FFscⅣ ants lbr life,'' or slaves.

As Sn】 を iα n M敬 押ガれ e sttd h a March 2017 article on the Johnson/CaSOr 'hon・ case, “ after a disagreement about

whether or not Casor's contract was lapsed,a court ruled in favor Of JOhnsOn and Casor saw lhe status of his indenture

turn into slavery, wherc he―


=lot his conttact― considered property″ 17 and that it was“ after this lawsuit″ that the pracice of slavery was establshed in Amettca。 1819

17“ The Horrible Fate of」 ohn Casor,The First Blackふ /1an to be Declared Slave for ttfe in America:Black peoplc in carly America veren't slaves.

4fterthiS lawsuit,仕 ley could be,″ Sれ 湖偽οnね nν 敬邪所能 ,March 18,2017. 18 1bid.

19 1tis often claimed that anotherindentured seivant African by the name of」 ohn Punch,was in fact the Flrst to be declared a“ slave″ in 1640 atter

running away from his master in Virginia.Punch was recaptured,and ordered by the Vir」 nia Governor's COuncilto sette his ottginal master for the remainder of his hfe as punishment for breaking his indentured labor

contract.While this was the arst such case,there was no legal ruLng on

Punch`status as a“


as there was in the Casor case,


Tん9 bttr Aσαl■sι bttiを es

Fact 5: Many “Free Negroes″ in Amettca Owrled Black Slaves―In Numbers far Greater tharl lheと Share of he Populadon.

Anhony」 ohnson


was not the only“ Free Negro"to oMl

slaves in Americao According to he US Census of 1860, there were exactly 3,953,660“ Negro slaves"in Amenca (COnSiSting of l,982,525 males arid l,971,135 females,all concentrated in the South), and 488,080“ Frec Negroes" (COnSiSthg of 234,119 males and 253,961 females― also concentrated in die Sou血 ).20 As revealed in an extensive survey of “Frec Negro" slave owrlership pub■ shed in the black journ証 ,Tん c Rοοち by Henry Louis Gates Jr。 ,21t■ led“ Did Black People Owrl Slavesp″ 22thouSands of Free Negroes owrled slaves and even volunteered to nght for he Confederacy in he C市 工 War to preserve he pracuce。

As Gates wrote:

Free blacks o― ed slaves h Boston by 1724 arld in Connecicut by 1783;by 1790,48 black people in Maryland owュ led 143 slaves.One particularly noto五 ous black Mttyl甑 d farlrler na■ led Nat Butlerを egularly purchased and sold

Negrocs for the Southern lrade'...Perhaps the most imsidious or desperate attempt to defend he ttght of black people to owa slaves was the statement made on he eve of he Ci宙 l War by 20“ Seies A l19-134,Population of Re」 ons by Sex, Race, Residence, ア イ tite'Sι αを 9sf 盗士 ど 岱 ο Age and Nati宙 サ 1790 to 1970,″ Iれ sを Ottcaど 説αι デと

United states Census Bureau, 'こ Bicenteanial Edition,Parts l and 2,Washington,DC,1975. (デ OJO″

を ねどTines ι ο ,97Q


21 Henry Louis Gates」 an AlphOnse Fletcher University Professor and the director ofthe W.E.B,Du Bois lnstitute for African and African―

Ameican Rescarch at Harvard University,and also editor― Rο Oι


chief of娩 て ,


22“ Did Black Pcoplc Own Slavesγ Henry Louis Gates Jr.,衝 財躍 ROο ち ィ んcと ア Lite♂ Statcs 19rs ο March 4,2013.Sec also F′ 9c Ⅳcσ ro OLυ ″ デSど θ (7Sれ ど Lノ

んe〔ア ″ を C'S比 洸es t,9 0ιυ ″ と ersんゎ 0デ SJα υCs t″ とと ど れ ど830r Tο σ9と んer p■ んAわ s9れ を ο ttiStOワ ,the 加 ユ83Q Carter G.Woodson,editor of he」 ο,mθ どο デ ,Veσ ′ iι

Associaton for the Histoly of Negro uFe and History,Washington,DC, 1924.


Oιυnc覆 協ηK)nP

a group of free people of co10r in New Orlearls, offering their services to the Confederacy: The free colored populaion inatiVe1 0f Louisiana... OWll SlaVeS,and they are dearly attached to their native land...a】 :ld they are ready tO Shed their blood for her defense.They have no s,電 lpathy for abolidonislmi no love for the North,but hey have plenty for Louisiana。 _They胡 1l nght for her in 1861 as they foughtitO defend New Orlealls from he Bttish〕 in 1814-1815。 '

These Free Blacks even forlmed all armed unit in May 1861,and ttlis Confederacy― supporting unit was the nrst Ci■ 1l War aビ med force to appoint black ofacerso The“ Nadve Guards,Louisiarla"eventually contained l,000 black men swona“ to nght to defend the Confederacy.''23

As Joel A.Rogers,auhor of he notOrious,=00 Anα

所″ を σ Яαcts AZて雇ιど んc!V9σ rο Vitん Compど 9を 9 Proげ ASん o滝 (ブ,と を 0 と ん9 Vο ttα ttistoヮ ο な ん 9 Negro,24 nOted,he“ Negro slave― デ

holders,■ ke the whitc ones,fought to keep their chattels in he Ciil War,"arld these black men“ fought to perpetuate ″ slavery。 25

Duke Un抒 ersity

professor John Hope Fr〔 蓮■ ldin― who


black―recorded that in New Oricans over threc housand frec Negroes owlled Slaves,or 28 percent of he frec Negroes in that city.26 By 1830,a total of 3,776 frec Negroes owrled 12,907 slaves。 27 By 1860,the number of slaves owiled by Frce Negroes″ was atleast 20,000,23 “ 23 1bid. 24′ 00 Attα τ σ Fα cts A芝 ,ο 税をと ″ を 9Ⅳ〔 0朋せん(デοmpJcを 9P′ Oq′ ASれ οrt(デ ttι ι ο '9′ と 970河 ο ι ん 9Ⅳ 9σ ″ 0,」 Oel A.Rogers,J.A.Rogers Publicadons, υ デ irと

1934. 'を


25 1bid.

26 Sec his works御乾 Fr99

Ⅳ9σ rο 加 Ⅳorι ん Cα ′ οπnα,7790′

86o Chapel

Hlll University of North Carolina Press, 1943, and F′ οηを Sど て 汀 υcη を ο Frccα onf A ttisto留 oデ ステ iθαn A腕 9角9α ns,lst

ed.,New York:A.A.Knopt


27 Fre9 Ⅳ99″ oOを υ■9rS

cゾ SIα υes,れ と ん9 yFと iteJ Sttι csれ ′8θ Or Tο σcと んて ,r ι υたんAbscれ と 99 0ιυn9rsん ゎ oデ Sttυ es加 と ,修 y崩 修,Sttι cs流 ど83a Carter G. Woodson,editor of the」 ο税れ αJ οデ Ⅳcσ ″ο口IStOη,the Association for the

History of Negro life and History,Washington,DC,1924.

28 According to Junius Rodrigucz, a Eureka Conege historian and


を cs Tん o勒 傷r Aσ α力憂乾 И釉げ

Fact 6:Only 385,000 indi宙 dualttncとuding thousands of Frec Negroes"― o― ed Siaves in 1860。 “

The reality remttns hat even h 1860,only a small g to the US census report lbr 1860, only around 385,000 hdi宙 duals owned slaves.29 Even fall siaveholders had been

alinottty ofindividuals in America omed slaves.Accordね

帝htte,that would sd■ have only arnounted to l,4 percent of whttes in the entと e United States,or 4.8 percent of whites in the old South.

These ngures,when combined、 Mith the staustics on Free Negro slave ownershゃ ,shOW thatthe free blacks made up a

mass市 ely disproportionate number of slave masters ill preぃ Ci宙 l War Ameica. A comparison ofthe staisics oudined above show hat

about 28 percent offree blacks o― ed slaves― as opposed to less than 4.8 percent of Souhern whites,and drarnatically more than the l.4 percent ofa■ whtte Americans who owned slaves.

The s技 facts oudhed above demonstrate conclus市 ely hat itis a gross historical distordon to insinuate that white

Amencans of today are,as a group,to blame for slavery or whatever trepidations Negroes may have suHered two centuries preⅥ ously. whites lbr the actions of a few siave owrlers hundreds of years earher is taken to its logical conclusion,hen it would also be lottcal tO blame all blacks in America for siavery becausc a s■ lall number of free Negroes owlled Slaves as we■ If the prittciple of blaming a工


Ofcoursc,uis conclusion is never made by the contro■ ed mass rnedia,he BLM ideologues,and their supporters,who conthuously berate all帯 hites for ttle■ls of slavery.It is author oデ

SJα ttυ

Eァ と cycJοpe』 ね,

宅 ♂ 打 isめ 歳 ィ Liι 孤 説 atesr A SOれ 班 Pο 茂歳 み α″ 流 と ん9こア

as quoted in“ Viral post gets it wrong about extent of

slavery ln 1860, POJitゥ し仇 he POynter lnstitute,August 24,2017.

29“ Series A l19-134,Populadon of Re」 ons by Sex,Race,Residence, es, れe yni,cα ttα と おι ics oデ ι Age and Nat前 ty 1790 to 1970,〃 打isι Oriθ θI Sιθι ・ines toヱ 97● United States Census Bureau, Bicentennial (】0ど 0″ を iα ど空 Edition,Parts l and 2,Washington,DC,1975.



0をυ″ を 9'1〃駒っ

only whites―arld no one els― from whom“ reparations″ are demanded.“ Reparadons''are never demanded froni blacks, everl though he histottcal facts show that there were, prOpOrionatt to their population slze,far inore black slave o― ers than white. Perhaps the worst of the situation is that=nany whttes are so ignorant of the trLlth hat hey前 1l go along就 h his inass lmedia― created nonsense,and accept blame for

somehhg which,staustically spe裁 ね g,aユ most none of their ancestors bear any responsib工 ity whatsoever. The demand that whttes,collecuvely,take responsibility for slavery is herefore nod■ ing but arlother prong of the attack upon white Western society.Perhaps he =rlost conclusive ttdence of this is the aimost complete ignorillg of the Arab Mushm slave trade ■1 競 icans, which took placc over a far longer ume period,and lllvolved far larger

numbers of押 ば直carls。 It re■ lains one ofthe controned inass=nedia`anti■ vhite mantras that Europearls alone are responsible for he African slave trade.The reality is,that lhe Arab workト ー specincaと ly観 le MusLms― were the worldる most prottic and long― enduttng

slave traders in Africa,pも 江ng their trade rbr over l,300 ycars.

Yet somehow, the Arab Mus■ m slave trade is either swept under the rllg,or f ttis mendoned at all,is』 w剣「s

do― played

in favor of the transatlantic slave trade。

This slave trade in Africans started as carly as AD 640-

almost predsely parallelhg he creaion of the Musl血 rehttOn in saudi Arabia (the fOunder of ttlat relitton, Muharnmed, clttmed his lirst“ divine reveladons″ in the year AD 610). Islalnic sh誼 a law spedaca1ly amows slavery of non― Mushms while forbidding the enslavement of MushHis― but even then,only those who were MusLms before their enslavemento This rule ineant hat even if captured siaves converted to lslam― ‐ as many did― hey were stin not』 wtts set free,and remttned in se郵 ′ itude for the rest oftheir■ ves.

Unsurpttsingly,he earhest histo五 cal records of lsl錮 五c show hat Africaris from norheastern Africa

slave― owning


Tん9 bttr Aσαtttβ を勒駒と を es

made up the rirst slavesin Arabia(and whatistoday Yemen). Captured fro■ l the norheast ttican shorehne of today's Somaha and Ethiopia,these A籠 can slaves set the pattern for the next l,300 years―because the Arab slave trade in Africaris was only inally suppressed in d■ e early 1920s. Although there are no nxed records of exacuy how many Africarls were enslaved by the Musli=xl world duttng this tttne,historians have made esimates based on the duration, the extent of the Arab penetration of ttica,and he hkely number of Africans avttlable in these rettons.They have come to the conclusion that at least twenty m工 lion,and very likely many more,were captured arld imported to the WLddle East and beyond。 While it is otten― -lncorrectly― houghtthatlhe Arab sとave trade was■■lited to norheastern Africa,the reahty is thatit extended far south into that continent,reaching dowll past Tanzania, WIalawl, and even into present― day Z辻 nbabwe and Mozalnbiquc. The Arab slave trade nrst spread into central Africa after they seized control ofthe Swahili Coast― the central eastern seaboard of Africa一 durhg he 800so The most important Arab possession on the eastern African coast was the island of Zanttbar,today part of the count=y of Tanzania.Fro】 m is base,Arab slave trading expeditons sttllck south and 慢■ west,deep into A凸 Ёca.

Many European explorers

前 tnessed

he Arab slave

trade nrsthando Perhaps onc of the most farnous, David Ы宙ngstonc,mentioned itmanytimesin his famousjournals describing his 1866 journeys through central and southern

Africa(today Malawi,Zmbabwe,Mozarnbique,and the Congo): lst August, 1866.― We saw the encampment of anoher Arab party.It consisted often pens,cach of which,from the number of ares it contained,

may have held from eighty to a hundred slaves.The people of the country magnined the numbers,saying that ttley would reach from this to Mataka's,but from alll can learn,I think that


Ⅵ隔脇00をυれ90フ開んοれ P

from 300 to 800 slaves is the co■ 1lnoner gang。 This second party went across country very early this lmorningo We saw the flre― sicks which he slaves had borne wlua them.30

This slave trade carned on uninteriupted一 arld even supported by Africans― until white people nnally hteivened. The decision to act came abollt as a result of the famous

Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, convened by Gerlman Chancellor Otto von Bisrnarck to discuss the ttiture ofAImca。

Although anti― white establshment histottarls sin portray that conference as “Europeans deciding on the future division of Attica,"that meeting`ュ nttn alm was the formulation of a strategy to Mpe out the Mushal slave trade ln Africa.

Atthe sametime,the European powers also acknowledged he Africans'own trade in siaves could only be stalnped out by foreign intewention‐ ―and hence followed the mapping out of which European nations would take charge of which parts of Africa,前 th his五 mmmね d. The conference resulted in the Berhn Act of 1885,signed by the thirteen European pOwers attending the conference, whichincludedaresoludonto“ helpin suppressingslavery.″ 31 0ne of the decisions of that conference was to allocate the Congo retton tO Belgium, and task that nation wl血 stamping out the slave trade in centtal Africat The tiny European stat― which had a population ofjust over ive million in 188 1-ギtook on the responsibiliサ Of the moral cコ usadc

agttnst slavery ln all central Africa.

This decision led to the Congo― Arab War,fought between 1892 and 1894。 32 This war is now almost forgotten, not because it was uni=nportant,but because it does not at the establshment`and― European narrative dealing胡 ui the colonial period,African involvement in the slave trade,and 30 1bid,Chapter IV. 31“ Bctween law and historyi the Berlin COnference of 1884-1885 and he logic of free trade,″ Matthew Craven,Lο n'0れ R9υ ど 9″ Lα Lυ ,VOlume

3,Issuc l,March 2015,Pages 31-59.

32 See the book,T,19 Яαど どο ん9 デと

ο 比ι Cttα す oれ α ι デ」

CoFLσ O Arθ た

'S,by Pubhcations,2018. Sidney Langford Hinde, Methuen&Co.London,1897.Reprinted by Ostara


Tん9昴 りrAσ αl■ st M〃 ,を 9s

he full extent of the lslaHlic slave trading emptteo After a strenuous stRlggie,the war against the Arabs in ttle Congo was inally won,arld he Muslm siave trade tt■ ere for=na1ly

ended in 1894.Even hen,the Arab slave lrade cttied on undl the carly part of the twendeth century,based out of he island of Zanttbar. The Suhan of Zanttbar, Sq賢 匹d Barghash,had,under pressure froJm Great Btttttn,signed a ttcaty in 1873 that madc the slave trade h his terttitorics inegal.This decree, however,rem五 ned unenforced,孤adtt Was only h 1909 hat slavery was anally ab01ished tt East Afrtta一 a騨 五 ,under European colonial pressure.

A black slave,photographed on the island of Zttbarin 1890 The Arab Muslim slave trade was only anally hal俺 d in 1909.


↓ 7ん οOι υ■901恥


The discerning reader w■ l nodce hat ttlis Arab siave trade in Africans passes almost unreHlarked in the ongoing debate about slavery and reparations,

If those pushing for reparadons frottl whites were honest in heir intentions,hey would also be demanding reparations froni the Arab Mushm world.For,as oudined above,the Arab Mush■ l slave lrade far exceeded the worst excesses of the transatlaFldC Siave trade,and carried on for wen over l,300 years。

However,he fact that no one de]mands reparations or apolottes frOm the Arab Muslims,while at the same time demandhg it of whites whose ancestors had nou■ ing tO dO 前 th the slave trade,reveals thettue modvadon behind these demandsi a si=nple,undisguised hatred of white people, To make rnatters even worse,the Arab Mushai slave trade in Europeans is also ignored in the frenetic rush to blame white people rbr the ins of the world,

The Arab― A/1us■ ■l trade in white siaves,known as the Barbtty Slave Trade,carried on uninterrupted between the s■ xteenth and the car]y nineteenth centuries, During tt■ is t近 ne pettod,Europeans were seized by the Arab slave traders operathg out of thc Mushm states of

Norh Africa,which were nominally under the junsdicdon ofthe Ottoman Turk Empire. From their bases located in the present― day states of Algena,Tunisia,and Libya,the Muslim slave traders r五 ded coastal European towns and vl■ ages all over Europeo Slave― capturing rttds took place along the endre Mediterrancan

coast,including ltaly,France,and Spttn,and reached as far north as lreland,the southwest coast of BritEttn,and the Netherlands,

A2003 sttdy ofthis slave ttade33 sttd hat at least l.25 million Europeans were ensiaved by the Barbtt Muslims.

This is,however,an esthate,and the trlle numbers are ■kely more,g抒 en the lengthy period― two hundred years― during which these Mus■ m slave traders operatedo ln add比 と on to this number,atleast a furher one H■ nion whttes 〃Lι Sと in ttstersf ttiι e Sど αυ9奥 / ど , ″〔 ,,■ 9胞 ィ ,Barbα 留 n ιんて と 9a7を , と んて y,7500L′ 800,R.Davis,Palgrave Macalillan,2003. οasι α″ L'rι αど

33 (メ




打cs r Aσαt躙応を,阿 比

were seized by Ottoman Turk Mushm slave lraders from around the Black Sea re」 On―that is,souhern Russia― and sold at the infamous lstanbul slave inarket during the period fronl 1450 to 1700。


All of this lmeans hat at least 2.5■ li■ ion tthites were

captured and sold as slaves by the Arab]Mushm world― in addidon to the untold=n工 上ons of Africans seセ ed by the san■ e slave masters. The 2.5=n工hon whites captured and sold into slavery by 血 e Ottoman Mushrn wond is t胡 ce as many asthe number of blacks sold into slavery in North America.

The Mushm trade in siaves,both black ttd whtte,was herefore longer lasttg aFld far more extensive than the 廿ansadantic slave trade― but there are today no cries of

Arab guilt"or demttds for reparadons attnst Muslim “ nadons. οれοιbttne と sを 0'α υα を Eフ9■ れore Sυ げ Cα れ り,ELι rOpeα ″ ′ 9奥 ノと ο ttα yん α υ e,pοィ をと ん9sど αェ ん9υ η αイ と プSOCtetα をprobど 9ns ι 允 た9 bιαc儘 オ ん9rs Iだ ′ cre su巧 9cを 9比 口■π Lυ ん たん な ん9,rデο″ 9デα な ィ Anettcα α を icα 'Aヵ the ani引繊五te act市 ists oftoday were tmly In addidon,r concerned about slavery(andnOtjustobsessedMthblarning whites),they wo■lld be spendね g far inore t」 ne protesung ag五 nst the reahty of present“ day slavery― as pra亜 ced by he nonwhite Thと d World。 According to the Untted Nations' Inte...atonal Labor Organization(ILO),arld uae walk Free Foundation(an internmonal NGO working to`Fend■ lodern sla聘 げ '),On tty ,

頷Ven day,here are at least forty=Ilil■ on inonwhitel Slaves

around the world― enslaved,of course,by oher nonwhites. TheILO report,titled“ Cキ lobalesumates ofmode...slavery: forced labour and fbrced Jmar五 age,″ s五 d hat an estilnated 40.3 ml■ ion people were vi(党 i=ns of modern slavery in 2016.35 The largest number of offenders and宙 cdms are concentrated in Africa,Ada,and the Pacinc. (,効 れb歳 力 C VOrど ,打 isを Ott Oデ SJα Cυ ,70ど tte a AD rZ争 20 AD=804, 34T´ と L′

防 宙d Eltis, Stanley L. Engeman, Keith R. Bradley, Paul Cardedge,

Seymour Drescher,Cambridge University Press,2011. “C}lobal Estilnates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage,″ International Labour Organization,September 19,2017.



引隔ん0 0Lυ 9'M閉 比οnP 7を

On“ any given day h 2016,here were■ kely to be more than 40=ninion lnen,women,and children who were behg forced to work against their wぬ 1l under threat or whO were li宙 ng

in a rbrced rnarttage that they had not agreed to,"the

report sttd。


0f hese 40.3=nilhon宙 cums,“ 24。 9=nilLon people were in forced labouro Thatis,they were behgfbrced to work under hreat or coercion as domesuc workers, on construcdon sttes,in clandesune factories,on farms and ishing boats, in oher sectors,and in the sex industry.″

The report added hat mode...slavery was rnost prevalent per l,000 people),fOnOwed by Asia and the Pacnc(6。 l per l,000),hen Europe arld Central Asia(3.9 per l,000). in A凸Ёca(7.6

The宙 cdttls and perpetrators h Europe and NorthAttlerica are directly ascttbable to Thttd Worid iln】 migrant behavior.

For example,an October 20 16 news report revealed ttatthe modern slave trade h London was Nigettallin ori」 n。 37 1n addidon,the United Natons'Inte...aこ ona1 0rg孤 玉zadon on Migradon(IOM)has reported that Africarl aを ld Arab siave traders are cllrrently rし Ln五 ng act市e slave markets in hbya, deahng in blacks t■ 鷹ng tO Cross the Sahara Desertto invade Europe。 38 The Africaris aビ e sold by Hbyans,胡 h the support of Gha=lAians aFld Nigerians who work for thel■ ,the IOM report s五 d.

Some of he mode...― day slave auctons were even captured on ce■ phone cameras,and■ lade world news39_ but,of coursc,nohing was done or s五 d,because the slave traders were nonwhites. If howeveri the slave traders had been white,all hell

would have broken ioose in he contro■ ed mass media, 36 1bid.

37 “London revealed as ttnodern slavery hotspot'デ October 12,2016.

i″ Lσ て 汀 Rち Eを )C″ と Sta″lて ▼

38“ IOM Lcams of`Slave Market'Conditions Endangettngふ 江集″antS in North Attca,″ Internadona1 0rganization of Migration,Nov.4,2017.

39`UN chien Hbya slave auctbns may be cimes against humanity,カ CNN,November 20, 2017. Sce also the Nigettan ne、 vspaper yα 卵 α寇 ∫ 7を

Shocker: Nigenans mn Ыbyan slave campsi Cameroonian retumee," “ И2憎 ι ι ακみDecember l,2017.


Tん 9Иね rAσ αi萬 澪を勒駒打cs

arld universal condelmnation would have fo■ owedo As it happened,however,he coverage of the nonwhtte slavery aucdons was simply forgotten arld buried.

The blatandy disparate treatnent by the mass media actMsts wl血 regard to white versus

and the arlti― slavery

nonwhite involvementin the slave trade,provides the key to understtnding the anti― white nature ofthis train ofthought. When whites can be blamed,the controlled Hlass aledia and the and― white actiwists M■ give endless coverage to slavery,

but when nonwhites are to blaHle, the mass lmedia and those salne activists are as s工 ent as he grave.

Nohhg could serve as better evidence hat he entte reparations and slaveryね dustry is nothing but yet anoher method of attack upon white people in generalo lt is driven by a hatred of whites,and not by lottC Or any historical or moral argument.

Photographs of black slaves in lttbya,2019. Picture credit:Internationa1 0rganization of Migration(IOM).


Chapter 12

Racial DisParities―Why


Persist No Matter What A鉱


彗」【£4を 粗

と綻 驚

races can be closed by alterね g the en宙 ronment in which

hese individuals or races and hemselves,This behef is grounded in he idea that everyone is born equal, wlh equal talents,cqual ability,and equal potential,and that it is only adverse circumst孤 lCeS Which prevent everyone from fo.ュ .ing a perfect society in which equahty reigns supreme.

Unfortunately,his ideal is completely at odds就 lh the natural order,which is based upon the inherent princiぃ le of inequalityo Nothing in nature is equal,and the very balance ofthe natural world order is based upon a hierarchy.

When it comes to hum孤 lS,this natural order is only dstorted by the ability to philosophize on=noral questons。 Our ability to think absttactly about whatis ight and what is Mong dtterendates us from he sttict hierarchy ofnature, butit does not exclude us from the natural order. In diis way,as owdined earlier,it is a siinple fact that certain races have higher IQs,and higher creauve ability than others. As a general rllle, certttn selccted groups

of northeast Asians have the highest IQs, follOWed by Europeans,fo■ owed by other Asians,fo■owed by selected m技 ed― racial groups, followed by Africans, Austrahan aborigines,and Bushmen― ―all in that specinc order. The ■nk between IQ arld achievelment is ob帆 ous, if anyone gave it a inoment's real consideration.The fact that scienists actually have to produce books and tables to prove hat higher intel■ gence equates to higher achievement,is an indication ofjust how insidious the“ blank slate"ideoloy has become。


9s Tん917税rAヮα:nst M万 すを There is no need for scientists to produce papers, fOr exalnple,“ pro宙 nゴ hee涎 Stence of graⅥty,of wllld,of the exlstence of dttrent breeds of dogs or horses,and so on.

However, when it comes to something as obvious as human inte工 igence,it seems hatitis automaicany requと ed to prove something覇「hich anyone can sce wih the naked eye.

LowIQ iS OfCOurse notraciallyexclus市 c,as detttled prior. Low IQ peOple of any racc are at a permanent disadvantage in a compedtive erivironment,Everyone readhg this book knows,or has met someone,帝 ho is oWously tstupid.″ One does not need a sciendic study to“ prove''hat a person is“ stupid"or not.That indi撹 dual`level of achievement, wheherit bc acade=lic,socioecono■ 五c status,or even basic conversadonal skills, displays he level of hat person` intelligence for all to see.

Indeed,cveryone also knows thatinte■ igence is inherited. Everyone knows that htel■ gent people will usually have inte■ igent children,and hat rstupid"people前 ■ usually have “stupid" ch工dren, Despite u■ is, the “blank slate″ ideologues have been successful± 1■x迅 こng many people doubt hat intenigence is hherited a■ long groups in he sttne way that it is inherited arnong indi宙 duals. E宙dence of the racial hnk between IQ and achieveJment is abundant.This df長 )rentiaton expl五 ns why the high IQ groups in lndia,for example,continually outperform the 10W IQ grOups in that country.This saIIle effect can also be seen in China,Europe,Soutt Atterica(sce Bratti as a dassic test casel)arld al1 0Ver ttle world。

There are a myriad of examples where a certain trait一 be it musical,aristic,or sdenttc,is passed down through

a familyo One only has to think of the Strauss or Wagner families as classic exa■ lples of the inheritancc of deaned cotttive abilけ 。 l Sce“ A Study ofthe lntelligence ofChildren in Brazil,″


れ免v宅 たinて ▼@と tarte砲 ,Vol.42,No.1,Fal1 2001.The mean los ofthe four principal racial and ethnic groups are esttated as whttes,95,“ browns,″

81,blacks,71,and Asians,99,This expl五 ns w■ y the COmmerce and industry of Brazil,along wih its higher socioeconomic classes,are dominated by whites and Asians,


尺αCtα どDi斗 ″ α万すes Perstsを

This is accepted by everyone as a s五 npie fact― but as soon as it is apphed to groups of people,or races,then it becomes``controversial,″ or even“ racist,″ and,if believed at a11,needs to be proven就 dh scieninc studies. This atrocious situation allows the BLM ideologues and race― deniers the opportunity to blame whites for everyhing

bad hat happens to nonwhites. It has therefore become necessary to address these claims and reFute them with scientinc rescarch,cven though the lie should be apparent to anyone、 vith a inodicuin of co=linOn Sense。

Perhaps he most important wOrks shO前 ng tte ■nk between IQ and achievement are the books, r@α ィ を ゴと ん9 Veα ど な んο サ 0俗 , r@α oわ れ どIn99と を αど と を , and ttle デ州独を ′ こ 'Gど 2012 work,r′ を を 9ι ど Orを ん c Socと α ι り9ncc,Aυ托 ▼υ,4σ COnsを 勉cι デ 7を

SCと 97を CeS,4

all Mitten by Richard Lynn(fOrmer professor eJmeritus of psycholo思 ガ arld Tatu vanhanen(prOfessor of political science).5

Thelatter ofthese books,れ を9ど ι n抱 加 σ COnsを 秘 cと υ 9■ Ce,A〔 プ

・iα ιSciences,is orを ん e So● デ works, but is

胡 thout

the least knowll ofthese scientists'

question he most important. It

su=l=narizes ali the data of the previous works,and deals with alarge number ofother socioecono】 mic conditions which are a1l highly relevant to refuting the d五 ms of“ systemic racism." That work,through careful arlalyses of all avttlable data draMl froin the lnost authorttaive sources possible,

prOves beyond any doubt hat differences in education, intenigence, hcome, pOverty, soci[述 inequahty, po■ dcal expression,gender inequattty,corrupdon,hcalth,ferdlity, ,V9α ι 2Ю αれ』と んて と んο デⅣα ns,Richard Lynn,Tatu Vanhanen,Praeger/ tiο



αれ,Cι οbα どr7を 9年 ι αど 範 ,Hchard

Sumrnit Pubhshers,2006.

4れ を ι 9ncer A助 9ι iヮ


流σ Cα おι ttcと デ οrせ んe Socね J

Sci〔 ,n能 島

鷲 chard


and Tatu Vanhanen,Ulster lnstitute for Social Research,London 2012.

5 Because these works address the qucsdon of IQ and itS relation to achievement, they are― naturally enough― condemned by the “blank slate"ideologues and so― caned acadetttcs.However,g蝉 亀n the fun extent of the lies and deception for which these cridcs are already kno、 vn, their attacks can be dis■lissed as yet more delusions based on their ideologicany■ ■otivated denial of the reattty of genetically detemined racial inequahty.


ど を es Tん 9И ね r Aσ α加心と,И 生

infrastructure develop=lent,and crillle,are all dependent upon racially― based IQ SCOres,6 1n evettknstance,the sciendsts found a direct correlation between average radal― national IQS and socioecono■ ■c factors.Thei=nportance ofthisworkcannotbe overesumated, arld it is herefore wonhttThile to give a bttefoverview of sorxle

ofits perdnent disc■ lsSiOn poと比s arld conclusions,

1.Intenigence and Educational Attainment

The fact that intelligence predicts educational attainIIlent in individuals has bcen proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in studies dating back to the early

part of the twentieth century. These studies have shown that IQ measure】ments in young children and adolescents can also predict how iong that individual 前 1l even stay in education.The reason for this is that

children with high IQs dO Wen at school and ind school rewar(通 ng,so they opt to re■ laln in educadon longer han hose wlth lowerIQS WhO tend to nnd sch。 。l unrewarding. Lynn and Vanhanen polrit out hat the argument hat htelhgence arld educational attttnment arises hrough


coコ nlnon effects" oF social econoコ nic circu=nstalices “ is incorrect because he “correlaCon between parental sodoecononlic status and ttdr 函 ldren` educaional attamment obtれ ned from a meta… 孤■alysis of almost 200

studes is only O.22.″ 78

6 1n any normal society, this book would certainly have won a Nobel Prize for science.However,because we live in an abnormal socieげ WhiCh denies the existencc of obvious things hke racial differences,dェ is hugely

important work is barely know■ 7“ The reladon bettten socioeconomc stams and acadcattc achlevement,″ White,K.R.,Psyc,toわ ♂版ガ BをじCι ゼ み 91(3),461-481,1982. 8 A bief explanation of the meaning of“ corelation coefacien♂ H五 ght be necessary fOr those unfarniliar ttith the terms,A correladon is used in staistcs to descttbc a reladonship between two vaiables.A negat市 e .


correlation describes the extent to whtth two variables rnove in oppOsite

directions,and a posidve Correlation the extent to whtth two variables move in the same directiono Correlation coefacients are ahvays values between‐ l and l,where-l shows a perfect,linear negatte correlation, and l shows a perfect, linear posidve correlaion. A“ 0″ indicates no hnear relationship at all.AO.22 score would therefore indicate a weak


Ⅵ閉生y Rα Ciα どDispα ritics Pcrsね ι As Lynn and Vanharlell say,“ such a low correladon could

not account for much of the higher assodadon betteen ch工 dren`IQS and thdr educadOnal at佳 述nment." The only reasonable explanadon of co∬ dadons betteen IQ arld achievement,as demonsttated by pracucal r∝ 述け history,and numerous studies,is hat“ 拉ite■ igence has a drect causal effect on educadonal at能 山延nenぜ 'because“ IQ ,

dete=ュ ines a■

he emciency oflettg and comprehens血


cogidve tasks.″

Lynn and Vanhanen are careful to point out hat the

COFelations between IQ and Subsequent educadonal

attamment are not perfect,because educadonal att〔 近nment is partly determined by mouvaこ 。n,hterests,complittice, and the effectiveness of teaching.

But this does not change the overa■ picture,帯hich can perhaps be crlldely summed up前 血 he example mentioned in an earlier chapteri sendhg an IQ 80 person to Harvard under the best of environments w皿 not rttse that person's potential to achieve above that of an 80 1Q scOre。

On the question of higher cread宙 サ ,Lynn and Vanharlen make an lnteresting observaton呵 函 rith regard to the higher IOS OfCertttn groupsin Asia.Aと

though China,」


Shgapore,arld Hong Kong boast the woridる highest IQs, they produce the fewest Nobel Prize Mnners and far fewer innovations and inventions than Europe or Norul Attlerica. They speculate ttlat thc only ob五 ous explarlation for his fact is hat“ he Norheast Asian peoples have lower creauvity han the Europeans,"who have won nearly allthe Nobel pttzes for science.9

Mσ ぬng on to the quesdon of what constttutes a cuto∬ point where terdtty education loses its effectiveness in helping to build society, Lynn and Vanhanen point out that the gross enrol=nent rado in terdary educadon is low in aknost a■ coun伍 es below he natonal IQ leVe1 0f 85, whereas tt vttes gready above th〔 北 levd.“ The patte■ ■ ■of he reladonshp mphes hat dgnncant global dsⅣ 直 des in connection between the two variables(in diiS Case,socioeconon■

た status

and academlc achievementl. 9“ Race differences in intelligence,creatity and creative achievementr Lynn,R。 ,コ 閉仇れたinJ@税 a■て ,淀 υ ,48,157-168,2007。


Tん c17税rttα ι ィ を Sを И 〃

'tes most probably∞ ntinuc h he future," hey say,a調 皿 g hatit獅岨 be difacult for countries胡 th low natonal IQs tO rttse the level of terdary education,whereas 比胡 ■most probably remain high in ttle group of countries wtth high natonalIQs。 ″

tem岬 education胡 l

Further research■ lto the reladonship between natiOnalIQ arld research and development(R&D)showS thatthe valuc of R&D reJmains low for attnost all countries below the national IQ leVe1 0f 90,but ises steeply in most countries above this IQ leVel,This implies that a bare minimum nationalIQ level of 90 is needed to extend research act市 ides signincantly,

In concludon on ttlis topic, Lynn and Vanhanen point out that“ national differences in tertia芍 r enrolment ratios are so extens市e and so strongly correlated胡 th nadonalIQ thatit does not seem ever possible to achieve global equality ■■these nelds of educauon." 2.Inte■ igencc and Per Capita lncome,Poverty,Inequahty

Contrary to clamis by he“ blank slate″ idcologues,血 ere is a large body of research whidi condus市 ely links the posidhc effect of intenigence on eattings alnong indム 五duals and nadons.The inost wldely known work of this nature is 9争 鯰

/″ を

駐 υ:A声 9α sseSSne■

を0デ なん99√ ecを οデデα ntυ α■

οο ィ を σ

加 Ancttcα,Mitten by he Malcolm Wiener Professor'SCん of Social “

Pohcy h he Kennett School of Govemmerit at Harvard Un゛ er載け,ChiStOpher」 encks。 10 This extensive book synthestted American research arld

eshated that he correlation between intel■ gence and earnings is O.31(corrected for attenilation to O。 35)。 」enCkS also stated hat IQ Was hhetted,and hat gen前 c factors conttbute to income(近 fferences, The argumentthatthe“ family environmentis the coHHnon cause of children's intenigence and their subsequent adult

is disalissed by Lyan alld Vanhanen because cxtensive studies■ have shown that the posttive reladon earnings″


10r7LCttα ttyA rcasscssne允 と ο ん cと ο Cι れ を ど αttsc,と ο ο″ nAれ9■cα , ′ ′ デι デ こ りι 」encks,C.,Harper Colophon Books,1981. “ 1l Socわ -9co/と ο脱た Bα cた σrolを アと αねЛ Ac'Lttυ9肌 enち Duncan, O.D.,



Diwα 万を と es Persisを ノRα Ciα ど "■ between childhood IQ and adult income is present when parent【述 socioecono■ 五c status is contro■ed.

Furlherlmore, among pttrs of brohers whO have been le family and have expenenced the sarne environment,he broher with the higher IQ in childhood

r五sed in ttle sa■

has the greater earnings in adulthood。


0nce agttn,he link between a higher IQ and higher earnings is obvious.Indi宙 duals with higher IQS mOst often obtain advanced educaton which provides“ complex skllls,such as those required for professional and execuuve occupations,that coalinand higher earnings。 ''13 1n addition, practical experience has also shOwn that higher IQ ind市 iduals work more pronciently,making them more productiヤ e and thus able to earn more han low IQ indi撹 duals。 14

As Lynn and Vanhallen state:“

Fro】 m

ttlese studies showing

hat htdhgence is posidveけ and Causally related to eamhgs alnong indi宙 duals,五 can be predicted hat this assodaton should also be present across nadons。


And慢 五s is indeed so.ハ n evaluadon ofper capita income of various nations compared to ther nadonal IQ scOres shows aぬrect cordaiono Nations就 th higher average IQs have a much hi」her per capita irico=xle,while nations ttida lower IQs have a drarnaica■ylower per capita hcome.Perhapsthe most dramaic cxalnple ofthis factis that he sa■ て 工l Europeari state Fetherman,D.L.and Duncan,B。 ,New York,Sealinar Press, 1972,and


12」encks,C.,1981,r/LCO肌 9t″ LCq切 6河 υ α″ と ,よ ぁ Murray,L.S,,Washington D.C.,AEI Press, 1998.;“ Relationships among IQ sCOre,educadon,and iι

occupation in t、 vo generations,″ ヽ Valler,」 .H.,SocどαどBiο ど οσυ,18,252-259,

1971. 13“Validity and udlity of altemat市 e predictors of job performance,″

Hunter,J.E.and Hunter,R.F。 ,Psこ /Cん 0ど οσたこ 汀 どB税ど ど t,96,72-98, 1984; (,ι J″

and“ A meta― analytic study of general mental ability validity for different

occupations in the Buropean cornl■ unity,″ Salgado,」 .S,et al.,Jο 屯 を 前 αど gυ,88,1068-1081, 2003. Onc has to wonder that 0デ App虎 9,Psycん ο ど ο such studies were even necessary to prOve such an obvious point. 14 Hunter,」 ,E.and Hunter,R.F。 , 1984, 雛 9 7θ J辺 抱 οデ OCCttPα tiθ αど 7を

4ptitu,9 Tests,Ghisemi,E.E.,New York,Wiley, 1966,and“

The vandity

and utility of selection inethods in psychology:practical and theoretical irnphcations of 85 years ofresearch andings,″ sch■lidt,F.L.,and 1lunter, 」.E。 ,Psこ′ Cん οど οttcaど 正花河ど 9tiЪ



Sを M〃 すを es Tんe協 後r Aσ αi″ を

of Bdttum(pOpuladon llコ 正Lon)and Aus甘 誠 a lpopulatOn 24 mmion)cach have GDPs larger daan 41 African states― and htt populadons ofinore han 990 ml■ ion a■ added togetter.15

No dearer proof could be provlded hat achievement is ihked to IQ and race,and not“ envlronment." 3.Inte■ igence

and Unemployment

There are also several studies which have shown a“ robust″ link between iow intenigence and lengthy une】 mployment.

This is not to say that only low IQ people can be unemployed,but that the stausics shOw hatlow… IQ ind市 iduais make up a dispropomonate share of the long― terin une]mployed.

For example, a 1971 study in the United States found that the long― terIIl unemployed had an average IQ Ofjust 81.16A1984 stu■ y reported that a salnple of he unelmployed in Notthe...Ireland had arl average IQ Of C,28 fbund 92,17 wh」 e the famous 1994 work, T駒 昭β91ι Ctを 々フ hatin a s―ple ttl he United States, 14 percent of hose 胡 u.IQs bdow 74 had been unemployed Jbr one inonh or ionger duing the precc(五 ng year.That work also found that he percentages of he uneJmployed dedttled in successively higner IQ grOups to 4 percent arnong thosc、 7ith IQS abOve 126. As oudhed above,lowerIQindi宙 duals havelessenedwork pronciencies and are therefore less Lkely to be employed, exacerbaung he problem. It is equaユ y dear that ttlis phenomenon is apphcable to naこ ons.There is a deinitve 15“ Countties and Econon■ ies,″ The World Bank Databank,2020;“ Wond Populatお n Prospects 2019,″ United Nadons Populadon Dynamics, Department of Econon■ ic and Social Affairs.

16 “ Unemploymenti Economic or psycholottcaP J.T. Toppen,

Psycん 0及彊 Rqpοtts,28.111-12曼 (1971). ガcα ど



background, intelligence, personalty and educaton as

predictors of unemp10ttent in young people,″

and Magee,M.,Pcrsonα

18Tん て,Bて


を ♂力宝班施 寵と ′α″ こ 榎 (,税 宙ノff″ を と 9取 孵 腹 α″ (フ

Lyna,R.,Hampson, S,

αど,9砿prc″ LCて 'S,5,549-558,1984. (】 ど ass Sι ttcι lを reれ Aれ 9撤盟 れ L枠,

Herrnstein,R.」 .and Murray,C,,New York:The Frec Press,1994.


btty ttα ciα どDispα 万,cs Pcrsisを

■nk between nationalIQ and high rates of uneinployment。

Across the board, low IQ natiOns have higher rates of unemplopmentthan high IQ nadOns。 The priinary reason lor this is hat populations of low IQ COuntries are unable to inanufacture or produce goods and seⅣ ices emciently for sale on iFiternational markets,as compared、 泣ith the populadons of high IQ cOuntries. In this regard,it is instructive to revlew the lnternadonal

Monetary Fund`report On exports from ttica.According to those ngures,19 exports from Africa totaled about$463.1 billion in 2017(a drop Of mOre than 20 percent since 2013)。 While$463.l billion may sound impress市 e,h reality it represents a mere 2.6 percent Of the world's total exports, which were valued at$17.581t五 1lion in 2017.Furttlermore, 96 percent Of Africa's exports are raw materials such as oil, dialnonds,and goldo The re■ laュ ning 4 percent is inade up of cocoa, coffee, and cotton,whユ e only a tiny percent is actua1ly manllfactured goods. These figures take on an added oElinOus incaning when

it is considered that ttica is he earth` second most populated continent,前 血 more than l.3 bilhon individ■ lals. Finally,these statisics serve as devastating proof OfLynn

and Varlhanen's conclusion hat there is a link between intenigence and the ability to generate and alaintain

an advanced economyo The racial iinphcadons of this are ob宙ous, It ineans hatノ 期酵icans moving tO]Europc or A=nerica Ⅵ ■,on average,achieve he sa=ne economic level they m五 ntalned in their holme condnento This provides the obvious and mostlottcal answerto the quesiOn ofecono■ 五c disparity between the races in inuttracial societies― and it has nothing to do Ⅵ th“ white racisal." 4.Intelligence and Hcalh There is also a long― estab■ shed link between good heal血

and inte■ igence alnong lndi宙 dualso A 2009 study pub■ shed in he journalれ を 9ど を υ97を Ce ShOwed that higher intenigence

is assOciated胡 th higher levels Of physical act市 ity,greater 19“ Africa`Biggest ExpOrts,″


"り 'Aι

ど as,August




9胞 r Aσ α″憂乾 フ開生 cs tを

hke■ hood

of tttng vitaHlins, and reduced ■ke■ hood of

20 smottng,all of which promote good heal血 。

1n addttion, there are numerous studies which have estab■ shed the■nk between inte■igence and hfe expectancy。

A2009 study in Australia,21 for exarn,lC,pub■ shed in the Persο ttα ι ttittdttα ιD胡 修renCes,showed a iυ α■ ι 'r″ and intenigence in a revlew of clear hnk between longevity over 2,000 test samples conducted over a pettod ofseventeen yearso Other studies22 repLcated in Sweden23 arld Scouand24 have conar】 med this link as well.

ed dhat low hteLgence All of these studies have con且 ェュ■ predicts high mort孤 け 。Even more hteresung,he sttdies found thatlow intenigencc is associated Ⅶ th several specinc causes of deah,such as deatt from lung cancer and other salttg― rdated cancers(mouh, 1-,pancreas,and bladder)。

pha_, esophagus,

In ad曲 的 n,low llte■ igence is also assodated、vith dea血 from a■ cardiovascular discases, corontty heart discase, sttoke, and respratory《 近scaseo The stunes suggest four possible reasons for ttle■ nk between inttLgence and health:

●Ch工 dhood IQ predidiS ttness, poor nuttidon, arld ittutteS・

●Ch工 dhood IQ is a marker for genedc bodly systelm intey■ ty― =thatis,scoring we■ on cogn量 市e

abmサ tests are an indicator of a more general tendency for complex systems h he bott to be efictent。 25 20“Level of cognitive performiance as a correlate and predictor of health

Anstey,K.J., bchaviors that protect against cognitive dechnc in old age,″ と 9ど ,99″ tC9,37,600-606,2009. Low,L― F.and Sachdev,P.,r″ を 21 0Toole,B.I.and Stankov,L。 (1992).“ Ulti■ late validity ofpsychological 』立崩況立αど正花θをreFtCes, tests,″ Oro。 le,B.I.and Stankov,Personariι υ α7を ♂力宅


22“ Intelligence:is it the epidemiolo麟 sts'elus市 e fundamental cause

of social class inequalities in health?″ Gottfredson,L.S.,」 Ottmθ どoデ ぇ 」 SOσ iα ιPsycんοJοσプ,86,174-199,2004. Pcrso″ を αι ttυ α″

23“ Cognit市 e abttity in 3dolescence and mortaliサ in mttdle agei a ο9こ / prospectte life course study,"Hcmttngsson,T.,JoumalofEPttcnわ ι ι mtt″ υ汀9α ι αれ,Co″ と 亀 63,697-702,2009. C9,Deary,I.」 .,Whalley,L.J.and Starr,J,M., 24コヵ ιサne ο∫れ 俺ι tte′を Liι

Washington,DC:Amencan PsyCholo」 Cal Association,2009. 25“ Loomng rbr Fsystem lntegnttr'in cOgnitive Eplde■



Deary I.」 .,

引閉生y Rα Ctα ιDi斗,α 元,9s Persね を o Pcople w■ h higher los Elay be better at avoiding 五sks

and at preserving ther health,for instance

by eaing sensible foods, avoidng smoHng, recognttng sコ mptOms hat might be ittuttouS to health,consuling physiciarls,and coJmpttng 胡 血 prescribed treattnents. This implies that intelhgence dittЭ rences are causal to mortaliサ 。 While Lynn and Vanhanen referenced Jmost of the work to nations and nadonallo,itiS Clear from he ist of nadons and their respect市 e IQs(See Append■ xA)that there is a direct racial correlaion to IQ levelS and naion states as well.

Earier in this book,he evldence was presented to show thatIQ is genetiO― 北hat it is inhertted.From this itis ob悦 ous hat different races, when sharhg the same geographic

area,wi■ continue to display the inhertted characterisdcs oftheir orittnal racial groups,providillg they do not racially mlx to any signiacant degree.

The coe涎 stence of different races wihin a single gcographic area前 ■therefore be a renecton of the different IQ and achievement levels of their respect什 e ott」 nal natons. “

Herein hes the key to understanding why racial disparites continue to lmanifest theJmselves in lmultiracial societies.As behaⅥ or is genedcally determined,chanざ ng the environment wl■ not change inhertted group behaⅥ or. This biolottcal reality is ttle cause oflhe racial dispΥides over which the“ blank slate″ idcologues complain so rnuch「 ― and which they bla=ne on“ white racism."

However, as he facts show, hese disparities existed long before he modern mu比 静acitt states,and are merely a renection Of group abユ ity and achievement.

Once his is understood, a■ anegations of “syste=lic racisln"can be scen for the hoax that they are. Further】 more,he

fa(光 hat so much of intelhgence arid behavior is overtly inhertted,and is ob岨 ous to the naked Ob卿 ,58:545-553,2012.

C(,′0″ を と



9陶 rAttt体 と,恥■9s

eye,means hat inany of those who propagate he“ blank slate″ ideoloy are delberatelyけ ing,It Seems hey aFe nOt mouvated‐ by a supposOd desire for“ equ』i朽 だ or“ racial Jusice,″ but by a deep‐ rooted psychological hatted of white


The fu■ extent of this hatted is revealed in he“ Blame Whtヴ'Syndrome which,as he reader胡 ■ see,reaches such extteme propordons as to be ludicrous,


Chapter 13 BLM IBlame,whitey一 The Perennial Excuse for Nonwhite Fattlure C錦

監 尾 譜 盈 :1錦 電 試 4農 協 認 紫 モx:私称 hat whites ε re always to blarne For whatever goes wrOng in black and nonwhite co]mmuntties. This “Blame Whitey" excuse is trotted out whё never staustics or ttends emerge which reveal a racial disparity in adhievement,social status,criine rates,i=nprisonment,

educadonal levels, job and pay status, and any oher measure,

This excuse has been formalized into the claiHl that here is“systemic racism″ in sOciety,and his ter=1l has now

become co■ Hnonplace in he mass lxledia whenever racial disparities are mentioned.

It is,of cOurse,imphcit that u玉 s“ systelmic racislm''is always“ white racism″ and never“ racism″ from anybo申 else.In other words,it is αι Lυ 9ys whites tO blame。 Furtherinore,it is cl五 med that this“ syste】 mic racis】 m″

is something whites do subconsciously― that is, even consciously“ antiracist″ whites are,by ttleir very actiOns and day― to― day acuvtties,helping tO create and ttlaintain “systemic racism.″

Thus,he lottc goett SOCiety is“ systemically racist″ ;and hisis he reasOn why no matter what other social measures are taken,nonwhites always lhユ to“ make the grade"when compared to whites.

According to he USも Nadonal Associauon for the Advancement of COlored Pcoplc (NAACPl preSident, Derrick JOhnsOn,“ syste■ lic racismイ is deined as“ systems


jι es Sを M〃 Tん 9 Иttr Aσ αiイ を

arld stmctures that have procedures or processes hat disadvantage African Americarls,''l This imphes that socicty iS“ Lυ ん■9 racist" to its very core, and is set up to put nontthttes doMl at every turn。

Anoher deinition of“ systenic radsm,"his hne from Glenn Harris, president of an organization ca■ ed “Race eS neWs website,is Forward,"and pubhsher of the Coι orι を he co]mplex interacdon of c■ liture,policy and institudons “ hat holdsin placc he outcolmes we seein ourと ves,Systelmic racism is nan工ng the process of white supremacy。 ''2 Accordhg to]■ arris,“ systeHic racisa■ ''creates disparides in many“ success indicators''including“ weal血 ,hec五 宜inal i″

justice system,cmplottent,housing,health care,pohics and education。 "

In oher words,as outhned above,this“ syste■重c racism"一 that is,whtte peopl(>― are to bla■ le for all nonwhite良 道lures to achieve on a level comparable to whites。

There,in a nutshe■ ,is the core ofthe“ systettlic racisHL" argumenti every single f五 lure on the part of blacks,or nonwhites in generЛ , is directly atttbutable to “evll 帝httes,″ who apparendy engage in a top― secret,dehberate,

or subconscious consttacy to keep blacks ttd nonwmes in an infeior posidon.

E工l whites have denied black peoplc housing,educaこ on,

jobs,and sodal status,sutteCted hem to brutal radst policing】 methode,and eVen H■ hem at randoma lke it is always huning season on MΥ ttl Luher King Boulevar(ト ー or so the narrative goes.

This then,at least,is the theory. The truh,just like ttle crime statisics and their cause, as oudined in earlier chapters,is coumpletely d抵碓rent。 There is no“ conspiracy ofげ 胡I帝hite people" designed tO“ put

nonwhhes down."In fact,if anything,whites have

ビdacia■ y bOost nonwhites at every gone out oftheir way to ε turn(at the expensc of whitesl),as Outtned in a fono前 ng chapter of this book.This is the reason they have a■ owed 1・ What

is systemic racism?Here's whatitrncans and how you can help

dismande itr DiSA TO』α起 ,June 19,2020. ′ 2 1bid.


β施碗9Иねた(υ デOr Ⅳο Lυ ん 9 Fttittr9 7を

aftrmat市e action,″ “minoriけ “



aSides,"and much,much

mor"all in a rttled effOrt to aruncially boOst nonwhite achieve■ lent to try and bring it onto a par胡 th white leveis. This is particularly so in America,where literally trinions

oftax donars have been spent over decades ttng tO bOOSt nonwhite achievement and social status.The fact that all these efforts have falled is not white people's fau比 ,alhough

of course this is not hOw it is pOrtrayed tti the con竹 mass media,or by the nonwhtte lobby。

o■ ed

The reason for the persistence of thO racial dispartties to which the“ systemic racism"advocates refer,is,just hke the crilne statisics,a product ofIQ and biolo遷 翼 /.

」ust as there is a link between low IQ and crirne,here is also a direct link between IQ and weal血 夕academic achievement,and therefore,socioecOno=lic status, This gap is particularly obvious in racially heterogencous societies,where races胡 th different average IQs aビ e thrOwn together into one system and expected to compete on an equal basis, At the risk ofrepeadng the obⅥ ous:hOw can a race M血 arl average IQ of 67(sub― Saharan Africans)or an IQ Of 85 (m技 ed― race Africans h Americal be eXpected to compete equally with a race boasung an average IQ of 101(White Aェ ェ lericaris)or ottlers with even higher IQs(suCh as certttn Southeast Asian races)? At the core of thc estab■ shmentも inability to expl【 述n these achievement gaps lies the“ blank slate"ideology. This is the belief that indi宙 duals,no inatter their racial ottgin,are all“ born equal,"and it is only their en宙 ronment which deterlmines ther inte■ lgence,potendal,and ability to achieve,This“ unfair environmenぜ 'is,according to u■ is beliet the cause Of the sOcial disparities which are always present. As a result,the extent to which white people are blamed for nonwhite ills is astounding,

The following examples should leave any reasonable person bafned as to how these cと こ 近mS Can be rnade in the arst place.However,it is i=nportant to bear h■ 五nd that all




nsを 肋 ■9s r Aσ α】

ofthem are mad"and have been胡 dely reproduced in the mass lnedia and in acaderlla.

1.US:Whites Blamed for Black Acadernic Fttlure lure is an endeJmic proble】 m in Arnerica, Black acadelmic拘直 arld has even been the suttect Ofacts ofCongress to try and remedy the ongoing problem。 3 HoweVer,this black acadernic ″ 函 lure is Лwtts blamed on“ systemic racism。

One pttme example of this accusadon comes from Dr. Ebony McGee,a black“ Assistant Professor of Education, D市 ersityandUrban Schooling夕 Dept.ofTeaching&Lcarning" at the Vanderbitt Un市 ersity in Nashv工 le,Tennessee.4 she told the international media in 2015 that he cause of black academic皇 辻■ngs is the“ long― ter=l physical,mental, emotional and psycholo」 cal effects of li胡 ng in a whhe_ dottlinated arld pri砿 leged society, and its hreats to the

mental and physical health of black students."

Quite apart from heね ct that this cl五 m is patent nonsensc,the宙 cious anti― white rads4■ OfSuch a statement cari be l■ usttated by simply revershg he racial groups madc in that sentence.

Imttne,fOr a minute,any white academic issuing a paper which carried he clalm hat white acade=xlic函 lure was caused by he“ long― ter=ェ l physical,mental,emodonal domhated arld arld psycholottcal effects of■ingin a bτ αcた― pri宙leged society,and tt hreatsto he mentaland physical health of tthtte students。


An acade]mic m』 題ng such a state】 ment would be instarltly run out ofhis or her omce and de】 monized in the media.But black acade■ lics can=nake such coHlinents就 th impunity, 3 All of these attempts have ended in failure,Perhaps the best― kno、 vn vhich included provisions was tThe No Child Left Bchind Act of 2002″ 、 applying to“ disadvantaged studentsギ and Was based on the preH述 se

that setting high standards and edtabhshing measurable goals could irnprove ind市 idual outcomes in educaton.A■ er thirteen years,the Act was acknowledged as a f述 lure,and was replaced by the cqually inanely

named・ Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015,″ which has also yctto close he whit← nonwhite achievement gap― because,of course,achievement is hnked to IQ,and nO Act of Congress is going to change genetic reahty. 4“ How


do US black students perfona at school?″

BBC;May 29,2015

βど αn9″ 疵ι (υ デ ο r∬ο ′ を と υ所と 9 Я α ど 肋r9 回 回 ロ ー0前 れ






l ravel


螂 US&Cal,ada

How do uS biack students perfor:コ at

school? )oま ヤ 〔 〕 v IHCCtte 「 こ丈 ユ ,D●「 と│(Ci工 予ers,■

St′ tヽ




Tho 9ap between bI`tcl and white pu,こ

‐36 wtttarethe catses and what bar耐

く こう ・チ

is'achievettentis widening in the USA ers are prevontぃ O this prob19れ boing


How do biack students perForRl at SChool?

and are even lauded fbr saying them.Blaining white people for black academic f五 lure makes up only one part of prOfessOr WIcGee's attack on white peopleo She went on to Cla14■ that tthites are【 工so

responsible for the increasing re…

segregation Of schools in America,Mth he result that black schools are fallng into chaos.

Increattng “

school re― segregadon―the renewal of

イ ぎ 剤穐π 評鴛翼阻恐鴛;黙


signaling a reversal of ci宙 1五 ghts gttns,″ S she sttё一建騨oring

the fact hat it is the behavior of black people which has forced whites to move out of heir areas,leading to blacks being the mttority at neighborhood schods. 5 1bid,


ァ を cs Tん9肋 切r Aσ α】 暉を勒駒ゼ

McGee wenton to cl五 m that“ add趙 onally,black students are expettencing intense levels ofstress arld cha■ engeo Many are exposed to a bew ofchronic stresses thatinclude,but are

not hmtted to,disproporionate exposure to envttonmental hazards,violence and poor healthcare,which negat市 ely i=npact their educatonal outcomes。


envlron■ lental hazards,″ “


McGee meal■s the

neighborhoods in which blacks hve.This means the dilapidated nature of those nonwhite neighborhoods(or even cities,such as Detroit)is he fault of whtte people,

k that white people have somehow arranged for black It really seems as if McGec and others actually thね

neighborhoods to be wrecked,so hat nonwhites all have bad envlronments,″ “ As bizarre arld as false as this treasoning''is,it seems to be a inore acceptable explanation than the truth― which is that black people are responsible for the state of their

environment,and no one else. Hcr assertion that blacks suヨ ier to an increased“ exposure to violence"also suggests hat sh― and the=nedia which broadcasts her view― actually believe the well― documented black propensity to violent cri=ne is【 工so the fault of white people。

In addidon,eⅥ l whites are also apparendy in a concerted

conspiracy to somehow deliberately deny blacks decent

healthcare.駒 they WOuld do this,and exactlyん οιυ they do his,is never cxplained.

What people■ kc McGee tnd herilk are ultimately saying is hat black people can never achieve their true potendal whtte they hve in a white― doHlinated society。

2.UK:Whites Blamed for Nonwhtte― and White― Acade】 mic Failure

Blaming tthites for nonwhite acade■ lic 壷五lure is universalo ln B五 lin, the process has been taken even t〔

furlher,and the anti― white nature of that process revealed 6 1bid


βど α碗9開駒 を と υん 9F所 肋re デor!Vο イ "(υ even more clearlyo h that country,whites are blamed for black acade】 mic題 lur― α″ LE White acade■lic函 lurel iを

A2014 report by a British PΥ hamenttt subcommittee blamed poor school resutts arnong white“ wO』 こng― class" children on“ matters in home life."7

The report,issued by a“ cross― party group″ Of Members of Parliament,8 speCncally blamed white parents for their childrenも 'f■ lures to achieve at school,wving that“ family poor attitudes to schoolメ ' and even “ matters,'' “ weak parendng"were the mttor reasons for white wOrttng― dass children's poorer exain results.We dOn■ know how】much of he under― perforlmance is due to poor attitudes to school,a lack Of wOrk ethic,or weak parening,''9 the repOrt sttd. The UK's Ofttice for Standards in Education(OfSted)chiet Sir Michael Wilshaw,aiso specinca1ly blamed white people, saying that poverty was no excuse. QuOted in Tん 9G,α r,iα れ newspaper,Wilshaw sttd hat Poverty was all too often used as an excuse for長 辻lure “ by white working― class familieso ltも not about income or povertyo Where Families be■ cve in education hey do we■ If they love their children hey shOuld support henl in schools,"ヽ Vilshaw s五d。 10 1n other words,when discussing white acade■ lic函lure, he establshmentis quick to blalne poverty,white atutudes, weak parendng,"and even imphes that white people don托 “ love heir children"cnough to make hem do well at school. “ However, this sa■ le estabhshment, when discussing black academic長 通lure,only ever blames“ white racism,″ and would never dare accuse blacks of“ weak parenting"or“ bad atitudes.''A2008 ardclein Tん c Glを α々ガ iα れ ,dded,“ Educadoni Black Caribbean children held back by institutional racism in schOOls,says study,"■ 11lustrates this poht weL .

7“ Underachievement in Education by White Working‐ Class Children,″ Commons Select Conilnittees,Education,」 une 18,2014. 8“ White working―

ciass pupils falling behind in school,warn North East

MPs,″ Tんて ,」ο 税胸ηαみJune


9 1bid.

10・ Sch001s should ane Ъad parents',says Ofsted chie島 ″Tん9 Cttα r♂ ね″ を 」une 17,2014. 11 “ Educationi Black Caribbean children held back by institudonal racism in schools,says studyギ Tん9(テ Lι α寵朗れれ,Sept.5,2008. ,




r Aσ αl■ sを Ⅵ〃



Black Cattbbean pup五 s are being suttected tO nsttutiOnal racism h English schools which cttl dramatically undermine heir chan∝ s of acadeHlic success,according to a new study。

The andingS,based on a survey which ttacked

15,000 puplls hrough their educaion, add weight to the theory ttLatiOW achievement a=nong

some black students is made worse because teachers dont expect them to succeed.12 The report went on to quote“ black education groups″ as welcometingl he eVldence,callね g for urgent measures to “ be taken to sta■ lp out any covert radsm irl schools,"

Bcaula WIcCalla,who runs the Erondu Foundation,for black Caribbearl pup工 s in Bttstol,was quoted as saying that There is a probleJm Mth institutional racislm in schools,It's “ about low expectations of pupils."

The double standard is clcari tthen nonwhite puptts do poorly,仕le establishment blattles whttes.But when white puplls do poorly, the estab■ shment also bla=ェ les whttes, 肋 と を es αrc allυ αysを 02)と αne. The iron laws of genedc inheritancc howcver explain all human behaⅥ or,including that of thё lower― scoring whtte children.

If certain groups ofwhite Btttish schoolchttdren are doね g

pOOrly at school,hen tt is lkely that those groups have lower IQs,juSt l盈 ∝ lower― scottng nonwhite dhildren. Morehanseventyyearsofdistortedsocial¬ Ⅳelfare has had a mass市 ely dysgenic effect on the white populadon ofBrit五 n, and other naions.13 This has led to the achieving dement of the white populadon subsidittng the non― achieving element 12 1bid.

13 European socね l welfare was o五 藝nally designed to help those in socicty who,for reasons beyond their control,were genuinely unable to proⅥde for themselves,Present― day social、 velfar(>一 dnven by the“ blank slate″ idcology of absomte equahty― has expanded beyond this orittnal goal and no、v gives out FnOney to anyone who does not work,It is little 、 vonder hat the lowest elements of soclety have ballooned in size as a result.


βど αη を 9W朽 を (υ デ or∬ο れiυ ん 9 nttv確 iを

through taxation.This in turn has llinited the ability of the achieving element Of he population to reproduce as quickly

as the non― achievhg element, causing he educational disparity between what society calls tclasses."

Low IQ iS the most cOImmon predictor oflow acade】 mic achievement.Low IQ whites achieve poorly in academic environments,and low IQ nonwhites achieve equally poorly, for the saェ Ile reasono The average lower IQs of nOnwhites― and those of Africarl orittn in particular― mean that more

ofthat group ttl academically han do Whites,who have an average higher IQ. In suHllna■ /1 Poor acade■ lic achievement is the result of 10W IQ,aild not“ white racism。 ″

3.US:Whites Blamed fOr Nonwhite Cttme The fun extent ofnonwhite c五 電le in White natiOns around the globe was oudined in an earlier chEl茎 〕 ter,and needs no

repeaing here. The fact hat this phenomenon repeats itself attn and agね in any number of nadons,is sorely perplexlng to the“ blank slate"ideologues,as on the face of

it,it secms counterintuidve to their be■ efs.

As a result, hey have invested considerable cHbrt in trying to prOve that the higher nontthite cri=ne rateis αど ′ と だ αυs the result of“ discri=nination''… …by whites of cOurse― -ln one for■ l or another.They do this rather than ad■ 五t the=nore

obvious,and sciendncally proven,lhk between crime,low IQ,genetics,and behavior. Afavoritethemeofheseattemptsto“prove"thatnonwhites only have high crime rates because ofwhite“ discrimination,"

is the clailn hat “residentiai segregation''一 二mposed by whites― has led to social deprivation and socioeconoH五 c stagnation,This has created“ bad neighborhoods"in which desp五 r″ has supposedly led to a high cttme rate.14 “ 14 See for example the long llst of excuses trotted out to try and explain the extraordinarlly h鍵 オl blaCk hOmicide rate in Willnington,Delaware,ln the article,・ Murder Town usA(aka Wilmington,Delaware),″ Ⅳ9″ SLυ 99亀 December 9, 2014. They include “poverty, racisnl, lack of econo■ lic

opportunities,drug and alcohol abuse,gun violence,high dropout rates, teenage pregnancy, stressed famllies . . . the police department is 70


Tんc"切 rAσ α力憂乾 肋



For example, a 1996 study published in the journal, dttmed to high■ ght the“ conceptual lね k

Soctα ιForces,IS

between segregation ttd criine by consideing how the social isolation of urbarl blacks increases black violence.… Black isoladon emerges as a strong predictor ofthe rates of black 宙olence in mttor US Ci重 es,a nndhg hat may accountfor prior evidencc of a link between segregadon and vlolencc at he rnacro level."

What his stu"was aCtually saying ls hat whttes cannotl市e in black neighborhods Mthout falhng vicim to ralnparlt cttme,甑 d henCe move away―the so― called“ white night″ phenomenon。 It seems that a whtte desire not to suffer the trepidadons of nonwhite crime is“ racist''and is one of the causes of nonwhtte criine in the irst plac(■ ■lf you care to beheve this 師 sted lo」 c.

A2007 stu申 ,

ど0デ Econonic pub■ shed in ttle」 ∝〃■α 16 alSO attempung to hnk high 兌修 αtioЪ

β 9´ 口 iOr&Ottα nonwhite crime rates to segregation,acmally admitted this whtte night cyde in the foll針 成ng■ lanne■ L′

Geographic concenttation m robbery rates can lead to segregation(in eXCess oflevels that would

emerge under neighborhood so五 ng by income) because robbers prey nspropOrtionately on whites, behω「ing thern to be more comphant,

and whites protect hemsc什 es by movng

disproportionately to safer neigれ bOrhOods. Hence,condidonal on income,blacks llve in more dangerous neighborhOOds than whites, percent white and 21 percent black. . .a60 percent isChOOll dropOut rate...Gcography is another issue.Halfway between Philadelphia and Baltilnore,W■ ■lington has become a way station for drug traFackers,.

.generations of black and bЮ wa Fammes hat have tbeenl in eCOnOmic poverty. . .6 out of 10 men are either not participaing in society or simply not around(1.e.,incarcerated)..・

15“ Segregation and Cime:The Effect of Black Social lsolation on the

Rates ofBlack Urban ViolenceF Edward S,Shihadeh,Nicole Flynn,Socた 河 Forccs,Volume 74,Issue 4,」 une 1996,Pages 13E5-1352. ↓ mα ι 16“ Cime and segrё gaton,″ Brendan O'Haherty,Rttiv Sethib,」 ο七 Oデ EcorЮ nた B(,″ lθ υiο r&Ottα 崩 麓 的 rち Volume 64,Issues 3-4,Novembeト

December 2007,Pages 391-405.


βど αれ9W用を 9こ′ υ加を 9 Яα re デOr Ⅳο■を fιLι

ln other words,by simply mo宙 ng away from nonwhite Cri室 五nals,whites

are creaung nonwhite cri=ne hOtspots― or so his equallyむ 前sted lo」 c goeS. The fact hat there is no lega■ y enforced residential segregadon in America一 arld has not been for nearly eighty ycars―has not stOpped he``blank slate″ ideologues from blalning high nonwhite cri=ne rates on that poicy. In 2010,a study publshed in the Sodolο gicα J@:を αtterどy, こded`■he Effects of Racia1/Ethnic Segregadon on Йこno arld Black Hot玉 cider17 claimed that“ segregation''is also the cause of he high crime rate among more recent Hisparlic i=nlxligrants to AI】 :lettca.

Accordhg to hat study,“ Results indcate hat(1)raCia1/ ehnic segregaion contributes to bott Launo and black ho】 micide,arld(2}the effects for both groups are inediated by concentrated disadvantage." In other words,whites are also to blame for“ segregating″ themselves from“ Latinos,"Once agttn,it secms that a white desire″ を OttO live in 4亜 S-13 gang― type areas is“ racistr and a causc ofthe Laino宙 olence in the arst place.

G市 en what has already been estabLshed about he clear link between crinle,IQ,genttcs,and behaⅥ or,these endless excuses fall dowri of ther own accord. They are idcolottcally dr市 en attempts to deny he anal arbiter of all

humari behaviori genetic inheritance.

4.UKI Whites Bla=ned for Nonwhtte Crime The stratettF of blaming whttes for nonwhite criln"and oher social problelm苗 s universal.In Btttttn,this pracdce is standard,氏 vith po■ こcians, ``sOCial ConHnentators,'' and

the mass media regularly engaging h he pracuce,some organizations even lnake a li■ ing out Of blalning whites,

One such org孤 五zadon is the UK government― funded EquFttty arld Humttl К ghts Commission(EHRC),a bOdy set up in Orwellian fashion as a race― pohce organizadon, 17 “The Effects of Racia1/Ethntt Segregation on Launo and Black 51,2010,

Homicide,″ Ben Feld■leyer,Tん e Sο Oο ど οσiθαJ@Lι a″ せ 9■劣 Volume

Issue 4,Pages 600-623.



9"独 rAgα insを

И〃 cs 'を

which enforces“ racial equalitBr"thrOugh that country's Equahty Act"law. “ It will come therefore as no surprise to the reader to learn

that the EHRC has arinounced hat“ strllctural ittustiCe aild discrimination"(that is,“ white racism")is to blame for race ineqllality and unfairness''in Btttttn。 18 “

Heattng a divided Brittin

Foreword from Davld lsaac CBE itiS indeFensible thattin 21st century Britain,8tack workers witn deOrees earn over 23 per cefit iess on average thanヽ Ⅳhite workers with degreesi and ifyou aЮ

81ackin En91and you are more

than three times more likely to be a victitti of murder and fourtimes more"kely to be stopped and searched by the pollce,Fe9r oF crime is also much higherfor many ethnic minorities,as is the

The EHRC's2016“ Healing a d市 ided Britaini the need for a comprehensive race cquahty strateg″ report produced a long list of the“ cha■ enges''facing nontthites in Britain,

supposedly shoMng just how e宙 l white racism is.In reality,as he list,reproduced below,showed,hey only demonstrated the full extent of nonwhite f五 luresI

o Permanent schoolexclusion for black Caribbean and m故 ed white/blaCk Caribbean children in England is around hree tittes the exclusion rate fOr all pupils.19

●In the period 2010 to 2015,the number ofyoung

ethnic=ninority"people in the(」 K who are long― “

ter=l unemployed has almost doubled,whereas for young white people it fe■ slightly.

o People from “ethnic minonties'' are twice as e in poverty compared to white people

likely to l市

across Brit五 n. 18“ Healing

a divided Bntain:the need for a comprehensive race equality

stratey,″ Equality and Human Rights Conllnission,August 2016. 19“ Exclusion″ :neans that the behavior of the child is so reprehensible

and violent that they are prevented from attending school.


βど αme Иれと を 〔 Or∬ο ttLυ ん 9 Я αittre υデ iを


Scodand, “cthnic ninority households'' are nearly four times more■ kely to experience overcrowding. ●In 2014,he probab工 ity of black Africarl wO=ュ :len being det五 ned under mental heal仕 1 lcttSlation in England was more th【 n seven times higher thal■ for white Briish women。 ●Rates of prosecution arld sentencing」 br black pcople in Englarld alld Wales are three times higher than lbr white people. ●“ Ethnic rr主 主 norides"in police custody in Englarld

and Wales are signincarltly more likely to be physically restrained than white people. ●“ Ethnic mino五 des and migrants'' are much more ttkely to “experience disadvantage in the

criminal justice systemttin other words,they

are arrested,charged,and found guilty at a rate disproportionate to their population numbers. ●In addition, the report continued, blacks are tthree ti=nes as likely than white people to be

murdered" iinplying that these murders are racist,"but of course皇 道ling to point out that it “ is nonwhites、 vho are doing the lnurdering。 ●The rate of incarceration in j五ls for nonwhites is over five imes that of white people.

As lnentioned above,these tissues"=nore than anything else,ironically reveal much about how the nonwhite element ofthe UK's population has utterly彙 五led to“ beco=ュ :le British." Nonetheless,■ is overtly anti― white outburst fro]m the EHRC,headed by David lsaacs,was Ⅵ dely quoted in the mass=nedia as“ evidence"of“ white racism.″ Tん 9れ ,9pen09ィ を ちlbr eXalnple,ran with mttOr article on the EHRC report,implying are somehow being deliberately kept dowll purpose― conscious or otherwlsc― oftheSe

hese clalms in a that nonwhites by whites,20 The deliberate hes is

20“ Ыfe chances of black and ethnic FninOrity Britons at lowest level for ,″Lα て

generations,report ands,"Tん 9五血αepて

'nt August 18,2016.


Sを M〃 Tん9昴倣rAσ αtィ を

9s 'を



e rethヽ お 直o中 ,る 臨 kh C面 中百 はコ

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ha 礎い 腔 げ 4叩 に 紹鞘郡 型岬 中 糀 制鰐 解l器 紀≒ 継無 謝許 ヾ ⅢⅢ″ FH-01W∴ ,Ⅲ

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Blatk oe"た h Ⅲitボ h irさ れore than苗 離 a`hkdす to be ― れutteretas、 t,hite,eく ,Pie.― and three tthe、 14 hkd,ti)bё p中 鋒tutt:d and、 entcnced.attく う rdins to a nl` ザ rept〉 ri publi、 hOd on fin cIュ ilれ ― that ihe tiFtら と hn4tes()fyoun“ ethhiC Thur、 da亨 ,Whithl、 、 ′ te tt)1laplt二d in the pet,plと nlinoritⅢ in the lII(hi■ Ⅲ五 flve,こ arヽ ind iaFt,nt)、 ャdt iheirヽ

ヤ (,rst



:Fて )r

xen゛ rati〔 )ns.

The― rt】 ,Orl bttthl Ettu1lityュ ぃ1 1lⅢ 騨 an ili導 Ⅲlド (:│,い nii■ it〕 ■ヽ い ,

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αne Wttt(υ デ ο r Ⅳ ο1汐 ん■9 Fttι と を re 7を

to incite nonwhites into open viOlence agttnst white people, as has already happened in the Us,

None ofthese“ issues"are the fautt of whites,no inatter

what he EHRC a】 :ld the controlled meda might say.The real causc of these sOcial and ecOno■ 五c disparities lies in he re』 ity of racial differences― and that Third WOrld populations cannot be expected tO cOmpete effect市 ely in a Firstヽ VOrld― doHinated environment。 It is however not only the EHRC which engages in this game Of “bla=Ile whitey。 '' The Member of Parlialnent for Tottenharn,David La■ 1=ェ ly(one Ofthe UK`more pro】 minent black po■ticai ngures),annOunced in 2017 that whites一 in he for■ l of so― called“ insutudonal racislm''― ―are to blainc

for the fact that huge numbers of nonwhite“ youths"are arrested for all■ nanner Of c五


na1 0ffenses.21

Describing the nonwhite arrest rate as

appatthgly “

dispropordonate,″ LaHHny quoted a repOrt cOmpiled by

the Howard Lcague Jbr Penal Reform which sttd hat 26 percent of all child arrests are youngsters from■ 五nority

ethnic bickgrounds― a ngure, they sttd, which is more

i∫ 鑑

e蔀 怒 猛 粗

F黙 普 T配乱 lh°


This, the report sttd, ls solely duc tO an “ appa■ing disprOpordonality in the justice system,"arld not,as a norlmal,raional person wOuld conclude,because nonwhites co】 mmitinore cri=Ile than anyOne else.As discussed atlength in an earlier chapter, the real cause of higher nonwhite crirne rates is linked direcdy tO 10wer IQS,and as a result, lower sOciOecono互 五C Status. As nonwhites in the UK have lower avOrage IQS harlthe

white populadOn, and a coFelated lower sOciOecono■ lic status,lt therefore is loglcal dhat he omcial statisucs莉 41 renect the fact Of a h整 れer nOnwhtte crime rate.This has tO do wl血 “ white racislxl″ and eVe呵 魔hing to do前 th genedcs and biology.J■ Owever,raher than admitl士lis,he racc― dettng estab■ shment ands itjust more convenient to blalne white people ag五 n。 21“ Campaigners raise alanm over ttppallingly dispropOrtionate'number of black and■ linority ethnic children being arrested,"T,を9r/ι αep〔 と ,て ,7ι ち

November 27,2017.



打es 躙 心をV阿 生 Tん c酌色r Aσ αι

5.UK:Whttes Blamed for beね g Ethnically Cleansed The ongoing ims孤 ■ity Of bla=ning whites lbr every慢 ing perhaps reached an apogee in Br五 五n when whttes were blaIIled because 2013 ngures revealed that more than eighty state schools in that countty have no white pupils attending them.In essence,what this report sttd,was that white people are to blame because they have been ettlnically cleansed out of maJor pordOns of UK cities. The inverted losc‐ ―Of blanlhg whites for haing been driven out of entire re」 Ons by a tsunani of nonwhite 山 migrants and heir progeny― wasloudly prodttmed h an Shock aricle which appeared in the Dα と り れ色 'I Which read,“ double s at all.… as 84 schools have NO whtte British pup工 he number of nve years ago.″ 22

The ardcle quoted a befuddled conservative “lMttraぃ donWatch"ch五 rman Sir Andrew Green as stting that the ngures show here is“ no llltegraion"in BA五 針 in other words,it is the refusal of whites to m技 胡 th uhe“ newcoHl―

ers"that is really he problem,raher han heFact hat he Third World is colonizmg Britttn。 κ tte resutt of three in五 hon inllnigrants in ten years has

created a huge problem for integration of the newcomers, Ob宙 ously,if diere are no chttdren of he host communtty in a school,the prospects ofintegration are close to zero.In he longer teHn,this is bound to effect the cohesion of our society as a whole,"Sir Andrew was quoted as saying. The Dα tt Mα Went on to∞ mplttn hat“ the nndings前 11 fucl concerns that some parts of the cou五 位y are becon五 ng increasingly segregated." The realiけ ,Of COurse,is hat nonwhite nuinbers have iど

expanded by such huge amounts hat whites have slnply

been driven out of those areas.Yet,in the inverted world of raceぃ denial,whttes are always to blame for eveη tthingo lt is herefore wh■ e peoples'“ refusal to integrate"which is the real probleェ m,not

the fact that huge numbers of nontthite

22・ Shock as 84 schools have NO white British pup』 s at all...double he number ofave years agoF Datど y Mα on Suれ こ ,May 12,2013. ′ Jι


βど αne Иね此〔 と を re υデor′VOnLυ ん 9Я誠ど i=nHligrants have displaced the naive white populadon.In oher words,cven when it is clear that tthites are vicdmsi iを

hey are sti■

to bla=Ile。

6。 US:Whites Blalned for High Nonwhite Marjuarla Arrest Rate

In 2013,he head ofthe Amettcan Ci宙 l lttberties Union in the state of New York,Donna ltteberlman,claimed he New York City and State Pohce were“ racist"because they targeted people of color" for mariJuana possessiOno She “ made the cl五 m after agures showed that blacks are nearly ave times more■ kely to be arrested for the cttmc h甑 whites,and that the disparity is inuch Ⅵ der in the state's most popuious coundes。 23 This cl【五Hl,which is relevant to he idea that he po■ ce are“ systemically racist,″ directly mplies hat the racially disproportionate arrest rate is the result of sOme sort of “secret racist conspiracy" on he part of the pohcc. This allegation is,of course,a complete he.The realtty is hat more blacks are arrested for d14g pOssessiOn simply because they have a higher rate Of工 legal drLlg uSe,and not because the polce“ target people of color." The clと 述a■ that he arrest rate is“ racist"is based on a New York Ciサ “YouttL Risk Beha宙 or Survey lYRBS)20032017,"which is a“ biennial seif― ad■ inistered,anonymous

survey conducted in NYC publc high schools by thO Hcalth Department and the NYC Department of Educadon.''24 This report clalmed that 24 percent Ofwhite NYC residents

reported cannabis use,cornpared、 泣ith 14 percent Of black and 12 percent Of Laino residents.Therefore,the“ lottc" goes,more whites propordOna■ y use marゴ uana,but fewer are arrestedo The naw in hese statistics is of cOurse hat this is an anonymous survey,削Jttl no control lnchod,and is therefore hkely to be open tO vast distortion.How many 23 “NYCLU Analysis ExpOses stark Racial Dispanties in Marjuana

Arrests in Counies Across New York State,″ NYCLU,」 une 6,2013.

24“Cannabis Use in New York City, Epど September 2019,No。

Dαι θ B河ヴ

NYC Hcatth,



cs Sを M〃 すを Tん 9,砲 r Aσ αtィ を GR^DE‐


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Predicted prevalence based on model that controls lbr paren― tal education,the interaction of parental education and race,

gender,class size,publc versus private school,and state level covariates including state passage of a lnedical inattuana law

te passage of a lnedical marttuana law between before 2006,s能 と

2006 and 2015,population density,percent=lale,percent white, percentin ages 10 to 24,and percent with no high schOol edu‐ cation.“ Race/chnicity and inattuana use in the United States: Di■ inishing differences in the prevalence of use,2006-2015デ ,encc,Volu=le 179, Keyes,M.,ct al,,Dttσ αn'Aどcoん Oι Dcpeィ と


October l,2017,pp。 379-386.

people,of any race,are前 ■hg to openly declare either in wridng or on a form,to using illegal substancesp The results of any such test must therefore be taken with a grttn of salt. FurtherJmorc,cven ifthe stausuё s are accurate,and lnore whites use marも uana,the poLce arrestrates are based upon the act of smoking the narcotic in public.It could just be

that more white users simply smoke tt hdoors,raher han risk bing caughtin pubhc. It is however more Lkely hat he tarionymous"suⅣ ey results are wrong.This becomes apparent when hey are compared to ofacial national studies which conclus市 ely demonstrate that whites make up a minoriサ Of marも uarla users in the US,


BIα nc

b駒 と を 9こメ Or Ⅳ Oれ を υ ん 9 Яα re デ iを


According to a 2017 study pub■ shed in the」 ournal Dttσ coんοどD9Pen,9ィ を CC,the highest users of=larも uana 'Aど were irstthose ofm故 ed race,then blacks,then whites,and then Hispallics.25 whheS h fact form an outright minority of users,that study showed. It is typical of the and― white ideologues to use such αイ を

baseless and unsubstantiated staisics (Such as he ano=ュ arII10us

school sulvey)thesiS tO prove their clalィ xls of whtte racislm″ ― 一arld to ignore the oficial studies which “

prOve exacdy the opposite.

Da宙 d Harder,sheri∬ of BrooJme County in upstate New York,where a black person is nearly s故 times as hkely to get arrested on a marjuana charge as a white person, responded to Iを iebermarlも allegaions by sれ g lhat hiS forcc's dRlg arrests are typically a result Of information obtained by informants.The oficers do not take race into consideration, he sttd。 “ We dont target any particular color,"Harder sttd.“ Wejustlook at whoever is dealing,arld 血 at's who we go aFter.″ 26

A study pub■ shed in thejournal Cデ rininο ι ogυ αn,PLι bι tC 200727 freely admitted that nonwhites committed more arrestable mΥ ttuarlaOffensesin NewYork,saying that tsmoLng m孤 ualla in pub■ c宙 ew(MFV)"had become he 芍 Inost co■ 1lnon Hlisdemeanor arrest"arld that tmost lMPV “ arrestees have been black or Hispanic." Typically,he report suggested uae only Way to deal胡 h 慢■ is embarrassing fact was that the pohce should“ consider sc〔述ng back on MPV enforcement,力 amd that“ leξ slatOrs Pο ι tcこ ′ in

should consider inttng smoHng=xlaruuana in public a 宙oladon and not a H五 sdemeanor."It should come as no surprise to the reader to learn that he NYPD did eventually

take this to heart, and as of August 2019,possession of slllall amounts of marも uana,up to and induding two 25“ Race/ethnicity and 14arも uana use in the United States:Di=ninishing differences in the prevalencc of use,2006-2015,″ Keyes,M.,ct al.,Dttσ α″ と coん οどD(,p97と と ce,Volume 179,October l,2017,pp.379-386. 'Aど '9イ in N.Y,vary by race,″ 26“ RepOrtt POt arrests Denο craι &C)″ trο rを iθJ〔,,June


27“ The Race/Ethnicity Dispattty in Misdemeanor Mattuana Arrests in

New York City,"Andrew Golub et al.,C河 れどOJOσ υ &Pとをbどん POtty,2007, 6(1):131-164. 7を




r Aσ αl■sを И万



ounces,is now considered a violationi and only possessing over two ounccs is still a lnisdemeanor。


This ettbrt still has not had the desired outcome,however, as the ofncial NYPD mΥ uuana arrest record for the second quarter of 2020 shows that of the ninety― s故 indム 嵐duals arrested in hat ime period,only s技 were white.29 1tis preposterous to dttm hat nonwhites make up nearly 95 percent of NYPD arrests for marも uana possession only becausc of a“whtte racist conspttacy"to cttminally frarne nonwhttes.Nonetheless,these sorts of arguュ nents for=Il he staple diet of hc endre anti― white movelment.

7. UK: Whttes blamed for胡 despread nonwhtte Felmale Genttal Mudlation

The extremely high rate of female genttal mut工 adon (FGM),as practiced among nonwhites in Br五 五n夕 has been bla=Iled on white“ racism"because the white pohce allegedly do not do anything aboutit. This astonishing cl五 m was inade in he UK's Slを ■ υ 'α Tines newspaperin an aricle which revealed hat as lnany

as 100,000 nonwhtte women in Britttn have undergone FGM一 砿 h nonwhite“ doctors"h hat country carttng out the l■ egal procedure on gl■ s as young as 10,30 FGM irlvo"es the surgical removal of external genttalia,and in some cases the sttching of the vattna1 0pening,and is a CO■ 1=nOn practtce in rnany parts ofthe Thと dヽ Vorld. を Oα υ Tines,Soma■ _bOrn=nodel W劉 直s According to Tん 9 SLを ″ Dとic,who was mudlated as a ch工 d and who is a vocittrous opponent ofthe practice,s五 d,`If a white gld is abused,the police coJme break down the door.r a blackが 五 is mudlated, nobody takes care of her.This is what l call racism." In reality,the slow uptake of proseclltions attnst FGM practidoners in Br五 五n is solely due to the fact that the 28“ Marttuana Enforcement, NYPD,August 2019. 29“ Manduana Arrests,Penal Law Sections,221,15,2nd

Quarter 2020,"膀 均滋αnα ス″estt


nttο atts,NYPD. ∂税n'cttυ Tines,Apri1 22,

'Stを 晩 30“ Brit五 n's100,000 mutilated women,″



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nonwhites themselves support the practice,and do report the doctors to the auhorides for prosecudon.

The allegaion hat polce dO notthg is, of course, absolutely untrue.The Metropolitan Police in London have a special untt called“ Prttect ptture,″ 31 set up to foc■ ls exclus市 ely on FGM offenses lWhiCh are on the rise as nonwhites coninue to nood ttlto that county)。

As omcersin Prttect A風 ュ re readtt adm比 ,“ e big ObStttde to combating the pr9blem is because the“ co=llnunity"(the

establishment`code word for nonwhites)just refuses to cooperatein co】 ming forward Mlh lnlorlmadon on offenders―

because they dont think any chme has beOn coHHnitted,or 32

they think the poLce are racist。

31“ Female genital mudlation(FGM),″ Child abusc,Metropolitan Police. 32 η he anticipated reactions offriends or falnily,who they thought night

be disappointed,fearful for their safety,and perhaps hOstile,they also felt that■ linOrity ethnic police omcers might be put under unreasonable pressure t9 reveal sens■ 什e and conadential information.″ ― Aを ι れ

P9oPた テ οれ И 鉤 鞄 Serυ tcc,Vanessa

Eと 崩 た COnη を ,″ を ね 拘初αrtts a(デ αtterれ と ′ を 9 'cs POど oデ ioc Stone,RachelTumn,PoHce Research Series,Paper 136, iι

Home Ofnce,P。 licing and Reducing C五

=le Unit,Research,Develop=lent

and Statistics Directorate,London,2000.




r Aσαι 萬 ぉをフ И生ど を es

The clEim that FGM pracuces are caused by racisI11" is an indication of how前 despread the

【 龍 五e bla=Ile “

whitey''nonsensc has become。

8.US:Whites Blamed Because Black lMales Dont Become MedLcal Doctors White racism is to blarne because not enough black inen are becottling dOctors, a committec appointed by he US Nadonal Academies of Sdences,En」 neering,and Medicine announced in 2018。 33 The corrl■ litteewas appointed to studywhy“ the propordon of black inen pursuing such careers imediChel iS reaching historic lows."

According to the report, h 1986, 57 percent of black medical― school

graduates were menttbut by 2015 that

share had dropped to just 35 percent, even as he total number of black graduates had increased。 The reason for this dechne,the cottlintttee concluded, んites,oデ cο rs9, bυ を υ was“ racism and discriminaion″ ―― Com■ littee chairman Cato Laurencin―a black surgeon s五 d“ 頷ven atthe Un市 ersity of Connecicllt in Farmington一 ― he extent of racislm and discri=ninadon, it's dlncuh for black males to be able to progress." In other words,whites are somehow preventing blacks from beconling doctors.Of course,Laurencin did not say exactlyん ο″ these ev工 帯hites are achievmg his master plam,or,Lυ ねり,but it nonetheless is taken settously enough to warrant rephcaion in what is supposed to be a mttor sciendicjournal. lを

9.US:Whttes Blamed Becausc Only l.8%of IT Workforce ls Black

In 2018, the National Urball Leaguc(NUL)一 one Of ハ正neriCa's oldest pro― black lobbies― bla=Iled“ white racisin'' 33“ Sharc ofAfrican A=lerican=nen going into lnedicine hits historic lowギ

Ⅳて 汀 ι″ C,May 21,2018. tを


βど α碗9И 〃,を 9こ ′ヵ r Ⅳοttψ ん





“ forthe factthat only l.8 percent ofalllnformationTcchnology

(IT)tech cOmpany employees were black. According to a state]ment issued by NUL presidentヽ larc Morial,blacks,who are“ alnong he top owl■ ers of=nobile dc宙 cesr are“ not being considered when it'sこ me rbr social media and technolo蟹 /companies to hire.''34 He pointed out that“ Equal Emploコ ment Opportuniサ " reports iled by Google, Facebook, and T精 正tter in 2018 showed hat only 758, or l.8 percent, of their combhed workforcc of 41,000 employees, were black. “And heir iNUL'sl owrl research showed that in he mttottty of tech companies,fewer dhan 5 percent Of the workforce is black, while at least half of he workforce is white。


0fcourse,the realreason forthelack ofblackIT specialists has to do Mda the fact that the average sub― Saharan African IQ Stands at around 62,and blacks in Amettca‐ 一solely due to cxtens市 e whttc admlxture― have a】 !l average IQ ofarOund 85, It is impossible for an indム 滋dual of any race Mth an average IQ of 85 or lower to engage=neaningfully in higher cognitive tasks such as corllputer prograln■ ing.

On a related note,anyone familiar胡 th thc IT industty

knows that Facebook,Twitter,and Google are run by a Far― leA cabal made up mttnly of seclllar」 ews.They are herefore he most hkely group to have afarmatⅢ eぃ acion prOgrams arld nonwhite preferential hittng pracuces_and even they cannot recruit nonwhites ln sumcient numbers to meet the demands ofthe and― white lobby, 10。

Carlada:Whites Bla■ led Becausc Nontthites Are Poorer

Whtte people and“white racism"are the rcasons why nonwhttes in the Carladian city of Toronto are poorer,and as a result ttle metropolis is becoming故 Юreasingly radally segregated,the Torottι ο(党 αrreported in 2018。 36

34 “Tcch companies not hiring blacks despite ownership ratesギ Assοααte'P′ess,May 4,2018. 35 1bid。

36 ζToronto is segregated by racc and income. And the numbers are ugly,″ Toronι O sιθち September 30,2018.




rttα inst Ⅵ汗 es 'を

ln an ardcle dded,“ Toronto is segregated by race and

incomeo And the numbers are ugly,'' wrttten by Sandro Contenta, he newspaper direcuy bl〔 運ned Whites for nonwhtt poverty,asserting hat the“ colour of inoney is mttnly white。 "37

According to is a

new “

demographic charts,″ Toronto

“strildngly segregated city, Mtt visible ■工norities concenttated in low… hcome neighbourhoods and white residents don五 nadng afttuent areas in numbers far higher than theと share of the populaion..。 Money buys choice. And people win the most choice are choosing to live in cert五 n areas,''38

The latter state】 ment,

one would uink, would be a statement ofthe omous,Anybody前 ■ choose to Hve where they can afford to l市 ― but in the world of the arli― white

lobby,choosing where you want to live based on what you carl afford is ipso facto a“ racist"act。

Raher han just admtt that whites have tted he nontthite areas,and that nonwhites do not achieve as we■ as in whites in social,econoH五 c,and educational ields,the aコ Lcle then goes on to blalne“ white racisin"and,of course, discrilnination''for the segregation. “

Thc usual“ blalne whiteズ cxcuSes are ttotted out(such

s√ as“ discrimhatory barriers to goodjobs and housing" α α ι ο 覆 94υ ん 9sヵ bS Or と んere αcと を ι αど ねα ψん e consp″ tt non″ υ iを


ん01を SCSl,and“ white racism"is blalned for ttle fact hat even though he nonwhites have a relaively high“ educational level,″ hey stin are in“ low― income neighbourhoods." Of course, race and IQ are the real reasons for he

ditterences in achievelnent,but rattler than admit this truth, he anti― whtte lobby wⅢ just blalne whttes once agttn。

11.US:Whites Blamed for High Black lnfant Mortality When white racists are not actually gunning dowrl blacks

h he stteet,hey are also apparently busy causing black babies to dic,just by their sheer presence.This astonishing 37 1bid. 38 1bid.


βど α麓9И れど を (υ デ Or Ⅳ ο れ″んitc Я″ど を re を β

How Racisrn May Cause Btack Motherstto Suffer The Death(Э f Their infants


d五m was made by“ academics"atthe Un市

ersity of 11linois,

who asserted white people are to blame for the documented higher black infant mortality rate(IMR).

As reported by the National Pubhc Radio(NPR)in alil Racislm May Cause Black Wttothers to

articlc titled, “ How

Sutter the Death of Their lnfants,''39 blaCk babies in the US dic atjust over two tilnes the rate ofwhite babies in the nrst year of life― ―and the reason for this is“ racism.'' According to data fro】 m the US Centers for Disease Control

d Prevention(CDC),for evely l,0001市 e births,4.8 white infants die in the nrst year of life.For black babics,that number is ll.7.Most of those black infants who dic are born prematurc,because black inothers have a higher risk al■

of going into carly laboro The article says that scientists and

doctors have spent“ decades''trylng to understand what makes black women so vulnerable to losing their babies. The ansttrer,they conclude,is that“ racial discriinination experienced by blackェ mothers during their lifetilne makes them icss hkely to carry their babies to full term.″ Tん ere Js oデ coLを rSC Zerο 9フ t,cnccデοrを んど s αsse″ 士ι on,either in the article or anywhere else,but this does not stop the assumpdon froHl being inadc一 beca■ ぇse blalning whites for 39“ How Racism WIay Cause Black WIothers tO suffer the Death of Their lnfants,″ ⅣPR,December





rAσ αl■ sを M〃jを 9s

everything hat happens to nonwhtts is now the nomm。 Accorang tO the article,Rchard David,a nconatoloξ st at he University ofユ 五nois at Chicago,nrst began considering he problem in the 1980so At the dme,he s五 d,scientists hought the two nialn culprits were poverty and lack of educadono However,he and a co■ eaguc,」 aines Conins at Northwestern Un市 ersiサ MediCal School,found that even educated,middle― class black women were at a higher isk ofhaⅥ ng s■laller,premature babies with a lower chance of survival.

David and Co■ ins rttected the idea that genedcs played a rolc in the higher black IMR ratt because they found that black women who were recentirn■ 五grants from West Africa did not have the same IMR rates as blacks in America。 と “So,it clearly isn■ genedcs,"DaⅥ d told NPR。 ■here was SOIIlething about growll■ g up black in the Untted States and

then bearing a child hat was associated with lower birh weight.。 .and what is different about gro前 ng up black in America is disc五 ■ination`It`hard to nnd any aspect of hfe hat's not irnpacted by racial discrilnination.″

Therefore,he asserted,“ racism"(″ ん 9級 oiSn,of course) is the cause ofthe higher black infant death rate。 This mahcious assertion is based on a crllshね g ignorance of race and genetics.As anyone who has even the slightest iを

understanding of race and genedcs knows, American blacks"are for the greatest part a lnlxed― race population, “ arld not“ African"in the pure genedc sensc of he word.

A stutt ofthe genedcs of“ blacks″ 故l Ameica fro】 m201540

found hat the average“ blacピ h the US only had around

74.8 percent African genes-ln oher words, they were at least 25 percent European,氏 圧ith a s■■all smattering of Americali lndian。

ious This fact is of course ok)、 ′

to the naked eye, but apparendy not to inodern“ acaden五 cs"who do not wantto know he nrst hing about race.It is ttlerefore co=Ilpletely invalid to compare Amettcan“ blacks"to Africans in Africa, 40・ The Genetic Ancestry of Af直 can

Ameicans,Latinos,and European Ancncarを 」0ウ ″逸ど0デ 汀屯 を naれ

Americans across the United States,″ G《 夕て anuary 8,96(1):37-53. 7を



βねn9И ね "(υ



Or∬οψんite デ 7を

F新 ど 1を re

娩 ∝ 魁埴路 埓認 盤 :紹腺。

鵡 韓鞭 挫 轄護簿鷲鍵整還響事璽舞盛 幽 鱒 輯軸 操 諄 蕩 財朝 魂務 檸I dttSf° 孔 孟 r infant:檸

.up in that rettOn are aS

Colouredsi 32.2 per l,000. Blacks: 20.O per l,000. As can be seen froェ ェ l hese ngures, blacks dO have a higher IMR血 孤l Whites― but m故 ed― race coloureds have

an even higher IMR han blackso When compared to the American“ black''populatiOn,he conclusion is ObⅥ Ous:a

PnhasahigherIMttthaninoreracially 継 R:盈 ぎ 壇埒 票 比獣溶 盈 驚驚視 評稿汎紹地縄評黙靴 思子 IMR for whites in the Western Cape is nearly double that of :よ

whites in America。

ば静`認 ざ :詔 蘊愁電!澪亀 鰐 温品隅 毬摯鰍斜 鷲 継 魂ぎ愁曜:塊鷺駐鷲糟 ex枷 ∬ esば “ Ы me岨 的 締 盈 ζ 篇諮 i訛牌 g tt°


競ガ 納発 ξ 撥 紳 駆:懃撼》鵜協 215

Tん9"独 r Aσαittβ をИ〃



12.USI Whttes Bla=rled Because Blacks Have High Arrest Rate for Avoiding Washington,DC Metro Fares In2018,仕 leWashington,DCCounc工 votedtodec五 minalizc its city Mctro fare cvasion enforcementlaws― after stausics showed that 9 1 percent of offenders were black.This high arrest rate,the counctt announced,was the fault of“ racist'' 42 and“ disproportionate cnforcement″ agttnst nonwhttes。

Under he lesSladOn,cttminal fare evasion penaldes of up to S300 were replaced by a$50 ci宙 l infracton hat would not appear on a crilninal record。 It is cndeHェ c of a systeH工 c “

issue and problem which

his legislation is ttting to get at,arld d∝ 五=Ilinal拡 ng is

an appropttate ttd necesstty way of tttng tO get at the


judiciary arld pubic saFety,

:鞘 乱雷4鷲ぞ♂哲: ζ

Allen and oher backers ofthelaw sald that a“ disparity h fare evadon arrests''shoWS that“ poLce dispropordonately target"blacks一 an allegahn which is of course nonsense.

In ttLCt,the lmttOrity of offenders are black,and this

alone is the reason why they make up he mttottty Of apprehensions. According to the US Census Bureau,he population of America's capital city was 64 percent nonwhite as of July 2019。 43

13.US:Whites Blanled for Nonwhite Obeslty Apparently,仕 lere is also an evユ plot by“white racists" to cause nonwhite obesiサ in the US,and President Tr■ lmp 蹴





確認篭鶏蠍騨 線魂i評瑶 を 1盟 温能 惚俎箭を 靴 anuary 22,2019. 」

43“ QuickFacts,District of Columbia, United States Census Bureau,




m9 Иれι ι 9こ′ ,r9 デor'Vο nιυん 9F万 ど

Bど α


standup comedian han in any serious debate,are nojoke。 According to a study published in the jou..■ al Pr9フ 9■ を ing Cん rο ■lc Dね 9α s9,44 which combined data for 2015 through 2017,non― Hispanic black adults had the h縫 れest prevalencc of obesity(38。 4%)overall, followed by Hispanic adults (32.6%)arld nOn_Hisp孤 五c white adults(28.6%)。 Overall,31 states and the Disttict of columbia had an “ obesiサ prevalencc of 350/O or higher a■ long non― Hispanic black adults, 8 states had an obesity prevalence of 35% or higher arnong]Hispanic aduits,and only i state had an obesity prevalencc of 350/O or h絶 蜘er amOng non― Hispanic white adults.″


The paper went On to say that Alhough the exact causes ofthese differences in obesity are not all knOMl,they■ kely in part renect ditterences in social and econonlic advantage related to race or edhnicity.This concept aligns 胡 h other, more general statements about health disparities explと 五ning that dispandes are

ciosely linked ttih sOcial, economic, and/or “ environmentaユ disadvantage″ and show thc effect 帝here

groups of people “have systematicany expettenced greater social and/Or eCOnomic

obstacles to health。 . .based on their racial or ethnic group."

Furtherlnore,the paper cOntinued:

Underもing riSkS that may help expl五 n dispΥ ities in obesity prevalence a■long non― Hispanic black and the Hispanic Populaions could include lower high schOol graduation rates, higher rates of

unemplo即 ent,higher

levels of food insecuttty, greater access to poor quaity foods,less access

to convenient places for physical activity, 44“ Racial and Ethnic Dispaities in Adult Obesity in the United States:

CDC's Tracking to lnfOコ ■ state and Local Acton,″ Petersen R,ct al., P′(,こ メ 9れ を ど 7v

Cれ rο ″ を ι C Discα s(,,2019,16:180579,

45 1bid.


Tんc協 色r Aσ αir澪 をИ〃



targeted inarketing of unhealthy foods,and poor access to healthcare。 . . For example,a study of nelghborhoods in 3 US】 metropohtarl reglons (San Diego,Seatuc,arld Balttmore)frolm 2009 to 20 10 assessed pedestriarl environment features for walkability factors(c.g。 ,densityl.The

sttdy found hat“ across alllhree redons,10Wい income neighborhoods and neighborhoods前 th a high propordon ofrada1/ethniC H五 norides had poorer aesthetics and social elcments (e.g・ , grafnti, broken wlndows,■ tter)than neighborhoods wl血 higher mediarl income or fewer racia1/cthnic lnコ aorities,'

In oher words,it is white people's fauh that nonwhites eat too=nuch,do not get enough exercise,and live in areas 胡 h“ grafnd,broken胡 ndows,[andl litter.″ Imattne a study

which blamed poor white neighborhoods on nonwhites.It wouldnt happen。 In rec道 ty,obesity is dearly a behavioral disorder,arld

many medical specidists arguc hat tt is a fully―


psychiatric disorder。 46 At the very least,it is clearly lirlked to poor self― csteeal,and

oher personal problems. To blame white people Jbr nonwhttes being obese is,of ersymptom ofthe and― course,outrageous,arld merely ano仕 ェ whttc hatred which pemmeates the acadcnic estabhshment. In case the rcader thinks this was a tone― or'instancc of blalning whites for nonwhite obesity,慢 ■ink ag五 n.

As伍 申

titled“ Racism,Segregation,and

Risk of Obesity

in the Black Women's Health Study," pubhshed in the ogυ,and prepared by black o,釉 αιο Anettcα れ」 デEpと '9nioど at Boston Un市ersity, associate professor of EpideJmiolottπ

Yvette Co Cotter,47 EmnOunced that“ A pproxl=ェ lately half of 46 “Is Obesity a Psychiatric Disorder?″ 」oc Pierre M.D., Psこ /Cん 0ど oσυ To,α y,」 une


47 According to her ofacial Boston Un市 ersity biography,Cotter is“ an

investigator on the Black Worlen's Hcalth Study(BWHS)and the BwHS Sarcoidosis Study at the Slone Epldenliology Center. Her rescarch interests include social and genedc deter■

linants of health in 4fnCan‐

Ameican women― specincally,the inauence of factors such as racism, nelghborhOod socioccono宜 iC Status, and genetics in the development


βど αれew所 を (υ デ Or Ⅳοれを υん e Fれτ ど と を r9 iι

black wOmen are classined as obese cOmpared ttith One… 世五rd

of white wOmen...By 2020,70%Of black women are

prtteCted to be obesc._"48

Cotter`cOnclusiOn was,ο デcttrse,that whites are tO


In suHlin叫 , in the present study, greater experiences Of racislm were independently assOciated with higher incidence of Obesity

among African American wOmen duttng the penod in which the greatest weigit gttn Occurs 。..Blacks expettence racism tO a greater extent

than whites.Thus,hese nndings suggest that experiences Of racism may explttn,in part,why US black wOmen have a disproportiOnately high prevalence Of Obesity。

In ottler wOrds,“ racism″ women tO be fato once ag五

を iを (Lυ ン


people do this is nOt expl[述ne(

9 racism)cauSes black and″ white


ο ψ

This nOnsense wastaken tO new heightsin octOber 2019, when a morbidly obese black Rutgers un市 ersity prOfessOr, Brittney COOper,whO teaches“ gender studies"at the New 」∝ s呼 お ased un市 ∝ dサ タ如 Network that“ the stress and a 途 競 絣 盗 陥 解 用 of President Donald Tコ ■lmp are making black wOmen fat。 49

c離計 駅継評 輩雄守枇を 鮒 I粗蹴s驚 管覇 of cancer, cardiOvascular risk,

and pul=40nary (SarCOidosis)diSCase,

Additional rescarch interests include oral health, and the role thatthe faith

community ,particularly he black church, plays in health prOmotion/ discase prevention effOrts associated with HIV/ AIDS,hypertensiOn,and obesity ″ ― Yvette C,cOtter,DSc, Associate ProfessOr,EpidemiO10舒 School of Public Hcalth, Pronles. For some reason, there is no“ ,Bu white

Women's Health stud)P at BOstOn U niversity.No doubt that wOuld be racist.


Racisn■ “

, segregatiOn, and Risk Of obesity in the Black wOmen`

Hcalth Study,″ Yvette C.cOzier et al.,An9虎 cα れ」ο れ αJ Lι

2014 Apr l,179(7):875-883.


Ep翅 9れ わι o9υ ,

鰍鶉r:冦!舒 亀 盈と 蹴 鞘 S縄 詭。mers 斌→ W°






と 9s Aσ αl■ st'7んこ

blame us for a sct Of cOndiions that we didnt creatc。

発 議淑 謎蹴s絣 斌盤隅雀縄温:尽 ∬ as“ fact."

Indeed,■ iS SO iCiously mi― whhe ttat tt proⅥ des a 色 schaing insight into he psycholoざ cal JmOtiVation and Blame Whieデ movemen仕 reasonね ゴ bchind lhe cnure “ “ hatred ofWhite ng ,a deep,unde■ 痺

A morbidけ obeSe Brmey COOpe曳 white racistS″ have cauSed her― “

gh9選 Xpl曽 い 躍盈留軍電塩

fat,She named Donald Trump in pattiCular.

50 1bid.


Chapter 14 False Claims― The Strange Business of Hate Hoaxes I寵

負 晶 監 農 ;躍


稲 線



National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing(NASCARl, Bubba Wallace,announced to the world that he had found a noose hanging in the garage to which he was allocated at the Ta■ adega Superspeedway in Alabama. Wa1lace,who is actually a quadroon,raher than a fu■ ― blooded black,had been an outspoken advocate of he BLM and― white rnovement,wore an“ I Canl Breathe"shirt before one event,repttnted his car Ⅵ 世l the“ Black lttves Matter'' phrase,and pushed NASCAR to ban the Confederate nag。 The rnass lnedia,as comphant as cver,gave internadonal coverage to this hcident,which it clttmedwasjustthe latest in a long line of“ noose″ hate c五 me― always committed by whites,of course.The noose has been assigned he status of a“ hate''symbol becausc oftts use by lynch inobs duttng the 1800s and early 1900s in Amettca。 2 Wallace tweeted hat the “despicable act" left hiin incredibly saddened and serves as a pttnful reminder “ of how much furher we have to go as a socicty and how persistent we must be in the nghtF岬 曲 QSt racism.″ NASCAR held special cerelmonies honoring Wallace, and caned in the Federal Bureau of lnvesugatiOn(FBI)to investigate the thate cttme,"An entte squad of ifteen FBI age4tS Was dispatched to invesugate the incident,akLa to a mttOr i=Wesdgation. 1


drivers plan show of support for Bubba Wanace after noose CNtt」 une 22,2020。

found in his garage,″

2 1t is untruc that only blacks were悦 ctims Oflynch mobs duing this tirne.According to data complled by the Tuskegee lnstitute,3,445 Blacks and l,297 whites were lynched during the peiod 1882 to 1968.




Иttitcs r Aσ α″憂乾 フ

│ 園 園

The absurdity ofthe Bubba Wallace NASCAR“ noose"hoax quickly became apparent.Thcse photographs,an suns froni a ino宙 e made the pre宙 ous ycar at the

Talladega Superspeedway,show wereね fact

dearly ttat the“ nooses″

garage door puns,and that every bay

atthe Superspeedway had one.


Tん 9罰 砲 咎 9 BVSt″ L9SS O′ 日

απ cs

"e ttο

lt did not take the FBI tea■ 1 long to work out that the

whole thing was a hoax.The“ noose"turned out to be a garage door rope pull,of which there is One in every garage at the Superspeedttray.There was,of course,no apOloy for

his, and media coverage of the retraction was muted in comparison to ttle ori」 nal burst of publicity. The tiH五 ng ofthe Wallace noosc hoaxwas not coincidental, and it was also not the nrst ofsuch clalms.The same=nonth as Wallace made his fake noosc clain■ ,polce in Oakland, caLfOrnia,were ca■ed out to invesigate nO less han ave nooses found hanttng frO】 m trees at the city's pOpular Lake Merrttt park。


Atter much publicity and handMね ざng oVer the“ hate" invO什 ed,it was quietly admitted that ttle“ nooses"were in fact exercise ropes put up as part of a larger rigttngo The endre apparatus was erected by one VictOr Sengbe,a recent black immigrant fro]m ttica,whO tOld KGO― TV that“ Out

of the dozen and hundreds and thousands Of people hat walked by, no onc has thought hat it looked anywhere close to a noose."4

These two cases Ere but the tip ofthe proverbialiceberg. In the s技 wecks preceding the Wallace hoax,ailoher four

incidents took place,all of which received lnassive pubhcity as further(widence of“ white racisttl":

July 10,2020:A Texas A&M BLM activist and senior, Is五 h

Martin,cl五 med to ind notes stuck to his car reading

all lives matter,"顎 ou dOntt belong here,″ and callhg him a “ niggerwith a hard r。 ″Internatonalュ nedia coverage fonowed, “

and Texas A&M President Michael K.Youngissued a$1,200 reward for informatiOn lcading to an arrest.Unfortunately for him,he pottce invesdgaion,using CCTV footage,found that〕 V[artin had placed the notes hi=nseli5

」uly 6,2020:The Hispanic Umatlla County commissioner canndate,」 onadhan Lopez,、 vhO、vas also a member ofthe city of HcHnistOnも Hispa】 !lic Ad撹 sory Co]mmtttee,posted 3“ 郷ooses'in

Oakland park were exercise aids,rnan saysF Tん

馳 ss,June 18,2020,

o AssoctC打 と 9α

4 1bid.

5 Texas A&M pOhce say student who reported racist notes placed them there himselt″ ′ ζ βTX TL」 uly 10,2020,




Agα l■ sを

b碗と を cs

a photo to Facebook of a typed letter he d五 med to have

received containing radst, homophobic, and HisottiSt

slurs,The letter s五 d that Lopez ttd oher“ Mttcans"were not welcome here''and that“ America is for the God fearing, “

pro gun,pro ttfe humans who refusc to be controned by the government。 ″Pohce were ca■ ed in to investigate a hate crime and ind■ 1と dation.Lopez then ad■ litted to having written the letter himselt and polcc allnounced that he faced charges for Hlて 工dng a false statement.6 」une 22, 2020: S技 laminated photographs of blacks who died in encounters wlth law enforceJment were found harlざng frOm nooses in Hversidc Park,Milwaukee.It was a clear attempt to incite local blacks and to provoke“ outrage" in ttle]mediattwhich duly followedo On」 une 26,police conarlmed hat the noose display had bcen put up by a 53-year― old unnained black maJ:1.He was not arrested,and black Milwaukec Cownty Shettff Earnell Lucas cxcused the

hoax as a“ Hisguided attempt at social dialoguc."7 」une

ll, 2020:A black】 man,Jerome Kevln Jackson,

54,was charged胡th malidously defacing school property while etthibtting racial anlnosity,"after ad■ itung tO being “ responsお le for a wave of racist grafiti on Maryland` Sahsbury University calnpus over the coursc of the 20 19-

20 school yearo The graflli caused inassive riots and unrest as nontthttes prOtested the“ racism."Four law enforcement

agencics, including the FBI, had participated in he investigadon。 3

Simttar incidents are legion,and some― but not a11atlract Jmedia attention. For example, many readers lwill recall the incident involving black Emptre actor Jussie Smo■ ett. He sparked` nadonal outrage in 2019 when he cl五 med

he was a vicdm of a hate crlne and had been

attacked near his ho】 mein Chicagoo Smo■ ett told police that

two men had ye■ ed racist and homophobic slurs at hiin, told him he was in“ MAGA country,"threw a rope around 6“ County cotlmission candidate confesses to writing racist letter,″ Orて ,σ o■

Dα sι

″ を ,」 uly 6,2020。

'α 7 “Shettr LucasI Placards hung froni trees in park were ttisguided'

attempt at social dialoguc,"FOχ σれ何ltυ altた 99,」 une 26,2020. sbury 8“ Conattmedi Vandal behind racist grafat at sa■ black,″ Tん e Coを lc99臨,June




曜 ″ を σ e β lを Si■ 9Ss

oデ 河

9打 Oαχ es

his neck,and poured a bleach■ ke substance on hiin.An investigation by the Chicago Police found Smo■ ett pttd two 打 To, Nigenan brothers, Ambi=nbola arld Olabi4,iO OSund角 $3,500 to stage he fake attack.9 A 2019 article in 〔 オ SA Tο Oαυ, written by Associate Professor of Polidcal Science at Kentucky State Un市 ersity, ″in the Americarl sense,ite.he Wilfred Reilly(who iS“ blacと こ is actually of m俵 ed race),sttd hat hc had uncovered more

ulan four hundred hate cttme hOaxes while researching his book,月 誠9 Cttn9,o9χ r Frotυ と ん9L9,ね Scι αⅢ した9 Rα o9 И色れ ln that book, Reilly asserts that Amettca '4σ is not experiencing an epidemic of hate cttmes,but we might “ be experiencing an unprecedented epideJmic of hate cri=ne 'θ


Rellly went on to point out hat“A great many hate crime stottes ttrn out to be hoaxes,Sittlply looHng at what

happened to the most widely reported hate cttme stones over ttle past 4-5 years illustrates hisi not only the Smollett case but also the Yas■ 五n Seweid,12」 亜r Force Academy,13

Ea,tern IMiChigan,14 wisconsin― Parkside,15 Kean Conege,16 Co宙ngton Cathohc,17 and`Hopewell Bapust burning'18 raCial scarldals all turned out to be fakes.And,these cases aビ e not isolated outhers," 9“ Judge Prて ,ss,」

tosses out」 ussie Smollctt's double jeopardy claimギ

une 12,2020,

スssOCた 財(,湧

10“ Hate cri=ne hoaxes, 1lke」 ussie Smollett's alleged attack, are more CO■ 1lnOn than you think,″ 〔 ナ SA

11∴ 肋ι c C河 れ9汀οttr

Todαυ,February 22,2019.

Frο ι υと ,と 9L9プ をね S(,加 ″ を 9 αFt汀 た9 Rα

Reilly,Regnery Publishing,2019.

C9〃θち Wilfred

12“ Mush■l college student l■ ade up Trump supporter subway attack

story to avoid punishment for missing curfew,″ New York Dα 起 Vetυ s, ′′ Jど

December 15,2016,

13“ Target of Racist Gramti wrote lt,Air Force Academy Says,″ 7ο rた Tinて ,s,November




14“ Ex― student pleads guilty in EWIU racist grafati case,″

,つ 9ι ″ Tんて 0ど と

Ⅳて ,ps,Apri1 23,2018.

15“University of Wisconsin― Parkside Hit Listヽ Vas A Hoax,Police Sayギ 税炉 4σ ι ο″ L POSt」 une 2,2012. 16“ Twitter threats to black Kean students lnade by black alun■ ,police SayF Tん e Stα rら 9』 99r,」 anuary 17,2019. rザ

17“ CNN setdes lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from宙

ral ideo

controversy, CNN,January 7,2020. 18 “Parishioner Arrested for November Arson of Black Church in Mississippi,″ Щ



Tん 9

cs bttrAσ αl■ st M〃 すを

lt would be tedious here to list every hate cttmc hoax which has taken placc over the nve― year pettod leading up to theヽ Vallacc hoaxo However,the extent ofthe problem can be understood when it is considered that there were 439 such hoaxes during that ime period― or,in inore shocking terms― one every 4.5 days.19

The reader胡 1l mmediately appreciate hat a hate hoax being generated every ave dayS is way beyond a bhp"or some isolated occurrence.To corェ 114it a hate hoax “

crirnc every nve dayS iS an indicadon of something much deeper一 a psychologlcal issuc of some sort, It is Just not noHmal bchaⅥ or. According to the US Nadonal lnstitute of Medical Health (NIA/1H),a psyChOSis is a set of conditions that“ affect the

=lind, where herc has been some loss of contact with reality..。 During a pettod ofpsychosis,a person's ttloughts

may and percepions are disturbed and the hdividual 】

have dificulty understanding tthat is real and what is not. Sコmpto】 ms of psychosis include delusions(falSe beliefs)and

hallucinahns(seChg or hearね ghね gs hat ohers do not sec or hcar)。


To comコ ait a hate hoax crね le every flve days must sure]y “ be arl indication of a psychosis,The mechanics of such a crl■ lei preparhg the fake hreat in whatever format, car■匹ng it out,and th拉 1ldng hat one can get away ttMith五 must surely all be indications of a disconnect胡 血 reality。


Further■lore,as there is no grand“ white conspracy''to put black people dowl■ ,Or eVen to be nasty to them for no reason,a behefthat whites are acttally doing hese things certttnly qu〔述 nes as a delusion arld a halluchation.

There carl be lttde doubt that this bizarre behavior is dri"en by a combination offactorsi ―Fと st, lhe deep― rooted arェ d even possibly subconscious psycholoξcal enVy Ofwhttes,and 19“ Hate cri=ne hoaxes,1lke」 ussie Smonett's alleged attack,are lmore SA Tο cominon than you think,"〔 ナ υ,February 22,2019. lnstitute of WIedical Hcalth,Bethesda, 20“What is Psychosis?″ National 'α



Tん 9説 漁免4ヮ 9」 9,stttess ο′胞 ι 9打οαχ9S

―Second,he great sttess nonwhttes must suFfer after beね g deceived to beheve hat total equaity

is within their grasp,only to have it slip awE15「

dme and tilnc againo And each time,hose white people are to blame...

Fha■y,he straw which breaks ttle camett back must be lhe fact that nonwhites in whtte nations are Jbrced to live w強 世lin an unnatural context.Nonwhites are forced to ■ve in a society in which they cannot compete on an equal basis,arld,faced¬ with fallure on all sodoecononlic levels, they conapse into psychosis. If ever there was a powerful argument rbr he phySical geographical separation ofthe races,then his is it,it M正 工be in the best interests of nonwhites themselves.


Chapter 15 Advantage,Nonwhites― How the Establishment Discrね minates against Whites J鷺


翠 駐 盤 弼 μ 七爾 監 : root,but two other signincant cvents took place,which in exttemely specinc wayS showed cxactly where true“ racism″ hes in the USi not attnst nonwhites,but ασαjnst whites。 紹

浮 稽

The nrst Of ttlesc events was an announcement by he Associated Press lAPl that it Was changing its usage guidchnes regarding he capitahzation of “white" when referring to white people.The AP ttnounced that it would capitattze the word``black"when referrね g to black people, but would be deliberately lowercasing he word “wh推 ″ when referring to white people.1 Their radonaと e,the AP sttd,was that“ white people in general have much less shared history and culture, and dont have he expettence of being discriininated ag五 nst because of sHn color."

We agree dhat white people's sttn color plays into “ systemic inequЛ ides and ittuStiCes,and we warlt our journalislm to robusuy exp10re hese proble■ ls,'' 」ohn Daniszews]d,the Att vice president for stttdards,sttd in But capttalittng the ter:n white,as is done a memo to staff。 “ by white supremacists,五 sks subtly conveュ ng letttimaCy to such behefs."

In addidon to AP,mttOr=nass inedia pubLcations such を観re9を Jο mα ち 砲α ielυ,Tん9Ⅵ盈ど as he Col,mbiα 」ο お 'Sn SA R91′ Todα υ;the Los Anσ 9と 9s Tines, Tん e Ⅳe立 ′Yorた Tines,[デ ⅣBC′ Veを υS,and the C】 んicα σo TriZ,立 兌c are attlong thosc outlets lを

1“ AP

says it win capitalize Black but not white,'AssOα




αte'Press,」 uly

Esを αbど isん n9兌 とDiscttninα を io″ を ασαinsを 肋 打es

APsaysitwiticapitatize 8ッ

8AV 9 8AUOER ,Pィ


NEttF寸 ORI、 い P)一 ARcr cha:瑶 ,hen used in,dぢ 、 do ti、


こoate、 t

Ыack butnotwhite Ap

た こ



:章 g

its i.stte ttles tastれ Onth to fapiこ lize the■ ord` `BIaで

ace and cdtute、 The A、 さ octattid Pre∈ さonヽ lo綸 d添 .saiti



ィould act

e sane捧 1` 、hke中

The AP said、 、 hite people in gene:■ l have tれ uCh iess shared histo4.ヽ ind culttire.魚 nd don` t hllfe die e、 pehence


fと eing di、 clt起

二 inat(!dn翠 11lst

,iotestsお iloヾ ing the death OF George FioⅢ

because cF skin col()缶

tl,whch ied tO discussiOns ofpolと こ と ュ ig and

confederrite s,ぬ bols,al台 。 prOnPtt,d inanlne、 すoo鵜 anizations to e、 and stattng Tileギ 路ぅ oさ iated Press,、 Tho豪 e al■

1lounced June 19 it、



・is■ ヽ たと ooよ


a■ line thetr tAゞ 霊 PraCttcts

delド inauenti。 l in ttle hidust41

maI‐ e Black uppeⅢ 3SSe

black"but not

that have recently sttd they would capitalize“ twhite."

White doesntt represent a shared culture and history in “ the way Black does,"Tん 9 NeLυ yorた ■ηtts sttd in explttning its decision.2 For its part,(,β S lVeLυ S Sttd it would capitalize white, although not when reFerring to“ white supremacists,white nationalists,or white privilege。 ''3

The second si〔 Jincant event in 」uly 2020 was the announcement by the Colorado State Departtnent of Public Hcalth and Environttlent that“ racislm''was a“ public health crisis。 ''4 By this,of course,they meant“ を υん 9 racisll"waS a pubhc health crisis,According to an article in AP,the declaradon“ addressetdl d市 erSity inside the department as well as the coronavirus's disproportionate impact on people iを

of color。 "5 2“ Why We're Capitalレ ing Blackギ Tんて ,Ⅳcをυ7orた an(,s,」 uly 5,2020. 3“ AP says it will capitaltte Black but not white,″ Assο cね ι cα Press,」 uly


4“ Ofaciali colorado to declare racis■l a public health crisis,″ Pr(,ss,」 uly 31,2020.

Assoaα ι 9♂

5 According to the Centers for Discase Control and Prevention(CDC),the COVID-19 death rate for American lndians is l.4 dmes higher than for whites,2.l tirnes higher lbr blacks,and l.l tirnes higher for Hispanics.

Sce rCOVID… 19 Hospitalttation and Death by Race/Ethnicity,"CDC, August 10,2020.This differentiation is routinely ascribed to rdisparities in healthcare″ caused, of course, by “ white racism,″ but is actuany

mainly duc to higher rates of obesity,which can lead to diabetes and serious heart conditions,such as heart failure,coronary artery disease,


ィ Tん9駒俄rAσ α】 心を

と を es "駒 lt was no coincidence that bottl of these developments happenedwhilethe George Floydhoaxwasin fulls前 ngo They both rbコmed part of a wider development in contemporary Americall― and Western Europearl― society,which is geared at acively discrimhaing attinst whtte people in favor of nonwhttes.

In an earlier chapter, brief refercnce was made to the 色 ct that“ afirmadve action"is blatant anti― white racism。

The endre concept that nonwhttes need to be pushed ahead ofwhites injobs and social status,is in fact a ttberal ad■ lission

hat nonwhites cannot achieve hese posidons

by themselves,and need to be“ helped"up the ladder。 lrst,it This practice is disingenuous for two reasons: 王 promotesincompetency,and second,it disadvantages those nonwhttes who do have the necesstty ability to achieve.They are then regarded by all甑 d Sundry,as havlng achieved her posttions only through afi.ュ .at市 c action,and not because they are quahned.6

According to the US government's Equal Employment Opportunity COm=Ilission(EEOC),afaコ madve acion is“ not a type of discri=ninadon″ but a`tusuncation for a poncy or pracice based on race, sex, or national origin''7_aS if that cα ィ を /と Ot be discriinination,The reahty is,of course,that

as soon as there is exclusion on lhe grounds of race,■ discttmination,


It is incorrect to think that aFarmative acuon is a relat抒 ely new phenomenon in America.In fact,the very arst afirュ mat抒 e action program was launched in the 1930s or cardiomyopathiesI AFrican‐ ongin sickle cell disease also increases risk. See TPeople、 vith Certain Medical Conditions, Pcople at lncreased Risk,″

CDC,」 uly 30,2020.

6 As an aside,itis ironic to note that the liberalleft and other race‐ deniers

are quick to acknowiedge that race exists、 vhen they can implement a pohcy of aFarmative action which discri=ninates against whites.This also goes for all of the“ antiracistl″ campaigners who claim that race is a

social construct.As soon as the opportunity presents itself to demand afarrnat市 e action,they suddenly can say without any question,who is

white and who is nonwhite.


CM-607 Afa■natNt Action,



Equal Emp10yment Opportunity

Estα bι 偽んnett

Dね c万 れど れα

ど を es "駒 as part of Franldin Delano Rooseve比 's“ New Deal″ progrttn, Roosevelt's lnterior Secrettty,Harold L.Ickes,brought in a quota system at he Public Wol土 s Administtadon(PWA) ασαittSと


whereby contractors worttng in ttle national bullding prograttl were required to employ a nxed number of black workers.8

The next mttOr step to actiMЛy discttminate ag五 nst whites cttne 胡 th he election of John F. Kennedy in 1960。 Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925 h March 1961,requittng government contractors to“ consider and recoalinend additional afirmaive steps which should be taken by executi障 e departments and agendes to realize more fully the national pohcy Of nondiscttmination.″


Kennedy's196 1 direct市 e was replaced in」 une 1963 w愧 th

a new Execudve Order, 11114,which stated that it was the policy ofthe United States to encourage by afarmat市 e “ acion the c■ ■inadon of disc五 ■lination in emploコ nent.''10

His successor,Lyndon B.」 ohnson,pioneered the Ciwil Hghts Act of 1964。 ■tle VH of that Act established the

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC),whiCh was supposed to be the agency tasked 胡 th preventing discttalination― but,as shown below,has morphed into one ofthe mttn actors promoung discrilninadon ag五 nst whttes.

In 1969, President Hchard N技 on reinforced he afn....ative action progra=nⅥ 血 what becalne knowil as the Philadelphia Order"which“ require[d〕 federal contractors “ to show`afirmative action'to meet the goals ofincreasing minoriサ emp10yment."This rし 1le was五med specincally at he construcdon industry which rehed on state contracts.

There carl be no question hat all these programs are de■ berate ettorts ai=ned at placing whites in a disadvantageous positon,achieved by artincia1ly boosting nonwhites at the expense of whites. 8“ QuotaS Ibr Blacksi Thc Pubttc Works Ad■ ■ inistration and the Black Construction Worker,″ Lα 乏 )or工 V01ume 16,1975,Issuc l. コら

9 “Executive Order 10925-― "sttο Establishing thc President's CoHll■


on Equal Emp10yment Opportunity,″ March 6, 1961, Tン と c Attθ ttCα イ と Presど ,(,7LCプ FЙ り9Cち 」Ohn

wO01ley and Gerhard Pcters.

10“ Ettecutive Order ll l14-Extending the Auhority of thc President's

Co■1lnittec on Equal Emp10yment Oppormnityギ 」une 22, 1963, 脆 A腕 97滝 α P′ (,s趨 9允 cこ′PrO力 Cち 」Ohn woolley and Gerhard Peters. Fと





rAσ αtnsを '7ん

Further proof of this caine Mth he establishment of the BuSiness Devdopment Agenc5′ ″ (MBDA),whiCh Minoriサ “

grew out of a 1983 Executte Order signed by President

Ronald Reagan.■

The MBDA runs onc of the lllost overt and― white of he entte US government。

discri=ninatory po■ cies

Overseen by the US Department of Co」 mmerce,the MBDA acuvely diScttminates ag五 nst whites when tt comes to gOvernment contracts. Accordhg to its own definition, the MBDA“ promotes the grotth of mhority― owned businesses through the mobilization and advancement of pubhc and private sector progralns,pohcy,and research.''12 1n r∝ 近ty,五 actⅢ ely discriminates agttnst whttes hrough sorxlething called the“ Statc Minottty Business Enterpttse (MBE)CerdiCahn Program"13_which means that a certttn percentage of all state contracts are reserved exclus市

ely for

nonwhites,arld are specincally denied to whhes. According to an MBDA bricing on ttle topic,the“ Jminority business enterprise″ (MBE) procure】 ment assistal■ ce progralns“ often indude semces such as technicaltrttning on government contracting and the bidding process,as we■ as nouncadon of current bidding oppOrtunities。 "14 1n other words,not only does the state reseive contracts only for nonwhites,but it pays to竹 五n them on how to bid for dhose contracts as we■ .All of this is,of course,p五 d for by the taxpayer.This contract`Fsct_aside"progran■ is also

implemented by state govern■ lents h Arnettca, and some exa■ lples lsted by he MBDA b五 enng include: “Connecicut― set― aside lnandate of 25 percent for sniall businesses覇滋u125 percent of that ainount to be awarded to ⅢIBEs. 11 “Executive Order l1625, Prescribing additional arrangelments for developing and coordinating a national program for ninority business ,(理 ,こ ′ c Ottcrヱ 0デ Eχ《 FR 19967,3 CFR,1971-1975 Comp。 ,p.616.

enterprisc,'Tん c Prο υ おわ岱


テ 25oデ Od。 ′ £



12“ About Us, Whnority Business Development Agency,US Departttnent

of CoHl=nerce, 13・ Minottty Business Developrienti State MBE Certiacation Programs,″

National Conferencc of State Lc」 slatures,February 2016. 14 1bid.


Estα bど ねんれ9ィ を とDね c万 碗ゼ nα すο■ασαl所 ぉをW阿 を cs 11■ nois― state sct― side goal of 20 percent. “ Ohio一 ‐ state target of 15 percent For MBEs. “

New York― state target of 30 percent rbr ininonty arld “ wolmenぃ o― ed businesses. New Jersey― sct― aside gOal of 25 percent for sllall “ businesses.'15 Nonwhites can apply for thesc conttacts under what is known as the US Small Business 4dminiStration(SBA)8(al program.

The US SBA is yet anoher United States government agency thatis supposed to“ pro宙 de supportto entrepreneurs

and small busincsses,"but which also dOubles up as an anti― white


To qualify under the SBA 8(al prOgraln,a business“ must bc owlled by socially or economically disadvantaged people,"

according to he omcial guidc,16 Furtheramore, “Small Disadvaritaged Businesses" are deined as businesses which are“ 510/O owlled and contro■ ed by African Americans,

Hispanic Americans,Asiarl Pacinc Americans,Subconinent Asian Americans,and Native Americans.This designation is self― certittng.″


Even IIlore incredibly, the denn■ion of who exactly is“ socially disadvarltaged″

was made international by

US Lawi Code of Federal Regulations Title 13: “ Business Credit and Assistarice," alld specincally Part 124-8(a) Business Developlrlent/Small Disadvarltaged Business Status Determinations,§ 124.103,which deines“ socially disadvantaged"as: (al General.Socially disadvantaged ind市iduals are those who have been suttected tO racial or ethnic prttudiCe or cultural bias within Americarl socicty becausc of their identities as lnembers of groups and前 thout regard tO heir indi宙 dual qualities. The social disadvantage nュ ust stem froni circumstances beyond their control。 1 5 1bid.

16 1bid. 17 1bid.


Tん 91〃税r Aσ α】 ″ 蟹】 を17ん ites

(b)Members of designated groups。 (1)There is

a rebuttable presumpdon hat the fonttng

ind前duals are socially disadvantaged: Black

Americaris, Hispanic Amencans, Natve Americarls(Ataska Nauves,Nat市 e Hawtti孤 ■S, or enrolled members of a Federally or State recognized lndian Tribe};Asian Pacinc Americans land, (perSOns前 仕 l ottξ nS frOm Burma,Th五 Malaysia,Indonesia,Shgapore,Brunei,」 apan, China (incと uding

Hong Kong), TttWan, Laos, Cambodia(Kampucheal, Vietnam夕 Korea, The Phihppines, U.S, Tmst Terrttory of thc Pacinc

lslands(Repubhc of Palau), Republic of he A/1arshan lslands,Federated States of WLcronesia,

he Co■ 1lnorlwealth of the Northe... Marlana lslands, Guam, Sa■ loa, Macao, Ftti, TOnga, Kiribati,Tuvalu,or Nauru)i Subcontinent Asian Amettcans(persOns 莉■h oriJns frOJm lndia, P瓦 題st甑 , Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Mald市es lslands or Nepal);and members ofoher groups designated from time to time by SBA according to procedures set rbrth at paragraph (d)Of thiS Section。

In oher words, whites in America are not only nscttminated襲 學inst by the awarding of state contracts

to“ Amettcan"nonwhttes,but

Pacinc rettOn as we■

nonwhttes froal Asia and the


The amount of money talked about here is not hsignificant.Based on state spending for 20 18,the amount reseⅣ ed lbr■ onwhite conttactors in the states of New York and New」 ersey alone〔 週nOunted to$343 binion and$64 bilhon respecively。


The realiけ hat“ aFi....at市 e acdon″ is just and― white cliscrimination becalne fully apparent Mh a lawsuit issued by he Colorado― based A/1ountaln States Legal Foundadon 18“ Whatis an MWBA Set― Aside FIogram,″ Carl■ oon Group,January 20, 2018.


を呼 αinSを 税残滋es Estα bι サ 攪 97と をDiscttntttα ,ο ィ `ん

(MSLFl,19 agttnst the US Federal A宙 ation Administtadon (FAA)arld the EEOC over an afirlmadve acdon prograrn to promote unqualined nOnwhttes over qualined whites as△ 静 Trafic Con竹 ollers lATC).20

An o五 頷nal ATC test,known as AT― SAT, checked for

characte五 stics needed to effecively perform as arl五 r “ traFnc contrO■ er. The characterisics include nu■ lenc




tolerance for high so"ing,arld movement。 "211t was an eight― hour,computer― based test. However,he US government noticed hat the profession was overwhelmhgly white(obviOusly because of the higher IQ required to ful丘 工 the complex role of an ATC)and in December 2013,the FAA announced it was eli■ linating the AT― SAT test to lransfor】 m he agency into ta inore diverse intensit]r,decis市 eness,宙 sualization,problem―

arld inclus市 e workplace."22

The old AT― SAT test was replaced with a“ biographical qucsionnaire'' designed to screen out candidates who werc not“ members of a prefered=ninority racial group."In

addidon,it dropped all questions which drectly examlned he fundamental skills tthich tt ATC would req曲 ― such as lnath,science,geography,and so on. It was all an obvious attempt to lower the standard to let nonwhites enter the progra■ 1.“ In abandoning years of hirhg the inost quattted and adopting a FteSt'hat is the epttome of psychobabble, the FAA told our clients heir skユ ls aビ e less ilnportant than their race,and the pubic that its racial agenda is lnore important than五 rcraft safety," winia.l Pcrry Pendley,MSLF president s五 d。 23 The lawsuit s五 d that by“ pur」 ng ttle Qualined Applicant Register and adopting a new hiring practice lbr rur Trafac

19 Thc Mountain States Legal Foundation is a nonpront,pubhcinterest legal foundation“ dedicated to ind市idual liberty,the right to own and

use property, 1lmited and ethical government, and the frec enterprise systen■ ギ acCOrding to its website,

20 “Brigida v. U.S, Department of TranspOttation, The FAA'S Racial Politics Endangered Public Safety,″

Case Sun■lnary, Mountain States

Legal Foundation, 2 1 lbid.

22 1bid. 23 1bid.


Tん9"色 rAσ αinst M〃

9s 'を

Controners,the FAA refused to accept the outcome ofa race― neutral hね ing process solely because of the raciai makeup of the successful apphcants,″

When the suttwas deliveredto he FAA,that org孤 工zadon's lawyers told the MSLF that the agency was legally immune because Federal■ tigants are normally required to rece市 e

EEOC dearance prior to nhng emplo脚 ent disc五 ■linadon lawsuits― and that the EEOC had not yet made a dccision in his regard. The EEOC had been glven notice oflhe ott」 nal Suit more tharl two years previously,but had ignored the matter。 Pendley told lhe lmedia that the reason for the delay was that“ 麟ven the obama administration's innumerable racial quota scheJmes,it is possible soIIlebody at the White Housc is involved.″

The EEOC was then na■ led as a co― defendarlt in the case,帝hich is currently before the courts.24 ThouSands of ATC apphcants who have been forced out ofthe profession

through not meeung he

chnic" requirement “ quesuonanlre,have since joined the suit。 25

of he

Mcanwhile,the“ afirmative action''prograln for ATCs― one of the most important,most stressful,and highest jobs in the 銀五 adon industry― continues unabated。

For its part,the EEOC is not shy with legal prosecudons for anything which tt perceives to be“ white racist″ in orittn, no matter how ttdicl1lous he facts might be.

Onc of the IIlore recent exalnples calne with ttle settlement by mttOr us ret五 lch五 n Donar General with u■ e EEOC over a“ dass race discrilnination lawsuit.″ In terans of the settlelllent,Dollar General had to pay$61111■ ion“ arld furnish other reheF to pl【 五ntiffs in the case.26 24 As oftime of writing,August 2020. 25。rhousands of Air Traflic Controller Candidates Seck Class Action Status in Lawsuit Over FAA Hiring Discrin■

ination,″ ふ /1SLF,November



26 “Dollar General to Pay $6 Mlllion to Settle EEOC Class Race Discri■ lination Suit,″

US Equal Emp10yment Opportunity Commission,

Press Release,Nov.18,2019.


Esを α之 )を isんneィと をDiscだ れサ ィ を αti07を ασαど イ を Sを И 〃



Douar General's“ racist criine"wasto conduct background cri=ninal checks on potendal employees,which,仕 le EEOC sttd,led the company to“ discrttninate ag五 nst blacks."27 Wor]dng HⅣ ith an outside company,Do■ ar General had developed oriteria for deter重 玉ning

when an app■ cant's

crimhal history warranted rttectiOn,ta虹 ng into account the nature ofthe crェ ne and date ofthe con宙 ction. Fro]m」 anutty 2004 to A,五 12007,Dollar General inade about 344,300 condidonal job offers,75 percent Of which Were COFIVeyed to“ non― blacks,″ he EEOC alleged.About 7 percent of the conditional offers inade to non― blacks were rescind9d fOr丘 述hng background checks, while about 10 percent of the offers inade to blacks were、 Mithdrawn. The gross disparity in the rates at which black and non― “

black conditional employees were discharged on account Of[thel defendantる c五 ■inal background check pohcy is statistically signincant,"the EEOC compl五 nt read. EEOC Chicago Disttict Director」 uharine Bowェ ■ ■ arl added, ]Because of the racial disparities in he America=l criminal “

justice system,usc oF criminal background checks often has a disparate impact on Africarl Americans.This consent decree relminds employers that criininal background checks

must have some demonstrable business necessity and connection to thejob at issue。


1n other words, it has become i■ egal for comparlies to use cri=ninal records as a reason not to hire blacks― who, because oftheir crimhal beha宙 or,have a higher crime rate dian other groups. This is in fact a direct lbrin of disc五 ■五nation ag五 nst whites,They are now punished fOr nο をha宙 ng a crttninal background,becausc if nonwhites can“ prove"to the EEOC hat equally qualined whites are being glven Jobs rather htt nonwhites`JuSt because″ 世ley do not have a cttminal conviction,hen this is“ racial(近 scrirninadon.″ 27“ BMW, Dollar General Sued Over Cttminal Background Checks,″ Bι οοnberσ ,」

une 12,2013.

28 “Dollar General to Pay $6 Mlllion to Settle EEOC Class Race

DisctttlinatiOn Suitr Us Equal Emp10yment Opportunity Conュ ェ nission, Press Release,Nov.18,2019.


nst И〃 Tん9肋独r Aσ α】



cNぼ tt,出 。 rkσ illtrs αり

And the Oscar GoeS tO.中 White People

In 2016,there was consternation in the contro■ ed=nass media over the fact that so few nonwhites featured in that year's Academy Awards.CoJmplれ ts by black acuvists who openly desc五 bed that ye【 ど's Oscars as bcing“ too white" were glven front page publiciサ in the mass media.29

Even more bizarrely,the allegation that the Oscars are“ too white"ignores the fact that the award process is

controlled by Hollywood insiders― thevastmttOrity ofwhodm are」e胡 sh liberals who are on the far left of the po■ ucal spectl■ lln30_and the inost“ pro― black,"as theと 且1ln output demonstrates year atter year. Tん (,Ⅳ (,p 29 See for example,“ And thc Oscar Goes to...White Pcople,″ yorた Tines,」 anuary 15,2016;“ Where'sthe D市 ersity,″ LosA/と σcど s Tittes, (夕



Oscars 2016:The noHlinees are blindingly white. “

Again,″ ■ 転 ,」 anuary

14,2016;“ Oscar Noninations 2016 Diversity:No

Black Actors,″ 7α ttcty,」 anuary 14,2016,“ #OscarsSoWhite?It starts with

the academyr CNN,」 anuary 19,2016,and many inore,too numerous to list here.

30“ Is Hollttood Run by」 ewsP You Bet.″ Joel Stein,Lο s A■9cど ('St耐 脱es,

December 19,2008.Now retided as“ Who runs Hollywood?Chon.″


Estα bι isん n9■ とDisc万″を と れαtio/と ασαinsを 開駒此es

In addidon, there are dozens of blacks― only movie organttadons.They indude the“ Black Rёel Awards''(set up to“ arinually recognlze and celebrate he ichicvements of black people in feature,independent,and televlsion il主 1lS″ 31), The Foundadon forthe Auttmentation o角 唖■can― Amettcans “ in Fllm"(FAAAF),32 and the“ Black Mottie Awards″ (BMA),

whidh is an annual ceremony t数 h to he Oscars held to recognize achievements of black丘 とn actors and nllns hat “ StaFld Out h ttleir porttayal of Black expenence。


0her such organizaions hcttde the “Black Fllm Hlm Space,″ ktte Black Film&TV

A■e」 anCe,"“ Black

31“The Black Rcel Awards,or“ BRAs″ ,is an annutt American awards ceremony hosted by the Foundation for the Augmentation of African―

Ameicans in Fil=n(FAAAF)to reCOgnize the o(cellence of African― Ameicans, as well as the cinematic achievements Of the African diaspora,in he global al=n industry,as assessed by the Foundation's voting membership.The various categOry winners are a、 varded a copy of a statuette,ofacially Cttled the Black Reel Award.The awards,Ilrst

presented in 2000 in Washington,DC,are overseen by FAAAF."― from the“ About Us″ section on Black Reel Awards,blackreelawards,com.

32“The Foundation's lnission is to identify,inspire and prepare the next

generadon ofAttcan‐ Attlerican all■ makers as they coninuc to innuence,

craft and develop the cvoMng inages of Attcan‐ Amettcan people in cinema,″ The Foundation for the Augmentauon of African‐ Americans in Flln■

,Mission Staternent,faaaiorg.

33“ About the Ameican Black Film Festival,(ABFF①

Amettcan Black Hlm Fest抒 al lABFFl,ABFF Ventures,LLC,Sunset Boulevard,Los l,″



Tん e昴傷rAσ αЙttι

と を es


Black Hollywood Education and Resource Co■ ecuve," “ The Blackhouse Foundaion," “Black Pubttc Center," “

Menが '(formerly known as Nadonal Black Progra■ lming Consordum), “Bと ack Wo=nen Film Network," the Sisters in Chemar Organization of Black ScrecnttTiters,″ “ “ Black Associadon of 】 :len in CineJma,''“ ican Ame五 carl Wo主 競 “

Docu=rlentatt Hlmlnakers West,″ ``Cast and Crew of Color," Co■ Hnittee of Black Wrtters at the Writers Guild ofAmettca “ West(WGAW),″ “Black Women Directors,"“ Black Women Anirnate,"and“ ColorCreauve."

Somehow he mass media has no problem wlh these blacks― only良 上n organizations,but if thc Oscars dare not

have “enough″ nonwhite nominees, then all he■ breaks loose and the specter of“ white racisa■ ''is r五 sed ag五 n。

This hypocrisy is not hmited to he acting world,however.

The sarne maSs media and“ activists"who whine endlessly about nlins being“ too whhe''are completely sttent about he blacks― only“ Black EnterttnIIlent Teと ∝ ision″ (BET),a cable and sate■ ite teb宙 sion chttnd(owned by the BET Networks diision ofViacom)whiCh Specinca1ly targets black audiences― and exclus市 ely uses black actors,producers, and directors.

There are, needless to say, no“ Whtte Entert五 nElent Television" companies or networks, no ``American Ⅵnite nlm Fesivals,″ no“ Organizadon of White screenWriters," no“ White Amettcan Women in Cinema″ conecuves,and s。 on―becauseを れαをwould be racist,no doubt.



Esを αbど isん neれ をDiscttntrを αを ioィ をα ″ を Sを M万 σαι 'を

ln fact, the ■st of black, Hispanic, and 」e前 sh― only organizadons which exlst in Ame五 ca is vasto Accordねg to a ta1ly produced when researchhg this book,there are over 134 blacks― only org孤 五ZadOns in professional and cultural ttelds,atleast 195 inuseums in America deく 五cated solely to blacks and black history,at icast 28 blacks― only sororides and fraternities;and even seventeen blacks― only homosexLlal,lesbian,and“ 廿ansgender''organizadons, In contrast, there are zero whtte “professional

organizadons," zero `Fwhite history museums," zero whites― only sorondes arld fraternね esttin fact,here are “

zero whttes― only organizadons at a11.This is because any such institutions would be dis■ lissed as“ racist''orて `鵡ite supre」macist。


No one seelms to otteCt tO the exlstence of organttations

such as the“ Black Congressional Caucus,″ the“ National





Nadonal “


Law Students Association,″ he “National Black MBA Associadon,″ the “Nadonal Black Nurses Assodation,″ thc “National Black Pohce Association," he “National Conference of Black Lawers,″ the“ Nadona1 0rganization for the Professional Advancement of Black CheHlists and Chelmical EnttneCrs,"the“Naiona1 0rganization of Black Women in Law Enforcement,"the“ National Socicty of Black Enざ neerS,″ the“ NaionalAssociatonforBlackVeterans,''the National Associadon of Black Accountarlts,"the“ National “ Associadon of Black Geolo」 StS and Geophysicists,″ lhe Natonal Associadon of Black Journalists,″ the“ Nadonal “ Associaton of Blacks in Cri=ninal」 ustice,"the“ Nadonal Black Chalnber of Co■ 1=nercc,"the``National Assodadon for the Advancement of Colored People,″ the“ National Afro―

American League,"the“ Naional Alliance of Black School Educators," he “National Black 」ustice Coahtion," he tWIiss Black America″ competttion,the“ ⅣIiss Black USA" competitiOn,and lnany,Inany=nore。 In the sa■ le ttlanner,no one see】ms to otteCt tO Hispanic―

only organttations such as the“ Amettcall Association of Hisp劉 五cs in Higher Educadon,″ the“Attlettctt Society of Hispanic Econorrlists,'' the “ Association of Hisparlic Arts,''the“ Association of Latino Professionals in Finance


Tん 917税 rAσ αを ″ をⅥ〃すを 蟹】 9s

d Accounting," the “Congressional Hispanic Caucus," Hispanic and Latino Americans in Pohtics,"the“ Hispanic “ Conege Fund,''the“ Hispanic Democraic Organization,"the HiSp孤 iC Herttage Foundation,″ the“ Hisparlic National Bar “ Associaton,"the“ Hispanic Organttation of Latin Actors,'' he“ Labor Council lbr Latin American Advancement,''the Latino Colmmission on AIDS,"the“ Laino Pohcy Foruin,″ “ he“ Nadonal Al■ arlce for Hispanic Hcalth,"the“ National Associadon of Chicana and Chicano Studies,″ the“ National Associadon of Hispanic Journalists," he “National Assodaton of Hispanic NursesF he “National Hispanic Caucus of State Leglslators,'he“ National Hispanic l隆 dia Coalition,″ the“ National Society of Hispanic MBAs,"the National Society ofHispanic Physicists,"he“ Society for the “ Aく 持 a】 ilcement of Chicallos/HiSparlics and Nat市 e Americans in Science," arld he “Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers生 _arld inany,many more. Equa■ y signncaritly,no one scems to ottect tO the al■

more tharl 100」

ews― only

organttations h he US,世


hundreds of Asiarl― only org孤 工zations, American lndian― only organizations,ctc。 ,all of which are formed exclus市 ely on a raclal basls。

If any white person had dared to for■ l even one of the organizatons listed above, and caned五 ,for exa■ lple, the

Congressional Caucus,"the“ Nadonal Associaion of Whttes in Criminal」 ustice,″ or the“ Society of White Professional Engineers,'ctc。 ,the cOntroned media would lead an establshment rush to attack that person as a White “

racist. “

Yet lhe double standard to which a1l white people are held sこ とrc絶 騨S Supreme:all ethnic groups can organize on racial grounds― except whites. Open arlこ ― white dhcttmination is becomhg increasingly

common as nonwhites coninuё to take over large parts of America's cites. A good example caine m 2018, when he New York City auhormes announced hat they were i=nplemening a pohcy whereby white chユ dren would be denied access to pubic schools in favor of nonwhites,


Esを αbを isん nenを Discttnfィ と αすο■ασα,憂)を И〃




"団 NYCschoolstogive priorityto predonli4antiy blackand HiSpanic kids 8,ら



A divorsity dttve is spreat封


,■ 29Sm′ 4● ■■


h ft■ 1413■



与 二確 1 14


g ecross tho city as 78

of tllo tity七 32 con,i,lullity dほ tricts

bo(う ヽ t【 ,131nS tilat vvit1 9iVe sd,1lFttsi911す

pFOdO,1lilれ antiy bintそ

)ri(` li竹

Γ `olv


そ れnd ttisPaFi'C kids― and,Ⅲ Ⅲ ●ic

As reported in the Ⅳ9を υ y。 ′たPosち 34 a FFdiversity drive is spreading across the city as 78 schools in 14 ofthe city's32 community districts now boast plalls hat前 1l give admission pttorityto predominantlyblack al■ d Hispanic kids― and more schools wlll soon fo■ ow。 "The plan tO“ prioridze"nonwhttes over whites in ad■ lission to pubhc schOOls in NYC is blatarlt

and open anti― white hatred and discriininadon, designed to ethnically cleallse ule last remaining whites out of the already mttOrity nonwhite city。 34“ NYC kidSギ

schools to淋ミ piority to predominantly black and Hispanic

Susan Edelrnan,ミQコノ70rた Pο st Septernber 2,2018.


Tん 9開毯rAσ αi躙嬌を

ど を es "駒 ltis also a portent ofwhat whttes carl expectin all reざ ons

when they become a minority.In 2018,whites made up only 15 percent ofthe NYC student population.

Anoher exattxple was the 2019 science and technolog which took place at the lMassachusetts― based liberal arts university, Williams Conege. Designed to showcase“ ne■〆'voices in the neld,that year the sttposium S]邪 npOSium

had a new twistiit only took submissions fro]m nonwhites, and specncally excluded whitt people from participating。 As reported by Tん e

999敗 newspaper,he“ NewVoices

Coι ど

in Science ttd Technoltt Studics:A C3 Sttposium,"35 invhed scholars to submtt papers f they represented a histottcally underepresented group.″ “

The cali for papers specined that “histottcally underrepresented groups″ meant WYttcan Amettcans, Alaska Natves,Arab Amettcans,Asian AInettcans,Lainos, Native Americans, Native Hawattans, and oher Pacinc lslanders。 "36

Needless to say,if tty coneg―

anyWher― arlnounced a

symposhm for“ whites only,"they would immediately be attacked and denounced by acade■ lics and the controned media as“ racist,''and“ 帯hite supremacist."But because his ttmposium had to do with nonwhites,its racial bias was ignored by ttic institutionally arld― white establishment. Yet another example ca■ le with he arinounceJment in 2016世lat the Un市 ersiサ of COnnecticut(UCOnn)had built a“ blacks― only dormitory"― wi血 lhe omcial endorsement of that co■ ege`authorides。 37 According to Dr. Ettk M. H士 ℃s,Faculty Director arld Assistant Professor in the Departnent of Educational Psycholoy at UConn, he reason why ttley creatё d the blacks― only l市 ing space is because blacks do so poo』 y at 35“ Whites need not apply:Campus sci― tech sttposmm to only feature scholars of colorF Tん 9 Coι J999滋,September 36 1bid.


87“ UConn Ofncials Explain ThinHng Bchind African Amettcan Male― only Section of Dorin,″ FOχ 6ど ,」 anuary



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tearning communiv Program ‖ome

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Ajll● !節 an確 os,そ ,「


0い ■驚 い olぃ




acadelmics that he believes they wlll do better in an“ African

Americarl"environment. ing is hatjust being in the presence ofwhites somehow makes blacks do poorly at school,and that the only way this can be remedied is for blacks to have their o― dorm. Once agttn,the blatancy ofthe antⅢ whtte disc五 nation Stripped of all the verbiage,what Hines is actually saげ


can be demonstrated by reversing he races in such an announcementi the estabishment and controlled media condone and actively support any such separadon when carried out by nonwhites―but wili viciously attack any whites who express a desire to create a“ European― Almerican''

cnvironmentin which they“

Rwill do better."

In Britttn,exactly the same sort of ttiti― white racism is taking holdo That count=y's taxpayer― Iunded state broadcaster,he BBC,regularly adverisesjobs open only to non… white ethnic minority"backgrounds,arld specincally “ forbids whites from app15′ ing.

The nonwhite― only jobs are announced openly on the BBC Newsbeat's Twitter account(whiCh,of course,is ncver censored,even though the Twitter account of any ottler organization■ nЛ dng an announceJment Of“ whites only″ jobs would be shut dow=1)。


Tん9"切 rAσ αiィ ぉιⅥみ財es

One such example is below.It announces that he BBC lbr a T里遇nee Muld‐ Media」 oumalist.This is a

is・ looHng

@_CreauveAccess sche】 ne for people froJm a black,Asiall or 38 non― whtte cttLniC mino五 け backgrOund。 ″


BBC Newsbeat e C8,Cド 官 事Ⅲ Ⅲl

,こ 11。 ァ 1、

g foFa Tranee Muhi‐ eOt h ioo甲 甲 NewⅢ Ⅲ

11tiThiSiS a O_CreattveAccё ss veoia Joぃ ぃ。 SCい elぃ 。 rP,9,le frO甲 占 black,Asian or や r誅 9W

Ⅲ 試計 招 :亀 紹 l:¶1:1群 ¶

:講 !孫

theml Fuli detailsherei bⅢ lly/2rhDKsb

411=小 粧 117,a42010

On the“ Creat什 e Access''hk pFOⅥded h the BBC tweet, readers are informed hat he jobs on offer are for“ tr五 nee

39Accordingtothatadvemsement, Newsbeatis the nagship news programlme on BBC Radio l “ 甑 d BBC Radio lXtta." According to its website,“ Creauve Multi― MediaJournalisttsI.″

38 BBC Newsbeat Twitter account,」 anuary 17,2018. 39“ Opportunitics,Trainec Mult― Media Journalist,″ Creatve Access,

creativeaccess,,Janu叩 17,2018.




9ntェ )iscだ ″を 兌αを ど


ασα を St i″

Access″ is a“ Communiサ Interest Compt4ズ whiCh Seeks to 'o■

work“ towards a day when B五 t五 n`s6dety is ttuly renected in our creative industties。 "40

。 ォ ,,。 由 噂

弾 い


こ mptoμ

Trainee Mll噌 Ⅲ Wed峰 JoulmaMst Are yo曲 議 描おいn韓浦ence htthe htttす aSttstjoumalttm?ぅ you have中 4nd“ 蜘 暉 噂 す t聴 割 bttamと ぃ dお ?Th格 Bぉ _'Sy観 。こ “

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′ SIP/09博 rn'1再 e On,ec natb l,,す BBC ttadlo■ XtFa “


君 ま 議 逮 :r建4S帯 縄 寵ど ま 称駅盤紹 「 観ユ 疑 謎 けと

S亀 audlenco





uploと d vour CV and coverietter番



idates ttm 4 b監

騨nげ ‐ 特 no備


dOぃ ot contact。岬 pantts dttty

It is notjust the BBC whO are engaged in ms sort of practiceo The number of UK量 LSitudons enrolled in he Creadve Access pFOgram― and herefore an disc五 Hlinating acttely agttnst whites― covers almost every aspect of the entertainment and rneda spectturn。 41 Govern■ lent and ca■ lpa整 Jung gr9ups involved in he

and… white

Creauve Access scheme include: 10:10 Chma俺

Acdon,A牛 s CounCil UK,C40 Cides Chmate Lcadershゃ Group, Creauve lndust五 es Federadon, Forum For The

Future,Forward Acdon,Greenpeace,the House of Lords, Purpose,and he Labour Party.

40“About Us,″ Creatve Access,creathcaccess.orgouk. 41“ Our Emp10yer Pnnersギ Creative Access,





%α i岱を助



Book publshers irlvolved i4 he anti― whtte Creative Access scheJme includel Bloomsbury,Bonnier Pub■ shhg, Bookouture, Bookseners Association, BookTrust, Bristol Un市 ersiサ PreSS, Caェ Ilbridge Un市ersity Press, Dorling Kndersley, Egmont, Europa Edttions, Faber and Faber, ntzcarraldo Editions,Granta Books,Hachette UK,Harper Col■ns,

Hcadlinc Publishing Group, Hodder, Hurst Pubttshing,Litde Brown Book Group,Nosy Crow,Octopus Pubishing Group, Oneworld Pubhcations, Onon B。 。ks, Oxford Un市 ersity Press,Pan Macmillarl,Penguin Rando]m HOuse UK, Potterlェ lorc Publishing, Pronle B。 。ks, Royal Society of Literature,SAGE Pubhshing,Sc五 be,Simon& Schuster,Society of Authors,The Pub■ shers Association, Usborne,Walker Books,arld World Book Day。

Museums and ga■ eries involved in he anttwhite Creadve Access scheane include: Bow Arts, the British Museum, Chttstie's, Contelmportty Art Society, Historic Royal Palaces,Museum Futures,Pcer UK, Soheby's,the TATE,Watershed,Watts Gallery Trust,arld Whtte Cube. Music companies and organizations involved in the

white Creative Access scheJme hclude: Askonas Holt, Concord Music, Faber Music, Harrison Parrott, Inter】 musica, the London Sttmphony Orchestra, Opera anti―

North,thc PhiコharIIlonia Orchestra,Un什ersal Music Group,

arld Warner Muslc UK. Newspaper and lnagazlne pubhshing companies involved οοttZク erσ Creative Access ScheJmeinclude:β ど BM」 ,Broadcast,Bureau of lrlvesigat市 e Journalislm夕 the D孤 り 胞 ″。ち Tん 9 Econontsち ESI Media,the Finα ■ciα どЯ加9s, Tん 9Gを ι を α寇 】 αィ ,Hearst Mag臼 五nes,he lnフcstor`Cん ″οれiC19, “ yorた 9σ rαP亀 Tん9州 セッ Tines(in London),Reach plc,Tん 97を ど The Booksener Group,and Tんc Tines. in the anti― whtte


Pubttc relations,advertising,and Jmarketing companies involved in the and― white Creative Access scheme include:

Anolmaly,Apple,BBH London,Coulson Partners,GOOD Agency,Google,H+K Stratettes,Inttials,Instincif Partners, Ы nstock Co】 mmunications,M&C Saatchi,McCann Health, /1idas PR, Ml■ to― Partners, Mission Group, MKTG, ふ

Pipelhe,and QuietrOOm。


Esを αbι isん ncnを 二 )と る o万 niィ を αをiO■ ασαi″ 宅 sを И 万



Radio organizadons invo"ed in the and― white Creadve Access scheme includeithe Bauer Media Group(a Germarl

mulimedia conglomerate headquartered in Hattnburg which operates world前 de and owrls more tharl s技 hundred magazines,overfourhundredditttalprOducts,and nftyradio and TV stations,as wen as pttnt shOps,postal,disttibudon, and marketing seivices),仕 le BBC,and RadioCenttc(the industry boむ け for all UK commercial radio stations)。

TV and nlェ n casdng agencies involved in the anti― white Creadve Access scheme include: Atken Alexander Associates,Casarotto Ramsay&Associates,Creatlve Artists Agency,Curtis Brown,David Highain,Independent Talent Group,James Grant Group,」 ulie Harkin Casting,Madeleine

Milburn Literary,TV&Film Agency,RCW htertty Agency, Troika,United Agents,and the YM&U Group。 Theater organizadons involved in the and― white Creative

Access scheJme include: Aユ ェ neida Theattc, Chichester Fest市 al


Touring Theatre,Forced Entertttnment,Frantic Assembly, Hackney Empire,The ltali Conti Academy of Theatre Arts, Jacksons Lanc)King's Head Theatre, Leeds Pl軸 ousC,

Lyric Hammersmith, Manchester lnternadonal Fesuval,

National Theatre, New Adventures, Orange Tree Theatre, P五 nes Plough,Prime Theatre,Ranlbert,Royal Shakespeare

Company, Sonia Friedman Productions, he Southbank Centre,The Place,and Theatre De五


TV and nlm co]mpallies involved in ttle anti― white Creative

Access scheme include: 12 Yard,A Productions,Amazing Productions,Arow Media,Avarlti,仕 le BBC,Channe1 4, CPL Productions, Discovery Creative London, Dragonay


Drarna Republic,

Entertttnment One,

Forlmidable,The Garden Producions,Hungry Bear Media, Icon Hlms,ITN,ITV,ITV Anglia,ITV Granada,」 et TV,Label l,Left Barlk,Mammoth Screen,Mentorn Media,OtteCt市 e Media Group,Ottect市 e Producdons,Potato,Prottlax,Quite lnteresting Ltd。 ,Sandstone Global,Screendog Productions, Shiver, SpunGold, Stolen Pictures, STV, Swan F■ ms, Thames TV,Thunderclap Media,Tinopo■ s,Tor Guy Films hmited,Turner Broadcasdng Systelm,TwoFour Broadcast, UK Screen Alliance,arld Wan to wall.


Tん9拗独rAσαinsを Ⅵ〃



Universides invo帝 ed in the arld― whtte Creat市 e Access scheme include:Goldsmtths Un市 ersiサ of London,Kngston Un市 ersity London, hndon Souh Bank Un市 ersity, e Arts, and the Ravensbourne University for he Creau、 ″ Un市 ersiサ oflhe west of England Bttstol. white As the reader胡 ■ appredate fronl世 lis list, anこ ― disc五 nlinadon

is not an isolated occurence, but is

increashgly becomhg the norm in all cllitural ields in Btttttn.This is quicHy following hto ttle pohtictt neld,as demonstrated below,arld w■ 1, as a nonwhite population coninues to grow,become the standard across all aspects of soclety. A■

of these organizatons involved h prioridzhg

nonwhites over whites are h fact bre麺 g the lawo The

UK government'so― Equaliサ Act of 2010 spemcally

forbids disc五 ■linadon of this sort.It does have a paragraph

which says hat discttmhadon cari be jusined f tt is,“ a propordonate mecns of achieving a legidmate ttm。 "42 1t goes on to deine a letttimate ttm as“ dae reason behind the discriinmation,″ but this lnust not“ be dscrin重 natory in

itser and it inust be a genuinc or real reason.″ Exarnples ofl鋸 瀬 mate五 ms hclude“ hc health,safety arld wel色 re of indふ 滋duals;running an efncient servlce;requrements of a businessi or desre to lnake proat."43 0biously, none of these cases appも ′in he above―

IIlendoned exa=npleso However, there have been no proscclltions for racial discttmination,甑 d there are unlikely

to be any in the near futur― because it secms to be legalto act抒 ely discrimhate agttnst white people in Britttn. Further evidencc of this fact can be fo■ lnd in the openly anti― whtte

utterances ofnonwhtte pottdcal igures in Btttaln. Pcrhaps the rnost perttnent exa■ lple ca■ leJrom the Labour

Party's Sttq Khan,Hlayor of London in 2020.

When Khan was campttgning to bc electtd mayor,he gave a po■

cy specch on trttsportin the suburb of Brimon_

which has been mttOrtt nonwhite since he 1970併 in

42“Discimhationi your ights,″ Cime,Justice and the Law,“ The National Archives, Pubhc sector inforimadon licensed under the Open Governlnent二 五cence v3.0. 43 1bid.


Estα bど るんne″ を )iscttntttα を と正 lon ασαttsを


ん es iを

which he arlnounced that ttlere were“ toO=nany white men'' workhg for the city's underground traln service。 44 Any white poltician sayと ng such a thing about nonwhttes would most certttnly be charged璃 五th“ racial hatred,″ but

because it was sttd by a nonwhite about whites,there were no consequences。

Afnrlmative acdon,"as demonstrated by the Amettcali “ examples listed above,is just another lb.i..of anti… white racism.Itshould come as no surprisel山 atthe UKgovernment also has its own ethnic diversity and inclusion program,which is at aruncially boosung he number of nonwhites in the ci宙 1


selvice in Btttttn。 45

This prograrn “works″ by ha宙 ng developed strategies to attract nonwhites raher han whites into he British c前 1

setticeo Once taモ ]五 n,although the left hberals call this“ d市 ersity,"五

is in fact discrininadon against

呻 盟

white Btttish pё ople.

団 This overt and― white discrinination is also becoHing conMnonplace ttn other countries in Western Europe.The lnost perinent exa■ lple came in 2016-at he height of the fake reFugeeュ FIVaSion of Germany― when the government of that country in宙ted

millions of nonwhites into the country to clttm“ aSylum,ィ

even though the vast mttOrity were not neeing any war

whatsoever。 46 44“ Sadiq Khan:There are too many white men On Transportfor London,″ POnticstc。 。 uk,March 30,2016. 45“ A Brilliant C市 1l Sewicei becoming the UK's mostinclus市 e employer,″ The CiviI Se部 此ce Diversity and lnclusion Strategy, Cabinet Ofnce,

Whitehall,London,2017, 46 Even the Sy五 ans who、 vere tteeing the lsrael and Westem nadons― backed“ rebels″ and their“ civil waF in that country,had no justincaton tO nee sytta.More than three quarters Of that country always remained

under government control and here were plenty of“ safe areas″ inside


Tん9"毯 rAσ αinsを Ⅵ刀



However,when tthite reFugees neeing the waビ in Ukraine applied for asylum in Gerlnany,=llore thar1 95 percent of heir applicセ 述 ons were rttected and hey were immediately

deported back to Ukr五 ne. In contrast to the Gerlman decision,Russia omcially♂ 甑 ted temporary asylum to 248,201 Ukra士 五ans, and Poland has taken in a mユ hon Ukrainian war refugees.47 According to the Fttα 兌勺賊だer RLι nぬ C施 ,newspaper,of he rnore than seven housand lUkrainians who applied for asylum in Gerinany during 2014 and 2015,only 5 percent were grarited that status,aFld the rest were sent back to

Ukrttn― even

though lhere had been a full― scale war there since Apri1 2014.48

The blatarlt doubic standard in favottng nonwhtte`:wΥ refugecs"over whites who are real war refugees,deiniuvely reveals that the real purpose of the A/1erkel government's pohcy is not to “help asylum seekers,'' but to replace Europeans Mth nonwhites as quicHy as possible。 The double standards are cleari one set ofrules is apphed

to Ukralne, where here is a genuine war and genuinc refugeesibut who are wh性 ;and another standard to the nonwhtte nations ofthe Wヒ ddle East,North Africa,and sub― Sahararl Aと ica.

This chapter could go on for a great number of pages other anti― white measures in place in the West today.However,the point has beenェ nadei the present― day liberal democracies of he West are hsdtu■ onttly racist― det【通hng

仕Lat iS,hey are systemaicttly racist agttnst white people.

Ofthis there is no quesdon,as the proofis here fbr all to sce in black and white。

One last exalnple wl■ sumce to cement he casc.This is the “black history inonth" which is now “celebrated" every Febru孤 了 in America,the UK,and a groMng list of Syria― which=neans thatthere was nojusuncaton in fleeingthat country in the nrst place.

47“Poland Receives Onc Min Ukrainian W監 grants ―Pttmc Minister,″ Spttι nttt」 anuary 19,2016. ″ l」 Sc″ 題税 48“ MttratiOn UkT五 nern Droht DicAbschiebung,Frθ 7L勺 骸rι erRを ι ,




を es れ 9″と をDiscttntFι αすο 「宅9ヮ αiFLSt帝 7ん ι

Es比 わ 'sん

oher European nadons,In addМon,he US has cdebrated Naional Hispanic Hentage h/1。 n世1"in “

October every year since 1989(inaugurated by President George H.W.Bush), and has celebrated“ JG濾sh Amettcan Hc五 tage Month"in May since 2006。

There is of course no chance of any organizadon, indム れduals, or ね stitudons, celebrating ``White History Month." The nature of ttle and― whitt hystetta which has grlpped so many Westem nadons is no better i■ ustrated than by he factthatthe estabLshment wl■ dis■ 五ss a“ White History Month"as arl exercise in racism夕 butw工 lembrace,anancially support,and endorse a“ Black History Mon血 ,"a“ National Hispanic Heritage Monh,"and a“ 洗 胡 sh American Heritige

Month。 ″

In conclusion,thc ttdence cannot be more clearisyste■ lic rttsHl exlsts,but it is systemic racism agね st wmes,The system is insdtttdonatty racist aga」 lst whne people,It is replete Mda cndless legal stictures arld insitutions which artncially promote nonwhites at ttle expense of whites,


Chapter 16 The Great Replacelment:It's Real,

and Happening Now 宵


軟 と奮4転

by Brenton Tarrant, the whitё



terrOrist whO carried out

a mass shoodng at a lmosqueね New Zealand in 2019 to prOtest the nonwhite colonttadon of European nations. The terHl“ Great Replacement"was in fact arst coined

by a French writer,Renaud Camus,who nrst used itin his 201l bookと 9 Gttα ″ と ,買 9mpどαcene″を ち in WhiCh he described he demographic replacement ofwhite people in France due to mass Third World iin■ 五graton and low b予 血 rates among the nadve whtte French.

The Great Replacement means exactly thati he exterHlination of the white race in its histonc homelands

through mass Third World immigradon,a process which, left to run its course,will sce tthites plunュ ェ netto a■linority in most Western European states,North America,Australia,

and New Zcaland胡 lhin

the next thirty or forty years―


then be utterly smothered to extincton within a few decades after that.

It will come as no surprise to learn that the far ieft―

and the mass media… …dismiss he Great]Replacement as a conspiracy heory''1-even though,as M■ be shown below, “ 比 is lbunded in the very facts hat the estab■

shment and

he media have announced. For example, accOrding to ofncial us Census Bureau predictions from March 2018, he US is set tO become l Sec“ What ls the Great Replacement?″

Tれ9Ⅳ9双 ′70′ た t耐 碗es,August

6,2019,“The deadly myth ofthe FGreat Replacement",Ⅳ 9ι υSと αと esnα れ

August 9,2019;“ We Analyzed How theれ Great Replacement'and Far Right ldeas Spread Onhne.The Trends Reveal Deep cOncerns,″ 」uly 18,2019,et al.



例腕〔 ,,

Tん 9 Greα ιR9pど αcen9れ をJs R9α ど

mttOrity nOnwhite by 2045‐一or in just twenty― nve years' whites" ime,2During that year,he US Census Bureau sttd夕 “ 胡 1l comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for 工Lsparlics, 13.l percent for blacks, 7.9

percent for Asians,and 3。 8 percent for lnulこ racial.

Because nonwhites as a group are younger than whites, the■ linority white tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups,The census prttectOns indicate that,for you血 under eighteen,nonwhites already outnumbered whites in 2020。 3

Y● Ⅲ

whぃ whk● 35に Om● mlncrltyも v● 中


Oroり 夢







30■ 9


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,ご er 18








imm Pく )1絶 yP:o3rar

B学:燎慮 2“ The

US will become ttninonty white'in 2045,Census prttects,″

,Br00た ゼgs H.Frey,Tん て /と

rnstitttι わィ Vednesday,WIarch ちヽ



3 1bid.




rAσαtnsを Ⅵ〃 es 'を

laniOni_2_Q どθ:θ ご14F″ S βrFe海

_上 6■ 匈止Sa,tettber'`】 :1_____

Figure l.

Reprodllcdo血 Ofthe Questお n on Race Fro■ はthe 2010 Census G,whm障 613p9:eOn4!aoo,Va蔵

メlo′ ,っ


珈 ,,9う

i Ano子 10an h(ran or ttaska Nalvo一 P耐 胞

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1 0herAsほ n― β 孵,′ 0わ ″ ,,′ I'p い l“ う 0と'1,「 え ,れ 砕 れ∝η ''″ う 節an 4,す oo o,7

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崩 勲れ




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c鮒 盤

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and Sta`sucs Administほ


For hose age e縫〕lteen輸礎 nty― n■ 1(>― members of he younger labor forcc and voting― age populadons― the ipping point w■ l occllrin 2027.By 2060,the censusprtteCtSWhites will compttse only 36 percent Of the under age eighteen populahn,胡 と Hispanics accoundng for 32 percent.

The US Census Bireauも prediction is, of course, inaccurat― in hat it overesumates the nuttber of前 ites. 256

Tん 9 Greα をR9pどαc9胞 9ィ を 才ね R9α ι

have tottgms in any ofthe o五 鱗 盟 ユpeOples of Europe,he Middle East, or Nordtt Africa. The white racial category includes people who =larked the “white'' checkbox. It also includes respondents who reported entries such as

Caucasian or white, European entries, such as lrish, German,and Polsh,Middle Eastern entries,such as Arabタ Lebanese,and Palestinian,and North African entttes,such as Aと gerlan,Moroccal■ ,and EgttFpdan。 4

This ineans their dennidon of“ white″ includes all North Africans, Arabs, and Semites― of which here are several m■ ■on in America.These are always added to the“ whtte″ total,artincially bOosting the overall numbers,in exactly the sa=Ile way that the FBI adds Hispanic c五 ■玉nals to the white"numbers to artincially bOOst the Ftthite criminal″ “ rate.

It goes胡 thout sttingthat here would be an oと を と Cヮ ifhis was done to any other racial group in AIIlerica.For exalnple, if the white cri=ninal rate had to be added to the“ Asian'' rate,there would be an uproar.But becauscitis whites who are having heir statistics manゃ ulated,nothing is sttd. The census igures do nottake into accountthe“ refugee″ n。 。dwhich is pouringintO Americao Accordhgto a statement

issued in 2018 by US Secrettty of State Michael Pompeo, at least 4.1 ■五■ion nonwhites froni “ refugee― producing countries″ (mostly frOm the Thと d World)haVe been given

residence in the United States since 2001.5

Pompeo added that the US“ anticipates processing up to 310,000 refllgees and asylum seekers in nscal Year 2019"and proposes“ rescttling up to 30,000 refugees under the new refugee cc担 ing,as we■ as processing lmore than 280,000 asylum scckerso They wl■ jOin the over 800,000 asylum seekers who are already inside the United States arld who are awalthg attudiCaion oftheir dttms."6 4“ The

White Population:2010,″ 20′ OC(夕 ″ を SLι S B湾 委 ,by hndsay Hixson,

Bradford B. Hepler, and WIyoung Ouk Kim, US Census Bureau, US Department of Co■ 1lnerce Econon■ ics and Stadstics Ad■ linistration, issued September 2011. 5“ Remarks to the Wrediaギ

whChael R.Pompeo,Secretary of State,Treaty

Room,Washington,DC,September 17,2018 US Departinent of State. 6 1bid.


Tん 9昴独rAσαЙ医乾 肋 ites

According to he Departnent of Homeland Security, hese“ refugees"are coming fro血 説 守 counttes,includhg Afghanista=1, Armenia, Azerb菊 甑 , BelarLIS, Bhutan, Burina, Burtlndi, Camboda, Ca=neroon, Centtal African Republic, Chad, People's Repub■ c of Chha, Colombia,

Democradc Repubhc of he Congo, Repubhc of Congo, Cote dlvoire,Cuba,EE冤 ァ I)t,El Salvador,Equatorial Guinea,

Etttrca,Ethiopia,GaIIlbia,Geortta,Httd,Honduras,Iran, Iraq, 」ordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, North Kbrea夕 Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, □betta, Mauntamia, Nepaと , Nigeria, Pakistan,Rwanda,Senegal,Sierra Lcone,Soum』 ia,Souh Sudan,Sri Lanka,Sudan,Syria,TttittStan,Togo,Uganda, Uzbeldstan,Vietnam,Yelmen,甑 d'■ mbabwe。 7 The worst of this is that none of hese “refugees″ are genuinely refugees, according to the estabished legal definition as created by the 195 1 Refugee Convention.The omcial deanitiOn of a refugee is, according to he ofacial

Unttd Nadons deinttion,as contained h he 1951 Refugee Corlvention:

a person who is outside his or her countty of “ nadonattty or habitual residence; has a we■ ― founded fear of being persecuted because of his or her race,relitton,nadOn飢 サ ,membership of a pard∝ lar socitt group or pol■ ical opinion;甑 d is unable or uFIWl臨 g to avail httn― r herself of ■there, the protecion ofthat country,or to retu■ ■ for fear of persecution″ (see Article lA(2))。 8

Very few of the so― called refugees qualify as refugees

m any sense because almost none can actually show that hey are being persecuted because of their race,relitton, nationattty, membershゃ of a p御 比iCular social youp or pohtical opinioni or that they are unable to av瓦 ユthemselves 7 争rable 14. Refugee Arnvals by Region and Country of Nationahty: Fiscal Years 2014 to 2016ギ

2016 Yearbook of lm■ ligration Statistics, Departinent of Homeland Secuity,January 8,2018. 8“ The 1951 Convention reladag to the Status of Rcttgees and its 1967 Protocol,″ United Nations High Commission on Refugees(UNHCRl

Septernber 2011,




he 19sIぐ (,il・ 'Ciltわ n Prottさ tS

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9 Gr9誠 R9Pttcen9兌 をね R9α ι

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ntior】 Ⅲ

of the protecdOn of theと home nadons,or are unable to return“ for fear of their■ ves。 ″ Most of ttlese so― called refugees are simply nonwhites sceHng to live in whtte― rllled countties,so as to escape the

endless chaos and poverty of heir owa nadons. The situadon in Canadais si■ 11lar.Accor《 五ng to an ardcle

penned by Marin Conacott,


of Cttadtt foreJmost

diplomats and for]mer aHlbassador to a number of countries in Asia and dac Middle East,cllrrent Canadiarl im■ ligration polcies will tum Vancoliver into a 70 percent nontthite stateヽ within two generaiOns, and a■ of Canada into an 80 percent nonwhite countty胡 u五 n the next one hundred years. Writing in the y,ncο ,υ er Stι ■,Co■ acott s五 d that current Canadian Hnaligration pohcy was“ replachg its populadon" aFld WaS a“ case of willful ignorance,greed,tandl exceSS p。 ェucal correctness."


ィ を es Tん 9昴色rAσ α】 婚とb駒 ど

QuOting Un市 ersity Of London professor Eric KauFmann, that “allmost seven out of 10 Vancouver residents will be やisible ■linorities'[pOlidcally correct Calladian codeword for nonwhitel within two generations and 80 percent ofthe Canadian population(compared to 20 percent todayl前 ■ be nOnwhite in less than century.″ Co■ acott s五 d

He went on to wrtte:

Kaufmann notes hat,with■ s continuing high i■

1=nttratiOn intake and the fact that four out of

flve newcomers are visible 宜inOrides, Canada is undergoing he fastest rate of edhnic change of any countly in the Western worldo QuesiOns must be asked aboutwhy such drastic population replacelment is t』 こng place and who is benenting from it.9

The Great Replacementis not only directly affecthg North

America.In Western Europe,much the same scenario is unfolding. Over seven in■ ■on nonwhttes pretending to be refugees larlded in(a better word would be invaded)Europe between

2006 and 2019,omcial igures from he European Union's (EU)European Asylum Support Omce(EASO)haVe revealed. According to he 2020 ngures released by Eurostat,he EU's statisical bureau,at least 7,152,960 applcations lbr ``international protection"were received胡 観in the borders ofhe EU frolm 2006 to 2019。 10 The indi宙dual ycar's talies,as provided by Eurostat,are as followsI

2006:197,400“ refugees″ 2007:222,600“ refugees" 9“ Opinion:Canada replacing its population a casc of wilful ignOrance, greed, excess political correctness. ヽ Vhy is such a drastic population

replacementtaking place and who is benenting ttom it?"Martin Collacott, Stを ″ し ,」 unc 05,2017. 10 “Asylum statisdcs,″ Number of asylum apphcants (non― EU-27 citttens), EU-27, 2008-2019, Eurostat Staisics Explained, Data

y仇 ア ,r を COttυ て

extracted on March 16,2020 and May 26,2020。


Tん9 Gr9α ιR9p[α 。 9れ 9兌 をね Rcα ι

2008:225,155“ refugees″ 2009:232,260“ refugees" 2010:235,300“ refugees″ 2011:282,130``refugees" 2012:306,490“ refllgees" 2013:400,515“ refugees" 2014:594,180“ refugees" 2015:1,282,690“ refugees" 2016:1,221,185“ refugees" 2017:677,470“ refugees" 2018:608,335“ refllgees″ These yearly totals added together come to 7,152,960a number larger than the population Of inany indi■ idual European nations. In Btttain,he number of nonwhite pupils in UK pttm岬 schools as of 2012 was 27.l percent ofthe total in pttHl孤


schools, and 23.4 percent in secondary schools. At that rate of reproduction,nonwhites胡 ■ be theェ nttority of the population under the age of twenty― one in the UK by the year 2030。


According to omcial statistics released by the UK government` Department of Educadon, white Bridsh children have been effecively edanically deansed from most schools in greater London,Bl..五 ngham,Marlchester,arld parts Of SOuth Yorkshire arld East Lallcashire,with no less than l,755 institutions― or one out of nine schools across he country― now having mttority“ nOn― English speaking pupils。 ''12

The mass nonwhite iinHigradon into Britttn

underway since the 1960s has led to the result that white British people will become an absolute■ linority in their homeland by 2066-い at the very lates卜 and■ kely sooner. As reported by Professor Da宙 d Coleman, ngures from he omcc of National Statstics(ONS)shoW that“ at current 11“ Revealed:The one in nine schOOls、 vhere Enghsh is not arstlanguage,″

,TcJ99rαptt」 an.31,2014. 娩て 12 1bid.


Tんc肋独r Agα insを И〃



ph 1ビ4■血 観臣σげ 繭

呻 Iit〉


「` 、t il(ヽ とヽ ヽ ヽS, 1ふ


■ttミ ヽⅢl● ヽ


White Britons to become niinoritw by 2066 イ ヽ ヽ iti ミ tontinkto、 、 お 〔 ,Vhitc lう tit()lRヽ 1'(ヽ





ー o6S モ Itta11,ュ BI,trt(11,ト と 1lFヽ「 ぐでIt(inlc(1.


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change nationatidentitytt according to a population

expe武 .unless the Row ofin4台 ligration is dealt with.

The white Bndsh_born community(denned as English,VVelsh,Scotush and lrish‐ born citizens)w胡

‖fa‖ to 10ss than haif ofthe overail population in

;uSt OVer 50 years.

The warning From Professor D3Vid COtettan,frOm OxFo「 d Un"ershy,

comes ahead of an a1lnouncementtoday by the Migration Advis6ry BOard ofits recommendation for the proposed inlnligration cap For people outside the EU, Figures frorγ i the OfFice of Natiorlal Statistics shot♂ Υthat iFinlmigratlon remains at a lo119‐ ternl rate of around 1 80,000 a yearthe propottion ofthe white British‐ boritt poputationヽ ″11l



fiom 80 per centto 59 percent by


immigration levels"(hat Was wrttten h 2010),the proportion ofthe white British― born populadon w歯 担 fall fron■ 80 percent to 59 percent by 2051。


“On ttose assumptions he tthite Bttdsh夕 population would dechne to 45■ 11■ ion by 2051,''Professor Coleman wroteo η汀ere the assumpdons to hold,the tthite Bridsh'

population ofBritttn would beco=Ile the minority aFter about 2066。 "

Importantly,he added that ttis was a“ milestone hat would be passed much earher in younger age groups,'' Professor Coleman's point about the age― spread is of vital irnportance to understan《 通ng he Fu■ extent of the racial 13“ White Britons to become n五 nority by 2066,"Tん cT(,Jcσ rαpん ,Nov. 18,



Tん e Grcα をRepどαceneィ と をお

R9α ど

demographic replacement of white British people,In 2014, the mediall age in Br五 五n was forty years old,and some 58 percent Of the population was older than that,according to ofacial igures fro■ lthe ONS。 14

This means hat前

ulin the next thirty― nve years, the mttOrity of that pOpulttiOn郡 遺1l either have died夕 or be close tO deat卜and the younger generadOns,which are, as Professor Coleman has pointed out, ovettwheliningly nonwhite, M■ have replaced hem。 ln other words, the racial demographic collapse will happen suddenly,as he older white population dies o卜 a factor which is being rapidly sped up by he increasing and ongoing nonwhite 監 nmttradon,'' as borne out by he fact that the white populadon was already only 79 percent of he totalin 2011. In June 2016,Professor Coleman repeated his prediction in SttVを 申 Oinと magazme.His ardde, こded“ Uncontroned I■1lnigradon Mcans Fi7を ね BrittnrLね 9,″ 15 sttd hat rapid “ population growth,dmven by the highesti■ linigraion in our

history,is destabilising and transforaing its population,its environment arld its ethnic=nake― up lnto someu■ ing quite new,''and that“ ■重gradon accounted overa■ lbr 85 percent of populadon grotth fro■ 12001-2012."

Professor Coleman pOinted out thatin the“ 1991 census, the nonwhtte population,mosuy of post_1960 immigrarlt origln, stOod at threc=五 1■ on or 6 percent Of the total in England and Wales.By 201l this had increased to nearly eight rnil■ on,or 14 percent Ofthe total."

Those describing hemselves as White British' “

comprised 88 percent Of the total population in 2001.But by the 201l census,the'吼 仕lite Bridsh' population in Englarld a】 :ld Wales had dechned

by 400,000, whercas the nonwhite population had increased by over three ■linion, and he population descttbing itself as white but not Btttish(■ lanyfrom Eastern Europe)hadinCreased 14 0vervic、 v of the UK pOpulationi Februaly 2016, C)fnce for National Statistics,February 26,2016. 15“ Uncontrolled lmnaigration Mcans FJ/河 と θ″ と れど α9,″ David Coleman, Sし

イ て だ を ι ちWIay 24,2016. α´0ど ″



Tん e Иttι r Aσ αinsを ,И 比■9s

byjust over amilhonoI=Ilade a pr筍 eCtiOn in 20 10 that if i=n■ 五gration stayed at its long― terlm rate of around 180,000 a year as tt was at the tと ne, the Whttc Bridsh― born population would dechne fro】

m80 percent of the total then to just 59

percentin 205 1.“Tttng the prtteCtOn to a rnore uncertaln distance,the M激 五te Brttish population

would cease to bc he mttrtt in the the late 2060s. Ho、vever, “

should curent high levels of

inllnigration persist rbr any length of ime,that

date would move closer to the present.Br五 五n would then become unrecognisable to its present inhabitants,SoIIle people would welcome a brave new experiinent,pioneettng a wlder world futurc. Others,though,might say`Finis Btttanniae'."

An increasingly common street scenc in France.

In Francc,ccononiist and負 スnd manager Charles Gave, Stitiを と 9,cs Liberを es,pOinted out 恥Titing for he think tank r′ を that by 2057,France and Western Europe仙 戯ich he Old Europe")Mll have a mttottty nOnwhite populadon “ a Muslim mttOrity. And so,前 thin lbrty years at lhe latest夕 五 is “ cert五 n hat he mttoriけ Of the populadon前 1l be


called wlth almost Muslim

Tん 9 Gr9α ιRepね cenentis

R9α ど

in Austria,Germany,Spam,Italy,Bel」 uin,a=ld Ho■ and,″ he wrote.“ Agttn,hese are not predicions but calc11lations,

arld l do not cven accountfor new hn五 grants.''16 The pace could be accelerated glven continuing lMusl士 n mttradOn imto France and oher Western European statesぅ either through reguiar legal processes or through fake

refugees pouttng into Europe from the Middle East and Norttl ttica。 “ The inlinense news of he next ulirty Or forty years will hus be the disappearancc of the European

populadons, whose ancestors have created he modern world.And爾 たdh these populations wl■ disappear the diverse

and complementtty European nadons that have made an inimense success of the old continent rbr at least rive centuries.''17

The omcial census bureau of the Neherlands te■s an almost identictt story.According to that gove..■ ment body, the total number of residents of the Neherlands in 2019 stood at 17,081,507,of which 13,218,754 have a``Dutch background,″ to use the omcialte.ェ 五nologみ 18 0f the“ 近nmigrant background″ populadon,the Dutch census bureau clalms hat 2,173,723 have a“ non― western"

background, =nade up of 391,088 Moroccans, 153,469 and Arubans, 349,978 Surttlarnese, 400,367


Turks,and 878,821`FaSSOtted non― Westemers。 ″19 To this total must be added he“ arst generadon non― weste...ers,″ wげ皿 ch the census bureau puts at l,199,972, and he “second generation non― westerners," which the census bureau puts at 973,751.The census bureau claims that thと d generation“ non― westerners″ are now Dutch and countthem as of“ Dutch background。 ″

This means that by hc official r∝ ord,here are 4,347,446 “non― westerners″ livhg ttl he Ncherlands, or 25。 45 percent ofthe populadono When the third generadon 16“ New World Order:Muslims to be mttonty in Europe within two generations,″ T,L97α sん 17 1bid.



On Tincs,September 26,2017.

18 Bevondng,kemcも fers,Statune databank,Centraal Burcau voor de Statisick(CBS),Den Haag. 19 1bid.


Tん 91〃軌rAσ αど ″ 蟹】 を助 舟es

non― westerners″ “

are added in,he ngure is even higher.

This means hat he Neherlands is due to become a mttOrity nOnwhite country within the next generadon,or thirty years,hallks to the race― denying hberali■ 1lnttratiOn

pohcies pursued by hat country's government rbr he last five decades.

In Austratta,asと nilar pattern is emergingo ln 20 16,a fertility map suivey of Sydney,theュ nost populous city in Australia,conimmed hatiin■ 五gration is allo胡 ng nonwhite Muslims from thc Middle East to rapidly outbreed whites. The“ ferdlity map,"draw】 :l up by social research company McCrindle,showed that many ofthe most ferdle suburbs in Sydney are located in inigrant clusters such as Lakemba,

Auburn, Guildford, Punchbowl, and Bankstown―


popular Ⅵ h“ Jねn五 hes of Ⅲ[iddle Eastern background。 "20 The appeararlce of he report was tlined 前 th oficiEエ prtteCtOns that Australia's populadon ttill hit the twenty― four■11■ lon=nark,wtth the increase being attmost solely duc to legal nonwhtte immigradon from the]Middle East arld Asia.

The Austtalian Dα と り TcICσ rαpん marked the occasion by pubhshing an intervicw wl血 he we■ ― known“ conservative" writer from Carlada,Mark Steyno According to ttlc Dα tり Tcι 99rαpん aride,titled“ Migrant birthrates are chan」 ng Australia:Average birthrate below replacement levelF the replacement ofwhite people Ⅵ th Thirdヽ Vorlders in Australia is the“ biggest story of our tirnes,but polltical correchess has suned debate so badly that pollicians are too afrttd to even talk about it。 ''21


Steyn sald pohticians were underesimating how quickly sodeties carl charlge.“ Normally for a populadon

transforlnation you need a Black Death, the Plaguc or a world war,"he sttd。 “But in tt■ is case we are havhg it wllhout any of that.Thatる why it's the inost fascinaing question of our tilnes." 20“ Births Data― ― Sydney(2014),"McCrindle Research. 21・ Migrant Birthrates Are Changing Austraha:Average Birthrate Below― Replace■ lent Level,″ Dθ ゼ ど ′T(テ ,σ rαptt February 12,2016. こ Jて


Tん 9 Gr9α をRepどαcenenを

ね R9αι

The Dα tυ T9施ヮ″ αpん ended its story with arl ediOnal ∞ mment,saying that“ Demographyis desiny,as he saying goes.r here is any truth to his,Sydney m the futtre胡 ■ be a substantially dfferent place.″ Al壮 lough ttle cOn竹 o■ ed mena denies ttle re』 上y of ttle

Great Replacementtbecause hey are part of he grand

plan tO inake the extemninadon Ofthe whtte race possibl(>― all the facts show dearly that whites are being replaced in a■ heir ho■ lel甑 dS.Only a psychOpatt■ ic har cOuld dare to

claim ohe― se.

The“ Great Replacement″ is herefore n9蝉 .It iS a 4o matter what ttle■ beral― left and cOntrolled media might say,unless it is halted,it wi■ lead tO he exte.ュ .inaion of the white race in the Amettcas,Europe, ret工 ity,and

arld Australia/New Zealand.

M工 lions of nonwhites from Central and SOutt Amenca continually mass at the US`southern boroer,all secking a better life″ in white― mled North Alnettca. “


Chapter 17 Physical Gieographical

Separation― The Path to True Racial Justice

魁認識雛ま I燃 挽縄暫謎 路沼 臨 零喉 blacks elsewhere in the world,and issued an oficial apolog

for the mcan role h facitttaung the transadandc slave trade.

As so wen descibed by a black vishor from Adanta, Geortta,l he for=nal apolo〔 乎 ceremony saw tibal leaders from across Ghana gather at n地 沖t Outside ttle caphal cと サ of Accra.There,they perfor■ led a ritual``washing of stools

and sttns,"which is,apparendy,he Ghanttarl cerOmony of apolog。 2

The pttests and priestesses wore red and black robes,

described as the“ colors of mouttning。 "The ceremony began

by the ptticiparlts asHng“ forglveness on behar of thdr ancestors, 血 ose chieFs who reigned centuries ago and traded black IIlen,wo=nan,and children from hett villages.″

There was chanting,∝ remonin darldng,and he rhyttmic beating of dmins.The Ghan五 an ttbal chiefs then lnarched m procession社 lrou諌 世le stteets of Accra perfo■ ュ.ing an apology to the Africans in the slave diaspora.3

This re=Ilarkable ceremony marked he arst he in he ハ凸正can world hat any blacks had accepted theと respon飩担け for he hhummiサ ofhe slave trade.As stLCh,

it should be respected as avery brave step,pardcularly g市 en the political dilnate as tt has developed in he years shce 1“ An

ApO10tt in Ghanai Chiefs Offer Atonement for Forefathers'Support

of the Kidnappings of People for the Slave Trade,″ Renee Kemp,Atlanta,

GA,1995. 2 1bid.




Tん9 PQと んと ο atte Rα cど αι」,stic9

that apolo劉「 was lnadeo Ghana,however,has taken this a

10ttCal step furher.That countty`gove._ment passed alaw known as the“ Right of Abode,'which ttveS any Africarl“ in he diaspora"the right ofresidence and eventual citizenshゃ in Ghanao lt is all open invitation to the descendants of slaves tO return to Africa where they can once agttn live in

peace among their oMl people. According to the oficial Ghanaian gove..■ ment guide,a person ofAfrican descentin he Diasporais to be considered “ for he status ofttght ofabode ifhe saisies the Minister tof I■ 1lnigradonl hat he

A)Is of gOOd Character as attested to by two Ghanttans who are pubhc notaries,lawyers,senior pubhc ofncers,。 r tanyI Oher class ofperson approved of by he W監 nisters, B)HaS nOt been col■ victed of any criコ ninal offence and been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of twe帝 c(12) months or rnore

C)IS Ofindependent means D)Is in the Opinion of the M士 lister capable of■ 1[迅 dng a substandal conttibudon to the development Of Ghana and E)Has attttned the age of eighteen(18)ycarS,″ 4 This re=xlarkable rnove from Ghana serves as a beacon in how the perplexing questiOn of cver― rising raciFtt tension in Nor世 ■America,Europe,arld elsewhere may be solved,

The previous chapters of uhis b。 。k have condus市 ely shown that muidracial societies as ttley currently ttst in Western nations are doomed to strife,connict,and uttiinate collapse.

Racial differences are of such a nature hat they are incompatible 前 uin one po■ dcal and geographic area, Differences in ability, achievement, social cohes市 eness, educational status and attainment, and socioeconoEliC status,ctt neVer be reso帝 ed through armcial means. The resulting connictwhich arises from the different racial

achievement levels cannot be solved by acts of Congress, 4・ Right of Abode,″ Ghana lnl=nigration Servlce,Independence Avenue, Accra‐ Ghana.


Tん 91〃,r Aσ αt″蟹)を И〃



Parlia■ lent,or the ph工 osophical ttleandeings of pottdcally

mot市 ated socioloざ sts and academics。 The reality of genetics¬ v工 l deterlmine human behavlor, not a far― fetched behef h“ he goodness of manttd" or some other esotettc ph工 osophical debate。

Furhe■ ...ore,as also demonstrated,仕 le psycholo駆 cal stresses upon nontthttes h宙 ngin white― do■ linated societies is real,even ifoften tMsted into exaggerauon and distordon。

The stress upon an 班1(通 宙dual and his or her group h behg told hey can achieve anythhg arld,as a group, coninually fτ』ね g to do so,must be tremendous.

whhe FuJheI...ore,the professional agitators and anこ ― race bahers keep on addhg Fuel to the narnes by falsely bl孤 五ng white people for a1l these rcal and imagined ms under which nonwhttes suffer. As uais problem hasits o五 額hsin genctics and biolog夕 五is notsomethhg hatcan be so"ed by dian」 ng en宙 rOnment, In America, t五 nions and tdLons of do■ars have been pumped into aftrmauve acdon,welfare,arld oher progra=ns ″ designed to“ promote equahサ 。 All of thein have長 述led.The gaps and disparides between he races in a■ ields remaln as wide as they have always been, The tirnc has come to acknowledge that these differences cannot be accommodated前 1士Lin

One po■ ical

system and

前 血 h one geographic area。

Just as Ghana has aready acknowledged,he only pa血 to true racial peace alld hattnonyttwhich should be he ideal of a■ people of goodwilト ーhes

in physical geographical

racial separadon.

Only when he races are physically geographically separated,削 ■l racial tension vanisho Racial tension arises from a muldracial sodety. In other words, the so― called multiracial ideal is iri fact the greatest causc of racial connict,raher than being the soluion。 In addこ on to his reali呼 ,he simple ttth is hat he dsplacelllent of whtte people fro】 m ther teHitories ttlrough mass Third World iln■ 五gration and the naturalreproduction

rates of nonwhites工 ready h her countties,meaFiS hat


Tん 9良 ガれを O ηve

Rα ciα どJIを StiC9

胡 uain

a set number of generadons,white people胡 ■ be made ttnctin their o― homelands. Whユ e hose who hate he e涎 stencc of the white race .light think ttlis is a good世 五ng, there are many people of goodⅥ 滋■ of all races who recognize it as a fundamental ittuSti∝ ,and,furthe上 工 ■ ■ Ore,acknowledge hat he whtte

race as a group has he=noral and inttenable ttght to resist his process by whatever rneans possible. 」ust as importaritly夕 itis h he nonwhtte races'ね terests to be separated from white sodetyo As iong as hey are SutteCted to ttle stresses of竺 〕ng tO achieve parity― which cari never be achieved― 壮lere胡n always be resenttnent and arlger.Blaming others―whites-ls always easier hari self―

introspecion and self― correcton. A perfect exa■ lpleofuisiswhathappenedin2013atttle

UniⅥ rsity ofttberia.In that year,it was前 dely reported hat not a sm」 e neW Student would be admitted into the school after nearly 25,000 carlndates盈 腱 d he basic admission exam.5 A report by yoτ cc oデAne歳 盟 (VOAl revetted ttle reason for

the=nass長 道lurei previously,he students had been able to

bribe ttle un市 ersity staffhto駆 宙ng ttlё m the arlswers to ttle

exalns,but a newly― appoittted admhisttator had put a stop to hat practice.6 As a resu比 ,慢 ■ ey had all拘 止led。

An analogous situaton ttustrates ttle Un市 ersity of Hberia issue:If there had been a 100 percent black fallure rate at any co■ ege or schoolin the US or Europe,a nadonal outcry would have ensued. There wOuld have been endless hberal handMinれ g about“ syste■五c racism,″ “insutudonahzed white racism," racial biasギ “ raCial dispΥ ides,"and a host of the oher “ usual“ Blame Whitey"excllses would have been trotted out tO tt and explE道 n hiS disaster.However,because there are no large numbers of、 た道tes present in Liberia who can be 5“ A■

25,000 students who took University of Libena adnlission test fail,″

Fοχ Ⅳ9Lυ S,August


6・ Admission Stamdards Toughened at Un市 ersity August 27,2013.

of ttberね




Tん 9勒傷rAσ αir澪 を勒駒fを cs

blarned,the Iン iberians were forced of their owll accord to 孤lSWer he prickly question of why that year's exaln results

were so catastrophic。


As a result,they were forced to bc honest,and as the VOA aricle detalled,they simply had to stop the corrupdon of bott lecturers and students.The next year,only 13,000 students attempt the exams,possibly also expecting to be glven the exttn papers beforehand in return for a healthy bribeo No doubt to thcir disIIlay,they were not,and once attn,the ttlure rate was mass市 ei only 15 of the 13,000 apphcants passed.8 Wtth no white people to blame,he new ad■ linistrators stuck to their guns,and lnttntained sttict controls over the exa■ l process.The end result has been a success.By 2019,

only 4,541 applicants took the exaln,and ofthat number, 43.64 perccnt(or l,982 individuals)pasSed,while 56.36 percent(or 2,559 indi■ iduals)良 五led。 9

The lesson of dhe University of lttberia example is clcari when the excusc of blaming whttcs is rernoved fro】 m the cquation,here are enough black people ofintenigence and upttght character to reform ttleir own societal ills,The new 7 The nation of hberia、 vas founded in 1820 when the region in West e aid Anierican fronl white well― wishers behind an organttation called the “

Africa was colonized by blacks from the United Stateso With rnass市

Colonization Societyギ fOrmer slaves and ttee blacks were given education, vas identical money, infrastmcture― and even a constitution which 、 to found a new countFy in a fertile and to that of the United States― ― untouched part of Africa,In 1847,this region was offlcially declared the

Republic of lttberia,and a government modeled on that of the United States established. The capital city was named WIonfovia after James /1onroe,the nfth president ofthe United States and a prominent supporter ふ of the American Colonizadon Society.This is、 vhy the nag Of lttberia is, to this day,the same as the rstars and stripes″ only with one star.There has been no“ history of colonizadon,″ no white rninority“ controning the vhite economy,″ or“ white colonization of the land"― and certainly no“ 、 issions exams. In other words, the discr士 nination" in university ad■ ■

standby“ Blanie Whiteプ eXCuse is non― e梵 stent.

8 “For 2nd Consecutive Year, Mass Failures at hberian University Entrance Exam,"VOA,October 27,2014. 9“ UL Releases 2nd Entrance Exam Results,"2019 Second Entrance Exams Results,Asst,Proi Moses S,E.Hinneh,Jr,,Executive Director, Center for Testing and Evaluation, Un市 ersity of Libeia, Capltol Hlll Calnpus.


Tん9 Fbど んを O

ttiα ttq9天 切ι ιtts,ce

graduates fro】 m the Un市 ersity of bberia cari now go outinto heirり ぬder society,ar】 med with genuine skills,andュ make

a difference. This is something which would have been impossible had they been ttapped in a whtte― do】 minated society where their ills would have been blamed on whites, and where they would never have taken the necesstty self― corrective steps.

The Un市 ersity of Liberia exarnple is just one small test case of how connict and blaine can be solved by physical

geographical separation. This lesson could be apphed across the board to black society and would gready benent that race.

At the sarne tiinc,he stress which multiracial sociedes

place upon whites would also be reheved hrough a

geographical physical separaion oflhe races,It would be a solution where everyone would■ 注n,and no one would losc。 △chic宙 ng physical geographical separaion w工 l require

determined po■ tical action, In Noruュ Amettca, this means engattng pol樋 Cally,boh胡 thh and前 thout he establishment process, Bcaring in■ lind hat the current establishment is polidcallyと oaded agttnst arly form ofwhite idendty(as highlighted in chapter 15),realiSm must play a doninant role in inanaging expectadOns ofthat route. Achitting physical geographical separadon wi■ therefore

start on an individual levelo Young whites must be encouraged to have as many children as possible,and to start earlyo Without increasing numbers,he enure political strllggle wlll be pointless.

The next step must be educating whites― and other

races― of he nature of he proble■ 1 色cing muluracial societies,and the fact that more rnultiradahsm exacerbates

the prOblems raher than resoMng them. This process lnust appealto people of goodM滋 ■of an races who seek racial peace,and inust be designed to inake them understand and accept he soluion ofphysicai geographical separadon in one foral or anoher.

Whether this physical geographical separation takes placc On the coninent ofNorlh America,or entalls a Marcus



MЙ rAttinst,晩 es iι

GaNey_type Africa,10is so=ュ lletting bestleft dictated by the realtties of he futtre.

At the sattle tlnc however,whites should be aware hat heir ene=Ilics seek their total exter■

inadon,and are not

reasonable people of good瓢 嵐■.They are not open to any idea of a“ soluion″ which anows white people to live in peace. They seek no慢 ing less than the total ob■ teradon of whites and whtte society,and are more than prepared to use force to achieve l士 lis goal.

Whites should be taking active steps to consoLdate their numbers in certaln deined geographic areas in which they can be the mttority。 IHisis not aluxury or a“ nice to have"― ― it is an urgent irnperadve.

It is also most certttnly true hat,uttmately,such a consohdated geograpHc teritory win have to be pと vsically defendedo There should be no i■ usions abOut this, and preparadons in this regard should be taken as a=natter of course. Asthemttorurbanareasbecomemore arldmoreunl市 able for white people, a geographic consolidadon前 1l happen naturally.Butit needs to be poと こcized ttd channeled. In this regard,it is crucial ttat a polidcal organizadon wl観 l geographicai separation ofthe races as its prirna■ /go江

be formed.Thesc ideals must hen be acttvely promoted,

eiher at he ba■ot box or through communlty act市 ity. PoLical power fo■ ows from demographic possesslon. Noth置 唱 else matters,If a race,any race,mttonty occllpieS an area,it w41 deterimhe the nature of the systern,polttics, and he societyね a hat area。 This might very welllead to he breakup of he c■ l∬ ent United States of America,but perhaps his is an inevttable consequence,It is certttnly preferable to whites being 10 Marcus G― ey(1887-1940)was a Jamaican―

born pontical acti宙 st

who founded the Universal Negro lmprovement Association and African

Communides Lcague.His pottdcal ideolog,known as GaA/eyism,was centered on thejustined beliefthat Africans could only be free and attttn

their best in Africa. His treturn to AMca″ lmovement ainassed huge support in Amenca in the carly part of the twende社 l centtry,and had over two million blacks sign up for his program to retum to Africa as soon as possible.


レ,c Rα ctα どJlを S'C9 Tん9 Paを んを οα

extirpatedね side a single,unined,“ mumracial"society. Ultimately,what must happen is physical geographical separadono Wihout it,whites face certaln exterinination, and European civ五 ization in North America will cease to exlst。

In Europe,the sittation is slightly differento Western Europe seel■ s set to commit racial suicide wlthin the next forty years. Unlike the continental US, it seems here is not enough territory in Western Europe to acco■ 1140date physical geographical separation,

As a result,甑 y pohtical soludon,f there is one to had, 前 lHkely be based on a program of repatriationo Anythhg less will lcad to the extirpation of whites and Western European ci宙 lizaton.In ottler words,a polttical struggle is inω itable arld should be fought tO uhe last mano lf his polmcal struggle proves unMnnable,then those racially conscious whites who understand the probleJm w■ l have no alternative but to relocate to Eastern Europe,where at least for the lmoment,hose nations'governments are not the sworn ene■五es ofthe European existence. There ls no need lbr despondency,There are now inore whites on earttltharl ever before at ttv oher time in history.

The only thing that is required to ensure the survival of European ci宙 ■zadon and white people is 前 1lpower。 Generating that 前 ■power is he task of everyone who understands whatis at stake,and who are not prepared to sit idly by while c市 mzation ttsdfis destroyed. The history of whtte pcople has showll that once they amassthe wl■ power,hey can overcome uniェ n鶴洋 able Odds and see■ ingly insurinountable obstacles. The struggle of he twenty― 丘rst centtry is no nfferent in this regard.The stakes are high,arld he sacinces will be great,but with applied resolve and understanding, a soludon which w直1l ulimately selwe the interests of everyone can be attained. Per αsp9声 αα,α str9,


T'Le Иね rAσ αi″ LSを η覧ど を cs

Append燎 A:National IQ Table COunt呼 Afghanistan Albania Algetta

Andora Angola Antigua and

Average IQ 75 82 84.2

97 71 4 7

Argentina Arlmenla

6 9 2 6




2 9



Whites Austia Azerbattan


Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados BelaRIS Bel鎌um Bel乏 e


uda Bhutan BC上 ユ■

Bo■ 宙a Bosnla and Herzego撹 na

Botswana Brazil

Bttnel Bulgaria Burkina Faso

Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada― Whitts Canada― Indians


Country Cape Verde

Average IQ


Central African

Repub■ c



China Colombia Comoros Congo Republic of

64 66 91 105.5


77 73


100 99.5 84.9

Democratic Repubhc of Cook lslands

84 81 81 80 95 99 76,8 71 90 78 87

Costa Rica C6te dlvoire Croatia

Donilnlca D6nllnican Repubttc


Ecuador Ettpt





98 98 75 67

Denmark つjibOuti


El Salvador

88 89

Equatoial Gulnea Eitrea Estonia


70 72 92 64

68 89 86 71 99 85

Ethiopia Ftti

82 88 81 78 69 76 99

69 85

Finland France



Gabon Gambia

98 69 62




胞 をioィ を αどrO T,z,ど 9

Country Germany Ghana Grecce

Grenada Guateinala Grecnland Guatemala Guinea

Average IQ 99 70 92 74 79 91 79 67





67 81 106

Guyana Honduras Hong Kong Hungary lceland lndia

lndonesia lran lraq lreland




93.5 81

MaI Malta lslands

Marsha■ Islands


Mauntania Mauitius Mcmco Micronesla

Moldova 100

Mongoha Montenegro


Sephardic 」e、 vs

norh south

lvoly Coast Ja■lalca 」apan 」ordan

Kazakhstan Kenya Kittbad

Korea,South Korea,North Kuwait Kyrttzstan Laos

Lahia Lebanon


Malaysia MattiК s

82 87 94.9

68 100。 3

99.9 90.5



Average IQ 66 85

Luxembourg Macao Macedonla Madagascar Malawi



ltaly― ltaly―

ubya hbena

98。 1



COunt呼 Lcsotho


95 82 60 70 97 81 84 74

88 88 84 92 100 85。 9

84 64 85

84 100


90.4 71

Nanibね Nepal Nethe』 ands Nettle■ ands

78 100



67 105 84 85 74 85 104.6 104.6 85.6 74.8 89 95。 9 82


New Caledonla New Zcaland― Whitts New Zealand― Maoms

Nttaragua Ntter Nttctta



85 100.6

90 84 70 71 100


Tん 9労後r Aσ αン(乾

Count=v Oman

と を es


Average IQ




South Africa“

82 84 85 90 92 94.5

South AfЁ ca…

Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Phittppines

Poland Portugal Puerto Fuco Qatar


Ne宙 s St Lucia St Vincent

6 8

St.Helena St.Ktts and

6 7


7 9

Russia― east

7 9

south east


8 9

south west

83 91  

northwest Russla―


. 0 1








67 79

Sao Tome and Saudi Arabia

Senegal Serbia Seyche■ es

Sierra Leone

Singapore Siovakia Slovenia


97 79 77.5 71



75 99




83 105 80 72.5 88 92 85 70 86

Talwan TttikiStan

Tanzanla Thailand Tibet Timor― Leste

Tonga Tinidad and Tobago Tunlsla Turkey

Turkmenistan Uganda Ukrttne

87 84 88.5

80 72 95

United Arab E■lirates





United States ‐Whites


United States

98 96

United States

2 7


89 84 64

3 8

Solomon lslands



Sudan Sunname


74 62

and Grenadines

Coloureds South AMca― Indね ns Spain Sri Lanka

3 8

South AMca― Whites




0 7


Average IQ 94

―Blacks ―Hispanics

Uruguay Uzbekistan


85 89 96 80

氏Q,onα ど 虫9 Tα 之 ″ と 9

COunt呼 Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam

Average IQ 84 84 94

Country Ye]men


Average IQ 83 75




rO αれ』 ιンLC Veα ι と ん oデ Ⅳcvと れS, Richard Lynn,Tatu Vanhanen, Pracger/Greenwood,2002. 'わ οbα どAc朋 9フcnenち Richard Lynn, Tatu Vanhanen, O α ' Gど Su■ llnit Publshers,2006. Washington 7と

Rα ce d胡 脂renCesど ″ をど ntCJを i997LCC.An cυ οttι われα71ノ Anα υsiSら

Lynn,Washington Su■ 1=nit Publshers,2006。


National “

IQs Calculated and vattdated fOr 108 nations,'' Richard Lyan,Gerhard Meisenberg,′ nι 9ど 的 enCC,38(2010)353-


Estimating “

Cognitive Gaps Between lndigenous and Non― Indigenous Australians," Andrew Leigh, Xiaodong Gong, 五た洗ι cα ι ゼ οれEconOnics,17(2):239-261,May


In haly, north=south differences in IQ predict differences in “ income,education,infant mortalty,stature,and literacy,''Lynn, Rchard,r7を と Cを lσ Crと c(,,38.93-100.2010. Inte■ igence differences between European and oiental」 “ Hanna Davld,Richard Lynn,」 蝕 脇 αど。デ夙 osodα J


2007 May,39(3):465-73.

ews in SCJerと cc,

A New Study of Differences in lntelligence in the Provinces “ and Regions of the Russian Federation and Their Demographic and Geographical Correlates,″ Konstantin SugOnyaev, Andrei G五 goriev and Richard Lynn,脆 ァ と た α7を C鞄,201859:131J7を




nsを M〃すを 9s Tん 9,7arAσαι

Index Symbols 9-1-l George Floyd ca■ transcript 14

wigs 140

Black history,invention of

Academy Awards“ too white″ 238 Aesthedc nor■ 1,acknowledged as European 135 AfarmattQaction l,133,191,

230,231,234-236,270 Attcans sold other Amcans into Slavery 159 Africa,o五 gin ofthe wold 152

Ameican Community Survey 87,90 AP only capital乾 ing black,not

white 228

Arab ciminality in Geコmany

65 Arab WIus■ m slave trade 169 Arab― Muslm trade in white

slaves 173 Arrestees for murder by race in

AIlerica 53 Autopey Report on Gcorge Floyd, 一 irst 4

-second 26

B Background criminal checks discrilninate ag述 nst “ blacks″


BBC discriminatts against

whittsね jobs 245 Bedin Conferencc(1884)171 αcた Be._al,Mattin,author of βど Aを ″ と enα 153


BET(BlaCk Entert五 nment Tekttision)240 Black Congressional Caucue and other biacks― only organttajons 241 Black cttmein Canada 56 Black hair"indust=y 139 “ Black hair strttghtening and 152 Black hislЮ ry

month,but no whitc history monh 252

Black psychosis causc of ha俺

hoaxes 226 Blacks― only丘lm organttations

239 Black― white dol test, 一

arst 144


BLM(BlaCk ttes Matte→


28,30,34,40,41,42, 44-46,48,131,147-149, 151,168,179,189,221, 223 Boas,Franz 79-85,87-89,94, 97 -work proved fake 84

Btttttn to be mttoity nOnWhie

by 2066 262

C Canada“ 80 percent nonwhite″ in 100 years 259 Canadian lndians,ho=licide rate 55 Casor,」 ohn


CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)


Chau宙n,Derek 3,4,16-22, 24,25 -―

chargc sheet 16


Churchill,Winston,statuc defaced 151 Cognit持e ability,character, and personahty, deteHnined by genetics

を 09χ

First indentured seⅣ ants in

the Thirteen Colonies were whites 161 First legally recogntted“ slave"

Confederate statues 157

in North America belonged to a“ Free Negro"and not a white 163 Flynn Effect 106

Congo― Arab

Fο 寅〃αR】

97 Colorado declares“ racisll″ public heatth crisis 229

War 171

Statue,Madison,WI 148

COVID-19 death rates by race


Free Soil Party 147

Crime in the United States,

FBI,2018 51 Crime宙 ctims by ra∝


A=lerica 53

D DiscriH工 nation against whites

at colleges 244

Dollar Genera1 236,237


G Genetics creates unbridgeable racial dispa五 ty 145 Germany refuses、 vhite asylum seckers from Ukralne 251

Ghana apologlzes lbr black role

in slavery 268 Ghana rr逹 主比 Of abode"for any black to return to Africa


EEOC(Equal Employment Opportunity

Commission)230,231, 235-237 EHRC(Equality and Human Rights Commission)

H Hcg,Hans Chistian,statuc 147 Higher schizophrenia rates


among nonwhitesin US 121

Environmental non― effect on

IQ 106

Higher rates of schttophrenia

of nonwhites in UK 123


Hispanic― only organizations

FAA(Federal Aviation Administration)sued fOr discrilnination against

whites 235 Fake refugec invasion of

Europe 260 Fake refugec invasion of US

241 I

Iinprisonment rates by race,

France 63 11nprisonment rates by racc in

Canada 57




イ 決 9 ИttrAσ 】 Sを 拗駒 es cと


and Educational ― attainment 180

MBDA(Minoity Business

-Hcalth 185 -hcome,povetty,

whites 232 Mead,Margaret 83

lnte■ igence

Inequa■ ty 182

-Unemployment 184 -Is inherited 178 lQ by Race 102 1sraeh supermodels 135

Development Agency), disc■ ■ination against

MetropOlitan Pottce,London

47,59,61,209 WLnneapols PD Usc of Force Pohcies 12

Montagu,Ashley 82,83 Most dangerous cities in the



Jews 30,80,103,160,211, 238,242,277,279 」ews― only organ並翅止ions 242 」ohnson,Antony 38,163,

MSLF(Mount五 n states Foundation)235


Multi― racial soctties cause

stress thЮugh dispattties







Knox,」 ohn,enslaved 159

Kueng,J.Alexander 4,16,19, 20,21,22

National Center for lttury Prevenion al■ d Control


National Crime Victimttation

Lane Thomas 4 16,19,20, 21,22,25,249

Negro slave o、 vners volunteer

unk betteen schttophrenla and crirne l15 Low IQ linked to ciminal bcha,lor 109

167 Nonwhitt children tten

M Macdonald,Sir」 ohn A., Indian schools 149 Many“ Frec Negroes″ in Arlerica Owned Black Siaves― In Numbers far Greater than their

Proportionate Share of

the Populaton 166

MAOA“ aggression gene″ 126 Markle,Meghan,hair 141


42 SuⅣ ey 34,53 tO nght fOr confederacy

pttOrity over whitts in

NYC schools 243 North Amenca initally had indentured seⅣ ants,not “slaves,″


0 Obama,Michelle,hair 142 0nly 385,000 ind市 iduals― including thousands of Free Negroes"一 owned “

slaves in 1860 168



Third World i■ 1lnigration

causing drop in naional

Physical appearance

IQs 107

dete....ined by genetics

95 Poverty and Cttme 89 Poverty rates by race,Amenca



Toxicology report on Gcorge

Floyd 10

U UK enttrtainHlent and media industry discrilnination

Race alld Cmme in

_Austria 66 _Austtatta 73 any 63 -Geェ ェェ

-London,UK 61 -Noway 68 -South Attca 76 一 Sweden 69 -The Neherlands 67

Race and the“ aggression gene″

127 Repub■ can Party 148 Rhodes,Cecil」 ohn 156 Roosevelt,Theodore,statue,

NYC 150

against、 vhites 247

UK Equalty Act of2010 250 United Nations'International

Labor Organttation report into modern

slavery 174 UNESCO State】 ment on Race

83 University of hbetta 271,272,

273 US Census Bureau 34,54,55, 87,124,158,216,254, 255,256,257 US Depart=lent of Jusice racial classifications 30 US to be mttottty non、 vhite by


2045 255

Skin lightters,why nonwhites

usethem 137

Skin lightening products 136

Smollctt,Jussic,hate hoax

224 South Kbrea plastic surgery beauty pageant farce

135 Statistics Canada 55 4,27,28, “Systernic racisェ 78,86,87,113,115,124, 130,179,187,189-192, l″


T Thao,Tou 4,22


Wakanda 154,155 Wallace,Bubba,noosc hoax 221 Western Europe to be rna」 omty non、 vhite

by 2057 264

Weste...soCiety the product of

whites 86 White conspiracy″ against “

nonwhites,behefin 132,

133,136,146,212,226 Whites Blamed ― Because blacks have high arrest rate ttbr

avolding Washington DC MetЮ fares 216





%α l■ St肋 ■9s academically US 192 -Becausc US blacks

一 Because

Nonwhites ln Canada are poor 211

have high infant mortality 2 12

-Because only l.8%of

US IT workforce is black

-Because US nonwhites have htt mattuana

210 -Because US black

arest rate 205

niales dontt become medical doctors 2 10

-Bccause US nonwhites

-Because UK whites are

-Because US nonwhites

being ethnた ally Oleallsed

from that county 204 -Because UK nonwhites

com=lit rnore criine 197

are obese 216 Whites in North Ameica

must geographttally

consohdate 274

and whites fail

academically 194

Whites more likely to be電 1led

by polce than blacks 30

-Because UK nonwhites comaut rnore criFne 199

-Because UK nonwhites


com■ lit Female Genital

Zttbar,headquarters of Arab

Mutilaton 208 -Bccause US blacks fail


slave trade in Africa 170

Oher books by Arhur Kemp を ″ を 9α ι tる n Eχpι α

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