The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament [2]

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The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament [2]

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MOULTON, D.D., D.Theol.

Late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge ; Greenwood Proicssor o. Hellenistic Greek and Indo-European Philology, Manchester University AND GEORGE


Kegius Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism Glasgow University

PART II B&aX to Scopocpopia





Price Five Shillings Net



















MOULTON, D.D., D.Theol.

Late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge ; Greenwood Professor of Hellenistic Greek and Indo-European Philology, Manchester University AND GEORGE


Regius Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism Glasgow University

PART II K&aX to 8copo(f)opia






226942 Printed in ipij



We have nothing to add to our former Preface, except to acknow ledge the kind help of Professor Souter, who has read the proofs and made valuable suggestions, and to express deep regret that the valued counsel of our friends, Professors Thumb and Deissmann, has been no longer accessible.

The former read all our proofs under A, and gave

us most useful information, especially in connecting with our Hellenistic record the continuation of that record in the Modern Greek vernacular. As this Part is in the page proof stage, we hear with profound sorrow that a more permanent barrier even than war has intervened to deprive us of his assistance in the remainder of our enterprise.

We learn from

Professor Schwyzer of Zurich that Dr. Thumb died on August 14th. He has achieved in a relatively short career a marvellous output of work upon the Greek language in its whole history down to the present day, and leaves no one his peer in the philological delineation of Hellenistic and the modern vernacular.

Under the distressing conditions of to-day

it is a pleasure to add that his knowledge and appreciation of British research was



generous in

the highest


and his kindness of heart worthy of his learning and his powers of intuition. J. H. M. G. M. October 191 5.

ABBREVIATIONS The following is a list of the principal abbreviations. A full list will appear with the last part of '(.he Vocabulary. I. General Abbott Gospel


= The Fourfold Gospel, Section II. The Beginning, by E. A. Abbott. Cambridge, 1914. ,, Joh. Gr = Johannine Grammar, by E. A. Abbott. London, 1906. Joh. Voc = Johannine Vocabulary, by E. A. Abbott. London, 1905. Abbott Songs = Songs of Modern Greece, by G. F. Abbott. Cambridge, 1900. Anz Subsidia = Subsidia ad cognoscendurn Graecorum sermonem vulgarem e Pen tateuchi versione Alexandrina repetila (being Diss, philolog. Halcnscs, xii. 2), by H. Anz. Halle, 1894. Archiv = Archil)fiir Papyrusforschung. Ed. U. Wilcken. Leipzig, 1901- . Aristeas = Aristeae ad Philocratem Epistula. Ed. P. Wendland. Leipzig, 1900. BCH = Bulletin de correspondance helh'nique. Paris and Athens, 1877- . Bcrichtignngcn = Berichtigungsliste der griechischen Papyrusiirkunden aus Agypten, herausgegeben von F. Preisigke. Strassburg, 1913— . Blass Gr. = Grammar of New Testament Greek, by F. Blass. Eng. tr. by H. St John Thackeray. Second edit. London, 1905. Blass-Debrunner — Friedrich Blass' Grammatik des neittestainentlichen Griechisch. Vierte Aufl., von A. Debrunner. Giittingen, 191 3. Boisacq Diet. Etym.. — Dictionnaire ftyviologique de la langue grecque, par Emile Boisacq. Heidelberg and Paris, 1907- . Ht\jgmannGrtindrisss = Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der imlogermanischen Sprachen, von Karl Brugmann. Zweite liearbeitung. Strassburg, 1897- . Brugmann -Thumb = Griechische Grammatik, von Karl Brugmann. Vierte vermehrte Aufl., von Albert Thumb. Mtinchen, 1913. BS. See under Deissmann. BZ. = Byzautinische Zeitschrifl. Ed. K. Krumbacher. Leipzig, 1892- .


The Classical Fcviewi London 1887- .

Cronert or Cronert f-ex - - Passow's WSrterbuch dir., gsiechischen Sprache, vollig neu .bear-, beitet von W. Cronert. Gottingen, -912- . Cronert Mem. Here. = Memoria Gracca Herculanensis, by -' W. Cronert. Leipzig, 1903. Deissmann BS = Bible Studies, by A. Deissmann. Engl. ed. by A. Grieve. Edin burgh, 1901. Deissmann LAE = Light from the Ancient East, by A. Deissmann. Engl. tr. by L. K. M. Strachan. London, 1 9 10. Dieterich Mithrasliturgie = Fine Mithrasliturgie erlautert von Albrecht Dieterich. 2t0 Aufl. Leipzig and Berlin, 1910. Dieteiich Untersuch. = Untersuchungen stir Geschichte der griechischen Sprache, von der hellenistischen Zeit bis 211m 10 tahr. n. Chr., von K. Dieterich, Leipzig, 1898. Documents See under Milligan. Durham, D. B., Menander = The Vocabulary of Menander, con sidered in its relation to the KoiWj. Princetown, 1913. EGT-. = The Expositor's Greek Testament, edited by W. Robertson Nicoll. 5 vols. London, 1897- 19 10. Exp = The Expositor. London, 1875- . Cited by series, volume, and page. ExpT = The Expository Times. Edin burgh, 1889- . Ferguson, W. D. , Legal Terms = The Legal Terms Common to the Macedonian Inscriptions and the Niw Testament (being Historical and Linguistic Studies in Liter ature Feinted to the New Testa ment. 2nd Series, Vol. II. Part 3). Chicago. Field Notes = Notes on the Translation of the New Testament (being Olium Norvicense iii.), by F. Field. Cambridge, 1899. GH = Grenfell and Hunt. See further under II. Papyri.

8 Grademvitz Einfiihr»ng

EinfiihrungUn die Papyruskunde, by Ok*!, Gra'denwitz. Heft i. Leipzig, V900. Grimm or Grimm;. Thayer = yt'CIrteX-English Lexicon of the •' •'•AVki Testament, being Grimm's .* *. Wilke's Clavis Novi Testament!, * ant' enlarged by J. II. Thayer. -**. *, " Second edit. Edinburgh, 1890. . [Thayer's additions are usually "•. cited under his name.] Hatch Es-says*'. = Essays in Biblical Greek, by E. . Hatch. Oxford, 1889. Ha4;l(iaK's Einl. = Ein/eilung in die ncugricchische V• . • Grammatik, by G. N. Hatzi*•* dakis. Leipzig, 1892. "•Helbing, Gr = Grammatik der Septnaginta : Lautund Wortlehre, by R. Helbing. Giittingen, 1907. Herwerden or Herwerden Lex = Lexicon Graccnm supplctorium et dialectician*, by H. van Her werden. 2 vols. Leiden, 1910. Hesychius = Hcsychii Alexandria! Lexicon, ed. M. Schmidt. Jena, 1867. Hobart = The Medical Language ofSt. L.uke, by W. K. Hobart. Dublin and London, 1882. HR = A Concordance to the Septuagint, by E. Hatch and H. A. Redpath. Oxford, 1897. HZNT - Handbuch cum Neuen Testament, ed. H. Lietzmann. Tubingen, 1906- . JBL = The Journal of Biblical Literature. Middletown, 1881- . ff/S = The Journal of Hellenic Studies. London, 1880— . JTS. = TheJournal of Theological Studies. London, 1900- . Kalker Quaes! = Qnaestiones de Eloculione Polybiana (being Leipziger Stiidien III. ii.), by F. Kalker. Leipzig, 1880. Kennedy Sources = Sources of Neio Testament Greek, by H. A. A. Kennedy. Edin burgh, 1895. Kllhncr», or KtlhnerBlass, KllhnerGcrth — Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache, von R. Ktihner, besorgt von F. Blass (Formenlehrc) und B. Gerth (Salzlehre). Hanover and Leip zig, 1890-1904. Kuhring = De Praepositionum Graccanim in Chartis Aegyptiis usu, by W. Kuhring. Bonn, 1906. LAE See under Deissmann.

Laqucur Qnaestiones = Qnaestiones Epigraphicae et Papyrologicae selectae, by R. Laqueur. Strassburg, 1904. Lewy Fremdwiirter.. = Die Scmitischen Fremdworter im Griechischen, by H. Lewy. Berlin, 1895. Lietzmann Gr. Pap. = Griechische Papyri (in Kleinc Texle fiir theologische Vorlesungen und Ubitngen, 14). Ed. H. Lietz mann. Bonn. Linde Epic = De Epicuri Vocabulis ab optima Atthide alienis, by P. Linde. (Being Breslaucr Philologische Abhandlungen, ix. 3.) Breslau, 1906. Lob. Phryn = Phiynichi Ecloga. Ed. C. A. Lobeck. Leipzig, 1820. ,, Par = Paralipomena Grammaticae Graecae, by C. A. Lobeck. Leipzig, 1837. LS = A Greek-English Lexicon, by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott. Eighth edition. Oxford, 1901. Magie = De Komanorum iuris fublici sacrique vocabulis sollemnibus in Graecum sermonem convcrsis, by D. Magie. Leipzig, 1905. Mayser Gr = Grammatik der griechischen Pafyri aus der PtolemcUrzeit, von E. Mayser. Leipzig, 1906. Meisterhans Gr = Grammatik der attischen Inschriften, von K. Meisterhans. Third edition by E. Schwyzer. Berlin, 1900. Mil. Nicole — Milanges Nicole. Recueil de Mimoires . . . offerts a Jules Nicole. Geneve, 1905. MGr = Modern Greek. Meyer Gr. = Griechische Grammatik, von Gustav Meyer. Dritte vermehrte Aufl. Leipzig, 1896. Milligan Documents = The New Testament Documents : Their Origin and Early History, by George Milligan. London, I9I3Thcss = St. Paufs Epistles to the Thessalonians, by George Milligan. London, 1 908. Mitteis or Wilcken = Grtimhiige und Chrestomathie der Papyrusknndc Papyruskunde I. i. ed. U. Wilcken, and II. i. ed. L. Mitteis. Leipzig and Berlin, 1912. Moeris = Moeridis Lexicon Atticum. Ed. J. Pierson. Leiden, 1759. Moulton Proles; = A Grammar of New Testament Greek. Vol. I. Prolegomena*, by James Hope Moulton. Edin burgh, 1908. ,, Gramm. II. = A Grammar of New Testament Greek. Vol. II., by James Hope Moulton. Edinburgh. In the Press.

9 Moulton Einleitung = Einleitung in die Sprachc ties ncuen Testaments. (Translated with additions from the third edition of Prolegomena.') Heidelberg, 191 1. Musonius = C. Musonii Rufi Reliquiae. Ed. O. Hense. Leipzig, 1905. Nachmanson = Laute nnd Format der Magnetischen Inschriften, by E. Nach manson. Upsala, 1903. Nageli = Der IVortschatz des ApostelsPaultts, von Th. Nageli. Gottingen, 1905. Otto Priester = Pricstcr tend Tempel itn Hellenistischen Agypteu, by Walter Otto. 2 vols. Leipzig and Berlin, 1905, 1908. Pelagia-Legenden .... = Legenden der heiligen Pelagia. Ed. H. Usener. Bonn, 1879. Proleg See under Moulton. Radermacher Cr = Neutcstamentliche Gramtnatik (being Handbnch turn Neuen Testament I. i.), von L. Rader macher. Tiibingen, 191 1. Ramsay Cities = The Cities of St. Paul, .by Sir W. M. Ramsay. London, 1907. ,, CRE = The Church in the Roman Empire before A.r>. 170. Fifth edition ; by the same. London, 1897. ,, Luke = Luke the Physician, by the same. London, 1908. ,, Teaching .... = The Teaching 0/ Paul in Terms of the Present Day, by the same. London. ,, Recent Discovery = The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament, by the same. London, 1915. REGr = Revue des Etudes grecques. Paris, 1 888^ . Reinhold = Dc Graecitate Patrum, by II. Reinhold. Halle, 1898. Reitzenstein Poiman- — Poimandres: Studien zur Griechdres isch- Agyptischen nnd Friihchristlicheu I.itteratur, von R. Reitzen stein. Leipzig, 1904. Rossberg = De Praepositionum Graecarum in chartis Acgyptiis Ptolemaeorum aetatis usu, by C. Rossberg. Jena, 1909. Rouffiac Rccherches = Recherches sur les caracthes dugrec dans UNouveau Testament d'apris les inscriptions de Priene, par J. Rouffiac. Paris, 191 1. Rutherford NP = The New Phrynichus, by W. G. Rutherford. London, 1881. Schlageter = Der Wortschatz der ausserhalb Attikas gefitndenen attischen Inschriften, von J. Schlageter. Strassburg, 1912. Schmidt fos = De Flavii Josephi elocutioue, by W. Schmidt. Leipzig, 1893.

Schilrer Geschichte ... = Geschichte des Jiidischen Voltes in Zeitalter Iesu Christi, von E. Schtlrer. 310 u. 4t« Aufl. Leip zig, 1901. ,, HJP = History of theJewish People in the Time ofJesus Christ. Translated from the second German edition. Edinburgh, 1890-1. Schweizer /'erg. = Grantmatik der pergamenischen Inschriften, von E. Schweizer. Berlin, 1898. Sophocles Lex = Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, by E. A. Sophocles. Boston, 1870. Thackeray Arist = The letter of Aristeas train/atea into English, by H. St. J. Thackeray. London, 1904. ,, Gr = A Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek I., by H. St John Thackeray Cambridge, 1909. Thayer See under Grimm. Thieme = Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Mdander nnd das Neue Testa ment, von G. Thieme. Gottingen, 1906. Thumb Dial. = Handbnch der Griechischen Dialekte, by Albert Thumb. Heidel berg, 1909. ,, Handbook = Handbook of the Modern Greek Vernacular, by Albert Thumb. Translated from the second Ger man edition by S. Angus. Edin burgh, 191 2. ,, Hel/cn = Die griechische Sprachc im Zeit alter des Hellenismus, von A. Thumb. Strassburg, 1901. Vettius Valens = Vettii Valentis Anthologiarum Libri. Ed. W. Kroll. Berlin, 1908. Viereck SG = Sermo Graectts quo S. P. Q. R. magistratusque populi Romani usque ad Tib. Caesaris aetatem in scriptis publicis usi sunt, by Paul Viereck. Gottingen, 18S8. Wackernagcl Hellen- = //co BdaX. Ttj BdaX in Rom nJ is paralleled in LXX four times outside Prophets and Apocrypha, where it is feminine with out variant : correct thus the note in J'roleg.3, p. 59, where see also a reference to the usual explanation (I)illmann's). BafivM>v. P land 15"' 5 (iv/A.D.) has Bo.p[y]X[.) Tf Hvyarpi \lov 8nXd£ei.v, a letter from a father-in-law or mother-in-law with reference to the nursing of a new-born child. In the magic papyrus P Lond 1221 (iv/A.D.) (= I. p. 116) Hermes is invoked—JX8e] \u>i Kvpit 'Epp-ij us to Pp^ tIkvui |iWjpit)s X*Ptv (Duchesne No. 78) — but here of course we have a Roman, and the name is as distinctive as John in English. See further Milligan Thess. p. 1 34 ; and for the occurrence of the name in a Phrygian inscription at Iconium of A.r>. 150-250, cf. Ramsay Recent Disco-very, p. 72. Since Grimm and many other writers mention a Roman name " Caius," it may be well to refer to the third founder of Gonville's College at Cambridge as probably the earliest person to bear this title. On the late Anatolian stone, Calder 436, we find Fav«, which Prof. Calder remarks must be for Fatu, v being now equivalent to 1 : this shows that Tdios was trisyllabic. We do not find Teos in Greek, any more than Gaeus in Latin : the at remained a true diphthong. WH are wrong therefore in accenting Taios.

yaka. P Oxy IV. 736*' (c. a.d. 1) ■ydXaKTos irotS(iv) (T||i.iMp\Xiov), " milk for the children J ob.," in a private account; id. IX. 121 110 (ii/A.D.) (Xfov, pAi, -ydXa, articles for a sacrifice; Syll 804" (? ii/A.D.) -ydXa acrd piXiros irpoXa|3«iv(= " edere," Dittenberger); BGU IV. 1055" (B.C. 13) (TTajifivbv ^KTOKaCSfKa KOTvpov ( =- kotvXwv) -ydXaKTo; Pot]ou ( = potion i dpcoTov, to be a daily allowance ; id. 1 109* (B.C. 5) o-uvxlA^a"0vk avrui SiaoroXds ScSukciv, BGU III. 846' (ii/A.D.) ycivuo-K, 8ti oi\ [•fjX'irjiJov, 8ti dvaf&vis tts T-f|v |xt)Tp(5iroXiv, " I wish you to know that I had no hope that you would come up to the metropolis," ib. I. 27* (u/a. I). ) •yiviio-Ktiv 0-1 WXw 8r€i «ls yfjv {X'fjXuOa Ttj sttov 'EireUp p.nvs • ■ • ytivcio-Kwo-i l|i.8a8cvo-ov[Td |i]€ *'s r& 4ir[o]Tc8«ipiva Kal Ka6$jov[Ta ktX. (other future participles), "that they may know that I shall enter on the mortgaged property," etc. (Ed.). Grimm's "Hebraistic euphemism" in Mt 1" is rather surprising when chronicled in the same breath with "Grk writ. fr. the Alexandrian age down " : coincidence of idiom between two entirely different languages is common enough. This use is found earliest in Menander : see this and other references in B. D. Durham, Vocabulary of Menander (Princeton, 1913), p. 51. Some miscellaneous uses maybe noted. P Tebt II. 279 (B.C. 231), a contract for the engagement of a nurse,


ends £yy»K«v 2irovvijX®,lPov Wv7«r€ai, t| yXAava avrov pdXvpSos y^voito, xal k^vt[t|]o-ov a[4r]o0 rfjv ■yXio-o-av—the changes on these formulae are rung in the rest of the document. Deissmann, LAE, p. 306 ff. , refers to thirty of Wilnsch's Attic defixiones where the tongue is " ljound" or "cursed." He shows that this was supposed to produce dumbness, and interprets Mk 7s* as release from what was believed to be a daemonic " binding." Thumb, Gr. Dial. p. 22, points out that grammarians used yXmron not only for "language" but also for "local peculiarities of speech " : thus Aupl? -yap SioXiktos u(a v' ■rjv €iBvg. P Par 59" (b.c. 160) T«ji 7vaiXoirovT|o-avT{s. P Tebt II. 32611 (c. A.U. 266) irpo[o-r]yjiXo)T4pav . . . iirl T\ YVup£|iT|v, " Philotera whose good character is well known to me" (Edd.), Syll 367" (i/A.D.), 373*' (i/A.D.). yvcoau;. An interesting example of this word in its more general sense is afforded by P Lond 130" (i/ii A.D.) (=- I. p. 133), where a horoscope is prefaced by a letter in which the writer urges his pupil to be attentive to the laws of the art which the ancient Egyptians had discovered and handed down— dirfXuirov i-fjv ir(pl ovtwv yv&nv. P Hib I. 92" (B.C. 263) lat «4aiii| rttpX tt)s S£ki)s is translated by the editors " until the decision of the suit." So in P Hal 1. 1" (iii/B.c.) 8]Tav T| yv»o-i.s dvayvo>o«ji irapd Sucoo-tuv t\ 8ui[i]tt|t6v f[ xpiTtiv, and several times in the correspondence of Abinnaeus (iv/A.D.), as P Lond 234" (c. B.C. 346) (= II. p. 287) A*tr«xMrmu v [SoJvkos. In P Oxy X. 1253" (iv/A.D.), an official report of certain



military requisitions made at Oxyrhynchus by some officers, they render rfjs yv&o-ws twv v' cxdirrov wapair\i6ivru>v, " the account of what was provided by each " (Edd.). In a Christian letter of iv/a.d., P Oxy VI. 939*, the word has the additional connotation of "solicitous" knowledge, when a dependent writes to his master c!>s iv 4X]Xois irXfCorois vvv Jti p.dXXov T| irpbs elius (HZNT ad I.) finds a technical meaning derived from Greek mysticism in the use of yvwo-is in Phil 38 Sid rb inr€pr|V tov KaT dvSpa. In the early OG/S 8126 (iv/n.c.) rals 7pdais tlo-[Kop£Joio-]i tts Tav iKKXr|o-Cav, Dittenberger understands Ypa^rj = "accusatio," according to the meaning common in Athenian law. rpa. 300) irpbs Saiuoviajouivovs: IIi.f3r|xeus 8 Sdxpva o-ol -ypdeiv, -ye'ypaipTjKci.v &v dirb tuv SaKpvuv, " wenn Thriinen cin Brief waren " (Ed.). The noun survives still. daxqvv) survives as 8o.Kpv£u to day, with ptc. 8aKpvo*|i^vot = "red with weeping." It may be quoted from Preisigie 373, an undated tombstone, Mdyva, [crj] Bavovcr[av] irdcra yr) SaKpvcrd[Tw.

8a " I 'ent m accordance with a public deed," ib. 510' (a.d. ioi) ds 48dv oov, "with reference to the expense of what he has belonging to me," ib. VIII. 112518 (ii/A.D.) IStais iavroC Sairdvais- In P Lond 356*' (i/A.D.) (= II. p. 252, Selections p. 59) the writer warns his corre spondent that if he sells him stale drugs—-yetvuo-Ke o-avTbv e^orra irpbs 4p.e irepl twv Sairavwv, " understand that you will have to settle with me with regard to the expenses." P Lond III. 1 171s4 (accounts—B.C. 8) (=111. p. 178) shows the new word vn-epSairdvij, i.e. "debit balance" or "deficit": {nrcp8diravov(?) and WepSairdvijua are also found in this sense in the same papyrus. The simple 8airdvr)|ia, which belongs to later Greek, is common, e.g. BGU III. tool1- 13 (B.C. 56) T]d Te pXdpN] Kal SairavrjuaTa. Aaveid. On the spelling of this name see J. H. Moulton Grammar of NT Greek II. §45, and cf. below s.v. SiXouavdsderjoit;. With Sctjo-is, "supplication," as in Phil I4, may be com pared P Par 69E n (A.D. 232) fvfla o-irov8d[s Kal Secerns iroiijo-duevos, and the Ptolemaic P Petr II. 19 (la)2 where a prisoner supplicates ueTd Sef}o-cu>s Kal tKerelas otiveKa tov 8eov Kal toO KaXus Ixovtos, " in the name of God and of fair play" (Ed.). In one of the Serapeum documents regarding the Twins, P Lond 2120 (B.C. 162) (= I. p. 13), Ptolemy petitions Sarapion on their behalf, d£i» oiv o-e (jktcL 8fT]\i do-8 Sapa-irc£a) ailpiov, ijTts 4o-tlv ic, diro upas 8, 6 8eds p-ov Sci£ci poi iv toIs Ix'pots px>v. For the ordinary "Chaeremon requests your company at dinner at the table meaning "exhibit" we may cite the rescript of Caracalla, of the lord Sarapis in the Serapeum to-morrow, the 13th, at P Giss I. 40" 18 (a. 11. 215), where the Emperor, from his similarly ii. ill (iii/A.D ), III. 523 (ii/A.D.), record an excellent judge of Kullur, lays it down that ?ti 9VI.o'clock": 926 (iii/A.D.), P Fay 132 (iii/A.D.). The hour, which tj Kal 8«Kv6ei ivavria .) ( = Selections, p. 1 14) {gcX0< Saiuov. 4ir«t o-« SWptvio 8 8«nrd[TT), Av to] \l[(]v io-riv TtTpa«T«'s, rb 8{ Tpurf). A derived noun occurs BGU IV. 1 1 87s* (c. B.C. 1) p.€vovo-r|s poi [tt\s] Kvpif(as Kal Seo-n-oT^as [tu]v SijXovplvuv toituv [K]a8. This LXX verb (Esth 4s 'Apdv 6 SevTepevuv tt9t|v «ls [t]*|v 8t|[(io]o-[(av] «[1]Pkt[t,]v. For the adverb Stjuoo-Ca cf. Syll 807 (after a.d. 138), where three times persons miraculously healed return public thanks — thus* Kal 4cio0t| Kal S^ooo-ia T\i\apitrTt\Q-fv tu Bcip Kal 0 8f|p.os oTJv«xapi] airuj. Dittenberger observes that this meaning, " coram populo," is foreign to antiquity. Vettius Valens p. 71s2 idv 8i to. Xoiird ODvrvx'ri, aixuAXwToi. Y'vovTai Kal 8-r|uoa-(a TtXtvTwciv, of public execution. In MGr it makes e. g. the compound 8i}pooHovpa4KK with meaning indistinguishable from Std c. gen. alone. This is of course based on "V3, but it is not a literal translation like 4v xeLP-- ^ i-s obviously modelled upon the vernacular phrase 8id x"pos. of money paid "by hand," "directly," ubiquitous in commercial documents: e.g. P Oxy II. 268'

For 8rfiroT«, as in fjn] 5* (whether we read otu SiriroToOv with A or is common in the judicial sense, w ith gen. person, as in Ac 2315. Thus P Grenf I. II1-8 (B.C. 157) SiaKovo-avra [airuv irpoo-avevcyKetv] iirl

ktX., and for the subst. ib. 3351*7 (ii/i B.C.). The verb is restored in CP Herm 8"-' Kal ravTa iray|>a iroi-fjo-avTts StcvcCjuavTO Tb dpyvpiov.

didvoia. « P Petr II. 13 (19)" (B.C. 258-3) tovto < iTrio-rdTfl tov lepov irXcovdxi Si.v.c'vas twtI twv 'EXX-rjvcov : this agrees witli the use of the noun Siao-ToX^j in the NT, see s.v. Cf. also Aristeas 152 t|u.ciS 8'dirb tovtoiv SitordXucBa, where Thackeray [Trans/. p. 32) remarks that Siao-r&Xciv "seems here to combine the two senses of 'to distinguish' and 'to command,' with a reference to Lev io10, if"." Finally we find 8iao-TtXX«i.v almost a term. tech. in orders for payment in kind, P Oxy I. 88s (a.I). 179) Siao-TftXaTC dS(KaTT|pcSpiov SiTivyai/v crKopir£ov irtpl tov rrpcorov tovs OTrioo-SnTTOToiv (pap. opuo--) rjYVopovT|Kevai ckdcrKovTas, o-cptSvSvXov. P Leid W iv- -* (ii/iii A.D.) Kaxao-avTos (i.e. «v8iaXv[ t]ws Kal irpaicos 8iaT(8to-8ai, and in P Lille I. 358 Kayx—) TrpuTov irpuTov (om.) avTov i