The Very Good Marketing Guide: How to Grow Your Business on a Budget 9781394184552, 1394184557

Grow your business faster with this revolutionary marketing framework Do you want to stop wasting time and money on mar

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Table of contents :
Title page
Table of contents
About the Author
Why I wrote this book
Coffee crunch
Going viral
Out of office
Technicians vs Visionaries
The system for success
Part I There’s a problem
ONE Your marketing plan is failing and taking your profits with it
The promised land
Top ten myths about SME marketing
TWO The Very Good Marketing Framework
The five Cs of Very Good Marketing
The Very Good Marketing Model
The journey
How strong is your marketing?
The Very Simple Principle
THREE Beat your marketing bottleneck
The marketing promise
Julia’s bottleneck
Beating your marketing bottleneck
Introducing the bottleneck quiz
The ticket to arriving at your goals
FAQ: Everything you might be wondering about The Very Good Marketing Framework
PART II Beating your bottlenecks
FOUR How to turn a stranger into a visitor
Marketing gone cold
The art of attraction
Channel: How do I get in front of the right people?
What is a marketing channel?
Eliminating the scattergun approach
So how do you choose just one marketing channel?
Messages and channels
Creating your marketing message
The Customer is the hero, not you
Getting the message right
Actions: What are my next steps?
Action plan example
Did it work?
Why growth stops
FIVE How to turn a visitor into a lead
The price of a website is confusing
Websites use up a lot of your marketing budget
Your website and marketing channel don’t match
Building a website is more than just design
Website technology is complicated
Your website tries to talk to everyone
Website data is never tracked or used
Someone will always have a better-looking website
Linda’s bottleneck
The 7 essential Ss for a high-performing website
Why people stop marketing here
SIX How toturn a lead into a customer
The 6 fundamentals of converting Leads into Customers
Overselling and underselling
Creating and delivering a sales process
SEVEN How to turn a customer into a fan
The growth dilemma
Net promoter score
Setting the bar
Defining the bar
Raising the bar
The mindset needed to create lifetime Fans
EIGHT How to turn a fan into jam
The mindset you need to engage raving Fans
The 3 Jam Rs
Bringing itall together

The Very Good Marketing Guide: How to Grow Your Business on a Budget
 9781394184552, 1394184557

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