The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Seed and Seedling Identification in the Upper Midwest (Bur Oak Guide) [1 ed.] 158729902X, 9781587299025

Settlers crossing the tallgrass prairie in the early 1800s were greeted by a seemingly endless landscape of wildflowers

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Table of contents :
About This Book
About the Photographs
Part 1. Forbs Identification Guide
Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 1
Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 2
Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 3
Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 4
Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 5
Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 6
Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 7
Part 2. Grasses Identification Guide
Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 1
Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 2
Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 3
Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 4
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The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Seed and Seedling Identification in the Upper Midwest (Bur Oak Guide) [1 ed.]
 158729902X, 9781587299025

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The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Seed and Seedling Identification in the Upper Midwest

a bur oak guide

The Tallgrass Prairie Center Guide to Seed and Seedling Identification in the Upper Midwest by dave williams illustrated by brent butler Published for the Tallgrass Prairie Center by the University of  Iowa Press, Iowa City

University of Iowa Press, Iowa City 52242 Copyright © 2010 by the Tallgrass Prairie Center Printed in Canada Design by April Leidig-Higgins No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. All reasonable steps have been taken to contact copyright holders of material used in this book. The publisher would be pleased to make suitable arrangements with any whom it has not been possible to reach. The University of Iowa Press is a member of Green Press Initiative and is committed to preserving natural resources. Printed on acid-free paper Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Williams, Dave (David Wayne), 1961– The Tallgrass Prairie Center guide to seed and seedling identification in the Upper Midwest / by Dave Williams; illustrated by Brent Butler. — 1st ed.   p.  cm. — (A Bur Oak guide) Includes index. isbn-13: 978-1-58729-902-5 (pbk.) isbn-10: 1-58729-902-x (pbk.)   1. Prairie plants — Seeds — Middle West —  Identification.  2. Forbs — Seeds — Middle West  — Identification.  3. Grasses — Seeds — Middle West — Identification.  4. Seedlings — Middle West — Identification.  I. Butler, Brent, 1978–  II. Tallgrass Prairie Center.  III. Title.  IV. Title: Guide to seed and seedling identification in the Upper Midwest.  V. Series: Bur Oak guide. qk128.w55  2010 581.7'440978 — dc22 2010000528

To my wife, Maureen, for her encouragement, patience, and editorial advice and to Rob, Clair, and Kayee for their willingness to venture into wild places with Dad — Dave Williams

To my late grandfather, James Butler, for showing me the beauty of  Iowa roadsides on our summer trips, and to my father-in-law, Bob Athen, whose conservation efforts continue to inspire me — Brent Butler

contents About This Book  ix

Prairie phlox, Phlox pilosa  32

About the Photographs  xi

Prairie sunflower,

Acknowledgments  xi

Helianthus pauciflorus  33 Saw-tooth sunflower,

part one

Forbs Identification Guide Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 1

Helianthus grosseserratus  34 Swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata  35 Tall boneset, Eupatorium altissimum  36

Leadplant, Amorpha canescens  7

Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 5

New Jersey tea, Ceanothus americanus  8

Blue vervain, Verbena hastata  41

Purple prairie clover, Dalea purpurea  9

Common mountain mint,

Round-headed bush clover, Lespedeza capitata  10 Showy tick trefoil, Desmodium canadense  11 White prairie clover, Dalea candida  12

Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 2 Cream false indigo, Baptisia bracteata  15 Milk vetch, Astragalus canadensis  16 Partridge pea, Chamaecrista fasciculata  17 White wild indigo, Baptisia alba  18

Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 3 Flowering spurge, Euphorbia corollata  21 Grass-leaved goldenrod, Euthamia graminifolia  22 New England aster, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae  23 White sage, Artemisia ludoviciana  24

Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 4

Pycnanthemum virginianum  42 Hairy mountain mint, Pycnanthemum pilosum  43 Hoary vervain, Verbena stricta  44 Ox-eye sunflower, Heliopsis helianthoides  45 Prairie coreopsis, Coreopsis palmata  46 Slender mountain mint, Pycnanthemum tenuifolium  47 Wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosa  48

Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 6 Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta  53 Bottle gentian, Gentiana andrewsii  54 Canada anemone, Anemone canadensis  55 Compass plant, Silphium laciniatum  56 Foxglove beardtongue, Penstemon digitalis  57 Fragrant coneflower, Rudbeckia subtomentosa  58

Butterfly milkweed, Asclepias tuberosa  29

Golden alexanders, Zizia aurea  59

Culver’s root,

Gray-headed coneflower,

Veronicastrum virginicum  30 Ironweed, Vernonia fasciculata  31

Ratibida pinnata  60 Great blue lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica  61

Heath aster, Symphyotrichum ericoides  62 Old field goldenrod, Solidago nemoralis  63 Pale purple coneflower, Echinacea pallida  64 Prairie smoke, Geum triflorum  65 Prairie violet, Viola pedatifida  66 Rosinweed, Silphium integrifolium  67 Showy goldenrod, Solidago speciosa  68 Smooth blue aster, Symphyotrichum laeve  69 Sneezeweed, Helenium autumnale  70 Stiff goldenrod, Oligoneuron rigidum  71

part two

Grasses Identification Guide Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 1 Big bluestem, Andropogon gerardii  91 Bluejoint grass, Calamagrostis canadensis  92 Indian grass, Sorghastrum nutans  93 Little bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium  94 Side-oats grama, Bouteloua curtipendula  95

Thimbleweed, Anemone cylindrica  72

Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 2

Wild quinine, Parthenium integrifolium  73

Canada wild rye, Elymus canadensis  99

Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 7

Virginia wild rye, Elymus virginicus  100

Ohio spiderwort, Tradescantia ohiensis  77

Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 3

Prairie blazing star,

June grass, Koeleria macrantha  105

Liatris pycnostachya  78

Kalm’s bromegrass, Bromus kalmii  106

Prairie onion, Allium stellatum  79

Prairie cord grass, Spartina pectinata  107

Prairie spiderwort,

Prairie dropseed, Sporobolus heterolepis  108

Tradescantia bracteata  80 Rattlesnake master, Eryngium yuccifolium  81 Rough blazing star, Liatris aspera  82 Wild garlic, Allium canadense  83

Switchgrass, Panicum virgatum  109 Tall dropseed, Sporobolus compositus  110

Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 4 Porcupine grass, Hesperostipa spartea  113 Glossary  115 Index  117

about this book When settlers crossed the tallgrass prairie, they were greeted by a vibrant, seemingly endless landscape of wildflowers, grasses, and sedges. These plants created a mosaic of colors and textures that extended from Canada to Texas and from the eastern Dakotas to parts of Indiana and Ohio. The tallgrass prairie was one of the most diverse ecosystems on our planet. Over the eons, its plants adapted to severe cold winters and hot dry summers to leave a legacy of the most productive soils on earth. Today, the tallgrass prairie has been reduced to small, isolated fragments found in rights-of-way, cemeteries, and areas too steep, rocky, or awkward to farm.   The goal of this guide is twofold. First, it should provide interesting information about the depth and breadth of native forbs and grasses of the prairie to encourage readers to consider using tallgrass prairie seed and/or live plants for their next planting projects. Second, this guide will aid in the identification of seedling plants as they emerge from the soil.   The definition of a seedling plant is somewhat arbitrary. The challenge for us in writing this guide was to produce seedlings that were close in size and developmental stage to that of field-grown seedlings near the end of their first growing season. To accomplish this, we grew plants in the greenhouse for four to six weeks. A few species such as Canada anemone, Culver’s root, and prairie smoke needed a few extra weeks because their seed took longer to germinate and their growth was much slower. Keep in mind that as most plants

mature, they undergo a series of morphological changes, and their unique seedling characteristics can appear and disappear in a few short weeks. Seedling identification can be greatly enhanced by watching these early changes as the plants mature.   This guide organizes seedling plants into two groups: forbs and grasses. Associated with each group is a line drawing of a seedling with its most important parts highlighted. Remember those parts, because seedling identification is nothing more than finding them — or not finding them — in a key. Seedlings are therefore grouped by their key characteristics, not by their species or in alphabetical order. There are seven key characteristic groups for forbs and four for grasses, representing seventy-two different species.   To identify an unknown tallgrass prairie seedling, you’ll first find its key characteristics, using the appropriate line drawing in conjunction with the guidance provided in the forbs and grasses identification sections on pages 2–3 and 86–87. Sometimes you may need to roll a stem between your fingers or look through a hand lens to find certain details. You’ll be guided step by step, through a process of elimination, to that one of the eleven characteristic groups in the book that best fits your unknown seedling. Look through the section where plants with those characteristics are shown until you find the right one. It’s that simple!   Red circles and yellow and blue triangles will also aid in seedling identification. The red circle on each full seedling

photograph corresponds to the area of the close-up photograph. In addition, small yellow and blue triangles in the close-up correspond to the bullet points marked with the colored triangles. These will help you pinpoint the key characteristics. Also included are line drawings of leaf types, leaf shapes, leaf arrangements, leaf margins, a glossary of botanical terms, and an index of common and scientific names.   We have used The Vascular Plants of Iowa: An Annotated Checklist and Natural History by Lawrence J. Eilers and Dean M. Roosa (1994), An Illustrated Guide to Iowa Prairie Plants by


Paul Christiansen and Mark Müller (1999), and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database at for species selection and binomial nomenclature. Where the Flora of North America North of Mexico and The Flora of Nebraska by Robert B. Kaul, David Sutherland, and Steven Rolfsmeier (2007) provide updated nomenclature, we have included the older names in brackets in the index.   We are glad you are interested in the tallgrass prairie, and we hope this guide will deepen your appreciation and aware­ ness of the unique beauty of our natural landscape.

about the photogr aphs Seedlings were photographed by Dave Williams, David O’Shields, and Brent Butler. An 8-megapixel digital Canon Rebel XT camera with a 100mm macro lens attached was used for full seedling photographs. A series of 12, 20, and 36mm extension tubes were attached to the same camera and lens for the close-ups. With some species, multiple seedlings were used to get the very best close-up shots. A tripod and light table were used for all photographs.

acknowledgments We thank all who provided the consultation, funding, and equipment to complete this guide. The photographic expertise and advice of Jeffery Byrd were invaluable. The very best photographs were a result of David O’Shields’s eye for angle, light, and picture clarity. We thank Maureen Collins-Williams and Holly Carver for their editing of multiple manuscript drafts. Many thanks to the University of Northern Iowa’s Tallgrass Prairie Center Director Daryl Smith for providing the equipment and allowing us the time to pursue this project. This guide was funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.

part one

Forbs Identification Guide


basal leaf cluster leaf blade leaf tip



leaflet blade stem stipule(s)

stipule type compound leaf

leaf blade simple leaf




leaf arrangement

primary root

root branch

leaf type leaflet

alternate simple



leaf(let) tip types

odd-pinnate compound

even-pinnate compound

cuspidate (pointed)

emarginate (notched)


Welcome to the forbs identification section. Most prairie plants are perennial and grow slowly (above ground) in the first growing season. Therefore, plant identifi­ cation may be easier when done in late summer, after seedlings have had the most time to develop. Follow the easy steps below. 1. Start with a visual inspection to determine if your unknown seedling has a stem or is a basal cluster of leaves. a. Stem present: go to step 2 b. Stem absent: go to step 6

4. Determine if stipules are hairlike or leaflike. a. Stipules are hairlike: go to key   characteristic group 1, page 4 b. Stipules are leaflike: go to key   characteristic group 2, page 13

2. Roll the stem between your fingers 5. Determine if leaves are arranged to determine if it is round or has an alternate or opposite on the stem. edge. a. Alternate leaf arrangement: go to   key characteristic group 3, page 19 a. Round stem: go to step 3 b. Edged stem: go to key characteristic b. Opposite leaf arrangement: go to   group 5, page 38   key characteristic group 4, page 26 3. Look for stipules near the base of the petiole (a hand lens may be needed). a. Stipules present: go to step 4 b. Stipules absent: go to step 5

6. Does the seedling appear grasslike? a. No, does not appear grasslike: go to   key characteristic group 6, page 49 b. Yes, appears grasslike: go to key   characteristic group 7, page 74


Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 1 Round stem, hairlike stipules, alternate leaves

Leadplant, Amorpha canescens

New Jersey tea, Ceanothus americanus


Purple prairie clover, Dalea purpurea

Round-headed bush clover, Lespedeza capitata

Showy tick trefoil, Desmodium canadense

White prairie clover, Dalea candida


Leadplant  Amorpha canescens |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • hairlike stipules • alternate leaves • circular simple leaves on young seedlings • odd-pinnate compound leaves on older seedlings • pointed leaflet tips seedling description

Leadplant emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled between the fingers. Stipules located at the base of the petiole where it joins the stem are rust-colored and hairlike. Young seedling leaves are alternate and almost circular, with pointed leaf tips. As the seedling matures, leaves change from simple to odd-pinnate compound with 3–35 leaflets per leaf.

4 CM


milk vetch: leaflike stipules showy tick trefoil: hairy leaf margin germination and growth

Seed germination of leadplant is im­ proved with moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Leadplant seedlings grow very slowly; 3 or more growing seasons may be needed to pro­ duce flowering plants. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




New Jersey tea  Ceanothus americanus |  Rhamnaceae, buckthorn family • round stem • hairlike stipules • alternate leaves • serrated leaf margin • glossy leaves seedling description

New Jersey tea emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled between the fingers. Hairlike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole. Leaves are alternate, glossy, and simple with serrated mar­ gins. Note: Because of the presence of stipules, this species was grouped with the legumes; however, New Jersey tea is in the buckthorn family. look-alikes

blue vervain: edged stem Culver’s root: opposite leaves hoary vervain: edged stem germination and growth

Seed germination of New Jersey tea is improved by scarification followed by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. New Jersey tea is a low-growing woody plant with several branching stems arising from a single taproot.




6 CM

Purple prairie clover  Dalea purpurea |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • hairlike stipules • alternate leaves • compound leaf with 3–5 leaflets • citrusy odor of crushed leaf • pointed leaflet tips seedling description

Purple prairie clover emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled between the fingers. Hairlike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole. Young seedling leaves are compound with 3 strap-shaped leaflets. Leaflet tips are pointed. As the plant ma­ tures, some leaves may develop 5 leaflets. Crushing a leaf produces a citrusy odor.

5 CM


round-headed bush clover: hair promi­ nent on the stem white prairie clover: notched to rounded leaflet tips germination and growth

Seed germination of purple prairie clover is improved with dry-cold strati­ fication. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Purple prairie clover is a high-protein forage source for wild turkey, whitetailed deer, and quail. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Round-headed bush clover  Lespedeza capitata |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • hairlike stipules • compound leaf with 3 leaflets • pointed leaf tips • hairy stem and leaf margins seedling description

Round-headed bush clover emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled between the fingers. Hairlike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole. The stipules on young seedlings are light green, and darken as the plant matures. The first leaf is simple, and subsequent leaves are compound, with 3 leaflets. Each leaflet has a pointed tip that can be seen with­ out a hand lens, making this species easy to identify. Hair is prominent on the stem and leaflet margins.

7 CM


cream false indigo: leaflike stipules purple prairie clover: straplike leaflets white prairie clover: notched leaflet tips white wild indigo: leaflike stipules germination and growth

Seed germination of round-headed bush clover is improved with moist-cold strat­ ification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Dense, dark brown flower heads make round-headed bush clover easy to spot in the winter. Seed photo: hull removed.




Showy tick trefoil  Desmodium canadense |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • hairlike stipules • alternate leaves • circular simple leaves on young seedlings • compound leaves with 3 leaflets on older seedlings • hair on leaf and leaflet margins seedling description

Showy tick trefoil emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled between the fingers. Hairlike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole and sometimes on the petiole near the base of the leaf. Young seedling leaves are simple and almost circular. As the plant matures, com­ pound leaves develop, each consisting of 3 leaflets. Hair on the margin of leaves and leaflets can be easily seen with a hand lens.

6 CM


flowering spurge: stipules absent leadplant: pointed leaf and leaflet tips milk vetch: leaflike stipules germination and growth

Seed germination of showy tick trefoil is improved with dry-cold stratifica­ tion. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Showy tick trefoil’s small, dark seed pods will stick to your clothes if you brush up against this species in the fall. Seed photo: segmented pod removed.




White prairie clover  Dalea candida |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • hairlike stipules • alternate leaves • compound leaves with 3 leaflets on young seedlings • notched and round leaflet tips seedling description

White prairie clover emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled between the fingers. Hairlike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole. Young seedling leaves are compound with 3 leaflets. As the plant matures, each leaf can have up to 9 leaf­ lets. Leaflet tips are notched or rounded. Crushed leaves of this species do not produce a citrusy odor.

5 CM


cream false indigo: leaflike stipules purple prairie clover: pointed leaflet tips round-headed bush clover: pointed leaflet tips white wild indigo: leaflike stipules germination and growth

Seed germination of white prairie clover is improved with dry-cold stratifica­ tion. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. It is commonly called broom weed; Native Americans constructed brooms from its stems. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 2 Round stem, leaflike stipules, alternate leaves

Cream false indigo, Baptisia bracteata

Milk vetch, Astragalus canadensis

Partridge pea, Chamaecrista fasciculata

White wild indigo, Baptisia alba


Cream false indigo  Baptisia bracteata |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • leaflike stipules • alternate leaves • obovate, balloon-shaped leaflets • compound leaves with 3 leaflets • hair prominent on stem and leaflets • leaflets thick and fleshy when rubbed seedling description

Cream false indigo emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled between the fingers. Leaflike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole. All leaves are compound with 3 leaflets, alternate, and connected to the stem with a very short petiole. Leaflets feel thick and fleshy when rubbed between the fingers. Hair can be seen easily without a hand lens.

4 CM


round-headed bush clover: hairlike stipules showy tick trefoil: hairlike stipules white prairie clover: hairlike stipules white wild indigo: hair absent on stem germination and growth

Seed germination of cream false indigo is improved with scarification followed by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Emerging shoots in spring look like asparagus. Cream false indigo seedlings grow very slowly; 3 or more growing seasons may be needed to produce flowering plants. Seed photo: color variants and pod removed.




Milk vetch  Astragalus canadensis |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • leaflike stipules • alternate leaves • odd-pinnate compound leaves with 3–35 leaflets • oval leaflets with notched tips seedling description

Milk vetch emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled between the fingers. Leaflike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole. Young seedling leaves are oval with notched leaflet tips and alternate on the stem. As the seedling matures, milk vetch leaves change from simple to oddpinnate compound with 3–35 leaflets per leaf. Hair is easily seen on leaflet undersides but difficult to detect on leaflet tops.

13 CM


cream false indigo: balloon-shaped leaflets leadplant: hairlike stipules showy tick trefoil: hairlike stipules white wild indigo: balloon-shaped leaflets germination and growth

Seed germination of milk vetch is im­ proved with scarification followed by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Large, leafy, shrublike plants and cream col­ ored flowers make milk vetch easy to find in a prairie. Seed photo: pod removed. 16



Partridge pea  Chamaecrista fasciculata |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • leaflike stipules • alternate leaves • hair on stem and leaflet margins • even-pinnate compound leaves with 8–24 leaflets • pointed leaflet tips seedling description

Partridge pea emerges as a single stem. The stem is round when rolled be­ tween the fingers. Leaflike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole. All leaves are even-pinnate compound with 8–24 leaflets, which makes this species very easy to identify at a young seedling stage. The first few leaves have 8 leaflets, and subsequent leaves may have up to 24 leaflets. Leaflets have a pointed tip. Hair on the stem and leaflet margins can be seen easily with a hand lens.

8 CM


leadplant: hairlike stipules milk vetch: notched and rounded leaflet tips germination and growth

Seed germination of partridge pea is improved by scarification followed by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Partridge pea is an annual plant that grows rapidly and flowers in the first year. Seed photo: pod removed.




White wild indigo  Baptisia alba |  Fabaceae, legume family • round stem • leaflike stipules • alternate leaves • compound leaves with 3 leaflets • balloon-shaped leaflets with notched tips • stem and leaflet hair absent seedling description

White wild indigo emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Leaflike stipules are located on the stem at the junction of the petiole. The first leaf is simple and balloon-shaped. Subsequent leaves are alternate, compound with 3 leaflets, and connected to the stem with a very short petiole. Leaflets feel thick and fleshy when rubbed between the fingers. Stem and leaflets are hairless.

4 CM


cream false indigo: hair on stem and leaflets round-headed bush clover: hairlike stipules showy tick trefoil: hairlike stipules white prairie clover: hairlike stipules germination and growth

Seed germination of white wild indigo is improved with scarification followed by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Emerging shoots in spring look like asparagus. White wild indigo seedlings grow very slowly; 3 or more growing seasons may be needed to produce flowering plants. Seed photo: color variants and pod removed. 0



Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 3 Round stem, stipules absent, alternate leaves

Flowering spurge, Euphorbia corollata

Grass-leaved goldenrod, Euthamia graminifolia

New England aster, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae

White sage, Artemisia ludoviciana


Flowering spurge  Euphorbia corollata |  Euphorbiaceae, spurge family • round stem • alternate leaves • elliptic and oval leaf shapes • very short petiole • hairy stem and leaves seedling description

Flowering spurge emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Leaves are elliptic to oval, alternate, and connected to the stem with a very short petiole. Hair on the leaf margins and stem can be seen without a hand lens. This seedling has a unique appearance and is easily identi­ fied in the field.

10 CM


leadplant: hairlike stipules showy tick trefoil: hairlike stipules germination and growth

Germination of flowering spurge can be tricky. This species has a hard seed coat, and moist-cold stratification is needed to break seed dormancy. Flower­ ing spurge grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seedlings grow very slowly, and 2–3 growing sea­ sons may be needed before flowering plants are produced. Seed photo: color variants.


elliptic leaf shape

oval leaf shape



Grass-leaved goldenrod  Euthamia graminifolia |  Asteraceae, daisy family • round stem • alternate leaves • 3 linear veins on leaves • linear, straplike leaf shape • sessile leaves seedling description

Grass-leaved goldenrod emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Look closely at this seedling plant because there are some identification characteristics that can be easily missed. Leaves are strap­ like, alternate, and connected to the stem without a petiole. Linear veins on the leaf surface resemble those of the grasses. Leaf margins have very small serrations that cannot be seen with the naked eye but make the leaf edges feel rough when rubbed across the fingers.

7 CM


butterfly milkweed: opposite leaves common mountain mint: opposite leaves slender mountain mint: opposite leaves prairie coreopsis: opposite leaves germination and growth

Seed germination of grass-leaved golden­rod can be improved by moistcold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in wet to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seedlings grow very slowly; 2–3 growing seasons may be needed before flowering plants are produced. Seed photo: color variants, pappus removed.




New England aster  Symphyotrichum novae-angliae |  Asteraceae, daisy family • round stem • alternate leaves • spatulate leaves • leaves clasp stem • pubescent hairs on stem and leaves seedling description

New England aster emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Leaves are alternate and shaped like a spatula. Leaves are connected directly to the stem, clasping it without petioles. Short, soft hairs on the leaves and stem can be seen without a hand lens.

6 CM


smooth blue aster: leaf petiole present tall boneset: opposite leaves germination and growth

Seed germination of New England aster can be improved by moist-cold stratifi­ cation. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. In late summer to early fall, when most other prairie flowers have finished blooming, the rose-purple to purple flowers of New England aster glow in a planting. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season. Seed photo: color variants, pappus removed.




White sage  Artemisia ludoviciana |  Asteraceae, daisy family • round stem • alternate leaves • serrated margin on less than half of leaf • stem and leaf hair prominent • sage odor of crushed leaf • whitish foliage seedling description

White sage emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled be­ tween the fingers. Leaves are spatulashaped and alternate. Less than half of the leaf is serrated. Leaves appear whit­ ish from the hair on the leaf surface. Seen through a hand lens, the hairs ap­ pear matted and tangled on the leaf. As the seedling matures, the foliage takes on a whitish color and is easily recog­ nizable. Crushing the leaf produces a strong sage odor. The leaf hair and sage odor are unique characteristics for this species.

5 CM



germination and growth

Seed germination of white sage can be improved by dry-cold or moist-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be cov­ ered with soil after sowing. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. The unique white foliage of white sage makes up for its lack of showy flowers. Seed photo: color variants.




Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 4 Round stem, stipules absent, opposite leaves

Butterfly milkweed, Asclepias tuberosa

Culver’s root, Veronicastrum virginicum

Ironweed, Vernonia fasciculata

Prairie phlox, Phlox pilosa


Prairie sunflower, Helianthus pauciflorus

Saw-tooth sunflower, Helianthus grosseserratus

Swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata

Tall boneset, Eupatorium altissimum


Butterfly milkweed  Asclepias tuberosa |  Asclepiadaceae, milkweed family • round stem • opposite leaves on younger seedlings • straplike leaf shape • very short petiole • hair prominent on stem seedling description

Butterfly milkweed emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Leaves are oblong, opposite, and attached to the stem with a very short petiole. Leaves become al­ ternate on older seedlings. Unlike other milkweeds, butterfly milkweed does not exude milky sap when leaves are crushed. Hair on the stem can be seen easily without a hand lens.

5 CM


common mountain mint: edged stem prairie coreopsis: edged stem slender mountain mint: edged stem swamp milkweed: stem hair absent germination and growth

Seed germination of butterfly milkweed can be improved by either dry-cold or moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Butterfly milkweed is one of the few tallgrass prairie plants with a true orange flower. Seed photo: pod and pappus removed.




Culver’s root  Veronicastrum virginicum |  Scrophulariaceae, figwort family • round stem • opposite leaves • serrated leaf margin • very short petiole • puckered leaf venation • pubescent hair on stem and leaves seedling description

Culver’s root emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled be­ tween the fingers. Leaves are opposite and attached to the stem with a very short petiole. Leaf margins are serrated. Leaf venation puckers the leaf surface.

4 CM


blue vervain: edged stem hoary vervain: edged stem ironweed: serrated outer half of leaf margin ox-eye sunflower: edged stem wild bergamot: edged stem, mint odor germination and growth

Seed germination of Culver’s root can be improved by dry-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in wet-mesic to mesic soils and in full to partial sun­ light. As the plant matures, leaves be­ come whorled and consist of 3–5 leaves. This makes Culver’s root easy to identify because very few tallgrass prairie plants have whorled leaves. Multiple spikes of densely packed, small white flowers occur on the top of the plant in early July. Seed photo: color variants. 0



Ironweed  Vernonia fasciculata |  Asteraceae, daisy family • round stem • opposite leaves • serrated margins on outer half of leaf • hair absent on stem and leaves • very short petiole • prominent midvein seedling description

Ironweed emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Leaves are opposite and con­ nected to the stem with short petioles. Only the outer half of the leaf has a ser­ rated margin. Seedlings are light green.

5 CM


blue vervain: edged stem Culver’s root: hair on stem and leaves hoary vervain: edged stem ox-eye sunflower: edged stem wild bergamot: edged stem, mint odor germination and growth

Seed germination of ironweed can be improved by moist-cold stratification. This species grows on wet-mesic to mesic soils and in full to partial sun­ light. Leaf arrangement changes as the plant matures, from opposite on young seedlings to alternate on older plants. In midsummer this tall plant has a cluster of deep red to purple flowers. Cattle avoid grazing ironweed. Seed photo: color variants, pappus removed.




Prairie phlox  Phlox pilosa |  Polemoniaceae, phlox family • round stem • opposite leaves • sessile leaf   • prominent midvein • coarse hairs on stem and leaf margins seedling description

Prairie phlox emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled be­ tween the fingers. Leaves are attached to the stem without a petiole. Hair on the stem and leaf can be seen without a hand lens. look-alikes

common mountain mint: edged stem prairie coreopsis: edged stem slender mountain mint: edged stem swamp milkweed: petiole present germination and growth

Seed germination of prairie phlox can be improved by moist-cold stratification. However, germination may not occur until the second growing season due to double dormancy in the seed. Prairie phlox grows on wet-mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seedlings grow very slowly and may be only 2–3 cm tall at the end of the first growing season. Don’t exclude this species from the seed mix. By year 3 or 4, flowering plants will likely appear.




7 CM

Prairie sunflower  Helianthus pauciflorus |  Asteraceae, daisy family • round stem • opposite leaves • very short petiole • lance-shaped leaf • hair prominent on leaves and stem • leaves rough when rubbed seedling description

Prairie sunflower emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Leaves are lanceshaped and attached to the stem with a very short petiole. Hair on leaves and stem can be seen easily without a hand lens, and leaves are rough to the touch. Prairie sunflower seedlings cannot be distinguished from young seedlings of saw-tooth sunflower.

9 CM


butterfly milkweed: leaves and stem soft when rubbed common mountain mint: edged stem slender mountain mint: edged stem swamp milkweed: leaves smooth when rubbed saw-tooth sunflower: serrated leaf margins on older seedlings germination and growth

Seed germination of prairie sunflower can be improved by either dry-cold or moist-cold stratification. This species grows in dry-mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Prairie sunflower may take 2 or more years to flower. Seed photo: shape variants. 0



Saw-tooth sunflower  Helianthus grosseserratus |  Asteraceae, daisy family • round stem • opposite leaves • leaf margins serrated on older seedlings • coarse hairs on leaves and petioles seedling description

Saw-tooth sunflower emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Leaf margins on young seedlings are not serrated, and leaves are attached to the stem with a very short petiole. Leaves of older seed­ lings develop serrated margins. Hair on the leaves, petiole, and stem can be seen easily without a hand lens. Leaves are rough to the touch. Young seedlings cannot be distinguished from prairie sunflower seedlings.

9 CM


butterfly milkweed: leaves not serrated common mountain mint: edged stem ox-eye sunflower: edged stem slender mountain mint: edged stem swamp milkweed: leaves smooth when rubbed germination and growth

Seed germination of saw-tooth sun­ flower can be improved by either drycold or moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Compared to seedlings of most other prairie species, saw-tooth sunflower seedlings can grow quite large in the first growing season.




Swamp milkweed  Asclepias incarnata |  Asclepiadaceae, milkweed family • round stem • opposite leaves • lance-shaped leaf • nearly hairless stem • milky sap from crushed leaves on older seedlings seedling description

Swamp milkweed emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled between the fingers. Leaves are lanceo­ late, opposite, and attached to the stem with a short petiole. The stem appears hairless although very minute hairs can be seen with a hand lens. Netted vena­ tion on leaves and cotyledon is yellow­ ish. Crushed leaves exude milky sap on older seedlings.

6 CM


butterfly milkweed: stem hair prominent common mountain mint: edged stem prairie coreopsis: edged stem slender mountain mint: edged stem germination and growth

Seed germination of swamp milkweed can be improved by either dry-cold or moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet to mesic soils and in full sunlight. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season. Seed photo: pod and pappus removed.




Tall boneset  Eupatorium altissimum |  Asteraceae, daisy family • round stem • opposite leaves • sessile leaf • outer half of leaf margin serrated • netted venation • some hair on stem and leaf margins seedling description

Tall boneset emerges as a single stem. The stem feels round when rolled be­ tween the fingers. Leaves are opposite and attached to the stem without a petiole. Short curled hairs on the leaf margin can be seen with a hand lens. Leaves are serrated on only the outer half. Leaves feel soft when rubbed be­ tween the fingers. look-alikes

butterfly milkweed: leaf margins not serrated white sage: alternate leaves saw-tooth sunflower: leaves rough when rubbed germination and growth

Seed germination of tall boneset can be improved by moist-cold stratifica­ tion. This species grows on dry-mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Blooming is prominent from late sum­ mer into early fall with numerous small white flowers on a tall plant. Seed photo: pappus removed.




6 CM

Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 5 Edged stem, stipules absent, opposite leaves

Blue vervain, Verbena hastata

Common mountain mint, Pycnanthemum virginianum

Hairy mountain mint, Pycnanthemum pilosum

Hoary vervain, Verbena stricta


Ox-eye sunflower, Heliopsis helianthoides

Prairie coreopsis, Coreopsis palmata

Slender mountain mint, Pycnanthemum tenuifolium

Wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosa


Blue vervain  Verbena hastata |  Verbenaceae, vervain family • edged stem • opposite leaves • serrated leaf margin • leaf margin extending down petiole • puckered leaf surface • short, soft hairs on the stem and leaves seedling description

Blue vervain emerges as a single stem. An edge can be detected when the stem is rolled between the fingers. Leaf margins are serrated with the margins extending down the petiole. Undersides of the leaves and stem have fine hair that appears fuzzy when seen without a hand lens. The incised, netted venation on the leaf surface puckers the leaves.

5 CM


Culver’s root: round stem hoary vervain: very hairy stem and leaves ironweed: round stem germination and growth

Seed germination of blue vervain can be improved by moist-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. Blue vervain grows in wet to mesic soil and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: color variants.




Common mountain mint  Pycnanthemum virginianum |  Lamiaceae, mint family • edged stem • straplike leaf shape • very short petiole • mint odor of crushed leaf seedling description

Common mountain mint emerges as a single stem. An edge can be detected when the stem is rolled between the fingers. All parts of the seedling have a mint odor when crushed. Leaves are strap-shaped, opposite, and connected to the stem by a very short petiole. Stem hair can be seen with a hand lens. look-alikes

hairy mountain mint: very hairy stem and leaves prairie coreopsis: sessile leaf slender mountain mint: stem hair absent germination and growth

Seed germination of common mountain mint can be improved by dry-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in wet-mesic to mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: size variants.




7 CM

Hairy mountain mint  Pycnanthemum pilosum |  Lamiaceae, mint family • edged stem • opposite leaves • lance-shaped leaf • mint odor of crushed leaf • pubescent leaves and stem seedling description

Hairy mountain mint emerges as a single stem. An edge can be detected when the stem is rolled between the fingers. All parts of the seedling have a mint odor when crushed. Leaves are opposite and connected to the stem by a very short petiole. Hair on the leaves and stem can be seen easily without a hand lens. Leaves feel soft when rubbed between the fingers.

7 CM


common mountain mint: strap-shaped leaf ox-eye sunflower: serrated leaf margin wild bergamot: serrated leaf margin germination and growth

Seed germination of hairy mountain mint can be improved by dry-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. Hairy mountain mint grows in mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. 0



Hoary vervain  Verbena stricta |  Verbenaceae, vervain family • edged stem • opposite leaves • serrated leaf margin • leaf margin extending down petiole • puckered leaf surface • short, soft hair on stem and leaves seedling description

Hoary vervain emerges as a single stem. An edge can be detected when the stem is rolled between the fingers. Leaf margins are serrated with the margins extending down the petiole. A hand lens is needed to detect the fine hair on the leaf surface and stem. The incised, netted venation on the leaf surface puckers the leaves. look-alikes

blue vervain: hair on stem and leaves visible without hand lens Culver’s root: round stem ironweed: round stem germination and growth

Seed germination of hoary vervain can be improved by moist-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in drymesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Expect flowering plants in the second year.




4 CM

Ox-eye sunflower  Heliopsis helianthoides |  Asteraceae, daisy family • edged stem • opposite leaves • serrated leaf margin • leaves rough when rubbed seedling description

Ox-eye sunflower emerges as a single stem. An edge can be detected when the stem is rolled between the fingers. Leaves are opposite and connected to the stem by short petioles. Leaf margins are serrated. Coarse hairs can be seen with a hand lens. Leaves feel rough when rubbed between the fingers. Ox-eye sunflower seedlings are similar to those of wild bergamot but have no mint odor.

10 CM


blue vervain: leaf margins extending down petiole hoary vervain: leaf margins extending down petiole wild bergamot: mint odor of crushed leaf germination and growth

Seed germination of ox-eye sunflower can be improved by either dry-cold or moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight, and is easy to grow from seed. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season.




Prairie coreopsis  Coreopsis palmata |  Asteraceae, daisy family • edged stem • opposite leaves • linear, strap-shaped leaf • sessile • prominent midvein without netted venation seedling description

Prairie coreopsis emerges as a single stem. An edge can be detected when the stem is rolled between the fingers. Newly emerged seedling leaves are strap-shaped, opposite, and connected to the stem without a petiole. Hair along the leaf margins can be seen with a hand lens.

9 CM


butterfly weed: petiole present common mountain mint: petiole present slender mountain mint: petiole present germination and growth

Seed germination of prairie coreopsis is greatly improved with moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. One-year-old plants typically retain straplike leaves. As the plant matures, the leaves develop the characteristic 3-lobed leaf shape. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season.




older seedling leaves

Slender mountain mint  Pycnanthemum tenuifolium |  Lamiaceae, mint family • edged stem • opposite leaves • linear, strap-shaped leaf • mint odor of crushed leaf • glabrous leaf and stem seedling description

Slender mountain mint emerges as a single stem. An edge can be detected when the stem is rolled between the fingers. All parts of the seedling have a mint odor when crushed. Leaves are linear in shape, opposite, and connected to the stem by a very short petiole. Leaves and stem appear to be hairless.

5 CM


common mountain mint: stem hair present hairy mountain mint: leaves and stem covered with soft hairs prairie coreopsis: leaf attached to stem without petiole germination and growth

Seed germination of slender mountain mint can be improved by dry-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: shape variants.




Wild bergamot  Monarda fistulosa |  Lamiaceae, mint family • edged stem • opposite leaves • mint odor of crushed leaf • serrated leaf margin seedling description

Wild bergamot emerges as a single stem. An edge can be detected when the stem is rolled between the fingers. All parts of the seedling have a mint odor when crushed. Leaves are opposite and connected to the stem with a short petiole. Leaf margins are serrated, and leaves feel smooth when rubbed between the fingers. look-alikes

blue vervain: puckered leaf venation hoary vervain: puckered leaf venation ox-eye sunflower: no mint odor germination and growth

Seed germination of wild bergamot can be improved by dry-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry soil and in full to partial sunlight, and is easy to grow from seed. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season.




5 CM

Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 6 Stem absent, basal leaf cluster

Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta

Bottle gentian, Gentiana andrewsii

Canada anemone, Anemone canadensis

Compass plant, Silphium laciniatum

Foxglove beardtongue, Penstemon digitalis

Fragrant coneflower, Rudbeckia subtomentosa 49

Golden alexanders, Zizia aurea

Gray-headed coneflower, Ratibida pinnata

Great blue lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica

Heath aster, Symphyotrichum ericoides

Old field goldenrod, Solidago nemoralis

Pale purple coneflower, Echinacea pallida


Prairie smoke, Geum triflorum

Prairie violet, Viola pedatifida

Rosinweed, Silphium integrifolium

Showy goldenrod, Solidago speciosa

Smooth blue aster, Symphyotrichum laeve

Sneezeweed, Helenium autumnale


Stiff goldenrod, Oligoneuron rigidum

Thimbleweed, Anemone cylindrica

Wild quinine, Parthenium integrifolium


Black-eyed Susan  Rudbeckia hirta |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • rounded leaf tips • prominent leaf hairs seedling description

Black-eyed Susan seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Leaf hairs are so prominent on seedling plants that they appear fuzzy. Young seedling leaf margins are somewhat serrated, and leaves feel soft when rubbed between the fingers.

5 CM


fragrant coneflower: purple lines on lower petioles gray-headed coneflower: leaves rough when rubbed rosinweed: leaves rough when rubbed wild quinine: leaves rough when rubbed germination and growth

Black-eyed Susan germinates readily; no seed treatment is needed. This species is generally a biennial plant, growing vegetatively in the first season and flowering in the second. Because the seed is inexpensive, there is a temptation to add extra into the planting, but beware, too many seeds of black-eyed Susan may reduce establishment of other prairie plants.




Bottle gentian  Gentiana andrewsii |  Gentianaceae, gentian family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • leaf venation absent • leaf hair absent • glossy leaves waxy when rubbed seedling description

Bottle gentian seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Seedlings grow very close to the ground and are often difficult to detect. Young seedlings of bottle gentian can be easily recognized by the absence of leaf venation and the glossy sheen and waxy feel of the leaves. Leaves and petioles are hairless.

1 CM


great blue lobelia: rounded serrations along leaf margins foxglove beardtongue: notched leaf tip germination and growth

Seed germination of bottle gentian is improved with moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Even under ideal conditions, seedlings grow very slowly. Closed, intensely blue flowers in late summer make this species unique in the prairie landscape.




Canada anemone  Anemone canadensis |  Ranunculaceae, buttercup family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • maple-like leaf shape • 3 leaf lobes fused near base of leaf  blade seedling description

Canada anemone seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Few prairie species have its almost unique maple-like leaves. Leaves have 3 distinct lobes and are fused near the base of the leaf blade. The underside of the leaves may be light purple. A hand lens is needed to detect hair on the leaf. Young seedlings of both Canada anemone and thimbleweed have very similar 3-lobed maple-like leaves, making it impossible to differentiate between these two species.

2 CM


Thimbleweed: leaf lobes not fused near base on older seedlings germination and growth

Canada anemone is difficult to germinate from seed. Under ideal growing conditions it may take up to four weeks to germinate, and the seedling grows very slowly. Look carefully — these small plants can be easily missed in the first year. Canada anemone seed has been observed to germinate as late as in the following year or two after seeding. Seed photo: color variants.




Compass plant  Silphium laciniatum |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal cluster • large cotyledons • hairy leaves and petioles • leaves rough when rubbed • prominent leaf midvein seedling description

14 CM

Compass plant seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Leaves have a prominent midvein and are attached to long petioles. Short, stiff hairs covering the leaves and petioles can be seen without a hand lens. Leaves are stiff and feel rough when rubbed between the fingers. Look for very large cotyledons, about the size of a dime. look-alikes

black-eyed Susan: serrated leaf margin fragrant coneflower: serrated leaf margin gray-headed coneflower: serrated leaf margin pale purple coneflower: three prominent linear veins on leaf rosinweed: serrated leaf margin wild quinine: serrated leaf margin germination and growth

Seed germination of compass plant is improved with moist-cold stratification. Compass plant and other silphiums germinate in cool, wet soil in late spring and are among the first species to emerge in a prairie planting. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry soils and 56



in full to partial sunlight. One-year-old plants typically retain simple leaf margins. However, as the seedling matures, the leaves undergo a series of changes, from simple margins to highly lobed margins. Compass plant is a long-lived plant and may take 3–5 years to flower.

Foxglove beardtongue  Penstemon digitalis |  Scrophulariaceae, figwort family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • notched leaf tip • prominent midvein extending down petiole • soft, leathery leaves seedling description

4 CM

Foxglove beardtongue seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Leaf tips are notched, and leaf margins extend down the petiole. Leaves are an unusual gray-green and feel like soft leather when rubbed. look-alikes

great blue lobelia: rounded serrations along leaf margin heath aster: pointed leaf tip smooth blue aster: serrated leaf margin germination and growth

Seed germination of foxglove beardtongue can be improved with dry-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Even under ideal conditions, foxglove beardtongue seedlings grow very slowly.




Fragrant coneflower  Rudbeckia subtomentosa |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • serrated leaf margin • pointed leaf tip • purple lines near base of petioles • hair on leaves and petioles seedling description

9 CM

Fragrant coneflower seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Leaf margins are serrated. Leaf blades are connected to long petioles that have purple lines near the base. Fine hairs on the leaves can be seen with a hand lens, and leaves feel somewhat rough when rubbed between the fingers. look-alikes

black-eyed Susan: leaves soft when rubbed gray-headed coneflower: purple lines absent on petiole base wild quinine: prominent midvein germination and growth

Seed germination of fragrant coneflower can be improved by either dry-cold or moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. The large yellow flowers of fragrant coneflower bloom from late summer into early fall after most other prairie wildflowers have ceased to bloom. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season. 0



Golden alexanders  Zizia aurea |  Apiaceae, parsley family • stem absent • basal leaf cluster • dentate leaf • reniform leaf in young seedlings • 3 discrete leaf sections in older seedlings • straplike cotyledons with pointed tips • hair absent on leaves and petioles seedling description

Golden alexanders seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Young seedling leaves are kidney-shaped with outward-pointed tip serrations along the leaf margin. Cotyledons are straplike and connected to long petioles. Leaves and petioles are hairless.

5 CM


Canada anemone: maple-like leaf shape prairie violet: rounded serrations along leaf margins thimbleweed: hair prominent on leaves and petioles germination and growth

Seed germination of golden alexanders is improved with moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. One-year-old plants typically retain kidney-shaped leaves. As the plant matures, the leaves become compound and have 3 leaflets with serrated margins. Golden alexanders blooms in midspring. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season.




Gray-headed coneflower  Ratibida pinnata |  Asteraceae, daisy family • stem absent • basal leaf cluster • serrated leaf margin • leaf blade base often not symmetrical • leaf and petiole hair present • leaves rough when rubbed seedling description

Gray-headed coneflower seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Very short, coarse hairs on the leaves can be seen with a hand lens and make the leaves feel rough when rubbed between the fingers. Young seedling leaves are often not serrated; however, within the first growing season seedling leaves will undergo a series of changes in shape that result in lobed leaves with serrated margins.

8 CM


black-eyed Susan: leaf margin extending down petiole smooth blue aster: leaf margin extending down petiole wild quinine: prominent midvein germination and growth

Seed germination of gray-headed coneflower can be improved by either drycold or moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season. Seed photo: size and shape variants.




Great blue lobelia  Lobelia siphilitica |  Campanulaceae, harebell family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • crenate leaf margin • ruffled leaves seedling description

Great blue lobelia seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Serrations along the leaf margins are rounded, and leaf margins appear ruffled. Very short hairs on the leaves can be seen with a hand lens. Cotyledons have notched tips.

4 CM


foxglove penstemon: leaf margin not serrated smooth blue aster: leaf margin extending down petiole germination and growth

Seed germination of great blue lobelia is improved with moist-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in wetmesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Great blue lobelia seedlings grow very slowly; 3 or more growing seasons may be needed to produce flowering plants. Seed photo: shape variants.




Heath aster  Symphyotrichum ericoides |  Asteraceae, daisy family • stem absent • basal leaf cluster • sessile leaf • pointed leaf tip seedling description

Heath aster seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Leaves are shaped like a spatula and have a pointed tip. The leaves feel smooth when rubbed between the fingers. look-alikes

foxglove penstemon: rounded leaf tip fragrant coneflower: serrated leaf margin gray-headed coneflower: serrated leaf margin old field goldenrod: serrated leaf margin smooth blue aster: serrated leaf margin germination and growth

Heath aster is difficult to grow from seed. Seed germination can be improved with dry-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Heath aster seedlings grow very slowly; 3 or more growing seasons may be needed to produce flowering plants. Seed photo: color and size variants, pappus removed.




5 CM

Old field goldenrod  Solidago nemoralis |  Asteraceae, daisy family • stem absent • basal leaf cluster • serrated leaf margins • prominent leaf midvein • hair along leaf margins • leaves somewhat rough when rubbed seedling description

Old field goldenrod seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. The outer 2/3 of each leaf is serrated, and leaf margins extend down the petiole. Fine hairs along the leaf margin are easily seen without a hand lens. The leaf surface has netted venation and is somewhat rough to the touch.

5 CM


showy goldenrod: leaves smooth when rubbed smooth blue aster: leaves smooth when rubbed sneezeweed: leaf margin hair absent stiff goldenrod: leaf margin not extending down to plant base germination and growth

Old field goldenrod is difficult to grow from seed. Seed germination can be improved with moist-cold stratification. To maximize sunlight for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: color and size variants, pappus removed.




Pale purple coneflower  Echinacea pallida |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • 3 prominent linear veins on leaf  • hairy leaf and petiole seedling description

Pale purple coneflower seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Coarse hairs on the leaf and petiole make the leaves feel rough when rubbed. Leaf blades have 3 distinct linear veins that can be seen without a hand lens. Leaves are dark green.

10 CM


black-eyed Susan: fuzzy leaves, soft when rubbed compass plant: 1 prominent midvein on leaf fragrant coneflower: netted leaf venation gray-headed coneflower: netted leaf venation germination and growth

Seed germination of pale purple coneflower is improved with moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Flowers consist of drooping, purple, petal-like rays and add a unique look to a prairie planting in early summer. Seed photo: hull removed (top), hull intact (bottom).




Prairie smoke  Geum triflorum |  Rosaceae, rose family • stem absent • basal leaf cluster • dissected leaf margins • serrated leaf margins • leaf hair prominent seedling description

Prairie smoke seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Seedling leaves grow very close to the ground. Leaf margins are serrated and divided into discrete sections. Hair on the leaf surface can be seen without a hand lens. Leaves feel soft when rubbed between the fingers.

1 CM



germination and growth

Prairie smoke is sometimes difficult to grow from seed. Seed germination is improved with moist-cold stratification. Prairie smoke grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Even under ideal growing conditions, seedlings grow very slowly. Leaves undergo a series of changes from serrate margins that are not dissected to highly dissected margins in older seedlings.



older seedling leaves


Prairie violet  Viola pedatifida |  Violaceae, violet family • stem absent • basal leaf cluster • leaf margins varying from rounded • to pointed serrations • deltoid leaf seedling description

Prairie violet seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Young seedling leaves, with tips that taper to a broad, straight base, resemble an equilateral triangle. Leaf margins are highly variable, from unserrated to scalloped or serrated with pointed tips. Leaves and petioles feel smooth when rubbed between the fingers.

7 CM


golden alexanders: leaf serrations with pointed tips, straplike cotyledons great blue lobelia: egg-shaped leaf blade germination and growth

Prairie violet seed is difficult to germinate. Germination can be improved with dry-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Oneyear-old plants typically retain kidneyshaped leaves. As the plant matures, leaves become highly dissected. Two or more growing seasons may be needed to produce flowering plants.




Rosinweed  Silphium integrifolium |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • distinctive bumps along leaf margins on young seedlings • netted venation • large cotyledons • hairy leaves and petioles • leaves rough when rubbed

10 CM

seedling description

Rosinweed seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Young seedling leaves have very distinctive bumps along the leaf margins that will develop into serrations as the seedling ages. Prominent hair on leaves and petioles can be seen without a hand lens, and leaves feel rough when rubbed between the fingers. Look for very large cotyledons, about the size of a dime. look-alikes

compass plant: 1 prominent midvein on leaf fragrant coneflower: multiple linear veins on leaf gray-headed coneflower: multiple linear veins on leaf pale purple coneflower: 3 prominent linear veins on leaf black-eyed Susan: leaves soft when rubbed wild quinine: prominent serrated leaf margins



germination and growth

Seed germination of rosinweed is improved with moist-cold stratification. Rosinweed and other silphiums germinate in cool, wet soil in late spring and are among the first prairie species to emerge. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry soils and in full sunlight. Rosinweed is a long-lived plant and may need 2 or more growing seasons to flower. 67

Showy goldenrod  Solidago speciosa |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • leaf margins serrated and notched • leaf margins extending to plant base • hairy leaf margins seedling description

Showy goldenrod seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Serrations on the leaf margins are notched rather than toothed like a saw blade. Venation on the leaf surface is netted, with a prominent midvein. Leaves feel smooth when rubbed between the fingers. Hair can be seen easily on leaf margins.

5 CM


old field goldenrod: leaves rough when rubbed smooth blue aster: netted venation sunken below leaf surface sneezeweed: leaf margin hair absent stiff goldenrod: leaves rough when rubbed germination and growth

Showy goldenrod is difficult to grow from seed. Germination can be improved with moist-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: pappus removed. 68



Smooth blue aster  Symphyotrichum laeve |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • leaf margin extending to plant base • leaves smooth when rubbed seedling description

Smooth blue aster seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Leaf margins are serrated, and the margin extends down to the plant base. Leaves have a netted venation. Very short hairs all along the leaf margin can be seen without a hand lens. Leaves feel smooth when rubbed between the fingers.

5 CM


old field goldenrod: leaves somewhat rough when rubbed showy goldenrod: recessed leaf venation sneezeweed: widest part of leaf blade near its middle stiff goldenrod: leaf margin not extending to plant base germination and growth

Seed germination of smooth blue aster is improved with dry-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Smooth blue aster boasts showy lateseason blooms after other prairie plants have ceased flowering. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season. Seed photo: size variants.




Sneezeweed  Helenium autumnale |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • leaf margins extending to plant base • leaf margin hair absent • prominent midvein seedling description

Sneezeweed seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Leaves have a prominent midvein, and leaf margins extend to the base of the plant. Leaf margins are serrated. Leaves feel somewhat rough when rubbed between the fingers.

4 CM


old field goldenrod: hair on leaf margin showy goldenrod: hair on leaf margin smooth blue aster: hair on leaf margin stiff goldenrod: hair on leaf margin germination and growth

Seed germination of sneezeweed can be improved by dry-cold stratification. To maximize light for germination, seeds should not be covered with soil after sowing. Sneezeweed grows well in wetmesic to moist soils and in full to partial sunlight. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season. The adult plant is easily recognizable by its winged stem. Seed photo: pappus removed.




Stiff goldenrod  Oligoneuron rigidum |  Asteraceae, daisy family • stem absent • basal leaf cluster • short stiff hair on leaves and petiole • glossy leaves • leaves somewhat rough when rubbed seedling description

Stiff goldenrod seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. The serrations along leaf margins on young seedlings sometimes are notched rather than toothed like a saw blade. Leaves are glossy and feel rough when rubbed between the fingers.

5 CM


old field goldenrod: leaf margin extending to plant base showy goldenrod: leaf margin extending to plant base smooth blue aster: leaf margin extending to plant base sneezeweed: leaf margin extending to plant base germination and growth

Seed germination of stiff goldenrod is improved with moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Stiff goldenrod establishes and grows readily, resulting in brilliant yellow flowers during late summer. Expect flowering plants in the second growing season. Seed photo: pappus removed.




Thimbleweed  Anemone cylindrica |  Ranunculaceae, buttercup family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • maple-like leaf shape • 3 leaf lobes not fused near base on older seedlings • hair on leaf and petiole seedling description

3 CM

Thimbleweed seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. The leaves of few prairie species have this unique maple-leaf shape. Hairs on the leaf and petiole are visible without a hand lens. Young seedling leaves of this species have fused leaf lobes near the base of the leaf, making it impossible to differentiate from Canada anemone. The 3 lobes on older leaves are not fused near the leaf base. look-alikes

Canada anemone: leaf lobes fused near leaf base golden alexanders: hair absent on leaves and petioles germination and growth

Thimbleweed readily germinates from seed and will persist in a prairie planting. The seedling grows very slowly, so look carefully; these small seedling plants can be easily missed in the first year. Seed photo: color variants.




Wild quinine  Parthenium integrifolium |  Asteraceae, daisy family

• stem absent • basal leaf cluster • prominent midvein on leaf   • serrated leaf margin • hairy leaf and petiole • leaves rough when rubbed seedling description

7 CM

Wild quinine seedlings emerge as a basal cluster of leaves without a stem. Leaves and petioles are covered with coarse hairs visible to the naked eye and feel rough when rubbed. Leaves have a serrated margin and a prominent midvein. look-alikes

black-eyed Susan: leaves soft when rubbed fragrant coneflower: multiple linear leaf venation gray-headed coneflower: multiple linear leaf venation rosinweed: young seedling leaves not serrated germination and growth

Seed germination of wild quinine is improved with moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Wild quinine grows slowly; 3 or more growing seasons may be needed to produce flowering plants. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Forbs: Key Characteristic Group 7 Grasslike seedlings

Ohio spiderwort, Tradescantia ohiensis

Prairie blazing star, Liatris pycnostachya

Prairie onion, Allium stellatum

Prairie spiderwort, Tradescantia bracteata


Rattlesnake master, Eryngium yuccifolium

Rough blazing star, Liatris aspera

Wild garlic, Allium canadense


Ohio spiderwort  Tradescantia ohiensis |  Commelinaceae, spiderwort family • grasslike leaves • leaf hairs • purple lines on stem and leaf undersides • clear, gooey sap from crushed leaf   • folded leaf blade seedling description

Ohio spiderwort seedlings are grasslike. However, closer inspection reveals purple lines on the outer sides of the leaves near the base of the plant, visible without a hand lens. Leaves are somewhat folded with some hair on the stem and lower leaf margins. A clear, gooey sap will exude from a crushed leaf. Ohio spiderwort and prairie spiderwort seedlings appear identical and are impossible to tell apart. Ohio spiderwort has only one cotyledon.

12 CM


prairie onion: onion odor of crushed leaf wild garlic: onion odor of crushed leaf germination and growth

Seed germination of Ohio spiderwort can be improved by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. In late spring, Ohio spiderwort’s small, 3-petaled, blue to rose-purple flowers open in the morning and close by noon under direct sunlight. Seed photo: color and size variants.




Prairie blazing star  Liatris pycnostachya |  Asteraceae, daisy family • grasslike leaves • petiole absent • multiple linear veins near leaf tip seedling description

At first glance, prairie blazing star seedlings appear grasslike. However, closer inspection shows that leaves emerge from the ground without a stem or petiole. Straplike leaves have a prominent midvein. Additional linear veins on the leaf surface can be seen with a hand lens. Cotyledons often remain on the seedling well into the first growing season and are an additional clue that this plant is a forb and not a grass. look-alikes

Ohio spiderwort: leaves folded prairie spiderwort: leaves folded rough blazing star: single linear midvein on leaf germination and growth

Seed germination of prairie blazing star can be improved by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet to mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seedlings are likely to be found in wetter portions of the site. Prairie blazing star may take 2 or more years to flower. Seed photo: pappus removed.




7 CM

Prairie onion  Allium stellatum |  Liliaceae, lily family • grasslike leaves • long succulent leaves with pointed tips • leaf venation absent • transparent membrane around stem near plant base • onion odor • dark green glossy leaves seedling description

Wild garlic seedlings emerge as a single stem and appear grasslike. However, leaf venation is absent, and crushing the leaves produces a strong onion odor. There is a transparent membrane that wraps around the stem near the base of the plant. Leaves have a glossy sheen. Prairie onion and wild garlic seedlings appear identical and are impossible to tell apart.

8 CM


Ohio spiderwort: leaves folded prairie spiderwort: leaves folded germination and growth

Seed germination of prairie onion can be improved by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Walking through a prairie planting in midsummer, one often finds the delicate prairie onion by smell rather than sight.




Prairie spiderwort  Tradescantia bracteata |  Commelinaceae, spiderwort family • grasslike leaves • leaf hairs • purple lines on stem and leaf undersides • clear, gooey sap from crushed leaf   • folded leaf blade seedling description

Prairie spiderwort seedlings appear grasslike. However, the outer sides of the leaves near the base of the plant have purple lines that can be seen without a hand lens. Leaves are somewhat folded with some hair on the stem and lower leaf margins. A clear, gooey sap will exude from a crushed leaf. Prairie spiderwort and Ohio spiderwort seedlings appear identical and are impossible to tell apart. Prairie spiderwort has only one cotyledon.

16 CM


prairie onion: onion odor of crushed leaf wild garlic: onion odor of crushed leaf germination and growth

Seed germination of prairie spiderwort can be improved by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in dry-mesic to dry soils and in full sunlight. In late spring, prairie spiderwort’s small, 3-petaled, blue to rose-purple flowers open in the morning and close by noon under direct sunlight. Seed photo: front (top), back (bottom).




Rattlesnake master  Eryngium yuccifolium |  Apiaceae, parsley family • grasslike appearance • fibrous leaves difficult to tear • prominent individual hairs on leaf margin • straplike cotyledons seedling description

At first glance rattlesnake master seedlings appear grasslike. This is one of the few prairie species whose seedling leaves’ shape and texture are identical to their adult counterparts. Hairlike projections along the leaf margins are a distinctive feature of this species and can be seen without a hand lens. Leaves are very fibrous and difficult to tear. Cotyledons often remain on the seedling well into the first growing season, an additional clue that it is a forb and not a grass.

5 CM


prairie blazing star: prominent leaf midvein prairie spiderwort: folded leaf blade Ohio spiderwort: folded leaf blade rough blazing star: prominent leaf midvein germination and growth

Seed germination of rattlesnake master is improved with moist-cold stratification. This species grows in wet-mesic to dry-mesic soils and in full sunlight. Rattlesnake master is best known for its unique yucca-like leaves. These tough, fibrous leaves were woven into shoes by Native Americans. Seed photo: front (top), back (bottom).




Rough blazing star  Liatris aspera |  Asteraceae, daisy family • grasslike leaves • prominent leaf midvein • single midvein near leaf tip seedling description

At first glance, rough blazing star seedlings appear grasslike. However, closer inspection shows that the leaves emerge from the ground connected to long petioles. Leaves have a single, prominent midvein. Cotyledons often remain on the seedling well into the first growing season and are an additional clue that this is a forb and not a grass. look-alikes

Ohio spiderwort: leaves folded prairie blazing star: multiple linear veins near leaf tip prairie spiderwort: leaves folded germination and growth

Seed germination of rough blazing star can be improved by moist-cold stratification. This species grows in mesic to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seedlings are likely to be found in drier portions of a site. Rough blazing star may take 2 or more years to flower. Seed photo: pappus removed (top), pappus intact (bottom).




15 CM

Wild garlic  Allium canadense |  Liliaceae, lily family • grasslike leaves • long succulent leaves with pointed tips • leaf venation absent • transparent membrane around stem near plant base • onion odor • dark green glossy leaves seedling description

Wild garlic seedlings emerge as a single stem and appear grasslike. However, leaf venation is absent, and crushing the leaves produces a strong onion odor. There is a transparent membrane that wraps around the stem near the base of the plant. Leaves have a glossy sheen. Wild garlic and prairie onion seedlings appear identical and are impossible to tell apart.

18 CM


Ohio spiderwort: leaves folded prairie spiderwort: leaves folded germination and growth

Wild garlic produces bulblets instead of seed. Storing the bulblets in a cool, dry place prior to planting will improve germination. This species grows in wetmesic to dry soils and in full sunlight to very low light conditions. Wild garlic blooms in late spring, and flower colors range from white to pink.




Grasses Identification Guide


part two

leaf tip


culm “tiller” “shoot”

leaf blade emergent leaf

close-up of leaf collar

leaf collar leaf sheath

ligule auricles leaf sheath


tiller base crown



Welcome to the grasses identification section. Most prairie plants are perennial and grow slowly (above ground) in the first growing season. Therefore, plant identification may be easier when done in late summer after seedlings have had the most time to develop. Follow the easy steps below. 1. Roll the tiller near the base of the plant between your fingers to determine if it is flattened or round. a. Flattened tiller: go to key   characteristic group 1, page 89 b. Round tiller: go to step 2

3. Look for hair on the leaf collar (a hand lens may be needed). a. Hair present: go to key   characteristic group 3, page 102 b. Hair absent: go to key characteristic   group 4, page 111

2. Look for auricles connected to the leaf collar (a hand lens may be needed). a. Auricles present: go to key   characteristic group 2, page 97 b. Auricles absent: go to step 3


Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 1 Flattened tiller base, auricles absent

Big bluestem, Andropogon gerardii

Bluejoint grass, Calamagrostis canadensis

Indian grass, Sorghastrum nutans

Little bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium

Side-oats grama, Bouteloua curtipendula 89


Big bluestem  Andropogon gerardii |  Poaceae, grass family • flattened tiller base • ligule with ragged top • coarse hairs on tiller and lower half of  leaves • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Big bluestem can be identified by its wide leaves, a tiller flattened near its base, and leaf hairs. The slight flatness can be felt by rolling the tiller near the base of the plant between the fingers. Coarse hair and a membranous, ragged top ligule can be seen without a hand lens. Hair is present on the tiller, the lower half of leaves, and leaf margins. By the end of the first growing season, some leaves may be blue to purple.

14 CM


Indian grass: leaf hairs absent little bluestem: folded emergent leaf side-oats grama: swollen base of hairs on leaf margin germination and growth

Big bluestem is a warm-season grass, and seed readily germinates in late spring when soil temperatures warm to 55˚F. Big bluestem grows as a sodforming grass in ideal soil moisture conditions. In dry or wet soils, this species grows as a bunch-forming grass. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Bluejoint grass  Calamagrostis canadensis |  Poaceae, grass family • flattened tiller base • tall ligule with ragged top • swollen nodes on tiller • glabrous tiller and leaves • leaf grabs finger when rubbed toward tiller • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Bluejoint has a unique ligule. It is tall and membranous with a ragged top that can be seen without a hand lens. The tiller base feels slightly flattened when rolled between the fingers. Leaves feel rough when rubbed toward the tiller. The tiller and leaves are nearly hairless.

15 CM


prairie cord grass: ligule of threadlike hairs porcupine grass: tiller rounded near base switchgrass: ligule a tuft of hair germination and growth

Bluejoint is a sod-forming cool-season grass, and seed germinates readily in early spring or fall when soil temperatures warm or cool to 39 –45˚F. Seed is very small and may need light for germination, so covering the seed with soil is not recommended. Look for this species in wetter soils. Seed photo: hull removed.




Indian grass  Sorghastrum nutans |  Poaceae, grass family • flattened tiller base • leaf hair absent • tall ligule stiff to the touch • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Indian grass is most readily identified by the lack of hairs on its leaf and its stiff ligule. Leaves tilt away from the tiller, and the flatness of the tiller base can be felt by rolling it between the fingers. When a leaf is gently pulled back, the ligule can be seen easily without a hand lens. The notches in the tall ligule are sometimes described as like a rifle sight, and the ligule feels stiff when touched with a finger.

12 CM


big bluestem: leaf hairs present little bluestem: folded emergent leaf side-oats grama: leaf hairs present germination and growth

Indian grass is a warm-season grass, and seed germinates readily in late spring when soil temperatures warm to 55˚F. Indian grass is sod-forming and will readily establish and persist on mesic to dry soils. This grass develops a unique golden color in the fall. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Little bluestem  Schizachyrium scoparium |  Poaceae, grass family • tiller base too flat to be rolled between fingers • pointed leaf tip • short ligule with ragged top • folded emergent leaf seedling description

Little bluestem seedlings are readily identified by their folded emergent leaf and very flat tiller. The emergent leaf is folded inside the tiller. Most other prairie grasses have a rolled emergent leaf. Near the base of the plant the tiller is so flat that it is almost impossible to roll it between the fingers. Little bluestem has a pointed leaf tip and a short ligule with a ragged top. This species is often confused with Kentucky bluegrass, but the leaf tip of Kentucky bluegrass has a keeled shape like a canoe and little bluestem has a pointed leaf tip.

11 CM


big bluestem: rolled emergent leaf Kentucky bluegrass: keeled leaf tip side-oats grama: rolled emergent leaf germination and growth

Little bluestem is a bunch-forming grass that establishes well and persists in drier soils. Seed germinates readily in late spring when soil temperatures warm to 55˚F. However, in well-drained loamy soils, little bluestem may be much less abundant when planted with the taller prairie grasses. Seed photo: hull intact (top).




Side-oats grama  Bouteloua curtipendula |  Poaceae, grass family • flattened tiller base • swelling at base of leaf margin hairs • hair on tiller and leaves • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Side-oats grama has unique hairs on the leaf margins. They have a swollen, bulblike appendage where they connect to the leaf margin, easily seen with a hand lens. The slight flattening of the base of the tiller can be felt by rolling it between the fingers. The underside of the leaf has a prominent keeled ridge. The ligule is short and membranous with fine hairs along its top.

11 CM


big bluestem: no swelling at base of  leaf margin hairs Indian grass: leaf hairs absent little bluestem: folded emergent leaf germination and growth

Side-oats grama is a warm-season grass, and seed germinates readily in late spring when soil temperatures warm to 55˚F. This species will establish and persist in drier soils when planted with taller warm-season prairie grasses, such as big bluestem, Indian grass, and switchgrass. However, in well-drained loamy soils, side-oats grama may decline over time when planted with these taller grasses. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 2 Rounded tiller base, auricles present

Canada wild rye, Elymus canadensis

Virginia wild rye, Elymus virginicus


Canada wild rye  Elymus canadensis |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • auricles present • short ligule with ragged top • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Canada wild rye has a round tiller and, visible without a hand lens, distinct auricles projecting from the leaf collar. The ligule is short and membranous with a ragged top. Leaves feel somewhat smooth when rubbed between the fingers. Canada wild rye and Virginia wild rye seedlings are very similar.

14 CM


Indian grass: flattened tiller base Virginia wild rye: leaves rough when rubbed switchgrass: ligule consisting of tuft of hair germination and growth

Canada wild rye is a cool-season grass, and seed germinates readily in early spring or fall when soil temperatures warm or cool to 39 –45˚F. Canada wild rye has a tendency to decline over time when planted with other prairie grasses. This species can grow in wet to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Virginia wild rye  Elymus virginicus |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • auricles present • short ligule with ragged top • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Virginia wild rye has a rounded tiller and, visible without a hand lens, distinct auricles projecting from the leaf collar. The ligule is short and has a ragged top. A hand lens is needed to detect the very short hairs on the leaves. Leaves feel somewhat rough when rubbed between the fingers. Canada wild rye and Virginia wild rye seedlings are very similar. look-alikes

Canada wild rye: leaves smooth when rubbed Indian grass: flattened tiller base switchgrass: ligule a tuft of hair germination and growth

Virginia wild rye is a cool-season grass, and seed germinates readily in early spring or fall when soil temperatures warm or cool to 39 –45˚F. This species can grow in wet to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Virginia wild rye may be best suited to the somewhat shady conditions found in savannas and open woods.




16 CM

Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 3 Rounded tiller base, auricles absent, hair on leaf collar

June grass, Koeleria macrantha

Kalm’s bromegrass, Bromus kalmii


Prairie cord grass, Spartina pectinata

Prairie dropseed, Sporobolus heterolepis

Switchgrass, Panicum virgatum

Tall dropseed, Sporobolus compositus


June grass  Koeleria macrantha |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • some hair on leaf collar margins, • tiller, and leaves • short ligule with ragged top • ribbing prominent on top side of leaf  blade • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

June grass has a rounded tiller base. Some hair can be found on the tiller, leaves, and leaf collar. Leaves feel rough when rubbed from base to tip but smooth when rubbed from leaf tip to base. The emergent leaf is rolled.

12 CM


Kalm’s bromegrass: hairs prominent along leaf margins little bluestem: flattened tiller base side-oats grama: hairs with swollen base prominent along leaf margins germination and growth

June grass is a cool-season grass that germinates in early spring or fall when soil temperatures warm or cool to 39 –45˚F. Seed germination is improved with moist-cold stratification prior to seeding. This species grows well in dry soils and full sunlight. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Kalm’s bromegrass  Bromus kalmii |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • pubescent hair prominent on tiller and leaf margins • short ligule • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Kalm’s bromegrass has a rounded tiller base. Seedlings appear fuzzy from the abundant soft hair on the tiller and leaf margins. The ligule is short and membranous. Leaves feel soft when rubbed between the fingers. look-alikes

June grass: folded emergent leaf little bluestem: folded emergent leaf side-oats grama: flattened tiller base germination and growth

Kalm’s bromegrass is a cool-season grass that germinates readily in early spring or fall when soil temperatures warm or cool to 39 –45˚F. This species may be best suited to the somewhat shady conditions found in savannas or open woods. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




10 CM

Prairie cord grass  Spartina pectinata |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • some hair on leaf collar • fringe of hairs for ligule • topside of leaf rough when rubbed toward tiller • leaf and tiller hair absent • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Prairie cord grass can be difficult to identify when the seedlings are small. A close look with a hand lens is needed to find some hairs on the margin of the leaf collar. If the leaf is pulled away from the tiller, the ligule, consisting of a fringe of hairs, can be seen with a hand lens. Small serrations on the leaf margins make the topside of the leaf feel rough when rubbed toward the tiller. The underside of the leaf feels smooth when rubbed.

10 CM


bluejoint grass: tall ligule with ragged top prairie dropseed: hair prominent on leaf collar tall dropseed: hair prominent on leaf collar germination and growth

Prairie cord grass is a sod-forming warm-season grass that germinates readily in late spring when soil temperatures warm to 55˚F. This species grows in wet to mesic soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom). 0



Prairie dropseed  Sporobolus heterolepis |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • prominent hairs on leaf collar margins • long, thin, wispy leaves • hairy tiller • leaf surface smooth when rubbed • very small ligule with ciliate top • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Prairie dropseed has a rounded tiller base. Leaves and hair are very distinctive for this species. The leaves are long and thin, giving them a wispy appearance. The hairs on the margin of the leaf collar appear as a tuft that can be seen easily without a hand lens. Hair is prominent on the tiller but absent on the leaf. Leaves feel smooth when rubbed between the fingers. look-alikes

12 CM

bluejoint grass: tall ligule with ragged top prairie cord grass: tiller hair absent tall dropseed: tiller hair absent germination and growth

Prairie dropseed is a bunch-forming warm-season grass that germinates in late spring when soil temperatures warm to 55˚F. Moist-cold stratification may improve seed germination. Long wispy leaves emerging from dense bunches make this species an ideal ornamental plant for landscaping. Prairie dropseed grows well in mesic to dry soils and in full or partial sunlight. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom).




Switchgrass  Panicum virgatum |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • hair on margins of leaf collar • hair tuft inside leaf collar • leaf midrib prominent • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Switchgrass has a rounded tiller base. Seedlings have a tuft of hair that is unique to this species, located near the ligule and inside the leaf collar. The ligule consists of a fringe of hairs on older seedlings but is difficult to detect on young seedlings.

17 CM


Canada wild rye: auricles present Indian grass: tall, hardened ligule Virginia wild rye: auricles present germination and growth

Switchgrass is a sod-forming warmseason grass that germinates readily in late spring when soil temperatures warm to 55˚F. Because of its hard seed coat, dormant seeding may improve germination. This species grows in wet to dry soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: hull removed (top, middle), hull intact (bottom).




Tall dropseed  Sporobolus compositus |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • hairs on leaf collar margins • wispy, long, thin leaves with pointed tips • hair absent on tiller and leaves • leaf surface smooth when rubbed • very small ligule with ciliate top • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Tall dropseed has a rounded tiller base. The leaves are long and thin, giving them a wispy appearance. The hair on the margin of the leaf collar sometimes appears as a tuft, visible without a hand lens. Very fine hairs on the short, membranous ligule can be seen with a hand lens. Leaves and tiller are hairless. Leaves feel smooth when rubbed between the fingers. look-alikes

bluejoint grass: tall ligule prairie cord grass: topside of leaf rough when rubbed toward tiller prairie dropseed: hairs on tiller germination and growth

Tall dropseed is a bunch-forming warmseason grass that germinates readily in late spring when soil temperatures warm to 55˚F. Seed is very small and establishes well if broadcast and raked lightly into the soil. This species grows well in drier soils in full sunlight. Seed photo: hull removed.




15 CM

Grasses: Key Characteristic Group 4 Rounded tiller base, auricles absent, hair absent on leaf collar

Porcupine grass, Hesperostipa spartea


Porcupine grass  Hesperostipa spartea |  Poaceae, grass family • rounded tiller base • leaf blade margins rolled inward • tall, membranous, dome-shaped ligule • leaf grabs finger when rubbed toward tiller • dark green • rolled emergent leaf seedling description

Porcupine grass has a rounded tiller base. Leaves are long and thin, giving them a wispy appearance. Seedlings of this species are a much darker green than most other grass species. The leaf margins near the tip are rolled inward toward the middle of the leaf. Tiny sharp teeth on the leaf margins grab the fingers when the leaves are rubbed toward the tiller. The dome-shaped, membranous ligule is prominent and can be seen without a hand lens.

19 CM


bluejoint grass: flattened tiller base prairie cord grass: ligule a fringe of hairs prairie dropseed: coarse hairs on margin of leaf collar tall dropseed: coarse hairs on margin of leaf collar germination and growth

Porcupine grass is a sod-forming coolseason grass that germinates in early spring or fall when soil temperatures warm or cool to 39 –45˚F. Seed germination is improved with moist-cold stratification prior to seeding. This species grows in drier soils and in full to partial sunlight. Seed photo: hull intact (top), hull removed (bottom). 113

glossary Alternate leaf arrangement: A single leaf at each stem node. See also opposite leaf arrangement. Annual: Plant that germinates from seed, flowers, sets seed, and dies in the same year. Auricle: Appendage extending from the leaf collar. Awn: Stiff bristle-like hair extending from the end of a grass seed. Biennial: Plant that germinates from seed and grows vegetatively in the first year; flowers, sets seed, and dies in the second year. Blade: The portion of a grass leaf above the sheath, or the broad portion of a forb leaf. Bristle: Short, stiff hair. Bulblet: Small bulb borne above ground, usually in a leaf axil. Bunch-forming grass: Grass whose shoots emerge close to the parent plant. Ciliate: Having very small, fine hairs; often describes the edge of a biological structure such as a ligule or a leaf. Clasping leaf: Leaf blade that wholly or partly surrounds the stem. Collar: The area on the outside of a grass leaf at the junction of the blade and the sheath. Compound leaf: Leaf that is distinctly separated into 2 or more leaflets. Cool-season grass: A species that germinates and grows in spring or fall when soils are cool and moist. Cotyledon: The first leaf that emerges from a grass seed, or the first leaf or leaf pair that emerges from a forb seed. Crenate leaf margin: Notched, scalloped leaf margin with rounded teeth. Crown: The area of a plant where the stem meets the roots. Culm: The stem of a grass. See also shoot or tiller.

Deltoid leaf shape: Leaf shaped like an equilateral triangle. Dentate: Leaf margin with teeth pointed outward rather than toward the leaf tip. Dissected leaf margin: Leaf edge deeply divided into many segments. Double dormancy: Refers to seed that may require moist-warm stratification followed by moist-cold stratification to germinate. Dry-cold stratification: A technique to break seed dormancy; usually accomplished by storage of seed in a dry container under refrigeration for 8 weeks. Dry-mesic soil: The soil typically of brown, sandy loam; classified as somewhat excessively drained. Water soaks into the ground rapidly, and soil may dry out periodically during the growing season. Dry soil: Soil typically of coarse-textured sandy or rocky material; classified as excessively drained. Soil becomes droughty for part or most of the growing season. Edged stem: Stem that is not cylindershaped; one that is square or footballshaped in cross section. Edge can be detected by rolling the stem between the fingers. Elliptic leaf shape: An oval, broadest at the middle and narrower at the two equal ends; width does not exceed half of length. Emergent leaf: Uppermost developing leaf of a grass shoot. Even-pinnate compound leaf: Leaf distinctly separated into an even number of leaflet pairs. Folded leaf: Grass leaf blade folded longitudinally down the middle. Forb: Plant that is not a grass, sedge, or tree. Glabrous: Hairless. Hull: Outer covering of a seed. Keel: Having a prominent ridge, as down the middle of a grass leaf, resembling

the keel of a boat when viewed in cross section. Lanceolate leaf shape: Leaf shaped like a spear, i.e., wide at the base and tapering to a pointed tip. Leaflet: Leaflike division of a compound leaf. Ligule: A membranous appendage, arising from the inner surface of a leaf at the junction with the leaf sheath, of many grasses and some sedges. Linear leaf shape: Long, narrow leaf with somewhat parallel sides. Margin: Edge of an appendage. Membranous: Having tissue that is thin, flexible, and somewhat translucent. Mesic soil: Typically dark and loamy; classified as well or moderately well drained. Soil has a well-balanced supply of moisture for plant growth; ideal garden soil. Midrib: The central vein on a grass blade, often raised (keeled) on the underside of the blade. Midvein: The central vein dividing a leaf into halves. Moist-cold stratification: A technique to break seed dormancy; usually accomplished by storage of seed in moist sand under refrigeration for 8 weeks. Netted leaf venation: Network of lines on a leaf blade. Node: An area on a stem where leaves originate, or a swollen area on a grass tiller. Oblong leaf shape: Leaf length 2–4 times the width; sides nearly parallel. Obovate leaf shape: Balloon-shaped leaf connected at its narrow end. Odd-pinnate compound leaf shape: Leaf separated into an odd number of leaflets. Opposite leaf arrangement: Two opposing leaves at each stem node. See also alternate leaf arrangement. Oval leaf shape: Egg-shaped leaf whose width exceeds one-half its length. Pappus: Bristle-like hairs connected to a seed.


Partial sunlight: Up to 70% shade. Perennial: Plant living 3 or more years. Petiole: Leaf stalk. Pod: Seed capsule. Pubescent: Covered with short, soft hairs. Ragged top ligule: Ligule with multiple splits in its terminal end. Reniform leaf shape: Kidney-shaped leaf. Scarification: A technique to break seed dormancy; usually accomplished by scratching a hard seed coat to allow water to penetrate. Seed dormancy: Live seed that has not been prompted to germinate. Serrated leaf margin: Leaf edge that is notched or toothed. Sessile leaf attachment: Leaf blade attached directly to the stalk without a petiole. Sheath: The base of a grass leaf surrounding the stem below the collar. Shoot: The stem of a grass. See also culm or tiller. Simple leaf: An undivided leaf blade. Sod-forming grass: Grass whose shoots emerge away from the parent plant. Spatulate leaf shape: Broad, round leaf blade gradually tapering to the base. Stem: The aboveground portion of a plant that bears nodes, leaves, and buds. Stipules: Leaflike or threadlike appendages at the base of the petiole; typically found on plants in the legume family. Tiller: The stem of a grass. See also shoot or culm. Warm-season grass: Species that germinates in late spring and grows during the hot summer months. Wet-mesic soil: Soil typically of lightcolored clay; classified as poorly or somewhat poorly drained. Soil remains wet for periods during the growing season. Whorl: Three or more leaves arising from a single node on a stem.

index Alexanders, golden, 59 Allium canadense, 83 A. stellatum, 79 Amorpha canescens, 7 Andropogon gerardii, 91 Anemone, Canada, 55 Anemone canadensis, 55 A. cylindrica, 72 Artemisia ludoviciana, 24 Asclepias incarnata, 35 A. tuberosa, 29 Aster, heath, 62 New England, 23 smooth blue, 69 Astragalus canadensis, 16 Baptisia alba, 18 B. bracteata, 15 Beardtongue, foxglove, 57 Bergamot, wild, 48 Black-eyed Susan, 53 Blazing star, prairie, 78 rough, 82 Bluestem, big, 91 little, 94 Boneset, tall, 36 Bouteloua curtipendula, 95 Bromegrass, Kalm’s, 106 Bromus kalmii, 106 Calamagrostis canadensis, 92 Chamaecrista fasciculata [Cassia fasciculata], 17 Ceanothus americanus, 8 Clover, purple prairie, 9 round-headed bush, 10 white prairie, 12 Compass plant, 56 Coneflower, fragrant, 58 gray-headed, 60 pale purple, 64 Coreopsis, prairie, 46 Coreopsis palmata, 46 Culver’s root, 30

Dalea candida, 12 D. purpurea, 9 Desmodium canadense, 11 Dropseed, prairie, 108 tall, 110 Echinacea pallida, 64 Elymus canadensis, 99 E. virginicus, 100 Eryngium yuccifolium, 81 Eupatorium altissimum, 36 Euphorbia corollata, 21 Euthamia graminifolia, 22

Liatris aspera, 82 L. pycnostachya, 78 Lobelia, great blue, 61 Lobelia siphilitica, 61 Milkweed, butterfly, 29 swamp, 35 Monarda fistulosa, 48 Mountain mint, common, 42 hairy, 43 slender, 47 New Jersey tea, 8

Garlic, wild, 83 Gentian, bottle, 54 Gentiana andrewsii, 54 Geum triflorum, 65 Goldenrod, grass-leaved, 22 old field, 63 showy, 68 stiff, 71 Grama, side-oats, 95 Grass, bluejoint, 92 Indian, 93 June, 105 porcupine, 113 prairie cord, 107

Oligoneuron rigidum [Solidago rigida], 71 Onion, prairie, 79

Helenium autumnale, 70 Helianthus grosseserratus, 34 H. pauciflorus, 33 Heliopsis helianthoides, 45 Hesperostipa spartea [Stipa spartea], 113

Quinine, wild, 73

Indigo, cream false, 15 white wild, 18 Ironweed, 31 Koeleria macrantha, 105 Leadplant, 7 Lespedeza capitata, 10

Panicum virgatum, 109 Parthenium integrifolium, 73 Pea, partridge, 17 Penstemon digitalis, 57 Phlox, prairie, 32 Phlox pilosa, 32 Prairie smoke, 65 Pycnanthemum pilosum, 43 P. tenuifolium, 47 P. virginianum, 42

Ratibida pinnata, 60 Rattlesnake master, 81 Rosinweed, 67 Rudbeckia hirta, 53 R. subtomentosa, 58 Rye, Canada wild, 99 Virginia wild, 100 Sage, white, 24 Schizachyrium scoparium, 94 Silphium integrifolium, 67 S. laciniatum, 56 Sneezeweed, 70


Solidago nemoralis, 63 S. speciosa, 68 Sorghastrum nutans, 93 Spartina pectinata, 107 Spiderwort, Ohio, 77 prairie, 80 Sporobolus compositus, 110 S. heterolepis, 108 Spurge, flowering, 21 Sunflower, ox-eye, 45 prairie, 33 saw-tooth, 34


Switchgrass, 109 Symphyotrichum ericoides, [Aster ericoides], 62 S. laeve, [Aster laevis], 69 S. novae-angliae, [Aster   novae-angliae], 23 Thimbleweed, 72 Tick trefoil, showy, 11 Tradescantia bracteata, 80 T. ohiensis, 77

Verbena hastata, 41 V. stricta, 44 Vernonia fasciculata, 31 Veronicastrum virginicum, 30 Vervain, blue, 41 hoary, 44 Vetch, milk, 16 Viola pedatifida, 66 Violet, prairie, 66 Zizia aurea, 59

other bur oak books of interest The Butterflies of Iowa By Dennis W. Schlicht, John C. Downey, and Jeffrey Nekola A Country So Full of Game: The Story of Wildlife in Iowa By James J. Dinsmore Deep Nature: Photographs from Iowa Photographs by Linda Scarth and Robert Scarth, essay by John Pearson The Ecology and Management of Prairies in the Central United States By Chris Helzer The Elemental Prairie: Sixty Tallgrass Plants By George Olson and John Madson The Emerald Horizon: The History of Nature in Iowa By Cornelia F. Mutel Enchanted by Prairie By Bill Witt and Osha Gray Davidson

Prairie: A North American Guide By Suzanne Winckler Prairie in Your Pocket: A Guide to Plants of the Tallgrass Prairie By Mark Müller Prairies, Forests, and Wetlands: The Restoration of Natural Landscape Communities in Iowa By Janette R. Thompson Restoring the Tallgrass Prairie: An Illustrated Manual for Iowa and the Upper Midwest By Shirley Shirley A Tallgrass Prairie Alphabet By Claudia McGehee The Vascular Plants of Iowa: An Annotated Checklist and Natural History By Lawrence J. Eilers and Dean M. Roosa

An Illustrated Guide to Iowa Prairie Plants By Paul Christiansen and Mark Müller

Where the Sky Began: Land of the Tallgrass Prairie By John Madson

The Iowa Breeding Bird Atlas By Laura Spess Jackson, Carol A. Thompson, and James J. Dinsmore

Wildflowers and Other Plants of Iowa Wetlands By Sylvan T. Runkel and Dean M. Roosa

The Iowa Nature Calendar By Jean C. Prior and James Sandrock, illustrated by Claudia McGehee

Wildflowers of Iowa Woodlands By Sylvan T. Runkel and Alvin F. Bull

Landforms of Iowa By Jean C. Prior

Wildflowers of the Tallgrass Prairie: The Upper Midwest By Sylvan T. Runkel and Dean M. Roosa

A Practical Guide to Prairie Reconstruction By Carl Kurtz

A Woodland Counting Book By Claudia McGehee