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Vajrayogini Naro Kachö Self-Initiation
Composed by Pabonkgha Dechen Nyingpo Translated by David Gonsalez
© David Gonsalez, 2012
The Uncommon Sadhana of Venerable Naro Kachö Vajrayogini entitled the “Quick Path to Great Bliss” as Well as the Mandala Ritual entitled “A Festival of Great Bliss” Arrange in a Clear Liturgical Format for Easy Recitation Restriction: Although you May Have Received the Empowerment and Blessing of this Practice, if you Haven’t Received A Profound Commentary, You Are Not Permitted to Look at this [Sadhana] Namo Guru Vajradhara Ya Heruka who is expert in binding all elaborations in emptiness In the uncontaminated mandala of supreme bliss The powerful Father and Mother of the Glorious Hero
Who eternally frolic with delight in the indestructible drop. The illusory dance in the sphere of EH one taste with compassion The dance of the pleasing Joyous Goddess is the skillful means To induce the sphere of great bliss in wretched migrating beings Always train in visualizing the Venerable Conqueror Mother. To care for the fortunate beings in the twenty-four holy places The goddess displays many magical manifestations As field, mantra, and spontaneously-born dakinis And with compassionate care bestows the attainment we desire. Especially, no matter how degenerate the times This supreme quick path is especially swift and profound. I will directly reveal the grace of the ocean of the tantra’s meaning 4
That is the heart-essence of the dakinis as an ornament for the fortunate. This practice has been clearly revealed in the root and explanatory tantras of Glorious Heruka Chakrasamvara and it was Lord Naropa who is crown jewel of all the scholars and pandits in “the land of aryas” who had a direct vision of Vajrayogini from whom he received these excellent instructions. Within Tibet this is one of the inner divisions of the Thirteen Golden Dharmas within the hearing lineage of Glorious Sakya Father and Sons. This was also the hidden uncommon Dharma practice of The King of the Dharma of the Three Realms— Tsongkhapa the Great that he kept hidden in his heart. They way that I have arranged this uncommon sadhana of Venerable Vajrayogini of the famed Naro Kachö is intended to make it easy to put into practice. The yogi should train his mental continuum well in the common path and receive purely the four empowerments in either of the perfectly qualified mandalas of Heruka or Hevajra that definitely plant the seeds of the four bodies. Then you should make a sincere effort to perfectly protect your vows and 5
commitments as you would your eyes. In addition to that you must receive the profound blessing empowerment of in the sindhura mandala at which time you must perfectly recognize the outer, inner, and secret Vajrayoginis. Next, once you unerringly obtain the common and uncommon oral instructions and clarifications according to the great secret tradition of Lobshé you can practice the two stages. For this there is 1) how to perform the session, and 2) how to perform the session breaks. The first has 1) the preparation, 2) the actual session, and 3) subsequent to the session. For the preparation, dwelling in an isolated and agreeable place perfectly assemble a painting or statue [of the deity], the commitment substances such as a damaru, bell, katvanga, and so forth as well as the outer and inner offerings and the tormas. Sit on a comfortable seat either facing west or imagine facing west. Concerning the stages of the actual practice, Je Sachen stated: Sleeping, rising, and experiencing nectar, The immeasurables, the guru, and generating oneself as the deity, The yoga of purifying migrators, 6
Being blessed by the heroes and heroines, Both the verbal and mental recitation as one, The yoga of inconceivability, And the yoga of daily actions; These are the eleven yogas. Thus, first is yoga of sleeping, second is the yoga of rising, and third is the yoga of experiencing nectar. These are the preliminaries. Concerning the fourth, the yoga of the immeasurables, once you are seated with all the essential physical postures begin: Visualizing the Objects of Refuge In the space before me are guru Chakrasamvara Father and Mother surrounded by the assembly of root and lineage gurus, personal deities, three jewels, attendants, and protectors. Going for Refuge and Generating Bodhichitta Once you imagine yourself and all living beings are going for refuge recite the following verse three times: 7
I and all living beings equaling the extent of space, From this time forth and until the essence of enlightenment is attained Go for refuge to the glorious holy gurus Go for refuge to the Bhagavans, the complete Buddhas, Go for refuge to the sacred Dharma, Go for refuge to the Arya Sangha. Recite the following verse three times to generate bodhichitta and the four immeasurables in general. Once I attain the state of a perfectly complete Buddha I will free all living beings from the ocean of samsaric suffering and then establish them in the bliss of complete enlightenment. For that purpose I will practice the stages of Vajrayogini’s path. Fold your hands in prayer and recite: I prostrate and go for refuge to the guru and Three Precious Jewels and request you all to please bless my mental continuum. 8
Instantaneous Self-Generation Having recited this: The objects of refuge before me melt into the aspect of white, red, and dark blue rays of light. They dissolve into me whereby I obtain the blessing of their body, speech, and mind. I instantaneously transform into Vajrayogini. Blessing the Inner Offering To cleanse the inner offering recite either the mantra of the four faces or: OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness.
From the state of emptiness, from YAM arises wind, from RAM arise fire, and from AH arises three moist human heads forming a tripod. Upon this, from AH appears a vast and extensive skull cup. Inside from OM, KHAM, AM, TRAM, and HUM arise the five nectars; from LAM, MAM, PAM, TAM, and BAM arise the five meats, each marked by these letters. Due to the moving wind and blazing fire the substances inside the skull cup melt. Above them from HUM there arises a white, inverted katvanga which melts and falls into the skull cup causing the substances to transform into the color of mercury. Above that, three rows of vowels and consonants stacked one upon the other transform into OM AH HUM. From these light rays radiate and summon the nectar of exalted wisdom from the seed-syllables at the hearts of all the heroes, heroines, and powerful goddesses who abide in the ten directions. This dissolves into the three letters which melt in stages and dissolve into the skull cup. OH AH HUM Recite these [three times] as the blessing.
Blessing the Outer Offerings OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness. From the sphere of emptiness from KAMs come vast and expansive skullcups inside from which HUMs come water for drinking, water for bathing, flowers, incense, lights, perfume, food, and music. Their nature is bliss and emptiness while in the aspect of the individual offerings substances that operate as objects of enjoyment of the six senses to bestow exalted uncontaminated bliss. OM ARGHAM AH HUM OM PADYAM AH HUM OM VAJRA PUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DIWE AH HUM OM VAJRA GÄNDHE AH HUM OM VAJRA NEWIDE AH HUM OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM 11
Blessing the Preliminary Torma OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness. From the state of emptiness, from YAM arises wind, from RAM arise fire, and from AH arises three moist human heads forming a tripod. Upon this, from AH appears a vast and extensive skull cup. Inside from OM, KHAM, AM, TRAM, and HUM arise the five nectars; from LAM, MAM, PAM, TAM, and BAM arise the five meats, each marked by these letters. Due to the moving wind and blazing fire the substances inside the skull cup melt. Above them from HUM there arises a white, inverted katvanga which melts and falls into the skull cup causing the substances to transform into the color of mercury. Above that, three rows of vowels and consonants stacked one upon the other transform into OM AH HUM. From these light rays radiate and summon the nectar of exalted wisdom from the seed-syllables at the hearts of all the 12
heroes, heroines, and powerful goddesses who abide in the ten directions. This dissolves into the three letters which melt in stages and dissolve into the skull cup. OH AH HUM Recite these [three times] as the blessing. Invoking the Guests of the Preliminary Torma PHAIM Light rays radiate from the letter BAM upon the moon seat at my heart and invoke the directional protectors, field protectors, nagas and so forth that abide in the cardinal and intermediate directions. They instantly absorb into the clear light and emerge in the bodily aspect of Venerable Vajrayogini. From a HUM at their tongue arises a white three-pronged vajra as they partake of the essence of the torma through tubes of light the size of only a grain of barley. Recite the following mantra twice:
You the entire gathering of gods, The entire gathering of nagas, The entire gathering of givers of harm, The entire gathering of cannibals, The entire gathering of evil spirits, The entire gathering of hungry ghosts, The entire gathering of flesh eaters, The entire gathering of crazy makers, The entire gathering of forgetful makers, The entire gathering of dakas, The entire gathering of female spirits, All of you without exception Please come here and listen to me. For the sake of protecting the teachings And accomplishing the welfare of sentient beings, You have taken oaths and heart commitments. Great and glorious agents, swift as the mind With terrifying bodies and inexhaustible wrath; Who subdue the vicious and destroy those on the dark side, Who bestow results to the practice of yoga, With inconceivable strength, power, and blessing; 15
To the eight harm-givers and so forth I prostrate. I request your wives, children, and servants To bestow the kindness of all attainments. Accept this cloud of torma offerings and May I, the yogi and those in my retinue Be free of sickness, obtain long life, power, Glory, fame, good fortune Vast enjoyments and all attainments. Please bestow the attainments of The actions such as pacifying, increasing, and so forth Those who possess the commitments please protect me Bestow assistance in all attainments Eliminate bad times, death and sickness Harm from interfering and harmful spirits Eradicate bad dreams, bad signs And bad actions. May there be happiness in the world, And excellent years, May our crops increase and the dharma flourish, May peace and excellent and everything supreme
Arise according to my wishes. To fulfill the aspiration of glorious and holy gurus and to accomplish the welfare of all living beings equaling the extent of space I must attain the state of Venerable Vajrayogini which is the supreme state of mahamudra. For that purpose I shall accomplish the sindhura mandala of Venerable Vajrayogini, present the offerings, enter the mandala, and receive the empowerment. All of you special guardians that delight in virtue please accept this vast torma that I am offering to you and please protect me from all obstacles until I complete the activities of the great mandala and please assist me in attaining enlightenment. Whatever negative beings that interfere and mislead, and you who are not empowered to see the secret practices, do not remain in this place but go elsewhere. Recite the following mantra while playing your vajra and bell forcefully and take out the torma and set it in a clean place. OM SUMBHANI SUMBHA HUM HUM PHAT OM GRIHANA GHIHANA HUM HUM PHAT 17
OM GRIHANA PAYA GRIHANA PAYA HUM HUM PHAT OM ANAYA HO BHAGAVAN VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT Blessing the Environment and the Offering Substances OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness. From the state of emptiness emerges a BHRUM from which emerges a square celestial mansion made from various jewels. It is beautified by four archways, ornamented with all the adornments, and complete with all the essential features. Inside, from AH emerges broad and extensive wisdom skull cups inside of which are HUMs which melt and emerge as offerings produced from divine substances as water for drinking, water for the feet, flowers, incense, lights, perfume, food, and music which are excellent and abundant. They are 18
luminous, unobstructed, and fill the ground, sky, and atmosphere like heaps of cloudlike offerings similar to offerings produced by the complete liberation of Arya Samantabhadra. They are inconceivable and arise abundantly in the presence of my guru, the assembly of Venerable Vajrayogini and her deities, as well as all buddhas and bodhisattvas. Bless the offerings with the following mudras: OM ARGHAM AH HUM OM PADYAM AH HUM OM VAJRA PUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DIWE AH HUM OM VAJRA GÄNDHE AH HUM OM VAJRA NEWIDE AH HUM OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM Perform the space treasure mudra and make the following mudra to increase them into a multitude: OM VAJRA PARANA KAM 19
Recite the following mantra three times. As you do, the first recitation invokes the guests of the guests to the space before you. With the second recitation, your abode is blessed by them. And with the third the offerings are blessed by them. As you recite the mantra play your instruments. OM GÄNDHE RANITA, PARANITA, SAMPARANITA, SARWA BUDDHA KHYETRA PATZALINI PRAJNA PARAMITA NADA SÖBHAWI VAJRADHARMA HRIDAYA, SANTÖ KHANI HUM HUM HUM HO HO HO KHAM SÖHA The Actual Practice has four sections: 1) Meditation on the Self-Generation 2) Accomplishing the Vase 3) Accomplishing the Front-Generation and [Presenting] Offerings 4) Receiving the Empowerments Meditation on the Self-Generation
Vajrasattva Meditation and Recitation On my crown, on a lotus and moon seat, are Vajrasattva Father and Mother embracing each other. They have white-colored bodies, one face, and two hands, and hold a vajra and bell and curved knife and skull cup. The Father is adorned with six mudras, the Mother with five. They sit in the vajra and lotus postures. Upon a moon in his heart is a HUM surrounded by the mantra rosary. From this a stream of white nectar descends, cleansing all sickness, spirits, negative karma, and obstructions. OM VAJRA HERUKA SAMAYA MANU PALAYA, HERUKA TENO PATITA, DRIDHO ME BHAWA, SUTO KAYO ME BHAWA, SUPO KAYO ME BHAWA, ANURAKTO ME BHAWA, SARWA SIDDHI ME PRAYATZA, SARWA KARMA SUTZA ME, TZITAM SHRIYAM KURU HUM, HA HA HA HA HO BHAGAVAN, VAJRA HERUKA, MA ME MUNTSA, HERUKA BHAWA, MAHA SAMAYA SATTVA AH HUM PHAT Recite at least twenty-one times. 21
Vajrasattva Father and Mother dissolve into me and my three doors become indistinguishable from the body, speech, and mind of Vajrasattva. The Fifth Yoga: The Yoga of the Guru
In the space before me, established from the selfmanifesting exalted wisdom of nondual purity and clarity is a square celestial mansion complete with all the essential characteristics such as four doors, ornaments, and archways. In the center of that, upon a variegated jeweled throne supported by eight great lions is a lotus, moon, and sun seat is my kind root guru appearing in aspect of Buddha Vajradharma. He has a red-colored body, one face, and two hands that hold a vajra and bell and are crossed at his heart. His long hair is bound in crown and he sits with his legs in the vajra posture. He is in the bloom of youth of a sixteen year old adorned with all the silks, bone, and jeweled ornaments. Beginning in front of him and circling counterclockwise are all the lineage gurus beginning with Buddha 22
Vajradhara up to my root guru in the aspect of Hero Vajradharma. They have red colored bodies, one face, and two hands. Their right hand plays a damaru which proclaims the sound of bliss and emptiness. Their left holds a skullcup filled with nectar at the level of their hearts and they hold katvangas in the crook of their left arm. They sit with their legs in the vajra posture. They are adorned with the six bone ornaments and are in the bloom of youth. The Principal and retinue all have an OM at the forehead, an AH at their throats, and a HUM at their hearts. From the HUM at their hearts light rays radiate and invoke the gurus, personal deities, the assembly of mandala deities, buddhas, bodhisattvas, heroes, dakinis, dharma protectors, and guardians together with their retinues from the natural abodes. OM VAJRA SAMADZA, DZA HUM BAM HO Imagine:
The nature of each one becomes the embodiment of all objects of refuge. Prostration Fold your hands in prayer and recite: By whose kindness the state of great bliss Can be obtained in an instant, At the lotus feet of my jewel-like guru The Vajra-Holder I humbly I bow. Outer Offerings
Imagine: Offering goddesses emanate from my heart and present the offerings. OM ARGHAM PRATITZA SÖHA OM PADYAM PRATITZA SÖHA OM VAJRA PUPE AH HUM SÖHA 24
OM GURU VAJRADHARA SAPARIWARA OM AH HUM Secret Offerings Imagine that countless knowledge-goddesses such as Pemachen and so forth are emanated from your heart and transform into
the bodily aspect of Vajrayogini. Guru Father and Mother enter into embrace and are pervaded by uncontaminated bliss.
I offer beautiful, voluptuous, illusory-like consorts, A host of messengers born from mantra, places, and spontaneously-born, With slender figures, in the bloom of youth, And skilled in the sixty-four arts of love.
Suchness Offering Recall that the three circles of the offering are inseparable bliss and emptiness as you recite: I offer you the supreme ultimate bodhichitta Beyond words, thoughts, and expressions. The sphere of reality; all phenomena free from the Elaborations of inherent existence as the great exalted wisdom of Spontaneous bliss liberated from obstruction.
Offering the Seven Complete Purities I go for refuge to the Three Jewels, And confess each of my negative actions, I rejoice in the virtues of migrating beings, And hold with my mind a Buddhas’ enlightenment. To Buddha, Dharma, and the Supreme Assembly I go for refuge until I am enlightened, And to accomplish the welfare of myself and others I will generate the mind of enlightenment. Having generated the mind of supreme enlightenment, I shall invite all living beings to be my guest To engage in the pleasing, supreme practices of enlightenment. May I attain Buddhahood to benefit living beings. Kusali Tsok for Accumulating Merit My thumb-sized mind in the aspect of powerful goddess of Dakini Land exits through the crown of my head and arrives directly in front of my root guru. I return and cut the skull from my old body and place it upon three self27
arisen human heads. I cut up the remaining flesh, blood, and bones and heap it up inside. By looking with wide open eyes I purify, transform, and increase it into an ocean of nectar. Then recite the following mantra three times to bless [the substance]. OM HA HUM HA HO HRIH Imagine: Limitless goddesses holding skullcups emanate from my heart. They scoop up the nectar with their skullcups and offer it to the guests who partake of it with their tongues through tubes of vajra-light.
By my offering of this nectar of commitment substance To my root guru the nature of the four bodies May you be delighted. OM AH HUM Recite [OM AH HUM] seven times as an offering to your guru.
By my offering of this nectar of commitment substance To the lineage gurus the source of attainments May you be delighted. OM AH HUM By my offering of this nectar of commitment substance To the gurus, personal deities, Three Jewels, protectors and so forth May you be delighted. OM AH HUM By my offering of this nectar of commitment substance To the local lords who continuously abide May you assist me a thousand times. OM AH HUM By my offering of this nectar of commitment substance To all beings in the six realms and in the intermediate state May you be liberated. OM AH HUM Through this offering all the guests are satiated by uncontaminated bliss. The living beings are also liberated 29
from obstructions and attain the truth body. The three circles of the offerings are the essence of nondual bliss and emptiness that transcends words, thoughts, or expressions. Mandala Offering OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM Great and powerful golden base, OM VAJRA REKE AH HUM Around the edge is an iron fence surrounding Mount Meru The King of Mountains in the center. The King of Mountains in the center. In the east, Purva-Videha. In the south, Jambudvipa. In the west, Apara-Godaniya. In the north, Uttarakuru Deha and Videha, Camara and Apara-Camara, Satha and Uttara-mantrina, Kurava and Kaurava. The mountain of jewels, a wish-granting tree 30
A wish-granting cow, and the uncultivated harvest, The precious wheel, precious jewel, Precious queen, precious minister, The precious elephant, precious excellent horse, The precious general, the great treasure vase, The goddess of beauty, the goddess of garlands, Goddess of music, and the goddess of dance, The goddess of flowers, goddess of incense, Goddess of light, and the goddess of scent. The sun and the moon, the precious parasol and Banners of victory in every direction. In the center a perfect collection of every excellence of Both gods and humans with everything complete. I offer to my kind root guru and lineage gurus And all glorious and sacred gurus Please accept, and having accepted out of your great compassion For all living beings, please bestow your blessings. The exalted wisdom of simultaneously-born bliss and emptiness Manifests as the perceived aspect of my aggregates, elements, and sources which appears 31
As the mountain, continents, precious substances, treasure vase, sun, and moon; I offer this to my refuge and protector, the great treasure of compassion. The objects that produce my attachment, hatred, and ignorance, My friends, enemies, and strangers, our bodies and enjoyments I offer without hesitation, please accept them, bestow your blessing And spontaneously liberate me from the three poisons. IDAM GURU RATNA MANDALAKAM NIRYATAYAMI
Requesting the Lineage Gurus Vajradharma, lord of the lineage of an ocean of conquerors, Vajrayogini, Supreme Mother of the Conquerors, Naropa, principal son of the conquerors,
I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Pamtingpa, upholders of the Great Secret Exposition for Disciples, Sherab Tseg, treasure for all the treasury’s secrets, Malo Shab, the reigning lord of the ocean of Secret Mantra, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Great Sakya Lama, you are powerful Vajradhara, Venerable Sönam Tsemo, the supreme vajra-son, Drakpa Gyaltsen, the crown ornament of the vajraholders, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Great Sakya Pandita, the foremost scholar of the land of snow, Pagpa Tsen, crown ornament of all beings in the three realms, Shangton Choje Shab, upholding the Sakya teachings, 33
I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Nasa Dragpugpa, the powerful siddha, [Sonam Gyaltsen], Lord of the dharma and skilful guide of supreme siddhas, Yarlungpa, reigning lord of hearing lineage in the lineage of siddhas, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Gyalwa Chog, refuge and protector of beings both myself and others, Jamyang Namkha, the great being, Lodro Gyaltsen, the great being and dharma lord, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Jetsun Doringpa, your kindness is unequalled, Powerful Tenzin Losal, you practiced according to the word, Kyentse, expounder of the great secret lineage of words,
I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Labsum Gyaltsen, holder of the mantra lineage, Glorious Wangchug Rabten, pervasive lord of a hundred lineages, Jetsun Kangyurwa, principal of the lineage, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Shaluwa, pervasive lord of an ocean of mandalas, Kyenrabje, principal of all mandalas, Morchenpa, lord of the circle of mandalas, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Näsarpa, guide through the ocean of hearing lineages, Losal Phuntsog, lord of the hearing lineages, Tenzin Trinlay, scholar who spread the hearing lineages, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom.
Kangyurwa, pervasive lord upholding the Ganden teachings, Ganden Dhargye, friend of beings in this degenerate age, Dharmabhadra, holder of the Ganden tradition, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Losang Chöphel, Sovereign Lord of the sutras and tantras Who completed the essence of paths of all the sutra and tantra and Jigmay Wangpo, scholar who developed the sutras and tantras I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Dechen Nyingpo, you were blessed by Naropa to Teach the essence of the excellent ripening and liberating paths of Naro Kachö in perfect accordance with Naropa, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom.
Losang Yeshe, the Vajra-holder, a treasury of instructions on The ripening and liberating [paths] of the Vajra Queen, The supreme quick path for attaining the vajra state, I request you please bestow the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom. Please bestow your blessings so that through the force Of meditating on the profound generation stage of dakini yoga, And the yoga of the central channel on the completion stage, I may generate the exalted wisdom of spontaneous great bliss and attain the dakini state.
Receiving the Blessings of the Four Empowerments Make the following request three times: I request you my guru, the embodiment of all objects of refuge Please grant your blessing. 37
I request you, bestow the four complete empowerments And the state of the four bodies. Because of this request contemplate: White light rays radiate from the OM at the forehead of my guru, They dissolve into my forehead and Purify the negative karma and obscurations of my body. I receive the vase empowerment and the blessing of the guru’s body enters my body. Red light rays radiate from the AH at the throat of my guru, They dissolve into my throat and Purify the negative karma and obscurations of my speech. I receive the secret empowerment and the blessing of the guru’s speech enters my speech. Blue light rays radiate from the HUM at the heart of my guru, They dissolve into my heart and Purify the negative karma and obscurations of my mind.
I receive the exalted wisdom empowerment and the blessing of the guru’s mind enters my mind. White, red, and blue light rays radiate from the letters at my guru’s three places, They dissolve into my three places and Purify the negative karma and obscurations of my body, speech and mind. I receive the fourth empowerment—the precious word empowerment, And the blessing of the guru’s body, speech, and mind enters my body, speech and mind. There is an uncommon way of receiving the four empowerments and should be learned orally. Once again, make another request three times: My precious guru, the nature of all Buddhas of the three times, I request you please bless my mental continuum. Because of this request, the surrounding lineage gurus dissolve into my root guru. Due to his affection for me, my root guru also melts into the aspect of red light which 39
enters through the crown of my head, transforms into the aspect of a red letter BAM at my heart, whereby his mind and mine become inseparably mixed. The Sixth Yoga: The Yoga of Generating Oneself as the Deity Bringing Death into the Path of the Truth Body The very letter BAM increases in size until reaches the ends of space whereby all environments and beings become the nature of bliss and emptiness. It once again sequentially collects from the edges until it becomes an extremely subtle letter BAM and sequentially dissolves into the nada. Then the nada also [dissolves] into unobservable emptiness and becomes the truth body of inseparable bliss and emptiness. OM SHUNYATA GYANA VAJRA SÖBHAWA ÄMAKO HAM
Bringing the Intermediate State into the Path of the Enjoyment Body From within the state of emptiness where all appearances have been withdrawn in this way, there appears a red letter BAM standing upright in space as the perceived aspect that is the nature of my own mind of the exalted wisdom of inseparable bliss and emptiness.
Bringing Rebirth into the Path of the Emanation Body The syllables EH EH arise from within the state of emptiness and transform into a red phenomena source, a double tetrahedron. Within that from AH arises a moon mandala, white with a red radiance. Upon that is the mantra OM OM OM SARWA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA WARNANIYE VAJRA BEROTZANIYE HUM HUM HUM PHAT PHAT PHAT SÖHA arranged counterclockwise. When I, as the letter BAM, see the moon mandala I am inspired to take rebirth and enter into the center of the moon. Light rays radiate from the moon, letter BAM, and mantra rosary making all worlds and 41
environments in samsara and nirvana into the nature of Venerable Vajrayogini. These contract inward and dissolve into the letter BAM and mantra rosary which completely transform into the entire supporting and supported mandala simultaneously. Furthermore there is a vajra ground, fence, tent, and canopy. Beyond that is a blazing heap of five-colored fire whirling counterclockwise. Within that circle are the eight great charnel grounds such as the Fierce One and so forth. In the center is a red phenomena source a double tetrahedron with its broad open end facing upright and its fine tip pointing downward. The front and back [corners] are empty yet the four corners each have pink joy swirls whirling counter-clockwise. Within the phenomena source is a variegated eightpetalled lotus with a sun mandala in the center. Upon that I arise as Venerable Vajrayogini. My right leg outstretched suppresses the breasts of red Kalarati and my bent left leg suppresses the bent head of black Ishvara. I have a redcolored body that outshines the fire [at the end of] the eon. I have one face, two hands and three eyes looking 42
towards Pure Dakini Land. My right hand is outstretched and holds a curved knife marked with a vajra-[handle]. My left hand holds a skull cup filled with blood that is held aloft as I partake of it with my upturned mouth. My left elbow holds a katvanga marked with a vajra from which hangs a damaru, bell, and three-pointed pendant. My hair is black, hanging straight and covers [my back] down my waist. I am in the bloom of youth, my breasts are voluptuous with desire, and I reveal a mood that generates bliss. My head is adorned with five dried human skulls and I wear a necklace of fifty dried skulls. Naked and adorned with the five mudras I stand in the center of a blazing fire of exalted wisdom.
The Seventh Yoga: The Yoga of Purifying Migrators At my heart is a red phenomena source a double tetrahedron. Within that is a moon mandala in the center of which is a syllable BAM surrounded by a mantra rosary. From this, light rays radiate and leave through the pores of my skin. Reaching all six classes of living beings, 43
it cleanses all of the negative karma, obscurations, and their imprints and they all transform into body of Vajrayogini. The Eighth Yoga: The Yoga of Being Blessed by the Heroes and Heroines Has Three Parts: First: The Body Mandala At my heart, in the center of phenomena source together with a moon seat is a letter BAM the nature of the four elements which divides into four letters YA, RA, LA, and WA that are the seeds of the four elements. They are the nature of channel petals in the four directions such as the Desirous One and so forth. These completely transform, beginning from the left, into Lama, Khandarohi, Rupini, and Dakini. The crescent moon, drop, and nada of the letter BAM in the center are the nature of the union of the extremely subtle spring and the drop [become] Vajrayogini. Beyond that, going in sequence, are channels of the body such as the Indivisible Goddess Channel and so forth at the hairline, crown, and so forth that are inseparable from 44
the twenty-four places from which come the twenty-four elements such as nails, teeth, and so forth. The channels and elements that are inseparable in nature completely transform into twenty-four seed letters of the mantra such as OM OM and so forth are arranged counterclockwise. Beginning in the east these transform into the eight heroines of the mind family: Partzandi, Tzändriakiya, Parbhawatiya, Mahanasa, Biramatiya, Karwariya, Lamkeshöriya, and Drumatzaya. The eight heroines of the speech family: Airawatiya, Mahabhairawi, Vayuvega, Surabhakiya, Shamadewi, Suwatre, Hayakarna, and Khaganana. The eight heroines of the body family: Chakravega, Khandarohi, Shaundini, Chakrawarmini, Subira, Mahabala, Chakrawartini, and Mahavire. These are in actuality the very same yoginis that are inseparable from the twenty-four heroes who abide in the twentyfour external holy places. The channels and elements at the eight doors such as the mouth and so forth are inseparable in nature from the eight seed letters HUM, HUM, and so forth transform into Kakase, Ulukase, Shönase, Shukarase, Yamadhati, Yamadhuti, Yamadangtrini, and Yamamatani. They are all in the
bodily aspect of Vajrayogini complete with all the ornaments and attributes. Concerning the [body mandala], the old text merely arranged the seed-syllable and the ultimate oral instruction for the profound uncommon teaching wasn’t clear [in the sadhana] therefore one had to obtain the instructions orally from one’s guru. Here they have been arranged in a manner that is very easy to understand therefore you should cherish this presentation. Second: Absorbing the Wisdom Beings and Mixing the Three Messengers Perform the blazing mudra and recite: PHAIM Light rays radiate from the letter BAM at my heart, exit between my eyebrows, and invoke all the tathagatas, heroes, and yoginis in the ten directions in the aspect of Vajrayogini. DZA, HUM, BAM, HO
They are summoned, enter, are bound, and delighted. Perform the lotus-turning mudra and well as the embracing mudra and recite: OM YOGA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA YOGA SHUDDHO HAM Now contemplate: I am the nature of the yoga of the perfect purity of all phenomena. And develop divine pride. Third: Wearing the Armor
Upon the moon mandalas at my places are [seed syllables]. At my navel is a red OM BAM, the nature of Vajravarahi. At my heart is blue HAM YAM the nature of Yamani. At my throat is a white HRIM MOM the nature of Mohani. At my forehead is yellow HRIM HRIM the nature of Sachalani. At my crown is a green HUM HUM
the nature of Samtrasani. At my limbs is a smoke-colored PHAT PHAT the nature of Chandika. If you are performing the bestowal of empowerment and sealing recite: PHAIM Light rays radiate from the letter BAM at my heart and invoke the empowering deities—the supporting and supported mandala of glorious Chakrasamvara. All you Tathagatas please grant the empowerment. Having thus requested, the eight goddesses of the corners and the doorways dispel hindrances, the heroes recite words of auspiciousness, the heroines sing vajra-songs, and the vajra-form goddesses and so forth make offerings. The Principal determines to bestow the empowerment and the four mothers together with Varahi, holding jeweled vases filled the five nectars, confer the empowerment through the crown of my head. Just as at the moment of birth the 48
[Buddha] was bathed by all the Tathagatas Likewise you are cleansed With the pure water of the gods. OM SARWA TATHAGATA ABHISHEKATA SAMAYA SHRIYE HUM The empowering deities grant the empowerment, my whole body is filled all stains are purified, and the excess nectar on the crown completely transforms into Vairochana-Heruka together with the Mother who become my crown ornament. Offerings to the Self-Generation When performing self-initiation, the offerings must be blessed again at this point in the self-generation. Outer Offerings Offering goddesses emanate from my heart and present the offerings.
Secret and Suchness Offerings Present the secret and suchness offerings imagine the following: I myself am Vajrayogini, my katvanga transforms into Chakrasamvara, we enter into embrace, and I generate simultaneously-born bliss and emptiness. Otherwise, you can present the secret and suchness offerings by imagining that you, as Vajrayogini transfer your divine pride to that of being Heruka, and transform your genitally as follows: With the clarity of Vajrayogini I abandon my two breasts and grow a penis. The two sides of that perfect place in the center of my vagina transform into testicles and the stamen itself transforms into a penis itself. Thus, I am in the form of the Great Joy Heruka and the Secret Mother Vajrayogini who is the embodied nature of all the dakinis. From the sphere of the unobservable emptiness of the Father’s secret place, from a white HUM there arises a white five-spoked vajra, and from a red BÄ there arises a red jewel with a yellow BÄ marking its tip.
From the sphere of the unobservable emptiness of the Mother’s secret place, from an AH there arises a red, three-petalled lotus, and from a white DÄ there arises a white stamen, symbolizes the white bodhichitta, with a yellow DÄ marking its tip. OM SHRI MAHA SUKHA VAJRA HE HE RU RU KAM AH HUM PHAT SÖHA Through the Father and Mother entering into embrace the bodhichitta melts. As it descends from my crown to my throat, I experience joy. As it descends from my throat to my heart, I experience supreme joy. As it descends from my heart to my navel, I experience extraordinary joy. And as it descends from my navel to the tip of my jewel, I generate the simultaneously-born exalted wisdom whereby I enter into meditative absorption in which that bliss and emptiness have become inseparable. Thus, through that union of inseparable bliss and emptiness and my single-pointed meditative absorption on the meaning of suchness of the emptiness of the three circles of the offerings, I am delighted by the secret and suchness offerings. 52
Thus, by reciting the eight lines of praise to the Mother you are making an offering of praise and of mantra. The Ninth Yoga: The Yoga of Verbal and Mental Recitation At my heart are two intersecting three-cornered phenomena sources. Inside, in the center on a moon mandala, is a letter BAM surrounded by a red colored mantra rosary going counterclockwise that radiates limitless rays of red light cleansing the negative karma and obscurations of all living beings and making offerings to all the Buddhas. Their blessing, power, and capacity is summoned in the aspect of red light rays that dissolve into the mantra rosary [at my heart] blessing my mental continuum. OM OM OM SARWA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA WARNANIYE VAJRA BEROTZANIYE HUM HUM HUM PHAT PHAT PHAT SÖHA
Recite at the very minimum the number that you have promised to recite on a daily basis. Then recite the hundred-syllable mantra. Mental Recitation and the Auxiliary Completion Stage With all the essential features of physical posture, if you wish to generate bliss, bring the phenomena source, moon, and letters from your heart to your secret place and if you wish to generate the nonconceptual state, bring it down to your navel and then conjoin the winds. Except for the front and the back, concentrate on the joy swirls at the four corners that are spinning counterclockwise. Focus the mind, and as if reading the letters engage in three, seven, or more [mental recitations] while holding the winds in embrace. In particular, once you have focused your mind on the nada of the letter BAM in the center which is on the brink of bursting into flames. Next, from the red and white joy swirls at the upper and lower openings of the central channel are the size of a grain of barley and come to the heart while spinning counterclockwise. They 55
coalesce, dissipate into emptiness, and you place your mind in meditative equipoise of bliss and emptiness. The Tenth Yoga: The Yoga of Inconceivability For this there are two, the common and uncommon, the uncommon should be practiced according to a commentary [you receive orally from your guru]. As for the common yoga of inconceivability, if you are not meditating on the body mandala visualize as follows: Light rays radiate from the BAM and mantra rosary at my heart and pervade all three realms. The formless realm, in the aspect of blue light, melts into the upper part of my body. The form realm, in the aspect of red light, melts into the middle part of my body. The desire realm, in the aspect of white light, dissolves into the lower part of my body. I also sequentially melt into light from above and below and dissolve into the phenomena source at my heart. That into the moon, that into the mantra rosary, that into the letter BAM, that into the head of the BAM, that into the crescent moon, that into the drop, that into 56
the nada, and that becoming more and more subtle transforms into unobservable emptiness. If you are meditating on the body mandala [visualize as follows]: That dissolves into the moon, that dissolves into the thirty-two yoginis, they dissolve into the four yoginis, they dissolve into the Principal Mother of the body mandala, the Principal Mother also sequentially melts into light from above and below and dissolves into the phenomena source. They dissolve into the moon…. The Eleventh Yoga: The Yoga of Daly Actions From within that state I transform into the body of Venerable Vajrayogini. At the places of my body, at my navel on a moon mandala is a red OM BAM the nature of Vajravarahi; At my heart a blue HAM YAM the nature of Yamani; at my mouth white HRIM MOM the nature of Mohani; at my forehead yellow HRIM HRIM the nature of Sachalani; at my crown a green HUM HUM the nature of Samtrasani; at all of my 57
limbs smoke colored PHAT PHAT the nature of Chandika. Recite the SUBHANI mantra twice and protect the directions. OM SUMBHANI SUMBHA HUM HUM PHAT OM GRIHANA GRIHANA HUM HUM PHAT OM GRIHANA PAYA GRIHANA PAYA HUM HUM PHAT OM ANAYA HO BHAGAVAN VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT Accomplishing the Vase OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness. From the state of emptiness from PAM emerges a lotus and from AH a moon upon which from BHRUM emerges a jeweled vase possessing all the essential features. Inside, from EH EH emerges a red triangular phenomena source 58
inside of which from AH emerges a white moon mandala with a shade of red upon which is a red syllable BAM surrounded by the mantra rosary OM OM OM SARWA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA WARNANIYE VAJRA BEROTZANIYE HUM HUM HUM PHAT PHAT PHAT SÖHA circling counterclockwise from which light rays radiate and presenting offerings to Arya beings and accomplishing the welfare of living beings. They collect back and completely transform into a variegated eightpetalled lotus with a sun mandala at its center upon which is Venerable Vajrayogini. Her right leg outstretched suppresses the breasts of red Kalarati and her bent left leg suppresses the bent head of black Ishvara. She has a redcolored body that outshines the fire [at the end of] the eon, one face, two hands, and three eyes looking towards Pure Dakini Land. Her right hand is outstretched and holds a curved knife marked with a vajra-[handle]. Her left hand holds a skull cup filled with blood that is held aloft as she partakes of it with her upturned mouth. Her left elbow holds a katvanga marked with a vajra from which hangs a damaru, bell, and three-pointed pendant. Her hair is black, hanging straight and covers [her back] down my waist. She is in the bloom of youth, her breasts 59
are voluptuous with desire, and she reveals a mood that generates bliss. Her head is adorned with five dried human skulls and she wears a necklace of fifty dried skulls. Naked and adorned with the five mudras she stands in the center of a blazing fire of exalted wisdom. Absorbing the Wisdom Beings Perform the blazing mudra and recite: PHAIM Light rays radiate from the letter BAM at my heart, exit between my eyebrows, and invoke all the tathagatas, heroes, and yoginis in the ten directions in the aspect of Vajrayogini. DZA, HUM, BAM, HO They are summoned, enter, are bound, and delighted. Perform the lotus-turning mudra and well as the embracing mudra and recite: OM YOGA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA YOGA SHUDDHO HAM 60
Wearing the Armor Upon the moon mandalas at the places of her body are [seed syllables]. At her navel is a red OM BAM, the nature of Vajravarahi. At her heart is blue HAM YAM the nature of Yamani. At her throat is a white HRIM MOM the nature of Mohani. At her forehead is yellow HRIM HRIM the nature of Sachalani. At her crown is a green HUM HUM the nature of Samtrasani. At her limbs is a smoke-colored PHAT PHAT the nature of Chandika. Bestowing the Empowerment and Sealing PHAIM Light rays radiate from the letter BAM at my heart and invoke the empowering deities—the supporting and supported mandala of glorious Chakrasamvara. All you Tathagatas please grant the empowerment.
Having thus requested, the eight goddesses of the corners and the doorways dispel hindrances, the heroes recite words of auspiciousness, the heroines sing vajra-songs, and the rupavajra goddesses and so forth make offerings. The Principal develops the intention to bestow the empowerment and the four mothers together with Varahi, holding jeweled vases filled the five nectars, confer the empowerment through the crown of her head. Just as at the moment of birth the [Buddha] was bathed by all the Tathagatas Likewise you are cleansed With the pure water of the gods. OM SARWA TATHAGATA ABHISHEKATA SAMAYA SHRIYE HUM The empowering deities grant the empowerment, her whole body is filled all stains are purified, and the excess nectar on her crown completely transforms into Vairochana-Heruka together with the Mother who become her crown ornament.
Offerings to the Self-Generation Blessing the Outer Offerings OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness. From the sphere of emptiness from KAMs arise vast and expansive skullcups inside from which HUMs arise water for drinking, water for bathing, flowers, incense, lights, perfume, food, and music. Their nature is bliss and emptiness while in the aspect of the individual offerings substances that operate as objects of enjoyment of the six senses to bestow exalted, uncontaminated bliss. OM ARGHAM AH HUM OM PADYAM AH HUM OM VAJRA PUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DIWE AH HUM OM VAJRA GÄNDHE AH HUM 63
OM VAJRA NEWIDE AH HUM OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM Outer Offerings Offering goddesses emanate from my heart and present the offerings. OM VAJRAYOGINI SAPARIWARA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GHÄNDE, NEWIDE, SHAPTA PRATITZA SÖHA Inner Offering OM OM OM SARWA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA WARNANIYE VAJRA BEROTZANIYE HUM HUM HUM PHAT PHAT PHAT SÖHA OM AH HUM Praise I prostrate to the protector of migrating beings Glorious Vajra Mother of Dakini Land The Chakravartin Dakini who has discovered 64
The three bodies and the five exalted wisdoms. I prostrate to the variety of Vajra Dakinis who have cut through The bonds of conceptualization Yet engage in worldly actions. Blessing the Vase Water Begin by making the lotus-turning mudra and reciting: HUM Hold the mantra-thread with your left hand and your rosary with your right while imaging: The mantra rosary emerges from my heart and coils around the mantra-thread striking the body of Venerable Vajrayogini and causing streams of nectar to flow from the pores of her body filling the vase. Recite the following mantra one hundred and eight times:
Outer Offerings OM VAJRAYOGINI SAPARIWARA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GHÄNDE, NEWIDE, SHAPTA PRATITZA SÖHA Inner Offering OM OM OM SARWA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA WARNANIYE VAJRA BEROTZANIYE HUM HUM HUM PHAT PHAT PHAT SÖHA OM AH HUM Praise I prostrate to the protector of migrating beings Glorious Vajra Mother of Dakini Land The Chakravartin Dakini who has discovered The three bodies and the five exalted wisdoms. I prostrate to the variety of Vajra Dakinis who have cut through The bonds of conceptualization Yet engage in worldly actions. 67
Requesting Forbearance OM VAJRA HERUKA SAMAYA MANU PALAYA, HERUKA TENO PATITA, DRIDHO ME BHAWA, SUTO KAYO ME BHAWA, SUPO KAYO ME BHAWA, ANURAKTO ME BHAWA, SARWA SIDDHI ME PRAYATZA, SARWA KARMA SUTZA ME, TZITAM SHRIYAM KURU HUM, HA HA HA HA HO BHAGAVAN, VAJRA HERUKA, MA ME MUNTSA, HERUKA BHAWA, MAHA SAMAYA SATTVA AH HUM PHAT Request forbearance by reciting: Whatever parts of the ritual went wrong Through not finding, not fully understanding, Or not having the ability, Please be patient with them all. Pour the water from the conch into the vase while reciting the following mantra three times:
OM AH HUM The Venerable Mother in the vase melts into light and the vase water becomes endowed with power. Accomplishing the Front-Generation and [Presenting] Offerings Begin by focusing on the nectar mandala of speech while reciting the following: OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness. From the state of emptiness emerges an AH from which emerges a broad and expansive skull cup inside of which are the five meats and the five nectars which melt and arise a great ocean of exalted wisdom nectar. Recite the following mantra three times together with the mudras: 69
OM AH HUM HA HO HRIH Focus on the three aspects of the mandala while reciting the following: OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness. From the state of emptiness emerges a YAM from which emerges a wind mandala, from RAM a fire mandala, from WAM a water mandala, from LAM an earth mandala, from SUM Mount Meru upon which from AH emerges a wisdom skull cup that broad and extensive and completely filled with nectar. Upon this from HUM emerges a variegated vajra with its center marked by a HUM from which light rays radiate to the ten directions forming the vajra-ground below, the vajra-tent around, and the vajra- tent and canopy above. Beyond all of this is a web of arrows and a blazing fire of exalted wisdom [as high as] Mount Meru. Within this is completely encircled 70
by the eight great charnel grounds in the center of which from EH EH emerges a red double tetrahedron phenomena source inside of which from AH emerges a moon mandala which is white with a shade of red. In its center is a red syllable BAM surrounded by OM OM OM SARWA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA WARNANIYE VAJRA BEROTZANIYE HUM HUM HUM PHAT PHAT PHAT SÖHA red in color, arranged counterclockwise, and radiating rays of light which present offerings to arya beings and accomplish the welfare of living beings. They collect back and completely transform into a variegated eight-petalled lotus with a sun mandala at its center upon which is Venerable Vajrayogini. Her right leg outstretched suppresses the breasts of red Kalarati and her bent left leg suppresses the bent head of black Ishvara. She has a red-colored body that outshines the fire [at the end of] the eon, one face, two hands, and three eyes looking towards Pure Dakini Land. Her right hand is outstretched and holds a curved knife marked with a vajra-[handle]. Her left hand holds a skull cup filled with blood that is held aloft as she partakes of it with her upturned mouth. Her left elbow holds a katvanga marked with a vajra from which hangs a damaru, 71
bell, and three-pointed pendant. Her hair is black, hanging straight and covers [her back] down my waist. She is in the bloom of youth, her breasts are voluptuous with desire, and she reveals a mood that generates bliss. Her head is adorned with five dried human skulls and she wears a necklace of fifty dried skulls. Naked and adorned with the five mudras she stands in the center of a blazing fire of exalted wisdom. Absorbing the Wisdom Beings PHAIM Light rays radiate from the letter BAM at my heart, exit between my eyebrows, and invoke all the tathagatas, heroes, and yoginis in the ten directions in the aspect of Vajrayogini. DZA, HUM, BAM, HO They are summoned, enter, are bound, and delighted. Perform the lotus-turning mudra and well as the embracing mudra and recite: 72
OM YOGA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA YOGA SHUDDHO HAM Wearing the Armor Upon the moon mandalas at the places of her body are [seed syllables]. At her navel is a red OM BAM, the nature of Vajravarahi. At her heart is blue HAM YAM the nature of Yamani. At her throat is a white HRIM MOM the nature of Mohani. At her forehead is yellow HRIM HRIM the nature of Sachalani. At her crown is a green HUM HUM the nature of Samtrasani. At her limbs is a smoke-colored PHAT PHAT the nature of Chandika. Bestowing the Empowerment and Sealing PHAIM Light rays radiate from the letter BAM at my heart and invoke the empowering deities—the supporting and supported mandala of glorious Chakrasamvara. All you Tathagatas please grant the empowerment. 73
Having thus requested, the eight goddesses of the corners and the doorways dispel hindrances, the heroes recite words of auspiciousness, the heroines sing vajra-songs, and the rupavajra goddesses and so forth make offerings. The Principal determines to bestow the empowerment and the four mothers together with Varahi, holding jeweled vases filled the five nectars, confer the empowerment through the crown of my head. Just as at the moment of birth the [Buddha] was bathed by all the Tathagatas Likewise you are cleansed With the pure water of the gods. OM SARWA TATHAGATA ABHISHEKATA SAMAYA SHRIYE HUM The empowering deities grant the empowerment, her whole body is filled all stains are purified, and the excess nectar on her crown completely transforms into Vairochana-Heruka together with the Mother who become her crown ornament. 74
Invoking the Guests of the Offerings Light rays radiate from the syllable BAM at my heart and invoke Venerable Vajrayogini surrounded by an assembly of gurus, personal deities, buddhas, bodhisattvas, heroes, dakinis, as well as dharma and worldly protectors from Akanishta to the space before me. Blessing the Outer Offerings OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes emptiness. From the sphere of emptiness from KAMs come vast and expansive skullcups inside from which HUMs come offering substances. Their nature is bliss and emptiness while in the aspect of the individual offerings substances that operate as objects of enjoyment of the six senses to bestow exalted uncontaminated bliss.
OM ARGHAM AH HUM OM PADYAM AH HUM OM VAJRA PUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DIWE AH HUM OM VAJRA GÄNDHE AH HUM OM VAJRA NEWIDE AH HUM OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM OM RUPA AH HUM OM SHAPTA AH HUM OM GHÄNDE AH HUM OM RASE AH HUM OM PARSHE AH HUM Presenting the Outer Offerings Offering goddesses emanate from my heart and present the offerings. These supreme tantric water-for-drinking offerings, Delightful, pure, and stainless, I offer these with faith and request you 76
To joyfully bestow your kindness. OM AH HRIH PRAVARA SEKARAM AHRGHAM PRATITZA HUM SÖHA These supreme tantric water-for-the-feet offerings, Delightful, pure and stainless, I offer these with faith and request you To joyfully bestow your kindness. OM AH HRIH PRAVARA SEKARAM PADÄM PRATITZA HUM SÖHA These supreme tantric water-for-the-mouth offerings, Delightful, pure and stainless, I offer these with faith and request you To joyfully bestow your kindness. OM AH HRIH PRAVARA SEKARAM ÄNTZAMANAM PRATITZA HUM SÖHA These supreme tantric water-for-sprinkling offerings, Delightful, pure and stainless, 77
I offer these with faith and request you To joyfully bestow your kindness. OM AH HRIH PRAVARA SEKARAM PROKYANAM PRATITZA HUM SÖHA Offering Flowers, Incense, Lights, Perfume, and Food Abundant emanations of goddesses held by the bliss of desire With beautiful bodies painted by the brush of concentration And youthful with figures as slender as fresh branches Whose radiant faces are more beautiful than the moon With blue eyes like utpala flower and red lips Holding excellent, extensive garlands of flowers. For the sake of generating delight in the mandala deities I offer these close-enjoyment goddesses of bliss. OM VAJRA PUPE AH HUM SÖHA
Abundant emanations of goddesses held by the bliss of desire With beautiful bodies painted by the brush of concentration And youthful with figures as slender as fresh branches Whose radiant faces are more beautiful than the moon With blue eyes like utpala flower and red lips Holding vessels of sweet smelling incense. For the sake of generating delight in the mandala deities I offer these close-enjoyment goddesses of bliss. OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM SÖHA Abundant emanations of goddesses held by the bliss of desire With beautiful bodies painted by the brush of concentration And youthful with figures as slender as fresh branches Whose radiant faces are more beautiful than the moon With blue eyes like utpala flower and red lips Holding luminous, precious jewels blazing with light. For the sake of generating delight in the mandala deities I offer these close-enjoyment goddesses of bliss. 79
OM VAJRA DIWE AH HUM SÖHA Abundant emanations of goddesses held by the bliss of desire With beautiful bodies painted by the brush of concentration And youthful with figures as slender as fresh branches Whose radiant faces are more beautiful than the moon With blue eyes like utpala flower and red lips Holding supreme scents that pervade the three realms. For the sake of generating delight in the mandala deities I offer these close-enjoyment goddesses of bliss. OM VAJRA GANDHE AH HUM SÖHA Abundant emanations of goddesses held by the bliss of desire With beautiful bodies painted by the brush of concentration And youthful with figures as slender as fresh branches Whose radiant faces are more beautiful than the moon With blue eyes like utpala flower and red lips 80
Holding foods endowed with a hundred flavors. For the sake of generating delight in the mandala deities I offer these close-enjoyment goddesses of bliss. OM VAJRA NEWIDE AH HUM SÖHA Offering Music I offer a variety of melodious sounds arising from Limitless pleasing musical instruments By hearing the sounds of these a various melodies The sufferings of body and mind are pacified. OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM SÖHA Offering the Sixteen Knowledge Goddesses These offering goddesses with beautiful, charming forms Perfectly adorned, in the bloom of youth, skilled in Singing, dancing, and bestowing magnificent bliss On the six senses and generating all joys. With violins, flutes, big round, and small drums, The tone of these sounds is a festival for the ears. 81
I offer these limitless clouds of offerings, Be delighted by this and please bestow my supreme wishes. OM VAJRA WINI HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA WAMSHE HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA MITAMGI HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA MURANDZE HUM HUM PHAT These offering goddesses with beautiful, charming forms Perfectly adorned, in the bloom of youth, skilled in Singing and dancing and bestowing magnificent bliss On the six senses and generating all joys. With a beautiful smile, seductive posture Melodious songs and beautiful, transforming dance. I offer these limitless clouds of offerings, Be delighted by this and please bestow my supreme wishes. OM VAJRA HASE HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA LASE HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA GIRTI HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA NIRTE HUM HUM PHAT 82
These offering goddesses with beautiful, charming forms Perfectly adorned, in the bloom of youth, skilled in Singing and dancing and bestowing magnificent bliss On the six senses and generating all joys. Holding garlands of flowers, sweet smelling incense, Butter lamps, and conch shells of perfume. I offer these limitless clouds of offerings, Be delighted by this and please bestow my supreme wishes. OM VAJRA PUPE HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA DHUPE HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA DIWE HUM HUM PHAT OM VAJRA GÄNDHE HUM HUM PHAT These offering goddesses with beautiful, charming forms Perfectly adorned, in the bloom of youth, skilled in Singing and dancing and bestowing magnificent bliss On the six senses and generating all joys. Holding stainless mirrors, vessels of honey, A variety of garments, and a phenomena source. I offer these limitless clouds of offerings, 83
Be delighted by this and please bestow my supreme wishes. OM RUPA VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT OM RASA VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT OM PARSHE VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT OM DHARMA DHATU VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT Offering the Five Objects of Desire All forms that exist throughout limitless realms Completely transform and arise as goddesses With a lovely smile and displaying a beautiful body; I offer these Rupavajra goddesses. By the power of all appearing forms Arising as rupavajra goddesses May I have unchanging great bliss And complete the supreme concentration of bliss and emptiness. OM RUPA VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT All sounds that exist throughout limitless realms 84
Completely transform and arise as goddesses Singing beautiful songs and playing the lute; I offer these Shaptavajra goddesses By the power of all appearing forms Arising as Shaptavajra goddesses May I have unchanging great bliss And complete the supreme concentration of bliss and emptiness. OM SHAPTA VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT All scents that exist throughout limitless realms Completely transform and arise as goddesses Filling all directions with a pleasing scent; I offer these Gandhavajra goddesses By the power of all appearing scents Arising as Gandhavajra goddesses May I have unchanging great bliss And complete the supreme concentration of bliss and emptiness. OM GÄNDHE VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT
All tastes that exist throughout limitless realms Completely transform and arise as goddesses Holding jeweled vessels filled with nectar; I offer these Rasavajra goddesses. By the power of all appearing tastes Arising as Rasavajra goddesses May I have unchanging great bliss And complete the supreme concentration of bliss and emptiness. OM RASE VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT All touch that exist throughout limitless realms Completely transform and arise as goddesses Who captivate the mind with soft and smooth Supreme objects of touch; I offer these Parshavajra goddesses. By the power of all appearing objects of touch Arising as Parshavajra goddesses May I have unchanging great bliss And complete the supreme concentration of bliss and emptiness. OM PARSHA VAJRA HUM HUM PHAT 86
Offering Parasols With a thousand spokes of stainless gold blazing with light, Beautified at its tip with a precious sapphire jewel, Ornamented with a various strands of pearls; I offer the environment adorned with such parasols. OM VAJRA TSATAMGA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA
Offering Banners and Victory Banners With jeweled handles straight and supple At its peak a precious vajra and half moon, With three silk tongues and when moved by the wind Small bells ring softly making pleasing sounds, With three perfect curves, Whether beautified by the signs of creatures or not These victory banners—victorious over obstructions; I offer these supreme objects of beauty.
OM VAJRA KETU PRATANGI PRATITZA HUM SÖHA Offering Canopies The sky is adorned with priceless cloths, A variety of silk drapes moving gently and Garments whose essence emanates a sandalwood scent; I offer clouds of limitless canopies. OM VAJRA BITANA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA Offering the Seven Precious Possessions of a King Perfectly crafted from the gold of the river Dzambu, Endowed with a thousand spokes covering five hundred miles Raised in the sky like a second sun, Through its power it can carry the four armies A hundred thousand miles across the path of space in one day Conveying them to the four continents and abodes of the gods; 88
By offering this precious wheel may all migrators Attain powerful Dharma realizations. OM VAJRA CHAKRA RATNA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA Radiates light for a hundred miles From the eight corners of this lapis jewel and Illuminates the night as if it were the day It bestows cool light on those tormented by fever And dispels illness and untimely death Fulfilling most wishes that come to mind; By offering this precious jewel, may all migrators Accomplish all of their Dharma wishes. OM VAJRA MANI RATNA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA This beautiful woman so pleasing to see From her body and mouth arise a sweet scent, She bestows supreme bliss on whoever touches her. She dispels hunger and thirst throughout her land, With good qualities, having abandoned the five faults, And endowed with the eight supreme aspects; By offering this precious queen, may all migrators 89
Enjoy uncontaminated great bliss. OM VAJRA TRI RATNA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA Having abandoned non-Dharma and harming others With perfect conduct and without disputes He understands the wishes of the Lord of the Earth And knows how to accomplishes them with them being spoken To turn back the armies and migrating beings and is Perfectly skilled in all types of actions; By offering this precious minister, may all migrators Act according to the Conquerors intention. OM VAJRA PARINA YAKA RATNA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA Appearing like a snow-mountain with seven limbs He naturally possesses the strength of a thousand elephants And can circumambulate Dzambuling three times in one day.
So wise and cleaver he can be lead by the power of a thread, He moves gently and with care without harming others. His actions are victorious over non-Buddhists; By offering you this precious elephant, may all migrators Be conveyed by the supreme vehicles. OM VAJRA GADZE RATNA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA Perfectly pure like a water lily flower, With a jeweled crown ornament of the Gods and so forth The very best in color, shape and form. If instructed it can circumambulate Dzambuling three times in one day, Its body is free from illness and has a great brilliance, While riding him he is completely without exhaustion; By offering you this precious supreme horse, may all migrators Be endowed with the strength of supreme magical emanations. OM VAJRA ASHO RATNA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA
With diamonds, jewels, sapphire, and emeralds, Gold, silver, and other such treasures, Stainless and filling all directions His fortune is extremely stable. He does not waver and never harms others And brings supreme joy to all beings; By offering you this precious householder, may all migrators Become holders of all the supreme, precious teachings. OM VAJRA GRIHAPATI RATNA PRATITZA HUM SÖHA Inner Offering Sprinkle blessed inner offering while reciting the following verses: To the mouth of my precious root guru, you are the nature of all the body, speech, mind, deeds and qualities of all the tathagatas of the three times and the ten directions, you are the source of all the eighty-four thousand classes of Dharma teachings, you are the principal of all the Arya Sanghas, OM AH HUM 92
Vajradharma, lord of the lineage of an ocean of conquerors, Vajrayogini, Supreme Mother of the Conquerors, Naropa, principal son of the conquerors, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Pamtingpa, upholders of the Great Secret Exposition for Disciples, Sherab Tseg, treasure for all the treasury’s secrets, Malo Shab, the reigning lord of the ocean of Secret Mantra, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Great Sakya Lama, you are powerful Vajradhara, Venerable Sönam Tsemo, the supreme vajra-son, Drakpa Gyaltsen, the crown ornament of the vajraholders, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Great Sakya Pandita, the foremost scholar of the land of snow,
Pagpa Tsen, crown ornament of all beings in the three realms, Shangton Choje Shab, upholding the Sakya teachings, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Nasa Dragpugpa, the powerful siddha, [Sonam Gyaltsen], Lord of the dharma and skilful guide of supreme siddhas, Yarlungpa, reigning lord of hearing lineage in the lineage of siddhas, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Gyalwa Chog, refuge and protector of beings both myself and others, Jamyang Namkha, the great being, Lodro Gyaltsen, the great being and dharma lord, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Jetsun Doringpa, your kindness is unequalled, Powerful Tenzin Losal, you practiced according to the word, Kyentse, expounder of the great secret lineage of words, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. 94
Labsum Gyaltsen, holder of the mantra lineage, Glorious Wangchug Rabten, pervasive lord of a hundred lineages, Jetsun Kangyurwa, principal of the lineage, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Shaluwa, pervasive lord of an ocean of mandalas, Kyenrabje, principal of all mandalas, Morchenpa, lord of the circle of mandalas, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Näsarpa, guide through the ocean of hearing lineages, Losal Phuntsog, lord of the hearing lineages, Tenzin Trinlay, scholar who spread the hearing lineages, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Kangyurwa, pervasive lord upholding the Ganden teachings, Ganden Dhargye, friend of beings in this degenerate age, Dharmabhadra, holder of the Ganden tradition, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar.
Losang Chöphel, Sovereign Lord of the sutras and tantras Who completed the essence of paths of all the sutra and tantra and Jigmay Wangpo, scholar who developed the sutras and tantras I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Dechen Nyingpo, you were blessed by Naropa to Teach the essence of the excellent ripening and liberating paths of Naro Kachö in perfect accordance with Naropa, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Losang Yeshe, the Vajra-holder, a treasury of instructions on The ripening and liberating [paths] of the Vajra Queen, The supreme quick path for attaining the vajra state, I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Furthermore, to the assembly of glorious direct and lineage gurus That reveal the oral instructions of the profound path of The ripening empowerment of the stainless tantras 96
I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Vajrayogini, you are my personal deity. Although you never waver from the dharmadhatu pervading space You accomplish the welfare of migrating beings with your various emanations; I offer you this delightful samaya substance of pure nectar. Furthermore, to the assembly of mandala deities associated to the four classes of tantra OM AH HUM. OM GRI RAJA GRI RAJA KUMA KUMA KHUMATI SÖHA To the Father and Mother Lords of the Charnel Grounds together with your retinues OM AH HUM. To the heroes, heroines, dharma protectors, guardians, directional protectors, field protectors, and nagas OM AH HUM.
To the primordial site-owners together with all living beings transformed into the deity OM AH HUM. OM AMRITA SÖDHANA VAJRA SÖBHAWA ÄMOKA HAM All guests become satiated with the nectar of exalted wisdom. Secret and Suchness Offering Vajrayogini enters into union with Chakrasamvara who was transformed from her katvanga whereby she and all the guests generate simultaneously born bliss and emptiness in their mental continuums. Mentally Arisen Objects NAMO. Through the blessing of the dharmadhatu, the blessing of completely pure minds of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas, the power of Secret Mantra and mudra, and the power of my devotion, concentration, and prayer, may whatever special offerings there are in the worldly realm, both owned and not owned as well as 98
inconceivable clouds of heaped up offerings that have emerged from the complete liberation of the Bodhisattva Samatrabadhra arise and multiply in the presence of my guru, the assembly of Vajraygoini’s deities, and all the buddhas and bodhisattvas. Recite the following mantra together with the appropriate mudra: OM SARWA BI / PURA PURA / SURA SURA / AWARTAYA AWARTAYA HO / NAMA SAMANTA BUDDHA NAM / ABHI SMARA YE PARANA IMAM GA GA NA KHAM DHARMA DHATU AKASHA SAMANTA MAM / SARWA TATHAGATA APARI SHUDHA LE / MANDALE NAMA PARANITE / PUNYE GYANA PALEN SARWA TATHAGATA PALENTA BANDHA SVATANA PALEN TSAYA SÖHA Offering the Eight Lines of Praise OM NAMO BHAGAWATI VAJRA VARAHI BAM HUM HUM PHAT OM NAMO ARYA APARADZITE TRE LOKYA MATI BIYE SHÖRI HUM HUM PHAT 99
OM NAMA SARWA BUTA BHAYA WAHI MAHA VAJRE HUM HUM PHAT OM NAMO VAJRA SANI ADZITE APARADZITE WASHAM KARANITRA HUM HUM PHAT OM NAMO BHRAMANI SHOKANI ROKANI KROTE KARALENI HUM HUM PHAT OM NAMA DRASANI MARANI PRABHE DANI PARADZAYE HUM HUM PHAT OM NAMO BIDZAYE DZAMBHANI TAMBHANI MOHANI HUM HUM PHAT OM NAMO VAJRA VARAHI MAHA YOGINI KAME SHÖRI KHAGE HUM HUM PHAT Extensive Praise Recite the following extensive praise if you have the time and inclination: Respectfully I bow to the feet of the glorious guru The Dharma-Lord who upholds the treasury of exalted wisdom And to Vajrayogini the Supreme Mother of the Conquerors 100
As I offer this brief praise with a mind of faith. I prostrate to the Dakini of Complete Enjoyment The Venerable Mother with one face, two hands, And three blazing and moving eyes Who is red like a ruby. I prostrate to the Dakini of Great Embrace, who For the sake of subduing those beings with attachment Frolics in the dance of nondual simultaneously born [bliss] With Glorious Heruka—the Lord of the stable and moving. I prostrate to the Dakini of Great Bliss Whose mind of uncontaminated great bliss Is unchanging, unsurpassed, sublime joy That fills you with the taste of unceasing bliss. I prostrate to the Dakini without inherent existence The sphere of space, the dharmadhatu free from elaboration, Beautified by a multitude of limitless good qualities,
The mother perfectly endowed with every supreme aspect. I prostrate to the Dakini completely filled with compassion. Although you are naturally free from conception, Like a wish fulfilling jewel you fulfill all the needs and wishes Of all living beings with your mind of compassion. I prostrate to the constant Dakini. Having attained the nonabiding nirvana Free from the extremes of samsara and peace You uninterruptedly accomplish the aims of beings. I prostrate to the unceasing Dakini Who through the power of unobservable1 compassion You eternally remain for as long as samara exists Without passing into the state of nirvana.
Tib. dmigs med. The term “unobservable” used in this phrase refers to compassion generated for living beings that are realized as not inherently existent.
Please grant your blessings of the dakini body so that through meditating in four sessions On the profound path of the generation stage, the meaning of the four empowerments, And making respectful requests, I may attain the Vajra body as the inseparable union of the four bodies. Please grant your blessings of the dakini-speech, the inexpressible speech That has transcended all melodious sounds in the three worlds Through the verbal and mental recitations during the three times As a collection of Secret Mantra syllables with three OMs. Please grant your blessings of the dakini-mind, the mind of unchanging bliss That spontaneously accomplishes the two purposes Through striving in meditation to purify the two obstructions On the path of the central channel of the completion stage of the perfect two truths. 103
Through the force of such praises and supplications May I come under the care of your great compassion In this life, at the time of death, the intermediate state, and so on Whereby I attain the state of the great dakini. If you have the time and inclination you should also recite the praise entitled “The Hook that Summons Swift Attainments.” Receiving the Four Empowerments Focus on the front-generation with Vajrayogini who is inseparable from your root guru surrounded by a limitless collection of heroes and yoginis as if they were actually appearing before you. Just as at the moment of birth the [Buddha] was bathed by all the Tathagatas Likewise you are cleansed With the pure water of the gods.
OM SARWA TATHAGATA ABHISHEKATA SAMAYA SHRIYE HUM Taste a little water from the vase. Mandala Offering Imagine that you are offering your body, enjoyments, and roots of virtue together with your good qualities [as you make the following mandala offering]: OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM Great and powerful golden base, OM VAJRA REKE AH HUM Around the edge is an iron fence surrounding Mount Meru The King of Mountains in the center. In the east, Purva-Videha. In the south, Jambudvipa. In the west, Apara-Godaniya. In the north, Uttarakuru Deha and Videha, Camara and Apara-Camara, 105
Satha and Uttara-mantrina, Kurava and Kaurava. The mountain of jewels, a wish-granting tree A wish-granting cow, and the uncultivated harvest, The precious wheel, precious jewel, Precious queen, precious minister, The precious elephant, precious excellent horse, The precious general, the great treasure vase, The goddess of beauty, the goddess of garlands, Goddess of music, and the goddess of dance, The goddess of flowers, goddess of incense, Goddess of light, and the goddess of scent. The sun and the moon, the precious parasol and Banners of victory in every direction. In the center a perfect collection of every excellence of Both gods and humans with everything complete. I offer to my kind root guru and lineage gurus inseparable from the Venerable Mother And request you to bestow your profound blessings. Please accept, and having accepted out of your great compassion For all living beings, please bestow your blessings.
The exalted wisdom of simultaneously-born bliss and emptiness Manifests as the perceived aspect of my aggregates, elements, and sources which appears As the mountain, continents, precious substances, treasure vase, sun, and moon; I offer this to my refuge and protector, the great treasure of compassion. Having become a suitable vessel through training in the common path, Please grant your blessings I may enter with the greatest of ease The Supreme Vehicle, the Vajrayana That is gateway for the fortunate beings. IDAM GURU RATNA MANDALAKAM NIRYATAYAMI Request Recite the following request three times:
By whose kindness the state of great bliss Can be obtained in an instant, At the lotus feet of my jewel-like guru The Vajra-Holder I humbly I bow. To you my master, whose body is the essence of all The buddhas I go for refuge. I prostrate to the protector of migrating beings Glorious Mother of Dakini Land The Chakravartin Dakini who has discovered The three bodies and the five exalted wisdoms. Glorious Vajra Dakini I request you, please bestow your blessings. Next, a duplicate emerges from the Vajrayogini of the sindhura mandala who is inseparable from your guru. Imagine she performs the activities of the master. Putting on the Eye Ribbon Put on the eye ribbon while reciting: OM CHAKYU BANDHA WARAMANAYE HUM 108
Receiving the Flower Garland AH KAM BIRA HUM Accept the flower garland Dispelling Obstructing Spirits Sprinkle water from the action vase while imagining: Innumerable Khandarohis emanate from the sindhura mandala and dispel to a great distance all the malevolent spirits that interfere with me receiving the profound blessing. OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT Taste the inner offering while reciting the following mantra and imaging: OM AH HUM
My body and mind are filled with bliss and all inner obstacles are purified. Question and Answer [Guru Vajrayogini asks]: My child, who are you and what do you delight in? [You answer]: I am a fortunate one of great bliss. [Again she asks]: My child, what then will you do? [And you answer]: I will fulfill the commitment of supreme Buddhahood
Generating the Mind of all Yogas Upon a moon within my heart is a white vajra which are the nature of conventional and ultimate bodhichitta. Imagine the Venerable Mother places the vajra at your heart and stabilizes the blessing of these [two bodhichittas] while reciting: OM SARWA YOGA TSITTA UTPATAYA MI OM SURATE SAMAYA TAM HO SIDDHA VAJRA YATA SUKHAM Pledging Secrecy [The Venerable Mother] places the vajra on your head and proclaims: Today you will receive the blessings of all the yoginis, You should not mention this supreme secret of the Mandala of all the yoginis in the presence of those who have not Entered the mandala or those who are without faith.
Imagine that you take the Yogini’s hand and are led into the center of the mandala and arrive in the presence of the Yogini while reciting: DZA HUM BAM HO By reciting the [above mantra] you enter the outer [lineage]. To enter in the inner [lineage] you imagine you generate bodhichitta through the process of reciting the seven-limbed prayer in the presence of Vajrayogini. By reciting these verses three times you assume the bodhisattva vows: Taking Bodhisattva Vows
I go for refuge to the Three Jewels, And confess each of my negative actions, I rejoice in the virtues of migrating beings, And hold with my mind a Buddhas’ enlightenment. To Buddha, Dharma, and the Supreme Assembly I go for refuge until I am enlightened, And to accomplish the welfare of myself and others 112
I will generate the mind of enlightenment. Having generated the mind of supreme enlightenment, I shall invite all living beings to be my guest To engage in the pleasing, supreme practices of enlightenment. May I attain Buddhahood to benefit living beings. Taking Tantric Vows Recite three times: All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Please listen to me. I, whose name is . . . [say your secret name] From this time forth Until the essence of enlightenment, Shall generate the unsurpassed sacred bodhichitta, Just all the Protectors of the three times Have ensured their enlightenment. I shall uphold firmly each of the Three moral disciplines: 113
Moral restraint, Accumulating virtuous dharmas, And working for the welfare of living beings. I shall uphold from today onward The vows arisen from the buddha yoga; The unsurpassed Three Jewels of The Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. I shall perfectly uphold The vajra, bell, and mudra of The great, supreme vajra family, And I shall uphold purely the master commitment. I will always make the four types of gifts Six times each day; The pleasing commitments of The great supreme jewel family. For the pure, great lotus family, Arisen from great enlightenment, I shall uphold each of the holy dharmas, Of the outer, the secret, and the three vehicles. 114
For the great, supreme action family, I shall uphold purely each of Vows I am endowed with, And make as many offering as I am able. I shall generate the holy, unsurpassed bodhichitta, And for the welfare of all living beings I shall uphold all of my vows without exception. I shall liberate those not liberated, Deliver those not delivered, Give breath to those breathless, And lead all beings to nirvana. Uncommon Commitments of Mother Tantra At all times I go for refuge To Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, In all three vehicles, The dakinis of secret mantra yoga, The heroes, heroines, and powerful goddesses In the great beings the bodhisattvas, 115
But above all others, at all times I take refuge in my spiritual master. Glorious Heruka, heroes, heroines, Yoginis, enlightened beings, countless Bodhisattvas and so forth, Please listen to me. From this time forth Until I abide in non-duality, I shall uphold purely the twenty-two Precepts of non-duality. Visualizing the Inner Yogini Light rays emerge from the heart of guru-Vajrayogini and purify all of my negative karma, obscurations, and their imprints together with my corporal body that is their karmic result. From the state of emptiness from EH EH emerges a red phenomena source, a double tetrahedron. Within that from AH arises a moon mandala, white with a red radiance. Upon that is the mantra OM OM OM SARWA BUDDHA DAKINIYE VAJRA WARNANIYE 116
VAJRA BEROTZANIYE HUM HUM HUM PHAT PHAT PHAT SÖHA arranged counterclockwise from which light rays radiate presenting offerings to arya beings and accomplishing the welfare of living beings. They collect back and completely transform into a variegated eight-petalled lotus with a sun mandala in its center upon which I arise in the bodily aspect of Vajrayogini. My right leg outstretched suppresses the breasts of red Kalarati and my bent left leg suppresses the bent head of black Ishvara. I have a red-colored body that outshines the fire [at the end of] the eon. I have one face, two hands and three eyes looking towards Pure Dakini Land. My right hand is outstretched and holds a curved knife marked with a vajra-[handle]. My left hand holds a skull cup filled with blood that is held aloft as I partake of it with my upturned mouth. My left elbow holds a katvanga marked with a vajra from which hangs a damaru, bell, and three-pointed pendant. My hair is black, hanging straight and covers [my back] down my waist. I am in the bloom of youth, my breasts are voluptuous with desire, and I reveal a mood that generates bliss. My head is adorned with five dried human skulls and I wear a necklace of fifty dried skulls.
Naked and adorned with the five mudras I stand in the center of a blazing fire of exalted wisdom. At my navel from EH EH emerges a red phenomena source, a double tetrahedron. Within that from AH arises a moon mandala in the center of which is a red syllable BAM. The front and the back corners [of the phenomena source] are empty while each of the four corners are marked by a red joy swirl spinning counterclockwise. Make the following request three times: My precious master, please bestow the attainments of the body, speech, mind, good qualities, and enlightened actions of all the tathagatas together with all the mundane and supramundane attainments. Recite the three-OM mantra and swallow the tinglo. A duplicate Venerable Mother—the size of thumb— emerges from the heart of the front-generated Venerable Mother. She enters into my mouth and dances like lightening from the crown of my head to the soles of my 118
feet and finally dissolves into the syllable BAM at my navel which completely transforms into an eight-petalled lotus with a sun mandala at its center upon which is Vajrayogini. Her right leg outstretched suppresses the breasts of red Kalarati and her bent left leg suppresses the bent head of black Ishvara. She has a red-colored body that outshines the fire [at the end of] the eon, one face, two hands, and three eyes looking towards Pure Dakini Land. Her right hand is outstretched and holds a curved knife marked with a vajra-[handle]. Her left hand holds a skull cup filled with blood that is held aloft as she partakes of it with her upturned mouth. Her left elbow holds a katvanga marked with a vajra from which hangs a damaru, bell, and three-pointed pendant. Her hair is black, hanging straight and covers [her back] down my waist. She is in the bloom of youth, her breasts are voluptuous with desire, and she reveals a mood that generates bliss. Her head is adorned with five dried human skulls and she wears a necklace of fifty dried skulls. Naked and adorned with the five mudras she stands in the center of a blazing fire of exalted wisdom.
At the places of my body, at my navel on a moon mandala is a red OM BAM the nature of Vajravarahi; At my heart a blue HAM YAM the nature of Yamani; at my mouth white HRIM MOM the nature of Mohani; at my forehead yellow HRIM HRIM the nature of Sachalani; at my crown a green HUM HUM the nature of Samtrasani; at all of my limbs smoke colored PHAT PHAT the nature of Chandika. Absorbing the Outer Yoginis Proclaim the three-OM mantra, play your damaru and bell, and burn gugal to summon the outer Yogini. The Venerable Mother before me dances with delight and proclaims the sound of mantra while light rays radiate from her heart and invoke all the buddhas and bodhisattvas on the ten directions in the aspect of Vajrayogini. Innumerable duplicates also emerge from the heart of the front-generation and [both groups of Vajrayoinis] dissolve into the crown of my head.
Proclaim the three-OM mantra, play your damaru and bell, and burn gugal to summon the outer Yogini. Realizing the Secret Dakini My red central channel is the size of an arrow and runs from the point between my eyebrows to my secret place. At the lower end is a white joy swirl the size of grain spinning intensely counterclockwise. It floats upward to my heart whereby my entire body and mind are pervaded by bliss. The red joy swirl at the upper end [of my central channel] is the size of grain and is spinning intensely counterclockwise. It descends down to my heart whereby all appearances dissolve into emptiness. They mix inseparably at my heart and form a pink joy swirl that is spinning intensely counterclockwise. It becomes smaller and smaller and dissolves into clear light emptiness. At this point you should realize the secret dakini. Proclaim the following mantra and then touch the vajra to your crown to form a double vajra:
DHU DHURA GUHYA SAMAYA / OM BAM / HAM YAM / HRIM MOM / HRIM HRIM / HUM HUM / PHAT PHAT Recite the following mantra to stabilize it: TISHTA VAJRA Offer the flower while reciting: OM PRATITZA VAJRA HO Place the flower on the crown your head while reciting: OM PRATI GRIHANA STVAM IMAM SATTVA MAHA BALA Today glorious yogini, you have Endeavored to open your eyes. By opening them you see everything With your unsurpassed vajra-eyes. Remove the eye ribbon while reciting: 122
OM VAJRA NETRA APAHARA PHAT LAM HRIH Recite the following mantra as an exhortation to look: HE VAJRA PASHYA I directly perceive the entire supporting and supported mandala of Venerable Vajrayogini. This concludes entering the inner [lineage]. Requesting the Four Empowerments Present a mandala to your guru as an offering to request the blessing of the four empowerments and then make the following request three times: Glorious Yogini, who bestows the empowerment, Majestic protector of migrating beings, Just as you are the source of good qualities, Please bestow the same on me today.
In an instant I transform into Venerable Vajrayogini standing before the mandala upon a line throne, lotus, sun, as well as Bhairava and Kalarati. Above me are parasols, to my right are victory banners, to my left are pendants, and I am surrounded by clouds of offerings. Receiving the Vase Empowerment PHAIM Light rays radiate from the syllable BAM at the heart of the guru-Vajrayogini and invoke the empowering deities as the supporting and supported mandala of Glorious Chakrasamvara. All of you tathagatas please bestow the empowerment directly upon me. Having been supplicated in the this way, the eight goddesses of the corners and the doorways dispel hindrances, the heroes recite words of auspiciousness, the heroines sing vajra songs, and the rupavajra goddesses and so forth make offerings. The Principal develops the intention to bestow the empowerment and the four 124
mothers together with Varahi, holding jeweled vases filled the five nectars, confer the empowerment through the crown of my head. Glorious Heruka, your mighty body is blazing, You fill the three worlds with your HA HA laughter causing them to tremble, You crush the brains of demons with HUM HUM PHAT PHAT; Please bestow here and now the auspiciousness of Heruka Chakrasamvara. Your mantra-body is unified with EVAM, The play of your speech is non dual with Ali-Kali,2 Your powerful mind has gone to the essence of ANG; Please bestow here and now the auspiciousness of Vajravarahi. Just as at the moment of birth the [Buddha] was bathed by all the Tathagatas 2
The term “Ali-Kali” refers to the Sanskrit vowels and consonants. On the side of purity, they refer to the purified internal energy winds which are basis of all sounds and verbal expressions.
Likewise you are cleansed With the pure water of the gods. OM SARWA TATHAGATA ABHIKEKATA SAMAYA SHRIYE HUM CHAKRA VIRA STAM ABHIKITSA MAM / KAKSE / ULUKASE / SHÖNASE / SHKARASE / YAMADHATI / YAMADHUTI / YAMADAMTRINI / YAMAMATANI / VAJRI BHAWA ABHIKINTSA HUM HUM Saying this, they bestow the empowerment. My entire body is filled, all stains are purified, and the excess water overflows onto the crown of my head and completely Vairochana-Heruka together with the Mother who become my crown ornament. DZA HUM BAM HO The empowering deities dissolve into the crown of my head. Recite the following mantra to stabilize them:
OM SUPTRA TISHTA VARJE SÖHA Transmission of the Mantra A mantra rosary of the three-OM mantra emerges from the syllable BAM at the heart of guru-Vajrayogini, leaves through her mouth, enters my mouth, and dissolves into the syllable BAM at my heart. While imagining this, recite the three-OM mantra either three or seven times.
Transmission of the Oath Recite the following three times for the transmission of the oath: Guru-Vajrayogini, may I please have your attention. I whose name is (say your secret name), from this time forth until I attain the essence of enlightenment will hold you Venerable Vajrayogini as personal deity for accomplishing the Dakini [enlightenment]. I will recite the three-OM mantra (this many times) each day. 127
During self-initiation it is acceptable to leave out the transmission of the promise and instead merely imagine that you will hold the Venerable Mother as your personal deity as you recite the following verses three times while tossing flowers: Bhagavan, please bestow upon me, Bhagavan, please bestow your blessings. The guru also proclaims: Bhagavan, please bestow your blessing on them, Bhagavan, please bestow your blessings. May they receive all the blessings of Venerable Vajrayogini’s body, speech, and mind. Imagine the flower is placed on the crown of your head. For the transmission of blessing, take some sindhura powder [from the heap mandala of body] with the thumb and ring finger of your left hand and touch it to your forehead, throat, and heart while proclaiming the three-OM mantra. Imagine the Venerable Mother states the following: 128
Thus you have received the vase empowerment in the heap mandala of body. The stains of your body are purified, you are empowered to meditate on the eleven yogas of the path of the generation stage, and you will have the good fortune to accomplish the resultant emanation body. Secret Empowerment You should visualize as follows during the secret empowerment: All the tathagatas in the ten directions enter into union with the yogini. Their bodhichitta drops fall into the skull cup and the Venerable Mother places them on my tongue. Imagining this, proclaim the three-OM mantra, extract some nectar from the skull cup before you, and place it on your own tongue. I experience this through pathway of my throat whereby they mix inseparably with the bodhichitta inside all the channels of my body as if the [wisdom beings] were 129
[dissolving into] the commitment beings. The eighty natural conceptual thoughts are purified in the sphere [of emptiness] and I generate the eighth concentration in my mental continuum with the clarity of bliss and emptiness. Make the following proclamation while imaging it is beings spoken by the Venerable Mother: Thus you have received the secret empowerment in the nectar mandala of speech. The stains of your speech are purified, you are empowered to meditate on the central channel path of the completion stage, and you will have the good fortune to attain the resultant enjoyment body. The Exalted Wisdom Empowerment of Knowledge Imagine: All the heroes of the ten directions assemble as one and transform into Glorious Heruka that enters into embrace with Vajrayogini. As I am appearing clearly as Vajrayogini
their bodhichitta is bodhichitta is delivered into my vagina. While contemplating this, take some sindhura from the [heap] mandala [of mind] with the tip of your left ring finger and while proclaiming the three-OM mantra place a drop at your navel, heart, throat, and forehead. Continue contemplating as follows: That very bodhichitta within my vagina is drawn upward to my navel whereby the entire channel wheel at my navel is filled with bodhichitta and I experience the exalted wisdom of joy. It is drawn up to my heart whereby the entire channel wheel at my heart is filled and I experience the exalted wisdom of supreme joy. It is drawn up to my throat whereby the entire channel wheel of the throat is filled and I experience the exalted wisdom beyond joy. It is drawn up to my crown whereby the channel wheel at my crown is filled at which point my entire body is pervaded by channels, all the channels are pervaded by bodhichitta, the bodhichitta is pervaded by bliss, the bliss is pervaded by emptiness, and I experience the simultaneously born joy that is the union of bliss and emptiness. 131
Proclaim the following while imagining it is being spoken by the Venerable Mother: Thus you have the exalted wisdom empowerment of knowledge in the sindhura mandala of mind, the stains of your mind are purified, you are empowered to meditate on the path of a messenger, and you will have the good fortune to attain the resultant truth body. The Fourth Empowerment The Venerable Mother before you states: The nature of phenomena has no thing, It is stainless like space. With the vajra of the exalted wisdom of emptiness Meditate precisely on emptiness. Contemplate the meaning as follows: Since the beginning, there has never been even the slightest truly existent entity. That which is called “the 132
nature of phenomena” is free from extremes of existence and nonexistence, permanence and annihilation, and samsara and nirvana. It is like space, without being defiled by the stains due to the elaboration of the apprehended and apprehender. Meditate on emptiness in that way, with the vajra-exalted wisdom of emptiness realizes emptiness where the dualistic appearances of subject and object of have disappeared and generate the union of great bliss in your mental continuum. Remain for a short while in the state of meditative equipoise. Then imagine the Venerable Mother states: Thus you have received the precious word empowerment in the mandala of ultimate bodhichitta, the stains of your three doors are purified, you are empowered to meditate on the path of inconceivability, and you will have the good fortune to attain the resultant nature truth body. Recite the following three times: I shall do everything just as The Principal of the Mandala as said. 133
Recite the following three times: From today onward I offer myself to you, Keep me as your servant Care for me as your disciple And partake of even my possessions. Thanking Mandala OM VAJRA BHUMI AH HUM Great and powerful golden base, OM VAJRA REKE AH HUM Around the edge is an iron fence surrounding Mount Meru The King of Mountains in the center. In the east, Purva-Videha. In the south, Jambudvipa. In the west, Apara-Godaniya. In the north, Uttarakuru Deha and Videha, Camara and Apara-Camara, Satha and Uttara-mantrina, 134
Kurava and Kaurava. The mountain of jewels, a wish-granting tree A wish-granting cow, and the uncultivated harvest, The precious wheel, precious jewel, Precious queen, precious minister, The precious elephant, precious excellent horse, The precious general, the great treasure vase, The goddess of beauty, the goddess of garlands, Goddess of music, and the goddess of dance, The goddess of flowers, goddess of incense, Goddess of light, and the goddess of scent. The sun and the moon, the precious parasol and Banners of victory in every direction. In the center a perfect collection of every excellence of Both gods and humans with everything complete. I offer to my kind root guru and lineage gurus inseparable from the Venerable Mother And thank you for the bestowing upon me the kindness of your profound blessings. Please accept, and having accepted out of your great compassion For all living beings, please bestow your blessings.
The ground sprinkled with perfume and strewn with flowers, Adorned with the great mountain, four continents, sun, and moon Perceived as a buddha land and offered as such, May all beings enjoy such pure lands. In short, may I never be apart from you Venerable GuruDakini By always come under your care. May I swiftly complete the grounds and paths And attain the great dakini state. IDAM GURU RATNA MANDALAKAM NIRYATAYAMI The Stages of Concluding the Ritual Blessing the Torma OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM 136
Everything becomes emptiness. From the state of emptiness, from YAM arises wind, from RAM arises fire, and from AH arises three moist human heads forming a tripod. Upon this, from AH appears a vast and extensive skull cup. Inside from OM, KHAM, AM, TRAM, HUM arise the five nectars; from LAM, MAM, PAM, TAM, BAM arise the five meats, each marked by these syllables. Due to the moving wind and blazing fire the substances inside the skull cup melt. Above them from HUM there arises a white inverted katvanga which melts and falls into the skull cup causing the substances to transform into the color of mercury. Above that, three rows of vowels and consonants stacked one upon the other transform into OM AH HUM. From these light rays radiate and summon the nectar of exalted wisdom from the seed-syllables at the hearts of all the heroes, heroines, and powerful goddesses who abide in the ten directions. This dissolves into the three letters which melt in stages and dissolve into the skull cup. OH AH HUM Recite these [three syllables] as the blessing.
Offering the Torma From a HUM at their tongue arises a white three-pronged vajra, and through tubes of light the size of only a grain of barley they partake of the essence of the torma. To offer the tormas recite the following either three or seven times: OM VAJRA AH RA LI HO: DZA HUM BAM HO: VAJRA DAKINI SAMAYA TÖN TRISHAYA HO Recite the following mantra twice to present the torma offerings to the worldly dakinis: OM KHA KHA, KHAHI KHAHI, SARWA YAKYA RAKYASA, BHUTA, PRETA, PISHATSA, UNATA, APAMARA, VAJRA DAKA, DAKI NÄDAYA, IMAM BALING GRIHANTU, SAMAYA RAKYANTU, MAMA SARWA SIDDHI METRA YATZANTU, YATIPAM, YATETAM, BHUDZATA, PIWATA, DZITRATA MATI TRAMATA, MAMA SARWA KATAYA, SÄDSUKHAM
BISHUDAYE, SAHAYEKA BHAWÄNTU, HUM HUM PHAT PHAT SÖHA Make outer offerings with: OM VAJRA YOGINI SAPARIWARA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GANDHE, NEWIDE, SHAPTA AH HUM Present the inner offering with: OM VAJRA YOGINI SAPARIWARA OM AH HUM I prostrate to the protector of migrating beings Glorious Mother of Dakini Land The Chakravartin Dakini who has discovered The three bodies and the five exalted wisdoms. I prostrate to the variety of Vajra Dakinis who have cut through The bonds of conceptualization Yet engage in worldly actions.
Prayer to Perceive the Beautiful Face of Vajrayogini
The drama of bliss and emptiness of limitless conquerors Arises as the multitude of magical displays of samsara and peace Within these you are the charming, Powerful Goddess of Dakini Land As my heart remembers you I am held in your joyous embrace. In Akanishta you are the spontaneously-born Mother of the Conquerors, In the twenty-four places you are the field-born dakinis, Covering the entire earth, you are the action mudras; Venerable Goddess, you are the supreme refuge for me the yogi. You are the natural expression of the emptiness of the mind itself, The sphere of EH and substance of the BAM in the city of the vajra, 140
Revealing yourself as the terrifying cannibal in the land of illusion And a smiling fresh vibrant young maiden. No matter how much searched for you the Superior Mother I could not find any certainty that you truly exist, Therefore this youthful mind, exhausted by its elaboration Relaxes in the forest hut beyond expression. Eh Ma! Arise now from the dakini-sphere and Care for me by the truth of what is said in The King of Tantras of Glorious Heruka that Attainments come from reciting the supreme closeessence [mantra] of Vajra Queen. In an isolated forest in the outskirts of Ödivisha You cared for the Powerful Siddha Ghantapa With the bliss of your kiss and the passion of your supreme embrace; Please care for me in the same way.
Just as Jetsun Kusali was directly led to the sphere of space From an island in the Ganges and You cared for Glorious Naropa Please lead me as well to the city of the Joyous Goddess of Dakini Land. Through the power of the compassion of the root and lineage gurus, The unique profound and swift path of the ultimate Secret Great Tantra, And the pure superior intention of myself the yogi May I swiftly perceive the smiling face of the Joyous Goddess of Dakini Land. Requesting the Fulfillment of Wishes
Venerable Vajrayogini, I request you please lead me and all living beings to the Pure Land of the Dakinis, please bestow all of the mundane and supramundane attainments.
At this point you should present the torma offering to the dharma protectors Lords of the Charnel Grounds. Recite the following mantra three times as a blessing: OM AH HUM HA HO HRIH Light rays radiate from the syllable BAM at my heart and invoke the Glorious Father and Mother Lords of the Charnel Grounds together with their retinue from the dakini palace in Ögyan in the western direction. They draw forth the entire essence of the torma through their tongues which are tubes of vajra-light. Recite the [torma offering mantra] three times: OM GRI RAJA GRI RAJA KUMA KUMA KHUMTI SÖHA / SHRI SHAM SHANA ADHI VATI MAHA PISHATSI BALINGTA KHA KHA KHAHI KHAHI Outer Offering OM SHRI SHAM SHANA ADHI VATI MAHA PISHATSI ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GÄNDE, NEWIDE, SHAPTA AH HUM 143
[Inner Offering] OM GRI RAJA GRI RAJA KUMA KUMA KHUMTI SÖHA OM AH HUM Praise HUM. I praise the Lord of the Charnel Grounds. As the enlightened actions of all the conquerors minds You reveal a terrifying body to subdue every Last malevolent force and bestow desired aims. When I make offerings and praises and offerings to you And perfectly fulfill your intended commitments Please bestow upon me all the attainments In accordance with my supplications. Offering the Torma to Dharma Protectors Recite the following mantra three times: OM AH HUM HA HO HRIH 144
HUM From your pure palace of great bliss in Akanishta Great Powerful emanation of Vairochana’s heart, Dorje Gur principal of protectors of the teachings Glorious Mahakala come and partake of this torma offering. From the coral tree grove and Yama’s palace, And Devakoti—the supreme place of this world, Namdru Remati, principal goddess of the desire realm, Palden Lhamo, come and partake of this torma offering. From the sphere of bhaga mandala of appearance and existence Mother Yingchugma, the principal goddess of everything in samsara and nirvana Principal of the dakinis, wrathful goddess who protect mantra and female spirits The Great Mother Ekajati, come and partake of this torma offering. From the charnel grounds Silwa Tsel and Haha Gopa From Singaling and Mount Kailash 145
And from Darlungnay and Kaui Dragzong, Lord of the Field Protectors, come and partake of this torma offering. From the eight charnel grounds and Risul in the south, Bodhgaya and Glorious Samyä, And from Nalatse and glorious Sakya, Laygon Pomo, come and partake of this torma offering. From the Maru Peak charnel ground in the northeast And from Red Mountain caves of Bangso in India And the supreme places such as Darlung Dagram and so forth Yaksha Chamdrel come and partake of this torma offering. Especially from Odiyana, the land of the dakinis and your natural abode Completely surrounded by the mundane and supramundane dakinis Kinkara Father and Mother Come and partake of this torma offering.
I request you and make offerings to the assembly of protectors of the conqueror’s teachings, I accomplish and rely upon you great protectors of the guru’s word, I make the plaintive call to you the assembly of the yogi’s warring deities, With your quick ways, come and partake of this torma offering. I offer this torma with ornaments of flesh and blood, I offer libations of alcohol, medicinal nectar, and blood, I offer the sound of kettle drums, thigh-bone trumpets, and cymbals, I offer huge black silk banners thick like clouds. I offer mesmerizing spectacles equaling space, I offer powerful, loud, and melodious chants, I offer an ocean of outer, inner, and secret commitment substances, I offer the display of the exalted wisdom of spontaneously-born bliss and emptiness. May you protect the precious teaching of the Buddha, 147
May you increase the fame of the Three Jewels, May our expand the actions of the Glorious Gurus, And may you accomplish the desired aims the yogi is entrusted with. If you have the time and inclination you should present a ganachakra. Assemble the finest articles of the ganachakra that you can afford and set them out before the mandala. Place bala and madana in skull cup vessels and arrange them beautifully. If you are going to perform the hand offering you should do so at this point. Next, if there is a large assembly in your ganachakra, have the action-vajra (ritual assistant) make three prostrations at which point he states: Please grant your blessing upon these ganachakra substances. The Master then dips the tip of his vajra into the inner offering and sprinkles it while reciting: OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM 148
Everything becomes emptiness. From the state of emptiness, from AH emerges a broad and extensive skull cup inside which are the five meats and five nectars. The five exalted wisdoms melt and there emerges an expansive ocean of exalted wisdom nectar. Recite the following mantra three times: OM AH HUM HA HO HRIH Imagine: It transforms into an ocean of uncontaminated exalted wisdom nectar. It is extremely important that the above be visualized without distraction. All of the ganachakra substances should once again be sprinkled with a small portion of inner offering. Next, the action-vajra makes three prostrations and states: 149
I present this offering in a nectar vessel before the guru and Three Jewels. The masters reply: I offer this supreme nectar which Completely transcends inferior objects, It is the supreme commitment of all the conquerors And the foundation of all attainments. Cleansed of all stains of obscurations And free from all conceptualizations May you be delighted by the great bliss Of the unsurpassed bodhichitta. Again, the action-vajra makes a prostration and proclaims: I offer this first select portion of the ganachakra to the guru and Three Jewels. The masters proclaim:
HO: This ocean of tsok offering of uncontaminated nectar Blessed by concentration, mantra, and mudra, I offer to delight the assembly of root and lineage gurus. OM AH HUM Satiated by this glorious display of all that is desired. EH MA HO Please send down a great rain of blessings. HO: This ocean of tsok offering of uncontaminated nectar Blessed by concentration, mantra, and mudra, I offer to delight the assembly of powerful dakinis. OM AH HUM Satiated by this glorious display of all that is desired. EH MA HO Please bestow the dakini attainment. HO: This ocean of tsok offering of uncontaminated nectar Blessed by concentration, mantra, and mudra, I offer to delight the assembly yidams and mandala deities. OM AH HUM Satiated by this glorious display of all that is desired. EH MA HO Please send down a great rain of attainments. 151
HO: This ocean of tsok offering of uncontaminated nectar Blessed by concentration, mantra, and mudra, I offer to delight the assembly Three Precious Jewels. OM AH HUM Satiated by this glorious display of all that is desired. EH MA HO Please send down a great rain of holy Dharma. HO: This ocean of tsok offering of uncontaminated nectar Blessed by concentration, mantra, and mudra, I offer to delight the assembly dakinis and dharma protectors. OM AH HUM Satiated by this glorious display of all that is desired. EH MA HO Please send down a great rain of enlightened actions. HO: This ocean of tsok offering of uncontaminated nectar Blessed by concentration, mantra, and mudra, I offer to delight the assembly mother sentient beings. OM AH HUM Satiated by this glorious display of all that is desired. 152
EH MA HO Please pacify mistaken impure appearances. Outer Offerings OM VAJRA YOGINI SAPARIWARA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GANDHE, NEWIDE, SHAPTA AH HUM Inner Offering OM VAJRA YOGINI SAPARIWARA OM AH HUM Eight Lines of Praise to the Mother OM I prostrate to the Bhagavati Vajravarahi HUM HUM PHAT OM To the powerful Arya Knowledge-Goddess invincible in the three realms HUM HUM PHAT OM To you who destroy with your great vajra the fear of all demons HUM HUM PHAT OM To you whose eyes empower those who sit on the vajra seat not to be overcome by others HUM HUM PHAT OM To you whose wrathful body of physic heat can desiccate Brahma HUM HUM PHAT 153
OM To you who terrify and dry up demons and thus can vanquish other forces HUM HUM PHAT OM To you who conquer all that makes us dull, excited and confused HUM HUM PHAT OM I bow to the consort Vajravarahi, the Dakini who has the power of desire HUM HUM PHAT For the sake of commitment of conduct, place a pema bhanja vessel of madana in front of the vajra master with the forehead facing him and place a small portion of bala upon that. The action-vajra makes three prostrations, makes the lotus turning mudra, and proclaims: Vajra Holder, may I please have your attention. I offer this special ganachakra of Mine with a mind of faith; Please accept it in whatever way pleases you. The masters reply: EH MA, great peace! This great blazing ganachakra incinerates delusions And in that way bestows great bliss; 154
AH HO, all things are great bliss. AH HO MAHA SUKHA HO Again, [the action vajra] makes three prostrations followed by a lotus-turning mudra and then proclaim: Regarding this, phenomena are perceived as perfect, The assembly should have no doubts that Brahmins, outcasts, dogs, and pigs Are of one nature; please enjoy. [The guru] responds to this by proclaiming: The Dharma of the Sugatas is priceless, Free from the stains of attachment and so forth, The abandonment of apprehended and apprehender, Respectfully I prostrate to suchness. AH HO MAHA SUKHA HO Next, the action-vajra makes a lotus-turning mudra with his two hands and holds the ring finger of his right hand above the bala as he offers the madana sequentially from the Master downward until he has finished distributing it. With a ganachakra offering 155
that it is replete with all the substances, he offers it with both hands to the Master and so forth with a double-sized portion for the Master. When the Master and disciples receive it, they also proclaim AH HO MAHA SUKHA and accept it after performing a lotus-turning mudra with both hands. Throughout this process, it should be kept completed hidden from unsuitable vessels [who have not received a highest yoga tantra empowerment]. The practitioners should also not have any conceptualizations regarding pure and impure and they should partake of the commitment substance regarding it as an offering to the syllable BAM at their hearts which is the embodiment of all the buddhas. In particular, if you are a fully-ordained vajra-holder and you refuse madana and the special ganachakra substance you incur the thirteenth root downfall [of not maintaining the commitment substances] therefore [if you are being very strict with regards to not consuming alcohol] you just touch a small portion of the inner offering on your tongue and experience it as nectar. With regard to carelessly drinking [the madana], if even lay people shouldn’t do this, what need is there to mention those who are ordained? During the ganachakra you should stop all arguing, confrontations, and so on.
Instead you should spend the time discussing Dharma, singing vajra-songs, and so forth; otherwise you should not speak and maintain the silent conduct. Also, do you use the ordinary words meat and alcohol [for bala and madana] but instead use correct terms. Do not set the ganachakra substances on the bare floor and so forth but maintain the proper conduct. It is extremely important that you learn well these distinctions. With regard to performing the ganachakra, for beginners like us there can be either extremely great profit or loss therefore we should learn as much as we can from extensive textbooks such as those composed by the Omniscient Buton and the [Seventh Dalai Lama] the Powerful Conqueror Omniscient Jetsun Losang Kelsang Gyatso in his composition on the Heruka ganachakra. At this point, if you have the time and inclination, you should sing the vajra-song as it appears in Hevajra or the Song of the Spring Queen.
The Song of the Spring Queen 3 HUM Deshin Shekpa Tamchay Dang Pawo Dang Ni Naljor Ma Kandro Dang Ni Kandro Ma Kun La Dak Ni Sol Wa Deb De Wa Che La Gye Pa Herukay Dewai Rab Nyo Ma La Nyen Che Nay Chok Ka Shin Tu Long Cho Pa Yi Ni Lhen Kye De Wai Chor Wa La Shuk So AL LA LA: LA LA HO: A LI AH: A RA LI HO: Dri Me Kandroi Tsok Nam Kyi Tse Wai Jik La Lay Kun Dzo. ***** HUM Deshin Shekpa Tamchay Dang Pawo Dang Ni Naljor Ma 3
Because Pabongkha Rinpoche states in his Lama Chopa-Heruka text that it is extremely important to sing the Song of the Spring Queen using its original melody, I have not translated it but instead provided Tibetan phonetics.
Kandro Dang Ni Kandro Ma Kun La Dak Ni Sol Wa Deb De Wa Chen Po Yi Ni Rab Kyo Pay Lu Ni Kun Tu Yo Wai Kar Kyi Ni Chak Gyai Pema Rol Pai De Wa Che Naljor Ma Chok Nam La Cho Par Dzo. AL LA LA: LA LA HO: A LI AH: A RA LI HO: Dri Me Kandroi Tsok Nam Kyi Tse Wai Jik La Lay Kun Dzo. ***** HUM Deshin Shekpa Tamchay Dang Pawo Dang Ni Naljor Ma Kandro Dang Ni Kandro Ma Kun La Dak Ni Sol Wa Deb Yi Ong Shi Wai Nyam Kyi Kar Dze Pa Rab Gye Kon Po Kyo Dang Kandroi Tsok Dak Kyi Dun Tu Shuk Te Jin Lob La Lyen Kye De Chen Dak La Tsal Du Tsol.
AL LA LA: LA LA HO: A LI AH: A RA LI HO: Dri Me Kandroi Tsok Nam Kyi Tse Wai Jik La Lay Kun Dzo. ***** HUM Deshin Shekpa Tamchay Dang Pawo Dang Ni Naljor Ma Kandro Dang Ni Kandro Ma Kun La Dak Ni Sol Wa Deb De Chen Thar Pai Tsen Nyi Den Pa Kyo De Chen Pang Pai Ka Tub Tu Ma Yi Tse Chig Drol Par Mi She De Chen Kyang Chu Kye Chok Kyi U Na Nay Pa Yin. AL LA LA: LA LA HO: A LI AH: A RA LI HO: Dri Me Kandroi Tsok Nam Kyi Tse Wai Jik La Lay Kun Dzo. *****
HUM Deshin Shekpa Tamchay Dang Pawo Dang Ni Naljor Ma Kandro Dang Ni Kandro Ma Kun La Dak Ni Sol Wa Deb Dam Gyi U Su Kye Pai Pema Shin Chak Lay Kye Kyang Chak Pai Kyon Ma Go Nyaljor Ma Chok Pemai De Wa Yi Si Pai Ching Wa Nyur Du Drol War Dzo. AL LA LA: LA LA HO: A LI AH: A RA LI HO: Dri Me Kandroi Tsok Nam Kyi Tse Wai Jik La Lay Kun Dzo. ***** HUM Deshin Shekpa Tamchay Dang Pawo Dang Ni Naljor Ma Kandro Dang Ni Kandro Ma Kun La Dak Ni Sol Wa Deb Drang Tsi Chung Nay Nam Kyi Drang Tsi Chu Pung Wai Tsok Kyi Kun Nay Tung Wa Tar Tsen Nyi Druk Den Tso Kye Gye Pa Yi 161
Chu Ching Pa Yi Ro Yi Tsim Par Dzo. AL LA LA: LA LA HO: A LI AH: A RA LI HO: Dri Me Kandroi Tsok Nam Kyi Tse Wai Jik La Lay Kun Dzo. If you have the time and inclination, you should sing the extremely secret song of Changkya Dorje Chang the Great entitled “Evoking the Heart-Drop of the Dakinis” and so forth. Offering the Left-Over Substance Next, place the leftover tsok in a vessel and, if it is nighttime, you should send it out together with a flame for the sake of guarding it from the harmful spirits. Set it out on a platform in front of you and spit out some clean water or alcohol onto [the left over tsog] in between [your two hands making] the mudra and recite the following: PHAIM UTSI SHAKTA BALINGTA BHYA KASI SÖHA
I offer this leftover [tsok] to the powerful spirits of the leftover [tsok]. May you have the good fortune of being quenched and satiated. HO: This ocean of tsok offering of uncontaminated nectar Blessed by concentration, mantra, and mudra, I offer to delight the assembly of oath-bound field protectors. OM AH HUM Satiated by this glorious display of all that is desired. EH MA HO Please accomplish appropriate actions for the yogi. May the holders of the teachings, the benefactors and I, the yogi and those in my retinue Be free of sickness, obtain a long life, power, Glory, fame, good fortune Vast enjoyments and all attainments. Please bestow the attainments of The actions such as pacifying, increasing, and so forth Those who possess the commitments please protect me Bestow assistance in all attainments Eliminate bad times, death and sickness 163
Harm from interfering and harmful spirits Eradicate bad dreams, bad signs And bad actions. May there be happiness in the world And excellent years, May our crops increase and the dharma flourish, And may peace and excellence and everything supreme Arise according to my wishes. By the power of this vast offering May I become a Buddha for the welfare of all living beings. And may those not liberated by previous Buddhas Be liberated through my vast generosity. Thanking Offering Blessing the Outer Offerings OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT OM SÖBHAWA SHUDDHA SARWA DHARMA SÖBHAWA SHUDDHO HAM 164
Everything becomes emptiness. From the sphere of emptiness from KAMs come vast and expansive skullcups inside from which HUMs come water for drinking, water for bathing, flowers, incense, lights, perfume, food, and music. Their nature is bliss and emptiness; in the aspect of the individual offerings substances that operate as objects of enjoyment of the six senses to bestow exalted uncontaminated bliss. OM ARGHAM AH HUM OM PADYAM AH HUM OM VAJRA PUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA DIWE AH HUM OM VAJRA GÄNDHE AH HUM OM VAJRA NEWIDE AH HUM OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM OM VAJRAYOGINI SAPARIWARA ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GHÄNDE, NEWIDE, SHAPTA PRATITZA SÖHA
Eight Lines of Praise to the Mother OM I prostrate to the Bhagavati Vajravarahi HUM HUM PHAT OM To the powerful Arya Knowledge-Goddess invincible in the three realms HUM HUM PHAT OM To you who destroy with your great vajra the fear of all demons HUM HUM PHAT OM To you whose eyes empower those who sit on the vajra seat not to be overcome by others HUM HUM PHAT OM To you whose wrathful body of physic heat can desiccate Brahma HUM HUM PHAT OM To you who terrify and dry up demons and thus can vanquish other forces HUM HUM PHAT OM To you who conquer all that makes us dull, excited and confused HUM HUM PHAT
OM I bow to the consort Vajravarahi, the Dakini who has the power of desire HUM HUM PHAT Praise I prostrate to the protector of migrating beings Glorious Vajra Mother of Dakini Land The Chakravartin Dakini who has discovered The three bodies and the five exalted wisdoms. I prostrate to the variety of Vajra Dakinis who have cut through The bonds of conceptualization Yet engage in worldly actions. Brief Dedication
By this virtue may I quickly accomplish The actual Goddess of Dakini Land And establish every last migrating being In that state.
Requesting the Fulfillment of Wishes
Hold your hands in prayer at your heart and recite: Venerable Vajrayogini, I request you please lead me and all living beings to the Pure Land of the Dakinis, please bestow all of the mundane and supramundane attainments. Requesting Forbearance Recite the hundred-syllable mantra of Heruka three times: OM VAJRA HERUKA SAMAYA MANU PALAYA, HERUKA TENO PATITA, DRIDHO ME BHAWA, SUTO KAYO ME BHAWA, SUPO KAYO ME BHAWA, ANURAKTO ME BHAWA, SARWA SIDDHI ME PRAYATZA, SARWA KARMA SUTZA ME, TZITAM SHRIYAM KURU HUM, HA HA HA HA HO BAGAWÄN, VAJRA HERUKA, MA ME MUNTSA, HERUKA BHAWA, MAHA SAMAYA SATTÖ AH HUM PHAT
Request forbearance by reciting: Whatever parts of the ritual went wrong Through not finding, not fully understanding, Or not having the ability, Please be patient with them all. You should make powerful prayers to the front-generation and with single-pointed focus recite the following prayers: Extensive Dedication Prayers
Thus, through the power of meditating properly on the perfect liberating path Of the powerful goddess of Dakini Land, the Mother of the Conquerors, May I properly please the qualified guru—the source of attainments, And come under his care without ever being apart. May I be liberated from this terrifying ocean of samsara In the great ship of freedoms and endowments 169
Flying the white sail of being mindful of impermanence Blown by the favorable winds of adopting and forsaking cause and effect. Through the force of being influenced by compassion for mother sentient beings May I don the armor of the magnificent bodhichitta, Enter the deep ocean of the bodhisattva’s deeds, And become a suitable vessel for the ripening empowerment. Through the kindness of the qualified vajra-holder May I become a suitable vessel for meditating on the liberating path Through enjoying the glorious nectar-blessings of The highest yoga tantra empowerments and the Venerable Mother. By properly protecting the vows and commitments I received At that time as I would my eyeballs as well as The yogas of sleeping, rising, and experiencing nectar May my three doors delight in the three joys.
Relying upon the nondeceptive objects of refuge as my crown-jewel With the great purpose of mother sentient beings dwelling in my heart And cleansing the stains of my transgressions with the nectar of Vajrasattva, May I be nurtured by the compassionate Venerable Guru. The outer yogini is ravishing Mother of the Conquerors, The supreme inner Vajra-Queen is the letter BAM, The secret dakini is clarity and emptiness of the nature of mind; May I delightfully partake in seeing their true identity. May I complete the yoga of generating myself as the deity The supreme ripening agent for developing realizations of the path and result As the wondrous method of bringing the basis of purification— Death, intermediate state, and rebirth—into the path of the three bodies.
The worldly environment is the celestial mansion of the letter EH, The sentient beings who inhabit them are the yoginis of the syllable BAM, Through the concentration of the great bliss union [of EVAM], May whatever appears arise as pure appearances. Visualizing my inner channels as the thirty-seven deities Dissolving all phenomena of samsara and nirvana into the nature Of the three messengers and wearing the armor of the mantra-syllables May I never be disrupted by outer and inner interferences. Through verbal and mental recitation focused singlepointedly upon The mantra circles at the dharma wheel and emanation wheel And the two incidental completion stage messengers May I induce simultaneously born bliss and emptiness.
May my mind abide in the sphere of bliss and emptiness when Through the lasso light rays emanating from the syllable BAM and mantra rosary The worlds and their beings of the three realms melt into light and dissolve into me And I also sequentially dissolve into emptiness. When I arise from that in the form of the deity marked by armor, Protected from all obstacles by the beating sounds in the directions May whatever appears arise as the three secrets of the deity And may I complete the daily actions and their branches. Thus, through the yoga of the directions and the moon, One day, may I be led directly to the city of knowledgeholders By the coral-colored goddess of joy with free-flowing Vermillion hair and moving orange eyes. Practicing in a land of corpses with a langali stem filled 173
With sindhura and wandered throughout all the lands May the beautiful goddess to whom the bliss swirl Between my eyebrows transfers lead me to Dakini Land. Even if am not liberated in this life, through the force of Applying myself single-pointedly in meditation, recitation, and so forth May the Joyous Goddess of Dakini Land take me under her care During the intermediate state or before too long. When the mount of odor wind quickly moves my mind in the form a syllable BAM Through my central channel the door of Brahma May I attain instant liberation through death time-path Of mixing with the Mother of the Conqueror’s mind of bliss and emptiness. When the inner Varahi has destroyed the creeping vine of apprehender and apprehended And the dancing goddess dwelling within my supreme central channel Exits the crown of my head into the sphere of space 174
May she frolic in embrace with the Hero Blood Drinker. Through the yoga of embrace while meditating singlepointedly Upon the seed of the five winds at the lotus of my navel May my mental continuum be satiated by supreme bliss Through the wind entering the channels of my bodymind. When the beautiful goddess of normal light inner-fire With an ecstatic laugh and smile within my central channel Has thoroughly pleased the youthful letter HAM May I attain the ground of the great bliss of union. When the flame of the dark red letter RAM dwelling in the center Of the three channels at my navel has been ignited May it consume the seventy-two thousand defiled elements And fill my central channel with pristine [drops].
When the five-colored drop between my eyebrows has gone to my crown And a stream of moon-liquid emerges and flows Down to the stamen of the lotus at my secret place May I be satiated by the four stable joys of ascent and descent. When I am struck with the five-colored light radiating from that drop, All things stable and moving, my body and so forth Are transformed into a mass of radiant clear rainbow May I once again enter into the natural abode—the sphere of bliss and emptiness. When my mind the yogini, the union beyond intellect, The primordial state of emptiness and clarity beyond expression Recognizes its true essence—the face of its ultimate nature, Free from birth, cessation, and abiding—may I be eternally nourished.
When my channels, winds, and drops have dissolved into the sphere of EVAM And itself has attain the glorious state of the truth body of great bliss May I sustain these living beings as boundless as space With limitless manifestations of countless form bodies. In short, through the force of being cared without separation By the guru-Venerable Mother of Dakini Land May I quickly progress along the grounds and paths and By completing them may I attain the state of the great Dakini. Through the blessings of the conquerors and the wondrous children The truth of non-deceptive dependent-relationship And the power and strength of my pure superior intention May everything within my pure prayer be accomplished.
Requesting the Deity to Remain Focus on your statue, tangkha, and so forth while reciting: For the welfare of all living beings, please Remain together with this image here. Please bestow a life free from illness, riches, and power, And all things excellent and supreme. OM SUPTRA VAJRA YE SÖHA If you don’t have an image, recite: You who fulfill the welfare of all living beings Please bestow the appropriate attainments And although you are departing to the buddha lands, Please return again in the future. VAJRA MU The wisdom beings return to their natural abodes. The commitment beings dissolve into me and the other guests return to the own abodes.
Auspicious Prayers
May there be the auspiciousness of receiving the Swift blessings of the host of glorious holy gurus The lords of all virtue and excellence Powerful Vajradhara, Panchen Naropa, and so forth. May there be the auspiciousness of the truth body of the dakini The perfection of wisdom—the Foremost Mother of the Conquerors The nature of clarity and luminosity primordially free from elaboration The goddess emanating and withdrawing all things stable and moving. May there be the auspiciousness of the spontaneouslyborn complete enjoyment body, A beautiful radiant body blazing with the glory of the marks and signs, A speech with sixty melodies proclaiming the Supreme Vehicle, 179
And a non-conceptual mind of bliss and clarity endowed with the five exalted wisdoms. May there be the auspiciousness of the field-born emanation bodies In a multitude of places with a multitude of form bodies With a multitude of methods for the sake of a multitude of disciples Accomplished according to their multitude of desires. May there be the auspiciousness of the supreme mantraborn dakinis The Venerable Goddess with a color like a ruby With a smiling and wrathful mood with one face and two hands Holding a curved knife and skullcup with her legs bent and outstretched. May there be the auspiciousness of you countless manifestations And an assembly of seventy-two thousand Dispelling all the obstacles for practitioners And bestowing all the desired attainments we strive for. 180
Translator’s Colophon This text was translated as an offering for my dear friend Voula Zarpani and the members of Chandrakirti Center to be used by those undertaking the Vajrayogini actionpermitting retreat in 2012. More copies can be obtained at: www.dechenlingpress.org