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English Pages 100 Year 1990
'This rooni wa5 unw a ingr rotted away long ;w
The Ground Fluor
Lwuion: Any cor~lrccf.iq Avcrapc Character HD: 5 ' h t . l g.p. X I': 6.100 . ' ,
used ro 1 4 any wounds they incur. Sa far rhc h a rcfuscd, limuclf \I, that tic appeno n) be 1 Lrgc goldcu idol. tit hcnc Eor rhc advcnrurcr, IO Iw drawn .m byhls knuw ' and h a b m rrvcrcly hearcn and abused by rhc wcrcsharks. w r d u r k 5 . Sir wcrrsharks sciircr arros rhc vilhkr md bide . Fdllala the nCuc iJ in 3 vcry acakencd condition. bur if frmd rhc u s her healing spells on hcnclf. Shc is indebted in b u i l d k g uvcrlbokng the large buil'hg. Thc ocher Gvc c p ~ r irom g ~ rhr b r ~ huilding c tu grcr rhc adwirurro. 10 rhc adwnrurco a i d oifcn ro do anyding in her power 10 I I ilic advenrurcrs cnccr chc villigc unnoticed ,ur go ' aid ilrcni. srniglit in. t h r y carch rbc ucresharkr by swprrac 4n rhLC . l h t ucrwharks' twmrc is hidden hchind a secret pancl in chc ban-mcnt of the brgc builduig. It consists of c h c cwc. rbr wcrrshark\ c l a m rhar ihey weit OUL huntkiglatr purionr: animal ionrrol. speed. and undrad ronuol; an lau riffhi.and air r p c n d q rhc day raring. If any of chr amulcr ufpnxection fnnn crystal balls arid ESP: a magical d*cnrurcn a c wn,undd. rhcy nrnrtcr Ihc werrrhn&,lc;kscroll conraining f w r clerical spells: cure disease. prorccing Ihcir lrpr dn.d siarmg.a r l i r woundrd charscren The wcrrsharks artcmpt 10 draw (hr advciiiurtii m a ihe tion from rvil Io'ndiu,, rommunc. and curcall, all a t 14rh Ivbv bilding by idling rhcmofd g I f 3 1 rreaprtrlrcy h w . lcvcl. In 3 silver box (V~lutd31 100 gp) arc IO x 100 gp diaovcrcd in i o birrrnrni. 'lhry tdl rhr a d p r u r c n ?fa , gemr. and 9 silver arid gold brucler (valued at 1.000 gp). ' 'Wcrcshuk wicca: AC 4: HD 6; hp 22; MV 180' (60'): solid, gold idol cnrructcd a;lth gem, l i thr advcntu&cii show an inrcrrx In rhc idol. rhc ncrcch3rk~look yorricdd; ;-iAT 1 bire: Umg 2.11; Save Magic-usrr 6: ML 7; AL Charliough ihry havc \aid r ~ much. , 'l'hey $$