The Rise of German Fascism

Though expelled from the USSR, Trotsky and the Left Opposition still considered themselves a faction of the Communist In

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English Year 2013

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Table of contents :
Machine generated contents note: pt. ONE THE PERIOD OF FASCISM --
1. Imperialism and Fascism. Monopoly Capitalism and the Imperialist Chain --
2. The German and Italian Links of the Chain --
I. Germany --
II. Italy --
3. The Period of Fascism and the Third International --
I. The Comintern's general view and its changes of course: the problem of the period and steps in the class struggle --
II. Immediate effects on the Comintern's analysis of fascism --
4. Conclusion: the Transition to Monopoly Capitalism, and 'Economic Crisis' --
1. The Political Crisis: Fascism and the Exceptional State --
I. The problem and the Comintern --
II. Thalheimer, Gramsci, Trotsky --
III. The analytical framework: political crisis, class struggle and the institutional system --
2. The Growth of Fascism --
1. General Propositions --
I. Contradictions between dominant classes and dominant fractions of classes Note continued: II. The crisis of hegemony --
III. Modifications in hegemony --
IV. The breaking of representational ties, and the political parties --
V. The ideological crisis --
VI. The offensive by big capital and the power bloc --
a. On attack and defence --
b. The steps in the process --
VII. The fascist parties, fascism and the dominant classes and class fractions
domination, hegemony and the ruling class: the relative autonomy of fascism --
2. Germany --
I. The economic contradictions --
II. Big and medium capital: was fascism 'economically retrograde'? --
III. The crisis and the politico-ideological process --
IV. The Nazi Party, Nazism and the dominant classes and class fractions
hegemony and the ruling class --
3. Italy --
I. The economic contradictions --
II. Big capital and landowners --
III. The crisis and the politico-ideological process --
IV. The fascist party, fascism and the dominant classes and class fractions
hegemony and the ruling class Note continued: pt. FOUR FASCISM AND THE WORKING CLASS --
1. General Propositions --
I. Steps and characteristics of the 'process of defeat' and the working-class defensive --
II. Forms of the ideological crisis: the crisis of the revolutionary organizations --
III. Social Democracy: class nature and function, policy, and the thesis of 'social fascism' --
IV. The Communist Parties and their policy: the turns of the Comintern and the strategy of alliances --
V. The fascist organizations, fascism and the working class
the condition of the working class under fascism --
2. Germany --
I. The process of defeat, the defensive and the politico-ideological crisis --
II. German social democracy --
III. The German Communist Party (K P D) --
IV. National Socialism and the working class --
a. The Nazi organizations and the working class --
b. The condition of the working class under Nazism
the questions of the fascist trade unions --
3. Italy --
I. The process of defeat and the defensive Note continued: II. The politico-ideological crisis: Sorel and revolutionary syndicalism --
III. Italian social democracy and the Maximalists --
IV. The Italian Communist Party (PCI) --
a. The Bordiga tendency and party policy --
b. Gramsci and the workers councils: the Comintern, the trade-union question and the problem of the 'union-party' relation --
V. Fascism and the working class --
a. Fascist organizations and the working class --
b. The condition of the working class under fascism: the CGL and the fascist trade unionists --
Appendix: The USSR and the Comintern --
1. The Class Nature of the Petty Bourgeoisie and Petty-bourgeois Ideology --
2. General Propositions --
I. Monopoly Capitalism and the petty bourgeoisie: its economic situation --
II. The political crisis and the petty bourgeoisie as a social force
the fascist parties and the interests of the petty bourgeoisie Note continued: III. The ideological crisis and `fascist ideology': Imperialist ideology and petty-bourgeois ideology --
IV. The condition of the petty bourgeoisie under fascism --
3. Germany --
4. Italy --
1. Classes in the Countryside --
2. General Propositions --
I. The economic situation in the countryside --
II. The politico-ideological crisis --
III. The fascist parties, fascism and the peasant classes: town and countryside --
IV. Monopoly capitalism and the countryside: the condition of the peasant classes under fascism --
3. Germany --
4. Italy --
1. The State Apparatus and the Ideological Apparatuses --
I. Gramsci --
II. Ideological apparatuses as State apparatuses --
III. Branches of the repressive State apparatus
characteristics of the ideological State apparatuses --
2. The Exceptional State and the Fascist State: Type of State, Form of State and Form of Regime Note continued: 3. General Propositions on the Exceptional State --
I. Forms of State Intervention --
II. Modification in the relations between the repressive apparatus and the ideological apparatuses --
III. The displacement of the dominant branch or apparatus --
IV. Modifications in the juridical system: regulation and limits --
V. Significance of modifications in the electoral principle
on the single-party system --
VI. The extent of bureaucratization --
VII. Centralism and internal contradictions: parallel networks and transmission belts --
4. General Propositions on the Fascist State as a Form of Exceptional Regime --
I. The established system --
II. The rise of fascism within the state apparatuses --
5. Germany --
I. The rise of fascism --
II. The established system --
6. Italy --
I. The rise of fascism --
II. The established system.

The Rise of German Fascism

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