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English Pages 124 Year 1976
the rings of dimension two
W o lm e r V V a sco n ce lo s
PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS A Program of Monographs, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes Executive Editors
Monographs, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes
Earl J. Taft R utgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey Edwin Hewitt University of W ashington Seattle, W ashington
Chairman of the Editorial Board S. Kobayashi U niversity of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California
Editorial Board M asanao Aoki University of California, Los Angeles Glen E. Bredon Rutgers University Sigurdur Helgason M assachusetts In stitu te of Technology G. Leitm an U niversity of California, Berkeley W.S. M assey Yale University Irving Reiner University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Paul J. Sally, Jr. University of Chicago Jane Cronin Scanlon R utgers U niversity M artin Schechter Yeshiva U niversity Julius L. Shaneson R utgers U niversity
N. Jacobson, Exceptional Lie Algebras L.-Â. Lindahl and F. Poulsen, Thin Sets in Harmonic Analysis
/. Satake, Classification Theory of Semi-Simple Algebraic Groups
F. Hirzebruch, W. D. Newmann, and S. S. Koh, Differentiable Manifolds and Quadratic Forms
I. Chavel, Riemannian Symmetric Spaces of Rank One
R. B. Burckel, Characterization of C(X) Among Its Subalgebras
B. R. McDonald, A. R. Magid, and К. C. Smith, Ring Theory: Proceedings of the Oklahoma Conference
Yum-Tong Siu, Techniques of Extension of Analytic Objects
S. R. Caradus, W. E. Pfaffenberger, and Bertram Yood, Calkin Algebras and Algebras of Operators on Banach Spaces
Emilio O. Roxin, Pan-Tai Liu, and Robert L. Sternberg, Differential Games and Control Theory
Morris Orzech and Charles Small, The Brauer Group of Commutative Rings
S. Thomeier, Topology and Its Applications
Jorge M. Lopez and Kenneth A. Ross, Sidon Sets
W. W. Comfort and S. Negrepontis, Continuous Pseudometrics
Kelly McKennon and Jack M. Robertson, Locally Convex Spaces
M. Carmeli and S. Malin, Representations of the Rotation and Lorentz Groups: An Introduction
George B. Seligman, Rational Methods in Lie Algebras
Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo, Functional Analysis: Proceedings of the Brazilian Mathematical Society Symposium
Lamberto Cesari, Rangachary Kannan, and Jerry D. Schuur, Nonlinear Functional Analysis of Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Michigan State University Conference
Juan Jorge Schaffer, Geometry of Spheres in Normed Spaces
Kentaro Yano and Masahiro Kon, Anti-Invariant Submanifolds
Wolmer V Vasconcelos, The Rings of Dimension Two Other volumes in preparation
THE RINGS OF DIMENSION TWO Wolmer V. Vasconcelos Department o f Mathematics Rutgers University The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick. New Jersey
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To Aurea
A motivating element in these notes on homological dimensions of commuta tive rings is the following problem:
Let A be a ring, and let E be a fi
nitely generated A-module with generators
(or syzygies) of the f^'s are the n-tuples
The relations
(gj,...,g ) e An
such that
g.f. + ••• + g f = 0 61 1 bn n They are made into an A-module К which, if finitely generated, allows one to "find" the relations among a finite set of generators.
If this proce
dure can be carried out a certain number of times, we get a resolution:
The problem is whether the integer r is sufficiently large to ensure that from the rth stage the resolution can be indefinitely continued using fi nitely generated modules.
In the language of Ref. 11, Chap. 1, when do
modules with a finite r-presentation have a finite infinite presentation? To formalize this question, we define the A-dimension of A [A-dim(A) for short] as the infimum of such integers— if any exists.
rings are those with A-dimension 0, while the rings of A-dimension at most 1, named coherent, are those for which finitely generated ideals are fi nitely presented.
Note that, according to Weyl [65], before succeeding in
proving his 'basis theorem' Hilbert in fact proved the coherence of the polynomial ring in several indeterminates over a field. The question of determining the A-dimension of a ring becomes simpler if we were to know that projective resolutions stop after a certain number of steps;
such rings will be called "regular," and its (grandiosely named)
global dimension [gl dim(A) for short] is the least number of steps that works for all modules.
Although the A-dimensions of a ring A and a poly
nomial ring В = A[x^,...,xn ] may differ, a measure of stability is expressed in the inequality
A-dim(B) _< 1 + gl dim(A).
One of the main results in
these notes is the proof that if A is coherent and of global dimension two, then В above is also coherent.
A feature of the proof is, once sufficiently
many structural details of A are revealed, to throw in all indeterminates simultaneously— in marked contrast to the Hilbert's basis theorem--to keep better track of the coefficients. The bulk of the notes is dedicated to a leisurely discussion and assemblage of the pieces of homological dimension theory needed for a description of the rings of global dimension two. Very early it became clear that the classical examples of such rings, Noetherian rings and Prüfer rings of appropriate size, were being used with singular frequency.
Thus, the running theme became the examination of the
extent with which such rings make up all rings of global dimension two. most pleasing aspect of this program concerned the local rings;
they were
shown to be either Noetherian rings, valuation domains, or a hybrid obtained by attaching one of the former class on the top of a valuation ring.
by this view, the next step was the examination of the domains of global dimension two;
here the results were far from complete, perhaps because of
the diverse ways such rings arise, as illustrated by the examples scattered throughout.
Noteworthy is the result that a domain which is not a Prüfer
ring must contain a finitely generated maximal ideal.
This was, however,
as far as the analysis proceeded except for the examination of its more immediate consequences.
Finally, for arbitrary rings
not necessarily
domains) it is clear that at least for "half" of them, the coherent rings, the difficulties are just the same as for domains.
In this case a promis
ing sheaf representation over a compact space exists with fibers which are domains of dimension at most two.
The noncoherent rings were just identi
fied with the inexcusable purpose of steering away from them. Every chapter contains a description of its contents. summary is as follows:-
An overall
Chapter 0 is a brief survey of homological dimension
theory dealing mostly with the relationship among the following dimensions associated to a ring:
Krull, global, weak, and finitistic.
Chapter 1
gives descriptions of rings in which the last three dimensions assume the value one;
this is needed later since such rings appear as rings of resi
dues or fractions of rings of dimension two. results on local rings.
Chapters 2 and 4 contain the
Chapters 3 and 5 are of less specialized interest
since the first is concerned with descent of projectivity, and the other with change of rings and dimensions.
A consequence of Chapter 3 is that
it allows, in a rather painless way, construction of local rings of finite
INTRODUCTION global dimension but with many zero divisors.
Chapter 6 exploits the local
theorem and change of rings to treat the nature of the ring modulo a finitely generated ideal.
Chapter 7 deals mostly with domains in terms of
infinitely many local and lower
dimensional residual conditions.
8 uses the accumulated information to show the coherence of the polynomial ring over a coherent ring of global dimension two.
It concludes with a
discussion of the ^.-dimension of rings. The author is grateful to the lively audience of a seminar held at Rutgers University in the spring of 1973, where the subject was discussed, and especially to Brian Greenberg and Hu Sheng, both of whom spoke of their own work (Chapters 4 and 6, respectively).
Greenberg has also played a
role in the current form of Chapter 8. We are equally indebted to Laurent Gruson and Christian Jensen for a spirited correspondence that we, at times (rather shamelessly!), transcribe freely into the text. Finally, we thank Irving Kaplansky who, so many years ago, made this subject attractive to us and continued to show interest in its development. A work about the bibliography:
Although plentiful, it is certainly
not exhaustive and no exaggerated care was taken in providing direct attrib ution of all the results contained here. Wolmer V. Vasconcelos
Chapter 0
Global dimensions Noetherian rings Dimension zero
1 6 7
Dimension One
1. 2. 3. Chapter 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chapter 2 1. Chapter 3 1. 2. Chapter 4 1. 2. 3. 4. Chapter 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Chapter 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Tor-dimension one Global dimension one Finitistic dimension one The minimal spectrum Generating ideals efficiently
9 10 13 14 16
Local Rings (I)
Conductors, Cartesian Squares, and Projectivity
Conductors and the descent of projectivity Cartesian squares (I)
25 28
Local Rings (II)
F-rings Cardinality conditions Fiber products Global dimension of F-rings
31 32 35 36
Change of Rings and Dimensions
Macaulay extensions Finitely generated modules Some equalities of dimensions Divisibility Local rings of Tor-dimension two Difficulties in higher dimensions
42 46 46 48 54 56
Finitely Generated Ideals
Coherence Burch's theorem revisited The Д -theorem Generating prime ideals efficiently Noetherianization
59 61 •63 66 67
X Chapter 7 1. 2. 3.
Xß-Noetherian domains Symmetric algebras Sheaf representation
71 75 82
Chapter 8
Coherence of Polynomial Rings
1. 2. 3. 4.
A remark of Gruson's Rings of global dimension two The X-dimension of a ring Stability
85 86 89 93
References Index
97 101
All rings to be considered are commutative— and this will be emphasized occasionally--and have an identity;
modules are imitai.
References 11 and
36 should be used for terminology and basic notions of commutative algebra. In this chapter we start assemblying various results in the theory of homological dimensions to be repeatedly referred to.
To set the stage, we
begin with the definitions of our main objects of interest. 1 . Global dimensions 0.1
Let E be a module over the ring A;
the projective
dimension of E (рОдЕ for short or simply pd E when no danger of confusion exists) is finite and equal to n if there is an exact sequence 0 -- ► P --- -------- ► P, ---- Pn ---- E ---- 0 n 1 0 with P^ A-projective and n least.
Otherwise the projective dimension of E
is said to be infinite. 0.2
Global dimension of A = gl dim(A) = sup{pd E}, over
all A-modules. The following result conveniently reduces the task of determining the global dimension of a ring A [2]. 0,3
[Global dimension lemma),
gl dim(A) = sup pd{A/l}, where
I runs over the ideals of A. Proof: we must show
Assume sup pd A/I
= n < 00, and let E be an A-module for which
pd E < n + 1, that is
(E,F) = 0, for any A-module F.
Consider an injective presentation of F, 0 —
I0 —
I, —
------ - V i —
where the I^'s are injective modules.
C —
Ext^(E,C) = Ext^+*(E,F), it
suffices to show that C is injective. This will be done, by Baer's lemma [14], if Ext^(A/I,C) = 0 for any ideal I. But this last module is iso-
2 morphic to 0.4
(A/I,F) = 0.
If A is a Noetherian ring, it is enough to consider the
ideals generated by three elements [12,27,38], or more efficiently maximal ideals, which reduces the task in the case of a local ring to the examina tion of a single ideal [3,56]. 0.5
Let E be an A-module;
E is said to be А -flat (or
simply flat) if for an arbitrary exact sequence of A-modules,
M. ,--- - M . --- «-М. . 1+1
the sequence (E ® A
E ® д M. .--- - E ®. M.--- * E ®. M. , A l+l A l A l-l
is also exact. Since the functor
E ® A (-)
already preserves right exactness, the
flatness of E amounts to the fact that If
a_ = (a^, ..., an >
E ® A (-)
preserves injections.
is a sequence of elements of A, the module of
relations on the a.'s is the kernel of l ф: АП ----А, Rg(a) = ker(lE ® ф)
Ф(х., ..., x ) = Ex.a.
is then
..., e ) e En
E a ^
= 0};
will be called the -------------------module of relations on the a.'s with coefficients in E. l Кд(а)Е c J?E (a).
Notice that 0.6
E is flat
For every sequence a as above, Кд(а)Е = Rg(a_).
Proof: a_.
The following are equivalent for an A-module E.
(1) => (2): Let (a) be the ideal generated by the elements in
Consider the exact sequence F J L . An —
where F is a free module.
A -- - А/ (a)--- - 0
Tensoring with E, we obtain the exact sequence
E ® F —® t E ® АП 1- ^ i > E ® A ----- - E ® A/ ( a ) ------- 0 (where the A's were dropped harmlessly in ® д ) . we have (2).
im(l ® ф) = RA (a)E,
Actually, in the language of derived functors, the argument
shows that Tor^(A/(a),E) = RE (a)/RA (a)E (2) => (1): Consider the diagram
3 P
l* f
where ф is injective, P is a free module, and ф is surjective. ker ф and К = ф 1 (ф(Р)), we obtain the diagram
L =
E 0 L ---* E 0 P -- ► E 0 G ---* 0
E 0 L --- - E 0 К --- -E ® F -- * 0 with obvious maps.
From this it follows that the vertical map on the right
will be injective if the two maps ending in then assume that G is a free module. sumed to be of finite rank.
E 0 P
are injective.
We may-
It is also clear that G may be as
An easy induction on rank takes care of the
remainder of the proof, the starting case being supplied by the hypothesis. Let E
be a flat A-module, and consider a presentation
where F is free with basis {f }. a If к = la.f is an element of K, tensoring this sequence by А / (a), 1 £ = {aj, ..., a^}, yields by (0.6) an exact sequence and к e (a)F. Thus к = £a^g^,
e K.
If we define
9: F — *-К
by 0(fa
C* , + К n-1 n
Let u denote the endomorphism obtained when the above construction is n applied to the module C . The following relations are easily checked:
фип = ф
u (с) = 0 for с е С n п (3) u u = u for n > m n m п F be the direct sum of a countable set of copies of P.
We claim that
the sequence 0 ---- F -X— F A * E ---►O is exact, with ф(х1 ,х2,...) = фСЕх.^ and
X(x 1, x2, . . . ) = (xr
x 2 - u1(x1) , . . . , xn - un_1(xn l ) , . . . )
It is clear that ф is surjective and x is injective. ker ф.
For the converse, let
is, Ex. plies
belongs to un (Ex^) = 0.
(x^,x2 ,...)
ker ф = К, x. e C By (3)
From (1), im x
be an element of ker ф, that
for a suitable C .
we may assume
x^ = 0
Then (2) im-
i > n.
By repeat
ed use of (3), we check that XfXj, u 1 (x1) + x 2 , u 2 (xx + x2) + x3 , ...) = Cx1,x2,...) to conclude the proof. The following definition is another
side of the global dimension of
a ring. 0.12
The finitistic projective dimension of A is defined
as in (0.2) by taking only the modules with finite projective dimension. We abbreviate it as
This dimension together with the Tor-dimension of A are indeed the two faces of the global dimension [32]. 0.13
Let A be
a ring for which FPD(A) is finite.
Then any
flat module has finite projective dimension. In particular, the finiteness of
gl dim(A)
simultaneous finiteness of FPD(A) and Tor-dim(A).
is a consequence of
In general, these three
numbers are distinct, with the only relationship being contained in formula
gl dim(A) = sup{Tor-dim(A), FPD(A)}.
d(A) denoting any of the three dimensions above [35], a way to
produce rings with finite dimensions is provided by the following classi cal result.
6 0.14
(Hilbert syzygies' theorem).
ring of polynomials in one indeterminate over A. Proof:
A[x] denote
Then d(A[x]) = d(A) + 1.
(This proof uses a device introduced by Hochschild, together
with some changes of rings and homological dimensions results [35].) Let E be an A[x]-module;
construct the sequence
0 -- ► A[x] ® A E - A - A[x] ® A E —
E ---- 0
where ф(хп ® e) = xn
xe - x
n+1 л* ® e
cf>(f(x) ® e) = f(x)e It is easy to see that this sequence of A[x]-modules and A[x]-homomorphisms is exact.
The proof proceeds now as follows:
be viewed as an A[x]-module via of Ref. 35 then says that
f(x) = f(0)e.
If E is an A-module, it can The change of rings result
p d ^ ^ E = pdAE + 1.
If now E is an A[x]-module, the sequence above says that рйдЕ >_ PdA |-xjA[x] ® E. Thus
pdA ^ j E
The first inequality follows because A[x] is A-free.
PdA [-x ]E 1 PdAE + 1. By taking sup over either all modules or only those of finite projec
tive dimension, we prove the syzygies' theorem for gl dim(A) or FPD(A). The case of Tor-dim(A) is similar. 2.
Noetherian rings We recall the definition of a regular (Noetherian) local ring.
A be a local ring of maximal ideal m. the dimension of the
If the Krull dimension of A equals 2 A/m-vector space m/m , A is said to be regular. This
remarkable class of rings is characterized homologically in the following theorem [3,56]. 0.15
therian ring.
(Auslander-Buchsbaum-Serre theorem).
Let A be a Noe
Then gl dim(A) is finite if and only if A has finite Krull
dimension and the localization
A is regular for each maximal ideal m. H —
For a commutative Noetherian ring the global and the weak dimensions coincide according to (0.3) and (0.10).
Of much more recent vintage is the
determination of the finitistic dimension of a Noetherian ring A [26]. 0.16
FPD(A) = Krull dimension of A.
The surprising fact is that this equality had not been proved even for low-dimensional cases other than for Artinian rings, for which it is tri vial, or for regular rings as in (0.15).
Dimension zero It is not particularly difficulty to "identify" the rings for which
the dimensions defined above are zero. 0.17 ----
gl dim(A) = 0
Thus we have the following.
A = K. x ••• x к
К. = field 1
Indeed, gl dim(A) = 0 simply means that all modules are projective, that is, A is a semisimple (commutative) ring. 0.18
Tor-dim(A) = 0 means that A is a von Neumann ring, that is,
every ideal
is generated by one idempotent.
To see this, let I be a finitely generated ideal and consider the sequence 0 — -I
A — ►A/I
— ►0
Since A/I is flat, by (0.7) there is a homomorphism generating set for I.
u: A — »-I
fixing a
Thus the sequence splits and I is generated by one
idempotent. 0.19
FPD(A) = 0 means that
a ring with a unique prime ideal a sequence
a^, a^, ...
A = B^ x ... x B^, where each B^ is
which is T-nilpotent (f.e., if we pick
of elements in P, then for some m, aj • a^
is zero). Indeed assume FPD(A) = 0 and let a^, a^, ... be a sequence of elements in A. Construct the A-homomorphism ф: A[x] -«-A[x] where ф(хП ) = xn - an+^xn+^.
ф is clearly injective and
mension at most one.
E = coker ф has projective di
The assume E to be projective;
note that
E = J-E,
where J is the ideal generated by the a^'s. Write
E Ф G - A[x], and let ф be the projective of A[x] onto E.
e e E, write e = b„ + b,x + ••• + b xn 0 1 n and denote gets
c(e) = (bQ , ..., bn ) .
e = ф(е), and since
ama' s lemma we can find
Applying ф to the equation above, one
E = J-E, we conclude j £ J
c(e) = J-c(e).
We apply these remarks to the class of 1 in E. we conclude
(1 - j)e = 0 also. ,
^ ,,
1 - j .
(1 - j)c(e) = 0
is then in the image of ф, n
* V 1 - aix) + • • • + V х - V i x }
an easy calculation now shows
By Nakay
(1 - j)c(e) = 0.
(1 - j)ax • a2 ••• an+1 = 0 We are now in a position to prove (0.19).
Let us begin by showing
that A is zero-dimensional, that is, every prime ideal is maximal. pick
a e m
\ £, £ c w
above we get for some
distinct prime ideals.
a =
If not,
= a^ = - • •
r e A, (1 - ra)an+^ = 0
1 - га e g_C m_, a contradiction. Next we show that A is a semilocal ring.
1 = A/(nil radical)
quence of orthogonal idempotents cheaply; that
Assume not.
Since the ring
is a von Neumann ring, we can find an infinite se e*, e*, ... in B.
there is no need to assume
e^, e^, __
I = (e^, e^, ... ) is a flat ideal of A.
Lift them to A (but
are orthogonal).
By (0.11), A/I has projec
tive dimension at most one, and I will be generated by a single element. Thus we can write unique prime of B^.
A = B. x — X B, B . = local. Let P. be the 1 n 1 1 FPD(B^) = 0 also, the argument above shows that
P^ is T-nilpotent. The converse is immediate. Remark.
The last result is already an indication on how much simpler
the determination of these dimensions for commutative rings is compared with the noncommutative cases.
For another instance, in Chapter 1 we shall
see how painless it is to give a reasonable description of the commutative rings of global dimension one, whereas for noncommutative rings the similar situation is not totally satisfactory.
In higher dimensions the noncommu
tative case is chaotic, to put it mildly.
Here we discuss briefly what it means for a commutative ring to have dimension, global dimension or finitistic projective dimension one.
need for such a sketch will become apparent later as those properties will show up in rings of fractions or residues of rings of dimension two.
chapter concludes with a discussion on generating efficiently finitely ge nerated ideals in rings of dimension one. 1 . Tor-dimension one 1.1
Proof: {A,m}.
A finitely generated flat module over a local ring is free.
Let E be a finitely generated flat module over the local ring
Among all the minimal generating sets for E pick one
e^, —
, e^
with a relation r. f 0, s < n l —
+ r e =0 s s
r lel + of shortest length.
From the flatness of E we may write e. = Ea..f. i il 1
E r .a.. = 0 i l]
With all a . . e m we would have il E = m.E + (e — 1 s+1 and thus s = 0, by .Nakayama's lemma. а
(£ m .
e ) n
Assume then
s > 0
and let, say,
But in this case we have a relation
r2 es+l’ 1.2 Proposition.
en }*
A has Tor-dimension £ 1 if and only if
is a
valuation domain for each prime ideal P. Proof:
Lemma 1.1 says that every finitely generated ideal of a local
ring V of Tor-dim £ 1 is free and thus V is a valuation domain.
As the
flatness is decided at the localizations, the statement follows. 1.3
Let A be the ring of all algebraic integers; then
since every finitely generated ideal of A is principal dimension one.
[36], A has Tor-
As A is a countable ring, it follows from Jensen's lemma
(0.11) that every ideal has projective dimension at most one and thus glo bal dim(A) _< 2. (b)
(It is clearly not one, as will be seen shortly.)
Let E be a countable direct sum of copies of
tion and multiplication defined component-wise. define a multiplication according to the rule
Z/2Z A = Z®E,
with addi and
(m,e) • (n,f) = (me, mf +
ne + ef).
It follows easily that for each prime ideal P of A, Ap is either
Thus A is still another ring of Tor-dimension one and,
as we shall see, of global dimension two. 2.
Global dimension one Our approach to a description of such rings, г.е. of hereditary rings,
will be through the examination of the conditions that make a projective ideal finitely generated. First we recall the notion of trace of a projective module E over the commutative ring A. over
It is simply the ideal
J = J(E) = Ef(E), where f runs
Equivalently, J is the ideal generated by the coordinates
of all elements of E whenever a decomposition
G = F (free) is given.
From this second interpretation it follows that if momorphism, then
h: A —
В is a ring ho
J (E ® B) = 7z(J(E))B.
At this point we insert, for quick reference, the following result which will be indispensable throughout [34]. 1.4
A projective module E over a local ring is free.
Let J be the trace of a projective module.
finitely generated, then Proof :
J = Ae,
If J is
e an idempotent.
Let J be the trace of E and let P be a prime ideal of A.
Ep = 0, Jp = 0 by the remarks above, whereas if Ep ^ 0, (1.4) says that Ep is free and thus Jp = Ap . tions).
In particular,
J =
(checked at the localiza
If J is finitely generated, the so-called determinantal trick then
yields the desired conclusion. Note that in all cases referred to as pure ideals.
is a flat A-module. Such ideals will be
Let I be a projective ideal of the commutative ring
If I is not contained in any minimal prime ideal, it is finitely gene
rated. Proof:
Let J be the trace ideal of I.
If J = A, it would mean that
we have an equation n 1 = Ef.(x.) j l l
f. e Horn.(I,A), x. e I l A k ’ iy l
Thus for x e I we have n n x = Zxf.(x.) = Zf.(x)x. 1 l i j l l and the x^'s generated I. I C J;
We show this to be the case for J.
if J is not A, let M be a maximal ideal containing it.
Notice that By hypothe
sis M is not a minimal prime ideal and will thus properly contain one such, say, P. above, M/P.
Consider the canonical homomorphism I
A/P = I/PI
is a projective
A — A/P;
by the remarks
A/P-module of trace
(J + P)/P
But an integral domain (viz. A/P) cannot admit a pure ideal [viz.
(J + P)/P] other than the trivial ones, and this is ruled out here.
contradiction proves the statement. The first use to be made of (1.6) is under the most favorable condi tions: study of the reduced rings (i.e., rings without nilpotent elements) in which every ideal not contained in any minimal prime ideal is projective. (Notice that if A has global dimension one, every localization of it is a domain;
thus it is reduced).
For brevity we call such rings almost here
ditary. 1.7
Let A be almost hereditary.
A is semihereditary
every finitely generated ideal is
projective) (2)
A/P is a Dedekind domain for each prime ideal P
A/I is Artinian for every ideal I not contained in any minimal
prime, and I is a product of maximal ideals. Proof: (a) domain. are
The statements will follow from a list of observations on A.
For every prime ideal M, the localization A^ is an integral Since A is reduced, it is enough to show that the minimal primes
two by two comaximal.
P + Q С M, a maximal ideal.
P, Q
distinct minimal primes, and
By hypothesis
ideal; in A^^ both P and Q survive
x = z(x + y)
x + y, x e P , у e QM .
unit, y e Pw
P + Q
is a projective
is generated by one ele for some z e A ^
if z is a
Q C P ; if z is not a unit, (1 - z)x = zy gives M M
x e Qw and Pw C Qw . Either way we get a contradiction. М М М (b) The annihilator of each element of A is generated by one idempotent. M,
Let x e A
and write
1^ = 0 or A^
a pure ideal,
I = annihilator of x.
and in particular
(x) = lx = 0
J is contained in a minimal prime P,
1 = 1 .
J = (x) © I .
By (a), for each prime J = (x,I);
since I is
On the other hand, if
Ap is a field and the image of x in
Ap is trivial; consequently, Ip = Ap, which is impossible.
Thus J is a
projective ideal, and according to (1.6) it is finitely generated. Then I 2 is also finitely generated and since 1 = 1 , I = Ae for some idempotent element e. Now we prove (1):
Let I = (x^, ..., x ) be a finitely generated ideal
which must be proved projective.
Ae^ = annihilator of x^, e^ = idempo
tent, then Let
Ае,П П Ae = Ae (e = e,•••e ) is the annihilator of I. 1 n v 1 n' J = (e,I); as before we conclude that J = Ae © I and that J is not
contained in a minimal prime.
Hence it is projective, and I is also pro
jective. As for (2), (a) says that each minimal prime P is a pure ideal and thus
is a flat epimorphic image of A.
It obviously inherits the de
fining property of A and being a domain, it is a Dedekind domain. Finally for (3), if I is as stated, A/I is a Noetherian ring by (1.6), and since A has Krull dimension one by (2), there are only finitely many maximal ideals containing I;
since each localization
A^ is a discrete
valuation ring, it follows that I is a product of maximal ideals. In gneral, the remaining properties of A are hidden in the nature of some of its associated rings, e.g.3 total ring of quotients, Boolean ring of idempotents.
Finally, we discuss a phenomenon— studied in Ref.43 by
valuation theory and in Ref.8 by sheaf theory--precisely, that it does not take much to make an almost hereditary ring hereditary. 1.8
A is hereditary
A is almost hereditary
The total ring of quotients К of A is hereditary.
Proof : of A,
The following are equivalent for a commutative ring A.
That (1) implies (2) is clear.
IK can be written
IK = © L K e ^
As in Ref.43, if I is an ideal
ei = idempotent.
at each localization A^ (M = prime ideal), the
Since A is a domain
e^'s lie in A and thus
I П Ke. = I П Ae. = Ie.. On the other hand, Ie. © A(1 - e.) is an ideal 1 i l i l of A clearly contained in no minimal prime ideal and is hence projective.
I = Ф Е 1 е д we are through.
The closeness of hereditary rings to a finite direct product
of Dedekind domains (i.e.} hereditary domains) reposes then on the behavior of its minimal primes.
Thus, it will be Noetherian if such ideals are fi
nite in number (since they are comaximal, the Chinese Remainder theorem takes over) or finitely generated [by Cohen's theorem and (1.6)].
should exist, however, more natural conditions with the same consequence especially in the case ideal).
For although
Minimax(A) = 0 (г.е.} no minimal prime is a maximal "hereditary" plus "Minimax(A) = 0"
does not neces
sarily imply that A is Noetherian (see examples in Ref.8), it comes very close since the nature of the minimal primes is largely determined by the maximal ideals in this case. 3.
Finitistlc dimension one Although the rings with
FPD(A) = 1
general theory is rather sparse.
occur in various contexts, their
After treating the decomposition of pro
jective ideals into a finite product of projective primary ideals, we con sider a condition (coherence) which often precipitates its Noetherianess. 1.9
dimension one.
Let A be a commutative ring of finitistic projective
Then every projective ideal not contained in any minimal
prime ideal is a product of projective primary ideals, in which the factors are unique up to order. Proof:
Let I be such ideal;
faithful ideal.
by (1.6) it is a finitely generated
Thus according to the change of rings theorem in dimension
one [35] for any A/I-module, E of finite projective dimension one has pdAE = 1 + р й д д Е
and thus
FPD(A/I) = 0.
Since A/I is commutative and
perfect, we may write
A/I =
x ••• x B^, where
is a local ring of
Krull dimension zero.
This decomposition yields in A a representation
I -Q r-Л where Q. is the primary ideal corresponding to the ith component of A/I. Note that each Q. is finitely generated, by I plus 1 - e^, where e.^ is some element of A mapping into the identity of B^.
As for the projectivity of
Q^, since it is a faithful ideal, it is enough [60] to show that it is principal at each localization A^, which is clear.
The uniqueness of the
Q.'s is also immediate. 4i We recall the notion of a coherent ring.
Let E be a finitely gene
14 rated module over a ring A.
E is said to be finitely presented if there is
an exact sequence
Such modules have extremely good properties with respect to localization and tensorization with infinite products.
The rings for which every fi
nitely generated ideal is finitely presented are called coherent. 1.10
A ring is coherent if and only if the direct pro
duct of every family of flat modules is a flat module. Proof:
See Ref.15 for the proof and several other ways of expressing
coherence. 1.11
FPD(A) = 0.
Let A be a commutative ring which -is coherent and
Then A is Artinian.
According to (0.19) we may assume that A is a local ring with
a T-nilpotent maximal ideal P. show P finitely generated.
To prove the statement, it is enough to
From the coherence condition it suffices to
show that P is the annihilator of a single element of A, which follows from the T-nilpotency of P. The coherent rings of finitistic projective dimension one are not so lightly disposed of.
In cases of domains however, we have the following
proposition. 1.12
Let A be a coherent domain with FPD(A) = 1.
A is a Noetherian ring of Krull dimension one. Proof: ring
Let P be a nonzero prime ideal of A;
0 / a e P. The
has, by the change of rings theorem of Ref.35, finitistic pro
jective dimension zero.
Since A/aA is also coherent, it follows from
(1.11) that A/aA is Artinian.
Thus P is finitely generated and A is
Noetherian by Cohen's theorem. 4.
The minimal spectrum The rings of Tor-dimension one have the property of being domains at
each localization, i . e they are rings in which principal ideals are flat (PF-rings for brevity).
They will be PP-rings (for "principal ideals are
projective" as in the case of rings of global dimension one) when some additional conditions are imposed on the topology of Min(A), the subspace of Spec(A) consisting of the minimal primes.
THE MINIMAL SPECTRUM 1.13 Proposition.
The following conditions are equivalent for a com
mutative ring A: (1)
A is a PP-ring
A is a PF-ring
Min(A) is compact.
It will be enough to show that. (2) implies (1), the reverse
implication being clear.
Let f e A, and write
I = annihilator of f.
Since A is locally a domain, I is a pure ideal of A. the ideal
J = (f,I)
On the other hand,
is not contained in any minimal prime.
Thus we can
write Min (A) =
U D geJ g
= {P e Min(A), g t P}
with D g
By the compactness of Min(A) we can write Mi n (A3 as the union of finitely many D^'s, an, we have В
pdA E = pdAB + pdBE Proof: ule
C =
According to (2) it will be enough to show that for some mod
e IA
Extg(E,Extd (B,C)) = Extg(E, T ® д C) = Ext®(E,TCl)) ф 0
This will be accomplished by an argument due to Gruson [25]. 5.2
the commutative ring A.
Let E be a finitely generated faithful module over Then every A-module has a finite composition se
ries whose factors are quotients of direct sums of copies of E. Thus every such module is piecewise a generator for the category of A-modules. Proof:
It is enough to show this for A itself:
be a sequence of ideals of A such that for each 4k : E (ri} -- - Ii/Ii l — Let
m ф: A v
--- ► M
there is a surjection
► 0
be a presentation for a module M.
submodules of M given by ф
IQ c I c ... c A
Then the series of
has the desired properties.
For the proof in the ring case, we recall the definition of the
MACAULAY EXTENSIONS Fitting invariants of the module E [36]:
A(I) — ï. A" —
E -- 0
be a free presentation of E and denote by of u.
= F^[E)
of this matrix. (1) (2)
u . ^ . „ T the matrix xi 1 1 J 1 n, 1 e I be the ideal generated by the minors of order n - r
We note the following properties of these ideals [36]: F1 C
c F c
n n+1 If J is the annihilator of E, J c
The smallest integer r, such that smallest integer m, such that m = r
FQ 0.
d = m - r.
I = Ann^CE/F^E),
hypothesis to the A/I-module
We can apply the induction
this module is faithful [xE c I E c
F^E => x e I], and (b) its rth Fitting ideal is trivial and its mth Fitting ideal is A/I. On the other hand, by property (2) above, ln c F . This gives rise to the filtration
F c F + in_1 c r
where each factor is an A/I-module.
We consider the following linear
form on АП :
h ’h
Since the minors of order age of u;
det V
a. 11 ’^s
• a. 1s ’^ s V
s + 1 are zero, this form is trivial on the im
it defines then, by passage to the quotient, a linear form on E.
On the other hand, it transforms the tth vector of the canonical basis of
An into D .
We point out some immediate consequences. 5.3
be a right exact functor which commutes with
arbitrary direct sums and is trivial on E;
then F is trivial.
In the situation of (5.1), consider the right exact functor on the category of B-modules,
F ( - ) = Extg(E, T ® B ( - ) ) and use the result above to complete the proof. 5.4
For the injective and flat analogs of (5.1) one can pro
ceed in a similar way to show the equality in the dimension formula using the following spectral sequences EV2 ’4 = ExtP(To/(B,C),E) = > q p
and E^’4 = TorB (E,TorA (B,C)) ■— => TorA (C,E) 2 p q n
respectively. Let us indicate how to proceed in the injective case (one uses the same type of argument, and module, in the flat case). tive A-module.
way as before that В-module C;
Ext^(B,A) = 0 ,
TorA (B,M) = Нотд (Т,М).
by (5.3),
Let M be an injec
i < d, it follows in much the same
Ext„(T,E) + 0 also.
Extg(C,E) Ф 0
for some
0 be an A-injective envelope of T. 6 Extg(HomA (T,M),E) = 0. Since T
► T — *- M Ext^+ e (M,E) = 0 implies that the module ^ is finitely generated and faithful as a
В -module, there is an exact sequence 0 -- * В *— ► ТП obtained by mapping for T.
1 into
But in this case, Ext^fHom (B,M),E) = 0 also and then the module
Extg(HomA (B,T),E) = 0.
Since there is a surjection Нотд (В,Т) —
given by ф Cf) = f(l), we contradict 5.5 Remark. (1)
where the x^®s form a generating
T — ► 0 Extg(T,E) / 0.
The theorem above applies in the following cases:
В = А / (x),
x a nonzero divisor, to give Ref. 35, Theorem 3.
В = A/I,
45 where I is a faithfully projective ideal.
According to
(1.6) such ideals are finitely generated and we obtain the result of Ref. 3L Theorem 0.16 puts very strict conditions on
В • A/I
change of rings to apply for this pair of rings.
in order for
In particular, if A is a
regular local ring, then change of rings applies to A/I if and only if it is a Macaulay ring, that is, if the condition (M) holds. The particular case we shall need [64] concerns ideals of projective dimension one in rings of global dimension two. 5.6
We say that a finitely generated ideal I of a com
mutative ring A is overdense if the canonical map
A — -Ноп1д(1,А)
is an
isomorphism. Such ideals are faithful and if the ring A is Noetherian, this is equivalent to asking that a regular sequence of length two be inside I [5]. These ideals tend to abound in rings of global dimension two which also have Tor-dimension two. 5.7
ideal with
Let A be a commutative ring, and let I be an overdense
Р^д1 = 1.
If E is an A/I-module with
p d д д E < °°, then
pdAH - 2 ♦ pdA/IE Proof:
Let 0 -- - К -- ► АП -- - I -- - 0
be a projective resolution of I. generated and (b)
We have to show that (a)
Ext*(A/I,A) = 0 ,
К is finitely
i = 0, 1.
That (a) holds will follow from the fact that it is a projective mo dule of constant rank
n - 1, I being faithful.
As for (b), consider the sequence 0 -- - I — ► A -- - A / I ---* 0 that yields 0
Нот (А/1 ,A) ---* Horn (A, A)
* Hom(I,A) — ► Ext|(A/I,A) -- - 0
As an application of the change of rings for Tor-dimension, consider the following example. 5.8
Let P be a finitely generated prime ideal of
where A is a Prüfer domain and x is an indeterminate over A. an invertible ideal, then P is maximal.
В = A[x],
If P is not
First notice that as В is coherent
[26] and Tor-dim(B) = 2 (from Theorem 0.14),
pdgP = 1.
check, or will follow from (6,5), that P is overdense. of rings, the finitistic flat dimension of В/P is 0.
It is easy to Thus by the change
However, since this
ring is a domain, P must be maximal. 2,
Finitely generated modules
If E itself, in the previous considerations, is finitely generated, there is no need to impose such a strong restriction on B. 5.9 Theorem.
Let A and В be rings, with В local and finitely gene
rated as an A-module.
Assume that В admits a finite resolution by finitely
generated projective A-modules. free resolution over B.
Let E be a В-module admitting a finite
Then pdAE = pdAB + pdßE
This result [38], contrary to (5.1), has an elementary via of attack through the device of minimal projective resolutions. Proof:
Using our previous notation, notice that Ext®(E,ExtA (B,A)) = Extg(E,B) ® g ExtjJ(B,A)
since E has a resolution by finitely generated projective modules.
both modules in the product are nonzero and the ring В is local, the state ment follows. 3,
Some equalities of dimensions
A consequence of
section 2 is that it provides estimates for the fi
nitistic projective dimension of the ring B, to wit FPD(B) £ FPD(A) - pdAB. Here, by restricting to the case of the fPD (that is, where one takes in the definition of FPD only those modules which have a resolution by fi nitely generated projective modules), we get a case of equality [52]. the same time we shall initiate a discussion of the local rings of
dimension two. In Chapter 2, of considerable help was the fact that local rings of global dimension two were coherent domains.
In Chapter 3 we saw an exam
ple of a ring of Tor-dimension two but not coherent.
We shall see that
coherence in local rings of Tor-dimension two implies not only its inte grality but also the steps
1 to 4
of the proof of (2.2).
Let A be a coherent local ring, and let I be a finitely
generated ideal with
P ^ I < 00.
fPD(A) = pd (A/I) + fPD(A/I) When A is Noetherian, there is a simple way (via the notion of depth [5]) to verify the equality.
We need the following easy lemma.
For the
rest of this section we shall unspecified A-modules to be of finite presen tation. 5.11
be a coherent local ring and let E be a fiд Then Р^дЕ = n if and only if Torn (E,A/M) / 0,
nitely presented A-module. and Tor^+ 1 (E,A/M) = 0. Proof:
Observe that there is a resolution
where each F. is a free module of finite rank and the matrix f. has all of l l its entries in M. The result follows in just the same way as in the Noe therian case, say, dimension shifting and Nakayama's lemma. Proof of (5.10): pdA (A/I) + fPD(A/I) Write
is also a coherent ring,
follows from (5.9).
d = pdA (A/I), let E be an A-module of finite projective dimen
sion, and consider the minimal resolution 0 —
N —
------ * Fo —
* E —
0 Д
where several of the terms above could be trivial. TorA (N,A/I), TorA (N,A/I) = 0 for i > 0.
Tor^+(j(E,A/I) =
Consider the spectral sequence E2
= TorA /I(A/M,TorA (N,A/I)) = >
p,q Since
E2 = 0, P>4
TorA (A/M,N)
q > 0, TorA/I(A/M,N/IN) - TorA (A/M,N)
By (5.11) this isomorphism says that we conclude that
P ^ N = pdA^j(N/IN), and if Р d,
pdAE = d + PdA/j(N/IN)
to get the inequality
fPD(A) £
d + fPD(A/I). 5.12
be a coherent local ring, and let I be
a finitely generated ideal such that of I is M.
fPD(A) < 00.
pdA I < °°> and (2)
the radical
Proof: According to (5.10) (by passing to the ring A/I), we may as sume that A is a primary ring.
Suppose, say, that
is a minimal resolution of a module E. of order
rank(Fj) of f
in our situation unless
By McCoy's theorem [36] the minors
have a nontrivial annihilator, which is impossible F., = 0.
Observe that (5.12) is valid under the condition that every proper finitely generated ideal of A/I has a nontrivial annihilator, again by McCoy's theorem.
Those are the local rings in which the maximal ideal lies
in the assassinator of A [39].
We shall use this remark in one case that
involves a maximal ideal that is minimal over an ideal nonzero divisor. 5.13 Remark.
Then with
(x):b, with x a
I = (x), it will follow that
Let A be a coherent ring.
fPD(A) = 1.
The determination of the
Tor-dimension of A can be changed into the determination of that dimension of its localizations, Tor-dim(A) = sup{Tor-dim(Ap)} One can, in fact, discard some of these primes.
X = Spec(A), consider
Y = {P e X I Spec(Ap) N {P} is quasi-compact in Spec(Ap)}
Claim: ф: A — - В =
*s f^^hfully flat.
Granted this, we
obviously have Tor-dim(A) = sup{Tor-dim(Ap), P e Y)
Proof of plain: В is flat by the coherence of A.
PB = В
for some prime P of A.
This means that there are x,,...,x in P so that 1 n (Xj,...,x^) is not contained in any prime of Y, clearly a contradiction. A consequence of this remark, later to be improved upon, follows:
A be a coherent ring with gl dim(A) = Tor-dim(A) - 2 Then there is a maximal ideal
P e Y, because otherwise every Ap , P e Y
would be a valuation domain [by (2.2)].
4. Divisibility In order to study divisibility in a coherent local ring of finite Tordimension, we examine first the nature of the annihilator of a module with
a finite resolution by finitely generated free modules. Let E be such a module over the commutative ring A: 0 — ► F
--- -------- -
F, — 1
— ► E— ► 0
Define the Euler characteristic of E [62] as X(E) = EC-l^rankfF.) 5.14
The following statements hold:
x(E) 1 0.
X(E) = 0
if and only if
x CE) > 0
implies that Ann(Ann(E)) = 0.
Ann(E) î 0.
If S is a multiplicative set of A, clearly X(E 0
Ap , a 0-ring. Since
As remarked earlier, Ep
0 / x e Ap, we get
Ep = 0.
Conversely, by localizing at a minimal prime
ideal we conclude the converse part of (b) Suppose now x CE) = 0, that is, 1 ^ 0 , of Ann(I).
In this case, let P be a prime ideal minimal over the annihi
lator L of x; Ip t Ap 5.15
and let x be a nonzero element
notice that
I c L.
Again, Ep is a free module and since
we get X(Ep) > 0, a contradiction. Corollary. 0
* P n
Let E be an A-module with a resolution ► •• • --- - P, — ► Pn 1 0
by finitely generated projective modules.
E — ► 0 Ann(Ann(E)) is generated
by one idempotent. Proof:
We may define a function
crete topology
r(P) = xCEp).
r: Spec(A)— ” 7Z,
1L with the dis
Since x(-) is made up of a sum of con
tinuous functions (the rank function of a finitely generated projective mo dule
is continuous [11]), the support of r is both open and closed. On the other hand, the relations above between Ann(E) and the Oth
Fitting invariant J of E imply that zation.
Ann(Ann(E)) = Ann(J) in each locali
Thus Ann(J) has an open-closed support and is locally 0 or Ap;
then Ann(J) is generated by one idempotent [16]. 5.16 Corollary,
Let A be a coherent local ring such that every prin
cipal ideal has finite projective dimension. Let A be a coherent domain.
Then A is a domain.
(In the following we could avoid the
blanket hypothesis of domain by assuming the existence of nonzero divisors in the appropriate places.)
In questions of divisibility in A the follow
ing set of prime ideals plays a role sufficiently rich on which to base a theory of divisors [55]. type
P = all prime ideals minimal over ideals of the
(a):b = (r e A | rb e (a)}. We remark on some of the properties of P.
If I is a fractionary ideal of A, denote the set {x e К | xl c A}, К the field of quotients of A, by I \ An ideal I is called reflexive if (I
) 1 “ I, that is, if it is reflexive as an A-module.
is always reflexive for any ideal and that xive ideal containing I . (a) If I is not contained in any (b)
Notice that I-'*'
(I ^) ^ is the smallest refle
P e P, I-'*' = A.
If I is a reflexive ideal, then 1 =
pQ p 1?
Since (a) is immediate, let us prove (b).
Let x be an element in the
right-hand side of the expression above. Then L = I:x = {r e A j rx e 1} is not contained in any P e P. Thus Lx с Iyields L-1 зxl-1. By (a), L
*= A; and by a second inversion and the
reflexivity of I, weget x
e L
R be the set of finitely generated fractionary ideals I of A having the property that Ip is invertible for each P e P. On R we define Let
a composition I 0 J = CCI . J)-1)"1 That
" о "
is a composition in R is clear by localization.
associativity, just notice that
(I о J) о L
As for the
о (j о l )
are both
reflexive, and thus by (b) above it is enough to verify equality at each Ap, P e P, which is clear.
Note that if one of the ideals above I or J is invertible, then I 0 J = I • J,
that is, just the ordinary multiplication of ideals.
We now define, essentially in the manner of Ref. 42 (extended to the non-Noetherian case, e.g.3 in Ref. 52), a function from torsion modules (finitely presented) of finite projective dimension into R. Let
be exact, with F^,F
finitely generated projective modules.
Let I be the
Oth Fitting invariant of E, and define d(E) = (I-1)'1 the divisor of E.
d(E) is really in R results from the next lemma
and the comments following (5.13). 5.17
Р^дЕ = 1, then