The Psalter: The Whole of the Book of Praises 9789042950382, 9042950382, 9789042950399

Each of the five books of the Psalter has proved to be composed and well composed. The same is true of the Book of Prais

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The Psalter: The Whole of the Book of Praises
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pontificia universitas gregoriana rhetorica biblica et semitica

Roland Meynet


The Whole of the Book of Praises


THE PSALTER The Whole of the Book of Praises

Roland Meynet

THE PSALTER The Whole of the Book of Praises Rhetorica Biblica et Semitica XLI Translated by Bernard Witek



Many scholarly societies exit whose purpose is the study of rhetoric. The best known is the “International Society for the History of Rhetoric”. The RBS is the only one: • devoted exclusively to study Semitic literature, mainly the Bible, but also the other texts, such as Islamic texts; • which consequently sets out to list and describe the specific laws of a rhetoric that presided over the elaboration of the texts whose importance is in no way inferior to those of the Greek and Latin of which the modern Western civilization is heir. We should not forget either that the same Western civilization is also the heir of the Judeo-Christian tradition which has its origins in the Bible, that is in the Semitic world. More broadly, the texts that we are studying are the founding texts of the three great monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Such a scientific study, the first condition for a better mutual knowledge, can only contribute to the rapprochement between those who claim to belong to these various traditions. • • •

• •

The RBS promotes and supports training, research and publications: especially in the biblical field, both New and the Old Testament; but also in the field of other Semitic texts, in particular those of Islam; and also of authors who have been nourished by the biblical texts, such as St. Benedict and Pascal. For this purpose, the RBS organises an international conference in even years, the proceedings of which are published in the this series; every year, training seminars on its methodology, in different languages.

The RBS welcomes and brings together first of all researchers and university professors who, in various academic institutions, work in the field of biblical and Semitic rhetoric. It encourages in all ways students, especially doctoral students, in the learning of its own technique. It is also open to all those who are interested in its activities and wish to support them. INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF BIBLICAL AND SEMITIC RHETORIC Pontificia Università Gregoriana – Piazza della Pilotta, 4 – 00187 Rome (Italy) For more information on the RBS, visit, ISBN 978-90-429-5038-2 eISBN 978-90-429-5039-9 D/2022/0602/111 A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. © 2022, Peeters, Bondgenotenlaan 153, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage or retrieval devices or systems, without prior written permission from the publisher, except the quotation of brief passages for review purposes.

Rhetorica Biblica et Semitica Many imagine that classical rhetoric, inherited from the Greeks through the Romans, is universal. It is indeed the one that seems to govern modern culture, which the West has spread throughout the world. The time has now come to abandon such ethnocentrism: classical rhetoric is not the only one in the world. The Hebrew Bible, whose texts were written mainly in Hebrew but also in Aramaic, obeys a rhetoric quite different from the Greek-Roman rhetoric. It should therefore be recognised that another rhetoric exists, the “Hebrew rhetoric”. As for the other biblical texts, from the Old and the New Testaments, which were either translated or written directly in Greek, they largely obey the same laws. We are therefore entitled to speak not only of Hebrew rhetoric, but more broadly of “biblical rhetoric”. Moreover, the same laws were then recognised as operative in Akkadian, Ugaritic and other texts, preceding the Hebrew Bible, then in the Arabic texts of the Islamic Tradition and the Koran, subsequent to the biblical literature. It should therefore be admitted that this rhetoric is not only biblical, and we can say that all these texts, which belong to the same cultural area, belong to the same rhetoric, which we will call “Semitic rhetoric”. Contrary to the impression that the Western reader inevitably gets, the texts of the Semitic tradition are very well composed, provided that they are analysed according to the laws of rhetoric that govern them. We know that the form of the text, its layout, is the main door which opens the access to the meaning. Not that composition directly and automatically provides the meaning. However, when formal analysis allows us to make a reasonable division of the text, to define its context more objectively, to highlight the organisation of the work at the different levels of its composition, the conditions are thus met which allow us to undertake the work of interpretation on a less subjective and fragmentary basis.


This last volume has the same title as the five preceding ones, The Psalter. Their subtitles were: Book One (Ps 1–41), Book Two (Ps 42/43–72), Book Three (Ps 73–89), Book Four (Ps 90–106), and finally Book Five (Ps 107–150). The question arose as to the proper subtitle to be given to the sixth volume, the one that deals with the whole Psalter. It would have been possible to choose The Book of Books, since the book of Psalms comprises five books; the relationship of such a formula with the Song of Songs would not have been unfortunate. Following the trend of recent exegesis, which repeats, as a kind of slogan, The Psalter as a Book,1 we could have simply repeated it in French: Le Psautier comme livre. Finally, since Psalter translates Psalterion, the stringed instrument that accompanied the singing of the psalms, and since the Septuagint entitled the volume Psalmoi, The Psalms, it also seemed appropriate to incorporate the Hebrew title, sēper tehillîm, The Book of Praises. One book, therefore, which comprises five books. It resembles those gothic cathedrals with five naves, like Saint Etienne in Bourges or the Duomo in Milan. Five volumes that cannot be embraced with a single glance, but where one wanders. It is not possible to get an image of the five naves; only the five entrance portals of the monument, each of which opens onto one of the five naves, can be contemplated together. According to the tradition, this fivefold book resembles the five books of the Torah, the Pentateuch, the five books united like the five fingers of a hand. This last volume of the Psalter commentary is organized in four parts, which correspond to the four usual headings: 1. TEXT: It was not possible to simply refer to the texts of the psalms in each of the first five volumes of the commentary; the reader had to have all the texts before his or her eyes. The composition of the Psalter is referred to by the titles and subtitles of the books, sections, subsections, sequences and subsequences.2 Moreover, while each psalm is rewritten according to its own composition, what is marked by different characters are the relationships between the books. 2. COMPOSITION: After having analysed each of the five books of the Psalter at different levels of their organisation, it was necessary to proceed to the end of


See, e.g., K. SEYBOLD, “The Psalter as a Book”. In the commentary on Book Five—the one I published first—I had considered it as one of the five “sections” of the Psalter. Later I had to admit that each of the five books is a “book” organized into several “sections”. Therefore, here I have corrected accordingly the titles and subtitles of Book Five. 2


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

the road and study the relationships between them, to see if and how they form a structured whole. 3. CONTEXT: Some considerations will be proposed on the relationship of the Psalter, not with the other books of the Old Testament, but with the New Testament, this aspect of intertextuality has been very discreet in the preceding volumes. In fact, only two sequences from the Gospel of Luke will be recalled that show how the new covenant is accomplished. 4. INTERPRETATION: The theology of the Book of Praises will be drawn along the major lines of the tensions that enliven it.

Acknowledgement I am very grateful to Francesco Graziano who agreed to read my text and whose remarks and suggestions were very useful.

Rome Lalouvesc, 28 March 2020

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS al. BKAT BZ chap. CNT.NS ed. e.g. ff. Fs Gr. LeDiv LiBi lit. Luc 2011 p. par. RBS RBSem RSR RhBib RhSem trans. Traité Treatise TOB v.

alii, others Biblischer Kommentar. Altes Testament Biblische Zeitschrift chapter Commentaire du Nouveau Testament. Nouvelle série editor, edited for example and the following Festschrift Gregorianum Lectio Divina Lire la Bible literally R. MEYNET, L’Évangile de Luc, RhSem 8, Pendé 2011 page, pages paragraph Société internationale pour l’étude de la Rhétorique Biblique et Sémitique Rhetorica Biblica et Semitica (Peeters) Recherches des science religieuse Rhétorique biblique (Cerf) Rhétorique sémitique (Lethielleux, Gabalda) translation, translated R. MEYNET, Traité de rhétorique biblique, RhSem 4, Paris 2007; RhSem 12, Pendé 20132 Treatise on Biblical Rhetoric, International Studies in the History of Rhetoric 3, Leyden – Boston 2012 Traduction Œcuménique de la Bible verse, verses

The commentaries on the psalms are referred to only by the name/s of the author/s in lower case, followed by the volume and page/s number/s; e.g., Lorenzin, 232; Vesco, 303. The references to the five volumes of my commentary on the psalms are abbreviated: Le Psautier. Cinquième livre = The Psalter: Book Five; Le Psautier. Premier livre = The Psalter: Book One, etc. The abbreviations of the biblical books follow The SBL Handbook of Style.


1. TERMS DESIGNATING RHETORICAL UNITS Very often in the exegetical works the terms “section”, “passage”, and in particular “piece”, “part”, etc., are not used consistently. Here is a list of terms designating the textual units at their successive levels. THE “LOWER” (OR NON-AUTONOMOUS) LEVELS Apart from the first two (the term and the member), the lower level units are formed of one, two or three units of the preceding level. TERM

The term generally corresponds to a “lexeme”, or word that is found in the lexicon: noun, adjective, verb, adverb.


The member is a syntagma, or group of “terms” linked together by close syntactic relations. The “member” is the minimal rhetorical unit; it may happen that the member consists of a single term (the term of Greek origin is “stich”).


The segment comprises one, two or three members; there are “unimember” segments (the term of Greek origin is “monostich”), “bimember” segments (or “distichs”), and “trimember” segments (or “tristichs”).


The piece comprises one, two or three segments.


The part comprises one, two or three pieces.

THE “UPPER” (OR AUTONOMOUS) LEVELS They are all formed of either one or several units from the previous level. PASSAGE

The passage—the equivalent of the exegetes’ “pericope”—is formed of one or more parts.


The sequence is formed of one or more passages.


The section is formed of one or more sequences.


Finally, the book is formed of one or more sections.

It is sometimes necessary to use the intermediary levels of “subpart”, “subsequence” and “subsection”; these intermediary units have the same definition as the part, sequence and section.


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises


The side is a textual complex that precedes or follows the centre of a construction; if the centre is bipartite, the side corresponds to each of the two halves of the construction. 2. TERMS DESIGNATING THE RELATIONS BETWEEN SYMMETRICAL UNITS


Composition figure in which the units in paired relations are arranged in parallel fashion: A B C D E | A’B’C’D’E’. When two units parallel to each other frame a single element, we talk about parallelism referring to the symmetry between these two units, but we consider the whole (the upper level unit) as a concentric construction: A | x | A’. “Parallel construction” is also called “parallelism” (as opposed to “concentrism”).


Composition figure in which the units in paired relations are arranged in an antiparallel or “mirrored” fashion: A B C D E | E’D’C’B’A’. Like the parallel construction, the mirror construction does not have a centre; like the concentric construction, the related elements mirror each other. When the construction comprises only four units, it is also called “chiasmus”: A B | B’A’.


Composition figure where concentrically: A B C D E element (this element can organisation). “Concentric construction” opposed to “parallelism”).

the symmetrical units are arranged | x | E’D’C’B’A’, around the central be a unit of any level of textual can also be called “concentrism” (as


Composition figure where the two focal points of the ellipse articulate the other textual units: A | x | B | x | A’.

Glossary of Technical Terms



Identical or similar terms or syntagmas that mark the beginning of symmetrical textual units; the “anaphora” of classical rhetoric.


Identical or similar terms or syntagmas that mark the end of symmetrical textual units; the “epiphora” of classical rhetoric.


Identical or similar terms or syntagmas that mark the extremities of a textual unit; the “inclusion” of traditional exegesis.


Identical or similar terms or syntagmas that mark the end of a textual unit and the beginning of the unit symmetrical to it; the “hook-word” or “linking-word” of traditional exegesis.


Identical or similar terms or syntagmas that mark the centres of two symmetrical textual units.

For more details, see R. MEYNET, Treatise on Biblical Rhetoric, International Studies in the History of Rhetoric 3, Leyden – Boston 2012, 129–145. MAIN REWRITING RULES – Within the member, the terms are usually separated by spaces; – Each member is usually rewritten on a single line; – Segments are separated by a blank line; – Pieces are separated by a broken line; – Part is delimited by two continuous lines; the same applies to the subparts. – Within the passage, the parts are framed (unless they are very short, such as an introduction or a conclusion); the subparts are arranged in adjoining frames; – Within the sequence or subsequence, the passages, rewritten in prose, are arranged in frames separated by a blank line; – Within the sequence, the passages of subsequence are arranged in adjoining frames. On the rewriting rules, see Treatise, chap. 4, 187–299.

Part One TEXT

BOOK ONE (Ps 1–41)



The Law



of the Lord


The ways


HIS FAITHFUL of the Lord




is the light

FROM DEATH are truth


Ps 1–18

Ps 19

Ps 20–24

Ps 25

Ps 26–41















Ps 1–8

Ps 9–10

Ps 11–18

Book One (Ps 1–41)



A. HAPPY THE ONE WHO TAKES REFUGE IN THE LORD! The First Sequence: Ps 1–2 1. PSALM 1 + 1 1 Happy

the man,

– who – and in the way – and in the circle

does not walk of sinners of scoffers

in the counsel does not stop, does not sit;

of the wicked

+ 2 because on the contrary + and in his Law

in the Law murmurs

of Yhwh day

his delight and night.


+ 3 And he is + planted

like a tree on the banks

:: which :: and its foliage

its fruit, does not wither. And all which

of waters, gives,

he does,

in its time

he makes it succeed.

the wicked; – 4 Not so – because on the contrary like chaff :: which

drives away,

the wind.


– 5 So shall –

not rise up and the sinners

the wicked in the judgment, in the assembly of the righteous;

+ 6 because knows, – and

Yhwh, the way

the way of the wicked

of the righteous perishes.



2. PSALM 2 – 2 1 Why – and THE PEOPLES

do tremble murmur

THE NATIONS vain things?

– 2 Rise up – THE PRINCES

THE KINGS gather

OF THE EARTH, together,

– against – and against



= 3 “Let us break = throw away

their bonds, from us

their shackles.”

– 4 THE ONE WHO SITS – the Lord

in the heavens mocks

laughs, them.

– 5 Then he speaks – and in HIS FURY,

to them he terrifies them:




= 6 “And I myself, = on Zion,

I have installed the mountain

MY KING, of my holiness.”

I will proclaim

the decree

of Yhwh.

+ He said

to me:


= “MY SON = I myself,

you are, today,

I have begotten you.

= 8 Ask of me = THE NATIONS as your inheritance, = and as your dominion THE ENDS

and I will give

= You will break them with a SCEPTRE = like a vessel of potter

of iron, you will smash them.”



+ 10 And now, + correct yourselves,


comprehend, OF THE EARTH.

+ 11 Serve + and exult

Yhwh with trembling;

with fear

+ 12 kiss + lest + and you perish

THE SON, he be angry on your way:


= “Yes, ignites = happy

quickly all


who are refuging in him!”

Book One (Ps 1–41)


B. YHWH ANSWERS MY CALL BECAUSE OF MY FAITHFULNESS The Second Sequence: Ps 3–4 1. PSALM 3 3 1 A psalm when he fled

of David, from


+ 2 Yhwh, + many

how many are are rising up

my oppressors, against me;

+ 3 many + “There is no

are saying salvation for him

to my soul: in God!”

O Yhwh, and the lifter

a shield of my head.

– 4 And you are, – my glory

his son.

around me,


: 5 With my voice to Yhwh : and he answers me from the mountain

I cry, of his holiness:

- 6 As for me, - I wake up

I go to bed because Yhwh

and fall asleep, sustains me;

- 7 I do not fear - who

the thousands all around

of people set themselves

against me.


+ 8 Rise up, + Rise up, – because you strike – the teeth + 9 in Yhwh + upon your people

O Yhwh, my God; all of the wicked there is salvation, there is your blessing!

my enemies you break;

on the jaw,



2. PSALM 4 4 1 For the music director, with stringed instruments, a psalm + 2 When I call, + God

answer me, of my righteousness;

+ in oppression + have mercy on me

you have set at large me,

– 3 Son of man, – will you love

and hear

my prayer.

how long will vain things,

my glory be will you seek

of David.

in dishonour, lies?


:: 4 Know :: Yhwh

that sets apart hears

Yhwh when I call

a faithful to him, to him.

: 5 Tremble : say

and do not sin, in your heart,

on your bed,

and be silent.


: Sacrifice : and trust

the sacrifices in Yhwh.

of righteousness


– 7 Many – Lift up upon us

are saying:

Who will make us see

the light

of your face,

happiness?” O Yhwh.

+ 8 You give + than the time

more joy when their grain

into my heart and their new wine

are abundant;

+ 9 in peace, + because you, + in trust,

all together, I go to bed O Yhwh, alone, you make me dwell.

and fall asleep:

Book One (Ps 1–41)


C. YHWH HEARS MY PRAYER BECAUSE OF HIS FAITHFULNESS The Third Sequence: Ps 5–6 1. PSALM 5 5 1 For the music director,

for the flutes,

a psalm

+ 2 To my words + discern

give ear, my sigh;

O Yhwh,

+ 3 give attention + my KING + because to you

to the voice and my God, I pray;

of my cry,

– 4 Yhwh, – in the morning

in the morning I prepare myself

your hear for you

my voice, and I wait.

: 5 Yes, not a God : does not sojourn

accepting with you

wickedness, evil;

your are,

: 6 do not stand : you hate

the arrogant all workers

before of iniquity;

your eyes,

: 7 you make perish : the man of blood

the tellers and of deceit,

of lies, (him) detests

- 8 And as for me, - I come - I bow down

for the abundance to your house, towards the Temple

of your faithfulness,

.. 9 Yhwh, .. for the sake of .. make level

lead me

in your righteousness,

of your holiness,


in fear of you;

my adversaries

before me

your way.

: Yes, there is no : their interior is

in their mouth destruction;


: sepulchre : their tongue

open is is sticky.

their throat,


of David.


- 11 Declare them guilty, - let them fall

O God, by their own projects;

- for the abundance of their transgressions - because they have rebelled against you.

drive them away,

+ 12 And + forever

all who are refuging ;

– and you will protect + and in you

them those loving

your name;

– 13 because you, – like a shield

you bless of your favour

the righteous, you surround him.

in you,

O Yhwh,



2. PSALM 6 6 1 For the music director a psalm – 2 Yhwh, – and

with the strings of David.

on the octachord;


chastise me discipline me.


+ 3 Have mercy on me, O Yhwh, - because I wither myself; + heal me, - because are terrified - 4 and my soul

O Yhwh, my bones, is terrified


* And you,

O Yhwh,

until when?

O Yhwh, my soul, for the sake

of your faithfulness.


+ Return, + deliver + save me

* 6 Because there is no in death * in Sheol who

remembrance of you, will give you thanks?

– 7 I am exhausted .. I drench .. with my tears

with my groaning, every night my couch

.. 8 is consumed – it grows old

with indignation

my eye,

because of all

my oppressors.

my bed, I water;


+ 9 Depart : because hears : 10 hears, : Yhwh + 11 let them blush + let them retreat,

from me,

all workers

of iniquity,

Yhwh Yhwh my prayer

the voice of my weeping, my supplication, accepts;

and be terrified let them blush

greatly, suddenly!

all my enemies,

Book One (Ps 1–41)


D. MAGNIFICENT IS THE NAME OF THE MOST HIGH The Fourth Sequence: Ps 7–8 1. PSALM 7 7 1 A lamentation of David which he sang to Yhwh a Benjaminite.

concerning the words of Kush,


Yhwh my God, I take refuge in you, save me from all my persecutors and deliver me, 3 lest he lacerate my soul like a lion, tearing apart, and no one to deliverer. ·········································································································································· 4

Yhwh my God, if I have done this, if there is perversion on my palms, 5 if I have repaid my ally with evil and wrongly rescued my oppressor, 6 let an enemy pursue my soul and overtake it, and let him trample my life on the earth, and let him make my glory dwell in the dust! 7

Rise up, Yhwh, in your anger, lift yourself up against the rage of my oppressors and awaken for me, order the defence. 8 And THE ASSEMBLY OF THE NATIONS will surround you, and return on high over it;


Yhwh will sentence the PEOPLES.


Defend me, Yhwh, according to my righteousness and according to my own 10 integrity. Let the evil of the wicked come to an end and strengthen the righteous. ······························································································································

And he examines the hearts and kidneys, the righteous God; 11 my shield is with God who saves the upright of heart; 12 God defending the righteous and God indignant every day. 13

If he does not turn, he sharpens his sword, he bends his bow and strengthens it; he prepares for himself the weapons of death, he made his flaming arrows.



······························································································································· 15

Behold he conceives iniquity, and bears trouble, and gives birth to a lie.

······························································································································· 16

He has opened a hole and digs it, and he will fall into the pit he made; trouble his trouble his violence will fall on his skull. 18

to Yhwh according to his righteousness Name of Yhwh the Most High.




to the



2. PSALM 8 8 1 For the music director,

on the gittith,

a psalm

of David.

our Lord, your name

in all

the earth!

+ You who – 3 through the mouth

have given of children

your majesty in the heavens and nursing babies,

+ you have established – to reduce


in response to

the enemy

and the avenger.

• 2 Yhwh = how magnificent is

your oppressors


: 4 Yes, I see : the works

your heavens, of your fingers,

: the moon : which

and the stars you strengthen.

• 5 What is • and the son

man of adam

that you remember him that you care for him?

= 6 You make him less = with glory

a little and splendour

than God, YOU CROWN HIM.

+ 7 You set him + you have placed all

over the works of your hands, under his feet:


: 8 sheep : and also ::


the birds

: and the fish : crossing • 10 Yhwh = how magnificent is

and oxen the beasts

all of them of the field;

of the heaven the paths

of the sea of the seas.

our Lord, your name

in all

the earth!

Book One (Ps 1–41)


II. DAVID CONFESSES HIS FAITH IN HIS HIDDEN GOD The Second Subsection: Ps 9–10 PSALM 9–10 9 1 For the music director, on “Death of the Son”, psalm of David. ᴐ2

to you), O Yhwh, with all my heart, all your wonders; and in you, to your name, Most High. b 4 When my enemies turn back, they bend and perish before your face, 5 because you have made my judgment and my sentence, YOU HAVE SAT on the THRONE as a righteous judge. g 6 You rebuked THE NATIONS, you made the wicked perish, you have wiped out their name forever and ever; 7 the enemy is finished, a ruin without end, and you have uprooted cities, their memory has perished. h They... 8 but Yhwh SITS forever, he strengthens HIS THRONE for judgment; 9 and as for him, he will judge THE WORLD with righteousness, he will sentence THE PAGANS with uprightness. 3

w 10 And may Yhwh be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of anguish! 11 and those who know your name will trust in you, because you do not forsake those who seek you, O Yhwh. z 12 to Yhwh, who dwells in Zion, and among THE PEOPLES his deeds! 13 because he seeks blood, he remembers them, he does not forget the cry of the afflicted. ḥ 14 Have mercy on me, Yhwh, see my affliction, from my enemies, lift me up from the gates of death, 15 in order that , that at the gates of the daughter of Zion, in your salvation. ṭ 16 THE NATIONS have sunk in the pit they have made, the net they have stretched has caught their feet. 17 Yhwh has made himself known, the judgment he has made, in the work of his hands he has ensnared the wicked. y 18 Let the wicked return to Sheol, ALL THE NATIONS forgetful of God, k 19 because the poor are not forgotten till the end, the hope of the afflicted does not perish forever. 20 Rise up, Yhwh, let no man triumph, let THE NATIONS be judged before your face! 21 Cast, Yhwh, terror upon them, let THE NATIONS know that they are only man! l 10 1 Why, O Yhwh, do you stand far off, 2 By the pride of the wicked the afflicted is consumed;

do you hide in times of anguish? they will be caught in the plots they have devised.

Yes, the wicked boasts about the desire of his soul, and he blesses a profiteer, he spurns Yhwh. wicked, in the arrogance of his nose, he does not seek: “There is no God!” These are all his plots. 5 His ways are successful at all times, far on high your judgements for him, all his adversaries, he spits on them. 6 He says in his heart: “I will not be shaken from age to age!” the one who is not in trouble. 7 His mouth is full of cursing, and of deceit and oppression, under his tongue mischief and iniquity. 8 He sits in ambush in the villages, in hidden places he kills the innocent, his eyes spy on the helpless. 9 He lies in ambush, in a hidden place, like a lion in his thicket, he lies in ambush to seize the afflicted, he seizes the afflicted dragging him in his net. 10 He crouches, lurks, and the helpless falls into his powers. 11 He says in his heart: “God forgets, he covers his face so as not to see until the end.” 3

4 The

Q 12 Rise up, Yhwh! God, lift up your hand, 13 Wherefore does the wicked spurn God, r 14 You have seen, yes, you, pain and tears, the helpless surrenders to you, š 15 Break the arm of the wicked, of the evil one, 16 Yhwh is KING forever and ever, t 17 Yhwh you hear the desire of the humiliated, 18 to judge the orphan and the oppressed:

do not forget the humiliated! he says in his heart: “You shall not seek?” you watch to take it into your hand: the orphan, you, you were helper to him. you will seek his wickedness, it will no longer be found. THE NATIONS perish from this earth. you strengthen their hearts, you incline your ear, there will be no more fear of man born of the earth!


Text III. GOD’S SALVATION ANSWERS DAVID’S PRAYER The Third Subsection (Ps 11–18) A. DAVID’S COMPLAINT AGAINST HIS OPPRESSORS The First Sequence: Ps 11–16 a) The Lord Rises up against the Oppressors The First Subsequence: Ps 11–13

1. PSALM 11 11 1 For the music director, + In Yhwh

of David. I take refuge.


– How can you say – “Flee 2

– for behold – they set – to shoot

to my soul: to your mountains,


the wicked their arrow in the darkness

bend on the string at the upright

the bow, of heart.”

:: 3 When the foundations are demolished, :: the righteous, what can he do? + 4 Yhwh + Yhwh, = His eyes = his pupils

in the temple in the heavens

of his holiness, HIS THRONE.

contemplate, examine

the sons

of Adam.


= 5 Yhwh, – and the one who loves

the righteous, violence,

he examines, he hates

and the wicked, his soul;

– 6 he rains down – coals, – and a wind

on the wicked fire of flames,

and sulphur, the portion

of their cup.


+ 7 Yes, the righteous + the upright

Yhwh, contemplate

righteousness his faces.

he loves,

Book One (Ps 1–41)


2. PSALM 12 12 1 For the music director, on the octachord, + 2 Save, Yhwh, :: because have vanished the loyal from - 3 falsely - lips

they speak flattering,

a psalm

of David.

because it is the end for the faithful, among the sons of Adam: each one to his companion, with a double heart they speak.


+ 4 May he cut off , :: the tongue :: 5 those who - “With our tongue - our lips - who is master

Yhwh, speaking say:

- silver - refined


for the groaning — says — he assures

of the afflicted, Yhwh, him.”

at the entrance

from the earth

we are strong, are with us; over us?”

• 6 “For the oppression of the poor, - now I will rise up, - I will place you in safety, + 7 The words :: are words

all lips great things,

of Yhwh pure, purified seven times.


+ 8 As for you, :: you protect him - 9 in a circle - when is exalted

Yhwh you watch over them, from this generation forever; the wicked depravity

go away among the sons

of Adam.



3. PSALM 13 13 1 For the music director, a psalm + 2 Until when, + Until when

of David.

Yhwh, will you hide

will you forget me, your face

until the end? from me?

– 3 Until when – sorrow

will I put in my heart,

plans by day?

in my soul,

– Until when

will be exalted

my enemy

over me?


+ 4 Look, + enlighten

answer me, my eyes,

Yhwh lest I sleep

:: 5 lest say :: my oppressors

my enemy: exult

“I have overcome him”, when I am shaken!

– 6 And as for me, – –

my God, in death,

in your faithfulness I trust; my heart in your salvation, to Yhwh because he has done good to me!

Book One (Ps 1–41)


b) The Righteous Does Not Harm His Neighbour The Second Subsequence: Ps 14–16 1. PSALM 14 14 1 For the music director, of David. .. Said .. “There is no

a fool God!”

in his heart:

– They are corrupt, – there is no one

they do abominable that does

deeds; good.


+ 2 Yhwh + on the sons

from heaven of Adam,

looks down

+ to see + searching

if there is anyone God.



– 3 All – together

turn away, they are perverted;

– there is no one – there is not

that does even


Do they not all workers – Devouring – as they devour .. Yhwh,

good, one.

know, of iniquity? my people, bread, they do not call upon him.


= 5 There, + yes, God is

they will be sized with the generation

with fright, of the righteous;

– 6 the plans + yes, Yhwh is

of the afflicted his refuge.

you degrade,


:: 7 Who will bring + When restores, + ,

from Zion Yhwh, Jacob,

the salvation the situation ,

of Israel? of his people, Israel!



2. PSALM 15 15 1 A psalm • Yhwh, • who shall dwell

of David. who shall sojourn on the mountain

in your tent, of your holiness?

+ 2 Walking + and practicing + and telling

perfectly righteousness the truth

in his heart,

– 3 he has not peddled – he has not done – and reproach

on his tongue, to his companion he has not lifted up

against his neighbour.



:: 4 Despised :: and those fearing

in his eyes Yhwh,

the rejected one

he glorifies.


– He has sworn – and he does not

to his own evil change;

– 5 his money – and the gift

has not brought against an innocent

• The one who does • will not be shaken

these things forever.

any interest he has not taken.

Book One (Ps 1–41)


3. PSALM 16 16 1 In a low voice, + Keep me, + because I take refuge 2

.. I said :: “My Lord :: my happiness is

of David.

El, in you. to Yhwh: you are, not apart from you.”


– 3 As for the Saints – they

who are and the Princes

– 4 are many – and another one

their Sufferings, they have acquired;

in the earth, in whom is all my pleasure,

:: I will not pour out :: and I will not lift up

their libations their names

of blood upon my lips.

+ 5 Yhwh, you are + you are,

the portion you guarantee

of my share my lot;

+ 6 the boundary lines + yes, the inheritance

have fallen for me is pleasing

in delights, to me.

and my cup,


+7 + yes, during the night,

Yhwh instruct me

+ 8 I place Yhwh + because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. + 9 Therefore + and + yes, my flesh

who my kidneys;

advised me,

before me


my heart my liver; will dwell



= 10 Because you will not abandon = you will not allow = to see

my soul your faithful the pit;

to Sheol,

= 11 you will make me know = fullness =

the path

of life, in your face, until the end.

at your right hand


Text B. “A PRAYER OF DAVID” The Second Sequence: Ps 17

PSALM 17 17 1 A prayer

of David.


Hear, Yhwh, righteousness, give attention to my cry; give ear to my prayer, with no lips of deceit. 2 Let my judgment come forth from your face, let your eyes contemplate what is upright . 3

You have scrutinized my heart, you have visited me at night, you have tested me, you did not find; if I thought evil, it did not cross over my mouth. 4

In spite of the actions of people, at the word of your lips, as for me, I have kept myself from the paths of the violent; 5 my steps have held fast to your traces, my feet have not been shaken. 6

As for me, I call to you,

because you answer me, God!

Turn your ear towards me, hear my speech; 7 show your faithfulness, saviour of the refuging from the adversaries at your right hand. 8

Keep me as the apple of the eye,

hide me in the shadow of your wings


from the face of these wicked who ravage me, my enemies of the soul who crowd around me.


In their fat they are enclosed, with their mouth they speak with arrogance; they reject me, now they surround me, their eyes are set to precipitate to the ground. 12 Its appearance like a lion impatient to tear and a lion cub lurking in hidden places. 11


Rise up, Yhwh, confront his face, bring him down; deliver my soul from the wicked by your sword. 14

Make them die by your hand, Yhwh, their share among the living; but your protected, you will fill their belly, who will leave the surplus to their babes. 15

make them disappear from this world , their children will be satisfied

As for me, in righteousness I will contemplate your face, with your image.

when I awake I will be satisfied

Book One (Ps 1–41)


C. DAVID’S THANKSGIVING TO HIS LIBERATOR The Third Sequence: Ps 18 PSALM 18 18 1 For the music director, of David, Yahweh’s servant, who spoke to Yhwh the words of this canticle, on the day when Yhwh delivered him from the palm of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul, 2 and he said: I love you, Yhwh, my strength; 3 Yhwh, my crag and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, I take refuge in him, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my retreat. 4 The praiseworthy, I call to Yhwh, and I am saved from my enemies. 5 The cords of Death encompassed me and the torrents of Belial terrified me; 6 the cords of Sheol encircled me, the snares of Death confronted me 7 In my anguish I call to Yhwh and to my God I cry out; he will hear my voice from his temple and my cry before him will reach his ears 8 And

the earth shook and quaked and the foundations of the mountains trembled and were shaken because he got angry; 9 smoke ascended from his nostrils and fire from his mouth devoured, coals were kindled by him. 10 And he bent the heavens and descended and a dark cloud under his feet; 11 and he rode on a cherub and flew, and he glided on the wings of the wind. 12 He made darkness his veil around him, his tent, darkness of water, thick clouds of clouds. 13 By the brightness in front of him his thick clouds passed over, hail and coals of fire; 14 and Yhwh thundered from the heavens, and the Most High gave with his voice, hail and coals of fire. 15 And he sent his arrows and scattered them, and he flashed forth lightnings and routed them. 16 And the bed of the sea appeared, and the foundations of the world were uncovered, at your rumbling, Yhwh, at the breath of wind from your nostrils. sends from on high, he takes me, he draws me from many waters, 18 he delivers me from my powerful enemy, and from my haters, because they prevail over me. 19 They confronted me on the day of my misfortune, and Yhwh was a support to me; 20 and he brought me out into a broad place, he safeguarded me, because he cherishes me. 17 He

21 Yhwh

rewards me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands he recompenses me, 22 because I have kept the ways of Yhwh and I have not been wicked away from my God; 23 because all his judgements are before me and his decrees I have not discarded from me, 24 and I am perfect with him and I keep myself from MY FAULT. 25 And Yhwh recompenses me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands before his eyes. 26 With the faithful you are faithful, with the perfect person you are perfect, 27 with the pure you are pure and with the deceitful you are cunning; 28 because you save an afflicted people and you lower the haughty eyes, 29 because you light up my lamp, Yhwh my God illuminates my darkness; 30 because with you I run after a band, and with my God I leap over a wall. 31 This

God, his way is perfect, the word of Yhwh is refined; he is a shield, to all who take refuge in him. who is God apart from Yhwh? And who is the Rock, except our God? 33 This God who girds me with strength and sets my way perfect, 34 makes my feet similar to those of a deer and makes me stand firm on the heights, 35 he trains my hands for war and my arms to bend a bow of bronze. 32 Because

36 And

you give me the shield of your salvation and your right hand supports me and your answer makes me grow, 37 you widen my steps under me and my ankles did not flex. 38 I pursue my enemies and overtake them, I do not turn back until they are finished; 39 I hit them and they are not able to rise, they fall under my feet. 40 And you girded me with strength for war and you bend down my aggressors under me. 41 And my enemies, you have given me their backs and those who hate me, I exterminate them 42 They cry out, and there is no saviour, to Yhwh, and no answer. 43 And I crumble them like dust on the face of the wind, I cast them out like the mire of the streets; 44 you deliver me from the quarrels of people, you place me at the head of THE NATIONS, PEOPLE THAT I DID NOT KNOW serve me. 45 At the hearing of the ear they hear me, THE CHILDREN OF STRANGERS court me; 46 THE CHILDREN OF STRANGERS fade away and flee trembling from their fastness. 47 Yhwh

is alive and blessed be my Rock, and the God of my salvation, 48 the God who gives vengeance to me and subdues PEOPLES under me, 49 who rescues me from my enemies, indeed, you exalt me above my aggressors, you deliver me from the man of violence. 50 Therefore among the nations, Yhwh, and to your name: 51 He magnifies the salvation for HIS KING and shows faithfulness to HIS MESSIAH, to David and his offspring forever.”



THE LAW OF THE LORD IS LIGHT The First Subsection: Ps 19 PSALM 19 19 1 For the music director, a psalm of David. 2 3

The heavens recount the glory of God day to day pours forth speech

and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands; and night to night transmits knowledge.

························································································································· 4 5

No speech and no words the lines coming out through all the earth

without hearing their voice; and to the end of the world their utterances.


For the sun he sets a tent in them, enjoys like a hero running on a path.


and it, like a bridegroom coming out of his pavilion,


From one end of the heavens its coming out and its circuit to their ends, and there is nothing hidden from its heat. 8

The law of Yhwh is perfect, the testimony of Yhwh is trustworthy, 9 The precepts of Yhwh are right,

reviving the soul; making wise the simple. rejoicing the heart.


The commandment of Yhwh is clear, 10 the fear of Yhwh is pure, The judgments of Yhwh are loyalty,

enlightening the eyes; enduring forever. they are righteous altogether.


More desirable than gold, and than the abundant finest gold; sweeter than honey, and than the drippings of the honeycombs. 12 Moreover, your servant is illuminated by them, in keeping them there is abundant reward. ······································································································ 13

THE WANDERINGS, who can discern them?

FROM THE HIDDEN ONES, declare me innocent.

······································································································ 14

Moreover, from the insolent preserve your servant, let them not have dominion over me; Then I shall be perfect and innocent of abundant SIN. 15

Let the sayings of my mouth be acceptable and the whispering of my heart before you, Yhwh, my rock, my redeemer!

Book One (Ps 1–41)


THE LORD SAVES ALL THE PEOPLE The Second Subsection Ps 20–24



The king


is saved




from death


Ps 20–21

Ps 22


Ps 23–24



1. PSALM 20 20 1 For the music director, + 2 May answer you + may protect you = 3 May he send = and from Zion

a psalm

of David.

Yhwh the Name

in the day

of anguish,

of the God

of Jacob.

your help give you support.

from the sanctuary

.. 4 May he remember each .. and your burnt offering may he consider fat;

of your offerings

– 5 may he give – and each

to you of your plans

according to your heart may he fulfil.

:6 : and in the Name

in your salvation of our God

Fulfils = 7 Now = that saves = He answers him = with the mighty power



all your requests.

I know Yhwh


from the heavens of salvation

of his sanctuary of his right hand.

: 8 These .. but we,

in chariots

and these

the Name of Yhwh

our God

: 9 they .. but we,

bend we rise up

and fall, and stand upright.

+ 10 Yhwh, + THE KING + in the day

save! will answer us we call.

in horses, we remember;

Book One (Ps 1–41)


2. PSALM 21 21 1 For the music director,

a psalm

+ 2 Yhwh, + and in your salvation

in your strength

+ 3 The desire + and the request

of his heart of his lips

of David. THE KING greatly! you have given him you have not withheld.

: 4 Yes, you prevented him with the blessings of happiness, : you have set on his head A CROWN

of fine gold.


– 5 Life – length

that he asked for of days

of you, always

you have given him, and forever.


+ 6 Great is + splendour

his glory and honour

in your salvation, you have placed on him.

: 7 Yes, you have set him :


forever, of your face.

: 8 Yes, THE KING : and in the faithfulness

trusts of the Most High

in Yhwh he will not be shaken.

+ 9 May find + your right hand

your hand may find

all your enemies, those who hate you.

+ 10 You will set them + at the time

as a furnace of your face.

of fire,

in his anger the fire.

will swallow them up,

:: Yhwh = and will devour them


– 11 Their fruit – and their seed

of the earth among the sons

you will annihilate, of adam.


+ 12 Yes, they will extend + they will devise 13

+ Yes, you will set them + your strings :: =


Rise up,

against you a plot,

from behind, you will adjust

Yhwh, and

an evil,

they will not succeed. against their faces.

in your strength: your mighty power.


Text B. THE KING IS SAVED FROM DEATH The Second Sequence: Ps 22

22 1 For the music director, on “The Doe of the Dawn”, a psalm of David. 2 3

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? My God, I call by day and you do not answer, 4 And you are the Holy One, 5 in you our fathers trusted, 6 to you they cried out and they escaped,

Far from my salvation, the words of my roaring! and by night and no rest for me. dwelling in the praises of Israel: they trusted and you delivered them, in you they trusted and they were not ashamed.


And I am a worm and not a man, scorned by adam and despised by people: all those who see me mock me, they sneer with their lips, they shake the head: 9 “He commits himself to Yhwh, let him deliver him! Let him rescue him, because he delights in him!” 10 Because you pulled me from the womb, you made me trust on the breasts of my mother; 11 on you I was cast from the entrails; from the womb of my mother, you are my God. 8


Do not be far from me, 13 14

because anguish is near, because there is no helper!

Numerous bulls surround me, their open their mouths at me, 15 I am poured out like water my heart is like wax, 16 my force is dried up like a potsherd,

strong beasts of Bashan encircle me; a tearing and roaring lion. and all my bones are dislocated; melting in the midst of my viscera; and my tongue sticks to my jaw.

And you lay me down in the dust of death. 17

Because dogs surround me, a gang of villains enclose me. They have pierced my hands and my feet, 18 I count all my bones. They stare, look at me, 19 they divide my cloths among them and for my garment they cast lots.


And you, Yhwh, do not be far, Rescue my soul from the sword, 22 Save me from the mouth of the lion, 21

O my vigour, hasten to my aid. from the claws of the dog, my only one. and from the horns of the wild oxen.

You have answered me. 23 24

your name to my brothers, “You fearful of Yhwh, praise him,

25 Because he did not despise nor abhorred he did not hide his face from him, 26 of you in the numerous assembly, 27 The humiliated will eat and be satiated,

and in the midst of the assembly : all you offspring of Jacob, glorify him, stay in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel!” the affliction of the afflicted, but he heard, when he cried out to him. my vows I will fulfil before his fearful. those seeking him Yhwh: “May your heart live forever!”

Will remember and return to Yhwh and will bow down before you 29 Because KINGSHIP belongs to Yhwh, 30 They have eaten and they will bow down before him will bend



about the Lord to the generation; to a people who will be born, because he has done it.



Offspring will serve him, they will come and

his righteousness

Book One (Ps 1–41)


C. RETURN TO THE TEMPLE WITH ALL THE SEEKERS OF GOD The Third Sequence: Ps 23–24 1. PSALM 23 23 1 A psalm = Yhwh .. 2 In meadows .. towards the waters

of David. is MY SHEPHERD, of green grass of rest

I lack nothing: he makes me lie down, he leads me.


+ 3 My soul + he guides me : for the sake

he brings back, in the paths of his name.

:: 4 Even if – I fear no

I walk evil;

– because you are :: your rod

with me, and your staff

of righteousness

through the valley of the shadow,


= 5 You prepare .. facing

before my face my adversaries;

a table

= you sprinkle .. my cup

with oil is overflowing.

my head,

comfort me.


+ 6 Yes, happiness : all the days

and faithfulness of my life;

+ and : for the length

of days.

pursue me



2. PSALM 24 24 1 A psalm

of David.

+ To Yhwh (belong) + THE WORLD



– 2 because he – and on the rivers

on the seas established it.

founded it,


= 3 Who shall go up to the mountain = and who shall rise up in the place

of Yhwh of his holiness?


+ 4 The clean + who + and

of palms has not lifted up has not sworn

and pure to vanity deceitfully.

– 5 He will lift up – and righteousness

the blessing from the God

from Yhwh of his salvation.


This one is the generation those who search for your face, + 7 Lift up, + and lift up, + and shall enter, = 8 Who = THE KING – Yhwh, – Yhwh,

gates, portals THE KING

of those who seek him, Jacob. your pediments, ancient, of glory!

is this one, of glory? strong the valiant

and valiant, of war.


+ 9 Lift up, + and lift up, + and shall enter,

gates, portals THE KING

your pediments, ancient, of glory!

= 10 Who = THE KING

is he, of glory?

this one,

– Yhwh – he is

of hosts, THE KING

of heart: his soul,

of glory.

Book One (Ps 1–41)


THE WAYS OF THE LORD ARE TRUTH The Third Subsection: Ps 25 PSALM 25 25 1 Of David ’ To you, Yhwh, I lift up my soul, ’ 2 my God, in you I trust, let me not blush, Let my enemies not rejoice over me. g 3 Also let all those who hope in you not blush, let them blush who betray for nothing. d 4 Make me to know your ways, Yhwh, teach me your paths! h 5 Make me walk in your loyalty and teach me, because you are the God of my salvation, in you I hope all the day. z 6 Remember your tenderness, Yhwh, and your faithfulness because they are from of old. ḥ 7 Do not you remember the FAULTS of my youth and my SINS. According to your faithfulness remember me, you, for the sake of your goodness, Yhwh. ṭ 8 Yhwh is good and upright, that is why he instructs SINNERS in the way. y 9 He makes the humiliated walk in judgement and he teaches the humiliated his way. k 10 All the paths of Yhwh are faithfulness and loyalty to those who keep his covenant and his precepts. l 11 For the sake of your name, Yhwh, m 12 Who is the man who fears Yhwh

you will forgive MY WRONG though there are many. whom he instructs in the way he should choose?

n 13 His soul abides in goodness and his offspring will inherit the earth. s 14 The secret of Yhwh for those who fear him and his covenant, to make them know. ‘ 15 My eyes ever toward Yhwh because he will bring my feet out from the net. p 16 Turn to me and have mercy on me ṣ 17 The anguishes of my heart multiply,

because I am lonely and afflicted. from my torments bring me out.

r 18 See my humiliation and my pain and take away ALL MY FAULTS. r 19 See my enemies, because they are many and with a violent hatred they hate me. š 20 Guard my soul and deliver me so that I do not blush, because I take refuge in you. t 21 May perfection and uprightness keep me, because I hope in you. p 22 Redeem Israel, O God, from all its anguishes.








Ps 26–31



Ps 32–37



Ps 38–41




Book One (Ps 1–41)


I. THE LORD SHELTERS HIS FAITHFUL IN HIS TEMPLE The First Subsection: Ps 26–31 A. GOD HIDES THE HONEST PERSON IN THE SECRET OF HIS TENT The First Sequence: Ps 26–27 1. PSALM 26 26 1 Of David. + Judge me, : because as for me, : and in Yhwh

Yhwh, in my integrity I trust

I have walked, and I will not stumble.


+ 2 Examine me, + refine with fire

Yhwh, my kidneys

and test me, and my heart,

: 3 because your faithfulness is before : and I have walked in your truth.

my eyes

· 4 I have not sat – and with the hypocrites

with the mortals I do not go;

of falsity

· 5 I have hated – and with the wicked

the assembly I do not sit.

of evildoers

= 6 I wash = and go around

in innocence your altar,

my palms Yhwh,

:: 7 to make to be heard the voice :: and all your wonders. = 8 Yhwh, = and the place

I love of residence

the habitation of your glory.

with sinners of blood

my soul my life,

in their hands is full

iniquity of gratuities.

+ 11 And as for me, : redeem me

in my integrity

I will walk,

+ 12 My foot : in the assemblies

will stand

· 9 Do not join – and with men – 10 who have – and their right hand

and have mercy on me. ,

in uprightness, Yhwh.

of your house



2. PSALM 27 27 1 Of David. Yhwh is my light and my salvation, Yhwh is the refuge of my life,

before whom shall I fear? before whom shall I tremble?


When evildoers advance against me my oppressors and my enemies

to devour my flesh, they stumble and fall.


my heart does not fear; in this myself I trust.

If a camp is set up against me, if a war rises up against me, 4

One thing I ask of Yhwh, to dwell in the house of Yhwh

this one I seek, all the days of my life,

to contemplate the beauty of Yhwh 5 Because he shelters me in his hut he hides me in the secret place of his tent,

and to admire in his temple. in the day of evil; he raises me up on the rock.


And now my head raises up over my enemies all around me; and in his tent and for Yhwh. 7

Hear, Yhwh,


my voice when I cry Of you my heart has said: “Seek my face”


and have mercy on me and answer me. Your face, Yhwh, I seek.


Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; Do not leave me and do not forsake me, 10

11 12

if my father and mother forsake me,

my help you have been. God of my salvation; Yhwh will take me up.

Make me see, Yhwh, your way, and lead me on a path of uprightness

for the sake of my adversaries; do not deliver me over to the throat of my oppressors because false witnesses have risen against me and they are breathing out violence.


If only I could be sure to see the goodness of Yhwh 14 Hope in Yhwh, be strong and strengthen your heart,

in the land of the living. and hope in Yhwh.

Book One (Ps 1–41)


B. IN HIS TEMPLE GOD SAVES HIS PEOPLE FROM INIQUITY The Second Sequence: Ps 28–29 1. PSALM 28 28 1 Of David. + To you, + my rock,

Yhwh, do not be deaf

I call, to me,

:: lest :: and I shall be like

you be silent those descending

to me to the hole.


+ 2 Hear + when I cry out

the voice to you,

+ when I lift up + to your Holy

my hands of Holies.

of my supplications

– 3 Do not drag me away – and with

with the workers

the wicked of iniquity

– who speak – and evil is

of peace in their heart.

to their neighbour


= 4 Give = and the evil

of their actions,

= according to the deeds = return

their wages

to them,

according to their works

give to them;

of their hands

to them,

.. 5 because they do not consider the works of Yhwh .. and the deeds of his hands: .. he demolishes them and will not rebuild them. +6 be + because he has heard

Yhwh the voice

of my supplications.


: 7 Yhwh : in him trusted

my strength my heart

:: :: : 8 Yhwh, : and a refuge

and my shield, and I was helped, .

the strength of salvation

to them for HIS MESSIAH,

he is.


+ 9 Save + and bless + and FEED THEM

your people your inheritance, and lift them up




2. PSALM 29 29 1 A psalm

of David.

+ Give

to Yhwh,


of gods,

+ give + 2 give + bow down

to Yhwh to Yhwh to Yhwh

glory the glory in the splendour

and power, of his name, of holiness.

of Yhwh of glory upon waters

upon the waters, thunders, many;

of Yhwh of Yhwh

in strength, in the splendour.

– 3 The voice – the God – Yhwh : 4 the voice : the voice

• 5 The voice of Yhwh • and breaks into pieces, Yhwh . 6 and he makes leap like . and Sirion like

breaks the cedars

the cedars of Lebanon;

a calf a young

Lebanon of wild oxen.

··········································································································· 7

7 The voice

of Yhwh

carves out


of fire!


• 8 The voice • shakes, . 9 The voice . and strips : And in his temple : Glory! – 10 Yhwh – AND SITS, – AS KING + 11 Yhwh, + Yhwh

of Yhwh Yhwh

shakes the desert

the desert, of Kadesh;

of Yhwh the forests.

makes abort

the deer



in the flood Yhwh, forever.


power blesses

to his people, his people

he gives, with peace.

Book One (Ps 1–41)


C. GOD HIDES ALL HIS FAITHFUL IN THE SECRET OF HIS FACE The Third Sequence: Ps 30–31 1. PSALM 30 30 1 A psalm, a canticle of David.

for the dedication

2 , Yhwh, and you have not let rejoice my enemies 3 Yhwh and you healed me. 4

Yhwh, you kept me alive 5


my God,

of the House, because you have pulled me up over me. I cried out

to you

you have brought up from Sheol my soul, from my descending to the hole. for Yhwh, to the remembrance

you his faithful, of his holiness,


because for a moment he is IN HIS ANGER, life in his favour. In the evening and in the morning


lodges .

7 And as for me, I have said “I will not be shaken forever!” 8

Yhwh, you establish

in your favour for my mountain

You have hidden I am

your face, overwhelmed.

9 To you, and to my Lord

Yhwh, I ask for mercy.

in my tranquillity:


I call

······································································· 10

What profit in my descending

in my blood, into the pit?

Can give you thanks, can tell of

the dust, your truth?

······································································· 11

Hear, Yhwh, 12

You have turned you have untied and you girded me

Yhwh, be

and have mercy! a helper to me!

my grief my sackcloth with joy;

into dancing for me,


so that Yhwh

my God,

, the glory, forever

and will not be silent, .



2. PSALM 31 31 1 For the music director, a psalm of David. 2 In you, Yhwh, I take refuge, do not let me blush forever, in your righteousness deliver me; 3 incline your ear to me, hasten, rescue me. Be for me a rock of refuge, a house of fortresses to save me ; 4 because my crag and my fortress, you are, and for the sake of your name guide me and lead me! 5 Bring me out of the net they have spread for me, because you are my refuge. 6 Into your hand I commit my spirit, redeem me, Yhwh, God of truth ; 7 I hate those gguarding vapours of vanity, and as for me, I trust in Yhwh. 8 and in your faithfulness, when you have seen my misery, you have known the oppressions of my soul. 9 and you have not closed me up in the hand of the enemy, you have set my feet in a broad place. 10 Have mercy on me, Yhwh, because oppression is upon me.

My eye is consumed in pain, my throat and my stomach, 11 because my life ends in sorrow and my years in groaning; my strength falls in my punishment and my bones are consumed. 12 To all my oppressors I am a disgrace and to my neighbours much more, and a dread to my acquaintances; those who see me outside flee from me. 13 I am forgotten like a dead of heart, I am like a lost item, 14 because I hear the slander of many, terror all around, when they join together against me, to take my throat, as they plot. 15

And as for me, I trust in you, Yhwh, I said: “My God you are!” 16 My times are in your hand, rescue me from the hand of my enemies and of my persecutors; 17 make your face shine on your servant, save me in your faithfulness. 18 Yhwh, do not let me blush because I call on you, let the wicked blush; let 19 them be silent to Sheol, let the lying lips be dumb, which speak insolently against the righteous

with pride and contempt!


How great is your goodness, which you reserve for your fearful, which you make for those who take refuge in you in front of the sons of Adam. 21 You hide them in the secret place of your face, far from the intrigues of man; you conceal them in the tent, far from the strife of tongues. 22

be Yhwh who has done wonders of faithfulness to me in a city of citadel! And as for me, I had said in my trouble: “I am chased from before your eyes!” And yyet you have heard the voice of my supplication when I cried out to you. 24 Yhwh, all you his faithful. Yhwh guards the loyal, but he repays abundantly those who act with pride. 25 Be strong and strengthen your heart, all you who hope in Yhwh! 23

Book One (Ps 1–41)


II. THE LORD INSTRUCTS THE RIGHTEOUS TO PRAISE The Second Subsection: Ps 32–37 A. FROM SIN TO PRAISE The First Sequence: Ps 32–34 1. PSALM 32 32 1 Of David, an instruction. Happy the one whose TRANSGRESSION is taken away, the one whose SIN is covered! 2 Happy the man to whom Yhwh does not impute FAULT and there is no deceit in his spirit! 3

When I kept silent, my bones were consumed in my roaring all the day; day and night your hand was heavy upon me, my marrow was changed heat of summer.


when in the

·························································································································· 5

MY SIN, I made known to you, and MY FAULT I did not cover; I said, “I will confess against me MY TRANSGRESSIONS to Yhwh”. And as for you, you took away THE FAULT OF MY SIN. ·························································································································· 6

For this all faithful pray to you at the time of finding; surely when many waters overflow, they will not reach him. 7 You are refuge for me, you will guard me from anguish, you will surround me with songs of deliverance. 8

I will instruct you and I will teach you this way you should walk, I will advise my eye on you. 9 Do not be like a horse, like a mule without understanding, with bridle and bit its ornament to curb it; not to come near to you! ············································································································ 10

Many torments for the wicked and the one who trusts in Yhwh, faithfulness surrounds him. 11 in Yhwh and , you righteous, and , all you upright of heart.



2. PSALM 33 33 1

, you righteous, in Yhwh, to Yhwh , to him , be good at

2 3

is fitting to the upright; ; with


····················································································································· 4 5

because the word of Yhwh is upright he loves righteousness and judgment,

6 7

and all his works with truth; the earth is full of the faithfulness of Yhwh.

By the word of Yhwh the heavens were made and by the breath of his mouth all their host; He gathers like a pile the waters of the sea, he puts the abysses in storehouses. ························································································································· 8 9

Let ALL THE EARTH fear Yhwh, because he said and it was,

before him let tremble ALL THE INHABITANTS OF THE WORLD, he commanded and it stood.

··········································································································· 10 11


13 14

Yhwh thwarts the design of the NATIONS, frustrates the plans of the PEOPLES; the design of Yhwh stands forever, the plans of his heart from age to age.

Happy the nation whose God is Yhwh, the people he has chosen for his inheritance!

Yhwh watches from heaven, he sees ALL THE SONS OF ADAM; from the place of his dwelling he looks carefully at ALL THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH. ························································································································· 15

He shapes to each one their heart,

he understands all their works.

··········································································································· 16 17

18 19

No KING is saved by much vigour, a valiant is not rescued by much strength; false is the horse for salvation and by much of its vigour it does not escape.

Behold, the eye of Yhwh on those who fear him, on those who hope in his faithfulness, to rescue their soul from death and keep them alive in times of famine.

····················································································································· 20

he is our help and our shield, , because in the name of his holiness we have trusted. 22 May your faithfulness, Yhwh, be upon us, as we have hoped in you. 21

Our soul has waited for Yhwh, because in him our heart

Book One (Ps 1–41)


3. PSALM 34 34 1 Of David, when he disguised his reason in front of Abimelech, and he drove him out, and he went away. ’ b g

2 3 4

d h z ḥ ṭ

8 9

Yhwh at all times, In Yhwh my breath , Yhwh with me

always in my mouth. let the humiliated hear and . and his name together.


and from all my fears he rescued me. and their faces will not blush. and from all his anguishes he saved him.

6 7

I sought Yhwh and he answered me, They looked at him and were radiant, This afflicted cried out and Yhwh heard,

The angel of Yhwh encamps Taste and see that Yhwh is good,

around his fearful and releases them. happy the man who takes refuge in him.


y k


Fear Yhwh, you his saints,


Young lions are devoid and are hungry l m

n s

14 15

12 13

Go, children, hear me, Who is the man desiring life,

Guard your tongue from evil Avoid evil and do good,

because there is no lack for his fearful. and those who seek Yhwh do not lack any good. I will teach you the fear of Yhwh. loving days to see good? and your lips from speaking deceit. search for peace and pursue it.


‘ p

16 17

ṣ q r š t p

21 22 23

The eyes of Yhwh toward the righteous The face of Yhwh against the doers of evil

and his ears toward their clamours. to cut off the memory of them from the earth.


and from all their anguishes he rescued them. and the crushed of spirit he saves. and from all of them Yhwh rescues him.

19 20

They cried out and Yhwh heard Yhwh is near to the broken of heart Many evils on the righteous

He keeps all his bones, Evil kills the wicked, Yhwh redeems the breath of his servants,

even one of them will not be broken. and those who hate the righteous will expiate. and all who take refuge in him will not expiate.


Text B. FROM JUDGMENT TO RIGHTEOUSNESS The Second Sequence: Ps 35–37

1. PSALM 35 35 1 Of David.

Accuse, Yhwh, my accusers, assault my assailants; 2 grasp shield and buckler and 3 And brandish the spear and block the road rise up to my aid. against my pursuers; say to my soul: “I am your salvation”. 4 Let them blush and be ashamed those who seek my soul! let them retreat backwards 5 Let them be like chaff facing the and be confused those who devise my misfortune! wind and the angel of Yhwh chasing them , 6 let their way be dark and slippery and the angel of Yhwh pursuing them! 7

Yes, without reason they have hidden for me the pit of their net, without reason they have dug for my soul. 8 Let a ruin come upon him that he does not know, and his net which he has stretched out, let it catch him, into a ruin, let him fall inside. 9 And my soul in Yhwh, in his salvation. 10 All my bones will say: "Yhwh, who (is) like you, rescuing the afflicted from someone stronger than he, and the afflicted and the poor from his plunderer?” 11

12 they Witnesses of violence rise up, they ask me about things I do not know, repay me evil instead of good, loss of a child to my soul. 13 And as for me, during their illnesses, my garment was a sackcloth; I humiliated 14 like a friend, like my soul with fasting and my prayer returned to my bosom, a brother to me, I behaved, like a mourning of a mother, weeping I bowed down. 15 And at my downfall they rejoice and gather together, the violent gather together against me; and I do not know them, they tear and do not cease; 16 like hypocrites of scoffers of mockery, they gnash their teeth against me. 17

Lord, how long will you look on?

one from young lions.

Withdraw my soul from their ravages, my only


in the great assembly, among many people . 19 Let my false enemies not rejoice over me, those who hate me without reason, let them not wink the eye! 20 Because they do not speak of peace, and against the peaceful of the earth, they devise treacherous words. 21 And they open wide their mouth against me, they say: “Aha! Aha! Our eyes have seen!” 22 You have seen, Yhwh, do not be silent, my Lord, do not be far from me; 23 Wake 24 judge me up and arise to my judgment, my God and my Lord, to my cause ; according to your righteousness, Yhwh my God, and let them not rejoice over me ! 25 Let them not say in their heart: “Aha! Our soul!” Let them not say: “We have swallowed it!” 26 Let them blush and be confused together those who rejoice at my misfortune; let them be clothed in blush and confusion those who magnify themselves

against me! 27 and those who desire my righteousness and let them always say: “Great is Yhwh who desires peace of his servant!” 28 And my tongue on your righteousness, all the day .

Book One (Ps 1–41)


2. PSALM 36 36 1 For the music director,

of the servant

of Yhwh,

– 2 An oracle – in the depths

of TRANSGRESSION of his heart,

to the wicked

– there is no dread – in the sight

of Elohim of his eyes;

– 3 because he flatters – to find

himself too much


of David.

in his eyes and hate it.


– 4 The words – iniquity – he has ceased 5

of his mouth and deceit, to be wise,

to be good;

– iniquity – he sets himself – evil,

he devises on his bed, in a way that is not good, he does not reject it.

+ 6 Yhwh, + your truth

in the heavens to the clouds;

your faithfulness,

+ 7 your righteousness, + your judgments,

like the mountains an abyss

of El, immense.


- ADAM - 8 how

and beast, precious

you save, Yhwh; your faithfulness, Elohim!


:: And THE SONS :: in the shadow 9

:: they are inebriated :: and in the stream + 10 Yes, with you + by your light

OF ADAM of your wings

take refuge,

of the fat of your delights

of your house, you water them.

the source we will see

of life, the light.


+ 11 Maintain + and your righteousness

your faithfulness to the upright

to those who know you of heart.

– 12 Let not reach me – and the hand

the foot of the wicked

of pride

let not drive me away!


– 13 There have fallen – they have been knocked down, and not

the doers

of iniquity,


to rise.



3. PSALM 37 37 1 Of David. ’ Do not get heated over the evildoers, do not be envious of the doers of falsity, 2 because like the grass they quickly wither and like the green of regrowth they fade. b 3 Trust in Yhwh and do good, inhabit the earth and make feed on truth. 4 and rejoice in Yhwh; and he will give you the desires of your heart. g 5 Commit to Yhwh your way and trust in him, and he will do it; 6 and he will bring out your righteousness like the light and your judgment like the noon. d 7 Be still before Yhwh and wait for him, do not get heated over someone who prospers in his way, over the man doing intrigues; h 8 Refrain from anger, forsake wrath, do not get heated, it is just evil; 9 because the evildoers will be cut off, and those who hope in Yhwh, they will inherit the earth; w 10 and yet a little, and the wicked is no more, you inquire about his place, and it is no more; 11 and the humiliated will inherit the earth and rejoice in the abundance of peace. z

12 13

The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth against him; the Lord laughs at him, because he sees that his day is coming. 14

The wicked have drawn the sword and bent their bow, to make fall the afflicted and the little one, to slaughter the upright of the way; 15 Their sword will enter into their own heart and their bows will be broken. ṭ 16 Better a little to the righteous than the abundance of the powerful wicked; 17 because the arms of the wicked will be broken and Yhwh supports the righteous. y 18 Yhwh knows the days of the perfect and their inheritance will be forever; 19 they will not blush in the times of evil and in the days of famine they will be satiated. 20 k Because the wicked will perish and the enemies of Yhwh; like the ornament of the meadows they are finished, in smoke they are finished. ḥ


The wicked borrows and does not repay, but the righteous has mercy and gives; because those blessed by him will inherit the earth and those cursed by him will be cut off. m 23 By Yhwh the steps of man are made firm and he delights in his way; 24 even if he falls, he is not hurled down, because Yhwh supports him with his hand. l




I have been young and now I am old, I have not seen the righteous forsaken and his offspring seeking bread; 26 all day long he has mercy, he lends, and his offspring will be in blessing! s 27 Avoid evil and do good, and you will dwell forever. 28 Because Yhwh loves judgement and he does not forsake his faithful; ‘ forever they will be kept, but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off; 29 the righteous will inherit the earth and they will dwell upon it forever. p 30 The mouth of the righteous whispers wisdom and his tongue utters judgment; 31 the law of his God in his heart: his steps will not falter. ṣ

32 33

The wicked watches for the righteous and seeks to kill him; Yhwh does not forsake him in his hand and does not declare him wicked when he is judged.

34 Hope in Yhwh and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the earth: when the wicked are cut off, you will see. r 35 I have seen a fearsome wicked and stripped like a verdant tree; 36 and he passed by and behold he was no more, I sought him and he could not be found. š 37 Keep the perfect and see the upright, because there is posterity for the man of peace; 38 and transgressors will be exterminated together, the posterity of the wicked will be cut off. t 39 And the salvation of the righteous is from Yhwh, their fortress in the time of anguish; 40 Yhwh helps them and delivers them, he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they took refuge in him.


Book One (Ps 1–41)


III. THE LORD PROTECTS THE PERSON OF INTEGRITY FROM EVIL The Third Subsection: Ps 38–41 A. GOD REBUKES AND CORRECTS The First Sequence: Ps 38–39 1. PSALM 38 38 1 A psalm of David, for a memorial. 2

Yhwh, do not rebuke me in YOUR WRATH and do not correct me in YOUR FURY;

3 Yes,

your arrows have come down on me

and your hand has come down upon me.


There is no soundness in my flesh because of YOUR INDIGNATION, there is no peace in my bones because of MY SIN; 5 Yes, MY FAULTS have passed over my head, like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me; 6 my bruises stink and fester because of MY FOLLY. 7

I am bend, I bowed down, excessively, I walk mourning all the day; Yes, my lions are filled with burning and there is no soundness in my flesh; 9 I am paralysed and crushed, excessively, I roar with the growling of my heart. 8


Lord, all my desire is before you, and my groaning is not hidden from you; my heart pounds, my strength forsaken me, and the light of my eyes, they also are not with me. 11


My friends and companions stand back from before my wound and my relatives stood from a distance; 13 they set traps, seeking my soul, and wishing my evil they speak of threats, and all the day they meditate deceits. 14 15


And as for me, like a deaf, I do not hear, and like a dumb, who does not open his mouth; and I am like a man who does not hear and in his mouth there is no reply.

Yes, in you, Yhwh, I hope,


you will answer, Lord my God.

Yes, I said:

“Lest they rejoice over me, when my foot slips, they win against me!” 18

Yes, as for me, I am doomed to fall and my torment is always before me. Yes, MY FAULT, I confess, I am anxious about MY SIN.

19 20

And my enemies without reason are strong and many are those who hate me wrongfully , and repaying me evil instead of good, they accuse me instead of pursuing good .

21 22 23

Do not forsake me, Yhwh, my God, do not be far from me; hasten to my aid, Lord, my salvation!



2. PSALM 39 39 1 For the music director,

of Jeduthun;

a psalm


I said, from SINNING

“Let me keep with my tongue,

my ways,

let me keep

on my mouth

a muzzle,

as long as

the wicked is

before me.”


in silence, worsened.

I kept quiet

I remained dumb and my torments

of David.

away from good,

·············································································································· 4

Burned in my sigh I spoke

my heart blazed with my tongue:

within me, a fire;


Yhwh, of my days how much missing

my end, how much it is, I am.

“Let me know, and the measure that I may know

·············································································································· 6

Behold, and my duration yes, all a mist

a few handbreadths as nothing all adam

you have made before you; who stands upright.


walks away they get richer ; and does not know


what do I expect, in you

Lord? it is.


deliver me, do not make.

Yes, like a shadow, yes, a mist he heaps up 8 And now, My hope


From all the scorn


of the fool

who will gather.


I remain dumb, because as for you,

I do not open you are acting.


from me



I myself,


my days

my mouth,

I am consumed.

················································································································ 12

By rebuking and you eat away yes, a mist

THE FAULTS, like a moth all adam.

you correct what he covets,


················································································································ 13

Hear and to my cry and to my weeping Because a stranger a passer-by 14

Turn away


my prayer, incline your ear, do not be deaf.


I am like all

with you, my fathers.

from me,

that I may smile,

I walk away

and be no more.

Book One (Ps 1–41)


B. GOD SAVES FROM SIN AND EVIL The Second Sequence: Ps 40–41 1. PSALM 40 40 1 For the music director, of David, a psalm. 2

Hoping, I hoped in Yhwh and he inclined to me and heard my cry; and he brought me up out of the pit of roaring, out of the mud of the mire; and he raised up my feet on the rock, making my steps firm.





Many will see him and fear and will trust in Yhwh; 5 happy the man who put his trust in Yhwh and has not turned to the insolent and those going astray after lies! 6

You have done numerous things, you, Yhwh my God, your wonders and your thoughts toward us. There is none to compare with you! and : they are more than can be counted. 7 Sacrifice and oblation you did not desire, you have pierced ears for me; burnt offering and SIN offering you did not ask for. 8 Then I said, “Behold, I come, in the scroll of the book is written of me.” 9 To do your will, my God, I desire, and your law is in the depth of my bowels. 10

righteousness in the numerous assembly, behold Yhwh as for you, you know it; 11 in the depth of my heart, ; . 12

As for you, Yhwh, you will not restrain your mercies from me; your faithfulness and your truth will always guard me, 13

because evils encompass about me to the point of no counting; and I am not able to see them; they are more than the hairs on my head and my heart forsakes me.

MY FAULTS overtake me


Be pleased, Yhwh, to deliver me, Yhwh, hasten to my aid . 15

Let them be ashamed and confused together those who seek my life to snatch it away. Let them retreat backwards and be confused those who desire my evil. 16 Let them be astonished as a result of their shame, those who say: “Aha! Aha!” 17 and in you, all those who seek you. Let them always say: “Let, Yhwh, be magnified”, those who love your salvation. 18

And as for me, afflicted and poor, Lord, think of me! My aid and my liberator, you are; do not be backward, my God!




2. PSALM 41 41 1 For the music director, + 2 Happy + in the day

a psalm

of David.

the one who thinks

of the weak, will deliver him

of evil



= 3 Yhwh = and make him happy .. and you will not give him

will guard him on the earth,

and keep him alive,

to the throat

of his enemies;

will support him you will turn

on his bed in his illness.

I said,

my soul

“Yhwh, have mercy on me, for I HAVE SINNED against you.”

say will he die

evil and perish

. 7 And if one comes . falsely

to see me, speaks

his heart;

. he gathers . he goes out,

iniquity outside

to himself, he speaks.


= Yhwh .. all his blankets 5

As for me,

heal – 6 My enemies – “When

of suffering,

to me: his name?”

················································································································· 8

Together against me

against me they meditate

whisper evil

all those who hate me, to me.


– 9 A thing – and now

of Belial that he lies down

was poured out upon him he will not be able to rise up.

. 10 Even the man . that

of my peace I trusted

in him,

. who ate . has lifted up

my bread against me

his heel.

Yhwh, and I will repay

have mercy on me them.


And you, and rise me up

= 12 By this I have known = for has not shouted in triumph my enemy

that you delighted in me against me;

= 13 and as for me, in my integrity, = and you will make me stand before you

you supported forever.



+ 14 be + the God + from eternity

Yhwh, of Israel, to eternity.

+ Amen

and amen!

BOOK TWO (Ps 42/43–72)



The Lord who forgives




The Lord who hears



gives salvation


the prayer



Ps 42/43–49

Ps 50–55

Ps 56–60

gives rest

Ps 61–65


Ps 66–72




The peoples

will give thanks


All the peoples

will sing psalms

to the king of the Lord


to our King

Ps 42/43–45

Ps 46

Ps 47–49

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


I. THE PEOPLES WILL GIVE THANKS TO THE KING OF THE LORD The First Sequence: PS 42/43–45 1. PSALM 42/43 42 1 For the music director, an instruction, of the sons of Korah. 2

As a deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God; 3 my soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and shall I see the face of God? + 4 My tears have been my food + when they say to me all the day:

day and night, “Where is your God?”


These things I remember, and I poured out my soul over me: when I went forth with the multitude, I led them to the house of God, and



Why are you collapsing, my y soul, and are you rumbling over me? Wait for God, , the salvation of his face.

7 My God, over me my soul is collapsing, that is why I remember you, from the land of Jordan and of the Hermons, from the mountain Insignificant. 8 Deep calls to deep at the voice of your cataracts, all your waves and your billows have passed over me. 9 By day Yhwh commands his faithfulness and by night is with me, prayer to the God of my life.

= 10 I will say to God, my Rock: = Why do I walk in gloom,

“Why have you forgotten me? under the oppression of the enemy?”

+ 11 In the breaking of my bones, + when they say to me all the day:

my adversaries insult me “Where is your God?”


Why are you collapsing, my soul, and why are you rumbling over me? Wait for God, , the salvation of my face and my God! 43 1 Judge me, God, and defend my cause against an unfaithful people; against a man of deceit and falsehood deliver me. = 2 Because you are the God of my strength: why do you reject me? = Why do I walk away in gloom, under the oppression of the enemy? 3

Send your light and your truth: they will guide me, they will make me come to the mountain of your holiness and to your tents. 4 , . . 5

Why are you collapsing, my soul, and why are you rumbling over me? Wait for God, , the salvation of my face and my God!



2. PSALM 44 44 1 For the music director, of the sons of Korah, an instruction. 2

O God, we have heard with our ears, our fathers have recounted to us the work that you did in their days, in the days of old: 3 You with your hand, you disinherited NATIONS and you planted them, you destroyed COUNTRIES and you made place for them. 4 Because not by their sword did they inherit the land and their arm did not save them, because your right hand and your arm, and the light of your face, because you loved them. 5 6

You are MY KING, O God, commanding the salvations of Jacob; through you we pushed back our adversaries, in your name we trampled our aggressors. 7

Because not in my bow did I trust and my sword did not save me, because you saved us from our adversaries and you confused our haters; 9 in God we were praising all the day and to your name 8



But you have rejected us and you have dishonoured us, and you did not go out anymore with our armies; 11 you made us turn back from the adversary and our haters have plundered us. 12

You have given us as sheep for butchery THE NATIONS; 13 you have sold your people without profit price.

and you have dispersed us among and you have gained nothing on their


You make us an insult to our neighbours, a fable and a derision to our entourages; you make us the proverb among THE NATIONS, a shaking of the head among THE COUNTRIES. 15


All the day my dishonour is before me and shame covers my face, under the clamours of insulter and of blasphemer, in the face of the enemy and of the avenger. 17


All this has come over us and not that we have forgotten you and not that we have betrayed your covenant; 19 not that our heart has gone back and our steps have deviated from your path. 20 Yes, you have crushed us in a place of jackals and you have spread darkness over us. 21

If we have forgotten the name of our God and have stretched out our hands to a foreign god, would not God have discovered this, because as for him, he knows the secrets of the heart? 23 Yes, on your account we are killed all the day, we are considered as sheep for slaughter. 22


Awake, why do you sleep, O Lord? Wake up, do not reject us forever! 25 26


Why do you hide your face, do you forget our misery and our oppression? Because our soul collapses in the dust, our belly clings to the ground.

Rise up as our help and redeem us for the sake of your faithfulness.

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


3. PSALM 45 45 1 For the music director, on “The Lilies”; of the sons of Korah, an instruction, a love song. 2

My heart is stirred by a beautiful word: tongue is the reed-pen of a skilful scribe.

Myself, I recite my work to THE KING,



You are handsome more than the sons of Adam, grace is poured upon your lips: that is why God has blessed you forever. 4 Gird your sword on your thigh, O valiant one, your magnificence and your splendour. 5

Your splendour: soar, ride, for the cause of truth, of humility, of righteousness and let your right hand teach you wonders! 6 Your arrows are sharp, PEOPLES fall under you, in the heart of the enemies of THE KING. 7 YOUR THRONE, O God, forever and ever, A SCEPTRE of uprightness, THE SCEPTRE of YOUR KINGDOM! 8

You love righteousness and you hate wickedness; that is why God, your God, HAS ANOINTED YOU, with the oil of gladness more than your friends. 9 Myrrh and aloes, cassia, all your garments, from ivory palaces the citharas rejoice you. 10

Daughters stands in gold

OF KINGS the Lady of Ophir.

among your beloved; at your right hand,


Hear, daughter, observe and incline your ear, and forget your people and your house of your father. 12 And THE KING will desire your beauty: because he is your Lord, and bow down to him! 13 And the daughter of Tyre with a gift, your face will cheer up the richest of the people. The daughter of THE KING is all splendid within, robed in golden clothing; 15 in brocade she is led to THE KING, virgins behind her, her companions are brought to you; 16 they are led in joy and exultation, they enter into the palace of THE KING. 14

In the place of your fathers shall be your sons; you will make them PRINCES in all the earth. 18 your name in every generation and generation, that is why THE PEOPLES forever and ever. 17


Text II. YHWH OF HOSTS WITH US, A CITADEL FOR US! The Second Sequence: PS 46

PSALM 46 46 1 For the music director, of the sons of Korah, for young women, a song. : 2 God is .. a help

for us in anguishes,

refuge he is found

and strength, greatly.

·························································································································· 3

That is why when shake

we shall not fear the mountains

when changes in the heart


Rumble, tremble

seethe, the mountains

its waters, at his rising.


A river, the holy

its channels dwelling

rejoice of the Most High;


God is helps her,

in her, God,

she is not shaken, when dawns

the morning.


PEOPLES,, voice,

were shaken melts,

KINGDOMS, the earth.

Rumbled, he gave

the earth, of the seas;

the city of God,


: 8 Yhwh .. citadel

of hosts for us,

with us, the God

of Jacob!


“Come, who

contemplate causes

the great deeds destructions

of Yhwh, on the earth:


He makes cease the bow the shields

wars he breaks he burns

to the ends and he shatters with fire.

of the earth, the spear,


and know that I am above THE PEOPLES, I am exalted

Stop I am exalted

God, on THE EARTH!”


: 12 Yhwh .. citadel

of hosts for us,

with us, the God

of Jacob!

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


III. ALL THE PEOPLES WILL SING PSALMS TO OUR KING The Third Sequence: Ps 47–49 1. PSALM 47 47 1 For the music director, of the sons of Korah, a psalm. = 2 ALL YOU PEOPLES, =


:: 3 Yes, Yhwh :: THE KING

the Most High, great

, ! is fearsome, OVER ALL



– 4 He subdues – and COUNTRIES


under us our feet.

– 5 He chose – the pride

for us of Jacob,

our inheritance, whom

+ 6 Ascends, + Yhwh,


he loves. ,


=7 =

to God, to OUR KING,

:: 8 Yes, THE KING ::

OF ALL THE EARTH, of instruction!

, ! God:


– 9 REIGNS, – God



– 10 The princes – the people


are gathered together, of Abraham.

+ Yes, to God belong + greatly,

the shields he ascended.

of the earth,

of holiness.



2. PSALM 48 48 1 A song, a psalm, of the sons of Korah. 2

Great is Yhwh and greatly praised in the city of our God, the mountain of his holiness. 3 Beautiful in elevation, joy of ALL THE EARTH, the mountain of Zion, summit of Zaphon, the city of the great KING: 4 God in his palaces has revealed himself as a citadel. 5

Because, behold, KINGS made alliance,

they advanced together.


They saw, yes they were astounded, they panicked, they decamped, a trembling seized them there, a pain of childbirth; 8 by the east wind the ships of Tarshish were broken. 7


As we have heard so we have seen in the city of Yhwh of hosts, in the city of our God; God will make it firm forever. 10 11

We meditate, O God, on your faithfulness in the midst of your Temple; as your name, O God, so , TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!

Your right hand is full of righteousness, 12 the mountain of Zion the daughters of Judah for the sake of your judgments. 13 14

Go around Zion and walk through it, count its towers, put your hearts to its ramparts, detail its palaces,

in order to future generations 15 that he is God, our God forever and ever, he is the one who guides us until death!


Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


3. PSALM 49 49 1 For the music director, of the sons of Korah, a psalm. Hear this, ALL YOU PEOPLES, give ear, ALL YOU INHABITANTS OF THE WORLD, 3 also you children of Adam, also you children of man, together rich and poor! 4 My mouth will speak wisdom, and the whisper of my heart of understandings; 5 I will incline my ear to a proverb, I will open my enigma on the cithara. 2

• 6 Why should I fear • when THE FAULT

in the days of my heelers

of evil surrounds me?


They trust in their possession and they praise themselves of the abundance of their wealth. 8 A redeeming brother cannot redeem a man, he cannot give God his 9 ransom; and it is costly the redemption of their soul and it will be lacking 10 forever. And he shall live on for eternity, he shall not see the pit! 11

Yes, he will see that the wise will die, together with the fool and the senseless will perish, and they will leave their possession to others. 12

Their tombs will be their houses forever, their dwellings from generation to generation; they gave their names over the lands! 13

And the adam in luxury does not spend the night, he is like the animals that disappear. 14 This is their way, confidence in themselves and after them they are pleased with their mouth. 15 Like sheep for Sheol they are set, death pastures them; and the upright trample them in the morning and their Rock erases Sheol from his palace. 16 Surely, God will redeem my soul, from the hand of Sheol, yes, he will take me. • 17 Do not fear • when abounds 18

when gets rich the glory

a man, of his house.

Yes, in his death he will take nothing, his glory will not go down after him. Because he blessed his soul in his life, and they thank you that you took care of yourself. 20 He will go to the generation of his fathers, for eternity they will not see the light. 21 The adam in luxury and does not understand, he is like the animals that disappear. 19




“You are blameless

in your judgment”

Will they not understand, the workers of iniquity?

“By your power

vindicate me”

Ps 50–51

Ps 52–53

Ps 54–55

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


I. “YOU ARE BLAMELESS IN YOUR JUDGMENT” The First Sequence: Ps 50–51 1. PSALM 50 50 1 A psalm of Asaph. The God of gods, Yhwh, speaks and calls the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting; 2 from Zion, of perfect beauty, God shines forth. 3 May our God come and may he not be silent, a fire before him devours and around him there is great tempest. 4 He calls the heavens above and the earth to arbitrate his people: 5 6 “Gather to me my faithful who sealed my covenant by sacrifice.” And the heavens declared his righteousness because God himself is judge. 7

“Hear, O my people, and I will speak, God, your God!

O Israel, I will testify against you, I am


Not for your sacrifices I accuse you and your burnt offerings that are before 9 me always; I will not take a bull from your house, nor goats from your 10 sheepfolds. Because to me all the creatures of the forest, the animals on the 11 mountains by the thousands; I know all the birds of the mountains and all the beasts of the field are for me. 12 If I am hungry, I shall not tell you because the world and its contents are mine; 13 am I to eat the flesh of bulls and am I to drink the blood of goats? 14

Make a sacrifice of confession to God and pay your vows to the Most High; and call upon me in the day of anguish, I will liberate you and you will glorify me.” 15


And God said to the wicked: “What is it up to you to enumerate my decrees and to take my covenant in your mouth; 17 and as for you, you hate discipline and you cast my words behind you? 18

If you see a thief, you are pleased with him and your share is with adulterers; 19 you send your mouth with evil and your tongue plots deceit. 20 You sit, you speak against your brother, you give dishonour against the son of your mother. 21

These things you do and am I to be silent? Do you think that I am really like you? I accuse you and make it clear to your eyes. 22 Understand this, you who forget God, lest I lacerate, and there will be no one to deliver! 23 The one who makes a sacrifice of confession and the one who sets a way I will make him see the salvation of God.”



2. PSALM 51 51 1 For the music director, a psalm, of David,


when came to him the prophet Nathan, after he had come to Bathsheba.


Have mercy on me, O God, according to your faithfulness, according to the greatness of your mercy wipe away MY TRANSGRESSIONS! 4 Greatly wash me from MY FAULT, and purify me from MY SIN! 5

Because myself I know MY TRANSGRESSIONS and MY SIN is before me always. 6 Against you, you alone, I HAVE SINNED and WHAT IS EVIL in your eyes I have done, so that you are righteous in your word, you are blameless in your judgement. 7 Behold, in FAULT I was born and in SIN my mother conceived me. 8 Behold, you want loyalty in the kidneys and in private you make me know wisdom. = 9 You will purge MY SIN with hyssop, and I will be pure; = you will wash me, and I will be whiter than snow! 10

You will make me hear gladness and joy, the bones you have crushed will exult! 11 Hide your face from MY SINS and ALL MY FAULTS wipe away! = 12 A pure heart create for me, O God, + and a steadfast breath renew within me. 13 You will not cast me away from before your face and the breath of your holiness do not take from me. 14 Make return to me the gladness of your salvation and with a breath of nobility you will strengthen me. + 15 I will teach THE TRANSGRESSORS your ways + and THE SINNERS will return to you! 16

Deliver me FROM BLOODS, O God, the God of my salvation: + . 17 O Adonai, you will open my lips, + . 18

Because you do not want a sacrifice, if I offer it, a burnt offering you do not desire. 19 The sacrifices of God, a broken breath; a heart, broken and crushed, O God, you do not despise! 20 Do good according to your desire in Zion, you will rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. 21 Then you will want sacrifices of righteousness, burnt offering and whole offering; .

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72) II. WILL THEY NOT UNDERSTAND, THE WORKERS OF INIQUITY? The Second Sequence: Ps 52–53 1. PSALM 52 52 1 For the music director, 2

when came and informed “has come

an instruction,

of David,

Doeg Saul David

l the Edomite to him: and said to the house of Ahimelech”.

+ 3 Why do you praise yourself in evil, + the faithfulness of God

you hero, is all the day?

– 4 Of crimes – like a razor – you doer

your tongue

thinks sharp, of treachery!


– 5 You love – lying

evil more than speaking

more than good, righteousness;

– 6 you love – tongue

all words of deceit.

that devour,

God will destroy you,

will crush you,

- 7 So - to the end

- and he will tear you away from the tent, - and he will uproot you from the land + 8 And will see + and at him

the righteous they will laugh:

– 9 “Behold – who did not set

the man God

– and who trusted – made himself strong

in the abundance in his crime”.

of the living . will fear,

as his fortress, of his wealth,


+ 10 And I am + in the house

like an olive tree of God:


+ I trust + forever

in the faithfulness and ever.

of God

+ 11 + and I hope for + before

forever, your name, your faithful.

because you have done it because it is good




2. PSALM 53 53 1 For the music director, in a chorus,

an instruction,

.. 2 Said .. “There is no

a fool God!”

in his heart:

– They are corrupt, – there is no one

they do abominable that does

iniquity; good.

of David.


+ 3 God + on the sons

from heaven of Adam,

looks down

+ to see + searching

if there is anyone God.



– 4 All of them – together

have gone astray, they are perverted;

– there is no one – there is not

that does even


Will they not workers – Eating up – as they eat .. God,

good, one.

know, of iniquity? my people, bread; they do not call upon him.


= 6 Then, = when there was

they will be sized no fright;

= because God scattered = you made them blush, because God

with fright, the bones of him who besieged you, has rejected them.


:: 7 Who will bring + When will restore, + ,

from Zion God, Jacob,

the salvations the situation ,

of Israel? of his people, Israel!

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


III. “BY YOUR POWER VINDICATE ME” The Third Sequence: Ps 54–55 1. PSALM 54 54 1 For the music director, on stringed instruments, an instruction, of David; 2 when came the Ziphites and said to Saul: “Is not David hiding among us?” + 3 O God, + by your power

by your name vindicate me;

save me,

+ 4 O God, + give ear

hear to the words

my prayer, of my mouth!


– 5 Because strangers – and ruthless ones :: they have not set 6

Behold the Lord is + 7 Let him return + by your truth

have arisen have sought God

against me, my soul, before them.

God is my help, with those who sustain my soul.

the evil destroy them!

on them watching me,


:: 8 With a great heart ::

to your name,

for you, Yhwh,

– 9 because from all – and my enemies,

anguish have seen them

he has delivered me, my eye.

because it is good,



2. PSALM 55 55 1 For the music director, on stringed instruments, an instruction, of David. 2 3

Give ear, O God, to my prayer, and do not hide yourself from my supplication, give attention to me and answer me, I am restless in my complaint and I rumble


by the voice of the enemy, before the oppression of the wicked; because they bring iniquity against me, and in anger they accuse me. 5

My heart writhes within me, and the terrors of death have fallen upon me; 6 fear and trembling come to me, and shuddering grips me. 7 And I said: Who will give me wings like a dove, that I may fly and rest? 8 Behold, I would go far away fleeing, I would lodge in the desert, 9 I would hasten to a refuge for myself from the impetuous wind of the storm. 10

Devour, O Lord, divide their tongue, because I see violence and discord in the city; 11 day and night they go around on its walls, and iniquity and trouble are within it; 12 the destructions are within it, and tyranny and deceit do not depart from its large square. 13

Yes, if an enemy were insulting me, I would bear it; if the one hating me were rising against me, I would hide from him. 14 But are you a man of my own rank, my intimate friend and known to me, 15 with whom we tasted counsel together, and in the house of God we walked among the crowd? 16 Let death surprise them, let them go down alive to Sheol, because evils are in their dwelling place within them. 17

As for me, I call to God, and Yhwh will save me ; 18 evening and morning and at noon, I complain and rumble, and he will hear my voice . 19 Let him redeem in peace my soul from the battle against me, because many were against me. 20 Let God hear, and let him humble them, HE WHO SITS from of old, for whom there is no amendment for them: and they do not fear God. 21

He sent his hands against his friends, he violated his covenant. 22 His mouth is smoother than cream, but battle is in his heart; his words are softer than oil, but they are drawn swords. 23

Cast your worry on Yhwh and he will nourish you, he will not allow the righteous to be shaken forever. 24 And as for you, O God, you bring them down into the pit of corruption; the men of blood and deceit shall not live out half their days. And as for me, I trust in you.

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)



Third Section Ps 56–60








Ps 56–57

Ps 58

Ps 59–60



I. MY ENEMIES TRAMPLE ON ME, I TAKE REFUGE UNDER THE WINGS OF GOD The First Sequence: Ps 56–57 1. PSALM 56 56 1 For the music director, in a low voice, – 2 Have mercy on me, – every day – 3 trample on me – because many – 4 The day – myself

on “The Silent Dove of Those Far off”, when the Philistines seized him

of David; in Gat.

because tramples on me a man, he fights me and oppresses me; those who spy on me every day, are fighting me up there. when I fear, in you I trust.

O God,

: 5 In God

I praise

his word;

. in God . what can do

I trust, a flesh

I fear not, to me?

– 6 Every day – are against me

my words all their thoughts

they distort, for evil;

– 7 they stir up, – themselves – as if

they hide, my steps they hoped

they watch, for my soul.


:: 8 For their iniquity, is liberation :: In anger the peoples 9

:: My flight :: put :: is it not

you have counted, my tears in your book?

for them?

bring down,

O God.

yourself, in your wineskin;


+ 10 Then + on the day + this + that God : 11 In God : in Yhwh . 12 in God . what can do + 13 Upon me, + + 14 because you delivered + truly + that I may walk + in the light

will turn when I call; I know is for me.

my enemies

I praise I praise I trust, an adam

the word, the word; I fear not, to me?

O God,

will be your vows, , from death, from stumbling, of God

my soul my feet in the face of life.


Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


2. PSALM 57 57 1 For the music director, when he fled

“Do Not Destroy”, from before

of David, Saul

in a low voice; into the cave.


Have mercy on me, because in you

O God, takes refuge

have mercy on me, my soul,

and in the shadow until passes

of your wings danger.

I take refuge,


I call to God

to God Most High, who has done all things for me;


from heavens and let him save me, him who tramples on me, God his faithfulness and loyalty.

let him send let him mock let (him) send,

··························································································································· 5

My soul I must sleep

is in the midst with the flaming,

of lions, the sons

their teeth, and their tongue,

a spear a sword

and arrows, sharpen.

above the heavens, the earth,

O God, your glory!


A net was bowed down

they set my soul;

for my steps,

they dug they have fallen

before me into it.

a trap,

my heart, my heart:

O God,


Rise up above all


Is ready is ready

of Adam;

. ··························································································································· 9

Awake, awake, let me awake

my glory; , the dawn. among THE PEOPLES, in THE COUNTRIES.



O Lord,

Yes, is great to the heavens and to the clouds, your loyalty.

your faithfulness,


O God, your glory!

Rise up above all

above the heavens, the earth,



PSALM 58 58 1 For the music director, “Do Not Destroy”, of David,

in a low voice.

– 2 Is it true, – that in uprightness

you gods, you judge

that righteousness the sons

you speak, of Adam?

– 3 No, in the heart – the violence

perversities of your hands

you do you weigh.

on earth,

: 4 Have been estranged the wicked : they have gone astray from the belly, 5

from the womb, speaking


: their venom : like the viper

like a semblance a deaf one,

of the venom plugging

of a serpent, its ear,

: 6 which : of charmer

does not hear in charms

the voice skilful.

of enchanters,

break of lions

their teeth crash,

in their mouth, O Yhwh.

: 8 Let them flow away like the waters : he adjusts his arrows

that go away let them be like

from them, faded;

: 9 let them be like : a stillborn

a slug of the woman,

melting away let them not see

as it goes away, the sun;

: 10 before that : like alive,

smell like burnt,

your pots of thorns, let them be swept away!

+ 11 + his feet

the righteous, he will wash

because he will see in the blood

vengeance, of the wicked;

+ 12 + yes, there is

: a God

“Yes, fruit judging

for the righteous, on earth.”


O God, the fangs

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


III. MY ENEMIES GROWL, GOD SPEAKS FROM HIS SANCTUARY The Third Sequence: Ps 59–60 1. PSALM 59 59 1 For the music director, “Do Not Destroy”, of David, in a low voice; when Saul sent men to guard the house in order to kill him. 2 3

Deliver me from my enemies, O my God, from my aggressors you will protect me; deliver me from the workers of iniquity and from men of bloods save me. 4

Because, behold, they lie in ambush for my soul, the powerful stir up against me, WITHOUT MY TRANSGRESSION and WITHOUT MY SIN, O Yhwh. 5 WITHOUT MY FAULT, they run and make ready; awake to meet me and see. 6

And as for you, O Yhwh God of hosts, God of Israel, rise up to visit all these nations, do not have mercy on all the traitors of iniquity! 7

They come back in the evening, they growl like a dog, and they prowl through the city. 8

Behold, they foam in their mouth,

swords in their lips:

“For who hears?”


And as for you, O Yhwh, you laugh at them, you mock all these nations; 10 O my strength, I watch for you because God is my citadel; 11 the God of my faithfulness goes before me, God makes me see those who spy on me. 12

Do not slay them, lest my people forget, shake them by your power, bring them down, O Lord, our shield ! 13 The sin of their mouth, the word of their lips: and let them be caught in their pride, and in the curse, and in the lie which they recount. 14

Finish them in fury, finish and let them be no more, and let them know that God rules in Jacob to the ends of the earth! 15

And they come back in the evening, they growl like a dog, and they prowl through the city. 16

As for them, they wander for food, and, if they are not satiated, they spend the night. 17 And as for me, of your strength, and in the morning for your faithfulness. Yes, you have been a citadel for me and a refuge in the day of my oppression. 18 O my strength, for you; because God is my citadel, the God of my faithfulness.



2. PSALM 60 60 1 For the music director, on “A Lily, of David, for teaching;

the Precept”, in a low voice,

2 when he fought and returned in the Valley

Naharaim and Aram Zobah, and defeated Edom two ten thousand (men).

against Aram Joab of Salt,

– 3 O God, – you have been angry,

you have rejected us, come back

you have broken us, to us;

– 4 you have made quake + heal

the earth,

its fractures,

you have split it open, because it is shaking.


– 5 You made see – you made us drink

your people a wine

hardship, of vertigo.


+ 6 Give = to flee

your fearful from

a signal the bow;

= 7 so that + save

may be liberated with your right hand

your beloved ones, and answer me.

+ 8 God : “I will exult, : and the Valley

has spoken I will divide of Sukkot

in his sanctuary: Shechem I will survey.

- 9 Mine is Gilead - Ephraim, - Judah,

and mine the protection my sceptre,

Manasseh, of my head,

.. 10 Moab, .. on Edom .. over me,

a basin I throw O Philistia,

for me to wash in, my sandal; shout victory!”

– 11 Who will bring me – who will lead me

to a city to

of fortress, Edom?

:: 12 Is it not you, :: and you do not go out,

O God, O God,

you who have rejected us with our armies?


- 13 Grant us - and nothingness is


in oppression,

the salvation

of the adam;

+ 14 with God + and as for him,

we will do he will trample down

powerful deeds, our oppressors.

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)



Fourth Section Ps 61–65







Ps 61–62

Ps 63


Ps 64–65



1. PSALM 61 61 1 For the music director, on stringed instruments, + 2 Hear, + give attention

O God, to my prayer,

my cry,

+ 3 from the end + faints

of the earth my heart:

to you

that is higher

than I,

:: to the rock :: lead me.

of David.

I call,


+ 4 Yes, you are + a tower

a refuge of strength


:: let me dwell in your tent :: let me take refuge in the hiding + 6 Yes, you, + you give

O God, the inheritance

for me, before the face

of the enemy;

forever, of your wings! you hear my vows, of those who fear your name.



:: 7 Days :: his years

to days like


add, after generation;

:: 8 LET HIM SIT :: faithfulness

forever and loyalty,

before the face command them

of God, to guard him.


+ 9 Then +

to your name day

forever, after day.

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


2. PSALM 62 62 1 For the music director,

according to Jeduthun; a psalm

of David.

+ 2 Yes, in God there is + from him comes

rest my salvation;

for my soul,

– 3 yes, he is – my citadel,

my rock I will not be shaken

and my salvation, at all.

- 4 How long - will you slaughter him,

will you assail all of you,

a man,

: like a wall : a fence

leaning, crumbling?


– 5 Yes, from his heigh position – they delight

they have plotted in lies;

. with their mouth . and inwardly

they bless they curse.

to topple him,

+ 6 Yes, in God + because from him comes

rest, my hope;

O my soul,

– 7 yes, he is – my citadel,

my rock I will not be shaken.

and my salvation,

+ 8 On God rests + the rock + my refuge is

my salvation of my strength. in God.

and my glory;

at all times, before him a refuge

you people, your heart, for us!

+ 9 Trust in him + pour out + God is


: 10 Yes, a breath, : a lie,

the sons the sons

of Adam, of man;

: on the scales : they are lighter

they were going up, than a breath



– 11 Do not trust – in robbery

in violence, do not become breathless;

– in riches – do not set

when they increase your heart on them!

:: 12 Once :: twice,

has spoken this

God, have I heard:

+ “that strength + 13 and to you,

belongs to God, Adonai,


– that as for you,

you repay

a man

according to his deeds.”



PSALM 63 63 1 A psalm

of David,

when he was

in the desert

of Judah.

+ 2 O God, + thirsts

my God, for you

you are, my soul,

+ languishes + in a land

for you

my flesh,


and weary,


:: Then, :: seeing

in the sanctuary your strength

- 4 because is better - my lips

your faithfulness

I desire you,

without water.

I contemplated you, and your glory, than life; .


:: 5 Then, :: in your name

in my life, ;

- 6 as - and with lips

with fat my soul,

+ 7 When I think of you + in the night watches

on my bed, I meditate

.. 8 because you were .. and in the shadow

a help of your wings

to me,

.. 9 clings .. to me

my soul is of support

to you, your right hand.

and oil ,

my mouth.

on you, ;

– 10 But they – they will go down

to destroy me

they seek

to the depths

of the earth!

– 11 They will be thrown – a part

into the hands of the jackals

of the sword, they will be!

+ 12 And THE KING + + when will be shut up

all who swear the mouth

my soul,

in God; by him, of those who speak lies.

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


III. GOD HEARS THE PRAYER AND GIVES REST AND FOOD TO ALL FLESH The Third Sequence: Ps 64–65 1. PSALM 64 64 1 For the music director, a psalm 2

Hear, from the dread

of David.

O God, of the enemy

my voice preserve

in my complaint, my life.

······························································································································· 3

Hide me from the tumult

from the designs of the workers

of the wicked, of iniquity,


who bend

sharpen their arrow,

like a sword word

their tongue, a bitter one,


from the hiding place they shoot

at the perfect one, and they do not


to shoot unexpectedly 6

They reinforce they calculate They say: “Who

for themselves to conceal

a word traps.

will see


of evil,

·········································································································· 7

They plan “We have perfected

And the inward part and the heart 8 And will shoot unexpectedly

perversities: a plan


of man are deep. God will be


and they will make fall on themselves will shake the head all who see

an arrow, their wounds; their tongue, them.

······························································································································· 10

And and and his deed

ALL MEN, the work of God they will understand;


the righteous in him, all the upright

and he will take refuge and

in Yhwh of heart.



2. PSALM 65 65 1 For the music director, a psalm 2

To you O God and to you

silence in Zion,


the prayer, ALL FLESH

You hear to you

of David,

a song.

, . comes.

························································································································· 4


are mightier than I, you cover them.

························································································································· 5

is he dwells with the holiness

the one you choose in your courts; with the goodness of your Temple.

6 By wonders O God the confidence and of the sea

of righteousness of our salvation, OF ALL THE ENDS afar off.

and the one you bring near, of your house,

you answer us, OF THE EARTH

··················································································· 7

He who prepares he who girds himself 8 he who calms the roaring and the noise

the mountains with might, the roaring of their waves, OF THE PEOPLES.

by his strength, of the seas,

··················································································· 9

the gateways

THE INHABITANTS of the morning

OF THE ENDS your signs; and the evening


You visit greatly

the earth you enrich it.

and you make it abound,

The stream you prepare

of God their grain,

is full because thus

of water, you prepare it:


its furrows, you soften it,

levelling its seed

its ridges, you bless.

watering with showers

··················································································································· 12

You crown and your tracks

the year overflow

with your goodness with oil;


the pastures the hills the meadows are mantled plus, !

of the desert are wrapped; with flocks, with wheat,

overflow and in joy 14 are clothed and the valleys ,


Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)



All the nations


All the miserable

will sing

to the Lord



will be saved

by the Lord

Ps 66–68

Ps 69

Ps 70–72


Text I. ALL THE NATIONS WILL SING TO THE LORD The First Sequence: Ps 66–68

1. PSALM 66 66 1 For the music director, a song, a psalm. God, ALL THE EARTH, 2 to the glory of his name, set the glory of . 3 Say to God, “How fearsome are your works! By the greatness of your strength your enemies will cringe to you; 4 ALL THE EARTH to you and to you, to your name.” Come and see the gestures of God, fearsome in action for THE SONS OF ADAM: 6 He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the river on foot, there we rejoiced in him. 7 He rules by his might forever, his eyes scrutinise THE NATIONS, let the rebellious not exalt themselves against him.


our God, O PEOPLES, and our soul in life and he does not allow our feet to be shaken. 8



he who sets


Yes, you have tested us, O God, you have refined us as one refines silver; 11 you have made us enter into a net, you have set affliction on our backs; 12 you have made a mortal ride over our heads; we have entered into fire and into water, and you have brought us out into abundance. 13

I will come into your house , , those that my lips opened and that my mouth spoke in my anguish; 15 to you of fat animals with the aroma of , will make them of with . 14

Come, , and , ALL YOU FEARFUL OF GOD, soul; 17 I called to him with my mouth and



what he has done for my was under my tongue.

If I have seen iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not hear; 19 however, God heard, he gave attention to the voice of my prayer. 20 be God who has not turned away my prayer, nor his faithfulness from me.

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


2. PSALM 67 67 1 For the music director, on stringed instruments, a psalm, a song. + 2 May God + may he make shine

have mercy on us his face

and bless us, upon us,

– 3 that may be known – AMONG ALL


your way, your salvation.


O God, all of them!

and THE PEOPLES on the earth

THE COUNTRIES, with uprightness you guide.


O God, all of them!

– 7 THE EARTH + blesses us

has given God

its harvest, our God.

+ 8 blesses us – and




, ,


because you judge and THE COUNTRIES 6

, ,



3. PSALM 68 68 1 For the music director, of David, a psalm, a song. 2 God

rises up, his enemies are scattered and those who hate him flee before his face. 3 As smoke is dispersed, you disperse them, as wax melts before the face of fire, the wicked perish before the face of God. 4 But the righteous , in the face of God, and . 5 to God, to his name, make way for the Rider of the steppes, in Yah his name, and in his face. 6 Father of orphans and defender of widows is God in the habitation of his holiness; 7 God makes the lonely dwell in a house, he makes the prisoners go out in freedom; but the rebellious reside in arid places. 8O

God, when you went out in the face of your people, when you marched through the wilderness, 9 the earth quaked, the heavens dropped before the face of God, the One of Sinai, before the face of God, the God of Israel. 10 You rained down a shower at will, O God, your inheritance, when was weary, you yourself strengthened it; 11 your assembly dwelt in it, which you prepared in your goodness for the afflicted, O God. 12 The Lord gave a command, the messengers, a great army; 13 THE KINGS of the armies flee, they flee, and the beauty of the house divides the spoil. 14 If

you rest between two low walls, the wings of a turtle dove are covered with silver and its feathers with shinning gold; 15 when Shaddai scattered THE KINGS over it, it snowed on Zalmon. 16 The mountain of God, the mountain of Bashan, a haughty mountain, the mountain of Bashan! 17 Why are you envious, you haughty mountains, at the mountain that God desired for his dwelling? Yes, Yhwh will reside there until the end. 18 The chariots of God two-myriads, thousands of repetitions; the Lord is in them from Sinai to the sanctuary. 19 You ascended to the heights, you captured captives, you took men as tribute, even the rebellious, to reside there, Yah God. 20

be the Lord day by day, he takes care of us, the God of our salvation, he takes care of us, the God of our salvation. 21 The God of ours is a God of saving acts and to Yhwh the Lord belong the issues of death; 22 but God smashes the head of his enemies, the hairy skull of him who walks on in his crimes. 23 Said the Lord: “From Bashan I bring back, I bring back from the depths of the sea, 24 so that you may sink your foot in blood, that the tongue of your dogs may have its portion of your enemies.” 25 They have seen your processions, O God, the processions of my God, MY KING, to the sanctuary: 26 , behind , in the middle the young women . 27 : Yhwh, since the foundation of Israel. 28 There Benjamin, the youngest leads them; the princes of Judah in embroidered clothes, the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali. 29 Your

God has commanded your strength, the strength, O God, that you have made for us; your Temple above Jerusalem KINGS will bring gifts to you. 31 Rebuke the beast of the reeds, the heard of bulls with the calves of the peoples, who humiliate themselves with silver bars. He has scattered the peoples who delight in conflicts: 32 NOBLES will come from Egypt, Kush will stretch out its hands to God. 33 O KINGDOMS of the earth, to God, to the Lord, 34 to the Rider of the heavens, of the ancient heavens, behold, he gives with his voice, a voice of strength. 35 Give the strength of God, over Israel his splendour and his strength in the clouds. 36 You are fearsome,, O God, out of your sanctuaries, he is the God of Israel, giving strength and might to the people. ! 30 from

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


II. SAVE ME, I WILL SING TO YOU The Second Sequence: Ps 69 PSALM 69 69 1 For the music director, to the tune of “Lilies”, of David. 2 Save

me, O God, because the waters have come up to my soul; 3 I sink in the miry depths and there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters and the flood overflows me. 4 I am worn out with my calling, my throat is parched, my eyes are consumed waiting for my God; 5 are more than the hairs of my head those who hate me without reason; are mighty those destroying me, my lying enemies: What I did not steal must I now restore? 6O

God, as for you, you know MY FOLLY and MY OFFENCES are not hidden from you. 7 May those who hope in you not blush for my sake, O Lord Yhwh Sabaoth; may those who seek you not be ashamed for my sake, O God of Israel. 8 Because for your sake I bear insult, shame covers my face; 9 I become a stranger to my brothers and an alien to the sons of my mother; 10 because the zeal of your house eats me up and the insults of those who insult you fall on me. 11 And if I weep, my soul in fasting, and it becomes insults to me; 12 and if I put on a sackcloth for my garment, and I become a proverb to them. 13 Those who sit at the gate mock me, and the songs of those who drink strong drinks. 14 And

as for me, my prayer is to you, O Yhwh, at a favourable time; O God, in your great faithfulness, answer me in the truth of your salvation. 15 Pull me out of the mire, that I may not sink, that I may escape from my adversaries and from the deep waters; 16 let the flood of waters not overflow me, let the depths not swallow me, let the pit not close its mouth over me . 17 Answer me, O Yhwh, because your faithfulness is good, in your great tenderness turn to me 18 and do not hide your face from your servant, because I am oppressed; make haste, answer me, 19 draw near to my soul, avenge it, for the sake of my enemies redeem me. 20 As

for you, you know my insult, and my blushing and my shame, before you all my oppressors. 21 The insult broke my heart and I fainted, and I hoped for compassion, but there was none, and for comforters, and I found none. 22 And

they gave me poison for food and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink; 23 let their table become a snare before them and for their friends a trap 24 let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see and their backs be always bent. 25 Pour out your wrath on them and let the fire of your anger overtake them; 26 let their enclosure become a desolation, and in their tents let there be no dweller. 27 Because

of you, they pursued the one you have struck, and they count the wounds of your victim; 28 add fault to their fault and let them not come into your righteousness, 29 let them be erased from the book of life and let them not be written with the righteous. 30 And

as for me, afflicted and suffering, g may your salvation, O God, protect me ! 32 it


the name of God with , and ; will be better for Yhwh than an ox, a bull with horns, with hooves. 33 The humiliated have seen, ; you who seek God, let your heart revive! 34 Because Yhwh hears the poor and he has not despised his captives. 35 Let heaven and earth , the seas and all that moves in them! 36 Because God will save Zion and he will rebuild the cities of Judah, and they will dwell there and will possess it; 37 and the offspring of his servants will inherit, and those who love his name will reside there.



1. PSALM 70 70 1 For the music director, = 2 O God, = O Lord

of David,

for a memorial.

to deliver me, to my aid


– 3 Let them blush :: those who seek

my life.

– Let them retreat - those who desire

my evil.

– 4 Let them turn back .. those who say:

as a result

of their blushing,



+5 :: all

and those who seek you,

in you,

+ .. “Let be magnified - those who love

always: God”, your salvation.

and be disgraced, backwards

= 6 And as for me, :: O God,


= My help :: O Lord,

and my liberator do not be backward!

and be confused,

and poor,

hasten to me! you are;

Book Two (Ps 42/43–72)


2. PSALM 71 71 1 In you, Yhwh, I take refuge, let me not blush forever ; 2 in your righteousness you will deliver me and will liberate me, incline your ear to me and save me . 3

Be to me a rock of habitation, to which I can always come; you have commanded to save me, because you are my crag and my fortress. 4 O my God, liberate me from the hand of the wicked, from the palm of the perverse and of the violent. 5 Because you are my hope, O Lord, O Yhwh, my confidence from my youth. 6 I have relied on you from the womb, from the bowels of my mother, you are my separator, my praise is always in you. 7 I have become as a sign to many, and you (are) my refuge of strength. y 8 will be filled with , all the day with your splendour. 9

Do not reject me in the time of old age, do not abandon me when my vigour declines; 10 because my enemies speak against me, and those watching for my soul consult together 11 saying, “God has abandoned him, pursue and seize him, because there is no one to deliver.” 12 O God, do not be far from me, O my God, hasten to my aid. 13 Let them blush

and be finished, those who accuse my soul; let them be covered with dishonour and with confusion, those who seek my evil! 14

And as for me, I will always wait and I will add to all ; 15 my mouth your righteousness, all the day your salvation, because I do not know the numbers. 16 I will come in the prowess of the Lord Yhwh, your righteousness, yours alone; 17 O God, you have taught me from my youth and until now I proclaim your wonders. 18

And also, up to old age and grey hairs, O God, do not abandon me, until I proclaim your arm to the generation, to each one that will come, your prowess 19 and your righteousness, O God, up to the heights, you who have done great things. O God, who is like you? 20

You who have made me see many anguishes and evils, you will return to revive me; and from the depths of the earth you will return to bring me up. 21 Multiply my greatness and you will turn, you will comfort me. 22 Also as for me, , in your truth, O my God, , O Holy One of Israel. 23 Let my lips when to you and my soul, which you have redeemed! 24 , all the day, your righteousness, when those who seek my evil will blush, when they will be disgraced.



3. PSALM 72 72 1 Of SALOMON.

O God, give THE KING your judgments and your righteousness to the son of 2 THE KING: that he may govern your people with righteousness and your afflicted with judgment. 3 May the mountains bring peace to the people and the hills righteousness : 4 He will judge the afflicted of the people, he will save the sons of the poor, he will crush the oppressor. 5 And may he endure with the sun and in the face of the moon from age to age. 6 May he come down like rain on mown grass, like showers flooding the earth: 7 In his days the righteous will flourish and much peace until the moon is no more. 8 May he rule from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth ; 9 before his face those of the desert will kneel and his enemies will lick the dust.

THE KINGS OF TARSHISH AND OF THE ISLANDS will bring a tribute, THE KINGS OF SHEBA AND SABA will bring near gifts; 11 and ALL THE KINGS will bow down to him, ALL THE NATIONS will serve him. 10


Yes, he will deliver the poor who cries out, and the afflicted and who has no one to help him. 13 He will care for the weak and the poor, and he will save the souls of the poor. 14 He will redeem their soul from cunning and violence, and precious is their blood in his eyes. 15 He will live and he will give him from the gold of Sheba, and he will pray for him always, all the days . 16 Let an abundance of wheat be on

the earth, may on the top of the mountains wave it like Lebanon its fruit; and may those of the city flourish like grass of the earth. 17 Let his name be forever, in the face of the sun may his name spring forth and may ALL THE NATIONS be blessed in him, compliment him. 18 be Yhwh

God, the God of Israel, who alone does wonders; 19 and be the name of his glory forever and ALL THE EARTH be filled with his glory. Amen! Amen! 20

The prayers of David son of Jesse are ended.

BOOK THREE (Ps 73–89)










Ps 73–78

Ps 79–83

Ps 84–89






Ps 73–77

Ps 78

Book Three (Ps 73–89)


1. PSALM 73 73 1 A psalm of Asaph. Surely, God is good to Israel, 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9

And as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, because I was envious of the arrogant,

to the pure of heart. as nothing my steps slipped, I saw the peace of the wicked.

Because there are no pangs until their death in the trouble of men, they are not,

and their belly is plump; and they are not stricken with adam.

Therefore pride is their necklace, their eye comes out from fatness,

violence covers them as a garment; the thoughts of the heart overflow.

They sneer and they speak evil, they set their mouths in heaven

they speak highly of oppression; and their tongue walks on earth.


Therefore he brings his people back here, They say, “How can El know 12 Behold, these are the wicked 11


Surely, in vain I have kept my heart clean and I was struck all the day 15 If I had said, “I will recount like them”, 14

16 17

And I pondered to know this, until I entered the sanctuaries of El,


and waters of abundance are poured out on them. and is there knowledge in the Most High?” and always at ease, they amass wealth. and I have washed my palms in innocence; and I was punished in the mornings. I would have betrayed the generation of your children. it was a trouble in my eyes, where I understood their end.

Surely, you set them in the deceptions, How they have become a horror in a moment, 20 Like a dream upon waking, O Lord,

you make them fall into chaos. disappeared, finished by terrors! when you wake up, you despise their image.


When my heart was bitter and I was stupid, and I did not know,

and my kidneys were pierced, I was like a beast with you.

And I was always with you, you guide me with your counsel

you held me by my right hand; and afterward you receive me to glory.

Who is there for me in heaven? My flesh and my heart are consumed;

And with you, I desire nothing on earth. the rock of my heart, my portion, God forever!


22 23 24 25 26


Because, behold, those far from you will perish, 28

And as for me, to be near God is good for me, that all your works.

you cut off all adulterers from you. I have placed in the Lord Yhwh my refuge,



2. PSALM 74 74 1 An instruction of Asaph. WHY, O God, have you rejected us UNTIL THE END, THE SHEEP OF YOUR PASTURE? 2

does YOUR ANGER smoke against

Remember your assembly which you acquired from the beginning ,

you redeemed, a tribe of your inheritance,

which Mount Zion, where you dwell in it.


Lift up your steps to the endless ruins: the enemy has damage everything in the sanctuary; 4 your adversaries roared in the midst of your assemblies, they set up their insignia as insignia. 5

It is known as one bringing upwards an axe in a thicket of trees, 6 and now its sculptures together they smash with hatchet and hammer; 7 they set your sanctuary on fire, to the ground they desecrate the dwelling place of your name. 8

They said in their hearts, “Let us crush them together!” They burned all the assemblies of God in the land. 9 We do not see our signs, there is no longer any prophet, and none of us knows HOW LONG. 10

God, will the oppressor insult? Will the enemy revile your name 11 WHY do you hold back your hand and your right hand? From the midst of your bosom bring it forth. HOW LONG, O UNTIL THE END? 12

But God is MY KING from the beginning, earth.

working salvations in the midst of the


As for you, you stirred up the sea with your power, you broke the heads of the monsters on the waters; 14 as for you, you crushed the heads of Leviathan, you gave him as food to the people of the desert, 15 as for you, you broke open the spring and stream, as for you, you dried up the ever-flowing rivers. 16

Yours is the day, yours also the night, it was you who prepared the light and the sun, 17 it was you who fixed all the boundaries of the earth, summer and winter, it was you who formed them. 18

Remember this, O Yhwh, the enemy insults, and a foolish people reviles your name. 19 Do not surrender the soul of your turtledove to the beast, do not forget until the end the life of your afflicted. 20

Look to the covenant, because the dens of the land are full, haunts of 21 Do not let the oppressed return in disgrace, let the afflicted and the poor your name! violence. 22

Rise up, O God, defend your cause, remember your insult coming from the fool all the day! 23 Do not forget the voice of your adversaries, the uproar of those who rise up against you, which goes up continually!

Book Three (Ps 73–89)


3. PSALM 75 75 1 For the music director, “Do Not Destroy”, a psalm of Asaph, a song. +2 + and is near .. 3 When I will choose :: it is I who 4

.. are falling apart :: it is I who

to you, your name:

O God,

, .

an appointment, with uprightness

will judge;

the earth have firmly set

and all its pillars.

its inhabitants,


– 5 I said - And to the wicked:

to the arrogant: Do not raise up

Do not be arrogant! the horn,

- 6 do not raise up – do not speak

on high with a neck

your horn, of insolence!”

from the east from the desert

nor the west, comes the raising up;

.. 7 Yes, not .. and not :: 8 because it is God :: this one :: and that one

who judges, he brings down he raises up.


– 9 Yes, there is a cup – and a wine

in the hand fermented

of Yhwh full

out of it, they will lick it, all the wicked

of the earth.

+ 10 And as for me, +

to the God

forever, of Jacob;

+ 11 and all the horns + will be raised up

of the wicked the horns

I will cut off, of the righteous.

– and he will pour –to the dregs – they will drink it,

of spices;



4. PSALM 76 76 1 For the music director, on stringed instruments; a psalm of Asaph, a song. 2

Is known in Israel

In Judah is great

God, his name;


and it is and his den

in Salem in Zion;

his lair

.. 4 There .. the shield,

he broke and the sword,

the flaming arrows of the bow, and the war weapons.


Radiant magnificent

You are, above the mountains


Were plundered they have slept and did not find


Under your threat, fell asleep 8

You are and who will stand because


From heaven the earth 10

when he rose up to save


because the fury with the rest

of prey.

the valiant their sleep, all the men of might

of heart,

O God the chariot

of Jacob, and the horse.

Terrible, before your face of YOUR ANGER?

yes you,

you made to be heard feared

the sentence, and was silent,

in judgment, all the humiliated

God, of the earth,

of man of THE FURIES

, you gird yourself.


their arms.

to Yhwh

all those around him .. 13 He cuts short

.. the Terrible One

the breath TO THE KINGS


your God, to the Terrifying One:

Book Three (Ps 73–89)


5. PSALM 77 77 1 For the music director, according to Jeduthun, of Asaph, a psalm. 2

My voice is to God, and I cry out, my voice is to God, and he will incline his ear to me.


In the day of my anguish I sought the Lord, my hand at night was stretched out without relaxing, my soul refused to be comforted. 4 I remember God, and I groan, I meditate, and my spirit faints. 5

You have held back the lids of my eyes, I am troubled, I cannot speak; I ponder the days of old, the years of the ages; 7 I remember my harp in the night, I meditate in my heart, and my spirit inquires. 6


WILL the Lord reject FOREVER, and will he never show love again? Has his faithfulness ceased UNTIL THE END, has the Word come to an end FOR ALL AGES? 10 Has God forgotten to be merciful, or has he in ANGER shut up his mercies? 9


And I said, “This hurts me: the change of the right hand of the Most High.” I remember the great deeds of Yah, I remember your wonders of old, 13 and I whisper to myself all your work and I meditate on your mighty deeds. 12


15 16

O God, your ways are holy! What god is great like God?

You (are) the El doing wonders, you have made your strength known AMONG THE PEOPLES; you redeemed with your arm your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. 17

The waters saw you, O God, the waters saw you, they were convulsed, also the depths trembled. 18 Thick clouds poured out waters, the clouds gave a voice, also your arrows went out. 19 The voice of your thunder in the whirlwind, your lightning lighted up the world, the earth trembled and quaked. 20

Your way was through the sea, and your path through great waters, and your tracks have not been known. 21 You lead YOUR PEOPLE LIKE A FLOCK by the hand of Moses and Aaron.




Two opposing generations

The children of Ephraim forgot They defied


78:1b–8 the wonders

of God

who was angry with Israel



did not remember the salvation of God

They tempted the Most High who rejected Conclusion:

Two opposing tribes


78:9–16 78:17–31


78:40–55 78:56–66 78:67–72

Book Three (Ps 73–89)


78 1 A poem of Asaph. Give ear, O my people, to my law, incline your ear to the words of my mouth; 2 I open my mouth in proverbs, I evoke the enigmas of old 3 which we have heard and known, and our fathers have recounted to us. 4 from their children, to the coming generation of Yhwh and his power, and his wonders which he has done. 5 And he raised up a testimony in Jacob, and he set a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to their children, 6 so that the coming generation them, the children yet to be born, they will rise up and to their children. 7 And they will set their hope in Elohim, and will not forget the great deeds of El, and they will keep his commandments; 8 and will not be like their fathers, a REBELLIOUS and DEFYING generation, a generation whose heart is not steadfast and whose spirit is not faithful to El. 9 The children of Ephraim, armed bearers of bow, TURNED BACK on the day of battle; 10 THEY DID NOT KEEP the covenant OF GOD and THEY REFUSED TO WALK IN HIS LAW; 11 and THEY FORGOT his mighty deeds and his wonders that he had showed them. 12 In the sight of their fathers he did wonders, in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan: 13 He split the sea and let them pass through and he made the waters stand up like a dam; 14 he led them with a cloud by day and all the night with the light of a fire; 15 he split the rocks in the desert and gave them drink as from the abundant depths; 16 he made streams come out of a rocky crag and made waters come down like rivers.

they still continued to SIN against him BY DEFYING the Most High in the dry place; 18 and THEY TEMPTED God in their heart by asking for food for their throat. 19 And THEY SPOKE AGAINST GOD; they said: “Can God spread a table in the desert?” 20 Behold, he strikes the rock, and waters flow, and streams overflow; “Can he also give bread or provide meat for his people?” 21 Then Yhwh heard, he was furious, and fire blazed against Jacob, and anger also mounted against Israel, 22 because THEY DID NOT BELIEVE IN GOD and THEY DID NOT TRUST IN HIS SALVATION. 23 And he commanded the clouds above, and he opened the doors of heaven, 24 and he rained down on them manna to eat, and he gave them the grain of heaven; 25 man ate the bread of the mighty, he sent them food to the full. 26 He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens and by his strength he led out the south wind, 27 he rained down meat on them like dust, and winged birds like sand of the seas, 28 he caused them to fall in the midst of his camp, around his dwelling place. 29 And they ate and were filled greatly, and their covetousness, he brought to them; 30 they were not estranged from their covetousness, the food was still in their mouth, 31 that the anger of God mounted against them, and he slew the sturdiest of them, and he struck down the young men of Israel. 17 And

32 With all this, THEY still SINNED, and THEY DID NOT BELIEVE in his wonders; 33 and he made their days end in mist and their years in terror. 34 When he slew them, they sought him, and they turned back and looked eagerly for El; 35 and they remembered that Elohim is their rock, and El the Most High, their redeemer! 36 But they flattered him with their mouth and THEY LIED TO HIM with their tongue; 37 and their heart was not steadfast toward him and THEY DID NOT BELIEVE in his covenant. 38 And he, being compassionate, forgave THE FAULT and did not destroy them; and he was great in turning back HIS ANGER, and he did not awaken all HIS FURY. 39 And he remembered that they are flesh, a breath going away and does not turn back. 40 How often THEY DEFIED HIM in the desert, OFFENDED HIM in the desert! 41 They turned back and TEMPTED God, and THEY GRIEVED the Holy One of Israel;42 NOT REMEMBERING his hand, the day in which he saved them from the oppressor. 43 He who set his signs in Egypt and his miracles in the fields of Zoan. 44 And he turned their rivers into blood, and their streams that they could not drink. 45 he sent among them vermin and they ate them, and frogs and they destroyed them. 46 He gave their crop to the locust and their produce to the grasshopper; 47 he killed their vines with hail and their sycamores with frost; 48 and he delivered their cattle to the hail and their flocks to bolts of lightning. 49 He sent upon them the fire of his anger, indignation, wrath and oppression, a detachment of angels of evil; 50 he made a path for his anger, he did not exempt their soul from death, and he delivered their life to the plague; 51 and he struck all the firstborn in Egypt, the first issue of their vigour in the tents of Ham. 52 And he brought out his people like SHEEP, and guided them like a FLOCK in the desert; 53 and he led them safely and they feared not, as for their enemies, the sea covered them. 54 And he brought them to the border of his holiness, to this mountain which his right hand had conquered; 55 and he drove out NATIONS before them, and marked for them an inheritance with a line, and settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.

THEY TEMPTED and DEFIED the Most High God, and THEY DID NOT KEEP his testimonies; 57 and THEY DEVIATED and BETRAYED like their fathers, THEY TURNED ASIDE like a deceitful bow; 58 and THEY MADE HIM ANGRY with their high places, and MADE HIM JEALOUS with their idols. 59 God heard and was furious, and he greatly spurned Israel; 60 and he abandoned the dwelling of Shiloh, the tent he had set up among men; 61 and he gave his strength to captivity, and his splendour into the hands of the oppressor. 62 And he delivered his people to the sword, and he was furious with his inheritance. 63 Fire devoured his young men and his virgins were not praised; 64 his priests fell by the sword and his widows did not weep. 65 And the Lord awoke as from sleep, as a valiant one drunk with wine, 66 and he struck his oppressors on the back, he gave them an insult forever. 56 And

67 And he spurned the tent of Joseph, and he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim; 68 and he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loves. 69 And he built his sanctuary like the heights, like the earth, which he founded forever. 70 And he chose David his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds 71 he brought him from following THE MOTHER SHEEP to PASTURE Jacob, his people, and Israel, his inheritance. 72 and HE PASTURED like to the perfection of his heart, and with the wisdom of his palms he led them.






Ps 79–80




Ps 82–83

Book Three (Ps 73–89)


I. HOW LONG WILL THE NATIONS INSULT US? The First Sequence: Ps 79–80 1. PSALM 79 79 1 A psalm

of Asaph.


O God, they have defiled they have laid

have come the Temple Jerusalem

of your holiness, in ruins.


They have given as food the flesh

the corpses for the birds of your faithful

of your servants of heaven, to the beasts


their blood Jerusalem

like water, and there was no one to bury them.

they have poured out all around

into your inheritance,

of the earth;


– 4 We are – a scorn :: 5 HOW LONG, :: FOREVER 6

Pour out

an insult and derision

to our neighbours, to those around us.

O Yhwh, will burn


your fury


that that

do not know you, your name


Jacob they have desolated.

for they have devoured and his habitation

like fire

your jealousy?

do not call upon,

··························································································· 8

Do not remember THE FAULTS, quickly, because we are afflicted

against us THE FIRST ONE; may come to meet us your tenderness, greatly.

··························································································· 9

Help us, for the sake and deliver us for the sake :: 10 WHY :: “Where is

O God of the glory and wipe out of your name. should say their God?”

Let it be known AMONG THE NATIONS the vengeance of the blood 11 Let them come before you, according to the greatness of your arm spare the children 12

And return

the insult

to our neighbours with which

of our salvation, of your name OUR SINS,

THE NATIONS: before our eyes of your servants,

which is poured out;

the groans

of the captive

of death. sevenfold into their bosom they have insulted you, O Lord.


+ 13 And we, + + from age to age

your people to you

AND THE SHEEP forever, .




2. PSALM 80 80 1 For the music director, on “The Lilies”, a testimony, of Asaph, a psalm. 2

Give ear, YOU WHO PASTURE Israel, who lead Joseph LIKE SHEEP, WHO SIT above the cherubim, shine forth; 3 before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, awaken your valour and come for our salvation. ················································································ 4

O God, and make your face shine,

bring us back and we shall be saved.


O Yhwh, God of hosts, HOW LONG will you flare up at the prayer of your people? You have made them eat the bread of tears, and you have made them drink tears threefold; 7 you have made us a strife to our neighbours, and our enemies are mocking us. 6

············································································ 8

O God of hosts, and make your face shine, 9

bring us back and we shall be saved.

You brought a vine out of Egypt, you drove out the nations and you planted it; you cleared a place before it, and it took root with its roots and it filled the land.


························································································································· 11 12

The mountains were covered with its shadow and the cedars of God with its boughs; it stretched its branches to the Sea and its shoots to the River.

························································································································· 13

WHY have you broken down its fences, and all who pass along the way pluck it, 14 the boar of the forest ravages it, and the beast of the fields feeds on it? 15

O God of hosts, come back, we pray, look down from heaven and see, and visit this vine, 16 and protect what your right hand has planted, and THE SON you made strong for yourself. 17

It is burned with fire, cut down; let them perish at the threat of your face. Let your hand be upon THE MAN OF YOUR RIGHT HAND, upon THE SON OF ADAM whom you made strong for yourself, 19 and we will never turn away from you, you will revive us and we will call upon your name. 18

················································································ 20

O Yhwh, God of hosts, make your face shine,

bring us back, and we shall be saved.

Book Three (Ps 73–89)



81 1 For the music director, on the gittith, of Asaph. 2

to God our strength,

3 4


the God of Jacob, , at the full moon, on our feast day;


···························································································································· 5

because it was a decree for Israel, a judgment of the God of Jacob; 6 he set up an ordinance in Joseph when he went out against the land of Egypt. I hear a lip that I did not know: 7 “I turned aside his shoulder from the burden, his palms were freed from the basket. 8 In anguish you cried out and I delivered you; I answered you in the hiding place of thunder, I tested you at the waters of Meribah. 9

Listen, O my people, and I admonish you,

O Israel, if you would listen to me!

················································································································ 10

There shall be no strange god among you, and you shall not bow down to a foreign god; 11 I am Yhwh, your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. 12 13 14

But MY PEOPLE DID NOT LISTEN TO MY VOICE, AND ISRAEL DID NOT WANT ME; and I sent them away in the hardness of their hearts, they walk in their own plans.

Oh, if my people would listen to me, if Israel would walk in my ways!

·················································································································· 15 I would INSTANTLY subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their oppressors; 16

those who hate Yhwh would cringe to him, and their time would last forever. And he would feed him with the finest of the wheat, and with the honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” 17



1. PSALM 82 82 1 A psalm + God + in the midst

of Asaph. stands up of the gods

in the council he judges.

:: 2 “HOW LONG :: and the face

will you judge of the wicked

unjustly uphold?

– 3 Judge .. the afflicted

the weak and the needy,

and the orphan, vindicate them;

– 4 liberate .. from the hand

the weak of the wicked

and the poor, deliver them.

nor understand, they walk; all the foundations

of the earth.

:: 6 As for me, :: and sons

I have said: of the Most High,

gods all of you;

– 7 surely, – and as one

as adam of the princes,

you will die you will fall.”

- 5 They neither know - in darkness . are shaken

+ 8 Rise up, + because it is you

O God,


who have inherited


of El,

you are


Book Three (Ps 73–89)


2. PSALM 83 83 1 A song, a psalm of Asaph. 2

O God, do not remain silent,


because behold, your enemies growl

do not be deaf, and do not be at rest, O El , and those who hate you lift up their head.


Against your people they plot in secret and conspire against your protégés. they said: “Come and let us wipe them out as a nation, and the name of Israel will be remembered no more!” 6 Yes, they conspire with one heart, they make a covenant against you: 5

The tents of EDOM and the ISHMAELITES, MOAB and the HAGRITES, 8 GEBAL and AMMON and AMALEK, PHILISTIA with the inhabitants of TYRE; 9 even ASHUR joined with them, they have become an arm for the children of Lot. 7


Treat them like MIDIAN,

like Sisera, like Yabin at the torrent Kishon; were exterminated at En-Dor, they became dung for the humus.




Make their princes like Oreb and like Zeeb and all their commanders like Zebah and like Zalmunna, 13 they who said: “We shall inherit for ourselves the grasslands of God.” 14

My God, make them like an acanthus wheel, like straw before the wind . Like fire that burns a forest, like a flame that set the mountains ablaze ; 16 so pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your hurricane. 15


Fill their faces with ignominy and let them seek your name, O Yhwh . 18 Let them blush and be terrified forever, and let them be confused and perish , 19 and let them know that you are, your name is Yhwh, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.






Ps 84–88

Ps 89

Book Three (Ps 73–89)


I. WHY DO YOU REJECT ME? The First Sequence: Ps 84–88 1. PSALM 84 84 1 For the music director, on the gittith, of the sons of Korah, a psalm. 2

How lovely are your dwelling places,

O Yhwh of hosts!

··················································································································· 3

My soul yearns and is also consumed for the courts of Yhwh ; my heart and my flesh cry out to the living God. 4

Even the sparrow has found a home, where to place her young.

the swallow a nest for herself


Your altars, O Yhwh of hosts, 5 6

MY KING and my God!

Happy those who dwell in your house, they are always praising you. Happy the man whose strength is in you, the ways are in their heart. ················································································································· 7

Passing through the valley of Baka’, they will make it a place of springs; the early rain will also cover it with blessings. 8 They shall walk from fortress to fortress, each one shall appear before God in Zion. 9

O Yhwh God of hosts, hear my prayer, give ear, O God of Jacob ; Behold our shield, O God, look upon the face of YOUR MESSIAH.


··················································································································· 11

Yes, better one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I have chosen to stand on the threshold in the house of my God than to live in the tents of wickedness.


Yes, Yhwh God is a sun and shield, Yhwh will give grace and glory; he will not withhold good from those who walk in integrity.

··················································································································· 13

O Yhwh of hosts,

happy the man who trusts in you.



2. PSALM 85 85 1 For the music director,

of the sons of Korah,

a psalm.

+ 2 You love, + you brought back

O Yhwh, the fortune

your land of Jacob.

+ 3 You took away + you covered


of your people, THEIR SIN.

+ 4 You ended + you turned back

all from the burning


·········································································································· 5

5 Bring us back, and put away


of our salvation, toward us.

·········································································································· – 6 FOREVER WILL YOU BE ANGRY with us,

– will you prolong



– 7 Behold, as for you, you will turn back – and your people will rejoice

to revive us, in you!

– 8 Show us, O Yhwh, – and your salvation you will give

your faithfulness, to us.


I will listen to: What does he say,


Well, he says to his people and let them not turn back

peace and to his faithful, to FOLLY.


+ 10 Yes, is near + that may dwell

for his fearful glory

his salvation, in our land.

+ 11 Faithfulness + righteousness

and loyalty and peace

have met together, have kissed each other.

·········································································································· 12

Loyalty because righteousness

from the earth from the heavens

will sprout, has looked down.


– 13 Also Yhwh – and our land

will give will give

what is good, its produce.

– 14 Righteousness – and he will set

before him in the way

will walk, his steps.

Book Three (Ps 73–89)


3. PSALM 86 86 1 A prayer of David.

Incline your ear, O Yhwh, answer me, because I am afflicted and poor; 2 keep my soul, because I am faithful, save your servant, you my God, who trusts in you. 3 4

Have mercy on me, O Lord, because to you, I call all the day; gladden the soul of your servant, because to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul;


because you, O Lord, are good and FORGIVING, and abounding in faithfulness to all who call on you.

6 7

Give ear, O Yhwh, to my prayer, and give attention to the voice of my request for mercy; in the day of my anguish I call on you because you answer me . 8

There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, and there is none like your deeds. 9 ALL THE NATIONS which you have made to your face, O Lord, ; 10 Yes, you are great and doing wonders, you are God, you alone. 11

Teach me, O Yhwh, your way, I will walk in your truth, unite my heart to fear your name. 12 , O Lord my God, with all my heart, and forever, 13 because your faithfulness was great toward me, and you have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol; 14 O God, the insolent have risen up against me, and a band of ruthless have sought my soul, and they have not set you before them. 15

And you, O Lord, are a God tender and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in faithfulness and truth, 16

turn to me and have mercy on me, give your strength to your servant and save the son of your handmaid; 17 do a sign of goodness to me and my enemies will see and will blush, because you, O Yhwh, help me and comfort me.



4. PSALM 87 87 1 Of the sons

of Korah,

a psalm,

on the mountains

of holiness.

. He loves, . more than all

Yhwh, the dwelling places

the gates of Jacob.

+ 3 Glorious things + O city

are spoken of God:

in you,


and BABYLON and TYRE, there.”

it will be said: is born strengthens her is

in her the Most High.”

.. Its foundation is 2

– 4 “I mention – behold -- This one + 5 And of Zion :: “Every man :: and he who

a song.

of Zion

among my acquaintances, with KUSH:


– 6 Yhwh -- “This one

counts was born

in writing there”.

+7 :: “All

: my springs are

in you.”


Book Three (Ps 73–89)


5. PSALM 88 88 1 A song, a psalm, of the sons of Korah, for the music director; ‘al-māḥălat le‘annôt, an instruction, of Heman the Ezrahite. 2 3 4

O Yhwh, God of my salvation, by day I cry out, by night before you: Let my prayer come before you, incline your ear to my cry, because my soul is filled with evils

and my life draws near to Sheol.


I am counted with those descending to the hole, I am like a man without help: among the dead I am discarded, like the slain lying in the grave, of whom you remember no more and they are cut off from your hand. 6

7 8

You set me at the bottom of the hole, in the darkness, in the depths; YOUR FURY lies heavy upon me and ALL YOUR WAVES you pour out.


You have taken away my acquaintances from me, you have made me a thing of horror to them; I am imprisoned and I cannot escape, 10 my eye is worn out because of affliction, I call to you, O Yhwh, all the day, I stretch out my palms to you. 11

ARE you doing wonders for the dead or can the shadows rise up to praise you? faithfulness recounted in the grave, your truth in the place of perdition? wonder known in the darkness and your righteousness in the land of oblivion?

12 IS your 13 IS your


And as for me, I cry out to you, O Yhwh, and in the morning my prayer comes before you:


WHY, O Yhwh, do you reject my soul,

do you hide your face from me?


I am afflicted and close to death from my youth, I have borne YOUR TERRORS, I am petrified; YOUR WRATH has passed over me, YOUR DREAD ASSAULTS have annihilated me, 18 they surround me like water all the day, they encircle me together. 17


You have taken away friend and neighbour from me; my acquaintances are in the darkness.





The creation of the world


From one to the other


The choice of David




From one to the other Supplication Doxology

89:46–47 89:48–52 89:53

Book Three (Ps 73–89)


89 1 An instruction of Ethan the Ezrahite. 2

the faithfulness of Yhwh forever, from age to age I will make your truth known with my mouth. Because I said: “Faithfulness is built forever, the heavens, you establish your truth in them”. 4 “I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn to David my servant: 5 I have established your offspring forever and built YOUR THRONE from age to age.” 3


And the heavens for your wonder, O Yhwh, also your truth in the assembly of the saints; because who in the cloud can be compared to Yhwh, can be equal to Yhwh among the sons of gods? 8 A God feared in the council of the saints, great and terrible to all who are surrounding him; 9 O Yhwh, God of hosts, who is like you? Strong, O Yah, and your truth is surrounding you! 10 It is you who master the pride of the sea, when its waves rise, it is you who calm them; 11 it is you who split Rahab like a corpse, with your strong arm you scattered your enemies. 12 The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours, the world and its contents, it is you who founded them; 13 the north and the south, it is you who created them, Tabor and Hermon in your name . 14 Yours is an arm with prowess, your 15 hand is strong, your right hand is exalted; Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of YOUR THRONE, Faithfulness and Loyalty go before your face. 7


Happy are the people who know , O Yhwh, they will walk in the light of your face; in your name all the day, in your righteousness. 18 yes, you are the splendour of their strength, and in your favour our forehead will be exalted; 19 yes, our shield belongs to Yhwh and OUR KING to the Holy One of Israel. 17


Once you spoke in a vision to your faithful ones and you said: “I have provided help to a valiant one, I have exalted a young man over the people. 21 I have found David, my servant, with the oil of my holiness I HAVE ANOINTED HIM, 22 the one my hand will be firm with him, also my arm will make him strong. 23 The adversary will not be able to outwit him and the son of perversion will not overcome him; 24 and I will crush his aggressors before him and I will strike his enemies. 25 And my truth and my faithfulness will be with him, and in my name his forehead will be exalted; 26 and I will set his hand over the sea, and his right hand over the rivers. 27 As for him, he will call out to me: ‘You are my father, my God and the rock of my salvation!’ 28 Also as for me, I will appoint him as the firstborn, the highest of THE KINGS of the earth. 29 I will keep my faithfulness for him forever and my covenant will be truthful for him; 30 and I will set his offspring forever, and HIS THRONE as the days of the heavens. 31 If his children forsake my law and do not walk according to my judgments, 32 if they profane my precepts and do not keep my commandments, 33 I will visit THEIR TRANSGRESSION with A ROD and THEIR FAULT with strokes. 34 But my faithfulness I will not withdraw from him and I will not belie in my truth; 35 I will not profane my covenant and I will not alter the breath of my lips; 36 once I have sworn by my holiness: if I shall lie to David! 37 His offspring shall endure forever and HIS THRONE as the sun before me, 38 as the moon is established forever and the witness in the cloud is truthful.” But as for you, you have rejected and you have spurned, YOU HAVE BEEN ANGRY with YOUR ANOINTED; 40 you have repudiated the covenant of your servant, you have profaned HIS CROWN to the ground. 41 You have broken down all his fences, you have made his strongholds a ruin; 42 all passing by the way have plundered him, he has become an insult to his neighbours; 43 you have given the right hand to his aggressors, you have made all his adversaries rejoice. 44 Also you have turned back the edge of his sword and you have not supported him in the battle; 45 you have brought to an end his splendour and you have cast HIS THRONE to the ground. 39


You have shortened the days of his youth, you have covered him with shame. O Yhwh, will you hide yourself? For eternity, will burn YOUR FURY like fire? 48



Remember me, what is my lifespan? For what nothingness did you create all children of Adam? 49 What man can live and never see death, can he deliver his soul from the hand of Sheol? 50 WHERE is your first faithfulness, O Lord, which you swore to David by your truth? 51 Remember, O Lord, the insult to your servant, which I carry in my bosom all the many peoples, 52 with which your enemies insult, O Yhwh, with which they insult the footsteps of YOUR ANOINTED! 53

be Yhwh forever! Amen! Amen!

BOOK FOUR (Ps 90–106)




if you would listen

Ps 90–94

to his voce!”




will you come


to me?”

Ps 95

Ps 96–100

Ps 101

Ps 102–106













Ps 90–91

Ps 92


Ps 93–94

Book Four (Ps 90–106)


I. GOD REVEALS THE FAULTS OF THE AFFLICTED AND SAVES HIM The First Sequence: Ps 90–91 1. PSALM 90 90 1 A prayer of Moses, the man of God. 1b

O Adonai, yes you, you are our habitation from generation to generation. 2 Before the mountains were born and you brought forth the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity you are God. 3 You make mankind return to the dust, and you say: “Return, you children of Adam!” 4

Because thousand years in your eyes are like a day of yesterday when it is past and a watch in the night. 5 You submerge them, they are in the sleep; in the morning they are like grass that is renewed. 6 In the morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and dries up. ·································································································································· 7

Because we are finished by YOUR ANGER, and by YOUR FURY we are terrified. 8 You have set OUR FAULTS before you, OUR SECRETS in the light of your face. ·································································································································· 9

Because all our days fade away under YOUR WRATH, we finish our years like a sigh. 10 The days of our years, in them (are) seventy years, and, if by some miracle, eighty years; and their excitement, toil and FAULT, because it disappears quickly and we fly away. 11

Who knows the strength of YOUR ANGER and YOUR WRATH like the fear of you?


Yes, let us know to number our days, and we will bring a heart of wisdom! 13 Return, O Yhwh! How long? And repent concerning your servants. 14 Fill us in the morning with your faithfulness, . ·································································································································· 15

as the days when YOU CHASTISED US, the years when we have seen EVIL. your deed by your servants, and your splendour upon their children! 17 And let the sweetness of Adonai our God be upon us! And the work of our hands establish upon us, and the work of our hands establish it! 16



2. PSALM 91 . 91 1 He who dwells . in the shadow

in the secret place of Shaddai

of the Most High, spends the night;

+ 2 I say + “My refuge,

to Yhwh: my fortress,

my God

in whom I trust!”


– 3 Yes, it is he – from the snare – from the pestilence

who delivers you of the fowler, of destruction;

– 4 with his pinions – and under –a buckler

he covers his wings and armour,

you you take refuge, his truth is.


: 5 You will not fear : nor the arrow

the dreads that flies

of the night, by day,

: 6 nor the pestilence : nor the scourge

that in darkness that ravages

walks, at noon;

: 7 though if falls : and ten thousand : to you,

at your side at your right hand, it will not reach.

a thousand

with your eyes of the wicked

you will look you will see.

+ 9 Yes, you, + O Most High,

O Yhwh, you have set

are my refuge, your habitation;

. 10 it will not befall . and a plague

your, will approach

evil, your tent.


only and the reward


– 11 Yes, to his angels – to guard you

he has commanded in all

concerning you your ways;

– 12 on their palms – lest you dash

they will carry you, against a stone

your foot,

and the viper, the young lion

you will walk, and the dragon.


– upon the wild beast – you will trample


: 14 Yes, to me : I set him on high,

he clings because he knows

and I set him free, my name;

: 15 he calls upon me : with him : I liberate him

and I answer him, I am and glorify him,

in anguish,

: 16 with length of days : and I will let him see my salvation.

I will satisfy him

Book Four (Ps 90–106)


II. A SONG FOR THE SABBATH DAY The Second Sequence: Ps 92 PSALM 92 92 1 A psalm,

a song

for the day


to Yhwh O Most High,

+ 2 It is good + AND TO SING PSALMS

to your name,

+ 3 TO PROCLAIM + and your truth

in the morning in the night,



of Sabbath.

your faithfulness


:: 5 BECAUSE YOU HAVE MADE ME GLAD, :: at the works

O Yhwh, of your hands


:: 6 How great are :: are very

your works, deep

O Yhwh, your thoughts!

– 7 A man – and a fool

senseless does not know does not comprehend this.

– 8 Though sprout .. and flourish .. they will be destroyed

the wicked all doers forever.

like of iniquity,


O Yhwh!


And as for you,

by your deeds,

you are on high


– Yes, behold, .. 10 yes, behold .. are scattered

your enemies, your enemies all doers

O Yhwh, perish, of iniquity.

:: 11 And you have put on high, :: I was bathed

like that of a wild ox, my horn, in oil, a fresh one.

– 12 And has looked – those who rise up – shall hear of them

my eye against me, my ears.

at my watchful foes, the evildoers,

:: 13 The righteous :: like a cedar

like a palm tree in Lebanon

will sprout, will grow.


+ 14 Planted + in the courts

in the house of our God

of Yhwh, they will sprout;

+ 15 still + full of sap

they shall bear fruit and green

in old age, they shall be,

+ 16 TO PROCLAIM + he is my Rock

that upright is Yhwh, and there is no guile in him.



1. PSALM 93 + 93 1 Yhwh + with pride

REIGNS, he is clothed;

+ he is clothed, + with strength + indeed, is established

Yhwh, he is girded, the world,


= Is established = from everlasting

YOUR THRONE you are.

it cannot be shaken. from the beginning,


:: 3 They lift up, :: they lift up, :: they lift up,

the rivers, the rivers, the rivers,

O Yhwh, their voice, their crushing;

:: 4 above the voices :: the magnificent :: is magnificent

of waters breakers on high,

many, of the sea, Yhwh.

are true is adorned for length

very much; with holiness, of days.

= 5 Your testimonies = your house = O Yhwh,

Book Four (Ps 90–106)


2. PSALM 94 94 1 God of vengeance, O Yhwh, God of vengeance, shine forth! 2 Lift up yourself, O judge of the earth, return the wages to the proud! 3 4 5 6

How long will the wicked, O Yhwh, how long will the wicked triumph? They spread, they speak insolently, they boast, all doers of iniquity. They crush your people, O Yhwh, and they oppress your inheritance, they kill the widow and the stranger, and they murder the orphans! 7


And they say: “Yah does not see,

the God of Jacob does not understand.”

Understand, you senseless among the people, 9

and you fools, when will you comprehend?

He who planted the ear, does he not hear? If he formed the eye, does he not look? He who disciplines the nations, does he not punish, he who teaches the adam knowledge?

10 11

Yhwh knows the thoughts of the adam 12 13



because judgment returns to righteousness and after it all the upright of heart. Who rises up for me against the evildoers, who stands up for me against the doers of iniquity?

If Yhwh had not been my help, 18




my soul would soon dwell in silence.

When I say: “My foot is shaken”,

your faithfulness, O Yhwh, sustains me.

In the multitude of my worries within me, your consolations delight my soul. 20


Happy the man whom you discipline, O Yhwh, and whom you teach out of your law, to give him rest in the days of evil, while a pit is dug for the wicked.

Yes, Yhwh does not abandon his people, and he does not forsake his inheritance. 15


that they are a mist.

Is your ally a throne of mischief, forming the sentence against the law? They attack the soul of the righteous and condemn the innocent blood;

But Yhwh shall be to me a citadel, and my God, the rock of my refuge.

He returns to them their iniquity and he annihilates them for their evil, he annihilates them, Yhwh our God!



“TODAY, IF YOU WOULD LISTENED TO HIS VOICE!” Second Section: Ps 95 PSALM 95 + 95 1 +


+2 +

the Rock

to Yhwh, of our salvation;

before him let us acclaim




– 3 because a God – and a KING

great is great

Yhwh, above all

:: 4 for are -- and the heights

in his hand of the mountains

the depths are his,

of the earth,

:: 5 for is his -- and the dry land

the sea, his hands

and he formed.

made it,



+6 +



, who made us,


– 7 because he is – and we – and THE SHEEP




if to his voice

you would listen!

your hearts of Massah

as at Meribah, in the desert,

– 8 Do not harden – as on the day :: 9 THEN -- TEMPTED ME,

TESTED ME YOUR FATHERS, though they had seen my deed!


– 10 For forty – and I said: – and they :: 11 then -- “If

years “It is a people did not know

I loathed that do err my ways,”

I swore they come

in my anger: into my rest!”

that generation, in their hearts,

Book Four (Ps 90–106)




to the Lord,

“All the ends of the earth

“The Lord

reigns over

all the earth”

have seen the salvation of our God”

all the peoples”

Ps 96–97

Ps 98

Ps 99–100


Text I. “SING TO THE LORD, ALL THE EARTH” The First Sequence: Ps 96–97

1. PSALM 96 + 96 1 +

to Yhwh to Yhwh,


+2 ::

to Yhwh, from day to day

his salvation;

:: 3 :: AMONG ALL


his glory, his wonders.

, THE EARTH; his name,


– 4 Because great is – fearsome

Yhwh he is

and to be praised above all

greatly, gods;

– 5 because all – and Yhwh,

gods the heavens


are worthlessness,

– 6 majesty – strength

and splendour and beauty

before him, in his sanctuary.

+7 +

to Yhwh, to Yhwh


OF THE PEOPLES, and strength;

+8 ::

to Yhwh an offering

glory and

of his name, into his courts;

:: 9 ::

to Yhwh before him

in the splendour ALL

of holiness, THE EARTH.

+ 10 + Yhwh


– Yes, is established :: he sentences

the world, THE PEOPLES

it cannot be shaken; with uprightness.


– 11 –

the heavens the sea

and its fullness;

– 12 – then

the field, all the trees

and all of the forest,

the earth, that is in it;


:: 13 before :: because he comes

Yhwh, to judge

because he comes, THE EARTH;

:: he judges :: and


with righteousness with his truth.

Book Four (Ps 90–106)



+ 97 1 Yhwh +

REIGNS, the islands


+ 2 cloud + righteousness

and dark cloud and judgment

around him, are the foundation OF HIS THRONE.


: 3 Fire : and sets ablaze

before him all around

goes his adversaries;

: 4 lights up : sees

his lightning and shakes


: 5 the mountains : before : before

like wax Yhwh, THE MASTER



+6 + and they


the heavens ALL THE PEOPLES


let them be shamed, all who serve who boast themselves of worthlessness! Bow down to him, all you gods. + 8 Hears + + because of

the daughters your judgments,

his righteousness, his glory. a statue,

Zion, of Judah, O Yhwh.


: 9 Yes, you are, : Most High : greatly

O Yhwh, OVER ALL THE EARTH, you are elevated

over all gods.

: 10 You who love : He guards : from the hand

Yhwh, the souls of the wicked

hate of his faithful, he delivers them.

: 11 A light : and for the upright

is sown of heart

for the righteous, joy.



+ 12 +


you righteous, to the remembrance

in Yhwh, of his holiness.



II. “ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH HAVE SEEN THE SALVATION OF OUR GOD” The Second Sequence: Ps 98 PSALM 98 98 1 A psalm. + +

to Yhwh , : Yes, wonders : his right hand : and the arm

. he has done: has saved him of his holiness.


- 2 Has made known - in the eyes


.. 3 he has remembered his faithfulness .. to the house of Israel;

his salvation, he has revealed his righteousness; and his truth

ALL THE ENDS of our God.


+4 +



+5 +

to Yhwh

- have seen - the salvation

+6 +

; , ; , before




–7 – the world

the sea and its fullness, and those who dwell in it!

= 8 The rivers = together = 9 before

the mountains, Yhwh!

- Yes, he comes - he will judge - and THE PEOPLES


to judge THE WORLD with uprightness.

, THE EARTH, with righteousness

Book Four (Ps 90–106)


III. “THE LORD REIGNS OVER ALL THE PEOPLES” The Third Sequence: Ps 99–100 1. PSALM 99 – 99 1 Yhwh – HE SITS

REIGNS, on the Cherubim,

tremble shakes


– 2 Yhwh – and exalted,

in Zion he is,

is great, OVER ALL



:: 3 = He is

to your name holy.


– 4 And the strength + it was you

OF THE KING is the judgment who have established uprightness;

– judgment + it was you

and righteousness who have made.

and fearsome:

which he loves,

in Jacob


:: 5 :: = Holy,

Yhwh to the footstool He is.

our God, of his feet:

= 6 Moses – and Samuel – they called

and Aaron among those calling Yhwh

among his priests, his name, and it was he who answered them.

= 7 In the pillar = they kept

of cloud his testimonies

he spoke and the law

– 8 O Yhwh our God, it was you –a God of forgiveness you were – and you took vengeance ON THEIR WRONGDOINGS.

with them, that he gave them. who answered them, to them,


:: 9 :: = Because is holy,

Yhwh to the mountain Yhwh

our God, of his holiness: our God.



2. PSALM 100 100 1 A psalm


+ +2 + :: 3 Know :: it is he :: his people


Yhwh, Yhwh before his face


that Yhwh, who made us AND THE SHEEP

he is God, and his we are, OF HIS PASTURE.



+4 + to his courts + 5

:: Yes, good :: forever :: and from age

, , ,

! is Yhwh, his faithfulness, to age

his truth.

Book Four (Ps 90–106)


“WHEN WILL YOU COME TO ME?” Fourth Section: Ps 101 PSALM 101 101 1 Of David,

a psalm.

: of faithfulness - to you,

and judgment O Yhwh,


: 2 I will progress - when

in the way will you come

of the perfect; to me?

: I will walk - in the midst

in the perfection of my house.

of my heart,

– 3 I will not set · a word ,

before a demonic one;

my eyes

· the work – it shall not cling

of the deviated to me.

I hate,



+ 4 A heart, . evil

a perverse one, I do not know.

turns aside

+ 5 One who slanders . that one

secretly I will annihilate;

his neighbour,

+ haughty . that one

of eyes I will not bear.

and swollen

: 6 My eyes - to dwell

on the truthful with me;

of the land

: he who walks - he is the one

in the way who will serve me.

of the perfect,

– 7 Shall not dwell · the worker

in the midst of deceit;

of my house

· he who speaks – shall not stand

lies before

from me,

of heart,

my eyes.


+ 8 Each morning . all the wicked

I will annihilate of the land

+ to cut off . all the doers

from the city of iniquity.

of Yhwh









Ps 104




Ps 102–103


Ps 105-106

Book Four (Ps 90–106)


I. GOD FORGIVES THE FAULTS OF THE AFFLICTED AND SAVES ISRAEL The First Sequence: Ps 102–103 1. PSALM 102 102 1 A prayer of the afflicted when he is faint

and pours out his complaint before Yhwh .


O Yhwh, hear my prayer, and let my cry come towards you! Do not hide your face from me in the day of my anguish; incline your ear towards me, in the day when I call, quickly answer me ! 3


Yes, my days are ending in smoke, and my bones are similar to a burning fireplace; stricken like grass, and my heart dries up because I forget to eat my bread; 6 in the voice of my groaning my bone clings to my flesh. 5


I resemble an owl of the desert, I am like a little owl of the ruins; I watch, and I am like a lonely bird on the roof. 9 All the day my enemies insult me, those who mock me swear against me. 8


Yes, I eat ashes like bread, and I mix my drink with my tears, before YOUR INDIGNATION and WRATH, because you have lifted me up and thrown me away; 12 my days are like the fading shadow, and myself I dry up like grass. 11


But as for you, O Yhwh, YOU ARE ENTHRONED forever, and your remembrance from age to age! 14

As for you, you will rise up, you will have compassion on Zion, because (it is) time to have pity on her, because the hour has come ; 15

because your servants cherish her stones,

and they will have pity on her dust.

And THE NATIONS the name of Yhwh, and ALL THE KINGS OF THE EARTH, your glory; when Yhwh will rebuild Zion, and he will be seen in his glory; 18 he will turn to the prayer of the destitute, and will not despise their prayer. 16 17


This shall be written for the last generation, and a people to be created will praise Yah, because Yhwh has leaned down from the heights of his holiness, has looked from heaven towards earth, 20


to hear the groan of the captive, to set free the children of death, in Zion the name of Yhwh and in Jerusalem, 23 when THE PEOPLES will join together, and KINGDOMS, to serve Yhwh. 22


He has broken my strength in the way, he has shortened my days. I said: “O My God, do not take me away in the middle of my days, from age to age are your years. 25


Formerly you founded the earth, and the heavens were the work of your hands; as for them, they will perish, and as for you, you remain; and they all wear out like a garment, you change them like a clothing, and they are changed. 27

28 29

And as for you, you are the same, and your years have no end; the children of your servants will dwell, and their offspring will endure before you.”



2. PSALM 103 103 1 Of David. Yhwh, O my soul, and all my being, his holy name; Yhwh, O my soul, and do not forget all his rewards.



He forgives ALL YOUR FAULTS, he heals ALL YOUR DISEASES. He redeems your life from the pit, HE CROWNS you with faithfulness and tenderness; 5 he satisfies with good your duration, he renews your youth like an eagle. 4

6 7

Yhwh does righteousness and judgments to all who are oppressed, he made known to Moses his ways, to the children of Israel his mighty deeds.


Yhwh is tender and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in faithfulness; he is not accusing until the end, nor does he keep a grudge forever. 10 Not according to OUR SINS, does he do to us, nor according to OUR FAULTS, does he repay to us. 9


Yes, as the height of the heavens over the earth, so strong was his faithfulness for his fearful. As the east is far from the west, so far does he remove OUR SINS from us. 13 As a father has compassion to his children, so Yhwh has compassion for his fearful. 12


Yes, as for him, he knows what we are made of, remembering that we are dust. As for man, his days are like grass, like a flower of the field, so he flourishes; 16 when a wind passes over him, he is no more, and his place recognises him no more. 15


But the faithfulness of Yhwh from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to the children of their children, 18 to those who keep his covenant, and to those who remember his precepts to do them. 19

Yhwh has established his THRONE in the heavens, and his KINGSHIP dominates all.


Yhwh, you his angels, mighty warriors who do his word, to hear the voice of his word. 21 Yhwh, all his hosts, his servants who do his will. 22 , Yhwh, all his works, in all places of his dominion. Yhwh, O my soul.

Book Four (Ps 90–106)


II. A SONG FOR THE CREATION The Second Sequence: Ps 104 104 1

, Yhwh, O my soul.

O Yhwh, my God, you are very great, 2 wrapped in light as with a mantle, 3 He builds his upper chambers on the waters, he moves on the wings of the wind, 4 making the winds his messengers, 5

He fixed the earth on its foundations, You covered it with the deep like a clothing, 7 At your threat they flee, 8 the mountains go up, the valleys go down 9 You set a boundary that they may not pass, 6

you are clothed with majesty and splendour, stretching out the heavens like a tent. he sets the clouds his chariot, fire and flame are his servants. it will not be shaken forever and ever. the waters stood above the mountains. at the voice of your thunder they escape; to the place that you fixed for them. they may not return to cover the earth.


He sends forth the springs into the ravines, they move between the mountains. They water all the living of the fields, the wild asses quench their thirst; 12 besides them the birds of the heavens dwell, in between the leaves they give voice. 13 He waters the mountains from his upper chambers, the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your works. 11


You make the grass grow for the cattle to bring forth bread from the earth, 15 and wine to gladden the heart of man, and bread to help the heart of man. 16 The trees of Yhwh are satisfied, 17 in them there the birds make nests, 18 The high mountains are for chamois, 19

He made the moon for seasons, You set darkness and it is night, 21 The young lions roar for prey 22 The sun rises, they withdraw 23 the adam goes out to his work 20

and the plants for the service of the adam, to make the faces shine more than oil, the cedars of Lebanon which he planted; the stork has its house in the cypresses. the crags are a refuge for hyraxes. the sun knows its arrival. all the living of the forest swarm in it; seeking their food from God. back to their dens to lie down; and to his service until the evening.


the earth is full 25 This is the great sea there are swarms and without number 26 there the ships move along, 27

All of them wait for you you give to them, they gather, 29 You hide your face, they are terrified, and they return to their dust. 30 You send forth your breath, they are created, 28


May the glory of Yhwh endure forever, He looks at the earth and it trembles, 33 to Yhwh in my life, 34 Let my meditation be pleasing to him, 35 Let sinners disappear from the earth 32

, Yhwh, O my soul!

of your possessions. and wide of arms; of living things, small and great, Leviathan whom you formed to laugh at. to give their food in its time; you open your hand, they are satisfied with good. you take away their breath, they expire, and you renew the face of the ground. may Yhwh rejoice in his works! he touches the mountains and they smoke! to my God in my duration. as for me, in Yhwh! and the wicked be no more! God!



on his name, his mighty deeds AMONG THE PEOPLES; 2 . 3 in his holy name, let the hearts of those who seek Yhwh ! 4 Search for Yhwh and his strength, seek his face continually; 5 remember the wonders that he has done, his miracles and the judgments of his mouth. 105


to Yhwh,


O offspring of Abraham his servant, O children of Jacob his chosen ones, 7 he is Yhwh our God, his judgments are in all the earth. 8 He remembers his covenant forever, the word which he commanded for a thousand generations, 9 which he concluded with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac. 10 And he made it as a decree for Jacob, for Israel as a covenant forever, 11 saying: “To you I give the land of Canaan, the portion of your inheritance.” 12

When they were few in number, very few and strangers in it 13 and they went from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people, 14 he did not allow an adam to oppress them, and he chastised KINGS on their account. 15 “Do not touch my ANOINTED ONES, and do no harm my prophets.” 16 And he called down a famine upon the earth, he broke every staff of bread. 17

He sent a man before them, Joseph who was sold as a slave; 18 they afflicted his foot with fetters, iron came to his throat, 19 until the time when his word came, the speech of Yhwh justified him. 20 THE KING sent and released him, THE RULER OF THE PEOPLES set him free; 21 he made him lord over his house, and ruler over all his possessions, 22 to instruct HIS PRINCES by his throat, and he made wise his elders. 23

And Israel came to Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham; 24 and he made his people increase greatly, made them stronger than their adversaries. 25 He turned their hearts to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants. 26 He sent Moses his servant, Aaron, whom he had chosen; 27 they set among them the words of his signs, and miracles in the land of Ham. 28

He sent darkness, and made it dark, but they did not defy his orders; 29 he turned their waters into blood, and caused their fish to die; 30 their land teemed with frogs in the chambers of their KINGS. 31 He said, and insects came, mosquitoes in all the country, 32 he gave hail as their rain, flames of fire in their land; 33 and he struck their vine and their fig tree, he broke the trees of their country. 34 He said, and the locusts came, and grasshoppers without number, 35 and they ate up every vegetation in their land, and they ate up the fruit of their ground; 36 and he struck all firstborn in their land, the first fruits of all their vigour. 37

And he brought them out with silver and gold, and no one among their tribes stumbled; 38 Egypt was glad at their going out, because dread of them had fallen upon them. 39 He spread a cloud for a covering and a fire to light up the night. 40 They asked, he brought quails, and satisfied them with the bread of heaven; 41 he opened the rock, and the waters gushed out, and they have gone into dry places as a river. 42

Yes, he remembered his holy word to Abraham his servant. And he brought out his people , his chosen ones ; 44 and he gave them the lands of THE NATIONS, and they inherited the labour of THE COUNTRIES, 45 for the sake that they might keep his decrees and observe his laws. 43


Book Four (Ps 90–106)


2. PSALM 106 106 1 , to Yhwh, because he is good, because his faithfulness endures to be heard? 3 Happy are forever! 2 Who will express the prowess of Yhwh, make those who keep judgment, those who do righteousness at all times! 4 Remember me, O Yhwh, in favour of your people, visit me with your salvation, 5 to see the happiness of your chosen ones, of your nation, with your inheritance! 6 WE

HAVE SINNED with our fathers, WE HAVE DONE WRONG, WE HAVE ACTED WICKEDLY; 7 our fathers in Egypt did not understand your wonders, THEY DID NOT REMEMBER the abundance of your faithfulness, THEY REBELLED at the sea, by the Sea of Reeds. 8 And he saved them for the sake of his name, to make known his prowess; 9 he threatened the Sea of Reeds, and it dried up, he let them through the depths as through a desert. 10 And he saved them from the hand of the hater, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy; 11 and the waters covered their oppressors, not one of them escaped. 12 And they believed in his words, . 13 THEY MADE HASTE, THEY FORGOT his works, they did not wait for his plan 14 and they desired a desire in the desert, and THEY TEMPTED God in a wilderness: 15 And he gave them what they asked for, and he sent a nausea into their throat. 16 And THEY WERE JEALOUS of Moses in the camp, of Aaron the holy one of Yhwh: 17 The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and it covered the group of Abiram, 18 and fire flamed against their group, a flame burnt up the wicked. 19 They made a calf at Horeb and bowed down to a cast metal; 20 they exchanged their glory for the image of an ox that eats grass. 21 THEY FORGOT GOD their saviour, who had done great things in Egypt, 22 wonders in the land of Ham, marvels at the Sea of Reeds. 23 And he spoke of exterminating them, if not that Moses his chosen one stood in the breach before him to turn away his fury from destroying. 24

THEY REFUSED a delightful land, THEY DID NOT BELIEVE IN HIS WORD; THEY MURMURED in their tents, THEY DID NOT LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF YHWH. 26 And he lifted up his hand upon them, to make them fall in the desert, 27 to make their offspring fall among the nations, to scatter them in the lands. 25

28 They yoked themselves to Baal of Peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead; 29 and THEY IRRITATED HIM with their actions, and a plague broke out among them. 30 And Pinehas stood up and intervened, and the plague was stopped; 31 and it was accounted to him as righteousness from age to age forever. 32 And THEY MADE HIM ANGRY at the waters of Meribah, and it went ill with Moses on their account, 33 BECAUSE THEY REBELLED against his spirit, and he spoke rashly with his lips. 34 They did not exterminate THE PEOPLES, of which Yhwh had spoken to them, 35 and THEY MINGLED with THE NATIONS, they learned their works; 36 and THEY SERVED THEIR IDOLS, and they became a snare to them. 37 AND THEY SACRIFICED THEIR SONS AND THEIR DAUGHTERS TO DEMONS, 38 AND THEY SHED INNOCENT BLOOD, THE BLOOD OF THEIR SONS AND THEIR DAUGHTERS, WHOM THEY SACRIFICED TO THE IDOLS OF CANAAN, and the land was profaned with blood. 39 AND THEY DEFILED THEMSELVES WITH THEIR WORKS, AND PROSTITUTED THEMSELVES WITH THEIR ACTIONS; 40 and Yhwh caught a fire against his people, and he abhorred his inheritance. 41 And

he gave them into the hand of THE NATIONS, and their haters ruled over them; 42 and their enemies oppressed them, and they were subdued under their hand. 43 Many times he delivered them, AND THEY REBELLED IN THEIR BRAVADO AND SANK IN THEIR FAULT; 44 And he saw their anguish when he heard their cry; 45 and he remembered for them his covenant, and he was moved according to the abundance of his faithfulness; 46 and he granted them mercy before all who had deported them.

47 Save

us, O Yhwh our God, and g gather us FROM THE NATIONS, to your holy . 48 be Yhwh the God of Israel from everlasting and to name, and everlasting! And all the people will say: Amen! !

BOOK FIVE (Ps 107–150)









Ps 113–118

Ps 119

Ps 120–134


The great doxology

Ps 146–150





Deliver me


of the redeemed

of the Lord

from the mouth

of deceit

Ps 108–110

the Lord

Ps 111–112

of those who fear

Ps 107

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


I. THANKSGIVING OF THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD The First Sequence: Ps 107 PSALM 107 107 1 to Yhwh, because he is good, because his faithfulness endures forever! 2 the redeemed of Yhwh so, whom he redeemed from the hand of the oppressor, 3 and from the lands he gathered them, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the sea. 4 5

They wandered in the desert, in the wilderness, they were hungry and they were thirsty,

finding no way to an inhabited city; their soul fainted within them. 6 And they cried out to Yhwh in their oppression, from their distress he delivered them, 7 and he made them move on a right way, that they might go to an inhabited city. 8 to Yhwh for his faithfulness, and for his wonders to the children of Adam! 9 Because he has satisfied the longing soul, and the hungry soul he has filled with good.


Inhabitants of darkness and of shadow, captives of affliction and of iron, because THEY DEFIED the orders of God and SPURNED the plan of the Most High, 12 and he brought down their hearts with labour, they succumbed, and there was no one to help. * 13 And they cried out to Yhwh in their oppression, from their distress he saved them, 14 he brought them out of darkness and of shadow, and he broke apart their bonds. = 15 to Yhwh for his faithfulness, and for his wonders to the children of Adam! • 16 Because he broke the gates of bronze, and smashed the bars of iron. 11

17 18

Fools, for the ways of THEIR SIN and for THEIR FAULTS, were tormented, their soul loathed all food, and they drew near the gates of death. * 19 And they cried out to Yhwh in their oppression, from their distress he saved them. 20 He sent his word and healed them, and rescued them from their pits. 21 to Yhwh for his faithfulness, and for his wonders to the children of Adam! 22 sacrifices , and his works !


Those going down to the sea in ships, doing business on great waters, they have seen the works of Yhwh, and his wonders in the deep. 25 And he said and raised a storm wind, and he lifted up the waves; 26 they went up to the heavens, they went down to the depths, their soul melted in evil; 27 they whirled and staggered like a drunkard, and all their wisdom was swallowed up. 24

* 28 And they cried out to Yhwh in their oppression, from their distress he brought them out. 29 He reduced the storm to a calm, and the waves were hushed. 30 And they rejoiced that they were quiet, and he led them to the harbour they desired. = 31 :: 32 33 34


to Yhwh for his faithfulness, and for his wonders to the children of Adam! in the assembly of the people, in the council of the elders !

He turns rivers into a desert, and a land of fruit into a salty waste, 35 He turns the desert into a pool of water, 36 and he makes the hungry dwell there, 37 and they sow fields and plant vines, 38 And he blesses them, and they multiply greatly,

and springs of water into a thirsty ground, for the evil of its inhabitants. and a dry land into a spring of water; and they establish an inhabited city, and make fruit to be harvested. and he does not let their cattle diminish.

And they are diminished and brought low 40 He pours contempt upon princes, 41 and he lifts up the poor from affliction, 42 the upright see and 43 Who (is) wise, let him keep these things,

under pressure of evil and sorrow. and he makes them wander in a chaos with no way, and sets the families like a flock; and all iniquity shuts its mouth. let them understand the faithfulness of Yhwh.


Text II. DELIVER ME FROM THE MOUTH OF DECEIT The Second Sequence: Ps 108–110

1. PSALM 108 108 1 A song,

a psalm

+ 2 My heart =

is ready,

: 3 awake, : that I may awake

of David. ,

O God, O my glory; ,

the dawn.


+4 +

to you

: 5 because is great : and to the clouds


O Yhwh,

above the heavens your truth.

your faithfulness,


+ 6 Rise up = and above all

above the heavens, the earth,

O God, your glory!

: 7 So that : save

may be liberated with your right hand

your beloved ones, and answer me.

+ 8 God : “I will exult, : and the Valley

has spoken I will divide of Sukkot

in his sanctuary: Shechem, I will survey.

- 9 Mine is Gilead, - Ephraim, - Judah,

mine Manasseh; the protection my sceptre.

of my head,

.. 10 Moab, .. on Edom, .. over Philistia,

a basin I throw I shout victory.”

for me to wash in, my sandal,

– 11 Who will bring me – who will lead me

to a city to Edom?

of fortification,

:: 12 Is it not you, :: and you do not go out,

O God, O God,

you who have rejected us, with our armies?


- 13 Grant us - and nothingness is

the salvation

in oppression, of the adam;

+ 14 with God + and as for him,

we will do he will trample down

powerful deeds, our oppressors.


Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 109 109 1 For the music director, of David, a psalm.

O God of

, do not be silent, because the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of deceit are opened against me; they speak to me with a lying tongue, 3 and with words of hatred they surround me, and they attack me without reason. 4 In return for my friendship they accuse me, and as for me, I am in prayer; 5 and they set against me evil in return for good and hatred in return for my friendship. 2


“Position a wicked against him, and let an accuser stand at his right hand; when he is judged let him be found wicked, and let his prayer be counted as SIN. 8 Let his days be few, let another take his position; 9 let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow; 10 and let his children wander continually, and let them beg and seek far of their ruins. 7


Let the creditor seize all that belongs to him, let strangers plunder his earnings; let there be no one for him who keeps faithfulness, and let there be no one who has mercy on his orphans. 13 Let his posterity be destroyed, and let their name be blotted out in the posterior generation; 14 let THE WRONG of his fathers be remembered by Yhwh, and let not THE SIN of his mother be blotted out; 15 let them be before Yhwh forever, and let him destroy their memory from the earth.” 12


For the reason that he does not remember to do faithfulness, he pursues the afflicted and the poor, and the broken of heart to put him to death. 17 And he loves cursing, and it comes to him, and he does not desire blessing, and it is far from him; 18 and he cloths himself with cursing as his coat: and it comes into his inward parts like water, and like oil into his bones; 19 let it be to him as a garment that wraps him, and for a girdle that it girds him continually. 20 This is the salary of my accusers from Yhwh, and of those who speak evil against my soul. 21

And as for you, O Yhwh Adonai, deal with me for the sake of your name, because your faithfulness is good, deliver me. 22

Because I am afflicted and poor, and my heart is wounded within me; like the fading shadow I am passing away, I am shaken off like a locust; 24 my knees are weakened for fasting, and my flesh is lean for lack of oil. 25 And as for me, I have become an insult to them, when they see me, they shake their head. 23


Help me, O Yhwh my God, save me according to your faithfulness; and let them know that this is your hand, that you, O Yhwh, have done it. 28 As for them, they curse, and as for you, you bless, they attack and are ashamed, and your servant rejoices; 29 let my accusers be clothed with infamy, and wrapped as in a mantle of their shame. 30 to Yhwh greatly with my mouth, and in the midst of many 31 because he stands at the right hand of the poor to save his soul from his judges. 27




3. PSALM 110 110 1 Of David, * An oracle + “SIT :: until I make :: a footstool

a psalm. of Yhwh

to my Lord:

at my right hand, your enemies for your feet.”


- 2 THE ROD - he extends it, .. rule

Yhwh, in the midst

- 3 Your people - in the splendours .. for you

are generosity of holiness, they are the dew

on the day from the bosom


and does not repent:

* 4 He has sworn it, :: “You are :: after the pattern + 5 the Lord is

of your strength, from Zion; of your enemies. of your power, of the dawn: of your youth.

a priest forever of Melchizedek; at your right hand!”


– He shatters

on the day . 6 HE JUDGES . heaping

of his anger THE NATIONS, up corpses.


– He shatters

heads . 7 from a stream . therefore

over a land, on the way he lifts up

a broad one; he drinks, his head.

Book Five (Ps 107–150) III. THANKSGIVING OF THOSE WHO FEAR THE LORD The Third Sequence: Ps 111–112 1. PSALM 111 111 1


’ b


g d

:: 2 Great are the deeds of Yhwh, = searched for by all who delight in them.

to Yhwh with all heart, = in the circle of the upright and the assembly.

:: 3 His work is majesty and splendour, :: and his righteousness remains forever.

h w z ḥ

+ 4 He has done a memorial of his wonders, – Yhwh is tender and merciful.

ṭ y

– 5 He has given food to those who fear him, + he remembers his covenant forever. ·············································································

k l


He has shown to his people the power of his deeds, in giving them the inheritance of THE NATIONS.


m n s ‘ p ṣ q r ś t

+ 7 The deeds of his hands are truth and judgment, – all his precepts are faithful, – 8 they are established forever and ever, + they are done in truth and uprightness. :: 9 He sent redemption to his people, :: he has commanded his covenant forever, :: holy and fearsome is his Name.

= 10 The principle of wisdom is the fear of Yhwh, = a good understanding to all who do them, = remains forever.




2. PSALM 112 112 1


’ + Happy is the man who fears Yhwh, b + he greatly delights in his commandments. g d

– 2 His offspring will be mighty on earth, – the generation of the upright will be blessed. ···········································································

h w z


Wealth and riches in his house, and his righteousness remains forever; 4 light shines in the darkness for the upright. ···········································································

ḥ = Tender, and merciful, and righteous, ṭ = 5 good is the man who has mercy and shares; y :: he conducts his affairs with judgment. k 6 Yes, forever l in a remembrance forever

he will not be shaken, will be the righteous.

m n

– 7 An evil reputation, he does not fear, + his heart is firm, trusting in Yhwh;

s ‘

+ 8 his heart is assured, he does not fear, – till he may see the end of his oppressors. ···········································································

p ṣ q


He distributes, he gives to the poor, his righteousness remains forever; his horn rises in glory. ···········································································

r = 10 The wicked sees and is irritated, ś = he gnashes his teeth and he melts away; t :: the hope of the wicked is lost.

Book Five (Ps 107–150)




the Lord,

you servants



the Lord,



of the Lord

Ps 113–114


Ps 115–116

you nations

Ps 117–118


Text I. PRAISE THE LORD, YOU SERVANTS OF THE LORD The First Sequence: Ps 113–114

1. PSALM 113 113 1 + +

! , you servants of Yhwh, . ······································································

– 2 Let the name of Yhwh . from now and forever; . 3 FROM THE RISING OF THE SUN TO ITS SETTING the name of Yhwh.


+4 above ALL THE NATIONS is + above the heavens his glory. 5

Who is like


Yhwh our God?

+ He lifts himself up to sit, + 6 he lowers himself to see + in the heavens and ON THE EARTH. ·····································································

– 7 He raises up the deprived from the dust, – from the dunghill he exalts the poor, : 8 to make him sit with princes, : with the princes of his people; – 9 he makes sit the barren woman of the house, : a happy mother of children. !

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 114 + 114 1 When came out Israel + the house of Jacob – 2 became –

from Egypt, from a people,

a barbarian one,

Judah Israel

the sanctuary of His, the domain of His.

= 3 The = the

sea Jordan

saw ran

and fled, backwards,


mountains hills

leaped like the small

like rams, of the sheep.

the : the


=5 =

What happened to you, O sea, O Jordan, to run

that you flee, backwards,


O mountains, O hills,

to leap like the small

like rams, of the sheep?

, of Jacob,

O earth,

the God the rock the flint

into a pool into a spring

of water, of water.


+7 + before – 8 who turns –


Text II. TO YOUR NAME GIVE GLORY! The Second Sequence: Ps 115–116

1. PSALM 115 115 1 Not to us, O Yhwh,

not to us, but to your name give glory, for your faithfulness, for your loyalty . 2

Why should THE NATIONS say: “Where (is) their God?” Our God is in the heavens, all that he desires, he makes.



Their idols are silver and gold,

made by the hands of man.


They have a mouth and do not speak, they have eyes and do not see, 6 they have ears and do not hear; they have a nose and do not smell; 7 they have hands and do not touch, they have feet and do not walk; they do not murmur in their throat. 8

Like them will be those who make them,

all those who trust in them.


O Israel, trust in Yhwh: He is their help and their shield. O house of Aaron, trust in Yhwh: He is their help and their shield. 11 O fearful of Yhwh, trust in Yhwh: He is their help and their shield. 10


Yhwh remembers us, he will bless; he will bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron, 13 he will bless the fearful of Yhwh, the small with the great. 14 15

May Yhwh increase you, be you by Yhwh

you and your children ; who made the heavens and the earth.


The heavens are the heavens of Yhwh, but the earth he has given to the children of Adam. 17 18

It is not the dead but as for us,


Yah, nor all those who go down into silence, from now and forever. !

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 116 116 1 I love because Yhwh hears 2 because he inclined his ear to me 3

The cords of death encompassed me, I found anguish and sorrow,

“Please, O Yhwh,

the voice of my supplications, and during my days I will call. and the anguishes of Sheol found me; 4

and I called on the name of Yhwh: rescue my soul!”

················································································································· 5 6

Yhwh is tender and righteous, Yhwh preserves the simple:

and our God has mercy; I was deprived and he saved me.

················································································································· 7

Return, O my soul, to your rest, 8 Because you have liberated my soul from death, 9

I will walk in the face of Yhwh 10 11


I believe when I declare: As for me, I said in my trouble:

What shall I return to Yhwh

13 14

to Yhwh,

because Yhwh has done good to you. my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling: in the lands of the living. “As for me, I am greatly afflicted!” “Every man is a deceiver!” for all the good he has done to me? and on the name of Yhwh. yes, before all his people!

················································································································· 15

Precious in the eyes of Yhwh

is the death of his faithful.


Please, O Yhwh, because I am your servant, I am your servant, the son of your handmaid, you have loosened my chains. ················································································································· 17

For you

the sacrifice to Yhwh, 19 in the courts of the house of Yhwh, 18

and on the name of Yhwh. yes, before all his people, in the midst of you, O Jerusalem!


III. PRAISE THE LORD, ALL YOU NATIONS The Third Sequence: Ps 117–118 1. PSALM 117 + 117 1 +

:: 2 because strong is :: and the loyalty =



toward us of Yahweh

his faithfulness, endures forever.





2. PSALM 118 118 1 2 3 4

to Yhwh, yes, he is good; Israel : the House of Aaron the fearful of Yhwh

yes, his faithfulness endures forever! yes, his faithfulness endures forever! yes, his faithfulness endures forever! yes, his faithfulness endures forever!

: :

······················································································································ 5

In my anguish I called to Yah; 6 7

Yah answered me in a broad place. what can the adam do to me? and as for me, I will see my enemies.

Yhwh is for me, I fear not; Yhwh is for me, among my helpers;

············································································································· 8 9

than to trust in adam! than to trust in princes!

It is better to take refuge in Yhwh It is better to take refuge in Yhwh

10 ALL

THE NATIONS encircled me; surrounded me and encircled me; 12 They surrounded me like bees. 11 They

in the name of Yhwh, yes, I will circumcise them! in the name of Yhwh, yes, I will circumcise them!


they blazed like a fire of thorns; 13

in the name of Yhwh, yes, I will circumcise them!

You pushed me, you pushed to make me fall, but Yhwh helped me. 14 Yah is my strength and my song , and he has become for me salvation. 15

Shout of joy and of salvation in the tents of the righteous: 18

19 20

17 I shall not die, but I shall live He punished me, punished me Yah,

Open to me the gates of righteousness; This is the gate of Yhwh; 21 “ for you have answered me, 22

“ The right hand of Yhwh did valiantly! The right hand of Yhwh exalts! The right hand of Yhwh did valiantly!”


The stone that the builders rejected 23 This has been from Yhwh;

and the deeds of Yah. but he did not give me over to death. I will come there and to Yah. the righteous will come there. and you have become for me salvation.” has become the head of the corner. it is wonderful in our eyes.

············································································································· 24

This is the day that Yhwh has made;


“Please, O Yhwh, save us!



Please, O Yhwh, make us victorious!”

············································································································· 26

Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yhwh; we bless you from the house of Yhwh. 27 God is Yhwh and he gives us light.

Bind the victim with ropes 28 You are my God and , [ for you have answered me, 29

to Yhwh, yes, he is good;

to the horns of the altar. my God, . and you have become for me salvation.”] yes, his faithfulness endures forever!

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


MEDITATION ON THE LAW Third Section: Ps 119

A. With those who walk in your ways,

B. I delight in your Law,

teach me your decrees

because you love me





A’. Far from those who stray from your ways, teach me your decrees 119:97–136

B’. Your Law is my delight, because I love you




Aleph 119 1 Happy the perfect of the way, 2 Happy those observing his orders, 3 They also have not committed iniquity, 4 As for you, you have commanded your precepts 5 If only my ways were established 6 Then I will not blush in considering 7 in uprightness of heart 8 I will keep your decrees,

who walk in the law of Yhwh! with all heart they search for him. they walk in his ways! to be kept completely. to keep your decrees. all your commandments. in learning the judgments of your righteousness. do not forsake me completely.

Bet 9 With what shall a youth cleanse his path 10 With all my heart I search for you, 11 In my heart I shelter your saying,

to keep it according to you word? do not let me stray from your commandments. With all my heart I search for you SIN against you.


Blessed are you, O Yhwh,

With my lips I expose 14 I rejoice in the way of your orders 15 I meditate on your precepts, 16 I delight in your decrees, 13

teach me your decrees! all the judgments of your mouth. as over all goods. and I consider your paths. I will not forget your word.

Gimel 17 18

Do good to your servant, and I shall live, Open my eyes and I shall consider

I am a stranger on earth, My soul has been crushed with love 21 You rebuke the arrogant, accursed ones, 22 Open up on me disgrace and contempt, 23 Even though princes sit, and they speak against me, 24 Let your orders (be) my delight, 19 20

Dalet 25 My soul has cleaved to the dust, 26 I have exposed my ways, and you have answered me,

and I shall keep your word. the wonders of your law. do not hide your commandments from me. for your judgments at all times. who stray from your commandments. because I have observed your orders. your servant meditates on you decrees. your precepts my counsellors.

give me life according to your word. teach me your decrees.

Give me understanding of the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wonders. My soul has wept because of affliction, raise me up according to your word. 29 Turn aside from me the way of falsehood, and graciously give me your law. 27 28

I have chosen the way of truth, I have cleaved to your orders, O Yhwh, 32 I will run in the way of your commandments, 30 31

I have aligned myself with your judgments. do not make me blush. because you enlarge my heart.


Instruct me, O Yhwh, the way of your decrees, Give me understanding and I will observe your law, 35 Lead me on the trail of your commandments , 36 Incline my heart to your orders, 37 Turn away my eyes from seeing vanity, 38 Raise up your saying to your servant, 39 Turn away my disgrace, which I dread, 33 34


Behold, I desire your precepts,

and I will observe them to the end. and I will keep it with all heart. because I am pleased in them. and not to gain. give me life in your ways. which is for your fearful. because your judgments are good.

give me life in your righteousness.

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


II. I DELIGHT IN YOUR LAW, BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME The Second Subsequence (WAW––YOD, 119:41–80) Waw 119 41 And let your faithfulness come to me, O Yhwh, 42 And I will answer him who insults me a word, 43

And do not take away from my mouth

And I will keep your law constantly, And I will walk at large, 46 And of your orders before KINGS, 47 And I will delight in your commandments, 48 And to your commandments, 44 45

your salvation according to your saying! because I trust in your word.

the word of loyalty completely, because I hope in your judgments. forever and ever. because I search for your precepts. and I will not blush. which I love. which I love and I will meditate on your decrees.

Zayin 49

Remember the word to your servant,

This is my comfort in my affliction, 51 The arrogant mock me completely, 52 I remember your judgments from of old, O Yhwh, 53 Indignation sizes me because of the wicked, 54 Your decrees are hymns to me, 55 I remember in the night you name, O Yhwh, 56 This is to me, 50

Ḥet 57 Yhwh is my portion, I have said, 58 appease your face with all heart, 59 I reflect on my ways, 60 I hasten and do not delay 61 The cords of the wicked envelop me, 62 In the middle of the night I will rise 63 I am a companion of all who fear you, 64 The earth, O Yhwh, is full of your faithfulness, Tet 65 You have done good to your servant, 66


to keep your words.

be gracious to me according to your saying ! and I will turn my feet to your orders. to keep your commandments. I do not forget your law. for the judgments of your righteousness. and of those keeping your precepts. teach me your decrees.

O Yhwh, according to your word.

Teach me the goodness of judgment and knowledge, because I have believed in your commandments.

Before I was humiliated, as for me, I went astray, You are good and doing good, 69 The arrogant project falsehood against me, 70 Their heart is thick as fat, 71 It is good for me to be humiliated, 72 Better to me the law of your mouth 67

in which you have given me hope. because your saying gives me life. I do not turn away from your law. and I take comfort. who forsake your law. in the house of my residence. and I will keep your law. because I observe your precepts.

but now I keep your saying. teach me your decrees. as for me, I observe your precepts with all heart. as for me, I delight in your law. so that I might learn your decrees. than thousands of gold and silver.

Yod 73 Your hands have made me and have established me, give me understanding and I shall learn your commandments. 74 Your fearful will see me and will rejoice, because I hope in your word. 75 I have known, O Yhwh, that your judgments are righteous and you humiliated me with your truth. 76 Let your faithfulness be my comfort according to your saying to your servant! 77 Let your mercies come to me and I shall live, because your law is my delight. 78 Let the arrogant blush, because they mistreat me with falsehood! As for me, I meditate on your precepts.. 79 Let your fearful turn back to me , and those knowing your orders! 80 Let my heart be perfect in your decrees, so that I may not blush.


Text III. YOUR LOVE SAVES ME FROM DEATH The Third Subsequence (KAPH—LAMED, 119:81–96)

+ 119 81 Is finished off – in your word

for your salvation I hope.

my soul,

+ 82 Are finished off – while saying:

my eyes “When

for your saying, will you comfort me?”

– 83 Though I am :: your decrees

like a wineskin I do not forget.

in the smoke,

are the days

of your servant? on my persecutors

.. 84 How many .. When 85

will you make

- they dig for me, - which are

the arrogant, pits, not according to your law.

.. 86 All - with falsehood

your commandments they persecute me:

are truthfulness, help me.

– 87 Almost :: but as for me,

they finished me off I do not forsake

in the earth, your precepts.

+ 88 In your faithfulness – and I will keep

the order

of your mouth.

+ 89 Forever, + your word

O Yhwh, is firmly fixed

in the heavens.

+ From age + you have established

to age, the earth,

your truthfulness, and it stands.

+ 91 By your judgments + because all are

they stand your servants.

this day,

:: 92 Unless – then

your law I would have perished

had been my delight, in my humiliation.

:: 93 Forever + because by them

I will not forget you give me life.

your precepts,



give me life

+ 94 Yours I am, :: because your precepts I search for.

save me,

– 95 Are waiting for me :: to your orders

the wicked I am attentive.

that I would perish,

+ 96 To all + immense is

finishing off your commandment

I have seen exceedingly!

an end:

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


IV. FAR FROM THOSE WHO STRAY FROM YOUR WAYS, TEACH ME YOUR DECREES The Fourth Subsequence (MEM—PE, 119:97–136) Mem 119 97 How I love your law! 98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, 99 I have more insight than all my masters, 100 I understand more than the elders, 101 I restrain my feet from every evil path, 102 I do not turn aside from your judgments, 103 How sweet is your saying to my palate, 104 Through your precepts I understand, Nun 105 Your word is a lamp for my feet 106 swear and I confirm 107 I have been humiliated completely, O Yhwh, 108

Accept, O Yhwh, the offerings of my mouth,

My breath is constantly in my palms, The wicked put a trap for me, 111 Your orders are my inheritance forever, 112 I incline my heart to do your decrees, 109 110

Samek 113 I hate the crooked, 114 You are my shelter and my shield, 115 Turn aside from me, you evildoers, 116 117

It is my meditation all the day. because they are with me forever. because your orders are my meditation. because I observe your precepts. so that I might keep your word. because it is you who have instructed me. more than honey to my mouth! therefore hate every path of falsehood.

and a light for my trail. to keep the judgments of your righteousness. give me life according to your word. and teach me your judgments. but I did not forget your law. but I did not wander from your precepts. because they are the joy of my heart. forever, to the end.

and I love your law. I hope in your word. and I will observe the commandments of my God.

Sustain me by your saying, and I shall live, and do not let me blush of my expectation. Help me, and I shall be saved, and I will constantly contemplate your decrees.

You despise all who stray from your decrees, You hold all the wicked of the earth as dross, 120 My flesh trembles for dread of you,



because their thinking is falsehood. therefore I love your orders. and I fear your judgments.

Ayin 121 I have done judgment and righteousness, 122 Ensure your servant for good, 123 My eyes are consumed for your salvation,

do not leave me to my oppressors. do not let the arrogant oppress me. and for the saying of your righteousness. 124 Do with your servant according to your faithfulness, and teach me your decrees. 125 I am your servant, give me understanding and I will know your orders. 126 It is time of doing for Yhwh: They violate your law. 127 Therefore I love your commandments, more than gold and pure gold. 128 Therefore I direct myself by all your precepts, I hate every path of falsehood.

Pe Your orders are wonders! The opening of your words enlightens, 131 I open wide my mouth and I pant,

Therefore my throat observes them. give understanding to the simple. because I am eager of your commandments.


Turn to me and be gracious to me, Establish my steps by your saying, 134 Redeem me from the oppression of man, 135 Let your face enlighten your servant ,

by the judgment to those who love your name.


and do not let any iniquity rule over me. and I will keep your precepts. and teach me your decrees. for they do not keep your law.

129 130


Streams of water run down from my eyes,


Text V. YOUR LAW IS MY DELIGHT, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU The Fifth Subsequence (TSADE–TAV, 119:137–176)

Tsade 119 137 You are righteous, O Yhwh, 138 You have commanded the righteousness of your orders, 139 My zeal annihilates me, 140 Your saying is purified completely, 141 I am puny and despised, 142 Your righteousness is righteousness forever, 143 Distress and anguish have come upon me, 144 Your orders are righteousness forever,

and you are upright in your judgments. and sincerity completely. because my adversaries forget your words. and your servant loves it. I do not forget your precepts. and your law is loyalty. your commandments are my delight. give me understanding and I shall live.

Qoph 145 146 147 148 149

I call with all heart, answer me, I call to you, save me, I anticipate dawn and I cry out, My eyes anticipate the watches of the night,

O Yhwh, I will observe your decrees. and I will keep your orders. I hope in your word. to meditate on your saying.

Hear my voice according to your faithfulness,

O Yhwh, give me life by your judgments.

My infamous persecutors draw near, 151 You are near, O Yhwh, 152 I have known your orders of old 150

they are far from your law. and all your commandments are loyalty. that you have founded them forever.

Resh 153 154

See my humiliation and liberate me, Defend my cause and redeem me,

Salvation is far from the wicked, Your mercies are many, O Yhwh, 157 Many are my persecutors and my adversaries, 158 I have seen traitors and feel disgusted, 159 See how I love your precepts, 160 The principle of your word is loyalty, 155 156

Shin 161 Rulers persecute me without reason, 162 I rejoice at your saying, 163 I hate and I abhor falsehood, 164 Seven times a day , 165 Abundant peace for those who love your law, 166 I hope for your salvation, O Yhwh, 167 My soul keeps your orders, 168 I keep your precepts and your orders,

because I do not forget your law. give me life by your saying. because they do not search for your decrees. give me life according to your judgments. I do not deviate from your orders. that they do not keep your saying. O Yhwh, give me life by your faithfulness. and every judgment of your righteousness is forever.

but my heart trembles at your words. like one who finds abundant spoil. I love your law. for the judgments of your righteousness. and there is no stumbling for them. and I do your commandments. and I love them completely. because all my ways are before you.


Let my cry draw near before you, O Yhwh, Let my supplication come before you, 171 Let my lips utter your praise, 172 Let my tongue sing of your saying, 173 Let your hand be to help me, 169 170

give me understanding by your word. deliver me according to your saying. because you teach me your decrees. because all your commandments are righteousness. because I have chosen your precepts. and your law is my delight.


I desire your salvation, O Yhwh,


Let my soul live, and let it praise you,

and let your judgment help me!


wander like a lost ewe:

because I do not forget your commandments.

seek your servant,

Book Five (Ps 107–150)












Ps 123 Ps 124–126

Ps 127


Ps 128–130



Ps 120–122


Ps 131 Ps 132–134


Text I. ON THE WAY TOWARD JERUSALEM The First Sequence: Ps 120–126


of ascents.

+ To Yhwh + I called,

in the anguish and he answered me.

to me

:: 2 Yhwh, :: from the lips :: from the tongue


my soul

of falsehood, of deceit!


– 3 What = and what .. you tongue

shall he give shall he add of deceit?

to you, to you,

– 4 The arrows = with

of a hero the embers

sharpened, of juniper.


+ 5 Woe to me + that I dwell

that I sojourn with the tents

in Meshech, of Kedar!

:: 6 Too long :: with those who hate

has dwelt peace;

my soul

:: 7 I am :: and when :: they are

peace I speak, for war.

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 121 121 1 A song

for ascents.

+ I lift up : From where

my eyes will come

toward the mountains. my help?

: 2 My help + who made

from heaven

Yhwh and earth.

to stumble + 3 May he not let – may he not slumber, your keeper!

your foot,


– 4 Behold, – the keeper 5

+ Yhwh is + at the hand of

he neither slumbers of Israel.

nor sleeps,

Yhwh is

your keeper!

your shade your right.


+ 6 By day – nor the moon

the sun by night.

shall not strike you,

+ 7 Yhwh

will keep you : he will keep

from all your life.


+ 8 Yhwh

will keep : from now on

your going and forever.

and your coming



3. PSALM 122 122 1 A song + . “To the house of Yhwh + 2 Standing . in your gates,

of ascents,

of David.

among them saying to me: we are arriving!”. are O Jerusalem.

our feet


:: 3 Jerusalem :: that is compact

built together,

as a city

.. 4 that there .. the tribes

go up of Yah.

the tribes,

- It is the precept --

for Israel to the name

of Yhwh,

- 5 because there -- THE THRONES

ARE SET of the house

THE THRONES of judgment of David.

:: 6 Ask for the peace .. may have tranquillity those who love you;

of Jerusalem,

:: 7 Let it be .. tranquillity

within your walls,

peace in your palaces.


+ 8 For the sake of . I want to say,

my brothers “Peace

and my companions, upon you!”

+ 9 For the sake . I will implore

of the house of Yhwh good

our God, for you.

Book Five (Ps 107–150) B. LIKE SERVANTS TOWARDS THEIR MASTER The Second Subsequence: PS 123

PSALM 123 123 1 A song

of ascents.

+ Toward you + WHO SIT

I lift up in the heavens;

my eyes,

.. 2 They are here - toward the hand

as the eyes of their master,

of servants


as the eyes of her mistress.

of a maid

- toward the hand


+ Yes, our eyes = until

toward Yhwh he has mercy on us.

our God


= 3 Have mercy on us, – because greatly

O Yhwh,

have mercy on us,

we are filled

with contempt;

– 4 greatly – the scorn – the contempt

is filled with, of the satisfied, of the proud.

our soul,




1. PSALM 124 124 1 A song

of ascents,

+ Without - who was . — let say it now

Yhwh for us Israel! —

+ 2 Without - who was . when rose up

Yhwh for us against us

of David.

a man,


= 3 then : when was burning

alive their anger

they would have swallowed us on us,

= 4 Then :: a river

the waters would have passed

would have overflowed us, over our soul,

= 5 then :: the waters,

would have passed the arrogant ones.

over our soul

+6 + who has not + as a prey

Yhwh given us to their teeth!

= 7 Our soul : from the net

like a bird of fowlers;

: The net = and as for us,

broke, we escaped.

has escaped


+ 8 Our help + who made

in the name heaven

of Yhwh, and earth.

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 125 125 1 A song

of ascents.

+ Those who trust + it cannot be shaken,

in Yhwh are forever

like Mount it endures.

:: 2 Jerusalem, :: and Yhwh :: from now on

the mountains surrounds and forever.

surround it, his people,



– 3 No, shall not rest + upon the lot

the sceptre of the righteous,

of wickedness

+ so that – to perversity

might not set their hands.

the righteous


+ 4 Do good, + and to the upright

O Yhwh, in their hearts;

– 5 and those who deviate – may he lead them,


= Peace

on Israel!

to the good,

in their crookedness, with the doers

of iniquity!



3. PSALM 126 126 1 A song + When brought back + we were

of ascents. Yhwh like dreaming.

the fortunes

of Zion,


=2 =

Then was filled :: Then :: “Great things

= =


, .

Great things

+ 4 Bring back, + like torrents


has done

for them!”

Yhwh !

has done

for us,

O Yhwh, in the Negeb.

our captivity,


= 5 Those sowing =

in tears, shall reap:

- 6 He goes away, :: carrying

he goes away the bag

- he comes, :: carrying

he comes his sheaves.

weeping, of seed; ,

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


II. SOLOMON, THE BELOVED OF THE LORD The Second Sequence: Ps 127 PSALM 127 127 1 A song

of ascents,

of Solomon.

+ If Yhwh . in vain

does not build labour

the house, its builders

+ if Yhwh . in vain

does not keep watches

the city, the keeper.

in it;


– 2 In vain

for you,

:: anticipating :: delaying :: eating

rising up, lying down, a bread

of sufferings.

he gives

to his Beloved

in sleep.

+ 3 Behold, + a reward,

the inheritance the fruit

of Yhwh are of the womb:


.. 4 Like arrows .. so are

in the hand the sons

of a hero, of youth.



– 5 Happy :: who

the man has filled

= they shall not blush, = when they shall deal with the enemies

his quiver at the gate.

with them:


Text III. IN PEACE TOWARD JERUSALEM The Third Sequence: Ps 128–134


1. PSALM 128 128 1 A song

of ascents.

+ Happy + and walks

everyone who fears in his ways!



. 2 From the labour . happy you .. 3 your wife .. on the flanks :: your sons :: around + 4 Behold, + the man

of your hands, and good

yes, you shall eat, to you;

like a vine, of your house,

a fruitful one,

like shoots your table.

of olive trees

that surely who fears




, .. .. all the days :: 6 ::


from Zion,

the good of your life,

of Jerusalem

the sons on Israel!

of your sons!

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 129 129 1 A song – Greatly . let say it now – 2 Greatly + also they have not

of ascents. have they oppressed me

from my youth,

Israel! have they oppressed me

from my youth,

prevailed against me.


– 3 On my back – they made long + 4 Yhwh is + he has shattered – 5 Let them blush – all who hate

ploughed their furrows;

righteous, the yoke strap and be turned Zion!


of the wicked. backward,


.. 6 Let them be .. which, before

like grass one pulls it up,

of the roofs it dried up,

- 7 with which does not - or the binder

fill his lap,

his hand

.. 8 and do not .. “The blessing

say of Yhwh

the passers-by: upon you!”

+ + in the name

you of Yhwh.

the reaper,



3. PSALM 130 130 1 A song

of ascents.

+ From the depths . 2 Lord,

I call you, hear

O Yhwh: my voice;

:: let be . to the voice

your ears of my prayer!



– 3 If FAULTS - Lord,

you watch, who could stand?

= 4 Because with you .. so that

forgiveness, you may be feared. 5

I wait for it waits, and in his word + 6 My soul . more than watchmen

for the Lord for the dawn;

:: like watchmen . 7 hope,

for the dawn, O Israel,

O Yah,

Yhwh, my soul I hope.

in Yhwh!


= Because with Yhwh .. and abundance 8

– and it is he - FROM ALL

is grace, with him who will redeem HIS FAULTS.

of redemption; Israel

Book Five (Ps 107–150) B. LIKE A CHILD RESTS AGAINST ITS MOTHER The Second Subsequence: Ps 131 PSALM 131 131 1 A song

of ascents,

of David.

– Yhwh, – and

is not exalted are not raised up

my heart, my eyes

– and I do not walk – and in wonders

in great things, beyond me.


+ 2 But not that, + and hold silent

I hold equal my soul;

+ like a child + like the child

rests against against me is

its mother, my soul.

= 3 Hope, =

O Israel, from now on

in Yhwh and forever.




1. PSALM 132 132 1 A song of ascents.

Remember, O Yhwh, for David, all his humility,


who has sworn to Yhwh, he has

vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob: 3

“I will not come into the tent of my house, I will not go up on the couch of my bed, I will not give sleep to my eyes, to my eyelids—respite, 5 until I find a place for Yhwh, dwelling places for the Mighty One of Jacob!” 4


Behold, we have heard it in Ephrata, Let us come into his dwelling places, feet: 7

we have found it in the Fields of Yaar! let us bow down to the footstool of his


“Rise up, O Yhwh, to your rest, you and the ark of your strength. 9 Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your faithful jubilate. 10 For the sake of David your servant do not turn back the face OF YOUR MESSIAH.” 11

Yhwh has sworn to David,

the truth, he will not turn back from it:

“From the fruit of your womb I will set on THE THRONE made for you. sons will keep my covenant and my precept which I have taught them, sons forever WILL SIT ON THE THRONE made for you.” 13

Yes Yhwh has chosen Zion,

12 If your also their

he has desired her AS A SEAT for himself:


“This is my rest forever, here I WILL SIT, because I have desired her. 15 With food, with blessing, I will bless, her poor I will satisfy with bread, 16 and her priests I will clothe with salvation and her faithful will jubilate with jubilation. 17

There I will cause a horn to sprout for David, MESSIAH; 18 his enemies I will clothe with shame flourish.”

I will prepare a lamp FOR MY and upon him HIS DIADEM will

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 133 133 1 A song

of ascents,

of David.

: Behold, : to dwell

how it is good as brothers

and how it is sweet all together!

a fine one, on the beard, of Aaron,

on the head,

on the collar

of his tunics.

+ 2 Like the oil, - coming down - the beard . that comes down


+ 3 Like the dew . that comes down : Yes, there : life

of Hermon, on the mountains has commanded forever.

of Zion. Yhwh


3. PSALM 134 134 1 A song

of ascents.

+ Behold, .. all you servants .. who are standing – +

Yhwh, of Yhwh in the house of Yhwh


by night. to the sanctuary

Yhwh. ··················································································································

:: 3 :: the maker


Yhwh of heaven

from Zion, and earth!










Ps 137








Ps 135–136

Ps 138–139

Ps 140

Ps 141–142 Ps 143


Ps 114–145

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


I. THANKSGIVING AFTER THE EXILE The First Sequence: Ps 135–139 A. GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD FOR HE SAVED US The First Subsequence: Ps 135–136 1. PSALM 135 135 1


the name of Yhwh, who stand in the house of Yhwh, 3 , yes he is good, Yhwh, 2

4 5

Yes, Yhwh has chosen Jacob for himself, Yes, as for me, I know that Yhwh is great, 6

, you servants of Yhwh, in the courts of the house of our God. to his name, yes he is sweet. Israel for his treasured possession. and our Master is above all gods.

All that Yhwh pleases,

he makes in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all depths, 7 causing the clouds go up from the ends of the earth, he makes lightning for the rain, making the wind come out from his storehouses. 8

He struck down the first-born of Egypt from man to beast; he sent signs and miracles into your midst, O Egypt, on Pharaoh and on all his servants. 10 He struck down many NATIONS and killed valiant KINGS, 11 Sihon, KING of the Amorites, and Og, KING of Bashan, and all the KINGDOMS of Canaan. 9


And he gave their land as an inheritance, Yhwh, your name forever! 14 Yes, Yhwh judges his people 13

as an inheritance to Israel his people. Yhwh, your memory from age to age! and he is moved for his servants.


The idols of the NATIONS, gold and silver, made by the hands of man. 16 They have a mouth and do not speak, they have eyes and do not see, 17 they have ears and do not hear, there is not even wind in their mouth. 18 Like them are those who make them, all those who trust in them. 19


O house of Israel,


you who fear Yhwh, be Yhwh from Zion, !

O house of Aaron, Yhwh, 20 O house of Levi, Yhwh, Yhwh. he who dwells in Jerusalem!



2. PSALM 136 136 1

to Yhwh, yes he is good, to the God of gods, to the Lord of lords,

2 3 4

To him who made great wonders by himself alone, To him who made the heavens with wisdom, 6 To him who established the earth upon the waters, 5

yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness!

······························································································· 7

To him who made the great lights, The sun to rule by day, 9 The moon and stars to rule by night, 8

To him who struck down Egypt in their firstborn, And brought Israel out from the midst of them, 12 With a strong hand and an outstretched arm, 10 11

yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness!


To him who divided the Sea of Reeds into parts, And made Israel pass through the midst of it, 15 And overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Sea of Reeds, 13 14


17 18

To him who led his people through the desert,

To him who struck down great KINGS, And killed illustrious KINGS,

yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness!

························································································ 19 20

Sihon, KING of the Amorites, And Og, KING of Bashan,

yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness!

························································································ 21 22

23 24

And he gave their land as an inheritance, An inheritance to Israel his servant,

He who in our lowliness has remembered us, And snatched us away from our oppressors,

yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness!

······························································································· 25 26

He gives bread to all flesh, to the God of the heavens,

yes forever his faithfulness! yes forever his faithfulness!

Book Five (Ps 107–150) B. HOW TO SING IN EXILE? The Second Subsequence: Ps 137 PSALM 137 + 137 1 By the rivers + there we sat down + we remembered :: 2 on the poplars :: we had hung

of Babylon and wept, Zion; in the midst of it our harps.


+ 3 Because there + our captors, + and our jailers :: “Sing :: a song 4

How a song on a land,

they asked us,

for words of song, for joy: for us of Zion.” could we sing of Yhwh a foreign one?

– 5 If I forget you, .. let it forget itself,

O Jerusalem, my right hand!

.. 6 Let it stick, – if I do not

my tongue remember you,

to my palate

– if I do not – to the summit

bring up of my joy!



: 7 Remember, : the Day

O Yhwh,

- when they said, - Strip it

“Strip it! to the foundations

against the sons of Edom,

of Jerusalem, in it!”


= 8 Daughter of Babylon,

the devastated one,

- happy : the works

the one who will pay

to you

that you made

to us!

the one who will seize

and dash

- 9 Happy : your infants

against the rock!




The Third Subsequence: Ps 138–139 1. PSALM 138 138 1 Of David. + + in front

with all of the gods

my heart,

+2 +

toward the temple to your name,

of your holiness

+ for your faithfulness + because you have made great

and your loyalty, above all your name your word.



:: 3 On the day :: you awakened,

I called, in my soul,

you answered me, strength.

, .. because they have heard

O Yhwh, the words

all the KINGS

.. because great is

the ways the glory

of Yhwh, of Yhwh,

.. 6 because exalted is = and the lowly, = and the proud

Yhwh, he sees, from far away

he knows.

+ 7 If I walk + you will give me life

in the midst to the fury

of anguish, of my enemies;

+ you will send + and will save me

your hand, with your right hand.

–4 –5

of your mouth;


:: 8 Yhwh :: Yhwh, :: The works

will go to the end your faithfulness of your hands

for me; forever. do not abandon.


Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 139 139 1 For the music director, of David, a psalm. O Yhwh, you examine me and you know; You understand my thought from afar. 3 You sense my walking and my resting, 4 5

Because there is not yet a word on my tongue, you hem me in, behind and before, 6 7


it is you, you know my laying down and my rising up.

and you are acquainted with all my ways. behold, O Yhwh, you know it all; and you have laid your palm upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, Where shall I go from your spirit, 8

11 12

incomprehensible, I am not able for it. and where shall I flee from your face?


If I ascend the heavens, there you are, Let me take the wings of the dawn, 10 even there your hand leads me

and I stretch out in Sheol, behold you. and let me dwell in the uttermost part of the sea, and your right hand holds me.

And I said, “Oh, let the darkness cover me!” Even the darkness is not dark to you,

but the night becomes light around me. and the night shines as the day.

Like the darkness

so the light!


Because it was you, you formed my inward parts you knit me together in my mother’s womb; I give you thanks because terribly, I am wonderfully made, wonderful (are) your works, and my soul knows (them) well. 15 My bones were not hidden from you, when I was fashioned in secret, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 14


My embryo, your eyes saw it the days that were fixed — 17 18

And to me, how difficult are your thoughts, I count them, they are more than sand,

O El, how immense are their substances! I come to an end, and I am still with you.


If you would slay, O Eloah, the wicked, They who speak of you with intrigue, 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O Yhwh, 22 I hate them with perfect hatred,

men of blood would turn aside from me! your adversaries take you for nothing. and abhor those who oppose you? they have become my enemies.

Examine me, O El, and know my heart, and see if there is a way of affliction for me,

test me and know my concerns; and lead me in the way of eternity.


23 24

— and in your book all of them are written, and to him one of them.


Text II. KEEP ME FROM THE VENOM OF THE VIPER The Second Sequence: Ps 140

PSALM 140 140 1 For the music director, a psalm, 2

Liberate me, from the man 3


all the day 4 they sharpen the venom

O Yhwh, of violence meditate they foment their tongue of viper

of David.

from the man defend me,

of evil,

evil things

in the heart;

wars, like under

a serpent, their lips.

······························································································································· 5

O Yhwh, of violence meditate

from the hands defend me, to overthrow

they hide, and with cords by the side

the arrogant ones, they spread of the way

a trap for me, a net, snares

they set for me.


I said Give ear,

to Yhwh: O Yhwh,

“My God to the voice

You are of my supplications.


O Yhwh you cover

Adonai, my head

strength in the day

of my salvation, of battle.


O Yhwh, is not fulfilled,

the desires of the wicked, lest they exalt themselves.

Keep me, from the man who 6

Do not grant,

his design

of the wicked, my steps;

······························································································································· 10

The head the pain

of those who surround me, of their lips it covers.


Let descend and let he cast them

on them into the abyss,


let not let be established in the earth, let evil chase him

A man of tongue the man of violence, 13

I know the cause the judgment

that he will make, of the afflicted, of the poor.


Yes, the righteous shall dwell

the saints

coals in fire, and no more to rise.


to your name, before your face.

with double blows!”

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


III. PRAISE BEYOND DEATH The Third Sequence: Ps 141–145 A. O LORD, I PRAY TO YOU AND I IMPLORE YOU The First Subsequence: Ps 141–142 1. PSALM 141 141 1 A psalm, of David. + O Yhwh, + give ear

I call you, to my voice

+ 2 let be established my prayer, + lifting up of my palms,

hasten when I call

to me, to you;

incense offering

before your face, of the evening!


:: 3 Set, :: keep watch

O Yhwh,

a keeper over the door

for my mouth, of my lips.


– 4 Do not incline – to practice – with men,

my heart deeds the doers

to a word, of wickedness, of iniquity;

– and do not

let me eat

of their delicacies!

the righteous of head,

that is faithfulness, let him correct me, and do not let refuse my head, among their wickedness.

: 5 Let strike me : that is an oil : because is still

my prayer

an evil one,

= 6 They are cast down into the hands = and they have heard my sayings

of the Rock, their judges, because they were delicious:

= 7 “As = are scattered

and breaks up at the mouth

one who ploughs our bones

the earth, of Sheol.”


:: 8 Yes, toward you, O Yhwh :: in you I take refuge,

Adonai, do not strip

my eyes, my soul.


– 9 Keep me – and from the snares

from the hands of doers

of the trap of iniquity;

that they set for me,

= 10 let them fall = as for me,

into their nets, till

the wicked I pass over.




2. PSALM 142 142 1 A poem,

of David,

when he was

in the cave,

a prayer.

+ 2 With my voice + with my voice

to Yhwh, to Yhwh,

I cry out, I implore;

+ 3 I pour + my anguish

before him before him

out my complaint, I declare.


= 4 When is faint = and it is you :: in this path – they have hidden

in me

my breath,

who know

my way;

where I walk a trap

for me.


:: 5 Look – and there is no one for me

who recognizes me;

:: disappeared – there is no one who cares

for my soul.

+ 6 I cried out

to you,

O Yhwh;

+ I said, + my portion

“You are in the land

my refuge, of the living”!

on the right hand Shelter

and see, from me,


– 7 Be attentive :: because I am debased


– Deliver me :: because they are stronger

from my persecutors, than!

to my cry,


– 8 Bring out +

from prison

+ around me :: because you will do good

shall make a circled to me.

my soul,

to your name; the righteous,

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


B. DELIVER ME FROM DEATH The Second Subsequence: Ps 143 PSALM 143 143 1 A psalm, of David. + O Yhwh, + give ear + in your truth + 2 and do not come + because is not righteous

hear to my supplications, answer me into judgment before you

my prayer, in your righteousness; with your servant, any living.


– 3 Yes, he pursues, – he crushes

the enemy to the ground

– he makes me dwell – like the dead

in darkness forever:

= 4 and is faint = within me

in me is desolate

my soul, my life;

my breath, my heart.


:: 5 I remember :: I recall :: on the works

the days all of your hands

of old, your deeds, I meditate:

- 6 I stretch out - my soul is

my hands like a land

to you, thirsty

+ 7 Make haste, –is worn out

answer me,

O Yhwh,

+ do not hide – or I will be like

your face those who go down

from me, to the pit.

+ 8 Let me hear • because in you

in the morning

your faithfulness,

my breath;

I trust.


+ Let me know :: because to you

the way I lift up

I should go, my soul;

+ 9 deliver me :: to you

from my enemies, I refuge;

O Yhwh,

+ 10 teach me • because you are

to do my God.

your will,


+ Your breath, + on the ground + 11 For the sake + give me life + bring out 12

– and in your faithfulness – and destroy • because I am

good one, level. of your name, in your righteousness, of anguish

leads me


my enemies of my soul,

all the oppressors your servant.

O Yhwh, my soul,

for you.


Text C. O LORD, I BLESS YOU AND I PRAISE YOU The Third Subsequence: Ps 144–145

1. PSALM 144 144 1 Of David. + be Yhwh my rock, + who teaches my hand to fight,

my fingers to battle.

= 2 My love and my fortress, = my shield and in him I take refuge,

my citadel and liberator for me, who subdues my people under me.

: 3 O Yhwh, what is the adam : the son of man, : 4 The adam resembles a breath,

that you care for him, that you think of him? his days like a shadow that is passing by.


O Yhwh, incline your heavens & come down, touch the mountains and they smoke; flash forth lightning and scatter them, send forth your arrows and rout them, 7 send forth your hands from on high. 6


Rescue me, & deliver me from great waters, from the hand of the sons of strangers 8

whose mouth speaks of nothing

and the right hand is a right hand of perjury.


O God, to you, who gives victory to KINGS, from the sword of evil. 10

to you, who rescues his servant David

······················································································································· 11

Rescue me, and deliver me

whose mouth speaks of nothing

from the hand of the sons of strangers and the right hand is a right hand of perjury.

: 12 That our sons are like plants, : our daughters like corner-figures,

grown in their youth, carved model of a temple;

: 13 our granaries filled : our flocks of thousands,

with good on good, innumerable in our fields;

= 14 our solid leaders, = there is no breaching and there is no going out, and there is no crying in our broad places. + 15 +

the people the people

where thus it happens to him, where Yhwh is their God!

Book Five (Ps 107–150)


2. PSALM 145 145 1

of David , my God THE KING,


and and

all the days 3

Great is Yhwh and highly



Generation after generation your works – 5 The honour, the glory of your majesty – 6 and of your formidable power, 7 the memory of your immense goodness, 8

Yhwh is tender and compassionate, 9

12 13



and they your prowess. and the story of your wonders, ; and to them your greatness. and your righteousness.

and his compassion over all his works.

All your works 11

and to his greatness there is no limit.

slow to anger and great in faithfulness.

Yhwh is good to all 10

your name forever and ever. your name forever and ever.

, O Yhwh,

and your faithful


of the glory of YOUR KINGDOM, and of your prowess, to the sons of Adam his prowess, and the glory and honour of HIS KINGDOM.

YOUR KINGDOM is a KINGDOM for all times,

YOUR EMPIRE for all generations of generations.

[God is trustworthy in his words

and faithful in all his works.]


Yhwh supports all who are falling 15 The eyes of all hope in you, 16 You open your hand

and makes straight all who are bowed down. and it is you who give them their food in its time. and satisfy all the living at will.


Yhwh is righteous in all his ways

and faithful in all his works.


Yhwh is near to all who call upon him, He does the will of those who fear him, 20 Yhwh maintains all who love him

to all who call upon him in truth. and he hears their cry and saves them. and all the wicked he will exterminate.


and all flesh forever and ever.


My mouth will speak

of Yhwh

the name of his holiness

THE GREAT DOXOLOGY The Final Section Ps 146–150






Ps 146–147 Ps 148

Ps 149–150




Yah! ,

O my soul, Yhwh my God



Yhwh! in all my life, in all my duration.


Do not trust in princes, in a son of Adam in whom there is no salvation: 4

His breath goes out, he returns to his adamah. ·······················································

On that day his plans perish. ······················································· 5

Happy who has the God of Jacob for his help, his hope in Yhwh his God: 6 He makes heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them.

He is the one who keeps




He makes justice to the oppressed, he gives bread to the hungry, Yhwh liberates prisoners. 8

Yhwh opens the eyes of the blind, Yhwh makes straight those who are bowed down, Yhwh loves the righteous.

9 Yhwh keeps the strangers, the orphan and the widow he will restore, but the way of the wicked he will twist.


REIGNS your God, Yah!

Yhwh O Zion,

forever, from generation to generation!

The Great Doxology (Ps 146–150)


2. PSALM 147 147 1


• Yes, it is good to

to our God,


: Yhwh builds up Jerusalem, : 3 he heals the broken of heart

yes, it is sweet,

is charming!

he gathers the exiles of Israel; and binds up their wounds.

························································································································· 4 5

He counts the number of stars, great is our Lord, and all powerful,

he calls names of all of them; to his understanding, there is no number.


+ 6 Yhwh sustains the humiliated, •7

to Yhwh with



: He covers the heavens with clouds, : he makes grass grow on the mountains; : 9 He gives to the beasts their food,

he brings the wicked down to the ground. to our God on


he prepares rain for the earth, to the young of the ravens what they cry.


+ 10 He does not take pleasure in the vigour of the horse, nor is he pleased in the hock of a man; + 11 Yhwh is pleased with those who fear him, with those who hope in his faithfulness. • 12

Yhwh, O Jerusalem,

your God, O Zion!


: For he has strengthened the bars of your gates, he has blessed your children within you; : 14 he sets your border in peace, he satisfies you with the finest of wheat; : 15 he sends his saying to the earth, his word runs swiftly. ························································································································· 16

He gives snow like wool, he casts forth his ice like morsels: 18 he sends his word and melts them, 17

he scatters frost like ashes; who can stand before his cold? he makes his wind blow, the waters flow.


+ 19 He reveals his word to Jacob, + 20 He did not do so to any people, •


his precepts and his judgments to Israel; and they did not know his judgments.



PSALM 148 = 148 1


+ +

Yhwh him

from the heavens, in the hights;


:: 2 ::

him him

all all

his angels, his host,

:: 3 ::

him him

sun all the stars

and moon, of light;


=4 him = and the waters +5

heavens that are

of heavens, above the heavens.

the name

of Yhwh,


– because it was he ·· 6 and he established them – a law ·· and he will not +7 + you dragons

who commanded forever he gave transgress it.

and they were created and ever;

Yhwh and all

from the earth, the depths;


. 8 fire and hail, . wind of storm - 9 mountains - trees of fruit .. 10 wild animals .. reptiles

snow that makes and all and all and all and birds

and mist, his word, hills, cedars, cattle, that fly;


= 11 KINGS of the earth = PRINCES :: 12 young men :: elderly people + 13

and ALL and ALL JUDGES and also with

NATIONS, OF THE EARTH, virgins, children.

the name

of Yhwh,


– –

because sublime is his splendour is ·· ··


and he heightens

his name above earth

alone, and heaven;

the horn of all

of his people, his faithful,

·· of the children ·· the people =


of Israel, close to him.

The Great Doxology (Ps 146–150)



1. PSALM 149 • 149 1


+ +

to Yhwh in the assembly

, of his faithful!


+2 , + the children of Zion,


in the one who made him, in THEIR KING.

+3 +

his name

, ,


:: 4 because he is pleased, :: he honours +5 +


+6 + and the sword

Yhwh the humiliated

with his people, with salvation.

the faithful on their couches,

in glory,

of God two-edged

in their throat, in their hand,


= 7 to execute =

vengeance punishment


= 8 to bind THEIR KINGS = and THEIR GLORIOUS ONES with fetters on them = 9 to make

with chains, of iron, the judgment

:: The splendour

for all his faithful!






2. PSALM 150 150 1


+ +

God him

in his sanctuary, in the firmament

of his power,

+2 +

him him

in his prowess, in the abundance

of his greatness!


:3 :

him him

:4 :

him him

:5 :

him him

, , , , , ,

, !


+ 6 LET ALL +

BREATH Yah! Yah!




The analysis of the composition of each of the five books of the Psalter was carried out strictly at the level of the book, without taking into account the possible relationships between the books. Since each level has its own coherence, it was imperative to put the relationships between the books in brackets and to concentrate solely on the composition of each book, leaving the composition of the higher level to a later stage. Everyone knows that concentric compositions are common in biblical literature.3 Since in the Psalter there are five books, the first assumption that naturally comes to mind is that the Third Book should be the heart of the structure. Those familiar with the “law of the question at the centre” will not be surprised to see that this book is the one that impressively accumulates the questions that the psalmist poses to God, questions that very often begin with “Why?” and “How long?” expressing the confusion in which he finds himself. The hypothesis is more than reasonable. But it remains to be seen how the other four books are organised around the pivot represented by the central book. A first solution, which at first sight seemed to prevail, is a concentric composition in which the extreme books correspond to each other, and the second one with the penultimate one. This hypothesis did not stand up to scrutiny. On the other hand, the books that frame the central book seem to correspond to each other in a parallel fashion, the first one with the fourth, the second one with the fifth. Most of the psalms in the first two books are “of David” and the Second Book ends with the notice: “The prayers of David son of Jesse are ended” (72:20). On the other hand, the first psalm of the fourth book is entitled “A prayer of Moses, the man of God” (90:1), and the last two books are the only ones in which the acclamation of the Hallelujah is found. It is therefore possible to consider that these two terms play the role of median terms at a distance, the first one having the function of closing the first side of the Psalter, the other one of introducing the second side. In the presentation that follows, I have tried to keep track of the path I have undertaken, one discovery follows the other, correcting or completing it, and gradually placing it in a coherent whole. In this way, it became evident first of all that the law fulfils the function of a supporting structure in the architecture of the Psalter; and it was long afterwards that the new covenant appeared as the perspective that opened up for Israel to overcome the major crisis of the exile, when the failure of both the Davidic and the Mosaic covenants became evident in a dramatic fashion.


See Traité, 266–268 = Treatise, 170–172.

I. RELATIONS BETWEEN BOOK ONE AND BOOK FOUR In the course of research, it is not unusual that the analysis at the higher level raises questions about the analysis at the lower level.4 For example, Ps 57:8 is presented as an ABB-type trimember, the atnah in the Masoretic text is placed at the end of the second member: – Is ready – is ready : I will sing

my heart, O God, my heart: and I will play.

However, at the higher level of the subpart which comprises verses 8–10, the composition of verse 8 comes into question: .. 8 Is ready .. is ready = I will sing


my heart, my heart: AND I WILL PLAY!

························································································ 9

.. Awake, .. awake, .. let me awake = 10 I will praise you = I WILL PLAY FOR YOU

my glory; harp the dawn!

and cithara,

among the peoples, in the countries.


The second piece contains two segments, the first one (9) in which the psalmist invites the choir of instruments to accompany him even before dawn, the second one (10) where he says before whom he will praise the Lord. The first piece (8) was preparing for the second one: before “harp and cithara” would sound (9), the psalmist’s “heart” had to be “ready” (8ab) to “sing” and “play” (8c). In parallel to the second piece, which comprises two segments, the first piece is therefore also formed of two segments, a bimember (8ab) and a unimember (8c).5 Another example will show that this kind of parallelism can function at a distance. The first verse of Ps 115 is presented as a trimember segment, either in the Masoretic text or in the translations: Not to us, but to your name for your faithfulness, 4 5


O Yhwh, give for your loyalty.

not to us, glory,

See Traité, 156 (the second paragraph), 187, point 4.1. See Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43–72), 199 = The Psalter: Book Two (Ps 42/43–72),



But if we compare this first phrase of the psalm with the final one, it would lead us to question its composition: –1 –










[...] – 17 NOT – and NOT




praise into silence,


we bless



= Praise


Each of the two pieces is built on an opposition, between “us” and the Lord at the beginning, between “the dead” and the same “us” at the end. Two double negations, “not”, act as initial terms. The bipolar expressions of 1d and 18b perform the function of final terms. In the last piece, the third segment (18c), a unimember, concludes the psalm. When, in 2018, I published my commentary on Book One, I recognised three sections: THE LORD


Ps 1–18







Ps 19–25




Ps 26–41

In the course of my research, I initially organised the second section as follows: The central subsection6 comprises seven psalms, which can be said to be organised in five sequences. The extreme psalms (19 and 25) correspond closely to each other.


It was still the time when, as in the case of Book Five, I thought that the five books of the Psalter were all “sections” of the whole book.

I. Relations between Book One and Book Four


Then there are two sequences, each comprising a pair of psalms (20–21 and 23–24). Finally, the subsection focuses on Ps 22: THE LAW PRAYER





Title of the central sequence

Ps 19 Ps 20–21

(to be found)

Ps 22




Ps 23–24




Ps 25

Then I changed my mind, and in the publication7 I grouped the five central psalms (20–24) into one subsection: The central section comprises seven psalms organised in three subsections. The extreme subsections, which comprise only one psalm (19 and 25), correspond closely to each other: THE LAW









Ps 19

Ps 20–24

Ps 25

The five psalms of the central subsection (Ps 20–24) form three sequences: two pairs of psalms (Ps 20–21 and 23–24) frame Ps 22: HELP


The king is saved RETURN TO THE TEMPLE



Ps 20–21


Ps 22 OF GOD

Ps 23–24

When I later studied Book Four, I discovered that it was organised in an elliptical composition, that is, with a double focal point: 7

Le Psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1–41), 244 = The Psalter: Book One (Ps 1–41), 244.






if you would listen

Ps 90–94 to his voce!”


will you come


to me?”

Ps 95 Ps 96–100 Ps 101 Ps 102–106

The extreme sections, as well as the central section, are each formed of five concentrically arranged psalms. These three major sections are linked by two sequences the size of a single relatively short psalm (Ps 95 and 101), which serve as focal points of the ellipse.8

In the meantime, I had discovered the existence of this kind of composition.9 The close relationship between Book One and Book Four has led me to question my analysis of the composition of Book One and to recognise a double focus organisation, similar to that of Book Four. The relationship between the two focal points of Book One and Book Four strongly supports this new position. A. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE FIRST FOCAL POINTS (PS 19 & PS 95) The two occurrences of the term “Rock” (19:15 & 95:1) act as median terms at a distance. The central parts correspond to each other: “the voice” of the Lord which the members of God’s people are invited to listen to (95:7b) is that which is expressed in “the law of Yhwh”, his “testimony”, his “precepts”, his “commandment” and his “judgments” (19:8–10); the term “ways” (95:10) is a synonym for “the law”. Moreover, the binomial “the heavens” and “the earth” in the first part of Ps 19 (vv. 2, 5, 7), which designates the whole of creation, is matched by that of “the earth” and “the sea” in the first part of Ps 95 (vv. 4–5); creation is called at the beginning of Ps 19 “the works of his hands” (19:2), and “hand/s” returns three times in the first part of Ps 95 (vv. 4, 5, 7) with “to make” (95:5, 6), which is of the same root as “the work” (19:2). It may also be noted that “heart/s” occurs twice in each psalm (19:9, 15; 95:8, 10) and that “voice” in 95:7b has already appeared in 19:4.

8 9

Le Psautier. Quatrième livre (Ps 90–106), 249 = The Psalter: Book Four (Ps 90–106), 249. R. MEYNET, “Une nouvelle figure: la composition à double foyer”.

I. Relations between Book One and Book Four


19 1 For the music director, a psalm of David. 2 3

The heavens recount the glory of God and the firmament proclaims the WORK of HIS HANDS; day to day pours forth speech and night to night transmits knowledge. 4 5

No speech and no words without hearing their VOICE; the lines coming out through all the earth and to the end of the world their utterances.

For the sun he sets a tent in them, 6 and it, like a bridegroom coming out of his pavilion, enjoys like a hero running on a path. 7 From one end of the heavens its coming out and its circuit to their ends, and there is nothing hidden from its heat. 8

THE LAW OF YHWH is perfect, reviving the soul; THE TESTIMONY OF YHWH is trustworthy, making wise the 9 THE PRECEPTS OF YHWH are right, rejoicing the HEART.


THE COMMANDMENT OF YHWH is clear, enlightening the eyes; 10 the fear of Yhwh is pure, enduring forever. THE JUDGMENTS OF YHWH are loyalty, they are righteous altogether. 11

More desirable than gold and than the abundant finest gold; sweeter than honey, and than the drippings of the honeycombs. 12 Moreover, your servant is illuminated by them, in keeping them there is abundant reward. 13

The wanderings, who can discern them? From the hidden ones, declare me innocent.


Moreover, from the insolent preserve your servant, let them no have dominion over me! Then I shall be perfect and innocent of abundant sin. 15 Let the sayings of my mouth be acceptable and the whispering of my HEART before you, Yhwh, my ROCK, my redeemer! [...] 95 1 Go, let us shout for joy to Yhwh, let us acclaim the ROCK of our salvation; 2 let us draw near before him with thanksgiving, let us acclaim him with music, 3

because Yhwh is a great God, and a great king above all gods, for in HIS HAND are the depths of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are his, 5 for the sea is his, and he MADE it, and HIS HANDS formed the dry land. 4


Come, let us bow down and let us do reverence, 7

let us kneel before Yhwh who MADE us,

because he is our God, and we the people of his pasture, and the sheep of HIS HAND. Today, if you would listen to HIS VOICE!

8 9

Do not harden your HEARTS as at Meribah, as on the day of Massah in the desert, then your fathers tested me, tempted me, though they had seen my deed!


For forty years I loathed that generation, and I said: “It is a people that do err in their HEARTS, and they did not know MY WAYS,” 11 then I swore in my anger: “They never come into my rest!”



25 1 Of David ’ To you, Yhwh, I lift up my soul, ’ 2 my God, in you I trust, let me not blush, let my enemies not rejoice over me. g 3 Also let all those who hope in you not blush, let them blush who betray for nothing. d 4 Make me to know YOUR WAYS, Yhwh, teach me YOUR PATHS! h 5 MAKE ME WALK in your LOYALTY and teach me, because you are the God of my salvation, in you I hope all the day. z 6 Remember your tenderness, Yhwh, and your FAITHFULNESS, because they are from of old. ḥ 7 Do not you remember the faults of my youth and my sins. According to your FAITHFULNESS remember me, you, for the sake of your goodness, Yhwh. ṭ 8 Yhwh is good and UPRIGHT, that is why he instructs sinners in THE WAY. y 9 HE MAKES the humiliated WALK in JUFGMENT and he teaches the humiliated HIS WAY. k 10 ALL THE PATHS of Yhwh are FAITHFULNESS and LOYALTY to those who keep his covenant and his precepts. l 11 For the sake of your name, Yhwh, you will forgive my wrong though there are many. m 12 Who is the man who fears Yhwh whom he instructs in THE WAY he should choose? n 13 His soul abides in goodness and his offspring will inherit the earth. s 14 The secret of Yhwh for those who fear him and his covenant, to make them know. ‘ 15 MY EYES ever toward Yhwh because he will bring MY FEET out from the net. p 16 Turn to me and have mercy on me because I am lonely and afflicted. ṣ of my heart multiply, from my torments bring me out.

17 The


r 18 See my humiliation and my pain and take away all my faults. r 19 See my enemies, because they are many and with a violent hatred they hate me. š 20 Guard my soul and deliver me so that I do not blush, because I take refuge in you. t 21 May PERFECTION and UPRIGHTNESS keep me, because I hope in you. p 22 Redeem Israel, O God, from all its anguishes.

Both psalms are said to be “of David”. The theme of “way” is quite present in both psalms: “way/s” and “to make walk” (25:4, 5, 8, 9[2x], 12; 101:2, 6), “paths” (25:4, 10), “feet” (25:15), “to walk” (101:2, 6). The two psalms are complementary: in the first one, the psalmist insistently requests the Lord to “make him know” his ways, to “teach him” them (25:4–5, 8–9, 12); in the other one, he commits himself not only to walk in God’s ways (101:2), but also to surround himself in his government with people who also walk the same way (101:6). The ways of the Lord are qualified as “loyalty” (25:4, 10), “faithfulness” (25:6, 7, 10; 101:1), “judgement” (25:9; 101:1), “perfection/perfect” (25:21; 101:2[2x], 6), “upright/uprightness” (25:8, 21). The psalmist is confronted with “the wicked” (101:8), his “enemies” (25:2, 19) who set a “net” for him (25:15) and cause his “humiliation” and “pain” (25:18), “his anguish” (25:22), those who “hate him with a violent hatred” (25:19).

I. Relations between Book One and Book Four


101 1 Of David, a psalm. I will sing of FAITHFULNESS and JUDGMENT, to you, O Yhwh, I will sing psalms. 2 I will progress in THE WAY of the PERFECT; when will you come to me? I WILL WALK and the PERFECTION of my heart, in the midst of my house. 3

I will not set before MY EYES a word of Belial; I hate the work of the deviated, it shall not cling to me. 4 A perverse heart turns aside from me, I do not know evil. 5 One who secretly slanders his neighbour, that one I will annihilate; haughty of eyes and swollen of heart, that one I will not bear. 6

MY EYES on the TRUTHFUL of the land to dwell with me; he is the one who will serve me.


in THE WAY of the


Shall not dwell in the midst of my house the one who practices deceit; the one who speaks lies shall not stand before MY EYES. 8 Each morning I will annihilate all the wicked of the land to cut off from the city of Yhwh all the doers of iniquity.

In Ps 101, the second subparts (101:3–5, 7–8) provide a long list of “all the wicked” and “all the doers of iniquity” (101:8) and their misdeeds: “a word of Belial”, “the work of the deviated” (101:3), “a perverse heart” and “evil” (101:4), “one who secretly slanders his neighbour”, “haughty of eyes and swollen of heart” (101:5), “the one who practices deceit”, “the one who speaks lies” (101:7). Finally, one can notice the repetition of “my eyes” (25:15; 101:3, 6, 7).

C. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CENTRAL SECTIONS (PS 20–24 & PS 96–100) It then became apparent that the central sections of the two books correspond closely. Each has five psalms: the extreme sequences have two psalms, while the central sequence has only one: HELP The king RETURN


is saved TO THE TEMPLE




Ps 20–21 Ps 22


Ps 23–24







have seen the salvation of OUR GOD” ALL THE PEOPLES”

Ps 96–97 Ps 98 Ps 99–100



1. KINGSHIP Both sections are marked above all by the theme of kingship. In the central section of Book One, the two psalms of the first sequence deal with the earthly king, God’s “messiah” (in italics): – Ps 20: “Now I know that Yhwh saves his messiah” (v. 7), “Yhwh, save! the king will answer us in the day we call” (v. 10); – Ps 21: “Yhwh, in your strength the king rejoices” (V. 2), “you have set on his head a crown of fine gold” (v. 4), “Yes, the king trusts in Yhwh” (v. 8).

In contrast, beginning with the central psalm and continuing to the end of the section, it deals with the kingship of God (in small caps): – Ps 22: “BECAUSE KINGSHIP BELONGS TO YHWH AND HE RULES OVER THE NATIONS” v. (29); – Ps 23: “YHWH IS MY SHEPHERD” (v. 1);10 – Ps 24: “THE KING OF GLORY SHALL ENTER” (V. 7), “WHO IS THIS ONE, THE KING OF GLORY?” (V. 8), “THE KING OF GLORY SHALL ENTER” (V. 9), “WHO IS HE, THIS ONE, THE KING OF GLORY?” (10ab), “YHWH SABAOTH, HE IS THE KING OF GLORY” (v. 10cd).

The central section of Book Four is mainly about the kingship of God (“the psalms of the kingdom”): – Ps 96: “SAY AMONG THE NATIONS: YHWH REIGNS” (v. 10); – Ps 97: “YHWH REIGNS” (V. 1); “RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUDGMENT ARE THE FOUNDATION OF HIS THRONE” (V. 2), “BEFORE THE MASTER OF ALL THE EARTH” (v. 5); – Ps 98: “ACCLAIM BEFORE THE KING YHWH” (v. 6); – Ps 99: “YHWH REIGNS” (v. 1); – Ps 100: “HIS PEOPLE AND THE SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE” (v. 3).

However, the messiah of God is also mentioned in 99:4: “And the strength of the king is the judgment which he loves”. 2. UNIVERSALITY God’s kingship is not limited to his people but extends to all nations. In the central section of Book One, the theme appears especially at the end of the central psalm, but in a solemn and forceful fashion: – Ps 22: “28 Will remember and return to Yhwh all the ends of the earth and will bow down before you all the families of the nations. 29 Because kingship belongs to Yhwh and he rules over the nations. 30 They have eaten and they will bow down all the fat of the earth, before him will bend all going down to the dust”;

10 The metaphor of the Shepherd is linked to that of the King, the King is the shepherd of his people: “Give ear, you who pasture Israel, who lead Joseph like sheep; who sit above the cherubim, shine forth” (Ps 80:2; see also, e.g., Ezek 34:11–31).

I. Relations between Book One and Book Four


but it also returns at the beginning of the last psalm: – “To Yhwh belong the earth and its fullness, the world and the inhabitants in it” (24:1).

What was, so to speak, simply announced at the heart of Book One, explodes in the central section of Book Four: – Ps 96: “Sing to Yhwh, all the earth” (v. 1). – Ps 96: “Recount among the nations his glory, among all the peoples his wonders” (v. 3), “because all gods of the peoples are worthlessness, and Yhwh made the heavens” (v. 5), “Ascribe to Yhwh, O families of the peoples...” (v. 7), “tremble before him all the earth” (v. 9), “Say among the nations: Yhwh reigns” (v. 10), “he sentences the people with uprightness” (v. 10), “because he comes to judge the earth; he judges the world with righteousness and the peoples with his truth” (v. 13). – Ps 97: “Yhwh reigns, let the earth exult” (v. 1), “his lightning lights up the world, and the earth sees and shakes” (v. 4), “before the master of all the earth” (v. 5), “and all the peoples see his glory” (v. 6), “Yes, you are, O Yhwh, Most High over all the earth” (v. 9). – Ps 98: “in the eyes of the nations he has revealed his righteousness” (v. 2), “all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God” (v. 3), “Acclaim Yhwh, all the earth” (v. 4), “Yes, he comes to judge the earth, he will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with uprightness” (v. 9). – Ps 99: “Yhwh reigns, the peoples tremble, he sits on the Cherubim, the earth shakes” (v. 1), “and he is exalted over all the peoples” (v. 2). – Ps 100: “Acclaim Yhwh, all the earth” (v. 1).

D. HUMAN CONDITION 1. HUMAN CADUCITY Human caducity (in the rewritings Monotype Corsiva font) is mentioned only once in Book Two (62:10), twice in Book Three (78:39; 89:48–49) and in Book Five (119:84; 144:3–4). However, it appears three times in Book One: – Ps 8: First in the form of a question: “What is man that you remember him and the son of adam that you care for him?” (v. 5 at the centre of the psalm, but accompanied by the response: “You make him little less than God, with glory and splendour you crown him”, v. 6). – Ps 37: Speaking of the doers of falsity: “because like the grass they quickly wither and like the green of regrowth they fade” (v. 2), “like the ornament of the meadows they are finished, in smoke they are finished” (v. 20). – Ps 39: More forcefully in the penultimate psalm: “5 Let me know, Yhwh, my end, and the measure of my days how much it is, that I may know how much I am missing. 6 Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths and my duration as nothing before you; yes, all a mist all adam who stands upright. 7 Yes, like


Composition a shadow man walks away, yes, a mist they get richer; he heaps up and does not know who will gather”. “Because a stranger I am with you, a passer-by like all my fathers” (v. 13de), “before I walk away and be no more” (v. 14b).

In Book Four, the theme returns in full force, especially at the beginning of the extreme sections (Ps 90 & Ps 102): – Ps 90: “3 You make mankind return to the dust, and you say: ‘Return, you children of Adam!’4 Because thousand years in your eyes are like a day of yesterday when it is past and a watch in the night. 5 You submerge them, they are in the sleep; in the morning they are like grass that is renewed. 6 In the morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and dries up.” “9 Because all our days fade away under your wrath, we finish our years like a sigh. 10 The days of our years, in them are seventy years, and, if by some miracle, eighty years; and their excitement, toil and fault, because it disappears quickly and we fly away.” “Yes, let us know to number our days, and we will bring a heart of wisdom!” (v. 12). – Ps 92: “Though the wicked sprout like grass, and all doers of iniquity flourish, they will be destroyed forever” (v. 8). – Ps 102: “my days are like the fading shadow, and myself I dry up like grass” (v. 12). “24 He has broken my strength in the way, he has shortened my days. 25 I said: “O My God, do not take me away in the middle of my days.’” “26 Formerly you founded the earth, and the heavens were the work of your hands; 27 as for them, they will perish, and as for you, you remain; and they all wear out like a garment, you change them like a clothing, and they are changed.” – Ps 103: “14 Yes, as for him, he knows what we are made of, remembering that we are dust. 15 As for man, his days are like grass, like a flower of the field, so he flourishes; 16 when a wind passes over him, he is no more, and his place recognises him no more.”

2. THE EVIL Evil pervades almost the entire surface of the Psalter. Few of the psalms are free of it. – The evil committed by the wicked This evil is committed by “the wicked” against the law of God, which they mock: “And they say: ‘Yah does not see, the God of Jacob does not understand’” (94:7). The evil is committed essentially against the psalmist. They oppress him, set traps for him, use lies and seek his death. These are individuals, often numerous (Ps 3), but also “nations” that attack Israel and its king (9:6, 16–21; 33:10), and even join forces with each other to do so (Ps 2).

I. Relations between Book One and Book Four


In the rewritings, the evil committed by the psalmist’s enemies is indicated by Albertus Medium font bold italic. It is enough to leaf through the book to see the

massive presence of this evil. – Evil is also committed by the psalmist Throughout the first side of Book One, evil is only the work of others, “the wicked” who oppress the psalmist. Starting with the first focal point of the book (Ps 19) and especially with the second (Ps 25), a reversal occurs: the psalmist discovers that evil is also within him, that he is also affected by “sin”, “fault”, “transgression” (all the numerous terms in this semantic field are in capitalized PT BARNUM):11 – Ps 19: “13 The wanderings, who can discern them? From the hidden ones, declare me innocent. 14 Moreover, from the insolent preserve your servant, let them no have dominion over me! Then I shall be perfect and innocent of abundant sin.” – Ps 25: “Do not you remember the faults of my youth and my sins” (v. 7), “Yhwh is good and upright, that is why he instructs sinners in the way” (v. 8), “you will forgive my wrong though there are many” (v. 11), “take away all my faults” (v. 18). – Ps 32: “1 Happy the one whose transgression is taken away, the one whose sin is covered! 2 Happy the man to whom Yhwh does not impute fault and there is no deceit in his spirit!”, “My sin, I made known to you, and my fault I did not cover; I said, ‘I will confess against me my transgressions to Yhwh’. And as for you, you took away the fault of my sin” (v. 5). – Ps 36: “2 An oracle of Transgression to the wicked [...] 3 because he flatters himself too much in his eyes to find his fault and hate it.” – Ps 38: “4 There is no peace in my bones because of my sin; 5 yes, my faults have passed over my head.” “Yes, my fault, I confess, I am anxious about my sin” (v. 19). – Ps 39: “Let me keep my ways, from sinning with my tongue” (v. 2), “Deliver me from all my transgressions” (v. 9), “By rebuking the faults, you correct man” (v. 12). – Ps 40: “burnt offering and sin offering you did not ask for” (v. 7), “because evils encompass about me to the point of no counting; my faults overtake me and I am not able to see them” (v. 13). – Ps 41: “heal my soul, because I have sinned against you” (v. 5).

Sin is often revealed by the anger it provokes in God (PTBARNUM small caps italic): – Ps 6: “Yhwh, do not chastise me in your anger and do not discipline me in your fury” (v. 2). – Ps 38: “Yhwh, do not rebuke me in your wrath and do not correct me in your fury” (v. 2), “There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation” (v. 4). 11

See Le Psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1–41), 603–604 = The Psalter: Book One (Ps 1–41), 603–604.



– Ps 39: “Remove your stroke from me, under the assaults of your hand, I myself, I am consumed” (v. 11).

Certainly, sin is not absent in the other books.12 However, Book Four is especially relevant, starting with the first psalm: – Ps 90: “You have set our faults before you, our secrets in the light of your face” (v. 8); sin caused God’s “anger” and “fury” (v. 7), his “wrath” (v. 9), his punishment and misfortune (v. 15). – Ps 95: “then your fathers tested me, tempted me” (v. 9). – Ps 99: “you were a God of FORGIVENESS to them and you took vengeance on their wrongdoings (v. 8). – Ps 103: “He FORGIVES (lit. “supporting”) all your faults, he HEALS all your diseases” (v. 3), “Not according to our sins, does he do to us, and not according to our faults, does he repay to us” (v. 10), “As the east is far from the west, so far does HE REMOVE our sins from us” (v. 12, at the centre of the psalm). – Ps 106: “We have sinned with our fathers, we have done wrong, we have acted wickedly” (v. 6), and that is the long history of the unfaithfulness of Israel.

Two things are important to note: – Apart of 103:3, it is no longer the sin of an individual—as was the case in Book One—but of the plural of a whole people. – Sin is now largely forgiven (99:8; 103:3, 10, 12). At the beginning of the last section, after having evoked “the indignation and wrath” of the Lord, deserved by his sin (102:11), he implored, at the very centre of the psalm, the mercy of the Lord: “you will rise up, you will have compassion on Zion, because it is time to have pity on her, because the hour has come” (102:14).

E. THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving is very present in both books, but with one significant difference. In fact, in Book One, it is most often mentioned at the end of psalms, as a promise attesting to the fact that the supplication has been answered (most verbs are in the future tense or cohortative form): – Ps 5: “And all who are refuging in you will rejoice, they will exult forever; and you will protect them and those loving your name will be jubilant in you” (v. 12).


For example, in Book Two, David confesses his sin (Ps 51), but the psalmist’s fault is only found in 65:4 (elsewhere it is that of the wicked: 49:6; 59:13; 69:28). In Book Five, it is only mentioned in 107:11, 17 and 130:3, 8. In Book Three, on the other hand, it appears four times (Ps 78 throughout; 79:8–9; 85:3–4; 89:33).

I. Relations between Book One and Book Four


– Ps 7: “I will give thanks to Yhwh according to his righteousness and I will sing praises to the Name of Yhwh the Most High” (v. 18); – Ps 13: “let my heart exult in your salvation, let me sing to Yhwh” (v. 6). – Ps 14: “When Yhwh will restore the situation of his people, Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice” (v. 7bc). – Ps 16: “Therefore my heart rejoices and my liver exults; yes, my flesh will dwell confidently” (v. 9); “you will make me know the path of life, fullness of joy in your face, delights at your right hand until the end” (v. 11). – Ps 18: “Therefore I will give you thanks among the nations, Yhwh, and I will sing praise to your name” (v. 50). – Ps 22: In the last part of the central psalm of the book: “I will recount your name to my brothers, and in the midst of the assembly I will praise you” (v. 23); “26 My praise of you in the numerous assembly, my vows I will fulfil before his fearful. 27 The humiliated will eat and be satiated, those seeking him will praise Yhwh”; “31 it will be recounted about the Lord to the generation; 32 they will come and proclaim his righteousness to a people who will be born, because he has done it.” – Ps 26: At the centre of the psalm: “6 I wash in innocence my palms [...] 7 to make the voice of thanksgiving be heard and to recount all your wonders”, and at the end: “in the assemblies I will bless you, Yhwh” (v. 12); – Ps 27: At the centre of the psalm: “and I will sacrifice in his tent sacrifices of acclamation, I will sing and I will make music for Yhwh” (v. 6cd). – Ps 28: At the centre of the last part: “and my heart exults and with my song I give thanks to him” (v. 7cd). – Ps 31: At the end of the extreme parts: “May I exult and may I rejoice in your faithfulness” (v. 8); “Blessed be Yhwh [...] Love Yhwh, all you his faithful” (vv. 22, 24). – Ps 32: “Rejoice in Yhwh and exult, you righteous, and sing, all you upright of heart” (v. 11). – Ps 35: “And my soul will exult in Yhwh, will be jubilant in his salvation” (v. 9); “I will give you thanks in the great assembly, among many people I will praise you” (v. 18); “27 Let them exult and rejoice those who desire my righteousness [...] 28 And my tongue will meditate on your righteousness, all the day your praise”. – Ps 41: In the doxology that closes the book: “Blessed be Yhwh, the God of Israel, from eternity to eternity. Amen and amen” (v. 14).

There are, however, some exceptions: in some psalms the thanksgiving is found at the beginning: – Ps 9–10: In the central psalm of the first section: “2 I give thanks to you, Yhwh, with all my heart, I recount all your wonders; 3 I rejoice and exult in you, I sing praises to your name, Most High” (similarly in vv. 12 & 15). – Ps 20: At the centre of the first psalm of the central section: “We shout for joy in your salvation and we celebrate in the Name of our God” (v. 6). – Ps 21: At the extremities of the subsequent psalm: “Yhwh, in your strength the king rejoices and in your salvation how greatly he exults” (v. 2), “we will sing and praise your mighty power” (v. 14).

All other examples can be found in the last section:



– Ps 30: “I exalt you, Yhwh” (v. 2); “Make music for Yhwh, you his faithful, and give thanks to the remembrance of his holiness” (v. 5), and at the end, “so that the glory will make music to you and will not be silent, Yhwh my God, forever I will give you thanks” (v. 13). – Ps 33: “1 Exult, you righteous, in Yhwh, praise is fitting to the upright; 2 give thanks to Yhwh with the lyre, with the harp of ten strings sing psalms to him; 3 sing to him a new song, be good at playing with acclamation.” – Ps 34: “2 I bless Yhwh at all times, his praise always in my mouth. 3 In Yhwh my breath praises, let the humiliated hear and rejoice. 4 Magnify Yhwh with me and let us exalt his name together.” – Ps 40: In the penultimate psalm, thanksgiving, mostly in the past tense, is spread throughout the entire psalm: “And he put in my mouth a new song, praise to our God” (v. 4; see also vv. 6c, 10, 11, 17).

In Book Four, the relationship is reversed in a striking fashion, and right at the beginning of the book: – Ps 92: “2 It is good to give thanks to Yhwh and to your name, O Most High, 3 to proclaim your faithfulness in the morning and your truth in the night, 4 on the lyre and on the harp, on a whisper with the cithara.” – Ps 95: “1 Go, let us shout for joy to Yhwh, let us acclaim the Rock of our salvation; 2 let us draw near before him with thanksgiving, let us acclaim him with music.” “Come, let us bow down and let us do reverence, let us kneel before Yhwh” (v. 6).” – Ps 96: “Sing to Yhwh a new song...” and throughout the psalm (vv. 1–3; see also vv. 7–9, 10, 11–12). – Ps 97: “Yhwh reigns, let the earth exult, let the many islands rejoice” (v. 1; see also vv. 6, 8, 12). – Ps 98: “Sing to Yhwh a new song” (v. 1; see also vv. 4–8). – Ps 100: “1 Acclaim Yhwh, all the earth, 2 serve Yhwh with joy, come before his face with shouts of joy” (see also v. 4 at the beginning of the second part). – Ps 101: “I will sing of faithfulness and judgment, to you, O Yhwh, I will sing psalms” (v. 1). – Ps 103: “Bless Yhwh, O my soul, and all my being, his holy name; bless Yhwh, O my soul, and do not forget all his rewards” (vv. 1–2; see also at the end, vv. 20– 22). – Ps 104: “Bless Yhwh, O my soul” (v. 1; see also vv. 33–35). – Ps 105: “1 Give thanks to Yhwh, call on his name, proclaim his mighty deeds among the peoples; 2 sing to him, sing psalms to him, recite all his wonders. 3 Praise in his holy name, let the hearts of those who seek Yhwh rejoice!” (see also at the end vv. 43 & 45c). – Ps 106: “1 Praise Yah, give thanks to Yhwh, because he is good, because his faithfulness endures forever! 2 Who will express the prowess of Yhwh, make all his praise to be heard?” (see also vv. 5, 12, 47–48).

I. Relations between Book One and Book Four


Only three psalms are an exception: – Ps 90: At the beginning of the first section (vv. 14–16). – Ps 99: In the central section of the book: thanksgiving returns in the conclusion of each of the three parts of the psalm: “Let them give thanks to your name” (v. 3; see also vv. 5 & 9). – Ps 102: In the final section of the book: thanksgiving appears only in the penultimate part of the psalm (vv. 16-23).

A correlation can probably be made between forgiveness and thanksgiving: now that forgiveness has been granted, praise and thanksgiving break out, whereas they were essentially promised in Book One.

II. RELATIONS BETWEEN BOOK TWO AND BOOK FIVE Each of the two books comprises five sections organised in a concentric fashion: Book Two: OUR KING


The Lord who forgives



gives salvation


The Lord who hears




the prayer



Ps 42/43–49

Ps 50–55

Ps 56–60

gives rest

Ps 61–65


Ps 66–72








Ps 113–118

Ps 119

Ps 120–134


The great doxology

Ps 146–150


Composition A. INITIAL TERMS (PS 42/43 & PS 107)

The first psalms have several points in common. After a situation of distress (in Albertus Medium font), each part ends with thanksgiving: 42 1 For the music director, an instruction, of the sons of Korah. a deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God; 3 MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD, for the living God. When shall I come and shall I see the face of God? 4 My tears have been my food day and night, when they say to me all the day: “Where is your God?” 5 These things I remember, and I poured out my soul over me: when I went forth with the multitude, I led them to the house of God, AMONG THE VOICE OF SHOUTS OF JOY AND OF THANKSGIVING OF A CROWD KEEPING FESTIVAL. 2 As


Why are you collapsing, my soul, and are you rumbling over me? Wait for God, BECAUSE STILL I WILL GIVE HIM THANKS, THE SALVATION OF HIS FACE.

7 My

God, over me my soul is collapsing, that is why I remember you, from the land of Jordan and of the Hermons, from the mountain Insignificant. 8 Deep calls to deep at the voice of your cataracts, all your waves and your billows have passed over me. 9 By day Yhwh commands his faithfulness and by night his song is with me, prayer to the God of my life. 10 I will say to God, my Rock: “Why have you forgotten me? Why do I walk in gloom, under the oppression of the enemy?” 11 In the breaking of my bones, my adversaries insult me when they say to me all the day: “Where is your God?” 12

Why are you collapsing, my soul, and why are you rumbling over me? Wait for God, BECAUSE STILL I WILL GIVE HIM THANKS, THE SALVATION OF MY FACE AND MY GOD!

43 1 Judge me, God, and defend my cause against an unfaithful people; against a man of deceit and falsehood deliver me. 2 Because you are the God of my strength: why do you reject me? Why do I walk away in gloom, under the oppression of the enemy? 3 Send your light and your truth: they will guide me, they will make me come to the mountain of your holiness and to your tents. 4 AND I WILL COME TO THE ALTAR OF GOD, TO THE GOD OF THE JOY OF MY EXULTATION. AND I WILL GIVE YOU THANKS ON THE CITHARA, O GOD, MY GOD. 5

Why are you collapsing, my soul, and why are you rumbling over me? Wait for God, BECAUSE STILL I WILL GIVE HIM THANKS, THE SALVATION OF MY FACE AND MY GOD!

– In Ps 42/43 the psalmist first recalls the time when he praised the Lord in his temple (42:5); in a symmetrical position he is sure that he will be able to return to the temple (43:4). At the end of each of the three parts he promises to give thanks: “Wait for God, because still I will give him thanks” (42:6, 12; 43:5). – Ps 107 begins with an invitation addressed to the “redeemed of the Lord”: “Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good” (v. 1). The next three parts follow the same pattern: distress (vv. 4–5, 10–12, 17–18, 23–27), supplication and salvation (vv. 6–7, 13–14, 19–20, 28–30) and finally a call to thanksgiving: “Let them give thanks to the Lord for his faithfulness...” (vv. 8–9, 15–16, 21–22, 31–32). Note also the mention of “thirst” at the beginning of the two psalms: “my soul thirsts for God, for the living God” (42:3); “they were hungry and they were thirsty” (107:5).

II. Relations between Book Two and Book Five


107 1 GIVE THANKS TO YHWH, BECAUSE HE IS GOOD, because his faithfulness endures forever! 2 Let the redeemed of Yhwh say so, whom he redeemed from the hand of the oppressor, 3 and from the lands he gathered them, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the sea. 4 5

They wandered in the desert, in the wilderness, THEY WERE HUNGRY AND THEY WERE THIRSTY, 6 And they cried out to Yhwh in their oppression, 7 and he made them move on a right way, 8 LET THEM GIVE THANKS TO YHWH FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS, 9 Because he has satisfied the longing soul, 10

finding no way to an inhabited city; from their distress he delivered them. from their distress he delivered them, that they might go to an inhabited city. AND FOR HIS WONDERS TO THE CHILDREN OF ADAM! and the hungry soul he has filled with good!

Inhabitants of darkness and of shadow, because they defied the orders of God, 12 and he brought down their hearts with labour, * 13 And they cried out to Yhwh in their oppression, 14 he brought them out of darkness and of shadow = 15 LET THEM GIVE THANKS TO YHWH FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS, • 16 Because he broke the gates of bronze,

captives of affliction and of iron, and spurned the plan of the Most High, they succumbed, and there was no one to help. from their distress he saved them, and he broke apart their bonds. AND FOR HIS WONDERS TO THE CHILDREN OF ADAM! and smashed the bars of iron!


and for their faults, were tormented, and they drew near the gates of death. from their distress he saved them. and rescued them from their pits. AND FOR HIS WONDERS TO THE CHILDREN OF ADAM! AND LET THEM RECOUNT HIS WORKS IN SONGS OF JOY!



Fools, for their sinful ways their soul loathed all food, * 19 And they cried out to Yhwh in their oppression, 20 He sent his word and healed them, 21 LET THEM GIVE THANKS TO YHWH FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS, 22 LET THEM OFFER SACRIFICES OF THANKSGIVING,


Those going down to the sea in ships they have seen the works of Yhwh, 25 And he said and raised a storm wind, 26 they went up to the heavens, they went down to the depths, 27 they whirled and staggered like a drunkard, 24

* 28 And they cried out to Yhwh in their oppression, 29 He reduced the storm to a calm, 30 And they rejoiced that they were quiet,

doing business on great waters, and his wonders in the deep. and he lifted up the waves; their soul melted in evil; and all their wisdom was swallowed up.

from their distress he brought them out. and the waves were hushed. and he led them to the harbour they desired.



He turns rivers into a desert and a land of fruit into a salty waste, 35 He turns the desert into a pool of water, 36 and he makes the hungry dwell there, 37 and they sow fields and plant vines, 38 And he blesses them, and they multiply greatly,

and springs of water into a thirsty ground, for the evil of its inhabitants. and a dry land into a spring of water; and they establish an inhabited city, and make fruit to be harvested. and he does not let their cattle diminish.

And they are diminished and brought low 40 He pours contempt upon princes, 41 and he lifts up the poor from affliction, 42 the upright see and REJOICE, 43 Who is wise, let him keep these things,

under pressure of evil and sorrow. and he makes them wander in a chaos with no way, and sets the families like a flock; and all iniquity shuts its mouth. let them understand the faithfulness of Yhwh.

The situation is that of exile and return: in Ps 42/43, the psalmist remembers the time when he could praise the Lord in his temple (42:5) and hopes to return (43:34); in Ps 107, thanksgiving celebrates the liberation of the exiles, redeemed by the Lord (107:2).


Composition B. FINAL TERMS (PS 72 & PS 145)

Both books end with psalms that concern the king. Like Ps 127 at the centre of the fourth section of Book Five, the final psalm of Book Two is entitled “of Solomon” (72:1). The psalmist prays to God for “the king”, for “the son of the king”, that he will rule his people well (vv. 1–4 & 12–13) and that his reign will extend in time and space (vv. 5–11 & 15–19). The final psalm of Book Five (145) is complementary to Ps 72: It is not about the earthly king of the people of Israel, but about “the king” of heaven (145:1). The whole central part of the psalm celebrates his “kingdom” and “empire” (145:10–13). 72 1 Of SALOMON. O God, give THE KING your judgments and your righteousness to the son of THE KING: 2 that he may govern your people with righteousness and your afflicted with judgment. 3 May the mountains bring peace to the people and the hills righteousness: 4 He will judge the afflicted of the people, he will save the sons of the poor, he will crush the oppressor. 5 And

may he endure with the sun and in the face of the moon from age to age. 6 May he come down like rain on mown grass, like showers flooding the earth: 7 In his days the righteous will flourish and much peace until the moon is no more. 8 May he rule from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth; 9 before his face those of the desert will kneel and his enemies will lick the dust. 10 THE KINGS OF TARSHISH AND OF THE ISLANDS will bring a tribute, THE KINGS OF SHEBA AND SABA will bring near gifts; 11 and ALL THE KINGS will bow down to him, ALL THE NATIONS will serve him.

12 Yes,

he will deliver the poor who cries out, and the afflicted and who has no one to help him. will care for the weak and the poor, and he will save the souls of the poor. 14 He will redeem their soul from cunning and violence, and precious is their blood in his eyes. 13 He

15 He will live and he will give him from the gold of Sheba, and he will pray for him always, all the days HE WILL BLESS HIM. 16 Let an abundance of wheat be on the earth, may on the top of the mountains wave it like Lebanon its fruit; and may those of the city flourish like grass of the earth. 17 let HIS NAME be forever, in the face of the sun may HIS NAME spring forth and may ALL THE NATIONS BE BLESSED in him, compliment him. 18 BLESSED be Yhwh God, the God of Israel, who alone does wonders; 19 and BLESSED be THE NAME of HIS GLORY forever and ALL THE EARTH be filled with HIS GLORY. Amen! Amen! 20

The prayers of David son of Jesse are ended.

There are also “kings” of “all the nations” (72:10–11) who join in the blessing of Israel; “blessing” comes again in 72:15, 17, 18, 19; 145:1, 2, 10, 21.

II. Relations between Book Two and Book Five


Universality is marked by “the kings of Tarshish and of the islands”, “the kings of Sheba and Saba”, “all the kings, all the nations” (72:10–11), “all the nations” (72:17), “all the earth” (72:19), “all the living” (145:16), “all flesh” (145:21). The human king shares God’s “righteousness” (72:1, 2, 3, 7; 145:7, 17) and his “glory” (72:19[2x]; 145:5, 11, 12); like that of God, his “name” is “blessed” forever (72:17[2x], 19; 145:1, 2, 21). 145 1 Praise of David.

I will exalt you, my God THE KING, 2 all the days I WILL BLESS YOU 3

Great is Yhwh and highly to be praised,


Generation after generation extols your works – 5 The honour, THE GLORY of your majesty – 6 and they tell of your formidable power, 7 They proclaim the memory of your immense goodness, 8

Yhwh is tender and compassionate, 9

Yhwh (is) good to all 10

All your works give thanks to you, O Yhwh, 11 12



and I WILL BLESS YOUR NAME forever and ever. and I will praise YOUR NAME forever and ever. and to his greatness there is no limit. and they declare your prowess. and the story of your wonders, I recite; and I recount to them your greatness. and they acclaim your righteousness. slow to anger and great in faithfulness. and his compassion over all his works. and your faithful BLESS YOU.

They tell of THE GLORY of YOUR KINGDOM, and they speak of your prowess, to make known to the sons of Adam his prowess, and THE GLORY and honour of HIS KINGDOM.

YOUR KINGDOM is a KINGDOM for all times

and YOUR EMPIRE for all generations.

[God is trustworthy in his words

and faithful in all his works.]


Yhwh supports all who are falling 15 The eyes of all hope in you, 16 You open your hand

and makes straight all who are bowed down. and it is you who give them their food in its time. and satisfy ALL THE LIVING at will.


Yhwh is righteous in all his ways

and faithful in all his works.


Yhwh is near to all who call upon him, He does the will of those who fear him, 20 Yhwh maintains all who love him

to all who call upon him in truth. and he hears their cry and saves them. and all the wicked he will exterminate.


and ALL FLESH WILL BLESS HIS HOLY NAME forever and ever.


My mouth will speak the praise of Yhwh



C. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE FIRST SECTIONS (PS 42/43–49 & PS 107–112) The relations between the initial psalms has been discussed above (p. 216). 1. THE LAST TWO PSALMS OF EACH SECTION (PS 48–49 & PS 111–112) These two pairs of psalms correspond to each other, acting as final terms: – They are marked by “forever” and “ever” and the synonymous expressions: “God will make it firm forever” (48:9d), “that he is God, our God forever and ever” (48:15)—“it is costly the redemption of their soul and it will be lacking forever” (49:9), “and he shall live on for eternity” (49:10), “Their tombs will be their houses forever, their dwellings from generation to generation” (49:12), “He will go to the generation of his fathers, for eternity they will not see the light” (49:20). “And his righteousness remains forever” (111:3), “he remembers his covenant forever” (111:5), “(his precepts) are established forever and ever” (111:8), “he has commanded his covenant forever” (111:9), “his praise remains forever” (111:10)—“and his righteousness remains forever” (112:3), “Yes, he will never be shaken, the righteous will be in an everlasting remembrance” (112:6), “his righteousness remains forever” (112:9). – The same verb is translated as “will perish” at the centre of Ps 49 (v. 11) and as “is lost” at the end of Ps 112 (v. 10). – In the penultimate psalms “righteousness” is God’s prerogative: “Your right hand is full of righteousness” (48:11)—“and his righteousness remains forever” (111:3), but it is also concerns the righteous man in the last psalm (112:3). – The last psalms oppose each other. The wicked “trust in their possession and they praise themselves of the abundance of their wealth” (49:7), “Do not fear when a man gets rich, when the glory of his house abounds” (49:17)—As for the righteous, “wealth and riches in his house” (112:3), “good is the man who has mercy and shares” (112:5), “he distributes, he gives to the poor” (112:9). 2. PSALMS 45 AND 47 In the first section of Book Two, Ps 45 at the end of the first sequence and Ps 47 at the beginning of the third sequence act as median terms. These psalms are dedicated to the king. In Ps 45 it is the human king (“You are handsome more than the sons of Adam”, v. 3), but “anointed” by God (v. 8) who is the true king (“Your throne, O God, forever and ever, a sceptre of uprightness, the sceptre of your kingdom”, v. 7). In Ps 47, it concerns only God: “Yes, Yhwh, the Most High, is fearsome, the great King over all the earth” (v. 3); “7 Sing psalms to God, sing psalms, sing psalms to our King, sing psalms! 8 Yes, God is the King of all the earth: sing psalms of instruction! 9 God reigns over the nations, God sits on his throne of holiness”.

II. Relations between Book Two and Book Five


In the first section of Book Five, Ps 110 introduces the king of Israel, whom the divine king enthrones by seating him at his right hand: “An oracle of Yhwh to my Lord: Sit at my right hand” (v. 1).

D. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE FINAL SECTIONS (PS 66–72 & PS 135–145) 1. Final Terms The relationship between the last psalms has been discussed above (p. 216); it should be added that, like the final psalm of the final section of Book Five (Ps 145), the preceding psalm pronounced by the king (David) speaks of the Lord: “who subdues my people under me” (144:2); and he adds, at the beginning of the second side: “9 O God, I will sing a new song to you [...]10 who gives victory to kings, who rescues his servant David from the sword of evil”. Afterwards, the king of Israel gives thanks to the king of heaven: “I will exalt you, my God the king” (145:1). 2. Initial Terms At the beginning of these fifth sections there are psalms that celebrate the exodus: – Ps 66: “He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the river on foot” (v. 6); “we have entered into fire and into water, and you have brought us out into abundance” (v. 12). It is “all the earth” that is invited to acclaim God (vv. 1– 4, 8).—The same applies to the subsequent psalm, where all nations are called upon to give thanks to God for the good he has done for Israel (67:2, 7–8). – Ps 135 and the Great Hallel of Ps 136 celebrate the exodus from the land of Egypt and the victory over the kings of the Amorites and Bashan. While in Ps 135 it is Israel who is invited to give thanks to the Lord, the circle widens in Ps 136, which begins by praising God for creation (vv. 4–9) and for “giving bread to all flesh” (v. 25). 3. Central Terms The central sequences (Ps 69 & Ps 140) and the initial psalms of the subsequent sequences (Ps 70–71 & Ps 141–143) are “prayers” (69:14; 141:2, 5; 142:1; 143:1), “supplications” (140:7; 143:1), and “complaint” (142:3). In Ps 69, the psalmist sinks “in the miry depths” (v. 3) and in the centre of the psalm he implores the Lord: “15 Pull me out of the mire, that I may not sink, that I may escape from my adversaries and from the deep waters; 16 let the flood of waters not overflow me, let the depths not swallow me, let the pit not close its mouth over me”; then, concerning his aggressors, he asks “let their table become



a snare before them and for their friends a trap” (v. 23). In Ps 71, he says: “from the depths of the earth you will return to bring me up” (v. 20). In Ps 140 and the subsequent two, similar images occur: “trap”, “net”, “snares” (140:6), “trap”, “snares”, “nets” (141:9–10), “trap” (142:4). These supplications lead to thanksgiving (69:31–33; 70:5; 71:6, 8, 14–15, 22– 24 // 140:14).

E. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CENTRAL SECTIONS (PS 56–60 & PS 119) The two sections are quite different: one comprises five psalms, the other one a single psalm but with five sequences; in number of signs the difference is almost double: Ps 56–60: 4,145 signs; Ps 119: 7,783 signs. Their literary genre is also very dissimilar: The first section collects five lamentations of David at the mercy of his enemies, the other section is a long alphabetic acrostic poem which has been entitled “Meditation on the word that gives life”. And yet, it should not be forgotten that, throughout Ps 119 as in Ps 56–60, the psalmist is confronted with threats and attacks by “the wicked” (58:4 / 119:53, 61, 95, 110, 119. 155), his “enemies” (56:10; 59:2 / 119:98), the “oppression” of his “oppressors” (56:1; 59:17; 60:13, 14 / 119:121, 122, 134, 139, 143, 157), his “persecutors” (119:84, 86, 150, 157, 161), those who “dig” a pit before him (57:7 / 119:85). They seek to kill the righteous (56:7; 59:4 / 119:95) and, to achieve their ends, they do not hesitate to resort to “lies” (kzb in 58:4; kḥš in 59:13; šqr in 119:29, 69, 86, 104, 118, 128, 163). Rereading these two sections, Albertus one will see the importance of the presence of the psalmist's enemies (A Medium font bold italic). However, the psalmist knows that he can count on the “faithfulness” of the Lord (ḥesed, 59:4, 11; 59:11, 17–18; 119:41, 64, 76, 88, 124, 149, 159) and his “loyalty” (’ĕmet, 57:4, 11; 119:43, 142, 151, 160).

F. THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving is found in most of the psalms in both books, however, with one notable difference. In Book Two, it is mentioned mainly at the end of the psalms as a promise, in the future or volitive tense, which will be fulfilled when the supplication is answered: – Ps 42/43: It is first of all the memory of a time, alas, a past one: “These things I remember [...]: when I went forth with the multitude, I led them to the house of God, among the voice of shouts of joy and of thanksgiving of a crowd keeping festival” (42:5). Then it is the promise repeated three times at the end

II. Relations between Book Two and Book Five


of the parts: “Wait for God, because still I will give him thanks” (42:6, 12; 43:5). – Ps 45: “I will remember your name in every generation and generation, that is why the peoples will give you thanks forever and ever” (v. 18). – Ps 48: “11 as your name, O God, so your praise, to the ends of the earth! [...] 12 the mountain of Zion rejoices; the daughters of Judah exult”; “in order to recount to future generations...” (v. 14). – Ps 51: “16 my tongue will acclaim your righteousness; 17 […] and my mouth will declare your praise”; “then they will bring up bulls on your altars” (v. 21). – Ps 52: “I give thanks to you forever, because you have done it” (v. 11). – Ps 53: “Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice!” (v. 7). – Ps 54: “With a great heart I will make a sacrifice for you, I will give thanks to your name, Yhwh” (v. 8). – Ps 56: “I will render thanksgiving to you” (v. 13). – Ps 57: “I will sing and I will sing psalms” (v. 8); “I will praise you among the peoples, O Lord, I will sing psalms to you in the countries” (v. 10). – Ps 58: “11 The righteous will rejoice [...] 12 and adam will say [...]: yes, there is a God judging on earth.” – Ps 59: “And as for me, I will sing of your strength, and I shout for joy in the morning for your faithfulness” (v. 17); “I will sing psalms for you” (v. 18). – Ps 61: “Then I will sing psalms to your name forever, fulfilling my vows day after day” (v. 9). – Ps 63: at the end of the two parts: “4 my lips will celebrate you. 5 Then I will bless you in my life...”. “And the king will rejoice in God, and all who swear by him will praise” (v. 12). – Ps 64: “10 And all men will fear, and will proclaim the work of God [...]; 11 the righteous will rejoice in Yhwh [...] and all the upright of heart will praise him.” – Ps 69: “I will praise the name of God with a song and I will magnify him with thanksgiving” (v. 31); “The humiliated have seen, they rejoice” (v. 33); “Let heaven and earth praise him” (v. 35). – Ps 70: “Let them be jubilant and rejoice in you [...] and let them always say” (v. 5). Some psalms, however, are an exception; praise is heard right from the beginning to the end: – Ps 47: “All you peoples, clap your hands, acclaim God with the voice of shouts of joy” (v. 2); “Sing psalms to God, sing psalms, sing psalms to our King, sing psalms” (v. 7; see also vv. 6, 8). – Ps 65: “To you silence is praise [...] and to you the vow is fulfilled” (v. 2); “they acclaim, more, they sing” (v. 14; see also vv. 5, 9). – Ps 66: “1 Acclaim God, all the earth, 2 sing psalms to the glory of his name, set the glory of his praise”; “Blessed be God who has not turned away my prayer” (v. 20; see also vv. 4, 8, 13–17).



– Ps 67: “Let the peoples give you thanks, O God, let the peoples give you thanks, all of them!” (vv. 4, 6; see also vv. 5, 8). – Ps 68: “Sing to God, sing psalms to his name [...] and exult in his face” (v. 5); “O kingdoms of the earth, sing to God, sing psalms to the Lord” (v. 33; see also vv. 26–27, 36). In Book Five, it is more common for praise to be expressed at the beginning of many of the psalms, as a fulfilment: – Ps 107: “Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good” (v. 1), “the upright see and rejoice” (v. 42; see also vv. 2, 8, 15, 21–22, 31–32). – Ps 108: “My heart is ready, O God, I will sing and I will play, O my glory” (v. 2); “awake, harp and cithara” (v. 3); “I will give you thanks among the peoples, O Yhwh, and I will play to you in the countries” (v. 4). – Ps 109: “O God of my praise, do not be silent” (v. 1), “I will give thanks to Yhwh greatly with my mouth, and in the midst of many I will praise him” (v. 30). – Ps 111: “Praise Yah! I give thanks to Yhwh with all heart” (v. 1); “his praise remains forever” (v. 10c). – Ps 112: “Praise Yah! Happy is the man...” (v. 1). – Ps 113: “Praise Yah! Praise, you servants of Yhwh, praise the name of Yhwh” (v. 1), “Praise Yah! (v. 9c; see also vv. 2–3). – Ps 117: “1 Praise Yhwh, all you nations, glorify him, all you countries 2 [...] Praise Yah!” – Ps 118: “Give thanks to Yhwh, yes, he is good” (vv. 1, 29), “I will give thanks to Yah” (v. 19; see also vv. 2–4, 21, 24, 28). – Ps 119: “I will give you thanks in uprightness of heart” (v. 7), “Seven times a day I praise you” (v. 164; see also vv. 46, 48, 62). – Ps 122: “I rejoiced among them saying to me: ‘We are arriving to the house of Yhwh!’” (v. 1), “It is the precept for Israel to give thanks to the name of Yhwh” (v. 4d). – Ps 126: “Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with jubilation” (v. 2), “he comes, he comes in jubilation, carrying his sheaves” (v. 6; see also vv. 2c–3, 5). – Ps 134: In the last psalm of ascents, “1 Behold, bless Yhwh [...] 2 Lift up your hands to the sanctuary and bless Yhwh.” – Ps 135: “Praise Yah! Praise the name of Yhwh, praise, you servants of Yhwh” (v. 1), “Praise Yah!” (v. 21b; see also vv. 3, 19–21a). – Ps 136: “Give thanks to Yhwh, yes he is good, yes forever his faithfulness!” (v. 1), “Give thanks to the God of the heavens, yes forever his faithfulness” (v. 26, see also vv. 2–3). – Ps 138: “I give thanks to you with all my heart, in front of the gods I sing psalms to you” (v. 1; see also vv. 2, 4, 5).

II. Relations between Book Two and Book Five


– Ps 144: “Blessed be Yhwh my rock” (v. 1), “happy the people where thus it happens to him, happy the people where Yhwh is their God” (v. 15; see also v. 9). This is in addition to the other psalms where praise and thanksgiving occur at the end of psalm: – Ps 114: “Before the Master, tremble, O earth” (v. 7). – Ps 115: “17 It is not the dead who praise Yah [...], 18 but as for us, we bless Yah, from now and forever. Praise Yah!” – Ps 116: “I will lift up the cup of salvation and I will call on the name of Yhwh” (v. 13), “Praise Yah!” (v. 19b; see also vv. 14, 17–18). – Ps 124: “Blessed be Yhwh”, at the centre (v. 6). – Ps 128: “Behold, that surely will be blessed the man who fears Yhwh” (v. 4; see also vv. 5–6). – Ps 129: “We bless you in the name of Yhwh” (v. 8). – Ps 140: “Yes, the righteous shall give thanks to your name, the saints shall dwell before your face” (v. 14). – Ps 142: “ring my soul out from prison, that I may give thanks to your name” (v. 8). As for the “Great Doxology” (Ps 146–150), which closes Book Five and the whole of the Psalter, it contains five psalms of praise and thanksgiving. Each of these psalms is framed by the Hallelujah, “Praise Yah”. This acclamation is absent in the first three books. It appears for the first time at the end of Book Four, at the conclusion of the penultimate psalm (105:45) and at the extremities of the last psalm (106:1, 48). It is found nine times in Book Five (111:1; 112:1; 113:1.9; 115:18; 116:19; 117:2; 135:1.21), before “The Great Doxology”. It should also be pointed out that: – The venom of the serpent is found only in the central psalm of Book Two (58:5) and in the central psalm of the last section of Book Four (140:4). – Ps 108, the second psalm of Book Five, is the equivalent of the last verses of two psalms that belong to the central section of Book Two: Ps 108:2–6 = Ps 57:8–12; Ps 108:7–14 = Ps 60:7–14.

III. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE FIRST TWO BOOKS A. “OF DAVID” Apart from the two psalms in the Prologue (Ps 1–2) and Ps 33, all other psalms in Book One are “of David”.13 Book Two does not show the same unanimity. The psalms of the first section are “of the sons of Korah” (Ps 42/43– 49); Ps 50 could not be “of David”, for it is God’s indictment of his people (50:1–15) and then of the wicked (50:16–23), after which David acknowledges his fault (Ps 51); from Ps 51 to Ps 71 they are again “of David”, except for Ps 66 and Ps 67, and except for the last one, which is entitled as “of Solomon”, son of David.14 In Book Three, only Ps 86 is entitled as “of David”, the others are “of Asaph”, “of the sons of Korah” and finally “of Etan the Ezrahite” (Ps 89). In Book Four, only Ps 101 and Ps 103 are “of David”; in Book Five, there are fifteen psalms “of David” out of forty-four, three in the first section (Ps 108–110), four in the fourth section, that of the Songs of Ascents (Ps 122; 124; 131; 133), and five in the fifth section (Ps 138–145). The first two books thus contain by far the largest number of psalms attributed to David; 56 psalms, while the last two contain only 15, and the central book only one. It should be pointed out that the five psalms in the central section of Book Two have the phrase “in a low voice” in their titles, and that this phrase already appeared in Book One, at the beginning of the title of Ps 16, and nowhere else in the Psalter.

B. THE KING OF HEAVEN AND HIS ANOINTED ONE Ps 1, which presents the man who resists the lure of the wicked and walks in the law of God, is followed by Ps 2, where the Lord, “The one who sits in the heavens” (2:4), gives the investiture to the earthly king whom he considers as his “son” (2:7). After the law, kingship is the second thread that runs through the entire first part of the Psalter. Book One contains no less than thirteen “royal” psalms and Book Two ten, making a total of twenty-three for the first side of the Psalter (compared to sixteen for the second side). The kings of the nations, which will be discussed later, are not included.15 Among the references to kings, those concerning the 13 Ps 10 has no title, because it forms a single psalm, an alphabetical acrostic, with the preceding one (Ps 9–10). 14 See Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43–72), 379 = The Psalter: Book Two (Ps 42/43– 72), 379. 15 See p. 257.



king of heaven are in SMALL CAPITALS, those concerning the earthly king are in small italics. In Book One, these are the thirteen psalms that speak of the king: – Ps 2: “The kings of the earth [...] gather together, against Yhwh and against his Messiah” (v. 2); but “THE ONE WHO SITS IN THE HEAVENS [...] MOCKS THEM” (v. 4), saying: “And I myself, I have installed my king” (v. 6); and the Messiah proclaims the decree of Yhwh: “He said to me: You are my son, I myself, today I have begotten you” (v. 7), “You will break them with a sceptre of iron” (v. 9); and the kings of the earth are invited to “kiss the son” (v. 12). – Ps 5: “GIVE ATTENTION TO THE VOICE OF MY CRY, MY KING AND MY GOD” (v. 3). – Ps 8: “with glory and splendour you crown him” (v. 6). – Ps 9: “YOU HAVE SAT ON THE THRONE AS A RIGHTEOUS JUDGE” (v. 5); “BUT YHWH SITS FOREVER, HE STRENGTHENS HIS THRONE FOR JUDGMENT” (v. 8). – Ps 11: “YHWH, IN THE HEAVENS HIS THRONE” (v. 4). – Ps 18: “Magnifying the salvation for his king and showing faithfulness to his messiah” (v. 51). ·································································································································

– Ps 20: “Now I know that Yhwh saves his messiah” (v. 7). – Ps 21: “Yhwh, in your strength the king rejoices” (v. 2), “you have set on his head a crown of fine gold” (v. 4), “Yes, the king trusts in Yhwh” (v. 8). – Ps 22: “KINGSHIP BELONGS TO YHWH AND HE RULES OVER THE NATIONS” (v. 29). – Ps 23: “YHWH IS MY SHEPHERD” (v. 1). – Ps 24: “THE KING OF GLORY SHALL ENTER! [...] YHWH SABAOTH, HE IS THE KING OF GLORY” (vv. 7–10). ·································································································································

– Ps 28: “Yhwh [...], he is a refuge of salvation for his messiah” (v. 8), “Save your people [...] and FEED THEM and lift them up forever” (v. 9). – Ps 29: “YHWH HAS SAT IN THE FLOOD AND YHWH SITS AS KING FOREVER” (v. 10).

In seven psalms the king is God, in four psalms he is a human being, his anointed one and indeed “the man” (Ps 8). In two psalms (2 & 28), the king of heaven and his messiah are named together. While the king is mentioned more in the first section (Ps 1–18) than in the last one (Ps 26–41), he is mentioned in all the psalms of the central section (Ps 20–24): In the first sequence (Ps 20–21) it is the earthly king, but starting from the central psalm (Ps 22) and until the end it is the heavenly king. In Book Two, there are nine psalms dealing with the king: – Ps 44: “YOU ARE MY KING, O GOD” (v. 5). – Ps 45: “Myself, I recite my work to the king” (v. 2), “peoples fall under you, in the heart of the enemies of the king” (v. 6), “YOUR THRONE, O GOD, FOREVER AND EVER, A SCEPTRE OF UPRIGHTNESS, THE SCEPTRE OF YOUR KINGDOM!” (v. 7), “that is why God, your God, has anointed you” (v. 8), “daughters of kings among your beloved” (v. 10), “and the king will desire your beauty” (v. 12; see also vv. 14, 17).

III. Relations between the First Two Books


– Ps 47: “YES, YHWH [...] THE GREAT KING OVER ALL THE EARTH” (v. 3), “SING PSALMS TO OUR KING” (v. 7), “YES, GOD IS THE KING OF ALL THE EARTH” (v. 8), “GOD REIGNS OVER THE NATIONS, GOD SITS ON HIS THRONE OF HOLINESS” (v. 9). – Ps 48: “THE MOUNTAIN OF ZION [...] THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING” (v. 3). ································································································································· – Ps 55: “LET GOD HEAR [...], HE WHO SITS FROM OF OLD” (v. 20). ·································································································································

– Ps 61: “Add days to days of the king” (v. 7), “let him sit forever” (v. 8). – Ps 63: “And the king will rejoice in God” (v. 12). ································································································································· – Ps 68: “THE PROCESSIONS OF MY GOD, MY KING, TO THE SANCTUARY” (v. 25).

– Ps 72: “Of Salomon. O God, give the king your judgments and your righteousness to the son of the king” (v. 1).

In five psalms God is king and in three others it is his anointed. In Ps 45, it is the earthly king and the heavenly king. While the five psalms in the central section of Book One (Ps 20–24) all speak of the king, the five psalms in the central section of Book Two (Ps 56–60) say nothing about him. In the whole of the first side, there are twelve psalms that mention God as king, and only seven mention man, six of these mention the one whom he has anointed as king of his people. In three psalms (2; 28; 45) they are mentioned together.

C. THE LAW OF GOD AND OF MAN We have already seen that the focal points of Book One deal with God’s “law” (Ps 19) and his “ways” (Ps 25).16 It should be added that “the law” is already referred to in Ps 1, at the beginning of the first sequence: “because on the contrary in the Law of Yhwh his delight and in his Law murmurs day and night” (1:2); and it is the same at the beginning of the last sequence: “To do your will, my God, I desire, and your law is in the depth of my bowels” (40:9).17 But that is not all: at the beginning of the last section, Ps 26 recalls Ps 1 with which the first section begins: These two psalms thus fulfil the function of initial terms for the extreme sections. The psalmist of Ps 26 declares that he conforms to the attitude of the man of Ps 1 who “does not walk in the counsel of the wicked” and “does not sit in the circle of the scoffers” (1:1): he “walks” in his “integrity” and “righteousness”, in God’s “faithfulness” and “truth” (26:1–3, 11– 12) and does not “sit” with “the wicked” (26:4–5, 9–10).18 16

See p. 202–205. Note that “I desire” (40:9) recalls “his desire/delight” (1:2). 18 I missed this striking connection between the two psalms in Le Psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1–41) = The Psalter: Book One (Ps 1–41). 17



Moreover, Ps 40 is not the only one where God’s law is interiorised “in the depths of the bowels” of the psalmist (40:9), thus becoming his own law; already in Ps 37, after having said: “Because Yhwh loves judgement” (37:28), the psalmist adds: “The mouth of the righteous whispers wisdom and his tongue utters judgment; the law of his God in his heart” (37:30–31). God’s law has thus become the psalmist’s law. This supports the rabbinic interpretation of Ps 1:2, “because on the contrary in the law of Yhwh his delight and in his law murmurs day and night”. “His law” is ambiguous and can refer to God’s law as well as human law; by the act of “murmuring” God’s law enters “into his heart”. It has become “his law”. The law having been integrated, it is no longer only the Lord who can teach it, but also the man of God. Thus, at the beginning of the central subsection of the last section, in Ps 32, entitled “Instruction”, the forgiven psalmist declares: “I will instruct you and I will teach you this way you should walk” (32:8). The importance of this psalm is marked by the double “Happy” with which it begins: “Happy the one whose transgression is taken away, the one whose sin is covered! Happy the man to whom Yhwh does not impute fault...” (32:1–2). Therefore, these two “happy” of the last two psalms of the book (40,5; 41,2) are not the only ones that refer to those that frame the first two psalms (1:1; 2:12).19 In Book Two, the first sequence of the second section begins with Ps 50, where the Lord puts his people on trial. He asks them: “What is it up to you to enumerate my decrees and to take my covenant in your mouth; and as for you, you hate discipline and you cast my words behind you?” (50:16–17). Then follows a list of faults that recall the last part of the Decalogue: 18

If you see a thief, you are pleased with him and your share is with adulterers; 19 you send your mouth with evil and your tongue plots deceit. 20 You sit, you speak against your brother, you give dishonour against the son of your mother.

This trial is immediately followed by the confession of sins in which the psalmist, David, insists on being forgiven (51:3, 4, 9, 11) for his “transgressions”, his “sins” and his “faults”: = 9 YOU WILL PURGE my sin with hyssop, and I will be pure; = you will wash me, and I will be whiter than snow!

before promising that: + 15 I WILL TEACH the transgressors your ways + and the sinners will return to you!

Therefore, Ps 51 in Book Two corresponds to Ps 32 in Book One. 19

It should also be noted that the word “Happy” occurs in the first three psalms of the subsection Ps 32–37 (32:1, 2; 33:12; 34:9).

III. Relations between the First Two Books


Symmetrically, the two psalms of the last sequence of the fourth section (Ps 64–65) respond to the binomial of Ps 50–51. In Ps 64 the psalmist asks to be protected from those who do “evil” and that they will be punished, and in the subsequent psalm he gives thanks for the forgiveness he has received: “The words of faults are mightier than I, our transgressions, as for you, you cover them” (65:4), a grace he asked for insistently in Ps 51. As the punishment of the wicked is the “work” of God (64:10), so forgiveness (at the centre of the first part of Ps 65) is in line with the “wonders” and “signs” that God works by “calming the roaring of the seas” (65:6–9) and by visiting his land with the blessing of rain (65:10–14).

D. SIN AND CONVERSION Throughout the first section of Book One, evil and sin are only the work of others, “the wicked”. Then the psalmist realises that he is not free of it. Thus, at the end of the first focal point: “The wanderings, who can discern them? From the hidden ones, declare me innocent” (19:13), but much more strongly in the second focal point: “Do not you remember the faults of my youth and my sins” (25:7), “Yhwh is good and upright, that is why he instructs sinners in the way” (25:8), “For the sake of your name, Yhwh, you will forgive my wrong though there are many” (25:11), “See my humiliation and my pain and take away all my faults” (25:18). In the first subsection of the last section (Ps 26–31), evil and sin are only the work of enemies, but later the psalmist recognizes himself as a sinner (32:1–2, 5; 38:4–5, 19; 39:9, 12; 40:12–13; 41:5).20 A similar movement animates Book Two, but it continues it, going much further. The first section is marked by the sin committed by others. It is certainly no coincidence that Ps 14, which is found in the first side of the first book, is taken up again in the first side of the second book by Ps 53; this repetition underlines the extent to which all “the sons of Adam” are “gone astray”. It is also the aggressive presence of foreign nations: “You have given us as sheep for butchery and you have dispersed us among the nations” (44:12). The same goes as far as the central section: “bring down the peoples, O God” (56:8), “rise up to visit all these nations” (59:6), “let them know that God rules in Jacob to the ends of the earth” (59:14); Edom and Philistia will experience it (60:10). Then, in the last section, there is a radical reversal. The same nations that persecuted Israel are invited to praise the Lord for the salvation he has granted to the chosen people: “Acclaim God, all the earth” (66:1); “Bless our God, O peoples, and make the voice of his praise to be heard, he who sets our soul in 20

See Le Psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1–41), 603–604 = The Psalter: Book One (Ps 1–41), 603–604; see also, above, p. 209.



life and he does not allow our feet to be shaken” (66:8–9). The pagan peoples are called to join Israel in blessing (66:8), in singing psalms (66:2); “O kingdoms of the earth, sing to God, sing psalms to the Lord” (68:33). Finally, what was announced in the first section of Ps 47 comes to fulfilment: “2 All you peoples, clap your hands, acclaim God with the voice of shouts of joy! 3 Yes, Yhwh, the Most High, is fearsome, the great King over all the earth”, “7 Sing psalms to God, sing psalms, sing psalms to our King, sing psalms! 8 Yes, God is the King of all the earth: sing psalms of instruction!” The section—and therefore not only the whole of Book Two, but also the whole of the first part of the Psalter—ends with the image of “all nations” “blessing themselves” in the name of Solomon, the king of peace (72:15, 17).21

E. THANKSGIVING The preceding two chapters ended with a parallel of thanksgiving between Book One and Book Four,22 then between Book Two and Book Five.23 In the first two books, which form the first side of the Psalter, thanksgiving is mainly presented as a promise for an unspecified future, while in the second two books it will be accomplished.


See Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43–72), 402–405 = The Psalter: Book Two (Ps 42/43–72), 402–405. 22 See p. 210. 23 See p. 222.

IV. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE LAST TWO BOOKS A. THE TITLES The first psalm of the second side of the Psalter is entitled “of Moses, the man of God” (90:1); it is the only one in the Psalter that is attributed to the one through whom the law was given to Israel, and it is the only personage who is called “the man of God” in the Psalter. Seventeen psalms are referred to as “of David”: two at the end of Book Four (Ps 101 & 103), fifteen in Book Five, three in the first section (Ps 108–110), four in the fourth section, that of the Psalms of Ascents (Ps 122; 124; 131; 133) and five in the fifth section (Ps 138–145).

B. THE LAW, PRECEPTS AND THE MIGHTY DEEDS OF THE LORD The name of Moses appears seven times in Book Four, at the beginning of the first psalm (90:1), once in three other psalms (99:6; 103:7; 105:26) and three times in the last psalm (106:16, 23, 32), as if to form an inclusion with the first psalm. Three times Moses is mentioned with his brother Aaron (99:6; 105:26; 106:16). His name, along with that of Aaron, appears elsewhere only once, in the conclusion of Ps 77, towards the end of the first section of the Third Book, and not even once elsewhere, neither in the first side (Ps 1–72) nor in the last book (Ps 107–150). Book Five focuses on Ps 119. The term “law” is mentioned 25 times, and its synonyms—“orders”, “precepts”, “decrees”, “commandments”, “judgments”; “word”, “saying”—occur in almost all of its 22 passages;24 to which we should add the “way” which is used up to 14 times, mainly in the first sequence (vv. 1– 40). The “law” is referred to in the heart of Ps 94: “Happy the man whom you discipline, O Yhwh, and whom you teach out of your law” (v. 12). In Ps 132, which is entirely devoted to David—to his desire to build a house for the Lord and to God’s oath to build him a house, a dynasty—the permanence of the kingship for his sons is conditioned by their faithfulness to the “covenant” and to the “precept” taught by God (v. 12), thus to the law of Moses. In Ps 112, it is declared “happy is the man” who “greatly delights in his commandments” (v. 1); here again it concerns the law of Moses. The preceding psalm, the twin of Ps 112, speaks of the Lord’s “precepts” (111:7) and his 24

See Le Psautier. Cinquième livre (Ps 107–150), 321 = The Psalter: Book Five (Ps 107– 150), 321.



“covenant” (111:5, 9); the context is that of his “deeds” (111:2), his “work” (111:3), which can refer to creation, his “wonders” (111:4) and his “deeds” (111:6, 7, 8), which refer to the gift of the land and the law. This invites us to understand “the law” not only in its restricted sense of God’s commandments and precepts, but in that of the whole of his “works”, as they are deployed in the first five books, in the Torah; works which include creation and salvation, of which the Exodus is the founding and emblematic example which includes the gift of liberation from slavery, the gift of the Law and the gift of the land. In the last section of Book Four, the law in the restricted sense is evoked in four psalms: – Ps 95: at the centre of the first focal point of Book Four: “Today, if you would listen to his voice” (v. 7); “they did not know my ways” (v. 10). – Ps 101: in the second focal point of Book Four, the king commits himself to walk “in the way of the perfect” (v. 2) and to surround himself with those “walk in the way of the perfect” (v. 6). – Ps 103: at the centre of the second part: “6 Yhwh does righteousness and judgments to all who are oppressed, 7 he made known to Moses his ways, to the children of Israel his mighty deeds”;25 and at the centre of the penultimate part: “17 But the faithfulness of Yhwh from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, [...] 18 to those who keep his covenant, and to those who remember his precepts to do them.”

The section ends with a sequence in which the law of Moses is discussed in each of its two psalms: – Ps 105: “Judgments” and “precept” are mentioned at the beginning (vv. 5, 6, 10) and the psalm ends with “for the sake that they might keep his decrees and observe his laws” (v. 45). – Ps 106: As for the next psalm, it recalls, at the centre, that “they did not believe in his word” and “they did not listen to the voice of Yhwh” (vv. 24–25).

The themes of creation (regular font) and exodus (italics) are present in many of the psalms of Book Four: – Ps 90: From the beginning of the first psalm, the tone is set, and even more strongly, since the “prayer of Moses, the man of God”, goes back even before the creation: “Before the mountains were born and you brought forth the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity you are God” (v. 2); and follows a reference to the creation of man: “You make mankind return to the dust, and you say: ‘Return, you children of Adam!’” (v. 3).


“The mighty deeds” are those of the exodus; as for “his judgements”, it may be a synonym for “the law”, but in this context the term refers to the salvation granted to “the oppressed”.

IV. Relations between the Last Two Books


– Ps 92: “5 Because you have made me glad, O Yhwh, by your deeds, at the works of your hands I shout for joy. 6 How great are your works, O Yhwh, your thoughts are very deep!” – Ps 93: “1 Yhwh is clothed, he is girded with strength, indeed, the world is established, it cannot be shake. 2 Your throne is established from the beginning, you are from everlasting.” – In Ps 95, the first focal point of Book Four, the first motivation given for the invitation to thanksgiving is the creation of the earth and the sea (vv. 3–5), the second the creation of Israel as God’s people (v. 7); in the last part, the hardening at Meribah and Massah and the “forty years” of the exodus are recalled (vv. 8–11). – Ps 96: “5 and Yhwh made the heavens; 6 majesty and splendour before him”, after which all creation rejoices: “Let the heavens rejoice and the earth exult, let the sea thunder and its fullness...” (vv. 11–12). – Ps 97: the first part is centred on a theophany which may recall the creation: “his lightning lights up the world, and the earth sees and shakes; the mountains melt like wax before Yhwh before Yhwh...” (vv. 3–5). – Ps 98: It is first of all “salvation”: “2 Yhwh has made known his salvation, in the eyes of the nations he has revealed his righteousness; 3 he has remembered his faithfulness and his truth to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God”; and then the whole of creation rejoices: “7 Let the sea and its fullness thunder, the world and those who dwell in it! 8 Let the rivers clap the hands, let the mountains shout for joy together 9 before Yhwh!” – Ps 99: “6 Moses and Aaron among his priests [...] they called Yhwh and it was he who answered them. 7 In the pillar of cloud he spoke with them, they kept his testimonies and the law that he gave them...” – Ps 100: The constitution of the people of Israel is both an act of creation and of salvation: “it is he who made us and we are his, his people and the sheep of his pasture” (v. 3). – Ps 102: The return from exile, a new exodus, is envisaged “when Yhwh will rebuild Zion” (v. 17; also vv. 19, 21–22); as for the creation, it is evoked at the end, but, as in Ps 90, to underline that God will remain after its destruction: “26 Formerly you founded the earth, and the heavens were the work of your hands; 27 as for them, they will perish, and as for you, you remain; and they all wear out like a garment, you change them like a clothing, and they are changed. 28 And as for you, you are the same, and your years have no end.” – Ps 104: The whole psalm is one long praise to God the creator. – Ps 105: With the law, are recalled the “mighty deeds” of the Lord (v. 1), his “wonders” and his “miracles” (v. 5) which are those of the exodus. – Ps 106: Also for the last psalm of the book where the sins and faults of Israel are listed throughout the exodus and even in the land of Canaan, until the exile.

The same applies, and even to a greater extent, in Book Five. At the centre of the composition, the impressive monument to the glory of the Law (Ps 119) is framed by two sections that celebrate the exodus, the Egyptian Hallel (Ps 113– 119), and the return from exile, the new exodus (Ps 120–134).



Although in the centre of the first section (Ps 107–112) there is a long supplication in which the psalmist invokes God’s help against the friend who has betrayed him (Ps 109), – Ps 107: the opening psalm of the book gives thanks for the return from exile (vv. 1– 3) which recalls the exodus and the succession of faithfulness of the Lord who hears the cry of the oppressed and saves them. – Ps 108: The words of the Lord which form the central part of the psalm (vv. 8–10) tell of his salvific work on behalf of his people. – The twin psalms with which the section ends (Ps 111–112) were discussed above (p. 233–234).

The last section (Ps 135–145) begins with a couple of psalms that recall both the creation and the salvation of the exodus: – Ps 135: “All that Yhwh pleases he makes, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all depths...” (vv. 6–7), “He struck down the first-born of Egypt [...] He struck down many nations and killed valiant kings” (vv. 8–11), “And he gave their land as an inheritance, as an inheritance to Israel his people” (v. 12). – Ps 136: The “Great Hallel” begins with the creation (vv. 4–9), and then moves on to the wonders of the exodus until the gift of the land (vv. 10–22). – Following Ps 137, in which the psalmist could not sing in his Babylonian exile, the subsequent psalm sees that “all the kings of the earth” will give thanks to the Lord for his “words” and for his “ways”, for his law and for his salvation for the lowly (138:4–6). – Ps 139: The psalmist’s meditation on his own creation: “you examine me and you know me...” (v. 1), “13 Because it was you, you formed my inward parts, you knit me together in my mother’s womb; 14 I give you thanks because terribly, I am wonderfully made.” – Ps 141: As an echo of Ps 1, the psalmist asks for God’s help to resist the seduction of the wicked who would turn him away from God’s law: “Do not incline my heart to an evil word to practice deeds of wickedness, with men, the doers of iniquity” (v. 4), “Keep me from the hands of the trap that they set for me and from the snares of doers of iniquity” (v. 9). – Ps 143: After the reminder of God’s mighty deeds: “I remember the days of old, I recall all your deeds, I meditate on the works of your hands” (v. 5), the psalmist asks to be instructed in the law: “Let me know the way I should go” (v. 8), “teach me to do your will” (v. 10). – Ps 145: A “praise” for the “works” of God (vv. 4, 9, 10, 13b, 17), his “prowess” (vv. 4, 11, 12), the “story” of his “wonders” (v. 5), his “words” (v. 13b), his “ways” (v. 17), in other words, his law and his salvation.

The “Great Doxology” is evidently of the same nature: – Ps 147: Praise for the return from exile (vv. 2–3), for creation (vv. 4–5, 8–9, 16– 18), and finally for the gift of the law: “19 He reveals his word to Jacob, his precepts and his judgments to Israel; 20 He did not do so to any people, and they did not know his judgments.”

IV. Relations between the Last Two Books


– Ps 148: Praise for creation (vv. 1b–4, 7–12) and for the salvation of his people (v. 14).

This massive reference to creation in the second side of the Psalter makes a striking contrast with the first side where it appears rarely: – Ps 8: The creation of the heavens: “Yes, I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you strengthen” (v. 4) is set in parallel with the animals, “the works of your hands”, over which God sets the man (vv. 7–9). – Ps 19: The entire first part (2-7) is devoted to the creation: “The heavens recount the glory of God and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands” (v. 2), before the Law is praised. – Ps 33: “6 By the word of Yhwh the heavens were made and by the breath of his mouth all their host; 7 He gathers like a pile the waters of the sea, he puts the abysses in storehouses.”

C. THE KING In Book Four, there are eleven psalms in which the king is mentioned, especially in the five psalms of the central section (Ps 96–100), which are rightly called “of the kingdom”: – Ps 93: “YHWH REIGNS” (V. 1), “YOUR THRONE IS ESTABLISHED” (v. 2). ································································································································· – Ps 95: “BECAUSE YHWH IS A GREAT GOD, AND A GREAT KING ABOVE ALL GODS” (V. 3), “AND WE THE PEOPLE OF HIS PASTURE, AND THE SHEEP OF HIS HAND” (v. 7). ································································································································· – Ps 96: “YHWH REIGNS” (v. 10). – Ps 97: “YHWH REIGNS” (V. 1), “RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUDGMENT, THE FOUNDATION OF HIS THRONE” (V. 2), “BEFORE THE MASTER OF ALL THE EARTH” (v. 5). – Ps 98: “ACCLAIM BEFORE THE KING YHWH” (v. 6). – Ps 99: “YHWH REIGNS [...] HE SITS ON THE CHERUBIM” (v. 1), “AND THE STRENGTH OF THE KING IS THE JUDGMENT WHICH HE LOVES” (v. 4). – Ps 100: “AND WE ARE HIS, HIS PEOPLE AND THE SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE” (v. 3). ·································································································································

– Ps 101: the psalmist promises to exercise power by walking “in the perfection of his heart”, to surround himself with those who walk “in the way of the perfect.” ································································································································· – Ps 102: “BUT AS FOR YOU, O YHWH, YOU ARE ENTHRONED FOREVER” (v. 13). – Ps 103: “YHWH HAS ESTABLISHED HIS THRONE IN THE HEAVENS, AND HIS KINGSHIP DOMINATES ALL” (v. 19).

– Ps 105: “Do not touch my anointed ones, and do no harm my prophets” (v. 15).

In nine psalms the kingship is that of God; in the two focal points it is first God’s kingship (Ps 95) and then that of his messiah (Ps 101). In the last one (Ps 105), those whom the Lord has anointed are his prophets.



In Book Five, the king is mentioned in six psalms: – Ps 110: “Sit at my right hand” (v. 1), “the rod of your strength” (v. 2), “he judges the nations” (v. 6). – Ps 122: “because there are set the thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David” (v. 5). – Ps 123: “TOWARD YOU I LIFT UP MY EYES, WHO SIT IN THE HEAVENS” (v. 1). – Ps 132: “do not turn back the face of your Messiah” (v. 10), “From the fruit of your womb I will set on the throne made for you” (v. 11), “also their sons forever will sit on the throne made for you” (v. 12), “HERE I WILL SIT, BECAUSE I HAVE DESIRED HER” (v. 14), “I will prepare a lamp for my Messiah” (v. 17), “and upon him his diadem will flourish” (v. 18). – Ps 145: “I WILL EXALT YOU, MY GOD THE KING” (V. 1), “THEY TELL OF THE GLORY OF YOUR KINGDOM” (v. 11), “TO MAKE KNOWN [...] THE GLORY AND HONOUR OF HIS KINGDOM” (V. 12), “YOUR KINGDOM IS A KINGDOM FOR ALL TIMES AND YOUR EMPIRE FOR ALL GENERATIONS OF GENERATIONS” (v. 13).

In Ps 110 and 132, the king of Israel is enthroned by Yhwh, who makes him share his throne: He makes him sit at his right hand, he himself will sit in Zion. Ps 122 emphasises the king of Israel’s function as judge. In the Great Doxology, there are two psalms where Yhwh the king is mentioned: – Ps 146: “YHWH REIGNS FOREVER” (v. 10). – Ps 149: “LET THE CHILDREN OF ZION EXULT IN THEIR KING” (v. 2).

In the great majority of cases, the king is the Lord. The figure of King David, totally absent in Book Four—except in the titles of Ps 101 and 103—, reappears in the last book, especially in Ps 110 and 132. We note the priestly character of this royal figure: “You are a priest forever, after the pattern of Melchizedek” (110:4).26


Moreover, “the priests” intervene at the end of the two parts of Ps 132 (vv. 9, 16).

V. THE FUNCTION OF BOOK THREE A. QUESTIONS AT THE CENTRE It happens very often that the centre of a concentric composition is occupied by a question. This is one of the laws of biblical rhetoric.27 It turns out that the central book of the Psalter is full of questions, especially those of “Why?” and “How long?”: – “Why, O God, have you rejected us until the end, does your anger smoke against the sheep of your pasture?” (74:1; see also 74:11; 79:10; 80:13; 88:15). – “How long, O God, will the oppressor insult? Will the enemy revile your name until the end?” (74:10; see also 79:5; 80:5; “forever”, “from age to age” 85:6). – It is also the mocking question of the pagans: “Why should the nations say, ‘Where is your God?’” (79:10). – There is also a question of disbelief on the part of the Israelites: “Can God spread a table in the desert?” (78:19). We must add the bursts of three questions that mark the last psalms of the first sequences of the extreme sections: 77 8 Will the Lord reject forever, 9 Has his faithfulness ceased until the end, 10 Has El FORGOTTEN to be merciful

and will he never show love again? has the Word come to an end for all ages? or has he in anger shut up his mercies?

88 11 Are you doing wonders for the dead, 12 Is your faithfulness recounted in the grave, 13 Is your wonder known in the darkness

or can the shadows rise up to praise you? your truth in the place of perdition? and your righteousness in the land of OBLIVION?28

These questions, in particular those beginning with “Why” and “How long” are not absent in the other books. For instance, in Book One, especially in the first section: – Ps 2: Beginning with the second psalm: “Why do the nations tremble and the peoples murmur vain things?” (v. 1). – Ps 9–10: At the centre of the central psalm of the first section: “Why, Yhwh, do you stand far off, do you hide in times of anguish?” (10:1). – Ps 4: Posed by God: “Son of man, how long will my glory be in dishonour, will you love vain things, will you seek lies?” (v. 3).

27 See Traité, Chap. 8: “Le centre des compositions concentriques”, A. La question au centre, 417–435 = Treatise, Chap. 7: “The Centre of Concentric Constructions”, A. The question at the centre, 280–290. 28 See Le Psautier. Troisième livre (Ps 73–89), 252–253 = The Psalter: Book Three (Ps 73– 89), 252–253.



– Ps 13: Four times in a row: “2 Until when, Yhwh, will you forget me, until the end? Until when will you hide your face from me? 3 Until when will I put plans in my soul, sorrow in my heart by day? Until when will my enemy be exalted over me?” – Ps 22: But also at the beginning of the central psalm of the central section: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (v. 2).

The same applies to Book Two. And here again, it is especially in the first section that the questions are accumulated: – Ps 42/43: “Why?” occurs nine times in the first psalm (42:6, 10[2x], 12[2x]; 43:2[2x], 5[2x]): “Why are you collapsing, my soul, and [why] are you rumbling over me?” (42:6, 12; 43:5); “Why do I walk in gloom, under the oppression of the enemy?” (42:10; 43:2); “Why have you forgotten me?” (42:10); to which can be added the “where?”: “when they say to me all the day: ‘Where is your God?’” (42:4, 11). – Ps 44: “Why do you sleep, O Lord?” (v. 24); “Why do you hide your face, do you forget our misery and our oppression?” (v. 25).

At the end of the subsection comes the answer—in the form of a question!— to the initial questions: – Ps 49: “Why should I fear in the days of evil when the fault of my heelers surrounds me?” (v. 6).29 – Ps 68: “Why” occurs only once in the rest of the book: “Why are you envious, you haughty mountains...” (v. 17).

In Book Four, there are only two “How long” and one “Why”: – Ps 90: “Return, O Yhwh! How long?” (v. 13); – Ps 94: “How long will the wicked, O Yhwh, how long will the wicked triumph?” (v. 3).

In Book Five, there is only one “Why” but three “Where”: – Ps 115: “Why should the nations say: “Where is their God?” (v. 2). – Ps 121: “From where will my help come?” (v. 1). – Ps 139: “Where shall I go from your spirit, and where shall I flee from your face?” (v. 7).

It can be observed that the central book stands out from the others, as it is the one with the most questions. Moreover, the questions are mainly found at the beginning of the first two books, but are very few in the last two books.


See Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43–72), 102–103 = The Psalter: Book Two (Ps 42/43–72), 102–103.

V. The function of Book Three


B. THE KING The psalms that speak of the heavenly king and his earthly representative have already been discussed in the previous chapters.30 In Book Three, seven psalms deal with kingship (the kingship of God in small caps, the kingship of messiah in italics): – Ps 74: “WHY, O GOD, [...] DOES YOUR ANGER SMOKE AGAINST THE SHEEP OF YOUR PASTURE? (V. 1), “BUT GOD IS MY KING FROM THE BEGINNING” (v. 12). – Ps 77: “YOU LEAD YOUR PEOPLE LIKE A FLOCK” (v. 21). – Ps 78: “AND HE BROUGHT OUT HIS PEOPLE LIKE SHEEP, AND GUIDED THEM LIKE A FLOCK IN THE DESERT” (v. 52), “he brought him from following the mother sheep to pasture Jacob, his people” (v. 71). ································································································································· – Ps 79: “AND WE, YOUR PEOPLE AND THE SHEEP OF YOUR PASTURE” (V. 13). – PS 80: “GIVE EAR, YOU WHO PASTURE ISRAEL, WHO LEAD JOSEPH LIKE SHEEP; WHO SIT ABOVE THE CHERUBIM, SHINE FORTH” (V. 2); “protect what your right hand has

planted, and the son you made strong for yourself” (v. 16), “Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand, upon the son of Adam whom you made strong for yourself” (v. 18). ································································································································· – PS 84: “YOUR ALTARS, O YHWH OF HOSTS, MY KING AND MY GOD!” (v. 4), “Behold

our shield, O God, look upon the face of your messiah” (v. 10). – Ps 89: “I have built your throne from age to age” (v. 5), “RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE ARE THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR THRONE” (v. 15), “yes, our shield belongs to Yhwh and our king to the Holy One of Israel” (v. 19), “I have found David, my servant, with the oil of my holiness I have anointed him” (v. 21); “and I will set his offspring forever, and his throne” (v. 30), “I WILL VISIT THEIR TRANSGRESSION WITH A ROD” (v. 33), “His offspring shall endure forever and his throne as the sun before me” (v. 37), “you have been angry with your anointed” (v. 39), “you have profaned his crown to the ground” (v. 40), “you have cast his throne to the ground” (v. 45), “your enemies insult, O Yhwh, with which they insult the footsteps of your anointed” (v. 52).

Book Three is the only one in which four psalms bring together the kingship of God and that of the messiah (Ps 78; 80; 84; 89). Here again, it acts as a keystone.

C. THE LAW In Book Three, three psalms deal with the law.


For the first side see p. 227; for the second side see p. 237.



PS 78 First, the long psalm alone forms the second and final sequence of the first section. It begins as follows: “Give ear, O my people, to my law, incline your ear to the sayings of my mouth” (78:1). And in the first part, the psalmist recalls: 5

And he raised up a testimony in Jacob, and he set a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to make them known to their children, 6 so that the coming generation will know them, the children yet to be born, they will rise up and recount to their children. 7 And they will set their hope in Elohim, and will not forget the great deeds of El, and they will keep his commandments.

After that, there is the long history of Israel’s rebellions: “they did not keep the covenant of God and they refused to walk in his Law” (v. 10; see also vv. 11, 17–19, 36–37, 40–42, 56–58). PS 89 Symmetrically positioned at the end of the last section is the long psalm, which is also the second and last sequence of the section. It deals with the “covenant” made with David (vv. 4, 29, 35). The Lord swears his unwavering faithfulness to this covenant, even if the king’s descendants are unfaithful: 31

If his children forsake my law and do not walk according to my judgments, 32 if they profane my precepts and do not keep my commandments, 33 I will visit their transgression with a rod and their fault with strokes. 34 But my faithfulness I will not withdraw from him and I will not belie in my truth; 35 I will not profane my covenant and I will not alter the breath of my lips; 36 once I have sworn by my holiness: if I shall lie to David! 37 His offspring shall endure forever and his throne as the sun before me, 38 as the moon is established forever and the witness in the cloud is truthful.

PS 81 Finally, in the central psalm of the central section, the psalmist recalls the gift of the law for which he uses three of the synonyms: “5 because it was a decree for Israel, a judgment of the God of Jacob; 6 he set up an ordinance in Joseph when he went out against the land of Egypt”. Afterwards, it is God himself who laments: “But my people did not listen to my voice, and Israel did not want me” (v. 12). But he still hopes: “Oh, if my people would listen to me, if Israel would walk in my ways...” (v. 14). We may notice that in these three psalms are found seven of the eight terms belonging to the semantic field of the law which occur throughout Ps 119: the “law” (78:1, 5, 10; 89:31), “sayings” (78:1), “order/s” (78:5, 56; 81:5), “commandments” (78:7; 89:32), “decree” (81:5), “judgement/s” (81:5; 89:31),

V. The function of Book Three


“precepts” (89:32); the only one lacking is the term “word/s”,31 but we find the “way” (81:14), an equivalent that occurs in Ps 119, especially in the first two sequences. Note also the repeated reference to “the covenant” in the last psalms of the extreme sections (78:10, 37; 89:4, 29, 35, 40). TWO FAILURES BUT ONE HOPE The final psalm of the first section (Ps 78) reports, in dramatic fashion, the failure of the Mosaic covenant. However, the psalm ends with the election of David to substitute for that of Joseph and Ephraim: 67

And he spurned the tent of Joseph, and he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim; and he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loves. 69 And he built his sanctuary like the heights, like the earth, which he founded forever. 70 And he chose David his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds; 71 he brought him from following the mother sheep to pasture Jacob, his people, and Israel, his inheritance. 72 And he pastured them according to the perfection of his heart, and with the wisdom of his palms he led them. 68

Alas, the hope placed in the new election will prove to be disappointing. Indeed, in a symmetrical position to that of Ps 78, at the end of the last section, Ps 89 laments the failure of the Davidic covenant: 39

But as for you, you have rejected and you have spurned, you have been angry with your anointed; 40 you have repudiated the covenant of your servant, you have profaned his crown to the ground. 47 How long, O Yhwh, will you hide yourself? For eternity, will your fury burn like fire? 50 Where is your first faithfulness, O Lord, which you swore to David by your truth?

However, right at the centre of the central section—and thus at the heart of the Psalter—a new hope is offered by God to Israel. Ps 81 draws attention first of all by its invitatory, quite unique in Book Three: 2

Shout for joy to God our strength, acclaim the God of Jacob, lift up the psalms and sound the tambourine, the sweet harp with the lyre, 4 blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day. 3

Such solemnity and enthusiasm suggest something great and joyful, and also something new, since it contrasts with the sombre background of Book Three. But what is announced at first is already known and indeed well known: “5 because it was a decree for Israel, a judgment of the God of Jacob; 6 he set up an ordinance in Joseph when he went out against the land of Egypt”; it concerns the law of Sinai, after God brought his people out of “the land of Egypt” (vv. 6, 11). And yet the words of the divine oracle recall the events of the exodus, 31

See Le Psautier. Cinquième livre (Ps 107–150), 321 = The Psalter: Book Five (Ps 107– 150), 321.



“7 I turned aside his shoulder from the burden, his palms were freed from the basket. 8 In anguish you cried out and I delivered you; I answered you in the hiding place of thunder, I tested you at the waters of Meribah”, these words are introduced by a surprising statement: “I hear a tongue that I did not know” (v. 6b), which suggests a novelty, that of a new knowledge. After the initial invitation to listen: “Listen, O my people, and I admonish you!” (v. 9), the Lord is forced to acknowledge his failure: “But my people did not listen to my voice, and Israel did not want me” (v. 12). Yet he is not discouraged and repeats his appeal, hoping against hope: “Oh, if my people would listen to me, if Israel would walk in my ways...” (v. 14). And finally comes the promise that answers all the anxious “how long?” that punctuate the book: “I would instantly subdue their enemies, [...] those who hate Yhwh would cringe to him [...] and with the honey from the rock I would satisfy you” (vv. 15–17). Not only would his enemies be defeated, but they would be subjected to God and Israel forever. The configuration of these three psalms undoubtedly foreshadows what will be developed later, throughout the second side of the Psalter, but what we will later discover was already at work in its first side.


A. THE TORAH Tradition has established a relationship between the five books of the Psalter and the five books of the Torah, which the Jews call “the five fifths of the Torah” and which are united, in Greek, under the name of “Pentateuch” which means “the five cases”, those containing the five scrolls of the Torah. In the narrower sense, Torah means “the Law”, that is, the set of “precepts”, “commandments” given to Israel on Mount Sinai. But, as we have already seen,32 the Torah also includes the account of God’s “works”, his “mighty deeds”, his “wonders”, namely creation and salvation, of which the emblematic manifestation is the exodus.

1. THE LAW At the beginning of the itinerary through the five books of the Psalter, we found that the focal points of Book One and Book Four deal with God’s “Law” (Ps 19), his “ways” (Ps 25), his “voice” (Ps 95), his “way” (Ps 101).33 These four psalms form of a quite regular figure. But that is not all. Book Five focuses on Ps 119, the longest of the Psalter, “Meditation on the Law that gives life”. The centre of the last book thus corresponds to the two focal points of Books One and Four. In Book Two, two psalms face each other, Ps 50 where the Lord instructs the trial of his people: “What is it up to you to enumerate my decrees and to take my covenant in your mouth; and as for you, you hate discipline and you cast my words behind you?” (50:16–17). Then follows a list of faults that refer to the last part of the Decalogue: 18

If you see a thief, you are pleased with him and your share is with adulterers; you send your mouth with evil and your tongue plots deceit. 20 You sit, you speak against your brother, you give dishonour against the son of your mother”. 19

This psalm, with which the second section (Ps 50–55) begins, is matched by Ps 65, with which the penultimate section (Ps 61–65) ends. Here the psalmist gives thanks for the forgiveness he has received: “The words of faults are mightier than I, our transgressions, as for you, you cover them” (65:4). Here too these two psalms occupy a symmetrical position. Finally, in Book Three, as we have just seen (p. 241–243), three psalms fall into the same category. 32 33

See p. 234. See p. 202–205.



There are also other psalms where the law is mentioned. At the extremities of Book One: – Ps 1: at the beginning of the book and of the whole Psalter, “1 Happy the man...” who “2 delights in the Law of Yhwh and in his Law murmurs day and night.” – Ps 40: At the beginning of the last sequence, the psalmist cries out, as if echoing Ps 1: “To do your will, my God, I desire, and your law is in the depth of my bowels” (v. 9).

And likewise at the extremities of Book Four: – Ps 90: The first psalm is entitled “A prayer of Moses, the man of God”; it was through him that the law was given to Israel on Mount Sinai; – Ps 105: “43 And he brought out his people in gladness, his chosen ones with shouts of joy; 44 and he gave them the lands of the nations, and they inherited the labour of the countries, 45 for the sake that they might keep his decrees and observe his laws.” – Ps 106: the psalm begins with a macarism that recalls that of Ps 1 “Happy are those who keep judgment, those who do righteousness at all times” (106:3); but it is followed by an account of the infidelities of the people: “they did not believe in his word; [...] they did not listen to the voice of Yhwh” (106:24–25).

In its complexity, the figure of the whole is of great regularity. 1



4 5

• •


• •

• •

78.81.89 119

The last book seems to conclude the whole by concentrating the discourse on the law in the psalm, which alone forms the central section. It appears, therefore, that the Law constitutes the skeleton and supporting structure of the whole Psalter.

VI. Relations between the Five Books


2. CREATION Creation is discussed especially in the second side of the Psalter.34 In the first side it is reduced.35 As for the central book (Ps 73–89), it appears only at the extremities: – Ps 74: The psalmist being under oppression poses the question concerning the end, “How long, O God, will the oppressor insult? Will the enemy revile your name until the end?” (v. 10), which he immediately connects with the beginning: 12 But God is my king from the beginning, [...] As for you, you stirred up the sea with your power, you broke the heads of the monsters on the waters; 14 as for you, you crushed the heads of Leviathan [...] 16 Yours (is) the day, yours also the night, it was you who prepared the light and the sun, 17 it was you who fixed all the boundaries of the earth, summer and winter, it was you who formed them.

– Ps 89: God promises that the covenant with David will be “as the days of the heavens” (v. 30), “37 His offspring shall endure forever and his throne as the sun before me, 38 as the moon is established forever”; This is the reason why, after the introduction, the psalmist discusses creation at length (vv. 6–15), in terms that recall those of Ps 74: 10

It is you who master the pride of the sea, when its waves rise, it is you who calm them; 11 it is you who split Rahab like a corpse, with your strong arm you scattered your enemies. 12 The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours, the world and its contents, it is you who founded them.

3. EXODUS We have already seen in the second part of the Psalter, with the creation, how the reference to the exodus is widely present 36. In the first side, on the other hand, the exodus is hardly mentioned. At the centre of the first section of Book One, there is some mention of God’s “wonders” and “mighty deeds” (9:2, 12), but they are not specified in any way; and the same is true of 40:6. In Book Two, at the beginning of Ps 44, the “works” that the psalmist recalls are those of the gift of the land: “You with your hand, you disinherited nations and you planted them, you destroyed countries and you made place for them” (v. 3). We must then wait for Ps 66 to hear about the crossing of the sea: “5 Come and see the gestures of God, fearsome in action for the sons of Adam: 6 He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the river on foot, there we rejoiced in him”. And finally, Ps 68: “8 O God, when you went out in the face of your people, when you marched through the wilderness, 34

See “Relations between the Last Two Books”, p. 233–238. See p. 237. 36 See p. 234–236. 35




the earth quaked, the heavens dropped before the face of God, the One of Sinai, before the face of God, the God of Israel.”

In Book Three, on the contrary, references to the exodus multiply, as if to prepare the way for the second side of the Psalter: – Ps 74: In parallel with the reminder of creation (vv. 12–17), the exodus is mentioned briefly at the beginning of the psalm: “Remember your assembly which you acquired from the beginning, which you redeemed, a tribe of your inheritance, Mount Zion, where you dwell in it” (v. 2). – Ps 75: In the following psalm, the reference is even more tenuous: “the earth and all its inhabitants are falling apart, it is I who have firmly set its pillars” (v. 4). – Ps 77: At first, it is a very vague memory: “I ponder the days of old, the years of the ages” (v. 6), but which is later widely deployed in the symmetrical part (vv. 15– 21): “you redeemed with your arm your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph” (v. 16), “20 Your way was through the sea, and your path through great waters, and your tracks have not been known. 21 You lead your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.” – Ps 78: “2 I open my mouth in proverbs, I evoke the enigmas of old 3 which we have heard and known, and our fathers have recounted to us”; and this is the long story of the unfaithfulness of the children of Ephraim throughout the exodus until the exile (vv. 9–66). – Ps 80: the present misfortune makes one think back on the days when the land was given: “9 You brought a vine out of Egypt, you drove out the nations and you planted it; 10 you cleared a place before it, and it took root with its roots and it filled the land...” – Ps 81: at the centre of the book, “5 because it was a decree for Israel, a judgment of the God of Jacob; 6 he set up an ordinance in Joseph when he went out against the land of Egypt [...] 7 I turned aside his shoulder from the burden, his palms were freed from the basket [...] 8 answered you in the hiding place of thunder, I tested you at the waters of Meribah.” – Ps 83: In view of the conspiracy of the nations against Israel, the psalmist asks the Lord to repeat his deeds of the time of the Judges, which extend those of the exodus: “Treat them like Midian, like Sisera, like Yabin at the torrent Kishon...” (vv. 10–13).

B. COVENANT The central concept of the canon is not the covenant, but the Torah [...] The concept of the covenant does not play such a determining role. Yet Torah and covenant are, at least in the Deuteronomic writings, closely linked. In Deuteronomy, Israel receives the Torah by making a covenant with God. The law given with the covenant at the time of the exodus will remain the same in the promised new covenant (Jer 31:33). This also applies to the Pentateuch as a whole and thus, because of its central role, to the entire Hebrew canon. In this way, the covenant also becomes

VI. Relations between the Five Books


a central concept, not only in its Deuteronomistic sense, but also as used by other theologies and literary bodies. Through the diversity of theologies, this concept allows us to link together all the decisive themes of the Bible. [...] The covenant is the place of the Torah, where it unfolds in its multiple dimensions.37

The term “covenant” occurs no less than twenty-one times in the Psalter, nineteen times to designate the pact between God and man.38 The psalm in which it appears most often is Ps 89, at the end of the last section of Book Three, and there it concerns the covenant with David (89:4, 29, 34, 40). In the symmetrical psalm, at the end of the first section, it concerns the Mosaic covenant (78:10, 37). With the Davidic covenant, Ps 89 seems to refer to the first side of the Psalter (Ps 1–72) which concludes with the words: “The prayers of David, son of Jesse, are ended” (72:20). As for Ps 78, which recalls the repeated unfaithfulness to the Mosaic covenant, it announces the second side (Ps 90–150) which begins with the title: “A prayer of Moses, the man of God” (90:1).

1. THE MOSAIC AND ABRAHAMIC COVENANT Moses is named mainly in Book Four (90:1; 99:6; 103:7; 105:26; 106:16, 23, 32). He is mentioned only once elsewhere, in Book Three at the end of Ps 77: “You lead your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron” (v. 21). It is only at the end of Book Four that the covenant refers explicitly to Moses: – Ps 103: “6 Yhwh does righteousness and judgments to all who are oppressed, 7 he made known to Moses his ways, to the children of Israel his mighty deeds”; the covenant referred to below is therefore that of Moses: “17 But the faithfulness of Yhwh from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to the children of their children, 18 to those who keep his covenant, and to those who remember his precepts to do them.” – Ps 105: “8 He remembers his covenant forever, the word which he commanded for a thousand generations, 9 which he concluded with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac”; at the centre of the psalm, the narrative shifts from the story of Joseph to that of Moses: “He sent Moses his servant, Aaron, whom he had chosen” (v. 26); after which it returns to Abraham: “Yes, he remembered his holy word to Abraham his servant” (v. 42), to show that the Mosaic covenant fulfils the preceding one. – Ps 106: “16 And they were jealous of Moses in the camp, of Aaron the holy one of Yhwh: 17 The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and it covered the group of Abiram”, “And he spoke of exterminating them, if not that Moses his chosen one stood in the breach before him to turn away his fury from destroying” (v. 23), “And


N. LOHFINK, “Alliance”, 18. In 55:21 it is a covenant between two friends, including the psalmist; in 83:6 an agreement between the enemies of God and the psalmist. 38


Composition they made him angry at the waters of Meribah, and it went ill with Moses on their account” (v. 32).

In several other psalms where the word “covenant” appears, it also refers to the Mosaic covenant, although Moses is not named: – Ps 44: The psalmist first recalls “the works” of God who made the fathers inherit the land from which he had disinherited the nations (vv. 2–8), after which he complains that the Lord has rejected them (vv. 10–17) and he adds: “All this has come over us and not that we have forgotten you and not that we have betrayed your covenant” (v. 18). – Ps 50: God summons his people for judgment: “Gather to me my faithful who sealed my covenant by sacrifice” (v. 5); he accuses them: “16 What is it up to you to enumerate my decrees and to take my covenant in your mouth 17 and as for you, you hate discipline and you cast my words behind you?”, in particular for having disobeyed the commandments of the Decalogue: “If you see a thief, you are pleased with him and your share is with adulterers...” (v. 18). – Ps 74: The enemies had destroyed the temple, the psalmist reminds the Lord of his commitments which he apparently had not kept: “Look to the covenant, because the dens of the land are full, haunts of violence” (v. 20). – Ps 78: It is a long account of Israel's unfaithfulness: “they did not keep the covenant of God and they refused to walk in his Law” (v. 10), “they did not believe in his wonders” (v. 32), “they did not believe in his covenant” (v. 37), where “the covenant” is paralleled by “the law” and “the wonders” of the exodus. – Ps 111: “he remembers his covenant forever” (v. 5b), “he has commanded his covenant forever” (v. 9b); this covenant is that of the time when “he has given food to those who fear him” (v. 5a), when “He has shown to his people the power of his deeds, in giving them the inheritance of the nations” (v. 6), that is, the time of the exodus and of the Mosaic covenant. – Ps 132: The oath to David is conditional on the loyalty of his sons to the Mosaic covenant: “If your sons will keep my covenant and my precept which I have taught them, also their sons forever will sit on the throne made for you” (v. 12).

According to Paul Beauchamp, the covenant has a “force of assembly” that causes several forms to be drawn into its orbit. Around the core represented by the conclusion of the covenant, there gravitate essentially the four forms generated by the different situations of its eventful history, its different “todays”: – the complaint of the vassal who asks God why his benefits have ceased and begs that they be resumed; – the indictment of the suzerain who reproaches his vassal for his infidelity; – in response to the vassal’s complaint, God pronounces an oracle of salvation, – then the thanksgiving of the one who has been saved naturally flows out. The following diagram shows the relationships between the different forms that enter into the covenant structure.39 39

See P. BEAUCHAMP, “Propositions sur l’alliance de l’Ancien Testament comme structure centrale”.

VI. Relations between the Five Books


THANKSGIVING (man to God) You have done good even now (that is, always) you do good INDICTMENT (God to man)



I did good to you you did evil and now I will do to you evil

I have done good

I had done evil to you

and now you too will do good

and now I will do to you again good

COMPLAINT (man to God) You had done good you no longer do it (we have done evil) and now?


In Hebrew the Psalter is called Tehillîm, “Praises”. But the first impression, which persists as the pages turn, is that it would be more appropriate to call it “Lamentations”, “Complaints” or “Supplications”. One only must leaf through the book to see the immense space that this type of prayer occupies: There are few psalms where it does not appear. The actions of those who attack the psalmist are in Albertus Medium font bold italics. These are most often referred to as “the wicked” (over 82 times), “doers of iniquity” (18 times). They appear three times in Ps 1, along with “sinners” and “scoffers”; they are found 13 times in Ps 37, along with “evildoers” (vv. 1, 9), “doers of falsity” (v. 1), “enemies of Yhwh” (v. 20), “cursed” by God (v. 22), “transgressors” (v. 38). These wicked are individuals, but they are also often “kings” of “nations” (in SMALL CAPS Albertus Medium italics).40


E.g., Ps 2; 9–10; 33; 46, etc.



Lamentation becomes “complaint” when the misfortune is attributed to God: 10

But you have rejected us and you have dishonoured us, and you did not go out anymore with our armies; 11 you made us turn back from the adversary and our haters have plundered us. 12 You have given us as sheep for butchery and you have dispersed us among the nations... (44:10–15).

Misfortune can be caused by the psalmist’s sin which provokes God’s anger: 3

yes, your arrows have come down on me and your hand has come down upon me. There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation, there is no peace in my bones because of my sin; 5 yes, my faults have passed over my head, like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me; 6 my bruises stink and fester because of my folly. (38:3–6; see also 40:13) 4

Lament and complaint naturally lead to “supplication”, in which the psalmist asks God to save him from all the forms of evil that afflict him. These are the terms that designate them: “voice” (qôl), “prayer” (tepillâ), “word/to speak” (dbr), “to say” (’mr), “cry/to cry our” (ṣ‘q, šb‘, šw‘), “call/ to call”, “to cry out” (qr’), “to groan” (’anaqâ), “to sigh” (hăgîg), “to weep” (bekî), “tear” (dim‘â), “supplication” (teḥinnâ, taḥănûn), “lamentation” (šiggāyôn), “roaring” (še’āgâ), “murmur” (higgāyôn), “rumble” (nehāmâ), “complaint” (śiāḥ), “cry/shouting” (rinnâ), “desire” (ta’ăwâ), “request” (’ărešet), “to ask” (š’l), “to seek” (bqš, drš), “to ask for mercy” (ḥnn), “vow” (nēder). Supplication is expressed by the imperative and the jussive. As you leaf through the book, you will see how frequent supplications are (in Harrington italics). They are considerably denser on the first side than on the last one: First side (Ps 1–72): 331 volitives for a text of 64,060 signs Last side (Ps 90–150): 178 volitives for a text of 50,357 signs. For his complaint and supplication, the psalmist relies on the “faithfulness and loyalty” (ḥesed we’ĕmet) of his Lord,41 on his “faithfulness and truth” (ḥesed we’ĕmûnâ).42 These terms, and in particular these two canonical pairs, are part of the vocabulary of the covenant. – Ps 57: “3 I call to God Most High, to God who has done all things for me; 4 let him send from heavens and let him save me, let him mock him who tramples on me, let God send his faithfulness and his loyalty” (also v. 11); see also 25:10; 89:15; 98:3; 115:1; 117:2; 138:2. – Ps 40: “As for you, Yhwh, you will not restrain your mercies from me; your faithfulness and your truth will always guard me” (v. 12); see also 69:14; 86:15; 88:12; 89;2, 3, 25, 34, 50; 92:3; 100:5; 108:5; 111:7.


See Le Psautier. Cinquième livre (Ps 107–150), 123 = The Psalter: Book Five (Ps 107– 150), 123. 42 See Le Psautier. Troisième livre (Ps 73–89), 202 = The Psalter: Book Three (Ps 73–89), 202.

VI. Relations between the Five Books


The reciprocity of the commitment between God and man is evident in the following two psalms: – Ps 26: “2 Examine me, Yhwh, and test me, refine with fire my kidneys and my heart, 3 because your faithfulness is before my eyes and I have walked in your truth.” – Ps 85: “Faithfulness and loyalty have met together” (v. 11a); according to my analysis, “faithfulness” comes from heaven, from God, while “loyalty will sprout from the earth” (v. 12a). B) INDICTMENT

It is mainly the voice of man that is heard in the Psalter; his words are mostly addressed to God. In this sense, the Psalter is a prayer book. However, the word of God is also mentioned, but it is the word of the Law and it is the psalmist who speaks it. In addition, in seventeen psalms God speaks, but it is actually the psalmist who reports his words, for example: – Ps 60: “God has spoken in his sanctuary: “I will exult, I will divide Shechem...’” (v. 8 = Ps 108:8).43 – Ps 82: “1 God stands up in the council of El, in the midst of the gods he judges: 2 ‘How long will you judge unjustly and uphold the face of the wicked?...’”

In this sense, the psalmist is acting as a prophet who proclaims the word of God as he hears it. Among these words of God, some are indictments, in which God reproaches his people for their unfaithfulness: – Ps 50: Indictment occupies the entire surface of the psalm; “The God of gods, Yhwh, speaks [...] to arbitrate his people (v. 1, 4): “Hear, O my people, and I will speak, O Israel, I will testify against you...” (v. 7), “16 What is it up to you to enumerate my decrees and to take my covenant in your mouth; 17 and as for you, you hate discipline and you cast my words behind you?” – Ps 81, at the centre of the Psalter: after the reminder of the benefits of liberation from slavery (vv. 7–8), there comes the reproach and admonition: “Listen, O my people, and I admonish you, O Israel, if you would listen to me!” (v. 9), “But my people did not listen to my voice, and Israel did not want me” (v. 12); and the psalm ends with the promise: 14 “Oh, if my people would listen to me, if Israel would walk in my ways! 15 I would instantly subdue their enemies [...] 17 and with the honey from the rock I would satisfy you” (see also 82:2–7; 95:8–11). C) AN ORACLE OF SALVATION

In response to the supplication, the Lord answers with an oracle of salvation. Sometimes it is placed in the mouth of God: – Ps 12: “For the oppression of the poor, for the groaning of the afflicted, now I will rise up,— says Yhwh, I will place (you) in safety,—he assures him” (v. 6). 43

See also Ps 2:6–9; 50; 68:23–24; 81:7–17; 82:2–7; 89:4–5, 20–38; 90:3; 91:14–16; 95:8–11; 105:11, 15; 110:4–5a; 132:11–18.



Most of the time, however, the oracle is reported by the psalmist. “Many of the psalms are, in fact, attestations of a response from God”:44 – Ps 85: “I will listen to: What does God Yhwh say? Well, he says peace to his people and to his faithful, and let them not turn back to folly” (v. 9). – Ps 91: without introduction: “Yes, he clings to me and I set him free, I set him on high, because he knows my name; he calls upon me and I answer him...” (vv. 14– 16). – Ps 22: In the articulation between supplication and thanksgiving: “22 Save me from the mouth of the lion, and from the horns of the wild oxen. You have answered me. 23 I will recount your name to my brothers, and in the midst of the assembly I will praise you.” – Ps 3: A testimony of a night spent in the temple, the saving response of God arising in the morning, “As for me, I go to bed and fall asleep, I wake up because Yhwh sustains me” (v. 6, at the centre of the psalm).45 D) THANKSGIVING

Once the supplication has been answered, the psalmist can express both relief and gratitude in praise and thanksgiving.46 Thanksgiving has already been discussed at length in the first two chapters.47 It should thus be remembered that in the first side of the Psalter thanksgiving appears mainly at the end of the psalms, whereas in the second side it appears at the beginning; in the first side it is mainly promised for the moment when the supplication will have been answered, whereas in the second side it is accomplished. In the central book, it is mentioned in only nine out of seventeen psalms. Its occurrences follow the composition of the book. In fact, it is especially at the end of the extreme sections that thanksgiving appears at the beginning of the two longest psalms: – Ps 78: “We will not hide from their children, recounting to the coming generation the praises of Yhwh and his power, and his wonders which he has done” (v. 4). – Ps 89: “I sing the faithfulness of Yhwh forever, from age to age I will make your truth known with my mouth” (v. 2).

And similarly at the centre of the central section: – Ps 81: “2 Shout for joy to God our strength, acclaim the God of Jacob, 3 lift up the psalms and sound the tambourine, the sweet harp with the lyre, 4 blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the full moon, on our feast day.”


P. BEAUCHAMP, Psaumes nuit et jour, 120. See P. BEAUCHAMP, Psaumes nuit et jour, 121. 46 In the rewritings of the Psalms, praise p and thanksgiving, as well as other terms that fall . within the same semantic field, are in 47 See “Relations between Book One and Book Four”, p. 199–213 and “Relations between Book Two and Book Five”, p. 215–225. 45

VI. Relations between the Five Books


Elsewhere, thanksgiving is promised at the end of the psalms (73:28; 76:12; 79:13; 86:12; 87:7).48


Ps 132 sets in parallel David’s oath to build a house for the Lord (vv. 1–10) and God’s oath in response to him to keep the kingship for his descendants; however, this promise is conditional on their faithfulness to the Law of Moses. B) FAILURE

It is therefore only one psalm, Ps 89, which speaks explicitly of God’s covenant with David. Already in the symmetrical psalm, after the long account of Israel’s infidelities, “the sons of Ephraim”, the conclusion of Ps 78 briefly recalls the election and reign of David: He brought him from following the mother sheep to pasture Jacob, his people, and Israel, his inheritance. And he pastured them according to the perfection of his heart, and with the wisdom of his palms he led them. (vv. 71–72)

In Ps 89 God speaks twice. His first words are blunt: “I have made a covenant with my chosen, I have sworn to David my servant: I have established your offspring forever and built your throne from age to age” (vv. 4–5). This covenant is so solid that it is not even conditional on obedience to the Law of Moses: 31 If his children forsake my law and do not walk according to my judgments, 32 if they profane my precepts and do not keep my commandments, 33 I will visit their transgression with a rod and their fault with strokes. 34 But my faithfulness I will not withdraw from him and I will not belie in my truth; 35 I will not profane my covenant and I will not alter the breath of my lips; 36 once I have sworn by my holiness: if I shall lie to David!

Now the psalmist states: “you have repudiated the covenant of your servant, you have profaned his crown to the ground” (v. 40). He asks: “Where is your first faithfulness, O Lord, which you swore to David by your truth?” (v. 50), “How long, O Yhwh, will you hide yourself? For eternity, will your fury burn like fire” (v. 47). The central book of the Psalter ends with this statement of failure. And the last two books seem to answer these anguished questions. The Davidic covenant is the one that the king of heaven makes with the king of Israel: “The one who sits in the heavens laughs” at the kings of the earth who 48

The exception is Ps 75, which begins with the thanksgiving (v. 2) that precedes and introduces a divine oracle (vv. 3–6).



conspire “against Yhwh and against his Anointed”; he declares to them: “And I myself, I have installed my king, on Zion, the mountain of my holiness” (2:4, 6). The Sinaitic covenant, modelled on the Hittite treaties between the Great King and his lesser kings, bound the Lord to his vassal, the people of Israel. Now that the time of monarchy has come, the covenant is made between the king of heaven, Yhwh, and the representative of his vassal, the king of Israel. This relationship between the heavenly king and his representative, the earthly king, was discussed in the previous chapters.49 C) KING OF HEAVEN AND KING OF EARTH

The theme of kingship is strongly present in the five books of the Psalter: indeed, there are no less than 48 psalms in which the king is mentioned. The 41 psalms that present God as king are much more numerous than the 12 that speak of the earthly king who reigns over Israel. In eight psalms, kingship is attributed to both God and his messiah: – In Book One, Ps 2 & Ps 28; – In Book Two, first section, Ps 45; – In Book Three, · Ps 78 at the end of the first section, · Ps 80 in the central section, · Ps 84 at the beginning of the third section, · and Ps 89 at the end of the same section; – In Book Four, Ps 99; – In Book Five, almost at the end of the Psalms of Ascents, Ps 132. We should also point out one psalm which, at the beginning of Book One, mentions the kingship that God grants to “man”: What is man that you remember him [...]? with glory and splendour you crown him (8:5–6),

and another one where, at the end of Book Four, God says that the “prophets” are kings, “anointed” by him: “Do not touch my anointed ones and do no harm my prophets” (105:15).

The general movement of the Psalter gradually leads to the disappearance of the figure of the Davidic king, or rather shows how kingship passes from the person of the king to his people. The inclusive function of Psalms 2 and 149 has been pointed out: at the beginning of the Psalter, Ps 2 shows how Yhwh, the king of heaven, enthrones his king over Zion; at the end, Ps 149 presents “the 49

See “Relations between the First Two Books”, p. 227, “Relations between the Last Two Books”, p. 237, and “The Function of Book Three”, p. 241.

VI. Relations between the Five Books


children of Zion” exulting in their king Yhwh and carrying out in his name the sentence on the nations and their kings.50 Finally, it should not be forgotten that “the kings” of the nations are mentioned, in particular as enemies of the king of Israel and the heavenly king (in ALBERTUS MEDIUM All Caps italics: 2:2; 48:5; 68:13, 15; 76:13; 89:28; 105:14, 20, 30; 110:5; 119:46; 135:9–11; 136:15, 17–20; 149:8). However, they are called to comprehend, to surrender, and in the end, they will give thanks to Yhwh (BODONI All Caps bold italics): 2:10; 68:30, 33; 72:10– 11; 102:16, 23; 138:4; 144:10; 148:11.

3. THE NEW COVENANT The liberation from slavery in the land of Egypt was foundational, like a birth through the waters of the Red Sea, which led to the covenant and the giving of the law on Mount Sinai and finally to the giving of the land. On the contrary, the exile represented the end of the whole story: It was experienced as the exact opposite of the exodus from the land of slavery, since the people found themselves deported from their own country, to that of the enemy, where they were enslaved. Instead of birth, death; instead of creation, its opposite, a radical destruction, a de-creation. Israel had been established as a people when it came out of Egypt, had received its religious and social institutions in the desert and had settled in the land God had given it. With the exile, it disappears as a people distinct from the others, the Israelites are not only deported; they no longer have political institutions, having lost their king, nor socio-economic ones, having lost their land, nor religious ones, having lost the temple. This ruin, announced by the prophets, was interpreted by them as the curse foreseen in the covenant contract with the Lord, as the punishment for unfaithfulness to God and his law. However, this punishment was different from those Israel had suffered on many occasions in the past. After the limited punishments they had suffered, the people repented and returned to their Lord, who listened to their supplications and forgave, and the covenant was renewed. That is, for example, what is repeatedly reported in the book of Judges. And also Ps 78: 32

With all this they still sinned, and they did not believe in his wonders; 33 and he made their days end in mist and their years in terror. 34 When he slew them, they sought him, and they turned back and looked eagerly for El; 35 and they remembered that Elohim is their rock, and El the Most High, their redeemer! 36 But they flattered him with their mouth and they lied to him with their tongue; 37 and their heart was not steadfast toward him and they did not believe in his covenant. 38 And he, being compassionate, forgave the fault and did not destroy them; and he was great in turning 50 See A. WÉNIN, “Le psaume 1 et ‘l’encadrement’ du livre des louanges”, 174–175. On the theme of kingship throughout the Psalter, see A. WÉNIN, “Le Psautier comme livre. Quelques signes d’unification”, 62–70.



back his anger, and he did not awaken all his fury. 39 And he remembered that they are flesh, a breath going away and does not turn back. 40 How often they defied him in the desert, offended him in the desert!

With the catastrophe of the exile, people became aware that this was an indefinite process, a kind of vicious circle from which it would be impossible to escape. Now that the climax of sin had been reached, the climax of punishment, capital punishment, that is, death, had fallen upon the guilty. This was predicted by the prophet Amos as early as the middle of the eighth century. At the centre of his book, prepared by a long indictment (4:4–13), he had intoned the qînâ, the funeral lamentation over Israel (5:1–17).51 Then the prophets—the second Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel—arose who, faced with what appeared to be the irremediable failure of the Mosaic and Davidic covenant, announced the establishment of a “new covenant”, different from the first one: 31

Look, the days are coming, Yahweh declares, when I shall make a new covenant with the House of Israel (and the House of Judah), 32 but not like the covenant I made with their ancestors the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of Egypt, a covenant which they broke, even though I was their Master, Yahweh declares. 33 No, this is the covenant I shall make with the House of Israel when those days have come, Yahweh declares. Within them I shall plant my Law, writing it on their hearts. Then I shall be their God and they will be my people. 34 There will be no further need for everyone to teach neighbour or brother, saying, “Learn to know Yahweh!” No, they will all know me, from the least to the greatest, Yahweh declares, for I shall forgive their guilt and never more call their sin to mind (Jer 31:31–34; NJB translation).

It is the only time the phrase “new covenant” appears in the entire Hebrew Bible. However, the Psalter is not devoid of novelty: the expression “a new song” occurs six times, and the verb “to renew” three times. The psalmist asks God to renew in him “a steadfast breath” (51:12), “he renews” his youth “like an eagle” (103:5) and the Lord goes so far as to renew “the face of the earth” (104:30). That is enough to make the psalmist burst into “a new song” (33:3; 40:4; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1). In the course of the commentary, the New Covenant was recognized in each of the five books: – In Book One, with Ps 25, the “covenant” which is mentioned twice in the psalm presents two of the essential characteristics of the new covenant: It is based on the forgiveness of sins and the inner knowledge of the Law is given by


See P. BOVATI – R. MEYNET, Le livre du prophète Amos.

VI. Relations between the Five Books


God himself. In Ps 40, the law is written on the heart and the new song is given by the Lord himself.52 – In Book Two, with Ps 51: At the centre of the psalm, David asks the Lord to create in him a new heart (Ezek 36:26).53 – In Book Three, with Ps 85: A love song in the line of Hosea, where God takes the initiative to forgive his unfaithful wife.54 – In Book Four, with Ps 103: From the beginning of the psalm and again at the centre, forgiveness is offered, free of charge, without condition.55 – In Book Five, with Ps 136: the return from exile is paralleled with creation, suggesting that it will represent a new creation, giving rise to an eternal and universal covenant.56 The transition from the first to the new covenant highlighted in the commentary on Book One actually marks the whole of the Psalter. The New Covenant is not designated as such in the Psalter, but it can nevertheless be discovered by the features of its novelty, which distinguish it from the Mosaic covenant.57 The structure of the first covenant is as follows:58 (1) “I am Yahweh your God” (2) “I brought you out of the land of Egypt” (3) “You are my people and I am your God” (4) (special laws) (5) “Heaven and earth are witnesses” (6) “You will be cursed/blessed if....”

= Speaker’s title = Historical prologue (blessings) = Basic statement: loyalty = Special stipulations = Witnessing = Curses and blessings

In the New Covenant, on the other hand: – The historical prologue goes back, beyond the exodus from Egypt, to the creation; – The law that was written on stone will now be written in the heart of each person; – Whereas sin was envisaged as an eventuality and would be punished by curses, it is forgiven in advance; – Salvation will now be universal, open to all nations; – It will also extend beyond the limits of death. 52 Le Psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1–41) = The Psalter: Book One (Ps 1–41), Ps 25: 327–329, 336, 349; Ps 40: 564–565; see also for the central section (Ps 20–24), 313; for the third section (Ps 26–41), 593–595; for the whole of the book, 604, 610–615. 53 Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43–72) = The Psalter: Book Two (Ps 42/43–72), 140. 54 Le Psautier. Troisième livre (Ps 73–89) = The Psalter: Book Three (Ps 73–89), 171, 173. 55 Le Psautier. Quatrième livre (Ps 90–106) = The Psalter: Book Four (Ps 90–106), 180–181; 231. 56 Le Psautier. Cinquième livre (Ps 107–150) = The Psalter: Book Five (Ps 107–150), 520. 57 See P. BEAUCHAMP, L’un et l’autre Testament. Essai de lecture, Chap. 6, “La nouvelle alliance”, 229–274 (the specific features of the new covenant, 251–274). 58 P. BEAUCHAMP, “Propositions sur l’alliance de l’Ancien Testament”, 163–164.




Creation has already been discussed.59 However, we must come back to it, but from the perspective of the new covenant, by recalling only the main psalms. – Ps 74: Already in Book Three, the present misfortune, which gives rise to “why?” and “how long?” (vv. 1, 10–11), prompts the psalmist to appeal to the double “beginning” — a) to start with, the exodus: “Remember your assembly which you acquired from the beginning, which you redeemed, a tribe of your inheritance, Mount Zion, where you dwell in it” (v. 2) — b) and above all with the creation: “12 But God is my king from the beginning [...] 13 As for you, you stirred up the sea with your power, you broke the heads of the monsters on the waters [...] 16 Yours is the day, yours also the night, it was you who prepared the light and the sun, 17 it was you who fixed all the boundaries of the earth, summer and winter, it was you who formed them” (see also, at the end of the book, Ps 89:6–15). – Ps 90: At the beginning of the second side, the theme is taken up again, in a very strong fashion. In the situation of misfortune caused by God’s anger (“7 Because we are finished by your anger, and by your fury we are terrified. 8 You have set our faults before you, our secrets in the light of your face”), the psalmist reports the “prayer of Moses, the man of God” (v. 1), which does not refer to his own time and the wonders of the exodus, but goes back even before creation: “Before the mountains were born and you brought forth the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity you are God” (v. 2); and follows a reference to the creation of man and especially to his caducity:60 3

You make mankind return to the dust, and you say: “Return, you children of Adam!” Because a thousand years in your eyes are like a day of yesterday when it is past and a watch in the night. 5 You submerge them, they are in the sleep; in the morning they are like grass that is renewed. 6 In the morning it flourishes and is renewed; in the evening it fades and dries up (see also vv. 9–10 and 12). 4

The reminder of human caducity is linked to the reminder of creation, because it is a fashion to underline the narrow limits of the life he was born with, the ephemeral nature of his creational condition. Reiterating this radical lack to God is certainly a powerful way of getting his attention and mercy. Therefore, in Ps 39, after insisting at length on his mortal condition, the psalmist asks God a question, to which he hastens to reply with an act of absolute trust: “And now, what do I expect, Lord? My hope, it is in you” (v. 8).61 The last time human caducity is mentioned, it forms an inclusion with the first one:


See “Relations between the Last Two Books”, p. 233–238; similarly in this chapter, p. 247. See p. 207. 61 Human caducity is often mentioned in the Psalter: In Book one, 8:5; 37:2, 20; 39:5–7, 13– 14; in Book Two, 62:10; in Book Three, 78:39; 89:48–49; more in Book Four, 90:3–6, 9–10, 12; 92:8; 102:5, 12, 24–25; 103:14–16; 104:29; in Book Five, 119:84; 144:3–4. 60

VI. Relations between the Five Books


Ps 8: 5 What is man that you remember him and the son of adam that you care for him? Ps 144: 3 O Yhwh, what is the adam that you care for him, the son of man, that you think of him? 4 The adam resembles a breath, his days like a shadow that is passing by.

It should be added that caducity extends beyond humankind to the whole of creation: 26

Formerly you founded the earth, and the heavens were the work of your hands; 27 as for them, they will perish, and as for you, you remain; and they all wear out like a garment, you change them like a clothing, and they are changed. 28 And as for you, you are the same, and your years have no end.” (Ps 102)

And the psalmist adds, in conclusion, that, like God, his servants will not perish: “the children of your servants will dwell, and their offspring will endure before you” (v. 29), as if they had been recreated. – Ps 93: The reminder of God’s intervention in history (vv. 3–5) is preceded by a reference to “the beginning”: “1 Yhwh reigns [...] indeed, the world is established, it cannot be shaken. 2 Your throne is established from the beginning, you are from everlasting.” – Ps 95: In the first focal point of Book Four, the invitation to thanksgiving is motivated by two reasons, first by creation at length (vv. 3–5), then by election more briefly (v. 7). – Ps 98: It is not only people who are invited to praise God, but also the whole of creation: “7 Let the sea and its fullness thunder, the world and those who dwell in it! 8 Let the rivers clap the hands, let the mountains shout for joy together, 9 before Yhwh!” – Ps 139: The reference to the beginning here takes the form of the creation of the psalmist in his mother’s womb: “13 Because it was you, you formed my inward parts, you knit me together in my mother’s womb; 14 I give you thanks because terribly, I am wonderfully made, wonderful are your works.” The exodus was seen as the creation of Israel as a people: “Let us kneel before Yhwh who made us” (95:6), “Know that Yhwh, he is God, it is he who made us and we are his, his people and the sheep of his pasture” (100:3). With this people now defeated, in every sense of the word, a new creation is expected to rescue them from death: “19 This shall be written for the last generation, and a people to be created will praise Yah, 20 because Yhwh has leaned down from the heights of his holiness, has looked from heaven towards earth, 21 to hear the groan of the captive, to set free the children of death” (Ps 102). It will even be a new creation for the whole universe, as Isaiah had foretold: “For look, I am going to create new heavens and a new earth, and the past will



not be remembered and will come no more to mind” (Isa 65:17), the psalmist declares: “you renew the face of the ground (’ădāmâ)” (104:30). A new creation also, and above all, for the human heart, as it is said at the centre of the Miserere: “A pure heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast breath renew within me” (51:12). B) INTERNALIZATION OF THE LAW AND ITS RIGHTEOUSNESS

Jeremiah had announced it: “Within them I shall plant my Law, writing it on their hearts” (Jer 31:33). The psalmist also says it at the end of Book One: – Ps 37: “30 The mouth of the righteous whispers wisdom and his tongue utters judgment; 31 the law of his God in his heart: his steps will not falter.” – Ps 40: And a little further on, he declares it to his Lord: “To do your will, my God, I desire, and your law is in the depth of my bowels” (v. 9), “I have not hidden your righteousness in the depth of my heart” (v. 11).

Most of the time, however, he asks God to teach him his law, which means that he does not know it, that it has not entered into his heart. Already in the second focal point of Book One: – Ps 25: “4 Make me to know your ways, Yhwh, teach me your paths! 5 Make me walk in your loyalty and teach me, because you are the God of my salvation, in you I hope all the day” (at the centre of the first part).

He returns to this in Book Three: – Ps 86: “Teach me, O Yhwh, your way, I will walk in your truth” (v. 11).

It is especially at the centre of Book Five that the psalmist repeats the same request, in a haunting fashion: – Blessed are you, O Yhwh, teach me your decrees! (119:12); – I have exposed my ways, and you have answered me, teach me your decrees (v. 26); – Give me understanding of the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wonders (v. 27); – Instruct me, O Yhwh, the way of your decrees, and I will observe them to the end (v. 33); – Give me understanding and I will observe your law, and I will keep it with all heart (v. 34); – The earth, O Yhwh, is full of your faithfulness, teach me your decrees (v. 64); – Teach me the goodness of judgment and knowledge,

VI. Relations between the Five Books


because I have believed in your commandments (v. 66); – You are good and doing good, teach me your decrees (v. 68); – Your hands have made me and have established me, give me understanding and I shall learn your commandments (v. 73); – Accept, O Yhwh, the offerings of my mouth, and teach me your judgments (v. 108); – Do with your servant according to your faithfulness, and teach me your decrees (v. 124); – I am your servant, give me understanding, and I will know your orders (v. 125); – Your orders are righteousness forever, give me understanding and I shall live (v. 144); – Let your face enlighten your servant, and teach me your decrees (v. 135); – Let my cry draw near before you, O Yhwh, give me understanding according to your word (v. 169).

Shortly before the end of his long prayer, the psalmist gives thanks to the Lord who has heard him: – Let my lips utter your praise, because you teach me your decrees (v. 171; see also v. 102).

God’s law having penetrated into the heart of man, it eventually becomes his own. That is how Jewish tradition interprets the parallelism of Ps 1: 2

because on the contrary and in his Law

in the Law murmurs

of Yhwh day

his delight and night.

“His Law” can be “the Law of Yhwh”, but grammatically the affixed pronoun, translated by the possessive “his”, can just as easily refer to the subject of “murmurs”.62 By appropriating God’s law, it became his own law. Tôrâ means “teaching”, and the righteous, just as his Lord, will transmit his law to others. That is what the psalmist will say, after confessing his sin: “I will teach the transgressors your ways and the sinners will return to you” (51:15); and at the heart of Ps 34: “Come, children, hear me, I will teach you the fear of Yhwh” (v. 12; see also 32:8; 78:5). According to the terms of the first covenant, man’s righteousness was to be the fruit of his observance of the law. If man asks God to teach him his precepts, 62

See A. WÉNIN, “Le Psaume 1 et l’‘encadrement’ du livre des Louanges”, 159; ID., Le Livre des Louanges, 74; Vesco, 62.



it is because he has realised his inability to comprehend them, to integrate them by himself. The same is true for righteousness: It also can only be a gift from God. From Book One: – Ps 5: “Yhwh, lead me in your righteousness [...] make level your way before me” (v. 9); – Ps 6: “Save me for the sake of your faithfulness” (v. 5); – Ps 23: “He brings back my soul, he guides me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of his name” (v. 3); – Ps 25: “Make me walk in your loyalty and teach me, because you are the God of my salvation” (v. 5); – Ps 27: “Make me see, Yhwh, your way, and lead me on a path of uprightness” (v. 11); – Ps 31: “for the sake of your name guide me and lead me” (v. 4);

In Book Two also: – Ps 44: “redeem us for the sake of your faithfulness” (v. 27, in conclusion); – Ps 52: “I trust in the faithfulness of God forever and ever” (v. 10); – Ps 54: “O God, by your name save me, by your power vindicate me” (v. 4);

And especially in Book Five, in particular in its centre (Ps 119): – My soul has cleaved to the dust, give me life


– Turn away my eyes from seeing vanity, IN YOUR WAYS

give me life (v. 37)

– Behold, I desire your precepts, IN YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS

give me life (v. 40)

– ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITHFULNESS give me life and I will keep the order of your mouth (v. 88) – I have been humiliated completely, O Yhwh, give me life ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD (V. 107) – Hear my voice according to your faithfulness, O Yhwh, ACCORDING TO YOUR JUDGMENTS give me life (149) – Defend my cause and redeem me, BY YOUR SAYING

give me life (154)

– Your mercies are many, O Yhwh, ACCORDING TO YOUR JUDGMENTS give me life (v. 156) – See how I love your precepts, O Yhwh, ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITHFULNESS give me life (159).

And lastly:

VI. Relations between the Five Books


– Ps 143: “in your truth answer me in your righteousness; and do not come into judgment with your servant, because no one living is righteous before you” (vv. 1–2); “For the sake of your name, O Yhwh, give me life in your righteousness” (v. 11). C) FORGIVENESS

Forgiveness precedes conversion according to several decisive texts: the people are changed by knowing that they are forgiven, rather than forgiven because they change. Thus, according to the great text of the New Covenant: “They will all know me, because I will forgive their crime and remember their sin no more” (Jer 31:34). 63

It is not uncommon for the psalmist to respond to his misfortune by asserting his innocence. He does this four times in Book One: – Ps 7: “4 Yhwh my God, if I have done this, if there is perversion on my palms, 5 if I have repaid my ally with evil and wrongly rescued my oppressor, 6 let an enemy pursue my soul and overtake it...”, “Defend me, Yhwh, according to my righteousness and according to my own integrity” (v. 9b). However, once his enemy had fallen “into the pit he made” (v. 16), the psalmist seems to recover: “I will give thanks to Yhwh according to his righteousness” (v. 18). – Ps 17: “3 You have scrutinized my heart, you have visited me at night, you have tested me, you did not find; if I thought evil, it did not cross over my mouth...” (vv. 3–5); – Ps 18: “21 Yhwh rewards me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands he recompenses me, 22 because I have kept the ways of Yhwh and I have not been wicked away from my God; 23 because all his judgements are before me and his decrees I have not discarded from me, 24 and I am perfect with him and I keep myself from my fault. 25 And Yhwh recompenses me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands before his eyes” (at centre of the psalm). – Ps 26 especially: “Judge me, Yhwh, because as for me, I have walked in my integrity” (v. 1a), but he immediately adds: “and I trust in Yhwh and I will not stumble” (2b); “I wash in innocence my palms” (v. 6), but he asks the Lord to protect him: “Do not join my soul with sinners...” (v. 9).

He returns to it three times in Book Two: – Ps 44: “All this has come over us and not that we have forgotten you and not that we have betrayed your covenant...” (vv. 18–19), “21 If we have forgotten the name of our God and have stretched out our hands to a foreign god, 22 would not God have discovered this, because as for him, he knows the secrets of the heart?” – Ps 59: “Because, behold, they lie in ambush for my soul, the powerful stir up against me, without my transgression and without my sin, O Yhwh...” (vv. 4–5). – Ps 66: “18 If I have seen iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not hear; 19 however, God heard, he gave attention to the voice of my prayer.”

Finally, once at the beginning of Book Three... 63

P. BEAUCHAMP, L’un et l’autre Testament. Essai de lecture, 260.



– Ps 73: “13 Surely, in vain I have kept my heart clean and I have washed my palms in innocence [...] 15 If I had said, ‘I will recount like them’, behold, I would have betrayed the generation of your children” (at the centre of psalm),

... but not at all thereafter, neither in Book Four nor in Book Five. It is God who reveals to man his sinful condition, of which he is often unaware: – Ps 19: “The wanderings, who can discern them? From the hidden ones, declare me innocent” (v. 13). – Ps 90: “7 Because we are finished by your anger, and by your fury we are terrified. 8 You have set our faults before you, our secrets in the light of your face” (see also 69:6).

In the first section of Book One, it is stated that all humans are sinners: – Ps 14: “2 Yhwh looks down from heaven on the sons of Adam, to see if there is anyone prudent searching God. 3 All turned away, together they are perverted; there is no one that does good, there is not even one (vv. 2–3).64

The same applies to the second part of Book Five: – Ps 130: “If you watch faults, O Yah, Lord, who could stand?” (v. 3).

Each individual is marked by sin to the depths of his being: – Ps 38: “4 There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation, there is no peace in my bones because of my sin; 5 yes, my faults have passed over my head, like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me; 6 my bruises stink and fester because of my folly. – Ps 51: “Behold, in fault I was born and in sin my mother conceived me” (v. 7). – Ps 65: “The words of faults are mightier than I” (v. 4).

Under the terms of the first covenant, sin unleashes the wrath of God who then applies the curses provided: – Ps 78: “32 With all this they still sinned, and they did not believe in his wonders; 33 and he made their days end in mist and their years in terror.” – Ps 107: “10 Inhabitants of darkness and of shadow, captives of affliction and of iron, 11 because they defied the orders of God, and spurned the plan of the Most High, 12 and he brought down their hearts with labour, they succumbed, and there was no one to help.”

Therefore, the psalmist acknowledges his sin and confesses it, asking and obtaining God’s forgiveness:


It must be particularly important for this psalm that it is repeated, almost word for word, in the first part of the Second Book (Ps 53).

VI. Relations between the Five Books


– Ps 38: “Yes, my fault, I confess, I am anxious about my sin” (v. 19). – Ps 32: “5 My sin, I made known to you, and my fault I did not cover; I said, ‘I will confess against me my transgressions to Yhwh’. And as for you, you took away the fault of my sin.”

The psalmist does not rely on his own merit or repentance, but only on God’s “faithfulness”. If he has been unfaithful to the covenant, the Lord’s faithfulness remains with him. For this reason, the psalmist appeals to it, as we have seen he does it to obtain righteousness and life.65 – Ps 25: “For the sake of your name, Yhwh, you will forgive my wrong though there are many” (v. 11). – Ps 51: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your faithfulness, according to the greatness of your mercy wipe away my transgressions” (v. 3). – Ps 79: “8 Do not remember against us the first faults; quickly, may your tenderness come to meet us, because we are greatly afflicted 9 [...] deliver us and wipe out our sins, for the sake of your name.” – Ps 86: “because you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, and abounding in faithfulness to all who call on you” (v. 5). – Ps 103: “3 He forgives all your faults, he heals all your diseases. 4 He redeems your life from the pit, he crowns you with faithfulness and tenderness”; “8 Yhwh is tender and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in faithfulness; 9 he is not accusing until the end, nor does he keep a grudge forever. 10 Not according to our sins, does he do to us, and not according to our faults, does he repay to us.” – Ps 130: “7 Because with Yhwh is grace, and with him abundance of redemption; 8 and it is he who will redeem Israel from all his faults.” D) ANTIQUITY OF THE NEW COVENANT

In order to announce what is new in the covenant, the second Isaiah simply states that it joins the election of Abraham, the covenant of David, the covenant of Noah. Now, these individual covenants are older in the chronology represented than that of the people. Surprisingly, their figure is closer to the new covenant, in that it does not include any conditions.66

In Psalm 105, the psalmist calls to “proclaim his mighty deeds among the peoples” (v. 1). These do not begin with the exodus, but with the covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: 6

O offspring of Abraham his servant, O children of Jacob his chosen ones, 7 he is Yhwh our God, his judgments are in all the earth. 8 He remembers his covenant forever, the word which he commanded for a thousand generations, 9 which he concluded with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac. 10 And he made it as a decree for Jacob, for Israel as a covenant forever, 11 saying: “To you I give the land of Canaan, the portion of your inheritance.” 65 66

See p. 263. R. BEAUCHAMP, L’Un et l’Autre Testament. Essai de lecture, 270–271.



And it is only in the second part of the psalm that Moses is sent and the exodus is recounted. After the gift of quails, manna and water, the psalmist notes: “Yes, he remembered his holy word to Abraham his servant” (v. 42). And only after this remembrance does he report the gift of the land, the gift of the law being relegated to a subordinate role: “44 and he gave them the lands of the nations, and they inherited the labour of the countries, 45 for the sake that they might keep his decrees and observe his laws”. It is true that the Abrahamic covenant is mentioned only once in the Psalter, but by its location, at the end of Book Four, just before Ps 106, which recalls at length Israel's repeated infidelities to the Sinai covenant, and forms with it a closely related couple67, it has the effect of reminding us that history does not begin with the exodus, and that a return to the beginning could be a source of hope. Exile, deserved by rebellion against the Mosaic law, could be the occasion of a rebirth, when God will bring them out of the nations as he did with Abraham, whom he brought out of “Ur of the Chaldaeans to go to the land of Canaan” (Gen 11:31). E) UNIVERSALITY

This dimension of the new covenant was mentioned at the beginning of our investigation. Indeed, it is especially in each of the five psalms of the central section of the Book Four (Ps 96–100) where “all peoples” are invited to give thanks to God. And it is right at the centre of Book One that the announcement is made, in a strong manner (22:28–30)68. Already in Ps 2 several of the main aspects of the theme of universality are stated: – The universal hostility of the nations towards God and Israel: “1 Why do the nations tremble and the peoples murmur vain things? 2 The kings of the earth rise up, and the princes gather together, against Yhwh and against his Anointed.” – Israel’s victory over the nations: “8 Ask of me and I will give the nations as your inheritance, and as your dominion the ends of the earth. 9 You will break them with a sceptre of iron, like a vessel of potter you will smash them.” – Their instruction and conversion: “10 And now, kings, comprehend, correct yourselves, judges of the earth. 11 Serve Yhwh with fear [...], 12 kiss the son.” a) Universality of the nations’ hostility towards Israel: – Ps 48: “Because, behold, kings made alliance, they advanced together” (v. 5). – Ps 79: “O God, the nations have come into your inheritance, they have defiled the Temple of your holiness, they have laid Jerusalem in ruins...” (vv. 1–4). 67 See Le Psautier. Quatrième livre (Ps 90–106), 232–235 = The Psalter: Book Four (Ps 90– 106), 232–235. 68 See “Relations between Book One and Book Four”, p. 206.

VI. Relations between the Five Books


The psalmist asks God for their punishment (79:6–7, 10–12; 82:8; 83).

b) The reign of Yhwh, the God of Israel, extends to all nations: – Ps 24: “1 To Yhwh belong the earth and its fullness, the world and the inhabitants in it 2 because he founded it on the seas, and established it on the rivers.” – Ps 82: “because it is you who have inherited all the nations” (v. 8). – Ps 47: “8 Yes, God (is) the King of all the earth [...] 9 God reigns over the nations, God sits on his throne of holiness” (see also v. 3; see also Ps 113).

c) The nations will have to give allegiance to God and to Israel – Ps 18: “44 you deliver me from the quarrels of people, you place me at the head of the nations, people that I did not know serve me. 45 At the hearing of the ear they hear me, the children of strangers court me.” – Ps 47: “He subdues peoples under us and countries under our feet” (v. 4). – Ps 64: “And all men will fear, and will proclaim the work of God” (v. 10). – Ps 72: “10 The kings of Tarshish and of the islands will bring a tribute, the kings of Sheba and Saba will bring near gifts; 11 and all the kings will bow down to him, all the nations will serve him (the king of Israel)” (see also 66:1–8; 68:29–32; 81:16; 86:9; 138:4–6).

d) Israel is invited to proclaim God’s salvation among the nations – Ps 9: “Sing praises to Yhwh, who dwells in Zion, and announce among the peoples his deeds!” (v. 12). – Ps 18: “50 Therefore I will give you thanks among the nations, Yhwh, and I will sing praise to your name: 51 ‘Magnifying the salvation for his king and showing faithfulness to his anointed, to David and his offspring forever.’” – Ps 22: “28 Will remember and return to Yhwh all the ends of the earth and will bow down before you all the families of the nations. 29 Because kingship belongs to Yhwh and he rules over the nations. 30 They have eaten and they will bow down all the fat of the earth; before him will bend all going down to the dust.” – Ps 105: “1 Give thanks to Yhwh, call on his name, proclaim his mighty deeds among the peoples; 2 sing to him, sing psalms to him, recite all his wonders.” – Ps 108: “4 I will give you thanks among the peoples, O Yhwh, and I will play to you in the countries; 5 because your faithfulness is great above the heavens, and your truth to the clouds” (see also 57:10; 66:16; 67).

e) The nations will unite with Israel in praise of God who saves them: – Ps 47: “The princes of the peoples are gathered together, the people of the God of Abraham” (v. 10). – Ps 68: “33 O kingdoms of the earth, sing to God, sing psalms to the Lord, 34 to the Rider of the heavens, of the ancient heavens, behold, he gives with his voice, a voice of strength. 35 Give the strength of God, over Israel his splendour and his strength in the clouds. 36 You are fearsome, O God, out of your sanctuaries, he is the God of Israel, giving strength and might to the people. Blessed be God!”



– Ps 72: “Let his name (of the king of Israel) be forever, in the face of the sun may his name spring forth and may all the nations be blessed in him, compliment him” (v. 17).69 – Ps 87: “5 And of Zion it will be said: ‘Every man is born in her [...]’ 6 Yhwh counts in writing the peoples: ‘This one was born there’ 7 And they sing in dancing: ‘All my springs are in you.’” – Ps 102: “16 And the nations will fear the name of Yhwh, and all the kings of the earth, your glory; 17 when Yhwh will rebuild Zion, and he will be seen in his glory [...] 19 This shall be written for the last generation, and a people to be created will praise Yah [...] 22 to recount in Zion the name of Yhwh and his praise in Jerusalem, 23 when the peoples will join together, and kingdoms, to serve Yhwh.” – Ps 150:6, “Let all breath praise Yah!” (v. 6)70 (see especially Ps 96–100;71 and also Ps 117; 126:2). F) DEATH

Creation and death touch each other as the beginning and the end; the universality is that of creation and death, of sin and forgiveness, all the children of Adam finding themselves together in the same destiny. Subjected to death What the people of Israel and each of their members experience with the exile is first of all death. The terms in the semantic field of death are particularly numerous. The most frequent are: “death, to die, to make die” occur 38 times, “Sheol” 16 times, “pit” (šaḥat, šîḥâ, šeḥît) 11 times, “hole” (bôr, be’ēr) 9 times, “depth” (meṣûlâ) 5 times, “trap” (paḥ) 8 times, “net” (rešet) 8 times, “snare” (môqēš) 6 times, “cord” (ḥebel) 5 times, “those who seek my soul/my life”. But others should be added, such as “dust”, “mourning”, etc. If we add up all these occurrences, it appears that they are much more numerous on the first side (57 times) than on the second side (23 times).72 It seems therefore that it is possible to see a correlation between this difference and the one concerning thanksgiving: – First side: massive presence of the threat of death, promised thanksgiving, – Second side: lesser presence of the threat of death, thanksgiving accomplished. The attacks on the psalmist are not only verbal, the mockery of scoffers, the slander of liars, but also the blows and wounds inflicted on him by his enemies; his life is at stake, he is threatened with death: 69 This blessing recalls that of Abraham: “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen 12:3). 70 Thus ends the Psalter; the first side ends in a similar fashion: “and blessed be the name of his glory forever and all the earth be filled with his glory. Amen! Amen!” (72:19). 71 See p. 207. 72 And 12 times in the central book.

VI. Relations between the Five Books


– Ps 63: “But they seek my soul to destroy me” (v. 10). – Ps 70: “Let them blush and be disgraced, those who seek my life” (v. 3). – Ps 109: “he pursues the afflicted and the poor, and the broken of heart to put him to death” (v. 16). – Ps 143: “Yes, the enemy pursues my soul, he crushes my life to the ground; he makes me dwell in darkness like the dead forever” (v. 3).

Traps are set for him, pits are dug, he is caught in a net; he has become prey, an animal to be captured to be killed and devoured: – Ps 10: “he seizes the afflicted dragging him in his net” (v. 9). – Ps 18: “5 the cords of Death encompassed me and the torrents of Belial terrified me, 6 the cords of Sheol encircled me.” – Ps 35: “Yes, without reason they have hidden for me the pit of their net, without reason they have dug for my soul” (v. 7). – Ps 57: “They set a net for my steps” (v. 7). – Ps 64: “they calculate to conceal traps” (v. 6). – Ps 119: “The cords of the wicked envelop me, I do not forget your law” (v. 61), “The arrogant dig pits for me” (v. 85), “The wicked put a trap for me, but I did not wander from your precepts” (v. 110). – Ps 140: “the arrogant ones hide a trap for me, and with cords they spread a net, by the side of the way they set snares for me” (v. 6).

His enemies are themselves ferocious beasts, lions with sharp teeth, serpents with deadly venom: 4

The wicked have been estranged from the womb, they have gone astray from the belly, speaking lies; 5 their venom like a semblance of the venom of a serpent [...] 7 O God, break their teeth in their mouth, crush the fangs of lions, O Yhwh” (Ps 58).

It is not only the individual who is subjected to death but the whole people, as in the book of Esther: 1

O God, the nations have come into your inheritance, they have defiled the Temple of your holiness, they have laid Jerusalem in ruins. 2 They have given the corpses of your servants as food for the birds of heaven, the flesh of your faithful to the beasts of the earth; 3 they have poured out their blood like water, all around Jerusalem and there was no one to bury them. 4 We are an insult to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to those around us.” (Ps 79:1–4) 4

Against your people they plot in secret and conspire against your protégés. 5 they said: “Come and let us wipe them out as a nation, and the name of Israel will be remembered no more!” 6 Yes, they conspire with one heart, they make a covenant against you (Ps 83).

If an individual persecuted to death is the king, it is clear that the fate of his entire people is at stake. The most emblematic case is that of Ps 22, at the heart of Book One. He finds himself first of all a victim of the word of his enemies:




And I am a worm and not a man, scorned by adam and despised by people: 8 all those who see me mock me, they sneer with their lips, they shake the head: 9 He commits himself to Yhwh, let him deliver him! Let him rescue him, because he delights in him!”

He is then a prey to those who behave like ferocious beasts: 13

Numerous bulls surround me, strong beasts of Bashan encircle me; 14 they open their mouths at me, a tearing and roaring lion. 17 Because dogs surround me, a gang of villains enclose me. They have pierced my hands and my feet, 18 I count all my bones. They stare, look at me, 19 they divide my cloths among them and for my garment they cast lots [...] 21 Rescue my soul from the sword, from the claws of the dog, my only one. 22 Save me from the mouth of the lion, and from the horns of the wild ox.

The psalm focuses on these words, addressed to God: “And you lay me down in the dust of death” (v. 16b), words which echo his initial question: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (v. 2). The five psalms “in a low voice” that constitute the central section of Book Two echo Ps 22 at the centre of Book One by making the same lament: – Ps 56: “6 Every day they distort my words, all their thoughts are against me for evil; 7 they stir up, they hide, themselves, they watch my steps, as if they hoped for my soul.” – Ps 57: “5 My soul is in the midst of lions, I must sleep with the flaming, the sons of Adam; their teeth, a spear and arrows, and their tongue, a sharp sword.” – Ps 58: “4 The wicked have been estranged from the womb, they have gone astray from the belly, speaking lies; 5 their venom like a semblance of the venom of a serpent, like the deaf viper plugging its ear, 6 which does not hear the voice of enchanters, of charmer in skilful charms.” – Ps 59: “when Saul sent men to guard the house in order to kill him” (v. 1); “7 They come back in the evening, they growl like a dog, and they prowl through the city. 8 Behold, they foam in their mouth, swords in their lips: “For who hears?” – Ps 60: “5 You made your people see hardship, you made us drink a wine of vertigo [...] 12 Is it not you, O God, you who have rejected us and you do not go out, O God, with our armies?”

The same is true at the heart of Ps 119, which alone constitutes the central section of Book Five. Playing on the two letters of his two passages (kl) which make the verb kālāh, “to complete”, the psalmist complains: 85

The arrogant dig pits for me, which are not according to your law. They almost finished me off in the earth, but as for me, I do not forsake your precepts. 95 The wicked are waiting for me that I would perish, I am attentive to your orders. 87

The psalmist does not stop asking his God to free him from death:

VI. Relations between the Five Books


– Ps 9: “Have mercy on me, Yhwh, see my affliction, from my enemies lift me up from the gates of death” (v. 14). – Ps 13: “enlighten my eyes, lest I sleep in death” (v. 4). – Ps 31: “Bring me out of the net they have spread for me” (v. 5).

Moreover, he proclaims his faith in God’s salvation: – Ps 49: “from the hand of Sheol, yes, he will take me” (v. 16). – Ps 68: “to Yhwh the Lord belong the issues of death” (v. 21). – Ps 91: “Yes, it is he who delivers you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive pestilence” (v. 3). – Ps 103: “He redeems your life from the pit” (v. 4).

Delivered from death The Lord answers the supplicants and delivers him from death: – Ps 56: “because you have delivered my soul from death” (v. 14). – Ps 86: “because your faithfulness was great toward me, and you have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol” (v. 13). – Ps 116: “Because you have liberated my soul from death” (v. 8).

That is the experience of the psalmist in Psalm 22: “Save me from the mouth of the lion, and from the horns of the wild oxen. You have answered me” (v. 22). It is always the psalmist who says that the Lord has delivered him from death. This means that he did not pass through it, but was preserved from it. We have to wait until the fourth song of the Servant (Isa 52:13–53:12) to hear from others—the very ones who had despised him and led him to death—how God brought him back to life, for their salvation.73 F) SPOUSAL CHARACTER OF THE NEW COVENANT

The model, or metaphor, of the Mosaic covenant was political, like the treaties between suzerain and vassal; the metaphor of the new covenant is conjugal, between husband and wife. This way of conceiving the relationship between God and his people is common to the prophets who announce it: 21

I shall betroth you to myself for ever, I shall betroth you in righteousness and in justice, and tenderness and mercy; 22 Yes, I shall betroth you in my faithfulness and you will know Yhwh. (Hos 2:21–22) 5

For your Creator is your husband, Yahweh Sabaoth is his name, the Holy One of Israel is your redeemer, he is called God of all the earth. 6 Yes, Yhwh has called you back like a forsaken, grief-stricken wife, like the repudiated wife of his youth, says your God. 7 I did forsake you for a brief moment, but in great compassion I shall take


See R. MEYNET, “Le quatrième chant du Serviteur (Is 52,13–53,12)”.



you back. 8 In a flood of anger, for a moment I hid my face from you. But in everlasting love I have taken pity on you, says Yhwh, your redeemer. (Isa 54:5–8) I have loved you with an everlasting love and so I still maintain my favour for you. 4 I shall build you once more, yes, you will be rebuilt, Virgin of Israel! Once more in your best attire, and with your tambourines, you will go out dancing gaily. (Jer 31:3–4) I shall treat you as you have deserved for making light of an oath and breaking a covenant, 60 but I shall remember my covenant with you when you were a girl and shall conclude a covenant with you that will last for ever. [...] 62 I shall renew my covenant with you; and you will know that I am Yhwh, 63 and so remember and feel ashamed and in your confusion be reduced to silence, when I forgive you for everything you have done, declares the Lord Yahweh. (Ezek 16:59–63)

Part Three CONTEXT


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

In the first five volumes of the commentary, we pointed out mainly the links with the other books of the Old Testament. The connections with the New Testament have not been noted for every psalm, but mainly for the psalms that are quoted most often (Ps 2; 22; 34; 69; 78; 110; 118). The natural way to explore the relationship between the Psalter and the New Testament is to look for repetitions of the text of the Psalms—through quotation, reference and allusion—in the Gospels, the Letters and the Book of Revelation. This path has been followed for a long time,1 and in recent years in a systematic manner in two works to which we will simply refer.2 After all that has been said in the “Composition of the Psalter”, especially about the New Covenant, it seems preferable to show, through two examples, how the followers of Jesus understood that this covenant, whose coming was announced by the prophets and in the psalms, had been fulfilled in Jesus, the Christ. It will be done in the same spirit and with the same methodology that has been used throughout the commentary on the Psalms.


See, e.g., H.-J. KRAUS, Teologia dei salmi, Cap. 7, “I salmi nel Nuovo Testamento”, 292–

337. 2

S. MOYISE – M.J.J. MENKEN, ed., The Psalms in the New Testament; J.-L. VESCO, Le Psautier de Jésus. Les citations des Psaumes dans le Nouveau Testament.



I. THE TEACHERS OF THE LAW AND THE BRIDEGROOM OF THE NEW COVENANT (Luke 5:17–6:11) That is how the sequence of controversies in Galilee was entitled in my commentary on the Gospel of Luke.1 The theme of the new covenant does not appear at the level of each of its five passages taken separately, as they are presented in traditional commentaries;2 but on the contrary, it is revealed when they are considered as forming a coherent, structured whole, in essence, a discourse. JESUS HEALS A MAN


















The first passage (5:17–26) is the story of the healing of a man with paralysed feet, who is brought down “through the tiles” before Jesus. But before healing him by putting him back on his feet, Jesus forgives him his sins, which leads to a heated discussion with the “Pharisees and teachers of the law” (5:17). Such an event should attract attention because it is the only time in the whole gospel that a healing is linked to the forgiveness of sins. In fact, according to the prophets, the New Covenant is based on the forgiveness of sins: “for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more”. In this way, the prophecy of Jer 31:31–34 is concluded. This first passage sets the scene for the entire sequence. The second passage takes place in the home of the publican Levi, who had followed Jesus and organised a great feast for him in his house. Seeing Jesus eating with a large crowd of tax collectors and sinners, the Pharisees and scribes start a twofold controversy, first about this unseemly company and then about fasting. Jesus responds by presenting himself as a “physician” needed by the sick and as a “bridegroom” who feasts with his guests. The first term may evoke 1 2

See R. MEYNET, L’Évangile de Luc, 2011, 255–281. See, e.g., F. BOVON, L’Évangile selon saint Luc (1,1–9,50), 236–270.


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

some prophetic texts where God presents himself as the one who heals: “I will heal him, I will comfort him [...] Yes, I will heal you” (Isa 57:18–19). As for the second term, it represents the privileged image of the new covenant: “Shout for joy, barren one who has borne no children [...] for your Bridegroom will be your maker” (Isa 54:1–5). It was especially Hosea and Ezekiel who developed this new representation of the relationship between God and his unfaithful people (Hos 1–3; Ezek 16; 23). Ps 85 also tells how God forgave his people (85:2–8), and how the marriage between Yhwh and “the land” produced the fruit of righteousness (85:10–14). Then, at the heart of the sequence, there is the double parable of the old and the new, the garment and the wine (Luke 5:36–39). The newness is such that there is incompatibility between the two. We think we hear the echo of Isaiah’s prophecy: “For look, I am going to create new heavens and a new earth, and the past will not be remembered and will come no more to mind” (Isa 65:17). Another controversy then arises, again with the Pharisees, about the heads of corn crushed by the disciples on the Sabbath (6:1–5). Jesus responds by recalling the episode in the life of David to whom the priest Abimelech gave the loaves of bread that he had asked for in the great need in which he and his men found themselves; for him this was a fashion to present himself as the anointed one of God, son of David. Then, in a very bold formula, Jesus declares that “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath”. A novelty that could not but deeply offend his opponents, for it was a way of presenting himself, and his disciples too, as an image of God. Finally, the healing of a man with a paralysed right arm (6:6–11) is the counterpart to the healing of a man with paralysed feet with which the sequence began. The tension between Jesus and his opponents, the scribes and Pharisees, has reached its peak: they say nothing more, but spy on Jesus “to find something to accuse him of”. To his question: “I ask you, is it possible to do good rather than evil on the Sabbath, to save a life rather than lose it?”, they no longer respond with words, but with deeds: “they were filled with furious madness and spoke to each other, what would they do to Jesus” (v. 11). Like the lions, oxen and dogs of Ps 22. Every covenant is sealed in a sacrifice. The last words of the sequence, “what they should do to Jesus” (6:11), foreshadow his death. Those who now seek to “accuse him” (6:7), “the scribes and Pharisees”, will eventually hand him over to Pilate, along with the chief priests and the elders of the people. He who did good will bear evil, he who saves life will suffer death (6:9). He who today gives the use of his feet to one (5:17–26) and his hand to another (6:6–11) will have his feet and hands nailed to the wood of the cross. On the eve of his Passion, he will give his companions the bread of life and, with the cup of wine, he will pour out his blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant (Luke 22:14–20).3


R. MEYNET, L’Évangile de Luc, 2011, 281.



II. CHRIST MAKES A TESTAMENT FOR HIS DISCIPLES WHO ABANDON HIM (Luke 22:1–53) The sequence comprises nine passages organised into three subsequences: The authorities and Judas


for the death of Jesus



for Passover

and his disciples





The announcement of the betrayal


Agonising, Jesus


22:21–24 22:25–30 22:31–34 22:35–38


to shed

his own blood


Arrested, Jesus refuses

to shed

the blood of his enemies


This sequence is the first in the story of the passion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. To avoid separating the two stages of this narrative, I have entitled it “The Passover of the Lord”. The moment is that of the celebration of the Passover, the liberation from the land of Egypt which will lead the Israelites to Sinai where they will receive the law and make a covenant with the God who saved them from death. While Matthew and Mark focused their sequence on the story of the celebration of the Passover (Matt 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–25),4 Luke organizes his material differently and the centre of his composition is occupied by the “Discourse on serving” (Luke 22:25–30), the law which he leaves as a testament to his disciples. The Greek word diathēkē, rendered in this context as “testament”, is the one that translates the Hebrew berît, “covenant”.


See R. MEYNET, La Pâque du Seigneur, 75, 116–119. ID., L’Évangile de Marc, 429–468.


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

The account of the celebration of the Passover (22:14–20) is very special and even quite exceptional: it is extremely difficult to divide the text into its different parts and three solutions are possible.5 A first solution would be to consider that the passage is formed of two parts (14–18 & 19–20). These two parts would in fact be marked by very strong symmetries: in the first part, verse 18 repeats verse 16 almost word for word; in the second part, “this is my body that for you is given” in 19 would announce “this cup is the new covenant in my blood that for you is poured out” in 20. = 14 And when comes . he reclined . 15 and he said

the hour, and the apostles to them

= “With a (great) desire . to eat . before


I have desired with you


: 16 BECAUSE I TELL YOU : that I will not eat it ever again - until it is fulfilled + 17 And +

with him


the kingdom of God.”

················································································································ having received a CUP, gave thanks,

he said: * “TAKE



: 18 BECAUSE I TELL YOU : that I will not drink more now the produce of the vine - until the kingdom of God shall come.” + 19 And having taken + he broke (it) . “THIS is my body - that for you


and gave to them,

gave thanks, saying:

is given.

THIS IN MEMORY OF ME.” * DO ················································································································ the CUP likewise after supper saying:

= 20 And . “THIS cup (is) - that for you



is poured out.

In verses 14–18 and 19–20, eating and drinking appear in the same order: TO EAT (15b) – TO EAT (16a) bread (19a) – body (19b)


cup (17a) – TO DRINK (18a) cup (20a) – blood (20b)

See R. MEYNET, L’évangile de Luc, 2011, 845–850; ID., La Pâque du Seigneur, 136–141.



A second possibility: Other symmetries could suggest dividing the passage into three parts (vv. 14–16, 17–19, 20). = 14 And when comes . he reclined . 15 and he said

the hour, and the apostles to them

with him

= With a (great) desire I have desired . to eat THIS PASSOVER . before I SUFFER.

with you

: 16 BECAUSE I TELL YOU : that I will not eat it ever more - until it is fulfilled + 17 And having received +

in the kingdom of God.”

a CUP,

gave thanks, he said: * “TAKE THIS

: 18 BECAUSE I TELL YOU : that I will not drink - until


more now the produce of the vine the kingdom of God shall come.”

············································································································· BREAD, gave thanks,

+ 19 And having taken + he broke (it) . “THIS

is - that for you

and gave to them, saying: my body is given. * DO

= 20 And . “THIS cup (is) - that for you

the CUP likewise THE NEW



after supper saying: in MY BLOOD


is poured out.

The central part would comprise two pieces (17–18 & 19) marked by parallel initial terms (17ab & 19ab); the first of these two sayings of Jesus begins and the second ends (17c & 19e) with the only two imperative phrases in the text, “take this and divide among you” and “do this in memory of me”. This central part (17– 19), that of the thanksgiving and the commandments concerning the cup and the bread, would be framed by two parts where the eating (14–16) and the cup (20) correspond to each other, where “this cup” which is “the new covenant” of 20b corresponds to “this Passover” of 15c, just as “my blood” of 20b recalls “I suffer” of 15d. The link between the first part (14–16) and the central part (17–19) would be ensured by similar series: I tell you... I will not... more I tell you... I will not... more

until... the kingdom of God until... the kingdom of God

16ab 18ab


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

Similarly, between the central part and the last part: This This...

is my body is... my blood

that for you that for you

is given is poured out

19bc 20bc

A third and perhaps more satisfactory solution is to consider that the passage is formed of four parts (14–16, 17–18, 19, 20), each linked to the next by a strong repetition: 16 and 18 link the first two parts; 17ab and 19ab are initial terms of the second and third parts; moreover, the two commandments of 17c and 19e link the two central parts; finally, 19cd and 20bc unite the last two parts. = 14 And when comes . he reclined . 15 and he said

the hour, and the apostles to them

= “With a (great) desire . to eat . before


with him

I have desired with you


: 16 BECAUSE I TELL YOU : that I will not eat it - until

ever more it is fulfilled

+ 17 And having received a CUP, +

in the kingdom of God.” gave thanks, he said:

* “TAKE THIS : 18 BECAUSE I TELL YOU : that I will not drink - until + 19 And having taken + he broke (it) . “THIS

more now the produce of the vine the kingdom of God shall come.”

BREAD, gave thanks, and gave to them, saying:


my body is given.

- that for you * DO = 20 And . “THIS cup (is) - that for you


the CUP likewise THE NEW



after supper saying: in MY BLOOD is poured out.


Whichever way one looks at this passage, it forms an inseparable whole whose elements are carefully interwoven. The vocabulary of the covenant runs through, or rather organises, the whole passage, from the beginning with “Passover” and “I suffer”, to the end with “covenant” (or “testament”) and “my



blood” (all covenants are made in blood6), passing through the middle where the conclusion (the “rupture”7) of the “new covenant” takes place “from now on” (18b, translated as “now”). The TOB uses these verses as a single pericope, which it calls “The New Passover”, whereas the BJ distinguishes two pericopes, “The Passover Meal” (14–18) and “Institution of the Eucharist” (19–20). As for Osty, he divides in the same way, but the headings of his two pericopes indicate his embarrassment to separate them: 14–18 “The meal—Jesus’ feelings and the last Jewish Passover” 19–20 “The meal—Institution of the Eucharist”

In fact, Luke has ingeniously composed his account in such a fashion that it is impossible to separate it into two rites, the old and the new, the Jewish and the Christian. It is the only one of the synoptics where Jesus speaks of the “new covenant” (20) in his blood, and it is inseparable from “this Passover” (15) which he eats with his disciples. It is one and the same covenant. It is his way of showing the “antiquity of the new covenant”.8 The narrative that has been entitled “The Passover of Jesus” (14–20) is only the first passage of the central subsequence (14–38), whose unity is marked first of all by the fact that its five passages all take place during the Passover meal. In the central passage, which reports Jesus’ speech on serving, the covenant is again mentioned. The noun diathēkē, translated “covenant” in 20, appears only in some manuscripts, but two occurrences of the verb of the same root, diatithemai, frame it: “and I bequeath to you [a bequest] as the Father has bequeathed to me a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (29–30)9. The covenant in question here is the Davidic covenant, but as it is oriented at the end of the Psalter: The kingship passes from the person of the king of Israel to his people, whose horn God “raises up” (Ps 148:14), as he had done for David (Ps 89:25; 132:17).10 Jesus received the kingship from his Father and, at the moment of death, he passes it on to his disciples. Framing the central passage on serving, Jesus announces the betrayal of the one who is going to hand him over (Luke 22:21–24) and the abandonment of all 6 See P. BEAUCHAMP, L’Un et l’Autre Testament Essai de lecture, chap. VI: “La nouvelle alliance”; especially 243ff. 7 Should we see in the verb “to break” (19b) another word of the vocabulary of the covenant? It is the verb usually used with “covenant”: in French one “concludes”, one “seals” a covenant; in Hebrew, on the contrary, one “breaks” it, one cuts it: The rite, linked to blood, wants the contracting parties to pass between the halves of the victims cut into two to signify the fate reserved for the one who would not respect the pact (see Jer 34:18). The covenant is indeed “life and death”, which is the meaning of blood. 8 See p. 267. 9 It is also rightly translated as “I dispose”, in the sense of a testamentary disposition. 10 See A. WÉNIN, “Le Psautier comme livre”, 68–69.


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

his disciples (31–37). However, in the same movement, he foresees their return when he says to Simon: “As for me, I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when once you have turned back, strengthen your brothers” (32). As Jeremiah had prophesied, it is at the very moment when Jesus enters the new covenant that he forgives sins, even before they are committed. At the beginning of the sequence, Jesus’ death is decided: “The chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to kill him” (2); Judas, one of the Twelve, offers to give him to them and they are happy to do so. In the end, Judas carries out his promise and delivers him to the “high priests, guards and the elders”. Like the psalmist who was handed over to his enemies who wanted him dead, Jesus, renouncing violence, went ahead with his sacrifice, trusting in the help of God, who he knew would answer him and bring him back to life.



The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

The Hebrew title of the Psalter, “The Book of Praises”, is surprising, to say the least. In the vast majority of the hundred and fifty psalms we encounter evil, the violence of the wicked, their sins and those of the psalmist. Only thirteen psalms are free of it: none in Book One, only two in Book Two (Ps 47 & 67), only one in Book Three (Ps 87), two again in Book Four (Ps 98 & 100) and nine in Book Five. In many, the “arrogant” ones, “adversaries”, “enemies”, “sinners”, “all the wicked” are mentioned only at the end, as if to remind those who might have forgotten their threatening presence.1 Supplication far outweighs praise. When reflecting on this, it is no different from the newspapers. No one could say that the Psalms are not in direct contact with the world and its dramas. And whoever prays them when everything is going well, in short, for him or her, cannot forget all those who are in great distress, and there are many of them throughout the world. The time in the Psalter is that of a sharp and decisive crisis. As the central section repeats in a haunting fashion, the psalmist and all his people find themselves caught between the “Why?” that refers to the past and the “How long?” that looks to the future. In the now of misfortune, there is a lack of understanding. The first psalm of Book Three says: “When my heart was bitter and my kidneys were pierced, and I was stupid, and I did not know, I was like a beast with you” (73:21–22). Incomprehension makes us ask “why?”, anxiety raises the question “how long?”, which often becomes “until the end?” The historical period of the crisis is that of the Babylonian exile, when everything collapsed without any end to the misfortune in sight. The reader’s period is the same, when everything goes wrong, if not for him, at least for so many of all those who share his faith and who find themselves facing injustice and persecution. The crisis is so profound that it is the sign of a transformation, of a mutation, of a real metamorphosis. Like that which makes the same being pass into the state of a butterfly. The crisis is the moment of the chrysalis, of the passing through the death from a previous state to the rebirth of a new being. New and yet the same, the same and yet new. It is the time of passing from the first covenant to the new one.


Ps 19:14; 104:35; 108:13–14; 112:10; 132:18; 145:20.



FROM INNOCENCE TO FORGIVENESS Sin is first of all that of others, of the “wicked” who wish me evil. And it requires all the journey of the first book for the psalmist to realise that the evil inhabits him too, that he is a sinner and needs God’s forgiveness. However, he will continue to claim his innocence from time to time, until the beginning of the Third Book. And yet, twice, in the same terms, he affirmed that “Yhwh looks down from heaven on the sons of Adam, to see if prudent person is searching God. All turned away, together they are perverted; there is no one that does good, there is not even one” (14:2–3 & 53:3-4). Although people experience little difficulty in seeing the sins of others, because they suffer the consequences, and in denouncing them and complaining about them to their Lord, they are less lucid about themselves. And it requires nothing else than divine revelation to make them realise that they too are not without blemish. Thus, at the end of the first focal point of Book One, the psalmist asks: “The wanderings, who can discern them? From the hidden ones, declare me innocent” (19:13). Later, he confesses: “You have set our faults before you, our secrets in the light of your face” (90:8; see also 69:6). It is God’s “fury” and “wrath” that make him recognise his sin: “Because we are finished by your anger, and by your fury we are terrified [...] Because all our days fade away under your wrath” (90:7, 9). After hearing the Lord’s indictment (Ps 50), he confessed his fault: “Against you, you alone, I have sinned and what is evil in your eyes I have done” (51:6) and he begs at length to be cleansed of it: “Greatly wash me from my fault and purify me from my sin” (51:4), “You will purge my sin with hyssop, and I will be pure; you will wash me, and I will be whiter than snow!” (51:9). And in another place: “My sin, I made known to you, and my fault I did not cover; I said, “I will confess against me my transgressions to Yhwh” (32:5). “Yhwh, have mercy on me, heal my soul, because I have sinned against you” (41:5). It is not only his personal fault that he acknowledges, but that of all the people: “Do not remember against us the first faults...” (79:8), “We have sinned with our fathers, we have done wrong, we have acted wickedly” (106:6). The sin crushes the psalmist who can no longer bear it: “The words of faults are mightier than I” (65:4), 4 There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation, there is no peace in my bones because of my sin; 5 yes, my faults have passed over my head, like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me; 6 my bruises stink and fester because of my folly... (38:4–6)

The psalmist confesses his sin, but he also confesses that the Lord has forgiven him: “I said, ‘I will confess against me my transgressions to Yhwh’. And as for you, you took away the fault of my sin” (32:5). Forgiveness is indeed a divine attribute: “You, O Lord, are good and forgiving, and abounding in


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

faithfulness to all who call on you” (86:5), “And you, O Lord, are a God tender and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in faithfulness and truth” (86:15). As Jeremiah predicted, the Lord does not make forgiveness conditional on the sinner’s repentance and conversion. It is forgiveness that will bring the sinner back: “You bring back the fortune of Jacob. 3 You take away the fault of your people, you cover all their sin. [...] 5 Bring us back, O God of our salvation, and put away your indignation toward us [...] 7 Behold, as for you, you will turn back to revive us” (85:2–7). “Yhwh is tender and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in faithfulness [...] Not according to our sins, does he do to us, and not according to our faults, does he repay to us” (103:8, 10; also vv. 11–13).

FROM HUMAN RIGHTEOUSNESS TO GOD’S JUSTIFICATION From the first psalm, the righteous is opposed to the wicked by his conduct: “Happy the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked...” (1:1). And their final fate differs completely: “Yhwh knows the way of the righteous, and the way of the wicked perishes” (1:6). The righteous is one who observes the commandments: “the one who does righteousness” (15:2) “will not be shaken forever” (15:5). He who believes himself to be righteous asks the “righteous God”, the “God who defends the righteous”: “Defend me, Yhwh, according to my righteousness and according to my own integrity. Let the evil of the wicked come to an end and strengthen the righteous” (7:9–10); but, in concluding his prayer, he seems to recover when he no longer relies on his own righteousness but on that of his Lord: “I will give thanks to Yhwh according to his righteousness” (7:18). “The wicked watches for the righteous and seeks to kill him” (37:32) and it is not human righteousness that can save him, but God alone. And that is why the psalmist implores: “in your righteousness deliver me [...] and for the sake of your name guide me and lead me!” (31:2, 4). In the Miserere, David in the same movement acknowledges his sinfulness and God’s righteousness: “Against you, you alone, I have sinned and what is evil in your eyes I have done, so that you are righteous in your word, you are blameless in your judgement” (51:6). Righteousness belongs to God alone: “I will recall your righteousness, yours alone” (71:16). “In your truth answer me in your righteousness; and do not come into judgment with your servant, because no one living is righteous before you” (143:1–2). “Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of your throne” (89:15). “Righteous” is the epithet of God’s nature (7:10; 11:7; 116:5; etc.); moreover, it is his proper name according to Ps 85: “Loyalty will sprout from the earth, because Righteousness has looked down from the heavens” (v. 12) and the “produce” of this union between the Heaven and the earth bears the very name of its father: “Righteousness will walk before him, and he will set his steps in the way” (v. 14); he will teach him to walk. God gives his righteousness to the king whom he has chosen to judge Israel: “O God, give the king your judgments and your righteousness to the son of the



king: that he may govern your people with righteousness and your afflicted with judgment” (72:1–2). And in the twin Psalms 111–112, righteousness is God’s prerogative: “his righteousness remains forever” (111:3b), and then human righteousness in the same terms (112:3b, repeated in v. 9b). It is said about God: “Yhwh is tender and merciful” (111:4b) and of “the man who fears Yhwh”, “Tender, and merciful, and righteous, good is the man who has mercy and shares” (112:4b–5a). God’s righteousness is not reserved for Israel, it is for all. At the heart of Book Four, the psalmist invites us to sing to Yhwh “a new song”, “in the eyes of the nations he has revealed his righteousness” (98:2), and the psalm ends as follows: “Yes, he comes to judge the earth, he will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with uprightness” (98:9).

FROM GOD’S KINGSHIP TO HUMAN KINGSHIP Already in the second doorway of the Psalter, after the righteous person, the king of Israel is introduced at his enthronement by the heavenly king; the role of the “wicked” in Ps 1 is now taken up by “the nations” and “the peoples”, their “kings” and “princes” (2:1–2). The “messiah” and “Yhwh” are one, attacked together by the league of their common enemies. With such an opening, we can therefore expect extensive developments of the theme of kingship throughout the Psalter. Indeed, the first side—the so-called “prayers of David son of Jesse” (41:20)— has the largest number of “royal” psalms. In the wake of Ps 2, Book One begins by giving an important role to the earthly king alongside the heavenly one; but from the centre where Ps 22 proclaims God's universal kingship: “Because kingship belongs to Yhwh and he rules over the nations” (22:29), the king of Israel leaves almost all the space for the king of heaven. In Book Two, the royal epithalam of Ps 45 seems to parallel Ps 2, for God is acclaimed as king in a song that celebrates the marriage of the king of Israel: “Your throne, O God, forever and ever, a sceptre of uprightness, the sceptre of your kingdom” (45:7). It is possible to notice a relative effacement of the royal figure in Book Two, as it seems to be totally absent from the central section, that is, from the five psalms “in a low voice” (Ps 56–60) where David has to face “the oppression of distant princes” (56:1). In the central psalm, David begins by challenging the “gods” who are the powerful ones, charged with “judging the sons of Adam in uprightness” (58:2) and who do the opposite with their violence. After pleading with his Lord: “O God, break their teeth in their mouth, crush the fangs of lions, O Yhwh” (58:7), he concludes by acknowledging the divine kingship of the one who judges the wicked: “Yes, fruit for the righteous, yes, there is a God judging on earth” (58:12). Book Three does not yield to the first two books on the theme of kingship. More than in the preceding books, kingship is shared between God and his messiah: in the last psalm of the first section, God, Israel’s shepherd, takes


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

David from behind his flocks to feed his people, which he did “according to the perfection of his heart” (78:72). At the end of the last section, on the other hand, the Davidic covenant fails completely: “But as for you, you have rejected and you have spurned, you have been angry with your anointed; you have repudiated the covenant of your servant, you have profaned his crown to the ground” (89:39–40). A point of no return is thus reached at the end of the central book. In the second side, the figure of the human king does not disappear, but it leaves almost all the place to King Yhwh. Thus, in Book Four, all the psalms in the central section (Ps 96–100) celebrate only the kingship of God; and so, do Ps 93 and 95 on the one hand, and Ps 102 and 103 on the other. In Ps 101 the psalmist promises to exercise power in the perfection of his heart and to surround himself with co-workers who also walk “in the way of the perfect” (101:2, 6); therefore, it is understood that it is the king who is speaking, but he is not mentioned as such. As for Ps 105 at the end of the book, the Lord’s “anointed ones” are not the kings; they are his “prophets” (105:15). Ps 110, almost at the beginning of Book Five, is the counterpart to Ps 2 at the beginning of Book One. The Lord enthrones “My Lord” to sit at his right hand, but he is not given the title “king”. Instead, he is presented as a “priest”, “after the pattern of Melchizedek”. Ps 132 also seems to avoid the name “king” for David, in favour of “messiah”, and above all it is the liturgical and priestly tone that predominates with “his priests” clothed with righteousness and salvation (132:9, 16). The king of Israel ends up disappearing, leaving the place to his people: “Let Israel rejoice in the one who made him, let the children of Zion exult in their king” (149:2); it will be “the children of Zion”, and not their king, who will exercise judgment on the kings of the nations (149:6–9). With the exile, the monarchy was extinguished. Ps 8, at the beginning of the Psalter, hinted at this when it showed God crowning “man”: “What is man that you remember him and the son of Adam that you care for him? You make him little less than God, with glory and splendour you crown him” (8:5–6).

FROM THE ELECTION OF ONE TO THE SALVATION OF ALL Among all the peoples, it is Israel that the Lord has chosen: “Yes, Yhwh has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel for his treasured possession” (135:4); “offspring of Abraham his servant, O children of Jacob his chosen ones, he is Yhwh our God, his judgments are in all the earth” (105:6–7). This people has often been the target of violence from other nations. After the days of Joseph, whom Pharaoh had made “lord over his house, and ruler over all his possessions, to instruct his princes” (105:21–22), came the time of slavery: “He turned their hearts to hate his people” (105:25). After liberation, the relationship of the Israelites with other peoples was, for the most part, very difficult, and it was necessary for God to intervene on many occasions: “He struck down many nations and killed valiant kings, Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, king of



Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan” (135:10–11; 136:17–20). These early battles were followed by many others—“The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites, Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; even Ashur joined with them” (83:7–9)—up to and including the exile to Babylon. The violence of the pagan nations against Israel is accompanied by contempt and derision of Israel and, even worse, of his God: “Why should the nations say: ‘Where is their God?’” (79:10; see also 42:4, 11; 115:2). That is the reason why the psalmist complains to his God: “you make us the proverb among the nations, a shaking of the head among the countries” (44:15). And he begs his God to save him by crushing his oppressors and to save the honour of his name: “Pour out your fury on the nations that do not know you, and on the kingdoms that do not call upon your name, because they have devoured Jacob and desolated his habitation” (79:6–7). That is what the Lord introduces: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet” (110:1). And it will be the same until the penultimate psalm, when “the children of Zion” will exult, “and two-edged sword in their hand to execute vengeance on the nations, punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with chains...” (149:6–8). God intervenes against the nations: “You are the God doing wonders, you have made your strength known among the peoples” (77:15). Then their eyes are opened: “And all men will fear, and will proclaim the work of God, and his deed they will understand” (64:10), and they shall submit themselves: “The kings of Tarshish and of the islands will bring a tribute, the kings of Sheba and Saba will bring near gifts; and all the kings will bow down to him, all the nations will serve him” (72:10–11; also 18:44; 33:8; 68:30). In so doing, they accept the invitation that was given to them from the beginning: “And now, kings, comprehend, correct yourselves, judges of the earth. Serve Yhwh with fear [...] kiss the son” (2:10–12). But such submission goes far beyond mere resignation to a force which it would be futile to resist. Chastisement is for instruction: “Peoples rumbled, kingdoms were shaken, he gave voice, the earth melts [...] ‘Come and contemplate the great deeds of Yhwh, who causes destructions on the earth [...] Stop and know that I am God, I am exalted above the peoples, I am exalted on the earth” (46:7–11). This knowledge extends to the recognition of God’s blessings to Israel: “Then they said among the nations: ‘Yhwh has done great things for them’” (126:2). They will come to give thanks to the God of Israel: “Acclaim God, all the earth, sing psalms to the glory of his name, set the glory of his praise. Say to God, ‘How fearsome are your works! By the greatness of your strength your enemies will cringe to you; all the earth will bow down to you and will sing psalms to you, will sing psalms to your name’” (66:1–4). It is Israel that invites the nations to give thanks to the Lord (68:33; 96–100; 105:1; etc.); the reason it gives is the good done to them by God: “Praise Yhwh, all you nations, glorify him, all you countries; because strong is his faithfulness


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

toward us, and the loyalty of Yahweh endures forever. Praise Yah!” (117:1–2). Such is the message of the shortest of all the psalms in the most concise fashion. The last psalm, and thus the whole Psalter, ends with a formula that unites Israel and all the other nations of the earth as one people: “Let all breath praise Yah! Praise Yah” (150:6). Already in Book Two, as if in advance, Ps 47 invited all the peoples to sing psalms to God, who together form one people, “the people of the God of Abraham” (47:10), according to the promise made to the father of believers: “By you all the clans of the earth will be blessed” (Gen 12:3).

FROM INCOMPREHENSION TO KNOWLEDGE It is not only the Gentile nations that need to understand and be taught. The same is true of the Israelites. And yet they teach others: “Hear this, all you peoples, give ear, all you inhabitants of the world, also you children of Adam, also you children of man, together rich and poor! My mouth will speak wisdom, and the whisper of my heart of understandings” (49:2–4). Having received God’s law through the hands of Moses, they should be wise: “The law of Yhwh is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of Yhwh is trustworthy, making wise the simple [...] The commandment of Yhwh is clear, enlightening the eyes” (19:8, 9b). However, the psalmist adds, “The wanderings, who can discern them?” (19:13), acknowledging that he needs to be taught about himself. But that is not all. Already in Ps 25, the second focal point of Book One, the psalmist pleads with his Lord: “Make me to know your ways, Yhwh, teach me your paths” (25:4). At the other end of the Psalter, at the centre of Book Five, he never tires of asking God to make his commandments known to him: “Teach me your decrees” (119:12), “Open my eyes and I shall consider the wonders of your law”" (119:18), “Instruct me, O Yhwh, the way of your decrees” (119:33, etc.). As if he did not know the law of God! In the heart of the Psalter, at the centre of Ps 81, he confesses: I hear a language that I did not know: 7 “I turned aside his shoulder from the burden, his palms were freed from the basket. 8 In anguish you cried out and I delivered you; I answered you in the hiding place of thunder, I tested you at the waters of Meribah.”

It really is surprising. A Jew who celebrates Passover every year cannot have forgotten the story of the exodus. But this is what is bound to happen if the law remains written only on stone, like the tablets of the law received by Moses, if it is not written “in the heart”, “in the depths of the bowels” (37:31; 40:9, 11). Only God can write the law on the heart of man. The Lord said it through the mouth of Jeremiah: “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Yhwh” (Jer 24:7), “I will put my law in the depths of their being and write it on their hearts” (31:33). The psalmist repeats this in his own fashion, when he encourages us to trust in God alone: “Commit to Yhwh your way [...] and he will bring out your righteousness like the light” (37:5–6). Everything comes from



him, even his praise: “And he put in my mouth a new song” (40:4); if the law “is in the depths of his bowels” (40:9), it is because God has “pierced the ears” (40:7) through which it has entered. The divine intervention is not limited to writing on the heart of man, it must go so far as to give him a new heart. That is what David asks at the very centre of his Miserere: “A pure heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast breath renew within me” (51:12).

FROM THE OLD TO THE NEW COVENANT The central book ends with the tragic observation of the failure of the Davidic covenant (Ps 89), which, however, had taken over, in a way, from the Mosaic covenant of which the children of Ephraim had shown themselves unworthy by their repeated infidelities (Ps 78). Everything collapsed and the exile seems to have marked the end of both covenants. Yet the first psalm of the second side reintroduces Moses: “A prayer of Moses, the man of God” (90:1), Moses whose name is mentioned seven times in Book Four. And it might seem that we are returning to the Exodus and Sinai, in short that we are starting from there once again; that it is only a matter of the umpteenth renewal of the covenant, similar to all those that preceded it.2 The opening words of Moses’ prayer suggest that this is not the case. He does not refer to the exodus from Egypt and the time in the desert, but to the creation of the world, and even before: “1 O Adonai, yes you, you are our habitation from generation to generation. 2 Before the mountains were born and you brought forth the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity you are God” (90:1–2). In this way, one of the characteristics of the new covenant is stated, the one that traces the historical prologue of the birth of the people of Israel back to the creation of the world. Israel, stripped of everything in the land of its exile, deprived of its land, its king and its temple, is nevertheless left with the Torah. But this does not begin with the exodus from Egypt. The book of Exodus is only the second. The first book of the Torah is entitled in Hebrew by its first word, berē’šît, “In the beginning”. No sooner has Moses mentioned creation, than he goes on to insist on the caducity of man, recalling the opening of Genesis: “You make mankind return to the dust...” (Ps 90:3; Gen 3:19). However, it is probably not by chance that he returns three times to the morning and its newness: “in the morning they are like grass that is renewed. In the morning it flourishes and is renewed” (Ps 90:5–6), “Fill us in the morning with your faithfulness, and we will shout for joy and be glad all our days” (90:14). “In all our days” will be the flourishing of each new morning, the manifestation of the new creation.


See B. GOSSE, “Le quatrième livre du Psautier, Ps 90–106, comme réponse à l’échec de la royauté davidique”; ID., L’espérance messianique davidique et la structuration du Psautier, Chap. V, “Le quatrième livre du Psautier (Ps 90–106). Réponses à la disparition du messie davidique”, 83–94; Lorenzin, 352, 358; Vesco, 842.


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

It is the heart of man that will be reached by the new creation: “A pure heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast breath renew within me” (51:12). The Lord will have to change the heart of stone into a heart of flesh in order to write the word of his law. He does this first by making man aware of his ignorance: “I hear a language I did not know” (81:6), and by inspiring him with the desire to learn and to understand. The psalmist asks for this in the first book: “Make me to know your ways, Yhwh, teach me your paths” (25:4). And in the heart of the last book, he will not cease to repeat it, from the beginning of his immense prayer: “Blessed are you, O Yhwh, teach me your decrees” (119:12), to the end: “Let my cry draw near before you, O Yhwh, give me understanding according to your word” (119:169). If man is incapable of understanding, and even of knowing the law, without God’s help, it is not surprising that he does not know his sin either and that he claims his innocence in the misfortune that befalls him. No one, not a single human being, is free from sin (14:3; 53:4), which reaches to the root of their being (51:7) and against which they are powerless: “Yes, my faults have passed over my head, like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me” (38:5). When he rereads his history and that of his people (Ps 51 & 106), he is forced to admit that he cannot get out of this situation: “2 Save me, O God, because the waters have come up to my soul; 3 I sink in the miry depths and there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters and the flood overflows me” (69:2–3). Therefore, from now on God takes the lead and his forgiveness precedes and provokes the conversion of the sinner. Forgiveness has no other reason than God’s mercy and faithfulness to his covenant. If Israel shares with all the children of Adam the mortal and sinful condition, it is understood that forgiveness and salvation are not reserved for her, but that they also reach all the other nations. Yhwh is not a regional, particular god, he is “the king of all the earth” (47:8). From being adversaries and oppressors of the chosen people, the Gentiles will be called to submit themselves to God and to Israel, paying homage to their common saviour: “And all men will fear, and will proclaim the work of God” (64:10). They will thus join with their victim in praising the God of Israel and of all the earth for his work of salvation. In this way the promise made by Yhwh to his first chosen one, Abraham, will be fulfilled (Gen 12:3).

FROM SUPPLICATION TO PRAISE The evil that the wicked inflicts on the psalmist and all his people occupies such a pervasive space throughout the Psalter that one may well wonder why the book is called sēper tehillîm, The Book of Praises. The Book of Supplications would seem to suit it much better. And yet, as this book looks to the new covenant, so it is all about praise. As has been said over and over again, a great



trend carries the psalmist along on the ever-renewed wave of thanksgiving, despite all the opposing forces. It is true that thanksgiving does not appear immediately and that we have to wait until the end of Ps 7 to hear the psalmist promising: “I will give thanks to Yhwh according to his righteousness and I will sing praises to the Name of Yhwh the Most High” (7:18), but two psalms earlier we read: “And all who are refuging in you will rejoice, they will exult forever [...] and those loving your name will be jubilant in you” (5:12). From then on, praise and thanksgiving are maintained constantly throughout the first side of the Psalter, but most of the time as the horizon of the pleading prayer. And so, in Ps 22 at the heart of the first book, it is only at the end of the most terrible supplication that the psalmist, having just heard God’s answer, can say: “I will recount your name to my brothers, and in the midst of the assembly I will praise you” (22:23). Up to the centre of the Psalter, thanksgiving is most often promised, for the day of salvation that the psalmist continues to ask for and hope for. “Praise to finish with.” “Praise to begin with.”3 At the centre of the first sequence of Book One, Ps 9–10 is a long supplication that culminates in the psalmist’s terrible question addressed to God: “Why, Yhwh, do you stand far off, do you hide in times of anguish?” (10:1). And yet this long psalm began as follows: “I give thanks to you, Yhwh, with all my heart, I recount all your wonders; I rejoice and exult in you, I sing praises to your name, Most High” (9:2–3). The supplication for the future is based on the thanksgiving for past wonders. Once the roaring forties of Book Three have passed, the second side of the Psalter offers calmer sailing. The promised thanksgiving in the anxious faith gives way to the accomplished thanksgiving. On either side of the long psalm of supplication to obtain the knowledge of the law, the “Egyptian Hallel” (Ps 113– 118) is answered by the “Great Hallel” (Ps 136). And these two praises finally burst forth in the Great Doxology, in the concert of Ps 150, where the “loud cymbals”, the “triumphant cymbals”, resound forever in the praise of “all breath” (150:5–6).

FROM YESTERDAY TO TODAY, INSTANTLY “The whole book of the Bible is to be read in accordance with the construction of a ‘now’, where the subject digs into the reality of time instead of getting lost in its linear image.”4 Deuteronomy, the other book of the law, abolishes the distance between the children and their ancestors: “Yhwh did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us, who are here today, all of us alive” (Deut 5:3). And Moses says this just before transmitting to the people of 3 4

P. BEAUCHAMP, Psaumes nuit et jour, 99. 92. P. BEAUCHAMP, L’Un et l’Autre Testament. Essai de lecture, 277.


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

the children of Israel the ten words received from God on Mount Sinai (Deut 5:6–21), those which synthesise the whole law. The phrase “and now”, which in the covenant texts articulates the past of God's blessings with the future of faithfulness to his law on the part of man, becomes the “new song” of the Psalms. This is the call that resounds at the heart of Ps 95, the first focal point of Book Four: “Today, if you would listen to his voice...” (95:7d). Not “his word”, as La traduction officielle liturgique française says, that of the Liturgy of the Hours; the word can be written as well as oral, but it does not have the same presence as the voice that strikes the ears to enter the heart. “What does the recounting of the past want, if not that the past ceases to be by becoming present, present as presence and present as gift, received from the beginning?”5 With the same tone as the psalmist's wish in Ps 95, the invitatory of the first office of the day, “Today if you would only listen to his voice...,” God himself addresses Israel, “us, who are here today, all of us alive”: “Listen, O my people, and I admonish you, O Israel, if you would listen to me...” (81:9), “Oh, if my people would listen to me, if Israel would walk in my ways...” (81:14). We are in the very heart of the Psalter, in the central psalm of the central book. In the mouth of God himself, in response to the psalmist’s many “Why?” and “How long?”, the “today” becomes even more present than it has ever been: 15

I would instantly subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their oppressors; those who hate Yhwh would cringe to him, and their time would last forever. 17 And he would feed him with the finest of the wheat, and with the honey from the rock I would satisfy you.


We perceive the pain of God who suffers from not being heard, but who wants to hope despite everything, and whose merciful heart trembles as he awaits the response of his children: he could then satisfy them with “the finest of the wheat”, with “the honey from the rock”. Everything remains suspended “for an instance”: not on the part of God, who is committed, but on the part of human beings, of each one who takes up in prayer the words of the psalmist, the very words of God.


P. BEAUCHAMP, L’Un et l’Autre Testament. Essai de lecture, 196.

ENVOI According to the Third Gospel, Jesus begins his public ministry in the synagogue of Nazareth (Luke 4:16–21): He stood up to read 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: 18

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, 19 to proclaim a year of favour from the Lord.” 20

He then rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the assistant and sat down. And all eyes in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21 Then he began to speak to them: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

The whole of Scripture unfolds around the “today” of Jesus, and the whole Book is wrapped around him.

CONCLUSION “The Psalter as a book”. During the analysis, each of its five “books” has proved to be composed and indeed well composed. At the final level, that of the whole Book of Praises, it can be said that the same is true. The procedures of biblical rhetorical analysis, which are now firmly established, have made it possible to demonstrate it, despite the inevitable shortcomings of a research that could hardly be based on many previous works.1 Since there are five books, it was not surprising that Book Three should act as a connecting pivot. On either side of the central book, Book Four corresponds to Book One: both are elliptical in composition and their focal points (Ps 19 & 25; Ps 95 & 110) are all devoted to the Law; their central sections each contain five psalms are dealing with kingship, beginning with the earthly king and increasingly with the heavenly king, the king who is the true Lord of Israel but whose power extends to all the nations of the earth. Moreover, human caducity is very present in these two books. However, they are strongly marked by evil, by sin: first of all, the sin of others, of enemies; then the Lord makes the psalmist realise that he is also inhabited by evil and that he needs to be freed from it through forgiveness. Book Five corresponds to Book Two. They both comprise five sections arranged in a concentric fashion. Their first psalms (42/43 and 107) have much in common, as do their last psalms (72 and 145) which deal with both the human and divine king. Among many other symmetries, the relationship between the central sections stands out in particular: at the centre of Book Two, five laments of David in the face of his enemies (Ps 56–60); at the centre of Book Five, the five sequences of Ps 119, where the psalmist is oppressed by the wicked who seek his life. In the first two books, which constitute the first side of the Psalter, almost all the psalms are “of David” and the whole concludes with these words: “The prayers of David son of Jesse are ended” (Ps 72:20). The second side, that is, the last two books, begins with: “A prayer of Moses, the man of God” (Ps 90:1). The central book lamented the failure of both the Mosaic and Davidic covenants. The second side returns to Moses and the law, but not for a simple returning to the past: The perspective is that of the new covenant announced by the prophets of the exile, which will modify all the components of the first covenant to make a new creation. Among other things, the figure of the king of Israel, who dominated the first covenant, will give way to a priestly messiah before leaving 1 See, e.g., E. ZENGER, “Dai salmi al Salterio. Nuove vie della ricerca”; G. BARBIERO, “Dai salmi al Salterio: pregare con i libro dei Salmi”; P.C.W. HO, The Design of the Psalter. A Macrostructural Analysis; J.-M. AUWERS, “Dai salmi al Salterio”.


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

the royal place to the “sons of Zion”. The thanksgiving that is contemplated and promised in the first side becomes more and more effective and accomplished in the second side, until it explodes in the final doxology (Ps 146–150). The Psalter is a book of prayers, supplications and praises. And yet, at the heart of the central book, it is God who speaks, at length: “In anguish you cried out and I delivered you” (Ps 81:8); it is God who asks, who implores: “Listen, O my people, and I admonish you, O Israel, if you would listen to me...” (81:9); “Oh, if my people would listen to me, if Israel would walk in my way! I would instantly subdue their enemies [...] and with the honey from the rock I would satisfy you” (81:14–17). The cry uttered by Israel, in a haunting fashion throughout the central book, is that of “Why?” and “How long?” It is a cry of anguish but also of faith and hope of those who are sure to be heard. And that is why the psalm begins, in a surprising fashion, with an invitation to praise: “Shout for joy to God our strength, acclaim the God of Jacob” (81:2). It is all there: one of the fundamental movements of the Psalter is the transition from supplication to praise. This transition takes place in the today, the now, “instantly” when God responds with salvation to the cry of man. The tradition saw a correspondence between the five books of the Psalter and the five books of the Torah. In the Torah, God speaks to man through the wonders he accomplishes in his favour, and then through the law he enacts; in this way he teaches him, according to the meaning of the word tôrâ. In the Psalter, it is man who speaks to God, who tells him of his misfortunes, who calls on him for help, who also praises him for his salvation, and who asks him to be taught. The oppressed psalmist sometimes claims innocence, but God helps him to realise his sinfulness, as he does especially in the first book. More often he confesses his faults and asks for forgiveness. Finally, and above all, he realises that he is unable to comprehend the law that has been given to him and that he should know, that he is unable to see the way of life that is proposed to him. And he insists on being taught it. As if the Torah and its teaching were inaccessible to him. The Law is engraved on stone, but not written on his heart. As early as the first book, the psalmist begs: “Make me to know your ways, Yhwh, teach me your paths!” (Ps 25:4). And he will repeat it over and over again in the immense psalm on the Law: “Open my eyes and I shall consider the wonders of your law” (Ps 119:18), “Instruct me, O Yhwh, the way of your decrees [...] Give me understanding and I will observe your law” (119:33–34). That is the most visible and closest point of contact between the Torah and the Psalter. Moses said: “Hear, O Israel, the laws and customs that I speak in your hearing today” (Deut 5:1) and God says in the heart of the Psalter: “Listen, O my people, and I admonish you, O Israel, if you would listen to me...” (Ps 81:9). But Israel is unable to listen and understand. He becomes aware of this and asks to be instructed in the Torah. The Psalter is, in a way, the instruction manual for the Law, or rather, the remedy for the deafness that prevents one from hearing the Word of God, for the blindness that prevents one from seeing the path of life.



Thus, the new covenant announced by the prophets of the exile begins to take shape, when Israel hears the voice of his Lord who speaks in the Torah, when his voice rises in the Book of Praises to give him thanks. Jesus’ journey through the territories of the nations leads him to heal the ears and tongue of a man about whom we do not known whether he was a Jew or a Gentile, we do not know whether those who brought him were members of the people of Israel or of the Gentiles, nor do we know who are the ones who praise God at the end of the story: 31

Again he came out of the territory of Tyre by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee in the midst of the territory of the Decapolis. 32 And they bring to him a deaf and stuttering man and they implore him to lay his hand on him. 33 And taking him out of the crowd by himself, he put his fingers in his ears and spat and touched his tongue. 34 And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, “Ephphatha!” that is, “Be opened” 35 And immediately his ears were opened and the bond of his tongue was loosened and he spoke correctly. 36 And he commanded them to tell no one; but the more he commanded them, the more abundantly they proclaimed it. 37 And they were exceedingly struck, saying, “He has done all things well: and he makes the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.” (Mark 7)2


My translation; see R. MEYNET, L’Évangile de Marc, 254.

BIBLIOGRAPHY of the works referred to

AUWERS, J.-M., “Dai salmi al Salterio”, in Il Salterio e il libro di Giobbe. Seminario per studiosi di S. Scrittura. Roma, 20-24 gennaio 2020, e-Biblicum 6, Roma 2020, 1–24. BARBIERO, G., “Dai salmi al Salterio: pregare con i libro dei Salmi”, in P. SORCI, ed., I Salmi, preghiera d’Israele di Cristo e della Chiesa: il Salterio nella liturgia e nella pietà popolare, Ho theologos 12, Roma 2019, 13–37. BEAUCHAMP, P., “Propositions sur l’alliance de l’Ancien Testament comme structure centrale”, RSR 58 (1970) 161–193. ——, L’un et l’autre Testament. Essai de lecture, Parole de Dieu, Paris 1976. ——, Psaumes nuit et jour, Paris 1980. BOVATI, P. – MEYNET, R., Le livre du prophète Amos, RhBib 3, Paris 1994. BOVON, F., L’Évangile selon saint Luc (1,1–9,50), CNT.NS 3a, Genève 1991. DECLAISSÉ-WALFORD. N.L., ed., The Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms: The Current State of Scholarship, Ancient Israel and Its Literature 20. Atlanta (GA) 2014. GOSSE, B., “Le quatrième livre du Psautier, Ps 90–106, comme réponse à l’échec de la royauté davidique”, BZ 46 (2002) 239–252. ——, L’espérance messianique davidique et la structuration du Psautier, Supplément n° 21 à Transeuphratène, Pendé 2015. HO, P.C.W., The Design of the Psalter. A Macrostructural Analysis, Eugene (OR) 2019. KODZO MENSAH, M., I turned back my feet to your decrees (Psalm 119,59). Torah in the Fifth Book of the Psalter, Österreichische biblische Studien 45, Freigurg a.M. 2016. Review in RivBib 67 (2019) 455–460. KRAUS, H.-J., Teologia dei salmi, Biblioteca teologica 22, Brescia 1989 (German original, Theologie der Psalmen, BKAT 15/3, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1979. LOHFINK, N., “Alliance”, in J.-Y. LACOSTE, ed., Dictionnaire critique de théologie, Quadrige, Paris 2002. LORENZIN, T., I salmi. Nuova versione, introduzione e commento, I libri biblici. Primo Testamento 14, Milano 2001. MENKEN, M.J.J.: see MOYISE, S.


The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

MEYNET, R., “Le quatrième chant du Serviteur (Is 52,13–53,12)”, Gr. 81 (1999) 407–440. ——, “Une nouvelle figure: la composition à double foyer”, in F. GRAZIANO – R. MEYNET, ed., Studi del sesto convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, RBSem 18, Peeters, Leuven 2019, 325–349. ——, L’Évangile de Luc, RhSem 8, Pendé 20113. ——, Treatise on Biblical Rhetoric, International Studies in the History of Rhetoric 3, Leyden – Boston 2012. ——, Traité de rhétorique biblique, RhSem 11, Pendé 20132. ——, La Pâque du Seigneur. Passion et résurrection de Jésus dans les évangiles synoptiques, RhSem 14, Pendé 2013. ——, L’Évangile de Marc, RhSem 16, Pendé 2014. ——, Le Psautier. Cinquième livre (Ps 107–150), RBSem 12, Leuven 2017. ——, Le Psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1–41), RBSem 16, Leuven 2018. ——, Le Psautier. Troisième livre (Ps 73–89), RBSem 19, Leuven 2019. ——, Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43–72), RBSem 20, Leuven 2019. ——, Le Psautier. Quatrième livre (Ps 90–106), RBSem 23, Leuven 2020. MEYNET, R., see BOVATI, P. MOYISE, S. – MENKEN, M.J.J., ed., The Psalms in the New Testament, The New Testament and the Scriptures of Israel, London – New York 2004. SEYBOLD, K., “The Psalter as a Book”, in S. GILLINGHAM, ed., Jewish and Christian Approaches to the Psalms. Conflict and Convergence, Oxford 2013, 168–181. VESCO, J.-L., Le psautier de David traduit et commenté, LeDiv 210-211, Paris 2006. ——, Le Psautier de Jésus. Les citations des Psaumes dans le Nouveau Testament, LeDiv 250-251, Paris 2014. WÉNIN, A., “Le psaume 1 et “l’encadrement” du livre des louanges”, in P. BOVATI – R. MEYNET, ed., Ouvrir les Écritures, Fs. Paul Beauchamp, LeDiv 162, Paris 1995, 151–176. ——, Le Livre des Louanges. Entrer dans les Psaumes, Écritures 6, Bruxelles 2001. ——, “Le Psautier comme livre. Quelques signes d’unification”, in J.-M. AUWERS, et al., Psaumes de la Bible, psaumes d’aujourd’hui, LiBi 170, Paris – Montréal 2011, 51–71. ZENGER, E., “Dai salmi al Salterio. Nuove vie della ricerca”, in E. BONS – A. PASSARO, ed., Dai salmi al Salterio. Orientamenti per le letture nuove, Scripturae 4, Trapani 2014, 169–200.

INDEX OF QUOTED AUTHORS Auwers: 299 Barbiero: 299 Beauchamp: 250, 254, 259, 265, 267, 283, 295, 296 Bovati: 258 Bovon: 277 Gosse: 293 Graziano: 8 Ho: 299 Kraus: 276 Lohfink: 249

Lorenzin: 9, 293 Menken: 276 Meynet: 13, 202, 258, 273, 277, 278, 279, 301 Moyise: 276 Reboul: 8 Seybold: 7 Vesco: 9, 263, 276, 293 Wénin: 257, 263, 283 Zenger: 299


Introduction ................................................................................................. Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................................................... Glossary of Technical Terms ......................................................................

7 9 11

PART ONE: TEXT .....................................................................................


Book One (Ps 1–41) .................................................................................... Book Two (Ps 42/43–72) ............................................................................ Book Three (Ps 73–89) ............................................................................... Book Four (Ps 90–106) ............................................................................... Book Five (Ps 107–150) .............................................................................

17 61 97 121 143

PART TWO: COMPOSITION ...................................................................


I. Relations between Book One and Book Four .......................................... II. Relations between Book Two and Book Five ........................................ III. Relations between the First Two Books ............................................... IV. Relations between the Last Two Books ................................................ V. The Function of Book Three .................................................................. VI. Relations between the Five Books ........................................................

199 215 227 233 239 245

PART THREE: CONTEXT ........................................................................


I. The Teachers of the Law and the Bridegroom of the New Covenant (Luke 5:17–6:11) .............................................................................. II. Christ Makes a Testament for His Disciples Who Abandon Him (Luke 22:1–53) .................................................................................


PART FOUR: INTERPRETATION ..........................................................


From Innocence to Forgiveness .................................................................. From Human Righteousness to God’s Justification .................................... From God’s Kingship to Human Kingship ................................................. From the Election of One to the Salvation of All ....................................... From Incomprehension to Knowledge ..................................................... From Old to New Covenant ........................................................................ From Supplication to Praise ........................................................................ From Yesterday to Today, Instantly ............................................................ Envoi ...........................................................................................................

287 288 289 290 292 293 294 295 297



The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises

Conclusion .................................................................................................. Bibliography ............................................................................................... Index of Quoted Authors .............................................................................

299 303 305

RHÉTORIQUE BIBLIQUE Collection dirigée par Roland Meynet et Pietro Bovati 1.

ROLAND MEYNET, L’Évangile selon saint Luc. Analyse rhétorique, Éd. du Cerf, Paris 1988.


PIETRO BOVATI – ROLAND MEYNET, Le Livre du prophète Amos, Éd. du Cerf, Paris 1994.


ROLAND MEYNET, Jésus passe. Testament, jugement, exécution et résurrection du Seigneur Jésus dans les évangiles synoptiques, PUG Editrice – Éd. du Cerf, Rome – Paris 1999.

RHÉTORIQUE SÉMITIQUE Collection dirigée par Roland Meynet avec Jacek Oniszczuk 1.

ROLAND MEYNET, L’Évangile de Luc, Lethielleux, Paris 2005.


TOMASZ KOT, La Lettre de Jacques. La foi, chemin de la vie, Lethielleux, Paris 2006.


MICHEL CUYPERS, Le Festin. Une lecture de la sourate al-Mâ’ida, Lethielleux, Paris 2007.


ROLAND MEYNET, Traité de rhétorique biblique, Lethielleux, Paris 2007.


ROLAND MEYNET, Appelés à la liberté, Lethielleux, Paris 2008.


ROLAND MEYNET, Une nouvelle introduction aux évangiles synoptiques, Lethielleux, Paris 2009.


ALBERT VANHOYE, L’Épître aux Hébreux. « Un prêtre différent », Gabalda, Pendé 2010.


ROLAND MEYNET, L’Évangile de Luc, Gabalda, Pendé 20113.


MICHEL CUYPERS, La Composition du Coran, Gabalda, Pendé 2012.

10. ROLAND MEYNET, La Lettre aux Galates, Gabalda, Pendé 2012. 11. ROLAND MEYNET, Traité de rhétorique biblique, Gabalda, Pendé 20132. 12. ROLAND MEYNET – J. ONISZCZUK, Exercices d’analyse rhétorique, Gabalda, Pendé 2013. 13. JACEK ONISZCZUK, La première lettre de Jean, Gabalda, Pendé 2013. 14. ROLAND MEYNET, La Pâque du Seigneur. Passion et résurrection de Jésus dans les évangiles synoptiques, Gabalda, Pendé 2013. 15. MICHEL CUYPERS, Apocalypse coranique. Lecture des trente-trois sourates du Coran, Gabalda, Pendé 2014. 16. ROLAND MEYNET, L’Évangile de Marc, Gabalda, Pendé 2014.

RETORICA BIBLICA collana diretta da Roland Meynet, Pietro Bovati e Jacek Oniszczuk


ROLAND MEYNET, Il vangelo secondo Luca. Analisi retorica, ED, Roma 1994.


PIETRO BOVATI – ROLAND MEYNET, Il libro del profeta Amos, ED, Roma 1995.


ROLAND MEYNET, «E ora, scrivete per voi questo cantico». Introduzione pratica all’analisi retorica. 1. Detti e proverbi, ED, Roma 1996.


ROLAND MEYNET, Una nuova introduzione ai vangeli sinottici, EDB, Bologna 2001.


ROLAND MEYNET, La Pasqua del Signore. Testamento, processo, esecuzione e risurrezione di Gesù nei vangeli sinottici, EDB, Bologna 2002.


TOMASZ KOT, La fede, via della vita. Composizione e interpretazione della Lettera di Giacomo, EDB, Bologna 2003.


ROLAND MEYNET, Il vangelo secondo Luca. Analisi retorica, seconda edizione, EDB, Bologna 2003.


GIORGIO PAXIMADI, E io dimorerò in mezzo a loro. Composizione e interpretazione di Es 25–31, EDB, Bologna 2004.


ROLAND MEYNET, Una nuova introduzione ai Vangeli Sinottici, seconda edizione rivista e ampliata, EDB, Bologna 2006.

10. ROLAND MEYNET, Trattato di retorica biblica, EDB, Bologna 2008. 11. JACEK ONISZCZUK, La Prima Lettera di Giovanni, EDB, Bologna 2008. 12. ROLAND MEYNET – JACEK ONISZCZUK, ed., Retorica biblica e Semitica 1. Atti del primo convegno RBS, EDB, Bologna 2009. 13. ROLAND MEYNET, Chiamati alla libertà, EDB, Bologna 2010. 14. ALBERT VANHOYE, L’epistola agli Ebrei. «Un sacerdote differente», EDB, Bologna 2010. 15. JACEK ONISZCZUK, La passione del Signore secondo Giovanni (Gv 18–19), EDB, Bologna 2011. 16. ROLAND MEYNET – JACEK ONISZCZUK, ed., Retorica biblica e Semitica 2. Atti del secondo convegno RBS, EDB, Bologna 2011. 17. ROLAND MEYNET, La lettera ai Galati, EDB, Bologna 2012. 18. GERMANO LORI, Il Discorso della Montagna, dono del Padre (Mt 5,1–8,1), EDB, Bologna 2013.

RETORICA BIBLICA E SEMITICA Collection dirigée par Roland Meynet et Jacek Oniszczuk 1.

JACEK ONISZCZUK, Incontri con il Risorto in Giovanni (Gv 20–21), G&B Press, Roma 2013.


ROLAND MEYNET – JACEK ONISZCZUK, Esercizi di analisi retorica, G&B Press, Roma 2013.


ROLAND MEYNET – JACEK ONISZCZUK, ed., Studi del terzo convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, G&B Press, Roma 2013.


ROLAND MEYNET, Luke: the Gospel of the Children of Israel, G&B Press, Roma 2015.


ROLAND MEYNET – JACEK ONISZCZUK, ed., Studi del quarto convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, G&B Press, Roma 2015.


ROLAND MEYNET, Les huit psaumes acrostiches alphabétiques, G&B Press, Roma 2015.


ROLAND MEYNET, Le fait synoptique reconsidéré, G&B Press, Roma 2015.


ROLAND MEYNET, Il vangelo di Marco, G&B Press, Roma 2016.

RHETORICA BIBLICA ET SEMITICA Collection dirigée par Roland Meynet, Jacek Oniszczuk, puis Francesco Graziano 9.

ROLAND MEYNET, Les psaumes des montées, Peeters, Leuven 2017.

10. MICHEL CUYPERS, Le Festin. Une lecture de la sourate al-Mâ’ida, deuxième édition, Peeters, Leuven 2017. 11. ROLAND MEYNET – JACEK ONISZCZUK, ed., Studi del quinto convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, Peeters, Leuven 2017. 12. ROLAND MEYNET, Le Psautier. Cinquième livre (Ps 107–150), Peeters, Leuven 2017. 13. JACEK ONISZCZUK, Incontri con il Risorto in Giovanni (Gv 20–21), 2° edizione, Peeters, Leuven 2018. 14. ROLAND MEYNET, Il vangelo di Marco, Peeters, Leuven 2018. 15. JACEK ONISZCZUK (†), «Se il chicco di grano caduto in terra non muore...» (Gv 11–12), Peeters, Leuven 2018. 16. ROLAND MEYNET, Le Psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1–41), Peeters, Leuven 2018. 17. MASSIMO GRILLI – † JACEK ONISZCZUK – ANDRÉ WÉNIN, ed., Filiation, entre Bible et cultures. Hommage à Roland Meynet, Peeters, Leuven 2019. 18. FRANCESCO GRAZIANO – ROLAND MEYNET, ed., Studi del sesto convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, Peeters, Leuven 2019. 19. ROLAND MEYNET, Le Psautier. Troisième livre (Ps 73–89), Peeters, Leuven 2019. 20. ROLAND MEYNET, Le Psautier. Deuxième livre (Ps 42/43–72), Peeters, Leuven 2019.

21. PIETRO BOVATI – ROLAND MEYNET, Il libro del profeta Amos. Seconda edizione rivista, Peeters, Leuven 2019. 22. FRANCESCO GRAZIANO, La composizione letteraria del Vangelo di Matteo, Peeters, Leuven 2020. 23. ROLAND MEYNET, Le Psautier. Quatrième livre (Ps 90–106), Peeters, Leuven 2020. 24. ROLAND MEYNET, Le Psautier. L’ensemble du Livre des Louanges, Peeters, Leuven 2020. 25. ROLAND MEYNET, Le Cantique des cantiques, Peeters, Leuven 2020. 26. ROLAND MEYNET, La Lettre aux Galates. Deuxième édition revue, Peeters, Leuven 2021. 27. ROLAND MEYNET, La Pâque du Seigneur. Passion et résurrection de Jésus dans les évangiles synoptiques. Troisième édition revue, Peeters, Leuven 2021. 28. ROLAND MEYNET, Traité de rhétorique biblique. Troisième édition revue et amplifiée, Peeters, Leuven 2021. 29. ROLAND MEYNET – JACEK ONISZCZUK, Exercices d’analyse rhétorique biblique. Deuxième édition revue, Peeters, Leuven 2021. 30. FRANCESCO GRAZIANO – ROLAND MEYNET – BERNARD WITEK, ed., Studi del settimo convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, Peeters, Leuven 2021. 31. ROLAND MEYNET, Qohélet, Peeters, Leuven 2021. 32. ROLAND MEYNET, The Psalter: Book One (Ps 1–41), Peeters, Leuven 2021. 33. ROLAND MEYNET, The Psalter: Book Two (Ps 42/43–72), Peeters, Leuven 2021. 34. ROLAND MEYNET, Comment ? Les Lamentations de Jérémie, Peeters, Leuven 2021. 35. ROLAND MEYNET, The Psalter: Book Three (Ps 73–89), Peeters, Leuven 2021. 36. ROLAND MEYNET, Ruth, Peeters, Leuven 2022. 37. ROLAND MEYNET, The Psalter: Book Four (Ps 90–106), Peeters, Leuven 2022. 38. ROLAND MEYNET, The Psalter: Book Five (Ps 107–150), Peeters, Leuven 2022. 39. ROLAND MEYNET, L’Un et l’autre Livre d’Esther, Peeters, Leuven 2022. 40. ROLAND MEYNET, L’ensemble des Cinq Rouleaux. Cinq femmes ensemble, Peeters, Leuven 2022. 41. ROLAND MEYNET, The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises, Peeters, Leuven 2022.