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The Passion of al-Hallay Mystic and Martyr of Islam Translated from the French with a biographical foreword by
Bibliography and Index
Translated from La Passion de Husayn Ibn Mansur Halla: martyr mystique de I’Islam execute a Baghdad le 26 mars 922; étude d’histoire religreuse (nouvelle edition), Gallamard, Paris, 1975 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA WILL BE FOUND ON THE LAST PRINTED PAGE OF THIS BOOK PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY
Princeton Legacy Library edition 2019 Paperback ISBN: 978-0-691-65581-9 Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-691-65723-3
ABBREVIATIONS Vi SYSTEM OF REFERENCES TO MANUSCRIPTS XV Table of Catalogues of Manuscnpt Collections Used and Not Cited by Brockelmann [in 1902]
1.a. INTRODUCTION 3 The Schema Followed 3 b. Evaluation of Research Conducted 4
1. The Collections Examined 4 2. Kinds of Works Consulted 4
3. Desiderata 5
c. Previous Bibliographical Undertakings 5
11. ARABIC AUTHORS 7 Authors, in Arabic 52 it. IRANIAN AUTHORS 56 1v. PERSIAN APOCRYPHA 70 v. AFGHAN AUTHORS 71 VI. TURKISH AUTHORS 71 Appendix: Collected Oral or Wntten Testimonies of Contemporary
Appendix: Albanian Sources 79 vu. MALAYSIAN AUTHORS 79 Appendix A: Javanese Sources 79 Appendix B: Chinese Sources 79 vill. HINDUSTANI (URDU) AND BENGALI AUTHORS 79
xu. UnrtimaA HALLAGIANA 109
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ABBREVIATIONS In this list, as in the Index section, a number refers to an author and a letter refers to a specific work of that author found in the Hallajian Bibhhography of this volume.
A, a = Ahmad; Aba (in a proper ‘Arib = 1650-a = 164-a
name) Asds = 385-e ‘A = ‘Abd (in a proper name) ASB = Asiatic Society of Bengal
A. = Akhbar = 1695-v (unless there Asc. = ascendant
1S a More precise reference) Ash‘ari = Magalat = 2021-a
‘AA = ‘Abdallah Asia Major = 2206-a
AB = Abia Bakr AT = Abt Talib abbr. = abbreviation A.T. = AH Tawhidi (178) Adab = 126-d Athar (Birani) = 190-a AF = Abu’l-Faraj Athar (Qazwini) = 458-b afp = ancien fonds persan Athir = 420-a aft = ancien fonds turc Atrak = 2125-b
Agh. = Kitab al-Aghani = 2122-a ‘Attar = 1101-c
AH = Abt Hasan A‘U = Abi ‘Uthmian A.H. = anno hyri ‘AW = ‘Abd al-Wahhab
AJ = Abo Ja‘far ‘Awarif = 401-a ‘Aja ib = 458-a Awlad = 126-b
Akhb. = Akhbar = 1695-v (unless AY = Abt Ya‘qtb there is a more precise reference) A‘yad = 146-a Akhb. Radi = 126-c
AM = Abt Muhammad ~b-, b. = ibn; or, born Amthal = 2226-a B.N. = Banu N. (part of the name of AN = Abt Niwas a tribe) An. trad. Gottw. = 2078-a Bad’ = 150-a
Anba’ = 2092-a Bahja = 502-a
Ansab = 350-a Bak. = B. = Ibn Baktya = 191-a Antaki = JRASB, 1856, s.v. Baqli, Shath = 1091-b; if there is a Muhasibi recto Or verso indication, it refers to ap. = apud = cited in ms. Qadi ‘Askar; if not, the App. = appendix reference is to ms. Shahid ‘Ali AQ = Abi Qasim Baqli, Tafsir = ms. Berlin = 380-a; “AQ = ‘Ayn al-Qudiat, or “Abd The Cawnpore edition is always
al-Qadim alluded to by specific reference,
“AQH = 308, 1082 either to verse or page
‘AR = ‘Abd al-Rahmin Barb. Meyn. = 1625-b
‘Arib = 370-n Bayan = 165-a
vi ABBREVIATIONS Bidaya = 191-a E = Essai = 1695-p Bihar = 835-b East. Caliph. = 1661-c BN = Bibliothéque Nationale (Paris) ed. = edition, editor Bod]. = Bodleian Library (Oxford) Ef. or Eff. = Effendi
Bq. = Baqli = 380, 1091 Enc. Isl., E. I. = Encyclopaedia of
Brock. G. = 1652-a Islam, first edition Brock. S. = 1652-b Enguete = 1695-cr
BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Er. Jb. = Eranos Jahrbuch
Oriental and African Studies, Esc. = Escunial
London Essai = 1695-p BSOS = Bulletin of the School of
bt = bint . _ Faray = 162-c Bt. = Battani Fara = 201 Budd = 446-b ih re . Oriental Studies, London ; f. = folio
_.= Fat. (Ibn Taymiya) =8512-g Buht. Buhturi = 2040 _/ Fath Rabbani = 341-g Buldan = 410-b
~ Faysal = 280-n Bulugh = 2013-a Bustani Fihr. = = Fihrist = 172-a sre 7a= 940Filaha 123A-a
© Co = compare Firag = 113-d aan a .) -_ I review Fisal = 241-a CPS CTINCal TeWIEW FNN = Fars-nama Nastri = 2096-a
_. ad romper Firdaws = 2243-a
D = al-Din _ _ Fr. = French D.. Fr., = Daylami _ Fragm. = = 175 Fragment
4. = died Fronds Massignon = at the Collége de
Daft ==370-k Friedlander Dalil 2247-a or 2233-a= 1693-a
- Funun = 261-c Damigh = 2119-a aa : Fusal = 212-b Dedernng = cf. 2009-a _ Fuss = 421-d
Destant = 1388C-a Fut. = )Futihat -421-b Dh. = insan Dhahabi = 530-a Dhamm = 1059-h
Dhari'a = 276-b Chalat = 170-f
DI = Der Islam Ghayba (Ibn Babawayh) = 160-c Dib. = Diba; = 576-a Ghayba (Nu'miani) = 2176-a Diw = Diwan = 1695-w (unless Ghayba (Tusi) = 242-a there is a more precise reference) Ghufran = 212-a
DQ = Dht'l-Qarmavn GOD = 1602-e
Durar al-anwar = 760-a Guyard = Notices et extraits des mss. de
Durar kamina = 632-c la Bibliotheque de Paris, vol. XXII
DI = Dieu Vivant Guzida = 1127-b
ABBREVIATIONS 1X H = Hasan Inst. = mstitute
Hajjaj = 2182-a [IO = Ind. Off. = India Office Ham. = Hamadhani ‘Igd = 862-b
Hanbal = Ibn Hanbal = 2098 ‘Ivfan = Shiite journal (Saida) Haga’iq = 170-d and 1695-p Is. = Isndd = 1695-ax (when it is a
Har. = Harawi = 1059 bibliographic reference)
Hawadith = 2068-a Isha'a = 2211-a
Hawq. = Ibn Hawgal = 167-a Isl. Cult. = Islamic Culture
Hazm = Ibn Hazm = 241-a (Hyderabad, 1927—) Here, I] = the present edition, Ism = Isma‘il
Volume II, etc. Ithaf = 862-a
Hiddya = 139-b l'tibar (anonymous) = 2002-a Hik. = Hikdyat = 330-a l'tibay Qurjani) = 2130-a
Hikam = 1301-a tidal = 530-d Hil. = Hilya = 2009-b I'tidal = journal (Najaf) HOP = 1660-a I'tigadat = 160-a Howell = 2087-a ‘Tyad, Shifa’ = 310-a
Hudud-i ‘Alam = 1016-a ‘Izz = Kinani = 2017A-a Huffaz = 530-h
Huw. = Hujwiri = 1055 J = Ja‘far
Hy = Husayn Jala = 941-a Jam. = 190-e
Ibda’ = 977A-a Jamha = 2063-b Ibn al-Dai = 1081-a Jami = 1150-a
Ibn al-Farra’ = Farra’ = 2066-b JAOS = Journal of the American
Ibn Malik = 2107-a Oriental Society (New Haven) Ibr = Ibrahim JA = JAP = Journal Asiatique (Paris) IFAO = publication of the Institut Jawab = 512-1 Frangais d’Archeologie Orientale of = Jawahir = 370-d
Cairo Jawahir (Khawwas) = 730-a
IFD = publication of the Institut Jawahir (Jazart) = 2128~a
Francais of Damascus Jawami' = 170-c ]Ihata = yma Jazivra = 2083-a = 546-a Jp = Jupiter
Ihti. (Azzawi) = 999-01-a JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic
Thti. (Tabarsi) = 315-~a Society (London) Ihya’ = 280-a JRASB = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Ikhw. = Ikhwdan al-safa’ = 2121-a Society of Bombay
Iklil = 2082-a Jurjani = 2130-b
Ikmal = 160-c
Imta‘ = 178-e K, = Kitab
incl. = including Kafi = 2141-a
Insan = 601-c Kal. = Kalab. = Kalabadhi (143-a)
X ABBREVIATIONS Kanz = 2168-a Mantiq = 380-b
Kashf (Hujwiri) = 1055-a, 1692-f Magabir = 463-b
Kashf (Jawbari) = 402-a Magatil = 2122-b Kashf (Khalifa) = 810-a Maqdisi = 150-a Kashkul = 794-a Mas. = Masari’ = 278-a Kaw. = Kawakib = 795-a Masa’il = 446-b Kh. = Ktb. = Khtb. = Khatib = mawagif = 2130-b
250-a Mec = Mercury
Khall. = 471-a Mél. = Mélanges
Khark. = 180-a Meél. Félix Grat = 1695-ax Khasibi = 139-a Mhd = Muhammad or Mahmiid
Khulasa = 720-b Mhs = Muhassin Kibrit = 741-b Minhaj (Subki) = 801-a Kilani = Jilani = 341-h Minhaj (Ibn Taymiya) = 512-k Kopr. = Kopritillt Mir’at = 440-a
Kufa = 2042-a Mirsad = 1107-a
Kulliyat = 1101-a, m Mishk. = Mishkat = 280-e
Kultus = 2221-a Misk. = Miskawayh = 171-a Mission = 1695-e
L. = London Ms = Mars
Landschaft = 2220-a ms. = manuscript
Lata’if (Rashid al-Din) = 504-b ms. Alex. = Alexandria manuscript
Lata’if (Ibn Rajab) = 570-b ms. AS = Aya Suftya manuscript
Lawami’ = 259-a ms. Berl. = Berlin manuscript Lawagih = 741-£ ms. BN = manuscript of the
LHP = 1673-a Bibliothéque Nationale
Lisan = 632-b ms. Bodl. = Bodleian (Oxford) L.M. = Louis Massignon manuscript
L.Or. = Ecole des Langues ms. Br. Mus. = British Museum
Orientales manuscript
LS = Le Strange (1661-c) ms. IO = India Office manuscript Lughat-1 muran = 1087-a ms. Kopr. = Koprtilti manuscript
Luma’ = 142-a ms. L.M. = manuscript in Louis
Lun. = lunar Massignon collection
ms. London Or. = London Oniental
M = Muh. = Muhammad manuscript
Madarij = 535-a ms. Nari ‘Uthm. = Nuri Madkhal = 464-b ‘Uthmaniya manuscript
Mafatih = 1145-d ms. Nus. = Nusayri manuscript majm., majmu’ = compilation ms. P. = Paris manuscript
Malati = 2153-a ms. Q. = Qazan manuscript
Mamuqg. = Mamuqani = 1237-a ms. Sulaym. = Sulaymaniya
Manhaj = 805-b manuscript
Manhal = 660-b ms. Taym. = Taymtr manuscript
ABBREVIATIONS x1 ms. Wel. = Welieddin manuscript Paralip. = Paralipomena or Chronicles
ms. Zah. = Zahiriya manuscript (book of the Bible)
Mubtahi = 2063-a Passion = cf. P., 1st ed. Muhad. = 421-a PD = Parole donnée = 1695
Muhasibi = cf. Essai Pearson = J. D. Pearson, Index Mukhtar = 371-a Islamicus
Mukhtasar = 463-c Ped. = Pedersen = 1695-bw
Muntaha = 508-a Pers. = Persian Muntazam = 370-a PG = Patrologia Graeca (Migne) Muraj = 134-a psnym. = pseudonym Mushtabih = 530-1 Ps. = psalm (Bible) Must. = Mustafa publ. = publication Mustanhij = 354-a Mustatraf = 2008~-a Q = Qasim Muttagi = 2168-a Qala’id = 740-a Muwafagat = 552-b Qam' = 690-e
Qasimi Usa] = 2188-a n. = note Qawl = 449-a Nafabat = 1150-a Qazw. = 458-a
Nafh = 2157-b QI = qiyas
Najdi = 976-a Qissa = in Akhbar, 3rd ed.
Nay. = Ibn al-Nayar = 430 QT = Quatre Textes (1695-f) Nama = name(h) (e.g., 1101) Qur. = Qur’an
Nas@ th = 2166-b in or on Qur. = commentaries by
Nasl = 2063-c Hallaj on the Qur’an, ap. Essai, Nd = node (astronomy) 1695-p
n.d. = no date Qush. = Q. = 231-a Nibras = 419-a Qut. = 145-a
Nishw. = Nishwar = 162-a
n.p. = no publisher, no place R = Rizbehan NRF = Nouvelle Revue Francaise Radd = 960-a; 2098-c
Nujum = 660-a Rasa’il = 446-c
Nukat = 1091-f Rawashith = 805-a Nur = 2199-a Rawd = 579-a Nari = 432 Re. = Rec. = Recueil = 1695-u REI =Revue des Etudes Islamiques
obs. = observation (Paris)
OM = Opera Minora = 1695 REJ = Revue des Etudes Juives (Paris) opp. = opposed to or opposite of RHR = Revue d’Histoire des Religions
Oxf. = Oxford (Paris) = 2166-a P. = Paris Rihla = Riaya 390-a
P., 1st ed. = first edition of this work Risala (Kindi) = 2139-a
(Passion de Hallaj) Risala (Turttshi) = 290-a
X11 ABBREVIATIONS Riw. = Riwayat, translated in this s.n. = sub nomine ed., Ch. XIV (Vol. HI) and ap. St = Saturn
Essai (1695-u) Sta = 170-b (Sulami, Ta’rikh extr.
RMM = Revue du Monde Musulman ap. 1695-1)
(Paris) Stb = 170-a (Sulami, Tabaqat, extr.
Rom. = Epistle of St. Paul to the ap. 1695-v)
Romans Stf = 170-d (Sulami, Haga’ ig al-tafsir,
Ruh = 1356B-b extr. ap. 1695-p)
Ruh al-bayan = 2103-a Subh = 2186-a Subki = 542-a
S.a. = sub anno Sul. = Sulami = 170
Sabi = 220-~a Sul. = Sulayman
Sabziwari = 2195-a Sul. Tab. = 170-a Sadaga = 178-c Sul. Tafs. = 170-d Sadr Shirazi = 806-a Sali = 126 Saf. = Safina = 852-a Suluk = 2113-a Safadi = 540-a Supp. Pers. = Persian Supplement Salman Pak = 1695-ao Supp. T. = Turkish Supplement
Salmon = 1678-a s.v. = sub verbo Salsabil = 919-a syn. = synonym Salwa = 2063-d Sam/‘ani = 350-a Ta‘arruf = 143-a Sarl = 1347-c Tab. = Tabari (111-2)
Sarim = 512-n Tab. = Tabagat = 170-a (unless there Sawanih = 281-c is a more precise reference) Saydala = 190-d Tab. “Arib = 164-a Sh., Sh. Tab. = 741-a Tab. Nussak = 2018-a
Sh. = Shaykh Ta‘bir = 842-e
Shadd = 591-a Tabsira = 1081-a Shadharat = 830-a Tadhk. = 1101-c Shahi = 138-a Tafhim = 190-c
Shahr. = Shahrastani = 2210-a Tafs. = Tafsir Shakwa = 308-c (cf. 1808-b) Taghr. = Taghmb. = 660-a
Shamil = 251-a Tah. = Tahanawi = 853-a
Shath. = Shathiyat = 1091-b Tahdhib = 632-d
Shifa’ = 310~a (cf. 793-a) Takmila = 282-a Shush. = Shushtari = 447 Ta iya = 403-a
Sidg = 178-d Tajarib = 171-a SY = Sibt ibn al-Jawzi (440) Talbis = 370-b Silat = 834-a Tamhidat = 308-a Simt = 815-a Tanbih = 134-c Sirat = 175-a Tarq. = 474-a
Sitzb. Bay. = Sitzungsberichte Tar. = Tard’iq = 1228-a (unless there
Bayerische Akad. Wiss. 1s a more precise reference)
ABBREVIATIONS x11 Ta’rikh = 170-b (unless there is a Wadih = 538-c
more precise reference) Waf. = Wafayat = 471-a Ta’rikh Dimishg. = 334-a Wahid = 460-a
Tarjuman = 421-1 Wara’ = 2098-b Tatfil = 250-c Wiist. = Wtistenfeld = 1623
Taym. = Taymur
Tawwabin = 352-a Thimar = 210-a Yatima — 210-c -
Taw. — Fawasin = 1695-] Yag. = Yaqiit = 410-a
er. = translation Yawaq = Yawagat = 741-g Tusi = Tusy’s List = 242-a vie ce Yazdanyar = 228
‘U = ‘Umar i q™ _ vee ‘UA = ‘Ubaydallah Fae Ud. = Udaba’ = 410-a
‘Ukbari = Ibn Batta ‘Ukbari, Sharh ZDMG = Zeitschrift Deutsche
wa Ibana, ms. Zah., tawhid 66 Morgenland. Gesellschaft
‘Uluw = 530-g Zah. = Zahiriya, Damascus
‘Umda (Ibn ‘Inaba) = 2100A~-a Zahra = 102 (here, vol. J, ch. V, I, b)
‘Umda (Ibn Rashiq) = 2114-a Zak = Zakariya’
‘Ugala’ = 180A-a Zanji = 125-a Ushshag = 1157-a Usual (Sulami) = 170-f
Usul ‘asim = 2188-a OTHER SIGNS ‘Uthm. = ‘Uthman > = via (For example, in a chain of
‘Uyub = 170-2 transmission, isnad) or precedes ‘Uyun (Ibn Shakir Kutubi) = 539-a logically ‘Uyun (‘Arib) = 1650-a — = upto 2° = 2nd ed.
v. = verse N = logical non-identity
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SYSTEM OF REFERENCES TO MANUSCRIPTS The system of reference is based on two rules:} A) For all general works, which are cited only in passing, references are abbreviated according to symbols, the list of which is given above; nor-
mally? they refer to the corresponding notices in the classic manual of Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur.3
B) For particular works alluding to Hallaj (by name or anonymously), references are abbreviated, either according to symbols (list supra), or according to serial numbers; references, symbols of abbreviation, and serial numbers all refer to Bibliography, Chapter XV.4 The majority of sources cited are Islamic and in manuscript, for only since the beginning of my researches has the attention of orientalists been directed to the collection of texts that I had at my disposal to study. The name of each library has been simplified to that of the city in which it is located, when it is cited in Brockelmann’s list, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, and the manuscript number refers to the catalogue numbering mentioned in Brockelmann’s list. As for manuscript sources which are not cited in Brockelmann’s list and which we have used, the numbering will be given below.
Except where specially indicated, the abbreviation ms. refers to an Arabic manuscript source. The footnotes refer, in particular, to [several of ] the author’s publications on Hallaj:
Hallaj, Kitab al-tawasin, Arabic text published for the first time with the Persian version by Baqli, the analysis of his Persian commentary, a 1 Tt is essential to recall here the two rules of the first edition, for they have been used in their basic idea for the new edition. Needless to say, many of the sources used by the author before 1914 were then still in manuscript form. The reader may refer to the “Hallajian Bibliography”’ (Chapter XV) for an updating of these references. 2 On rare occasions I give notices for works not mentioned in Brockelmann. 3 [To the first edition (2 vols., 1898-1902), the only one to appear up to 1914, have since been added a Supplement in 3 volumes, 1937-1942, and a second edition in 2 volumes, 1943-1949. ]
4 (Note to the second edition.) [The numbers ascribed to references of the first edition have been preserved here. These references have been completed by insertions provided by the author. |
XV1 SYSTEM OF REFERENCES critical introduction, some observations, notes, and three indices, Paris, 1913: xxiv + 223 pages (1695-}). Quatre Textes inédits relatifs a la biographie d’al-Hallaj, published with analyses, critical apparatus, notes and an index, Paris, 1914: 11 + 38 + 76 pages. These four texts are the following: 1. Ibn Zanji, Dhikr Maqtal alHallaj; u. Sulami, Ta’rikh al-Sdfiya (extracts edited by Khatib); m1. Ibn
Bakiya, Bidayat Hal al-Hallaj wa Nihdayatuhu; ww. Akhbar al-Hallaj (anonymous collection dating from the end of the 4th/10th century) (1695-1).
[Diwan al-Hallaj, Arabic poems attributed to Hallaj, edited, annotated and translated in Quatre Textes, IV, Paris, 1914. Second edition, with additions and corrections, in Journal Asiatique, 1931, pp. 1-158. Third edition, Geuthner, Paris, 1955, pp. 1-172 (reproduced from the second edition, p. 1-158, followed by Recherches nouvelles sur le ““Diwan al-Hallaj”’ et sur ses sources, extracted from Mélanges Fuad Képriilu, Istanbul, 1953, pp.
159-172). It is to this third edition that references will be made here. An abridged version of the third edition (omitting the poems of doubtful attribution and all of the Arabic texts) appeared, with a foreword entitled
‘Perspective transhistorique sur la vie de Hallaj,”’ in Cahiers du Sud, Paris, 1955, xlvii + 157 pages (1695-w). ] [Akhbar al-Hallaj, Arabic texts attributed to Hallaj, edited, annotated and translated in Quatre Textes, IV, Paris, 1914. Second edition, collec-
tion of prayers and exhortations by the martyr mystic of Islam Husayn Ibn Manstr Hallaj, arranged about the year 360/971 by Nasrabadhi, pub-
lished, annotated and translated by the author and Paul Kraus, “Au Calame,” Paris, 1936, 112 + 141 pages. Third edition, reconstructed and completed, Vrin, Paris, 1957, 217 + 158 pages. References will be made here to this latter edition (1695-v). | [Essai sur les origines du lexique technique de la mystique musulmane,
Geuthner, Paris, 1922, 302 + 104 pages. Second edition, Vrin, Paris, 1954, 453 pages, new edition reviewed and considerably enlarged (1695-p).| [Recueil de textes inédits concernant l'histoire de la mystique en pays d’Islam,
collected, classified, annotated and published by the author, Geuthner, Paris, 1929, x + 259 pages (1695-u). | [Opera Minora, the author’s articles and iconographical documents, collected, arranged and presented with a bibliography by Y. Moubarac, Dar al-Maaref, Beirut, 1963, Vol. I, 672 pages + 19 plates; Vol. II, 666 pages + 10 plates (18 articles on Hallaj reproduced pp. 1-342); Vol. III, 855 pages + 40 plates; Presses Universitaires, Paris, 1969. ]
London. British Museum Supplement (Arabic mss. entered 1894-1912), by Ellis and Edwards, London, 1912 (and list of entries, deposition 1912).
Leyden. Cat. Codd. av. Lugd. Batav., by de Goeje and Th. Juynboll, Leyden, 1907. Batavia. Batavia Arabic mss. Cat. Supp., by Van Ronkel, Batavia, 1913.
Beirut. Descriptive cat. of hist. mss. of the Bibl. Or. of Université St. Joseph, by Cheikho, ap. Mél. Facult. Orient. VI, 213, Beirut, 1913. Princeton. A list of Arabic mss. in Princeton Univ. Libr., by Enno Littmann. Leipzig. Verzeichn. der Arab. Hdss... . Univ. Biblioth., by Vollers and Brockelmann. Rome. Cat. of the Arabic mss. in the Vatican, by Tisserant (in preparation).
Former collections. The Landberg-Brill are in Leyden and Refa‘lja Fleischer in Leipzig. In the Near East:
Cairo. Azhar (ms.)5 Cat. Muhammad ‘Abduh. Book Cat. Ahmad Taymur (Mugtabas publ., 1912). Jerusalem. ‘““Barnamaj al-Maktabat al-Khalidiya,” 1318/1900. Damascus. Zahiriya Cat., cf. Habib Zayyat, Makatib al-Sham, Faggalab, 1902.
Aleppo. Ahmadiya Cat., Mewleviya (ms.) Cat., ‘Ajjan al-Hadid Cat. Mashhad (Persia). Hadra Publ. Cat., ap. “‘Matla’ al-Shams” of I'timad al-Saltana, Teheran, 1302, Vol. I], 469-501. Baghdad. Mirjaniya (ms. cat.). Jami‘ al-Zand (ibid.), Altsi collection. Istanbul. Apart from the Aya Stfiya, Yéni Jami’ Catalogues: Kopriilti, Nuri ‘Uthmaniya, Raghib Pasha, very incompletely used by Brockelmann: ‘Umimi (aA.H. 1300), ‘Ashir Effendi (1306). Laleli Jami‘
(1311). As‘ad Effendi (n.d.). Fatih (n.d.). Bashir Agha (1303). Walidi Jami’ (1311). Dagumli Baba (1310), Khosrii Pasha (n.d.). Muhammad Agha (1310). Hamidiya and Lala Ismail (n.d.). Mahmid Pasha and Rostom Pasha (1311). Mihrshah Sultan (1310). Yahya Effendi (1310). Damad Ibrahim Pasha (1279). Wali al-Din (1304, at Bayezid). ‘Atif Effendi (1310). Qadi “Askar Mulla Murad $5 Cf. Horovitz, bib. no. 1691-a, II, 1-79.
XV1l SYSTEM OF REFERENCES and Dar al-Mathnawi (1311). Hakim Ughli ‘Ali Pasha (1311). Tchorlili “Ali Pasha (1303). ‘Umiijah Husayn Pasha (1310). Al-Hay Salim Agha (1310). Halat Effendi (1312). Sulaymaniya (n.d.) Shahid
‘Ali Pasha (ms.). T6pqapt (phot. ms. Zaki Pasha). The two waqfs
Wali al-Din Jar Allah and ‘Umtjah Husayn Pasha, ap. ‘Umumi (not to be confused with the two libraries of the same name; mss. cat.). Faydiya (n.d. new Emiri collection). Shah Zade (n.d.) Salimiya (n.d.). Qarah Mustafa (n.d.). I have not been able to consult the Ekmekji Zade waaf. Bankipore (near Patna). Khuda Bukhsh collection.
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a. The Schema Followed
The material given here represents a first attempt at a chronological bib-
liography of the written sources on Halla, his life, his works, and his teaching. The form used for each reference is based on a decimal classification, [in some instances] consisting of three parts: a number, a letter, and a number. For example, 1112-a-3. The first number refers to the author (those who wrote in several languages have several numbers: e.g., Baqli 380 and 1091; “Amili 794 and 1177; Nuri 808 and 1345); the letter that follows refers to the work; and the final number [in most cases omit-
ted in this edition] refers to the line of the paragraph alluded to in the sequence of unnumbered folios.
Those references that we cannot definitely trace in the sources are given their number (in parentheses) and are explained afterwards. A certain number of references go back to quotations from the poetical works of Hallaj, in which no mention was made of his name. We have included here all of the written documents, the fatwas, official pieces. We have deliberately omitted from this list of authors and ordinary rawis, the oral transmitters of a verbal document, except in the case
where the early redaction of their testimony was authenticated as a common source of different written attestations. For example, Ibn alHaddad (130).! 1 [In the present (French) edition, we have followed faithfully the plan adopted by the author in his first edition of Chapter XV in 1921. Otherwise, the text of Section I has not been changed (except for the standardization of the transcription of Arabic words). | [In the American edition, except for references to the Qur’an, volume, chapter, page and folio numbers were removed from the bibliography, but retained when used in the foot-
notes of each volume. As in the text, accent marks have been omitted from place names.—H.M. | (The references collected in Sections I] to XI retain the classification and numbers given them by the author in 1921. In addition to the references of the first edition we include those given by the author in his contribution to Mélanges Goldziher (1695-bh) or made by him on
4 BIBLIOGRAPHY b. Evaluation of Research Conducted
1. The Collections Examined
The great majority of sources consulted and quoted are manuscripts. The research done in Europe, both directly by me in the oriental collections of the libraries of Paris, London, Berlin, and Vienna, and through correspondence in those of Rome, Madrid, and Petersburg, should be thorough enough. In the East, my personal study of the oriental collec-
tions of the libraries of Cairo, the mosques of Baghdad, Jerusalem, Damascus, Aleppo, and especially Istanbul,? although carried out very extensively and with great difficulty, is hardly definitive, given the inadequacy of the stock lists and the number of “‘miscellanies”’ (majmu at) to be examined. The published catalogues show that little can be ex-
pected from the private libraries, even from the tekkés of Konia and Brusa; the same can be said to apply to those of the Caucasus, Turkestan,
India, and Malaysia. The Maghrib is also very poor from our point of view (Fez, Algiers, Tunis). In conclusion, the only manuscript collections in which one can reasonably expect to find important information are the sixty mosque libraries of Istanbul and those of the cities of Iran, whose books have unfortunately been plundered since 1913-1914, and broken up by collectors of miniatures.
2. Kinds of Works Consulted
In terms of language, Arabic, the theological language of Islam, has been used most in my research; Persian is next; the Turkish works have been the least studied. Al-Hallaj, it should be noted, is especially referred the margins of his own personal copies, just as he has indicated them. We have also completed the references of authors already classified by other works of theirs, by adding titles listed in the Ultima Hallagiana—the handwritten lists of bibliographical references made by the author between 1951 and 1962. These latter references, which he was not able to put in their final form, are set [in brackets ]. Finally, we have assembled in a new section XII references regarding authors not classified
by Louis Massignon in sections I to XI. These references come either from the aforementioned Ultima Hallagiana or trom the manuscript of this second edition (references that the author did not have time to copy from his notes at the bottom of the page). Some of these latter references are not quite complete. We felt obliged to keep those that we were unable to establish more precisely, when the information given might provide a guideline for research. | 2 On three occasions, May 1909, May 1911, and May 1912. Oriental names given as mss.
collections in the Bibliography without any other identification refer to Istanbul [note from the first edition]. 3 One ms. of Akhbar al-Hallaj was mentioned to me by M. Cour as having been seen in Tlemcen.
INTRODUCTION 5 to in the Turkish works as a subject of Persian poetry. European authors have been checked with care. In terms of subjects, the list of historians, including general histories of the Caliphate, local histories, historical curiosities, collections of biog-
raphies, has been reexamined closely. Likewise that of the mystics, commentaries on the Qur’an, mystical treatises, pious anecdotes, hagiographies, as well as that of the jurists, dogmatic treatises on the usul, collections of rulings (fatwas), and heresiographies. In terms of literature, the anthologies that have given any verse by Hallaj* are few in number. Popular stories have been richer. 3. Desiderata‘
It may still be possible to rediscover some of the authentic works of Hallaj, particularly the Kitab al-sayhur, noted in the seventeenth century in Istanbul by Hajji Khalifa; and there should be some specific documents
about his teaching to be brought to light from unedited collections of Sunnite and especially Imamite Shiite jurisprudence that are preserved in Iran. c. Previous Bibltographical Undertakings
There has been no specifically Hallajian bibliography undertaken until now. In eastern languages, we find only the following: In Arabic:
172-a. Ibn al-Nadim Fihrist (1, 192): lise of Hallaj’s works. 440-a. Sibt ibn al-Jawzi. Mir’at al-zaman, f. 71b: refers to 260-a, 16/-a, 126-a, 151-a, 250-a, 370-a-c, 320-a. 512-e. Ibn Taymiya. Kitab (Kawakib XXVI-1): refers to 133-a, 250-a, 260-a, 370-a, 170-a.
812-a. Mu’min Jaza’irl. Khizdnat al-khayal: refers to 160-a, 242-a, 315-a, 179-a, 213-a, 511-a, 465-a, 586-a.
923-a. Bagir Khansari. Rawdat al-jannat, pp. 227, 234-237: refers to 471-a, 1112-a, 1177-a, 1175-a, 179-a, 160-a, 242-a-b, 511-a, 812-a, 590-a, 1161~a, 805-a, 794-a, 1127-b. In Persian:
1175-a. Nar Allah Shishtari. Mayjalis al-mu’minin: refers to 350-a, 1059-c, 1111-a, 511-a, 190-a (7), 1139-a. 4 Ms. Kopr 1620, ms. London DCXLIV. > The abbreviation “ms. ‘Ajyan [al-Hadid|’’ refers to a valuable hbrary collection of Kazi-
6 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1219-a. Bahbahani. Risdla Khayratiya: refers to 1150-a, 1081-a, 1129-a, 179-a, 1181-a, 242-a, 474-c, 1070-a, 1101-c-d. In Western Languages:
After Erpenius (1501), editing *462-a, we find the following bibliographies (the * new sources):
Pococke (1520-a): * 281-a, *520-a, * 471-a.
d’Herbelot (1540-a): *590-a, *810-a, *1152-b (1137-a), *1155-a, *1161-a, 462-a, * 530-a.
Tholuck (1580-a), p. 69: *252-a, 520-a, *472-a (1540-a), (1561-a); *1101-c. de Slane (1590-a), p. 426, n. 7; *541-a. von Hammer (1602-a): * 172-a, * 660-a, * 513-a. Fliigel (1610-a): 660-a, 520-a, 471-a, 252-a, 472-a. Dozy (1161-a): * 420-a, 520-a, * 121-a, * 167-a, 471-a, 1101-c. von Kremer (1616-a): 420-a, *310-a, *503-a, *741-c, *241-a, *280-a, 472-a, 172-a.
Rieu (1622-a): 471-a, *741-a, *1150-a, *1175-a; *861-b; * 1157-a; *1101-a. Dugat (1626-a): 690-a, 471-a, * 280-d.
de Goeje (1650-a): *164-a, *171-a, *291-a, 471-a, *282-a, *370-a, 660-a, 472-a, 172-a, 530-a. Brockelmann (1652-a): 471-a, 420-a, 172-a, * 330-a. Schreiner (1653-a): Kremer (1616-a) + 172-a, * 134-c, * 190-a, * 201-a, 741-a, *941-a. Gibb (1660-a): * 1311-a, * 1321-a, * 1341-a, * 1361-a, * 1362-a, * 1366-a.
Browne (1673-a): * 111-a, * 1135-a (1650-a) = de Goeje, 1101-c, 330-a, * 1262-a, *1111-a, 1150-a. Friedlander (1693-a) (II, 115): 111-a, 471-a, 201-a, 172-a, 164-a, 252-a, * 241-a, * 1451-a, * 1456-a; * 160-a. Massignon (1695-h), p. 248 n. 2: 170-b, *191-d, * 260-a, 370-a, 441-b,
499-a, 1101-a, *1353-a. —p. 249 n. 1: 201-a, *140-a, *280-a-b-c-d-e, 310~-a, *341-a, *380-a, 1091-a, *401-a, 1101-a-c, *1103-a, * 421-c-d, 1107-a, *441-a-b, 1111-a, 1112-a, 471-a, * 450-a, *480-a and note, * 433a, 502-a, *512-a-i, 522-a, ** 523-a, *531-a, 1129-a, *541-a, 581-a, 583-a,
1321-a, *664-a, *1159-a, 1141-a, *690-b, *710-a, *790-a, *793-a, *1177~-a, 812-a, * 811-a, 843-a, * 862-a.® meyn, which was dispersed by the war, and of which I had seen only the detailed descriptive catalogue, in Aleppo (1919). 6 [This list, assembled in 1921, was not published by the author. (Note from the second edition.) |
101 ‘Amr ibn ‘Uthman Makki d. 291/903, Baghdad: mystic a. Rasa’il ila Khuzistan (around 284/897) (cit. 191-b)
102 Aba Bakr Muhammad ibn Dawid Isfahani d. 297/909, Baghdad: jurist: Zahirite a. Fatwa (bitakfir al-Hallaj) (around 296/908) (text: 191-b, 201-a)
103 Abwt’l-‘Abbas Ahmad ibn Surayj d. 305/917, Baghdad: jurist: Shafi ‘ite
a. Fatwa (bi tawaqquf .. . hal al-Hallaj) (296/908) (cit. 471-a, 690-e, 201-a, 1091-b)
104 Abt’l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn Ahmad Risibi d. 301/914, Dur al-Rasibi: wali of Sus a. Risala [fil qabd ‘ala al-Hallaj | (301/913) (cit. 126-a, 164-a)
105 Abt ‘Ali Hartn b. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz Awarii Anbari, b. 278/891, d. 344/955: mystic a. Kitab ft makhariq al-Hallaj wa hiyalihi (written in 308/921) (cit. 125-a); excerpt 162-a (?)
106 Abia Ja‘far Ahmad b. Ishag ibn Buhlal Tantkhi, b. 231/845, d. 318/930, Baghdad: gadi of gadis: Hanafite a. Fatwa (around the beginning of 309/922) (text in 171-a) b. Fatwa (around the middle of 309/922) (text in 162-a)
107 Abt ‘Umar Muhammad b. Yasuf Azdi, b. 243/857, d. 320/932, Baghdad: qadi: Malikite a. Fatwa (around the beginning of 309/922) (cf. 711-a) b. Fatwa (around the middle of 309/922) (cf. 162-a) c. Fatwa (bi bahat dam al-Hallaj), 18 Dhual-Qa‘da 309/20
March 922; countersigned by Qadi Aba Husayn ‘Umar b. Hasan Shaybani ibn al-Ushnani, b. 260/873 d. 339/950, (Zaydite) Shafi‘ite qadi; and 82 other authorities (330-a, 503-a, 499-a), text in 125-a, 370-a
108 Abt Muhammad Hamid ibn al-‘Abbas, b. 223/837, d. 311/923, Wasit: vizir
a. Kitab ila al-Muqtadir bi'llah (18 Dha'l-Qada 309 = 20 March 922), redacted by Ibn Zanji (cit. 125-a) b. Rug‘a ila Nasr al-Qushuri (ibid. )
c. Kitab ila al-Mugtadir billah (21 Dhu‘l-Qa‘da 309 = 23 March 922), ibid. (cf. 125-a, 162-a)
109 Aba’l-Fadl Ja‘far-b-Ahmad Mugtadir bi’llah, b. 282/895, d. 320/932: caliph
8 BIBLIOGRAPHY a. Kutub ila Nasr al-Samani (twenty letters, 309/922), redacted by Ibn Zanji (cit. 125-a. Cf. protocol in 220-a) b. Tawgi' bi qatl al-Hallaj (22 Dhu‘l-Qa‘da 309 = 24 March 922), ibid. (cit. 125-a, 162-a, cf. 126-a)
110 Abt’l-‘Abbas Ahmad-b-Muhammad ibn ‘Ata’ Adami, d. 309/ 922, Baghdad: traditionist a. Tafsir on Qur’an 3:188; 7:11, 97; 20:109; 53:43; 96:19 (in 170-d, 380-a, 531-a, 741-a) b. Fatwa (in 309/922), (cit. 170-b) c. [Kitab fi fatim al-Qur’an (in Baqli, Tafsir) ] d. [Kitab ‘awdi’l-sifat via bad’iha (excerpt in Kalabadhi) |
111 Abu Ja‘far Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari, b. 224/838, d. 310/923, Baghdad: jurist: Shafi ite a. Ta’rikh (akhbar al-rusul wa’l-muluk), until 302/914: IIF series, ed. de Goeje, IV (s.a. 301; except for addition on his death, which is missing in Berlin ms. 9414)” [and Cairo ed. ] b. [Kitab ikhtilaf al-fugaha’, ed. Schacht, Leyden, 1933] c. [I'tigad, probably from 310 a.H., published in Bombay
1311 a.u., 15 pp. (excerpt Ibn Fadlallah “Umari, Masaltk. Very interesting; it quotes Ibn Hanbal)] 112 Abt Sahl Isma‘il-b-Ali ibn Nawbakht, b. 237/851, d. 311/924: jurist: Imamite a. cf. 113-a
113 Abtu-Muhammad al-Hasan-b-Miisa Nawbakhti, wrote after 290/902
a. Kitab mujalasat Abi Sahl (= 112) maa Abi ‘Ali al-Jubba’i
bi'l-Ahwaz (title cited in Tusy’s List, fragments in 120-a, 126-a, 162-a)
b. Radd ‘ala ashab al-tanasukh wa’l-ghulat (lost, in Tusy’s List, Fihrist) (fragments in 120-a) c. al-Ara’ wa’l-diyanat (lost) (source of 121-a) d. [Kitab firag al-shi‘a, Istanbul, 1931]
114 Abt’l-Qasim ‘Abd Allah-b-Ahmad Ka’‘bi, d. 319/931: jurist: Hanafite; theologian: Mu'tazilite a. ‘Uytin al-masa’il wa’l-jawabat (lost, cit. in Fihrist) (source
of 201-a, probable source of the passage common to 121-a and 201-a, and of the passage common to 201-a and 190-a)8 ’ The Persian and Turkish translations stopped at the year 295. 8 The question discussed here in Chapter XIII.
ARABIC AUTHORS 9 115 Abt Bakr Muhammad-b-Zakariya Razi, d. 320/932: physician and philosopher, knew Hallaj (1055-a, 1101-c); he was supposed to have referred to him as a physician in his al-Hawt (cf. 1471-a, 1546-a) (?)
116 Abd’l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn al-Fath Mutawwagq, d. 320/932 a. Managqib al-wuzara’ (from 265 to 319)—lost—(cited ap. Fihrist; cf. Wiener, Islam, 1v)—[probable source of the fragment common to 172-a and 211-a]
117 Abii’l-Qasim al-Husayn ibn Rawh Nawbakhti, d. 328/939: 3rd wakil of the Imamites a. Tawqi fi la‘nat al-Hallaj wa’l-bara’a minhu (cf. 315-a)
118 ‘Ali-b-Abd al-Rahim Qanniad, Riwaya (bib. nos. 250, 540, 543); Is. 39; Recueil
119 Abu ‘Abdallah Ibrahim ibn ‘Arafah Niftawayh, d. 323/934: grammarian and historian a. Ta’rikh (cf. 576-a)
120 Abw’l-Husayn “Ubayd Allah-b-Ahmad ibn Abi Tahir, historian, wrote before 320/932
a. Kitab Baghdad (cit. Fihrist), excerpt in 172-a, 211-a; Akhbar Mu‘tadid (= abbr. of 126-a)
121 Abu Zayd Ahmad ibn Sahl Balkhi, d. 322/934: vizir and geographer a. Suwar al-aqalim (written in two recensions, around 308/ 921 and around 319/931), reproduced in 135-a and 167-a
122 Aba’l-‘Abbas Ahmad-b-Ja‘far Radi bi’llah, b. 297/909, d. 329/ 940: caliph a. Risdlat ila Nasr al-Samani (322/933) (cf. 109-a), excerpt in 410-a
123 Abw’l-Hasan ‘Ali-b-al-Husayn ibn Abi Buyeh (father of bib. no. 160) d. 328/939, Qumm: jurist: Imamite a. Riwayat (fragment in 191-a, 242-b)
123A Ibn Wahshiya, Filaha nabatiya, excerpt ap. bib. no. 214 124 Abt Bakr Ahmad-b-Musa ibn Mujahid al-Tamimi, b. 245/859, d. 324/935: qari’; the probable unique source of a. Riwaya on the saying “Ana’l-Haqq”’ uttered to al-Shibli
(which he was supposed to have transmitted through Ibn Khalawayh to 150-a, and through Abt ‘Ali al-Fasawi to 211-a)
125 Abu’l-Qasim Isma‘ll ibn Abi ‘Abdallah Muhammad Zanji-bIsmail Anbari, wrote around 325/936 his ‘‘Memoirs”’ as a
10 BIBLIOGRAPHY clerk of the Mazalim (cf. 220-a). Probably published ap. 127-a, used by 151-a, republished ap. 171-a, and via bib. no. 162, ap. 250-a, they contain
a. Dhikr akhbar al-Hallaj . . . ila hini magtalihi, account given of the trial of 309/922 (by the assistant clerk). Cf. 151-a, 171-a, 250-a, 282-a. Published ap. Quatre Textes (1695-l)
126 Abt Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya Sali, d. 334/945, Basra: Imamite a. Akhbar al-Mugtadir (in Kitab al-awraq), reedited by 120-a
ms. Azhar: published by Kratchkovsky (cf. 1724-a), fragment in 260-a (from which are derived 370-a, 440-a, 501-a, 530-a, 830-a), abridged in 164-a b. [Ash’ar awlad al-khulafa’ wa akhbaruhum, London, 1931] c. [Akhbar al-Radi wa’l-Muttagi, London, 1945; Algiers, 1946]
d. [Adab al-kuttab, Cairo, 1922]
127 Abu ‘Abdallah Muhammad ibn ‘Abdis Jahshiyari, d. 331/942: historian a. Akhbar al-Mugtadir bi’llah (‘ft ulaf min al-awrag,” according to 134-a), lost, fragment at beginning of 125-a (prologue) and in 220-a?
128 Abt. Bakr?®° Muhammad-b-Misa Wasiti ibn al-Farghani, d. 331/942; Merv: mystic
a. Tafsir al-Qur’an (lost, edited by Qasim Sayyari, source of 170-d) b. Hikam (in 741-a and 1055-a, cf. 330-a) c. Ha’ mim al-gidam (lost, cited 1091-a)
129 Abt ‘Umara (Abt Bakr, or Abt) Mughith) Muhammad-b‘Abdallah Hashimi al-Rabi‘i, head of the Hallajiya of Ahwaz and Basra, after 309/922 (cf. 125-a, 162-a, 282-a) a. Edition of Kitab al-tawasin. Cf. 1695-j
130 Abu Bakr Muhammad-b-Ahmad ibn al-Haddiad Misri, d. 345/ 956: qadi of qadis: Shafi ite a. Riwayat fi al-Hallaj (common source of 170-a and 191-a)
131 Aba’l-Qisim Faris-b-Abi al-Fawaris ‘Isa Dinawari, d. around 340/951: mystic
a. Ta'lifat ft madhhab al-Hallaj (cited 230-a, 1150-a) lost (source of 143-a, 144-a, 170-a-d) ° The question discussed ap. Quatre textes, pp. 6-7. 10 Most likely identical to the following.
ARABIC AUTHORS 11 b. [Edition of Ash‘ar wa munajat al-H b. M]
132 Abt Muhammad Ja‘far ibn Nusayr Khuldi (Khalidi), d. 348/ 959, Baghdad: mystic a. Hikayat al-masha’ikh (lost), excerpts (in 1059-a, 231-a, 250-a, cf. 140-a); Recueil
133 Abt Muhammad Ismi2‘il-b-"Ali Khutabi, d. 350/961: historian, muhaddith, master of Daraqutni, friend of Abd Bakr ibn Mujahid a. Ta’rikh Baghdad (lost), excerpt in 250-a
134 Abt’1-Hasan ‘Ali-b-al-Husayn Mas ‘tdi, d. 346/957, Fustat: historian: Mu‘ tazilite a. Murij al-dhahab (written 336/947), Paris ed., 1861-1877 « b. Magalat arbab al-nihal wa ru’asa’ al-milal (lost, cited 134-c) c. al-Tanbih wa’l-ishraf (written 345/956), de Goeje ed.; Fr.
translation De Vaux
135 Abt Ishag Ibrahim-b-Muhammad Istakhri: geographer a. Masalik al-mamalik (reedition of 121-a), ms. Berlin 6032
= ms. Topqapt 2820 = de Goeje ed., 1870 135A M-b-Farrukhan Duri, d. 359/969, Hikayat, ap. Khatib; Is. 84
136 Abu Muhammad ‘Abdallah ibn Khudhyan Farghani, d. before 370/980: historian; wrote in 336 a.H. (Yaqtit, Udaba’) a. al-Mudhayyal (following 111-a, after 302/914) (lost, excerpts in 164-a and 410-a)
137 Abw’l-Husayn ‘Abdallah-b-Musa Salami, d. 374/983, Bukhara (350-a): mystic, disciple of al-Shibli
a. Ta’rikh (lost; used by 170-d, on Qur’4n 26, and 231-a, 4:120)—excerpt in 660-a (? via 170-b); tidal; Kh.; Is. 210
138 A-b-M-b ‘Abd al-Jalil Sijazi, wrote in 380 a.H. (= 358 Yazd.) the Jami shahi fi’l-mawalid, ms. L.M.
139 Hy-b-Hamdan Khasibi, d. 357/968, Aleppo a. Diwan, ms. Manchester 452A b. [Kitab al-hidaya; cf. Brock. S. 1]
140 Abt Zur‘a Ahmad-b-Muhammad al-Fadl Tabari, d. after 353/ 964, Shiraz: mystic a. Riwaydat (lost, common source of 170-a and 181-a)
141 Aba ‘Abdallah Muhammad ibn Khafif al-Dabbi, d. 371/980: theologian: Ash‘arite; mystic: head of an order a. Ta’lifat (works lost, excerpts in 1059-a, 191-a, 362-a) b. Hikayat ba‘d al-fugara’ ‘an Ibn Khafif (ms. London 888; ms. Berlin 3492. The Managib quoted ap. Bagli)
12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 142 Abt Nasr ‘Abdallah-b-‘Ali Sarraj, d. 377/987: mystic a. Kitab al-luma‘, Nicholson ed.; ms. Ellis; ms. London Or. 7710; fragment edited by A. J. Arberry, 1947 b. Mihan al-sufiya (lost, cit. 634-a)
143 Aba Bakr Muhammad-b-Ishag Kalabadhi, d. 380/990: jurist: Hanafite; mystic: Farisi a. al-Taarruf li madhhab ahl al-tasawwuf: ist recension of Suhrawardi Maqttl (363-b): ms. Qadi ‘Askar 1254—Oxford
Il; Cairo; 2nd recension, of al-Qunawi (513-a): ms. Vienna 1888, Fatih 2661, Wali al-Din. Hallaj is designated in this work by the paraphrase ba‘d al-Kubard’ | fi kalam lahu, except
in two places, in fine, where he is called Abt al-Mughith; A. J. Arberry, Cairo, 1933 (with English translation) (identifications omitted) b. al-Akhbar bi fawa’id al-akhydar, ms. Fatih 697; ms. P. 5855
144 Abw’l-Faraj “Abd al-Wahid-b-Bakr Shirazi Warthani, d. in Hijaz 372/981: traditionist
a. Ta’rikh al-sufiya (lost, cited ap. Akhbar al-salihin, ms. Anon., Cairo, Tas.) (source of 170-a) b. [Ahadith wa hikayat |
145 Abt Talib Muhammad Makki, d. 380/990: theologian: Salimi a. Qut al-qulub, printed Cairo, 1310 (cf. 1695-3), (cf. 280-a)
146 Maymiun Tabarani, d. around 418 a.uH.: Nusayri a. Majmii al-a'yad, ms. Nieger (= R. Strothmann ed., Berlin, 1944-46)
150 Mutahhar ibn Tahir Maqdisi Busti, polygraph, wrote in 355/ 966
a. Kitab al-bad’ wa’l-ta’rikh, ms. Damad Ibrahim Pasha... , ms. Rostam Pasha, Huart ed.1! (text and translation); cf. Is. 124
b. Unedited part, Huart copy
151 Thabit ibn Sinan al-Sabi, d. 366/976: historian a. Ta’rikh (years 295/907 to 360/970); fragment in 172-a (299 a.H.), 440-2 301 a.H.), and 440-a (309 a.H.) via 260-a (used 125-a)
160 Abi Ja‘far Muhammad-b-'Ali ibn Babawayh al-Sadiig; d. 381/ 991: theologian: Imamite (= Ibn Babawayh) a. I'tiqgadat al-Imamiya, ms. London Add. (published in part in 1693-a), see 174-a; cf. 1238 1 According to Abt ‘Abdallah (= Ibn Khalawayh, d. 370/980; cf. 211-a, p. 559), pupil of Abu Bakr 1on Mujahid and of Niftawayh (Subkz1 II, 213).
ARABIC AUTHORS 13 b. “Aga’id (distinct from I'tigadat)
c. [Ikmal kamal al-Din .. . Brock. S. ]]
162 Abt ‘Ali Muhassin ibn ‘Ali Tantkhi, d. 384/994: jurist: Hanafite; wrote several accounts, drawn from the Muttazilite Ibn al-Azraq, nephew of Qadi Ibn Buhlul, ap.
a. Nishwar al-mulhadara, ms. P. 3482; Margoliouth ed., 1921; Recueil
b. (Reedition of 125-a. Cf. 250-a) c. [Kitab al-faraj ba‘d al-shidda, Cairo, 1904, 1958] transmitted by his son Abt al-Qasim ‘Ali (b. Basra 365/975, d. 447/ 1055)
164 ‘Arib ibn Sa‘d Qurtubi, historian, wrote around 366/976 a. Silat ta’rikh Tabari (following 111-a, copied from 126-a) ms. Gotha 1554; de Goeje ed., 1897
165 Abi Bakr Muhammad ibn al-Tayyib Baqillani, d. 403/1012: theologian: Ash‘arite; jurist: Malikite a. Kitab fi ‘ajz al-mu'tazila ‘an tashbth dala’il al-nubiuwa (lost,
excerpt in 201-a) (cf. Subki) = al-Bayan wa’l-farg, ms. Ttibingen 93 (cf. Winkler) b. Excerpt ap. 251l-a, and Ibn Dihya, Nibras, Azzawi ed., Baghdad, 1946 165A = “Ali Qazwini Saygali, Surur al-asrar (Kh. VIID; Is. 216
167 Abu'l-Qasim ibn Hawagal, geographer, wrote in 367/977 a. Masalik al-mamalik, de Goeje ed. (cf. recension of 260-a, in 440-a, and 530-a) b. Ibid., Persian translation, ms. Eton, translated into English by Ouseley (cf. 1561-a)
168 Muhammad-b-A-b-Isma‘il ibn Sam‘tn, d. 386/996, Baghdad: Hanabalite mystic
a. Hikam, published by Abt al-Husayn ‘Ali-b-'Umar alQazwini (b. 364/974, d. 442/1050); (fragment), cited in 241-a (cf. 1695-3)
170 Aba ‘Abd al-Rahman Muhammad b. al-Husayn Sulami, b. 330/941, d. 412/1021, Nishapur: mystic a. Tabaqat al-sufiya, ms. London Add. 18520, ms. Berlin
9972, ms. ‘Ashir Effendi 677, ms. ‘Umtmi 157. [Sharieba ed. Cairo, 1953; Pedersen ed., Leiden, 1960]
b. Ta’rikh al-sufiya (lost, fragment in 250-a and 181-a), fragments published ap. Quatre Textes, (1695-1) }? 12 Written before 371/982; used in the ta’rikh of Hafiz al-Hakim Muhammad Ibn alBayy1 al-Dabbi, a historian critical of traditionists (cf. Sam‘ani, s.v Sulami, Subki II, 68)
14 BIBLIOGRAPHY c. Jawami‘ adab al-sufiya, last chapter of his Sunan al-suftya, lost; ms. Laleli Jami‘ 1516
d. Tafsir. . . bi lisén ahl al-haga’iq, mss. Azhar, Kopr. 91 (dated 1077 a.H.), KOpr. 92 (dated 739 a.H.), Fatih 260, Fatih 261 (dated 600 a.H.), Fatih 262 (dated 661 A.H.), Qadi ‘Askar 82 (dated 699 a.H.), Qadi ‘Askar 81, Hakim Ughli 99 (Vol.
II, dated 732 a.u.), Yéni Jami‘ 43 (recension of Hisham al-Din al-Kamili al-Khwarizmi, year 771 a.H.), Wali al-Din 148 (dated 681 a.H.), Damad Ibrahim 115, Alexandria, Bankipore. References to al-Husayn (b. Manstir = Hallaj):!% on Qur’an 1: 1 (2); 2: 14, 51 (2), 109, 256 (2); 3: 16 (4), 25, 29, 34, 77, 89, 138, 188; 4: 103, 124, 138; 5: 3, 23, 39, 101, 116, 119; 6: 2, 18, 19, 53, 66, 69, 73, 76, 91 (2), 103; 7: 1 (2), 22, 28, 97 (2), 139, 140, 158, 171 (3), 204; 9: 43, 112 (2), 129; 10: 1, 33 (2), 35 (2), 43, 82; 11: 1, 3, 47; 12: 67, 76, 106; 13: 9, 28, 42; 14: 15; 15: 75, 99; 16: 21; 17: 72, 76, 110; 18: 8, 17, 48, 64, 78, 81, 107, 109; 19: 13, 55, 57 (2); 20: 18 (2), 26, 106; 21: 38, 43, 83, 110; 23: 12 (3), 14, 15, 93; 24: 26, 31, 35 (3), 37 (2), 53; 25: 2, 4, 22 (2), 60; 27: 29, 60; 28: 24, 46, 73, 85; 30: 39 (2), 45; 32: 16; 33: 23, 35, 72 (2); 35: 16, 29; 36: 10, 21, 55, 82; 37: 106; 39: 23 (4), 55, 63, 67; 40: 15, 67; 42: 17; 44: 51; 46: 25 (2); 47: 21 (2); 48: 10, 29; 49: 3, 17; 50: 1, 36 (3), 37; 51: 21; 52: 47 (2); 53: 3, 24, 43; 55: 1; 56: 23; 57: 3 (4), 5; 58: 8, 22 (2); 59: 8; 62: 4; 64: 3; 65: 2; 68: 4 (4); 69: 38; 72: 7; 74: 3-4, 52; 82: 8; 85: 3; 88: 8, 13, 19; 89: 17; 96: 19; 98: 4, 5; 102: 5, 7 (2); 109: 1; 112: 1 (3); 113: 1. Ms. Sulaym. 97, Sh. ‘Ali
Many references appear in two different recensions (17 = 49, 47 = 93, 52 = 108, 168 = 173, 110 = 150, 146 = 151, 41? = 57, 41? = 152), which seems to prove that al-Sulami used two different glosses of works of Hallaj, those by Faris and Aba Bakr Wasiti, in order to cite them. e. Dhikr asma’.. . (abridged from 170-a), ms. K6pr. 1603 (dated 743 A.H.)
f. Usil al-malamatiya wa ghalatat al-sufiya, ms. Cairo g. ‘Uyub al-nafs, Beirut ed., n.d.; Is. 332 (Massignon Collection)
171 Abt “Ali Ahmad, called Miskawayh, d. 421/1030: polygraph a. Tajarib al-umam (written 372/982): ms. P. 5838 (published in edition of 164-a by de Goeje), ms. Aya Safiya ‘3 In the same way as Ibn al-Jawzi gives 1t (370-b, ch. X).
ARABIC AUTHORS 15 (photo. ed. Teano-Amedroz: years 284-326 a.H.). Margoliouth ed. Eclipse of the ‘Abbasid Caliphate (Oxford, 1922); cf. J. Sauvaget, Historiens arabes, Paris, 1946
172 Abi’l-Faraj Muhammad-b-Ishagq ibn al-Nadim al-Warraq: biblhographer, wrote around 377/988 a. Kitab al-fihrist, 1st ed. Fltigel, 1871, based on ms. Ko6pr.
1134, via copy = ms. P. 4458 (old collection 1400); cf. 2nd
ms. Shahid ‘Ali Pasha 1934, copied from the autograph: Magala V, fasc. 5: based on bib. nos. 120, 151, and perhaps 116 (cf. bib. no. 211) b. Ibid. (2nd list of Hallaj’s works) ms. Berlin 15
174 Muhammad-b-al-Husayn al-Sharif Radi Misawi, d. 406/1015, Baghdad: philologist and Imamite poet a. 'tigadat amlaha ‘ala al-Mufid (cf. bib. no. 179) wa dhayl li’l-Mufid, ms. ‘Ayan b. [Risdlat ila Nar al-Sam‘ani |
175 Abt’l-Hasan ‘Ali-b-Muhammad Daylami, between 371/982 and 570/1175; according to 591-a, this mystic was born in 352/963 at the latest
a. Sirat al-Shaykh ibn Khafif. 1st Persian translation in 1091-a; 2nd Persian translation in 1144-a = Mashyakha b. [Kitab ‘atf al-alif al-ma’luf ‘ala’l-lam al-ma‘tuf |] Cf. H. Rit-
ter, DI (1933); and R. Walzer, JRAS (July 1939). Ms. Ttibingen 82 [tr. in Mélanges Joseph Maréchal, Brussels, 1950]
c. [Kitab ‘atf al-alif al-ma’luf ... ms. Ttibingen Weisw. 81 (cf. Ritter, 1772-b; Walzer, JRAS, 1939) ]
178 Abt Hayyan ‘Ali ibn Muhammad Tawhidi, b. 320/932, d. 414/ 1023, Shiraz (see 591-a): philosopher a. Kitab al-hajj al-‘agli idha daga al-fada ‘an al-hajj al-shar’it (lost, cf. 170-d, in III). Cf. 923-a, 410-a b. [Riyad al-‘arifin. Risala fi akhbar al-sufiya (lost) | c. Sadaga wa’l-siddig, Cairo, 1323 d. [Risalat fi’l-sidq wa’l-tasdiq . . . , Cairo, 1884] e. (al-Imta‘ wa’l-nudamda’, Cairo, 1949-1953]
179 Abt ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-Muhammad ‘Ukbari Mufid, d. 413/1022: theologian: Imamite a. Kitab fi al-radd ‘ald al-Hallajiya* (lost, cited 257-a, 698-a, 725-a, 755-a, 923-a, 1183-a, 1229-a) b. Sharh ‘aga’id al-Sadug, Shahrastani ed., Tabriz, 1359. Cf. Khuyyi (1236); 924-a; 1238-a; Is. 333 14 Variant: ashab al-Hallay.
16 BIBLIOGRAPHY . 180 Abt Sa‘d ‘Abd al-Malik-b-‘Uthmian Kharktshi, d. 406/1019: mystic: Malamati; theologian: Ash‘arite a. Tahdhib al-asrar, ms. Berlin Spr. 832 b. Riyad al-uns, ms. “Ajjan: not consulted
180A H-b-M-b-Habib Naysaburi, d. 406/1015 a. ‘Ugala’ al-Majanin (Damascus, 1343); Is. 224
181 Aba Sa‘id Muhammad-b-‘Ali Naqqash, d. 412/1021, Isfahan: jurist: Hanbalite
a. Ta'rikh al-sufiya (lost, fragment in 530-a, cf. 633-a, which used 170-b)
182 Abw’l-Husayn ‘Ali ibn Jahdam al-Himsi Hamadhiani, d. 414/ 1023, Jerusalem: traditionist a. Bahjat al-asrar wa lawami' al-anwar (source of 278-a and 320-a) (1 fragment in Damascus: Zah. majm. 64)
183 Abu’l-‘Abbas Ahmad-b-Muhammad b. Zakariya Nasawi alMisri, d. 396/1005: jurist: Shafi ite
a. Tabagat al-sufitya (cited in 810-a, no. 7905; source of 309-a, etc.; lost), fragment in 250-b (using 170-b); Is. 206
185 Aba’l-Hasan Qabisi Qayrawani, d. around 420/1029:'5 jurist: Malikite a. Fatwa (cited in 310-a, 793-a, 811-a)
186 Anonymous Ta’rikh inba@’ al-anbiya’ wa’l-khulafa’ (circa 422 A.H.), ms.
London Or. 8583
187 Abu’l-‘Ala’ Muhammad-b-‘Ali-b-Ahmad-b-Ya‘qab Wasiti, d. 431/1039: qadi and mugri’: pupil of Ibn al-Bayyi a. Riwaya (cited in 250-a)
190 Abu’l-Rayhan Muhammad-b-Ahmad Birtini, d. 440/1048: mathematician a. al-Athar al-bagiya ‘an al-quriin al-khaliya (written 390)
1000), Sachau ed., 1878 (cf. English translation Sachau, 1879): chap. VUI—Ms. P. supp. Ar. 713, miniature copied
from ms. Edinburgh Univ. 161 (Th. Arnold): cf. ms. Salemann, Bull. Acad. Petersb. 1912 b. Ta rikh al-Hind, Sachau ed. 1887 (= 170-d)
c. Tafhim (? missing in Ramsay Wright ed., 1934), in which the reference concerning Talaqan noted by Narallah Shushtari (1175-a) came from Mu ‘tabar by Syazi (138)
d. [Mugaddimat kitab al-saydala fi’l-tibb. Istanbul 1937, Meyerhoff ed. | 15 Codera, Bibl. arab. hisp . 1, 89; VII, 94, IL, 278.
ARABIC AUTHORS 17 e. [Kitab al-jamahir fi ma‘rifat al-jawahi, Hyderabad, 1935]
191 Aba ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b- Abdallah ibn Bakuiya, d. 428 A.H., Shiraz: mystic
a., b. Bidayat hal al-Hallaj wa nihayatuhu (wnitten in Nishapur in 426/1034), ms. Damascus, cat. n. 81 (majm.) (dated 897/1491) = Akhbar al-Hallaj, cited in 440-a, used in 250-a (major recension) and 530-a (minor recension). Major recension published ap. Quatre Textes, III (1695-1). See notice
Is. 324 (ap. Mélanges Félix Grat, 1946. I). Ms. Damascus majm. 81 (Ajurri), 7th Risdla
201 ‘Abd al-Qahir Baghdadi, d. 429/1037: Ash‘arite theologian a. al-Farg bayn al-firag (written after 378/988), ms. Berlin 2800 = summarized ap. ms. Damascus cat. n. 31 = Badr ed. (Cairo, 1328). Translated by Seelye (New York, 1922), completed by Halkin (Tel Aviv, 1936) b. His Mukhtasar, ascribed to “A Razzaq-b-Rizq Ras’ani, (written in 647), pub. by P. K. Hitti (Cairo, 1924) (cf. translation by P. K. Hitti) c. Kitab al-milal wa’l-nihal (lost, cit. Subki) d. [Kitab usul al-Din, Istanbul, 1938]
210 Abti Manstir “Abd al-Malk-b-Muhammad Tha‘ahbi, d. 429/ 1038: polygraph a. Thimar al-qulub, Cairo, 1326
b. Nafhat al-majlub (abridged from 210-a), ms. Leyden Cod. 903 c. [Kitab yatimat al-dahr (Cairo, 1965-1967), work completed by Bakharzi| d. [Kitab lata’if al-ma‘arif, De Jong ed., Leyden, 1867]
211 Abt’l-Hasan ‘Ali-b-Dikhla ibn al-Qarih Halabi, d. around 421/1030, Mosul: grammarian a. Risalat ila al-Ma arvi (cf. 212-a), ms. Jaza’‘iri = edition ap.
‘“Al-Mugtabas” 1910. Reprinted by Kurdaly, Rasa’il alBulagha’ (Cairo, 1331); the lacuna after “*Shibli’’ comes from the unique ms. Jaza’iri, Taymur Collection, majm. 80 (copied in ms. Taymiur [year 1327] no. 753)
212 Abu’l-‘Ala’ al-Ma‘arri, d. 450/1058: poet a. Risdlat al-ghufran (response to 211-a), Cairo ed., 1907 = Nicholson ed. JRAS, London, 1902 (translation and text)
213 ‘Ali ibn Tahir al-Sharnif al-Murtada ‘Alam Huda, d. 436/1044: theologian: Imamite a. Tawgi cf. 213-b, cit. in 812-a b. Probable source of 1081-a
18 BIBLIOGRAPHY 214 Pseudo-Mayjriti a. Ghayat al-hakim, Ritter ed., 1933; cf. Latin translation ‘“Picatrix,”’ and Hebrew translation
218 Abu'l-Hasan Dumi, historian, wrote in 427/1035 a. Tuhfat al-zurafa’ ft akhbdr al-anbiya’ wa’l-khulafa’, ms. Cambridge 225
220 Hilal ibn al-Muhassin Sabi, d. 448/1056: historian a. Kitab al-wuzara’ (written before 433/1042), Amedrox ed. 1904
228 Abt Ja far Muhammad-b-al-Husayn-b-Ahmad ibn Yazdanyar, mystic, wrote around 430/1038 a. Rawdat (adab) al-muridin, ms. Cairo, I]; ms. P. 1369
230 Abu Ja‘far Muhammad ibn al-Sabbah Saydalani, Hallajian, wrote around 440/1048, in Iraq a. Fi takfir al-Faristya (excerpt in 1055-a)
231 Abua’)]-Qiasim ‘Abd al-Karim ibn Hawazin Qushayri, d. 465/ 1074: jurist: Shafi ‘ite; mystic a. Risala ila jama‘at al-sufiya bi-buldan al-Islam, written in
437/1045: Cairo, 1290, recension of Abt al-Mahasin alRuwayani, 502/1108 = Cairo, 1318. See bib. no. 1338 b. Lata’if al-ishdrat (tafsir),4© ms. Yeni 101, ms. Faydiyah 224, 225: on Qur’an 3:188; 15:42; 22:41; 23:99; 25:61-62; 28:30; 42:27; 44:7; Recueil
c. Fatwa (cit. 1055-a, 1101-b, 632-a) d. Kitab tartib al-suluk fi tariqg Allah, ms. Berlin 3262 (excerpt in 683~a); ms. AS 2910 (chap. VI), Recueil; cf. Rasa’il ms. Hakim Ughli 942 e. [Takhyir, ms. P. 1383]
240 Muhammad-b-Salama Quda’i, d. 454/1062: Shafi‘ite a. Ta’rikh ... ms. P. 1490 = ms. London Add. 23285 = ms. Bodl. (Poc. 270) = ms. Bodl. (Or. Marshall) (cf. 218-a) 241 Abu Muhammad ‘Ali-b-Ahmad ibn Hazm, d. 456/1064: jurist: Zahirite a. al-Fisal fi'l-milal . . . wa’l-nihal, Cairo, 1317; cf. 2210-a b. [Jamharat ansab al-‘Arab, Cairo, 1948 (Lévi-Provengal ed.)] c. al-Ihkam fi usul al-ahkam, Cairo, 1345-1347 (1926-1928) 8
vols. in 2; Cairo, 1968 16 Nor to be confused with his tafsir kabir finished before 410/1019 (Subki, II], 245-246).
ARABIC AUTHORS 19 d. al-Muhalla, Cairo, 1347-1352 (1928-1933), 11 vols.; Cairo, 1964 (11 vols. in 8) e. Mudawat al-nufas wa tahdhib al-akhlag, Cairo, 1323/1905; Medina, 1970
242 Abt Ja far Muhammad ibn Hasan Tiasi, d. 459/1067: jurist: Imamite
a. Kitab al-ghayba (cit. in 511-a, excerpt in 923-a). Lith. Tabriz, 1323 b. Kitab al-igtisad (excerpt in 567-a) + c. [Fihrist kitab al-shi‘a (Brock. S. 1707; Eng. translation by Sprenger, Calcutta, 1855) |
250 Abt Bakr ibn Thabit Khatib Baghdadi, d. 463/1071: traditionist a. Ta’rikh Baghdad,}? ms. Képr. 1023, 1025; Hakim Ughli 694; Nuri ‘Uthmaniya 3093-3094 (s.v. Husayn ibn Mansur). Gives first §§ 1-68 (summary published in Quatre Textes), then §§ 69-84, of 125-a (859). Cf. ms. Azhar (Cairo, 1831), Vol. VIII; see notice Is. 301 (= ap. Mélanges Félix Grat, 1946) b. Mukhtasar ta’rikh Baghdad (anonymous), ms. P. 2132 c. [Kitab al-tatfil wa hikayat al-Tufatliyin, Brock. S. I]
251 Abt’l-Ma‘ali “Abd al-Malik Juwayni Imam al-Haramayn, d. 478/1085, Nishapur: theologian: Ash‘arite a. al-Shamil fi usal al-din (lost,}® corr. Brock. G. I) (excerpt 471 -a)
252 Abw’l-Muzaffar Shahfir-b-Tahir Isfara’ini, d. 471/1078: theologian: Ash‘arite
a. al-Farg bayn al-firag, ms. Berlin 2801 (reed. of 201-a). [S-2 Tabsir f'l-din (= al-Farq)], M. S. Na‘imi A‘zami ed., Tunis, 1939; and M.Z.H. Kawthari ed., Cairo, 1940
253 Abt Shakur M Salimi Kashi
a. Tamhid ft bayan al-tawhid, mss. IO 384 and 1033; ms. Calcutta ASB Arabic 440 (Ivanow)
256 Abw’l-Fadl Muhammad-b-Tahir-b-‘Ali Magqdisi ibn alQaysarani, d. 507/1113: traditionist, apologist for Stufism?9 a. Critique of 131-a (cited 1055-a)
257 ... fbn Hamza... , d. around 490/1097 (pupil of bib. no. 242): Imamite a. Hadi ila’l-najat min jami al-muhlikat (summary of 179-a; excerpt ap. 1183-a) 17 Abridged ‘‘Rawdat al-abrar,’”’ ms. Wali al-Din, 2424. 18 This is not ms. Leyden 1945, nor ms. Algiers 2015. 19 Author of the Safwat al-tasawwuf, Zahinite.
20 BIBLIOGRAPHY 259 Shaydhala Jili, d. 494/1100 a. Lawami‘’, ms. Berlin 3083, and 3082 pub. by S. Pines, Orientalia, 1938. Fragment ap. ms. Vatican Ar. 32, cf. Levi della Vida, Elenco des manoscritti arabi islamici, Vatican, 1935
260 Abt Yusuf ‘Abd al-Salam-b-Muhammad Qazwini, b. 393/ 1002, d. 488/1095: Zaydite;2° Mu'tazilite; pupil of “Abd alJabbar and Ibn Kay a. Akhbar al-Hallaj (lost work: used in 370-a, 458-a; cited in 440-a) reply to the following work (261-a)
261 Abw’l-Wafa’ ‘Ali ibn “Agil, d. 513/1119: jurist: Hanbalite a. Juz’ fi nasr (karamat) al-Hallaj (cited in 261-b). I believe this work to be the same as the anonymous Risala hallajiya,
which I published under the title Akhbar al-Hallaj (Quatre
Textes, 1695-l). In addition to the arguments developed there, such as that concerning the technical retouchings, which are by a Hanbalite, and which clearly showed a break with the “disciples of al-Halla)” (Talamidha, §§ 18, 19, 38, 52), we must include the quotation from §§ 10 and 23 by the Hanbalite Munaw1(795-a), the use of tarahhum (§ 10) specifically blamed on Ibn ‘Aqil (the tardiya § 16 is probably, and the tagdis § 6 is surely, interpolated), and the deliberate omis-
sion of the name of the author (copied from a retracted work); cf. 275-a, 392-a, 463-a. [This] juz’ = intisar (2): Is. 408 (Mélanges Félix Grat, 1946) b. Khatt (retraction, in 465/1073); text in 570-a c. [Kitab al-funan, ms. P. 787; edited by George Makdisi, see bib. no. 2152]
262 A-b-M ibn ‘Abd al-Karim b-M-b-Sa‘d, d. 902 a. Firdaws (Persian translation bib. no. 1129A-a)
270 Aba’l-Yumn Mas‘ad-b-Muhammad Bukhari, d. 491/1098: historian a. Mukhtasar ta’rikh Baghdad (excerpt of 250-a), ms. Berlin 9850
271 Abt ‘Ali ibn Jazla, d. 493/1100: historian a. Mukhtasar ta’rikh Baghdad (reed. of 270-a), ms. London
Br. Mus. Or. 107
275 ‘Ali-b-Ahmad-b-‘Ali al-Wa4a‘iz ibn al-Qassas Shirwani, d. around 500/1106: traditionist 20 Subki ITI, 230.
ARABIC AUTHORS 21 a. Akhbar al-Hallaj. | believe this work 1s a first reedition of 261-a; according to al-Silafi: “most of its isnads come from a work without authority,” a veiled way of indicating a retracted work (cited 530-d, via 295-a)
276 Husayn-b-al-Mufaddal Raghib al-Istahani, d. 502/1108: |itterateur a. Muhadarat al-udaba’, Cairo, 1902 b. [al-Dhari‘a ila makarim al-shari'a. Brock. G. 1]
278 Abt Bakr Muhammad-b-Ja‘far al-Sarraj al-Qari’, d. 500/1106, Baghdad: traditionist a. Masdri al-'ushshag, Istanbul, 1301. Verified abridged ed. of Biqal, ms. P. 3005
280 Abt. Hamid Muhammad Ghazali, d. 505/1111: theologian a. Ihya’ ‘ulum al-din (written 488/1095), Cairo, 1312; ap. ‘ibadat (‘ilm 1-3), ‘adat (sama* VIII-2), muhlikat (dhamm alghurur X-3), munjiyat (tawba 1-4; tawhid V-1; mahabba VI-1; tafakkur TX -3)
b. Mukashafat al-qulub, abridged ed., Cairo, 1300 c. al-Magsad al-asna, Cairo, 1324 d. Ma‘arij al-salikin, ms. P. 1331 e. Mishkat al-anwar wa misfat al-asrar, ms. P. 1331 (= Cairo
ed., 1322). Not to be confused with Mishkat al-anwar wa lata’if al-akhbar by Ibn al-Misri, d. 877/1472 (comp. Cairo cat. no. 8246 with 810-a, s.v.); 1322 ed. f. al-Imla’ ‘ala mushkil al-ihya’, ms. Berlin 1714 (cit. 461-a, 862-a)
g. Mustazhiri, Goldziher ed. (cf. 1640-g) h. Radd jamil, Chidiac ed., Paris, 1940 i. Sirr al-‘alamayn, Cairo, 1327 [j. not printed | k. Mizan al-‘amal, Cairo, 1328 |. (Fada’ih al-batiniya, Cairo, 1964] m. [al-Qistas al-mustagim, Beirut, 1959] n. [Faysal al-tafriga, Cairo, 1901]
281 Ahmad Ghazali, d. 520/1126: mystic a. Lubb ihya’ ‘ulim al-din (summary of 280-a), ms. Oxford (excerpt in 1520-a) b. Wa‘z (cf. 370-1), Recueil (= Ibn Abi’l-Hadid, Sharh alnahj); Sibt ibn al-Jawzi, Mir’at (1907 ed.); Sha‘rawi, Lawag (1343)
22 BIBLIOGRAPHY c. Sawanih, Ritter ed. (in Persian = 1082-c) d. Sermon, ap. 370-1 e. [ Ishqtya |
282 Muhammad ibn Abi’]-Fad] Hamadhani, d. 521 a.u.: historian a. Takmila (written 487/1094), ms. P. 1469 (cf. notes of de Goeje, in 1897 ed. of ‘Arib, 1650-a)-(49§); Ta’rikh = ‘Unwan al-siyar, Kitab al-wuzara’ (on the visit of Vizir Ibn al-Muslima to the maslib of al-Hallaj in 437): according to ‘Ayni, ‘Igd, ms. Salim Agha (Gul. 1719-a), ms. Welieddin 2388 (year 450); Is. 414
287 Aba’l-‘Abbas A-b-M ibn al-‘Arif, d. 536 A.n. a. Mahasin al-majalis, Asin Palacios ed., Paris, 1933; cf. Diwan al-Hallaj (= ms. Alex.)
289 Abu ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-Ahmad Qurtubi, d. 520 a.H.: jurist: Malikite a. Fragment (excerpt in 960-a, based on 542-a?)
290 Abu Bakr ibn al-Walid Turtushi, d. 520/1126: Malikite a. Risala (excerpt in 542-a and 960-a)
291 (Qayrawani), historian, wrote around 500/1105 (used 170-b, 171, 1059-a via 260-a)
a. Kitab al-‘Uyun, ms. Berlin, unedited part cited by de Goeje in 1897 ed. of ‘Arib, 1650-a
295 Abt Tahir Ahmad Silafi, d. 5576/1180: traditionist a. (Critique of 275-a, cited 530-d [this is not the ms. Esc., 1783 (= formerly 1778), Casiri’s mistake: it is a collection of hadiths transmitted by some Baghdadi shaykhs (Asin) })
308 Aba’l-Ma‘ali ‘Ayn al-Qudat Hamadhani, executed in 525/1131 (Persian works) a. Zubdat al-haga’iq = Tamhidat, Berlin 1727, India Office 1793-1794, Budh. 2147 Paris, numerous references; and (citations of Hallajian works) (Ivanow) ms. IO 445. Turkish translation (As'ad, Mhd Hafiz). See bib. no. 1082 b. Maktubdat, see bib. no. 1082; Meier, DI, XXIV (1937), 1-9
c. Shakwa, ms. Berlin 2076 (cf. ed. of J. M. ‘Abd al-Jalil, JAP, 1930)
309 Qawam al-Din Isma‘il-b-Muhammad Hafiz Isfahani, d. 535/ 1140: historian a. Kitab tabagat siyar al-salaf, ms. P. 2012
310 ‘Lyad Sibti, d. 544/1149: jurist: Malikite
ARABIC AUTHORS 23 a. Kitab al-shifa’, Istanbul, 1312; ms. P. 1956
315 Aba ‘Ali Fadl-b-Hasan Tabarsi Kabir, d. 548/1153: jurist: Imamite a. Reedition of Tawgi from 117-a (cited 812-a); mere mention in his Kitab al-ihtijaj, ms. 1O, Ar. 166, and ith. Tehran, 1302
320 Ibn Khamis Ka‘bi, d. 552/1157: mystic a. Mandagqib al-abrar, 1st recension: ms. Cairo; 2nd recension
(with completions): ms. London, Or. 408
328 Abt Sa‘d Qaylawi, d. 603 a.H.: Qadiri a. Citations of al-Hallaj (ap. 502-a)
330 Aba ‘Abd Allah-b-‘Abd al-Rahman Kirmani, around 550/1155? a. Hikayat [al-Hallaj | ‘an al-Shaykh Ibn Khafif (legend of the
“Visits” of al-Shibli and Ibn Khafif); transmitted by Shaykh
Abt’l-Husayn-b-Yutsuf Qaradi, to Shaykh Abt ‘Abdallah
al-Husayn ibn Razin (= perhaps Aba ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-al-Hasan (sic) ibn Razin Hamawi, d. 680/1281 ac-
cording to Subki, Tab. Shaf. Ct. ‘Abd al-Latif-bMuhammad-b-Husayn ibn Razin, d. 710/1310, in Damascus,
according to Subki ibid.). Compiled with 261-a in 474-b, perhaps via 392-a. Fragment in 282-a, 402-a, 458-a, 463-c; Is. 401
334 Ibn ‘Asakir, d. 571 A.H. a. Ta’rikh, ms. P. 2137
335 Ibn Hamdan, d. 553 a.H. a. Wuzara’, ms. P. 1570, 35-b [and ms. P. 3324, cf. this edition, 1, 400, n. 45] 339 ‘Azaz-ibn Mustawdi‘ Bata’ihi, d. before 5550/1155: Rifa‘ite a. Hikayat [al-Hallaj wa’l- Asad] (excerpt in 361-a)
340 Shaykh ‘Adi-ibn Musafir Umawi, d. 558/1162, Lalish: mystic, venerated by the Yazidiya
a. Risala fi al-Yazidiya, unique ms. ‘Aziz Qass Yusuf, Mosul: work’s date uncertain: hostile to Yazidis (cf. 1695-a); cf. 999-02. The Hallajism of the “Adawiya is proven by ms. Cairo Tal‘at 4528 of the Qissa (Mélanges Félix Grat)
341 Muhyi al-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir Kilani Bushtiri, d. 561/1166, Baghdad: jurist: Hanbalite; mystic: founded the Qadiriya a. Manaqib: Riwaya of ‘Umar al-Bazzaz (d. 608/1211): text in 502-a
b. Ibid. Riwaya of Abt Nasr Musa al-Kilani: text in 502-a
24 BIBLIOGRAPHY c. Ibid. Riwaya of ‘Ali-b-al-Hiti (d. 5564/1169): text in 502-a
d. Ibid. Riwaya of Ibrahim-b-Sahl Taghlabi Rumi: text in 951-a e. Ibid. Riwaya of ‘Abdallah Bata’ihi: 502-a
f. Ibid. Riwaya of Abt Salih Nasr Kilani: text in 502-a, (c., e., f. = Fusul, ed. by “AR-b-Yf ibn al-Jawzi [605 a.H., d. 656 A.H.; Tadhifi, 17], based on Ibn al-Mansiri [d. 635 A.n. }) g. Fath rabbani (recension Yafi'i, Khuldsa). Recueil h. Kitab al-Ghunya li talibi tarig al-haqq, Cairo, 1288 A.u.
350 Aba Sa‘d ‘Abd al-Karim-b-Muhammad Sam ‘ani, d. 562/1167: traditionist a. Kitab al-Ansab (under rubric: ha’ lam alif), ms. London Add. 23-355 = Gibb [Hyderabad] b. Same work, with gloss cited in 1175-a
352 Muwaffaq al-Din ibn Qudama a. [Kitab al-tawwabin, ms. P. 1384; ed. by George Makdisi 2111-a] b. [Radd ‘ala Ibn ‘Agil, ms. Asaf II, 1720]
353 Badr al-Din Badal Tibrizi a. Tuhfat al-awliya’ (in 5560/1165), ms. P. 4842. (History of the Caliphs until 560/1165; hostile note on Hallaj)
354 Abia ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-Tahir Hiri Farisi, d. 570/1175: traditionist
a. Dalalat al-mustanhy ila salim al-ma‘arif wa risalat almustabhij ila ‘awalim al-ma‘arif (= Tabaqat al-sufiya), ms. ‘Ayan
357 A Marwan ibn al-Kardabus Tuzari (approx. 580/1182) a. Iktifa’ fi akhbar al-khulafa’, ms. T. Ragragi (= 126-a = 330-b = 275-a): Recueil
358 Ibn al-Dahhan Baghdadi a. Taqwim al-nazar, ms. P. 788 and ms. P. 789
359 Abt Ja‘far Muhammad ibn Tufayl] Qaysi, d. 581/1183: philosoher
° a. Risalat Hayy ibn Yagzan, Cairo, 1299; [Eng. tr. Lenn Evan Goodman. New York, 1972] 360 Abt’l-Hasan ‘Ali Musaffar Sibti, living in 600/1203: mystic;?} d. 638 a.H., Hama (Ibn Taghrib., ms. P. 1780) a. Qasida ‘aliya (Qul li al-ikhwan) (cf. 499-a) ** Author of the “Minha al-‘abidin”’ and of the ““Madmun saghir” attributed to Ghazall.
ARABIC AUTHORS 25 361 Abw’l-‘Alamayn Ahmad Rifa‘i al-Husayni, d. 570/1175, Umm ‘Ubayda: mystic, head of an order a. Mandgib, Riwaya of Ibrahim al-A‘zab (d. 609/1212), in 464-a and 1136-a (cf. 739-a and 951-a) b. al-Burhan al-mu’ayyad (error?), Cairo, 1322
c. Excerpt ap. bib. no. 739A (Mufarry) Shaybani) (AF Wasiti)
363 Shihab al-Din Yahya-b-Habash Suhrawardi Magtul, d. 5 Rajab 587/29 July 1199, Aleppo: philosopher; mystic a. Kalimat al-tasawwuf, ms. IO Pers. 1922, no. V
b. Sharh al-ta‘arruf (comm. 143-a): ms. Oxford Bodl. I] (= Fatih 2777, Qadi ‘Askar 1254); Recueil c. al-Rumuz wa’l-amthal (restore to 433-a) d. (Title not given) (excerpt in 423-a)
e. Hikmat al-ishrag (lith. Tehran, 1313) (translated in 1721-a)
f. (Title not given) (excerpt in 795-a) g. (Title not given) (excerpt in 1156-a) h. Jadhb al-qulub (apocr.)
i. Kalimat dhawgiya wa nukat shawgiya, ms. ‘Ashir Eff. 1451, published by D. Gtinzburg, Arabic mss. of the Inst. Lg. Or. St. Petersburg, 1891 = ms. 230 j. U'tigad al-hukama’, ms. P. 1245/7
364 Ibn Ma’mtin Bata’ihi, d. 580 a.n. a. Ta’rikh al-amir, cf. 618-a
365 Ibn Rushd, d. 595 a.H. a. Tahafut, Cairo b. Bidayat al-mujtahid wa nihayat al-muqtasid, Cairo, 1928, 2
vols. in 1; Cairo, 1935, 2 vols.; Cairo, 1952, 2 vols. in 1; Cairo, 1966
366 Hibatallah Azajil, d. 591 a.n. a. Radd ‘ala. . . Ibn ‘Agil fi nusrat al-Hallaj, cf. Dhahabi, Ta’rikh, s.a.
367 Shibab M-b-Mahmid Tisi Sanabadhi, d. 596 a.n. a. Fatwa ap. Abt Shama, Dhayl, ms. P. 5852
370 Abw’l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi, d. 597/1200, Baghdad: jurist: Hanbalite
a. al-Muntazam, ms. P. 5909; ms. Berlin 9436 (cf. Hyderabad edition)
26 BIBLIOGRAPHY b. Kitab al-Namus?? fi talbis Iblis, ms. Aleppo (Ahmadiya 827: of the year 799/1396); T6pqapi 1454; Aya Safiya 1739; As‘ad 1641; Cairo, 1923 = ms. Bihar 120, Dehli lith., Urdu translation) c. al-Qati’ li majdl al-l’ jaj al-qati‘ bi muhal ihtijaj al-Hallaj (a
lost work, quoted 370-a and 440-a = Raf‘ al-lujaj fi akhbar al-Hallaj, quoted 512-b) d. Jawahir (? —critique of bib. no. 341, quoted ap. 740-a) e. Narjis al-qulub wa dalil ‘ala tariq al-mahbub, ms. Mirjaniya
f. Minhaj al-gasidin (summary of 280-a), ms. P. 1295 (all quotations from Hallaj are cut out) g. Cf. 535-b h. Ru’us al-qawarir, Cairo, 1332
i. Qussas, ms. Leiden W. 998 [Eng. ed. and tr. by Merlin Swartz. Kitab al-Qussas wa’l-Mudhakkirin. Beirut, 1971] j. Sayd al-khatir, Cairo, 1345 k. [Daf‘ shubhat al-tasbih . .. Damascus, 1926] |. [al-Mawdu ‘at, Brock. $.1917|
m. [Hikayat, ms. P. 1567| n. {al-‘Arib fi tafsir al-gharib, Brock. G. I 504] [o. Mu‘allafat ibn al-Jawzi (‘Alwaji, Baghdad, 1965). List of
works by this author. |
371 Mubarak-b-‘Abd al-Karim ibn al-Athir Jazari, d. 606/1209, Mosul: Shafi ite a. Kitab al-mukhtar min mandaqib al-akhyar, ms. KOpr. 1136 (of the year 890/1485); cf. Spies, MO, 1930
380 Sadr al-Din Abi Muhammad Rauzbahan Bagli, d. 606/1209, Shiraz: mystic
a. Tafsir ‘Ara’is al-Bayan (reedition of 170-d and 231-b);
ms. London 1589 = ms. Berlin 808 (Or. Spr. 864) = ms. Nari “Uthman 322 = ms. Qadi ‘Askar 124 = ms. Walial-Din
173 = ms. Hakim Ughli 106 = printed Cawnpore, 1883, 2 vols. 620 + 488 pages: on Qur’an 1:5 (2); 2:32; 3:4; 4:62; 5:59, 101; 6:70, 148, 165; 7:97, 140 (2), 141, 155; 10:36; 12:25, 31, 83; 13:36; 14:7, 37, 39, 41; 15:42, 99; 16:42. 22:2. 24:14. 27:63;
28:29; 37:7 (2), 164; 38:44; 39:11; 41:53; 48:10 (2); 50:1-2; 52:1; 54:50; 55:56; 58:22: 74:31: 76:6; 81:1: 99:2. And 176 of the 208 numbers already given in 170-d 22 Criticized ap. Mufawadat of Ibn Abi al-Mansdtr of Alexandria in 663/1265 (ms. Cairo
VI, 559).
ARABIC AUTHORS 27 b. Mantiq al-asrar bi bayan al-anwar (lost; translated into Per-
sian and expanded by the author under the title Sharh alshathiyat: 1091-a). Cf. quotation ap. 1150-a; ms. L.M. dated 665 a.H. (cf. Riw. and Taw.); 2 Mashhad mss. c. [Tahfat al-‘irfan, ms. H. Corbin]
385 Fakhr al-Din Muhammad-b-‘Umar Ra4zi, d. 606/1209, Herat: theologian: Ash‘arite a. al-Masa’il al-khamsun, Cairo, 1328 (cf. 853-a) b. Fatwa fi Anda’l-hagqg, ms. Taymur majm. 193 (cf. ms. Arles 428; via Najm Daya, Kitab al-manarat): (G. Vajda) c. Tafsir kabir d. Awsdaf al-ashraf
e. [Asas al-tagdis fi ‘ilm al-kalam; ms. KOpr. 796, Brock. S. I, 923]
386 [bn al-Bitriq, Imamite a. Mustadrik (537-b)
387 Abw’l-Qiasim ‘Imad al-Din Faryabi, d. 607/1210: Hanafite a. Khalisat al-haga’iqg, ms. Cairo Il, 81
388 Abt’l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn al-Sabbagh, d. 612/1215, Kenah (Qina): mystic: Qadiri a. Kitab ahwalihi wa managibihi (excerpt in 502-a)
389 AH ‘Ali Harawi, d. Aleppo around 625 a.H.: muhtasib (epitaph ap. J. Sauvaget, “Les Perles choisies’’ d’Ibn ach-Chihna, Beirut, 1933)
a. Rihla, ms. P. 5975; ms. Cairo, new cat. VI-32
390 [bn Jubayr, d. 614/1217: geographer a. Rihla, Wright ed. = de Goeje ed. (cf. 1684-a)
391 Shihab al-Din Ahmad-b-'Umar al-Khiwagi Najm al-Din Kubra, d. 618/1221: mystic: head of an order a. Tarigat nama (in Arabic), ms. Laleli 1516 b. [Fawatih al-jamal, F. Meier, Wiesbaden, 1957]
392 Shihab al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahman-b-'Umar-b-Abi Nasr ibn alGhazzal al-Wa‘iz, d. 615/1218: jurist: Hanbalite a. Juz’ ft akhbar al-Hallaj (2nd reedition of 261-a) (quoted ap. 570-a)
393 Ibn al-Mar’a, d. 616/1219: Ash‘arite a. Sharh al-irshad (from Juwayni), Vol. Ill, s.v. al-Darr, ms. Cairo II, 58
401 Abt Hafs Shihab al-Din ‘Umar-b-Muhammad Suhrawardi, d. 632/1234, Baghdad: mystic: Suhrawardi
28 BIBLIOGRAPHY a. ‘Awarif al-ma‘arif, Cairo, 1312
402 ‘Abd al-Rahman ‘Umar Jawbari, wrote around 618/1221, in Damascus: polygraph
a. al-Mukhtar ft kashf al-asray, ms. P. 4640. Cf. ms. Cheikho, ms. As‘ad 3888; ms. As‘ad, 1703; ms. Cheikho (Mashriq, 1909; Cairo ed., 1302) (abbreviated)
403 Abt Hafs Sharaf al-Din “Umar ibn al-Farid, d. 632/1234, Cairo: poet, mystic a. Nazm al-sultik (ta’iya kubra), (cf. 508-a)
b. Diwan, Beirut, 1902
405 Abut’l-‘Abbas Ahmad ibn ‘Ali Bini, d. 622/1225: cabalist a. Shams al-ma‘arif al-kubra, Cairo, 1318 (summary of the eleven magalah fi al-simiya attributed to al~Hallaj; probably
through a distortion of the formulas of his Kitab al-sayhir) (ct. 485-a), ms. P. 2595 b. Lubab fi tadhib al-ansab, Cairo, 1357
410 Yagtt al-Rami, d. 626/1229: biographer a. Irshad al-arib (Mu ‘jam al-udaba’), Margoliouth ed.
b. [Mu‘jam al-buldan, Margohouth ed., Leiden, 1907]
419 ‘Umar ibn Dihya, 633 A.H. a. Nibras, Azzawi ed., Baghdad, 1946 (165-b)
420 Aba’l-Hasan ‘Ali ibn al-Athir, d. 630/1232, Mosul: brother of bib. no. 371; historian a. Kitab al-kamil, Tornberg ed.
421 Muhyi al-Din Abii Bakr Muhammad-b- Ali ibn ‘Arabi, d. 638/1240, Damascus: mystic; jurist: Zahirite a. Muhadarat al-abrar wa musamarat al-akhyar, Cairo, 1282 b. al-Futuhat al-makkiya, Cairo, 1269
c. al-Ba’, ms. P. 1339 (cf. Sin al-Ba’ wa al-Ya’, quoted 531-a). Still undiscovered d. Fuss al-hikam ft khusus al-kalam (wmitten 627/1229), Istanbul, 1309, and ms. Vienna 1898 [see also 1809-c|
e. Tafsir al-Qur’an (to be restored to al-Kashi = bib. no. 515), Cairo ed. f. al- Tajalliyat al-ilahiya, ms. As‘ad 3559; cf. Recueil g. al-Jawab al-mustaqim ‘amma sa’ala ‘anhu al-Tirmidhi alHakim, ms. ‘Umtimi, majm. 11: on question 147; cf. Recueil = Futuhat h. al-Siraj al-wahhaj fi sharh kalam al-Hallaj (a lost work:
cited in no. 22 of the list drawn up by himself of his 439
ARABIC AUTHORS 29 works Fihrist al-kutub al-musannafa, ms. Faydiyah 2119. Ct. Tahir Beg, Tarjama hal wa fada’il shaykh Akbar, Istanbul, 1316; 2nd ed., 1329) i. Taj al-rasa@’il wa minhaj al-wasa’il, printed in Majmicat rasa’il, Cairo, Kordi, 1328; Hyderabad, 1948 j. Tafsir surat al-duha (excerpt in 844-a). Cf. Recueil k. Kitab al-ajwiba ‘an al-masda’tl al-Mansuriya (a lost work: cited in nos. 10 and 375 of Tahir Beg’s list). Doubtful. Publ. Diwan Hallaj |. Risdlat al-dhakha’ir wa’l-a‘lag fi sharh tarjuman al-ashwaq,
ms. Leiden, Cod. Warn, 641; Eng. translation by R. A. Nicholson, 1911 m. Qasida ‘‘Ana’l-Quyr’an wa’l-saba’ mathani’”’ (cf. 665-a) n. Kitab al-hujub
o. Kalimat . . . Hallaj (ms. Asaf, Hyderabad, ap. La’iha, Krenkow = Akhbar al-Hallaj) p. Tuhfat al-safara, ms. P. 6614 q. Jadhwat, ms. Yale r. Intisar, Hyderabad ed. s. [Rashh al-zulal, ms. P. 4802] t. [Shafaratu’l-Dhahabi, JRAS, 1906] u. [Rasa’il, Hyderabad, 1948] v. Risala qudstya, ms. Cairo VII, no. 31
422 Ibn al-Dubaythi, d. 637/1239: historian a. Dhayl ta’rikh Baghdad, ms. Shahid ‘Ali Pasha; ms. P. 5921
423 Aba Muhammad ‘Ali Hariri Marwazi, d. 645/1247, in Basra, Hawran: mystic: Rifai a. Kurrds (by a disciple of his son Hasan) (copy in 512-f). His son Hasan was alive in 699 A.H.
425 Fath D ‘Ali Bandari (around 639 a.u.) a. Ta’rikh Baghdad (lost), ms. P. 6156? (IV.I n. 29)
429 Abt Ishag Ibrahim ibn Abi’l-Dam Hamawi, d. 642/1214: jurist: Shafi ite a. al-Ta’rikh al-Muzaffari, excerpt in 538-b
430 Muhibb al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Najjar, d. 643/1245, Baghdad: biographer
a. Dhayl ta’vikh Baghdad (see 552-a); ms. P. 2131, (Najirami ) (Ibn Jahdam)
431 Ibn Abi’l-Hadid
30 BIBLIOGRAPHY a. Sharh al-nahj (excerpt in Ibn al-Haysam)
432 Shams al-Din Abia Tahir Isma‘il ibn Sawdakin al-Niari, d. 646/ 1248: mystic, favorite disciple of Ibn ‘Arabi a. Sharh al-tajalliyat (comm. 421-f), ms. Faydiya 2119. Cf. REI, 1933; Brock. S.
433 Shams al-Din Muhammad Shahraztri Ishraqi, d. around 648/ 1250: philosopher: I[shraqi
a. Rumuz wa amthal lahutiya, ms. ‘Umitmi 3837; Laleli attributes it to Zarqani, d. 1122 a.p.
439 ‘Abdallah-b-Muhammad Fihri Tilimsani, d. 658/1260: commentator of Juwayni a. Sharh “luma‘ al-adilla,”’ ms. Cairo; s.v. al-Hagq
440 Shams al-Din Y tsuf-b-Qizughl@ Sibt ibn al-Jawzi, d. 655/1257: Hanafite
a. Mir’at al-zaman, ms. London Or. 4619, and ms. Képr. s.a. 412; ms. P. 1506 (years 450, 461) (Jawad) 44] ‘[zz al-Din ‘Abd al-‘Aziz-b-'Abd al-Salam Magqdisi, b. 629 A.H., d. 18 Shaw. 678: Hanbalite; wrote biography of ‘Ayni (ms. P. 1543), Zawiya of his brother, founded by Qatawin a. Hall al-rumuz wa mafatih al-kundz, mss. Berlin, Wetzst. 11 1757, and Wetzst. II 1109 b. Sharh hal al-awliya’, mss. P. 1641 and 2035. Cf. Recueil c., d., e. See 330-a f. Taflis Iblis, Cairo, 1324 (ct. Tawasin)
442 ‘Ar-b-Yf ibn al-Jawzi (d. 656/1258; Juwayni; Jahangusha III): cf. bib. no, 341
443 ‘Izz A Sayyad-b-‘A Rh b-‘A Rifai, d. 670/1271 a. Waza’if (bib. no. 739A)
444 Safi A ibn ‘Alawan, d. 665/1266, Tafrish (Yemen) a. Ms. L.M. = ms. Kratchkovsky = Dalalat al-muhibb (ms. N. Beyhum)
445 Abt Shama 599, d. 665/1266
a. Dhayl al-rawdatayn, ms. P. 5852 b. [Kitab al-rawdatayn, Cairo, 1956]
446 [bn Sab‘in, d. 669/1270
a. Ajywiba yamaniya .. . sagalliya, ms. Bodl. = Recueil, ed. Sherefettin Yaltkava, P. 1943, 3841 b. Budd al-‘arif, ms. Berlin Wt. I], 1524 = Recueil; Miftah, ms. Brusa, Eminvé 1494 c. [Rasa’il, Badawi ed., Cairo, 1956]
ARABIC AUTHORS 31 447 Abwt’l-Hasan ‘Ali Shushtari, d. 668/1269, Tina (buried in Damietta): mystic poet a. Diwan muwashshahat: the ‘““Tanabbah, gad badat shamsu’l-
‘Ugar .. .”’ piece b. Takhmis of “‘Ana’l-Qur’an” by Ibn “Arabi (421-m), beginning: “‘shahidtu hagigati”’ (cf. 665-a) = Diwan c. Ara taliba .. . bihi ‘Adan (ap. 546-a, Recueil) d. Qasida fi’l-suluk = Diwan, Recueil
e. {[Tasawwuf, translated by Muhafad Meyrin, Tehran, 1955 (chap. on Hallaj)|
449 Qutb ibn al-Qastallani, d. 586/1190 a. bib. no. (830 = 660-b)
450 ‘Afif al-Din Sulaym4an-b-‘Ali Tilimsani, d. 690/1291: poet a. Sharh “al-mawagif,” ms. 10 597 (§ kibriya, tadhkira, dalala)
451 Kamal al-Din ibn al-'Adim, d. 660/1262, Aleppo: jurist a. Raf‘al-tajarri ‘ala al-Ma‘arri (excerpt in the preface of ‘“Luzumiyat” by al-Ma‘arri, Cairo, 1891)
456 Sharaf al-Din Muhammad-b-Sa‘id Busiri, d. 694/1294: poet a. al-Burda (= al-kawakib al-durriya), verse 9 (copied from 330-a)
458 Zakariya -b-Muhammad Qazwini, d. 682/1283: jurist a. Aja’ib al-makhligat, Wtistenfeld ed., 1818 (uses 260-a; for he cites Ibn Kajj, master of 260-a according to Subki) b. Athar al-bilad, in fine of the ‘Aja’ib, ms. P. 2235 and ms. P. 2236
460 ‘Abd al-Ghaffar Qtisi, d. 670/1271, Qus: mystic (Sha‘rawi, Tabaqat)
a. Kitab al-wahid fi ‘ilm al-tawhid, ms. P. 3525
462 Jirjis ibn Abi al-Yasir Makin ibn al-‘Amid, d. 672/1273: Christian historian a. Kitab al-majma‘ al-mubarak, Erpenius ed., 1625; corr. with ms. P. 295
463 ‘Ali b. Anjab ibn al-Sa‘i, d. 674/1275, Baghdad: historian a. Akhbar al-Hallaj (lost: cited in 810-a) (cf. 503-a?) b. Magabir Baghdad (lost: cited 1n 552-a, sub voce) (cf. 501a?)
c. Akhbar al-khulafa’ (lost: except for excerpts): Mukhtasar, Cairo, 1310
32 BIBLIOGRAPHY 464 Qasim-b-Muhammad ibn al-Hajj, d. 680/1281, Wasit: mystic: Rifa‘i
a. Umm al-barahin, ms. Shahid ‘Ali Pasha 1127. Cf. Recueil b. [al-Madhhal |
465 Ahmad-b-Miasa ibn Tawits al-Hilli, d. 673/1274, jurist: Imamite a. Igbal (tawgqi’) (cited in 812-a)
466 A b. M b. Kh Bargi a. Rawda
b. Tibyan (lost history, cf. 810-a)
468 [brahim-b-Abi al-Majd-b-Quraysh Dastqi, d. 676/1277: mystic, head of an order a. Kitab al-jawahir (excerpt in 741-a) b. Cf. 890-a
470 Hasan-b-‘Ali-b-Ibrahim Badawi, around 675/1276: mystic a. Tarjamat al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi (excerpt in 741-a and in other later biographies of the saint)
471 Shams al-Din Ahmad ibn Khallikan, d. 681/1282: historian a. Wafayat al-a‘yan, lith. Tehran, 1284; Cairo, 1275 (life no. 186), jurist: Shafi‘ite; de Slane Eng. translation; Wtistenfeld, Gottingen, 1837
472 Abw’l-Faraj Ydhanna-b-Ahin Bar Hebraeus, d. 689/1289: Maphrian Jacobite; historian a. Mukhtasar al-duwal, Pococke text (cf. 1426-a, 952-a); ms. Faydiya 151873
474 Aba ‘Abdallah Muhammad-b-‘Ali-b-Mas ‘td ibn al-Balyani, d. 686/1287: disciple of Shushtari; founder of the tariga hallajiya,
into which were initiated Murtada (862-b) and Sanisi (919a); cf. Quatre Textes a. Dhikr al-tariga al-hallajiya (cf. 919-a)
b. Hikayat al-Hallaj, ms. London 9692 (bib. no. 204) and
ms. Berlin 3492 (Pm. 553), compiled from 261-a, 330-a (perhaps via 392-a), 441-a, and 447-b (see Quatre Textes); cf.
ms. Képr. 1620, ms. Vatican, Cod. Borgian 3; cf. here bib. no. 809 c. Risala *“‘man ‘arafa nafsahu,” excerpt in 1219-a
480 Khwaja Nar al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahmin Kasirgi, d. after 689/1289, Baghdad: mystic: Kubrawi 3 Missing in ms. P. 3525 and ms. Cairo Il, 143.
ARABIC AUTHORS 33 a. Tafsir (of stras 1-51), Vol. IV, on Qur’an 28:48; ms. Cairo,?4 cat. I, 143 = ta’wilat najmiya
485 Shams al-Din Abt ‘Abdallah Sibti, d. 698/1298: cabalist a. Risala fi’l Za’iya, ms. Cairo VII, 571 (2nd qasida “‘alinfl-al ruhani,’”’ verse 18, excerpt in 581-a)
490 Mu’ayyad al-Din ibn Mahmid Janadi, d. 701/1301: mystic a. Sharh al-Fusus (comm. on 421-d) d. Diwan (excerpt in Turkish ms. Vienna; cf. 1371-a)
498 Qutb al-Din Mahmtid-b-Mas'‘tid Shirazi, d. 710/1310, Tabriz: philosopher: Imamite a. Sharh Hikmat al-ishrag (of bib. no. 363); Horten translation (1721-a)
(499) Anonymous, Shadhili pupil of Ibn ‘Ata’ Allah? cf. bib. nos. 500 and 986
a. al-Qawl al-sadid fi tarjamat al-‘arif al-shahid: unique
Jumayli ms. (cf. bib. no. 986), Baghdad; personal copy (work used in 811-a) 1127-b [cf. ms. L. Chehab]
500 Taj al-Din Abt al-Fadl ibn ‘Ata’ Allah, d. 709/1309, Alexandria: mystic: Shadhili a. Hikam ms. As‘ad majm. 1764 b. Lata’if al-minan (1321 ed. on margin of 741-d) c. Mawa‘iz, ms. P. 1299
501 Ibn Tigtaga, wrote around 701/1301: historian a. al-Fakhri, Derenbourg ed., Fr. tr. E. Amar, Paris 1910; Eng. tr. C.E.J. Whitting, London, 1947
b. Ahlwardt ed., 1860; Persian translation, cf. bib. no. 1118
502 Nar al-Din Aba’l-Hasan ‘Ali Shattanawfi, d. 713/1314, Cairo: mystic: Qadiri a. Bahjat al-asrar wa ma’dan al-anwar, Cairo, 1330
503 Jamal al-Din Muhammad Watwat, d. 718/1318 a. Ghurar al-khasa’is, Cairo, 1299
504 Rashid al-Din Fad] Allah Hamadhani, d. 718/1318: vizir: Shafi ‘ite
a. Mafatth al-tafasir, ms. P. 2324 b. Lata’if al-haga’iq, ms. P. 2324
c. Tawhidat, ms. P. 2324 d. [Jami' al-tawarikh, ms. P. supp. Pers. 2004] 24 We have a critique of the Hallayian Ana ‘l-Hagq by his friend Sa‘ad al-Din (ap. 1195-a).
34 BIBLIOGRAPHY e. [Risala fi’l-ndsikh |
506 Najm al-Din Sulayman Tawfi, d. 716/1316: jurist: Hanbalite a. Fatwa (excerpt in /97-a)
508 Sa‘id al-Din Muhammad Farghani, wrote around 700/1300: mystic: Suhrawardi a. Muntaha al-madarik, Cairo, 1293, (comm. on 403-b) b. Mashariq al-darari, Persian translation of 508-a, ms. P. supp. Pers. 118
510 Tamir Rukn al-Din Baybars Mansiari, d. 725/1325 a. Zubdat al-fikra (annals), ms. P. 1572 (with marginal gloss)
511 Jamal al-Din al-Hasan ibn al-Mutahhar Hilli (al-‘Allama), d. 726/1326: jurist: Imamite a. Khulasat al-aqwal, ms. P. 1108 b. Nahj al-hagq (825-a)
512 Ahmad ibn Taymiya, d. 728/1328: Hanbalite a. Kitab ila al-Manbiji (excerpt in 941-a) (797-a) b. Fatwa fi wilayat al-Hallaj (published in 941-a) c., d. Sharh al-‘aqida: al-Isfahaniya al-Wasita, ms. Alvsi coll.
e. Kitab . . . fi’l-Hallaj, ms. Damascus Kawakib darari, compiled by Ibn “Urwa (Manar cat., 1330) (cf. 423-a); collection of the Dar al-hadith, given to the Zahiriya
f. Sual... fi'l-Harirtya, ms. Damascus (Kawakib) g. Fatwa (al-suftya wa'l-fugara’), published by ‘“‘al-Manar,” Cairo, 1327 h. al-Furgan bayn awliya’ al-rahman, Cairo, 1322 1. al-Jawab al-sahih ... , Cairo, 1322 j. Majma al-rasa’il al-kubra, Cairo, 1323 k. Minhaj al-sunna, Cairo, 1322 (crit. bib. no. 1059) 1. Sharh ‘agidat Isfahaniya, Cairo, 1329 (a third omitted)
m. = 512-) n. [al-Sarim al-maslul ‘ala ihatim al-rasul, cf. Brock. S. Il; Tanta 1960] 0. Naql al-mantig, Cairo, 1951
513 Abw'l-Hasan ‘Ali-b-Isma ‘il Qunawi, d. 729/1329: jurist a. Husn al-tasarruf (comm. on 143-a); mss. Fatih 2660-2661, Faydiya 1249, Vienna 1888 (cf. Shahid ‘Ali 1148, 1231-1232, Sulaymaniya 731)
514 Athir al-Din AbG Hayyan Muhammad al-Jayyani, d. 745/1345: jurist: Zahirite, later Shafi‘ite
ARABIC AUTHORS 35 a. al-Bahr al-muhit tafsir (on Qur’an 5:19) (excerpt 941-a), ed. Mulay Hatib
515 Jamal al-Din ‘Abd al-Razzaq Kashi, d. 730/1330: Sufi a. Lata’ if al-i'lam, ms. K6pr. 770 b. Tafsir (cf. 421-«)
516 Shaykh ‘Isa al-Ja‘fari Ruhawi, master of bib. no. 532 a. Fatwa (cit. 532-a)
518 M-b-‘Ali ibn al-Sabiini (d. 680 a.u.) a. Takmilat al-ikmal, Evkaf library, Baghdad, ms. 959 (on
[bn al-Qassas = bib. no. 275). (M. Jawad) and ms. 852 (Mufaddid) | Baghdad, 1957]
519 ‘Ulwan (around 731 A.H.) a. Jawhar mahbak, 1329 (transfer here bib. no. 722)
520 Abw’l-Fida’, d. 731/1331: prince of Hama; historian a. Ta’rikh al-malik al-mu’ayyad, Reiske ed., 1790; Cairo ed., 1286
b. Taqwim al-buldan, Reinhaud translation
521 Abt’l-'Abbas Ahmad-b-'Abd al-Wahhab Nuwayri, d. 732/ 1332: Shafi‘ite
a. Nihayat al-'arab (encyclopaedia), ms. K6pr. 223
522 Rukn al-Din Aba’l-Makanm ‘Ala’’l-Dawla Simnini Bayabangi, d. 736/1336: mystic
a. al-Ta’wilat (following 480-a), ms. Cairo, on Qur’an 112:4 (cf. 790-b). Recueil
b. Mukatabat (ila’l-Kashi), ms. IO Pers. 1835, (cf. 515-a) c. Cf. (790-a) and (1152-b) d., e. Igbaltya = Malfuzat (Persian translation by Iqbal Sistani); ms. Calcutta 1446 = Recueil (Ivanow) f. [Tafsir al-Qur’an, Brock. S. II]
523 ‘Ala”|-Din Muhammad Bukhari, d. 741/1340: jurist a. Nasihat al-muwahhidin wa fadihat al-mulhidin, ms. ‘Umtmi 7889, majm. 11
524 Muhammad ibn al-Hajj al-Fasi “Abdari, d. 737/1336: jurist: Malikite a. Madkhal al-shar‘ al-sharif, Alexandria, 1293
527 Sa‘d al-Din Kazartni, around 745/1344: commentator of Ibn Sina
a. Comm. on Qur’an 11:90 in ms. London Add. 16.659. Cf. Recueil
36 BIBLIOGRAPHY b. Musalsalat, ms. Cairo, majm. 403. Cf. Mélanges Félix Grat
528 Taqi AR-b-'A Muhsin Wasiti Ansari, d. 744 a.n. a. Diryag al-muhibbin, excerpt. ap. 739A-~-a
530 Muhammad-b-Qaymaz Dhahabi, d. 748/1348: Shafi‘ite a. Ta’rikh al-Islam (ann. 301-370), ms. London Or.; ms. P. 1581
b. Kitab al-‘ibar, ms. P. 1584 c. Duwal al-Islam, ms. Cairo (ann. 301, 309) d. Mizan al-i‘tidal, Cairo, 1324 e. Lisan al-mizan, ms. Miraniyah f. Kitab sivat al-Hallaj (cited 530-a, 660-b) g. [Kitab al-‘uluw li’l-'Ali al-Jaffar, Cairo, 1332] h. [ Tadhkirat al-huffaz | Hyderabad, 1955 1. [al-Mushtabib fi asma’ al-rijal. Leyden, 1881; Cairo, 1962]
531 ‘Ali Qulmatay-b-Aydemur Jildaki, d. 743/1342: alchemist a. Ghayat al-surar (excerpt “‘Kalam al-Hallaj fi’l-san’a” in ms. “majmu’’ mushtamal ‘ala tasrif al-kimiya,”’ Alisi coll.; ms. Calcutta ASB
532 ‘Umar-b-Muzaffar ibn Wardi, d. 749/1349: historian a. Mukhtasar ta’rikh al-mu’ayyad (excerpt in 861-a)
533 Ahmad ibn Fadl Allah “Umari, d. 748/1348: Shafi‘ite a. Masalik al-absar (fugara’, ms. Aya Stfiya 3421)
534 Dawud-b-Mahmud Qaysari, d. 751/1350: mystic a. Sharh ‘anga’ al-mughrib, ms. Cairo b. Sharh kitab al-hujub, ms. Cairo c. Sharh al-“‘Fusiis”’ (cf. 431-d), ms. Cairo. Cf. Recueil d. Risala marmuza, ms. IO 1921 e. Sharh al-“khamriya”’ (cf. bib. no. 403), ms. P. 3165 (cited 1671-a)
535 [bn Qayim al-Jawziya (d. 752/1351) a. Madarij al-salikin fi manazil al-sa@’irin, Cairo, 1332
b. I'tiradat Ibn al-Jawzi ‘ala’l-Ghazali, ms. Wali al-Din, majm. 1684
c. [Asma’ mu‘allafat Ibn Taymiya, S. Munajjid ed., Damascus, 1953 (= ms. Zah. 4675)] d. [Kitab al-Ruh, Hyderabad, 1324] e. A’‘lam al-muwagqqi'in ‘an rabb al-‘alamin, Cairo, 1955, 4 vols. f. Tariq al-hijratayn wa bab al-sa‘adatayn, Cairo, 1939; Cairo, 1376/1956-1957
ARABIC AUTHORS 37 536 ‘Ali-b-Ya‘qtib Barizi, d. Hama: historian, wrote in 751/1351 a. Mukhtasar al-“Wafayat’’ (cf. 471-a), ms. P. 2060
537 Shams al-Din Wafa’, d. 760/1358: Shadhili a. Haqiqat al-haqa’iq, ms. Cairo, majm. 2
538 Aba ‘Abdallah Mughlata’i-ibn-Qilij Hikri, d. 762/1361: Hanafite traditionist a. Sira, cited ap. 770-a b. Mukhtasar al-basim fi sirat Abi’l-Qasim, ms. IFAO 12 (excerpted from 429-a) c. [Kitab wadih al-mabin, Spies ed., 1936]
539 Salah al-Din Muhammad ibn Shakir Kutubi, d. 764/1363: historian a. ‘Uyun al-tawarikh, ms. Gotha, 1567
540 Salah al-Din Khalil-b-Aybak Safadi, d. 764/1363: historian a. al-Wafi bi’l-wafayat, mss. P. 5860 and 2065; Wafi, s.v. Husayn, ms. Tunis 4845 (cf. Gabrieli, CR Lincei, October 1912). Cf. Recueil b. Tamam al-mutun fi sharh risalat Ibn Zaydiun, Cairo, 1969: Baghdad 1327 (?)
c. al-Ghayth al-musajjam fi sharh lamiyat al-‘ajam, Cairo, 1305/1888; in the margin of which is printed Sarh al-‘uyan, sharh risalat Ibn Zaydun by Ibn Nubata
541 ‘Afif al-Din “Abd Allah-b-As‘ad Yafil, d. 768/1367, Mecca: Shafi ‘ite
a. Mir’at al-Janan, ms. P. 1589 b. Ta’rikh, ms. Vienna AF 78 c. Nashr al-mahasin, ms. Cairo. Printed on margin of 959-a: Diwan d. Rawd al-riyahin (not consulted) e. [Marham, Ross. ed., ms. Leiden 902]
542 Taj al-Din Abii Nasr Muhammad-b-‘Ali Subki, d. 771/1370, Damascus: jurist: Shafi ‘ite a. Tabagat al-shaft'iya, Cairo, 6 vols. b. Qasida, cited in 542-a
543 ‘A ‘Aziz ibn Jama‘a Kinani, d. 767/1365 a. Qamis al-shu‘ara’, ms. P. 3346 (Jawad)
545 Shihab al-Din Abwt’l-‘Abbas Ahmad Qastallani, wrote in 771/ 1370
a. Magamat al-‘arifin, ms. Kopr. 784
546 {bn al-Khatib, d. 776 A.n.
38 BIBLIOGRAPHY a. Ihata [bi ta’rikh gharnata|, ms. P. 3347 (= 447-c); Cairo, 1319
b. Rawdat al-ta'rif, ms. Zah, tas. 85 (including a mukhtasar, ms. Taymur, majm. 283)
547 Ibn H Nubahi
a. Ta’rikh qudat al-Andalus, Lévi-Provengal ed., Cairo, 1947
550 Ibn Kathir, d. 774/1373: historian: Shafi ‘ite a. al-Bidaya wa’l-nihaya, excerpt in 830-a
551 Taqi al-Din ibn Qutb al-Din ibn Munir Halabi, d. 772/1371: historian a. Reedition of Ta’rikh Qutb al-Din (cf. 810-a n. 2281)
552 Taqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Rafi’, d. 774/1373: Shafi ite a. Dhayl “‘ta’rikh Ibn al-Najjar,” ap. “‘mukhtasar,”’ ms. Mir-
janiya (and in 740-a); Azzawi ed., Baghdad, 1938 b. [Kitab al-muwadfagat, Tunis, 1302]
559 Ibrahim-Masa Shatibi, d. 790/1388: Malikite a. I'tisam, Cairo ed. Cf. bib. no. 977; Shatibi, 'tigam
560 Sa‘d al-Din Mas‘td-b-'Umar Taftazani, d. 791/1389: jurist a. Fadihat al-mulhidin (to be restored to 523-a)
565 Burhan al-Din Ibrahim Sibt ibn al-‘Ajami, d. 841/1437, Aleppo: jurist: Hanafite a. al-Mugtafa (comm. on 310-a, completed in 797/1394), ms. Fatih 841 (with a mistake regarding the author) 566 Muhammad 1bn Khalil, d. after 810/1407: jurist: Hanafite a. Zubdat al-Mugqtafa (abridgment of 565-a), ms. Aya Stfiya
567 Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Makki ‘Amili, d. 782/1382, Damascus: jurist: Imamite a. Kitab al-dhikra (excerpt of 242-b, published in 835-a) b. Majmu’ (of bib. no. 386), ap. bib. no. 1238
570 Ibn Rajab, d. 795/1393: jurist: Hanbalite a. Tabagat al-hanabila, ms. Leipzig 708 (cf. 261-b, 392-a); ms. Damascus [Dhayl, 2 vols. Cairo, 1952] b. [Lata’if al-ma‘arif, Brock. S. 1129]
576 [brahim-b-'Ali ibn Farhan, d. 799/1397: jurist: Malikite a. al-Dibaj al-mudhahhab, Fez ed. b. [Tabsirat al-hukkam, ms. P. 873; Cairo ed. 1301/1884]
579 Shu’ayh Hurayfish Makki, d. 801/1398: mystic a. al-Rawd al-fa’iqg, ms. As‘ad 1417; Cairo ed.
b. Ibid., ms. Damascus 107
ARABIC AUTHORS 39 c. Managib al-awliya’, ms. ‘Umtimi (with poems of 447-a) d. Diwan al-Hallaj (“kan wa kan”’ apocrypha. See 579-c = Diwan (cf. ms. Damascus 191-a, in fine)
580 Siraj al-Din “Umar ibn ‘Ali Mulaggin, d. 804/1401, Cairo a. Tabagat al-awliya’ (lost, probable source of 741-a)
581 Abu Zayd ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Khaldin, d. 808/1406: jurist: Malikite
a. Mugaddima (written in 779/1377), Cairo, 1322; cf. Quatremére ed. [{Eng. translation by F. Rosenthal, The Mugaddimah, Bollingen Series, New York, 1958]
582 Majd al-Din Muhammad-b-Ya‘qtb Firtizabadi, d. 817/1414: jurist: Shafi‘ite a. al-Mirgat al-arfa'ya . . . (in the life of Ibn Khafif) (excerpt in 591-a)
583 Kamal al-Din Muhammad Damizi, d. 808/1405: polygraph a. Hayat al-hayawan (grand recension) sub voce “‘al-himar al-ahli,”’ Cairo, 1292 (excerpt in 1355-a) b. Ibid., Eng. translation by Jayakar, Vol. I, 1906
585 Ahmad ibn al-Hajj, wrote around 790/1388: mystic a. Uns al-jalis, ms. Berlin 3410
586 Ahmad-b-Muhammad ibn Fahd Hilli, d. 806/1403: jurist: Imamite a. (Tawgqi') (excerpt in 812-a)
589 ‘Abd al-Rashid-b-Salih-b-Ntri Baktiwi, wrote in 806/1403 a. Talkhis al-athdr (excerpt from 458-a, excerpt in 923-a)
590 Muhibb al-Din Abt al-Walid Muhammad ibn al-Shihna, d. 815/1412: Hanafite a. Rawd (at) al-manazir (summary of 520-a)
591 Mu in al-Din Abt’]-Q4asim Mahmid ibn Junayd, wrote around 791/1389, in Shiraz: biographer a. Shadd al-izar,25 ms. London, supp. 677; Denison Ross ed., 1919 [Qazwini ed., 1328]
593 Siraj al-Din ‘Umar-b-Ruslan Bulgini, d. 805/1403: jurist: Shafi ‘ite
a. Fatwa (cited 626-a)
600 Ahmad-b-Muhammad al-Tujibi al~Saraqusti ibn al-Banna, d. 821/1419, Marrakesh: Shadhili 25 It has been translated into Persian: a) under the utle ‘‘Multamas alahibba”’ by his son ‘Isa (ms. India Office); and b) under the ttle ‘“‘Dustér al-za’rin” by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Muhammad Afdal Shirazi (cf. 810-a, s.v.).
40 BIBLIOGRAPHY a. Qasida “‘al-Mabahith al-asliya”’ (ap. 888-b)
601 ‘Abd al-Karim-b-Ibrahim Jili, d. around 826/1423, Baghdad: Safi a. al-Kahf wa’l-ragim, ms. Cairo b. Sharh mushkilat “al-Futuhat al-makkiya,” ms. Cairo c. al-Insan al-kamil, Cairo, 1304. See bib. no. 1360 d. Hagigat al-haga’iq, ms. IO 666 e. Sirr al-nur al-mutamakkin, ms. Cairo f. Durra ‘ayniya (Fu’adi bihi shams al-mahabbati talt‘un) (on margin of 502-a: wrong attribution) fi shawahid ghaybiya (533
verses; comm. by bib. no. 842) g. Manazir .. . ilahtya, ms. Saba’1 = ms. L.M. = Recueil 149
605 Shaykh Hasan ibn Ajriid, around 836/1432: Nusayri (JAOS, 1868)
a. Qasida (against Hallaj) (cf. 846-a)
618 Taqi al-Din Ahmad Magrizi, d. 845/1442: Shafiite; historian a. Fragment of an unidentified work (perhaps his “al-Bayan al-mufid” (against Ibn ‘Arabi) (ms. Cairo majm. 77), cited ap. 927-a = Khitat (after Musabbihi: G. Wiet)
620 Zayn al-Din Abt Bakr ibn Muhammad Khuwafi, d. 838/1435 a. Suluk tariq awliya’ Allah, ms. As‘ad 1437
626 Shams al-Din Muhammad-b-Hasan al-Bakri Hanafi, d. 847/ 1443: mystic
a. Fatwa (jawab ila Shams al-Din Sakhawi ibn al-Qasabi) (excerpt in 741-a, via 677/-a)
b. Poem (excerpt in 677-a)
627 Abt Bakr Tarini (friend of bib. no. 626) a. Poem (excerpt in 677-a)
631 Badr al-Din ‘Ayni, d. 855/1451: historian a. ‘Iqd al-juman,?© ms. Petersburg, Asian Museum, 177; cf. 282
b. Ta’rikh al-badr fi awsaf ahl al-'asr (abridgment of 550-a, lost, cited ap. 810-a)
632 Shihab al-Din Ahmad-b-‘Ali ibn Hajar “Asqalani, d. 852/1449 a. Fatwa (excerpt in 941-a) b. Lisan al-mizan, Hyderabad ed. (Najirami: cf. Is. 338) c. [al-Durar al-kamina, Hyderabad, 1348] 26 Copies 530-a (cf. 95l-a, p. 218). Cf. ms. Wali al-Din, 2396.
ARABIC AUTHORS 41 d. [ Tahdhib al-tahdhib, Hyderabad, 1325. 12 vols. in 6]
633 Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Abi Udhayba Mugr’, d. 856/1452 a. Nuzm al-juman, ms. Bayt Jamil, Baghdad (excerpt in 941 -a)
634 ‘Abd al-Rahmian ibn Muhammad Bistami, d. 858/1451: Hurifi a. al-Fawa@ih al-miskiya fi'l-fawatih al-makkiya, ms. ‘Umtmi, tas. 416 645 [bn Abi’l-Futah Tawisi Abarqthi, 790, d. 871/1466 (Daw’) a. Jam‘ al-firag (excerpt in 919-a); notice, Mélanges Félix Grat
653 M b. ‘Umar Ghamri Wasiti, d. 849/1445 a. ms. Brusa (H. Ritter); cited 354-a
658 Shihab al-Din Ahmad Shumunni, d. 872/1467: Malikite a. Mazil al-khifa’ (comm. 310-a), mss. Aya Sufiya 585; Fatih 836
659 Abi ‘Abdallah Husayn Ahdal, d. 885/1480: historian a. Ghirbal al-zaman (summary of 541-b), ms. Faydiya 1518
660 Abia’l-Mahasin ibn Taghribirdi, d. 874/1469: historian a. al-Nujum al-zahira, ed. Juynboll, Cairo, 1929 (excerpt from 170-a or from bib. no. 137) b. al-Manhal al-safi, ms. P. 2072 (Birzali, ms. K6pr. 1017); Cairo, 1956
661 Burhan al-Din Ibrahim Biga’l, d. 885/1481, Mecca: jurist: Shafi ‘ite
a. Nukat al-waftya (sharh al-Alftya) (excerpt in 810-a)
b. [Tanbih al-ghabi, 1953 ed. (Ibn Ayytb, d. 749 a.H.) Brock. G. II] 662 Zakariya’ Ansari, d. 926/1520, Cairo: jurist: Shafi ‘ite a. Ahkam al-dulala, Cairo, 1290 (comm. 231-a)
664 Aba’l-Ma‘ali Siraj al-Din Makhztmi, d. 885/1480, Baghdad: mystic: Rifai a. al-Burhan al-mu’ayyad (excerpt in 953-a) = bib. no. 739A
665 Abt’l-Mawahib Muhammad ibn Zaghdin, d. 882/1477, Cairo: mystic: Shadhili-Wafai a. [Muwashshahat, ms. Berlin 3420, IV27] b. [Kitab al-gantin (excerpt ap. 741-a) = Qawawin hikam alishraq ila kaffat al-sufiya fi jami al-afag, Damascus, 1309 27? Attributed both to Kilani, ap. 502-a, p 222 (margin); and to Shinnawi (d. 1028/1619) by Ahlwardt’s catalogue (IIT, 246); to be restored to 447-a.
42 BIBLIOGRAPHY 670 Shams al-Din Muhammad Sakhawi, d. 902/1497: Shafi ‘ite a. al-I'lan bi’l-tanbih (2) (recension of 550-a, reproduced in 830-a)
b. [Tabagat daw’ lami‘ fia‘yun ..., Brock. S.] c. [Qawl munbi, ms. Berlin 2849]
677 Nur al-Din ‘Ali Batanini, around 900/1494: jurist: Hanafite; mystic: Shadhili a. al-Sirr al-saft fi manaqib al-Hanaft, Cairo,*® 1306, cf. bib. no. 626 (excerpt in 741-a) b. Rihla
680 Abt ‘Abdallah-b-‘Abd al-Rahmaan Bukhari, around 900/1494: Hanafite
a. Mahasin al-islam wa’l-shara’i', ms. K6Opr. 644 (chap. wada’i')
681 Nur al-Din ‘Ali Burhani, mystic: Shadhili, wrote in 907/1501 a. al-Jahri al-madiya (ms. dated 1037), [L.M.] personal ms. (based on 500-b)
682 ‘Ali ibn Abi Qasiba Ghazali, around 910/1501: polygraph a. Khulasat ‘iqd al-durar (summary of 503-a), ms. P. 4594
683 Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Zarrtq Fasi, d. 899/1493: mystic a. Sharh al-hikam al-‘Ata’iya (excerpt in 942-a)
689 A-b-Yh ibn al-Hafid Harawi, d. 906 a.u. a. Durr nadid, Cairo, 1322 (cf. 530-d)
690 Jalal al-Din “Abd al-Rahmaan Suyiati, d. 911/1505: polygraph
a. Ta’rikh al-khulafa’, ms. Fr. Inst. of Cairo (cf. cit. in 1613-a), translated 690-d b. Fatwa (excerpt in 862-a) c. Tanzih al-i'tigad ‘an al-hulul . . . , ms. Cairo?9 d. English translation of 690-a by Jarrett, Calcutta, 1881 e. Qam' al-mu’arid (for bib. no. 403): ms. Cairo f. Manahil al-safa’ (cf. bib. no. 310-a), lith. 1276 g. [Haw7 |
h. [al-Isaba, Brock. S.] i. [al-Khabar al-dall ... , Brock. S.] j. [Bughyat al-wu‘at, Cairo, 1326] k. al-Durar al-muntathira fi al-ahddith al-mushtahira, Cairo, 1961 28 With a deliberate omission, pp. 17 and 34.
29 Adapted from the Mt'yar al-muridin of Qutb al-Din ‘Abdallah b. Ayman Nuri Isfahbadhi. (Brock. S. II, 210: same nisba).
ARABIC AUTHORS 43 698 Mawlana Ahmad Ardabili. . . : jurist: Imamiute a. Hadigat al-shi‘a (summary of 179-a, excerpt ap. 1183-a): excerpts Khuyyi, bib. no. 1236
703 Kiirktit, cf. bib. no. 1327A 710 Muhammad ibn Abi Sharif Tilimsani, wrote 917/1511: jurist: Méalikite
a. al-Manhal al-asfa (comm. 310-a), ms. Fatih 838, Algiers 1678 (excerpt 201-a)
720 Safi A-b-‘AA Khazraji, d. 923 a.H. a. Khulasa tahdhib al-kamal, Cairo, 1322 (cf. 530-d) b. [Khulasat . . . asma’ al-rijal, Cairo, 1322]
722 ‘Ala’ al-Din ‘Ulwan, d. 936 a.H. a. Jawhar mahbuk, Damascus, 1329; see bib. no. 519
725 ‘Ali ibn ‘Abd al-‘Ali Karaki ‘Amili, d. 937/1530: Imamite a. Mata’in al-mujrimin (summary of 179-a, excerpts in 755-a, 1183-a)
728 Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Kamialpasha, d. 940/1533, Istanbul: jurist: Hanafite a. Risala fi (bayan) al-firag al-dalla, [L.M.] personal ms. (cf.
ms. Hamidiya, majm. 186, ms. Nari ‘Uthm. 4972), in fine: s.v. Hululiya; attributed to Akmal M Baburti, d. 786 a.u. (cat. Halat Eff. no. 2851)
730 ‘Ali Khawwas, d. 940/1533: mystic a. al-Jawahir wa’l-durar, ms. Nuri ‘Uthm. 2358; ms. Wali al-Din, majm. 1684
731 Shams al-Din Ahmad-b-'Ali Dalji, d. 950/1544: jurist: Shafi‘ite a. al-Istifa’ (comm. 310-a), ms. Nari ‘Uthm. 982
735 Mawla Shams al-Din Ibrahim Mudarris Zade, d. 959/1551 a. Wafayat al-a‘yan, ms. Leyden (Warn. 819)
737 Shams M-b-‘Ali ibn Tultn, d. 953/1546 a. Fulk mashhun, Damascus, 1348 b. Kitab al-hajaj min akhbar al-Hallaj (cit. 737-a)
738 Bali Khalifat Safiyahwi, d. 960/1553 a. Sharh Fustis al-hikam (comm. 421-d), Istanbul, 1309
739 Ahmad ibn Jahal Misri Lari, d. around 950/1543: mystic: Rifai a. Jala al-sada fi sirat Imam al-Huda, ms. “‘“Umtmi 3324 (cf. 361-a)
739A = A-b-M Witri, d. 970/1562, Baghdad: poet: Rifai a. Rawdat al-nazirin, ms. P. 6495
740 Muhammad ibn Yahya Tadhifi, d. 953/1546: mystic: Qadiri
+4 BIBLIOGRAPHY a. Qala’id al-jawahir, Cairo, 1317
741 ‘Abd al-Wahhab Sha‘rawi, d. 973/1565: theologian a. al- Tabagat al-kubra, Cairo, 1305 (= Lawagih) b. al-Kibrit al-ahmar, Cairo, 1306 c. al-Mizan al-khidriya, Cairo, 1276 d. Lata’if al-minan, Cairo, 13213
e. Ct. 730-a f. [Lawagih, Cairo, 1892] g. [al-Yawagit, Cairo, 1889 (and margin of 741-b)]
742 Shihab al-Din Ahmad~b-Muhammad-b-Hajar Haytami, d. 973/1565: Shafi ite a. al-Fatawa al-hadithiya, Cairo, 1325
743 M Ghawth-b-Khatir al-Din, d. 970/1562 a. Jawahir khamsa = Recueil
755 Shavkh Hasan-b-'Ali-b-Abd al-'Ali Karaki, d. around 975/ 1567: Imamite
a. ‘Umdat al-magal ft kufr ahl al-dalal (excerpt in 827-a, 1183-a)
760 ‘Alt Tchelebi Sarikhani Izniqi, around 980/1572: alchemist a. Durar al-anwar, ms. Cairo, majm. 151 (Kraus)
765 M-b-Miisa Hayy Mu’min Khuriasani, d. 984/1576, Imamite a. Qawa ‘id al-stifiya (923-a) b. Fatwa (1236-a)
766 Abu’l-Faraj-b-Zaki Nahrawali a. Fatwa fr’l-Hallaj, ms. P. 1317 (G. Vajda)
767 Ibn al-Bagari (Ansari) a. Qissat al-Hallaj, ms. P. 1618 (Jawad), notice in Melanges Félix Grat: cf. ms. 1618 and Khitat jadida
769 Sayyid Muhammad ibn Qasim Abial-Fadl, d. around 980/1572 a. Kitab al-shanayn, ms. Fanh 2643 (chap. sabr)
770 Husayn-b-Muhammad Diyarbakni, d. 982/1574: Hanbalite a. Ta'rikh al-khamis, ms. of 1016 Hijra, s.v. ‘““Muqtadir” (cf. 538-a, 530-a. 583~a)
780 Abt Muhammad Mustafa Jannabi, d. 999/1590: historian a. al-I'lam al-zakhir, ms. Oxford (Laud. 232), anno 309
789 Dawid Anraki, d. 1005/1596: litterateur a. Tazyin al-aswaq, ed. Cairo (cf. 278-a)
7H) ‘Ali Qari’, d. 1014/1605: Hanafite Maturidite 36 Excerpt trom al-Rati “Ihya al-qulub” (@ this 1s not Rafi, d. 623 1226) given ap. 960-a, IL, 258.
ARABIC AUTHORS 45 a. Sharh kitab al-shifa’, Cairo, 1285 b. Risala fi’l-radd ‘ala Ibn ‘Arabi, ms. Cairo; Istanbul, 1294 c. Nuzhal al-khatir al-fatir, ms. Algiers 724 (cf. 502-a)
791 Ahmad ibn Yusuf Qaramani, d. 1019/1611: historian a. Akhbar al-duwal, Baghdad, 1282
791A Mirza AQ Baba Qutb Dhahabi: Imamite Safi a. Qawa’im al-anwar (Khuyyi, bib. no. 1236)
792 Sibghatallah Barwaji Husayni, d. 1025/1616, Medina: Shattari, rawi of 743-a, edited it, mss. P. 1197, P. 5359
793 ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab ‘Urdi, d. 1024/1615: jurist: Shafi‘ite; mystic: Qadiri a. Sharh al-shifa’, ms. Nutri ‘Uthm. 1028 (comm. 310-a)
794 Baha’ al-Din Muhammad ‘Amili, d. 1030/1621: jurist: Imamite a. al-Kashkul, Cairo, 1316
795 ‘Abd al-Ra’uf Muhammad Munawi, d. 1031/1622: jurist: Shafi ite a. al-Kawakib al-durriya (sic, excerpt in 840-a, 959-a), copy
of ms. Bayt al-Nagib, Baghdad b. Manaqib, ms. P. 6490
797 Zayn al-Din Mar’i ibn Yusuf Magqdisi, d. 1033/1624: jurist: Hanbalite
a. Risala fi ma waga‘a fi kalam al-sufiya min al-alfaz almuhama li’l-takfir, ms. Cairo
798 Hijazi-b-"Umar Sandiyini, jurist: Shafi‘ite; mystic: Khalwati, wrote around 1031/1622 in Delta: a. Hashiyat “‘Uyun al-tawarikh” (concerning 539-a)
801 Ahmad-b-K halil Subki, d. 1037/1627: jurist: Shafi ite a. Minhaj al-hunafa’ (comm. 310-a), ms. Fatih 840
804 ‘Ali-b-Burhian al-Din Halab1, d. 1044/1634 a. Insan al-‘uyun, Cairo, 1320
805 Muhammad Bagir Amir al-Damad Astarabadhi, d. 1041/1631: jurist: Imamite a. al-Rawashih al-samawtya ft sharh ahadith al-imamiya (on the ““Kafi,”’ excerpt in 923-a), Bombay b. [Manhaj al-magal, Tehran, 1886]
806 Sadr al-Din Muhammad Shirazi, d. 1050/1640: jurist: Imamite a. al-Hikmat al-muta‘aliya fi’l-masa’il al-rububiya (= al-Asfar al-arba‘a), Tehran
807 Taj al-Din b. Zakariya’ ‘Abshami, d. 1050/1640: Hanafite a. Arabic translation of 1150-a, ms. P. 1370, ed. Cairo, in
46 BIBLIOGRAPHY which all passages concerning Hallaj are omitted
808 ‘Abd al-Ahad Nari (cf. bib. no. 1344), d. 1061/1651, Istanbul: mystic: Khalwati a. Hugjat al-widad, ms. Cairo
809 Abt ‘Abdallah Muhammad ibn al-Balabani, around 1064/1653; substituted mistakenly for his homonym (cf. bib. no. 474) ap. Ahlwardt, Verzeichr. (1635-a], no. 3250
810 Mustafa Haji Khalifa al-Katib Tchelebi, d. 1068/1657: lexicographer a. Kashf al-zuniin, ed. Fltiegel (cf. 1610-a) b. Sullam al-wusul, autographed ms. Shahid ‘Ali 1887
811 Shihab al-Din Ahmad Khafaji, d. 1069/1659: jurist: Shafi‘ite a. Nasim al-riyad .. . (comm. 310-a), Cairo, 1267. Cf. Recueil
b. Sharh al-shifa’, Istanbul, 1851
812 Hayi Muhammad Mu’min Jaza’iri, d. around 1070/1659: jurist: Imamite a. Khizanat al-khayal .. . (excerpt in 923-a)
813 Qutb Ishkaveri: Usuli qadi, pupil of bib. no. 805 a. Mahbub al-quilub, ms. Sepahsalar, Tehran b. Manziuma
815 A Dajani Qushashi, d. 1070 a.u. a. Simt majid, Hyderabad, 1327 (cit. 231-d)
820 ‘Abd al-Salam ibn Ibrahim Laqqgani, d. 1078/1668: jurist: Malikite a. Hiddyat al-murid (Sharh Jawharat al-tawhid) (excerpt in 861-b). Cf. bib. nos. 889, 955
821 Shaykh Salih Mahdi al-Mugbili Yamani, d. 1108/1696: theologian: Zaydite a. al-‘Alam al-shamikh, printed in ‘‘al-Manar,” Cairo; ed. Cairo, 1328 (comm. 530-d)
825 Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Hurr ‘Amili, d. 1100/1688: jurist: Akhbari Imamite a. al-Risdla al-ithna‘ashariya (excerpt in 923-a), ms. London
826 Muhsin ibn al-Shah Murtada al-Fayd Kashi, d. 1091/1680: jurist: Imamite a. Kalimat maknuna .. . (excerpt in 923-a)
830 ‘Abd al-Hayy-b-Ahmad ibn al-'Imad ‘Akari, d. 1089/1679: jurist: Hanbalite a. Shadharat al-dhahab, ms. Cairo
ARABIC AUTHORS 47 831 ‘Ali-b-‘Abdallah Misri, wrote around 1075/1664: litterateur a. Tuhfat al-akyas ..., ms. Leipzig (s.v. Mu'tadid) 831A ‘A Qadir Fasi, d. 1091/1680, Nawazil; and ap. bib. no. 843A
832 M bey Uzbeki Makki, in 1091 a.n. a. ‘Atiyat al-wahhab, on margin of bib. no. 1176
833 Ahmad-b-‘AA Baghdadi, d. 1102/1690: historian a. ‘Uyun akhhar al-a’yan, ms. London 23.310, and ms. P. 6677
834 M-b-M-b-Sul Rudani: traditionist and Sab‘ini a. Silat al-khalaf, ms. P. 4470, found in part in 191-a and 261-a (Jawad); notice, Melanges Felix Grat
835 Muhammad Bagir-b-Taqi Majlisi, d. around 1110/1698: jurist: [mamite a. Ta'ligat kitab ‘“‘Amal al-amil” (cited 567-a, based on the abridgment of Shams al-Din al-‘Amili, d. 886/1481; excerpt in 923-a) b. Bihar
c. Wajiza (in bib. no. 1238)
836 Istafan Duwayhi, d. 1116/1704: Christian a. Ta’rikh al-muslimin, ms. P. LLI 475-c (anno 309)
840 Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn ‘Agila, d. 1150/1737, Mecca: jurist: Shafi‘ite; mystic: Qadiri
a. Ta’rikh (Nuskhat al-wujud ...), ms. Cairo (anno 309, based on 795-a)
841 Ahmad Dulunjawi Azhari, d. 1123/1711, Cairo: jurist: Malikite; mystic: Rifai a. Hashiyat “Ta’rikh Baghdad”’ (cf. 250-a), ms. Nuri ‘Uthm. 3094 (his Diwan, ms. P. 3260)
842 ‘Abd al-Ghani Nabulusi, d. 1143/1731: jurist: Hanafite; mystic: Naqshbandi a. Hatk al-astar, ms. Cairo b. Jam‘ al-asrar, ms. Cairo c. Kashf al-sirr al-ghamid (comm. 403-b) d. Radd matin, ms. Cairo (cf. 742-a) e. Kitab ba'tir al-anam fi ta‘bir al-manam, Cairo, 1898
842A Aibn ‘Atiya, d. 1119/1707 a. Silsilat al-anwar (bib. no. 962)
843 Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rahim Lutfi, Jerusalem: jurist: Hanafite; wrote in 1115/1703 a. al-Jawhar (= al-fatawd al-rahamiya?) (excerpt in 920-a)
48 BIBLIOGRAPHY 844 [sma ‘il Haqqi Brtisawi, d. 1137/1725, Brusa: theologian a. Tafsir rih al-bayan, on Qur’an 15:86; 93:5; Cairo, 1255
845 Must.-b-Kamial Siddiqi, in 1128/1715 a. Kashf. . . fi ziydrat al-‘Iraq . . . , ms. Cambridge 930 (K. Dujayli); Recueil 244
846 ... Mahrazi: Nusayri a. (copy) made in 1211/1796 of 173-a: ms. P. 1450. Copy of bib. no. 605
847 Amir Haydar Ahmad Shihabi, d. 1162/1748: Druze amir a. Ta’rikh, Cairo, 1900
848 Hajj M-b-Ibr Idrisi Zarhtini (Tasaft) a. Rihlat al-wafid, translated by Justinard, Rabat, 1936 (the notice on Hallaj has been omitted from this edition)
849 Shaykh Mustafa-b-'Ali Bakri, d. 1162/1749: jurist: Hanafite; mystic: Khalwati a. al-Suyuf al-hidad, ms. Cairo
850 A Shakir Abu’l-Safa’ Dimishgqi, d. before 1177/1763 a. Qasida (951-a)
851 Ja ‘far-b-Hasan-b-‘Abd al-Karim Birzanj1, d. 1177/1763, Medina: Shafi ite a. al-Jani al-dani, Bombay, ‘Umumi 565
852 Muhammad Beg Raghib Pasha, d. 1176/1763, Istanbul: grand V1Zir
a. Safinat al-Raghib, Cairo, 1282
853 Muhammad ‘Ali-b-‘Ali Tahanawi, Hanafite, wrote in 1158/ 1745
a. Kashshaf istilahat al-funtin, Sprenger ed., Calcutta, 18541862 (cf. 385-a)
859 Abwt’l-Khayr ‘Abd al-Rahman Suwaydi, d. 1200/1786 a. Kashf al-hujub, Cairo, n.d.
860 Yahya Jalili Mawsili, d. 1189/1783: historian a. Siraj al-muluk, ms. London 23.306
861 Muhammad Amin al-Khatib ‘Umari, d. 1203/1789, Mosul a. Manhal al-safa’, autographed ms. Altisi coll. (Fa’idah)
b. Manhal al-awliya’, ms. London supp. 679 = ms. Syriac Berlin 336
862 Abua’l-Fayd Muhammad Murtada Husayni Wasiti Zabidi Bilgrami, d. 1205/1791: jurist: Hanafite; lexicographer a. Ithar al-sdda al-muttaqin, Cairo (Comm. of 280-a) b. ‘Igd al-juman al-thamin fi al-dhikr wa turug al-albas wa’l-
ARABIC AUTHORS 49 talgin, ms. Kayyali: s.v. “Hallajiya” (cf. bib. no. 809), ms. Taymur = Recueil; notice in Mélanges Félix Grat c. [Sharh al-qamas |
d. Taj al-‘ards, Cairo, 1889-1890; 10 vols. in 5
879 Ahmad-b-‘Ali Dalji, wrote in 1219/1795: litterateur a. al-Falaka wa’l-maflukun, Cairo, 1322
888 Ahmad-b-Muhammad ibn ‘Ajiba, d. 1229/1809: Darqawi a. Igaz al-hamm, Cairo, 1913 b. Futuhat ilahiya (comm. of 600-a)
889 M-b-al-Amir Sunbawi, Malikite, d. 1232/1816 a. Sharh ‘ala’l-jawhara li’l-Lagani (excerpt Nashashibi, bib. no. 999-11)
890 Ahmad ibn Muhammad Sawi, d. 1241/1825: jurist: Malikite; mystic: Khalwati a. Hashiyat tafsir al-Jalalayn, Cairo, n.d., 2nd ed.
908 ‘Abd = al-Latif-b-'AR-b-H-b-M-b ‘Abd al-Wahhab, around 1264/1847
a. Risdla 19th to “AA-b-Mu’aydhir (majm. ras. m. Wahhabite, Cairo, 1345)
910 Shihab al-Din Mahmid Alusi, d. 1270/1853, Baghdad a. Nashwat al-mudam, Baghdad 1293/1876 b. Ghara’ib al-ightirab, Baghdad, 1327 c. Fayd warid d. [Rah al-ma‘ani wa tafsir al-Qur’an al-'azim sab‘ al-mathani,
Brock. S. II] 914 Jalal “Azm, ‘Ugdid al-jawhar, 1276 a.u., Beirut (bib. no. 512)
915 Ibrahim-b-Muhammad Bajiri, d. 1277/1861: Shafi ite a. Sharh “Jawharat al-tawhid,”’ Cairo, 1281 (cf. 820-a), on verse “Algahu fr’l-yamm”’
919 Shaykh Muhammad-b-‘Ali Santisi, d. 1276/1859, Jaghbub founder of the Sanisi order: Malikite a. al-Salsabil al-mu’in fi'l-tara’iq al-arba’in, ms. coll. of HH
‘Abd al-Wahhab 207 (dhikr and sanad of the Hallajiya) (cf. bib. no. 809);3! Recueil; printed on the margin of his Masa’il ‘ashar, Cairo, Ma‘abid, 1355
920 Aba Yusuf Muhammad Amin al-Wa1z, d. 1273/1856 (cited in 910-b), Baghdad: mystic: Qadiri °1 A. Colas made a French translation which 1s almost impossible to find today (autographed in Algiers, 1882).
50 BIBLIOGRAPHY a. Fatwa (citing 843-a), cited in 941-a
921 Muhammad ‘Uyani, d. 1275/1858, Bisa Tchublagh (Kurdistan): mystic: Naqshbandi a. Majmu' rasa’il, ms. Altsi coll.
922 Diya’ al-Din Ahmad Gumushkhani, d. 1276/1859: mystic: Nagqshbandi
a. fami‘ al-usal fi'l-awliya’, Cairo, 1319
923 Muhammad Baqir Khunsari, d. around 1287/1870: jurist: Imamite (Usiult) a. Rawdat al-jannat, Persian lith., 1307
924 Ni matallah Jaza’iri: Akhbari Shrite a. Zahr al-rabi', Baghdad, 1341 (179-a)
927 Nawfal Effendi-b-Ni'matallah Nawfal, Protestant Christian, published in 1876 d. 1887 a.p., Tripoli a. Sawsanat Sulayman fi usul al-‘aga’id wa’l-adyan (cf. 618-a)
928 Mawla Ahmad Allah Bitawari (Pishawari), wrote in Afghanistan: jurist: Hanafite a. Tuhfat al-ikhwan fi'l-tafriga bayn al-kufr wa’l-iman, India, n.d.
930 Mustafa b. Muhammad ‘Ariisi, d. 1293/1876, Cairo: jurist: Shafi ‘ite
a. Nata’ al-afkar (supergloss of 231-a; cf. 662-a), Cairo, 1290
931 Jibra’il Hannush Asfar, Christian, wrote around 1287/1870 in Baghdad a. Muntaji‘ al-murtad fi ta’rikh Baghdad, ms. of the author b. Mukhtasar al-mustafad min ta’rikh Baghdad, abridgment of
931-a, from ms. Baghdad Carmelite collection
932 Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi ibn Mawla Ahmad, wrote in 1286/ 1869, in Baghdad a. Jami al-anwar (translation of 1355-a), ms. Alusi coll.
937 Said Shartiini
a. Agrab al-mawarid, s.v. [Arabic-Arabic Dictionary], Beirut, 1889-1893
938 ‘Umar ‘Attar Dimishai: theologian a. al-Fath al-mubin fi radl i'tirdd al-mu‘tarid ‘ala Muhyi al-Din,
Cairo, 1304
939 Siddig Hasan Khan, d. 1307, Bhopal a. Taj mukallal = Recueil 230
940 Butrus Bustani, d. 1301/1883: Christian encyclopedist a. Da@irat al-ma arif, Beirut, art. “Hallage”’ and ‘Ibn ‘Aqil”
ARABIC AUTHORS 51 941 Khayr al-Din Nu‘man ibn al-Alusi, d. around 1320/1902, Baghdad: jurist: Hanbalite a. Jala al-'aynayn, Cairo, 1298
942 Mahmid ibn Khalil ibn al-‘Azm, scholar, wrote around 1281/ 1864, in Damascus a. al-Rawd al-Zahir, autographed ms., Cairo
948 Hasan ‘Idwi al-Hamzawi, d. 1303/1886, Cairo: jurist: Malikite a. al-Madad al-fazyad, Cairo, 1276 a.H., 2 vols. (Comm. 310-a)
949 Sh. “Ali Na‘im: see bib. no. 990A 950 Muhammad Rashid Sa‘di, wrote in 1305/1887, in Baghdad a. Nukhba ta’rikhiya, Bombay Nukhbat al-Akhbar, no. 70 (November 3, 1887)
951 Abi’l-Huda Muhammad Sayyadi, d. 1326/1908, Prinkipo: mystic: Rifai a. Qiladat al-jawahir, 2nd ed., Istanbul, 1302. Recueil
952 A Salhani, wrote in 1308/1890, in Beirut: Christian (Jesuit Order) a. Mukhtasar “‘ta’rikh al-duwal”’ (summary of 472-a) [reprint
Beirut 1958, Catholic Press|
953 Siraj al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Fil jurist: Hanafite; mystic: Rifai, wrote in 1310/1892, in Mosul a. Khitam al-misk al-adfar, autographed ms., Geuthner cat., 1912 (comm. of Rahig al-Kawthar of bib. no. 664)
955 M Murad Manzalawi, of Ufa, b. 1272 a.u.: Naqshi, translated in 1316
a. bib. no. 1176, Mecca b. Ahwal-i Sirhindi, on margin of 955-a, Mecca
956 Muhammad Anbabi, wrote in 1284/1865, in Cairo a. Hashiyat Sharh “‘Jawharat al-tawhid”’ (cf. 915-a)
957 Mulla Muhammad-b-Mahdi-b-Abi Dharr Naraqi: Imamite a. (Dhayl) mushkilat al-‘ulum, 2nd ed., Tehran, 1322
959 Yusuf ibn Isma‘il Nabhiani jurist: Hanafite; friend of the Sayyid Stfis of Hadramut, wrote in Beirut a. Jami’ karamat al-awliya’, ms. Damascus (copy Méalih) (excerpt of 741-d and 795-a), Cairo, 1329 b. Jami‘ al-thana ‘ala Allah, Beirut, 1324
960 Mahmid Shukri Alisi jurist: Hanbalite, wrote in Badhdad a. Ghayat al-amdani (contra bib. no. 959), pseud.: Abu'lMa‘ali al-Salami, Cairo, 1327 b. Akhbar Baghdad, 4 vol. mss.
52 BIBLIOGRAPHY c. Marginal notes of 932-a
961 Ibrahim-b-Y dsuf Masabiki, Christian, wrote in Beirut a. Jawab (to 1695-a) in ‘‘al-Machrig,” XI (August 1908)
962 Fathallah Bannani, b. 1281 Rabat, gadi a. Tuhfat ahl al-futuhat, Cairo, Taqaddum, 126-a
967 ‘Abd al-Qadir Wardighi, of Chefchaouen (Rif): mystic a. Salwat al-tkhwan wa nusrat al-khillan, Cairo, 1298. A refutation of Shaykh ‘Alaysh al-Misri
969 ‘A Qadir Jaza’iri (Abdelkader), d. 1883 a. Mawagif, ed. Nabtha Hanem, Cairo, 1327
970 Shaykh ‘Abd al-Mannan Duguzli mystic: Khalwati, wrote in 1301/1883
a. Ma’awa al-ragha’ib, Istanbul, 1306
973 Shaykh Rashid Rida, d. 1935 a.p.: Salafi theologian, editor of the review al-Manar (Cairo); founder of the Seminary of Muslim Missionaries of Ruda a. gloss of the tafsir of Shaykh ‘“Abduh, ap. al-Manar, XX, no. 7 (1336 A.H.) (based on 280-a-c)
b. Ta’rikh al-Shaykh M ‘Abduh, Cairo, 1931 (cites Ibn Taymiya, who refers to Khatib) 973A ‘Ali Makki, d. 1305/1887: Naqshbandi from Bilbris a. Ighathat al-|malhufin], Cairo, 1327
974 Sul-b-Ytnus Juhani: Shafi'i Khalwati a. Fayd al-malik al-hamid, Cairo, 1320
975 Madarisi, jurist: Shafiite, wrote before 1320/1902 a. al-Tanbih bi al-tanzih (cited in 976-a) b. [Dhayl al-la’ata |
976 Ahmad-b-Ibrahim Najdi, jurist: Hanbalite wrote in Mecca, 1320/1902
a. Tanbih al-nabith (against 975-a), Cairo, 1328 Appendix: Collected Oral or Written Testimonies of Contemporary Authors, in Arabic
977 Jamil Sidgi Zahawi: philosopher and poet a. Oral testimony (Baghdad, December 25, 1907) (cf. 1695-e)
b. Qasida “ Thawra fi’l-jahim,” ap. Duhtir, March 1931
977A “Ali Mahfuz
a. Ibda’ ft madarr al-bida’, 3rd ed., Cairo, 1348 (= 559-a)
ARABIC AUTHORS 53 978 Ma'ruf Rasafi: poet a. Oral testimony (Baghdad, December 31, 1907)
979 Shaykh Muhammad Yamani, b. around 1256/1840 a. Oral testimony (A’zamiya, May 15, 1908)
980 Mirza Abu’l-Fadl Jurfadhaqani (Gulpaygani), b. around 1251/ 1835, Bahai
a. Oral testimony (Cairo, March 10, 1910)
981 ‘Umar ibn Husayn Khashshab, b. around 1260/1844: bookseller a. Oral testimony (Cairo, November 27, 1909) (cf. 1565-a)
982 Shaykh Badi Sannari, d. March 1910 (= 1328 a.H.): mystic a. Oral testimony (Cairo, December 16, 1909) (cf. 970-a)
983 ‘Isa-b-Iskandar Ma‘ lif: Christian writer a. Mashahir al-'arab, ap. Mugqtabas
984 Shaykh Tahir Jaza’iri, b. around 1275/1858, in Damascus a. Oral testimony (Cairo, January 13, 1910) (cf. 915-a)
985 [“Abbas Effendi] ‘Abd Baha: head of the Bahais since 1892 a. Oral testimony (Paris, November 25, 1911) b. (cf. 980-a)
986 Shaykh Ahmad Rafig-b-Nu‘m4n Jumayli, from Baghdad: merchant (cf. 1603-a) a. Documents and references given (499-a, 1223-a)
987 Hay Ali Taghistani: alchemist, of Timur Khan Shura a. Oral testimony (Istanbul, April 18, 1912)
988 ‘Abdallah ‘Abd al-Fadi (pseudonym): Protestant Christian a. al-Tasawwuf, ap. al-Sharg wa’l-Gharb, October 15, 1912
989 Anastasyus Mari min Ilyas Karmali (Anastase Marini), Baghdad: Carmelite religious a. Critique of 1695-h, ap. Lughat al-'arab, December 1912 b. Critique of 1695-j, ap. Lughat al-‘arab, August 1913 c. Critique of 1640-e, ap. Lughat al-‘arab, September 1913 d. Critique of 1724-a, ap. Lughat al-‘arab, January 1914 e. Critique of 1695-1, ap. Lughat al-‘arab, July 1914 f. Critique of this Hallajian bibliography, ap. Dar-al-Salam, December 26, 1910
990 Mawila ‘Abd al-Hafiz-b-Hasan Hasani: Sultan of Morocco from 1326/1909 to 1330/1912
a. Statement (recorded and translated in Hubert-Jacques, Les Journées sanglantes de Fez, Paris, 1913; cf. 915-a: on the verse ‘““Algahia .. .’’)
990A ‘Isa Imran
54 BIBLIOGRAPHY a. Sharh al-bustan li’l-Na‘im (bib. no. 949), written in 1312 A.H. (ms. L.M. 34)
991 Ahmad-b-‘Abd al-Muhdi Salti: shaykh of Transjordan a. Oral testimony (Jerusalem, April 16, 1918)
992 ‘Izz al-Din ‘Alam al-Din al-Surtji al-Tanikhi: official of the Hiyaz
a. Qasida “Qawmi al‘arab”’ (ap. ““Kawkab,”’ Cairo, April 9, 1918; verse 47: copy of “Anda man ahwa’’)
993 An unsigned editorial of Qibla, Mecca, 10 Jumada | 1336 (1918 A.D.), no. 157, cites the verse “Algahu fil yamm ...” 994 M-b-Slim4an ibn ‘Awda: Derqaoui of Nedroma a. Irshadat rabbaniya, Algiers
995 A-b-Must ibn “Aliwa, d. 194 [?], Mostaganem a. Minah qudusitya, Tunis, 1329
996 Kazim Dujayli, Baghdad a. letter of 1/8/1924 = Recueil
997 Zak: Mubarak a. al- Tasawwuf al-Islami, 1938
997A Khayr D Zinkh a. al-A‘lam (Dictionary, 2 vols.), Cairo
998 M Lutfi Gum‘a
a. Muhakamat al-Hallaj, ‘‘Rabita ‘arabiya,” 1939 (from January 4 to April 5) b. Review of “Diwan al-Hallaj” in Minbar al-sharg, May 14, 1940
c. Balagh yawmi, Cairo, 1945
998A Mustafa Jawad a. al-Sanawat al-da’i‘a min al-hawadith al-jami-a (in ms.)
b. Qasida “‘dhikra’l-Hallaj al-muhzina’”’ (16 verses). This historian turned up several unpublished works on Hallay
998B Mahmid Mas‘adi
a. ap. Tafahum, October 1942 b. [al-Sudd, Tunis, 1957 (Hallaj, beyond ‘aq/) |
999-01 ‘Abbas ‘Azzawi a. Ta’rikh al-Yazidiya, Baghdad, 1353 b. Ta’rikh al-‘Irag (Nesimi)
999-02 Ism beg Tchol (d.), Yazidi, Beirut, 1934
999-03 S. “Anhuri a. ap. Rev. Ac., Damascus, 1931 999-04. Dawid Celebi, Kitab makhtutat Mawsil, Baghdad, 1927
ARABIC AUTHORS 35 999-05 Mbhd Darini a. ap. Akhbar, Cairo, September 20, 1928 999-06 9 ‘Abdalhayy Karttani a. Fihris al-faharis, Fez, 1346
999-07 ‘Abdalhamid Hamidu, Tlemcen a. Sa’‘ada abadiya, 1935
999-08 Jabbuir “Abdalntr a. al- Tasawwuf, Beirut, 1938 b. Nazariyat, 1945
999-09 ‘Abdalrazzaq Hasani a. ‘Ibadat al-shaytan, Baghdad, 1931
999-10 M A-b ‘AA Madani, d. 1334, Alexandria a. Silsila dhahab, Shadhiliya, ms. Padwick
999-11 Mahmtd Nashashibi
a. Firag Islamtya, Cairo, 1932 (889-a, 201-a)
999-12 Paul Kraus
a. Excerpt Akhb. Hallaj, ap. Hadith, Aleppo, July and November 1944 (posthumous) b. cf. bib. no. 1804
999-13 Bushr Fares a. Kalimat al-sha‘ir, Muqtataf, Cairo, April 1945
999-14 Raji Ra’ a. Review Adib, [X, Beirut, 1942
999-15 M Must Hilmi a. Ibn al-Farid, Cairo, 1945 b. al-Hayat al-ruhiya (fi'l-Islam), Cairo, 1945