Part I: Inventing China (ca. 1250 B.C.E.–200 C.E.) 1. The Beginnings of the Written Record (ca. 1250 B.C.E.–771 B.C.E) 2. The Age of the Warrior and the Thinker: Double Ears and Confucius (770 B.C.E.–221 B.C.E.) 3. The Creation of Empire (221 B.C.E.–200 C.E.)
Part II: Facing West (200–1000 C.E.) 4. China's Religious Landscape (200–600) 5. China's Golden Age (589–755) 6. The An Lushan Rebellion and Its Aftermath (755–960)
Part III: Facing North (1000–1800) 7. Coming to Terms with Money: The Song Dynasty (960–1276) 8. The Northern Dynasties: Non-Chinese Rule in North China (907–1215) 9. The Mongols (ca. 1200–1368) 10. Continuing the War Against the Mongols: The Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) 11. The Qing Empire (1636–1800)