Table of contents : IPv4: Terminology -- IPv4 hierarchical addressing -- Network address -- IPv4 Address classes & types: Classes of address -- Private addressing -- IPv4 Addressing: Classes & types of private addressing -- IPv4 Subnetting: Why do we subnet? -- IPv4 Subnetting: Why do we subnet? -- How do we subnet? -- Subnetting a Class "C" address -- Subnetting a Class "B" address -- Subnetting a Class "A" address -- IPv4 Length subnet masking: Implementing VLSM -- IPv4 summarization: Its purpose & configurations -- IPv4 wildcard masking: What is it and where do we use them? -- Summary of IPv4 -- IPv6: The new frontier -- Do we really need IPv6? -- What are the benefits of using IPv6? -- Addressing and expressions -- Types of addresses in IPv6 -- Statically assigning addresses -- Using the EUI-64 -- DHCPv6 -- IPv6 makeup: IPv6 header vs. IPv4 header -- ICMPv6 -- IPv6 routing protocols and configurations: Static routing -- Dynamic routing -- IPv6 subnetting -- Hex conversions for fun -- Summary of IP's -- The start of a new beginning!