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English Pages 350 Year 1526
Tlctoc ztftimme
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CtyetteweCeffamct as tt was wximn/a n& «u|eo to be wxittes bytf)eimt>b»cbbct* beyt.Cotvlxont alfoontefat VCOttVC
c„,SatLt they fbulbepwir' ad)c ttvrtroftt creatures.
£fyc0 vit> tbe ?ynge begat ©olomo/Pfb*t t&4t , «>os tbe twyfe ofVxy: ©olomort begot Xoboaro: 1 &oboambeaat:2lbia: 2ibia begat 3lfa: 2ffa begat tJofapbtft: ^ofapbat begat 3oram 5 ' 2Joram begat a8: #oebeflatftf(Walatbiel: ' f3alatbielbegat5o*obabel: ; ^otobabel begat 2lbiub: rfcbiwb begat £i iadyimt j Ziiudyitn begat 2f$ott ^jot begat eaboc; :Gtoboc begat Sfcbint ’ 2fcbi*t begat £ hub: i Chub begat £leafar: j £leafa r begat Xttatttyan: Ittattbanbegattfacob: ! ^acob begat Uojepb tbebufTbabe off Wary^ of | wbomewasbozentbat ^befustvbitbiscalleb 'fbiift. . ^ j 2(11 tbe generacions from 2(b:ab# to £>avtb : arfon>ietenegeneract6s,2lnbfrom JDaribvn* | to tbe captivete of 2$abilon/are fonntene gene* 1 tfactons.Anb from tbe captivete of 2$abilo vn* 1 to Cljttff/ayealfofotttttettegeneracionflJ i jr % Zb* byrbe offCbtifte was on tbys tvy* i fe/tdben btsmotbet maty was maryebvnto I *Jofepb/ before they cam to bu?eU togebber/(be I was founbe jvttb i:newe lyct not tyllfbeb at> j bjowgbtfottbbctfyt^foue anbcallebbysnas ■ me^efus, 1
Q&f.0.00e lonbe of 3frabcL $ 0: they arebeeb wbi* | cbfougbttbed^ylbesbecrb. Cbebearofevp/at* tofe thed)ylbe anb bis mother /anb ca into tb« lonbe of ^(VabeL 23ut wbebeberbetbat Sircb* dans btbraygnein ^wryv m rberomite off bys father Aerobe/ be was afraybe to goo tbetber/ notwitbflonbynge after be was warneb in by« flepe/ be tonrneb a fy be into the parties off gali* le/anbwerttanbbweltinacite calleb tTajare* t\)/to (fulfill that which was fpofen be the pro# phetes;>5efl>albecallebofna>aretb*
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1 «?ojfb»PP^brm/4rti)0PCrtC&t,)Cl:etrca^l,t^ i | ! I i
aboffrebvntobymgyftes/golb/ftancfynfett* ce/ at) myr. 2(nb after they were tparneb in tber Jlepe/tbattbeyfbulbenotgoageyneto^erob/ they retoureb itotberawecofftre another way « of Sifter that they were beparteb/lo tbc angel! i oftbelotbe apetrttoyofcpbinbwfkpcfaynQc ! 2(ryfc anb tafe the d?ilbe an^bts mother/ anb I fiye m to SEgtpte/ anbnbybetberetyllybtynge : tbewo*be,5ot-