The Magick of Apollo: Practical Rituals to Manifesting Your Innermost Desires

The god Apollo and how to use him in your magik practice. Little to no previous magik experience is required to join for

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Table of contents :
My work with Apollo
Apollo The Myth
Apollo’s Origins
Knowing What You Want
Materials Needed for the Rituals
The Magick Rituals
Wealth Ritual to Apollo
Luck and Gambling
Love Rituals
Family Reunification
Healing and Health
Athletic and Strength
Safe Travels
The Pact Ritual
Sample Pact Outline
Recommend Papers

The Magick of Apollo: Practical Rituals to Manifesting Your Innermost Desires

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The Magick Of

Apollo By David Thompson

Copyright © 2020 David Thompson All rights reserved. Cover by Jacob Matham (Holland, Haarlem, 1571-1631) Title: Apollo Holland, circa 1591 This file is in the public domain because it has been released by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Introduction My work with Apollo Apollo The Myth Apollo’s Origins Knowing What You Want Materials Needed for the Rituals The Magick Rituals Wealth Ritual to Apollo Success Creativity Luck and Gambling Love Rituals Family Reunification Healing and Health Athletic and Strength Divination Protection Safe Travels Pacts The Pact Ritual Sample Pact Outline Appendix

Disclaimer The information in this book is intended only for educational purposes and is not medical or financial advice in any way, what-so-ever. The author is in no way liable for any misuse of the contained information. There is no guarantee of results in this book.

To Lilith and Apollo

Introduction This book may be small, but it will change your life, if you allow it and follow my advice. My initial workings with Apollo began while I was teaching a class on magic, in a Facebook group called "Study of Reality". A student had an urgent need for a god, a strong god, to assist her with healing her son. Her son had contracted a rare lung disease and was going to die unless a donor was found in just a few days. I simply suggested Apollo. At the time, I was trying to decide between Hermes or another god, when I felt I should suggest Apollo. Within a week of her petitioning Apollo, a donor match was found. 5 of 5 markers were a match, along with size of the lungs. Fast forward a year, and I was hired by another woman to assist her in magick, and I pondered who to call upon as the deity to assist this woman. About the same time, my student, contacted me via message that she was in a ritual with Apollo and had a message from him, which she felt was unusual. It seemed Apollo was using her to get my attention, and was requesting that I start working with him. This book is the result of that work. A great portion of this book was done while I was in trance state and channeling the information Apollo wished to convey. The rituals are all designed so that someone of little magick training can complete them with the smallest amount of fuss as possible. I personally worked each ritual to make sure it was effective and that Apollo was satisfied. His pledge to me is that he will answer any petition offered as a result of this book and the following rituals. As far as myself, I have been a professional psychic and medium, and I run my own educational group on Facebook, "Shades

of Magick". I was a psychic for several well-known networks, besides my photography business. Links to my webpages and groups are at the end of this small book. I also spell the word "magic" differently. In the occult and magick community, the word I soften spelled "magik" or "magick" to avoid being compared to the popular entertainment shows by entertainers.

My work with Apollo As I had mentioned in the introduction, I’d started working with Apollo after he’d passed a message along to me, suggested we work together. During the first ritual, I simply used my High Magick 101 template to initially call upon him. I felt a presence. One of the candles began to flicker. This is often a sign that a being is nearby, as it is only one candle flickering. A breeze will cause all candles to flicker. So, I got quiet, placed myself in a slight trance state and asked, “Is that you, Apollo?” I received the answer: “Yes, David. I am here.” I began asking him questions, making notes. My first invocation of any spirit starts with me asking them how they’d like to proceed, their preferred offering, incense, and candle colors. As I made notes, I began to hear him louder. I looked into the incense smoke and detected a face. He was manifesting in the smoke. (Photos of his are in my Facebook group – see appendix) It’s pretty cool when an entity manifests, and this was not the last of it. After that, I had an idea of what it is like to work with this God. I then planned another ritual. A few days later, I received word my daughter was in a near-fatal car wreck, her injuries were serious. I went into my space and simply asked anyone to show up. Apollo appeared, and calmed me down. He assured me he’d speed to her side and facilitate healing, the way he did with my student’s son. My daughter was able to go home the next day, and with Apollo’s help, I was able to manifest the money to send her to cover the gap between insurance and the surgeon’s fee to repair her broken collar bone. Then Apollo asked me to write this, his book of magick.

I then entered a pact (final ritual in this book) and then he began dictating what rituals and how they were to be performed. This book is the result. To date, Apollo has manifested his face physically, and has dark hair and blue eyes. For my student, he manifests his full body. He “feels” like a college instructor and has a presence of a kind uncle.

Apollo The Myth Apollo - possibly the most well-known god of the Olympians. Apollo in myth is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, Artemis. He is a very enigmatic god, with talents that include hunting, music and writing, healing, and prophecy, being the god that the oracle at Delphi would address for their patrons. Many associate Apollo with Helios, his guise as the sun god, who would cross the sky in a chariot pulled by white stallions, guiding or pulling the sun across the sky. In Aeschylus's (eks-uh-las) The Eumenides, Apollo appears to foil the plans of the Furies, or the Erinyes, as they attempt to prosecute Orestes for the murder of his step-mother. (I used this play as the basis for creating my Furies novel series) Besides hauling the sun across the sky, Apollo is said to have taught many how to play the lyre, with one such pupil being Orpheus, who's mastery of the instrument caused even the Furies to shed tears in response. When Apollo was looking for a place to build his temple, he went to Delphi, and found the dragon Python, who had consumed his mother. There, he killed the dragon with multiple arrows and tasked two sailors to be priests of his new Temple and gave a girl the powers of prophecy, where she then became the Oracle of Delphi, passing along Apollo's. Apollo is one of the rare gods who passed from Greece to Rome, without a name or personality shift. Unlike his father, Zeus, Apollo seems to have experienced love just a few times. He pursued a nymph named Daphne, who eventually had to turn herself into a Laurel tree to escape the advances of Apollo. In myth, Apollo was everywhere. He sided with the Trojan prince, Paris and assisted him in slaying Achilles, he murdered the Cyclopes and stole the giant's lightning bolt to destroy Asclepius.

However, this book is about his magick as used with magicians today.

Apollo’s Origins This next chapter might rub people the wrong way. There will be some who will take a dim view of my thoughts on Apollo's true origins, but I will stand my ground with my conclusions. It has taken me a while to trace his origins. I have picked up tidbits from multiple sources, including anthropology and archeology texts. More information showed up when I began hearing Apollo whisper to me in meditation, helping me sort out his true origins. I am a medium, and I have worked as a psychic medium for two decades, so Apollo used my talents in this area to give me his true origins. In ancient Greece, Apollo was the most loved god of the Olympians. But he goes back a lot further. Apollo was one of the original founders of the humans on Earth, going back at least five civilizations. Not just Lemuria, not just Atlantis, but further back. A time when humans were using their own magick abilities to form and mold the planet around them. He, and many of the other gods, all originated during this period. Some were sages and mentors, teachers, and leaders in these first civilizations. In Lemuria, Apollo, and others, including Thoth/Hermes and Aphrodite, decided to stay in spirit and assist humans. When Lemuria was destroyed (I remain unclear as to what happened) they assisted the surviving humans in building a new world. That new world was Atlantis. Here, the humans were led into a new civilization of both magick and technology. This time, however, the cataclysm was from a nearby star that went critical and bathed the earth in high energy gamma radiation. Power stations began to destroy themselves and this plunged the world into darkness as debris and dust bloomed into the atmosphere. Atlantis was lost under tons of ice as a new ice age began.

Many researchers, including Brien Foerster, have hypothesized about a cataclysm that hit the earth about 12,500 years ago. This was that event. At that time, many powerful spirits remained in nonphysical, and assisted the humans in, once again, rebuilding their world. Because early humans were born with amnesia, they began mistaking these powerful spirits for gods. Apollo is just one such spirit. Of the thousands of gods & goddesses, Apollo remains quite powerful.

Knowing What You Want The biggest obstacle to any magick is knowing what you really want and is what you want actually achievable for you. Petitioning Apollo for a hot new boyfriend is fine. But don't expect this guy to show up and knock on your door. You have to put yourself out there, and, if needed, work to improve yourself. This might be joining a gym, joining a club, taking a night class. The perfect mate will not show up if all you do it stay on the couch, watching romantic movies or sports (this is aimed at the guys...) When working money or wealth magick, first look at your current financial condition. Do you need a new job or raise? Do you want to open a business of your own? Each is a different path and will require different work on your part. To advance in your current job, do you need a certificate or degree? Then petition Apollo for assistance in obtaining the degree or certification. (You can modify most any ritual to fit most any desire, the included rituals are just a starting point). Starting a business? Have you any business training or experience? Do you know what areas you want to serve in your business? Are you willing to attend expansion courses to expand your knowledge of running a business? Most new businesses need a business plan, to map out goals and how to achieve those goals. Then sometimes the opportunity falls into your lap. As a photographer, I was approached by a model to get photos to use to submit to a magazine. Using those images, I created a path for myself to begin working with that magazine and others, and it eventually led to a 250K/year business. Health is another area, and is often straight forward: To cure an illness.

Safety is the same: To arrive safely while traveling. One way to see what you really want is meditation. There are many, many different types of meditation. I always recommend someone mediate in any method they prefer. You might experiment with different methods until you find one that works. Magick and meditation tends to activate and enhance any psychic abilities you may possess. I know many students who became very talented mediums working magick and working meditation. There is no one method of meditation that is better than another. I am always wary of teachers and gurus demanding you meditate in a specific way. Success can be had with ANY type of meditation. Teachers and Gurus who insist that there is only ONE method of meditation are like doctors who only prescribe one medication for all illnesses. It's best to get a second opinion! Before petitioning Apollo, make sure to know what you want. Apollo will show up and grant your desire, but it may arrive late or be very different from what you intended. A few methods of mediation I quickly recommend is: A: Mindful meditation – where you simply sit for a few minutes, and as thoughts show up (and they will!) you examine them and look for patterns. Do not judge the thoughts, just observe. B: Candle meditation. A darkened room and a single candle, focus on the candle and simply sit. Close your eyes if you wish. Same as mindful meditation, just be a detached observer of your thoughts and look for patterns. C: Mantra Meditation – and unless you have a meditation teacher, simply sit, intone a sound such as “Ommm” or “OOOO” (the long “o” like in Boot). Still observe your thoughts and look for patterns. Eventually, you may experiment with other meditations, but this is all you need to get started.

Look for patterns. Like your mindset, which we’ll talk about next. Apollo, like other gods and beings, are highly intelligent and will not grant your desire in a harmful way. But if you wish to place restrictions on Apollo, do so with the understanding a great number of restrictions will slow, if not stop, Apollo's magick. I always counsel a student to be careful and make sure that there is a path for your desire to show up. Think of magick like running water or electricity. It will always take the path of least resistance. You might have heard about this concept of matching vibrations with what you desire. But this isn't what it sounds like. It's simply knowing what you want and expecting Apollo (or another being) to actually deliver. Wanting keeps you in a state or wanting. Expectation will actually draw to you what you want.

Mindset and Magick When petitioning Apollo, you should also be conscious of your mindset surrounding what it is your desired. Often this is those nagging little voices in your head that are pessimistic, the "Yeah, Riiight" voices. If you petition Apollo for something that – deep inside – you know is impossible, then that mindset will either delay or adversely alter the effects of Apollo's magick. This is why in the previous chapter I talk about meditation. Meditation will allow you to, eventually, uncover your unconscious mindset and allow you to change it. It takes work. It takes dedication to quiet meditation to calm that "Babbling Bob" mind. Be aware of your "resting mindset". Like a resting "pouting face", a resting mindset is the default setting for your subconscious. If you've been programmed all your life that "money is harmful" or

that "money requires hard work", then the magick to bring you five thousand a month likely will not fully manifest. Thus, you can petition Apollo to assist you in shifting your mindset to one of prosperity, or attracting love, just as you would petition Apollo for strength and success as an artist, athlete, or business owner. Now, onward to the rituals!

Materials Needed for the Rituals The following materials will be needed to conduct the rituals in this book. Several white candles. I personally use the large 3x6 candles found at most any department store, but they can also be found online at places like Amazon.

A statue or other work of art that depicts Apollo, or a symbol that stands for Apollo. There is a sigil or symbol I have made that will work quite well and it's at the end of this book. Feel free to print it and use it.

Candles in the color that matches your desire. I use small chime candles found on Amazon, such as this variety pack. I have found this company's candles to be of high quality, so I keep several packs on hand.

There is a list of colors and their uses in magick at the end of the book.

An incense burner, and small charcoal discs. Barring this, find pure incense cones or sticks. It helps to set the "mood" for working with Apollo.

Organic Frankincense. Some rituals will also use different incenses, but I always keep a bag of frankincense on hand, as it's a great all-purpose incense to use.

I often use a mix of Copal, Frankincense and Dragon’s Blood. Get the real Dragon’s Blood. Crush into small gains, and mix 2 parts Frankincense, 1 part Copal and 1 part Dragon’s Blood.

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An offering bowl. A small table to serve as your altar. Pen and paper (for when asking Apollo


You can use crystals and other items which will enhance your focus during the rituals. I personally use a triple-moon altar cloth and I usually light four or more white candles when calling upon Apollo.

I advise placing the small chime candles into a larger heavy glass candle holder, lining it with foil to make clean up easier. The foil also serves to reflect the candle's energies. Some feels this doubles the power of the candle.

The Magick Rituals

Wealth Ritual to Apollo Make sure to have the offering ready. I recommend you use red wine for this one. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle One gold or green candle for your petition placed next to sigil or image of Apollo. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light the stick. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: Then state your desire Visualize the outcome occurring. Take your time with this. Go into as much detail as possible. Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you are having a hard time sensing Apollo, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you

freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the gold or green candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Success (This is similar to the wealth ritual, with some important differences) Make sure to have the offering ready. I recommend you use red wine or scotch. Have an item you will use in your business, or a document that shows your business, such as business card. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle One SILVER candle for your petition placed next to sigil or image of Apollo. If using incense charcoal, light it. Cinnamon is good to use here, sprinkle the ground cinnamon onto the incense charcoal. Then add frankincense. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask:

My business (state what it is) flourishes with your assistance. My company grows and grows! I become well known for my business and I gain new clients each day! I have a flawless reputation! Visualize the outcome occurring. Focus on this for at least 30 breaths. Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the SILVER candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Creativity This is good for all artists. Whether it be painting, writing, music, or photography. Apollo is THE God for the Arts. This type of ritual will bring Apollo to assist you in the field of the Arts. He will be near and will help inspire your or assist you in becoming known. He will also assist in teaching you want you need to know. In this way, you will be brought near the physical people who can assist you and/or teach you. So, let's begin by reviewing what you wish to accomplish. Learn an instrument? Be successful as an artist? Gain fame as a writer? Perfect an instrument? Apollo will help you be the best your talent can allow. Success is a factor of your talent times development plus implementation, which then equals success. Be prepared for success when working this ritual. So, let's begin. Make sure to have the offering ready. I recommend you use red wine or scotch. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle One candle for your petition placed next to sigil or image of Apollo. Use a green candle for this one. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light the stick. Any incense will work, and I always use frankincense for this type of ritual. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation:

God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: Then state your desire Visualize the outcome occurring. SEE yourself successful as an artist or musician, what-ever it is, see yourself being successful! Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, Please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the green candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Luck and Gambling For this ritual, you will need a green candle of any size. Green vibrates with Luck and this is what we're wanting. For incense, a purification incense is best, combining frankincense with copal, or a stick of "Money Luck" incense. Make sure to have the offering ready. For this, I recommend you use red wine or scotch. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle Place the green candle by the Apollo sigil, or statue. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light the stick. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: Then state your desire Visualize the outcome occurring. Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request.

"For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, Please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying light The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the green candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Love Rituals First a word of caution. Many in the magick community often consider "Love Magik" as a violation of free will. And yes, on the surface it appears that way. This is why I always advise students to consider a Love Spell to improve themselves. Creating an aura of love around yourself, this will probably attract that someone special into your life. I have experienced this effect. When I am in love with someone, it invariably begins to attract other women to me. Yet when I am in between relationships, the same effect isn't experienced. By creating an aura of love around yourself, you will attract people. This is a perfect example of the Law of Attraction! Self-improvement is important as well. Hit the gym, lose some weight, gain muscle weight. Clean yourself up, new hairstyle or a haircut, personal grooming, and an improved wardrobe. When it comes to free will, I have encountered women who I knew were destined to be with someone, yet they ran from that special someone due to fear. Sometimes Love Magick actually allows for a fulfillment of pre-life agreements, versus violating free will. But this is an argument that should be looked at on a case-by-case basis. Often, when you are obsessed with a potential lover or a past lover, you might overlook someone who is a true soulmate! So, take all this in mind when crafting a Love Spell using Apollo. So, let's look at a sample Love Ritual! Make sure to have the offering ready. I recommend you use red wine or scotch. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image.

To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle One candle PINK for your petition placed next to sigil or image of Apollo. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light the stick. It is best to use a floral incense for this ritual. Lilac, Lavender, or Rose sticks or cones. Otherwise, frankincense is fine. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: Then state your desire Visualize the outcome occurring. Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of the printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles.

Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the pink candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Family Reunification This ritual is to be used when family members have been pulled apart and you wish to bring everyone back together. This will only work if the circumstances which caused the split are changed, such as drug or alcohol abuse, physical abuse, and others. The offending person must have truly changed for this to be permanent. Apollo is a god, but he can only do so much to bring people back together. This can be for you or someone else. I have used this ritual very successfully in reuniting clients with ex-lovers and estranged family members. It can also be used to get back in contact with old friends. Items needed: 7-day glass candle in PINK. A PINK ribbon, marker (for writing names) and any nice incense will do. Work this ritual on any Friday. Make sure to have the offering ready. I recommend you use red wine or scotch. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle The PINK candle is to be placed next to sigil or image of Apollo. Write the target's name on the pink ribbon, plus the other names in the family, using the marker. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light the stick. Once it's going and covered in ash, add the incense resin and light the white candles only. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo!

You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: Hold up the ribbon and then say something like – "That you, dear Apollo, bring (name) back into my life. The circumstances that pulled us apart have changed, and I ask that you bring this loved one back into my life." Visualize the outcome occurring as you tie the ribbon around the pink candle. Now, light the candle and say: "Apollo, energize this candle to bring (name) back into my life!" Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, Please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the PINK candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Healing and Health For this one, the following will be needed: Blue Candle. A 7-day votive type of candle is best for long term effects. Frankincense is a necessity. Resin with a charcoal burner. A bay leaf as well. This will also count as an offering to Apollo. Make sure to have another offering ready. I recommend you use red wine or scotch. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle The 7-day Blue candle for your petition placed next to sigil or image of Apollo. If using incense charcoal, light it. Once it's going and covered in ash, light the candles, then place a large chunk of the Frankincense resin on the charcoal. This will purify the area. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: Then state your desire

( For a specific healing, include a photo of the person that needs healing, and make sure to describe the best outcome and ask for Apollo's intercession) Visualize the outcome occurring. Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the Blue 7-day candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning. Place the 7-day candle where it is away from curtains or other flammable items, and place it inside a pie plate in case the glass breaks. DO NOT add items like leaves or herbs to the candle, the additions may ignite and cause the glass to break.

Athletic and Strength You will need the following: Images of strength and athletic feats, such as bodybuilding or track and field, football, or baseball. A deep red candle or orange. Make sure to have the offering ready. I recommend you use frankincense resin initially, or olive leaves if you have access to that tree. Incense is frankincense or a spicy nag champa. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle Place the deep red or orange candle next to sigil or image of Apollo. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light a stick. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: Then state your desire

Visualize the outcome occurring. See yourself becoming stronger, or running faster. Take your time with this, and make it complete. Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the deep red or orange candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Divination With this ritual, you will be asking Apollo to appear in his guise as the Oracle, and to answer questions. If you cannot hear him, then I suggest you use a pendulum or other device to fathom the answers to your questions. Have a small glass of wine to offer to Apollo, and use incense such as frankincense or rose. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle If using a pendulum, make sure your paper chart has the possible answers on it, or use a spirit board with the pendulum, asking Apollo to make the pendulum move when over the correct letter. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light the stick. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, the God of truth! Hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and answer my questions!

At this point, quiet your mind and listen for Apollo. If using a spirit board and pendulum, have it ready and then begin asking your questions. Keep a pad of paper nearby to write the answers. When finished, state the following: "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight.

Protection Make sure to have the offering ready. I recommend you use red wine or scotch, or bay leaves or citrus, such as lemon or orange wedges. Incense – Frankincense with bay leaves. Otherwise, use a citrus based stick incense. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle One candle for your petition placed next to sigil or image of Apollo. Should be a light blue candle. A small chime candle works fine here. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light the stick. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: Then state your desire Visualize the outcome occurring.

Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the chime candle to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Safe Travels For safety while traveling. Perform this ritual about a day or two before your planned trip to help insure your trip goes as planned and nothing bad happens. Make sure to have the offering ready. I recommend you use bay leaves, olive leaves. If you can't source these, then use frankincense. Incense for this should be a floral mix or use frankincense. Set up your altar as follows: Apollo sigil or icon center, towards the back. The incense behind his image. To the left, the white candle To the right, the white candle One or two small orange candles for your petition placed next to sigil or image of Apollo. If using incense charcoal, light it. Otherwise light the stick. Once it's going and covered in ash, add incense then light the candles. Visualize your request being heard by Apollo. Say the opening invocation: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I ask: (this is just a suggestion, you are free to phrase this in your own way)

Bless our/my journey and keep us/me from harm With the light of your being, keeping us safe Allow my/our path be clear and free from strife Visualize the outcome occurring. Stay quiet to see if Apollo is present. If you can't detect him, then know he's heard your request. "For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude!" Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying "Go in Peace, Great Apollo!" The ritual is done. Extinguish the white candles. Allow the offering to stay on the altar overnight. Allow the orange candles to burn out completely. Practice safe candle burning! Do not leave candles unattended while they are burning.

Pacts Pacts and agreements are a useful offshoot of ritual magik. Often, pacts are used primarily for self-enlightenment. With a self-improvement or enlightenment pact, the god/goddess will instruct you on the subjects that you wish to gain mastery of during the period of the pact. Pacts can also be used to find a soul-mate, bring new business, and improve health and wellbeing. Just make sure you have something the gods can work with, or you're wasting everyone's time. Even gods can be testy, and many have resorted to screwing with the magician if the magician hasn't an avenue for what it is that they desire. A God won't deliver up that hot soul mate if you just stay at home evenings and watch the Hallmark Channel, or in your room playing video games. Get out there! Apollo might even pull you to go somewhere, and allow yourself to be led (within reason, of course!) Most people think of demons when one says "Pact". But here's the thing: Greek helper spirits were known as daemons, from which later religions got the term "demon" then vilified them. Daemon is not to be confused with the small programs that run in the background like network services. Mac & Windows have stopped using these terms so as to appeal to the masses. Linux still uses the term, so you know where their heads are at. Who can you make a pact with? Any being you can petition. Gods, Goddesses, and so-called demons. A pact is different from a standard petition in a ritual in that you are engaging the being to work for a longer period than required in a petition. This is why I tend to use pacts far more often than simple rituals. A pact is a bonding between you and the being. A pact with Apollo is a good way to address long-term projects, such as a writer working on a book series, artist wanting

success at galleries, a photographer wanting success with magazine work (I did this one in 1995.. and BOY did it work!) For Apollo, part of the pact is what you will offer him! The promise of being a good student. Doing good services in their name, donating time and money to charities with them in mind, weekly offerings of wine or spirits. Some books recommend using "magic" ink for the pact. There are several "magic" inks on the market, so you can use if you wish. Under no circumstances should you use blood when working with Apollo, or any other Grecian deity, blood work is only for working with specific demons. So, the basic of making a pact with Apollo is quite simple: State your desire. State what you wish Apollo to do for you, in exchange for what you will do for it. Go into details here. Write out the pact, I do this the day before a planned ritual. Don't sign the pact at this time, though. Leave space for your signature at the bottom. After writing it out, draw Apollo's sigil at the bottom.

The Pact Ritual Set up your altar, add appropriate candles (color to match desire), Apollo's sigil, image, or statue, your written pact, and have a bowl or pie tin to hold the petition when it burns. Then call upon Apollo as outlined in the previous rituals: God of Helios, Paeon Apollo, Oracle of Delphi, Patron God of the Arts, the Great Muse of Artists, hear me Oh Apollo! You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon me and bathe me in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart. Join me and be at my side, and know that I desire to enter into a pact with you! Read the pact, and ask if Apollo agrees to the pact as written. Get quiet and listen. If you hear a yes – then sign the pact and then burn it (Yes, we love fire, and setting things on fire). Again, burning the pact transforms it from the physical into the non-physical. Some say the pact will appear in the god's hands. At this point, you're done. Close the ritual as follows: For lending me your ears and for acting on my petition, please accept this offering of ____, which I offer to you freely and with gratitude! Place the offering at the feet of the statue or on the bottom edge of a printed symbol. Then end the ritual by saying Go in Peace, Great Apollo!

Sample Pact Outline Suggested way to craft the pact: I, ______________________ in deepest respect and admiration, hereby call upon the Great Apollo and humbly offer up to him [what you are offering] in exchange for [what you want]. I affirm that a pact with you, Apollo, is my most heartfelt desire. I dedicate myself to [how you wish to change or live]. By signing below, I do dedicate myself to [what you wish to become or have happen] Below I offer my signature: Then draw Apollo's sigil or seal here. I typically go into great detail about what I want and how I wish for it to happen. Apollo, like all gods, is a highly intelligent being and is concerned for the health and safety of all who summon him, so there is no need for the usual condition to being it to you in a safe and healthy manner.

Appendix Join with us in the Facebook Group: “Shades of Magick” My Fan Page on Facebook: These candles are ideal, and I always have this brand on hand. The colors are accurate and they’re of the best quality I have found online. The best Frankincense I’ve ever sourced. A good sampler pack to get a lot of resin to play with – the Dragon’s Blood is quite nice. My own website and where you can hire me to work rituals for you or sign up for classes. To download your copy of the special Apollo Sigil, go here:

Here are the meanings of different candle colors in general: White candles-Destruction of negative energy, peace, truth and purity Purple candles- Spiritual awareness, wisdom, tranquility Lavender Candles– Intuition, Paranormal, Peace, Healing Blue and Deep Blue Candles– Meditation, Healing, Forgiveness, Inspiration, Fidelity, Happiness, and opening lines of Communication. Green Candles– Money, Fertility, Luck, Abundance, Health (not to be used when diagnosed with Cancer), Success Rose and Pink Colored Candles– Positive selflove, friendship, harmony, joy Yellow Candles- Realizing and manifesting thoughts, opening up communication, confidence, bringing plans into action, creativity, intelligence, mental clarity, clairvoyance. Orange Candles– Joy, energy, education, strength attraction, stimulation

Red or Deep red Candles– Passion, energy, love, lust, relationships, sex, vitality, courage. Black Candles– Protection, absorption and destruction of negative energy and also repelling negative energy from others Silver candle– Goddess or feminine energy, remove negativity, psychic development, money Gold candle– Male energy, Solar energy, fortune, spiritual attainment, money. Candle colors and Days: Sunday– Gold or yellow candles Monday– Silver, Grey or White Tuesday-Red Wednesday-Purple Thursday– Blue Friday-Green Saturday– Black or Purple

Candle colors and healing purposes: Allergies- Violet

Anxiety- Rose Colds- Green/violet Depression-Orange/Indigo/Rose Insomnia-Blue Indigestion-Yellow Fever-Blue Headaches-Green/blue Diabetes-Yellow White The Goddess Higher Self Purity Peace Virginity (substitutes any other color) Black Binding Shapeshifting Protection Repels Negativity

Brown Special Favors To Influence Friendships Silver The Goddess Astral energy Female energy Telepathy Clairvoyance Intuition Dreams Purple Third Eye Psychic Ability Hidden Knowledge To Influence People in High Places Spiritual Power Blue Element of Water Wisdom Protection

Calm Good Fortune Opening Blocked Communication Spiritual Inspiration Green The Element of Earth Physical Healing Monetary success Mother Earth Tree and Plant Magic Growth Personal Goals Pink Affection Romance Affection Caring Nurturing Planetary Good Will Red Element of Fire

Passion Strength Fast action Career Goals Lust Driving Force Survival Blood of the Moon Orange General Success Property Deals Legal matters Justice Selling Copper Professional Growth Business Fertility Career Maneuvers Passion Money Goals Gold

The God Promote Winning Power of the Male Happiness Yellow The Element of Air Intelligence The Sun Memory Logical Imagination To Accelerate Learning To Break Mental Blocks

Apollo’s Sigil

Designed by David Thompson