The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes: 3rd–7th centuries AD [1 ed.] 178491746X, 9781784917463

The city of Rhodes was an important harbour in the Hellenistic period, and although its political role in the Roman peri

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The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes: 3rd–7th centuries AD [1 ed.]
 178491746X, 9781784917463

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The Lamps of LaTe anTiquiTy from rhodes


Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

3rd–7th centuries AD

Angeliki Katsioti

Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, 07/12/2017 15:27:02 Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved. Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes 3rd–7th centuries AD

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Angeliki Katsioti

Archaeopress Archaeology

Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Archaeopress Publishing Ltd Gordon House 276 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7ED

ISBN 978 1 78491 746 3 ISBN 978 1 78491 747 0 (e-Pdf)

© Archaeopress and A Katsioti 2017

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Contents A. 1. Introduction History of research and methodology��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 A. 2. The Historical Context��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Observations on the topography of Late Roman-Early Byzantine Rhodes�������������������������������������������������������������6 The City of Rhodes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 The West and Central Sections of the City�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Central Section, the Medieval Town���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Northern Section of the City����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Eastern section of the city��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 South Section of the City�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 The Necropolis����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 West Sector of the Necropolis��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Central Sector of the Necropolis����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 Rural Rhodes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21

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B. The Lamps��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 B. 1. The Corinthian Lamps�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 B. 2. The Cypriot Lamps�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34 B.3. The Attic Lamps�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93 B. 4. The ‘Rhodian’ Lamps��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������166 B. 5. The So-called Asia Minor and the Asia Minor-type Lamps���������������������������������������������������������������������������������215 B. 6. The Knidian Lamps�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������405 B. 7. The ‘Samian-type’ Lamps������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������426 B. 8. The ‘Aegean type’ Lamps������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������482 B. 9. The North African Lamps������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������498 B. 10. Unplaced: The Greek East Lamps���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������509 B. 11. The Wheel-made Lamps������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������548 B. 12. The Lamps of a Copper Alloy.���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������551 C. Epilogue – Conclusions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������553 D.1. Topographic map of Rhodes and location of excavation work (a list of the land-plots from which the lamps came)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������559 D.2. List of signatures, inscriptions and symbols�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������569 Signatures����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������569 Inscriptions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������570 Symbols, patterns���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������570 D.3. List of plates (signatures, inscriptions and symbols)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������571 D.4. Plates�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������572 D.5. List of Illustrations �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������588 D.6. Illustrations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������590 D.7. Concordance of registration numbers and catalogue numbers��������������������������������������������������������������������������610 D.8. Bibliography-Abbreviations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������619 Secondary literature����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������619


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

E.1. NAA Analysis of Late Roman Lamps from Rhodes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������651 Analytical approach ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������651 Results and discussion�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������651 Group A1������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������651 Group A2������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������651 Group A3������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������652 Group B��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������652 Group C1������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������652 Group C2������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������652 Group D��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������652 Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������653 E.2. The Preparation of a Preliminary XRF Database and the Comparison of Provenanced and Unprovenanced Lamps from Rhodes: An XRF Study Conducted by the University of Hartford Research Group���������������������658 General Definitions and Method: ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������658 Work carried out in January, 2016 at the Ephorate of the Antiquities of Dodecanese, Rhodes laboratory���658 Results����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������659 2016-2017 Future Work������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������660 E.3. Some comments on the NAA and XRF analyses results����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������662


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

A. Preface for my post-doctoral degree; she followed with close interest the course of my research until its completion.

Some preliminary research of unforgettable and cherished colleague Theodore Archontopoulos was responsible for my involvement with this particular part of the Late Roman material from Rhodes, viz. the lamps. Before his premature death, he had selected and recorded 170 of the lamps considered here from large excavated sets of material, basing his choice on their pictorial interest and their state of preservation, and at the same time making some preliminary observations.1 The ultimate objective of his work was the incorporation of part of this material in the exhibition for the 2400th anniversary of the founding of the city of Rhodes, to be displayed in the Palace of the Grand Master, which permanently houses the most important medieval antiquities of the island. 2017 marked the thirteenth anniversary of the untimely passing of Theodore. From a review of the material he had collected, I was led into a thorough investigation of what lay in the warehouses maintained by the Ephorate of the Antiquities of the Dodecanese (the former 22nd EPCA, Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, and the 4th EBA, Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities) in order to complete the project. In so doing, this publication of the bulk of the lamps of Late Antiquity from the city of Rhodes has become for me not only the fulfilment of a debt, but also a labour of love. To his memory, then, and also to that of my beloved father, this work is dedicated.

With great love and gratitude I will single out the Honorary Director of Classical Antiquities, Katerina Rhomiopoulou: she patiently went through all the typed manuscript, making helpful comments and corrections in the language, while her precision prevented me from committing some historical and chronological errors. Her willingness to assist me in issues of literature and discussions with her about topics of Late Antiquity were very fruitful for me. I owe her a large debt of thanks. The contribution of the then Director of the Archaeological Institute of Aegean Studies, currently director of the Ephorate of the Antiquities of Mytilene and friend, Dr. Paul Triantafyllidis, is patently an important one. Through the office of the Secretariat General for the Aegean and Island Policy, he took the initiative to secure in the relevant programme for 2012 the funds required to procure sixty samples for NAA analysis at the Demokritos National Centre for Scientific Research, under the supervision of Mr. V. Kilikoglou. The XRF analysis of the clay for twenty of these lamps was carried out by Mr Jonathan Luczak (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Mrs Vanessa Workman (Tel Aviv University), Mr Richard Freund (University of Hartford), Mr Harry Jol (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Mr Phillip Foglia (Stockton State University), through the good offices of Mr Richard Freund (University of Hartford). I am very grateful for their contribution and hope that our collaboration will continue in the future.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

At the same time I would like to honour all of the Greek Archaeological Service which, in these difficult times marked by the discrediting and cheapening of values, is fighting for the protection and promotion of culture as something of public significance. Archaeologists, as state officials, are forced to spend most of their time in administration and management: they study and publish generally in what little free time they have.

With the aid of the same funding source, the topographical locations within the ancient city of Rhodes of the plots, where the excavations were conducted from which lamps were identified, were plotted by surveyor Dimitrios Sarantopoulos. I therefore express my warm gratitude to Paul Triantafyllidis and to the director of the Secretariat General for the Aegean and Island Policy, Mrs Magda Alvanou, for their help.

Thanks are due both to the Honorary director Dr. Melina Filimonos-Tsopotou of the 22nd EPCA and to Dr. Mania Michailidou, then director of the 4th EBA and Deputy Head of 22nd EPCA, and currently director of the newly established Ephorate of Antiquities of the Dodecanese, for permission to study the material. I would like to especially mention the latter, not only for facilitating practical matters involving the Service, but also for the discussions I had with her about pottery issues, where her knowledge is exceptional. These talks were an important source of understanding for me. My friend, and associate professor in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Crete, Christina Tsigonaki, played a decisive role in my registration at that university

My research has been valuably assisted by the K. Psychas Foundation, to which I owe thanks. Funding in 2013 was used for the drawing of much of the material by Mrs. Sophia Kambani. My dear colleagues and friends from the Dodecanesian Ephorate – Dr. Anna Maria Kasdagli, Dr. Calliope Bairami, Fotini Zervaki, and Dr. Vasiliki Patsiada – not only willingly, as indeed did all the excavation leaders, gave me material from their excavations, but patiently discussed with me topographical problems and other specific issues. At times our discussions have yielded important information, contributing to the improved

A few years ago (2009) an article was submitted for publication in the studies of the Archaiologikon Deltion: Th. Archontopoulos† and A. Katsioti, Τα λυχνάρια της ύστερης αρχαιότητας από την Ρόδο, 3ος7ος αιώνας, Α΄ μέρος. Some topics have been revised in this thesis and some others have been expanded. 1 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti presentation of my topic. For questions on Kos, my colleague and friend Sophia Didioumi gave me much information. I consider it my duty to thank all my colleagues of the Ephorate (former 4th EBA). I shall not forget that during the two years of my research leave they shouldered my own official duties as well as their own. I would like to thank also Dr Anna-Maria Kasdagli for her valuable assistance in practical matters and her valuable observations on the final form of the text.

Mediterranean, mainly by email, but again also in person. Exchanges on ceramic issues, particularly concerning Crete and more generally the Eastern Mediterranean, with Dr. Anastasia Yangaki, researcher at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, were greatly to the benefit of this work. Thanks are also due to the conservators of antiquities and works of art at the Ephorate, namely Dimitris Kouyos, Katerina Pezouvani and Danae Papageorgiou, to whom I express my warm appreciation for undertaking the reconstruction of the lamps at the lowest possible cost. I would like to single out for particular mention Katerina Pezouvani: her experience and skill helped me to become a better observer. In the photographing of many of the lamps, the contribution of the conservator Lambros Maroulis was crucial. Anna Kalagri, the chemical engineer-conservator of antiquities, greatly increased my comprehension of the parameters of the results of the various clay analysis programmes. Eleftheria Kanti contributed decisively and at competitive cost to the improved appearance of the final effort through the electronic processing and setting of the text and the catalogue for the book. And, finally, heartfelt thanks to my colleague Doniert Evely for the English translation and the editing.

Other friends and colleagues, especially Dr. Ioanna Bitha, Tenia Rigakou and Dr. Constantia Kefala, have listened often, and with exemplary patience over all these years, to my anxieties, strain, exhaustion and eagerness to complete this study. Another friend and colleague, Nikos Mastrochristos, always ready with a sympathetic ear and kind word, was a valued assistant in various matters bibliographical and epigraphical. On practical issues, I am lucky to count the conservator of antiquities and works of art, Fotis Sidiropoulos, as a good and supportive friend. I also thank warmly my friend Karen Garnett, a member of the American School of Classical Studies and researcher of the lamps from the ‘Fountain of the Lamps’ at Corinth. I enjoyed our useful exchanges of opinions regarding the lamps of the 5th and 6th centuries in ancient Corinth, on Rhodes, in person and via the Internet. With Professor Hector Williams I had substantive discussions on specific issues of the production and trade of oil lamps in the Eastern

To my family, last but not least, I thank you all for your patience and support.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Rhodes, 2017


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps A. 1. Introduction History of research and methodology The lamps from the Late Antiquity of Rhodes pass almost unremarked in the literature. Only a few references may be found in the Chronika sections of Archaiologikon Deltion. A handful of lamps are published from the excavations of Danish archaeologists K. Kinch and Chr. Blinkenberg at Lindos (1902–1914):2 today they are kept in the storerooms of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul.3 In recent years a small number of lamps have appeared in print from the Geniki Techniki plot,4 and most of those from the excavation of the Diakogeorgiou plot.5 The majority of those on view in the Palace of the Grand Master are included in the exhibition catalogue.6 In parallel with this research there was also published a general article on the lamps of Rhodes, and certain categories have been treated in print in more detail.7

research aims to reveal the changes through time of the artistic aesthetics and market choices at work in Rhodes, matters related, of course, to the ease of transport and access to the island. Thus it aspires to investigate the effect of this process and, as far as it goes, the reasons and the economic conditions associated with it. The study was limited to a specific urban environment, i.e. the ancient city and its cemeteries. It should be noted that due to the very limited number of excavations in the countryside, very little has been examined from other settlements and locations on the island. This forced separation of the rural and urban contexts exacerbates the current limited research data for the former although, in fact, several settlements, coastal and otherwise, are known on the island. The available data are insufficient for conclusions on their demographic profile and their material remains, except for a dot on a map.

From the broader region of the Dodecanese a small number of lamps of this period have been published: such are those from the excavations of Newton in the 19th century at the Early Christian cemetery of Pothia in Kalymnos, now in the British Museum,8 and from the excavation of the University of Athens in Kardamaina (ancient Halasarna) on Kos.9 Exhibition catalogues contain a few more from Symi,10 Tilos11 and Nissyros.12

Regarding the details assembled in the catalogues for the lamps of Rhodes, it should be understood that first the method by which the archaeological research is conducted, and then the time and the means at the disposal of the excavator and also his or her priorities, all contribute to the way in which the pottery is collected and recorded in the excavation logbooks, and then in due course published in the reports. In most cases, the pottery of Late Antiquity, including complete lamps and fragments, was kept in warehouses of the Archaeological Service, unmended and unregistered. Our painstaking research in the storerooms of the Ephorate had to be conducted over many months and outside the hours of official duties. The result was the collection of a body of about 1350 lamps, both intact and broken. The unavoidable length of time taken to achieve this was occasioned by the following facts: first the sherds were still in their excavation bags and in order to catalogue them (a labour undertaken by myself for this present work) they needed to be examined and the appropriate notes made, according to the archaeological evidence, as to where they had been recovered and with what other finds. It is observed here in passing that the vital practice of marking the number of the bag or the number of the object in the logbook has been the custom in excavations undertaken by the Dodecanese Ephorate these last twenty years.

The lamps here considered derive to an overwhelming degree from rescue excavations, mainly in the city of Rhodes, which began almost immediately after the union of the Dodecanese with Greece in 1947. Around 1400 lamps dating from the 3rd century onwards have so far been identified, preserved and catalogued: the ongoing investigations add new material daily.13 Although the bulk of them are from excavated contexts, chance finds and items handed over to the authorities add to their number. Examination of the lamps deals with specimens dating from the end of the 2nd–early 3rd right up to the 7th century AD, at which point, as in other areas outside Islamic control, a shift is then observed towards other types of lighting, such as glass lamps and candles. This Blinkenberg 1931, pl. 151. See for a simple account, Kassab, Sezer 1987, 35–36. 4  Karantzali, McGeorge, 1999, pl. 57a, b. 5  Bairami 2010, 249–264. 6  Kollias et al. 2004, figs 7, 31, 32, 36, 57, 63. 7  Katsioti 2008, 189–208; Katsioti 2010, 232–248; Katsioti 2014a, 95–110; Katsioti 2014b, 153–166; Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 161–176. 8  Bailey 1988, 495–496. 9  Roumeliotis 2001, 255–275. Also for the lamps from Kos, located in the storerooms of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul, see Kassab, Sezer 1987, 35–36. 10  Farmakidou 2011, 154–155, nos 56, 57. 11  Katsioti 2011, 299–300, nos 80, 81. 12  Katsioti 2011, 414–416, nos 136–139. 13  This includes finds from excavations until 2012 and selectively from some thereafter.

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2  3 

Excluding the introductory chapters, topographical observations and the historical framework of Early Byzantine Rhodes, the structure of this study broadly follows the pattern set forth by D. Bailey in his monumental, in terms of the compactness and accuracy of their content, catalogues of the lamps in the British 3

Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Museum. It is structured as follows: the lamps are examined by categories and types: Corinthian (with a C-prefix in the catalogue), Attic (A), Cypriot (Cy), from Asia Minor (AM), the so-called ‘Samian type’ lamps (S), so-called ‘Rhodian’ (R), the Knidian (Kn), the North African (NA), the so-called ‘Aegean type’ (Ae) and finally those of undetermined origin/Unplaced (Un), lamps whose provenance or type (or both) is problematic. Also included are the few wheel-made (WM) examples, the lamps of a metal alloy (Me), and the single mould (M).

The major publications on lamps, such as for the Athenian Agora, the Kerameikos, the British Museum and so on, provided the guidelines for the classification and, especially for Attic lamps, for a more accurate dating. Most categories had a long life-span. But in the case of Rhodes, efforts at extracting a closer dating from accompanying finds (which were mostly in disturbed layers), although attempted, remain of doubtful value. Each category is accompanied by a catalogue of the relevant lamp types in chronological order and contains, among other matters, both typological and iconographical observations. The introductory passage for each class as structured and developed relies upon both the entire and the fragmentary lamps, each with its image and a description. In each entry is included all possible information available – even the archaeological context, in case anyone would like to refer to the relevant excavation logbook, while a broader account, where necessary, is developed in the introductory text. The excavation logbook remarks are quoted verbatim regarding the description of find-spots, the information on the bag-labels and the find-number, where the latter exist. Select intact lamps are also shown in a drawn crosssection. A concordance matches catalogue numbers with any given at the time of excavation.

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Although most types/groups/classes are known and dated securely from excavations in other regions, the classification of lamps still falls foul of the pitfalls associated with the conventional criteria of division. For example, while there is a high degree of certainty in the assignment of lamps into the Attic and also the Cypriot spheres of production, some of the others, lacking a clear origin, are allocated merely on the basis of macroscopic observation and typology. Thus the catalogues accompanying the present study display inconsistencies (which are deliberate, in order to give the most helpful classification): sometimes a specific origin is given (e.g. Attic, Corinthian, Cypriot, Rhodian, or Knidian as the conjectured area of production) and sometimes a broader terminology is preferred (Asia Minor, ‘Aegean style’, ‘Samian’, North Africa). Although it was realized that some groups/ categories of lamps, such as the ‘Samian’ and ‘Aegean’ types, may in fact be subsets of the Asia Minor, and will probably contain some of the lamps that belong more with those of undetermined origin, it is felt that the style of division attempted here helps the researcher.

The number of finds has not permitted the expansion of catalogue to the extent desired. For example, while the imported pieces from Corinth and Cyprus of the late 2nd and those of the 3rd century are included. This could not be done to the same extent for lamps produced in places like Knidos and Rhodes, for specific reasons: for Knidos, the numerous lamps produced in the 2nd century require further and detailed treatment14 while, for lamps of the 3rd century from Rhodes and Knidos (which certainly do exist), no study has been carried out and thus a more detailed identification remains problematical.15 This difficulty is acute for the island of Kos, where the comparative material is absent, apart from some lamps from the University of Athens excavation at ancient Halasarna and a tiny body from published excavated plots. Essentially, the numerous lamps on the island still await a dedicated study. With regard to the wider parallels both with lamps from Kos, and with those of other Aegean islands, it is likely that conclusions will be soon forthcoming from future research and publications of the archaeological material.

In all cases, however, the origin was the primary criterion: if, for example, a North African-type lamp was in my opinion Attic made, it was placed in the Attic category. Knidian lamps in this catalogue include examples of types established in Asia Minor, ‘Samian’ types, even Attic. So too the Rhodian specimens included local imitations of Attic and other lamp-types. In that subset of undetermined origin/type have been classified for the most part the small unidentifiable fragments, and others whose typology or macroscopic observation of fabric did not permit a more certain assignment. Despite the effort expended, in many cases, especially with lamps from Asia Minor, it was not possible macroscopically to distinguish local products from imported ones. Even the smallest fragments were considered appropriate for inclusion in the final listings, in the belief that at least statistically the grand totals yield not only information of interest, but also indicate the range of imports, the geographical boundaries of their influence, their duration of production and popularity of specific types.

Only the products of the ROMANE(N)SIS workshop are to be located in Rhodes: this requires a separate and special study. 15  As per Bailey (1988, 333), Knidian lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries have not been recognized. However, the published archaeological evidence is very weak. On the other hand in Rhodes numerous excavations have revealed the problem: either Rhodian lamps do not exist or their recognition is impossible in the 3rd century, and maybe in the next too. 14 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps The measurement of the height of a lamp does not include the handle; and its length is calculated as the maximum distance between the end of the handle and the tip of the spout. All dimensions are given in metres. For describing colour, Munsell chart readings are used,16 although unstable firing conditions may cause colour differences between the surface and the core of a lamp. Those pieces (most of them catalogued) not on view in the Palace of the Grand Master are kept in the storerooms of the Archaeological Service in Rhodes. Their current position is not listed in the catalogue as this would become inaccurate with time. For brevity’s sake all dates can be assumed to be AD, unless otherwise stated. In referring to published comparative material, dates quoted are typically those given by the authors. In the catalogue observations the abbreviation ‘cf.’ refers to lamps from Rhodes or the Dodecanese in general, while the use of ‘see’ indicates parallels outside the island and the Dodecanese. The photographs accompanying the objects are mostly my own.

Establishing a chronology for the lamps suffers from many limitations17 due to missing or problematic excavation contexts. All the lamps come from disturbed layers; secure and closed contexts are absent. Usually, the lamp in question is assigned a broad chronological range according to group/class/type, unless clearer details exist. Unfortunately in many cases it was not possible to avoid dating according to type, especially when the archaeological evidence was weak or non existent. An understanding of the information derived from the excavations in the city, and indeed the whole progress of systematic investigation, is still hampered by the physical conditions of discovery – namely that of rescue excavation: the random spread and size of the plots, their further division into smaller properties, the successive building phases encountered, and the use of mechanical means for the removal of surface layers (at least until recently). All these factors have caused disruption and destruction of archaeological layers. Furthermore, the finds from older excavations, as mentioned above, often lack any stratigraphical information. The close-packed housing and economic priorities in a space as heavily populated as the modern city of Rhodes has had a negative impact on the course of related investigation and ultimately on the understanding of Early Christian remains which have proved particularly vulnerable due to casual and shoddy construction.

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It should be noted too that the dating as given, open as it is to the new information being generated, cannot at the moment provide complete and final answers to questions such as: how long was this type in production? When did it first appear and when did it cease? It should be obvious, then, that this study aims to contribute more to the discussion on problems relating to the place of origin of the lamps rather than their final resolution. Even though supported by sixty clay analyses and twenty more by XRF analyses, the study has sometimes generated more questions than it solved. This particularly concerns comments on the Asia Minor lamps that probably do not come from Ephesus, since mention of comparative pieces could only be made by the generic term of ‘Asia Minor’ or ‘Asia Minor-type’ lamps. The almost complete ignorance, or at best incomplete state of knowledge of the material for large areas of Asia Minor makes it too risky at present to attempt any more exact classification. Thus, for example, the vague reference made in the account of Knidian manufacturers to Late Antiquity and its end, which is essentially unknown.

As to lamps from the cemeteries, their recovery either from disturbed and re-used burials lacking clear internal structure, or in dumped material/ spoil, makes their correlation with any accompanying finds very difficult. In Rhodes tombs of the Roman period (in the main) were used repeatedly, even into early Byzantine times. It must also be realized that, up till now, no site within the residential core of the Early Christian city has revealed clear evidence of substantial secular structures; only occasional remnants have been sampled here and there, which have often caused damage to earlier buildings. Nor has there anywhere in the cemeteries been found an indisputably Early Byzantine burial complex or definite concentration of tombs. Instead, tombs of this period are found scattered among the monumental funerary complexes and groups of Hellenistic and Early Roman times. The coins, mostly awaiting cleaning, and at times corroded to illegibility, do not significantly contribute to a more accurate dating. In the present investigation the evidence of the excavated data, where it exists – namely associated finds, and coins in particular– is pushed as far as possible. But since dozens of excavations are involved, many of which will be published by their excavators, it is obvious that understanding the definitive contexts of the lamps

In the present study the attempt is made, as far as is possible, to determine in the finds of individual excavations the level of imports relative to lamps of local production. Reservations as to their identification will of necessity remain in the absence of broader NAA and X-Ray Diffraction analyses. Therefore, detailed comparisons useful for drawing conclusions about the Late Roman economy must be considered premature at this stage of the investigation.


For interesting observations on aspects of dating of the earliest lamps, see Lund 1991, 269–295. 17 

Munsell Soil Color Charts, New York 2000.


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Angeliki Katsioti will have to await their assessment along with all the finds. Accordingly, the present work should be seen as assisting, but not solving, the process of dating.

Little is known about Rhodes in the 3rd century AD, a period to which belong the oldest of the lamps examined in this study. Two dedicatory inscriptions of the time of the Severan Dynasty signal the presence of generals of Chersonesos and a victory over the pirates.22 These appear to signify that the city-state was still organized, and that Rhodian seamanship had not lost its edge, thanks to which it retained control of the sea routes in this late period (210 AD). Until at least the 3rd century, the Rhodian state continues to function, maintaining substantial possessions outside the island.23 However, the successive barbarian waves caused the economic decline of the Roman Empire and, eventually its collapse dismantling the ancient structures and leading to the emergence of new types of statehood.24 Rhodes may not have been particularly affected by the raids,25 but did not escape those changes unscathed.

Burial practices18 and the use of lamps in temples are issues that will not concern us in this study. Conclusions and comparisons of local variations with customs practiced elsewhere in the Roman Empire will be formulated by colleagues as they complete their accounts of the individual excavations.19 The lack of closed contexts, especially in the cemeteries, will not allow a full answering of questions about the use of lamps in funerary practices: how often they were placed with the dead, or deposited outside the tomb during the accompanying rites. A. 2. The Historical Context

Under the reforms of Diocletian (284-305), when the Roman provinces nearly doubled in number, the Province of the Islands (Provincia Insularum),26 which included most of the Aegean islands, was brought under the Diocese of Asia (Diocesis Asiana), part of the Praefectura Praetorio per Orientem, based on Constantinople. The Provincia Insularum was administered from Rhodes (ca. 297), which was the seat of the governor (Praeses Insularum). From the reign of Justinian onwards (536/537) the island belonged to a special administrative region under a military quaestor (Quaestor Justinianus exercitus),27 answerable directly to the emperor. By the late 7th century Rhodes was included in the Karavisianoi, soon replaced by the Cibyrrheote Theme, which included the coast of south and south-west Asia Minor and the nearby islands.

Observations on the topography of Late Roman-Early Byzantine Rhodes Rhodes was one of the metropoleis of Hellenism: an economic power thanks in part to the commercial and military activities of the Rhodian navy that had taken control of the transit trade in the Mediterranean and the possession during the Hellenistic period of secure harbours.20 The island, having lost the geopolitical significance of its glorious past, became just a part of the vast Roman Empire, when the centre of political decision-making moved from the Eastern Mediterranean to Rome; though it did continue to be a hub for the transit trade of the Mediterranean basin.21 For burial practices, especially in the eastern part of the Empire, which were subject to constant change until the 6th century at the least, see Poulou-Papadimitriou, Tzavella, Ott 2012, 377–428; Ivison 1996, 99–125; Samellas 2002; Sanders 2005, 419–442; Walbank 2005, 249–280; Hoskins Walbank, Walbank, 2006, 267–288, passim; Dagron 1977, 1–25; Burman 2004, 137–142; Papaconstantinou 1993, especially 94–97; Duval 1984, 259–275; Février 1977, 29–45; Février 1978, 211–274; Johnson 1997, 37–59; Wolski, Berciu, 1973, 370–379; Sodini 1993, 155–156; Rebillard 2003; Yasin 2009, especially the chapter ‘Commemorative Communities: the Dead in Early Christian Churches’, 46–100; Yasin 2002, 13–85; Parks 1999; Rife 2012; Eger 2013, 827–838 (review of the monograph, Rife 2012); Warner Slane, Walbank 2006, 377–388; Achim 2014, 287–342. For Kos see: KalopissiVerti, Panagiotidi, 2001, 243–254. For Attica, see Gini-Tsofopoulou, Yangaki 2010, 703–704. For Rhodes, in particular see Archontopoulos, Papavasileiou 2006, 193–210. For the western part of the Empire, see Cantino Wataghin 1999, 147–180; Spera 2005, 5–34. 19  The complete publication of the Diakogeorgiou plot in the Rhodian necropolis is expected. For the present, see Bairami 2010, 249–269. 20  For the history of Rhodes, see von Gaertringen, RE Suppl. V, 1931, in the entry on Rhodos, f. 731–840; Berthold 1984; Wiemer 2002; Papachristodoulou 1989, 36–41. ‘Full of fields and woods’ is how Aelius Aristides describes the citadel of the city of Rhodes, Rodiakos, 5.6. See the collated written reports, Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 21–22. 21   For a more general overview of the mechanisms of commercial traffic and maritime routes in the eastern Mediterranean, see Kingsley, Decker 2001, 1–27; Poblome 1996, especially 89–97; Avramea 2002, 57–90. For the Dodecanese specifically, see Deligiannakis 2008a, 209–233; Deligiannakis 2016, 93–94, 95–104, 109–112. Especially for lamps, cf. also Harris 1980, 126–145; Bailey 1987, 59–64; Bruneau 1987, 20–54. Despite the commercial relations of the islands with Egypt and Syria, there are no lamps from these areas detected, at least on

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Milestones in the period of transition from Late Roman to Early Byzantine Rhodes28 were the earthquakes of 344/5, of 474 (478), the highly destructive one of 515 and that of 554 (558).29 Although after the earthquake of Rhodes, although some doubts exist about the origin of Vessberg type 20 (see Chapter B.2 on Cypriot lamps). 22  See Pugliese-Carratelli 1940, 254–260. 23  Papachristodoulou 1989, 40, 229, n. 82. 24  For a concise picture of the political and economic situation of the Roman Empire in the 3rd century, see Touratsoglou 2006, 17–62. 25  For example, the Goths in around 269/270 circumnavigated, but did not approach Rhodes, see Kollias 2001, 303–304; on this matter see also Deligiannakis 2016, 44. The raids of the Persian Sassanids, between 615/8 and 621/5, caused problems of no particular significance for the island, see Savvidis 1999, 481–484. The raids of the Vandals, under Theodosius II (408-450) or Marcian (450-57). Bury 1958 [1923], 257 n. 2, and the Isaurians under Leo I (457-74), Lenski 1999, 451 n. 194 may have had greater impact. 26  Hierocles, Syn. 685–687 (Honigmann 1939). See also Bucci 1998, 105–107. The Synekdemos of Hierocles, an official government document, was completed in 527/528, but, as has been argued, is a reissue of a manuscript of the early or mid-5th century. 27  For administrative reform, see Gioutzioukostas, Moniaros 2009. 28  For Rhodes in Late Antiquity, see Kollias 2000, 299–308; Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260–265; Papavasileiou, Archontopoulos 1990, 16–17 and 64–65; Bairami 2010, 249–269. 29  For earthquakes in the Mediterranean region, see Guidoboni 1994;


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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515 large (mutatis mutandis) donations were forthcoming from the Emperor Anastasius I30 for repairs to public buildings, walls,31 harbours and baths, it seems that the process of change and decline was irreversible. These disasters contributed32 to the gradual shrinking of the city: the streets – still preserving the old Hippodameian grid-like town plan – in places were encroached upon or otherwise constricted,33 and large basilicas34 were raised on the sites of, or near to, the ancient temples and other public and private (?) spaces. These abuses, symptomatic of the reduction of civic functions, made a visible impact and caused changes in the physical aspect of the city. Nevertheless, questions such as to what degree the monumental buildings changed, and which of them were destroyed, or had their original function either replaced or adapted, where convenient, to social identities now expressed by monumental church building, will not be tackled at present. After the latter had been incorporated into the urban fabric – the buildings

themselves, often out-of-scale with their surroundings and seeming to obey no imperatives (other than that of territorial expansion), the centre of the city probably shifted, or rather was deliberately scattered over a wider area. In general, however, and despite the changes, the city maintained those fixed points of reference, namely markets, temples, aqueducts, main roads, public baths, harbour facilities, to which were gradually added the new core-structures which obviously would include buildings of the new religion. The infringements and systematic re-use of building material in Christian buildings are certainly quite consistent with the establishment of ecclesiastical power in the city. With the facts so far available, however, there is no identified physical indication of Christian activity before the 5th century. The first known bishop, Foteinos, active under Diocletian, would probably have still had a small flock to shepherd and no organized church.35 This last development seems to have spread quickly however, since by the late 4th or early 5th centuries, Rhodes, as metropolitan see of the Cyclades, headed eleven dioceses.36 Nevertheless, during the late 2nd century, it is mentioned that the otherwise unknown bishop Euphranor fought against the Severian heresy on the island.37 In 325 Euphrosynos bishop of Rhodes, took part in the first Ecumenical Council at Nicaea.38 In 431 AD, bishop Hellanikos attended the third Ecumenical Council at Ephesus,39 and bishop Agapetos was at the Constantinople meeting of the same body in 459,40 while at the Council of 449 at Ephesus Rhodes was represented by bishop Ioannes.41 In the period under discussion three other bishops should be mentioned: Isaias (520-529), Theodosios (553) and Isidoros (680-681).42

Papazachos, Papazachou 1989, and for Rhodes, see 225 ff. For the earthquake of 515, see John Malalas, Chronographia, PG 97, 16,406; Evagrius Scholasticus, Historia ecclesiastica, PG 86/2. 3.43. For the earthquake of 554 or 558, Agathias, Historiae, 2.16. 30  Papachristodoulou 1994, 242–243. 31  Characteristic is the gradual depreciation of the Hellenistic walls after the devastating earthquake of the 2nd century, that of 344–345, again of 515 and the consequent collapse of large parts of the walls. The recognition of a tomb of the 3rd century in an excavated portion of the wall of the Large Harbour, in the Jewish Quarter, indicates the progressive abandonment of the fortifications and their consequent stone-robbing and dismantling: see Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 123. Burials in places in the ancient fortifications lead to the same conclusions, see Platon 2000, 1191–1192. Elsewhere large parts of the harbour wall became covered in earth, see Platon 1999, 992. On the other hand, for early Christian Kos, the effects of the earthquakes caused no drastic breaks in the life of the settlement, see Baldini 2015, 12–23. 32  In reviewing the largely rote-repeated sections of the island’s history concerning earthquakes, it is yet too early to draw any sensible conclusions; there needs first to be an extensive study of the fine ware and the coins found in the rescue excavations in order to understand the temporal sequences. Currently see Kasdagli 2010, 159–174, with the first conclusions about the topography of the city in Christian period, which are largely verified in this study; and also Kasdagli 2016. 33  Basilicas or other buildings encroached on or blocked roads. Instances of mistreatment of the urban fabric in the Early Byzantine years are referred to in the details on the topography below. Relevant here is the apse of an Early Christian building at Cyprus Square (the National Bank) built over the ancient path P39a, Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 516–517, 531 and the infringement of P27 in the Pappou plot on the streets T. Sofouli and Messolonghiou, see Dreliosi-Irakleidou1992, 617; Kollias 2000, 302–308. See also Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos 1991, 329–332. Larger scale abuses, mainly in cities of Asia Minor, which particularly suffered such treatment, are discussed in Jacobs 2009, 203–224. See in general Dagron 2004, 1–25 and also the case of Rome and other examples, where in a parallel way the physical spread of Christian structures and similar was not a random process but a planned project, Mulryan 2014. 34  In cases such as near the early-Christian basilica of Cheimarras Street and its environs, and extending up to near Navarinou Street (Voudouris-Giannakopoulos plot, see Papachristodoulou 1979, 418–419; for the Valakis-Volonakis plot, see Doumas 1973–1974, 951–954; and the Filippou plot, see Zervoudaki 1977, 352–356. Here are both architectural remains of later years and spaces that served as depositories and dumping grounds, as in Early Christian times: unfortunately these were not investigated to the extent desired, as archaeologists often arrive after the bulldozers have done their destructive work.

The excavated finds indicate that buildings of earlier phases are used without interruption, so that in most cases it is not possible to neatly separate the Early Byzantine remains. Such a decline in construction is consistent with the casual execution of contemporary masonry and the poor quality of the building materials. The approaches to urban planning by the administration now endeavoured to meet subsistence needs showing indifference for the aesthetics of the past. As is generally the case, imports, and those of Opinions on the organized church have not been verified by archaeological means. For detailed information on Foteinos, see Simeon Metafrastis, Βίος και άθλησις του αγίου ιερομάρτυρος Κλήμεντος Αγκύρας, PG 114, Sec. VII, f. 849. For the bishops of Rhodes during the early Byzantine years, see Orlandos 1948, 4–5, pt. 6; Konstantinidis 1968, 26–28, 31–33; Konstantinidis 1970, 50–51; Fedalto 1988, 21.1.2, 203; For the Christianization of areas neighbouring Rhodes e.g. Lycia, see Bennett 2015, 259–288. 36  Konstantinidis 1968, 116–118. 37  Deligiannakis 2016, 11. 38  Konstantinidis 1968, 27. 39  Schwartz 1963, 110, 365. 40  Mansi VII, 459. Agapetos was the bishop consulted by emperor Leo I on ecclesiastical matters, see Destephen 2008, Agapètos 3, 80-81. 41  Deligiannakis 2016, 13. 42  Deligiannakis 2016, 14. 35 


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Angeliki Katsioti marble in particular, are reduced dramatically after the 3rd–4th centuries (it seems that the earthquake of 344/5 initiated the large-scale quarrying of damaged and destroyed buildings). When matters improved in the building boom of the 6th century, it becomes clear that the purloining of material from older buildings should not be laid entirely at the Christians’ door, but was rather a common practice that contributed to the transformation of the urban landscape; it was instigated and possibly controlled by the authorities, according to the dictates of economic as well as ideological reasons.

apparently with more held in common than otherwise. They also show that behind the juxtaposition of apparent contrasts, such as Christianity and paganism, may be glimpsed the gradual and in many ways turbulent transition from the Ancient to the Christian world. The damaged marble head of a statue defaced by a relief cross and the inscription IC XC NH KA,49 possibly displaying the aggressive aspect of a religion on the ascendant, is to be taken in the same vein. Yet, at the same time, it shows the emergence of new aesthetic concepts, along with a change in mentality and the attitudes of people towards their ancient heritage: the apotropaic power of a Christian ‘baptism’ of ancient statues.50 Such actions are not yet put aside, but rather transformed from iconoclastic impulses into means for the continued functioning of civic life, aimed at saving pagan sculptures as an important part of the historic past.51

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During recent years rescue excavations have revealed a substantial part of the celebrated ancient city, with its houses, mansions, roads and extensive cemeteries;43 a large number of finds have been retrieved. The thorough examination of Early Christian remains and the transformation and adaptation of the ancient city to the new conditions based on excavation data, is a still pending decades-old objective which aims to place Rhodes in the broader context of the Christianization of the Empire.

In any case, the gradual establishment of ecclesiastical power in Rhodes, and especially the religious conversion of the residents, has not yet been the subject of systematic investigation through the archaeological evidence. In fact, it is difficult to answer clearly questions such as the time the ancient religion ceased to be an equal force and became limited to minorities;52 the relations between the Christian and the Jewish communities, the latter seeming absent from the archaeological record in the city of Rhodes apart from a very few indications. It is reasonable to assume that the differences in lifestyle and the practices of worship between Jews and Christians would be rather limited. However, when broader questions like these remain unanswered, individual issues, such as the struggle of Orthodoxy with heresy and the existence of heterodox communities and of cult spaces,53 are almost impossible to clarify.

This gradual transformation finds expression on two fronts, Christianity and paganism, and the way they affected cultural manifestations and social behaviours. The Christian inscriptions in the basilicas coexist with pagan themes in private homes, or create new hybrids.44 Moreover, paganism should be now viewed not as a unified religious system, but rather as a patchwork of various local cults and syncretisms. Objects such as the inscribed votive pedestal dedicated to Hercules or the inscribed base of a fountain with the representation of a satyr45 – items probably of the 5th century which highlight links with the past and Hellenic culture – encapsulate the civic aspirations of public officials and/or wealthy private donors who were hailed as renovators and benefactors. Representations of the emperors, though, are missing,46 possibly the result of indifference or some failure to enforce this main avenue of political propaganda, matters which brought about the reduction of such artistic expressions of civic pride. At the same time, humbler objects like the clay lagynosflagon with its incised representation of an ass and the Christogram, lamps combining erotic scenes and the cross (ΠΧ 1160, ΠΧ 2755),47 or with Pan and a cross (ΠΧ 1208), reveal the interaction of the two communities48 –

the possessions of a noble family of the mid-4th century AD. The members are mainly pagan, but some of them are undoubtedly Christians. See Shelton 1981. On the issue of coexistence, see too Cracco Ruggini 2012, 15–20; Cline 2014, 28–48. 49  Kollias et al. 2004, 20–21, fig. 5; Papavasileiou 2006, 372-389. 50  A widespread phenomenon in the Empire, see Saradi-Mendelovici 1990, 47–61; Delivorias 1991, 107–123; Krug 2008, 548–557; Trombley 2008, 143–164. Further, see Saradi 2006, especially the chapters ‘At the Edge of Antiquity: Pagan Monuments in the Christian City’ and ‘Churches in Urban Space and Life’, 355–440; James, 1996, in particular 16–18; Marinescu 1996, 285–298: Mango 1963, 55–59; Stewart 1999, 159–189; Hjort 1993, 99–112; Rothaus 2000; 113–125; Baldini Lippolis 2009, 71–86, n. 78 ff; Kristensen 2009, 158–175; Kristensen 2012, 31–66; Kristensen 2013; Niewöhner 2014, 1–2. For the act of consecration by the cutting of the cross, see too Gregory Nyssis, Eις τον βίον του Aγίου Γρηγορίου του Θαυματουργού, PG 46, 913 D–916 B. Generally for the survival of paganism, see Irmsher 1981, 683–688. 51  Jacobs 2010, 279–282, believes that actions such as these, i.e. the assertion of Christian symbols, was a sort of ‘updating’ of the ancient statues. 52  On this matter, see the contribution of Deligiannakis 2011, 313–316, Deligiannakis 2016, 19-20, for the forced coexistence of pagans and Christians in the temple of Athena on the acropolis of Lindos. 53  Orlandos 1948, 4, note 4, compiles the written evidence for the existence of heretics in Rhodes. For this matter, see also Deligiannakis 2010, 35–36; Deligiannakis 2016, 17, 34.

For the planning system and the houses of the ancient city, see Höpfner, Schwandner 1994, 51–67. For the Hellenistic fortification of Rhodes, see Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 71–72. For the necropolis of Rhodes, see Fraser 1977, 1–8; Patsiada 2013a, 34–49. 44  See the accounts for Paphos in the 4th–5th centuries, Hadjichristofi 2006, 207–221. 45  Kollias et al. 2004, 20–21, figs 5–7 and 9–11; Deligiannakis 2008b, 142–158. 46  Just two bilingual honorary inscriptions of the Emperors Arcadius and Theodosius exist; see Jacopi 1932–1940, 207–208, nos 43–44. 47  Kollias et al. 2004, 20–21, figs 6–7 and 9–11. 48  Suggestive as to the coexistence of locals (pagans) and Christians is the Treasure of the Esquiline Hill in Rome, with over 60 silver objects, 43 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps The survival of ancient religion is a matter for investigation: just as in large cities like Rome there are disputes about whether it remained dominant until the late 5th century.54 But it is a fact that the circumstances are not the same everywhere. In the case of Rhodes it is permitted, ex silentio, to assume that paganism faded away peacefully55 when its last adherents ceased to exist.56 The lack of sources and witnesses in the overwhelming number of cases probably reflects a relatively painless transition. As had happened after the intervention of Constantine the Great, given the tactical-political attitudes of the ruling class, the adoption of the new religion, replacing the earlier attempts to suppress it, is due more to pragmatism than belief.57 It is not mere coincidence that the abandonment of sacred sites with a high profile – like the Asklepieion of Kos or Lindia Athena in Rhodes – is difficult to date.58

cross, of which only the vertical element is preserved in ΠΧ 2162, but the entire symbol survives on ΠΧ 1936. These pieces raise the question about symbols held in common, even as late as the 6th century AD, by the two communities. The City of Rhodes As correctly noted in a recent, brief, but thorough study,61 whilst archaeological research has covered many areas of the ancient city, yet the process of transformation and shrinking of the Hellenistic and Roman metropolis during the Byzantine period has not received an appropriate emphasis. The study of lamps and especially their distribution not only in the urban fabric, but also in areas of the necropolis, certainly will not of itself give an explanation, particularly when the lamps occur only as debris. Even so, their study and distribution over the city offer useful information about its physical extent and reflect on social activity up to the 7th century. Data drawn from the Chronika of the Archaiologikon Deltion, the excavation reports and logbooks are summarized below; they are accompanied by a map showing the location of excavated plots where lamps examined here turned up. Similar efforts have and will be made in the future to portray the distribution of other classes of finds, such as the coins.62 The collated results, combined with other material evidence, especially that of ceramics in general, will add considerably to the understanding of the narrative of the city’s life.

In the necropolis of Rhodes, the oldest clearly Christian burials, identified by the presence of lamps with crosses or the Christogram, have been discovered in the excavations in the Kalogeris, Parassos and Papastamatiou plots, and in the widening of Kamirou Street. The coexistence of pagans and Christians in common cemeteries, but also the dedication of lamps with pagan (or neutral) decoration by Christians is confirmed in the Diakogeorgiou-plot excavation: for the most part the burials and offerings are late in date, reaching the end of the 6th century. Here, from the total of 198 lamps, only 18 have a purely Christian theme – an indication, perhaps, of the continued use by Christians of lamps with neutral or pagan themes. It is worth noting the total absence of lamps with Jewish symbols: indicative here not only of the assimilation of pagan elements with those of Christian tradition, but also of the wide use of lamps with general themes by all three communities. Of special interest, however, are lamps ΠX 2162 and ΠΧ 1936:59 the discus probably bears a representation of a seven-branched lamp (menorah), or a Lulah palm branch,60 whilst the nozzle bears a relief

Given the difficulties in stratigraphy and the lack of closed contexts already mentioned, it is not always clear whether some of the catalogued lamps come from private or public buildings. It should be stressed too that the split, city vs. necropolis, as noted in the series of the Archaiologikon Deltion, has inherent limitations: the necropolis shows sporadic signs of habitation already in the 6th century, and, respectively, the city is not without the occasional burial. This blurring of the boundaries between the city and the necropolis has its roots in the piecemeal abandonment of the ancient fortifications under the Pax Romana, aided by the weakening of authority and the disruptive effects of natural disasters.

See the arguments of Cameron 2011, chapter 5 – ‘Pagan Converts’, 173–205. He considers that in Rome until 340, there was a balance between the two viewpoints, but that afterwards there began the decline of the ancient religions, which were ‘clinically dead’ before the anti-pagan laws of Theodosius were passed. 55  For the consensual and peaceful religious climate in the islands, see Kiourtzian 1998, 361–378; Kiourtzian 2000, 15–16. For the growth of Christianity in Kos without, apparently, violent confrontations with the other cults, see Cosentino 2015, 105–116. 56  See similar studies and observations for other areas, such as Athens, Franz 1965, 205; Corinth, Rothaus 2000; here and there for Kos, Baldini 2011, 33–37. For a more general overview, see Trombley 1993–1994. Deligiannakis 2016, 58, 60, 63, 137 argues for the existence of local martyrs whom he associates with Early Christian churches on the island; these are, however, unsubstantiated hypotheses. 57  For the options of the upper class and their dilemmas in the 4th and 5th centuries, see Ziche 2014, 351–367. 58  Baldini 2011, 35. 59  See the Chapter B.8 on ‘Aegean style’ lamps. 60  Although it has been argued that what is represented are bundles of branches, or sheaves of straw (Gerousi 2013, 153 and passim thereafter).

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In considering topographical matters, then, and starting in the 3rd century AD, before the spread of Christianity, we may envision a city that had undergone no radical changes compared with the previous centuries. Then, from around the middle of the 5th century, we have extensive exploitation of older structures for building material, instead of the reuse of the older sanctuaries by the new religion, whose adherents may have been 61  62 

Kasdagli 2010, 159–174. See also Deligiannakis 2016, 42–47. Kasdagli 2016.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti limited in number anyway. This means that from the mid-5th century, when, roughly speaking, the first construction phase of a large church on Cheimarras street begins,63 either the earlier sanctuaries were in ruins, or they were being systematically dismantled for building material. The city basilicas are to be found in central locations near the ports and on the main roads leading to the peri-urban settlements and rural areas. Within and outside the medieval walls are nuclei of habitation areas. The largest and probably the oldest known to date comprises the great basilica with its outbuildings unearthed on the eastern slope of the Acropolis on the Chatziandreou plot, at the crossing of Pavlou Mela and Cheimarras Streets: an impressive complex whose remains have been traced down to Navarinou Street. Near the modern Diagoras Stadium a mosaic floor came to light, probably associated with the remains of the baptistery of another basilica.64 In the medieval town there are the basilicas at Agios Georgios (Chourmali Medrese) on Apolloniou Street,65 at the Archangel Michael (Demirli Mosque) on Athenas Square,66 that on Agisandrou Street67 and that on Thiseos Street.68 Yet another possibly stood on Panaitiou Street, on the site of the Medieval church of Agios Ioannis at the Collachium: parts of a floor laid with split pebbles set in a layer of hydraulic mortar and a building with floors of large ceramic tiles and marble were excavated and remnants of late mosaics were uncovered under the street to the east.69

period, i.e. as a seasonally utilized harbour-station for the annona fleet on its journey from Egypt to Constantinople. The consequence of Rhodes seems reduced; nevertheless, a blurred and fragmentary picture of the early Byzantine settlement is recorded in the excavation reports and the annals of the finds. The data yielded by other finds, like the coins, are of great interest: for example, the scarcity of the coins of Anastasius I indicate that Rhodes was in significant decline before the earthquake of 515.71 The difference with the standards of construction and artistic activity in neighbouring Kos is stark: public buildings, luxurious homes and villas with impressive mosaics have been discovered there,72 demonstrating the higher standard of living in comparison with Rhodes in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. This chapter, with the accompanying map,73 is not a comprehensive survey of the layout of the Early Byzantine settlement, since it records (and only succinctly) merely those areas where lamps have been found.74 The majority of these come from excavations in the ancient city and its cemeteries. Very few lamps come from the countryside, reflecting the limited excavation activity there. It should be remembered that, omitting items handed in to the authorities, at least 10% of this catalogue are lamps (the best preserved and most interesting samples) found in the storerooms of the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes without any records. Most of them are from excavations of the period of Italian rule, for which there is but little, and that mostly general, information. Indeed, since all are intact or nearly intact, it should be assumed that the

Gradually and by the end of the era under consideration, at least four areas of occupation had emerged, as shown in the map, with perhaps here and there other smaller areas within the necropolis, while some parts of the ancient city had been given over to agriculture. From the evidence of small finds and non-archaeological sources of information so far there is no indication of any demographic or economic growth. Rather, the scale and poor fabric of the masonry in secular structures have contributed to the very limited preservation of some phases of private dwellings, while public (?) buildings, whose exact use is difficult to determine, probably bear witness to the marginalized role that Rhodes70 had during the start of the Early Byzantine

of Asia Minor. The rare reference in the written sources and in the few surviving inscriptions, public and private, is not symptomatic. As has been proposed, the building frenzy of the 5th–6th centuries, expressed in the construction of basilicas, possibly suggests the development of a new approach in the investment of an economic surplus: see Deligiannakis 2004 166; Deligiannakis 2016, 52-53. It is certain that basilicas had become the apposite architectural and prestige symbols, replacing the traditional urban buildings as foci of local pride and ambition, with the patrons competing with each other in piety, prosperity and prestige. The claimed monumental, and far from occasional, construction activity in the private sector is not proven by excavation. For the belief in a gradually shrinking city and its transformation into a small town, see Kasdagli 2010, 162 ff. This last vision certainly contrasts with the idea of rich private residences, a densely-packed and wealthy city and so on, as expressed by Deligiannakis 2008a, 210; Deligiannakis 2016, 45. 71  Kasdagli 2016. 72  Typically, the so-called House of the Bronzes, the House of Asklepios, with its monumental mosaics such as The Arrival of Asklepios in Kos, the House of Silenus, The Abduction of Europa, The Judgement of Paris, and also The Casa Romana, which seems to have been inhabited until the 7th–8th centuries. See De Matteis 2004; Interdonato 2011, 28–29; Didioumi 2011, 89–90. On the wealth and prosperity in the city of Kos at this period, see Didioumi 2015, 99–100. 73  The basis of the plan of the ancient city and of the ancient coastline comes first from Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, further drawing on Kasdagli 2010 for that part of the city beyond the Medieval walls, updated accordingly, and lastly on the plots from which come the finds considered here. 74  The bibliographical references of the excavations of the plots are included in the catalogue of the lamps.

Zarras 2014, 81–104. Deligiannakis 2016, 45–46, 116–117. Jacopi 1931, 479; Volanakis 1976, 130–113; Pelekanidis, Atzaka 1988, 85–86. 65  Its date perhaps lies in the second or third phase, i.e. in the second half of the 6th century, of the Chatziandreou basilica, on the evidence of the motif of the pine-cone as the central theme depicted on the mosaic floors of both basilicas, see Volanakis 1982, 407–410, fig. 2 and Volanakis 1987, 664–666, fig. 2. 66  Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos 1991, 333–337. 67  Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos 1991, 340–345. 68  Psarri 2007, 468–469. 69  For the excavation, see Kasdagli 1991, 498; Kasdagli 1992, 671. 70  This idea concerning the acme of the town is often repeated on the basis of its strategic importance as a stopover point up to about the middle of the 6th century in the provisioning of the capital: see for an example Deligiannakis 2007–2008, 3; Deligiannakis 2016, 45–47, 50. However, it is better compared with some of the rather humbler cities 63 

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps pottery from these excavations of the interwar period was either discarded or never collected.75 Most of these finds probably derive from the excavations on the hill of Agios Stephanos (Monte Smith), i.e. in the area between the shrines and roads situated between the city and the heights of the Acropolis, where the large and largely artificial caves and Nymphaea dedicated to various deities, which formed an integral part of the architectural landscape of the city of Rhodes in the Hellenistic period, are located.76 As happened throughout the Greco-Roman world, patently humble tributes such as lamps would have been customarily dedicated there until the end of antiquity. Also, some of the lamps without provenance may come from the Filerimos basilica excavated by the Italians in 1927; for which, again, no references survive.

Dynameon, Diagoridon, Th. Sofouli, Agias Sophias, Agiou Ioannou, Demokratias-Riga Feraiou-El. Venizelou and Voreiou Epirou streets. The excavation of the entire block (insula) of Enoplon Dynameon Street, comprising the Geronikolas, Chatzidimitriou and Diakidis-Minettos plots, revealed remains of luxurious houses of the Late Hellenistic period, with successive building phases and a use continuing into Roman and Early Byzantine times. Worth mentioning are the extensive building remnants in the adjacent Tzedakis, Damianos and Geronikolas-Doulgaroglou plots on Cheimarras Street. Unfortunately, in most cases, the building remains of the Early Byzantine period are either very poorly or inadequately documented, as is the case with both the Tzedakis and Damianos plots. The first revealed, over much of the excavated area, remains of various periods, with an Early Byzantine secular –most likely public – building with mosaics, and floors laid with shaped stones and pebbles. The plentiful numismatic evidence of emperors Justin II (565–578), Mauricius (582–602), Heraclius (610–641), and Constans II (641–668) were found together with examples of Asia Minor and ‘Samian-style’ lamps that are included in the Catalogue here.79 Further east, in the Emmanouil plot, traces of later buildings were associated chronologically with the findings of wells, of the 3rd to 4th, but mainly of the 6th and 7th centuries AD.80

It must also be noted that the numismatic collection amassed from the excavations carried out in the period of Italian rule disappeared at the end of the Second World War. The West and Central Sections of the City At the foot of the Acropolis of Rhodes, where in the past extended a zone of thinly distributed public buildings, sanctuaries and villas,77 the most important period of habitation is in the Roman and the Late Roman era. The continued use of older houses, underground storage facilities, stoas and so on, often impossible to divide into temporal phases, is a common occurrence, continuing right up to Early Byzantine times. In prior periods, luxurious houses existed in the area of modern Amerikis Street the parallels to its east and west, as well as in modern Kennedy, Pavlou Mela, and Th. Sofouli streets and in the marasi78 of Agia Anastasia, in the south-east part of the city. The excavations in properties of this area revealed the continuity of habitation, though in reduced circumstances in comparison to the grander and richer past. The plots of the central and western part of the city are delimited by modern Enoplon

The Damianos plot also saw extensive use in Late Antiquity: the earliest phase consisted of a complex of vaulted units – water cisterns and possibly storage spaces – both above and below ground level, cut in the soft rock of the area and supplied with stairs and arched doorways, and the remains of a large construction of poros-blocks. Next door to the Damianos plot is that of Diakogeorgiou (Charalambous), on Cheimarras Street: at first quarried, it was then occupied, with the concomitant filling of spaces and constructions with pillars and buttresses. The Byzantine phase, identified by highly disturbed fills underlying the constructions, is dated, with the help of its lamps, to the 7th century.

Note that in some later excavations too, immediately after the incorporation of Rhodes in Greece, the finds do not seem to have been collected, possibly because of the pressures imposed on the one hand by demands for compensation for damage, and on the other by the under-staffing of the Archaeological Service. 76  See Rice 1995, 383–404. On 394, n. 19, she points out that for these investigations, the plans, diagrams, instructions, information on the finds are all missing, to the extent that it is often impossible to understand what area is being referred to in the minimal and vague written general accounts of the Italian archaeologists. For work during the Italian occupation, see Livadiotti 1996, 8–12. For the architecture in its landscape and the configuration of the ancient city of Rhodes, see Patsiada 2013b, 47–77. 77  For a summary of the excavation data of this area (known for its natural beauty, combined with artificial manipulation and landscaping), see Patsiada 2013b, 59–69. 78  Marasia is the term given to the inhabited centres that developed around the walled city during the Turkish occupation (1522–1912), made up of the Greek communities who were forced to move out from the ‘Burgo’, the largely administrative centre of the Ottomans.

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In the Geronikolas-Doulgaroglou plot, at the end of Cheimarras Street, part of an Early Byzantine apsidal building was excavated, perhaps a place of worship,

NB 551–553, NB 2171. Specifically, find ΠΧ 2843 and ΠΧ 2844 probably associated with the NB 3865 of Mauricius (589–590). The coins that follow have but little archaeological relevance: NB 1128– 1129 of Heraclius (613–617), with lamps ΠΧ 2236, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 1323. In the area Δ1 were found coins NB 552–553 of Mauricius (582–602) and of Heraclius or Constans II (641–648), NB 1122, NB 1130 of Justin II (565–578), NB 1131–1132 of Constans II (641–668), associated with lamps ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2249, ΠΧ 2250, ΠΧ 2248. 80  Lamps ΠΧ 2838, ΠΧ 2831, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2837 are associated with coin NP 3891 of Justin II (576–577) from well 3. See also lamp ΠΧ 2846 from well 2. 79 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti with mosaic floors.81 Similarly, in the northern part of Papavasileiou plot, on Th. Sofouli and Cheimarras Streets, among confused building remains of the period under consideration, a mosaic floor came to light.

Excavation for the expansion of the Soleil Hotel, between Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou streets on the east slope of the Acropolis, revealed continuous habitation of the area. This has confused the archaeological record, which included the usual underground spaces, seepage collection tunnels, storage for amphorae and a fountain. Among the later constructions, a long apsidal building laid with opus sectile is of note. As for the lamps, while some date from the 4th and 5th centuries, they are dominated by those from the 6th and 7th centuries; the same is true for other classes of finds,85 in particular those from the underground spaces, which were originally roofed.

Rock-cut underground spaces are found at most plots and are an integral element of the topography of the area. The stone extracted from them could serve as building material, they collected rainwater from the roofs of houses and, eventually, could be employed as storage spaces and rubbish tips. The debris layers that backfill those cut-out areas and seepage collection tunnels yield rich archaeological material, usually derived from the destruction of the buildings above them, but unfortunately heavily disturbed. The adjacent plots of Maravelias, Avgerinos, Papamichail, Valakis-Volonakis, and Filippou along Navarinou Street preserve similar rock-cut spaces; they were also used in Early Christian times, as water supply tunnels, tanks, and for storage.

In the Maravelias plot (Park Hotel), on Riga Feraiou Street, in the rock-cut spaces probably below housing with continuous use, are found walls of the Early Byzantine phase86 and additions to pre-existing features built with irregular masonry. In the same street and on the adjacent Ph. Constantinides plot, the ruins of Early Christian buildings stand above compact quarried features. The lamps indicate habitation at least until the mid-7th century.

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On the Filippou plot, also in Navarinou Street the Hellenistic building with quarried underground spaces was succeeded by a Late Antique building of indeterminate function whose complex plan is made up of walls of various phases which still defy interpretation.82 In the fill of a water-cistern on the Avgerinos plot across the road, the 20 or so lamps are proof of successive depositions between the 4th and 7th centuries, in line with the evidence of the coinage.83

Probably after the middle of the 5th century, the area of modern Cheimarras Street was dominated by a huge three-aisled Early Christian basilica with transverse aisle, at the junction with Pavlou Mela Street87: Its excavation on the Chatziandreou plot took a number of years. Unfortunately, and despite the efforts of the Ministry of Culture, it was not possible to expropriate the land, which now lies under modern blocks of flats raised on concrete piles which make the site hard to read. Three ambiguous building phases have been identified, the last being Justinianic. The assumption is that the huge building was abandoned in the 7th century, and then stripped down to its foundations: this is supported not only by the coins but also by lamp ΠΧ 2086, dated to around the mid-7th century, which was found near one of the north pillars. The basilica interrupted road P28, and possibly also streets R27a and R28a, spreading over ancient housing, and probably over part of the adjacent great open air sanctuary, the Pantheon, whose systematic dismantling88 is proven by the reuse in the basilica of a number of inscribed statuary plinths. The excavators reported traces of an earlier religious (?) building under the transept. Further, one of the walls, probably of the first building phase, cut a cross another thick wall, perhaps belonging to some Early Byzantine building, as is intimated by a

In the Valakis-Volonakis plot between Navarinou and Cheimarras Streets, investigation of a large barrelvaulted room, and underground spaces with rock-cut tunnels and well-shafts, as well as the successive layers of road surfaces between ancient roads P38, P10 and P28, confirm their late use.84 Similarly, at the Papamichail plot, on Navarinou Street, some of the rock-cut tanks were turned into rubbish tips and others into housing with three identifiable building phases; the latest was Early Byzantine, with lamps dating from the 5th to the 7th centuries. On the same street, in the Gavrilakis plot, an encroachment of the street grid occurred in Late Antiquity at the intersection of roads P10 and P28, where a strong wall and a building were erected east of P28. The lamps recovered there indicate continuous habitation up to the 7th centuriy.

Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 281–282; Kontis 1960a, 201. The coins recovered testify to long periods of depositions, see NB 1077–1083 of Phocas (602–610), Constans II (641–648), and of the 13th century. 83  NB 900 of Justin II (565–578). NB 901 of Justin II was found along with ΠΧ numbers 2459 to 2477, the majority of them being Asia-Minor types. See also the coins NP 964–968, including some of Constantius II (355–361). 84  The finds include coins NP 447–465, the earliest those of Theodosius II (402–450), and NB 812–820, 858, the latest of Constans II (668–689) with lamp ΠΧ 2769, of the 6th to 7th centuries. 81  82 

See too the implications of the coins, NB 797–NB 799, 801–803, the latest of Heraclius (613–617). 86  As is clear from the finds: see coins NP 422 (388–408), and NB 3914 of Justin II (565–578) with lamp ΠΧ 2137. 87  Pelekanidis, Atzaka 1988, 90, for dating the mosaic floor. See recently Zarras 2014, 81–104. 88  For stone-robbing and dismantling, and for the procedure involved and its ideological causes, the literature is rich, see Moralee 2006, 185, n.3. 85 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps lamp of the 4th century in a nearby disturbed fill.89 Due to the size of the monument, surrounded by clusters of structures of different phases, and also its location in a major residential enclave including other public buildings, parts of which were discovered in adjacent plots, it is assumed that its primary role was in the ecclesiastical affairs of the city, perhaps as the seat of the bishop. These interesting questions certainly go beyond the scope of this study. For example, in grave 3 inside the church, which the excavator thought might be older than the basilica,90 was found a pentanummium of Justin II. It is quite possible, though, that this tomb, like others, belongs chronologically with the second building phase. In any case two linked issues are raised once again: the first concerns burial within the city proper, and the second burial inside churches. At this stage of the research it is not easy to correlate the small finds91 in the basilica with its construction phases: work is pending and will require future collective scholarly endeavour. The only currently secure association is that of ΠΧ 2087, a lamp of the 6th century, found in the south aisle, along with a coin of Mauricius (589–590).92

artificial caves – Nymphaea – are also found in the area. The Pantheon is known to have occupied this location immediately after the siege of Demetrius in 304 BC: part of it probably lay underneath the great basilica. The red soil layers and remains of terracotta water conduits indicate the presence of a grove around this sanctuary.94 A large quantity of pottery up to the 6th century, which unfortunately does not date the layers of the backfill with any accuracy, is connected to some extent with the later humble house mentioned above, but mostly with the two adjacent, and older, underground rock-cut cisterns that were later used as tips. Around 60 lamps were found above the floor of the eastern cistern and with them Roman coins of the 4th and 5th centuries.95 From the fill deposits in the same area the lamps ΠΧ 2983–2984 are closely associated with coins of Justin I (518–522).96 Generally speaking, existing houses continued to be used. Good examples are those on the Zygouris plot on Th. Sofouli Street, on the Sabanis plot97 on Pavlou Mela and Pindou, and on the Poporos plot98 on Pindou Street. Here a Roman house with an atrium and garden with impluvium, showed more than one identified later construction phases, of which the Early Byzantine one probably features humble building modifications and interventions. Similarly, in the Kouros plot, on Th. Sofouli and Pindou Streets, habitation until the 6th century was also marked by small alterations to premises, the addition of a marble floor and a water tank. On the Papastamatis plot, at the corner of Pindou and Enoplon Dynameon streets, is a house with mosaic floors, an atrium with three partitions and a bath: of its two construction phases the second seems to continue in use with alterations into the 7th century, according to the numismatic evidence, while the lamps reach only to the 5th century.99 In the Kakas plot, on Pavlou Mela Street, and despite the wide range of building remains, it was possible to identify Early Byzantine habitation in a rectangular room (9 x 3.5m) flanked by two smaller ones, and circular depressions for large storage jars (siroi). An insula with a Nymphaeum at its northwest part was investigated in the Katsanakis plot on

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In the neighbouring Menexelis plot at the corner of Diagoridon and Pavlou Mela streets, which also revealed part of the Pantheon, and very near to the basilica on Cheimarras Street, two parallel stone and brickwork walls and the threshold of a building of the Byzantine period were uncovered; the disturbed fill deposits reach to the period of Ottoman rule, while the latest lamps date from the 6th century. Nearby, in the Moustakis plot on Diagoridon Street, foundations were found incorporating inscribed statue plinths and bases of stelai belonging to the Pantheon; use is attested until the 4th century.93 Housing purely Early Byzantine in date, without earlier phases, even of rough construction, such as those of the Geniki Techniki plot on Agiou Ioannou Street near the great basilica, are rare finds. This house, constructed from recycled building material, had at least two rooms on the ground floor and a staircase leading to an upper floor; a large threshold was found in situ. At least two floor layers and four clay water pipes of the same period were also investigated, while a well was used as a dump. In this plot, statuettes of deities were recovered from built underground structures, which were apparently associated with the open air sanctuary and its grove identified with the Pantheon. Large

See the collated data and literature, Patsiada 2013a, 224 and n. 659. See the coins NP 915–922 of Constantius II (351–361), Valens (364– 367), Theodosius I (379–381), Arcadius (400–404) and Honorius (395– 408). 96  See coin NB 4557. 97  See coins NP 892 of Eudoxius (401–403), NP 905 of Constans (?), NP 947 of Licinius (321–324). 98  See coins NP 975–976, the latest is that of Gallienus (1st–early 2nd) with the lamp ΠΧ 2148, 3rd century. 99  See lamps ΠΧ 2138–2141 and coins NP 303, NP 290, NP 849, of Arcadius (395–408), NP 316 of Gordian (240–244), NP 419 of the 5th century. Apart from coins NP 794–800, NP 813 is the youngest, belonging to Theodosius II (425–435), then NB 338 of Anastasius I (491–518), NB 1161 of Heraclius (610–641), NB 3896 of Heraclius (613– 614). Also, coin NP 418 of Gallienus (253–260) was found together with lamp ΠΧ 2141. 94  95 

Platon 1999, 991–994. Kollias, on the excavation of 1967, excavation diary 33, p. 243, coin NB 624 of Justin II (518–527). In the tomb there were no lamps. 91  Unfortunately, in the otherwise detailed logbooks of the first excavation phase, until 1971, little was reported for the movable finds and almost nothing about the pottery, so their association is currently impossible to determine. 92  See coin NB 3865. 93  See the coins NP 909–911 of Arcadius (4th century), and perhaps Valentinian II (364–367). 89  90 


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Angeliki Katsioti Central Section, the Medieval Town

Enoplon Dynameon Street and adjacent plots: the lamps, mostly from the 6th century, were found in the fill of the passage between the vaulted halls and of the ancient house with the peristyle courtyard.

The majority of finds of the Early Byzantine era come from the area around the current Athenas Square, which partly coincides with the area of the Ancient Agora and the Byzantine Lower Town – namely the area around Platonos Street: here there was continuous and densely-packed habitation and for that reason its phases are difficult to tell apart.

In the M. Kambouropoulou plot on Pindou and 30, Th. Sofouli streets, the four construction phases suggest a change in use: from an earlier workshop to a Roman residence. Concerning the latest phase modifications, which remained incomplete, the excavator has convincingly argued that the devastating earthquake of 515 was responsible for the interruption of the repairs and the abandonment of the house. This hypothesis is broadly supported by the lamps discovered. In the A. Kambouropoulos plot at 9, Th. Sofouli Street, from the fill of a house with a marble floor, occupation up to the 7th century is inferred from the finds.

Two basilicas with outbuildings have been identified in the area. The first is that on Agisandrou Street: three-aisled with rows of pillars, probably a transept, a baptistery and a cruciform font. It partly lies underneath the compound of the 15th century Hospital of the Knights. In the 7th century, during the construction of the Early Byzantine city wall, the front of the basilica was covered up, but worship is recorded in the Byzantine period proper, in a chapel decorated with exceptional mural paintings of the 12th century. The lamps, all from the 6th and 7th centuries, indicate the construction date and heyday of the basilica, while the numerous coins found there are mostly of the same period.102

At the junction of Pavlou Mela and Voreiou Epirou Streets, in the Kostaridis plot, part of the ancient aqueduct was revealed,100 consisting of underground seepage-collecting galleries cut into the bedrock. The late use of the site is confirmed by the lamps, especially those of the 6th and 7th centuries, whose dating agrees with the numismatic evidence.101

With its three aisles and pastophories, the basilica of the Archangel Michael (Demirli Mosque), as it is usually called after a mural in the ruined medieval church built on its site, is well-dated by the numismatic evidence to the 6th and 7th centuries.103 The recovered lamps are mainly from its environs and the associated residential enclave, as building remnants indicate, for example in the adjacent plots of Chaliloglou in Athenas Square, of Minatsis on Menekleous Street, of Mahmud-Chasapoglou on Platonos Street and around the medieval church of Agios Spyridon.

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In the Panagiotas plot, on Volonaki and Grammou streets, Roman workshop remains were found in a rectangular rock-cut space with four masonry pillars and a vaulted ceiling. The quarried space was partitioned with later masonry walls. Of the three construction phases, the latest, Early Byzantine in date, encroaches on the street with masonry and supporting layers for its floors; it has rectangular rooms laid with marble slabs. According to the evidence of the lamps found there, it was in use up to the 6th century.

More specifically, in the Chaliloglou plot on Athenas Square, it seems that the basilica stood upon older building remains of uncertain nature and probably even the ancient road P10. Although lamp ΠΧ 2094 turned up with contemporary coinage of Phocas (578–602),104 lamps ΠΧ 2211, ΠΧ 2212 and ΠΧ 2213 from the 3rd century and later were found in the highly disturbed fills with coins of Justin I (518–527) and Constans II (643/4);105 more generally, coins of all periods turned up on the site.106

In the neighbouring Pipinos plot, on Volonaki Street, the road layers of R28a were destroyed by later interventions (a lamp of the 6th century comes from these late fills), while at the north-east side of the plot, the glass workshop seems to have ceased operation in the 2nd century, after some disaster. In a second Pipinos plot on Grammou and Vas. Herakleiou streets, workshops of the Roman period (without associated debris) overlay Hellenistic houses. In due course these workshop facilities gave way to an Early Christian house with mosaic floors and marble inlays, which also encroached on ancient road (P18).

Over 130 coins were recovered, with emphasis on those of the 6th and the first half of the 7th centuries. More specifically, lamps ΠΧ 2792–2794 were found with coins NB 3792, NB 3829 of Justinian I (539– 540), and Heraclius (632–641). Lamp ΠΧ 2791 was discovered with the coin NB 3837 of Constans II (642–643). 103  See the coins NB 5337, NB 5339 of Heraclius and Constans II, NB 5369 of Heraclius, and NB 5856–5859 of Justin II (568/9), Heraclius (613–614), Constans II. 104  Coin NB 3735. 105  Coins NB 3741–3742. 106  See, typically, coins NP 517 of Arcadius (383–408), NP 518–533, the earliest of Honorius (393–423), NB 5185 of Mauricius (582–602). 102 

Konstantinopoulos (1992, 384, ns 26 and 27) proposed an underground sanctuary (nymphaion) instead of an aqueduct. 101  Coins NB 3861 and NB 3889 are of Justinian (527–532), NB 3874 of Heraclius (613/4). 100 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps In the Minatsis plot, a lamp of the seventh century (ΠΧ 2071) was found with a coin of Constans II (668),107 while from the area come also other coins of the same era.108 Ill-defined walls of various building phases on the site are associated with an earlier phase of the neighbouring church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni, which in turn seems to be built on an older rectangular building with strong walls but uncertain function. The graves belonging to the medieval church have disturbed fills with older pottery mixed in, including lamps.

Byzantine town. As shown by excavations it has a rampart and a ditch on three sides. Within it, the – later – Grand Master’s Palace was also of the same date: its role was that of last resort in times of danger, as the residential enclaves already extended outside the walls in the 7th century, and continued to do so even later. In the remaining part of the Medieval town research has been limited to locations made available by circumstances and occasional necessity, i.e. only in some bombed and unbuilt places. As a result, excavation has almost never reached the desired depths. In brief, excavation has taken place in the environs of the medieval church of Agia Triada (Dolapli Mesjid), where the ancient road P33 was covered by Early Byzantine buildings, and possibly even by a church earlier than the medieval one; on the Nikolis plot at 8, Ergeiou Street, uncertain traces of structures came to light. The fill of a well, dating from the Hellenistic period onwards, also contained lamps, especially of the 3rd and 4th centuries, and medieval coins, including some of the 6th and 7th centuries.113

In the Mahmud Chasapoglou plot on Platonos and Apellou streets, in addition to parts of the Hellenistic city-wall, a public (?) building north of the road and a corresponding one to the south were identified. The Byzantine construction debris and the Early Byzantine era walls, lying under some later medieval building that had collapsed, was in a confused state. The lamps identified testify to occupation in the 7th century, in agreement with the numismatic evidence.109 In the neighbouring Asprakis and Maravelias plots on Platonos Street, continuous occupation is also attested. On the Maravelias plot, where parts of the Hellenistic city wall were uncovered, housing succeeded a public building: the coins cover the period up to and including Constans II and then from the 10th century to the end of Hospitaler rule (1522);110 the lamps belong mostly to the 6th century.

On the north edge of the Medieval town114 were situated the remains of the Hellenistic and Roman ports, namely the ‘Little Harbour’ (for military rather than merchant use; now Mandraki) and the wall that encircles the great port and, abutting the latter, workshop installations of the 3rd century onwards. At some point, perhaps in the 6th century, judging from the lamps and from an Early Christian votive inscription found there,115 the Hellenistic temple of Aphrodite, facing the port, was replaced by a ‘building dedicated to the Christian religion’.116 The building remains recently brought to light next to it suggest (rather than confirm) habitation down to at least the 7th century117 and into medieval times, perhaps in association to the nearby metropolitan church of Our Lady of the Castle.

Excavations in Sophokleous Square revealed that the Byzantine town wall was built on solid foundations of the Hellenistic or Roman eras and that the building remains testify to continuous use from the Hellenistic period onwards.

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Around the so-called ‘Lower Acropolis’, located on the hill where research places the temple of the god Helios and the famed Colossus, worship continued, as is shown by the ruins of the basilica excavated below the Medieval church of Agios Georgios (later Chourmali Medrese). In the same region, the early Byzantine fortress,111 built probably in the last quarter of the 7th century as the governor’s headquarters (?),112 crowned the natural elevation on the northwest corner of the

The disturbed backfill in the excavation of a section of the Hellenistic city wall of the ‘Great Harbour’ with a circular tower and gate, yielded numerous finds in a state-owned property at Ag. Panteleimon (Jewish Quarter). The discovery of a tomb on the ruins of the investigated wall was dated from a coin to the 3rd century: this was extremely revealing for the reduction in importance of the fortifications and their progressive quarrying.118

Coin NB 4592. See coins NB 4591–4597, 4602 of Justin I (518–527), Constans II (641–668), Heraclius (639–641). Of the 56 coins found in the area those from the 6th century are absent, whilst some of 7th are identified. One of the two lamps, ΠΧ 2072, is of the 7th century. 109  From the coins NB 495–498, the latest is of Heraclius (610–641). Also found were NB 1038 to 1047, between Heraclius and the period of the Knights (1306–1522). 110  See coins NB 957–1017, from between the 6th–7th centuries, to the Knights, etc. There also exist 5th century coins NP 491–512, as well as NB 891–899, including of Constans II (643–644), NB 4566–4567 of Constans II (642) and Heraclius (639–640), and the coins NB 4571–4573 of Phocas (578–610) and Heraclius (610–641). 111  Kollias 2000, 303–306. 112  Kasdagli 2007, 422. 107  108 

See the coin NB 6039 of Heraclius, 6043 NB, NB–6062 and NB 6072 of 522–537, NB 6049 of Constans II (641–668), and NB 6050 of Heraclius (634/5). 114  For the most comprehensive inventory of the space and its activities, see Bairami, in press. 115  Deligiannakis 2009, 180–182. 116  Excavation in the time of Italian rule: for a simple account, see Maiuri 1923–1924, 238–239. 117  The ‘Samian type’ lamp ΠΧ 3018 was found in close association with a follis (40 nummi) of Heraclius (631–641). 118  Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 123. But see also Kasdagli 1994, 816-817, 113 


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Angeliki Katsioti Northern Section of the City

century;121 the Tourkalis plot in the same street, at the junction with 25 Martiou Street, where the remains of roads, hypocausts belonging to private houses, coins122 and lamps signal its use until the 7th century; the Solounias plot on Ethn. Makariou and Karpathou Streets, with remains of atrium-houses at least until the 4th century;123 the Karagiannis plot on 25 Martiou Street, with remains of housing and lamps of the 5th century; the Katsaras plot on Amerikis and 25 Martiou Streets, where, in a Hellenistic house with a courtyard that was drastically transformed in the 2nd and 3rd centuries,124 lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries were found in the fills of its wells; the Kiousoglou plot on Ethelonton Dodecanesion Street, where in a house with a peristyle courtyard, one of the successive five or six construction phases is dated, by coins125 and other finds, such as lamps ΠΧ 2042, ΠΧ 2043, ΠΧ 2044 (second half of 3rd to start of the 4th centuries) and a Knidian lamp with planta pedis. This last was found above the mosaic floor of the house, and is not much older than the middle of the 2nd century, as the layer contained coins of Faustina I. In Kesoglou-Volonakis plot on the same street, of the houses in use up to the 7th century, part of a peristyle courtyard was preserved. In the Moschou-Vogiatzis plot (Savoy Hotel) on Ethelonton Dodekanision and G. Lambraki Streets, remains of Roman buildings were discovered: their occupation continues uninterrupted from the 3rd until the 7th centuries.126 In the Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot (on a side road to Amerikis Street) the remains of two houses of the Late Roman period, broadly follow the earlier outlines of a house with an atrium, well and mosaics of the 4th century. A quantity of lamps in the area, and also the house to the north, built on higher ground, indicate use to a late stage, up to the 6th–7th centuries. Also in a side road off Amerikis, in the Solounias plot, the large casting pits of a metal-working establishment were later used as rubbish pits and a residence, whose most important was the rectangular area at the west side of the plot; the finds cover almost the whole period under consideration, with an emphasis on the 6th and 7th centuries.127

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The northern end of the city of Rhodes is now occupied by the parish of Niochori, delimited to the north by modern Alex. Diakou and Papagou Streets. During the Hellenistic and Roman periods sanctuaries and important buildings stood here, such as the monumental edifice, possibly a sanctuary, on Amarantou Street in the north-west part of the ancient city and the remains of depots associated with the west port of the city, clogged by sediment in ancient times and no longer in use, at the time now under consideration. The finds from the Zambelakis-Papailias plot on the same street indicate119 that a minor enclave was still active there. In the Louizidis plot, on 28 Oktovriou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets, continuous habitation in private housing is attested from the 3rd to the 7th centuries, with a decrease in available space during the later phases, accompanied perhaps by the usual encroachment of the urban structure along the P38 road boundary-line, as is implied by the remains of walls. A coin hoard, and the lamps too,120 indicate occupation mainly in the 4th century, down to the end of the 6th. In the Kypriotis plot, on 28 Oktovriou and Amarantou Streets, the latest of the three construction phases of a house perhaps coincides with the beginning of the 4th century. In the same part of town and in the Karageorgiou plot, at the junction of Ammochostou and Lochagou Fanouraki streets, a late Hellenistic building was revealed with three water cisterns in a row, water conduits, wells, an underground storage space and a casting pit. The evidence indicates that this workshop ceased its activity during the Late Roman period, and that thereafter occupation was purely residential. A burial in a tiled tomb on the south side and above the cistern raises the interesting issue of the start of interment within the city limits. Unfortunately it was not possible to locate the grave goods in the archaeological storerooms, but from photographs it is probable that the lamps are of the Asia Minor-type and date from the 6th century AD. In the adjacent Tiliakos plot to the north, on Lochagou Fanouraki Street, a Late Hellenistic bath was revealed that remained in use until the Late Roman period, up to the 6th century. The baths seem then to have been filled in; and already by Early Byzantine times the area had acquired a residential character.

See coins NP 237 of Arcadius (400–404), NP 238 of Constantius II (355–361), NB 309–310 of Heraclius and Anastasios I or Justinian I (up to 565), and the lamps ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2142–2146, from the 4th to the 7th centuries. 122  See coins NP 244–251, the earliest of Honorius (393–423), NB 320– 321 of Justinian (527–565), NB 322 (6th century), NB 323–328, the earliest Constans II (641–668), NB 341 of Heraclius (610–641). 123  See lamp ΠΧ 2114, 4th century, and coins NP 240–241 of Valens (364–367), NP 274–284, the earliest of Arcadius (395–408), NB 329–330 of Heraclius (610–641). 124  See coins NP 549–563, of 2nd and 3rd centuries. 125  As coin NP 863, of Gallienus (260–268). 126  See coins NP 236 of Diocletian (284–296), NB 307 of Justin II (565– 578) and the lamps ΠX 2491, ΠX 2512. 127  See coins NP 878–881, the earliest of Constantius and Constans, with lamps ΠΧ 1168, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1169, ΠΧ 1308. 121 

Dense habitation in Late Antiquity, as demonstrated by excavation in most plots, is attested in today’s city centre. Briefly, such plots include: Papachristodoulou on Ethn. Makariou Street, with finds of the 7th chiefly for the ceramics of the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD, in connection with the dismantling of the city walls. 119  Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 67. 120  This is the hoard comprising coins NP 595–776, most of them of Constans (347–350), and some Constantius II (330–335). See also lamps ΠΧ 1974–ΠΧ 1979.


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Rhodian Lamps A little further west, in the plot of the Synetairismos Katastimatarchon on S. Venizelou Street, house remains with plastered walls were discovered. Indications for use of the premises in the 5th century were provided by the finds.128 In the Nikolidakis plot on Alex. Diakou Street, building remains of the Late Roman-Early Christian era showed that occupation continued even after a partial destruction, even reoccupying older houses in the area. In the neighbouring Mantzon plot, on Alex. Diakou and Griva Street, the last phase of occupation of a house with a mosaic floor and rainwater drain may perhaps be dated before its destruction by earthquake, perhaps that of 515.

Despite the careful excavation, in which the bones were found along with the lamps, the disturbed fills do not allow further conclusions to be drawn. It is indicative that lamp Λ 5159, of the 6th–7th centuries, was found under the main mass of bones. Southeast of this, in the Astegon Viotechnon plot on Kanada and Kolokotroni Streets, were again revealed parts of the Hellenistic city wall, the ancient road P40, a built drain of monumental size and an arched bridge; and immediately outside the walls underground vaulted spaces with built pillars; a cistern and additional walls constitute the latest features on the site. Lamps date the use of specific spaces from the 4th to the 7th centuries.133

Finally, in the installations of the Little (military) Harbour, in the Tsouvalas plot on Ethelonton Dodecanesion, Ethn. Makariou and 25 Martiou Streets, are buildings and arcades associated with facilities such as ship-sheds or warehouses. Numismatic and other finds indicate its use in the 4th century,129 while in the Kladogenis plot on Kazouli Street, a site also associated with the port, occupation extends into the 6th century.

In the Klonaris plot on Kanada Street, late habitation from the 6th and 7th centuries is identified by its makeshift construction over older pipelines and the finds from the backfill. Investigation conducted in the KAIR factory (Australias Street), in the fill covering the remains of the Hellenistic city wall and the ancient road surface, revealed lamps from the 3rd to the middle of the 5th centuries amongst Roman and later pottery sherds.

Eastern section of the city Sparser habitation during the Early Byzantine era is shown by the finds observed in this part of town, namely in the marasi (Quarter) of Agia Anastasia and eastwards, bounded to the north by Vyronos Street and to the east by Australias Street. In the Kostaridis plot on Kanada Street, were revealed, among other things, parts of the Hellenistic city wall and a major drain. The paving of the ancient road P40 was encroached upon by constructions of Late Antiquity: walls and a rectangular well with steps leading down to it. Immediately outside the city wall were identified rectangular cists of the Late Roman period: six of them contained accumulations of human bones, with lamps belonging mainly to the 4th century, although later ones were also present, together with coins dating up to the 7th century.130 The bones had probably been translated from a neighbouring, apparently Early Byzantine cemetery,131 and perhaps some devotional establishment not yet identified.132

In the Papaioannou-Michaelides plot on Venetokleon Street the ruins of an ancient house show evidence of multiple alterations extending until at least the end of the 6th century. In the Platis plot on Venetokleon and E. Bevin Streets, infringement of the street grid involves the ancient road R18b, by the later wall: this sort of occurrence is frequent in Rhodes during Early Byzantine times. This is associated with finds up to the 4th century at least. South Section of the City Another residential enclave, possibly less dense, is located around the present-day marasi (quarter) of Agioi Anargyroi, south of Komnenon, Demokratias, S. Kazouli and Ethnikis Antistasis Streets. In the Sarris plot on Romanou Melodou Street was discovered a sumptuous Roman building with successive construction phases that indicate habitation to the 5th century at least. In the Malliaka-Demosiou plot on the corner of Romanou Melodou and Agion Anargiron Streets an important sanctuary was excavated which is identified as the Asklepieion of the town of Rhodes. Finds up to the 6th century are associated with a

See lamp Λ 2507 and coins NP 846–848, the latest of Arcadius– Honorius (295–323). 129  See coin NP 413 of Valentinian (375–392) and lamp ΠΧ 2845 of 3rd–4th centuries. 130  See coins NB 2198–2201, between the 6th and 7th centuries. See also the Klonaris-Charalambous plot, Kanada Street (Triantafyllidis 2007, 1324–1325). 131  The walls of the Medieval town were surrounded by cemeteries up to the time of Italian rule, including a Jewish Cemetery in this area, close to the Jewish quarter within the walls, which may be a link to Byzantine, or even earlier periods. For the cemetery, see the account of Archontopoulos, Papavasileiou 2006, 194; for the excavations of DEYAR/ΔΕΥΑΡ in Kanada and Australias Streets, see Triandafyllidis 1992, 634. 132  Note the fragment of a marble inscription, Cat. No. 1025, in the Italian listings of marble items, which was found in the same area (Kova), ‘in the ruins of a Byzantine church.’ I cannot of course exclude the possibility that the cemetery in question is connected to the Early

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Byzantine basilica, excavated at Thiseos Street; for the church, see Psarri 2007, 467–473. 133  Unfortunately, the exceptional and monumental part of the fortifications could not be preserved apart from within the basements of modern buildings, the best efforts of the Service notwithstanding. Of the coins from this plot, many are un-cleaned, see however NB 3948 of Mauricius (600–601).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti rectangular Late Roman building. In the neighbouring Theotokopoulos and Aivalis plots a later terracotta pipe system encroached upon the ancient road. In the Katinas plot on Herakliou and Komninon Streets, where roads R29a and P17 cross, coins and lamps indicate habitation until the end of the 6th century.134

widespread poverty/economic decline or even the relaxation of the sacrilege laws. The phenomenon of multiple burials, very common in the Christian world, may perhaps be associated initially, but not necessarily so in the case of Rhodes, with the economic crisis after the 3rd century and a lack of space: the emergency response then becomes fixed practice.141 Most of the lamps examined derive from five excavations, conducted in the Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot (funerary complex D), and the Kalogeris, Vardelis and Diakogeorgiou plots (the latter two with funerary deposits consisting of ossuaries and debris) and along Kamirou Street. Here, despite an intensive reuse of older graves, a gradual reduction in the presence of lamps seems to occur in Early Christian times.

In the Atsidis plot on K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets, at the south-east part of the advance wall of the south fortifications, a tangle of archaeological layers came to light, with interventions of the Early Byzantine period, perhaps in the 7th century, as is shown by the vertical section of the stratigraphy of the eastern bank, and by the discovery of two graves aligned EW on top of the surviving upper surface of the rampart; the tombs were constructed with building material from its fill. On the south side of the plot, and west of the Early Christian storage pithos (siros) of the first half of the 6th century, the investigation revealed Early Christian structural remains possibly associated with the late phase of an nearby purple-dye workshop.135 Further north, in the Skoumbourdis plot on S. Kazouli Street, the finds suggest occupation up to the 7th century.136

In some cases, as shown by the excavations, parts of the necropolis were even inhabited. This seems to conflict with the known fall in population numbers, which would not justify any expansion outside the city limits for lack of living areas within. But it came about possibly because the boundaries between the city and necropolis had become blurred, or rather redefined, when the city walls, having lost their prior importance or having become economically impossible to maintain, were abandoned and/or damaged by systematic stonerobbing and dismantling. Similarly, the phenomenon of burials in the city,142 albeit scarce, has been remarked from the 5th–6th centuries. This hazy situation in terms of the necropolis possibly starts in the 6th century, if not a little earlier: we might envisage a vast expanse of ruins interspersed with occasional loci of human occupation, clusters now of farmhouses and then of burials. It is all very different from the reality of the Hellenistic era: then the extensive areas of funerary monuments had also offered opportunities for leisure and recreation.

Investigation around the Venetoklion Gymnasium on K. Palaiologou Street revealed carved/rock-cut altars and niches associated with an open-air sanctuary on the rocky hill/slope, perhaps dedicated to Cybele or Mithras. Remains of walls of various periods testify to the later habitation in the zone, reinforced by the numismatic evidence and lamps found in the fill of a gallery and the layers of rubbish dumped in a well.137 The Necropolis138

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The ancient necropolis139 of Rhodes stretches south from the ancient city wall and is bounded by two natural valleys, the Makry Steno to the west and the Rodini to the east. Its division into three areas (west, central and east) facilitates research.140 The Early Christian graves are scattered, restricted, as the finds show, to ‘spots’ within the more extensive necropolis occupied in the Hellenistic era – mainly now in the west sector and less in the central.

In any case, the finds show that the use of cemeteries outside the walls, even though on the decrease, continued until at least the first half of the 7th century. Subsequently or simultaneously, the temples and their land are largely used as cemeteries143 and, probably towards the end of the period concerned, burials occur near or on the ancient fortifications, as at the Mole of the Windmills.144 In and around the same area (the Jewish quarter), at the south-east corner of the Medieval Hospice of Agia Aikaterini, part of the fill about the dismantled city wall was used for burials after the 2nd century and perhaps into the 7th, if not later.145

Tombs of the Roman period are far from rare in Rhodes, sometimes being utilized continuously into Early Byzantine times. Their reuse is possibly to do with See coins NP 417, 421 of Constantius II (337–361) and lamps ΠΧ 2116, ΠΧ 2121, ΠΧ 2122, of the 5th to late 6th centuries. 135  Marketou 1999, 243–252. 136  See coin NB 2117 of Heraclius and the ‘Samian–type’ lamp Λ 6107. 137  See coins NP 870–873, the earliest Honorius (400–408), NB 3913 Justinian I (483–565) and the lamps ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1105, ΠΧ 2125, ΠΧ 2126. 138  For the subject of the city’s cemeteries and of the countryside from the Early Byzantine years onwards, see Archontopoulos, Papavasileiou 2006, 193–210. 139  For its configuration and topography, see Patsiada 2013a, 34–49. 140  For this division, see Patsiada 2013a, 35, n. 65. 134 

See also Emmanouilidis 1989, passim. For burials within the walls in general, see Cantino Wataghin 1999, 152 with bibliography. 143  See Archontopoulos, Papavasileiou 2006, 195 ff. 144  Platon 1999, 991–995; Platon 2000, 1191–1192. 145  For the excavation, see Kasdagli 1993, 570; Kasdagli 1994, 816–817, figs 1, 2. The use even after the 7th century rests on a tile fragment with monogram and the loom-weight/clay stamp also monogrammed on its base. The lamps found date no later than the 2nd century. 141  142 


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Rhodian Lamps Probably associated with this cemetery, of which only a small part was excavated, is a burial precisely datable to the 3rd century set into an already dismantled part of the wall of the ‘Large Harbour’ in the Jewish quarter.146 The borders of the extensive cemeteries around the walls of the Medieval town are little known: the Italians levelled them and turned them into treed parkland. For example, burials are known just outside the ancient fortifications on Kanada and Australias Streets, as mentioned above, only partly excavated.147 At the same time, scattered coin finds may mark locations containing burials of the Byzantine period,148 south and east of the medieval walls and also at Rodini and Analipsi, perhaps associated with the churches built along the ancient roads.

No church building has been identified in association with any of the ‘Early Christian burial islands’ within the ancient necropolis, except perhaps for the remains of a structure measuring 10 x 7m with an inscribed apse on the east side of a masonry wall in the Koliadis plot on Kamirou Street. This interpretation is probably strengthened by the rectangular shape of the western part of the building, which corresponds to an underground basement, where a large assemblage of bones was found, but little pottery. The possibly religious character of this building (with its burials ad sanctos) had already been lost in Byzantine times, when large storage pithoi (siroi) occupied part of the building.

The fact is, nevertheless, that the identifiable late burials in the necropolis are rather limited in number, probably indicating the change of use of these areas, with the transformation of urban zones. Alternative contributory causes, as mentioned above, include potential burial elsewhere, a demographic decline or, even, a reduction of grave goods, making accurate dating nearly impossible. The end result is that even though the later burials are doubtless fewer in number, they are also not easily identifiable. The significance of the (diminished) grave goods is merely relative: it is not impossible, due to the repeated use of the tombs, that the pottery had been scattered outside the tombs, or simply that the lamps were used to light the tomb-structures, particularly if they had underground sections. The current assumption that scattered graves without goods found in numerous rescue excavations are late burials, should be treated with caution.

This area includes the southern edge of the citadel (Monte Smith), extending into the Makry Steno valley; it yielded the bulk of the finds. It is the segment of the Rhodian necropolis most intensively used during in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine periods.

West Sector of the Necropolis

The extension of Th. Sofouli Street at the foot of the hill of the ancient acropolis lies within the limits of the ancient city with its necropolis. It is identified with the most important ancient burial street in Makry Steno, where a series of Hellenistic and Roman tombs were excavated. The tract of the western necropolis at the northern end of the Makry Steno valley must already have been used as a place for the disposal of rubbish in Roman times, as deposits of ‘black earth’ (i.e. debris and burnt layers) with a high content of small finds and pottery have been discovered. These deposits covered the graves of the Early Hellenistic period and the cracks in the crumbling bedrock,151 as is revealed by the excavations in the Arapoudis plot, at the start of Kamirou Street, and that of adjacent Korinthou Street, where several Early Christian burials were identified. More specifically, in parallel with the small Dokous Sokak side road (now Parthenopis Street) to the south, and with Kamirou, the main funerary street152 parallel to the south-east, and but a short distance from Parthenopis Street, important but disturbed burials with finds for the most part of the 6th and 7th centuries were revealed during roadwidening works, along with traces of pavements. In the same area, in the Diakogeorgiou plot, on Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets, shaft and chamber tombs with vaulted roofs were cut into the rock in Hellenistic and Roman times. One of the two rectangular spaces on this plot, cut into the soft rock and plastered with mortar, was used as an ossuary in the Early Byzantine era and up to the late 6th century, as is evidenced by

The coexistence of Christians and pagans should be taken for granted, even after the 4th century.149 Telling them apart has to rely on external features, such as the use of lamps with Christian themes: the apparent reduction in their numbers makes distinguishing between them even more difficult from the 4th century onwards. With the gradual abandonment of the custom, graves lack burial goods; and the use of inscriptions to mark the graves declines with rapidity from the 3rd century onwards.150 In the case of Christians these developments may be influenced by the teachings of the Cappadocian fathers regarding humility. See Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 123. It is clearly related to the obsolescence of the fortifications and their consequent dismantling. 147  Triantafyllidis 1992, 634. As reported (note 72 above), during the works of the Water Supply Company (DEYAR/ΔΕΥΑΡ), in the north part of Kanada Street and the east part of Australias Street, there were found a large number of tiles and bones from humble graves, which had been wiped out by the mechanical excavator. 148  Kasdagli 2010, 168. 149  See for reports on the cemeteries of Athens, Tzavella 2008, 352– 368; Tzavella 2010, 649–656. 150  There are few surviving funerary inscriptions of this period; none comes for certain from the cemeteries near the city: see Mastrochristos 2014, 153–170, with assembled bibliography. 146 

Patsiada 2013a, 39, n. 76. According to Patsiada 2013a, 40, the route ran along the western edge of the valley Makry Steno. 151  152 


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Angeliki Katsioti heaps of bones intermixed with many lamps, mainly from Asia Minor (6th century), scattered about the spot when the surrounding graves were reused. The earliest chronological limit of the ossuary lies in the 4th–5th centuries, as is proved by the few Attic lamps and currency of Arcadius (387–392) or Honorius (395–423) in the debris. In the same street, in the south-west part of the Atsidis plot were found some graves reused in the 6th and 7th centuries.

ancient city, in the Kalogeris plot, burials continued until the 6th century. To the east, in the same area, in the Papastamatiou plot on K. Tsaldari and Athinon Streets, of the late Hellenistic graves opened in the retaining wall it appears that at least two were re-used until the mid-7th century.158 During the widening of K. Tsaldari Street in the area of Agia Triada,159 burials were identified up to the 6th century. In the Alvanakis plot on Apollonos Street, parallel with Kamirou Street, excavations revealed Hellenistic and Late Roman graves. In Early Byzantine times, it seems that the cemetery was closed down and the area taken over first by a farmhouse ranging across the entire east side of the plot, with an upper floor and storage facilities, built from ancient material taken from adjacent tombs; and then by a second building on the northern edge of the site, where two rooms were partially revealed. Habitation seems to have suddenly ceased, as is shown by a layer of fire destruction debris inside the large building, but not apparently as a result of the earthquake of 515. The three lamps found there seem to date to the mid-7th century. The fact that the main structure of the farmhouse occupies the site of a square vaulted tomb of Late Roman date is of interest in terms of chronological sequence: this plot was dug in an exemplary fashion and deserves to be studied in more detail. The Late Roman tomb was built out of ancient architectural material, with tiles and coarse lime-plaster: it held many bones, but no grave goods.

Burials of the 6th and 7th centuries were also found on the Parassos plot on Kamirou Street and in the funerary complex of the Panagiotakis plot on Dokous Sokak;153 whilst on the adjacent Arapoudis plot the burials seem to run on uninterruptedly until the 7th century. On the same street, in the Papatheodorakis plot, burials of the 3rd century, at the very least, were identified.154

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On Korinthou Street (perpendicular to Kamirou Street), more road-widening work yielded, amongst other things, lamps that testify to the use of grave 5 to the 5th–6th centuries, as well as the existence of an underground chamber of Hellenistic date with a wide rectangular hole (opaion) in the roof and loculi cut in the grave walls. East of Kamirou Street, on the partly undeveloped of Anoikodomisis plot, is an emblematic structure – a monumental funerary complex cut into the rock, boasting a facade with false doors, pilasters, a cornice and embossed shields. This has been known since the 19th century, when the traveller Charles Thomas Newton mentioned it in 1865.155 The finds, coins and pottery, show that the site was used until the 6th century.156

In the MI.DIA (ΜΗ.ΔΙΑ) area, where the above plot is located, at the south-west edge of the ancient acropolis, a number of buildings of the Late Roman and Early Christian periods have been revealed, with burials and ossuaries, which encroach on the Hellenistic necropolis. On the Chatzigiorgis plot on the south side of the acropolis is a rectangular funerary structure: at least two of the grave clusters here were in use from the 4th to the 7th centuries. The case of the Vardelis plot on the Hesiodou side-street, in the same area, is also typical: here graves were uncovered with secondary burials, dumps of debris and a rectangular building with four rooms, probably ossuaries, as the thick layer of bones indicates. In the nearby Koliadis plot, in addition to translated bones, the remnants of a apsidal building were revealed, which might be a Christian place of worship in use until at least the 6th century.

Further south, on the continuation of Kamirou Street and the ancient burial road (modern G. Seferi Street), in the Tsokas-Chatzistamatiou plot, at least one of the graves must have been reused in the 5th–6th centuries. On the Kranidou-Manolakis-Diakogeorgiou plot, on the extension of Th. Sofouli Street, one of the two tombs was in use to at least the first half of the 4th century, as evidenced by the finds amongst translated human remains.157 In the south-west part of the sector and in the Samothrakis plot on Maritson Street, north of M. Petrides Street, a vaulted tomb and other cists were excavated in a rock-hewn rectangular cavity in use until the 5th century. On the extension of Th. Sofouli Street (K. Tsaldari), which roughly follows the same course as the ancient road P27, one of the main avenues of the

In the deepest part of the Makry Steno ravine, in the north-east sector of the west necropolis, far below the level of modern M. Petrides Street, in the GiakrasHatzimichalis (K. Heronias) plot, was revealed a

See also coin NB 1152 of Heraclius (610–641). See lamp Λ 7046, 3rd century. In the tomb were found coins NP 996–999, the earliest of 252–253. 155  Newton 1865, 170. 156  See typically coins from here: NP 384 of Honorius (393–423), NP 957–959 of Theodosius I (379–383), Constantius II (347–348), NB 682– 683 of Justin (518–527). 157  Here was found lamp Π 2560 [A]P[X]/[E]ΠΟ/ΛIC) and coins NP 859 of Hadrian, NP 860–861 of Maximian (294–299), Maximinus Caesar (305–310). 153  154 

In the fill of the grave were found eight coins NP 928–938 of Theodosius (379–395), Valentinian II (388–392), Arcadius (388–392), Constantius II (?) (351–354) and lamp Λ 2913, of the mid-5th century. 159  For the cemeteries in the area, see Papachristodoulou 1988, 204 ff. 158 


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Rhodian Lamps monumental funerary complex, which consists of two double burial chambers covered with a vault, equipped with stone couches and a long portico facing towards the interior of the valley. This, it seems, had experienced intensive use and for a long period, namely from the second half of the 2nd until at least the 7th centuries.160 A little way off, to the south-west and at a higher level, on the Lendis-Antonoglou plot, evidence exists for the use of this space for burials until the early 3rd century.

of limited scope. But it is necessary to include some details lest the picture of the island’s finds be distorted.161 The scattered rural antiquities were initially identified by Inghlieri, who published a map showing sites of archaeological interest. In a later study on Rhodian municipalities, especially lalyssos,162 Ioannes Papachristodoulou refers to the sporadic Early Christian remains in the rural interior of the island. The few findspots where some of the lamps now examined originate are cited below.

Only a solitary example of Early Christian burial in the south-east part ties Panagou plot on Al. Panagouli (Prince Alexias) Street with the re-use of graves from the 4th to the 6th centuries. On the Kritikos plot on Gennadiou (Nafpliou) Street, a lamp of the 6th century (Λ 6310) defines the temporal boundary of the use of a large rectangular space containing many translated bones.

At Trianda (Kambouropoulos plot), an Early Christian basilica has been excavated. Elements of interest to this research lie in the finds made in the ossuaries. In addition to some thirty buckles, two lamps of ‘Samian type’ were found: ΠΧ 2081 from Ossuary 2, with a coin of Heraclius (610–641),163 and from Ossuary 1 lamp ΠΧ 2082, with coins mainly of Heraclius, but also of Constans II (648–649).164 Ossuary 3 revealed further coins of Heraclius,165 while within the basilica itself a coin of Phocas (607–610) was recovered.166

Central Sector of the Necropolis This sector of the necropolis, situated between the two valleys on the Kizil Tepe hill, seems to have been used until the 4th century. In the north-east part of the area, the modern Rhodou-Lindou Avenue, now the main artery connecting the city to the countryside, seems to broadly coincide with an important ancient funerary road, the extension of P31a. In the Maltezos-Kazis plot, near the southern part of the Hellenistic fortifications, at the intersection of Rhodou-Lindou Avenue with Ethnikis Antistasis Street, the graves’ period of use may date at least until the 4th century, as is also the case for the ΔΕΥΑΡ (Water Supply Company) excavation on Agathonisiou Street.

Near Paradisi, in the excavation on the football field, a small rural village was identified, equipped with large storage pithoi (siroi). A lamp mould was found there, perhaps intended for the local, and thus limited, needs of the community. Residential and workshop facilities of the Hellenistic and Roman eras, which might possibly have been expanded in/extended into Early Christian times, were investigated in the Platis plot at Kolymbia settlement, from which came lamps of the 6th and 7th centuries, as well as a coin of Mauricius (582–602). Excavations by the Danish Archaeological Mission in the early 20th century in the Lindos area yielded a few lamps dating to the 7th century: these are now in the Archaeological Museum in Constantinople. At Gennadi/ Asklipio, Megali Gi, recent work in the Nikolaidis plot brought to light traces of habitations and a place of worship in a village near a coastal cemetery: among them were coins and three lamps of the 6th and 7th centuries (these last are not included in the catalogues).167

In the north-east part, and in the D. Protos plot on Ethnikis Antistasis Street, one burial chamber, and in particular the loculi in the walls of a second, were in use at least as early as the 4th century. They are part of a total of four complexes at the borders of the old funerary road, as is shown by the unearthed traces of road surfaces.

Part of the Hellenistic cemetery at Kymisala, in southern Rhodes, appears to have been in use in the 6th century.168 Finally, near Vati (Kaourokampos), a Geometric-era cemetery seems to have been reused in the 3rd century.

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Rural Rhodes Only a limited number of the lamps examined come from the interior of the island. Excavations in the countryside are carried out only occasionally and

Inghlieri 1936. Papachristodoulou 1989. 163  Coin NB 4118, probably of 635–639. 164  Coins NB 4402–4410, 4412–4413, 4416–4420. 165  Coins NB 4118–4120, 4401. 166  Coin NB 4058. 167  The excavation will be published by Ch. Giakoumaki. 168  For recent surveys, see Stefanakis, Patsiada 2009–2011, cf. 4, 79–80, nos Π 292, Π 209, figs 37–38. 161  162 

Apart from the numerous lamps, see also the coins NB 810–811 of Heraclius (610–641), found in the fill of the space B, together with lamps ΠΧ 2033 to 2034. The finding in Tomb 6 of a Byzantine trachy coin (NB 811) indicates the use of the space even after the 7th century. 160 


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B. THE LAMPS B. 1. The Corinthian Lamps Until the 3rd century AD, Corinthian lamps (Broneer Type XXVII),169 the successors of Loeschcke Type VIII, were of exceptional quality. The beginning of Corinthian production170 is primarily associated with the freedmen Roman potters who had settled in Corinth, after the colony of Julius Caesar was established in 44 BC. From the end of the 1st century BC onwards the shape of Corinthian lamps remained broadly the same: circular, with a wide, usually decorated discus, a slightly projecting, short trapezoidal nozzle continuing the lines of the body, with grooves on both its sides and with a pierced handle that is generally double grooved; most were signed. From the second half of the 2nd century, their clay, which is un-slipped, is as a rule light in colour and fine-grained in texture, often containing small pieces of mica: this suggests careful treatment at all stages of the construction, so marking the Corinthian lamps as quality products.171 Their zenith covered the period from the end of the 1st until the beginning of the 3rd centuries.

regional workshops specialized in manufacturing such lamps,173 so that in some cases the distinction between elaborate products from Corinth or Patras174 or Athens175 is difficult to determine. It is worth drawing attention to the confusion that often attends the evaluation of those very few Corinthian lamps recovered in the cities of Asia Minor, and generally in places far distant from their place of production. In Iasos, for example, the same lamp may be labelled both Corinthian and ‘of Corinthian type’.176 Again in Ephesus a Cypriot lamp was assigned to the ranks of certain Corinthian examples of the 2nd–3rd centuries.177 However these concerns are at least acknowledged with regard to Corinthian and Corinthian-type lamps, such as those found in Pergamon;178 and again in connection with passim; Lindros Wohl 2012, 355–363, n. 358; see recently Miller 2015, 300. 173  Typical here is the case of Chalkis: this pottery workshop, active in the 3rd century, produced copies and derivatives of Corinthian lamps, as is made clear by the names of known, for the most part, workshops found on the lamps and the moulds, see Sampson 1987, 73–131, types D and E. Another workshop of the 3rd century in Sparta manufactured imitations of Italian and Corinthian lamps, see Broneer 1977, 66, n. 54; Karagiorga 1964, 144–145, pls 145–146 (out of two hundred lamps, an unspecified number are of Corinthian type, with signatures such as ΓΑΙΟΥ, ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ, ΠΙΡΕΙΘΟΥ – all of the first decades of the 3rd century). These workshops, specializing in imitation Corinthian lamps, based their copies on originals, some of which, at least in the case of Chalkis, date to a span of 200 years. For the factory at Sitaralona in Aetolia, see Gerolymou 2013, 693–703; for that of Nicopolis, see Pliakou 2007, 539–542; for Patras, see Petropoulos 1999, 118–120; Vassilakis and Theodoropoulou 2017, 314-330. For imitations at Argos, see Bovon 1966, 13–14, 45–52 and Koutousakis 2008, 162ff.; for Phocis, see Zachos 2013, 255–256; in Edessa, see Chrysostomou 2013, 478; perhaps in Corfu, see Bailey 1988, 402–404, Q 3239, Q 3243, Q 3249, pl. 116 (2nd–3rd centuries). In Asia Minor, see Bailey 1988, 35, 381, Q 3096, pl. 104, fig. 39, 131, with the name of ΑΚΤΑΙΟΥ, an imitation of an Ephesian example; Bailey 1988, 370, Q 3095–Q 3097, pl. 104 (3rd century) and 404, 405, possibly Q 3261, pl. 117, (first quarter of the 4th century). For imitations on Crete, see Bruneau 1971, 494; Yangaki 2002, 506–510; Yangaki 2005, 223–224. For imitations in Albania, on finds from the region of Adrianopolis, see Perna, Condi 2012, 190–192. In Egypt, see Bruneau 1977, 286–288. For the diffusion of Corinthian ceramic products in the Adriatic, see Warner Slane 2008a, 237–241. Of interest too are the imitations, and hence the production workshops, in Sidi Khrebish/Berenice/Benghazi: Bailey 1985, 146–163. For Cypriot copies, see the relevant section below. 174  Petropoulos (1999) argued that in fact the lamps produced in Corinth were imitations of those from Patras. Karivieri (1997, 32–33) and Petridis (2000, 243–246) disputed this theory. Later Petridis (2010, 84–86) refined his view, arguing that large Corinthian workshops set up facilities and branches outside Corinth, in Patras and in other parts of the northern Peloponnese, and even, as argued recently, in Cyprus, Petridis (2011, 319–320, 337–339). 175  E.g. it is hard to tell whether fragments ΠΧ 2402 and ΠΧ 2845 belong to either Corinthian or Attic lamps. 176  Floris 2008, 51–52. 177  Gassner 1997, 200–201, no. 818, pl. 64.91. As observed by Wismann 2006, 352, n.100. 178  Heimerl 2001, 176–177, nos 988–1004, pl. 21. Of the 17 lamps of Broneer Type XXVII, only no. 1004 may be confidently expressed as being Corinthian.

In this study are included even some Corinthian lamps of slightly earlier date, of Broneer XXVII type, that have been found in Rhodes, and that are considered as the direct ancestors and the prototypes of Attic products that first developed into the Broneer XXVIII type, and then went on to dominate the markets. It seems, however, that only a few Corinthian lamps made their way to Rhodes and, accordingly, only a few named workshops are represented. They were never, it seems, consumed en masse. It is therefore natural to wonder whether these lamps were purchased at their place of production as everyday items, but of good quality, rather than exported. Comparable observations have already been made that view Corinthian lamps as a kind of luxury souvenir, picked up on one’s travels.172 As remarked, In his classification of Corinthian lamps, Broneer’s Type XXVII may serve as a representative specimen; he also created subcategories, depending on the decorative details, mainly of the shoulder: see Broneer 1930, 90–91, Broneer 1977, 64 ff. This subdivision carries no chronological significance, and dating remains a challenge. Moreover the majority of the finds from Rhodes, consisting as they do of small fragments, do not assist such classification. For a detailed discussion on the development of Type XXVII, see Broneer 1930, 83– 88; Perlzweig 1961, 6–9. See also the sub-categories devised by Bailey (1985, 102–111), in his study of the lamps of Sidi Khrebish (Berenice). 170  For this matter, see Broneer 1930, 83–98; Broneer 1977, 64; Perlzweig 1961, 7; Williams 1981, 39; Warner Slane 1992, 12; Petridis 1992, 667. 171  For Corinthian lamps, which until the early 3rd century have clear and distinctive features, see in particular Broneer 1930, 90–102; Perlzweig 1961, 6–9; Siebert 1966, 472–513; Bruneau 1971, 437–501; Bruneau 1977, 249–295; Broneer 1977, 64–72; Williams 1981, 35–40; Bailey 1988, 403; Warner Slane 1990, 13–17; Petridis 2011, 320–321. However the definitive account is yet to be written. 172  Bruneau 1977, 262–265; Williams 1981, 40; Floris 2008, 49–52

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Rhodian Lamps a lamp mould of the 2nd century from the same city, characterized as Corinthian.179 However several questions remain unanswered: whether this mould is in reality a Corinthian product? Whether such moulds were imported to Pergamon and other cities of Asia Minor? Whether it matches those Corinthian/ Corinthian-type lamps found there or whether it was also used by an overseas branch of the Corinthian workshop? The answer(s) are crucial in order to clarify the spread of such high quality products.

provincial branches185 which are representing some other unidentified Corinthian workshop. The small fragment of the base of the ΠΧ 2572 [ΚΑΛ]ΛΙC/[Τ] ΟΥ belongs to the famous workshop Καλλίστου.186 The well-made lamp ΠΧ 2322 is a product of the workshop ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ.187 Another lamp of the recognized workshop of CΠΩCIANOY, a find from an illegal excavation on Rhodes, is today on show at the Römisch-Germanisches Museum of Cologne.188 Among the Corinthian lamps from Rhodes, one can point out rare or elsewhere unknown issues, such as ΠΧ 2054 [CEK]ΟΥΝΔΟΥ, in two forms, one of which portrays a rod and lyre (?), from the workshop of Σεκούνδου;189 ΠΧ 2392, a small fragment of a deity of ‘polos’ format; ΠΧ 2963b with a scene of a cock-fight or cock-and-hen; ΠΧ 1976 with the rare subject of an ithyphallic pygmy; and ΠΧ 2051, with a trotting horse. Listed as potentially Corinthian because of their quality are the lamp fragments Λ 6101, ΠΧ 1990, ΠΧ 2120, ΠΧ 2263, ΠΧ 2359, ΠΧ 2394, ΠΧ 2395, ΠΧ 2396, ΠΧ 2491, ΠΧ 2508 and ΠΧ 2509. As to the others marked as Corinthian in the Catalogue, reservations remain, due to their poor conservation or the small size of their fragments.

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On the matter of this very interesting topic concerning the imitation of early Corinthian lamps by the workshops of Asia Minor, two in particular may stand as representative examples. Lamp ΠΧ 1979 is a Knidian product, as can be seen both by the pseudo-signature imitating that of the ROMANE(N) SIS workshop and the clay-type: it has a noteworthy place in the adaptations made by local workshops180 dominated, so it seems, by Corinthian and Attic models. From the same geographical area, I can observe that – perhaps originating in other Asia Minor workshops181 – have also been found lamps such as ΠΧ 2964. This seems to be of undetermined origin, an imitation – as its small size, the mica content and the presence of a slip all declare – of a Corinthian lamp, as can also be deduced from its typological details and decoration. On its base, the hitherto unknown signature ΛΥCIMA/X[O]Y even copies the impressed circlet, which typically is often placed in the middle of the signature on Corinthian lamps.

In conclusion, it is to be noted that after the 3rd century Corinthian lamps are not imported into Rhodes.190 In the 6th century lamps such as ΠΧ 2565 BC, but also ΠΧ 1876, ΠΧ 2195, ΠΧ 2294, ΠΧ 2446 – whilst not Corinthian, still reproduce the typologically later Corinthian and Attic forms, by way of North African intermediaries. Pieces decorated with a jewelled cross (crux gemata) on the discus and herringbone motifs on the shoulder,

On the Corinthian lamps in Rhodes the following observations can be made: Λ 7046 of ONHCI/MOY employs a very common type of decoration, that of the vine and ray. Its workshop, one of the best known and most productive, lasted until the early 3rd century.182 This lamp has a somewhat ‘dull’ appearance and its fabric has small cracks and wrinkles: these features make it possible that it was made in a provincial outpost of the main workshop183 – but not one in Rhodes, since the clay differs from the Rhodian. The same probably applies to the fragment of the base of ΠΧ 2073, where the signature ( )PMH /( )Ọ is a variant not before recorded, unless it is a corrupted version of ΟΝΗCIMO. Such a happening is unknown in Corinth,184 but is heard of at other

In workshops at Patras, for example: six different signatures imitate the name Onesimus, see Petropoulos 1999, 112 and 118–120, 150, where ONHCIMOC answers to ΟΜΣΙΜΙΟC and OMICIMOC … amongst others. 186  For the signature, see Perlzweig 1961, 94, no. 272, pl. 8; Broneer 1930, 209; Williams 1981, 46, nos 201–208, pl. 9, 2nd–3rd centuries, from Kenchreai; Bruneau 1965, 135, no. 4658, pl. 31, from Delos; Borowski 1977, 63–65, lamp of ΚΑΛΛΙCTOY, from Tell Halif; Morizio 1979, 347–350, Morizio 1980, 133–134, with lamps of the workshop from Villa Castelli in Puglia. Also, Siewert and Taeuber 2013, 296–297, nos 330–331, whence on occasion lamps of this centre were found in Olympia, the activity dating from 180 to 300. The Corinthian lamps at Olympia, some of which are on display in the Museum of Olympia, are derived largely from the excavations in the cemetery of Frangonissi: see the unpublished PhD thesis of Siopa (1979–1980), which I was not able to consult. 187  For the workshop, see Broneer 1930, 309–310; Bruneau 1977, 258– 259; Petridis 1992, 663–664; Petropoulos 1999, 116–117; Koutoussaki 2008, 70, 309; Fotiadi 2011, 73, n. 47; Morizio 1980, 137–138, lamp of a workshop in Tarentum; Siewert, Taeuber 2013, 294–295, no. 328, whence the occasional lamp of the workshop from Olympia, the activity dating from 180 to 300. 188  See Bruneau 1977, 291–293, no. 82, fig. 52. For the workshop, see Petropoulos 1999, 124–126; Fotiadi 2011, 73, n. 46. 189  For the workshop, see Broneer 1930, 311; Perlzweig 1961, 51, 239; Bruneau 1977, 285. 190  Even for Delphi, a place not so far from Corinth, the same is true, it seems: see Petridis 2011, 349. 185 

Japp 2011, 483, no. 3128. See also Knidian imitations of Broneer Type XXVII: Bailey 1988, 332–333, 363, Q 2989–Q 2991, pl. 96. 181  Bailey (1988, 403) notes that Asia Minor lamps that imitate Corinthian are usually slipped and smaller in size than the original. 182  For Onesimus, see mainly Broneer 1930, 310. Petropoulos 1999, 118–120, deals with its copies. 183  For reflections on the originals and copies, see Petrides 2010, 84– 86. 184  Note that Bruneau 1977, 276, reports on similar slips, e.g. ΟΤΡΑΒΙΟΥ instead of ΟΚΤΑΒΙΟΥ. See too Morizio 1980, 139–140. 179  180 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti a very common feature, have been designated as from Corinth, or a wider area, but are unknown as to their originals.191 The possibility that imitations of North African lamps with jewelled-cross pattern were made in local, i.e. Rhodian, workshops, or even in neighbouring islands and on adjacent coasts, is

assisted and supported by the clay analysis of one of them, ΠΧ 2565, which seems to have an Asia Minor origin, and by the fact that at Halasarna on Kos192 a mould was found of a North African lamp type with the jewelled cross on the discus; further there are similar imitations in Patara in Asia Minor.193


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Λ 6101 C 12 Λ 7046 C 10 ΠΧ 1976 C 1 ΠΧ 1990 C 21 ΠΧ 2051 C 8


ΠΧ 2054 C 2 ΠΧ 2073 C 13 ΠΧ 2120 C 11 ΠΧ 2211 C 22 ΠΧ 2263 C 9

ΠΧ 2322 C 3 ΠΧ 2359 C 4 ΠΧ 2392 C 5 ΠΧ 2394 C 23 ΠΧ 2395 C 17


Lindros Wohl 1994, 136.


ΠΧ 2396 C 15 ΠΧ 2402 C 20 ΠΧ 2491 C 6 ΠΧ 2507 C 24 ΠΧ 2508 C 16

ΠΧ 2509 C 19 ΠΧ 2572 C 14 ΠΧ 2845 C 18 ΠΧ 2963β C 7

Roumeliotis 2001, 263, pl. 7.1, from Kardamaina on Kos. Korkut, Grosche 2007, 154, no. 287.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1976 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Discus: grotesque ithyphallic pygmy-warrior, with shield and sword and wearing helmet; his head turned to look behind him; attacked by crane who pecks him on his penis. Framing ring, air-hole. Rim: well raised panels, band of small ovolo. Well raised nozzle with grooved sides. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.08 m. Date: 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Th. Louizidis plot; 28 Oktovriou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Square Β4-Β5, North of wall 25, East of wall 26, layer 7α. 15-9-1994. Excav. Diary: 357, p. 137. Other Nos: ΑΕ 418 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1994, 760; Patsiada 1996, 672-674. Remarks: The closest parallel to the subject is with the Knidian lamps of the 2nd c., see Bailey 1988, 40, 355, 358, Q 2890, Q 2931, fig. 50, 148, pls 91, 93, which lists additional examples. Also Filadelfeus 1922, 71-72, no. 14, fig. 11.5, a Corinthian lamp from Nikopolis (‘naked and ugly homunculus runs with phallus outstretched; a stork at his heels pecks him on the phallus’ (‘γυμνόν και κακάσχημον ανθρωπάριον σπεύδει δρομαίως με τον φαλλόν εντεταμένον, πελαργός δ’ ακολουθών παρά πόδας δάκνει αυτόν επί του φαλλού’); see also an unpublished Corinthian lamp from Frangonissi, today in the Archaeological Museum of Olympia. A mosaic floor in a late antique house in Amfissa, 4th c., shows a pygmy holding a rod and stalked by a crane; it has inscriptions that describe the theme: ΣΧΟΛΗ, ΜΗ ΤΟ ΔΡΕΙΛΟΝ (Leave off; not on the phallus!). The adjacent image, now lost, had a representation accompanied by the inscription ΒΟΪΘΕΙ ΠΑΠΑ (Help me, Dad!), see Themelis 1977, 253-254, fig. 8, drawing 2. Themes such as these were probably connected to the Mime, a popular theatrical spectacle in Late Antiquity. For details of the iconography of pantomime, see Jory 1996, 1-27; Dunbabin 2004, 161-181; Papakyriakou 2012, 86 ff. For pygmies on lamps, see also Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2012, 312. According to another view, depictions such as those of Amfissa and thus the lamp under consideration are to be associated with the warding off of Φθόνος/Phthonos (Envy), having apotropaic properties, see Bournias 2006, 291, n. 59. Mention should be made here to a Byzantine era mosaic with an ithyphallic form stalked by the Evil Eye: this is today in the Museum of Hatay in Antakeia. It seems, however, that in the case of the Amfissa mosaic the accompanying inscriptions rule out this possibility of a reference to the Evil Eye.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2054 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Part of base, shoulder and discus preserved; also handle. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, grooved and pointed. Discus: an upright female figure, facing left, holding rod and lyre (?). Rim: well raised panels, band of small ovolo. Base: within circle, signature [CEK]ΟΥΝΔΟΥ Dimensions: L pres. 0.60, W pres. 0.077, H 0.032 m. Date: Probably 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Diakidis-Minettos plot; Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. Square Δ 10, brown-red layer. 6-91991. Excav. Diary: 315, p. 108. Other Nos: ΑΕ 729 Plate: 1 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1979, 415-416; Dreliossi 1987, 586-587; Dreliossi 1990, 467-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454; Dreliossi 1992, 615-617; Dreliossi-Herakleidou 1996, 191-192. Remarks: For the same workshop, see typically Perlzweig 1961, 98, pl. 309; Heres 1972, 79-80, no. 496. Marangou 2008, 95, fig. 113: CEKOYNΔΟΥ from Ag. Triada at Arkesini on Amorgos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 3 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2322 Type/ Category: Corinthian. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Part of nozzle lost. Handle: pierced and grooved, ending pointed and in incised X. Discus: shell, air-hole, framing ring. Rim: incised bands, well raised panels. Raised nozzle with sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.111, W. 0.092, H. 0.032 m. Date: Second half of 2nd to early 3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 3, trench 1, -3.3/-3.7 m. 9-7-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 299. Other Nos: ΑΕ 457 Ill.: 1 Plate: 2 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2359 and imitations of similar themes Λ 5189 I, ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2438, Π 2623( )/( )ḲΟC̣ /OC̣ , ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC]. See Bezzola 2004, 74-76, no. 308, pl. 23 into the 3rd c., from Palaepaphos; Iconomu 1967, 125-126, no. 651, fig. 141 IACΩΝΟC, 2nd-3rd c., from Costanza. For the signature on other lamps, see Perlzweig 1961, 93, nos 253, 254, 276, pl. 8. 2nd c.; Βöttger 2002, 88, no. 28, 90, no. 42; Pétridis 1992, 661, no. 13, fig. 18.22; Bailey 1988, 405, Q 3258, pl. 117, 2nd3rd c.; Filadelfeus 1922, 70, fig. 10.2 and 3; Fitch, Goldman 1994, 219, no. 1091, fig. 132, from Cosa; Gualandi Genito 1977, 146-148, nos 354, 355, 357, 359, pls 47-48. For the subject of the bivalve shell, see Karivieri 2001,196. For the incised X at the end of the handle, cf. ΠΧ 2361, ΠΧ 2845. Chiefly akin to the early Attic, see Perlzweig 1961, 168, no. 2242, pl. 36; and for Corinthian lamps, see Perlzweig 1961, 91-95, nos 234, 253, 272, 275, 276, 280, 282, 283, pl. 8, 9. See also Broneer 1977, 66.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2359 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Unglazed, polished. Traces of burning. Part of discus, shoulder and nozzle preserved. Discus: shell, framing ring. Rim: band of small ovolo. Raised nozzle with sides grooved. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061 m. Date: Probably 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 6, west part, of south floor, layer of debris, -2.53/-2.78 m. 10-10-2003. Excav. Diary: 466, p. 5. Other Nos: ΑΕ 4 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ and imitations of similar themes Λ 5189 I, ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2438, Π 2623( )/( )ḲΟ /O , ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC]. See Bezzola 2004, 74-76, no. 308, pl. 23, mid 3rd c.; Iconomu 1967, 125-126, no. 651, fig. 141 IACΩΝΟC, 2nd-3rd c., from Tomis (Costanza). For the subject of the bivalve shell, see Karivieri 2001, 196.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2392 Type/ Category: Corinthian. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Repaired. Handle: pierced and grooved. Discus: Goddess with polos, Tyche (?), with upraised arm holding sceptre or cornucopia; framing ring. Rim: band of small ovolo, well-raised panels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres 0.092 m. Date: Probably 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 4α, removal of fill, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See Heres 1972, 77, no. 485, Corinthian, 2nd-3rd c. CΠΩCIANOY, from Athens. Also Broneer 1930, 191, no. 586, fig. 114 from Corinth, where Artemis (?) holds a torch; Βruneau 1971, 491, no. 50, fig. 51, on a Corinthian lamp from Krathion, the goddess with polos, Tyche, holds a cornucopia. See also Gerolymou 2013, 695, no. Π 7, fig. 6 ΝΙΚΙΠΟ/Υ, 3rd c., an imitation of a Patras-made lamp from Sitaralona in Aetolia. For the iconography of the theme, see Damaskos 2016, 56-58. The helmeted Ares with spear, see Pliakou 2007, 552-553, no. and fig. 77, ΟΚΤΑΒΙΟΥ, 2nd-3rd c. from Nikopolis may also be included for consideration. It cannot be ruled out that this is a representation of the god Serapis, with sceptre and threeheaded animal (Cerberus) at his feet, just like a Corinthian lamp of ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ from Antikyra, see Baziotopoulou-Valavani 1980, 262, pl. 114c. For the possibility that this may be Dionysus holding thyrsus, see Pétridis 2011, 332-334, with examples. But this is not very likely. Less likely still appears to be the suggestion that this is a naked Daemon with castellated crown holding in his left hand cornucopia and in his right a bowl. The iconographic type belongs to the period of the first tetrarchy; it is illustrated on copper coins of that time (Christodoulou 1998, 14-15).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 6 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2491 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Parts of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced and grooved. Discus: two gladiators (secutor v. retiarius), framing circles. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and Vas. Sofias/G. Lambraki Streets. 2nd layer of mortar, north part of mosaic floor 2. 27-4-1962. Excav. Diary: 4, p. 222-223. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 19611962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, Chronika, 322. Remarks: See Williams 1981, 43-44, nos 161, 162, pl. 8 end of the 2nd c., from Kenchreai. Close to this is Bailey 1988, 403, Q 3240, pl. 116, 2nd c. For similar scenes of gladiators and the amphitheatre on the earliest Italian lamps, see Barbera 2003, 21-48. More information on the identification of the equipment carried by gladiators, see Matz 1982, 51-59, 67-71; Tsouli 2014, 93-163.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 7 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2963β Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: cock (cock-fight ? cock with hen ?). Rim: ovolo. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.044 m. Date: Probably 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α1/Α2, at junction Α1 Β1/ Α2 Β2, layer 5. 6-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 15. Other Nos: Excavation Bag 252 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: See the following, all with minimal differences: Ladstätter 2010b, 580, no. B-K 448, pls 224, 235, 3rd c., from Ephesus; Bailey 1988, 84, 405, Q 3254 ΜΙΝΙΚΙΟΥ, pl. 117, 2nd-3rd c., from Ephesus; Williams 1981, 22, no. 103, pl. 5, Italian 1st c., from Kenchreai; Sakellarakis and Sapouna-Sakellaraki 2013, 237, nos 325-326, pl. 152, 2nd c., from the Idean Cave; Mercando 1974, 238, pl. XXXVII, 4, in the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion; Kougioumtzoglou 2010, 551, fig. 4, ΘΕΑΓΕΝΟΥ, from Azoro, near Elassona, imitation of Corinthian (?) lamp (or two lamps with the same theme, variants on the same signature?). See also cock-fights on a mosaic floor in the Early Christian basilica at Mastichari on Kos, Orlandos 1966, 54, fig. 49. On the issue of cock-fighting, with its underlying erotic symbolism, see Kathariou 2006, 105-122; Bruneau 1965a, 90-121. For the symbolism of the rooster, see Cabiale 2010, 43-47. For illustrations of cocks on lamps, see Bailey 1988, 83-84.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 8 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2051 Type/ Category: Corinthian (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Discus: horse on parade. Rim: well raised panels, band of small ovolo. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.07 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ. Fill with grey soil, above the floor of the central area.22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: This theme does not seem to be known in the Corinthian lamps. For the closest imitation see an example from a workshop in Chalkis, Sampson 1987, 96, fig. 32, 3rd c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2263 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: the lower extremities of a human figure. Shoulder: band of small ovolo. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: Probably 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Karageorgiou plot; Ammochostou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Γ5, south half, fill of ‘floor’, ± 1.1/ ±0.8 m. above. Ε.Γ.Ε. 30-7-1996. Excav. Diary: 370, p. 127. Other Nos: ΑΕ 127 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1996, 674-675; Bairami 1997, 1079-1080; Bairami 1998, 930-933.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 10 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 7046 Type/ Category: Corinthian (?), type Broneer XXVII,B (vine and ray lamp). Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Complete Handle: pierced and grooved. Discus: rays, air-hole, framing ring. Rim: vine pattern with clusters and leaves. Raised nozzle with sides grooved. Base: within circle, signature ONHCI/MOY Slightly worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.11, W. 0.085, H. 0.033 m. Date: Probably 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Papatheodorakis plot; Kamirou Street. Burial site at northeast part. 6-10-2000. Excav. Diary: 419, p. 227. Other Nos: AE 91 Ill.: 2 Plate: 3


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Rhodian Lamps Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 190, fig. 1. For the excavation, see Zervaki 2001-2004, 256-257. Remarks: It is possible that this is the product of a provincial workshop. For typical examples of the vine and ray lamp, cf. Λ 6101, ΠΧ 2120. See, typically, Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1988, 404, no. 1113a,b, pl. 181, ΟΝΗCI/MOY, from Aquileia; Perlzweig 1961, 94, nos 271274, ΣΠΩΣΙ/ΑΝΟΥ, ΚΑΛΛΙΣ/ΤΟΥ, pl. 8, 2nd-3rd c., from the Athenian Agora. Βöttger 2002, 89, no. 31, pl. 3 ΜΙΝΙΚΙΑΝΟΥ, 2nd3rd c., from the Kerameikos; Bémont, Chew 2007, 370-371, 517, no. GR 2 ΟΝΗΣΙΜΟΥ, pl. 92, 3rd c.; Heres 1972, 77, no. 483, Corinthian, 2nd-3rd c. ΠAPAMONOY, from Athens; Adam-Veleni 2010, 188-189, figs 3-7, mid 3rd to early 4th c., from the Agora of Thessaloniki, all Attic; Pétridis 2011, 328-329, nos 9-14, fig. 8, 2nd and 3rd c., from Delphi; Warner Slane 1990, 28-29, nos 21, 22, 23, ΟΤΡΛΒΙOY, pl. 2, 3rd c. and Broneer 1930, 227, no. 925, fig. 162, 189, no. 566 ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ, 570 ΚΑΛΛΙCTOY, pl. XI, from Corinth; Broneer 1977, 67, nos 2796-2801, pl. 30, 2nd and 3rd c., from Isthmia; Williams 1981, 44-45, nos 171-187, pls 8-9, 2nd-3rd c., from Kenchreai; Koutoussaki 2008, 200-207, nos 256-263, from 2nd to 4th c., figs 209-222, from Argos, with parallels; Hagn 2000, 191, nos 7, 8, ΠΩΣΦΟΡΟΥ, fig. 3, 3rd c., from Aigeira; Zachos 2013, 255-256, fig. 46b and c, local imitations from Elateia in Fokis; Pliakou 2007, 549-550, nos and figs 65-69, 3rd c., from Nikopolis; Tartari 2004, 54, pl. XXIII, 31, ΚΑΛΛΙCTOY, the necropolis in Durachium; Bruneau 1965, 135, no. 4658 KAΛΛΙCTOY, 4659 BAΛΕΡΕΙΟΥ, pl. 31, from Delos; Ladstätter 2010b, 580, no. BR 450, pls 224, 235, 3rd c., from Ephesus; Hellmann 1985, 32, 39, no. 29 ΝΕΙΚΑΝΔΡΟΥ, 38, early 2nd to first half of 3rd c., respectively; Borowski 1977, 63-65, ΚΑΛΛΙCTOY, from Tell Halif; Bailey 1975, 102, nos 698-709, pl. XXI until the middle of the 3rd c., from Sidi Khrebish (Berenice); Cahn-Klaiber 1977, 388, no. 340, pl. 36, 3rd c.; Gualandi Genito 1977, 148, no. 362, pl. 49; Rivet 2003, 87, no. 329; Catling, Catling 1992, 302, no. 643, pl. 244, 271, 2nd-3rd c., from Knossos; Heimerl 2001, 177, nos 1000-1001, early 3rd c., Corinthian (?) from Pergamon; Morizio 1980, 138-139, pl. VI, figs 11-12, ΟΚΤΑΒΙ/ΟΥ, from Bari, and pl. IV, figs 7-8, in the Museum of Taranto; Bournias 2014, fig. 14, [Ε]ΥΠΟ/[Ρ]ΟΥ, 15, from Naxos; Gerolymou 2013, 697, no. Π 21, fig. 7, ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ, imitation from Sitaralona in Aetolia.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2120 Type/ Category: Corinthian, type Broneer XXVII,B, (vine and ray lamp). Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/2. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rays, framing ring. Rim: vine pattern of clusters and leaves. Nozzle sides grooved. Dimensions: L pres. 0.049 m. Date: 2nd-3rd centuries Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papavasileiou plot; Th. Sofouli and Cheimarras Streets. Room γ. 269-1966. Excav. Diary: 27, p. 55. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 433, 439. Remarks: Cf. Λ 7046, Λ 6101, type of vine and ray lamp. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 7046.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 12 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6101 Type/ Category: Corinthian, type Broneer XXVII, B (vine and ray lamp). Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Repaired and an unjoined piece of discus and shoulder. Discus: rays, framing circle. Rim: vine pattern with clusters and leaves. Dimensions: L pres. 0.04 m. Date: Probably 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papamichail plot; Navarinou Street. Area B, trench 3, area between the wall 15, at junction with wall 14. 20-9-1994. Excav. Diary: 356, p. 63. Other Nos: AE 452 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1993, 509-511; Fantaoutsaki 1994, 761-763. Remarks: Cf. Λ 7046, ΠΧ 2120, type vine and ray lamp. For observations and parallels, cf. Λ 7046.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 13 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2073 Type/ Category: Corinthian (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Two unconnected pieces: one each of base and shoulder. Rim: panels. Base: within two circles, signature in three rows ( )ΡΜΗ/( )Ọ Date: Probably 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Nikolis plot; Ergeiou Street 8. Trench in east part, southeast corner, -1,01/-1,97 m. 30 and 31-7-2002. Excav. Diary: 3.17, p. 358. Other Nos: ΠΧ 2073 Plate: 4 Bibliography: For the excavation, see (Archontopoulos), Psarologaki 2001-2004, 370-373. Remarks: Found along with ΠΧ 2074-2077. If it is not from the well-known Corinthian workshop, the possibility should be considered that it is a corruption of the signature of ΟΝΗCIMOY, perhaps at some provincial workshop (a branch), perhaps outside of the Peloponnese: see Petropoulos 1999, 112 and 118-120, where ONHCIMOC is rendered as ΟΜΣΙΜΙΟC and OMICIMOC, amongst other (mis)spellings.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 14 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2572 Type/ Category: Corinthian. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Part of base preserved. Base: within circle, signature [ΚΑΛ]ΛΙC/[Τ]ΟΥ Dimensions: Lpres. 0.039 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256), Papapigmatouchon area, Analipsi neighbourhood. Trench 8, fill. 1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 236. Other Nos: ΑΕ 69 Plate: 5 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 1503-1504, ΠΧ 2571.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2396 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. The handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced and grooved. Rim: ovolo. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: Probably 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, AvgoustakisKaragiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 4α, removal of fill, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 16 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2508 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Shoulder: band of small ovolo, well raised panels, framing ring. Raised nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.081 m. Date: Probably 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and Vas. Sofias/G. Lambraki Streets. From Area 4 to depth -0.73 m. 27-4-1962. Excav. Diary: 4, p. 223-225. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 17 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2395 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Repaired. Two fragments that do not join. Handle: pierced and grooved. Rim: well raised panels, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063 m. Date: Probably 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 4α, removal of fill, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 18 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2845 Type/ Category: Corinthian (?). Attic (?) Description: Clay: pale brown, 10 YR 6/3. Slip: brown, 10 YR 4/3. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced and grooved, ending in incised Χ in back. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.03 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tsouvalas plot; (Regina Hotel); Ethelonton Dodecanesion, Ethnarchou Makariou and 25 Martiou Streets. In front of stoa 2. 19-2-1966. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 463-465; Blackman et al. 1996, 373-374; Blackman 1999, 47-48. Remarks: For the incised X on the handle’s end cf. ΠΧ 2361, ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ. Found mainly on the early Attic lamps, see Perlzweig 1961, 168, no. 2242, pl. 36; but also on Corinthian ones, see Perlzweig 1961, 91-95, nos 234, 253, 272, 275, 276, 280, 282, 283, pls 8, 9. Also Broneer 1977, 66.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2509 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced and grooved. Rim: plain (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.049 m. Date: 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and Vas. Sofias/G. Lambraki Streets. No stratigraphical location. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2402 Type/ Category: Corinthian (?), Attic (?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/3. Unglazed. Part of shoulder with handle preserved. Handle: pierced and grooved. Rim: plain (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: Probably 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 4α, removal of fill, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 21 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1990 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of handle and body preserved. Handle: grooved and pointed. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.045 m. Date: Probably 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill over the floor of the central area. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2211 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced and grooved. Dimensions: H pres. of handle 0.037 m. Date: 2nd-3rd centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α1. 24-6-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 31. Other Nos: ΑΕ 29 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Found with the coins NB 3741-3742, of Justin I (518-527) and Constans II (643/4).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 23 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2394 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced and grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.053 m. Date: Probably 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 4α, removal of fill, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: C 24 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2507 Type/ Category: Corinthian Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Unglazed. Part of wall preserved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and Vas. Sofias/G. Lambraki Streets. From Area 4, to depth -0.73 m. 27-4-1962. Excav. Diary: 4, p. 223-225. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti B. 2. The Cypriot Lamps Imported lamps from thriving centres like Corinth and Athens gave an opportunity to the Cypriot workshops to copy them – and with relative success. As already noted, imitation of Italian types had already occurred in the 1st century: now this lead was followed by the venture of Cypriot producers194 into Corinthian and Attic lamps (Broneer types XXVII and XXVIII).195 Some of these imitations, among them works of brand-named Cypriot workshops, arrived in Rhodes. Our observations will thus focus on Cypriot lamps found in Rhodes and not on the complete range of Cypriot production. Their quality is variable, but – albeit generally rare – the signed lamps, some of which will be discussed below, generally are the most elaborate imitations.

is generally the same everywhere, a characteristic, as observed, probably due to the homogeneity of the clays across the whole of the island,198 rather than due to a single production centre.199 Although not a hard and fast rule, it does yet seem that towards the end of the 4th century there is an increase in clay samples with impurities, in contrast with the clean, well-prepared fabric of the 3rd-century lamps. In later examples the variation is established, but some of these lamps may constitute imports, as examples turn up in Syria, and therefore the question of a Cypriot or Syrian origin remains open.200 A very few of those assigned to the beginning of the 4th century are slipped, generally a rare attribute, as observed already.201 Again as noted, the use of a slip does not always carry chronological implications.202 The presence of mica in Cypriot lamps is unusual: an ingredient in but a small percentage of lamps, mainly late in date, as reported by Bailey in the relatively large and representative sample held in the British Museum. Of those under examination here it is extremely rare, and then in widely varying amounts.

A recently proposed hypothesis suggesting the infiltration of Corinthian workshops into Cyprus is based on a lamp of a Cypriot producer found in Delphi:196 the idea certainly has its attractions. Such a development would make it easier to explain the issue of Cypriot imitations of Corinthian and later Attic workshops. Moreover, the apparent chronological gap separating the lamp from Delphi – even if dated to the 2nd and not the 3rd century, as I think – from the rest of the output of the Cypriot CΦΥΡΙΔΩΝΟC, that is from the early to mid-3rd century, does not constitute a problem. As has been noted elsewhere, workshops at Sparta and Chalkis, active in the 3rd century, made imitations of Corinthian lamps, using for their models original lamps and moulds with signatures of, for the most part, recognized makers. In the case of Chalkis at least, the products seems to imitate lampmakers, whose working lives may be a good two centuries apart.197

At the turn of the 3rd to the 4th century, a gradual transition occurs – the pierced handles, often without grooves, give way to the solid form.203 It seems that, as in Attic lamps, the tooled handles represent an intermediate stage. Also, in the later examples, the bases are often left unformed, whilst signatures are scarce, and the filling holes increase to two. The finds from the excavation of Vassa Koilaniou present the main, although insecure, chronological fixed point of Cypriot lamps from the mid-3rd to early 4th centuries.204 To this period belong the majority of those now examined from Rhodes, as is made plain not only by their typological characteristics but also associated finds: an issue which, for obvious reasons, will not be developed here.

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The studies of Oziol and Bailey in particular, with respect to the collections in the museums of Cyprus and in the British Museum, have defined the Cypriot production: based largely on the colour of the clay, their generally smaller size in relation to the originals and the thinness of their body walls. While sharing the thin-walled quality of Corinthian lamps, the Cypriot pieces however, being less well-made, are friable. The clay-fabric is fine-grained, pale brown, and usually without mica: it

The Cypriot lamps, as ordered by Vessberg, belonging primarily to types 16 and 18, and rather less to his types 14 and 20: divisions,205 however, that do not offer much in the way of chronological exactitude, being

For Cypriot lamp production and its characteristics during the Late Roman period, see Oziol 1977, passim; Hayes 1980, 75–77; Bailey 1988, 297–300; Rowe 2006, 238–251. Katsioti 2014b, 153–166. In particular for the lamps of the 4th century and their production workshops, see Dias, Soren, Pinto 1988, 179–184; Mlynarcyk 1992, 255–271; Mlynarcyk 1995b, 207–211. 195  Oziol 1977, 194–196; Bailey 1988, 298–299. Cypriot imitations are generally considered to be almost contemporary with the originals, see Mlynarcyk 1992, 255–257, which looks at the mass market and ease of diffusion of products. 196  Petridis 2011, 337–339, no. 24, fig. 18, 2nd century, CΦΥΡΙΔΩΝΟC or CΠΥΡΙΔΩΝΟC. Bailey 1988, 104, mentions another example copying a lamp of a Corinthian workshop, namely 314, Q 2557, fig. 15, 134, pl. 69, CΩΤΗΡ[ΙΔ]Α, of the 2nd century–350, from Salamis in Cyprus. 197  See the section (…) on Corinthian lamps. 194 

Due to the geological homogeneity observed, there catalogue notes that of the examined lamps there exist definite instances of a close relationship as to their fabrics. 199  Hayes 1980, 75. 200  Hayes 1980, 75; Bailey 1988, 282–283. 201  Bailey 1988, 299. 202  Bailey 1965, 14. 203  Hayes 1980, 75. 204  Plat Taylor 1958, 40–42, pl. IV. For a general dating of Cypriot lamps, see the short but concise note in Hayes 1980, 75–76. See Bailey 1965, for slight variations in the datings of lamps from Vassa Koilaniou. 205  For these categories, see Oziol 1977, 219–220; Oziol 1993, 61–62; Bezzola 2004, 74–79. 198 


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Rhodian Lamps more a verbal shorthand in communication amongst scholars.206

1528, the signature ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC]217 confirms it as a good quality Cypriot lamp of the second half of the 3rd century, with clear influences from the thriving Attic originals. Π 2687 and ΠΧ 1247 are possibly its ‘offspring’, being of a considerably reduced size.218 The archaeological contextual evidence for lamp Π 2560 is relatively more informative: the half-destroyed base bears the signature [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC. Its findspot, with coins of 305–310 gives an insecure terminus ante quem.

Vessberg type 16207 includes lamps with panels in low relief. The handle, as a rule pierced, usually has two grooves, becoming one at the base; on later lamps the solid handle is also encountered. Into this category, the lamps Π 988 ΜΑΡΚΟΥ, Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙΣΤΟΥ, ΠΧ 2901 ΠΛΑΤΩ/ΝΟC belong to that type which, as noted by Bailey,208 is characterized by a nozzle that projects noticeably out from the rounded profile of the shoulder. Most lamps with similar characteristics are typically signed and dated to the 3rd, if not the beginning of the 4th century. This form, with protruding nozzle, possibly influenced by Attic lamps,209 seems to have spawned imitators of the same date: for example at Panticapaeum, where the clay moulds show a quadriga on the discus and a laurel wreath on the shoulder,210 as detected on the Cypriot lamp ΠΛΑΤΩ/ΝΟC found in Cherson.211 Lamps displaying similar characteristics should as a rule be considered Cypriot,212 like that of ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙ[ΟΥ], about which reservations were expressed in the publication.213 Besides the aforementioned (Π 988, Λ 5446) pieces, one more lamp of this type has been found in Rhodes, for which the possibility had been expressed that it might even be local,214 with reservations, given that its fabric has no similarities with the Rhodian.

Regarding these lamps, imitations of Corinthian and mostly Attic, frequently signed, their popularity is made evident by the eagerness with which they are copied. Publications often confuse such pieces with their Corinthian/Attic prototypes,219 but their details, the texture and colour of their clay, permit no doubts as to their Cypriot origin. The pierced handle is an indication as to their relative age in terms of the solid form, although examples like ΠΧ 2524 ( )ỊC demonstrate that sporadic pieces lasted until the 4th century. Also, the undefined base chronologically follows the circular incision, with which earlier specimens clearly defined the base. Their dating generally ranges from the mid3rd to early 4th centuries, in agreement with the archaeological evidence of those that are not chance finds. The remainder of the decorative repertoire of this lamp-type include primarily motifs and themes common to Corinthian and Attic lamps, such as the bivalve shell on ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2423, ΠΧ 2438, Π 2623( )/( )ḲΟC̣̣ /OC̣, ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC], the typical vine and ray on ΠΧ 2041, and ovolo and ray on ΠΧ 2502, a bust of Athena on BC 2048, Eros on a dolphin on Λ 988 ΜΑΡ/ΚΟΥ, a ship on Λ 5169, erotic scenes such as a lampstand symplegma on ΠΧ 2908, a woman with an ass or a horse on the Λ 5536; or even a plain discus, with an emphasis on the rim and the panels for ΠΧ 2148, ΠΧ 2574. A special niche in the Cypriot manufacturers of the 3rd and 4th centuries is held by scenes of gladiators (ΠΧ 1975, ΠΧ 2013), 4-horse/quadriga-chariots (Λ 5445 ΑΡΧ/ΕΠΟ/ΛΙC), the bear-trainer (ΠΧ 2128), and acrobat with bear (Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙ/CΤΟ/Υ, ΠΧ 2042, ΠΧ 2400, ΠΧ 1235): these are parts of a theme addressed below, samples of the affection the island’s inhabitants had for public spectacles and events. Although from amongst the examined corpus there do exist some with clear-cut reliefs, that is to say lamps from the original, unspoilt moulds, yet the most of them, and in general

The most common format of Cypriot lamps of Vessberg type 16 (or the intermediate form 16–18, e.g. Λ 5188, ΠΧ 2774) that occurs in Rhodes comprises a decoration of a multi-leaved rosette or bivalve sea-shell on the discus, with a perforated handle and a shoulder either plain or more often carrying herringbone pattern and panels.215 Note that the decorative repertoire does not combine herringbone with panels on a plain shoulder, which is a regular feature with Attic lamps. The few complete examples show the progression from the original moulds to worn, or ‘blurred’ reproductions216 and a consequent diminution in the lamp’s size. In ΠΧ See comments of Bailey 1965, 13–14. For its characteristics, see Barberis, Ferrero 2009, 34–36. Bezzola 2004, 74–76. 208  Bailey 1988, 298. 209  With the characteristic lamp, with the U-shaped nozzle. See for example Perlzweig 1961, 19–20, 133, 134, no. 1054, 1081, pl. 22, 3rd century, from the Agora; Böttger 2002, 93, nos 82–88, 3rd century, no. 89 ΕΛΠΙ/ΔΗΦ[Ο]/ΡΟΥ, 2nd–3rd centuries, pl. 5 from the Kerameikos. 210  Zhuravlev 2007, 221, fig. 14. 211  Waldhauer 1914, 60–61, no. 464, pl. XLIV. 212  E.g. Oziol 1977, 216–217, nos 640–643, pl. 36; Bailey 1988, 298, Q 2550–2553, mid-2nd through 3rd. 213  Oziol 1977, 214–215, no. 635, pl. 35. 214  Ηübinger 1993, 110–111, no. 203, pl. 26 ΕΥΡΥΘΜΙΟΥ, from Rhodes, 3rd century. 215  For this type, see Bezzola 2004, 124–126, with a few examples from Palaepaphos. Bailey 1988, 299, dates the lamp-imitations of Corinthian and Attic types from the end of the 2nd to the 4th centuries. 216  For comments and remarks on the procedures and ways to make copies, see Mlynarczyk 1995a, 132–174. 206 

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The pattern of dispersal of the products of the ΠΛΑΤΩΝΟC workshop is of interest, viz. into the Black Sea markets, as well as those of Cyprus and Rhodes. 218  The difference in size is not always a chronological criterion, see the observations of Bailey 1965, 17. 219  See for example the Cypriot lamp in Ephesus, which is considered as Corinthian, Gassner 1997, 200–201, no. 818, pl. 64.91. 217 


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Angeliki Katsioti the majority of Cypriot lamps, were from dies many times used and overused.

Finally, for lamp-type Vessberg 20 (Dobbins 9, form 3, ‘en galette’, ‘gallet lamps’)229 views on its origins are divided: between Syria,230 where the excavations of Antioch have yielded over 100 samples of this type, and Cyprus, where it turns up mainly in the north and east of the island; at Paphos it is very much less encountered. The lamps are disc-shaped, and flattened, without any handle and with a nozzle that remains within the overall circular shape of the vase (ΠΧ 2142 (?), ΠΧ 2258, ΠΧ 2259, ΠΧ 2293, ΠΧ 2370, Λ 5159).231 Lamps of the same form, but often with a knob or bump where the handle should be, are to be found in contexts of the same date in south Italy and Sicily,232 while similar locally-made examples are known from Attica, the Peloponnese and central Greece. It has been argued that such replicate south-Italian originals.233 Researchers such as Bailey and Hayes234 correctly treat the Syrian origin with scepticism, although the first ranks similar lamps as ‘Syrian-type’. It is worth saying that the XRF analysis proposed Cyprus as the place of origin for Λ 5159. It can be but simply noted here that lamps of Syrian origin do not seem to be imported into Rhodes235 and that this fact may also indicate, albeit indirectly,236 an ultimately Cypriot origin for such as these. Furthermore their clay, generally homogeneous, has features in common with that of other Cypriot lamps. Of those examined, the slipped pieces Λ 5159, ΠΧ 2258 are closely related, and their fabric is also not substantially different from that of ΠΧ 2259, ΠΧ 2293, ΠΧ 2370. Lightfoot argued also that the life-span of this type of production was limited, the work of but a single workshop.237 From the limited and somewhat drab repertoire of Vessberg type 20, the unusual decoration of Λ 5159, cited above, stands out, with its panther and stylized sapling.238 The same scholar also adds that lamps of this sort are unfamiliar on the islands. However, in my opinion, taking into account not only those under consideration here, but the existence of two others, already published – one

One solitary example (ΠΧ 2975), from an extremely worn mould, is from the 3rd–4th centuries: it finds a convincing parallel in a lamp from Paphos. This is of a very rare type, as observed: as correctly suggested, it employed as its original a piece of 1st–2nd century date, with the addition of herringbone-pattern worked around the discus.220 It was found (in the Geniki Techniki plot) with the coins NP 915–922, Constantius II (351–361), Valens (364–367), Theodosius I (379–381), Arcadius (400–404) and Honorius (395–408).

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The lamp-type Vessberg 18221 is characterized by its limited repertoire and forms. The first sub-type, Vessberg 18/Oziol 18a, which includes lamps of a circular shape, is placed between the middle of the 3rd and the early 4th centuries, according to the finds made in the necropolis of Salamis, and specifically in tomb 1 at Agios Sergios.222 The second variant, Vessberg 18/Oziol 18b, is contemporary with the earthquake of 365, as is evidenced by the destruction layers at Maloutena in Nea Paphos223 and at Kourion.224 Here the lamps are smaller than those of 18a, oval-shaped, with the shoulder richly decorated, solid handles and a limited range of motifs, usually from the world of entertainment, from an iconography adopted as part of the apotheosis of the emperors, and finally from that of wild animal fights and horse-races. Apart from an image of the victorious horse or the horse parade, the discus is often adorned with symbols such as the cross and the seven-branched lamp (menorah), but lamps with similar religious themes are not found in Rhodes. The largest number of lamps in this category is observed in the south-west of Cyprus;225 although workshop remains have not survived, sites like Kourion, Paphos and Amathus are the most likely to have been production locales.226 Of this subclass,227 particularly prevalent in Cyprus, a few specimens were imported to Rhodes (see ΠΧ 1203, ΠΧ 1233, ΠΧ 2035, ΠΧ 2036, ΠΧ 2552). It seems that this scarcity is not due to a decline in trade after the middle of the 4th century, but rather to increased imports of lamps from Attica and the progressive development of local Rhodian manufacture. As observed, the finest lamps of this class are signed.228

For its characteristics, see Barberis, Ferrero 2009, 39–40; Oziol 1977, 279–280, with views mostly revised; see also Bezzola 2004, 144– 147. 230  Dobbins 1977, 67–71, 231. 231  Touma 2001, 52. 232  See Lo Faro 2012, 71–86, 137–144, 161–162, a total of 52 lamps from Syracuse. 233  Perlzweig 1961, 340–341; Karivieri 1996a, 207; Schauer 1991, 373– 378. 234  Bailey 1988, 282–283; Hayes 1980, 76. For similar views, see Oziol 1980, 398–399; Touma 2001, 52. 235  The lamp Blinkeberg 1931, no. 3211, pl. 152 from Lindos, of Vessberg-type 19, raises questions: it is now in the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul with the many finds of the Danish excavation, essentially unpublished. It presents similarities to Cypriot items and to lamps of Cilicia, see Oziol 1957, 256; Lafli 2005, 193–201. SyroPalestinian lamps are rather rare finds in the Aegean, see PoulouPapadimitriou 2000, 219–223. 236  Similar arguments are made on the origin of this type of lamp from Kos, see Roumeliotis 2001, 263. 237  Lightfoot 2005, 203. 238  Another one, probably an exact parallel, was found at Ibn Hani, Syria, see Bounni 1979, 286, fig. 52, first on the second row. 229 

Mlynarczyk 1992, 257–258, fig. 5. For its characteristics, see Barberis, Ferrero 2009, 38. Karageorghis 1978, 27–58. 223  Mlynarczyk 1992, 255, 258–263. For the dating of the class, see also Mlynarczyk 1995b, 211; Mlynarczyk 1998b, 60–61. 224  Diaz, Soren, Pinto 1988, 179–184. For the seismic destruction in Kourion dated by other means to 370–380, see Costello 2014, 15, with the literature. 225  Bezzola 2004, 86. 226  Mlynarczyk 1992, 258–259; Bezzola 2004, 167. 227  For this category, see Bezzola 2004, 83–85, 165; Mlynarczyk 1992, 258–259; Daszewski 1970, 136; Daszewski 1972, 230; Karageorghis 1967, 113–114, cf. 50. 228  Oziol 1977, 221. 220  221  222 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps from Rhodes, now in the Museum of Istanbul239 and one from Kos,240 it is advisable to steer clear of a similar conclusion: in the islands of the south at least, although perhaps not in those of the northern Aegean, their presence is noted, even though in small quantities. Their dating to the 6th century has been generally accepted,241 and possibly the variant extended until the first decades of the 7th.242

but typologically it is difficult to place the lamps after the late 3rd or early 4th centuries. In all instances the archaeological evidence is missing – Π 988, for example, is from the earth removal with machinery of the plot where it was found. True, the lamp from the Cherson was found in a tomb with coins of Constantine the Great and Theodosius, but it is not specified whether the burials were multiple, or were close in time. It must be noted too that a workshop of one ‘ΜΑΡΚΟΥ’ was operating in Tomis in Romania.248 Although the possibility cannot be rejected out of hand that that lamp-maker in question is involved, yet the (Cypriot) features of the aforementioned lamps, and the clearly inferior quality of the product ΜΑΡΚΟΥ ΤΟΜΕΙΤΗ, as it is written, seems to rule this chance out.

Brief mention has already been made of lamps bearing signatures, but this subject matter requires more particular attention. First, the lamp Π 988 ΜΑΡΚΟΥ: two more lamps of the same workshop have been identified in the Dodecanese, one from Nissyros (ΜΝ 280)243 and another, today in the Antikmuseet of Lund University in Sweden.244 Two more lamps with the same signature were found in Cyprus, another comes from a tomb in the Cherson, now in the Hermitage, one more comes from Tomis (modern name Costanza) and finally one is in the Louvre.245 Although the characteristic features of the ΜΑΡΚΟΥ lamps are very clearly Cypriot (especially the nature of the clay and the configuration of the base), yet both Oziol and Karivieri do not have them listed as from a Cypriot workshop,246 contrary to the correct classification of Hellmann. Regarding the decorative repertoire of Π 988 (Eros on a dolphin surrounded by shrimps, squid, crabs, bivalve shells and smaller dolphins) it has also been noted that although such motifs are not unknown in lamps of a different origin, yet it emphatically recalls some examples from Cyprus.247 The dating of the workshop is problematic,

The unusual scene, for lamps, of an animal-tamer, whip in hand, performing somersaults over his bear (certainly different iconographically from the trainer leaping over his bear as seen on Attic lamps) is found on four lamps from Rhodes, which all display Cypriot features: Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙ/CΤΟ/Υ, ΠΧ 2042, ΠΧ 2400, ΠΧ 1235; a fifth with the same design is today in the collection of Lund University, clearly from an illegal excavation on Rhodes or Knidos.249 Interestingly, this pattern (as well as on a lamp from Carnuntum250 and one from a shipwreck near Marseilles251) is to be found on a marble relief with scenes of the circus of about 500 AD, originating from the Aegean isles and today in a collection in Russia;252 variations on the theme occur in consular diptychs of Anastasius and Areovindos of 506 and 517.253 These are significant examples of stock themes, which the artists could draw upon. Three of the lamps here considered may be from the same matrix, i.e. ΠΧ 2042, Λ 5446 and the lamp in Lund, while in the case of the other two, ΠΧ 2400, ΠΧ 1232, the worn mould or archetype produced the theme a little differently. It is also possible that Λ 5446, the work of an otherwise yet unheard of Cypriot lamp-maker ΕΛΠΙ/CΤΟ/Υ, was somehow the standard

Kassab, Sezer 1987, 38, fig. 13. Roumeliotis 2001, 262–263, no. 20, pl. 6.20, 6th century, from ancient Halasarna (modern name Kardamaina) Kos. 241  Oziol 1980, 398, fig. 5. 242  See Karagiorghis 1967, 113–114, cf. 50 at Salamis, where coinage of Phocas (602–610) was found in close proximity. 243  Handed over on Nissyros, now in the Archaeological Museum of Nissyros, see Katsioti 2009b, 253, no. 226; Katsioti 2011, 414, no. 136. 244  Karivieri 2005, 188, no. 157, fig. 9, 10, places it with Knidian lamps. Although on page 187 she states that the lamp was not reportedly purchased in Rhodes, as were a number of others, however on page 188 she states that it was purchased with the one previously mentioned (and therefore in Rhodes), but came allegedly from Knidos, together with the lamp with the animal-trainer I address later. Hayes 2008b, 105, n. 2 indicates that this university collection in question includes numerous ceramic fragments, among them lamps, purchased from Rhodes many years ago, but coming as it is said from Knidos. 245  See Oziol 1993, 56, no. 82, fig. 12, 3rd century from the Pierides collection; Oziol 1977, 194, 200, no. 579, pl. 32; Waldhauer 1914, 49, no. 312, pl. XXXIII, from the tomb of the late 4th century, in the Cherson; Iconomu 1967, 21, 122–123, no. 639, fig. 39, 230, 2nd–3rd centuries; Hellmann 1985, 41, no. 39, 4th century. 246  Oziol 1977, 194, 200, no. 579; Oziol 1993, 56, no. 82, fig. 12; Karivieri 2005, 188, no. 157, figs 9, 10. It is also clear that this is not the Corinthian workshop of the same name, for which see Bruneau 1971, 461; Petridis 2011, 330. It is not confirmed if the Cypriot ΜΑΡΚΟΥ workshop was an outpost of Corinth (officina), or simply had the same name. 247  See for example Ηübinger 1993, 110–111, no. 203, pl. 26 ΕΥΡΥΘΜΙΟΥ, from Rhodes, 3rd century; Oziol 1977, 216, no. 640, pl. 36; Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 39, no. 150, ΠΑΥ/ΛΟΥ; Chera, Lungu 1985, 208, fig. 1.6, Cypriot lamp from the tomb of the mid-3rd century, in Tomis (Costanza). Note that variations of the iconographic theme still survive into the late 6th century, see Boyd, 1983, 66–79. 239 

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Radulescu 1981, 193–195, pl. VI.1–4; Karivieri 1996a, 269; Iconomu 1967, 70, no. 235, fig. 219, 2nd century, from Tomis (Costanza); Topoleanu 2012, 148. Judging by those published, our view is that ΜΑΡΚΟΣ ΤΟΜΕΙΤΗΣ might also have had as a template the Cypriot lamps, perhaps those of his namesake, and not exclusively Corinthian ones. 249  See Karivieri 2005, 188, fig. 8. The figure incorrectly shows the number 158, instead of the correct 150. As mentioned above, it is unclear whether it was purchased on Rhodes and found on Rhodes, or if it was purchased on Rhodes but found at Knidos. 250  Alram–Stern 1989, 46, 272, no. 552, pl. 5.22, 36, with minor differences – described as a lion not a bear. Dated to the 2nd–3rd centuries, but the typology and decoration shoulder with herring– bone pattern place it even later. 251  Ricci 2001–2002, 376–377, fig. 22.1, from the shipwreck off the island of Pommégues, near Marseilles. The discus theme was not recognized. The associated finds from the wreck precisely date the lamp in the second half of the 3rd century. 252  Bank 1978, 13, pls 13–14. I thank V. Kepetzi, Professor of Athens University, for the observation. See also Vanderheyde 2016, 205, fig. 6. It is considered a church slab/panel but, although there is a cross at the rear, such an assignation does not seem likely. 253  Engeman 2008, fig. 7, 10–12; Delbrück 1929, pls 12, 18, 20. 248 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti for the rest. It would be reasonable, given that five lamps were found in the same geographical area, to formulate the theory of their Rhodian origin and that the workshop ΕΛΠΙCΤΟΥ was actually their provenance. But since their characteristics are akin to other Cypriot lamps, this possibility cannot be confirmed. As for their alleged origin, from Knidos according to Karivieri,254 this option is ruled out: the pallid clay and lack of slip on at least four of the lamps being considered (for the lamp in Lund this data is not given) do not tally with Knidian lamps. The archaeological evidence for these lamps reinforces the placing of their dating to the 3rd century and especially in the second half. Interest attaches to the relief ‘M’, placed as the first line with the incised, unknown signature ΕΛΠΙCTOY. If the M does not have to do with in-shop records, neither acting as some kind of trademark nor signifying the batch or load volume (= 40), this may yet constitute a double signature.255 It has also been argued that digits or symbols were used for production controls within workshops.256

it unique, in the manner of collector’s item, which probably accompanied its owner on Rhodes – in his life and to his final resting place. The first two words are restored in accordance with the inscription ΑΥΞΕ/ ΜΥΡΑ based on Cypriot lamps from Romania,260 and in the Cesnola collection.261 The possibility of equating MYΡA with the Asia Minor city of Myra is equal with that involving the fate of ΧΑΙΡΕΠΟΛΙC. The acclamation ΑΥΞΕ, invoked to bring good fortune (i.e. ‘Be happy’), is almost contemporary with both an inscription dating to 275–276 from Perge in Pamphylia, which praised that city,262 and also with the inscription ΑΥΞΙ ΤΙΒΕΡΙΑ ΝΑΙ. Τ[..], from a floor mosaic from a house in ancient Rhodes,263 now displayed in the courtyard of ‘Our Lady of the Castle’, and others from Corinth, Kenchreai, Perge and Ephesus.264 On earlier Italian lamps other inscriptions are found on the discus, especially with gladiators’ names, or of winners in the horse races.265 In fact on one Cypriot lamp, the ΠΡΑCINOC inscription on the discus expresses a preference for a particular racing team.266 The ringintaglio mentioned above has the inscription INAC, reproducing probably in a corrupted form the name of the same group. On the other hand, it is not customary to meet inscriptions on the bases.267 From the second half of the 4th century Cypriot lamps of Vessberg type 18/Oziol 18b also bear inscriptions on the lower part of the discus that are accompanied by, among other topics,

In Late Antiquity wild-animal fights (venationes),257 stripped of the pagan character associated with other elements of the games, such as gladiatorial duels, continued until the 6th century. They were embellished with acrobatic performances, which were much loved, as well as being helpful in reducing costs, since the expensive, imported animals stayed alive longer. The economic pressures even led to the widespread use of bears, instead of other animals. Comparable games, mainly with bears, and similar (see ΠΧ 2128), seem to have been strongly preferred in Cyprus, an island known for its love of games and public spectacles.

Iconomou 1967, 21–22, fig. 41, 123, nos 642, 162, fig. 232, Cypriot lamp with the signature ΑΥS../MY.. The same signature is probably also encountered in Romania, Tomis (Costanza), on a Cypriot lamp in a tomb of the mid-3rd century; Chera, Lungu 1985, 203–214, pl. 1, but this possibility (Sternini 1998, 35) was not confirmed. 261  Sternini 1998, 35, 41–42, no. 15, pl. II, 3rd century, signed ΑΥΞΕ/ ΜΥΡΑ. 262  SEG XXXIV (1984), 355–356, no. 1306. 263  From the Ahmet Topaloglou plot, on Th. Sofouli 84 and Cheimarras 67 Streets; for its excavation see Doumas 1973–1974, 954–955, pl. 721g. 264  Robert 1960, 21–38. See also, Dagron, Feissel 1987, 23, no. 6, pl. III, mentioning a small island off the Cilician coast. Şahin 2015, 181, no. 7, 182, nos 9 and 10, from Perge. 265  See Bailey 1980, 110–111, fig. 112, collected examples. See also the Corinthian lamp of ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ with the names of Marcellus and Ελπίς on the discus, Siebert 1966, 500–503, no. 17, fig. 21, second half of the 3rd century, of unknown origin, today in EAM (National Archaeological Museum of Athens). A Corinthian lamp in a private collection, reference Perlzweig 1961, 97, no. 297, ΕΡΩΤΟC where, in the representation of a butcher, is the name of the butcher, ΚΛΗΜΗC. Also, Perlzweig 1961, 130, no. 989, pl. 21, for an Attic lamp with panther and inscription on the discus ΑΠΕΚΤΟC. See also Bailey 1988, 403, Q 3240, pl. 116 for a Corinthian lamp with names of armed fighters on the discus, first quarter of the 2nd century. To this, add the inscription ΑΝΕΙΚΗΤΟC on a Cypriot lamp with the bust of Athena (Bailey 1988, 315, Q 2572, fig. 9, 138, pl. 70, 4th century); inscriptions on Cypriot lamps accompanying the victorious horse (Mlynarczyk 1992, 260 ff) and the inscription ΦΟΒΟC accompanying a bear on Attic lamps, see for example, Λ 6073 with parallels. 266  Oziol 1977, 211, no. 625, with the inscription ΠΡΑCINOC. For phratries (factiones–factions), see Cameron 1976, 347–352; Papakyriakou 2012, 131–134. 267  The signature ΕΥΧΗΔΟΣ on an Attic (?) lamp from the end of the 3rd century from Perissa on Thera, should not be considered as an invocation (as Gerousi 2013, 52, no. 29ab thinks) but as a signature of a workshop, and should be excluded from consideration. 260 

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Lamp Λ 5445 AΡΧ/EΠO/ΛIC258 raises more questions. Its characteristics, namely the colour of the clay and the lack of a slip, are not much removed from other Cypriot lamps. The motif of the discus, a quadriga, can stand as a symbol of the particular fondness in the ‘Great Island’ for gaming and racing, although in fact it is not so very frequently encountered in the 3rd–4th centuries. It is no coincidence that it is repeated on a contemporary lamp of the Cypriot maker ΠΛΑΤΩΝΟC,259 and also on a ring-stone from Cyprus. On a lamp here examined, the inscription – ΑΥΞΕ/ΜΥΡΑ/X[A]IPΕ/ΠΟΛI – is arranged in a circle, running around the shoulder: this makes Karivieri 2005, 188, leaves the question open. As in Attic lamps. For these partnerships/collaborations, see Perlzweig 1961, 27; Karivieri 1996a, 27. 256  Bailey 1980, 108–110, for the Italian lamps. Also, Barbera, Petriaggi 1993, 155–157, for North African lamps and imitations in Italy. Bussière 2000, 236. Bussière 2007, 80, for the North African lamps. 257  See Jennison 1937; Théodoridès, 1959, 73–79. As Deligiannakis 2016, 44–45 states, the 7th century treatise Doctrina Jacobi nuper baptisati argues that the city of Rhodes had its own circus factions. It seems therefore that races and games took place in the city long before this period. 258  See Katsioti 2016, 105-112. According to Fraser, Mathews 1987, 85–86, the name is attested in the islands, but not on Cyprus. 259  Waldhauer 1914, 60, no. 464. 254  255 


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Rhodian Lamps a horse galloping or on parade.268 Different opinions exist as to what these inscriptions mean; for the version showing the word ΥΓΙΑ inverted between the legs of the horse,269 the most attractive interpretation of it is as a kind of invocation, taken together with the inscription on the earliest lamp Λ 5445 AΡΧ/EΠO/ΛIC. This approach has also been suggested for the word ALIEI, or – linked to the inscription above the horse – ITE270 ALIEI on lamps in this category.271 In this matter of the abbreviated inscription, I think it possible that it initially appeared on lamps celebrating victorious horses, whose efforts are honoured by the inscription ALCI or ALCES, i.e. the Dioscuri, as reported in Latin texts.272 Once corrupted, the term became transferred onto Cypriot lamps portraying a different theme, i.e. the discus does not necessarily show a horse, but belonging to the same era and typology, albeit from different workshops.

as well as one in Berenice (Sidi Khrebish) – and even one from the Isthmia.275 One more was found at the excavations in the Harbour Necropolis (2007-2011) at Ephesus, ΑΡΧΕΠΟΛΕΩC.276 Bailey noted a lamp from Berenice with the signature [Α]ΡΧΕ...... He left the name incomplete and so without connection to the assumed workshop,277 whilst Lindros Wohl refers vaguely to the Asian origin of the lamp ΑΡΧΕ/ΠΟΛΙ/ΔΟC from the Isthmia. A lamp, found either at Salamis or Kourion, and with strong typological similarities to the Isthmia item, was claimed as Cypriot, but Bailey considered that, as with the lamp from the Isthmia, this was not in fact of Cypriot manufacture.278 The activity of the ΑΡΧΕΠΟΛΙC workshop, or more broadly ΑΡΧΕΠΟΛΙΔΟC, can be assigned with relative safety to the period of the late 3rd to early 4th centuries, as inferred from the finds from the Isthmia, Cherson and Ephesus. With lamp Π 2560 was found a follis of Maximinus Caesar (305–310). Furthermore the archaeological contexts of the Protos plot on Rhodes, whence comes Λ 5445, along with Cypriot lamps of the 3rd–4th centuries, puts it in the same date bracket as them.

Inscriptions on the shoulder of the lamp during the period until the 3rd to 4th centuries is even rarer: note the incised inscription of a paedophile scene which is set on the shoulder of an Italian lamp of 1st–2nd centuries.273

The signature ΠΛΑ/ΤΩΝ, ΠΛΑ/ΤΩΝ/ΟC and Π·Λ·Α·Τ·Ω·Ν (with letters interspersed by five stars) on lamps of the 3rd–4th centuries highlights another lamp-maker from Cyprus, whose products are spread far afield, even, it seems, into the Black Sea area.279 On Rhodes are identified three signed lamps: ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/ [ΟC] with the theme of the rosette on the discus; the slightly older ΠΧ 2012 with the bivalve shell; while ΠΧ 2901 has an erotic symplegma.

Returning to the subject of the ΑΡΧΕΠΟΛΙΔΟC workshop, another lamp, Π 2560, is marked as of the same workshop, [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, bearing the very common decorative motif of a rosette around the filling hole. Two lamps from the same workshop with the signature ΑΡΧΕ/ΠΟΛΙ/ΔΟC were found in burials in the Cherson: the first with a coin of the 3rd century,274

The signature [Δ]ΙΟ/[Ν]Υ/[CI]ỌΥ is unknown amongst the Cypriot producers, where probably ΠΧ 3010 belongs. The lamps bearing this name are either Attic or Corinthian;280 they do not appear to be associated with the find examined here. This small sample surviving does not allow one to speculate beyond the possible copying of something from a Cypriot workshop, based on some Attic or Corinthian model.

Oziol 1993, 64–66, no. 106, 4th century; from the Pierides collection in Cyprus, with comments on possible readings of the inscription. Diaz, Soren, Pinto 1988, 179–181, also record various views on the lamp on pl. LIII, 4, EYTYXHTOC. Mlynarczyk 1992, 260–263. Also, Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 606. 269  Oziol 1993, 66; Bezzola 2004, 97. The markings on the top of the discus and the parade horse, whether or not they are associated with the base, have not so far received a satisfactory interpretation. They may indicate the name of the horse or its owner, see Oziol 1977, 241. The mention of the names of victorious horses is not an unknown practice at the time, see a glass vase with a quadriga chariot and the horses names, of the late 4th century: today housed in the Metropolitan Museum, Landes 1990, 119, pl. IX. See the mosaic floor from Argos, 4th century, depicting a quadriga and with the names of the horses on a tablet, Kritzas 1973–1974, 242, pl. 166B. For a glass vase in the Benaki Museum with the names of the horses (Chrysis and Adrias), see Fotopoulos, Delivorias 1997, 175, fig. 297. See also the proposal that the names of winning horses appear on Cypriot lamps of the 4th century, in Chapter B.2 on Cypriot lamps. For the prices these animals commanded, see Papakyriacou 2012, 98–101. 270  Note that on the lamps of this type on Rhodes and on what survives of the discus (ΠΧ 1203, ΠΧ 2552), the word is read as either ΟΤΗ or as Α̣ΨΕ (ΠΧ 2035). 271  Diaz, Soren, Pinto 1988, 179–181. 272  Tac. Germ. 43.4, see LIMC III, 1 (1986), Dioskouroi, 608 (entry by F. Gury). 273  See Hellmann 1985, 26, no. 22, 1st–2nd centuries. From the later lamps there may be taken as a typical case one from the 6th century, from Almyris in Scythia Minor, a town on the Black Sea, with the relief inscription of ΚΛΑΚΟ/ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟ on the shoulder, see Zahariade, Alexandrescu 2011, 86, no. 143, fig. 200. 274  Waldhauer 1914, 62, nos 482, 483, pl. XLVI, and B, ΑΡΧΕ/ΠΟΛΙ/ ΔΟC. While in the case of lamp 483, on p. 62, the name of the workshop

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is not clearly indicated, yet on Fig. B the signature of the lamp in question is reproduced. 275  Lindros Wohl 2005, 216, fig. 7a, b, pl. 103. 276  Unpublished. Marina Ugarkovic, Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb/ Croatia pers. comm., to whom many thanks are given. 277  Bailey 1985, 109, 182, C 757, considers him an Athenian lampmaker, without further comments. 278  Bailey 1988, 313, Q 2552, pl. 69, 200–300. 279  Waldhauer 1914, no. 464, from Cherson; Preshlenov 2008, 103, in the Museum at Varna, indicating the misspelt piece as Corinthian; Cicikova 1961, 311–312, no. 5, fig. 1, from Odessa. See also for lamps of the workshop, Hellmann 1985, 40–41, no. 40, 3rd century; Cesnola 1882, 257, 285, no. 8. 280  For the signatures of two lamps in the British Museum, see Bailey 1988, 102. Also Perlzweig 1961, 96, no. 292, pl. 9 for a Corinthian lamp from the Agora; Bailey 1985, 109–110, C 758–759 [ΔΙΟ]ΝΥCIOY, [ΔΙΟΝ]ΥCIOY, fig. 15, first half of the 3rd century, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish).


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Angeliki Katsioti Another known workshop with the signature ΕΡΜΙΑΝΟ281 is indicated by lamp ΠΧ 2575. Although the excavation details are missing, its typological characteristics, the typical decoration of the palm-tree or palmette, and other examples from the workshop allow a dating in the 3rd–4th centuries. From the workshop named as ΕΠΙΚTACTOC,282 of the 3rd–4th centuries, perhaps comes ΠΧ 3017, a base fragment bearing part of the signature, ΕΠỊḲT[ΑCΤΟC].

discus and the shoulder area288 are different on Cretan and Cypriot lamps, while the signatures of Cretan workshops are not encountered on Rhodes. A critical element in the course of their production, which has direct bearings on the matter of supply and demand on and between the two islands of Crete and Rhodes, is the large number of wheel-made lamps on Crete in relation to the negligible amount on Rhodes. In conjunction with this, it is worth commenting upon the minimal number of imported lamps to Crete289 – the island being relatively self-sufficient. In each instance, the piece should also be looked at with the fabrics of the other islands in mind, especially of those closest to Crete, if exports of Cretan pottery to these islands are a known fact.

The mark ‘I’ on Λ 5189 and Λ 5169 is hard to comprehend. As noted by Bailey,283 it is found mainly on lamps from Egypt and Cyprus, without excluding Asia Minor and other points of origin. Those examined have Cypriot features that mainly concern the kind of clay and shape of the base. The bivalve-shell as the discus theme on Λ 5189 is customary on Cypriot lamps, unlike the ship depicted on Λ 5169. On the Cypriot, in the writers’ opinion,284 lamp from Cherson, the base of the I can be construed as a corrupted planta pedis, a view in keeping with the drawing as reproduced.

To conclude, it is to be emphasized that it is in the 3rd century, with Christian influence on the rise, that the most impressive penetration of Cypriot lamps into the Rhodian markets occurs, but also it is important to recognize that decorative motifs and unknown signatures from elsewhere are also on the scene. It is not impossible that on the other Dodecanese islands, for which there are no data, the same story is repeated: the Cypriot produce competing with some success against the better quality, but more expensive, Corinthian. The presence of Cypriot-brand lamps, such as the ΜΑΡΚΟΥ on Nissyros mentioned above, is indicative. It may be that, on the Aegean islands, other Cypriot lamps have escaped the attention of researchers, who often have judged them as Corinthian products.

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On a lamp of good quality from the early 4th century, Λ 5188, a relief ‘E’ is associated with an engraved branch on the left of its base, whilst to the right are perhaps some further and indistinguishable letters. It possibly belongs to a workshop with the signature EIPHAC, EPMIANO, EIPHNAIOC, ΕΠΙΚΤΑCTOC. On lamps ΠΧ 2552 ΕΥΤΥΧΗΤΟC and ΠΧ 2036 ΕΥΤ[ΥΧΗΤΟC], with their names characteristically in relief and set in a circle on the base, can be recognized one of the most popular workshops in Cyprus of the 4th–5th centuries.285 Its dispersal in the islands is certified by lamps found on Samos.286

Imports of Cypriot lamps to Rhodes confirm the existence of trading links between Rhodes-Cyprus in the previous 2nd–3rd centuries: this overturns the view that Cypriot lamps were not exportable. This situation may even be mirrored in these later lamps here examined: they comprise but small fragments, mainly pierced handles without grooves. It remains feasible, therefore, that Cypriot lamps were a steady presence on Rhodes from as early as the 2nd century.

Finally, there do exist some broad observable similarities between some lamps labelled as Cypriot and others found on Crete, particularly at Gortyn and Eleutherna,287 where they are designated as local. The clay of the latter is generally described as pale pink and in some cases may have a lot or a little mica. The Gortyn publication for the most part does not contain illustrations, while in both publications details about their bases are missing, as is critical information about their configuration. It certainly could be that some catalogued here by their features as Cypriot with a question mark, might in reality be Cretan. But the subject-motifs of both the

Cypriot production was broadly successful, even though being but obvious copies of Attic and Corinthian lamps, in diversifying its products to some extent. Accordingly, the view that the number of its issues was remarkably limited290 should probably be revised. It should also be noted that from the beginning of the 4th century onwards imports of Cypriot lamps fell dramatically, with

For the workshop, see Bailey 1965, 18; Oziol 1977, 222; Bailey 1988, 102. 282  For the workshop, see Oziol 1977, 221–222. 283  Bailey 1965, 22, 71; Bailey 1988, 105. 284  Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 107–108, no. 59. 285  For the workshop, see Bailey 1988, 102; Oziol 1977, 223–224; Bezzola 2004, 158–159. 286  Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 605–607, nos 50, 51, figs 48–50, from Samos. 287  Baldini, Parello 2001, 114–189; Yangaki 2005, 219–249. See also the lamps of various origins in the Heraklion Museum, Mercando 1974, 235–239. 281 

Regarding the Cretan lamps, until the beginning of the 4th century, as can be understood from the published examples, the majority have an ovolo motif on the shoulder, see Yangaki 2002, 506, 520; Yangaki 2005, 221, 227. About the Late Roman lamps of Crete, see recently Yangaki 2016, 221–224. 289  Yangaki 2002, 502. The issue certainly requires further investigation. Some lamps in the Heraklion Museum (i.e. Marcadé 1962, 51.1) may be Cypriot. 290  Hayes 1980, 75. In contrast, Oziol 1977, 195, notes elsewhere the originality that can be discerned in the illustrated motifs. 288 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps a concomitant increase of Attic material on Rhodes. Our research has not yet devised an explanatory model that can offer a satisfactory reason on this point, although practically speaking one cannot fail to recognize that the brittle and fragile Cypriot lamps will hardly compete with the heavy, durable and quite attractive Attic versions, which during the 4th century went on to dominate all the markets and not just that of Rhodes. Although Cypriot lamps do not vanish, their quantity declines amongst the total of the lamps examined. All at once, from the 5th century onwards, Cypriot lamp production both quantitatively and qualitatively is in recession.291 Thus, imports of later Cypriot lamps, unlike other types of Cypriot produce, make rather random appearances in Rhodes.

if confirmed, do not necessarily apply to the other islands; except for Kos, excavations there are minimal, and hence the material available for study is scarce. Differences do exist: for example, it may be noted that ‘Cypriot’ lamps of the 7th century, i.e. Vessberg type 19,295 while locatable in Kalymnos, Leros and Symi (confined thus to the Dodecanese area), seem unknown on Rhodes, except for a lamp found at Lindos.296 The single mould ΠΧ 2563, for a late lamp form and found on Rhodes, is representative of domestic manufacture in the 7th century (without being typologically identical, it is reminiscent of the Vessberg 19 type lamps).297 * Comments applicable to the Catalogue below: Cy 1–21, and 25 include lamps of up until the 4th century, with figurative themes on the discus.

Future work on the other ceramics of this period on Rhodes, i.e. from the 3rd century on, will eventually be needed to confirm the personal observations that follow. To present the material at greater length here is impossible, given the nature and the volume of fine table wares. Since traffic between Rhodes and Cyprus remains most lively until at least the middle of the 7th century,292 and, as shown, trade in merchandise was notable even into the 8th,293 the reduction of the importation of Cypriot lamps cannot be due to any interruption or decline in the relations between the two islands. Indeed the presence of Cypriot Late Roman D (Cypriot Red Slip Ware) ceramics in Rhodes is far from negligible.294 This implies that the trade in lamps was in some way divorced from that of table pottery. The cause is not clear; the preference for certain specific types of produce creates fads and fashions, while economic concerns are not an insignificant factor. These findings,

Cy 22–23 are lamps of the ‘vine and ray’ type. Cy 42–44 show the ‘ovolo and ray’ type. Cy 26–92 present disci mostly decorated with bivalve shells, rays and rosettes, while the shoulders most commonly have the herringbone motif or are left undecorated. Cy 96–101 represent lamps of Vessberg 18/Oziol 18b type. Cy 102–107 include late lamps of Vessberg 20 type. Cy 108–149 are small fragments useful only for drawing statistical conclusions.

Bezzola 2004, 165. Bakirtzis 1997, 327–332. For the economy and trade of Cyprus in Late Antiquity, see Papacostas 2001, 107–128. For Cyprus and its relations with Syria based on hagiographical texts, see Rapp 2014, 33–38. 293  For the political and economic situation in Cyprus, see Dikigoropoulos 1958, 94–114. Also see Armstrong 2009, 157–178, on trade relations between Cyprus and the neighbouring regions and islands, such as Chios. 294  Whether this was produced in Cyprus (Parani 2013, 131–138) or in Pisidia (Vandeput, Köse 2008, 32–33), or in both areas. I suspect that any systematic investigation of the Cypriot Red Slip ware found on Rhodes and of amphorae, although hampered by the lack of closed contexts, will show to what extent there existed the movement of goods and trade contacts between the coast of Asia Minor, Cyprus and the Aegean islands with Rhodes on into the 8th century. For Kos, see Roumeliotis 2005, passim. See also, as an example, the region of Limyra in Asia Minor, where the Cypriot late Roman D excels in its numbers, Vroom 2004, 291–294. 291 

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This type, in addition to Cyprus, seems to be produced also in Cilicia, if the lamps there were not imports from the ‘Great Island’. Bailey 1988, 318, Q 2618, pl. 71. 296  The Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos, from Telendos, and nos 282, 481 (Kalymnos, from graves, unpublished); Leros Archaeological Museum 1081, the Early Christian basilica in Partheni (unpublished). The lamp found in Lindos during the Danish excavations (Blinkerberg 1931, 746, no. 3211, pl. 151) is now in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. On Symi the lamp was located in the museum, without its origin being known (AK 991); from its brownish clay, the slip and the mica present, this item probably comes from the regions of Asia Minor opposite, like much of the material in the Symi Museum. 297  Besides the mould ΠΧ 2563, the lamps from the Kornos cave (see the Chapter B.4 on the Rhodian lamps) are close typologically to the Vessberg 19 type, specifically its fourth sub-group, see Oziol 1977, 255, fig. 12: they probably date up and into the 8th century. 295 


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Angeliki Katsioti Concordance ΠΧ 1993 Cy 84 ΠΧ 1995 Cy 95 ΠΧ 2007 Cy 117 ΠΧ 2008 Cy 33 ΠΧ 2012 Cy 27 ΠΧ 2013 Cy 3 ΠΧ 2014 Cy 70 ΠΧ 2015 Cy 79 ΠΧ 2016 Cy 93 ΠΧ 2031 Cy 125 ΠΧ 2032 Cy 126 ΠΧ 2035 Cy 100 ΠΧ 2036 Cy 97 ΠΧ 2041 Cy 23 ΠΧ 2042 Cy 6 ΠΧ 2043 Cy 37 ΠΧ 2044 Cy 29 ΠΧ 2048 Cy 17 ΠΧ 2050 Cy 54 ΠΧ 2052 Cy 18 ΠΧ 2068 Cy 127 ΠΧ 2072 Cy 38 ΠΧ 2079 Cy 128 ΠΧ 2080 Cy 129 ΠΧ 2084 Cy 72 ΠΧ 2091 Cy 130 ΠΧ 2093 Cy 131 ΠΧ 2098 Cy 19 ΠΧ 2106 Cy 132 ΠΧ 2107 Cy 133

ΠΧ 2108 Cy 110 ΠΧ 2123 Cy 73 ΠΧ 2128 Cy 4 ΠΧ 2136 Cy 9 ΠΧ 2141 Cy 81 ΠΧ 2142 Cy 107 ΠΧ 2148 Cy 11 ΠΧ 2153 Cy 86 ΠΧ 2159 Cy 134 ΠΧ 2160 Cy 111 ΠΧ 2174 Cy 85 ΠΧ 2186 Cy 116 ΠΧ 2208 Cy 135 ΠΧ 2258 Cy 106 ΠΧ 2259 Cy 105 ΠΧ 2262 Cy 112 ΠΧ 2266 Cy 119 ΠΧ 2269 Cy 74 ΠΧ 2293 Cy 104 ΠΧ 2300 Cy 39 ΠΧ 2307 Cy 21 ΠΧ 2335 Cy 136 ΠΧ 2355 Cy 120 ΠΧ 2356 Cy 137 ΠΧ 2360 Cy 22 ΠΧ 2361 Cy 59 ΠΧ 2362 Cy 113 ΠΧ 2370 Cy 103 ΠΧ 2371 Cy 114 ΠΧ 2391 Cy 138

ΠΧ 2397 Cy 139 ΠΧ 2398 Cy 140 ΠΧ 2399 Cy 141 ΠΧ 2400 Cy 8 ΠΧ 2415 Cy 115 ΠΧ 2416 Cy 75 ΠΧ 2418 Cy 142 ΠΧ 2419 Cy 149 ΠΧ 2420 Cy 143 ΠΧ 2421 Cy 144 ΠΧ 2423 Cy 31 ΠΧ 2432 Cy 76 ΠΧ 2434 Cy 145 ΠΧ 2435 Cy 121 ΠΧ 2437 Cy 77 ΠΧ 2438 Cy 30 ΠΧ 2496 Cy 108 ΠΧ 2502 Cy 42 ΠΧ 2504 Cy 44 ΠΧ 2505 Cy 109 ΠΧ 2506 Cy 146 ΠΧ 2524 Cy 32 ΠΧ 2552 Cy 96 ΠΧ 2574 Cy 10 ΠΧ 2575 Cy 80 ΠΧ 2591 Cy 87 ΠΧ 2633 Cy 78 ΠΧ 2644 Cy 88 ΠΧ 2671 Cy 118 ΠΧ 2672 Cy 52

ΠΧ 2673 Cy 148 ΠΧ 2674 Cy 92 ΠΧ 2675 Cy 147 ΠΧ 2682 Cy 89 ΠΧ 2698 Cy 83 ΠΧ 2774 Cy 55 ΠΧ 2775 Cy 56 ΠΧ 2838 Cy 13 ΠΧ 2901 Cy 14 ΠΧ 2908 Cy 15 ΠΧ 2909 Cy 51 ΠΧ 2965 Cy 46 ΠΧ 2967 Cy 43 ΠΧ 2968 Cy 45 ΠΧ 2969 Cy 57 ΠΧ 2970 Cy 58 ΠΧ 2972 Cy 60 ΠΧ 2973 Cy 71 ΠΧ 2975 Cy 20 ΠΧ 2976 Cy 91 ΠΧ 2977 Cy 101 ΠΧ 2978 Cy 94 ΠΧ 3006 Cy 47 ΠΧ 3007 Cy 82 ΠΧ 3008 Cy 122 ΠΧ 3009 Cy 34 ΠΧ 3010 Cy 35 ΠΧ 3017 Cy 36 ΠΧ 3048 Cy 90

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Λ 3456 Cy 41 Λ 4778 Cy 40 Λ 5159 Cy 102 Λ 5162 Cy 63 Λ 5165 Cy 49 Λ 5167 Cy 67 Λ 5169 Cy 25 Λ 5188 Cy 62 Λ 5189 Cy 26 Λ 5445 Cy 1 Λ 5446 Cy 5 Λ 5448 Cy 69 Λ 5451 Cy 61 Λ 5452 Cy 24 Λ 5511 Cy 123 Λ 5536 Cy 16 Λ 6072 Cy 68 Λ 988 Cy 12 Π 2560 Cy 66 Π 2623 Cy 28 Π 2687 Cy 65 ΠX 2931 Cy 124 ΠΧ 1203 Cy 98 ΠΧ 1233 Cy 99 ΠΧ 1235 Cy 7 ΠΧ 1247 Cy 64 ΠΧ 1528 Cy 53 ΠΧ 1915 Cy 48 ΠΧ 1926 Cy 50 ΠΧ 1975 Cy 2


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 1 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5445 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Almost complete. Restored and completed with plaster. Handle: pierced and grooved, pointed in back. Discus: quadriga, with the driver holding a whip. Two air-holes, letter C in relief (?), or a number of Victories accompanying the driver (?), framing ring. Rim: well raised panels, with four circles in panels; inscription in relief: ΑΥΞΕ/ΜΥΡΑ/X[A]IPΕ/ΠΟΛI. Raised nozzle, with its sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature in three rows APX/EΠO/ΛIC Dimensions: L. 0.108, W. 0.081, H. 0.031 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, D. Protos plot; Annis-Marias Street. Complex Β, NE corner, -2.83 m. 20-5-1992. Excav. Diary: 323, p. 301. Other Nos: ΑΕ 237 Ill.: 3, 4 Plate: 6, 7 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Katsioti 2016; Patsiada 1990, 483; Patsiada 1992, 623-626. Remarks: Found with Λ 5452. For the signature cf. Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC The last two lines of the inscription are read and completed in accordance with Cypriot lamps of the 3rd c., Sternini 1998, 35, 41-42, no. 15, pl. II, signed ΑΥΞΕ/ΜΥΡΑ, from the collection di Cesnola and from Romania, Iconomu 1967, 21-22, 162, no. 642, fig. 41.123, 232, ΑΥS./MY.. The same inscription is also thought to have been found in Romania, in Tomis (today Costanza), in a tomb of the mid 3rd c., with Cypriot lamps, see Chera, Lungu 1985, 203-214, pl. 1, but this possibility (Sternini 1998, 35), has not been confirmed. See the same subject on a recently unearthed floor mosaic of a late Roman villa (4th c.) at Piathkia at Akaki near Nikosia, Cyprus, unpublished. Lamps of the workshop with the signature ΑΡΧΕΠΟΛΙC: Waldhauer 1914, 62, nos 482, 483, pl. XLVI and B, ΑΡΧΕ/ΠΟΛΙ/ΔΟC; Bailey 1975, 109, 182, C 757, fig. 15 [Α]ΡΧΕ..., 3rd c., from Sidi Khrebish (Berenice), considers it Attic, without completing the name; Lindros Wohl 2005, 217, fig. 7a,b, pl. 103 ΑΡΧ/ΕΠΟ/ΛΙC, 3rd-4th c., from Isthmia. For the theme of the discus, extremely common on Italian lamps of the 1st-2nd c., see Bailey 1980, 57-58, also with regard to a lamp of ΠΛΑΤΩΝΟC, see Waldhauer 1914, 60-61, no. 464, pl. XLIV, of the early 4th c. and on a ring-stone found in Cyprus, with the inscription INAC. see Cesnola 1887, 165, no. 42, pl. XV.74. For a possible identification of the lower part of the scene as the starting gate or the prize of the winner, as illustrated in the almost contemporary mosaics in the caldarium of the Baths in the Piazza Armerina, early 4th c., perhaps echoing the Circus Maximus in Rome, see Vinicio Gentili 1957, figs 1, 2, 3, 13. For the acclamation αύξι, see Robert 1960, 21-38. Chariot races, especially with four-horse chariots, were an expensive sport, especially connected with the Roman era, see Leppin 2011, 663-666. For an inscription on a Cypriot lamp, see Oziol 1977, 211, no. 625, on the discus ΠΡΑCINOC, with comments about the popularity of the Games and racing teams in Cyprus of the 3rd-4th c. On the theme of Victory in chariot races, see also Baratte 1991, 178193.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1975 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?), Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa) (??) Description: Clay: pale red, 10 R 7/4, micaceous. Unglazed. Two non-joining pieces. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: Person in profile (gladiator ?), framing ring. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.035 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Th. Louizidis plot; 28 Oktovriou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Grid square Β4-Β5, north of wall 25, east of wall 26, layer 7α. 14-9-1994. Excav. Diary: 357, p. 129. Other Nos: ΑΕ 409 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1994, 760; Patsiada 1996, 672-674. Remarks: Notwithstanding see Oziol 1977, 210-211, no. 624, pl. 35, who considers the scene as apotropaic, not involving gladiators and refers to Siebert 1966, 503-506, no. 17.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 3 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2013 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?), Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: roughly Aeolis or Ionia (??) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 7/4, with a little mica. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: hand with a dagger visible (gladiator ? Athena armed ? a negro slave killing a pig ?). Rim: plain. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Kanada and Vyronos Streets. Fill of a rectangular place, east of the excavated area. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 4-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 303. Other Nos: Excavation bag 804 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: For a comparable scene, see Broneer 1930, 199, no. 645, fig. 123, from Corinth. Perhaps this is an Athena depicted as moving forward, in 3/4s view, head in profile, armed with dagger and shield: a representation that answers to Corinthian lamps. See Bruneau 1977, 276, no. 68 ΜΙΝΙΚΙΟΥ, figs 29, 30, from Amfissa. Alternatively, it may be that the scene shows a negro slave killing a pig, as illustrated on a Cypriot lamp in the Victoria and Albert Museum, see Bailey 1965, 52, no. 161, pl. VIII. Bailey initially identified the image as Theseus and the Minotaur, a view he revised later (Bailey 1988, 299). It is most likely that this lamp was made in Cyprus, in spite of what Pétridis said (1992, 666).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2128 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 R 7/4, micaceous. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: Venator (animal-handler) holding a whip with a bear, triple framing leaves. Rim: incised curved leaves. Base: end of grooved handle. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.69 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsaras plot; Amerikis and 25 Martiou Streets. ± 1.7 m. from level north of the border of Ρ 33. 13-51974. Excav. Diary: 55, p. 292. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kantzia 1973-1974, 970-972; Kantzia 1975, 369. Remarks: The subject is perhaps a variant of the wild-animal tamer, where he does a running somersault over the bear. Such are seen on Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙ/CΤΟ/Υ, ΠΧ 2042, ΠΧ 2400, ΠΧ 1235 (for further information; see also the chapter on Cypriot lamps). Themes such as these appear to show a preference for Cyprus, an island known for its love of the Games and public spectacles until at least the 6th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 5 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5446 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14 Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Complete, though repaired and restored with plaster. Handle: pierced and grooved. Discus: acrobat with bear, framing ring. Rim: hatched band and inner band with ovolo. U-shaped nozzle set off from rim by transverse groove. Base: undefined, flat, Μ in relief and incised signature ΕΛΠΙ/ CTO/ Y Plaster, slightly worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.107, W. 0.081, H. 0.023 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, D. Protos plot; Annis-Marias Street. Complex Β, east part of underground burial place. Layer 3, -2.82/-2.87 m. 21-5-1992. Excav. Diary: 323, p. 305. Other Nos: ΑΕ 239 Ill.: 5 Plate: 8 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1990, 483; Patsiada 1992, 623-626. Remarks: Close-by find: Λ 5451 (3rd-4th c.). Cf. ΠΧ 2042, ΠΧ 2400, ΠΧ 1235, the last two being a slight variant with the same theme. See Karivieri 2005, 188, fig. 8, from Knidos and Rhodes; Alram-Stern 1989, 46, 272, no. 552, pl. 5.22, 36, with small differences, from Carnuntum. A lion takes the place of the bear. It is dated to the 2nd-3rd c. But the typology and decoration on the shoulder (herringbone) place it even later. Ricci 2001-2002, 376-377, fig. 22.1, lamp fragment of unknown origin, from a shipwreck near Marseilles. The subject is not identified, but accompanying finds date the lamp accurately to the second half of the 3rd c. Scenes from the circus with acrobats and animals were popular in the late Roman period. Cyprus lamps, which imitate Corinthian and Attic, display similarities with this piece. Such images from the circus with acrobats and animals, shows referred to in the sources as ‘παίγνια (games)’ and ‘επιδείξεις (demonstrations)’, while subjects dear to the Roman art, are also known, for example, in Attic lamps, as Π 2645 and its variants, where an acrobat is depicted somersaulting over a bear: see Karivieri 1996a, 166, a favourite theme of the workshops of Eutyches and Leonteus, that of the Relief Leaf, and maybe that of Naucratius; see Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 415, 421. An epigram, from the Palatine Anthology, makes reference to an acrobat vaulting over beasts, using a wooden pole: ‘Κοντόν ανήρ κατέπηξε, δέμας δ᾽εις ηέρα ρίψας/ ιδνώθη προκάρηνος, ανεγρομένοιο δ᾽ύπερθεν/ θηρός υπερκατέβαινεν ευστρέπτοισι πόδεσσιν/ ουδέ λάβεν λαοί δε μεγ᾽ίακχον, έκφυγε ανήρ’. For consular ivory diptychs, see Engeman 2008, fig. 7.10-12: Delbrück 1929, pl. 12, 18, 20, of the consuls Areobindus (506) and Anastasios (517), where is illustrated a variation of the theme an acrobat balancing on a rod in front of the bear (see recently Stephenson 2016, 58-59, about Spectacle in Late Roman political society). This theme albeit clumsily executed is also known from a later Asia Minor lamp from Ephesus, see Miltner 1937, 121, no. 352, pl. III, where, however, the tumbler balances on a rod placed on the head of the animal. For acrobat performances, although with an emphasis on the Byzantine period, see Kepetzi 2014, 345-384. The relief M (= 40), on the first line, is different from the engraved signature ΕΛΠΙCTOY: it may be a batch number, or possibly the initial of a craftsman working in the workshop of ΕΛΠΙCTOY.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 6 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2042 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of discus preserved. Repaired. Discus: acrobat with bear. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.043 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kiousoglou plot; Ethelonton Dodecanesion Street. ‘Above the mosaic and the place where there was a layer of lime’. 15-7-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 163. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 533. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2043 and Knidian lamp with planta pedis. The mosaic floor, above which was retrieved a coin of Faustina I, cannot be older than the middle of the 2nd c. Cf. Λ 5446, ΠΧ 1235, ΠX 2400, the last two with a slight variant on the disc. Cf. Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙ/ CTO/ Y, for comments and parallels.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 7 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1235 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14-16. Description: Clay: pale yellow 2,5 Y 7/3, clean Unglazed. Part of the body, handle and nozzle preserved. Handle: pierced and grooved with a pointed end in back. Discus: acrobat with bear, framing circle. Rim: incised curved leaves; nozzle set off from rim with transverse groove (?). Base: broad, flat. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.081, W. 0.076, H. 0.023 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd to early 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. south-east foundations, layer 1. 31-3-1992. Excav. Diary: 322, p. 299. Other Nos: ΑΕ 298 Ill.: 6 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2400, ΠX 2042, Λ 5446, the last two are a slightly variant issue. Karivieri 2005, 188, fig. 8, from Knidos or Rhodes. The off-white/pale yellow clay of the lamp, the awkwardly angular joint between the top and bottom and the scene are not consistent with Attic lamps. It is possible to match its texture and shape to Corinthian/Patras lamps, where the shoulder is decorated with leaves, but impressed (e.g. Petropoulos 1999, 161, no. B101, pl. 28, KΡΗCKENTOC, 2nd c.). A marked similarity is noted with Karivieri 2005, 188, fig. 8, a lamp from Knidos or Rhodes. For Cypriot lamps which imitate Corinthian and Attic ones, see Bailey 1988, 311-312, nos Q 2521, Q 2528, pl. 68, 150-225: the shape, the handle, the decoration of the shoulder, with impressed but not incised leaves have similarities with this catalogued piece, except for the decoration of the disc, with its peacock. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙ/ CTO/ Y

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 8 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2400 Type/ Category: Cypriot. Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of discus preserved. Discus: acrobat (with bear). Dimensions: Wpres. 0.04 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street to Amerikis. Area 4a, earth removal, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllides 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllides 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllides, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1235, ΠΧ 2042, Λ 5446, the last two have a slightly variant representation. Cf. observations and parallels to Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙ/ CTO/ Y

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2136 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. trace of burning. Part of discus preserved. Discus: Eros with himation which flutters behind him, as he runs to the left. (Herakles with the Stymphalian Birds ?). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.036 m. Date: 3rd or 4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, B. Maravelias (Hotel Park) plot; Navarinou and Riga Feraiou Streets. From south side, north of wall, at depth of foundations. October-December 1958. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1958, 233; Fatourou 1963, 323. Remarks: If it is Herakles with the Stymphalian Birds, see a relief depicting the same scene, today in the Archaeological Museum of Kos, found in the area of the Loggia Mosque, north of the sanctuary of Herakles Kallinikos, 2nd century BC.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 10 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2574 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/2, with a little mica. Glaze: light grey, 10 YR 7/2. Trace of burning. Part of handle and nozzle missing. Handle restored in plaster. Handle: pierced. Discus: plain, double ring round filling hole, framing ring. Channel-and panel rim. Base: flat, undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.075, H. 0.026 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes. Storeroom I, excavations of the period of Italian Rule. Ill.: 7 Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2148 (probably the same workshop, but smaller in size). Also see for the fabric ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2967, ΠΧ 2985, Λ 5451. For its Attic prototypes, see Williams, Zervos 1983, 17-18, nos 42-46, pl. 8, mid 3rd c., from Corinth. For its Corinthian prototypes, see Heres 1972, 79, no. 495, 2nd c., AVFIFRON.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2148 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3, with a little mica. Glaze: light grey, 10 YR 7/2. Concretion. Traces of burning. Part of discus and base, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: pierced. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Channel-and panel rim. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.0077, Wpres. 0.06, Hpres. 0.023 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Poporos plot; Pindou Street. Trench A4, place A4a, rubbish debris appearing as red-brown soil, -0.51/-0.8 m. 28-6-2002. Excav. Diary: 427, p. 315. Other Nos: ΑΕ 551 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 20012004, 228-231. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2574, probably the same workshop, though larger in size; and for observations and parallels. For the fabric cf. also ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2967, ΠΧ 2985, Λ 5451.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 12 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 988 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14. Description: Clay: pink, 5YR 7/4. Unglazed. Complete, lacking part of handle. Handle: pierced, grooved, pointed in back. Discus: Eros on a dolphin surrounded by shrimps, squid, crabs, bivalve shells and smaller dolphins. Rim: vine pattern with clusters and leaves. U-shaped nozzle set off from rim by transverse groove. Base: within circle, signature ΜΑΡ/ΚΟΥ Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.092, H. 0.038 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, well at west corner of Kolossos Hotel. Remarks: From the same workshop: Hellmann 1985, 41, no. 39, 4th c., ΜΑΡΚΟΥ; Oziol 1993, 55-56, no. 82, ΜΑΡΚΟΥ, 3rd c., Pierides collection in Cyprus, believes it to be imported: Waldhauer 1914, 49, no. 312, pl. XXXIII, from the tomb of the late 4th c., in Cherson; Oziol 1977, 200, no. 579, pl. 32, ΜΑΡΚΟΥ; Iconomu 1967, 21, 122-123, no. 639, fig. 39, 2nd-3rd c., ΜΑΡΚΟΥ, from Tomis (today Costanza) in Scythia Minor; Karivieri 2005, 188, no. 157, fig. 9.10, ΜΑΡΚΟΥ; Katsioti 2009a, 253, no. 226 and Katsioti 2011, 414, no. 136, MN 298, from Nissyros, MAPKOY, end 3rd-first half of the 4th c.


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Angeliki Katsioti Cf. Ηübinger 1993, 110-111, no. 203, pl. 26, ΕΥΡΥΘ/ΜΙ/ΟΥ, Cypriot, from Rhodes, 3rd c., with parallels. See Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 107-108, no. 59, I, 2nd-3rd c., probably Cypriot, although the red clay creates problems; Oziol 1977, 216, no. 640, pl. 36 from Cyprus; Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 39, no. 150, ΠΑΥ/ΛΟΥ, Cypriot; Bernhard 1955, 325, no. 313, pl. LXXXXIX, probably Cypriot and possibly 324, no. 310, pl. LXXXXVIII; Sternini 1998, 35, 41-42, no. 15, pl. II, 3rd c., signed ΑΥΞΕ/ ΜΥΡΑ from the collection di Cesnola; Chera, Lungu 1985, 208, fig. 1.6, Cypriot lamp from tomb of the mid 3rd c., and also from Tomis (today Costanza); Marchenko 2004, 180, from the Crimea (Cypriot ?). On the subject of the discus, favoured in Hellenistic and Roman art, compare with clay figurines (see typically Higgins 1954, 246, no. 2801) and especially lamps of the eastern Mediterranean, see Bailey 1980, 22-24; Mlasowsky 1993, 136-137, no. 118, in Corinthian-Corinthianizing types, see typically Filadelfeus 1922, 70, fig. 10.2, from Nikopolis; Heimerl 2001, 176, no. 989, pl. 21, 2nd c., from Pergamon. See also variations with the same theme on Corinthian lamps, Broneer 1930, 194, nos 605, 606, ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ, 607, pl. XXVII, from Corinth; Filadelfeus 1922, 70, no. 6, ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ, from Nikopolis, in imitation of Corinthian lamps, from a workshop of Chalkis, 3rd c.; Sampson 1987, 94, fig. 27, from the workshop of Nikopolis; Pliakou 2007, 554, no. 81, ΡΗΓ O ΛΟΥ, 2nd c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 13 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2838 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4, fragile. Unglazed. Damage to parts of base and nozzle. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced. Discus: two opposing forms, gladiators (?). Rim: plain (?). Base: undefined. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085, W. 0.075, H. 0.036 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Emmanouil plot; end of Cheimarras Street. Well 3. 23-7-1962. Excav. Diary: 5, p. 267. Ill.: 8 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466 and the excavation details for the Damianos plot. Remarks: Associated finds: ΠΧ 2831, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2837 and coin NP 3891, Justin II (576-577). Possibly, apropos the scene on the discus, we could find a match in Oziol 1977, 216-217, no. 643, pl. 36. Possibly in Boardman 1989, 119, no. 310, pl. 27, 4th c., from Emborio on Chios; also in Cicikova 1987, no. 48, pl. VII, 2nd-3rd c., from Novae.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 14 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2901 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Parts missing from nozzle, base and discus. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, becoming a single at the base. Discus: erotic symplegma, man and woman, standing; double framing ring. Rim: ovolo. Base: flat, undefined, signature ΠΛΑΤΩ/ΝΟC Dimensions: Lpres. 0.105, W. 0.084, H. 0.025 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Works by ΔΕΥΑΡ, Agathonisiou Street. Tomb ΙΙ, -4.2/-4.4 m. 3-8-1999. Excav. Diary: 407, p. 59. Other Nos: ΑΕ 46 Ill.: 9 Plate: 9 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 1999, 936. Remarks: For the signature cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC] For similar erotic couples, see Karageorghis 1978, 34, pl. XXI, no. 10, from Tomb 1, at Ag. Sergios, in Salamis on Cyprus, but a little later, and with a solid handle. Also see Marcadé 1962, 60.1, Cretan (?), in the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion.


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2908 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7,4. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: lampstand symplegma (?). Rim: ovolo, well-raised panels. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.061 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Diakidis-Minettos plot; Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. Grid square D10, brown-red fill. 11-9-1991. Excav. Diary: 315, p. 132. Other Nos: ΑΕ 745 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1979, 415-416; Dreliossi 1987, 586-587; Dreliossi 1990, 467-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454; Dreliossi 1992, 615-617; Dreliossi-Herakleidou 1996, 191-192. Remarks: Possibly cf. Attic lamps Π 2636 ΛΕ/C, ΠΧ 1981. If it is an erotic scene involving a lampstand, see Perlzweig 1961, 122, no. 814, pl. 18, ΠΕΙΡΙΘΟΥ, second half of the 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora; Bruneau 1965, no. 4666, pl. 32, ΠΕΙΡΙΘΟΥ, from Delos; Broneer 1977, no. 2964, pl. 33, ΠΕΙΡΙΘΟΥ, from Isthmia; Eleftheratou 2006, 121, no. 350, first third of 4th c., from Athens; Lamp in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki (published?); Chryssoulaki 1989, 122-123, no. 54, from Kavousi, Crete, local (?) imitating Attic lamp; Ladstätter 2010b, 584, no. B-K 483, pl. 227, 3rd c., local imitation (?) from Ephesus: part of a discus in the Museum of Trutnov, Bouzek, Civrtnikova, Marsa 1978, no. 29; Bevelacqua 2012, 145, no. 5, 2nd-3rd c., local imitation (?) from the Antiquarium of San Giovanni in Sicily.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 16 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5536 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?), type Vessberg 16 Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Part of discus, shoulder and nozzle preserved. Restored. Discus: symplegma, woman and horse, double framing ring. Rim: ovolo, well raised panels. Raised nozzle with sides grooves. Base: circle. Worn plaster mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.078 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Diakidis-Minettos plot; Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. H10, trial into the rubbish debris. 30-4-1992. Excav. Diary: 321, p. 111. Other Nos: AE 923 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1987, 586-588; Dreliossi 1990, 468-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454; Dreliossi 1992, 615617; Dreliossi-Herakleidou 1996, 191-192. Remarks: For the subject-matter, cf. ΠΧ 2288: Katsioti 2009b, 253, no. 226 and Katsioti 2011, 414, no. 136, MN 298, from Nissyros MAPKOY, end 3rd-first half of the 4th c. The theme of the discus is known in Attic and Corinthian lamps of the 2nd and 3rd c., and in imitations of the 3rd and 4th c., see Bruneau 1965, figs 2-4; Perlzweig 1961, 91, no. 229, pl. 7, and 123, nos 831-833, pl. 18; Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 121-125, no. 67; Βöttger 2002, 148-150, no. 1275-1307, pl. 27. Unpublished (?) Corinthian lamp from Frangonissi, in the Museum at Olympia; Malama, Darakis 2008, 219, MA 6777, pl. 71, to the beginning of the 4th c., from Nea Kerdyllia, Serres; Gerousi 2013, 61, no. 47, 3rd c., from Perissa on Thera; Bernhard 1955, 322-323, no. 306, pl. LXXXV; Bailey 1965, 57, no. 188, pl. IX, CΦΥΡΙΔΩΝΝΟC; Bailey 1988, 65 (with other examples) refers to the myth of Lucius of Patras, as described in The Metamorphosis of Apulius (X, 19-20), of 160-170 and again to the myth of Lucius or the Ass of pseudo-Lucian, in the second half of the 2nd c. (see Bruneau 1965), which involves a donkey or mule. In the case of a horse (which in this lamp is not entirely clear) Bailey 1988, 65, believes that it refers to the episode of the horse with Semiramis (Pliny, Historia Naturalis, VIII, 42). For erotic scenes with the presence of a horse in Italian lamps, see also Fedele, Labate 2014, 269-270, 281-282, fig. 7. 8.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 17 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2048 Type/ Category: Cypriot type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Poorly fired, eroded. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Small part of discus and base is missing. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved which becomes a single at the base. Rim: hints of decoration (herringbone ?), panelled. Discus: bust of Athena Promachos. Base: undefined. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.104, W. 0.8, H. 0.031 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of the rectangular place, easy of the excavated area. Above the floor with bones and lamps. 4-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 303. Other Nos: Excavation Bag 804 Ill.: 10 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: For the theme cf. Λ 5449 ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ, where observations and parallels, Λ 5161 Α. See Bailey 1988, 314, Q 2562, pl. 69, 200-300, from Cyprus; Hayes 1980, 82, no. 334, pl. 40, late 3rd c.; as Karageorghis 1978, 44, no. 5, pl. XXXI, late 3rd c., From a tomb at Ag. Sergios at Salamis in Cyprus. For variations with the same theme on lamps, see typically Perlzweig 1961, 111-112; Karivieri 1996a, 62; Bailey 1988, 7, 402-403; Koutoussaki 2008, 166, notes 11, 12, no. 163, apropos a lamp of 2nd-3rd c., from Argos; Pétridis 2011, 331-332, no. 17, fig. 11, 2nd c., concerning a lamp from Delphi. For observations and parallels cf. also Λ 5449 ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 18 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2052 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3, poor quality. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Part of the front (nozzle end) missing. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, grooved with some engraving on the base. Discus: figured (?). Rim: (?). Base: undefined. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.112, W. 0.082, H. 0.029 m. Date: First quarter of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, coastal cemetery at Gennadi, Megali Gi. Tomb 3. 21-1-1994. Excav. Diary: 6,1 (Rhodes, the countryside), p. 24. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Volanakis 1994, 820. Remarks: Accompanying finds: eleven bronze coins, three of them Licinius (307-324), a clay lagyna (listed in excavation log book, but not found). In neighbouring tomb 4 was found lamp ΠΧ 2065 ΕΥ, early 4th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2098 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/6. Unglazed. The handle and part of the shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved and pointed in back. Discus: figured (?). Rim: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Removal of fill of baulk. 22-8-1995. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 289. Other Nos: ΑΕ 255 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: The single incision, the thicker walls and careless joining of the two moulded parts on the back of the handle probably indicates a Cypriot origin, although the clean, good quality clay without impurities is rare. But perhaps this is an early example of a Corinthian imitation.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2975 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown 10 YR 7/4, micaceous. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Part of discus and base missing. Restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved, becoming one with the ring of the base, flanked by two dots. Discus: figured (?), decorated framing rim (herringbone ?). Rim: narrow, plain; U-shaped nozzle set off from rim by transverse groove. Base: wide, within ring small circle. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.115, W. 0.082 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, NW corner. level of burnt fill, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 680 Ill.: 11 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For the closest parallel see Mlynarczyk 1992, 257-258, fig. 5, probably 3rd-4th c., from Paphos. Also, for the typology, see with some reservations Bailey 1988, 376-377, Q 3049-3059, pl. 102, from Ephesus, with a plain shoulder and a horizontal incision, but smaller in size, all coated with a slip and with a slightly elevated base, 2nd c. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and the coins NP 915-922, of Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 21 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2307 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14 Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. In two non-joining pieces: parts of handle and shoulder. Handle: pierced and grooved. Discus: figured (?). Rim: S pattern with globules. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.037 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Trench Α1, depth to -1.4 m. 18-52004. Excav. Diary: 453, p. 22. Other Nos: ΑΕ 626 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: See Vessberg 1953, 125, fig. 3, from Soloi.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2360 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?), type vine and ray (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Nozzle and parts of shoulder preserved. Rim: tendrils and clusters. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.037 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street to Amerikis. Area 6. West part, north of floor, brown soil, -2.53/2.78 m. 10-10-2003. Excav. Diary: 466, p. 5. Other Nos: ΑΕ 4 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 23 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2041 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14, type vine and ray lamp. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4, with chips. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Part of base, shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, double grooves, pointed in back. Discus: rays; double framing ring. Rim: vine pattern with clusters and leaves. Base: flat, undefined. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085, Wpres. 0.062, H. 0.034 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street to Amerikis. Grid-squares Α3 - Β3 - Γ3, -2.4 m. 22-11-2002. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 13. Other Nos: ΑΕ 28 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: For a comparable Cypriot imitation, see Oziol 1977, 209, no. 622, fig. 35. mid 3rd c. For prototypes, see Bémont, Chew 2007, 370-371, 517, no. GR 2, pl. 92, 3rd c.; Heres 1972, 77, no. 483, Corinthian, 2nd-3rd c. ΠAPAMONOY, from Athens; Broneer 1930, 227, no. 925, fig. 162, from Corinth.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 24 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5452 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14 (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of base, body and nozzle missing. Repaired and restored. Rim: wide with tendrils. Base: wide, flat, undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.099, Hpres. 0.038 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, D. Protos plot; Annis-Marias Street. Complex Β, NE corner, -2.83 m. 20-5-1992. Excav. Diary: 323, p. 300. Other Nos: ΑΕ 236 Ill.: 12 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1990, 483; Patsiada 1992, 623-626. Remarks: Found with Λ 5445. For the morphology, cf. the later lamps Λ 3224, Λ 3413. See Lindros Wohl 2005, 216, fig. 7a,b, pl. 103, ΑΡΧ/ΕΠΟ/ΛΙC, 3rd-4th c., from Isthmia.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 25 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5169 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Complete. Handle: pierced, double grooved which come together to a single at the base. Discus: boat. The scene runs over onto the shoulder. Rim: herringbone. Base: within two circles, signature I Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.072, H. 0.03 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Area 2, south part, layer 2a, fill with bones. 136-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 335. Other Nos: ΑΕ 250 Ill.: 13 Plate: 9a Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Remarks: For the signature cf. Λ 5189 Ι. According to Bailey 1965, 22, 71, no. 252, pl. IX, the hard to explain signature I usually goes with lamps from Egypt or Cyprus, 1st to 2nd c. Also Bailey 1988, 105. For the signature, see typically Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 39, no. 152, 47, no. 191, probably Cypriot; Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 107-108, no. 59, I, imitation planta pedis, attributed to the 2nd-3rd c. The lamp shown in the picture looks Cypriot, although its clay is described as brown. Simple vertical incisions seem to match that on lamp no. 546, Bezzola 2004, 126, pl. 29, 3rd-4th c., from Palaepaphos. Yet another lamp (a Corinthian imitation ?), is reported from an ancient cemetery of Agios Stephanos in Chalkis (Gerontiti plot, no. 2469, I) Sampson 1987, 91-93. For the Attic prototypes of the theme see typically, Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 420 no. 29, fig. 29, from the Kerameikos; Bruneau 1965, 136, no. 4670, pl. 32, 3rd-4th c., from Delos; Perlzweig 1961, 132, nos 1023-1029, pl. 21, argues that the theme does not appear in Attic lamps before the end of the 3rd c.; Lambrinoudakis 1989, 18, fig. 18, from Epidaurus; lamp EAM 3118, Karivieri 1996a, fig. 29.30; lamp from the Stamatiadis plot in Pigadia on Karpathos (AE 30), Archaeological Museum of Karpathos (unpublished). For the full development of the subject-matter, see Bailey 1980, 46, 348, Q 1341, pl. 75, FLORENT, 175-225, in central Italy, with a ship passing in front of the statue and Triton blowing a horn on a column in the harbour. For the iconography of the theme, see Orna-Ornstein 1995, 179-200. See also for depictions of ships on lamps, Bailey 1988, 45-46; Hermanns 2012, 145-161.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 26 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5189 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Concretion. Complete, chips on handle and base. Part of base missing. Handle: pierced, double grooved merging to a single at base. Discus: shell, framing ring. Rim: plain, panelled, nozzle sides double grooved. Base: undefined, flat, signature I Dimensions: L. 0.108, W. 0.084, H. 0.031 m. Ill.: 14 Plate: 11 Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Vati, Kaourokampos cemetery; property of P. Manolas. Tomb II. 7-10-1976. Excav. Diary: 74, p. 131. Other Nos: ΒΑΤ 9α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1975, 223-226. Remarks: For signature cf. Λ 5169, where observations and parallels given. For the subject-matter, cf. Π 2623 ( )/( )ḲΟC̣/OC̣ ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC], ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2423, ΠΧ 2438. For Corinthian prototypes, cf. ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ. Cf. the similar theme Π 2623 ( )/( )ḲΟC̣/OC̣ ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/(ΝΟC), ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2359, ΠΧ 2438. See Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.6, from a tomb at Kampi in Vassa in Cyprus, mid 3rd c.; Bezzola 2004, 74-76, no. 308, pl. 23, mid 3rd c.; Hayes 1980, 81, no. 331, pl. 39, EΡMIANOY, late 3rd c.; Oziol 1977, 214-215, no. 635, pl. 35, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙ[ΟΥ]; Chera, Lungu 1985, 208, fig. 1.7, Cypriot lamp from tomb of the mid 3rd c., in Tomis (present day Costanza), in Scythia Minor. For the bivalve shell/clam, see Karivieri 2001, 196; Bailey 1988, 85-88.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 27 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2012 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/3. Unglazed, polished. Part of base, shoulder and discus preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced (?), triple grooved, merging to a single, pointed profile at back. Discus: shell. Rim: plain, panelled. Base: flat, undefined, signature ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC] Dimensions: Lpres. 0.072, W. 0.079, H. 0.029 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill north of the drain-sewer, south of Ρ 40. 26-10-1990. Excav. Diary: 308, p. 266. Other Nos: ΑΕ 585 Plate: 12 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: Cf. for the signature, ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], ΠΧ 2901 ΠΛΑΤΩ/ΝΟC. The fabric has close affinities with the clearly Cypriot ΠΧ 2968, ΠΧ 2970. For a similar theme cf. Π 2623 ( )/( )ḲΟC̣/OC̣ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ, ΠΧ 2359, ΠΧ 2438, Λ5189 I See Oziol 1977, 214-215, no. 635, pl. 35, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙ[ΟΥ]; Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.6, from a tomb in Kampi at Vassa in Cyprus, mid 3rd c.; Karageorghis 1978, 30, no. 11, pl. XVII, mid 3rd c., from tomb at Agios Sergios at Salamis in Cyprus; Abadie Reynal 1987, 58, no. type 256/20, pl. XXX, 3rd c., from the necropolis of Amathus; Bezzola 2004, 74-76, no. 308, pl. 23, mid 3rd c., from Palaepaphos; the slightly later dated lamp, Hayes 1980, 81, no. 331, pl. 39, EΡMIANOY, late 3rd c.; Chera, Lungu 1985, 208, fig. 1.7, Cypriot lamp from tomb of mid 3rd c., at Tomis (present day Costanza), in Scythia Minor. For the theme, see Karivieri 2001, 196. On the subject-matter of the discus, see Karivieri 2001, 196; Bailey 1988, 85-88. For Corinthian prototypes, cf. ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ. Cf. also the similar theme on Π 2623 ( )/( )ḲΟC̣/OC̣ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC], ΠΧ 2359, ΠΧ 2438.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 28 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2623 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14-16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4, with inclusions. Unglazed. traces of burning on the nozzle. Concretion. Complete. Handle: raised, pierced, ending pointed in back. Discus: scallop shell of palmette shape, framing ring. Rim: herringbone, raised panels. Base: within two circles, signature in three rows ( )/( ) ḲΟC̣/OC̣ Dimensions: L.0.096, W. 0.07, H. 0.028 m. Date: Early 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Place B. 3-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 82. Ill.: 15 Plate: 13 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. the similar theme on ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC], ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ, ΠΧ 2438, ΠΧ 2359, Λ 5189 Ι, with observations and parallels. The possibility that it is a product of the famous Cypriot lamp-maker Sfyridon, whose name is found in different variations such as EΦXPIΔΩNOC, CΦYPIΔΩNNOC, CΦYPIΔΩN, CΦYPΛΔΦNOCC, CΦPIΔΩNOC, cannot be excluded. For this lamp-maker, see mainly Oziol 1977, 222-223; Bailey 1965, 19; Bailey 1988, 104. The signature could even be read, as AΦPOΔEICIONOC -- with some letters possibly omitted, also in three lines, see Oziol 1977, 231, no. 678, pl. 38. Another interpretation could be ΕΠΙΚΤΑCTOC, see Oziol 1977, 221-222, no. 670, pl. 50. In the fill of space B were recovered coins NB 810-811 of Heraclius (610-641).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 29 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2044 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Parts of base missing. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved merging to a single, pointed profile at back. Discus: shell. Rim: plain, two panels semihatched. Within nozzle a small circle, sides grooved. Base: flat, undefined. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.075, H. 0.037 m. Date: Mid 3rd to early 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kiousoglou plot; Ethelonton Dodecanesion Street. ‘Above the mosaic floor and the place with layer of lime’. 15-7-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 163. Ill. 16 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 533. Remarks: Accompanying finds: ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2043 and Knidian lamp with planta pedis. Above the mosaic floor was recovered a coin of Faustina I was also recovered. Cf. Λ 5189 I, with observations and parallels. On the subject-matter of the discus, see Karivieri 2001,196; Bailey 1988, 85-88. For Corinthian prototypes, cf. ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ. Cf. too for similar themes ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ, ΠΧ 2359, ΠΧ 2438.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 30 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2438 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of discus preserved. Restored. Discus: shell, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.042 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; 4 Cheimarras Street. -0.2/-1.2 m, earth removal. 2012-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. for a similar theme Π 2623 ( )/( )ḲΟC̣/OC̣ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC], ΠΧ 2044, ΠΧ 2322 ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ, ΠΧ 2359, Λ 5189 I. See Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.6, from a tomb in Kampi at Vassa in Cyprus, mid 3rd c., maybe a bit earlier, pierced handle; Bezzola 2004, 74-76, no. 308, pl. 23, mid 3rd c.; Karageorghis 1978, 30-31, nos 10, 23, pl. XVII, end of 3rd c., from a tomb at Agios Sergios at Salamis in Cyprus; Oziol 1977, 226-227, nos 657, 658 CΦΥΡΙ/ΔΩΝΟC, 214-215, pl. 37, no. 635, pl. 35, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙ(ΟΥ); Bémont, Chew 2007, 352, AS 19, pl. 87, 3rd-4th c.; Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 52, no. 209, ΚΑ/ΛΛΩΝΙ(ΟΥ;), probably Cyprus; Abadie Reynal 1987, 58, no. type 256/20, pl. XXX, 3rd c. from the necropolis of Amathus; Hayes 1980, 81, no. 331, pl. 39, EΡMIANOY, late 3rd c.; Chera, Lungu 1985, 208, fig. 1.7, Cypriot lamp from tomb of the mid 3rd c., at Tomis (present-day Costanza), in Scythia Minor.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 31 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2423 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16 Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced double grooved, merging to a single at the base. Discus: rays (?), shell (?), framing ring. Rim: plain, panelled. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; 4 Cheimarras Street. Unification of old and new excavations; earth removal. -0.3/-0.6 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 314, Q 2565, fig. 110, pl. 69, 3rd-4th c., from Larnaca; Abadie Reynal 1987, 58, no. type 256/20, pl. XXX, 3rd c., from the necropolis of Amathus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 32 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2524 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 10 YR 7/6. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Two non-joining pieces preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced. Discus: rays. Rim: incised after mould, dotted (distorted decoration), raised panels. Base: within two circles, signature ( )ỊC Dimensions: Lpres. 0.077 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Plate: 14 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2008. Cf. for the fabric ΠΧ 2502, ΠΧ 2504. See about morphological correspondences D’Oriano, Pietra, Riccardi 2012, 137-138, fig. 29, from Sardinia, believed to be an example of Deneauve type VIIIB, mid 3rd c. The lamp has possibly some morphological similarities with some Cretan lamps (with a slip), though on these the ovolo pattern on the shoulder dominates, while the panels are not usual: see typically Mercando 1974, 237, pl. XXXVI.11, 12, in the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 33 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2008 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 7/4. Unglazed. Handle and parts of discus and shoulder preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Discus: framing ring. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085 m. Date: 4th (?) century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). 1988 (?) No other provenance details. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2524 ỊC, for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 34 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3009 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 10 ΥR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, a single groove at the base. Discus: (figured ?). Rim: plain (?) Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.061 m. Date: 4th (?) century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Place Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with the lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 35 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3010 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 10 ΥR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of base preserved. Base: a single incised groove in handle at base; within two circles, signature [Δ]ΙΟ/[Ν]Υ/[CI]ỌΥ Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.071 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Place Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Place Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Plate: 15 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: The type of signature [Δ]ΙΟ/[Ν]Υ/[CI]ỌΥ between incised lines is akin to that on lamps from Cyprus, see, for example, those of the workshop with signature ΑΡΧΕΠΟΛΙC. Found along with the lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3011 and the Roman coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 36 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3017 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of base preserved. Base: handle ending pointed. within circle, signature ΕΠỊḲT[ΑCΤΟC] Dimensions: Lpres. 0.1 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Argyrokastrou Square. A3/B3, west of wall 39, under floor 3, above layer ΧΧΙV. 18-11-2013. Excav. Diary: 522, p. 189. Other Nos: ΑΕ 692 Plate: 10 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2001-2004, 226-227; Bairami 2012 (forthcoming); Bairami 2013 (forthcoming); Bairami (in press). Remarks: See Bémont, Chew 2007, 352, AS 20, pl. 87 ΕΠΙΚ/TAC/TOC, 3rd-4th c., from Paris (?); Oziol 1977, 221-222, 229, no. 670, pl. 38, 50, ΕΠΙΚ/TAC/TOC.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 37 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2043 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14 Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. The circle of the shoulder and part of base preserved, but do not join. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Rim: incised leaves and three small circles in front of the nozzle. U-shaped nozzle set off from rim by transverse and sides grooves. Base: flat, undefined. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.076 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kiousoglou plot; Ethelonton Dodecanesion Street; ‘Above the mosaic floor and the place where there is a layer of lime’. 15-7-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 163. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 533. Remarks: Associated finds: ΠΧ 2042, ΠΧ 2043 and Knidian lamp with planta pedis. The mosaic floor had a coin of Faustina I above it, so cannot older than the middle of the 2nd c. The incised leaves often adorn shoulders of Cypriot lamps during the 3rd c. Cf. ΠΧ 2072, ΠΧ 2128, ΠΧ 2300, Λ 4778, Λ 3456. The type with the horizontal incision defining the pronounced spout has analogies with other Cypriot lamps, such as Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙ/ CTO/ Y, Λ 988 ΜΑΡ/ΚΟΥ.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 38 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2072 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, triple grooved merging to a single at base. Rim: incised leaves. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.034 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Minatsis plot; Menekleous Street. From water conduit. 10-4-1992. Excav. Diary: 3.15, p. 397. Other Nos: ΑΕ 315α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Nika 1992, 674-675; Nika 1993, 571-572. Remarks: Incised leaves often adorn the shoulders of Cypriot lamps up to the 3rd c. Cf. ΠΧ 2043, ΠΧ 2128, ΠΧ 2300, Λ 4778, Λ 3456. Found along with coin NB 4594, Heraclius (639-641).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 39 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2300 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Rim: incised leaves. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.052 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Malliakas-Demosiou plot; Romanou Melodou and Agion Anargiron Streets. Grid square Γ9, -0.54/+0.15 m. 12-4-2001. Excav. Diary: 405, p. 331. Other Nos: ΑΕ 657 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1997, 1083; Fantaoutsaki 1998, 933-935; Fantaoutsaki 2000, 1120-1122; Fantaoutsaki 2004, 31-51. Remarks: Incised leaves often adorn the shoulders of Cypriot lamps up to the 3rd c. Cf. ΠΧ 2043, ΠΧ 2128, ΠΧ 2300, Λ 4778, Λ 3456.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 40 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 4778 Type/ Category: Cypriot. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Rim: incised curved leaves, framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.056 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papaioannou-Michaelides plot; P. Athenagora, Venetokleon and Nikitara Streets. Place ΙΧ, -1.5/2.2 M. 8-9-1966. Excav. Diary: 27, p. 7. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 440, 1969, 459. Remarks: Incised leaves often adorn the shoulders of Cypriot lamps up to the 3rd c. Cf. ΠΧ 2043, ΠΧ 2128, ΠΧ 2300, Λ 4778, Λ 3456.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 41 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3456 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: incised curved leaves. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.067 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Platis plot; Venetokleon and E. Bevin Streets. SE trench in place E, between walls 18 and 4a, -0.7 m. 6-8-1980. Excav. Diary: 123, p. 406. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Michalaki, Kakavogi 1980, 532. Remarks: The side panels carry those incised decorative motifs, commonly found on the shoulders of Cypriot lamps up to the 3rd c., cf. ΠΧ 2043, ΠΧ 2072, ΠΧ 2128, ΠΧ 2300, Λ 4778.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 42 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2502 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rays, framing ring. Rim: ovolo. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.047 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and G. Lambraki/ Vas. Sofias Streets. 23-4-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 234.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulous 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, Chronika, 322. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2967. Cf. for the fabric, ΠΧ 2504, ΠΧ 2524 ỊC. For the themes, see ΠΧ 2964 ΛΥCI MA/X[O]Y. See Perlzweig 1961, 145, no. 1469, pl. 28, first half of 3rd c.; Koutoussaki 2008, 190-196, nos 241-245, from the 2nd to the 4th-5th c., figs 201-205, from Argos, with parallels. The decoration (viz. ovolo pattern on the shoulder and rays on the discus) is extremely common in Corinthian lamps: see typically Bruneau 1971, 468, no. 26, figs 26-27; Bruneau 1977, 276, no. 66, fig. 25, 278, no. 69, fig. 31, 293, no. 83, fig. 52. Concerning imitations of the type, Broneer XXVII, e.g. comparable decoration on the shoulder is more common in Cretan lamps until the 3rd c., often slipped (see Mercando 1974, 235-239, passim), than on Cypriot ones, though of course the latter also employ the same decorative elements, cf. ΠΧ 2901, Λ 5446, Λ 5536, ΠΧ 2967.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 43 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2967 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown 10 YR 7/3, micaceous. Unglazed, polished. Part of shoulder and discus. Discus: rays. Rim: ovolo. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.048 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α2, trench 1, 2nd layer. 7-4-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 244. Other Nos: ΑΕ 142 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2502, with observations and parallels. As to the themes, see ΠΧ 2964 ΛΥCI MA/X[O]Y The fabric shows a close affinity with that of ΠΧ 2148, ΠΧ 2574, ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2985, Λ 5451.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 44 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2504 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4, with a little mica. Traces of a red slip. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Rim: ovolo. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and G. Lambraki/ Vas. Sofias Streets. From the spot 1 to -1.98 m. 14-5-1962. Excav. Diary: 4, p. 281 pp Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstaninopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: For the fabric, cf. ΠΧ 2524 ỊC

For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2502. CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 45 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2968 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown 10 YR 8/3, micaceous. Unglazed, polished. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.036 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Β2/Β3, junction Α2Β2/Α3Β3, layer 1, 2nd pass. 18-81993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 71. Other Nos: Excavation bag 234 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. typology of ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 1915, Λ 5165, ΠΧ 1926, ΠΧ 2909, ΠΧ 2672. For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC] Found with: African Ware, 5th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 46 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2965 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Unglazed, polished. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: Probably 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α1/Α2, layer 3. 4-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 395. Other Nos: ΑΕ 247 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: The fabric has close affinities with that of ΠΧ 2967, ΠΧ 2148, ΠΧ 2574, ΠΧ 2985, Λ 5451. For typology cf. ΠΧ 2968, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 1915, Λ 5165, ΠΧ 1926, ΠΧ 2909, ΠΧ 2672.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 47 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3006 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 10 ΥR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced. Discus: rosette (?). Rim: plain, raised panels. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.091 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For typology cf. ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2968, ΠΧ 1915, Λ 5165, ΠΧ 1926, ΠΧ 2909, ΠΧ 2672. See Bernhard 1955, 313, no. 264, pl. LXVIII. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 48 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1915 Type/ Category: Cypriot. Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Parts of shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: narrow, plain, raised panels. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.059 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, below the debris of relics AE 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 221. Other Nos: ΑΕ 199 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For typology cf. ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 3006, Λ 5165, ΠΧ 1926, ΠΧ 2909, ΠΧ 2672.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 49 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5165 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10YR 8/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Part of handle and other small pieces missing. Restored. Handle: pierced, grooved, merging to a single at the base. Discus: 16-petalled rosette. Rim: plain, raised panels. Base: flat, undefined. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.099, W. 0.078, H. 0.028 m. Date: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Area 2, south part, level 2a, fill with bones. 13-6-1989. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 335. Other Nos: ΑΕ 251 Ill.: 17 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Cf. typologically ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2968, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 1915, ΠΧ 1926, ΠΧ 2909, ΠΧ 2672. See Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.8, from a tomb at Kampi at Vassa in Cyprus, mid 3rd c.; Karageorghis 1978, 30, no. 11, pl. XVII, mid 3rd c., from tomb at Ag. Sergios at Salamis in Cyprus. A little later, Hellmann 1985, 43-44, no. 43, 4th c., CΦΥΡΙ/ΔΩΝΟC; Bezzola 2004, 126, no. 553, pl. 29, 3rd-4th c., from Palaepaphos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 50 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1926 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Glaze: reddishyellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, concretion. Part of discus missing. Restored. Handle: pierced, which merged with two incised lines with the base. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: plain, raised panels; nozzle sides grooved. Base: two circles, slightly concave. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.078, H. 0.026 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, cleaning east of the wall to a depth -2.50 m. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 224. Other Nos: ΑΕ 212 Ill.: 17a Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 257-258, no. 11, fig. 2. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For typology cf. ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2968, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 1915, Λ 5165, ΠΧ 2909, ΠΧ 2672.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 51 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2909 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Handle and part of discus and shoulder preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base, flanked by two small circles. Discus: rosette, double framing ring. Rim: plain, raised panels, nozzle sides grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Argyrokastrou Square. Trench Γ2, cleaning wall 10. 10-5-2012. Excav. Diary: 476, p. 41. Other Nos: ΑΕ 99 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2001-2004, 226-227; Bairami 2012 (forthcoming); Bairami 2013 (forthcoming); Bairami (in press). Remarks: Cf. typologically ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 1915, Λ 5165, ΠΧ 1926, ΠΧ 2672. The small size of the lamp probably argues for a 4th c. date. Found with coin NB 10164, Constans II (655-659).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 52 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2672 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette, triple framing ring. Rim: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, sieving above disturbed relics, ΑΕ 138-150. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: ΑΕ 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2968, ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 1915, Λ 5165, ΠΧ 1926, ΠΧ 2909, the most with panels in relief.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 53 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1528 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14-16. Description: Clay: very light brown, 10 ΥR 7/3. Unglazed. Very thin walls. Traces of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: pierced, double grooved, ending pointed in back. Discus: wide, 24-petalled rosette. Rim: herringbone, two raised panels; nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature ΠΛΑ/ Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC] Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.108, W. 0.084, H. 0.021 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Ill.: 18 Plate: 16 Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 191, fig. 2. Remarks: For the signature cf. ΠX 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC], ΠΧ 2901 ΠΛΑΤΩ/ΝΟC. Also ΠΧ 1926, from the Diakogeorgiou plot, with similar clay (10 YR 8/4) and dimensions, thin-walled and unglazed, 24-petalled rosette, shoulder with undecorated panels. Similar themes on Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. The signature ΠΛΑ/ΤΩΝ, ΠΛΑ/ΤΩΝ/ΟC, Π•Λ•Α•Τ•Ω•Ν, with the letters set between the six-rayed stars, are found in other lamps of the 3rd c. from Cyprus (Hellmann 1985, 41-42, no. 40, 3rd c.; Cesnola 1882, 257, 285, no. 8; Waldhauer 1914, no. 464, from Cherson; Preshlenov 2008, 103, in the Varna Museum, where the misspelling is seen as Corinthian; Cicikova 1961, 311-312, no. 5, fig. 1, from Odessa. Also, in other lamps probably made in Cyprus, both Athenian and Corinthian imitations or conversions, there are clear analogies with this catalogued piece, see Bezzola 2004, 124-126, nos 552-554, pl. 29, 3rd-4th c., from Palaepaphos; Bailey 1965, 53, no. 166, pl. VIII; Bailey 1988, 314-315, Q 2568, pl. 70, 4th c., from Salamis or Kourion. As mentioned (p. 299) Cypriot lamps of this type have a solid handle (however some have them partly-pierced, see Oziol 1977, 225, no. 653, pl. 37, early 4th c., from Cyprus). According to Oziol 1977, 219-221, such are products of a worthy workshop, but unworthy exports. Cf. also, Oziol 1993, 58-59, no. 93, fig. 13, with a rosette with sharp leaves, end 3rd-early 4th c.; Plat-Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.8, from a tomb at Kampi in Vassa in Cyprus, mid 3rd c.; Karageorghis 1978, 30, no. 11, pl. XVII, mid 3rd c., from a tomb at Agios Sergios at Salamis in Cyprus. Series of such lamps are detected in other regions, probably imported, whose signatures, however, where there exist, are not those known in Attic workshops: see four lamps from Cherson, Waldhauer 1914, no. 483, pl. XLV, on the base ΑΡΧΕ/ΠΟΛΙ/ΔΟC, 3rd c., from Cyprus; Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 111, no. 63, on base ΦΟΙ/ΜΗΚ/ΟΥ, late 3rd c.; Kadeev 1970, no. 148, fig. 20.2; Zubar 1993, fig. 26.1, local imitation with an added strap handle of ovoid section. Also Franzius 1985, no. 18, pl. 24.5, on base ΕΙΡΗ/ΝΑΙ/ΟΥ first half of the 4th c., from Cyprus; Wismann 2006, 352, fig. 186, 4th c., from Panagia Aimatousa from Aradippos in Cyprus; Gassner 1997, 200-201, no. 818, pl. 64.91, 3rd c., from Ephesus, erroneously referred to as Corinthian. Two similar lamps, 2nd-3rd c., found in Egypt, CahnKlaiber 1977, 36, no. 339, from Alexandria (imports); Selesnow 1988, 154, no. 217, pl. 31. For Corinthian and Attic prototypes, see Perlzweig 1961, 153, no. 1818, pl. 31 with slip, first half of 4th c. See also a comparable if slightly later lamp from Corinth, Broneer 1930, 205, no. 700, pl. XII.XXXI and with an uncertain, he feels, signature ΚΡΑΥΓΑ[Τ]ΟΥ, (or KPAYΓΑCTOY as on lamps of Patras, Petropoulos 1999, 110), which he rates as Corinthian. Cf., again, a related lamp with a typical Corinthian arrangement of ovolo on the shoulder instead of herringbone, Bovon 1966, no. 271, pl. 7, early 4th c., from Argos. A similar picture is given by parts of two Corinthian lamps, but earlier in date: Williams 1981, 44-45, Nos 188, 189, pl. 9, 2nd-3rd c., from Kenchreai. Yet another Corinthian (?) lamp of the 2nd c (?) can be compared with this catalogued piece: Bernhard 1955, no. 303, pl. LXXXIV. Cf. also Attic lamps: Βöttger 2002, 202, no. 2587, pl. 46, with EY on its base, and no. 2594, pl. 46, with B on its base, of small size, first third of 4th c., from the Kerameikos; Felten 1975, 61, no. 24, pl. 16 without panels, 4th c., from Aegina.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 54 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2050 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Glaze: reddishyellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Trace of burning. Base missing. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, merging to two at base. Discus: 24-petalled rosette, double framing ring, air hole. Rim: herringbone, raised hatched panels, oval-shaped nozzle. Dimensions: L. 0.111, W. 0.076, Hpres. 0.027 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, D. Protos plot; Ethnikis Antistasis Street (Annis-Marias). Complex north-east of baulks Α, Β, Γ, layer 3, -2.52/ -2.75 M. 8-5-1992. Excav. Diary: 323, p. 279. Other Nos: ΑΕ 220 Ill.: 19 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1990, 483; Patsiada 1992, 623-626. Remarks: For the fabric and the type of glaze cf. ΠΧ 2966, ΠΧ 2978( )ỊΟ/ ̣[Ο]Υ, ΠΧ 2988. For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. The oval-shaped nozzle is uncommon. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 55 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2774 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16-18. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Traces of burning. Part of the body and handle preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, merging to a single incised line at base. Discus: multi-petalled rosette. Rim: herringbone, raised panels. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Maltezos-Kazis plot; RhodouLindou Street. Trial trench 6, cleaning of section profile. 15-22008. Excav. Diary: 477, p. 285. Other Nos: ΑΕ 18 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kantzia-Vratsali 2008, 1290-1295. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 56 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2775 Type/ Category: Cypriot. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of the upper body in the region of the nozzle preserved. Non-joining pieces. Discus: rosette with pointed petals, framing ring. Rim: herringbone, raised nozzle with sides grooved. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.036 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Maltezos-Kazis plot; Rhodou-Lindou Street. Trial trench 6. 12-2-2008. Island: Rhodes, the Necropolis Excav. Diary: 477, p. 283. Other Nos: ΑΕ 13 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kantzia-Vratsali 2008, 1290-1295. Remarks: Cf. for similar theme ΠΧ 2361, ΠΧ 2432, ΠΧ 2969. See Hayes 1980, 82, no. 333, pl. 40, late 3rd c.; Oziol 1977, 226, no. 654, pl. 37; Bezzola 2004, 126, no. 552, pl. 29, 3rd-4th c., from Palaepaphos; Oziol 1993, 58-59, no. 93, fig. 13, rosette with pointed petals, late 3rd-early 4th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 57 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2969 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Parts of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette with pointed petals, raised panels, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.036 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Β2/Β3, junction Α2Β2/ Α3Β3, level 1, 2nd pass. 18-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 71. Other Nos: Excavation bag 234 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 2361, ΠΧ 2432, ΠΧ 2775. Cf. ΠΧ 2775 for observations and parallels. Found with: African Ware of 5th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 58 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2970 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown 10 YR 8/2, micaceous. Unglazed, polished. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Grid square Α2, layer 2. 19-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 302. Other Nos: Excavation bag 178 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. for comparable clay ΠΧ 2968, ΠΧ 2012 ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC] For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 59 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2361 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Handle, parts of base, shoulder and discus preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, grooved, ending in incised Χ in back. Discus: rosette with pointed petals. Rim: herringbone. Base: within two circles, rest of a signature, Ẹ Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd to early 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis. Grid square Α3- Β3- Γ3, -2.4 m. 22-11-2002. Excav. Diary: 473, p. 13. Other Nos: ΑΕ 28 Plate: 17 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 2969, ΠΧ 2775, ΠΧ 2432. See Hellmann 1985, 43-44, no. 43, 4th c. CΦΥΡΙ/ΔΩΝΟC; Oziol 1993, 58-59, no. 93, 3rd-4th c., from the Pierides collection in Cyprus; Hayes 1980, 82, no. 333, pl. 40, late 3rd c. For Corinthian prototypes, see Pliakou 2007, 549-550, nos and figs 65-69, 3rd c., from Nikopolis. For the incised X at the end of the handle, cf. ΠΧ 2322, ΠΧ 2845. For correspondences, especially in the early Attic, see typically Perlzweig 1961, 168, no. 2242, pl. 36, and for Corinthian lamps, see Perlzweig 1961, 91-95, nos 234, 253, 272, 275, 276, 280, 282, 283, pls 8-9. See also Broneer 1977, 66.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 60 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2972 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Parts of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.056 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Β2Β3, junction Α2Β2/Α3Β3, layer 2. 31-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 81. Other Nos: Excavation bag 321 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 61 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5451 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Parts of body and discus missing. Fragments both restored and non-joining. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at the base. Discus: rosette, double framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.058 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, D. Protos plot; Ethnikis Antistasis Street (Annis-Marias). Complex Β, east part of underground burial place, layer 3, -2.82/-2.87 m. 21-5-1992. Excav. Diary: 323, p. 304. Other Nos: ΑΕ 238 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1990, 483; Patsiada 1992, 623-626. Remarks: Found with: Λ 5446 ΕΛΠΙΣΤΟΥ, second half of 3rd c. For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2148, ΠΧ 2574, ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2967, ΠΧ 2985. For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 62 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5188 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16-18 Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Parts of discus missing. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: 24-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Rim: herringbone, raised dotted panels. Base: within two circles, signature E in relief and incised branch, left. Dimensions: L. 0.101, W. 0.076, H. 0.028 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Vati, cemetery. Kaourokampos; P. Manola plot. Burial III. 6-10-1976. Excav. Diary: 74, p. 125. Other Nos: ΒΑΤ 8α Ill.: 20 Plate: 18 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1975, 223-226.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451. See Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.8, from tomb at Kampi, at Vassa in Cyprus, mid 3rd c.; Karageorghis 1978, 30, no. 11, pl. XVII, mid 3rd c., tomb at Agios Sergios at Salamis in Cyprus; Wismann 2006, 352, fig. 186, 4th c., from Panagia Aimatousa at Aradippos in Cyprus. For the signature, typically: EIPHAC: Bailey 1965, no. 190; EPMIA[NO]: Bailey 1965, no. 191; EIPHNAIOC: Bailey 1965, no. 192.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 63 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5162 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10YR 8/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: 24-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Rim: raised panels, herringbone. Base: slightly concave, two circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.078, H. 0.028 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Level 2α, place 2, north part, fill with bones. 12-7-1990. Excav. Diary: 304, p. 125. Other Nos: ΑΕ 329 Ill.: 20a Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Cf. for similar theme ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 64 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1247 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14-16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 7/3. Unglazed. Complete. Upper portion fits badly with the lower. Handle: pierced, slightly grooved, ending pointed. Discus: 24-petalled rosette, ring round filling hole, framing ring. Rim: panelled, herringbone. Base: within two circles, grooves and dots. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.073, H. 0.03 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). East part, cut-out hollow Β. 8-12-1987. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 85. Other Nos: ΑΕ 10. Ill.: 21 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. The lamp, an imitation of an Attic one, has but a vague outline of the image, because of the clay debris on the shoulder. At the base, rather than a branch, are some lines and dots. Although the pierced handle is typical of the period, yet the relatively small size suggests it was produced at a later date. This type of lamp was widely traded and copied, see the lamp from Cherson, Zubar 1993, fig. 26.1, local (?) imitation with an applied, folded loop handle.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 65 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2687 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14-16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Remnants of clay on base. Part of discus lost. Handle: pierced, grooved, ending pointed. Discus: 24-petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: herringbone, raised panels; nozzle sides grooved. Base: two circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0. 098, W. 0.07, H. 0.029 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. North of small altar. 22-7-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 172. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC] (larger in size and earlier) and for similar theme ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ)]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. See Bernhard 1955, 313, no. 264, pl. LXVIII.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 66 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2560 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14-16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/3. Unglazed. Parts of discus and base missing. Repaired and restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: slightly sunken, with 23 indentations making a rosette. Rim: herringbone, raised panels. Base: within circle, signature in three rows [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.075, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd to first half of the 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Kranidou-ManolakisDiakogeorgiou plot; extension of Th. Sofouli Street. Τomb 1. 6-91976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 286. Plate: 19 Remarks: For the workshop cf. Λ 5445. Found together with coin NP 859, Hadrian. For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. See Bernhard 1955, 313, no. 264, pl. LXVIII. Perhaps Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 42, pl. IV.9, from Cyprus, but with a solid handle, second half of 4th c. Along with the catalogued piece was a follis of Maximinus Caesar, NP 861 (305-310). The suggested date assumes that the coin gives a terminus post quem, although the context was not a closed one. The recovery should be noted of a similar lamp from the Stamatiadis plot in Pigadia on Karpathos (ΠΧ 1508): this is now housed in the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, and dates from the second half of the 4th c.; it is unpublished, but was found along with imported Attic lamps.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 67 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5167 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16 Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced, acquiring a groove at the base. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: panelled, herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of sewer south of Ρ 40. 12-1-1989.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Excav. Diary: 285, p. 27. Other Nos: Exvavation bag 451 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 68 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6072 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle and wall lost. Restored. Flaked. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Discus: 24-petalled rosette. Rim: panelled, herringbone; nozzle sides grooved. Base: circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.07, H. 0.024 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner ‘of the cluster of lamps’, -4.40/ -4.55 M. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 653 Ill.: 22 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC and for those with similar theme ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. Λ 5188 for observations and parallels. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and the coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 69 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5448 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Fragments restored, and some non-joining. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: herringbone, two raised panels. Base: two circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.081 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis,D. Protos plot; Ethnikis Antistasis Street (Annis-Marias). Complex Β, baulk B, fill over floor, -2.83/-3.04 m. 20-5-1992. Excav. Diary: 323, p. 312. Other Nos: ΑΕ 244 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1990, 483; Patsiada 1992, 623-626. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ1528 for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 70 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2014 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18. Description: Clay: pale yellow, 2,5 Υ 8/2. Unglazed. Handle and small non-joining pieces. Handle: pierced, double grooved and pointed at end. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of rectangular place, east of excavated spot. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 4-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 303. Other Nos: Excavation bag 804. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 71 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2973 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Restored. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone, raised panels. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.081 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Β2Β3, junction Α2Β2/Α3Β3, layer 2. 31-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 81. Other Nos: Excavation bag 321 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511: Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 72 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2084 Type/ Category: Cypriot. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: rosette, double framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Basilica on Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. North-west corner of the south-east block of flats (east end of the west nave of the transverse aisle ?) 20-8-1998. Excav. Diary: (9) 1:3, p. 306. Other Nos: ΑΕ 41 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and in sundry other accounts. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 73 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2123 Type/ Category: Cypriot type Vessberg 18 Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Handle, part of base, discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone, panelled. Base: flat, undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, H. 0.029 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kypriotis plot; 28 Oktovriou and 6 Amarantou Streets (Lochagou Fanouraki). 24-7-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 170. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1966, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 534; Zervoudaki 1977, 348, drawing 3. Remarks: Cf. for similar theme ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 74 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2269 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Concretion. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.071 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, north part, 1st pass. 30-10-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 295. Other Nos: ΑΕ 299 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 75 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2416 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. Unification of old and new excavations/earth removal with machinery -0.3/-0.6 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 76 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2432 Type/ Category: Cypriot. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Restored. Discus: rosette with pointed petals, framing ring. Rim: herringbone, raised panels. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. -0.6/-0.9 m, earth removal. 2012-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323: Fatourou 1964, 466: Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 2361, ΠΧ 2969, ΠΧ 2775. Cf. ΠΧ 2775 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 77 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2437 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.047 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. -0.2/-1.2 m, earth removal. 2012-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323: Fatourou 1964, 466: Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 78 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2633 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Rim: herringbone, panelled. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.051 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. AreaΑ1, -2.25 m, cleaning above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 79 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2015 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of rectangular place, east of excavated spot. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 4-4-1990. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.049 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of rectangular place, east of excavated spot. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 4-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 303. Other Nos: Excavation bag 804 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990. 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: For theme similarity cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. It could possibly correspond to Oziol, Pouilloux 1969, 109-111, nos 454, 457, 461, pl. X, from Salamis (lampes tardives).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 80 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2575 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 6/3. Glaze: similar, 10 YR 8/2. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid. Discus: palm tree, herringbone and hatched framing ring, two holes. Rim: herringbone wreath. Base: concave, within circle, signature ΕΡΜΙΑΝΟ Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.073, H. 0.024 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Storeroom 1, excavations during the period of Italian Rule. Ill.: 23 Plate: 20 Remarks: For the widespread distribution of this type of lamp in Cyprus, see Karageorghis 2010, 120, no. 136, EPMIANO, 3rd-4th c., from the Fylaktou collection. Oziol 1977, 222, 227, nos 659-661, pl. 37, for the same workshop and the same subject, 235, nos 691-692, pl. 39, for the same workshop; Bailey 1965, 18, 48, 57, nos 137, 138, 191, pl. VII.IX, the same workshop, from the Victoria and Albert Museum. As mentioned, the signature is seen on twelve more lamps from the sale of the Cesnola collection. Bailey 1988, 102, 309, 316, Q 2491, Q 2492, Q 2598, Q 2600, figs 110, 113, 132, pl. 67.71, up to 350. from the same workshop: the first two are from the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the last three from Salamis or Kourion. See also Oziol 1993, 62, no. 97, fig. 14 from the Pierides collection in Cyprus; Hayes 1980, 81-82, no. 332, pl. 40. late 3rd c.; Karageorghis 1978, 45, no. 17, pl. XXXI, late 3rd c., from a tomb at Agios Sergios at Salamis on Cyprus; Bémont, Chew 2007, 352, AS 20. pl. 87, ΕΠΙΚ/TAΣ/TOΣ, 3rd-4th c., from Paris (?); Cesnola 1894, no. 1036, pl. CXL; Abadie Reynal 1987, 58, no. type 256/15, pl. XXX, first half of the 4th c., from the necropolis of Amathus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 81 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2141 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 14 Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette. Rim: S relief pattern. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papastamatis plot; end of Pindou Street and Enoplon Dynameon. North of the hypocaust at level 0.26 m. from the point where the excavation was stopped. 108-1964. B. 10.08.1964. Excav. Diary: 12α, p. 260. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 465-466; Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594; Konstantinopoulos 1966, 449. Remarks: See Vessberg 1953, 125, fig. 3, from Soloi. Found with the coin NP 418, Gallienus (253-260).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 82 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3007 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 10 ΥR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Discus: rosette. Rim: S pattern, raised dotted panels. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.091 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris/burnt, -4,4/-4,55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350. p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060. Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090. Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010. ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 83 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2698 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Three non-joining pieces preserved Handle: pierced, undefined at base. Rim: vine pattern. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Fill of tomb 10. 23-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 328. Other Nos: Excavation bag 101 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 84 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1993 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16 Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: ribbon composed of two series of dots, two raised panels. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061 m. Date: Second half of the 3rd to 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill over floor of central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: See Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.8, from a tomb at Kampi, in Vassa in Cyprus, mid 3rd c.; Karageorghis 1978, 30. no. 11, pl. XVII, mid 3rd c., at a tomb at Agios Sergios at Salamis in Cyprus; Abadie Reynal 1987, 58, no. type 256/20. pl. XXX, 3rd c., from the necropolis of Amathus on Cyprus. Perhaps Oziol 1977, 225, no. 653, pl. 37, shoulder with herringbone.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 85 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2174 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder preserved. Rim: band with dots and small circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.054 m. Date: 4th (?) century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Α1, place Α1/Ι, earth removal to depth -3.96 m. 21-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 403, p. 65. Other Nos: ΑΕ 988 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 86 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2153 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Handle, part of discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Rim: globules. Discus: rosette. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.062 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Astegon Viotechnon plot; units 3-4, Kanada and Kolokotroni Streets. 14-5-1966. Excav. Diary: 23, p. 32. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 443-446; Konstantinopoulos 1967b, 115-116; Winter 1992, 199-201.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 87 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2591 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Rim: small circles in a pattern of a rhomboid (?); two framing circles. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.039 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. AreaΔ2, extension to north, 2nd pass. 18-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 194. Other Nos: ΑΕ 80 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 88 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2644 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Rim: hatched band. Incomplete joining of the two parts of the mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.048 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. AreaΑ1, -2.25 m, cleaning above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2682.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 89 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2682 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of handle, discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced. Discus: rosette (?). Rim: hatched decoration. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.043 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, sieving the Early Byzantine fills, -2/-2.5 m. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 207. Other Nos: ΑΕ 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2644.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 90 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3048 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 6/3. Unglazed. Strong evidence of soot. Part of base, shoulder and discus missing. Handle: pierced. Rim: slightly narrow, rectangular ovolo, framing ring. Discus: figured (?). Base: circle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0. 11, Wpres. 0.071, Hpres. 0.026 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Argyrokastrou Square. Β1-Γ1-Δ1. North of wall 36β, west of wall 9/9α. 7-8-2014. Excav. Diary: 522, p. 241. Other Nos: ΑΕ 740 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2001-2004, 226-227; Bairami 2012 (forthcoming); Bairami 2013 (forthcoming); Bairami, (in press). Remarks: The ovolo motif on the shoulder (an element of the Corinthian prototype, Broneer XXVII) is less commonly encountered on Cypriot imitations.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 91 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2976 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellowish, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed, polished. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: pierced, acquiring a groove ending at the ring base. Rim: narrow, within guilloche, acanthus-leaves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.065 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α2-Α3, layer 2. 17-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 63. Other Nos: Excavation bag 306 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Although not common, this sort of shoulder decoration is not unknown on Cypriot lamps, see Oziol 1977, 194, 200, no. 579, pl. 32, ΜΑΡΚΟΥ.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 92 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2674 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced. Discus and Rim: plain (?). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.059 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, north of the early Christian disposal of relics. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 208. Other Nos: ΑΕ 137 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 93 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2016 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 ΥR 8/6, fragile, surface flaking. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced double grooved, pointed at end. Rim: plain (?). Base: flat, within circle signature in rows (?) Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of rectangular place, east of excavated spot. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 4-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 303. Other Nos: Excavation bag 804. Plate: 21 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Typically, for a lamp signed ΑΡΧ/ΕΠΟ/ΛΙC, the signature is in three lines with intermediate incised lines, see Lindros Wohl 2005, 216, fig. 7a,b, pl. 103, 3rd-4th c., from Isthmia.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 94 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2978 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: red-grey, 7,5 YR 7/2, micaceous. Glaze: similar. Part of base preserved. Base: within two circles, signature ( )ỊΟ/ ̣[Ο]Υ Dimensions: Lpres. 0.049 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α2, level 2, fill, 2ndpass. 14-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 280. Other Nos: Excavation bag 159 Plate: 22 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For the fabric and the type of slip cf. ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2966, ΠΧ 2988. I am not aware of other Cypriot lamps that imitate the type of well-known signatures in two lines (Corinthian or Attic lamps). Most are but faintly incised, often incorrectly spelt.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 95 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1995 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/3. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Part of body and nozzle preserved. Rim: herringbone (?). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Could possibly correspond to Oziol, Pouilloux 1969, 109-111, nos 454, 457, 461, pl. X, from Salamis (lampes tardives).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 96 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2552 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18-Oziol 18b. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid. Discus: victorious racehorse at the gallop; two filling-holes; relief inscription above ΟΤΗ; wreath round discus. Rim: vines. Base: undefined, signature retrograde in relief round base, EYTYΧΗΤΟC Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.082, W. 0.06, H. 0.025 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420. p. 332. Other Nos: ΑΕ 457 Ill.: 24 Plate: 23, 23a Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1203, ΠX 1233, ΠΧ 2035, ΠΧ 2036 ΕΥΤ[ΥΧΗΤΟC], ΠΧ 2977. For this popular type of lamp, see Dias, Soren, Pinto 1988, 181; Mlynarzcyk 1992, 255-271, fig. 6. Among the numerous examples of this species, see typically Bailey 1988, 61, 300, 317, Q 2603, fig. 71, 132, 138, pl. 71, 4th-5th c., from Larnaca, for observations and parallels; Oziol 1977, 240-244, nos 717-786, pls 40-41, mainly ΕΥΤΗΧΗΤΟΥ where he comments on the victorious horse; Chrzanovski 2011, 318-319, nos 301-303; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 606-607, no. 52, fig. 50, EΥΤΥΧΗΤΟC, from Samos; Bezzola 2004, 97-101, all variations, some signatures; Brants 1913, nos 1170, 1171, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, Leiden; Hellmann 1985, 4243, no. 41, with the inscription OMI and ΑΠΥ (?), ΕΥΤΥΧΗΤΟC, 4th-5th c.; Hayes 1980, 82-83, nos 335-340, pl. 40. 83, no. 345, pl. 39, ΕΥΤΥΧΗΤΟC, with parallels, 4th-5th c.; Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.20, from tomb at Kampi, in Vassa in Cyprus; Karageorghis 1967, 114, no. 39, 82, 181, pl. CVI, 4th-5th c., from tomb at Salamis in Cyprus; Bezzola 2004, 85-96, nos 327-396, pls 24-25, 97-101, nos 402-428, pl. 26, with many variants; Hayes 2007, 478, no. 11, early 5th c., from Kourion; Abadie Reynal 1987, 58, no. T. 307/36, pl. XXXII, 4th c., CΦΥΡΙΔΩΝΟC from the necropolis of Amathus; Manzoni-Macdonnell 1988, 126-127, no. 37, fig. 6.3 from Jalame, Palestine; Tam Tinh, Jentel 1991, 84-86, no. 35, L 198, EYTYXHTOC; Oziol 1993, 64-66, no. 104, fig. 14, ΕΥΤΥΧΗΤΟC, no. 106, 4th c., from the Pierides collection in Cyprus, with comments on possible readings of the inscription that usually accompanies the horse; likewise Diaz, Soren, Pinto 1988, 179-181, pl. LIII.4, EYTYXHTOC; Manière-Lévêque 2001, 235, fig. 18 from the settlement of Xanthus.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 97 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2036 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18/Oziol 18 B Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder, base and handle preserved. Handle: solid. Rim: wreath round discus, vines. Base: flat, undefined; signature retrograde in relief round base ΕΥΤ[ΥΧΗΤΟC] Dimensions: Wpres. 0.069 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Xatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, Μ. Petridi Street. Court of place Δ, fill. 7-7-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 134. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1203, ΠX 1233, ΠΧ 2035, ΠΧ 2552 EYTYΧΗΤΟC, ΠΧ 2977. For the decoration of the shoulder, see Oziol 1993, 64-67, nos 105, 106, figs 14, 15, from the Pierides collection in Cyprus. According to the evidence of existing examples, the discus probably carried the image of the victorious horse, or alternatively and less often, a cross, a bunch of grapes or a beast fight. Cf. ΠΧ 2552 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 98 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1203 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18/Oziol 18 B. Description: Clay: light red 2,5 ΥR 6/6, reddish, after the firing pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid. Discus: victorious racehorse at the gallop; relief inscription above OTH, framing wreath. Rim: vines. Base: undefined, slightly concave. Dimensions: L. 0.069, W. 0.068, H. 0.027 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Square Β 2, in wall 2a. 10-2-1988. Excav. Diary: 266, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 1151 Plate: 24 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1233, ΠΧ 2035, ΠΧ 2036 ΕΥΤ[ΥΧΗΤΟC], ΠΧ 2552 EYTYΧΗΤΟC, ΠΧ 2977. Cf. ΠΧ 2552 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 99 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1233 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18/Oziol 18 B. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Complete Handle: solid. Discus: victorious horse on parade, framing wreath. Rim: vines. Base: undefined, slightly concave. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.079, W. 0.059, H. 0.025 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. Earth removal with machinery west of the slope of the excavation. North side of layer 2. 8-8-1990. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 17. Other Nos: ΑΕ 14 Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, fig. 5. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1233, ΠΧ 2035, ΠΧ 2036 ΕΥΤ[ΥΧΗΤΟC], ΠΧ 2552 EYTYΧΗΤΟC, ΠΧ 2977. Cf. ΠΧ 2552 for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 100 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2035 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18/Oziol 18 B Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Unglazed. Handle and parts of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: (victorious horse on parade), inscription in relief above Α̣ΨΕ. Rim: vines; framing wreath. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Xatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, Μ. Petridi Street. Tomb 8. 9-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 89. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1203, ΠΧ 1233. ΠΧ 2036 ΕΥΤ[ΥΧΗΤΟC], ΠΧ 2552 EYTYΧΗΤΟC, ΠΧ 2977. Cf. ΠΧ 2552 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 101 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2977 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 18/Oziol 18 B Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder preserved. Discus: (victorious horse ?). Rim: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.065 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, to depth -0.85 m.18. 21-3-1994. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 63. Other Nos: Excavation bag 411 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1203, ΠX 1233, ΠΧ 2035, ΠΧ 2036 ΕΥΤ(ΥΧΗΤΟC), ΠΧ 2552 EYTYΧΗΤΟC. On this popular type of lamp, the discus of which seems to portray the victorious horse running or standing, cf. ΠΧ 2552 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 102 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5159 Type/ Category: The Levant (?), Cypriot (?), type Vessberg 20/Dobbins type 9, form 3. Clay analysis: XRF: Cyprus. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/2. Glaze: similar. Trace of burning. Complete. Discus: a panther with a small schematic tree; dotted framing circle. Base: within dotted circles, incised bird; above and below are two longitudinal grooves flanked by dots. Dimensions: L. 0.082, W. 0.076, H. 0.019 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Area ΙΧ, -1.5/-2.2 m. Beneath the main pile of bones. 4-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 302. Other Nos: ΑΕ 235 Ill.: 25 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: For the same type cf. ΠΧ 2258, ΠΧ 2259, ΠΧ 2293, ΠΧ 2370 (ΠΧ 2142 ?), with observations and parallels. For probably similar pieces see Bounni 1979, 286, fig. 52, first on the second row, from Ibn Hani, in Syria. For the decoration, see parallels in Karageorghis 1967, 114, no. 187, pl. CVI, 7th c. (with coin of Fokas) from a tomb at Salamis in


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Cyprus, with an incised bird on the base; Cesnola 1894, no. 1012, pl. CXXXVIII; Hübinger 1993, 113, no. 210. pl. 27, 5th-6th c., from Cyprus; Hayes 1980, 84, no. 348, pl. 41, 6th c.; Dobbins 1977, 67-71, 230-233, nos 140-146, from Syria; Menzel 1969, fig. 82.10 and 12. For the bird incised into the base, see in addition Bailey 1988, 290, Q 2351, pl. 61; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 288, no. 342; Polat 2013, 170, no. 147, 173, no. 155, 5th c., from a shipwreck at Yenikapi in Istanbul. Although the lamps of this class are usually decorated with incised geometric designs, it seems that plants, birds and animals are also known, see for example, Hayes 1980, 84, no. 347, pl. 41, 6th c.; Lightfoot 2005, 204, fig. 10, from Cyprus; Leipen 1966, 64, no. 274, at the Royal Ontario Museum. See also a lion on the base of a lamp from Cyprus, Oziol 1977, 283, no. 860b, pl. 47.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 103 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2370 Type/ Category: The Levant (?), Cypriot (?) type Vessberg 20/ Dobbins type 9, form 3 Description: Clay: light grey, 10 YR 7/2. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of base preserved. Base: two incised dotted circles; longitudinal grooves flanked by dots. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.046 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis. Grid square Α2-Α3, baulk, -1.4/-1.8 m. 17-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 71. Other Nos: ΑΕ 120 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: For typologically similar pieces cf. Λ 5159, ΠΧ 2258, ΠΧ 2259, ΠΧ 2293 (ΠΧ 2142 ?); Kassab, Sezer 1987, 38, fig. 13, from Rhodes; Roumeliotis 2001, 262-263, no. 20, pl. 6.20, 6th c., from ancient Halasarna (Kardamaina) on Kos. For lamps of this type see: Oziol 1977, 279-286, nos 842-878, pls 46-48; Karageorghis 1967, 114, no. 187, pl. CVI, 7th c., from a tomb at Salamis on Cyprus; Cesnola 1894, no. 1012, pl. CXXXVIII and Lightfoot 2005, fig. 1.11, both in the Cesnola collection; Argoud 1980. 40, pl. XL.5, from Salamis on Cyprus; Symeonoglou 1975, pl. IV.1, from Flamoudhi on Cyprus; Privitera 2000, 280, no. F5, fig. 11.11 from Paphos; Ηübinger 1993, 113, no. 210, pl. 27, 5th-6th c., from Cyprus; Hayes 1980, 84, no. 348, pl. 41, 6th c., perhaps from Jerusalem; Plat Taylor, Megaw 1980, pl. XXVII, 6.13 and Plat Taylor, Megaw 1981, 225, no. 1 from Agios Philon on Cyprus; Dobbins 1977, 67-71, 230-233, nos 140146, from Syria; Åström et al. 1979, CCA 2, SIMA XX:2, 35, 36, nos 77, 78, from Tel Aviv; Souyoudzoglou-Haywood 2004, 134-135, no. 253, 4th-7th c.; Bailey 1988, 290-291, Q 2349-Q 2353, pl. 61, 5th-6th c., three of them were found in Cyprus; Oziol 1993, 73, nos 117-121, fig. 17, 6th c. from the Pierides collection; Menzel 1969, fig. 82.10 and 12; Karivieri 2005, fig. 16, from the Museum of the University of Lund; Sussman 2008, 254, no. 228, 5th-6th c., from Caesarea Maritima; Oziol 1980, 398, fig. 5, from Salamis in Cyprus; Bezzola 2004, 144-147, nos 607-609, pl. 16.31, 6th c., from Palaepaphos; Waagé 1934, pl. IX, 12, from Antioch; Bounni 1979, 286, figs 52, 53, from Ibn Hani in Syria; Vessberg 1953, 117 and 118, pl. 3.25; McClellan, Rautmann 1989, 165, no. KK 028, pl. 44, from Kalavasos-Kopetra in Cyprus; Waagé 1941, 66, nos 49d.141, 49d.142, fig. 79; Robertson 1986, 28, 60. no. 113; Barberis, Ferrero 2009, 39-40, 48-49, pl. XII.d, e, f, from Cyprus; Connelly, Mlynarczyk 2002, 298, 313, no. 32, fig. 15b, 6th c. from Geronisos in Cyprus; Oziol, Pouilloux 1969, 113, nos 472-474, pl. XI, from Salamis in Cyprus; Wismann 2006, 353-354, fig. 188, 5th-6th c., from Panagia Aimatousa at Aradippou in Cyprus; Orsi 1909, 360, fig. 18.8, from Syracuse; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 288, nos 342, 343; Descoeudres, Harrison 1996-1997, 100, no. 27, pl. 27, from a tomb in Asia Minor, 6th-7th c. in the Abbey Museum in Australia; Polat 2013, 170, no. 147, 173, no. 155, 5th c., from the shipwreck at Yenikapi in Constantinople. CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 104 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2293 Type/ Category: The Levant (?), Cypriot (?) type Vessberg 20/Dobbins type 9, form 3. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Salt. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rays or dotted rosette round filling-hole, dotted framing band. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.049 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter), ancient walls, area of Agios Panteleimon. 12-11-1954. Excav. Diary: 1α, p. 117. Other Nos: Ε 8 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: For similar typology cf. Λ 5159, ΠΧ 2258, ΠΧ 2259, ΠΧ 2370 (ΠΧ 2142 ?); Kassab, Sezer 1987, 38, fig. 13, from Rhodes. Roumeliotis 2001, 262-263, no. 20, pl. 6.20, 6th c., from ancient Halasarna (Kardamaina) on Kos. Cf. ΠΧ 2370 for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 105 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2259 Type/ Category: The Levant (?), Cypriot (?), type Vessberg 20/Dobbins type 9, form 3. Description: Clay: light grey, 10 YR 7/2. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Restored. Rim: dotted framing band. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Klonaris plot; 18 Kanada Street. Squares Α1-Α2, surface cleaning. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 455, p. 264. Other Nos: ΑΕ 212 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 1997, 1084-1085. Remarks: For similar typology cf. Λ 5159, ΠΧ 2258, ΠΧ 2259, ΠΧ 2370 (ΠΧ 2142 ?); Kassab, Sezer 1987, 38, fig. 13, from Rhodes; Roumeliotis 2001, 262-263, no. 20, pl. 6.20, 6th c., from ancient Halasarna (Kardamaina) on Kos. Cf. ΠΧ 2370 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 106 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2258 Type/ Category: The Levant (?), Cypriot (?) type Vessberg 20/Dobbins type 9, form 3. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder preserved. Rim: small circles; framing dotted band. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.032 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Klonaris plot; 18 Kanada Street. Squares Α1-Α2, surface cleaning. 1-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 455, p. 264. Other Nos: ΑΕ 212 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 1997, 1084-1085. Remarks: For the same type cf. Λ 5159, ΠΧ 2259, ΠΧ 2293, ΠΧ 2370. ΠΧ 2142 (?); Kassab, Sezer 1987, 38, fig. 13, from Rhodes; Roumeliotis 2001, 262-263, no. 20. pl. 6.20, 6th c., from ancient Halasarna (Kardamaina) on Kos. Cf. ΠΧ 2370 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 107 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2142 Type/ Category: The Levant (?), Cypriot (?), type Vessberg 20/Dobbins type 9, form 3. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Trace of burning. Part of base and shoulder. Two non-joining pieces. Rim: globules. Base: incised branch. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papachristodoulou plot; Ethnarchou Makariou Street. From near a sewer pipe. 17-5-1961. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1960, 275-278. Remarks: Cf. typologically Λ 5159, ΠΧ 2258, ΠΧ 2259, ΠΧ 2293, ΠΧ 2370, with parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 108 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2437 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.047 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. -0.2/-1.2 m, earth removal with machinery. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323: Fatourou 1964, 466: Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For similar typology cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. Cf. ΠΧ 1528 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 108 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2496 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Rim: plain (?). Base: ring. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.032 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and Vas. Sofias Streets. 1-10-1960. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 315. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2505.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 109 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2505 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 8/6. Glaze: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Trace of burning. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.06 m. Date: 3rd or 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and Vas. Sofias Streets. Area 4, at -0.73 m. 27-4-1962. Excav. Diary: 4, p. 223-225. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2496.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 110 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2108 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved, pointed at end (?). Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.043 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α1. 15-7-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 75. Other Nos: ΑΕ 79 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 111 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2160 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, becoming two at base. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.043 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, KAIR plot; Australias Street. Fill below the road surface, north of wall. 1-2. 24-6-1972. Excav. Diary: 38, p. 220. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1973, 616-617.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 112 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2262 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Rim: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.049 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Karageorgiou plot; Ammochostou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Ο1, well 1, -2.10 m. 27-5-1996. Excav. Diary: 367, p. 388. Other Nos: ΑΕ 116 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1996, 674-675; Bairami 1997, 1079-1080; Bairami 1998, 930-933.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 113 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2362 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, acquiring a single groove. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis. Square Α3-Β3-Γ3, -2.4 m. 22-11-2002. Excav. Diary: 473, p. 13. Other Nos: ΑΕ 28 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 114 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2371 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, becoming a single. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.057 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis. Square Α3, level 2, -1.78/-1.92 m. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 108. Other Nos: ΑΕ 218 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 115 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2415 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at base. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.043 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Unification of new and old excavations, earth removal, -0.3/-0.6 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 116 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2186 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.05 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel; Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 117 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2007 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of discus preserved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.021 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). 1988 (?). No other information available. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 118 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2671 Type/ Category: Cypriot. Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of discus preserved. Discus: rosette, framing circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.043 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. AreaΑ1, sieving of the relics debris, ΑΕ 138-150. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: ΑΕ 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 119 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2266 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved at back. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.041 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Karageorgiou plot; Ammochostou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Γ5. Surface fill ± 2 m. 16-7-1996. Excav. Diary: 370. p. 97. Other Nos: ΑΕ 159 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1996, 674-675; Bairami 1997, 1079-1080; Bairami 1998, 930-933.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 120 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2355 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. East extension, south part, around floor 4, -2.88 m. 19-5-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 141. Other Nos: Excavation bag 344 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 121 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2435 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.03 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.6/-0.9 m, earth removal. 2012-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 122 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3008 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 10 ΥR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced. Rim: (?) Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.068 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, Δ and south part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350. p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060. Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090. Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000. ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010. ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 123 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5511 Type/ Category: Cypriot, type Vessberg 16 Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of shoulder preserved. Rim: panelled. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geronikola plot; Enoplon Dynameon Street. Trench to south. 1-6-1982. Excav. Diary: 172, p. 71. Other Nos: ΑΕ 41 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1987, 586-58; Dreliossi1990, 468-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 124 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2931 Type/ Category: Cypriot. Description: Clay: yellow, 10 ΥR 7/6, with a little mica. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved at back. Base: slightly concave, circle. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.021 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, east extension. Cleaning east of wall. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 224. Other Nos: ΑΕ 211 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 125 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2031 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, pointed at end. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.035 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Xatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, Μ. Petridi Street. Τomb 2, removal of relics or re-use. 24-9-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 69. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 126 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2032 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, pointed at end. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.025 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Xatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, Μ. Petridi Street. Τomb 2, removal of relics or re-use. 24-9-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 69. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 127 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2068 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.043 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Early Christian basilica of Archangel Michael (Demirli); Athenas Square. Area 2, -2.3 m. 30-9-1986. Excav. Diary: 21, p. 173. Other Nos: ΑΕ 287 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos 1991, 333-337.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 128 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2079 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Handle and part of base preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.033 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Nikolis plot; Ergeiou Street 8. Trench Α. part of, -1.01/1.97 m. 2-8-2002. Excav. Diary: 3,17, p. 360. Other Nos: Excavation bag 260 Bibliography: For the excavation, see (Archontopoulos), Psarologaki 2001-2004, 370-373. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2080.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 129 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2080 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, becoming one at the base. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.032 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Nikolis plot; Ergeiou Street 8. Trench Α. part of, -1.01/1.97 m. 2-8-2002. Excav. Diary: 3,17, p. 360. Other Nos: Excavation bag 260 Bibliography: For the excavation, see (Archontopoulos), Psarologaki 2001-2004, 370-373. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2079.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 130 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2091 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.03 m. Date: 3rd (?), 4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni; Menekleous Street. Central aisle, west part, ± 1.10 m. 29-10-1992. Excav. Diary: 4.3, p. 73. Other Nos: ΑΕ 452 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677-678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 131 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2093 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.026 m. Date: 2nd (?), 3rd (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni; Menekleous Street. South aisle, medieval tomb Δ. 2-9-1998. Excav. Diary: 4.3, p. 146. Other Nos: ΑΕ 520 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677-678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992. Remarks: Found with coin ΑΕ 519.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 132 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2106 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 7/6. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, merging to a single at base. Dimensions: H. of handle 0.045 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Extension of Area Α4, ± 2.5 m. 31-8-1995. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 295. Other Nos: ΑΕ 260 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 133 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2107 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α1. 14-7-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 71. Other Nos: ΑΕ 76 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 134 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2159 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, merging to a single at base. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.044 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, KAIR plot; Australias Street. Fill above structure Β, wall 2. 25-4-1972. Excav. Diary: 38, p. 150. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1973, 616-617.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 135 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2208 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.043 m. Date: 3rd or 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel; Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960. 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 136 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2335 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Unglazed. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, merging to a single at the base. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.031 m. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Β2, layer 2, -1.56/-2.1 m. 26-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 7. Other Nos: ΑΕ 11 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 137 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2356 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved Handle: pierced, triple grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.02 m. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. East extension, south part, around floor 4, -2.88 m. 19-5-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 141. Other Nos: Excavation bag 344 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 138 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2391 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, becoming a single. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.034 m. Date: 3rd or 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth removal. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: ΑΕ 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 139 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2397 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Glaze: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, merging to a single at base. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.043 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Area 4α, earth removal, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 140 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2398 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, triple grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.04 m. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Area 4α, earth removal, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 141 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2399 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, merging to a single at base. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.031 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Area 4α, earth removal, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 142 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2418 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, with three grooves, merging to a single at base. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.031 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Unification of old and new excavations/earth removal, -0.3/-0.6 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 143 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2420 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.022 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Unification of old and new excavations, earth removal, -0.3/-0.6 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 144 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2421 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: 10 YR 7/6. Unglazed. Three non-joining pieces preserved. Part of handle. Handle: ending grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.03 m. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Unification of old and new excavations, earth removal, -0.3/-0.6 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 145 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2434 Type/ Category: Cypriot Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.041 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.6/-0.9 m, earth removal. 2012-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 146 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2506 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Part of nozzle preserved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.019 m. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and Vas. Sofias Streets. From the Area 4, at -0.73 m. 27-4-1962. Excav. Diary: 4, p. 223-225. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 147 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2675 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unglazed. Two non-joining pieces. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Base: circle. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. AreaΑ1, North of the early Christian disposal of relics 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 208. Other Nos: ΑΕ 137 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 148 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2673 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 8/6. Glaze: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Rim: wavy lines (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.036 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, sieving of removal of relics, ΑΕ 138-150. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: ΑΕ 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Cy 149 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2419 Type/ Category: Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Parts of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Rim: four dots flanking handle. Discus: concentric circles. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.04 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Unification of old and new excavations/earth removal, -0.3/-0.6 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps B.3. The Attic Lamps the Kerameikos facilitate the dating of Attic material in Rhodes, especially since other excavation data do not contradict.

Given the existence of an exhaustive study of the Attic lamps from the Athenian Agora by Perlzweig-Binder, of the comprehensive works of Williams for the lamps of Kenchreai, of Bailey for the holdings of the British Museum, and of Βöttger for the Kerameikos lamps, anything written here on these Attic artefacts will only be but complementary to these fuller accounts.

Attic or ‘Attic-type’ lamps found in Rhodes belong to Broneer type XXVIII,308 the successor to type XXVII, which is long-lasting. As they date, with a few exceptions, from the early 4th century and later, they belong to the period following the destruction of the Heruli in 267, when production in the Athenian workshops recovered very quickly, although their creative facility is now limited. Attic lamps achieved an admirable balance between mass production and quality in construction. During the 3rd century, when the artistic production of the Athenian lamps is at its peak, exports to Rhodes, judging by the finds, are minimal compared to those of the next century, as indeed is so for many parts of the Greek lands.309 In fact, few of the examined Attic lamps belong to the early 4th century. For example, ΠΧ 1978, Λ 5178 (Hercules and Hydra), ΠΧ 1981 (lampstand symplegma) ΠΧ 2010 Z and ΠΧ 2119 (both Eros playing the double-flute), ΠΧ 2065 ΕΥ, ΠΧ 2092, ΠΧ 2127, ΠΧ 2207 (Hercules? wild animal-fight?), ΠΧ 2267 (globule and volute lamp), ΠΧ 2323, ΠΧ 2334 (retiarius? Centaur?), ΠΧ 2393, ΠΧ 2402, ΠΧ 2492, ΠΧ 2845, Λ 5163 and Λ 5449 ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ, Λ 5161 A (Athena), and some other fragments, possibly belong to this period. Nor is it clear whether their presence is owed merely to random arrivals, for example in travellers’ luggage, or from organized commercial activity. Similar observations have been made about the imported Attic lamps found in Ephesus: the earliest date to the first half of the 4th century, but the bulk of the material belongs to the second half of the 4th and early 5th.310 Rhodes, during the 4th century, as elsewhere, is a regular consumer of Attic production. It is significant that few lamps of this period came from elsewhere. Probably the end of the 4th century sees the first Rhodian imitations of Attic lamps.311 Domestic manufacture then achieved a relative balance between local and Attic products to meet the needs of the island.

These studies were based mainly on the finds from the Athenian Agora and the Kerameikos. PerlzweigBinder gave a clear chronology for the lamps of Late Antiquity from the Agora, in the process of compiling a succinct account in the publication of material from the Thorikos.298 As she wrote, the original dating of the lamps to the late 4th and 5th centuries was from one to three-quarters of a century too early; while the extensive destruction of Athens by the Heruli in 267 dealt a grievous blow to the booming manufacture, it was not cut short. The lamp-makers moved from the Agora to the Kerameikos, where the deposits in the area of Pompeion contain quantities dating from the 5th and 6th centuries. Karivieri, in her study of Athenian lamp production adheres fully to the latest views of Perlzweig-Binder, accepting the revised chronology for the lamps studied.299 Bailey, in a concise report on the Attic lamp collection of the British Museum, expressed some scepticism as to these changes,300 whilst Sodini in the publication of the Thassos material did not share Karivieri’s views.301 The relatively recent publication of the lamps from the Kerameikos did not fully confirm them either,302 while the material from Corinth leads to a partial review of the issue,303 especially after the publication of Hayes on Roman pottery from the Agora.304 While the conditions set by Perlzweig for elucidating the matter have not yet been met305 (e.g. the body of lamps from Vari,306 and the cave of Parnes307 are not yet studied in depth), yet the precisely dated lamps from the 30 years of work in See Butcher 1982, note Binder 138–139. Karivieri 1996a, 14. 300  Βailey 1988, 407–408. 301  Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, passim. 302  Βöttger 2002. It is observed that the lamps from the Kerameikos are in agreement with the dating put forward by Perlzweig, namely that they are 5th century material, with few being assigned to the 6th century (nos 4711–4740). Also, while Perlzweig argued that Christian symbols in Attic lamps did not appear before the early 5th century, Βöttger 2002, 268–269, nos 4232–4283 places their beginnings between 390 and 415. 303  Warner Slane 2008b, 484–487. 304  Hayes 2008b. 305  Butcher 1982, note Binder 138–139. 306  Very few lamps have been published, see Bassett 1903, 338–349; Schörner, Goette 2004, pls 59–64. They are dated (Ivantchik 2002, 341) to the middle of the 5th century. Karivieri 1996a, 52, classifies them even later, while Williams 1981, 79, n. 43, no later than the end of the 4th century. 307  Minimal data on the lamps has been published, see Romaios 1906, 110–115; Langdon 1976, 73–74. 298 

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On Athenian lamps of the 4th century, as has been observed, the pictorial representations are limited, the decorations are simple, the handles are more often solid than perforated, the panels on the shoulders are usually omitted, as are the signatures on the base. Diligence in manufacturing standards and clarity of design gradually drop away, the slip reappears after the first quarter of the century, to fade slowly away For this typology, see Broneer 1930, 90–91. Perlzweig 1961, 20–21; Williams 1981, 52. For exports of Attic lamps, see Karivieri 1998, 421–428, with conclusions discussed more broadly in Karivieri 1996a. 310  Karivieri 1996a, 262. 311  Katsioti 2008, 194. 308  309 


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Angeliki Katsioti again towards its end:312 the lamps are heavy with thick walls, clearly aimed at securing their safe transfer to profitable markets.

clear whether it belongs to the Athenian or Corinthian Preimos. It seems that some of the big Corinthian workshops had facilities and branches not only in Corinth, but also in Patras and other parts of the north Peloponnese.318 In the particular case of the workshop Πρείμου, the recovery of a triangular stamp with the signature ΠΡΕΙ/ΜΟΥ in a ceramic kiln excavated at Flious in northern Peloponnese319 is a strong indication of the wide distribution of the most celebrated lamp workshops. On the islands, a significant number of lamps with the same signature were found in the Perissa excavation on Thera,320 but it is not clear if any of them is of Corinthian manufacture and which are more likely to represent products from branches of the main workshop or may just be imitations.

In the long-lasting category of Broneer type XXVIII, some features have been considered to be earlier – or later – than others. For example, as well as the glaze which, as mentioned, is gradually lost, most of the imported later lamps are unglazed, while those without signatures multiply.313 The earliest lamps have on their shoulders ovolo and panels, then herring-bone and panels with incision-work, while later still the panels are lost and the disci often left undecorated.314 On the base may occur incised branches (Π 2624, Π 2645, Π 2648, ΠΧ 1994, ΠΧ 2267, ΠΧ 2601, Λ 5166, Λ 6071, Λ 6092, Λ 6058) or five circlets in a cross-pattern (Π 2695, Λ 6062) or in a triangular shape (Λ 6050), or more often in the shape of a rosette (ΠΧ 1232): it is unclear as to whether they are logos or trademarks of workshops.315 The incised branch, accompanied by a signature (e.g. ΠΧ 2055 KY, a lamp with double nozzle), but most often found by itself, is a very common element on the base of Attic lamps. Π 2645 is one of the earliest unsigned lamps with etched branch to have been found in Rhodes; based on the theme and manufacture, it probably belongs to the work of Ευτύχης, Λεοντεύς or Ρούφος (Eutyches, Leonteus or Roufos).

The workshop of Λεοντεύς, probably already active soon after the destruction of the Heruli, flourished in the early 4th and ceased activity in the second half of that century.321 The lamp Π 2636 (lampstand symplegma) constitutes a part of the miscellaneous output of the workshop, made up of numerous figurative subjects. The possibility suggested by the signatures of ΛΕ and C that there existed a cooperation322 between Leonteus and one of the Stratolaos or the Σ (= Σωτηρος?) workshops enhances the already promulgated view for the collaboration of this workshop with others in the early 4th century.

Only a few brand-workshops are represented in the Attic lamps here examined. The oldest known (Λ 5449) belongs to the workshop Πρείμου, the Athenian (?) one, that was active from the early 3rd for about a century.316 This is but a mediocre product, from a worn mould or blurred archetype, with a pale clay, less clean and less well prepared than the Corinthian which it imitates – hence the circular incision at the base. A similar, equally modest product of the workshop was identified in the excavations in ancient Corinth;317 it was not

The workshop ΕΥ, Ε, ΕΥΤΥΧΗ, active from the mid-3rd until about the mid-5th centuries,323 was extremely productive; it is representative of the massive output of the era.324 Many decorative themes, like the mythological centaur on lamp ΠΧ 1535, maybe the product of a workshop outside Attica (a branch outpost?), could be considered as a loan from the Preimos workshop.325 To the Eutyches workshop belongs ΠΧ 2065, with a gladiatorial combat. The type of signature, ΕΥ inside concentric circlets, is unknown326 and the curved incision on the nozzle is an early feature. The decoration of the ΠΧ 2744 with its rosette and wavy lines also is in keeping with the lamp workshop found in the Kerameikos. This shop was located thanks to an inscription on an Ionic capital, in ‘the road of the stoa’ of the Kerameikos.327 It is not clear if the annex is that which actually stood outside the Archarnian gates (in

Karivieri 1996a, 48–56 with bibliography. Perlzweig (1961, 21, 64) believes that the use of slip stopped around 360; Lindros Wohl 1981, 138, says towards the end of the 4th century, while Garnett 1990, 17, places the gradual transition from the late 4th to approximately 425. Karivieri 1996a, 54–56, argued that the habit continues even into the 5th century. See also Warner Slane, Sanders 2005, 282; Warner Slane 2008b, 488–489, who support the middle of the 5th as the period of transition. They believe, contrary to the views of Karivieri, there was a period during which the two techniques were not used simultaneously. 313  Bailey, 1988, 407–408. 314  Bailey, 1988, 407–408. 315  Perlzweig 1961, 27–28; Karivieri 1996a, 77–78, 98; Garnett 1975, 29, argues that the incised branch is the particular workshop logo. But a cursory look at the Kerameikos finds shows that the branch is often combined with various signatures. Perhaps similar symbols were also used to mark off the ‘batches’ in workshop procedures: these symbols would at times be repeated depending on the cycles of production. 316  For the Corinthian workshop Πρείμου compared with its branchoffice in Athens and origin of the lamp-maker, see Petridis 2000, 246– 247. For the workshop generally see Perlzweig 1961, 48–50; Williams 1981, 50–51, n. 12; Petridis 1992, 656, n. 25; Petropoulos 1999, 120–123. 317  Drosogianni 1968, 195–196, pl. 149A, B.

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Petrides 2010, 84–86. Biers 1971, 414–415, fig. 1. Gerousi 2013, nos 32, 33, 36, 44, 49, 51, 55, 56. 321  For the workshop ΛΕ, see Karivieri 1996a, 115–118; Perlzweig 1961, 35, 43; Williams 1981, 52; Böttger 2002, 58–60; Koutoussaki 2008, 69– 70. 322  For collaborations, see Perlzweig 1961, 27; Karivieri 1996a, 27. 323  For the workshop ΕΥ, Ε, ΕΥΤΥΧΗ, see Karivieri 1996a, 95–104; Perlzweig 1961, 34–38; Böttger 2002, 57–58, 215–217; Koutoussaki 2008, 65–67. 324  Karivieri 1996a, 96. 325  Karivieri 1996a, 96. 326  Karivieri 1996a, 98. 327  Zachariadou 2006, 321 318  319  320 


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Rhodian Lamps today’s Kotzia Square), where were found moulds and wasters of lamps from various workshops.328

and indeed of Athenian production in general, as figurative subjects gradually disappear, especially from the second half of the 4th century onwards. Another lamp of this workshop, Π 2670, is possibly an imitation. Lamp Λ 5161 may be one of the earliest products of the workshop A: here the addition of a bust of Athena is not part of the standard repertoire. Neither is the crescent combined with a ring in relief on the shoulder (Π 2635), nor the combination of rosette discus and plain shoulder, as on Π 2670, if, indeed, it is a product of the workshop and not some imitation.

The workshop Στρατολάου329 is represented by five lamps (Λ 6035, Λ 6057, ΠΧ 2998, Π 2629, Π 2694). The last two are relatively unusual for the workshop, judging by the finds from the Agora and Kerameikos, with a square format to the discus. In this lampmaker’s shop, whose products are generally of a remarkable level in quality,330 it seems that most non-figurative subjects on the discus indicate a later dating.331 Statistically, it seems that the abbreviation of the workshop signature to CT was the customary practice between 337 and 350:332 for this reason Π 2629 was dated to the mid-4th, although the archaeological evidence would allow it to go on until the early 5th century. The second lamp with the same type of discus, Π 2694, comes from a different part of the excavation: it indicates that the decoration – somewhat carelessly executed – on this discus lasted longer since the CT signature (with a branch incised between the letters) is enclosed in an incised heart with spiral terminals. Four bases with the signature Stratolaos within a tear-shaped, incised outline have been found in the Kerameikos. This ellipsoid feature, as has been observed,333 is the harbinger of the almond-shaped profile, a customary feature from the mid-5th century onwards.334 Lamps with an oval/almond-shaped and incised outline on the base, such as Π 2694 CT, are found in layers at the Kerameikos dated not earlier than 360, becoming more numerous from the middle of the 5th century onwards. Replicas335 of workshop products are identified as being made in Rhodes (see the – probably – locally-made lamp ΠΧ 2568, in the chapter on the Rhodian lamps, B.4), and at other unknown sources (e.g. ΠΧ 3039).

The workshop that signs the lamp ΠΧ 2010 Z( ) is assumed to be Attic. Although the carelessly incised nature of its signature raises some doubts, it cannot be ruled out that it represents a hitherto unknown workshop, or some outpost. The signatures found in the Agora and the Kerameikos of the Z, ΖΩCΙMΟΥ or ΖΗΘΟΥ337 workshops in Perissa on Thera, are not identical with the examples examined here. From the busy and long-lived (from the 4th to the mid-5th centuries) workshop KY338 (often with the signature K) comes ΠΧ 1228, with the very common theme of the rosette combined with herring-bone pattern on the shoulder, ΠΧ 2284 with Eros playing the double-flute and ΠΧ 2055 with an almond-shaped base. Possibly, too, ΠΧ 2557 K and Λ 6075 K339 belong here. Lamp ΠΧ 2815 with the signature ( )Υ probably belongs either with the KY lamp-maker or ΕΥΤΥΧΗ, but probably not with ΡΟΥΦΟΥ,340 because the globule and volute lamps were not produced in his studio. As Perlzweig has reasonably surmised, the ΚΥ is likely to be a shortening of ΚΥΡΑΚ/ΟΣ (ΚΥΡΑΞ). The presence of products of the workshop in the broader region is evidenced by the discovery of a lamp similar to the ΠΧ 1228 K in the wreck (II), from the late 4th century, near the islet of Yassi Ada341 and by another lamp from Nissyros.342

Workshop A, active from the late 3rd to early 5th centuries,336 includes lamps Π 2635, Π 2668a, Π 2668b, Π 2669, which bear as a signature an incised A. The decoration of the discus with rosettes is, with sundry variations, the most common motif of the workshop,

One of the most interesting examples of the eventful level of activity in the late 4th century is ΠΧ 1225

Zachariadou 2006, 319–322. From the excavation report it seems that later on in this space there existed workshop facilities, perhaps in the second half of the 4th century: here were copied lamps by known, but not necessarily contemporary, lamp-makers, such as Eutyches, Pireithos, Elpidiforos, Preimos, Rufus, Neikandros, Leonteus amongst others – a practice known also by finds in the Kerameikos, where a mass of useless, underfired lamps found in a 5th century context were copied from lamps of the 3rd (Karivieri, 1996, 41). 329  For the workshop Στρατολάου, see Perlzweig 1961, 51–52; Williams 1981, 53; Karivieri 1996a, 132–134; Βöttger 2002, 62; Ivantchik 2002, 342; Koutoussaki 2008, 73–74. 330  Perlzweig 1961, 52. 331  Lindros Wohl 1981, 138. 332  Βöttger 2002, 223, nos 3288–3296, CT, CTΡ, CTPA. 333  Karivieri 1996a, 132. 334  Karivieri 1996a, 75. 335  For imitations found at Argos, see Bovon 1966, 99. 336  For the workshop A, see Karivieri 1996a, 83–85; Perlzweig 1961, 29, 160; Williams 1981, 53; Perlzweig 1961, 111; Koutoussaki 2008, 62.

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Signatures Z, and ΖΩCIMOY, see Perlzweig 1961, 38; Karivieri 1996a, 104–105; Βöttger 2002, 113–115, nos 510–558, pls 14–15, 270–350. In Perissa on Thera was also detected an Attic lamp of the 3rd century with the signature ΖΗΘΟΥ, see Gerousi 2010, 220, fig. 5; Gerousi 2013, 57, 60, nos 39, 45. 338  For the workshop KY, see Perlzweig 1961, 40; Karivieri 1996a, 110– 113; Perlzweig 1961, 41–42; Williams 1981, 53; Böttger 2002, 77–79; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 421; Ivantchik 2002, 341; Koutoussaki 2008, 68–69; Warner Slane 2008b, 487, n. 85 and recently Garnett, in print, which last studies the evolution of the workshop through the finds made at the ‘Fountain of Lamps’ in Corinth. 339  For the signature K (Κρατερός?), see Perlzweig 1961, 40; Βöttger 2002 62. The workshop K, whether connected with this Crateros or not, is not in production after the middle of the 4th century. 340  For the workshop ΡΟΥΦΟΥ, see Perlzweig 1961, 50–51; Karivieri, 1996, 129–130; Βöttger 2002, 62. 341  Bass, van Doorninck jr 1971, fig. 31, pl. 3. 342  Katsioti 2011, 415, no. 137, KY. 337 


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Angeliki Katsioti Κ Α, with a Christian theme, from the Καρπήμη workshop.343 The elongated shape of the body with the wide channel characteristic of North African lamps is combined both with grooved sides of nozzle and other Attic morphological features such as herringbone and the configuration of the base: it is a representative example of the internal processes in Attic production that led to the creation of hybrids.344 Researchers such as Williams and Bailey345 date the massive level of imports of North African lamps from the second quarter of the 5th century, and with it the almost simultaneous emergence of imitations, since, as noted, anything new and attractive was copied immediately. They also consider that certain features were already being reproduced from the late 4th. To this workshop belongs ΠΧ 2122, of which only the base survives, with the signature ΚΑ placed among impressed circlets.

from which the base alone survives, and probably ΠΧ 2458ΑΓ̣. In workshops with other names belongs lamp ΠΧ 2018, with the signing ΑΚ, while Λ 6074 has the signature T.350 In the Χιόνης workshop, active until probably into the early 6th century,351 belongs Λ 2918: in keeping with the usual canons of the workshop, it has herringbone on the shoulder and broad rays on the discus. Regarding the start of its activity, there is a closed set of pottery from a pit at Argos, of the early 5th century, containing alongside other material imitations of lamps of this workshop: this demonstrates, according to the researcher, a starting point in the third quarter of the 4th century at the earliest.352 At the Kerameikos it may be dated to 410–415. If Λ 6022 XI (an early lamp?) belongs here, the matter would be solved, since the morphology of the lamp and the meagre excavation data point to the last decades of the 4th century (problems remain: the existence of a slip, rarely encountered in this workshop,353 and the incised XI, which is different from the normal signature). Interestingly a lamp with an engraved IX comes from the ancient Agora: the XI was deemed to be inverted and so the product becomes that of Chionis.354

In the workshop of Θεοδούλου, active in the second half of the 4th century,346 are to be placed lamps ΠΧ 2558 and ΠΧ 2745 ΘΕΟ/ΔΟΥ/Λ[ΟΥ]. The smaller lamp ΠΧ 2490 ( )Ẹ may also belong to the same maker, since the visible signature may be read as ΘΕ.347 The workshop with the signature M, which includes Λ 6286, is probably that of Mαρτυρίου. It lasted from the second quarter or the mid-5th century until its end according to Karivieri, while in Perlzweig’s opinion it would be from the second half of the 4th until the early 5th centuries, which is confirmed by the finds from the Kerameikos.348 For this particular lamp unfortunately the excavation details do not offer any closer dating.

In an unidentified workshop of the early 4th century belongs the good quality lamp ΠΧ 1210, with an 8-rayed star on the base. Several products from this workshop have been found in the Agora and the Kerameikos, but rarely outside Attica (e.g. Nemea), judging from the published examples. Amongst Attic lamps of the second half of the 4th century onwards the rosette on the discus and the unsigned base are commonplace: they include here Λ 2548, Π 2622, ΠΧ 1505, Π 2649, Π 2624, ΠΧ 1524, ΠΧ 1215, Λ 2555, Λ 2917.

From the Αγαπίου349 workshop, with a production history from the second half of the 4th century until the middle of the 5th, come the lamps Λ 6334 ΑΓΑ, For the Καρπήμη workshop, see Perlzweig 1961, 40; Karivieri 1996a, 108–109. 344  Similar interesting conclusions have been voiced for the same characteristic with respect to the Asia Minor lamps, where the presence of a comparable channel is considered to be due to the influence of Hellenistic lamps, Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 587. 345  Williams 1981, 53, 78; Bailey 1985, 112; Garnett 1975, 197, the mid5th century; Karivieri 1996a, 71–72, in line with Perlzweig’s view on shifting up by a half a century and more the Attic lamps of the late 4th century and on, expresses the belief that mass imports and imitations of North African and Asia Minor lamps in Attica occurred in the last decades of the 5th. Warner Slane 2008b, 487, n. 83, places this after ca. 425 and the Corinthian imitations into the 6th century, see Warner Slane, Sanders 2005, 281–283. Perhaps the imitations of the North African lamps come before the Asia Minor hybrids. 346  For the workshop, see Perlzweig 1961, 39; Karivieri 1996a, 106– 108; Koutoussaki 2008, 67; Williams 1981, 53. 347  See Perlzweig 1961, 39. As pointed out, it is not certain if the lamps with the abbreviated signature belonged to the same workshop: Karivieri 1996a, 106. 348  Karivieri 1996a, 118; Perlzweig 1961, 45; Βöttger 2002, 265, no. 4160, 390–415, 273, no. 4428, pl. 74, 360–415. For the workshop, see also Koutoussaki 2008, 70–71; Gerousi 2010, 221–222, fig. 13, M, from Perissa on Thera. 349  For the signature, see Perlzweig 1961, 30; Karivieri 1996a, 85–86; Koutoussaki 2008, 63.

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Lamps Λ 6068, Λ 2549, ΠΧ 2490 ( )Ẹ and ΠΧ 2557 K are suitable examples to demonstrate the procedures by which earlier issues are incorporated in Attic lamps of the second half and the end of the 4th century. In the last, which copies the very popular vine and ray lamps, because of the constant surmoulage (αντεκτύπωση, επιμήτρωση, αναμήτρωση, δευτερογενής εκμάγευση – For the workshop, see Perlzweig 1961, 187, no. 1681, active until the end of the 4th century; Karivieri, 1996, 139–140, from the late 4th–mid-5th centuries; Βöttger 2002, 63–64; Βroneer 1930, 312; Koutoussaki 2008, 75. 351  For the workshop, see Karivieri 1996a, 143–146; Perlzweig 1961, 55–57; Williams 1981, 53; Böttger 2002, 77–79; Ivantchik 2002, 341; Koutoussaki 2008, 76. Excavations have unearthed remains of the workshop near the Dipylon gate of Kerameikos, Alexandri 1968, 224–228; Petropoulos 1999, 55, n. 298. For the name XIONH, see Dimitrokallis 1967, 57–62. 352  Ivantchik 2002, 341, n. 31. For a criticism of his views, see Warner Slane 2008b, 487. 353  Perlzweig 1961, 55. 354  Perlzweig 1961, 171, no. 2345, 4th–5th centuries. 350 


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Rhodian Lamps in manufacturing a mould from a lamp)355 the size of the lamp was reduced:356 here the rays on the discus gradually disappeared, until the only decoration remaining was the vine pattern of clusters and leaves on the shoulder.

sets of beliefs. This period of syncretism imparts flexibility to the interpretation of mental concepts and iconography, as much to those purchasing at that time as to present-day scholars. Jewish symbols, at least on Attic lamps, are rarer. It has been claimed that even lamps with such iconic symbols as the menorah were used by Christians.362 Although it has been suggested that purchasers of lamps took whatever was available, or in vogue, without bothering about the motifs,363 they may yet not have been indifferent to the figural ornamentation.364 The taking up of motifs by the communities, the purchasers that is to say, probably had to do with perceived good taste, i.e. what was aesthetically pleasing, rather than the current religious beliefs; until the 5th century artistic trends were expressed by adopting iconographic subjects rather than by avoiding them. For example naked cupids were widely used, alone or in various formations, with images drawn from the vintage, all being linked with the cult of Dionysus. Resort to more oblique metaphysical imagery – like Cupids on a dolphin, or those holding a duck or playing musical instruments, was not necessary. Note that even the circlets or dashes on the lamp bases arranged in crosses or rhomboid shapes are considered to act as abstract symbols of the new religion.365 Regardless of our reservations, findings such as these are not sufficient to draw conclusions about the religious communities.366 It should be emphasized in passing

As happened in the 3rd century, when Athenian production successfully confronted the importation of Corinthian lamps, so too in the 5th century and later the North African products constituted no threat to the Attic workshops, which overcame the obstacle by copying or by creating new hybrids rather than lose profitable exports (see for example ΠΧ 2195 (?), ΠΧ 2295, ΠΧ 2446). Lamps such as Π 2648, ΠΧ 1225 K A, show that in 5th-century Athens inspiration is not lacking, as Attic elements blended with North African and those from Asia Minor. In Π 2648 specifically, popular Attic motifs like herringbone, fringed rosettes and an incised branch at the base, were merged with the North African elongated shape. To stay with the lamps a little longer: items such as Π 2645 with the wild animal-trainer and bear are drawn from the favoured themes357 of the amphitheatre, which, unlike those scenes of gladiators, seem to survive to even later, presumably reflecting historical reality.358 A good example includes lamps such as Λ 6073, derived from the same repertoire: it depicts a bear with the name of ΦΟΒΟC. This detail mirrors examples in various media that combine images of victorious horses with their names.359 The name of a bear imprinted on the disk at some moment in time presumably reflected the awe attaching, for a while, to some animal famous in the arena-spectacles.360

Dulaey 1983, 3–26; Rutgers 1992, 110–111. See Saradi, Eliopoulos 2011, 287–288; Bailey 1980, 6. 364  See Rife 2012, 223, who argues on the basis of the finds of the cemetery at Isthmia, in conjunction with the precepts of the church and the ancient literature. See also on the matter of cult preferences, the regional differences or the local traditions that can be detected, Stewart 2000, 7-28; Da Costa 2012, 167-180, especially 169-170. In our opinion the lack of the depiction of Helios on locally made lamps or imported ones indicates that local traditions perhaps never appeared as iconographical subjects. 365  Koutoussakis 2008, 78. 366  A publication of Karivieri 2006, 895–898 expresses the view that the Early Christian basilica of Ilissos dated to the second quarter of the 5th century from lamps of the Chionis and Soterias workshops places the start of business then. However, it must be kept in mind that the original dating Perlzweig proposed for the lamps of the Agora has not been abandoned (see the chronologies put forward by Βöttger 2002 for the lamps of the Kerameikos, and by Bailey 1988, for the lamps of the British Museum). It is risky to draw conclusions concerning an exclusive use of lamps with Christian themes in the basilica, where, as noted, the material is known from the 1916–1917 excavation (Sotiriou 1919, 1–31). The existence there too of lamps with other signatures – something which Sotiriou had not perhaps realized – and of lamps with pagan themes, is certified by an Asia Minor lamp with a deer on its discus from the crypt, today in the BXM (the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens) exhibit. Methodologically speaking, it is risky dating this structure, based only on the lamps. Returning to the matter of the construction of the Ilissou basilica, a major pilgrimage site in Early Christian Athens, its date is still based only on the lamps of the XIONHΣ workshop and the basilica mosaic to the early 5th century, in agreement with the view of Krautheimer 1965, 92. However, it should be remembered that the existence of this workshop was dated from the bulk of the lamps of the Kerameikos to already in 410–415, see Warner Slane 2008b, 485. Moreover, a closed set of pottery from a pit at Argos (early 5th century), containing imitations of lamps of this workshop confirms, according to the researcher, the earliest start of production of the workshop in the third quarter of the 4th century (Ivantchik 2002, 362  363 

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ΠΧ 1225 Κ Α is one of the earliest lamps with Christian symbols found in Rhodes. Buyers of lamps with Christian themes were not necessarily Christians, and one may equally assume that Christians were supplied with lamps with pagan themes. Nevertheless, lamps with overtly Christian themes would not have been actively sought after by the pagans, while some other depictions, such as two fish361 (although devoid of any symbolic Christian connotation at the outset) may over time become appropriate to both For an explanation of the term surmoulage, see Petrides 2010, 86–87, n. 25. Also Velenis, Poulou-Papadimitriou, Zachariades 2009, 279–280, where various technical details are set forth. 356  Karivieri 1996a, 198. This process continued into the 5th and 6th centuries, see also, 197–198, nos 121, 122, 123, pl. 10, no. 124, pl. 45; Perlzweig 1961, 184, nos 2600, 2603, 2607, pl. 41. 357  For the presence of the animal in spectacles in Roman times, see Guiraud 2014, 357–362. 358  For this matter, focusing on Constantinople, Antioch and Ephesus, see Papakyriacou 2012. 359  See n. 261 above. 360  As is evidenced, many famous animals from the games are mentioned in contemporary sources by name, see Nossov 2009, 32. 361  On the matter of the two fishes, see Hellmann 1985, 2, 87; Baratte 1979, 5–7; Karivieri 2001, 192; also Castelli 2013, 11–20. 355 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti that on lamps of all types found in Rhodes until the 7th century purely Christian themes are very rare and in a minority: an example of a very strong attachment to the existing pagan themes, reflecting the current cultural environment in which the workshops operated. Moulds and casts, i.e. representations of images and pattern-books, circulated as exempla between workshops – and not only in the Attic sphere. From these ‘collections’, held in common by a variety of objects (pottery, lamps, sarcophagi, reliefs, etc.), it is clear that it was easy to reproduce images that survive, as does an interest in pagan themes – but decreasingly so, down to the 6th century. The view has also been expressed that images of Christian themes were avoided in everyday wares, i.e. on objects fragile and subject to wear, due to heightened sensitivity towards the safeguarding of sacred symbols against damage inflicted by daily wear.367

Attic types. The final decline of Attic lamps in the 6th century is observable not only by the minimal number of Attic lamps that have been found in the city of Rhodes, but also from the masses of Asia Minor imports. This phenomenon, it seems, is to be marked on many islands,370 especially those located near the coast of Asia Minor, such as Kalymnos,371 Kos,372 Samos,373 etc. As Karivieri has already stressed,374 Attic lamps are to be found in the markets of the Aegean islands until the late 5th and early 6th centuries. But it seems that already by the mid-5th century they are losing ground, although apparently a few individual examples are detected even in the 7th, if not in the 8th century (cf. ΠΧ 1533, if it is actually an Attic lamp). From the few later Attic lamps on Rhodes one might pick out ΠΧ 2037, miserable in its quality and with awkward incised work, with obvious interventions in the decoration of the shoulder and the indication of the rim. Also, ΠΧ 1874, with an ovoid outlining to its almond-shaped base and with an incised branch thereon, gives us the last evidence of use of the site on the Diakogeorgiou plot with its numerous dumps of relics, namely towards the end of the 6th century. ΠΧ 1533, already cited and whose archaeological contextual details are unfortunately missing, probably represents one of the very last Attic lamps to make it to the island – an incidental find, rather than anything to do with organized trade from Attica. Given that in Athens itself from the 6th century onwards imports of lamps from areas such as southern Italy turn up,375 it is perhaps no coincidence that this lamp, with its clear North African features, should have morphological similarities with lamps from southern Italy and Sicily.376 Indeed these last were circulating widely, as finds from Carthage, Porto Cheli in the Peloponnese, Lefkadia and elsewhere show.377

On the island of Rhodes, the number of Attic lamps mirrors their well-organized trading set-up until the 5th century.368 But the Vandal incursions of 396 AD dealt a serious blow to the export of Attic pottery, which is successively cut back. The decline of imported Attic products to Rhodes coincides with an increase in the tempo of local production, which in turn contributed to a further decrease in imports. The number of local imitations (some of which are described and recorded in the group ‘Rhodian’ lamps, but which probably constitute only a fraction of the domestic production) shows that local products satisfied a large part of the market needs, in competition with the mostly Attic lamps.

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It was hypothesized369 that in the period from the 4th to about the end of the 5th centuries, i.e. roughly until the ascendency of the Asia Minor imports, the demand on the island was in part covered by the local manufacture of lamps that replicated the main

The lack of effect either in Rhodes or in any other city on the decorative repertoire of local issues by the Attic exports should be noted. The frequency in the detection of regular Attic motifs, like Athena Promachos, is a random phenomenon, as is the corresponding absence of lamps with a repertoire that would be attractive to the local market, such as the depiction of Helios. This

341, n. 31). 367  Hayes 2008a, 443. 368  Roumeliotis 2001, 264, argues that the trade in lamps should be judged separately from that of other ceramic products. It is generally accepted that the lamps (like the fine wares) were a supplementary cargo – a return freight, contingent on opportunity and need, in the organized amphorae-trade in oil or wine, wheat (and perhaps slaves too?) as is shown by the finds made in shipwrecks: see Bilde 1994, 193 on the issue see also Kingsley, Decker 2001, 2–3; Motsianos 2010, 279–280. The separation of different sorts of trade are self-obvious from the archaeological data. Moreover, trade contacts, as evidenced by the movement of the amphora LRA1, link Rhodes with Cilicia, the region of Antioch and, rather less so, Cyprus (see Diamanti 2008, 18). In texts also of the early 6th and early 7th centuries there are indications for trade between Rhodes and Gaza, and between Rhodes and Egypt, see Deligiannakis 2008a, 218–220. These testimonies are not accompanied by a similar presence of lamps from these areas in Rhodes (unless, of course, some surprises await in the unpublished lamps from Cilicia and elsewhere). Therefore it is indeed needful to keep apart the marketing of lamps from that of other products: the supplying of imported goods follows a number of different rules and fashions. 369  Katsioti 2008, 194.

In Thassos for example, in the late 5th century, in the second phase of the basilica of Aliki, Attic lamps are identified, see AbadieReynal, Sodini 1992, 89–90. 371  For the Attic lamps found in Kalymnos, see Bailey 1988, 409. Also see the finds and collections (unpublished), on view in the Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos. 372  Roumeliotis 2001. 373  Poulou-Papademitriou 1985, passim. 374  Karivieri 1996a, 260. 375  Karivieri 1996a, 58. 376  Bailey 1988, 207–209, 210, Q 1858 MLA, Q 1870, pls 30, 31, from Sicily and southern Italy. A similar lamp was found in Puglia/Italy (Conte 2005, 58, no. 14, fig. 14), and is believed to be a local product of the 5th–6th centuries. 377  Bailey 1988, 209. 370 


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Rhodian Lamps

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theme, known mainly in the later Attic lamps, is not found in Rhodes, neither as direct imports from Attic nor as local Rhodian imitations. Domestic imitations of Attic lamps, for example, Π 2029, Π 2675, ΠΧ 1529, ΠΧ 1236 ΕΥ, ΠΧ 2741, Λ 6031, Λ 6032, Λ 6023, Λ 6047, some coarse, some better made (see Chapter B.4 on the ‘Rhodian’ lamps) make known to us other popular types of Attic pottery on Rhodes, which although acknowledged to exist have not been found, or but rarely so, e.g. the deity with the labrys, or double axe. Motifs like this are common in the group that boasts other shared features, like the uniformity of its fabric and an applied folded loop handle: lamps that are championed as Rhodian378 and the subject of the next section.

A 18–21 deal with scenes from everyday life and shows. A 22–33 and 40 have motifs to do mainly with flora and fauna. A 34–37 are gathered examples of globule and volute lamps and from A 38–39, and 48, of vine and ray lamps. A 41–120 have disci adorned with non-figurative subjects, including rosettes. A 121–123 are lamps with a cross on the discus, while A 125–128 comprise fragments with workshop signatures.

* Comments applicable to the Catalogue below:

A 129–132 include late lamps attributed – some with reservations – to Attic production.

The lamps numbered A 1–17 date down to and in the 4th century, with deities shown on the discus.

A 133–172 are but tiny pieces, useful for statistical conclusions only.


Katsioti 2008, 194–195.


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Angeliki Katsioti Concordance Λ 6092 Α 32 Λ 6113 Α 58 Λ 6286 Α 74 Λ 6287 Α 53 Λ 6334 Α 125 Π 2622 A 68 Π 2624 Α 78 Π 2629 Α 41 Π 2635 Α 31 Π 2636 Α 18 Π 2645 Α 21 Π 2648 Α 103 Π 2649 Α 69 Π 2668α Α 76 Π 2668β Α 77 Π 2669 Α 113 Π 2670 Α 70 Π 2672 Α 37 Π 2694 Α 42 Π 2695 Α 52 ΠΧ 1210 Α 44 ΠΧ 1215 Α 109 ΠΧ 1225 Α 121 ΠΧ 1228 Α 117 ΠΧ 1304δ Α162 ΠΧ 1501 A 33 ΠΧ 1505 Α 64 ΠΧ 1524 Α 100 ΠΧ 1533 Α 132 ΠΧ 1535 Α 8 ΠΧ 1874 Α 131 ΠΧ 1911 Α 14 ΠΧ 1927 A 79 ΠΧ 1928 A 124 ΠΧ 1978 A 5

ΠΧ 1981 Α 19 ΠΧ 1984 Α 81 ΠΧ 1986 A 1 ΠΧ 1989 A 136 ΠΧ 1991 Α 122 ΠΧ 1994 A 165 ΠΧ 1996 A 137 ΠΧ 2000 A 138 ΠΧ 2010 A 11 ΠΧ 2017 A 15 ΠΧ 2018 A 128 ΠΧ 2019 A 105 ΠΧ 2020 A 107 ΠΧ 2022 A 84 ΠΧ 2029 A 28 ΠΧ 2037 A 95 ΠΧ 2055 A 126 ΠΧ 2065 A 20 ΠΧ 2067 A 110 ΠΧ 2092 A 133 ΠΧ 2095 A 36 ΠΧ 2096 A 139 ΠΧ 2114 A 140 ΠΧ 2119 A 10 ΠΧ 2122 Α 127 ΠΧ 2127 A 172 ΠΧ 2138 A 66 ΠΧ 2139 A 102 ΠΧ 2143 A 82 ΠΧ 2156 A 57 ΠΧ 2161 A 171 ΠΧ 2170 A 141 ΠΧ 2181 A 129 ΠΧ 2185 A 142 ΠΧ 2195 Α 94

ΠΧ 2205 A 101 ΠΧ 2207 A 6 ΠΧ 2212 A 143 ΠΧ 2215 A 114 ΠΧ 2226 A 115 ΠΧ 2256 A 166 ΠΧ 2267 A 34 ΠΧ 2276 A 144 ΠΧ 2277 A 104 ΠΧ 2278 A 49 ΠΧ 2279 A 145 ΠΧ 2280 A 146 ΠΧ 2283 A 147 ΠΧ 2284 A 16 ΠΧ 2287 A 29 ΠΧ 2295 A 123 ΠΧ 2299 A 86 ΠΧ 2303 A 71 ΠΧ 2304 A 24 ΠΧ 2306 A 148 ΠΧ 2308 A 23 ΠΧ 2317 A 149 ΠΧ 2319 A 83 ΠΧ 2320 A 150 ΠΧ 2323 A 151 ΠΧ 2325 A 152 ΠΧ 2334 Α 9 ΠΧ 2375 A 153 ΠΧ 2389 A 116 ΠΧ 2390 A 167 ΠΧ 2393 A 134 ΠΧ 2412 A 154 ΠΧ 2446 A 130 ΠΧ 2458 A 55

ΠΧ 2462 A 168 ΠΧ 2463 A 155 ΠΧ 2482 Α 72 ΠΧ 2489 Α 73 ΠΧ 2490 Α 48 ΠΧ 2492 A 135 ΠΧ 2527 A 96 ΠΧ 2557 A 39 ΠΧ 2558 A 119 ΠΧ 2589 A 56 ΠΧ 2590 A 51 ΠΧ 2593 A 156 ΠΧ 2594 A 169 ΠΧ 2595 A 157 ΠΧ 2596 A 158 ΠΧ 2600 A 189 ΠΧ 2601 Α 159 ΠΧ 2612 A 160 ΠΧ 2645 A 161 ΠΧ 2744 A 106 ΠΧ 2745 A 118 ΠΧ 2815 Α 35 ΠΧ 2839 A 163 ΠΧ 2960 A 111 ΠΧ 2961 Α 112 ΠΧ 2979 A 12 ΠΧ 2980 A 26 ΠΧ 2995 A 93 ΠΧ 2996 A 89 ΠΧ 2997 A 75 ΠΧ 2998 A 45 ΠΧ 2999 A 164 ΠΧ 3012 A 90 ΠΧ 3038 A 88

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Λ 2548 Α 65 Λ 2549 Α 85 Λ 2555 Α 108 Λ 2556 Α 40 Λ 2913 Α 92 Λ 2917 Α 67 Λ 2918 Α 99 Λ 3201 Α 80 Λ 3451 Α 7 Λ 4727 Α 170 Λ 5161 Α 3 Λ 5163 Α 22 Λ 5166 Α 50 Λ 5178 Α 4 Λ 5449 Α 2 Λ 5522 Α 17 Λ 6022 Α 30 Λ 6025 Α 63 Λ 6035 Α 62 Λ 6048 Α 47 Λ 6050 Α 120 Λ 6051 Α 97 Λ 6052 Α 61 Λ 6053 Α 25 Λ 6056 A 60 Λ 6057 Α 54 Λ 6058 Α 46 Λ 6062 Α 43 Λ 6068 A 38 Λ 6070 Α 59 Λ 6071 Α 98 Λ 6073 Α 27 Λ 6074 A 91 Λ 6075 Α 87 Λ 6091 Α 13


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1986 Type/ Category: Attic (?), Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/3. Unglazed. Part of discus preserved. Discus: Athena standing (Promachos type ?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 2nd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Korinthou Street. Area Γ, layer 2, fill of debris. 5-9-2002. Excav. Diary: 412, p. 325. Other Nos: ΑΕ 34 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada, Farmakidou, Christodoulis 2001-2004, 259-260. Remarks: See Oziol 1977, 151, no. 440, pl. 23, 2nd c., from Salamis in Cyprus, with parallels; Sampson 1987, 104, no. E 40 (4024), 2nd c., from Chalkis; Catling, Catling 1992, 279, no. 298, pl. 235, 1st-2nd c., from Knossos. It seems that after the 2nd-3rd c. the theme of the bust of Athena was dominant; but after the 5th, the type with the standing Athena reappeared. For the later reproduction of this type, see Broneer 1930, 246-247, no. 1109, pl. XV, from Corinth; Eleftheratou 2006, 74, no. 180, late 5th c., from Athens; Basset 1903, pl. XIII.1; Schörner, Goette 2004, 101, pl. 58.1-2. early 5th c., from the cave of Vari. For this subject, and with doubts as to whether this is Athena Promachos, see Pick 1931, 59, 72. Probably the theme comes from Italian lamps. See also Bailey 1980, 13; Bailey 1988, 7; LIMC II (1984), 1982, 792.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 2 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5449 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Complete, restored, filled with plaster. Handle: pierced, triple grooved. Discus: bust of Athena Promachos (see Perlzweig 1961, 111, t. 2), double framing ring. Rim: globule wreath, panelled. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, signature ΠPEIM/OY Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.109, W. 0.085, H. 0.026 m. Date: Late 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes. Unknown provenance. Ill.: 26 Plate: 25 Remarks: On this subject cf. Λ 5161 A, ΠΧ 2048. See typically Perlzweig 1961, 112, nos 660-661, early 4th c., from the Athenian Agora (for the mass production of iconographic type 2, see 111); Karivieri 1996, 154-155; Βöttger 2002, 100-104, nos 217-322, pls 8-9, third quarter of 3rd c. to 350; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 411, no. 2, fig. 2 from the Kerameikos; Harami 2000, 77, no. 51, ΕΥ and Eleftheratou 2006, no. 179, 221, 3rd-4th c., from Athens; Broneer 1931, 102, no. 1404, pl. XXIX, 3rd-4th c., and Warner Slane 1994, 156-157, no. 97, pl. 37, 3rd-4th c., from Corinth; Miller 2015, 298-302, fig. 30a, in Nemea; Koutoussaki 2008, 166, no. 163, 2nd-3rd c., from Argos, with bibliography; Gürtler 2010, 126, from Eretria; Felten 1975, 60, no. 21, pl. 16, 3rd c., from Aegina; Waldhauer 1914, 61-62, no. 476, pl. XLV, from Sevastopol; Sussman 2008, 227-228, no. 61, 2nd-3rd c., from Caesarea Maritima; Kuzmanov 1992, 30, 90, no. 185, from the Archaeological Museum in Sofia; Zuravlev 2007, fig. 2, ΕΥ, from Kerch, probably from the necropolis of Panticapaeum; Ieres 1972, 77-78, no. 486, pl. 52, 3rd c., Attic, from Asia Minor; Catling, Catling 1992, 302, no. 645, pls 244, 271, 3rd c., from Knossos; Tzevreni 2011, 215-216, no. 129, mid 3rd c., from the moat of the western walls of Thessaloniki; Gerousi 2013, 61, no. 48, ΕΥΝΟΜΟ(Υ), 3rd c., from Perissa on Thera; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 200, no. 230 and on the same subject (Attic?) 202, no. 231; Marchenko 2004, 181, from the Crimea. The lamp could yet belong to a branch of the Attic Preimou workshop, as - for example - does a lamp from Kenchreai, Williams 1981, 54, no. 233, but there is a chance this workshop had other branches, maybe in other cities. For the subject-matter, which exists on lamps with variations, see Perlzweig 1961, 111-112; Karivieri 1996, 62; Bailey 1988, 7, 402403; Koutoussaki 2008, 166, ns 11, 12, concerning lamp no. 163, 2nd-3rd c., from Argos; Pétridis 2011, 331-332, no. 17, fig. 11, 2nd c., regarding a lamp from Delphi.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 3 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5161 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Unglazed. Complete. flaked, some small parts missing. Restored. Handle: solid, tooled, pointed, triple grooved, with hatched panel in back. Discus: bust of Athena Promachos (t. 2, see Perlzweig 1961, 111), double framing rim. Rim: bands, inner hatched band, panels with incised branch. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, signature incised Α Plaster mould. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.077, H. 0.033 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronοs and Kanada Streets. Fill of rectangular place, east of excavated area. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 5-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 307. Other Nos: ΑΕ 239 Ill.: 27 Plate: 26 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Cf. Λ. 5449 ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2048. For the signature, cf. Π 2635, Π 2668, Π 2668v, Π 2669. See a similar lamp A, from Kusadasi, type of vine and ray lamp, 3rd-4th c. (unpublished?). In the repertoire of workshop A the subject seems to be unknown. Perhaps this is one of the earliest lamps of the workshop, from the 3rd-4th c. Cf. the early 4th c. lamp from the same workshop, Adam-Veleni 2010, 189, figs 6-7, from the Agora in Thessaloniki.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 4 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5178 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of discus preserved. Discus: Herakles and the Lernaean Hydra. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, D. Diakidis plot; Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. 28-51984. Excav. Diary: 191, p. 85. Other Nos: ΑΕ 61 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1987, 586-58; Dreliossi 1990, 468-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454; Dreliossi 1992, 615617; Dreliossi-Herakleidou 1996, 191-192. Remarks: For the theme cf. ΠΧ 2207 (?), ΠΧ 1978, ΠΧ 3030. See Perlzweig 1961, 118, pl. 23f, g and Βöttger 2002, 254-255, nos 810-816, pl. 20, 270-early 4th c., from the Kerameikos; Karivieri 1996a, 160; Koutoussaki 2008, 170-171, nos 174, 175, fig. 154, 2nd-3rd c., from Argos, with bibliography. For the iconography of Herakles, see LIMC V (1990), 1697-2092 (J. Boardman et al.). For the topics concerning the labours of Herakles, see Boyd 2005, 443-453. On late Roman lamps, see Karivieri 1996b, 33-40; Karivieri 2001, 185-189. The representation of this subject is already known in the 4th c. in a Christian context; see an example from the Via Latina catacomb in Rome; this demonstrates that for the first Christians the hero was an emblematic representation of the virtuous life being rewarded with immortality.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1978 Type/ Category: Attic (?), Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: region of northern Ionia (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: pale red, 10 R 7/4. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: Herakles and the Lernaean Hydra, framing circle. Rim: plain, panelled. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.057 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Th. Louizidis plot; 28 Oktovriou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Square Β4-Β5, north of wall 25, east of wall 26, layer 7α. 15-9-1994. Excav. Diary: 357, p. 135. Other Nos: ΑΕ 417 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1994, 760; Patsiada1996, 672-674. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2207 (?), Λ 5178, ΠΧ 3030. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 5178.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 6 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2207 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Part of discus preserved. Discus: venator (?), Herakles and the Lernaean Hydra (?), Phthonos (?) Dimensions: Lpres. 0.036 m. Date: 3rd (?), 4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Zygouris plot; Th. Sofouli Street. Room VIII, -1.8/-2.1 m. 9-9-1980. Excav. Diary: 139, p. 114. Other Nos: ΑΕ 115 Remarks: If this does show a labour of Herakles, cf. ΠΧ 1978, Λ 5178, with comments and parallels, ΠΧ 3030. Although the iconography of Phthonos (Envy) on lamps and other objects differs, the likelihood of the human figure being shown with snakes cannot be excluded in this small fragment. For the theme and iconography, see Dunbabin, Dickie 1983, 7-37; Bournias 2006, 281-303.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 7 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3451 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, with inclusions and a little mica. Slip: yellowish-brown, 10 YR 5/8. Parts missing at nozzle, handle and body. Handle: solid, triple grooved, panel with incised branch on back side. Discus: Pan-piper (?) Eros playing syrinx (?), framing ring. Rim: plain. The joining of the two halves is imperfect in the area of the handle. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.059 m. Date: Mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geroniklolas plot; Enoplon Dynameon Street. Fill of floor α, trench Γ. 9-4-1982. Excav. Diary: 159, p. 355. Other Nos: ΑΕ 15 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1987, 586-587; Dreliossi 1990, 468-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 114, no. 702, pl. 16, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996, 156, fig. 14, in EAM (National Archaeological Museum); Βöttger 2002, 109-113, nos 418-507, pls 12-14, 3rd-mid 4th c.; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 412, no. 6, fig. 6 - all from the Kerameikos. Eleftheratou 2006, 87, no. 222, second half of 4th c.; Basset 1903, pl. XIII, 5; Schörner, Goette 2004, 102, pl. 60.1-2. 3rd-4th c., the cave of Vari; Broneer 1977, 76, no. 2979, pl. 33, from Isthmia, with a discussion on the typology; Lindros Wohl 1981, 126, no. 2, from Isthmia; Broneer 1930, 250, no. 1134, pl. XV, from Corinth; Hagn 2000, 193, fig. 4.12, 4th c., from Aigeira; Koutoussaki 2008, 168-169, no. 168, second half 3rd-mid 4th c., from Argos, with bibliography; Lambrinoudakis 1989, 18, fig. 18, from Epidaurus; Pingiatoglou 2005, 65, no. P15, pl. 25, 4th c., from Dion; Martini 1984, TL 67, pl. 34.4, Attic lamp


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti from Samos; Waldhauer 1914, 62, nos 477, 479, pl. XLV, from Cherson; Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1988, 125-126, no. 68, mid 3rd to mid 4th c., local imitation, from Cherson; Zhuravlev 2002, fig. 4, ΕΛΠΙΔΗΦΟΡΟC, 3rd c. from the necropolis of Belbek I; Bernhard 1955, 326, no. 315, pl. XC, 2nd-3rd c. See also the representation of a youth playing a syrinx in the painted tomb of the Nymphs in Ashkelon, Israel, 3rd c., Michaeli 2009, 41-42, fig. 63. For the iconography of Pan, see LIMC VIII Suppl. (1997), 923-941 (J. Boardman).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 8 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1535 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/3, the surface in places is pinker in colour, because of the firing. Unglazed. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete. Handle: tooled, pointed, double grooved. Discus: centaur attacking, left. Rim: panelled, globules. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature incised ΕΥ Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.107, W. 0.083, H. 0.032 m. Date: First half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Unknown provenance. Ill.: 28 Plate: 27 Remarks: On the signature cf. ΠX 2065 EY, ΠX 2766 EY. See Perlzweig 1961, 113, no. 676, pl. 15, Preimou, second half of 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora. Three lamps with the same theme from the workshop of Eutyches in the Kerameikos, Βöttger 2002, 129, no. 836, pl. 20, early 4th c., no. 840, first third of 4th c., no. 844, pl. 20, 337-350. The first has an extremely faint signature and worn decor, like the piece here catalogued. Also, Waldhauer 1914, no. 486, pl. XLVI. As has been observed (Karivieri 1996a, 96), the most common type of signature ΕΥ is relatively late compared with the others (ΕΥΤΥΧΗΣ, ΕΥΤ, ΕΥΤΥΧ etc.). The faint inscription, in conjunction with the worn decor, may indicate that the lamp is a product from a workshop outside Attica, whether related or not with the Attic (see comments Broneer 1930, 112): an hypothesis that cannot be ruled out since the lamp was found in Rhodes, i.e. far off from Attica. In this case, it is probably dated even a little later. For the iconography of centaurs, see LIMC VIII Suppl. (1997), 671-721 (S. Drougou et al.)

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2334 Type/ Category: Attic (?), Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (??). XRF: Cyprus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved . Discus: shows the back part of an animal (and a rider with a net ?), Centaur (?), double framing ring. Rim: plain, panelled. Nozzle sides grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Square Β2, layer 2, -1.56/-2.1 m. 26-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 7. Other Nos: ΑΕ 11 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See the rider on Βöttger 2002, 160-162, nos 1528-1561, pl. 32, 270-350; Ladstätter 2010b, 581, no. B-K 458, pl. 225, 236, 3rd c., from Ephesus. For centaur-motifs, see typically Βöttger 2002, 129, nos 823, 837, pl. 20, shoulder with herringbone and beads, 3rd-4th c., from the Kerameikos.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 10 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2119 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: Eros playing double flute, double framing ring. Rim: panelled, globule wreath. Relatively worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papavasileiou plot; Th. Sofouli and Cheimarras Streets. Room γ. 26-91966. Excav. Diary: 27, p. 55. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 433, 439. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6091, ΠΧ 1911, ΠΧ 2284 KY, ΠΧ 2017, ΠΧ 2010 Z( ) and an Attic lamp with Eros playing the double-flute, panels with herringbone and circles either side of the handle, panels and nozzle, with a slip, unsigned, from Rhodes; Karivieri 2005, 115, figs 1, 2. Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, AE 31, from the Stamatiadis plot, second half of the 4th c., with plain shoulder and panels with herringbone. For mainly Attic prototypes see Perlzweig 1961, 114, no. 711, pl. 16, ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ, 3rd-4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996a, 38; Βöttger 2002, 113-115, nos 510-558, pls 14-15, 270-350; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 411-412, no. 7, fig. 7, 3rd-4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 113115, pls 14-15, nos 510-555, 270-350, from the Kerameikos; Miller 2015, 298-302, fig. 30d B[Ρ]OMIOY, at Nemea; Adam-Veleni 2010, 191, fig. 12, mid 3rd c., from the Agora at Thessaloniki; Koutoussaki 2008, 170, no. 172, second half of 3rd to mid 4th c., from Argos, with bibliography; Broneer 1930, 206, no. 705, fig. 141, 249, no. 1128, pl. XXIX, from Corinth; Williams 1981, 58, no. 265, pl. 12, mid 4th c., from Kenchreai; Levina 1992, no. 61, from the Crimea; Bailey 1988, 410, Q 3275, pl. 119, Eros looking in the other direction, second half 4th c., from Athens. Also, Bailey 1988, 415, Q 3304, ΠΡΕΙ/ΜΟΥ, pl. 122, an imitation, Unplaced, the Greek East, 4th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2010 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/4, porous, with inclusions. Unglazed. Uneven firing. Concretion. Trace of burning. Part of handle missing. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, with pointed end. Discus: Eros playing double flute, right, double framing ring. Rim: herringbone, panelled. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, worn signature Ζ( ) Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.107, W. 0.088, H. 0.033 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Retrieved from the storerooms, without provenance, found in the material on display at the Palace of the Grand Master in 1993. Ill.: 29 Plate: 28 Remarks: Cf. Λ 6091, ΠΧ 1911, ΠΧ 2284 KY, ΠΧ 2017, ΠΧ 2119. Also an Attic lamp with Eros playing the double-flute, panels with herringbone and circles either side of the handle, panels and nozzle, glazed, unsigned, from Rhodes, see Karivieri 2005, 115, fig. 1.2, from the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, AE 31, from the Stamatiadis plot, second half of the 4th c., with plain shoulder and panels with herringbone. Cf. observations and parallels ΠΧ 2119. The signature with letter Z cannot be identified with a variant of the otherwise unknown genitive ΖΗΘΟΥ (lack of space among other things prevents this), which occurs on two lamps from Perissa on Thera, Gerousi 2013, 57, 60, nos 39, 45, 3rd c.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 12 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2979 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: (?) Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. ‘Chewed up’ surface. Handle: (pierced), double grooved. Discus: Eros playing double flute, left, framing ring. Rim: plain (?). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: Early to mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α2, layer 2, fill, 2nd ‘pass’. 14-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 280. Other Nos: Excavation bag 159 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Cf. on this theme, ΠΧ 1911, ΠΧ 2284 KY, EX 2017, EX 2010 Z () ΠΧ 2119, Λ 6091 and the Asia Minor pieces ΠΧ 1880, ΠΧ 1884. Also see Karivieri 2005, 115, fig. 1.2, an Attic lamp with Eros playing the double flute, panels with herringbone and circles on either side of handle, panels and nozzle, slipped, unsigned, from Rhodes. Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, AE 31, from the Stamatiadis plot, second half of the 4th c., with plain shoulder panels with herringbone. See Perlzweig 1961, 115, no. 716, pl. 16, second half of 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 115-117, Nos 559-602, pl. 15, 270-350, from the Kerameikos; Tryvizadaki 2005, 212, Λ 28, from Philippi.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 13 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6091 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Discus: Eros playing double flute, right, double framing ring. Rim: herringbone, panelled. Nozzle sides grooved. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.08 m. Date: Mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1911, ΠΧ 2284 KY, ΠΧ 2017, ΠΧ 2010 Z (?), ΠΧ 2119, ΠΧ 2979. Karivieri 2005, 115, fig. 1.2, an Attic lamp with Eros playing the double flute, with plain panels and herringbone and circles on either side of handle, panels and nozzle, with a coating, unsigned, from Rhodes, from the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, AE 31, from the Stamatiadis plot, second half of the 4th c. Cf. observations and parallels ΠΧ 2119. Found along lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056 , Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 14 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1911 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Unglazed. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: tooled, with pointed end. Discus: Eros playing double flute, right. Rim: panelled, herringbone. Nozzle: sides grooved. Base: three circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.109, W. 0.086, H. 0.035 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, surface of floor, -2.70 m. SE corner. 10-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 217. Other Nos: ΑΕ 181 Ill.: 30 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 258, no. 5, fig. 2. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6091, ΠΧ 2010 ZO (?), ΠΧ 2017, ΠΧ 2119, ΠΧ 2284 KY. Karivieri 2005, 187, n. 3 mentions one similar from Rhodes, collection of Lund University. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2119.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2017 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: Eros (playing double flute, right), triple framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: Mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of the sewer south of Ρ 40. 12-1-1989. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 29. Other Nos: ΑΕ 114 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6091, ΠΧ 1911, ΠΧ 2284 ΕΥ, ΠΧ 2119, ΠΧ 2010 Z ( ). Also see Karivieri 2005, 115, fig. 1.2, an Attic lamp with Eros playing the double flute, with plain panels and herringbone and circles either side of handle, panels and nozzle, glazed, unsigned, from Rhodes, from the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, AE 31, from the Stamatiadis plot, second half of the 4th c. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2119.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 16 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2284 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Unglazed. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: Eros playing double flute, right. Rim: wavy lines; air-hole flanked by circles; groove from air-hole toward wick-hole; sides of nozzle grooved. Base: within two circles, signature ΚΥ Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.075, H. 0.034 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. North of the sarcophagus, ± 0.15 m. 8-9-1977. Excav. Diary: 68, p. 268. Ill.: 31 Plate: 29 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1228 Κ, ΠΧ 2055 KY. Also possibly ΠΧ 2557 K, Λ 6075 K. From the same workshop, see Katsioti 2011, 415, no. 137, from Nissyros. For the theme cf. Λ 6091, ΠΧ 1911, ΠΧ 2017, ΠΧ 2010 Z ( ), ΠΧ 2119. See Perlzweig 1961, 115, no. 714, pl. 16, 4th-5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996a, 157; Basset 1903, pl. XIII, 7; Schörner, Goette 2004, 103, pl. 61.1-2, 4th-5th c., CΩ, from the cave of Vari.


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Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 17 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5522 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 4/6. Part of discus preserved. Discus: Eros with torch and patera. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Solounias plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. 28-9-1981. Excav. Diary: 154, p. 355. Other Nos: AE 230 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1983, 388. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2023, ΠΧ 2568, Rhodian, with thyrsus and torch. See Perlzweig 1961, 115, no. 733, pl. 16, second quarter of the 4th c. and Karivieri 1996a, 157-158, from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 242, nos 3691-3694, pl. 60, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 170, no. 172, 3rd-4th c., from Argos; Tzevreni 2011, 224, no. 147, first half of the 4th c., from the moat of the western walls of Thessaloniki; Miltner 1937, 109, no. 78, pl. I, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 18 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2636 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, to pinky, from the firing process. Unglazed. Trace of burning from the nozzle to part of the scene. Part of the body and nozzle missing. Handle: tooled, double grooved, flanked by small circles in back. Discus: lampstand symplegma, framing ring. Rim: inner band with tendril, panels with incised branch. Base: within two circles, signature ΛΕ and C. Plaster mould. Dimensions: W. 0.088, H. 0.038 m. Date: First third of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis. Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 8. 9-61976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 89. Plate: 30 Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 192, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Ill.: 32 Remarks: For the theme cf. ΠΧ 1981. See Broneer 1930, 257, no. 1198, pls XVII, XXXIII, ΛΕΟΝΤΕΩΣ, from Corinth. Seven lamps with the same motif from the Leonteus workshop come from the Athenian Agora and six more from the Kerameikos; Perlzweig 1961, 44, Βöttger 2002, 143, no. 1167, pl. 26; Warner Slane 1994, 152, no. 73, pl. 35, up to 325, from Corinth. Cf. too Perlzweig 1961, 122, no. 814, pl. 18, ΠΕΙΡΙΘΟΥ, second half of 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora; Bruneau 1965, no. 4666, pl. 32, ΠΕΙΡΙΘΟΥ, from Delos; Broneer 1977, 73-74, no. 2964, pl. 33, ΠΕΙΡΙΘΟΥ, from Isthmia; Eleftheratou 2006, 121, no. 350, first third of 4th c., from Athens; Chatzitoulousis 2014, 120-121, no. 144, Λ 130, ΕΥ, from the Archaeological Museum of Polygyros, Lambropoulos Collection; Chryssoulaki 1989, 122-123, no. 54, from Kavousi in Crete, local (?), imitation of an Attic lamp; Ladstätter 2010b, 584, no. B-K 483, pl. 227, 3rd c., local imitation (?), from Ephesus; also part of one from the Museum of Trutnov, Bouzek, Civrtnikova, Marsa 1978, no. 29; Bevelacqua 2012, 141, no. 5, 4th5th c., local imitation (?) from the Antiquarium di San Giovanni in Sicily. The signature of the workshop appears to be ΛΕ or rarely the entire, ΛΕΟΝΤΕΩΣ. The two-line signature ΛE with the letter C below may indicate a collaboration of the workshop with one of Stratolaos, Soteria, as identified by Karivieri 1996a, 115.


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1981 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Unglazed. Part of discus, shoulder and base preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: lampstand symplegma, framing ring. Rim: band with tendril. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, A. Kakas plot; P. Mela Street. Removal of Baulk Β1/Γ1, layer I/Iα. 7-9-1994. Excav. Diary: 342, p. 147. Other Nos: ΑΕ 383 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1994, 763-768. Remarks: Cf. Π 2636 ΛΕ and C, where additional parallels. See Perlzweig 1961, 122, nos 814-822, pl. 18, mid 3rd to early 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 164; Βöttger 2002, 141-144, nos 1130-1179, pls 25-26, 270-350; Eleftheratou 2006, 121, no. 350, first third of the 4th c., from Athens; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 415, no. 16, fig. 16, from the Kerameikos; Broneer 1977, 73-74, no. 2964, pl. 33, ΠΙΡΕΙΘΟΥ, second half of 3rd c., from Isthmia; Broneer 1930, 257, no. 1198, ΛΕ, pl. XVIII, from Corinth; Warner Slane 1994, 152, no. 73, pl. 35, 3rd-4th c., from Corinth; Bruneau 1965, no. 4666, pl. 32, ΠΙΡΕΙΘΟΥ, from Delos; Chryssoulaki 1989, 122-123, no. 54, from Kavousi in Crete, local (?), imitating Attic lamp; Ladstätter 2010b, 584, no. B-K 483, pl. 227, 3rd c., local imitation (?) from Ephesus; Bevelacqua 2012, 145, no. 5, 2nd-3rd c. (local imitation ?), from the Antiquarium di San Giovanni in Sicily. Also similar theme on the half-discus in the Museum of Trutnov, Bouzek, Civrtnikova and Marsa 1978, no. 29.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2065 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: tooled, triple grooved ending in relief leaf. Discus: gladiators, four framing rings, the one hatched. Rim: panels with incised branch, pair of circles on the handle, each side of the panels and the nozzle. Small rounded nozzle. Base: within four circle, in the middle one, signature ΕΥ and two circles. Slightly worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.108, W. 0.091, H. 0.032 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Gennadi, coastal cemetery at Megali Gi. Tomb 4. 21-1-1994. Excav. Diary: 6,1 (Rhodes, countryside), p. 25 (?) Ill.: 33 Plate: 31 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Volanakis 1994, 820. Remarks: For the workshop cf. ΠΧ 1535 ΕΥ, ΠΧ 2766 ΕΥ. See Zhuravlev 2007, 119, fig. 11.3, similar (?) from Kerch (necropolis of Panticapaeum?); Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 56, no. 228, first half of the 4th c.; Siebert 1966, 473-474, no. 1 EY, fig. 1, first quarter of 4th c., of unknown origin, today at ΕΑΜ (National Archaeological Museum); Perlzweig 1961, 124, no. 837, pl. 19, first half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora, 123-124, pl. 23.l, with a heart-shaped incision on the nozzle, from the Kerameikos, where a hundred and thirty similar lamps were found; Karivieri 1996a, 165, fig. 20, two lamps EY, today at ΕΑΜ (National Archaeological Museum); Βöttger 2002, 159, nos 1506, 1517, pl. 31, 337350; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 415, 417, no. 18, fig. 18 from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 175, no. 186, fig. 165, late 3rd-first half of 4th c., from Argos. Perhaps Williams 1981, 55, no. 235, pl. 10, first half of 3rd c., from Kenchreai; Broneer 1930, 256, no. 1195, fig. 180, 199, no. 646, fig. 124, from Corinth; Adam-Veleni 2010, 191, fig. 16, second half of 3rd c., from the Agora in Thessaloniki. The excavation in adjacent tomb Γ produced ΠΧ 2052, a Cypriot lamp of 3rd-4th c., and eleven bronze coins, one of them perhaps Licinius (308-324). More information on the identification of the equipment of gladiators, see Matz 1982, 51-59, 67-71; Tsouli 2014, 93-163. For such scenes and gladiatorial games in the amphitheatre on the earliest, Italian lamps, see Barbera 2003, 21-48.


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Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 21 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2645 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: yellowishred, 5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning at nozzle. Parts of body and nozzle missing. Restored. Handle: tooled, double grooved, hatched panel in back, end flanked by small circles. Discus: dancing bear with trainer. Nozzle sides grooved. Rim: inner band of herringbone, panelled. Base: within two circles, two incised branches, two curving, one horizontal. Dimensions: L. 0.103, Wpres. 0.08, H. 0.032 m. Date: First half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 15. 22-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 104. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. See Perlzweig 1961, 125, no. 857, pl. 19.35, EY, early 4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 154, no. 1396, pl. 29, ΕΥΔΩΡΟΥ, no. 1405, first third of 4th c., no. 1412, 337-350 and Gill, Hedgecock 1992, no. 20, fig. 20, 4th c., all from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Schörner, Goette 2004, 103, pl. 61.3-4. first half of the 4th c., from the cave of Vari; Broneer 1930, 253, no. 1174, fig. 176, from Corinth, where the portrayal is of Actaeon and his dog; Miller 1979, 75, no. L41, pl. 20c, second half of the 3rd c, from Nemea; Skinkel-Taupin 1980, no. 31a; Ηübinger 1993, no. 206, pl. 26. second half 3rd-first half of the 4th c.; Schrunk 1979, 91, no. 10, pl. 1, end 3rd-early 4th c., Attic lamp from the Palace of Diocletian in Spoleto (Split). Also a lamp from the Asklepieion of Kos, today in Tubingen, Cahn-Klaiber 1977, 388, no. 338, pl. 36, 3rd-4th c. The theme of the animal-tamer with bear is found in the repertoire of Eutyches, Leonteus, Roufos. The mark of the branch, often without a signature, is to be seen on Attic lamps, see Karivieri 1996a, 77, and argued to last from the 4th until the 6th c.; Βöttger 2002, 153, no. 1381, on the same subject, with the branch on the base and the letters Y (?) and H, on both sides, third quarter of the 3rd c., from the Kerameikos; Marchenko 2004, 180, from the Crimea.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 22 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5163 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/4. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing and the greater part of the base. Repaired, restored with coloured plaster. Handle: tooled, double grooved. Discus: dolphin and trident, framing ring. Rim: band of reel and trefoil. Nozzle: sides grooved, air-hole. Base: ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.108, W. 0.086, H. 0.034 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of rectangular place, east of excavated area. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 5-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 308. Other Nos: ΑΕ 240 Ill.: 34 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 129, no. 931, pl. 20, first half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996a, 172, fig. 24, in EAM, no. 34, pl. 3, mid 5th c. and Βöttger 2002, 284, nos 1646-1649, EY, pl. 34, early to first third of 4th c., from the Kerameikos; Warner Slane 1994, 153, no. 75, pl. 36, 3rd-4th c., from Corinth; Bruneau 1965, 136, no. 4669, pl. 32, 4th c., from Delos; Miltner 1937, 109, no. 81, pl. I, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 23 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2308 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 4/6. Part of discus preserved. Discus: two fish, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.046 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Trench Α1, depth to -1.4 m. 18-52004. Excav. Diary: 453, p. 22. Other Nos: ΑΕ 626 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6023, Λ 6032, Rhodian imitations. See Perlzweig 1961, 112, no. 960, pl. 20, second half of 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 174, no. 41, pl. 31, late 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 245, nos 3734-3738, pl. 61, 360-390; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 417, no. 25, fig. 25, from the Kerameikos; Eleftheratou 2006, 87, no. 220, second half of 3rd c., from Athens; Ioannidaki-Dostoglou 1982-1983, 110-111, fig. 1.2, POY; Koutoussaki 2008, 183, no. 212, pls 178-179, 4th c, from Argos, with parallels; Broneer 1930, 266, nos 1279-1285, pl. XIX, from Corinth; PoulouPapadimitriou 1986, 600, 602, no. 41, fig. 37, second quarter of 4th c., from Samos; Waldhauer 1914, 63, 69, nos 492, 559, pls XLVI, LIII, from Sebastopol and Kurtz respectively; Zaleskaya 1985, 309, fig. 1, 4th c., from the Black Sea; Hellmann 1987, 87, no. 332, pl. XLIV, 4th c., with parallels; Özet 2008, 18, fig. 23, Attic lamp from the ‘house of the Bishop’, at Bodrum; Tzevreni 2011, 220, no. 138, second half of 3rd c., the moat of the western walls of Thessaloniki; Metin 2012, 245, no. 11, fig. 13, first half of the 4th c., Attic imitation from Kibyra; Sokolovska 1986, Tomb 69, pl. 46, CT, from the valley of the Vardar (FYROM), 4th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 24 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2304 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Unglazed. Part of handle, discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, triple grooved. Discus: lion, right. Rim: panelled, herringbone. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.073 m. Date: First half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Trench Α1, depth to -1.4 m. 18-52004. Excav. Diary: 453, p. 22. Other Nos: ΑΕ 626 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 130, no. 970, pl. 36, ΠΡΕΙΜ/ΟΥ, third quarter of the 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 176, no. 1912, EY, pl. 37, 337-350, from the Kerameikos; Pingiatoglou 2005, 57-58, 63-64, P9, P11, pl. 24, 3rd-4th c., from Dion.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 25 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6053 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete, chipped. Handle: solid, pointed, double grooved, ending in relief leaf. Discus: panther drinking from crater, framing ring. Rim: narrow, plain. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: two circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.075, H. 0.031 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, north-west part, -4.05/-4.30 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 111. Other Nos: ΑΕ 566 Ill.: 35 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2980.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti For the theme and its relationship with the iconography of Dionysus, see Perlzweig 1961, 131; also Karivieri 2001, 183, 192. For the symbolism of the crater in Dionysian, Orphic and Pythagorean contexts, see Ignatiadou 2014, 43 -59. About Dionysus and his representations in late Roman art, see Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2015, 188-194. For parallels see Perlzweig 1961, 131, no. 997, pl. 21, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 247-248, nos 3773, 3768, pl. 62, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Miltner 1937, 109, no. 82, pl. I, from Ephesus; Karivieri 1996, 177-178, no. 49, ΘΕ, 50, pl. 31, KY, late 4th c., from the Athenian Agora. As he notes (p. 177), the subject-matter belongs to the repertoire of ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, CTΡ, Τ Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 26 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2980 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Part of discus preserved. ‘Chewed up’ surface. Discus: panther drinking from crater, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.064 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. South-west fill, layer 2. 14-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 340. Other Nos: Excavation bag 206 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6053, where observations and parallels. Our doubt as to the definitive classification of the lamp as Attic is due to the different position of the filling hole, in comparison to the known 4th-5th c. Attic examples.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 27 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6073 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 4/6. Trace of burning. Part of base, walls and nozzle missing Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in two little circles. Discus: bear, right, accompanied by the inscription (Φ)ΟΒΟC, framing ring. Rim: plain. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.108, H. 0.032 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south part, uniform fill, -3.80/ -4.45 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 141. Other Nos: ΑΕ 624 Plate: 32, 33 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 127, no. 890, pl. 20, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 247, no. 3759, pl. 62, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Schörner, Goette 2004, 104, pl. 62.3-4, end of 4th c., from the cave of Vari; Broneer 1930, 263, nos 1250, 1251, pl. XVII, fig. 186, from Corinth; Sodini, Bommelaer 1969, fig. 11, from Argos. Lamp in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki (published ?), Bouzek, Civrtnikova, Marsa 1978, no. 34, second half of the 3rd c. probably; Lerat 1954, no. 133, pl. IX. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 28 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2029 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 5 YR 5/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6, ‘sparkling’. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: seated dog, left, triple framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides double grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.075 m. Date: Late 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Yard of Area Δ, fill. 2-2-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 134. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2910, ovolo pattern on its shoulder; for typology see also Λ 5164. See Perlzweig 1961, 128-129, no. 924, pl. 20, bear on discus instead of dog, early 4th c. As he notes (p. 128), the seated dog was one of the most popular subjects on Attic lamps of the 3rd and 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 172, nos 32, 33, pl. 3.30, 5th c.; Βöttger 2002, 172-174, nos 1794-1851, pl. 36, first third of 4th c.-350. It should be remembered that representations of dogs are associated with their frequent presence in hunts organized by various cities of the Roman Empire, see Robert 1940, 325; Robert 1949, 128-129; Dunbabin 1978, 65-87.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 29 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2287 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, very flaking away. Part of discus preserved. Discus: bull (?), right. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.047 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. Wall-footings 8, fill south of north-east part of quarried bedrock. 6-9-1977. Excav. Diary: 68, p. 262. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 127-128, nos 904-907, pl. 20, first half of 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 30 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6022 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete, chipped and flaking. Handle: solid, pointed, double grooved. Discus: ram, left, double framing ring. Rim: S pattern, panels with incised branch. Nozzle: sides double grooved. Base: within circle, incised signature of two letters, probably XI Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.074, H, 0.032 m. Date: Last decades of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, centre, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 662 Ill.: 36 Plate: 34 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2918 ΧΙΟ/ΝΗC, from same workshop (?) See Perlzweig 1961, 131, no. 1014, where there are two engraved letters, second quarter to mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996a, 179, no. 56, pl. 4, first half of 4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 179-181, nos 2003-2053, pl. 38, 270-350, and Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 417, no. 27, fig. 27, from the Kerameikos; Warner Slane 1990, 33, no. 47, pl. 4, mid 3rd to early 4th c.; Broneer 1930, 264, no.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti 1257, pl. XXIX and Drosogianni 1968, 196-197, pl. 150b-c, from Corinth; Koutoussaki 2008, 180, no. 202, pls 178-179, second half of 3rd-first half of 4th c., from Argos, with bibliography; Levina 1982, no. 64, from the Crimea. Given that lamp 2345 (4th-5th c.) from the Athenian Agora bears the signature IX, Perlzweig 1961, 171, assumes that it is actually an inverted XI and the lamp a product of ΧΙΟΝΗΣ; then it could be that this catalogued piece is one of the earliest lamps from the known workshop. See also the Attic lamp with an inverted XI within a heart-shaped incised line, from Argos, Bovon 1966, 95, no. 677, pl. 18.F, 4th c., considered to be an imitation of Εutyches. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 31 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2635 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/6. Unglazed. Local concretion. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with a wide concavity on its base. Discus: crescent, triple framing ring. Base: within two incised circles, incised signature Α. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.068, H. 0.031 m. Date: Mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Excav. Diary: 86, p. 89. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363. Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. Π 2668α, Π 2668β, Π 2669, all A, from the same workshop? Cf. also Π 2621 on the imitation of decorations on lamps in local production. See Williams 1981, 57, no. 260, pl. 11, mid late 4th c., from Kenchreai. He argues (p. 50) that it replicates a metal lamp; Βöttger 2002, no. 2230, pl. 40, early 4th c., similar decoration, earlier, from the Kerameikos. The repertoire of the A workshop is not the crescent-marked discus in combination with embossed ring on the shoulder. For that theme, the personification of the Moon, Goddess-Luna, see Bovon 1966, 68-69, no. 457, with reference to lamps from Argos. In connection with Isis, see Dekoulakou 2003, 218, ns 49-53, with bibliography.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 32 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6092 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: dark reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 3/4. Parts of handle and the upper portion missing. Restored. Handle: (solid), triple grooved, down to a wide concave base. Discus: bull’s head, framing ring. Rim: wavy lines. Nozzle: sides grooved, groove, flanked by small circles, from air-to-wick-hole. Base: within two circles, incised branch. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.099, H. 0.034 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and north part, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See Williams 1981, 57, no. 259, pl. 11, early to mid 4th c., from Kenchreai; Perlzweig 1961, 133, no. 1060, pl. 22. on shoulder herringbone, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Bailey 1964, 90, shoulder with herringbone, KY, second half of the 4th c., from the collection F.W. Robbins; Langdon 1976, 73, no. 339, ΕΥΤΥΧΗC, shoulder with herringbone, 4th c., from the cave of Mount Parnes; Βöttger 2002, 248, no. 3785, pl. 62, 360-390, from the Kerameikos. Lamp from tomb at Amphipolis, no. 790, today in the Museum of Amphipolis, POY with circlets on shoulder and horizontal framing to the nozzle (unpublished).


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Rhodian Lamps Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 33 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1501 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/2. Unglazed. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: basket with fruit (?), double framing ring. Panelled rim with 8 S pattern. Base: incised circle. Surface almost smooth, due to the very eroded nature of the mould. Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.07, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes. Unknown provenance. Remarks: For the decoration, see Βöttger 2002, 181-182, no. 2086, pl. 39, mid 4th c., from the Kerameikos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 34 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2267 Type/ Category: Attic, globule and volute type lamp. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, tooled, triple grooved, merging to two with pointed end. Discus: concentric rings. Rim: three rows of globules, volutes face toward the nozzle. Base: the junction between underside of nozzle and globules on the lower wall is marked by curving ridges; within three circles incised branch. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.101, H. 0.034 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, Tomb 2α, 1st ‘pass’. 13-112006. Excav. Diary: 461, p. 214. Other Nos: ΑΕ 335 Ill.: 37 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2815 ( )Υ, ΠΧ 2095, Π 2672. Also ΠΧ 1511, from the Stamatiadis plot, second half of the 4th c., in the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos. See Perlzweig 1961, 138, no. 1264, pl. 25, EY, 3rd-4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 189-190, nos 2308, 2328, 2340, pl. 41, first third of 4th c.-350, from the Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 56, no. 246, pl. 10, 3rd c., from Kenchreai; Broneer 1930, 225, nos 909, 910, 911, figs 160, 161, pl. XIII, from Corinth; Warner Slane 1994, 153, 156, nos 79, 94, pls 36, 37, 3rd-4th c., from Corinth; Williams, Zervos 1983, 17, nos 35-38, pl. 8, mid 3rd c., from Corinth; Lindros Wohl 1981, 129, no. 11, pl. 34, second half of 4th c., from Isthmia; Koutoussaki 2008, 249, no. 347.1, fig. 307, first half of mid 3rd c. and Sodini, Bommelaer 1969, fig. 45, from Argos; Lambrinoudakis 1989, 18, fig. 18, from Epidaurus; Pingiatoglou 2005, 66, no. P17, pl. 26, second half of 4th c., from Dion; AdamVeleni 2010, 187-188, fig. 2, 3rd c., from the Agora of Thessaloniki; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 66, no. L8, pl. VI, 3rd c. from Thassos; Lambrinoudakis 1988, 139, fig. 113, from Naxos; Menzel 1969, 83, no. 550, fig. 72.8, 3rd c.; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 35, fig. 31, first half of 3rd c., from Samos; Iványi 1935, 103, no. 937, pl. XXXVIII.11; Sokolovska 1986, 116, cf. 106, pl. 47, from the plain of the Vardar (FYROM), with a coin hoard of the 4th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 35 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2815 Type/ Category: Attic, globule and volute type lamp. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of base and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with pointed end. Discus: concentric rings. Rim: two rows of globules, volutes face toward the nozzle. Between the volutes, relief ornament. Base: globules on the lower wall; within two circles signature ( )Υ. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09. W. 0.71 m. Date: Late 3rd to mid 4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Filippou plot; Navarinou Street. Fill of sewer. 25-2-1977. Excav. Diary: 91, p. 273-274. Ill.: 38 Plate: 35 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 352-356. Remarks: Probably of the ΚΥ workshop (in the Fountain of lamps in Corinth, the same (?) as lamp Λ 1969-220) or of the ΕΥ workshop: in both of whose repertoire is noted this type of lamp; there is less chance that it belongs to the workshop of ΡΟΥΦΟΥ. Cf. ΠΧ 2095, ΠΧ 2267 (where are other observations and comparisons), Π 2672 a lamp from the Stamatiadis plot on Karpathos, ΠΧ 1511, second half of the 4th c., in the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos. Also, if ΚΥ -- cf. ΠΧ 1228 ΚΥ. See Perlzweig 1961, 138-139, nos 1271 Δ, 1291 K, pls 34, 49, 4th c. (= Karivieri 1996a, no. 114, 195-196, pl. 9, 4th-5th c.), from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 189, no. 2308, pl. 41, first third of 4th c., from the Kerameikos; Kouveli 2010, 625-626, fig. 70, second half of 4th-early 5th c., from Athens.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 36 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2095 Type/ Category: Attic, globule and volute type lamp. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: reddish-brown, 5 YR 5/4, iridescent. Trace of burning. Part of base preserved. Base: the junction between underside the nozzle and rows of globules on the lower wall is marked by curving ridges. Two circles. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α1. 26-6-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 39. Other Nos: ΑΕ 42 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ2815 (.)Υ and ΠΧ 2267, where also other observations and comparisons, Π 2672. Also ΠΧ 1511, the Stamatiadis plot, second half of the 4th c., Pigadia, Karpathos, in the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos. See Bailey 1988, 409, Q 3264, pl. 118, 4th c., Attic, from Kalymnos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 37 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2672 Type/ Category: Attic, globule and volute type lamp. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, flaking away. Concretion. Part of body and nozzle missing. Chipped. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: small, plain. Rim: rows of raised points; shoulder-volutes. Underside: rows of raised points. Base: two circles, nozzle sides double grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083, W. 0.062, H. 0.033 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Ill.: 39


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Rhodian Lamps Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. Earlier and contemporary ΠΧ 2815 ()Υ, ΠΧ 2095, ΠΧ 2267, with further comments and comparisons. Cf. Bailey 1988, 409, Q 3264, pl. 118, 4th c., from Kalymnos; Sokolovska 1986, 116, Tomb 106, pl. 47, from the plain of the Vardar (FYROM), with a coin hoard of the 4th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 38 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6068 Type/ Category: Attic, vine and ray type lamp. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/4, lacking part of base. Slip: very dark grey, 5 YR 3/1, flaking away. Part of base and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, pointed, triple grooved. Discus: rays, framing ring. Rim: vine and cluster. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.094, W. 0.076, H. 0.038 m. Date: Mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, central part and the baulk of layer ζ, -4.20/-4.50 m. 19-4-1993. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 139. Other Nos: ΑΕ 616 Ill.: 40 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 7046, ΠΧ 2557 K (?). vine and ray type. See Perlzweig 1961, 146, nos 1562, 1566, pl. 28, mid 4th c.; Karivieri 1996, 211, no. 171, late 4th-early 5th c., all from the Athenian Agora; Warner Slane 1990, 34, no. 54, pl. 5. second to third quarter of 4th c., from Corinth; Βöttger 2002, 196-197, nos 2460-2490, pls 44-45, 360-350, from the Kerameikos; Felten 1975, 60-61, no. 22, pl. 16, ΛΕ, 4th c., from Aegina; Pingiatoglou 2005, 62, no. P6, pl. 23, 2nd-3rd c., from Dion; Adam-Veleni 2010, 188-189, figs 3-7, mid 3rd to early 4th c., from the Agora of Thessaloniki; Gerousi 2010, 221, figs 11-12, from Perissa; Bailey 1988, 409, Q 3267, leaf shop, pl. 118, second half of 3rd c., from the Theatre of Dionysos; Williams 1981, 55-56, nos 242-243, pl. 10, first half of 3rd c., from Kenchreai; Bruneau 1965, 137, 138, nos 4676, 4679, pl. 32, 4th c., from Delos; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 42, figs 38, 39, 4th c., from Samos; Bémont, Chew 2007, 370-371, no. GR 2, 517, pl. 92, 3rd c.; Cahn-Klaiber 1977, 390-391, no. 347, pl. 37, 4th c.; Heres 1972, 77, no. 483, Corinthian, 2nd-3rd c., ΠAPAMONOY, from Athens, 484, pl. 52, first half of 3rd c.; Iványi 1935, 97, nos 872, 873, pl. XXXV.4-5. For this type, see also Koutoussaki 2008, 200-207, nos 256-263, figs 209-222, from the 2nd to the 4th c., from Argos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 39 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2557 Type/ Category: Attic, vine and ray type lamp. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3 (?). Slip: reddish-brown, 5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in relief leaf. Discus: rays, double framing ring. Rim: tendrils and leaves. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature Κ Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.112, W. 0.073, H. 0.033 m. Date: Late 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 10-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 336. Other Nos: ΑΕ 461 Ill.: 41 Plate: 36 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6068, Λ 7046, vine and ray type For the signature, cf. ΠΧ 1228 K, 2055 ΠΧ KY, ΠΧ 2284 ΚΥ. Also, probably Λ 6075 K., of the same workshop, see Katsioti 2011, 415, no. 137, from Nissyros. See Βöttger 2002, 198, no. 2515, K[, pl. 45, 337-350, from the Kerameikos; Warner Slane 1990, 34, no. 54, pl. 5, second and third quarters of the 4th c., from Corinth; Ivantchik 2002, 370-371, nos 56, 58, fig. 11, from Argos, local imitation, first quarter of 5th c.; Williams 1981, 55-56, nos 242-243, pl. 10, first half of 3rd c., from Kenchreai; Felten 1975, 60-61, no. 22, pl. 16, ΛΕ, 4th c., from Aegina; Adam-Veleni 2010, 188-189, figs 3-7, mid 3rd to early 4th c., from the Agora at Thessaloniki; Gerousi 2010, 221, figs 11, 12, from Perissa on Thera; Bruneau 1965, 137-138, nos 4676, 4679, pl. 32, 4th c., from Delos; Cahn-Klaiber 1977, 390-391, no. 347, pl. 37, 4th c.; Iványi 1935, 98, no. 872, pl. XXXV.4; Zachariadis 2011, 188, no. 83, imitation, mid 3rd c., from the Odeion of Thessaloniki. For this type, see also Koutoussaki 2008, 200-207, nos 256-263, figs 209-222, from the 2nd to the 4th c., from Argos.


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Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 40 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2556 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 5/8. Part of shoulder, nozzle and base missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, hatched panel in front, ending on the discus in two relief, degenerated spirals, up against the filling-hole. Discus: shell, framing groove. Plain narrow rim. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: two circles. Trace of finger marks on the interior. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.095, W. 0.078, H. 0.037 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city (?), (possibly) Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. Central aisle under the older floor. Or perhaps from the area of Kallithea. 12-3-1971. Excav. Diary: 33, 36 (?) Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Κollias 1971, 552-555; Κollias 1972, 689; Κollias 1999, 299-302; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: See Βöttger 2002, 239, no. 3648, pl. 59, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Perlzweig 1961, 135, no. 1125, pl. 24.36, base T, late 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 184, no. 73, pl. 6, T base, first half of 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Miltner 1937, no. 99, pl. I, from Ephesus; Ivantchik 2002, 362, nos 14, 15, fig. 4.6, KY, early 5th c., a local imitation from Argos; Marki, Angelkou, Cheimonopoulou 2010, 210, fig. 2a, from Louloudies. For the symbolism of shells in Christian art, see Kambanis 2011, 143, no. 15.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 41 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2629 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: similar. Complete Handle: solid, triple grooved, wide concavity to base. Discus: ring, square bands. Rim: panels with incised branch, small circles, arcs on either side of nozzle. Groove from air- to wickhole. Nozzle: sides double-grooved. Base: In two concentric incised circles, signature CT Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.063, H. 0.036 m. Date: Mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Area Β. 4-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 84. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363. Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. Π 2694 C T, Λ 6057 CTΡ, Λ 6035 CT, Π 2568 CTΡ, ΠΧ 2998 CT - the same workshop. See Perlzweig 1961, 143, no. 1425, pl. 27, mid 4th c. As to the base with the signature, Broneer 1930, 278 CT, no. 1396, pl. XXXIII, from Corinth. Also, for decoration, the little later lamps, Βöttger 2002, 239, nos 3653, 3656, 3658, pl. 59, 350-360, 267, no. 4215, pl. 72, 390-415 and Karivieri 1996a, 205, no. 150, pl. 32, late 4th-early 5th c., from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos. For lamps with square discus, see Karivieri 1996a, 73. As noted, the signature CT of the Stratolaos workshop is found on nine lamps retrieved in the Kerameikos, between 337 and 350 and not earlier (Βöttger 2002, 55). It is therefore reasonable to date the lamp catalogued here to the middle of the 4th c. Coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641) were in the fill of space B.


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 42 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2694 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 4/6, vanished here and there. Trace of burning on the nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with wide concavity to base. Discus: ring, square bands. Rim: panels with incised branch, small circles, arcs on either side of nozzle. Groove from air-to wick-hole. Nozzle: sides double-grooved. Base: within heart-shaped incision with spiral terminals, signature C and T, between them incised branch. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.063, H. 0.02 m. Date: Probably late 4th to early 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. North of sarcophagus A, cleaning of the underpinnings (more recent?) of the building. 15-12-1975. Excav. Diary: 69, p. 274. Ill.: 42 Plate: 37 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Found with Π 2695. Cf. Π 2629 (with observations and parallels), Λ 6057, Λ 6035, W 2568, ΠΧ 2998 - from same workshop. As has been observed, according to the revised dating of Attic lamps (see Perlzweig, Binder note in Butcher 1982, 139; Bailey 1988, 408), the heart-shaped incision probably does not occur in Attic lamps earlier than the second quarter of the 5th c. The finds at the Kerameikos show that bases of this type, known from 360 onwards, become more numerous later.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 43 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6062 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/4. Slip: reddishbrown, 2,5 YR 4/4. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in small leaves. Discus: square-shaped, half-sunken, with channel to wick-hole: scalloped edges; framing band, herringbone and a pair of petaloid motifs. Base: within two circles, five small circles in form of a cross. Incomplete joining of the two parts at handle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.112, W. 0.076, H. 0.038 m. Date: Second half of the 4th to early 5th c. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, centre, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 194-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 660 Ill.: 43 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 143, no. 1430, pl. 27, Δ, curved lines on the shoulder, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996, 286, nos 152, 153, A, pl. 14, curved lines on the shoulder, late 4th-early 5th c., and Βöttger 2002, 267-268, no. 4224, pl. 72, with decorated shoulder, 390-415, from the Kerameikos. Similarly Felten 1975, 61, no. 29, pl. 16, 4th c., from Aegina. Most Attic lamps with a square discus are unglazed. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 44 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1210 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8. Unglazed. Trace of burning at nozzle. Part of body and nozzle missing. Restored. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, pointed end flanked by small circles. Discus: rosette of eight heart-shaped petals, framing ring. Rim: three rows of dots, panels with incised branch. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within ring, incised eight-pointed star with small circles between the rays. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, W. 0.069, H. 0.034 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Above the edge of tomb 6.10-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 251. Other Nos: ΑΕ 52. Ill.: 44 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 153, nos 1822, 1825, pl. 31, first half of the 4th c. He observes that the 8-rayed star on the base is seen on 40 fragments in the Kerameikos. Miller 2015, 298-302, fig. 30f, in Nemea. Moreover the shoulder, when preserved, always has the same decoration, namely three rows of dots (Perlzweig 1961, 153). See too Βöttger 2002, 201, no. 2577, pl. 46, nos 2578, 2580, 2582, early 4th c., from the Kerameikos. Also Bémont, Chew 2007, 371, 517, no. GR 4, pl. 92, EYT, first half of the 4th c., from the Saône-et-Loire; Preda 2000, 242, fig. 2.3, 4th c., from Mangalia (Kallatis), in Scythia Minor.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 45 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2998 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of the discus, shoulder and base missing. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in relief leaf. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: tendrils and clusters. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: within two circles, signature CT Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.079, H. 0.032 m. Date: Mid to second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and north part, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Plate: 38 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618: Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6048, Λ 6058. Cf. Λ 6035 CT, Λ 6057 CΤΡ, Π 2629 CT, Π 2694 CT, ΠΧ 2568 CTΡ, from the same workshop. See Perlzweig 1961, 152, no. 1798, pl. 31 KY, narrower discus-rosette, second half of the 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 255, no. 3947, pl. 66, 360-390, from the Kerameikos. As noted, the signature CT of the Stratolaos workshop was found on nine lamps from the Kerameikos, between 337 and 350 (and not earlier) (Βöttger 2002, 55). Therefore, it is reasonable to date the lamp catalogued here to about the middle of the 4th c., or shortly after. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 46 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6058 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light brown. Slip: black to grey. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, merging at the broad end of the handle at its base. Discus: 12-petalled rosette. Rim: vine and clusters. Nozzle sides grooved, flanked by two small circles. Base: within two circles, incised branch. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.071, H. 0.031 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, central part and the baulk of layer ζ, -4.20/-4.50 m. 15-18/4/1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 139. Other Nos: ΑΕ 615 Ill.: 45 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6048, ΠΧ 2998. See Perlzweig 1961, 152, no. 1798, pl. 31, ΚΥ, second half of 4th c. (= Karivieri 1996a, 226, no. 215, pl. 19, first half of 5th c.), 216 ΧΙΟΝΗΣ, 217 ΧΙΟΝΗΣ, pl. 19, 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 254-255, nos 3935-3948, pl. 66, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Arapogianni 1993, 176, no. 562, fig. 64, early 4th c., from Brexiza; Broneer 1930, 239, no. 1044, fig. 170, from Corinth; Lindros Wohl 1981, 129-130, no. 14, pl. 34, second half 4th c., from Isthmia.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 47 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6048 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 7/6. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 4/3. Trace of burning. Complete, chipped. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in small leaves. Discus: 17-petalled rosette. Rim: vine and clusters. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: two circles. Incomplete joining of the two parts at the handle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.105, W. 0.076, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 683 Ill.: 46 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6058, where observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2998. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 48 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2490 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of body and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: rays (?), plain (?), framing ring. Rim: tendrils and leaves. Base: within double heart-shaped grooves, ending to pseudo-volutes, signature ( )Ẹ Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067 m. Date: First half of the 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; P. Melas and Diagoridon Streets. From the north-east corner. 28-6-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 134. Plate: 39 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594. Remarks: If the signature is restored as ΘΕ, cf. then ΠΧ 2558, ΠΧ 2745, from the same workshop ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ. See Βöttger 2002, 260, no. 4058, pl. 69, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 66, no. 346, pl. 16, 4th-5th c., from Kenchreai.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 49 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2278 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus, handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved merging to two at base, with pointed end. Discus: incised ‘star’ (composite rosette). Between the rays are impressed concentric circles. Triple framing ring. Rim: panels with incised branch, four small circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.077, Wpres. 0.07 m. Date: Around the mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, Tomb 2, 2nd and 3rd ‘passes’. 3-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 69. Other Nos: ΑΕ 306 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Βöttger 2002, 200, no. 2559, ΕΥ, pl. 46, 337-350, from the Kerameikos; Broneer 1930, 212, no. 787, fig. pl. XIII, from Corinth.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 50 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5166 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Unglazed. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: tooled, pointed, triple grooved. Discus: 10-petalled double rosette, framing ring. Rim: plain, panelled. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, incised branch. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.077, H. 0.037 m. Date: First half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Find from inside structure ΧΙ, with the remains of bones. 6-2-1989. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 101. Other Nos: ΑΕ 131 Ill.: 47 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594: Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 149, no. 1651, pl. 30, first quarter of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 203-205, nos 2598-2626, several signatures, pls 47-48, last third of 3rd-first third of 4th c., from the Kerameikos; Lambrinoudakis 1989, 18, fig. 18, from Epidaurus; Tidmarsh 2001, 653, 665, no. 15.82, fig. 162, pl. 87, 3rd-4th c., from Toroni; Ηübinger 1993, 112, no. 208, pl. 27, 4th-5th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 51 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2590 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. restored. Handle: tooled, double grooved, with hatched panel in front. Discus: rosette. Rim: plain, panelled. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, extension to the north, 2nd ‘pass’. 18-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 194. Other Nos: ΑΕ 80 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6286. See Βöttger 2002, nos 3538 E, 3558, 233-234, pls 56, 57, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Broneer 1930, 231, no. 967, fig. 164, from Corinth; Kuzmanov 1992, 30, 92, no. 190, in the Archaeological Museum in Sofia; Ηübinger 1993, 112, no. 208, pl. 27, 4th-5th c.; Bernhard 1955, 315, no. 304, pl. LXXXV; Malama, Darakis 2008, 239, no. MA 6824, fig. 69, second half of 4th-early 5th c., from Nea Kerdyllia in Serres; Bémont, Chew 2007, 371-372, GR 5, pl. 93, 4th c., from Germany. The hatched handle matches that on Corinthian lamps, see Pétridis 2011, 347, no. 47, fig. 35, 2nd c., from Delphi.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 52 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2695 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of the body and nozzle missing. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 18 pointed petalled rosette, framing circle. Nozzle sides grooved Rim: narrow, panelled, herringbone. Base: within two circles five small circles in form of a cross. Dimensions: L. 0.1, H. 0.028 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. North of sarcophagus A, cleaning of the underpinnings of the recent (?) building. 15-12-1975. Excav. Diary: 69, p. 274. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Found with Π 2694. Cf. Π 2624. See Karivieri 1996a, 220, no. 199, pl. 41, first half of the 5th c.; Βöttger 2002, 257, no. 3994, pl. 67, base with incised branch, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Broneer 1930, 231, no. 967, fig. 164, from Corinth; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 227-228, no. 45, pl. 101a, second half of 4th c., from Samos; Hadad 2002, 133-134, no. 516, from Beth Shean.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 53 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6287 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: 17-petalled rosette, framing circle. Rim: plain, panels with incised branch, panels and nozzle flanked by small circles. Nozzle sides grooved. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.065 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, D. Diakidis plot; Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. North of wall 13. 28-11-1983. Excav. Diary: 191, p. 25. Other Nos: Excavation bag 396 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1990, 467-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454; Dreliossi 1992, 615-617; DreliossiHerakleidou 1996, 191-192. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6070, Λ 6056, ΠΧ 2589, ΠΧ 2458 ΑΓ ̣(rosette with pointed petals).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti See Perlzweig 1961, 150, no. 1662, pl. 30, first half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 233-234, nos 3542 A, 3548 E, pl. 56, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Arapogianni 1993, 176-177, fig. 63, mid 4th c., from Brexiza; Koutoussaki 2008, 277, nos 423.1, 423.3, figs 369-371, mid to second half of 4th c., from Argos; Broneer 1930, 231, no. 967, fig. 164, from Corinth; PoulouPapadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 43, fig. 40, second half of 4th c., from Samos; Sussman 2008, 228, no. 65, second half of 4th c., from Caesarea Maritima; Bailey 1985, 106-107, no. 734, pl. XXII, ΠΩCΦΟΡΟΥ, 3rd c., from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish); Sokolovska 1986, tomb 75, pl. 46, tomb 64, pl. 48, from the valley of the Vardar (FYROM), 4th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 54 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6057 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Slip: similar. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 16-petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: narrow, six small circles. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature CTΡ Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.065, H. 0.05 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 673 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: At the exhibition of the Epigraphic Museum, Rhodes. Cf. Π 2629 CT, Π 2694 CT, Λ 6035 CT, Π 2568 CTΡ, ΠΧ 2998 CT, same workshop, of Stratolaos. For typology cf. Λ 6025, Λ 6035 CT, ΠΧ 2156, ΠΧ 2489. See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1713, pl. 30, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 233, nos 3538 E-3540, pl. 34, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 275-276, no. 418.1, figs 362-363, mid to second half of 4th c., from Argos; Lindros Wohl 1981, 132, no. 23, pl. 35, second half of 4th c., from Isthmia; Kuzmanov 1992, 30, 92, no. 190, from the Archaeological Museum in Sofia. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 55 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2458 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6, to grey from the firing. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with pointed end. Discus: 13 pointed petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: panels with incised branch. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature ΑΓ̣ Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.077, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Chatzigiorgis plot; Monte Smith neighbourhood. Tomb 2, fill. 8-10-1979. Excav. Diary: 69, p. 316. Ill.: 48 Plate: 40 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1976, 386. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6287, Λ 6070, Λ 6056, ΠΧ 2589, Λ 6334 ΑΓΑ. See Βöttger 2002, 100-104, no. 3994, pl. 67, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 280, no. 433.1, figs 377-378, first half of 4th c., from Argos; Lerat 1954, no. 107; Arapogianni 1993, 175-176, no. 560, fig. 63, early 4th c., from Brexiza; Sokolovska 1986, tomb 75, pl. 46, tomb 64, pl. 48, from the plain of the Vardar (FYROM), 4th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 56 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2589 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 4/6. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: plain, panels with incised branch. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.076 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, extension to north, 2nd ‘pass’. 18-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 194. Other Nos: ΑΕ 80 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6287, Λ 6070, Λ 6056, ΠΧ 2458 ΑΓ̣ (rosette with pointed petals). See Βöttger 2002, 234, no. 3558, pl. 57, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Arapogianni 1993, 175-176, no. 560, fig. 63, early 4th c., from Brexiza; Broneer 1977, 77, no. 2996, pl. 33, from Isthmia; Koutoussaki 2008, 277, nos 423.1, 423.3, figs 369-371, mid to second half of 4th c., from Argos; Broneer 1930, 231, no. 967, fig. 164, from Corinth; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 43, fig. 40, second half of 4th c., from Samos; Sokolovska 1986, tomb 75, pl. 46, tomb 64, pl. 48, from the valley of the Vardar (FYROM), 4th c.; Hadad 2002, 133-134, no. 516, from Bet Shean.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 57 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2156 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: rosette with pointed petals, framing ring. Rim: plain, four small circles. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. Tomb 5. North part. 5-10-1977. Excav. Diary: 105, p. 27-28. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6025, Λ 6035 CT, Λ 6057 CTΡ, ΠΧ 2489. See Karivieri 1996a, 220, no. 199, pl. 41, first half 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 234, no. 3549, pl. 57, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Bruneau 1965, 138, no. 4684, pl. 32, 4th c., from Delos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 58 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6113 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 4/6. Handle, part of base, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, wide concavity at base. Discus: rosette with pointed petals and small circles between them. Rim: globules, panels with incised branch. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.055 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, G. Heronias plot (former Giakras-Hatzimichalis); M. Petrides Street. Wall footings 4, fill to north of Tomb 32. 23-10-1987. Excav. Diary: 246, p. 344. Other Nos: Excavation bag 17 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 150, no. 1709, pl. 30, shoulder plain, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 59 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6070 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, flaking here and there Slip: red, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 18-petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: panels with incised branch, eight small circles. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.105, W. 0.078, H. 0.03 m. Date: Mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south part, uniform f, -3.80/-4.45 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 141. Other Nos: ΑΕ 623 Ill.: 49 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6287, Λ 6056, ΠΧ 2589, ΠΧ 2458 ΑΓ̣ (rosette with pointed petals). See Perlzweig 1961, 150, nos 1662, 1679, double rosette, pl. 30, first half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 233-234, no. 3542, pl. 56, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Arapogianni 1993, 175-176, no. 560, fig. 63, early 4th c., from Brexiza; Koutoussaki 2008, 277, nos 423.1, 423.3, figs 369-371, mid to second half of 4th c., from Argos; Broneer 1930, 231, no. 967, fig. 164, from Corinth; Hadad 2002, 133-134, no. 516; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 43, fig. 40, second half of 4th c., from Samos; Sussman 2008, 228, no. 65, second half of 4th c., from Caesarea Maritima; Sokolovska 1986, tomb 75, pl. 46, tomb 64, pl. 48, from the plain of the Vardar (FYROM), 4th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 60 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6056 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete, flaked at the nozzle. Handle: solid, pointed, triple grooved. Discus: 14-petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: plain, panels with incised branch. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: two circles. Plaster mould. Dimensions: L. 0.105, W. 0.08, H. 0.035 m. Date: Mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 655 Ill.: 50 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6287, Λ 6070, ΠΧ 2589, ΠΧ 2458 ΑΓ̣ (rosette with pointed petals). See Hadad 2002, 133-134, no. 516; Βöttger 2002, 234, no. 3558, pl. 57, 350-360, from the Kerameikos. Similar Perlzweig 1961, 187, no. 1681, pl. 30, second quarter of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Arapogianni 1993, 176-177, fig. 63, mid 4th c., from Brexiza; Broneer 1977, 77, no. 2996, pl. 33, second half of 3rd c., from Isthmia; Koutoussaki 2008, 277, nos 423.1, 423.3, figs. 369-371, mid to second half of 4th c., from Argos; Broneer 1930, 231, no. 967, 231, fig. 164, from Corinth; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 43, fig. 40, second half of 4th c., from Samos; Sokolovska 1986, tomb 75, pl. 46, tomb. 64, pl. 48, from the plain of the Vardar (FYROM), 4th c. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, the ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 61 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6052 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous, flaking on base. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete, flaked. Handle: solid, triple grooved, panel with incised branch at back. Discus: rosette with hatched petals (composite rosette). Rim: plain, panels with incised branch. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: three circles. Incomplete joining of the two halves at the handle. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.071, H. 0.032 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 654 Ill.: 51 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See Βöttger 2002, 237, no. 3616, CT, pl. 58, 350-360, from the Kerameikos. For the decoration, see Zubar 1993, fig. 26.4, from Cherson; Zachariadis 2011, 189-190, no. 86, 4th c., from the Odeion of Thessaloniki; Tzevreni 2011, 223, no. 145, 4th c., from the moat of the western walls of Thessaloniki. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 62 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6035 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Slip: similar. Complete. Handle: solid, pointed, double grooved. Discus: 15-petalled rosette, framing circle. Rim: plain, six small circles. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, signature CT (Stratolaos/ Στρατόλαος). Faulty at handle. Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.069, H. 0.033 m. Date: About the mid 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south-west part, -4.05/ -4,3 m. 4/7-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 111. Other Nos: ΑΕ 567 Ill.: 52 Plate: 41 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Π 2629 CT, Π 2694 CT, Λ 6057 CTΡ, Π 2568 CTΡ, ΠΧ 2998 CT, from the same workshop. For the theme, cf. Λ 6025, ΠΧ 2156, Λ 6057 CΤΡ, ΠΧ 2489. See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1713, pl. 30, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 233, nos 3538 E-3540, pl. 34, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 275-276, no. 418.1, figs 362-363, mid to second half of 4th c., from Argos; Lindros Wohl 1981, 132, no. 23, pl. 35, second half of 4th c., from Isthmia; Kuzmanov 1992, 30, 92, no. 190, from the Archaeological Museum in Sofia. Pingiatoglou 2015, 113-114, CTP, from Dion. As noted, the signature of the CT/Stratolaou workshop is found on nine lamps from the Kerameikos, between 337 and 350 and not earlier (Βöttger 2002, 55). It is therefore reasonable to date the piece catalogued here to the middle of the 4th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 63 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6025 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: reddishbrown, 5 YR 4/4. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with quite a wide concavity to the base. Discus: 14-pointed petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: plain, six small circles. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: two circles. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.066, H. 0.035 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, between the baulk and north of the wall, uniform fill, -3,8/-4.55 m. 20-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 158. Other Nos: ΑΕ 695 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769: Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6035 CT, Λ 6057 CΤΡ, ΠΧ 2156, ΠΧ 2489. Katsioti 2011, 415, no. 137, ΚΥ, without impressed circlets, from Nissyros. See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1754, pl. 30, second half of 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 218, 233-234, no. 193, 239, pls 40, 43, first half of 5th c., all from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 233, no. 3540, pl. 56, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 276, nos 419.4, 420.1, figs 364-367, second half of 4th c., from Argos; Marki, Angelkou, Cheimonopoulou 2010, 210, fig. 2b, from Louloudies; Kuzmanov 1992, 30, 92, no. 190, from the Archaeological Museum in Sofia.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 64 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1505 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, panel with herringbone in back, pointed end flanked by small circles. Discus: 16-pointed petalled rosette with short petals, framing ring. Rim: panels with incised branch, eight small circles. Nozzle sides triple grooved. Base: two circles. Plaster mould. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.07, H. 0.023 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Unknown Provenance. Remarks: See Βöttger 2002, 257, no. 3994, pl. 67, 360-390; Perlzweig 1961, 150, nos 1681, 1692, 1694, 1695, 1698, 1707, pl. 30 second quarter and second half of the 4th c. and Karivieri 1996a, 220, no. 199, pl. 41, 233, no. 239, pl. 43 first half of the 5th c., from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 59, no. 273, pl. 12, second half of the 4th c., from Kenchreai. For the decoration of the shoulder, see Karivieri 1996a, 70.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 65 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2548 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus missing. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 21-petalled rosette, framing ring. Nozzle sides grooved. Rim: relatively narrow, plain. Base: within incised circle, traces of incision (signature ?). Dimensions: L. 0.11, W. 0.083, H. 0.038 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian Basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. Spaces Χ-ΧΙΙΙ (floor of marble inlay, in south annex). 1967 (?) Excav. Diary: 33, p. 284-285. Ill.: 53


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Cf. Stamatiadis plot at Pigadia-Karpathos, Archaeological Museum, ΠΧ 1515, unpublished, second half of the 4th c. See Βöttger 2002, 232, no. 3517, pl. 55, nos 3518 to 3529, 350-360, 258, no. 4005, pl. 68, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Karivieri 1996a, 235-236, no. 245, pl. 36, late 4th-early 5th c., no. 247, pl. 21, late 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Eleftheratou 2006, 88, no. 226, late 4th c., from Athens; Fabbricotti 2001, no. 111, pl. VII, first half of the 5th c.; Lindros Wohl 1981, 131-132, no. 23, fig. 4, pl. 34, late 4th-early 5th c., larger and with variations, with or without circlets on the shoulder, from Isthmia; Pingiatoglou 2005, 67-68, P20, P21, pl. 28, 4th c., from Dion, found with coins of Constantine and Valentinian; Lerat 1954, no. 107, pl. IX.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 66 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2138 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Concretion and salts. Part of handle and rim preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with wide concavity on base. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: narrow, plain. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.068 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papastamatis plot; end of Pindou and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. South part of more recent wall B. 15-5-1963. Excav. Diary: 8, p. 68 ff. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 465-466; Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594; Konstantinopoulos 1966, 449. Remarks: Cf. Π 2668, A. See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1754, pl. 30, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 255-256, nos 3958, 3964, 3967 R, pls 66-67, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Pingiatoglou 2005, 67-68, nos P20, P21, pl. 28, 4th c., from Dion; Marki, Cheimonopoulou, Angelkou 2010, 210, fig. 2b, from Louloudies; Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1988, 369, no. 1016, pl. 154, from Aquileia; Iványi 1935, 97, no. 869, pl. XXXV, 1.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 67 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2917 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/6, fragile. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, where flaked. Poorly fired. Concretion here and there on the surface. Trace of burning at nozzle. Part of the discus missing. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: 11-petalled rosette. Rim: a pair of bands merging into a pair of circles at each side of the handle and nozzle. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: two circles. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.069, H. 0.031 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Panagos plot; Al. Panagouli (Prince Alexias) Street. Wall between tomb 2 and 3. 29-41982. Excav. Diary: 166, p. 163. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1713, pl. 30.37, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Bovon, no. 541, pl. 14, late 4th c., from Argos; Fritzilas 2010, 323, fig. 4ηθ, K, 5th c., from Sparta; Marki, Cheimonopoulou, Angelkou 2010, 210, fig. 2b, from Louloudies; Miltner 1937, no. 93, pl. I, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 68 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2622 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, eroded Trace of burning at nozzle. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 13-pointed petalled rosette, framing ring. Nozzle: sides indicated by double grooves, above three dots either side of the nozzle. Rim: narrow, double grooved. Base: three incised circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.106, W. 0.077, H. 0.025 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Area Β. 3-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 82. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363. Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1713, pl. 30, 37, mid 4th c. Βöttger 2002, 232, no. 3517, pl. 55, 350-360, 258, no. 4005, pl. 68, 360-390 and Karivieri 1996a, 220, no. 198, pl. 34, late 4th-early 5th c. 236, no. 247, pl. 21, late 4th c., the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos. Felten 1975, 61, no. 27, pl. 16, 4th c., from Aegina. Coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641) are from the fill of Area B.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 69 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2649 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: not visible. Slip: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Concretion in patches. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with wide concavity to base. Discus: 16-pointed petalled rosette (composite rosette). Rim: narrow, hatched band. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: within two circles, incision. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.066, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 7. 25-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 110. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠΧ 2960. See Karivieri 1996a, 221, no. 201, pl. 41, base with K, first half of 5th c., no. 202, pl. 36, base with T, second to third quarters of 5th c., and Βöttger 2002, 257, no. 4002, pl. 68, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Broneer 1930, 229, no. 952, pl. XIV, K, from Corinth.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 70 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2670 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, under-fired. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, in some places flaking away, in others flaked off. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 15-petalled rosette. Rim: plain. Base: within two circles, signature incised (?) Α. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.104, W. 0.087, H. 0.035 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Ill.: 54 Plate: 42 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2997 with almond-shaped base, Π 2671, signed with an X, comparable decoration, tall body, thick-walled structure. A rosette in the discus and plain, unpanelled, shoulder is not recorded in the repertoire of workshop A (Perlzweig 1961, 29-30; Karivieri 1996a, 84). See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1754, pl. 30, second half of the 4th c. and Βöttger 2002, 256, no. 3964, pl. 67, base ΘΕ, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; on both the plain shoulder is much narrower. Miltner 1937, no. 95, pl. I, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 71 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2303 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 4/6. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: rosette, incised framing circle. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Malliaka-Demosiou plot; Romanou Melodou and Agion Anargiron Streets. Trench Ι, square Ε4, -0.05/-1 m. 21-7-1998. Excav. Diary: 276, p. 232. Other Nos: ΑΕ 182 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1997, 1083; Fantaoutsaki 1998, 933-935; Fantaoutsaki 2000, 1120-1122; Fantaoutsaki 2004, 31-51. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1515, Stamatiadis plot, Pigadia, Karpathos, Archaeological Museum, second half of 4th c. See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1754, pl. 30, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 234, no. 3558, pl. 57, 350360, from the Kerameikos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 72 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2482 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: narrow, plain. Nozzle sides double grooved. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.035 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; P. Melas and Diagoridon Streets. Surface fill, to -1.45 m. 3-4-1965. Excav. Diary: 13α, p. 257. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1515, Stamatiadis plot, Pigadia, Karpathos, Archaeological Museum, second half of 4th c. See Perlzweig 1961, 151, no. 1754, pl. 30, second half of 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 236, no. 247, pl. 21, ONA, late 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 255-256, no. 3958, pl. 67, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Pingiatoglou 2005, 67-68, nos P20, P21, pl. 28, 4th c., from Dion.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 73 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2489 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: weak red, 10 R 5/4. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: rosette with pointed petals, framing ring. Rim: plain, handle flanked by small circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.072 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; P. Mela and Diagoridon Streets. Fill -1.45 m. and below. 17-3-1965. Excav. Diary: 13α, p. 187. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6035 CT, CTΠ Λ 6057, Λ 6025, ΠΧ 2156. See Βöttger 2002, 234, no. 3549, pl. 57, 350-360, from the Kerameikos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 74 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6286 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Restored. Chipped. Handle: solid double grooved. Discus: rays, framing ring. Rim: plain, panels with incised branch. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature M Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, W. 0.068, H. 0.032 m. Date: 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soulounia plot; side-street off Amerikis. North of wall 3. 7-5-1981. Excav. Diary: 154, p. 31. Other Nos: ΑΕ 47 Ill.: 55 Plate: 43 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1983, 388. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2590. For signature M, see parallels in Βöttger 2002, 265, no. 4160, 390-415, 273, no. 4428, pl. 74, 360-415, from the Kerameikos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 75 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2997 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8, with a little mica. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Part of discus and base missing. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved, merges into wide concavity in base. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: plain, panelled. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: teardrop-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.068, H. 0.032 m. Date: Mid 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and north part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Ill.: 55a Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Π 2670 Α, Π 2671 Χ. See Βöttger 2002, 293, no. 4687, pl. 81, ΧΙΟΝΗC, mid 5th c., from the Kerameikos; Miltner 1937, no. 95, pl. I, from Ephesus. The almond-shaped base indicates a date in the 5th c. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 76 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2668α Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, light orange-yellow from the firing. Unglazed. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Chipped. Handle: solid, triple grooved, wide concavity on base. Discus: 14-petalled rosette, framing circle. Nozzle sides double grooved. Rim: narrow, plain, panelled with three vertical incisions. Handle and nozzle flanked by four small circles. Base: within two tearshaped grooves, signature Α.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.066, H. 0.031 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Plate: 44 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. Π 2635, Π 2668β, Π 2669, all Α, from same workshop. See Perlzweig 1961, no. 1754, 151, pl. 30, second half of the 4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 256-257, no. 3972, pl. 67, base with A, from 360 to 390, the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos respectively; Bruneau 1965, no. 4684, pl. 32, base with KY, no. 4683, pl. 32, 4th c., from Delos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 77 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2668β Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Unglazed. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, wide concavity to base. Discus: 14-petalled rosette, framing circle. Nozzle sides double grooved. Rim: narrow, panelled with three vertical incisions. Handle and nozzle flanked by four small circles. Base: within two tearshaped grooves, signature Α. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.066, H. 0.031 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Plate: 45 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. Π 2668α, Π 2635, Π 2669, all Α, from the same workshop, with observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 78 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2624 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Partial concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus and lower body missing. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 16-petalled rosette, framing circle. Rim: narrow, panels with incised branch, eight small circles. Nozzle: sides double grooved. Base: within two circles incised branch. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.073, H. 0.038 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Area Β. 3-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 82. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. Π 2695. See Perlzweig 1961, 150-151, nos 1681, 1737, pl. 30, second half of the 4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 257, nos 3988, 3990, 3994, pl. 67, no. 3998, pl. 68, 360-390, and Karivieri 1996a, 232, no. 234, pl. 33, late 4th c., from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Clement 1970, 165, pl. 134, late 4th c., from Isthmia; Arapogianni 1993, 176, no. 561, fig. 63, mid 4th c., from Brexiza; Sussman 2008, 228, 269, no. 65, second half of 4th to mid 5th c., from Caesarea Maritima (probably erroneously referred to as North African). From the fill of space B were recovered coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 79 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1927 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red. Fragment of discus and shoulder. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain, panels with incised branch. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.057, Wpres. 0.048 m. Date: Early 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, fill below early Christian removal of relics, -2.50 m. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 219. Other Nos: ΑΕ 190 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 137, no. 1181 (with plain discus, panel and a single filling hole), 1182 (with a branch on the panel and a ring around the filling hole), pl. 24 and generally nos 1181-1197, second half of 3rd-first half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 192, no. 2390, pl. 42, third quarter of 3rd c., 193, no. 2398, pl. 42, early 4th c., from the Kerameikos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 80 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3201 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, with inclusions and mica. Unglazed. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: plain, framing ring. Nozzle: sides indicated by double grooves. Rim: plain (?), panelled. Base: incised circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.07 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, ΟΤΕ Works; Kyprou Square. Near Temple of Aphrodite. Between the Ephorate storerooms and the Temple of Aphrodite. 5-2-1968. Remarks: See Karivieri 1996a, 197, no. 118, pl. 35, late 4th-early 5th c., no. 119, pl. 38, first half of the 5th c., no. 120, pl. 46, mid to third quarter of 5th c. and Βöttger 2002, 260, no. 4069, pl. 69, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos respectively.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 81 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1984 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6. Trace of burning. Part of body and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in herringbone/incised branch pattern. Discus: plain, framing ring. Rim: plain, handle and nozzle flanked by four small circles. Nozzle: sides double grooved. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.087, Wpres. 0.05, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 13-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 341. Other Nos: ΑΕ 465 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. AK 2345, from a grave at Flaskas on Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos. See Perlzweig 1961, 137, no. 1206, pl. 25 K, second half of 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 197, no. 119, pl. 38, first half of 5th c.; Βöttger 2002, 89, no. 3608, pl. 58 A, 350-360, from the Kerameikos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 82 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2143 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of base, shoulder and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: plain, triple framing ring. Rim: plain. Nozzle sides grooved (?). Base: two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.066, Wpres. 0.052, H. 0.029 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papachristodoulou plot; Ethnarchou Makariou Street. From the area of the sewer. 17-5-1961. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 275-278. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 137, no. 1206, pl. 25, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 260, no. 4069, pl. 69, ΘΕ, 360-390, from Kerameikos; Kouveli 2010, 623, fig. 61, first half of 4th c., from Athens; Broneer 1930, 212, no. 787, pl. XIII, panels with herringbone, from Corinth; Kallintzi, Chrysafi 2010, 393, figs 4f-5c, 3rd-4th c., from Abdera.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 83 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2319 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder preserved. Discus: plain (?), figured (?). Rim: plain, hatched panels; double framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, G. Pipinos plot; Grammou and Vas. Herakliou Streets. Trench Β1 - cut between wall 1 and under layer 1, 2nd ‘pass’. 16-9-1998. Excav. Diary: 394, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 88 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1997, 1082; Bairami 1998, 933; Bairami 2000, 1122-1123.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 84 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2022 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 ΥR 6/4. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6. Incompletely fired. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved merging to two, with broad ending to handle at base. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Rim: groups of globules either side of the handle, in the middle and both sides of the nozzle. Nozzle set off from rim by transverse ridge. Base: five concentric circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.107, W. 0.078, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill or rectangular space, east of the excavation area. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 5-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 307. Other Nos: ΑΕ 268 Ill.: 56 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 114, no. 1200, pl. 24, impressed circlets on shoulder panelled, with herringbone, second half of the 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 192, nos 2376, 2387, pl. 42, plain shoulder, 337-350, from the Kerameikos; Kouveli 2010, 623, fig. 61, first half of the 4th c., from Athens.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 85 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2549 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning at nozzle. Part of upper portion and nozzle preserved Discus: narrow, plain. Rim: almost flat and even, vine pattern of leaves and clusters. Nozzle: groove from air-to wick hole, sides double grooved. Traces on interior of finger impressions of the artisan. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063. Date: Late 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian Basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. Spaces Χ-ΧΙΙΙ (floor of marble inlay, in south annex) 1967 (?) Excav. Diary: 33, p. 284-285. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 1999, 299-30, Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 147, no. 1570, pl. 28, last quarter of 4th c. and Βöttger 2002, 260, no. 4064, pl. 69, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Oikonomou 1988, 495, no. 91, fig. 8, Corinthian or Argive imitating Attic, 6th c., from Argos; Garnett 1975, 205, no. 45, pl. 44, Corinthian imitation of Attic, mid 5th to mid 6th c., from Corinth; Bovon 1966, no. 677, from Argos; also Miltner 1937, nos 582, 643, pl. IV, nos 817, 828, pl. V, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 86 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2299 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain, framing ring. Rim: tendrils and clusters (?). Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.037 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Malliakas-Demosiou plot; Romanou Melodou and Agion Anargiron Streets. Trench Β, extension to the east, -1.8/ -2.2 m. 24-9-1997. Excav. Diary: 309, p. 323. Other Nos: ΑΕ 19 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1997, 1083; Fantaoutsaki 1998, 933-935; Fantaoutsaki 2000, 1120-1122; Fantaoutsaki 2004, 31-51.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 87 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6075 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/4. Slip: reddishbrown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Handle, part of discus, body and base preserved. Flaked. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: plain. Rim: wavy lines. Base: within two circles, signature K Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071, H. 0.034 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 1, fill, 2nd level. 14-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 214. Other Nos: ΑΕ 113 Plate: 46 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 3038. Often the ΚΥ workshop has the signature K, if this is indeed the workshop of Kyrax, cf. ΠΧ 2284 KY, ΠΧ 2055 KY, ΠΧ 1228 K and possibly ΠΧ 2557 K; Katsioti 2011, 415, no. 137, KY, from Nissyros.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps See Perlzweig 1961, 140-141, nos 1332-1361, pl. 26, second half-late 4th c.; Karivieri 1996, 199-200, no. 131 ΘΕ, 126, 129, A, pl. 1.38, first half of 5th c., all from the Athenian Agora; Grigoropoulos 2005, 179, no 8913, fig. 132, from Piraeus. Warner Slane 1990, 35, no. 57, pl. 5, third quarter of 4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 236, no. 3600, CT, pl. 57, 350-360; Broneer 1977, 77, no. 2998, pl. 33, from Isthmia; Williams 1981, 66, no. 347, pl. 16, 4th-5th c., from Kenchreai; Broneer 1930, 214, no. 800, A, pl. XIII, 213, no. 799, fig. 146, from Corinth; Koutoussaki 2008, 247, no. 340.1, fig. 304, late 4th-first half of 5th c., from Argos; Bruneau 1965, 137, no. 4677, pl. 32, 4th c., from Delos; Roumeliotis 2001, 261, no. 15, pl. 5.15, from Kardamena on Kos; Levina 1982, no. 63, from the Crimea; Bernhard 1955, 326, no. 316, pl. XCI, 3rd c.; Thöne 2004, 101, no. 200, pl. 25, second half of 4th c.; Gualandi Genito 1977, 148, no. 363, pl. 49.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 88 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3038 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, somewhat flaking away. Trace of burning at nozzle. Large flake at handle. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with wide concavity at base. Discus: plain. Rim: wavy lines. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: within two circles, five circlets in form of a cross. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.073, H. 0.034 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom; excavations during the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6075 Κ, with observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 89 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2996 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and base missing. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with wide concavity at base. Discus: plain, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides grooved, flanked by small circles. Base: narrow, two incised circles. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.078, H. 0.039 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and north part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Ill.: 57 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 3012, ΠΧ 2995, Λ 2913. Also ΠΧ 1076, from the Early Christian basilica at Partheni, Leros Archaeological Museum. See Perlzweig 1961, 141, no. 1374, pl. 26, second half of the 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 235, no. 3590, pl. 57, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 65, no. 336, pl. 15, late 4th c., from Kenchreai; Thöne 2004, 104-105, nos 207, 208, pls 26-27, second half of 4th c. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 90 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3012 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 5/8, with a little mica. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: plain (?). Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.084 m. Date: Probably second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square, Area Α2, -2.6 m. 10-8-1992. Excav. Diary: 19,1, p. 219. Other Nos: ΑΕ 124 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675677. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2995. Also ΠΧ 1076, from the Early Christian basilica of Partheni, Leros, Archaeological Museum. See Perlzweig 1961, 141, nos 1374, 1375, ΚΥ, pl. 26, second half of the 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 235, no. 3590, pl. 57, 350-360, from the Kerameikos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 91 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6074 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6. Trace of burning. Half with handle missing. Discus: rays, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature T Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063, H. 0.029 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, central part and baulk of layer ζ, -4.20/-4.50 m. 194-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 139. Other Nos: ΑΕ 618 Plate: 47 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6051, ΠΧ 2019, ΠΧ 2139, ΠΧ 2205, ΠΧ 2277, ΠΧ 2527, Π 2648, ΠΧ 1524, Λ 2918 ΧΙΟΝΗC. See Perlzweig 1961, 148, no. 1610, pl. 29, second half of 4th c.; Karivieri 1996, 209, no. 164, pl. 32, late 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 252, no. 3876, E, pl. 65, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 220, no. 282 ΘΕ, 283 K, fig. 250-251, second half of 4th-first half of 5th c., from Argos; Thöne 2004, 99-100, nos 196, 197, pl. 25, second half of 4th c. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 92 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2913 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete; some flakes. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with wide concavity at base. Discus: plain, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle: flanked by small circles, sides grooved. Base: tear-shaped grooves. Plaster mould. Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.065, H. 0.028 m. Date: Mid 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Papastamatiou plot; K. Tsaldari and Athinon Streets. Fill down to floor. Tomb 8. 12-1-1984. Excav. Diary: 189, p. 57.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Other Nos: ΑΕ 30 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1983, 389. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 3012, Λ 6074 type Also ΠΧ 1076, from the Early Christian basilica of Partheni on Leros; from Leros Archaeological Museum. See Perlzweig 1961, 187, no. 2702, pl. 42, mid 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996a, 201, no. 136, pl. 11, ΚΥ, mid 5th c.; Βöttger 2002, 284, nos 4568, 4573, pl. 78, mid 5th c., from the Kerameikos; Butcher 1982, 141, 146, no. 505, pl. 6.1, third quarter of 5th c., from Thorikos; Williams 1981, 65, no. 336, pl. 15, late 4th c., from Kenchreai; Koutoussaki 2008, 224-225, no. 291, figs 261263, first half of 5th c., from Argos; Thöne 2004, 104-105, nos 207-208, pls 26-27, second half of 4th c. In the fill of Tomb 8 were found coins NP 928-938, the latest of Theodosius I (379-395).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 93 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2995 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and base missing. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with wide concavity at base. Discus: plain, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: almond shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.074, H. 0.038 m. Date: First half of the 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and north part, layer of debris -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 3012, Λ 6074 Τ, Λ 2913, with observations and parallels. Also ΠΧ 1076, from the Early Christian basilica of Partheni, Leros, Archaeological Museum. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 E, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, the ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 94 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2195 Type/ Category: Attic (?). North African type. Clay analysis: NAA: area of Aeolis or Ionia (??). XRF: Attica (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Unglazed. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: plain, with grooves that merge with the nozzle. Five holes. Rim: blurred and distorted decoration. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079, Wpres. 0.062 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Α, stairs of cistern. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1876, ΠΧ 2294, ΠΧ 2446, ΠΧ 2565, imitations of North African lamps, Hayes type 1. See Gerousi 2013, 106, no. 135, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 95 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2037 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Concretion. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle, discus, shoulder and base preserved. Restored. Discus: plain, two holes. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, Wpres. 0.058, H. 0.032 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Square Γ3 - Γ4. ‘Tholos’ 2, layer 4 - 4α. 16-12-1987. Excav. Diary: 262, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 1449. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: See Karivieri 1996a, 202, no. 140, pl. 45, first half of the 6th c., from the Athenian Agora. Grigoropoulos 2005, 179, no 8909, fig. 130a, from Piraeus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 96 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2527 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8, flaking away. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle missing. Restored. Handle: solid, double grooved with incised branch, ending in relief leaf. Discus: rays. Rim: herringbone, framing ring. Base: incised circle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09, W. 0.071, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6051, Λ 6074 T, ΠΧ 2019, ΠΧ 2139, ΠΧ 2205, ΠΧ 2277, Π 2648, ΠΧ 1524, Λ 2918 ΧΙΟΝΗC. See Perlzweig 1961, 148, no. 1610, pl. 29, A, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 252, no. 3873, Y, pl. 65, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 220, no. 282, ΘΕ, 283 K, figs 250-251, second half of 4th-first half of 5th c., from Argos; Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 56-57, no. 229, KY, 4th c.; Thöne 2004, 99-100, nos 196, 197, pl. 25, second half of 4th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 97 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6051 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: dark reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 3/4. Complete, flaked. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in relief leaf. Discus: curved rays, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle: groove from air to wick hole flanked by small circles, sides double grooved. Base: two circles. Plaster mould. Dimensions: L. 0.105, W. 0.077, H. 0.34 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and north part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 672 Ill.: 58 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6074 Τ, ΠΧ 2019, ΠΧ 2139, ΠΧ 2205, ΠΧ 2277, ΠΧ 2527, Π 2648, ΠΧ 1524, Λ 2918 ΧΙΟΝΗC


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Rhodian Lamps See Perlzweig 1961, 154, no. 1856, pl. 31, rosette on discus, mid 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 209, 210, nos 164, 168, KY, pl. 32, 44, late 4th c., second or third quarter of 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 252, no. 3873, Y, pl. 65, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 220, no. 282 ΘΕ, 283 K, figs 250-251, second half of 4th-first half of 5th c., from Argos; Lindros Wohl 1981, 132, no. 24, pl. 35, second half of 4th c., from Isthmia. Found along with the lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6052, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, the ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 98 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6071 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Parts of base and shoulder missing. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: curved rays, double framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: within two circles incised branch. Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.073, H. 0.036 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south-west part, -4.05/ -4.30 m. 4/7-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 111. Other Nos: ΑΕ 569 Ill.: 59 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6050, ΠΧ 2215, ΠΧ 2226, ΠΧ 2389, ΠΧ 2558 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, ΠΧ 2745 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, Π 2695, ΠΧ 2961, ΠΧ 1505, ΠΧ 1228 Κ, Π 2669. See Perlzweig 1961, 154, nos 1871, 1889, 1992, 1912, pl. 31, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 252, no. 3873, Y, pl. 65, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 59, no. 272, pl. 12, second half of 4th c., from Kenchreai; Broneer 1930, 229, no. 952, K, pl. XIV, from Corinth; Lazaridis 1965, 16, pl. 9b, from Nea Anchialos; Zachariadis 2011, 194-195, no. 95, mid 5th c., from the Agora of Thessaloniki; Tzevreni 2011, 231-232, no. 154, 4th-5th c., from the excavation of the Thessaloniki water supply pipeline II; Miltner 1937, 110, no. 85 KY, 86 K, pl. 1 from Ephesus; Sussman 2008, 228, no. 64, A, 4th c., from Caesarea Maritima.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 99 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2918 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/4. Slip: reddishbrown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Concretion here and there on surface. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: 19 rays. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle: groove from air-to wick hole, sides double grooved. Base: within circle, signature ΧΙΟ/ΝΗC. Dimensions: W. 0.07, H. 0.04 m. Date: Early 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Panagos plot; Al. Panagouli (Pringipissis Alexias) Street. Tombs 2-3. 29-4-1982. Excav. Diary: 166, p. 163. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. perhaps Λ 6022, from same workshop (?). ΠΧ 1228 K, with twisted petals. See Perlzweig 1961, 154, no. 1918, pl. 32, ΧΙΟΝΗC, second half of the 4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 280, no. 4515, pl. 76, XIONHC, mid 5th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 216, no. 187, pls 17-18, ΧΙΟΝ[ΗC], second half of the 5th c., 231-232, no. 233, pl. 21, XIO/NHC, mid 5th c., all from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Sussman 2008, 228, 269, no. 64, A, mid 4th to 5th c., from Caesarea Maritima; Ivantchik 2002, 362-374, nos 18-24, 31, 51, 59, 70, 72, figs 7-12, including, CT, XIONHC, early 5th c., local imitations from Argos. Sodini, Bommelaer 1969, fig. 11, from Argos.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 100 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1524 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning at nozzle. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: forked rays, ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle: sides double grooved flanked by two globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Early Christian Basilica of Archangel Michael (Demirli), Athenas Square. 15-5-1987. Excav. Diary: 21, p. 261. Other Nos: ΑΕ 407. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos 1991, 333-337. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 148, no. 1610, pl. 29, A on base, second half of the 4th c., and Βöttger 2002, 252, no. 3870, pl. 64, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 220-221, nos 282-283, second half of 4th c., fig. 250 and Sodini, Bommelaer 1969, fig. 11, from Argos; Miltner 1937, no. 87, pl. I, from Ephesus; Zachariadis 2011, 192, no. 90, second half of 4th c., from the Odeion of Thessaloniki.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 101 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2205 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with broad concavity ending in two circlets. Discus: forked rays. Rim: herringbone. Base: two circles. Plaster mould. Incomplete joining of the two mould halves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063, H. 0.034 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6051, Λ 6074 Τ, ΠΧ 2019, ΠΧ 2139, ΠΧ 2277, ΠΧ 2527, Π 2648, ΠΧ 1524, Λ 2918 ΧΙΟΝΗC. See Perlzweig 1961, 148, no. 1641, pl. 29, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 252, nos 3870, 3873 Y, 3876 ΘΕ, 252, pl. 64-65, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 220-221, no. 282 ΘΕ, 283 K, figs 250-251, second half of 4thfirst half of 5th c. and Sodini, Bommelaer 1969, fig. 11, from Argos; Lindros Wohl 1981, 132, no. 24, pl. 35, second half of 4th c., from Isthmia.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 102 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2139 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 YR 5/8. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: forked rays. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papastamatis plot; end of Pindou and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. Area 2. 6-11-1964. Excav. Diary: 12α, p. 286. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 465-466; Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594; Konstantinopoulos 1966, 449. Remarks: See Sodini, Bommelaer 1969, fig. 11, from Argos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 103 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2648 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: unfired. Presence of ash from firing. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6. Almost completely covered by concretion. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 26 forked rays. Two round cavities by the nozzle. Framing ring, wide channel to nozzle. Rim: herringbone. Base: within two circles, incised branch. Dimensions: L. 0.106, W. 0.064, H. 0.035 m. Date: First half of the 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 7. 25-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 110. Ill.: 60 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: For the decoration and the channel, with less elongated shape, see Karivieri 1996a, 212, no. 174, pl. 1, base E, first half of 5th c., from the Athenian Agora.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 104 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2277 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, 10 R 6/8. Concretion. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: rays; framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: Mid or second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, Tomb 2, 2nd and 3rd ‘passes’. 3-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 69. Other Nos: ΑΕ 306 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6051, Λ 6074 Τ, ΠΧ 2019, ΠΧ 2139, ΠΧ 2205, ΠΧ 2527, Π 2648, ΠΧ 1524, Λ 2918 ΧΙΟΝΗC. See Perlzweig 1961, 148, no. 1606, pl. 29, CTP, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 252, nos 3870, 3873 Y, 3876 ΘΕ, pls 64-65, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 220, no. 282 ΘΕ, 283 K, figs 250-251, second half of 4th-first half of 5th c., from Argos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 105 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2019 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: similar. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: tooled, double grooved. Discus: rays. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. North of wall, fill west of structure ΧΙ. 2-8-1990. Excav. Diary: 304, p. 136. Other Nos: ΑΕ 337 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6051, Λ 6074 Τ, ΠΧ 2139, ΠΧ 2205, ΠΧ 2277, ΠΧ 2527, Π 2648, ΠΧ 1524, Λ 2918 ΧΙΟΝΗC. See Perlzweig 1961, 148, no. 1606, pl. 29 CTP, mid 4th c. from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 252, nos 3870, 3876, pl. 64-65, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Sodini, Bommelaer 1969, fig. 11, from Argos. Miltner 1937, 110, no. 87, pl. 1, from Ephesus; Thöne 2004, 99-100, nos 196, 197, pl. 25, second half of 4th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 106 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2744 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning. Part of the upper portion of the body missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: 12-petalled rosette, globules between the petals, framing circle. Rim: wavy lines. Nozzle: sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature ΕΥ Dimensions: Lpres. 0.112, W. 0.078, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the period of Italian Rule. Ill.: 61 Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2020, ΠΧ 2067, Λ 2555, ΠΧ 1215. For the signature, cf. ΠΧ 1535 ΕΥ, ΠΧ 2065 ΕΥ. See Perlzweig 1961, 153, no. 1839, pl. 31, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Koutoussaki 2008, 243-245, nos 332.1, 333.1, figs 298, 299; second half of 4th-first half of 5th c., from Argos; Pingiatoglou 2005, 68-69, nos P22, P23, P24, pls 28, 29, 3rd4th c., from Dion; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 46, fig. 43, 5th-6th c., from Samos; Bass, van Doorninck Jr. 1971, 36, KY, fig. 31, early 5th c., from the wreck of Yassi Ada II. See also Βöttger 2002, 231-232, nos 3485, 3486, 3489, 3499, 3504, pl. 55, 350-360, and 253-254, nos 3891, 3893, 3903, 3904, 3933, pls 65-66, 360-390, all from the same workshop; Karivieri 1996a, 101, lamp from the workshop with similar decoration from the Kerameikos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 107 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2020 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/8. Unglazed. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, wide concavity at base. Discus: rosette. Rim: wavy lines. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.04 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill between walls 1 and 2. 17-12-1987. Excav. Diary: 220, p. 228. Other Nos: Excavation bag 1 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2067, ΠΧ 2744 ΕΥ, Λ 2555, ΠΧ 1215. See Perlzweig 1961, 153, no. 1832 ΕΥΔΩ, 1839, pl. 31, second half of 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 224, no. 210, pl. 18, ΧΙΟ/NHC, second half of 5th c.; Βöttger 2002, 253, nos 3891, 3899, 3909, 3910, pl. 65, 360-390; Koutoussaki 2008, 243-245, nos 332.1, 333.1, figs 298, 299, second half of 4th-first half of 5th c., from Argos; Pingiatoglou 2005, 68, no. P23, pl. 29, 3rd-4th c., from Dion; Bruneau 1965, 138, no. 4678, pl. 32, 4th c., from Delos; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 67, no. L16, pl. VII, second half of 4th c., from Thassos; PoulouPapadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 43, figs 48-49, second half of 4th c., from Samos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 108 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2555 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: yellowishred, 5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning at nozzle. Front part preserved. Discus: 12-petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: wavy lines. Nozzle set off from rim by transverse grooves. Base: three incised circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07, W. 0.72, H. 0.03 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city (?), (possibly) Early Christian Basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Melas and Cheimarras Streets. Central aisle under the older floor. Or perhaps from the area of Kallithea. 12-3-1971. Excav. Diary: 33 and 36 (?)


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 1999, 299-30, Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1215. See Perlzweig 1961, 153, no. 1848, pl. 31, second half of the 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 219, no. 197, pl. 41, a half of the 5th c., and Βöttger 2002, 253-254, no. 3913, ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, no. 3921, pl. 36, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Eleftheratou 2006, 89, no. 228, late 4th c., from Athens; Broneer 1977, 77, no. 3012, pl. 33, from the Isthmia; Bémont, Chew 2007, 372, 518, no. 6 GR, pl. 93, late 4th-early 5th c., from the Saône-et-Loire.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 109 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1215 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8. Unglazed. Trace of burning on nozzle. The upper part of the body preserved. Discus: 10-petalled rosette, ring. Rim: wavy lines. Nozzle: groove from air-to wick hole flanked by small circles, sides grooved. Trace of finger-imprints of the craftsman. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Tomb 9. 21-61988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 288. Other Nos: ΑΕ 63 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2555. See Perlzweig 1961, 153, nos 1832, 1839, pls 31, 37, second half of 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 223, no. 207, pls 41-42, first half of the 5th c., 227, no. 219, pl. 42, second quarter to mid 5th c. and Βöttger 2002, 253, nos 3891, 3899, 3909, 3910, pl. 65, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Eleftheratou 2006, 88, no. 227, second half of 4th c., from Athens; Bruneau 1965, no. 4678, pl. 32, ΧΙΟ/ΝΗC on base, 4th c., from Delos; Thöne 2004, 101, no. 199, pl. 25.8, KY, second half of 4th c.; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 67, no. L16, pl. VII, second half of 4th c., from Thassos; Pingiatoglou 2005, 68-69, P23, P24, pl. 29, 3rd-4th c., from Dion; Bémont, Chew 2007, 372, 518, no. 6, GR, pl. 93, late 4th-early 5th c., from the Saône-et-Loire.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 110 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2067 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Slip: light red, 10 R 6/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette. Rim: wavy lines. Nozzle sides double grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.069 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Agios Athanasios. Trench Α, earth removal, -0.9 m. 1912-1990. Other Nos: ΑΕ 3 Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2020, ΠΧ 2744 ΕΥ, Λ 2555, ΠΧ 1215. See Perlzweig 1961, 153, no. 1832, pl. 31, ΕΥΔΩ, second half of 4th c. (= Karivieri 1996a, 227, no. 219, pl. 42, first half of the 6th c.); Βöttger 2002, 261-262, no. 4094, pl. 70, 360-390; Koutoussaki 2008, 243-245, nos 332.1, 333.1, figs 298, 299, second half of 4th-first half of 5th c., from Argos; Pingiatoglou 2005, 68, no. P22, pl. 28, 3rd-4th c., from Dion; Bémont, Chew 2007, 372, 518, no. 6 GR, pl. 93, second half of 4th c., from the Saône-et-Loire; Bruneau 1965, 138, no. 4678, pl. 32, 4th c., from Delos; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 67, no. L16, pl. VII, second half of 4th c., from Thassos; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 602, no. 43, figs 48-49, second half of 4th c., from Samos; Thöne 2004, 101, no. 199, pl. 25, KY, second half of 4th c.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 111 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2960 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder and discus preserved. Restored. Discus: rosette with pointed petals. Rim: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.065 m. Date: Probably second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, southwest corner, layer of rubbish debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 675 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Π 2649, ΠΧ 1505. See Karivieri 1996a, 221, no. 201, pl. 41, K, first half of 5th c., 221, no. 202, pl. 36, T, second to third quarter of 5th c. and Βöttger 2002, 257, no. 4002, pl. 68, 360-390, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos respectively; Broneer 1930, 229, no. 952, pl. XIV, from Corinth.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 112 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2961 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/4. Slip: to grey. Handle preserved, parts of shoulder and discus. In two unjoining pieces. Handle: solid, triple grooved, merging with wide concavity at base. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: two circles. Worn mould. Date: Probably 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Cleaning south-west of fill, sporadic and surface. 15-10-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 7. Other Nos: ΑΕ 3-5 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6071, Λ 6050, ΠΧ 2215, ΠΧ 2226, ΠΧ 2389, ΠΧ 2558 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, ΠΧ 2745 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, Π 2695, ΠΧ 1505, ΠΧ 1228 Κ, Π 2669. AK 483 from Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, on the base an incised branch. See Perlzweig 1961, 155, no. 1668, pl. 32, late 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 261, no. 4078, pl. 69, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Felten 1975, 61, no. 26, pl. 16, ΧΙΟΝΗΣ, 4th c., from Aegina; Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1988, 369, no. 1018, on base an incised branch, from Aquileia; Hagn 2000, 193, no. 15, fig. 4, 4th-5th c., from Aigeira.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 113 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2669 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 7,5 YR 5/6. Unglazed. Concretion. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, wide concavity at base. Discus: 11-petalled rosette. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: circular incision within almond-shaped one, signature incised Α. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.065, H. 0.034 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. Π 2668α, Π 2668β, Π 2635, all A, same workshop. See Perlzweig 1961, 154, no. 1912, pl. 31, no. 1915, pl. 31, A on base, second half of the 4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 250, no. 3816, pl. 63, E on base, 360-390; Karivieri 1996, 233, no. 237, pl. 43, A on base; Perlzweig 1961, 154, no. 1884, first half of 5th c., from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos respectively; Grigoropoulos 2005, 179, no 8912 fig. 130b, from Piraeus. Williams 1981, 59, no. 277, pl. 12, KY on base, second half of 4th c., from Kenchreai; Bovon 1966, no. 417, pl. 10, from Argos; Hagn 2000, 193, no. 15, fig. 4, 4th-5th c., from Aigeira; Miltner 1937, no. 88, pl. I, from Ephesus; Sussman 2008, 228, 269, no. 64, A, mid 4th to 5th c., from Caesarea Maritima; Levina 1992, no. 82, pl. T.10, from Odessa.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 114 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2215 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red 2,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8, flaking away. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid double grooved, which merges with wide concavity at base. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Base: two incised circles. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.06 m. Date: Late 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli Streets. Tench A, alongside Area H, between walls 1 and 2. layer VII. 9-10-1990. Excav. Diary: 309, p. 31. Other Nos: Excavation bag 859. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6071, Λ 6050, ΠΧ 2226, ΠΧ 2389, ΠΧ 2558 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, ΠΧ 2745 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, Π 2695, ΠΧ 2961, ΠΧ 1505, ΠΧ 1228 Κ, Π 2669. AK 483 from Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from a tomb, on base an incised branch. Cf. ΠΧ 2961 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 115 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2226 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: weak red, 10 R 4/4. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: tooled, triple grooved. Discus: rosette. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: Mid to second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Cleaning west of wall 53. 22-121979. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 99. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6071, Λ 6050, ΠΧ 2215, ΠΧ 2389, ΠΧ 2558 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, ΠΧ 2745 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, Π 2695, ΠΧ 2961, ΠΧ 1505, ΠΧ 1228 Κ, Π 2669. See Perlzweig 1961, 148, no. 1606, pl. 29, mid 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 229-230, nos 3435 E, 3446, 3461, pl. 54, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Felten 1975, 61, no. 24, pl. 16, 4th c., from Aegina.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 116 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2389 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, merges with wide concavity at base. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08 m. Date: Second half of the 4th to early 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis Street. North extension, east baulk, earth removal. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: ΑΕ 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6071, Λ 6050, ΠΧ 2215, ΠΧ 2226, ΠΧ 2558 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, ΠΧ 2745 ΘΕΟΔΟΥ[ΛΟΥ], Π 2695, ΠΧ 2961, ΠΧ 1505, ΠΧ 1228 K, Π 2669. See Perlzweig 1961, 154, nos 1871, 1918, 1960, pls 31, 32, late 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 229-230, nos 3435 E, 3446, 3450, 3452 E, pl. 54, 350-360, from the Kerameikos; Felten 1975, 61, no. 24, pl. 16, 4th c., from Aegina.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 117 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1228 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/3, to a greyish-pink, due to firing. Unglazed. Patches of concretion. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete, apart from small piece of nozzle. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: 20-curved petalled rosette, framing circle. Rim: herringbone. Handle flanked by two circles. Nozzle sides grooved, flanked by two small circles. Base: within three circles, signature Κ Dimensions: L. 0.099, W. 0.069, H. 0.033 m. Date: Early 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; the Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. Square Β3. Β. tomb 9, layer 1α. 8-101991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 275. Other Nos: Excavation bag 128, ΑΕ 171. Ill.: 62 Plate: 48 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. On the decoration Λ 2918 ΧΙΟΝΗC, with ray, Λ 6050, Λ 6071. Cf. for the shop ΠX 2284 KY, ΠΧ 2055 KY, perhaps ΠΧ 2557 K, Λ 6075 K, given that the workshop KY (Κύρακος) often uses the signature K. See Bass, van Doorninck jr 1971, pl. 3, fig. 31, on base KY, early 5th c., from the wreck of Yassi Ada II; Ricci 2001-2002, 379; Perlzweig 1961, 154, no. 1912, pl. 31, no. 1918, pl. 32, ΧΙΟΝΗC, second half of the 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 216, no. 184, pl. 40, ΕΥ/ ΚΑΡ/ΠΟΥ, second or third quarter of 5th c., 210, no. 168, pl. 44, on base KY, second or third quarter of 5th c.; Βöttger 2002, 230, no. 3476, on base K, no. 3468, on base E, pl. 54, 350-360, from the Athenian Agora and Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 59, no. 272, pl. 12, second half of the 4th c., from Kenchreai; Broneer 1930, 229, no. 952, pl. XIV, K, from Corinth; Zachariadis 2011, 194-195, no. 95, mid 5th c., from the Agora of Thessaloniki; Tzevreni 2011, 231-232, no. 154, 4th-5th c., from the excavation of Thessaloniki water supply pipeline II; Thöne 2004, nos 196, 197, pl. 25.5-6, second half of the 4th c.; Miltner 1937, no. 86, pl. I, from Ephesus; Gerousi 2013, 102, no. 126, 5th-6th c., from Perissa on Thera; Lazaridis 1965, pl. 9b, from Nea Anchialos; Sussman 2008, 228, 269, no. 64, A, mid 4th to 5th c., from Caesarea Maritima.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 118 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2745 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of body with the nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, merging with wide concavity at base. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, globules between the petals. Rim: herringbone. Base: within two circles, signature ΘΕΟ/ΔΟΥ/Λ[ΟΥ] Dimensions: Lpres. 0.074, W. 0.07, H. 0.033 m. Date: Second half of the 4th to early 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the period of Italian Rule. Plate: 49 Remarks: Cf. Λ 6071, Λ 6050, ΠΧ 2215, ΠΧ 2226, ΠΧ 2389, ΠΧ 2558 ΘΕΟ/ΔΟΥ/ΛΟΥ, Π 2695, ΠΧ 2961, ΠΧ 1505, ΠΧ 1228 Κ, Π 2669. AK 483 from Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, on base an incised branch. For the signature, see perhaps also ΠΧ 2490 ( )Ẹ See Perlzweig 1961, 154, no. 1871, pl. 31, E, second half of 4th c., 155, no. 1953, ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996a, 224-225, no. 212, pls 18-19, ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, mid 5th c., from the Kerameikos; Βöttger 2002, 250-253, nos 3810, 3811, 3828, 3885, 3890, pls 63, 65, 360-390, all from the same workshop, from the Kerameikos; Lambrinoudakis 1991, 89, fig. 133, ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, from Naxos. Also Williams 1981, 59, no. 277, KY, pl. 12, second half of 4th c., from Kenchreai; Felten 1975, 61, no. 26, pl. 16, ΧΙΟΝΗΣ, 4th c., from Aegina; Hagn 2000, 193, no. 15, fig. 4, 4th-5th c., from Aigeira; Bruneau 1965, 138, no. 4680, pl. 32, second half of 4th c., from Delos; Levina 1982, no. 82, from the Crimea.


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 119 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2558 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 7/6. Slip: weak red, 10 R 4/4. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid double grooved, which merge with the ring of the base. Discus: 17-curved petalled rosette, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: within double tear-shaped grooves, signature ΘΕΟ/ΔΟΥ/ΛΟΥ Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.071, H. 0.03 m. Date: Early 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 332. Other Nos: ΑΕ 454 Ill.: 63 Plate: 50 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6071, Λ 6050, ΠΧ 2215, ΠΧ 2226, ΠΧ 2389, ΠΧ 2745 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛ[ΟΥ], Π 2695, ΠΧ 2961, ΠΧ 1505, ΠΧ 1228 Κ, Π 2669. For the signature, cf. perhaps ΠΧ 2490 ( )Ẹ See Kamenidou 2011, 257, no. 204, ΘΕΟΔΟΥ, 5th c., from Veria in Halkidiki (probably similar); Perlzweig 1961, 155, no. 1953, ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, second half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996a, 224-225, no. 212, pls 18-19, ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, mid 5th c., from the Kerameikos; Βöttger 2002, 250-253, nos 3810, 3811, 3828, 3885, 3890, pls 63, 65, 360-390, all from the same workshop from the Kerameikos. Also Williams 1981, 59, no. 272, pl. 12, second half of 4th c., from Kenchreai; Broneer 1930, 229, no. 952 K, pl. XIV, from Corinth; Lazaridis 1965, 16, pl. 9b, from Nea Anchialos; Gerousi 2013, 88, no. 98, ΘΕΟ/ΔΟΥ/ΛΟΥ, second half of the 5th c., from Perissa on Thera; Miltner 1937, 110, nos 85 KY, 86 K, pl. 1, from Ephesus; Sussman 2008, 228, no. 64 A, 4th c., from Caesarea Maritima.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 120 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6050 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip undetectable as surface burnt. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, merging with wide concavity at base. Discus: rosette with curved petals, framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle: sides grooved flanked by small circles. Base: within almond shaped grooves, small circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.101, W. 0.071, H. 0.037 m. Date: Second half of the 4th to early 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, uniform fill between baulk and south wall, -3.80/-4.55 m. 20-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 158. Other Nos: ΑΕ 698 Ill.: 64 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6071, ΠΧ 2226, ΠΧ 2215, ΠΧ 2389, ΠΧ 2558 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, ΠΧ 2558 ΘΕΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ, Π 2695, ΠΧ 2961, ΠΧ 1505, ΠΧ 1228 Κ, Π 2226. See Perlzweig 1961, 154, no. 1871, 1912, pl. 31, second half of 4th c.; Karivieri 1996a, 218-219, no. 194, pl. 40, second or third quarter of 5th c., all from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 253, no. 3883, pl. 65, 360-390, from the Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 59, no. 272, pl. 12, second half of 4th c., from Kenchreai; Broneer 1930, 229, no. 952 K, pl. XIV, from Corinth; Zachariadis 2011, 194-195, no. 95, mid 5th c., from the Agora of Thessaloniki; Tzevreni 2011, 231-232, no. 154, 4th-5th c., from the excavation of the Thessaloniki water supply pipeline II; Miltner 1937, 110, no. 85 KY, 86 K, pl. 1, from Ephesus; Sussman 2008, 228, no. 64, A, 4th c., from Caesarea Maritima.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 121 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1225 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Unglazed. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: cross monogram, bars from an incised branch, with open Ρ to left, three holes. Broad canal at nozzle. Nozzle: double grooved. Rim: narrow, herringbone. Base: within almond-shaped grooves, incised branch in form of a cross, signature Κ and Α with vertical arm. Plaster mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.065, H. 0.034 m. Date: Mid 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; the Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. Area Δ. Room wall 3. 27-9-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 213. Other Nos: Excavation bag 93, ΑΕ 127. Ill.: 65 Plate: 51 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2122 ΚΑ. This is a free rendering, from the ΚΑΡΠΗΜΗΣ shop, of the morphological characteristics found with North African lamps, where the elongated shape and wide channel joining discus with the nozzle, combined with the Christogram, herringbone, handle and base of an Attic lamp. See Williams 1981, 63, no. 313, pl. 14, first half of the 5th c., from Kenchreai; Βöttger 2002, 291, no. 4669, pl. 81, second quarter of the 5th c. and base (unsigned), 284, no. 4573, pl. 78, mid 5th c. and Karivieri 1996a, 188, no. 88, pl. 8, CΩ, late 5th-early 6th c., no. 89, pl. 9, end of 5th-early 6th c., from the Kerameikos. Also, Karivieri 1996a, 109, fig. 17,18, KA, mid second half of the 5th c., with a similar shape but different discus; Broneer 1930, 275, no. 1363, fig. 196, from Corinth; Ioannidaki-Dostoglou 1982-1983, figs 7-8, ΧΙΟΝΗC, 5th c., the Byzantine and Christian Museum. Also, Attic lamp found in Italy, Ruggiu 1980, 130, no. 220, CΩ, 5th c. (this is for the Soterias workshop, and not CE, as the writer reads it).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 122 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1991 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, flaking away. Trace of burning. Part of discus preserved. Restored. Discus: cross monogram with closed Rho and hatched bars, at the junction of the arms is a medallion with incised cross, framing ring. Rim: tendrils (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.059 m. Date: Mid 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 178, no. 2449, pl. 39, early 5th c., from the Athenian Agora.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 123 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2295 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Handle flaked. Handle: solid. Discus: square shaped, jewelled cross with flattened arms enclosed on three sides by a double relief framing; handle and nozzle flanked by small circles. Three holes. Rim: herringbone. Base: raised ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.097, W. 0.067, H. 0.028 m.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Date: Second half of the 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter), ancient wall, area of Agios Panteleimon. From cleaning the wall. 1954. Excav. Diary: 1α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 178, no. 2454, pl. 39, on the shoulder are wavy lines, in discus a Christogram, first half of 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 292, no. 4677, pl. 81, second third of 5th c., from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 292, no. 467.8, fig. 403, first half to mid 5th c., from Argos; Warner Slane, Sanders 2005, 258, nos 2-5, fig. 7, first half of 5th-500, from Corinth.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 124 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1928 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. The lower part, the handle and a small bit of the shoulder preserved. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with broad concavity at base. Rim: herringbone. Base: within two circles, small circle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.096, Wpres. 0.061 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, fill north of early Christian relics removal, -2.40/-2.50 m, above AE 145. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 208 and p. 240. Other Nos: ΑΕ 137 and ΑΕ 222α Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 259, no. 7, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Karivieri 1996a, 181, no. 62, pl. 5. 4th-5th c., 183, no. 69, pl. 5, first half of 5th c., 172, no. 35, pl. 3, second quarter of 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Βöttger 2002, 230, no. 3452, pl. 54, 350-360, 244, no. 3715, pl. 61, 360-390, 250-251, no. 3832, pl. 63, 360-390, 262, no. 4096, pl. 70, 360-390, 262, no. 4106, pl. 70, 390-415.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 125 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6334 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6 with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Handle: with wide concavity at base. Base: within two circles, signature AΓA Dimensions: Lpres. 0.077 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, E. Sarris plot; Romanou Melodou Street. South-east area, west of colossal structure (fountain), greyish fill of rubble. 26-9-1994. Excav. Diary: 351, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 1001 Plate: 52 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1994, 769-771. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2458 Α(rosette with pointed petals).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 126 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2055 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of base and shoulder preserved. In two pieces. Restored. Rim: herringbone. Base: within almond shaped grooves, incised branch with incised small circles, signature ΚΥ. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.114 m. Date: Mid 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis Street. Area 6, well, -5.24 - 5.48 m. 21-6-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 333. Other Nos: ΑΕ 889 Plate: 53 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: For signature, cf. ΠΧ 1228 Κ, ΠΧ 2284 Κ. Also possibly ΠΧ 2557 Κ, Λ 6075 Κ; Katsioti 2011, 415, no. 137, KY, from Nissyros.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 127 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2122 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Unglazed. Lower part (or base) preserved. Base: with broad concavity at the handle, double grooved, merging with almond shaped grooves. Two impressed circles on the handle, nozzle; almond-shaped incision, and four more on the inside, signature ΚΑ. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.094, W. 0.068, Hpres. 0.027 m. Date: Probably mid 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katinas plot; Herakliou and Komnenon Streets. Areas 9 and sewer ΙΙ. 22-9-1964. Excav. Diary: 12, p. 214. Plate: 54 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 580. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1225 ΚΑ.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 128 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2018 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8. Slip: similar, 2,5 ΥR 6/6. Part of base preserved, and of shoulder and handle. Handle: solid, double grooved with pointed end. Rim: S pattern. Base: within incised circle, signature ΑΚ Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of sewer, south of Ρ 40. 12-1-1989. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 29. Other Nos: ΑΕ 115 Plate: 55 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 129 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2181 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Concretion. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: 8-petalled stylised rosette with long and thin petals and a central rib. Framing ring ending with channel at nozzle. Rim: bands with relief half-crescents and raised petals. Nozzle flanked by two small circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.081 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Section Α, no 1. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 196-197, nos 2867, 2879, pl. 45, for moulds with comparable lamps, 5th and 6th c., from the Athenian Agora.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 130 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2446 Type/ Category: Attic (?), North African type. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, flaking away. Handle and part of upper body preserved. Restored. Handle: solid. Discus: a row of dotted triangles and circles around the filling hole. Rim: hatched triangles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.069 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. ±1.1 m, north of wall. 12-6-1985. Excav. Diary: 192, p. 327. Other Nos: ΑΕ 88 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1876, ΠΧ 2195, ΠΧ 2294, ΠΧ 2565, imitations of North African lamps, Hayes type I.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 131 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1874 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, micaceous. Unglazed. Trace of burning. Small chip on handle; part of discus lost. Handle: solid. Discus: rays ending in small rings. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle hatched. Base: flat; within egg-shaped groove, incised branch with dots. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.063, H. 0.035 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, -1.90 m, with removal of relics. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: ΑΕ 102 Ill.: 66 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 193, no. 2821, pl. 44, second half of the 6th c., 190, no. 2761, pl. 43, 6th c., 194, no. 2583, pl. 41 (for the base), 6th c., 182, no. 2566, pl. 41 (for the shape), 6th c., 188, no. 2736, pl. 43 (for the discus), 5th-6th c., 177, no. 2437, pl. 39, 6th c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996a, 239, no. 256, pl. 4, second half of the 6th c.; Zachariadou 2000, 195, fig. 6, at least four similar lamps from the well in Herodes Atticus Street in Athens.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 132 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1533 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia (?). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, with inclusions. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, in places. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete. Elongated, roughly tear-shaped body. Lumpy knob handle decorated with narrow band with slanted lines. Discus: small filling hole with eight impressed circlets on disc. Wide channel to large wick-hole. Rim: ring, impressed circlets. Above nozzle small cross in relief. Base: undefined, merges with walls, seven impressed circlets in form of a rosette. Dimensions: L. 0.089, W. 0.048, H. 0.021 m. Date: 7th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes. Without details. Ill.: 67 Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 192, fig. 4. Remarks: See Conte 2005, 58, no. 14, fig. 14, 5th-6th c., from Vieste; Perlzweig 1961, 199, no. 2941, pl. 47, 8th c.(?). Lamp with bird on the disk, (7th c. ?), from Athens, Zachariadou 2000, from well on Herodes Atticus Street, 195, fig. 6. Also Bémont, Chew 2007, 355, 513, no. AS 44, pl. 88, 6th c., possibly from Lavrion, probable origin in Asia Minor. The typology of the catalogued lamp approximates to Sicilian examples, which were widely exported during the 7th c. See Bailey 1988, 210-211, Q 1870, pl. 31, 7th-8th c. However, because the fabric somewhat resembles Attic, it may be that they copied lamps from Sicily.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 133 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2092 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Unglazed. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: tooled, triple grooved. Rim: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.053 m. Date: Probably 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni; Menekleous Street. Central aisle, -2.10 m. 30-10-1992. Excav. Diary: 4.3, p. 77. Other Nos: ΑΕ 451 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677-678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 134 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2393 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unglazed. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Rim: globule wreath. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.031 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis Street. Area 4α, earth removal, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: ΑΕ 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See Perlzweig 1961, 148, nos 1598-1600, pl. 29, early 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora. Also Λ 3649 ΓΓ 33, from the Fountain of Lamps in Corinth.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 135 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2492 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: (pierced without grooves ?). Rim: plain, framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.054 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision and G. Lambraki Streets. 2nd layer of mortar, north part of mosaic floor 2, 27-4-1962. Excav. Diary: 4, p. 222-223. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 136 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1989 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6, flaking away. Trace of burning. Part of base and shoulder preserved, two non-joining pieces. Discus: double framing ring. Rim: panelled, herringbone. Nozzle sides grooved. Base: three circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.093 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Tomb 10, fill. 27-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 203, p. 338. Other Nos: Excavation bag 110 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 137 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1996 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 7/6. Slip: similar, 10 R 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: double framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.022 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 138 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2000 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/8, thin. Part of base preserved. Two non-joining pieces. Base: incised circle. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.03 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 139 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2096 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle and part of discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, and wide concavity at base. Discus: rosette. Rim: narrow, plain. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.055 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α1. 26-6-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 39. Other Nos: ΑΕ 42 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 140 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2114 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, pointed, double grooved. Rim: small circles (?) Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.051 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soulounias plot; Ethnarchou Makariou and Karpathou Streets. 6th layer. 26-8-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 186-209. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 275-278.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 141 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2170 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Part of discus preserved. Discus: rosette with slightly pointed petals, double framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.035 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Β1, AreaΒΙ/ΙΙ, earth removal to -2.81 m. 27-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 403, p. 71. Other Nos: ΑΕ 1012 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 142 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2185 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay and slip: (due to firing) ash-grey. Handle preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.05 m. Date: 4th or 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 143 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2212 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Slip: similar, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α1. 24-6-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 31. Other Nos: ΑΕ 29 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Found with coins ΝΒ 3741-2. Justin I (518-527) and Constans II (643/4).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 144 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2276 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.042 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, Tomb 2, 2nd and 3rd ‘passes’. 3-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 69. Other Nos: ΑΕ 306 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 145 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2279 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: yellowishred, 5 YR 5/6. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Rim: herringbone, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, Tomb 2, 6th ‘pass’. 9-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 461, p. 206. Other Nos: ΑΕ 322 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 146 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2280 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6. Handle preserved. Handle: solid, tooled, double grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.039 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Ε, extension to north and west, 2nd ‘pass’. 26-6-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 174. Other Nos: ΑΕ 49 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 147 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2283 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and base preserved. Rim: globules in form of rosettes, hatched panels, flanked by globules, framing ring. Base: incised circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, Tomb 2a, 2nd ‘pass’. 16-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 461, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 341 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 148 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2306 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Unglazed. Part of discus preserved. Discus: rosette, incised framing circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.046 m. Date: Late 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Trench Α1, depth to -1.4 m. 18-52004. Excav. Diary: 453, p. 22. Other Nos: ΑΕ 626 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 149 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2317 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: tooled, triple grooved. Rim: S pattern. Triple framing ring. Very worn mould Dimensions: Wpres. 0.054 m. Date: Perhaps 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, G. Pipinos plot; Grammou and Vas. Herakliou Streets. Trench Α4 North face, cleaning of stones and layer of trodden earth. 18-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 425, p. 335. Other Nos: ΑΕ 672 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1997, 1082; Bairami 1998, 933; Bairami 2000, 1122-1123. Remarks: In this case, the probability that it is Attic perhaps is lower, due to the unusually small size of the perforation in the handle.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 150 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2320 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: triple grooved. Rim: S pattern, triple framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, G. Pipinos plot; Grammou and Vas. Herakliou Streets. Trench Β1 - cut between wall 1 and under-pinnings 1 - 2nd ‘pass’. 16-9-1998. Excav. Diary: 394, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 88 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1997, 1082; Bairami 1998, 933; Bairami 2000, 1122-1123.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 151 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2323 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Unglazed. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: tooled, double grooved. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: Early 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis Street. East of Area 2, floor 2, -2.45/-2.48 m. 9-3-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 121. Other Nos: ΑΕ 290 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 152 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2325 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: tooled (with hollows on both sides), triple grooved. Rim: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis Street. Square Γ1, north of sewer, -3.2/-3.66 m. 7-5-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 113. Other Nos: ΑΕ 266 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: For the chance that it belongs to the Attic production, see Perlzweig 1961, 117, no. 757, with orange-red coating, second quarter of the 4th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 153 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2375 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved with wide concavity at handle. Base: incised circle. Handle: triple grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Square Α3, layer 2, -1.78/-1.92 m. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 108. Other Nos: ΑΕ 218 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 154 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2412 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, 10 R 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Rim: wavy lines, double framing ring. Nozzle sides grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and T. Sofoulis Streets. East of baulk wall Α1, west of walls 28 and 29 #056, level 2. 8-12-1989. Excav. Diary: 297, p. 8. Other Nos: ΑΕ 262 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 155 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2463 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/4. Slip: similar. Part of handle and base preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Hpres. handle 0.046 m. Date: 4th c (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill contained lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 156 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2593 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, with pointed end (?) Rim: plain (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, extension to north, 2nd ‘pass’. 11-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 191. Other Nos: ΑΕ 73 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 157 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2595 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Part of base preserved. Base: three circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.066 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, extension to north, 2nd ‘pass’. 11-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 191. Other Nos: ΑΕ 73 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 158 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2596 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 4/6. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in relief leaf. Rim: tendrils (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, extension to north, 2nd ‘pass’. 11-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 191. Other Nos: ΑΕ 73 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 159 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2601 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Dilute. Part of base preserved. Base: within two circles, incised branch. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, from sieve, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: ΑΕ 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 160 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2612 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid double grooved, with hatched panel in front. Rim: herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.049 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, from sieve, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: ΑΕ 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: The hatched handle is seen both on Attic lamps, see Perlzweig 1961, 141, no. 1367, 143, no. 1433, 150, no. 1681, 153, no. 1821, 155, no. 1960, pls 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, and on Corinthian lamps, see Pétridis 2011, 347, no. 47, fig. 35, 2nd c., from Delphi.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 161 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2645 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Part of nozzle and base preserved. Nozzle sides double grooved. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.055 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning over ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 162 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1304 δ Type/ Category: Attic Description: Small part of body and the pierced handle (double grooved) preserved. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. East aisle. 19-12-1979. Excav. Diary: (7) 1.2, p. 315. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Κollias 1971, 552-555; Κollias 1972, 689; Κollias 1999, 299-302; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 1304 α, 1304 β, 1304 γ.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 163 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2839 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/4. Slip: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Handle and part of discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, with hatched panel in front. Rim: plain, handle flanked by small circles; framing circle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: Second half of the 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Malliaka-Demosiou plot; Romanou Melodou and Agion Anargiron Streets. Square Α5, old trench Δ, -2.8/-2.9 m, from plot surface. 26-6-1998. Excav. Diary: 276, p. 202. Other Nos: ΑΕ 153 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1997, 1083; Fantaoutsaki 1998, 933-935; Fantaoutsaki 2000, 1120-1122; Fantaoutsaki 2004, 31-51. Remarks: The hatched handle recalls Corinthian lamps, see Pétridis 2011, 347, no. 47, fig. 35, 2nd c., from Delphi.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 164 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2999 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/8, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder and base preserved. Restored. Handle: merges with double grooves at base. Rim: herringbone. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.092 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 YIK, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 165 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1994 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/6. Unglazed. Part of base preserved. Base: within two circles incised branch. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.021 m. Date: Second half of the 4th to early 5th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of central space 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 166 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2256 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: unclear, because of intense firing. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. handle 0.038 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Zambelakis-Papailias plot; Amarantou Street. Trench Α2, #002, layer 1. 17-11-1988. Excav. Diary: 283, p. 171. Other Nos: ΑΕ 101 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1989, 457-477.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 167 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2390 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Rim: herringbone. Nozzle sides double grooved. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. North extension, east baulk, earth removal. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: ΑΕ 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 168 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2462 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle and part of base preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved with wide concavity. Base: two circles. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.033 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill contained lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 169 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2594 Type/ Category: Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, flaking away. Part of base preserved. Base: two circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078 m. Date: 4th or 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, extension to north, 2nd ‘pass’. 11-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 191. Other Nos: ΑΕ 73 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 170 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 4727 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/3. Slip: similar. Part of handle and lower part of body preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, panel with incised branch on front, hatched panel on back side. Discus: rosette (?) Incomplete joining of two parts in the handle area. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.056 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsaras plot; Amerikis and 25 Martiou Streets. From removal of well-fill, -1.5 m. 11-6-1977. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 78. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kantzia 1973-1974, 970-972; Kantzia 1975, 369.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 171 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2161 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Unglazed. Part of shoulder and discus preserved Discus: rays (?). Rim: wavy lines. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: Probably first half of the 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, KAIR plot; Australias Street. Fill under the paving, north of wall 1-2. 24-6-1972. Excav. Diary: 38, p. 220. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1973, 616-617.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: A 172 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2127 Type/ Category: Attic Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Handle, part of shoulder and base preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in relief leaf. Rim: leaves (?). Base: within two circles, signature. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.06 m. Date: Early 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsaras plot; Amerikis and 25 Martiou Streets. ± 2.2 m. from the layer above the sewer 2. 145-1974. Excav. Diary: 55, p. 297. Plate:56 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kantzia 1973-1974, 970-972; Κantzia 1975, 369.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti B. 4. The ‘Rhodian’ Lamps379 indicating an Asia Minor origin as possible, does not fully confirm it. Bailey also collected some other lamps with similar characteristics and applied folded loop handles, which are to be found in his Chapter ‘Unplaced, the Greek East’.383

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These lamps of medium size are mainly imitations of the Attic; they have a limited repertoire, with a simple decor in most cases and are quite worn due to their moulds or archetypes having been repeatedly used. The base may be a simple ring in its shape, flat, with concentric circles, or more usually is somewhat unrefined, irregular and slightly concave; only in a few cases does it take another form. The main feature of Rhodian lamps is that their folded handle is of the closed sort: fashioned separately from the rest of the body (that is outside of the mould), to be then applied in place and folded, so forming a ring. The act of attaching the two – upper and lower– components often creates bulges and bumps in the clay. The fabrics are mostly pinkish or yellowish or a pale pinky-brown, with little or no mica, and usually carry a slip. The colour and texture have some features in common with those from Asia Minor, particularly when the presence of mica in them is limited. It is a known fact that colouring can often vary because of the firing conditions and is not in itself a reliable factor of provenance.380 In addition to the typological peculiarities mentioned above which give the class its coherence, despite the mini-variations, the feature that argues conclusively for a local production, although not identifying individual workshop practices, is the sheer volume of these lamps on Rhodes, accounting for approximately 10% of the total – often in sets.381 The choice of patterns reproduced also can be indicative of local manufacture.

Serious questions still remain concerning the ties between some of the lamps that were registered as Rhodian with types from Saraçhane: some of these, as Hayes notes, ‘could be classified as local’.384 More specifically, some lamps found in Rhodes (ΠΧ 1234 A / ΠΧ 1987, Λ 2577 / ΠΧ 2566, Λ 6044) could be regarded as identical in their specifics as material from Saraçhane, while others (e.g. ΠΧ 1236 EY, ΠΧ 2494 / ΠΧ 2933, ΠΧ 2547, ΠΧ 2270 / ΠΧ 2272 / ΠΧ 2274B / ΠΧ 2545 / ΠΧ 2553 / ΠΧ 2738 / ΠΧ 2786 / Λ 6038ΥỊΚ / Λ 6037, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935) have several characteristics in common. A good number of the rest of the material examined here, believed to be Rhodian lamps, show no other similarities with those deriving from the above two cities, beyond having the applied handle that characterizes many of the domestic products throughout the Balkans.385 As for the differences, it should be emphasized that in keeping with the above comparisons, the imitations of Attic lamps, common in Rhodes, have not been identified in Constantinople. On the other hand, the series of lamps that display an arch-shaped structure, the socalled ‘Balkan type’, along with others turning up with particular frequency at Saraçhane are not to be found in Rhodes. Therefore, the lamps recorded conventionally as a Saraçhane type probably represent a special subgroup, not necessarily from Constantinople at all. The characteristics of their fabric do not differ from others registered as Rhodian. Further, the ceramics from this capital city are distinguished by their lack of homogeneity, because, as noted, sets of material found in Üsküdar, in Kücükyali and Saraçhane employ clays of different compositions and character, which indicates their different places of origin.386 Accordingly and rightly so, researchers finding similarities between lamps from areas such as Kythera with lamps from Saraçhane steer clear of talking about imports from Constantinople, suggesting rather that perhaps they should be considered as local products.387

Lamps of similar shape had previously been investigated. Bailey, in his monumental work on the lamps of the British Museum, speculated about their provenance because of the low number of lamps of this type, most of which were collected in the 19th-century excavations in the Early Christian cemetery of Pothia on Kalymnos. The close links between Kalymnos and Asia Minor, as indeed is the case with almost all the islands near that coast, and yet the lack of finds from the same cemetery eventually led him to argue for their manufacture in the workshops of Knidos, while acknowledging the possibility of their coming from other neighbouring areas. As noted, the workshops – wherever they may be, and whether but one or more – have to be connected with each other because of the matches in the material.382 Analysis of the clay, although

It is true however that two of the lamps I assigned as Rhodian (ΠΧ 2494, Λ 6020), the NAA analysis theorizes (with many reservations it must be said) as from Asia

For this matter, see also Katsioti 2010, 232–248. Where appropriate, comparisons at the macroscopic level were attempted between lamps of this type with clay of larger vessels, e.g. Rhodian amphorae, down to about the 3rd century. But it is a known fact that variations arise: the clay of larger vessels has generally not been subject to purification and enrichment operations, while often the different locations used in the quarrying of the raw material are an important factor. For the Rhodian amphorae, see most recently Bezeczky 2013, 35–50. 381  For a definition of the term ‘set’ or series that implies objects with a common archetype, see Nicholls 1952, 218–224. 382  Bailey 1988, 333. 379  380 

Bailey 1988, 414–416, Q 3302, Q 3309 MLA, Q 3310 MLA, Q 3325, pls 122–123. 384  Hayes 1992, 80. 385  Note that Hayes (1992, 80) considers this type of handle foreign to the Late Roman tradition of the Mediterranean, while in fact it is a common phenomenon in local productions. 386  Ricci 2012, 156. 387  Poulou-Papadimitriou 2013, 148, nos 1566 K, 1566a K, 1567K, 5th– 7th centuries. 383 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Minor. These reservations concern too the assignment of Λ 6020, according to the XRF analysis, to Ephesus: the discovery of ‘generations’ of these lamps in Rhodes leads at present one to consider the two samples as too few for the deduction of safer conclusions.

It is in the cheaper range of products, of a low level of quality, that by and large the similarities with the majority of matches in Rhodes are to be found.391 The production of imitations of imported types of lamps is a common phenomenon seen in many areas: it costs less to meet the local needs this way.

In conclusion then it is observable that some of the lamps classified as Rhodian may be compared as much with lamps of Constantinople as with others assigned to Knidian manufacture. Studies of the lamps of Saraçhane and of the British Museum were published almost simultaneously and therefore the question ‘Knidos or Constantinople?’ has never been addressed. In this study, which presents an overarching view of the whole Rhodian corpus, the similarities, if not matches, between the two centres, Constantinople and Rhodes, are mostly limited to lamps of Saraçhane type 4 and the less common types 5, 6 and 9.388 Also amongst the (alleged) Knidian lamps of the British Museum, similarities are observable with Π 2620 / ΠΧ 1910 and likely matches with ΠΧ 1987, ΠΧ 2547, ΠΧ 2566 / Λ 2577, ΠΧ 1921 / ΠΧ 2739. It is therefore concluded that an exchange of moulds between one manufacturing centre and another is possible, as is the chance arrival of lamps in Rhodes. But if we accept the words of kouropalates Georgios Kodinos that Constantinople imported bricks from Rhodes to build the dome of Agia Sophia,389 it is not impossible that the same could apply for other items, such as lamps, at about the same time. It is known, moreover, that the local production of pottery of this period in Constantinople has not yet been supported by workshop facilities and wastes, while at Knidos the finds to date have not included late Roman lamps.

The ‘Rhodian’ lamps examined, to facilitate their classification, fell into sub-groups according to what prototype they were copied from. The most distinctive includes lamps that imitate Attic. ΠΧ 1236 with the signature ΕΥ, ΠΧ 2023 and ΠΧ 2568 CTΡ provide tangible evidence. The last involves the most successful attempt to copy an Attic lamp and of a workshop, that is of Stratolaos, which was particularly popular in Rhodes.392 The remaining less legible signatures (Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, ΠΧ 1234 A, ΠΧ 3004 B, ΠΧ 2959 E) seem rather clumsily copied in some places. The motif repertoire of these imitations shows no originality, merely following the trends of the season, while their execution is, with but few exceptions, usually coarse. Pictured are fish, ram, horse, the deity with double-axe, the horseman, the crescent moon, bukranium (bull’s head) and centaur; Christian symbols are rare. The more numerous sets include the peacock inversely positioned relative to the main axis: found on thirteen lamps derived from two different moulds (e.g. ΠΧ 1177, ΠΧ 1530, Π 2644, on whose base are circlets arranged in the shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 2289, with a relief cross on its base, Λ 6020, whose base carries an engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 1912, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003). The size of the image and the depth of its relief vary. The imitations of some characteristic elements of North African lamps, another sub group, are scarce (Π 2620 / ΠΧ 1910, ΠΧ 2547, Λ 5978, Λ 5168): the question as to whether they are copying Attic styles remains. Lamp ΠΧ 1910 imitates reasonably well the type Hayes I (Atlante VIII), but was given a slip and an applied handle that betray its local manufacture. The presence of a slip and the fabric also underline the domestic nature of ΠΧ 1905 (of Hayes type IIA) and of ΠΧ 1929, just as do the folded handle and worn mould or archetype of ΠΧ 1921. The complete lamp Λ 5978 is likely to be a replica of the North African types: although the decoration in circlets has been, it is assumed, borrowed from North African lamps, yet the said lamp may in fact be imitating Attic ones; the clay and the handle type declare it a local product. The decoration of the shoulder with impressed circlets is a late feature, and dates the lamp after the

Lamps with an applied folded loop handle that imitate Attic types were also found in southern Russia, in the Crimea and the Black Sea area: Bailey sees them as imported from Asia Minor. But most surely in these areas there were similar local lamps, as is evidenced by the discovery of pottery workshops and moulds.390 Hayes 1992, 82–90. Παρεκβολαί εκ της βίβλου του χρονικού περί των πατρίων της Κωνσταντινουπόλεως (ed. B.G. Niebuhri, Bonn, 1843), 140–141, ns 15–24, 144, ns 12–14): ‘κουβικουλάριον Τρωίλον, τον έπαρχο Θεόδωρον και τον κοιαίστωρα Βασιλίδην ……. Βήσαλα μεγάλα, κούφα, σπογγώδη και λεπτά και λευκά, ο σταθμός πέντε βησάλων ενός βησάλου ημέτερου ευρίσκεται.’ When Justinian was building the dome of Agia Sophia in Constantinople (532/37), he ordered the clay bricks from Rhodes, which were famed for their solidity and lightness, and he adds that a few years later (562) the emperor Justin, after the dome developed a fault, again employed Rhodian bricks, Dagron 1984, 274, n. 114. See also Papachristodoulou 1972, 243–244. It is indeed interesting that this information is confirmed: according to laboratory tests, it appears that the blocks of the dome of the Great Church have the same composition as the building material of the basilica of Chatziandreou plot in Rhodes, see Cakmak, Erdik, Moropoulou 1997, 153–154, 157. In the texts other commercial relations between Rhodes and Constantinople are also testified to indirectly, as in the Miracles of St. Artemios (before 668), where the Rhodian boatswain George, ship and land-owner, often visited his son in Constantinople, see Deligiannakis 2008a, 220–221. 390  Cicikova 1999, 109, 5th and 6th centuries. 388 

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See similarities between lamps mentioned by Bailey 1988, 414, Q 3302 and those examined here, i.e. Π 2029, Π 2675. 392  The Stratolaos workshop was also popular in the Balkans, since imitations of his products have been located in Romania, see Topoleanu 2012, 136–137, no. 77, pl. IX, CTΡ/Α, in the Archaeological Museum in Ploesti, erroneously referred to as Attic; it should be dated no earlier than the 4th–5th centuries. 391 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti 5th century,393 especially if considered as imitating imported North African pieces. Should the parallels not predate the end of the 5th century then the dating of the examined item can be justifiably set in the 6th and clearly to the first half. ΠΧ 2739 probably imitates the North African type Hayes IB, if it is not anyway a free rendering of the Cypriot lamps of the Vessberg 18/Oziol 18b type with the victorious horse.394

lamps decline, while in the 6th century and afterwards the domination of Asia Minor products becomes overwhelming. Numerically, the quantities of ‘Rhodian’ lamps that have been found would lead one to believe that they would not be sufficient for local needs, nor are they especially attractive qua lamps: thus their auxiliary role in the local market comes as no surprise. Their start must be placed in the late 4th century. Their production levels then varied, concomitant with increased imports of lamps from Asia Minor, whose presence further depressed the quantity and quality of the home-grown items, in the pursuit of cheap products. Valuable for dating purposes are the lamps Π 2618, Π 2619, Π 2620, Π 2621, Π 2625. Even if their findspot, namely the Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot in the necropolis of Rhodes, is not a closed context, the associated finds, and especially other lamps, of which Π 2673 is likely an early Asia Minor piece, indicate that they date no earlier than the 5th century. During this period the majority consumed are still Attic, despite the market infiltration of locally made lamps. The Geniki Techniki plot can probably provide some conclusions too. In area C of the excavation, with its deposition of numerous lamps, for the most part ‘Rhodian’ but also Attic from the mid-4th century and later, coins were found of which the latest date to the early 5th century. The minimal Asia Minor presence here, only two, suggests in our view that the destruction layer is dated to the threshold of the early 6th, i.e. at the end of the floruit of the Rhodian, and at the time of the progressive disappearance of the Attic.

Also worthy of note is the rarity of the ‘Rhodian’ lamps that are imitations of Asia Minor ones, a third subgroup, with the further observation that they tend to display but individual characteristics, such as Π 2643/Λ 6063. ΠΧ 2959 E is a good example of a free adaptation of an Asia Minor lamp with its loop handle, plain discus, meandering shoots on the shoulder and tongues on the nozzle. In Π 2643 Π / Λ 6063 the presence of planta pedis (maybe even two), but without the fishtail at the end of the handle – a trademark of many Asia Minor lamps – is perhaps an imitation of the base of earlier lamps from Asia Minor, because such a stamp is already known by the Hellenistic era.395 The inferior quality of these so-called conventional Rhodian lamps combined with their small size and lack of elaborated or complicated decorations makes for ease of manufacture. These features support the hypothesis that they are of local production, since the economic factor plays the most significant role in their development, with the quality of the raw material and of the finish coming a poor second. In Rhodes, as well as the great variety of these lamps, they are also found in ‘sets’,396 derived either from one and the same workshop or from related ones. Their trading and marketing, assumed to be on a small scale and within the north-east reaches of the Aegean Sea, to islands like Schinousa,397 into Asia Minor398, to Constantinople, even to Cherson, is also open to question. An identical lamp to Π 2620 and ΠΧ 1910 was found in the castle of Belgrade (Singidunum),399 which is proof of limited, but pre-existing, access to the Balkans. In Rhodes of the 5th century, as with other regions, the volume of the recorded material shows that imports of Attic

These conclusions do not of course imply that every lamp with an applied handle found on Rhodes is local. For example, ΠΧ 2739, ΠΧ 2087, ΠΧ 1226, also equipped with a folded handle, are as a working hypothesis placed among the Knidian lamps,400 because they have a fabric quality and a slip which recalls such produce. Moreover the third, being an isolated example, is by that fact more likely to be alien (i.e. Knidian). Perhaps the Knidian (?) lamp ΠΧ 2739 imitates a Rhodian prototype – an offshoot of the Rhodian ΠΧ 1921, larger but still from a worn mould or archetype. Generally the ‘Rhodian’ pieces, as mentioned above, are numbered in ‘sets’.

Perlzweig 1961, 24; Karivieri 1996a, 70.The later 5th century is more specifically the point of their introduction into the repertoire of Attic lamps, in accordance with the revised chronology, see Butcher 1982, 141. 394  See the corresponding Chapter B.2, for Cypriot lamps. 395  For an explanatory account of the symbol planta pedis and its derivation, see Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 587–588. Also AbadieReynal, Sodini 1992, 69; Koutoussakis 2008, 79. 396  I.e. objects from the same template, see Nicholls 1952, 218–224. 397  My colleague P. Papanikolaou was kind enough to show me the lamps found at Tholaros in Schinousa. Some of them, with a strap handle, could be Rhodian. 398  Like Ephesos. See an unpublished lamp from the Harbour Necropolis, excavated in 2007-2011 (Marina Ugarkovic, Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb/Croatia pers. comm., to whom many thanks are given). 399  Krunic 2011, 316–318, no. 475 and Krunic 2012, 102, fig. 9, 4th century, where he considers it an import from Asia Minor.

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These remarks on Rhodian lamps are based on characteristics whose existence calls for a homebased production. Such have not yet been found on the island: neither the production centres themselves nor material there from, i.e. kilns, workshop facilities and wasters. The sole exception is the mould ΠΧ 2563, found in a small village with warehouses some 7 km from the city of Rhodes: this unique find remains in a special category. 400 

See the chapter on Knidian lamps, B.6.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Also of interest are some lamps from the end of the period under consideration, namely the 6th and 7th centuries. Typically distinctive are ΠΧ 2922, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2920 and ΠΧ 2924, ranked as Rhodian products, in the belief that they represent local production of lamps of the ‘Samian type’, or rather the local version of the same: they are judged on the criteria of fabric and the quantity of mica, which signifies local products. Lamps like these, possibly dating to the middle of the 7th century, show relatively uniform characteristics, most notably the extreme simplification of the decoration that thereby creates standardized patterns. At this time across the east Mediterranean,401 the phenomenon of the mixing of Christian and pagan figurative subjects is disappearing. The iconographic vocabulary now becomes simplified; both limited to a schematic rendition of geometricized, for the most part, themes, and also standardized with its coverage usually restricted to the shoulder, as the surface occupied by the discus decreases. Symptoms of artistic poverty in the recent past had been expressed intermittently both through perpetual repetitions of the rosette motif, on each and every type of lamp, and by the ‘corrections’ required on lamps made from worn dies. Now towards the end of the era it is seen in the utter technical inability to produce lamps from moulds.

groups identified).404 They are reported in Cyrenaica,405 at Emporio (a small fortified installation from the reign of Constans II (641–668) on a peninsula in the south-east of Chios),406 at Kalymnos,407 in Ephesus,408 but also in the Balkans. The form also copies lamps found in Egypt.409 Items of a comparably naïve approach would naturally appear in local groups, but scholars, judging mainly from the fabric, may classify any of the above listed as imports: in the case of Chios from Palestine, while for Kalymnos from Cyprus. The lamp from Emporio is probably not from Palestine, but comparisons like these are not without grounds, because such lamps do have features in common with their counterparts in Cilicia,410 as do others with Tarsus, Amorion, Anemourion, where parallels with Syrian examples may prove fruitful. The remaining lamps, with which the Kornos type can be compared, apart from the flattened shape, present but minor differences in the decoration and the clay. They will not therefore be sub-grouped further. In the category of hybrid types belongs the unique mould, ΠΧ 2563,411 which, as mentioned above, was found on the island, and with associated material which probably point to the 7th century. In terms of morphology and decoration it has parallels with early Islamic lamps412 and original memories of long-ago North African types.

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Lamps such as ΠΧ 2086 (with ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448) seem broadly in line with this typology. They combine elements of the ‘Samian type’, their nearest ancestor (wide and low, with a solid and engraved handle), with features of late types, such as those lamps found in the locale of Agios Philon and the cave-site of Kornos, near Kyrenia on Cyprus402 (a mere bump for the handle – the so-called knob handle,403 with an extreme simplification of the decoration and a flattened shape). Possible such cases are seen in ΠΧ 2305 and ΠΧ 2314, with a handle-knob. ΠΧ 2094, an otherwise ‘Samian type’ lamp of fairly small size, perhaps gives a clue as to the inner workings of the evolution of this type: the constant copying and surmoulage producing changes that led in the 7th century to lamps with such characteristics; most of the elements are mixed with eastern influences. The clay of this lamp, like that of the similar ΠΧ 2430 and ΠΧ 2447, argues rather for an Asia Minor provenance, probably Ephesus.

In closing, it is to be noted that the issue of Rhodian lamps and generally of imitations is an intractable one. An identification as probably Rhodian is proffered, in other sections in this book, for some so-called ‘Aegean type’ specimens and for a very few of the wheel-made sort. Macroscopic examination has led to a potential attribution of some lamps to Rhodian workshops: thus of the ‘Samian type’ such as ΠΧ 2069, of the Asia Minor-type such as ΠΧ 2135, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2201, ΠΧ 2687, of Attic such as ΠΧ 2109, of the North African type those like ΠΧ 2318, ΠΧ 2598. Yet other lamps may also be involved here: they include imitations of other categories that are now placed in the ‘Unplaced group’, to whom an uncertain Rhodian origin has been assigned. From the evidence so far it may Oziol 1977, 255, fig. 12. I should note, however, that Vessberg type 19 consists of lamps with a broad range of shapes and with problems in terms of their internal classification and dating. 405  Hayes 1973, 118–119, fig. 53, 6th–7th centuries, from Tocra in Libya. 406  See Boardman 1989, 121, nos 335, 342, pl. 29, from mid-7th century, Palestinian, as is probable. 407  Bailey 1988, 318, Q 2617, pl. 71, fig. 35, 7th century, from Cyprus. 408  Ladstätter 2008, 120, n. 848, nos K 351, K 352, pl. 336, from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2011, 20, fig. 26, from Ephesus (considered as an import). The whitish clay and the absence of a slip place it close to ΠΧ 2448 and other ‘Samian type’ lamps. Characterized as ‘imported’, it may be viewed as introduced to Ephesus from another production centre in Asia Minor. One may add the lamp reported by Miltner 1937, no. 1910, pl. X, again from Ephesus. 409  Szymanska 2008, 161–163, from excavations at Marea. 410  See Hayes 1980, 73–74, nos 304–306, pl. 38. 411  Katsioti 2012, fig. 4. 412  Da Costa 2001, 241–257. 404 

Outside of Cyprus, this hybrid occurs in a variety of forms (comparisons also include the lamps of Vessberg type 19, which Oziol ranks fourth out of a total of five Talloen 2011, 601. See Prokopiou 1995, 261–264, fig. 4a, end 6th to mid-7th centuries; Catling, Dikigoropoulos 1970, 49, pl. XXXIIb, fig. 4, 7th century. The pottery found here is not from a closed context, although it indicates that the habitation continued until the middle of the 8th century. 403  Lamps with a knob as a handle, but having no special connection with those here examined, were found in the Yassi Ada wreck (625– 626): they were not assigned to any particular type, see Vitelli 1982, 201, nos 22–24, fig. 9 5.6. 401  402 


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Angeliki Katsioti be concluded that Rhodian manufacture did not adjust or develop its products, which remain but mere imitations of imported types of lamps and of the simplest sorts at that: a production then without any artistic pretensions and quite lacking in any concern for making adjustments to suit the local markets. It is also obvious that to some extent this attitude was acceptable to local needs, which were also covered by other imports. This phenomenon, i.e. the remarkably high quota of imported products in relation to the locally made, is often observed in coastal areas that are on major sea routes.413

R 24–57 are lamps of various types, usually with a plain discus, or with simplified motifs (bivalve shell, Christogram), while for R 57–70 a peacock enlivens the discus. R 72–86 constitute lamps with a channel, an element of North African produce. For R 87–95 Asia Minor elements dominate. R 96–99 are imitations of North African lamps that may be Rhodian.

* Comments applicable to the Catalogue below:

R 100–107 imitate the ‘Samian type’.

R 1–23 cover lamps with a depiction on the discus, which follow Attic types of the 3rd and 4th centuries.

R 108–111 include the small fragments.

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Concordance Λ 2577 R 38 Λ 2692 R 14 Λ 2696 R 77 Λ 5168 R 81 Λ 5978 R 40 Λ 6019 R 28 Λ 6020 R 63 Λ 6021 R 29 Λ 6023 R 7 Λ 6031 R 1 Λ 6032 R 6 Λ 6037 R 45 Λ 6038 R 47 Λ 6039 R 73 Λ 6042 R 30 Λ 6044 R 72 Λ 6045 R 75 Λ 6047 R 9 Λ 6049 R 64 Λ 6055 R 74 Λ 6059 R 8 Λ 6060 R 79


Λ 6061 R 10 Λ 6063 R 82 Λ 6090 R 32 Π 2029 R15 Π 2618 R 35 Π 2619 R 76 Π 2625 R 18 Π 2643 R 83 Π 2644 R 59 Π 2675 R16 Π 2676 R 17 Π 2677 R 3 Π 2678 R 13 ΠX 2274β R 47 ΠΧ 1177 R 58 ΠΧ 1204 R 20 ΠΧ 1234 R 36 ΠΧ 1236 R 24 ΠΧ 1529 R 2 ΠΧ 1530 R 61 ΠΧ 1910 R 85 ΠΧ 1912 R 60

ΠΧ 1921 R 57 ΠΧ 1922 R 5 ΠΧ 1923 R 4 ΠΧ 1930 R 62 ΠΧ 1977 R 96 ΠΧ 1987 R 37 ΠΧ 2023 R 11 ΠΧ 2033 R 33 ΠΧ 2069 R 102 ΠΧ 2086 R 100 ΠΧ 2088 R 23 ΠΧ 2111 R 88 ΠΧ 2116 R 89 ΠΧ 2135 R 90 ΠΧ 2155 R 80 ΠΧ 2173 R 91 ΠΧ 2232 R 103 ΠΧ 2254 R 69 ΠΧ 2261 R 41 ΠΧ 2268 R 92 ΠΧ 2270 R 52 ΠΧ 2271 R 70

ΠΧ 2272 R 53 ΠΧ 2273 R 31 ΠΧ 2274 R 71 ΠΧ 2275 R 21 ΠΧ 2285 R 42 ΠΧ 2289 R 65 ΠΧ 2302 R 109 ΠΧ 2305 R 108 ΠΧ 2318 R 97 ΠΧ 2366 R 98 ΠΧ 2381 R 93 ΠΧ 2440 R 94 ΠΧ 2451 R 95 ΠΧ 2494 R 44 ΠΧ 2526 R 22 ΠΧ 2545 R 54 ΠΧ 2547 R 86 ΠΧ 2553 R 55 ΠΧ 2566 R 39 ΠΧ 2568 R 12 ΠΧ 2598 R 99 ΠΧ 2625 R 110

ΠΧ 2657 R 111 ΠΧ 2738 R 48 ΠΧ 2740 R 66 ΠΧ 2741 R 4a ΠΧ 2742 R 67 ΠΧ 2743 R 78 ΠΧ 2786 R 56 ΠΧ 2847 R 104 ΠΧ 2920 R 101 ΠΧ 2921 R 105 ΠΧ 2922 R 106 ΠΧ 2924 R 107 ΠΧ 2933 R 43 ΠΧ 2934 R 49 ΠΧ 2935 R 50 ΠΧ 2959 R 87 ΠΧ 3000 R 25 ΠΧ 3002 R 26 ΠΧ 3003 R 68 ΠΧ 3004 R 34 ΠΧ 3005 R 27

Pettegrew 2007, 775–776.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 1 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6031 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: pink, 2,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. A clear crack between the lower and upper parts. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: ram, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, 8 S-pattern, nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, relief outline of a leaf. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.074, H. 0.034 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, central part and baulks, 7th layer, -4.2/-4.5 m. 1518-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 139. Other Nos: ΑΕ 617 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1529 BC, ΠΧ 1923, Π 2677 (similar), ΠΧ 2741, the circlets arranged in shape of diamond. Probably ΠΧ 1922 is similar. See for Attic prototypes Perlzweig, 1961, 131, nos 1007-1012, pl. 21, mid 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora; Karivieri 1996, 179, no. 56, pl. 4, first half of 4th c., from the Athenian Agora; Böttger 2002, 177, no. 1937, pl. 37, early 4th c., 178-180, nos 1969-2053, pl. 38, 337-350, from the Kerameikos: Koutoussaki 2008, 180, no. 202, pls 178-179, second half of 3rd-first half of 4th c., from Argos. The heart-shaped leaf is a copy or imitating lamps of the Attic Relief workshop, active from the beginning of the 3rd until the end of the 4th c., see Perlzweig 1961, 57-58; Karivieri 1996a, 146-148. Lamps of the workshop itself have not been detected in Rhodes.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1529 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/8. Slip: light red, 10 R 6/8. Concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Chips and flakes. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: ram, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, 8 S-pattern, nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, relief outline of a leaf. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.073, H. 0.033 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 242, no. 8, fig. 8. Remarks: Cf. Π 2677, Λ 6031 (identical), ΠΧ 2741, the circlets on the base are arranged in a diamond-shape, ΠΧ 1923. Probably similar to ΠΧ 1922. Cf. observations and parallels Λ 6031.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 3 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2677 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of handle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: ram, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, 8 S-pattern, nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, relief outline of a leaf. Worn mould. Dimensions: W. 0.063, H. 0.028 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Tomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1529, Λ 6031 (similar), ΠΧ 1923, ΠΧ 2741, the circlets on the base are arranged in a diamond-shape. Probably similar to ΠΧ 1922. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6031.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1923 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: grey, 7,5 YR 5/1, to grey, from incomplete firing. Traces of burning. Part of discus, nozzle and handle preserved. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: ram, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, 8 S-pattern, nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, relief outline of a leaf. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, Wpres. 0.057 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, cleaning of east wall, to depth -2.50 m./north of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.40/2.50 m. above AE 145. 16-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 224 and 240. Other Nos: ΑΕ 222α and ΑΕ 211 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 258-259, no. 6, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2677, Λ 6031, ΠΧ 1529 (similar), ΠΧ 2741, the circlets on base are arranged in a diamond-shape. Similar to the same on handle and shoulder, but lacking on discus of ΠΧ 1922. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6031.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 4a Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2741 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Traces of burning. Handle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: ram, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, plain (?), nozzle sides grooved. Base: within circle, four small circles in the shape of a lozenge. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.091, W. 0.073, H. 0.033 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations from the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1529, Π 2677, on base a leaf in relief, ΠΧ 1923. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6031.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1922 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/6 micaceous. Slip: similar, to grey. Traces of burning. Part of discus and base missing. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: (figured?) double framing ring. Shoulder: two panels with incised branch, 8 S-pattern. Nozzle sides grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.068, Hpres. 0.023 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, sieving of fill from the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -1.80/-2.00 m. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 207. Other Nos: ΑΕ 132 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. perhaps Π 2677, Λ 6031, ΠΧ 1529, ΠΧ 2741. For the shoulder shape, see Perlzweig 1961, 130, no. 948, pl. 12, first quarter of the 4th c., 128, no. 924, pl. 20, early 4th c., no. 945, second half of the 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 6 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6032 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning on nozzle Handle missing. (Applied folded loop handle). Discus: two fish, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, S-pattern, nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, relief outline of a leaf. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.82, W. 0.065, H. 0.032 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 657 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6023, Rhodian imitation, dots on base; ΠΧ 2308, Attic. See Zubar 1993, fig. 26.8 (local variant from Cherson in the Crimea); Kuzmanov 1992, 30, 92, no. 189, from the Archaeological Museum in Sofia (local imitation). For the Attic prototypes, see Karivieri 1996a, 174, no. 40, pl. 3, from the Athenian Agora; Özet 2008, 18, fig. 23, from the ‘house of the Bishop’, from Bodrum; Hellman 1985, no. 332, pl. XLIV, with parallels; Zachos 2013, 258-259, pl. 25, fig. 45.4, pl. 46d, first half of 4th c., from Elatia in Fokis; Sokolovska 1986, tomb 69, pl. 46, CT, the valley of the Vardar (FYROM), 4th c. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 7 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6023 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: pink, 2,5 YR 6/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete, with flakes on base. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: two fish, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, 8 S-pattern, nozzle sides double grooved. Base: within two circles, dots. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.067, H. 0.032 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 669 Ill.: 68 Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 194, fig. 7; Katsioti 2010, 242, no. 11, fig. 11. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6032 (on base is engraved a heart-shaped leaf); ΠΧ 2308, Attic. For observations and comparisons cf. Λ 6032. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and the coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 8 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6059 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: pink, 2,5 ΥR 6/8. Trace of burning on nozzle Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: horse in parade, framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, plain bands. Base: two circles. Dimensions: L. 0.093 W. 0.068, H. 0.032 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 665 Ill.: 69 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 242, no. 10, fig. 10. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For the Attic prototypes, see Karivieri 1996a, 175, no. 43, pl. 4, from the Athenian Agora. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6060, Λ 6069, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 9 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6047 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6. Firing intense. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: bull’s head, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain, nozzle sides double grooved. Base: four circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.095, W. 0.067, H. 0.029 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 682 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 241-242, no. 7, fig. 7. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6061, globules on the shoulder. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 10 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6061 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: pink, 2,5 ΥR 6/6. Trace of burning on nozzle Part of handle and discus missing. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: bull’s head, double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Nozzle set off from rim by transverse grooves. Base: flat, three circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09, W. 0.065, H. 0.03 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 661 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6047, shoulder undecorated, with comments and parallels. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and the coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2023 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 ΥR 6/4, with a little mica. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6. Traces of burning. Discus and part of shoulder preserved. (Applied folded loop handle). Discus: Eros with torch and thyrsos. Shoulder: panelled, plain (?) Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.082 m. Date: 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Κ. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill of rectangular structure, east of excavated area. Above the floor, with bones and lamps. 5-4-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 308. Other Nos: ΑΕ 241 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Cf. Λ 5522 (Attic, with bowl and torch). Also ΠΧ 2568 CTP, local imitation. For Attic prototypes, see Perlzweig 1961, 115, nos 725, 726, pl. 16, first half of 3rd c., from the Athenian Agora: Βöttger 2002, 117120, nos 603-664, pls 16-17, 270-350; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 415, no. 9a-c, fig. 9, from the Kerameikos; Kouveli 2010, 622, fig. 59, first quarter of 4th c., from Athens; Bernhard 1955, 326, no. 315, pl. XC, 2nd-3rd c., probably Attic; Broneer 1930, 247, no. 1115, pl. XV, from Corinth; Tryvizadaki 2005, 212, Λ 28, Attic, from Philippi.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 12 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2568 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Unslipped. Concretion. Part of nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: Eros with torch and thyrsos, double framing ring. Shoulder: two panels with incised branch, nozzle sides grooved. Base: within two circles, signature CΤΡ Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.097, W. 0.075, H. 0.025 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations from the period of Italian Rule. Other Nos: ΑΚ 142. Ill.: 70 Plate: 57 Remarks: Cf. Λ 5522 (Attic, with bowl and torch), ΠΧ 2023 (Rhodian variant), with comments and parallels. In the repertoire of the Stratolaos workshop Eros occurs only with torch and bowl (Karivieri 1996a, 132). Perhaps this is an unrecorded theme for this workshop, unless the artist has used moulds from different lamps.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 13 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2678 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/6. Trace of burning on nozzle Complete. Chips and flakes. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: horse with a rider holding a palm-branch (?), framing ring. Shoulder: panelled (?), globules, nozzle sides grooved. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.092, Wpres. 0.064, H. 0.029 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Τomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Ill.: 71 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 241, no. 2, fig. 2. For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Remarks: Cf. Λ 2692, without panels, different in height. See Bailey 1988, 414-415, Q 3303, Unplaced-the Greek East, fig. 55, pl. 122, 4th c., from Salamis or Kourion. On the theme of the horseman in general, see Perlzweig 1961, 126, no. 876; Koutoussaki 2008, 178, nos 194, 195, fig. 172, with parallels. However, see the interesting observations on the clay models from Sagalassos, 5th c., representing the horseman sent by God, a cross between the Christian priest, martyr and even military saint; they draw their imagery from pagan models, see Talloen 2011, 575-607, nos 590-593. These clay models could possibly be compared to similar representations on clay ampullae of the 6th-7th c., see Metzger 1981, 41-43, nos 98-103, figs 81-86. The rider could also be a borrowing from imperial propaganda, as has been assumed for Early Roman lamps with the horseman, the winner of a race, holding wreath, reproduced from motifs from coins, see Županek, Ravnik, Klasinc 2011. According to Dunbabin 1982, 65-89, the victorious charioteer in the art of Late Antiquity was often depicted as a figure mounted on a horse. For illustrations of gladiators in their triumph, on foot, and holding palm branches, see Tsouli 2014, 145-154.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 14 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2692 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, 6/6. Slip: similar. Trace of burning on nozzle. Parts of body, discus and nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: horse with a rider, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.092, Wpres. 0.065, H. 0.035 m. Date: Late 4th-late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish quarter); ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. 1954. Excav. Diary: 1, 1α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-279; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. Π 2678, panelled, different in height, with observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 15 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2029 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Chips and flakes. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: goddess with double axe, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, herringbone, nozzle sides grooved. Base: circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.068, H. 0.029 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Court-yard. 18-5-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 60. Ill.: 72 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 241, no. 3, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. II 2675 (similar ?). See Bailey 1988, 414, Q 3302, unplaced-the Greek East, fig. 32, 146, pl. 122, c. 4th c.; Sorokina 1971, 96, fig. 5, from the area of the Black Sea, in place of herringbone, a spiral decoration on the shoulder; also Iconomu 1967, fig. 144, from Mangalia (Callatis) Crimea (Scythia Minor), with applied folded loop handle. For the Attic prototype, see Bailey 1988, 410, Q 3276, fig. 32, 133, pl. 119, second half 4th c., from Ephesus. For the iconographic type, see LIMC VI (1992), 462-472 (R. Vollkommer); Perlzweig 1961, 117; also see Broneer 1977, 75, no. 2973, from Isthmia; Bovon 1966, 72-73; Karivieri 1996a, 63-65, 159. The opinions on the identification of the figure vary: Herakles with Omphale, see Karivieri 2001, 189-190; the god Mên, see Böttger 2002, 41. For the iconographic theme of Herakles and Omphale, see Oehmke 2000, 147-197. For the subject-matter of the lamps, see Bailey 1988, 26 and for a summary of opinions, Koutoussaki 2008, 173.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 16 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2675 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of the discus missing. Chips and flakes. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: goddess with double axe, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, herringbone, nozzle sides grooved. Base: circle. Dimensions: L. 0.090, W. 0.07, H. 0.031 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Τomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. II 2029 (similar ?), with observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 17 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2676 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: light reddishbrown, 5 ΥR 6/4. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: panther, left, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.090, W. 0.069, H. 0.03 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Τomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 241, no. 6, fig. 6. For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 18 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2625 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 ΥR 6/4, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Concretion. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Parts of body missing. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: Centaur, framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, panelled, impressed circles, nozzle sides grooved. Base: circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.11, W. 0.068, H. 0.041 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Area Β. 3-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 82. Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 241, no. 5, fig. 5. For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. In the fill of space B, were found coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 19 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2621 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 5 YR 5/6. Local concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: crescent, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: five concentric circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.067, H. 0.03 m. Date: 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Area Β. 3-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 82. Ill.: 73 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 241, no. 4, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. Π 2635, for Attic lamp of which this is an imitation. For the subject-matter, the personification of the Goddess Selene-Luna, see Bovon 1966, 68-69, no. 457, on lamps from Argos. In the fill of space B, were identified the coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1204 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 ΥR 6/4, not cleaned, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6, flaking away. Trace of burning on nozzle. Handle missing (applied folded loop). Discus: rays, framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, plain, nozzle sides grooved. Base: slightly concave, two circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09, W. 0.072, H. 0.03 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Samothrakis plot; Maritson Street (OT 206). Earth removal in front of tomb 2. 16-12-1983. Excav. Diary: 181, p. 11. Ill.: 74 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 241, no. 1, fig. 1. For the excavation, see Patsiada 1983, 389. Remarks: The lamp imitates Attic incised rays, instead of using worn mould or surmoulage.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 21 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2275 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, fugitive, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle, part of shoulder, discus preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.069, Wpres. 0.07 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2, tomb 2, 2nd or 3rd ‘pass’. 3-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 69. Other Nos: ΑΕ 306 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2526 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Traces of burning. Part of base, shoulder and handle preserved. Thick-walled. Applied folded loop handle. Shoulder: tendrils, double framing ring. Base: flat, undefined, impressed mark, comprised of two delineated triangles, arranged to form a lozenge. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.056 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Τomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: The flat base is not common in late Rhodian lamps. Probably imitates an early Attic lamp.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 23 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2088 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: pinkish-white, 2,5 YR 8/2. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Shoulder: tendrils, triple framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.064 m. Date: Late 4th to late 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni; Menekleous Street. South aisle, tomb A, ± 1 m. From sieving of contents of medieval tomb. 14-8-1998. Excav. Diary: 4.3, p. 126. Other Nos: ΑΕ 503 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677-678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 24 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1236 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, with a few inclusions. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6. The greater part of the body is missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double hatched framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, plain. Base: within ring signature ΕΥ. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; side-street off Hesiodou, Monte Smith. Foundations at south-east, layer 1. 313-1992. Excav. Diary: 322, p. 299. Other Nos: ΑΕ 298 Plate: 58 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 242, no. 9, fig. 9. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153162. Remarks: The signature may be a copy from the Eutyches shop. See Hayes 1992, 84, no. 18, pl. 19, 4th-5th c., another version from Saraçhane, without panels and an engraved leaf on the base.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 25 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3000 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder, discus and handle preserved . Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.069 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and the coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). Cf. ΠΧ 2272, ΠΧ 2545, ΠΧ 2553, ΠΧ 2786. See Hayes 1992, 86, no. 47, pl. 21, 5th c (?), from Saraçhane, in a layer of mainly the late 6th c. Imitates Asia Minor lamps, see typically Miltner 1937, no. 1195, pl. VII, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 26 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3002 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, flaking away. Non-joining parts preserved. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain. Shoulder: plain. Base: slightly concave. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769: Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and the coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). Cf. Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, ΠΧ 2270, ΠΧ 2274b, ΠΧ 2738, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 3000.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 27 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3005 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, flaking away. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Repaired. Discus: (figured ?). Shoulder: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 194-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and the coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 28 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6019 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5YR 5/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain, nozzle with volutes ending in impressed circlets, framing another one. Base: undefined, slightly concave, within circle incised star. Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.062, H. 0.029 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 664 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 244, no. 19, fig. 19. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2273, Λ 6021 (similar), Λ 6042 The way the nozzle is shaped with pseudo-volutes is probably a relic from Hellenistic lamps. At first glance (excluding handle and base) it recalls lamps from Ephesus, see Bailey 1988, 382, ​​Q 3103, pl. 104; Miltner 1937, no. 193, pl. II. Found along with the lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and the coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 29 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6021 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain, nozzle with volutes ending in impressed circlets, framing another one. Base: undefined, slightly concave, within circle, incised star. Dimensions: L. 0. 092, W. 0.062, H. 0.029 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 684 Ill.: 75 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2273, Λ 6019 (similar), Λ 6042. For comments and parallels, cf. Λ 6019. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 30 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6042 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Unequally fired. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain, nozzle with volutes ending in impressed circlets, framing another one. Base: undefined, flat. Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.065, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 158. Other Nos: ΑΕ 696 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 244-245, no. 20, fig. 20. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2273, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, all with a star incised on the base. For observations and parallels, cf. Λ 6019. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 31 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2273 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Traces of burning. Nozzle and handle missing. (Applied folded loop handle). Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain, nozzle with volutes ending in impressed circlets, framing another one. Base: undefined, slightly concave, within circle, incised star. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.069, W. 0.06, H. 0.029 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, from -2.35 m, 1st ‘pass’. 15-9-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 262. Other Nos: ΑΕ 265 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6019, Λ 6021 (similar), Λ 6042. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6019.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 32 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6090 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: reddishbrown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Intense firing in places. Nozzle and part of body missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, triple framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: slightly concave. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075, Wpres. 0.051, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, central layer of debris,-4.40/-4.55 m. 194-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 245, no. 26, fig. 26. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2033, ΠΧ 3004. See Hayes 1992, 84, no. 18, pl. 19, 4th-5th c., from Saraçhane, with minor differences. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 33 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2033 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Traces of burning. Nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: triple framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: concave. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.081, W. 0.06, H. 0.034 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Area Β, fill of burial benches. 31-5-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 76. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6090, ΠΧ 3004. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6090. In the fill were found coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 34 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3004 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, flaking away. Part of base and shoulder preserved. Shoulder: ring-and-dot concave. Base: slightly concave, signature, (a kind of) Β Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079 m. Date: 5th (?) century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Plate: 58a Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). Cf. ΠΧ 2033, Λ 6090. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6090.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 35 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2618 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8, flaking away. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: narrow, four ring round filling hole. Shoulder: plain. Base: slightly concave, ring-shaped. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.061, H. 0.026 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Area Β. 3-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 82. Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 245, no. 25, fig. 25. For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6090. In the fill of space B were recovered coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 36 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1234 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, friable. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/8. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Part of nozzle and body missing. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: shell, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: within ring, signature Α Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.062, H. 0.03 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; side-street off Hesiodou, Monte Smith. East trench, north part, layer 4. 30-31992. Excav. Diary: 322, p. 281. Other Nos: ΑΕ 290. Ill.: 76


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 245, no. 24, fig. 24. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1987. See Hayes 1992, 85, no. 22, fig. 19, on base D (?), from Saraçhane. See also similar, with minor differences, lamps attributed to Knidian production, Bailey 1988, 364, Q 2998, Q 3002, fig. 110, pl. 97, 5th-6th c., from Knidos and Kalymnos, respectively. See too a lamp from the Early Christian cemetery of Pythagorio on Samos; Michaud 1973, 381, 384, fig. 282; Tsakos 1970, 416-418, fig. 353g; Miltner 1937, no. 241, pl. II, from Ephesus; Waagé 1941, fig. 79, no. 50a: 143, from Antioch. For the motif of the shell, see Karivieri 2001, 196.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 37 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1987 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 7/8, flaked. Part of discus, base and nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: scallop shell, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075, H. 0.027 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ν, fill of debris, 3rd layer. 4-5-2001. Excav. Diary: 416, p. 306. Other Nos: ΑΕ 119 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1234 A, with observations and parallels. For the motif of the scallop shell, see Karivieri 2001,196.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 38 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2577 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane type 4. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 ΥR 6/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Complete, Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: Sacred Monogram, framing ring, inner dotted, raised nozzle. Shoulder: plain. Base: flat, almond-shaped incision. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.058, H. 0.028 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. North-west part of the early Christian mosaic. 28-9-1971. Excav. Diary: 33, 36. Other Nos: ΠΒΕ 2634 Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 194, fig. 8; Katsioti 2010, 245, no. 22, fig. 22. For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2566 (similar); Λ 5978, almond-shaped base. See Hayes 1992, 84, no. 25, pl. 19, 4th-5th c., from Saraçhane (similar ?); Bailey 1988, 364, Q 3003, Q 3004, pl. 97, 5th-6th c., from Kalymnos (similar ?): these were attributed to Knidian production. Similarities are observed with lamps from Amorion, 4th to 6th c. See Gill, Sen 2003, 51, no. 30, pl. III /14, with channel and solid handle.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 39 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2566 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane type 4. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: reddish-brown. Concretion. Traces of burning. Nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: Sacred Monogram. Shoulder: globules round framing ring. Base: almond-shaped, undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, W. 0.059, H. 0.028 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. From excavations during the Italian Rule (originally in the Villaragut storerooms). Other Nos: ΠΒΕ 880β Bibliography: Katsioti 2015, fig. 3. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2577, similar, with observations and parallels. See also Λ 5978 on the almond-shaped base.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 40 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5978 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: yellowish-red 5 YR 5/8. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/4. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain. Shoulder: raised ringand-dot pattern. Base: almond-shaped, almost undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.097, H. 0.031 m. Date: Probably first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Theologos (Tholos), settlement. Temple of Apollo Erethimios; Potsos plot complex. Square Δ12/3, layer 5. 22-111993. Excav. Diary: ΑΜ 5/2Α Other Nos: ΙΕΑ 97 Ill.: 77 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 164-165, no 4, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011; Triandafyllidis 2012. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2261, double row of circlets on the shoulder, ΠX 2566, almond-shaped base, Λ 2577, almond-shaped incision. See related Attic lamps, Butcher 1982, 141, pl. 6.1(b-c), 6.2(a, b), end of 5th c., from Thorikos; Bailey 1988, Q 3284, pl. 119, 5th c (?)

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 41 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2261 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Shoulder: two rows of impressed circlets, double framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.057 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, ΔΕΠΟΣ works; Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni; Menekleous Street. 13-11-2006. Excav. Diary: ΔΕΠΟΣ 8, p. 257. Other Nos: ΑΕ 543 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677-678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992. Remarks: Cf. Λ 5978, single row of circlets on shoulder.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 42 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2285 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: grey. Traces of burning. Complete. Thick walls. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, dotted framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, plain, nozzle sides grooved. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.090, W. 0.063, H. 0.033 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. North of the sarcophagus, ± 0.15 m. 8-9-1977. Excav. Diary: 68, p. 268. Ill.: 78 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2284. From the presence of metopes and the incision, it may be concluded that this imitates an Attic lamp. Considering the associated finds, it can be dated to the 5th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 43 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2933 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, partly flaking. Traces of burning. Parts of shoulder and base missing, Restored. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: kind of symbols (?), alphabet retrograde in shallow relief (?) round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain, above nozzle a form praying, between two other bent figures (?), Daniel in the lions’ den (?). Base: slightly concave. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.073, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, central part and baulks, 7th layer, -4.10/-4.50 m. 15/18-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 139. Other Nos: ΑΕ 619 Ill.: 79 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2494, similar, worn mould. See probably Hayes 1992, 85, no. 23, pl. 19, 4th-5th c., from Saraçhane. For the unusual placement of the scene (?) near the nozzle of the lamp, see Modrzewska 1988, 10, pl. XXIX, 15, Syrian-Palestinian lamp from Hebron, 7th-8th c. For the iconography of the biblical scene, see Archontopoulos 1991-1992, 253-258.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 44 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2494 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane t. 4. Clay analysis: NAA: region of northern Ionia (?). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/8. Traces of burning. Part of nozzle lost. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: kind of symbols (?), alphabet retrograde in shallow relief (?) round filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: plain, above nozzle a form praying, between two other bent figures (?) (Daniel in the lions’ den ?). Base: undefined, slightly concave (Its description is as ΠΧ 2933). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09, W. 0.073, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vas. Sofias Streets. West side. 9-6-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 252. Ill.: 80 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2933, similar, for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 45 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6037 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: pink, 2,5 YR 6/8. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Complete. Discus and Shoulder: plain. Applied folded loop handle. Base: slightly concave. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.06, H. 0.033 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/ -4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 656 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 245, no. 23, fig. 23. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, ΠΧ 2270, ΠΧ 2274β, ΠΧ 2738, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 3002. See Hayes 1992, 85, no. 19, pl. 19, 4th-5th c., from Saraçhane, with minor differences. The piece catalogued here copies Asia Minor models, see Miltner 1937, no. 1195, pl. VII, from Ephesus. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 46 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6038 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 4 Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, 2,5 YR 6/8. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Part of nozzle missing Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: slightly concave, signature incised ΥỊΚ Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.059, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 151. Other Nos: ΑΕ 652 Plate: 59 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618. Karantzali 1993, 511. Karantzali 1994, 768-769. Patsiada 2013, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6037, ΠΧ 2270, ΠΧ 2274β, ΠΧ 2738, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 3002. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6037. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 47 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2274β Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 4. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: similar, 10 R 6/6. Two non-joining pieces. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain. Shoulder: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2. tomb 2. Bench at north-east corner. 10-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 461, p. 211. Other Nos: ΑΕ 325 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6037, ΠΧ 2270, ΠΧ 2738, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 3002. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6037.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 48 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2738 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: similar, 2,5 YR 6/8. Traces of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: narrow, plain. Shoulder: plain, framing ring. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083, W. 0.06, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations from the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2270, ΠΧ 2274β, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 3002. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6037.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 49 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2934 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, 2,5 YR 6/8. Part of base, shoulder and nozzle missing. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: slightly concave. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.059, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/ -4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 677 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). On the typology cf. Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, ΠΧ 2270, ΠΧ 2274β, ΠΧ 2738, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 3002. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6037.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 50 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2935 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, 2,5 YR 6/8. Part of base, shoulder, discus and nozzle missing. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: concave. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.059, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th c. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/ -4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 677 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). Cf. Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, ΠΧ 2270, ΠΧ 2274b, ΠΧ 2738, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 3002. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6037.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 52 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2270 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane type 4. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Traces of burning. Part of discus, shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Thick walled. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.072 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, North part, 1st ‘pass’. 30-10-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 295. Other Nos: ΑΕ 299 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2274 b, ΠΧ 2738, 6037 T, Λ ΥỊΚ 6038, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 3002. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6037.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 53 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2272 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 9. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Traces of burning. Small part of lower body missing. Walls thick in places. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, triple framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave, ridge runs from base-ring up underside of nozzle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.064, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ2. Tomb 2. 4th ‘pass’. 3-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 69. Other Nos: ΑΕ 309


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Ill.: 81 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2545, ΠΧ 2553, ΠΧ 2786. See Hayes 1992, 86, no. 47, pl. 21, 5th c (?), from Saraçhane, from a layer of mainly the late 6th c. Imitates Asia Minor type, see Miltner 1937, no. 1195, pl. VII, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 54 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2545 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 9. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red. Traces of burning. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus and shoulder: plain. Base: undefined, almond-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.062, H. 0.027 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676. Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2272, ΠΧ 2553, ΠΧ 2786. Associated with finds ΠΧ 2527-2546, as well as with glass fragments (before the 4th c.) For observations and comparisons cf. ΠΧ 2272.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 55 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2553 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 9. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, almost grey. Traces of burning. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: slightly concave. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.06, H. 0.027 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: ΑΕ 459 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2272, ΠΧ 2545, ΠΧ 2786. For observations and comparisons cf. ΠΧ 2272.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 56 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2786 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 9. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/8, flaking away. Traces of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain, raised nozzle. Base: undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.084, W. 0.056, H. 0.025 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Kiotari, Flevaris plot; Τomb Ι, outside the antechamber, +0,33 m. from the road, -1.12 m. from ground surface. 24-10-1963.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Excav. Diary: 457, p. 181. Other Nos: ΑΕ 68 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Agiakatsika, Palaiologou 2009, 983-987. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2272, ΠΧ 2545, ΠΧ 2553. For observations and comparisons cf. ΠΧ 2272.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 57 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1921 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), Knidian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Traces of burning. Handle and part of shoulder and discus preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: (lion). Shoulder: tendril within band, holes at each side of the handle, channel to nozzle. Base: double ring, slightly concave. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078, Wpres. 0.049, H. 0.028 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 1-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 206. Other Nos: ΑΕ 130 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 258, no. 4, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2739, Knidian (?), of smaller size. Probably influenced by Cypriot lamps of 4th c. with the victorious racehorse, cf. ΠΧ 1203, ΠΧ 2035, ΠΧ 2552 (EYTY)ΧΗΤΟC. They may, however, imitate North African Hayes type IB, for example Bubic 2012, 134, no. 21, 4th-5th c., with channel, from Salona. Typologically similar Bailey 1988, 365, Q 3007, Q 3008, branch on the base, the second signature C E, pl. 97 with lion on discus, tendrils on shoulder, 5th-6th c.: the first was found at Knidos, he includes them in the Knidian production and considers them to be based on North African lamps, Hayes type II. For North African lamp of this type, see Bonifay 2004, 390, pl. 217 (type 59). From the characteristics of the clay it is likely to be Rhodian. Therefore, it can not be excluded that the related Knidian (?) ΠΧ 2739 is an imitation (smaller in size, with a different modelling of the shoulder) of a Rhodian lamp of similar morphology. CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 58 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1177 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red in places, 2,5 ΥR 5/6. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: narrow, plain. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.067, H. 0.035 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon Street. North of vaulted space, -1.6/8.2 m. 17-5-1980. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 285. Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 242-243, no. 13, fig. 13. For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1979, 415. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 base engraved with X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. Examination of this group of lamps indicates that two different moulds were used. In the first the peacock has grooves in the wings, while on the second the wings are spotted. See Bailey 1988, 81, 416-417, Q 3325 (unplaced-the Greek East), fig. 101, pl. 123, 6th c.; Menzel 1969, no. 753, fig. 139, 6th-7th c.; Cokay-Kepce 2005, 154-155, no. 44; Waldhauer 1914, 54, no. 389, pl. XXXVIII; Anson, Hannah 1999, 128, no. 8, pls 26.8, 39.9, purchased (?) in Alexandria, similar to the catalogued piece here, 6th-7th c (?), the Museum of Otago (New Zealand), where the motif is referred to as an Eagle. Also, Benaki Museum, no. Λ11994, with X engraved on the base (see Λ 6049), unpublished; Garnett 2012, 118, no. 6, pl. 2, YY on base and one more character undiagnosed, from the Fountain of Lamps in Corinth.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti The peacock is a theme connected with both the goddess Hera and with Christian doctrines of eternal life. This piece recalls, among others, a series of lamps from excavations in Cyprus and in Cypriot collections of lamps, see Oziol 1977, 208, no. 616, pl. 34, from Morphou; Oziol 1993, 57-58, nos 86-88, fig. 13. See also lamps from Carthage, Deneauve 1969, nos 774, 775, pl. LXXIII, 1st-2nd c. and from Tarsus, Goldman, Follin-Jones 1950, 131, no. 436, fig. 112, 2nd c. Further, see lamps from the Idean Cave in Crete, Sapouna 1998, nos 329-331, pl. 40; lamp from Knidos, Love 1974, fig. 18. Also, see Heres 1972, 58, no. 289, pl. 34, 1st-2nd c. In none of these examples is the peacock reversed; but evidently the mould used for the pieces catalogued here, at the start of the entire set, did so have it. Other subjects in Cypriot lamps of the 4th c. are depicted inverted to the main axis of the lamp (Mlynarczyk 1992, fig. 9; Diaz, Soren, Pinto 1988, fig. 1) as are lamps of Egyptian origin (e.g. Hayes 1980, nos 522-524, pl. 59; Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 65, no. 267), and also lamps imported into Cyprus (from Egypt?) (Oziol 1993, 69-70, nos 111-113, fig. 16) and on Syro-Palestinian (?) lamps (Lafli 2003, 196-197, pl. 90, fig. 1a, pl. 92, fig. 5, 500-550. For the theme in North African lamps, Bussière 2005, 223-225, while for those from Asia Minor, Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 589, no. 9, 589, fig. 9, end of the 5th c., from Samos; Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8c, no. SE 501/3, 5th c., from Ephesus; De Luca 1984, 51-52, no. 466, pl. 18.23, 4th c. (?), from Pergamum with parallels; Ioannidaki-Dostoglou 1982-1983, 118-119, figs 16-17, and, rarely, on imitations of North African lamps from Greece, see Pantos 1992, 419.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 59 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2644 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8 and grey in places. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: narrow, plain. Base: within ring, small circles in form of a Π. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.06, H. 0.036 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Τomb 6. 21-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 104. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠX 1530, ΠX 1177, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 engraved on the base X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 60 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1912 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Traces of burning. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Base: ringshaped, slightly concave. Dimensions: L. 0.95, W. 0.065, H. 0.032 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, surface-level of floor, -2.70 m, northeastern corner. 10-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 217. Other Nos: ΑΕ 182 Ill.: 82 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 259, no. 10, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on the base, circlets arranged in an open square, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, Λ 6020 on base an engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 61 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1530 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8. Concretion in places. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Complete. Flaked. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: narrow, plain. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.065, H. 0.034 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1177, Π 2644, on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 on base engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. Cf. observations and parallels on ΠΧ 1177.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 62 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1930 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder, discus and base with root of handle preserved. Handle: strap, applied. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.035, Wpres. 0.056, Hpres. 0.032 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, fill north of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.40/2.50 m, above AE 145. 16-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 240. Other Nos: ΑΕ 222α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 on base an engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 63 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6020 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?) Clay analysis: NAA: region of northern Ionia (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Handle missing. Handle: strap, added. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Base: slightly concave, within ring, incised Χ. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, W. 0.062, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, between baulk and south wall, uniform fill, -3.80/-4.55 m. 20-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 111. Other Nos: ΑΕ 568 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 64 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6049 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: pink, 2,5 YR 6/8. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave. Dimensions: L. 0.090, W. 0.058, H. 0.03 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 157. Other Nos: ΑΕ 686 Ill.: 83 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 on base an engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 65 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2289 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, where flaked, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Traces of burning. Chips and flakes on nozzle. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Base: within ring, cross in relief. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.063, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter), ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. North-west part. 31-121954. Excav. Diary: 1α, p. 130. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 on base an engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177. CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 66 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2740 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Upper part of body and handle preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base relief cross, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. Examination of the sequence of these lamps indicates that two different moulds were used. In the first the peacock has grooves in the wings, while on the second wings are spotted. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 67 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2742 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, flaking away. Traces of burning. Part of nozzle and handle missing. Handle: added, strap. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, W. 0.067, H. 0.036 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 3003. Cf. observations and parallels ΠΧ 1177.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 68 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3003 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, flaking away. Discus preserved. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: ΑΕ 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 on base an engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 69 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2254 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Traces of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Repaired. (Applied folded loop handle). Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Zambelakis-Papailias plot; Amarantou Street. Τrench Α2. #002. layer 1. 17-11-1988. Excav. Diary: 283, p. 171. Other Nos: ΑΕ 101 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1989, 457-477. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 on base an engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2271, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 70 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2271 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 4/6. Traces of burning. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: within a broad rim decorated with a branch pattern, a peacock. Shoulder: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, north part. 1st ‘pass’. 30-10-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 295. Other Nos: ΑΕ 299 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1177, ΠX 1530, Π 2644 on base circlets arranged in shape of a Π, ΠΧ 1930, ΠΧ 1912, Λ 6020 on base an engraved X, Λ 6049, ΠΧ 2254, ΠΧ 2289 on base a relief cross, ΠΧ 2740, ΠΧ 2742, ΠΧ 3003. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 1177.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 71 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2274 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Concretion. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Shoulder: tendrils, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, from -2.35 m, 1st ‘pass’. 15-9-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 262. Other Nos: ΑΕ 265 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 72 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6044 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane, type 6. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Unslipped. Incomplete firing. Trace of burning on nozzle Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: hunter and forepart of lion (?), framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: herringbone. Base: slightly concave. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.059, H. 0.03 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, uniform fill between baulk and south wall, -3.8/-4.55 m. 194-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 158. Other Nos: ΑΕ 697 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 245, no. 21, fig. 21. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See Hayes 1992, 85, no. 31, pl. 19, 4th to 5th c., from Saraçhane (similar ?), according to what subject-matter the discus is reported to show. It may even be that Dionysus with a panther is somehow portrayed. On the subject and its very different handling on a Corinthian lamp, see Pétridis 2011, 332-334, nos 18, 19, figs 12-13, 2nd c., from Delphi. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 73 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6039 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Slip: grey. Traces of burning on slightly protruding nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: plain. Base: four rings. Dimensions: L. 0.090, W. 0.057, H. 0.033 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, uniform fill between baulk and south wall, -3.8/-4.55 m. 20-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 158. Other Nos: ΑΕ 696 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6055, ΠΧ 2743 (similar) Λ 2696, Π 2619, Λ 6045. Also, quite similar but with an unclear worn decoration, the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, KP 584, handed in, from the Vrykous area. See a comparable piece, Sorokina 1971, 98, fig. 6, with hemispherical rather than oval body, from the Black Sea area; Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 358, pl. 11, 6th-7th c., from the Athenian Agora (with traces of decoration on the shoulder, an import); Miltner 1937, no. 1282, pl. VII, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 74 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6055 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Trace of burning on nozzle Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: plain. Base: four concentric circles. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.065, H. 0.035 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south-west corner part, layer of debris, -4.40/4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 685 Ill.: 84 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 243, no. 14, fig. 14. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6039, ΠΧ 2743 (similar), Λ 2696. Π 2619, Λ 6045. Also, quite similar but with unclear worn decoration, the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, KF 584, handed in, from the Vrykous area. Cf. observations and parallels Λ 6039. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6069, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 75 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6045 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: plain. Base: double ring. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.06, H. 0.03 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 671 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2696, Π 2619 (similar), Λ 6039, Λ 6055, ΠΧ 2743. Also, quite similar but with unclear worn decoration, the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, KF 584, handed in, from the Vrykous area. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6039. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 76 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2619 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5ΥR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 4/6. Traces of burning on the slightly extended nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: plain. Base: slightly concave, double ring. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0. 06, H. 0.03 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Area Β. 3-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 82. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2696, Λ 6045 (similar), Λ 6055, ΠΧ 2743, Λ 6039, unglazed, the last three have a ring at the base. Also, quite similar but with unclear worn decoration, the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, KF 584, handed in, from the Vrykous area. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6039. In the fills of space B were retrieved coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 77 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2696 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/4. Slip: light red, 10 R 7/4. Traces of burning on slightly upturned nozzle. A small part lost at the rim of the filling hole. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: plain. Base: double ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.061, H. 0.03 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. 1954. Excav. Diary: 1, 1α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-279; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. Π 2619, Λ 6045 (similar), Λ 6055, ΠΧ 2743, Λ 6039, with ring on the base, the last unglazed. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6039.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 78 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2743 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Traces of burning. Part of body and handle missing. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring, wide channel to nozzle. Shoulder: plain. Base: four concentric circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.095, W. 0.063, H. 0.033 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6055, Λ 6039 all similar, Π 2619, Λ 2696, Λ 6045. Also, quite similar but with unclear worn decoration, the Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, KF 584, handed in, from the Vrykous area. For observations and parallels cf. Λ 6039. CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 79 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6060 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: reddishbrown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: spiral ornament. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.064, H. 0.031 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 67 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2155, similar. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6069, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 80 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2155 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Concretion. Traces of burning. Part of shoulder, discus and nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring (channel to nozzle). Shoulder: spiral ornament. Base: ringshaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083, W. 0.063, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. Τomb 5, north part. 5-10-1977. Excav. Diary: 105, p. 27-28. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6060, similar.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 81 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5168 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, North African type Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6, flaking away. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle, nozzle sides grooved. Shoulder: panelled, herringbone. Base: flat, undefined, incised branch above nozzle. Dimensions: L. 0.10, W. 0.07, H. 0.035 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Κ. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Fill, mixed up with bones, south of the wall. 1311-1990. Excav. Diary: 308, p. 325. Other Nos: ΑΕ 585 Ill.: 85 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 244, no. 17, fig. 17a-b. For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: See Cokay-Kepce 2005, 145-146, nos 24, 25, 26. The lamp recalls North African lamps from Tunisia (Atlante type VIIIA), but is even closer to Attic lamps imitating North African, as is demonstrated by the two panels. See Zachariadou 2000, 195, fig. 6, lamp from the well of Herodes Atticus in Athens; Tryvizadaki 2005, 209, Λ 23-25, from Philippi (local product ?). Imitations of North African lamps in the Balkans and Italy have common characteristics, see Gomolka-Fuchs 1982, 196, no. 573, pl. 69, from fortress of Iatrus-Krivina, in Bulgaria; D’Angela 1979, 98, pl. II.1-3, a lamp-mould from Puglia; Buora 1989, 106-107, no. 21, from Udine; Gualandi Genito 1986, 396-397; Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1988, no. 1161. The incised branch under the nozzle connects the lamp, even if dissimilar in terms of decor, with common typological features with a lamp from Tekirdag (Raidestos), see Cokay-Kepce 2005, 140-141, no. 15.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 82 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6063 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: pink, 2,5 YR 6/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: narrow, plain. Shoulder: wide, incised double petal-shaped ornament round double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. A double relief curving line on the shoulder ends in two bunches of grapes in relief. Base: flat, within two large circles, two planta pedis (sandals). Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.061, H. 0.032 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 669 Ill.: 86 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 244, no. 18, fig. 18. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. II 2643 (similar). Double planta pedis in addition to Π 2643, in Asia Minor lamps Λ 3394, Π 2650, ΠΧ 2587. See also Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3177, pl. 111, c. 550-650, from Ephesus (double planta pedis). The lamp is influenced by Asia Minor types, see Miltner 1937, no. 325, pl. XIV, from Ephesus; De Luca 1984, 54, nos 594, 596, pls 20, 23, from Pergamon. Also, see Glumac 2001, 217, no. 8, in Archaeological Museum of Belgrade, from Stobi. Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6069, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 83 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2643 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: red, 10R 5/6. Local patches of concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Flaked. Repaired. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: narrow, plain. Shoulder: wide, with incised double petal-shaped ornament round framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. A double relief curving line on the shoulder ends in two bunches of grapes in relief. Base: flat, within two large circles, two planta pedis (sandals). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.059, H. 0.031 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area, M. Petridi Street. Τomb 6. 21-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 103. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6063, similar. Double planta pedis also on Asia Minor lamps Λ 3394, Π 2650, ΠΧ 2587 and Rhodian Λ 6063. See too Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3177, pl. 111, c. 550-650, from Ephesus (double planta pedis).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 84 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2620 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: light red, 10 R 6/6. Concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Flaked. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: narrow, 8-petalled rosette, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: herringbone. Base: flat, ring-shaped. Incised triangle, below the nozzle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.062, H. 0.04 m. Date: 6th (?) century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo neighbourhood, M. Petridi Street. Area Β. 3-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 82. Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 241, no. 16, fig. 16. For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1910 (similar). See (near-identical) Krunic 2011, 316-318, no. 475 and Krunic 2012, 102, fig. 9, 4th c., from the fortress of Belgrade (Singidunum): he considers the piece to be imported from Asia Minor; Bailey 1988, 364, Q 3001, pl. 97, 5th-6th c., from Kalymnos, on discus a rosette, attributed to Knidian production. Also, Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 358, pl. 11, 6th-7th c., from the Athenian Agora (with traces of decoration on the shoulder, imported). The lamp obviously imitates a North African type. For the incised triangle beneath the spout on North African lamps, see Sapelli 1979, 160, no. 366, pl. XLII. For a triangle beneath the nozzle on Asia Minor type lamps, see Bailey 1988, 417, Q 3328, pl. 124 (unplaced-the Greek East), 6th c., from Kalymnos. For the shape and decoration of such North African lamps, see Bass, van Doorninck Jr. 1971, 27-37; Joly 1974, 45, 179, no. 1026, pl. XLV, early 4th and into 5th c. From the fill of space B were retrieved coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 85 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1910 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Traces of burning. Complete. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: narrow, 8-petalled rosette, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: herringbone. Base: flat, ring-shaped, incised triangle under the nozzle. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.058, H. 0.03 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, sieving of fill immediately above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 10-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 217. Other Nos: ΑΕ 179 Ill.: 87 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 258, no. 2, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2620, similar, with observations and parallels. CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 86 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2547 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Saraçhane type 5. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, almost flaking away. Traces of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Vertical incisions in channel. Shoulder: rays. Base: circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.054, H. 0.27 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb 3-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 312. Other Nos: ΑΕ 391 Ill.: 88 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: See probably Hayes 1992, 85, no. 30, pl. 19, from the middle of the 5th c., from Saraçhane; Polat 2013, 174, fig. 158 from Yenikapi. Also see Bailey 1988, 364, Q 3001, pl. 97, 5th-6th c., lamp from Kalymnos, attributed to Knidian production.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 87 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2959 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’, Asia Minor type Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, to grey, with runs. The handle, and parts of shoulder, discus and base are preserved. Repaired. In two non-joining pieces. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils, loops above nozzle. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle sides grooved, signature Ε Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.093, W. 0.073, H. 0.038 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, north-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/4.55 m. Area Γ, west and south part, also layer of burnt debris at same depth. 19-4-1994 (The parts were recovered at different spots). Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149 and155. Other Nos: ΑΕ 675 and ΑΕ 649 Ill.: 89 Plate: 60 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). For Asia Minor prototypes, see Miltner 1937, no. 268, pl. III, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 88 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2111 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: pink, 2,5 Y 6/6. Slip: very dark greyish-brown, 10 YR 3/2. Part of handle and of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved. Shoulder: raised points. Dimensions: Hpres. handle 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α 2Ι, ± 1.90 m. 1-8-1995. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 283. Other Nos: ΑΕ 256 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Cf. perhaps ΠΧ 2062, ΠΧ 2089, ΠΧ 2112, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 1302, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 89 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2116 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6. Part of base preserved. Base: double ring, planta pedis. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.046 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katinas plot; Heraclius and Komnenon Streets. Above and around room 9. 22-9-1964. Excav. Diary: 12, p. 214. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 580.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 90 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2135 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: (?) grey, due to over-firing. Slip: greenish (?), flaking away. Part of discus, handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: Eros with bunch of grapes. Shoulder: tendrils (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.035 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kiousoglou plot; Ethelonton Dodecanesion Street. 1964-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 21. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 533, 575. Remarks: The fabric has close affinities with a badly made part of a Late Byzantine jug (reject), from the Mavros plot in the medieval town, no. ΜΠΡ/Μα 65. However, the over-firing or faulty firing in the kiln is not sufficient to label the lamp as a reject and associate it with localized manufacture. See the representation of a youth leaning over a basket full of grapes in the painted tomb of the Nymphs in Ashkelon, Israel, 3rd c., Michaeli 2009, 38, fig. 62.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 91 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2173 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay and slip: ash-grey, due to firing. Traces of burning. Shoulder: raised points. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Α1, Area Α1/Ι, earth removal, to -3.96 m. 21-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 403, p. 65. Other Nos: ΑΕ 988 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231. Remarks: Cf. typically 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. In the broader region and in the Dodecanese: Lamp Π 292 from tomb 9 in Kymisala, see Stefanakis, Patsiada 2009-2011, 79-80, fig. 37; lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Lindos, Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3207, pl. 151; Tilos, unpublished lamp (without number); Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 2346, from a grave at Flaskas; Kos, Peros plot at Kefalos, AE 41; Roumeliotis 2001, 257, no. 3, pl. 1.3, no. 4, pl. 2.4, from Kardamena; Didioumi 2010, 799, fig. 3b, mid 6th to first half of 7th c., from the city of Kos. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations on Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 92 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2268 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: tendrils and leaves. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Δ1, extension to north, 1st ‘pass’. 11-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 191. Other Nos: ΑΕ 72 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 93 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2381 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: dark grey, 7,5 YR 4/1. Part of base, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with incision within. Shoulder: rays. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.056 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis Street. North extension, east baulk, earth removal. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: ΑΕ 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 94 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2440 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.2/-1.2 m, earth removal 2012-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 95 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2451 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Dilute. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.039 m. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; 4, Cheimarras Street. 12-7-1985. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 107. Other Nos: ΑΕ 236 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 96 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1977 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8 partly flaked away. Parts of discus and shoulder preserved. Thick walled. Discus: narrow, incised lines around the handle area; part of discus lost, framing hatched band. Shoulder: incised petal-shaped ornament. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075, Wpres. 0.03 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Th. Louizidis plot; 28 Oktovriou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Square Δ3, part 5/β, layer 1. 15-9-1994. Excav. Diary: 358, p. 7. Other Nos: ΑΕ 522 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1994, 760; Patsiada 1996, 672-674.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 97 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2318 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), North African type. Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, with a little mica. Unslipped. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Thick walled. Discus: Sacred Monogram. Shoulder: petaloid ornament. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.053 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Pipinos plot; Grammou and Vas. Herakliou Streets. Β5/Β6 interior surface outline of a kiln. 7-7-2000. Excav. Diary: 418, p. 267. Other Nos: ΑΕ 334 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1997, 1082; Bairami 1998, 933; Bairami 2000, 1122-1123. Remarks: See typologically Bussière, Rivel 2012, 238, no. 282, 5th-6th c.; Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 200-201, no. 161, second quarter of the 6th c., from Kircheriano. Imitates a lamp of Atlante Type X, possibly 6,1.1.1.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 98 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2366 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), North African type. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: targets (Bussière 2007, pl. 134, E3a). Dimensions: Wpres. 0.048 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Square Α2-Α3, side of baulk, layer 1, -1.4/-1.8 m. 17-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 71. Other Nos: ΑΕ 120 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Imitates lamps of Atlante type X.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 99 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2598 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6, flaking away. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: circle and rhomboid patterns. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.025 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α, -1.9 m, 2nd ‘pass’. 24-5-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 154. Other Nos: ΑΕ 11 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Imitates lamps of Hayes type II, Atlante X.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R100 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2086 Type/ Category: Rhodian (?), Asia Minor. Clay analysis: NAA: region of northern Ionia (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, with a little mica. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/6. Traces of burning. Complete, flakes. Egg-shaped lamp. Knob handle. Discus: narrow, plain, large filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Base: double ring, ending in two stylised leaves with vertical incision within, and dots on both sides, nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: L. 0.084, W. 0.07, H. 0.025 m. Date: 7th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Chatziandreou Basilica, P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. East fill, north pilaster (note: possible north pilaster, north aisle; or that pilaster connected to places Χ-ΧΙΙΙ ?). 1967 (?) Excav. Diary: 33, p. 41 (?), 36, p. 49 (?) Ill.: 90 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: For typology cf. ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448. The dotted decoration on the base has affinities with the ‘Samian type’: ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1276, ΠΧ 2439, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2837, Λ 6034, Λ 6110. See mainly Ladstätter 2011, 20, fig. 26; Ladstätter 2008, 120, n. 848, nos K 351, K 352, pl. 336, from Ephesus (referred to as import from Cyprus). Also Menzel 1969, 100, no. 651, fig. 81.5; Hayes 2007, 479, no. 20, fig. 15.1, from Kourion; Boardman 1989, 121, no. 335, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. See Ladstätter 2005, 265, fig. 54.3, 6th c., from Ephesus; Szymanska 2008, 164, nos 64, 65, 67, fig. 58, 6th-7th c., from Marea in Egypt; Selesnow 1988, 173-175, nos 328-335, pl. 45. It can be compared typologically with the lamps found in Cyprus at the Kornos cave, Prokopiou 1995, 261-264, fig. 4a, end 6th to mid 7th c., although the pottery is not a closed context and indicates the habitation until the middle of the 8th. Catling, Dikigoropoulos 1970, especially 49, pl. XXXIIV, fig. 4, 7th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R101 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2920 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, with a little mica. Unslipped. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Knob handle (?). Shoulder: wide, with unclear decoration (circles), with leaves. Retouched. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.041 m. Date: Probably first half of the 7th century. Provenance: Theologos (Tholos), settlement; Temple of Apollo Erethimios. Baulk Β5-Β6, surface layer Δ1, -0.54/-1.04 m. 21-11-2011. Excav. Diary: 396β, p. 171. Other Nos: ΑΕ 210 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 164, no 11, fig. 11. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011 (forthcoming); Triandafyllidis 2012 (forthcoming). Remarks: For the decoration cf. ΠΧ 2465, with four-leaf motif on the shoulder; and on the fabric ΠΧ 2820. See typologically on the decoration of the shoulder, Boardman 1989, 121, no. 342, pl. 29 (dark and hard brown-grey clay), perhaps up to 673/4, from Emborio on Chios, possibly Palestinian. In adjacent square B5, at the same depth, was found a follis of Heraclius (634/635).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R102 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2069 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Traces of burning. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: plain, ring round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: raised ring pattern. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.054 m. Date: 7th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Church of Agia Triada (Dolapli camii). From the southeast part, well. 20-8-1979. Excav. Diary: 3,1, p. 205. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kollias 1979, 473-475. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, of Symi. For observations and parallels in lamps of ‘Samian type’, cf. ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R103 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2232 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), ‘Samian type’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/3. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in incisions. Shoulder: rays. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. handle 0.033 m. Date: Late 6th century to 650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Ε1. 16-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 15. Other Nos: ΑΕ 127 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2066, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2305. Typologically ΠΧ 2086, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2922, ΠΧ 2924. See the lamps of ‘Kornos cave type’, Prokopiou 1995, 261-264, fig. 4a, end 6th to mid 7th c.; Catling, Dikigoropoulos 1970, 49, pl. XXXIIB, fig. 4, 7th c.; Hayes 2007, 479, no. 20, fig. 15.1, from Kourion. See also Menzel 1969, 100, no. 651, fig. 81.5; Miltner 1937, no. 1910, pl. X, from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2005, 265, fig. 54.3, 6th c., from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2011, 20, fig. 26; Ladstätter 2008, 120, nos K 351, K352, n. 848, pl. 336, from Ephesus (mentioned as an import from Cyprus); Szymanska 2008, 164, nos 64, 65, 67, fig. 58, 6th-7th c., from Marea in Egypt; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 296, no. 355, from Carthage, 6th-7th c. For observations and parallels in lamps of the ‘Samian type’, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R104 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2847 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Slip: similar. Of heavy manufacture. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in three incisions. Shoulder: dots with incisions. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.06 m. Date: Probably 7th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Emm. Kountouris plot; Lemesou Street 4. Water conduit 1, west part, -0.6/-1.1 m. 10-8-2011. Excav. Diary: 475, p. 161. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chalkiti 2011. Remarks: Cf. on decoration ΠΧ 1229. For observations and parallels on ‘Samian type’, cf. ΠΧ 1229.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R105 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2921 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), ‘Samian type’ (?) Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.041 m. Date: Probably first half of the 7th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Theologos (Tholos), settlement. Temple of Apollo Erethimios. Baulk Β3Β4, layer pale brown Δ2. -0.85/-1.2 m. 9-8-2012. Excav. Diary: 396β, p. 106. Other Nos: ΑΕ 97 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 164, no 10, fig. 10. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011 (forthcoming); Triandafyllidis 2012 (forthcoming). Remarks: For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2066, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2305. For similar typology cf. ΠΧ 2086, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2922, ΠΧ 2924. For typology with lamps of ‘Kornos cave type’, remarks and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2232. For the general features of ‘Samian type’ lamps with solid or leaf-shaped handle and sometimes tongues ​on nozzle: ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also lamp (without number) from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels on ‘Samian type’ cf. 2691 ΠΧ .

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R106 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2922 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), ‘Samian type’ (?) Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 5/4, with a little mica, porous. Unslipped. Heavy. Incomplete firing. Traces of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: tongues, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076 m. Date: Probably first half of the 7th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Theologos (Tholos), settlement. Temple of Apollo Erethimios. Baulk Β6, layer with the sea-shells, Δ2, -1.04/-1.64 m. 5-10-2012. Excav. Diary: 396β, p. 172. Other Nos: ΑΕ 214 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 164, no 9, fig. 9. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011; Triandafyllidis 2012. Remarks: For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2924. For the typology, cf. ΠΧ 2066, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2086, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2924. For comparisons with later lamps, such as those of ‘Kornos cave type’, cf. ΠΧ 2232. For the general features of ‘Samian type’ lamps with solid or leaf-shaped handle and sometimes tongues ​on nozzle: ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠΧ 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also lamp (without number) from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels on ‘Samian type’, cf. 2691 ΠΧ .


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: R107 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2924 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?), ‘Samian type’ (?) Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 5/4, with a little mica, porous, chipped. Unslipped. Incomplete firing. Heavy. The handle and part of shoulder preserved; non-joining pieces. Handle: solid. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0. 061, H. 0. 023 m. Date: Probably first half of the 7th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Theologos (Tholos), settlement. Temple of Apollo Erethimios. Square Α 5, ‘black earth’, layer of burnt rubbish, Δ4, -1.25/-1.56 m. 10-8-2012. Excav. Diary: 396β, p. 109. Other Nos: ΑΕ 174 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 164, no 8, fig. 8. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011; Triandafyllidis 2012. Remarks: For the fabric, cf. ΠΧ 2922. For similar typology cf. also ΠΧ 2086, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2922. For the typology the lamps of ‘Kornos cave type’, ΠΧ 2232. For the general features of ‘Samian type’ lamps with solid or leaf-shaped handle and sometimes relief tongues on nozzle: ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠΧ 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also lamp (without number) from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels on ‘Samian type’ cf. ΠΧ 2691.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R108 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2305 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’ (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unslipped. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Knob handle, grooved. Discus: rays. Shoulder: row of incised Χ ending in impressed circlets. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.044 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilaki plot; Navarinou Street. Trench Α1, depth to -1.4 m. 18-52004. Excav. Diary: 453, p. 22. Other Nos: ΑΕ 626 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2066, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2921. The knob handle has typological ties to lamps with Levantine connections, see recently Hawari 2013, 179-180. Could possibly correspond typologically to Oziol, Pouilloux 1969, 109-111, nos 454, 457, 461, 462, pl. X, from Salamis (lampes tardives).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: R109 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2302 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Handle preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Dimensions: Hpres. handle 0.03 m. Date: 5th (?), 6th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Malliaka-Demosiou plot; Romanou Melodou and Agion Anargiron Streets. Trench 14 (square ΠΕ), above floor 2. -0-85 -1.2 m. 10-9-1998. Excav. Diary: 276, p. 312. Other Nos: Excavation bag 266 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1997, 1083; Fantaoutsaki 1998, 933-935; Fantaoutsaki 2000, 1120-1122; Fantaoutsaki 2004, 31-51.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: R110 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2625 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, 2,5 YR 6/8. Part of handle preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: 5th (?), 6th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning over ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: R 111 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2657 Type/ Category: ‘Rhodian’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Part of handle preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Date: 5th-6th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, above the removal of Early Christian bones and relics. 10-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 217. Other Nos: ΑΕ 180 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: M 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2563 Type/ Category: Rhodian clay mould. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Coating: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Intact with chipping in the region. Discus: cross, rays in the frame. Shoulder: series of incised circles, in the vicinity of the nozzle incised crosses; applied folded loop handle. Dimensions: L. 0.112, W. 0.071, H. 0.022 m. Date: Mid 7th century (?) Provenance: Paradeisi. Football field, 2005. Excav. Diary: 6,2, 6,4, 6,5. Bibliography: Katsioti 2012, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Lykou 2005, 1182. Remarks: On the typology see Oziol 1977, 267, no. 806, pl. 44 (mould of lamp); Radulescu 1981, 206, pl. X 2.3 (moulds of lamps); Hayes 2007, 479, no. 21, fig. 15.1, from Kourion; Oziol 1993, 71, no. 115, 6th c.; Cahn-Klaiber 1977, 399, no. 378, pl. 40, 5th-6th c., from Alexandria; Szymanska 2008, 161, 164, nos 1-12, 64, 65, 67, figs 55, 58, 6th-7th c., from Marea in Egypt. The link with the Egyptian lamps is confirmed by lamp in Mlynarczyk 1998c, 351, fig. 23c, 7th c., from the excavations at Kom-el-Dikka in Alexandria, with its similar typology and decorative layout, and indeed by others from Tolmeita (Cyrenaica), Fabbricotti 2001, 44, no. 174, pl. XIV. Lamp of a similar typology, Boardman 1989, 121, no. 336, pl. 29: which is referred to as Palestinian, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio in Chios. It could also be compared to a lamp found in Amathus (in the Kornos cave) and another from Kourion in Cyprus, see Prokopiou 1995, 261-264, fig. 4a, end 6th to mid 7th c.; Catling, Dikigoropoulos 1970, especially 49, pl. XXXIIB, fig. 4, 7th c.; Hayes 2007, 479, no. 21, fig. 15.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps B. 5. The So-called Asia Minor and the Asia Minortype Lamps The majority of lamps found in Rhodes belong to the socalled Asia Minor variety (Broneer type XXIX, groups 3 and 4), which dominated the markets of the Aegean in the 6th and 7th centuries.414 Their number shows the great marketability of these products and, one may deduce, their competitive dynamics in achieving this local dominance. The preference in Rhodes for Asia Minor lamps is certainly not unprecedented. Already in the 1st century AD, products from the ROMANE(N)SIS415 workshop, hailing, as it has been demonstrated, from Knidos416 are a frequent discovery in the excavations in the city.417

these are lacking in excavation particulars.421 Thanks to associated coins, a tomb in Sadovsko Kale in Bulgaria422 can be dated to within the years 527–620: this contained an Asia Minor lamp with rows of closely spaced raised points (granulated) as decoration on its shoulder, a type with an extremely widespread distribution. In a chamber tomb on Aegina with a disturbed fill, its last phase of use is proven by an Asia Minor lamp with a rosette on its discus, tongues on the nozzle and no channel, which is linked to the currency of Tiberius II (578–582).423 In the Early Christian double basilica of Aliki on Thassos, the Asia Minor lamps appear at the end of the 5th century, last throughout the 6th, and proclaim their continuing existence (at least in the variant with the channel reaching the nozzle) into the early 7th.424 Of equal importance for dating look to be the forty eight Asia Minor lamps found in the ‘Fountain of Lamps’ at Corinth, placed in the late 5th to early 6th centuries.425 Similar conclusions have been reached in the excavations at Saraçhane, Constantinople.426 The finds of Pergamon have had their datings challenged,427 whilst the excavation data published for Sardis vaguely place the Asia Minor lamps from the late 5th to early 7th centuries.428 Recently, a lamp of this type was found in combination with amphorae workshops of the late 6th to early 7th centuries in Paros.429 Unfortunately the archaeological evidence for the Early Christian cemeteries at Pothia on Kalymnos is missing,430 as too for Tigani in Samos, where the majority of the numerous lamps are from Asia Minor.431 In the trench deposits of Evpalineio on Samos, although the coins include those of Heraclius and Constans II (610–668),432 they do not make for a particularly accurate dating.433 The same is so in Kenchreai434 and Berenice (Sidi Khrebish) in Libya.435 In the excavations at Agios Nicholaos at Myra in Lycia,

Characteristics of Asia Minor lamps by which they may be recognized are their round or almond-shaped body, the prominent and circular nozzle, the oblique incisions on either side of the nozzle, the – as a general rule – solid handle ending in a fishtail, the low plastic ring at the base, very often with an impressed stamp of a footprint (planta pedis) and the overall moderate size. Some of these elements have been observed in lamps made from a metal alloy: a mutually influential relationship between the two sets has been proposed.418 As is ever the case, the problems that arise are mainly to do with chronological matters, the attempts to distinguish between production sites and, in some cases, touch upon matters of iconography and morphology. Many have noted that it is the ambiguity of the chronological framework that complicates the study of Asia Minor lamps and that the large and unpublished sets of material excavated all over Asia Minor comprise the chief stumbling block to resolving this. The data on this issue are presented plainly in the works of Williams419 and Bailey,420 although they have a different approach concerning the commencement of their production.

Miltner 1937; Williams 1981, 69; Bailey 1988, 372. For the monumental complex of the Seven Sleepers in Ephesus, see Zimmermann 2011, 365–407; Pülz 2012, 244–249. For comments on Miltner’s dating, see also Honigmann 1953, 127–129. 422  Bailey 1988, 372. Cf. also Curta 2016, 22-24, for late 6th century and locally made lamps of the same type. 423  Kallipolitis, Petrakos 1963, 51–52, pl. 58b. 424  Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 71–72. 425  Garnett 1975, 199–201. Among these are the so-called ‘Aegean’ pieces, see the relevant chapter, B.8. 426  Hayes 1992, 82, types 1–3. 427  Bailey 1988, 372. 428  Rautman 1995, passim. 429  Diamanti 2016, 691, fig. 3. 430  From the excavations of Newton in the 19th century on the island. The lamps are now in the collections of the British Museum, see Bailey 1988, 497–498. 431  The excavations details are missing in Tsakos 1970, 419, and consequently in Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985 and PoulouPapadimitriou 1986, 584. The gap in our knowledge was pointed out by Sodini 1977, 20, n. 56. 432  Bailey 1988, 372. 433  Weber 2004. 434  Williams 1981, 69–71. 435  Bailey 1985, 98–99, group II (a). 421 

The starting point for the study of Asia Minor lamps was the corpus of lamps from Ephesus, which came mainly from the cemetery of the ‘Seven Sleepers’; regrettably For Asia Minor lamps, see mainly Miltner 1937; Bailey 1985, 98– 100; Bailey 1988, 366–393; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 584–610; Crawford, 1990, 14–101; Roumeliotis 2001, 255–275. 415  For the workshop, see mainly Heres 1968, 185–212. Also Williams 1981, 27–30, for a concise but comprehensive view of these lamps. 416  Rhodes was one of the main importers of Knidian ceramic products. For some aspects of this subject, see Patsiada 2004, 141–157; Katsioti 2009; Patsiada 2009, 272–273 no. 248, 280–281 no. 264, 282– 283 no. 267, 284–286 no. 268 (entries of ithyphallic Knidian vessels from Rhodes). 417  As can be seen from personal observation. 418  Xanthopoulou 2010, passim; Xanthopoulou 2005, 304. The undecorated lamps such as ΠΧ 1890, ΠΧ 2085, ΠΧ 2124, ΠΧ 2747, Λ 6534, reveal more similarities with their prototypes of copper alloys. 419  Williams 1981, 69–71. 420  Bailey, 1988, 366–372.

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Angeliki Katsioti Asia Minor lamps and wheel-made lamps were found in the vicinity of two coins of Tiberius II Constantine (587– 592).436 Also, a lamp from Ephesus, with the extremely familiar theme of a rosette, with several filling holes and a high rim, was found in a shipwreck in the Bay of Varna accompanied by amphorae of the early 6th century.437 This date, although adopted in this present catalogue, is but a relative one, because the duration of this particular type, as with so many others, probably extends throughout the whole of the 6th century.

category of Asia Minor, a few in the so-called ‘Aegean type’ and none whatsoever of the so-called ‘Samian type’. To summarize then: until the last quarter of the 6th century Asia Minor lamps comprise almost all those in use in Rhodes, while, and in keeping with the finds from the wreck of Yassi Ada (625–662), which include slightly simplified examples of Asia Minor lamps, it becomes obvious that in the 7th century it is the socalled ‘Samian type’ lamps that are now overwhelmingly present in the region. But let us point out, however, that for some sorts even a secure dating of deposition in the archaeological record does not signify the time of their production – many types are proving extremely long-lived.442

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In the Dodecanese, apart from Kalymnos as mentioned above, the excavation of the Devilliers plot in Nimporio on Symi yielded material that included an Asia Minor438 and a ‘Samian type’ lamp, but although a coin of Mauricius (581–602) was recovered it was not clear whether it had any association with either lamp. In a rescue excavation in the city of Kos, a lamp with rows of raised-point decoration was dated from the mid-6th until the first quarter of the 7th centuries.439 Unfortunately, the excavation of the burial building in Kardamaina on Kos did not contribute to a more accurate dating, since it appears that the lamps date the building and not the reverse.440 Regarding the finds from Rhodes, the following cases are mentioned: the lamp ΠΧ 2844, with a cross on the discus and tendrils on the shoulder was found with the ‘Aegean type’ (?) ΠΧ 2843 and possibly the coin NP 3865 of Mauricius (589– 590), the lamps from ΠΧ 2469 to 2471 were found with the coin NB 901 of Justin II (565–578) and lamps ΠΧ 2792 to 2794 with the coin NB 3792 of Justinian (539–540) and with NB 3829 of Heraclius (632–641). In Rhodes, in the Avgerinos plot, in the fill of a cistern, the lamps ΠΧ 2459–2477, the majority of Asia Minor-type were found with the coin NB 901, Justin II (565–578). In the Geniki Techniki plot, in a close context with Asia Minor lamp ΠΧ 2984 was that of ΠΧ 2983, a North African lamp of type Atlante X, and coinage of Justin III (518–522).

As Bailey remarked,443 there is no indication at present that of the Asia Minor lamps, those with and those without a channel are separated by any great chronological gap; rather the certainty is expressed that they coexisted for some indefinite period. It is worthy of note that although Asia Minor lamps without a channel are known in Rhodes, overwhelmingly the corpus is made up of those with the channel. We should bear in mind too that those lamps with a very narrow channel, often almost but an engraved line, and which might look like stylistic variations only, are mostly thought to be of Knidian origin (see below Chapter B.6 in the appropriate section) and not necessarily some chronologically intermediate stage, though the NAA analysis for some of these did not confirm the Knidian origin, preferring one in Asia Minor (see the relevant chapter E.1, discussing the analyses). Summarizing the above, while the approximate datings given by Bailey for Broneer type XXIX.3 (i.e. that with the channel) of 550–650 (with a possible start at 500) and for Broneer type XXIX.4 (i.e. that without a channel) at 500–600 (with a possible start at 450) seem accurate enough, yet the case of a shipwreck containing lamps, one of which was of the Asia Minortype, might contribute some evidence for their origins too. This ship sank at Port Vendres, in the Marseille area,444 loaded with amphorae of three types, mainly Almagro 50 and 51C. The wreck can be dated to around 400 AD, based on the amphorae and also the latest (392) of the coins found. In the eleven lamps, part of the furnishings of the ship and probably not its cargo,445 was a known North African lamp, of type Atlante VIII (type., according to Petriaggi and Barbera): such are in use from the second quarter of the 4th to the mid-

Of the finds from Rhodes presented here, the lack of closed excavation contexts creates insurmountable problems with chronology. Theories must be linked to material evidence coming from large-scale excavations in order to be reliable in regard to dating. In the case of Rhodes, the number of Asia Minor lamps from the Diakogeorgiou plot in the Rhodian necropolis is key, with a date between 526 and probably before 585 – the upper chronological limit of the excavation, according to the fine-ware ceramics.441 It is of particular relevance therefore that 80% of the lamps here belong in the

Williams 1981, 71, n. 23. Bailey 1988, 371. 444  Port Vendres I. Chevalier, Santamaria 1971, figs 6, 7; Ricci 2001– 2002, 383, fig. 24.2. 445  Contrary to Williams 2013, 798, noting the export to Gaul of lamps of but moderate quality. The quantity of lamps (twenty four, but with only eight used) are not enough to suggest that they were part of the cargo, but rather indicates that they formed part of the belongings of the ship’s crew. 442 

Findik 2010, 99. Unfortunately the archaeological evidence is not listed, nor is it indicated whether the Asia Minor lamps were locally produced. 437  Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. 438  Farmakidou 2011, 154, no. 56. 439  Didioumi 2010, 799, fig. 3. 440  Roumeliotis 2001, 264–266. 441  Bairami 2010, 249–269. 436 



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Rhodian Lamps 6th centuries approximately,446 that is to say they have a long period of production and dissemination. On its base, the lamp had the signature DE OFFICINA CECILI, a known workshop, active until about the middle of the 4th century. It has been supposed that this lamp had seen much service;447 with it was numbered an Asia Minor-type, an elongated lamp with tongues on the nozzle, a solid handle, globules on the shoulder and a rosette on a narrow discus. The recovery of this latter specimen in fact is rather incompatible with the generally accepted dating of the Asia Minor-type, for it would mean that the date suggested by Bailey for its inception would have to be put back by about 150 years, to around 400.448 Such a circumstance would indeed have added interest in that this elongated lamp should then be one of the oldest, because it is in this period, i.e. during the 5th century or so, that the circular lamps gradually disappear, as the elongation of the body gains ground.449 But Bailey, in a brief note450 in his publication of the lamps of the British Museum, made it plain that this lamp is linked to the presence of an African plate type of Hayes 104 and so is indeed to be dated to the 6th century,451 pointing out that both items come from layers overlying the 400 AD wreck. None of the subsequent researchers has considered this point worthy of mention and they pass no comment on this intrusion into the wreck: a matter that finds parallels in other such cases.452 It would seem then that another wreck (of the 6th century), occurring at the same point in southern France, contained a lamp from Asia Minor or of Asia-Minor type, which has thus ended up being deposited hundreds of kilometres away from its – theoretical – place of production.

adorned with a cross on the discus, an instance perhaps indicating some chronological lateness (?),453 for others the discus is not preserved. Proximity in time is not necessary, that is to say it is conceivable that the latest examples appear at the end of the 6th century. The extension of the production period of this particular type, in which there exist at the same time some degree of variety in the decoration (for example in the nozzle channel, in the depictions, in the rosette or also undecorated discus, etc.), all lead to the suggestion that other categories of Asia Minor lamps have a long period of production, just as do those with the ordinary decoration of a series of raised points. The gradual disappearance from the 6th century onwards of the decoration on the discus, initially of the pictorial representations and then the rest of the ornament, led to a consequent emphasis in decoration on the shoulder and concomitant reduction in discus size. This development co-exists with the presence of a channel joining discus and nozzle, and the creation of the first proper fan-shaped decoration between discus and nozzle in the form of relief tongues: a kind of formalization of the shape takes place. All these are idiosyncratic characteristics of the Asia Minor-type, without having any chronological implications. The few, but accurate, observations of Hayes,454 in relation to the chronology of the two lamps from Asia Minor in the collection of Ontario Museum, are interesting. He argued that the lamps with the modelled base of Eph A type (according to Bailey:455 this constitutes a raised band of clay/strap, extending from the handle and ending at the ring of the base) are earlier than the rest (with bases of type Eph B and C), but that the chronology proposed, around the 3rd–4th centuries, is too early. The fishtail at the handle end near the base, rarely configured as a triangular relief or a type of anchor, is a very common feature of Asia Minor lamps with a type Eph B base. The transition to the type Eph C, where the fishtail is shaped further, taking the form of two ‘tongues’ at the handle’s end, is characteristic par excellence of ‘Samian type’ lamps, and probably marks a later phase.456 The same may happen with the handle-mask, as with ΠΧ 3035: a rare feature, close in shape to this leaf-shaped pattern,457 and a prime component of the ‘Samian type’. The impressed planta pedis, if accompanying base Eph B, usually, but not

Accordingly, any dating to around 400 of similar oblong lamps such as Λ 2911, ΠΧ 2801 has proven extremely problematic. To this stretched type of lamp belong others of those being examined here, some are Bussière 2007, 29–30. Bussière 2000, 125–126, 139–140, compares it with type E V1 (later). His view that the workshops generally had about 30 years of life seems broadly reasonable, but it is difficult to believe that this lamp, from a workshop active until about 360, managed to survive for another 40 years! It has been calculated that the average life of a lamp rarely exceeds one year, perhaps only six months depending on its usage (Pena 2007, 56–57, 327–328, 330), with each household consuming annually between five to ten lamps (Poblome 2013, 83). Let us therefore assume that it is a later imitation of that signature. 448  It should be noted that Williams 1981, 70 puts the beginnings of the Asia Minor-type in the early 4th century, but only perhaps because the work of Bailey on the lamps of the British Museum had not then been published. 449  Bailey 1980, 293. 450  Bailey 1988, 35, 386, Q 3146, where the lamp from the wreck is paralleled with the similarly decorated lamp from Kalymnos, albeit with significant differences in its shape. 451  Martin 1977, 101–102. 452  Although it is not much mentioned, there are cases where objects have subsequently found their way into earlier shipwrecks. For example, a short distance from the wreck of Yassi Ada I (625–626) in the adjacent wreck of Yassi Ada II (early 5th century) was found a ‘Samian type’ lamp: this, as was seen, was introduced from the later Yassi Ada I sinking, see Ricci 2001–2002, 379–390. 446 

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For example, in Attic lamps, as has been argued, the cross does not appear on the discus before the last decades of the 5th century, see Karivieri 1996a, 67. 454  Hayes 1980, 70–71. See his comments on Asia Minor lamps nos 294 (earlier) and 295 (later). 455  For this classification, see Bailey 1988, fig. 371. 456  Something suggested by Vitelli 1982, 196. 457  It seems that the handle is not only characteristic of the lamps of ‘Samian type’, but also of some later Asia Minor ones. See the handles of lamps from Miletus, Niewöhner 2013, 180, pl. 16, of the 6th–7th centuries, from the insula south of the west Agora. 453 


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Angeliki Katsioti always, goes with a fishtail termination of the handle. For the planta pedis in particular, it is hard at present to be more precise about the number of workshops who, until perhaps the 7th century, so stamped their products,458 given the variety in the execution of the one or more footprints (double planta pedis exist on Λ 3394, Π 2650). This is especially so when the regions possibly exchanged moulds, or more commonly copied each other’s lamps.

are identified for instance in Kivyra.461 Judging then from the few published lamps, no similarities were found, beyond most general characteristics and themes, between those from Ephesus and those under examination now. The majority of the imports to Rhodes look to hail from west Asia Minor, whilst items from the south and east, where production is influenced by Syrian types,462 are seemingly shunned. The most likely choices for the provenance of Asia Minor lamps considered here could be as follows:

With these data to hand, Asia Minor lamps such as Λ 2698, Λ 3219, Λ 2916, ΠΧ 2124 (Knidian?), ΠΧ 2126, ΠΧ 2442, ΠΧ 2481, ΠΧ 2555, ΠΧ 2695, with a base where it survives of Eph A type, perhaps date back to the 5th century. Also the handle piercing, as in Π 2673 and ΠΧ 1207, possibly signals an early element.

– lamps from Ephesus. – lamps from other centres of Asia Minor such as Miletus,463 Knidos,464 Pergamum,465 the area of Phocaea, Sagalassos,466 Tralles,467 Kivyra,468 Aphrodisias, etc.

Although, as mentioned, the chronological sequence of the Asia Minor lamps is difficult to establish, it seems that those with a large filling hole, approaching the size normal for one of the ‘Samian type’, are later.459 The wide filling hole is inextricably connected, in my view, with the gradual disappearance of the discus supporting a figured scene, because the remaining space is often not sufficient to receive any such representation.

– Asia Minor-type lamps from workshops outside Asia Minor, for example from Constantinople469 and the Aegean islands. This difficulty in distinguishing between Asia Minor and Asia Minor-type lamps has occupied other researchers: in the finds from Kenchreai, for example, Williams combines the Asia Minor and the Asia Minor-type lamps, unlike those of North Africa, where the relative ease of discrimination permits the classification of imitations into a separate category. In the case of Asia Minor lamps found on Rhodes, notwithstanding their presence in such quantities, the detection of production locales, even of domestic ones, requires more detailed analyses and more extensive databases. Common sense says that Rhodes would only ever produce its own imitations on a small scale470 and would maybe import moulds for popular themes from neighbouring and known markets, such as those on the Asia Minor coast. But not only has no mould been found until now, but not even workshop residues of lamp production of the Christian centuries have been discovered in excavations in the city. It is true, though, that such discoveries of workshop debris are indeed rare anyway – as is known, beyond the rubbish and rejects tossed aside, such operations leave almost nothing in the way of robust building remains since they require but

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Lamp ΠΧ 1242, with its flattened shape, the unusual horseshoe-shaped decoration engraved on the shoulder and a dotted fork-like fishtail joining the ring base, is a one-off piece: obviously a kind of hybrid. Such are perhaps representative of the transition from Asia Minor to ‘Samian type’ lamps. In the related chapter these hybrid lamps are discussed at length, as they probably mark this very transition. Closer observation of the shoulder patterns shows that the use of guilloche, as on ΠΧ 1227, ΠΧ 1107, ΠΧ 2342, ΠΧ 2374, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2656, ΠΧ 2828, ΠΧ 1892, is relatively rare;460 given that it appears very often on ‘Samian style’ lamps, it may be a late feature. Several difficulties also arise in recognizing the products of local workshops. To distinguish these is difficult, even if the lamps from Ephesus, whose workshops in the Meander valley seem to spearhead productivity, originality and quality, are considered in many cases macroscopically identifiable – their clay is red-tobrown, sparkling with small quartz particles. However, Ephesus held no monopoly on quality since workshops responsible for the production of exceptional lamps

Metin 2012, 243–250. Williams 1981, 69, n. 7. 463  Of the very few lamps from Miletus that are published, see Menzel 1969, passim, of unknown, if local, production. 464  For Knidian production, see the relevant chapter, B.6. 465  For lamps from Pergamon, see mainly De Luca 1984. 466  For local production of Asia Minor-types, see Roovers 1993, 154– 162; Metin 2012, 243–250. 467  Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 127–128, no. 70, tried to place the lamp, not of Asia Minor-type, in the neighbourhood of Tralles. 468  Metin 2012, 243–250. 469  See the mould of an Asia Minor lamp in the Archaeological Museum of Constantinople, probably unpublished (personal onsite observation). I do not know if it comes from excavations from somewhere nearby, or from west Asia Minor. 470  ΠΧ 2959 E is a rather one-off example of copying. 461  462 

See the comments of Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 585, 587–588. There are other opinions too, see Metin 2012, 253, that regard the planta pedis as a quality mark and unconnected with any workshop. For the labelling of ceramic products with the planta pedis, see Zhuravlev 2001, 90–99. For this sort of stamp, see also Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 69; Bailey 1965, 22; Koutoussaki 2008, 79. 459  Bailey 1988, 372. 460  Weber 2004, 27 believes the guilloche pattern to be characteristic of later, ‘Byzantine’ lamps, as he calls them. 458 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps limited facilities. Only near the village of Paradisi, 12 km from the town of Rhodes, was there revealed in a small settlement with large storage pithoi (siroi) half of a clay mould for a lamp, of the 7th century.471 This find may arguably be associated with but the slenderest of occasional production, since no workshop waste was discovered.472 The recovery in excavations on the nearby island of Kos of moulds copying the lower parts of lamps of Asia Minor-type473 shows, if nothing else, the common practice of manufacturing lamps according to popular models to meet the almost limitless demands.

portion of them had been found in Ephesus, and thus their origin was almost certain. But the question persists. How, for example, from the multitude of Asia Minor lamps from the excavations of the Early Christian cemetery of Pothia on Kalymnos, now in the British Museum, is it that none was allotted, not just necessarily to local production, but even to that of the nearest islands like Kos and Rhodes? This situation, of course, may be due to possible shortcomings in the then available database of the various clays. It is characteristic of about half of the lamps found on Kalymnos and attributed to production at Ephesus that the relief and the appearance are poor. In contrast, of the lamps found in the excavations of Ephesus, which presumably are to be considered locally made, this percentage is much lower. Indicative of lamps of low quality are ΠΧ 1176 and Λ 2695: with clear analogies with others found in Kalymnos, they are yet attributed to the production at Ephesus.477 Publications often tend to rank items of lower quality as of local production. Thus, in Kardamaina on Kos a lamp with a poor quality slip and low relief was categorized as of local make.478 But likewise lamps with a blurred relief, as ΠΧ 2301, and others with grotesque forms, such as Λ 2698, are fairly much akin to those of Ephesus and therefore may be imports. To these may be added others, like ΠΧ 1870, ΠΧ 1877, ΠΧ 904, ΠΧ 1909, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2038, ΠΧ 2301, ΠΧ 2380, ΠΧ 2411, ΠΧ 2677, ΠΧ 2753, ΠΧ 2755, ΠΧ 2756, ΠΧ 2904, ΠΧ 2947, ΠΧ 3024, in which similarities can be drawn, if not a full correspondence, with the products of Ephesus. Note that reservations may be raised for lamps whose lower part of the body carries an impressed circular mark, a feature common to several lamps attributed to Ephesus,479 although the moulds may have been exported or a copy made from an alien lamp with such an impressed circular mark.480 For example in the good quality lamp Π 2650, the absence of mica raises doubts about its origin from the Ephesus workshop, even though there are two impressed circular marks and a planta pedis.

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In some of the lamps looked at, it is the physical characteristics, such as a uniform colour of the clay (red-to-brown clay), the purity of the design, the presence of sparkling mica and a possible bright or deep red, sometimes rubbed off slip which occasionally on firing becomes grey that have led to the classification of a reasonable number as products of Ephesus. To these may be added, by virtue of their quality, size and somewhat ‘feeble’ relief, lamps with a variety of coloured slips, from maroon to ash-grey, which are to be derived either from Ephesus, or from related Asia Minor workshops. Some imperfections in joining the two halves of the mould are mainly located in the handle region: these blemishes do not stand in the way of classifying such lamps in the above category. As stated above, if lamps show no real differing characteristics but are much the same in their details, then it is difficult to distinguish between those coming from Asia Minor proper and those made in the islands. In particular, it is necessary to clarify through excavation, as has been achieved for Amorion, the local production in Late Antiquity in the cities of Asia Minor, such as Knidos, Didyma, Miletus, Phocaea, Hierapolis, Iassos, Laodicea,474 Kivyra, Aphrodisias, and others. Also to investigate further whether there is any joy – so to speak – to be had from other islands, such as Samos. Only then can one draw concrete conclusions. In this regard it should be pointed out that some lamps from the excavation of Saraçhane with similar characteristics have been considered by their researcher to differ from those of Ephesus as to their clay, with a very interesting proposal that their possible origin be sought in the islands of the eastern Aegean.475 Many of the lamps of the British Museum, and amongst them those of Asia Minor, were treated to a clay analysis;476 the larger

The lamp, as an article of trade, will command a value in the commodities market. It has been assumed that the Corinthian lamps of the 2nd to 3rd centuries would be more expensive and would be treated for the most part as art-objects. Correspondingly prices481 would be more Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3140, pl. 108, 389, Q 3178, pl. 111. Roumeliotis 2001, 264. 479  Bailey 1988, 371. There are certainly also missing lamps of unplaced origin with impressed circular marks, see Bailey 1988, 390– 391, Q 3190, pl. 112, ca. 550–650, from Kalymnos, with two impressed circular marks on both sides of the base; and 417, Q 3328, pl. 124, 6th century, also from Kalymnos, in the category ‘Unplaced, the Greek East’, with two marks on the left side. 480  Other than the Asia Minor lamps and those of ‘Samian type’, such stamps are also found on lamps attributed to Knidian production, such as Λ 6294. 481  Under the Edictum Diocletiani, the cost of 10 lamps was 4 dinars, at a time when the daily wage of an unskilled labourer stood at 25, 477  478 

Lykou 2005, 1182; Katsioti 2012, fig. 4. See also the chapter on Rhodian lamps, B.4. 472  Bournias 2014, 789, where too other examples of lamps of a limited production range mark the workshop in Giroula (Sagri) on Naxos. 473  Alevra, Kalopissi, Lemou, Panagiotidi 1993, 355, pl. 216a; Roumeliotis 2001, 263, pl. 7. There was also found a mould in the Poursanidis plot in Mastichari (AE 136), Katsioti 2012, 555–560, fig. 1. 474  For the locally produced lamps of Laodicea, in the Late HellenisticEarly Roman period, see Simsek, Duman 2013, 151–180. 475  Hayes 1992, 80, types 1–3. 476  Hughes 1988, 461–485. 471 


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Angeliki Katsioti affordable for lamps with a ‘blurred’ relief resulting from worn moulds and archetypes, as they would be for those clumsily and roughly made or underfired: perhaps such were even intended for poorer customers. If indeed it has been estimated correctly that at least half of the lamps examined here belong to these categories, without necessarily being of local manufacture, then we must assume that the centres of production did indeed promote such second-rate material by lowering the price. Therefore, a poor appearance by itself is not a safe criterion for classifying such lamps as either imported or of domestic manufacture. Furthermore buyers, influenced by limited resources, may have avoided the higher end of the market and bought second-rate lamps, usually imitations;482 this probably means that the buying power of consumers, or the influence of fashion in Rhodes during the centuries under consideration, was rather limited. Possibly, during the 6th and the first half of the 7th centuries, the supply of lamps from Asia Minor centres like Ephesus to the islands at low cost and at a scale which adequately covered local needs, forestalled the creation of imitations by the smaller local production units.

found in Sardis,488 while for another there were doubts expressed as to whether it was actually produced in Ephesus.489 In contrast, five of the eight lamps attributed to manufacturers in Sardis are unslipped. It would thus be possible to think that for this reason alone some of the unslipped Asia Minor lamps examined in this list might be from Sardis. The description of the clay for lamps attributed to Sardis shows approximately the same characteristics as those of Ephesus.490 Therefore, without detailed workshop analysis, it is difficult to make further divisions. Rhodian clay also has similar characteristics,491 but is weaker in the mica present. Clays with comparable features are known too from other islands and in the region of Asia Minor. Also, for methodological reasons, one cannot rule out the bringing in of raw clay from other areas into Rhodes and the islands – and indeed vice versa;492 the same goes for lamp moulds, but not those for copies of the same lamps. Amongst the corpus there are a very few lamps from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, possibly some are from Ephesus, because thereby a more complete image is given of the situation before the time of mass production. This involves finds ΠΧ 2045, ΠΧ 2328, ΠΧ 1974, ΠΧ 2410 Π and Θ̣ , ΠΧ 2483 and ΠΧ 2291. A few more also from the corpus can be placed in 4th–5th centuries: namely ΠΧ 2046, ΠΧ 2053, ΠΧ 2179, ΠΧ 2197, ΠΧ 2310, ΠΧ 2401, ΠΧ 2452, ΠΧ 3016 and Λ 2553. These lamps are probably Asia Minor in origin, but do not constitute a homogeneous group. Some may represent Asia Minor production, although not necessarily of Ephesus, of the 4th century, but their state of preservation and size do not allow further comment. Note too how few Bailey credibly attributed to production at Ephesus in the same period.493 Moreover the frequent earthquakes Ephesus suffered (namely at 262, 358, 365 and 368 AD, listing just those of the 3rd and 4th centuries) had an adverse impact on production output levels. For example, the eastern sigillata B workshops in existence since the late 1st century BC were no longer producing in the 3rd AD. The archaeological evidence for the first three quarters of the 4th century is rather sparse.494 In the recovery in the later 5th century, running on down to the early 7th century of Late Roman Coarse Ware, one can catch a brief glimpse of the story of the local fine wares, before they finally disappear for ever.495 The

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The Asia Minor clay, mainly brown in colour, comes in shades of paler tones down to ash-grey, often due to over-firing; it usually bears a slip.483 The intense presence of mica is a common feature of the clay of Ephesus.484 However, as has been observed, neither its absence nor a strong occurrence proves that the lamp definitely does or does not come from there. Apart from the above caveats, the attribution of many of the examined pieces on the basis of their fabric to the workshops of Ephesus contains some pertinent reservations. As seen, the clay shows many similarities with that from Phocaea and Çandarli. It is noteworthy that at Ephesus 80% of the Late Roman Coarse-ware ceramics, as seen in Terrace House 2, are imports from those above areas.485 Further, recent research on Roman amphorae indicates that the raw material from the region of Ephesus and the neighbouring Kaystros valley shows some heterogeneity, whilst there is not yet sufficient petrological data on workshops in Pergamum and Sardis to make any sensible observations here.486 As Bailey had observed, slips are rarely missing from the lamps of Ephesus, whilst they are just as rarely present in those from Sardis. Among the lamps of the British Museum it is suggestive, perhaps, that of the eight unslipped lamps attributed to Ephesus,487 two were

Bailey 1988, 388, 391, Q 3166, Q 3195, pls 110, 112. Bailey 1988, 388, Q 3166, pl. 110. 490  Bailey 1988, 395. 491  For the characteristics of Rhodian clay, as used for Rhodian amphorae, see Whitbread 1995, 59; Bezeczky 2013, 35–50. See also the chapter on Rhodian lamps, B.4. 492  For mainland Greece the possible existence of travelling workshops, utilizing local clays as they went, has been mooted, see Petridis 2007, 43–53, especially 52–53. 493  Bailey 1988, 370–371, 381–382, Q 3098–Q 3102, pl. 104. 494  Waldner, Ladstätter 2014b, 49–58. 495  See Ladstätter, Pülz 2007, 397 ff.



with a meal thrown in, see Poblome 2013, 87. 482  See the remarks of Koutoussaki 2008, 59. 483  For its characteristics, see Bailey 1985, 98. 484  Bailey 1988, 371–372. 485  Ladstätter, Sauer 2002, 323–333. 486  Bezeczky 2013, 193. For Sardis, see for the present Hughes 1988, 461–485, passim. 487  Bailey 1988, Q 3137, Q 3142, Q 3151, Q3159, Q3166, Q3169, Q3192, Q3195.


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Rhodian Lamps lamp manufacturers will arguably have followed the same path. Therefore it has to be concluded that, in parallel to the limited production of lamps at Ephesus before the 5th century496 (a situation quite reversed by the end of that century, and later too) the same is so at that time for their exportation from Ephesus to Rhodes, despite the occasional item turning up, perhaps merely a chance find.

characteristic of the Asia Minor workshops, all details such as the fishtail, the planta pedis and the engravings on the nozzle have been eradicated. Λ 3224, thanks to its fabric and manner of decoration,499 from a certain viewpoint might perhaps be taken as a Cypriot product, one incorporating features of an Asia Minor lamp. Unfortunately the excavation data do not help with the dating.

During the 5th century there can perhaps be ascribed to Asia Minor makers the lamps ΠΧ 2228, ΠΧ 2290, ΠΧ 2442, ΠΧ 2481, ΠΧ 2555, ΠΧ 2592, ΠΧ 2695 and ΠΧ 2945. From the details of their features, namely the pierced handle, the broad discus497 combined with a narrow shoulder zone, in imitation of elements of Attic lamps, they could be considered as earlier than the majority of the rest of the Asia Minor set: with the caveat however that their associated finds give no fixed time framework of greater precision. Note well, however, that external features such as these have but a relative importance, since the duration of their appearance is not known and they may coexist with later ones.

To this workshop may belong ΠΧ 1527 (Ephesus?), ΠΧ 1244, and in particular Λ 2690 and ΠΧ 1503. ΠΧ 1201 seems to descend by surmoulage from the latter two lamps: it has the same characteristics, but has poor relief-work and is shrunken in size. Lamps Λ 1082 and ΠΧ 1218 are of interest too, in pinpointing similar pieces at Ephesus and other regions of Asia Minor, as for example in Amorion. It is also certain that they were produced in larger quantities in the region south of the Danube and Scythia Minor all through the 6th and into the first half of the 7th centuries.500 Also one must draw attention to their resemblance to lamps of metal alloy, which were their immediate models.501 In Rhodes and the other islands, as far as is known, lamps of this type are very rare. At this time, judging from the surviving examples, there was a preference for the so-called ‘Samian type’ lamps.

As deduced, the internal processes in the evolution of the Asia Minor lamps,498 combined with the problem of dating, are hard to discern. The intermediate lamps that led to the crystallization of this class are missing or are not yet understood.

Figurative motifs on the disci are slowly forgotten; it is now the rosette, in many guises, that dominates. The image of a kantharos, or crater, (see ΠΧ 2587, Λ 63100) is often paired with birds such as peacocks and doves: all can do duty as symbols of a Christian milieu.502 On the earlier lamps, like the Knidian ΠΧ 2842 of the 1st–2nd centuries, the discus displays a crater, from which tendrils sprout shoots, or even more rarely it may appear on the shoulder as with the later ΠΧ 2146, Λ 4777 (Knidian?). This usage demonstrates that as a symbol the crater has its roots in pagan themes; their ties to an exclusively Christian environment, even in

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As mentioned in the relevant chapter on Knidian lamps, a loose but nonetheless real interconnection is established between lamps ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054 and ΠΧ 1948. The clay in general is pink with golden mica, but not present in any bulk; usually the surface is given a slip, often iridescent, and so it is visually possible by this feature to link them to Knidian manufacturers, as is also true at times in terms of typology: for example, in many cases the base is wide, consisting of a large ring-foot. A prominent group has a small rosette around the filling hole, a narrow channel and a winding tendril on the shoulder. Their origin cannot be determined precisely, even though for some of them it is assumed to be Knidos, (see also comments on the clay analysis in Chapter E.3).

Thus for the shape and decoration cf. Λ 5452, 3rd century: Bailey 1988, 313, Q 2552, pl. 69, 200–300, from Cyprus. Lindros Wohl 2005, 212 ΑΡΧΕΠΟΛΙC, of the 3rd–4th centuries from the Isthmia: Asia Minor is speculated there as their source, but I prefer Cypriot. On lamps of the same workshop (Λ 5445, P. 2560), see those related in the chapter on Cypriot lamps, B.2. 500  See Topoleanou, 2003; Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 171–174. Similar lamps from the wreck of Yassi Ada (Vitelli 1982, 196–199, nos 13–18, figs 9–6) are categorized as of ‘Balkan type’; whilst those from Saraçhane (Hayes 1992 , 83, 87–88, nos 89–96, pl. 23) are viewed as imitations of Asia Minor types, of unknown precise origin. Note that the finding of locally made lamps of the ‘Balkan style’ in Amorion (Lightfoot 2008, 285, fig. 18, 6th – first half of the 7th centuries) raises again the problem of their origin, Gill, Sen 2003, 33 (note by Lightfoot). 501  See Xanthopoulou 2010, 118–119, nos LA 3.084, LA 3.087, 5th–8th centuries. 502  Koutoussaki 2008, 55; Gerousi 2010, 222, fig. 14, on the Attic lamp ΣΩΤΗΡΙΑΣ with crater and dove, argues that this is a representation of the Holy Spirit. A crater exists on a marble slab of the 6th century, now in the collection of Dumbarton Oaks (Kirin 2005, 116–117, no. 5), which has been interpreted as an allegory for the Fountain of Life. 499 

Although individual observations as to their construction are listed in the catalogue below, that of the elegant lamp Λ 3224 stands out, perhaps the model for the inferior but similar Λ 3413. The decoration shows damage and wear, due to an over-used mould, and on the bottom segment, in a manner eminently So argues Bailey 1988, 370–371. Bailey 1988, 372, considers the broad discus an early feature. 498  For all this, the characteristics and the impact of older lamps, see Williams 1981, 69–71; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 586–587; Bailey, 1988, 368–369. 496  497 


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Angeliki Katsioti later years, are open to doubt. There is also the matter of the discus of ΠΧ 2945 (similar in being perhaps Knidian, like ΠΧ 2745) where four vine-shoots converge from the outside of the image towards the centre, so making a cross: this is possibly a short-hand version of the image known from early Byzantine mosaics (Caesarea Maritima El Djem, Madaba, etc.).503 Here from the four corners of the composition vines snake towards the centre: perhaps carrying some meaning of an eschatological quest of the time, or alternatively forming a picture of an earthly paradise.

controversial kind of games such as gladiatorial bouts, as opposed to the more recently introduced animal fights, was a problem for the emperors: significantly in 399, by order of Honorius, the gladiator school at Rome finally shut its gates. Although in the East the spectacle seems to be already in decline in the 4th century, yet representations of gladiators, as on the Ephesian ΠΧ 2347 and in conjunction with other lamps found there,507 could indicate that the sport still existed even in the 6th century. Such a finding, if proven, would alter the view inspired by the epigraphic and iconographic evidence that gladiatorial fights ceased in the 4th century, along with the games themselves.508 However, the lamps could simply have borrowed the gladiator representations and those of the animal fights from the existing rich legacy of imagery, and are not necessarily evidence of the actual practice of such sports in Ephesus in the 6th century.509

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Lamps with pagan (i.e. ones common in the Roman period) motifs are much in evidence, clearly too much so to be symbols of the persistence of the old religion. Their occurrence is rather the result, as explained in the section on Attic lamps, of the existence of pattern-books that the lamp-manufacturers consulted even in the 6th century, wherever communities with a shared cultural tradition intermingled freely amongst themselves. Proof of this process of assimilation and of the common sensitivities that held the various communities together are lamps such as ΠΧ 2755, and ΠΧ 1160, where erotic themes on the discus are combined with an embossed or engraved cross on the nozzle. Erotic scenes are not very common (ΠΧ 2380, ΠΧ 2410 Π and Θ̣ , ΠΧ 2695 (?), ΠΧ 2755, ΠΧ 2770) on these, just as they are not on other types of lamps. Nevertheless one scene repeated regularly in those pieces here examined, though curiously not found in published examples, involves intercourse from behind between an adult male and a youth,504 e.g. on ΠΧ 1160, ΠΧ 1168, ΠΧ 1173, Λ 6076, ΠΧ 2495, ΠΧ 2767. They do not seem to be locally made and probably Ephesus is the place of origin of some of them. So perhaps it is just by chance that no parallel instances have been found in the Asia Minor areas. As observed, such homosexual scenes between adults are rare even on earlier lamps,505 which are not necessarily from Asia Minor, and paedophilia representations like these present ones are unknown.

Apart from the numerous animal and bird illustrations, frequently encountered too in various artistic media of this period, are the dominant theme of Erotes (Cupids) involved in different activities, e.g. playing musical instruments, holding grapes and ducks, angling, dancing or fighting with each other; not forgetting the scene of the grooming of Pegasus by Eros, found on five lamps, ΠΧ 1178, ΠΧ 1220, ΠΧ 2379, ΠΧ 2550 and ΠΧ 2750. None of them come from the same mould, and their size varies. Although the clay shows leanings to that of Ephesus, an Asia Minor-type lamp with the same subject (a local imitation?) was found recently near a pottery kiln in excavation on Lefkos on Karpathos,510 which probably indicates a demand for the issue on a local level. This representation, part of a larger one including the Muses or Nymphs, was already known in Roman art (although the subject is often not recognized by scholars) as a frieze in the Forum Traiani shows, along with a marble sarcophagus for a boy dating to 110–130 AD,511 mosaic floors in Leptis Magna,512 and miniature products such as a lamp of metal alloy, now lost.513 It seems that the theme in different variations, and at its most developed, experienced some popularity in North Africa, appearing too on North African ceramic plates.514

Subjects arising from the amphitheatre and the circus, components of celebrations organized by urban communities in honour of first the gods and then the imperial cult, contain such details as acrobats, gladiators and wild animal fights on Λ 6429, Λ 6496, ΠΧ 1532 and ΠΧ 2347. They are not now as often encountered as in earlier periods and on other types of lamps; this change is indicative maybe of a move towards a different kind of public spectacle.506 In particular the display of the

introduced by the emperor Marcus Aurelius Carus (282–283), but were at their height of popularity in the 5th and 6th centuries. In particular, among the tricks on show were bears taking part in pantomimes, acrobats who used sticks, and others who specialized in provoking the bears and avoiding their wrath, see Nossov 2009, 39–40. 507  Miltner 1937, no. 1456, and perhaps 1500, pl. VIII. 508  Papakyriacou 2012, 261. 509  Papakyriacou 2012, 261, expresses the view, at least for Ephesus, that if there are illustrations of animal fights into the 6th century, then the sport is still flourishing. See also footnote 257. 510  Unpublished. 511  Koch, Wight 1988, 7–10, no. 3, the J. Paul Getty Museum, in Malibu. 512  Aurigemma 1960, 49. 513  Guidi 1933, 22–25, fig. 16, from the 18th century gravure. 514  Allais 1959, 43–58; Loverdou 1966–1969, 235–237, pls 96–97. Eisenberg 2010, no. 197.

For its theme and symbolism, see Talgam, Shadmi, Patrich 2012, 77–104; about antithetical emblems (vine-cross) between Dionysus, Christ, see Massa 2014. 504  For the illustration of erotic scenes with dwarfs on earlier, mainly Italian, lamps, see Vucetic 2014, 146–148. 505  Bailey 1980, 70; Bailey 1988, 65. For erotic themes and their frequency in earlier lamps, see Vucetic 2014, 140–158. 506  Events where acrobats were combined with animals, so partly replacing the expensive wild animal fights, are stated to have been 503 


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Rhodian Lamps For activities of daily life, ΠΧ 2759 shows a boat and ΠΧ 2771, ΠΧ 2758, ΠΧ 2764 maybe scenes of the hunt.

lamps from Saraçhane, most of which lacked a channel (as is frequently observed in contexts of the early 6th century), argued that reductions in the size of the discus and the base characterize those lamps imported later, as does the considerable number of patterns on their lower part.516 It is no coincidence, judging from the present corpus, that the – generally – latest of these, i.e. those with the channel, are also the smallest in size. It is also inferred from the lamps with the rows of raised-point decoration (all without a channel) coming from the Diakogeorgiou plot, and which have a chronological limit of around 585, that the form with channel certainly went on later.

The popular mythological subjects among the corpus here considered are Hercules with the Hydra (ΠΧ 3030), Leda and the swan, depictions of Aphrodite (ΠΧ 2316, ΠΧ 2548, ΠΧ 2801, ΠΧ 1176), Ganymede with the eagle (ΠΧ 2828), Attis or the Dioscouri (ΠΧ 1868), a centaur (ΠΧ 1886, ΠΧ 2681 (?), Pan (ΠΧ 2385, ΠΧ 1208), Pans or Pan with a Faun (ΠΧ 2165, Λ 2695): they are probably the exception at a time when manufacture was dominated by simplified motifs, ones more suitable for narrow or generally small disci, where room for the craftsman’s skills are limited.

The signatures or other engravings and numbers on the lower part or bottom of Asia Minor lamps are rare. There exist ΠΧ 2049 with the letters ΡΚ, Π and Θ̣ , ΠΧ 2410 (is it an Asia Minor lamp?), ΠΧ 2827 with a relief Λ in the region of its base (for production control?), and the spiral engraved into ΠΧ 2936, which motif appears earlier in Italian imitations of North African lamps.

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Even in this later era, as the majority of the Asia Minor lamps are to be placed in the 6th century, the cross as an image on the discus is not as frequent as might be expected, whilst subjects from the Old Testament are rare, and from the New largely non-existent. As potential biblical themes, albeit with some doubts attaching, but nonetheless interesting mainly because of the earliness of the imported iconography, there are the Sacrifice of Abraham (or Daniel in the Lions’ Den?) on ΠΧ 2038 (?), 2756 (?), an unknown but likely Old Testament (?) scene in ΠΧ 2904, Daniel in the Lions’ Den for sure on ΠΧ 2947, and possibly on ΠΧ 2957, and perhaps by himself on ΠΧ 2904. There are still a few examples, such as ΠΧ 2145, ΠΧ 2202, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2775, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1858, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1208, ΠΧ 1160, Λ 2554, ΠΧ 1209, ΠΧ 1170 and ΠΧ 1172, where the cross is either embossed or engraved, sometimes carefully, sometimes merely lightly incised, on the bases of the lamps.

It should also be noted that, as is natural, lamps of other sorts were made during the 5th and 6th centuries in the regions of Asia Minor, although probably to a limited degree. See for example the imitations of North African lamps, for such may be ΠΧ 2348, ΠΧ 2763, and again lamps of the Aegean type, such as ΠΧ 2773. Because of the number of pieces here examined, other individual observations on pictorial aspects, ideas concerning joint workshops and origins, similarities in technical processing, etc. can be found in the catalogue below and will not be repeated here. Note also that in the 6th century Asia Minor lamps make up almost the totality of those in use on Rhodes, an island that was an attractive market and had developed a special relationship with western Asia Minor, thanks to two key advantages: the short distance from the production centres, and the relatively high demand.

The most popular type of Asia Minor lamp, very common on Rhodes as indeed all round the Aegean,515 is that with rows of closely spaced and raised points (granulation) on the shoulder and a plain discus, with a channel (see as examples ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 2567, ΠΧ 2579 and ΠΧ 2585) or without one (see typically Π 2650, ΠΧ 1302, ΠΧ 1083, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2827, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 1916). One can add those fragments where the nozzle has not been preserved sufficiently to determine whether or not a channel existed. Most of the items in the group under question, since they have dissimilar clays and sizes, cannot be further classified, but they yet make up an important range of examples for the distribution of the workshops, and of the variety of clays tapped. The group of lamps of ‘Samian type’ with rows of closely spaced and raised points from the wreck of Yassi Ada (625–626) demonstrates that their continued existence, proven until the first half of the 7th century, is mainly due to their ease of reproduction, because of their simplified decoration. Hayes, considering such 515 

* Comments applicable to the Catalogue below: AM 1–334 are lamps without a channel (they include lamps where the existence of a channel, or not, cannot be understood because of the size of the surviving fragment). AM 335–AM 409 are lamps with channel. These two groups may be subdivided as follows: Asia Minor without a channel: AM 1–13 lamps dating up to the 5th century.

See too Roumeliotis 2001, 257.


Hayes 1992, 82.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti AM 14–23 to the end of the 5th century.

AM 336–345 have scenes with Erotes and of a mythological nature.

AM 24–63 scenes with Erotes and of a mythological nature.

AM 345–358 are lamps with unusual elongated shapes and various topics on the discus.

AM 64–68 topics from the Old Testament.

AM 359–364, 367 display flora and fauna.

AM 69–91 everyday scenes and activities.

AM 368–370 with a cross on the discus.

AM 92–120 flora and fauna.

AM 371–390 with a rosette or undecorated discus.

AM 122–150 with a cross.

AM 391–399 have rows of closely spaced raised points or rows of large raised points (granules) as decoration on the shoulder.

AM 151–207 with a rosette. AM 208–209 with rays.

AM 398–407 are late lamps.

AM 210–211 with a star.

AM 408–409 of the North African type.

AM 212–249 generally have a plain discus and varied decoration on the shoulder.

AM 410 has four nozzles.

AM 250–302 carry rows of closely spaced raised points or rows of large raised points (granules) as decoration on the shoulder.

AM 411–AM 525 are fragments, useful for statistical conclusions only. They break down thus: AM 411– AM 419 belong possibly to the 5th century. Then, by excavations (e.g. AM 416–419 Geniki Techniki, AM 420– 457 Diakogeorgiou, AM 458–460 Menexelis, AM 463–467 Kalogeris, AM 469–472 from widening Kamirou Street, AM 476–478 Kambouropoulos, AM 479–480 Arapoudis, AM 481– 482 Soleil/Hotel Helios, AM 484–485 Katsanakis, AM 487– 488 Karageorgiou, AM 490–507 Avgoustakis-Karagiannis, AM 508–511 Damianos, AM 512–513 Chatziandreou, AM 518–521 Kostaridis, AM 524-525 Theologos/Tholos).

AM 308–334 are those lamps with incomplete data concerning decoration or morphology, with some information on their correlation. Of the Asia Minor set with channel:

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AM 335 is late 5th century.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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Concordance Λ 1082 ΑΜ 405 Λ 1083 ΑΜ 251 Λ 2553 ΑΜ 8 Λ 2554 ΑΜ 353 Λ 2690 ΑΜ 174 Λ 2691 AM 12a Λ 2695 ΑΜ 337 Λ 2698 ΑΜ 50 Λ 2911 ΑΜ 150 Λ 2912 ΑΜ 91 Λ 2914 ΑΜ 368 Λ 2916 ΑΜ 137 Λ 3218 ΑΜ 23 Λ 3219 ΑΜ 162 Λ 3224 ΑΜ 214 Λ 3394 ΑΜ 245 Λ 3413 ΑΜ 215 Λ 4776 ΑΜ 213 Λ 5471 ΑΜ 31 Λ 5541 ΑΜ 406 Λ 5558 ΑΜ 129 Λ 5590 ΑΜ 302 Λ 6054 ΑΜ 244 Λ 6066 ΑΜ 182 Λ 6069 AM 126 Λ 6076 ΑΜ 76 Λ 6077 ΑΜ 195 Λ 6281 ΑΜ 127 Λ 6310 ΑΜ 359 Λ 6427 ΑΜ 365 Λ 6428 ΑΜ 263 Λ 6429 ΑΜ 82 Λ 6496 ΑΜ 81 Λ 6534 ΑΜ 217 Λ 6562 ΑΜ 103 Λ 6572 ΑΜ 138 Π 2630 ΑΜ 13 Π 2650 ΑΜ 250 Π 2673 ΑΜ 335 ΠΧ 1104 ΑΜ 266 ΠΧ 1105 ΑΜ 115 ΠΧ 1107 ΑΜ 308 ΠΧ 1160 ΑΜ 73 ΠΧ 1162 ΑΜ 160 ΠΧ 1163 ΑΜ 183 ΠΧ 1164 ΑΜ 167 ΠΧ 1165 ΑΜ 385 ΠΧ 1166 ΑΜ 194 ΠΧ 1167 ΑΜ 364 ΠΧ 1168 ΑΜ 74 ΠΧ 1170 ΑΜ 205 ΠΧ 1171 ΑΜ 284 ΠΧ 1172 ΑΜ 392 ΠΧ 1173 ΑΜ 75 ΠΧ 1174 ΑΜ 39 ΠΧ 1175 ΑΜ 40

ΠΧ 1176 ΑΜ 336 ΠΧ 1178 ΑΜ 25 ΠΧ 1182 ΑΜ 165 ΠΧ 1183 ΑΜ 517 ΠΧ 1200 ΑΜ 45 ΠΧ 1201 ΑΜ 173 ΠΧ 1207 ΑΜ 376 ΠΧ 1208 ΑΜ 51 ΠΧ 1209 ΑΜ 171 ΠΧ 1211 ΑΜ 346 ΠΧ 1212 ΑΜ 231 ΠΧ 1213 ΑΜ 181 ΠΧ 1214 ΑΜ 369 ΠΧ 1218 ΑΜ 236 ΠΧ 1219 ΑΜ 210 ΠΧ 1220 ΑΜ 24 ΠΧ 1227 ΑΜ 370 ΠΧ 1242 ΑΜ 403 ΠΧ 1244 ΑΜ 247 ΠΧ 1248 ΑΜ 46 ΠΧ 1249 ΑΜ 172 ΠΧ 1302 ΑΜ 265 ΠΧ 1304α ΑΜ 512 ΠΧ 1304γ ΑΜ 513 ΠΧ 1324 ΑΜ 89 ΠΧ 1325 ΑΜ 151 ΠΧ 1326 ΑΜ 185 ΠΧ 1327 ΑΜ 391 ΠΧ 1328 ΑΜ 278 ΠΧ 1385 ΑΜ 149 ΠΧ 1503 ΑΜ 248 ΠΧ 1526 ΑΜ 237 ΠΧ 1527 ΑΜ 249 ΠΧ 1531 ΑΜ 30 ΠΧ 1532 ΑΜ 80 ΠΧ 1856 ΑΜ 96 ΠΧ 1858 AM 227 ΠΧ 1859 AM 146 ΠΧ 1860 AM 259 ΠΧ 1861 AM 398 ΠΧ 1862 AM 114 ΠΧ 1863 AM 168 ΠΧ 1864 ΑΜ 397 ΠΧ 1865 ΑΜ 260 ΠΧ 1866 ΑΜ 148 ΠΧ 1867 ΑΜ 261 ΠΧ 1868 ΑΜ 58 ΠΧ 1869 ΑΜ 169 ΠΧ 1870 ΑΜ 204 ΠΧ 1871 ΑΜ 420 ΠΧ 1872 ΑΜ 367 ΠΧ 1873 ΑΜ 401 ΠΧ 1875 ΑΜ 301 ΠΧ 1877 AM 98 ΠΧ 1879 AM 362 ΠΧ 1880 AΜ 32

ΠΧ 1881 ΑΜ 347 ΠΧ 1882 ΑΜ 111 ΠΧ 1883 ΑΜ 342 ΠΧ 1884 ΑΜ 33 ΠΧ 1885 ΑΜ 262 ΠΧ 1886 ΑΜ 59 ΠΧ 1887 ΑΜ 341 ΠΧ 1888 ΑM 112 ΠΧ 1889 ΑΜ 99 ΠΧ 1890 ΑΜ 220 ΠΧ 1891 ΑΜ 387 ΠΧ 1892 ΑΜ 198 ΠΧ 1893 ΑΜ 120 ΠΧ 1894 ΑΜ 350 ΠΧ 1895 ΑΜ 351 ΠΧ 1896 ΑΜ 252 ΠΧ 1897 ΑΜ 348 ΠΧ 1898 ΑΜ 122 ΠΧ 1899 ΑΜ 196 ΠΧ 1900 ΑΜ 216 ΠΧ 1901 ΑΜ 113 ΠΧ 1903 AM 140 ΠΧ 1904 AM 93 ΠΧ 1906 AM 311 ΠΧ 1907 AM 310 ΠΧ 1908 AM 92 ΠΧ 1909 AM 94 ΠΧ 1916 AM 253 ΠΧ 1917 AM 130 ΠΧ 1918 AM 170 ΠΧ 1919 AM 54 ΠΧ 1920 AM 238 ΠΧ 1924 AM 361 ΠΧ 1925 AM 197 ΠΧ 1931 ΑΜ 354 ΠΧ 1949 ΑΜ 309 ΠΧ 1950 ΑΜ 264 ΠΧ 1974 ΑΜ 411 ΠΧ 1980 AM 132 ΠΧ 1982 ΑΜ 461 ΠΧ 1983 ΑΜ 462 ΠΧ 1998 AM 463 ΠΧ 1999 AM 464 ΠΧ 2004 AM 102 ΠΧ 2006 AM 465 ΠΧ 2024 AM 177 ΠΧ 2025 AM 21 ΠΧ 2027 AM 345 ΠΧ 2028 AM 186 ΠΧ 2038 AM 64 ΠΧ 2039 AM 468 ΠΧ 2040 AM 399 ΠΧ 2045 AM 3 ΠΧ 2046 AM 412 ΠΧ 2049 AM 277 ΠΧ 2053 AM 5

ΠΧ 2056 AM 184 ΠΧ 2058 AM 473 ΠΧ 2060 AM 218 ΠΧ 2062 AM 279 ΠΧ 2078 AM 474 ΠΧ 2085 AM 219 ΠΧ 2089 AM 285 ΠΧ 2097 AM 232 ΠΧ 2099 AM 317 ΠΧ 2104 AM 475 ΠΧ 2112 AM 286 ΠΧ 2117 AM 476 ΠΧ 2121 ΑΜ 483 ΠΧ 2125 AM 514 ΠΧ 2126 AM 11 ΠΧ 2130 AM 153 ΠΧ 2131 ΑΜ 41 ΠΧ 2132 ΑΜ 47 ΠΧ 2144 AM 34 ΠΧ 2145 AM 86 ΠΧ 2146 AM 343 ΠΧ 2147 AM 134 ΠΧ 2149 AM 267 ΠΧ 2150 AM 268 ΠΧ 2154 AM 239 ΠΧ 2157 AM 479 ΠΧ 2163 ΑΜ 352 ΠΧ 2164 ΑΜ 332 ΠΧ 2165 ΑΜ 338 ΠΧ 2166 ΑΜ 233 ΠΧ 2175 AM 489 ΠΧ 2182 AM 481 ΠΧ 2183 AM 154 ΠΧ 2184 AM 482 ΠΧ 2187 AM 306 ΠΧ 2188 AM 228 ΠΧ 2190 AM 388 ΠΧ 2191 ΑΜ 269 ΠΧ 2192 ΑΜ 241 ΠΧ 2193 ΑΜ 358 ΠΧ 2194 ΑΜ 242 ΠΧ 2196 ΑΜ 280 ΠΧ 2198 AM 87 ΠΧ 2199 AM 303 ΠΧ 2202 AM 319 ΠΧ 2203 AM 221 ΠΧ 2213 AM 386 ΠΧ 2217 AM 477 ΠΧ 2218 AM 378 ΠΧ 2219 AM 349 ΠΧ 2220 AM 133 ΠΧ 2221 ΑΜ 484 ΠΧ 2222 ΑΜ 356 ΠΧ 2223 ΑΜ 88 ΠΧ 2224 ΑΜ 485 ΠΧ 2228 AM 415

ΠΧ 2236 ΑΜ 407 ΠΧ 2248 AM 119 ΠΧ 2251 ΑΜ 486 ΠΧ 2264 AM 487 ΠΧ 2265 AM 488 ΠΧ 2286 AM 480 ΠΧ 2290 AM 12 ΠΧ 2292 AM 117 ΠΧ 2296 ΑΜ 187 ΠΧ 2297 ΑΜ 287 ΠΧ 2301 AM 131 ΠΧ 2309 AM 14 ΠΧ 2310 AM 6 ΠΧ 2312 AM 357 ΠΧ 2316 AM 55 ΠΧ 2324 AM 490 ΠΧ 2326 ΑΜ 373 ΠΧ 2327 ΑΜ 491 ΠΧ 2328 ΑΜ 2 ΠΧ 2329 ΑΜ 304 ΠΧ 2330 ΑΜ 492 ΠΧ 2331 ΑΜ 493 ΠΧ 2332 ΑΜ 494 ΠΧ 2337 AM 158 ΠΧ 2338 AM 495 ΠΧ 2339 AM 496 ΠΧ 2340 AM 497 ΠΧ 2341 AM 498 ΠΧ 2342 AM 199 ΠΧ 2344 AM 499 ΠΧ 2345 AM 500 ΠΧ 2346 ΑΜ 175 ΠΧ 2347 ΑΜ 79 ΠΧ 2348 ΑΜ 409 ΠΧ 2349 ΑΜ 270 ΠΧ 2352 AM 501 ΠΧ 2353 AM 502 ΠΧ 2354 AM 503 ΠΧ 2357 AM 188 ΠΧ 2364 AM 200 ΠΧ 2365 AM 281 ΠΧ 2367 AM 504 ΠΧ 2368 AM 35 ΠΧ 2369 AM 155 ΠΧ 2372 AM 505 ΠΧ 2373 AM 202 ΠΧ 2374 AM 142 ΠΧ 2376 ΑΜ 147 ΠΧ 2378 AM 254 ΠΧ 2379 AM 26 ΠΧ 2380 AM 70 ΠΧ 2382 AM 282 ΠΧ 2383 AM 271 ΠΧ 2384 AM 156 ΠΧ 2385 AM 52 ΠΧ 2386 AM 400


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Angeliki Katsioti ΠΧ 2387 AM 506 ΠΧ 2388 AM 320 ΠΧ 2401 AM 7 ΠΧ 2404 AM 288 ΠΧ 2405 AM 507 ΠΧ 2407 AM 211 ΠΧ 2408 AM 289 ΠΧ 2410 AM 1 ΠΧ 2411 AM 29 ΠΧ 2413 AM 321 ΠΧ 2431 AM 22 ΠΧ 2444 AM 125 ΠΧ 2452 AM 413 ΠΧ 2453 AM 305 ΠΧ 2454 AM 255 ΠΧ 2455 AM 508 ΠΧ 2456 AM 509 ΠΧ 2457 AM 510 ΠΧ 2468 AM 322 ΠΧ 2469 AM 290 ΠΧ 2470 AM 291 ΠΧ 2471 AM 292 ΠΧ 2472 AM 323 ΠΧ 2473 AM 324 ΠΧ 2474 AM 325 ΠΧ 2476 AM 312 ΠΧ 2477 AM 307 ΠΧ 2479 AM 123 ΠΧ 2480 AM 313 ΠΧ 2481 ΑΜ 17 ΠΧ 2483 ΑΜ 4 ΠΧ 2484 ΑΜ 458 ΠΧ 2485 ΑΜ 459 ΠΧ 2486 ΑΜ 157 ΠΧ 2487 ΑΜ 176 ΠΧ 2488 ΑΜ 460 ΠΧ 2495 AM 77 ΠΧ 2498 AM 374 ΠΧ 2510 AM 355 ΠΧ 2511 AM 110 ΠΧ 2513 AM 478 ΠΧ 2514 AM 222 ΠΧ 2515 AM 203 ΠΧ 2516 ΑΜ 469 ΠΧ 2517 ΑΜ 326 ΠΧ 2518 ΑΜ 470 ΠΧ 2519 ΑΜ 471 ΠΧ 2521 AM 472 ΠΧ 2523 AM 234

ΠΧ 2527α ΑΜ 15 ΠΧ 2528α ΑΜ 327 ΠΧ 2529 ΑΜ 328 ΠΧ 2530 ΑΜ 108 ΠΧ 2531 ΑΜ 314 ΠΧ 2532 ΑΜ 329 ΠΧ 2533 ΑΜ 330 ΠΧ 2534 ΑΜ 331 ΠΧ 2536 ΝΑ 18 ΠΧ 2537 ΑΜ 371 ΠΧ 2538 ΑΜ 159 ΠΧ 2539 ΑΜ 161 ΠΧ 2540 ΑΜ 152 ΠΧ 2541 ΑΜ 42 ΠΧ 2542 ΑΜ 178 ΠΧ 2543 ΑΜ 95 ΠΧ 2548 AM 56 ΠΧ 2550 AM 27 ΠΧ 2551 AM 206 ΠΧ 2555 AM 16 ΠΧ 2560 AM 246 ΠΧ 2564 ΑΜ 272 ΠΧ 2567 AM 393 ΠΧ 2571 AM 466 ΠΧ 2573 AM 101 ΠΧ 2576 AM 84 ΠΧ 2577 AM 384 ΠΧ 2578 AM 389 ΠΧ 2579 AM 394 ΠΧ 2580 AM 48 ΠΧ 2585 AM 395 ΠΧ 2587 AM 360 ΠΧ 2588 AM 515 ΠΧ 2597 AM 421 ΠΧ 2599 AM 18 ΠΧ 2602 ΑΜ 422 ΠΧ 2603 ΑΜ 423 ΠΧ 2604 ΑΜ 424 ΠΧ 2605 ΑΜ 293 ΠΧ 2607 AM 425 ΠΧ 2608 AM 426 ΠΧ 2609 AM 427 ΠΧ 2610 AM 428 ΠΧ 2611 AM 429 ΠΧ 2613 AM 430 ΠΧ 2614 AM 431 ΠΧ 2615 AM 432 ΠΧ 2616 AM 433 ΠΧ 2618 AM 434

ΠΧ 2619 AM 435 ΠΧ 2620 AM 107 ΠΧ 2621 ΑΜ 436 ΠΧ 2622 ΑΜ 294 ΠΧ 2623 ΑΜ 437 ΠΧ 2624 ΑΜ 516 ΠΧ 2626 AM 295 ΠΧ 2627 AM 457 ΠΧ 2628 AM 438 ΠΧ 2629 AM 439 ΠΧ 2630 AM 440 ΠΧ 2631 AM 441 ΠΧ 2632 AM 442 ΠΧ 2634 AM 190 ΠΧ 2635 AM 443 ΠΧ 2637 AM 444 ΠΧ 2640 AM 109 ΠΧ 2646 AM 83 ΠΧ 2647 AM 191 ΠΧ 2648 AM 445 ΠΧ 2649 AM 143 ΠΧ 2650 AM 43 ΠΧ 2651 ΑΜ 446 ΠΧ 2652 ΑΜ 447 ΠΧ 2653 ΑΜ 166 ΠΧ 2654 ΑΜ 448 ΠΧ 2655 ΑΜ 49 ΠΧ 2656 ΑΜ 141 ΠΧ 2658 AM 449 ΠΧ 2661 AM 450 ΠΧ 2662 AM 163 ΠΧ 2663 AM 451 ΠΧ 2664 AM 452 ΠΧ 2665 AM 296 ΠΧ 2667 AM 209 ΠΧ 2668 AM 144 ΠΧ 2669 AM 297 ΠΧ 2670 AM 315 ΠΧ 2677 AM 37 ΠΧ 2678 AM 124 ΠΧ 2679 AM 135 ΠΧ 2680 AM 453 ΠΧ 2681 AM 61 ΠΧ 2683 AM 454 ΠΧ 2684 AM 455 ΠΧ 2685 AM 456 ΠΧ 2686 AM 223 ΠΧ 2687 AM 243 ΠΧ 2695 AM 10

ΠΧ 2696 AM 318 ΠΧ 2697 AM 467 ΠΧ 2746 AM 256 ΠΧ 2747 AM 224 ΠΧ 2748 AM 139 ΠΧ 2749 AM 380 ΠΧ 2750 AM 28 ΠΧ 2751 ΑΜ 381 ΠΧ 2752 ΑΜ 36 ΠΧ 2753 ΑΜ 106 ΠΧ 2754 ΑΜ 372 ΠΧ 2755 ΑΜ 71 ΠΧ 2756 ΑΜ 65 ΠΧ 2757 ΑΜ 90 ΠΧ 2758 ΑΜ 69 ΠΧ 2759 ΑΜ 121 ΠΧ 2760 ΑΜ 225 ΠΧ 2763 AM 408 ΠΧ 2764 AM 62 ΠΧ 2765 AM 402 ΠΧ 2766 AM 518 ΠΧ 2767 AM 78 ΠΧ 2768 AM 375 ΠΧ 2769 AM 366 ΠΧ 2770 AM 72 ΠΧ 2771 ΑΜ 340 ΠΧ 2776 AM 519 ΠΧ 2777 AM 179 ΠΧ 2778 AM 520 ΠΧ 2779 AM 521 ΠΧ 2780 AM 192 ΠΧ 2783 AM 379 ΠΧ 2785 AM 382 ΠΧ 2791 AM 404 ΠΧ 2792 ΑΜ 333 ΠΧ 2793 ΑΜ 390 ΠΧ 2794 ΑΜ 208 ΠΧ 2795 ΑΜ 522 ΠΧ 2796 ΑΜ 207 ΠΧ 2800 AM 511 ΠΧ 2801 ΑΜ 57 ΠΧ 2805 ΑΜ 383 ΠΧ 2816 ΑΜ 410 ΠΧ 2817 ΑΜ 257 ΠΧ 2818 ΑΜ 298 ΠΧ 2819 ΑΜ 523 ΠΧ 2825 AM 300 ΠΧ 2826 AM 212 ΠΧ 2827 ΑΜ 258

ΠΧ 2828 AM 339 ΠΧ 2844 AM 128 ΠΧ 2903 AM 105 ΠΧ 2904 AM 68 ΠΧ 2919 AM 524 ΠΧ 2926 ΑΜ 299 ΠΧ 2927 ΑΜ 525 ΠΧ 2936 ΑΜ 9 ΠΧ 2937 ΑΜ 193 ΠΧ 2938 ΑΜ 416 ΠΧ 2939 ΑΜ 417 ΠΧ 2940 ΑΜ 240 ΠΧ 2941 ΑΜ 229 ΠΧ 2942 ΑΜ 273 ΠΧ 2943 ΑΜ 226 ΠΧ 2944 ΑΜ 274 ΠΧ 2945 ΑΜ 20 ΠΧ 2947 AM 66 ΠΧ 2948 AM 363 ΠΧ 2949 AM 230 ΠΧ 2950 AM 418 ΠΧ 2951 ΑΜ 283 ΠΧ 2952 ΑΜ 201 ΠΧ 2953 ΑΜ 235 ΠΧ 2954 ΑΜ 19 ΠΧ 2955 ΑΜ 377 ΠΧ 2956 ΑΜ 97 ΠΧ 2957 ΑΜ 67 ΠΧ 2958 ΑΜ 85 ΠΧ 2962 ΑΜ 164 ΠΧ 2963 ΑΜ 419 ΠΧ 2984 AM 316 ΠΧ 2994 AM 334 ΠΧ 3014 AM 275 ΠΧ 3015 ΑΜ 136 ΠΧ 3016 ΑΜ 414 ΠΧ 3024 AM 38 ΠΧ 3025 AM 44 ΠΧ 3026 AM 344 ΠΧ 3027 AM 60 ΠΧ 3028 AM 118 ΠΧ 3029 AM 104 ΠΧ 3030 AM 63 ΠΧ 3031 ΑΜ 100 ΠΧ 3032 ΑΜ 276 ΠΧ 3033 ΑΜ 396 ΠΧ 3034 ΑΜ 180 ΠΧ 3035 ΑΜ 116


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2410 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: roughly Aeolis or Ionia (??) Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/4 (?), with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Trace of burning. Small flake on nozzle. Handle: pierced, grooved, pointed in back. Incisions on both sides. Discus: canopy symplegma; hatched framing ring. Shoulder: ovolo; raised nozzle, sides grooved. Base: within ring, four dots and a circle in a X-arrangement, signature at periphery, incised Π and Θ̣ Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.072, H. 0.022 m. Date: 2nd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Atsidis plot; K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets. Above the floor of the cistern 3, depth to -1.24 m. 7/811-2006. Excav. Diary: 468, p. 250. Other Nos: AE 168 Ill: 91 Plate: 61 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2006, 1278-1282; Triandafyllidis 2007, 1332-1333; Triandafyllidis 2008, 1281-1282. Remarks: The case of ΠΑ(ΥΛΟΣ) or ΠΟ, Perlzweig 1961, 142, no. 1392, pl. 26.36, 4th-5th c., should be excluded. For the typology of these lamps, see Bailey 1988, 380, Q 3088, pl. 104, fig. 142, with Prometheus on the discus, 2nd c., from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2328 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Part of shoulder, discus and nozzle. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: ovolo, two small circles near raised nozzle with sides grooved. Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.074 m. Date: 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Area 3, -3.63/-3.83 m. 21-6-2003. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 277. Other Nos: AE 406 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: For the shape of the nozzle, see Bailey 1988, 381, Q 3095, pl. 102, second half of the 2nd c., from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 3 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2045 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus, type Alpha globule lamp. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2 5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Repaired. Restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points. raised nozzle with sides grooved. Base: within circle, signature, incised Α. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.089, Wpres. 0.069, H. 0.033 m. Date: 2nd-3rd centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Τrench Β5, debris layer, depth to -1.4 m. 24-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 436, p. 371. Other Nos: AE 26 Plate: 62 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1172 A For comparable pieces, Perlzweig 1961, 83, no. 124, pl. 5, second half of the 1st c. See also Kallintzi, Chrysafi 2010, 393-394, fig. 5d, 3rd c., from Abdera; Miltner 1937, no. 116, pl. XII, from Ephesus; Bailey 1988, 380, Q 3090, fig. 136, pl. 104, 1st-2nd c., from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2483 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous, friable. Unslipped. Concretion. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: ovolo, double framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.04 m. Date: 2nd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; Diagoridon and P. Mela Streets. Surface fill to -1.45 m. 3-4-1965. Excav. Diary: 13α, p. 257. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594. Remarks: The clay points towards Asia Minor and the ovolo decoration of the shoulder recalls lamps from Ephesus of the 2nd c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2053 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/8. Poorly fired. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle, shoulder and discus preserved. Repaired. Discus: 6-petalled heart-shaped rosette. Shoulder: globules, nozzle set off from rim by transverse ridge. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07, W. 0.069 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Diakidis-Minettos plot; Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. Square Δ 10, brown-red layer. 6-9-1991. Excav. Diary: 315. p. 108. Other Nos: AE 729 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1979, 415-416; Dreliossi 1987, 586-587; Dreliossi 1990, 467-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454; Dreliossi 1992, 615-617; Dreliossi-Herakleidou 1996, 191-192. Remarks: For Attic prototypes see Perlzweig 1961, 149, no. 1641, pl. 30, first half of 4th c.; Βöttger 2002, 199-200, nos 2522-2560, pls 45-46, early 4th c.-350. See also Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 600, nos 36-37, figs 32-33, from Samos, with globules on the shoulder and transverse ridge near the nozzle, considered an Attic product.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 6 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2310 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid triple grooved. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: globules, panels with globules; oval-shaped nozzle. Base: ring-shaped, worn. Nozzle set off by V-shaped relief lines. Dimensions: L. 0.112, W. 0.082, H. 0.041 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Τrench Β4, widening to north-east, depth to -1.8 m. 5-2-2004. Excav. Diary: 450, p. 169. Other Nos: ΑΕ 346 Ill: 92 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 228, pl. II, from Ephesus (similar ?). Some features, such as panels and the configuration of the base, look later, see Bailey 1988, 364, Q 2992, pl. 97, 5th c., with a narrow piercing of the handle, from Knidos. Compare with Koutoussaki 2008, 251, no. 253.3, fig. 315, second half of the 4th c., from Argos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 7 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2401 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Two non-joining pieces preserved; parts of shoulder and handle. Handle: pierced, double grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Shoulder: ring-anddot pattern and relief leaves; framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.058 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Area 4α, earth moving, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: AE 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: The leaf as a decoration for the shoulder occurs on lamps attributed to the production of Ephesus, in the 1st-2nd c. But in these early lamps, it is not found in combination with the ring-and-dot pattern. Also, the configuration of the end of the handle at the base recalls later examples.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 8 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2553 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: dark yellowish-red, 5 YR 3/4. Part of discus, shoulder and nozzle missing. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: wreath, double framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, ovolo. Base: flat, two incised circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08, W. 0.067, H. 0.03 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. Area XVII. 28-9-1971. Excav. Diary: 36 Other Nos: ΠBE 2643α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: The wreath on the discus may refer to the prize in competitions. A follis, unidentified in other respects, was also recovered in area XVII.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2936 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), unplaced (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/8. The discus, part of base and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: (?); framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave, spiral incision (signature ?), with two incised lozenges on either side. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.069, H. 0.028 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, east part, 29/31-3-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 97. Other Nos: AE 542 Plate: 63 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769: Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See similar spiral incisions without lozenges in imitation of an North African lamp, Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 65, fig. 44, mid 5th c. (?), from Kircheriano and ΠX 156-157, with a summary of the views on the interpretation of those symbols.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 10 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2695 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: Northern Ionia (??) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Discus: erotic symplegma, woman with horse (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.005 m. Date: Second half of 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Fill of tomb 10. 23-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 328. Other Nos: Excavation bag 101 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: For the typology (narrow shoulder, globules) cf. ΠΧ 2124, ΠΧ 2126, ΠΧ 2555, ΠΧ 2784. There is a faint possibility that the theme of the discus is an erotic scene involving a woman with an animal, as the iconography does not resemble known examples closely, see Katsioti 2009b, no. 253, no. 226, MAPKOY, 4th c., in the Archaeological Museum on Nissyros.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2126 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, with incrustation, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: figured (?). Shoulder: narrow, globules, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.074 m. Date: Possibly 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Venetokleion Gymnasion; K. Palaiologou Street. Well 5. 29-8-1970. Excav. Diary: 39, p. 46-47. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1971, 535-539; Patsiada 2013b, 57-58. Remarks: The large discus in combination with the narrow shoulder perhaps indicate earlier features. For the typology cf. ΠΧ 2124, ΠΧ 2784, ΠΧ 2555. Regarding the extension of the nozzle, this is probably influenced by earlier lamps, as Bailey 1988, observes for a Knidian lamp from Kertch 336, Q 2681, pl. 75, 1st-2nd c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 12 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2290 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Nozzle, part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain, air holes. Shoulder: globules. Nozzle set off from rim by two transverse lines. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish quarter), ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. North-west part. 31-12-1954. Excav. Diary: 1α, p. 130. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: For the imitation of Attic types, see Βöttger 2002, 191, no. 2356, pl. 42, first third of 4th c., from the Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 64, no. 324, pl. 14, first half of 4th c., instead of globules, herringbone, from Kenchreai. See perhaps Bailey 1988, Q 3284, pl. 119 5th c (?), Attic; Broneer 1930, 225, no. 908, pl. XIII, 269, no. 1309, fig. 194: crescent on discus from Corinth; Waldhauer 1914, 61, no. 466, pl. XLIV, crescent on discus from Cherson; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 600, no. 36, fig. 32, crescent on discus, early 4th c., from Samos, Attic.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 12α Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2691 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8, micaceous, with concretion. Slip: similar. Unequally fired. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.094, W. 0.067, H. 0.031 m. Date: Possibly end of 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (Jewish quarter), ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. 1954. Excav. Diary: 1, 1α. Ill: 93 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-279; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1231, Π 2630B. See Griepentrog 1986, 203, no. 35, pl. 30.11-12.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 13 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2630 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8. Slip: pink, 2,5 YR 6/6, to grey-brown due to firing. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: pierced, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: narrow, concave, plain, triple framing ring. Shoulder: irregularly spaced globules, with more on the left-hand side. raised oval-shaped nozzle. Base: ring-shaped (Eph Α). Dimensions: L. 0.085, W. 0.054, H. 0.031 m. Date: End of 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area, M. Petridis Street. Area Β. 4-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 84. Ill: 94 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1231, Λ 2691. See Miltner 1937, no. 7, 83, pl. I, nos 188, 189, 227, 228, pl. II, lamps imitating earlier ones (2nd c.), no. 115, pl. XII, from Ephesus; also Bailey 1988, 380, Q 3091, pl. 104, 2nd c., whose dimensions, pierced handle, decoration (globules arranged more densely) approach those of the catalogued piece. See also Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 70, no. L33, pl. IXa, from Thassos, with parallels. Late Corinthian lamps (5th-6th c.), with solid handle and usually unglazed, show parallels, but a Corinthian origin for the three - Π 2630, ΠΧ 1231, Λ 2691 - must be ruled out: see Bovon 1966, 70-71, nos 480, 482, pl. 12, unslipped, second half of 4th c.; and Ivantchik 2002, 374, nos 75, 76, fig. 13, early 5th c., local imitations from Argos; Broneer 1930, 222, no. 883, pl. XIII, no. 884, fig. 153, unslipped, from Corinth; Williams 1981, 74, no. 401, pl. 18, unslipped, 5th c., from Kenchreai. Π 2630 has the reduced size of lamps after the 5th c.: while some of the characteristics are shared with late Corinthian production, but the fabric and pierced handle rather exclude this possibility. It is allocated to the Ephesus group, since similar lamps, with solid but unpierced handles, exist, with which the catalogued piece may be contemporary. In the fill of the space B were identified the coins NB 810-811, Heraclius (610-641).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 14 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2309 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of discus, shoulder, handle and base preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with circlet between. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. B). Dimensions: Wpres. 0.065 m. Date: About 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Τrench Β1, depth to -1.7 m. 11-5-2004. Excav. Diary: 453, p. 27. Other Nos: AE 621 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2025, ΠΧ 2954, Λ 3218. See Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3146, pl. 108, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos; Özet 2008, 18, fig. 23, from the ‘house of the Bishop’, near Bodrum (similar ?). Dating drawn from a similar lamp from Ephesus, found in a shipwreck with amphorae of the early 6th c. from the bay of Varna, Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. Of course, the time-spam of the type is probably much longer.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2527 α Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, with a little mica, flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of base, shoulder, handle and discus preserved. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, tongues. Base: within ring, planta pedis, row of raised ring-and-dot patterns both sides of the handle (?), (Eph. A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.074 m. Date: About 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, Tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.). See Miltner 1937, nos 990, 993, pl. VI, from Ephesus. As to the decoration Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8e-f, no. SE 505/1, 5th c., from Ephesus. Dating by a lamp from Ephesus, with a narrow shoulder, rosette and high rim, found in a shipwreck with amphorae of the early 6th c. in the bay of Varna, Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. Of course, the life-span of the type may be much longer.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 16 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2555 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, friable, flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: 6-petalled rosette, raised framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: wise, ringshaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.055, H. 0.027 m. Date: Possibly 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Τomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 331. Other Nos: AE 452 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: For the typology, cf. ΠΧ 2124, ΠΧ 2126, ΠΧ 2784. See Miltner 1937, no. 248, pl. XIII, 8-petalled rosette, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 17 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2481 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, friable. Slip: red, somewhat worn. Part of handle and nozzle missing. Handle: ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: wide, 8-petalled rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: wide, ringshaped (Eph. A). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079, W. 0.064, H. 0.029 m. Date: About 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; Diagoridon and P. Mela Streets. Surface fill to -1.45 m. 3-4-1965. Excav. Diary: 13α, p. 257. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2025, ΠΧ 2309, ΠΧ 2337, ΠΧ 2481, ΠΧ 2954. Also, with variations, ΠX 1325, ΠX 1863 (with tongues on the nozzle), ΠΧ 2431, ΠX 2540. See Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3136, pl. 107, c. 500-600, with five filling holes; Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 112, no. L 247, pl. 33, 5th c.; Miltner 1937, no. 1069, pl. VI., no. 248, pl. XIII, all from Ephesus. Dating suggested, besides the accompanying finds, by a similar lamp from Ephesus, from a shipwreck with amphorae of the early 6th c. in the bay of Varna; Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. Of course, the life-span of the type may be much longer.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 18 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2599 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Parts of handle and discus preserved, non-joining. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Date: Around 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, sieved soil, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Dating is suggested by a similar lamp from Ephesus, found in a shipwreck with amphorae of the early 6th c. in the bay of Varna; Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. Of course, the life-span of the type can be much longer.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2954 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Parts of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: 6-petalled rosette, petals marked with holes, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: About 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Β3, W. part, layer 3 of pyre, lowest level. 27-1-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 117. Other Nos: AE 71 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2309. Also, the ΠΧ 2025, ΠΧ 2337, ΠΧ 2481, Λ 3218. See, typically, decorated with rosettes and holes on each petal, De Luca 1984, 51, no. 476, pl. 19, from Pergamon; Korkut, Grosche 2007, 154, no. 284, from Patara; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 592, no. 20, fig. 18, from Samos. Dating suggested by a similar lamp from Ephesus, found in a shipwreck with amphorae of the early 6th c. in the bay of Varna; Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. Of course, the life-span of the type may be much longer.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2945 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?), Knidian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Parts of base, shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: wide, four vine-leaves in form of a cross, framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, vines. Base: wide, ring-shaped (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078 m. Date: Possibly end of 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α3 Β3, layer 1. 9-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 23. Other Nos: Excavation bag 262 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. for the theme on the discus ΠΧ 2784. The narrow shoulders and broad base indicate a rather earlier date, cf. ΠΧ 2025. The theme of the discus is probably an abbreviated version of that shown on early Byzantine mosaics (Caesarea Maritima, El Djem, Madaba, etc.) where vine tendrils with grapes issue from the four corners of the composition towards the centre. For the subject-matter see Talgam, Shadmi, Patrich 2012, 77-104. About Dionysus and his attributes in late Roman art, see RosenthalHeginbottom 2015, 188-194. About the antithetical emblems between Dionysus (vine) and Christ (cross), see Massa 2014.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 21 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2025 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, without mica. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 ΥR 5/8, worn. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail (?). Discus: rosette (?), cross (?). Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: About 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Chatzigiorgis plot; Monte Smith. Τomb 2, fill. 18-10-1976. Excav. Diary: 92, p. 73. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1976, 386. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2024, fragment of bottle-shaped Byzantine vessel and Late Roman D ware, 5th-6th c. Cf. Λ 3218, ΠΧ 2309, ΠΧ 2954. See Williams 1981, 72, 73, nos 377, 391, pl. 17, 5th c., from Kenchreai; Bruneau 1965, 142, no. 4717, pl. 34, from Delos. Dating suggested by a similar lamp from Ephesus, found in a shipwreck with amphorae of the early 6th c. in the bay of Varna; Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. Of course, the life-span of the type may be much longer. For the dating cf. ΠΧ 2945, ΠΧ 2540.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2431 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063 m. Date: About 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.6/-0.9 m, earth-moving. 2012-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf., with variations, ΠΧ 1325, ΠX 1863 (with tongues on the nozzle), ΠΧ 2481, ΠX 2540. See Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3136, pl. 107, c. 500-600; Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 112, no. L 247, pl. 33, 5th c.; Miltner 1937, no. 976, pl. V, no. 1022, pl. VI, all from Ephesus; Korkut, Grosche 2007, 154, no. 284, from Patara.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 23 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3218 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous, poorly fired, friable. Unslipped. Handle, nozzle and part of discus remain. Handle: ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, raised framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: wide, flat, ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085, W. 0.063, H. 0.028 m. Date: About 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Municipal works, Widening K. Tsaldari Street towards Agia Triada. Sandpit 1, tomb 3. 31-51978. Excav. Diary: 105, p. 243. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1978, 404. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2025, ΠΧ 2309, ΠΧ 2337, ΠΧ 2481, ΠΧ 2954. See Bailey 1988, 385-386, Q 3141, pl. 108, c. 500-600, Ephesus.

Dating suggested by a similar lamp from Ephesus, found in a shipwreck with amphorae of the early 6th c. in the bay of Varna; Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. Of course, the life-span of the type may be much longer. CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 24 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1220 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Heavy flaking on handle. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: grooming of Pegasus by Eros, double framing ring. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Slightly worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.065, H. 0.034 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. Square Γ3/Β3. Τombs 11, 12, 13, layer 3, 2nd level. 8-10-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 273. Other Nos: Excavation bag 127, ΑΕ 163 Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 195, fig. 9. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: For the subject cf. ΠX 1178, ΠΧ 2379, ΠΧ 2550, ΠΧ 2750. An Asia Minor type lamp with the same subject (local imitation ?) was found recently near a pottery kiln on the Lykou plot at Lefkos on Karpathos (unpublished). See Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 70, no. L31, fig. 29, pl. VIIIf and h, and possibly 70, no. L32, fig. 29, pl. VIIIc and d, from Thassos, where the image was interpreted as Eros in combat with an animal; Evangelidis 1930-1931, fig. 21, signature K, of Mytilene; Miltner 1937, no. 1500, pl. VIII, with globules on the shoulder and channel, from Ephesus. See also Asia Minor lamp with globules on the shoulder at the Museum of Smyrna (unpublished ?). For the mythological subject, as part of a broader rendition that includes sometimes the Muses as well, matched on a frieze in the Forum Traianum, also in the miniature-art of the time, on a sarcophagus of a boy, from Rome (?) of 110-130, today in the J. Paul Getty Museum, in Malibu: see Koch, Wight 1988, 7-10, no. 3; and even later on African pottery, see Allais 1959, 51-55; Loverdou 1966-1969, 235-237, pls 96-97.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 25 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1178 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?), Description: Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.065, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Panagiotas plot; Volonaki and Grammou Streets. Τrench Β1, between wall 2 and side-wall 3. 14-2-1985. Excav. Diary: 208, p. 195. Other Nos: AE 64. Bibliography: Kollias et al. 2004, fig. 63β. For the excavation, see Patsiada 1987, 589-591. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠΧ 1220, ΠΧ 2379, ΠΧ 2550, ΠΧ 2750. An Asia Minor type lamp with the same subject (local imitation ?) was found recently near a pottery kiln on the Lykou plot at Lefkos on Karpathos (unpublished). Cf. ΠΧ 1220 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 26 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2379 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8, irregularly shaped in places. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail, with dots between. Discus: grooming of Pegasus by Eros, double framing ring. two filling-holes. Shoulder: curved rays. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, W. 0.065, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth removal. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. on this theme ΠΧ 1178, ΠΧ 1220, ΠΧ 2550, ΠΧ 2750. An Asia Minor type lamp with the same subject (local imitation ?) was found recently near a pottery kiln on the Lykou plot at Lefkos on Karpathos (unpublished). Cf. ΠΧ 1220 for observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 27 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2550 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with two circlets between. Discus: grooming of Pegasus by Eros, double framing ring. Two holes. Shoulder: two rows of impressed small circles. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves with circlets between (Eph. B). Lower mould worn. Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.059, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Fill west of rock. 10-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 279. Other Nos: AE 312 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. on this theme ΠΧ 1178, ΠΧ 1220, ΠΧ 2550, ΠΧ 2750. An Asia Minor type lamp with the same subject (local imitation ?) was found recently near a pottery kiln on the Lykou plot at Lefkos on Karpathos (unpublished). Cf. ΠΧ 1220 for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 28 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2750 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8 micaceous. Slip: similar. Larger part of discus missing. Handle: solid double grooved ending in fishtail with circlets at edges. Discus: grooming of Pegasus by Eros, framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.105, W. 0.072, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. on this theme ΠΧ 1178, ΠΧ 1220, ΠΧ 2550, ΠΧ 2750. An Asia Minor type lamp with the same subject (local imitation ?) was found recently near a pottery kiln on the Lykou plot at Lefkos on Karpathos (unpublished). Cf. ΠΧ 1220 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 29 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2411 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: (not noted), micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8, worn. Trace of burning. Complete. Three filling holes. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail with impressed circle between the wings. Discus: two wrestling/intertwined Erotes, basket with grapes, double framing ring. Three holes. Shoulder: vines. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.065, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Atsidis plot; K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets. South part, Early Christian ‘pithos’/siros. 22-12-2006. Excav. Diary: 479, p. 71. Other Nos: AE 245 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2006, 1278-1282; Triandafyllidis 2007, 1332-1333; Triandafyllidis 2008, 1281-1282. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, 48, no. 188, pl. XIII, from Ephesus (similar ?); Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 589, no. 6, fig. 6, from Samos. Perhaps Weber 2004, 33, no. 101, fig. 4, from Samos. The wrestling Erotes is a known theme in the art of the time, see the central part of a mosaic floor of a Late Roman house in the Archaeological Museum of Thassos (4th-5th c. ?).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 30 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1531 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/8, friable, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn on base. Large part of base and handle missing. Handle: ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros seated, left, playing double flute, with his bow behind him, double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Base: nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09, W. 0.063, Hpres. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Earth removal. 19-4-1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 171. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1880, ΠΧ 1884, Λ 5471 (similar). On the theme on the discus, see Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 592, no. 21, figs 19-20, end of 4th c., from Samos; see also a golden ring depicting the same subject from the city of Kos, Didioumi 2015, 99-100, fig. I.1.7. 10.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 31 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5471 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pinkish-grey, 5 YR 6/2, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Part of handle, discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: Eros seated, right, playing double flute, behind him his unstrung bow. Double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.074 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kouros plot; Th. Sofouli and Pindou Streets. Fill of cistern. 7-8-1989. Excav. Diary: 258, p. 266. Other Nos: AE 122 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1989, 482-483. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1880 (for observation and parallels), ΠΧ 1884, ΠΧ 1531 (very close in theme). Farmakidou 2011, 154, no. 56, from Symi. See Anson, Hannah 1999, 144, no. 75, pls 44.13, 37.7-8, purchased (?) in Egypt, 6th-7th c (?), in the Museum of Otago, New Zealand.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 32 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1880 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6, flaked. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail with dot between. Discus: Eros seated, left, playing double flute. framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.06, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 199. Other Nos: AE 109 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 261, no. 16, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Λ 5471, ΠΧ 1884, ΠΧ 1531 (with very similar subject). Farmakidou 2011, 154, no. 56, from Symi. See Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 592, no. 21, figs 19-20, from Samos; Anson, Hannah 1999, 144, no. 75, pls 44.13, 37.7-8, purchased (?) in Egypt, 6th-7th c (?), in the Museum of Otago, New Zealand, Eros to the right. For the theme on the discus see also a gold ring from the city of Kos, Didioumi 2015, 99-100, fig. I.1.7. 10.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 33 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1884 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Complete, Repaired at nozzle. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros playing double flute, left. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, hooks on nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves (Eph. B?). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.061, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 201. Other Nos: AE 119 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1880, Λ 5471, ΠΧ 1531 (very close in theme). Farmakidou 2011, 154, no. 56, from Symi. Cf. ΠΧ 1880 for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 34 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2144 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Concretion. Trace of burning. Part of base, shoulder, discus and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with impressed dot between. Discus: Eros running left (with bunch of grapes). Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Impressed circular mark. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.093, W. 0.064, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papachristodoulos plot; Ethnarchou Makariou Street. From the surroundings of the sewer. 17-5-1961. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 275-278. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2368, ΠΧ 3026. See Bailey 1988, 382, Q 3109, pl. 105, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos; Menzel 1969, 97, no. 629, fig. 80.5, from Miletus; Findik 2010, 103, fig. 1.8, second half of the 6th c (?); Miltner 1937, no. 487, pl. III, from Ephesus, on the shoulder concentric circles. Possibly Boardman 1989, 121, no. 341, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. For the adaptation of the theme in imitation of Argive workshop, see Bovon 1966, 69, no. 458, pl. 11.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 35 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2368 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: Eros, left (with grapes ? duck ? lyre ?), double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.049 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2Α3, section of baulk, layer 1, -1.4/-1.8 m. 17-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 71. Other Nos: AE 120 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2144 (?), ΠΧ 3026 (?) See perhaps Bailey 1988, 382, Q 3109, pl. 18, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos; Rautman 1995, 69, no. 2.107, fig. 22, end of the 6th c., from Sardis. Also ΠΧ 2144 for further comments and parallels. If Eros is holding a lyre, see Kongaz 2010, 459, fig. 132, 4th-5th c. from Constantinople. For the adaptation of the theme in imitation of Argive workshop, see Bovon 1966, 69, no. 458, pl. 11.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 36 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2752 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of the nozzle missing. Handle: solid triple grooved ending in fishtail, two curved lines in between. Discus: Eros running, right, with bunch of grapes. Second cluster between his feet, two filling-holes. Hatched framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.089, W. 0.070, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: For similar, see Miltner 1937, no. 474, pl. IV, no. 187, pl. XIII, from Ephesus; Acara, Olcay 1998, 265, fig. 6j, from Agios Nikolaos of Myra. On the subject-matter of the discus, see Hayes 1980, 71, no. 295, pl. 36, 5th c., from Fayum in Egypt.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 37 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2677 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Worn. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: Eros bending, right (with brunch of grapes ?), double framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.051 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.3/2.5 m. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 185 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-128; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 3024, similar. Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from a tomb. See Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 111, no. L 238, pl. 32, 5th c., from Ephesus (similar ?); Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 588, no. 4, fig. 4, from Samos; de Luca 1984, 49, no. 458, pl. 18, from Pergamon. See also the representation of a youth leaning over a basket full of grapes in the painted tomb of the Nymphs in Ashkelon, Israel, 3rd c., Michaeli 2009, 38-41, fig. 62.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 38 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3024 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete, flaked on handle. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros bending with bunch of grapes, right, two filling-holes. Shoulder: row of raised ring-anddot patterns, double framing ring. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves with circlet (Eph. B). Impressed circular mark. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.062, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2677, similar, with observations and parallels; Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, lamp from a tomb. See the representation of a youth leaning over a basket full of grapes in the painted tomb of the Nymphs in Ashkelon, Israel, 3rd c., Michaeli 2009, 38-41, fig. 62.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 39 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1174 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6, worn. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros running, right, holding a basket of grapes, double framing ring; Two holes. Shoulder: tendrils (?). Base: undefined (?), slightly concave, planta pedis (?); nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, W. 0.063, H. 0.022 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Earthworks with machine. 2412-1959. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 151. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: See Hoff 1986, 126, no. 158, probably from Asia Minor. See also Zimmermann, Ladstätter 2010, fig. 397, clay ampoulla decorated with the same subject, from Ephesus; representation of a youth picking from a basket of grapes in the painted tomb of the Nymphs in Ashkelon, Israel, 3rd c., Michaeli 2009, 38-41, fig. 61.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 40 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1175 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 ΥR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6, worn. Almost all the upper part and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with a dot between. Discus: Eros with bunch of grapes (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils (?). Base: within ring, planta pedis between two incised circlets, nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.078, W. 0.062, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Earth removal with machinery. 2412-1959. Excav. Diary: 3α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: See perhaps Bailey 1988, 382, Q 3108, fig. 18, pl. 105, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 41 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2131 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, to grey from the firing. Part of discus, handle and shoulder missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: Eros with brunch of grapes, right, double framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.055 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. From -1.101.40 m. from the surface of the domed space (1). 5-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 9, p. 317. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 66-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27. Remarks: Cf. similar theme, lamp from Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from a tomb. See Miltner 1937, no. 474, pl. III, no. 187, pl. XIII from Ephesus, tendrils on the shoulder. See the representations of a youth leaning over a basket full of grapes, and of a youth picking grapes: in the painted tomb of the Nymphs in Ashkelon, Israel, 3rd c., Michaeli 2009, 38-41, figs 61, 62.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 42 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2541 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous, friable, flaked. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of handle and nozzle missing. Handle: ending in fishtail with dot and incision between. Discus: Eros running right, holding a duck, double framing ring; two filling holes. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.084, W. 0.066, H. 0.28 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2650. Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546 along with parts of glassware (before the 4th c.). See Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 352, pl. 11, 5th c., from the Athenian Agora. For the theme and particularly in earlier lamps, see Mlynarczyk 1995a, 149-151, no. I.16, fig. 3, about a lamp from Alexandria, 4th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 43 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2650 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: brownish-yellow, 10 YR 6/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros running right, holding a duck, double framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.054 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1 - north of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.4/-2.60 m. 16-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 240. Other Nos: AE 222α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2541, for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 44 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3025 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros catching fish on line, two filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils, double framing ring. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.061, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, nos 1439, 1470, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3170, pl. 110, fig. 17, with channel, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 45 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1200 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 R 4/8, worn. Large part of discus, base and nozzle missing Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros (?), maenad (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.052, W. 0.063, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. South-west part, fill. 29-9-1986. Excav. Diary: 201, p. 229. Other Nos: AE 16 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: See Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1988, no. 1172, pl. 191; probably Miltner 1937, no. 1211, pl. VII, from Ephesus. Also see Hoff 1986, 126-127, no. 159, with a praying (?) figure from Sinope, Smyrna or Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 46 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1248 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, worn. Part of handle, shoulder and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail with impressed circlet between. Discus: Eros (?) moving, left (?), framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Impressed circular mark. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.084, W. 0.062, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon Street. Stoa Γ, earth removal. 7-2-1980. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 154. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1979, 415. Remarks: See perhaps Miltner 1937, no. 504, pl. IV, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 47 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2132 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle, discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: head of a figure towards right (Eros?), double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.036 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. From -1.1/-1.4 m. from the surface of domed space 1. 5-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 9, p. 317. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 66-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 48 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2580 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, poorly fired, flaked. Slip: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros, right (holding a garland?, a lyre?), framing ring. two fillingholes. Shoulder: plain (?) three small circles above nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.066, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations of the Italian period.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 49 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2655 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: figure (Eros?), right, double framing ring. Shoulder: rays. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above ΑΕ 151-166. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 223. Other Nos: AE 209 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 50 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2698 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: roughly Aeolis or Ionia (??). XRF: Cyprus (?) Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous, flaking. Slip: pinkish-grey, 7,5 ΥR 7/2 worn. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: Male form, with right foot crossed over left, leaning on a spear (Eros asleep, holding an inverted torch ? Bacchus ? Asklepios leaning on his staff ?), to his right another figure at a smaller scale, framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, rays, loops in front. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.104, W. 0.068, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (Jewish quarter), ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. 1954. Excav. Diary: 1, 1α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-279; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 350, pl. III, from Ephesus, where this theme seems mostly unknown. The theme of sleeping Eros, if this reading is accepted, is especially common on the discus of the late lamps. There is no identification proposed for the enigmatic second figure. Without necessarily belonging to the same iconographic type, see typically Trost-Hellmann 1996, 80-81, no. 48, pl. VII.B.A, a lamp from Carthage, with parallels. See also Bailey 1988, 374, Q 3022, pl. 99, second half of the 1st c., from Ephesus. Eros leaning on a torch is a well-known theme in small-scale sculpture, and in both miniature and large-scale Roman sculpture; it is also common on a group of Knidian lamps, dated 70-130, see recently Katsioti 2014, 95-110. Due to the worn mould, for the possible alternative interpretation of Asklepios leaning on staff with snake, a known theme on earlier Corinthian-Patras lamps, see Pliakou 2007, 539; or even Bacchus, see Oswald 1936-1937, pl. XXVIII, 580-582. The second figure, however, absent in all the above cases, is difficult to interpret. A figure leaning on a javelin, on a lamp from Cyprus, has many similarities with the catalogued piece, except that the figure is on a smaller scale, see Oziol 1977, 274-275, no. 830, pl. 45, 4th to 6th c (?): the subject-matter here also defies identification. Also, on a mosaic of the 5th-6th c. at Daphne, today in the Worcester Art Museum, with a hunting theme, the centre of the composition is occupied by a standing male figure clad in a panther skin, legs comfortably crossed, leaning on a spear; see Lavin 1963, 187-190, fig. 2.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 51 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1208 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: not cleaned, reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6. Slip: brown, 7,5 ΥR 4/2, in places. Complete. Thick-walled. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: Pan, left, double framing ring. Shoulder: hatched band, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves and between a lightly incised cross (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.059, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon district, Analipsi. Fill west of tomb 1. 27-5-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 190. Other Nos: ΑΕ 42. Ill: 95 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: See Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, no. 8, pl. 84a, from Samos; Kassab, Sezer 1987, 37, fig. 10. For the incised cross beneath the nozzle, cf. ΠΧ 1160, ΠX 1170, Λ 2554, ΠΧ 2755, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1860. For the iconography of Pan, see LIMC VIII Suppl. (1997), 923-941 (J. Boardman).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 52 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2385 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar, ash-grey due to firing. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: Pan, framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.044 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth moving. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 111, no. L 240, pl. 32, 5th c., from Ephesus. For the iconography of Pan, see LIMC VIII Suppl. (1997), 923-941 (J. Boardman).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 54 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1919 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Handle preserved, as are part of shoulder and base. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: trace of a figure (Eros ?). Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067, Wpres. 0.061, Hpres. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, fill above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, AE 151-AE 166, -2.20/2.25 m. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 223. Other Nos: AE 209α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 55 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2316 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: Aphrodite (?) or Leda and the Swan, two filling-holes, double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves. Lower part of mould worn. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.090, W. 0.065, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Pipinos plot; Grammou and Vas. Herakliou Streets. Β2, fill between mosaic floor 2 and floor 2γ, 1st ‘pass’. 10-4-2002. Excav. Diary: 435, p. 205. Other Nos: AE 912 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1997, 1082; Bairami 1998, 933; Bairami 2000, 1122-1123. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2548, ΠΧ 2801. For the theme on the discus, see Vasileiadou 2011, 232, no. 155, 4th-5th c., from the excavation of the Thessaloniki water supply pipeline II; Weber 2004, 31-32, no. 91, fig. 3, pl. 5, from Samos; Tolle-Kastenbein 1974, 168, fig. 292, c, 5th c., from Tigani on Samos. For the iconographic theme of Leda and the swan, see typically LIMC 6 (1992), 244, fig. 131a (L. Kahil), lamp from the Musée Grecoromain in Alexandria. For the theme on earlier lamps, see Bailey 1980, 10.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 56 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2548 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: Aphrodite or Nereid on a dolphin, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.067, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 3-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 312. Other Nos: AE 391 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2316, ΠΧ 2801. Cf. ΠΧ 2316 for observations and parallels. The theme shows iconographic similarities with that of Leda and the swan. On a subject-matter already known in the Classical era, and very popular in the Hellenistic period, see typically Higgins 1954, 206, no. 2645.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 57 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2801 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 4/4. Trace of burning. Near complete. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: Leda and the Swan, two filling-holes, framing ring. Shoulder: leaves; loops on nozzle-top. Base: within almondshaped ring, planta pedis (parallel to Eph. A). Impressed circular mark. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.11, W. 0.06, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. North-east part of the excavation ± 1.7 m, wall 11. 2-6-1986.


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Angeliki Katsioti Excav. Diary: 222, p. 327. Other Nos: AE 362. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For subject-matter cf. ΠΧ 2316, ΠΧ 2548. The theme shows iconographic similarities with that of Venus or a Nereid on a dolphin. For the theme of the discus, with observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2316. For the typology see Ricci 2001-2002, 383, wreck at Port Vendres I, 24.2, lamp with rosette. Asia Minor lamps with an almond-shaped ring at the base, rather rare, are generally of an elongated type, cf. ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 1218, ΠΧ 2193, ΠΧ 2534, Λ 2911, Λ 6572.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 58 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1868 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Parts of shoulder and base missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: Two opposed forms, wearing a Phrygian cap (Attis/Dioscouroi ?). Shoulder: antithetic triangles. Base: within ring, impressed pattern (?); nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.066, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.87 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and grave offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 95 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 260, no. 13, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 12851287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the theme, cf. Miltner, 1937, 122, no. 373, pl. III, 4th-5th/early 5th c., from Ephesus; De Luca 1984, 47, 49, no. 447, 448, pl. 18, from Pergamon. For figure with Phrygian cap, on an earlier lamp fragment, see Broneer 1930, 202, no. 672, pl. 28.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 59 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1886 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. The upper part of the handle and two non-joining parts of the base. Repaired. Handle: solid. Discus: Centaur, left. Shoulder: row of raised ringand-dot patterns. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.077, W. 0.064 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 201. Other Nos: AE 121 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the theme cf. ΠX 3027. See Miltner, 1937, 145, no. 1054, pl. VI, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 60 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3027 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part from the right side missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: Centaur before a sapling. Shoulder: tendrils, framing ring. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, Wpres. 0.061, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 61 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2681 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: dark red, 2,5 YR 3/6. worn. Part of shoulder preserved and the discus. Discus: figure to right with staff (?), sceptre (?), Dionysus with thyrsos (?), Centaur (?), framing ring. Shoulder: rays. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2/-2.5 m. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 207. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. perhaps ΠX 1886 (centaur). See probably Miltner 1937, 145, no. 1054, pl. VI, from Ephesus, centaur. If Dionysus with thyrsus is portrayed, cf. ΠΧ 2764; also probably Opait 1991, 264-265, fig. 75.1 from Dobroucha; Miltner 1937, 158, no. 1415, pl. VIII, from Ephesus, Dionysus to the left. Miller 2015, L 283, fig. 30b, ΠΡΕIM]OY, from Nemea.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 62 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2764 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6 micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: figure with javelin and a quadruped behind (hunting scene?), Dionysos with thyrsus (?), framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. -1.1/1.5 m, within the north tholos structure. 24-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 21. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27. Remarks: Cf. perhaps ΠX 2681, centaur (?), Dionysus with thyrsus (?) If it is indeed Dionysus with thyrsus, see perhaps Opait et al. 1991, 264-265, fig. 75.1, from Dobroucha; Miltner 1937, 158, no. 1415, pl. VIII, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 63 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3030 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues grooved. Discus: Herakles and the Lernaean Hydra. Shoulder: wavy line with globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.099, W. 0.071, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: See for the theme ΠΧ 1978, ΠΧ 2207 (?), Λ 5178. The decoration on the shoulder, a zigzag line of globules, is rather rare (see Miltner 1937, no. 220, pl. II, from Ephesus), as is also the theme of the discus in Asia Minor lamps. See the Ephesian imitation of the 3rd c. of a roughly contemporary Corinthian lamp, Bailey 1988, 35, 381, Q 3096, pl. 104, fig. 39, 131, ΑΚΤΑΙΟΥ, from Ephesus. For the iconography of Hercules, see LIMC V (1990), 1697-2092 (J. Boardman et al.). For themes inspired by the labours of Hercules, see Boyd 2005, 443-453. On lamps, see Bailey 1980, 33-35; Karivieri 1996b, 33-40; Karivieri 2001, 185-189. The use of the theme from the 4th c., in a Christian environment from the Via Latina catacombs in Rome, shows clearly that for Early Christians the hero represents the reward of the virtuous life with immortality.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 64 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2038 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Part of discus, base, shoulder and nozzle missing. Repaired. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in two tongues. Discus: three human figures, one fallen (?), one perhaps flying to the left and one upright with holding up a chiton in the hand, and an animal at the left turning his head backwards (a scene of sacrifice? The Sacrifice of Abraham ? Daniel in the lions’ den ?), framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075, W. 0.06, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; Diagoridon and P. Mela Streets. ‘Found above bedrock’. 3-7-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 149. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2756, discus and base alike, shoulder with globules. See Miltner 1937, 192, no. 240, pl. XIII, of Ephesus (similar), identifies the scene with some hesitation as Daniel in the lions’ den, though on Asia Minor lamps the scene corresponds with the typical iconography, see Miltner 1937, 122, no. 363, pl. III, from Ephesus. For the iconography of the biblical scene, see Archontopoulos 1991-1992, 253-258.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 65 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2756 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous, friable. Slip: similar. Poor firing. Part of the lower body, the discus, shoulder and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved ending in two tongues. Discus: three human figures, one fallen (?), one perhaps flying to the left and one upright with holding up a chiton in the hand, and an animal at the left turning his head backwards (a scene of sacrifice? Daniel in the lions’ den ?), framing ring, two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083, W. 0.063, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2038, discus and base similar, shoulder undecorated. See Miltner 1937, 192, no. 240, pl. XIII, from Ephesus (similar). Cf. ΠΧ 2038 for observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 66 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2947 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6. Handle and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: ending in fishtail. Discus: Daniel in the den of lions, double framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, plain. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.78, Wpres. 0.065 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, south-west corner, trench, -2.65/-4 m. 11-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 123. Other Nos: AE 590 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, 122, no. 363, pl. II from Ephesus (similar). For the iconography of the biblical scene, see Archontopoulos 1991-1992, 253-258.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 67 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2957 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, to grey, semi-worn. Parts of shoulder, discus and nozzle preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: Orans (?), Daniel in the den of lions (?), crater (?), framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: Eph A. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Β3, W. part, layer 3 of pyre. 26-11-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 113. Other Nos: AE 65α-ε Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: If Daniel in the lions’ den, cf. ΠΧ 2947, for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 68 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2904 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 5/6. Trace of burning. Complete Handle: solid, ending in fishtail, a circlet in between. Discus: figure with hand to head, diadoumenos (?), with stele, athlete (?), two filling-holes, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with leaves. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.065, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, excavations during the Italian Rule. Ill: 95a Remarks: See Miltner 1937, 126-127, no. 491, pl. IV, from Ephesus (similar). He describes the scene as ‘a young man standing with one hand on his head and the other holding the edge of the himation in which rest some fruit. He turns his head backwards to see a reptile (?), crocodile (?). In front is a column (altar ?) and a woven basket.’ The subject is interpreted as a biblical scene with Daniel the dragon-slayer in the sanctuary of Baal (Dan. 13.23-42; see too the reading of St. Hippolytus on the prophet Daniel, Commentarium in Danielem, ed. M. Lefèvre, Hippolyte, book 2, ch. 26).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 69 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2758 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: a naked figure with a baldric, in motion, with head turned backwards, with a quadruped (hunting scene ?), double framing ring, two filling-holes. Shoulder: vines. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.065, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 70 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2380 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of discus, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: canopy symplegma, framing ring, two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.059 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city. Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth moving. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2755. See Ladstätter 2008, 147, no. K 300, pl. 332, from Ephesus (similar ?); Chrzanovski 2011, 320, no. 304, 5th-6th c.; Bruneau 1965, 139140, nos 4696, 4697, pl. 33, from Delos. On the subject-matter of the discus, perhaps Miltner 1937, no. 298, pl. XIII, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 71 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2755 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: canopy symplegma, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves, and in between them a cross in relief (Eph. A). Impressed circular marks. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.059, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2380, where observations and parallels. For the cross beneath the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1208, ΠΧ 1160, ΠΧ 1170, Λ 2554, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1860. See Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 592, no. 21, figs 19-20, end of 4th c.; Weber 2004, 31, no. 87, fig. 2, pl. 5, all from Samos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 72 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2770 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: roughly Aeolis or Ionia (??) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4 micaceous, friable. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: canopy symplegma, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.108, W. 0.071, H. 0.023 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Atsidis plot; K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets. South-west part, east face below wall 302, -2.1/-2.92 m. 27-3-2008. Excav. Diary: 479, p. 209. Other Nos: ΑΕ 434 Ill: 96 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2006, 1278-1282; Triandafyllidis 2007, 1332-1333: Triandafyllidis 2008, 1281-1282. Remarks: Parallels with Miltner 1937, no. 1050, pl. VI, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 73 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1160 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 10ΥR 4/6, in places. Handle missing. Handle: ending in fishtail. Discus: erotic symplegma between a man and a youth, left, in erotic union from behind. Shoulder: row of ring-and-dot patterns. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Below the nozzle an incised cross (Eph B). Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.064, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Other Nos: ΠΒΕ 2592 Bibliography: Kollias et al. 2004, 20, fig. 7. For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠX 1168, ΠX 1173, Λ 6076, ΠΧ 2495, ΠΧ 2767. Sexual scenes seem rare on Roman lamps, see Bailey 1980, 70; Bailey 1988, 65. Paedophile scenes are not mentioned. For pederasty as a religious custom with references to antiquity, see Bremmer 1980, 279-298. For paedophilia in ancient Rome, see Williams 1995, mainly 521-527. For the cross beneath the nozzle, cf. ΠX 1170, Λ 2554, ΠX 1208, ΠΧ 2755, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1860.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 74 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1168 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/3, with mica. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: erotic symplegma between a man and a youth, left, erotic union from behind. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: wide, flat, two circles, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.061, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Solounias plot; side-street off Amerikis. Fill. 5-7-1982. Excav. Diary: 174, p. 155. Other Nos: AE 711 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1983, 388. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1160 with commentary, ΠΧ 1173, Λ 6076, ΠΧ 2495, ΠΧ 2767.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 75 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1173 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 ΥR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6. Handle, part of discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: erotic symplegma between a man and a youth, left, erotic union from behind. Shoulder: row of ring-and-dot patterns. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.048 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 24-12-1959. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 171. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1160, with observations, ΠX 1168, Λ 6076, ΠΧ 2495, ΠΧ 2767.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 76 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6076 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8 micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: erotic symplegma between a man and a youth, left, erotic union from behind, framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.053 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 2. 5-41994. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 232. Other Nos: Excavation bag 113 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1160, with observations, ΠΧ 1168, ΠΧ 1173, ΠΧ 2495, ΠΧ 2767.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 77 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2495 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Handle, part of shoulder and discus. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail with three incisions between. Discus: erotic symplegma between a man and a youth, left, erotic union from behind, framing ring. Shoulder: row of ring-and-dot patterns. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.058 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vas. Sofias Streets. West side. 9-6-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 252. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302: Fatourou 1963, Chronika, 322. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1160, with observations, ΠX 1168, ΠΧ 1173, Λ 6076, ΠΧ 2767.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 78 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2767 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6 micaceous. Slip: dark grey, 5 YR 4/1, flaked. Part of handle and of body preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: erotic symplegma between a man and a youth, left, erotic union from behind, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.068 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Boreiou Epeirou Streets. -1.4/-2 m. from the upper interior surface of the domed space 1. 5-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 9, p. 317. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1160 with commentary, ΠΧ 1173, ΠΧ 1168, ΠΧ 2495, Λ 6076.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 79 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2347 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: two gladiators, one with helmet and shield, the second with breastplate and trident, framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.049 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. West of square Δ3, Δ., -1.9/-2.4 m, below the floor. 25-4-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 244. Other Nos: AE 366 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See perhaps Miltner 1937, nos 1456, 1500, pl. VIII, from Ephesus. For more information on the equipment of gladiators, see Matz 1982, 51-59, 67-71; Tsouli 2014, 93-163. For such scenes and gladiatorial amphitheatre scenes on the earliest Italian lamps, see Barbera 2003, 21-48.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 80 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1532 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous, under fired. Slip: light red, 2,5 R 6/8, in places. Base, part of shoulder and nozzle missing Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: venator levelling lance at bear (head only seen), raised framing rim. Shoulder: small globules extending down nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083, Wpres. 0.06. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Panagiotakis plot; Dokous-Sokak, tomb 11. 12-11-1980. Excav. Diary: 142, p. 171. Other Nos: AE 234 Remarks: For the theme cf. Λ 6496. For very similar, also with bear, Λ 6429. See Miltner 1937, no. 241, pl. XIII, from Ephesus; Chrzanovski 2011, 321, no. 305, 6th c.; Brants 1913, no. 1136, pl. VIII, Attic lamp in the Rijksmuseum, Leiden; Cokay-Kepce 2005, 134, no. 1, Attic lamp, from Tekir Dag (Raidestos); Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 588, no. 40, fig. 36, second half of the 3rd c., from Samos, identified as Attic; Koutoussaki 2008, 176, no. 189, figs 167-168, second half of 4th-early 5th c. ΧΙΟΝΗΣ, from Argos. Amphitheatre scenes are common in the later lamps, see Karivieri 1996a, 165-166; Roumeliotis 2001, 256. Typically for the topic: finger-ring stones - Guiraud 2014, 357-362, fig. 1, from the Berlin Staatliche Museen, 1st BC-1st AD, with details about the presence of animals in Roman circuses. On a silver plate of the 4th c. from the Treasure of Mildenhall, the British Museum, Cutler 2005, fig. 11. For the theme on Attic lamps, less stylized and more detailed, see Kübler 1952, fig. 60; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 418, fig. 19, from the Kerameikos. For early Roman lamps with public spectacles, see Barbera 2012, 20-48. The beast fights mainly involved bears, as the supply of these animals was cheaper. For further economy, the aim now was not to kill the animal, but to perform tricks with it; the acrobat replaced the animal-hunter. On beast fights, see Papakyriakou 2012, 117-124, 221-231. For the motif of the beast-fighter spearing the bear, see typically the details of the diptych of the Consul Areobindus, of 506, today in Zurich, Delbrück 1929, pl. 9; mosaic floor from Antioch, 5th-6th c., today at Dumbarton Oaks, Levi 1947, pl. LXXXVIa; mosaic floor from Tunisia, 3rd c., Dunbabin 1978, fig. 55; embossed plate from Ephesus, 2nd-3rd c., Büyükkolanci 2002, 84-85; sarcophagus of the second third of the 5th c., in Clermont-Ferrand, Christern-Briesenick 2003, 116, no. 220, pl. 59.3-4; mosaic floors on the south Early Christian basilica of Caricingrad, 6th c., Plemic 2013, 179-188, fig. 1.2. Is may also be that the scene is a venatio depicting the capture of bear for the amphitheatre: see, typically, a mosaic in the Antiquarium of Rome, see Aymard 1951, 217, 227, 450, pl. 32.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 81 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6496 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6 with a little mica. Slip: grey. Trace of burning. About half preserved. Handle: solid grooved ending in fishtail. Discus: (horseman?) venator stabbing bear with javelin, double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city. Handed in by Ε. Papachristodoulou, from the harbour area of Akantia. Remarks: For the theme cf. ΠΧ 1532, with observations and parallels. For a close match, also with bear, cf. Λ 6429.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 82 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6429 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 3/2. Trace of burning. Part of handle missing. Handle: grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: scene from a circus, with a bear holding a tripod, with a figure at the top who is perhaps an acrobat, two filling-holes, framing ring. Shoulder: curved rays, in the region of the nozzle are two vertical incisions with herringbone between. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.059, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without details. Ill.: 96a Remarks: For subjects from the circus cf. ΠX 532, Λ 6496. Scenes from the amphitheatre are prevalent on the later lamps, see Karivieri 1996a, 165-166; Roumeliotis 2001, 256. For Early Roman lamps showing public spectacles, see Barbera 2012, 20-48. The beast fights mainly involved bears, as the supply of these animals was cheaper. For further economy, the aim now was not to kill the animal, but to perform tricks with it; the acrobat replaced the animal-hunter. Concerning beast fights, see Papakyriakou 2012, 117-124, 221-231.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 83 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2646 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: brown, 7,5 YR 5/4. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder, discus and base preserved. Discus: two figures to the left, the first carries on its head a basket of fruit, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within ring, planta pedis, fishtail (Eph. B). Dimensions: Wpres. 0.049 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α, -1.9 m, 4th ‘pass’. 13-6-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 163. Other Nos: AE 24 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 84 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2576 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: grey, corroded and flaked, or red colouring. Nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: human form at right (?), double framing ring. Three filling holes. Shoulder: row of ringand-dot patterns. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Impressed circular mark. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09, W. 0.065, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 85 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2958 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, part-worn. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: bust (?), framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.074 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Β3, W. end, layer 3 of pyre. 26-11-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 113. Other Nos: AE 65α-ε Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 86 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2145 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: light red, 10 YR 6/8. Part of base, discus, shoulder and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with incised cross between. Discus: unclear scene with figure to the left (?). Shoulder: vines. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.081, Wpres. 0.055, H. 0.029 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papachristodoulou plot; Ethnarchou Makariou Street. Around the sewer. 17-5-1961. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 275-278. Remarks: For the cross in the fish tail on the base, cf. ΠX 2498.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 87 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2198 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia(?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus, shoulder and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: scene of two (?) figures. The central holds a deer by its antlers (?), while a second is to its right, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped (Eph A). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, stairs of cistern. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 88 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2223 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Handle preserved, parts of base, shoulder and discus. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: figured. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: within ring, planta pedis (?), (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065, W. 0.062, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Cleaning west of wall 53. 22-12-1979. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 99. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 89 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1324 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 ΥR 5/4, in places. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: seated animal (?), Eros to left (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: slightly concave, planta pedis (?); nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.068, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Square Β2, -0.4 m. 9-6-1989. Excav. Diary: 258, p. 177. Other Nos: AE 15 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: If it is a recumbent animal, see Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3132, pl. 107, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos. For the discus, probably Miltner 1937, no. 500, pl. IV, no. 202, pl. XIII, from Ephesus. The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 90 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2757 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/6, micaceous. Slip: very dark grey, 7,5 YR 3/1. Trace of burning. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: unclear scene, hatched framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.063, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 91 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2912 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid ending in fishtail. Discus: figure to right, in front of quadruped (?), Sea Triton (?). two filling-holes, double framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085, W. 0.063, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Papastamatiou plot; K. Tsaldari and Athinon Streets. Fill of cist-tomb 5. 9-1-1984. Excav. Diary: 189, p. 45. Other Nos: AE 21 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1983, 389. Remarks: See possibly Dragomir 1984, 170-171, no 44, pl. IX.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 92 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1908 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: reddishyellow, 7,5 YR 7/8. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: lion, turning its head to the right. two filling-holes, double framing ring. Shoulder: rays. Base: within ring, double planta pedis, nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves (variation on Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.089, W. 0.06, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.25 m. with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 213. Other Nos: AE 168 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1877. Cf. possibly on the discus, Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3132, pl. 107, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 93 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1904 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 7,5YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: lion, right, two fillingholes. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, on nozzle two hooks and dots. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.066, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A, extension to east, 2nd pass. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 205. Other Nos: AE 127 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1909 (the same representation on the upper part, of smaller size, and less worn mould), ΠΧ 2543, AK 445, in Museum of Kalymnos, handed in, with minor differences. See Bailey 1988, 382, Q 3107, pl. 105, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos (similar ?); Ladstätter 2008, 147, no. K 297, pl. 332, of Ephesus (similar ?).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 94 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1909 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Parts of discus, shoulder and base preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: lion, turning head to the left, two filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, two hooks and dots above nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, Wpres. 0.062, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, and sieving of earth; -2,32/2,50 m. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 178 and ΑΕ 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1904 (similar in the upper part, but larger, more worn mould), with observations and parallels ΠΧ 2543. AK 445, Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos, handed in, with some differences.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 95 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2543 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning. base, part of shoulder and discus missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: lion, right, double framing ring, two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.089 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.). Cf. ΠΧ 1856 (curled up lion to the left). AK 445, Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos, handed in. See Menzel 1969, 97, no. 629, fig. 80.6, from Miletus. On the discus, see Crawford 1990, 82, no. 64.31: 6185, fig. 425, end of the 6th c., from Sardis.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 96 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1856 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: light red, 10 R 6/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail, with dot between. Discus: lion, left. Shoulder: globules. More than one filling holes. Base: within double ring, small circle, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.062, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.80/2.05 m, removal of human bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 195 Other Nos: AE 82 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2543 (curled up lion to right), with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 1877, ΠΧ 2956.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 97 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2956 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder, nozzle, discus and base preserved. Repaired. Some non-joining pieces. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail with circlet between. Discus: lion, male or female, turning head backwards, framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.101 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Β3, W. part, layer 3 of pyre. 26-11-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 113. Other Nos: AE 65α-ε Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1856, ΠΧ 1887. See Bailey 1988, 68, 385, Q 3132, fig. 83.144, pl. 107, 500-600, from Kalymnos. See quadrupeds in a similar attitude to that on discus, Miltner 1937, no. 178, 195, pl. XIII, no. 390, pl. III, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 98 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1877 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, micaceous. Slip: light yellowish-brown, 10 YR 6/4, red 2,5 YR 5/6 and elsewhere reddish-yellow, uneven due to firing. Trace of burning on nozzle. Pieces missing at edge of nozzle. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: lion male or female, turning head to right; the beast has a collar around his neck. two filling-holes. Shoulder: leaves. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Slightly worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.068, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.97 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 197. Other Nos: AE 106 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 260-261, no. 15, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1856, ΠΧ 2956, ΠX 1908. See Miltner 1937, 102, 190, no. 195, pl. XIII, from Ephesus (similar); Bailey 1985, 101, no. 684, pl. XX, 5th-6th c., from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish); Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3132, pl. 107, 500-600, from Kalymnos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 99 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1889 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Nozzle, part of shoulder and base missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail and dots. Discus: stag, left. Shoulder: globules. framing ring. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083, W. 0.065, H. 0.023 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.12/2.40 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 211. Other Nos: AE 140 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 3031, similar. See Bailey 1988, 383, Q 3113, pl. 105 (deer to the right; on shoulder a tendril), c. 500-600, from Ephesus; Marki, Cheimonopoulou, Angelkou 2010, 209, fig. 2θ, from Louloudies. Lamp from the Early Christian basilica of Ilissos, displayed in the exposition of the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens. The deer is associated with the worship and sacrifices in honour of Egyptian deities, see Katsioti 2014a, 97.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 100 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3031 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: stag, left, sapling behind it. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.059, H. 0.023 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1889, similar, with observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 101 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2573 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with dot between. Discus: stag, right and tree in background, double framing ring, two filling-holes. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.063, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. for the theme Λ 4777, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 2004, ΠΧ 2948. See lamp (unpublished ?) from Troizen, in the Archaeological Museum of Poros. The deer is associated with the worship and sacrifices in honour of Egyptian deities, see Katsioti 2014a, 97.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 102 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2004 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/8. Slip: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/4. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: stag, right. Shoulder: plain. The stag’s antlers extend onto the shoulder. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.054 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon district, Analipsi district. 1988 (?). Without further information as to provenance. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Cf. Λ 4777. For the theme ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 2573, ΠΧ 2948. Probably, as with Λ 4777, there would have been a kantharos or goblet depicted on the shoulder. As the stag’s antler extends beyond the discus, it means that the whole motif has been copied, probably by surmoulage of an earlier, larger lamp; for earlier parallels see Mlynarczyk 1995a, 461. The deer is associated with the worship and sacrifices in honour of Egyptian deities, see Katsioti 2014a, 97. But the symbolic coupling of a deer with goblet or kantharos, perhaps originally a Christian concept, is also seen in the pottery of the era, such as the terracotta reliefs found in the castle of Vinica (FYROM) which, according to recent views, date to the 6th c.; see recently Gorgievski 2012, without page numbers.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 103 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6562 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous, flaked. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: dog, left, framing ring. two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0. 095, W. 0.062, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Nikolidakis plot; Alex. Diakou Street. Square Α1, layer 3. 3-11-1998. Excav. Diary: 367, p. 279. Other Nos: AE 17 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1998, 933. Remarks: For the theme of the discus cf. ΠΧ 2910, ΠΧ 2981.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 104 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3029 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: quadruped (wild boar ?) running to the right, two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.089, W. 0.061, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 105 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2903 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: panther, right, double framing ring, two filling-holes. Shoulder: vines. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Incomplete joining of the two halves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.084, W. 0.065, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2753, similar discus, slightly smaller size. See Bailey 1988, 68, 383, Q 3111, fig. 85.143, pl. 105, 500-600, Ephesus (similar ?); Ladstätter 2008, 147, no. K 298, pl. 332, from Ephesus, with differences; Manzoni-Macdonnell 1988, 126, no. 36, fig. 6.3, in all probability Asia Minor (Panther on discus; vines on the shoulder), from Jalame in Palestine. For the discus, see probably Miltner 1937, no. 256, pl. XIII, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 106 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2753 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous, flaked. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: panther, right, two filling-holes, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.062, H. 0.023 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2903, similar discus, slightly larger size, with observations and parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 107 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2620 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of discus preserved. Discus: (bull ?), two filling-holes. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2511, ΠΧ 1167, KP 169, from Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, handed in, from Vrykous. See Findik 2010, 103, fig. 1.9, second half of the 6th c (?); Miltner 1937, no. 194, pl. XIII, from Ephesus; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 185-186, no. 4, pl. 82b, from Samos. On these, the animal, moving to the left is usually a bull. The bull is a decorative theme also seen on sarcophagi, see Karivieri 1996a, 170.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 108 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2530 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6 (?), flaked. Grey at surface. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: quadruped (?), bull (?). Shoulder: globules (?) Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. possibly ΠΧ 2620, ΠΧ 2640, ΠΧ 2511. Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.)

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 109 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2640 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: to grey. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: head of animal (?), bull (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning over ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 110 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2511 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Base, nozzle, part of discus and shoulder missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: bull, double framing ring; two filling-holes. Shoulder: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vas. Sofias Streets. Without stratigraphy. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2620, where observations and parallels, ΠΧ 1167. KP 169, at Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, handed in, from Vrykous. See also Bailey 1988, 383, Q 3114, pl. 105, c. 500-600, from Ephesus, with a dog.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 111 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1882 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Discus largely missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail and dot. Discus: figured (?) (quadruped ?). Shoulder: vines, above nozzle dots and hooks. Base: ring-shaped, planta pedis, nozzle set off by triple V-shaped dotted grooves (Eph. B). Two impressed circular marks. Dimensions: L. 0.088, W. 0.063, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2,1 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 199. Other Nos: AE 111 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 112 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1888 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6, to grey. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: eagle, two filling-holes, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.068, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.12/2.40 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 211. Other Nos: AE 139 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1862, ΠX 1901 and for the theme ΠΧ 1211, ΠΧ 3035. See Miltner 1937, 160, no. 1474, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Bailey 1985, 100, C 689, pl. 20, globules on the shoulder, first half of the 6th c., from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish); Ηübinger 1993, no. 235, pl. 29, 6th c., elongated shape, globules on the shoulder. For the subject-matter, see Bailey 1988, 78, 389, Q 3177, fig. 99, 143, pl. 111, with channel, markings on the shoulder, c. 500-600, from Ephesus. Asia Minor lamp with plain shoulder, at the new Museum of Izmir (unpublished?); Weber 2004, 32, no. 94, fig. 3, from Samos; Garnett 1975, 200, no. 31, from Corinth, local imitation of Asia Minor lamp. The theme may be a reference to the emblem of Zeus, in early Byzantine times; in a Christian environment, the emblem takes on an eschatological character, see Habas 2014, 137-159. See also the representation of an eagle on a floor mosaic from the Early Christian basilica of Agios Stefanos (Basilica B) at Kefalos, Cos, Christopoulou 2015, 143; Balducci 1936, 15-22.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 113 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1901 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 7,5YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: eagle, two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.064, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/-2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 159 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 262, no. 21, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1105, ΠΧ 1862, ΠΧ 1888, where observations and parallels, ΠΧ 3035.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 114 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1862 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6, worn. Nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: eagle, two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071, W. 0.059, H. 0.031 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 88 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1888, where observations and parallels, ΠΧ 1901; and for the theme ΠΧ 1105, ΠΧ 3035.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 115 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1105 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 7,5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 10 R 5/6. Part of shoulder and handle missing. Handle: ending in fishtail. Discus: eagle, left. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: ring-shaped, wide, flat; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.106, W. 0.045, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Venetokleion Gymnasium; K. Palaiologou Street. Unearthing of foundations of stoa. 7/10-41970. Excav. Diary: 37, p. 215-223. Other Nos: Λ 3573 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1971, 535-539; Patsiada 2013b, 57-58. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1862, ΠΧ 1888, where observations and parallels, ΠΧ 1901, ΠΧ 3035. Note its unusually large size, for an Asia Minor lamp.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 116 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3035 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: the upper triangular side has the form of a mask or face, leaf-pattern on lower side, ending in fishtail. Discus: eagle, left, two filling-holes, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.116, W. 0.071, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: For the subject-matter of the disc cf. ΠΧ 1105, ΠΧ 1862, ΠΧ 1888, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 1901. The handle with a mask motif is relatively unusual in Asia Minor lamps, see typically Miltner 1937, no. 148, pl. II, no. 963, pl. V, no. 1864, pl. IX, from Ephesus; in contrast it is more frequent on lamps of the same era from parts of Thrace, see Bailey 1988, 398. For grotesque human heads/masks adorning lamps, ampullae, juglets and other ceramic objects, see Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2016, 89-96; Curta 2016b, 42-46.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 117 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2292 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: cock, double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.069 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, area of Agios Panteleimon. 12-11-1954. Excav. Diary: 1α, p. 117. Other Nos: Ε 8 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: See perhaps Levi 1965-1966, 448, fig. 57.8, from Iassos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 118 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3028 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: bird, left, three filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils, framing ring. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.068, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: See perhaps for variant Miltner 1937, no. 515, pl. IV, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 119 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2248 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: on the lower part an animal (?), peacock (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: leaves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1, water-pipe. 29-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 21. Other Nos: AE 158 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: If it is a peacock, cf. ΠX 1879, ΠΧ 1924. The peacock is a motif connected with both Hera and Christian doctrines of eternal life. See probably Bailey 1988, 81, 382, Q ​​ 3110, fig. 101, pl. 105.c, 500-600; Steskal et al., 2003, 251, fig. 8c, no. SE 501/3, 5th c.; MitsopoulosLeon 2007, 111, no. L 236, pl. 32, 5th c.; Miltner 1937, no. 197, pl. XIII, all of the above from Ephesus. Shear 1922, 406, fig. 14.11, from Sardis; Weber 2004, 31, no. 87, fig. 2, pl. 5, from Samos. For the representation on the disc, but without the nozzle channel, de Luca 1984, 50, no. 466, pl. 18, from Pergamon. Showing the peacock to the left, see Ioannidaki-Ntostoglou 1982-1983, 119-120, figs 16-17; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 589, no. 9, fig. 9, from Samos. In trench Δ1 were found the coins NB 552-553, Mauricius (602) and Heraclius (631/632), NB 1122, NB 1130, Justin II (565-578), NB 1131-1132, Constans II (641-651).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 120 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1893 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Slip: yellowish-red. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: tree from which sprout vines, two filling-holes. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: within ring, small circle, within nozzle, set off by double V-shaped dotted grooves, incised cross. Dots also on upper part of nozzle (Eph. A). Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.064, H. 0.031 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.12/2.40. The removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 211. Other Nos: AE 144 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the representation on the discus, see Miltner 1937, no. 297, pl. XIII (with channel). For the cross beneath the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1208, ΠΧ 1160, ΠΧ 1170, Λ 2554, ΠΧ 2755. See Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 592, no. 21, figs 19-20, end of 4th c., Weber 2004, 31, no. 87, fig. 2, pl. 5, all from Samos. For dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 121 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2759 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6. Trace of burning. Part of discus and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: boat, dotted framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: ring-shaped, dotted, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.065, H. 0.033 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: For the dotted ring on base cf. ΠX 2349. For dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 122 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1898 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 6/6. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross, two filling-holes, loops in front. Shoulder: rays. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.06, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: ΑΕ 156 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2678, ΠΧ 2479, ΠΧ 2444. See Miltner 1937, no. 1018, pl. VI, from Ephesus; Menzel 1969, 97, no. 625, fig. 79, 9, from Miletus; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 73, nos L39-40, pl. IX, from Aliki on Thassos, first half of the 6th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 123 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2479 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of body and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with circlet between. Discus: cross, framing ring two filling-holes. Shoulder: band of rays, small circles near nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; Diagoridon and P. Mela Streets. Surface fill to -1.45 m. 3-4-1965. Excav. Diary: 13α, p. 257. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1898, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2678, ΠΧ 2444.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 124 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2678 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: cross, framing ring. Shoulder: band of rays. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.3/2.5 m. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 185 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1898, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2479, ΠΧ 2444.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 125 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2444 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: cross (?). Shoulder: rays. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.072 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. 10-12-1984. Excav. Diary: 192, p. 221. Other Nos: AE 12 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. perhaps ΠX 1898, ΠΧ 2479, ΠΧ 2678. See Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 73, nos L39-40, pl. IX, first half of the 6th c., from Thassos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 126 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6069 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (??). XRF: Ephesus (?). Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 8/3. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle, discus and shoulder missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved ending with two tongues with ring at base. Discus: within lozenge, cross; two filling-holes. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Base: within ring, small circle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.093, W. 0.069. H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, to -0.85 m. 18-3 to 21-3-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 79. Other Nos: ΑΕ 499 Ill: 97 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For the end of the handle (where it becomes the base) in the shape of relief Δ, cf. Λ 3394, ΠΧ 1242 (area of Klazomenai ?).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 127 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6281 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Part of base missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross made up of guilloche, circlets between the arms. Double circles in the upper quarters, two filling-hole; double framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.075, W. 0.051, H. 0.021 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Solounias plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Square. Α1, N.E. corner. 5-6-1981. Excav. Diary: 154, p. 85. Other Nos: ΑΕ 75 Ill: 98 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1983, 388. Remarks: For the general typology and dimensions (smaller than usual), see Rivet 2003, 112, no. 562, with channels, at the Museum of Istres (6th-7th c.).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 128 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2844 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 6/3. Slip: reddishyellow, 10 YR 4/3. Part of discus and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross, double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Base: within double ring, planta pedis (?); nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075, W. 0.064. H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Region in front of stoa 2. 1-10-1962. Excav. Diary: 6, p. 291. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2843. Probably also with coin NB 3865, Mauricius (584/585). Cf. ΠΧ 1917, ΠΧ 2301. See De Luca 1984, 50, no. 468, pl. 19, first half of 5th c., from Pergamon; Fischer, Welling 1984, 389, no. 51; Tidmarsh 2001, 654, 667, no. 15.93, fig. 162, pl. 87, 5th-6th c., from Toroni.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 129 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5558 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: cross with incised starts either side of central arm, double framing ring; two fillingholes. Shoulder: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kiousoglou plot; Ethelonton Dodecanesion Street. Between walls 4α and 6, -4.25 m. 3-3-1965. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 533, 575. Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 383, Q 3112, pl. 105, fig. 36c, 500-600; Findik 2010, 103, fig. 1.10, second half of the 6th c. (?), from Myra; Tidmarsh 2001, 654, 667, no. 15.93, fig. 162, pl. 87, 5th-6th c., from Toroni.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 130 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1917 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. The upper part with handle preserved. Repaired. Discus: cross, framing ring, two filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, loops in front. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07, W. 0.065 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, fill above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, AE 151-AE 166, -2.20/2.25 m. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 223. Other Nos: AE 209α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2301, ΠΧ 2844. See Miltner 1937, no. 468, pl. IV, globules on the shoulder, from Ephesus (similar ?); Bailey 1988, 383, Q 3112, pl. 105 without tongues on the nozzle, 500-600; Findik 2010, 103, fig. 1.10, second half 6th c. (?); Tidmarsh 2001, 654, 667, no. 15.93, fig. 162, pl. 87, 5th-6th c., from Toroni.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 131 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2301 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, flaked. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Discus and part of shoulder preserved. Discus: jewelled cross, with pair of circlets either side of upper part of arms; two filling-holes; double framing ring. Shoulder: vines, tongues on nozzle-top. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Malliakas-Demosiou plot; Romanou Melodou and Agion Anargiron Streets. Square Δ4-Ε4-Ζ4, earthworks by machine. 12-10-1999. Excav. Diary: 405, p. 127. Other Nos: AE 494 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1997, 1083; Fantaoutsaki 1998, 933-935; Fantaoutsaki 2000, 1120-1122; Fantaoutsaki 2004, 31-51. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1917, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2844.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 132 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1980 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, with a little mica. Slip: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8, worn. Part of discus, shoulder and nozzle preserved. Discus: jewelled cross, raised framing ring. two filling-holes. Shoulder: tongues. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2220.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 133 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2220 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay and slip: grey from being in destruction level, micaceous. Trace of burning. Two parts of discus, shoulder and nozzle preserved. Discus: cross. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Stoa Γ, fill. 7-2-1980. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 154. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1980.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 134 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2147 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous, flaked. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: cross, double framing ring; two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.71 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Psaropoula area. Trench IV. 28-7-1975. Excav. Diary: 54, p. 249. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2679, ΠΧ 3015. Also KP 591, from Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, handed in, from Vrykous. See Ladstätter 2010a, 262, K 39, pl. 187, from Ephesus; Weber 2004, 32, no. 92, pl. 5, from Samos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 135 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2679 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: cross, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: Eph. A. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.3/2.5 m. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 185 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2147, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 3015. Also KP 591, from Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, handed in, from Vrykous.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 136 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3015 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 ΥR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: cross, double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058, Wpres. 0.062 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Extension of square Α2, -2.5 m. 8-9-1995. Excav. Diary: 19,1, p. 300. Other Nos: AE 263 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2147, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2679. Also KP 591, from Archaeological Museum of Karpathos, handed in, from Vrykous.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 137 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2916 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle and base. Complete. Small flakes from handle and nozzle Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: jewelled cross, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Εph. A). Dimensions: L. 0.11, W. 0.067, H. 0.04 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Panagos plot; Al. Panagouli (Prince Alexias) Street. Τombs 2-3. 29-4-1982. Excav. Diary: 166, p. 163. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. Λ 6572, ΠΧ 2748. See Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3134, pl. 107, c. 500-600, from Ephesus; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 592, no. 17, fig. 16, early 5th c., from Samos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 138 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6572 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6 micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5YR 4/8, worn. Part of nozzle missing. Flaked. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: cross, framing ring; five filling holes. Shoulder: plain. Base: wide, almond-shaped ring, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08, W. 0.056, H. 0.032 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Parassos plot; Kamirou Street. Baulk Γ5, Δ5, layer 1. 29/4/2000. Excav. Diary: 421, p. 232. Other Nos: AE 392 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 2000, 1137-1140. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2916, where observations and parallels, ΠX 2748. Asia Minor lamps with almond-shaped ring at the base, rather rare, are mainly of the elongated type, cf. ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 1218, ΠΧ 2193, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2801, Λ 2911. In this lamp the several filling holes indicate a later date.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 139 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2748 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6 micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle and handle missing. Flaked. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in two tongues. Discus: jewelled cross; two filling-holes; raised framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.012, W. 0.069, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6572, Λ 2916, with observations and parallels. Also see probably Miltner 1937, no. 1099, pl. VI, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 140 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1903 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: to grey, worn. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, wide, grooved. Discus: cross, two filling-holes, raised framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.058, H. 0.031 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/-2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 161 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the broad handle cf. ΠX 2534, ΠX 2544. On the subject-matter cf. ΠΧ 2147. See Asia Minor lamp with similar handle, cross on discus and tendrils on the shoulder, in the Museum of Thyateira (unpublished?). The fan-shaped, wide handle is to be found in Asia Minor lamps, but not very often, see typically Bailey 1988, 384, Q 3216, from Sardis, 390, Q 3148, from Kalymnos, fig. 143, pl. 106, 108, c. 500-600, with parallels; Rautman 1995, 77-78, no. 3.45, fig. 27, early 7th c., from Sardis; Ηübinger 1993, no. 235, pl. 29, from Izmir; Williams 1981, 74, no. 397, pl. 18, from Kenchreai; Miltner 1937, no. 629, pl. IV, nos 733, 773, 774-776, 940, 943, 947, 950, 967, pl. V, no. 1725, pl. IX, nos 231, 309, pl. XIII, from Ephesus; Conze 1905, fig. 59.8; de Luca 1984, no. 472, pl. 19, from Pergamon; Brants 1913, nos 1121, 1122, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum at Leiden; Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 356, pl. 11, 6th c., from the Athenian Agora.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 141 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2656 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 8/4. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross, double framing ring. Shoulder: guilloche. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.047 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above ΑΕ 151-166. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 223. Other Nos: AE 209 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. perhaps ΠX 2374. See Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3145 MLA, pl. 108, fig. 36, c, 500-600, from Kalymnos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 142 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2374 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Part of discus, handle and shoulder missing. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: cross, double framing ring. Shoulder: guilloche. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: 550+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α3, layer 2, -1.78/-1.92 m. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 108. Other Nos: AE 218 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. perhaps ΠΧ 2656.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 143 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2649 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 10 YR 6/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross, double framing ring. Shoulder: row of ring-and-dot patterns. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.028 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1 - North of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.4/-2.6 m. 16-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 240. Other Nos: AE 222α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 530, pl. IV, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 144 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2668 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of discus preserved. Discus: cross, raised framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, ΑΕ 138-150. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: AE 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Ladstätter 2010a, 262, K 39, pl. 187, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 146 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1859 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, flaked. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle and discus missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross (?), framing ring; two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis (?); nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Impressed circular mark. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.082, W. 0.065, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.80/2.05 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 195. Other Nos: AE 85 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. KP 591, in Museum of Karpathos, handed in, from Vrykous. See Bailey 1988, 384, Q 3126 MLA, pl. 106, 500-600, from Kalymnos; Ladstätter 2010a, 280, K 265, pl. 188, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 1046, pl. VI, from Ephesus; Weber 2004, 32, no. 92, pl. 5, from Samos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 147 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2376 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: grey. Trace of burning. Part of discus preserved. Discus: cross, double framing ring. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.029 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α3, layer 2, -1.78/-1.92 m. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 108. Other Nos: AE 218 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 148 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1866 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Traces of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: cross, interlaced with 4-petalled rosette (floriated cross), raised, hatched framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Lower part of mould worn. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.058, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 92 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 260, no. 12, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 12851287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the theme of the discus cf. ΠΧ 1385, Λ 2911. See Bailey 1988, 384-385, Q 3130, from Kalymnos, Q 3131, from Ephesus, pl. 107, 500-600; Miltner, 1937, 136, pl. V, no. 775, with wide strap handle 147, no 1110, pl. VI, with more filler holes; Bailey 1985, 100, no. 690, pl. XX, from Sidi Krebish (Berenice), 6th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 149 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1385 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, wide, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross with interlaced 4-petalled rosette (floriated cross), double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.058, H. 0.035 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. Square Β3, North of tomb 9, square 1α. 8-10-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 275. Other Nos: AE 170. Ill: 99 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. for the handle, ΠX 2534, ΠX 2544, ΠΧ 1903. On the subject-matter of the disc cf. Λ 2911. Lamp with the same handle, but with two interlaced triangles on the disc, now in the Museum of the Louvre, from Rhodes, Hoff 1986, 127, no. 160, 5th-6th c. See Asia Minor lamp with similar handle, cross on discus and shoots on the shoulder, in the Museum of Thyateira (unpublished ?). The wide, fan-shaped handle is known on the lamps of Asia, although it is not very frequent, see observations and parallels with ΠΧ 1903.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 150 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2911 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: dark brown, 7,5 YR 3/2, worn. Trace of burning. Complete. Flaked. Handle: solid, double grooved, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: cross, interlaced with 4-petalled rosette (floriated cross), raised double framing ring. Shoulder: globules, loops in front. Base: almond-shaped ring, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.051, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Papastamatiou plot; K. Tsaldari and Athinon Streets. Fill of cist tomb 5. 9-1-1984. Excav. Diary: 189, p. 45. Other Nos: AE 20 Ill: 100 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1983, 389. Remarks: For the decoration of the discus cf. ΠΧ 1385. For the decoration, see Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3147, pl. 108, fig. 143, from Kalymnos; Marki, Cheimonopoulou, Angelkou 2010, 209, fig. 3c, and Marki 1998, fig. 4, from Louloudies. For the typology, see Ricci 2001-2002, 383, Port Vendres I, 24.2. Asia Minor lamps with an almond-shaped ring at the base, rather rare, are generally of an elongated type, cf. ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 1218, ΠΧ 2193, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2801, Λ 6572.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 151 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1325 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 ΥR 5/4. Concretion. Base, parts of shoulder and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, five filling holes in form of a cross, raised framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Dimensions: L. 0.079, W. 0.06 m. Date: About 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Baulk Β1-Β2, #130, layer 1. 9-3-1990. Excav. Diary: 297, p. 340. Other Nos: AE 385. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: Cf. with variations, Λ 3218, ΠX 1863 (with tongues on the nozzle), ΠΧ 2431, ΠΧ 2481, ΠX 2540. See Gerousi 2013, 119, no. 157, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera; Weber 2004, no. 63, fig. 1, from Samos. with 12-petalled rosette. The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515. Of course, the life-span of the type is probably much longer.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 152 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2540 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous, friable. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Part of base and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending with ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, framing ring. Five filling holes in form of a cross. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, flat, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.093, W. 0.067, H. 0.029 m. Date: About 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546 along with glass fragments (before the 4th c.). Cf. ΠΧ 2025, ΠΧ 2309, ΠΧ 2337, ΠΧ 2481, ΠΧ 2954. Cf. With variations, Λ 3219, ΠX 1325, ΠX 1863 (with tongues ​on the nozzle), ΠΧ 2431, ΠΧ 2481. See Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3136, pl. 107, c. 500-600, Ephesus; Menzel 1969, 98, no. 632, fig. 80.9, from Miletus; Weber 2004, 28, no. 62, pl. 4, from Samos; Miltner 1937, no. 1142, pl. VI, from Ephesus; Korkut, Grosche 2007, 154, no. 284, from Patara. The dating is based on a similar lamp from Ephesus, which was found in a shipwreck with amphorae of the early 6th c. in the bay of Varna, see Minchev 2011, 156, fig. 19. Of course, the life-span of the type is probably much longer. Cf. for the dating ΠΧ 2025, ΠΧ 2945.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 153 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2130 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: 11-petalled rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.55 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, A. Kambouropoulos plot; Th. Sofouli Street 9. North-west of wall (Ε) 0.70-0.98 m. and -1,75 m. with the underpinnings. 6-7-1974. Excav. Diary: 63, p. 88. Remarks: Found along with ΠX 2129. See Miltner 1937, no. 1165, pl. VII, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 154 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2183 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette, with pointed outline to petals, raised framing ring. Shoulder: row of ring-anddot patterns. On top, three dots either side of nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, no. 1. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 155 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2369 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: double globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.046 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2Α3, section of baulk, layer 1, -1.4/-1.8 m. 17-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 71. Other Nos: AE 120 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 156 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2384 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous, friable. Slip: red, 2, 5 YR 5/8, worn. Two non-joining pieces from discus and shoulder. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: ring and dot pattern. Worn mould. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth moving. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See perhaps Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3144, pl. 108c. 500-600, from Kalymnos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 157 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2486 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Handle: solid double grooved ending in fishtail. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ringand-dot patterns and towards the nozzle, incisions on sides. Incised curved lines in region of nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.082 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; Diagoridon and P. Mela Streets. East of rectangular structure, -2.25/-3.55 m. 5-5-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 99. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 158 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2337 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8. Part of discus and nozzle preserved - in two non-joining pieces. More than one filling hole. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.052 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2Α3, layer 1, section of baulk, -1.4/-1.8 m. 18-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 81. Other Nos: AE 147 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2025, ΠΧ 2309, ΠΧ 2481, ΠΧ 2954, Λ 3218.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 159 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2538 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in ridges from base-ring to handle. Discus: 12-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: globules surrounded by ring-and-dot. pattern; loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves with circlet with dots, and two dots below (Eph. A). Plaster mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.06, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.). See typically Lerat 1954, 18, no. 108, pl. IX.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 160 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1162 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6. Part of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: three rows of raised points. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.059. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Α, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 196-197. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2539. See Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3139, pl. 107, c. 500-600, Ephesus, 390-391, Q 3181, fig. 36, pl. 112, c. 550-650, from Kalymnos; Bailey 1985, 100, C 686, pl. 20, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish). Several examples in Ephesus with rosette and globules, see typically Miltner 1937, nos 968, 973, 975, 976, 977, pl. V, nos 1134, 1142, 1146, 1147, pl. VI. For Attic imitations, see Perlzweig 1961, 189, no. 2739, pl. 43, CΩ, first half of the 5th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 161 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2539 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in two tongues with concentric circlets at the edges and another between. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules, loops in front. Base: within ring, small circles; nozzle set off by double V shaped grooves ending in small circles (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.068, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1162 with observations and parallels. Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.)

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 162 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3219 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/6. Complete. Handle: solid grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: wide, 8-petalled rosette, raised framing ring. Shoulder: globules, two rows above the nozzle Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.064, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, municipal works; Widening of the K. Tsaldari Street towards Ag. Triada. Pit 1, fill of tomb 3. 31-5-1978. Excav. Diary: 105, p. 243. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1978, 404. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. with variations, ΠX 1325, ΠX 1863 (with tongues on the nozzle), ΠΧ 2431, ΠΧ 2481, ΠX 2540. See Miltner 1937, no. 1134, pl. VI, nos 242, 248, pl. XIII; Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3136, Q 3139, pl. 107, 384, Q 3129, pl. 107, c. 500-600, Gassner 1997, 204-205, nos 830-831, pl. 65.91, from Ephesus; Menzel 1969, 98, no. 633, fig. 80.10, from Miletus; Weber 2004, no. 80, fig. 1, pl. 5, from Samos; Korkut, Grosche 2007, 154, no. 284, from Patara.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 163 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2662 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. worn. Handle, part of discus, shoulder and base preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: rosette, raised framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: double ring (Eph. Α). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.064 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 206. Other Nos: AE 130 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 112, no. L 247, pl. 33, 5th c., from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 164 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2962 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, to grey. Handle, parts of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: rosette with forked petals, framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.072 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Cleaning south-west of fill, sporadic, surface. 15-10-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 7. Other Nos: AE 3-5 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 165 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1182 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: pinkishgrey, 7,5 ΥR 8/2, in places. Part of shoulder of base and handle preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending at flat base. Discus: rosette (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: wide, incised cross. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061, H. 0.032 m. Date: c. 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Early Christian basilica of Archangel Michael (Demirli); Athenas Square. Area 4, fill above wall 16. 11-6-1987. Excav. Diary: 21, p. 273. Other Nos: AE 429. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos 1991, 333-337. Remarks: For the cross incised on the base cf. ΠΧ 2202, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 1858, Λ 6428.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 166 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2653 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with mica. Slip: yellowish-brown, 10 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending at ring base. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules (Eph. A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above ΑΕ 151-166. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 223. Other Nos: AE 209 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 167 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1164 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6. Parts of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. A); nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, H. 0.038 m. Date: c. 500-600 Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Α, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 196-197. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199: Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 168 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1863 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Some of discus missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: 6-petalled rosette, a filling hole in each petal. Shoulder: globules; loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Lower mould worn. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.063, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 89 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249269. Remarks: Cf. with variations, Λ 3219, ΠX 1325, ΠΧ 2431, ΠΧ 2481, ΠX 2540 (without tongues on the nozzle). See Miltner 1937, no. 1134, pl. VI, nos 242, 248, pl. XIII; Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3136, pl. 107, c. 500-600, Ephesus; Gassner 1997, 204-205, nos 830-831, pl. 65.91, from Ephesus; Menzel 1969, 98, no. 633, fig. 80.10, from Miletus; Weber 2004, no. 80, fig. 1, pl. 5, from Samos; Korkut, Grosche 2007, 154, no. 284, from Patara.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 169 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1869 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Parts of nozzle and handle missing. Handle: Ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, five filling holes in form of a cross, raised framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078, W. 0.06, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.87 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 96 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 170 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1918 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Handle, parts of discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: Eph. A. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.052 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, fill above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, AE 151-AE 166, -2.20/2.25 m. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 223. Other Nos: AE 209α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the discus see Bailey 1988, 384, Q 3129, pl. 107, c. 500-600, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 171 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1209 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, worn. Flaked base. Complete. Handle: solid, ridge from base-ring to handle and four curved lines in relief. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, raised framing ring. Shoulder: globules, two rows left, dotted and curved band round framing ring. Base: ring-shaped, within a circle made by raised points, cross in form of raised points; nozzle set off by double V-shaped band in relief. Dimensions: L. 0.073, W. 0.044, H. 0.038 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. South-west corner of space between tombs 5-6.10-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 251. Other Nos: AE 51 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠX 1325, ΠX 1162, Λ 3219 with parallels. See Bruneau 1965, no. 4722, pl. 34, from Delos; Miltner 1937, no. 1165, pl. VI, from Ephesus; Zubar 1993, no. 5, pl. 23, from Cherson. For the base: Bémont, Chew 2007, 375, 519, no. GR 18, pl. 94, 5th-6th c. (?), from Lavrio; Opait et al. 1991, 265, fig. 75.4b, second half of the 5th c., from Dobroudja; Jurlaro 1963, 65, pl. IV, 9, from Brindisi. The relief decoration on the lower part recalls lamps of the so-called ‘Aegean type.’ Probably similar would be the base of ΠΧ 2517.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 172 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1249 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6, in places. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus and shoulder missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: pointed leaves alternating with tendrils, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.064, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon Street. Surface fill, interior of triclinium. 26-4-1980. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 230. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1979, 415. Remarks: See perhaps as to the discus Miltner 1937, no. 573, pl. IV, from Ephesus. Regarding the shoulder Roumeliotis 2001, 256, no. 6, pl. 2.6, from Kos. Also, Iconomou 1967, no. 696, fig. 158, from Mangalia (Callatis) in the Crimea.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 173 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1201 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, not-cleaned, friable with a little mica, flaked. Slip: similar 7,5 ΥR 7/6. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved (?) ending in fishtail with a dot between. Discus: 13-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: ring-shaped (Eph B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079, W. 0.063, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Square Γ4, 3-4/ε, Γ5, 3-4/α, no. 4α. 10-2-1988. Excav. Diary: 266, p. 145. Other Nos: AE 1145. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2690, ΠX 1503. Also Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 601, without provenance. See Miltner 1937, no. 140, 152, pl. II, no. 1785, pl. IX, from Ephesus; Cokay-Kepce 2005, 136, no. 5, from Tekir Dag (Raidestos); Lafli 2015, 239, pl. 4.4 a Sagalassian lamp, from Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidia; Brants 1913, no. 1128, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum in Leiden.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 174 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2690 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/4. Part of handle and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with two impressed circlets at edges. Discus: 13-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries; loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.082, W. 0.072, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall in area of Agios Panteleimon. 1954. Excav. Diary: 1, 1α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-279; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1201, with observations and parallels. See especially Lafli 2015, 239, pl. 4.4 a Sagalassian lamp, from Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidia. Regarding the typology cf. ΠX 1503, ΠX 1527, ΠX 1244, Λ 3394.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 175 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2346 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.033 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Δ3, West, -1/-3 m. 25-4-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 246. Other Nos: AE 369 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See Williams 1981, 73, no. 391, pl. 17, second half of the 4th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 176 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2487 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, friable. Unslipped. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Menexelis plot; Diagoridon and P. Mela Streets. North and east of water-pipe 3, -1.4/-2.2 m. 3-6-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 98. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 177 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2024 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, no mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: 9-petalled rosette. Shoulder: leaves and tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Chatzigiorgis plot; Monte Smith. Τomb 2, fill. 18-10-1976. Excav. Diary: 92, p. 73. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1976, 386. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2025, fragment of glazed Byzantine vessel and fragment of Late Roman D plate, 5th-6th c. See Williams 1981, 74, no. 402, pl. 18.24, from Kenchreai, first half of the 5th c., Attic imitation of Asia Minor lamp.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 178 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2542 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, micaceous, friable, flaked. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and handle missing. Repaired. Discus: narrow, 8-petalled rosette, raised framing ring. Five filling holes in form of a cross. Shoulder: leaves and tendrils, loops in front. Base: two circles, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.097, W. 0.069, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.). See Meric 2002, 133, L 107, pl. 83, from Ephesus, with narrow channel.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 179 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2777 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils and berries. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. From -1.5/-1.9 m. from the upper interior surface of the north of the domed structure 2. 24-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 21. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 180 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3034 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8,to grey, semi-worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: 6-petalled rosette, four holes, raised framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.059, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule.  Remarks: Cf. variant ΠX 1863. Cf. Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3146, pl. 108, from Kalymnos, with parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 181 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1213 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, unplaced (?) Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 2,5 ΥR 5/8, micaceous. Concretion in places Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder, base and handle preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: vines. Dimensions: W. 0.039 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Fill from funerary complex Δ. 15-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 267. Other Nos: AE 57 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 182 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6066 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: 12-petalled rosette, raised framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Worn mould. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, W. 0.057, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α2, central-west layer 4. 30-7-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 354. Other Nos: AE 225 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (by channel). See Miltner 1937, no. 794, pl. V, nos 993, 994, pl. VI, no. 1281, pl. VII, from Ephesus; Bailey 1985, 100, C 688, pl. 20, 6th c., from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish); Bruneau 1965, no. 4701, pl. 33, from Delos; Boardman 1989, 121, no. 340, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Weber 2004, 29, no. 70, pl. 5, from Samos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 183 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1163 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6, in places. Part of shoulder, of discus, base and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: rays. Base: ring-shaped (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, H. 0.038 m. Date: c. 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 196-197. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281: Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6066, ΠΧ 2056. See Bailey 1988, 390, Q 3184, pl. 111, c. 550-650; Miltner 1937, no. 794, pl. V, nos 993, 994, pl. VI, no. 1281, pl. VII, from Ephesus; Bailey 1985, 100, C 688, pl. 20, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish); Bruneau 1965, no. 4701, pl. 33, from Delos; Boardman 1989, 121, no. 340, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 184 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2056 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: 12-petalled rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph A). Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.058, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 Αrchangelou. Square Θ4, depth to -2.52 m. (↓ 1.62 m.). 2-2-2007. Excav. Diary: 382, p. 146. Other Nos: AE 106 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1335-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). Cf. ΠΧ 1163, with observations and parallels. See also Weber 2004, 29, no. 70, pl. 5, from Samos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 185 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1326 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6, in places. Trace of burning on nozzle. Base and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: 7-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, W. 0.072. Date: c. 500 Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Baulk section Β2-Γ2, layer 012, level 2. 3-10-1989. Excav. Diary: 258, p. 361. Other Nos: AE 106 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: Several examples from Ephesus have rosette and embossed tongues, see typically Miltner 1937, no. 771, pl. V. The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515. Of course, the life-span of the type is probably much longer.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 186 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2028 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4 micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Parts of base, discus, shoulder and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: rosette, framing ring. More than one holes. Shoulder: tongues. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.081, W. 0.65, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Atsidis plot; K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets. South part, -2.60/-4.24+L. 22-12-2006. Excav. Diary: 479, p. 73. Other Nos: AE 252 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2006, 1278-1282; Triandafyllidis 2007, 1332-1333; Triandafyllidis 2008, 1281-1282. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). Cf. ΠΧ 1163 for observations and parallels. As to the decoration, see Steskal et al. 2003, 251, no. SE 505/1, fig. 8e-f, 5th c., from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 187 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2296 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: grey. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: 12-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: tongues, loops in front. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. North side. 12-12-1954. Excav. Diary: 1α, p. 129. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; FilimonosTsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). See Miltner 1937, no. 794, pl. V, from Ephesus. As to the decoration Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8e-f, no. SE 505/1, 5th c., from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 188 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2357 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: dark greyish-brown,10 YR 4/2. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.055 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Γ1, layer 1, -1.7/-2 m. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 106. Other Nos: AE 202 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). For the decoration see Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8e-f, no. SE 505/1, 5th c., from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 189 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2600 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6 (?), worn. Parts of body and base preserved, non-joining. Discus: rosette, small circles between the petals, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Base: ringshaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 239. Other Nos: AE 219 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 190 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2634 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder and the discus preserved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.03 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 191 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2647 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: to grey. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: (rosette?). Shoulder: tongues, double framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.033 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α, -1.9 m, 4th ‘pass’. 13-6-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 163. Other Nos: AE 24 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 192 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2780 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Slip: dark grey, 7,5 YR 4/1. Part of discus, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.057 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. From -1.5/-1.9 m, from the upper interior surface of the north domed space 2.24-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 21. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). For the decoration, cf. ΠΧ 2296 for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 193 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2937 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: rosette, raised framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Base: Eph. A. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 3 of pyre. 6-4-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 236. Other Nos: AE 131 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 194 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1166 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 4/2, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.051. Date: c. 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 196-197. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 195 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6077 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Repaired. Discus: 10-petalled rosette, more than two holes, raised framing ring. Shoulder: tongues with impressed small circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 2. 5-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 232. Other Nos: Excavation bag 113 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769: Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). See Bailey 1988, 383, Q 3120, pl. 106, c. 500-600, from Ephesus; Bruneau 1965, 140, no. 4701, pl. 33, 5th-6th c., from Delos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 196 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1899 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, to grey, worn. Traces of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail and dot. Discus: 6-petalled rosette. Shoulder: rays, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.085, W. 0.059, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 157 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). See Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3146, Q 3147, pl. 108, 500-600, from Kalymnos and Ephesus respectively; Chrzanovski 2011, 321, no. 306, from Asia Minor, 6th c.; Bailey 1985, 100, no. 688, pl. XX, from Sidi Khrebish (Berenice), first half of the 6th c.; Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8e-f, no. SE 505/1, 5th c., from Ephesus; Bruneau 1965, no. 4701, pl. 33, from Delos; Boardman 1989, 121, no. 340, pl. 29, perhaps around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 197 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1925 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: yellowishred, 5 YR 5/8. Nozzle, and small part of shoulder missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: 6-petalled rosette, two filling-holes. Shoulder: tongues, nozzle set off by grooves. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.089, W. 0.083, H. 0.031 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A, -1.90 m, 4th ‘pass’, sieved earth. 13-6-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 163. Other Nos: AE 24 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, with more observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527a, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). See Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3147, pl. 108, c. 500-600, from Ephesus (similar?); Bailey, 1985, 100, no. 690, pl. XX, from Sidi Krebish (Berenice), first half of the 6th c.; Weber 2004, 29, no. 70, pl. 5, from Samos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 198 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1892 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Slip: to grey, worn. Trace of burning. Part of muzzle lost, small flake from handle. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail and dot. Discus: 10-petalled rosette. Shoulder: guilloche, framing ring, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.061, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.12/2.40 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 211. Other Nos: AE 143 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the subject-matter cf. ΠX 2587. See Brants 1913, no. 1133, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, in Leiden. Probably Levi 1965-1966, 448, fig. 57.8, from Iassos. With minor differences, Ladstätter 2008, 147, no. K 301, pl. 332, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 199 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2342 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: within guilloche, globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.054 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Γ2, layer 2α, -1.72 m. 3-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 112. Other Nos: AE 232 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2537 (channel, more holes), ΠΧ 1892, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 1227 (with rosette and cross).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 200 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2364 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: curved leaves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square. Α3Β3-Γ3, -2.4 m. 22-11-2002. Excav. Diary: 473, p. 13. Other Nos: AE 28 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 201 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2952 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/3, with a little mica. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 5/4. Parts of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: curved rays. Base: ring-shaped (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.052 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Β3, W. part, layer 3 of pyre, deepest level. 27-1-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 117. Other Nos: AE 71 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 202 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2373 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: brown, 7,5 YR 4/2. Trace of burning. Three non-joining pieces preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α3, layer 2, -1.78/-1.92 m. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 108. Other Nos: AE 218 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 203 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2515 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous, friable. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/3. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: rosette (?), framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Surface fill between tombs 1 and 4. 14-12-1987. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 90. Other Nos: Excavation bag 19 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 204 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1870 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Losses on shoulder, flaking on handle. Handle: solid, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: small rosette round filling hole, surrounded by guilloche, double framing ring. Shoulder: band of raised ovolo. Base: within ring, planta pedis. nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.063, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis. K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.87 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 97 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 262, no. 22, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1170 similar, in sharper relief. See Miltner 1937, 191, no. 210, pl. XIII, of Ephesus, (similar ?); Bailey 1988, 93, 383, Q 3118, fig. 125, 143, pl. 106, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos; Isler 1978, no. 455, pl. 64, from Samos; Gerousi 2013, 115, no. 149, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 205 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1170 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of shoulder, discus, base and nozzle preserved. Discus: running spiral (composite rosette), double framing ring. Shoulder: series of double petals with a dot between them. Curved incised line outlines the nozzle area. Base: ring-shaped. Double pair of relief lines near the nozzle, and a relief cross. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. 1962. Excav. Diary: 7. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1870, similar, from a slightly worn mould, with observations and parallels. The cross (usually a simple engraving) is found at several times on the lower portion of the nozzle, cf. Λ 2554, ΠX 1160, ΠX 1208, ΠΧ 2755, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1860. For the cross on the nozzle, see Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 592, no. 21, figs 19-20, end 4th c.; Weber 2004, 31, no. 87, fig. 2, pl. 5, all from Samos. Found with: ΠX 1171, amphorae of Gaza type and Egyptian.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 206 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2551 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Slip: dark red, 10 YR 4/4, almost grey. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: within 16-petalled rosette, another 16-petalled rosette (composite rosette), double framing ring. Shoulder: rays. Base: within ring, three small circles, planta pedis with circlets either side. Two circlets either side of handle; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves with incised circlet between (Eph. A). Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.061, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Fill west of rock. 10-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 279. Other Nos: AE 313 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 1003, pl. VI, globules on shoulder, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 207 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2796 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 2,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, chipped. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Part of handle and upper part of body preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: rosette with running spiral (?), composite rosette (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: petalloid decoration (?), rosette (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Pekmetzis plot; Early Christian basilica, Agesandrou Street. August 1989. Excav. Diary: 3.9, p. 389. Other Nos: AE 270 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Archontopoulos 1989, 510-516; Archontopoulos 1990, 507-510; Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos, 1991, 340-345.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 208 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2794 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle preserved and part of upper body. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: rays in relief round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: three rows globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Pekmetzis plot; Early Christian basilica, Agesandrou Street. 22-9-1989. Excav. Diary: 3.10, p. 89. Other Nos: AE (α) 56 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Archontopoulos 1989, 510-516; Archontopoulos 1990, 507-510; Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos, 1991, 340-345. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2792 and ΠΧ 2793 and with coins NB 3792, Justinian (539/540) and NB 3829, Heraclius (632-641). See Cicikova 1999, 106-107, fig. 7, from Novae, local imitation.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 209 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2667 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 4/4. Part of discus preserved. Discus: narrow, rays, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.032 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, ΑΕ 138-150. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: AE 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 210 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1219 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: grey-brown (?). Slip: dark reddish-brown to greyish, 10 R 4/1. Intense firing. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in two hatched tongues. Discus: two interlaced square patterns, circlets in raised framing ring. Shoulder: tongues, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.06, H. 0.034 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. South part, close to wall 9, layer 2. 3-101991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 243. Other Nos: Excavation bag 112, ΑΕ 144. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: For discus theme cf. ΠΧ 1169, ΠΧ 2425, ΠΧ 2407; Katsioti 2011, 299-300, no. 80. from Tilos. See Miltner 1937, no. 773, pl. V, no. 1024, pl. VI (discoid rather elongated); Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 353, pl. 11, 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 111-112, no. L 243.1 / 2, pl. 32, 5th c., from Ephesus. Related to the decoration of the discus, Bailey 1988, 390, Q 3183, fig. 125, pl. 111, c. 550-650, Ephesus, 395, Q 3213, fig. 125, 143, pl. 114, c. 500-600, from Sardis. Also, Boardman 1989, 121, no 339, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Ladstätter 2008, 150, no. K 327, pl. 334 from Ephesus; Joly 1974, no. 1253, with palmetted handle, from Sabratha; Orsi 1909, 360, fig. 18,12, from Syracuse; Kuzmanov 1992, 41, 118, no. 297a, b, with wide fan-shaped handle, in the Archaeological Museum in Sofia; Brants 1913, no. 1124, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, Leiden. A known theme in Early Christian sculpture of the time, see a panel in the Archaeological Museum of Thassos (Early Christian basilica of St Basil, Vellios plot, 6th c). For 8-rayed star in Jewish and Christian tradition, see Vafeiadis 2006, 212-213.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 211 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2407 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. In two unjoining pieces. Parts of base, discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: two interlaced square patterns, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: ringshaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.064 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. Walls 6 and 12, depth to -2.9 m. 22-5-2007. Excav. Diary: 382, p. 298. Other Nos: AE 244 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1335-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: For the discus theme cf. ΠΧ 1169, ΠΧ 1219, ΠΧ 2425. Katsioti 2011, 299-300, no. 80, from Tilos. See Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 111-112, no. L 243.1/2, pl. 32, 5th c., from Ephesus. Related to the decoration of the discus, cf. observations for ΠΧ 1219.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 212 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2826 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, four framing rings. Shoulder: globules, loops in front. Base: within double ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09, W. 0.063, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. West part, to 1.5 m. from wall 45α. 22-8-1978. Excav. Diary: 107, p. 309. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 213 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 4776 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail, with impressed circlets at edges and inside. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079, W. 0.062, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papaioannou-Michaelides plot; Patr. Athenagora, Venetokleon and Nikitaras St. Area ΙΧ, -1.5/-2.2 m. 8-9-1966. Excav. Diary: 27, p. 7. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 440, 1969, 459. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2187. See Ladstätter 2010a, 325, K 811, pl. 193, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 1005, pl. VI, from Ephesus; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 70, no. L33, pl. IX, from Thassos; Gerousi 2013, 114, no. 146, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 214 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3224 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Unslipped. Nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in two hatched tongues. Discus: narrow, plain, raised framing ring. Shoulder: vines sprout from crater in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.057, H. 0.031 m. Date: c. 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Aivalis plot; Theotokopoulou Street. West side of excavated space. 13-11-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 55. Ill: 101 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 472. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3413 and the earlier Λ 5452. See Bailey 1988, 388, Q 3162, pl. 109, c. 500-600 and Miltner 1937, nos 322, 332, pl. III, nos 638, 643, pl. IV, from Ephesus; Menzel 1969, 99, no. 637, pl. 81.8, from Miletus; Boardman 1989, 121, no. 321, fig. 47, pl. 27, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. Perhaps typologically comparable is Brants 1913, no. 1131, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, in Leiden. Less so apropos shape, but more for the decoration, see also Bailey 1988, 313, Q 2552, pl. 69, 200-300, from Cyprus; Iconomu 1967, 155, no. 804, fig. 206, from Romania, without further information; Lindros Wohl 2005, 212, ΑΡΧΕΠΟΛΙC, 3rd-4th c., from Isthmia, thought to be from Asia Minor, but more likely Cypriot. The catalogued piece here, from its fabric and decoration, might be a Cypriot product, but incorporating features of Asia Minor lamps. It must also be noted that the convex body and narrow discus recall ‘Aegean style’ lamps. It seems that the older lamps have served as models for the later ones, thus spanning the great chronological gap between this lamp and its 3rd-4th c. prototypes. For the association of the crater with Dionysian, Orphic and Pythagorean ideas, see Ignatiadou 2014, 43-59.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 215 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3413 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Clay analysis: NAA: Northern Ionia (??) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, in places. Part of shoulder and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in an incised circle at base. Discus: narrow, slightly concave, plain, framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Base: flat, incised circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.072, W. 0.062, H. 0.031 m. Date: c. 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Square Γ4, trench 1-2/γ-δ, layers 1-2. 28-8/4-9-1987. Excav. Diary: 254, p. 139. Other Nos: Excavation bag 1384. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3224, with observations and parallels, and the earlier Λ 5452.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 216 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1900 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail and dot. Discus: plain. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Impressed circular mark. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.063, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/-2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2097. See perhaps Miltner 1937, no. 1038, pl. VI, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 217 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6534 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous, friable. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Trace of burning. Complete, apart from a part of the base and discus. Handle: solid, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.07, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, road widening at the Aspis monument, Parthenopis and Afroditis Streets, Dokous-Sokak, plot 757. Fill under and around the walled-up marble hydria. 24-12-1972. Excav. Diary: 40, p. 312. Ill: 102 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1973, 637-640; Doumas 1973-1974, 961; Palaiologou 2004, 53-72; Palaiologou 2002-2005, 149-162; Patsiada 2013a, 103-105. Remarks: See Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 78, no. L60, pl. XI, second half of the 4th c. (?), from Thassos. The plain surfaces may show that it is imitating metal lamps, cf. ΠΧ 1890, ΠΧ 2085, ΠΧ 2124, ΠΧ 2747. See Miltner 1937, no. 353, pl. XIV; Ladstätter 2008, 147, no. K 305, pl. 332, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 218 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2060 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain, ring round filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues, loops in front. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 7-12-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1 Other Nos: ΑΕ 169 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: See Crawford 1990, 49, L 68.2:7603, fig. 185, from Sardis.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 219 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2085 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia(?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle and nozzle missing. Handle: ending in fishtail with double curved line between. Discus: wide, plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Plaster mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.089, W. 0.062, H. 0.025 m. Date: 500-550 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. East fill of north pilaster (note: perhaps the north pilaster, north aisle: or that associated with spaces Χ-ΧΙΙΙ ?). 1967 (?) Excav. Diary: 33, p. 41 (?), 36, p. 49 (?) Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555: Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Cf. lamp from Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from a tomb, at Flaskas. The plain surfaces may indicate that it imitates metal lamps, cf. ΠΧ 1890, ΠΧ 2124, ΠΧ 2747, Λ 6534. See Miltner 1937, no. 353, pl. XIV; Ladstätter 2008, 147, no. K 305, pl. 332, from Ephesus; Gerousi 2013, 114, no. 147, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera. For the type of planta pedis, see maybe Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 24.5, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 220 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1890 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Slip: to grey, worn. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail and dot. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.064, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.12/2.40 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 211. Other Nos: ΑΕ 141 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: The plain surfaces may show that it imitates metal lamps, cf. ΠΧ 2085, ΠΧ 2124, ΠΧ 2747, Λ 6534. See Bailey 1988, 388, Q 3165, pl. 110, c. 500-600; Miltner 1937, no. 665, pl. V, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 221 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2203 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Nozzle and part of shoulder missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.068 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, nos 188-190, pl. II, no. 536, pl. IV, from Ephesus; Gerousi 2013, 114, no. 146, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 222 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2514 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous, friable. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8, worn. Part of handle and discus preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 259). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Surface fill between tombs 1 and 4. 14-121987. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 90. Other Nos: Excavation bag 19 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 223 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2686 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Handle: triple grooved. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2/-2.5 m. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 207. Other Nos: ΑΕ 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See perhaps Ladstätter 2008, 147, no. K305, pl. 332; perhaps Waldner, Ladstätter 2014a, 578, no. K 1112, pl. 202, 399, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 224 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2747 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8 micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Complete. Small cracks. Flakes. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail with curved lines and dot in between. Discus: plain, raised ring round wide filling hole, raised framing ring. Shoulder: plain, three incised tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves with double circlets between (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.111, W. 0.064, H. 0.03 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Ill: 103 Remarks: The plain surfaces may indicate that it imitates metal lamps. For copies of metal lamp, cf. ΠΧ 1890, ΠΧ 2085, ΠΧ 2124, Λ 6534. See Miltner 1937, no. 1195, pl. VII, from Ephesus; Iro, Schwaiger, Waldner 2009, 63, fig. 35.3, from Ephesus; Gerousi 2013, 113, no. 145, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera (similar ?). The wide filling hole is a feature of late lamps.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 225 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2760 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Slip: similar, 10 YR 8/2. Handle and part of body preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: rays. Base: wide, within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.055, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations under Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2525, for the slip and shape of the base.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 226 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2943 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Parts of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.047 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 2, 6-4-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 234. Other Nos: Excavation bag 117 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2941. Perhaps Waldner, Ladstätter 2014a, 578, no. K 1112, pl. 202, 399, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 227 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1858 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail and dot in between. Discus: concentric rings. Shoulder: plain, framing ring. Base: within ring, lightly incised cross, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.078, W. 0.052, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.80/2.05 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 195. Other Nos: ΑΕ 84 Ill: 104 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2188. See Miltner 1937, no. 1131, pl. VI, from Ephesus. For the cross incised on the base cf. Λ 6428, ΠΧ 2202, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 1182.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 228 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2188 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, worn. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: row of ring-and-dot patterns round filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Storeroom 9. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1858, with parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 229 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2941 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Handle and part of base preserved . Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: concentric circles, double framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α2, layer 3, 18-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 248. Other Nos: ΑΕ 195 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2943.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 230 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2949 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder, discus, nozzle and handle. Discus: plain. Shoulder: plain (?), loops in front. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.76, Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 1, 2nd level. 4-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 220. Other Nos: Excavation bag 102 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See typically Miltner 1937, no. 1195, pl. VII, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 231 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1212 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 5 ΥR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Non-joining pieces. Discus: plain. Shoulder: tongues (?), row of globules near framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Fill of funerary complex Δ. 15-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 267. Other Nos: AE 57 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 232 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2097 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07, Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. AreaΑ1-Α3. 23-7-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 97. Other Nos: ΑΕ 105 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1900. See perhaps Miltner 1937, no. 1038, pl. VI, from Ephesus; Topoleanu 2000, 199, no. 517, pl. LXIV, 5th c., from Halmyris.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 233 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2166 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: greyish due to firing. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. 2 non-joining pieces. Discus: plain. Shoulder: vines. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.058 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. 12-11-1954. Excav. Diary: 1, p. 117. Other Nos: Ε 8 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287: Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 3013. See Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 73-74, no. L44, pl. IX, from Thassos, 5th c. (?); De Luca 1984, 53, no. 581, pl. 20, from Pergamon; Topoleanu 2000, 199, no. 517, pl. LXIV, 5th c., from Halmyris.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 234 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2523 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. 5 non-joining pieces preserved. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street, Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: See De Luca 1984, 53, no. 581, pl. 20, from Pergamon.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 235 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2953 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 5/3, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 5/4. Parts of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: plain (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Β3, W. part, burnt layer 3, deeper level. 27-1-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 117. Other Nos: ΑΕ 71 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: See Gerousi 2013, 114, no. 146, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 236 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1218 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: Northern Ionia (??) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Unequal firing. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: two rings round filling hole, raised framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: almond shaped ring, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.073, W. 0.044, H. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. South part of residential area, tomb 13. 1410-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 307. Other Nos: Excavation bag 146, ΑΕ 194. Ill: 105 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. Λ 1082. The narrow elongated body, narrow and curved shoulder and extended nozzle have similarities with northern Balkan lamps. For related features see Miltner 1937, nos 1193-1195, pl. VII, from Ephesus; Ηübinger 1993, no. 255, pl. 29, from Izmir. Asia Minor lamps with an almond-shaped ring at the base, rather rare, generally have an elongated form like this, cf. ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 2193, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2801, Λ 2911, Λ 6572.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 237 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1526 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 5 ΥR 7/6. Part of shoulder, discus and nozzle. Discus: leaves, double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Base: ringshaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α. Fill above south wall of cistern. 20-7-1974. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 238. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: For the decoration of the discus cf. ΠΧ 1595, a lamp from the Afoti Early Christian basilica on Karpathos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 238 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1920 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Handle, and part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: series of triangles (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08, Wpres. 0.069 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, North of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.40/2.50 m, above bones AE 145. 16-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 240. Other Nos: ΑΕ 222 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For decoration with triangles on the shoulder, possibly under the influence of North African types, cf. ΠX 1894. See Miltner 1937, 148, no. 1131, pl. VI, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 239 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2154 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: incised circles round filling hole. Shoulder: vines, globules in front. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.055 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Astegon Viotechnon development; complexes 3-4; Kanada and Kolokotroni Streets. 14-5-1966. Excav. Diary: 23, p. 32. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 443-446; Konstantinopoulos 1967b, 115-116; Winter 1992, 199-201. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2940. See typically Miltner 1937, no. 422, pl. III, from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2010b, 587, no. B-K 520, pl. 229, 238, 5th c., from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 240 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2940 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: concentric circles round filling hole. Shoulder: vines. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, cleaning. 7-41993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 241. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2154 with observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 241 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2192 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/8, worn. Part of handle, discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved (?), ending in fishtail. Discus: (?). Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.056 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: See Roovers 1993, 155, pl. 114b-d, local production, from Sagalassus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 242 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2194 Type/ Category: Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Discus, part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: three rings round filling hole, raised framing ring. Shoulder: curved rays. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, Wpres. 0.062 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, stairs of cistern. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 1193, pl. VII, from Ephesus, with a central hole, no. 1188, pl. VII, globules on shoulder.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 243 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2687 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, mica (?). Slip: pink. Concretion. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: two rings round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 174, pl. XIII, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 244 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6054 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in two tongues with incision between. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils, two globules and loops in front, Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.072, H. 0.27 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 111. Other Nos: ΑΕ 566 Ill: 106 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. on the typology Λ 3394, ΠX 2650. Vague but definite link found in ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). For typology see Gerousi 2013, 121, no. 160, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera. Found with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6022, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367), Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 245 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3394 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 ΥR 6/8, in places. Concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete, repaired. Flaked. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in two tongues which extend to the ring base. Discus: plain, two incised circles round the filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils, two globules and tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within ring double planta pedis. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.075, H. 0.037 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Panagos plot; Al. Panagouli (Prince Alexias) Street. Tombs 2-3. 29-4-1982.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Excav. Diary: 166, p. 163. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠX 1503, ΠX 1527, ΠX 1244, Λ 2690. Lamp Π 209, from tomb 9, in Kymisala, see Stefanakis, Patsiada 2009-2011, 79-80, fig. 38. The double planta pedis may refer to a joint workshop, see Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3177, pl. 111, c. 550-650, Ephesus, which also has double planta pedis. For typology and double planta pedis, see Gerousi 2013, 121, no. 160, 5th-6th c., from Perissa on Thera. Π 2650, Λ 3394 with Λ 6054 have additional common typological features. Double planta pedis also on Rhodian Λ 6063, Π 2643 and on Asia Minor ΠΧ 2587. For the end of the handle at the base in the shape of a Δ, cf. Λ 6069 area of Klazomenai (??), ΠΧ 1242 area of Klazomenai (?) As to the base, with its double planta pedis, in terms of typology, and decoration, see Zhuravlev 2007, 218, fig. 8.2, Asia Minor lamp from Cherson. See for the decoration, Zubar 1993, no. 5, pl. 22, from Cherson. The double planta pedis are often found on Italian lamps of the 1st c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 246 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2560 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in two tongues adjoining the ring base. Discus: rosette round the filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.068, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 332. Other Nos: ΑΕ 458 Ill: 107 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1207 (with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2785 (possibly with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2805, ΠΧ 1948, all with narrow channel. A vague connection found with ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). See Miltner 1937, no. 422, pl. III, nos 1551, 1549, 1552, 1562, 1566, 1577, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 591, no. 11, fig. 11 mid 4th c.; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 191, without number, pl. 86b, from Samos (no channel). Regarding the typology, see Gerousi 2013, 121, no. 160, 5th-6th c., from Perissa on Thera; Szentléleky 1969, 119, no. 208ab, from Asia Minor; Ηübinger 1993, no. 234, pl. 20; Shear 1922, 406, fig. 14.6, from Sardis; Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1988, 117, no. 165, pl. 21, from Aquileia.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 247 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1244 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Half of base and upper part with nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail with the edges joined to the incised circle on the base. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: wide, flat, almost undefined, within incised circle, small circle (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.056, W. 0.07, H. 0.024 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; Cheimarras Street. East aisle. 19-12-1979. Excav. Diary: (7), 1,2, p. 315. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠX 1503, ΠX 1527, Λ 2690, Λ 3394. See Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3175, pl. 111, c. 550-650, from Ephesus.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 248 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1503 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Handle, part of base and shoulder preserved. Heavy flaking and chipping. Handle: solid double grooved, ending in fishtail in circlets at the edges and in between. Discus: plain. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: wide, ring-shaped, slightly concave (Eph B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.057 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Complex Δ. 23-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 310. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2690, ΠX 1201. For the typology cf. ΠX 1527, ΠX 1244, with parallels, Λ 3394.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 249 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠX 1527 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 8/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of handle, discus, shoulder and base preserved. Handle: triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: (?). Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within double ring, planta pedis. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063 m. Date: Possibly 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Fill between tombs 4 and 1. 19-12-1987. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 90. Other Nos: Excavation bag 19. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠX 1503, Λ 2690, ΠX 1244 with parallels, Λ 3394.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 250 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2650 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5YR 6/6, worn. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain. Shoulder: rows of raised points, two palmette decorations either side of nozzle, loops in front. Base: within ring, double planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Two impressed circular marks. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.074, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area, M. Petridis Street. Τomb 16. 25-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 111. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. typically for the decoration, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. In the wider region and in the Dodecanese: Lamp Π 292 from tomb 9 in Kymisala, see Stefanakis, Patsiada 2009-2011, 79-80, fig. 37; Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); from Lindos; Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3207, pl. 151; from Tilos,


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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unpublished lamp without number; from Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 2346, from a grave at Flaskas; Kos, at Kefalos on the Peros plot, AE 41; Roumeliotis 2001, 257, no. 3, pl. 1.3, no. 4, pl. 2.4, from Kardamaina; Didioumi 2010, 799, fig. 3b, mid 6th-first quarter of 7th c., from the city of Kos. See Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3152, pl. 109, c. 500-600 (for the virtually circular body), Q 3156, pl. 109 (for embossed fish tail), c. 500-600, with parallels, from Ephesus. The double planta pedis (see also Λ 3394 and Rhodian Π 2643, Λ 6063,) and the two impressions are rare features. For typology and double planta pedis, see Gerousi 2013, 121, no. 160, 5th-6th c., from Perissa on Thera. The double planta pedis of ΠX 2650, Λ 3394 may refer to a joint workshop, see Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3177, pl. 111, c. 550-650, which also has double planta pedis. The catalogued piece here has additional common features with Λ 3394, Λ 6054, in terms of typology. Double planta pedis also on ΠX 2643, Λ 6063, ΠΧ 2587. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations with Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 251 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 1083 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 2,5 YR 6/8, worn. Nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, incised branch round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: within ring, five little circles in form of a cross, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, W. 0.066, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kladogenis plot; Basilopaidos Marias and Kazouli Streets. 1966. Excav. Diary: 22 Other Nos: ΒΕ 565 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 534-536. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. In the broader region and in the Dodecanese: Lamp Π 292 from tomb 9 in Kymisala, see Stefanakis, Patsiada 2009-2011, 79-80, fig. 37; Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); from Lindos; Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3207, pl. 151; from Tilos, unpublished lamp without number; from Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 2346, from a grave at Flaskas; Kos, at Kefalos on the Peros plot, AE 41; Roumeliotis 2001, 257, no. 3, pl. 1.3, no. 4, pl. 2.4, from Kardamaina; Didioumi 2010, 799, fig. 3b, mid 6th-first quarter of 7th c., from the city of Kos. For the type of lamps, with or without channel, see typically Bailey 1988, 387, Q-3151 Q 3158, pl. 109, c. 500-600 without channel, 391, Q 3192-Q 3194, pl. 112, c. 550-650, with channel, and parallels; Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 349, pl. 10.49, 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Wintermeyer 1980, no. 119, pl. 67, from of Didyma; Vapur 2011, 171, 193, no. 93 (local?), from Magnesia on the Meander; Miltner 1937, 194, no. 283, pl. III, 191, no. 216, pl. XIII; Gassner 1997, 203-204, nos 824-826, pl. 65, 91 and Ladstätter 2008, 151, K 333, pl. 334, from Ephesus; Waldner, Ladstätter 2014a, 588, no. K 1214, pl. 215.402, from Ephesus; Cesnola 1894, no. 1041, pl. CXII; Larese, Sgreva 1997, 680, no. 680; De Luca 1984, 51-52, nos 486-493, pls 19, 20, 23, from Pergamon; Williams 1981, 73, no. 393, pl. 10. from Kenchreai; Bovon 1966, no. 573, from Argos; Marki, Cheimonopoulou, Angelkou 2010, 211, fig. 3d-p, from Louloudies; Kokkotaki, Tsolka 2010, 378, no. 59, fig. 33, from Maronia, referred erroneously to as Attic (?), the 3rd-4th c.; Sotiriou 1956, 113115, pl. 40a, from Nea Anchialos; Joly 1974, no. 1258, pl. LIII, from Sabratha; Hartelious 1980, 89-90, fig. 29.1, from Tell Keisan. This type is extremely common in the islands, see Bruneau 1965, nos 4702-4709, pl. 33, from Delos; Weber 2004, pl. 5, no. 107 and Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 591, no. 12, fig. 12, second half of the 4th c., from Samos; lamp in the Archaeological collection at Apeiranthos, Naxos (unpublished); Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 70-72, nos L 34-38, figs 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, pl. IX, 6th c., from Thassos, with parallels; Gerousi 2013, 119, no. 157, 123, no. 165, 125, no. 168, 126, no. 171, 127, nos 172-173, 6th and 7th c., from Perissa on Thera; Evangelidis 1930-1931, 30, fig. 20, from Mytilini; Vitelli 1982, 193-196, no. 12, fig. 9-3.4, Balkan (?), imitation found in the wreck of Yassi Ada (625-626). Very frequent type throughout the Balkans: Topoleanu 1996, 91-94; Topoleanu 2003, pl. CXIV, 8-10, from Almyris, in Scythia Minor, a seaside town of Black Sea, where forty lamps of this type were found near a pottery kiln; Cicikova 1999, 105, fig. 1, from Novae; Cokay-Kepce 2005, 135-136, nos 3-4, from Paidesto; Bémont, Chew 2007, 359, 514, no. DA 2, pl. 89, c. 500-600, a region of the Black Sea (?), local imitation; Theoklieva-Stoićeva 2009, 111, no. 54, 5th-6th c., from Nesembar (Mesembria), local imitation (?); Hayes 1992, 83-84, nos 1-7, pl. 18, from Saraçhane; Brants 1913, nos 1120, 1123, 1168, pl. VIII, Asia Minor and imitations, in the Rijksmuseum, in Leiden; Vasilcin 1984, pl. I.1-5, 4th-6th c., from Kaliakra (in Scythia Minor), some of these are local imitations; Levina 1992, nos 69-71, pl. T.9, from Odessa, Asia Minor and local imitations.


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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 252 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1896 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: orange-red, to grey. Trace of burning. Complete Handle: solid, ending in fishtail and dot. Discus: two rings round filling hole. Shoulder: rows of raised points, framing ring, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped hatched grooves. Dots around the end of the handle and under the nozzle (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.065, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 153 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 253 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1916 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: incised branch round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08, Wpres. 0.035 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, sieving of fill from the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, AE 167-AE 170, -2.25/-2.27 m. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 221. Other Nos: AE 204 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. See mainly Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3152, pl. 109, 500-600. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 254 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2378 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: dark reddishgrey, 2,5 YR 3/1. Part of shoulder and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: ring-shaped. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085, W. 0.069, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth removal. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 255 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2454 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points, double framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.058 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Area between walls 1 (1β), ΙΙ, 8β, -0.75/-0.9 m. 4-2-1986. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 279. Other Nos: Excavation bag 237. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 256 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2746 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of body, discus and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071, W. 0.061, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 257 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2817 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder, base and handle preserved. Handle: solid grooved, ending in two tongues. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: ring-shaped. Holes drilled in shoulder and base (apparently post production ?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.062 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. Earth removal between walls 32, 46, 50 and 27α., to -1.6 m. from wall 32. 30-11-1978. Excav. Diary: 115, p. 63. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues on ​​ nozzle, and dots under the same etc. It is evident that the drilled holes were not pierced for the purpose of repair. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 258 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2827 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Complete, flaked. Repaired. Handle: solid double grooved, ending in fishtail with incision between. Discus: wreath round filling-hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped hatched grooves. Signature (?), Λ in relief. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.068, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Astegon Viotechnon plot; Kanada and Kolokotroni Streets; complexes 3-4. 14-5-1966. Excav. Diary: 23, p. 32. Ill: 108 Plate: 64 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 443-446; Konstantinopoulos 1967b, 115-116; Winter 1992, 199201. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠX 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues​on nozzle, and dots under the same etc. Cf. for dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 3014, ΠΧ 3032, ΠΧ 3033. See Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3158, pl. 109, c. 500-600, K impressed, from Kalymnos; Williams 1981, 73, no. 393, pl. 17, from Kenchreai, second half of the 4th c. As to the base, but without embossed letter, see Iconomu 1967, 136, no. 703, fig. 50, 242, 5th-6th c., from Tomis (Costanza), in Scythia Minor. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 259 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1860 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: framing ring, incised branch round wide filling hole. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Nozzle set off by double V-shaped dotted grooves, between a lightly incised cross (Eph B). Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.064, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, depth 1.80/2.05 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 86 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 259-260, no. 11, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. Very like ΠX 1875 with two rows of beads on the shoulder. For the cross on the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1208, ΠΧ 1160, ΠΧ 1170, Λ 2554, ΠΧ 2755, ΠΧ 1893. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 260 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1865 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, flaked in places. Traces of burning. Complete, flaked. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Discus: plain, wide filling hole. tongues on nozzle-top. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.071, H. 0.029 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 91 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. Cf. mainly ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 3014, ΠΧ 1865, with hybrid features of Asia Minor and ‘Samian type’ lamps; also Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3158, pl. 109, 500-600, from Kalymnos. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 261 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1867 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Slip: to grey. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in two tongues with incision between. Discus: rings and wreath round filling hole. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: ring-shaped (Eph C;). Dimensions: L. 0.092, W. 0.062, H. 0.027 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 93 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. Cf. mainly ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 3014, ΠΧ 1865, with hybrid features of Asia Minor and ‘Samian type’ lamps. See Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3155, pl. 109, 500-600, from Kalymnos; Petsas 1967, pl. 293, from the Agora of Thessaloniki; Crawford 1990, 82, no. 64.32: 6186, fig. 427, end of the 6th c., from Sardis. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 262 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1885 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: orange-red. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: wreath round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. Β). Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.065, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 201. Other Nos: AE 120 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. Cf. mainly ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 3014, ΠΧ 1865, with hybrid features of Asia Minor and ‘Samian type’ lamps. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 263 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6428 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, with a little mica. Slip: dark red, 2,5 YR 3/6. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and base missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail with vertical incision between. Discus: dotted band round wide filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within ring, incised cross, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.099, H. 0.031 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Ill: 109 Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. Cf. mainly ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 3014, ΠΧ 1865, with hybrid features of Asia Minor and ‘Samian type’ lamps. Cf. for the clay and the cross incised in the base ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2202 (same workshop ?). Incised cross on the base, also on ΠΧ 1182, ΠΧ 1858. See Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3156, pl. 109, fig. 144, c. 500-600, from Ephesus. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 264 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1950 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 4/2. Part of base and nozzle missing. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: two impressed circles, rings round filling hole. Shoulder: rows of raised points, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: double ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085, H. 0.031 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city. Handed in by Kritikos: Found in the city of Rhodes or at seaside between Kova and Kallithea (Hotel Sunwing). 2003-2006. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Palaiologou 2006, 1323-1324. Remarks: The pierced handle is rare in Asia Minor lamps, cf. ΠX 2673, ΠΧ 1207, ΠΧ 2228, and may indicate an early date. Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 265 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1302 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous, friable. Slip: dark red, 10 R 4/4, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of base and shoulder missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in hatched fishtail. Discus: plain, incised branch or wreath round filling hole. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: ring-shaped. Impressed circular mark. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.074, H. 0.029 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Ill: 110


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, ΠΧ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. See Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3157, fig. 144, pl. 109, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos, with comparisons, 391, Q 3192 (base), pl. 112, c. 550-650, from Ephesus. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 266 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1104 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 10 R 5/8. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in hatched fishtail. Discus: dotted band round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: W. 0.06 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Venetokleion Gymnasion; K. Palaiologou Street. Stoa, earth removal. 7 and 10-4-1970. Excav. Diary: 37, p. 293-294. Other Nos: Λ 3573 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1971, 535-539; Patsiada 2013b, 57-58. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For dotted fish tail cf. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2164, ΠΧ 2564. See Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3157, fig. 144, pl. 109, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos, with comparisons, 391, Q 3192 (base), pl. 112, c. 550-650, from Ephesus. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 267 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2149 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, semi-worn. Trace of burning. Handle and part of nozzle missing. Handle: triple grooved, ending in hatched fishtail. Discus: incised branch round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: within ring, impressed dot circle. Impressed mark in form of crescent at edge. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.093, W. 0.068, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Koliadis plot; Kamirou Street. Area Α., -1.21-1.50 m. 26-8-2002. Excav. Diary: 431, p. 143. Other Nos: AE 153 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 2001-2004, 253-255. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. Cf. for dotted fish tail ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2164, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 1104. See Topoleanu 2000, 209-210, no. 541, pl. LXVIII, 6th-7th c., from Halmyris; Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3156, pl. 109, c. 500-600, from Ephesus. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 268 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2150 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved (ending in fishtail). Discus: double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.056 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Klonaris plot; Kanada Street 18. Τrench Α3, fill above water-pipe 1, -0.2 to -0.9 m. 9-9-1997. Excav. Diary: 362, p. 330. Other Nos: AE 187 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 1997, 1084-1085. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 269 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2191 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: garland round filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.58 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. See mainly Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3155, pl. 109, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos; probably Crawford 1990, 82, no. 64.32: 6186, fig. 427, end of the 6th c., from Sardis. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 270 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2349 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous, friable, porous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning. Nozzle and part of handle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: incised branch round wide filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: dotted ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.082, W. 0.07, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North part, trench 2, -1.82 m. 31-7-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 338. Other Nos: AE 517 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. Cf. for dotted ring on base ΠX 2759. See in particular, Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3157, pl. 109, fig. 144c. 500-600, from Kalymnos, dotted ring. The wide filling hole suggests a later date. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 271 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2383 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: grey. Trace of burning. Part of base, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid triple grooved ending in fishtail with incision between. Shoulder: rows of raised points, framing ring. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth moving. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 272 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2564 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: yellowishred, 5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid triple grooved, ending in dotted fishtail. Discus: two rings round the relatively wide filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, relief oops in front. Base: within ring incised cross with two small circles, nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.105, W. 0.074, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Other Nos: Italian nο. 6370 Remarks: Cf. for the fabric and the cross incised in the base Λ 6428, ΠΧ 2202 (same workshop ?). Incised cross on the base also on ΠΧ 1182, ΠΧ 1858. Cf. for dotted fish tail ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2164, ΠΧ 1104. The relatively large filling hole is a later feature. Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 273 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2942 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: yellowishred, 10 YR 5/4. Trace of burning. Parts of base, shoulder, discus and nozzle preserved. Restored. Discus: ring round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 2. 13-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 274. Other Nos: Excavation bag 150 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2926, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠX 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or a wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues on nozzle, and dots under the same etc. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 274 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2944 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 10 YR 5/4. Trace of burning. Parts of base, shoulder, discus and nozzle preserved. Nonjoining pieces. Discus: ring round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 2. 6-4-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 234. Other Nos: Excavation bag 117 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠX 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues​on nozzle, and dots under the same etc. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 275 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3014 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, ‘Samian type’ (?), Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 5,8, to grey. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, ring round wide filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: ring marked by dot-and-ring pattern, nozzle set off by double V-shaped dotted grooves (Eph. C). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.097, W. 0.077, H. 0.034 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Extension of square Α2, -2.1 m. 1-9-1995. Excav. Diary: 19,1, p. 297. Other Nos: AE 262 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Cf. for dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3033. Cf. morphologically the ‘Samian type’ ΠΧ 2102, ΠΧ 2464 (?), ΠΧ 2466, ΠΧ 2467, ΠΧ 2569. See Orsi 1909, 361, fig. 19, from Syracuse. The upper part belongs to an Asia Minor type (of late date because of the wide filling hole), while the bottom is ‘Samian’, hence the assumption that it comes early in the ‘Samian type’ chronology. Also cf. the Asia-Asia Minor type Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3032, ΠX 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues o ​ n nozzle, and dots under the same etc. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083. CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 276 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3032 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, wide filling hole. Shoulder: rows of raised points, double framing ring, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.068, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3033. The wide filling hole is a late element. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 277 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2049 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, ‘Samian type’ (?), Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddishyellow, 5 YR 6/8, worn. Front part of body missing. Repaired and restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in dotted fishtail, with incision between. Discus: plain, dotted band round wide filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: within ring, signature ΡΚ Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07, Wpres. 0.073, H. 0.031 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Papachristodoulou plot; Ethnarchou Makariou Street. From the sewer. 17-5-1961. Plate: 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1960, 275-278. Remarks: Cf. especially ΠΧ 3014, ΠΧ 1865, ΠΧ 1867, with hybrid characteristics of Asia Minor and ‘Samian type’ lamps. The wide filling hole is a later element. Also cf. for Asia Minor and Asia Minor-type lamps Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033 and others Cf. for dotted fish tail at the base, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2164, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 1104. See Gerousi 2013, 126, no. 171, 130, no. 178, 6th-7th c., from Perissa on Thera. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 278 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1328 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous, friable, flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6, worn. Poor firing. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid. Discus: plain. Shoulder: rows of raised points, loops in front. Base: ring-shaped (Eph Α). Worn mould Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.069, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 500 Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Area Ε #159, layer 4. 8-5-1990. Excav. Diary: 299, p. 124. Other Nos: AE 476. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, ΠΧ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083. The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 279 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2062 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Concretion. Trace of burning. Two non-joining pieces. Parts of nozzle, handle and shoulder. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.032 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 7-12-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1 Other Nos: AE 169 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033 and others in the broader region and the Dodecanese: lamp Π 292 from tomb 9 in Kymisala, see Stefanakis, Patsiada 2009-2011, 79-80, fig. 37; Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); from Lindos, Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3207, pl. 151; from Tilos, unpublished lamp without number; from Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 2346, from a grave at Flaskas; Kos, at Kefalos on the Peros plot, AE 41; Roumeliotis 2001, 257, no. 3, pl. 1.3, no. 4, pl. 2.4, from Kardamaina; Didioumi 2010, 799, fig. 3b, mid 6th-first quarter of 7th c., from the city of Kos. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 280 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2196 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, semi-worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Α, stairs of cistern. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 281 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2365 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: plain. Shoulder: rows of raised points. tongues on nozzle-top. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α3Β3-Γ3, -2.4 m. 22-11-2002. Excav. Diary: 473, p. 13. Other Nos: AE 28 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Lamps with this very common decoration, and easy to copy, are produced in various places. See for example local production at Hierapolis, Bernardi Ferrero 1993, 181-183. Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 282 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2382 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Slip: greyish. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved (ending in dotted fishtail). Shoulder: rows of raised points, double framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth moving. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 283 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2951 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Parts of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.059 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Β3, west part, layer 3 of pyre, lowest level. 27-1-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 117. Other Nos: AE 71 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠX 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues ​​on nozzle, and dots under the same etc. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 284 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1171 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/4. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: rows of raised points, tongues on nozzle-top. Dimensions: L. 0.031 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. 1962. Excav. Diary: 7. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. Found in close proximity with: ΠX 1170, Gaza type and Egyptian amphorae. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 285 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2089 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: rows of raised points, framing dotted ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.042 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni; Menekleous Street. Central aisle, ± 3.5 m. 2-10-1998. Excav. Diary: 4.3, p. 162. Other Nos: AE 530 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677-678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 286 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2112 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Shoulder: rows of raised points, double framing ring. Incomplete joining of the two moulds. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α 2Ι, ± 1.90 m. 1-8-1995. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 283. Other Nos: AE 256 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 287 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2297 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder preserved. Discus: rings round filling hole. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.028 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Τrench Β3, fill. 29-8-2003. Excav. Diary: 445, p. 29. Other Nos: AE 104 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 288 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2404 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.04 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2Α3, layer 2, -1.82 m. 26-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 90. Other Nos: AE 170 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 289 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2408 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: dotted ring round filling hole, dotted framing ring. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. Wall 6 and 12, depth to -2.9 m. 22-5-2007. Excav. Diary: 382, p. 298. Other Nos: AE 244 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1335-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 290 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2469 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay and slip: grey. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.044 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill was found with lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 291 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2470 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: greyish. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Shoulder: rows of raised points, double framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill was found with lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 292 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2471 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: rows of raised points, framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.025 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill was found with lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 293 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2605 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Lamps with this very common decoration, and easy to copy, are produced in various places. See for example local production at Hierapolis, Bernardi Ferrero 1993, 181-183. or Halmyris on the Black Sea, Topoleanu 2000, 210, no. 543, pl. LXVIII, 6th-7th c. Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 294 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2622 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: grey. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.058 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 295 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2626 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: (?). Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: rows of raised points, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.028 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083. CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 296 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2665 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 206. Other Nos: AE 130 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 297 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2669 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.03 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, ΑΕ 138-150. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: AE 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 298 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2818 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6, blackened from the firing. Part of shoulder, base and handle preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.037 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. Earth moving between walls 32, 46, 50 and 27α, to depth 1.6 m. from wall 32. 30-11-1978. Excav. Diary: 115, p. 63. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: Cf. for the fabric ΠΧ 2819. Cf. for the typology Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues​​on nozzle, and dots under the same etc. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 299 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2926 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5YR 6/8, worn. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.034 m. Date: First half 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Theologos (Tholos), settlement, Temple of Apollo Erethimios; Potsos plot complex. Square Β8, North part 2. 11/11/1993. Excav. Diary: 1/93, p. 87. Other Nos: Α 82 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 162-163, no 2, fig. 2. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011 (forthcoming); Triandafyllidis 2012 (forthcoming).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠX 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues ​​on nozzle, and dots under the same etc. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 300 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2825 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: pinkish-grey, 5 YR 7/2. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: two rows of globules, loops in front. Dimensions: L. 0.06 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Diakogeorgiou (Charalambous) plot; side-street off Cheimarras Street. Inside water conduit 3α. 23/5/2001. Excav. Diary: 424, p. 244. Other Nos: AE 545 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2000, 1119; Bairami 2001-2004, 231-232. Remarks: Cf. for morphologically close, but with more close-packed dots Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033, with decoration that sometimes includes a herringbone or wreath around the filling hole, decorative spirals, tongues ​​on nozzle, and dots under the same etc. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 301 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1875 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Some loss at shoulder and handle. Handle: ending in fishtail with dots at end and at centre. Discus: plain, incised branch round filling hole. Shoulder: two rows of globules, framing ring, loops in front. Base: within ring with ring pattern small circle, nozzle set off by double V shaped grooves, small circles near nozzle. (Eph. B). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09, W. 0.069, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.90 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: ΑΕ 103 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2199. Variation on ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 1083, ΠΧ 1104. See Bailey 1988, 387, Q 3156, pl. 109, 500-600, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, pl. XIII, no. 216, from Ephesus; Bruneau 1965, 140, nos 4702-4704, pl. 33, from Delos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 302 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5590 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Three non-joining pieces. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: double ring round filling hole, double framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Ν. Chatzidimitriou plot; Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. Fill between walls 11, 12, 2. 22-5-1985. Excav. Diary: 216, p. 101. Other Nos: Excavation bag 256 or 257 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1987, 586-58; Dreliossi 1990, 468-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454; Dreliossi 1992, 615-617.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 303 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2199 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.064 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Other Nos: Box 181 (11-5-1992). Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1875. Variation on ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 1083, ΠΧ 1104.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 304 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2329 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending with ridge from base-ring to handle. Shoulder: two rows of globules, framing ring. Base: Eph. Α. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.06 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; sidestreet off Amerikis St. North of square Α3- Β3- Γ3, -4/-4.2 m. 14-11-2002. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 1. Other Nos: ΑΕ 3 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 305 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2453 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rings round filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.035 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. 12-7-1985. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 107. Other Nos: ΑΕ 236 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 306 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2187 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Storeroom 9. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. typologically Λ 4776, Λ 2691, ΠΧ 1231, Π 2630. See Ladstätter 2010a, 325, K. 811, pl. 168, 193, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 1005, pl. VI, from Ephesus; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 70, no. L33, pl. IX, from Thassos; Griepentrog 1986, 203, no. 35, pl. 30, 11-12.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 307 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2477 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Strongly fired. Slip: reddish-brown. Trace of burning. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved (ending with ridge from base-ring to handle). Shoulder: rings-and-raised points pattern, framing ring with ring-and-dot pattern. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.049 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill was found with lamps ΠΧ 2459-2476 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 308 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1107 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 2,5 ΥR 5/6, in places. Trace of burning on nozzle. Discus and part of shoulder missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: guilloche, double framing ring. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Plaster mould. Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.067, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Earth-removal by machine. 19-4-1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 171. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 309 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1949 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia(??) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Unslipped. Part of discus and shoulder missing. Handle: solid, ending with ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: framing ring. Shoulder: curved rays. Base: wide, ringshaped (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.065, H. 0.033 m. Date: c. 500-550. Provenance: Rhodes, city. Handed in by Kritikos: found in the city of Rhodes or at the seaside between Kova and Kallithea (Hotel Sunwing). 2003-2006. Ill: 111 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Palaiologou 2006, 1323-1324. Remarks: See Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8b, no. SE 501/2, 5th c., from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 310 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1907 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: similar, to grey. Part of shoulder, discus, nozzle and base missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: figured (?), framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076, Wpres. 0.06, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.25 m. the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings.4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 213. Other Nos: ΑΕ 167 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 311 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1906 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, corroded, micaceous. Slip: pink, 5 YR 7/4, worn. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder, nozzle, and base preserved; some non-joining. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: rays, framing ring. Base: ringshaped, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/2.25 m, removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, under AE 163. 3-8-2006 Excav. Diary: 463. p. 213. Other Nos: ΑΕ 166 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 312 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2476 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Two non-joining parts of the shoulder preserved. Shoulder: curved rays, framing ring. Discus: figured (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill was found with lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 313 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2480 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of base, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: figured (?). Shoulder: globules, framing ring. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.072, W. 0.060, H. 0.026 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; Diagoridon and P. Mela Streets. Surface fill to -1.45 m. 3-4-1965. Excav. Diary: 13α, p. 257. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 314 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2531 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: grey. Part of shoulder, discus and base preserved. Discus: figured (?). Shoulder: plain, double framing ring. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546 along with fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.). CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 315 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2670 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: to grey. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending with ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. A). Impressed circular mark. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.061 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and grave offerings, ΑΕ 138-150. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: ΑΕ 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 316 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2984 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 7.5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: figured (?). Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.052 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, sieving of fill. 5-71994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 202. Other Nos: AE 824 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found with: lamp ΠX 2983 and the coin NB 4557, Justin II (518-522).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 317 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2099 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Handle, part of shoulder and base preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: tendrils, double framing ring. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.06 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. AreaΑ3, -2.5 m. 22-10-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 241. Other Nos: ΑΕ 227 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Vague but definite link found with ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 318 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2696 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 8/3. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: vines, double framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.046 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi parish. Fill of tomb 10. 23-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 328. Other Nos: Excavation bag 101 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Vague but definite link found with ΠΧ 1244 (?) ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 319 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2202 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Part of base preserved. Base: within egg-shaped ring, incised cross with circlets at the ends of the arms and in spaces between them; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves with circlet between. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.57 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Other Nos: Box 181 (11-5-1992). Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. for the fabric and the cross incised in the ring on base Λ 6428, ΠΧ 2564 (same workshop ?). For incised cross on the base cf. also ΠΧ 1182, ΠΧ 1858.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 320 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2388 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of handle preserved. Handle: leaf shaped. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.048 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North extension, east baulk, earth moving. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: ΑΕ 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See perhaps Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3149, pl. 108, Ephesus, from Kertch.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 321 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2413 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: (figured), framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.041 m. Date: c. 500 Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Area Β, trial trench # 322, layer 1α. 9-10-1990. Excav. Diary: 309, p. 31. Other Nos: ΑΕ 759 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 322 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2468 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in hatched fishtail. Shoulder: (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.053 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. AreaΑ, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: In the fill were found lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 323 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2472 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8, micaceous, flaked. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.047 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. AreaΑ, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: In the fill were found lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 324 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2473 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.035 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. AreaΑ, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: In the fill were found lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 325 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2474 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: tongues (?) rays (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: In the fill were found lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 326 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2517 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, with a little mica, flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Two non-joining pieces from shoulder and base preserved. Shoulder: tendrils, tongues on nozzle-top, double framing ring. Base: nozzle set off by double V-shaped relief bands. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: Possibly second half 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Τomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: The relief decoration on the lower part relates to lamps of the so called ‘Aegean type.’ See perhaps for a similar decoration ΠΧ 1209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 327 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2528 α Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6, worn. Trace of burning. Three non-joining pieces preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved (ending in fishtail). Discus: rosette. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with glass fragments (before the 4th c.).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 328 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2529 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6, worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail with a dot. Shoulder: tendrils, double framing ring. Base: ring-shaped. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.059 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with glass fragments (before the 4th c.).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 329 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2532 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/3. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.035 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with glass fragments (before the 4th c.).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 330 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2533 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, with a little mica, flaked. Slip: similar. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved. Shoulder: rays. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.04 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with glass fragments (before the 4th c.).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 331 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2534 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/3, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Worn. Part of handle and base preserved. Repaired. Broad grooved handle, ending in fishtail with circlet in between. Base: almond-shaped ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.068 m. Date: Probably first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001 Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.) Vague but real link found with ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). The almond-shaped base is met but rarely, and most often with elongated Asia Minor type lamps, such as ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 1218, ΠΧ 2193, ΠΧ 2801, Λ 2911, Λ 6572. Cf. ΠX 1385, ΠX 2544, ΠΧ 1903 for the handle. The wide, fan-shaped handle is seen on lamps of Asia Minor, although not very often. Cf. observations and parallels with ΠΧ 1903.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 332 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2164 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle and part of shoulder. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in dotted fishtail. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: H. of handle 0.039 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. 19/21-10-1954. Excav. Diary: 1, p. 106-107. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357: Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: For dotted fish tail at the base cf. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 1104.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 333 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2792 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Handle: solid, ending with ridge from base-ring to handle. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. A.). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Pekmetzis plot; Early Christian basilica, Agesandrou Street. 22-9-1989. Excav. Diary: 3.10, p. 89. Other Nos: ΑΕ (α) 55. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Archontopoulos 1989, 510-516; Archontopoulos 1990, 507-510; Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos, 1991, 340-345. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2793 and ΠΧ 2794 and the coins NB 3792, Justinian (539/540) and NB 3829, Heraclius (632-641).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 334 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2994 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), ‘Aegean-type’ (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: narrow. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot pattern, double framing ring, the inner dotted. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α3/Β3, north part, layer 2. 6-9-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 59. Other Nos: Excavation bag 300 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For the typology see Korkut, Grosche 2007, 154, no. 285, from Patara.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 335 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2673 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: reddish-yellow to grey, 7,5 ΥR 5/6. Concretion in places. Complete. Handle: pierced grooved, ending in two tongues. Discus: plain, incised circle round filling hole, framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Two holes. Shoulder: curved rays. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Lower part of mould worn. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.067, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of 5th century (?)


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Angeliki Katsioti Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area, M. Petridis Street. Τomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. See Miltner 1937, no. 1432, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Crawford 1990, 41, no. 58.26:549 and 43, nos 68.2: 7603, fig. 185, from Sardis. For the decoration but with narrower discus, convex shoulder without channel, see Menzel 1969, 98-99, no. 634, fig. 80.14; Fischer, Welling 1984, 389, no. 50. For Asia Minor imitation, see Williams 1981, 73, no. 389, pl. 17, from Kenchreai. Lafli 2015, pl. 1,7, from Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidia. The pierced handle in Asia Minor lamps, relatively rare, probably suggests an early date, cf. ΠX 1207. Moreover its discovery was in a disturbed burial, but in close association with 11 other lamps of the 4th-5th c. (Π 2668α and β, Π 2669, Π 2670, Π 2671, Π 2672, Π2674, Π 2675, Π 2676, Π 2677, Π 2678) is in keeping with the relatively early date.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 336 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1176 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, worn. Most part of base, nozzle and discus missing. Handle: solid, ending with ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: Aphrodite reclining on shell. Shoulder: two rows of globules, channel to nozzle. Base: ring-shaped, slightly concave, planta pedis, nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.093, Wpres. 0.062, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Earth removal with machinery. 27-12-1959. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 171. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. See Bailey 1988, 8, 385, Q 3140, fig. 11, pl. 108, with the variant of Aphrodite in a scallop-shaped rosette, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos; Bailey 1985, 100, C681, fig. 18, pl. 20, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 337 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2695 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/8, worn. Incompletely fired. Trace of burning on nozzle. Small part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: Pan with Faun, or male and female Pan; she holds a curved object, perhaps a pedum or a bill-hook; framing ring; channel to nozzle. Shoulder: vines. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.087, W. 0.062, H. 0.022 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. 1954. Excav. Diary: 1, 1α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-279; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠX 2165 (similar, but with a single ? filling hole). See Miltner 1937, no. 299, pl. XIII, from Ephesus (similar ?); Bailey 1988, 20, 389, Q 3178, pl. 111, c. 550-650, from Kalymnos. Also Menzel 1969, 99, no. 636, pl. 81.7, from Miletus, with a single filling hole.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 338 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2165 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Handle and part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: Pan with Faun, or male and female Pan; double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Base: wide, slightly concave; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076, Wpres. 0.056, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon. 12-11-1954. Excav. Diary: 1, p. 117. Other Nos: Ε 8 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2695 (similar, but with three filling holes), with observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 339 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2828 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle and base missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: Ganymede, nude, wearing a Phrygian cap. Pictured with an eagle and perhaps a sheep or a dog. Double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: guilloche. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.081, W. 0.063 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Astegon Viotechnon plot; Kanada and Kolokotroni Streets. Complexes 3-4. 14-5-1966. Excav. Diary: 23, p. 32. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 443-446; Konstantinopoulos 1967b, 115-116: Winter 1992, 199-201. Remarks: Ganymede with Zeus as the eagle has many variations in Greek art. See Miltner 1937, no. 1408, pl. VIII, from Ephesus. For variations on this theme in different types of lamps, see Bailey 1988, 4-5.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 340 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2771 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3 micaceous, friable. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of handle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in two tongues. Discus: rider with javelin, with quadruped, at right margin a tree (mythological scene ? hunt ?), double framing ring, channel to nozzle, two filling-holes. Shoulder: narrow, tendrils. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. C). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.069, H. 0.027 m. Date: Possibly second half 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Atsidis plot; K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets. South-west part, east face, below wall 302, -2.1/-2.92 m. 27-3-2008. Excav. Diary: 479, p. 209. Other Nos: ΑΕ 434 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2006, 1278-1282; Triandafyllidis 2007, 1332-1333; Triandafyllidis 2008, 1281-1282. Remarks: Although the narrow shoulder and the theme of the discus are to be associated with an earlier date, the presence of a channel argues a later date, but not after the end of the 6th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 341 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1887 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Some loss of channel, and small flaking of nozzle. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail with dot. Discus: Youth or Eros, right, holding a basket with grapes; two filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.085, W. 0.058, H. 0.027 m. Date: Possibly second half 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.12/2.40 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and grave offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 211. Other Nos: ΑΕ 138 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249269. Remarks: See Emre-Öncü, Cölmekci 2013, 108, no. 43, 4th c., from the wreck in Constantinople at Yenikapi (similar ?).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 342 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1883 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Parts lost at handle and base. Repaired. Discus: Eros (?) left, holding a basket, two filling-holes. Shoulder; tendrils with berries, loops in front; double framing ring channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. A ?). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.086, W. 0.06, H. 0.025 m. Date: Possibly second half 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.1 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and grave offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 199. Other Nos: ΑΕ 112 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 343 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2146 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: Eros, left, carries on his back a bunch of grapes, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Three filling holes. Shoulder: crater from which emerge twining shoots and fruits, loops in front. Base: ring-shaped. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079, W. 0.065, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papachristodoulou plot; Ethnarchou Makariou Street. From the area of the sewer. 17-5-1961. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 275-278. Remarks: Cf. Λ 4777, where a kylix replaces the panel on the shoulder. For an adaptation of the theme, in imitation of an Argive workshop, see Bovon 1966, 69, no. 458, pl. 11. For the association of the crater with Dionysian, Orphic and Pythagorean ideas, see Ignatiadou 2014, 43-59.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 344 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3026 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 6/4, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail with dot between. Discus: Eros with bunch of grapes, running left. Shoulder: vines, double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Lower part of mould worn. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.071, H. 0.024 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2368, ΠΧ 2144 (?) See Bailey 1988, 382, Q 3109, pl. 105, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos; Menzel 1969, 97, no. 629, fig. 80.5, from Miletus; Findik 2010, 103, fig. 1.8, second half of the 6th c. (?), from Myra; Miltner 1937, no. 487, pl. III, from Ephesus, on the shoulder concentric circles. Possibly Boardman 1989, 121, no. 341, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. For an adaptation of the theme in imitation of an Argive workshop, see Bovon 1966, 69, no. 458, pl. 11. Also see the representations of a youth leaning over a basket full of grapes, of a youth picking grapes, in the painted tomb of the Nymphs in Ashkelon, Israel, 3rd c., Michaeli 2009, 38-41, figs 61, 62.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 345 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2027 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, worn. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder, discus and base missing. Repaired. Handle: solid triple grooved, ending in fishtail, with circlet between. Discus: Eros (?), right, in profile, with arm raised, double framing band, narrow channel to nozzle, two filling-holes. Shoulder: leaves. Base: within double ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.055, H. 0.029 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Atsidis plot; K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets. South part, -2.60/-4.24 m. 22-12-2006. Excav. Diary: 479, p. 73. Other Nos: ΑΕ 252 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2006, 1278-1282; Triandafyllidis 2007, 1332-1333; Triandafyllidis 2008, 1281-1282. Remarks: For the iconography, the similar theme of ecstatic maenad, see Emre-Öncü, Cölmekci 2013, 109, no. 45, 4th-5th c., from a shipwreck in the Yenikapi, Constantinople.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 346 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1211 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: dark pinky-grey, 2,5 ΥR 4/1. Part of base and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: lion (?), turning head to left, double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: leaves. Spiral decoration on both side of nozzle. Base: within oval-shaped ring, planta pedis (Eph B). The lower part of nozzle worn. Dimensions: L. 0.082, W. 0.053, H. 0.026 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Complex Δ, fill. 13-6-1988. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Animals seated or curled up, lions mostly, are familiar themes in Asia Minor lamps. Cf. ΠΧ 1881 (slight variant with the same theme on discus), ΠΧ 1904, ΠΧ 1908, ΠΧ 1909 (similar topics). See Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 204, no. 25, pl. 91a, from Samos. Also, Bailey 1988, 382, Q 3107, pl. 105, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos, 383, Q 3113, pl. 105, c. 500-600; Miltner 1937, no. 333, pl. XIV, no. 390, pl. III, no. 427, pl. IV, from Ephesus; Crawford 1990, 82, no. 64.31: 6185, fig. 425, end of the 6th c., from Sardis.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 347 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1881 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3 ή 7/4. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 5/3. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: lion, right, two fillingholes. Shoulder: leaves, framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Base: within almond-shaped ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.052, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.10 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 199. Other Nos: AE 110 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 261, no. 18, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1211 (slight variant with the same theme on the discus) with comments. Similar themes, ΠΧ 1904, ΠΧ 1909. See Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 69, pl. VIIIa, L28, fig. 28, 5th-6th c. For dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014. Asia Minor lamps with almond-shaped ring at the base, rather rare, are generally of an elongated type, cf. ΠΧ 1218, ΠΧ 2193, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2801, Λ 2911, Λ 6572, ΠΧ 1897.


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 348 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1897 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in two tongues. Discus: stag seated, with head turned to left, two filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils and leaves, framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Two spirals on either side of the channel. Base: within almond-shaped ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves (variant on Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.054, H. 0.027 m. Date: Possibly second half 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 155 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the theme cf. ΠX 2004, Λ 4777, ΠΧ 2573, ΠΧ 2948. Asia Minor lamps with almond-shaped ring at the base, rather rare, are generally of an elongated type, cf. ΠΧ 1218, ΠΧ 2193, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2801, Λ 2911, Λ 6572, ΠΧ 1881. The deer is associated with the worship and sacrifices in honour of Egyptian deities, see Katsioti 2014a, 97.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 349 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2219 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/6. Slip: grey (as result of being in a destruction layer). Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid double grooved ending in fishtail with two dots between. Discus: cross, double framing ring; narrow channel to nozzle; two filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.095, W. 0.053, H. 0.021 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Stoa Γ, the excavated square area. 6-2-1980. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 151. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1894, ΠΧ 1895, ΠΧ 1931, ΠΧ 2163, Λ 2554. See Bailey 1988, 390, Q 3189 MLA, pl. 112, fig. 36, c. 550-650. Probably Bernhard 1955, 331, no. 337, pl. XCIV; Miltner 1937, no. 1351, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 112, no. L 253, pl. 33, 5th c., from Ephesus; Glumac 2001, 216, no. 6, in Belgrade museum, from Stobi; Zografou 2011, 153-154, no. 29, 550-650, from the eastern cemetery of Thessaloniki.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 350 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1894 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: reddishbrown, flaked. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail - two slanted ribs. Discus: cross, two filling-holes. Shoulder: triangle with ring-and-dot pattern; double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.101, W. 0.056, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 151 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 261, no. 19, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1895 mainly. Also ΠΧ 1931, ΠΧ 2219, ΠΧ 2163, Λ 2554. For decoration with triangles on the shoulder, possibly under influence of North African types, cf. ΠX 1920. See Miltner 1937, 155-156, no. 1351, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Bernhard 1955, 330-331, no. 337, pl. XCIV; Bailey 1988, 390-391, Q 3189, Q 3190, pl. 112, 550-650, the second from Kalymnos; Glumac 2001, 216, no. 6, in Belgrade Museum, from Stobi; Emre-Öncü, Cölmekci 2013, 109, no. 46, 5th c., from a shipwreck in Yenikapi, at Constantinople.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 351 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1895 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Complete, small flake on shoulder. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross, two filling-holes. Shoulder: leaves, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: ringshaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.056, H. 0.027 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.20/2.25 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 152 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. mainly ΠX 1894, with observations and parallels. Also ΠΧ 1931, ΠΧ 2219, ΠΧ 2163, Λ 2554. See Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 112, no. L 253, pl. 33, 5th c., from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 352 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2163 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: Possibly c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in Agios Panteleimon area. North-west part. 23-12-1954. Excav. Diary: 1α, p. 129. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2219, ΠΧ 1894, ΠΧ 1895, ΠΧ 1931, Λ 2554. See Bailey 1988, 390, Q 3189 MLA, pl. 112, c. 550-650; Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 112, no. L 253, pl. 33, 5th c. from Ephesus. Probably Bernhard 1955, 331, no. 337, pl. XCIV; Glumac 2001, 216, no. 6, in Belgrade Museum, from Stobi; Weber 2004, 31, no. 87, fig. 2, pl. 5, of Samos; Zografou 2011, 153-154, no. 29, 550-650, from the eastern cemetery of Thessaloniki.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 353 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2554 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 4/8, in places. Part of shoulder, discus and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: cross with rosette either side of the horizontal bar, double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils and leaves. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves, between them lightly incised cross (Eph B). Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.058, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. Area ΧV (note: Area XV is perhaps to be identified with the north extension). 30-8-1971. Excav. Diary: 36, p. 10 (?) Other Nos: ΠΒΕ 2652 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2163, ΠΧ 2219, ΠΧ 1894, ΠΧ 1895, ΠΧ 1931. See Bailey 1988, 390, Q 3189 MLA, fig. 39, pl. 112, c. 550-650, with parallels for this type of planta pedis; Miltner 1937, no. 1351, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Bailey 1988, 382, ​Q ​3110, fig. 101, pl. 105, from Ephesus; Weber 2004, 31, no. 87, fig. 2, pl. 5, from Samos; Glumac 2001, 216, no. 6, at Museum in Belgrade, from Stobi; Zografou 2011, 153-154, no. 29, 550-650, from east Cemetery of Thessaloniki. Cross combined with rosettes is customary in ceramics, see an Asia Minor ampoulla from Phthiotic Thebes - Dina 2010, fig. 49; and the sculpture of the time, see sarcophagus from Sant’Ellero Galeata, in Ravenna, Sotira 2013, 75, fig. 117. Cross (usually simply incised) is several times found on the underside of the nozzle, cf. ΠX 1170, ΠX 1160, ΠX 1208, ΠΧ 2755, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1860.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 354 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1931 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: to grey. Trace of burning. Part of upper portion preserved. Discus: cross, two filling-holes, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: spiral-based decoration (?), tendrils (?). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073, Wpres. 0.033 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, fill north of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.40/2.50 m, above AE 145. 16-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 240. Other Nos: AE 222α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1894, ΠΧ 1895, ΠΧ 2219, ΠΧ 2613, Λ 2554. See for typology, Bailey 1988, 390-391, Q 3189, Q 3190, pl. 112, c. 550-650, the latter possibly from Kalymnos. Also perhaps Bernhard 1955, 331, no. 337, pl. XCIV; probably Glumac 2001, 216, no. 6, in Belgrade Museum, from Stobi.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 355 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2510 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: grey. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.047 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vas. Sofias Streets. Without stratigraphy. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, Chronika, 322. Remarks: Elongated form, typologically related to ΠΧ 2163, ΠΧ 2219, Λ 2911, ΠΧ 1894, ΠΧ 1895, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 1931, ΠΧ 2801, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 2222, Λ 6572, ΠΧ 1218, ΠΧ 2193, ΠΧ 2534.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 356 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2222 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Part of base and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Shoulder: radiating grooves. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves with three impressed circlets between. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Cleaning west of wall 53. 22-12-1979. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 99. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415. Remarks: Elongated form, typologically related to ΠΧ 2163, ΠΧ 2219, Λ 2911, ΠΧ 1894, ΠΧ 1895, ΠΧ 1931, ΠΧ 2801, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 2510, Λ 6572.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 357 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2312 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Discus: (figured) end of two legs, framing ring, channel to nozzle, impressed circlet in channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: L. 0.05 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papamichail plot; Navarinou Street. Square Β1, south of wall 2. #3, -1.10/-1.25 m, red-brown earth with stone chips. 23-11-1993. Excav. Diary: 345, p. 129. Other Nos: AΕ 131 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1993, 509-511; Fantaoutsaki 1994, 761-763. Remarks: Elongated form, typologically related to ΠΧ 1211, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 2219, ΠΧ 1894, ΠΧ 1895, ΠΧ 2163, Λ 2554, ΠΧ 1931, ΠΧ 2510, ΠΧ 2222, ΠΧ 2193. Concerning the way the representation extends into the channel, the piece has parallels in North African lamps.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 358 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2193 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, to grey. Ending of nozzle preserved. Base: almond-shaped ring; nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: Possibly first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: From the almond-shaped ring on the base, it is possible to conclude that it is probably from an Asia Minor elongated lamp; for typology cf. ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 1218, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2801, Λ 2911, Λ 6572.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 359 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6310 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: bird (dove?) on a basket-shaped crater; two filling-holes, framing ring, nozzle to channel. Shoulder: globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.059, H. 0.026 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Kritikos plot; Gennadiou (Navpliou) Street, Analipsi. Area Β., depth to -0.9 m. 5-11-1993. Excav. Diary: 337, p. 233. Other Nos: AE 182 Ill.: 112 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 1993, 521-522. Remarks: For the subject-matter cf. ΠX 2587. See Brants 1913, no. 1133, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, in Leiden. Probably Levi 1965-1966, 448, fig. 57.8, from Iassos; with minor differences, Ladstätter 2008, 147, no. K. 301, pl. 332, from Ephesus. For the symbolism of the crater reflecting Dionysian, Orphic and Pythagorean ideas, see Ignatiadou 2014, 43-59.


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Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 360 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2587 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous, poorly fired, friable. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of body and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in two tongues. Discus: bird (dove ?) perhaps on a crater, behind which is tendrils, double framing ring; channel to nozzle; two filling-holes. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern. Base: flat, wide, within oval-shaped ring, double planta pedis; nozzle set off by double dotted V-shaped grooves (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.095, W. 0.071 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Trianda. Ioannidis plot; ΚΜ 623Ε. Square Β2, layer α’, baulk 4, -0.5/-0.7 m. 23-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 21, p. 199. Other Nos: AE 57 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Katsioti 1988, 660-661. Remarks: For the subject-matter see Λ 6310, with observations and parallels. For dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014. Double planta pedis also in Asia Minor Λ 3394, Π 2650 and in the Rhodian Π 2643, Λ 6063. See also Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3177, pl. 111, c. 550-650, from Ephesus (double planta pedis). For the symbolism of the crater reflecting Dionysian, Orphic and Pythagorean ideas, see Ignatiadou 2014, 43-59 .

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 361 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1924 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8, to grey. Trace of burning. Part of discus, base and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid (ending in fishtail). Discus: peacock. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.064, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly second half 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A, -1.90 m, 2nd ‘pass’, red soil. 24-5-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 154. Other Nos: AE 11 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1879, similar, worn mould. Perhaps ΠΧ 2248. The peacock is a subject connected with both Hera and Christian doctrines of eternal life. See De Luca 1984, 50, no. 466, pl. 18, 23, from Pergamon (similar ?); Bailey 1988, 81, 382, ​​Q 3110, fig. 101, pl. 105, no channel, c. 500-600, from Ephesus; Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8c, no. SE 501/3, 5th c., from Ephesus; Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 111, no. L 236, pl. 32, 5th c., from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 197, pl. XIII, without channel, from Ephesus; Shear 1922, 406, fig. 14.11, from Sardis; Weber 2004, 31, no. 87, fig. 2, pl. 5, from Samos. For the representation on the disc, but lacking the channel on the nozzle, De Luca 1984, 50, no. 466, pl. 18. For the peacock to left, see Ioannidaki-Dostoglou 1982-1983, 119-120, figs 16-17. For same shape of lamp, but with peacock to left, see PoulouPapadimitriou, 1986, 589, no. 9, fig. 9.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 362 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1879 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6, flaked. Trace of burning. Small flake on nozzle. Trace of burning. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail with dot between. Discus: peacock, two filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. framing ring , channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Worn mould. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.064, H. 0.026 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.97 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 24-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 197. Other Nos: AE 108 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 261, no. 17, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1924, similar, sharper relief, with observations and parallels. Perhaps also ΠΧ 2248.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 363 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2948 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder, discus and nozzle preserved. Repaired. Discus: stag seated to right, turning head to rear, framing ring, channel to nozzle; two filling-holes. Shoulder: tendrils, loops in front. Base: nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.76, Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Α3, layer 1, 2nd level. 4-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 220. Other Nos: Excavation bag 102 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For theme cf. Λ 4777, ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 2004, ΠΧ 2573. See lamp (unpublished ?) from Troizen, in the Archaeological Museum of Poros. The deer is associated with the worship and sacrifices in honour of Egyptian deities, see Katsioti 2014a, 97.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 364 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1167 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 ΥR 6/3, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail with dot between. Discus: quadruped (goat or gazelle, bull or dog), framing ring; channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: within ring, double incised circle; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Impressed circular mark. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.063, H. 0. 025 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 24-12-1959. Excav. Diary: 3α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2620, ΠΧ 2511. See Miltner 1937, no. 194, pl. XIII, from Ephesus; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 185-186, no. 4, pl. 82b, from Samos; lamp from Vrykous, on Karpathos, KP 169. On these, the animals, moving to the left, are usually bulls.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 365 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6427 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/3, micaceous, poorly fired, friable. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, ending in ridges from base-ring to handle. Discus: uncertain representation, trophy (?), framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern, with petal-shaped decoration at nozzle. Base: within ring, ring-and-dot pattern, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.063, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Ill: 113 Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2769 (similar).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 366 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2769 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4 micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of discus, shoulder and base preserved. Discus: uncertain representation, trophy (?), framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: ringand-dot pattern, with petal-shaped decoration at nozzle. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Valakis-Volonakis plot; Navarinou Street/side-street off Cheimarras Street. Fill of covered rectangular structure (?). 1973. Excav. Diary: 42, p. 116-120 (?) Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 951-954. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6427 (similar).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 367 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1872 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3, with a little mica. Slip: red, reddish-yellow in places due to firing, flaked. Trace of burning on the nozzle. Complete, repaired at nozzle. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail with dots. Discus: basket with grapes. two filling-holes. Shoulder: globules, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. B); nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.086, W. 0.059, H. 0.026 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.87 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: ΑΕ 99 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 260, no. 14, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Brants 1913, no. 1133, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, in Leiden.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 368 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2914 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, poorly fired, flaked. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 4/2. Trace of burning. Part of base missing. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: cross, circlet at crossing of bars; triple framing ring; channel to nozzle; two filling-holes. Shoulder: vines, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.066, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Papastamatiou plot; K. Tsaldari and Athinon Streets. Cleaning of chamber tombs. 3-11-1983. Excav. Diary: 179, p. 309. Ill: 114 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1983, 389. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1917 and ΠΧ 2301 (no channel). See De Luca 1984, 50, no. 468, pl. 19, first half of 5th c., from Pergamon; Tidmarsh 2001, 654, 667, no. 15.93, fig. 162, pl. 87, 5th-6th c., from Toroni.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 369 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1214 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 2,5 ΥR 5/8, micaceous. Slip: similar, 10 R 4/8, worn. Trace of burning. Parts of discus, shoulder, nozzle and base missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: jewelled cross, raised framing ring, channel to nozzle; two filling-holes. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot pattern. Base: wide, raised ring (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.1 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Fill of funerary complex Δ. 15-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 267. Other Nos: ΑΕ 57 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 391, Q 3191, pl. 112, c. 550-650, from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2010a, 262, R 39, pl. 187, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 1221, pl. VII, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 370 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1227 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: pink, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid (grooved ?), ending in fishtail. Discus: cross interlaced with 4-petalled rosette (floriated cross), framing ring narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: guilloche. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.063, H. 0.038 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. Square Β3 and Γ3, tombs 1-11, layer 3. 7-101991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 263. Other Nos: Excavation bag 125, ΑΕ 159.


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Angeliki Katsioti Ill: 115 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2342, ΠΧ 1892 (all with rosette). On the subject-matter of the discus (rosette and cross), see Bailey 1988, 384, Q 3130, fig. 36, 143, 162, pl. 107, c. 500-600, from Kalymnos, 384-385, 3131 Q, fig. 36, pl. 107, c. 500-600 and Miltner 1937, no. 775, pl. V, no. 1110, pl. VI, from Ephesus. See also Brants 1913, no. 1125, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, in Leiden; Williams 1981, 72, no. 381, pl. 17, 4th-5th c., from Kenchreai; Miltner 1937, no. 412, pl. III, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 371 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2537 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: dark red, 2,5 YR 3/6, worn. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle and discus missing. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail with dot between. Discus: 6-petalled rosette marked with holes, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: guilloche, loops in front. Base: within double planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped groove (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.063, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found in close association with ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, along with glass fragments (before 4th c.). Cf. ΠΧ 1227 (with rosette and cross-leafy cross), ΠΧ 2342, ΠΧ 1892 (without channel, single filling hole). For dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014. See Williams 1981, 72, no. 381, pl. 17, from Kenchreai, 4th-5th c.; Dina 2010, 567, fig. 35, from Nea Anchialos; Brants 1913, no. 1125, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, in Leiden, with a single filling hole; Zahariadou 2000, 195, fig. 6, Attic (?) lamp with a single filling hole, imitation of Asia Minor, from the well of Herodou Attikou Street, in Athens.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 372 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2754 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: (?). Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/1, to grey. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: 10-petalled rosette, hatched framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils, loops in front. Base: within ring, five circles in form of a cross, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.089, W. 0.063, H. 0.02 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2326, ΠΧ 2498, on the basis of five circlets in cruciform pattern (same workshop ?). See Menzel 1969, 99, no. 635, fig. 81.6 from Miletus; Williams 1981, 72, no. 377, pl. 17, from Kenchreai, 4th-5th c.; Miltner 1937, no. 1785, pl. IX, from Ephesus; Roovers 1993, 155, pl. 114b-d, local production, from Sagalassus; Topoleanu 2000, 199, nos 518, pl. LXIV, 5th c., from Halmyris.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 373 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2326 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, five circles in form of a cross; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Impressed circular mark. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.066 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North of Square Δ3, -1.9/-3.1 m, pavement. 8-5-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 253. Other Nos: ΑΕ 386 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2754, ΠΧ 2498, on the basis of five circlets in cruciform pattern (same workshop ?).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 374 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2498 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 4/4, worn. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, five small circles in form of a cross; handle ending in fishtail with incised cross and pair of circles on wings. Nozzle set off by double V-shaped dotted grooves, in between dotted circlets. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.077 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vas. Sofias Streets. 1-10-1960. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 315. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, Chronika, 322. Remarks: Cf. for the cross between fishtails at base ΠΧ 2145. Cf. also ΠΧ 2326, ΠΧ 2754, on the base five circlets in a cruciform pattern (same workshop ?). Cf. Also the dotted incisions on the base in the vicinity of the nozzle ΠΧ 1327, ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014. On base see Iconomu 1967, 137-138, no. 714, fig. 160, 243 from Romania, of unknown origin.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 375 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2768 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6 micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and base preserved. Discus: double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils with berries; tongues on nozzle-top. Base: nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. From -1.4/-2 m, from upper and interior surface fill of domed space. 5-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 9, p. 317. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27.


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Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 376 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1207 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 5/6. Complete. Handle: pierced, ending in fishtail. Discus: narrow, small rosette round filling hole, double framing ring; narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: vines. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Lower part of mould worn. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.071, H. 0.023 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 187. Other Nos: ΑΕ 36. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2805, ΠΧ 1948 (with solid handles), ΠΧ 2785 (possibly with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2560 (no channel). See Miltner 1937, nos 1551, 1549, 1552, 1562, 1566, 1577, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 591, no. 11, fig. 11, mid 4th c.; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 191, no number, pl. 86b, from Samos (no channel); Szentléleky 1969, 119, no. 208 ab, from Asia Minor; Ηübinger 1993, no. 234, pl. 20; Shear 1922, 406, fig. 14.6, from Sardis; Kasubke, Möller 2012, 140, no. 168, pls 78.8, 83.6, from Nysa; Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1988, 117, no. 165, pl. 21, from Aquileia. On the decoration of the shoulder, the shape and the narrow channel, see Bouzek et al. 1978, no. 38. The pierced handle in Asia Minor lamps is rare, probably suggesting an early date, cf. ΠX 2673.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 377 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2955 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, worn at base. Trace of burning. Parts of shoulder, nozzle and base preserved. Repaired. Discus: framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: vines. Base: within ring, planta pedis (?), nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.11, Wpres. 0.075 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, W. part, centre of debris layer, -4.4/-4.55 m. 194-1992. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 153. Other Nos: ΑΕ 666 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Cf. typologically similar, but with a small rosette on discus ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2805, ΠΧ 1948 (with solid handles), ΠΧ 1207 (with pierced handle), with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2785 (perhaps with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2560 (no channel). Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 378 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2218 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: plain, double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: vines. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076, Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: Early 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kambouropoulos plot; Th. Sofouli Street 9. Earth removal. 11-71974. Excav. Diary: 63, p. 95. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2217. Cf. ΠΧ 2783. See Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3172, pl. 110, c. 550-650, from Ephesus; Bouzek, Civrtnikova, Marsa 1978, no. 38; Miltner 1937, no. 1577, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Zubar 1993, 57, pl. 22.5, from Cherson; Topoleanu 2000, 199, no. 517, pl. LXIV, 5th c., from Halmyris.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 379 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2783 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Handle missing. Handle: ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: rosette (?), framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.091, W. 0.067, H. 0.031 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Kiotari, cemetery. Flevaris plot; Tomb ΙΙ, -0.89 m, from the roof. 30-6-2009. Excav. Diary: 457, p. 195. Other Nos: ΑΕ 70 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Agiakatsika, Palaiologou 2009, 983-987. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2218. For the typological adaptation in imitation of Argive workshop, see Bovon 1966, 86, no. 601, pl. 15; Topoleanu 2000, 199, no. 518, pl. LXIV, 5th c., from Halmyris.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 380 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2749 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8 micaceous. Slip: similar (?), extensively flaked surface. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in ridges from base-ring to handle. Discus: plain, framing ring; narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: globules. Base: wide, ring-shaped (Eph. A). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.111, W. 0.068, H. 0.027 m. Date: 6th century (?) Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2751. See Roovers 1993, 156, pl. 115 a-b, local production, from Sagalassos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 381 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2751 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar (?), extensively flaked. Poor firing. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.082, W. 0.066, H. 0.026 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2749, with observations and parallels.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 382 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2785 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous, friable. Slip: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Trace of burning. Part of handle and base missing. Flaked. Handle: (pierced ?), ending in fishtail. Discus: narrow, within circle, 12-petalled rosette, double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils with berries. Base: double ring, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.063, H. 0.025 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Kiotari, cemetery. Flevaris plot. Τomb Ι, -0.17 m, from the entrance, -1.62 m. from the surface. 29-6-2009. Excav. Diary: 457, p. 177. Other Nos: ΑΕ 66 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Agiakatsika, Palaiologou 2009, 983-987. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1207 (with pierced handle), ΠX 1948, ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2805. See Shear 1922, 406, fig. 14.6, from Sardis; Miltner 1937, no. 1557, pl. VIII, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 383 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2805 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, flaked. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Trace of burning. Part of upper body preserved. Discus: within circle, 9-petalled rosette, double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle, tongues on nozzle-top. Shoulder: tendrils with leaves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.084, W. 0.07 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Atsidis plot; K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets, ΟΤ 341α. South-west part, east face, below wall 302, -2.1-2.92 m. 27-3-1998. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Giakoumaki 1997, 1087-1089. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 1207 (with pierced handle), with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2785 (possibly with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 1948, ΠΧ 2560 (no channel). Vague but clear link found with ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). See Shear 1922, 406, fig. 14.6, from Sardis; Miltner 1937, no. 1557, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Meric 2002, 133, L 107, pl. 83, from Ephesus; Kasubke, Möller 2012, 140, no. 168, pls 78.8, 83.6, from Nyssa.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 384 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2577 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, circlets between the petals, framing ring, channel to nozzle, four holes. Shoulder: rays. Base: wide, flat, within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. A). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.1, W. 0.063, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1165, ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077 (no channel). See Bailey 1988, 390, Q 3184, pl. 111, c. 550-650, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 1281, pl. VII, 6-petalled rosette, from Ephesus. As to the decoration Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8e-f, no. SE 505/1, 5th c., from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 385 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1165 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6, somewhat worn. Part of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: rosette, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: rays. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.066 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 196-197. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1899, ΠΧ 1925, ΠΧ 2028, ΠΧ 2056, ΠΧ 2296, ΠΧ 2357, ΠΧ 2527α, ΠΧ 2600, ΠΧ 2634, ΠΧ 2780, ΠΧ 2937, Λ 6066, Λ 6077, ΠΧ 2577 (with channel). See Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3147, pl. 108, c. 500-600; Miltner 1937, no. 794, pl. V, nos 993, 994, pl. VI, no. 1281, pl. VII, from Ephesus; Bailey 1985, 100, no. C688, pl. 20, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish); Bruneau 1965, no. 4701, pl. 33, from Delos; Boardman 1989, 121, no. 340, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Chrzanovski 2011, 321, no. 306, from Asia Minor, 6th c.; Steskal et al. 2003, 251, fig. 8e-f, no. SE 505/1, 5th c., from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 386 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2213 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: Northern Ionia (??) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid. Discus: double incised circle round wide filling hole, framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: plain. Base: undefined (?) The lower part is from a very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.096, W. 0.056, H. 0.027 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. AreaΑ1. 24-6-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 31. Other Nos: ΑΕ 29 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: The undefined base is frequently encountered on Rhodian lamps, perhaps due to the extremely worn mould, while the mica-content is excessive for a local product. Typologically see Miltner 1937, no. 732, pl. V, from Ephesus, discus smaller, globules on shoulder. The wide filling hole potentially argues for it to be an import of later date. Found with coins NB 3741-42, Justin I (518-527) and Constans II (643/4).


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 387 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1891 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Complete, small flake at shoulder. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, ring round wide filling hole. Shoulder: petaloid decoration, loops in front, double framing ring channel to nozzle, air-hole. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.066, H. 0.029 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.12/2.40 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 211. Other Nos: ΑΕ 142 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2190 (similar, larger filling hole, slightly later?). See Miltner 1937, no. 1283, pl. VII, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 388 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2190 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: plain, wide filling hole, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: petalloid decoration, loops in front. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078, W. 0.07, H. 0.029 m. Date: Possibly About 600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1891 (similar, narrower filling hole, a little earlier ?), with observations and parallels. The wide filling aperture argues for a later dating.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 389 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2578 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Trace of burning. Complete, few flakes. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: two incised circles round filling hole, double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: three rows of globules. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: L. 0.106, W. 0.076, H. 0.028 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Ill: 116 Remarks: Vague, but clear link found with Χ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). See Bailey 1988, 389, Q 3173, pl. 110, c. 550-650, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 1674, pl. IX, Ephesus (similar ?); Rautman 1995, 70, no. 2.111, fig. 23, end of the 6th c., from Sardis; Topoleanu 2000, no. 458, pl. LVI, 5th c., from Halmyris.


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 390 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2793 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Part of upper body preserved. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Pekmetzis plot; Early Christian basilica, Agesandrou Street. 22-9-1989. Excav. Diary: 3.10, p. 87. Other Nos: ΑΕ (α) 53 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Archontopoulos 1989, 510-516; Archontopoulos 1990, 507-510; Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos, 1991, 340-345. Remarks: Vague, but clear link found with ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, with observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). Found with ΠΧ 2792 and ΠΧ 2794 and coins NB 3792, Justinian (539/540) and NB 3829, Heraclius (632-641).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 391 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1327 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, not cleaned, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/6, in places. Part of shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail with impressed dots at edges. Discus: plain, incised branch round filling hole, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: rows of raised points, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within ring, planta pedis, between the two impressed dots, nozzle set off by double V-shaped dotted grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071, W. 0.06, H. 0.032 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. East baulk, of square Α1. East of wall 28 # 054, layer 2. 5-12-1989. Excav. Diary: 269, p. 467. Other Nos: ΑΕ 251. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou1991, 454-457. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 2567, ΠΧ 2579, ΠΧ 2585. In the broader region and in the Dodecanese: lamp Π 292 from tomb 9, in Kymisala, see Stefanakis, Patsiada 2009-2011, 79-80, fig. 37; lamp from the Nikolaidis plot, at Gennadi (unpublished); Lindos, Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3207, pl. 151; Tilos, unpublished lamp, without number; Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum AK 2346, from a grave at Flaskas; Kos, Kefalos from the Peros plot, AE 41; Roumeliotis 2001, 257, no. 3, pl. 1.3, no. 4, pl. 2.4, from Kardamaina; Didioumi 2010, 799, fig. 3b, mid 6th-first quarter of 7th c., from the city of Kos. See also Ladstätter 2008, 150-151, K 330, pl. 334 and Bailey 1988, 384, Q 3129, pl. 107, c. 500-600, from Ephesus (base); Conte 2005, fig. 9, from Siponto. The configuration of the base also has analogies with Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 72, L36, pl. IX, first half of the 6th c., from the island of Thassos. For dotted incisions on the base of the nozzle area cf. ΠΧ 1881, ΠΧ 1882, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1896, ΠΧ 2498, ΠΧ 2537, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 3014. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083. The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 392 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1172 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: somewhat similar, worn. Concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: three impressed dots near to nozzle, incised branch round filling hole, framing ring, channel to nozzle, three dots in channel. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: within ring, planta pedis between the two impressed dots, with a third between; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves, with signature (?) incised A (Eph B). Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.066, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Solounias plot; side-street off Amerikis. North-east corner, NE corner, at the limit of wall 36, ‘black soil’. 18-3-1982. Excav. Diary: 171, p. 31. Other Nos: AE 543 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1983, 388. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 2567, ΠΧ 2579, ΠΧ 2585. Also probably earlier ΠΧ 2045 A Perhaps comparable to a lamp from Samos, incised with A under the nozzle, with a bull on the discus, Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 185-186, no. 4, pl. 82b. The symbols in the lower portion in the vicinity of the nozzle, or letters, as a signature at the base, are present. Cf. ΠΧ 1160, ΠX 1170, Λ 2554, ΠX 1208, ΠΧ 2755, ΠΧ 1893, ΠΧ 1860, with an incised cross at the same point of the nozzle. Also, Bailey 1988, 384, Q 3129, fig. 136, pl. 107, c. 500-600, A on base, from Ephesus; Blinkenberg 1931, no. 3207, pl. 151, K on base, from Lindos; Striker, Kuban 1975, fig. 13.1, K on base, from Kalenderhane (6th-7th c.). For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083, ΠX 1327.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 393 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2567 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: grey. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: dotted band round filling hole, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.085, W. 0.062, H. 0.033 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2579, ΠΧ 2585, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1327. Lamps with this very common decoration, easy to copy, are produced in various places. See for example the local production at Hierapolis, Bernardi Ferrero 1993, 181-183 and from Halmyris on the Black Sea, Topoleanu 2000, 210, no. 543, pl. LXVIII, 6th-7th c. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083, ΠX 1327.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 394 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2579 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, with a little mica. Slip: dark brown, 7,5 YR 3/2. Trace of burning. Handle and nozzle missing. Handle: ending in dotted fishtail, with incision and dots on both sides. Discus: incised circle, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: ring-shaped, 8 impressed circlets and one in the centre, nozzle set off by double V-shaped dotted grooves, V shaped incision on nozzle. Impressed circular mark. Worn mould.


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Rhodian Lamps Dimensions: Lpres. 0.086, W. 0.065, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2567, ΠΧ 2587, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1327. See mainly Bailey 1988, 391, Q 3194, pl. 112, c. 550-650, from Kalymnos. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1327.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 395 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2585 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, poorly fired, flaked. Slip: dark reddish-brown, 5 YR 3/2. Trace of burning. Complete, with flakes. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail (?). Discus: plain, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.088, W. 0.065, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. especially ΠX 2567, ΠΧ 2579, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1327. Lamps with this very common decoration, easy to copy, are produced in various places. See for example the local production at Hierapolis, Bernardi Ferrero 1993, 181-183 and from Halmyris on the Black Sea, Topoleanu 2000, 210, no. 543, pl. LXVIII, 6th-7th c. See mainly Bailey 1988, 391, Q 3194, pl. 112, c. 550-650, from Kalymnos. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1327.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 396 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3033 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail with circlets at the edges. Discus: plain, incised branch round filling hole, small circles above channel. Shoulder: rows of raised points, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, small circle, nozzle set off by double V-shaped hatched grooves with impressed circle between. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.086, W. 0.059, H. 0.027 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1327.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 397 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1864 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: reddishyellow, 7,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Complete, flaked on shoulder. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: rings round the filling hole. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Dimensions: L. 0.099, W. 0.058, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -2.05, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings.21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 90 Ill: 117 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 112, no. L 246, pl. 33, 5th c., from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 398 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1861 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of shoulder and base missing. Repaired. Handle: solid. Discus: plain, large filling hole. Shoulder: globules, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.072, H. 0.029 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.80/2.05 m, the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, above AE 138-150, -2.12 m. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196 and p. 225. Other Nos: AE 87 and ΑΕ 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2040. See Bailey 1988, 390, Q 3185, pl. 111, 550-650, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 283, pl. XIII, from Ephesus. The channel in combination with the wide filling aperture may be features of a late date.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 399 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2040 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6 micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/8. Trace of burning. Part of front of lamp with nozzle preserved. Repaired and restored. Discus: plain, wide filling hole, framing ring, nozzle to channel, air-hole. Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076, W. 0.064, H. 0.026 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Korinthou Street. Area Π, -1.25/ -1.44 m. 6-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 320. Other Nos: AE 140 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: On the typology cf. ΠΧ 1861, with observations and parallels. The wide filling aperture in combination with the channel may be features of a late date.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 400 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2386 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Part of body and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Discus: wide filling hole, two rings round filling-hole, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: rays. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.092 m. Date: Possibly about 600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North extension, removal of east baulk. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 1841, pl. IX, from Ephesus, with smaller filling hole. The wide filling aperture in combination with the channel may be features of a late date.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 401 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1873 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Part of discus, handle and the tip of the nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: ending in fishtail. Discus: rings round filling-hole. Shoulder: plain, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: within circle, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08, W. 0.057, H. 0.027 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.87 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 100 and ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 1313, pl. VII, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 402 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2765 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of upper portion preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: plain, wide filling-hole, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078 m. Date: Possibly about 600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. -0.5/-0.8 m, from the upper internal surface of the domed place 1. 5-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 9, p. 316. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, nos 26 and 27. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 2030. See Rautmann 1995, 70, no. 2.110, fig. 22, end of the 6th c., from Sardis. The wide filling hole is a feature of the late lamps of the Asia Minor type.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 403 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1242 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved ending in two hatched elements stretching to the ring on the base. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: inner band with double incised petals, row of raised ring-and-dot patterns at the periphery, hatched panels. Base: within ring, circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.068, H. 0.028 m. Date: Possibly second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Street, south boundary of the plot. 30-6-1979. Excav. Diary: 1,1, p. 319-320. Ill: 118 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: This, in all likelihood, Asia Minor lamp combines a very specific type of decoration on its base with shoulder panels, unusual features for this category, as well as an unusual fishtail, that may indicate the transition to the ‘Samian’ type. See Miltner 1937, nos 158-159, pl. II, from Ephesus. For the end of the handle forming a Δ with the base ring, cf. Λ 3394, Λ 6069 (area of Klazomenai ??).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 404 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2791 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of the upper body and handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: rays, raised framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: ringand-dot pattern. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.08, W. 0.057 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Pekmetzis plot; Early Christian basilica, Agesandrou Street. 17-1-1990. Excav. Diary: 3.11, p. 25. Other Nos: AE (β) 10 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Archontopoulos 1989, 510-516; Archontopoulos 1990, 507-510; Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos, 1991, 340-345. Remarks: The simple decoration of the rays recalls lamps of the 7th c. from various areas, see Cicikova 1999, 106-107, fig. 7, from Novae, local product; Zachariadis 2011, 200, no. 104, no channel, 6th-7th c., from the Agora of Thessaloniki, derived probably from the southeastern Mediterranean.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 405 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 1082 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?). Thrace (?), Ikonomou type XXXIII. Description: Clay: light brown. Slip: red. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped. Discus: plain, wide filling-hole, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: rays in relief. Base: undefined. Dimensions: L. 0.108, H. 0.066 m. Date: First half of 7th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kladogenis plot; Vas. Marias and Kazouli Streets. 1966. Excav. Diary: 22 Other Nos: ΠΒΕ 566. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 534-536. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠX 1218. Also a lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished).


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Rhodian Lamps See Bailey 1988, 395, Q 3219, pl. 114, c. 550-650, from Sardis, with parallels from Ephesus, 399, Q 3231, Q 3233, pl. 115, c. 550-650, made in Moesia (Thrace), with parallels in the Balkans; Zaleskaya 1985, 319-321, fig. 12, from the Black Sea area; Hayes 1992, 83, 87-88, nos 89-96, pl. 23, from Saraçhane; Topoleanou 2003, 196, pl. CXIV, 4, from Halmyris, in Scythia Minor; Theoklieva-Stoićeva 2009, 112, no. 55, 5th-6th c., from Nesebar (Mesembria); Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 171-174, nos 108-110 from Cherson, 6th7th c.; Chrzanovski 2011, 324, no. 310, from Turkey, c. 550-650. In the Black Sea region and in Scythia Minor have been found workshop installations and moulds for similar lamps, see Tontcheva 1952-1953, 81-88; Radulescu 1981, 181-209. See also Sotiriou 1956, pl. 40a, from Nea Anchialos (with cruciform handle); Vitelli 1982, 196-199, nos 13-18, fig. 9.6, from the wreck of Yassi Ada (625-626), where other examples are also given; Bussiere 2007, 190, no. C 1996, pl. 126, from Algeria (Hippone); Vogt 2000, 94, fig. 45.1, from Eleftherna, where the lamp is recorded as from Asia Minor, although the same lamp (Themelis 2002, 107, fig. 134) is considered as an import from Constantinople, see Yangaki 2005, 233, n. 1435, dated to the 7th c. For a lamp with features akin to this catalogued piece from Thassos, and doubts expressed about whether it is from Asia Minor or from near the Danube region, see Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 75, no. L50, fig. 31, pl. X, 6th-early 7th c. These doubts are well founded, since such lamps and especially local versions have been found in eastern regions such as Amorion - see Lightfoot 2008, 285, fig. 18, 6th-first half of the 7th c.; Gill, Sen 2003, 33 (note by Lightfoot).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 406 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5541 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/2. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and nozzle preserved. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in fishtail in relief, with circlet within. Shoulder: vines, channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis (Eph. C). (Restored and part of same as Λ 5544 and Λ 5542). Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Funerary complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 91.(308) Other Nos: Excavation bag 91 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Cf. on the handle, ΠΧ 2236. As to the types of the handle, see also Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3149, pl. 108, fig. 144, c. 500-600, Ephesus, from Kertch; Boardman 1989, 119, no. 310, pl. 27, 4th c., from Emborio on Chios; Miltner 1937, nos 953, 954, pl. V, 330, pl. XIV, from Ephesus; Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 351, pl. 11, 5th c., from the Athenian Agora.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 407 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2236 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. worn. The lower part of the handle preserved. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in fishtail with incision and a dot on each side. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.054 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 15-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 14. Other Nos: AE 122 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Λ 5541 on the handle, with observations and parallels as to typology. Found with coins NB 1128-1129, Heraclius (613-617).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 408 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2763 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), North African type Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6 micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Discus, parts of handle and nozzle missing. Discus: framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: row of 8-leafed motifs. Base: ridge from base-ring to handle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.111, W. 0.065, H. 0.029 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tiliakos plot; Lochagou Fanouraki Street. Trench Α1, -1.35/ 1.95 m. 30-1-2008. Excav. Diary: 483, p. 43. Other Nos: AE 88 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2008, 1282-1285; Christodoulidis 2010, 484-487. Remarks: Cf. fabric similar to that of Asia Minor (?) Knidian (?) ΠΧ 2520. Probably imitates a lamp of Hayes type II, Atlante X,

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 409 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2348 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Unslipped. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: triangular decoration. Shoulder: alternating triangles (Bussière 2007, pl. 134, D2). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. West of square Δ3, west, -1.9/-2.4 m, under the floor. 25-4-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 244. Other Nos: AE 366 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Imitates lamp of Atlante type X.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 410 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2816 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Sardis (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Parts of base and two nozzles missing. Handle: part of a suspension hole. Discus: ring round fillinghole. Shoulder: loops in front. Base: ring-shaped, nozzles set off by triple V-shaped grooves, with central stem/rib. Dimensions: L. 0.13. H. 0.47 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. Fill of area between walls 32, 46, 50 and 27α, to -1.6 m. from wall 32. 30-11-1978. Excav. Diary: 115, p. 63. Ill: 119 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: See Crawford 1990, 59-60, no. L 67.5.7295, fig. 263, from Sardis (pink buff micaceous, and red slip, same dimensions).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 411 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1974 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red,10 R 5/8. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Shoulder: plain. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.03 m. Date: 2nd (?), 3rd (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Th. Louizidis plot; 28 Oktovriou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Square Β4-Β5, North of wall 25, east of wall 26, layer 7α. 14-9-1994. Excav. Diary: 357, p. 129. Other Nos: AE 409 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1994, 760; Patsiada 1996, 672-674.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 412 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2046 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Concretion. Small part of base with end of handle preserved. Handle: ending pointed in base. Base: incised circle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.03 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Τrench Β5, debris layer, depth to -1.4 m. 24-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 436, p. 371. Other Nos: AE 26 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234. Remarks: The orange colour of the coating may recall Ephesian products.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 413 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2452 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?), Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. 12-7-1985. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 107. Other Nos: AE 236 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: The configuration of the narrow shoulder with circlets recalls Ephesian lamps, see Bailey 1988, 381, Q 3098, pl. 104, 4th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 414 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3016 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/3. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Shoulder: small globules, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.051 m. Date: Possibly 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni; Menekleous Street. Central aisle, -3.3 m. 29-9-1998. Excav. Diary: 4,3, p. 160. Other Nos: AE 529 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 415 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2228 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, unplaced (?) Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle, the shoulder and the base preserved. Repaired. Handle: pierced, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: vines. Base: wide, ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Oculus of dome. 7-5-1980. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 250-251. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415. Remarks: The pierced handle, rare in Asia Minor lamps, cf. ΠX 2673, ΠΧ 1207, ΠΧ 1950, is likely to indicate an early date.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 416 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2938 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: similar. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: incised circle round filling-hole, framing ring. Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.059 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α3/Β3, burnt layer 1. 10-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 31. Other Nos: Excavation bag 273 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 417 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2939 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, semi-worn. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: tendrils. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.039 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk of square Α2, layer 1. 6-9-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 228. Other Nos: AE 127 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 418 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2950 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6, worn. Parts of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: row of raised ringand-dot patterns. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.053 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α3 Β3, layer 1 of pyre, 9-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 23. Other Nos: Excavation bag 261 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 419 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2963 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.044 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α1/Α2, junction Α1Β1/Α2Β2, layer 5. 6-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 15. Other Nos: Excavation bag 252 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 420 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1871 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, friable, incompletely fired. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of base preserved; repaired. many parts do not join. Handle: ending in two tongues, with incision between. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. C ?). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Region A1, -1.87 m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 98 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 421 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2597 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: dark reddish-brown, 5 YR 3/3. Part of nozzle preserved. Shoulder: globules (?). Base: nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α, -1.9 m, 2nd ‘pass’. 24-5-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 154. Other Nos: AE 11 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 422 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2602 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved. Repaired. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, under ΑΕ 167-170. 16-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 239. Other Nos: AE 219 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 423 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2603 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, grey from firing. Part of nozzle and base preserved. Worn mould. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 424 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2604 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail with dot between. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 425 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2607 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle preserved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.04 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 426 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2608 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink 5 YR 7/4, micaceous, flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of body with nozzle preserved. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 427 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2609 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: (?) Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.054 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 428 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2610 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: grey, worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: rays, double framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.025 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 429 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2611 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 430 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2613 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, to grey, worn. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 431 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2614 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: grey. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail, with circlet between. Shoulder: tendrils (?) Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 432 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2615 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: grey, worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Shoulder: tendrils (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 433 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2616 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 7/6, worn. Handle preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.03 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving, with ΑΕ 174-176 and ΑΕ 177-178. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 434 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2618 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 435 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2619 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 436 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2621 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: dark reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 5/6, to grey. Part of shoulder and base preserved. Handle: ending in fishtail. Shoulder: plain, framing ring. Base: within ring planta pedis. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 437 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2623 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: grey. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail with vertical incision between. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 438 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2628 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-brown, 10 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.031 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 439 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2629 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 440 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2630 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: grey. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 441 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2631 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.037 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 442 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2632 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 8/4, to grey, worn. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, fishtail. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 443 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2635 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, planta pedis, fishtail. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.026 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 444 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2637 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: raised ring-and-dot pattern, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.032 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 445 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2648 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. In two non-joining pieces. Shoulder: leaves and tendrils, double framing ring. Worn mould. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.2 m. 13-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 162 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 446 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2651 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: tendrils and leaves, double framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.049 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α, extension to east, 1st ‘pass’. 1-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 204. Other Nos: AE 124 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 447 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2652 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 10 YR 4/8. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.052 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Region Α, extension to east, 1st ‘pass’. 1-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 204. Other Nos: AE 124 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 448 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2654 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid. Shoulder: leaves, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.051 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above ΑΕ 151-166. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 223. Other Nos: AE 209 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 449 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2658 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.047 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, below the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 10-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 217. Other Nos: AE 180 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 450 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2661 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: (figured), framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 206. Other Nos: AE 130 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 451 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2663 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: globules, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 206. Other Nos: AE 130 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 452 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2664 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, to grey. Two, non-joining, pieces of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, above the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 206. Other Nos: AE 130 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 453 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2680 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: grey. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, fishtail (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.051 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2/-2.5 m. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 207. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 454 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2683 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: to grey. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: vines. Discus: (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.051 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2/-2.5 m. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 207. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 455 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2684 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: to grey. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: globules and raised points, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2/-2.5 m. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 207. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 456 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2685 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Shoulder: raised ring-and-dot pattern. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.046 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, sieving of the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2/-2.5 m. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 207. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 457 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2627 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 10 YR 4/8 to grey. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1., -2.25 m, cleaning above ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2484.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 458 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2484 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of base, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail, impressed circle at edges. Shoulder: tendrils and leaves, double framing ring. Base: within dotted ring, planta pedis (Eph. B). Dimensions: Wpres. 0.054 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; P. Mela and Diagoridon Streets. From the quadrilateral pit, east of water conduit δ΄ . 5-5-1965. Excav. Diary: 13α, p. 316 ff. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2627.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 459 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2485 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Shoulder: globules. Base: nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves with dots between the incisions. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; P. Mela and Diagoridon Streets. From the quadrilateral pit, east of water-pipe δ΄ . 5-5-1965. Excav. Diary: 13α, p. 316 ff. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 460 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2488 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: whitish. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: rays, double framing ring. Discus: (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Menexelis plot; P. Mela and Diagoridon Streets. North and east of water-pipe γ΄ , -1.4/-2.2 m. 3-6-1965. Excav. Diary: 16, p. 98. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 461 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1982 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4 micaceous. Slip: similar, worn. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Shoulder: tendrils, spiral decoration on either side of nozzle. Base: nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.074 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Atsidis plot; Parthenopis Street (OT 341α). Square Ε5, +1.2 -1.58 m. 28-5-1997. Excav. Diary: 385, p. 298. Other Nos: AE 1013 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Giakoumaki 1997, 1087-1089.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 462 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1983 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, friable, flaked. Solid handle preserved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.033 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Εarth moving, ± 0.3 m. of wall 4, in region Α (cistern). 17-7-1974. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 223-224. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 463 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1998 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/6 worn. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: globules at the inner band, hatched band at the rest. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.025 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central area. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 464 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1999 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.024 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central area. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 465 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2006 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6. Slip: very pale brown, 10ΥR 8/3. Trace of burning. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.056 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 466 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2571 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle preserved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.03 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256); Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Fill of tomb 8. 1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 236. Other Nos: AE 69 Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 1503-1504, ΠΧ 2572.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 467 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2697 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.043 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Parapigmatouchon development, Analipsi district. Fill of tomb 10. 23-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 328. Other Nos: Excavation bag 101 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 468 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2039 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.03 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Korinthou Street. Area Π, -1.25/ -1.44 m. 6-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 320. Other Nos: AE 410 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676. Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 469 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2516 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle and shoulder preserved. Shoulder: globules, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.057 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 470 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2518 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous, flaked. Slip: similar, worn. Three non-joining pieces preserved. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Very worn mould. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676. Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 471 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2519 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous, flaked. Slip: similar. Part of base and shoulder preserved. Shoulder: vines, double framing ring. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.09 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 472 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2521 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: similar. Concretion. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.04 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 473 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2058 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Five non-joining pieces preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Discus: row of raised points, double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Base: within ring, planta pedis. Lower part of mould very worn. Date: 500+ Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. Square Θ4, depth to -2.52 m. (↓ 1.62 m.). 22-2-2007. Excav. Diary: 382, p. 144. Other Nos: AE 105 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1335-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 474 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2078 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.036 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Nikolis plot; Ergeiou Street 8. Deposit in a shaft. -1.26 m. 1-8-2002. Excav. Diary: 3,17, p. 359. Other Nos: Excavation bag 258 Bibliography: For the excavation, see (Archontopoulos), Psarologaki 2001-2004, 370-373. Remarks: Found with oxidized bronze cross, AE 261.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 475 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2104 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8. Handle and part of shoulder. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: leaves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.043 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α3, -2.7 m. 29-10-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 259. Other Nos: AE 239 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 476 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2117 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, fishtail with vertical incision between, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves with impressed circlets between. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.073 m. Date:500 + Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kambouropoulos plot; Th. Sofouli Street 9. East of marble inlay floor and wall Η2. 22-7-1974. Excav. Diary: 63, p. 106.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 477 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2217 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: figured (?). Shoulder: row of raised ring-and-dot patterns, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: 500 + Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kambouropoulos plot; Th. Sofouli Street 9. Earth removal. 11-7-1974. Excav. Diary: 63, p. 95. Remarks: Found along with ΠΧ 2218.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 478 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2513 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 4/4. Part of discus preserved. Discus: rosette. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.026 m. Date: About 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Square Β2, -0.4 m. 9-6-1989. Excav. Diary: 258, p. 177. Other Nos: AE 15 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 479 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2157 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.055 m. Date: 500+. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. Tomb 5, north part. 5-10-1977. Excav. Diary: 105, p. 27-28. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 480 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2286 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/8. Slip: pinkishwhite, 7,5 YR 8/2. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in incised branch. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. North of the sarcophagus, ± 0.15 m. 8-9-1977. Excav. Diary: 68, p. 268. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 481 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2182 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle and part of shoulder. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail with impressed circlet between. Shoulder: raised ring-and-dot pattern. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.054 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Α, no. 1. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 482 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2184 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: reddishyellow, 10 YR 4/3. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.039 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Α, no. 1. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 483 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2121 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Slip: (?), grey, due to firing. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves, handle ending on two tongues with incision between. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katinas plot; Herakliou and Komnenon Streets. Area 9 and sewer ΙΙ. 2-9-1964. Excav. Diary: 12, p. 214. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1965, 580.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 484 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2221 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay and slip: grey (destruction layer). Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: figured (?), Shoulder: globules, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Stoa Γ, fill. 7-2-1980. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 154. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 485 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2224 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay and slip: grey (destruction layer), micaceous. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: figured (?), head of animal (?). Shoulder: (?). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.046 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Cleaning west of wall 53. 22-12-1979. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 99. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 486 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2251 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Tsokas-Chatzistamatiou plot; G. Seferi Street. Area Δ2, tomb 2, -2.75 m, 1st ‘pass’. 31-10-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 299. Other Nos: AE 303 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1289; Bairami 2007, 1335-1338.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 487 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2264 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Shoulder: row of ring-and-dot patterns. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, D. Karageorgiou plot; Ammochostou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. North face 0.1, heap of stones, H. ± 0.6 m. from Ε.Γ.Ε. 9-5-1996. Excav. Diary: 367, p. 327. Other Nos: AE 64 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1996, 674-675; Bairami 1997, 1079-1080; Bairami 1998, 930-933.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 488 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2265 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.028 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, D. Karageorgiou plot; Ammochostou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. North face 0.1, heap of stones, H. ± 0.6 m. from Ε.Γ.Ε. 9-5-1996. Excav. Diary: 367, p. 327. Other Nos: AE 64 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1996, 674-675; Bairami 1997, 1079-1080; Bairami 1998, 930-933.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 489 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2175 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink 5 YR 7/4, micaceous, flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: three rows of raised points. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.054 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Δ1, removal of the 6th ‘pass’ of fill, until -3.45 m. 2-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 342, p. 20. Other Nos: AE 696 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618. Kaninia 2001-2004, 231.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 490 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2324 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous, flaked. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: rosette (?). Shoulder: plain (?). Base: Eph A. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. East of square, layer 1α, -1.1/-1.9 m. 18-2-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 332 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 491 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2327 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, where flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. Shoulder: tendrils (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Γ1, layer 2, -2.22/-2.50 m.18-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 79. Other Nos: AE 144 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228: Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 492 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2330 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7 YR 7/3. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern, double framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.046 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2Α3, baulk, layer 1, -1.4/-1.8 m. 14-11-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 65. Other Nos: AE 108 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 493 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2331 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, where flaked. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Shoulder: rays, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α1, layer 2, -1.44/-1.6 m. 27-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 13. Other Nos: AE 22 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 494 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2332 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 4/4, worn. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2, layer 2, -1.44/-1.6 m. 26-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 7. Other Nos: AE 5 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 495 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2338 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 5 YR 5/4. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: vines, double framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2Α3, layer 1, baulk, -1.4/-1.8 m. 18-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 81. Other Nos: AE 147 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 496 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2339 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, flaked. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail with dot between. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.039 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Β2, layer 1, -1.7/-2.05 m. 16-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 67. Other Nos: Excavation bag 111 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 497 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2340 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, fishtail, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Γ2, layer 2α, -1.72 m. 3-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 112. Other Nos: AE 232 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 498 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2341 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.052 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Γ2, layer 2α, -1.72 m. 3-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 112. Other Nos: AE 232 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 499 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2344 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: dark greyish-brown,10 YR 4/2. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid grooved. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Base: Eph A. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.025 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α3Β3, layer 2, -1.78/1.92 m. 31-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 100. Other Nos: AE 192 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 500 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2345 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Shoulder: globules, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Δ3, -1/-3 m. 25-4-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 246. Other Nos: AE 369 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 501 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2352 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, unplaced (?) Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle preserved. Handle: solid. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.039 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Β1, west part, layer 2, -1.56/-2.1 m. 26-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 9. Other Nos: AE 14 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 502 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2353 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous, friable. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North of wall Δ3, surface layer, -1.2/-1.7 m. 26-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 250. Other Nos: AE 374 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 503 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2354 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Unslipped. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: leaves, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.046 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North of wall Δ3, surface layer, -1.2/-1.7 m. 26-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 250. Other Nos: AE 374 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 504 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2367 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous, poorly fired. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: globules, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.064 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2Α3, baulk, layer 1, -1.4/-1.8 m. 17-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 71. Other Nos: AE 120 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 505 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2372 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8. Part of base preserved. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.033 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α3, layer 2, -1.78/-1.92 m. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 108. Other Nos: AE 218 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 506 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2387 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Trace of burning. Nozzle preserved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.022 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Northern extension, east baulk, earth moving. 13-7-2004. Excav. Diary: 446, p. 159. Other Nos: AE 343 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 507 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2405 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Slip: similar, 10 R 4/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.04 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Square Α2Α3, layer 2, -1.82 m. 26-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 90. Other Nos: AE 170 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 508 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2455 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved (Eph A). Shoulder: petalloid decoration (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.39 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Region between wall 1 (1β), ΙΙ, 8β, -0.75/-0.9 m. 4-2-1986. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 279. Other Nos: Excavation bag 237. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 509 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2456 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Region between wall (1β), ΙΙ, 8β, -0.75/-0.9 m. 4-2-1986. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 279. Other Nos: Excavation bag 237. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 510 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2457 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, ridge from base-ring to handle (Eph. A). Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Region between wall 1 (1β), ΙΙ, 8β, -0.75/-0.9 m. 4-2-1986. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 279. Other Nos: Excavation bag 237. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 511 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2800 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Ephesus Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of upper body and base preserved. framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Discus: figured (?). Base: ring-shaped, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Between walls 1-1Β, 8Β, ± 1.05/ 1.1 m. from wall 1. 7-2-1986. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 286. Other Nos: AE 337. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 512 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1304α Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: orange-yellow. Slip: similar. Part of body repaired. Dimensions: Lpres. 0. 07 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. East aisle. 19-12-1979. Excav. Diary: (7) 1.2, p. 315. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308: Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Found along with ΠX 1304d.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 513 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1304γ Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6 with a little mica. Slip: almost similar, worn. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette (?). Shoulder: rows of raised points. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061 m. Date: c. 500-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. East aisle. 19-12-1979. Excav. Diary: (7), 1,2. p. 315. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308: Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Found along with ΠΧ 1304d, ΠΧ 1304α, ΠΧ 1304b. See Bailey 1988, 385, Q 3139, pl. 107, c. 500-600, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 514 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2125 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle, part of shoulder, discus and base preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: (figured). Shoulder: globules. Base: ring-shaped (Eph. A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06, H. 0.029 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Venetokleion Gymnasion; K. Palaiologou Street. Well 5. 29-8-1970. Excav. Diary: 39, p. 46-47. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1971, 535-539; Patsiada 2013b, 57-58.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 515 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2588 Type/ Category: Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Shoulder: tendrils with berries, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.054 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Trianda, Ioannidis plot; ΚΜ 623Ε. Square Β2, layer α’, baulk 4, -0.5/-0.7 m. 23-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 21, p. 199. Other Nos: AE 57 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Katsioti 1988, 660-661.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 516 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2624 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.03 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Street. Area Α1, -2.25 m, sweeping over ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 517 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1183 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Base: Eph. A. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Early Christian basilica of Archangel Michael (Demirli); Athenas Square. Region 9. 27-10-1986. Excav. Diary: 21, p. 204. Other Nos: AE 334 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos 1991, 333-337.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 518 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2766 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4 micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of lower portion of nozzle preserved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.049 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. -0.5/-0.8 m, from the upper interior surface of the vaulted space 1. 5-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 9, p. 316. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, nos 26 and 27.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 519 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2776 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of body and nozzle preserved. Discus: figured (?), framing ring. Shoulder: plain. Base: within ring, planta pedis, nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. -1.5/-1.9 m, from the upper interior surface of the north of the vaulted space2. 24-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 21. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, nos 26 and 27.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 520 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2778 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.057 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. From -1.5/-1.9 m, from the upper interior surface of the north vaulted space2. 24-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 21. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 521 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2779 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Part of discus, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: figured (?), double framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.062 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. From -1.5/-1.9 m, from the upper interior surface of the north vaulted space 2. 24-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 21. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 522 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2795 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink 5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Shoulder: plain (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.042 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Pekmetzis plot; Early Christian basilica, Agesandrou Street. 23, 24-10-1989. Excav. Diary: 3.10, p. 121. Other Nos: AE (α) 84 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Archontopoulos 1989, 510-516; Archontopoulos 1990, 507-510; Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos, 1991, 340-345.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 523 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2819 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6, black from firing. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. Fill of area between walls 32, 46, 50 and 27α, to depth 1.6 m. from wall 32. 30-11-1978. Excav. Diary: 115, p. 63. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2818 for the fabric.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 524 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2919 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: pink, 5ΥR 7/4. Slip: yellowish-red, 5YR 6/8, semi-worn. Handle, part of shoulder and base preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Shoulder: globules. Base: ringshaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.044 m. Date: First half of the 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Theologos (Tholos) settlement. Temple of Apollo Erethimios. Clearing of surface layer of square Β8. 21-112011. Excav. Diary: 396α, p. 274. Other Nos: AE 164 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 162-163, no 3, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011 (forthcoming); Triandafyllidis 2012 (forthcoming).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: AM 525 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2927 Type/ Category: Asia Minor Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Slip: similar. Handle preserved. Handle: solid. Date: First half of the 6th century (?) Provenance: Theologos (Tholos), settlement, Temple of Apollo Erethimios, Potsos plot complex. Square Β10, layer 1, -0.43/0.63. 29-7-1996. Excav. Diary: 374, p. 26. Other Nos: AE 773 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 162-163, no 1, fig. 1. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011 (forthcoming); Triandafyllidis 2012 (forthcoming).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps B. 6. The Knidian Lamps imitation signature mentioned, there are included also lamps of composite form – namely (ΠΧ 2177, ΠΧ 2841, ΠΧ 3040–ΠΧ 3046), some of the many examples that have survived in Rhodes,521 ΠΧ 2433, with the typical decoration comprising incised rosettes on the shoulder, and ΠΧ 1988, ΠΧ 2070, ΠΧ 2902, ΠΧ 2910, lamps also of the 2nd century, for which, in the light of their characteristics, a Knidian origin is assumed. These defining examples are enough both to demonstrate the variety of imports from Knidos to Rhodes, which was significantly reduced after the 2nd century, and also sufficient to roughly illustrate the problems of the late production of this city of Asia Minor. Some of these aspects are discussed below.

Knidοs, a city in Caria, lies on the west coast of Asia Minor: it was a powerful commercial centre in ancient times, with an excellent port. A prominent member of the Doric Exapolis (together with Kos, Halicarnassus, Kamiros, Ialyssos and Lindos on Rhodes), the city had close ties with Rhodes: Knidian pottery is found on the island, along with other products of her workshops,517 on a large scale. This is, however, but a small part of the relationship between the two cities. Numerous Knidian lamps of the 1st to 2nd centuries have been recovered on Rhodes. They include pieces from the famous and highly productive workshop ROMANE(Ν)SIS:518 these demand special investigation, but to do them justice is beyond the scope of this study. From the corpus here studied are to be included ΠΧ 1979, ΠΧ 2842, ΠΧ 2850 and ΠΧ 2982, just a few of the lamps with a type of imitation signature on the base:519 these have been ascribed to the above workshop although they come from different hands/ moulds. Whether these lamps coexisted with those of the famous workshop, or were produced later when it had ceased production in the 2nd century, as Bailey speculates,520 is a question unlikely to be answered at this stage of the investigation. Comprehensive study is required, enhanced by adding the finds from the islands, and including those of Knidos itself.

Knidian manufacturers of the 3rd and 4th centuries522 remain essentially unidentified. Bailey in particular has taken the view that the production of lamps in this city was suspended sometime in the 3rd and continued on so throughout the 4th century. This is quite a bold observation, especially given that Knidian lamps of the two Early Christian phases are known and highly widespread, which is not the case for the production of other ceramic forms, e.g. amphorae.523 He recognizes three lamps of the 2nd to 3rd centuries in the British Museum as attempts to imitate Broneer type XXVII. But, as he mentions, there are no Knidian lamps that represent the next chronological type (Broneer XXVII), i.e. later than the start of 3rd century.524 Relying on the material from the excavations at the sanctuary of Demeter, but also from the fact that Knidian lamps from the following centuries have not been recognized by other researchers, he attributes, with many misgivings, a few items to later years, but is inclined more towards arguing for a cessation of production. However, after the assignment by Bailey of specific lamps (Q 3001–Q 3006) of the 5th–6th centuries to Knidian manufacturers, the whole question should be reconsidered, since some of them might have come from Rhodes, while, in addition, these particular specimens were not found in Knidos but on Kalymnos. As mentioned in the chapter on Rhodian lamps, these lamps may be comfortably placed with those from production lines in Rhodes, while, moreover, their clay resembles the Rhodian.

It seems, however, that other workshops did imitate the well-known signature, even still in the 3rd century, from when ΠΧ 1979 probably dates: this is the latest of those mentioned above. The good quality of this lamp, featuring the relatively smooth and sieved clay, the engravings on the handle (which end up as one at the base) and the ovolo-decoration on the shoulder, reveals the differences from and similarities with the dominant Corinthian products of the era. This piece also draws attention to the interesting matter of their imitation in Asia Minor and, just as importantly, allows their dating (or that of the workshops using the imitation signature) to run down until the 3rd century, as is shown by the archaeological data. Apart from the lamps with the For the products of the Knidian ceramic workshops and their dissemination, see Bailey, 1972–1973, 11–25; Bailey 1979, 257–272; Bailey 1985, 327–337; Mandel 1988, 99–191. For Knidian production, until about 150 AD, see also Kögler 2005, 50–62. For aspects of the presence of Knidian pottery on Rhodes, until about 150 AD, see Patsiada 2004, 141–157; Patsiada 2009, 272–273, no. 248, 280–281, no. 264, 282–283, no. 267, 284–286, no. 268 (examples of ithyphallic Knidian vessels from Rhodes); Katsioti 2014a, 95–110. 518  For this workshop, active from 70 to 130 AD, see notably Perlzweig 1961, 4; Heres 1968, 185–211; Williams 1981, 27–30; Bailey 1988, 332; Bailey 1972/1973, 22; Pastutmaz Sevmen 2013, 202–207. The traces of its facilities were discovered in the Knidian peninsula, Empereur 1986, 103, n. 1. 519  Hellmann 1985, 27, no. 13; Williams 1981, 27–30. Perlzweig 1961, 4, still refers to the possibility of the pirating of the workshop’s signature. 520  Bailey 1988, 115.

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Therefore the solution to the problem of Knidian production from the 3rd to 4th centuries and onwards For complex vessels found in Rhodes, see Katsioti 2014a, 95–110. After this article was written, parts of eight more composite vessels (e.g. ΠΧ 2841, ΠΧ 3040–3046) were recovered, which are included here in order to make some sort of corpus of such items found on Rhodes. One can also add to the literature: Tassaux, Matijasic, Kovacic 2001, 200, figs 15–17. 522  Bailey 1988, 333. 523  See Dündar 2013, 167–175, for a collected résumé of Late Roman pottery workshops down to the 7th century. 524  Bailey 1988, 332–333, 363, Q 2989–Q 2991, pl. 96. 521 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti should certainly be focussing on the key features of the clay fabric of the ceramics produced at Knidos, in order to formulate some proposals. The Knidian clay and its slip, at least for products of the 2nd century, have been described as follows:525 hard, fine, orange or maroon in colour, often with a grey core, with few inclusions and golden mica, which is not always visible, with a slip ranging from bright orange-red to a rustybrown, and having a glossy, metallic even ‘iridescent’ texture. This last feature, namely the coating creating the iridescence,526 is often found on Knidian ceramic products, such as clay lampstands and which are found throughout the Mediterranean basin, including Rhodes.527 The texture of the coating with its metallic sheen in the later examples may acquire a yellowish tint: this feature allows, as a working hypothesis and as listed in the present study, one to place those lamps with the same characteristic as items from Knidian workshops from the 4th–5th until the 7th centuries. As observed by Bailey, another strong indication for placing such lamps in the Knidian output is the manner in which the slip on many occasions is unevenly spread, and so creates runs, sometimes heavy, on the sides of the lamp.528 This feature, combined with the iridescence of the texture, is seen in ΠΧ 1988, ΠΧ 2070, ΠΧ 2087 (?), ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2177, ΠΧ 2433, ΠΧ 2465, ΠΧ 2739, ΠΧ 2902, ΠΧ 2850, ΠΧ 2910, ΠΧ 2974 ΖΟ( ), ΠΧ 2982, ΠΧ 3013 and Λ 6294. Of additional interest is the fact that this feature is observable in lamps produced over a great chronological range. Further the grey clay core, evident in ΠΧ 2087, ΠΧ 2177, ΠΧ 2070, ΠΧ 2850, ΠΧ 2982 and ΠΧ 3013, is a further clue as to Knidian production, as mentioned above.529

ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2171, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2784, ΠΧ 2946, ΠΧ 2989, ΠΧ 3013, Λ 4777 and Λ 6294), ‘Samian-type’ lamps (ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2846 and Λ 6294), North African types of hybrids (ΠΧ 2465), and lamps with an applied folded loop handle (ΠΧ 1226, ΠΧ 2087 and ΠΧ 2739). Among the last set, ΠΧ 2739 perhaps imitates a Rhodian prototype, a variant of which is the likely Rhodian ΠΧ 1921: although of larger size but from a worn mould,530 it reveals links between Rhodian and Knidian workshops. ΠΧ 2087 was closely associated with the coin NB 3865 of Mauricius (589–590). Remarkable is ΠΧ 2124, an Asia Minor-type, probably early: it recalls in its elongated shape lamps of the 2nd century. Excluding those lamps with the imitation signatures, just one other fragment, ΠΧ 2974, preserves part of the signature ΖΟ( ). Accordingly if our above theories concerning Knidian origin are correct, the production of lamps in the Asia Minor area could be extended from the 4th–5th centuries down to the 7th, including imitations, not always uninspired, of various other types. The limited quantities involved are an indication of the reduced role of Knidos in production and exports. Thus, as has been assumed for the early Roman period,531 Knidian ceramic output across the board decayed, unable to compete with other centres, but was not totally interrupted, at least as regards the lamps. One of the reasons for this, for the period down to the 2nd century, was perhaps the lack of specialization in particular types, the failure, that is to say, to develop a marketing system that would allow the development and diffusion of production and export. Nonetheless, recent research on the common pottery-wares has led to the conclusion that despite the importing of material, Knidian manufacturers do look to have existed between the 4th and 6th centuries, with clearer evidence for at least the 5th century.532

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Amongst those considered as Knidian products in the listings below are to be included the Asia Minor-type lamps (ΠΧ 1231, ΠΧ 1948, ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2124,

For their characteristics, see Perlzweig 1961, 4; Hayes 1972, 411– 412; Bailey 1980, 130–131; Bailey 1985, 90–91; Bailey 1988, 333; Warner Slane, Dickie 1993, 434, n. 6 and 498 n. 99; Kögler 2005, 24–26; Hayes 2008b, 105–106 (‘The slip on the outside is sometimes a glossy vermilion-red, but more usually thin and varnish like, sometimes with a metallic luster, ranging in color from orange through brown and sepia to black.’); Sackett 2010, 159–168, n. 160. 526  The metallic texture of the slip observed on some Attic lamps is somewhat different, see for examples Karivieri 1996a, 210, no. 167, pl. 36 first half of the 5th century, from the Athenian Agora. 527  Katsioti 2014a, 95–110. 528  Bailey 1988, 333. 529  Hayes 2008b, 105. 525 

See also the chapter on the Rhodian lamps, B.4. See Kögler 2005, 50–62, especially 56 n. 39; Kögler 2010, chap. II, passim. 532  Doksanalti, Tekocak 2014, 281–286. 530  531 


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Rhodian Lamps Concordance ΠΧ 2070 Kn 11 ΠΧ 2077 Kn 30 ΠΧ 2087 Kn 26 ΠΧ 2124 Kn 22 ΠΧ 2137 Kn 33 ΠΧ 2171 Kn 32 ΠΧ 2172 Kn 42 ΠΧ 2176 Kn 35 ΠΧ 2177 Kn 1

ΠΧ 2343 Kn 29 ΠΧ 2433 Kn 12 ΠΧ 2441 Kn 43 ΠΧ 2465 Kn 45 ΠΧ 2525 Kn 38 ΠΧ 2739 Kn 25 ΠΧ 2784 Kn 23 ΠΧ 2841 Kn 9 ΠΧ 2842 Kn 17

ΠΧ 2846 Kn 44 ΠΧ 2850 Kn 18 ΠΧ 2902 Kn 13 ΠΧ 2910 Kn 14 ΠΧ 2946 Kn 27 ΠΧ 2974 Kn 21 ΠΧ 2982 Kn 19 ΠΧ 2989 Kn 37 ΠΧ 3013 Kn 39

ΠΧ 3040 Kn 6 ΠΧ 3041 Kn 4 ΠΧ 3042 Kn 2 ΠΧ 3043 Kn 3 ΠΧ 3044 Kn 5 ΠΧ 3045 Kn 7 ΠΧ 3046 Kn 8 ΠΧ 3047 Κn 10 Kn 16 vacat

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Λ 4777 Kn 31 Λ 6294 Kn 40 ΠΧ 1199 Κn 41 ΠΧ 1226 Κn 24 ΠΧ 1231 Κn 28 ΠΧ 1948 Kn 36 ΠΧ 1979 Kn 20 ΠΧ 1988 Kn 15 ΠΧ 2009 Kn 34


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2177 Type/ Category: Knidian. Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow (with a grey core), 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/6, which the firing has rendered black in places, and with some damage, and runs. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Trace of burning. Lampstand, built up by hand from several separate mould-made elements. Restored and repaired with plaster. The supportstand is preserved with the lamp . Handle: pierced, grooved; impressed chevrons in front. Discus: 15-petalled rosette, double framing ring. Shoulder: wreath of leaves, poppy-heads and grapes in relief; oval shaped nozzle. Support: Harpokrates nude, with cloak around his hips, holds a finger to his mouth, leans on a Herm and holds a cornucopia. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.059, H. 0.105 m. Date: 70-120. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Trench Α5, -2.3/-2.6 m. 20-9-2004. Excav. Diary: 447, p. 78. Other Nos: AE 1631 Bibliography: Katsioti 2014a, 107, no. 22, fig. 10. For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 3041, ΠΧ 3042, ΠΧ 3043, ΠΧ 3044. See Katsioti 2014a, 95-110. for parallels and bibliography.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3042 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, yellowish-red, 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/6. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Support of a lampstand, built up from several separate mouldmade elements. Stem preserved. Support: Harpokrates nude, with cloak at shoulder and knee, holds a finger to his mouth and a cornucopia. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.131 m. Date: 70-130. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, from excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2177, ΠΧ 3041, ΠΧ 3043, ΠΧ 3044. See Katsioti 2014a, 97-98, no. 22, fig. 10 (ΠΧ 2177), no. 3, fig. 1 (Λ 4092), no. 15, fig. 7 (Λ 4103) no. 4, fig. 2 (ΠΧ 4102).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 3 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3043 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow (with a grey core), 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5YR 7/6. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Part of a lampstand, built up by hand from several separate mould-made elements. Handle: pierced, grooved, impressed chevrons in front. Discus: eagle with spread wings, framing circle. Shoulder: plain, oval shaped nozzle. Support: Harpokrates nude, with cloak around his shoulder, holds a finger to his mouth and has a cornucopia. Plinth: within a rectangular frame, tendrils. Backwards, inscription ΘΕ (ΟΙΣ ΛΑΒΕ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΗΡΙΟΝ) Dimensions: H. 0.186 m. Date: 70-130. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, from excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2177, ΠΧ 3041, ΠΧ 3042, ΠΧ 3044. Cf. eagle on the discus of the lamps of a lampstand found in the ancient cemetery of Damos, Kalymnos, in the Archaeological Museum. See Katsioti 2014a, 97-98, no. 22, fig. 10 (ΠΧ 2177), no. 3, fig. 1 (Λ 4092), no. 15, fig. 7 (Λ 4103), no. 4, fig. 2 (ΠΧ 4102). The eagle on the discus of the lamp is possibly a reference to the emblem of Zeus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3041 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/6, with runs. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Part of a lampstand, built up by hand from several separate mould-made elements. Handle: pierced, grooved, impressed chevrons in front. Discus: eagle with spread wings, framing circle. Shoulder: plain, oval shaped nozzle. Support: Harpokrates nude, with cloak around his shoulder, holds a finger to his mouth and has a cornucopia. Dimensions: L. 0.099, W. 0.069, Hpres. 0.121 m. Date: 70-130. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, from excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2177, ΠΧ 3042, ΠΧ 3043 ΠΧ 3044. Cf. eagle on the discus of the lamps of a lampstand found in the ancient cemetery of Damos, Kalymnos, in the Archaeological Museum. See Katsioti 2014a, 97-98, no. 22, fig. 10 (ΠΧ 2177), no. 3, fig. 1 (Λ 4092), no. 15, fig. 7 (Λ 4103) no. 4, fig. 2 (ΠΧ 4102). The eagle on the discus of the lamp is possibly a reference to the emblem of Zeus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3044 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/6, with the firing this has become grey. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Part of a lampstand, built up by hand from several separate mould-made elements. Support: Harpokrates nude, with cloak at shoulder and knee, his finger to the mouth and holding a cornucopia. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.111 m. Date: 70-130. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, from excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2177, ΠΧ 3041, ΠΧ 3042, ΠΧ 3043. Cf. Katsioti 2014a, 97-98, no. 22, fig. 10 (ΠΧ 2177), no. 3, fig. 1 (Λ 4092), no. 15, fig. 7 (Λ 4103), no. 4, fig. 2 (ΠΧ 4102). .

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 6 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3040 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow (with a grey core), 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/6 damaged, with runs. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Part of a lampstand, built up by hand from several separate mould-made elements. Support with a relief of Eros holding double pipes. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.0111 m. Date: 80-120. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, from excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 341, Q 2735, 80-120. pl. 82, probably from Corfu.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 7 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3045 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow (with a grey core), 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/6, which the firing has rendered black in places, and with some damage, with runs. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Part of a lampstand, built up by hand from several separate mould-made elements. Support with a relief of Eros, with crossed feet, holding an inverted torch. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.079 m. Date: 70-130. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, from excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Katsioti 2014a, 99, no. 5, fig. 3 (Λ 3792), no. 14, fig. 6 (Λ 3791).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 8 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3046 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow (with a grey core), 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/6, part-flaking away, which the firing has rendered black in places, and with some damage, with runs. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Part of a lampstand, built up by hand from several separate mould-made elements. Lamp: Handle: (pierced). Discus: 8-petalled rosette with pointed petals; between the petals small circles; double framing ring. Shoulder: plain; rounded protruding nozzle with volutes. Support with a relief of Eros-Herakles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.117, W. 0.059, H. 0.048 m. Date: 70-120. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, from excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Π 11827, Λ 4728, Katsioti 2014, 9899, no. 6, 17, fig. 4.8. As to the type of lamp (Loeschcke type V), see Bailey 1988, 340-341, Q 2727, 70-120, pl. 81. For the use of the theme of Herakles in late Roman times, see Eppinger 2015.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2841 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow (with a grey core), 5 YR 5/2 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 4/2, which the firing has turned black in places, with runs. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Lamp, part of a lampstand, built up by hand from several separate mould-made elements. Handle: pierced double grooved. Discus: heart-shaped, plain, double framing band, with angled tip. Shoulder: narrow, plain. Dimensions: L. 0.105, W. 0.061, H. 0.033 m. Date: 70-130. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Diakosavvas plot; Garibaldi Street. 8-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 9


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 10 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3047 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: hard in texture, reddish-yellow (with a grey core), 5 YR 6/6 with few inclusions and a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/7. ‘Sparkling’, metallic sheen. Handle preserved. Handle-ornament: relief bust of Sarapis. Lyre-shape incised on the lower part. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.061 m. Date: 80-120. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom, from excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 336, Q 2687 and Q 2686 for type of lamp, pl. 76, 80-120, from Knidos. For the theme and iconography, see Bailey 1988, 21-23.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2070 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, with grey core. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/6, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: band of double ovolo. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.6 m. Date: 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Sofokleous Square; Byzantine wall. Square Α3, layer 1α. 11-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 3.40. p. 32. Other Nos: AE 11 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kefala 2001-2004, 365-366. Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 380. Q 3084-3086, pl. 102, 1st-2nd c., discus plain or figured, from Ephesus. An indication for the lamp’s derivation from a Knidian workshop is the core of grey clay and ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 12 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2433 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, with runs. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Shoulder: buds in relief, heart-shaped raised nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.6/-0.9 m, earth removal. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 359-360, Q 2944, pl. 94, 2nd c., from Knidos.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 13 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2902 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: light reddish-brown 5 YR 6/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Trace of burning. Small part of nozzle missing. Handle: pierced, triple grooved, ending pointed in back. Discus: Nemesis winged with scales; double framing ring. Shoulder: ovolo, oval-shaped nozzle. Base: within circle, planta pedis. Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.071, H. 0.029 m. Date: 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tiliakos plot; Lochagou Fanouraki Street. Trench Γ1, -1.55 /2,64 m. 30-1-2008. Excav. Diary: 483, p. 47. Other Nos: AE 94 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2008, 1282-1285; Christodoulidis 2010. 484-487. Remarks: For the iconographic theme, see LIMC 6 (1992), Nemesis, (P. Karanastasi), 743, fig. 72, on the coinage of Hierapolis in Phrygia, 244-246. Bairami, forthcoming (1). An indication for the lamp deriving from a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 14 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2910 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: brown, 7,5 YR 5/3, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Part of discus preserved. Discus: dog (?), wolf (?) moving left. Shoulder: ovolo, framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.071 m. Date: 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moustakis plot; Diagoridon Street. 10-7-1967. Excav. Diary: 29, p. 268. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 438. Remarks: Cf. On the subject-matter of the discus, ΠΧ 2981, Λ 6562. For the typological parallel to a Knidian lamp, see Bailey 1988, 359, Q 2933, pl. 93, 2nd c. Also see Waldner, Ladstätter 2014a, 555, no. K 867, pl. 397, 1st-2nd c., from Ephesus. An indication for the lamp deriving from a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333). Images of dogs and even wolves may be related to their frequent presence in hunts which were organized in different cities of the Roman Empire, see Robert 1940, 325; Robert 1949, 128-129; Dunbabin 1978, 65-87.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1988 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/8. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Restored. Handle: pierced, impressed chevrons ending with a small circle. Discus: plain, dotted near handle, double framing ring. Shoulder: ovolo; heart-shaped nozzle. Base: within two circles, a small circle; dotted near nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.082, W. 0.061, H. 0.033 m. Date: 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Tomb 8. 30-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 366. Other Nos: AE 83 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: An indication for the lamp deriving from a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 17 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2842 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, ‘sparkling’, partly flaking away. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: pierced, grooved, impressed chevrons near discus. Discus: crater and vine; framing ring. Shoulder: plain; nozzle set of from rim by transverse ridge. Base: within circle, imitation signature. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.096, W. 0.068. H. 0.026 m. Date: 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Sambanis plot; P. Mela and Pindou Streets. Earth removal. 23-9-1963. Excav. Diary: 9, p. 281-282. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 324; Fatourou 1964, 465. Remarks: For the pseudo-signature, cf. ΠΧ 1979, ΠΧ 2850. ΠΧ 2982, as in many other lamps from Rhodes (Λ 8674, etc.) that are not included in the present catalogue. For the pseudo-signature, likely to imitate that of the famous Knidian workshop ROMANE(Ν)SIS, see numerous lamps, but not necessarily from the same Knidian workshop, Bailey 1988, 115-116, figs 148-149, by the end of the 2nd c. For the symbolism of the image, if the crater reflects Dionysian, Orphic and Pythagorean ideas, see Ignatiadou 2014, 43-59.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 18 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2850 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, core grey in places. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/6, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Handle preserved, part of shoulder and of base. Handle: pierced, grooved, impressed chevrons in front. Shoulder: plain, double framing ring. Base: within circle, imitation signature. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071 m. Date: 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platon Street. Fill -1.9 m, from -1.32 m. 11-8-1978. Excav. Diary: 107, p. 289. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: For pseudo-signature, cf. ΠΧ 1979, ΠΧ 2842, ΠΧ 2982, like many other lamps found in Rhodes (Λ 8674, etc.) not included in the present catalogue. For additional comments, cf. ΠΧ 2842.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2982 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, with a grey core in places. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, with runs. Part of base preserved. Base: within circle, imitation signature. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.059 m. Date: Probably 2nd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. South-west fill, junction Α1 Α2, layer 2. 28-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 334. Other Nos: AE 226 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For pseudo-signature cf. ΠΧ 1979, ΠΧ 2842, ΠΧ 2850, like many other lamps found in Rhodes (Λ 8674, etc.) that are not included in the present catalogue. For additional comments, cf. ΠΧ 2842.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1979 Type/ Category: Knidian, Broneer type XXVII Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: pale red, 10 R 7/4. Part of body and discus and handle preserved Handle: pierced, double grooved, impressed chevrons in front. Discus: gladiator (?), framing ring. Shoulder: band of small ovolo. Base: within circle, imitation signature, impressed circle above. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07, H. 0.031 m. Date: End of 2nd to first half of 3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Th. Louizidis plot; 28 Oktovriou and Lochagou Fanouraki Streets. Square Β4, between wall 25, north and west faces, layer 7α. 16-11-1994. Excav. Diary: 358, p. 25. Other Nos: AE 530 Ill: 120 Plate: 66 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1994, 760; Patsiada 1996, 672-674. Remarks: For pseudo-signature, cf. ΠΧ 2842, with comments, and ΠΧ 2850, ΠΧ 2982, like many other lamps found in Rhodes (Λ 8674, etc.) not included in this catalogue. For imitations of Knidian lamps of Broneer type XXVII, see Bailey 1988, 332-333, 363, Q 2989-Q 2991, pl. 96, both of them also incised with twig on the handle; Q 2991 also has a false signature. The decoration with ovolo is very common on the shoulder of Knidian lamps. See typically Bailey 1988, 335-360, Q 2765, Q 2907, Q 2917-Q 2932, Q 2945-Q 2953, pls 85, 92-94, etc.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 21 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2974 Type/ Category: Knidian Description: Clay: light reddish-brown 2,5 YR 6/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, with runs. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, discus and base preserved. Discus: wing (Eros ?). Shoulder: plain, framing ring. Base: within circle, signature ΖΟ( ) Plaster mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.068 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Β2-Β3, junction Α2-Β2/Α3-Β3, layer 2. 31-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 81. Other Nos: Excavation bag 321 Plate: 67 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: An indication for the lamp being produced at a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2124 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Knidian (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: similar, 5 YR 7/6, ‘sparkling’. Trace of burning. Complete, chipped at handle. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: wide, plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, hatched band; long nozzle, relief band flanked by volutes. Base: wide, two circles, nozzle set off by V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0106, W. 0.06, H. 0.03 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Karagiannis plot; 25 Martiou Street 11. North of the ancient road, in a rectangular place, -0.3 m. from the preserved surface of walls. 16-4-1963. Excav. Diary: 7, p. 253. Ill: 121 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 462. Remarks: The undecorated discus and general shape suggest that it may be an imitation of metal lamps, cf. ΠΧ 1890, ΠΧ 2085, ΠΧ 2747, Λ 6534. For the typology, cf. ΠΧ 2126, ΠΧ 2555, ΠΧ 2784. Regarding the lengthening of the nozzle, it is probably influenced by earlier lamps, as Bailey 1988, 336, Q 2681, pl. 75, 1st-2nd c., Knidian lamp from Kertch.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 23 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2784 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, Knidian (?) Description: L. 0.111, W. 0.073, H. 0.027 m. Dimensions: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’. Complete. Handle: solid, double grooved, ends in fishtail with small circle. Discus: wide, four vine-leaves in form of a cross with grape-bunches between. Double framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, globules. Base: within ring, impressed circles in a triangular arrangement. Nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves with vertical incision between them (Eph. B). Date: End of 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Kiotari, cemetery. Flevaris plot. Tomb Ι, -0.17 m. from the road, -1.62 m. from the ground. 29-6-2009. Excav. Diary: 457, p. 177. Other Nos: AE 66 Ill: 122 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Agiakatsika, Palaiologou 2009, 983-987. Remarks: On the subject-matter of the discus, cf. ΠΧ 2945. For the shape (narrow shoulder, globules) cf. ΠΧ 2695. The theme on the discus is probably a simplified version of that shown on early Byzantine mosaics (Caesarea Maritima, El Djem, Madaba, etc.), where vine tendrils issue from the four corners of the composition towards the centre. For the subject-matter, see Talgam, Shadmi, Patrich 2012, 77-104. About Dionysus and his attributes in Late Roman art, see Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2015, 188-194. About the antithetical emblems between Dionysus (vine) and Christ (cross), see Massa 2014.


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 24 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1226 Type/ Category: Knidian (?), Rhodian (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5YR 6/6, with inclusions. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6, ‘sparkling’. Trace of burning at nozzle. Part of handle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: narrow, concentric rings. Shoulder: three rows of globules, volutes face toward the nozzle. Base: the junction between underside of nozzle and globules on the lower wall is marked by curving ridges; within ring, incised branch. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.067, H. 0.035 m. Date: End of 4th-end of 5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. Central part, Room Γ, layer 4-burial. 18-101991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 332. Other Nos: Excavation bag 147, ΑΕ 215Α. Ill: 123 Bibliography: Katsioti 2010, 242, no. 12, fig. 12. For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1511, Stamatiadis plot, second half of 4th c., Archaeological Museum of Karpathos. Bailey 1988, 409, Q 3264, pl. 118, 4th c., from Kalymnos. See Miltner 1937, pl. XII, no. 157, from Ephesus. The lamp is imitating Attic ones, which in turn imitate Alpha-globule lamps, see typically ΠX 2672. See also Vasilcin 1976, no. 13, pl. II, an imitation from Bulgaria. The Attic imports (see typically ΠX 2095, ΠX 2267) considered to be imitations were widespread throughout Greece and in the islands. See Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 600. 602, no. 35, nos 47, figs 31, 44 and Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 219, 229-230, pl. 103a, from Samos, for original and copy. The texture of clay and ‘sparkling’ slip may indicate products of the Knidian ceramic tradition, cf. ΠX 1199.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 25 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2739 Type/ Category: Knidian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Part of nozzle missing. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: horse in parade, framing ring. Shoulder: hatched band. Base: ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085, W. 0.058, H. 0.028 m. Date: Probably 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations from the period of Italian Rule. Ill: 124 Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1921 (Rhodian ? Larger, different rendition of the shoulder). Probably influenced by Cypriot lamps of the 4th c., with the victorious horse, cf. ΠΧ 1203, ΠΧ 2035, ΠΧ 2552 (EYTY)ΧΗΤΟC. They may, however, imitate North African Hayes type IB, for example Bubic 2012, 134, no. 21, 4th-5th c., with channel, from Salona. For typologically similar pieces, Bailey 1988, 365, Q 3007, Q 3008, incised branch on the base, the second with a signature C E, pl. 97, on the discus is a lion, on the shoulder tendrils, 5th-6th c.: the first was found on Knidos; Bailey regards them as of Knidian production and considers them derivatives of the North African Hayes type II. For North African lamps of this type, see Bonifay 2004, 390. pl. 217 (type 59). An indication for the lamp being produced at a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333). It is not impossible that the catalogued lamp copies a Rhodian prototype, an offshoot of which is ΠΧ 1921, larger, but from a worn mould.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 26 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2087 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Knidian (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa) (?). XRF: Cyprus (?) Description: Clay: light grey, 10 YR 7/2, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, somewhat ‘sparkling’, with runs. Trace of burning. Discus with shoulder preserved. Applied folded loop handle. Discus: griffon in a square frame with herringbone. Shoulder: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078, Wpres. 0.068 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. South aisle. 29-10-1970. Excav. Diary: 33, 36 Other Nos: ΠΒΕ 2302 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other reports. Remarks: Found along with the coin NB 3865, Mauricius 589-590. See Levi 1965-1966, 447, fig. 57.5, from Iassos, without reference to provenance: which this one resembles in shape and size, the light grey clay (mica is not mentioned) and square frame of the discus, but not in the motifs, although a dotted herringbone is mentioned. The square discus is to be found in North African lamps, see typically Bubic 2012, 151-152, nos 58-61, 4th-5th c., with plain discs, from Dalmatia. Its allocation to Knidian production is made with great caution, as the mica content is great. However, its sparkling slip, which creates runs, combined with the greyish core of the clay, are typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 27 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2946 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, Knidian (?) Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8, micaceous. Slip: pink, 5 YR 8/3, ‘sparkling’. Parts of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.044 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α3 Β3, layer 1. 9-81993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 23. Other Nos: Excavation bag 262 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 28 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1231 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Knidian (?) Clay analysis: NAA: Northern Ionia (??) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8, micaceous, flaking on the underside. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: globules; nozzle set of from rim by transverse ridge. Base: ring (Eph. A). Nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.07, H. 0.05 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. Projection at, west face of excavation, scraping of the north side. 8-8-1990. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 11 Ill: 125 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2691, Π 2630. The texture of the clay and the sparkling slip declare it a product of the Knidian ceramic tradition, cf. ΠX 1199, ΠX 1226.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 29 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2343 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, Knidian (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain, band decorated with impressed points round filling hole (?). Shoulder: rows of raised points, tongues on nozzle-top. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Square Α3-Β3, layer 2, -1.78/1.92 m. 31-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 100. Other Nos: AE 192 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: Cf. typically Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950. ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860. ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2140. ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150. ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470. ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. In the broader region and in the Dodecanese: Lamp Π 292, from tomb 9 in Kymisala, see Stefanakis, Patsiada 2009-2011, 79-80, fig. 37. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot, at Gennadi (unpublished); Lindos, Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3207, pl. 151; Tilos, unpublished lamp; Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 2346, from a grave at Flaskas; Kos, Kefalos, from the Peros plot, AE 41; Roumeliotis 2001, 257, no. 3, pl. 1.3, no. 4, pl. 2.4, from Kardamena; Didioumi 2010, 799, fig. 3b, mid 6th-first quarter of 7th c., the city of Kos. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. observations for Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 30 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2077 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, Knidian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.65 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Excav. Diary: 3.17, p. 359. Other Nos: Excavation bag 258 Bibliography: For the excavation, see (T. Archontopoulos), Psarologaki 2001-2004, 370-373. Remarks: Found along with ΠΧ 2073-2076. Cf. for the typology ΠΧ 2166, ΠΧ 3013, somewhat vaguely so, but a real connection is established with ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). Typologically and for the decoration, see Hadad 2002, 134-135, no. 521; Bailey 1988, 383, Q 3115, pl. 105, fig. 143, c. 500-600, Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 133, pl. II, from Ephesus; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 73-74, no. L44, pl. IX, from Thassos, 5th c. (?); De Luca 1984, 53, no. 581, pl. 20, from Pergamon; Topoleanu 2000, 199, no. 517, pl. LXIV, 5th c., from Halmyris.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 31 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 4777 Type/ Category: Knidian (?), Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, somewhat ‘sparkling’. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ends with fishtail. Discus: seated deer in front of a sapling. Its antlers extend onto the shoulder of the lamp. Double framing ring. Shoulder: globules; crater instead of a panel. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.62 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papaioannou-Michaelides plot; Patr. Athenagora, Venetokleon and Nikitara Streets. Region ΙΧ, -1.5/2.2 m. 8-9-1966.


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Angeliki Katsioti Excav. Diary: 27, p. 7. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 440; 1969, 459. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2004. Sharing the same theme are ΠΧ 1897, ΠΧ 2573, ΠΧ 2948. Cf. also ΠΧ 2146, with a different theme for the discus, but a crater on the shoulder. The stag is associated with the worship and sacrifices in honour of Egyptian deities, see Katsioti 2014, 97. But the symbolism behind the theme of a stag with a goblet or crater, perhaps originally of Christian inspiration, is seen too in the ceramics of the era, such as the tiles found in the castle of Vinica (FYROM); according to recent views these date to the 6th c. See recently Gorgievski 2012, without page numbers. The theme of stags drinking from a crater is also found on mosaic floors in Early Christian churches, see Bejaoui 2015, 124-125, fig. 165, 134, fig. 178, 139, fig. 189, 140, fig. 190, 155, fig. 205, from Tunisia.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 32 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2171 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, Knidian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, ‘sparkling’. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: figure with raised hand, Aphrodite (?). Shoulder: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: H. of handle 0.031 m. Date: First half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Β2, removal, 2nd ‘pass’ of fill, -2.27 m. 30-7-1993. Excav. Diary: 342, p. 20. Other Nos: AE 670 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 33 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2137 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, Knidian (?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, with a little mica. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’, flaking away. Trace of burning. Part of handle missing. Discus: 8-petalled rosette, round filling hole, double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: vines. Base: wide, within ring, two concentric small circles; fishtail ends in two small circles. Nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph. B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.104, W. 0.074, H. 0.027 m. Date: First half of the 6th century. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1958, 223; Fatourou 1963, 323. Remarks: For typology cf. ΠΧ 1207 (with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2785 (possibly with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2805, ΠΧ 1948, ΠΧ 2560 (no channel). Vague, but real link found also in ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). See Miltner 1937, nos 1551, 1549, 1552, 1562, 1566, 1577, pl. VIII, from Ephesus; Szentléleky 1969, 119, no. 208 ab, from Asia Minor; Ηübinger 1993, 124, no. 234, pl. 20, from Asia Minor (Ephesus ?); Shear 1922, 406, fig. 14.6, from Sardis; Kasubke, Möller 2012, 140. no. 168, pls 78.8, 83.6, from Nyssa; Di Filippo Balestrazzi 1988, 117, no. 165, pl. 21, from Italy. As to the decoration of the shoulder, the shape and the narrow channel, see Bouzek et al. 1978, no. 38.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 34 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2009 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Knidian (?) Clay analysis: NAA: Northern Ionia (??). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar, somewhat ‘sparkling’. Trace of burning at nozzle. Complete, apart from small piece of base. Handle: solid, ends in fishtail with small circle. Discus: within ring, rosette round the filling hole; double framing ring narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: vines. Base: wide, within ring, planta pedis. Nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph B). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.098, W. 0.068, H. 0.027 m. Date: First half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. 9-2-1988. Excav. Diary: 265, p. 21. Other Nos: AE 409 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 1207 (with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2785 (possibly with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2805, ΠΧ 1948, ΠΧ 2560 (no channel). Vague but real link found also in ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2137.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 35 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2176 Type/ Category: Asia Minor, Knidian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’. Two pieces survive. Discus: rosette, double framing ring, narrow channel to nozzle. Shoulder: vines. Base: wide, within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.44 and 0.043 m. Date: First half of the 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Δ1, removal, 6th ‘pass’ of fill, to -3.45 m. 2-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 342, p. 20. Other Nos: AE 696 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 1207 (with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2785 (possibly with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2805, ΠΧ 1948, ΠΧ 2560 (no channel). Vague, but real link found also in ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2137.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 36 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1948 Type/ Category: Asia Minor. Knidian (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/3, ‘sparkling’. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: narrow, within ring, 8 petalled rosette; framing ring; incised channel to nozzle. Shoulder: leaves. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.086, W. 0.072, H. 0.041 m. Date: First half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes. Handed in by Kritikos; city of Rhodes or coast between Kova area and Kallithea (Sunwing Hotel). 2003-2006. Bibliography: For the handing in, see Palaiologou 2006, 1323-1324. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 1207 (with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2785 ΠΧ (possibly with pierced handle), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2805, (all with slightly variant shapes), ΠΧ 2560 (no channel). Vague but real link found also in ΠΧ 1244 (?) ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054 (fabric and/or typology). For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2137.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 37 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2989 Type/ Category: Knidian (?), Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’. Part of shoulder, base, discus and handle preserved. Restored. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ends in fishtail. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: interlace pattern with globules. Base: wide, within ring, pattern (?), signature (?) in relief. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.077, H. 0.028 m. Date: First half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α2 Α3, layer 2. 18-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 292. Other Nos: AE 187 Plate: 68 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2988. The texture of the clay, the sparkling coating, and typological features, such as its wide flat base that seems to extend to the lower part of the body, all make a Knidian origin possible.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 38 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2525 Type/ Category: Asia Minor type, Knidian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, ‘sparkling’. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and base preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ends in fishtail with impressed circle. Shoulder: tongues. Base: wide, ring-shaped. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: First half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420. p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676. Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: A vague connection exists with ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (fabric and/or typology). Also cf. ΠΧ 2760. Typologically, see perhaps Bailey 1988, 388, Q 3163 MLA, pl. 110, c. 500-600, with mica and orange-red slip, from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 39 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3013 Type/ Category: Knidian (?), Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 6/6, with grey core in places. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Part of shoulder, discus, base and handle preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: plain, ring round filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: wide, ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.081 m. Date: Probably first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α2. 10-7-1992. Excav. Diary: 19,1, p. 67. Other Nos: AE 72 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2166. Typologically and in terms of decoration, see Hadad 2002, 134-135, no. 521; Bailey 1988, 383, Q 3115, fig. 143, pl. 105, c. 500-600, Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 133, pl. II, from Ephesus; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 73-74, no. L44, pl. IX, from Thassos, 5th c. (?); De Luca 1984, 53, no. 581, pl. 20, from Pergamon. An indication for the lamp being produced at a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 40 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6294 Type/ Category: Knidian (?), ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar, somewhat ‘sparkling’, with runs. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Restored. Handle: solid, grooved, end in two tongues with an incision between. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: tongues; impressed dotted circle near nozzle. Base: two circles; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves (Eph C). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.094, W. 0.071, H. 0.021 m. Date: Probably second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Solounias plot; side-street off Amerikis. Fill of well, -0.1 m. 10-9-1981. Excav. Diary: 154, p. 287. Other Nos: AE 191 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1983, 388. Remarks: The lack of a channel is a characteristic common to Asia Minor lamps, hence the assumption of an earlier dating, compared with the rest of the ‘Samian type’, i.e. in the 6th c., cf. typologically Λ 2670. The parallels consist of solid or leaf-shaped handle and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle. Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2011, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros; also lamp (unnumbered) from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished); Gerousi 2013, 125, no. 169, 128, no. 174, first half of 7th c., from Perissa on Thera. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691. An indication for the lamp being produced at a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 41 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1199 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Knidian (?), Broneer type XXIX, 3. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, ‘sparkling’, flaking away. Complete, cracking by nozzle. Handle: solid, grooved, ends in two tongues with central rib and three incisions. Discus: narrow, ring round filling hole, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: three circles, above 5 dots on each side. Nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.105, W. 0.08, H. 0.025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. Trench for waste-pipe. 20-11-1986. Excav. Diary: 201, p. 307. Other Nos: AE 95 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: Cf. typically Λ 2474, ΠX 1224, ΠX 1278. Also Λ 3023, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kos, Kefalos without inventory number, Leros KML 298; Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos; Didioumi 2015, 102, fig. I.1.7. 15ab, from the city of Kos. The texture of the clay and the sparkling slip may put these products in the Knidian ceramic tradition (cf. typically ΠX 1199, ΠX 1226). For typological comparisons cf. ΠΧ 2209.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 42 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2172 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Knidian. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Δ1, removal, 4th ‘pass’, of fill, to -3.21 m. 22-7-1993. Excav. Diary: 342, p. 20. Other Nos: AE 635 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231. Remarks: Typologically cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2929, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kos, Kefalos without inventory number, Leros KML 298; Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embola/Vathy, Kalymnos. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2209. An indication for the lamp being produced at a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 43 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2441 Type/ Category: Knidian (?), ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, ‘sparkling’. Part of handle and of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: targets. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.037 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.9/-1.2, earth removal between Damianos and Emmanouil plots. 26-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100-103. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. typologically ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 44 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2846 Type/ Category: Knidian (?), ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR, 7/4, ‘sparkling’. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped, ends with two tongues incised on. Discus: plain, double framing ring, channel to nozzle. impressed circle in channel. Shoulder: tongues. Base: ring-shaped. Nozzle set off by triple V-shaped grooves, impressed with dots at the edges of the tongues (Eph. C). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.109, W. 0.068, H. 0.026 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Emmanouil plot; end of Cheimarras Street. Well 2. 28-7-1962. Excav. Diary: 5, p. 287. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466 and the excavation details for the Damianos plot. Remarks: The parallels comprise solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle. Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also lamp without a inventory number from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2691.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Kn 45 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2465 Type/ Category: Knidian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8, ‘sparkling’, with runs. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid and grooved. Shoulder: pattern with four petals; double framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: In the fill were found lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). For the shoulder decoration cf. ΠΧ 2820, ΠΧ 2920. See Caron 1995, 28, 60. no. 98, from Carthage, North African, with distorted four-leaf patterns on the shoulder. An indication for the lamp being produced at a Knidian workshop is the ‘sparkling’ coating, which creates runs, typical of local production (Bailey 1988, 333).


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Angeliki Katsioti B. 7. The ‘Samian-type’ Lamps ΠΧ 1242, with its flattened shape, unusual horseshoe/ arcade pattern impressed on the shoulder, and spotted variant of the fork-like fishtail joining the ring base, may also mark the transition from Asia Minor to ‘Samian type’ lamps. A date in the second half of the 6th century for this group of lamps would be preferable, as it would also be for some other Asia Minor specimens,541 whose base approximates to the Ephesus C type, according to Bailey. Note also that in the above pieces, designated as early, the shoulder is decorated mainly with concentric circles.

A sub-type among the Asia Minor lamps has been recognized, with some reservations still, only relatively recently: namely those of Samian manufacture.533 Its characteristic features,534 by and large developed from the Asia Minor lamp corpus, are signalled on the one hand by the lack of perforated handles, and likewise of the planta pedis, and on the other by the form of the fishtail at the base, which is usually accredited to type Ephesus C, according to Bailey’s classification.535 Their flattened circular shape, with a low body-height, the strongly prominent nozzle, the existence of a channel that, with few exceptions, connects the discus with the nozzle and but a small range in size, all go to make this a rather uniform lamp type. The distant ancestors, i.e. the models of this type as indicated by a comparable flattened, low, and rounded body, are those earlier lamps from the end of the 1st century that occur in the East, namely in Lebanon and Syria, but mainly in Cyprus.536

In the rest of the lamps of this type the wide filling aperture on the discus dominates: if not left undecorated, this area carries only simple dotted rings. The decorative motifs on the shoulder are rather limited: as a rule there are long tongues, guilloche,542 tendrils and targets within panels, embossed or incised. Rather unusual seems to be dotted (ΠΧ 1229, ΠΧ 2847) or even rows of raised-point decoration (ΠΧ 2102, ΠΧ 2464, ΠΧ 2466, ΠΧ 2467 and ΠΧ 2569), although this is otherwise very common in Asia Minor lamps. In contrast with such simplified schemes are the relatively rare shoulder decoration with animals, birds or fish (ΠΧ 1276 with hares, ΠΧ 2840, Λ 3410 with dogs coursing hares, ΠΧ 2249, ΠΧ 2426, with partridges picking at grapes set about a vase, ΠΧ 2787, ΠΧ 2497, Λ 6034 with fish);543 sometimes executed in low relief, carrying some incision work, and sometimes in high. On yet the bases of others are incised the branch, palm-tree or even a cross. All are details indicative of advanced or late ‘Samian style’ lamps. But the tendency to simplify the characteristics observed in the course of this period leads to the conclusion that a more complex decoration on the shoulder could suggest rather some earliness. Indeed subjects even as hares, partridges and other animals, such as birds drinking from a vessel, may occur on Syrian lamps whose date can be pronounced with relative accuracy.544 It will therefore be understood that there exists a body of motifs held in common: and as a result relationships between workshops, even quite far-off ones, cannot currently be determined with precision. As the NAA analysis has suggested, two of these lamps, ΠΧ 2787 and Λ 3410, belong to the same group (A3), with a presumed origin in the area of Northern Ionia. While their origin in Asia Minor is also, in my opinion, macroscopically beyond dispute, perhaps inclusion in this specific group gains further credence from the fact that only a few workshops

Some lamps would qualify as hybrids between the Asia Minor and the ‘Samian’ forms, since they combine elements of both:537 such as ΠΧ 2229 and ΠΧ 2584 (with a lion on the discus) or ΠΧ 1169 and ΠΧ 2425 (with a star). Hybrids ΠΧ 1308 and ΠΧ 2831 depict an arched structure (perhaps the entrance to a monumental tomb): a detail probably drawn from the iconography of the scenes that adorned the shrine of St. John the Theologian in Ephesus.538 The decorated discus is rarely an attribute of ‘Samian type’ lamps, which are correctly interpreted as an early example of the unadorned set.539 The absence of the channel in ΠΧ 2229, ΠΧ 2584, Λ 2670 and Λ 6294 also suggests an early dating. Hybridized details can be detected also in ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2230, Λ 5557 and in the Knidian (?) Λ 6294, which were all decorated with tongues on both sides of the nozzle, as indeed were ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 3014 and possibly ΠΧ 1865 and ΠΧ1867,540 whose upper parts recall the Asia Minor-type of lamp, while the bottom has the typical decoration of the ‘Samian type’. Further, For the characteristics of the type, see Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 594–595. Although some researchers have accepted the term ‘Samian lamps’ (Sodini, Roumeliotis and Xanthopoulou), others, such as Weber 2004, 26ff, place them with the Byzantine set, following more or less the typological-stylistic classifications of Miltner 1937. These last had been already refuted (Williams 1981, 69), to Bailey’s later satisfaction (1988, 372). 534  See also on this problem Katsioti 2008, 196–198. 535  Bailey 1988, 371, fig. 162. 536  Oziol 1993, 50–51, no. 75, fig. 11. 537  In the chapter on the Asia Minor lamps, it is assumed that the enlargement of the filling hole was a harbinger of the development of the ‘Samian type’ lamps. 538  And not necessarily a representation of the Resurrection of Lazarus, see Katsioti 2012, 555–560. 539  See Weber 2004, 26, on the occasion of a discus decorated with some scene or a rosette, in ‘Samian type’ lamp corpus. 540  Ranked in the catalogue with the Asia Minor lamps, like the ΠΧ 1242. Depending on their morphology, others were placed in ‘Samian type’.

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See in the relevant chapter, B.5. The guilloche pattern, relatively rare on Asia Minor lamps, is a frequent decorative motif in ‘Samian types’, see also Weber 2004, 27. 543  For this decoration, see too Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 594–595. 544  Lorand 2011, 229, figs 25, 26, first quarter of the 6th century, from Apamea. For proto-Islamic, Syrio-Palestinian lamps, with similar decoration, see too Da Costa 2001, 245, 246, figs 3.1, 4.7; Modrzewska 1988, 10, pls III.2–5, IV.1. 541  542 


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Rhodian Lamps laboratories in this very same area employ this specific decorative motif.

of the 7th century.552 The data are not always readily comprehensible: in Aphrodisias for example, there was found part of an lamp of ‘Samian type’553 in a closed context of the early 5th century, combined with coins of 393–395: but such a date raises many questions and is not confirmed by evidence elsewhere. Also close by the Yassi Ada I sunken ship and actually in the second wreck of the early 5th century (Yassi Ada II),554 a further ‘Samian type’ lamp was extracted: this, as we have seen above, was in fact an intrusion from the first wreck that had sunk much later.

It has even been suggested that, although both types of handles are used simultaneously, the leaf-shaped version is probably later than the plain sort.545 It is indeed a fact that the lamps with a leaf-shaped handle generally have smaller dimensions, perhaps a result of continuous evolution and sometimes from the process of surmoulage. In general, a distinction based on the shape of the handle of ‘Samian type’ lamps does not necessarily involve a chronological dimension,546 and such theories have not been supported reliably by associated finds. The usual termination of the handle in two ‘tongues’ at the base, the typical development seen in Asia Minor lamps, is in some cases transformed into three or four incisions (ΠΧ 2582, Λ 6110 and Λ 2473) or disappears altogether (ΠΧ 1217, ΠΧ 1221). These differences again do not yield a chronological criterion; the last two lamps come from worn moulds or archetypes. In lamps with the leaf-shaped handle it is not unusual for it to be transformed at the base into a pair of incised lines that meet at an angle, as with ΠΧ 1223.

Finding lamps of ‘Samian type’ in Rhodes could be sensibly understood as a result of imports from the island of Samos, which is supposed to be the origin and dissemination point of the form: and indeed this has been assumed.555 A relatively high presence of this specific category is noted on Rhodes, and in Kos, according to our observations, the same is true (if not more so). This uniformity of presence attributed to Samos can be seen as problematic. Why? At this time neither moulds nor appropriate workshop facilities are to be found in Samos, to our knowledge.556 Only one particular variant category, viz. that with the protruding ring-shaped handle, which occurs in Samos,557 may indeed be a local imitation there, since, as far as we know, no similar examples have been identified elsewhere. It could be then that their home has to be sought elsewhere. According to another theory, some ‘Samian type’ lamps are Balkan imitations of Asia Minor pieces.558 The clay analyses of ‘Samian type’ lamps found in Ephesus and now in the British Museum, showed, however, that they were of domestic origin. It should be noted here that in most of those examined in this work the clay is of a similar nature. An Asia Minor origin for them is therefore possible; a macroscopic evaluation recognized in many of them the characteristic qualities of lamps from Ephesus, which is probably the place of origin of most pieces.559 This proposition gains strength from the finding of moulds of ‘Samian style’ lamps both in the Seven Sleepers’ cave in Ephesus560 and in

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The distribution, certain though it is amongst the islands and cities of western Asia Minor, cannot be fully assessed at this stage of the investigation. For Kos there is not currently at our disposal sufficient data, with the exception of the published lamps of Kardamaina.547 Individual examples are also found in Syracuse, Corinth, Aegina, with a few detected in north Greece (unlike the other well-represented types from Asia Minor), an indication of the relatively short time they were in production and the limited number of their workshops. Until recently their dating was based on unreliable information, however the finds from the wreck of Yassi Ada I (terminus post quem 625–626) have given a safe reckoning.548 Also, a ‘Samian type’ lamp, found in a tomb in a chapel built on the site of the ancient Gymnasium on Samos, was accompanied by coins of 603–653.549 Another chronological indicator is the discovery in the settlement of the ancient citadel of Aegina, in contexts later than 588, not of Asia Minor lamps per se, but of a few Attic pieces imitating such.550 In Anemourion in Tracheia Cilicia, the deposits in a well containing ‘Samian style’ lamps date from 631 to before the end of the 7th century.551 In Miletus recent research produced a ‘Samian type’ lamp in a layer of the first half

Niewöhner 2013, 188–189, fig. 25. Hudson 2008, nos 7/2, fig. 13. 554  Ricci 2001–2002, 379–390, with bibliography. 555  Mainly Poulou-Papadimitriou 1996, 594–595 and then Roumeliotis 2001, 259. See recently Bournias 2014, passim. 556  Poulou-Papadimitriou 1996, 586.See also Martini, Steckner 1993, 20–207, on a monastery complex of the second half of the 6th century (and in use until ca. 670), with an industrial and storage character. The excavators proposed that it was part of the church estates of the bishop of Ephesus, used as an administrative centre for the military annona. There is no evidence here of large-scale production nor of lamp production. 557  See Weber 2004, no. 116, pl. 6, no. 158, pl. 7, no. 156, fig. 5. 558  Vitelli 1982, 196. Note, however, that lamps of the so-called Balkan type, such as Λ 1082, have been proven to be produced (also) in Amorion. See the chapter on Asia Minor lamps, B.5. 559  A few lamps of the ‘Samian type’ have been ascribed to Knidian production, as a working hypothesis. See the relevant chapter B.6. 560  Miltner 1937, nos 361–363, pl. XIV. For Ephesus in the 7th century, see recently Külzer 2013, 4–16. 552  553 

Weber 2004, 26. Weber 2004, 40–41. 547  Roumeliotis 2001, 259. 548  Ricci 2001–2002, 389–394, with bibliography. 549  Martini, Steckner 1993, pl. 14.5 550  Felten 1975, 55–78. 551  Williams 1977, no. 30, pl. XXXVc (local production?). 545  546 


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Angeliki Katsioti excavations in Asia Minor, as is evidenced by the two moulds exhibited in the Archaeological Museum in Mylasa and Smyrna.561 The limited variety in the clay types indicates that whilst more than one workshop was responsible for the ‘Samian type’ lamps, and perhaps some were sited outside Ephesus, yet their number is probably fewer than those that produced the Asia Minor lamps discussed in the previous chapter. It must be stressed once again that these comments are based on the relative uniformity of a broad range of ‘Samian type’ lamps from Rhodes.

In the city of Rhodes itself, in excavations near the harbour fortifications (that part in Argyrokastrou Square), the ‘Samian type’ lamp, ΠΧ 3018, was found in the vicinity of a follis (40 nummi) of Heraclius, of 631–641.567 In at least eight instances (excavation plots) lamps of the ‘Samian type’ have been recovered together with coins from the 7th century: of Phocas (602–610, see ΠΧ 2094, with coin NB 3735), of Heraclius (see ΠΧ 2081 with coins NB 4118–4120, 4401); ΠΧ 3018 with currency dating to 631–641; and ΠΧ 2237 with coins NB 3741–2 (of 613–617 AD); and of Constans II (668, ΠΧ 2071 with the coin NB 4592; 648-649, ΠΧ 2082 with coins NB 4416–4420, among them some of Heraclius, ΠΧ 2246). During the excavations, where quantities of ‘Samian type’ pieces were found, but where Attic lamps typically are not identified, such deposits accordingly belong to the 6th–7th centuries. The situation in the Diakogeorgiou plot is also indicative: according to the associated finds, i.e. fine pottery dated from ca. 526 to 585, which include about a hundred lamps, whole or fragmentary, not one ‘Samian type’ was recovered, just some hybrids, with elements of both Asia Minor lamps and those of ‘Samian type’, which are further discussed in the respective chapter here (B.5). Both comprise the latest information for the use of the cemetery at the end of 6th century.

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Reproductions of the type are observed: they are of a relatively low quality, like those belonging to the local production of Naxos.562 The existence of an impressed circular mark on Λ 2473, Λ 2474, Λ 3021, ΠΧ 1323, ΠΧ 1308 (?), ΠΧ 1224 and ΠΧ 1159, ΠΧ 2049 PK, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2233, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 3014 and Λ 6294, further connects these lamps with the Ephesus workshops,563 although traffic in moulds is not to be excluded. From the examined corpus here, not one is certainly an imitation type, that is to say nothing here studied was made outside Asia Minor, let alone on Rhodes itself. I assume, therefore, that the augmented levels of ‘Samian style’ lamps recovered in the Tunnel of Eupalinos and in the Early Byzantine cemetery in Tigani on Samos are to do with the later date assigned to these deposits and graves, by which time this specific category is dominant, and not because they are being produced by a – hypothetical – Samian workshop. The Early Christian cemetery of Pothia on Kalymnos, where ‘Samian type’ lamps are few in number, has shown that the burials, common enough as it seems in the 6th century, fall off considerably towards the end of the 6th and on into the 7th. In the Dodecanese, from a recent excavation at the disused elementary school in Mandraki on Nissyros,564 the destruction layer of a building, dated with some accuracy from a coin of Heraclius of 629/630,565 yielded ‘Samian style’ lamps, but not Asia Minor ones. After the destruction of the building, the site was abandoned, as research has shown: this scenario is reasonably attributable to the naval incursions of the Arabs into the Aegean. Further, in a closed deposit of a water tank of the first half of the 7th century, which construction has a possible relationship with the adjacent Roman cemetery in the hamlet near Theologos/Tholos on Rhodes, there was found the ‘Samian type’ ΠΧ 2928.566

From the above observations it can therefore be concluded that since these lamps are present on Samos, Rhodes, Kos, and the opposite coasts of Asia Minor in almost equal quantities, only detailed analysis of the clay will give even a partial solution to the problem of origin. For now, it may be assumed that the ‘Samian type’ lamps in the late 6th century, or the beginning of the 7th, succeed, if not ‘displace’, some of the existing Asia Minor workshops, perhaps mainly those of Ephesus. In Rhodes more specifically, the finds from the Diakogeorgiou plot strongly suggest that before about 585, this type of lamp is not yet known. Therefore, the dating of lamps of the ‘Samian type’ is to be placed from the end of the 6th century until shortly after the middle of the 7th. One may conclude, albeit arguing ex silentio, that before and after these limits there is no evidence of their existence, as is additionally proposed in the following catalogue. But since l’absence de preuve n’est pas la preuve de l’absence, one should maintain some reservations for the lamps with the hybrid features – they may just be earlier.

Personal on-site observation. The moulds are perhaps unpublished. Obviously they come from excavations in nearby areas. 562  Bournias 2014, pl. 1.1–3. 563  Bailey 1988, 371, noted that several of the lamps of Ephesus have a type of circular stamp at the lower part of the lamp. 564  Sarantidis 2009, 995–997. 565  For the type of coin, see Hahn 1981, pl. 164b. 566  Sarantidis 2015, 86. Katsioti, Bairam 2015, 167, no. 7, fig. 7. 561 

By mistake in Bairami 2006, 1286, the existence of lamps of the ‘Samian type’ was incorrectly reported. 567 


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Rhodian Lamps * Comments applicable to the Catalogue below:

S 46–73 have concentric circles.

S 1–7 lamps with discus and/or without channel.

S 74–106 with twisting shoots.

S 8–13 are lamps with tongues on the nozzle: they may be hybrids with links to Asia Minor-types.

S 107–122 with guilloche.

In S 14–21, fish, birds and animals decorate the shoulder.

S 124 has a spotted decoration.

S 22 has obliquely positioned tongues on its shoulder.

S 125–129 display rows of raised points (granules).

S 23–45 have the shoulder adorned with tongues.

S 130–141 are but fragments of ‘Samian type’ lamps.

Concordance ΠΧ 1278 S 93 ΠΧ 1279 S 31 ΠΧ 1308 S 3 ΠΧ 1323 S 36 ΠΧ 2011 S 37 ΠΧ 2047 S 61 ΠΧ 2057 S 8 ΠΧ 2059 S 115 ΠΧ 2061 S 116 ΠΧ 2063 S 76 ΠΧ 2064 S 97 ΠΧ 2071 S 75 ΠΧ 2081 S 117 ΠΧ 2082 S 98 ΠΧ 2094 S 41 ΠΧ 2102 S 126 ΠΧ 2103 S 133 ΠΧ 2110 S 118 ΠΧ 2115 S 47 ΠΧ 2118 S 9 ΠΧ 2134 S 108 ΠΧ 2151 S 48 ΠΧ 2152 S 49 ΠΧ 2167 S 134 ΠΧ 2168 S 99 ΠΧ 2169 S 67 ΠΧ 2178 S 68 ΠΧ 2209 S 74

ΠΧ 2210 S 22 ΠΧ 2229 S 1 ΠΧ 2230 S 12 ΠΧ 2231 S 119 ΠΧ 2233 S 135 ΠΧ 2234 S 77 ΠΧ 2235 S 100 ΠΧ 2237 S 50 ΠΧ 2238 S 69 ΠΧ 2239 S 101 ΠΧ 2240 S 120 ΠΧ 2241 S 28 ΠΧ 2242 S 78 ΠΧ 2243 S 29 ΠΧ 2244 S 136 ΠΧ 2245 S 51 ΠΧ 2246 S 52 ΠΧ 2247 S 53 ΠΧ 2249 S 17 ΠΧ 2250 S 131 ΠΧ 2257 S 54 ΠΧ 2315 S 102 ΠΧ 2321 S 38 ΠΧ 2406 S 79 ΠΧ 2417 S 80 ΠΧ 2422 S 132 ΠΧ 2425 S 6 ΠΧ 2426 S 18

ΠΧ 2427 S 109 ΠΧ 2428 S 81 ΠΧ 2429 S 107 ΠΧ 2430 S 45 ΠΧ 2439 S 137 ΠΧ 2443 S 55 ΠΧ 2445 S 82 ΠΧ 2447 S 43 ΠΧ 2448 S 44 ΠΧ 2449 S 138 ΠΧ 2450 S 130 ΠΧ 2459 S 56 ΠΧ 2464 S 127 ΠΧ 2466 S 128 ΠΧ 2467 S 129 ΠΧ 2478 S 39 ΠΧ 2493 S 10 ΠΧ 2497 S 20 ΠΧ 2499 S 30 ΠΧ 2500 S 57 ΠΧ 2501 S 83 ΠΧ 2503 S 58 ΠΧ 2512 S 32 ΠΧ 2569 S 125 ΠΧ 2581 S 84 ΠΧ 2582 S 110 ΠΧ 2583 S 85 ΠΧ 2584 S 2

ΠΧ 2689 S 59 ΠΧ 2690 S 70 ΠΧ 2691 S 24 ΠΧ 2692 S 71 ΠΧ 2693 S 103 ΠΧ 2694 S 86 ΠΧ 2787 S 19 ΠΧ 2788 S 104 ΠΧ 2797 S 87 ΠΧ 2798 S 11 ΠΧ 2799 S 60 ΠΧ 2821 S 88 ΠΧ 2823 S 72 ΠΧ 2824 S 33 ΠΧ 2831 S 4 ΠΧ 2836 S 105 ΠΧ 2837 S 42 ΠΧ 2840 S 15 ΠΧ 2923 S 106 ΠΧ 2925 S 139 ΠΧ 2928 S 121 ΠΧ 2990 S 122 ΠΧ 2991 S 73 ΠΧ 2992 S 89 ΠΧ 2993 S 140 ΠΧ 3018 S 141 Samian 40, 91 and 123 vacant

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Λ 2473 S 27 Λ 2474 S 94 Λ 2499 S 95 Λ 2500 S 112 Λ 2670 S 7 Λ 3021 S 25 Λ 3023 S 96 Λ 3410 S 16 Λ 5548 S 90 Λ 5557 S 13 Λ 6033 S 34 Λ 6034 S 21 Λ 6107 S 62 Λ 6110 S 111 Λ 6535 S 63 ΠX 1221 S 23 ΠX 1277 S 114 ΠX 2822 S 46 ΠΧ 1159 S 113 ΠΧ 1169 S 5 ΠΧ 1216 S 64 ΠΧ 1217 S 65 ΠΧ 1222 S 26 ΠΧ 1223 S 66 ΠΧ 1224 S 92 ΠΧ 1229 S 124 ΠΧ 1230 S 35 ΠΧ 1276 S 14


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2229 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Clay analysis: NAA: roughly Aeolis or Ionia (??). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with a circlet in between. Discus: lion (?), framing ring. Shoulder: small circles, inner hatched band. Base: two circles. Nozzle sides double grooved, small circle between them. Three circlets above the edges of the tongues (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.09, W. 0.075, H. 0.025 m. Date: Probably second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epirou Streets. Skylight, of the vault. 7-5-1980. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 250-251. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2584. The narrow shoulder, the scene on the discus and the lack of channel are characteristics peculiar to Asia Minor lamps preceding the ‘Samian’ type, hence the assumption of an earlier dating here. See Miltner 1937, no. 333, pl. XIV, from Ephesus, on the shoulder concentric circles. On the subject-matter of the discus, but differently portrayed, see Ladstätter 2008, 151, no. K 338, pl. 335, from Ephesus; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 594, no. 24, fig. 23, from Samos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2584 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa) (?). XRF: Cyprus (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddishyellow, 5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with dots at their edges, with three vertical incisions between. Discus: lion, curled up to right, framing ring. Shoulder: long tongues, nozzle marked by two small concentric circles. Base: two circles, nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.095, W. 0.073, H. 0.023 m. Date: Probably second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. The Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1; from excavations during the Italian Rule. Ill: 129 Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2229, with further observations. The narrow shoulder, the scene on the discus and the lack of a channel are characteristics peculiar to Asia Minor lamps, preceding the ‘Samian type’, hence the assumption of an earlier dating here. See Bailey 1988, 388, Q 3160, pl. 109, c. 500-600, from Ephesus (similar ?).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 3 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1308 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/6. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with a central stem, dots at the edges and an incision in between. Discus: archshaped structure, a shell niche with twisted columns and cross at peak. Double framing ring with a nozzle-channel; volute motif in nozzle-channel. Shoulder: band of tongues, ending in human masks at nozzle. Base: within two circles, impressed palm-tree. Nozzle sides grooved (Eph C). Impressed circular mark (?) Dimensions: L. 0.082, W. 0.07, H. 0.021. Date: Probably second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soulounias plot; side-street off Amerikis. Fill of south part of plot. 4-11-1981.


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Rhodian Lamps

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Excav. Diary: 164, p. 41. Other Nos: AE 281. Ill: 130 Bibliography: Katsioti 2012, 555-560, fig. 2. For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1983, 388. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2831 (Katsioti 2012, fig. 3). Cf. Bailey 1988, 392, Q 3201, pl. 113, c. 550-650, from Kalymnos (similar ?). See Menzel 1969, 99, no. 641, fig. 72.3, from Miletus (with pierced handle). Although no similar lamp from Ephesus has been traced, it seems that the fabric of the piece catalogued here is much the same as Bailey 1988, 392, Q 3201, fig. 58, 146, pl. 113c, 550-650, found in Kalymnos and attributed to Ephesus, and indeed that the two are typical of Ephesus. For the incised palm-tree on the base, cf. ΠΧ 2118. A branch is more commonly incised on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 2103, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2449. The existence of the scene on the discus in lamps of ‘Samian type’ is a characteristic peculiar to Asia Minor lamps preceding the ‘Samian type’,: hence the assumption of an earlier dating. The theme of the arched structure is found on Asia Minor lamps (Wintermeyer 1980, 158, no. 240, pl. 66, from Didyma); Palestinian (Lapp 1997, 108-112); on lamps of unknown origin (Egyptian? Balkan?), see Bailey 1988, 48-49, 415, Q 3309, Q 3310 (unplaced-the Greek East), fig. 122, 6th c., with parallels; Bernhard 1955, 337, no. 356, pl. CVII, from the Museum collection in Warsaw; Oziol 1977, 276-277, no. 837, pl. 46, from Cyprus; Fischer, Welling 1984, 390, no. 53, pl. 25.2, from the collection in Münster; AbadieReynal, Sodini 1992, 75-76, no. L51, pl. x, end of 5th-early 7th c., from Thassos, with parallels. On lamps from Cherson, Zaleskaya 1985, 310-311, fig. 2, in Bulgaria; Nikolaeva 2003, 57, fig. 9, in the city of Novae; Cicikova 1999, 106-107, fig. 3, from Odessa; Levina 1992, 48, no. 75, pl. T.9, no. 88, pl. T11 and Constantinople, Hayes 1992, 82, 85-86, vol. 8, nos 34-43, pl. 20 from Saraçhane; Karagöz, Atik, Isik 2007, 44, 85, no. U24, from Üskündar and excavations for the construction of the Metro. The theme of the arched structure has received various interpretations, see typically Zuravlev 2007, 223-224; Zaleskaya 1985, 310311; Lapp 1991, 156-158. However, accepting that the iconography has parallels with the motifs used in other places, it is possible that in this case the structure has a connection to Ephesus and the iconographic tradition developed there. It is obviously no coincidence that in the same period pilgrim flasks obtained on pilgrimage to St. John the Theologian in Ephesus depict the saint standing under a similar construction: surely reflecting some local iconographical tradition, see Witt 2001, 198-200, no. I.77.1, an ampoulla, now in the C.S. collection in Munich. Cf. also Katsioti 2009a, 274, fig. 3. The opinion has been expressed that the pilgrim flasks and these lamps reflect an iconographical cycle depicted in the shrine of St John the Theologian at Ephesus. This particular representation of the St. John the Evangelist has been interpreted as representing his burial combined with his metastasis, as set out mainly in apocryphal texts - see Semoglou 2005, 110-111. The distance the pilgrims travelled is assessable through the find-spots of items derived from Ephesus showing the miraculous manna that wells from the tomb of the Evangelist, see Papaconstantinou 2001, 239-246. The theme of the arched structure is also found on lamps from Kos, as may be deduced from the mould found on the Poursanidis plot in Kardamena on Kos, see Katsioti 2012, 555-560. For architectural elements shown on lamps, see in general Sussmann 1999, 245-264, ns 250-251. For the arched structure representing an entrance-way, see Elsner 2013, in sections on Doors in Ritual Iconography 201-220 and Doors, Open and Closed, in Pre-Christian Funerary Iconography, 189-201. For grotesque human heads/masks adorning lamps, ampullae, juglets and other ceramic objects, see Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2016, 89-96; Curta 2016b, 42-46.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2831 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5YR 7/6, with mica. Slip: similar, 7,5 ΥR 6/6. Trace of burning. All handle and part of disc missing. Handle: ends at base in two tongues with central stem and incised line in between. Discus: arch-shaped structure, a shell niche with twisted columns. Framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: within two circles, small circle. Nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.08, W. 0.07, H. 0.012 m. Date: Probably second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Emmanouil plot; end of Cheimarras Street. Well 3. 23-7-1962. Excav. Diary: 5, p. 267.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Bibliography: Katsioti 2012, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466 and the excavation details for the Damianos plot. Remarks: Associated with finds: ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2837, ΠΧ 2838 and coin NB 3891, Justin II (576/577). Representations on the discus of the ‘Samian type’ lamps, typical of Asia Minor lamps, preceding the ‘Samian type’, indicate an earlier dating. Cf. ΠΧ 1308, with parallels, as well as comments on the subject-matter of the discus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1169 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with three incisions between. Discus: three interlaced square patterns, framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: double ring, nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph C). Dimensions: L. 0.107, W. 0.083, H. 0.025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soulounias plot; side-street off Amerikis. Region south of wall 66. 22-3-1982. Excav. Diary: 171, p. 55. Other Nos: AE 560. Bibliography: Kollias et al. 2004, 40. fig. 32b. For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1983, 388. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. ΠΧ 2425. Also on the subject-matter of the discus, cf. Asia Minor lamps ΠΧ 1219, ΠΧ 2407, ΠΧ 2425. Related to the decoration of the discus: Katsioti 2011, 299-300. no. 80, from Tilos. See Ladstätter 2008, 150, no. K 327, pl. 334, from Ephesus; Joly 1974, no. 1253, with leaf-shaped handle, from Sabratha; Orsi 1909, 360. fig.18,12, from Syracuse. Also Miltner 1937, no. 773, pl. V, no. 1024, pl. VI (discoid, rather than elongated); Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 111-112, no. L 243.1/2, pl. 32, 5th c., from Ephesus; Iro, Schwaiger, Waldner 2009, fig. 35.6, from Ephesus; Bailey 1988, 390. Q 3183, fig. 125, pl. 111, c. 550-650; from Ephesus, 395, Q 3213, fig. 125, 143, pl. 114, c. 500-600, from Sardis. Also Boardman 1989, 121, no. 339, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 353, pl. 11, 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Brants 1913, no. 1124, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, Leiden.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 6 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2425 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 5 YR 5/4, to ash grey. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with stem and with incision between. Discus: two interlaced square patterns, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: targets. Base: within two circles, small concentric circle. Nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.063, H. 0.023 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -1.7/-2 m. from earthworks. 22-1-1964. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 125. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1169. Also on the subject-matter of the discus cf. Asia Minor lamps ΠΧ 1219, ΠΧ 2407. Also Katsioti 2011, 299-300, no. 80, from Tilos. See Miltner 1937, no. 1278, pl. VII; Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 111-112, no. L 243.1/2, pl. 32, 5th c., from Ephesus. Related to the decoration of the discus: Bailey 1988, 390, Q 3183, fig. 125, pl. 111, c. 550-650, from Ephesus, and Q 3213, fig. 125, 143, pl. 114, c. 500600, from Sardis. Also Boardman 1989, 121, no. 339, pl. 29, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Ladstätter 2008, 150. no. K 327, pl. 334, from Ephesus; Miltner 1937, no. 1024, pl. VI (discoid rather than elongated) 773, pl. V (with wide strap handle), from Ephesus; Joly 1974, no. 1253, with palmette handle, from Sabratha; Orsi 1909, 360, fig. 18.12, from Syracuse; Kuzmanov 1992, 24, 118, no. 297ab, with wide strap handle, in the Archaeological Museum in Sofia; Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 353, pl. 11, 5th c., from the Athenian Agora; Brants 1913, no. 1124, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, Leiden.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 7 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2670 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. The most part of the upper surface is burnt. Nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and incision in between. Discus: impressed ring round filling-hole and incised framing ring. Shoulder: band of tongues, nozzle marked by three small circles. Base: ring, nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.082, W. 0.072, H. 0.025 m. Date: Probably second half to end of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Ill: 131 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: Cf. typological Knidian (?) Λ 6294. Typical too are Λ 2473, Λ 3021, ΠX 1222, ΠΧ 2512, ΠΧ 2450. ΠΧ 2691, Λ 6294. The absence of the channel is generally rare and perhaps its occurrence is more likely in the earliest lamps of this type.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 8 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2057 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: targets within panels; tongues on nozzle-top. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.069 m. Date: Around 600. Provenance: Kolymbia. Platis plot; Efkalipton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. Square Ι 4, depth to -2.08 m. (↓ 1.18 m.). 2-3-2007. Excav. Diary: 382, p. 154. Other Nos: AE 112 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6553, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. The tongues at the nozzle are a characteristic peculiar to Asia Minor lamps, preceding the ‘Samian type’, hence the assumption of an earlier dating. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2118 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and handle missing. Repaired. Discus: plain, ring round large filling hole, framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets; tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within double ring, incised palm-tree (?), tongues at end of handle, nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.082, W. 0.061, H. 0.03 m. Date: Around 600. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Asprakis plot; Platonos Street. Along the length of the north side, Ζ 19. Level of poros block 2, fill. 30-7-1976. Excav. Diary: 85, p. 199.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos; Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. For the motif of the incised palm-tree, cf. ΠΧ 1308. For that of a branch on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 2103, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2449, ΠΧ 2693. See Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 25.2, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 320, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. The tongues at nozzle are characteristics peculiar to Asia Minor lamps, preceding the ‘Samian type’, hence the assumption of dating earlier than the rest in connection with the ‘Samian type’ elements such as the large filling hole, the decoration of the shoulder and the configuration of the base. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 10 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2493 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid grooved, ending in two tongues with a central stem. Discus: ring around the filling hole, double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel grooved. Shoulder: targets within panels, tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within two circles, incised cross; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph C). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.07, H. 0.022 m. Date: Around 600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vasil. Sofias Streets. West part of the sewer. 9-6-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 252. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos; Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. For the cross incised on the base cf. ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 2691, ΠΧ 2840, Λ 3021. See Ladstätter 2008, fig. 25.7, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 335, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. The tongues on the nozzle are peculiar in Asia Minor lamps, preceding the ‘Samian type’, hence the assumption of an earlier dating. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2798 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of channel to nozzle preserved. Shoulder: targets; tongues on nozzle-top. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.043 m. Date: Around 600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. North of the pilaster. 12-6-1985. Excav. Diary: 192, p. 335. Other Nos: AE 108. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos; Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. The tongues on the nozzle are more a characteristic of Asia Minor lamps, preceding the ‘Samian type’, hence the assumption of an earlier dating. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 12 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2230 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, discus and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped ending in small circle at front, ending below in two crossed tongues and a triple pair of incisions. Discus: plain, ring round filling hole, framing ring of impressed points. Shoulder: targets within panels, tongue on nozzle-top. Base: ring, nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.103, W. 0.060. H. 0.027 m. Date: Around 600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Trench Δ1. 15-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1, p. 14. Other Nos: AE 124 Ill: 132 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos; Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 13 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5557 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, with a little mica. Slip: yellowish-red 5 YR 5/6, worn. Trace of burning. Complete, apart from small section of body. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending at base with three pairs of incisions in pointed ending. Discus: plain, triple framing ring. Shoulder: targets within panels; tongues on nozzle-top. Base: within ring, four concentric small circles; nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: L. 0.101, W. 0.062, H. 0.021 m. Date: Around 600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, earth removal around the Municipal Theatre. 1-10-1952. Other Nos: ΒΕ 875 Ill: 133 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 279-280. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos; Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. The tongues on the nozzle and the lack of a channel are common in Asia Minor lamps, preceding the ‘Samian type’, hence the assumption of an earlier dating. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 14 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1276 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 ΥR 6/4 with small inclusions and mica. Unslipped. handle and part of body missing Discus: narrow, plain, framing ring, with a nozzle-channel; small circle at mouth of nozzle-channel. Shoulder: Above - two dotted, low relief, hares. Base: circles, the two inner with impressed points. Dotted triangles at the periphery of the base, nozzle sides triple grooved, plus three dots. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.082, H. 0.03 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Boreiou Epeirou Streets. Stoa Α to west. 21-11-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 60.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3410, ΠΧ 2840, dogs chasing hares, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 2497, ΠΧ 2787, fish, ΠΧ 2426, ΠΧ 2249, partridges pecking at grapes with vase in between; Katsioti 2011, 300, no. 81, dogs chasing hares, from Tilos. On the dotted decoration of the base, cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2439, ΠΧ 2837, Λ 6034, Λ 6110. On the theme on the shoulder, see Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, no. 35, pl. 97a (hares on shoulder) with parallels; PoulouPapadimitriou 1986, 598, no. 33, fig. 30, first half of the 7th c., on shoulder fish, with parallels, and Weber 2004, 40-42, nos 166, 168-171, pl. 7, no. 167, fig. 6, several animals in the shoulder, with parallels, all from Samos; Ladstätter 2008, 148, no. K 309, pl. 332, 151, no. K 337, pl. 335, from Ephesus; Orsi 1909, 360. fig. 18, 11, from Syracuse; Ladstätter 2010a, 299, K 488, pl. 190, from Ephesus (similar, with partridges). Dogs chasing hares on shoulder of lamp of ‘Samian type’ at the Museum of Thyateira (unpublished ?); Vitelli 1982, L8, 193, fig. 9.3, with fish, from the wreck of Yassi Ada (625-626); Boardman 1989, 121, no. 323, figs 46, 47, pl. 28, with fish, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Felten 1975, 67, no. 69, pl. 19, from Aegina.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2840 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5YR 7/6, with mica. unglazed. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and base preserved. Handle: solid (?). Discus: plain, rings round filling hall, nozzlechannel. Shoulder: top, two dogs chasing two hares. Base: within two circles, incised cross. Tongue at end of handle, with central stem. Nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.099, H. 0.026 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Trench ΧΙ, well. 11-8-2008. Excav. Diary: 465, p. 297. Other Nos: AE 3252 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1276, hares, Λ 3410, dogs chasing hares, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 2787, ΠΧ 2497, with fish, ΠΧ 2426, ΠΧ 2249 partridges pecking at grapes, with vase in between. Perhaps similar Katsioti 2011, 300. no. 81, from Tilos. For cross incised on the base, see ΠΧ 1224, Λ 3021, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2691. See Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 25.7, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 335, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. Observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 1276.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 16 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3410 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’ Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia(?) Description: Clay: pinkish-grey, 7,5 YR 7/2, micaceous. unglazed. Nozzle and part of base missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in two tongues with central stem and three vertical incisions between. Discus: narrow, plain, ring round filling hole; framing ring with nozzle-channel. Shoulder: dogs chasing hares. Base: three circles; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.01, W. 0.075, H. 0.029 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Square Β1. South of wall 2, sporadic find. 9-3-1988. Excav. Diary: 266, p. 289.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Other Nos: AE 1250. Ill: 134 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1276 hares (with parallels), ΠΧ 2840 dogs chasing hares, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 2497, ΠΧ 2787, with fish, ΠΧ 2426, ΠΧ 2249 partridges pecking at grapes, with a vase in between. Observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 1276. See in particular Weber 2004, nos 170. 171, pl. 7, from Samos; Ladstätter 2008, 151, no. K 337, pl. 335, from Ephesus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 17 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2249 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues, with double incised-ribbon between, which joins onto the ring-base. Discus: ring round filling hole; framing ring with nozzle-channel. Shoulder: top, two partridges pecking at grapes. Between them a crater. Base: ring, nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.94, Wpres. 0.069, H. 0.022 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1, water-pipe. 29-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 21. Other Nos: AE 159 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1276, Λ 3410, ΠΧ 2840, dogs chasing hares, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 2497, ΠΧ 2787, with fish, ΠΧ 2426, partridges pecking at grapes, vase between them. Also Katsioti 2011, 300. no. 81, dogs chasing hares, from Tilos. Observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 1276. See a Syrian lamp with a similar theme, Lorand 2011, 229, figs 25, 26, first quarter of the 6th c., from Apamea; also a known theme in Early Christian sculpture of the time, see a capital in the Archaeological Museum of Thassos (Early Christian complex of Tsoukalario, 6th c). For the symbolism of the image of the crater, and its association to Dionysian, Orphic and Pythagorean ideas, see Ignatiadou 2014, 43-59. In the same sector of the excavation, D1, were found coins NB 552-553, Mauricius (602) and Heraclius (631/632), NB 1122, NB 1130 Justin II (565-578), NB 1131-1132, Constans II (641-651).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 18 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2426 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Concretion. Handle and nozzle missing. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: top, two partridges pecking at grapes. Between them a crater. Base: ring, two tongues at end of handle, with two incisions between, up to side of ring-base. Nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.074, W. 0.069, H. 0.023 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Wall ΑΒ, -0.8/-1 m. on layer of thickness 0.2 m. 4-11-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 36. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1276 hares, Λ 3410, ΠΧ 2840 dogs chasing hares, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 2497, ΠΧ 2787 fish, ΠΧ 2249, partridges pecking at grapes, vase between. Also Katsioti 2011, 300, no. 81, dogs chasing hares, from Tilos. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 1276. See also Syrian lamp with a similar theme, Lorand 2011, 229, fig. 25.26, first quarter of the 6th c., from Apamea. For the symbolism of the image of the crater, and its association to Dionysian, Orphic and Pythagorean ideas, see Ignatiadou 2014, 43-59.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2787 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’ Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia(?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: yellow, 10 YR 7/6. Trace of burning. Part of body and base missing. Handle: solid, ending at base in two tongues, and a broad band with crooked line inside. Discus: narrow, plain, double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel Shoulder: top, two dotted fish with impressed circles within. Base: narrow, two circles. Nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.112, H. 0.027 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Mahmud-Chasapoglou plot; Platonos and Apellou Streets. Found between wall λ, and two vertical to it, to -1.15 m. 21-1-1964. Other Nos: 56 Ill: 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1969, 507-511. For the connections with the neighbouring plots: Zervoudaki 1970, 507-511; Zervoudaki 1977, 356; Zervoudaki 1979, 412; Zervoudaki 1987, 583-584. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1276 hares, Λ 3410, ΠΧ 2840 dogs chasing hares, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 2497 fish, ΠΧ 2426, ΠΧ 2249 partridges pecking at grapes, with vase between them; Katsioti 2011, 300, no. 81, dogs chasing hares, from Tilos. Observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 1276.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2497 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Three non-joining pieces preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: dotted fish. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.04 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vasil. Sofias Streets. 1-10-1960. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 315. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, Chronika, 322. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1276 hares, Λ 3410, ΠΧ 2840 dogs chasing hares, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 2787 fish, ΠΧ 2426, ΠΧ 2249 partridges pecking at grapes, with vase between them; Katsioti 2011, 300. no. 81, dogs chasing hares, from Tilos. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 1276.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 21 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6034 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues, with an incision between. Discus: narrow, double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: top, two dotted fish, head-to-tail, with impressed rings inside them. Base: three circles, inner band dotted. Either side of the base, dotted triangles. Nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.076, H. 0.026 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Δ4, layer 1, north-west part. 1-10-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 236. Other Nos: AE 350 Ill: 136 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For the dotted decoration on the base cf. ΠΧ 2439, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2837, Λ 6110, ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1276. For theme cf. ΠΧ 1276 hares, Λ 3410, ΠΧ 2840 dogs chasing hares, ΠΧ 2497, ΠΧ 2787 fish, ΠΧ 2426, ΠΧ 2249 partridges pecking at grapes, with vase between. Katsioti 2011, 300. no. 81, dogs chasing hares, from Tilos. For the decoration of the base, see Ladstätter 2008, 153, no. K 351, pl. 336, from Ephesus. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 1276.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2210 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’ (?), Asia Minor. Clay analysis: NAA: Northern Ionia (??) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 4/6. Part of shoulder and base preserved. Shoulder: relief curved tongues; double framing ring Base: ring, at end of handle, two tongues with central stem. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.054 m. Date: Probably second half to end of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Pipinos plot; A. Volonaki Street. 2nd trench in Ρ 28α, wall 6 (wall Α3). North side, fill of debris, ‘black/ burnt earth’. 20-9-2006. Excav. Diary: 464, p. 245 Other Nos: AE 705 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1270-1272. Remarks: If this is indeed a ‘Samian type’ lamp, the narrow shoulder is a feature peculiar to Asia Minor lamps, hence the assumption of an earlier date.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 23 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1221 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?), Broneer type XXIX, 3. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Complete, Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in a vertical incision. Discus: plain (?), framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tongues. Base: double ring; nozzle sides double grooved. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.071, H. 0.034 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. Square Γ3/Β3, tombs 11, 12, 13, layer 3, 2nd level. 8-10-1991. Other Nos: Excavation bag 127, ΑΕ 165. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. the lamps with plain discus: Λ 2473, Λ 3021, ΠX 1222, ΠX 1279, Λ 2670. If indeed the depicted scene on the discus is as thought, then cf. too ΠΧ 2584.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 24 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2691 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Concretion. Part of discus, shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and vertical incision between them. Discus: dotted ring round filling hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Incisions in channel. Shoulder: tongues. Base: within ring, incised cross. Nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.083 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalipton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. North of wall 23, -2.57 m. (↓1.67 m.). 28-8-2007. Excav. Diary: 384, p. 167. Other Nos: AE 420 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Variations consist in a solid or leaf-shaped handle and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also lamp (without number) from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti For the cross incised on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2840, Λ 3021. See Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 25.7, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 335, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. See also Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 596, no. 29, fig. 26, end 6th-early 7th c., and Weber 2004, nos 122, 127, pl. 6, all from Samos; Wintermeyer 1980, no. 243, pl. 66. from Didyma; Miltner 1937, no. 1877, pl. X, no. 327, pl. XIV and Ladstätter 2008, 148, nos K. 307, K 310, pls 332, 333, from Ephesus; Vitelli 1982, 191, L3, fig. 2/9, the shipwreck of Yassi Ada; Crawford 1990, 90, 95, L 62.5:4177, L 63.53:5733, figs 500-502, from Sardis; Levi 1965-1966, 448, fig. 57.6,7, from Iassos; Brants 1913, no. 1118, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, Leiden; Gerousi 2013, 125, no. 169, 128, no. 174, first half of 7th c., from Perissa on Thera. For lamps of the same type but with dotted rings around the filling-hole and the rim, circlets on the nozzle or the channel, or incisions in the channel (cf. Λ 2473, Λ 3021, ΠX 1222, Λ 2670, ΠΧ 2011, ΠΧ 2512, ΠΧ 2450, Λ 6294), see also Bailey 1988, 391-392, Q 3198, Q 3199, from Ephesus, Q 3200, pl. 113, 147, c. 550-650. with parallels; Gassner 1997, 206, no. 840, pl. 66.91 and Ladstätter 2008, 148, no. K 309, pl. 332, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 118, nos 314, 317, figs 46, 47, pl. 27, mid 7th c., from Emborio on Chios; Weber 2004, nos 112, 126, 127, pls 5, 6 and Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 208, fig. 94a, from Samos, with parallels; Agallopoulou 1973-1974, 364, pl. 226, from Patras.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 25 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3021 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’’’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Complete. Flaked. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem. Discus: plain, double framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Double vertical incision on channel. Shoulder: tongues, nozzle framed by two small circles. Base: within ring, incised cross-asterisk. Nozzle sides triple grooved. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.066, H. 0.023 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. 1981-1986. Excav. Diary: 7.1 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2473, ΠX 1222, Λ 2670, ΠΧ 2512, ΠΧ 2450, ΠΧ 2691, Λ 6294. For the decoration on the base with cross, cf. ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2691, ΠΧ 2840. See Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 25.7, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 335, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; For more observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 26 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1222 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous, chipped. Slip: reddish-brown, 5YR 5/3, worn. Complete, with flakes, Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending perhaps in two tongues. Discus: plain, framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tongues. Base: flaked, nozzle sides triple grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.071, H. 0.02 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. Tomb 13. 14-10-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 307. Other Nos: Excavation bag 146, ΑΕ 195. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. Λ 2473, Λ 3021, Λ 2670, ΠΧ 2512, ΠΧ 2450, ΠΧ 2691, Λ 6294. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 27 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2473 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Complete, flaking on shoulder. Handle: solid grooved, ending in three incisions at base. Discus: two dotted rings round filling hole and another framing with a nozzle-channel. Impressed circle with dotted rays at start of channel. Shoulder: tongues. Base; ring; nozzle sides triple grooved. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.074, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Earth removal by machine. 15-12-1959. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 171. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. typically Λ 3021, ΠX 1222, Λ 2670, ΠΧ 2512, ΠΧ 2450, ΠΧ 2691, Λ 6294. Comparable lamps with plain discus and relief tongues on s​ houlder are very common. Variations include dotted rings around the filling hole and the rim, circlets on the nozzle or the channel or the grooves in the channel. See also Bailey 1988, 391-392, Q 3198, Q 3199, from Ephesus, Q 3200, pl. 113, 147, c. 550-650. with parallels; Gassner 1997, 206, no. 840, pl. 66.91 and Ladstätter 2008, 148, no. K 309, pl. 332, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 118, nos 314, 317, figs 46, 47, pl. 27, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Weber 2004, nos 112, 126, 127, pls 5, 6 and Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 208, fig. 94a, from Samos, with parallels; Agallopoulou 1973-1974, 364, pl. 226, from Patras. For more observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691. For the end of the handle at the base with vertical or zigzagged incisions, cf. Λ 6110, ΠΧ 2582.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 28 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2241 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.052 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Trench Ε1. 18-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: The variations consist of a solid or leaf-shaped handle and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle. Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2499. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also lamp without inventory number from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 29 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2243 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. In two non-joining pieces. Discus: plain, framing ring and ring round filling hole. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.045 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Trench Ε1. 18-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle. Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 30 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2499 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: red,10 R 4/6. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Shoulder: tongues, framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Base: Nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.046 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vasil. Sofias Streets. 23-4-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 234. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle. Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 31 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1279 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus, Broneer type XXIX. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, with small inclusions and mica. Unslipped. Handle, parts of discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: framing ring and rings round filling hole. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.055. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Stoa Α to west. 1-11-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 60. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466. Remarks: Cf. typically Λ 2473, Λ 3021, ΠX 1222, Λ 2670. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 32 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2512 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Nozzle, part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain, framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Vertical incisions in channel. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.056 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vasil. Sofias Street, without stratigraphy. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, Chronika, 322. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 33 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2824 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6, to black from firing. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.06 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Charalambous (K. Diakogeorgiou) plot; side-street to Cheimarras. Interior of sewer 3α. 23-5-2001. Excav. Diary: 424, p. 244. Other Nos: AE 545 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2000, 1119; Bairami 2001-2004, 231-232. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2837, ΠΧ 2846. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 34 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6033 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8, worn thin. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with central stem and double incision between. Discus: narrow; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tongues. Base: double ring; nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.061, H. 0.02 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Square Δ4, layer 1, north-west part. 1-10-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 236. Other Nos: AE 349 Ill: 137 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511, Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle. Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2011, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 35 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1230 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 10R 5/8. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Chipped. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with central stem, dots at edges and vertical incision between. Discus: dotted ring round filling hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tongues; nozzle flanked by two small circles. Base: within ring, incised branch; nozzle sides triple grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.107, W. 0.07, H. 0.025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. Square Γ3/Β3, tombs 11,12, 13, layer 3, 2nd level. 8-10-1991.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Excav. Diary: 307, p. 273. Other Nos: Excavation bag 127, ΑΕ 168. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle Cf. ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1222, ΠX 1279, Λ 2670. Λ 2473, Λ 3021, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, Λ 6294, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837, ΠΧ 2846. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos. For the incised branch on the base, cf. ΠΧ 2103, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2449, ΠΧ 2693. See Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 25.2, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 320, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. For the configuration of the base, cf. ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2693 and Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 25.2, from Ephesus. For other observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 36 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1323 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: in places reddish-yellow, 5ΥR 6/8. Part of handle and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with central stem and vertical incision between. Discus: plain, framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tongues; nozzle flanked by two small circles. Base: within two circles small circle and dot; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Worn mould. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.104, W. 0.066, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ 1. 18-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 135. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Found along with the coins ΝΒ 1128, ΝΒ 1129, Heraclius (613-617). For observations, comparisons and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2691.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 37 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2011 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Trace of burning. Part of base missing, flaked. Handle: leaf-shaped ending in front with a small circle, ending at base in two tongues with central incision and dots at edges. Discus: plain; ring round filling hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Impressed circlet on nozzle. Shoulder: tongues; nozzle flanked by two small circles. Base: ring; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.108, W. 0.07, H. 0.029 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Alvanakis plot; Apollonos Street. South-east part, west room, layer 3. 13-6-2000. Excav. Diary: 415, p. 39. Other Nos: AE 31 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1999, 933-934; Karantzali 2000, 1130-1133. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or palmette-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 38 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2321 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with central stem at end of handle, with incision inside. Shoulder: tongues. Base: double ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.047 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Pipinos plot; Grammou and Herakleiou Streets. Α6/Β6, oven, 2nd half, 2nd ‘pass’. 7-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 425, p. 349. Other Nos: AE 696 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 1997, 1082; Bairami 1998, 933; Bairami 2000, 1122-1123. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 39 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2478 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Worn. Part of shoulder, discus and handle preserved. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with central stem and incision between. Discus: ring round filling hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tongues. Base: ring. Plaster mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.08 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tourkalis plot; Ethnarchou Makariou and 25 Martiou Streets. East of bedrock, towards the Courthouse. 16-5-1961. Excav. Diary: 3 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 531, 24. Remarks: The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle. Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430. ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). Observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 41 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2094 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning. Handle missing. Discus: ring round filling hole; framing ring, with a nozzlechannel. Shoulder: tongues. Base: double ring, at end of handle two tongues with incision between. Nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.076 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α4, ± 1.60 m. 29-7-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 111. Other Nos: AE 109 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Found with coin N 3735, Phocas (602-610). Cf. ΠΧ 2086, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2922, ΠΧ 2924.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Regarding the diminishing size of the ‘Samian type’ lamps, see also the ‘Kornos cave type’, Procopiou 1995, 261-264, fig. 4a, end 6th-mid 7th c.; Hayes 2007, 479, no. 20, fig. 15.1, from Kourion; Catling, Dikigoropoulos 1970, especially 49, pl. XXXIIB, fig. 4, 7th c. Also Menzel, 100, no. 651, fig. 81.5. See also lamps of similar typology, but almost circular, Ladstätter 2005, 265, fig. 54.3, 6th c., from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2011, 20, fig. 26; Ladstätter 2008, 120, nos K 351, K 352, n. 848, pl. 336, from Ephesus (referred to as an import from Cyprus); Szymanska 2008, 164, nos 64, 65, 67, fig. 58, 6th-7th c., from Marea Egypt; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 296, no. 355, from Carthage, 6th-7th c.; Topoleanu 2012, 179, 186, no. 111, pl. XIII, in the Archaeological Museum in Ploesti, 5th-7th c., referred to as import from the Levant or Egypt. Even Attic lamps of the 7th c. adopt a similar typology and a simplified decoration, see Perlzweig 1961, 198, no. 2927, pl. 46, from the Athenian Agora. For ‘Samian type’ lamps with similar themes, a solid or leaf-shaped handle and sometimes embossed tongues​ on the nozzle, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 42 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2837 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/6, in places. Trace of burning. Part of discus lost. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in an incision at base, with pair of tongues with a central stem. Discus: plain, ring round filling hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tongues. Base: triple ring and dots on either side. Nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.099, W. 0.064, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Emmanouil plot; end of Cheimarras Street. Well 3. 23-7-1962. Excav. Diary: 5, p. 267 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466 and excavated details for the Damianos plot. Remarks: Found with: ΠΧ 2831, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2838 and the coin NB 3891, Justin II (576-577). The variations consist of solid or leaf-shaped handles and the presence of relief tongues on the nozzle. Cf. Cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2846. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory umber, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691. CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 43 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2447 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: tongues, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.058 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. South of wall 23. 18-12-1985. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 151. Other Nos: AE 262 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2086, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2922, ΠΧ 2924. See the lamps of ‘Kornos cave type’, Prokopiou 1995, 261-264, fig. 4a, end 6th-mid 7th c.; Catling, Dikigoropoulos 1970, especially 49, pl. XXXIIB, fig. 4, 7th c. See also Menzel 1969, 100, no. 651, fig. 81.5; Ladstätter 2011, fig. 26, from Ephesus (referred to as import). See Ladstätter 2005, 265, fig. 54.3, 6th c., from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2011, 20, fig. 26; Ladstätter 2008, 120, n. 848, nos K 351, K352, pl. 336, of Ephesus (referred to as import from Cyprus); Miltner 1937, no. 1910, pl. X, from Ephesus; Szymanska 2008, 164, nos 64, 65, 67, fig. 58, 6th-7th c., from Marea in Egypt; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 296, no. 355, from Carthage, 6th-7th c. For ‘Samian’ lamps with a solid or leaf-shaped handle and sometimes embossed tongues​on the nozzle, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2691.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 44 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2448 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/3, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.042 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. 6-6-1986. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 356. Other Nos: AE 390 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 2086, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2922, ΠΧ 2924. For typological similarities with lamps of Kornos cave type, see Prokopiou 1995, 261-264, fig. 4a, end 6th-mid 7th c.; Catling, Dikigoropoulos 1970, 49, pl. XXXIIB, fig. 4, 7th c. See also Menzel 1969, 100, no. 651, fig. 81.5; Ladstätter 2005, 265, fig. 54.3, 6th c., from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2011, 20, fig. 26; Ladstätter 2008, 120, n. 848, nos K 351, K352, pl. 336, from Ephesus (referred to as import from Cyprus); Miltner 1937, no. 1910, pl. X, from Ephesus; Szymanska 2008, 164, nos 64, 65, 67, fig. 58, 6th-7th c., from Marea in Egypt; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 296, no. 355, from Carthage, 6th-7th c. For ‘Samian type’ lamps with a solid or leaf-shaped handle and sometimes tongues on the nozzle cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2430, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). Cf. also similar ‘Samian type’ lamps, with dotted rings around the hole filling and the rim, circlets on the nozzle or channel or even incisions in the channel; observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2691.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 45 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2430 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Clay analysis: NAA: area of southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa) (?). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Handle: pierced and grooved. Discus: double framing ring. Shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.077 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. -0.6/-0.9 m, general earth removal. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 2086, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2922, ΠΧ 2924. See for typological similarities with lamps of ‘Kornos cave type’, Prokopiou 1995, 261-264, fig. 4a, end 6th-mid 7th c.; Catling, Dikigoropoulos 1970, 49, pl. XXXIIB, fig. 4, 7th c. See also Menzel 1969, 100, no. 651, fig. 81.5; Ladstätter 2005, 265, fig. 54.3, 6th c., from Ephesus; Ladstätter 2011, 20, fig. 26; Ladstätter 2008, 120, n. 848, nos K 351, K352, pl. 336, from Ephesus (referred to as import from Cyprus); Miltner 1937, no. 1910, pl. X, from Ephesus; Szymanska 2008, 164, nos 64, 65, 67, fig. 58, 6th-7th c., from Marea in Egypt; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 296, no. 355, from Carthage, 6th-7th c. For ‘Samian type’ lamps with a solid or leaf-shaped handle and sometimes embossed tongues​ on the nozzle, see ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 1323, ΠX 1279, Λ 6033, ΠΧ 2321, ΠΧ 2478, ΠΧ 2846, ΠΧ 2232, ΠΧ 2447, ΠΧ 2448, ΠΧ 2094, ΠΧ 2241, ΠΧ 2243, ΠΧ 2499, ΠΧ 2824, ΠΧ 2837. Katsioti 2011, 415-416, no. 139, from Nissyros. Also a lamp, without inventory number, from Kefalos on Kos (unpublished). For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2691.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 46 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2822 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, with a little mica. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning. Complete, flaked. Handle: solid, grooved, ending at base with rib and two tongues with central stem. Discus: plain, dotted ring round filling hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets. Base: within ring small circle; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.07, H. 0.02 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Alvanakis plot; Apollonos Street. South-east part, south of wall 4, earth removal layer 3. 29-62000.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Excav. Diary: 421, p. 17. Other Nos: AE 53, 54 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1999, 933-934; Karantzali 2000, 1130-1133. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. For the configuration of the base, see Ladstätter 2008, fig. 25.4, from Ephesus. The decoration on shoulder with relief concentric circles is particularly common in ‘Samian type’ lamps. See Bailey 1988, 392393, Q 3206, Q 3207, Q 3205, pl. 114, c. 550-650. with parallels; Gassner 1997, 205-206, nos 836, 837, pl. 66.91; Iro, Schwaiger, Waldner 2009, fig. 35.5-6; Ladstätter 2010c, 172, K. 789, pls 217, 225, all from Ephesus; Mimaroglou 2016, 174, nos 8, 9, from Myndos, 6th-7th c.; Weber 2004, nos 207, 209, 210, 213, 217, pl. 9 and Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, no. 27, pl. 92c, from Samos; Boardman 1989, 120-121, nos 317, 319, 320. figs 46, 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Gerousi 2013, 131, no. 181, 6th-7th c., from Perissa on Thera; Wintermeyer 1980, no. 245, pl. 66, from Didyma; Menzel 1969, 99, no. 645, fig. 81.3; Orsi 1909, 360, fig. 18.11, from Syracuse; Argoud 1980, 40. pl. XL.10-11, from Salamis on Cyprus; Felten 1975, 67, no. 70, pl. 19, from Aegina.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 47 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2115 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, worn. Trace of burning. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in tongues. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: targets within panels, grooves marked with dots. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.061 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Narrow baulk, west of domed space 1. 15-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 8-9. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 48 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2151 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow,7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: dotted band round filling-hole, framing ring. Shoulder: targets within panels. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.058 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Klonaris plot; Kanada Street 18. Trench Α3, fill above the water-pipe 1, -0.2 to -0.9 m. 9-9-1997. Excav. Diary: 362, p. 330. Other Nos: AE 187 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 1997, 1084-1085. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 49 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2152 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: targets. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.058 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Klonaris plot; Kanada Street 18. Trench Α3, fill above water-pipe 1, -0.2 to -0.9 m. 9-9-1997. Excav. Diary: 362, p. 330. Other Nos: AE 187 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 1997, 1084-1085. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 50 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2237 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8, worn thin. Parts of shoulder and base preserved. Two non-joining pieces. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: two circles, two tongues with central stem, at end of handle, with vertical incision between. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.044 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 15-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 14. Other Nos: AE 122 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 51 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2245 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: reddishyellow, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, discus, base and nozzle preserved. Discus: nozzle-channel, three vertical incisions between. Shoulder: targets. Base: double ring; nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.06 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1, water conduit. 29-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 21. Other Nos: AE 159 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: In the same sector of the excavation, Δ1, were found coins NB 552-553, Mauricius (602) and Heraclius (631/632), NB 1122, NB 1130 of Justin II (565-578), NB 1131-1132, Constans II (641-651). Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 52 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2246 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: targets; double framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1, water-pipe. 29-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 21. Other Nos: AE 159 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: In the same sector of the excavation, Δ1, were found the coins NB 552-553, Mauricius (602) and Heraclius (631/632), NB 1122, NB 1130 of Justin II (565-578), NB 1131-1132, Constans II (641-651). Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 53 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2247 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, nozzle preserved. In two non-joining pieces. Shoulder: targets; double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.051 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1, water-pipe. 29-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 21. Other Nos: AE 159 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: In the same sector of the excavation, Δ1, were found the coins NB 552-553, Mauricius (602) and Heraclius (631/632), NB 1122, NB 1130 of Justin II (565-578), NB 1131-1132, Constans II (641-651). Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 54 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2257 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: dotted band round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: dotted targets within panels, grooves marked with dots. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.06 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Klonaris plot; Kanada Street 18. Square Α1-Α2, earth removal. 1-82006. Excav. Diary: 455, p. 264. Other Nos: AE 212 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 1997, 1084-1085. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 55 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2443 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, with a little mica. Slip: reddish-brown, 5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: framing ring. Shoulder: targets within panels. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.055 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. North of wall 8. 17-6-1985. Excav. Diary: 192, p. 373. Other Nos: AE 150 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 56 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2459 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain; ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.064 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: In the fill were found lamps ΠΧ 2460-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 57 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2500 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: targets, double framing ring. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.045 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vasil. Sofias Streets. 23-4-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 234. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 58 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2503 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: ash-grey. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two dotted tongues with incision, and a pair of stems near the base. Discus: narrow, plain, double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels and dots. Base: within three circles dots forming a rosette. On either side a dotted lozenge. Nozzle sides grooved, inner band dotted. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.089, W. 0.077, H. 0.027 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vasil. Sofias Streets. 23-4-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 234. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, Chronika, 322. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. For the dotted decoration on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1276, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2837, Λ 6034, Λ 6110. For the configuration of the base, see Martini, Steckner 1993, no. 4, pl. 15, from Samos; Ladstätter 2008, 153, no. K 351, pl. 336, from Ephesus. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 59 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2689 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: to ash-grey. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Repaired. Shoulder: targets within panels; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.069 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalipton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. North of wall 23, -2.57 (↓ 1.67L.). 28-8-2007. Excav. Diary: 384, p. 167. Other Nos: AE 420 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 60 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2799 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid grooved. Shoulder: dotted targets. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.031 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras 4 Street. Between walls 1 Β and 2, black earth (burnt rubbish). 31-1-1986. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 276. Other Nos: AE 324. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323: Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 61 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2047 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Right part of body missing. Repaired. Restored. Handle: solid, semi-pierced, ending in two tongues, with a groove between them. Discus: narrow, plain; ring round fillinghole; double framing ring, with a narrow nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets. Base: narrow, within ring, small circle; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.096, Wpres. 0.065, H. 0.02 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Trench Ε1. 16-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1, p. 15. Other Nos: AE 127 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 62 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6107 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR7/4, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: targets within panels. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.062 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Skoumbourdis plot; S. Kazouli Street. West part of excavation, wall 30. 20-8-1981. Excav. Diary: 156, p. 396. Other Nos: AE 194 Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 63 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6535 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn thin. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and incision between. Discus: plain, framing ring, with a nozzlechannel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: within ring, two small circles; nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.084, W. 0.069, H. 0.021 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Dokous-Sokak, redevelopment. ‘Shield Monument’, Parthenopis and Afroditis Streets. Fill below and around the walled up marble hydria. 24-12-1972. Excav. Diary: 40. p. 312. Ill: 138 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1973, 637-640; Doumas 1973-1974, 961; Palaiologou 2004, 53-72; Palaiologou 2002-2005, 149-162; Patsiada 2013a, 103-105. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 64 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1216 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4. Slip: similar. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem, dotted triangle at sides and vertical incision between. Discus: dotted band round filling hole; ring round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Dotted triangle in nozzlechannel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: dotted ring; nozzle sides triple grooved with dotted triangle at their junction (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.066, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. Square Γ3/Β3, tombs 11, 12, 13. layer 3, 2nd level. 8-10-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 273. Other Nos: Excavation bag 126. ΑΕ 167. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223. Also ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, ΠΧ 2991, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. For dotted decoration on base, cf. ΠΧ 1276, Λ 6110, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 2439, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2837. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 65 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1217 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: black, worn thin, preserved in spots. Concretion. Complete. Handle: solid. Discus: ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: ring, nozzle sides double grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.0.95, W. 0.07, H. 0. 025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou sidestreet, Monte Smith. South part of the built area, tomb 13. 8-81990. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 307. Other Nos: Excavation bag 146, ΑΕ 194. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1216, ΠΧ 1223. Also ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, ΠΧ 2991, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 66 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1223 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Part of discus missing. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in triple pairs of incisions, making an angle. Discus: plain; ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: ring; nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: L. 0.104, W. 0.065, H. 0.025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. Square Γ3/Β3, tombs 11, 12, 13, layer 3, 2nd level. 8-10-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 223. Other Nos: Excavation bag 127, ΑΕ 64. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1217. Also, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, ΠΧ 2991, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 67 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2169 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Strong burning on half of lamp. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in tongues with central stem with incision between. Discus: narrow, plain, ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: double ring; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.111, W. 0.064, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Γ3. Removal, 2nd ‘pass’ of fill, to -2.45 m. 12-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 342, p. 21. Other Nos: AE 776


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 68 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2178 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/8 to grey. Nozzle missing. Handle: leaf-shaped ending in two tongues with central stem. Discus: plain, double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel, inner circle. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: within ring, three circles; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.098, W. 0.065, H. 0.022 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Β. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 69 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2238 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with central stem. Discus: plain, framing ring. Shoulder: targets. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.045 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Trench Ε1. 18-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 70 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2690 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: to ash-grey. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped. Shoulder: targets within panels; double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.075 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 Γ. Archangelou. North of wall 23, -2.57 m. (↓1.67m). 28-8-2007. Excav. Diary: 384, p. 167. Other Nos: AE 420 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 71 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2692 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, base and discus missing. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped ending in two tongues with central stem and incision in between. Discus: ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: double ring; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.105, H. 0.025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 Γ. Archangelou. West of wall 2, -2.9 m. (↓ 2 m.). 28-8-2007. Excav. Diary: 384, p. 163. Other Nos: AE 412 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2822, ΠΧ 2823, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 72 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2823 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending at base in two tongues with central stem and incision in between. Discus: plain, ring round fillinghole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: double ring, nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.093, W. 0.071, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Charalambous (K. Diakogeorgiou) plot; side-street off Cheimarras Street. Inside water-pipe 3α. 23-5-2001. Excav. Diary: 424, p. 244. Other Nos: AE 545 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2000, 1119; Bairami 2001-2004, 231-232. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2991. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 73 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2991 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and base missing. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped, grooved with small circles and ending with small dotted circle in front, ending in two tongues with central stem and incision in between. Discus: plain. Shoulder: targets within panels. Base: ring; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Β Γ3 and square Γ3, water-conduit 24, fill. 6-9-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 123. Other Nos: Excavation bag 339 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2991-ΠΧ 2993. Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠX 1217, ΠΧ 1223, ΠΧ 2047, ΠΧ 2178, ΠΧ 2441, ΠΧ 2459, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2500, ΠΧ 2692, ΠΧ 2822, Λ 6535, Λ 6107, Λ 5557, ΠΧ 2057, ΠΧ 2069, ΠΧ 2115, ΠΧ 2118, ΠΧ 2151, ΠΧ 2152, ΠΧ 2169, ΠΧ 2230, ΠΧ 2237, ΠΧ 2238, ΠΧ 2245, ΠΧ 2246, ΠΧ 2247, ΠΧ 2257, ΠΧ 2443, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2689, ΠΧ 2690, ΠΧ 2798, ΠΧ 2799, ΠΧ 2823. Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3205, pl. 151, from Lindos. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished). Also Farmakidou 2011, 154-155, no. 57, from Symi. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2822.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 74 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2209 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Flaked at handle. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and incision in between. Discus: dotted band round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: vines. Base: within ring small circles; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.071, H. 0.022 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Kladakis plot; Dokous-Sokak. Sewer, tomb to north side. 26-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 162, p. 365. Other Nos: AE 9 Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos without inventory number, Leros KMΛ 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Didioumi 2015,102, fig. I.1.7. 15ab, from the city of Kos. The decoration of vines, with or without grapes is extremely common in ‘Samian type’ lamps, with a solid or leaf-shaped handle. See Bailey 1988, 392, Q 3204, pl. 114, c. 550-650, from Ephesus, Q 3202, from Ephesus, Q 3203, from Kent, pl. 113, c. 550-650. with parallels; Miltner 1937, no. 1988, pl. X; Mitsopoulos-Leon 2007, 113, no. L 257, pl. 33; Ladstätter 2008, 148, no. K 311, pl. 333; Ladstätter 2010c, 171-172, K. 788, pls 217, 225, all from Ephesus; Niewöhner 2013, 188-189, fig. 25, first half of 7th c., from Miletus; Mimaroglou 2016, 175, no. 10, from Myndos, 6th-7th c.; Weber 2004, no. 137, pl. 6, nos 150, 151, fig. 5, no. 186, fig. 6, nos 179-180, pl. 7, no. 190, pl. 8; Martini, Steckner 1993, pl. 14.5, 603-653, pl. 15.2, 7th c. and Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 596, no. 30, fig. 27, end 6th-early 7th c.; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1985, 209-210, no. 32, pl. 96b, all from Samos; Boardman 1989, 121, no. 322, figs 46, 47, pl. 28, up to the middle of the 7th c., from Emporio on Chios; Vogli 2016, 99-100, fig. 78, end of the 6th c., from Ag. Ioannis Theologos, Korthi, Andros; Argoud 1980, 40, pl. XL.12, from Salamis on Cyprus; Hudson 2008, 335, no. 2.7, fig. 13, early 5th c., from Aphrodisias; Felten 1975, 67, no. 71, pl. 19, from Aegina; Bournias 2014, fig. 5.26-27, from Naxos; Gerousi 2013, 130, no. 179, 131, no. 180, 132, no. 183, 134, no. 186, 6th-7th c., from Perissa on Thera.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 75 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2071 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6 micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved Shoulder: vines. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.058 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Minatsis plot; Menekleous Street. -1.84 m. 8-6-1992. Excav. Diary: 3.18, p. 68. Other Nos: AE 361 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Nika 1992, 674-675; Nika 1993, 571-572. Remarks: Found along with the coin N 4592, Constans II (668). Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 76 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2063 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Concretion. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: plain, ring round filling-hole; double framing ring. Shoulder: vines. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.072 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 7-12-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1 Other Nos: AE 169 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/ Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 77 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2234 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay and slip: grey, due to intense firing. Mica, chiefly at surface. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain, double ring round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.055 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 15-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 14. Other Nos: AE 122 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 78 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2242 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: vines. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.04 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Ε1. 18-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 79 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2406 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Concretion. Trace of burning. Part of base, shoulder and nozzle preserved. Repaired. Shoulder: vines. Base: ring, two tongues at ending of handle, nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.09 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. North of wall 6 (1), depth to -2.87 m. 15-5-2007. Excav. Diary: 382, p. 288. Other Nos: AE 235 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 80 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2417 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: vines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.067 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Joining of new with older excavations, earth removal, -0.3/-0.6 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 81 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2428 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Flakes at handle. Nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and three incisions between. Discus: dotted band round fillinghole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within double ring, two dotted circles; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.096, W. 0.085, H. 0.025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -1/-1.7 m, earth removal. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory numbers, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/ Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 82 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2445 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.05 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 83 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2501 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 5/8. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid grooved ending in two tongues with central stem, dots at edges and two incisions at centre with cross-line. Discus: dotted band round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: vines. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.062 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Moschou-Vogiatzis plot; Ethelonton Dodekanision, G. Lambraki and Vasil. Sofias Streets. 23-4-1961. Excav. Diary: 3, p. 234. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1961-1962, 301-302; Fatourou 1963, 322. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 84 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2581 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Unslipped. Complete, small hole in base of nozzle. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and incision between. Discus: narrow, ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: circles; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.11, W. 0.079, H. 0.032 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Ill: 139 Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 85 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2583 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4, micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/2. Concretion. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with vertical incision between. Discus: framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: double ring (Eph. C). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.089, W. 0.077, H. 0.029 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 86 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2694 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Concretion. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with incision between. Discus: ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: ring-shaped, nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.078, W. 0.067, H. 0.022 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. South of wall 23, -2.35 m. (↓1.45 m.). 27-8-2007. Excav. Diary: 384, p. 157. Other Nos: AE 397 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2693. Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 87 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2797 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: dark reddish-grey, 2,5 YR 4/1. Trace of burning. Nozzle preserved. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.029 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Pekmetzis plot; Early Christian basilica, Agisandrou Street. 25-4-1989. Excav. Diary: 3.9, p. 93. Other Nos: AE 67 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Archontopoulos 1989, 510-516; Archontopoulos 1990, 507-510; Papavassiliou, Archontopoulos, 1991, 340-345. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 88 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2821 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6. Trace of burning. Complete, flaking. Handle: solid grooved, ending at base with rib and two tongues with central stem. Discus: plain, ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: ring; nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.07, H. 0.02 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Alvanakis plot; Apollonos Street. South-east part, south of wall 4, layer 3. 29/6/2000. Excav. Diary: 421, p. 17. Other Nos: AE 53, 54. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1999, 933-934; Karantzali 2000, 1130-1133. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/ Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 89 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2992 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Part of shoulder and handle preserved Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: rings. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Β Γ3 and square Γ3, water-conduit 24, filling. 6-9-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 123. Other Nos: Excavation bag 339 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2990. ΠΧ 2991, ΠΧ 2993. Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 90 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5548 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder, base and handle preserved. Restored with Λ 5549. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and three incisions between, which connect with the ring-base, and a dotted ornament at the edges. Discus: double ring round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: ring. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.078 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Neas Zilandias Street. Handed in. 17-8-1956. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/ Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 92 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1224 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa ?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved ending in two tongues with central stem and vertical incision between. Discus: narrow, framing ring, with a nozzle-channel Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within ring, circle with an incised cross; nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Worn mould. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.94, W. 0.071, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. Square Β3/Γ3, Between tombs 1 and 11, level 3. 7-10-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 263. Other Nos: Excavation bag 125, ΑΕ 158. Ill: 140 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. typically Λ 2474, ΠX 1199, ΠX 1278. Also Λ 3023, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2992. For the cross incised in the base cf. Λ 3021, ΠΧ 2493, ΠΧ 2691, ΠΧ 2840. See Ladstätter 2008, fig. 25.7, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 335, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 93 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1278 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red in places, 2,5 ΥR 5/6. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: tendrils, framing ring. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.047 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epirou Streets. Stoa Α to the west. 21-11-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 60. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466. Remarks: Cf. typically Λ 2474, ΠX 1199, ΠX 1224. Also Λ 3023, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2992. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 94 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2474 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddishbrown, 5 YR 5/4, worn. Part of upper surface and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and vertical incision between. Discus: narrow, ring round fillinghole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: vines. Base: ring, nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: L. 0.091, W. 0.067, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Earth removal with machinery. 15-12-1959. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 171. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Κontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. typically ΠX 1199, ΠX 1224, ΠX 1278. Also Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1278, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2992. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 95 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2499 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: yellowish-red, 5YR 5/8. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with incision between. Discus: narrow, ring round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within triple ring, circles; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: H. 0.043 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tourkalis plot; 25 Martiou and Ethnarchou Makariou Streets. East of rock (towards the Court-House).16-5-1961. Excav. Diary: 3 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 531, n. 24. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992 For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2209.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 96 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 3023 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: yellowish-red, 5YR 5/8. Concretion. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two tongues with central stem and incision between. Discus: narrow, framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: double ring; nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.061, H. 0.023 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. North side. Fill from the digging of the foundations. 23-1-1986. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 97 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2064 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8 micaceous. Slip: similar. Concretion. Trace of burning in front. Part of discus, shoulder and base missing. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in front with four dots, ending in two tongues with vertical incision between. Discus: plain, ring round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: vines. Base: within double ring small circle; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.1, Wpres. 0.065, H. 0.021 m. Date: c. 550-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 7-12-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1 Other Nos: AE 169 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 98 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2082 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink 5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddishbrown, 2,5 YR 7/8. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending at base in two tongues with vertical incision between. Discus: plain, ring round filling-hole; double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Three grooves in channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: double ring; nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.11, W. 0.069, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Trianda, cemetery, Kambouropoulos plot; Agias Paraskevis Street. Ossuary Ο1. 25-6-1997. Excav. Diary: 9.3, p. 355. Other Nos: AE 100


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Bibliography: For the excavation, see Nika 1997b, 1155-1157; Nika 1997a, 50. Remarks: Found along with the coins NB 4402-4410, 4412-4413, 4416-4420, mainly Heraclius (610-641) and Constans II (648-649). Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 99 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2168 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Complete, flaked. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in tongues with central stem and incision between. Discus: narrow, plain, ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: double ring; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.094, W. 0.061, H. 0.019 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Τrench Α3, south-west part, depth to -2.8 m. 4-7-2005. Excav. Diary: 447, p. 174. Other Nos: AE 1951 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 100 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2235 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Part of handle and nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped ending in two tongues with central stem and incision between. Discus: ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within double ring incised branch; nozzle sides double grooved (Eph. C). Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.094 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 15-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 14. Other Nos: AE 122 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. For the incised branch on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 2103, ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2693. See Ladstätter 2008, fig. 25.2, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 320, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 101 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2239 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Trace of burning. Handle, parts of base, nozzle and shoulder preserved. Two nonjoining pieces. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in two small circles in front, ending in two tongues with central stem and incision between. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within double ring small circle. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.045 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Ε1. 18-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 102 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2315 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: grey due to firing, micaceous. Trace of burning. Part of base, handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending with four small circles in front, ending at base in two tongues with central stem and vertical incision between. Discus: plain; ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within double ring, incised branch; nozzle sides grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.083 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papamichael plot; Navarinou Street. Area Δ2, dismantling of wall 8α. 13-10-1994. Excav. Diary: 356, p. 103. Other Nos: AE 486 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1993, 509-511; Fantaoutsaki 1994, 761-763. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821,ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. For the incised branch on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 2103, ΠΧ 2335, ΠΧ 2693. See Ladstätter 2008, fig. 25.2, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 320, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 103 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2693 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Concretion. Trace of burning. Nozzle missing. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending with four small circles in front ending in two tongues with central stem and incision between. Discus: plain; ring round filling-hole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Grooves and small circle in channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within double ring, incised branch; nozzle sides grooved. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.095, W. 0.07, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. South of wall, -2.35 m. (1.45 m.). 27-8-2007. Excav. Diary: 384, p. 157. Other Nos: AE 397 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2694. Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. For the incised mark on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2103, ΠΧ 2449. See Ladstätter 2008, fig. 25.2, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 320, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 104 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2788 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink 5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6. Handle, part of body and base preserved. Handle: leaf shaped, ending in tongues with central stem and incision between. Discus: framing ring; Shoulder: tendrils. Base: within circles, dotted circles. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.07 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Mahmud-Chasapoglou plot; Platonos and Apellou Streets. Τrench 3, from the upper surface of wall Α1 to -1.75 m. 30-3-1964. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1969, 507-511. For the connection with the neighbouring plot; Zervoudaki, 1970, 507-511; Zervoudaki 1977, 356; Zervoudaki 1979, 412; Zervoudaki 1987, 583-584. Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. For the dotted decoration on the base, see ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1276, Λ 6034, Λ 6110, ΠΧ 2439, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2837. See Ladstätter 2008, 153, no. K 351, pl. 336, from Ephesus. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 105 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2836 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, with mica. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 ΥR 6/6, in places. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: leaf-shaped, ending in incision with a double pair of oblique incisions at each side. Discus: plain; ring round fillinghole; framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: ring, incised branch; nozzle sides triple grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.112, W. 0.067, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Emmanouil plot; end of Cheimarras Street. Well 3. 23-7-1962. Excav. Diary: 5, p. 267.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466 and excavation details for the Damianos plot. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2831, ΠΧ 2837, ΠΧ 2838. Also coin NP 3891, Justin II (576-577). Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2923, ΠΧ 2992. Also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 106 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2923 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5ΥR 5/4, micaceous, fugitive. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, worn. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: leaf-shaped. Shoulder: tendrils. Discus: plain; ring round filling hole; double framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Base: ring. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0. 061, H. 0. 023 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Theologos (Tholos) settlement. Temple of Apollo Erethimios. Square Α6, trench Α6, sooty layer, Δ4, -1.39/-1.72 m. 7-9-2012. Excav. Diary: 396β, p. 172. Other Nos: AE 174 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 163, no 6, fig. 6. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011 (forthcoming); Triandafyllidis 2012 (forthcoming). Remarks: Cf. Λ 3023, ΠΧ 1199, ΠΧ 1224, ΠΧ 1278, Λ 2474, Λ 5548, ΠΧ 2063, ΠΧ 2168, ΠΧ 2172, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2445, ΠΧ 2581, ΠΧ 2583, ΠΧ 2797 (?), ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2064, ΠΧ 2071, ΠΧ 2082, ΠΧ 2209, ΠΧ 2234, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2239, ΠΧ 2242, ΠΧ 2406, ΠΧ 2417, ΠΧ 2428, ΠΧ 2501, ΠΧ 2693, ΠΧ 2694, ΠΧ 2821, ΠΧ 2836, ΠΧ 2992. In the Dodecanese, see also Kefalos on Kos, without inventory number, Leros KML 298, Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos, and AK 482, AK 1691, from a tomb in the Early Christian basilica of the Archangel Michael at Embolas/Vathy, Kalymnos. Cf. observations and parallels, ΠΧ 2209.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 107 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2429 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Parts of upper and lower body missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: plain; ring round filling hole; double framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: leaves in form of guilloche. Base: ring; nozzle sides double grooved. Dimensions: L. 0.116, H. 0.023 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.6/-0.9 m, earth removal. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2134. Also for those decorated with guilloche, see typically ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For decoration with guilloche on similar type lamps, see Ladstätter 2008, 151, no. K 336, pl. 335, from Ephesus; Mimaroglou 2016, 173, nos 4, 5, from Myndos, 6th-7th c.; Weber 2004, no. 197, pl. 8 with palmette-shaped handle, from Samos; Menzel 1969, 99, no. 643, fig. 81.1, from Miletus; Boardman 1989, 121, no. 320, figs 46, 47, pl. 27, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Joly 1974, no. 1254, pl. LIII, with leaf-shaped handle, from Sabratha; Williams 1977, no. 30, pl. XXXVc, 631-before the end of the 7th c., from Anemourion; Topoleanu 2012, 213-214, no. 128, pl. XVI, 5th-7th c., in the Archaeological Museum of Ploesti, referred to as import from Ephesus or Miletus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 108 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2134 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning at nozzle. Part of nozzle missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with relief stem between, which joins to base-ring. Discus: plain; ring round filling hole; framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: leaves in form of guilloche. Base: within ring, two small circles; nozzle sides double grooved. (Eph. C). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.108, W. 0.088, H. 0.025 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kesoglou-Volonakis plot; Ethelonton Dodecanesion Street 29. In wall 14. 1-7-1977. Excav. Diary: 82, p. 303. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kantzia 1973-1974, 970; Kantzia 1977, 351; Kantzia 1978, 398. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2429. Also for pieces decorated with guilloche, cf. typically ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For decoration with guilloche on similar type lamps, cf. observations and comparisons ΠΧ 2429.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 109 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2427 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Chips on handle. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and double incisions between where it terminates at the basering; plain; ring round filling hole; double framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: guilloche. Base: ring; nozzle sides triple grooved. Worn lower part of mould (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.07, H. 0.023 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4, (between the Damianos and Emmanouil plots). -1.5/-1.8 m. 2611-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 62. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 110 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2582 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two vertical incisions, with curving lines and dots. Dots in a triangular arrangement, to left and right of incisions. Discus: plain; ring round filling hole; framing ring with a nozzle-channel; dots in channel. Shoulder: guilloche; nozzle flanked by small circles. Base: within double ring, two circles, outer band dotted; nozzle sides double grooved and dotted.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Dimensions: Hpres. 0.103, W. 0.086, H. 0.032 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 1, excavations from the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. with a similar theme ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. See on the widening of the handle at the base of the handle Λ 2473, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). Also dotted decoration on the base: ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1276, ΠΧ 2439, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2837, Λ 6034. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 111 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6110 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6 micaceous. Slip: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, to grey. Part of shoulder, discus and base preserved. Repaired. Discus: plain; ring round filling hole; framing ring with a nozzlechannel; small circle in channel. Shoulder: guilloche. Base: within double ring, two dotted circles. Two vertical and curving dotted lines in the region of the handle, above are five dots on each side. Nozzle marked by double (?), dotted grooves. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.074 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Trench Δ1. 19-11-1982. Other Nos: AE 144 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. for similar theme ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For the widening end of the handle at the base, cf. Λ 2473, ΠΧ 2582. Also, for the dotted decoration on the base, cf. ΠΧ 2439, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2837, Λ 6034, ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1276. For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 112 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2500 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, worn. Complete. Handle: solid, grooved ending in two tongues with central stem and three incisions between. Discus: plain, double framing ring, with a nozzle-channel; grooves in channel. Shoulder: guilloche. Base: within two circles, small circle; nozzle sides triple grooved (Εph. C). Two different impressed circular marks. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.066, H. 0.02 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tourkalis plot; 25 Martiou and Ethnarchou Makariou Streets. East of rock, towards the LawCourt. 16-5-1961. Excav. Diary: 3 Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 196, fig. 10. For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 531, n. 24. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, Cf. ΠΧ 2429.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 113 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1159 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/6. Handle and better part of discus with shoulder missing. Discus: plain; dotted framing ring, with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: guilloche. Base: ring; nozzle sides triple grooved with a central groove. Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.08, H. 0.024 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Τrench Β. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1277, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 114 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1277 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of discus, rim and handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: guilloche; double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.056 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epirou Streets. Stoa Α to west. 21-11-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 60. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 115 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2059 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’. Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: plain; ring round filling hole; framing ring with a nozzle-channel. Shoulder: guilloche. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.049 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 7-12-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1 Other Nos: AE 169 (?) Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 116 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2061 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor Clay analysis: NAA: area of southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa) (??) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6 (?), grey appearance, from intense firing. Part of base and shoulder preserved. Shoulder: guilloche. Base: triple ring. At the periphery dots. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.044 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 7-12-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1 Other Nos: AE 169 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2240. ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp ΠΒΕ 7431a from the basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2429.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 117 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2081 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’ Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8 micaceous. Unslipped. Concretion. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid. grooved. Shoulder: guilloche; double framing ring. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.039 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Trianda, cemetery, Kambouropoulos plot; Agias Paraskevis Street. Ossuary Ο2. 30-6-1997. Excav. Diary: 9.3, p. 363. Other Nos: AE 117 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Nika 1997b, 1155-1157; Nika 1997a, 50. Remarks: Found with the coins NB 4118-20. 4401, Heraclius (610-641). Cf. ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 118 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2110 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Part of shoulder and base preserved. Shoulder: guilloche (?). Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.047 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α3. 8-7-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 61. Other Nos: AE 66 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 119 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2231 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7, 5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Parts of handle, shoulder and base preserved. Two non-joining pieces. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with incision between. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.044 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Ε1. 16-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7.1, p. 15. Other Nos: AE 127 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 120 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2240 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: guilloche. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.055 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Ε1. 18-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Cf. for similar theme ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2928, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 121 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2928 Type/ Category: ‘Samian’ type, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. The handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: guilloche. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.045 m. Date: First half of 7th century. Provenance: Theologos (Tholos), settlement. Temple of Apollo Erethimios, Potsos complex. Square Α4 Α5, Cistern 1, fill Δ4, -1.77/-2.02 m. 25-4-2013. Excav. Diary: 396β, p. 308. Other Nos: AE 386 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 163, no 7, fig. 7. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011; Triandafyllidis 2012. Remarks: Cf. ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2990, Λ 6110. Lamp ΠΒΕ 7431a from the basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429. The lamp comes from a layer that can be dated with relative precision.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 122 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2990 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: 5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: guilloche. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Baulk ΒΓ3 and square Γ3, water-conduit 24, fill. 6-9-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 123. Other Nos: Excavation bag 339 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2991-2993. Cf. ΠX 1277, ΠX 1159, Λ 2500, ΠΧ 2059, ΠΧ 2134, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2231, ΠΧ 2081, ΠΧ 2061, ΠΧ 2427, ΠΧ 2240, ΠΧ 2928, Λ 6110. Lamp with ΠΒΕ 7431a from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti on Karpathos (unpublished). For observations and parallels, cf. ΠΧ 2429.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 124 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1229 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous, poorly-fired and flaking there. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 7/6. Complete, flaked. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and two incisions between. Discus: narrow, plain, framing ring, with a nozzle-channel; dots in channel Shoulder: dots in two bands. Base: within three circles, small circle; nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Dimensions: L. 0.111, W. 0.081, H. 0.021 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. Square Γ3/Β3, tombs 11, 12, 13, layer 3, 2nd level. 8-10-1991. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 273. Other Nos: Excavation bag 127, ΑΕ 166. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2847. The simplicity of this decoration (slightly later feature ?) seems to be particularly common in ‘Samian type’ lamps. See PoulouPapadimitriou 1986, 598, no. 32, fig. 29, 6th c. (?), from Samos (similar decoration, leaf-shaped handle); Bailey 1988, 393, Q 3208, pl. 114, c. 550-650, from Kalymnos; Ladstätter 2005, 265, fig. 54.2, 6th c., from Ephesus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 125 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2569 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pinky-grey, 7,5 YR 7/2, micaceous, poorly fired, friable. Slip: brown, 7,5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder, base and handle missing. Discus: narrow, plain, framing ring. Shoulder: raised points. Base: ring, nozzle sides double grooved. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, H. 0.022 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Τrianda, Ioannidis plot; ΚΜ 623Ε. Square Β1, layer 1, Baulk 4, -0.5/-0.7 m. 23-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 21, p. 199. Other Nos: AE 56 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Katsioti 1988, 660-661. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2102, ΠΧ 2464 (?), ΠΧ 2466, ΠΧ 2467, ΠΧ 3014. See Orsi 1909, 361, fig. 19, from Syracuse; Gerousi 2010, 223, fig. 21; Gerousi 2013, 125, no. 169, 128, no. 174, first half 7th c., from Perissa on Thera.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 126 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2102 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’ (?), Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: raised points. Plaster mould. Dimensions: H. handle 0.031 m. Date: c. 600-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Region Α1. 25-6-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 35. Other Nos: AE 36 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2464 (?), ΠΧ 2466, ΠΧ 2467, ΠΧ 2569, ΠΧ 3014. For observations and parallels, cf. Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 127 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2464 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay and slip: grey due to firing. Two non-joining pieces preserved. Handle: solid, ending in two tongues with central stem. Shoulder: raised points. Upper part of mould worn Dimensions: Wpres. 0.06 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill contained lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). Cf. ΠΧ 2102, ΠΧ 2466, ΠΧ 2467, ΠΧ 2569, ΠΧ 3014. For observations and parallels, cf. Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 128 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2466 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: (?). Slip: grey. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: raised points. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.041 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill contained lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). Cf. ΠΧ 2102, ΠΧ 2464 (?), ΠΧ 2467, ΠΧ 2569, ΠΧ 3014. For observations and parallels, cf. Λ 1083.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 129 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2467 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in two tongues with central stem and double vertical incision between. Shoulder: raised points; double framing ring. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.043 m. Date: c. 550-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: The fill contained lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and the coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). Cf. ΠΧ 2102, ΠΧ 2464 (?), ΠΧ 2466, ΠΧ 2569, ΠΧ 3014. For observations and parallels, cf. Λ 1083.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 130 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2450 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: brown, 7,5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning. Two non-joining pieces preserved. Shoulder: tongues, framing ring with a nozzle-channel; nozzle flanked by two circles. Base: double ring, schematized tongues below the handle with central incision. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.034 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. In layer to east. 7-6-1985. Excav. Diary: 192, p. 295. Other Nos: Excavation bag 52. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 131 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2250 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, worn. Base preserved. Repaired. Base: two tongues with central stem and relief band between, impressed with a circle. Nozzle sides double grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.118, W. 0.085, Hpres. 0.02 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1, water-conduit. 29-111982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 21. Other Nos: AE 159 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262. Remarks: In the same sector of the excavation, D1, were found the coins NB 552-553, Mauricius (602) and Heraclius (631/632), NB 1122, NB 1130, Justin II (565-578), NB 1131-1132, Constans II (641-651).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 132 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2422 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8, worn thin. Part of base preserved. Base: ring, two tongues with central stem at the ending of the handle, with incision between. Nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph C). Dimensions: Hpres. 0.065 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. Joining of new with old excavation, earth removal, -0.30/-0.60 m. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 133 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2103 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: brown, 7,5 YR 5/2. Part of base preserved. Base: tongue at end of handle. Within ring, incised branch. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.055 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α3, -2.70 m. 2910-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 259. Other Nos: AE 239 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: For the incised branch on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2449, ΠΧ 2693. See Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 25.2, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 320, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 134 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2167 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Part of base preserved. Base: double dotted ring; nozzle sides triple grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.45 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, F. Konstantinidis plot; Riga Feraiou Street. Square Δ1, earth removal to -3.2 m. 22-7-1993. Excav. Diary: 342, p. 20. Other Nos: AE 634 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 1992, 618; Kaninia 2001-2004, 231.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 135 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2233 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Repaired. Base: ring, two tongues with central stem at end of handle, and incision between, nozzle sides triple grooved (Eph. C). Impressed circular mark. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.063 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Δ1. 15-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 14. Other Nos: AE 122 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 136 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2244 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Worn. Two non-joining pieces preserved. Base: ring, two tongues at end of handle and incision between. Nozzle sides triple grooved. Worn mould. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.041 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tzedakis plot; Cheimarras Street. Τrench Ε1. 18-11-1982. Excav. Diary: 7,1, p. 16. Other Nos: AE 135 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1987, 587-589; Nikolaidou 1999, 259-262.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 137 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2439 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Slip: grey. Part of base preserved. Base: within double ring small dotted circle. Dots at end of schematic fish-tail. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.055 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.2/-1.2 m, earth removal. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For dotted decoration on base, Cf. ΠΧ 1216, ΠΧ 1276, ΠΧ 2503, ΠΧ 2582, ΠΧ 2788, ΠΧ 2837, Λ 6110, Λ 6034.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 138 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2449 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 5/4. Trace of burning. Part of base preserved. Base: within double ring, relief palmette. Nozzle sides double grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.062 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. 6-6-1986. Excav. Diary: 222, p. 356. Other Nos: AE 390 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For the incised branch on the base, cf. ΠΧ 1230, ΠΧ 2103, ΠΧ 2235, ΠΧ 2315, ΠΧ 2693. See Ladstätter 2008, 119, fig. 25.2, from Ephesus; Boardman 1989, 120-121, no. 320, fig. 47, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 139 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2925 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/8. Part of base preserved. Base: ring, two tongues with central stem and circlet between. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.046 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Theologos (Tholos), settlement. Temple of Apollo Erethimios, Potsos complex. Square Β8, north part, -1.25/-1.56 m. 11/11/1993. Excav. Diary: 1/93, p. 87. Other Nos: Α 83 Bibliography: Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 163, no 5, fig. 5. For the excavation, see Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1979, 447-448; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1991, 485-486; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1993, 539; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1994, 781; Marangou, Papachristodoulou 1996, 683-684; Τriandafyllidis 2011; Triandafyllidis 2012.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 140 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2993 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/3, micaceous. Slip: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Part of base preserved. Base: ring, two tongues at end of handle with incision between. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.041 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Β Γ3 and square Γ3, water-conduit 24, fill. 6-9-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 123. Other Nos: Excavation bag 339 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2990-ΠΧ 2992.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: S 141 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3018 Type/ Category: ‘Samian type’, Ephesus. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, worn. Part of base preserved. Base: double ring, tongues at end of handle. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.06 m. Date: End of the 6th century-650. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Argyrokastrou Square, A3/B3, east of floor 2, dismantling of wall 5 and foundations. 18-11-2013. Excav. Diary: 522, p. 188. Other Nos: AE 689 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2001-2004, 226-227; Bairami 2012 (forthcoming); Bairami 2013 (forthcoming): Bairami, (in press). Remarks: Found with a follis of Heraclius (631-641).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti B. 8. The ‘Aegean type’ Lamps with these undiagnosed ciphers along with coins of the early 6th century at Argos580 confirms the dating of that class.

The ‘Aegean type’ lamps on Rhodes make up just a small percentage of those under study here. Their given name is unsurprising, as the type was first recognized in finds from Perissa on Thera, which were dated to the end of the 5th century and chiefly in the 6th.568 Similar or typologically related pieces are found outside of Asia Minor,569 in other islands, such as Kos,570 Naxos,571 Kalymnos, Sifnos,572 Delos, Schinousa (at Tholari), Thassos, and again on mainland Greece, as in Corinth, Athens, Argos, Porto Cheli, Sparta, Kenchreai and elsewhere.573 Despite the identification of a few lamps of the ‘Aegean type’ on Thassos, their presence in the islands of the North Aegean seems weak. On Samos, for example, according to the published examples, they are not known.

The origin of lamps of the ‘Aegean type’ has caused some debate because of their wide distribution. Initially Perlzweig, and then both Garnett and Williams,581 classified lamps with an illegible signature as possibly Asia Minor or Asia Minor-type. Moreover the clay analysis of a comparable lamp in the British Museum showed similarities to the Asia Minor products. Although it is a little premature for conclusive decisions, chances that these lamps originated in Asia Minor or in some island workshop (of short duration) are about equal – and will remain so for as long as no place turns them up in sufficient quantities to decide the matter. One must except, of course, those numerous imitations with the illegible signature – in Corinth and Argos, whose local mass production,582 it is reasonably suggested, was dependent on imported moulds or prototypes.583 At least two types of moulds were employed for the lamps in Rhodes with the counterfeit signature/inscription: one had dotted tongue decoration on the shoulder (ΠΧ 1502, ΠΧ 1536, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 2200 and ΠΧ 2554), and the other was unadorned (ΠΧ 2773). All of the first five appear to have had different origins, outside of Corinth. Only ΠΧ 1935 and ΠΧ 2200 may be seriously considered, as their fabric suggests, to be potentially Rhodian. This finding probably thus confirms the existence of more than one workshop for this type of lamp with its illegible mark.

They imitate Asia Minor lamps, with small variations in their clay and shape. The upper surface bears plant and geometric motifs, rosettes, dots, triangles, while the base has plastic decoration. Some resemblance seems possible with the radial rosettes, wheels and floral motifs of the so-called ‘Palestinian’ lamps of which, as noted above,574 very few were found on islands, with the exception of Crete. Similarities in shape may be observed with the Asia Minor lamps,575 and with others of the 6th century from northern Greece,576 as well as those of central Asia Minor, in the lamps with analogous decorations at Amorion.577 In the category of the ‘Aegean type’ are also placed the lamps such as ΠΧ 1502, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2554 and ΠΧ 2773. This set is identified by an illegible, or rather distorted, embossed signature (or inscription) in a circle on the bases of some. After fruitless attempts to decipher this, credence should be given to the opinion that this is not actually a name, but some sort of abbreviation.578 These are products of unidentified workshops related to those of the ‘Aegean type’ by common morphological features in their body and in the configuration of the base.579 The finding of lamps

Regarding the other lamps of the ‘Aegean type’ from Rhodes, a macroscopic inspection of clay and in some cases also the decoration show the close links the lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216 and ΠΧ 2227 all share: their Rhodian origin is so rendered probable. The almost intact ΠΧ 2544 may be a peculiarity as it partakes of Asia Minor characteristics

Gerousi 2003, 513–516; Roumeliotis 2001, 258. The view that a very large number are from Ephesus is not however confirmed, see Roumeliotis 2001, 258. 570  Roumeliotis 2001, 257–259. 571  Bournias 2014, figs 19–22. 572  Pennas 2002, 26, 1. 573  For bibliographical references see the entries of the items. The lamps from Schinoussa are unpublished (P. Papanikolaou, pers. comm.). 574  See Poulou-Papadimitriou 2000, 219–223. 575  See ΠΧ 1209, ΠΧ 2517, with relief decoration on the lower part. Also Λ 3224, with biconvex body, resembles the lamps of ‘Aegean’ type. ΠΧ 2544 combines characteristics of both Asia Minor and Aegean types. 576  See for example Melliou 2011, 151, no. 26, 6th century; Zografou 2011, 152, no. 27 from Thessaloniki. 577  See Schoolman 2012, 208, no. 8, pl. 4/2 578  Williams 1981, 75. 579  Gerousi, 2010, 224, prefers to classify the group of lamps with an illegible signature in a special category (‘unknown Greek- (perhaps

in Greece?) - workshop’), completely separate from those assigned to the ‘Aegean type’. Her main argument is that lamps of this type have not been found in excavations in towns of Asia Minor. But, on the contrary, similar lamps have actually been found in Ephesus (Miltner 1937, nos 609, 613, 616, pl. IV; Gassner 1997, no. 833, pl. 91), while there are reservations as to whether lamps from excavations in towns of Asia Minor are or are not adequately represented. See for instance the Sagalassian versions of Aegean type lamps in Lafli 2015, figs 6–7. In addition, some of the lamps which are classified as in the ‘Aegean type’, see for example Gerousi 2013, 162, no. 232, are morphologically, apparently, to be placed in the group ‘of the unreadable signature’. 580  Bovon 1966, 86, nos 603–606, pl. 16. 581  Perlzweig 1961, 102, nos 362 to 366; Garnett 1975 200–201, nos 32–33; Williams 1981, 73, 75, nos 385–388, 403, 406 and possibly 407. 582  My colleague Karen Garnett was kind enough to show me dozens of lamps of this type, from the ‘Fountain of Lamps’ in ancient Corinth. 583  Garnett 1975, 200–201; Oikonomou 1988, 494. Koutoussaki 2008, 385, 387–389, leans towards an Asia Minor origin, meaning obviously the prototypes, as the number of finds in Corinth and Argos, often in heaps, indicates their domestic manufacture (Corinthian or Argive).


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Rhodian Lamps too. Further, and in amongst the Rhodian corpus, there may belong fragments of ‘Aegean lamps’ in finds such as ΠΧ 2606, ΠΧ 2636, ΠΧ 2638, ΠΧ 2641, ΠΧ 2642, ΠΧ 2643, ΠΧ 2659, ΠΧ 2660, ΠΧ 2666 and ΠΧ 2676, but due to their small size, and in some cases their overfiring, their inclusion poses some doubts. The same sorts of remarks as the above apply to ΠΧ 1536 and ΠΧ 2460, although they arguably have a different point of manufacture. ΠΧ 2066 also looks Rhodian.

how they lived and worshiped was somewhat without any significant differences. Moreover, as argued, lamps with Jewish symbols were used also by Christians.588 The finds from Thera, although in ample numbers at about 10% of the total for the cemetery, do not argue in the excavator’s view589 for signs of local origin. Nor again can the opinion, expressed of old and again more recently,590 that the location of their potential production site should be sought in Crete,591 be upheld, as the island not only has no workshop facilities where fragments of this sort have been identified, but, as far as is known, no similar lamps at all have been recovered. The crucial factor in questions relating to these lamps is their numbers as found on other Cycladic islands and in the Dodecanese. The term ‘Aegean-type lamps’ is considered a suitably appropriate one as it has to do mostly with the south Aegean islands and coastal cities, although the small quantities everywhere encountered hinder attempts to integrate the items into this or that local production.

From its shoulder decoration, which is linked to the patterns described above, ΠΧ 2843 can be connected to the lamps of the ‘Aegean type’. The cross, relatively wide for its class, makes of the discus an interesting but rare variant. The monotony of the standard decoration is also broken by ΠΧ 2460 and ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 2162, whose disci probably depict the seven-branched lamp (menorah), or the Lulah palm branch:584 if so, great interest attaches to the coexistence on the last two of the embossed cross on the area of nozzle – an example of religious syncretism and osmosis among believers of the two faiths,585 or possibly for apotropaic purposes. Objects like this pose immediate questions as to the relations between the Christian and the Jewish communities, although the last seem largely586 absent from the city of Rhodes so far as archaeological evidence is concerned. This is in contrast to Thera/Santorini where opinion argues for the existence of a population with Jewish or Gnostic beliefs,587 something that perhaps can be associated with these lamps. Furthermore, motifs such as the seven-branched lamp, or Lulah combined or not with the cross, may have relevance to both communities until the 6th century. Perhaps the different outlooks between Jews and Christians in

Further the results of the clay analysis for four of these lamps were somewhat contradictory. Specifically, the NAA analysis suggested an origin for ΠΧ 2066 and ΠΧ 2460 in northern Ionia (groupA2), and of ΠΧ 2544 from the northern Ionia-Klazomenai (group A1), i.e. from two different but related groups. ΠΧ 1502 however was considered a chemical loner: with a vague suggestion that its origin could be from the area of Aeolis ​​ or Ionia. But the XRF analysis proposed to place the origins of ΠΧ 1502 and ΠΧ 2066 in Ephesus. A general conclusion could state that they were Aegean-type lamps made in Asia Minor, with the necessary caveats. But I feel that the small numbers involved, even individual pieces, across many regions is a serious constraint that requires explanation.

Numerous lamps of ‘Aegean style’ from Perissa on Thera have the same or similar decoration on the discus, which is interpreted as a sheaf of wheat (Gerousi 2013, 154). The lamps do not have, it seems, a cross on the nozzle, unlike the two Rhodian pieces – an example of the use of different moulds. However, since the publication of the lamps of Perissa included, as it seems, only the intact ones, it might be worth having a careful look at the others. 585  See Armstrong 1985, 357–372. The matter of contacts between the communities of believers in Aphrodisias, with their masses of inscriptions, is considered in Chaniotis 2002a, 224–225, 230–231; Chaniotis 2002b, 83–128. See also the coexistence of the two religious symbols on a column in the Nymphaeum of Laodicea, Simsek 2006, 343–346 and again in the Agora of Priene, Burkhardt, Wilson 2013, 183. By another way of thinking, Fine 2014, 219, in the case of Laodicea, the Christians recycled architectural elements that had Jewish symbols on them. 586  As the lamp Π 2674 with the seven-branched lamp. On ΠΧ 1160, the discus is decorated with the Star of David. See also the Hebrew inscription on a lead scroll from Psinthos on Rhodes, of the 5th–6th centuries, Gregoire 1922, 49–50, no. 128, which was taken to Berlin and lost during the war. Also see Zervaki 2014, with interesting references to the Jewish presence in Rhodes and the treatment accorded to the Hellenistic altar engraved with a seven-branched lamp – originally from the area of the ancient necropolis: it was converted in later Christian times into an olive-press counterweight. Also see the inscription CI Jud. I (2), Prolegomenon, 89. See Feissel 2006, no. 235, for some documentation concerning the Jewish presence in Rhodes. For the Jewish presence in Asia Minor, see Trebilco 1991; Stebnicka 2015. 587  Kiourtzian 2000, 277–282.

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The chronology of the ‘Aegean-type’ lamps on Rhodes broadly covers the 6th century, possibly occurring neither before nor after, as is supported by the excavation in the Diakogeorgiou plot where over half of the lamps in this category turned up: a significant part of the deposits (based on imported pottery dates) range between ca. 526 and 585.592 Also reported is the existence of an ‘Aegean type’ ΠΧ 2843 found together with an Asia Minor one, ΠΧ 2844, and possibly with the coin NP 3865, of Mauricius (589–590). In the Kambouropoulos plot too where two lamps of this type occurred, it has been convincingly Dulaey 1983, 3–26; Rutgers 1992, 110–111; Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 603–605. See also Lapp 1997, 105–106. 589  Gerousi 2003 516; Gerousi 2010, 224 and 225. 590  Gerousi 2013, 180. 591  Apparently following the view on the amphorae of Cretan type, which according to Dafi (2010, 153–168) were massively imported to the island. But matters to do with trade amphorae do not necessarily correspond to those of lamps, nor can we presuppose they do. 592  Bairami 2010, 249–269. See further details in the chapter on ‘Samian style’ lamps, B.7. 588 


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Angeliki Katsioti suggested that the abandonment of the area was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.593 Moreover, a similar time framework, that is to say not later than the 6th century, is confirmed by the finds from the island of Schinousa, which include ‘Aegean-type’ lamps.594 The thirty-four published lamps of ‘Aegean type’ from the excavation of Perissa on Thera, originally dated to the 5th–6th centuries,595 have eventually been allocated mainly to the 6th. However, that the suggestion that some could date to the 7th century contrasts with the fact that their relatively crisp relief-work presupposes the almost exclusive,596 and so limited in time, use of the original moulds from a workshop where small numbers of lamps were produced.

* Comments applicable to the Catalogue below: Ae 1–5 include lamps of the type with the difficult to interpret or distorted/counterfeit signature/ inscription. Ae 8–11 are lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries imitating Attic types. Ae 12–28 comprise lamps with or without a channel, with a discus adorned by rosettes, dots or tongue-like motifs. Ae 29–34 are small fragments.


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ΠΧ 1502 Ae 2 ΠΧ 1504 Ae 28 ΠΧ 1536 Ae 16 ΠΧ 1932 Ae 15 ΠΧ 1933 Ae 17 ΠΧ 1934 Ae 25 ΠΧ 1935 Ae 3

ΠΧ 1936 Ae 10 ΠΧ 1937 Ae 26 ΠΧ 2066 Ae 27 ΠΧ 2162 Ae 9 ΠΧ 2189 Ae 13 ΠΧ 2200 Ae 4 ΠΧ 2216 Ae 11

ΠΧ 2227 Ae 14 ΠΧ 2414 Ae 33 ΠΧ 2460 Ae 8 ΠΧ 2544 Αe 6 ΠΧ 2554 Ae 1 ΠΧ 2606 Αe 24 ΠΧ 2636 Ae 18

ΠΧ 2638 Ae 19 ΠΧ 2639 Ae 20 ΠΧ 2641 Ae 34 ΠΧ 2642 Ae 29 ΠΧ 2643 Ae 21 ΠΧ 2659 Ae 22 ΠΧ 2660 Ae 30

ΠΧ 2666 Ae 31 ΠΧ 2676 Ae 32 ΠΧ 2773 Αe 5 ΠΧ 2820 Ae 23 ΠΧ 2843 Ae 7 ΠΧ 3037 Ae 12

Karapanou 1991, 454–457. Information courtesy of my colleague P. Papanikolaou. 595  Gerousi 2003, 515. 596  Gerousi 2013, 180. 593  594 


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2554 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’ (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle flaked. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: narrow, plain, filling hole framed by raised grooved ring. Sloping shoulder: dotted tongues. Base: within ring, circular inscription or signature in relief, clockwise, obscure, perhaps ΛΑΔΟCIC Ridge from basering to handle. Underside set off by pairs of ridges. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.06, H. 0.039 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Trench 18. 9-8-2001 Excav. Diary: 420, p. 331. Other Nos: ΑΕ 453 Ill: 141 Plate: 69 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: For the type, cf. ΠΧ 1502 ΛΑΔΟCIC, for example ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2773. Similar typology to ΠΧ 1611 from Lefkos, Mesochori on Karpathos, 6th c., with unknown and difficult to interpret signature/ inscription, with coins of 5th-7th c., see Karabatsos 2006, 291, fig. 11; similar, it should be noted, to Gerousi 2010, 224, fig. 22; Gerousi 2013, 136, no. 188 of the 6th c., from Perissa on Thera and with a lamp from Naxos, see Bournias 2014, fig. 22. It appears that the moulds of lamps of this type, i.e. with a high body, the long narrow discus and tongue-motifs on the sloping shoulder are mainly of two sorts: the first has dotted tongues (ΠΧ 1502, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2554) and the other is unadorned (ΠΧ 2773). For the type of lamp, see also Gerousi 2003, 513-516; Gerousi 2010, 224; Gerousi 2013, 177-178. On the illegible signature or abbreviated inscription on the base, see Williams 1981, 74-75; Bailey 1988, 104; Koutoussaki 2008, 388, for the accepted views. The word HΛIOΔΩPOC may appear on any of the lamps of this type, Varalis 2006. See Bailey 1988, 104, 417, Q 3331, Q 3332, fig. 134, pl. 124, of the 6th c., from Kalymnos, with parallels from Athens, Corinth, the Isthmia, Kenchreai; Williams 1981, 74-75, no. 403a, pl. 18 from Kenchreai mid 5th to mid 6th c.; Miller 1988, 5, no. L 220, fig. 8c, second half of the 6th c., from Nemea; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 74, L 46, L 47, pl. X bc, end 5th-early 7th c., from Thassos; Rudolph 1979, 317, 319, no. 50, fig. 13, end of 5th-early 7th c., from Porto Cheli; Bémont, Chew 2007, 374, 518, no. GR 12, pl. 93 ranks it with the Greek products, with reservations, 6th-7th c., with a variant channel; Oikonomou 1988, 493-494, no. 89, fig. 6, before the 580, from Argos; Bovon 1966, 86, nos 603-607, pl. 16, 5th-6th c., from Argos; Koutoussaki 2008, 387-389, nos 702, 703, figs 523-524, late 5th-mid 6th c., from Argos; Miltner 1937, nos 609, 613, 616, pl. IV, from Ephesus; Butcher 1982, 142, TC 3M 553, pl. 64, from Thorikos; Skarmoutsou 2010, 721, no. 20, fig. 21, figs 9c and 10c, late 5th c., from Kraneio in ancient Corinth; Bruneau 1965, no. 4727, 5th-7th c., from Delos; Roumeliotis 2001, 258-259, nos 8 and 9, pl. 3.8-9, from Kos; Griepentrog 1986, 203-204, nos 15-16, pl. 30, 5th-6th c.; Themos et al. 2009, fig. 27.7 from Sparta; Marki, Heimonopoulou, Angelkou 2010, 209, fig. 1e, from Louloudies; Gerousi 2010, 224, figs 23, 24; Gerousi 2013, 136-138, nos 187, 190-192, 6th and 7th c., from Perissa on Thera. Lamp from Schinousa at Tholaria (unpublished, courtesy of P. Papanikolaou); Bournias 2014, fig. 21, from Naxos. For the Sagalassian version of this type, see Lafli 2015, 233, fig. 7, a lamp from Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidia.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1502 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’ (?), Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: roughly Aeolis or Ionia (??). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of nozzle and shoulder missing. Repaired. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: narrow, plain, filling hole framed by raised grooved ring. Sloping shoulder: dotted tongues. Base: within ring circular inscription or signature in relief, clockwise, obscure, perhaps ΛΑΔΟCIC Ridge from basering to handle. Underside set off by pairs of ridges. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.06, H. 0.042 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). 22-6-1988 Excav. Diary: 263, p. 310. Other Nos: ΑΕ 65 Ill: 142 Plate: 70 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: For the typology, but not for the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2554 ΛΑΔΟCIC, ΠΧ 2773. For other observations and comparisons, cf. ΠΧ 2554.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 3 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1935 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’ (?), ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Parts of handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: narrow, plain, filling hole framed by raised grooved ring. Sloping shoulder: dotted tongues, dots and wavy lines. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061, Wpres. 0.044 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street. Area A1, sieved soil from removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. AE 167-170, -2.25/2.27 m. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 221. Other Nos: ΑΕ 204 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: A macroscopic inspection of the clay and some details of the decoration show close relationship with lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. A Rhodian origin is probable. For the typology cf. ΠΧ 502, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2554, ΠΧ 2773. For other observations and comparisons, cf. ΠΧ 2554.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2200 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’ (?), ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Parts of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: narrow, plain, filling hole framed by raised grooved ring. Sloping shoulder: dotted tongues. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.059 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel, Demokratias and El. Venizelou Streets. Area A, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Other Nos: box 181. 11-5-1992 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Κontis 1960, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: The macroscopic inspection of the clay and some aspects of the decoration show the close connection the details here have with those on the lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, We believe that ΠΧ 2227 is probably Rhodian in origin. Cf. In particular apropos the typology ΠΧ 1502, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 2773, ΠΧ 2554. For other observations and comparisons, cf. ΠΧ 2554.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2773 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’ (?), Asian Minor (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, porous, micaceous. Unslipped. The handle and a portion of the upper part of the body. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: narrow, plain, filling hole framed by raised grooved ring. Sloping shoulder: tongues. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.067 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Tiliakos plot; Lochagou Fanouraki Street. AreaΓ1, -1.55/-2.64 m. 301-2008. Excav. Diary: 483, p. 45. Other Nos: ΑΕ 92 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2008, 1282-1285; Christodoulidis 2010, 484-487. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 1502, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2554. For other observations and comparisons, cf. ΠΧ 2554.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 6 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2544 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, Asia Minor. Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8; fugitive reddish paint with a little mica. Slip: similar. Concretion. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle missing. Handle: solid, wide, grooved, fan-shaped. Discus: narrow, plain, large filling hole. Shoulder: petal-based decoration, in relief enclosed in 4 circles, also in relief. Small circles around the nozzle. Base: within ring, planta pedis; nozzle set off by double V-shaped grooves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.097, W. 0.06, H. 0.028 m. Date: Probably second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street, Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: ΑΕ 387 Ill: 142a Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Found in association with ΠX 2527-2546, alongside fragments of glassware (before the 4th c.). For the decoration with semicircles on the shoulder, see Bezzola 2004, no. 614, pl. 31, from Cilicia, 6th-7th c.; from Palaepaphos, Sussman 2008, 239, no. 127, 4th-5th c.; from Caesarea Maritima (Samaritan lamps).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Lamps like this recall domestic products from Elaiousa-Sebaste, typologically related in the narrow discus and nearly vertical walls of the shoulder, influenced by North Syria and Cyprus: Ricci 2007, 178, fig. 4.30-31, 6th-7th c. (Compact handle, simplified decoration). For Ephesus, see Miltner 1937, no. 1865, pl. IX, typologically akin with similar handle and shape, narrow discus but with different decoration and a narrow channel. Cf. ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 1385, ΠΧ 1903, apropos the handle. The wide, fan-shaped handle is seen, though not often, in Asia-Minor lamps, see Perlzweig 1961, 101, no. 356, pl. 11, 6th c. from the Athenian Agora; Bailey 1988, 386, Q 3148, fig. 143, pl. 108, c. 500-600 from Kalymnos, with parallels; Rautman 1995, 77-78, no. 3.45, fig. 27, early 7th c., from Sardis; Ηübinger 1993, no. 235, pl. 29, from Izmir; Williams 1981, 74, no. 397, pl. 18, from Kenchreai; Miltner 1937, no. 629, pl. IV, nos 733, 773, 774-776, 940, 943, 947, 950, 967, pl. V, no. 1725, pl. IX, no. 231, 309, pl. XIII, from Ephesus; Conze 1913, fig. 59.8 and De Luca 1984, no. 472, pl. 19, from Pergamon; Brants 1913, nos 1121, 1122, pl. VIII, in the Rijksmuseum, Leiden. The wide filling hole line fits a date in the mid 6th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 7 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2843 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type (?)’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6 micaceous. Slip: similar. Traces of burning. Large part of base missing. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: Latin cross, with two dots below the vertical part. Double framing ring. Shoulder: petal-shaped decoration with circles and small knobs about the nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.085, W. 0.053, H. 0.024 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot. 4 Cheimarras Street. In front of stoa 2. 1-10-1962. Excav. Diary: 6, p. 291. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2844, and probably coin NB 3865 of Mauricius (589-590). See Bémont, Chew 2007, 373, no. GR 9, pl. 93, from Lavrion, classified as Attic, 5th-6th c.; Weber 2004, 47, no. 225, fig. 7, pl. 10, from Samos. Also see a lamp from Schinousa at Tholari (unpublished, info. P. Papanikolaou). Compare also with Aegean-style lamp no. 209, Gerousi 2013, 151, 7th c., from Perissa on Thera.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 8 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2460 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’ Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Parts of base, discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: menorah (?), the Lulah palm branch (?). Shoulder: incised branch, framing ring merges with the channel of the nozzle. Base: almond-shaped double ring. Three relief vertical lines by the handle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.089 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area A; cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: In fill, found with lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). Cf. for the decoration ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 2162, and for the fabric ΠΧ 1536. See Bruneau 1965, 143, no. 4731, pl. 34, 6th-7th c., from Delos; Gerousi 2013, 158, no. 223, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera. On the disc, see also Williams 1981, 73, no. 388, pl. 17, from Kenchreai; Roumeliotis 2001, 258, no. 9, pl. 3.9, from Kos. Lamp from Tholari on Schinousa (unpublished, info. P. Papanikolaou). For this type of representation of the seven-branched lamp (menorah), see Manzoni-Macdonnell 1988, 133, no. 83, fig. 6.6, from Jalame in Palestine; Lapp 1992, 172-173, pl. 2B, from the Museum of Mainz. For the menorah generally, see Lund 1995, 253-254.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2162 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar. Discus and part of shoulder with handle preserved. Handle: solid. Discus: menorah (?). Shoulder: relief branches, diagonally arranged knobs, in the area of the nozzle the arms of a cross in relief. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.084, Wpres. 0.062 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Evraiki area (Jewish quarter), wall of Agios Panteleimon. 23-11-1954. Excav. Diary: 1, p. 124. Other Nos: Ε 19 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Cf. for the typology ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 2460. The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals close connection with lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. Cf. in particular ΠΧ 2460. See Williams 1981, 73, no. 388, pl. 17, from Kenchreai; Roumeliotis 2001, 258, no. 9, pl. 3.9, from Kos, version with channel; Bruneau 1965, 143, no. 4729 (inscription on the discus), pl. 34, from Delos; Gerousi 2013, 162, no. 231, 158, no. 224, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera, without a cross on the nozzle; lamp from Schinousa at Tholari, with channel (unpublished, info. P. Papanikolaou). Possibly unpublished lamp from the Fountain of Lamps at Corinth (info. K. Garnett). For this type of representation of the seven-branched lamp, and the menorah in general, cf. observations on ΠΧ 2460.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 10 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1936 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: menorah (?), the Lulah palm branch (?). Shoulder: relief branches, cross on nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038, Wpres. 0.044 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street; Area A1, sieving of fill of removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. AE 167-170, -2.25/2.27 m. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 221. Other Nos: ΑΕ 204 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 2162 and for the discus ΠΧ 2460. The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals close connection with lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. For observations and parallels cf. ΠΧ 2162.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2216 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Trace of burning. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: narrow, concave; with atypical plant motif, menorah (?) the Lulah palm branch (?), high framing-ring. Shoulder: row of small rosettes. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06 m. Date: Early 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Area 1A, B; trial trench no. 3, level 2. 26-10-1990. Excav. Diary: 309, p. 56. Other Nos: ΑΕ 801 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: The possibility that a menorah is represented here can be deduced from the comparable lamp from Perissa on Thera. The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals the close connection it has with the lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. See, Gerousi 2003, 514, fig. 1,3, with channel; Gerousi 2013, 155, no. 217, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera. The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 12 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3037 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’. Description: Clay: pink, 7, 5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Unslipped. Traces of burning on nozzle. Complete. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: rosette of four petals and globules; two raised framing rings; Rounded rim: raised ringand-dot patterns, wavy lines, channel to nozzle. Base: ringshaped. A pair of relief vertical lines by the handle, with relief curved lines below. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.096, W. 0.065, H. 0.031 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without indication. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom; excavated in the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. See Jurlaro 1967, 65, pl. V.1, 53, pl. II.4, from Taranto.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 13 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2189 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian(?)’. Description: Clay: pink 5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: rosette of four petals and globules; two raised framing rings; Rounded rim: raised ring-and-dot patterns, Petal-shaped decoration in relief. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.066 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel; Demokratias and El. Venizelou Streets. Pit 9. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2227. The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals close connection with lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227, ΠΧ 3037. See Gerousi 2003, 514, fig. 2,1; Gerousi 2013, 163, no. 233, 165, no. 237, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera; Perlzweig 1961, 103, no. 374, pl. 11, 5th-6th c., from the Athenian Agora; Lamp from Schinousa at Tholari (unpublished, info. P. Papanikolaou).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 14 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2227 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Selfslipped 7,5 YR 8/6. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: rosette of four petals and globules; two raised framing rings; Rounded rim: raised ringand-dot patterns, petal-shaped decoration in relief. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.062 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Cleaning west of wall 53. 22-12-1979. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 99. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2189, for observations and parallels. The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals close connection with lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1932 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4, micaceous. Unslipped. Traces of burning. A small part of discus, the beginning of the nozzle and part of shoulder preserved. Repaired. Base: solid with incision. Discus: knobs in a circular arrangement, double raised framing ring. Shoulder: double petal-shaped decoration in relief, knobs and rosettes. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.088, Wpres. 0.06 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1. Sieving of debris of removal of Early Christian bones and grave offerings, AE 138-150, -2.12 m. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: ΑΕ 215 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 262, no. 23, fig. 4. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals close connection with lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. See Bruneau 1965, 142, no. 4724, pl. 34, 5th-6th c., from Delos; Gerousi 2003, 513-516, fig. 2,1; Gerousi 2013, 165, no. 237, 163, no. 233, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae16 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1536 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 8/3 with a little mica. Slip: similar. Part of base, body and handle missing. Repaired. Discus: narrow, with small spheres around the filling hole. Double and high-set framing ring. Shoulder: tongue-shaped decoration with dotted decoration. Base: ring-shaped, with two diagonal pairs of relief bands to the nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.089, W. 0.025 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel; El. Venizelou and Riga Feraiou Streets. Earth-moving work. 24-12-1959. Excav. Diary: 3α, 171. Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 197-198, fig. 11. For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. for the clay ΠΧ 2460. For general characteristics see Gerousi 2003, fig. 1a; Gerousi 2010, 224, fig. 30, from Perissa on Thera.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 17 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1933 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Unslipped. Fragment of upper portion, with beaked handle, part of discus and shoulder. Repaired. Discus: rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: dotted decoration, petals at shoulder’s edge. Worn mould. Solid, knob handle, grooved. Discus: rosette of four petals and globules; two raised framing rings; Rounded rim: raised ring-and-dot patterns, petal-shaped decoration in relief. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053, Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, sieving of debris from removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, AE 177-178, -2.32/2.50 m. and -1.80/2.00 m. 11-8-2006.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218 and p. 207. Other Nos: ΑΕ 185 and ΑΕ 132 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals the close connection it has with the lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. See for the discus Gerousi 2003, 513-516, fig. 2.1, a lamp with a spherical body, 5th-6th c., from Perissa on Thera. For the shoulder, see Bruneau 1965, 143, no. 4732, pl. 34, 5th-6th c., from Delos. For typology, see Brants 1913, no. 1130, pl. VIII, at the Rijksmuseum, Leiden.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 18 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2636 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: circles in relief, with points at their centres and in between. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.025 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, -2.25 m, cleaning over ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2606. See Bournias 2014, fig. 20, from Naxos; Gerousi 2013, 156, no. 219, 161, no. 229, 6th and 7th c., respectively, from Perissa on Thera. Perhaps Lafli 2015, 233, fig. 6, a Sagalassian lamp from Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidia.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2638 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: (?) micaceous and Slip: ash-grey. Part of the discus preserved. Discus: petal-based decoration (? rosette), with points between the petals. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.031 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. AreaΑ1, -2.25 m, cleaning over ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2639 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: a row of vertical lines in relief, each with relief dots associated. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.033 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning AE 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Gerousi 2013, 158, no. 224, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 21 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2643 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay and slip: ash-grey. Traces of burning. Three non-joining fragments of all parts preserved. Discus: petal-formed decoration in relief, with dots in between, framing ring. Shoulder: double row of relief dots. Base: ring-shaped. End of handle has two verticals, with one relief dot and curved lines below each. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. AreaΑ1, -2.25 m, cleaning AE 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: ΑΕ 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2659 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Unslipped. Three fragments of the shoulder: two stuck together. Shoulder: twining shoots with grapes. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, under the debris of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 10-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 217. Other Nos: ΑΕ 180 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Gerousi 2013, 156, no. 220, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 23 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2820 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 5 YR 7/3. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, with incision. Discus: lines. Shoulder: curvilinear decoration in relief of circles and dots. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.042 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, B. Maravelias plot; Platonos Street. Fill between walls 32, 46, 50 and 27a, from depth 1.6 m. from wall 32. 30-11-1978. Excav. Diary: 115, p. 63. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Filimonos 1977, 356; Filimonos 1979, 412; Filimonos 1987, 583-584. Remarks: Cf. for the type of decoration ΠΧ 2465, four-leaved on shoulder, and for the clay ΠΧ 2920, with leaves on the shoulder. See Bruneau 1965, 143, no. 4725, pl. 34, from Delos; Zachariadis 2011, 200, no. 104, 6th-7th c., from the Agora in Thessaloniki, coming as believed from the NE region of the Mediterranean. Influences from Syro-Palestinian lamps can be assumed, judging by the patterns on the shoulder, see Fulco 2003, 86-88, fig. 1. The morphological similarities with the Aegean-style lamps from Perissa on Thera are evident, see Gerousi 2013, 161, no. 229, 7th c. See also the lamp from Schinousa at Tholaria (unpublished, info. P. Papanikolaou).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 24 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2606 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: a row of concentric circles in relief. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.041 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Trench 18. 9-8-2001 Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: ΑΕ 186 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2636. See Bournias 2014, fig. 20, from Naxos; Gerousi 2013, 164, no. 235, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 25 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1934 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, with a little mica. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Beaked handle, part of discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, with incision. Discus: double framing ring. Shoulder: rows of outlined triangles and circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038, Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α, extending eastwards, 2nd strip, until the flange, bone fill. 1-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 205. Other Nos: AE 127 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals close connection with lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. See Gerousi 2003, 513-516, fig. 2.1, with different arrangement of the decoration, 5th-6th c., from Perissa on Thera.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 26 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1937 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/8, with a little mica. Slip: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: dots, framing ring. Shoulder: petals with dots on the interior and droplets. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.049, Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, above the Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 2-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 206. Other Nos: AE 130 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: The macroscopic inspection of the clay and of some of the decoration reveals close connection with lamps ΠΧ 1504, ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. See Bruneau 1965, 143, no. 4727, pl. 34, from Delos; Gerousi 2003, 514, fig. 2.1; Gerousi 2013, 165, no. 237, 6th c., from Perissa on Thera. Bémont, Chew 2007, 374, no. GR 12, pl. 93, considered, with reservations, a Greek product, 6th-7th c., variant with channel. Lamp from Schinousa at Tholari (unpublished, info. P. Papanikolaou). (From the same excavation bag, part of a base with an oval plastic ring and vertical relief lines on the handle, as well as small dots, see Bruneau 1965, no. 4731. Also part of a base from behind the nozzle with relief lines on each side of the nozzle and a relief ring at the base, see Bruneau 1965, no. 4727.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 27 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2066 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’. Asia Minor (?), Rhodes (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia (?). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, with a little mica. Slip: similar, thin. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, incised. Discus: narrow, tongues in relief, triple framing ring. Shoulder: row of petal-shaped decoration. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.057, Wpres. 0.063 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Themistocleous Street. DEH (Electricity Board) works. 17-2-2000. Excav. Diary: ΔΕΠΟΣ 5, p. 262. Other Nos: AE 287 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kotriklas 2000, 1188-1189. Remarks: For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2305, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2932. Regarding the typology, cf. ΠΧ 2922, ΠΧ 2924. Lamps like this recall the local products from Elaiousa-Sebaste, being typologically related through the narrow discus and the handle with single groove, which are influenced by North Syria and Cyprus, see Ricci 2007, 178, fig. 4.30-31, 6th-7th c.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 28 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1504 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4 with a little mica. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. The nozzle, part of the body and the base preserved. Discus: 8-leafed rosette, framing ring merges into the channel at the nozzle. Shoulder: a double row of knobs, divided by a relief line. Base: double pair of relief and spotted lines at the nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.072 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Trench 8. 236-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 326. Other Nos: AE 69. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Macroscopic inspection of the clay closely resembles lamps ΠΧ 1932, ΠΧ 1933, ΠΧ 1934, ΠΧ 1935, ΠΧ 1936, ΠΧ 1937, ΠΧ 2162, ΠΧ 2189, ΠΧ 2200, ΠΧ 2216, ΠΧ 2227. See especially Bémont, Chew 2007, 375, 519, no. GR 18, pl. 94, 5th-6th c. (?), from Lavrion; Gassner 1997, 205, no. 833, pl. 65.91, 5th-6th c., from Ephesus; Lafli 2015, 233, fig. 6, a Sagalassian lamp from Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidia. Gerousi 2013, 161, no. 230, no channel, 7th c., from Perissa on Thera. See also lamp (unpublished) from the Archaeological collection of Apeiranthos on Naxos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 29 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2642 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar, thin. Part of base preserved. Base: concentric incised circles (?). Double pair of relief lines at nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.039 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning over ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 30 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2660 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of base. Base: ring-shaped. Pair or relief curved lines and relief dots on base. Double pair of relief, dotted lines at nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, below the debris of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 10-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 217. Other Nos: AE 180 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 31 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2666 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped. Two double relief lines on handle with relief curved lines and dots. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.043 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, sieving of debris from removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, ΑΕ 138150. 14-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 225. Other Nos: AE 215 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 32 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2676 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: towards an ash-grey. Two non-joining pieces, parts of the base. Base: two rings, almond-shaped. Double relief line on handle, with pair of concentric circles below. Double pair of relief lines on the nozzle. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, sieving the debris of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.3-2.5 m. 21-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 185 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 33 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2414 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped. Double pair of relief lines at nozzle, with row of dots between. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.066 m. Date: Early 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Area B. Trial trench 322, layer 1a. 9-10-1990. Excav. Diary: 309, p. 31. Other Nos: AE 760 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Ae 34 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2641 Type/ Category: ‘Aegean type’, ‘Rhodian (?)’. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous, to reddish. Unslipped. Part of nozzle and base preserved. Base: 2 ovoid-shaped rings. Double pair of relief lines on the nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.046 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, -2.25 m, cleaning over ΑΕ 167-170. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti B. 9. The North African Lamps specimens. Almost all belong to the so-called classical period of ARS lamps: a few of Atlante VIII/Hayes I exist, but the majority belong to Atlante X/Hayes II, in their various subdivisions.

To judge by the limited number of the genuine articles, but also by the far more numerous imitations of other lamp sorts, North African lamps,597 like the North African pottery, are not spread particularly wide on the island. Despite their huge dissemination in many Mediterranean countries, in Rhodes their percentage of the total is negligible.

The lamps of type Atlante VIII/Hayes I (Anselmino and Pavolini VIII) are categorized by the elongation of the body, the wide discus with relief decoration and herringbone/palm-leaf decoration on the narrow shoulder. Products of important workshops,604 whose output is placed according to prevailing opinion from the second quarter of the 4th century to the 6th, with a floruit from the mid-4th until the mid-5th.605 The disappearance of this type from the markets in the late 5th or early 6th centuries is confirmed by finds from closed contexts.606

Due to the large, for those times, distances that had to be travelled to reach the markets of the Aegean islands, it is obvious that these products would be unprofitable: expensive and thus not the first choice.598 Those recovered in Rhodes were individual finds: the island was oriented towards Asia Minor and the main shipping and trading lanes did not carry so much in the way of African products. The meagre presence of North African pottery, and thus lamps, has correctly been ascribed to the secondary status accorded to Rhodes and the other areas of the Aegean in the same geographical zone: on such lesser maritime routes trade was normally a local business affair, conducted at close quarters.599 Although the already published material underlines how few are the identified North African lamps in Asia Minor,600 these findings may not hold good for some areas such as Patara, where, although equally distant from the African production sites, the situation appears to be partly reversed.601

Most North African lamps found in Rhodes are of the group Atlante X/Hayes II (Anselmino and Pavolini X), which enjoy a wide dispersal in the Mediterranean and an equally long production period, extending from the end of the 4th into the 7th centuries.607 The precise location of their workshops is unknown.608 These lamps are typified by the elongation of the body and the nozzle, the flat shoulder decorated with various combinations of triangles, concentric circles, four-leaf motifs, and heart-shaped leaves,609 whilst Christian and other diverse subjects dominate the discus. They are also distinguished by the wide channel that connects the discus to the nozzle, while the lower part of the handle is connected to the circular and slightly elevated base by a raised band.

The North African lamps are characterized by a clean reddish clay, with a slip of the same colour and a high gloss, which is hard to reproduce. In those under consideration here, as well as adopting the basic distinction of Hayes,602 an attempt was made to classify them according to the canons laid down in the publications of Atlante I, Barbera and Petriaggi 1993 and Bonifay 2004,603 particularly in the case of the complete

Research into their imitations, especially for those of the Italian regions where proximity ensured that the North African pottery was extremely popular, has come to some specific conclusions regarding the diffusion and variations of some sub-types.610 The imitations in Greece611 have been the object of much attention by many researchers, especially those retrieved in

For North African lamps, see mainly Deneauve 1969; Joly 1974; Ennabli 1976; Atlante I, 184–207; Barbera, Pettriagi 1993; Trost, Hellmann 1996, 17–54; Mackensen 1993; Bailey 1988, 178–202; Bonifay 2004, 313–430; Bussière 2007; Rossiter 2009, 93–103; Bonifay 2010, 43–44. 598  On other islands of the Aegean, such as at Mytilene, the North African lamps are almost unknown, and very few were found in Lemnos (Professor Hector Williams, pers. comm., to whom many thanks are given). For Samos, see Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986, 607– 610; Weber 2004, 12–50, in particular 23–24. For Thassos, AbadieReynal, Sodini 1992, 79–83, on local imitations and imports. No exact figures are known for Kos, but inferring from the published lamps of Halasarna (Kardamaina), it could be that they are a little more numerous, see Roumeliotis 2001, 258–260, 268, diagram 2. 599  See mainly Abadie-Reynal 1989, 143–159, especially 156 ff; also Sodini (2000, especially 193 ff) who assigns the islands, and also the Black Sea regions, to this second-rank zone. He recognizes their common ceramic history: a predominance first of LRC, then of Attic and finally of Asia Minor products. 600  As noted by Williams 1981, 76, n. 24. 601  Sen Yildirim 2012, 151–171. This is a particularly interesting set of ceramics, of North African origin, from the excavations of the bath. 602  Hayes 1972, 310–314, types IA and B and IIA and B 603  For more on ranking, see Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, and sporadically in the drawings; Bonifay 2004, 353. For a summary of views, see

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Rossiter 2009, 93–104. 604  For workshops of both Atlante VIII and Atlante X types, see Mackensen 1993, passim; Pavolini, Tortorella 1997, 247–274, for the type x, especially 257 ff. 605  Anselmino, Pavolini, 1981, 194–195; Bailey 1988, 182; Mackensen 1993, 95–98, 111–112; Bonifay 2004, 358. 606  Pavolini, 1998, 123; Mackensen 1993, 150, 151. 607  For the type and its beginnings, see Hayes 1972, 310–315; Anselmino, Pavolini, 1981, 207; Anselmino 1983, 32–35; Bailey 1988, 182; Mackensen 1993, 151–152. 608  Bonifay 2004, 371. For a summary of the characteristics of the various workshops, see Bussière 2005, 228–231. 609  See Mackensen 1993, passim, for an attempt to identify the workshops by the shoulder decoration. 610  See typically Pavolini 1998, 123–139, for imitations of the 6th and 7th centuries. 611  See the comments of Bussière 2005, 231–232. According to Williams 1981, 79–80 and Warner Slane, Sanders 2005, 243–297, especially 281, the North African lamps – and thus the imitations thereof – appear after 425.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Corinth, Argos, Kenchreai, the Attic workshops, and also central Greece.612 The North African lamps were imitated less in Athens than in Corinth.613 Internal division of the corpus is not in all cases possible:614 their small size, the absence of the slip and the relatively unexciting motifs marking the main criteria. As Bailey remarked, the high handle mainly features in Helladic products.615 Imitations of North African lamps are even found in North Africa. As mentioned, imitations seem to be imported into Greece and circulated alongside the genuine imported.616

Imitations of North African lamps found in Rhodes are low in number, just as with actual imports. At the same time the introduction of new motifs, such as the grooming of Pegasus,621 probably coming from the North African iconographic tradition, is seen in five Asia Minor lamps in this corpus (ΠΧ 1178, ΠΧ 1220, ΠΧ 2379, ΠΧ 2550 and ΠΧ 2750) and also in an unpublished sixth from Karpathos: this raises the interesting matter of loans between items from remote areas. The North African imitations in Rhodes are unsigned and generally heterogeneous in terms of origin.622 Some of them could be considered with a degree of caution as Rhodian, while others, because of the texture of clay, possibly hail from the workshops of Asia Minor, although, as noted above, the North African lamps – and so their imitations – look to be extremely rare there. Their dating, especially those with the jewelled cross on the discus and the herringbone on the shoulder, goes hand in hand with that of those from Greece proper.623

In the view of Hayes, while type II is to be dated between 425/430 to around 550, the imitations that include on the discus a large bejewelled cross belong to the second quarter of the 6th century.617 Of value in the matter of dating are those lamps from the ‘Baths of Aphrodite’ in Corinth – where a closed set with a coin of Justin II (575/6)618 includes North African imitations. From the same time span comes another closed group, which includes an imitation North African lamp with herringbone and a Christogram: dated by accompanying coins, the latest of which is of Justin II, this is from the excavation of a residential complex at Geladari Voutianon in Laconia.619 Another important fixed point in the development of these imitations is the mould for producing a North African type of lamp with a cross on the discus, recovered with a follis (20 nummi) of Justin II, from a destruction layer in Mantinea.620

The catalogue below includes what are considered as authentic North African products; their dating follows that of the more general types as laid out in the extensive bibliography. It is based simply on the slender association of ΠΧ 2983, of lamp type Atlante X, with the Asia Minor ΠΧ 2984 and a coin of Justin III (518–522). The imitations are arranged in unplaced lamps or in different categories, if there were some hint as to their origin. In the catalogue, NA 2–5 embrace the few lamps of Hayes type I. Thence to NA 22 come the lamps of Hayes type II.

Concordance Λ 2507 ΝΑ 7 Λ 2557 ΝΑ 6 Π 2674 ΝΑ 2 ΠΧ 1202 ΝΑ 8 ΠΧ 1245 NA 9

ΠΧ 1329 ΝΑ 10 ΠΧ 1534 ΝΑ 22 ΠΧ 2083 NA 20 ΠΧ 2158 NA 12 ΠΧ 2204 NA 11

ΠΧ 2253 NA 1 ΠΧ 2333 ΝΑ 21 ΠΧ 2350 ΝΑ 3 ΠΧ 2536 NA 18 ΠΧ 2546 ΝΑ 13

See chiefly Williams 1981, 79–80; Lindros Wohl 1994; 135–138; Karivieri 1997, 37–39; Petridis 2000, 248; Koutoussaki 2008, 337–341. 613  Williams 1981, 79. 614  In the case of lamps from Kenchreai, Bussière (2005, 231) for five of the thirteen identified as North Africa (Williams 1981, 80–81, nos 413–415, 420, 422), is of the opinion that one is an imitation, while for four others he had doubts. For another said to be an imitation (Williams 1981, 82, no. 430) Bussière believes that it is genuine. 615  Bailey 1985, 112, 114. 616  Bailey 1985, 112–114, C 775–797, pl. XXII from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish). 617  Hayes 1972, 313–314. 618  Unpublished. From the excavations of D. Pallas in 1956, see Williams 1981, 79, n. 48. 619  Eleftheriou, Skagkos 2016, 13, fig. 15. 620  Frintzilas 2006, 322, fig. 2c.

ΠΧ 2559 NA 5 ΠΧ 2561 ΝΑ 4 ΠΧ 2762 NA 14 ΠΧ 2781 ΝΑ 15

ΠΧ 2983 NA 16 ΠΧ 3020 NA 17 ΠΧ 3022 NA 19

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See in chapter for Asia Minor lamps, B.5. See the remarks in the chapter on lamps of ‘Unplaced origin / type’. 623  See typically on similar imitations at Delphi, dated to the late 6th or early 7th centuries, Petridis 2010b, 91, L27, pl. 31, fig. 137. 621  622 


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2253 Type/ Category: North-African, Libya (Tripolitania) (?) Description: Clay: pink, 2,5 Y 8/3, micaceous and with inclusions. Slip: similar. Part of the handle preserved. Repaired. Handle: leaf-shaped. Dimensions: H. of handle 0.032 m. Date: 150-200. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Lendis-Antonoglou plot; M. Petrides Street. Central section (2nd excavation period). South area, earth removal. 8-6-2006. Excav. Diary: 452, p. 183. Other Nos: AE 565 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kaninia 2001-2004, 261-262; Κaninia 2005, 1143-1144. Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 205-206, Q 1855, pl. 29, 150-200, from Tripoli, Libya; Bailey 1985, 86, C 601 ter, pl. XXXIX, 2nd c., from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 2 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2674 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type I B. Atlante VIII Α1a; Bonifay type 45. Description: Clay: pinky-brown. Slip: reddish. Traces of burning on the nozzle. Complete, though chipped. Handle: solid grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: menorah framed by incised branch, two filling holes. Base: oval-shaped circle. Dimensions: W. 0.077, H. 0.047 m. Date: Probably mid to late 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area, M. Petrides Street. Τomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. For the Bonifay type 45, see Bonifay 2004, 359, 364. It comes from El-Mahrine in Tunisia (?), see Lund 1995, fig. 2, 247-248, terminus post quem 395-408, from Carthage, with parallels. It is considered to be in use until the 6th c. See Bailey 1988, 192, Q 1740 MLA, fig. 38, 144, pl. 18, c. 375-500, from Carthage; Hoff 1986, 120, fig. 144; Trost, Hellmann 1996, 71, no. 25, pl. IV; Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 69, no. 283; Bernhard 1955, no. 350, pl. CIII; Iványi 1935, 106, no. 986, pl. XL, 5; Deneauve 1974, no. 34, fig. 12, early 5th-6th c., from Carthage; Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 32, no. 11, after the mid 5th c., from Ostia, and 63, no. 42, from Kircheriano; Barbera 2004, 284, no. 1, pl. XCVI.1, in the Museum of Naples; Bubic 2012, 159, no. 76, 4th-5th c., from Dalmatia; Bussière 2012, 55, fig. 1a (= Bussière 2007, C112); Lapp 1992, 171-172, pl. 2A, 4th c. the Museum of Mainz. And again, like the lamp found in the catacombs of Melos (unpublished). For the subject of the menorah, see Lund 1995, 253-254; Hachlili 2013, 292-324.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 3 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2350 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type Ι Β. Atlante VIIIC1 (?), 4; Bonifay type 48 (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: shell. Shoulder: incised branch. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: Early 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. North part, trench 2, -1.82 m. 31-7-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 338. Other Nos: AE 517 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: For Bonifay type 48, see Bonifay 2004, 366. See typically Rossiter 1988, 545, no. 72, pl. 5, 4th-5th c., from Carthage; Hayes 1980, 66-67, no. 282, pl. 34, early 5th c. (?), from Carthage; Fitch, Goldman 1994, 211, fig. 115, from Cosa; Graziani-Abbiani 1969, 156, no. 503, pl. XXIV, fig. 95, in the Museo di Storia ed Arte, Trieste; Trost, Hellmann 1996, 72-73, nos 33, 34, pl. VI; Lerat 1954, no. 180, pl. XXI; Selesnow 1988, 163, nos 270, 271, pl. 37, 5th c.; Antico Gallina 1985, 163, no. 255, pl. XXVIII, 4th c.; Bubic 2012, 145, no. 42, 4th-5th c., from Salona; Ricci 20012002, 383-386, fig. 25, first two decades of the 5th c., from a shipwreck in Port Miou near Cassis; Hanoune 1970, 249, no. 45, pl. 7 from Graviscae in Etruria.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2561 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type IΒ, Atlante VIII A1a, 4,; Bonifay type 45. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Traces of burning. Base and parts of the rest missing. Repaired. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: Sacred Monogram (Chi-Rho) within a hatched ring, two filling holes. Shoulder: incised branch. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.113 m. Date: Mid 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ο. 16-7-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 279. Other Nos: AE 313 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: For the typology, see Bonifay 2004, 359, 362 and 364 (45A). See typically Bémont, Chew 2007, 335, no. AF 31, pl. 81, from Tunisia; Menzel 1969, 94-95, no. 613, pl. 79.2; Rossiter 1988, pl. 5, 4th5th c., from Carthage; Graziani-Abbiani 1969, 121-122, no. 383, pl. XVIII, fig. 70, from the Museo Civico Torino, local imitation (?); Trost, Hellmann 1996, 70, no. 19, pl. III; Selesnow 1988, 162, no. 269, pl. 37, 5th c.; Antico Gallina 1985, 96-97, nos 143, 144, pl. XVII, 4th-5th c.; Ricci 2001-2002, 381-382, fig. 24.1, 4th-5th c., from the wreck Port Vendres I; Barbera 2004, 287, no. 10, pl. XCVIII.2, from the Museum of Naples; Bevelacqua 2012, 163, no. 59, 4th-5th c., from the Antiquarium di San Giovanni in Sicily; Kallipolitis, Petrakos 1963, 51-52, pl. 58b, Attic imitation (?), 6th c. (?) from Aegina.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2559 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type I, Provost 8E. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: similar. Traces of burning. Complete, apart from a part of the handle. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: lion, right, framing ring, channel to nozzle, two filling holes. Shoulder: incised branch. Base: within ring, incised branch. Dimensions: L. 0.108, W. 0.07, H. 0.031 m. Date: 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 332. Other Nos: AE 456 Ill: 143 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: See Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 162-164, nos 102, 103, 5th c., from Cherson (import from Italy?). See for the discus, Hayes 1980, 67, no. 285, pl. 34, 4th-5th c., from Tunisia. Concerning the base with the incised branch, see Bailey 1988, 193, Q 1744 MLA, pl. 18, 375-500, from Tunisia. The rampant lion, facing right, is believed to be a decorative motif found on sarcophagi, see Karivieri 1996a, 170.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 6 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2557 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type II A. Atlante X, Group 6,1.1.1. subset C2. Bonifay type 54. Description: Clay and slip: red 2,5 YR 5/8. Concretion. Part of handle and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, ending at base-ring. Discus: cock, two filling holes, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: alternating triangles and circles (Ennabli D 4, E 2; Bussière 2007, pl. 134, D2, E3a). Base: within ring, two small circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.128, W. 0.08, H. 0.035 m. Date: Around the end of the 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city (?), perhaps from the Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. Central aisle, below mosaic floor. Or from the village of Kallithea. 12-3-1971. Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 193, fig. 6. For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other accounts. Remarks: For the type Bonifay 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382. Perhaps comparable with Ennabli, 140, no. 623, from El Jem; Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 260, no. 221, the end of the 5th c. See too Bailey 1988, 84 (where other parallels are given), 202, Q 1838 MLA, fig. 60, pl. 28, c. 400-500, from Kalymnos; Militsi 2001, 287, fig. 4, from Kefalos on Kos; Doncheva 2006, 196, no. 281, first half of 5th c., from Varna; Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 80, L69, fig. 34, pl. XIIf, 5th-first half of the 6th c., from Thassos; Bubic 2011, 292-293, nos 105-106, 4th-5th c., from Salona; Bussière 2007, 123, no. C 632, pl. 51 (type 31), from Algeria (Hippone); Mincev 1976, no. 7, pl. II, in the Museum of Varna; Iványi 1935, 106, no. 985, pl. XL4; Graziani-Abbiani 1969, 129-131, no. 410, fig. 79, from Trento; Glumac 2001, 216, no. 5, in the Archaeological Museum of Belgrade, from Stobi.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 7 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2507 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type II A. Atlante X, possibly 6.1.1. Perhaps Set D1; Bonifay type 64. Description: Clay and slip red. Traces of burning on the nozzle. Complete Handle: solid. Discus: alternating triangles, alternating with curling plant motif. Shoulder: Cf. Ennabli L4, alternatively S2; Bussière 2007, pl. 138, R8, pl. 137, L14). Base: within ring, volute. Dimensions: H. 0.041 m. Date: Around mid to end of 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Synetairismou Katastimatarchon plot; Sofia Venizelou Street. From Region V. 5-11-1965. Excav. Diary: 19, p. 106. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1967a, 515-516, 531-533; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 438-439. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. For type Bonifay 64, see Bonifay 2004, 391-395. See Bailey 1988, 197, Q 1787, fig. 125, pl. 22, c. 400-500, from Kalymnos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 8 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1202 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type IΙ A. Atlante X, perhaps 6.1.1. Possibly subsets C2 or C3; Bonifay type 54 or 55. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/8. About half of upper part and all base missing. Handle: solid, raised. Discus: Fish. Shoulder: alternating triangles and 4-petalled rosettes (Ennabli D 8, I 6; Bussière 2007, pls 136, I6, and 134, D1). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.069, Wpres. 0.059 m. Date: Probably second half of 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianou plot; Cheimarras Street. Grid squares Γ4, 3-4/ε, Γ5, 3-4/α, layer 4α. 10-2-1988. Excav. Diary: 266, p. 145. Other Nos: AE 1147. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466 and Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: For Bonifay type 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382; for Bonifay type 55, see Bonifay 2004, 382-386, first half of the 6th c. See Cahn-Klaiber 1977, 39, no. 367; Bussière 2007, 126, no. C 694, pl. 51 (type 31), second half of the 5th c., from Algeria (Timgad), with parallels; Bailey 1985, 81, C 558, pl. XV, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), 5th c., imported from Tunisia; Barbera 2004, 291, no. 25, pl. CII.1, in the Museum of Naples; Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 244, no. 206, 248, no. 209, second half of the 5th c., from Kircheriano (?); Bubic 2011, 285-287, nos 91-94, 4th-5th c., from Salona. Mirmaroglu 2016, 176, no. 14 from Myndos, 6th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1245 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type IIA. Atlante X, perhaps 6.1.1. Possible subset C2 or C3, Bonifay type 54 or 55. Description: Clay: light red, 10 R 6/8. Slip: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4. Part of base, discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: (?). Shoulder: alternating triangles and targets (Ennabli E 6 and D 8; Bussière 2007, pl. 134, D2, E3a); Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: Second half of 5th to first half of the 6th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; Cheimarras Street. East aisle. 19-12-1979. Excav. Diary: (7), 1,2, p. 315. Bibliography: Katsioti 2008, 193, fig. 6. For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and various other accounts. Remarks: For Bonifay type 54, see. Bοnifay 2004, 373-382; for Bonifay type 55, see Bοnifay 2004, 382-386, first half of the 6th c. See Oziol 1977, 270, no. 818, pl. 45, from Larnaca. Mirmaroglu 2016, 176, no. 14 from Myndos, 6th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 10 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1329 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type II B. Atlante X, perhaps in the group 6,1.1.1. Perhaps subset C2; Bonifay type 54. Description: Clay and slip: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4. Part of nozzle lost. Repaired. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: palm tree with a bird at its top, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: dotted semicircular motifs alternating with others with pointed ends (Ennabli, L 4 and analogous to L. Bussière 2007, pl. 137, comparable to L6, and possibly to L9). Base: within ring, two small circles. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.105, W. 0.067, H. 0.029 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Area Δ, floor ΧΧΙΧ: disturbed area # 299, layer 3. 25-9-1990. Excav. Diary: 302, p. 342. Other Nos: AE 736 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1905, ΠΧ 2204 BC. For Bonifay type 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382. The clay pellets and small-defects may show that it dates to the late 5th c.; Bonifay 2004, 382. See Bailey 1988, 93 (where other parallels), 201, Q 1832 MLA, Q 1834 MLA, from Egypt, fig. 124, pl. 27, c. 400-500. Comparable are Ennabli, 164, no. 771, from Carthage; Bussière 2007, 169, no. C 1548, pl. 93 (type 43), from Algeria (Djemila); Chrzanovski 2011, 271, no. 225; Hayes 1980, 68, no. 288, pl. 34, second half of the 5th c., from Tunisia; Barbera 2004, 289, no. 17, pl. C.1, in the Museum of Naples; Chrzanovski, Sandoz, Piccamiglio, Remy 2000, 32-33, no. 21, pl. 6, from Carthage. For the discus, Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 159, no. 97, from Cherson; Bubic 2011, 296-297, nos 114-116, 4th-5th c., from Salona; Asal 2007, 256, Y11, 5th-6th c., from Yenikapi in Constantinople; Trost, Hellmann 1996, 101-102, nos 108, 109, pl. XIII; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 242, no. 287, from Kesra, Maktar, in central Tunisia, 425 to mid 6th c.; Sandin 1986, 116-117, no. 141, from the collection of Princeton. The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2204 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type IIA, Αtlante X AΙa; Bonifay type 54 (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Traces of burning. Handle, parts of discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, extending from base-ring to handle. Discus: palm tree. Shoulder: alternating targets and spiralling motifs (Bussière 2007, pl. 139, R1, pl. 134, Ε5). Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: Second half of 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Hotel Soleil, Demokratias and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinipoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1329; ΠΧ 1905. For Bonifay type 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382. See typically Barbera 2004, 289, no. 17, pl. C.1, in the Museum of Naples; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 242, no. 287, from Kesra, Maktar, in central Tunisia, 425 to mid 6th c.; Sandin 1986, 116-117, no. 141, from the collection of Princeton; Hayes 1980, 68, no. 288, pl. 34, second half of the 5th c., from Tunisia; Bailey 1988, 93 (where other parallels) 201, Q 1832 MLA, Q 1834 MLA, the second from Egypt, fig. 124, pl. 27, c. 400-500. Comparable are Ennabli, 164, no. 771, from Carthage; Bussière 2007, 169, no. C 1548, pl. 93 (type 43), from Algeria (Djemila); Chrzanovski, Sandoz, Piccamiglio, Remy 2000, 32-33, no. 21, pl. 6, from Carthage; Chrzanovski 2011, 271, no. 225. For the disc, see also Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 159, no. 97, from Cherson; Asal 2007, 256, Y11, 5th-6th c., from Yenikapi in Constantinople; Trost, Hellmann 1996, 101-102, nos 108, 109, pl. XIII; Bubic 2011, 296-297, nos 114-116, 4th-5th c., from Salona.


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Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 12 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2158 Type/ Category: North-African, type Atlante X, perhaps Description: Clay: light red, 10 R 6/6. Slip: similar, 10 R 6/8. Traces of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: alternating leaf and 4-petalled patterns. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.076 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. Tomb 5, North part. 5-10-1977. Excav. Diary: 105, p. 27-28. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 13 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2546 Type/ Category: North-African, type Atlante X, perhaps 6,1.1.1; Bonifay type 54. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, with a little mica, reddish. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Traces of burning. Part of handle missing. Handle: solid, ending from base-ring to handle. Discus: An upright figure, frontal pose, turning to the right and holding a crater on its left shoulder; two filling holes. Shoulder: S-pattern relief with raised points (Cf. Bussière 2007, pl. 139, Q1). Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.106, W. 0.06, H. 0.028 m. Date: Early 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 387 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Accompanying finds: ΠΧ 2527-2546, along with glass fragments (before the 4th c.). Cf. Karabatsos 2006, 291, fig. 10, Charokopou plot, at Lefkos, Mesochori on Karpathos, 6th c. (similar). The figure visible on the discus is interpreted as a fisherman. See also the same, but in a better state of preservation, Bussière, Rivel 2012, 246, no. 292, late 4th-early 6th c.; with the corresponding mould, Bussière, Rivel 2012, 246, no. 293. For Bonifay type 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 14 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2762 Type/ Category: North-African, type Atlante X A1a, 6,1.1.1; Bonifay type 54 (?) Description: Clay: light red, 10 R 6/8. Slip: similar. Part of body and handle preserved. Handle: solid, running from base-ring to handle. Discus: raised Sacred Monogram (Chi-Rho) framing ring, two filling holes. Shoulder: alternating targets, circles and heart-shaped leaves (Bussière 2007, pl. 139, S 2a, pl. 134, E 3a, pl. 137, Μ9). Base: within ring, concentric circles. Dimensions: L. 0.065, H. 0.035 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Atsidis plot; K. Tsatsou and V. Kazouli Streets. S.E. part, walls 3α-3β, -3/-4.9 m. 12-2-2008. Excav. Diary: 479, p. 188. Other Nos: AE 369 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2006, 1278-1282; Triandafyllidis 2007, 1332-1333; Triandafyllidis 2008, 1281-1282. Remarks: For Bonifay type 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382. See typically Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 165, no. 122, 5th-6th c., from Kircheriano (identical ?). See too Rosenthal, Sivan 1978, 71, no. 296; Starac 2005, 288, fig. 3.2, from Istria. For the disc, see Ennabli 1976, 183, nos 894-898, pl. XLIX. Marki, Angelkou, Cheimonopoulou 2010, 209, fig. 2e; Marki 1998, fig. 8, from Louloudies, Pieria.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2781 Type/ Category: North African, type Atlante X, Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, 5 YR 6/8. Only part of the channel to the nozzle is preserved. Discus: part of the trunk of a tree is preserved, in the middle of the channel. Shoulder: S-dotted pattern (?) (Bussière 2007, pl. 139, Q1). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.051 m. Date: Mid late 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. From -1.5/-1.9 m. down from the upper internal surface of the north vaulted area 2. 24-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 21. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 466-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, notes 26 and 27. Remarks: See Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 193, no. 153, mid 5th c., where only the tree is depicted; or 207-208, no. 168, from Kircheriano, end of 5th c.: here the setting is interpreted as pastoral, but also imbued with symbolism; Bussière 2005, 227, fig. 2, together with the opinions on the interpretation of the scene; Salvi 2012, 169-170, fig. 5, from Caghliari.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 16 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2983 Type/ Category: North-African, type Atlante X,, A C2 (?) Description: Clay: light red, 10 R 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of the discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: horse, right. Shoulder: alternating targets and square patterns (Bussière 2007, pl. 135 F1a, pl. 133, Α11). Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, sieved fill. 5-7-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 202. Other Nos: AE 824 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantsali 1992, 618; Karantsali 1993, 511; Karantsali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Accompanying finds: lamp ΠΧ 2984 and coin NB 4557, Justin III (518-522). For the disc see Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 179, no. 138, mid 5th c., found in the Esquiline, now in the Museo Nationale Romano.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 17 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3020 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes IIa, type Atlante X, A C2; Bonifay type 54. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Unslipped. Traces of burning, just about everywhere. Complete. Handle: solid, raised, extending from base-ring to handle. Discus: bust of a woman, facing left, within a circle; two filling holes. Shoulder: alternating targets with triangles and square patterns (Bussière 2007, pl. 134, Ε2a, pl. 138, P8), channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, concentric circles. Dimensions: L. 0.116, W. 0.069, H. 0.031 m. Date: Mid 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, unknown provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nissyriou storeroom; excavations from the time of Italian Rule. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1246 BC, imitation North African. For type 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382. See typically Bailey 1988, 202, Q 1837 MLA, pl. 28, fig. 54, c. 400-500, from Kalymnos; Bussière 2007, 144-145, C 1026, 1029, pl. 66; Mercando 1962, 37, pl. XIV.2, Paleani 1993, 70-72, no. 64, in the Antiquarium Comunale Romano. This issue (the type Atlante X), very popular in North African lamps, found imitators in Attic, Italian, even in Egyptian lamp workshops. For the identification of busts in general, see Bailey 1988, 42-43 (Fausta, Emperor Theodosius II, or the Vandal Gaiseric); Hoff 1986, 98, fig. 28. For the identification, see also Gualandi-Genito 1975, 79-95.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 18 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2536 Type/ Category: North-Africa, type Atlante X. Description: Clay: light red, 10 R 6/8, polished. Unslipped. Traces of burning. Handle, parts of base and shoulder preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, extending from base-ring to handle. Shoulder: alternating targets and triangles. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.096 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 2-8-2001. Remarks: Accompanying finds: ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546, together with some remnants of glass (before the 4th c.).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3022 Type/ Category: North African, Hayes IIa, type Atlante X, A C2, Bonifay type 54. Description: Clay: red, 10 R 5/6. Unslipped. Traces of burning on the nozzle. Complete, with some chips on shoulder. Handle: solid, extending from base-ring to handle. Discus: rhomboidal and decorated, two filling holes. Shoulder: targets (Bussière 2007, pl. 134, E3a), channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, concentric circles. Dimensions: L. 0.114, W. 0.064, H. 0.032 m. Date: c. 450-550. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, the Nissyriou Storeroom; excavations from the time of Italian Rule. Remarks: For type 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382. See typically Bussière 2007, 148, C 1085-1093, pl. 69, for the pattern on the disc; perhaps, too, Sen Yildirim 2012, 171, no. 32, fig. 4, from Patara.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2083 Type/ Category: North-African, type Atlante X. Description: Clay: brownish-yellow, 10 YR 6/6. Unslipped. Part of handle and shoulder preserved Handle: solid. Shoulder: targets alternating with 4-petalled patterns (Bussière 2007, pl. 134, E4b, perhaps pl. 136, Ι6). Dimensions: Wpres. 0.057 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Early Christian basilica, Chatziandreou plot; P. Mela and Cheimarras Streets. 3-3-1999. Excav. Diary: 1.5, p. 155. Other Nos: AE 151 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos, Kollias 1968, 260-262; Konstantinopoulos 1968, 442-443; Konstantinopoulos 1969, 464-467; Konstantinopoulos 1970, 527; Kollias 1971, 552-555; Kollias 1972, 689; Kollias 2000, 299-308; Platon 2000, 1192-1193 and sundry other accounts.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 21 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2333 Type/ Category: North-African, type Atlante X. Description: Clay: light red, 10 R 6/8. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: alternating targets and leaf-pattern (Bussière 2007, pl. 138, Ρ 5, pl. 134, Ε4b). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.04 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis. Grid square Α2, layer 2, -1.44/-1.6 m. 26-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 7. Other Nos: AE 5 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: NA 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1534 Type/ Category: North-African, Hayes type IIA. Atlante X, set 6, subset C1 (?); Bonifay type 54 (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 ΥR 5/8. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Repaired. Handle: solid, raised. Discus: Sacrifice of Abraham (?), the Emissaries returning from Canaan, with a bunch of grapes (?), Daniel in the Lions’ Den (?). Shoulder: tendrils and fruits (Bussière 2007, pl. 141, Ζ1b). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063 m. Date: c. 400-500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Filippou plot; Navarinou Street. 11-9-1976. Excav. Diary: 91, p. 62. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 352-356. Remarks: For Bonifay type 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382, particularly fig. 209, nos 16, 19. For North African lamps showing the Sacrifice of Abraham, see Ennabli, 43, nos 14-16. For the iconography, LCI, v. 1, Abraham, 19-35 (E. Lucchesi Pali); Bovon 1966, 87-88, no. 608. The theme of the Emissaries sent by Moses into Canaan is mentioned in Numbers 13/18-25, LCI, v. 2, Kundschafter mit der Traube, 700-701 (A. Thomas). See Trost, Hellmann 1996, 78, no. 44, pl. VII; Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 196, no. 156, the end of the 5th c., from Kircheriano; Graziani-Abbiani 1969, 23, no. 8, fig. 2, from Alessandria in Italy; Antico Gallina 1985, 100, no. 152, pl. XVIII, 450-550, from Tortona; Bussière 2007, 104, nos C 318, C319, pl. 22 (type 31) from Algeria (Hippone); Kuzmanov 1992, 42, 119, no. 300, from the Archaeological Museum in Sofia. For Daniel in the Lions’ Den, see a comparable lamp, Chrzanovski 2011, 271, no. 224. Note that similar motifs and themes can be identified in Synagogues: see the sculptural decoration in the great Synagogue of Korazim, May, Stark 2002, 229, fig. 37b, c, d.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps B. 10. Unplaced: The Greek East Lamps In this group, the classification here followed is based on that of the ‘Unplaced: the Greek East’ of Bailey in his publication of the lamps of the British Museum: all those whose provenance could not be sufficiently safely proposed are gathered herein.624

Unlike those imported Attic lamps (Broneer XXVIII type) here examined, others are probably imitations of such – for example Λ 2471, as indicated by its pale yellow clay, the shape of its nozzle, the un-grooved handle and the hatched areas on the shoulder, as well as ΠΧ 2021, ΠΧ 2556 which come from the surmoulage of Attic lamps; Λ 5164 which is a free adaptation of an Attic lamp and finally ΠΧ 3039, imitating a lamp of the Stratolaos workshop.

The Broneer XXVII type is represented by two lamps, Λ 2521 and ΠΧ 2964 ΛΥCI MA/X[O]Y. The first, an unglazed, unsigned lamp, has a flat base, panelled and with ovolo pattern on the shoulder: it also has a relatively rare motif on its discus, a Poseidon of the Lateran type, a typically Corinthian subject. Despite this close thematic connection with Corinth, a number of its features suggest that this is an imitation (perhaps a Cypriot one): the lack of a signature, although such cases are not unknown on lamps of this era and of this region,625 together with its smaller size relative to the Corinthian lamps and those of Patras, and finally some carelessness in its construction in the area of shoulder and the handle, such as protrusions at the junction of the upper and lower halves of the mould, excess pieces of clay not excised by the scalpel.

The motif of lamp ΠΧ 1232, depicting horse racing, reflects the fondness for public spectacles, now stripped of their pagan colouring and ‘neutral’ in tone, that existed even in the 5th to 6th centuries when Christianity was the official religion of the state.630 Its physical features – the clay, the handle, the shoulder, the base – do not favour its inclusion into the Attic ranks, while furthermore the specific and indeed unknown (on Attic lamps) motif – the repertoire of the amphitheatre and the circus never became popular in Attica, and certainly not after the late 5th century631 – all create additional doubts. The hypothesis of its coming from a Peloponnesian workshop, just because in these areas, as in Cyprus,632 depictions of games on lamps of the 6th to 7th centuries are in evidence, is doubtful too.

Adaptations to the design on the discus in accordance with matters of mainly local interest,626 inspired by literary and artistic creations627 such as known statue types, are common in Corinthian lamps.628 Overall, though, this is a rare phenomenon, with such reproduction seemingly in but limited numbers.629 It would be possible to argue for a Cypriot origin for this lamp, since Cypriot lamps that imitate Corinthian ones observed the trend of that era for classicism, copying appropriate motifs. An origin of the lamp from a Peloponnesian workshop, one able to achieve a reasonable conformity with the Corinthian in terms of material quality and range of colour, can hardly be supposed. The second lamp of this type, ΠΧ 2964 ΛΥCI MA/X[O]Y, an extremely interesting replication of a Corinthian lamp, by virtue of its possible origin in Asia Minor, is clearly smaller than its archetype: it was discussed in the chapter on the Corinthian lamps.

A relatively homogeneous and distinct category is that of those lamps of rather slipshod construction, with decoration ‘corrected’ in the course of construction or made from worn moulds or archetypes; they are not totally alike, but do have features in common between them, such as the pale clay, the usually pierced and rounded handle, simple floral decoration in low relief, and the rosette that survives on their discus. The lamps, from the characteristics of their clay and the rounded, pierced grip, are akin to those of Cyprus, but to classify them as from there is hampered by the fact that they have found no convincing Cypriot parallels. On the other hand, neither can the possibility that they are of local Rhodian manufacture be entertained. The compact group of these lamps is made up from ΠΧ 2034, ΠΧ 2617, ΠΧ 2986 and Λ 6024, all coming probably from the same workshop. Decorated with a rosette on the discus, the shoulder carries in low relief an S-shaped zigzag line complemented with embossed dots. The base is preserved on two of them: for ΠΧ 2986, the root of the handle with its single incision recalls Cypriot lamps, whilst for Λ 6024, the undifferentiated base with its

More detailed analyses of the clay would contribute to the formulation of safer conclusions. These distinctions are made by definition, because strictly speaking there should be included in this category (for example) only those of Asia Minor or ‘Samian type’, where it is not known whence they originated. Instead, in the category of ‘unplaced’ are included all those whose origin from Asia Minor was judged uncertain. 625  Although the lack of a signature on Corinthian lamps up to the 3rd century is rarely encountered, yet from 168 Corinthian lamps found in the temple of Demeter at Corinth, less than 20 have been signed: Warner Slane 1990, 14. 626  Bruneau 1977, 262; Lindros Wohl 2012, 355–363. 627  For this matter, see Williams 1981, 40, n. 51 and Karivieri 2001, 179–198; Lindros Wohl 2012, 355–363. Also see Roussos 1988, which I have been unable to consult. 628  Bruneau 1971, 450–452. See for observations, Williams 1981, 40–41. 629  Bruneau 1977, 250.

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The games were held on the occasion of military ‘triumphs’, anniversaries of emperors and the appointing of consuls. The spectators included Christians, even if the established church disapproved. For public events, their organization and political implications in the 5th and 6th centuries, see typically Liebeschuetz 2001, 204–210; Papakyriacou 2012; Jones 2012, 305–328. For the hostile attitude of the Cappadocian Fathers, see Lugaresi 1994, 437–463. 631  Karivieri 1996a, 68. 632  Oziol 1993, 71, no. 112. 630 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

concentric incised circles has parallels in Rhodian lamps (cf. Λ 6039), as well as with local products of other areas.633 On ΠΧ 2986 is also preserved the worn, with only traces surviving, yellow-red slip, unusual for Cypriot lamps, if one is looking to so classify it. The clay analysis offered somewhat contradictory accounts: ΠX 2034 could be Rhodian or from Ephesus!

found in the refuse of a residential well in Athens has a similar typology, also with a solid handle, and is dated to around the late 6th century: it is registered as an import, probably from Asia Minor.639 Therefore, given all these examples, it is preferable to classify the examined lamps as of ‘unplaced origin’, not excluding the Rhodian origin. Apart from ΠΧ 2314, whose handle-knob points to a date perhaps from the 6th century, the rest belong to the 4th mainly, but also some in the 5th century.

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A second group, on the criterion of the nature of their clay, is made up of ΠΧ 2314, Λ 5484 and Λ 6093: they appear to share a common origin with the previous group, but are typologically distinct. A third group, again from their fabric, comprises Λ 6067, ΠΧ 2966, ΠΧ 2987 and ΠΧ 3011. A rosette is preserved on Λ 6067; their common feature is the free decoration on the shoulder of a tendril in low relief. A fourth group, more loosely connected with the others, embraces Λ 6094 and ΠΧ 2003. Their decoration constitutes the well-known low relief rosette and globules on the shoulder. As for ΠΧ 2090, ΠΧ 2985 and ΠΧ 2988, which bring to mind Cypriot specimens in their clay, the minutiae are not sufficiently preserved to allow a more accurate classification. Note too that for Λ 6094 the NAA analyses pointed to Rhodes, but the XRF to Cyprus. Nevertheless in four of those just listed (namely ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, Λ 6093, Λ 6094), a pointer to their date is their recovery with the coins NP 915–922, of Constantius II (351–361), Valens (364–367), Theodosius I (379–381), Arcadius (400–404) and Honorius (395–408).

Λ 2694 stands out from the present corpus by its lowness, its broad and large size, the flat base and vague decorative theme of a quadruped (?) on the discus. Reference is made in the catalogue to similarities shared with lamps of the Middle East. Being found in later fills over the Hellenistic wall does not offer any secure chronological information. Π 2671 is signed with a relief X (or cross). A lamp with an identical base was found in the Athenian Agora: it was declared an import, but of unknown origin.640 The imitations of North African lamps in this corpus outnumber the originals, are generally of unplaced origin, and of low quality. Involved are ΠΧ 1876, ΠΧ 1905, ΠΧ 1929, ΠΧ 2206, ΠΧ 2214, ΠΧ 2294, ΠΧ 2311, ΠΧ 2351, ΠΧ 2436, ΠΧ 2475, ΠΧ 2520, ΠΧ 2565, ΠΧ 2570 and ΠΧ 2932. The whole lamp Π 2651 with a crater on its discus contiguous with an E on the shoulder, the fragmentary lamp ΠΧ 1161 with a cross641 on the discus and ΠΧ 1330 are probably also imitations, because of the fabric. NAA analysis of the fabric pointed to north Asia Minor for ΠX 2294, ΠX 2565 and possibly for ΠX 2214. The XRF analysis more specifically indicated Ephesus for ΠΧ 2565.

Close exemplars to these lamps are found in the excavations at Labraunda.634 But unfortunately, to get beyond the level of but a simplistic comparison, the crucial data on their size, fabric and the possibility or otherwise of their being of local manufacture are all inadequate or missing. At the same time, in the low relief outlining of their form, they recall the decorative scheme of some Knidian lamps,635 albeit differing radically as to their fabric and the shape of their bases. Furthermore, some lamps from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), of local production, have common morphological features with those here examined.636 Indeed in the rubbish from a local workshop of Cyrenaica, there was discovered part of a lamp with low relief decoration.637 It is also noteworthy that a lamp with a solid handle, of Asia Minor-type from Kenchreai, has a decorative typology close to that of those in question, but in its description it reportedly combines features from Antioch (SyrioPalestinian lamps) in its handle of Asia Minor-type with a clay of probably local origin.638 Another lamp

An interesting peculiarity links the fragments ΠΧ 1985 and ΠΧ 2252: their shoulders are decorated with relief quadrupeds, imitating the detail of contemporary North African plates. ΠΧ 3023 and ΠΧ 3036 have some similarities with Sicilian types,642 which are in turn influenced by North African lamps, especially those of Tunisia, of the late 4th century with some subsequent survivals.643 Unfortunately these two lamps lack not only their excavation details, but also other criteria to permit an accurate diagnosis of their origin. Finally, for the North African imitations such as ΠΧ 1303, Π 2651, ΠΧ 1243, ΠΧ 1246, ΠΧ 1161 and ΠΧ 2318, it cannot be excluded that they come from Rhodes. More than the quality of the clay and its construction, it is the difference in the configuration of the base from those of its prototypes that shows, for example, that ΠΧ 1303 clearly imitates Manoli 2010, 640, fig. 63.b. Perlzweig 1961, 10 and 102. For Christian motifs on the disci of North African lamps, which are much more numerous here than in other category of lamps, see Lund 2001, 199–214. 642  The lamps have a simple decoration, more commonly circles and dots around the filling hole, and are usually dated after 550. In imported later examples, of the 6th and 7th centuries, the shoulder is narrow and undecorated. 643  Bailey 1980, 387. 639 

Petridis 2010b, 84, L01, pl. 29, fig. 113, second half of the 4th century, from Delphi. 634  Hellström 1965, 52, no. 67, pl. 25 and probably nos 68, 96, 98, pls 25, 26, of the 4th–5th centuries. 635  Bailey 1988, 364, Q 2992, pl. 97, 5th century. 636  Bailey 1985, nos. 1188 to 1191, pl. XXXIV. 637  Luni 1985, 268, pl. 22.VIII, 2. 638  Williams 1981, 76, no. 409, pl. 18 of Kenchreai, of the 5th–6th centuries. 633 

640  641 


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Rhodian Lamps lamps of the type Atlante VIII A1a, which appear in the second half of the 4th and remain in use throughout the 5th century. The bases of North African types lamps, where saved, evoke their originals, revealing in some cases their construction from imported lamps or moulds.

Un 18–35 are classified in the category of those with low relief decoration. Un 36–42 lamps have similarities with Cypriot ones.

* Comments applicable to the Catalogue below:

Un 57–60 are of 5th and 6th centuries date, perhaps Rhodian.

Un 43–56 have matters in common with Asia Minortypes.

Un 1–2 are lamps of the type Broneer XVII.

Un 61–88 are those that imitate North African lamps.

Un 3–11 constitute lamps of the 3rd and 4th centuries, imitating Attic types.

Un 88–93 represent various types. Un 94–102 include the fragments.

Un 12–17 are of the 5th century also imitating Attic.

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Concordance Λ 2471 Un 6 Λ 2521 Un 1 Λ 2694 Un 92 Λ 5164 Un 14 Λ 5484 Un 24 Λ 5543 Un 45 Λ 6024 Un 21 Λ 6067 Un 25 Λ 6093 Un 23 Λ 6094 Un 29 Π 2651 Un 67 Π 2671 Un 17 ΠΧ 1161 Un 76 ΠΧ 1232 Un 15 ΠΧ 1243 Un 65 ΠΧ 1246 Un 66 ΠΧ 1303 Un 68 ΠΧ 1330 Un 63 ΠΧ 1876 Un 69 ΠΧ 1878 Un 44 ΠΧ 1905 Un 70

ΠΧ 1913 Un 16 ΠΧ 1929 Un 64 ΠΧ 1985 Un 82 ΠΧ 1992 Un 7 ΠΧ 1997 Un 97 ΠΧ 2001 Un 98 ΠΧ 2002 Un 99 ΠΧ 2003 Un 30 ΠΧ 2005 Un 5 ΠΧ 2021 Un 13 ΠΧ 2030 Un 93 ΠΧ 2034 Un 18 ΠΧ 2074 Un 34 ΠΧ 2075 Un 35 ΠΧ 2076 Un 38 ΠΧ 2090 Un 31 ΠΧ 2100 Un 46 ΠΧ 2101 Un 11 ΠΧ 2109 Un 57 ΠΧ 2113 Un 47 ΠΧ 2129 Un 48

ΠΧ 2133 Un 49 ΠΧ 2140 Un 50 ΠΧ 2179 Un 8 ΠΧ 2180 Un 51 ΠΧ 2197 Un 9 ΠΧ 2201 Un 52 ΠΧ 2206 Un 61 ΠΧ 2214 Un 78 ΠΧ 2225 Un 58 ΠΧ 2252 Un 87 ΠΧ 2255 Un 100 ΠΧ 2260 Un 59 ΠΧ 2281 Un 103 ΠΧ 2282 Un 102 ΠΧ 2288 Un 4 ΠΧ 2291 Un 10 ΠΧ 2294 Un 71 ΠΧ 2298 Un 101 ΠΧ 2311 Un 72 ΠΧ 2314 Un 22 ΠΧ 2336 Un 40

ΠΧ 2351 Un 73 ΠΧ 2358 Un 94 ΠΧ 2363 Un 53 ΠΧ 2377 Un 41 ΠΧ 2402α Un 56 ΠΧ 2403 Un 95 ΠΧ 2409 Un 81 ΠΧ 2424 Un 90 ΠΧ 2436 Un 74 ΠΧ 2442 Un 91 ΠΧ 2461 Un 42 ΠΧ 2475 Un 79 ΠΧ 2520 Un 75 ΠΧ 2522 Un 96 ΠΧ 2528 Un 60 ΠΧ 2549 Un 54 ΠΧ 2556 Un 12 ΠΧ 2565 Un 62 ΠΧ 2570 Un 77 ΠΧ 2592 Un 43

ΠΧ 2617 Un 19 ΠΧ 2688 Un 55 ΠΧ 2761 Un 36 ΠΧ 2782 Un 3 ΠΧ 2932 Un 80 ΠΧ 2964 Un 2 ΠΧ 2966 Un 26 ΠΧ 2971 Un 37 ΠΧ 2981 Un 88 ΠΧ 2985 Un 32 ΠΧ 2986 Un 20 ΠΧ 2987 Un 27 ΠΧ 2988 Un 33 ΠΧ 3011 Un 28 ΠΧ 3019 Un 85 ΠΧ 3021 Un 86 ΠΧ 3023 Un 83 ΠΧ 3036 Un 84 ΠΧ 3039 Un 89 Un 39 vacat


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 1 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2521 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?), Broneer type XXVII Clay analysis: NAA: Southeastern Cyprus (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/3. Unglazed. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: raised, pierced, grooved and pointed. Discus: Poseidon, of Lateran type (i.e. right foot resting on the a ship’s prow, left hand holding a trident). Probably dolphin in his right hand. Rim: well raised panels, band of small ovolo. Well raised nozzle with sides grooved. Remnants of clay attached to base. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.095, W. 0.074, H. 0.019 m. Date: 3rd century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papavasileiou plot; Th. Sofouli and Cheimarras Streets. Fill. 19-7-1966. Excav. Diary: 21, p. 214. Ill: 144 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Konstantinopoulos 1968, 433, 439. Remarks: See for the theme in Corinthian lamps: Kouragios 2009, fig. at 169, from Despotiko island near Antiparos; Böttger 2002, 89, no. 37, pl. 3 [ΕΥΝΟΜΟ]Υ, 2nd c., from the Kerameikos; Siebert 1966, 480-481, n. 8, fig. 6, 2nd-3rd c., from Tunis, with remarks on the reproduction of the sculptural type in other media; Lindros Wohl 2012, 358, n. 28 mentions another – unpublished Corinthian lamp from Isthmia, no. IPL 80-001. Poseidon appears in the reverse position on a Corinthian lamp from Crete (Pétridis 1992, 656-659, no. 8, fig. 12 with remarks on the subject), although in this drawn representation of the discus, this reversal has been ‘rectified’ (Pétridis 1992, fig. 21.8). For this lamp, see too Petropoulos 1999, 104-105; Petridis 2010b, 84. We have also noted local imitations: Bailey 1985, 149, C1058, fig. 10, pl. XXIX, by the middle of the 3rd c., from Sidi Khrebish (Berenice); Deneauve 1969, no. 709, pl. 68, 1st c., where Poseidon is depicted across the main axis of the lamp; Goldman, FollinJones 1950, I, 131-132, II, no. 438, fig. 113, probably the 2nd c., from Tarsus. For commentary with the same theme, see also Lindros Wohl 2012, 355-363, and 357ff. The sculptural type, attributed to Lysippos, is very widespread in small and large sculpture, in painting, in ring-bezels, on coins (such as those of Demetrius Poliorketes: Pollitt 1986, fig. 20; Oswald 1936-1937, pl. 1, 11A): see E. Simon, LIMC VII.1, (1974), 485491. As noted, the Lateran type Poseidon is associated with Corinth because of the Corinthian prototype. Also Vorster 1993, 6874, inv. no. 10315, no. 27, pls 125-132. See again Perlzweig 1961, 120. For the theme, common in coins and lamps, see Hellmann 1987, 25-37, especially 35ff. For the reproduction of statues on lamps, see Bailey 1961, 43-45; Karouzou 1954-1955, 67-77; Harrington 1933, 1-14; Lindros Wohl 2012, 355-363.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2964 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?), Rhodes (?), Broneer type XXVII. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: yellow, 10 ΥR 8/6, polished. Part of shoulder, base and nozzle missing. Restored. Handle: pierced, grooved, ending in impressed circle and two small circles in back. Discus: rays. Shoulder: small ovolo. Base: within circle, signature ΛΥCI MA/X[O]Y Dimensions: Lpres. 0.066, W. 0.069 m. Date: Probably 2nd-3rd centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α1/Α2, layer 3. 4-8-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 395. Other Nos: AE 247 Ill: 145 Plate: 71 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: The small size, the fabric and the mica do not seem consistent with a Helladic workshop. For the theme cf. ΠΧ 2502, ΠΧ 2967. From the decoration (ovolo on the shoulder and rays on the discus), which is extremely common on Corinthian lamps, it seems that this imitates an extremely popular type, see typically Bruneau 1971, 468, no. 26, figs 26-27; Bruneau 1977, 276, no. 66, fig. 25, 278, no. 69, fig. 31, 293, no. 83, fig. 52.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 3 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2782 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Unslipped. Part of body and handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: (figured). Shoulder: ovolo, well raised panels. Base: undefined. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.075 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Diakidis-Minettos plot; Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Streets. 1st layer Δ Ιβ, fill of debris. 189-1991. Excav. Diary: 315, p. 185. Other Nos: AE 767 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papachristodoulou 1979, 415-416; Dreliossi 1987, 586-587; Dreliossi 1990, 467-470; Dreliossi 1991, 452-454; Dreliossi 1992, 615-617; Dreliossi-Herakleidou 1996, 191-192.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 4 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2288 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: reddish, very fugitive. Part of discus preserved. Discus: symplegma of woman and horse (?), Goddess (?), Nereid (?), Eros (?) riding on some sea-creature (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.042 m. Date: 3rd (?), 4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Arapoudis plot; Parthenopis Street. ± 2 m. west of wall 4, ± 0,2 m. from Tomb 4, -1.30 m, from the surface. 24-9-1977. Excav. Diary: 68, p. 301. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Zervoudaki 1977, 363-364. Remarks: If it is an erotic scene of a woman with a horse: cf. Λ 5536, with observations and parallels; Katsioti 2009, 253, no. 226 and Katsioti 2011, 414, no. 136, MN 298 from Nissyros, MAPKOY, end 3rd-first half of the 4th c. Cf. Λ 5536, for observations and parallels. If the image is of a horseman, it is usually an Eros on some marine creature: see, typically, a Cretan lamp of the 3rd c., Mercando 1974, 238, pl. XXXVII, 5, in the Archaeological Museum of Herakleion.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 5 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2005 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/8, slightly micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 ΥR 8/4. Trace of burning. Part of discus, shoulder and nozzle preserved. Discus: plain, double ring round filling hole, framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, small ovolo, rounded nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: 3rd century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari (OT 256). 1988 (?). No other information. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 6 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2471 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Broneer type XXVIII. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Unglazed. Base lost. Restored. Handle: pierced. Discus: canopy symplegma. Shoulder: within volute band, inner and outer hatched bands; well raised panels. Dimensions: L. 0.103, W. 0.074 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, without information. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. The lamp combines elements of Attic or Corinthian lamps with earlier material, see Robinson 1959, no. L 12, pl. 45 and Perlzweig 1961, 122, no. 823, pl. 18.36, Peirithos, mid 3rd c., unglazed from the Athenian Agora. The canopy symplegma is familiar in the Attic lamps, in the repertoires of Peirithos, A, Eftychis, Leonteus, Nafmachios, Krateros and KY. The combination on the shoulder of volute with hatched band is not common on Attic and Corinthian lamps. See the later (?) lamp with similar volute configurations on the nozzle, which is assigned to Ephesus workshops, Rosenthal-Sivan 1978, 56, no. 225, 5th-6th c., but also an earlier lamp (2nd c.?) with an erotic scene on the discus, volutes on nozzle, and also hatched band on the rim, Crnobrnja 2006, 36, fig. 1, from the necropolis of Singidunum (Belgrade).

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 7 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1992 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: pink, fugitive. Part of discus preserved. Discus: Centaur with lyre. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.034 m. Date: First half of 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: For the iconographical prototypes see Attic lamps: Perlzweig 1961, 113, no. 671, pl. 15, second half of the 3rd c.; Karivieri 1996a, 155; Βöttger 2002, 130-132, nos 846-887, pl. 21.270-350; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 411, no. 3, fig. 3, from the Kerameikos. Also see Broneer 1977, 76, no. 2983, pl. 32, from Isthmia; Koutoussaki 2008, 173, no. 181, end of 3rd-first half of 4th c., from Argos.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 8 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2179 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?), Tralles (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, fugitive. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Thick-walled. Handle: pierced, grooved, panels with herringbone at front and in back. Discus: rosette (?), framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, plain. Base: undefined (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.064 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel plot; Demokratias and El. Venizelou Streets. Removal of earth. 19-4-1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 171. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281; Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324. Remarks: Note a similar lamp that recalls Attic ones: Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 127-128, no. 70, with mica, reddish-brown clay and a comparable slip, with two incised circles for the base; this is associated with eastern sigillata B, perhaps from Tralles. Typologically related to ΠΧ 2197 due to the undefined base and similarities in the shape of the handle.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 9 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2197 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: similar, fugitive. Part of base preserved. Base: undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel plot; Demokratias and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Α, on stairway of cistern. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281, Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324; Remarks: Typologically related to ΠΧ 2179, due to the undefined base and similarities in shape of the handle.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 10 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2291 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/8, fugitive. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Shoulder: plain. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.041 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter), ancient wall, in area of Agios Panteleimon, north-west part. 31-12-1954. Excav. Diary: 1α, p. 130. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; FilimonosTsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 11 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2101 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Attic (?), Broneer type XXVIII. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved, pointed at end flanked by small circles. Dimensions: H. of handle 0.04 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α1. 25-6-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 35. Other Nos: AE 36 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 12 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2556 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Broneer type XXVIII. Description: Clay: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, with a little mica, friable. Slip: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: tooled, double grooved. Discus: plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: two hatched panels, above two knobs in petalshaped panels, nozzle sides grooved. Base: flat, undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.073, H. 0.035 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Τomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 332. Other Nos: AE 455 Ill: 146 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 13 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2021 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Broneer type XXVIIΙ. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8 micaceous. Unslipped. Concretion. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: tooled, double grooved pointed at end. Discus: basket with fruits, double framing ring. Shoulder: S-pattern, two panels with globules, nozzle sides grooved. Base: flat, incised circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.101, W. 0.078, H. 0.034 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. East section of excavation, north-east of east wall of building ΧΙ, layer 2α. 27-6-1990. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 394. Other Nos: AE 268 Ill: 147 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: For the fabric, cf. possibly ΠΧ 2409. See Perlzweig 1961, 131-132, no. 1017, pl. 21, late 3rd c.; Βöttger 2002, 181-182, nos 2054-2095, pl. 39, early 4th c.-350; Gill, Hedgecock 1992, 417, 420, no. 28, fig. 28, from the Kerameikos; Warner Slane 1990, 33, no. 48, pl. 4, 3rd-4th c., from Corinth; Broneer 1930, 270, no. 1316, fig. 195, from Corinth. The lamp imitates earlier Attic lamps, with half-pierced handle, spirals and panels on the shoulder.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 14 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5164 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Broneer type XXVIIΙ. Clay analysis: NAA: Unknown. XRF: Attica (?) Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8, with a little mica. Unslipped. Base and part of shoulder lost. Restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: dog seated, facing left, framing band with herringbone. Shoulder: S-pattern, two panels with incised branch, nozzle sides grooved. The joining in the area of the handle is incomplete. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.087 m. Date: Probably 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, K. Kostaridis plot; Vyronos and Kanada Streets. Within interior of building ΧΙ, with remains of bones. 6-2-1989. Excav. Diary: 285, p. 101. Other Nos: AE 132 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Dreliossi 1988, 593-594; Dreliossi 1989, 472-474; Dreliossi 1990, 467; Dreliossi 1991, 445-449; Dreliossi 2004, 21-28. Remarks: Cf. in regard to the theme, ΠΧ 2029, ΠΧ 2910, ΠΧ 2981. See Williams 1981, 57, no. 258, pl. 11, early 4th c., from Kenchreai; also, Perlzweig 1961, 128-129, no. 924, pl. 20, bear on the discus, early 4th c.; Karivieri 1996, 172, nos 32, 33, pl. 3.30, 5th c.; Βöttger 2002, 172-174, nos 1792-1851, pl. 36, first third of 3rd-mid 4th c., from the Kerameikos; Koutoussaki 2008, 179, nos 199-201, 4th-5th c., from Argos, with bibliography. For the discus, see Hellmann 1987, 86, no. 331, early 4th c.; Tzevreni 2011, 220-221, no. 139, 140, early 4th c., from the trench of the western walls of Thessaloniki. With the herringbone on the rim, shoulder with S-pattern and panels with herringbone, the lamp has an unusual combination of motifs. In the Cypriot lamps the rim is often emphasized with a herringbone pattern, but the kind of fabric and other features, such as the decoration of the shoulder, do not reinforce the possibility of a Cypriot origin. Apropos the theme, the portrayal of dogs may be associated with their frequent presence in hunting expeditions, which were organized by various cities in the Roman Empire, see Robert 1940, 325; Robert 1949, 128-129; Dunbabin 1978, 65-87.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 15 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1232 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5ΥR 6/8, with a little mica. Unslipped. Trace of burning in the region of the nozzle. part of body and nozzle missing. Handle: solid, double grooved, dots in front, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: a rider, facing right (gladiator ?). From the front of his head spring three relief dashes (trident ?), double framing ring. Shoulder: narrow, ring-and-dot pattern. Base: flat, within oval-shaped ring, seven small circles in form of a rosette, nozzle sides grooved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.087, W. 0.07, H. 0.032 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Vardelis plot; Hesiodou side-street, Monte Smith. From the excavation of the basement of the house. 8-8-1990. Excav. Diary: 307, p. 12. Other Nos: AE 2 Ill: 148 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1991, 465-467; Karantzali, McGeorge 1999, 153-162. Remarks: Here a beast fighter is probably shown, on horseback and holding a trident, portrayed by the three dashes projecting from behind the head. He wears a scaly chest-piece and high boots, while the horse has a protective harness. For this type of rider no parallel can be found. It is possible that it is a free rendition of a cavalryman, a frequent theme in Late Roman terracotta works, see typically Kaufmann 1915, nos 358-363, pl. 44. Gladiators or beast fighters on horseback are known on earlier lamps, such as from Cyprus, see Oziol 1977, 97, nos 222, 223, pl. 13. In the earliest lamps of the era under examination, particularly in Italy, the fighters carrying a net and trident (the retiarii) are depicted on foot, see Wollmann 1917, 147-167; Barbera 2003, 21-48. See also Perlzweig 1961, 91, no. 235, pl. 7, lamp with part of head and trident, though it is unclear if it is a retiarius on foot or on horseback, 2nd c. For the retiarii gladiators, see Tsouli 2014, 117-126. The mounted beast fighter/hunter, although not traced so far on lamps, is mentioned by Pliny, Suetonius, Heliodorus etc. particularly in the context of bull fighting (Robert 1971, 318 and 325) and can be seen in such as the mosaic floor of the ‘House of the Judgement of Paris’ in the West Baths in Kos, 2nd-3rd c. (De Matteis 2004, pls IX.1, XII.2), the mosaic floors in the Villa del Casale in Piazza Armerina and on frescoes in Pompeii (La Regina 2001, 177 and 254-256). See also Reggiani 1988, 147-155. The decoration on the shoulder of the lamp provides some evidence for its dating. Although an Attic (?) lamp with impressed circlets on its shoulder has been dated to the 3rd c. (Krunic 2005, fig. 38, from Singidunum-Belgrade), impressed circles on the shoulder are in general considered a late feature, of lamps dating to the 5th c. and after (Perlzweig 1961, 24; Karivieri 1996, 70). It more particularly suits the later 5th c., with the import and even imitation of North African lamps (according to the revised dating of Attic lamps, Butcher 1982, 141). The shaping of the base also provides clues for dating: the end of the handle merging into the ring-base and the incisions on the nozzle indicate that the lamp dates at least to the late 5th c. (Karivieri 1996, 75), following Asia Minor and North African prototypes. The double incision on the lower part of the body, in the vicinity of the nozzle, possibly indicates strong ties to Asia Minor lamps. This feature in the later Attic lamps that imitate Asia Minor ones is common: typically Perlzweig 1961, 186, no. 2657, pl. 42, first half of 5th c., 174, no. 2390, pl. 38, first half of 5th c., 172, no. 2364, pl. 37, 5th-6th c., 173, no. 2377, 5th c., no. 2381, pl. 37, 5th c., 174, no. 2386, pl. 38, 6th c., 176, no. 2421, 5th c., no. 2423, pl. 38, 5th c., 177, no. 2440, pl. 39, 6th c.; Karivieri 1996, 173, no. 36, pl. 45, ΣΩ/Τ[ΗΡ]ΙΑ, second half of the 5th c. Finally, the Attic lamp in the Victoria and Albert Museum, found in Cyprus, should be mentioned, with a rider facing left, and a comparable base and shoulder pattern, Bailey 1965, 64, no. 220, pl. X, 5th c. The piece catalogued here, more on typological than thematic grounds, is close to Perlzweig 1961, 172, no. 2364, pl. 37, late 5th-early 6th c. As an Attic origin is not confirmed macroscopically, attention must necessarily focus on Asia Minor.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 16 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1913 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6, corroded, flaking. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: (figured). Shoulder: plain. Base: ring-shaped. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.102, W. 0.072, H. 0.037 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, below the Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.50 m, south-west corner. 11-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 218. Other Nos: AE 187 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 17 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2671 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Broneer type XXVIII. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5YR 4/8, clearly misshapen. Complete. Discus: 15-petalled rosette. Shoulder: herringbone. Base: within two incised circle, signature, Χ (or cross ?) in relief. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.1, W. 0.071, H. 0.037 m. Date: 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area; M. Petridis Street. Tomb 7. 23-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 107. Ill: 149 Plate: 72 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2997, with almond-shaped base; Π 2670, with A on base, comparable decoration, tall body, heavily made, but of different fabric, and a bit bigger. See Perlzweig 1961, 102, no. 373, pl. 11, 5th or 6th c., relief X on base; Tsoniotis 2013, 174, fig. 5a, from the Roman Forum, the second half of the 6th c., on the base a double X in relief. According to information by Professor Hector Williams, a like ‘signature’ is a possible reading on an unpublished lamp from Mytilini. Note, however, that such a mark appears on earlier amphorae, see typically Adamsheck 1979, 39, no. GR 110, pl. 10, from Kenchreai; and cf. an incised X on a late Roman unguentarium, Hayes 2008b, nos 1778-1781, pl. 90, from the Athenian Agora.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 18 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2034 Type/ Category: Unplaced Clay analysis: NAA: Rhodian (?). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Handle and part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: rosette with low-relief petals. Shoulder: wavy lines and globules. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.066 m. Date: Probably 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area; M. Petridis Street. Area Β, fill of loculi. 31-5-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 76. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Found in fill with coin NB 810, Heraclius (610-641) Cf. ΠΧ 2617, ΠΧ 2986, Λ 6024 The lamp recalls Attic types. Perhaps Hellström 1965, 52, no. 67, pl. 25 and probably nos 68, 96, 98, pls 25, 26, 4th-5th c., from Labraunda. See also Gill, Sen 2003, 53, no. 44, pl. III/18, 4th-6th c., from Amorion - but of a different clay, 5 YR 4/2. With many reservations, Oziol 1993, 63-64, no. 102, ΕΥΦΩΤΙΟΥ, 4th c., from the Pierides collection in Cyprus. Possibly Bailey 1985, 165, nos 1188-1191, pl. XXXIV, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), all unglazed with pierced handles, 3rd-4th c. See also Manoli 2010, fig. 63.b, end of the 6th c., from Athens.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 19 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2617 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/3. Unslipped. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced. Discus: rosette with low-relief petals, framing ring. Shoulder: tendrils with globules. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area Α1, cleaning, above ΑΕ 167, -2.2 m. 4-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 172 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. Λ 6024, ΠΧ 2034, ΠΧ 2986, from same workshop (?) See typologically Gill, Sen 2003, 53, no. 44, pl. III/18, 4th-6th c., from Amorion, probably of a different clay, 5 YR 4/2 and solid handle. Possibly see Bailey 1985, 165, nos 1188-1191, pl. XXXIV from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), all unglazed with pierced handle, 3rd-4th c., Hellström 1965, 52, no. 67, pl. 25 and maybe nos 68, 96, 98, pls 25, 26, 4th-5th c., from Labraunda.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 20 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2986 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 8/4. Slip: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, fugitive. Trace of burning. Parts of base lost. Restored. Handle: pierced, grooved. Discus: rosette with pointed low-relief petals. Shoulder: panelled, low-relief S-pattern with globules, nozzle sides grooved. Base: incised circle. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.101, W. 0.073, H. 0.035 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, north-west corner, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: AE 679 Ill: 150 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with the lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). For the typology and the unglazed clay cf. Λ 6024, ΠΧ 2034, ΠΧ 2617. Cf. ΠΧ 2761 in general (larger).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 21 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6024 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Complete, chips at handle. Handle: pierced. Discus: 8-petalled rosette with low-relief petals, framing hatched band. Shoulder: panelled, S low-relief pattern with raised points. Bands at nozzle sides. Base: concentric rings. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.066, H. 0.026 m. Date: Second half 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.20/-4.5. 194-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: AE 650 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with the lamps Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). As to the fabric and typology, cf. ΠΧ 2034, ΠΧ 2617, ΠΧ 2986 (from same workshop ?). See Bailey 1985, 165, nos 1188-1191, pl. XXXIV, 3rd-4th c., from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), of local production, unglazed with pierced handle, 3rd-4th c.; Manoli 2010, fig. 63b, up to the end of the 6th c., from Athens. The undefined base with concentric rings recalls a Rhodian lamp, cf. Λ 6039, as well as local produced lamps from other regions, see Petridis 2010b, 84, L01, fig. 113, pl. 29, second half of 4th c., from Delphi.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 22 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2314 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unslipped. Part of shoulder with handle preserved. Knob handle. Shoulder: double low-relief wavy line-tendrils, with globules, double framing ring. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.056 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papamichail plot; Navarinou Street. Square Α1, area 2, 13th pass, earth moving, -1.2/-1.3 m. 2-7-1992. Excav. Diary: 326, p. 201. Other Nos: AE 76 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1993, 509-511; Fantaoutsaki 1994, 761-763. Remarks: For the fabric cf. Λ 5484, Λ 6093.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 23 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6093 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Part of handle, discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved. Discus: rosette with low-relief outlines. Shoulder: panelled, net-work pattern. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.061 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west and south part, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: AE 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). In terms of fabric cf. Λ 5484, ΠΧ 2314. See probably Bailey 1985, 165, nos 1188-1191, pl. XXXIV, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), of local production, unglazed with pierced handle, 3rd-4th c.; also Gill, Sen 2003, 53, no. 44, pl. III/18, 4th-6th c., from Amorion, but of a different fabric, 5YR 4/2 and with solid handle; Manoli 2010, fig. 63b, up to the end of the 6th c., from Athens.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 24 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5484 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: low-relief rosette. Shoulder: panelled, spirals. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.056 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, G. Heronias plot (formerly Giakras-Hatzimichalis), Μ. Petridi Street. Foundations 4. 19-10-1987. Excav. Diary: 247, p. 271. Other Nos: Excavation bag 11 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: For the fabric cf. Λ 6093, ΠΧ 2314. For observations and parallels, cf. Λ 6093.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 25 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6067 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Rhodian (?) Clay analysis: NAA: Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4, poorly-fired. Unslipped. Thick walled. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle and body lost. Restored. Handle: pierced, rounded. Discus: 8-petalled low-relief rosette. Shoulder: panelled, S-pattern in low-relief. Base: undefined. Dimensions: L. 0.111, H. 0.03 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, north-west corner, layer of debris, -4.40/-4.55 m. 30-7-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 155. Other Nos: AE 676 Ill: 151 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Typologically and in terms of fabric cf. ΠΧ 2966, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 3011. For observations and parallels, cf. Λ 6093.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 26 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2966 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Unslipped, polished. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Restored. Shoulder: low-relief tendrils, nozzle sides grooved. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.075 m. Date: Probably 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α1/Α2, layer 3. 4-81993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 395. Other Nos: AE 247 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For the clay and the type of slip cf. ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2978, ΠΧ 2988. For the typology cf. Λ 6067, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 3011.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 27 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2987 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 8/4. Unslipped, polished. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: low-relief S-pattern. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.061 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, north-west corner, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: AE 679 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2966; for both fabric and typology cf. Λ 6067, ΠΧ 2966, ΠΧ 3011.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 28 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3011 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 10 ΥR 8/6. Unslipped. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved. Shoulder: low-relief S pattern. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.049 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, north-west corner, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: AE 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). For both fabric and typology cf. Λ 6067, ΠΧ 2966, ΠΧ 3011.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 29 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 6094 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Clay analysis: NAA: Rhodian (?). XRF: Cyprus (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Slip: fugitive, probably pink-coloured. Parts of the upper portion preserved. Restored. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: low-relief rays. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, northwest corner, layer of debris, -4.4/-4.55 m. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 149. Other Nos: AE 649 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2981, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). Typologically and in terms of the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2003. See perhaps Bailey 1988, 364, Q 2992, pl. 97, 5th c., from Knidos, but smaller; perhaps also Bailey 1985, 165, nos 1188-1191, pl. XXXIV, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), of local production, unglazed with pierced handle, 3rd-4th c. See also Gill, Sen 2003, 53, no. 44, pl. III/18, 4th-6th c., from Amorion but different clay, 5 YR 4/2 and solid handle. The fabric would not exclude a Cypriot origin, but no convincing Cypriot, nor Rhodian parallel exists.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 30 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2003 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: yellow, 10 ΥR 7/6. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of discus, shoulder and nozzle preserved. Discus: rosette with low-relief petals. Shoulder: two panels with globules, globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.086 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari (OT 256). 1988 (?). No other information. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: For the type and fabric cf. ΠΧ 6094. A series of lamps of different origins, types and date present features that correspond to this catalogued piece: see Vessberg 1953, 125, fig. 3, from Soloi; Bezzola 2004, 80-81, nos 314-318, pl. 24, 4th c., from Palaepaphos; Bailey 1988, 364, Q 2992, pl. 97, 5th c., from Knidos. Further, Hellström 1965, 52, no. 67, pl. 25 and probably nos 68, 96, 98, pls 25, 26, 4th-5th c., from Labraunda; Bailey 1985, 165, nos 1188-1191, pl. XXXIV, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), all unglazed with pierced handles, 3rd-4th c.; Manoli 2010, fig. 63b, up to the end of the 6th c., from Athens. The fabric would not exclude a Cypriot origin, but no convincing Cypriot parallel exists.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 31 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2090 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Unslipped. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rays pattern low-relief. Shoulder: raised panels, low-relief herringbone. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.053 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni, Menekleous Street. Central aisle, ± 3.50 m. 2-10-1998. Excav. Diary: 4.3, p. 162. Other Nos: AE 530 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677-678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992. Remarks: For the typology cf. ΠΧ 2985. See Bailey 1988, 364, Q 2992, pl. 97, from Knidos, 5th c.; Hellström 1965, 52, no. 67, pl. 25 and probably nos 68, 96, 98, pls 25, 26, 4th-5th c., from Labraunda.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 32 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2985 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 8/4. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Discus: rosette with low-relief petals. Shoulder: low-relief herringbone, nozzle sides marked. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.062 m. Date: 4th (?) century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Γ2 Δ2, layer 2, north part. 15/23-10-1993. Excav. Diary: 343, p. 274. Other Nos: AE 372 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For the typology, cf. ΠΧ 2090. For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2148, ΠΧ 2574, ΠΧ 2965, ΠΧ 2967, Λ 5451.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 33 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2988 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4. Slip: similar. Part of shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved. Shoulder: low-relief band with tendrils. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.049 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α2 Α3, layer 2. 18-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 292. Other Nos: AE 187 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2989. For the clay and the slip cf. ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2966, ΠΧ 2978.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 34 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2074 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Unslipped. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: low-relief tendrils. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.03 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Nikolis plot; Ergeiou Street 8. Trench to east side, -1.01 to -1.97 m. 30 and 31-7-2002. Excav. Diary: 3.17, p. 358. Other Nos: Excavation bag 258. Bibliography: For the excavation, see (Archontopoulos), Psarologaki 2001-2004, 370-373. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2073-2077. Cf. ΠΧ 2075. See Gill, Sen 2003, 53, no. 44, pl. III/18, 4th-6th c., from Amorion, but of a different clay, 5 YR 4/2. Possibly Bailey 1985, 165, nos 1188-1191, pl. XXXIV, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), all unglazed with pierced handle, 3rd-4th c. CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 35 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2075 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/4. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.031 m. Date: 3rd-4th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Nikolis plot; Ergeiou Street 8. Trench to east side, -1.01 to -1.97 m. 30 and 31-7-2002. Excav. Diary: 3.17, p. 358. Other Nos: AE 256 Bibliography: For the excavation, see (Archontopoulos), Psarologaki 2001-2004, 370-373. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2073-2077. Cf. ΠΧ 2074.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 36 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2761 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Slip (?): similar (?) Part of handle lost. Handle: pierced and grooved, pointed at back. Discus: 25-petalled rosette, framing ring. Shoulder: panelled, plain. Base: two incised circles. Worn lamp, poorly produced. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.077, H. 0.026 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, storeroom 8, excavations in the period of Italian Rule. Ill: 152 Remarks: Typologically similar to ΠΧ 2986 (smaller), and MN 1250 from Nissyros (Nissyros Museum: Katsioti 2011, 415, no. 138), with differences in the decoration of the shoulder and the colour of the slip. Cf. Bailey 1985, 139, no. 988, pl. XXVII, 3rd c., from Sidi Khrebish (Berenice), local imitation. Maybe too Plat Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.9, from the tomb at Kampi, Vassa in Cyprus, second half of 4th c., with solid handle: this also has a cream-coloured clay, with grey inclusions and a pale slip; Karageorghis 1978, 30, no. 11, pl. XVII, mid 3rd c., from a tomb at Ag. Sergios/Salamis in Cyprus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 37 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2971 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: herringbone. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.063. Date: 3rd-4th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Baulk Α1/Α2, south-west fill, layer 1, surface, 2nd ‘pass’. 26-5-1993. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 326. Other Nos: Excavation bag 196. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: For a similar theme cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2076, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. See Cypriot lamps: Bezzola 2004, 124-126, nos 552-554, pl. 29, 3rd-4th c., from Palaepaphos; Bailey 1965, no. 166, pl. VIII; Bailey 1988, 314-315, Q 2568, pl. 70, 4th c., from Salamis or Kourion. As mentioned (p. 299) Cypriot lamps of this type have a solid handle (however some have them half-pierced, see Oziol 1977, 225, no. 653, pl. 37, early 4th c., from Cyprus); Oziol 1993, 58-59, no. 93, fig. 13, rosette with sharp leaves, end 3rd-early 4th c.; Taylor 1940-1948, 41, pl. IV.8, from a tomb at Kampi/Vassa in Cyprus, mid 3rd c.; Karageorghis 1978, 30, no. 11, pl. XVII, mid 3rd c., from a tomb at Agios Sergios at Salamis in Cyprus; Waldhauer 1914, no. 483, pl. XLV, on the base ΑΡΧΕ/ΠΟΛΙ/ΔΟC, 3rd c., Cypriot, from Cherson; Chrzanovski, Zhuravlev 1998, 111, no. 63, ΦΟΙ/ΜΗΚ/ΟΥ, late 3rd c.; Kadeev 1970, no. 148, fig. 20.2; Zubar 1993, fig. 26.1, local imitation with applied, folded loop handle; Franzius 1985, no. 18, pl. 24.5, on base ΕΙΡΗ/( )/ΟΥ, first half of 4th c., Cypriot; Wismann 2006, 352, fig. 186, 4th c., from Panagia Aimatousa in Cyprus; Gassner 1997, 200-201, no. 818, pl. 64.91, 3rd c., from Ephesus, erroneously referred to as Corinthian. Two similar lamps, 2nd-3rd c., found in Egypt, Cahn-Klaiber 1977, 36, no. 339, from Alexandria (import); Selesnow 1988, 154, no. 217, pl. 31. For Attic prototypes, see Perlzweig 1961, 153, no. 1818, pl. 31, slipped, first half of the 4th c. Cf. also Βöttger 2002, 202, no. 2587 EY, no. 2594 B, pl. 46, of small size, first third of 4th c., from the Kerameikos; Felten 1975, 61, no. 24, pl. 16, without panels, 4th c., from Aegina.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 38 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2076 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unslipped. Small part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: herringbone (?) Dimensions: Wpres. 0.019 m. Date: 3rd-4th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Nikolis plot; Ergeiou Street 8. Trench to east side, -1.01 to -1.97 m. 30 and 31-7-2002. Excav. Diary: 3.17, p. 358. Other Nos: AE 256 Bibliography: For the excavation, see (Archontopoulos), Psarologaki 2001-2004, 370-373. Remarks: Found with ΠΧ 2073-2077. For a similar theme cf. ΠΧ 1528 ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC], Π 2687, ΠX 1247, Π 2560 [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC, ΠΧ 2014, ΠΧ 2015, ΠΧ 2050, ΠΧ 2084, ΠΧ 2123, ΠΧ 2269, ΠΧ 2416, ΠΧ 2437, ΠΧ 2633, ΠΧ 2774, ΠΧ 2970, ΠΧ 2971, ΠΧ 2972, ΠΧ 2973, Λ 5162, Λ 5167, Λ 6072, Λ 5448, Λ 5451, Λ 5188 Ε. For observations cf. ΠΧ 2971.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 40 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2336 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/3. Unslipped. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: plain. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.037 m. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 3, trench 1, -3 m. 9-7-2002. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 297. Other Nos: AE 450 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 41 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2377 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.036 m. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Square Α3, layer 2, -1.78/-1.92 m. 2-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 108. Other Nos: AE 218 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 42 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2461 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Cypriot (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3, porous. Unslipped. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: foot of a crater (?), part of a cross (?), framing ring. Shoulder: hatched above nozzle. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.037 m. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: In the fill were also found lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin NB 901, Justin II (565-578). For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2688.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 43 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2592 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: roughly Aeolis or Ionia (??) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, fugitive. Trace of burning. Right part missing. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: narrow plain, double framing ring. Shoulder: raised points round framing ring, loops in front. Base: flat, undefined. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083, H. 0.031 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street. Area Δ1, extension to north, 2nd ‘pass’. 11-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 191. Other Nos: AE 73 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 541, pl. IV, without tongues on the nozzle, from Ephesus. The undefined base is typical of much of the late Rhodian production.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 44 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1878 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 8/4. Slip: to ashy-grey. Trace of burning on nozzle. Missing the nozzle. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: narrow, plain, with filling-hole at centre. Shoulder: plain, loops in front. Base: ring-shaped (Eph Α). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.078, W. 0.066, H. 0.03 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.97 m, with Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 197. Other Nos: AE 107 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249269. Remarks: See Miltner 1937, no. 1038, pl. VI, from Ephesus.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 45 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 5543 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5YR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: panelled, herringbone, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.045 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Tomb complex Δ, fill above floor of the central space. 22/6/1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 91. (308). Other Nos: Excavation bag 91. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 46 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2100 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4. Handle and part of shoulder-discus preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: circles round filling hole. Shoulder: two rows of globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.04 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Sewer, ± 2.65 m. 256-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 199. Other Nos: AE 194 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 47 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2113 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar (?) Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, ending in fishtail. Shoulder: leaves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.045 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, A. Mantzios plot; Alex. Diakou and Griva Streets. Trench Β1, 2nd ‘pass’. 7-6-2007. Excav. Diary: 472, p. 94. Other Nos: AE 47 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2007, 1321-1322.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 48 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2129 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Slip: similar. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Shoulder: globules. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.043 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, A. Kambouropoulos plot; Th. Sofouli Street 9. North-west of wall E, 0.70-0.98 m. and -1.75 m. from the foundations. 6-7-1974. Excav. Diary: 63, p. 88. Remarks: Found together with ΠΧ 2130.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 49 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2133 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/4, micaceous. Slip: (?). Intense firing. Burnt surface. Part of discus, shoulder and handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Discus: indiscernible image (animal ?). Shoulder: leaves (?). Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.06 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Kostaridis plot; P. Mela and Voreiou Epirou Streets. From -1.1/-1.4 m. from the surface of the domed place 1. 5-10-1963. Excav. Diary: 9, p. 317. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 66-467; Konstantinopoulos 1992, 384, ns 26 and 27.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 50 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2140 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of handle, shoulder and base preserved Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: rows of raised points. Base: ring-shaped (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.058 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papastamatis plot; end of Pindou Street and Enoplon Dynameon. Area 2. 6-11-1964. Excav. Diary: 12α, p. 286. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1964, 465-466; Konstantinopoulos 1965, 594; Konstantinopoulos 1966, 449. Remarks: Cf. lamps with similar decoration Π 2650, ΠX 1327, ΠΧ 1302, Λ 1083, ΠΧ 1172, ΠΧ 1304γ, ΠΧ 1328, ΠΧ 1171, ΠΧ 1104, ΠΧ 1865, Λ 6428, ΠΧ 1950, ΠΧ 2049, ΠΧ 1860, ΠΧ 2349, ΠΧ 1867, ΠΧ 1875, ΠΧ 1885, ΠΧ 1916, ΠΧ 2149, ΠΧ 2150, ΠΧ 2173, ΠΧ 2191, ΠΧ 2196, ΠΧ 2297, ΠΧ 2343, ΠΧ 2365, ΠΧ 2378, ΠΧ 2382, ΠΧ 2383, ΠΧ 2404, ΠΧ 2408, ΠΧ 2422, ΠΧ 2454, ΠΧ 2469, ΠX 2470, ΠΧ 2471, ΠΧ 2564, ΠΧ 2622, ΠΧ 2626, ΠΧ 2665, ΠΧ 2669, ΠΧ 2746, ΠΧ 2817, ΠΧ 2818, ΠΧ 2827, ΠΧ 2942, ΠΧ 2944, ΠΧ 2951, ΠΧ 3014, ΠX 3032, ΠΧ 3033. In the broader region and in the Dodecanese: Lamp Π 292 from tomb 9 in Kymisala, see Stefanakis, Patsiadou 2009-2011, 79-80, fig. 37. Lamp from the Nikolaidis plot at Gennadi (unpublished); Lindos, Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no. 3207, pl. 151; Tilos, unpublished lamp; Kalymnos Archaeological Museum, AK 2346, from a grave at Flaskas; Kos, Kefalos, Perou plot, AE 41, Roumeliotis 2001, 257, no. 3, pl. 1.3, no. 4, pl. 2.4, from Kardamaina; Didioumi 2010, 799, fig. 3b, mid 6th to first quarter of 7th c., from the city of Kos. For the type of lamp and parallels, cf. Λ 1083.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 51 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2180 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous. Slip: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved Discus: Scene preserving nude figure, in three-quarters view, stretching out a hand (acrobat ?). Shoulder: two rows of globules. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.065 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel plot; Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Earth removal by machinery. 19-4-1960. Excav. Diary: 3α, p. 171. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281, Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 52 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2201 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type, Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 6/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8, to grey. Handle, part of base and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved, sides grooved in back, variant (?) fishtail. Shoulder: rig-and-dot pattern. Base: within circle, incised square. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.055 m. Date: 500+. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel plot; Demokratias-Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Α, room 2. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Other Nos: Excavation box 181 (11-5-1992). Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281, Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324; Remarks: See mould for lamp from Conimbriga, Portugal, Bussière 2009, 45, fig. 7, 4th-5th (?) c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 53 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2363 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous, poorly fired, fragile and porous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, fugitive. Trace of burning. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: relief frame of two vertical lines. Shoulder: frame of three vertical lines. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.068 m. Date: 500+ Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Squares Α3-Β3-Γ3, -2.4 M. 22-11-2002. Excav. Diary: 473, p. 13. Other Nos: AE 28 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 54 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2549 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 8/3. Slip: similar. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved, ending in fishtail (?). Shoulder: tongues, double framing ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.058 m. Date: 500+. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Area Ρ, tomb. 3-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 312. Other Nos: AE 391 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 55 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2688 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor type. Description: Clay and slip: (?). Concretion. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder with nozzle preserved. Shoulder: two rows of globules, framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: c. 500-600. Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 Archangelou. North wall 43α, -3.45 m. 6-9-2007. Excav. Diary: 384, p. 187. Other Nos: AE 439 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: For the fabric cf. ΠΧ 2461.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 56 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2402α Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: light brown, 7,5 YR 6/3, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: ovolo. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.05 m. Date: (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 4α, earth moving, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: AE 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 57 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2109 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: brown, 7,5 YR 5/4. Slip: very dark greyishbrown,10 YR 3/2. Handle and part of discus preserved. Handle: solid, wide, triple grooved; Discus: rosette with curved petals (?) Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.05 m. Date: 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Chaliloglou plot; Athenas Square. Area Α1. 15-7-1992. Excav. Diary: 19.1, p. 75. Other Nos: AE 79 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 675-677. Remarks: This is an imitation of an Attic lamp, perhaps of the 4th-5th c.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 58 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2225 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8. Handle, part of shoulder, discus and base preserved. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: cross. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern. Base: within ring, small circles (Eph A). Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.074 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Katsanakis plot; Enoplon Dynameon and Voreiou Epeirou Streets. Cleaning west of wall 53. 22-12-1979. Excav. Diary: 132, p. 99. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kostomitsopoulos 1979, 415.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 59 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2260 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/8. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Handle: of a piece, pierced, grooved. Shoulder: rays (?) Dimensions: Hpres. 0.043 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, ΔΕΠΟΣ works; Menekleous Street, south of church of Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni. 13-11-2006. Excav. Diary: ΔΕΠΟΣ 8, p. 257. Other Nos: AE 544 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Papavasileiou 1992, 677-678; Papavasileiou 1998, 991-992.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 60 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2528 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 6/8, fugitive. Trace of burning. Handle and part of body missing. Restored. Discus: (?). Shoulder: globules. Base: slightly concave. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.082 m. Date: 5th (?), 6th (?) centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Τomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 61 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2206 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/3. Slip: browny-white. Part of handle, discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: herringbone. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.046 m. Date: Probably 5th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel plot; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281, Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324; Remarks: Imitates a lamp of type Atlante VIIIC1 (?), 4,1.1.1 (?), Hayes IB, Bonifay type 46 (?) Typologically see North African lamps and imitations: Rossiter 1988, 545, no. 70, pl. 5, 4th-5th c., from Carthage; Hayes 1980, 66, no. 281, pl. 34, 350-400 (?), from the Jordan Valley; Fitch, Goldman 1994, 213, fig. 123, from Cosa; Graziani-Abbiani 1969, 114, no. 361, pl. XVI, fig. 62, in the Museo Civico Portoguaro, local imitation (?); Starac 2005, 287, fig. 2.2, c. 380-450, local imitation, from Istria; Caron 1995, 15, 57, no. 21, from Carthage; Ricci 2001-2002, 383-386, fig. 25, first two decades of the 5th c., from a shipwreck at Port Miou near Cassis; Barbera 2004, 285, no. 5, pl. XCVII.1, in the Museum of Naples; Bass, van Doorninck Jr. 1971, 36, fig. 33, early 5th c., from Yassi Ada II; Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 51-58, nos 32-39, start of 5th to mid 6th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 62 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2565 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?). North African type. Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia (?). XRF: Ephesus (?) Description: Clay: strong brown, 7,5 YR 5/6. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Part of discus missing. Handle: solid, raised, ending in relief from base-ring to handle. Discus: Maltese cross. Shoulder: palm branch. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: L. 0.14, W. 0.073, H. 0.028 m. Date: Second half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Storeroom 1, excavations during the Italian Rule. Other Nos: Ιtalian no. 6371 Ill: 153 Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1876, ΠΧ 2195, ΠΧ 2294, ΠΧ 2446, imitations of North African lamps, type Hayes I. For the typological similarity between the later of these lamps with regional findings (mainly in the Peloponnese), see typically Warner Slane 1990, 36, no. 62, pl. 5, 6th c., from Corinth; Williams 1981, 83, no. 436, pl. 20, from Kenchreai, 5th-6th c.; Lindros Wohl 1994, 136, fig. 9, 6th c., from Isthmia; Garnett 1975, 199, no. 30, pl. 44, mid 6th c., from Corinth; Miller 1988, 5, no. L 216, fig. 8c, second half of the 6th c., from Nemea; Koutoussaki 2008, 359-360, no. 633.10, fig. 481, second half 5th to second half 6th c. and Oikonomou 1988, 487, no. 42, fig. 3, 6th c., all from Argos; Petridis 2007, 48, fig. 4a-d, from Delphi, Demetrias, Athens and Corinth, 6th c.; Skarmoutsou 2010, 720, no. 19, fig. 20, Attic, 6th c., from Kraneio in Corinth; Themos, Zavvos, Pickersgill, Tsouli 2010, 753, fig. 7c, from Pitane in Sparta; Aslamatzidou-Kostourou 2013, 185, fig. 9c, 6th c., from Katounistra at Loutraki; Dakoronia, Bougia 2013, 566, fig. 10, second half of the 6th c., from Kyparissi in Locris; Kakavogiannis 2013, 331, fig. 5, from Lavrion. Judging by the fabric, a Corinthian/Argive/Attic workshop is not confirmed.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 63 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1330 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, to a very pale brown in the firing, 10 ΥR 7/3, micaceous. Unslipped. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: cross of two triangles (stylized leaves) projecting from the horizontal arms. Shoulder: flat, targets (Ennabli E5. Bussière 2007, pl. 134, E1a). Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: L. 0.097, W. 0.058, H. 0.026 m. Date: End of 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. Imitates lamps of Hayes type IIA; Atlante X, possibly 6.1.1; probably group D1, Bonifay type 64. For Bonifay type 64, see Bonifay 2004, 391-395. Cf. Bruneau 1965, nos 4689, 4690, from Delos. This particular kind of cross is also to be found in Early Christian reliefs, see typically Sotira 2013, 76, figs 119-121, on altar from Ravenna.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 64 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1929 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Unslipped. Trace of burning on nozzle. A fragment from the shoulder and nozzle. Shoulder: within the framework of spots, alternating triangles and squares with dots. In the channel that connects the discus with nozzle, a dotted cross. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.07, Wpres. 0.02 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street. Area A1, fill north of Early Christian bones and burial offerings, -2.40/2.50 m, above AE 145. 16-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 240 . Other Nos: AE 222α Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: See Broneer 1977, 81, no. 3148, pl. 35, on the discus circles, perhaps from a cross and triangular patterns of dots, from Isthmia.


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Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 65 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1243 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Complete. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: Monogrammed Cross with raised points embellished with alpha and omega pendant from its horizontal arms, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: narrow, with alternating square and triangular forms (Ennabli A 11, D 8, A 7; Bussière 2007, with parallels pl. 141, Χ7, pl. 133, Α7 and pl. 134, D3) which enclose raised dots. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: L. 0.073, W. 0.044, H. 0.038 m. Date: Probably first half of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 308. Other Nos: AE 64 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. It imitates lamps of Hayes type II B; Atlante X, probably, possibly a C2 or C3; Bonifay type 54 or 55. For the type Bonifay 54, see Bonifay 2004, 373-382. For Bonifay type 55, see Bonifay 2004, 382-386, first half of the 6th c. Despite the good quality of the lamp, characteristics such as its size, the small dots in the decoration of the shoulder, the presence of mica, set it amongst the imitations, see too Bussière 2005, 231; also Gerousi 2010, 224-225, fig. 26, from Perissa on Thera, and speculations of an origin in an Attic workshop. Also Barbera 2004, 294, no. 35, pl. CIV.3, in the Museum of Naples; Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 166, no. 123, 6th c., from Kircheriano (?). For the type, see Bailey 1988, 195, Q 1768 MLA, fig. 34, pl. 21, c. 440-550, from Carthage. For the monogram, see Dolger 1960, 5-14. The cross with the apocalyptic letters Α Ω finds parallels in the sculpture of the time, see Sotira 2013, 77, figs 123-125, from Aquileia and Spoleto.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 66 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1246 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 ΥR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: red, 10 R 5/8. Upper part of handle, parts of discus and shoulder preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: bust, framing ring. Shoulder: rays. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.069, Wpres. 0.066 m. Date: Probably second half of 5th - first half of the 6th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (The Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in the area of Agios Panteleimon. 1954. Excav. Diary: 1, 1α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-279; Kontis 1954, 354-357; FilimonosTsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Imitates lamps of Hayes type IB; Atlante VIII, possibly 4; Bonifay type 54. For type Bonifay 54, see Bonifay 2004, 359360, fig. 203, no. 2, 380-460. Cf. North African ΠΧ 3020. See typically Bailey 1988, 193, Q 1752 MLA, fig. 54, pl. 19, c. 375-500, from Carthage; Lerat 1954, no. 189, pl. XXII, or Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, 34, no. 13, 420/430-480, from Ostia or 37-38, nos 17, 18, the end of the 5th-mid 6th c., with herringbone on the shoulder; Bubic 2012, 125, no. 2, 4th-5th c., from Salona. For the identification of the bust, see Bailey 1988, 42-43. For this bust, if not indeterminate, see Hoff 1986, 99, 103, nos 34, 53-54: it could be Fausta; or Serapis, see Hoff 1986, 98, fig. 28; or even St. Peter, see Hoff 1986, 103, fig. 52. For the identification, see also Gualandi Genito 1975, 79-95.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 67 Eph. Reg. No.: Π 2651 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: red, 10 R 5/8, micaceous. Unslipped. Concretion. Trace of burning on nozzle Complete. Handle: solid, grooved, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: crater with vine, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: double band with incised repeating E. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: L. 0.110, W. 0.074, H. 0.028 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 16. 25-6-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 111. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. This imitates lamps of type Atlante X, probably The pattern on the shoulder has not been traced among North African lamps. Furthermore, the clay contains mica and the incisions on the handle are more than one in number. For the continuous E on the shoulder of some older lamps from Ephesus, see Ladstätter 2005, 294, K286, pl. 166, 1st c. BC-1st c. AD. The image of a vase on the discus (usually a crater) is extremely popular in North African lamps, see typically Ennabli, nos 803855, 169-177.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 68 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1303 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: pink, 5 ΥR 7/4. Slip: red, 10R 5/8, fugitive. Part of base and nozzle missing. Restored. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: crater, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: narrow, incised branch. Base: narrow, within oval-shaped ring, incised cross. Dimensions: L. 0.0123, W. 0.077, H. 0.036 m. Date: Second half of 5th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From excavations during the Italian Rule. Bibliography: Orlandos 1948, 23, fig; 19. Remarks: Exhibited at the Palace of the Grand Master. This imitates lamps of Hayes type I; Atlante VIII A1a, probably 4 1.1.1. See Starac 2005, 287, fig. 2.3-4, c. 380-450 (identical, except for the base), from Istria; also, Fitch, Goldman 1994, no. 1071, fig. 118, from Cosa; Deneauve 1974, no. 31, fig. 12, start of 5th-6th c., from Carthage; Bubic 2011, 299-300, no. 120, 4th-5th c., from Salona.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 69 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1876 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?). North African type. Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6, with a little mica. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8, fugitive. Lacks the nozzle. Restored. Handle: solid, raised, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: Rhomboid pattern, with dots inside lines. Shoulder: two lines of dots making curved lines, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.083, W. 0.062, H. 0.023 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street. Area A1, -1.90 m, with removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 196. Other Nos: AE 104 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 259, no. 9, fig; 2. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Fabric related to that of ΠΧ 2294 (area of Klazomenai (?). The North African imitations found in Rhodes are generally heterogeneous in terms of origin. Judging from the clay (velvety-smooth to the touch), it seems unlikely that such are from Corinthian/Argive/Attic/Rhodian workshops. For the typology, see Perlzweig 1961, 193, no. 2825, pl. 44, 6th c.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 70 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1905 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 2,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, chipped. Trace of burning. Part of base and shoulder lost. Restored. Handle: solid, raised, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: palm tree, two filling holes. Shoulder: squares with dot inside and wavy lines, channel to nozzle. Base: within ring, two incised circles. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.098, W. 0.059, H. 0.025 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street. Area A1, - m, with the removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 162 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 258, no. 3, fig; 3. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. North African Lamps ΠΧ 1329, ΠΧ 2204. This imitates a lamp of Hayes type II B; Atlante X, possibly group C2. See typically Ennabli 1976, 164, no. 771, pl. XLI, from Carthage; Bailey 1988, 93 (with other parallels) 201, Q 1832, pl. 27, 400-500; Mlasowsky 1993, 390, no. 374, 400-500; Chrzanovski, Sandoz, Piccamiglio Remy 2000, 32-33, no. 21, pl. 6, from Carthage; Bubic 2011, 296-297, nos 114-116, 4th-5th c., from Salona; Graziani-Abbiani 1969, 53, no. 124, pl. V, fig. 20; Trost, Hellmann 1996, 101102, nos 108, 109, pl. XIII; Selesnow 1988, 160, no. 256, pl. 35, 4th-5th c.; Barbera 2004, 289-290, nos 17-20, pl. C., in the Museum of Naples; Chrzanovski 2011, 271, no. 225; Bussière, Rivel 2012, 242, no. 287, from Kesra, Maktar, central Tunisia, 425 to mid 6th c.; Bussière 2007, 169, no. C 1548, pl. 93 (type 43), from Algeria (Djemila); Hübinger 1993, 151, no. 253, pl. 31, 5th-6th c. (imitation); Sandin 1986, 116-117, no. 141, from the collection at Princeton. For the decoration on the shoulder, see Joly 2004, no. 6, fig. 6.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 71 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2294 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?). North African type. Clay analysis: NAA: area of Klazomenai (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8. Slip: red, 10 R 4/8. Large part of base and handle and part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, raised, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: low relief drops round filling hole. Shoulder: hatched band. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.121 m. Date: Probably 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, Medieval Town, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient wall, in the area of Agios Panteleimon. 18-111954. Excav. Diary: 1α, p. 122. Other Nos: Ε 12 Ill.: 154 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-287; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: Fabric related to that of ΠΧ 1876. Macroscopically, the lamp does not come from Corinthian/Argive/Attic/Rhodian workshops. Cf. ΠΧ 1876, ΠΧ 2195, ΠΧ 2446, ΠΧ 2565, imitations of North African lamps, Hayes type I.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 72 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2311 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 4/6. Trace of burning. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Shoulder: small circles. Very worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.078 m. Date: c. 500 (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Papamichael plot; Navarinou Street. Square Β1, south of wall 2 #3, -1.10/-1.25 m, red-brown soil with stone chips. 23-11-1993. Excav. Diary: 345, p. 129. Other Nos: AE 131 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fantaoutsaki 1993, 509-511; Fantaoutsaki 1994, 761-763. Remarks: Imitates a lamp of Hayes type IIB; Atlante X.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 73 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2351 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 7/6. Slip: similar, 10 R 6/8. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: rosette. Shoulder: decoration of alternating squares and circles. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.04 m. Date: c. 500. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Square Β1, west part, layer 2, -1.56/-2.1 m. 26-6-2001. Excav. Diary: 428, p. 9. Other Nos: AE 14 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111. Remarks: This imitates a lamp of Hayes type IIB; Atlante X. See Sen Yildirim 2012, 171, no. 38, fig. 4, from Patara.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 74 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2436 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: leaves. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.057 m. Date: c. 500-550. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -0.2/-1.2 m, general excavation. 20-12-1963. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 100. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: This imitates a lamp of Hayes type IIB; Atlante X. For decoration on the shoulder see Bailey 1988, 196, Q 1779, 1780, pl. 22, c. 450-550, from Carthage.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 75 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2520 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, micaceous, chipped. Slip: similar, fugitive. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: thin, solid. Discus: Sacred Monogram. Shoulder: four petalled rosette. Very worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.071 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333, 311. Other Nos: Excavation bags 401, 387. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259. Remarks: Probably this imitates lamps of Atlante type X, As to the fabric, comparable to ΠΧ 2763 from Asia Minor (?) ΠΧ 2520 was completed by joining with fragmentary ΠΧ 2535 (this number has been cancelled), which was found elsewhere on the site and at a different date (Region P, (?) tomb. 08.02.2001) along with ΠΧ 2527-ΠΧ 2546 and glass fragments (earlier than the 4th c.)

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 76 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1161 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, with a little mica. Slip: light red, 2,5ΥR 6/8. Half of the upper part of the body and handle preserved. Handle: solid, grooved. Discus: Sacred Monogram, framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: heart-shaped leaves. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.093 m. Date: Probably 7th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Soleil Hotel; Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Streets. Trench Γ, no. 3. 1960. Excav. Diary: 3α. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis, Konstantinopoulos 1960, 278-281, Kontis 1960a, 199; Kontis 1960b, 276; Fatourou 1963, 324; Remarks: A variant on Hayes type IB (near); Atlante X (Late). The lamp may copy the type Bonifay C5, which comprises lamps of lower quality than types C2-C3. Dating from the late 6th and around the 7th c., with the shoulder often covered with heart-shaped motifs and the discus dominated by a cross with Christogram. Cf. also a lamp from Kefalos in Kos (Papavasileiou plot), AE 10 (unpublished). See Menzel 1969, 91, no. 602, fig. 77.7 and 93, no. 607, fig. 77.12 and Joly 1974, nos 1061, 1065, 1069, pl. XLVII, from Sabratha; Sidebotham 1978, 234, no. 58, pl. 7, from Carthage; Weber 2004, no. 55, pl. 4, from Samos. The ivy leaves on the shoulder recall and imitate North African lamps, see Schneider 1929, 135, fig. 31, from Samos; Boardman 1989, 121, nos 330, 331, figs 46, 47, pl. 28, possibly around 673/4, from Emborio on Chios; Prokopiou 1995, 257, 267, no. P6v-ML 1446/73, pl. XXXI.3, mid 7th c., from Cyprus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 77 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2570 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/3. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Chips on handle. Handle: solid, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: lion (?), framing ring, channel to nozzle, two filling holes. Shoulder: flame-shaped decorative motif. Base: ring-shaped. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.11, W. 0.065, H. 0.024 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Sianna, (ancient) cemetery (?). From an excavation, perhaps of tombs. 1960. Ill: 155 Remarks: An imitation of Hayes type II; Αtlante X.


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 78 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2214 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type, Asia Minor (?) Clay analysis: NAA: area of northern Ionia (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 7/6. Slip: very pale brown, 10 YR 7/4. Trace of burning. Part of handle and shoulder preserved. Restored. Handle: solid, grooved. Shoulder: distorted motif (palm tree and birds ?), channel to nozzle. Discus: (?) Dimensions: Lpres. 0.084 m. Date: Start of the 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, M. Kambouropoulou plot; Pindou and Th. Sofouli 30 Streets. Room B, trial trench #322, layer 1α. 9-10-1990. Excav. Diary: 309, p. 31. Other Nos: AE 758 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1990, 470; Karapanou 1991, 454-457. Remarks: A Hayes type II imitation; Atlante X. In its poor manufacture and appearance, this catalogued piece could be compared with a lamp from Isthmia, Lindros Wohl 1981, pl. 33a. However, macroscopically, a Rhodian, Attic or Corinthian origin should be excluded. The excavator has argued convincingly that the abandonment of the house was due to the devastating earthquake of 515.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 79 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2475 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay and slip: grey, micaceous. Part of shoulder and nozzle preserved. Shoulder: herringbone, channel to nozzle. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.038 m. Date: 6th (?) century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgerinos plot; Navarinou Street. Area Α, cistern, fill. 6-11-1976. Excav. Diary: 65, p. 313-314. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1973-1974, 974-975. Remarks: Found with lamps ΠΧ 2459-2477 and coin ΝΒ 901, Justin II (565-578).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 80 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2932 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: light reddish-brown, 5 YR 6/4, micaceous. Unslipped. Part of base preserved. Base: ring-shaped, sunken within, with groove extending to handle; double petals in low relief above. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Cleaning west side of fill. 20-10-1992. Excav. Diary: 335, p. 17. Other Nos: AE 17 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 81 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2409 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 YR 6/8, with a little mica. Slip: grey. Large part of base, discus and nozzle missing. Thick-walled, heavy. Handle: solid. Discus: two facing animals (horses, sea-horses?), two filling holes. Shoulder: alternate squares and 4-petalled patterns. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.109, W. 0.81 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Kolymbia, Platis plot; Efkalypton Street, ΚΜ 1888 G. Archangelou. East of wall 13, -3.1 m. 11-5-2007. Excav. Diary: 382, p. 280. Other Nos: AE 223 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2007, 1355-1360; Chatzinikola, Kaninia 2008, 1306. Remarks: For the fabric, cf. possibly ΠΧ 2021. This imitation of a North African lamp could perhaps be compared to one from Cherson, Zaleskaya 1985, 316, fig. 9, wherein on the discus are illustrated two animals in motion, the filling hole between them.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 82 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1985 Type/ Category: Unplaced Description: Clay: pink, 10 R 8/3. Unslipped. Part of shoulder and discus preserved. Discus: plain, two framing circles. Shoulder: worn decoration consisting of a relief X and two indeterminable quadrupeds (?) Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.51 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Korinthou Street. Tomb 5, ‘oculus’, disturbed fill, -0.70-0.80 m. 21-10-2002. Excav. Diary: 439, p. 107. Other Nos: AE 150 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada, Farmakidou, Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 259-260. Remarks: Apropos the decoration of the shoulder, cf. similar ΠΧ 2252. In North African lamps the decoration of the shoulder includes quadrupeds, usually panthers, dogs, hares in motion; see Bussière 2007, 78, C287, C292, pl. 21.140. On North African plates, the decoration on the shoulder also includes relief animals in motion, see Hayes 1972, 83-84.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 83 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3023 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/6. Slip: yellowish red, 5 YR 5/8, ‘sparkling’. Complete. Handle: solid, raised. Discus: dove with impressed small circles. two filling hole. Shoulder: narrow, plain. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: L. 0.111, W. 0.064, H. 0.025 m. Date: 7th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum, Rhodes. Nissyriou storeroom; excavations of the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: The lamp has some common features with Sicilian types; they in turn are influenced by North African lamps, especially those of Tunisia and their later survivals. For Attic lamps, probably of the 6th c., imitating North African types, see Kakavogiannis 2013, 331, fig. 5, from Lavrion; they show similarities in the decoration of the disc. The dove (for parallels, see Barbera, Pettriagi 1993, pl. 26, motif 324) was a frequent embellishment of the discus on North African lamps.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 84 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3036 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6, micaceous. Unslipped. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Handle: solid. Discus: plain, four triangles cut through to form a cross, raised double framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: series of relief dots in the form of triangles. Base: double tearshaped ring. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.09, W. 0.058, H. 0.027 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum, Rhodes. Nissyriou storeroom; excavations of the period of Italian Rule. Other Nos:1/2 Remarks: See Bailey 1988, 207, Q 1858 MLA, pl. 30, 6th-7th c., from Malta, perhaps of Sicilian origin, with undefined base. Apropos its typological similarity, it recalls lamps of Vessberg type 19, see Oziol 1977, 261, no. 785, pl. 49, from Cyprus.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 85 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3019 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, with a little mica. Unslipped. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete, chipped at handle and nozzle. Handle: solid, ending in ridges from base-ring to handle. Discus: Ascension of Christ. Shoulder: decoration from triangles, circles and rectangles. Base: within ring, dotted circles. Dimensions: L. 0.111, W. 0.069, H. 0.027 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum, Rhodes. Nissyriou storeroom; excavations of the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: This imitates lamps of Hayes type II; Atlante X, See Gerousi 2013, 144, no. 198, from the same workshop. On the theme, see Dina 2010, fig. 45, from Nea Anchialos. Possible prototype in a North African lamp, Patti 2012, 305, fig. 5, from Piazza Armerina, with parallels.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 86 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3021 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 6/8. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, fugitive. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete, chips on nozzle. Handle: solid, raised, ending in ridge from base-ring to handle. Discus: Sacred Monogram, jewelled cross in channel, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: row of small circles, some arranged in a lozenge. Base: ring-shaped. Dimensions: L. 0.116, W. 0.061, H. 0.029 m. Date: 6th century. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum, Rhodes. Nissyriou storeroom; excavations of the period of Italian Rule. Remarks: This probably imitates a lamp like Hayes type II; Atlante X, See Bailey 1988, 194, Q 1759 MLA, pl. 20, fig. 33, 144, c. 440-550, from Tunisia; Sen Yildirim 2012, 171, nos 30, 31, fig. 4, from Patara. Of the two North African lamps (imitations) seen at the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens, the one that came from the crypt of the Early Christian basilica of Ilissos also shows a cross in the groove leading to the nozzle (unpublished ?).


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 87 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2252 Type/ Category: Unplaced, North African type (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of discus and shoulder preserved. Discus: a form in a himation (Eros ?), framing ring. Shoulder: panthers (?) (Bussière 2007, pl. 140, parallel W6 ?). Dimensions: Lpres. 0.048 m. Date: 5th-6th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Zambelaki-Papaelia plot; Amarantou Street 43. Trench Α2 #018, layer 5. 5-4-1989. Excav. Diary: 284, p. 304. Other Nos: AE 548 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1989, 457-477. Remarks: For a similar concept in the decoration of the shoulder cf. ΠΧ 1985. In North African lamps, the decoration on the shoulder has in some cases quadrupeds, usually panthers, dogs, running hares, see Bussière 2007, 78, C287, C292, pl. 21 140. On North African plates, the decoration on the shoulder also includes reliefs of animals in motion, see Hayes 1972, 83-84.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 88 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2981 Type/ Category: Unplaced Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: red, 5 YR 6/8. Handle, part of shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Discus: dog running left, double framing circle. Shoulder: plain. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075 m. Date: Probably 4th century. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Geniki Techniki plot; Ag. Ioannou Street. Area Γ, west part, south-west corner, layer of debris, -4.4/4.55. 19-4-1994. Excav. Diary: 350, p. 155. Other Nos: AE 681 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karantzali 1992, 618; Karantzali 1993, 511; Karantzali 1994, 768-769; Patsiada 2013a, 224. Remarks: Found along with lamps Λ 6024, Λ 6019, Λ 6021, Λ 6032, Λ 6037, Λ 6038 ΥỊΚ, Λ 6042, Λ 6044, Λ 6049, Λ 6051, Λ 6052, Λ 6053, Λ 6054, Λ 6055, Λ 6056, Λ 6057, Λ 6059, Λ 6060, Λ 6072, Λ 6073, Λ 6074, Λ 6092, Λ 6093, Λ 6094, Λ 6023, Λ 6062, Λ 6048, Λ 6045, Λ 6090, Λ 6091, Λ 6047, Λ 6061, ΠΧ 2934, ΠΧ 2935, ΠΧ 2955, ΠΧ 2959 Ε, ΠΧ 2975, ΠΧ 2986, ΠΧ 2987, ΠΧ 2995, ΠΧ 2996, ΠΧ 2997, ΠΧ 2998, ΠΧ 2999, ΠΧ 3000, ΠΧ 3002, ΠΧ 3003, ΠΧ 3004, ΠΧ 3005, ΠΧ 3006, ΠΧ 3007, ΠΧ 3008, ΠΧ 3009, ΠΧ 3010, ΠΧ 3011 and coins NP 915-922, Constantius II (351-361), Valens (364-367) Theodosius I (379-381), Arcadius (400-404), Honorius (395-408). For the theme of the discus cf. ΠΧ 2910, Λ 6562. Characteristic features, such as the narrow shoulder and the small hole in the handle, which ends in a single groove at the base, all show that this is imitating an Attic lamp. It remains possible that the image of the dogs is to be associated with their frequent presence in the hunts which were organized by various cities of the Roman Empire, see Robert 1940, 325; Robert 1949, 128-129; Dunbabin 1978, 65-87.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 89 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 3039 Type/ Category: Unplaced (?), Attic (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 5/6, micaceous. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8, fugitive. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete, small part of lower part of body lost. Handle: solid, triple grooved, merging at the thick end at the base. Discus: theatrical mask, (front view of face), framing ring. Shoulder: panels with incised branch, small circles, nozzle sides triple grooved. Base: within two circles, signature CT. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.107, W. 0.079, H. 0.042 m. Date: 4th-5th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, without provenance. From the Archaeological Museum, Rhodes. Nissyriou storeroom; excavations of the period of Italian Rule. Plate: 73


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti Remarks: The careless execution, but also the strong presence of mica, leaves little doubt: this is an imitation of the famous Attic workshop, which is represented in Rhodes by six lamps, ΠΧ 2568, Λ 6057, ΠΧ 2998, Λ 6035, Π 2629, Π 2694. For the same subject from the workshop of Stratolaos, see Kourkoutidou 1969, 232, pl. 233.βγ, from a tomb in Nea Anchialos; Lindros Wohl 1981, 127, no. 5, pl. 34.5, C[T], slipped, 4th-5th c., from Isthmia. Interestingly, none of the three lamps is derived from the same mould. See also on the subject-matter, Βöttger 2002, 277, nos 4481-4484, pl. 75, first third of the 5th c., from the Kerameikos; Williams 1981, 58, no. 269, pl. 12, second half of the 5th c., from Kenchreai. Collected examples in Karivieri 1996a, 166; Menzel 1969, 7. From the end of the 2nd c., theatrical representations in various media, usually limited to masks, represent the New Comedy, see mainly Webster 1995. For masks, see also Richard Green 2012, 23-66.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 90 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2424 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Clay analysis: NAA: Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, porous, friable. Unslipped. Trace of burning. Nozzle lost. Restored. Knob handle. Discus: plain, large filling hole. framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils. Base: raised ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.079, W. 0.07, H. 0.03 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. -1.7/-2 m; in wholesale earth removal. 22-1-1964. Excav. Diary: 10, p. 125. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: The base, with its high ring, recalls lamps that have been found in Cyprus, see Bezzola 2004, 148-149, no. 611, pl. 31 with Syrian-Palestinian elements, 5th-6th c., from Palaepaphos.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 91 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2442 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/6, micaceous. Slip: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: solid, triple grooved. Discus: an upright panther (?), dog (?), to the left of some undefined image, framing ring. Shoulder: globules. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.072 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Damianos plot; Cheimarras Street 4. 15-1-1985. Excav. Diary: 192 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Fatourou 1963, 323; Fatourou 1964, 466; Vasilogamvrou 1988, 583-585. Remarks: A similarity in the theme should be noted with a lamp of Vessberg type 19, see Oziol 1977, 277, no. 839, pl. 46, from Trikomo in Cyprus.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 92 Eph. Reg. No.: Λ 2694 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Levant (?) Clay analysis: NAA: Cyprus (?), Levant (?) Description: Clay: very pale brown, 10 YR 8/4, with inclusions, friable, incompletely fired. Slip: similar. Trace of burning on nozzle. Complete. Knob handle, incised branch in front. Discus: quadruped (?), framing ring, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: herringbone, loops in front. Base: wide, flat. Worn mould. Dimensions: L. 0.08, W. 0.066, H. 0.02 m. Date: 6th-7th centuries (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter); ancient walls, in the area of Agios Panteleimon. 1954.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps Excav. Diary: 1, 1α. Ill: 156 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Kontis 1953, 275-279; Kontis 1954, 354-357; Filimonos-Tsopotou 2004, 48-49, 133. Remarks: For the shape and decoration on the shoulder, focussing on some later lamps, see Karivieri 1996a, 208, no. 161, pl. 48, late 6th c., no. 79, pl. 48, late 5th-early 6th c., 233-234, 239-240, no. 256. pl. 49, second half of the 6th c. Also on the fan-shaped decoration on the nozzle, Perlzweig 1961, 192, no. 2806, pl. 44, 5th-6th c., from the Athenian Agora; Felten 1975, 66, no. 68, pl. 19, 6th-7th c., from Aegina. But the shape, low body, coarse decoration, the rise up to the handle, all can be matched with lamps from Cyprus, Levant and Egypt, see Oziol 1993, 71, no. 115, 6th c.; Bailey 1988, 286, Q 2313-Q 2317, pl. 59, 4th c.; Zoitopoulou, Fossey 1992, 185, no. 67, pl. X, 3rd-4th c., from Egypt; Szymanska 2008, 161-168, 6th c.; Khairy, Khalil 2004, 172-174, no. 9, fig. 4, 6th c. Also similar examples in the placement of the handle are known in lamps from Amorion (Gill, Sen 2003, 55, pl. III/21, 7th c.).

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 93 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2030 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Rhodian (?) Clay analysis: NAA: Aeolis or Ionia (??) Description: Clay: pink, 5 YR 7/4, friable. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Trace of burning. Discus and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: (added). Discus: plain, channel to nozzle. Shoulder: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.075, W. 0.064 m. Date: 7th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Giakras-Hatzimichalis plot; Mal Passo area; M. Petridi Street. Tomb 20, fill. 17-7-1976. Excav. Diary: 86, p. 151. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Doumas 1975, 363; Patsiada 2013a, 99-101. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 2765, AK 298, Museum of Leros, handed in (unpublished). Typological similarities with Bailey 1985, 170, no. 1228, pl. XXXVI, from Berenice (Sidi Khrebish), locally made lamp, 3rd-4th c. See also Williams 1981, 74, no. 395, pl. 17, from Kenchreai, 5th c. Despite its similarities with Williams 1977, 187-188, no. 28, pl. XXXVa, from Anemourion, last third of the 7th c., a common origin is not possible.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 94 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2358 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 7/6. Slip: red, 2,5 YR 5/8. Part of handle preserved. Handle: grooved. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Region 4α, -2.95/-3 m. 7-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 241. Other Nos: AE 592 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 95 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2403 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6, friable. Unslipped. Handle: pierced irregularly, grooved. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.041 m. Provenance: Rhodes, city, Avgoustakis-Karagiannis plot; side-street off Amerikis Street. Area 4α, earth removal, -2.45/-2.95 m. 3-7-2003. Excav. Diary: 437, p. 233. Other Nos: AE 537 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Triandafyllidis 2001-2004, 227-228; Triandafyllidis 2005, 1136-1138; Triandafyllidis, Hoepfner 2013, 107-111.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 96 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2522 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 YR 7/4. Slip: similar, 7,5 YR 8/3. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: framing ring. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.04 m. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, Widening of Kamirou Street. Tomb 18. 9-8-2001. Excav. Diary: 420, p. 333. Other Nos: Excavation bag 401 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1996, 675-676; Patsiada 2001-2004, 258-259.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 97 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1997 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: yellow, 10 ΥR 7/6. Slip: brown, 7,5 YR 4/2. Part of handle preserved. Handle: solid, double grooved. Dimensions: Hpres. 0.041 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 98 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2001 Type/ Category: Unplaced, Asia Minor (?) Description: Clay: pink, 7,5 ΥR 7/4, micaceous. Slip: similar. Part of base preserved. Base: within ring, planta pedis (?), signature (?) Dimensions: Hpres. 0.021 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 99 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2002 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 5 ΥR 7/6. Slip: similar. Trace of burning. Part of nozzle preserved. Dimensions: Lpres. 0.035 m. Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, A. Kalogeris plot; K. Tsaldari Street (OT 256). Complex Δ, fill above the floor of the central space. 22-6-1988. Excav. Diary: 263, p. 311. Other Nos: AE 65 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Patsiada 1988, 598-601.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 100 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2255 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: light red, 2,5 YR 6/8. Slip: pink, 5 YR 7/4. Part of shoulder preserved. Shoulder: ring-and-dot pattern, inner band herringbone. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.019 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Zambelaki-Papailia plot; Amarantou Street. Τrench Α2, #002, layer 1. 17-11-1988. Excav. Diary: 283, p. 171. Other Nos: AE 101 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Karapanou 1989, 457-477.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 101 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2298 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: yellow, 10 YR 8/6. Unslipped. Part of handle preserved. Handle: pierced, double grooved. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.044 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, city, Gavrilakis plot; Navarinou Street. Τrench Β3, fill. 29-8-2003. Excav. Diary: 445, p. 29. Other Nos: AE 104 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Christodoulidis 2001-2004, 233-234.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 102 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2282 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7, 5 YR 7/6. Unslipped. Concretion. Part of handle, shoulder and discus preserved. Handle: pierced. Discus: rays. Shoulder: tendrils. Worn mould. Dimensions: Wpres. 0.053 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street. Area Δ2, tomb 2α, 2nd ‘pass’. 16-11-2006. Excav. Diary: 461, p. 215. Other Nos: AE 341 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.

CATALOGUE NUMBER: Un 103 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 2281 Type/ Category: Unplaced. Description: Clay: reddish-yellow, 7,5 YR 7/6. Unslipped. Handle and part of shoulder preserved. Handle: pierced. Shoulder: tendrils. Dimensions: Hpres. of handle 0.04 m. Date: 4th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Dimitras Street. Area Ε, extension to north and west, 2nd ‘pass’. 26-6-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 174. Other Nos: AE 49. Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti B. 11. The Wheel-made Lamps The wheel-made lamps are but an insignificant minority in Rhodes in Late Antiquity, with only ΠΧ 1857 and ΠΧ 1902 identified. It is possible, of course, that some might have escaped our attention in the store-rooms amidst the finds from dozens of excavations. This lack, echoed in some other regions, mainly in Asia Minor, is in stark contrast to what is the case elsewhere: at Eleftherna in Crete, as noted above, where the wheel-made conform to the vast majority,644 and again at Anemourion where in the stock held in a 7th-century shop trading in lamps, from 650 examples, an ample number – exact numbers not reported – was made on the wheel.645

is perceptibly different from that of larger vessels and so prevents any broader comparison with the local pottery production. To get any further here, extensive clay analyses are necessary.650 However, both their smaller size and the different nature of their clay keep apart the Rhodian pieces from the examples of Kos and Karpathos, proof at least that wheel-made lamps from the nearby islands do not seem to be imported into Rhodes. Their chronology is problematic, but on general lines inclines to the 6th–7th centuries. According to the findings of Aliki on Thassos, the wheel-made forms were dated to the late 6th or early 7th centuries,651 but according to Bailey652 they perhaps start a little earlier, in the second half of the 6th century, a view which coincides with the excavated contexts of these here examined. The Rhodian examples come from the same excavation in the necropolis, along with dozens of other mould-made items, mainly from Asia Minor: this context confirms their dating to the end of the 6th century,653 according to the fine-ware ceramics.

The two lamps here considered make up a class, which with minor differences answered a need around all the Aegean, although such are not attributable to a particular workshop. In the classification system of the Eleutherna material, they correspond to the type 2B, which are to be found in the Aegean basin, in the Pontic areas and in Egypt, while the shape lives on even after the 8th century.646

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The simplicity of their construction facilitated their production in almost all the Eastern Mediterranean.647 In no case, however, does this process compare with the ease of production, the dissemination and the sheer scale648 achieved through the manufacture of lamps from a mould. Obviously this is the main reason why at Ephesus, for example, but also in other cities of Asia Minor, the wheel-made lamps were rather rare.649 It has been observed that maybe they occurred mainly in relatively self-sufficient communities, where they answered but an occasional need. The situation in Rhodes does not allow of any accurate interpretation, since settlements in rural areas have not been excavated. The example of Theologos (Tholos) may be considered a typical example: in this small village, whose existence extended into the 7th century, lamps made in the mould are encountered, but none were wheel-made.

The tendency to simplify the characteristics of the undecorated wheel-made items is in line with the austerity seen in the same period in the mould-made lamps, where the discus carrying pictorial motifs is already on the way out. It is increasingly obvious that decorative and aesthetic concerns become divorced from the concept of functionality, and have no role to play now. On Kos several wheel-made lamps have been found,654 some of them even in the ruins of workshops. But it is interesting to observe that in these cases there was neither a large number of them nor any factory waste, indications that they were only occasionally produced (perhaps for the individual needs of each unit) alongside the main output of the amphorae. In Kalymnos, two of the three wheel-made lamps coming from the cemetery of Pothia,655 several in Perissa on Thera,656 single

The pieces here examined are undecorated, as all of the class are, wherever located; generally they have a spherical shape, a neck and a rim, a vertical applied handle and a cylindrical projecting nozzle. Passing over the effects of the variable firing conditions, then their small differences at a macroscopic level of inspection could persuade one that they might have been all made in the same workshop. Their relatively fine clay

Their limited number, however, did not allow their inclusion in the tests undertaken in this research: broader groups are required for comparative purposes, not individual examples. 651  Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 84–85. 652  Bailey 1988, 274–275. 653  See the chapter on topography, where the chronological questions of the excavation are discussed in more detail. 654  Didioumi 1995, 829–830; Didioumi 2011, fig. 6a; PoulouPapadimitriou, Didioumi 2015, 401–418; Roumeliotis 2001, 262, 265–266, pl. 6.18–19; Poulou-Papadimitriou, Didioumi 2010, 741–749; Didioumi 2014a, 170. See also the example from Karpathos, Didioumi 2015a, fig. 20. 655  Bailey 1988, 418, Q 3339–3340, pl. 125. 656  Gerousi 2010, 226, fig. 33; Gerousi 2013, 168–171, nos 241–244, 246– 247, 250–253, 7th century. Unfortunately, in several cases from Perissa there is no attempt to compare or contrast their clays (one or more workshops? Local or imported?). 650 

Yangaki 2005, 232–241. Williams, Taylor 1975, 77–84. 646  Yangaki 2005, 240. 647  See Yangaki 2005, 233, n. 1439, where are gathered many examples: the majority, he believes, from the 7th century. 648  For mass production, and its parameters, see Motsianos 2010, 270–281. 649  See typically Miltner 1937, no. 352, pl. XIV, from Ephesus. 644  645 


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Rhodian Lamps examples from Aliki on Thassos,657 from Corinth,658 and also from Arisvi in Thrace,659 Limyra660 and Xanthos,661 all have strong similarities with those of Rhodes and Kos, demonstrating the standardization of the type.

coexisted. It is notable that in Rhodes very few glazed Byzantine lamps turn up.664 From the small numbers identified, and even in areas of proven manufacture such as Kos,665 it becomes obvious that the lamps of this type were mainly intended for local, and limited, needs: they were not for export,666 since no increase in their volume of production is witnessed. Judging by the fashioning process, probably the wheel-made lamps typically were of local production and their similarities in shape are the result of this same process, arising from the technological approaches held in common in the eastern Mediterranean. In other words, it is the standardized fashions and working practices of the 6th and 7th centuries667 that caused the broad uniformity, and not the fact that they were all produced in the same spot. For these reasons, the wheel-made lamps were placed with the Rhodian material. One must bear in mind first the infrequency of their production, which is in proportion with their limited number, and also the uneconomical nature of the whole business, be it semi-professional or merely local, in comparison with the sheer scale of production of the moulded lamps, which reduces manufacturing costs and selling price.

The two broad categories of lamps, namely wheel-made and moulded, coexisted for a period that is not easy to define and clearly differs from region to region. The view that the workshops that specialized in the lamps ceased production during the 7th century and that their work was taken up by other workshops concentrating more on other ceramic vessels, is not supported by specific examples.662 Production was interrupted: by violent episodes in some areas, or because the market demands changed; the specialized skills required for this particular ceramic type became lost. Apart from the case of Crete, it is in no ways proven that during the period under consideration there was a total conversion to wheel-made lamps.663 On the contrary, the dating of most examples shows not only their coexistence and their parallel courses, but their almost simultaneous disappearance everywhere, except in the areas controlled by Islam, after the 7th century. Later examples bear a glaze, although it is not impossible that after the 8th century both glazed and non-glazed


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ΠΧ 1857 WM 1 ΠΧ 1902 WM 2

See ΠΧ 1525, ΠΧ 2105, ΠΧ 2586 and ΠΧ 2789. Four of the workshop facilities on the island have been identified and excavated, see Didioumi 2014a. 666  Here the views of Bailey are valid (1988, 418–419, Q 3342, pl. 125): he believes that one of the three wheel-made lamps found in Kalymnos, of the 6th–7th centuries, comes from Anemourion, judging from the clay. 667  Petrides 2010, 92, regarding the finds from Delphi, talks about communities with a relative self-sufficiency, which, however, were fully aware of the production and construction processes in neighbouring regions. 664  665 

Abadie-Reynal, Sodini 1992, 84–85, Λ 88, pl. XIII, second half of the 7th century. 658  Broneer 1930, 296, no. 1558, pl. XXIV. 659  Triantaphyllos 1971, 542, pl. 480d, as reported. 660  Grünewald 1984, 26–27, fig. 31. 661  Manière-Lévêque 2001, 235, fig. 18.19, 6th–7th centuries. 662  Motsianos 2005, 247. See too Motsianos 2003, 58. 663  Gerousi 2010, 226. 657 


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Angeliki Katsioti CATALOGUE NUMBER: WM 1 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1857 Type/ Category: Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: pale red, 2,5 YR 6/2, with a little mica. Slip: grey, 10 YR 5/1. Traces of burning. Complete. Handle: applied folded loop handle. Body: biconical with a high rim. Base: simple, flat. Dimensions: L. 0.085, W. 0.055, H. 0.029 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Area A1, -1.80/2.05 m, removal of Early Christian bones and burial offerings. 21-7-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 195. Other Nos: AE 83 Bibliography: Bairami 2010, 262, no. 24, fig. 3. For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1902. Roumeliotis 2001, 262, nos 8-9, pl. 6, 18-19, from Kardamaina; Kos; Didioumi 2014a, fig. 20, from the Early Christian basilica of Afoti, in Karpathos, 6th-7th c.; Kalymnos, Archaeological Museum, from Telendos. See typically Broneer 1930, type XXXV, 123, 125-126, 296, fig. 54, no. 1517, no. 1558, pl. XXIV; Joly 2004, 57 and 204-205, nos 1324-1328, pl. LVIII; Williams 1975, 77-84, esp. 84; Spencer, Bailey, Burnett 1982, 21, pl. 9, figs 11.3, 19.5, 1982/33, 1982/70, 7th-8th c.; Bailey 1985, 170-171, nos C 1232-1234, pl. XXXVII, 6th-7th c.; Bailey 1988, 418, Q 3339, pl. 125, 5th-6th c., from Kalymnos; Kallipolitis, Petrakos 1963, 51-52, pl. 58b, late 6th c., from Aegina; Triantafyllos, 1972, 542, pl. 480d, Arisvi in Thrace, handed in; Orsaud, Sodini, 1997, 63-72; Bonifay 2004, 429-430, type 85 (6th-7th c.); Baldini, Parello 2001, 167-185, no. 1230, fig. 132, especially 170, form II, third-quarter of the 6th c.; Yangaki 2005, type 2b, 233, 6th-7th c., from Eleutherna; Zahariades 2011, 204, no. 112, 6th-7th c., from the Odeion in Thessaloniki; Vasiliadou 2011, 236, no. 163, 6th-7th c., from the excavation of the Thessaloniki water supply pipeline II; Findik 2010, 99, no. 11, fig. 1, from Myra; Gerousi 2010, 226, fig. 33; Gerousi 2013, 168-171, nos 241-244, 246-247, 250-253, 7th c., from Perissa on Thera; Grünewald 1984, 26-27, fig. 31, and Vroom 2004, 304, fig. 8, from Limyra; Lafli 2015, 233, fig. 8, a Sagalassian lamp from Seleukeia Sidera in Pisidia; Manière-Lévêque 2001, 235, fig. 18.19, 6th-7th c., from the Xanthus settlement; Oziol 1977, 45-46, nos 96-98, pl. 7, from Cyprus, which was mistakenly assigned to the Hellenistic era.

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: WM 2 Eph. Reg. No.: ΠΧ 1902 Type/ Category: Rhodian (?) Description: Clay: yellowish-red, 5 YR 5/6. Slip: similar, 5 YR 5/8, thin. Traces of burning. Complete, but chipped. Applied folded loop handle. Body, a flattened biconical shape. Dimensions: L. 0. 095, W. 0.061, H. 0.043 m. Date: 6th century (?) Provenance: Rhodes, Necropolis, K. Diakogeorgiou plot; Parthenopis and Dimitras Streets. Region A1, -2.20/-2.25 m, removal of Early Christian relics and bones. 3-8-2006. Excav. Diary: 463, p. 212. Other Nos: AE 160 Ill: 157 Bibliography: For the excavation, see Bairami 2006, 1285-1287; Bairami 2010, 249-269. Remarks: Cf. ΠΧ 1857, for observations and parallels.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps B. 12. The Lamps of a Copper Alloy.668 In ancient times metal lamps were an extravagance compared with clay ones. A mere three lamps are numbered amongst those under study here: the only ones to have survived from the presumably larger body in use in Late Antiquity. The fate for most is fairly clear: recycling in the furnaces to reclaim their metal; although they were also hidden in times of trouble. Clay discards were inconsequential utensils and therefore frequently ended up in rubbish deposits. Metal lamps may therefore be taken as exemplars of a life of some luxury, assuming their excavation contexts so demonstrate. It is certain, obviously, that they were produced in much smaller quantities than their clay counterparts. Unfortunately, of the three lamps here, two have no particulars known whatsoever, while for the third, found in the Danish excavations at Lindos669 in the early 20th century, no other information at present exists other than that.670 In what is left of the Italian photographic archive is an image of another lamp made from some metal alloy (Fig. 1.).671 Without further information about its provenance, its dimensions, its composition, etc., the fate of this object is to be passed over. The two lamps examined (Mβ 19, Mβ 3334) belong to a highly widespread type that, as has been observed, accounts for over 40% of surviving examples672 and clearly imitates a North African object.673 Described sometimes as ‘late Roman elongated lamps with carinated bodies’,674 and at others as ‘lampes à bec allongé et recourbé’,675 these lamps do have an elongated body and a pronounced nozzle. Differences amongst them usually involve the configuration of the reflector, and the cover of the filling hole. In the examples here, the reflector is once leaf-shaped and once cross-shaped, while the filling-hole cover is pyramidal and of bivalve form, respectively. On lamp Mβ 19, the base has a slot for the lampstand, but it is not certain that the two belonged together originally. The stand is of a different metal alloy,

Figure 1. Copper Alloy Lamp, from Rhodes (?), now lost

at least as suggested by visual observation: this by itself does not constitute a deciding factor as to their being initially assembled together or not.676 The third lamp found in Lindos is circular: it is one of the Loeschcke VIII/Broneer 25 type, otherwise described as ‘lampes circulaires à disque’.677 All three date from the 5th to the 7th centuries,678 although Bailey prefers to group them more closely in the 6th–7th centuries679 and assigns them to origins that, whilst still open to discussion, were clearly scattered over several sites in the eastern Mediterranean. Although there are workshops famous for their items of copper alloys both in Egypt680 and in Sardis,681 the exact origin of these pieces remains undetermined.

This term is preferred because no analyses have been made to determine the exact composition. 669  Blinkenberg 1931, 746, no.3213, pl. 151; Xanthopoulou 2010, 187, no. LA 7014. Note that a lamp made of a metal alloy has been found in the wider neighbourhood of Rhodes, viz. in Karpathos, which is in the private collection of A. Kingsley Porter, of the United States, see Xanthopoulou 2010, 11, 132, no. LA 3151. 670  The lamp, along with other finds, resides in the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul, according to information provided by Mr. J. Lund (Danish National Museum), to whom I extend my thanks. 671  For the shape of the body, compare the lamp from the British Museum, Bailey 1996, 69, Q 3796, pl.80: this belongs to a series of lamps with similar characteristics, see Xanthopoulou 2010, 178–181, nos LA 6013–6029, of the 5th–7th centuries. The base of the support, as illustrated, probably corresponds to Xanthopoulou 2010, 244–247, nos CD 6008–6024, of the 5th–7th centuries. 672  Xanthopoulou 2010, 6–7. 673  For the two-way typological links between clay and metal lamps, see mainly Xanthopoulou 2005, 303–307. 674  Bailey 1996, 70–71 (group g). 675  Xanthopoulou 2010, 6–14, 100–105.

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Bailey 1996, 102. Xanthopoulou 2010, 18, LA 7001–7019. 678  Xanthopoulou 2010, passim. 679  Bailey 1996, passim. Similar conclusions on part of a metal lamp with a closed ceramic assemblage in Panticapaeum, see Fedoseev, Domzalski, Opait, Kulikov 2010, 91. A metal lamp was also found in Kos, with North African amphorae of the second half of the 7th century. For the excavation plot, see Skerlou 1996, 686–687 (information courtesy of S. Didioumi). 680  Xanthopoulou 2010, 80–81; Vujovic 2013, 140. 681  Militsi 2012, 272. 676  677 


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Angeliki Katsioti Concordance Mβ 3334 Μe 2 Μβ 19 Me 1

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CATALOGUE NUMBER: Me 1 Eph. Reg. No.: Μβ 19 Description: Metal lamp (copper alloy) Complete. Green colour, from copper corrosion process, still active in places. Hemispherical body, pronounced nozzle, low cylindrical base with slot for attaching lampstand. The filling hole is covered with a round cover with a pyramidal handle. Vertical ring handle with leaf-shaped reflector (hand shield). Ornate stand with three feet at the base. Dimensions: H. 0.116, W. 0.075 m. Date: 5th-7th centuries. Provenance: Without known provenance. From the excavations at the time of the Italian Rule. (?) Rhodes, the Medieval town. Other Nos: ΠΒΕ 2817 Bibliography: See Orfanou 1989, 542, pl. 292 b (some errors in the display. Wrong inventory number?). Remarks: For the lamp, see examples in Xanthopoulou 2010, 6-14, 158-159, LA 3264-3269, 5th-7th c.: with leafshaped reflectors, but with filling-cover in the form of a face and a higher basis - more like a truncated cone. See also for the typology in clay Miltner 1937, no. 41, pl. XI, from Ephesus. The lampstand, from its rather different metal alloy composition, may not originally have accompanied this lamp. See for examples Xanthopoulou 2010, 244-245, CD 6009-6011, 5th-7th c. CATALOGUE NUMBER: Me 2 Description: Metal lamp (copper alloy) Complete. Green colour, from copper corrosion process, still active in places. Hemispherical body, protruding nozzle, low raised base of oval shape; handle in form of a vertical ring, surmounted by reflector (hand shield) in the form of a cross. The cross has lightly indented ends to the arms. The filling hole, oval with a raised rim, is closed with a hinged clam-shaped cover. Dimensions: L. 0.161, W. 0.063, H. 0.061 m. Date: 6th century. Other Nos: Μβ 3334 Provenance: Without known provenance. Held in the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, Nisyriou apotheke; excavated in the time of the Italian Rule Rhodes (?). Remarks: Cf. similar lamp with missing hole cover, from the Kardoulia plot, Herodotou Street, in Kos (AE 16, Diary 104, p. 169, unpublished). See Perlzweig 1961, 200, no. 2948, pl. 48, from the Agora; Sadin 1986, 77-78, no. 58, 6th c., in the Collection of Princeton; Kuzmanov 1992, 55, 152-153, nos 443, 444, 5th c., in the Archaeological Museum in Sofia; Vujovic 2013, 135-143, fig. 1.2, from the City Museum of Belgrade; Perlzweig 1961, 200, nos 2948-2949, pl. 48, 5th (?) and 7th c., respectively, from the Agora; Menzel 1954, 112, fig. 92.4; Lafli, Buora 2014, 438, 457, pl. 2.2, from Alanua. See collected examples in Xanthopoulou 2010, 6-14, 100-105, LA 3001-3028, 5th-7th c.; Bailey 1996, 70-71, Q 38003802, pl. 81, 6th-7th c. Note also a clay Asia-Minor type lamp that mimics one of metal with a palmette as a ‘reflector’ and a clam-shaped hole-cover, from the Museum of Thyateira (unpublished ?).


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Rhodian Lamps C. Epilogue – Conclusions But despite the usefulness of the information provided, our understanding remains incomplete and there are insurmountable obstacles which must be taken into account. Unfortunately, there are no closed contexts and all examples come from disturbed layers: the inferior construction of the architectural remains of the Early Byzantine period, coupled with the widespread re-use of parts of earlier buildings, means there are no cleanly divided stratigraphical sequences. Furthermore, some of the Roman (in the main) tombs are repeatedly reused in Early Byzantine times. Clay analysis of 60 samples helped to clarify, but not confirm, the origin of some groups of lamps, making plain the need for more detailed research in this direction. It was also made apparent that many of the types/groups/categories of lamps, even though also known from excavations in other regions, are not necessarily chronologically secure. In arranging the lamps from Rhodes in the catalogue sections that complement the chapters in Section B, it was considered sensible to eschew a new typology and retain the classification Bailey created for the lamps of the British Museum, with some minor differences, even if these established divisions have often proven to be conventional and artificial.

Summarizing the observations developed in detail in the previous chapters, this research has focused on Rhodes in Late Antiquity (from the 2nd/3rd to 7th centuries AD) and in particular on certain of its material remains, namely the lamps. These have mostly been discovered in rescue excavations conducted mainly in the city, with some being handed in or come by incidentally.

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The island was renowned for its political, technological and cultural achievements as an independent entity in Hellenistic times, but declined when it became part of the vast Roman Empire, losing its political significance. The present work is based on about 1400 recorded lamps of the Late Roman and Early Byzantine eras on Rhodes. Their study contributes to the better knowledge of a period in the life of the city which has not been systematically examined – in the hope that this research will trigger further methodical investigation of its later development. The lamps reviewed are in the main unpublished. As witnesses to daily life and burial customs, they are not only a representative sample of the lighting devices of Late Antiquity, but, indirectly, also yield information on the economic life and demography of the city, as well as its commercial relations with other regions of the eastern Mediterranean.

During the 3rd century, Cypriot lamps trump all other imports to the island of Rhodes; little seems to be Corinthian or Attic. The market-penetration of Corinthian lamps is considered insignificant from the 2nd century to the middle of the 3rd, as their production was then in decline. However, it was confirmed once again that the pattern and process of their dissemination in western Greece (mainly being traded along land-routes) was superior to that seen in the eastern zone and in the islands. Inhibiting factors in the latter may have involved their high market cost and their fragility, a constant to be reckoned with in the long distances concerned. Conversely, the delicate Cypriot products were transported into Rhodes: they were probably therefore only intended to be marketed in nearby destinations that did not require a journey by sea of many days in dubious weather. The impressive variety available in the second half of the 3rd century to the early 4th, with signatures and motifs unknown elsewhere, overturns the prevailing views on a decline in the export-trade and rather emphasizes that Rhodes, as the facts now stand, was one of the main destinations of this overseas trade.

The Chapter on the topography, with the relevant maps, investigates and demonstrates the contraction of the city and cemeteries from the 3rd century on. The resulting settlement seems to be limited to four main nuclei, whence originate most of the finds. It is also observed that in a later stage, i.e. from the 6th century onwards, the line between where people lived and where they were buried becomes indistinct: individual burials occur in the city, and residential pockets are found in the necropolis. This complexity will not be fully understood without the integration of other classes of finds (such as coins, fine ware, etc.) along with the architectural remains. It should be noted too that there are no details from the areas occupied by the sanctuaries and public buildings in the ancient city, namely on the hill of Agios Stephanos (Monte Smith), where perfunctorily recorded investigations were carried out during the Italian occupation. From excavations between the wars are derived approximately 10% of the lamps in this corpus, for which no information exists. Although useful records are provided only for finds from rescue excavations, and despite the questions raised by the resulting conclusions, it appears that the impression obtained by this study is, on the whole, reliable.

During the 4th century it is the Attic lamps that dominate. This phenomenon, seen all over Greece, has been already investigated: various findings are published on the extent of the exportation of Attic lamps,682 and also the degree to which the Athenian

In sum, the study of the lamps has proved that their origins are various; for the most part they were imported, with significant variations in quality, particularly towards the end of the period examined.


Karivieri 1996a, 255–272.


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Angeliki Katsioti workshops were able to adapt to conditions imposed by long journeys and far-away destinations. Thus, the extremely resilient Attic lamps, robust and with thick walls, clearly travelled long distances safely. In Rhodes they constituted the majority in use – it is no coincidence that they appear slightly later than the more fragile and elaborate examples produced in Attica when their workshops were at the peak of their powers in the 3rd to the beginning of the 4th century. These earlier pieces, despite being perfectly turned out and with a rich pictorial ornamentation, are not plentifully present either in Rhodes or in the coast of Asia Minor, proof perhaps of limited Attic capacity, at that time, for mass production and export.

is worth noting that a very large number of lamps of inferior appearance, i.e. with faded relief-work and manufacturing imperfections, which do not seem to be local; this implies the marketing of second-grade products, including material from Ephesus, in prices more affordable in a city such as Rhodes, which by now may be considered, judging from its material remains, as of secondary economic significance. The category which is conventionally called of ‘Samian type’ includes lamps whose Asia Minor origin is considered as the safest interpretation. The macroscopic inspection of the make-up of many of those examined displays the characteristics of Ephesus, which once more is argued as being the most likely place of origin for the majority. The case of the Diakogeorgiou plot proved significant: in the associated finds, i.e. the imported fine wares dated from ca. 526 to 585 and about 200 lamps, whole or fragmentary, not a single pure ‘Samian type’ was revealed, but only some hybrid examples combining characteristics of both Asia Minor lamps and those of the ‘Samian type’. From this fact, as well as other aspects which were analyzed in the relevant chapter, it is concluded that the dating of this type extends from the late 6th century to about the mid-7th. Before and after these limits there is no hard evidence of its existence.

It is probably towards the end of the 4th century that the first Rhodian imitations of Attic lamps can be placed. This activity shows clearly that domestic products covered occasional gaps in the market. Indeed, in the 4th century, the Cypriot pieces almost disappear, while from the beginning of the 5th, and continuing thereafter, a slight drop-off in imports of Attic lamps to the island develops, which is partly due to the expansion of locally produced, and so obviously cheaper, products. The figures show that a relative balance was achieved between local and Attic products to meet the needs of the island. It may be concluded that the decline in imports of Attic products to Rhodes coincides with the increase in the pace of domestic production which, in turn, contributed to a further reduction in imports. The Rhodian manufacturers are recognizable mainly in the large numbers of lamps of cheap quality, simple in form and with a limited repertoire of decorative motifsubjects, further characterized by the applied folded handle, was limited to uninspired imitations of mainly Attic and a few other lamp types, before disappearing, when the island was flooded by Asia Minor lamps, sometime in the 6th century.

As outlined in the relevant section, a more precise identification of the cities in Asia Minor exporting to Rhodes is impossible in this stage of the investigation. Critical data and analysis of the products of these cities is also lacking. Nevertheless, an attempt has been made to associate some lamps from the 4th/5th until the 7th centuries with Knidian workshops, albeit with many reservations: this is a working hypothesis, as the production of lamps in Knidos at this period remains essentially undetermined. Indeed, according to some views it had been suspended. The low numbers involved ultimately prove the declining and marginalized role of Knidos in production and exports.

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The workshops responsible for the lamp production on the island in the time-span considered have not so far been identified, apart from a single mould probably of the 7th century, which is dealt with in the section on the Rhodian lamps. The 6th century sees the final decline of Attic lamps, as is shown by the few examples found in Rhodes.

Those classes – low in number and rather short-lived – gathered under the conventional term ‘Aegean type’ probably date to the 6th century. With a geographical distribution limited mostly to the southern Aegean, the type is likely to come from Asia Minor or island workshops. But nowhere is it found in sufficient quantities to confirm any proposed origins; the case made for Crete cannot be accepted, because this class is unknown there. For some of them, a Rhodian origin is uncertain, but the sample is too small to lead to any firm conclusions.

At the same time and into the 7th century, the Asia Minor lamps were present in overwhelming numbers, proving their great popularity, the ease with which they sold on the Rhodian market, and also demonstrating the multiple ties also detected in the political and business arenas between Rhodes and Anatolia. Identifying their origins with precision is again difficult, but I think that the lamps from Ephesus, whose workshops led the way in the size of production, originality and quality, are often visually recognizable and constitute the largest part of the corpus under review here. It

Categories such as North African are also present in a negligible minority; even its imitations are sparsely represented. Despite their wide distribution elsewhere in the Mediterranean, the North African lamps exist 554

Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps as virtually singletons in Rhodes, which did not lie on in the main shipping lanes where they were traded. The island, due to its proximity and other economic interests, belonged rather to the sphere of influence of Asia Minor. This observation, combined with the observed tenuous presence of North African pottery, has led to the correct conclusion of assigning Rhodes and other Aegean regions to one and the same zone, involving secondary maritime routes, where business and trade were conducted on a local basis, with products shipped over short distances.

necessary to take into account the imports and trade in other ceramics, such as amphorae and fine wares. Ceramics constitute one of the most important tools available for the understanding of the complex system of production and the mechanism of trade between the 4th and the 7th centuries. However, in the case of Rhodes, the lamp trade is quite distinct from that of other products. Secondary cargoes, which probably included the lamps, need not have been taken aboard at the same ports as the main consignments, but rather at intermediate stopover points.

In the ‘Unplaced–the Greek East’ catch-all group were placed those lamps whose provenance could not be proposed with any certainty, due to composition of their clay and typology or the size, when only small fragments have been recovered.

Regarding lamps of copper alloy, the very few finds do not lead to any reliable conclusions: neither on the standard of living, nor on the circumstances of their manufacture. Obviously they are but items that avoided the recycling furnaces by chance. Their manufacture, despite the close study of the known examples,683 offered no satisfactory answers about their origins.

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Wheel-made lamps have a surprisingly limited presence, as was stated in the relevant section. This is not fortuitous, even although some specimens have surely escaped our attention, remaining undetected in the storage facilities of the Ephorate of the Dodecanese. This situation proves that the local craftsmen did not get involved in their construction: the cheaper and organized routine importation of lamps had a prejudicial effect on aspects of the local manufacturing scene, to the point of killing it off at times. This state of affairs is of course closely linked with the local production of mould-made lamps which, as mentioned in the chapter on the Rhodian lamps, is also limited in both quantity and period of manufacture. From the 3rd to the 7th centuries, the locally-made lamps represent less than 10% of the total: their production is argued to have largely taken place at the time of the downturn in imports of Attic lamps, i.e. towards the end of the 4th up to the early 6th century, until the Asia Minor varieties flooded the island’s market.

The range of the decoration on the lamps does not vary from that of other major sites and covered the needs of the main systems of belief; it is affected neither by the geographical location nor by locally significant aspects of religious affiliation. Only two special cases are mentioned here: two of the ‘Aegean style’ lamps have on their discus a recognizable seven-branched lamp (menorah), or a Lulah palm branch, combined here with a relief cross on the nozzle. This is a matter of great interest in that it is an example of syncretism and of religious osmosis; it also constitutes an instance of the association of apotropaic symbols that belong to different faiths. Objects like this at once pose questions regarding the relations between the Christian and the Jewish communities, invisible apart from a few such indications. A comparable case is those Asia Minor lamps where erotic themes on the discus are combined with an embossed or engraved cross on the nozzle: they are evidence of a common pictorial language and an artistic stock of symbols, a matter expounded further in the relevant chapter. As in other areas,684 an intended private, public or funerary use was clearly not a decisive factor in the choice of the iconographic themes: the same is probably true regardless of the ethnic origin, identity, status and belief-motivated incentives of the buyer.

The orientation towards this or that supplier of imported lamps, leaving aside preferences associated with purely economic factors, reveals the not inconsiderable power of fashion. Thus, from the 3rd to the beginning of the 4th century, Cypriot lamps competed successfully in the Rhodian markets, their Corinthian prototypes failing to compete due to the distance they had to travel. A little later, however, in the 4th century, although Attica was almost equally as far distant, the dynamics of her export strategies, combined with the physical advantages of the lamps, such as their durability and rugged construction, ensured that its products captured the Rhodian market. However, it would be wrong to draw conclusions on the commercial activity and transactions of Rhodes solely from the lamps. Lamps do highlight the diverse relations with the regions of Asia Minor, Cyprus and Attica, but lamps from other places like Palestine, Cilicia, Alexandria or Crete are absent; thus in order to form a complete picture, it is

It would be interesting to investigate in conjunction with the study of the other ceramics found on Rhodes whether the periods of widespread imports of other material goods coincide with recessions in the local output. But we must keep in mind once more that the countryside, and also the peri-urban settlements, are poorly represented, since few of the examined lamps come from other settlements and locations on 683  684 

Xanthopoulou 2010. Koutoussaki 2008, 48.


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Angeliki Katsioti the island. The present research on late Roman lamps on Rhodes is necessarily limited to the actual urban environment, i.e. the ancient city and the cemeteries. It will be possible to draw more detailed conclusions in the future, when sites in the countryside are more systematically excavated. In this regard, the example of Theologos/Tholos,685 a small Rhodian village, deserves attention: some conclusions may be drawn by the results of large scale excavation. This archaeological investigation suggests that in the late 6th century, if not a little earlier, through the first half of the 7th, there is a degree of self-sufficiency at play – some of the lamps found there appear to be of local make. They are of poor manufacture, both in appearance and in their clay: as such they are powerful indicators for the absence of a strong manufacturing background and for the humble standard of living. Their typology, reproducing elements of ‘Samian’ and other late types, recalls both Asia Minor prototypes and other eastern characteristics, perhaps Syro-Palestinian, although lamps from these areas do not appear to have been introduced into Rhodes.

falls: the effects of political instability and economic collapse, partly due to the organized and repeated Arab raids and piracy. Rhodes became marginalized: the distinction between the shrinking urban and rural zones becomes harder and harder to detect. The cessation of the annona690 proved decisive for the port-station of Rhodes after the Arab conquest of Egypt in 642. Above all, in 673, the coastline of Lycia, Cilicia and Cyprus was occupied piecemeal by the Arab fleet, which then overwintered in Smyrna. The unfavourable situation on the seas was exacerbated by the siege of Constantinople, which had repercussions throughout the empire. The 7th century was a time of change and reorganization in the empire,691 a critical period in the struggle for territorial integrity and the security of sea routes, which left the empire traumatized. From the beginning of the century the provinces experienced civil unrest, and under such circumstances the Arab conquests delivered a telling blow. Recent studies, however, and a careful appraisal of the finds, particularly of amphorae and fine wares, show that the established views on the dissolution of urban structures692 and on a paralysis of trade and in the movement of goods because of Arab raids should be reviewed. Research into the excavation material has also re-dated the so-called transitional period to the 7th–9th centuries:693 in the Aegean Sea it is known that amphorae workshops continued in production and trade into the second half of the 7th and even the 8th century.694 It is surely no coincidence that Rhodes, and other islands, are mentioned at the end of the 7th century as in the kommerkiarioi area of responsibility.695 It seems that in 653–654 the island was raided by the Arab fleet, only to recover substantially after the failed siege of Constantinople by the Arabs and the abandonment of Rhodes by the Arabic garrison ca. 680.696 The length of this apparent

Our enquiry into the lamps ends with these of the 7th century, since after this time and in areas other than in the Islamic world686 a shift occurred to other types of lighting, namely to glass lamps and candles687 (the latter, of course, a sure sign of the growth of apiculture). As we have seen, the imported later lamps of those categories dated to the 7th century have lost the decoration on the discus, which is now occupied by a larger filling hole. It is not impossible that in some cases a candle was inserted here turning the lamp into a candlestick. The often fractured state of the discus688 in late lamps may in part be due to the pressure exerted in pushing a candle into the filling hole. The second half of the 7th century is a period of contraction in the empire, a turning away from the coastal areas to the hinterland, of movement away from coastal towns to defensible or inland locations.689 The large urban centres are transformed and the population

According to the Arabic sources, the military annona continued on into the 7th century, see Papanikolaou 2014, 187, n. 109. 691  The south-west part of Asia Minor seems the most affected, see for example Jankowiak 2013, 435–461. The defeats suffered by the Byzantines first at the battle of Yarmouk in 636 and then at the battle of Phoenix (modern Finike) in 655 shattered their domination in the Levant and generally in the Eastern Mediterranean. 692  A typical example of the re-reading of archaeological data is the case of Gortyn in Crete, where even in the 8th century no major changes in urban structures are obvious, see Baldini et al. 2012, 239– 310. See also the example of Amorion, Ivison 2007, 25–59. 693  See Poulou-Papadimitriou 2001, 231–266; Armstrong 2009, 157– 178; Poulou-Papadimitriou 2013, 168–177; Baldini 2015, 22–27; Vroom 2004, 306–308. 694  See Papavassiliou, Sarantidis, Papanikolaou 2014, 159–168, for an amphora producing workshop in Leipsoi. 695  Brandes 2002, 531, no. 106, 536–537, no. 129, Appendix X, 601–610; Kollias et al. 2004, 85, no. 3. Deligiannakis 2016, 103–104. For the provincial administration of Asia Minor, see also Ragia 2009, 195–245. 696  For the Arab invasions of 653–654, with the invaders possibly remaining until 658–659 and 672–673, with a short-lived settlement until 679–680, see Savvides 1995, 36–38, n. 11. See also Cosentino 2007, 589–593. For events in the region, see too Beghelli, Di Branco 2011, 59–67. For the overall situation, see Curta 2011, ch. 3, ‘Invasion or Inflation? Hoards and Barbarians in 6th and early 7th c. Greece’, 68–96; Curta 2016a, 89-110. For epigraphic testimony apropos the presence of Arabs in the area, see Imbert 2013, 731–758; Pralong 2013, 690 

Katsioti, Bairami 2015, 161–176. For lighting in Islamic world, see Sardi 2011, 286–298; Chrzanovski 2013, 179–230. 687  Crowfoot, Harden 1931, 196–208; Olcay 2001, 77–87; Motsianos 2003, 58–79. Also, see Lightfoot 2008, 284–286; Sorochan 2002, 111– 118. As also Mango believes 1982, 252–257, the word ‘Keroularios’ appears in Byzantine literature in this transitional time (see 255–256). See also, Montserrat 1995, 430–444; Olcay 2001, 77–87. The scarcity of glass lamps and utensils in general from the excavations from the 8th to the 11th centuries is generally upheld (Vroom 2007, 196). In Rhodes, on discovery, such pieces are not usually treated to repair and restoration, due to the difficulties of working with such material; inevitably, this fact hampers their evaluation. 688  For the crushed discus, see Sivan 1982, 115–116; see also comments for earlier lamps with broken discus, Rosenthal-Heginbottom 2013, 245–246. 689  Haldon 2000, mainly 229 ff.; Haldon 2012, 99–122. See also Loungis 1996, 35–67; Curta 2011, ch. 2, ‘Collapse or Adaptation? The Problem of the Urban Decline in Late Antique Greece’, 48–67; Curta 2016a, 89–110. 685 

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Rhodian Lamps gap in the Byzantine control of the island is not clear in the historical sources. But the difficult military position of Byzantium, combined with the dominance at the time of the Arab fleet in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean, make an Arab presence on the island more likely than not: the evidence of the coinage supports an Arab occupation of Rhodes in the years 673 to 681,697 whilst the last Arab assault on Rhodes took place in 718, but failed to reduce the fortified town.698 The evidence garnered from excavation is far from having exhausted its contribution to the subject, while known hoards699 are scarce in this turbulent era. Also, while there are some monetary indications,700 the lamps of the 7th century follow the pattern seen in other regions, without any differentiation.

this important metropolis of Asia Minor, the Persian invasions and the earthquake of 614, as revealed by the destruction that affected the central area – notably the houses of Embolos on Kouretes Street702 – seriously affected productivity. Nervertheless, the Anglo-Saxon bishop Willibald, mentioned active trade between Ephesus, Greece and the islands.703 It has also been reported that mass production declined in tandem with the demise in demand for lamps for religious purposes.704 Of course, arguments such as these for the end of moulded lamp production are but part of the story: in some areas there were also difficulties in the availability and marketing of olive oil for the lamps705 alongside others of an economic nature, i.e. changes in the organization of production, transport and consumption. As observed, the drop in the supply of oil for lighting purposes, wheel- or mould-made, further contributed to the economic downturn.706

The complete disappearance of mould-made lamps is due to the fact that the overwhelming majority were produced in highly specialized workshops which vanished when maritime trade became difficult; also, some of the regional centres of consumption were lost or isolated. Thus, former customers had to resort to cheaper modes of lighting. It would seem that in these troubled times local markets ceased to have access to products such as lamps made by experienced professionals. Obviously the raids and widespread damage would have affected the demand for fine pottery. When combined with the dearth of skilled workmen, individual or occasional efforts to revive production of such specialized items were doomed to failure.

It should be stressed that the end of the moulded lamps coincided, not by accident, with the gradual disappearance of urban culture, the physical transformation of its centres and the flight to easily defensible inland sites that mark the Middle Ages. This process, which was greatly influenced by the mid-6th century and later plague epidemics707 in the eastern Mediterranean and Near East, along with climate change in some areas708 during the same century, besides the earthquakes, has intensely preoccupied scholars and has bred various theories. The end of the governance of cities by a body of wealthy citizens who worked for the common weal and the disappearance of the donors who financed, at least in part, various social activities was also an important early factor of the decline.709 The new class that emerged, often in reduced circumstances, consisted of clergy and state officials; with the slow consolidation of Christianity, the redistribution of wealth led to the economic rise of the bishops in relation to the municipal authorities.

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This, of course, is but one side of the coin: after the Arab invasions, maritime trade changed its methods of operating, seeking out alternative routes. It did not break off completely: neighbouring areas continued to communicate with each other but on a tighter radius. It seems that the Ephesus region, the foremost exporter of lamps to Rhodes during the 6th and 7th century, stopped or dramatically reduced its production,701 rather than that Rhodes itself ceased to import. In

The degradation and fragmentation of the urban fabric of Rhodes, together with the economic and social decline, has not profited from state-of-the-art archaeological investigation. However, the broad spread of archaeological evidence indicates the presence of an administrative centre and military installations. Areas of the city may have been abandoned and some

727–730. 697  Kasdagli 2016. On this matter, see also Deligiannakis 2016, 99–100. 698  Imbert 2013, 752–754, for an account, largely drawn from Arab sources, of the Arab settlement in Rhodes. 699  A hoard of 18 coins, mainly of Heraclius and Constans II, was found in the Gavogianni plot on Menekleous Street, in the Medieval city of Rhodes, see Nikolaou 2004, 299, n. 39. For the excavation, without mention of the hoard, see Zervoudaki 1977, 357. In 1902 a coin hoard was found on the acropolis of Lindos, with pieces of Justin II, Constans II and Constantine IV: it was hidden around 670, during the time of the short occupation of the island by the Arabs, see Nikolaou 2004, 303. 700  At least two types of badly-made forgeries of the early issues of Constans II have been found on the island (Kasdagli 2008, pl. 1, 1), which have been linked to the presence of the Arabs (Foss 2008). Of these, as inferred by Kasdagli, one at least is likely to be local work. 701  It is significant that when Ephesus got its walls, probably in the early 7th century (Ladstätter, Pülz 2007, 407–408), the districts of Embolos, with its trade and production activities, remained outside the walls, revealing both the limitation of the protection offered, and also the continuously decreasing importance of the place.

Foss 1979, 103. Foss 1979, 110. 704  Motsianos 2005, 248. 705  Lightfoot 2008, 285. 706  Motsianos 2010, 278. 707  The plague of the Justinian period, which appeared in 541, was repeated in waves and lasted until about 740, see Stathakopoulos 2004, 110; Antoniou, Sinakos 2005, 1–4. 708  See Telelis 2008, 185–187; Haldon et al. 2014, mainly 121–137. In 726 there was also a volcanic eruption on Thera. On the ubiquity of destructive earthquakes that affected the Eastern Mediterranean at this time, see Pirazolli 1986, 31–49. 709  See Whittow 1990, 3–29. 702  703 


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Angeliki Katsioti affected by fire. Public land may have been occupied for private use, without a reaction by the authorities, who were otherwise busily engaged in collecting taxes and organizing defence. The withdrawal of forces from the eastern provinces of the empire, when the central administration turned its attention to Italy and North Africa at the expense of Asia Minor and Cyprus710 was a policy which led to the gradual reduction of state support to the east, and to the abandonment of repairs to the road network. The loss of Egypt and Syria weakened the empire financially, and reduced further the strategic and economic importance of Rhodes. The marginalization of the Aegean islands and Asia Minor dealt a heavy blow to the local communities. The distribution of coins and other archaeological data indicate that the last decades of the 7th century must have been a time of misery for Rhodes.711 Settlements are now fortified and the coastline largely abandoned. At Rhodes, in line with the new kind of settlements based on military needs, part of the ancient city was enclosed by walls after the mid-7th century;712 these walls were maintained, apparently, during the following centuries. The fortification of this nucleus does not necessarily mean that the other parts of the urban structure were abandoned by their inhabitants. But our knowledge of the buildings both in the town and in the countryside is very slight. The distribution of the finds, however, does not support the view that the walled town became the main residential centre before the end of the 7th century. When taken together, excavations in the countryside will one day show that to an extent the population had dispersed into smaller rural centres, in an effort to avoid taxation and inhibitory state control. The absence of copper coins713 after the reign of the capable emperor Constans II (641–668)714 down to the reign of John Tzimiskis (969–976), offers an insight

into the new, closed, ‘self-sufficient’ communities:715 circulation practically ceased. Life certainly did not stop and human activity, as shown by the production and distribution of certain types of pottery, continued throughout the 8th century.716 In Rhodes, however, there is no evidence to show that lamps were either produced or traded after the 7th century. Even the Vessberg 19 type, which according to some opinions carries on into the 8th century,717 seems not to have been known on the island, excepting one lamp found in the Danish excavations at Lindos. The burials are no longer easily datable once the habit of depositing pottery near the dead has been abandoned and burial customs changed. Usually, the proximity of burials to churches provides the greatest help to dating. Instead of gathering around martyrs’ graves, the churches containing burials rather point to the connection between the living and the dead in a sacred place. It should also be noted that wheel-made lamps did not enable a continuity of expertise, as they never competed numerically with mould-made lamps. Therefore, there is nothing to support a continuation of production or importation of lamps after the 7th century. Given the implications of the published material from Ephesus, no lamp can be dated after the 7th century. The lamps of Rhodes studied here clearly represent a fraction of the devices employed for lighting from the 3rd to the 7th centuries. But they do constitute a representative sample of the local demand, market trends and imports brought into the island. It is hoped that the scale and distribution of the sites surveyed in the course of this investigation will at least ensure that its conclusions are not really in danger of being overturned in the future; although they should be usefully elaborated by further research. Time will tell.

For this self-sufficiency, a feature also celebrated by other monastic ideologies, see Kaplan 1992, 493–496. See also Kasdagli 2016. 716  See Gabrieli, Jacson, Kaldeli 2007, 791–801, for a ceramic workshop in Paphos during the 8th century. For the continuing production of amphorae in Kos in the same period, see Didioumi 2014a and 2014b. Also Poulou-Papadimitriou 2014, for a succinct presentation of the production of amphorae in the Aegean during the transitional period, with reference to Kephalos and Kardamaina in Kos, to Leipsoi, to Lefkos in Karpathos, to Samos, Pseira, Emporio on Chios, and Thera. Poulou-Papadimitriou 2001, 231–266; Tsigonaki 2012, 73–100, for the cases of Gortyn and Eleftherna in Crete; Zavagno 2011, 448–483, for monetary circulation in Cyprus. See also Brandes 1989; Armstrong 2009, 157–178, for an overview of the data. 717  Oziol 1977, 253–267. See also Demesticha, Michaelidis 2001, 290, fig. 8: where in a ceramic workshop in Paphos, which continues to produce even in the 8th century, were found lamps of the Vessberg 19 type. These, however, probably constituted part of the furnishings of the business, rather than being items of its production, judging by their quantities.

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Armstrong 2009, 177. Kasdagli 2016. 712  See mainly Papavasileiou, Archontopoulos 1991, 345; Kollias 2001, 303–304; Deligiannakis 2016, 101–102. 713  For an analysis of the economic problems of the empire during the second half of the 7th century, see Touratsoglou 1999, 348–359; Nicholaou 2004, 291–309; Nicholaou 2010, 77–93. For Rhodes more specifically, see the dissertation by A.M. Kasdagli on monetary circulation in Medieval Rhodes (Kasdagli 2016). For the moment see, Penna 2010, 11–42 and especially Kasdagli 2008, 235–256; Kasdagli 2010, 159–174. 714  For the administrative restructuring aimed at introducing better organization, see Zuckerman 2005, 79–135. 710  711 


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D.1. Topographic map of Rhodes and location of excavation work (a list of the land-plots from which the lamps came)


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Angeliki Katsioti

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Rhodian Lamps

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Angeliki Katsioti

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Rhodian Lamps

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Angeliki Katsioti

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Rhodian Lamps

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Angeliki Katsioti PLOT Kakas A. Kalogeris A. Mantzon A. Agios Athanasios Aivalis Akti Kanari Alvanakis Arapoudis Asprakis Astegon Viotechnon Atsidis Atsidis Atsidis Avgerinos Avgoustakis-Karagiannis Maravelias B. Kladakis Chaliloglou Chatziandreou Chatzigiorgis Agioi Konstantinos and Eleni Diakidis D. Protos D. Damianos Demirli Diakidis-Minettos Diakogeorgiou / Charalambous Monument of Aspida (Dokous-Sokak) Sarris E. Emmanouel Evraiki (the Jewish Quarter), Konstantinidis F. Filippou Heronias G (formerly Giakras-Hatzimichalis) Gavrilakis Geniki Techniki Geronikola Giakras-Hatzimichalis Soleil Hotel Diakogeorgiou K. Kostaridis K. KAIR Karageorgiou Karagiannis Katinas Katsanakis Katsaras Kesoglou-Volonakis Kiousoglou Kladogenis Klonaris

STREET P. Mela K. Tsaldari Alex. Diakou and Griva Medieval city Theotokopoulou Psaropoula Apollonos Parthenopis Platonos Kanada and Kolokotroni Parthenopis K. Tsatsou and S. Kazouli Dendrinou Navarinou side-street off Amerikis Platonos Parthenopis Athenas Square P. Mela and Cheimarras Monte Smith neighbourhood Menekleous Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Ethnikis Antistaseos (Annis-Marias) Cheimarras Athenas Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Side street off Cheimarras Parthenopis and Aphroditis Romanou Melodou end of Cheimarras Agios Panteleimon Riga Feraiou Navarinou Μ. Petridi Navarinou Ag. Ioannou Enoplon Dynameon M. Petridi Demokratias, Riga Feraiou and El. Venizelou Parthenopis and Dimitras Kanada and Vyronos Australias Ammochostou and Lochagou Fanouraki 25 Martiou Herakliou and Komnenon Enoplon Dynameon Amerikis and 25 Martiou Streets Ethelonton Dodecanesion Ethelonton Dodecanesion Basilopaidos Marias and Kazouli Kanada

No. on plan 56 88 22 1 75 76 100 81 2 71 95 77 78 48 26 3 82 10 54 105 9 41 20 51 11 41 49 96 60 50 12 36 47 85 52 57 40 85 32 86 73 74 21 30 58 39 23 30 30 15 72


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Rhodian Lamps Koliadis Kostaridis Kouros Kranidou-Manolakis Diakogeorgiou Kritikos

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Kypriotis Lendis-Antonoglou Kambouropoulou M. Kladakis M. Mahmoud-Chasapoglou Malliakas-Demosiou Maltezos-Kazis Maravelias Maravelias A. (Medieval town) Menexelis Minatsis Moschou-Vogiatzis Moustakis Municipal works Chatzidimitriou Ν. Nikolidakis Nikolis Panagiotakis Panagiotas Panagos Papachristodoulou Papaioannou-Michaelides Papamichail Papastamatiou Papastamatis Papatheodorakis Papavasileiou Parassos Pekmetzis Pipinos Pipinos Platis Poporos Sambanis Samothrakis Skoumbourdis Sofokleous Square Solounias Synetairismos Katastimatarchon Th. Louizidis Tiliakos Tourkalis Tsokas-Chatzistamatiou Tsouvalas (Regina Hotel) Tzedakis

Kamirou-Esiodou P. Mela and Voreiou Epirou Th. Sofouli and Pindou extension of Th. Sofouli Gennadiou (Navpliou), Analipsi 28 Oktovriou and 6 Amarantou (Lochagou Fanouraki) M. Petrides Pindou and Th. Sofouli Parthenopis Dokous-Sokak Platonos and Apellou Romanou Melodou and Agion Anargiron Rhodou-Lindou (Hotel Park) Navarinou and Riga Feraiou Haile Selasie (Karpathou) Argyrokastrou P. Melas and Diagoridon Menekleous Ethelonton Dodekanision and Vas. Sofias Diagoridon Widening of the K. Tsaldari towards Ag. Triada Cheimarras and Enoplon Dynameon Alex. Diakou Ergeiou Parthenopis (Dokous sokak) A. Volonaki and Grammou (Ag. Sofias) Al. Panagouli (Prince Alexias) Ethnarchou Makariou P. Athenagora, Venetokleon and Nikitara Navarinou K. Tsaldari and Athinon end of Pindou Street and Enoplon Dynameon Kamirou Th. Sofouli and Cheimarras Kamirou Agesandrou Grammou (Ag. Sofias) and Herakleiou A. Volonaki Venetokleon and E. Bevin Pindou P. Mela and Pindou Maritson S. Kazouli Medieval Town side-street off Amerikis S. Venizelou 28 Oktovriou and Lochagou Fanouraki Lochagou Fanouraki Ethnarchou Makariou and 25 Martiou G. Seferi Eth. Dodecanesion, Ethn. Makariou &25 Martiou Cheimarras

99 33 44 80 98 18 92 38 82 2 59 91 34 35 4 68 5 27 65 93 42 66 6 96 62 104 31 70 47 87 42 101 55 97 7 61 62 69 46 45 94 64 8 25 24 19 20 29 103 28 43


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Angeliki Katsioti Navarinou Hesiodou side-street K. Palaiologou   Themistokleous Menekleous Agathonisiou Kyprou Square. Near Temple of Aphrodite Amaranto Th. Sofouli Neas Zilandias

53 102 63 16 67 13 89 14 17 79 37

Widening of Kamirou Street Widening of Korinthou Street


83 84

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Valakis-Volonakis Vardelis Venetokleion Gymnasion Works at the Municipal Theatre Works by DΕΗ Works by DΕPΟS Works by ΔΕΥΑΡ Works by ΟΤΕ Zambelaki-Papaelia Zygouris Convent Residence


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Rhodian Lamps D.2. List of signatures, inscriptions and symbols

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Signatures Α ΠΧ 1234 (R 36), ΠΧ 1172 (ΑΜ 392), Λ 5161 (Α 3), Π 2635 (Α 31), Π 2668α (Α 76), Π 2668β (Α 77), Π 2669 (Α 113), Π 2670 (Α 70), ΠΧ 2045 (AM 3) ΑΓ̣ ΠΧ 2458 (A 55) ΑΓΑ Λ 6334 (Α 125) ΑΚ ΠΧ 2018 (A 128) [Α]Ρ[Χ]/[Ε]ΠΟ/ΛΙC Π 2560 (Cy 66) Άρχέπολις Λ 5445 (Cy 1) Β ΠΧ 3004 (R 34) [Δ]ΙΟ/[Ν]Υ/[CI]ỌΥ ΠΧ 3010 (Cy 35) Ε ΠΧ 2959 (R 87), Λ 5188 (Cy 62). Έλπίστου Λ 5446 (with an Μ in relief in front), (Cy 5) ΕΠỊḲT[ΑCΤΟC] ΠΧ 3017 (Cy 36) Έρμιανό ΠΧ 2575 (Cy 80) ΕΥΤ[ΥΧΗΤΟC] ΠΧ 2036 (Cy 97) Εύτύχητος ΠΧ 2552 (Cy 96) ΕΥ ΠΧ 1535 (Α 8), ΠΧ 2065 (A 20), ΠΧ 1236 (R 24), ΠΧ 2744 (A 106) Ẹ ΠΧ 2361 (Cy 59) Ζ( ) ΠΧ 2010 (A 11) ΖΟ( ) ΠΧ 2974 (Kn 21) Θεοδούλου ΠΧ 2558 (A 119) ΘΕΟ/ΔΟΥ/Λ[ΟΥ] ΠΧ 2745 (A 118) Ι Λ 5169 (Cy 25), Λ 5189 (Cy 26) [ΚΑΛ]ΛΙC/[Τ]ΟΥ ΠΧ 2572 (C 14) ΚΑ ΠΧ 2122 (Α 127) Κ Α ΠΧ 1225 (Α 121) Κ ΠΧ 2557 (A 39), ΠΧ 1228 (Α 117), Λ 6075 (Α 87) ΚΥ ΠΧ 2055 (A 126), ΠΧ 2284 (A 16) Λουκίου ΠΧ 2322 (C 3) Λ ΠΧ 2827 (ΑΜ 258) ΛΕ και C Π 2636 (Α 18) Λυσιμάχου ΠΧ 2964 (Un 2) Μ Λ 6286 (Α 74) Μάρκου Λ 988 (Cy 12) Όνησίμου Λ 7046 (C 10) Π και Θ̣ ΠΧ 2410 (AM 1) ΠΛΑ/Τ[ΩΝ]/[ΟC] ΠΧ 1528 (Cy 53) ΠΛΑΤΩ/[ΝΟC] ΠΧ 2012 (Cy 27) Πλάτωνος ΠΧ 2901 (Cy 14) Πρείμου Λ 5449 (Α 2) ΡΚ ΠΧ 2049 (AM 277) [CEK]ΟΥΝΔΟΥ ΠΧ 2054 (C 2) CΤΡ ΠΧ 2568 (R 12), Λ 6057 (Α 54). CT ΠX 2998 (A 45), Λ 6035 (Α 62), Π 2629 (Α 41), ΠΧ 3039(Un 89), Π 2694 (Α 42) Τ Λ 6074 (A 91) ΥỊΚ Λ 6038 (R 47) Χ Π 2671 (Un 17) ΧΙ Λ 6022 (Α 30) Χιόνης Λ 2918 (Α 99) ( )ΡΜΗ/( )Ọ ΠΧ 2073 (C 13) ( )Ẹ ΠΧ 2490 (Α 48) ( )ỊC ΠX 2524 (Cy 32) ( )/( )ḲΟC̣/OC̣ Π 2623 (Cy 28) ( )ỊΟ/ ̣[Ο]Υ ΠΧ 2978 (Cy 94) ( )Υ ΠΧ 2815 (Α 35) 569

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Angeliki Katsioti circular inscription or signature in relief ΛΑΔΟCIC (;), ΠΧ 1502 (Ae 2), ΠΧ 2554 (Ae 1) ? ΠΧ 2001 (Un 98), ΠΧ 2016 (Cy 93), ΠΧ 2127 (A 172), Λ 2548 (AM 56) imitation signature ΠΧ 1979 (Kn 20), ΠΧ 2842 (Kn 17), ΠΧ 2850 (Kn 18), ΠΧ 2982 (Kn 19) Inscriptions ΑΥΞΕ/ΜΥΡΑ/X[A]IPΕ/ΠΟΛI Α̣ΨΕ OTH ΦΟΒΟC Α Ω

Λ 5445 (Cy 1) ΠΧ 2035 (Cy 100) ΠΧ 1203 (Cy 98), ΠΧ 2552 (Cy 96) Λ 6073 (Α 27) ΠΧ 1243 (Un 65)

Symbols, patterns (NB. The very numerous examples of lamps with the planta pedis symbol are mentioned only in the catalogue) ΠΧ 1529 (R 2), Π 2677 (R 3), Λ 6031 (R 1), Λ 6032 (R 6) ΠΧ 2989 (Kn 37) ΠΧ 2936 (ΑΜ 9) ΠΧ 1533 (Α 132), ΠΧ 1208 (ΑΜ 51), ΠΧ 1160 (ΑΜ 73), Λ 2554 (ΑΜ 353), ΠΧ 1182 (ΑΜ 165), ΠΧ 1209 (ΑΜ 171), ΠΧ 1170 (ΑΜ 205), Λ 3021 (Α 80), ΠΧ 1224 (S 92), ΠΧ 1303 (Un 68), Λ 6428 (Α 80), ΠΧ 2289 (R 65), ΠΧ 2493 (S 10), ΠΧ 2564 (ΑΜ 272), ΠΧ 2755 (ΑΜ 71)

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leaf pattern (?), signature (?) in relief spiral incision (signature ?), +


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Rhodian Lamps D.3. List of plates (signatures, inscriptions and symbols)

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These Plate numbers (from 1 to 73) are referred to in the appropriate Catalogue entry, under the Sub-heading - Plate: 1.

ΠΧ 2054, C2


ΠΧ 2322, C3


Λ 7046, C 10


ΠΧ 2073, C13


ΠΧ 2572, C 14

6, 7.

Λ 5445, Cy 1


Λ 5446, Cy 5


ΠΧ 2901, Cy 14


Λ 5169, Cy 25


ΠΧ 3017, Cy 36


Λ 5189, Cy 26


ΠΧ 2012, Cy 27


Π 2623, Cy 28


ΠΧ 2524, Cy 32


ΠΧ 3010, Cy 35


ΠΧ 1528, Cy 53


ΠΧ 2361, Cy 59


Λ 5188, Cy 62


Π 2560, Cy 66


ΠΧ 2575, Cy 80


ΠΧ 2016 Cy 93


ΠΧ 2978, Cy 94


ΠΧ 2552, Cy 96


ΠΧ 2552, Cy 96


ΠΧ 1203, Cy 98


Λ 5449, Α 2


Λ 5161, Α 3


ΠΧ 1535, Α 8


ΠΧ 2010, A11


ΠΧ 2284, Α 16


Π 2636, Α 18


ΠX 2065, A 20

32, 33. Λ 6073, Α 27 34.

Λ 6022, A 30


ΠΧ 2815, Α 35


ΠΧ 2557, Α 39


Π 2694, Α 42


ΠΧ 2998, Α 45


ΠΧ 2490, Α 48


ΠΧ 2458, Α 55


Λ 6035, Α 62


Π 2670, Α 70


Λ 6286, Α 74


Π 2668α, Α 76


Π 2668β, Α 77


Λ 6075, Α 87


Λ 6074, Α 91


ΠΧ 1228, Α 117


ΠΧ 2745, Α 118


ΠΧ 2558, Α 119


ΠΧ 1225, Α 121


Λ 6334, Α 125


ΠΧ 2055, Α 126


ΠΧ 2122, Α 127


ΠΧ 2018, Α 128


ΠΧ 2127, Α 172


ΠΧ 2568, R 12


ΠΧ 1236, R 24


ΠΧ 3004, R 34


Λ 6038, R 46


ΠΧ 2959, R 87


ΠΧ 2410, ΑΜ 1


ΠΧ 2045, ΑΜ 3


ΠΧ 2936, ΑΜ 9


ΠΧ 2827, ΑΜ 258


ΠΧ 2049, ΑΜ 277


ΠΧ 1979, Kn 20


ΠΧ 2974, Kn 21


ΠΧ 2989, Kn 37


ΠΧ 2554, Ae 1


ΠΧ 1502, Ae 2


ΠΧ 2964, Un 2


Π 2671, Un 17


ΠΧ 3039, Un 89


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Angeliki Katsioti D.4. Plates



3 4

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Angeliki Katsioti D.5. List of Illustrations

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These Illustrations (cross-sections) of the lamps are referred to in the appropriate Catalogue entry, under the Subheading - Ill.: 1.

ΠΧ 2322, C 3


Λ 6053, Α 25


Λ 7046, C10


Λ 6022, Α 30


Λ 5445, Cy 1


ΠΧ 2267, Α 34


Λ 5445, Cy 1


ΠΧ 2815, Α 35


Λ 5446, Cy 5


Π 2672, Α 37


ΠΧ 1235, Cy 7


Λ 6068, Α 38


ΠΧ 2574, Cy 10


ΠΧ 2557, Α 39


ΠΧ 2838, Cy 13


Π 2694, Α 42


ΠΧ 2901, Cy 14


Λ 6062, Α 43


ΠΧ 2048, Cy 17


ΠΧ 1210, Α 44


ΠΧ 2975, Cy 20


Λ 6058, Α 46


Λ 5452, Cy 24


Λ 6048, Α 47


Λ 5169, Cy 25


Λ 5166, Α 50


Λ 5189, Cy 26


ΠΧ 2458, Α 55


Π 2623, Cy 28


Λ 6070, Α 59


ΠΧ 2044, Cy 29


Λ 6056, Α 60


Λ 5165, Cy 49


Λ 6052, Α 61


ΠΧ 1926, Cy 50


Λ 6035, Α 62


ΠΧ 1528, Cy 53


Λ 2548, Α 65


ΠΧ 2050, Cy 54


Π 2670, Α 70


Λ 5188, Cy 62


Λ 6286, Α 74


Λ 5162, Cy 63


ΠΧ 2997, Α 75


ΠΧ 1247, Cy 64


ΠΧ 2022, Α 84


Λ 6072, Cy 68


ΠΧ 2996, Α 89


ΠΧ 2575, Cy 80


Λ 6051, Α 97


ΠΧ 2552, Cy 96


Λ 6071, Α 98


Λ 5159, Cy 102


Π 2648, Α 103


Λ 5449, Α 2


ΠΧ 2744, Α 106


Λ 5161, Α 3


ΠΧ 1228, Α 117


ΠΧ 1535, Α 8


ΠΧ 2558, Α 119


ΠΧ 2010, Α 11


Λ 6050, Α 120


ΠΧ 1911, Α 14


ΠΧ 1225, Α 121


ΠΧ 2284, Α 16


ΠΧ 1874, Α 131


Π 2636, Α 18


ΠΧ 1533, Α 132


ΠΧ 2065, Α 20


Λ 6023, R 7


Λ 5163, Α 22


Λ 6059, R 8


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ΠΧ 2568, R 12


ΠΧ 2560, ΑΜ 246


Π 2678, R 13


ΠΧ 2827, ΑΜ 258


Π 2029, R 15


Λ 6428, ΑΜ 263


Π 2621, R 19


ΠΧ 1302, ΑΜ 265


ΠΧ 1204, R 20


ΠΧ 1949, ΑΜ 309


Λ 6021, R 29


Λ 6310, ΑΜ 359


ΠΧ 1234, R 36


Λ 6427. ΑΜ 365


Λ 5978, R 40


Λ 2914, ΑΜ 368


ΠΧ 2285, R 42


ΠΧ 1227, ΑΜ 370


ΠΧ 2933, R 43


ΠΧ 2578, ΑΜ 389


ΠΧ 2494, R 44


ΠΧ 1864, ΑΜ 397


ΠΧ 2272, R 53


ΠΧ 1242, ΑΜ 403


ΠΧ 1912, R 60


ΠΧ 2816, ΑΜ 410


Λ 6049, R 64


ΠΧ 1979, Kn 20


Λ 6055, R 74


ΠΧ 2124, Kn 22


Λ 5168, R 81


ΠX 2784, Kn 23


Λ 6063, R 82


ΠX 1226, Kn 24


ΠΧ 1910, R 85


ΠΧ 2739, Kn 25


ΠΧ 2547, R 86


ΠΧ 1231, Kn 28


ΠΧ 2959, R 87


ΠΧ 2584, S 2


ΠΧ 2086, R 100


ΠΧ 1308, S 3


ΠΧ 2410, ΑΜ 1


Λ 2670, S 7


ΠΧ 2310, ΑΜ 6


ΠΧ 2230, S 12


Λ 2691, ΑΜ 12a


Λ 5557, S 13


Π 2630, ΑΜ 13


Λ 3410, S 16


ΠΧ 1208, ΑΜ 51


ΠΧ 2787, S 19


ΠΧ 2904, ΑΜ 68


Λ 6034, S 21


Λ 6429, ΑΜ 82


Λ 6033, S 34


ΠΧ 2770, ΑΜ 72


Λ 6535, S 63


Λ 6069, ΑΜ 126


ΠΧ 2581, S 84


Λ 6281, ΑΜ 127


ΠΧ 1224, S 92


ΠΧ 1385 ΑΜ 149


ΠΧ 2554, Ae 1


ΠΧ 2911, ΑΜ 150


ΠΧ 1502, Ae 2


Λ 3224 ΑΜ 214


ΠΧ 2544, Ae 6


Λ 6534, ΑΜ 217


ΠΧ 2559, ΝΑ 5


ΠΧ 2747, ΑΜ 224


Λ 2521, Un 1


ΠΧ 1858, ΑΜ 227


ΠΧ 2964. Un 2


ΠΧ 1218. ΑΜ 236


ΠΧ 2556, Un 12


Λ 6054, ΑM 244


ΠΧ 2021, Un 13


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ΠΧ 1232, Un 15


ΠΧ 2565, Un 62


Π 2671, Un 17


ΠΧ 2294, Un 71


ΠΧ 2986, Un 20


ΠΧ 2570, Un 77


Λ 6067, Un 25


Λ 2694, Un 92


ΠΧ 2761, Un 36


ΠΧ 1902, WM 2

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D.6. Illustrations








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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Angeliki Katsioti D.7. Concordance of registration numbers and catalogue numbers Π 2029 R15 Π 2560 Cy 66 Π 2618 R 35 Π 2619 R 76 Π 2620 R 84 Π 2621 R 19 Π 2622 A 68 Π 2623 Cy 28 Π 2624 Α 78 Π 2625 R 18 Π 2629 Α 41 Π 2630 ΑΜ 13 Π 2635 Α 31 Π 2636 Α 18 Π 2643 R 83 Π 2644 R 59 Π 2645 Α 21 Π 2648 Α 103 Π 2649 Α 69 Π 2650 ΑΜ 250 Π 2651 Un 67 Π 2668α Α 76 Π 2668β Α 77 Π 2669 Α 113 Π 2670 Α 70 Π 2671 Un 17 Π 2672 Α 37 Π 2673 ΑΜ 335 Π 2674 ΝΑ 2 Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Π 2675 R16 Π 2676 R 17 Π 2677 R 3 Π 2678 R 13 Π 2687 Cy 65 Π 2694 Α 42 Π 2695 Α 52 Λ 988 Cy 12

Λ 1082 ΑΜ 405

Λ 3224 ΑΜ 214

Λ 5557 S 13

Λ 1083 ΑΜ 251

Λ 3394 ΑΜ 245

Λ 5558 ΑΜ 129

Λ 2471 Un 6

Λ 3410 S 16

Λ 5590 ΑΜ 302

Λ 2473 S 27

Λ 3413 ΑΜ 215

Λ 5978 R 40

Λ 2474 S 94

Λ 3451 Α7

Λ 6019 R 28

Λ 2499 S 95

Λ 3456 Cy 41

Λ 6020 R 63

Λ 2500 S 112

Λ 4727 Α 170

Λ 6021 R 29

Λ 2507 ΝΑ 7

Λ 4776 ΑΜ 213

Λ 6022 Α30

Λ 2521 Un 1

Λ 4777 Kn 31

Λ 6023 R 7

Λ 2548 Α 65

Λ 4778 Cy 40

Λ 6024 Un 21

Λ 2549 Α 85

Λ 5159 Cy 102

Λ 6025 Α 63

Λ 2553 ΑΜ 8

Λ 5161 Α 3

Λ 6031 R 1

Λ 2554 ΑΜ 353

Λ 5162 Cy 63

Λ 6032 R 6

Λ 2555 Α 108

Λ 5163 Α 22

Λ 6033 S 34

Λ 2556 Α 40

Λ 5164 Un 14

Λ 6034 S 21

Λ 2557 ΝΑ 6

Λ 5165 Cy 49

Λ 6035 Α 62

Λ 2577 R 38

Λ 5166 Α 50

Λ 6037 R 45

Λ 2670 S 7

Λ 5167 Cy 67

Λ 6038 R 47

Λ 2690 ΑΜ 174

Λ 5168 R 81

Λ 6039 R 73

Λ 2691 AM 12a

Λ 5169 Cy 25

Λ 6042 R 30

Λ 2692 R 14

Λ 5178 Α 4

Λ 6044 R 72

Λ 2694 Un 92

Λ 5188 Cy 62

Λ 6045 R 75

Λ 2695 ΑΜ 337

Λ 5189 Cy 26

Λ 6047 R 9

Λ 2696 R 77

Λ 5445 Cy 1

Λ 6048 Α 47

Λ 2698 ΑΜ 50

Λ 5446 Cy 5

Λ 6049 R 64

Λ 2911 ΑΜ 150

Λ 5448 Cy 69

Λ 6050 Α 120

Λ 2912 ΑΜ 91

Λ 5449 Α 2

Λ 6051 Α 97

Λ 2913 Α 92

Λ 5451 Cy 61

Λ 6052 Α 61

Λ 2914 ΑΜ 368

Λ 5452 Cy 24

Λ 6053 Α 25

Λ 2916 ΑΜ 137

Λ 5471 ΑΜ 31

Λ 6054 ΑΜ 244

Λ 2917 Α 67

Λ 5484 Un 24

Λ 6055 R 74

Λ 2918 Α 99

Λ 5511 Cy 123

Λ 6056 A 60

Λ 3201 Α 80

Λ 5522 Α 17

Λ 6057 Α 54

Λ 3021 S 25

Λ 5536 Cy 16

Λ 6058 Α 46

Λ 3023 S 96

Λ 5541 ΑΜ 406

Λ 6059 R 8

Λ 3218 ΑΜ 23

Λ 5543 Un 45

Λ 6060 R 79

Λ 3219 ΑΜ 162

Λ 5548 S 90

Λ 6061 R 10


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Rhodian Lamps Λ 6062 Α 43

ΠΧ 1104 ΑΜ 266

ΠΧ 1215 Α 109

ΠΧ 1308 S 3

Λ 6063 R 82

ΠΧ 1105 ΑΜ 115

ΠΧ 1216 S 64

ΠΧ 1323 S 36

Λ 6066 ΑΜ 182

ΠΧ 1107 ΑΜ 308

ΠΧ 1217 S 65

ΠΧ 1324 ΑΜ 89

Λ 6067 Un 25

ΠΧ 1159 S 113

ΠΧ 1218 ΑΜ 236

ΠΧ 1325 ΑΜ 151

Λ 6068 A 38

ΠΧ 1160 ΑΜ 73

ΠΧ 1219 ΑΜ 210

ΠΧ 1326 ΑΜ 185

Λ 6069 AM 126

ΠΧ 1161 Un 76

ΠΧ 1220 ΑΜ 24

ΠΧ 1327 ΑΜ 391

Λ 6070 Α 59

ΠΧ 1162 ΑΜ 160

ΠX 1221 S 23

ΠΧ 1328 ΑΜ 278

Λ 6071 Α 98

ΠΧ 1163 ΑΜ 183

ΠΧ 1222 S 26

ΠΧ 1329 ΝΑ 10

Λ 6072 Cy 68

ΠΧ 1164 ΑΜ 167

ΠΧ 1223 S 66

ΠΧ 1330 Un 63

Λ 6073 Α 27

ΠΧ 1165 ΑΜ 385

ΠΧ 1224 S 92

ΠΧ 1385 ΑΜ 149

Λ 6074 A 91

ΠΧ 1166 ΑΜ 194

ΠΧ 1225 Α 121

ΠΧ 1501 A 33

Λ 6075 Α 87

ΠΧ 1167 ΑΜ 364

ΠΧ 1226 Κn 24

ΠΧ 1502 Ae 2

Λ 6076 ΑΜ 76

ΠΧ 1168 ΑΜ 74

ΠΧ 1227 ΑΜ 370

ΠΧ 1503 ΑΜ 248

Λ 6077 ΑΜ 195

ΠΧ 1169 S 5

ΠΧ 1228 Α 117

ΠΧ 1504 Ae 28

Λ 6090 R 32

ΠΧ 1170 ΑΜ 205

ΠΧ 1229 S 124

ΠΧ 1505 Α 64

Λ 6091 Α 13

ΠΧ 1171 ΑΜ 284

ΠΧ 1230 S 35

ΠΧ 1524 Α 100

Λ 6092 Α 32

ΠΧ 1172 ΑΜ 392

ΠΧ 1231 Κn 28

ΠΧ 1526 ΑΜ 237

Λ 6093 Un 23

ΠΧ 1174 ΑΜ 39

ΠΧ 1232 Un 15

ΠΧ 1527 ΑΜ 249

Λ 6094 Un 29

ΠΧ 1173 ΑΜ 75

ΠΧ 1233 Cy 99

ΠΧ 1528 Cy 53

Λ 6101 C 12

ΠΧ 1175 ΑΜ 40

ΠΧ 1234 R 36

ΠΧ 1529 R 2

Λ 6107 S 62

ΠΧ 1176 ΑΜ 336

ΠΧ 1235 Cy 7

ΠΧ 1530 R 61

Λ 6110 S 111

ΠΧ 1177 R 58

ΠΧ 1236 R 24

ΠΧ 1531 ΑΜ 30

Λ 6113 Α 58

ΠΧ 1178 ΑΜ 25

ΠΧ 1242 ΑΜ 403

ΠΧ 1532 ΑΜ 80

Λ 6281 ΑΜ 127

ΠΧ 1182 ΑΜ 165

ΠΧ 1243 Un 65

ΠΧ 1533 Α 132

Λ 6286 Α 74

ΠΧ 1183 ΑΜ 517

ΠΧ 1244 ΑΜ 247

ΠΧ 1534 ΝΑ 22

Λ 6287 Α 53

ΠΧ 1199 Κn 41

ΠΧ 1245 NA 8

ΠΧ 1535 Α 8

Λ 6294 Kn 40

ΠΧ 1200 ΑΜ 45

ΠΧ 1246 Un 66

ΠΧ 1536 Ae 16

Λ 6310 ΑΜ 359

ΠΧ 1201 ΑΜ 173

ΠΧ 1247 Cy 64

ΠΧ 1856 ΑΜ 96

Λ 6334 Α 125

ΠΧ 1202 ΝΑ 8

ΠΧ 1248 ΑΜ 46

ΠΧ 1857 WM 1

Λ 6427 ΑΜ 365

ΠΧ 1203 Cy 98

ΠΧ 1249 ΑΜ 172

ΠΧ 1858 AM 227

Λ 6428 ΑΜ 263

ΠΧ 1204 R 20

ΠΧ 1276 S 14

ΠΧ 1859 AM 146

Λ 6429 ΑΜ 82

ΠΧ 1207 ΑΜ 376

ΠX 1277 S 114

ΠΧ 1860 AM 259

Λ 6496 ΑΜ 81

ΠΧ 1208 ΑΜ 51

ΠΧ 1278 S 93

ΠΧ 1861 AM 398

Λ 6534 ΑΜ 217

ΠΧ 1209 ΑΜ 171

ΠΧ 1279 S 31

ΠΧ 1862 AM 114

Λ 6535 S 63

ΠΧ 1210 Α 44

ΠΧ 1302 ΑΜ 265

ΠΧ 1863 AM 168

Λ 6562 ΑΜ 103

ΠΧ 1211 ΑΜ 346

ΠΧ 1303 Un 68

ΠΧ 1864 ΑΜ 397

Λ 6572 ΑΜ 138

ΠΧ 1212 ΑΜ 231

ΠΧ 1304α ΑΜ 512

ΠΧ 1865 ΑΜ 260

Λ 7046 C 10

ΠΧ 1213 ΑΜ 181

ΠΧ 1304γ ΑΜ 513

ΠΧ 1866 ΑΜ 148

ΠΧ 1214 ΑΜ 369

ΠΧ 1304δ Α 162

ΠΧ 1867 ΑΜ 261


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Angeliki Katsioti ΠΧ 1868 ΑΜ 58

ΠΧ 1907 AM 310

ΠΧ 1980 AM 132

ΠΧ 2019 A 105

ΠΧ 1869 ΑΜ 169

ΠΧ 1908 AM 92

ΠΧ 1981 Α 19

ΠΧ 2020 A 107

ΠΧ 1870 ΑΜ 204

ΠΧ 1909 AM 94

ΠΧ 1982 ΑΜ 461

ΠΧ 2021 Un 13

ΠΧ 1871 ΑΜ 420

ΠΧ 1910 R 85

ΠΧ 1983 ΑΜ 462

ΠΧ 2022 A 84

ΠΧ 1872 ΑΜ 367

ΠΧ 1911 Α 14

ΠΧ 1984 Α 81

ΠΧ 2023 R 11

ΠΧ 1873 ΑΜ 401

ΠΧ 1912 R 60

ΠΧ 1985 Un 82

ΠΧ 2024 AM 177

ΠΧ 1874 Α 131

ΠΧ 1913 Un 16

ΠΧ 1986 A 1

ΠΧ 2025 AM 21

ΠΧ 1875 ΑΜ 301

ΠΧ 1915 Cy 48

ΠΧ 1987 R 37

ΠΧ 2027 AM 345

ΠΧ 1876 Un 69

ΠΧ 1916 AM 253

ΠΧ 1988 Kn 15

ΠΧ 2028 AM 186

ΠΧ 1877 AM 98

ΠΧ 1917 AM 130

ΠΧ 1989 A 136

ΠΧ 2029 A 28

ΠΧ 1878 Un 44

ΠΧ 1918 AM 170

ΠΧ 1990 C 21

ΠΧ 2030 Un 93

ΠΧ 1879 AM 362

ΠΧ 1919 AM 54

ΠΧ 1991 Α 122

ΠΧ 2031 Cy 125

ΠΧ 1880 AΜ 32

ΠΧ 1920 AM 238

ΠΧ 1992 Un 7

ΠΧ 2032 Cy 126

ΠΧ 1881 ΑΜ 347

ΠΧ 1921 R 57

ΠΧ 1993 Cy 84

ΠΧ 2033 R 33

ΠΧ 1882 ΑΜ 111

ΠΧ 1922 R 5

ΠΧ 1994 A 165

ΠΧ 2034 Un 18

ΠΧ 1883 ΑΜ 342

ΠΧ 1923 R 4

ΠΧ 1995 Cy 95

ΠΧ 2035 Cy 100

ΠΧ 1884 ΑΜ 33

ΠΧ 1924 AM 361

ΠΧ 1996 A 137

ΠΧ 2036 Cy 97

ΠΧ 1885 ΑΜ 262

ΠΧ 1925 AM 197

ΠΧ 1997 Un 97

ΠΧ 2037 A 95

ΠΧ 1886 ΑΜ 59

ΠΧ 1926 Cy 50

ΠΧ 1998 AM 463

ΠΧ 2038 AM 64

ΠΧ 1887 ΑΜ 341

ΠΧ 1927 A 79

ΠΧ 1999 AM 464

ΠΧ 2039 AM 468

ΠΧ 1888 ΑM 112

ΠΧ 1928 A 124

ΠΧ 2000 A 138

ΠΧ 2040 AM 399

ΠΧ 1889 ΑΜ 99

ΠΧ 1929 Un 64

ΠΧ 2001 Un 98

ΠΧ 2041 Cy 23

ΠΧ 1890 ΑΜ 220

ΠΧ 1930 R 62

ΠΧ 2002 Un 99

ΠΧ 2042 Cy 6

ΠΧ 1891 ΑΜ 387

ΠΧ 1931 ΑΜ 354

ΠΧ 2003 Un 30

ΠΧ 2043 Cy 37

ΠΧ 1892 ΑΜ 198

ΠΧ 1932 Ae 15

ΠΧ 2004 AM 102

ΠΧ 2044 Cy 29

ΠΧ 1893 ΑΜ 120

ΠΧ 1933 Ae 17

ΠΧ 2005 Un 5

ΠΧ 2045 AM 3

ΠΧ 1894 ΑΜ 350

ΠΧ 1934 Ae 25

ΠΧ 2006 AM 465

ΠΧ 2046 AM 412

ΠΧ 1895 ΑΜ 351

ΠΧ 1935 Ae 3

ΠΧ 2007 Cy 117

ΠΧ 2047 S 61

ΠΧ 1896 ΑΜ 252

ΠΧ 1936 Ae 10

ΠΧ 2008 Cy 33

ΠΧ 2048 Cy 17

ΠΧ 1897 ΑΜ 348

ΠΧ 1937 Ae 26

ΠΧ 2009 Kn 34

ΠΧ 2049 AM 277

ΠΧ 1898 ΑΜ 122

ΠΧ 1948 Kn 36

ΠΧ 2010 A11

ΠΧ 2050 Cy 54

ΠΧ 1899 ΑΜ 196

ΠΧ 1949 ΑΜ 309

ΠΧ 2011 S 37

ΠΧ 2051 C 8

ΠΧ 1900 ΑΜ 216

ΠΧ 1950 ΑΜ 264

ΠΧ 2012 Cy 27

ΠΧ 2052 Cy 18

ΠΧ 1901 ΑΜ 113

ΠΧ 1974 ΑΜ 411

ΠΧ 2013 Cy 3

ΠΧ 2053 AM 5

ΠΧ 1902 WM 2

ΠΧ 1975 Cy 2

ΠΧ 2014 Cy 70

ΠΧ 2054 C 2

ΠΧ 1903 AM 140

ΠΧ 1976 C 1

ΠΧ 2015 Cy 79

ΠΧ 2055 A 126

ΠΧ 1904 AM 93

ΠΧ 1977 R 96

ΠΧ 2016 Cy 93

ΠΧ 2056 AM 184

ΠΧ 1905 Un 70

ΠΧ 1978 A 5

ΠΧ 2017 A 15

ΠΧ 2057 S 8

ΠΧ 1906 AM 311

ΠΧ 1979 Kn 20

ΠΧ 2018 A 128

ΠΧ 2058 AM 473


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Rhodian Lamps ΠΧ 2059 S 115

ΠΧ 2098 Cy 19

ΠΧ 2138 A 66

ΠΧ 2177 Kn 1

ΠΧ 2060 AM 218

ΠΧ 2099 AM 317

ΠΧ 2139 A 102

ΠΧ 2178 S 68

ΠΧ 2061 S 116

ΠΧ 2100 Un 46

ΠΧ 2140 Un 50

ΠΧ 2179 Un 8

ΠΧ 2062 AM 279

ΠΧ 2101 Un 11

ΠΧ 2141 Cy 81

ΠΧ 2180 Un 51

ΠΧ 2063 S 76

ΠΧ 2102 S 126

ΠΧ 2142 Cy 107

ΠΧ 2181 A 129

ΠΧ 2064 S 97

ΠΧ 2103 S 133

ΠΧ 2143 A 82

ΠΧ 2182 AM 481

ΠΧ 2065 A 20

ΠΧ 2104 AM 475

ΠΧ 2144 AM 34

ΠΧ 2183 AM 154

ΠΧ 2066 Ae 27

ΠΧ 2106 Cy 132

ΠΧ 2145 AM 86

ΠΧ 2184 AM 482

ΠΧ 2067 A 110

ΠΧ 2107 Cy 133

ΠΧ 2146 AM 343

ΠΧ 2185 A 142

ΠΧ 2068 Cy 127

ΠΧ 2108 Cy 110

ΠΧ 2147 AM 134

ΠΧ 2186 Cy 116

ΠΧ 2069 R 102

ΠΧ 2109 Un 57

ΠΧ 2148 Cy 11

ΠΧ 2187 AM 306

ΠΧ 2070 Kn 11

ΠΧ 2110 S 118

ΠΧ 2149 AM 267

ΠΧ 2188 AM 228

ΠΧ 2071 S 75

ΠΧ 2111 R 88

ΠΧ 2150 AM 268

ΠΧ 2189 Ae 13

ΠΧ 2072 Cy 38

ΠΧ 2112 AM 286

ΠΧ 2151 S 48

ΠΧ 2190 AM 388

ΠΧ 2073 C 13

ΠΧ 2113 Un 47

ΠΧ 2152 S 49

ΠΧ 2191 ΑΜ 269

ΠΧ 2074 Un 34

ΠΧ 2114 A 140

ΠΧ 2153 Cy 86

ΠΧ 2192 ΑΜ 241

ΠΧ 2075 Un 35

ΠΧ 2115 S 47

ΠΧ 2154 AM 239

ΠΧ 2193 ΑΜ 358

ΠΧ 2076 Un 38

ΠΧ 2116 R 89

ΠΧ 2155 R 80

ΠΧ 2194 ΑΜ 242

ΠΧ 2077 Kn 30

ΠΧ 2117 AM 476

ΠΧ 2156 A 57

ΠΧ 2195 Α 94

ΠΧ 2078 AM 474

ΠΧ 2118 S 9

ΠΧ 2157 AM 479

ΠΧ 2196 ΑΜ 280

ΠΧ 2079 Cy 128

ΠΧ 2119 A 10

ΠΧ 2158 NA 12

ΠΧ 2197 Un 9

ΠΧ 2080 Cy 129

ΠΧ 2120 C 11

ΠΧ 2159 Cy 134

ΠΧ 2198 AM 87

ΠΧ 2081 S 117

ΠΧ 2121 ΑΜ 483

ΠΧ 2160 Cy 111

ΠΧ 2199 AM 303

ΠΧ 2082 S 98

ΠΧ 2122 Α 127

ΠΧ 2161 A 171

ΠΧ 2200 Ae 4

ΠΧ 2083 NA 20

ΠΧ 2123 Cy 73

ΠΧ 2162 Ae 9

ΠΧ 2201 Un 52

ΠΧ 2084 Cy 72

ΠΧ 2124 Kn 22

ΠΧ 2163 ΑΜ 352

ΠΧ 2202 AM 319

ΠΧ 2085 AM 219

ΠΧ 2125 AM 514

ΠΧ 2164 ΑΜ 332

ΠΧ 2203 AM 221

ΠΧ 2086 R 100

ΠΧ 2126 AM 11

ΠΧ 2165 ΑΜ 338

ΠΧ 2204 NA 11

ΠΧ 2087 Kn 26

ΠΧ 2127 A 172

ΠΧ 2166 ΑΜ 233

ΠΧ 2205 A 101

ΠΧ 2088 R 23

ΠΧ 2128 Cy 4

ΠΧ 2167 S 134

ΠΧ 2206 Un 61

ΠΧ 2089 AM 285

ΠΧ 2129 Un 48

ΠΧ 2168 S 99

ΠΧ 2207 A 6

ΠΧ 2090 Un 31

ΠΧ 2130 AM 153

ΠΧ 2169 S 67

ΠΧ 2208 Cy 135

ΠΧ 2091 Cy 130

ΠΧ 2131 ΑΜ 41

ΠΧ 2170 A 141

ΠΧ 2209 S 74

ΠΧ 2092 A 133

ΠΧ 2132 ΑΜ 47

ΠΧ 2171 Kn 32

ΠΧ 2210 S 22

ΠΧ 2093 Cy 131

ΠΧ 2133 Un 49

ΠΧ 2172 Kn 42

ΠΧ 2211 C 22

ΠΧ 2094 S 41

ΠΧ 2134 S 108

ΠΧ 2173 R 91

ΠΧ 2212 A 143

ΠΧ 2095 A 36

ΠΧ 2135 R 90

ΠΧ 2174 Cy 85

ΠΧ 2213 AM 386

ΠΧ 2096 A 139

ΠΧ 2136 Cy 9

ΠΧ 2175 AM 489

ΠΧ 2214 Un 78

ΠΧ 2097 AM 232

ΠΧ 2137 Kn 33

ΠΧ 2176 Kn 35

ΠΧ 2215 A 114


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Angeliki Katsioti ΠΧ 2216 Ae 11

ΠΧ 2255 Un 100

ΠΧ 2293 Cy 104

ΠΧ 2333 ΝΑ 21

ΠΧ 2217 AM 477

ΠΧ 2256 A 166

ΠΧ 2294 Un 71

ΠΧ 2334 Α 9

ΠΧ 2218 AM 378

ΠΧ 2257 S 54

ΠΧ 2295 A 123

ΠΧ 2335 Cy 136

ΠΧ 2219 AM 349

ΠΧ 2258 Cy 106

ΠΧ 2296 ΑΜ 187

ΠΧ 2336 Un 40

ΠΧ 2220 AM 133

ΠΧ 2259 Cy 105

ΠΧ 2297 ΑΜ 287

ΠΧ 2337 AM 158

ΠΧ 2221 ΑΜ 484

ΠΧ 2260 Un 59

ΠΧ 2298 Un 101

ΠΧ 2338 AM 495

ΠΧ 2222 ΑΜ 356

ΠΧ 2261 R 41

ΠΧ 2299 A 86

ΠΧ 2339 AM 496

ΠΧ 2223 ΑΜ 88

ΠΧ 2262 Cy 112

ΠΧ 2300 Cy 39

ΠΧ 2340 AM 497

ΠΧ 2224 ΑΜ 485

ΠΧ 2263 C 9

ΠΧ 2301 AM 131

ΠΧ 2341 AM 498

ΠΧ 2225 Un 58

ΠΧ 2264 AM 487

ΠΧ 2302 R 109

ΠΧ 2342 AM 199

ΠΧ 2226 A 115

ΠΧ 2265 AM 488

ΠΧ 2303 A 71

ΠΧ 2343 Kn 29

ΠΧ 2227 Ae 14

ΠΧ 2266 Cy 119

ΠΧ 2304 A 24

ΠΧ 2344 AM 499

ΠΧ 2228 AM 415

ΠΧ 2267 A 34

ΠΧ 2305 R 108

ΠΧ 2345 AM 500

ΠΧ 2229 S 1

ΠΧ 2268 R 92

ΠΧ 2306 A 148

ΠΧ 2346 ΑΜ 175

ΠΧ 2230 S 12

ΠΧ 2269 Cy 74

ΠΧ 2307 Cy 21

ΠΧ 2347 ΑΜ 79

ΠΧ 2231 S 119

ΠΧ 2270 R 52

ΠΧ 2308 A 23

ΠΧ 2348 ΑΜ 409

ΠΧ 2232 R 103

ΠΧ 2271 R 70

ΠΧ 2309 AM 14

ΠΧ 2349 ΑΜ 270

ΠΧ 2233 S 135

ΠΧ 2272 R 53

ΠΧ 2310 AM 6

ΠΧ 2350 ΝΑ 3

ΠΧ 2234 S 77

ΠΧ 2273 R 31

ΠΧ 2311 Un 72

ΠΧ 2351 Un 73

ΠΧ 2235 S 100

ΠΧ 2274 R 71

ΠΧ 2312 AM 357

ΠΧ 2352 AM 501

ΠΧ 2236 ΑΜ 407

ΠX 2274β R 47

ΠΧ 2314 Un 22

ΠΧ 2353 AM 502

ΠΧ 2237 S 50

ΠΧ 2275 R 21

ΠΧ 2315 S 102

ΠΧ 2354 AM 503

ΠΧ 2238 S 69

ΠΧ 2276 A 144

ΠΧ 2316 AM 55

ΠΧ 2355 Cy 120

ΠΧ 2239 S 101

ΠΧ 2277 A 104

ΠΧ 2317 A 149

ΠΧ 2356 Cy 137

ΠΧ 2240 S 120

ΠΧ 2278 A 49

ΠΧ 2318 R 97

ΠΧ 2357 AM 188

ΠΧ 2241 S 28

ΠΧ 2279 A 145

ΠΧ 2319 A 83

ΠΧ 2358 Un 94

ΠΧ 2242 S 78

ΠΧ 2280 A 146

ΠΧ 2320 A 150

ΠΧ 2359 C 4

ΠΧ 2243 S 29

ΠΧ 2281 Un 103

ΠΧ 2321 S 38

ΠΧ 2360 Cy 22

ΠΧ 2244 S 136

ΠΧ 2282 Un 102

ΠΧ 2322 C 3

ΠΧ 2361 Cy 59

ΠΧ 2245 S 51

ΠΧ 2283 A 147

ΠΧ 2323 A 151

ΠΧ 2362 Cy 113

ΠΧ 2246 S 52

ΠΧ 2284 A 16

ΠΧ 2324 AM 490

ΠΧ 2363 Un 53

ΠΧ 2247 S 53

ΠΧ 2285 R 42

ΠΧ 2325 A 152

ΠΧ 2364 AM 200

ΠΧ 2248 AM 119

ΠΧ 2286 AM 480

ΠΧ 2326 ΑΜ 373

ΠΧ 2365 AM 281

ΠΧ 2249 S 17

ΠΧ 2287 A 29

ΠΧ 2327 ΑΜ 491

ΠΧ 2366 R 98

ΠΧ 2250 S 131

ΠΧ 2288 Un 4

ΠΧ 2328 ΑΜ 2

ΠΧ 2367 AM 504

ΠΧ 2251 ΑΜ 486

ΠΧ 2289 R 65

ΠΧ 2329 ΑΜ 304

ΠΧ 2368 AM 35

ΠΧ 2252 Un 87

ΠΧ 2290 AM 12

ΠΧ 2330 ΑΜ 492

ΠΧ 2369 AM 155

ΠΧ 2253 NA 1

ΠΧ 2291 Un 10

ΠΧ 2331 ΑΜ 493

ΠΧ 2370 Cy 103

ΠΧ 2254 R 69

ΠΧ 2292 AM 117

ΠΧ 2332 ΑΜ 494

ΠΧ 2371 Cy 114


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Rhodian Lamps ΠΧ 2372 AM 505

ΠΧ 2410 AM 1

ΠΧ 2449 S 138

ΠΧ 2488 ΑΜ 460

ΠΧ 2373 AM 202

ΠΧ 2411 AM 29

ΠΧ 2450 S 130

ΠΧ 2489 Α 73

ΠΧ 2374 AM 142

ΠΧ 2412 A 154

ΠΧ 2451 R 95

ΠΧ 2490 Α 48

ΠΧ 2375 A 153

ΠΧ 2413 AM 321

ΠΧ 2452 AM 413

ΠΧ 2491 C 6

ΠΧ 2376 ΑΜ 147

ΠΧ 2414 Ae 33

ΠΧ 2453 AM 305

ΠΧ 2492 A 135

ΠΧ 2377 Un 41

ΠΧ 2415 Cy 115

ΠΧ 2454 AM 255

ΠΧ 2493 S 10

ΠΧ 2378 AM 254

ΠΧ 2416 Cy 75

ΠΧ 2455 AM 508

ΠΧ 2494 R 44

ΠΧ 2379 AM 26

ΠΧ 2417 S 80

ΠΧ 2456 AM 509

ΠΧ 2495 AM 77

ΠΧ 2380 AM 70

ΠΧ 2418 Cy 142

ΠΧ 2457 AM 510

ΠΧ 2496 Cy 108

ΠΧ 2381 R 93

ΠΧ 2419 Cy 149

ΠΧ 2458 A 55

ΠΧ 2497 S 20

ΠΧ 2382 AM 282

ΠΧ 2420 Cy 143

ΠΧ 2459 S 56

ΠΧ 2498 AM 374

ΠΧ 2383 AM 271

ΠΧ 2421 Cy 144

ΠΧ 2460 Ae 8

ΠΧ 2499 S 30

ΠΧ 2384 AM 156

ΠΧ 2422 S 132

ΠΧ 2461 Un 42

ΠΧ 2500 S 57

ΠΧ 2385 AM 52

ΠΧ 2423 Cy 31

ΠΧ 2462 A 168

ΠΧ 2501 S 83

ΠΧ 2386 AM 400

ΠΧ 2424 Un 90

ΠΧ 2463 A 155

ΠΧ 2502 Cy 42

ΠΧ 2387 AM 506

ΠΧ 2425 S 6

ΠΧ 2464 S 127

ΠΧ 2503 S 58

ΠΧ 2388 AM 320

ΠΧ 2426 S 18

ΠΧ 2465 Kn 45

ΠΧ 2504 Cy 44

ΠΧ 2389 A 116

ΠΧ 2427 S 109

ΠΧ 2466 S 128

ΠΧ 2505 Cy 109

ΠΧ 2390 A 167

ΠΧ 2428 S 81

ΠΧ 2467 S 129

ΠΧ 2506 Cy 146

ΠΧ 2391 Cy 138

ΠΧ 2429 S 107

ΠΧ 2468 AM 322

ΠΧ 2507 C 24

ΠΧ 2392 C 5

ΠΧ 2430 S 45

ΠΧ 2469 AM 290

ΠΧ 2508 C 16

ΠΧ 2393 A 134

ΠΧ 2431 AM 22

ΠΧ 2470 AM 291

ΠΧ 2509 C 19

ΠΧ 2394 C 23

ΠΧ 2432 Cy 76

ΠΧ 2471 AM 292

ΠΧ 2510 AM 355

ΠΧ 2395 C 17

ΠΧ 2433 Kn 12

ΠΧ 2472 AM 323

ΠΧ 2511 AM 110

ΠΧ 2396 C 15

ΠΧ 2434 Cy 145

ΠΧ 2473 AM 324

ΠΧ 2512 S 33

ΠΧ 2397 Cy 139

ΠΧ 2435 Cy 121

ΠΧ 2474 AM 325

ΠΧ 2513 AM 478

ΠΧ 2398 Cy 140

ΠΧ 2436 Un 74

ΠΧ 2475 Un 79

ΠΧ 2514 AM 222

ΠΧ 2399 Cy 141

ΠΧ 2437 Cy 77

ΠΧ 2476 AM 312

ΠΧ 2515 AM 203

ΠΧ 2400 Cy 8

ΠΧ 2438 Cy 30

ΠΧ 2477 AM 307

ΠΧ 2516 ΑΜ 469

ΠΧ 2401 AM 7

ΠΧ 2439 S 137

ΠΧ 2478 S 39

ΠΧ 2517 ΑΜ 326

ΠΧ 2402 C 20

ΠΧ 2440 R 94

ΠΧ 2479 AM 123

ΠΧ 2518 ΑΜ 470

ΠΧ 2402α Un 56

ΠΧ 2441 Kn 43

ΠΧ 2480 AM 313

ΠΧ 2519 ΑΜ 471

ΠΧ 2403 Un 95

ΠΧ 2442 Un 91

ΠΧ 2481 ΑΜ 17

ΠΧ 2520 Un 75

ΠΧ 2404 AM 288

ΠΧ 2443 S 55

ΠΧ 2482 Α 72

ΠΧ 2521 AM 472

ΠΧ 2405 AM 507

ΠΧ 2444 AM 125

ΠΧ 2483 ΑΜ 4

ΠΧ 2522 Un 96

ΠΧ 2406 S 79

ΠΧ 2445 S 82

ΠΧ 2484 ΑΜ 458

ΠΧ 2523 AM 234

ΠΧ 2407 AM 211

ΠΧ 2446 A 130

ΠΧ 2485 ΑΜ 459

ΠΧ 2524 Cy 32

ΠΧ 2408 AM 289

ΠΧ 2447 S 43

ΠΧ 2486 ΑΜ 157

ΠΧ 2525 Kn 38

ΠΧ 2409 Un 81

ΠΧ 2448 S 44

ΠΧ 2487 ΑΜ 176

ΠΧ 2526 R 22


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Angeliki Katsioti ΠΧ 2527 A 96

ΠΧ 2566 R 39

ΠΧ 2606 Αe 24

ΠΧ 2645 A 161

ΠΧ 2527α ΑΜ 15

ΠΧ 2567 AM 393

ΠΧ 2607 AM 425

ΠΧ 2646 AM 83

ΠΧ 2528 Un 60

ΠΧ 2568 R 12

ΠΧ 2608 AM 426

ΠΧ 2647 AM 191

ΠΧ 2528α ΑΜ 327

ΠΧ 2569 S 125

ΠΧ 2609 AM 427

ΠΧ 2648 AM 445

ΠΧ 2529 ΑΜ 328

ΠΧ 2570 Un 77

ΠΧ 2610 AM 428

ΠΧ 2649 AM 143

ΠΧ 2530 ΑΜ 108

ΠΧ 2571 AM 466

ΠΧ 2611 AM 429

ΠΧ 2650 AM 43

ΠΧ 2531 ΑΜ 314

ΠΧ 2572 C 14

ΠΧ 2612 A 160

ΠΧ 2651 ΑΜ 446

ΠΧ 2532 ΑΜ 329

ΠΧ 2573 AM 101

ΠΧ 2613 AM 430

ΠΧ 2652 ΑΜ 447

ΠΧ 2533 ΑΜ 330

ΠΧ 2574 Cy 10

ΠΧ 2614 AM 431

ΠΧ 2653 ΑΜ 166

ΠΧ 2534 ΑΜ 331

ΠΧ 2575 Cy 80

ΠΧ 2615 AM 432

ΠΧ 2654 ΑΜ 448

ΠΧ 2536 ΝΑ 18

ΠΧ 2576 AM 84

ΠΧ 2616 AM 433

ΠΧ 2655 ΑΜ 49

ΠΧ 2537 ΑΜ 371

ΠΧ 2577 AM 384

ΠΧ 2617 Un 19

ΠΧ 2656 ΑΜ 141

ΠΧ 2538 ΑΜ 159

ΠΧ 2578 AM 389

ΠΧ 2618 AM 434

ΠΧ 2657 R 111

ΠΧ 2539 ΑΜ 161

ΠΧ 2579 AM 394

ΠΧ 2619 AM 435

ΠΧ 2658 AM 449

ΠΧ 2540 ΑΜ 152

ΠΧ 2580 AM 48

ΠΧ 2620 AM 107

ΠΧ 2659 Ae 22

ΠΧ 2541 ΑΜ 42

ΠΧ 2581 S 84

ΠΧ 2621 ΑΜ 436

ΠΧ 2660 Ae 30

ΠΧ 2542 ΑΜ 178

ΠΧ 2582 S 110

ΠΧ 2622 ΑΜ 294

ΠΧ 2661 AM 450

ΠΧ 2543 ΑΜ 95

ΠΧ 2583 S 85

ΠΧ 2623 ΑΜ 437

ΠΧ 2662 AM 163

ΠΧ 2544 Αe 6

ΠΧ 2584 S 2

ΠΧ 2624 ΑΜ 516

ΠΧ 2663 AM 451

ΠΧ 2545 R 54

ΠΧ 2585 AM 395

ΠΧ 2625 R 110

ΠΧ 2664 AM 452

ΠΧ 2546 ΝΑ 13

ΠΧ 2587 AM 360

ΠΧ 2626 AM 295

ΠΧ 2665 AM 296

ΠΧ 2547 R 86

ΠΧ 2588 AM 515

ΠΧ 2627 AM 457

ΠΧ 2666 Ae 31

ΠΧ 2548 AM 56

ΠΧ 2589 A 56

ΠΧ 2628 AM 438

ΠΧ 2667 AM 209

ΠΧ 2549 Un 54

ΠΧ 2590 A 51

ΠΧ 2629 AM 439

ΠΧ 2668 AM 144

ΠΧ 2550 AM 27

ΠΧ 2591 Cy 87

ΠΧ 2630 AM 440

ΠΧ 2669 AM 297

ΠΧ 2551 AM 206

ΠΧ 2592 Un 43

ΠΧ 2631 AM 441

ΠΧ 2670 AM 315

ΠΧ 2552 Cy 96

ΠΧ 2593 A 156

ΠΧ 2632 AM 442

ΠΧ 2671 Cy 118

ΠΧ 2553 R 55

ΠΧ 2594 A 169

ΠΧ 2633 Cy 78

ΠΧ 2672 Cy 52

ΠΧ 2554 Ae 1

ΠΧ 2595 A 157

ΠΧ 2634 AM 190

ΠΧ 2673 Cy 148

ΠΧ 2555 AM 16

ΠΧ 2596 A 158

ΠΧ 2635 AM 443

ΠΧ 2674 Cy 92

ΠΧ 2556 Un 12

ΠΧ 2597 AM 421

ΠΧ 2636 Ae 18

ΠΧ 2675 Cy 147

ΠΧ 2557 A 39

ΠΧ 2598 R 99

ΠΧ 2637 AM 444

ΠΧ 2676 Ae 32

ΠΧ 2558 A 119

ΠΧ 2599 AM 18

ΠΧ 2638 Ae 19

ΠΧ 2677 AM 37

ΠΧ 2559 NA 5

ΠΧ 2600 A 189

ΠΧ 2639 Ae 20

ΠΧ 2678 AM 124

ΠΧ 2560 AM 246

ΠΧ 2601 Α 159

ΠΧ 2640 AM 109

ΠΧ 2679 AM 135

ΠΧ 2561 ΝΑ 4

ΠΧ 2602 ΑΜ 422

ΠΧ 2641 Ae 34

ΠΧ 2680 AM 453

ΠΧ 2563 Μ 1

ΠΧ 2603 ΑΜ 423

ΠΧ 2642 Ae 29

ΠΧ 2681 AM 61

ΠΧ 2564 ΑΜ 272

ΠΧ 2604 ΑΜ 424

ΠΧ 2643 Ae 21

ΠΧ 2682 Cy 89

ΠΧ 2565 Un 62

ΠΧ 2605 ΑΜ 293

ΠΧ 2644 Cy 88

ΠΧ 2683 AM 454


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

Rhodian Lamps ΠΧ 2684 AM 455

ΠΧ 2762 NA 14

ΠΧ 2816 ΑΜ 410

ΠΧ 2924 R 107

ΠΧ 2685 AM 456

ΠΧ 2763 AM 408

ΠΧ 2817 ΑΜ 257

ΠΧ 2925 S 139

ΠΧ 2686 AM 223

ΠΧ 2764 AM 62

ΠΧ 2818 ΑΜ 298

ΠΧ 2926 ΑΜ 299

ΠΧ 2687 AM 243

ΠΧ 2765 AM 402

ΠΧ 2819 ΑΜ 523

ΠΧ 2927 ΑΜ 525

ΠΧ 2688 Un 55

ΠΧ 2766 AM 518

ΠΧ 2820 Ae 23

ΠΧ 2928 S 121

ΠΧ 2689 S 59

ΠΧ 2767 AM 78

ΠΧ 2821 S 88

ΠX 2931 Cy 124

ΠΧ 2690 S 70

ΠΧ 2768 AM 375

ΠX 2822 S 46

ΠΧ 2932 Un 80

ΠΧ 2691 S 24

ΠΧ 2769 AM 366

ΠΧ 2823 S 72

ΠΧ 2933 R 43

ΠΧ 2692 S 71

ΠΧ 2770 AM 72

ΠΧ 2824 S 33

ΠΧ 2934 R 49

ΠΧ 2693 S 103

ΠΧ 2771 ΑΜ 340

ΠΧ 2825 AM 300

ΠΧ 2935 R 50

ΠΧ 2694 S 86

ΠΧ 2773 Αe 5

ΠΧ 2826 AM 212

ΠΧ 2936 ΑΜ 9

ΠΧ 2695 AM 10

ΠΧ 2774 Cy 55

ΠΧ 2827 ΑΜ 258

ΠΧ 2937 ΑΜ 193

ΠΧ 2696 AM 318

ΠΧ 2775 Cy 56

ΠΧ 2828 AM 339

ΠΧ 2938 ΑΜ 416

ΠΧ 2697 AM 467

ΠΧ 2776 AM 519

ΠΧ 2831 S 4

ΠΧ 2939 ΑΜ 417

ΠΧ 2698 Cy 83

ΠΧ 2777 AM 179

ΠΧ 2836 S 105

ΠΧ 2940 ΑΜ 240

ΠΧ 2738 R 48

ΠΧ 2778 AM 520

ΠΧ 2837 S 42

ΠΧ 2941 ΑΜ 229

ΠΧ 2739 Kn 25

ΠΧ 2779 AM 521

ΠΧ 2838 Cy 13

ΠΧ 2942 ΑΜ 273

ΠΧ 2740 R 66

ΠΧ 2780 AM 192

ΠΧ 2839 A 163

ΠΧ 2943 ΑΜ 226

ΠΧ 2741 R 4a

ΠΧ 2781 ΝΑ 15

ΠΧ 2840 S 15

ΠΧ 2944 ΑΜ 274

ΠΧ 2742 R 67

ΠΧ 2782 Un 3

ΠΧ 2841 Kn 9

ΠΧ 2945 ΑΜ 20

ΠΧ 2743 R 78

ΠΧ 2783 AM 379

ΠΧ 2842 Kn 17

ΠΧ 2946 Kn 27

ΠΧ 2744 A 106

ΠΧ 2784 Kn 23

ΠΧ 2843 Ae 7

ΠΧ 2947 AM 66

ΠΧ 2745 A 118

ΠΧ 2785 AM 382

ΠΧ 2844 AM 128

ΠΧ 2948 AM 363

ΠΧ 2746 AM 256

ΠΧ 2786 R 56

ΠΧ 2845 C 18

ΠΧ 2949 AM 230

ΠΧ 2747 AM 224

ΠΧ 2787 S 19

ΠΧ 2846 Kn 44

ΠΧ 2950 AM 418

ΠΧ 2748 AM 139

ΠΧ 2788 S 104

ΠΧ 2847 R 104

ΠΧ 2951 ΑΜ 283

ΠΧ 2749 AM 380

ΠΧ 2791 AM 404

ΠΧ 2850 Kn 18

ΠΧ 2952 ΑΜ 201

ΠΧ 2750 AM 28

ΠΧ 2792 ΑΜ 333

ΠΧ 2901 Cy 14

ΠΧ 2953 ΑΜ 235

ΠΧ 2751 ΑΜ 381

ΠΧ 2793 ΑΜ 390

ΠΧ 2902 Kn 13

ΠΧ 2954 ΑΜ 19

ΠΧ 2752 ΑΜ 36

ΠΧ 2794 ΑΜ 208

ΠΧ 2903 AM 105

ΠΧ 2955 ΑΜ 377

ΠΧ 2753 ΑΜ 106

ΠΧ 2795 ΑΜ 522

ΠΧ 2904 AM 68

ΠΧ 2956 ΑΜ 97

ΠΧ 2754 ΑΜ 372

ΠΧ 2796 ΑΜ 207

ΠΧ 2908 Cy 15

ΠΧ 2957 ΑΜ 67

ΠΧ 2755 ΑΜ 71

ΠΧ 2797 S 87

ΠΧ 2909 Cy 51

ΠΧ 2958 ΑΜ 85

ΠΧ 2756 ΑΜ 65

ΠΧ 2798 S 11

ΠΧ 2910 Kn 14

ΠΧ 2959 R 87

ΠΧ 2757 ΑΜ 90

ΠΧ 2799 S 60

ΠΧ 2919 AM 524

ΠΧ 2960 A 111

ΠΧ 2758 ΑΜ 69

ΠΧ 2800 AM 511

ΠΧ 2920 R 101

ΠΧ 2961 Α 112

ΠΧ 2759 ΑΜ 121

ΠΧ 2801 ΑΜ 57

ΠΧ 2921 R 105

ΠΧ 2962 ΑΜ 164

ΠΧ 2760 ΑΜ 225

ΠΧ 2805 ΑΜ 383

ΠΧ 2922 R 106

ΠΧ 2963 ΑΜ 419

ΠΧ 2761 Un 36

ΠΧ 2815 Α 35

ΠΧ 2923 S 106

ΠΧ 2963β C 7


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti ΠΧ 2986 Un 20

ΠΧ 3009 Cy 34

ΠΧ 3031 ΑΜ 100

ΠΧ 2965 Cy 46

ΠΧ 2987 Un 27

ΠΧ 3010 Cy 35

ΠΧ 3032 ΑΜ 276

ΠΧ 2966 Un 26

ΠΧ 2988 Un 33

ΠΧ 3011 Un 28

ΠΧ 3033 ΑΜ 396

ΠΧ 2967 Cy 43

ΠΧ 2989 Kn 37

ΠΧ 3012 A 90

ΠΧ 3034 ΑΜ 180

ΠΧ 2968 Cy 45

ΠΧ 2990 S 122

ΠΧ 3013 Kn 39

ΠΧ 3035 ΑΜ 116

ΠΧ 2969 Cy 57

ΠΧ 2991 S 73

ΠΧ 3014 AM 275

ΠΧ 3036 Un 84

ΠΧ 2970 Cy 58

ΠΧ 2992 S 89

ΠΧ 3015 ΑΜ 136

ΠΧ 3037 Ae 12

ΠΧ 2971 Un 37

ΠΧ 2993 S 140

ΠΧ 3016 ΑΜ 414

ΠΧ 3038 A 88

ΠΧ 2972 Cy 60

ΠΧ 2994 AM 334

ΠΧ 3017 Cy 36

ΠΧ 3039 Un 89

ΠΧ 2973 Cy 71

ΠΧ 2995 A 93

ΠΧ 3018 S 141

ΠΧ 3040 Kn 6

ΠΧ 2974 Kn 21

ΠΧ 2996 A 89

ΠΧ 3019 Un 85

ΠΧ 3041 Kn 4

ΠΧ 2975 Cy 20

ΠΧ 2997 A 75

ΠΧ 3020 NA 17

ΠΧ 3042 Kn 2

ΠΧ 2976 Cy 91

ΠΧ 2998 A 45

ΠΧ 3021 Un 86

ΠΧ 3043 Kn 3

ΠΧ 2977 Cy 101

ΠΧ 2999 A 164

ΠΧ 3022 NA 19

ΠΧ 3044 Kn 5

ΠΧ 2978 Cy 94

ΠΧ 3000 R 25

ΠΧ 3023 Un 83

ΠΧ 3045 Kn 7

ΠΧ 2979 A 12

ΠΧ 3002 R 26

ΠΧ 3024 AM 38

ΠΧ 3046 Kn 8

ΠΧ 2980 A 26

ΠΧ 3003 R 68

ΠΧ 3025 AM 44

ΠΧ 3047 Κn 10

ΠΧ 2981 Un 88

ΠΧ 3004 R 34

ΠΧ 3026 AM 344

ΠΧ 3048 Cy 90

ΠΧ 2982 Kn 19

ΠΧ 3005 R 27

ΠΧ 3027 AM 60

ΠΧ 2983 NA 16

ΠΧ 3006 Cy 47

ΠΧ 3028 AM 118

Μβ 19 Me 1

ΠΧ 2984 AM 316

ΠΧ 3007 Cy 82

ΠΧ 3029 AM 104

Mβ 3334 Μe 2

ΠΧ 2985 Un 32

ΠΧ 3008 Cy 122

ΠΧ 3030 AM 63

Copyright © 2018. Archaeopress. All rights reserved.

ΠΧ 2964 Un 2


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps D.8. Bibliography-Abbreviations Alevra, Kalopissi, Laimou, Panagiotidi 1990: G. Alevra, S. Kalopissi, A. Laimou, M. Panagiotidi, Aνασκαφή στην Kαρδάμαινα (αρχαία Aλάσαρνα) της Kωκατάταέτη 1988–1990, PAE 1990, Athens 1993, 342–367. Alexandri 1968: O. Alexandri, Εργαστήριο κεραμεικής υστερορρωμαϊκών χρόνων, ΑΑΑ 1 (1968), 224–229. Allais 1959: Y. Allais, Plat de Djémila à décor mythologique, Libyca 7 (1959), 43–58. Alram-Stern 1989: E. Alram-Stern, Die römischen Lampen aus Carnuntum. (Limes-Hefte). (Der römische Limes in Österreich 35), Vienna 1989. Anselmino 1983: L. Anselmino, A proposito delle lucerne romane di Cartagine, Opus II, 1 (1983), 31–41. Anson, Hannah 1999: D. Anson, R. Hannah, Lamps from the Egyptian Collection of Otago Museum, Mediterranean Archaeology 12 (1999), 125–145. Antico Gallina 1985: Μ. Antico Gallina, Le lucerne fittili di Dertona, Tortona 1985. Antoniou, Sinakos 2005: I. Antoniou, A. K. Sinakos, The Sixth-Century Plague, its Repeated Appearance until 746 AD and the Explosion of the Rabaul Volcano, BZ 98 (2005), 1–4. Aπό φως στο φως: Ι. Κ. Motsianos, E.Bintsi (eds) Aπό φως στο φως: Μια ιστορία από φως στο φως. Light on Light: An Illuminating Story, Κατάλογος έκθεσης στο Λαογραφικό και Εθνολογικό Μουσείο ΜακεδονίαςΘράκης, 31 Οκτ. 2011–11 Ιουν. 2012, Thessaloniki 2011. Arapogianni 1993: X. Arapogianni, Το ρωμαϊκό βαλανείο στην Μπρεξίζα του Μαραθώνος, ΑΕ 132 (1993), 133– 186. Archontopoulos 1989: Th. Archontopoulos, Οικ. Πεκμετζή, οδ. Αγησάνδρου, AD 44 (1989), Χρονικά B2, 510–516. Archontopoulos 1990: Th. Archontopoulos,Οικ. Πεκμετζή, οδ. Αγησάνδρου, AD 45 (1990), Χρονικά B2, 507–510. Archontopoulos 1991–1992: Th. Archontopoulos, Δανιήλ στο λάκκο των λεόντων-Εισόδια της Θεοτόκου: Εικονογραφικά παράλληλα, DChAE 16 (1991–1992), 253–258. Archontopoulos, Katsioti 2016: Th.  Archontopoulos†, A.  Katsioti,  Τα λυχνάρια της ύστερης αρχαιότητας από την Ρόδο, 3ος-7ος  αιώνας,  Α΄   μέρος,  AD  65-66 (2010-2011), Μελέτες, 305-418. Archontopoulos, Papavasileiou 2006: Th. Archontopoulos, Ε. Papavasileiou, Ρόδος: πληροφορίες για την ιστορία του τόπου μέσα από το γεγονός του θανάτου. Ταφική τοπογραφία του νησιού από τον 4ο αι. μ.Χ. έως τις αρχές του 16ου αιώνα, ΑΑΑ 39 (2006), 193–210. Argoud 1980: G. Argoud, O. Callot, B. Helly, Salamine de Chypre, XI, Une residence Byzantine ‘L’Huilerie’, Paris 1980. Armstrong 1985: A. H. Armstrong, The Way and the Ways. Religious Tolerance and Intolerance in the Fourth Century A.D., in J. Neusner, E. S. Frerichs

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

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E.1. NAA Analysis of Late Roman Lamps from Rhodes Anno Hein and Vassilis Kilikoglou Institute of Nanoscience and Nanomaterials, N.C.S.R. Demokritos, Aghia Paraskevi, 15310 Athens, Greece The data were log-ratio transformed with the La concentration as common divisor. Figure 1 presents a hierarchical clustering of the data. The dataset can be roughly divided into four clusters as indicated in the dendrogram. The data were uploaded in the ceraDAT ceramic database ( (Hein and Kilikoglou 2012) in order to be further investigated and to be compared with ceramics from other sites in the region and in the broader vicinity. Based on the hierarchical clustering, initial chemical groups were formed and the similarity or dissimilarity of all samples with respect to the groups’ average compositions was tested in order to decide whether to remove samples from the groups or add new samples (Beier and Mommsen 1994, Kilikoglou et al. 2007). The procedure was repeated several times until stable groups of similar samples were established which could yet be distinguished from each other. The groups and the individual samples were compared with reference patterns on the ceraDAT database.

Analytical approach In order to determine their chemical composition, 60 fragments1 of Late Roman lamps were selected for neutron activation analysis (NAA) (Table 1). Powdered sub-samples of c. 200 mg were taken with a tungsten carbide drill and kept in plastic vials. An accurately weighed portion of about 150 mg of each sample was sealed in a quartz vial and irradiated at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), together with standard reference materials which were used for the calibration of the concentration values. The γ-spectrum analyses of the irradiated samples, taken about one week after irradiation and again after some three weeks revealed the concentrations of 27 elements (Table 1). The resulting chemical trace-element compositions were statistically evaluated in terms of chemical variation within the entire assemblage and for the identification of possible chemical reference patterns. Then the data were examined by means of hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). Furthermore, the data were entered into the ceraDAT ceramic database (Hein and Kilikoglou 2012) in order to be compared with ceramics from other sites in the wider region and the Eastern Mediterranean.

Group A1 RODL 12/04 (ΠX 1385), 05 (ΠX 1182), 07 (Π 1242), 14 (ΠX 1232), 19 (Λ 5541), 21 (ΠX 1948), 23 (Λ 6054), 37 (ΠX 2124), 46 (ΠX 2383), 52 (ΠX 2544), 55 (ΠX 2585) and 58 ΠX 2760 (possibly also RODL 12/24 (Λ6069), 44 (ΠX 2294) and 45 (ΠX 2334)) This is the largest group in the dataset, comprising 12 samples and another 3 samples, which possibly could belong to the group as well. It corresponds roughly to the central sub-cluster in Cluster A. The ceramics present comparatively low iron and strontium concentrations (Table 2); they are moderately calcareous apart from Sample 05 which shows a calcium concentration of ca. 13% by weight and and macroscopically it appears more pale as a result. The same applies to Sample 58 which contains ca. 8% calcium. If the ceramics of this group are compared with other ceramic patterns on the ceraDAT database a certain similarity to Archaic ceramics from North Ionia is indicated; more specifically they suit the pattern SMYR-E (Akurgal et al. 2002, Kerschner and Mommsen 2009) which are believed to have been produced in Klazomenai. Therefore, it is suggested that the members of this group were produced in the area of Klazomenai and were imported to Rhodes.

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Results and discussion For the statistical evaluation of the data, the concentrations of As, Sr and Zr were not considered, either because of their known natural variation or because of missing values. First, the total variation of the remaining 24 elements was determined in order to assess the chemical variability of the present assemblage (Aitchinson 1986, Buxeda i Garrigos and Kilikoglou 2003). The total variation was indeed quite high at 2.54, indicating a comparatively inhomogeneous dataset which comprises, it would be expected, ceramics from different production places. In order to exclude any effects of a natural inhomogeneity in the raw material sources or post-depositional alteration, the concentrations of Ca, Cs, Na and Sb were also then excluded from the data. The new total variation of the remaining 20 elements was found to be 1.64, still too high for a single production site. The elements with largest contributions in this value were Co, Cr and Ni. This pattern actually indicates that at least some lamps were produced locally on the island of Rhodes: some of the local clays present high concentrations of these elements because they are related to an ophiolitic geological environment.

Group A2 RODL 12/15 (ΠX 1226), 22 (Λ 6020), 27 (ΠX 1978), 33 (ΠX 2066), 50 (ΠX 2460) and 51 (ΠX 2494 (possibly also RODL 12/42 (ΠX 2214) This group belongs to the same cluster with A1, but the chemical compositions present slightly lower trace

The 61st sample mentioned in the tables of this analysis is of a lamp not included in this study. 1 


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti element concentrations, except for iron and scandium which are elevated. This resemblance between A1 and A2 indicates a very similar geological environment for the raw materials: therefore it can be suggested that this group comes from northern Ionia.

in trace elements, decrease the total trace element concentration. Possible reasons for this could be either tempering or the selection of a coarser variation of the specific clay. Sample 39 shows furthermore a quite high calcium concentration of ca. 15% by weight. If the group is compared with other ceramics on the ceraDAT database the closest match is with Bronze Age ceramics from Bakla Tepe in Northern Ionia.

Group A3 RODL 12/11 (Λ 3410), 35 (ΠX 2086) and 60 (ΠX 2787) (possibly also RODL 12/26 (ΠX 1949) This small group also belongs to the largest cluster A. The ceramics present comparably low iron and cobalt concentrations, but this time with a higher uranium concentration. It is also suggested that the members of group come from northern Ionia.

Group D RODL 12/02 (ΠX 2687), 18 (Λ 6094), 20 (Λ 6067), 31 (ΠX 2034) and 48 (ΠX 2424) Group D is well separated from the other clusters, even when not taking into account the chromium, cobalt and nickel concentrations which are clearly higher than in all other samples (Figure 2). Apart from this, the calcium concentations are also higher than in the other ceramics, while the trace element concentrations in general are comparably low. Group D is most probably locally produced on the island of Rhodes. It resembles to some extent a smaller group of ceramics from the Mycenaean kiln at Ialysos and also a small group of Hellenistic Rhodian amphorae.

Group B RODL 12/10 (ΠX 1224), 36 (ΠX 2087), 49 ΠX 2430), 54 (ΠX 2584), (possibly also RODL 12/25 (ΠX 1975) and 32 (ΠX 2061) This group displays high trace element concentrations in general and is particularly high for concentrations of members of the lanthanides and actinides series. Apart from this, it presents comparably high chromium and nickel values, omitting the samples from Rhodes which will be discussed later. The comparison on the ceraDAT database indicates as its closest match the Archaic ceramics from Southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa).

RODL 12/13 (Λ 2521) Sample 12 is probably imported from Cyprus. The chemical composition, when compared with other patterns on the ceraDAT database, resembles a group of Archaic terracotta figurines, which were supposedly produced in south-east Cyprus (Kilikoglou et al. 2009).

Group C1

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RODL 12/06 (ΠX 1231), 08 (Λ 3413), 09 (ΠX 1218), 29 (ΠX 2009), 40 (ΠX 2210) and 57 (ΠX 2695) (possibly also RODL 12/41(ΠX 2213) This group presents similarly high trace element concentrations as Group B, apart from thorium and uranium and also chromium and nickel. It comprises the largest part of cluster C in the dendrogram. No direct link could be found for C1 to any reference pattern of ceraDat and for this reason it is difficult to suggest a provenance. The trace element concentrations of C1 are systematically higher than those of C2 (see below) by a factor of ca. 1.2, which could be interpreted as a difference in the fabric coarseness between the two groups (C1 being finer than C2). Presumably clay of both groups could come from similar geological environments.

RODL 12/16 (Λ 2694) Sample 16 does not present a completely distinct chemical composition: it seems to belong rather to the clusters representing ceramics produced in Aeolis or Ionia (Figure 3). Nevertheless, it can be clearly distinguished from ceramics from Asia Minor. The closest chemical pattern to be found on ceraDAT is that of transport jars found at the Late Minoan site of Kommos, which were supposedly imported from the Levant (Day et al. 2011). RODL 12/17 (Λ 5164) Sample 17 has a distinct chemical composition: this is not only different from the other samples of the present assemblage, but also finds no match on the ceraDAT database.

Group C2

Chemical loners: RODL12/03 (Λ 2698), 12 (ΠX 1502), 28 (ΠX 2013), 30 (ΠX 2030), 38 (ΠX 2195), 43 (ΠX 2229), 47 ΠX 2410), 56 (ΠX 2592) and 59 (ΠX 2770) These nine samples could not be assigned to any chemical group yet, but they appear to belong roughly to the clusters representing ceramics produced in Aeolis or Ionia.

RODL 12/01 (ΠX 1533), 34 (ΠX 2085), 39 (ΠX 2198) and 53 (ΠX 2565) This group presents a quite similar composition with Group C1, but only if a relative fit of 1.20 is applied. This indicates a coarser fabric, comprising a lower fraction of clay in which the non-plastic inclusions, being low


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps in Honor of Dr. Edward V. Sayre, Maryland 2003, 185– 198. Day, Kilikoglou, Quinn and Rutter 2011: P. M. Day, V. Kilikoglou, P. S. Quinn and J. B. Rutter, A World of Goods: Transport Jars and Commodity Exchange at the Late Bronze Age Harbor of Kommos, Crete, Hesperia 80 (2011), 511–558 . Hein and Kilikoglou 2012: A. Hein and V. Kilikoglou, ceraDAT – Prototype of a Web-based Relational Database for Archaeological Ceramics, Archaeometry 54 (2012), 230–243. Kerschner and Mommsen 2009: M. Kerschner and H. Mommsen, Neue archäologische und archäometrische Forschungen zu den Töpferzentres der Ostägäis, in P. Dupont and V. Lungu (eds) Les productions céramiques du Pont-Euxin à l’époque grecque. Actes du colloque international Bucarest, 18–23 Septembre 2004. (Il Mar Nero 6) (2009), 79–93. Kilikoglou, Grimanis, Tsolakidou, Hein, Malamidou and Tsirtsoni 2007: V. Kilikoglou, A. P. Grimanis, A. Tsolakidou, A. Hein, D. Malamidou and Z. Tsirtsoni, Neutron Activation Patterning of Archaeological Materials at the National Centre for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’: The Case of Black-onred Neolithic Pottery from Macedonia, Greece, Archaeometry 49 (2007), 301–319. Kilikoglou, Karageorghis, Kourou, Marantidou and Glascock 2009: V. Kilikoglou, V. Karageorghis, N. Kourou, P. Marantidou and M. D. Glascock, Cypriote and Cypriote-type Terracotta Figurines in the Aegean: Chemical Characterisation and Provenance Investigation, in V. Karageorghis and O. Kouka (eds) Cyprus and the East Aegean: Intercultural Contacts from 3000 to 500 BC, Nicosia 2009, 193–205.

Summary Seven distinct chemical groups were found in the present assemblage of Late Roman lamps. They represent hypothetically different production places, or at least the use of different raw materials. While only a small group of five samples was produced in Rhodes, the largest part of those selected for analysis appear to have been produced on the coast of Asia Minor and more specifically in Northern Ionia or Southern Aeolis. At least two other imports could be individually identified as from Cyprus, potentially from the Levant and from an up to now unknown production place. Bibliography

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Aitchinson 1986: J. Aitchinson, The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, London 1986. Akurgal, Kerschner, Mommsen and Niemeier 2002: M. Akurgal, M. Kerschner, H. Mommsen, H. and W.-D. Niemeier, Töpferzentren der Ostägäis. Archäometrische und archäologische Untersuchungen zur mykenischen, geometrischen und archaischen Keramik aus Fundorten in Westkleinasien. (Ergänzungsheft der Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes 3), Vienna 2002. Beier and Mommsen 1994: T. Beier and H. Mommsen, Modified Mahalanobis Filters for Grouping Pottery by Chemical Composition, Archaeometry 36 (1994), 287–306. Buxeda i Garrigos and Kilikoglou 2003: J. Buxeda i Garrigos and V. Kilikoglou, Total Variation as a Measure of Variability in Chemical Data-sets, in L. van Zelst (ed.) Patterns and Process. A Festschrift


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Angeliki Katsioti As


Ca (%)






Fe (%)




Na (%)























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Table 1a – Chemical compositions of the samples determined by NAA: The concentrations are given in μg/g (ppm) if not indicated elsewise.


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Rhodian Lamps Nd

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Table 1b - Chemical compositions of the samples determined by NAA: The concentrations are given in μg/g (ppm).


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Angeliki Katsioti RHO-RL-A RHO-RL-A2 RHO-RL-A3 RHO-RL-B RHO-RL-C2 RHO-RL-D RHO-RL-C 6 +1(-) 4 5 12 samples +3(-) 6 +1(-) 3 +1(-) 5 +1(-) average stdev average stdev average stdev average stdev average stdev average stdev average stdev As 28.3 18.4 10.6 6.4 26.4 0.6 18.4 2.7 14.3 3.1 11.8 6.9 5.9 2.5 50 385 38 428 41 621 42 573 34 566 51 169 18 Ba 461 Ca (%) 6.3 2.6 4.7 1.1 8.5 1.9 4.6 1.4 6.1 1.6 7.2 5.1 11.6 3.6 Ce 72.7 1.2 61.5 1.2 69.2 0.3 108.4 1.7 101.0 2.4 85.8 2.2 29.8 1.7 Co 23.8 1.3 22.8 2.0 20.7 1.3 31.7 2.7 31.3 0.6 24.2 1.3 58.9 5.2 Cr 248 53 243 75 238 18 326 54 253 18 191 22 721 138 Cs 18.0 3.7 7.0 1.3 7.5 0.7 10.9 0.8 11.5 1.0 8.5 1.5 4.0 0.8 Eu 1.19 0.04 1.14 0.04 1.24 0.05 1.77 0.04 1.88 0.06 1.55 0.02 0.63 0.04 Fe (%) 4.66 0.09 4.87 0.22 4.37 0.14 5.61 0.34 6.20 0.16 5.12 0.19 5.39 0.19 Hf 5.1 0.6 4.5 0.5 4.6 0.9 5.0 0.7 7.4 1.0 5.4 0.1 2.0 0.2 La 34.8 0.7 29.1 0.6 34.3 0.7 51.8 0.6 47.1 1.1 40.3 1.2 14.6 0.6 Lu 0.41 0.01 0.33 0.02 0.41 0.03 0.49 0.02 0.49 0.02 0.41 0.04 0.17 0.01 Na (%) 0.8 0.2 1.1 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.2 Ni 119 24 118 38 128 14 268 60 112 14 77 18 704 100 Rb 134 14 125 8 140 5 163 11 128 7 113 9 45 14 Sb 1.65 0.27 0.95 0.32 2.49 0.28 2.42 0.33 3.85 0.45 2.64 0.76 0.70 0.11 Sc 16.7 0.5 18.7 0.6 15.3 0.8 18.4 1.0 23.9 0.5 18.9 0.3 16.0 1.0 Sm 5.97 0.11 5.40 0.19 6.50 0.04 9.73 0.26 8.68 0.30 7.43 0.30 2.82 0.13 Sr 133 37 166 34 206 22 208 61 149 26 246 147 358 105 Ta 1.20 0.07 0.99 0.04 1.18 0.03 1.43 0.10 1.47 0.10 1.17 0.03 0.57 0.05 Tb 0.76 0.10 0.67 0.05 0.88 0.14 1.23 0.09 1.19 0.20 0.90 0.09 0.38 0.09 Th 13.2 0.2 10.6 0.3 13.6 0.8 20.6 0.8 15.6 0.4 13.3 0.5 4.7 0.2 U 2.91 0.29 2.47 0.15 3.52 0.34 4.15 0.25 2.51 0.19 2.29 0.31 1.47 0.25 Yb 2.89 0.31 2.39 0.09 2.85 0.08 3.71 0.09 3.74 0.22 2.97 0.23 1.22 0.10 Zn 147 29 104 21 120 20 131 37 129 21 110 9 97 22 Zr 145 32 102 24 125 37 129 8 178 31 135 26 59 10

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Table 2 – Chemical compositions of the groups discussed in the text: Listed are the average concentrations and the standard deviations considering a best relative fit. The concentrations are given in μg/g (ppm) if not indicated elsewise.

Figure 1 – Hierarchical clustering of the log-ratio transformed data using the La concentration as common divisor. The concentrations of Co, Cr and Ni were not considered.


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Rhodian Lamps

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Figure 2 – Principal component analysis (PCA) of the log-ratio transformed data using La as common divisor. Presented are the first two principal components. The chemical groups discussed in the text are indicated as symbols.

Figure 3 – Principal component analysis (PCA) of the log-ratio transformed data using La as common divisor. The samples which were assumedly produced in Rhodes (Group D) and the two samples 13 and 17 were removed from the dataset. Presented are the first and the third principal components. The chemical groups discussed in the text are indicated as symbols.


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Angeliki Katsioti E.2. The Preparation of a Preliminary XRF Database and the Comparison of Provenanced and Unprovenanced Lamps from Rhodes: An XRF Study Conducted by the University of Hartford Research Group

Angeliki Katsioti (Ephorate of the Antiquities of Dodecanese), Jonathan Luczak (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Vanessa Workman (Tel Aviv University), Richard Freund (University of Hartford), Harry Jol (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Phillip Foglia (Stockton State University)

The method of comparison employed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA): a statistical model that establishes a relative correlation between the variables recorded for each sample. It works on 21 elements (and their ppm proportions) that are present in the local clays/soils. Families and relationships can be extracted by statistical means.

The objective of this program of analysis was to establish the origin of the raw materials (clay and inclusions) used to make lamps; and so then to differentiate between local and imported items found within Rhodes. When the dating parameters were included, this would serve to illustrate the ebb and flow in the fortunes of the various producing areas, and the impact their products had in the Rhodian market. In turn this information will feed into the wider picture of the economic tides operating within the central and eastern Mediterranean and the surrounding litorals.

Bibliography: 2011 ‘An Introduction to X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis in Archaeology.’ In X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) in Geoarchaeology, edited by M. S. Shackley, pp. 7–44. Springer, New York. Work carried out in January, 2016 at the Ephorate of the Antiquities of Dodecanese, Rhodes laboratory Jonathan Luczak, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Elemental analysis was conducted on a total of 116 clay pottery samples (e.g. lamps, ungentaria, jugs, stamps, amphora) and one stone sample using the handheld Niton XL3t 900S GOLDD x-ray fluorimeter (XRF) at the Ephorate of the Antiquities, in Rhodes, Greece.

Due to time constraints, only the initial stage of this project is presented here. It is intended to illustrate the various approaches being followed, to present an indication of the seemingly most worthwhile routes to follow, and to outline the next and fuller stage of the programme of analysis.

Of the 116 samples analyzed, 14 had verified origins as follows (Fig. 1): Knidos (2 samples), North Africa (1 sample), Cyprus (1 sample), Attica (1 sample), Ephesos (2 samples), Corinth (1 sample), Sinope (1 sample), Central Ionia (1 sample), Chios (1 sample), Kos (1 sample), Rhodos (1 sample), Thasos (1 sample). In this draft report we will be dealing only with six provenanced lamps and twenty randomly selected unprovenanced lamps but the on-going study will continue to compare the rest of the unprovenanced samples and other provenanced samples‎ to the lamps samples‎ from the Ephorate of the Antiquities of Dodecanese to broaden the database.

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General Definitions and Method: Energy dispersive X-ray florescence (EDXRF) technology (as employed by the NitonXL3t 900S GOLDD handheld X-Ray fluorimeter (XRF)) is a fast, non-destructive way to analyze ancient pottery samples. EDXRF works by irradiating a pottery sample with non-destructive X-rays in order to facilitate inner orbital electron excitation within a target element. Unlike other methods for acquiring similar data that require a small sample to be taken from an artefact, this is a totally non-destructive system. It identifies chemical composition without the need for any physical damage to the artifact.

Results were extracted from the data by plotting the zirconium concentration of each sample against the strontium concentration of each sample, using Microsoft Excel. The January project did multiple collections and groupings at the Ephorate and the XRF numbering was unique to the project. The concordance of Ephorate Registration numbering of the pieces here being discussed and the XRF numbers assigned in our project is as follows:

Once the electron within the target element is sufficiently aroused, it is ejected from the innerorbital, causing atomic instability within the target element. In order to regain atomic stability, an electron from a high orbital will replace the one that was lost due to X-ray bombardment. The replacement of the ejected electron results in the creation of a secondary, i.e. fluorescent, x-ray. It is this last that is detected by sensors on the Niton Fluorimeter (Shackley 2011, fig. 5D).

The Project XRF numbers of the 20 unprovenanced items here under review are: RAE 8 , 9, 12, 14, 17, 19, 22, 25, 47, 49, 55, 59, 65, 70, 75, 76, 78, 82, 84, 86). 658

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Rhodian Lamps These correspond with the Registration numbers in Rhodes thus: RAE 8 = ΠΧ 2430, RAE 9= ΠΧ 2087, RAE 12 = ΠΧ 2584, RAE 14 = ΠΧ 2195, RAE 17 = Λ 5164, RAE 19= ΠΧ 1502, RAE 22 = ΠΧ 2229, RAE 25 = Λ 2698, RAE 47= Λ 5159, RAE 49= Λ 6069, RAE 55= Λ 5541, RAE 59= ΠΧ 1948, RAE 65= ΠΧ 2334, RAE 70= ΠΧ 2009, RAE 75 = ΠΧ ‎2565, RAE 76 = ΠΧ ‎1533, RAE 78 = ΠΧ ‎2494, RAE 82 = ΠΧ ‎2066, RAE 84= Λ 6094, RAE 86= ΠΧ ‎2034.

period. Each filter screened for elements as follows (Z=atomic number): High filter: Z=45-51, 56-58; Light filter: Z=12-17; Low filter: 19-20, 22-24; and Main filter: Z=22-30, 33-34, 37-38, 40-42, 45-48, 50-51, 74,78, 82. Results Table 1 summarizes 8 of the 37 elemental concentrations (in parts per million) of two clay pottery samples analyzed with the Niton fluorimeter. Elements selected for the table include rubidium, zinc, zirconium, titanium, iron, calcium, and strontium.

Six lamps of known provenance were considered. The equivalent information to the unprovenanced set is as follows: the pieces considered are our RAE 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. They correspond thus with the Ephorate numbers (with provenance in brackets after): RAE 2 = Λ 2557 (North Africa), RAE 3 = ΠΧ 1233 (Cyprus), RAE 4 = Λ 6025 (Attica), RAE 5 = Λ 6310 (Ephosos), RAE 6 = ΠΧ 2322 (Corinth), RAE 7 = ΠΧ 1531 (Ephesos).

Zirconium and strontium concentrations were used to create an Excel plot of the clay pottery samples with known provenance (Figure 1). Plotting Zirconium and Strontium. Fourteen pottery samples with known origin were plotted on an Excel chart with strontium (Sr) on the x-axis (parts per million [ppm]) and zirconium (Zr) on the y-axis (ppm) (Fig. 2). Zr and Sr concentrations plotted against one another showed promising, though not concrete,

Analysis with Niton Fluorimeter. The 116 clay pottery samples and one stone sample provided by the RAE were analyzed using the Mining Cu/Zn mode for three, approximately 120 second cycles (360 seconds total), with four distinct 30 second filters being used per cycle

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Table 1. Elemental concentrations, in parts per million, of the two clay pottery samples; one sample with a known origin (RAE1), the other without (RAE28). Sample elements on the chart include rubidium (Rb), zinc (Zn), zirconium (Zr), titanium (Ti), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), and strontium (Sr).

Figure 1. Zr:Sr plot of the fourteen pottery samples (not only lamps) with known origin.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti results on provenance studies on ceramics in Israel in 2014. The fourteen samples with known origin plotted as follows: Sr 112-993ppm/Zr 142-422ppm; the majority of the samples (10) plotted as follows: Sr 112-320/Zr 142-315.

very diverse number of elements (rather than a few specific examples of selected elements), is a tremendous advance too. The results ultimately may lead to an understanding in greater depth about the amount of trade coming in to the port of Rhodes, from investigating the hitherto unprovenanced pottery. Eventually the opportunity exists to create a larger, usable database embracing all the Greek islands and the mainland: an enormous boon when seeking to disentangle the myriad sources and origins of the maritime trade-routes connecting ports large and small.

Twenty randomly selected lamp samples with unknown origins were also plotted on Excel graphs using Zr on the y-axis and Sr on the x-axis (Fig. 1). All samples without known origins plotted as follows: Sr 89-532/Zr 82-378ppm. The majority of the samples (14) plotted as follows: Sr 89-348/Zr 201-279ppm.

Work to be immediately executed and discussed within the Rhodian ambit includes:

2016-2017 Future Work

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Future work on the XRF analysis project will continue throughout 2016 and into 2017 to produce a full study of data of the 116 pottery samples to demonstrate above all that this is the method that provides the most promise. This XRF method is nondestructive, as opposed to the thin-section studies that require sampling from an artifact. Furthermore the speed and efficiency of sampling (116 samples were collected in only four days of work), coupled with the new potential for creating datasets of a

A. Analysis of Zr vs. Sr data plots on Excel charts to see if all of the pottery with known origin can be correlated to pottery samples with unknown provenance. B. Plots employing elements other than the ‘Zr vs. Sr’ pairing will be generated and analyzed as well: to determine if any further correlations may be discovered between pottery samples with known provenance and those whose origins are unknown.

Figure 2. Strontium and zirconium concentrations (parts per million[ppm])* associated with twenty six lamp samples were plotted on an excel chart; six lamps with known provenance (RAE 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and twenty lamps with unknown provenance (RAE 8 , 9, 12, 1 4, 17, 19, 22, 25, 47, 49, 55, 59, 65, 70, 75, 76, 78, 82, 84, 86). The majority of the lamp samples with unknown provenance (RAE 8, 19, 22, 49, 55, 59, 75, 76, 78, 82, 86) were were closest1 in proximity to a sample which originated from Ephesos (RAE 5). Six lamps with unknown origins (RAE9, 12, 25, 47, 65, 84) plotted closest2 to the lamp sample from Cyprus (RAE 3). Two lamps with unknown provenance (RAE 14, 17) plotted closest to the lamp which originated from Attica (RAE4). Another lamp (RAE 70) with unknown provenance plotted closest to a second lamp from Ephesos (RAE7). No unknown lamps plotted near the two remaining lamp samples with known origin, namely North Africa (RAE2) and Corinth (RAE6).

1  2 

Concentrations were obtained using a Niton XL3t 900S GOLDD x-ray fluorimeter. Several distances between samples with known provenance and those with unknown provenance were calculated using Pythagoras’ Theorem.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

Fig. 3. Graph showing relationships between the lamps. The closest relationships (by elements) of provenanced and unprovenanced lamps are grouped together.

C. Data from the XRF study will be compared with the results of the thin-section analysis study previously performed on the clay pottery samples.

In addition it would be worthwhile in the future to apply a statistical model to the data in order to quantify the validity of the data obtained in the XRF study. Looking further afield, it would be of interest to compare the XRF pottery data obtained in the Rhodes study with analogous XRF data acquired by our research group in Israel in 2014-2015.

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D. The processing of data from a further XRF sample collection, to be taken during our excavation period in March 2017.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Angeliki Katsioti E.3. Some comments on the NAA and XRF analyses results Angeliki Katsioti, Anna Kalagri Here an attempt to compare the results of the samples analyzed so far by both of these techniques will be made: namely 19 lamps of unknown origin from a set of 60, and one more. For this purpose, the concentrations of zirconium and strontium (in ppm) resulting from NAA and XRF analyses were plotted on two different diagrams. The other lamps, of known origin (reference lamps), were analyzed only by the XRF technique. The comparison of the two diagrams (Fig. 1 and 2) generally shows good agreement regarding the placement of the samples, but not so much on particular concentration values.

with a pre-existing database (ceraDAT), while the XRF ones result from comparison with the analytical data of the reference lamps. In Figure 3 is presented a graph that is compiled from XRF analysis of other pottery samples of known origin from various areas of the Mediterranean. Reviewing all these data together leads to a hypothesis (see Table 2) concerning the origin of the lamps: this is schematically illustrated in the chart of Figure 4. The chemical composition (by NAA) of the samples which probably have a common origin is presented in Tables 3 and 4. On the basis of all the above we are led to the following possible grouping of the lamps:

A comparison of the NAA results of the samples attributed to the area of ​​Smyrna- Klazomenai (Group A1) by NCSR ‘Demokritos’ with the results derived from the study of Bailey (see Table 1) shows that the composition of the Group A1 samples are very similar to those that Bailey has extracted from the lamps of Ephesus.

•• • Samples RAE 19, 49, 55, 59, 82, 65, 78 and RAE 8, 22, 70 are assigned to Ephesus. •• • Samples RAE 75 and RAE 76, assigned to Northern Ionia, present very similar chemical compositions and distinct low strontium values. •• • The samples RAE 84 and RAE 86 present distinct high cobalt, chromium and nickel values. This pattern indicates that these lamps probably were produced locally on the island of Rhodes: some of the local clays present high concentrations of these elements, because they are related to

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Table 2 summarizes the concentrations of zirconium and strontium as derived from the two techniques, as well as showing the conclusions as to provenance given by both the research centres and the archaeological examination. The findings of the NAA were obtained by statistical analysis (cluster analysis) and a comparison

Figure 1. Concentrations (in ppm) of zirconium vs strontium as derived from NAA.


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps 400

Zr vs Sr (based on XRF results)




Zr (ppm)





(RAE8) (RAE12) RAE65 (RAE49) (RAE22) (RAE19) RAE55) (RAE9)



(RAE25) 12/38(RAE14)

(RAE78) (RAE82)
















Sr (ppm)

Figure2. Concentrations (in ppm) of zirconium vs strontium as derived from XRF analysis.   The red dots represent the reference samples of known origin.

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an ophiolitic geological environment (ceraDAT -  NCSR ‘Demokritos’). •• • Samples RAE 14 and RAE 17 present distinct high strontium values and are plotted closest to the lamp which originated from Attica. •• • The lamps RAE 25, 47 are closest to the lamp sample from Cyprus (RAE 3). •• • Samples RAE 9 and 12 display high trace element concentrations in general, and particularly so for concentrations of members of the lanthanides and actinides series. In addition, it presents comparably high chromium and nickel values, omitting the samples from Rhodes. The comparison with the ceraDAT database indicates as their closest match the Archaic ceramics from Southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa). The ancient city of Kyme lies in NW Asia Minor: between Pergamum (30 km north) and Smyrna (60 km south).

perhaps from south-east Cyprus; one with a potential Levantine connection), one had no match whatsoever in the database, while nine were not identified with any group, being chemical loners (though capable of being loosely associated with Aetolia/Ionia). Notwithstanding, an initial step in making attributions to a particular geographical area has been made. The XRF analysis consisted of twenty samples, taking in the sixty ones looked at chemically. The team involved in this work is reserving the presentation of the others for the future, when the data processing is completed. In undertaking this joint effort to analyze samples by using two methods, our intention was to produce through three different analytical tools – formal/ macroscopic, NAA and XRF analysis – an overarching account. Such a comparative analysis would help in our efforts to establish correlations between groups identified by the different techniques. The ultimate aim is the synthesis of typological and technological studies regarding clays, production processes, workshop preferences, cultural and regional attributions, and so on. The greater the potential convergence within the results, the greater the security in assigning to certain areas the fragments analyzed and in matching any correlation with any other in the present pieces catalogued. It has to be admitted that this objective is not yet achieved as the two analytical methods yielded in many cases differing results, nor does reference either with the macroscopic identifications proposed

Our observations regarding the NAA and XRF analyses of the clay samples are summarized below, while specific references occasionally appear in the text and in the catalogue. The particular methods used and the reasons for doing so are set out in detail by the researchers in the E1 and E2 chapters. The NAA comprised sixty samples. The results showed that they can be grouped into seven categories by their clay composition. When set against the ceraDat database, two samples were identified as isolated singletons (one 663

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Ca (%)






























Fe (%)




















Na (%)






























































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Table 1. Chemical compositions of the Group A1. The average concentrations and the standard deviations – stdv – of 12 samples are listed and compared with Bailey’s results for lamps originating from Ephesus. The concentrations are given in μg/g (ppm) if not indicated otherwise.

or with the typology of lamps lead to any closer resolution. Note also that the samples given to act as references in the XRF analysis did not include items from Northern Ionia, Southern Aeolis and Klazomenai, (even though the NAA has suggested matches do exist), as in the ceramic finds made in Rhodes throughout the years nothing from these areas can be identified safely.

the figures, will be able in the future to help other researchers: 1. The NAA has not identified any sample tested with a clay source from Ephesus and its environs. Please note however that the products of Ephesus were so evident that samples of this typology, on account of the costs involved, were not included in the programme. Nevertheless, as reference samples, but only in the XRF analysis, two lamps of the collection were tested:  they were considered as originating from Ephesus according to the literature, especially the reference work of Bailey for the lamps of the British Museum. On this basis, therefore, most of the twenty lamps tested so far by the XRF have been considered as closest to the clay from Ephesus. Therefore, one may conclude that for some of these lamps [namely ΠΧ 1948 (RAE59/RODL12/21

One general conclusion that can be made, however, is that most lamps chosen for analysis came from Asia Minor, which fact was identified also macroscopically. Even though the purpose in this short discursion is obviously not merely the noting of any agreements/ disagreements within the geographical distribution of samples, the following useful comments are offered, which, together with the databases, as shown in 664

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Rhodian (?) Contantinople (?)

Unplaced (?) Asia Minor (?)

Ephesus (?)

Levant (?), Chypriot (?)

ΠΧ 2430

ΠΧ 2494

ΠΧ 2565

ΠΧ 2584

Λ 5159




Λ 6025

Λ 6310

ΠΧ 1531 RAE7






























































































































RODL 12/54

RODL 12/53

RODL 12/51

RODL 12/49

RODL 12/45

RODL 12/43

RODL 12/38

RODL 12/36

RODL 12/33

RODL 12/31

RODL 12/29

RODL 12/24

RODL 12/21

RODL 12/19

RODL 12/18

RODL 12/17

RODL 12/12

RODL 12/03

RODL 12/01


















































































































Table 2. Zirconium and strontium concentrations (in ppm), as derived from the two techniques, as well as the conclusions of the research centres and the archaeological examination.


ΠΧ 1233



Attic (?), Asia Minor (?)

Attic (?)

ΠΧ 2195

ΠΧ 2334

Asia Minor (?) Knidian (?)

ΠΧ 2087

ΠΧ 2229


Asia Minor ? Rhodian?

Asia Minor (Knidian?)

ΠΧ 2009

ΠΧ 2066

Asia Minor

Λ 6069

ΠΧ 2034

Asia Minor

Λ 6094

Asia Minor (Knidian ?)


Λ 5164

ΠΧ 1948


ΠΧ 1502

Λ 5541

Asia Minor

Asia Minor (?)

Λ 2698

Attic (?)


ΠΧ 1533



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Rhodian Lamps


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Angeliki Katsioti

Figure 3. XRF analysis: Zr vs Sr plot of the fourteen pottery samples (not only lamps) with known origin.





Zr (ppm)









RAE65 (RAE49) (RAE22) (RAE19) RAE55) (RAE9)


(RAE78) (RAE82)


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Zr vs Sr (based on XRF results)












Sr (ppm)

Figure 4. Graph showing relationships between the lamps


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps

Sample As Ba Ca Ce Co Cr Cs Eu Fe Hf La Lu Na Nd Ni Rb Sb Sc Sm Sr Ta Tb Th U Yb Zn Zr

RAE19 RODL 12/12 11.7912 433.6 35218.9 61.5979 23.8793 290.065 14.5410 1.1165 49230.4 5.0072 29.7105 0.4135 10177.8 23.7577 152.31 127.71 1.4801 19.3696 5.3372 143.06 0.9912 1.2181 11.3327 2.7633 2.4428 97.63 102.35

RAE82 RODL 12/33 21.7044 425.9 49560.2 62.4106 24.9719 387.696 8.4057 1.1185 51976.1 3.9593 29.2707 0.3329 9438.7 22.4497 169.08 129.86 1.1206 18.7060 5.0701 228.58 0.9618 0.6223 10.5805 2.4127 2.2196 108.30 90.63

RAE55 RODL 12/19 12.4758 530.0 47876.4 76.7062 25.8216 216.995 17.7743 1.2576 50075.0 5.3218 37.7133 0.4498 7843.0 28.8188 118.13 146.11 1.3953 18.8466 6.3065 92.23 1.2504 1.0084 14.1908 2.6927 3.1016 189.50 160.95

RAE59 RODL 12/21 20.8366 398.9 32980.6 75.6337 27.3306 296.946 11.3960 1.1740 48341.8 5.4152 36.3359 0.4259 10733.4 35.0374 171.99 112.09 1.3803 16.3261 6.1422 151.85 1.2798 0.6886 13.9435 2.9694 3.1660 144.58 179.19

EPHESUS RAE49 RODL 12/24 20.0924 536.7 57688.3 76.1640 23.9388 228.463 17.4281 1.1881 52502.2 5.0001 36.5168 0.4250 5951.9 32.0989 93.99 153.25 1.5067 19.3222 5.9095 129.57 1.2551 0.9710 14.5219 2.5780 3.0930 210.24 135.71

RAE8 RODL 12/49 15.4185 586.0 37158.3 110.830 29.6304 275.412 10.7191 1.7617 53888.5 5.3661 53.1110 0.5354 8135.0 44.2758 234.33 170.98 2.0238 17.0592 10.1567 174.91 1.4936 1.2941 21.5519 4.7539 3.9719 104.55 127.08

RAE22 RODL 12/43 7.0960 603.5 62951.8 99.6119 34.8138 355.084 10.9167 1.7743 62757.8 4.9773 47.5928 0.4302 6189.2 41.9095 260.63 145.93 4.9103 20.3494 8.8863 189.06 1.2734 1.0535 16.3396 2.6140 3.2001 129.39 109.34

RAE70 RODL 12/29 14.7164 562.4 72412.4 100.168 29.4901 229.831 10.6418 1.8819 58343.3 7.2845 47.6887 0.4657 6727.7 40.6051 96.03 125.14 4.1590 23.2783 8.6646 152.62 1.4784 1.4405 15.0215 2.3805 3.6493 124.57 230.72

RAE65 RODL 12/45 8.7423 320.3 55781.1 62.0386 11.2978 115.830 6.2089 0.9273 33679.9 5.6655 29.0324 0.3490 4042.7 24.5969 54.23 117.45 0.7463 12.0113 4.8490 181.89 1.0015 0.5632 10.1419 2.7173 2.1018 92.00 109.06

RAE78 RODL 12/51 16.1480 384.3 40701.8 60.7038 22.1514 169.404 6.1597 1.2084 50175.6 4.3504 29.3972 0.3355 10271.8 26.4679 71.99 119.53 1.5832 19.6537 5.6625 162.47 0.9958 0.5894 10.5439 2.7037 2.4115 146.63 71.94

Table 3. Chemical composition (in ppm) of the samples assigned to Ephesus as determined by NAA.

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of group A1), Λ 6069 (RAE49/RODL12/24 of group A1), ΠΧ 2066 (RAE82/RODL12/33 of group A2), ΠΧ 1502 (RAE19/ RODL12/12 chemical loner), Λ 5541 (RAE55/RODL12/19 of group A1), ΠΧ 2009 (RAE70/RODL12/29 of group C1), ΠΧ 2430 (RAE8/RODL12/49 of group B), ΠΧ 2229 (RAE22/ RODL12/43 chemical loner), ΠΧ 2334 (RAE65/RODL12/45), ΠΧ 2494 (RAE78/RODL12/51 of group A1)], their origin is from geographical areas equatable with Ephesus.

similarities macroscopically with ΠΧ 2009, ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2793 and ΠΧ 2805 (according to fabric and/ or typology). The very characteristic end of the handle links (possibly in the same group of chemical analysis) Λ 6069 to Λ 3394 and ΠΧ 1242. The lamp ΠΧ 2294 has clear similarities macroscopically with ΠΧ 1876, which was not analyzed and the lamp ΠΧ 2066 (RAE82/RODL12/33 of group A2) is visually connected with ΠΧ 2305, ΠΧ 2921, ΠΧ 2932.

For Group A1 that emerged from the NAA, the most populated group, it was assumed that the production area was ​​Klazomenai. Lamps from Klazomenai, or in any case belonging to the production of Smyrna, have not been published sufficiently as to permit more substantive comparisons. It is remarkable that the chemical composition of the samples of Group A1 is very similar to that published in the study of the Bailey for the lamps of Ephesus. Furthermore the lamps Λ 5541 (RAE55/RODL12/19), ΠΧ 1948 (RAE59/RODL12/21 of group A1) and (possibly in the same chemical group), Λ 6069 (RAE49/RODL12/24 of group A1) are seen as from Ephesus. As noticed, ΠΧ 1948 and Λ 6054 have clear

The Group A2 belongs to the same cluster with A1, but the chemical compositions present slightly lower trace element concentrations, except for iron and scandium which are elevated. This resemblance between A1 and A2 indicates a very similar geological environment for the raw materials. In Group A3, where the ascribed three lamps and perhaps a fourth were assigned to the production of Northern Ionia, we had concluded that the lamps are from Asia Minor. 667

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Angeliki Katsioti

Sample As Ba Ca Ce Co Cr Cs Eu Fe Hf La Lu Na Nd Ni Rb Sb Sc Sm Sr Ta Tb Th U Yb Zn Zr

N.IONIA RAE 75 RAE 76 RODL RODL 12/53 12/01 4.2663 8.1591 669.0 564.8 34094.1 26099.5 85.6934 92.6160 24.2404 23.1687 177.134 172.408 6.5508 8.1177 1.6125 1.6260 55537.7 51176.5 5.3694 5.6811 42.1308 43.2650 0.4983 0.4282 9891.1 12330.4 37.3577 36.1351 69.11 55.28 117.85 130.45 1.6252 2.4361 19.3511 19.2823 7.9763 7.7821 0.00 98.45 1.2395 1.1689 0.8321 1.0815 13.6777 14.5608 2.0117 2.0918 3.2411 3.2473 126.42 104.26 117.21 185.11

S.AEOLIS RAE 12 RAE 9 RODL RODL 12/54 12/36 20.0351 19.0004 564.8 567.0 34149.5 36678.4 100.8992 106.2729 28.9695 29.8226 349.160 295.923 10.2841 10.3232 1.6907 1.6987 48434.2 55038.8 5.5684 4.6340 47.3000 50.1800 0.4445 0.4534 9158.2 6585.5 42.7385 42.1629 299.65 232.34 155.51 162.75 2.4671 2.1039 17.6146 17.9969 9.1954 8.9872 131.97 271.43 1.4795 1.3893 1.1335 1.2826 17.7779 20.5841 3.5946 3.9428 3.3502 3.5915 186.12 118.46 123.81 110.39

CYPRUS RAE 25 RODL 12/03 17.8783 567.4 56470.8 79.7595 29.6158 430.710 12.9124 1.4159 54975.2 5.9936 38.0809 0.3674 5047.9 34.3365 157.55 124.42 3.1870 20.4698 6.7876 351.94 1.2888 0.8952 13.7624 2.3495 2.6873 199.61 167.88

RHODES RAE 84 RAE 86 RODL RODL 12/18 12/31 4.5338 7.0539 150.3 200.9 133382.3 61594.9 30.2462 31.9267 52.7349 60.6555 606.673 1009.936 3.7797 3.1868 0.6738 0.6275 52039.3 58149.2 1.8931 2.4976 14.8631 15.1042 0.1754 0.1835 7029.0 4149.4 15.1334 15.2658 583.47 747.17 42.89 55.56 0.6285 0.8266 16.7056 17.7196 2.9008 2.9488 431.16 170.63 0.5542 0.6521 0.3369 0.3189 4.6949 5.2050 1.6314 1.6485 1.3895 1.1766 90.10 150.16 44.11 75.80

ATTICA RAE 14 RAE 17 RODL RODL 12/38 12/17 115.6634 15.2592 316.8 221.8 72856.3 49746.3 63.2182 46.1266 18.6132 11.7566 334.915 400.204 17.4611 5.9582 1.3051 0.6663 49725.2 42286.9 4.8877 7.3355 31.1935 18.1698 0.3995 0.6419 1941.2 1876.3 25.5562 13.1998 126.06 137.88 100.42 50.59 0.6920 1.0584 17.1832 17.4320 6.0152 3.5261 862.94 1086.77 0.9326 0.7391 0.8101 0.4508 8.7188 7.3128 2.1876 2.5587 2.8929 4.3492 90.57 117.84 118.65 162.96

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Table 4. Chemical composition (in ppm) of the samples of different origin, as determined by NAA.

2. In Group B of the NAA, the exclusion of lamps from the local/Rhodian production is in our view correct. As to their inclusion in the Southern Aeolis (Kyme and Larissa) set, we can not express an opinion, as the ceramics of these areas have not been looked closely at. But at the same time a problem arises in the affiliation by the XRF analysis of two of these same pieces to Cyprus [ΠΧ 2087(RAE9/RODL12/36), ΠΧ 2584 (RAE12/ RODL12/54)]. On the other hand, it is welcomed the third as been from Ephesus [ΠΧ 2430 (RAE8/RODL12/49)], as macroscopically it was viewed as the same, and also again for ΠΧ 2447.

which the XRF analysis puts as from Ephesus, creates additional pause for thought: its origin is probably identical with that of ΠΧ 1244 (?), ΠΧ 1527 (?), ΠΧ 2077, ΠΧ 2099, ΠΧ 2137, ΠΧ 2176, ΠΧ 2525, ΠΧ 2534, ΠΧ 2560 (?), ΠΧ 2562, ΠΧ 2578, ΠΧ 2696 (?), ΠΧ 2793, ΠΧ 2805, Λ 6054, ΠΧ 1948 (by fabric and/or typology). Also ΠΧ 1231, we think, visually resembles ΠΧ 1226, which is associated with a related group, A2. 4. In Group C2 (of the NAA), the presence of mica shows fluctuations [e.g. ΠΧ 2084 has more than other lamps in the same group, ΠΧ 1533 (RAE76/RODL12/01) and ΠΧ 2565 (RAE75/RODL12/53) none at all]. The XRF analysis places the lamps ΠΧ 1533 and ΠΧ 2565 from Ephesus. As a group, their assumed origin from Northern Ionia seems quite likely.

3. For the Group C1, it is noted that there is no direct link of C1 to any reference pattern of ceraDat and for this reason it is difficult to suggest a provenance, so the hypothesis of an origin from Northern Ionia becomes doubtful. It is observed elsewhere that the presence of mica varies in its amount (e.g. ΠΧ 2213 has more than other lamps in the same Group, in ΠΧ 2009 (RAE70/RODL12/29) it is almost absent altogether. In particular lamp ΠΧ 2009,

5. Rhodian, i.e. local, fabrics are naturally of particular interest. Though we welcome the proposal from the NAA that the origin of the group D is from Rhodes, yet the XRF analysis argues for caution: here, for two of 668

Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.

Rhodian Lamps the five ‘Rhodian’ lamps so far analyzed, an origin from Cyprus [Λ 6094 (RAE84/RODL12/18)] and Ephesus [ΠΧ 2034 (RAE86/RODL12/31)] is proposed. An origin of lamps such as Λ 6094 from Cyprus on macroscopic grounds may be thought quite possible, but it should however be noted macroscopically that such and the five lamps of group D have affinities too! Let us note here the connection of Λ 6094 with ΠΧ 2003 macroscopically, whilst, respectively, Λ 6067 typologically and in terms of fabric has similarities with the ΠΧ 2966, ΠΧ 2987 and ΠΧ 3011.

but the XRF chose Attica, it should be noted that though a visual scrutiny makes it consistent with Attic in its clay, yet the unusual combination of motifs would make the lamp unique in Attic production. There is a possibility that the lamp was produced in close proximity with other lamps from Attica and in an area with similar geological characteristics. 9. The lamp Λ 5159 (RAE 47) which is currently subjected only to XRF analysis (there are others which their analysis, as mentioned above, has not yet been completed), seems to come from Cyprus. This point of view seems to justify the reservations of scholars with vast experience, such as Bailey and Hayes, about the origin of this type of lamps from Cyprus rather than from the Levant (Bailey 1988, 282-283; Hayes 1980, 76. For similar views, see Oziol 1980, 398-399; Touma 2001, 52.)

6. Of the chemical loners (nine lamps), it is vaguely suggested as a production site the broad area of Aeolis ​​ or Ionia. Macroscopic observation of four of those currently analyzed by XRF sees them as almost identical: correctly for two of them [ΠΧ 2229 (RAE22/RODL12/43), ΠΧ 1502 (RAE19/RODL12/12)] it proposed Ephesus as already mentioned, while for Λ 2698 (RAE25/RODL12/03) Cyprus. For the Λ 2698, indeed, it was highlighted in the catalogue the existence of morphological similarities with Cypriot lamps. In the ‘Aegean-type’ lamps, such as ΠΧ 1502, lamps were by the NAA considered to belong to different groups. Their origin from Ephesus is seen as possible by Bailey (1988, 417).

10. The impression is given that no sample was identified as a product of Knidos. So far as the NAA goes, this could potentially be interpreted as a gap at present fortuitously existing in the database. But when the XRF analysis is also taken into account – where secure samples of Knidian make were given as reference samples, then the observation made by Bailey is of utmost importance: namely that for a long term the production of Knidian lamps was suspended. Therefore, and pending the further results of the XRF analysis for the remaining samples (where the existence of Knidian products should not be excluded a priori), it is safest to regard the relevant chapter of this work on the late Roman Knidian lamps as one of a working hypothesis in character.

7. Concerning Λ 2521, which by the NAA is given a south-east Cypriot origin, macroscopically there is no disagreement, as too in the case of origin of Λ 2694, said to be from the Levant.

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8. For ΠΧ 2195 (RAE14/RODL12/38) and Λ 5164 (RAE17/ RODL12/17) for which the NAA had nothing to suggest,


Katsioti, Angeliki. The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes : 3rd-7th Centuries AD, Archaeopress, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, Created from wisc on 2024-03-02 03:43:26.