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English Pages 52 [60] Year 1977
International Fédération of Library Associations and Institutions Fédération Internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires et des Bibliothèques Internationaler Verband der bibliothekarischen Vereine und Institutionen MexAyHapoAHa« eflepauHJi EH6jiHOTeiHi>IX AccoigiauHtt H yqpexAeHHft
I FLA Publications 11
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions: A Selected List of References Compiled by Edward R Cambio 2nd Edition
Verlag Dokumentation, Publishers, München 1977
IFLA Publications edited by Willem R. H. Koops and Peter Havard-Williams
Recommended catalogue entry: The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. A Selected List of References. Compiled by Edward P. Cambio. 2nd edition, revised and expanded. München: Verlag Dokumentation, 1977. IV, 52 p.; 21 cm (IFLA Publications, 11) ISBN 3-7940-4431-2
2nd Edition, revised and expanded Publisher: Verlag Dokumentation Saur KG, München D-8000 München 71, POB 711009, Federal Republic of Germany © 1977 by International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague Printed and bound by Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg ISBN 3-7940-4431-2
Introduction International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions About IFLA International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Council International Office for UBC Office for International Lending International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries (INTAMEL) Section of Administrative Libraries Section of Astronomical and Geophysical Libraries Section of Children's Libraries Section of Geography and Map Libraries Section of Hospital Libraries Section of National Libraries Section of Parliamentary Libraries Section of Public Libraries Section of School Libraries Section of Special Libraries Section of Theatrical Libraries and Museums Section on Bibliography Section on Cataloguing Section on Interlending and Union Catalogues Section on Library Buildings and Equipment Section on Library Schools and Other Training Aspects Section on Mechanization Section on Official Publications Section on Rare and Precious Books and Documents Section on Statistics Section on the Exchange of Publications Working Group for Developing Countries Working Group on Preservation
1 5 17 21 30 31 32 34 34 34 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 43 43 47 48 49 49 50 50 50 51 52 52
"The Federation shall be an independent international non-governmental association, without profit motive, whose purposes shall be to promote international understanding, cooperation, discussion, research and development in all fields of library activity, including bibliography, information services and the education of personnel, and to provide a body through which librarianship can be represented in matters of international interest." IFLA Statutes, Article 2, paragraph 1 (as adopted 1976)
The World Congress of Librarians, IFLA's fiftieth anniversary meeting in Brussels, September 1977, occasions this revised and expanded version of a bibliography compiled in 1974. Materials cited have been issued by or under the auspices of the Federation and its subdivisions. In addition, selected works about IFLA and its various specialized activities have been included. A permanent international union of national library associations, whose purpose would be to promote worldwide library cooperation, was first proposed at the International Congress of Librarians and Book Lovers held at Prague in June and July 1926. In October of the same year, during the annual conference of the American Library Association, delegates from thirteen countries met with ALA's Committee on International Relations to encourage ALA attendance at the next meeting of the (British) Library Association. At that meeting, held in Edinburgh in 1927, ALA representatives joined with the Library Association in proposing the creation of an international library committee. Acting on this proposal, delegates from fourteen nations, along with their British hosts, established the International Library and Bibliographic Committee, which was charged with selecting a site and preparing programs for an international library conference and with examining relationships between libraries, library and bibliographic associations, and other similar agencies at the international level. At its first plenary session, held in Rome in 1928, the committee developed a program for an international library conference to be convened in Venice in 1929. The International Federation of Library Associations officially came into being with the adoption of statutes of organization at the Venice conference, and the International Library and Bibliographic Committee became the governing body of IFLA. The committee changed its name to General Council in 1953, and it is now called the Council. The nature and structure of IFLA has evolved over the years from that of a body of predominantly Western European library associations to that of a world organization of library associations and institutions. The most recent reflections of this evolution may be seen in the principal organizational features of the Federation embodied in the new statutes of 1976. The Council, which must meet in ordinary session at least every two years, is the 1
highest organ of the Federation. It is the general assembly of members, represented by one or more delegates, members of the Executive and Professional Boards, the Secretary General, officers of divisions and sections, observers representing affiliates and bodies having consultative status, and other invited observers. The Federation is administered by an Executive Board consisting of the president, the chairman of the Professional Board, and five to seven other persons elected by the Council. The Professional Board coordinates the professional work of the Federation undertaken by divisions, sections, professional units, round tables, and working groups. It consists of the chairmen of the divisions and chairmen of the steering committees of professional units established for the conduct of particular activities. The work of IFLA is currently concentrated in twenty-four sections grouped in seven divisions by type of library or by type of library activity, together with an eighth special division for regional activities. Other divisions and sections may be created upon recommendations of the Professional Board. It is the function of each division to promote and coordinate professional work of particular relevance to the specific types of libraries or library activities for which the division was established. Management at the division level is entrusted to a Coordinating Board consisting of the chairmen and secretaries of the sections making up the particular division. Each division may establish such sections pertaining to the fields of interest of the division as may be necessary, subject to the approval of the Professional Board. Divisions and sections may, with the approval of the Professional Board, establish round tables for the purpose of enabling small groups of persons with similar professional backgrounds and common problems to meet and exchange ideas and experience. Provision is also made for the establishment of working groups by divisions and/or sections to study specific topics. Only one specific division, the Division for Regional Activities, is established by the new statutes of the Federation. Its function is to "promote and coordinate professional work of particular regional relevance; and more specifically to promote the objectives of the Federation in particular regions." Membership in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions is now of three types: association membership, open to library associations and to national and international organizations with interests in the library world; institutional membership, open to libraries, library schools, bibliographic institutes, information centers, and similar institutions; and individual honorary memberships conferred by the Council. All members have voting rights in all meetings and on all matters. In meetings other than Council meetings, each member, whether association, institution, or honorary, has one vote. In Council meetings, association members have a number of votes determined by a classification into groups which is based on the amount of IFLA membership dues. The Rules of Procedure ensure that association members will not be outvoted by institutional members in Council meetings, since in such meetings association members must always 2
hold at least 51 percent of the total number of possible votes. Thus, institutional members are given an equal voice with association members in the professional decisions taken by the Professional Board, divisions, and sections, while association members have a weighted voice in the more general decisions made in Council meetings. This is a fundamental departure from the previous statutory regime where, although institutional members provided much impetus to I F L A ' S professional work and frequently made the work of sections and committees possible through provision of manpower and administrative needs, as associate members of the Federation they had no voting privileges. Affiliation with I F L A on a nonvoting basis is now permitted both for individuals and institutions. Individuals wishing to show their interest in and support of the Federation may become personal affiliates. Institutions not primarily concerned with libraries or library activities may become institutional affiliates. As of January 1, 1977, the Federation consisted of 142 association members, 559 institutional members and affiliates, and 29 personal affiliates. To facilitate international cooperation in the furtherance of IFLA's goals, its statutes provide for the recognition of other international bodies in a consultative status. Organizations currently holding this status with the Federation include the Fédération Internationale de Documentation (FID), the International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists ( I A A L D ) , the International Council on Archives ( I C A ) , the International Council on Adult Education ( I C A E ) , and the International Organization for Standardization ( I S O ) . I F L A also has other working relationships with a number of international bodies. It holds consultative status with U N E S C O , associate status with the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), and observer status with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Organization for Standardization ( I S O ) . The activities of the Federation have been reported in several general publications as well as various specialized works. The IFLA News, issued quarterly in the Federation's four official languages—English, French, German, and Russian—was the official journal from 1962 through 1974. In 1975 it was replaced by the IFLA Journal, which is issued quarterly in English, with French and German summaries, and includes news, selected Council meeting papers, research reports, and other articles of general interest. Annual reports of the subdivisions and members of I F L A as well as abstracts of the proceedings of the Federation's Council meeting appear in the IFLA Annual. This publication, first issued in 1969, superseded the Actes, which recorded I F L A activities from 1928 through 1968. Another general publication is the annual IFLA Directory, listing officers and members together with their addresses and other basic information. IFLA Communications, a section of Libri: International Library Review from 1953 through 1974, contained reprints of papers, reports, and articles of the type now carried in the IFLA Journal. The present size, makeup, organization, and activity of the International 3
Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, including the provisions for increased participation by institutional members as reflected in the revised name of the Federation, is evidence that IF LA is attaining its goal of universality. The membership represents hundreds of thousands of librarians and libraries in more than one hundred countries. More than sixty of these countries may be considered Third World nations. iFLA's regional organization program and its recent creation of the Division for Regional Activities are indicative of the importance the Federation attaches to playing a truly global role in library affairs. It is only within the context of a universal organization that IF LA professional programs in such fields as bibliographic control, cataloging, exchange, training, standards, international lending, work for special reader groups, and those which encourage the spreading of professional library work in general can realize their full potential. IFLA's programs designed to achieve universality are fittingly reflected in the theme for its fiftieth anniversary meeting: "Libraries for All: One World of Information, Culture and Learning." The citations in this list are arranged with IFLA publications preceding items about the Federation. The citations about IFLA were selected either because of their comprehensiveness and currency or for their historical value. Next, listed together, are items issued by and about the Council, offices, sections, and working groups. The subdivisions are titled as given in the IFLA Directory, 1977, with the exception of the Section of Special Libraries. This section title is retained in the interest of editorial clarity. As an aid to interlibrary loan, citations include Library of Congress classification numbers for material in its collections. This bibliography does not list individual papers identified as having been presented at meetings of the Council and of the various IFLA subdivisions. It has been recent practice of the Federation to list papers presented at Council meetings in the respective IFLA Annuals and in the IFLA Journal. These papers are collected at clearinghouses around the world, from which photocopies are available. The most recent list of clearinghouses appears in the IFLA Directory, 1977 (p. 142). Inquiries concerning this and all other IFLA programs should be addressed to the IFLA Secretariat, Post Office Box 9128, The Hague, Netherlands. This revision and expansion of the IFLA bibliography originally issued in 1974 was considerably facilitated by the cooperation of officers of various subdivisions of the Federation. With the help of the Secretary General, Margreet Wijnstroom, these officers were invited to suggest additions, revisions, and deletions which might be made in compiling the present work. Their response was most helpful in providing firsthand information and experience regarding the details of many entries.
INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS Egger, Eugen. Étude sur la formation professionnelle et le statut des bibliothécaires de bibliothèques de recherches et des documentalistes; rapport final. Berne, 1961. 19 p. At head of title: F.I.A.B.-F.I.D. Bibliography: p. 14-17. European Conference on the International Exchange of Publications, Vienna, 1972. The international exchange of publications; proceedings. Edited by Maria J. Schiltman. Pullach/München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1973.135 p. Z690.E87 1972 Sponsored by the International Federation of Library Associations. English or French. Includes bibliographies. ISBN 3-7940-4311-1. Fodor, Michael. The East; books in Western languages on Asian and Arabic countries. London, IFLA/FIAB for the UNESCO Orient-Occident Major Project, 1965. 107 p. Z3001 .F6 Cover title: Books on the East. Title page, introduction, and text in English, French, and Spanish. Giliarevskil, Rudzhero S. Informatika i bibliotekovedenie: obshchie tendenfsii v razvitii i prepodavanii. [Informatics and library science: general tendencies in their development and teaching] Moskva, Nauka, 1974. 200 p. Z668.G55 At head of title: Akademiia nauk SSSR. Vsesoiuznyl institut nauchnoi i tekhnicheskoT informatsii. On verso of t. p.: Main lines of training in library science and informatics. Bibliography: p. 189-194. Includes index. Study executed under a UNESCO contract with IFLA. Giliarevskii, Rudzhero S. International distribution of catalogue cards; present situation and future prospects. [Paris] Unesco [1969] 84p.(Unesco manuals for libraries, 15) Z695.G4313 Issued also in French. Includes bibliographical references. Study executed under a UNESCO contract with IFLA. IFLA Pre-Session Seminar for Developing Countries, Liverpool, 1971. International librarianship: surveys of recent developments in developing coun5
tries and in advanced librarianship submitted to the 1971 IFLA PreSession Seminar for Developing Countries sponsored by Unesco, Liverpool City Libraries, August 24-September 1, 1971. Edited by George Chandler. London, Library Association, 1972. 208 p. Z721.I2 1971 Includes bibliographies. IFLA World Wide Seminar, Seoul, 1976. Proceedings. Seoul, Korean Library Association [1977?] In preparation. Reports on the seminar by Dia van Vliet, T. C. Clarke, and Dorothy Anderson appear in IFLA Journal, v. 2, no. 3, 1976, p. 155-167 (Z672. I57b). Intergovernmental Conference on the Planning of National Documentation, Library, and Archives Infrastructures, Paris, 1974. Final report; Intergovernmental Conference on the Planning of National Documentation, Library, and Archives Infrastructures, Paris, 23-27 September 1974. [Paris] Unesco [1975] 65 p. (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. [Document] COM/MD/30) Z672.5.I56 1974 "Organized by UNESCO, in co-operation with the International Federation for Documentation (FID), the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), and the International Council on Archives (ICA)."
International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961 Chaplin, Arthur H. National usages for the entry of names of persons; a survey. Provisional ed. London, Organizing Committee, I.C.C.P., 1963. 70 p. Z695.C43 At head of title: International Conference on Cataloguing Principles (I.C.C.P.), 1961. Definitive ed., entitled Names of Persons: National Usages for Entry in Catalogues, is listed below in the series of International Manuals. Honoré, Suzanne D. Liste internationale de formes approuvées pour le catalogage des noms d'états. International list of approved forms for catalogue entries for names of states. Éd. provisoire. Paris, 1964. 53 p. Z695.1.G4H6 1964 At head of title: Fédération internationale des associations de bibliothécaires (F.I.A.B.). Conférence internationale sur les principes de catalogage. English, French, German, and Spanish. International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Bulletin, no. 1-6; Nov. 1958-Dec. 1959. new ser., no. 1-9; Apr. 1960-Aug. 1961 [n.p.] 6
Special issue Aug. 1963. Prepared by the International Federation of Library Association's Working Group on Coordination of Cataloguing Principles. Nov. 1958-Dec. 1959 issued by the conference under its earlier name: International Cataloguing Conference. International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Newsletter, no. 1-2; Apr. 1965-Mar. 1967. London. Issued by the conference's Organizing Committee. Continued as IFLA Committee on Uniform Cataloguing Rules, Newsletter (no. 3-5; Dec. 1968-May 1970) and then as IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, Newsletter (no. 6-7; Oct. 1970-July 1971). The latter was superseded by the Committee's International Cataloguing (Z693.A15I56). International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Observers. Rev. list. [Paris? 1961?] 5 p. Z672.I53 1961k International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Participants. Rev. list. [Paris? 1961?] 8 p. Z672.I53 1961j International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Preliminary official report. [London, 1961] 18 p. Z672.I53 1961c Supplement. 1+ 1961+ [London] Z672.I53 1961c Suppl. Also published in: Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France, 1961, p. 559-574 (Z671.B93 1961). Libri, v. 12, no. 1, 1962, p. 61-84 (Z671.L74, v. 12). UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries, v. 16, Mar./Apr. 1962, p. 53-63 (Z671 .U5, v. 16). Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Mitteilungsblatt, Neue Folge, Jahrgang 12, 1962, p. 82-111. International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Report. [Edited by A. H. Chaplin and Dorothy Anderson] London [Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, National Central Library] 1963. 293 p. Z672.I53 1961cd Appendix includes the full text of the working papers prepared for the conference. Reprinted in 1969 in Hamden, Conn., by Archon Books (Z672.I53 1961cd rev.) (ISBN 208-00875-6) and in London by Bingley (Z672.I53 1961cd rev. 2) (ISBN 85157-081-X). International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Statement of principles adopted by the International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, October 1961. Annotated ed., with commentary and 7
examples by A. H. Chaplin, assisted by Dorothy Anderson. Provisional ed. Sevenoaks, Kent, Distributed by IFLA Secretariat, 1966. [165] p. Z695.I617 1961 Also issued in French. International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Statement of principles adopted at the International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, October, 1961. Annotated ed., with commentary and examples by Eva Verona, assisted by [others. Definitive ed.] London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1971. xviii, 119 p. Z694.I57 1961 Bibliography: p. x-xii. ISBN 0-903043-00-9. International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, Paris, 1961. Working papers, [n.p.] International Federation of Library Associations [1961] 1 v. (various pagings) International Federation of Library Associations. Council. Working Group on the Co-ordination of Cataloguing Principles. International Cataloguing Conference, preliminary meeting, London, July 19th-25th, 1959; report, [n.p., 1959] 7 p. Z694.A15I57 1959 Minutes and agreements of the lst-8th sessions, July 20-22, 1959 (3 leaves), inserted at end. International Federation of Library Associations. Council. Working Group on the Co-ordination of Cataloguing Principles. International Cataloguing Conference preliminary meeting; working paper[s. n.p., 1959?] 15 no. in 1 v. Z695.I646 Pierrot, Roger. Liste internationale de vedettes uniformes pour les classiques anonymes. International list of uniform headings for anonymous classics. Éd. provisoire. Paris, 1964. 120 p. Z695.1.A6P5 1964 At head of title: Fédération internationale des associations de bibliothécaires (F.I.A.B.). Conférence internationale sur les principes de catalogage. Revised edition in preparation. Poves Bárcenas, María L. La Conferencia International sobre Principios de Catalogación; París, 9-18 de octubre 1961. Madrid, Dirección General de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 1962. 52 p. (Anejos del Boletín de la Dirección General de Archivos y Bibliotecas, no. 59) CD27.S6A3, no. 59 "Relación de los autores y títulos de las ponencias, y un breve resumen de su contenido, así como de las contestaciones de la Comisión Española de Catalogación a las mismas." 8
Related Material Chaplin, Arthur H, Cataloguing principles: five years after the Paris conference. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 21, May/June 1967: 140-145, 149. Z671.U5, v. 21 A survey of the influence of the Statement of Principles adopted by the Conference. Domanovszky, Akos. A pärizsi katalogizäläsi konferencia szabälyzattervezete. [Parisian conference on cataloging principles] Budapest [Akademiai Nyomda] 1962. 13 p. (A Budapesti Egyetemi Könyvtar kiadvänyai, 18) Z925.B9195, no. 18 Includes bibliographical footnotes. International Cataloguing Conference Preliminary Meeting, London, 1959. Report. [London], [s.n.], 1959. 8 p. Also published in: Libri, v. 9, no. 3, 1959, p. 254-261 (Z671.L74, v. 9). UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries, v. 13, Nov./Dec. 1959, p. 266-269, 292 (Z671.U5, v. 13). Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Mitteilungsblatt, Neue Folge, Jahrgang 9, no. 5, 1959, p. 131-145 (German and English texts).
International Congress of Libraries and Bibliography, 2d, Madrid, etc., 1935. Actas y trabajos del II Congreso Internacional de Bibliotecas y Bibliografía, Madrid-Barcelona, 20-30 de mayo de 1935. Madrid, Librería de J. Barbazán, 1936-49. 3 v. in 2. Z1008.I63 At head of title: Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios. Asociación de Bibliógrafos de España. Contributions in Spanish, English, French, German, or Italian. Includes bibliographies. Contents: 1-2. Actas y trabajos publicados por la Asociación Nacional de Bibliotecarios, Archiveros y Arqueólogos en 1949 a requerimiento de la Federación Internacional.-3. Bibliotecas populares. First World Congress of Libraries and Bibliography held in Rome and Venice, 1929. International Congress of Libraries and Documentation Centres, 3d Brussels, 1955 International Congress of Libraries and Documentation Centres, 3d, Brussels, 1955. Congrès international des bibliothèques et des centres de documentation, Bruxelles, 11-18 septembre 1955. International Congress of 9
Libraries and Documentation Centres. La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1955. 2 v. in 3. Z673.15845 1955 "Supplément" (p. [213] -225) inserted in v. 1. Contributions in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish; some with summaries in English. Includes bibliographical references. Cosponsored by IFLA. Contents: v. 1. Rapports préliminaires.-v. 2A. Communications: Congrès général. Troisième Congrès international des bibliothèques.—v. 2B. Communications: Quatrième Congrès international des bibliothèques musicales. Vingt-deuxième Conférence internationale de documentation. International Congress of Libraries and Documentation Centres, 3d, Brussels, 1955. Liste des participants. List of participants. [Bruxelles? 1955] 102 p. Z673.15845 1955j A supplement of 27 pages was subsequently issued (Z673.I5845 1955j Suppl.). Related Material Medelh'n, Colombia. Universidad de Antioquia. Biblioteca General. Congreso Internacional de Bibliotecas y de Centros de Documentación. Contribución de la Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Antioquia a la preparación de las celebraciones del Congreso Internacional de Bibliotecas y de Centros de Documentación que se efectuará en Bruselas en septiembre de 1955. Medellín, Impr. Universidad de Antioquia [1955] 565-576 p. Z672.I55 1955h "Separata no. 3 de la revista 'Universidad de Antioquia,' Medellín, Colombia."
International Federation of Library Associations. ABC for officers of sections and committees. The Hague, IFLA General Secretariat, 1972. 1 v. (unpaged) A guide to the structure and functions of IFLA. International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA and the role of libraries. The Hague, IFLA Secretariat, 1974. 37 p. Z721.158 1974 A background document for UNESCO's Intergovernmental Conference on the Planning of National Documentation, Library and Archives Infrastructures, Paris, 1974. International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA and the role of libraries. What the International Federation of Library Associations is, does, and is planning to do. [The Hague, 1974] 14 p. Issued also in French. 10
International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA annual. 1969+ Copenhagen, Scandinavian Library Center. Z673.15848 "Proceedings of the General Council. Annual reports." Supersedes the Actes of the International Federation of Library Associations Council. 1972+ published in Pullach bei München (later München) by Verlag Dokumentation. International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA communications. Libri, v. 4, no. 1, 1953- v. 24, no. 3, 1974. Copenhagen. Z671.L74 IFLA Communications in Libri ceased with v. 24, no. 3, 1974. The type of material which appeared in this section of Libri now appears in IFLA Journal. A separately published Index cumulatif des matières (La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1966. 11 p. Z673.I59, Index, sess. 1-29) includes references to this section of Libri through 1964. A separately published Libri Index Vol. 1-25,1950-1975 (Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1976. 51 p.) contains a subject section in which nearly 100 items appear under the heading "International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)." International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA conferences; some information and guidelines for the organizers of IFLA General Council meetings. The Hague, IFLA Secretariat, 1972. 22 1. Mimeographed. International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA directory. The Hague, annual. Z673.I58485 International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 1+ 1975+ Pullach/München (later München), Verlag Dokumentation, quarterly Z762.I57b Official journal of the International Federation of Library Associations. Summaries in French and German. Annual table of contents includes a selective subject index of "News Section." International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA news. no. 1-49; July 1962-Aug. 1974. [München] Z671.1597a Editions in English, French, German, and Russian. Title varies: no. 1-3, IFLA News Bulletin. Imprint varies. Ceased with no. 49, Aug. 1974. A microform edition covering 1962-73 issues is available from Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. A selective index to no. 35/36-49 (Apr. 1971-Aug. 1974) appears in IFLA Journal, v. 1, no. 1, 1975, p. 80-84 (Z672.I57b). A "News Section" now appears in IFLA Journal. 11
International Federation of Library Associations. International manuals, no. 1+ 1966+ Individually catalogued and classified as shown, no. 1. Cockx, August, and G. Schuurmans Stekhoven. Telecode and telex address book; telecode in 10 languages and international telex address book for libraries and documentation centres. 2d ed. With an introd. by L. J. van der Wolk. [Sevenoaks, Kent] IFLA/FIAB, 1966. 191 p. Z731.C6 At head of title: IFLA-IATUL. Introd. in English, French, Spanish, and Russian. Previous ed. published as International Teleprinter-Code for Libraries and Documentation Centers, by G. Schuurmans Stekhoven. Bibliography: p. 189-191. An article by L. J. van der Wolk, "Teletype and the Telecode for Libraries," in the UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries, v. 20, July/Aug. 1966, p. 170-176 (Z671.U5, v. 20), focuses on the application of the IFLA/ IATUL telecode for libraries. no. 2. Chaplin, Arthur H., and Dorothy P. Anderson. Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues. Definitive ed. [Sevenoaks, Kent] IFLA/ FIAB, 1967. 57 p. Z695.1.P4C5 1967 First published in 1963 under title National Usages for the Entry of Names of Persons. Revised edition in preparation. no. 3. Duprat, Gabrielle, Kseniia V. Liutova, and Marie L. Bossuat. Bibliographie des répertoires nationaux de périodiques en cours. [London] Fédération internationale des associations de bibliothécaires (IFLA/FIAB) [et] Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO), 1969. 141 p. (Manuels bibliographiques de l'UNESCO, 12) AS4.U8A154, Com. 68/IX.13/F no. 4. The International standardisation of library statistics; a progress report. La normalisation internationale des statistiques relatives aux bibliothèques; état des travaux. London, International Federation of Library Associations, International Organization for Standardization, 1968. 216 p. Z672.I616 Reports of the IFLA/ISO conferences at Paris, 1967, and The Hague, 1966, edited by K. A. Mallaber, Torben Nielsen, and F. W. Torrington. English and French. 12
International Federation of Library Associations. Libraries in the world; a long-term programme for the International Federation of Library Associations. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1963. 62 p. Z665.I6 Published also in French and in German (Z665.I615). International Federation of Library Associations. Materialien der Tagung des Internationalen Verbandes der Bibliothekar-Vereine. Berlin. Z673.15849 Translations of papers selected from the proceedings. See 30th, 31st, 34th, 35th, 36th, and 38th conferences for listings of individual volumes. International Federation of Library Associations. Progress report. 1971/ 1972+ [The Hague] Z672.I57a "IFLA Progress report, July 1973-July 1974," by Margreet Wijnstroom, Secretary General, appeared in IFLA Journal, v. 1, no. 1, 1975, p. 32-42 (Z672.I57b, v. 1). "Progress Reports" have also appeared in appropriate IFLA Annuals. International Federation of Library Associations. Répertoire des associations de bibliothécaires membres de la Fédération internationale. Repertoire of the library associations members of the International Federation. Z673.I585 [1. éd.] Geneva, A. Kundig, 1931. 42 p. Called "éd. provisoire." [2. éd.] La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1935. 62 p. [3. éd.] La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1938. 90 p. [4. éd.] La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1948. 102 p. A Supplément (15 p.) was issued in 1950. [5. éd.] La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1955. 104 p. [6. éd.] La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1961.1 v. (loose-leaf) [7. éd.] La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1963.1 v. (loose-leaf) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Statutes. In its IFLA directory. The Hague, annual. Z673.I58485 The latest statutes were adopted at Lausanne in 1976. The final text of these appears in the 1977 directory (p. 116-129). The original IFLA statutes were adopted at Venice in 1929. The earliest published text identified is that in the ALA Bulletin, v. 23, Dec. 1929, p. 768-769 (Z673.A5B8, v. 23). These statutes were amended in 1930 and 1952. "Authentic interpretations" were added in 1959. In 1964 the statutes were revised and consolidated, and in 1967 amendments were made to paragraph 5. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Statutes and transitional measures. [The Hague, 1976?] 22 p. 13
Adopted at the 42d Council meeting, Lausanne, August 23, 1976, these statutes and transitional measures are the culmination of reorganizational efforts reflected in the following working documents of the meeting: I. Draft Statutes. 56 p. II [sic]. Annexes to the Draft Statutes. 18 p. II. Draft Transitional Measures. 13 p. III. Draft Rule of Procedure on Voting Rights. 8 p. IV. Draft Regulations for Divisions and Sections. 25 p. V. Financial Memo. 6 p. VI. Amendments to Working Document I: Draft Statutes (Amendments 1-25); Working Document II: Draft Transitional Measures (Amendments 26-31). 21 p. The basic ideas contained in these working documents are outlined in the article "IFLA Restructure Documents" in the IFLA Journal, v. 2, no. 1, 1976, p. 39-45. International Meeting of Cataloguing Experts, Copenhagen, 1969. Report of the International Meeting of Cataloguing Experts, Copenhagen, 1969. In Libri, v. 20, no. 1/2, 1970: 105-132. Z671.L74,v. 20 By Arthur H. Chaplin and Dorothy Anderson. Appendices: 1. Participants; 2. List of Documents and Working Papers; 3. Les implications futures de l'automatisation sur le catalogage, par Suzanne Honoré. International Symposium on the Cataloguing, Coding and Statistics of Audio-visual Materials, Strasbourg, 1976. Proceedings. Paris, Unesco, 1976. 193 p. (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. [Document] SC.76/WS/75) Organized by ISO/TC 46, with IFLA, UNESCO, and IFTC. Mimeographed. International Symposium on the Documentation of the United Nations and Other Intergovernmental Organizations, Geneva, 1972. Sources, organization, utilization of international documentation; proceedings. Sources, organisation, utilisation de documentation internationale; actes. The Hague, International Federation for Documentation, 1974. 586 p. (FID publ[ication] 506) Z1008.I7 1972 English or French. Includes bibliographical references. Symposium organized by IFLA, FID, and AIL. Mezhdunarodnaia federafsiiâ bibliotechnykh assofsiatsiî, spravka. [International Federation of Library Associations, reference work] Moskva, 1966. 99 p. At head of title: Vsesoïïiznaia gosudarstvennaià biblioteka inostrannoT literatury. Compiled by E. A. Oshanina. 14
Mezinarodni symposium o evropskych knihovnickych systemech, Prague, 1972. Mezinarodni symposium o evropskych knihovnickych systemech. [International symposium of European library systems] 27.11-2.12.1972, Praha. Konferencni material. Praha, Statni knihovna ¿SR [1972] 330 p. Z789.M49 1972 Held under the auspices of IFLA. Czech or Slovak; some contributions are translated from various languages. Includes bibliographical references. A Final Report (1973. 24 p.) was issued in English. Pearson, James D., comp. Oriental manuscripts in Europe and North America. Zug, Inter Documentation Co., 1971. vi, lxxx, 515 p. (Bibliotheca Asiatica, 7) Z6605.07P42 Prepared under a UNESCO contract with IFLA. ISBN 3-85750-000-X. Penna, Carlos V. The planning of library and documentation services. 2d ed. rev. and enl. by P. H. Sewell and Herman Liebaers. [Paris] Unesco [1970, 1972 printing] 158 p. (Unesco manuals for libraries, 17) Z679.5P4 1972 Prepared under a UNESCO contract with IFLA. Includes bibliographical references. First edition published in 1967 under the title Planning Library Services ([Paris] Unesco. 37 p. [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Document] DP.67/vii.7/A) (AS4.U8A15 DP.67/ vii.7/A). Physical protection of books and documents: report of the joint consultation between the ICA and IFLA held in Paris, at the Unesco building on the 19th, 20th and 21st November 1 9 7 3 . / « International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA news, no. 47, Feb. 1974: 16-17. Z671.1597a, no. 47 T. P. Sevensma Prize. The statutes of the T. P. Sevensma Prize appear on p. 113-114 of the 1976IFLA Directory (Z673.I58485 1976). The following papers were awarded IFLA's T. P. Sevensma Prize and subsequently published: 1948. Ahlstedt, Valter. Unit cataloguing. Libri, v. 1, no. 2, 1950: 113-170. Z671 .L74, v. 1 1950. Newman, Olga S. A rural library. Libri, v. 4, no. 1, 1953: 26-60. Z671.L74, v. 4 15
1955. Egger, Eugen. Gesamtkataloge; Aufbau und Organisation eines Gesamtkataloges im Hinblick auf die Benutzung. Libri, v. 6, no. 2 , 1 9 5 6 : 97-170. Z671.L74, v. 6 1964. Plumb, Philip W. Central library storage of books. London, Library Association, 1965. 56 p. (Library Association. Pamphlet no. 24) Z685.P55 Bibliography: p. 50-54. 1967. Lewis, Marigold J. Libraries for the handicapped; 1967 Sevensma prize essay. London, Library Association, 1969. 48 p. (Library Association. Pamphlet no. 33) Z711.92.P5L4 Bibliography: p. 38-44. 1971. Burnett, Alfred D. Studies in comparative librarianship; three essays presented for the Sevensma Prize 1971 by A. D. Burnett, R. K. Gupta, and S. Simsova. With a forword by Frank Francis. London, Published on behalf of IFLA by the Library Association, 1973. 95 p. Z665.B927 Includes bibliographical references. 1975. Parker, J. S. Regional co-operation in library services: an opportunity for developing countries. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 2, no. 1, 1976: 1-33. Z672.I57b, v. 2
Table ronde sur le contrôle bibliographique universel dans les pays en développement, Grenoble, 1973. Le contrôle bibliographique universel dans les pays en développement; Table ronde sur le contrôle bibliographique universel dans les pays en développement, Grenoble, 22-25 août 1973. Compte-rendu éd. par Marie-Louise Bossuat, Geneviève Feuillebois, Monique Pelletier. München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1975. 165 p. (IFLA publications, 3) Z672.T3 1973 ISBN 3-7940-4423-1. UNESCO-Seminar elektronische Datenverarbeitung in Bibliotheken. UNESCO-seminar electronic data processing in libraries. Regensburg, 1970. In Libri, v. 21, no. 1-3, 1971. xxiv, 283 p. Z671.L74, v. 21 At head of title: Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission in Zusammenarbeit mit UNESCO. German UNESCO Commission in Collaboration with UNESCO. Text in German or English. "The UNESCO-Seminar was organized in connection with the IFLA, the Foreign Office, the Bavarian Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as the University of Regensburg." 16
Willemin, Silvere. Technique of union catalogues: a practical guide. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 20, Jan./Feb. 1966: 2-23. Z671.U5, v. 20 Suggested by IFLA in its Libraries in the World; a Long-term Programme. .. (Z665.I6). Withers, F. N. Standards for library service: an international survey. Paris, Unesco Press, 1974. 421 p. (Documentation, libraries and archives: studies and research, 6) Z678.85.W57 Editions also in French and Spanish. Includes bibliographical references. Prepared under a UNESCO contract with IFLA. ISBN 92-3-101177-4. Revised and extended version of his Standards for Library Service (Paris, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1970. 228 p. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [Document] COM/WS/151) (Z678.85.W58), which was also prepared under a UNESCO contract with IFLA.
ABOUT IFLA Bourgeois, Pierre. Evolution and future of IFLA. Libri, v. 5, no. 3, 1955: 265-270. Z671.L74, v. 5 A version in English of parts of the text of the President's address at the 20th General Council meeting in Zagreb, 1954. [Bourgeois, Pierre] Quelques considérations sur l'évolution de la FIAB. Libri, v. 4, no. 4, 1954: 349-354. Z671.L74,v.4 Brummel, L. De internationale organisatie van het bibliotheekwezen. Bibliotheekleven, v. 48, Dec. 1963: 505-525. Z671 .B585, v. 48 A précis of IFLA's history up to 1962. Campbell, Henry C. Future activity in regional organization of IFLA. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. l , n o . 1,1975:287-291. Z672.I57b, v. 1 Carter, Edward. International organization in librarianship and documentation; an examination of existing international nongovernmental organizations with particular references to the International Federation of Library Associations and the International Federation for Documentation. Made for the Council on Library Resources, Washington. Washington, Council on Library Resources, 1958. 59 1. Z672.C37 17
Chaplin, Arthur H. Basic bibliographie control: plans for a world system. Aslib proceedings, v. 27, Feb. 1975: 48-56. Z673.A627136, v. 27 "Paper presented at the 48th Aslib Annual Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge, 22nd-25th September 1974." Clavel, J. P. Les activités internationales concernant les bibliothèques. In Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare. Nachrichten, v. 49, no. 5, 1973: 232-239. Z673.V43, v. 49 Documentation centres of IFLA. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA news, no. 32, Apr. 1970: 3. Z671.1597a, no. 32 FID/IFLA liaison committee. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA news, no. 40, May 1972: 13. Z671.I597a, no. 40 Fang, Josephine R., and Alice H. Songe. The International Federation of Library Associations. Library journal, v. 98, Nov. 15, 1973: 3351-3353. Z671.L7, v. 98 "References": p. 3353. Fang, Josephine R., and Alice H. Songe. International Federation of Library Associations. In their International guide to library, archival, and information science associations. New York, R. R. Bowker Co. 1976. p. 27-30. Z673.A1F33 Bibliography: p. 29-30. A similar section on IFLA appeared in their Handbook of National and International Library Associations, published in 1973 by the American Library Association, on pages 25-29 (Z673.A1F3). The above Guide is a revision of the Handbook. Gelderblom, Gertrud. Geschichte und Organisation der IFLA. Bücherei und Bildung, 20. Jahrg., Juli/Aug. 1968: 421-430. Z671.B745, v. 20 Gifford, Hilda. Canadian participation in IFLA: its growth and problems. Canadian library journal, v. 32, Apr. 1975: 127-131. Z735.A1C27, v. 32 Gombocz, Istvân. A Könyvtaros Egyesületek nemzetközi Szövetsege (IFLAFIAB). [International Federation of Library Associations]. Budapest, Orszâgos Széchényi Kônyvtâr Kônyvtârtudomânyi és Môdszertani Központ, 1972. 124 p. Summaries in English and Russian. Harrison, K. C. International librarianship: the contribution of British professional associations. In Library Association. International and Comparative Librarianship Group. Proceedings of the ICLG conference, Scotland, 1974, held at Middleton Hall Conference Centre, Gorebridge, Midlothian, 28th June to 1st July 1974. Edited by Allan Whatley. [Gorebridge, Scot.] 1974. p. 63-67. Z672.5.L5 1974 18
International Federation of Library Associations. In The Bowker annual. New York, R. R. Bowker Co. Z731 . A47 A section about IFLA's activities has appeared in the following Bowker Annuals: 1971. p. 456-460. 1972. p. 445-448. 1973. p. 229-232. 1974. p. 345-350. 1976. p. 356-361. International Meeting of Cataloguing Experts, Copenhagen, 1969. Report. Libri, v. 20, no. 1/2, 1970: 106-132. Z671.L74,v. 20 Koops, Willem R. H., and Joachim Wieder, eds. IFLA's first fifty years; achievement and challenge in international librarianship. München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1977. 000 p. (IFLA Publications, 10) ISBN 3-7940-44304 Liebaers, Herman. Die IFLA und ihre vordringlichen Projekte der internationalen Zusammenarbeit. In Bibliothekskongress, Hamburg, 1973. Bibliothekarische Kooperation: Aspekte und Möglichkeiten; Vorträge, gehalten auf dem Bibliothekskongress 1973 vom 12. bis 16. Juni in Hamburg. Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Deutschen Bibliothekskonferenz von Paul Kaegbein, Clemens Köttelwesch, Hans Joachim Vogt. Frankfurt (am Main), Klostermann, 1974. (Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. Sonderheft 18) p. 21-25. Z672.B5 1973 Löhmann, Otto. Efforts for international standardization in libraries. Library trends, v. 21, Oct. 1972: 330-353. Z671.L6173, v. 21 Malek, Rudolf. On the origin of the international organisation of librarians (IFLA): the Congress of Librarians in Prague, 1926. Libri, v. 20, no. 3, 1970: 222-224. Z673.L74, v. 20 Marks, Erwin. Der Internationale Verband der Bibliothekar-Vereine. Dokumente, Materialien, Übersichten. Berlin, Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, 1971.39 p. Z673.I592M37 Bibliography: p. 39. Mohrhardt, Foster E. International book year: report of the IFLA ad hoc committee. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA news, no. 43, Mar. 1973: 11-12. Z671.I597a, no. 43 Morsch, Lucile M. Promoting library interests throughout the world. ALA bulletin, v. 51, Sept. 1957: 579-584. Z673.A5B8, v. 51 19
Moscow. Vsesoíuznaía gosudarstvennaía biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Mezhdunarodnaía federatsiía bibliotechnykh assotsiatsií; spravka. [International Federation of Library Associations; information] [Sostavitel': E. A. Oshanina] Moskva, 1959. 51 p. (Mezhdunarodnye kul'turnye organizatsii) Z673.M83 At head of title: Vsesoíuznaía gosudarstvennaía biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. Ottervik, Gósta. Tradition och fórnyelse; IFLA itself. Biblioteksbladet, v. 59, no. 3, 1974: 44, 46. Z671.B582, v. 59 Ranganathan, Shiyali R. I F L A - w h a t it should be and do. Libri, v. 5, no. 2, 1954:182-189. Z671.L74,v.5 Rayward, W. Boyd. Great expectations; a personal report and critique of goings on in Lausanne at the 1976 restructuring of the International Federation of Library Associations. American libraries, v. 7, Nov. 1976: 634-636, 638, 656. Z673.A5B82, v. 7 Scott, Edith. IFLA and FID—history and programs. Library quarterly, v. 32, Jan. 1962: 1-18. Z671.L713, v. 32 Includes bibliography. Serfs, Homero. La Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios. Boletín de bibliotecas y bibliografía, t. 1, julio/sept. 1934: 1-8. Z671.B6785, v. 1 A summary of the history, work, and publications of the committee that was organized at the International Congress of Librarians and Bibliophiles held at Prague in 1926. Spicer, Erik J. The International Federation of Library Associations. C. L. A. feliciter (Canadian Library Association, Ottawa), v. 20, Aug. 1974: 16-18. Talalakina, O. I. Deiatel 'nost' IFLA. [Activities of IFLA] In her Mezhdunarodnye bibliotechno-bibliograficheskie organizatsii; lektsiía, po kürsu "Bibliotechnoe délo za Rubezhom" dlia studentov bibliotechnogo fakul'teta. [International library-bibliographic organizations; lecture, for the course "Library Activities Abroad" for library science students] Moskva, 1975. p. 16-22. At head of title: Ministerstvo kul'tury RSFSR, Moskovskii gosudarstvennyí instituí kul'tury. Thompson, Anthony. The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA/FIAB), 1961-65. In Five years' work in librarianship. 1961/65. London, Library Association, 1968. p. 585-590. Z666.F5, 1961/65 "References": p. 588-590. 20
Thompson, Anthony. The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA/FIAB). In British librarianship and information science, 1966-1970. Edited by H. A. Whatley. London, Library Association, 1972. p. 626-634. Z791.A1B74 "References": p. 632-634. Reprinted, with slight revisions, in Herald of Library Science, v. 10, July 1971, p. 233-243 (Z671.H44, v. 10). ISBN 0-85365-175-2. Thompson, Anthony. International Federation of Library Associations: public libraries and the influence of IFLA, 1930-1960. In Libraries for the people: international studies in librarianship in honour of Lionel R. McColvin. Edited by Robert F. Vollans. London, Library Association, 1968. p. 74-81. Z665.L58 Thompson, Anthony. Unesco, IFLA and FID: their contribution to the development of international comparative librarianship. In Library Association. International and Comparative Librarianship Group. Proceedings of the ICLG conference, Scotland, 1974, held at Middleton Hall Conference Centre, Gorebridge, Midlothian, 28th June to 1st July 1974. Edited by Allan Whatley. [Gorebridge, Scot.] 1974. p. 15-19. Z672.5.L5 1974 Welch, Elizabeth H. IFLA's international importance. Wilson library bulletin, v. 43, Jan. 1969: 428-431. Z1217.W75, v. 43 Wieder, Joachim. IFLA 1958-1963; final report. Libri, v. 13, no. 3/4, 1964: 269-274. Z671.L74, v. 13 Wijnstroom, Margreet. International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). In Encyclopedia of library and information science, v. 12; 1974. Edited by Allen Kent, Harold Lancour and Jay E. Daily. New York, Marcel Dekker. p. 403407. Z1006.E57, v. 12 Wijnstroom, Margreet. The new constitution of IFLA./« International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 2, no. 4, 1976: 224-227. Z672.I57b, v. 2 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Council International Federation of Library Associations. Council. Actes. 1 .-34. session; 1928-68. La Haye, M. Nijhoff. 34 v. in 32. (International Federation of Library Associations. Publications, v. 1-29, 31-34) Z673.I59 Actes of lst-2d meetings are combined issue. Meetings were not held 194046. Issued 1928-52 by International Library Committee. 21
Superseded in 1969 by the Federation's IFLA Annual. lst-29th sessions indexed in Index cumulatif des matières (described below). 1st session, Rome, 1928. 16-29 p. (Its Publications, v. 1) "Travaux préparatoires, Congrès de Prague, 1926, d'Atlantic City et Philadelphie, 1926, d'Édimbourg, 1927" appear on p. 1-15 of this volume. Published with Actes of 2d session. International Library Committee. First plenary session of the International Library and Bibliographical Committee, Rome, March 31st, 1928. [Rome? 1928?] Micro 28427 Z Microfilm copy (positive). Collation of the original: 221. English, French, or Italian. 2d session, Rome-Florence-Venice, 1929. 30-45 p. (Its Publications, v. 1) Published with Actes of 1st session. 3d session, Stockholm, 1930. 76 p. (Its Publications, v. 2) Published also as Nordisk tidskrift for bok-och biblioteksvàsen, nr. 4, 1930 (Z671.N55,v. 17).
ârg. 17,
4th session, Cheltenham, Eng., 1931. 75 p. (Its Publications, v. 3) 5th session, Berne, 1932. 164 p. (Its Publications, v. 4) 6th session, Chicago-Avignon, 1933. 202 p. (Its Publications, v. 5) 7th session, Madrid, 1934. 108 p. (Its Publications, v. 6) 8th session, Madrid-Barcelona, 1935. 164 p. (Its Publications, v. 7) 9th session, Warsaw, 1936. 196 p. (Its Publications, v. 8) 10th session, Paris, 1937. 182 p. (Its Publications, v. 9) 11th session, Brussels, 1938. 189 p. (Its Publications, v. 10) 12th session, The Hague-Amsterdam, 1939. 205 p. (Its Publications, v. 11) 13th session, Oslo, 1947. 283 p. (Its Publications, v. 12) 14th session, London, 1948. 206 p. (Its Publications, v. 13) 22
15th session, Basel, 1949. 134 p. (Its Publication, v. 14) 16th session, London, 1950. 148 p. (Its Publications, v. 15) 17th session, Rome, 1951. 182 p. (Its Publications, v. 16) 18th session, Copenhagen, 1952. 204 p. (Its Publications, v. 17) 19th session, Vienna, 1953. 198 p. (Its Publications, v. 18) 20th session, Zagreb, 1954. 200 p. (Its Publications, v. 19) 21st session, Brussels, 1955. 138 p. (Its Publications, v. 20) 22d session, Munich, 1956. 157 p. (Its Publications, v. 21) 23d session, Paris, 1957. 192 p. (Its Publications, v. 22) 24th session, Madrid, 1958. 162 p. (Its Publications, v. 23) 25th session, Warsaw, 1959. 206 p. (Its Publications, v. 24) 26th session, Lund-Malmö, 1960. 206 p. (Its Publications, v. 25) 27th session, Edinburgh, 1961. 228 p. (Its Publications, v. 26) 28th session, Berne, 1962. 343 p. (Its Publications, v. 27) 29th session, Sofia, 1963. 285 p. (Its Publications, v. 28) 30th session, Rome, 1964. 285 p. (Its Publications, v. 29) Related Material International Federation of Library Associations. Materialien zur 30. Tagung des Internationalen Verbandes der Bibliothekar-Vereine, Rom 1964. Berlin, Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, Kommission für bibliothekswissenschaftliche Forschung, Publikationen und Bibliothekspropaganda, 1965. 56 p. Z673.15855 International Federation of Library Associations. Council. Actes. Index cumulatif des matières. Cumulative subject index. Sessions 1928-1964; volumes I-XXIX et IFLA communications. FI AB (Libri), 1951-1964. La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1966. 11 p. (Its Publications, v. 30)
31st session, Helsinki, 1965. 270 p. (.Its Publications, v. 31) Related Material Daso, Judith. Cumulative author/title list and a brief subject index of IFLA conference papers, 1965-1972. Kent, Ohio, Kent State University, 1972. 73 p. Bibliography: p. 71-73. School of Library Science research paper. Typed. International Federation of Library Associations. Materialien zur 31. Tagung des Internationalen Verbandes der Bibliothekar-Vereine, Helsinki, 1965. Berlin, 1966. 80 p. Z673.I5849, 31, 1965 At head of title: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband. Kommission für bibliothekswissenschaftliche Forschung, Publikationen und Bibliothekspropaganda. Bibliography: p. 3-5. Rudomino, Margarita I. Report on the International relations of Soviet libraries, 31st session of IFLA/FIAB in Helsinki. Moscow, 1965. 15 p. Z819.R76
32d session, The Hague, 1966. 294 p. (Its Publications, v. 32) 33d session, Toronto, 1967. 232 p. (Its Publications, v. 33) Related Material Bragard, René. Congrès de la "F.I.A.B." à Toronto et à Montréal. Voyage d'études au Canada et aux États-Unis, 14-31 août 1967. Liège [Université de Liège] 1969. 36 p. (Bibliotheca Universitatis Leodiensis. Publications, no. 16) Z935.L72, no. 16 Includes bibliographical references.
34th session, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1968. 291 p. (Its Publications, v. 34) Related Material International Federation of Library Associations. Materialien der 34. Tagung des Internationalen Verbandes der Bibliothekar-Vereine, Frankfurt a.M., 1968. Berlin, 1969. 45 p. Z673.I5849, 34, 1968 At head of title: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband. Bibliography: p. v-xii. 24
International Federation of Library Associations. Professional'noe obrazovanie bibliotekarei. [The professional education of librarians] Doklady i perevody- dokladov, predstavlennye na 34-iù, 35-iu i 36-iu sessiiu Mezhdunarodnoi federatsii bibliotechnykh assotsiatsii (IFLA/FIAB). Avgust 1968 g., Frankfurt-na-MaTne (FRG); avgust 1969 g., Kopengagen (Daniià); avgust-sentiàbr' 1970 g., Moskva-Leningrad (SSSR). Pod red. i s predisi. M. P. Gastfera. Moskva, 1971. 213 p. (Kniga, chtenie, biblioteka, 2) Z668.I57 1971 At head of title: Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaii biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. Includes bibliographies. Mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia bibliotechno-bibliograficheskikh protsessov. [Thè mechanization and automation of library-bibliographic processes] Perevody dokladov, predstavlennykh na 34-iu i 35-iu sessii Mezhdunarodnoi federatsii bibliotechnykh assotsiatsii (IFLA/FIAB). Avgust 1968 g., Frankfurt-na-Maine (FRG); avgust 1969 g., Kopengagen (Danila). Pod redaktsiei i s gredisloviem kand. ped. nauk R. S. Giliàrevskogo i kand. tekh. nauk V. Iu. Nevraeva. Moskva, 1970. 207 p. At head of title: Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaià biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. 35th session, Copenhagen, 1969. 289 p. (Its IFLA annual, 1969) Related Material Aktual'nye problemy informatsionno-bibliotechnoi deiatel'nosti i stroitel'stva bibliotek. [Current problems of documentation-library activities and the construction of libraries] Sbornik dokladov, predstavlennykh na 35-iu i 36-xu sessiiu Mezhdunarodnoi federatsii bibliotechnykh assotsiatsii (Kopengagen, 1969 g. i Moskva, 1970 g.). Pod red. i s predisl. R. S. Giliarevskogo i V. M. Vinogradova. Moskva, 1972. 133 p. Z673.A1 A48 At head of title: Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. Includes bibliographical references. International Federation of Library Associations. Materialien der 35. Tagung des Internationalen Verbandes der Bibliothekar-Vereine, Kopenhagen, 1969. Berlin, 1970. 67 p. Z673.I5849, 35, 1969 At head of title: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband. Bibliography: p. 61-65. List of conference papers not to be published in the Proceedings. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA news, no. 31, Jan. 1970. Supplement. 5 p. Z671.I597a, no. 31
36th session, Moscow, 1970. 336 p. (Its IFLA annual, 1970) Related Material Aktual'nye problemy bibliotekovedeniia i bibliografii. [Current problems of library science and bibliography] Sbornik dokladov, predstavlennykh na 36-iu sessiiu Mezhdunarodno! federatsii bibliotechnykh assotsiatsii (Moskva, 1970 g.)- Pod red. 0 . S. Chubar'iana. Moskva, 1972. 179 p. Z669.7.A37 At head of title: Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. Aufsätze zum Bibliothekswesen der UdSSR. Berlin, Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, 1971.85 p. Z819.A9 Edited by Gudrun Büttner. Bibliography: p. 84-85. Papers given at the 36th session. International Federation of Library Associations. Biblioteka kak sredstvo obrazovaniia i prosveshcheniia. [Libraries as a means of instruction and enlightenment] Sbornik dokladov, predstavlennykh na 36-iu sessiiu MezhdunarodnoT federatsii bibliotechnykh assotsiatsii (Moskva, 1972 g.). Pod red. i s predisl. V. V. Serova. Moskva, 1972- 138 p. Z673.158543 At head of title: Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. International Federation of Library Associations. Materialien der 36. Tagung des Internationalen Verbandes der Bibliothekar-Vereine, Moskau 1970. Berlin, 1971. 88 p. Z673.I58548 At head of title: Deutscher Bibliotheksverband. Bibliography: p. 77-88. International Federation of Library Associations. Plenary meeting on the theme "V. I. Lenin and libraries." [Moscow] 1970. 1 v. Contributions by various authors given at the 36th conference. Also published in: IFLA annual, 1970, p. 102-151. International Federation of Library Associations. Rabota spetsial'nykh bibliotek. [The work of special libraries] Sbornik nauchnykh rabot pod red. i s predisl. N. I. Tyshkevicha. Moskva, 1972. 157 p. Z675.A2I63 1972 At head of title: Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. Includes bibliographical references. Papers given at the 36th and 37th sessions. 26
International Federation of Library Associations. Council. Bibliothekswissenschaft in der UdSSR; 4 Referate bei der IFLA-Tagung 1970 in Moskau. .Berlin, Deutscher Büchereiverband, Arbeitsstelle für das Büchereiwesen, 1971. 61 p. (Bibliotheksdienst. Beiheft 66) Z674.B6, Beiheft 66 Includes bibliographical references. Mezhdunarodnyi seminar Universal'nye nauchnye biblioteki v posledne? chetverti XX veka, Brussels, 1969. Budushchee universal'nykh nauchnykh bibliotek. [The future of universal scientific libraries] Doklady i perevody dokladov, predstavlennye na Mezhdunarodnom seminare 17-18 fevralia 1969 g. v Briussele (Belgiia) i na 36-i sessii Mezhdunarodnol federatsii bibliotechnykh assotsiafsii (IFLA/FIAB) 28 avgusta-7 sentiabria 1970 g. (Moskva-Leningrad, SSSR). Pod red. i s predisl. M. I. Rudomino. Moskva, 1971. 107 p. (Kniga, chtenie, biblioteka, 1) ^ Z673.A1M48 1969 At head of title: Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. Includes bibliographical references. Thomsen, Carl. Lenin's visits to Denmark. Copenhagen, Royal Library, 1970. 17 p. DK254.L446T47 "Published . . . for the . . . IFLA General Council, Moscow 1970." 37th session, Liverpool, 1971. 239 p. (Its IFLA annual, 1971) Related Material The Organization of the library profession; a symposium based on contributions to the 37th session of the IFLA General Council, Liverpool, 1971. Edited by A. H. Chaplin. 2d ed. München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. 132 p. (IFLA publications, 6) The first ed. (1973, 132 p. Z673.A1073, ISBN 3-7940-4309-X) was also published by Verlag Dokumentation. Includes bibliographical references. The last section, "Conclusions," by A. H. Chaplin, appears in a somewhat different form in the UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries, v. 26, July/ Aug. 1972, p. 178-183 (Z671.U5,v. 26). ISBN 3-7940-4300-X. Professional'naia organizatsiià bibliotekare". [The professional organization of librarians] Sbornik nauch. trudov. Moskva, 1972. 197 p. Z673.A1P76 At head of title: Vsesoiuznaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka inostrannoi literatury. Otdel zarubezhnogo bibliotekovedeniia. Selected reports of the 37th session of IFLA. Prepared by E. A. Azarova.
38th session, Budapest, 1972. 252 p. (Its IFLA annual, 1972) Related Material [Alphabetical list of papers presented at the 38th General Council meeting] In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA news, no. 43, Mar. 1973: 7-10. Z671.1597a, no. 43 Prepared by the Hungarian organizing committee. Includes index of papers according to sections and committees. Bagrova, I. IU. Voprosy bibliografii na 38-i sessii Mezhdunarodnoi federatsii bibliotechnykh assotsiatsii. [Questions of bibliography at the 38th session of the International Federation of Library Associations] Sovetskaia bibliografiia, no. 6, 1972: 3-12. Z1007.S67, no. 6 International Federation of Library Associations. Materialien der 38. Tagung des Internationalen Verbandes der Bibliothekar-Vereine, Budapest, 1972. Berlin, 1974. 76 p. Z673.I58548 1974 At head of title: Bibliotheksverband der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. International Federation of Library Associations. Zbornik materiälov [Collection of materials] z 38. konferencie IFLA, Budapest' 28.8.-2.9.1972. Martin, Matica slovenskä, 1974. 195 p. (Edicia Metodika knihovnictva a bibliografie) (Seria Vseobecne zborniky) Z1003.I56 1974 Edited by Peter Maruniak. Includes bibliographies. Reading in a changing world; papers presented at the 38th session of the IFLA General Council, Budapest, 1972. Edited by Foster E. Mohrhardt. München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. 134 p. (IFLA publications, 5) ISBN 3-7940-4425-8.
39th session, Grenoble, 1973. 255 p. (Its IFLA annual, 1973. ISBN 3-79404299-9) Related Material [Alphabetical list of papers presented at the 39th General Council meeting] In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA news, no. 47, Feb. 1974: 28-31. Z671.1597a, no. 47 Prepared by the French organizing committee. Includes index of papers according to sections and committees. 28
Bagrova, I. IU. Voprosy universal'nogo bibliograflcheskogo ucheta na 39-i sessii Mezhdunarodno" federatsii bibliotechnykh assotsiatsi". [Questions of universal bibliographic control at the 39th session of the International Federation of Library Associations] Sovetskaia bibliografila, no. 6, 1973: 3-15. Z1007.S67, no. 6
40th session, Washington, D.C., 1974. 314 p. (Its IFLA annual, 1974. ISBN 3-7940-4300-6) Related Material International Federation of Library Associations. [40th General Council meeting, Washington, D.C., Nov. 16-23, 1974; papers presented, resolutions of various committees and working groups, list of participants with addenda, program, etc. s.l., s.n.] 1975. 143 pieces. Z673.I58545 Text in English, French, German, Russian, or Spanish. Includes bibliographical references. International Federation of Library Associations. Papers presented at the IFLA 40th General Council meeting, Nov. 16 thru 23, 1974, Washington, D.C. [n.p.] Computer Microfilm International Corp. [1974?] 8 cds. Index to papers available. International Federation of Library Associations. Papers presented at the IFLA General Council meeting, November 16-23, 1974; index. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, 1974. 121. An index to papers which are on microfiche, published by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210. National and international library planning; key papers presented at the 40th session of the IFLA General Council, Washington, D.C., 1974. Edited by Robert Vosper and Leone I. Newkirk. München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. 162 p. (IFLA publications, 4) ISBN 3-7940-4424-X.
41st session, Oslo, 1975. 232 p. (Its IFLA annual, 1975. ISBN 3-79404301-4) Related Material International Federation of Library Associations. Draft medium-term programme, 1975-1980; working document for the 41st General Council meeting to be held at Oslo, 11-16 August 1975. Compiled by the Pro29
gramme Development Group. The Hague, 1975. 23 p. Z673.A1I53 1975 "Working document IV." "The IFLA Medium-Term Programme. A Summary" appears in IFLA Journal, v. 2, no. 2, 1976, p. 87-92 (Z672.I57b, v. 2). Kirkegaard, Preben. Proposals for a revision of the IFLA structure. Inspel, v. 10, no. 3/4, 1975: 89-97. Z675.A2I58, v. 10 Statement by the President at the presentation of restructure proposals to the General Council, August 11, 1975. 42d session, Lausanne, 1976. (Its IFLA annual, 1976. ISBN 3-7940-4302-2) Related Material List of papers [presented at the 42d General Council meeting] made available by the local organizing committee. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 2, no. 4, 1976: 251-252. Z672.I57b, v. 2
International Office for UBC "UBC News" appears in International Cataloguing. Anderson, Dorothy P. The future of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR) in the light of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC). Library resources & technical services, v. 20, no. 1,1976: 3-15. Z671.L7154, v. 20 Edited version of a paper presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, June 1975. Anderson, Dorothy P. IFLA International Office for UBC: a brief description. C.L.A. feliciter (Canadian Library Association, Ottawa), v. 21, Apr. 1975: 19. Anderson, Dorothy P. IFLA's programme for UBC: the background and the basis. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 1, no. 1, 1975: 4-8. Z672.I57b, v. 1 Anderson, Dorothy P. Universal bibliographic control; a long term policy, a plan for action. Pullach/Miinchen, Verlag Dokumentation, 1974. 87 p. Z672.A7 At head of title: International Federation of Library Associations. An abbreviated version was circulated as a working document of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Conference on the Planning of National 30
Documentation, Library, and Archives Infrastructures, Paris, 1974 (UNESCO Document COM-74/NATIS/REF. 3; microfiche 74s0745). Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 3-7940-4420-7. Anderson, Dorothy P. Universal Bibliographic Control and the information scientist. Information scientist, v. 10, Mar. 1976: 11-22. Paper presented to a meeting of the Institute of Information Scientists, December 4 , 1 9 7 5 . IFLA's International Office for UBC. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 28, July/Aug. 1974: 234-23 5. Z671 ,U5, v. 28 International classification, v. 1+ May 1974+ Pullach/München (later München), Verlag Dokumentation, semiannual. Co-sponsored by FID. Includes articles in English or German or French, with abstracts. International Federation of Library Associations. International Office for UBC. Examples of ISBD(M) usage in European languages. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloging, 1976. 28 p. ISBN 0-903043-08-4. International Federation of Library Associations. International Office for UBC. Standardization activities of concern to libraries and national bibliographies: an outline of current practices, projects and publications. Compiled by IFLA International Office for UBC. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloging, 1976. 36 p. This survey was developed as a background document for the UNESCO/IFLA International Congress on National Bibliographies planned for 1977. ISBN 0-903043-09-2. Kaltwasser, Franz G. Das International Office for UBC der IFLA in London. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, v. 22, Jan./Feb. 1975: 42-47. Z671.Z4, v. 22 Kaltwasser, Franz G. Universal bibliographical control (UBC). UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 25, Sept./Oct. 1971: 252-259. Z671.U5, v. 25
Office for International Lending International Federation of Library Associations. Office for International Lending. A brief guide to centres of international lending and photocopy31
ing. Edited by Anne M. Digby and Barry P. Thompson. Boston Spa, Eng., IFLA Office for International Lending, 1975. 1 v. (unpaged) Z713.167 1975 ISBN 0-85350-127-0. line, Maurice B. The functions of an IFLA Office for International Lending. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 2, no. 1, 1976: 34-37. Z672.I57b, v. 2 International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries (INTAMEL) Formerly acted as a sub-section of the Section of Public Libraries. Publishes INTAMEL Newsletter (1970+ irregular), proceedings of annual meetings, and annual report of the President. Papers from working party meetings appear in the International Library Review. Campbell, H. C. International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries (INTAMEL). In Encyclopedia of library and information science, v. 12; 1974. Edited by Allen Kent, Harold Lancour and Jay E. Daily. New York, Marcel Dekker. p. 247-253. Z1006.E57, v. 12 Cooperation and standards of metropolitan city libraries: bibliography. Prague, 1970. 32 p. Z666.C69 On cover: City Library of Prague, Documentation and Information Centre. Published "at the occasion of INTAMEL Japanese meetings, April 1970." Eyssen, Jürgen. Fünf Jahre INTAMEL (1968-1973). Buch und Bibliothek, v. 25, Aug. 1973: 777-781. Z671.B745, v. 25 Eyssen, Jürgen. International statistics of city libraries 1974. International library review, v. 8, Apr. 1976: 141-149. Z671.164, v. 8 Fang, Josephine R., and Alice H. Songe. INTAMEL, a worldwide forum on problems of large metropolitan libraries. Library journal, v. 98, May 15, 1973:1553-1557. Z671.L7,v.98 Bibliography: p. 1557. Fang, Josephine R.,and Alice H. Songe. International Association of Metropolitan City libraries (INTAMEL). In their International guide to library, archival, and information science associations. New York, R. R. Bowker Co. 1976. p. 23-24. Z673.A1F33 Includes bibliography. 32
A similar section on INTAMEL appeared in their Handbook of National and International Library Associations, published in 1973 by the American Library Association, on p. 18-20 (Z673.A1F3). The above Guide is a revision of the Handbook. Harrison, K. C. INTAMEL: its work and prospects. Canadian library journal, v. 32, Feb. 1975: 28-31. Z735.A1C27, v. 32 Important current writing of the past decade submitted by INTAMEL members. Baltimore, Enoch Pratt Free Library [1972?] 51 p. "Compiled by the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., for the Annual Conference of the International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries, Milan, Italy, May 15-24, 1972." A list of works from various countries considered by INTAMEL members to be reflective of current trends in all fields of intellectual endeavor. INTAMEL Documentation Centre. Federal Republic of Germany metropolitan city libraries publications 1966-1974. Liverpool, 1974. 1 v. (unpaged) INTAMEL Documentation Centre. North American metropolitan city library publications 1966-1971. Liverpool, 1972. 1 v. (unpaged) Includes a subject and key word index. An abbreviated version of this list appears in International Library Review, v. 4, Oct. 1972: 443-515 (Z671.I64, v. 4). International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries. Declaration of Rome. International library review, v. 5, Jan. 1973: 71. Z671.I64, v. 5 Also appears in UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries, v. 26, Nov./Dec. 1972, p. 351-352 (Z671.U5, v. 26), and in IFLA News, no. 41, July 1972, p. 25-26 (Z671.1597a, no. 41). International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries. Review of the three year research and exchange programme. Liverpool, INTAMEL Documentation Centre, 1971. 17 p. Includes international guide lines and standards for metropolitan city library systems as approved at the 4th annual meeting of INTAMEL, Baltimore, 1971. These guide lines also appear in International Library Review, v. 4, Apr. 1972, p. 254-262 (Z671.I64, v. 4). International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries. Statute. In International Federation of Library Associations. Council. Actes, v. 34; 1968. The Hague, 1969. p. 73-74. Z673.I59, v. 34 The statute also appears in International Library Review, v. 1, Jan. 1969, p. 71-72 (Z671.164, v. 1). 33
International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries organized. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 22, Mar./Apr. 1968: 105-106. Z671.U5, v. 22 Mâlek, Rudolf. Anglické verejné knihovny a 1NTAMEL. Zprâva o ustaveni INTAMEL (Mezinârodni organizace knihoven metropolitnich mëst), britskych knihovnâch a o studijni cestë po Anglii ve dnech 23. brezna az 4. dubna 1968. [English public libraries and INTAMEL. Report on the establishment of INTAMEL (International organization of libraries of metropolitan cities), on British libraries, and on a study tour through England from March 23 to April 4, 1968] Praha, 1968. 98 1. (Cestovni zprâvy pracovnikù Mëstské knihovny v Praze) Z791 .A1M3 Thompson, Godfrey. The International Association of Metropolitan City Libraries (INTAMEL). In British librarianship and information science, 1966-1970. Edited by H. A. Whatley. London, Library Association, 1972. p. 661-662. Z791.A1B74 ISBN 0-85365-175-2. Section of Administrative Libraries World directory of administrative libraries; a guide of libraries serving national, state, provincial, and Länder-bodies, prepared for the Sub-Section of Administrative Libraries. Edited by Otto Simmler. München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. 474 p. (IFLA publications, 7) ISBN 3-7940-4427-4. Section of Astronomical and Geophysical Libraries Bibliography of non-commercial publications of observatories & astronomical societies. [Compiled by J. C. G. van de Poll-de Lange and C. Jansen. Utrecht, Astronomical Institute, "Sonnenborgh" Observatory, 1971] + Published in loose-leaf form. A 2d part was issued in 1972, and a 3d, rev. ed., by C. Jansen, in 1973 (Z5153.B583 1973). Sponsored by the IFLA Sub-section of Observatory Libraries and Commission 5 (Documentation) of the International Astronomical Union. Feuillebois, Geneviève. Report on the life and work of IFLA Astronomical Libraries Subsection (1965-1973). Inspel, v. 9, no. 4, 1974: 37-42. Z675.A2I58, v. 9. Section of Children's Libraries Aus der Arbeit der IFLA-Subsection Library Work With Children. 3 Referate [von Aase Bredsdorff und Eva Glistrup] Berlin, Deutscher Bucherei34
verband, Arbeitsstelle für das Büchereiwesen, 1971. 46 p. (Materialien für Kinder- und Schulbibliotheken, 2) (Bibliotheksdienst, Beiheft 68) Z674.B6, Beiheft 68 Bredsdorff, Aase. IFLA Subsection on Library Work with Children: report on activities 1955-70. International library review, v. 3, Jan. 1971: 35-49. Z671.164, v. 3 Children's literature abstracts, no. 1+ May 1973+ [Birmingham, Eng.] Published by the Sub-section on Library Work With Children of the International Federation of Library Associations, quarterly. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section on Library Work With Children. The bibliographical control of children's books. International library review, v. 6, July 1974: 253-291. Z671.164, v. 6 Papers presented, 39th session of the IFLA General Council, Grenoble, 1973. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section on Library Work With Children. Bibliotheksarbeit mit Kindern in der UdSSR. 2 Referate. Berlin, Deutscher Büchereiverband, Arbeitsstelle für das Büchereiwesen, 1971. 36 p. (Materialien für Kinder- und Schulbibliotheken, 1) (Bibliotheksdienst, Beiheft 65) Z674.B6, Beiheft 65 International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section on Library Work With Children. [Current trends in children's literature] International library review, v. 5, July 1973: 249-275. Z671.164, v. 5 Papers presented, 38th session of the IFLA General Council, Budapest, 1972. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section on Library Work With Children. Fairy and folk tales. Contes populaires. Volksmärchen. Narodnaja ckazka. [n.p.] 1966.271. A few leaves have text on both sides. Lists of collections of fairy and folk tales from 23 countries. Compiled by Mary 0rvig. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section on Library Work With Children. IFLA children's library studies. International library review, v. 7, July 1975: 285-312. Z671.I64,v. 7 Papers presented, 40th session of the IFLA General Council, Washington, D.C., 1974. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section on Library Work With Children. Library service to children. Prepared for the International Federation of Library Associations by the Committee on Library 35
Work With Children. [Lund, Sweden, Bibliotekstjänst, 1963] -70. 3 v. Z718.1.I6 Vols. 2-3 prepared by the Sub-section on Library Work With Children. Vol. 3 has subtitle Training and was published in Copenhagen by the Scandinavian Library Center, Bibliotekscentralen. It has been published also in German (Z718.1.159, v. 3). Includes bibliographies. A second edition, edited by Colin Ray, is in preparation. München, Verlag Dokumentation (IFLA publications, 12) International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section on Library Work With Children. Newsletter. 1972+ Birmingham, Eng. irregular. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section on Library Work With Children. Professional literature on library work with children. Prepared for the International Federation of Library Associations by the Committee on Library Work With Children. [Compiled by Annie Moerkercken van der Meulen and Oda le Maire] Rev. ed. The Hague, Bureau Book and Youth, N.B.L.C., 1972. 56 p. Z718.1.I63 1972 English, French, German and Russian. Internationale Bibliotheksarbeit mit Kindern. Referate in Liverpool 1971 und Budapest 1972. Berlin, Deutscher Büchereiverband, Arbeitsstelle für das Büchereiwesen, 1972. 68 p. (Materialien für Kinder-und Schulbibliotheken, 3) (Bibliotheksdienst, Beiheft 87) Z674.B6, Beiheft 87 Edited by H. Mach. Jahrmann, Werner, and Eva Glistrup. Präce knihoven pro deti a mlädez. [The work of libraries for children and youth] Materiäly z 35. plenamiho zasedäni IFLA (podsekce knihoven pro deti). Kodaii, 24.-30.8.1969. [Praha] Mestskä knihovna, 1970. 29 p. Z718.1.J34 Translated from the German. Parkinson, Daphne J. Children's book review journals, an international list. [Birmingham, Eng.] Issued by the Youth Libraries Group of the Library Association on behalf of the Children's Work sub-section of the International Federation of Library Associations, 1971. [16] p. Persson, Lisa-Christina, ed. Translation of children's books. Lund, Sweden, Bibliotekstjänst, 1962. 114 p. PN1009.S9P4 Cover title: Translations of children's books. Contains three papers read at the IFLA Conference in Edinburgh, 1961, a "List of Books Recommended for Translation" prepared by the Committee for Library Work with Children of the Public Libraries Section of IFLA, and supplementary papers. 36
Section of Geography and Map Libraries Corley, tyora T. Formation of the Geography and Map Libraries Subsection of the Section of Special Libraries, IFLA; a Canadian view. In Special Libraries Association. Geography and Map Division. Bulletin, no. 80, June 1970: 40-45. Z673.S8224 1970 Ristow, Walter W. Geography and Map Libraries Subsection, International Federation of Library Associations. In Special Libraries Association. Geography and Map Division. Bulletin, no. 103, Mar. 1976: 29-32. Z673.S8224, no. 103 World directory of map collections. Compiled by the Geography and Map Libraries Sub-Section. Edited by Walter W. Ristow. München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1976. 326 p. (IFLA publications, 8) GA192.W67 ISBN 3-7940-4428-2. Section of Hospital Libraries International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. Bibliotherapy. Libri, v. 25, July 1975: 133-162. Z671.L74, v. 25 Papers presented, 40th session of the IFLA General Council, Washington, D.C., 1974. These papers were also issued in German translation by the Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, Arbeitsstelle fur das Bibliothekswesen, as Bibliotherapie und Krankenhausbibliothek. 5 Referate der IFLA-Konferenz/ Subsection Krankenhausbibliotheken. (Berlin, 1975. 58 p. Bibliotheksdienst, Beiheft 107. Z674.B6, Beiheft 107. ISBN 3-87068-107-1). International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. Hospital library studies. International library review, v. 6, Oct. 1974:397-426. Z671.I64,v. 6 Papers presented, 38th and 39th sessions of the IFLA General Council at Budapest, 1972, and Grenoble, 1973, respectively. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. Hospital library studies, 1967-71. International library review, v. 4, July 1972: 351-391. Z671.I64, v. 4 Papers presented, 33d, 36th, and 37th sessions of the IFLA General Council at Toronto, 1967, Moscow, 1970, and Liverpool, 1971, respectively. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. Hospital library surveys. International library review, v. 1, Apr. 1969:201-227. Z671.I64,v. 1 37
Papers presented, 33d and 34th sessions of the IFLA General Council at Toronto, 1967, and Frankfurt, 1968, respectively. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. IFLA standards for libraries in hospitals (general service). UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 23, Mar./Apr. 1969: 70-76. Z671.U5, v. 23 International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. The integrated hospital library. International library review, v. 1, Jan. 1969: 53-70. Z671.164, v. 1 Papers presented, 33d session of the IFLA General Council, Toronto, 1967. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. International directory of technical reading aids. The Hague, Dutch Library Centre [1975?] 19 p. Available from the Dutch Library Centre, P.O.B. 2054, The Hague, Netherlands. International Federation of Library Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. Mémoire indicateur sur les bibliothèques d'hôpitaux. Libri, v. 10, no. 2, 1960: 141-146. Z671.L74,v. 10 International Federation of Library_Associations. Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. [Papers presented, 35th session of the IFLA General Council, Copenhagen, 1969] Libri, v. 19, no. 4, 1969: 246-264. Z671 .L74, v. 19 Reading round the world; a set of international reading lists. Edited by Frank Gardner & M. Joy Lewis. [Hamden, Conn., published by] Archon Books on behalf of IFLA [1969] 260 p. Z1039.H7R4 1969 Compiled by members of the Sub-section of Libraries in Hospitals. Also published in London by Bingley (Z1039.H7R4 1969b). ISBN 0-2080-0865-9. Section of National Libraries Koops, W. R. H. A center for statistical data on national libraries. Libri, v. 22, no. 2, 1972: 153-154. Z671.L74, v. 22 Koops, W. R. H. The Centre for Statistical Data on National Libraries in The Hague. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 1, no. 2, 1975: 113-115. Z672.I57b, v. 1 Liebaers, Herman, and Maria Razumovsky. Die grossen Bibliotheken; der IFLA-Fragebogen-Antworten und Kommentare. Libri, v. 10, no. 2, 1960: 149-161. Z671.L74, v. 10
Section of Parliamentary Libraries Furlani, Silvio. Pour la publication d'un dictionaire biographique parlementaire mondial et d'un répértoire rétrospectif international des parlementaires. Libri, v. 13, no. 2, 1963: 146-151. Z671.L74,v. 13 Prepared at the request of the IFLA Section of Parliamentary and Administrative Libraries. International Federation of Library Associations. Committee on Parliamentary and Administrative Libraries. Les tâches et les responsabilités des bibliothèques parlementaires dans la vie moderne. [Congrès international des bibliothèques et des centres de documentation. Commission des bibliothèques parlementaires. Rapporteur: Hélène Denis-Bohy. Bruxelles? 1955?] 101. Z675.G714
Section of Public Libraries Cohn, Emma, and Brita Olsson. Library service to young adults. Published by the Public Libraries Section of IFLA. Copenhagen, Bibliotekscentralen, 1968. 165 p. Z718.5.C6 Includes bibliographical references. Gardner, Frank M. Public library legislation: a comparative study. Paris, Unesco, 1971. 285 p. (Documentation, libraries and archives: studies and research, 2) Law Bibliography: p. 283-285. Prepared by Mr. Gardner for UNESCO on IFLA's behalf. Harrison, Kenneth C. McColvin, IFLA, and international librarianship. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 2, no. 3, 1976: 133-135. Z672.I57b, v. 2 A tribute to Lionel Roy McColvin, recounting his many contributions to the work of the Section of Public Libraries. International Federation of Library Associations. Public Libraries Section. The development of public library services; a memorandum submitted by the Public Libraries Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and adopted by the International Congress of Libraries and Documentation Centres held at Brussels, 1955. [n.p., 1955] 12 p. The working paper version of this memorandum appears in Libri, v. 4, no. 2, 1954, p. 153-167 (Z671 .L74, v. 4). International Federation of Library Associations. Public Libraries Section. Standardizace. [Standardization] Materiâly z 35. plenârniho zasedâni 39
IFLA—sekce verejnych knihoven. Kodañ, 24.-30.8. 1969. [Praha] Mestská knihovna, 1970. 59 p. Z678.85.I57 1970 Translated from the English. Includes bibliographical references. International Federation of Library Associations. Public Libraries Section. Unesco public library manifesto. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 26, May/June 1972: 129-131. Z671.U5,v. 26 International Federation of Library Associations. Section of Public Libraries. Newsletter. June 1974+ International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Standards for public libraries. Prepared by the Section of Public Libraries. 2d ed. Miinchen, Verlag Dokumentation, 1977. 53 p. (IFLA publications, 9) The first edition (1973, 53 p., ISBN 3-7940-4310-3) was also published by Verlag Dokumentation. A Spanish translation of the first edition was published in 1974 under the title Normas para Bibliotecas Públicas (Madrid, Asociación Nacional de Bibliotecarios, Archiveros y Arquéologos. 108 p. Biblioteca profesional de ANABA, no. 6) International Symposium on the Assignment, the Organization and the Activities of Public Libraries in Big Cities, Prague, 1966. Mezinárodní symposion o poslání, organizaci a cinnosti verejnych knihoven ve velkych méstech, 26. IX-1. X. 1966, Praha; [sborník materiálü. Uspofádali: Rudolf Málek, Miroslav Petrtyl a Zdeñka ¿ermáková. Redigovala Marketa Zádorová] V. Praze, Méstská knihovna, 1967. 180 p. Z673.A1I55 1966 Organized by the Central Library Council of the CSSR in collaboration with the IFLA Section of Public Libraries. Section of School Libraries Carroll, Frances L. IFLA planning group on school libraries. Leads, v. 17, Jan. 1975: 4-5. Z672.L4,v. 17 Carroll, Frances L. Planning Group on School Libraries. International library review, v. 8, Oct. 1976: 451-452. Z671.I64, v. 8 IFLA planning group sets priorities. School media quarterly, v. 3, no. 3, 1975:186-188. Z675.S3S2912, v. 3 IFLA sub-section on school libraries. Leads, v. 17, Sept. 1974: 11. Z672.L4, v. 17 International Federation of Library Associations. Planning School Library Work. School library services. 40
"The IFLA Planning Group for School Library Work collected facts on the organization of school library work in various countries. The surveys will appear regularly in this [IFLA] journal." Reports on Scotland and Iceland appear in IFLA Journal, v. 2, no. 3, 1976, p. 180-182 (Z672.I57b, v. 2). Reports on Egypt, Israel, and Malta appear in v. 2, no. 4, 1976, p. 266-270. School libraries sub-section. Leads, v. 16, Jan. 1974: 8.
Z672.LA, v. 16
Section of Special Libraries No longer a section of IFLA. Retained here for editorial clarity. Baer, Karl A. Special libraries in IFLA; a brief history. Inspel, v. 5, Apr. 1970: 30-34. Z675.A2I58, v. 5 Inspel; international newsletter of special libraries, v. 1+Apr. 1966+ [Washington, later Berlin] quarterly. Z675.A2I58 Official organ of the Special Libraries Section. English, French, or Russian. International Federation of Library Associations. Special Libraries Section. Statutes as adopted at the sectional meeting at Frankfurt on 21 August 1968. Inspel, v. 4, Jan. 1969: 2. Z675.A2I58, v. 4 Special libraries, worldwide; a collection of papers. Prepared for the Section of Special Libraries. Edited by Günther Reichardt. Pullach/München, Verlag Dokumentation, 1974. 360 p. (IFLA publications, 1) Z675.A2S755 Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 3-7940-4421-5. Section of Theatrical Libraries and Museums No longer a section of IFLA. In October 1972, this group restructured itself and is now known as Société internationale des bibliothèques-musées des arts du spectacle (SIBMAS). International Congress of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts. Acts. Actes. The Hague, Netherlands Centre of the International Theatre Institute. Related Material 4th Congress, Warsaw, 1959. International Congress of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts. IVème Congrès, Varsovie, 13-17 septembre 1959. Communications pré41
sentées. Paris, Section internationale des bibliothèques et musées des arts du spectacle [1960] 27 1. Z675.T36I48, 4, 1959 At head of title: Federation internationale des associations de bibliothécaires. Section internationale des bibliothèques et musées des arts du spectacle. French and English. 6th Congress, Munich, 1963. Giteau, Cécile. Le sixième Congrès international des bibliothèques-musées des arts du spectacle. In Association des bibliothécaires français. Bulletin d'informations, no. 43, mars 1964: 41-43. Z673.A636, 1964 International Congress of Libraries and Museums of the Performing Arts, 6th, Munich, 1963. [Kongressbericht mit den Texten der Referate] Munich [n.p.] 1964. 39 p. Edited by Günter Schöne. 8th Congress, Budapest, 1967. Marks, Erwin, VIII. Kongress der Theaterbibliotheken in Budapest. Der Bibliothekar, Bd. 21, Dez. 1967: 1291. Z671.B59, v.21 9th Congress, Geneva, 1970. Broglio, Nerina. In margine al IX Congresso internazionale dei museibiblioteche delle arti dello spettacolo. Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia, anno 38, nov./dic. 1970:429-431. Z671.A18, v. 38
International Federation of Library Associations. Section for Theatrical Libraries and Museums. Bibliothèques et musées des arts du spectacle dans le monde. Publié sous la direction d'Andre Veinstein avec le concours de Rosamond Gilder [et al.] Pref. de Julien Cain. Rédacteurs: MarieFrançoise Christout et Denis Bablet. Traducteur en anglais: George Miller assisté de Seabury Quinn et Donald Fowle. Paris, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1960. 761 p. Z675.T36I5 At head of title: Section internationale des bibliothèques et musées des arts du spectacle de la Fédération internationale des associations de bibliothécaires. Added title page: Performing Arts Collections, an International Handbook. English and French. International Federation of Library Associations. Section for Theatrical Libraries and Museums. Bibliothèques et musées des arts du spectacle dans le monde. Publié avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) et de l'UNESCO sous la direction de André Veinstein, avec la collaboration de Rosamond Gilder [et al.] Préf. de Julien 42
Cain. 2. éd. rev. et augm. par Cécile Guiteau. Traductrice: Helen A. Gaubert. Paris, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1967. 801 p. Z675.T36I5 1967 At head of title: Section internationale des bibliothèques-musées des arts du spectacle de la Fédération internationale des associations de bibliothécaires. Added title page: Performing Arts Libraries and Museums of the World. English and French. International Federation of Library Associations. Section for Theatrical Libraries and Museums. Spectacles-documents, no. 1-4; avril 1955-jan. 1956. Paris. From Mar. 1958 through early 1966, "Spectacles-documents, Bulletin de la Section Internationale des Bibliothèques et Musées des Arts du Spectacle de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires" appeared regularly as a section of Theatre Research; recherches théâtrales (PN2000.A1T5). Section on Bibliography Pomassl, Gerhard. Comparative survey of existing national bibliographies. Paris [Unesco] 1975. 127 p. ([United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Document] COM.75/WS/7) "Based on research carried out by the IFLA Committee on Bibliography." Prepared under a UNESCO contract with IFLA. Mimeographed. Pomassl, Gerhard, comp. Synoptic tables concerning the current national bibliographies. Leipzig, Bibliotheksverband der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1975. 3 p., 25 folding sheets. Details of current national bibliographies in 124 countries or territories. Second revised version of the tables which were compiled for and distributed at the IFLA Grenoble conference in 1973.
Section on Cataloguing Anderson, Dorothy. International developments in cataloguing. Library resources & technical services, v. 17, no. 2, 1973: 134-143. Z671.L7154, v. 17 Anderson, Dorothy. International Standard Bibliographic Description for Monographs [ISBD(M)] checklists. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 28, Jan./Feb. 1974: 34-39. Z671.U5, v. 28 43
"Contains lists of national bibliographies and other organizations using, or intending to use the International Standard Bibliographic Description for M o n o g r a p h s . . . and of organizations and cataloguing committees which have commented on the text [as of the end of November 1973]." Revision of checklists previously published in International Cataloguing, v. 2, July/Sept. 1973, p. 6-8. Anderson, Dorothy. International standardization of cataloguing and bibliographical records: the work of the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 27, Mar./Apr. 1973: 66-71, 107. Z671.U5, v. 27 Anderson, Dorothy. International standards in cataloguing. In International Congress of Orientalists, 28th, Canberra, Australia, 1971. International co-operation in Orientalist librarianship: papers presented at the Library Seminars, 28 International Congress of Orientalists, Canberra, 6-12 January 1971. Editors: Enid Bishop [and] Jean M. Waller. Canberra, National Library of Australia for the Library Seminars Planning Committee, 1972. p. 36-42. Z672.I56 1971 Also published in International Library Review, v. 3, June 1971, p. 241-249 (Z671.I64, v. 3). Avram, Henriette D. IFLA Working Group on Content Designators: report from its chairman. International cataloguing, v. 4, Jan./Mar. 1975: 3-6. Z693.A15I56, v. 4 Avram, Henriette D., and Lucia J. Rather. Principles of format design. Journal of library automation, v. 7, Sept. 1974: 161-167. Z678.9.A1J68, v. 7 A summary of several working papers prepared for the IFLA Working Group on Content Designators. Chaplin, Arthur H. IFLA Committee on Cataloguing: a retrospective view. International cataloguing, v. 3, Jan./Mar. 1974: 7-8. Z693.A15156, v. 3 IFLA Committee on Cataloguing 1954-1974: chronology and bibliography. International cataloguing, v. 3, Jan./Mar. 1974: 5-7. Z693.A15I56, v. 3 IFLA's Program of ISBDs. ISBDs for many types of library materials are in various stages of completion. Only the description for monographs has been issued in final form. The description for serials has been issued as a recommendation, but is being revised. Working Groups have prepared draft ISBD recommendations for the following areas: (G) general, (CM) cartographic materials, and (NBM) nonbook materials. In addition, preliminary work has begun on an ISBD (Music). Available bibliographic details on ISBDs are given below. For accounts of the progress of the IFLA program of ISBDs see International Cataloguing, v. 5, Jan./Mar. 1976, p. 1-4, and Oct./Dec. 1976, p. 1-4. 44
ISBD (M) Revision Meeting, Grenoble, 1973. Suggested amendments to ISBD(M). [London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1973] 69 p. Z694.A15I19 1973 "RM/4" Distributed only to participants in the meeting. International Federation of Library Associations. ISBD (M)—international standard bibliographic description for monographic publications. 1st standard ed. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1974. 36 p. Z694.I59 1974 Supersedes the text published in 1971 as the recommendation of the Working Group on the ISBD (listed below). ISBN 0-903043-02-5. An Outline ISBD (M) is in preparation. Issued also in Finnish under title: ISBD (M), Kansainvälinen bibliografisen kuvailun standardi monograftjulkaisuja varíen. (ISBN 951-461452-6). Issued also in French under title: "ISBD, description bibliographique internationale normalisée pour les monographies en un ou plusieurs volumes," in Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, v. 18, May 1973, p. 169-202 (Z671.B93,v. 18). Issued also in German under title: ISBD (M), internationale standardisierte bibliographische Beschreibung für Monographien. (Materialien zur Katalogisierung, 1). International Federation of Library Associations. Joint Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographie Description for Cartographic Materials. ISBD (CM)-intemational Standard bibliographic description (cartographic materials); draft prepared by the Joint Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Cartographic Materials. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1976. 79 p. International Federation of Library Associations. Joint Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Serials. ISBD (S)—international standard bibliographic description for serials, recommended by the Joint Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Serials set up by the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing and the IFLA Committee on Serial Publications. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1974. 36 p. Z695.7.I58 1974 ISBN 0-903043-03-3. A definitive text containing revisions is in preparation. Issued also in French under title: ISBD(S), description bibliographique internationale normalisée des publications en série. (ISBN 2-71771194-5). Issued also in German under title: ISBD (S)-internationale standardisierte bibliographische Beschreibung für fortlaufende Sammelwerke. (Materialien zur Katalogisierung, 2) (ISBN 3-87068402-X). 45
International Federation of Library Associations. Working Group on ISBD (G). ISBD (G)-international standard bibliographic description (general): the annotated text of the general framework for the description of all library materials; provisional draft based on the decisions of the IFLA Working Group on ISBD (G) at its meeting in London, 9-11 March 1976, and prepared for the Working Group by Michael Gorman. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1976.191. International Federation of Library Associations. Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Non-book Materials. ISBD (NBM)-international standard bibliographic description for nonbook materials; draft recommendation prepared by the ISBD (NBM) Working Group. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1976. 51 p. Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description. International standard bibliographic description: for single volume and multi-volume monographic publications; recommended by the Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description set up at the International Meeting of Cataloguing Experts, Copenhagen, 1969. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1971. 30 p. Z694.W65 At head of title: International Federation of Library Associations. ISBN 0-903043-01-7. International cataloguing, v. 1+Jan./Mar. 1972+ [London] IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, quarterly. Z693 .A 15156 Supersedes the Newsletter of the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing. ISSN 0047-0635. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Working Group on Content Designators. UNIMARC; universal MARC format. Recommended by the Working Group on Content Designators. London, 1977. 126 p. Prepared by Henriette D. Avram, Lucia J. Rather, and James E. Agenbroad. International Federation of Library Associations. Working Group on the Co-ordination of Cataloguing Principles. Report on anonyma and works of corporate authorship. Libri, v. 6, no. 3, 1956: 271-297. Z671.L74, v. 6 International Federation of Library Associations. Working Group on the Organization of Headings for Voluminous Authors. The arrangement of entries for complex material under headings for personal authors; recommended by the Working Group on the Organization of Headings for Voluminous Authors set up by the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing. London, Z695.95.I56 1975 IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1975. 6 p. ISBN 0-903043-06-8. 46
International Federation of Library Associations. Working Group on Uniform Headings for Liturgical Works. List of uniform titles for liturgical works Qf the Latin rites of the Catholic Church; recommended by the Working Group on Uniform Headings for Liturgical Works set up by the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1975. x, 17 p. Bibliography: p. 3. ISBN 0-903043-07-6. Ravilious, C. P. A survey of existing systems and current proposals for the cataloguing and description of non-book materials collected by libraries, with preliminary suggestions for their international co-ordination. Paris, UNESCO, 1975. 132 p. (UNESCO. [Document] COM.75/WS/5) Prepared under a UNESCO contract concluded with IFLA. "Distribution: limited." "Photographic reproduction of the original manuscript." Swindley, L. R. NATIS: cataloguing in publication, and international survey. Paris, Unesco, 1975. 99, 6, 6, [1], 6 p. (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. [Document] COM.75/WS/32) Bibliography: p. 96-99. Prepared under a UNESCO contract with IFLA. "Distribution: limited." "Photographic reproduction of the original manuscript." USSR Cataloguing Committee, comp. List of uniform headings for higher legislative and ministerial bodies in European countries. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1975. iii-xii, 41 p. Z695.8.U28 1975 Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-903043-04-1. Verona, Eva. Corporate headings: their use in library catalogues and national bibliographies; a comparative and critical study. London, IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, 1975. xiv, 224 p. Z695.8.V49 At head of title: International Federation of Library Associations. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-903043-05-X. Section on Interiending and Union Catalogues Bishop, William W. International loans between libraries; a report on American and Canadian experience made to the International Committee of the International Federation of Library Associations. Oxford, University Press, 1931. 14 p. Z713.B62 47
Brummel, Leendert, and Eugen Egger. Guide des catalogues collectifs et du prêt international. La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1961. 89 p. Z695.83.B68 Added title page: Guide to Union Catalogues and International Loan Centers. French and English. International Federation of Library Associations. Committee on Union Catalogues and International Loans. International loan services and union catalogues; a manual. Under the editorship of Valentin Wehefritz. Frankfurt am Main, V. Klostermann [1974] 258 p. (Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. Sonderheft 17) Z695.83.I58 1974 English, French, German, and Russian. Supersedes the preceding entry. Projet de révision du règlement du prêt international. Libri, v. 4, no. 2, 1954:167-170. Z671.L74,v.4 Section on Library Buildings and Equipment Colloque sur les problèmes posés par la construction et l'équipement des grandes bibliothèques de conservation: compte rendu des séances tenues à la Bibliothèque nationale de Varsovie les 22 et 23 juin 1964. Libri, v. 15, no. 1, 1965: 72-115. Z671.L74, v. 15 Colloquium on National Library Buildings, Rome, 1973. National library buildings: proceedings of the colloquium held in Rome, 3-6 Sept. 1973. Edited by Anthony Thompson. Pullach/Miinchen, Verlag Dokumentation, 1975. 144 p. (IFLA publications, 2) Z675.N2C65 1973 Organized by the IFLA Committee on Library Buildings. English or French. Includes index. ISBN 3-7940-4422-3. A report on the colloquium by Frazer G. Poole appears in the Library of Congress Information Bulletin, v. 32, Oct. 26, 1973, p. A-192 (Z733.U57I6, v. 32). Colloquium on University Library Buildings, Lausanne, 1971. Papers and résumés of discussions. Edited by Brigitte Butticaz and Louis-Daniel Perret assisted by Madeleine Marchy. General editor: K. W. Humphreys. [Birmingham, Eng., Published by the Ligue des bibliothèques européennes de recherche (LIBER] 1972. 154 p. (LIBER. Bulletin supplement, no. 1) Includes bibliography. Colloquium held under the auspices of the IFLA Committee on Library Buildings. 48
Heintze, Ingeborg. Shelving for periodicals. Lund, Bibliotekstjanst [1966] 71 p. H685.H4 "Published for the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Committee on Library Buildings and Equipment." Section on Library Schools and Other Training Aspects International Federation of Library Associations. Section of Library Schools. Standards for library schools. IFLA journal, v. 2, no. 4, 1976: 209-223. Z672.I57b, v. 2 The standards for library education approved by the section at the 42d session of IFLA, Lausanne, August 1976, are presented and discussed. Piquard, Maurice. The training of librarians in Europe. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 21,Nov./Dec. 1967: 311-317. Z671.U5, v. 21 Results of a survey conducted by the IFLA Committee on Library Education. Piquard, Maurice, and Jacques Lethéve. La formation professionnelle des bibliothécaires en Europe. Libri, v. 16, no. 4, 1966: 282-311. Z671.L74, v. 16 Report on the Colloquium on Library Education in European Countries, Paris, 1965. Includes results of surveys conducted by the IFLA Committee on Library Education. Rovelstad, Mathilde V. IFLA and library education. Journal of education for librarian ship, v. 16, no. 2, 1975: 105-118. Z671.J64, v. 16 Section on Mechanization International Seminar on the MARC Format and the Exchange of Bibliographic Data in Machine Readable Form, Berlin, 1971. The exchange of bibliographic data and the MARC format. Austausch bibliographischer Daten und das MARC Format. Proceedings of the International Seminar on the MARC Format and the Exchange of Bibliographie Data in Machine Readable Form, sponsored by the Volkswagen Foundation, Berlin, June 14-16, 1971. München-Pullach, Verlag Dokumentation, 1972. 196 p. (Bibliothekspraxis, Bd. 6) Z699.4.M2I58 1971 Seminar organized by the Arbeitsstelle für Bibliothekstechnik in collaboration with the IFLA Committee on Mechanization. English and/or German. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 3-7940-4006-6. 49
Section on Official Publications Ejlersen, Rita. The activities of the IFLA Sub-commission on the Exchange of Official Publications and other international co-operation in this field. International library review, v. 1, Oct. 1969: 449453. Z671.164, v. 1 International Federation of Library Associations. Committee for Official Publications. Exchange of official publications: report on a questionnaire sent out by the IFLA Committee for Official Publications. Pretoria, State Library, 1974. 163 p. Z690.I7 1974 ISBN 0-7989-0025-3. International Federation of Library Associations. Committee for Official Publications. Questionnaire-Sammlung der IFLA-Kommission fiir Amtsdruckschriften. [n.p., 1971?] 1 v. (various pagings) Z688.G6I58 1971 Text chiefly in English. Staatsbibliothek der Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Catalogue of African official publications available in European libraries as of 1 May 1971. Berlin, International Federation of Library Associations, Committee for Official Publications, 1971. 251 p. Z3508.G6S7 Section on Rare and Precious Books and Documents Annual bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries, v. 1 + 1970+ The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1973+ ZI 17.A55 Issued under the auspices of the Committee on Rare and Precious Books and Documents. Breillat, Pierre. The rare books section in the library. [Paris] Unesco, [1965] 37, [1] p. Z688.R3B7 "The text of this booklet was issued in the July-August [p. 174-194] and September-October [p. 251-263] 1965 numbers of the Unesco bulletin for libraries." Bibliographical references included in "Notes," p. 33-[38] Prepared for UNESCO under a contract with IFLA. Brun, Robert. La réorganisation de la Commission du livre ancien de la FIAB. Libri, v. 7, no. 1, 1956: 80-85. Z671.L74, v. 7 Section on Statistics Conference on Library Statistics, Hague, 1966. Report. Chairman: Frank L. Schick. English ed. [The Hague?] 1966. 23 1. Z672.C75 1966c Sponsored by the Statistics Committee of the International Federation 50
of Library Associations and the International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee ISO/TC 46-Documentation. International Conference on the Standardisation of Library Statistics, Prague, 1971. International Conference on the Standardisation of Library Statistics, Prague, 6 to 10 September 1971; abridged proceedings. London, IFLA, 1972. 21 p. Edited by Kenneth A. Mallaber. Schick, Frank L. [International library statistics] In The Bowker annual. New York, R. R. Bowker Co. Z731 .A47 A section about IFLA's activities regarding international library statistics and standards has appeared in the following Bowker Annuals: 1973. "International Library Statistics and Standardization." p. 232-233. 1974. "International Library Statistics Developments." p. 350-353. 1975. "International Library Statistics Activities." p. 338-339. 1976. "International Library Statistics Activities." p. 365-366. Schick, Frank L. The international standardization of library statistics. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 25, Jan./Feb. 1971: 2-11. Z671.U5, v. 25
Section on the Exchange of Publications Dargent, J. L. FIAB—Commission des échanges de publications depuis 1947. Libri, v. 14, no. 1,1964: 81-85. Z671.L74,v. 14 Genzel, Peter. The efficiency of the transmission function of national exchange centres for the international exchange of publications. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 30, Mar./Apr. 1976: 83-89, 106. Z671.U5, v. 30 Summarizes the results of an investigation carried out by the IFLA Committee on the Exchange of Publications. Gombocz, 1stvan. Economic aspects of the international exchange of publications. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 25, Sept./Oct. 1971: 267-281. Z671.U5, v. 25 A report resulting from a proposal made by UNESCO to the Committee on the Exchange of Publications in 1965. Gombocz, 1st van, and Maria J. Schiltman. The forty years of the Committee on the Exchange of Publications. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 1, no. 1, 1975: 9-20. Z672.I57b, v. 1 Kanevskii, B. P., and F. L. J. Vanwijngaerden. Échanges internationaux de publications: bibliographie, 1960-1970. Bruxelles, Commission belge de 51
bibliographie, 1974. 63 p. (Bibliographia Belgica, 127) Z2405.B57, no. 127 Includes index. Prepared at the request of the IFLA Committee on the Exchange of Publications as a sequel to J. L. Dargent's Échanges internationaux de publications: bibliographie, 1817-1960 (Brussels, Commission belge de bibliographie, 1962. 2 v. Z2405.B57 no. 68). Lethève, Jacques. Project for standard book-exchange request forms. UNESCO bulletin for libraries, v. 25, Sept./Oct. 1971: 282-284. Z671.U5, v. 25 Mid-term programme of the Committee on the Exchange of Publications. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 1, no. 4, 1975: 318-320. Z672.I57b, v. 1 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Handbook on the international exchange of publications. 4th ed., edited by F. L. J. Vanwijngaerden. [Paris? 1977?] Being prepared by the IFLA Committee on the Exchange of Publications under contract with UNESCO. Working Group for Developing Countries liebaers, Herman, and Dorothy P. Anderson. IFLA's contribution to national library associations in developing countries. Journal of library history, v. 7, Oct. 1972: 293-300. Z671.J67, v. 7 International Federation of Library Associations. Working Group for Developing Countries. Newsletter, no. 1-4; Nov. 1973-June 1975. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, c/o Rubber Research Institute of Malaya. Ceased with no. 4. IFLA Working Group for Developing Countries./« IFLA news, no. 46, Nov. 1973: 29-30. Z671.1597a, no. 46 Letter from the chairman of the Working Group, Mr. J. S. Soosai, to national member associations of IFLA in developing countries. Working Group on Preservation Bansa, Helmut. Conservation and restoration workshops working for libraries. In International Federation of Library Associations. IFLA journal, v. 1, no. 3, 1975: 210-220. Z672.I57b,v. 1 A world wide list of restoration facilities, including addresses and information as to specialization. 52
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Serial I F L A Publications Edited by Willem R. H. Koops and Peter Havard-Williams 1 Special Libraries — Worldwide. A collection of papers prepared for the Section of Special Libraries. Edited by Giinter Reichardt. 1974. 360 pages. DM 68.00, IF L A members DM 51.00. ISBN 3-7940-4421-5 2 National Library Buildings. Proceedings of a colloquium held in Rome, 3—6 September 1973. Edited by Anthony Thompson. 1975. 144 pages. DM 28.00, I F L A members DM 21.00. ISBN 3-7940-4422-3 3 Le contrôle bibliographique universel dans les pays en développement. Table ronde sur le contrôle bibliographique universel dans les pays en développement, Grenoble, 22—25 août 1973. Edité par Marie-Louise Bossuat, Geneviève Feuillebois, Monique Pelletier. 1975. 165 pages. DM 38.00, I F L A members DM 29.00. ISBN 3-79404423-1 4 National and International Library Planning. Key papers presented at the 40th Session of the I F L A General Council, Washington, DC, 1974. Edited by Robert Vosper and Leone I. Newkirk. 1976. 162 pages. DM 36.00, I F L A members DM 27.00. ISBN 3-7940-4424-X 5 Reading in a Changing World. Papers presented at the 38th Session of the I F L A General Council, Budapest, 1972. Edited by Foster E. Mohrhardt. 1976. 134 pages. D M 28.00, I F L A members D M 21.00. ISBN 3-7940-4425-8 6 The Organization of the Library Profession. A Symposium based on contributions to the 37th Session of the I F L A General Council, Liverpool 1971. Edited by A. H. Chaplin. 1976. 2nd edition. 132 pages. DM 28.00, I F L A members DM 21.00. ISBN 3-7940-4300-X 7 World Directory of Administrative Libraries. A guide of libraries serving national, state, provincial, and Lander-bodies, prepared for the Sub-Section of Administrative Libraries. Edited by Otto Simmler. 1976. 474 pages. DM 60.00, I F L A members DM 45.00. ISBN 3-7940-4427-4 8 World Directory of Map Collections. Compiled by the Geography and Map Libraries Sub-Section. Edited by Walter W. Ristovw. 1976. 326 pages. DM 48.00, I F L A members DM 36.00. ISBN 3-7940-4428-2 9 Standards for Public Libraries. 1977. 2nd corrected edition. 53 pages. DM 12.80, I F L A members DM 9.80. ISBN 3-7940-4429-0 10 I F L A ' s First Fifty Years. Achievement and challenge in international librarianship. Edited by Willem R.H. Koops and Joachim Wieder. 1977. 158 pages. DM 36.00, I F L A members DM 27.00. ISBN 3-7940-4430-4 11 The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. A Selected List of References. 2nd edition, revised and expanded. Compiled by Edward P. Cambio. 1977. VI, 52 pages. DM 16.80, I F L A members DM 12.80. ISBN 3-7940-4431-2 12 Library Service to Children. Edited by Colin Ray. 1977. ISBN 3-7940-4423-0. In preparation for 1978 Verlag Dokumentation, Publishers - P O B 711009 -
D-8000 München 71
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Publications of Verlag Dokumentation, Munich: I F L A Annuals Proceedings of the General Council Meetings. Annual Reports I F L A Annual 1976 (42nd Meeting, Lausanne). 1977. 266 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4302-2. OM 58.00 I F L A Annual 1975 (41st Meeting, Oslo: The Future of International Library Cooperation). Ed. by W. R.H.Koops, P. Havard-Williams, W.E.S. Coops. 1976. 232 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4301-4. DM 58.00 I F L A Annual 1974 (40th Meeting, Washington: National and International Library Planning). Ed. by W.R.H. Koops, P. Havard-Williams, W.E.S. Coops. 1975. 314 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4300-6. DM 58.00 I F L A Annual 1973 (39th Meeting, Grenoble: Universal Bibliographic Control). Ed. by W.R.H. Koops, P.Havard-Williams, W.E.S. Coops. 1974. 256 pages. ISBN 3-79404299-9. DM 48.00 I F L A Annual 1972 (38th Meeting, Budapest: Reading in a Changing World). Ed. by W.R.H. Koops, P. Havard-Williams, W.E.S.Coops. 1973. 252 pages. ISBN 3-79404298-0. DM 48.00 I F L A Annual 1971 (37th Meeting, Liverpool: Organisation of the Library Profession). Ed. by P. Havard-Williams, W.R.H. Koops, H.J. Heaney. 1972. 239 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4297-2. DM 48.00 I F L A Annual 1970 (36th Meeting, Moscow: Libraries as a Force in Education). Ed. by Anthony Thompson. 1971. 336 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4296-4. DM 48.00 I F L A Annual 1969 (35th Meeting, Copenhagen: Library Education and Research in Librarianship). Ed. by Anthony Thompson and S. Randall. 1970. 289 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4295-6. DM 48.00 I F L A Directory 1977 1977. 148 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4414-2. DM 20.00 The Directory gives addresses with telephone and telex numbers of all I F L A offices, bodies, members, etc. It also contains statutes, conditions for membership and a list of publications. Universal Bibliographic Control A Long Term Policy — A Plan for Action By Dorothy Anderson. 1974. 87 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4420-7. DM 16.80, I F L A members DM 12.80 This study was originally prepared as a working document to be presented by I F L A to the Unesco Intergovernmental Conference on the Planning of National Overall Documentation, Library and Archives Infrastructures. The International Exchange of Publications Proceedings of the European Conference held in Vienna, April 24—29,1972 Edited by Maria Schiltman. 1973. 135 pages. ISBN 3-7940-4311-1. DM 28.00, I F L A members DM 21.00 This study on the inter-library loan and the international exchange of publications reports about problems and solutions made in this field to serve the needs of readers and to facilitate the cooperation between libraries world-wide. Verlag Dokumentation, Publishers - P O B 711009 - D-8000 München 71