The Harvest of the Hills: Rural Life in Northern England and the Scottish Borders 9780585441856

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The Harvest of the Hills: Rural Life in Northern England and the Scottish Borders

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The Harvest OF THE



Harvest OF THE

Hills Rural Life in Northern England and the Scottish Borders, 1400-1700




EDINBURGH University Press


J. L. Winchester, 2000

Edinburgh Universitv Press Ltd 22 George Square, Edinburgh RepnntO





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cl'Oo upon paine of vis viii d as abovesaid. And it is ordred that any may drive theire hoggs att the first time into what place of the fell as hee pleaseth (and not else but as other goods are turned over att, and att the places aforesaid, upon paine as abovesaid vis viii d). And that none shall exchange any sheepe from one bancke to another but in distresse of weather upon paine as abovesaid vi 5 viii d. Wee judge and awarde that John Braythwaite shall take this yeares breede of lambes and putt them to other places upon paine of iii s iiii d.

I 110

4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26

4.27 4.28 4.29



And that none shall keepe any greate goods in our bancks, but milking cowes and one horse for a tenement, which horse to be one month on the moore, upon paine as above vis viii d. And that noe man put any greate goods into uppermer Lingmell, but penny calves from St James day [25 July] till six weekes after upon paine as abovesaid vis viii d. And none shall heafe or drive any sheepe of the fell, butt from comon folds upon paine as above-said vi 5 viii d. And to gitt our thatch brackens att our latter Lady day [8 September]; and to gitt our topp brackens that day seavennight [15 September]. And for our heade garth on Lingmellside to be made six feate and a halfe high upon paine of vi 5 viii d as above said; and for the other side to be referred to the sworne men. And for our infeild ground, every man to occupie his ground according to neighbourhoode hath bene (and as proufe will serve). And every man to amend high wayes, and kepe in water alongst his owne ground upon paine as above said vi 5 viii d. And noe man shall have any sheepe in the comon feild upon paine as aforesaid iii 5 iiiid. And it is agreed if a cowe milke but to St Jam[e]s day [25 July] she shall goe to moore upon paine as aforesaid iii 5 iiiid. And that none shall fetch any kine of the moore till they be within five weekes of calveinge upon paine as aforesaid iii s iiii d. And noe greate goods shall be suffred to goe in the bancks from Michaelmas day [29 September] to StThomas day [21 December] upon paine as abovesaid vis viiid. And that our outlyeing goods shalbe brought to our fell yeates betwixt StThomas day [21 December] and our Lady day in Lent [25 March] upon paine as abovesaid vis viii d. And that they shall make all garthes and yeates aboute there houses lawfull upon paine as abovesaid vis viii d. And that all men keepe theire swine lawfull and out of the feild upon paine as above said vis viii d. And for our improvements and infeild walles to be referred to the sworne men. And every man must keepe stinte in the feild, upon paine as abovesaid vis viii d. All tenants and occupiers may have theire yeare old colts and fylleys in our bancks a fortnight aboute St Jam[e]s day [25 July]. And if our geld goods cannot goe to the moore att May day for the stormey weather which may continue a weeke or a fortnight, it is referred to the sworne men when they shall goe; and such like for theire horses. If any man wilbe att charges to measure his owne improvement he may. And it is thought good that our penny calfes shall goe to moore a moneth after May day. And we judge and award that noe man shall drive his sheepe on the gathring day but unto theire owne heafe that the same goods belongs to, upon paine as abovesaid for every defalt vi d. And we judge and award that they may have thirteen oxen upon height of Lingmall. October 14th 1664 Wee doe confirme and allowe of this order and byerlawe. Pa: Curwen Jo: Clarke



NOTES TO TEXT 4.1 'forrestmale': literally 'forest money', the payment made by the tenants for grazing their stock on the lord's forest, preserving the memory of the forest status of the fells (Winchester 1987, p. 84). 4.4 'rydeing time': the mating season. 4.5 'riggalts': incompletely castrated rams. 4.10 'penny calves': meaning unclear; 'great goods': cattle and horses, as opposed to sheep. 4.20 'yeates': gates.





The final two documents bring us as close as it is possible to come to decision-making in the hill farming hamlets. Both are brief statements of local byelaws, apparently drawn up by hamlet communities and enrolled in the record of the manor court of which the hamlet in question was a member. As with the award of the court at Wasdale Head (Document 4), it is not clear to what extent these byelaws re-iterate ancient custom or lay out new regulations. They are presumably to be interpreted as responses to local disagreements, the nature of which can only be surmised from the byelaws themselves. Unlike the more formal paine lists, these are concerned exclusively with the day-to-day practicalities of hill farming: the upkeep of fences; grazing rights and stints.

Figure A.4. Halton Gill, nestling between dale-bottom meadows and fellside pastures at the head of Littondale.

Halton Gill (SD 88 76) is a small clustered hamlet, deep in the Yorkshire dales at the head of Littondale (Fig. A.4). It contained ten tenements in 1496 (Michelmore 1974, p. 22). Part of Fountains Abbey's property in Craven, Halton Gill fell within the jurisdiction of the court of Litton. Each of the constituent hamlet settlements retained its own identity: the call list grouped the tenants under five headings (Cosh, Foxup, Halton Gill, Litton and Horton), each division bringing its own presentments to the court. In 1581, for example, the court noted that 'ther ys not any presentment concernynge neyghborhead in Foxehopp presented this two yere nor for Lytton this yere'.




The text below is entered in the Litton court roll for 14 May 1579 (YAS, DD 121/1/2, f. 24) and is printed by permission of Yorkshire Archaeological Society. DOCUMENT 5: TEXT

Haltongill bylaws 1. Imprimis that no inhabitor ther shall kepe any riggold tuppes to com emonges ther ewes in ryding tyme, peyn iii s iiii d. 5.2 2. Item that every inhabitor shall make & uphold ther dikes & fenses to save their neybors harmeles from Pekearsenoke to the east corner of John Ellyson gresse garth in peyn every gapp iiiid. 5.3 3. Item that every inhabitant shall make upp ther yeates & dikes about ther mores & field before myd aprill day in peyn of every yeat & gapp iii s iiii d. 5.4 4. Item that every inhabitor shall smytt ther shepe which they fest with a buy smytt to be knowne from them which they kepe at home in peyn of every shepe iiii d, and that none shall get any £leathers or gresse after they begyn to mmoe in peyn of every burden xii d. 5.5 5. Item that every inhabitant shall kepe ther stint both winter & somer in field & pasture in peyn of iii s iiii d. 5.6 6. Item that none shall put any horses in Haltongill field to pasture in hey tyme but during the tyme they lead their heye in peyn of every tyme xii d.


NOTES TO TEXT 5.4 'fleathers': recorded as an alternative name for'bur(d) blades' (YAS, DD 121/1/2, f. 14), which is identified as'bog rhubarb' (Smith 1961, p. 114), that is butterbur (Petasites hybridus).


I t74


Outhwaite (SD 61 65) lies on the flank of Roeburndale in the northern fringes of the Bowland fells. Roeburndale, a private forest attached to the manor of Hornby, was probably the location of the vaccaries in the manor recorded in 1336 (Farrer 1915, p. 40). Outhwaite was described as 'a pasture' in 1212 (Farrer 1903, p. 29). The manor of Hornby was extensive and the court's business was arranged by the consituent settlements, the burlawmen of each township, including Roeburndale, bringing in separate presentments. The following document appears to represent a set of agreements among neighbours, enrolled in the formal record of the court. The text below, entered in the record of Hornby court capital held 12 October 1580 (Hornby Castle muniments, Hornby court books, vol. II, ff. 60-60v.), is printed by permission of Mr D. R. Battersby. DOCUMENT 6: TEXT

A Byarley maid at Ulthwatt. A byarley and orders maide by the tenantes of Hulthwatt as is hereunder sett downe in articles the xii 0 daie of October by the consentes of all the said tenantes anno regni Elizabethe regine &c. xxii 0 as foloweth: 6.1

6.2 6.3

6.4 6.5 6.6 6. 7 6.8


Imprimis that every tenaunt of Ulthwat shall kepe there styntt in the fyld in the eatyshe tyme, that is to saye every xx 5 rent to have xxiiii bease gate, every marke rent xvi bease gatte & every x 5 rent xii bease gate, and what tenant soever breake this stint to forfayt to lord for every tyme vi 5 viii d. Item that there shall no tenant of Ulthwatt take no oxen into there somer pasture to geyst sub pena every tyme iii 5 iiiid. Item that every tenant of Ulthwatt kepe there old styntt in there somer pastures; that is every marke rent nyne heade of bease and yf any tenant take any geyst into the said pastures that shall chaunge there styntt all somer tyme without lycens of all there neybours; nor take iiii calves for a best nor to put any horses into the new close in the somer tyme; nor to put geyse into eythe Cow Close subpena every article iii 5 iiiid. Item that the said tenantes shall freth there somer pastures at myddaprill daye yerely and to make all there rynge hedges able by the same daye yerely sub pena eyther article iii s iiii d. Item to putt into there somer pastures the xx daye of Maye and not affore sub [penal every one to lord xiid. Item that no tenaunt shall take no horses into the eatyshe nor in the wynter tyme into none of there tenementes butt at most every noble rent one horse sub pena iii s iiii d. Item that every tenant kepe there swyne yoked and ringht at all tymes in the yere, allwayes upon warning gyven them of the rest of there neybours subpena xiid. Item that no tenant shall putt into any of there gresses a styrke for a calve, that is to saye that calve that is calved beffore Martynmas daye to go the next so mer for a styrke sub pena iii s iiii d. Item that yf any tenant of Ulthwatt do tether any horses in the fyld by night to forfaytt for every tyme iii s iiii d.



NOTES TO TEXT 6.1 'eatyshe tyme': 'edish' or 'foggage' time, during which stock grazed the aftermath after the crop had been gathered. 6.2 'geyst': to agist. 6.6 noble: coin with the value of 6s. Sd. (later lOs.).


Upland Manor Court Records used in this study Unless otherwise stated, the documents cited below are the records of court proceedings, usually preserved in court rolls or court books. Dates are the outer dates of records consulted: they do not necessarily indicate a complete sequence of records.






1649-1713 1473-1684 1597 (copy) 1597 1683-94 1696-1725 1538 1678-19th and see Derwentfells 1472-1534 1585-1674 1683-94 1605-35

DUL, HN/C.176/9-10 PRO, ADM74/1/1-10 NRO, EP 46/85 see Appendix I: Doc. 2 Keswick Museum 4692 CRO, D/GN/1/1 PRO, DL30/32/281 CRO, D/Lec/120

1472-1597 1639-41 1677-19th 1604-35 1673-1766 1521-23 1587 1595 1678-1733

CRO, D/Lec/299 CRO, D/Lec/127 CRO, D/Lec/85 PRO, SC2/165/8 CRO, D/Lons/W8/7/1 CRO, D/Lec/299/18, 20 CRO (copy, 1692) CRO, D/Lec/299/27 CRO, D/Lec/94

Cumberland 'Above Gelt' (Gilsland) Alston Moor

drift roll paine roll Bewcastle Borrowdale Braithwaite & Coledale


Caldbeck Castlerigg & Derwentwater1 Dacre estreats Derwentfells (incl. Brackenthwaite (to 1534), Braithwaite (to 1597), Lorton (to 1594))


verdicts estreats

Eskdale & Wasdale drift roll verdicts

CRO, D/Lec/299/1-26 PRO, ADM74/2/2-18 Keswick Museum 4692 PRO, SC2/165/7


Gilsland Barony (incl. Askerton, Castle Carrock, Cumrew)

Hutton John Kelton & Arlecdon Kinniside


verdicts Loweswater

Millom Seigniory (incl. Bootie, Kirksanton, 'Satherton', Ulpha) N etherwasdale verdicts Ousby

1576-96 DUL, HN/C.178/1-7 1612-24 DUL, HN/C.178a/1-6 and see 'Above Gelt' 1566-1602 Hudleston 1969 1642-1717 CRO, D/Lons/W8/11/1-2 1595 CRO, D/Lec/299/27 CRO, D/Lec/8 1678-19th 1472-1534 CRO, D/Lec/299/1-26 CRO, D/Law/1/248 1614 1645-88 CRO, D/WM/11/121-2 1510-1679 1595 1678-1733 1530-1720



Wasdale Head


Watermillock Wythbum

paine book award

1683-94 1610-11 and see Millom 1664 and see Eskdale 1610-1710 1606


Thomthwaite Ulpha



CRO, D/Lons/WS/12/1-22 CRO, D/Lec/299/27 CRO, D/Lec/94 CRO,WD/Crk/M.1, M.12-M.13 CRO, WD/Ry, box 27, file 'Skirwith (unnumbered)' Keswick Museum 4692 CRO, D/Lons/W8/21/1 see Appendix I: Doc. 4 Hodgson 1883 CRO,DNan/Wythbum box ibid.

Co. Durham

Edmundbyers Weardale

orders verdicts

1364-82 1602 1598-1613 1595-1607

Booth 1889 DUL, WCP/45 DUL, WCP/48, 51 PRO, SC2/171/12 (see Appendix I: Doc. 3)

Lancashire Bowland Clitheroe Honour Accrington Colne (incl. Trawden Forest) Ightenhill

see Yorkshire (West Riding) 1509-67 1425-1567 1425-1567

Farrer 1913 Farrer 1897 Farrer 1912



I 178


Whitaker 1878, ii. pp.227-8

Furness Fells Colton, Hawkshead


Hawkshead Hornby Lordship

1546 1561 1586 1537-88

1579-1620 1477 1638-64 1524-45 1477

Brownbill 1919, pp. 678-85 LRO, DDSa/29/1 PRO, DL 30/80/1086 West 1774, pp. 157-67 Hornby Castle, Hornby ct.bks. I (1537-57), II (1578-88); see Appendix I: Doc. 6 LRO, DDLk/1/1 PRO, DL30/79/1028 Hornby Castle muniments CRO, BD/HJ/200/Torver/1 PRO, DL30/79/1028


1629-63 1627-64 1653-73 1618-49 1649-53

NRO 672/1/PR/16-115 NRO 672/1/PR/A1-A21 PRO, ADM74/3/2 Alnwick Castle, C.XI.l Alnwick Castle, C.XI.2a

Crosthwaite & Lyth Grasmere, Langdale


Langdale Shap Staveley

verdict paines verdicts

1659 1560 1599-1610 1654 1578-1747 1650-78

Strickland Ketel Thornthwaite Windermere (incl. Ambleside, Troutbeck)

paine roll

c. 1545 1626-34

CRO, D/Lons/LS/2/11/28 CRO, D/Lons/LS/2/11/1 CRO, D/Lons/LS/2/11/6 CRO, D/Lons/LS/2/11/15 Whiteside 1903 CRO, D/Lons/LS/2/11/252, 23, 99 CRO, D/Lons/LS/2/4/11 CRO, D/Lons/LS/2/20/1

1441-43 15th cent. 1560

PRO, SC2/207/121-122 see Appendix I: Doc. 1 CRO, D/Lons/LS/2/11/1


paine list


Lowick Quernmore Tatham To rver Wyresdale

Northumberland Allendale Kirkhaugh Redesdale (Harbottle)


jury charge



Yorkshire (North Riding) Applegarth



1418-71 1492 1496

Bowes, Arkengarthdale & New Forest Cotherstone

1441 1431-1626 1446 1511 1546

Cotherstone & Hunderthwaite Fremington

1525-60 1615-41 1446-75




1546 Mickleton (incl. Holwick, Lune)

1433-76 1458-75 1472

verdicts Wensleydale (Dale Grange)

1511 1562-1674 1466-1561

DRO, D/St/E.3/1/4; NYCRO, ZJX 3/1/53 NYCRO, ZDX (MIC 1145) NYCRO, ZJX 3/1/68 (MIC 2004) Essex RO, D/DLIM.106 BL, Harl. Roll G.23 NYCRO, ZPS 1/4-35 (MIC 964) DRO, D/St/E.3/1/4 Essex RO, D/DLIM.107 NYCRO, ZJX 3/1/117 (MIC 2004) DRO, D/Bo/A.801 DRO, D/Bo/A.802-A.817 NYCRO, ZJX 3/1/46, 53, 60, 65 (MIC 2004) NYCRO, ZPS 1/1-88 (MIC 964) NYCRO, ZJX 3/1/117 (MIC 2004) DRO, D/St/E.3/1/4 NYCRO, ZPS 1/12-14 (MIC 964) NYCRO, ZJX 3/1/63 (MIC 2004) Essex RO, D/DL/M.107 DRO, D/St/E.3/1/6-16 BL, Egerton Rolls, 8683-6,8699-8700

Yorkshire (West Riding) Airton Barden Forest Bentham & Ingleton Bowland (Slaidburn court)

1603-28 and see Malhamdale 1542-93 1506 1392-4 1514-15 1519-70

LRO, DD:Ma, box 17 YAS, DD 121/3/1 PRO, SC2/211/68 LRO, DDHCl, Slaidburn ct r. no. 1 PRO, DL 30/78/1019 LRO, DDHCl, Slaidburn ct r. nos. 2-46





Bowland Forest (Whitewell court) Buckden & Starbotton Calton

Dent Giggleswick

estreats byelaws

Kettlewell Langstrothdale




1554-1628 1545-92 1536-46 1603-24 and see Malhamdale 1613-27 1564-1602 and see Settle 1614 1547-57 1559-97 undated 2

1558-62 1648-53 1457 1420

1663-1718 1523-42 1666-1719 1678-97 1655-1807

SRO, RHll/14/2 Dickinson 1937 Sheddon-Dobie 1884 SRO, RH11/71/1 Gunn & Gunn 1905

1560-87 extracts

undated 3 1534

Malhamdale Sedbergh Settle & Giggleswick

PRO, SC2/211/33 Brayshaw & Robinson 1932,pp. 83-7 PRO, SC2/211/69 YAS, DD 121/1/1 YAS, DD 121/1/4 BL, Additional MS 40010, ff. 31-31v. Michelmore 1981, pp.303-11 YAS, DD 121/1/2 (see Appendix 1: Doc. 5) BL, Additional MS 40010, ff. 14v.-16v. Michelmore 1981, pp.303-11 LRO, DDMa, box 9 LRO, DDMa, box 17 NYCRO, ZDX (MIC 1145) YAS, DD 121/112/22



LRO, DDHCl, box 86 YAS, DD 121/1/3 LRO, DDMa, box 9 LRO, DDMa, box 17

Southern Scotland Carrick Bailiary (Ayrshire) Carnwath (Lanarkshire) Corshill (Ayrshire) Pentland (Midlothian) Stichill (Roxburghshire)

NOTES 1. Manor called'Keswick and Castlerigg'in court rolls 1585-95. 2. Abstracts probably made in 15th century. 3. Abstracts probably made in 15th century.

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Index Abbotside (YN), 18-20 Above Derwent (Cu), 18-20 Accrington (La), 138 acregarth, 53, 73n see also head-dyke agistment, 29, 32, 81, 93-8, 109

Agrarian History of England and Wales, 3 Airton ryw), 45, 64, 94, 129 Allendale (Nb), 10, 56, 73, 81-2, 93, 94, 113, 117, 129 Alston Moor (Cu), 6, 7, 9, 13, 16, 18-20, 24n, 40, 46, 48, 53, 54, 86, 88, 89, 90, 96, 117, 129, 133, 136, 141, 151 drift roll, 112-13 paine roll, 37, 39, 107, 160-5 Ambleside (VVe), 30, 95, 118, 125, 135, 152, 158 Applegarth (YN), 158n Applethwaite (VVe), 152-3, 156-7 arable cultivation, 5-6, 9, 18, 20 Arkengarthdale (YN), 13, 16, 83, 84, 94 Arkholme (La), 130 Arlecdon (Cu), 81 Askerton (Cu), 55, 88, 89, 95, 96, 117 North Moor, 85 Askrigg (YN), 70 Ault, Warren, 1, 4, 33, 42, 47 Austhwaite (Cu), 28 Ayle Shield (Nb), 58, 90 Aysgarth (YN), 128 Bailey, Mark, 3 Bainbridge (YN), 13 bake stones, 139-40 Bampton (VVe), 131 Bardale (YN), 69 Barden forest ryw), 48, 57, 136 Barnard Castle (Du), 63 Barton (VVe), 116, 118, 128, 131 beastgate see stints Beckermonds ryw), 31,67

Bellerby (YN), 45, 72 bent, 138 Berrier (Cu), 128 Bewcastle (Cu), 5, 67, 83, 85, 139 birch, 124, 125 Bishopdale (YN), 69 Black Death, 6 Blaze Fell (Cu), 136 Blean (YN), 59, 69 Bleasdale (La), 71 Bootie (Cu), 44, 66, 73, 119, 133, 136 Border hills, 2, 8-9, 11, 12, 18-21 Borders, the, 17, 18-21, 23, 85, 98, 151, 158n, 160 reiving, 46, 162 service, 16, 17 Survey, 88, 89, 139 warfare, 6, 17 Borrowdale (Cu), 16, 21, 24n, 55, 104 Botton (La), 46, 74n boundaries, across waste, 27-32 see also field boundaries Bowden (Rox), 30 Bowes (YN}, 70, 72, 139 Moor, 8, 83 Bowes, Lady Jane, 68 Bowland (La, YW), 15, 24n, 45, 68, 117, 125, 141 court see Slaidburn forest, 34, 49n, 56, 57, 72, 83, 84, 96, 114, 136, 138, 139 swainmote, 37,40-1,47, 69 woodmote, 126 bracken, 7, 9, 133-6, 149 Brackenthwaite (Cu), 41 Bradford, West ryw), 45, SOn Braithwaite (Cu), 133, 135, 136, 137 court, 43 buchts, 59-60 Buckden ryw),45,5~59,64,81 Burke, Edmund, 46 burlawrnen,44-5,46, 129,149,174


Burneside (We), 67, 158n Burnley (La), 68 butterbur, 67 Buttermere (Cu), 13, 62, 70, 72, 109 byelaws, 1-2,33,37-40, 150-1 compilations (texts of), 152-74 byrlaw courts, 34, 42-4, 47, 149, 150, 167 Caldbeck (Cu), 115, 130, 158n Calder abbey (Cu), 22, 109 Calton ('/W), 64, 105, 125, 129, 132, 139 Camden, William, 85 Carnforth (La), 138 Carnwath (Lnk), 83, 128, 136 Castle Carrock (Cu), 104, 114 Castlerigg (Cu), 48, 49n, 73, 92, 97, 104, 115, 132, 133, 137 cattle driving, 116-17 herd size, 18-20 husbandry, 54-7, 110-11 marks, 105 tethering, 66-7 trade, 17 see also cow pastures; drovers; stints cattlegates see stints charcoal-burning, 124 chase see forest Cheviot, 9, 21, 22, 85, 104 sheep,20 Chirdon (Nb), 93 Clarilaw (Rox), 30 Clitheroe (La), 45 coal, 139 Colne (La), 68, 139 commercial stock rearing, 17, 21-3, 148 common land, 1, 26, 148 see also meadows; open fields; waste common rights, 27, 32-3, 149 see also estovers; pasture rights; stone quarrying; turbary rights commonty, 30, 32, 47 Commonty Act, 30 Coniston (La), 21, 62 Conistone ('IW), 72 Consett (Du), 92 Copeland forest (Cu), 96, 167 Coquetdale (Nb), 85 corn marigold, 158n Corshill (Ayr), 45 Cotherstone (YN), 36, 45, 47, 63, 66, 67, 79, 81, 103, 10~ 121n, 129, 139, 151n

189 cottage settlement, 17, 39, 125, 149 cottagers, restrictions on, 48, 79-81, 104, 115, 129, 132-3, 136 Cotterdale (YN), 22, 114 courts baron, 33, 35, 37 barony, 33 leet, 33, 35, 40, 48 see also byrlaw courts; manor courts Coverdale (YN), 58, 72 cow pastures, 68-73, 110-11, 167 Craven ('IW), 8, 15, 58, 64, 66, 68, 97, 115 Cray ('fW), 44, 114 Cronkley (YN), 68, 86, 115 Crook (We), 125 Crosby Ravensworth (We), 64 Crossthwaite (YN), 28, 49n, 58, 90, 117 Crosthwaite and Lyth (We), 136 cultivation features, 6, 7, 160 see also arable cultivation Cumrew (Cu), 21, 61 Cupar-Angus, 42 custom, 46-7 customary tenure, 16, 148 cuthill courts, 43 Dacre, Lord William, 117, 118 Daddryshield (Du), 117 Dale Grange (Wensleydale, YN), 42, 69 Dalton in Furness (La), 44 Deepdale ('IW), 31, 44, 114 deer, 28, 126 parks,22,83, 124,152 Denton, Thomas, 5, 21, 136, 160 Derwentfells (Cu), 96, 97 court, 41, 42, 43, 44, 103, 104, 119 Derwentwater, Lord, 47 Devon, 65 Dietrich, S. C., 17 Dilley, Robert, 33 Dockray (Cu), 130 dogs, 28, 115-16, 166 Downham (La), 109, 118 driftways, 56, 111-13,130-1,167,169 drovers, 20, 81, 149 Dunnerdale (La), 62, 104, 131 Durham, bishop of, 84, 166 Durham Priory, 44, 79, 104, 115 ear marks, 105-7 economy, upland, 3, 18-21, 147 Eden valley (Cu, We), 5, 96, 129

I t9o


Edgerston (Rox), 21, 22 edish see foggage Edmundbvers (Du), 67, 158n Egremont~ lordship court (Cu), 42 Ellwood, T., 107 Elsdon parish (Nb), 18-20 Elshieshiels (Dmf), 45 enclosure, 52, 146-7, 148 of open fields, 56, 62-6 of waste, 3, 30, 47, 68-71 Ennerdale (Cu), 13, 82, 84, 109, 114 environment, upland, 5-10, 23, 78, 123, 126, 133, 136 Eskdale (Cu), 105, 109, 110-11, 130, 131, 167 Eskdale (Dmf), 13 estovers, 32, 123, 133-8 Ettrick forest (Slk), 10, 13, 16, 21 Exchequer, court of, 83, 96 Extwistle (La), 45, 80, 117

field boundaries, 62-6 firewood, 124-5 'flaws' (turf), 126-7, 129 Fleming of Rydal, 21 foggage,54-6,66-8 'foldbreak', 40, 118 forests (hunting), 10-11, 12, 13, 14-15,27, 28-30 courts, 34, 35-7 pasture rights in, 32, 84, 94 forest silver, 29, 84, 94, 98 Fountains Abbey, 13, 58, 84, 97, 172 jury charge, 37, 39, 44, 103, 154, 158n fox, control of, 105 Fremington (YN), 45 'fristneck' cattle, 82, lOOn fuel, 124-5 see also gorse; heather; peat; wood Furness Abbey, 69 Furness Fells (La), 16, 24n, 69, 95, 129, 141

Faeroe Islands, 107 Farlam (Cu), 55 Farleton (La), 128, 135, 138 feast days All Saints, 55, 56, 57, 163 Beltane, 55 Christmas, 164 Easter, 37 Ellenmas see St Helen Invention of Holy Cross, 55, 94 Lady Day: 25 Mar, 55-6,58, 104, 146-7, 170; 15 Aug, 88; 8 Sep, 96, 97, 170 Lammas,6~ 88,116,163 Martinmas, 55, 56, 57, 72, 104, 174 May Day, 55, 56, 64, 114, 116, 129, 132, 170 Michaelmas, 37, 56, 57, 58, 66, 90, 94, 104, 114, 132, 135-6, 138, 139, 164, 170 Mid April Day, 55, 67, 114, 163 Rood Day, 88, 163 St Andrew, 58, 163 St Bartholemew, 135, 138 St Catherine ('Kathren'), 169 St Helen, 37, 55, 66, 88, 90, 114, 146-7, 163, 164 StJames,66, 138,170 St Lawrence, 135 St Luke, 57 StMary Magdalene ('Maudlenday'), 67, 89 St Matthew, 135 St Peter, 163 StThomas, 58, 170 Whitsuntide, 37, 66, 89 fences, repair of, 39, 45, 46

Galloway, 104, 123 Garrigill (Cu), 9, 160, 163 Garsdale (YW), 69 geese, 104-5 Geltsdale (Cu), 94 Giggleswick (YW), 45, 57, 119 Gilsland (Cu), 82, 85, 94, 104, 123 Glencorse (Mdl), 83 Glencoyne (We), 134 Glengeith (Lnk), 60 goats, 18-19,104 Goosnargh (La), 93 gorse, 138 granges see monastic estates Grasmere (We), 29, 60, 62, 66, 69, 79, 116, 117, 126 Grassington (YW), 6 grassland management see meadows; pastures grazing rights see pasture rights Greskine (Dmf), 21, 59 Greystoke (Cu), 95, 128 Grindleton \'!W), 125 Grisedale (We), 30 Gunnolfsmoors (La), 27 Halton Gill (YW), 31, 44, 109, 172-3 hamlet communities, 13, 16, 30-2, 34, 69-71 byelaws, 172-4 Hanlith (YIN), 59 Harbottle (Nb), 42, 87, 139 Hardin, Garrett, 26 Harrington family, 22 Harrison, Christopher, 150



Hartlington ryw), 136 Haslingden (La), 68 Haverigg (Cu), 114 hay, 54, 81, 88 see also meadows; winter feed haybote, 62-3 head courts, 37, 41-4 head-dyke,52-5, 146-7 heafs, 111-12 heather, 7, 8, 136-7 Hebden ryw), 136 hedges,62-6, 125,141-2,146-7 Helton 0Ne), 64, 65, 114 Helvellyn (Cu, We), 30 herding regulations, 114-16 herdsmen, 114 Herdwick sheep, 20, 59, 105 Heversham 0Ne), 105 hog houses, 58, 69 holly, 57 Holwick (YN), 38, 49n, 58, 64, 79, 96, 107, 117 Holydean (Rox), 127 Hope forest (YN), 84 horn marks, 105, 109, 120n Hornby (La), 44, 45, 66, 72, 73, 104, 125, 128, 129, 130, 151n, 174 horses, 18-20, 103 Hoyle, Richard, 47 Hudleston family, 68 Hunderthwaite (YN), 55, 58, 67, 68, 115, 136, 139 hunting, 34, 39, 40 see also fox, control of Hutton John (Cu), 49n, 63, 66, 116, 118 llton ('Ilkton', YN), 27 impounding of livestock, 40, 96, 116-18 Ingram (Nb), 6 inmates, 39, 48, 115, 125, 133, 149 intakes, 68-9 intercommoning, 30, 78-9, 148 Jedburgh forest (Rox), 22, 54, 83, 85 Johnstoun of Elshieshiels, 21 jury charges, 37, 39-40, 44, 152-8 Keld 0Ne), 46 Kelton (Cu), 81, 114 Kendal barony 0Ne), 45, 97, 109, 125, 138, 152 Kentmere 0Ne), 21, 30, 84 Kerr family, 21 Kershopefoot (Cu, Dmf), 85 Keswick (Cu), 105, 133

Kettlewell ryw), 6, 72, 114 Kidland (Nb), 85, 88, 98 Killhope (Du), 94 King, Walter, 48 Kinniside (Cu), 65, 69, 132 Kirk Gill ('Kyrgyll', YW), 44, 79 Kirkburton ryw), 40 Kirkhaugh(Nb),58, 130,136, 165n Kirknewton (Nb), 21 Kirksanton (Cu), 44, 67, 72, 78, 114, 115, 125 Knaresborough forest ryw), 10 Lake District, 6-7, 10-11, 13-14, 16, 18-22 see also individual places Lammermuir Hills, 6 Lamplugh (Cu), 21 Lancaster, 133 forest of, 10, 37 Lancaster of Sockbridge, 21, 114, 118 Lanchester (Du), 79 landless, 48, 79, 151 see also cottagers; inmates Langdale 0Ne), 8, 112, 131 Langstrothdale ryw), 31, 37, 44, 67, 79, 81, 83, 84, 107, 114, 137, 138 Lartington (YN), 45, 55, 57, 58, 65, 72, 73, 74n, 104, 127, 132, 138, 139 Laversdale (Cu), 66, 104 lead mining, 13, 16, 17, 23, 148 leases, 16, 17, 21-2, 81, 90 Leland, John, 136 levancy and couchancy, 79-81, 96, 98, 147 Leyburn family, 114 Libberton (Lnk), 83, 128 Liddesdale (Rox), 11, 13, 16 ling see heather Litton ryw), 172, 173 Littondale ryw), 10, 67, 96, 103, 104, 138, 172 see also Halton Gill; Litton livestock joint ownership, 82, 97 management, 46, 109-18 restrictions, 103-4 see also cattle; goats; horses; pigs; sheep lodgers see inmates lodges (shielings), 86, 89, 92 Long Mynd (Shropshire), 105 Longsleddale 0Ne), 21, 30, 71, 84, 93, 97, 114, 119, 131 see also Sadgill lord's privileges, 39-40 Lorton (Cu), 21, 44, 109, 132


I t92 Loweswater (Cu), 68, 73, 81, 92, 119, 132, 158n Lowick (La), 59, 107 Lowther Hills, 21 Lune forest (YN), 21, 58, 65, 86, 88-90, 94, 96, 109, 115, 120n Lunedale (YN), 107 McDonnell, John, 93 Malham (YW), 55, 61, 67, 82, 115 Moor, 95, 103, 139 Mallerstang (We), 69, 96 manor courts, 1, 33-48, 148-51 juries, 40-2, 47-8, 149, 151 officers, 44-5, 149 records of, 176-80 see also byrlaw courts manorial waste see waste marks, livestock, 105-9 Marsden (La), 139 Martindale (We), 21, 114, 116-17, 118, 128 Marwood Hagg (Du), 63 Masham Moor (YN), 27, 28, 73n Matterdale (Cu), 49n, 56, 58, 116, 130 meadows, 7, 9, 67-8, 93 Melling (La), 130 Mellingshaw (Dmf), 21 Melmerby (Cu), 21, 126 Merton, Statute of, 27 Mickleton (YN), 16, 61, 63, 66, 67, 78, 86, 103, 109 court, 37, 38, 42, 88, 89, 90 Middlefell family, 112 Middleham lordship (YN), 5 Midlem (Rox), 30 Milburn (We), 86, 94, 138 milking, 56, 59, 92-3 Millom (Cu), 40, 43-4, 48, 57, 59, 79, 81, 104, 105, 107, 109, 111, 115, 119, 128, 129, 132, 137, 138, 151n minerals, 3, 138-9, 148 see also lead mining Miterdale (Cu), 110-11, 167 monastic estates, 31, 97 granges, 11, 13, 22, 30, 109 moor-burning, 136-7 Moorhouse, Stephen, 14 moorland, 7 see also waste Moresby, Christopher, 21 Mosedale (Cu), 128 Mosser (Cu), 33, 119 Muggleswick (Du), 79, 92, 104, 115, 124, 137 Mungrisdale (Cu), 21


'neighbourhood', good, 39-40, 45-7 Netherwasdale (Cu), 107, 108 New Forest (YN), 84 Newbiggin (We), 44 Newlands (Cu), 105, 114 Newton by Slaidburn (YW), 114 Nidderdale (YW), 16 Norden, John, 125,126,138 Northumberland, earl of, 167 open fields, 61-2 grazing rights in, 66-7 open/closed season, 54-6, 146 Ostrom, Elinor, 26, 148, 149 Otley (YW), 27 Oughtershaw (YW), 31, 79, 138 Ousby (Cu), 21, 45, 46, 49n, 57, 58, 59, 64, 66, 82, 129, 136 Outhwaite (Roeburndale, La), 44, 67, 72, 73, 174 outrake see driftways overleap, 78-9, 95, 116, 117, 148 overstint, 79 oxen, 18-20 paines see byelaws Parry, M., 6 partible inheritance, 13, 17, 87-8 pasture rights, 32, 45 in meadows, 67-8 in open fields, 66-7 on wastes, 78-99, 109-11 'without number', 79-82 see also driftways; levancy and couchancy; stints pastures enclosed, 52, 68-73, 99, 146-7 private, 32-3, 68, 94-6, 98 see also waste Patrickson of Ennerdale, 22 peasant colonisation, 11, 13 peat 7, 126-7 digging, 46, 126-33 see also turbary rights peat scales, 90, 130, 131 Pendle (La), 61, 68, 133, 139 Hill, 118 Pennine Hills, 7-8, 11, 13, 15-16, 18-20

see also individual places Pentland (Mdl), 45, 46, 47, 133 Hills, 83 pigs, 45, 103-4, 105, 122 pinfolds, 96, 97, 117


place-names, significance of, 58-9, 85, 90-3, 136, 138, 139-40 Pollard, Sidney, 3 pollards, 57, 125 population growth, 13, 47, 124-5, 133, 140, 151 'pound loose', 117-18 Pringle family, 21 probate inventories, 18-20 Quernmore (La), 83 'rake' see driftways rams, control of, 57-8, 146, 147 Rannerdale (Cu), 119 Ravenstonedale 0Ne), 39 Redesdale (Nb), 8, 13, 16, 17, 18-20, 28, 32, 66, 98, 124 court see Harbottle shieling grounds, 85, 86-90, 93 regional contrasts, 6-9, 16-17, 18-23, 147-8 Renwick (Cu), 61 'rescue', 40, 118 Ribton (Cu), 96 Richmond lordship (YN), 5 Richmondshire (YN), 136 riggalds, 58 ring garth see head-dyke Roeburndale (La) see Outhwaite Romaldkirk parish (YN), 63 Rombaldsmoor 0/W), 27 roofing materials, 141 see also bracken; 'flaws'; heather; rushes; slate Rookhope (Du), 94 Rossendale (La), 13, 27, 68 routes to waste, 56, 58, 111-13, 130-1, 167 rushes, 137-8 Rutherford of Edgerston, 21-2 Rydal 0Ne), 29-30, 95, 115, 117, 118 Rylstone 0/W), 61 Sadgill 0/Ve), 81, 83, 93, 96, 101n, 117 St Johns in the Vale (Cu), 132 saints' days see feast days Sandford, Edmund, 160 'Satherton' (yVhicham parish, Cu), 44, 59, 111 Scalthwaiterigg 0/Ve), 107 Scott family, 21 Searle, Charles, 47 seasonal movement of livestock, 54-61, 72, 146 Sedbergh 0/W),55, 104,115 Sedbusk (YN), 97 Selkirk South Common (Slk), 30, 31

193 Setmurthy (Cu), 136 Settle 0/W), 45 settlement history, 13-18 Shap 0Ne),46,64, 72,80, 119,138 sheep breeds, 20, 105 flock size, 18-22 heafs, 111-12 husbandry, 57-61 marks,61, 105-9,162 Shepherd's Guide, 107 Shetland, 107 shieling grounds, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 67, 84-93, 115, 147 byelaws governing, 88-90 shieling huts, 46, 85, 90-2 shire moors, 27-8 Skene, Sir John, 43 Skirwith (Cu), 22, 60, 61, 129 Slaidburn 0/W), 68, 119, 125 court, 41, 42, SOn slate, 136, 139 'smit' marks, 107-9 soils, 6-9 soums, 83 see also stints Southern Uplands, 13, 16-17, 21 see also Borders; individual places Spadeadam (Cu), 94 Stalling Busk (YN), 59, 69 Stanhope (Du), 92 Stanley of Hornby Castle, 22, 114 Starbotton 0/W), 45, 72, 81 statutory regulation, 39, 40, 103, 120n, 125, 137, 149 Staveley 0Ne), 132, 135 Stichill (Rox), 45, 104, 132, 138 stinted pastures see cow pastures; pastures; enclosed stints, 148 in enclosed pastures, 71-2 in open fields, 66-7 on waste, 82-4 Stockdale Moor (Cu), 22, 61, 96, 97 stone quarrying, 138-40 stray livestock, 78, 109, 116-17 Subberthwaite (La), 57 subinfeudation, 28 subletting see'taverning' summer pasture see agistment; shieling grounds swainmote court, 34,35-7,40-1 Swaledale (YN), 13, 16, 20, 28, 57, 62, 69, 71, 90 sheep,20


I t94 swine see pigs Swinton (YN), 27 Tatham (La), 93, 116, 117, 127, 132, 136 'taverning', 13, 39, 158n Taylor family of Ribto~ 96 Teesdale (YN), 63, 68, 86, 88, 90, 96, 98, 107, 151, 160 see also Cotherstone; Crossthwaite; Holwick; Hunderthwaite; Lartington; Lune forest; Mickleton tenantright see customary tenure thatch see bracken; heather; rushes Thompson,E.P, 151 Thoralby (YN), 128 Thornthwaite (Cu), 137 Thornthwaite (We), 56 Thursby (Cu), 92 Thwaites, Anthony, 21 timber, 124 Tarver (La), 104 townships, 42-4 transhumance see agistment; shieling grounds Trawden forest (La), 72, 151n Triermaine (Cu), 104 Troutbeck (We), 30, 67, 69, 83, 125, 152, 157-8 Park, 22, 109, 152 turbary rights, 32, 45, 123, 126-33 turf, 126-8, 129, 132 Tweeddale (Slk/Rox), 21, 92 Tynedale (Nb), 8, 16, 17, 18, 85, 90, 93, 130, 139, 160 Uldale (Cu), 21, 57, 63, 66, 76n, 119, 158n Ulpha (Cu), 41, 44, 67, 104, 117, 125, 132 Undermillbeck (We), 152-3, 156-7 underwood, 124 vaccaries, 10, 13, 15, 29, 30, 69, 84, 167, 174 verdict sheets, 38, 42 vert, 34, 124 violence, 119 Wakefield ryw), 40, 42 Wallowbarrow (Cu), 72 walls, 62, 64-5 Walton Wood (Cu), 104


Wark (Nb), 85, 88 Wasdale (Cu), 13, 22 see also Netherwasdale; Wasdale Head Wasdale Head, 7, 58, 67, 68, 74n, 110-11, 112, 168 award (1664), 167-71 washfolds,59-61 waste, 52-3 livestock management, 103-19 ownership, 27-32 see also enclosure; estovers; moor-burning; pasture rights; turbary rights Watermillock (Cu), 80, 118, 127, 130, 132, 138 Weardale (Du), 10, 28, 37, 44, 48, 49n, 56, 58, 70, 83, 84, 92, 94, 117, 118, 124, 141 forest court, 34, 35, 42, 46 paine list, 37, 39, 166 Wellhope (Du), 94 Wensleydale (YN), 13, 16, 22, 42, 59, 62, 69-71, 83, 94, 97,128 see also Abbotside Westward forest (Cu), 92 Wet Sleddale (We), 6 Wharfedale ryw), 6, 72, 81, 84, 138 see also Buckden; Kettlewell; Starbotton Whicham (Cu), 138 see also'Satherton' Whillimoor (Cu), 27 whin see gorse Whitbeck (Cu), 111 Whitmuir Hall (Slk), 30 Windermere (We), 44, 104, 107, 111, 124, 125 jury charge, 37, 39, 48, 84, 126, 152-9 winter feed, 56-7, 81 wintering, away, 96-7 woodland, 34, 40, 57, 123-5, 141 industries, 16, 23 see also haybote; vert wool gathering, 118-19 Wray (La), 46, 103, 158n Wyresdale (La), 30, 34, 45, 83, 84 Wythburn (Cu), 30, 57, 84, 111, 117, 124, 135, 136 Wythop (Cu), 6, 28 Yanwath (We), 58 yeomen, 16-10 18, 150 Yockenthwaite ryw), 81, 114