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The Experimental Research (In Vitro) of Carrageenans and Fucoidans to Decrease Activity of Hantavirus Stanislav N. Pavliga, Galina G. Kompanets & Vasiliy Yu. Tsygankov
Food and Environmental Virology The Official Journal of the International Society for Food and Environmental Virology ISSN 1867-0334 Volume 8 Number 2 Food Environ Virol (2016) 8:120-124 DOI 10.1007/s12560-016-9233-9
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Author's personal copy Food Environ Virol (2016) 8:120–124 DOI 10.1007/s12560-016-9233-9
The Experimental Research (In Vitro) of Carrageenans and Fucoidans to Decrease Activity of Hantavirus Stanislav N. Pavliga1 • Galina G. Kompanets3 • Vasiliy Yu. Tsygankov1,2
Received: 13 November 2015 / Accepted: 26 February 2016 / Published online: 4 March 2016 Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
Abstract The effect of carrageenans and fucoidans on the activity of Hantavirus is studied. It has been found that among carrageenans a significant antiviral effect is exerted by the i-type, which decreases the viral titer by 2.5 log focus forming units per mL; among fucoidans, by a preparation from Laminaria cichorioides, which reduces the number of infected cells from 27.0 to 5.3 after pretreatment of both the macrophage culture and Hantavirus. The antiviral effect of fucoidan from Laminaria japonica is shown to grow in direct proportion to the increase of dose of the preparation. Keywords In vitro
Carrageenans Fucoidans Hantaan virus
Introduction The plant biomass in the World Ocean is a constantly renewable and inexhaustible resource, used for synthesizing various organic products. Today, obtaining of biologically active substances (BAS), which has become increasingly popular in pharmacy and medicine, is an actively developing branch of the industry of marine algae processing. This is related to the fact that plant-derived
& Vasiliy Yu. Tsygankov [email protected] 1
School of Natural Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Vladivostok, Russia
School of Biomedicine, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), 8 Sukhanova str., 690000 Vladivostok, Russia
Somov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Vladivostok, Russia
pharmaceuticals cause markedly fewer side effects, as compared to analogs isolated or chemically modified from materials of animal origin. For instance, anticoagulants based on plant-derived sulfated polysaccharides, which could be an alternative to heparin, have drawn increasing attention in recent years (Mestechkina and Shcherbukhin 2010; Ushakova et al. 2008). Sulfated polysaccharides (SPS) possess a diverse chemical structure that complicates the study of their functional properties and probably has impeded their development as medicinal drugs to date. Properties of SPSs from brown and red algae—fucoidans and carrageenans—are studied best of all, and this circumstance determines the potential of their application, for instance, in treatment of cardiovascular diseases. These compounds are characterized by a wide spectrum of biological activities: hypolipidemic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, and immunomodulating (Kryzhanovskiy et al. 2013; Maksema et al. 2012; Ushakova et al. 2008; Yermak and Khotimchenko 2003). The antimicrobial and antiviral activity of SPSs from marine algae toward such infectious agents as Puumala, Hantaan, Seoul, and Dobrava viruses of the genus Hantavirus (family Bunyaviridae), causing hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), also deserves consideration. These studies may become a basis for creating a new generation of pharmaceuticals that not only possess specific curative properties, but also normalize the immune and metabolic status of human organism. In this regard, the goal of the present study is to evaluate the antiviral properties of polysaccharides from marine algae (fucoidans and carrageenans) in an animal model for Hantavirus infection (Hantaan virus). The choice of this model was based on the available information on probability of interaction of these compounds with receptors of
Author's personal copy Food Environ Virol (2016) 8:120–124
enveloped viruses that results in decrease of their reproduction (Maksema et al. 2012; Maksema and Makarenkova 2008).
Materials and Methods Virus Sampling and Methods of Its Identification The strain PM-95 of Hantaan virus (family Bunyaviridae) isolated from the suspension of the lungs of an infected field mouse, caught in Spassky District, Primorsky Krai, was used in the study at a titer of 4.8 log focus forming units per milliliter (ffu/mL). The strain was adapted to the cell culture Vero E6. Species identification was confirmed through serological and molecular typing. The medium ‘‘Eagle MEM’’ with the double set of amino acids and vitamins, supplemented with 7 % fetal calf serum, 0.06 % L-glutamine, and antibiotics, was used as a culture medium for growing cells and breeding viruses. The reaction of indication of infection focuses was performed according to Lee et al. (1985). About 800,000 Vero E6 cells were introduced into each well of a 24-well plate. Primary cultures of mouse macrophages were prepared as follows: peritoneal cavity of the animals was washed with the cold medium no. 199 (10 mL) containing heparin at a concentration of 5 units/mL. After collecting the resulting suspension and adjusting the cell concentration in it to 700,000 cells/mL, it was added to vials with cover glasses (1 mL). The quality of peritoneal macrophage cultures was assessed by intravital observation of cells using phase-contrast microscopy; the percentage of macrophages among all cells in the preparation was about 80–85 %. Fucoidan Preparations Preparations of fucoidans, used in the work, were derived from the brown algae Fucus evanescens, Laminaria cichorioides, and Laminaria japonica. The techniques of isolation and purification of the studied fucoidans, as well as determination of their composition and structural features of certain preparations were described earlier by researchers of the V. N. Orekhovich Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), N. N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry (Russian Academy of Sciences), N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry (Russian Academy of Sciences), and Institute of Organic Chemistry (Russian Academy of Sciences) (Bilan et al. 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007; Chizhov et al. 1999; Cumashi et al. 2007; Usov et al. 1998).
Carrageenan Preparations The following carrageenans from the alga Chondrus armatus, collected in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, were used in the study: j-type, k-type, and i-type. Polysaccharides were isolated, fractioned, and identified by using infrared and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, as is described in the work by Yermak et al. (1999). Study of the Antiviral Activity of Carrageenans and Fucoidans Pretreatment of Vero E6 cells was as follows: carrageenan and fucoidan preparations (1 mg/mL) were inoculated onto the monolayer of cells, grown on 24-well culture plates; after 1 h of incubation, the inoculate was removed and the cells were washed once with Eagle MEM. Subsequently, tenfold (from 10-1 to 10-4) serial dilutions of the stock (untreated) virus were introduced in triplicate wells (i.e., one compound (2 mg/mL) per 12 wells). Pretreatment of virus was as follows: the virus-containing liquid was preliminarily treated with carrageenans and fucoidans at various concentrations (from 1000 to 10 lg/mL). The contact of the undiluted virus-containing liquid and polysaccharides lasted for 1 h at 37 °C. Then the mixture was titered through tenfold serial dilutions and pipetted onto the monolayer of Vero E6 cells, grown on 24-well culture plates (one dilution per three wells). In both cases, after virus inoculation, cells were cultivated under a half-liquid cover in an incubator with an air mixture containing 5 % CO2 at 37 °C during 10 days after inoculation. Both assays were repeated twice in different days and results were recorded as mean value of the results obtained in 3 9 2 = 6 replicate wells. Study of the Antiviral Activity of Carrageenans and Fucoidans on Mouse Macrophages Applied procedure has the same basis as for Vero E6 cells (see above). We independently pretreated virus and cells grown on cover glasses embedded in 10 mL bottles. Infected cells were cultivated under Eagle MEM with 7 % fetal bovine serum (FBS) in an incubator with an air mixture containing 5 % CO2 at 37 °C for 1 h. After incubation cover glasses were removed, rinsed with phosphatebuffered saline solution (PBS) fixed with cold ethanol, and examined using indirect fluorescent antibody test. Mouse antisera to strain PM-95 were used as primary antibodies and FITC-labeled goat anti-mouse antibodies (SigmaAldrich) were used as secondary antibodies. Statistical analyses were performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (ver. 21) for Mac OS X.
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Results and Discussion Carrageenans When the Vero E6 cell cultures were pretreated with j-, k-, and i-carrageenans (1000 lg/mL) during 1 h, the titer of Hantavirus was observed to decline by 1.8, 1.4, and 1.4 log ffu/mL, respectively, as compared to the control (infected cells without preliminary treatment) (Fig. 1). Thus, treatment of cells with j-carrageenan caused a more pronounced antiviral effect (p B 0.05), decreasing the Hantavirus titer by 1.8 log ffu/mL. This is probably related to a higher molecular weight and viscosity of this preparation that blocks cell receptors and competes with virus this way. This binding can be either durable or temporary. It is not clear what receptors are involved, but we can assume that it is beta-3 integrin, which binds to the Hantavirus (Buranda et al. 2010; Chu and Ng 2004; Gavrilovskaya et al. 2002; Krautkramer and Zeier 2008). And thus, the virus is not recognized by the cells and cannot enter. When virus was pretreated with j-, k-, and i-carrageenans during 1 h and then inoculated onto the culture Vero E6, the Hantavirus titer decreased by 2.1, 2.5, and 3.1 log ffu/mL, respectively (Fig. 1). Thus, the i-type showed a more effective antiviral action (p B 0.05) as a result of treatment of virus. Viscosity of this carrageenan was the lowest, as compared to the other types, that probably facilitated more extensive contacts with virus particles dispersed in the culture liquid. Some authors (Maksema et al. 2012; Yermak and Khotimchenko 2003) show that the viscosity directly correlates with the molecular weight of the SPSs used by us. For example, molecular weight of j-carrageenan (246 kDa) is heavier than that of k-carrageenan (140 kDa).
Food Environ Virol (2016) 8:120–124
A similar experiment was set up with j-carrageenan (10 and 100 lg/mL) and with k- and i-carrageenans (100 lg/ mL). When Vero E6 cells were treated with the j-type (10 lg/ mL) the Hantavirus titer did not decrease; when the cells were treated with the j-, k-, and i-types (100 lg/mL) the titer dropped by 1.5, 0.6, and 1 log ffu/mL, respectively (Table 1). The further dilution of the carrageenan types was not effective, since the decrease of concentration did not cause stronger antiviral effect, as it follows from the results of the first experiment: more viscous carrageenans blocked cell receptors better. When virus was treated with j-carrageenan (1000 lg/ mL), with subsequent infection of Vero E6, the titer increased. According to some authors, the conventional value that allows differentiating the virus-inhibiting agents constitutes 1.78–2.0 log ffu/mL (Maksema et al. 2012). According to other opinion, it is possible to reduce the virus titer as much as two times (Bichurina et al. 1994). Therefore, a variation of titer within ±1 log ffu/mL may be considered insignificant, caused by an error of procedure, and may have a stimulating effect on the cell. No wonder these agents are called immunomodulators. The j-, k-, and i-types (10 lg/mL) decreased the titer by 0.5, 0.5, and 1.3 log ffu/mL, respectively (Table 1). These results confirmed the earlier obtained ones and became the evidence of a pronounced antiviral activity of i-carrageenan. Based on the obtained data, we can derive a conclusion that j-carrageenan with concentration 100 lg/mL does not decrease viral titer. The concentration of 10 lg/mL, which was used for treatment of Vero E6 cells and thus decreased the viral titer to 1 log ffu/mL, proved to be the most effective. But the most significant effect on virus, subsequently inoculated onto Vero E6, was exerted by the i-type that decreased the titer by 1.3 log ffu/mL at the same concentration of 10 lg/mL. Fucoidans
Fig. 1 Comparison of viral titers (log ffu/mL) after pretreatment of both the Vero E6 cell culture (1) and virus (2) with j-, k-, and icarrageenans (1000 lg/mL) (n = 3; p B 0.05)
In one experiment, the virus and the culture of macrophages (MP) were treated with fucoidan derived from L. japonica; in the other experiment, with fucoidans isolated from F. evanescens and L. cichorioides were treated (Table 2). The obtained results show that fucoidan from Laminaria japonica possesses pronounced antiviral properties, which are manifested at various concentrations (from 10 to 100 lg/mL) and at various approaches (treatment of cells prior to virus inoculation and treatment of Hantavirus prior to inoculation into the MP culture). According to the collected data, the antiviral activity of fucoidan from L. cichorioides exceeded the activity of one
Author's personal copy Food Environ Virol (2016) 8:120–124
Table 1 Mean values of viral titer (log ffu/mL) after treatment of both the Vero E6 cell culture and virus with j-, k-, and i-carrageenans with subsequent infection of Vero E6 by Hantavirus Carrageenan types and degree of dilution
j-type (100 lg/mL)
Viral titer (log ffu/mL) Treatment of Vero E6 cells (Mean ± SDa, n = 3b) (p B 0.05c)
Treatment of virus with subsequent infection of Vero E6 (Mean ± SD, n = 3) (p B 0.05)
2.6 ± 0.12
3.5 ± 0.16
j-type (10 lg/mL)
1 ± 0.02
2 ± 0.09
k-type (10 lg/mL)
1.9 ± 0.07
2 ± 0.09
i-type (10 lg/mL)
1.5 ± 0.04
1.2 ± 0.02
2.5 ± 0.10
2.5 ± 0.10
a b c
SD standard deviation n number of experiments p confidence interval
Table 2 Mean number of infected cells as a result of pretreatment of virus and the macrophage (MP) culture with fucoidan from Laminaria japonica, Fucus evanescens, and Laminaria cichorioides at various concentrations Infected cellsa (mean ± SD, n = 3) (p B 0.05)
Method of treatment Laminaria japonica Control (MP culture infected with Hantavirus)
21.9 ± 0.99
Treatment of MP with 10 lg/mL of fucoidan before infection
9.6 ± 0.42
Treatment of MP with 50 lg/mL of fucoidan before infection
7.7 ± 0.39
Treatment of MP with 100 lg/mL of fucoidan before infection
6.8 ± 0.29
Treatment of virus with 10 lg/mL of fucoidan before inoculation on MP
6.3 ± 0.30
Treatment of virus with 50 lg/mL of fucoidan before inoculation on MP
4.5 ± 0.20
Treatment of virus with 100 lg/mL of fucoidan before inoculation on MP
2.8 ± 0.13
Fucus evanescens and Laminaria cichorioides Control (MP culture infected with Hantavirus)
27 ± 1.05
Treatment of virus with fucoidan from F. evanescens before inoculation on MP
9.7 ± 0.39
Treatment of virus with fucoidan from L. cichorioides before inoculation on MP
5.3 ± 0.20
Treatment of MP with fucoidan from F. evanescens before infection
9.7 ± 0.46
Treatment of MP with fucoidan from L. cichorioides before infection
6.5 ± 0.27
Antigen-positive cells/all cells (per field of vision)
from Fucus evanescens. Thus, fucoidan from L. cichorioides reduced the number of infected cells to 5.3; when MPs were treated, this polysaccharide proved to be the most effective, as it decreased the level of infected cells to 6.5.
Conclusion All the studied SPSs, irrespective of their origin, manifested a pronounced antiviral activity. It was found that among carrageenans, a significant antiviral effect was exerted by the i-type, which decreased the viral titer by 3.1 log ffu; among fucoidans, by the preparation from L. cichorioides, which reduced the number of infected cells
from 27 to 5.3 after pretreatment of both the MP culture and Hantavirus. The antiviral effect of fucoidan from L. japonica was shown to grow in direct proportion to the increase of preparation dose. During viremia (Evander et al. 2007) (up to 16 days), when the virus circulates in bloodstream with macrophages, it is released from them and attaches to primary target cells of host organism, vascular endothelium. The practical significance of our work is the finding that presence of carrageenans in blood blocks this process. In case of benign outcome of Hantavirus infection, recovery occurs without treatment (thanks to circulating immune complexes, cell-mediated immunity); in case of high viral load or violation of the immune system, treatment of patients
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requires immunomodulators, including those showing antiviral activity, at least at the stage of attachment of the virus to cells. According to data published in literature, the antiviral activity of SPSs increases as degree of sulfation grows; moreover, distribution of sulfate groups, conformational flexibility, and relative amount of 3,6-anhydrogalactose also play a major role (Ghosh et al. 2009; Talarico et al. 2004). At the same time, the relatively high activity of jcarrageenan, manifested when high concentrations are used, may result from the high molecular weight and ability of this polymer type to form gels at high concentrations (Yermak and Khotimchenko 2003) that probably causes coating of virus and inhibition of its attachment to cells (Maksema et al. 2012). Substances with a broad range of actions (such as immunomodulatory, antiviral, etc.) are very promising in treatment of various viral infections, especially for people with impaired immune system. A deeper study of the mechanism of action of these preparations on viral infection has to be the aim of future research. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 14-50-00034).
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