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The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. © Copyright A & A Deane, All Rights Reserved.
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Table of Contents
Stair Step Creation and 15·Dimensional Anatomy Reality Fields
The Holographic Template The Morphogenetic Field Primal Substance Recap of Primal Order of Manifestation Templates Vibration·Oscillation
6 7 7 9 9
Morphogenetic Fields and the Time Matrix Frequency Bands and Sub-Frequency Bands Scalar·Waves and Partiki Phasing
9 10 11
Kathara 12·Tree Grid Interwoven Grids
11 12
Universal Life Force Currents Hova Bodies
12 14
Axiom Lines, Auric Levels and Chakras Diodic Points, Signets, Seed Crystal Seals and Axiom Lines Seed Seals, Axiom Lines, Consolidated Diodic Points, Chakras and Auric Levels Axi-A·tonal Lines, Meridians, Ch~kras and Hara Line ,
15 15 16 17
In the Beginning
Partiki and Partiki Phasing Order, Intelligence, and Consciousness Recognizing the Consciousness Rules and Balances Partiki, PartikA and Particum Partiki Phasing Scalar Waves and Scalar Grids Keylons Dimensions Keylon Crystal Body Unifying the Polarities Sequential Phasing Analogy for the process of PKI Phasing 15-Dimensional Structure Harmonic Universes Hova Bodies and Stations of Consciousness Consciousness and the Flash Lines , Stepping Down Repulsion Zones Antahkarana
: .' :
22 22 23 23 24 24 26 26 26
27 28 28 28 ;,
The Kathara Grid
29 29 31 31 32 33 33 33
©A & A Deane. 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Kathara Centers Kathara Lines
34 35
Primal Manifestation Template 35 The 2 Interwoven Kathara Grids of Primal Order within the Universal Time Matrix and Cosmic Energy Matrix of the Primal Manifestation Template 36 Seeing Where Everything Fits Together: The Ecka Maps Locks Veca and Ecka Code Lock Keys Heaven Worlds
36 38 39 39
Cosmic Eckasha Middle God.World Corridor
Cosmic Eckasha-A Higher God World Spectra Keys and Codes
41 .42
The Manifestation Fields of the Eckasha·Aah The God·Worlds Multiplying
42 .42
The Eckasha-Aah 1st God·World of Creation The 3 Eternal God-Source Consciousness Fields from and through which all Dimensionalized Currents and Consciousness Manifest Emergence of the Kathara Grid Reuche Scepter Pillars Heart of God The Cosmic Arcs Cosmic Merkaba : Amoraea Merkaba First Downstep Second Downstep : Third Downstep Radial Bodies and Eckasha God-Seed Where are We? Synthesis
43 .43 44 .45 .45 .46 .47 47 .47 .48 .48 .48 .49 50
Cosmic Creation - Secrets of the Yunasai
The Yunasai
Cosmic Staircase: Downstepping Cosmic Creation The ManU Window
52 53
Divine Trinity of Eternal Life PKI Phasing
53 53
The Reuche God-Seed Core
Horizontal and Vertical Shield Clock
Cosmic Kathara Grid/Krist Code
Bl-veca Merkaba Double Spiral Set
Trl-Veca Merkaba
Portals and Star Gates Time Portals
56 56 © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Stairway to Heaven
Spheres within Spheres and the Radial Body Structure
Manifestation Transduction Sequence
The Parameter Field .................................................................................................................................................................•.... 58 Rod and Staff
6 Sacred Directions
Differential Field
Vortex Mechanics and Deflection Fields
Monad Sets the Polarity Spins
Veca System in the Pattern of the Monad
Spheres within Spheres
Universal Veca Octaves Cycle
Universal Dimensional Merkaba Polarity Scale
6 Ecka Euiago Cycles in One Ecka Eyugha 45° Shift..
Harmonic Shields and Merkaba
The Yon·A·Sa Cycle
0·12 Divine Blueprint with Spheres Simultaneous Time Time Cycles of our Planetary System
63 64 64
Eiros Spark from Sun to Earth
Yan Yun Flow
Earth's Tilted Axis and Wobble
65 66
Solar Shield Clock with 12 Planetary Rotations ....................................................................................................................•.... 67 Lotus Arc Sets
The Monadic Code: a Map to the Ecka System Monadic Code Resets the Arcs I Angles of our Original Cosmic Clock StarBorn and StarBurst Cycles
68 68 68
Time Flux
Arc of the Covenant Gate System ............................•..................................................... .,
Counter·Rotation of our PCM and PKA Systems
Our Eckasha and Our Parallel Eckasha ......................................•.......................................................•....................................... 70 Le·e·TOr·A and Le·a·dOR·A Twin Flame Systems 70 StarFire and the Hub Worlds
© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
StarFire Cycle and Expedited TakEyon Cycle Reset
ELEMENTS OF DISCOVERY PART 4: THE KRYSTAL RIVER PRAyER •••••.•••.••.••••.•••..••••••.••••.•.. 73 What is the Krystal River Prayer? .............................................•................................................................................................. 73 15 Dimensional Time Matrix & Frequency Domains Dimensions and Densities I Harmonic Universes and Frequency Bands
73 73
Where are we now? .................................................................................................................................................................•.... The Veca - Our 15 Dimensional Time Matrix The Ecka/Veca Structure of the Outer God·World God Worlds of the Cosmos
74 74 74 75 75
Where are we going to? ..........................•................................................................•................................................................... 75 Preparing for Ascension into the Edons The Eckasha·Aah
76 76
From the Radon into the Edon
Source of the Krystal River Krystal River Councils, the Tri·Matrix Krystal River co-operative Veca RA·sha·EL·Hub Activation - Entering the Flame of RA·sha·LE AdonA and EyanA Councils The Eieyani Our Connection to the Councils Our Connection to the Krystal River Frequency The 2007 Call to the Indigos and Angelic Humans with Aquari Coding The Aurora Councils Bhendi Councils Gold and Purple Dragons Blue Dragons The Entrustment The Psonn of Aurora . Aquari and Anuhazi Version Verse 1 Aquari and Anuhazi Version Verse 2 : Summary
77 77 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83
The Aquareion Krystal River Prayer and Invocation
Psonn of Aurora
Psonn of Aurora .................................................•...................................................................•..............•....................................... 89
SOURCE MATERIAL ..•.•.••.•.••.•.•...•.•.•..•...•.•.•.••.•.•.•.•.•.•....•.•.•.••.•.••.••.•.•.•.•••.•.••.•..•••.•.•.••.•.••.
The material presented in this handbook reflects the dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials and the reality that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced as possible UP TO the date of publication of the source materials. The text is primarily taken from live workshops and sometimes paraphrased for clarity.
Lovingly Co-Created by Kathara Team Members on behalf of the Azurite Press.
© A & A Deane. 2010. All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Elements of Discovery Part 1: 15·Dimensional Anatomy Stair Step Creation and 15-Dimensional Anatomy
Stair Step Creation is the organic process by and through which Source-God perpetually manifests itself through dimensionalization into individuated manifest expression, for the purpose of experiencing spacetime-matter reality. Every being and thing in any manifest reality field comes into being through the process of Stair Step Creation. This organic process of Primal Creation Physics implies that every being, including humans, are directly, energetically and eternally connected to specific, fixed structures of multidimensional energy anatomy, and their corresponding interdimensional stations of conscious identity. Through these structures of multidimensional energy fields, within which the higher dimensional or "spiritual" portions of the personal identity are focused, every being is indelibly connected to the central, unified Source of creation or God. The process of personal evolution through the experiences of space, time and matter has at its core the evolutionary objective of each being, as an individuated manifestation of Source, eventually expanding back into its wholeness as Source, in return to its natural organic state of being. The natural mechanics of spiritual actualization for any manifest being, as implied by the dynamics of Stair Step Creation, are the processes by which dormant portions of the DNA template are progressively activated within the biological form. Through activation of the DNA template, progressive integration of the energy frequencies that make up the dimensionalized levels of the spiritual body and consciousness (which exist as precise arrangements of scalar standing waves), are brought into active embodiment within the biologically-based conscious awareness. Embodiment of the higher dimensional scalar-wave forms that compose the spiritual identity creates the systematic transmutation of physical matter density and expansion of individuated consciousness awareness back into its organic energetic state of At-ONE-ment with Source, in a process called. Transmutational Dimensional Ascension. Through the model of Stair Step Creation the underlying nature and mechanics of creation and evolution are revealed, allowing a manifest being the ability to master its experience as a conscious co-creator with Source, and to know itself and all things as manifestations of the One-Self that is God. The dynamics of Stair Step Creation demonstrates the existence of an implied reality of Primal Order and purpose. The Stair Step Creation model reveals the innate interrelationships between an incarnate being, its personal 15-Dimensional anatomy and the greater context of its existence within Planetary, Galactic, Universal and Cosmic structure. This model serves to illustrate the relationships between the macrocosrnic and microcosmic aspects of creation.
Reality Fields An individual holographically perceives and experiences only the portions of the dimensional unified field mathematical-geometrical program encoded within the personal Maharic Shield. species Tribal Shield, Planetary, Galactic and Universal Shield aspects of the personal Kathara Grid and DNA template. A global population experiences a common planetary reality field and time continuum because the Kathara Grid template and DNA of all beings entering a planetary field adopt the common imprint of the mathematicalgeometrical program of the Planetary Kathara Grid blueprint, in order to enter into the electromagnetic domain of the planet's Form Constant Hova Body structure for experiential manifestation. Members of a singular species share a common species Tribal Shield template through which a common chemical body form and perceptual orientation holographically manifest. The physical body serves as a chemical lens through which portions of the dimensional unified field are perceived by the embodied consciousness as a 3-dimensional hologram, as the Primal Life Force Currents continually carry pulses of the individuated consciousness through the Transduction Sequence from the Kathara Grid through the DNA to the manifest chemical lens of the physical body structure and holographic "external" reality field projection. © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
The Holographic Template The externalization of life, manifestation of matter and individuation of identity are holographic projections of consciousness-energy substance created through an intrinsic order of energetic relationships. Consciousness IS Energy and Energy IS Conscious, and all conscious energy exists within and is part of Source. Manifestation templates serve as structured blueprints upon which consciousness manifests into dimensionalization for the experience of space-time-matter. There are many manifestation templates that exist within Source. Reality is thought construction. The core substance of the cosmos is consciousness. Thought is an attribute of consciousness, the filter through which consciousness manifests itself into the hologram of form. Nothing is truly solid. All things are composed of consciousness, and their apparent solidity is determined by the relationship between the consciousness observing the form and the consciousness of which the form is made. Human consciousness emerges through an order of dimensionalization which sets the framework within which the interrelationships of consciousness can take place. Human perception of solidity and externalization is determined by the oscillation rates between dimensionalized units of consciousness. Dimensionalized units of consciousness form frequencies of energy which exist in specific relationship to each other. Human consciousness and human physical form are patterns of frequency formed by dimensionalization of units of consciousness. We perceive manifest solidity due to the relationship between the frequencies of consciousness of which we are made and those of the unified field of consciousnessenergy around us. Humans perceive as solid the frequency bands that exist one full dimensional spectrum below the frequency within which the individuated or collective consciousness is stationed. The human body is a holographic projection of consciousness built upon a holographic template of structured units of consciousness. The holographic template represents the living morphogenetic field or the dimensionalized blueprint of consciousness, light, sound and scalar waves within which the individuated consciousness is stationed and upon which the illusion of solidity of the body matter is formed. The causal element of all manifest experience is called a Morphogenetic Field or Manifestation Template.' Keylontic Science, the Science of Manifestation Templates, is part of a larger paradigm of science that is known as 15-Dimensional Universal Unified Field Physics. Perception of solidity and externalization is determined by the oscillation rates between dimensionalized units of consciousness: Partiki, PartikA and Particum. Dimensionalized units of consciousness form frequency bands that exist in specific relationship to each other. Dimensionalization creates the structure, through which consciousness can perceive the hologram of externalization. The human body is a hologram built upon a holographic template of units of consciousness structured into scalar standing wave grids that representthe living morphogenetic field blueprint upon which matter and dimensionalized consciousness manifest. Source is an infinite and eternal field of consciousness and energy and is the organizational intelligence and sentient creative force that is responsible for the design and creation of the cosmos.
1 Morphogenetic Field: Beginning blueprints for matter - Thought form field behind a manifest object - A specific construct of crystallized scalar-waves forming the Crystal Body - Templates of consciousness flight f sound and scalar wave grids which serve as the structured blueprints upon which our consciousness manifests into dimensionalization.
©A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Holographic Template Units of Consciousness, Morphogenetic Fields and Scalar Grids 1. Partiki, Partika. & Particum: Smallest units of energy-substance. Electro-tonal units of consciousness that are the building blocks of morphogenetic fields, matter and individuated conscious identity. Operate as minute perpetual, motion fission/fusion generators. Partlcum Matter
2. Partiki Grids: The fabric of morphogenetic field structure. Partiki units group to form interwoven Strands, then Grids of electro-tonal substance, •. out of which morphogenetic fields are .. . fashioned. Out of a Unified Field of .. .. Partiki units, Partiki Grids form to .. create the frequency bands that make up the dimensional fields and then form individuated morphogenetic fields.
3. Partiki units continue to group or accrete upon the Partiki Grids, forming: A. Keylons - crystallizations of ''frozen light" (standing scalar-wave patterns and fixed points of tonal frequency), and B. Keylon Codes - complex groupings of Keylons, which together form a crystalline template of light spectra, sound frequency and electromagnetism that is the morphogenetic field Crystal Body - the Blueprint upon which matter and identity will manifest.
Partika Anti-rnatter
The Morphogenetic Field is made of interwoven Partiki Grids. The electro-tonal units of consciousness out of which Partiki Grids form create standing wave patterns - scalar-wave grids, which hold the form of consciousness within dimensionalized manifestation. Morphogenetic Fields are thus Scalar Grids that form in specific ordered interrelationship.Partiki Grids form upon the core geometrical-mathematical structure of the Kathara Grid, and so the Kathara Grid represents the core Scalar Field upon which form manifests.
Morphogenetic Fields govern the form of matter manifestation and the evolution of biology & consciousness. Morphogenetic Field mechanics thus hold the key to mastery of physical reality and Bio-Spiritual Evolution.
Reality is a thought field composed of units of consciousness
The Morphogenetic ~ield Morphogenetic fields govern the form of matter manifestation and the evolution of biology and consciousness; they are the beginning blueprints for matter and form within the unified field of energyconsciousness (also known as God-Source). Morphogenetic field mechanics thus hold the key to mastery of physical reality and bio-spiritual evolution. Morphogenetic fields are the templates of consciousness, light, sound and scalar standing wave grids which serve as the structured blueprints upon which our consciousness manifests into dimensionalization, through which the holographic projections of space-time matter and identity individuation can be experienced. They are the thought form field behind a manifest object and are the specific construct of crystallized scalar waves forming the Crystal Body.
Primal Substance A manifestation template is made of primal substance, units of consciousness energy called Partiki that exist as omni-polar points of fixed vibration. Partiki units are the smallest building blocks of matter and form © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
the templates upon which consciousness in all forms enters manifestation. Partiki units are omni-polar (containing the potentials for all polarities or none) units of vibrating energy that perpetually cycle back and forth between a state of bi-polar light radiation and omni-polar sound vibration. Scalar-waves are points of standing waves composed of quantities of conscious energy that emanate out of fixed units of vibration; the Partiki units, which form the morphogenetic field templates upon and through Which consciousness dimensionalizes itself to experience the hologram of manifest reality. Scalar-waves or grids are created through Partiki Phasing, which is the process of internal fission/expansion and fusion/contraction characteristic of Partiki units. Partiki units perpetually break apart and replicate through fission, then re-merge through fusion, creating a "flashing on and off' of scalar-wave points or "flash-line sequences" that determine the intrinsic orientation of consciousness within the scalar grids composing morphogenetic fields. When Partiki units are in their omni-polar state, they exist as ante-matter substance, the first state of energy organization before pre-matter manifestation. Through a process of internal fusion characteristic to their design, Partiki units break apart to form bi-polar waves while replicating their original omni-polar form. In the bi-polar state, Partiki units break down into Particum units and PartikA units, which are interconnected units of bi-polar light radiation that form electromagnetic scalar standing waves. Particum units form the energetic building blocks for particle templates, and PartikA units form the building blocks for simultaneously manifesting anti-particle templates. Particle and anti-particle templates are interconnected, united by the ante-matter Partiki units through which they manifest. Particum particle units represent the contraction phase of ante-matter energy, with higher vibration and lower oscillation, and are base magnetic. PartikA anti-particle units represent the expansion phase of ante-matter energy, with lower vibration and higher oscillation, and are base electrical. Electromagnetic energy is created through the continual cycling of energy as the omni-polar ante-matter Partiki units forming a wave of sound vibration project their energy into bi-polar Particum and PartikA scalar-waves of light radiation. Energy thrust expands into the anti-particle PartikA vibration point as electrical force. It then contracts into the particle Particum vibration point, creating magnetic pull. Through the draw of the ante-matter Partiki template, PartikA anti-particles and Particum particles are brought back together into a state of fusion. Upon fusion, the energy of the Particum and PartikA transmutes, the bi-polar standing scalar-waves of light radiation returning to their original omni-polar ante-matter state of Partiki units. Once returned to the Partiki state, the process repeats as the Partiki creates fission and replication. The process by which Partiki units perpetually convert conscious energy into bi-polar light radiation scalarwaves and back to ante-polar sound vibration waves is called Partiki Phasing and gives the appearance of movement. Through perpetual cycles of Partiki Phasing, matter units flash on through fission into bi-polar particle and anti-particle manifestation built upon scalar-waves of light radiation, then flash off through fusion into omnipolar ante-matter sound vibration, continually cycling between the manifest and non-manifest state. The interaction of Partiki, PartikA and Particum lead to the formation of standing scalar-wave grids (Partiki Grids) that have a relationship of 3 different flashing on/off rhythms and 3 different angles of intersection that create Keylons. Keylons are God-Thought Crystals-crystallized wave patterns that begin to create energy fields around and within themselves that allow for the holographic projection process to begin, where the 3-~ hologram becomes a reality. Source energy-that pure, unlimited totally free energy sends Its stream of consciousness into this framework. Those streams of consciousness first take on these forms and fill out to 'make the standing scalar-wave grids. These grids then accrete more of that consciousness coming from Source and keep organizing it along the mathematical pattern, going from wave pattern to combinations of wave patterns to
© A & A Deane. 2010. All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeED Freedom Teachings® Series,
3-D wave patterns. Through Partiki Phasing and replication, Partiki group to form strands, then grids, then Keylons, then Keylon Codes, which will further group to form manifestation templates or blueprints. Recap of Primal Order of Manifestation Templates Morphogenetic fields, or manifestation templates that serve as the blueprint through which consciousness manifests, are composed of the primal substance of Partiki units. Partiki units draw together or accrete to form Partiki strings which interweave and overlap, forming a fabric of light and sound called a Partiki grid or a scalar grid. Partiki grids further accrete, drawing in more Partiki units that create crystallizations of energy called Keylons. Groups of Keylons continue to accrete, forming complex Keylon arrangements called Keylon Codes. Partiki and Keylons belong to a category of primal building blocks known as ionic particulates, which are the building blocks of consciousness, energy, light, sound and scalar-wave fields that form the blueprints upon which all matter manifests.2 Vibration-Oscillation The vibratory-oscillation rate of particles represents the rate at which the scalar standing waves flash off and on within the morphogenetic field template. Vibration is the condition of internal movement or holding of energy within units of consciousness, or Partiki, and the particles built upon them. Vibration is determined by the quantity of energy held within Partiki units. Oscillation is the condition of external movement or expanding of energy from Partiki units and the particles built upon them. Vibration and Oscillation exist in direct proportion to each other. As vibration increases (energy holding), oscillation decreases (energy expenditure). Faster flash-line sequences expend more energy, raise oscillation and lower vibration of scalar templates. Higher oscillation/slower vibration creates slower electron movement around the nucleus of atoms and less perceivable density of matter.
Morphogenetic Fields and the Time Matrix The morphogenetic fields upon which universes manifest are built upon a manifestation template that has a specific order of mathematical interrelationships that govern the combining of scalar grids with different rates of Partiki Phasing. The Cosmic Manifestation Template is called the Energy Matrix. Within the Energy Matrix there are smaller manifestation templates upon which universes are structured. These smaller manifestation templates are Universal Manifestation Templates, also called Time Matrices, and there are uncountable Time Matrices existing within the Energy Matrix. Time Matrices are arranged upon a pattern of 15 different but interwoven Partiki Phasing rhythms. Each of the 15 rhythms of Partiki Phasing creates one dimension. A dimension is a set pattern of flash-line sequences or a cycle of singular Partiki Phasing rhythms that contains within it 12 smaller rhythms of Partiki Phasing. Each dimension represents one scalar frequency band containing 12 smaller sub-frequency bands. A dimension represents a full frequency band or repeating cyclic sequence of "flashing on and off" scalar-wave points within a morphogenetic field. The morphogenetic field scalar grid structure of dimensions takes the form of 15Dimensional Matrices. The 15 dimensions are grouped into sets of 3 dimensions, each forming 5 sets of 3 dimensional reality fields called Harmonic Universes. The 15 dimensions composing the 5 Harmonic Universes together represent one Time Matrix System.
See the 15-Dimensional Anatomy Correspondences table in the appendix of this handbook for a list of Ionic Particulates for this 15-Dimensional Time Matrix and their correspondence to dimensions and Harmonic Universes.
©A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Each dimension of One 15·Dimensional Time Matrix with 5 Harmonic Universes frequency is composed of 12 sub-frequency bands, or shorter cycles of the "flash'Ing on and 0ff' 0 f PRIMAL ORDER of the Dimensionalized Universal scalar-wave points, which Manifestation Template exist as part of the longer cycle of the full dimensional frequency band. The Partiki in each dimension have a specific rate of vibratory oscillation or contraction and expansion of energy, which Magnetic Repulsion Zones create determines the angular separation between 3 Levels of the Harmonic Universes rotation of particle spin non-dimensionalized ENERGY MATRIX (ARPS). The ARPS is the within which TIME angular axis upon which MATRICES reside particles will spin. There is a 90-degree shift of angular rotation of particle spin between each dimensional frequency band and a 45-degree reverse shift between Harmonic Universes or sets of 3 dimensions or 3 frequency bands. Particles having varying vibratoryoscillation rates and angles of spin allow multiple dimensional reality fields to co-exist within the same space while remaining perceptually invisible to each other. The relationships between wave strata within the dimensional frequency bands create the holographic refraction of light, sound and scalar-waves that allows consciousness to perceive the illusions of matter solidity, space, time and externalization of reality while it is ensconced within the structures of dimensions. A scalar frequency band is a cyclic pattern of specific Partiki Phasing rhythms or expansions and contraction ratios of energy circulation to which consciousness conforms in order to enter the experience of manifestation. To create the universal manifestation template upon which external space, time and matter experience can be known, dimensions are ordered into sets of 15, forming the blueprint for a 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. Within a Time Matrix the 15 dimensions are further arranged into sets of 3 dimensions forming five 3-dimensional reality fields. Each 3-dimensional reality field (Harmonic Universe), represents a level of matter densification specific to its intrinsic rates of Partiki Phasing. One Time Matrix is thus a 15-Dimensional Scalar Grid with 5 separate yet interwoven reality fields with 5 different densities of matter manifestation.
Frequency Bands and Sub-Frequency Bands Frequency is the form consciousness takes on while ensconced within the framework of dimensionalization. Frequency is the vibrating oscillating wave spectra of which matter particles and dimensionalized consciousness are composed. Frequency bands are synchronized, cyclic, repeated sequences of "flashing on and off' of scalar-wave points within the dimensional scalar grids, which gives the appearance of manifest movement of wave spectra within a dimensional system. Sub-frequency bands are shorter segments of the longer "flashing on and off' sequence of the full frequency band. The frequency of dimensional levels and the particles within them is determined by the vibratory-oscillation rate of the Partiki units that make up the scalar-wave grid. Each dimension is one full frequency band and contains 12 smaller sub-frequency bands. Therefore, one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix contains 180 sub-frequency bands.
©A &A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCED Freedom Teachings® Series.
As we move upward in the 15-Dimensional Scale, each of the 5 Harmonic Universes has a progressively less dense state of perceivable matter. Going up the dimensional scale, each dimension has a progressively faster rate of Partiki Phasing within it, corresponding to higher frequency, faster oscillation, lower vibration, greater expansion and less matter density. These conditions represent the stages of perceivable matter that density consciousness will experience as the focus of attention expands progressively upward/outward into the higher dimensions of the Time Matrix. As consciousness progressively expands back into the 15-Dimensional Structure of its original morphogenetic field, matter density perception will change from perceivable gross matter physical density to semi-etheric matter density to etheric matter density to pre-matter liquid light density and to its original ante-matter scalar-wave form of non-density consciousness. Scalar-Waves and Partiki Phasing Scalar-waves are standing wave points that emanate out of fixed points of sound (electro-tonal Partiki units) which form the scalar grid morphogenetic templates that house consciousness in dimensionalization for the experience of manifest reality. Scalar grids are created through Partiki Phasing. Partiki Phasing creates a "flashing on and off" of scalar-wave points, or flash-line sequences. Dimensions are scalar grids of consciousness composed of interwoven layers of scalar-waves with varying flash-line sequences, or frequency bands. Dimensions are frequency bands, or Partiki wave spectra, that exist within specific relationship to each other to form the template of holographic reality. What we perceive as color is specific spectra of light-radiation waves that have a specific measurable wavelength and vibrational energy siqnature.'
Spheres Within Spheres Spheres within spheres represent harmonics of manifestation, an image of interwoven morphogenetic fields. You can look at it as a microcosm within the macrocosm, as an individual within the species, as planetary within the galactic, or as universal within the cosmic, within the Infinite and Eternal. The universal manifestation template or Time Matrix is generated from the cosmic manifestation template through creation of interwoven morphogenetic fields. The progression begins within the unified field of Source and moves to the cosmic level, then the universal level, then to the galactic level, then the planetary level, and then to the species level (microcosm within the macrocosm). Time Matrices are arranged upon a pattern of 15 different but interwoven Partiki Phasing rhythms, which form 5 overlay Harmonic Universes (HU) that exist within the same space, with each HU containing 3 dimensions. Five sets of 3 is a recurrent pattern, as well as just sets of 3. Manifestation templates form on a pattern or blueprint called a Kathara Grid.
Kathara 12·Tree Grid The Kathara Grid is the primary mathematical-geometrical organization of units of consciousness upon which Partiki units group to form morphogenetic field scalar grids. It is the core level of scalar standing wave creation and energetic organization within and behind all dimensional systems, and is thus considered to be the core of the holographic template upon which the morphogenetic scalar-wave blueprint and all other dimensions of form anatomy are built. The form of the Kathara Grid is reflected in the macrocosm and the microcosm of all manifestation. All forms have at their core the common structure of the Kathara Grid holographic template. The Kathara Grids of all forms-universes, galaxies, planets, and species-are linked to each other and to the Kathara Grid of the cosmos through interwoven Partiki scalar ~
See Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System® Level-1 Manual
[KA 1-M/2DVD-3CD]
© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
standing wave grids of the Kathara Grid morphogenetic core. The Cosmic Kathara Grid represents the scalar field of the cosmic unified field of consciousness-energy through which the hologram of manifest experience is perpetually created. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it only changes form. Energy is Eternal Consciousness that perpetually changes form by projecting through the structures of the Kathara Grid while simultaneously remaining always the same singular wholeness of the cosmic unified field of consciousness-energy. Each Kathara Center holds the electro-tonal program for 1 dimensional level of consciousness and sets the template to ground consciousness within the holographic experience of manifestation. The Kathara Level-1 12-Tree Grid is made of 12 Kathara Spheres or Signets and 15 Kathara Lines. Kathara Spheres, Signets or Centers hold the program for each corresponding dimension, while the Kathara Lines transmit frequency between dimensions or spheres. The 12 Kathara Centers represent the 12 dimensions of matter density in one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. Dimensions 13, 14, and 15 are Primal Light Fields in which there is no matter. The 12-Tree Kathara Grid sets the pattern or blueprint for dimensionalization of consciousness. The 3 Vertical Kathara Lines control the other Kathara Lines. The Central Kathara Line is the control center for Partiki Phasing rhythms throughout the Kathara Line System. The Kathara Lines keep a continual flow of consciousness circulating throughout the 15-Dimensionallevels of the morphogenetic field. Interwoven Cosmic & Universal Kathara Grids within the Universal Time Matrix & Cosmic Energy Matrix
Interwoven Grids
The Kathara 12-Tree Grid holds the base electro-tonal programs of Partiki Phasing and dimensional/frequency structure upon which the other Kathara levels and the morphogenetic field are built. Morphogenetic fields of manifestation templates form a series of interwoven Kathara Grids. The cosmic manifestation template is the Energy Matrix and it contains' many Time Matrices. The Universal Manifestation Template is a Time Matrix. Everything in manifest form is § built upon the blueprint of the Kathara Grid. The 12 Kathara Centers of ~ the Cosmic Kathara Grid are the first primal organization of Partiki Scalar Grids that forms the 3 non-dimensional levels of the Energy Matrix and ante-matter density Dimensions 13-15 of the Time Matrix. The 12 Kathara Centers of the Universal Kathara Grid are the second Primal Organization of Partiki Scalar Grids that forms the 12 dimensions of time cycles and pre-matter to gross matter density levels of the Time Matrix, within the Energy Matrix. The Cosmic Kathara Grid is represented here as located above the Universal Kathara Grid. In actuality it is at a 90 degree angle to the Universal Kathara Grid as depicted in the maps of the God Worlds. 4
Universal Life Force Currents The Energy Matrix is formed from the Khundaray or Primal Sound Field. The Khundaray has three levels or currents, which are the Eckatic, Polaric, and Triadic currents of standing sound vibration. These 3 levels of the non-dimensionalized Energy Matrix are where the Time Matrices reside. The Kee·Ra·ShA forms the Primal Light Fields and is composed of three levels or 3 Primal Light Field currents emanating from the Primal Sound Fields. These 3 Primal Light Field currents form the First Cause ante-matter density dimensional light field of the Time Matrix, and include the Eckatic Blue Flame D-13 Primal Ray, from which the other two Primal Rays emerge. The other two rays are the Polaric Gold Flame D-14 Light Field current and the Triadic Violet Flame D-15 current. .
See Exploring the God Worlds section of this Handbook. © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
The Kee-Ra-ShA is the spherical standing pillar or Ray of First Cause Light that forms Dimensions 13-15, which represents the 1st manifestation level of 15-Dimensional Time Matrix Systems. The Kee-Ra-ShA 3 Primal Light Fields are often called the Um Shaddai Ur (Pillar of First Cause Light) or the Holographic Beam, from which the 12-Dimensionalized Scalar Standing-Wave Fields which form Dimensions 1-12 of our Time Matrix emerge. The Maharata is composed of three levels of frequency. Dimension-10 and Dimension-11 are woven together to form the Dimension-12 Omni-polar Universal Christos Field of antematter density hydroplasmic liquid light. The Antahkarana consists of 9 levels of polarized electromagnetic energy frequency that form 3 currents of 3-dimensional energy called the Universal Kundalini, which forms lower frequency dimensions 1-9, creating etheric, semi-etheric, and gross physical matter densities. Universal Life Force Currents enter the body via Merkaba Fields, the Kathara Grid Core Template, DNA Template and Central Vertical Current, through progressive activation of the 12-Strand DNA Template. Embodied Life Force Currents are regulated by the Cranial-Sacral Seals located in the Pineal Gland at the brain center and in the First 8 Cells in the tailbone at the base of the spine. 1. Primal Sound Fields.
a. Eckatic level - Blue flame b. Polaric level - Gold flame c. Triadic level- Violet flame
Primal Sound Fields
Kee-Ra-5hA' Primal Ught Relds
Maharala (Christos)
2. Kee-Ra-ShA - Primal Light Fields
Liauid Lioht Fields
a. D-13- pale turquoise b. D-14- pale yellow .c. D-15 - pale magenta/pink 3. Maharata - Liquid Light Fields a. D-12-11-10 - pale silver
4. Antahkarana - Universal Kundalini a. D"1 through D-9
Planetary Bio-Feed Interface System As the morphogenetic fields of species are interwoven into the larger morphogenetic field of the planet they inhabit, there is a direct energetic connection between the Kathara Grids of individuals and that of the planetary body. This connection between personal and planetary Kathara Grids is Called the Planetary BioFeed Interface System® (PBIS). The human body serves as a bio-electrical energy conductor in relation to the organic energetic interconnection between the Planetary Shield and the personal manifestation template. The human body is the only vehicle organic to Earth that is capable of running the frequencies of the 12-Dimensional Plasma Beam, which is needed for manual restoration of the Planetary Shield. .
©A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCED Freedom Teachings® Series.
The Planetary Bio-Feed Interface System Interwoven Personal & Planetary Kathara Grids
Who We Are The diagram on the left shows the placement of the Kathara Level-1 12 Tree Grid Kathara Centers and Kathara lines within the human body anatomy. Shields are the 3-dimensional scalarwave grids that hold the blueprint for manifestation, as set by the intrinsic mathematical encoding of the Partiki Phasing rhythm held within all of the Kathara Centers of the manifestation template. The 4 Scalar Shields as depicted below, correspond to the Kathara Center programs and the 5 harmonics of matter density levels within the Universal Manifestation Template.
First 4 Shields each with 3 Signets and Correspondence to Kathara Centers The 5th Scalar Shield in the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix corresponds to the first 3 Kathara Centers of the Cosmic Kathara Grid. There is a vertical Scalar Shield which is not shown in the diagram to the right that would be the Rishic Shield, composed of ante-matter from Dimensions 13-15. The signets are smaller, fixed, consolidated frequency points out of which the Seed Star Crystal Seals that form the Chakras manifest. The Signets and the smaller crystal seal formations that manifest through them, create a disc of spinning, horizontal
Mahallc Shield Pre-matter Shield Olmensions 10-12
Teuric Shield Elhcric Mallcr Shield Dimensions 7·9 Doradie Shield Sernl-etlJeric Matter Shield Dimensions 4-6
Telluric Shielcl Gross Matter Shield Dimensions 1·3
Hova Bodies Hova Bodies are tri-tonal scalar grids that form spherical energy "tissue capsules" around each 3-dimensional level of the multi-dimensional identity. Within the 15-Dimensional Human Ana.tomy there are 5 dimensionalized Hova Bodies called Ariea Hova Bodies. The Ariea Hova Bodies form out of the electro-tonal programs held within the Kathara Centers of the Level-1 Kathara 12-Tree Grid. The 5 Hova Bodies of the human manifestation template anatomy within the Time Matrix represent the 5 subtle energy bodies of human bio-energetic field construction. Each of the 5 shields within a 15-Dimensional Manifestation Template is structured upon 3 Kathara Centers within the Core Primal Order of the Level-1 Kathara 12-Tree Grid. The first 4 Hova Bodies of the 15-Dimensional Human Anatomy and their horizontal shields are most important in terms of human evolution. © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Activation of the Signets activates their corresponding shield, which in turn releases the tissue capsules located between the Hova Bodies, allowing merger to occur. When the first 4 Hova Body Shields activate, the body is able to integrate the Avatar identity and transmute into pre-matter liquid light wave form.
Hova Body
Rishic Shield
Raja Hova
Maharic Shield
Mahara Hova
Teuric Shield
Betcha Hova
Doradic Shield
Alphi Hova
Telluric Shield
Nada Hova
The Nada Hova Body of Dimensions 1, 2 and 3 forms on the Telluric Shield, its control center being the 2nd Kathara Center that is composed of 2-dimensional frequencies. The Alphi Hova Body of Dimensions 4, 5 and 6 forms on the Doradic Shield, its control center being the Dora or Archetype of the 5-dimensional frequencies. The Betcha Hova Body of Dimensions 7,8 and 9 forms on the Teuric Shield, its control center being the Teura or Monad of the 8-dimensional frequencies. The Mahara Hova Body forms on the Maharic Shield, its control center being the Mahunta or Avatar core at the 11th,dimension. The 5th Hova Body, the Raja Hova Body, forms on a set of Signets that correspond to stellar points within the Universal Kathara Grid. Its shield, the Rishic Shield, rotates on a vertical plane and comes into activation within the personal morphogenetic field only after the four lower shields have transmuted the body into pre-matter liquid light of the Maharic Shield.
Axiom Lines, Auric Levels and Chakras Diodic Points, Signets, Seed Crystal Seals and Axiom Lines Each Signet within a Hova Body Shield holds the electro-tonal program for one Seed Crystal Seal and one dimensionalized flash-line sequence. Each seed seal program corresponds to one dimensionalized flashline program from one Level-1 Kathara Center. Each Seed Crystal Seal thus holds intact the electro-tonal program for one dimensionalized flash-line projection angle or single axis dimensional flash-line sequence. The single axis dimensional flash-line sequences controlled by each Seed Crystal Seal are called Axiom Lines. There are 12 Primary Axiom Lines that correspond to the 12 Kathara Centers in the personal and planetary Kathara Grids. There are 12 additional stellar Axiom Lines that correspond to the 12 Kathara Centers in the Universal Kathara Grid. The Axiom Lines represent single-axis flash-line sequences, or fixed points of conscious electrified sound, or electro-tonal units that form strands of scalar standing waves that intermesh to refine the scalar grid webbing upon which Kathara Grid Level-3 diodic points will emerge. Each of the 12 Primary Axiom Lines has a reverse reflection within the dimensions of the anti-particle universe. The 12 primary Axiom Lines governing the diodic white hole vortices or Chakras of the particle universe are called Axi-A-Tonal Lines (Axiatonal Lines). The corresponding reflections of the Axiatonal Lines in the anti-
© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
particle universe (parallel universe) which govern the miodic black hole Vortex reflections of the Diodic Points are called the Axi-§.-Tonal Lines. The 12 primary Axi-A-Tonal Lines set the morphogenetic imprint upon which the Chakra system and foundation DNA organization of the human body will manifest, and upon which the planetary vortex/portal system and planetary ley lines will emerge within the planetary body.s The single axis flash-line sequences of the 12 Primary Axiom Lines cross over and through each other to form coordinate points between the Hova Body Shields through which the white hole level-3 diodic point vortices or Chakras emerge. The varying angles of flash-line projection within the Axiom Lines create separate dimensionalized bands of frequency or separate sets of flash-line sequences within the Hova Body structure. There are 3 Signets and thus 3 Seed Seals and 3 Axiom Lines inherent to each Hova Body Shield; therefore each Hova Body becomes dimensionally compartmentalized into 3 separate yet interrelated sections, each section having inherent sets of diodic points. Each dimensionalized aspect of the Hova Bodies becomes a level of the Auric Field within the bio-energetic system. There are 12 inner layers to the Auric Field which correspond to Dimensions 1-12 and to the 12 primary Kathara Centers, Seed Seals and Axiom Lines of the first 4 Hova Bodies. There are 3 outer layers of the Auric Field that correspond to Dimensions and Seed Seals 13-15, to the first 3 Kathara Centers and Axiom Lines of the Universal Kathara Grid, and to the 5th Hova Body.
Seed Seals, Axiom Lines, Consolidated Diodic Points, Chakras and Auric Levels The points in the Kathara Grid where the single axis Axiom Lines cross over and through the Central Vertical Kathara Line in the Level-1 Grid and the horizontal flash-lines of the Seed Crystal Seals form fixed, consolidated Diadic Points, or larger vortices of energy composed of many smaller diodic vortices. Within the biological form and morphogenetic field, diodic points are located in physical body regions where Interdimensional and inter-harmonic horizontal and vertical Kathara Lines intersect to form, small vortices of inter-dimensional or inter-harmonic wave spectra that serve as Gateways of Consciousness between dimensional time continua of harmonic time cycles. These gateways of consciousness connect physical bodies to their anti-particle counterparts and intersect with the vertical and horizontal relationships of wave spectra within the DNA/RNA and bio-energetic field, through sets of white and black holes at the center of the biological harmonic scalar grids. Diodic points control the diagonal Kathara Lines. Diodic points further regulate the relationships of flashline sequences through the Kathara Grid by serving as turnstiles of energy. The diodic points intersect with the crossover points of the vertical and horizontal flash-lines, adding a further level of modulation to the frequencies passing through, allowing a 3-dimensional harmonic projection of flash-lines projecting on 3 different angular planes to build within the morphogenetic field. The diodic points, add the third plane of projection to the Kathara Grid, which will begin the formation of what will appear as a 3-dimensional armature of flash-points upon which particles will accrete to fill out the holographic Illusion of 3dimensionality. The larger diodic vortex points are called Chakras. Each Chakra vortex is formed upon the electro-tonal program of its corresponding dimensional Frequency Band, Kathara Center, Seed Seal and Axiom Line, and' each Chakra corresponds to one Auric Field level, DNA strand imprint, and level of consciousness. Just as 3 Signets, Seed Seals and Axiom Lines correspond to each Hova Body Shield, 3 Chakras regulate and correspond to each of the 5 Hova Bodies for a total of 15 Primary Chakras.
See the Correspondences graphic on page 20 of this handbook for a depiction of the embodied Axi-A-Tonal Lines ©A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Primary Chakras 1-12 correspond to Kathara Centers 1-12 in the personal and planetary Kathara Grids, and primary Chakras 13-15 correspond to the first 3 Kathara Centers and axiom lines of the Universal Kathara Grid. Chakras 13-15 are considered Universal Trans-stellar Chakras. Chakras regulate the transduction of flash-line sequences from the dimensionalized unified field and diodic vortices of the Axiom Lines and Auric Field levels into the Hova Body tissue capsules and rivulet channels that connect to the physical, electromagnetic, chemical and hormonal aspects of the visibly manifest form. Chakras regulate the flow of consciousness energy between the dimensionalized Auric Field levels of the Hova Bodies, keeping the various multi-dimensional stations of consciousness separate in order to allow for experiential perception of holographic manifestation. Each Chakra circulates its single axis flash-line sequence along the angle of projection carried within its corresponding Axiom Line, and this angle of flashline projection determines the angular rotation of particle spin (ARPS), or the axis upon which particles rotate within each dimensionalized portion of the anatomy. There is a 90-degree shift in the flash-line angle of projection from one Chakra and dimensional band to the next, which creates a 90-degree shift of ARPS between each dimensionalized portion of the anatomy. Between each 3-dimensional Hova Body there is also a 45-degree reverse shift in the flash-line projection angle between each Hova Body and between each set of 3 Chakras. The precise angles of flash-line projection and ARPS between Chakras create the perceivable 3-dimensional hologram. A Chakra appears within the bio-energetic field as 2 cones or spirals of multi-colored energy that are linked together at the tip in the central body current through Seed Star Crystal Seals out of which the cones emerge. Chakras 2-6 extend from the Seed Seals outward through the body and Auric Field on a horizontal axis, and Chakras 8 and 9 intersect with 6 and 7 at the pineal gland on 2 rotating diagonal axes running through the head. Chakras 1 and 7 and 10-14 are stacked above and below the body on a vertical axis aligned with the central body current and the Central Vertical Kathara Line. Chakras 1 and 7, 10 and 12, 11 and 13, and 14 and 15 are actually the bottom and top cones of 4 large vertical Chakra spirals, however they are counted as separate Chakras. Chakra 15 is a roving Chakra which travels the course of the 12 primary Axiom Lines far out in level 15 of the Auric Field. Each Chakra draws in energy from and transmits energy into the dimensional unified field corresponding to the Chakra number, and carries as its dominant perceivable color the hue characteristic to the primary frequency band wave-length of its dimensional affiliation. What we perceive as color is specific spectra of light-radiation waves that have a specific measurable wavelength and vibrational energy signature. A Chakra will also carry, in lesser saturation, the colors and frequency bands associated witli all of the dimensions below its own dimensional affiliation. When the Seed Seal at the coreof a Chakrais released, the 2 cones of the Chakra move through each other to form a dimensional Merkaba Field of two counter-rotating spirals of electromagnetic energy that take the form of a star tetrahedron. Progressive release of the Seed Seals within the Chakras creates opening and merging of the Kathara Lines in the Level-112-Tree Grid and merging of the Hova Bodies, shields, diodic points, auric and identity levels and DNA strands, through which activation of the Merkaba Vehicle and dedensification of matter occurs.
Axi·A·tonal Lines, Meridians, Chakras and Hara Line Axi·A·Tonal Lines are points where the rotating, single-axis flash-line sequences from the Seed Crystal Seals cross over and through each other to form 12 primary vertical flow-lines within the body. The Axi-A© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Tonal Lines create the web-work of energy upon which the Kathara Grid Level-3 Diodic Points and DNA manifest. The Axi-A-Tonal Lines within the body set the primary holographic scalar field upon which the Meridian Lines or secondary flow lines of the body manifest. Axi-A- Tonal Lines 11 and 12, which correspond to the 11thand 12thdimensions, Kathara Centers, Seed Seals and Chakras, run vertically through the center of the body along the Kathara Grid Level-1 Central Vertical Kathara Line, forming a twisted rope of dark silver (011) and white (0-12) energy that wraps around the Central Vertical Kathara Line flash-line sequence. The Central Vertical Kathara Line, which appears as a thin silver-gold flash-line of energy running from the 14th Chakra (36 inches above the head) to Urtha's Core, is imbued with frequencies from the 12th, 11th, and 8th dimensions-the frequencies of white, dark silver and gold.
The 7 primary embodied Chakras emerge where the 11th and 12th Axi-A-Tonal Lines cross through each other as they spiral around the Central Vertical Current. Secondary Chakras form in areas where other Axi-A-Tonal Lines cross through each other. In the Level-2 Kathara Grid, the rotating single axis flash-lines ofAxi-A-Tonal Lines 11 and 12 spiral around the thin silver-gold flash-line of the Central Vertical Kathara Line, merging into a thin, vertical tri-tonal flash-line of primarily gold hue that becomes the core of the central body current. In ancient Eastern healing systems this thin gold vertical line is called the Hara Line, and is often considered the foundation of the manifest form. In truth, the Level-1 Kathara 12-Tree Grid and the signets, Star Crystal Seals and shields of Kathara Level-2 are the deeper foundations upon which the Hara Line manifests. There are 6 Hara points to govern and regulate the function of complexes of energy synthesization and distribution that control the operations of all primary body systems and bioenergetic field dynamics. The 6 Hara points (Crystal Seals) apparent from the Hara level of the Kathara Level-2 Crystal Seals Grid are as follows: 1. The 9thSilver Core Star Crystal Seal, called the Hara Center. 2. The 6th Indigo (or Blue-Violet) Star Crystal Seal, called the Soul Star. 3. The 12thWhite Star Crystal Seal, called the Galactic Star. 4. The 3rdYeliow Star Crystal Seal, called the Sun Star. 5. The 8thGold Star Crystal Seal, called the Earth Star. 6. The 10thBlue-Black Star Crystal Seal, called the Earth Core Seal.
© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Correspondences All of the numbers and colors correspond to each other. Everything has a Kathara Grid, and that implies Shields and Merkaba, and even our atoms. The Kathara Grid, 15-Dimensional Structure, Scalar Shields, Crystal Seals, five 3-dimensional Harmonic Universes and Hova Bodies, Diodic Point vortices and the subtle and dense matter energetic systems that manifest upon them represent the PRIMAL ORDER of mathematical and geometrical interrelationship that PRIMAL SUBSTANCE utilizes to orchestrate the manifest hologram through creation of manifestation templates. The interwoven, ordered structures of scalar-wave fields that form the personal manifestation template of 15-Dimensional Human Anatomy are collectively referred to as the Personal INTERNAL TEMPLAR COMPLEX. The Internal Templar Complex, a structural replica of the macrocosmic Universal Templar Complex, anchors personal consciousness into the Time Matrix for the experience of the space, time and matter hologram. Color represents specific wavelengths of frequency that are within the multidimensional spectrum. Specific colors can be used to direct specific frequencies within the DNA and body template. Symbols and geometrical forms represent specific mathematical scalar-wave instructions that also can be used to direct frequency. Final Thought: Thoughts are Things; Consciousness IS Energy; Energy IS Conscious. Thought directed with clear intention and knowledge of the structure of subtle-body anatomy is a very potent form of scalar power. Recommendations for further study: Tangible Structure of the Soul, [Product Code: TS-BR1/6CDHB]; The Emerald Covenant Masters Templar Stewardship Initiative Manual, [Product Code: SAS/M+FG]; Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System® Level-1 (with Intro to Level-2) study course and/or workshop, [Product Code: KA1-M/2DVD-3CD]; The Science and Spirituality of Creation, Seattle 2003 workshop package, [Product Code: SSC/6DVD+HB]; and Kathara Team modules on specific topics of the Freedom Teachings. Other resources are the Azurite Press website: www.azuritepress.com; Dictionary at www.keylonticdictionary.org.
and the Keylontic Science
Note: Some of the subject's contents within each segment of this handbook may be repeated in direct relationship with the given context and serves to better relate and explain the subject matter.
"When we enter the 15-Dimensional Matrices we come from a central Source w,h~re we are in a state of consciousness that in spiritual terms would be considered At-ONE-ment with our creator. We are projected outward as electrotonal energy, as a light-sound energy identity. Energy is aware. We start as pure energy and are projected into one of the 15-Dimensional Matrices. Then we go through a process of expanding into the dimensions and we have to pull ourselves back out of the 15-Dimensional Matrix again and spiral back up into the central Source of Yunasai. That is the process of spiritual evolution." (Amenti Series-1 Classes)
"We eventually evolve as consciousness to know ourselves as the entire 15-Dimensional Matrix, the Unified Field. At that stage we're ready to start to go home to God-Source, because we start to realize that Identity is ONE and MANY at the same time." (Amenti Series-1 Classes)
© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Elements of Discovery Part 2: Exploring the God Worlds In the Beginning The God Worlds is a story of creation. This story begins with Source and it ends with Source. Source is the foundation upon which the whole structure is built. My Relationship with Source Comes First is a very important point that Speaker 3 emphasizes again and again. Part of my relationship with Source is how I perceive Source, how I conceive Source, what is my conception of Source. Source is the core concept upon which all of creation is built, and, in particular, upon which the God Worlds are built. How do we perceive Source? This is something we can ask ourselves almost daily, and every day we will come to a new understanding of our relationship with Source, or a new depth in our relationship to Source. In very general terms, we can conceive of Source as a vast pool of consciousness that underlies all of creation. Source is this vast pool of consciousness, a vast pool of aliveness. It is the aliveness that underlies all of creation. This aliveness is not something that is remote from us; it is something that is very direct, very immediate in our lives. We can ask ourselves "what is it that is alive in ourselves; what is it that is alive within me; what is it that is alive in everything around me?" We can look in the mirror and ask ourselves "what is this that is looking out through my eyes?" Ultimately, what is looking out through all of our eyes is Source. There are various veils that Source wears. What is looking out through my body initially is my Soul. What's looking out through that is an Oversoul, and so on." As we progress backwards through the veils, we ultimately come to a pure and very free aliveness that underlies all of creation ... and that is Source. Ultimately, what is alive in me and in the flowers, the trees, and the animals is Source. The expressions of Source can have various veils of distortion, but ultimately behind all those distortions is Source. Source is not something very remote from us. It is very direct, very immediate, and very present in our lives. We can conceive of Source in religious terms, in terms of God, and in terms of a Creator. These have their uses. All of these conceptions of Source carry, in terms of God, in terms of religious expressions, a certain amount of baggage. The concept of Source is a much more expansive concept. The God Worlds effectively describe the structure that manifests creation, and brings it into being for us. It is basically the geography of the Cosmos. We all have this desire to go home. We can ask, "where is home?" Or more specifically, where is here in relation to home? And how do we get there? The God Worlds describe the journey we would take in order to integrate our way back home. There is a sequence of concepts through which we can illustrate the development of the God Worlds. We will start at the very beginning, going from Source through a sequence of ideas. some of these ideas you would have come across many times already in the context of Kathara Healing and within the first section of this handbook. It is useful to revisit them because they form a sequence, and when you follow the sequence it creates coherence in our understanding of the God Worlds. The pictures of the graphs are symbol codes. They tell us things on the 3-~ level that help us understand relationships between different objects or different places, and they are also encoded or encrypted. This means they carry data packages, or huge amounts of mathematical data in frequency form within them. This mathematical data in frequency form allows you to actually pick up a lot of understanding through direct cognition. Even if you cannot yet look at a diagram and explain what it means on a 3-~ level, you are still picking up the frequency of the whole direct cognition which will help you to understand it.
Incarnate, Soul, Oversoul, Christos Avatar ©A & A Deane. 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Partiki and Partiki Phasing Order, Intelligence, and Consciousness In explaining the Cosmos, we always start with the Holographic Template. The Holographic Template is literally the secret blueprint that you do not see, behind which and under which matter is accreted, or matter is manufactured. The Holographic Template refers to "hologram." The Holographic Template starts with what we call units of the Consciousness of God-Source. This is Primal Substance-the substance out of which something is made. "What is this stuff?" Well, it is obviously energy, but "what is energy?" The Freedom Teachings demonstrate that Consciousness IS Energy and Energy IS Conscious." Consciousness is a substance. It is a substance that takes on the form of waveforms. They can be standing waves or moving waves, however the templates upon which density (or matter manifestation) occurs are standing waveforms. A standing wave is called a Scalar Standing Wave. It holds a fixed point in a grid with many others, and there are very specific mathematical relationships and geometrical relationships between the positioning of these standing columns of wave forms. Standing waves oscillate and vibrate. Oscillation is when the Particum and PartikA actually flash on into manifestation so you would see them. Vibration is when they flash off and go back into the Creation Point. Imagine a sphere covered with light bulbs. They are not moving, though they flash on and off at different rhythms. When they flash on and off at different rhythms, it can appear as if they are moving. If you watch the lights around a marquee, you can see how they can make it look like the lights are actually running around, but they are not. The lights are just flashing off and on. The templates upon which matter is built are very much like this. They are not light bulbs; they are literally consciousness in the form of energy that interacts in very specific ways at very specific angles with other units of like kind and some of opposite kind. There is a whole structure to the way reality is built. It is not haphazard. A big bang did not just happen and all of a sudden things started to organize themselves. There are big bangs, and the big bangs are the result of certain mechanics that have to do with the templates beneath them. There is order and intelligence to the way the universe is structured. That order has for ages been referred to as the Krist-not Christ, C-h-r-i-s-t, but Krist, K-r-i-s-tbecause there are two main mathematical programs that are core template programs that everything in creation and objectified manifestation began upon. They are called the Krist and the Krystallah. They go together, Krist and Krystaliah and between the two of them they represent 24 points of vibration and oscillation. Standing scalar-waves form upon this structure. These standing scalar-waves form intimate interwoven patterns that create the structure of dimensional fiber of electromagnetic energy by which things can come into manifestation as individuated forms of consciousness. The energy that makes up both the standing scalar-waves that make up the templates upon which matter manifests, and matter within which consciousness can embody, is all conscious. That means they are beings, not just things. There is awareness, though it is awareness that is different than what we would possess in a human form here. You would have a different relationship to things like thought or emotion. It 7
Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System® Level-1 Manual, Section 1. © A & A Deane. 2010. All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
would be much more in a category of direct cognition and infinite knowing at all times. The standing scalarwaves of consciousness that the universe is made out of also includes your body and your consciousness. You are a part of this consciousness. This is what we mean by units of the Consciousness of God. You cannot be separate from God-Source. God-Source was, is and always will be the One Original Consciousness within which everything manifests. God-Source desired to manifest and set in motion a structure of perpetual motion. First Creation continually occurs. It never ends. It was set in motion through the Krist and Krystallah, which allow for the perpetual motion-continually regenerating the cycling of consciousness into and out of manifestation in perfect balance and in perfect synchronization, which allows creation to have beginnings and endings within cycles. In actuality, it all occurs at once within the body of the Consciousness of God-Source. Recognizing the Consciousness We were not forced to uphold the original creation and intention of God-Source; which was a joyful, loving experience of eternal life and infinite creativity. If that was forced upon us we would not be able to make choices. We would simply be puppets to a creator god someplace, and that is not the intention of the consciousness that created universal structure. It loved us so much, even though It would prefer that we not do things like create black holes and harm each other and harm other things. That freedom is still allowed, though not preferred. The energy structures of the God Worlds are fascinating on a scientific level. It is interesting to see the structure and how the structures interrelate with each other. However, it is important to remember that we are talking about consciousness when we look at these. Consciousness implies a being or structures of being. It is a whole different way of co-creating than looking at something saying, "Oh, I can play with that thing. I can make that do what I want it to. I can learn how to make those currents do something." You might try asking them first if they want to work with you. If you want to reclaim your consciousness and be whole and respected as the being you are, then you have a responsibility to give respect to other forms of consciousness as well. Rules and Balances We have taught ourselves as a species many lessons about love by allowing that state of .relative perfection to go away. We have taught ourselves why love is worth standing for and worth working for. The way to do that is to recognize that this Krist template exists and it has a set of rules and balances. They are not rules that say you have to do this and you cannot do that. They are rules that every unit of consciousness of God that comes into the manifestation framework understands exactly: what the Krist is, what the template is, and how it works. It works in a form of action and reaction. There will be consequence to action which includes every thought, for even thought is action. So everything, every being that ever came into this Time Matrix-it does not matter how much it might whine now about "nobody's being fair to me!" Everyone knew when they first came into manifestation what the rules of the game were. And the rules were that there is a certain way the energy systems here work. There is a certain leeway if they are used in ways for which they were not originally created. But if you push too hard, the literal laws of inter-dimensional physics will push back, and you will not be happy with the consequences. Everyone knew that when they came in. However, many people have forgotten it. The universe and the cosmos are self-regulating. They do not require God to play warden. God just IS. And God extends love and continually sends pulses of consciousness in for manifestation and receives other pulses back home for recirculation, to go back home with Source-if you choose consciously or unconsciously. That is an option. But, God-Source does not play warden. © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Par! of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series;
Partiki, PartikA and Particum If we are going to understand our multi-dimensional anatomy, we need to understand something called the templates of matter. They are like the armature or the blueprint that matter builds upon. Consciousness does not enter time or manifestation in a random. haphazard way. It is not an accident. It is a highly ordered, mathematical, geometrical system of arranging units of energy, units of consciousness into certain patterns where manifestation can take place. There is a Primal Order to the structure of the universe and there is a Primal Order to the structure of human biology and consciousness. There is also a Primal Substance. We have a vast field of Source; a vast field of pure consciousness that underlies all of creation. It is totally alive, totally free within itself, totally whole, totally integrated. Source brings Its attention to a point of focus and in doing so creates structure around it. That structure manifests as the First Partiki (PKI) emerging within Source. These Partiki are the smallest units of energy substance, electro-tonal units of consciousness, the Consciousness of God, the Consciousness of Source. They are the building blocks of morphogenetic fields, matter and individuated conscious identity. They operate as minute perpetual motion fission-fusion generators. There is a primal substance to the order of the universe, and we refer to this substance as Partiki units. Partiki units can be understood as omni-polar units of energy. Omni meaning they have the polarity of both negative and positive, but they also have no polarity at the same time. An omni-polar unit can be understood as simply a vibration, a unit of energy that just holds a vibration and is not yet manifest; it exists in an ante-matter state of non-manifestation; but it is still holding a pattern on which form will build. Partiki, PartikA, and Particum are three primary units that every other particle or waveform is built upon. Though we think of them as simply words, they are actually frequency resonance patterns that are close to the resonance pattern of these particular units. A name is a sound, a sonic signature that has to do with the vibration or oscillation of the thing you are calling a name. They are massive identities (consciousness fields) perpetually fueled and created by a pulse of consciousness that circulates consciousness from the wholeness of God to that focus of 3-point attention. We are constantly expanding in and out of God, so it is taking place at every moment... no beginning, no end. There are cycles of linear perception in the manifest perceptual fields, but in truth, it is a constant interaction of the 3 points of God attention. The names are as close as you can get translated into our languages here of the actual tonal frequency of the particular thing that is being named. So we have three primary units of consciousness and units of energy called Partiki, PartikA, and Particum.
Partiki Phasing In order to create manifestation, Partiki units do something called PKI Phasing, which means they continually and perpetually break apart and come back together, break apart and come back together. Partiki units are not free-floating units of energy; they are fixed points of frequency that are arranged in very specific relationships to each other to form manifestation templates; they form a scalar grid of fixed points. If you want to understand a scalar grid, think of a marquee (also explained on page 22) that you sometimes see around theatre signs; you would have a series of light bulbs and they would all flash off and on at a certain rhythm, and it would look like a moving string of light going around, but the light was just an illusion, they were not really moving. The movement, the "illusion of movement" was created by the flashing on and off sequence of the stationary points of light. You can understand PKI units as representing those stationary light bulbs. They are fixed points of units of energy that cycle-they go from vibration to oscillation, vibration to oscillation. There is a difference between vibration and oscillation. It goes from the
©A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
omni-polar state where it is ante-matter sound into a bi-polar state, electromagnetic, where it is light. This is what PKI units do; they stay in one place and cycle on and off, flash on and off. The template of the universal structure upon which the 5 Harmonic Universes (and all of the galaxies within them) manifest are created of PK/ units that phase on and off. A PKI unit that phases on and off draws to itself other like units, so you have clusters of PKI units phasing on and off. Those clusters are called Keylons; that is where we get "Key/antic Science." Keylons build up to form more complex Keylons or Key/on Codes that progressively build up the form of energy that serves as the blueprint for manifestation. When you look at the aspect of the PKI Phasing, when PKI go into bi-polarity, where they flash on from being a sound-they are a small sound vibration but then flash on into a light oscillation - you can view that as a scalar-wave; it is a type of scalar-wave. Each one of those standing points of PKI units-when they phase on into bi-polarity--creates a scalar-wave pattern and then it flashes off again into vibration, then back on again into oscillation ... standing wave patterns, scalar-waves, standing waves. Partiki Phasing is a very fundamental process in creation through which Source manifests creation. An important point in relation to creation is that what is being created is primarily structure. Source is creating structure; It is projecting part of Its Consciousness, part of Its aliveness into structure. It is effectively exploring Its own nature from within that structure and integrating what It learns from that process back into the wholeness of Itself. There is a process involved in PKI Phasing. We have the Original PKI, which manifests as a neutral structure around the original concept in Source. This neutral structure replicates within itself-it creates an equal replica of itself. That replica in turn phases, it polarizes into two equal and opposite expressions of the Original Idea. One manifests as a unit on the matter (PCM) side of creation and the other a unit on the anti-matter side of creation (PKA). Partiki Phasing, in simple terms, is how these three units, the Partiki, the PartikA and the Particum interact with each other. Basically they phase together to become ante-matter. When they polarize you have anti-matter (PKA) and its opposite which is matter (PCM). These are the base units of conscious energy that group together in many different ways to form antiparticles and particles. Particles live in our particle universe, which is called the Particum Universe. This is where you get these words. Throughout the literature you will see the abbreviation PCM or PKA, which means Particum Universe and PartikA Universe.
Partiki Phasing Process
The PartikA Universe is our parallel universe that is built upon a primary base of PartikA anti-matter units, where our system is a Particum Universe built upon matter units. You could look at Particum as the female and PartikA as the male, and the Partiki as the original spirit or androgynous being out of which they both came. Partiki, PartikA, and Particum are standing waves, little tiny standing waves that cycle. They go back and forth from being an ante-matter state of unification and coming' on, or flashing on into manifestation of particle and anti-particle. This would be their oscillation stage, and you would be able to see them if you were looking at them with your etheric microscopic vision. When they go into vibration they would flash off and become ante-matter particles. That is a simple way to understand it. These units of consciousness always come in a group of three-or one that generates two and then goes back to one again. This means you have a Still Point. So there is the replica and the original and both hold the original pattern. Then the replica polarizes creating two expressions of the original pattern, but with opposed polarities. Partiki, PartikA and Particum all exist at the same time. However, here in the manifest hologram focus there is a sequence of cause and effect-one thing appears to come before another. Thus we perceive the action, this PKI Phasing, at different phases. Our bodies are made of templates of consciousness units that also phase, but do it in a syncopated rhythm. The consciousness units do not all phase at the same time; they follow a rhythmical (mathematical) program. ©A &A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Scalar-Waves and Scalar Grids In very simple terms we are familiar with waves that are in the world around us. We have waves flowing on the ocean and these are horizontal waves. We can perceive scalar-waves as waves that flow vertically. Theyare a process by which energy and consciousness move vertically from Source into manifestation or more specifically, between dimensions. Therefore, scalar-waves are effectively vertical waves that move energy and consciousness between dimensions. Standing scalar-waves are made of PKI units, points that flash on (oscillate) and then turn off (vibrate), then replicate and polarize and then group together; like with like. They form PKI grids (2-dimensional) and they form PartikA and Particum grids; each one like lights that string together. Then they begin to cross over and through each other; they interact and form a 3-D grid in a specific geometrical configuration. They interact in specific angular relationship to each other. This is all controlled by the Original Base-12 Divine Blueprint Kathara Grid that determines how much energy it will have, how many vibrations, how many oscillations, how much consciousness is held in one of these Still Points; all was set by the Original Intention of God-Source. There is a mathematical formula that guides the process that is a right wayDivine Intention. The PKI units interweave and form a fabric of scalar-waves, an energy field that pulls in more and more of the Consciousness of God. God-Source sends in pulses of consciousness continuously to keep fueling it. One draws in and another comes back out. The ManU field is where this comes through from God-Source and through the polarized ManA and EirA fields. Circulation of energy takes place through the PKI grid. The PKI grid begins to accrete more, to replicate its units and make more of itself and these units pull together toward each other (like kind). So a PKI grid is like a 2-D structure pulling in more and more, and forms something called Keylons which are 3-D units of consciousness (PartikilPartikA/Particum). Scalar-waves anchor our consciousness into dimensionality in the Time Matrix in order to be able to experience space, time and matter evolution. If we can understand the basic primal substance of scalarwaves, we can begin to understand who we are and how we get here, and what it means to be in a body and be conscious. We as consciousness before manifesting, take on the form of very specific arrangements of scalar-waves. Our consciousness literally turns into that form in order to experience the projection, the holographic projection of space, time and matter. Keylons Keylons are 3-08 carriers of consciousness force. Keylons flash on and off in a syncopated rhythm as they move through the PKI Phasing going on within them. When they hit a critical mass of inner vibration they turn off; when they hit a critical mass of oscillation, they turn on. We go from the forces of ManU/ManAlEirA into the Primal units that they form-PartikilPartikAlParticum into the structures these units form grouping together making stronger wave forms (such as the Maharic 'Shield]. The Maharic Shield is composed of standing scalar-waves; each wave of which is composed of Keylons (a PKI unit on its own would not be strong enough to form a shield). All of these wave forms are composed of PKI units; units of ManU/ManAlEirA which are units of the Consciousness of God and implies that all energy is conscious and all consciousness is energy. Dimensions Dimensions are sets of 3 frequencies of consciousness (ManU/ManAlEirA - PartikilPartikA/Particum). Every dimension has structures built on Keylons. A dimension is literally a structure of Keylons which are complex standing scalar-waves formed by clusters of Partiki/PartikAlParticum. Dimensions build on each 8
The letter D throughout this handbook is used to denote Dimension: 3-~ = 3rd dimension. D-3 would be read as Dimension 3. © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
other. From where we are it looks like they get bigger as they go up. From Source it looks like they get smaller as they go down. They cycle and that is called Partiki Phasing. They flash on and off, but they are not just individual. They group together and first form strings of these units, and those strings then form grids, like crosshatched grids of these units, like a fabric being woven, a fabric of light and sound, of vibration and oscillation of energy units-those grids end up with three different rhythms of flashing off and on that form a 3-dimensional base structure that create Keylons. A dimension is composed of a set of Keylons. As an example, let us say Dimension-1 is composed of a set of 12 Keylons. Dimension-2 is composed of a set of 12 Keylons and also has the 12 from Dimension-1. In Dimension-3 it would be 12 X 3. They build on each other: 0-12 = 12 Keylons per dimension X 12 dimensions = 144 Keylons. Keylons are like the voltage and wattage of consciousness. The amount of Keylons in a dimension will determine how much consciousness it can carry. It will direct how many strands of DNA they are capable of forming. If your template of identity only has 12 Keylons you will only have enough to make one DNA strand, not enough to become a 3 dimensional biological being. You need a minimum of 36 Keylons in the template for this (3 X 12). The Keylons build up to form the matter-the atomic structure of everything around us. Keylon Crystal Body Keylons are basically 3-dimensional forms of light and sound waves. They are 3-dimensional because you have three different lines of Partiki, PartikA and Particum flashing on and off at three different rhythms, which creates a 3-dimensional format. This is the basis of what we call the Crystal Body; the Keylon Crystal Body. Everything in manifestation, including the entire universal framework itself has a Crystal Body structure. Later we come to call these shields. When we talk about the standing scalar-wave shields, we are talking about a part of the Crystal Body structure. But in truth everything, every part of our matter has a Crystal Body structure to it. It has this structure of Partiki, PartikA, and Particum as the core template. We call a PKI grid the Crystal Body because of the Keylons. As 3-dimensional units of light and sound, they form crystallizations of light and sound-pre-light and pre-sound that eventually become light and sound that eventually become crystallized thought forms or matter. This is a process of taking a thought form into primal force attention using the Trinity Pattern Base-12 Divine Blueprint? and progressively building it up into a crystallization where the thought of God becomes crystallized into manifest holographic forms that hold portions of the Consciousness of God a bit separate from Itself, even though It is within Itself, so It can stand back and look at Itself and Its Creation. God knows Itself through us and we know ourselves through God because we are one and the same. We have a personal Crystal Body, a personal Keylon structure, a crystal thought form Light-Sound Body as our Scalar-wave Template. Scalar-wave Template equals Crystal Keylon Body. When we work with our Crystal Keylon Body it will turn on more and more Keylons (scelar-waveslpullinp in more consciousness like it was meant to do. Our Crystal Body is similar to Christmas tree lights, constantly turning on and off in a syncopated pattern. We are constantly returning home to God but do not remember. We put our Eternal Consciousness into 3 focuses at the same time through the Divine Trinity (Partiki Phasing) making them do different things in order to perceive this hologram that is created through that process (interaction). Our Cosmic Keylon structure (whole) is called the Amoraea Crystal. All of this applies to both the macrocosm and the microcosm; all have the same structure (scalar template). When we get past understanding that we are made out of light and sound waves, Partiki, PartikA, and Particum, we get into the structure that this primal substance forms. And that is where we start to understand the body of the cosmos. Before we can understand our own bodies it helps to understand the 9 Trinity
Pattern = sets of 3 is a recurring pattern = PKI Phasing © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeED Freedom Teachings® Series.
framework we live within, because the same template that is used to manifest universes and galaxies and cosmoses is the exact same template used to manifest everything in the microcosm as well. If we can understand the cosmos ... if we can understand a planetary templar (comprised of energy grids and Star Gates) ...we can begin to understand the inner energy grids and Star Gates within our bodies. We will understand our own structure; and the advantage of understanding our own structure is that once you understand it, you can learn to use it to serve the intentions you would like, instead of being run over by your biology. .
Unifying the Polarities We have 2 polarized expressions of the Original Idea. One polarized in the male electrical direction and the other polarized in an equal/opposite female magnetic direction; 2 equal and opposite expressions of each other. These 2 polarized expressions come into manifestation and they interact. Interaction between these two polarities is effectively what weaves the whole structure of creation. The whole structure of creation emerges through the sequential interaction of this process. The 2 polarized units come into expression. Once they have manifested in expression, they then turn around and come back into the neutral core in Source. Without the third PKI unit, if particle and anti-particle were to come together to merge, they would annihilate each other. The Original PKI Unit (which manifests as peM particles and PKA anti-particles) holds the buffer field and the two merge back into this buffer field. In this buffer field the polarities are re-integrated in an orderly way. So the consciousness that is inherent to the structure is brought back in an orderly way in harmony, in coherence, back into the original neutral expression, and from there the structure dissolves and consciousness returns directly to Source. We have this process whereby structure comes into being. Part of this process is the dissolution of the structure where the consciousness is released and flows back to Source. Thus, we have polarity as a natural part of the creative process. Polarity is a natural part of creation. It is only when polarity gets stuck, when the polarized units of consciousness cannot return to coherence that we have problems. Polarity in itself is natural. When polarity can return to full integrity and wholeness in Source, creation is working in its natural way. "And within those Primal Sound Fields... by taking sound and the Partiki scalar units that are turned off, which is vibrating, and turning part of them around and changing their polarity in relation to each other, light was created." (Speaker 1, Mechanics of Manifestation) Sequential Phasing The 1st PKI creates the primary structure from which all the rest of the structures in creation emerge. Now we have sequential phasing of the PKI units: The 1st PKI phases - projects polarized structures into manifestation and then returns to Source with the sequential emergence of additlone] PKI Phasing, which projects additional particles into manifestation. These particles phase sequentially and they phase in relationship to each other, so, we get the sequence of PKI units phasing, creating a flash-line sequence. Thisflash-line sequence in turn phases in relation to other flash-lines and it creates PKI grids. These grids in turn phase in relation to other grids and they create more complex 3-dimensional structures. Three dimensions are a key unit in the manifestation of creation therefore we have a 3-dimensional structure emerging from the PKI Phasing units. . Analogy for the process of PKI Phasing We can use a TV screen or computer screen as a good example for PKI Phasing. If you look very closely at a TV screen you will see a sequence of dots on the screen. Each dot has little pixels that flash on and off in a sequence in relation to each other to create a line. The lines flash on and off in sequence to create © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the Me EO Freedom Teachings® Series.
a picture. The sequential phasing of these units switching on and off creates a pattern that emerges on the screen as a picture on a TV screen. A TV screen can project something like a football match or horse racing, a drama, and so on. This very simple process of the phasing of units phasing on the screen ...the sequential patterns that emerge from that can create various realities. They can create various projected realities; they can create an infinite complexity of realities. We refer to the projected reality we see in the world around us as a hologram. A hologram is nothing more than a projected reality. It is these fundamental processes that create basic units and it is the patterning of these units that creates the complexity of the projected realities that we perceive around us. Just as we have dots flashing on the screen creating very complex projected realities on TV screens, we have a very similar process at work in the world around us. We have this very fundamental level that is PKI Phasing generating the patterns that we see in the external world around us. Therefore, we perceive the 3dimensional projected reality which is referred to as the hologram.
15-Dimensional Structure The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is a Crystal Body Shield Template made out of Partiki, PartikA, and Particum. Since there are 15 dimensions, there would be 15 different flash-line sequences. You would have 15 different rhythms of standing waves flashing off and on. Within the 15-Dimensional Matrix we have our density levels: Density-1 (Dimensions 1-3), Density-2 (Dimensions 4-6), Density-3 (Dimensions 7-9), Density-4 (Dimensions 10-12) and Density-5, the Primal Light Fields (Dimensions 13-15), and the Primal Sound Fields (Energy Matrix). The density levels are also called Harmonic Universes. D-10, D-11, and D-12 are the Divine Blueprint Pre-matter Liquid Light spaces. D-9, D-8 and D-7 comprise the etheric matter and on down to the gross physical matter at Density.-1. The pillar of frequency that runs from D1 to D-9 is called the Aritahkarana or the Universal Kundalini enerqies, Kundalini energies do not go any higher than D-9, but they connect to a larger pillar that comes around them once higher activation of the DNA and the body is created. At D-12 is the Maharata Christos frequency. This consists of D-11 and D-12 Pale Silver Light with a bit of D-10 in there because whenever you run the D-12 it picks up the other two that are in the shield with it. It looks like Pale Silver Liquid Light, which is the Maharata frequency. That is the D-12 Carrier Wave. Everything we work with and all the techniques that come with this program are built on running the D-12 as the Carrier Wave. When working with D-12 frequencies you are working with the Carrier Wave that allows you to open the seals so you can bring other currents in.
Harmonic Universes The 15 dimensions are broken into what are called 5 Harmonic Universes. The Harmonic Universes are different sets of pulsation rhythms. One Harmonic Universe would have three dimensions in it, therefore it would be a 3-dimensional reality system. The type of matter that would manifest in one Harmonic Universe would correspond with the pulsation rhythm of the Partiki Phasing within those three dimensions. The faster the Partiki Phasing the less dense the matter becomes. The lowest waves that flash on and off at the slowest rhythm are Dimension-1, which is part of Harmonic Universe 1 (HU 1). The next fastest waves are in HU 2, then in HU 3, and then up in HU 4. The fastest PKI Phasing is in HU 5. Right now, we are in HU 1; Dimensions 1, 2, and 3. It is called gross matter density. It is the heaviest type of matter except when you go into black holes, which gets even worse. The natural structure here is the slowest and heaviest.
© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series,
The next level is called HU 2, and that consists of Dimensions 4, 5, and 6. Dimensions 4, 5, and 6 in HU 2 are similar to Dimensions 1, 2, and 3 in HU 1. They both have a base tone, an overtone, and a resonant tone, which is a combination of a base tone and overtone. Again, you would see the same structure of Partiki, PartikA, and Parficum, The Partiki unit is the resonant tone, the Particum unit is the base tone and the PartikA unit is the overtone. This structure of base tone (D-1), overtone (D-2), resonant tone (D-3), base tone (D-4), overtone (D-5), and resonant tone (D-6) goes all the way up. If you go up to what we call D-4 which is the astral plane, you are actually dealing with the sub-atomic particle level of Density-2. Every one of these is a flash-line sequence. It has a different pulse from the one above, from slow going up to high. You have gross matter density at HU 1. HU 2 I Density-2 is called semi-etheric matter density. It is going from a carbon base (HU 1) to a carbon-silica base matter in HU 2 and silica base matter in HU 3, called etheric matter, which is even lighter in weight and density. Up in HU 4 you go into Pre-matter Liquid Light. This is where matter literally is in the form of liquid light, and that is considered the D-12 level. Liquid light is actually D-10, D-11 and D-12, but D-12 in particular is considered the Divine Blueprint. That is where we come in from, going from the non-material state of HU 5, Dimensions 13, 14 and 15 into the states of density of matter. The Primal Light Fields are D-13, D-14, and D-15 in Harmonic Universe 5. This is the place where what was sound vibration, templates of waves in standing form, begin to interact with each other in a way that makes them bend, and they begin to oscillate-not just vibrate, they begin to arc and make energy and that energy becomes light: the Primal Light Fields. The Primal Light Fields are basically a pale turquoise (D13), pale yellow (D-14), and pale magenta pink (D-15) color. Within that you have the Divine Blueprint, which is the Pale Silver Liquid Light of D-12. This is the Maharata Current we use when we do the Maharic Seal. What we have out here in the Energy Matrix are actually the three levels of the Primal Sound Fields." Before you have Light there is Sound. Before you have oscillation or flashing on, there is the vibration state. This area is called the Primal Sound Fields or the non-dimensionalized Energy Matrix. We have the fundamental process of PKI Phasing generating structure within creation, effectively generating fundamental structures on which the God Worlds are built. What we have is the dimensional structure of a universe. On the outside we have the pure consciousness, pure Light, the very free aliveness of Source that is without structure and without form that is totally integrated and knows all of Itself intimately. At a very fundamental level Source Consciousness brings focus to a particular idea and creates a structure around it. That structure initially manifests as very pure sound, the Primal Sound Fields (Khundaray). These Primal Sound Fields are very alive, very conscious, very aware and are capable of creation within themselves. They bring focus of attention to a more concrete expression of the Original Idea, the Original Theme and in doing so, they create vast fields of very pure light, the Primal Light Fields. (Kee-Ra-ShA) Consciousness within those Primal Light Fields further develops the Original Idea and creates more concrete structure, which begins to manifest as the matter fields in creation. The sequential structuring within creation progresses from the Primal Sound through the Primal Light and begins to manifest the matter fields in creation. Within these individual fields there is further subdivision into dimensional levels. Dimensions basically are bands of phasing PKI units. They are differentiated by the different frequencies by which they phase. A further feature of the PKI Phasing process is that the particles that manifest effectively spin. So there are different spin orientations for different dimensions. Within the full expanse of matter fields there are 12 subdivisions: 12 dimensions. These 12 dimensions are are in aggregates of 3. Thus we have 4 groups of 3 dimensions, each group forming a Harmonic Universe. An important point in relation to this diagram is that the Primal Sound Fields are non-dimensionalized. There is a fundamental difference here in the Primal Sound Fields. They are much closer to Source, much
Refer to 15-Dimensional Time Matrix diagram on page 10 of this handbook © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeED Freedom Teachings® Series.
less separated than the rest of creation. So we do not get quite the same differentiation, the same solid structure in the Primal Sound Fields as we do in the lower dimensional levels of creation. We have 15 dimensions spanning the Primal Light Fields and matter fields. Effectively we have 5 Harmonic Universes, also referred to as density levels, each spanning 3 dimensions. There are definite zones of separation between each of the Harmonic Universes. We exist in Harmonic Universe 1, in Density-1, comprised of Dimensions 1, 2, and 3. It is worth making the point that lower dimensional does not imply lower importance. All of the dimensional levels are important; all are significant in their own way.. It is like the notes in a musical scale--each has its role, each has its significance. Hova Bodies and Stations of Consciousness In each Harmonic Universe you have what is called a Hova Body. This is where your consciousness for that level is stationed. Hova Bodies are Light-Sound Bodies. They are part of a larger body structure called a Radial Body that we will talk about later after we move through Merkaba. It is enough to understand that in Density-1 you have your Incarnate Self here that you know as your 3-dimensional self. In Density-2 you have your Soul level of Identity. That is where the tangible structure of your Soul lives. And yes, it has a body like you do except it will be a more refined body. However, it might not even look like you. It depends on what you came here to do and whether you came true to form or whether you decided to wear a human mask and your form is really like an Eieyani and you are 12 feet tall and have long white eyelashes; you do not always look the same in these bodies. However, you will have an imprint of your Density-1 body in your Density-2 Soul body. You will have an imprint of this body in your Oversoul body. What we are aiming for is Christos Avatar and higher. The full integration of D-12 frequency is the Christos Avatar level. Anything below that level and you are not embodying full Christ Consciousness. Christ Consciousness is a minimum of the D-12 frequency. Rishiac Consciousness would be D-13, D-14, and D-15-the consciousness and the frequency of those Rays. Consciousness and the Flash Lines Each dimension is like a flash line sequence with a different sequence in each dimension. D-15 has the fastest flash on and off sequence and has the most points flashing on and off because it contains all of the others below it. We've discussed that the Primal Light Fields are located at D-13, D-14, and D-15. D-13 is the Blue Flame, which equals the first dimensionalized expression of Source. The second expression of Source is the Pale Yellow-Gold Flame at D-14, and the third expression is the Violet Flame at D-15. The higher dimensions have less density. Density-1, the gross matter density level is the thickest, slowest moving, slowest flashing and therefore the lowest frequency. The frequency of flashes or how often they flash determines whether it is a low frequency (slow flash) or high frequency (fast flash). Your consciousness determines the flashes. Earth's consciousness determines its .ftashes, which means everything on it is the same. This means that part of our identity is also self as Earth. It is all connected. Therefore we have self as local solar system and local galaxy, self as local universe and self as the 5 Harmonic Universes and upward in frequency. As we turn on more of the flash-line sequences in our template we progressively bring more of the consciousness associated with the higher expanded levels - we expand back into God-Source. The reality of the Consciousness of God exists as a force that has no boundaries, no limitations or form-the cosmic "no thing" in "no space" and "no time," is ETERNAL ... no beginning and no end.
© A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Stepping Down The Cosmic Shield makes the God Worlds Shields. The God Worlds Shields make Universal Shields. Universal Shields make Oimensional Shields; each 3 of these form Oensity Shields. These shields are the circulatory system of consciousness that makes us know ourselves in existence. The sub-harmonic frequency bands of 0-12 to 0-1 are in your Maharic Shield Template. Your Teuric . Shield holds the sub-harmonic frequency bands from 0-9 to 0-1, your Oversoul level of consciousness. Your Ooradic Shield holds the sub-harmonic frequency bands of 0-6 to 0-1, your Soul level. And your Telluric Shield holds the sub-harmonic frequency bands of 0-3 to 0-1, your Incarnate level of consciousness. We activate the shields in our bodies to open the 0-12 Maharic Shield, which corresponds to the Oivine Blueprint and which holds the encryption for all dimensions below it. To get the consciousness of all 12 dimensions into our physical body, we have to turn on all sub-harmonics within the 0-12 ONA strand and so on. Our objective is to turn on all 144 sub-frequency bands in order to turn on all flash line sequences that form the dimensions as they are all interconnected. When the universal template is created, the sound (vibration) fields come in first and then give birth to the light fields; the ManU exists as the constant field behind both of them. 0-13,0-14 and 0-15 are the antematter portions of your identity. Next, upwards after 0-12 is the Triadic level which forms the Violet Flame Field where sound becomes light; first sound vibration, then light. Then you have the Polaric which forms the 0-14 light Field. The Eckatic is the first individuation of Source Consciousness on the universal level (not the cosmic) and corresponds with the ManU Still Point Field; the Primary ManU Eckatic level (nonpolarized field). These flame fields are not columnar flames but spherical, and manifestation is taking place within them. When these forces come into the Time Matrix they step down or break down into smaller and smaller units of vibration manifest. The process of getting back into expansion and wholeness and oneness with God is the process of bringing out of polarity the boundaries that separate each of these levels. Between the density levels there is a magnetic repulsion lone. This reacts similarly to when you put two magnets together in a certain way; they repel each other. We have a 3-0 consciousness at each of the density levels, which means we have a body of some form moving around in each of these densities (many selves). Part of the process of building the Primal Life Force Currents in the body is opening these body levels and the corresponding reality fields. They step down through the God Worlds starting at the universal level at the ManU, ManA and EirA in 0-13, 0-14 and 0-15. They are smaller versions with different names in the lower dimensional levels. They have a different vibration at each level but still carry the flow of one of the three aspects of the Primal Consciousness. The Primal Light Fields are called- the Kee-Ra-ShA; the names are derived from the sound tones that go with them. These are coded in our ONA and to wake them up we call their names. When you begin to use the proper names you send the wake-up call. Words and certain images that carry silent words, silent tones and certain symbol codes are the patterns of vibration that we consciously send into our bodies, ONA template and Kathara Grid to wake up these frequencies within the scalar shields. Psonns wake up the ONA and Merkaba because they carry specific tones associated with the Kee-Ra-ShA and Khundaray levels and send them into our ONA. Working with tones and visual images that carry tones in a mathematical program, we are using God Languages of First Creation. However, when we awaken the high ones, we cannot awaken them without first using the
© A & A Deane. 2010. All Rights Reserved; Part of the Me EO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Maharata Current. The Maharata Current, the 0-12 current, acts as the bridge between us and the higher densities. 11
Repulsion Zones If you take a look at the 15-0imensional Time Matrix, you will see something called a Void Field or a magnetic repulsion zone between each set of 3 dimensions. That is what allows 3-dimensional reality fields to literally co-exist in the same place but be separate from each other, so there are different views. The magnetic repulsion zone is what separates the levels of our inter-dimensional selves from each other and it works that way on the planet level, the galaxy level, and the universal level.
Antahkarana The slow way to evolution is to build the Antahkarana 9th-dimensional pillar first. This is the slow course and usually takes more than one lifetime to eventually bring in the Maharic Current. We are taking the fast way. We call upon the 0-12 frequencies to activate them in the template which begins the process of bringing these currents down through the body. This is achieved by building up the 12 sub-harmonics in each one which makes it build much faster=one current coming down and the other coming up; it forms a pillar of current that progressively gets wider and larger. Down here in Oensity-1 the main vertical current is very thin through the center of the body. When we integrate the Soul level it gets a little wider; and when we integrate the Oversoul it gets wider still. When you integrate the Maharata, it gets so wide it forms a pillar of light both within and all around the body. It is called the Ascension Tube. When you do the fast evolution, it is temporarily manually stimulating that tube to come all the way down and' anchor in your field. It meets the skinny line (central vertical column) of whatever you have activated, and begins to progressively call all the names (frequencies) of the other levels in between (frequency bridge). It will activate the Antahkarana 0-9 current, but will take a long time to form without 0-12 Maharata Current to stimulate it. All of the currents from 0-9 down are called Kundalini currents. When these open in the body there are physical sensations that go with them; there are a set of Cranial Sacral Seals (crystal seals) in the tailbone and pineal gland. These currents cannot come into the body until they can run through the central vertical column. Opening the seals begins the awakening process. As we work with these currents we are building the ability to take our memory with us as we go back to God-Source. We start with who we are now and let that expand to who we were to begin with-to hold Cosmic Consciousness within us. It is a process of expansion, and we start first with developing Christ Consciousness. As you build these currents you are progressively bringjng alive the Eternal Consciousness; the Eternal Flame. It exists within you and also surrounds the entire universe, and is within the entire universe. We are waking ourselves up to the fact that we have always been at one with the Eternal Consciousness.
The Kathara Grid The Kathara Grid (Divine Blueprint) is the next level of structure within the God Worlds, within the sequence through which creation emerges from Source. There is a Divine Order that is held and set by the Divine Blueprint. This is a core scalar template, a core structure on which all structures within creation are built. The structure replicates to make more of itself within this focus of attention field. There is a mathematical program that sets the mathematical relationships between these units of the Consciousness of God. 11
?ee the Kathara Team Module, Engaging the God Languages, for more on this subject. [Product Code EGUDVO/HBj ©A &A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeED Freedom Teachings® Series.
Structure of the Kathara Level-1 12-Tree Grid Core Scalar Template
When we think of Source, when we think of the Consciousness of Source, it is a very free unstructured and integrated consciousness creating structure and projecting Its consciousness into structure. It has a particular intent, a particular design for what It manifests in creation. That intent, that design, that core template is structured in a very orderly way. . It is structured in a particular structure represented by the Kathara Grid.
There is a diagram of the Divine Blueprint, the Kathara Grid at the left. Ka = Light (God expression I expansion); Tha = Sound (God intention I drawing in); and Ra = One Spirit (ManU). This diagram is also called the Tree of Eternal Ufe. Each point refers to a scalar-wave of consciousness. Other Kathara Grids built on 11, 10 or 8 points are not holding the Divine Blueprint, and the teachings associated with them reflect the difference. Instead of Eternal Ufe, they give temporary or finite life. They were taken out of the original 12-point grid; things were done to them that cut off the ability to hold 0-12 frequency (Christos frequency). These templates do not have the ability to plug into the God-World template. They are called anti-Christos because they do not have ability to hold Christos frequency. 12 The Cosmic Kathara Grid Base 12
24 Point Eternal Life Template ManA 12 Point Kathara Grid
. In the ManU Field, the Still Point Field where creation takes place, we have the EirA and ManA Fields. Each one of these takes on the Base-12 program and creates a Kathara Grid with 12 points. They break their consciousness down into 12 points of vibration. They manifest as 2 interconnecting Kathara Grids (24 points); but each one is a separate individuation unto themselves that together form a 24-point Cosmic Template. The pattern is reflected through everything.
The Kathara Grid is also a map of Universal Star Gates. The Christos blueprint is the part of us that is all connected. At this level we all look like pale silver liquid light beings (still individuals that know ourselves as one of the many, and many of the one) but one ManA Pillar form; we do not have much differentiation. The God Worlds have a ManU Pillar EirA Pillar level of this also. It is a core template from which we the core template for individuation that makes one form; i.e., human, dog, cow. Certain mathematical programs also form planets and stars. At the core of all life there is still a very simple Base- 12 form.of Kathara Grid. At the core we are all the same. . .
Kathara Centers The Kathara Grid has 12 Centers, each carrying the core coding, the core intent or program, the core template for what will manifest on the dimensional level over 12 dimensions. A Kathara Grid has 12 Kathara Centers representing 12 dimensions. Each center carries the designed core intent, the core template for what will manifest at that dimensional level in creation. The Kathara Centers are condensed scalar-wave points that hold the core electro-tonal geometrical mathematical program for dimensionalized structure. They carry the core coding that will condition all the rest of manifest creation. Everything that
Anti-Christos: about systems, races, places, beings created on a perversion of the Original Eternal Life 12-point template, ©A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part 01the MeEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
manifests in creation has a design; and that design in its purest form is coded in the Kathara Grid as a foundation within creation. The program for Partiki Phasing and vibration-oscillation for each dimensional frequency band is set in the corresponding Kathara Center. The Kathara Centers set the template for each dimension to ground consciousness within the holographic experience of manifestation. So, it is a key structure, a key tool by means of which Source puts structure into creation, puts consciousness into manifestation, where the core coding is stored for the bodies that house our consciousness in creation. Kathara means Light-SoundOne: Ka-Tha-Ra. Each of the Kathara Centers or Kathara Spheres represent a specific point of vibration, a core set of vibrations that hold the rhythm, pulsation pattern and geometrical relationship for each of the first 12-Dimensional bands.
Kathara Lines The Kathara Grid is a building block, a scalar-wave template. Each Kathara Center goes with each dimensional level and holds the mathematical geometrical program for each dimensional level. Within the Kathara Grid are lines linking the Kathara Centers; these are called Kathara Lines. These key links between the Kathara Centers carry the information from one center to the next, effectively carrying the information from one dimensional level to another. Kathara Lines are the primary sequences of Partiki Phasing that transmit the electro-tonal programs held within the Kathara Centers from one dimension to another, to keep the continual flow of consciousness circulating throughout the 15-dimensionallevels of the morphogenetic field. When functioning properly, the Kathara Lines connect each harmonic and dimension of consciousness to the other and govern synchronization of cycles of time within the dimensional fields and within the morphogenetic field, DNA and body rhythms of dlmenslonalized forms. The 3 vertical Kathara Lines control the operation of the other 12 Kathara Lines. The Central Vertical Kathara Line is the control center for Partiki Phasing rhythms throughout the Kathara Line system.
Primal Manifestation Template The Kathara Grid is built upon what is called the Krist Code. It is the Code of Eternal Life Manifestation of First Creation and the Kathara Grid is the core structure. The Kathara Centers are radiation units. The Kathara Grid is a structure of radiation units and the interaction lines that form between them. It has to do with the core encryption and the tiniest of tiny, and also the largest encryption or the largest structures that the cosmos is formed on. It is all built upon the Kathara Grid, sets of Kathara Grids that are interwoven. We have embedded Kathara Grids that give us dimensionality. There are small ones like D-1, D-2 and then D-3 and then a larger one called a Density Kathara Grid. You have other structures that are interrelated Kathara Grids that form complex structures on the universal, cosmic and planetary levels. These are Star Gate structures and Star Gate maps.
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Our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is known as a Veca. The Veca as with everything in creation is formed on a Kathara Grid. Each point on the Kathara Grid represents Universal Star Gates. Star Gates are reality fields very much like Earth. The Harmonic Universes exist within this structure. In the figure to the right, an arrow points to the location of Earth and her solar system in DN-1. Earth is located within Universal Star Gate 3, called Urtha. "Since our Earth is inside of the larger star body, just at a different angular rotation of particle spin to Urtha, it means if you go up vertically, at some point you're going to run into Urtha's surface, just like we have a surface crust! It also means our planet is embedded at the Core of Urtha. Urtha is Universal Star Gate 3 and Earth is right in the center of it; but we have access to that because our cores are linked. When a planet, when a Hosting Star is put into another star body, its shield is put into a larger star body, and then its fields are turned on and the planet would manifest in there. It is done through linking the Core Gates where the Prana Seed is. This implies that if we go up in Earth's atmosphere, eventually we'll run into where the Aurora Field is, and eventually we'll go past that and run into what's inside of Urtha, eventually run into Urtha's crust, and eventually Urtha's atmosphere that would be out there." (Phoenix August 2007)
The Ecka/Veca Our Veca is known as a PCM (Magnetic Veca). There is also a PKA (Electric Veca) which is referred to as the Parallel Veca with their corresponding sound and light fields. These 4 Vecas reside within an Ecka which like our Veca, has 5 Harmonic Universes with 15 dimensions. These are also reality fields in which we have members of our extended Family Tree of Consciousness. Collectively the Veca and Ecka are referred to as an EckaiVeca, and they reside within an
See page 41 of this handbook for more on the EckaNeca. © A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series.
Structure of the Outer God-World "In the Ecka maps we have four Veca Quadrants, one Ecka Core System. They exist within a larger structure that's called an Eckasha System. The Eckasha has larger Star Gates. These are off the charts as far as what we can see right now, as far as what science can find up there. These are so far out there; there is nothing that can photograph them, as far as these larger gates that go with the Eckasha level. Then there's a larger structure that this is part of, where you have four Eckashas, each with their EckaNeca System inside. You have four Eckashas, and this is called the Eckasha-A. Here we have four Eckasha-As that form the external body of Source." (Phoenix April 2007) God Worlds of the Cosmos "The Cosmic God Seed forms the EckashaAah (Downstep-1), the Eckasha-A (Downstep2), and the Eckasha (Downstep-3) Core, Higher and Middle God Worlds. The Universal God Seed (Downsteps 7-12) forms the clusters of 7 Higher and 7Lower Heavens of the Lower God World Universal Veca Time Systems." (Phoenix April 2007)
Middle~~ Inner Core
{ Veca