The Definitive Guide to Scaling Out SQL Server 2005

In The Definitive GuideR to Scaling Out SQL Server 2005, industry expert Don Jones offers strategies for expanding a SQL

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The Definitive Guide To

Scaling Out SQL Server 2005 Don Jones


Introduction to Realtimepublishers by Sean Daily, Series Editor

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Table of Contents Introduction to Realtimepublishers.................................................................................................. i Chapter 1: An Introduction to Scaling Out ......................................................................................1 What Is Scaling Out? .......................................................................................................................1 Why Scale Out Databases? ..............................................................................................................3 Microsoft SQL Server and Scaling Out ...............................................................................4 SQL Server 2005 Editions .......................................................................................6 General Technologies ..............................................................................................6 General Scale-Out Strategies ...............................................................................................7 SQL Server Farms....................................................................................................7 Distributed Partitioned Databases............................................................................9 Scale-Out Techniques ........................................................................................................10 Distributed Partitioned Views................................................................................11 Distribution Partitioned Databases and Replication ..............................................13 Windows Clustering...............................................................................................13 High-Performance Storage.....................................................................................14 Hurdles to Scaling Out Database Solutions ...................................................................................14 Database Hurdles ...............................................................................................................19 Manageability Hurdles.......................................................................................................19 Server Hardware: Specialized Solutions........................................................................................19 Comparing Server Hardware and Scale-Out Solutions .................................................................21 Categorize the Choices ......................................................................................................21 Price/Performance Benchmarks.........................................................................................22 Identify the Scale-Out Solution .........................................................................................23 Calculate a Total Solution Price ........................................................................................23 Take Advantage of Evaluation Periods..............................................................................23 Industry Benchmarks Overview ....................................................................................................24 Summary ........................................................................................................................................25 Chapter 2: Scaling Out vs. Better Efficiency.................................................................................26 Addressing Database Design Issues...............................................................................................26 Logically Partitioning Databases .......................................................................................31 Addressing Bottlenecks Through Application Design ..................................................................34 Minimize Data Transfer.....................................................................................................34 Avoid Triggers and Use Stored Procedures.......................................................................35


Table of Contents Use Multiple Application Tiers .........................................................................................36 Use Microsoft Message Queuing Services and Service Broker ........................................39 Plan for Data Archival .......................................................................................................40 Fine-Tuning SQL ...........................................................................................................................43 Tuning Indexes...................................................................................................................43 Using an Appropriate Fillfactor .............................................................................43 Smart Indexing.......................................................................................................43 Always Have a Clustered Index.............................................................................44 Using Composite Indexes ......................................................................................44 Improving T-SQL and Queries ..........................................................................................45 Always Use a WHERE Clause ..............................................................................46 Avoid Cursors ........................................................................................................47 Miscellaneous T-SQL Tips ....................................................................................48 Summary ........................................................................................................................................48 Chapter 3: Scaling Out SQL Server...............................................................................................49 Scale-Out Decisions.......................................................................................................................49 Real-Time Data..................................................................................................................49 Cross-Database Changes....................................................................................................51 Scalable Database Designs ................................................................................................52 Redesigning Your Database...............................................................................................52 Scale-Out Techniques Overview ...................................................................................................53 Distributed Databases and Replication ..............................................................................53 The Effects of Replication on Performance...........................................................54 Partitioned Databases.........................................................................................................56 The Effects of Partitioned Databases on Performance ..........................................60 Distributed Partitioned Views............................................................................................60 The Effects of Distributed Partitioned Views on Performance .............................62 Windows Clustering...........................................................................................................63 Better Hardware Utilization...................................................................................64 Four-Node Clusters................................................................................................65 SQL Server Clusters ..............................................................................................66 Effects of Clustering on Performance....................................................................68 Creating a Scale-Out Lab...............................................................................................................69


Table of Contents Real-World Testing............................................................................................................69 Benchmarking ....................................................................................................................70 Summary ........................................................................................................................................70 Chapter 4: Distributed Partitioned Views ......................................................................................72 Pros and Cons ................................................................................................................................72 Distributed Partitioned View Basics..................................................................................74 Distributed Partitioned View Details .................................................................................75 Design and Implementation ...........................................................................................................81 Linked Servers ...................................................................................................................81 Partitioned Tables ..............................................................................................................87 The Distributed Partitioned View ......................................................................................88 Checking Your Results ......................................................................................................88 Best Practices .................................................................................................................................89 Grouping Data....................................................................................................................89 Infrastructure......................................................................................................................90 Database Options ...............................................................................................................90 Queries and Table Design..................................................................................................90 Sample Benchmark Walkthrough ..................................................................................................91 Sample Benchmark ............................................................................................................91 Conducting a Benchmark...................................................................................................93 Summary ........................................................................................................................................94 Chapter 5: Distributed and Partitioned Databases .........................................................................95 Pros and Cons ................................................................................................................................95 Distributed Databases ........................................................................................................95 Partitioned Databases.........................................................................................................99 Design and Implementation .........................................................................................................103 Designing the Solution.....................................................................................................103 Distributed Databases ..........................................................................................103 Partitioned Databases...........................................................................................107 Implementing the Solution...............................................................................................108 Distributed Databases ..........................................................................................108 Partitioned Databases...........................................................................................113 Best Practices ...............................................................................................................................116


Table of Contents Benchmarks..................................................................................................................................117 Summary ......................................................................................................................................119 Chapter 6: Windows Clustering...................................................................................................120 Clustering Overview ....................................................................................................................120 Clustering Terminology ...................................................................................................120 How Clusters Work..........................................................................................................121 Cluster Startup .....................................................................................................122 Cluster Operations ...............................................................................................123 Cluster Failover....................................................................................................124 Active-Active Clusters.........................................................................................126 Clusters for High Availability......................................................................................................128 Clusters for Scaling Out...............................................................................................................128 Setting Up Clusters ......................................................................................................................132 SQL Server and Windows Clusters .............................................................................................137 Clustering Best Practices .............................................................................................................138 Optimizing SQL Server Cluster Performance .............................................................................140 Case Study ...................................................................................................................................140 Database Mirroring ......................................................................................................................142 Summary ......................................................................................................................................143 Chapter 7: Scale-Out and Manageability.....................................................................................144 Manageability Problems in a Scale-Out Environment.................................................................144 Monitoring .......................................................................................................................144 Maintenance.....................................................................................................................145 Management.....................................................................................................................147 Monitoring Solutions for Scale-Out.............................................................................................147 Microsoft Operations Manager ........................................................................................150 Third-Party Solutions.......................................................................................................152 Symantec Veritas i3 for SQL Server ....................................................................152 Unisys Application Sentinel for SQL Server.......................................................153 ManageEngine Applications Manager.................................................................153 Nimsoft NimBUS for Database Monitoring ........................................................155 NetIQ AppManager for SQL Server....................................................................155 Maintenance Solutions for Scale-Out ..........................................................................................157


Table of Contents Microsoft Windows Server Update Services...................................................................158 Microsoft Systems Management Server ..........................................................................159 Third-Party Solutions.......................................................................................................160 ConfigureSoft Enterprise Configuration Manager...............................................160 Diskeeper .............................................................................................................161 ScriptLogic Service Explorer...............................................................................162 Backup and Restore .............................................................................................163 Management Solutions for Scale-Out..........................................................................................164 Hardware Scenarios for Easier Scale-Out Management..............................................................166 Blade Computing .............................................................................................................167 Storage Solutions .............................................................................................................167 Summary ......................................................................................................................................169 Chapter 8: High-Performance Storage.........................................................................................170 Storage Overview.........................................................................................................................170 Redundancy and Fault Tolerance.....................................................................................170 Performance .....................................................................................................................171 Storage and SQL Server...............................................................................................................171 Comparing Storage Technologies................................................................................................173 RAID................................................................................................................................173 RAID 0.................................................................................................................173 RAID 1.................................................................................................................174 RAID 4.................................................................................................................175 RAID 5.................................................................................................................176 RAID 10...............................................................................................................178 Software RAID ................................................................................................................180 Hardware RAID ...............................................................................................................181 SCSI Arrays .....................................................................................................................181 NAS..................................................................................................................................182 SANs ................................................................................................................................183 Specialized Storage..........................................................................................................185 Design Principles .........................................................................................................................186 Best Practices ...............................................................................................................................187 Summary ......................................................................................................................................189


Table of Contents Chapter 9: Scaling Out at the Application Level .........................................................................190 Applications: The Scale-Out Bottleneck .....................................................................................190 Common Application Problems in a Scale-Out Environment.........................................190 Server-Centric View of the World.......................................................................192 Intolerance of Longer Data Operations................................................................194 Inflexible Data Access Models ............................................................................196 Challenges in Moving to Scale-Out.................................................................................197 Architecting a Complete Scale-Out Solution...............................................................................198 The Data Layer ................................................................................................................199 The Middle Tier ...............................................................................................................201 The Web Tier ...................................................................................................................204 The Client Tier.................................................................................................................205 Converting Existing Applications for Scale-Out .........................................................................206 Appendix: 64-Bit and High Performance Computing .................................................................209 Introduction to 64-Bit Computing ...............................................................................................209 Intel Itanium (IA64).........................................................................................................209 AMD64 and Intel EM64T (x64) ......................................................................................210 Technical Overview of 64-Bit Computing ......................................................................211 Example Processors .........................................................................................................215 More than Just RAM........................................................................................................216 64-Bit Windows ...........................................................................................................................216 64-Bit Editions of Windows ............................................................................................216 Differences from 32-Bit Editions.....................................................................................217 64-Bit SQL Server 2005 ..............................................................................................................218 64-Bit Editions of SQL Server.........................................................................................218 Differences from 32-Bit Editions.....................................................................................219 High Performance Computing (HPC)..........................................................................................219 Windows Compute Cluster ..............................................................................................221 SQL Server in HPC Scenarios .........................................................................................221 Scaling Up and Out with 64-Bit Computing................................................................................222 Summary ......................................................................................................................................225 Glossary and List of Acronyms ...................................................................................................226


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Chapter 1 [Editor’s Note: This eBook was downloaded from Content Central. To download other eBooks on this topic, please visit]

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Scaling Out Enterprise applications have become more complex and have taken on a greater burden for managing a company’s critical data. At the same time, the amount of data managed by those applications has swelled exponentially as companies begin to track an increasingly greater amount of information—data about customers, vendors, sales, and more. In addition, the advent and popularity of data warehousing has expanded the amount of stored data by a factor of a hundred or more. In short, we’re keeping track of more data than ever before, and our database servers are starting to show signs of strain. This strain has been the catalyst for interest in scaling out from a diverse audience that ranges from database administrators to CEOs. Even your organization’s CFO will care, as scaling up is often more expensive than scaling out, especially when scaling up requires the purchase of an expensive midrange or mainframe platform.

What Is Scaling Out? As applications grow to support tens and hundreds of thousands of users, scaling is becoming a mission-critical activity. Scaling up—improving efficiency by fine-tuning queries, indexes, and so forth, as well as moving to more powerful hardware or upgrading existing hardware—helps IT organizations do more with less. In the past, scaling up met the increasing IT needs of many organizations. After all, even an older Windows NT 3.51 server can address up to 4GB of physical RAM. Newer 64-bit machines can address terabytes of physical RAM, which, even by today’s standards, seems practically infinite. And yet, thanks to the incredible amount of data that organizations handle, all that hardware isn’t always sufficient. Scaling out is the process of making multiple servers perform the work of one logical server or of dividing an application across multiple servers. A Web farm provides an excellent example of scaling out (see Figure 1.1). Each server in the farm is completely independent and hosts an identical copy of the entire Web site. Users are load balanced across the servers, although the users rarely realize that more than one server exists. For example, when you visit, can you tell how many Web servers are actually behind the scenes handling your request? The number is greater than one or two, you can be sure.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.1: Web farms represent an excellent example of scaling out.

Why is scaling out even necessary in a Web farm? After all, most Web servers are fairly inexpensive machines that employ one or two processors and perhaps 2GB of RAM or so. Surely one really pumped-up server could handle the work of three or four smaller ones for about the same price? The reason is that individual servers can handle only a finite number of incoming connections. Once a server is dealing with a couple of thousand Web requests (more or less, depending on the server operating system—OS, hardware, and so forth), adding more RAM, network adapters, or processors doesn’t increase the server’s capacity enough to meet the demand. There is always a performance bottleneck, and it’s generally the server’s internal IO busses that move data between the disks, processors, and memory. That bottleneck is literally built-in to the motherboard, leaving you few options other than scaling out. Figure 1.2 illustrates the bottleneck, and how adding processors, disks, or memory—the features you can generally upgrade easily—can only address the problem up to a point.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.2: The motherboard bottleneck.

Why Scale Out Databases? Database servers don’t, at first glance, seem to share a lot of characteristics with Web servers. Web servers tend to deal with small amounts of data; database servers must handle thousands of times more information. Database servers are usually “big iron” machines with multiple processors, tons of RAM, fast disks, and so forth—they certainly don’t suffer from a shortage of raw computing power. In addition, database servers don’t always accept connections directly from clients; multi-tier applications provide one or more intermediate layers to help consolidate connections and conserve database servers’ capacity. Database servers also have vastly more complicated jobs than Web servers. Web servers read files from disk and stream the files out over the Internet; database servers do an incredible amount of work—even adding a single row to a small database table might require a half-dozen indexes to be updated, triggers to be executed, other connections to be notified of the new row, and so forth. The work of a database server eventually results in a cascade of additional work. Database servers tend to bottleneck at several levels. Although 4GB of RAM is a lot of memory, a database server might be dealing with 8GB worth of data changes. Four processors sounds like a lot—and it is—but a database server might be asking those processors to deal with cascading changes from thousands of database operations each minute. Eventually those changes are going to have to be dumped to disk, and the disks can only write data so fast. At some point, the hardware isn’t going to be able to keep up with the amount of work required of database servers. Thus, scaling out is becoming critical for companies that rely on truly large databases.


Chapter 1 What Is a Truly Large Database? For a view of a truly large database, take a look at This system contains satellite imagery down to 1 or 2 meters of detail of nearly the entire world. This amount of data is literally terabytes of information; so much so that simply backing up the information requires high-powered hardware. does more than simply store and query this vast amount of data, which is primarily the photographs stored as binary data; it is Internet-accessible and has handled tens of thousands of user connections per hour. Making this size of database available to a large audience of users wouldn’t be possible without scaling out. In fact,’s traffic has been high enough to take down Internet Service Providers (ISPs) whose customers were all hitting the site—particularly when the site released photos of Area 51 in Nevada. Although the ISPs had problems, never went down during this period. Other giant databases are easy to find. Microsoft’s Hotmail Web site, for example, deals with a good bit of data, as does Yahoo!’s email service. America Online has a pretty huge database that handles its membership records for tens of millions of users. Big databases are everywhere.

Microsoft SQL Server and Scaling Out Most organizations tackle database performance issues by scaling up rather than out. Scaling up is certainly easier, and Microsoft SQL Server lends itself very well to that approach; however, scaling up might not always be the best choice. Many database applications have inefficient designs or grow inefficient over time as their usage patterns change. Simply finding and improving the areas of inefficiency can result in major performance benefits. For example, I once worked with a customer whose database required a nine-table join to look up a single customer address. Selectively denormalizing the tables and applying appropriate indexes let SQL Server execute customer address queries much faster. As address lookups were a very common task, even a minor per-query improvement resulted in a major overall performance benefit. Inefficiency: It’s Nobody’s Fault Why are databases inefficient? Determining a single culprit is a difficult task as there are several reasons why a database’s performance might be less than stellar. Heading the list is poor design, which can result from a number of sources. First, many application developers do not excel at database design. Some, for example, have been taught to fully normalize the database at all costs, which can lead to significantly degraded performance. Sometimes project schedules do not permit enough design iterations before the database must be locked down and software development begins. In some cases, the application is not designed well, resulting in an incomplete database design that must be patched and expanded as the application is created. Change is another major factor. An application might be used in a way unintended by its designers, which reduces efficiency. The application may have expanded and begun suffering from scope creep—the growth of change of project requirements. In this case, redesigning the application from the beginning to meet current business needs might be the best solution to database inefficiency. Sheer growth can also be a problem. Databases are designed for a specific data volume; once that volume is exceeded, queries might not work as they were intended. Indexes might need to be redesigned or at least rebuilt. Queries that were intended to return a few dozen rows might now return thousands of rows, affecting the underlying design of the application and the way data is handled. These problems are difficult to address in a live, production application. Scaling up—trying to optimize performance in the current environment—tends to have a limited effect. Nobody will debate that the application’s design is inefficient, but companies are reluctant to destroy a serviceable application without serious consideration. Scaling out provides a less-drastic solution. Although scaling out requires much work on the server side, it might not require much more than minor revisions to client-side code, making the project approachable without completely re-architecting the application. Although scaling out might not be the most elegant or efficient way to improve performance, it helps alleviate many database and application design flaws, and can allow companies to grow their database applications without needing to redesign them from scratch. 4

Chapter 1 There is a limit to how much scaling up can improve an application’s performance and ability to support more users. To take a simplified example, suppose you have a database that has the sole function of performing a single, simple query. No joins, no real need for indexes, just a simple, straightforward query. A beefy SQL Server computer—say, a quad-processor with 4GB of RAM and many fast hard drives—could probably support tens of thousands of users who needed to simultaneously execute that one query. However, if the server needed to support a million users, it might not be able to manage the load. Scaling up wouldn’t improve the situation because the simple query is as finely tuned as possible—you’ve reached the ceiling of scaling up, and it’s time to turn to scaling out. Scaling out is a much more complicated process than scaling up, and essentially requires you to split a database into various pieces, then move the various pieces to independent SQL Server computers. Grocery stores provide a good analogy for comparing scale up and scale out. Suppose you drop by your local supermarket and load up a basket with picnic supplies for the coming holiday weekend. Naturally, everyone else in town had the same idea, so the store’s a bit crowded. Suppose, too, that the store has only a single checkout lane open. Very quickly, a line of unhappy customers and their shopping carts would stretch to the back of the store. One solution is to improve the efficiency of the checkout process: install faster barcode scanners, require everyone to use a credit card instead of writing a check, and hire a cashier with the fastest fingers in the world. These measures would doubtless improve conditions, but they wouldn’t solve the problem. Customers would move through the line at a faster rate, but there is still only the one line. A better solution is to scale out by opening additional checkout lanes. Customers could now be processed in parallel by completely independent lanes. In a true database scale-out scenario, you might have one lane for customers purchasing 15 items or less, because that lane could focus on the “low-hanging fruit” and process those customers quickly. Another lane might focus on produce, which often takes longer to process because it has to be weighed in addition to being scanned. An ideal, if unrealistic, solution might be to retain a single lane for each customer, but to divide each customer’s purchases into categories to be handled by specialists: produce, meat, boxed items, and so forth. Specialized cashiers could minimize their interactions with each other, keeping the process moving speedily along. Although unworkable in a real grocery store, this solution illustrates a real-world model for scaling out databases. In Chapter 2, we’ll explore scale up versus scale out in more detail. Scaling up is often a prerequisite for scaling out, so I’ll also provide some tips and best practices for fine-tuning your databases into scaled-up (or scale-out-able) shape.

Scaling out is generally appropriate for only very large databases. Consider scaling up for fairly small databases that warrant scaling out to improve performance. Improve the hardware on which the database is running, improve the procedures and queries used to manage the database, or correct fundamental database design flaws. Scaling out isn’t a last resort, but it is best reserved for well-designed databases being accessed by a large number of well-designed clients.


Chapter 1

SQL Server 2005 Editions Of course, not every edition of SQL Server is appropriate for scaling out. SQL Server 2005, for example, comes in an Express and a Workgroup edition, neither of which are appropriate to scale-out scenarios. Both of these editions are designed for smaller databases with a very small number of users. SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition (particularly the latter) feature the functionality and features that make scale-out a reality. It’s important to understand that, while all editions of SQL Server 2005 share a substantially similar core feature set, this book will focus on the Standard and Enterprise editions of the product. Although you might be able to implement many of the techniques I’ll describe using the Express or Workgroup editions, don’t expect those editions to match the performance of the Standard and Enterprise editions. General Technologies There are several core technologies, most of which are common to all high-end database platforms, that make scale-out possible. These technologies include: •

• •

Data access abstraction—Often implemented as views and stored procedures, these abstractions allow client and middle-tier applications to access data in a uniform fashion without an understanding of how the data is actually stored on the back-end. This allows a client application to, for example, query data from a single view without realizing that the data is being assembled from multiple servers. Replication—A suite of technologies that allows multiple read or read-write copies of the same data to exist, and for those copies to undergo a constant synchronization process that seeks to minimize the time during which the copies (or replicas) are different from one another.. Clustering—A set of technologies that allows multiple servers running complex applications (such as SQL Server) to appear as a single server. In some cases, the servers distribute the incoming workload among themselves; in other scenarios, the servers act as backups to one another, picking up workload when a single server fails.

Clustering is an overused, overloaded term; in this context, I’m referring to clustering in a general sense. Windows Clustering is a specific technology that provides high availability. Although it is not in and of itself a scale-out technology (it does nothing to distribute workload), it does have a useful place in helping scaled-out solutions become more reliable and more highly available.

Server hardware—The brawn behind the brains, server hardware—memory, processors, storage devices, and so forth—provides the power to run complex applications like SQL Server. Advances in server hardware, such as faster bus and processor speeds, more efficient memory designs, and new-generation processors (such as 64-bit) provide additional capability, allowing individual servers to handle ever-greater workloads. Socalled commodity hardware is built around industry-standard designs, and spreads the cost of researching and developing the hardware across literally millions of customers. The result is extremely powerful server hardware that is both affordable and easier to support. All of these technologies play a role in scale-out solutions, and I’ll be discussing them in more detail throughout this book. 6

Chapter 1 General Scale-Out Strategies When the time comes to scale out, what sort of strategy should you take? There are a couple of general strategies you should consider. These strategies aren’t technology specific; they’re simply general ways to distribute the workload of a database across multiple servers. SQL Server —as well as most major relational database management system (RDBMS) platforms—provides technologies to make these strategies possible. SQL Server Farms The first approach is to simply put more servers on the job. For example, suppose your company has an office in New York and one in Los Angeles. Both offices have several thousand users who frequently query data from a corporate application. Changes to the data are fairly rare, although new data is frequently added. Order-processing databases are an excellent example of this type of scenario: new orders are added quickly, but existing orders don’t really change once they’re in the system. Your problem in this case is that the database is being slammed by users in both offices. Although you built a useful multi-tier application, the bottleneck results from the fact that only one database server is handling the back end. Figure 1.3 illustrates one solution to this problem: a SQL Server farm in which two database servers each contain a complete copy of the database. One server resides in each office, and the users in each office connect only to their local server. Changes and new records are replicated between the servers by using SQL Server replication. To avoid conflicts when adding new records, each office is assigned a unique range of order ID numbers, ensuring that new records created in either office can be uniquely identified across both copies of the database.

Figure 1.3: An example SQL Server farm.

This strategy is perhaps the simplest means of scaling out SQL Server. Although SQL Server replication isn’t simple to set up and maintain, the strategy works well even with many different servers and copies of the database. However, this setup has drawbacks. Latency is the primary drawback—neither copy of the database will ever be exactly like the other copies. As new records are added to each copy, a period of time elapses before replication begins. With only two servers in the company, each server might be as much as an hour out of sync with the other, depending upon how you set up replication. Adding more servers, however, involves difficult replication decisions. For example, consider the six-office setup that Figure 1.4 depicts.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.4: A six-server farm.

In this example, each of the six offices has an independent SQL Server, which is a useful and scalable design. However, latency might be very high. If each SQL Server replicated with its partners just once every hour, then total system latency could be 3 hours or more. For example, a change made in the Los Angeles office would replicate to New York and Las Vegas in about an hour. An hour later, the change would make it to London and Denver. Another hour later, and the change would finally reach Orlando. With such high latency, it’s unlikely that the entire system would ever be totally in sync. Latency can be reduced, but at the cost of performance. For example, if each of the six servers replicated with each of the other six servers, the system could converge, or be universally in sync, about once an hour (assuming again that replication occurred every hour). Figure 1.5 shows this fully enmeshed design.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.5: A fully enmeshed six-server farm (the green lines represent replication).

The consequence of this design is decreased performance. Each server must maintain replication agreements with five other servers and must perform replication with each other server every hour. So much replication, particularly in a busy database application, would likely slow performance so much that the performance gain achieved by creating a server farm would be lost. Each office might require two servers just to maintain replication and meet users’ needs. Therefore, the server farm technique, although fairly easy to implement, has a point of diminishing return. Distributed Partitioned Databases A more sophisticated strategy—but one that is also more difficult to implement—involves partitioning the database and moving the pieces to different servers. Unlike the simplified orderprocessing database example previously discussed, most real-world database applications (aside from business intelligence databases) tend to rely on an equal mix of data reading and data writing. For example, an order-processing application might include a product catalog that is largely read only, a write-heavy customer-order database, and tables containing supplier information that are equally read-write. These three database segments—catalog, orders, and supplier tables—although closely related, are fairly task-independent: different users within the organization tend to use each database differently. Merchandisers might write to the catalog, but do little else. Customer service representatives might read the catalog and write to the orders tables, but never access the supplier tables. The warehouse staff might read the catalog and read from and write to the supplier tables. This division of labor indicates where the database can be split, as Figure 1.6 illustrates.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.6: Identifying task-based divisions in the database design.

Administrators can use two basic approaches to implement this strategy. The first approach is to modify the client application so that it understands the division of the database across multiple servers. Although fairly straightforward, if somewhat time-consuming, this solution does not work well for the long term. Future changes to the application could result in additional divisions, which would in turn require additional reprogramming. A better approach is to program the client application to use stored procedures, views, and other server-side objects—an ordinary best practice for a client-server application—so that the client application does not need to be aware of the data’s physical location. SQL Server offers different techniques to handle this setup, including distributed partitioned views. Scale-Out Techniques SQL Server and Windows offer several techniques to enable scaling out, including SQL Server– specific features such as distributed databases and views and Windows-specific functions such as Windows Clustering (which, as I’ve mentioned, isn’t specifically a scale-out technology although it does have a use in scale-out scenarios).


Chapter 1

Distributed Partitioned Views SQL Server views allow you to create views that combine tables from multiple SQL Server computers into a single virtual table. This method logically divides a database across multiple SQL Server computers. Rather than reprogramming client applications to understand the division of the databases, you can create views that present a virtualized version of those tables. The tables appear to client applications as if the tables were on a single server. Meanwhile, SQL Server combines the tables, which are spread across multiple servers, into a single view. Views are a powerful tool in scaling out. They allow you to redistribute databases transparently to the end users and their business applications. As long as client applications are designed to use the views rather than the direct tables, the tables themselves can be rearranged and scaled out as necessary without the client application being aware of any change. The workload required to create and present the view to client computers is shared by all servers participating in the view—or by all servers in the federation. SQL Server 2000 is the first version of SQL Server to make this approach significantly useful, because the data within the views can be updated by client applications as if the data were a regular table; the updates are cascaded back to the necessary participant servers. Distributed partitioned views are a significantly enhanced version of views. Distributed partitioned views enable you to horizontally partition tables so that several servers each contain different rows from the table. The distributed partitioned view is stored on all the servers involved, and combines the rows from each server to create a single, virtual table that contains all the data. Figure 1.7 illustrates data from three servers brought together into one view for a client application.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.7: Distributed partitioned views enable a client to view three unrelated tables as one table.

Distributed partitioned views are a powerful tool for creating scaled-out applications. Each server participating in the distributed partitioned view is a node, and the entire group of servers is a shared-nothing cluster. Each server’s copy of the distributed table (or tables) has the same schema as the other copies—the same columns, constraints, and so forth—but each server contains different rows. It is crucial that tables are horizontally partitioned in such a way that each server handles approximately the same load. For example, an application that frequently adds new rows to the most recently added node places an unequal amount of INSERT traffic on that server, partially defeating the purpose of the scale-out strategy. If database reads primarily deal with newer rows, the new node will handle most of the traffic associated with the table, leaving the other nodes relatively idle. Appropriately redistributing the rows across the available nodes will alleviate the problem and more evenly distribute the traffic (and therefore the workload) across them. Despite their utility, distributed partitioned views are only rarely used as a result of the difficulty inherent in evenly distributing rows across multiple servers. Failing to achieve an even distribution can result in disastrous performance, because certain participating servers will need to hold query results in memory while waiting for other servers that have more rows to process to catch up. In Chapter 4, we’ll explore distributed partitioned views—how to set them up and how to use them.


Chapter 1 Distribution Partitioned Databases and Replication Another scale-out approach involves partitioning a database across multiple servers, then replicating the database copies. Like the six-server farm described earlier, each server contains a complete database. In this method, each server is responsible for a different set of rows. SQL Server replication is used to keep each copy of the database updated. This method allows each server to immediately access its own rows and provides reasonably low latency for access to rows created on other servers. Client applications often must be modified to understand this structure; in many partitioned database schemes, data rows may be modified only on the server that owns them, with the changes then being moved to the other servers through replication. Client applications must know how to determine which server owns a row before making modifications. Chapter 5 covers distributed partitioned databases in detail, including how-to information for creating and maintaining distributed partitioned databases.

Windows Clustering Windows Clustering not only improves performance but can also be a useful technique for scaling out without increasing the risk of a server failure. For example, a two-node active/active cluster has two independent SQL Server machines. You can configure these nodes as a server farm, in which each server contains a complete copy of the database and users are distributed between them, or as a distributed database architecture, in which each server contains one logical half of the entire database. In either architecture, a failure of one server is not a catastrophe because Windows Clustering enables the other server to transparently take over and act as two servers. Over-engineering is the key to a successful active/active cluster. Each node should be designed to operate at a maximum of 60 percent capacity. That way, if a node fails, the other node can begin running at 100 percent capacity with about a 20 percent loss of efficiency. Even with this efficiency loss, performance is generally still well within an acceptable range, especially considering that applications after failover must run on half as much hardware. Setting up clusters can be extremely complex. In the case of Windows Clustering, the software is not difficult to use, but the underlying hardware must be absolutely compatible with Windows Clustering—and most hardware vendors have exacting requirements for cluster setups. To prevent confusion, it’s advisable to buy an HCL-qualified cluster that is well documented from a major server vendor. This simplifies cluster setup and the vendor (and Microsoft) can provide cluster-specific technical support, if necessary. Chapter 6 delves into Windows Clustering, along with a complete tutorial about how clustering works and how clustered SQL Server systems can be a part of your scale-out solution.


Chapter 1

High-Performance Storage High-performance storage offers an often-overlooked performance benefit for SQL Server— particularly external storage area networks (SANs) that rely on Fibre Channel technology rather than traditional SCSI disk subsystems. Because high-performance storage enables an existing server to handle a greater workload, this type of storage is an example of scaling up rather than out. SQL Server is a highly disk-intensive application. Although SQL Server includes effective memory-based caching techniques to reduce disk reads and writes, database operations require significant data traffic between a server’s disks and its memory. The more quickly the disk subsystem can move data, the faster SQL Server will perform. Industry estimates suggest that a considerable amount of idle time in SQL Server results from waiting for the disk subsystem to deliver data. Improving the speed of the disk subsystem can, therefore, markedly improve overall SQL Server performance. Moving to additional RAID-5 arrays on traditional copper SCSI connections is a simple way to improve disk space. However, high-speed Fibre Channel SANs offer the best speed, as well as myriad innovative recovery and redundancy options—making them a safer place to store enterprise data. Chapter 7 is all about high-performance storage and how it can help improve your scale-out solution.

Hurdles to Scaling Out Database Solutions Although scaling out provides many benefits, the process can be difficult because so few databases are in a condition that lends itself to being scaled out. The following list highlights tips for scaling out database solutions: •

A database application that relies primarily on stored procedures offers greater flexibility than client software that sends ad-hoc queries to the database server. The reason is that much of the business logic is centralized on SQL Server and can more easily be changed to reflect a distributed environment. • Indexes that are fine-tuned on a single server before distribution to multiple servers prevents poor index and database design decisions from becoming widespread problems. • Databases that are overnormalized are possible—examine ways to reduce the number of joins. Ideally, average queries shouldn’t join more than two or three tables. • Split your application’s tables across each file (or filegroup) appropriately. Indexes must exist with their related tables, and tables with foreign key relationships must be in the same file (or filegroup) as the lookup table. If you find that you can’t divide the database, it will be a difficult task to distribute it. • Views are an effective way to review data (and update data on SQL Server 2000), and SQL Server’s distributed views capability allows clients to query the view without being aware of where the data physically resides. An application that relies on views is well-suited for scaling out. For example, consider the example that Figure 1.8 illustrates in which the client computer submits a query for a particular view, which pulls data from three tables. The client sees these tables as a single virtual table and is able to work with, and even update, the data. 14

Chapter 1

Figure 1.8: Client accessing data through a view.

Figure 1.9 illustrates the database distributed across three servers. The client, however, continues to access a view—a distributed view. The view pulls information from three tables on three servers, but no changes are necessary to the client.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.9: Client accessing distributed data through a view.

To clearly illustrate this point, let’s consider the alternative. Figure 1.10 shows a client directly accessing data from a server. This setup is inefficient, as ad-hoc queries require the most work for SQL Server to process.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.10: Client accessing data by using an ad-hoc query.

After the data has been distributed to three different servers (see Figure 1.11), the situation will degrade further. This situation would require a new or at least revised client application that is aware of the data distribution. In addition, the data will take longer to query, slowing application performance.


Chapter 1

Figure 1.11: Client accessing distributed data by using an ad-hoc query.

To avoid the unpopular task of revising client applications, spend time analyzing the way your clients interact with a database. Use the results of this analysis to fine-tune the database before you consider a distributed data solution as part of a scale-out scenario. Chapter 3 will contain a more in-depth discussion of the challenges of scaling out SQL Server, including tips for getting your databases in shape for the move.

Of course, there’s no step-by-step guide to scale-out success. Several hurdles exist that can make scaling out more difficult, either from a database standpoint or from a manageability standpoint. Solutions and workarounds exist for many of these hurdles, but it’s best to put everything on the table up front so that you know what you’re getting into.


Chapter 1

Database Hurdles Some databases are simply not built to scale-out easily. Perhaps the data can’t be easily partitioned and divided across servers, or perhaps your circumstances make replication impractical. For many organizations, the database design and how it’s used present the biggest hurdles to scaling out, forcing those organizations to do the best they can with scale-up solutions. Even if a drastic redesign is required, however, SQL Server offers solutions that can make such a redesign possible and even relatively painless. Integration Services can be used to transform a problematic database design into one that’s more amenable to scale-out, while views and stored procedures can help mask the database changes to client applications and middle-tier components, eliminating a cascade of design changes in complex multi-tier applications. Scaleout capability and performance starts with a solid database design, but SQL Server’s toolset recognizes that few databases are initially built with scale-out in mind. I’ll address initial database design issues in Chapter 3.

Manageability Hurdles Manageability problems are often a concern with many scale-out solutions. Let’s face it—scaleout solutions, by definition, involve adding more servers to your environment. You’re then faced with the reality of managing multiple servers that have a complex set of relationships (such as data replication) with one another. These multiple servers require patch and software management, performance and health monitoring, change and configuration management, business continuity operations, and other complex tasks. SQL Server 2005 provides management capabilities that address some of these hurdles; proper management technique and third-party tools and utilities can help address other hurdles and make scale-out manageability easier and more comprehensible. Chapter 8 will tackle the complex topic of scale-out manageability, including its many difficulties and solutions.

Server Hardware: Specialized Solutions After you overcome any database issues and have selected a scale-out technique, you can begin considering your hardware options. Can you create a scale-out solution using inexpensive PCbased servers? Scale-out solutions often lend themselves to less-expensive hardware more readily than scale-up solutions do, as scale-up solutions require you to squeeze every possible erg of performance from the server hardware. Another option is specialized SQL Server machines. These systems are capable of running other applications, but have been fine-tuned to run SQL Server. A specialized SQL Server machine might provide the best overall performance, albeit at a much higher price. Clusters present an additional hardware consideration. I recommend buying preconfigured clusters whenever possible, or at least servers with a certified cluster configuration and a detailed set of guidelines for configuring the servers in a cluster: they’re easier to set up, easier to maintain, and easier to obtain support for if something goes wrong.


Chapter 1 The ultimate server purchase (in terms of expense, at least) is Microsoft Datacenter Server, which can be scaled-out across high-end, proprietary hardware. Available in both Windows 2000 Datacenter Server and Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, this hardware is sold in specially certified configurations with the OS preloaded. Generally, at minimum, these systems provide a large amount of data storage and are at least 4-way machines. This option is the most expensive and offers the most proprietary type of server. However, the hardware, OS, and drivers are certified as a package, so these systems are also the most stable Windows machines, earning 99.999 percent uptime ratings. Carefully examine your scale-out strategy to determine whether you need this much horsepower and this level of availability. Microsoft’s Datacenter program is not intended to equate with raw server power. Datacenter is intended primarily for reliability, by combining well-tested drivers, hardware, and OS components. However, due to the price, most Datacenter machines are also beefy, intended for heavy-duty enterprise applications. I should also point out that Datacenter Server isn’t specifically designed for scale-out solutions; servers running Datacenter are typically fully-loaded in terms of processor power, memory, and other features, and they are specifically designed for high availability. However, most scale-out solutions include a need for high-availability, which is where Windows Clustering can also play a role (as I’ll discuss throughout this book). Obviously, the money required for a Datacenter Server system—let alone several of them—is significant, and your solution would need extremely high requirements for availability and horsepower in order to justify the purchase. I suspect that most scale-out solutions can get all the power they need using PC-based hardware (also called non-proprietary or commodity hardware), running Standard or Enterprise Editions of Windows, using Windows Clustering to achieve a high level of availability.

For example, for the cost of a single data center server from one manufacturer, you can often configure a similarly equipped two-node cluster from other manufacturers. The clustering provides you with similar reliability for your application because it is less likely that both cluster nodes will fail at the same time as the result of a device driver issue. As the goal of scale-out solutions are to spread the workload across multiple servers, having more servers might be more beneficial than relying on one server. This decision depends upon your particular strategy and business needs. Scaling out allows for flexibility in the types of server hardware that you use, allowing you to find a solution that is specifically suited to your needs. There is a whole new breed of server available to you now—64-bit. Although Intel’s original Itanium 64-bit architecture remains a powerful choice, a more popular choice is the new x64-architecture (called AMD64 by AMD and EM64T by Intel). I’ll cover this new choice in detail in Chapter 7.


Chapter 1

Comparing Server Hardware and Scale-Out Solutions Apples-to-apples product comparisons are difficult in the IT industry. Manufacturers boast of special bus architectures, memory caching techniques, and even specially modified hard drives. Manufacturers that develop proprietary hardware, meaning that the components are specially developed in-house, claim that these components provide a huge performance advantage. Regardless of whether these claims are true, proprietary hardware usually results in a higher price. Another class of server vendors use off-the-shelf hardware. These vendors use chipsets, bus designs, and other components that are engineered and manufactured by companies such as Intel and AMD. The components are sold to a wider variety of manufacturers in much greater quantities, so the engineering costs of these components are lower than the costs of developing proprietary hardware, which, in turn, lowers the cost of buying a server built from off-the-shelf components. Stability is an additional advantage to non-proprietary components. These components are in wide use, so the necessary software drivers are built-in to Windows in the form of Microsoftsigned drivers. In addition, bugs and other flaws are quickly found and corrected. Proprietary hardware has much less exposure and often requires special drivers from the manufacturer and specialized steps during the Windows installation. Thus, comparing server hardware and scale-out solutions is a difficult task. Benchmarks, such as the TPC-C and TPC-H, might not be available for the precise machine configuration that you’re considering (changing the amount of RAM technically invalidates the TPC benchmark results). Rather than attempting to adopt a solution without some type of comparison, you can use the following guidelines to help determine which solution is optimal for your situation. Categorize the Choices First, divide your vendor options—such as Dell, Fujitsu, Hewlett-Packard (HP), IBM, Micron, and Gateway—into proprietary and non-proprietary classifications. The non-proprietary hardware will be easier to compare, as the machines will use similar architectures. Next, examine the prices for similarly configured machines. Your budget might eliminate highpriced contenders at this point. Also eliminate possibilities that don’t meet any non-technical requirements (for example, you might require a specific level of support). With the remaining list, you can turn to benchmark comparisons.


Chapter 1

Price/Performance Benchmarks Start with TPC benchmarks that are appropriate to your application: TPC-C, TPC-H, or TPC-W. (We’ll explore these benchmarks later in this chapter.) At this stage, focus on the price/performance ratio rather than raw performance. Use an Excel spreadsheet to create a chart like the one that Figure 1.12 shows as a useful tool for comparison.

Figure 1.12: Create a price vs. performance chart.

In this chart, higher values on the Y axis mean better performance; dots further to the right cost more. The chart reveals that Servers B and C, which offer high performance at a lower cost, are good choices. Servers D and E fall into the high-cost category as well as provide low performance. This type of graph—called a scatter graph—can help you quickly compare the price/performance ratio of servers. If TPC hasn’t published results for the particular server in which you’re interested, try grouping your option by manufacturer. Manufacturers typically have similar performance, especially within a product family. Take an average score for a manufacturer or product family as representative of the manufacturer or family’s overall performance.


Chapter 1

Although these tests provide an “apples to apples” comparison of different platforms and manufacturers, it is important to note that the TPC configurations are not always applicable in real world environments. Therefore, using these test results for sizing is difficult. For sizing, it’s best to ask the sales representative from one of the major vendors for tools—most major vendors have tools that will provide ballpark sizing information.

Identify the Scale-Out Solution Next, focus on your scale-out solution. If you need to simply replicate data to multiple locations, determine whether you will need a different-powered server for each location, depending on the user population and workload you expect each server to support. To create a highly distributed database, examine the portion of the work each server is expected to perform to determine which hardware is appropriate. Your price/performance chart will help you identify good candidates. In addition, if you’re planning to implement database clusters, evaluate ready-made clusters that have been benchmarked. As Chapter 6 explores, building a cluster from scratch can be frustrating and result in poorer performance than a packaged solution. Calculate a Total Solution Price To calculate the cost of a potential solution, assemble several solution packages that include all the servers you’ll need to implement your proposed scale-out solution. To include a performance consideration, give each solution package a performance score from 1 to 10 (best-performing servers receive a score of 10; the lowest-performing package is given a 1). This process provides an avenue of comparison for the packages based upon their total price, performance, and price/performance value. Manufacturers provide different support plans and maintenance agreements, making it a difficult task to compare servers’ actual prices. I price solutions based entirely on the hardware, then add the cost of service or maintenance plans after a primary evaluation of the different solutions.

Take Advantage of Evaluation Periods Once you’ve determined which package best meets your needs, negotiate payment terms. If you’re making a large purchase, manufacturers may give you Net 30 (or longer) terms, with the right to return the products if you’re not happy with them. Use this time to conduct a wellplanned pilot of your new scale-out solution. Keep records of your pilot test as evidence for the manufacturer of exactly why you’re returning the products. If the purchase is very large and/or if you have a close relationship with a hardware vendor, it might be worthwhile to request a test lab. Microsoft has several labs in which the company offers racks and racks of storage and server equipment to customers who are developing database solutions. Taking advantage of this test lab is a great way to kick start development without investing up front in hardware—you can determine what you need before you buy it. Although Microsoft usually charges a fee for this access, it can be well worth the cost if the experience helps you avoid many of the common database design mistakes that are mentioned earlier in the chapter.


Chapter 1

Industry Benchmarks Overview You probably don’t have the time—or the money—to order a server from each major manufacturer in order to perform your own testing. Thus, you will need to rely on the results of industry benchmarks for your product comparison. The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) is well-respected within the SQL Server hardware testing arena. TPC publishes benchmark results for several server platforms, providing an independent indication of the relative strengths of different servers. TPC has four benchmarks: •

TPC-C is the benchmark for basic transaction processing in any database application.

A related benchmark, TPC-R, analyzes performance for standardized report generation.

TPC-H is the benchmark for decision support (data warehousing) databases.

TPC-W is the benchmark for Web-connected databases, particularly databases supporting an e-commerce application.

Although TPC benchmark scores are often used by vendors as a major marketing point, focus your attention on the benchmark scores achieved by the hardware you plan to employ in your scale-out solution. These benchmarks highlight the ability of hardware to run SQL Server efficiently; the more efficient, the higher the TPC score. TPC results that include large numbers are better, as they indicate an ability to process a greater number of transactions in a fixed period of time (1 minute). You should also note the price difference you pay for higher scores: the more a machine has been specifically designed for high SQL Server performance, the more you can expect to pay. Earlier, this chapter noted that Web server farms are nearly all built with inexpensive hardware. The theory is that you can buy many inexpensive servers, and many servers are better than one. Scaling out SQL Server means building a SQL Server farm, which doesn’t require you to pay extra for the most fine-tuned machine on the market. You can save money by buying machines that are based on standardized components (rather than the proprietary components used by most highly tuned machines).

TPC publishes results on its Web site at Results are broken down by benchmark, and within each benchmark, they are divided into clustered and non-clustered systems. However, TPC benchmarks are not available for every server, and TPC doesn’t test every server with SQL Server—the organization publishes results for other database software as well. TPC also publishes a price estimate that is based on manufacturer’s listed retail prices. This estimate enables you to quantify how much extra you’re paying for performance. Separate benchmarks are available for many database applications. Although some of these applications can be based upon SQL Server, you’ll obtain more application-specific results by checking out the specific benchmarks.

Additional benchmarks exist, though few are geared specifically toward SQL Server. As you’re shopping for server hardware for a scale-out solution, ask manufacturers for their benchmark results. Most will happily provide them to you along with any other performance-related information that you might need.


Chapter 1

Summary In some cases, large database applications reach the point where scale up is not practical, and scaling out is the only logical solution. You might find, however, that scaling out is a more intelligent next step even when you could potentially squeeze more out of your existing design. The next chapter will explore tips and best practices for increasing efficiency on your existing servers, which is an important first step to creating a useful scaled-out database application.


Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Scaling Out vs. Better Efficiency Scaling out a database is a common technique for addressing performance issues. However, in many cases, performance can be markedly improved through better efficiency on the existing server. In addition, improving single-server efficiency will lay the path to a more successful scale-out project. Database designs and applications that are flawed or are simply not well-tuned can have a major negative impact on a single-server application; however, they will lead to considerably worse performance in a scaled-out distributed database. A design or application problem that causes issues on a single server will most likely continue to do so on multiple servers. Thus, a welltuned database (and application) provides a much better distributed database. This chapter will introduce you to common database design considerations as well as best practices for application design, index usage, and Transact SQL (T-SQL) fine tuning. These tips will enable you to optimize performance for single-server databases, paving the way to a better distributed database in your scale-out project. In addition to the methods for improving the structure of the current database discussed in this chapter, there are low-cost ways to scale out the database hardware that incorporate dual-core processors as well as the benefits of the x64. These methods are explained in the Appendix: 64-Bit and High Performance Computing.

SQL Server 2005 includes many performance enhancements that earlier versions don’t offer. However, most of these improvements are integrated throughout the SQL Server engine, making it difficult to point to any one particular T-SQL language element or database programming technique and say that it will give you a performance boost. Many existing applications may run faster simply by upgrading to SQL Server 2005. However, that doesn’t mean there is no room for improvement, especially in efficiency. In fact, the tips in this chapter apply equally to SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 (except where I’ve specifically noted otherwise by calling out a specific version of the product).

Addressing Database Design Issues To begin analyzing the efficiency of your database designs, examine databases for major design issues, particularly over-normalization. Many database administrators, designers, data modelers, and developers make an effort to achieve a high degree of normalization—often normalizing to fifth form, if possible. Over-normalization can negatively impact database performance in singleserver applications and in a distributed database. Even normalizing to the third form—which is what most designers aim for—can sometimes result in an over-normalized database that isn’t as efficient as it could be.


Chapter 2 For example, suppose you have two tables in your database and each relies on a lookup table. The two main tables, Table 1 and Table 2, each have a foreign key constraint on one column that forms a relationship with a table named Lookup Table. As the following tables show (the examples provide only the relevant columns), Table 1 contains the addresses for properties that are for sale, and Table 2 contains the addresses for real estate transactions that are in progress. To ensure that addresses are accurate and consistent, Lookup Table provides pieces of the address including street types (for example, Road, Street, Avenue, Drive). Including this information in a lookup table prevents users from inconsistently entering data such as Rd for Road and Dr for Drive. Table 1

Lookup Table

Table 2

































The problem with this design is that Table 1 and Table 2 do not contain the street type name; instead, they contain the primary key value pointing to the appropriate row in Lookup Table. Thus, querying a complete address from the database requires a multi-table join, which is inherently less efficient than simply querying a single table. This common database design, which is employed by many applications, is inefficient. If this design were used in a real estate application, for example, address-based queries would be very common, and having to join three tables to make this very common query wouldn’t be the most efficient way to build the database. When you distribute this database across servers in a scale-out project, you will run into additional problems. For example, suppose you put Table 1 and Table 2 on different servers; you must then decide on which server to place Lookup Table (see Figure 2.1).


Chapter 2

Figure 2.1: Using lookup tables can restrict your scale-out options.

Ideally, as both servers rely on Lookup Table, the table should be on the same physical server as the tables that use it, which is impossible in this case. To work around this problem as well as improve performance, simply denormalize the tables, as the following examples illustrate. Table 1

Lookup Table

Table 2

































Lookup Table is still used to create user input choices. Perhaps the address-entry UI populates a drop-down list box based on the rows in Lookup Table. However, when rows are saved, the actual data, rather than the primary key, from Lookup Table is saved. There is no SQL Server constraint on the StTyp column in Table 1 or Table 2; the UI (and perhaps middle-tier business rules) ensures that only data from Lookup Table makes it into these columns. The result is that the link between Lookup Table and Table 1 and Table 2 is now broken, making it easy to distribute Table 1 and Table 2 across two servers, as Figure 2.2 illustrates.


Chapter 2

Figure 2.2: Distributing a database is easier without foreign key constraints.

When a user needs to enter a new address into Table 2 (or edit an existing one), the user’s client application will query Table 2 from ServerB and Lookup Table from ServerA. There is no need for SQL Server to maintain cross-server foreign key relationships which, while possible, can create performance obstacles. This example illustrates denormalization: Some of the data (“Street,” “Road,” and so forth) is duplicated rather than being maintained in a separate table linked through a foreign key relationship. Although this configuration breaks the rules of data normalization, it provides for much better performance. You must always keep in mind why the normalization rules exist. The overall goal is to reduce data redundancy—primarily to avoid multiple-row updates whenever possible. In this real estate example, it’s unlikely that the word “Road” is going to universally change to something else, so it’s more permissible—especially given the performance gains—to redundantly store that value as a part of the address entity rather than making it its own entity.


Chapter 2 Denormalization can be a powerful tool—particularly when you’re planning to distribute a database across multiple servers. Maintain foreign key relationships only when any of the following is true: •

The lookup table’s contents change on a regular basis The lookup table contains more than 50 or so rows of data The lookup table contains more than one data column (in addition to the primary key column)

Unless one of these factors is true, consider denormalizing the data and using the lookup table to populate a UI rather than enforcing a foreign key constraint (in other words, using a client- or middle-tier to enforce the business rules rather than a data-tier constraint). Denormalization will make distributing the data easier. Normalization is a useful technique; however, this method is generally used to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity at the cost of performance.

If you have many detached lookup tables after denormalizing, you can create a dedicated SQL Server system to host only those tables, further distributing the data workload of your application. Figure 2.3 shows an example of a scaled-out database with a dedicated “lookup table server.”


Chapter 2

Figure 2.3: Creating a dedicated lookup table can allow you to scale out further.

Client- or middle-tier applications would query ServerB for acceptable values for various input fields; ServerA and ServerC store the actual business data, including the values looked up from ServerB. Because querying lookup tables in order to populate UI elements (such as drop-down list boxes) is a common task, moving this data to a dedicated server helps to spread the application’s workload out across more servers. Logically Partitioning Databases In addition to denormalizing, determine whether your database design lends itself to partitioning. Chapter 1 described two basic ways to distribute a database. The first approach distributes an entire database across multiple servers, making that data available in multiple locations and spreading the workload of the database application. Each copy of the database uses an identical schema and simply contains different rows than the other copies. The other approach distributes the database across multiple servers, placing a portion of the database on each server so that each server has different tables.


Chapter 2 For the first approach, you need to have some means of horizontally partitioning your tables. All tables using a unique primary key—such as an IDENTITY column—must have a unique range of values assigned to each server. These unique values permit each server to create new records with the assurance that the primary key values won’t conflict when the new rows are distributed to the other servers. For software development purposes, another helpful practice is to have a dedicated column that simply indicates which server owns each row. Figure 2.4 shows a sample table that includes a dedicated column for this purpose.

Figure 2.4: Using a column to indicate which server owns each row.

Note that the CustomerID column—the primary key for this table—has different identity ranges assigned to each server as well. In the other approach, you need to identify logical divisions in your database tables. Ideally, find tables that are closely related to one another by job task or functional use. In other words, group tables that are accessed by the same users who are performing a given job task. Consider the database illustrated in Figure 2.5.


Chapter 2

Figure 2.5: Sample database distribution.

It’s likely that customer service representatives will access both customer and order data, so it makes sense to distribute those tables to one server. Vendors and inventory data are primarily accessed at the same time, so this data can exist on a separate server. Customer service representatives might still need access to inventory information, and techniques such as views are an easy way to provide them with this information. If your database doesn’t already provide logical division in its tables, work to create one. Carefully examine the tasks performed by your users for possible areas of division for tables. Breaking a database into neat parts is rarely as straightforward as simply picking tables. Sometimes you must make completely arbitrary decisions to put a particular table on a particular server. The goal is to logically group the tables so that tables often accessed together are on the same physical server. Doing so will improve performance; SQL Server offers many tools to enable a distributed database even when there aren’t clear divisions in your tables.

You can also combine these two scale-out techniques. For example, you might have one server with vendor and inventory information, and four servers with customer and order information. The customer and order tables are horizontally partitioned, allowing, for example, different call centers in different countries to maintain customer records while having access to records from across the entire company. I’ll describe some of these scale-out decisions in more detail in the next chapter.


Chapter 2

Addressing Bottlenecks Through Application Design Application design—how your applications use SQL Server—can have an incredible impact on performance. Some application design problems can be mitigated through especially clever use of indexes and other SQL Server performance techniques. Other application design problems will continue to be a problem until you redesign the application. Although application design can cause serious performance problems (or benefits, in the case of a good design) in a single-server database, it can have a much more marked impact in a multiserver, distributed database. By following the rules of good database application design, you can not only fine-tune performance in single-server databases but also help eliminate any performance problems for a distributed database spread across multiple servers. Chapter 10 will focus on application design issues in much greater detail, with more specific focus on SQL Server 2005-compatible techniques for improving performance. The tips provided are useful general practices that apply to any database application.

Minimize Data Transfer Client applications should be designed to query only the data they need from SQL Server. However, client applications that query one row at a time result in unnecessary SQL Server connections and queries that can impede performance. Ideally, client applications query an entire page of data, or a set of pages, at once. For example, if users frequently need to look at product information, and each product represents one screen of data in the client application, design the application to query a dozen products at once. As users move beyond the queried set of products, the application can query a few more products. This technique balances between querying too much data at once and not querying enough. The number of rows you query depends entirely on the type of application you’re writing. For example, if users frequently query a single product and then spend several minutes updating its information, then simply querying one product at a time from SQL Server is probably the right choice. If users are examining a list of a dozen products, querying the entire list makes sense. If users are paging through a list of a thousand products, examining perhaps 20 at a time, then querying each page of 20 products probably strikes the right balance. The point is to query just what the user will need right at that time or in the next couple of moments.

On the same note, make sure that client applications are designed to minimize database locks and to keep database transactions as short as possible to help minimize locks. Applications should be designed to be able to handle a failed query, deadlock, or other situation gracefully. These guidelines are especially true in a database that will be scaled out across multiple servers. For example, if your scale-out project involves distributed views, locking a row in a view can lock rows in tables across multiple servers. This situation requires all the usual workload of maintaining row locks plus the additional workload required to maintain those locks on multiple servers; an excellent example of how a poor practice in a single-server environment can become a nightmare in a distributed database. SQL Server cannot determine whether a query is poorly written or will cause a major server problem. SQL Server will dutifully accept and execute every query, so the application’s designer must make sure that those queries will run properly and as quickly as possible.


Chapter 2

Avoid giving users ad-hoc query capabilities. These queries will often be the worst-running ones on your system because they are not optimized, are not backed by specific indexes, and are not running from a stored procedure. Instead, provide your users with some means of requesting new reports or queries, and allow trained developers and database administrators (DBAs) to work together to implement those queries in the most efficient way possible.

Avoid Triggers and Use Stored Procedures Triggers are database objects that can serve a useful purpose—they can be used to intercept data and ensure that it is clean, cascade referential integrity changes throughout a hierarchy of table relationships, and so forth. However, SQL Server doesn’t optimize triggers efficiently. For example, if you write a trigger that runs whenever a row is deleted, and the trigger then deletes a thousand additional rows, the trigger requires a long time to execute the deletions. Triggers represent a way to centralize business logic in the data tier, but aren’t necessarily the best way to do so. The theory is that triggers are in place to automatically react to any database change, even ones made by ad-hoc queries. If you eliminate inefficient ad-hoc queries from your environment, you don’t need triggers. A better practice is to make database changes by way of stored procedures, which are more efficient and centralize critical operations into the application’s data tier. In addition, SQL Server retains the execution plan of stored procedures for future use. If you use stored procedures as your “single point of entry” into SQL Server, triggers are not necessary—you can put the appropriate code into the original stored procedure. SQL Server makes it quite easy to set up stored procedures as a single point of entry. Simply make sure that the same database user (typically, dbo, the built-in database owner user that is present in all SQL Server databases) owns the stored procedure objects and all objects (such as tables) the stored procedures reference. Then you can grant users permission to execute the stored procedures and remove permission to actually work with the underlying tables and other objects. Any user attempting to submit an ad-hoc query will be denied, forcing the user to employ the stored procedures and enforcing any business logic you’ve programmed into those stored procedures. In SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000, stored procedures could be written only in SQL Server’s native T-SQL language. SQL Server 2005, however, embeds the .NET Framework’s Common Language Runtime (CLR) within the SQL Server engine. The practical upshot of this inclusion is that you can write stored procedures in any .NET language, such as VB.NET or C#. Visual Studio 2005 provides an integrated development environment that makes creating and debugging this .NETbased stored procedure easier. The additional power and flexibility offered by .NET provide even more reason to use stored procedures for absolutely every query that SQL Server executes. Stored procedures will become an even better single point of entry into SQL Server, eliminating the need for triggers.


Chapter 2

Use Multiple Application Tiers Large applications need more than just a client application that executes stored procedures. That sort of two-tier design isn’t very scalable because it places a lot of workload on the least-scalable component of the application—SQL Server itself. Using a middle tier in your application design allows you to take some of the load off of SQL Server. Clients no longer connect to SQL Server itself; they request data through middle-tier components, and those components access SQL Server directly. The components should, ideally, run on a separate tier of servers. In effect, the middle-tier components become clients of SQL Server, and regular clients become clients of the middle tier. The middle tier is often referred to as the business tier because it is where business logic is implemented. Rather than writing stored procedures to validate data or maintain referential integrity, you write that code into the components running on the business tier. Your business logic can thus be fairly centralized but won’t be a burden to SQL Server. Figure 2.6 shows a sample multi-tier application.

Figure 2.6: A sample multi-tier application design.


Chapter 2 The middle tier should still access SQL Server exclusively through stored procedures, but these stored procedures can now be simplified because they don’t need to incorporate as much business logic. Thus, they will execute more quickly, allowing SQL Server to support more clients. As your middle-tier servers become overloaded, you simply add more, meeting the client demand. A typical way in which middle-tier servers help offload work from SQL Server is by performing data validation. That way, all queries executed on SQL Server contain valid, acceptable data, and SQL Server simply had to put it in the right place (rather than having stored procedures or other objects validate the data against your business rules). SQL Server is no longer in the business of analyzing data to determine whether it’s acceptable. Of course, client applications can perform data validation as well, but middle-tier servers help to better centralize business logic to make changes in that logic easier to implement in the future. Working with XML? Consider a business tier. SQL Server 2000 and its various Web-based feature releases, as well as SQL Server 2005, support several native XML features that can be very useful. For example, if you’re receiving XML-formatted data from a business partner, you can have SQL Server translate, or shred, the XML into a relational data format and use it to perform table updates. Unfortunately, doing so can be very inefficient (particularly on SQL Server 2000). If you will be working with a great deal of XML-based data, build a middle tier to do so. The middle tier can perform the hard work of shredding XML data and can submit normal T-SQL queries to SQL Server. Execution will be more efficient and you’ll have a more scalable middle tier to handle any growth in data traffic. If you don’t need to parse (or “shred”) the XML, SQL Server 2005 provides a new native XML data type, making it easier to store XML directly within the database. This stored XML data can then be queried directly (using the XQuery syntax, for example), allowing you to work with an XML column as if it were a sort of complex, hierarchical sub-table. The overall goal is to try to identify intensive processes—such as data validation or XML parsing— and move those to dedicated servers within the middle tier of your overall application. After all, the less work SQL Server has to do, the more work it can do; because SQL Server is ultimately the only tier capable of querying or updating the database. Moving work away from SQL Server will help maximize its ability to do database work efficiently.

Using multiple tiers can be especially effective in distributed databases. The client application is the most widely distributed piece of software in the application, so the most efficient practice is to avoid making changes to the client application that will require the distribution of an update. By forcing the client to talk only to a middle tier, you can make many changes to the database tier—such as distributing the database across multiple servers or redistributing the database to fine-tune performance—without changing the client application. Figure 2.7 illustrates this flexibility.


Chapter 2

Figure 2.7: Multi-tier applications allow for data tier redesigns without client application changes.

In this configuration, changes to the data tier—such as adding more servers—don’t affect the client tier. Instead, the smaller middle tier is updated to understand the new back-end structure. This technique makes it easier to change the data tier to meet changing business demands, without a time-consuming deployment of a new client application.


Chapter 2

Use Microsoft Message Queuing Services and Service Broker Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) services can be a great way to handle long-running queries. Rather than allowing clients (or even middle-tier components) to submit long-running queries directly to SQL Server, clients submit their queries to a queue. A component running on SQL Server pulls these requests one at a time and executes them. When a query finishes, SQL Server places the results on a queue for the requestor. The requestor can check back periodically (or receive notification from MSMQ) to retrieve the results. Figure 2.8 illustrates the process, which is often referred to as asynchronous data access.

Figure 2.8: MSMQ allows long-running queries (and their results) to be queued.

This technique allows for strict control over long-running queries, and enables requestors to continue working on other projects while they wait for their query results to become available. It isn’t necessary for the requestor to be available when the query completes; MSMQ will store the results until the requestor is ready to retrieve them.


Chapter 2 SQL Server’s Data Transformation Services (DTS) include an MSMQ task that allows DTS to place query results and other information onto an MSMQ message queue. MSMQ is also accessible from COM-based languages, such as Visual Basic, and from .NET Framework applications. Using MSMQ is an especially effective scale-out technique. For example, if your company routinely prepares large reports based on your database, you might create a standalone server that has a read-only copy of the data. Report queries can be submitted to that server via MSMQ, and the results later retrieved by clients. Use DTS to regularly update the reporting server’s copy of the database, or use replication techniques such as snapshots, log shipping, mirroring, and so forth. By offloading the reporting workload to a completely different server, you can retain additional capacity on your online transaction processing (OLTP) servers, improving productivity. Although SQL Server 2005 can still utilize MSMQ, it also provides a more advanced set of services called Service Broker. Service Broker is a built-in set of functionality that provides message queuing within SQL Server 2005. Service Broker uses XML formatting for messages, and makes it especially straightforward to pass messages between SQL Server 2005 computers. Service Broker can be particularly helpful in scale-out scenarios because it helps to facilitate complex communications between multiple SQL Server 2005 computers. Service Broker—specifically, it’s ability to support scale-out scenarios—will be explored in more detail throughout this book.

Plan for Data Archival When you initially design your application, plan for a way to move old data out of the application. Typically, databases contain date-sensitive data. So your database might need to contain 3 years’ worth of data, after which you can move the oldest year into an archive. Your users might still have occasion to use that archived data, but not on a daily basis. An effective strategy is to horizontally partition your tables. Doing so provides a second copy of your database (perhaps on a different server) that contains archived data. Client applications will need to be written to query against this old data, if necessary, and you’ll need to write stored procedures or DTS packages to move data into the archive every year. You can create views that combine the current and archived databases into a single set of virtual tables. Client applications can be written to query the current tables most of the time and to query the views when users need to access archived data. It’s the easiest way to implement a distributedarchive architecture.

Why bother with archiving? You archive primarily for performance reasons. The larger your databases, the larger your indexes, and the less efficient your queries will run. If you can minimize database size while meeting your business needs, SQL Server will have a better chance at maintaining a high level of performance over the long haul.


Chapter 2 Make sure that your users are aware of the consequences of querying archived data. For example, your client application might present a message that warns Querying archived data will result in a longer-running query. Your results might take several minutes to retrieve. Are you sure you want to continue? If you’re running queries synchronously, make sure that you give users a way to cancel their queries if the queries require more time than users anticipated. For queries that will take several minutes to complete, consider running the queries asynchronously, perhaps using the MSMQ method described earlier. Don’t forget to update statistics! After you’ve made a major change, such as removing archived data, be sure to update the statistics on your tables (or ensure that the automatic update database option is enabled) so that SQL Server’s query optimizer is aware that your database has shrunk.

Archiving is another great way to scale out a SQL Server application. Some applications spend a considerable portion of their workload querying old data rather than processing new transactions. By keeping an archive database on one or more separate servers, you can break off that workload and preserve transaction-processing capacity on your primary servers. If your application design includes a middle tier, only the middle tier needs to be aware of the distribution of the current and archived data; it can contact the appropriate servers on behalf of clients as required. Figure 2.9 illustrates how an independent archival server can be a part of your scale-out design.


Chapter 2

Figure 2.9: Archived data can remain accessible in a dedicated SQL Server computer.


Chapter 2

Fine-Tuning SQL Tuning indexes and improving the efficiency of T-SQL queries will help improve SQL Server’s performance. These improvements will help a single server support more work, and they are crucial to scaling out across multiple database servers. Inefficient indexes and inefficient queries can have a serious negative impact on SQL Server’s distributed database capabilities, so finetuning a database on a single server will help improve performance when the database is spread across multiple servers. Tuning Indexes More often than not, indexes are the key to database performance. Thus, you should expect to spend a lot of time fussing with indexes to get them just right. Also, learn to keep track of which indexes you have in each table. You will need to ensure that the index files are on the same physical server as their tables when you begin to divide your database across multiple servers. Using an Appropriate Fillfactor When you create a new index, you specify a fillfactor. You do the same when you rebuild an index. SQL Server stores indexes in 8KB pages; the fillfactor specifies how full each 8KB page is when the index is created or rebuilt. (There is a difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes—rebuilding a clustered index rearranges all the data, not just the index.) A low fillfactor leaves plenty of room for growth but means that SQL Server has to read more pages in order to access the index. A high fillfactor allows SQL Server to read the index as quickly as possible, but as rows are added, the index will be more likely to encounter split pages as the old pages fill up. Split pages are inefficient for SQL Server to read and will require the rebuilding of indexes more frequently. To determine the optimal fillfactor, understand how your data will grow. Specify the highest appropriate fillfactor that allows enough room for the database to grow between index rebuilds. Smart Indexing Many new DBAs throw indexes on every column in a table, hoping that one or two will be useful. Although indexes can make querying a database faster, they slow changes to the database. The more write-heavy a table is, the more careful you need to be when you add your indexes. Use SQL Server’s Index Tuning Wizard (in SQL Server 2000; in SQL Server 2005 it’s part of the new Database Engine Tuning Advisor) to get the right indexes on your tables to handle your workload. Used in conjunction with SQL Profiler and a representative query workload, the Index Tuning Wizard is your best first weapon in the battle to properly index your tables. Indexing isn’t a one time event, though. As your database grows, you’ll need to reevaluate your indexing strategy. Indexes will need to be periodically rebuilt to ensure best performance. Changes to client applications, database design, or even your server’s hardware will change your indexing strategy.


Chapter 2 Learn to practice what I call smart indexing. Constantly review your indexes for appropriateness. Experiment, when possible, with different index configurations. One way to safely experiment with indexes is to create a testing server that is as close as possible in its configuration to your production server. Use SQL Profiler to capture a day’s worth of traffic from your production server, then replay that traffic against your test server. You can change index configurations and replay the day’s workload as often as necessary, monitoring performance all the while. When you find the index configuration that works best, you can implement it on your production server and check its performance for improvements. Always Have a Clustered Index Remember that a clustered index controls the physical order of the rows in a table, meaning you can have only one clustered index. There is rarely a reason not to have a clustered index. In fact, if you create a nonclustered index and don’t already have a clustered index, SQL Server creates a “phantom” clustered index because nonclustered indexes always point to clustered index keys. You might as well create your own clustered index, ensuring that it will be of some use to the queries that you run against the table. If nothing else, create a clustered index on the table’s identity column or some other unique column. The best column for a clustered index is a column with unique values that is used in a number of different queries. For most queries, especially those that return multiple rows, a clustered index is faster than a nonclustered index. Because you only get one clustered index, try to use it where it will have the best impact on performance. Don’t forget that SQL Server 2000 offers a great GUI, in the form of Enterprise Manager (and SQL Server 2005 offers the improved SQL Server Management Studio), for managing indexes. You don’t need to deal with complex stored procedures and T-SQL commands to get the right combination of indexes built on your tables. Simply open a table in design mode, right-click the workspace, and select Indexes from the pop-up menu. You’ll see the dialog box that lets you manage your indexes, including creating a clustered index. Using Composite Indexes SQL Server indexes work best when they have a high degree of uniqueness. You can, of course, create indexes that group several columns together. For example, neither a first name nor last name column will usually be very unique in a customer table. However, the combination of first name and last name will be much more unique. These indexes are referred to as composite indexes. To create composite indexes, you can use Enterprise Manager: Simply use the drop-down list boxes to specify the columns that will belong to the index. Always specify the most unique column first, when possible, because doing so will help SQL Server locate matching rows more quickly during a query.


Chapter 2 There are some unique best practices for composite indexes that you should keep in mind (in addition, you should be aware of a SQL Server composite index bug; see the sidebar “The Composite Index Bug” for more information): •

• • •

Keep indexes as narrow as possible. In other words, use the absolute minimum number of columns necessary to get the effect you want. The larger the composite index, the harder SQL Server will work to keep it updated and to use it in queries. The first column you specify should be as unique as possible, and ideally should be the one used by most queries’ WHERE clauses. Composite indexes that are also covering indexes are always useful. These indexes are built from more than one column, and all the columns necessary to satisfy a query are included in the index, which is why the index is said to cover the query. Avoid using composite indexes as a table’s clustered index. Clustered indexes don’t do as well when they’re based on multiple columns. Clustered indexes physically order the table’s data rows and work best when they’re based on a single column. If you don’t have a single useful column, consider creating an identity column and using that as the basis for the clustered index. The Composite Index Bug

A fairly well-known SQL Server bug relates to how the query optimizer uses composite indexes in large queries. The bug exists in SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000; SQL Server 2005’s query optimizer corrects the bug. When you issue a query that includes a WHERE clause with multiple OR operators, and some of the WHERE clauses rely on a composite index, the query optimizer might do a table scan instead of using the index. The bug occurs only when the query is executed from an ODBC application or from a stored procedure. Microsoft has documented the bug and provides suggested workarounds in the article “BUG: Optimizer Uses Scan with Multiple OR Clauses on Composite Index” at;en-us;q223423. Workarounds include using index hints to take the choice away from the optimizer and force it to use the index. How can you tell if this bug is affecting you? Pay close attention to your production query execution plans, which you can view in SQL Profiler. You might also try running an affected query on both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 to see how each handles the query.

Improving T-SQL and Queries What hidden secrets lie within the T-SQL language that can help you improve performance? Quite a few, actually. As you’re writing queries, keep these tips in mind for better performance. As with the other tips in this chapter, improved performance that will be a benefit on a singleserver database will carry over to a distributed database that involves multiple servers.


Chapter 2

Always Use a WHERE Clause The advice to always use a WHERE clause might seem basic, but many queries are written to return all rows; the output is then filtered using a client-side trick—all of which is an inefficient process, because it makes SQL Server return data that it doesn’t need to return. Thus, always be as specific in your WHERE clauses as possible so that SQL Server is returning as little data as possible. If you’re not using a WHERE clause, SQL Server will simply perform a table scan. Thus, indexes are most useful when you’ve got a WHERE clause to limit rows. Also, avoid WHERE clauses that aren’t sargeable. Sargeable is DBA slang for queries that contain a constant value. A WHERE clause such as WHERE CustomerID < 10 is sargeable because it contains a constant value to compare with the output. The query optimizer can take that WHERE clause and apply an index to make the query perform as quickly as possible. Nonconstants in a WHERE clause include •

• •

The , !=, !>, !< operators The IS NULL comparison The NOT, NOT EXISTS, NOT IN, NOT LIKE, and LIKE operators. Actually, the LIKE operator is sargeable when you’re not using a wildcard as the first character (for example, LIKE ‘A%’ is sargeable, but LIKE ‘%A’ isn’t). Any function that includes a column, such as SUM(OrderTotal) Expressions with the same column on both sides of the operator, such as CustomerTotal = CustomerTotal + 5

If you’ve been careful to specify the columns you want in your SELECT statement, and those columns exist in a covering index, the optimizer will use the covering index rather than performing a slower table scan. Remember, a covering index is one that contains all the columns specified in the SELECT statement. Consider rewriting queries that aren’t sargeable into ones that are. For example: WHERE SUBSTRING(CustomerName,1,2) = ‘do’

will return all customers whose names begin with “do.” The query will require a table scan because the functions aren’t sargeable. You could rewrite this query as WHERE CustomerName LIKE ‘do%’

which is a sargeable query, allowing the query optimizer to use an index on CustomerName (if one exists) to instantly narrow the query to everything that starts with “do.”


Chapter 2

Avoid Cursors Cursors are detrimental from a performance perspective. Consider the code sample that Listing 2.1 shows, which is adapted from a sample on DECLARE @LineTotal money DECLARE @InvoiceTotal money SET @LineTotal = 0 SET @InvoiceTotal = 0 DECLARE Line_Item_Cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT UnitPrice*Quantity FROM [order details] WHERE orderid = 10248 OPEN Line_Item_Cursor FETCH NEXT FROM Line_Item_Cursor INTO @LineTotal WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @InvoiceTotal = @InvoiceTotal + @LineTotal FETCH NEXT FROM Line_Item_Cursor INTO @LineTotal END CLOSE Line_Item_Cursor DEALLOCATE Line_Item_Cursor SELECT @InvoiceTotal InvoiceTotal Listing 2.1: Sample code that uses a cursor.

This code locates an invoice (10248), adds up all the items on that invoice, and presents a total for the invoice. The cursor is used to step through each line item on the invoice and add its price into the @LineTotal variable. Listing 2.2 shows an easier way that doesn’t involve a cursor. DECLARE @InvoiceTotal money SELECT @InvoiceTotal = sum(UnitPrice*Quantity) FROM [order details] WHERE orderid = 10248 SELECT @InvoiceTotal InvoiceTotal Listing 2.2: The sample code modified so that it doesn’t involve a cursor.

The new code uses SQL Server’s aggregate functions to sum up the same information in fewer lines of code and without using a slower-performing cursor. These aggregate functions can be a big timesaver and return the same results faster than complex cursor operations.


Chapter 2

Miscellaneous T-SQL Tips There are a few miscellaneous tips that don’t fit under one category heading. The following tips are additional items to do and to avoid when using T-SQL: •

The DISTINCT clause is used to return a rowset that contains no duplicates. Before using the clause, however, ask yourself whether duplicates would be such a bad thing. The DISTINCT clause takes a considerable amount of extra time to run, in SQL Server terms, and if you can live without it, you’ll increase performance. Limit the columns you query to just the ones you actually need. Never type SELECT *, even if you want all columns returned. Instead, specifically list each column that you want, and only specify the columns you really need. You’ll reduce the amount of data that SQL Server must transmit. Additionally, you’ll give SQL Server a better chance to use covering indexes if you limit the information you’re querying. An effective way to limit the amount of rows a query returns is to use the TOP keyword along with SELECT. TOP allows you to specify a maximum number of rows. SQL Server still executes any WHERE clause you specify but will stop processing once it has found the specified number of matching rows, saving processing time. You can SELECT TOP 100 to return just a hundred rows or SELECT TOP 10 PERCENT to select a percentage of the actual result set. Alternatively, you can use the SET ROWCOUNT command to limit the number of rows returned for all queries executed by the current connection.

Paging is a function that’s often intensive, and prior to SQL Server 2005 there weren’t many ways to make it more efficient. SQL Server 2005 provides great new functionality for data paging (when you need to, for example, retrieve 20 rows of data at a time: Rows 1-20, then rows 21-40, and so forth). This new functionality hinges on the new ROW_NUMBER() function, which exposes row numbers for each row in a table and allows you to query based on those row numbers, as demonstrated in this sample query: SELECT x.Column FROM (SELECT TOP 30010 A.Column, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY A.Column) AS TheCount FROM #BigTable A ORDER BY A.Column) x WHERE x.TheCount BETWEEN 30000 AND 30010

This query returns rows 30,000 through 30,010 of the table with a very low query cost, something that was impossible prior to SQL Server 2005.

Summary These best practices and tips combined with unlimited hours of fine-tuning and tweaking still won’t create a single server that has as much raw power as multiple servers. Thus, the reason to consider scaling out—single-server efficiency only gets you so far. However, performance benefits will result in a scale-out environment from fine-tuning the design and performance of databases in a single-server environment. In other words, maximize your efficiency on a single server and you’ll reap performance benefits in a scale-out scenario. Databases need to be efficiently designed, queries fine-tuned, indexes put in order, and application architecture cleaned up before beginning the scale-out process. Otherwise, inefficiencies that exist on one server will be multiplied when the database is distributed—effectively sabotaging a scale-out project. 48

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Scaling Out SQL Server You’ve tweaked T-SQL until you’re blue in the face, upgraded your servers until they just can’t fit more memory or processors, and bought the fastest disk storage—and your database is still too slow. Whether you’re trying to support tens of thousands of users in a transactional application or quickly retrieve terabytes of data, scaling up has taken you as far as it can—it is time to scale out. Before you start buying new servers and creating new databases, you must determine which scale-out technique is right for your environment and test the solution that you choose. You need to decide exactly how you will scale out and how to maintain a high level of fault tolerance in your new design. You will then need to perform some real-world testing to determine whether your database is ready to be scaled out and whether the scale-out decisions you’ve made result in an actual performance gain. In this chapter, we’ll explore how to select the best technique for your situation and the best methods for testing your selection to ensure it will handle the workload.

Scale-Out Decisions Exactly how you use your data and how your data is structured will greatly impact which scaleout options are available to you. Most large database applications not only deal with a lot of data and many users but also with widely distributed users (for example, several offices that each accommodate thousands of users). One solution is to simply put a dedicated database server in each location rather than one central server that handles all user requests. However, distributing servers results in multiple copies of the data and the associated problem of keeping each copy updated. These and other specifics of your environment—such as the need for real-time data— will direct you to a particular scale-out technique. Real-Time Data The need for real-time data, frankly, complicates the scale-out process. If we could all just live with slightly out-of-date data, scaling out would be simple. For example, consider how a Web site is scaled out. When the number of users accessing the site becomes too much for one server to handle, you simply add Web servers. Each server maintains the same content and users are load balanced between the servers. Users aren’t aware that they are using multiple Web servers because all the servers contain the same content. In effect, the entire group of servers—the Web farm—appears to users as one gigantic server. A certain amount of administrative overhead occurs when the Web site’s content needs to be updated because the new content must be quickly deployed to all the servers so that they are in sync with one another, but there are many tools and utilities that simplify this process. Microsoft includes network load-balancing (NLB) software with all editions of Windows Server 2003 (WS2K3) and Win2K Advanced Server. This software load balances incoming TCP/IP connections across a farm (or cluster) of servers.


Chapter 3 Why not simply scale out SQL Server in the same way? The real-time data requirement makes this option unfeasible. Suppose you copied your database to three new servers, giving you a total of four SQL Server computers that each maintains a copy of your database. As long as you ensure that users are accessing SQL Server only via TCP/IP and you implement Windows NLB to load-balance connections across the SQL Server computers, everything would work reasonably well—as long as your users only query records (each server would have an identical copy of the records). The minute someone needed to change a record, though, the situation would change. Now, one server would have a different copy of the database than the other three. Users would get different query results depending on which of the four servers they queried. As users continued to make changes, the four database copies would get more and more out of sync with one another, until you would have four completely different databases. SQL Server includes technology to help with the situation: replication. The idea behind replication is that SQL Server can accept changes on one server, then copy those changes out to one or more other servers. Servers can both send and receive replication traffic, allowing multiple servers to accept data updates and distribute those updates to their partner servers. SQL Server 2005 has a new technology called database mirroring which is conceptually similar to replication in that it creates copies of the database. However, the mirror copy isn’t intended for production use, and so it doesn’t fulfill the same business needs that replication does.

However, replication doesn’t occur in real-time. Typically, a server will save up a batch of changes, then replicate those changes in order to maintain a high level of efficiency. Thus, each server will always be slightly out of sync with the other servers, creating inconsistent query results. The more changes that are made, the more out-of-sync the servers will become. In some environments, this lag time might not matter, but in corporate transactional applications, everyone must see the same results every time, and even a “little bit” out of sync is too much. SQL Server offers many types of replication including snapshot, log shipping, merge, and transactional. Each of these provides advantages and disadvantages in terms of replication traffic, overhead, and the ability to maintain real-time copies of data on multiple servers.

What if you could make replication take place immediately—the second someone made a change, it would replicate to the other servers? Unfortunately, this real-time replication would defeat the purpose of scaling out. Suppose you have one server that supports ten thousand users who each make one change every 5 minutes—that is about 120,000 changes per hour. Suppose you copied the database across a four-server farm and evenly load balanced user connections across the four servers. Now, each server will need to process only one-quarter of the traffic (about 30,000 changes per hour). However, if every server immediately replicates every change, each of the four servers will still need to process 120,000 changes per hour—their own 30,000 plus the 30,000 apiece from the other three servers. In effect, you’ve bought three new servers to exactly duplicate the original problem. Ultimately, that’s the problem with any replication technology: There’s no way to keep multiple copies of a frequently-updated database up-to-date without putting an undesirable load on every copy. As this scenario illustrates, the need for real-time data across the application is too great to allow a scale-out scenario to take significant advantage of replication. Thus, one of the first scale-out project considerations is to determine how up-to-date your data needs to be at any given moment.


Chapter 3

Later in the chapter, I’ll explore a scale-out environment that employs replication. If you don’t have a need for real-time data (and not all applications do), replication does offer some interesting possibilities for scale-out.

Cross-Database Changes Another scale-out project consideration is whether you can split your database into functionally separate sections. For example, in a customer orders application, you might have several tables related to customer records, vendors, and orders that customers have placed. Although interrelated, these sections can standalone—changes to a customer record don’t require changes to order or vendor records. This type of database—one which can be split along functional lines—is the best candidate for a scale-out technique known as vertical partitioning. I’ll discuss vertical partitioning shortly.

However, if your database tables are heavily cross-linked—updates to one set of tables frequently results in significant updates to other sets of tables—splitting the database across multiple servers will still require a significant number of cross-database changes, which might limit the effectiveness of a scale-out technique. Vertical partitioning breaks the database into discreet sections that can then be placed on dedicated servers (technically, both a large database that is partitioned by column and several tables spread onto different servers qualify as vertical partitioning—just a different levels). Ideally, vertical partitioning will help distribute the load of the overall database application across these servers without requiring replication. However, if a large number of cross-database changes are regularly required by your application, splitting the database might not actually help. Each server participating in the scheme will still be required to process a large number of updates, which may mean that each server can only support the same (or close to the same) number of users as your original, single-server architecture. Analyze your database to determine whether it can be logically split into different groups of functionally related tables. There will nearly always be some relationship between these sets. For example, a set of tables for customer orders will likely have a foreign key relationship back to the customer records, allowing you to associate orders with specific customers. However, adding an order wouldn’t necessarily require changes to the customer tables, making the two sets of tables functionally distinct.


Chapter 3

Scalable Database Designs Vertical partitioning is one technique to make your database design more scalable, but it certainly isn’t the most popular method. Many database tables are so heavily interdependent that vertical partitioning just isn’t practical—horizontal partitioning is much easier. Thus, you’ll need to decide how easily your database’s rows can be broken up. For example, examine the largest tables in your database and consider how you might logically divide the rows into different sets. Perhaps some of your orders were placed through an Eastern call center while others come from the West, or perhaps one set of customers is managed by a different service center than others. You can also look for arbitrary divisions that aren’t related to the functionality of the databases: ranges of customers by last name (A through M and N through Z, for example) or the odd- and even-numbered customer IDs as separate sets. Your database will very likely need to be split up in some fashion in order to be scaled out—you simply need to decide how that split will occur. Horizontal vs. Vertical Partitioning Should you split your database horizontally, by data rows, or vertically, by breaking of functionally related groups of tables? The answer largely depends on how your database is built and updated. Tables that are extremely large and comprise a majority of your database traffic are the best candidates for horizontal partitioning. If your database can be logically split into groups of functionally related tables, vertical partitioning might be a valid technique. Part of the answer also depends upon how your client applications are written. Vertically partitioning a database can be expensive in terms of client application changes because you might need to heavily modify those applications to make them aware of the new database architecture. Horizontal partitioning can be simpler because you can more easily use SQL Server views to present the appearance of a single database server to your client applications. You can, of course, adopt both solutions, splitting your tables both horizontally and vertically to create the scale-out scenario that best fits your needs. For example, you could use both solutions for a large customer order database that you want to horizontally partition but you want to isolate your product catalog on a separate server.

Redesigning Your Database Very few databases are successfully scaled out without some type of database redesign and client application (or middle-tier business object) modification. If it isn’t obvious how to best split your current single-server database across multiple servers, plan for redesign work. Although redesigning your database can be a difficult task in a production environment, it is time well spent. Consider the following to be a “law” of scaling out: Always finalize your scale-out database design in a single-server environment before attempting to move to a fully scaled-out, multiple-server environment. In other words, if you need to redesign tables, relationships, indexes, queries, stored procedures, views, client applications, or middle-tier objects, do so while everything is on a single database server. Finalize the architecture before you begin moving out to multiple servers. Moving a database to multiple servers presents plenty of challenges without simultaneously working out the kinks of an all-new (or even slightly modified) database design. In Chapter 2, I presented an overview of techniques that you can use to fine-tune the performance of your single-server databases. For a more detailed look at fine-tuning performance on a single server, read The Definitive Guide to SQL Server Performance Optimization (, available from a link at


Chapter 3

Scale-Out Techniques Overview Much of the rest of this chapter is devoted to an overview of scale-out techniques so that you can consider your business needs and existing database design and get a feel for which techniques are best-suited to your environment. In Chapters 4, 5, and 6, we’ll explore these scale-out techniques in more detail, including step-by-step instructions for implementing each technique on SQL Server 2000. Distributed Databases and Replication As I described earlier, one way—in fact, probably the easiest way—to scale out a database application is to simply add more servers and give them each a copy of the database. There are tricks and tradeoffs involved, but for some applications, this scale-out technique can provide a working environment with a minimum of re-architecting. Figure 3.1 illustrates how a distributed database, combined with replication, can be used as a simple scale-out technique.

Figure 3.1: Scale-out through distributed databases.


Chapter 3 In this example, each server contains a complete, identical copy of the database schema and data. When a user adds a row to one server, replication updates the copy of the data on the other server. Users can then query either server and get essentially the same results. The time it takes for ServerB to send its update to ServerA is referred to as latency. The types of replication that SQL Server supports offer tradeoffs among traffic, overhead, and latency: •

Log shipping isn’t truly a form of replication but can be used to similar effect. This technique copies the transaction log from one server to another server, and the log is then applied to the second server. This technique offers very high latency but very low overhead. It’s also only available for an entire database; you can’t replicate just one table by using log shipping. Similar to log shipping, snapshot replication essentially entails sending a copy of the database from one server to another. This replication type is a high-overhead operation, and locks the source database while the snapshot is being compiled, so snapshot replication is not a method you want to use frequently on a production database. Most other forms of replication start with a snapshot to provide initial synchronization between database copies. Transactional replication copies only transaction log entries from server to server. Assuming two copies of a database start out the same, applying the same transactions to each will result in identical final copies. Because the transaction data is often quite small, this technique offers fairly low overhead. However, to achieve low latency, you must constantly replicate the transactions, which can create a higher amount of cumulative overhead. Transactional replication also essentially ignores conflicts when the same data is changed in two sources—the last change is kept regardless of whether that change comes from a direct user connection or from an older, replicated transaction. Merge replication works similarly to transactional replication but is specifically designed to accommodate conflicts when data is changed in multiple sources. You must specify general rules for handling conflicts or write a custom merge agent that will handle conflicts according to your business rules. Mirroring, a new option introduced in SQL Server 2005, is primarily designed for high availability. Unlike replication, which allows you to replicate individual tables from a database, mirroring is configured for an entire database. Mirroring isn’t appropriate to scale-out solutions because the mirror copy of the database isn’t intended for production use; its purpose is primarily as a “hot spare” in case the mirror source fails.

Chapter 5 will provide more details about distributed databases, including information about how to build them.

The Effects of Replication on Performance Replication can be a good way to improve the performance for read-only applications. For example, you might have a central server designed to take updates and multiple additional servers that maintain read-only copies of the data. Transactional or snapshot replication— depending on the latency you’re willing to tolerate—can be used to push updates to the read-only copies of the data. Web sites with read-only data are a good example of this technique (see Figure 3.2). 54

Chapter 3

Figure 3.2: Using replication to scale out a Web back end.

However, for applications for which each copy of the data needs to support many write operations, replication becomes less suitable. As Figure 3.3 illustrates, each change made to one server results in a replicated transaction to every other server if you need to maintain a low degree of latency. This fully enmeshed replication topology can quickly generate a lot of overhead in high-volume transactional applications, reducing the benefit of the scale-out project.


Chapter 3

Figure 3.3: Replication traffic can become high in distributed, write-intensive applications.

To work around this drawback, a less-drastic replication topology could be used. For example, you might create a round-robin topology in which each server simply replicates with its righthand neighbor. Although this setup would decrease overhead, it would increase latency, as changes made to one server would need to replicate three times before arriving at the original server’s left-hand neighbor. When you need to scale out a write-intensive application such as this, a distributed, partitioned database—one that doesn’t use replication—is often a better solution. Partitioned Databases Partitioning is simply the process of logically dividing a database into multiple pieces, then placing each piece on a separate server. Partitioning can be done along horizontal or vertical lines, and techniques such as replication and distributed partitioned views can be employed to help reduce the complexity of the distributed database. Figure 3.4 shows a basic, horizontally partitioned database.


Chapter 3

Figure 3.4: Horizontally partitioned database.

In this example, the odd- and even-numbered customer IDs are handled by different servers. The client application (or a middle tier) includes the logic necessary to determine the location of the data and where changes should be made. This particular example is especially complex because each server only contains its own data (either odd or even customer IDs); the client application must not only determine where to make changes but also where to query data. Figure 3.5 shows how replication can be used to help alleviate the complexity.


Chapter 3

Figure 3.5: Replicating data across databases.

In this example, when a client makes a change, the client must make the change to the appropriate server. However, all data is replicated to both servers, so read operations can be made from either server. Prior to SQL Server 2000, this configuration was perhaps the best technique for scaling out and using horizontally partitioned databases. SQL Server 200x’s (meaning either SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005) distributed partitioned views, however, make horizontally partitioned databases much more practical. I’ll discuss distributed partitioned views in the next section. Vertically partitioned databases are also a valid scale-out technique. As Figure 3.6 shows, the database is split into functionally related tables and each group of tables has been moved to an independent server.


Chapter 3

Figure 3.6: Vertically partitioned database.

In this example, each server contains a portion of the database schema. Client applications (or middle-tier objects) contain the necessary logic to query from and make changes to the appropriate server. Ideally, the partitioning is done across some kind of logical functional line so that—for example—a customer service application will primarily deal with one server and an order-management application will deal with another. SQL Server views can be employed to help recombine the disparate database sections into a single logical view, making it easier for client applications to access the data transparently. Chapter 5 will provide more details about partitioned databases and how to build them.


Chapter 3

The Effects of Partitioned Databases on Performance Partitioned databases can have a significant positive effect on performance. By distributing the rows or columns of a database across multiple servers, you can enlist several servers in your overall application. What makes partitioning impractical for many companies is the resulting complexity placed on client applications and middle-tier objects, which are now required to understand what data lives where, where to read data from, and where changes can be made. So while in theory partitioning is the ultimate performance boost—allowing servers to essentially specialize either in a certain type of data or in a certain set of tables, or certain rows of data within a table—the feasibility of converting a major single-server database application to one that uses multiple servers with a partitioned database is low. However, there are techniques to improve the feasibility and practicality of partitioning, including distributed partitioned views. Distributed Partitioned Views SQL Server 200x offers distributed partitioned views to reduce the complexity of working with highly partitioned databases—primarily horizontally partitioned databases. For example, refer back to Figure 3.4, which shows a single database horizontally partitioned across multiple servers. The primary difficulty of this scenario is in writing client applications that understand how the data has been distributed. Distributed partitioned views eliminate that difficulty from a development viewpoint, but at a significant performance cost. Figure 3.7 shows how a distributed partitioned view works. Chapter 4 covers distributed partitioned views, including details about how to create them.


Chapter 3

Figure 3.7: A distributed partitioned view.

In this scenario, client applications are not aware of the underlying distributed partitioned database. Instead, the applications query a distributed partitioned view, which is simply a kind of virtual table. On the back end, the distributed partitioned view queries the necessary data from the servers hosting the database, constructing a virtual table. The benefit of the distributed partitioned view is that you can repartition the physical data as often as necessary without changing your client applications. The distributed partitioned view makes the underlying servers appear as one server rather than several individual ones. Some environments use distributed partitioned views and NLB together for load balancing. A copy of the distributed partitioned view is placed on each participating server and incoming user connections are load balanced through Windows’ NLB software across those servers. This statistically distributes incoming requests to the distributed partitioned view, helping to further distribute the overall workload of the application. However, because of the difficult-to-predict performance impact of horizontal partitioning and distributed partitioned views (which I’ll discuss next), it is not easy to determine whether the NLB component adds a significant performance advantage.


Chapter 3

The Effects of Distributed Partitioned Views on Performance Distributed partitioned views don’t increase performance, but they make horizontally partitioned databases—which do increase performance—more feasible. Large queries can be distributed between multiple servers, each contributing the necessary rows to complete the query and produce the final distributed partitioned view. SQL Server 200x’s distributed partitioned views are updatable, so they can be treated as ordinary tables for most purposes, and any changes made to the distributed partitioned view are transparently pushed back to the proper back-end servers. However, the ease of use provided by distributed partitioned views comes at a cost with potential performance drawbacks. First, the performance benefits of a horizontally partitioned database depend on an even distribution of rows across the various copies of the database. If, for example, the most-queried rows are all on one server, that server’s performance will become a bottleneck in the overall application’s performance. When designing partitions, you need to design an even initial split of rows based on usage, and you might need to periodically repartition to maintain an even balance of the workload across the servers. Distributed partitioned views incur a performance hit. The servers queried by a distributed partitioned view are required to execute their query and then maintain the resulting rows in memory until all other servers queried by the distributed partitioned view complete. The rows are then transferred to the server physically containing the distributed partitioned view, and the distributed partitioned view is presented to the user or client application. A problem arises if your servers have significantly different hardware or some servers must respond with a much larger set of rows than others; in such cases, some of the servers queried by the distributed partitioned view will be required to retain rows in memory for a significant period of time while the other distributed partitioned view participants complete their portion of the query (requests made to the different servers are serial). Retaining rows in memory is one of the most resource-intensive operations that SQL Server can perform (one reason why server-side cursors have such a negative impact on performance). Maintain an even distribution! The key to successful horizontal partitioning—and distributed partitioned views—is to thoroughly understand how your data is queried and to devise a technique for maintaining an even distribution of often-queried data across the participating servers.

When are distributed partitioned views a good choice for scaling out? When your data can be horizontally partitioned in such a way that most users’ queries will be directed to a particular server, and that server will have most of the queried data. For example, if you partition your table so that East coast and West coast data is stored on two servers—knowing that West coast users almost always query West coast data only and that East coast users almost always query East coast data only—then distributed partitioned views provide a good way to scale out the database. In most cases, the view will pull data from the local server, while still providing a slowerperformance means of querying the other server. In situations in which a distributed partitioned view would constantly be pulling data from multiple servers, expect a significant decrease in performance. In those scenarios, distributed partitioned views are less effective than an intelligent application middle tier, which can direct queries directly to the server or servers containing the desired data. This technique is often called data-dependent routing, and it effectively makes the middle tier, rather than a distributed partitioned view, responsible for connecting to the appropriate server in a horizontally-partitioned database.


Chapter 3 Windows Clustering I introduced Windows Clustering in Chapter 1, and Chapter 6 is devoted entirely to the topic of clustering. Clustering is becoming an increasingly popular option for scale-out scenarios because it allows you to employ many servers while maintaining a high level of redundancy and fault tolerance in your database server infrastructure. WS2K3 introduces the ability to support 4-way and 8-way clusters in the standard and enterprise editions of the product, making clustering more accessible to a larger number of companies (8-way clusters are available only on SQL Server Enterprise 64-bit Edition). As I noted in Chapter 1, Microsoft uses the word cluster to refer to several technologies. NLB clusters, for example, are included with all editions of WS2K3 and are used primarily to create loadbalanced Web and application farms in pure TCP/IP applications. Although such clusters could theoretically be used to create load-balanced SQL Server farms, there are several barriers to getting such a solution to work. To complicate matters further, Windows Server 2003, x64 Edition, supports a new clustering technology called compute cluster which is completely different from Windows Cluster Server-style clustering. I’ll cover that in Chapter 7. In this book, I’ll use the term cluster to refer exclusively to what Microsoft calls a Windows Cluster Server. This type of cluster physically links multiple servers and allows them to fill in for one another in the event of a total hardware failure.

The idea behind clustering is to enlist several servers as a group to behave as a single server. With Windows Cluster Server, the purpose of this union isn’t to provide load balancing or better performance or to scale out; it is to provide fault tolerance. If one server fails, the cluster continues to operate and provide services to users. Figure 3.8 shows a basic 2-node cluster.

Figure 3.8: A basic 2-node cluster.


Chapter 3 This diagram shows the dedicated LAN connection used to talk with the corporate network, and the separate connection used between the two cluster nodes (while not strictly required, this separate connection is considered a best practice, as I’ll explain in Chapter 6). Also shown is a shared external SCSI disk array. Note that each node also contains its own internal storage, which is used to house both the Windows OS and any clustered applications. The external array—frequently referred to as shared storage even though both nodes do not access it simultaneously—stores only the data used by the clustered applications (such as SQL Server databases) and a small cluster configuration file. Essentially, one node is active at all times and the other is passive. The active node sends a heartbeat signal across the cluster’s private network connection; this signal informs the passive node that the active node is active. The active node also maintains exclusive access to the external SCSI array. If the active node fails, the passive node becomes active, seizing control of the SCSI array. Users rarely notice a cluster failover, which can occur in as little as 30 seconds. Although the service comes online fairly quickly, the user databases must go through a recovery phase. This phase, depending on pending transactions at time of failover, can take a few seconds or much longer.

Better Hardware Utilization An inactive node isn’t the best utilization of expensive hardware. For this reason, many companies build active-active clusters (see Figure 3.9).

Figure 3.9: An active-active cluster.


Chapter 3 In an active-active cluster, a separate external SCSI array is required for each active node. Each node “owns” one external array and maintains a passive link to the other node. In the event that one node fails, the other node becomes active for both, owning both arrays and basically functioning as two complete servers. Active-active is one of the most common types of SQL Server clusters because both cluster nodes—typically higher-end, pricier hardware—are serving a useful purpose. In the event of a failure, the databases from both servers remain accessible through the surviving node. Why not cluster? If you’re planning to create a partitioned or distributed database, you will already be investing in high-end server hardware. At that point, it doesn’t cost much more to turn them into a cluster. You’ll need a special SCSI adapter and some minor extra networking hardware, but not much more. Even the standard edition of WS2K3 supports clustering, so you won’t need specialized software. You will need to run the enterprise edition of SQL Server 2000 in order to cluster it, but the price difference is well-worth the extra peace of mind.

Four-Node Clusters If you’re buying three or four SQL Server computers, consider clustering all of them. Windows clustering supports as many as 8-way clusters (on the 64-bit edition), meaning you can build clusters with three, four, or more nodes, all the way up to eight (you will need to use the enterprise or datacenter editions for larger clusters). As Figure 3.10 shows, 4-node clusters use the same basic technique as an active-active 2-node cluster.

Figure 3.10: A 4-way cluster configuration.


Chapter 3 I’ve left the network connections out of this figure to help clarify what is already a complex situation: each node must maintain a physical connection to each external drive array, although under normal circumstances, each node will only have an active connection to one array. It is very uncommon for clusters of more than two nodes to use copper SCSI connections to their drive arrays, mainly because of the complicated wiring that would be involved. As Figure 3.11 shows, a storage area network (SAN) makes the situation much more manageable.

Figure 3.11: A 4-way cluster using a SAN.

In this example, the external disk arrays and the cluster nodes are all connected to a specialized network that replaces the copper SCSI cables. Many SANs use fiber-optic based connections to create a Fibre Channel (FC) SAN; in the future, it might be more common to see the SAN employ new technologies such as iSCSI over less-expensive Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) connections. In either case, the result is streamlined connectivity. You can also eliminate the need for separate external drive arrays, instead relying on external arrays that are logically partitioned to provide storage space for each node. SQL Server Clusters In a SQL Server cluster, each cluster node runs at least one virtual SQL Server. In a 2-node, active-active cluster, each node runs two virtual servers; in a 4-node cluster, each node runs four virtual servers. In a simple configuration, only one virtual server per node is actually running (although that doesn’t have to be the case; multiple instances of SQL Server can be clustered). When a node fails, another node in the cluster runs the corresponding virtual server and takes over the operations for the failed node. Figure 3.12 provides a basic illustration of this concept.


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Figure 3.12: Virtual SQL Server failover cluster.

Users access the virtual servers by using a virtual name and IP address (to be very specific, the applications use the virtual name, not the IP address, which is resolved through DNS). Whichever node “owns” those resources will receive users’ requests and respond appropriately. Chapter 6 will cover clustering in more detail, including specifics about how clusters work and how to build SQL Server clusters from scratch.

Discussing clustering in SQL Server terminology can be confusing. For example, you might have a 2-node cluster that represents one logical SQL Server (meaning one set of databases, one configuration, and so forth). This logical SQL Server is often referred to as an instance. Each node in the cluster can “own” this instance and respond to client requests, meaning each node is configured with a virtual SQL Server (that is the physical SQL Server software installed on disk).


Chapter 3 A 2-node cluster can also run two instances in an active-active configuration, as I’ve discussed. In this case, each node typically “owns” one instance under normal conditions; although if one node fails, both instances would naturally run on the remaining node. A 2-node cluster can run more instances, too. For example, you might have a 2-node cluster acting as four logical SQL Server computers (four instances). Each node would “own” two instances, and either node could, in theory, run all four instances if necessary. Each instance has its own virtual server name, related IP address, server configuration, databases, and so forth. This capability for clusters to run multiple instances often makes the active-passive and activeactive terminology imprecise: Imagine an 8-node cluster running 12 instances of SQL Server, where half of the nodes are “doubly active” (running two instances each) and the others are merely “active” (running one instance apiece). SQL Server clusters are thus often described in terms of nodes and instances: An 8 × 12 cluster, for example, has 8 nodes and 12 instances. Effects of Clustering on Performance Clustering doesn’t directly impact performance and clustering of this type doesn’t offer load balancing. However, SQL Server clustering does offer a very high degree of tolerance for hardware failure. Larger clusters tend to utilize fast SANs to reduce cost and complexity, and those SANs can have a very positive effect on performance (I’ll discuss this idea in greater detail in Chapter 7). Clusters can hurt performance through over-engineering. A best practice is to size cluster nodes so that each node will normally operate at about 50 percent capacity. That way, if another node fails, the node that picks up the failed node’s share of the workload won’t exceed 100 percent capacity. If your nodes are all built to 70 to 80 percent capacity (a more common figure for standalone servers), a node failure will result in one server trying to carry 140 to 160 percent of its usual load, which is obviously impossible. The result is drastically reduced performance. Buy pre-built, commodity clusters. Microsoft’s Windows Cluster Server can be a picky piece of software and has its own Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). Although building a cluster isn’t necessarily difficult, you need to be careful to get the correct mix of software in the correct configuration. An easier option is to buy a preconfigured, pre-built cluster (rather than buying pieces and building your own). Many manufacturers, including Dell, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard, offer clusterclass hardware and most will be happy to work with you to ship a preconfigured cluster to you. Even if you don’t see a specific offer for a cluster, ask your sales representative; most manufacturers can custom-build a cluster system to your specifications. Also look for clusters built on commodity hardware, meaning servers built on the basic PC platform without a lot of proprietary hardware. In addition to saving a significant amount of money, commodity hardware offers somewhat less complexity to cluster configuration because the hardware is built on the basic, standard technologies that the Windows Cluster Server supports. Manufacturers such as Dell and Gateway offer commodity hardware.


Chapter 3

Creating a Scale-Out Lab Once you’ve decided how to create your scale-out solution, you need to test it. I’m a strong advocate of creating a throwaway pilot, meaning you build a complete pilot in a lab, test it, gather the facts you need, document what worked and what didn’t, and then ditch the pilot. You’ll start fresh when building your production solution, keeping all the good things you discovered in your pilot and leaving out all the bad. To do so, you’ll need to be able to conduct real-world testing and you’ll need to have some benchmarks available to you. Real-World Testing Perhaps the toughest part of conducting a scale-out pilot is getting enough data and users to make it realistic. Try to start with a recent copy of the production database by pulling it from a backup tape because this version will provide the most realistic data possible for your tests. If you’re coming from a single-server solution, you’ll need to do some work to get your database backups into their new scaled-out form. Whenever possible, let SQL Server’s Integration Services (called Data Transformation Services, called DTS, prior to SQL Server 2005) restructure your databases, copy rows, and perform the other tasks necessary to load data into your test servers. That way, you can save the DTS packages and rerun them whenever necessary to reload your servers for additional testing with minimal effort.

It can be difficult to accurately simulate real-world loads on your servers in a formal stress test to determine how much your scaled-out solution can handle. For stress tests, there are several Microsoft and third-party stress-test tools available (you can search the Web for the most recent offerings). For other tests, you can simply hit the servers with a good-sized portion of users and multiply the results to extrapolate very approximate performance figures. One way to do so is to run a few user sessions, then capture them using SQL Server’s profiling tool (SQL Profiler in SQL Server 2000). The profiling tool allows you to repeatedly replay the session against the SQL Server, and you can copy the profile data to multiple client computers so that the session can be replayed multiple times simultaneously. Exactly how you do all this depends a lot on how your overall database application is built, but the idea is to hit SQL Server with the same type of data and traffic that your production users will. Ideally, your profile data should come from your production network, giving you an exact replica of the type of traffic your scaled-out solution will encounter.


Chapter 3

Benchmarking The Transaction Processing Council (TPC) is the industry’s official bench marker for database performance. However, they simply provide benchmarks based upon specific, lab-oriented scenarios, not your company’s day-to-day operations. You’ll need to conduct your own benchmarks and measurements to determine which scale-out solutions work best for you. Exactly what you choose to measure will depend on what is important to your company; the following list provides suggestions: •

Overall processor utilization

Number of rows of data

Memory utilization

Row and table locks

Stored procedure recompiles

Number of users (real or simulated)

Number of transactions per second

Network utilization

Index hits

Disk activity

By tracking these and other statistics, you can objectively evaluate various scale-out solutions as they relate to your environment, your users, and your database applications.

Summary In this chapter, you’ve learned about the various scale-out techniques and the decision factors that you’ll need to consider when selecting one or more techniques for your environment. In addition, we’ve explored the essentials of building a lab to test your decisions and for benchmarking real-world performance results with your scale-out pilot. A key point of this chapter is to establish a foundation of terminology, which I will use throughout the rest of the book. The terms distributed and partitioned come up so frequently in any scale-out discussion that it can be easy to lose track of what you’re talking about. The following points highlight key vocabulary for scale-out projects: •

Partitioned refers to what breaks up a database across multiple servers. A vertically partitioned database breaks the schema across multiple servers so that each server maintains a distinct part of the database, such as customer records on one server, and order records on another server. This can also be referred to simply as a partitioned database. A horizontally partitioned database breaks the data rows across multiple servers, which each share a common schema.


Chapter 3 •

Distributed simply refers to something spread across multiple servers. Generally, anything that is partitioned is also distributed (however, you can partition on a single server); the partitioning method tells you how the database is broken up before distribution. A simple distributed database may refer to one which has been horizontally partitioned, perhaps with rows from different regions physically contained on servers in those regional offices. Replication is often used in these situations so that each server contains a copy of the other servers’ rows. Another kind of distributed database may simply replicate all of a server’s data to one or more other servers. This configuration allows users in various locations to query a local copy of the server and increases the number of users that can be supported. The database isn’t partitioned, and techniques such as merge replication may be used to handle multiple conflicting updates to the data. A complete distributed partitioned database is one that combines the techniques we’ve explored in this chapter. The database is typically partitioned horizontally, with each server containing different rows and using the same database schema. However, replication isn’t typically used, and each server doesn’t contain a complete copy of the data. To access the complete database as a single unit, distributed partitioned views are used to virtually recombine rows from multiple servers. In cases in which distributed partitioned views aren’t suitable due to performance reasons, an intelligent middle tier takes on the task of directing queries to the appropriate server or servers.

In the next chapter, I’ll dive into scaling out by using distributed partitioned views. I’ll discuss in more detail how they work and will provide step-by-step instructions for creating a scaled-out database that uses distributed partitioned views to reduce complexity and potentially provide radically increased performance.


Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Distributed Partitioned Views As I’ve mentioned in previous chapters, distributed partitioned views can be a powerful tool in any scale-out scenario. However, they also have drawbacks, including the possibility of creating an imbalance in the amount of resources consumed by the servers that are handling the view. This chapter will go deeper into the pros and cons of distributed partitioned views, show you how to design and implement them, and offer some distributed partitioned view tips and best practices. In addition, I will provide direction for designing a performance comparison that allows you to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of distributed partitioned views in your environment.

Pros and Cons First, let’s quickly review the pros and cons of a distributed partitioned view. A regular view is designed to act as a sort of virtual table. As Figure 4.1 shows, you can use views as a form of security mechanism, providing certain users with access to a subset of a table’s columns.

Figure 4.1: You can use a view to limit users’ ability to see columns in a table.

You can also use views to pull columns from multiple tables into a single virtual table. As Figure 4.2 shows, this type of view is most often created by using JOIN statements to link tables that have foreign key relationships. For example, you might create a view that lists a product’s information along with the name of the product’s vendor rather than the vendor ID number that is actually stored in the product table.


Chapter 4

Figure 4.2: You can use a view to combine information from multiple tables.

Views can access tables that are located on multiple servers, as well. In Figure 4.3, a view is used to pull information from tables located on different servers. This example illustrates a sort of distributed view, although the view isn’t really doing anything drastically different than a view that joins tables located on the same server.

Figure 4.3: You can use a view to combine information from tables on different servers.


Chapter 4

Distributed Partitioned View Basics A distributed partitioned view isn’t much different than a regular view. What differentiates a distributed partitioned view is actually the nature of the underlying database. In a distributed partitioned view, you typically have two or more servers, each with tables that have the same structure, or schema. For example, suppose two servers have identical tables for storing products. Each server actually stores different rows within its tables. For example, one server might store all of the products with names that begin with A through M, while another stores products beginning with N through Z. The distributed partitioned view makes those two tables appear as one virtual table by employing both servers to return the results of a query. Figure 4.4 shows how a distributed partitioned view works.

Figure 4.4: Using a distributed partitioned view to combine information from horizontally partitioned tables on different servers.

To illustrate the power behind a distributed partitioned view, consider the following example. Suppose you have a table with several billion rows (making the table in the terabyte range), and you need to frequently execute a query that returns just 5000 rows, based (hopefully) on some criteria in an indexed column. One server will expend a specific amount of effort and will require a specific amount of time to gather those rows.


Chapter 4 In theory, two servers—each with only half of the rows total and only a few to return—could complete the query in half the time that one server would require to return the same number of rows. Again in theory, four servers could return the results in one-quarter the time. The distributed partitioned view provides “single point of contact” to a back-end, load-balanced cluster of database servers. The distributed partitioned view is implemented on each of the servers, allowing clients to connect to any one server to access the distributed partitioned view; the distributed partitioned view makes it appear as if all the rows are contained on that server, when in fact the distributed partitioned view is coordinating an effort between all the back-end servers to assemble the requested rows. Microsoft uses the term shared-nothing cluster to refer to the group of back-end servers that work together to fulfill a distributed partitioned view query. The term describes the fact that the servers are all required in order to complete the query but that they are not interconnected (other than by a network) and share no hardware resources. This term differentiates distributed partitioned views and Microsoft Cluster Service clusters, which typically share one or more external storage devices. Shared-nothing clusters are also different than the clusters created by Network Load Balancing (NLB); those clusters contain servers that have a complete, identical copy of data (usually Web pages) and independently service user requests without working together.

What makes distributed partitioned views in SQL Server truly useful is that the views can be updated. The distributed partitioned view accepts the updates and distributes INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements across the back-end servers as necessary, meaning that the distributed partitioned view is keeping track—under the hood—of which servers contain which rows. The distributed partitioned view truly becomes a virtual table, not just a read-only representation of the data. Distributed Partitioned View Details Very few technologies work as well in reality as they do in theory, and distributed partitioned views are no exception. Proper design of a distributed partitioned view is absolutely critical to ensuring a performance gain, and proper design requires an almost uncanny understanding of how your data is used. For example, suppose you create a four-server cluster (typically called a federation) to store a products table. You decide to partition the table by product ID so that each server contains one-fourth the total number of products and each server contains a single sequential block of product IDs. In other words, one server contains ID numbers zero through 1000, server number two stores 1001 through 2000, and so forth. Now suppose that this table is primarily used by individuals who are adding new rows and that new rows are always added to the end of the range. Thus, the fourth server in the federation—the one originally containing rows 3001 through 4000—is doing most of the work. The other three servers will more or less sit around looking alert but not doing much. Figure 4.5 illustrates the problem.


Chapter 4

Figure 4.5: Unbalanced updates place an uneven load on a single server in the federation.

Finding the Data How does the distributed partitioned view know where to go for the data? The answer depends on the way the tables were created. The tables on each server in the federation aren’t identical. Although the majority of the tables’ schema is identical, each server has a slightly different CHECK constraint on the column that is used to partition the data. For example, a CHECK constraint might be used on a vendor name column so that ServerA could only contain values between “AAAAA” and “NZZZZ” and ServerB could only contain “OOOOO” through “ZZZZZ.” When SQL Server executes the distributed partitioned view, SQL Server analyzes this schema information—which can be queried very quickly from the federations’ servers—to determine which servers need to participate in the query. This technique keeps servers that have no rows to contribute to the query from being brought into the query. This decision is made by whichever server actually receives the query against the distributed partitioned view from a client; that server’s query processor does the preliminary work and makes the execution decisions, a process covered in more detail later in this chapter. Thus, you need to create a column and CHECK constraint so that each member of the federation contains a unique and non-overlapping range of rows. If you decide to split up your data geographically, for example, you might assign regional codes to each office and include a Region column with a CHECK constraint that, on each federation member, specifies that member’s region as the only valid value for rows on that server.


Chapter 4 How the data is queried also affects performance. Suppose the users of your products table primarily query products in sequential blocks of one hundred. Thus, any given query is likely to be filled by just one, or possibly two, servers. Now suppose that your users tend to query for newer products—with ID numbers of 3000 and higher—a lot more often than older products. Again, that fourth server will handle most of the work, as Figure 4.6 shows.

Figure 4.6: Unbalanced partitioning places an uneven load on one server in the federation.

Are the three uninvolved servers actually doing nothing? The answer depends on where the query is executed. If the clients in Figure 4.6 are submitting their queries to the copy of the distributed partitioned view on ServerD, then, yes, the other three servers won’t even know that a query is happening. The reason is that the distributed partitioned view on ServerD knows that only ServerD is necessary to complete the query. However, had the clients submitted their query to a copy of the distributed partitioned view on ServerC, for example, ServerC would execute the query, submit a remote query to ServerD, then provide the results to the clients. ServerC would be doing a lot of waiting while ServerD pulled together the results and sent them over, so it might be more efficient for the client application to have some knowledge of which rows are located where so that the application could submit the query directly to the server that physically contained the rows.

Creating a high-performance federation requires a distribution of data that might not be immediately obvious. Logical partitions—such as by name, ID number, or some other attribute—might not be the most appropriate. You want to have the most frequently accessed data spread out as much as possible to take advantage of the federation’s full processing power.


Chapter 4 Partitions and SQL Server 2005 I want to take a moment to address a potential terminology problem with the word partition. This chapter speaks about partitioning in a general sense. These partitions are ones that you create yourself, not ones that SQL Server has any particular recognition for. For example, if you horizontally partition a table so that all customers with an ID of 1-100000 are on ServerA, and all customers with an ID of 100001-200000 are on ServerB, you’ve created two tables with identical schemas and different data. SQL Server doesn’t necessarily draw any connections between those tables; you’re the only one thinking of them as partitions of the same overall logical table. SQL Server 2005 introduces a new, built-in table partitioning feature that allows you to create partitioned tables (and indexes, for that matter) and manage them as a single object. In effect, SQL Server 2005 allows you to partition tables just like SQL Server 2000 did, but SQL Server 2005 maintains a link between the tables, treating them as a single, logical unit for you, thereby making management easier. So, for example, you could run DBCC commands against the table and all partitions would automatically be included; in prior versions of SQL Server, “partitions” were really just independent tables that you had to manage independently. SQL Server 2005’s partitioned tables can still use distributed partitioned views for querying; the primary purpose of the partitioning features are to make management of the partitions easier by treating them as a single unit. The catch is that SQL Server 2005’s partitioned tables aren’t designed for use in a scale-out scenario. The reason is that the partitions of a table must all live on the same server (although they can obviously live in different files, allowing them to be distributed across storage devices). SQL Server 2005 partitioned tables are suitable in a scale-up scenario, because they allow tables to be broken up across files and managed as a single unit, but they don’t lend any capability to a scale-out scenario, which is why they haven’t been specifically covered elsewhere in this chapter.

Don’t be tempted to look at the task of partitioning from a single-query viewpoint. To design a properly partitioned federation, you want the workload of all your users’ queries to be distributed across the federations’ servers as much as possible. However, individual queries that can be satisfied from a single server will tend to execute more quickly. Obviously, the ultimate form of success for any database project is reduced end-user response times. Balancing the load across a federation should generally help improve response times, but that improved response time is definitely the metric to measure more so than arbitrary load distribution.

The following example illustrates this point. Suppose your users typically query all of the products made by a particular vendor. There is no concentration on a single vendor; users tend to query each vendor’s products several times each day. In this case, partitioning the table by vendor makes sense. Each single query will usually be serviced by a single server, reducing the amount of cooperation the servers must handle. Over the course of the day, all four servers will be queried equally, thus distributing the overall workload across the entire federation. Figure 4.7 illustrates how two queries might work in this situation.


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Figure 4.7: Each query is fulfilled by an individual server, but the overall workload is distributed.

For the very best performance, queries would be sent to the server that physically contains the majority of the rows to be queried. This partially bypasses some of the convenience of a distributed partitioned view but provides better performance by minimizing inter-federation communications and network traffic. However, implementing this type of intelligently directed query generally requires some specific logic to be built-in to client or middle-tier applications. Keep in mind that any server in the federation can fulfill distributed partitioned view queries; the performance benefit is recognized when the server that is queried actually contains the majority of the rows needed to respond. One way to implement this kind of intelligence is to simply provide a lookup table that client applications can query when they start. This table could provide a list of CHECK values and the associated federation members, allowing client applications to intelligently submit queries—when possible—to the server associated with the desired range of values. Although not possible for every query and every situation, this configuration is worth considering as you determine which column to use for partitioning your data.


Chapter 4

A Great Case for Distributed Partitioned Views One of the best examples of when to use a distributed partitioned view is a large, geographically distributed sales organization. Sales, customer information, and other data can be tagged—by using a column for this purpose—to identify the specific office to which the data belongs. Each major office would have a SQL Server computer that would hold a version of the database containing all the records that “belong” to that office. All the offices’ servers would be linked together in a federation, and a distributed partitioned view would be used to access the data. Users in each office would primarily access their own data, meaning their queries could be resolved by their local SQL Server computer. However, queries involving other offices’ data would still be possible thanks to the distributed partitioned view (although the probably slower WAN speeds would definitely create a performance bottleneck, especially if cross-office queries became common). Although each office wouldn’t be spreading their queries across the federation, the company’s aggregate querying would be balanced across the federation. How often users will need to query data from other offices is an important factor. If the need arises frequently, a distributed partitioned view might not be the best approach; instead, you might simply replicate data from each office to all the other offices, minimizing cross-WAN queries. However, if crossoffice querying is less frequent and involves less data than replication would require, a distributed partitioned view is a useful solution. As always, exactly how your data is used is the most important factor in selecting a scale-out solution.

An uneven distribution of rows can cause more subtle problems. Using the four-server products table as an example, suppose that one of the servers hasn’t been maintained as well as the other three—its database files are heavily fragmented, indexes have a large number of split pages, and so forth. That server will typically respond to any given query somewhat more slowly than the other, better-maintained servers in the federation. When a distributed partitioned view is executed, the other three servers will then be forced to hold their completed query results in memory—a very expensive concept for a database server—until the lagging server catches up. Only when all the servers have prepared their results can the final distributed partitioned view response be assembled and provided to the client. This type of imbalance—especially if it occurs on a regular basis—can cause significant performance degradation of an application. Figure 4.8 shows a timeline for a distributed partitioned view execution, and how a lagging server can hold up the entire process.


Chapter 4

Figure 4.8: A slow server in the federation causes unnecessary wait periods in distributed partitioned view execution.

A lagging server is not always caused by maintenance issues—a server with significantly less powerful hardware or one that must consistently perform a larger shard of query processing than the others in a federation might hold up the query. The key to eliminating this type of delay is, again, proper distribution of the data across the federation members. This example reinforces the idea that step one in a scale-out strategy is to ensure that your servers are properly tuned. For more information, see Chapter 2.

Design and Implementation At this point, it is clear that proper planning is absolutely critical for a successful distributed partitioned view implementation. Once you have figured out the perfect balance for your partitions and are ready to begin implementing a scale-out environment that uses distributed partitioned views, how do you begin? Linked Servers A distributed partitioned view requires multiple servers to communicate, so you need to provide the servers with some means of communication. To do so, you use SQL Server’s linked servers feature, which provides authentication and connection information to remote servers. Each server in the federation must list all other federation members as a linked server. Figure 4.9 shows how each of four federation members have pointers to three partners.


Chapter 4

Figure 4.9: Setting up linked servers in a federation.

To begin, open SQL Server Management Studio, In the Object Explorer, right-click Linked Servers, and select New Linked Server, as Figure 4.10 shows.


Chapter 4

Figure 4.10: Setting up linked servers in SQL Server Management Studio.

In a dialog box similar to that shown in Figure 4.11, type the name of the server to which you this server linked, and indicate that it is a SQL Server computer. SQL Server provides built-in linking functionality, so most of the rest of the dialog box isn’t necessary.


Chapter 4

Figure 4.11: Specifying the linked server name and type.

You should also specify the collation compatible option (which I describe later under Best Practices). Doing so will help improve performance between the linked servers, which you should set to use the same collation and character set options. Figure 4.12 shows how to set the option.


Chapter 4

Figure 4.12: Setting collation options for the link.

Finally, as Figure 4.13 shows, you can set various security options. You can use these settings to specify pass-through authentication and other options so that logins on the local server can map to logins on the linked server. Ideally, set up each server to have the same logins—especially if you’re using Windows Integrated authentication; doing so would make this tab unnecessary. You’ll make your life significantly easier by maintaining consistent logins across the members of the federation. I prefer to use Windows Integrated authentication so that I can add domain groups as SQL Server logins, then manage the membership of those groups at the domain level. By creating task- or role-specific domain groups, you can add the groups to each federation member and ensure consistent authentication and security across all your SQL Server computers.


Chapter 4

Be sure to set a complex password for SQL Server’s built-in sa login even if you’re setting SQL Server to use Windows Integrated authentication. That way, if SQL Server is accidentally switched back into Mixed Mode authentication, you won’t have a weak sa login account as a security hole.

Figure 4.13: Specifying security options for the link.

You can also set up linked servers by using the sp_addlinkedserver stored procedure. For more information on its syntax, consult the Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.

Once all of your links are established, you can move on to creating the partitioned tables.


Chapter 4

Partitioned Tables Partitioned tables start out just like any other table, but they must contain a special column that will be the partitioning column. SQL Server will look at this column to see which of the federation’s servers contain (or should contain, in the case of added rows) specific rows. The partitioning column can be any normal column with a specific CHECK constraint applied. This CHECK constraint must be different on each member of the federation so that each member has a unique, non-overlapping range of valid values for the column. A UNION statement is used to combine the tables into an updateable view—the distributed partitioned view. Keep in mind that SQL Server can only create updateable views from a UNION statement under certain circumstances; in order to create a distributed partitioned view on SQL Server 2000, you’ll have to adhere to the following rules: •

• •

The partitioning column must be part of the primary key for the table, although the primary key can be a composite key that includes multiple columns. The partitioning column must not allow NULL values, and it cannot be a computed column. The CHECK constraint on the column can only use the BETWEEN, OR, AND, = comparison operators. The table that you’re partitioning cannot have an identity or timestamp column, and none of the columns in the table can have a DEFAULT constraint applied.

Here is an example CHECK constraint that you might include in a CREATE TABLE statement: CONSTRAINT CHK_VendorA_M CHECK (VendorName BETWEEN ‘AAAAA’ AND ‘MZZZZ’)

Again, this constraint must exist in the table in each member of the federation, although each member must supply a different, non-overlapping range of values.


Chapter 4

The Distributed Partitioned View The last step is to create the distributed partitioned view. You’ll do so on each server in the federation so that clients can connect to any one server and successfully query the distributed partitioned view. Assuming you’re starting on ServerA and that the federation also contains ServerB, ServerC, and ServerD, you would use the following commands on ServerA: CREATE VIEW VendorDataDPV_A AS SELECT * FROM VendorData_A UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ServerB.TestDB.dbo.VendorData_B UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ServerC.TestDB.dbo.VendorData_C UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ServerD.TestDB.dbo.VendorData_D GO It is important to use UNION ALL rather than specifying some additional criteria because you want all of the data in each table to be included in the distributed partitioned view.

Each server’s version of the distributed partitioned view will be slightly different because each server will start with the local copy of the table, then link to the other three (or however many) members of the federation. There is no requirement that the tables on each federation member have different names; SQL Server uses the complete server.database.owner.object naming convention to distinguish between them. However, from a human-readable point of view, coming up with a suffix or some other indicator of which server the table is on will help tremendously when you’re creating your distributed partitioned views and maintaining those tables.

Checking Your Results The distributed partitioned view can then be queried just like any other table, using the following command, for example: SELECT * FROM VendorDataDPV

It is interesting to look at the query execution plan that SQL Server generates. You can view the plan in SQL Query Analyzer, keeping in mind that the plan will only exist on the server you connect to in order to query the distributed partitioned view. You’ll see SQL Server issue a query against the local computer and issue parallel queries to each of the federation members. The cost of each query should be pretty much evenly divided for a SELECT * query, because each server is returning all of its rows and those rows are, hopefully, evenly spread across the servers. The results of the query and remote query operations will feed to a concatenation operation, then a SELECT operation, both of which will show a cost of zero. These operations are simply the local server accepting and combining the data from the federation’s query responses.


Chapter 4 Next, try a slightly more complex query: SELECT * FROM VendorDataDPV WHERE VendorName = ‘ACMEA’

This query will return a more interesting query execution plan. In fact, the graphical plan can be a bit misleading. You will see something similar to the first, simpler SELECT * query, but with the addition of a yellow filter icon filtering the results of those queries prior to feeding the data to a concatenation operation. The graphical plan makes it appear as if all servers in the federation executed a remote query, but such is not the case. You’re querying against the partitioning column, so SQL Server’s query processor should have been able to determine—by examining CHECK constraints—which server contained the requested data. Check out the text version of the execution plan for more details, and you will see that SQL Server only executed the query against the server that contained the desired rows. Because the distributed partitioned view is bound to the underlying tables’ schema, SQL Server can easily determine which of the servers is allowed to contain the requested data (the column queried is the partitioning column; had another column been used in the WHERE clause, SQL Server would have had to submit the query to each member of the federation). This illustrates how distributed partitioned views can provide a performance benefit, especially when queries will use the partitioning column as selection criteria. Clients will realize better performance if they query directly against the partitioning column because SQL Server can make an immediate and certain determination as to which server will handle the query. In the previous example, only one server could possibly contain vendors with the name ACMEA because that is the column that was used to partition the table and the servers must have non-overlapping ranges.

Best Practices Designing databases and distributed partitioned views can be a complex task, often filled with contradictory goals, such as improving performance and reducing database size (which are rarely completely compatible). To help you create the best design for your situation, and to configure your SQL Server computers to execute distributed partitioned views as quickly as possible, consider the following best practices. Grouping Data It is not enough to simply partition your primary tables across the servers in the federation. Ideally, each server should also contain a complete copy of any lookup tables to enable each server to more readily complete queries on its own. You’ll likely need to make some design decisions about which lookup tables are treated this way. For example, tables with a small number of rows or ones that aren’t updated frequently are good candidates to be copied to each server in the federation. Tables that change frequently, however, or that contain a lot of rows, may need to be partitioned themselves. The ideal situation is to horizontally partition the primary table that contains the data your users query most and to include complete copies of all supporting tables (those with which the primary table has a foreign key relationship). Not every situation can meet that ideal, but, in general, it is a good design strategy. The fewer external servers any particular server has to contact in order to complete its share of a distributed partitioned view query, the better the queries’ performance.


Chapter 4 Infrastructure SQL Server computers that are part of a federation must have the highest possible network connectivity between one another. Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) is an inexpensive and readily available technology that provides today’s fastest LAN connectivity speeds and should be part of the base configuration for any server in a federation. Use fast, efficient network adapters that place as little processing overload on the servers’ CPUs as possible. In the future, look for network adapters that implement TCP/IP offload engines (TOE) to minimize CPU impact. As I’ve already mentioned, try to keep servers in a federation as equal as possible in terms of hardware. Having one server with a memory bottleneck or with slower hard drives makes it more difficult for the federation to cooperate efficiently. Also consider connecting the servers in a federation via a storage area network. SANs provide the best speed for storage operations and can eliminate some of the bottlenecks often associated with the heavy-load data operations in a federation. Database Options Ensure that each server participating in a federation has the same collation and character set options. Then set the server option collation compatible to true, telling SQL Server to assume compatible collation order. Doing so allows SQL Server to send comparisons on character columns to the data provider rather than performing a conversion locally. To set this option, run the following command using SQL Query Analyzer: sp_serveroption ‘server_name’, ‘collation compatible’, true

Another option you can set is lazy schema validation. This option helps improve performance by telling SQL Server’s query processor not to request metadata for linked tables until the data is actually needed from the remote server. That way, if data isn’t required to complete the query, the metadata isn’t retrieved. Simply run the following command to turn on the option: sp_serveroption ‘server_name’, ‘lazy schema validation’, true

Of course, you’ll need to set both of these options for each server in the federation. Queries and Table Design To help improve the efficiency of distributed partitioned views, avoid queries that contain data conversion functions. Also avoid using SELECT statements that utilize the TOP n or TOP n% clauses. Eliminating these items from your queries makes the queries easier for a distributed partitioned view to process. For example, using a TOP clause forces each server in the federation to return the complete results of the TOP clause just in case that server is the only one with any results. The server actually executing the distributed partitioned view must then combine the federation’s results, sort them, then truncate them to provide the requested TOP n or TOP n% rows. It’s an inefficient operation.


Chapter 4 Also avoid using the bit, timestamp, and uniqueidentifier data types in tables that sit behind a distributed partitioned view; distributed partitioned views deal less effectively with these data types than with others. Also, when using binary large object (blob) data types—such as text, ntext, or image—be aware that SQL Server can incur a significant amount of additional processing simply to transmit the large amount of data between the servers in the federation. Although these object types aren’t forbidden in a distributed partitioned view, they certainly won’t provide the best possible performance for queries.

Sample Benchmark Walkthrough It is critical that you pilot and benchmark your database in order to ensure that distributed partitioned views are giving you a performance benefit. In addition, you will need to use multiple physical servers (not a shortcut such as virtual machines) in order to see real performance numbers. Design vs. Test When you’re designing distributed partitioned views and their associated databases, you can take shortcuts. For example, keep in mind that multiple instances of SQL Server can run on a single computer. The first instance is referred to simply by using the computer’s name, such as ServerA. Subsequent instances are given unique names that are appended to the computer name (ServerA$InstanceTwo, ServerA$InstanceThree, and so forth). Each instance of SQL Server is essentially the same as a separate physical server, at least from a logical point of view. Using multiple instances allows you to test various partitioning schemes along with your distributed partitioned view designs to ensure functionality. In other words, you can perform tests to ensure that a DTS package can successfully transfer existing data into the new, partitioned tables; perform tests to ensure that the distributed partitioned view itself returns the expected results; and perform tests with client applications to ensure they are able to successfully query—and, if necessary, post updates to—the distributed partitioned view. Obviously, separate physical computers would have far more computing power than multiple instances of SQL Server sharing a single processor; for performance measurements, you need the real thing, and working from multiple instances on one machine will provide inaccurate performance results.

Sample Benchmark I conducted an informal benchmark of a database on both a single server and a 2-node federation using distributed partitioned views. My database was fairly small at a mere ten million rows. For hardware, I utilized identical Dell server computers, each with a single Pentium 4 processor and 1GB of RAM. Obviously not high-end server hardware, but it is the relative difference between single-server and distributed partitioned view performance that I wanted to examine, not the overall absolute performance values. In fact, using this hardware—as opposed to newer 64-bnit hardware—makes the performance differences a bit easier to measure. I created a simple table structure within the database using the SQL statements included in Listing 4.1.


Chapter 4

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[VendorData] ( [VendorID] [numeric](19, 0) NOT NULL , [VendorName] [varchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [AddedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL , [Commission] [money] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[VendorData] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_VendorID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [VendorID], [VendorName], [AddedDate] ) ON [PRIMARY] Listing 4.1: Example SQL statements used to create a simple table structure within the database.

Certainly not a mega-table but sufficient to provide measurable performance numbers. I performed all my queries from a separate laptop computer, which was connected to the servers via a switched Fast Ethernet connection. No other computers were on the network, and the two servers were running Windows Server 2003 as standalone machines (not as members of a domain). I linked the two tables, then created the view using the following SQL statement: CREATE VIEW TestView AS SELECT * FROM [ServerA].TestDB.dbo.VendorData UNION ALL SELECT * FROM [ServerB].TestDB.dbo.VendorData

I executed each query ten times, and took the average response time from all ten queries. Between each execution, I performed a number of other unrelated queries to ensure that SQL Server’s data caches were receiving a fair workout, and that my test queries couldn’t be satisfied entirely from the caches. Here is my first query: SELECT VendorName, COUNT(*) FROM TestDB.dbo.VendorData GROUP BY Commission ORDER BY VendorName


Chapter 4 For the first query, I queried the base table directly. The base table was located on a third identical server containing all ten million rows, and the query completed in an average of 58 seconds. Next, I queried the view. Each of the two servers in the federation contained half of the ten million rows, more or less at random. All my queries were returning all the rows, so achieving a fair distribution of rows wasn’t particularly important. The view responded in an average of 40 seconds, which is about 30 percent faster. So, two servers are able to query five million rows apiece faster than one server is able to query ten million rows. Keep in mind that my response time also includes the time necessary for the server executing the view to compile the results and provide them to my client. My second query was simpler: SELECT DISTINCT Commission FROM TestDB.dbo.VendorData

The base table responded in 42 seconds; the view responded in 30 seconds, which is about 18 percent faster. Although far from a formal test of scale-out capability, my tests indicated that distributed partitioned views provide an average 20 to 30 percent faster response time than a standalone server. Not incredibly impressive, but this example is fairly simplistic—more complex queries (and databases) would generate a greater performance increase as the complex query operations became spread across multiple servers. My example doesn’t have much in the way of complex query operations, so I realized a fairly minimal performance gain. Keep in mind that my goal with this test wasn’t to measure absolute performance, but rather to see whether any basic difference existed between distributed partitioned views and a straight, single-server query. As you can see, distributed partitioned views provides a performance benefit. Also notice that my queries were specifically chosen to pull all the rows in the database (or to at least make every row a candidate for selection), creating a fairly even distribution of work across the two servers. I deliberately avoided using queries that might be more real-world because they might also be affected by my less-than-scientific partitioning of the data. Conducting a Benchmark Make an effort to perform your own tests using data that is as real-world as possible, ideally copied from your production environment. In addition, run queries that reflect actual production workloads, allowing you to try several partitioning schemes until you find one that provides the best performance improvement over a single-server environment. Carefully document the environment for each test so that you can easily determine which scenario provides the best performance gains. Your tests should be easily repeatable—ideally, for example, running queries from saved files to ensure that each one is identical—so that you can make an even comparison of results. Your benchmarks should also be real-world, involving both queries and updates to data. You will be building a scale-out solution based on your benchmark results, so make sure that those results accurately reflect the production loads that your application will see.


Chapter 4

Summary Distributed partitioned views are a powerful tool for scaling out, providing shared-nothing clustering within the base SQL Server product. Distributed partitioned views require careful planning, testing, and maintenance to ensure an even overall distribution of querying workload across federation members, but the planning effort is worth it— distributed partitioned views allow you to grow beyond the limits of a single server. Using less-expensive, “commodity” PCbased servers, you can create increasingly large federations to spread the workload of large database applications—a tactic already employed to great effect in Web server farms throughout the industry. In the next chapter, I’ll look at additional scale-out techniques that distribute and partition data across multiple servers. These techniques are a bit more free-form and can be adapted to a variety of situations. We will explore how to set up replication and other SQL Server features to implement various additional scale-out scenarios.


Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Distributed and Partitioned Databases The phrases distributed and partitioned mean different things to different people when it comes to databases. Strictly speaking, distributed refers to any database that exists in more than one place (on more than one server), and a partitioned database is divided into multiple sections, with each section existing on a different server. In this chapter, I’ll discuss the pros and cons of these scale-out techniques and walk you through the steps necessary to implement each.

Pros and Cons There are a number of good and bad points about partitioned and distributed databases. In most applications, the biggest drawback to partitioned and distributed databases for database administrators and developers is the level of complexity. Involving more database servers in your environment obviously increases maintenance and administrative effort; changing the way in which data is distributed across servers can create obvious difficulties for client applications that are hard-coded to look for data in specific locations or, at least, on one server. Distributed Databases Distributed databases are an easy way to bring more processing power to a database application. There are two reasons to distribute: •

To place data in closer physical proximity to more users. For example, you might distribute a database so that a copy exists in each of your major field offices, providing a local database for each office’s users. To absorb a greater amount of traffic than a single database server can handle. For example, a Web site might use multiple read-only copies of a database for a sales catalog, helping to eliminate the database back end as a bottleneck in the number of hits the Web site can handle.

Replication is used to keep the databases in sync. For example, Figure 5.1 shows an example distributed database.


Chapter 5

Figure 5.1: A distributed database example.

In this example, the database exists on two servers, ServerA and ServerB. Each server contains an identical copy of the database, including the database schema and the actual data contained within the database. Suppose that a user adds a new database row to ServerB, which then replicates the changes to ServerA. Both servers again have an identical copy of the data. The downside to this arrangement is that the two database servers will always be slightly out of sync with one another, particularly in a busy environment in which data is added and changed frequently. SQL Server offers multiple types of replication (and SQL Server 2005 specifically adds database mirroring, which is conceptually similar to replication), which I’ll cover later in this chapter, that each uses a different method to strike a balance between overhead and synchronization latency.


Chapter 5 The design of your distributed database will affect its latency as well. For example, consider the four-server distributed database in Figure 5.2. In this example, the administrator has created a fully enmeshed replication topology, which means that each server replicates directly with every other server. Changes made on any one server are pushed out to the other three servers. This technique reduces latency because only one “hop” exists between any two servers. However, this technique also increases overhead, because each server must replicate each change three times.

Figure 5.2: A replication topology example.

Another technique is to have ServerA replicate changes only to ServerB; ServerB to ServerC; ServerC to ServerD; and ServerD to ServerA. This circular topology ensures that every server replicates each change only once, which reduces overhead. However, latency is increased because as many as three “hops” exist between any two servers. For example, a change made on ServerA must replicate to ServerB, then to ServerC, and then to ServerD—creating a much longer lag time before ServerD comes into sync with the rest of the servers. The amount of overhead and latency you are willing to tolerate will depend on how complex you are willing to make your environment, and how much overhead and latency your business applications and users can handle.


Chapter 5

Latency is the most important consideration, from a business perspective, in designing replication. At the very least, users need to be educated so that they understand that the database exists in multiple copies, and that the copies won’t always be in sync. Make users aware of average replication times so that they have reasonable expectations of, for example, the time necessary for their changes to be replicated. Your business needs will determine how much latency is acceptable. For example, latency of a couple of minutes might not matter to most applications. However, applications that depend on realtime data might not tolerate even a few seconds of latency; in such cases, an alternative, third-party solution for synchronizing data will be required.

The previous examples are geared toward a database that is distributed across multiple physical locations; another technique, which Figure 5.3 shows, is to create multiple database servers to support multiple Web servers.

Figure 5.3: Distributed databases for a Web site.

In this example, one database server holds a writable copy of the database. Internal users make changes to this copy, and the changes are then replicated to the read-only databases accessed by the Web servers. This model is infinitely scalable; if you determine that each database server can support , for example, 50 Web servers, then you simply deploy a new database server for every 50 Web servers you add to your environment. The technique works well primarily for read-only data, such as an online product catalog. Typically, the Web servers would access a second database server with data changes, such as new orders. 98

Chapter 5

Any data that doesn’t change very frequently or isn’t changed by a large number of users is an excellent candidate for this type of replication. A single, writable copy eliminates any possibility of conflicts, which can happen if data is changed in multiple locations. Multiple read-only copies provide an easy scale-out method for large applications, particularly Web sites that must support tens of thousands of users.

Partitioned Databases The previous Web site example makes a nice segue into the pros and cons of partitioned databases. Figure 5.4 shows an evolution of the Web site example that includes a fourth database server used to store customer orders. This server is written to by the Web servers.

Figure 5.4: A distributed and partitioned database.


Chapter 5 This example illustrates a form of partitioned database. Part of the database—the catalog information—is stored on one set of database servers; another part—customer orders—is stored on another server. The databases are interrelated, as customers place orders for products that are in the catalog. In this example, the purpose of the partitioning is to distribute the overall workload of the application across multiple servers; because the server storing orders doesn’t need to serve up product information, its power is conserved for processing new orders. In a particularly large Web site, multiple servers might be required to handle orders, and they might replicate data between one another so that each server contains a complete copy of all orders, making it easier for customers to track order status and so forth. Partitioning a database in this fashion presents challenges to the database administrator and the application developer. In this Web site example, the developer must know that multiple servers will be involved for various operations so that the Web servers send queries and order information to the appropriate server. Each Web server will maintain connections to multiple back-end database servers. This complexity can be dispersed—although not eliminated—by creating multi-tier applications. As Figure 5.5 shows, the Web servers deal exclusively with a set of middle-tier servers. The middle-tier servers maintain connections to the appropriate back-end database servers, simplifying the design of the Web application. This design introduces an entirely new application tier—the middle tier—which has to be developed and maintained, so the complexity hasn’t been eliminated; it has merely been shifted around a bit.


Chapter 5

Figure 5.5: Using an n-tier design to manage application complexity.

The point is that partitioned databases always increase complexity. Data has multiple paths across which it can flow, and different servers are designated with specific tasks, such as serving up catalog data or storing order data. These database designs can allow you to create staggeringly large database applications, but you will pay for the power in more complex maintenance and software development. This Web site scenario is an example of a vertically partitioned database, in which different tables of the database are handled by different servers. Figure 5.6 is a simpler model of vertical partitioning in which different tables are split between two servers. Again, the problem with this technique is that it places a burden on the software developer to know where specific bits of data are being stored.


Chapter 5 SQL Server offers components that help to reduce this complexity. For example, you can create views that pull from multiple tables on different servers. Views work similarly to distributed partitioned views, which I covered in the previous chapter. Distributed partitioned views are designed to work with horizontally partitioned databases; you can also create regular views that help to consolidate vertically partitioned data.

Figure 5.6: Typical vertical partitioning.

Views become a key to helping make the multiple servers appear to be one large server, a technique I’ll discuss later in this chapter when I show you how to implement partitioned databases. However, views don’t always work well if the servers are physically separated; partitioning a database usually precludes physically distributing the servers across WAN links for simple performance reasons.


Chapter 5

Design and Implementation Designing and implementing distributed or partitioned databases involves fairly straightforward decisions. Many applications, such as the Web site example I discussed in the previous section, might involve both partitioned and distributed databases. In cases of a mixed-approach scale-out method, handle the design of the distributed and partitioned portions individually. The fact that you are using both techniques as part of an overall solution doesn’t appreciably affect the design decisions you will make. Designing the Solution Designing a distributed database involves decisions that affect data latency and replication overhead; partitioning a database requires you to address concerns about application complexity and database maintenance. Three distinct designs are possible: •

• •

A distributed database in which each copy is a complete copy of the entire database and one copy does not “own” any particular rows. A distributed database in which each copy is a complete copy of the entire database and each copy of the database has been assigned, through horizontal partitioning, as the “owner” of particular rows. A vertically partitioned database in which each server contains only a portion of the database’s schema and data.

Distributed Databases A basic design rule is that a distributed database is useful when you need to make multiple copies of data available. Perhaps you want the copies to be physically distributed so that the copies are close to individual user populations, or perhaps you need multiple copies to support the back-end requirements for a large application. In either case, multiple copies of a database create specific problems: •

Changes to the copies must somehow be reconciled. Reconciliation has processing overhead associated with it. Reconciliation has a time factor, referred to as latency, associated with it.

SQL Server’s replication features are designed to handle data reconciliation with varying degrees of overhead, latency, and ability to handle conflicting changes. One way to neatly avoid most of the problems raised by distributed databases is to allow the copies of the database to be read-only. If changes are made only on one copy, then those changes are distributed to read-only copies, and you only need to be concerned about the latency in pushing out changes to the read-only copies. Some applications lend themselves to this approach; many do not.

To begin, let’s cover some basic SQL Server replication terminology. First, an article is the smallest unit of data that SQL Server can replicate. You can define an article to be a table, a vertical or horizontal partition of data, or an entire database. Articles can also represent specific stored procedures, views, and other database objects.


Chapter 5 Articles are made available from a publisher, which contains a writable copy of the data. A subscriber receives replication changes to the article. A distributor is a special middleman role that receives replication data from a publisher and distributes copies to subscribers, helping to reduce the load of replication on the publisher. A subscription is a collection of articles and a definition of how the articles will be replicated. Push subscriptions are generated by the publisher and sent to subscribers; pull subscriptions are made available to subscribers, which must connect to receive the subscription’s data. In a case in which multiple servers will contain writable copies of the data, each server will act both as publisher and subscriber. In other words, ServerA might publish any changes made to its copy of the data while simultaneously subscribing to changes that occur on ServerB, ServerC, and ServerD. SQL Server has no problem with a single server both sending and receiving changes to a database. SQL Server supports different types of replication: •

Snapshot replication is designed to copy an entire article of data at once. SQL Server must be able to obtain an exclusive lock on all the data contained in the article, and can compress the replicated data to conserve network bandwidth. Because of the requirement for an exclusive lock, snapshot replication isn’t suitable for high-volume transactional databases; this replication type is used primarily for data that is mostly static. Snapshots can be high-overhead when the snapshot is taken, meaning you’ll schedule snapshots to occur infrequently. Subscribers to the snapshot replace their copy of the data with the snapshot, meaning there is no capability to merge copies of the database and handle conflicts. Snapshots are often a required first step in establishing other types of replication so that multiple copies of the database are known to be in the same condition at the start of replication.

Snapshot replication is most useful for distributing read-only copies of data on an infrequent basis.

Transactional replication begins with an initial snapshot of the data. From there, publishers replicate individual transactions to subscribers. The subscribers replay the transactions on their copies of the data, which results in the copies of the database being brought into synchronization. No facility for handling conflicts is provided; if two publishers make changes to the same data, their published transactions will be played on all subscribers, and the last one to occur will represent the final state of the replicated data. Transactional replication is fairly low-bandwidth, low-overhead, and low-latency, making it ideal for most replication situations. It is often paired with a form of horizontal partitioning, which might assign specific database rows to specific copies of the database. Doing so helps to reduce data conflicts; you might, for example, assign different blocks of customer IDs to different field offices so that the different offices avoid making changes to each others’ data.

Transactional replication offers the easiest setup and ongoing maintenance. It deals poorly with conflicting changes, so it is best if the database is horizontally partitioned so that each publisher tends to change a unique group of rows within each table. Transactional replication is also well-suited to data that doesn’t change frequently or that is changed by a small number users connecting to a particular publisher.


Chapter 5 •

Merge replication is perhaps the most complex SQL Server replication technique. Also starting with a snapshot, merge replication works similarly to transactional replication except that interfaces are provided for dealing with conflicting changes to data. In fact, you can develop customized resolvers—or use one of SQL Server’s built-in resolvers—to automatically handle changes based on rules. Merge replication offers low-latency and creates an environment in which changes can be made to data in multiple places and resolved across the copies into a synchronized distributed database.

Merge replication offers the most flexibility for having multiple writable copies of data. However, this replication type can have higher administrative and software development overhead if SQL Server’s built-in default resolver isn’t adequate for your needs.

For merge replication, SQL Server includes a default resolver; its behavior can be a bit complex. Subscriptions can be identified as either global or local, with local being the default. For local subscriptions, changes made to the publisher of an article will always win over changes made by a subscriber. You might use this method if, for example, a central office’s copy of the database is considered to be more authoritative than field office copies. However, care must be taken in client applications to re-query data for changes, and users must be educated to understand that their changes to data can be overridden by changes made by other users. Subscriptions identified as global carry a priority—from 0.01 to 99.99. In this kind of subscription, subscribers are synchronized in descending order of priority, and changes are accepted in that order. Thus, you can define levels of authority for your data and allow certain copies of your data to have a higher priority than other copies. Merge replication was designed to understand the idea of changes occurring at both the subscriber and publisher, so you don’t need to create a fully enmeshed replication topology in which each copy of the data is both a publisher and subscriber. Instead, select a central copy to be the publisher and make all other copies subscribers; merge resolvers then handle the replication of changes from all copies.

SQL Server also includes an interactive resolver, which simply displays conflicting changes to data and allows you to select which change will be applied. It is unusual to use this resolver in an enterprise application, however; it is far more common to write a custom resolver if the default resolver doesn’t meet your needs. Custom resolvers can be written in any language capable of producing COM components, including Microsoft Visual C++. Of course, SQL Server 2005 integrates the Microsoft .NET Common Language Runtime, making .NET a possibility for writing merge resolvers. While SQL Server 2000 only supported COM-based resolvers, SQL Server 2005 supports both COMbased custom resolvers and business logic handlers written in managed (.NET) code.


Chapter 5 As I mentioned earlier, transactional replication is by far the most popular form of replication in SQL Server, in no small part because it is so easy to set up and an excellent choice when creating distributed databases. To help avoid the problem of conflicting changes, transactional replication is often paired with horizontal partitioning of data. For example, Figure 5.7 shows how a table has been divided so that one server contains all even-numbered primary keys, and a second server contains odd-numbered keys. This partitioning represents how the data is used—perhaps one office only works with odd-numbered clients and another focuses on the evens—reducing the number of data conflicts.

Figure 5.7: Horizontal partitioning and replication.

A more common technique is to create a portioning column. For example, customer records might have a Region column that contains a value indicating which regional field office deals with that customer the most. Conflicting changes to the customer’s data will be rare, as most changes will be made to only that region’s data, with the change then replicated to other regions’ database servers.


Chapter 5 Partitioned Databases Partitioning a database is usually performed to accomplish one of two goals: •

Distribute processing workload so that different database servers handle different portions of the database. This setup is usually accomplished through vertical partitioning. Segregate portions of the database so that, although copies exist on multiple servers, certain parts of the data are “owned” by only a single server. This setup is usually accomplished through horizontal partitioning and is often used in conjunction with replication, as I’ve already described.

Horizontal partitioning is a simpler matter, so I’ll cover it first. It is simply a matter of separating the rows of your database so that particular rows can be “owned” by a specific server. To do so, you follow the same process used to create distributed partitioned views (see Chapter 4 for more information about this process). You might have a specific partitioning column, as I’ve already described, which assigns rows based on criteria that is appropriated within your business (for example, a regional code, a range of customer IDs, a state, and so on). Vertical partitioning is more difficult because you’re splitting a database across multiple servers, as Figure 5.6 shows. Usually, you will split the database along table lines so that entire tables exist on one server or another. The best practice for this technique is to minimize the number of foreign key relationships that must cross over to other servers. Figure 5.8 shows an example.

Figure 5.8: Separating tables across servers.


Chapter 5 In this example, three tables dealing with orders and customers are kept on one server, and a table containing product information is stored on another server. This example shows only one foreign key relationship cross between servers—between the Products and OrderLines table. Depending on your needs, full partitioning might not be the best answer. For example, suppose you use the database design that Figure 5.8 shows. The reason for partitioning the database is so that the servers containing the product and order information can each handle a higher workload than if all that information was contained on a single server. An alternative technique is to keep a copy of the product information on the server that contains the order information. Doing so would improve performance for that server because the server could maintain its foreign key relationship locally. The second server could handle actual queries for product information and replicate product changes to the order server’s read-only copy of the table.

Implementing the Solution You’re ready to begin implementing your solution: What do you do first? If you’re planning a blend of distributed and partitioned databases, attack the partitioning piece first because it is usually the most complicated. Once that is finished, distribution becomes primarily a matter of setting up SQL Server replication to keep your distributed copies in sync. Distributed Databases One of the first things you’ll want to set up is replication publishing and distribution. The publisher of a subscription isn’t necessarily the same server that distributes the data to subscribers; the role of distributor can be offloaded to another SQL Server computer. To configure a server as a publisher or distributor, open SQL Server Management Studio (in SQL Server 2005; for SQL Server 2000, you use SQL Enterprise Manager and the steps are slightly different). From the Object Explorer, right-click Replication, then select Configure Distribution. As Figure 5.9 shows, a wizard will walk you through the necessary steps. You can either have the publisher be its own distributor (as shown), or select one or more other servers as distributors.


Chapter 5

Figure 5.9: Configuring a server to be its distributor.

When configuring replication, ensure that the SQL Server Agent is configured to start using a user account that is valid on all computers that will participate in replication; generally, that will mean using a domain user account. SQL Server Agent handles much of the work involved in replication and cannot be running under the default LocalSystem account if replication is to work.

To create a publication, right-click Local Publications under Replication in Management Studio, and select New Publication. In the dialog box that appears, follow these steps: 1. Select the database from which you want to publish data. 2. Select the type of replication—Snapshot, Transactional, or Merge—that you want to use.

Transactional is the most popular type, so I’ll use that for the remainder of these steps. 3. As Figure 5.10 shows, select the articles you want to publish. If you’re using replication

to distribute an entire database, you will select all of the tables shown.


Chapter 5

Figure 5.10: Select tables to include in the publication.

To quickly select all tables, click the Publish All checkbox in the right-hand window, next to Tables. 4. Finish by specifying a name for the publication. You can also specify additional

properties for the publication, including data filters, anonymous subscribers, and so forth. For more information about these additional properties, refer to SQL Server Books Online. The Local Publications list should be updated to reflect the new publication. You can also rightclick the Local Publications folder to examine the Publication Databases list (see Figure 5.11).


Chapter 5

Figure 5.11: The Publication Databases list.

There are several caveats associated with complex publications that involve multiple publishers. For example, by default, IDENTITY columns in a publication are not replicated as IDENTITY columns; they are simply replicated as normal INT columns. This default setting doesn’t allow the subscribers to update the tables and create new IDENTITY values; although SQL Server can certainly handle publications in which subscribers can create new IDENTITY values, setting up these publications requires more manual effort and is beyond the scope of this discussion. For more details, consult SQL Server Books Online. As an alternative, you can generate globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) to replace IDENTITY columns as unique keys. SQL Server can generate GUIDs for you, and will replicate GUIDs across servers with no conflict.

To subscribe to the publication, you will follow similar steps. For example, right-click Local Subscriptions to create a new subscription. As Figure 5.12 shows, a Wizard walks you through the entire process. 111

Chapter 5

Figure 5.12: Pushing subscriptions.

To create a pull subscription, open Management Studio on the subscriber. From the Replication sub-menu, select Pull Subscription. You will see a dialog box similar to the one in Figure 5.12 listing current subscriptions. Click Pull New Subscription to create a new subscription. Once replication is set up, it occurs automatically. SQL Server includes a Replication Monitor within Management Studio (see Figure 5.13) that you can use to monitor the processes involved in replication. In this case, the Log Reader agent is the service that monitors the SQL Server transaction log for new transactions to published articles; when it finds transactions, it engages the distributor to distribute the transactions to subscribers of the published articles.


Chapter 5

Figure 5.13: Monitoring replication.

Partitioned Databases Vertically partitioned databases are very easy to create—simply move tables from one server to another. Deciding which tables to move is the difficult part of the process, and reprogramming client applications to deal with the new distribution of data can be a major undertaking. Unfortunately, there are no tools or rules for designing the partitioning of a database. You will need to rely on your own knowledge of how the database works, and perhaps performance numbers that tell you which tables are most often accessed as a set. Spreading commonlyaccessed tables across multiple servers is one way to help ensure a performance benefit in most situations.


Chapter 5 There are also no tools for reprogramming your client applications to deal with the newly partitioned database. However, SQL Server does make it possible to create an abstraction between the data a client application sees and the way in which that data is physically stored, partitioned, or distributed. One technique to help make it easier for programmers to deal with partitioned databases is views. Figure 5.14 shows an example of a vertically partitioned database in which different tables exist on different servers. A view can be used to combine the two tables into a single virtual table, which programmers can access as if it were a regular table. Stored procedures can provide a similar abstraction of the underlying, physical data storage. Applications could be written to deal entirely with the actual, physical tables; the virtual tables represented by views; or a combination of the two, depending on your environment. Keep in mind that the server hosting the view uses a bit more overhead to collect the distributed data and assemble the view; be sure to plan for this additional overhead in your design and place the views accordingly. It’s also possible to use SQL Server as middle tier in partitioned database schemes. For example, you might have tables spread across ServerA and ServerB, and construct views on ServerC. Client applications would deal solely with ServerC, and ServerC would assemble virtual tables from the data on ServerA and ServerB. This setup requires significant planning but can provide a useful abstraction so that software developers don’t need to be concerned with how the data is physically distributed. In addition, this configuration prevents either ServerA or ServerB from hosting all the views related to the database application.


Chapter 5

Figure 5.14: Using a view with a partitioned database.


Chapter 5

Best Practices Creating best practices for distributed and partitioned databases is difficult; every business situation has unique needs and challenges that make it difficult to create a single set of beneficial rules. However, there are certainly guidelines that have proven effective in a wide variety of situations. Don’t consider these hard and fast rules—take them as a starting point for your designs: •

Reduce the number of subscribers that a publisher must deal with when it is also acting as a database server for users or database applications. If necessary, create a standalone distributor so that the publisher only needs to replicate data once (to the distributor), after which the distributor handles the brunt of the replication work to the subscribers. If latency is an issue, employ transactional or merge replication and create a fully enmeshed replication topology. If latency is not an issue—for example, a product catalog being distributed to read-only copies might only need to be replicated once a week—then use snapshot replication. As I’ve already mentioned, minimize the number of cross-server foreign key relationships and other cross-server object references when vertically partitioning a database. Cross-server references pass through SQL Server’s Linked Servers functionality (which I described in Chapter 4) and can have a negative impact on overall performance if overused. Minimize the potential for data conflicts in replication so that you can use simpler transactional replication rather than the more complex merge replication. Horizontally partitioning tables so that each copy of the database “owns” particular rows can go a long way toward reducing data collisions (or conflicts) and can make transactional replication more viable in an environment with multiple writable copies of a database. Reduce the programming complexity of vertically partitioned databases by making use of views and stored procedures. These objects can abstract the underlying physical database structure so that software developers deal with a single set of objects (views and stored procedures) regardless of where the underlying data is actually situated.

Working with distributed or partitioned databases can be especially difficult for software developers, so make sure you include them in your initial scale-out design processes. They will need to understand what will need to change, if anything, in their client applications. In addition, perform basic benchmark testing to determine whether your proposed scale-out solution provides tangible performance benefits for your end users; how client applications function will play a major role in that performance. Including software developers in the planning and testing stages will help ensure more accurate results.


Chapter 5

Benchmarks Measuring the performance of a scale-out solution that uses distributed and/or partitioned databases can be complex because it is difficult to determine what to measure. For example, suppose you’ve created a distributed database like the one that Figure 5.3 illustrates. The purpose is to allow more Web servers to exist by having multiple copies of a database. All hardware being equal, a new database server should double the potential throughput of your Web site, because the new database server can support the same number of servers as the original database server. Similarly, if your existing Web farm can handle 10,000 users per hour with one back-end database and 10 Web servers, having two back-end database servers and 20 Web servers should provide the power for 20,000 users per hour. The main thing to measure is end-user response time because that metric is ultimately the sign of success or failure in any IT project.

This type of calculation becomes less straightforward when you move into more complex—and realistic—scenarios like the one that Figure 5.4 shows. In this case, the central Orders database server could serve as a performance bottleneck, preventing you from exactly doubling your site’s overall user capacity. You could also be using distributed databases in a scenario like the one I showed you in Figure 5.2, with multiple database servers housed in different physical locations. Again, hardware being equal, each database server should be able to handle an equal number of users. However, the actual performance gain from such a scenario can be greater than simply providing more power at the database tier. For example, suppose you start out with a single database server located in a central office, and field office users connect via WAN. And suppose that your database server is approaching its performance limits with several thousand company users connecting each day. Adding a server at your two major field offices would provide two performance benefits: the workload of the database application would be distributed across three servers (which will allow each server to maintain peak efficiency) and users will be accessing data across a LAN—rather than a WAN—which will create at least the perception of improved application performance. Figure 5.15 illustrates how network speed provides the performance gain.


Chapter 5

Figure 5.15: Local SQL Server computers have an impact on perceived performance.

To illustrate this concept with another example, suppose your original server, located at one of your company’s two offices, can support all 5000 of your company users, which is far from the server’s limit. Half of the users access the data across a WAN link. Now suppose you get another identical server and place it in your other office. Neither server will be working close to its capacity, but the second office will definitely see a performance benefit from the distributed database because they are now accessing data across the LAN instead of across the slower WAN link. The first office’s users won’t see any performance change at best; at worst, they might see a slight decrease in performance as a result of the additional load of replication (performance degradation is unlikely in this case; replication isn’t that big of a burden in a scenario such as this). This setup illustrates how it can be difficult to measure the performance gains of a distributed database scale-out solution—there are several factors completely unrelated to SQL Server that can affect users’ perception of performance.


Chapter 5 Measuring the success of a vertically partitioned database can be even more difficult. It’s nearly impossible to measure the performance each table contributes to an application’s performance. For example, if you were to divide a database between two servers so that exactly half the tables were on each server, it’s unlikely that you would double performance. The reason is that some tables are more heavily used than others. Additionally, a poorly designed partitioning scheme can hurt performance by forcing servers to rely too much on remote foreign key tables, which must be queried across the LAN. The only accurate way to measure the performance benefits—or drawbacks—of a vertical partitioning scheme is to objectively measure the performance of the database application as a whole. In other words, construct metrics such as maximum number of users or average response time for specific user activities. By measuring these end user-based metrics, you will be able to account for all of the various factors that can affect performance, and arrive at an objective performance measurement for the application as a whole.

Summary Distributing and partitioning databases are time-tested flexible ways to increase the performance of a database application. In fact, distributed partitioned views, which I discussed in the previous chapter, are an outgrowth and refinement of the database distribution and partitioning techniques I’ve discussed in this chapter. Distributing a database gives you the flexibility to place multiple copies of data in a single location and balance workload between the copies. Alternatively, you can distribute data across locations to provide faster access to different groups of users. Partitioning—both horizontal and vertical—can also provide a performance gain, particularly for well-designed databases that offer logical divisions in either tables or rows. It is not a straightforward task to predict performance gains from distributing and partitioning databases. It’s difficult to fire off sample queries against a non-distributed copy of a database and compare the results to the performance of a distributed copy; the nature of distribution is to increase potential capacity, not necessarily to increase the performance of individual queries. When making performance comparisons, consider the total activity of an entire application to determine the effectiveness of your scale-out solution. In the next chapter, I’ll focus on Windows Clustering. Clustering is a common addition to scaleout solutions, as it prevents the single point of failure that a database server can represent. By clustering SQL Server computers, you can create a multiple-server scale-out solution that isn’t vulnerable to the failure of a single piece of server hardware.


Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Windows Clustering You’re considering a scale-out solution to ensure that the many users who need access to data can do so without worrying about downtime. In fact, your organization wants to avoid downtime at all costs. Enter Windows clustering. Although Windows clustering isn’t a requirement in a scale-out solution, it offers a higher level of availability than standalone servers can provide. I want to emphasize that Windows Clustering isn’t a scale-out solution in and of itself; it is, however, a common addition to scale-out solutions because it provides the high availability that scale-out solutions often require. SQL Server 2005 also provides database mirroring, a high-availability solution that provides similar capabilities. In addition to Windows Clustering, this chapter will briefly discuss database mirroring.

Clustering Overview Microsoft has offered clustering as an option since NT 4.0, Enterprise Edition. In Win2K, only the Advanced Server and Datacenter Server editions include clustering capabilities; with WS2K3, the Standard Edition also includes the clustering capability. There are several non-Microsoft solutions for clustering SQL Server, many of which also provide SQL Server-specific advantages such as real-time replication capabilities. However, for this chapter we’ll focus on the Windows Cluster Service software provided with Windows.

Clustering Terminology Before we explore clustering in more detail, it is important to define some basic terminology to prevent confusion. The following list highlights the essential clustering terms: •

• •

Node—A single server within a cluster. It’s called a node to distinguish it from other non-clustered servers. Cluster—Any collection of one or more nodes. Even a cluster with just one node is considered a cluster: If you have a 2-node cluster, and one node fails, you’re left with a 1node cluster. Virtual server—End users and client applications don’t connect directly to cluster nodes; they connect to virtual servers, which represent specific services—such as file sharing, Exchange Server, and SQL Server—that the cluster can provide. Virtual servers can be passed back and forth across cluster nodes, allowing the service to remain available even if a particular node isn’t.


Chapter 6 •

Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI)—One of the most popular means of connecting high-speed storage, normally in the form of hard drives, to a computer. Although SCSI is most often thought of in terms of copper cabling, it’s also used in Fiber Channel implementations, iSCSI implementations (running SCSI over normal Ethernet connections), and so forth. SCSI is an important part of Windows clustering. Failover—When a cluster node fails, failover is the process used by other nodes in the cluster to assume the responsibilities of the failed node. An administrator can perform a manual failover, transferring services from one node to another in order to take a node offline for maintenance.

How Clusters Work Windows Clustering is based on a shared-nothing model, which means that none of the cluster nodes have access to the same resources at the same time. The easiest way to examine Windows clustering is to consider a simple, two-node, active-passive cluster running a single instance of SQL Server, such as the one that Figure 6.1 shows.

Figure 6.1: Basic single-node, active-passive cluster.

In this example, two servers are nodes in the cluster. Each node provides private storage for the OS and any applications the cluster will run, such as SQL Server. This private storage can be in the form you prefer, such as internal hard drives or an external drive array.


Chapter 6 The nodes are also connected to a single external drive array. All of the nodes are connected to this array, but they can’t all access the array at the same time. The external array can be as simple as a RAID cabinet provided by your server vendor or more powerful, such as an EMC storage cabinet. Regardless, the external storage must be configured to have at least two logical volumes: one large volume will be used to store data from clustered applications such as SQL Server, and a small volume is required for the cluster’s quorum resource, a file that describes the cluster’s configuration. The “shared” external drive array provides a single SCSI bus. Both nodes connect to this bus, although their controllers must have different SCSI device ID numbers. Only one computer can successfully communicate over the bus at a time; thus, the Windows Cluster Service controls the nodes’ communications over the bus. As a result of the special level of control required, only certain SCSI array controllers that provide cluster-compatible drivers can be used in a cluster configuration.

Also note that the nodes share a network connection to one another. This connection can be as simple as a crossover cable, or the connection can be run through a more traditional hub or switch. This private network connection will carry the heartbeat signal, a continuous pulse that proves the cluster’s active node is still functioning. You could run this heartbeat over the regular network connection that connects the nodes to the rest of your network, but you run the risk of occasional spikes in network traffic delaying the heartbeat. A delayed heartbeat could result in unnecessary failovers; thus, it is best to use a dedicated connection. Cluster Startup When you start up the first node in the cluster, it runs Windows normally. When the Windows Cluster Service starts, the service performs a bus reset on the shared SCSI array. After performing the reset, the service pauses to determine whether another attached node performs a similar reset. When none does (because no other node is turned on yet), the node determines that it is the first node in the cluster and immediately begins starting all clustered resources. Clustered resources typically include the external storage array, one or more virtual computer names, one or more virtual IP addresses, and clustered applications such as DHCP, Exchange Server, and SQL Server. Clustered applications’ executable files are stored on the node’s private storage; their data is stored on the cluster’s shared external array. Clients use the virtual computer names and IP addresses to talk to the cluster and the clustered applications; because any node in the cluster can potentially respond to these virtual names and addresses, clients will always be able to contact the cluster even if a particular node isn’t available. When the second (and subsequent) nodes are started up, they also perform a SCSI bus reset. However, the first node owns the external storage resource at this time, so it immediately performs its own bus reset. The second node sees this reset, determines that the cluster is already running, and assumes a passive role. In this role, the second node simply monitors the incoming heartbeat signal and waits for the active node to fail. Any clustered services—such as SQL Server—are held in a suspended state rather than started normally. Figure 6.2 illustrates the cluster’s condition.


Chapter 6

Figure 6.2: An active and a passive node in a 2-node cluster.

The passive node is only passive with regard to the cluster. In other words, it’s possible for the passive node to perform useful work because it is a fully fledged Windows server. The node simply focuses on non-clustered applications. For example, you can run a reporting application on the passive “spare” node, allowing the node to be useful while acting as a backup for the functioning active node. Cluster Operations While the cluster is working, incoming traffic is sent to the cluster’s virtual IP addresses. The active node responds to this traffic, routing it to the appropriate applications. In fact, the only practical difference between the active node and any other Windows server is that the node is sending a heartbeat signal to the other nodes in the cluster. Interestingly, the clusters don’t use a virtual MAC address to respond to incoming traffic. When clients (or a router) needs to forward traffic to the active node, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) sends out a request for the MAC address, including the requested cluster IP address in the request. The active node sees the request and responds with its own MAC address. Should the active node fail, a few requests might be sent before clients (and routers) realize that they are not getting a response; in that case, the client (and routers) would resend the ARP request, and whichever node had taken over for the failed node will respond with its own MAC address.


Chapter 6 Thus, clustered applications’ client components must be willing to resend requests in order to reestablish connectivity when a cluster node fails and the passive node takes over. One reason that SQL Server works so well as a clustered application is that Microsoft wrote both the client and server end: Although you might have a custom client application running on your users’ computers, that application is probably using Microsoft’s ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), or ADO.NET in order to connect to SQL Server. Those database connectivity objects will automatically resend requests to the server as needed, instantly making your custom client applications cluster-aware. While the cluster is running, you can transfer the cluster’s active node responsibility from node to node. Although similar to a failover, this process is much more controlled. Essentially, you transfer a group of cluster resources—such as a virtual computer name, IP address, and SQL Server service—from one node to another. On the newly active node, those services will begin to start, while at the same time they begin to shut down on the now-passive node. Generally, a transfer of resources from one node to another takes about half a minute or less, depending upon the specific applications and services involved. Transferring services in this fashion allows you to perform maintenance on cluster nodes while keeping the overall clustered application available to your users. Cluster Failover At some point, an active cluster node will fail. When it does, its heartbeat signal stops, telling the passive node that there is a problem. The passive node performs a bus reset on the external, shared SCSI bus array. When the formerly active node doesn’t perform its own reset, the passive node determines that the other node has failed. The SCSI bus reset step is an extra precaution. If the heartbeat signal had failed momentarily due to a network problem, the SCSI bus reset would keep the passive node from seizing control of the cluster when the active node is still working. When both steps—the heartbeat and the bus reset—fail, the passive node knows it’s time to step in and take over.

The passive node now seizes control of the cluster, appointing itself active node. It quickly reads the quorum resource to determine how the cluster is currently configured, and begins starting clustered services and applications. It also begins responding to the cluster’s virtual IP addresses and names. Within about 30 seconds, the passive node is the active node. Figure 6.3 illustrates failover in a sample cluster.


Chapter 6

Figure 6.3: Failover of cluster resources to the passive node.

Windows Clustering supports a concept called failback, where the cluster will attempt to shift clustered resources back to the original, preferred node. For example, suppose you built your cluster so that the passive node is performing other, non-clustered work, and you don’t want it being the active node in the cluster for any longer than necessary. To configure this preference, you designate within the Cluster Service that one node is the preferred node for clustered resources. Whenever that node is online, all resources will be transferred to it. If it fails and is subsequently restarted, all cluster services will transfer back to it once it is online again. However, the back-and-forth of clustered resources across nodes can prove annoying and disruptive to users. To prevent disruption, you can configure failback policy to only occur during evening hours, and to stop occurring if the preferred node fails a certain number of times.


Chapter 6

Active-Active Clusters To eliminate the waste of having one server sitting around in case the other fails, you have the option to create active-active clusters. In an active-active cluster, each node performs useful work and is backed up by the other nodes. For example, consider the cluster in Figure 6.4.

Figure 6.4: An active-active, 2-node cluster.

This figure illustrates two logical clusters implemented across two nodes. Each logical cluster has a set of resources, including an external drive array that is connected to both nodes, a virtual IP address, a virtual name, and one or more clustered applications. Under normal circumstances, each node owns one set of resources, just as a standalone server might. One cluster is highlighted in yellow, and the other in blue. When a failure occurs, one node can own both sets of clustered resources, effectively becoming two servers on one machine. Depending on how you design the cluster, its performance might be much lower than it was when both nodes were running; but poor performance is often better than no performance. Figure 6.5 shows the failed-over configuration, with one server handling both logical clusters.


Chapter 6

Figure 6.5: An active-active cluster in failover condition.

Windows Clustering in later editions of Windows, such as WS2K3 Enterprise Edition and Datacenter Edition, can handle more than just two nodes in a cluster. In fact, it’s not uncommon to have 4-node clusters running SQL Server in an active-active-active-active configuration. In these configurations, each node is a functioning SQL Server, and any node can take over for the failure of any other node. In fact, it’s theoretically possible for three of the four servers to fail and for all four logical clusters to continue serving clients. However, to actually achieve this level of redundancy, you would need to engineer each cluster to handle no more than 20 to 30 percent of its maximum capacity under normal conditions. That level of over-engineering can be expensive, which is why most cluster designers target 60 percent utilization, allowing each node to carry the load of two nodes with only slightly degraded overall application performance.


Chapter 6

Clusters for High Availability Clustering obviously offers advantages when building highly available solutions of almost any kind. However, before you assume that clustering is the perfect solution to high availability, consider one important fact: Clustering only provides protection against total hardware failures in either node. It does not protect against a hardware failure in the external drive arrays, nor does it protect against software failure that corrupts application data. External drive arrays are usually built in RAID arrays, offering a level of protection against a single drive failure. Nothing, however, can protect against a corrupted database file. For example, suppose you build a 2-node, active-passive SQL Server cluster. A year later, one of your MDF database files is damaged. No amount of clustering will help, because clustering doesn’t provide redundancy for that database file. You will still need to have a good backup in order to restore the database, and your database is going to be unavailable until you do restore it. Database Mirroring in SQL Server 2005 One weak point in Windows Clustering is the data store. As I’ve described, each virtual SQL Server instance has only one copy of its data, which is stored on some form of external storage, such as a Storage Area Network (SAN) or a directly connected external storage array. If that data store becomes corrupted, the virtual SQL Server is useless. In other words, Windows Clustering provides high availability only for the cluster’s hardware, not its data. SQL Server 2005 introduces a new technology called database mirroring. Essentially, you maintain a completely independent, spare SQL Server 2005 computer, that mirrors, or copies, one or more databases from one or more other SQL Server 2005 computers. These mirrors are continuously updated, so that if the primary server fails, the backup server can be pressed into service with a minimum of downtime. SQL Server 2005 provides techniques to help that “failover” occur quickly and automatically. Database mirroring is, in fact, a kind of clustering (using the term clustering in a generic sense), although the servers in the “cluster” don’t share the same close relationship as those in a Windows cluster do. Because mirroring is configured on a per-database, rather than per-server, basis you have a lot of configuration flexibility: A single backup server can contain mirrors, for example, from many production servers. Like Windows Clustering, database mirroring doesn’t provide load balancing, meaning it isn’t, in and of itself, a scale-out solution. It does, however, provide the high availability that many scale-out solutions require.

Clusters for Scaling Out In Chapter 4, I showed you how to create scale-out solutions using distributed, partitioned databases. In these databases, the actual database data is partitioned horizontally and spread across two or more servers, which are referred to as a federation of servers. This federation works together through distributed partitioned views to act as a single, giant SQL Server: Each federation member contributes a portion of the data necessary to fulfill queries, allowing various pieces of the query to be executed in parallel for much faster results. Distributed partitioned views are a good scale-out technique in certain situations. From a software development standpoint, they are one of the easiest scale-out techniques to implement on SQL Server; however, they don’t offer the best performance in every situation. Figure 6.6 provides a simplified illustration of how a distributed partitioned view works with a server federation.


Chapter 6

Figure 6.6: Distributed partitioned views allow multiple servers to contribute to a single set of query results.

Another technique is data-dependent routing. In this technique, a custom middle tier of your application takes the place of the distributed partitioned view, handling the routing of queries to the server or servers that contain the required data. This technique is useful in cases in which the data can’t be horizontally partitioned in such a way to have most users querying most of their data directly from the server containing that data. In other words, when a distributed partitioned view would have to acquire a significant amount of data from another server on a regular basis, data-dependent routing provides better performance. However, data-dependent routing requires significantly more development effort and might less-readily accommodate back-end repartitioning. Distributed partitioned views and federated servers, however, are extremely vulnerable to hardware failure. A single hardware failure in any of the four servers that the figure shows could result in the entire application becoming unusable because one-fourth of the application’s data is unavailable. The result is that a single, even minor, failure—such as a processor power module or server power supply failure—could result in all four servers, and the entire application, being completely useless. Clustering can help. By implementing the four servers in an active-active-active-active cluster (or even as two independent active-active clusters), the failure of a single piece of hardware won’t affect the availability of the overall application. In this case, clustering isn’t providing a scale-out solution by itself, but it is contributing to the reliability of an existing scale-out solution. Figure 6.7 shows a more detailed view of how the federated servers might be built into a 4-node cluster.


Chapter 6

Figure 6.7: A 4-node cluster in a server federation.

In the event that a single server fails, one of the others can take over for it, acting as two virtual SQL Server computers while the one node is offline. Figure 6.8 illustrates how the cluster failover process ensures that all of the application’s data is available, even when a single federation member is unavailable.


Chapter 6

Figure 6.8: Clustering provides fault tolerance in a server federation.

The distributed partitioned views will probably run somewhat slower when one server must carry the workload of two, but slower performance is usually more acceptable than the entire application simply being unavailable due to a single server failure.


Chapter 6

Setting Up Clusters Setting up a cluster is a fairly straightforward process. You can perform the setup completely remotely using WS2K3’s Cluster Administrator console. Simply launch the console, and when prompted, select the action to create a new cluster, as Figure 6.9 shows.

Figure 6.9: Creating a new cluster.

Next, you’ll provide some basic information about the new cluster, including its domain. Cluster nodes must belong to a Windows domain so that the clusters can communicate by using a single user account. Without a domain, it’s impossible for two servers to share a user account. Figure 6.10 shows the dialog box in which you’ll enter the domain information and the proposed name of the new cluster.

Figure 6.10: Entering the cluster name and domain.


Chapter 6 Next, you’ll provide the name of the first node in the cluster. This node must be an existing server, and it must meet the pre-requisites for being a cluster node. Figure 6.11 shows the dialog box in which you enter this information.

Figure 6.11: Selecting the first cluster node.

Next, the wizard will attempt to verify the information you’ve entered and determine whether a cluster can be created. A status dialog box, which Figure 6.12 shows, keeps you apprised of the wizard’s status.


Chapter 6

Figure 6.12: Analyzing the proposed cluster configuration.

Figure 6.13 shows the dialog box that the wizard presents when the node you specified isn’t suitable to be a cluster node. This dialog box is common because Windows is picky about cluster requirements.


Chapter 6

Figure 6.13: Cluster pre-creation check failed.

The following list provides the pre-requisites for a Windows cluster: •

• • • •

The nodes must all belong to the same domain. You must run the cluster creation wizard as a member of the Domain Admins group in the domain that contains the cluster nodes. The first cluster node must have internal storage and at least two other logical volumes. These volumes will be used to contain the cluster quorum resource and application data, respectively. These volumes must also be on a SCSI controller—not an IDE controller. Each node must have the correct OS—either Enterprise Server Edition or Datacenter Server Edition for cluster nodes. Disks shared between the nodes must be basic disks; they cannot be dynamic disks or spanned volumes. The disks must be formatted with NTFS.

Some third-party products allow for the use of dynamic disks in a cluster; search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for “server cluster dynamic disks” for updated information.

Each node must have a static IP address, and the cluster itself must have an additional static IP address. You will need yet another static IP address for each virtual SQL Server instance you create.


Chapter 6 Assuming your nodes meet the requirements, the cluster creation wizard will complete successfully. You will run the wizard again to add the second and subsequent nodes to the cluster, and when you’re finished, you’ll have a complete cluster containing however many nodes you specified. When completed, your cluster will contain basic resources. These resources are initially assigned to the first node in the cluster, although you can transfer them as you like. The resources are organized into resource groups, and, generally speaking, all of the resources in a resource group are dependent upon one another and must be transferred as a group. For example, one of the most important resources is the Cluster Disk resource, which represents the cluster’s external disk. The quorum resource, which represents the cluster’s quorum configuration, resides on the Cluster Disk, and so must be transferred with it. Likewise, the cluster’s virtual name and IP address also depend on the Cluster Disk and must be transferred with it. In an active-active cluster, you’ll have multiple cluster disks, names, and IP addresses, which can be transferred, as a group, independent of the other groups, as the following example illustrates. Resource Group A Cluster Disk E: Quorum Resource Cluster name “ClusterA” Cluster IP “” Owned by Node A. Potential owners: Node A, Node B

Resource Group B Cluster Disk F: Quorum Resource Cluster name “ClusterB” Cluster IP “” Owned by Node B. Potential owners: Node A, Node B

In this active-active configuration, either node can own either resource group or one node can own both resource groups if the other node happens to be offline. SQL Server is installed as another set of resources, which are dependent upon cluster disks, IP addresses, quorums, and so forth. You can create multiple quorums, IP addresses, and other shared resources within a cluster. Suppose, for example, that you have a cluster running both SQL Server and Exchange Server. The cluster contains two nodes. Node A contains an instance of SQL Server and an instance of Exchange Server. Node B contains an active instance of SQL Server. With the right combination of disks, quorums, and other resources, you could transfer Exchange Server, for example, to Node B independently of Node A’s SQL Server instance. Or, if Node A fails, both its SQL Server instance and Exchange Server instance could be transferred to Node B—which would then be running Exchange Server and two copies of SQL Server. Such a configuration is not recommended, but is useful to illustrate the cluster’s capabilities.


Chapter 6

SQL Server and Windows Clusters SQL Server is easy to set up on a cluster. First, create the cluster, including all the nodes. Ensure that all the nodes are turned on, and test the cluster’s failover capabilities with the basic resources created by the cluster creation wizard. Next, simply install SQL Server on one of the cluster nodes. SQL Server will automatically detect the presence of Windows Clustering on the node and install in a clustered configuration. Each node will receive the proper SQL Server software, and the necessary clustered resources will be created in the Cluster Administrator console. You can then use Cluster Administrator to configure a preferred node for SQL Server, if desired, and to configure other cluster-specific settings. During installation, you’ll specify a virtual server name and an IP address for SQL Server to use. Clients will use this name and IP address to access the SQL Server databases on the cluster. If you’re creating an active-active cluster, simply repeat SQL Server Setup for each active node. In each instance, specify a unique SQL Server virtual server name and IP address. Each time you run SQL Server Setup in this fashion, you’ll create a new active instance of SQL Server on the cluster, including the proper cluster resources in Cluster Administrator. For example, in a 2-node, active-active cluster, each node will contain two separate instances of SQL Server, which you’ll be able to see in the Services console. SQL Server utilizes its multiinstance capability so that each cluster node runs two distinct instances of SQL Server’s services, including SQL Server Agent and the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC). The services are only started on the active node: Instance 1 might be started on Node A, while Instance 2 is started on Node B. In the event Node B fails, then Node A will start its copies of the Instance 2 services, allowing Node A to effectively act as two SQL Server computers. This behavior isn’t unusual. Remember that you can install multiple named instances of SQL Server on any Windows computer, allowing that computer to respond as if it were multiple SQL Server computers. Clustering simply coordinates the failover and service startup between multiple computers. For example, it’s possible—although it sounds complicated—to have a 2-node cluster with four instances of SQL Server. Node A might normally run Instances 1 and 2; Node B would normally run Instances 3 and 4. You would run SQL Server Setup four times to create this configuration, and if either node failed, Windows Clustering would move all available instances to the surviving node.


Chapter 6

Clustering Best Practices There are a few practices related to clustering that are a good idea to follow. These best practices will help you avoid problems, maximize performance, and reduce frustration: •

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Configure all cluster nodes to meet the clustering requirements before beginning. This step includes formatting partitions on both the nodes’ private storage as well as on the external storage that the nodes will share. Use identical network adapters in all nodes (down to the firmware version). Use built-in network adapters only if there are enough to meet the cluster’s needs (usually two). Provide separate network connections for the private heartbeat connection and public client connections. Avoid using teaming network adapters on the private heartbeat connection; they can cause problems that make the heartbeat appear to fail. Bind network adapter protocols so that the external, public network is bound first, then the internal heartbeat connection. Bind remote access connections last. Do not rely on automatic network adapter configuration. Manually configure each adapter’s driver to use the correct speed and duplex settings. Configure port switches manually as well. Use private IP addresses—such as 192.168.0/24—for the private network between the cluster nodes. Don’t configure the private network adapters to use DHCP, DNS, or WINS; you especially don’t want the private addresses being published to name resolution databases, as doing so will result in clients being unable to connect. Don’t configure a default gateway; reserve that for the public adapters. Change the name of the network connections in Windows from Local Area Connection to Private Network and Public Network so that you can more easily tell the difference when creating the cluster. Once the cluster is set up, don’t mess with the default Cluster Group. Don’t add resources or applications to it, and don’t modify the ones that are already there by default.

Above all else, I recommend purchasing cluster-compatible hardware (consult Microsoft’s Cluster Hardware Compatibility List) whenever possible. Although there is no rule that says you can’t configure and build your own cluster from hardware that isn’t specifically listed as being cluster-compatible, doing so can be a complicated task (see the sidebar “The Myth of Specialized Cluster Hardware”).


Chapter 6

The Myth of Specialized Cluster Hardware Microsoft has always maintained a separate Cluster Hardware Compatibility List (CHCL, now often referred to as the Windows Catalog), which lists hardware that has been tested and found to work well with the Windows Cluster Service. The existence of this list has given rise to the rumor that cluster hardware is somehow “special.” It’s not. In fact, you can put together a perfectly functional cluster with offthe-shelf, or commodity, computer parts that you pick up at a local swap meet. Of course, for reliability and performance reasons, you’ll want to purchase well-made hardware—but that doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune. Nearly any server on the market that supports SCSI (or can have SCSI support added) and runs Windows Server can be a cluster node. Thus, there are a wide range of options for a variety of budgets, and clusters are well within the reach of any SQL Server scale-out project. That said, your hardware will need to provide SCSI drivers that support the Cluster Service’s special requirements, and those drivers may often require specialized installation steps, such as locating the SCSI controller card in a particular expansion slot within the server chassis. Any special requirements can often be obtained from your server vendor, but they are also one of the reasons I recommend buying preconfigured clusters when possible—to ensure that all the tricky bits are in the right place when you unpack the box. So why bother with Microsoft's CHCL? Support. Components and entire clusters that are on the CHCL have been tested and are known to work with clustering. Other systems and components have not been tested and might create technical difficulties. Microsoft support policies generally don't provide you with support if you're running clusters on non-CHCL systems or with non-CHCL components.

In this age of heightened security, it’s worth mentioning cluster security best practices: •

• • • • • •

Don’t expose cluster members to the Internet without the use of a firewall or other protective measures. Do not add the Cluster Service account to the Domain Admins group or use a member of that group to start the service. It isn’t necessary. Do not assign a normal user account to the Cluster Service. The service’s account shouldn’t be used for interactive logons by administrators or other users. Applications installed in the cluster should have their own service accounts; don’t reuse the Cluster Service’s account. If you have more than one cluster, use a different service account for the cluster services in each cluster. Keep the quorum disk completely private to the cluster. Don’t share files or store application data on it. Don’t mess with the permissions on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Loosening security on this registry hive can give attackers an easy way to gain administrative or system permissions on cluster members.


Chapter 6

Optimizing SQL Server Cluster Performance Optimizing SQL Server on a cluster is pretty much the same as optimizing SQL Server on a standalone server. However, there are a few cluster-specific performance considerations: •

High-speed disk storage is a must. Rely on Fiber Channel SANs, high-performance storage, and hardware RAID and mirroring (as appropriate). Clustering requires shareable external storage, which can be expensive, so there is a budget-minded tendency to forget SQL Server best practices and place the data and log files onto the same partition; don’t do so. Partition the external storage at the hardware level and create separate partitions for data files, log files, and so on, just like you would on a standalone server. Carefully plan your performance measurements and goals. If you have each node in a cluster constantly running at 90 percent utilization, performance will be slow when a node fails and the other node attempts to put out 180 percent performance. Your actual performance from an application standpoint will probably drop to something like 40 percent, instead of 50 percent, simply because the remaining node is wasting resources just trying to keep up.

Think carefully before selecting a non-Microsoft clustering solution. Although such solutions offer innovative features such as the ability to have multiple SQL Server computers accessing a single set of database files at the same time, such solutions rely on proprietary “shared clustering” techniques that Microsoft specifically chose not to use due to sometimes slow performance (due to database locking issues) and greater risk of damage to data. Be sure you completely understand the details of any solution you investigate.

Case Study I worked with an Internet e-commerce company that needed to implement a scale-out solution for its SQL Server back end. The organization’s business database was extremely complex and difficult to break out vertically, so they decided to go with a federation of servers and use distributed partitioned views. They settled on two servers to start, each of which contained an identical copy of their database schema and about one-quarter of the database’s data. A number of distributed partitioned views were created to support their Web servers, which queried the database servers for catalog, customer, and other information. The company also had a data warehousing application that they used for business reporting. The reporting application was important, but not considered mission-critical; they could live for several days without running reports, if necessary. They already had a server, running SQL Server 2000 (at the time), dedicated to the data warehouse.


Chapter 6 They decided to create a 3-node cluster. Nodes A and B would each run an active instance of SQL Server 2000 and would be members of a server federation serving the Web farm that ran the company’s Internet site. Node C would run a standalone, non-clustered instance of SQL Server to support the reporting application. Node C would be capable of taking over for either Node A or Node B, although doing so would limit their ability to run reports because Node C wouldn’t have sufficient free resources to handle the data warehouse under those circumstances. What they built was technically an active-active-passive cluster, although the “passive” node was still performing useful, albeit non-clustered, work. In a worst-case scenario, any one of the three servers could handle the Web farm. The servers were each built to run at about 70 percent capacity under normal conditions, so if two of them failed, the Web farm would run about 40 to 50 percent below its usual performance. But, low performance is better than a site that’s completely shut down. One clustering best practice the company decided to forego was the configuration of their cluster nodes’ hardware. Nodes A and B were purchased with the intent of being cluster nodes and contained absolutely identical hardware. Node C, however, was their existing reporting server, which ran similar but not entirely identical hardware. Windows Clustering runs perfectly well under such circumstances, although you must be a bit more careful with maintenance and performance estimates because you’re working with non-homogenous hardware. The addition of the server federation boosted their overall site performance by about 20 percent; the use of clustering ensured that a single server failure wouldn’t take the site completely offline. The federated database—no longer the performance bottleneck of the application—highlighted additional performance problems in the Web tier, allowing the developers to begin a project to improve performance there as well. Interestingly, the company’s original plan was to simply turn their existing single SQL Server into a 2-node, active-passive cluster. They planned to buy two servers and move the database to one of them, while using the other solely for failover purposes. I argued that this configuration was a waste of resources and suggested that an active-active cluster acting as a server federation would provide both fault tolerance and a potential performance benefit. Because their Web application had been created to use views for almost all queries, it was fairly easy to change those views to distributed partitioned views and create a distributed, partitioned database. Their desire to add fault-tolerance to their site was met, along with a significant improvement in site performance.


Chapter 6

Database Mirroring As mentioned earlier, database mirroring provides a high-availability capability not unlike Windows Clustering. Unlike Windows Clustering, database mirroring protects your data as well as provides failover in the event of a hardware failure. Table 6.1 will help you better understand the differences and similarities between database mirroring and Windows Clustering. Capability

Windows Clustering

Database Mirroring

Provides redundancy for data



When hardware fails, all of server’s databases are included in failover



Special hardware configuration



One backup server can serve for multiple production servers



Redirection to failover server automatic


Sometimes; requires specified client-side network library and connection string

Table 6.1: Comparison of Windows Clustering and database mirroring.

Database mirroring has been available for SQL Server 2000 through third-party solutions, but SQL Server 2005 is the first time Microsoft has offered this high-availability feature right out of the box. SQL Server performs mirroring by continuously sending a database’s transaction log changes to a backup, or mirror, server. That server applies the transaction log changes, creating an identical copy of the production database. This process is essentially like transactional replication, except that no changes are made directly on the mirror and then replicated back to the production server; the “replication” is strictly one-way. Mirroring does not use SQL Server’s actual replication features, even though the end result is similar; in mirroring, log changes are sent in blocks to the mirror, and the mirror’s goal is to get those changes committed to disk as quickly as possible. Since the mirror isn’t being used by any other processes or users—in fact, it can’t be, since it’s perpetually in a “recovery” state—changes can usually be committed to disk quite rapidly. The production copy of the database is referred to as the principal, while the copy is, of course, called a mirror. Automatic failover is provided by an optional third server, called the witness. The witness’ job is simply to watch the principal for a failure. When a failure occurs, the mirror can confirm that with the witness, and take on the role of principal—usually within a few seconds. The purpose of the witness is to help ensure that irregularities don’t disrupt the network: In order for either the principal or the mirror to remain (or become) the principal, two servers have to agree to it. For example, if the mirror and the principal are online, they can agree that the principal is, in fact, the principal. However, if the mirror goes down, the witness can step in to confirm that the principal is still online and can remain the principal. Similarly, if the principal goes down, the witness and the mirror form a quorum and can agree that the mirror should take over as principal. The witness does not contain a copy of the database being mirrored.


Chapter 6 On the client side, mirroring works best with ADO.NET or the SQL Native Client. Both of these client libraries recognize server-side mirroring and can automatically redirect if the principal changes. These libraries accept a connection string which specifies a failover partner: "Data Source=A;Failover Partner=B;Initial Catalog=MyData;Integrated Security=True;" All editions of SQL Server 2005 can function as a witness. However, only the Enterprise, Developer, and Standard Editions can be a principal or mirror.

The principal difference—from a design perspective, at least—between Windows clustering and database mirroring is that database mirroring is configured on a per-database basis, meaning not every database on a server must be mirrored, and not every one has to use the same mirror server. Similarly, a single mirror server can contain mirrors from multiple principals. Another significant difference is in failover redirection: SQL Server 2005 requires that clients use one of two designated network libraries and a special connection string; using Windows clustering, no special client-side configuration or code is required. Mirroring might sound like a form of replication, and in some ways it works similarly to transactional replication, but it is not designed to mirror changes from one production database into another production database; the mirror copy can’t be used for production without breaking the mirror and bringing the “hot spare” into active service. And, while replication isn’t suitable for every type of database, mirroring can be used with any type of SQL Server database.

Summary Although Windows Clustering doesn’t offer a standalone scale-out solution, it can be an important part of an overall scale-out solution when properly used with SQL Server. Because scale-out solutions often deal with mission-critical data, Windows Clustering can offer additional fault-tolerance to your solution, helping to meet your mission-critical uptime requirement. Plus, Windows Clustering doesn’t have to cost a lot more. Scale-out solutions generally involve multiple servers, so adding Windows Clustering on top of everything just provides added peace of mind. Database mirroring in SQL Server 2005 can provide similar high-availability capabilities, without the complexity often introduced by Windows Clustering.


Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Scale-Out and Manageability In addition to bringing a solution to larger workloads, scale-out solutions also bring a unique set of problems to your environment, primarily in the realm of manageability. These are similar to the problems encountered by administrators building a Web farm: With so many additional servers handling the same application, how do you keep content synchronized across the farm? When changes are made to server configuration standards, how can you accurately deploy those changes across the farm? How can you efficiently monitor the health of the servers in the farm? In this chapter, I’ll focus on solutions that can help solve the manageability problems in a SQL Server scale-out solution.

Manageability Problems in a Scale-Out Environment The manageability problems in a scale-out environment are more than just having to manage multiple servers, it’s the fact that those multiple servers all form a single application. In other words, you have to somehow manage the servers almost as a single unit, even though they’re distinct, independent units, so that you can maintain the integrity and functionality of the overall application. That’s a problem made more difficult in a SQL Server scale-out than even in a Web farm; with Web farms, taking a single server offline isn’t a big deal, because the other servers in the farm do the same thing and can pick up the slack. In most SQL Server scale-out solutions, however (such as a federated database), each individual server is a crucial element of the overall application. In the next three sections, I’ll explore some of the specific issues with manageability in a scale-out environment, so that you can clearly understand the challenges that you face. When it comes to solutions, this chapter will focus almost entirely on SQL Server 2005, rather than SQL Server 2000. While most of the add-on tools from Microsoft and third parties are available for SQL Server 2000, the built-in manageability capabilities I’ll describe are almost entirely unique to SQL Server 2005.

Monitoring There are a few major goals of server monitoring, and it’s important to really spell them out in order to understand how they’re impacted by a scale-out scenario: •

• •

Health. One main goal of monitoring is to keep an eye on server—or, more accurately, application—health. Health is differentiated from performance by the level of context it uses. For example, monitoring CPU performance requires very little analysis; the CPU is what it is, and if performance is sitting at 60% utilization, then that’s your performance metric. There’s no context; the utilization is simply 60%. Health, however, places that number into context, and answers the question, “is this server (or application) healthy or not?” In other words, is 60% processor utilization—along with other performance metrics—good or bad? Availability. One particularly important goal of monitoring is to measure the availability of a server (or application), and to notify the appropriate people if the server (or application) becomes unavailable. Trending. Another important goal of monitoring is to develop trend reports, which help predict future workload requirements based on past workload and observed growth.


Chapter 7 A scale-out solution makes these goals more difficult to achieve. For example, if you have a federated database consisting of three SQL Server computers, the health of the application is governed by the combined health of all three servers. You can’t simply take an average of performance metrics; one server consistently running at 100% utilization, for example, will drag down the application performance even if the other two servers are only at 40% utilization. You essentially need a solution that can monitor metrics of the application itself—total response time to key queries, for example—rather than individual servers. However, you still do need to monitor the health of individual servers, because some issues—such as poor disk throughput or high memory utilization—can be an indicator of server-specific issues that you can troubleshoot and address appropriately. Maintenance Maintenance is one of the most complex and difficult areas of a scale-out solution. Maintenance consists of ongoing tasks designed to keep servers (and the application) healthy, secure, and available, such as: •

Applying hotfixes and patches

Scanning for viruses and other malware

Defragmenting hard disks or databases

Rebuilding indexes

Applying service packs

Inventorying hardware and software

Maintaining security settings

Updating database statistics used by the SQL Server query optimizer

I’m not including hardware-level maintenance, which typically involves shutting a server down, in this list because that type of maintenance is always conducted per-server. In other words, if you need to upgrade the memory in four SQL Server computers, it’s going to require physical service on all four servers. Software-level maintenance, however (such as the items in the above list), can often be conducted at an application level by using tools that help to automatically apply the maintenance task across all of the application’s servers.

I categorize these tasks into two broad areas: Operating system-level, and SQL Server-level. Operating system-level maintenance involves taking care of Windows itself, and the operating system and SQL Server tasks sometimes parallel one another. For example, applying patches is something you’ll do for both Windows and SQL Server; rebuilding indexes is a SQL Serverspecific task, while inventorying hardware typically applies only to Windows. Some of these maintenance tasks—such as patch management or defragmentation—are difficult enough on a single server. However, the need for consistency across all the servers in an application makes these tasks doubly difficult in a scale-out scenario. For example, if you need to make changes to security settings, it’s absolutely essential that the same change be made, at nearly the same time, to all of the servers in the solution. Otherwise, users could experience inconsistent results.


Chapter 7 Many of these maintenance tasks are time-consuming, as well. For example, keeping track of index status—a monitoring task—and rebuilding indexes when necessary—a maintenance task—requires a lot of continual time and attention from valuable administrative resources. In fact, one of the major objections to any solution which entails adding more servers to the environment—such as a scale-out solution—is the amount of additional administrative overhead the new server will require simply due to its existence. In order for scale-out solutions to be feasible, they must not only function, but they must also create as little additional administrative overhead as possible. The DSI Solution The biggest problem in any scale-out solution is the concept of managing a group of servers as a unit, rather than managing individual servers. For decades, IT management has been performed more or less at the server level; solutions that manage groups of servers as a unit are rare. Microsoft Application Center 2000 was one such solution, allowing you to make a change to one Web server and automatically replicating that change to every server in a Web farm. However, Application Center 2000 was specific to Web servers. Microsoft’s long-term solution to the problem is their Dynamic Systems Initiative, or DSI. A core part of DSI is the System Definition Format, or SDF, an XML format that describes a configuration. In its fullyrealized implementation (which is still years away), DSI will help better manage application—rather than server—configurations from initial provisioning throughout the application lifecycle. It’s supposed to work something like this: When you decide you need a new SQL Server application (for example), you’ll use a configuration tool to create your desired application configuration. This may include installing and configuring SQL Server, IIS, and a number of other components. You won’t actually perform these tasks; you’ll just specify them. The result is an SDF file describing exactly what a server in your application should look like. You’d feed that SDF file to a provisioning tool (perhaps a successor to the current Windows Automated Deployment System), which would actually install and configure the necessary software on a new server for you. DSI would then ensure that your intended configuration remained in place. For example, if another administrator modified the server’s local firewall settings, DSI might reconfigure the server— automatically—back to the settings required by the SDF file. If you need to make an approved change to the server’s configuration, you’d make the change in the SDF file, using some sort of configuration tool. The change to the file would trigger DSI—which would be implemented throughout Windows, IIS, SQL Server, and any other products you’re using—to physically reconfigure the server to match the revised file. In essence, the SDF file serves as your configuration standard, and DSI works to automatically configure servers to match that standard at all times. You can see how some elements of Microsoft’s current product line—notably Systems Management Server (SMS) and Operations Manager (MOM)—might evolve over time to encompass some of DSI’s functionality. And you can also see how DSI would make managing multiple servers easier: You simply use DSI to initially provision however many servers you need according to a single standard. Any changes that need to be made are made once, to the standard, and DSI implements those changes on any servers which are set to follow that standard. It’s true policy-based management rather than serverbased management. As I mentioned, the full vision of DSI won’t be realized for years to come, but understanding that DSI is the eventual goal can help you make smarter decisions about management techniques, technologies, and practices now.


Chapter 7 Other types of maintenance tasks have very unique problems in a scale-out solution. For example, backing up servers and databases is a common maintenance task that’s made more complicated in a scale-out solution. You’re faced with two problems: First, the task of backing up increasingly-large databases, which is difficult enough in and of itself; and second, the task of ensuring your entire application—no matter how many servers or databases are involved—is backed up as a unit (to the best degree possible), so that any major recovery effort can bring the entire application back online in a consistent, usable state. Management Management is the process of making periodic changes to your servers or applications. It’s closely related to maintenance; maintenance, however, generally consists of the management tasks that you can always expect to occur in some quantity over any given period of time. Patch management, for example, is a true maintenance task: You know it’s going to be necessary. I distinguish true management tasks as those which aren’t always predictable, but which occur in response to some business condition. Reconfiguring servers to meet a new business need, for example, is a one-time task that isn’t performed on a regular basis. Management tasks face many of the same challenges as maintenance tasks: Changes need to be applied consistently, and more or less simultaneously, across all of the servers in the solution. If anything, management tasks tend to involve more sweeping, major changes, meaning that mistakes in performing these tasks can have more serious consequences. Unfortunately, today’s technologies tend to still focus on server-based management, making application-based management difficult.

Monitoring Solutions for Scale-Out SQL Server 2005 introduces a new feature called Dynamic Management Views (DMVs). Physically implemented as actual database views (contained in the Master database), DMVs are designed to sum up performance and other management information across the entire server. Much of the information in DMVs would otherwise only be available on a per-process basis, making it difficult to get an accurate server-side view of this information. Figure 7.1 shows a DMV, which can be executed—just like any other view—in Management Studio.


Chapter 7

Figure 7.1: Examining a DMV.

More than 70 DMVs are included with SQL Server, including: •

Broker connections

CLR application domains

Index usage statistics

Cached execution plans

Backup tapes


Child instances

CLR loaded assemblies

Partition statistics

Query statistics

Pending I/O requests

Loaded modules


Chapter 7 •

Memory allocations


Replication articles

Cache entries

Wait statistics

Transaction locks Active transactions

And so forth. In terms of single-server management, DMVs make a wealth of performance and health data available to an administrator. However, they don’t do anything to provide consolidated data across a group of servers participating in a scale-out solution. There is an application for DMVs in scale-out solutions, however: If you consider how difficult it would be to obtain the information from a DMV on a single server, without using the DMV, then you can imagine how hard compiling that information would be for multiple servers. Although figuring out index statistics for multiple servers would require you to execute a DMV on each server, that’s a better solution than trying to assemble that information without the DMV. You could write a stored procedure that queried information from multiple servers’ DMVs to present the information in a somewhat consolidated query result.

From a more traditional performance perspective, SQL Server provides performance objects and counters for Windows’ built-in Performance Monitor console. As Figure 7.2 shows, dozens of objects and hundreds of counters are available, allowing you to measure even the most detailed portions of a SQL Server computer’s performance.


Chapter 7

Figure 7.2: Monitoring SQL Server in the Performance console.

Again, however, this is just per-server performance monitoring. For somewhat higher-level monitoring, you’ll need to turn to other products. Microsoft Operations Manager Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) is essentially a health monitoring solution. At its core, MOM collects performance data from individual servers, and then places that data into a context to create a “healthy” or “not healthy” indication. This context is provided by management packs, which codify Microsoft’s expertise in running their products, and provide the “intelligence” behind the indication. The management packs tell MOM what performance counters to watch, what performance levels are considered normal, and what performance levels are considered indicative of a possible failure or a pending problem. Microsoft provides management packs for most of its server products, including SQL Server. MOM can help make multi-server management (such as in a scale-out solution) easier by providing consolidated views that list each server and its health (see Figure 7.3). Specific columns provide access to application health on a per-server basis, such as allowing you to see what SQL Server instances, Exchange servers, IIS servers, and so forth are, or are not, considered healthy.


Chapter 7

Figure 7.3: MOM provides a consolidated server health readout.

MOM doesn’t have any built-in capability for monitoring specific applications. However, you can build your own “management packs,” of a sort, using MOM’s capabilities. This would allow you to, for example, configure MOM to monitor an entire application consisting of multiple servers, and to test response times to (for example) specific queries or other operations. You would define the thresholds of what was considered healthy or not, allowing MOM to monitor your application—rather than just individual servers—and provide feedback about the state of the application’s health. For more information about MOM, visit Note that, as of this writing, management packs specific to SQL Server 2005 have not yet been made available to the public.


Chapter 7

Third-Party Solutions The third-party software market is a rich source of solutions for monitoring SQL Server applications, particularly in a scale-out environment. These solutions are simply examples; many manufacturers offer similar solutions in the same categories.

Symantec Veritas i3 for SQL Server Veritas i3 is an application service management solution, which is designed to measure the end performance of entire applications, rather than focusing on the performance of the servers which comprise those applications. The tool allows you to monitor, analyze, and tune various elements of a SQL Server environment by capturing performance metrics from each tier of the application, including the client tier (which is ultimately all that matters, since the client tier is what your end users are interacting with directly). The tool can measure the response time of various operations at each level, from the client all the way down to specific SQL Server statements, allowing you to more quickly pinpoint the cause of a problem—a capability you’ll need in large scale-out solutions. Figure 7.4 shows how performance for an operation is broken down by tier (each band of blue represents the time an individual tier or element contributed to the overall response time).

Figure 7.4: Analyzing application, rather than server, performance.

For more information, visit

The product also provides resource consumption information on a per-table basis, which can help you identify tables that need to be distributed, or kept together, in a scale-out scenario.


Chapter 7

Unisys Application Sentinel for SQL Server Unisys’ product is a basic SQL Server performance management tool, providing performance monitoring and prescriptive guidance for improving performance. The tool is designed for SQL Server installations running on Unisys ES7000 servers. If you’re using these servers in a scaleout solution, then Application Sentinel can provide basic performance monitoring capabilities. For more information, visit

ManageEngine Applications Manager Another performance monitoring tool, ManageEngine Applications Manager provides similar capabilities to MOM, in that it allows you to define “healthy” and “problem” thresholds and be alerted when server performance exceeds the thresholds. As shown in Figure 7.5, you can configure monitor groups, which allow you to more easily monitor an entire scale-out solution from a single view, including supporting services such as Web servers. Other capabilities include reports and graphing for trend analysis (an important component of the long-term monitoring for any scale-out solution), and the ability to track server activity by user, helping to identify problem SQL statements and relate them to a particular thread of activity.


Chapter 7

Figure 7.5: ManageEngine Application Manager.

For more information, visit


Chapter 7 Nimsoft NimBUS for Database Monitoring In addition to monitoring basic server performance metrics, NimBUS for Database Monitoring also measures query response times and transaction rates, which can provide a more accurate view of overall application (as opposed to per-server) performance in a scale-out solution. This type of monitoring allows you to establish, and monitor, service level agreements (SLAs) for response times to end users of your scale-out application. NimBUS can also save performance reports for archival purposes, providing a good source for trending data, allowing you to see how workload demands on your application change over time, and allowing you to make better decisions about future scale-up or scale-out engineering. Figure 7.6 shows NimBUS’ setup dialog, which allows you to determine which performance metrics you’ll view. As shown, metrics such as active users, transactions per second, and so forth are excellent for trending purposes.

Figure 7.6: Configuring NimBUS for SQL Server monitoring.

For more information, visit

NetIQ AppManager for SQL Server AppManager occupies an interesting place in the market. It’s actually the technology on which MOM is built, making the two products similar in base capabilities. However, AppManager for SQL Server is much more SQL Server-specific, tracking performance down to the SQL statement level and providing detailed statistical analyses of performance metrics. AppManager provides trending on a per-server basis to help you figure out what hardware upgrades might be required or advisable in the future.


Chapter 7

Although monitoring performance on an application level is preferable to monitoring performance on a per-server level (since it’s ultimately the application’s performance you care about), the same is not true for trending. In a SQL Server scale-out environment, server load is rarely distributed evenly. Therefore, metrics like CPU utilization, memory utilization, I/O throughput, and so forth are useful for trending on a per-server basis, since these trends can help alert you to areas which are becoming bottlenecks on a particular server, and which therefore may need to be upgraded in order to maintain application performance.

Like MOM, AppManager isn’t specifically configured to monitor overall application performance, but you can set up your own performance measurements within AppManager to measure key response times. Applications like MOM and AppManager can’t typically measure direct client application response times. However, you can get a good measurement of overall application performance by making critical queries accessible through Web pages or Web services. MOM, AppManager, and most other performance applications can measure Web request response time, and that response time would include (and in fact would primarily consist of) the query response time. While raw query response time isn’t quite the same thing as overall application performance, measuring the response times for queries that really impact your application (such as queries based on a distributed partitioned view or other scale-out element) provide a good indicator of application performance.

Figure 7.7: Using AppManager to monitor SQL Server performance.

For more information, visit


Chapter 7

Maintenance Solutions for Scale-Out SQL Server 2005 is no slouch when it comes to improved maintenance options. In fact, many of its new maintenance features are extremely helpful in a scale-out solution, even if they’re not specifically designed for scale-out. Perhaps one of the most useful maintenance features in SQL Server 2005 is online indexing. In prior versions, most indexes operations required that the database or table be made unavailable to users. For example, building a new index, or rebuilding an existing index, couldn’t be performed while changes were being made to the database. Online indexing changes this, allowing indexes to be built or rebuilt while continuing to allow changes to the underlying data. Essentially, SQL Server does the initial index build (or rebuild) on a snapshot of the data, while keeping track of data page changes that occur as the build progresses. When the build is finished, SQL Server incorporates the data page changes into the index, providing an up-to-date index. This feature isn’t specifically designed for scale-out scenarios; it’s an availability option that helps keep any database up and running. However, it does come particularly in handy in scaleout solutions. Keep in mind that, in a scale-out solution, the entire database is spread across multiple servers (in some fashion, depending on how you’ve scaled out). Making one table on one server unavailable for indexing could make the entire application unavailable; online indexing allows index maintenance to occur while keeping the application online and accessible. Another important maintenance feature is online restore. In past versions, SQL Server required an entire database to be taken offline in order to restore it from backup. Again, in a scale-out solution this can present difficulties because an entire application, spread across multiple servers, would be made unavailable. With online restore, the database continues to be accessible, with only the data actually being restored made unavailable. This helps to improve up-time, even when maintenance tasks like data restores are underway, Table partitioning was added to SQL Server 2005 to help improve maintenance and management. Essentially, table partitioning allows a table to be partitioned across multiple files, yet still managed as a single unit. This allows an administrator to, for example, spread a table’s contents across multiple disks (since each file can be located on a different disk), thus spreading the table’s workload across storage devices. Because SQL Server often bottlenecks at disk access, spreading the table across disks can help keep data flowing into memory more freely, improving performance. But this is really a scale-up capability, not scale-out, allowing SQL Server to do more on a single server than it otherwise could. Table partitioning doesn’t include the ability to partition a table automatically across servers, which would be a true scale-out capability. You can of course manually partition tables across servers in a federated database, but you’re left managing each partition as an independent table, rather than being able to manage them as a unit. SQL Server still leaves you with maintenance difficulties in a scale-out solution: Patch management, overall systems management, disk defragmentation, security maintenance, and even backups can be difficult when your data is spread out across multiple servers. Fortunately, there are a number of products from Microsoft and other companies that can help make maintenance in a scale-out environment easier.


Chapter 7

Microsoft Windows Server Update Services Formerly known as Software Update Services (SUS) and, briefly, Windows Update Services (WUS), Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is a corporate version of the Microsoft Update Web site. Essentially, WSUS allows you to take control of Microsoft patch management for not only Windows itself, but also for other Microsoft business products such as Office and, of course, SQL Server. WSUS is designed to be installed in a hierarchical fashion, as shown in Figure 7.8. Updates are downloaded from the Windows Update Web site by a top-level WSUS server, where updates can be reviewed and approved. Once approved, updates are downloaded by downstream WSUS servers (typically, at least one per major geographic location on your network), and from there deployed to client computers and servers. Updates can be approved for groups of computers, and groups can be constructed both at the WSUS server and centrally through Active Directory (by assigning group membership through Group Policy).

Figure 7.8: Deploying WSUS in a hierarchical fashion.

The key with WSUS is the client-side Automatic Updates client software, which can be configured (again, via Group Policy) to look for updates on the local WSUS server rather than the Microsoft Update Web site. Automatic Updates can be configured to look for updates automatically, on a regular basis, and to automatically download and install updates. This capability helps to remove patch management as an active administrative task and instead makes it passive; adding multiple servers in a scale-out solution no longer requires the additional overhead of managing patches on additional servers.


Chapter 7

A large number of third-party solutions also exist to help make patch management easier. In most cases, however, WSUS is all you need, and it’s completely free. Unlike prior versions (SUS), WSUS can provide updates for most of Microsoft’s business products, including SQL Server.

Microsoft Systems Management Server While WSUS can help ensure that your systems have the latest patches and service packs, systems management goes a bit further than that. You’ll also need to track hardware and software inventory, deploy other types of software (both new and updated), and so forth; Systems Management Server (SMS) can help make those maintenance tasks easier, even in a large scale-out environment. In fact, to avoid the need to manage multiple management and maintenance systems, SMS can even integrate with SUS (as Figure 7.9 shows) or WSUS, providing you with a single toolset for deploying anything, whether it’s patches or entire software applications.

Figure 7.9: Integrating SUS with SMS.

However, the current version of SMS is designed primarily for inventorying and software deployment; it isn’t designed to push configuration changes to managed servers, a capability that’s sorely needed in scale-out scenarios to help maintain consistent configurations across multiple servers. For example, SMS can’t help manage password changes for SQL Server service accounts, an absolutely crucial capability in managing multiple servers. Fortunately, a number of third-party solutions exist to help with various critical maintenance tasks.


Chapter 7

Third-Party Solutions Third-party software developers can often provide point solutions that help solve specific problems, particularly in a scale-out environment where you’re managing multiple servers and trying to achieve a high degree of configuration consistency. These solutions are simply examples; many manufacturers offer similar solutions in the same categories.

ConfigureSoft Enterprise Configuration Manager ConfigureSoft Enterprise Configuration Manager (ECM) is a complement to Microsoft SMS (although ECM operates just fine by itself). Rather than simply inventorying computers’ hardware and software, ECM also inventories their configuration, and can analyze those configurations for compliance with a standard you define. Figure 7.10, for example, shows a compliance report that indicates how well computers on the network comply with your antivirus software policies. Although ECM doesn’t collect much in the way of SQL Server configuration (that data being stored, for the most part, in the Master database within SQL Server itself, rather than in a more accessible location like the Registry), ECM can help to better manage the Windows-specific configuration settings within a scale-out solution.

Figure 7.10: Viewing compliance reports in ECM.


Chapter 7

For more information, visit

Diskeeper Disk defragmentation affects SQL Server performance as much as any other application. SQL Server actually deals with two types of defragmentation: Physical, and in-database. SQL Server deals with in-database defragmentation on its own, reorganizing pages to keep data contiguous. Periodically compacting databases can help maintain their performance, especially in online transaction processing (OLTP) databases with frequent row additions and deletions. Physical defragmentation, however, refers to the database file itself becoming non-contiguous across the server’s storage devices. Software like Diskeeper can help reorganize these files, and can be centrally managed to help reduce defragmentation on the servers in a scale-out solution. As Figure 7.11 shows, Diskeeper can analyze defragmentation and tell you how much slower disk access is as a result of defragmentation (in the example shown, disk access is almost 25% slower). Diskeeper is smart enough not to try and defragment open files, which presents a special challenge for database files, since they’re always open. You will need to close the databases in your scale-out solution in order to properly conduct a disk-level defragmentation. However, you can also take steps in advance to reduce or even eliminate disk-based defragmentation of your database files: •

• •

Prior to creating your databases, thoroughly defragment the server’s disks. Create the database with a large enough initial size to handle near-term growth. This ensures that the database file occupies contiguous disk space and that it contains enough empty room to support database expansion. Once created in a contiguous disk space, the database file cannot become defragmented (at this disk level, at least) until the database fills and needs to expand. At that point, you should again defragment the server’s disks to provide sufficient contiguous free space and expand the database manually to a size that will accommodate all near-term growth.


Chapter 7

Figure 7.11: Managing defragmentation with Diskeeper.

You can still periodically defragment server disks while SQL Server is running, provided your solution knows to leave SQL Server’s open database files alone (in other words, treat them as unmovable, in much the same way that the Windows pagefile is usually treated). Diskeeper and similar solutions can be set to automatically defragment on a regular basis, helping to make this importance maintenance task passive, rather than requiring your active participation. For more information, visit

ScriptLogic Service Explorer One of the most important and most often-overlooked maintenance tasks in any environment is password maintenance, particularly of service accounts, since these accounts aren’t required by Windows to change their passwords on a regular basis as users are. In a scale-out solution, where servers must have valid credentials with which to communicate with one another, consistent service account configuration is absolutely essential. ScriptLogic Service Explorer (see Figure 7.12) can be used to examine service account configuration and reconfigure service accounts automatically. By regularly using a tool like Service Explorer, you can ensure that passwords on service accounts remain fresh and uncompromised, and that all SQL Server services across your scale-out solution are consistently configured (a key to making SQL Server replication function properly in many scenarios).


Chapter 7

Figure 7.12: ScriptLogic Service Explorer.

For more information, visit

Backup and Restore While SQL Server has perfectly adequate built-in backup and restore capabilities, scale-out solutions often require more flexible and powerful backup capabilities. For example, if you have a large enough database that scale-out is something you’re examining, then you already know how difficult it is to grab a backup of the entire database in any kind of reasonable time. Once that data is scaled out across multiple servers, the task becomes even more difficult, especially if your goal is to periodically take a backup of the entire application data set—simply getting all of the servers to be in a consistent location with regard to data updates is often impossible. Enterprise backup solutions—like VERITAS Backup Exec or Computer Associates’ BrightStor, simply aren’t designed to coordinate backup activities across SQL Server computers in a scaleout solution. However, high-end storage systems often can make backup and restore easier, and it’s something I’ll discuss later in this chapter, under “storage solutions.”


Chapter 7

Management Solutions for Scale-Out Managing a scale-out solution requires special attention to consistency and caution; a single mistake on a single server can render an entire application virtually useless. Fortunately, SQL Server itself offers a number of built-in technologies that can help make management easier. SQL Server Agent, SQL Server’s built-in automation tool, is capable of targeting jobs to multiple servers. Essentially, that means you can create a single job, which can contain any number of steps, and then have that job pushed out to, and executed on, any number of servers. The job’s status from each server rolls back up to the server on which the job was originally created. For tasks which can be performed through SQL Server Agent jobs (which can be pretty much anything within SQL Server), this is an excellent tool for minimizing the overhead of managing multiple servers to a consistent state. Multi-target jobs were available in SQL Server 2000, as well as in SQL Server 2005.

For more complex operations, you can create your own management tools and scripts using SQL Management Objects (SMO), a completely managed application programming interface upon which SQL Management Studio itself is built. SMO is a programmatic way of controlling SQL Server, and it’s as easy to write scripts or tools that target multiple servers as it is to target a single server. SMO replaces SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) from SQL Server 2000, and is designed primarily for use with the .NET Framework.


Chapter 7 Using SMO isn’t for the faint of heart, and a complete discussion of its capabilities is beyond the scope of this book; consult the SQL Server 2005 Books Online, or Microsoft’s MSDN Library, for a complete reference to SMO as well as examples. Briefly, however, SMO is a set of managed classes that are accessible to the .NET Framework (VB.NET, for example) languages, and which expose management functionality for SQL Server 2005. For example, the following VB.NET snippet uses SMO to initiate a backup of the AdventureWorks database, backing it up to a file named C:\SMOTest.bak: Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Module SMOTest Sub Main() Dim svr As Server = New Server() Dim bkp As Backup = New Backup() bkp.Action = BackupActionType.Database bkp.Database = "AdventureWorks" bkp.DeviceType = DeviceType.File bkp.Devices.Add("c:\SMOTest.bak") bkp.SqlBackup(svr) End Sub End Module For the original text of this example, as well as a C# example and a longer discussion on using SMO, visit


Chapter 7 SMO isn’t accessible exclusively from .NET; it’s available to Component Object Model (COM) based languages, as well, through .NET’s COM interoperability interfaces. For example, here’s a VBScript version of the previous example: Const BackupActionType_Database = 0 Const DeviceType_File = 2

Set svr = CreateObject("SQLSMO.Server") Set bkp = CreateObject("SQLSMO.Backup")

bkp.Action = BackupActionType_Database bkp.Database = "AdventureWorks" bkp.DeviceType = DeviceType_File bkp.Devices.Add("c:\SMOTest.bak") bkp.SqlBackup(svr)

Set bkp = Nothing Set svr = Nothing

As you can see, using SMO is fairly straightforward: Obtain a reference to the appropriate objects (SQLSMO.Server and SQLSMO.Backup, in this case), and provide the appropriate property settings to do what you want. Then simply call a method (SqlBackup) to perform whatever management action you want. Expanding this to run against multiple servers is also straightforward: Read server names from a text file (for example), and simply create a loop that runs the script for each computer name in the file. In summary, although commercial solutions specifically designed for SQL Server scale-out management aren’t widely available, SQL Server has plenty of functionality built in to make things easier. You can create SQL Server Agent jobs that target the servers in your scale-out solution, or write scripts that perform whatever management tasks you need against whatever servers are appropriate.

Hardware Scenarios for Easier Scale-Out Management There are times when your hardware selections can make a major impact on the administration of your scale-out solution. Although most architects’ first approach for a scale-out solution is massive rack mount servers and external drive arrays, a more careful examination of what’s available, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various hardware solutions, can result in an equally functional and well-performing scale-out solution that’s actually easier to manage.


Chapter 7

Blade Computing One of the biggest problems with a scale-out solution is hardware maintenance and the sheer space required by large rack mount servers. Blade servers, such as the Dell PowerEdge 1855 or the HP ProLiant BL series, can help with these problems. Blade computing begins with a chassis, which provides power, cooling, keyboard-mousemonitor connectivity, and other shared services. The actual blades are essentially a supermotherboard, containing all the core elements of a server: Processor, memory, and typically some form of local storage. The blades fit within the chassis, and function as entirely independent servers: Each blade has its own network connectivity, its own operating system installation, and so forth. However, because each server—blade, that is—lacks an independent chassis, power supply, cooling system, and so forth, it’s much smaller. In all, blade computing can usually fit about 50% more computing into the same space as traditional rack mount servers. Blade computing is often bundled with centralized systems management software, which allows single-seat administration of the entire chassis (monitoring for power, cooling, and other infrastructure services), as well as software for managing the blades themselves (that software often provides agents for multiple operating systems), such as providing remote control, installation, monitoring, and overall management. Just because blades are smaller than traditional servers doesn’t mean they’re less powerful. In fact, blade servers are often equipped with the same high-end processors you might find in any other server suitable for a scale-out scenario: Fast x64 processors (such as the Intel Xeon series or the AMD Opteron series), 32GB of RAM (depending on the blade model), a local 15,000RPM SCSI hard drive (often attached directly to the blade), and other high-end features. Daughter cards—the blade equivalent of a PCI expansion card—provide Fibre Channel connectivity, gigabit Ethernet, and other advanced functions. While massive scale-up is not possible within a blade—there are no 64-way blade computers, for example—the very purpose of scale-out is to spread workload across multiple servers, and blade computing makes that easier to do while helping to reduce overall administrative overhead as well as data center real estate. Storage Solutions I mentioned before that storage solutions can provide answers to some major maintenance and management problems in scale-out solutions, particularly data backup. And many scale-out solutions do rely heavily on high-end storage solutions to make tasks like data backup easier, and to make it possible to get a single, consistent backup of the entire application’s data set. Figure 7.13 illustrates the basic concept. A single external storage system—likely a SAN— provides partitions for three SQL Server computers. The storage system uses its own functionality to mirror all three partitions to a fourth area, which isn’t directly accessible to any of the servers. This feature is fairly common in high-end storage systems, and can be used (for example) as a form of fault tolerance (whether the three server-accessible partitions are mirrored to one large partition or each to their own individual mirror is an implementation detail that differs depending on the storage solution in use and the goals of the mirroring). In this example, the mirror can be periodically broken, making it a point-in-time snapshot of the application’s overall data store. The servers continue using their own accessible partitions, but the mirror is used as the source for a backup operation, which can take however long it needs to write the data to tape, magneto-optical storage, or whatever medium is appropriate. Once the backup operation


Chapter 7 is complete, the mirror is restored, and the storage system brings it up-to-date with the three servers’ partitions. If both backup and fault tolerance capabilities are desired, then two mirrors might be used: Mirror set 1 would provide fault tolerance for the servers’ partitions, and would never be broken except in case of a disaster; mirror 2 would be periodically broken and then restored, and would be used by the backup solution.

Figure 7.13: Using storage to improve management and maintenance.

This technique is one way in which creative use of a high-end storage system can help solve otherwise tricky management problems in a scale-out solution. By leveraging the storage solution’s own capabilities for mirroring data, both fault tolerance and a large-scale backup solution can be put into place. SQL Server’s own backup capabilities wouldn’t be required, since the backup would be taking place entirely behind the scenes, without impacting SQL Server in any way.


Chapter 7

Summary In this chapter, I’ve covered some of the biggest challenges facing administrators in a scale-out solution, including challenges related to maintenance, management, and monitoring. Since scaleout solutions by definition involve multiple servers, and since much of the world’s SQL Server management practices are single-server oriented, you do need to exercise some creativity in researching and selection techniques and solutions to reduce the overhead of managing multiple servers. It’s entirely possible, though, as I’ve pointed out in this chapter, to minimize the additional administrative overhead imposed by having multiple SQL Server computers in a solution. By using SQL Server’s native features, commercial solutions, and by rolling your own solutions when necessary, scale-out administration can be made nearly as straightforward as single-server administration.


Chapter 8

Chapter 8: High-Performance Storage Applications such as SQL Server depend heavily upon the availability of high-performance storage. In fact, as much research and design has gone into creating high-performance storage subsystems as has gone into SQL Server, simply because most SQL Server applications eventually become storage-bound—meaning storage imposes the upper limit on application performance. Such is particularly true on 64-bit servers, where the greatly expanded memory capacity can help prevent SQL Server from becoming memory-bound. This chapter will discuss the storage technologies that are most appropriate for use with SQL Server and introduce you to best practices for utilizing high-performance storage systems. These systems are critical to building successful scale-out solutions—without the proper storage subsystem backing up your SQL Server applications, all the advantages of replication, federated databases, and other scale-out technologies are degraded. Obviously, most of the storage suggestions in this chapter are also appropriate for scale-up solutions, as well.

Storage Overview Storage is, of course, the basis for most server applications. Ideally, we would be able to store all data in high-speed memory; but the cost of RAM is simply too high. Disks are much cheaper, albeit hundreds of times slower—RAM response times are measured in nanoseconds (ns) and disk response times are measured in milliseconds (ms). Disks are mechanical devices with moving parts, so they are also subject to more frequent failure than solid-state RAM, meaning loss of data is also a strong concern. Today’s storage subsystems attempt to strike a balance between fault tolerance and performance. Redundancy and Fault Tolerance The purpose of fault tolerance is to quite literally tolerate faults, or failures, in the system. For example, if a single drive fails, fault tolerance will prevent the data on that drive from being lost and prevent the server or application from crashing. Storage subsystems typically provide fault tolerance through the use of parity information or mirrors. Parity information is the result of a calculation performed on stored data and can be used to reconstruct portions of the stored data in a failure situation. Mirrors are online copies of data that are updated in real-time, providing a duplicate copy of the data that can be used if the original copy fails. Fault tolerance involves copying some or all of the original data; thus, fault tolerance creates a negative performance impact. The resources used to write an extra copy or calculate and write parity information can’t be used for reading or writing additional data.


Chapter 8

Performance Performance is based on the idea of reading and writing data as quickly as possible to serve the users you need to support. As physical devices, storage subsystems have a number of elements that can impede performance: •

• •

The disk, which spins at a fixed speed and cannot transfer data beyond that speed. The disk heads, which can be in only one place at a time and must waste milliseconds seeking the data that is desired. (Seeking is the process of moving the heads to the appropriate location of the disk so that the data spinning by underneath the heads can be magnetically read or modified.) Bus speed—the bus carries data between the disk and the controller hardware to which the disk is attached. Another bus connects the controller to the server, allowing Windows to communicate with the controller and move data to and from the disks. Device drivers are the actual software that communicates between Windows and the controller hardware. Poorly written device drivers can impede performance and are very difficult to pin down as a bottleneck.

Other elements—such as the fault tolerance scheme in use—can also impede performance by creating additional overhead within the storage subsystem. Optimal performance can be achieved in part by using better-performing components: faster disks, bigger busses, and less-obstructive fault-tolerance schemes. However, you can quickly reach the point at which you have acquired the fastest drives and widest data transfer bus and have implemented the fastest fault tolerance scheme available. In such a case, better performance is possible through parallelism. For example, adding more disks to the system allows the server to save data to an idle drive when others are busy; adding controllers provides additional, parallel paths for data to come onto and off of disks. Many of the industry’s top-performing storage solutions, in fact, rely heavily on sheer number of physical drives, utilizing multiple controllers per server, dozens of drives in cooperative arrays, and so on.

Storage and SQL Server Storage performance is absolutely critical to SQL Server’s overall performance and to end user response times. For example, most administrators try to tune their queries to take advantage of indexes. Indexed queries are faster for SQL Server to execute but require many read operations from the storage subsystem. Not all operations are disk-intensive; however, SQL Server is heavily dependent on good input/output performance. Thus, although not critical for every application, a good disk subsystem is an important asset.


Chapter 8 First, SQL Server must read the root page of the index, then decide which page to read next. Index pages are read one at a time, creating a large number of storage operations, although each operation is relatively small—less than 10KB—in size. A typical index read in a relatively efficient index might require 100 read operations, which with a well-performing storage subsystem might take anywhere from half a second to a full second. In a slow subsystem, however, speeds can be as slow as a half second per read operation, meaning the same index search could take nearly a minute to execute. This scenario illustrates the level of performance difference a storage subsystem can have on SQL Server. Less-efficient table scans can exacerbate the problems caused by a poor storage subsystem. Imagine a table scan that is going through a million rows of data—not uncommon in a large database—at the slow pace of 50ms per read. That could require SQL Server to spend an enormous amount of time—half an hour or more—to complete the table scan. You can test this sort of performance easily by installing SQL Server and a large database on a notebook computer. Notebooks typically have incredibly poor throughput on the hard drive—storage performance isn’t really what notebooks are designed for. Fire off a query that table scans a million rows, and you’ll see how bad things can get. Now image that a couple of thousand users are trying to do the same thing all at once, and you’ll get an idea of how poor application performance would be as a result of an inefficient SQL Server storage system. As a result, database administrators and developers try to minimize table scans by providing SQL Server with appropriate indexes to use instead: Even on a speedy disk subsystem, table scans can rack up a lot of time. So what constitutes good performance? Take a 15,000rpm disk drive, which is pretty standard equipment for high-end servers. The drive has a fixed performance level because it can only pull data off the drive as quickly as the drive’s platters are spinning. A high-end drive might take 6ms to move the drive heads from one location on the platter to another, on average, which creates an approximate maximum throughput of about 160 read operations per second. The closer you get to this maximum, the poorer overall performance will be, so you should aim to stay within about 75 percent of the maximum, or about 120 operations per second. Consider again an index read example with 100 operations; you can see that you’re only going to get about one and a quarter index reads per second while staying within the safe range. This example illustrates how easy it is to reach the performance capacity for a single drive and why it’s so important to use arrays of drives that work together rather than storing data on a single drive. SQL Server 2005 introduces built-in partitioning, which allows you to more easily spread a database across several disks while still managing the database as a single set of objects. However, in large databases simply spreading the database across two or more single disks still won’t provide a significant performance increase. Instead, you’ll find yourself spreading the database across multiple disk arrays, or, more commonly, using large arrays (such as in Storage Area Networks—SANs, which I’ll discuss in a moment) and simply ignoring SQL Server’s partitioning capabilities.


Chapter 8

Comparing Storage Technologies A number of technologies have been created to improve storage performance. The most fundamental of these is a Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID). Other technologies, such as Storage Area Networks (SANs), improve the manageability and performance of storage. The following sections discuss each of these technologies, explain how they work, and explain their role in a SQL Server scale-out environment. RAID RAID is the cornerstone of most high-performance storage solutions. The idea behind RAID is to utilize multiple disks in concert to improve both redundancy and performance. RAID defines several different levels, which each provide a tradeoff between redundancy and performance. In a production environment, you’re likely to encounter RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10. RAID 0 RAID 0 uses a technique called disk striping, which Figure 8.1 illustrates.

Figure 8.1: RAID 0.

As data is streamed to the controller, it is divided more or less evenly between all the drives in the array (two are required). The idea is to get more drives involved in handling data to increase overall throughput. When data is sent to Drive 0, the controller would normally have to wait until Drive 0 accepted that data and finished writing it. In RAID 0, the controller can move on to Drive 1 for the next chunk of data. RAID 0 improves both read and write speeds but has an important tradeoff: if a single drive fails, the entire array is pretty much useless because no one drive contains any entire file or folder. Thus, although RAID 0 improves performance, it doesn’t improve redundancy. This concept of disk striping is an important one that comes up again in other RAID levels.


Chapter 8 The performance of RAID 0 improves as you add drives. In a 2-drive system, for example, the controller might submit data to both Drive 0 and Drive 1 and still need to wait a few milliseconds for Drive 0 to catch up and be ready for more data. With a 4-drive array, Drive 0 is much more likely to be waiting on the controller, instead. With 8 drives, the odds improve even more, practically ensuring that Drive 0 will be ready and waiting when the controller gets back to it. It is possible to reach an upper limit: many lower-end controllers, for example, reach their own maximum throughput with 7 to 10 drives attached, meaning you’re not going to see a performance improvement by attaching any drives beyond that point. RAID 1 RAID 1 is also called mirroring, and is illustrated in Figure 8.2.

Figure 8.2: RAID 1.

In this level of RAID, the controller writes date to and reads data from a single disk. All written data is also written—or mirrored—to a second disk. Should the first disk fail, the second is available essentially as an online, up-to-date backup. Most array controllers will allow the server to functional normally off of the mirror until the failed disk is replaced. RAID 1 is almost the opposite of RAID 0, in that it provides no performance advantage, but does provide redundancy; the failure of a single disk won’t harm the server’s operations. RAID 1 can, in fact, reduce performance slightly in a write-heavy application such as SQL Server because all data is written twice. Most high-end RAID controllers, however, can minimize this performance impact through creative management of the data bus used to communicate between the controller and the disks. Increasing the drives in a RAID 1 array does improve fault tolerance. For example, 3 drives in an array would survive the failure of any 2 drives. That’s pretty expensive insurance, however, and not at all common in production environments. In addition, more drives in a RAID 1 array can reduce performance due to the additional write operations required.


Chapter 8 RAID 4 RAID 4 takes RAID 0 one step further by adding parity to disk striping. Figure 8.3 shows how RAID 4 works.

Figure 8.3: RAID 4.

RAID 4 uses the same disk striping mechanism that RAID 0 uses. However, RAID 4 also utilizes an additional disk to store parity information. If a single data disk fails, the parity information, combined with the data on the remaining disks, can be used to reconstruct the data from the missing disk. This technique allows the array to continue operating if a single disk fails. However, because a single disk is used to store all parity information, incoming write operations can’t be easily interleaved. In other words, the parity disk creates a bottleneck that, in writeintensive applications, can partially or totally defeat the performance improvement offered by disk striping. RAID 4 requires a minimum of 3 drives: 2 for striping and 1 for parity. Like most other RAID levels, all drives in the array must be of equal size.


Chapter 8

How Parity Works Parity works by performing mathematical calculations on a stripe. Suppose that you have a RAID 4 array with 4 data drives and a 5 drive for parity storage. Now suppose that you write a couple hundred kilobytes of data to the array. The first block of data will be written to drive 0, the next to drive 1, and so forth. The first four blocks of data, which are written to drives 0 through 4, are referred to as a stripe. The controller then performs a mathematical calculation on that stripe to arrive at a checksum, or parity block. For example, suppose that the data written to drive 0 was the number 1. Drive 1 got the number 2, drive 2 got 3, and drive 3 received the number 5. Adding the values in the stripe yields the number 11 (1+2+3+5). That result—the checksum, or parity—is stored on drive 4. If Drive 2 fails, a piece of every stripe is now missing. The controller can, however, re-create that information by reversing the parity calculation. Substituting x for the data in the missing stripe, the calculation is 1+2+x+5=11. Basic algebra tells us that x must equal 3, which is the data from the missing portion of the stripe. If two drives fail, the parity information is no longer sufficient to reconstruct the missing data; the equation might be 1+2+x+y=11, leaving more than one possible value for both x and y. Although this example is an oversimplification of the actual math used to create parity information, it is an accurate illustration of how this relatively simple technology can be used to re-create missing data.

RAID 5 RAID 5 offers a better performance-and-redundancy compromise than RAID 4 offers. Rather than using a single drive for parity information, RAID 5 rotates the parity information across the drives in the array, essentially striping the parity information along with the actual data being written. So for the first chunk of data sent to the controller, the disk operations look like those that Figure 8.3 shows. Figure 8.4 shows the subsequent write operations rotate the drive containing the parity information.


Chapter 8

Figure 8.4: RAID 5.

The net effect of RAID 5 is that a single drive can fail and the array can remain functional by using the parity information to reconstruct the missing data. RAID 5 can handle interleaved write operations, improving its performance over RAID 4. However, because the parity information still represents an extra write operation, write performance is still slightly slower than read performance in a RAID 5 array. In practice, RAID 5 offers perhaps the best tradeoff between performance, cost, and redundancy for most server operations. Although RAID 5 requires a minimum of 3 drives to operate, it works better with more drives. Common RAID 5 arrays will have 7 or 8 drives in total, and can have many more, depending on the capabilities of your hardware.


Chapter 8

RAID 10 RAID 10 is a combination of RAID 1 and RAID 0—hence the name. Figure 8.5 shows how RAID 10 works.

Figure 8.5: RAID 10.

A RAID 10 array is essentially two parallel arrays. The first array is a RAID 0 array, which uses disk striping—without parity—for maximum performance. The second array is a mirror of the first, providing the high level of fault tolerance offered by RAID 1. Parity information isn’t required because each drive in the RAID 0 array has its own dedicated mirror; this type of array can theoretically survive the failure of every single drive in the main RAID 0 array, because each is backed up by a dedicated mirror drive. RAID 10 provides underlying technologies for many high-performance backup systems that are specific to SQL Server. For example, although SQL Server provides the ability to back up databases while they are in use, doing so reduces server performance. An integrated storage and backup solution can implement a third array as a second mirror set in a RAID 10 configuration. When a backup is required, the third array is detached (or the mirror is broken) and becomes a static snapshot of the data in the array. This third array can be backed up at leisure, then reattached (the mirror repaired) when the backup is complete.

RAID 10 provides the best possible performance and redundancy for SQL Server applications, but it does at a hefty price: You must buy twice as many drives as you need to store your databases. Still, in a high-end database, the price is usually well worth the benefit.


Chapter 8

Various levels of RAID offer price tradeoffs. In RAID 1, for example, you "lose" the space of an entire drive to the fault-tolerance scheme. With RAID 4, the parity drive is "lost" to you, because it is dedicated to parity data. RAID 5 spreads out parity information, but you still "lose" the space equal to one entire drive. With RAID 10, you "lose" half of the drive space you bought—in exchange for better performance and fault tolerance.

Performance can vary significantly between different RAID 10 implementations. For example, some implementations use a single controller that issues write commands individually to each drive in the arrays. So for each write operation, two write commands are issued: one to the main RAID 0 array and another to each drive’s mirror. More advanced implementations provide better performance by eliminating the extra write command. In this implementation, the two arrays function independently; the second array responds only to write requests and simply watches for commands sent to the first array, then carries out those commands in parallel. Because most SQL Server applications tend to be write-heavy, this latter, more advanced type of array is preferred. It’s actually uncommon to see RAID 5 in use in actual, production high-end databases. RAID 10 is a much more common solution, as it provides both excellent performance and fault tolerance.

Another technique is to use dual RAID controller cards. Windows issues write commands, which the cards’ device driver accepts and passes on to the controllers in parallel. The controllers then direct their attached drives independently, improving performance because write commands don’t need to be duplicated. In some implementations, read commands are also carried out in parallel; the driver accepts read data from whichever array responds first, ensuring that the failure of even an entire array creates no additional lag time for the application. The device drivers can also implement a level of error correction by comparing the read results from both arrays to ensure that they’re identical. This error-correcting can create a performance hit for read operations, because the controllers’ driver must wait for both arrays to respond before delivering data to Windows. The lesson to be learned—particularly from RAID 10, which offers the broadest number of implementation variations—is that you need to study and understand how various implementations work, then select the one that best fits your business needs. When combined with options such as SANs (which I’ll cover later in his chapter), the possible implementations can become perplexing, so don’t hesitate to ask vendors and manufacturers to explain exactly how their solutions work.


Chapter 8

Software RAID Windows includes its own software-based RAID capabilities. These capabilities allow you to use standard IDE or SCSI drives attached on a non-RAID controller card and still have the fault tolerance benefits of a RAID 1 or RAID 5 array or the drive flexibility of a RAID 0 array. Figure 8.6 illustrates how Windows logically implements software RAID.

Figure 8.6: Windows software RAID logical flow.

As this figure illustrates, Windows implements the RAID logic in software. As data is written, Windows decides to which drives the data will be written, and sends each data stream to the controller card. The controller writes the data to the specified disk. Because Windows itself is performing the RAID logic, it’s fairly inefficient. Windows is a software application running on the server’s processors; the RAID logic must pass through several instruction sets before finally having an effect on the underlying server hardware. In terms of performance, Windows RAID is about the worst single thing you can do to any SQL Server computer, particularly one participating in a scale-out solution that is supposed to offer improved performance.


Chapter 8

Hardware RAID In a hardware RAID solution, the RAID logic is moved from Windows to a dedicated processor on a RAID-capable controller card. This card presents the array to Windows as a single physical disk and handles the task of splitting the incoming data stream across the drives in the array. Because the RAID logic is executed directly in hardware—and dedicated hardware, at that—its performance is much, much faster than software RAID. Figure 8.7 illustrated the logical flow of data.

Figure 8.7: Hardware RAID logical flow.

Notice that, in this case, the array controller is a card installed directly in the server. This scenario is common for a traditional SCSI array; Network Attached Storage (NAS) and SANs— which I’ll discuss momentarily—work a bit differently than a traditional SCSI array. SCSI Arrays SCSI arrays are perhaps the most common type of arrays in most data centers. These can take the physical form of an external array box, filled with drives and connected by a copper-based SCSI cable. Many servers also offer internal SCSI arrays that can hold anywhere from 2 to 12 drives. SCSI arrays hold all the basic concepts for arrays. For example, Figure 8.8 shows how arrays are created from physical disks—in this case, 6 of them—then logically partitioned by the array controller. Each partition is presented to Windows as a single physical device, which Windows can then format and assign a drive letter to.


Chapter 8

Figure 8.8: Differences between physical and logical drives in arrays.

In this example, the 6 physical drives might be configured as a single RAID 5 array, which is then divided into logical partitions to provide different areas of space for an application. One restriction common to most SCSI arrays is that the array must be physically attached to the SCSI controller, and only one computer—the one containing the controller card—can utilize the array. Such is not necessarily the case with NAS and SANs. NAS NAS consists of a dedicated storage device that attaches directly to a network. Generally, these devices contain some kind of embedded server OS, such as Linux or Windows Embedded, which enable them to act as a file server. Because they function just like a file server, they are accessible by multiple users. In theory, SQL Server can store databases on NAS (see Figure 8.9).

Figure 8.9: An example NAS configuration.


Chapter 8 However, NAS has some major drawbacks for use in any SQL Server solution, particularly a scale-out solution. First, NAS devices are usually designed and built to replace file servers; they might offer a level of redundancy by incorporating RAID, but they aren’t meant for blazing disk performance. Another drawback is the fact that data must reach the NAS device by passing over an Ethernet network, which is perhaps one of the least efficient ways to move mass amounts of data. Thus, although a NAS device might make a convenient place to store oft-used SQL Server scripts or database backups, it is a very bad location to store SQL Server databases. SANs SANs appear superficially to be very much like NAS, as Figure 8.10 shows. However, there is a world of difference between SANs and NAS.

Figure 8.10: An example SAN configuration.

In a SAN, disks reside in dedicated array chassis, which contain their own internal controller boards. These boards are often manageable through an external user interface, such as an embedded Web server or a configuration utility. The boards control the primary operations of the array, including its RAID level and how the available space is partitioned. The array is connected—often via fiber-optic cabling in a typical fiber channel SAN—to a hub. Servers contain a fiber channel controller card and are connected to the hub. In effect, the SAN is a sort of dedicated, specialized network that in many ways resembles the infrastructure of an Ethernet LAN.


Chapter 8 Windows reads and writes data by sending normal storage requests to the fiber channel controller card driver. The driver communicates with the controller hardware, and places storage requests onto the fiber channel network. The other devices on the network pick up these requests—just like a client computer might pick up network traffic—and respond appropriately. Even at this logical level of operation, SANs don’t appear to be incredibly different from NAS devices; the main difference is in speed. Fiber channel networks can carry data hundreds of times faster than common Ethernet networks can, and fiber channel networks are optimized for dealing with high volumes of data, such as that from a SQL Server application. SAN implementations also tend to come with exceedingly large memory-based caches—in the gigabyte ranges—allowing them to accept data quickly, then spool it out to disks. SAN arrays can be shared between multiple servers. As Figure 8.11 shows, the array’s controller board determines which server will have access to which portion of the available data. In effect, the SAN array partitions itself and makes various partitions available to the designated servers on the fiber channel network.

Figure 8.11: Partitioning space in a SAN.

This ability for a SAN to be “shared” (the space isn’t really shared, but partitioned between servers using the SAN) makes SANs a very effective tool for reducing management overhead: The entire SAN can be managed (and often backed up, depending on the solution) as a whole, and can often be re-partitioned somewhat dynamically, providing you with the ability to provision more space for servers that need it.


Chapter 8

SANs require software in order to run; look for SAN controllers that embed as much of their operating software as possible in their controllers or in the array hardware. This setup avoids placing any server-based software—and thus, overhead—onto your SQL Server computers, conserving as much processing power as possible for SQL Server itself. Also, look for SAN solutions that offer large caches. A cache—an area of fast memory that accepts and holds data until the relatively slower hard drives can accept it—allows SQL Server to write data quickly, faster even than the storage solution’s drives can really accept it. Simple RAID controllers typically offer caches, too, but often in the megabyte range. A high-end SAN solution can offer tremendously larger caches, increasing the amount of data that can be cached and improving SQL Server’s performance considerably.

Interestingly, the advent of high-speed Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) technologies is making Ethernet a contender for creating SANs. Ethernet offers significantly lower pricing than many fiber channel-based SANs because Ethernet is a decades-old technology that runs over much less expensive copper cabling (fiber channel can also be implemented over copper but, for performance reasons, almost never is). A technology called Internet SCSI (iSCSI), which is supported in Windows Server 2003 (WS2K3—with the appropriate drivers), allows a server to address networked SCSI-based arrays over an Ethernet connection. Generally, this Ethernet network would be dedicated to SAN purposes, and servers would have an additional network adapter for communicating with clients. Other emerging technologies include network adapters that have the ability to move data from a networked array directly into the server’s memory. Referred to as TCP/IP offloading, this technology promises significant performance improvements for storage operations (as well as other data-intensive applications) because the server’s processor can be bypassed completely, leaving it free to work on other tasks while data is moved around. Keep an eye on these emerging technologies as they mature to see what the next generation of high-performance storage will offer. Specialized Storage You can now purchase preconfigured specialty storage solutions. These are generally packaged systems that combine basic RAID technology with proprietary controllers to improve performance, provide better redundancy, and so forth. For example, EMC offers several SAN solutions. These solutions include high-end manageability, meaning they can be incorporated into enterprise management frameworks such as Hewlett-Packard OpenView, or by monitoring and health solutions such as Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM), or monitoring solutions from companies such as Altiris. They can also include high-end fault protection, such as the ability to send an alert to a service technician when a drive fails. In fact, the first you hear about a failed drive might be when a technician shows up that afternoon with a replacement. These high-end storage systems can, in fact, provide additional scale-out capabilities, redundancy, and performance above and beyond simple RAID levels. EMC’s CLARiiON CX systems include proprietary software that provides full and incremental replication capabilities— even across long-distance WAN links—allowing you to maintain a mirror of your data at a remote location for additional fault tolerance and business continuity.


Chapter 8

Dell offers branded versions of several EMC solutions, such as the Dell/EMC AX100, which comes in both Fibre Channel and iSCSI versions, and the Dell/EMC CX700 Other vendors offer proprietary solutions with similar capabilities.

Design Principles To ensure an optimal high-performance storage design for your environment, consider a few basic design principles. By reviewing the basic storage technologies, you can see that there are several potential performance bottlenecks that any design should strive to work around: •

Controllers—Controllers represent a single point of contact between a storage subsystem and Windows (and, therefore, SQL Server). In other words, all data has to pass through a controller; if you have only one controller, it will represent a potential bottleneck for data throughput. Drives—Drives have a fixed performance maximum, which simply cannot be overcome. Controllers can help alleviate this bottleneck by caching data in the controller’s onboard RAM. In addition, you can implement arrays of disks to remove the bottleneck represented by a single disk. Bandwidth—The path that carries data from the controller to the drives is another potential bottleneck. IDE, the most common drive technology in client computers, is extremely slow compared with other technologies and isn’t suited for use in servers. Newer versions of SCSI are faster, and some SAN technologies are faster still.

Your high-performance storage design should also consider the various types of data that SQL Server deals with: •

Databases—Tend to be read-heavy in online analytical processing (OLAP) applications, or mixed read- and write-heavy in online transaction processing (OLTP) applications Transaction logs—Write-heavy in OLTP applications OS files—For example, the page file, which is read- and write-heavy, especially in systems with insufficient RAM


Chapter 8 The ideal SQL Server storage subsystem, from a performance and fault tolerance point of view, might include the following: •

A RAID 1 array for the OS files, including the page file—You could increase performance by placing the page file on a RAID 0 array, but you’ll lose fault tolerance. If a drive in the RAID 0 array fails, you probably won’t lose much data but the server will go offline. Use a dedicated controller—servers will often have one built-in—for this array. A RAID 5 array for the transaction log—Although RAID 5 imposes performance penalties for writes (as do many RAID levels), it provides a good balance between fault tolerance—essential for transaction logs—and write performance. If money is no object, create a small RAID 10 array for transaction logs and you’ll get better performance and fault tolerance. Regardless of which you choose, use a dedicated controller for this array. Multiple RAID 10 arrays for databases, or RAID 5 if RAID 10 is too expensive—The goal is to figure out how much space you need, then use a larger number of smaller drives to improve overall throughput. Ideally, each array should be on a dedicated controller to provide independent bandwidth. For large databases, try to split the database’s tables into multiple secondary database files and spread them across the available arrays so that the workload tends to be evenly distributed across the arrays. Ideally, these RAID 10 arrays can be implemented in fiber channel SANs, providing better throughput than copperbased SCSI connections.

Best Practices Over the years, best practices have been developed with regard to storage performance in SQL Server. These practices mainly come from long experimentation and reflect a sort of combined experience from within the SQL Server community. By following these practices, you can help ensure the best possible storage performance from your SQL Server scale-out solution. •

Do not under any circumstances use Windows’ built-in software RAID capabilities. They’re simply too slow. Use only hardware RAID controllers that implement the RAID array and present Windows with what appears to be a single physical disk that represents the entire array. All major server manufacturers offer these controllers in their servers. Or, simply use a SAN, which internalizes all the RAID capabilities and presents a single logical drive to Windows. Use the fastest disks possible. 5400rpm and 7200rpm disks are commonly available, although less than suitable for server use, where 10,000rpm is generally the accepted minimum. SCSI disks exceeding 15,000rpm are common in server configurations. The ability of the disk to spin its platters faster also gives it the ability to transfer data on and off those platters faster. Provided the drive is connected to a fast controller capable of handling the drive’s throughput, faster drives will always result in increased performance. Don’t mix drives in an array. Whenever possible, every drive in an array should be the same size, speed, and brand, ensuring the most consistent possible performance across the array. Mixing drives will lead to inconsistent performance, which can create performance hits that are difficult, if not impossible, to positively identify.


Chapter 8 •

• •

The more disks, the merrier. Computers can generally stream data to and from disks faster than even the fastest disk can handle; by implementing arrays with more disks, the computer will be able to move on to the next device in the array while the last device “catches up.” Arrays of at least seven to eight disks are recommended, and larger arrays are common in specialized storage solutions such as those sold by EMC. Disk controllers are a bigger bottleneck than many administrators realize. Select a controller that has been tested and demonstrated high performance numbers. The controller should have its own CPU, and, ideally, should be bus-mastering, providing it with dedicated access to the server’s memory and offloading work from the server’s CPUs. As I’ve already mentioned, fiber channel controllers have a distinct advantage over traditional SCSI controllers in that the fiber network is able to carry data to and from the controller much more rapidly than SCSI. If you have the money, consider a separate array controller for each major storage category: OS, databases, log files, and so forth. Doing so will permit SQL Server to maintain parallel data paths and can create a significant performance improvement. Purchase controllers with their own onboard RAM cache and battery backup. These features allow the controller to report data as “written,” and allow SQL Server (and Windows) to go about other tasks. The controller then streams data to the physical disks. The battery backup ensures that a loss of power won’t result in a loss of data; when power is restored, the controller will generally write anything left in RAM as soon as the server starts, before Windows even loads. Arrays or disks used for SQL Server data shouldn’t contain any other devices. For example, don’t use your array controller to run a tape backup unit, CD-ROM, or other device; dedicate the controller to the task of moving data for SQL Server. Multipurposing a controller simply divides its attention and reduces the throughput available to SQL Server. In fact, when possible, don’t install tape backups and other devices on a SQL Server computer. Even though you can use a separate controller for these devices, you’re still running the risk of placing an unnecessary burden on the server’s processors.

If you’re interested in testing your storage performance, download one of the free performance utilities from These utilities can perform a fairly thorough test of raw throughput and let you know how your system is doing. These utilities don't test SQL Server-specific performance, but gather general, raw disk performance. Microsoft provides a tool named SQLIO, which writes data in 8KB and 64KB blocks, mimicking SQL Server's own disk usage patterns. This tool is useful to benchmark SQL Server-specific performance.

Aside from the server configuration, a number of SQL Server configuration best practices can help improve performance. For example, high-end installations typically provide separate RAID arrays for each type of data, often storing the OS and SQL Server on a RAID-1 (mirrored) array, data on various RAID 5 (or, more commonly, RAID 10) arrays, log files on RAID 1 arrays, and so forth. SQL Server’s temporary database, Tempdb, is often stored on an independent RAID 5 or RAID 10 array to improve performance, for example; that may seem like overkill, but keep in mind that SQL Server can’t function without Tempdb (meaning you’ll need to allocate plenty of space for it, too). You’ll need to create a configuration that not only provides the best performance but also meets your availability and fault tolerance requirements.


Chapter 8

Summary In earlier chapters, I introduced you to scale-out concepts and compared scaling out to improved efficiency. I’ve outlined several scale-out techniques and technologies, including replication, federated databases, distribution partitioned views, and more. I’ve also discussed Windows Clustering, which can provide a level of server fault tolerance to a scale-out solution. Finally, in this chapter, I discussed high-performance storage, which provides a foundation for betterperforming scale-out projects. High-performance storage is critical to many server operations, not just SQL Server. However, because SQL Server is one of the most disk-intensive applications you can install under Windows, high-performance storage becomes a critical design component of any scale-out solution. Careful attention to the design of your storage subsystem is critical to the success of a scale-out project, as even a well-designed database will suffer if stored on an underperforming storage subsystem. Although scale-out projects can be complex and require a significant design investment, they are possible and can provide equally significant performance improvements for a variety of large SQL Server applications. In addition, so-called commodity hardware can be used in scale-out solutions to provide a more cost-effective solution, in many cases, than single-server solutions that utilize more expensive, proprietary hardware designs.


Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Scaling Out at the Application Level A major step in creating a SQL Server-based scale-out solution is creating the client application (or applications) that end users will utilize. These applications must be designed to accommodate your back-end scale-out technique, whatever that is, and it can be one of the most difficult parts of creating a scale-out solution. This chapter will focus on the client-side (and other application tier) design techniques that can be used to create an effective scale-out solution. You need to keep in mind, though, the precise scale-out technique you’ve selected for SQL Server. For example, if you’ve decided to scale out by creating multiple SQL Server installations, all containing the same data and using replication to keep one another updated, then you’ll need to build your client applications in a particular way. If, however, you’re using a federated database—where each server contains only a portion of the data, and views and other techniques are used to draw it together—there is a whole different set of client-side techniques. This chapter will examine them all, but you’ll need to select the ones that are most appropriate for your particular scale-out solution. This chapter won’t address prepackaged applications. For the most part, packaged applications aren’t subject to your reprogramming or rearchitecture, meaning you’re pretty much stuck with what you get. Some packaged applications—such as SAP—have tremendous flexibility and can be re-architected to achieve better scale-out. However, most such applications have very specific and often proprietary guidelines for doing so, far beyond the scope of what this chapter can cover.

Applications: The Scale-Out Bottleneck Applications aren’t a scale-out bottleneck in the performance sense of the word, but they can be a bottleneck in your solution development process. Creating applications that effectively use a scaled-out back-end requires entirely different development and data access techniques than in a smaller SQL Server-based solution. Common Application Problems in a Scale-Out Environment The overall problem with typical applications is that they’re designed to work with a single SQL Server computer. When an application finds itself in an environment where multiple SQL Server computers exist for the same database, all the common data access techniques and development models become useless. For a few examples, use the simple diagram in Figure 9.1 as a reference.


Chapter 9

Figure 9.1: Scaled-out SQL Server environment.

In the first scenario, suppose you’ve designed your SQL Server database so that each server maintains a complete copy of the data, and that replication is used to keep the various copies in sync with one another. So which database server does a given client computer access? Is it a simple matter of selecting the one closest to it? How does it go about doing so? Would you prefer that it somehow select the server which is least busy at the time? That’s even more difficult; while static server selection might be something you could put into the client’s configuration, being able to dynamically select a server based on server workload is more difficult. You can’t simply use technologies like Network Load Balancing (NLB), because that technology assumes that every server has completely identical content. In a replication scenario, servers won’t have completely identical content—not all the time. Consider how NLB might work in this scenario: •

Client needs to add a row to a table. NLB directs client to Server1. Client immediately needs to retrieve that row (which has probably had some unique identifier applied, likely through an Identity column). NLB directs client to Server2 this time, but Server2 doesn’t have the new row, yet, due to replication latency.

Clients would instead need some logic of their own to select a server and then stick with it (a technique referred to as affinity) through a series of operations; that’s not something NLB (which was designed to work with Web farms) is designed to do. Consider a second scenario, in which each server contains a portion of the overall database, and objects like distributed partitioned views (DPVs) are used by clients to access the database as if it were contained on a single server. As I explained in Chapter 4, the server physically containing most of the requested data can best handle the query; should the client try to figure that out and query the DPV from that server? If not, which server—as all of them are technically capable of handling the query to the DPV—should the client select? If all clients select a single particular server, you’re going to bottleneck at that server eventually, so you do want some way to spread them all out. In the next few sections, I’ll discuss some of the specific components that make client applications more difficult in a scale-out solution.


Chapter 9 Server-Centric View of the World Figure 9.2 illustrates a common problem with client applications: Connection strings. Many client applications are designed to connect directly to a SQL Server computer using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) or ADO.NET, and use a connection string to identify the server. Unfortunately, connection strings are, by definition, server-centric. In other words, a single connection string can connect to only a single server. Actually, that’s not completely accurate. Connection strings can provide support for alternate servers in a failover scenario: "DSN=MyData; AlternateServers=(Database=DB2:HostName=Server2,Database=DB1:HostName=Server3)" This is still server-centric, however, as the client will always connect to the first server that’s available.

Figure 9.2: Server-centric connections.

The problem with this technique in a scale-out solution is that it restricts the client to just a single SQL Server. If the client is expected to connect to different SQL Server computers (if the client is running in a different office, for example, which has its own server), the client either has to be changed, or has to be written from the outset to have multiple connection strings to choose from. And just because you have a multi-tier application doesn’t really change this problem; while clients in a multi-tier application aren’t usually server-centric from a SQL Server viewpoint, they do tend to be designed to work with a single middle-tier server, which in turn uses a standard, server-centric connection string to work with a single SQL Server computer. In a Web farm—which is the most common model of a scale-out application—this problem would be solved by using load balancing. Clients—or middle tier servers or whatever—would connect to a single virtual host name or IP address, which would be handled by some load balancing component (such as NLB, or a hardware load balancing device). The load balancing component would then redirect the client to one of the back-end servers, often in a simple roundrobin technique where incoming connections are directed, in order, to the next server in sequence. I’ve already discussed why this doesn’t work in a SQL Server environment: Clients often need to perform several tasks with a given server in short order before being redirected. Sometimes, opening a connection and leaving it open will maintain a connection with the same server, but that can become difficult to manage in middle-tier servers where dozens or hundreds of connections are open at once, and where connections are pooled to improve performance.


Chapter 9 What’s the solution to server-centric connections? Well, it depends on your SQL Server scaleout design. Because at some point somebody has to use a connection string—whether it be a client or a middle-tier—that’s somebody is going to have to incorporate logic to figure out which connection string to use (or, more accurately, which server to put into the connection string). One straightforward example of this might work for an environment where multiple SQL Servers contain the entire database and use replication to stay in sync; as illustrated in Figure 9.3, clients (or middle-tier servers) might examine their own IP address, match it to a list of server IP addresses, and thereby connect to the server nearest them (similar to the way in which a Windows client selects an Active Directory domain controller).

Figure 9.3: Dynamically selecting a server.

Of course, this technique requires that the application have a complete list of servers. To make the application more robust and longer-lasting, you might have it actually query the list of servers from a central database, enabling the server lineup itself to change over time without having to deploy a new application. A more advanced solution might be to build your own equivalent of a network load balancing solution, however. Figure 9.4 illustrates this technique.

Figure 9.4: Building a redirector service.


Chapter 9 In this example, the redirector is able to determine which server is least busy, located the closest, or whatever other criteria you want to use. It then informs the client which server to use. The client then makes a direct connection to that server, and maintains the connection for however long it wants, allowing it to complete entire transactions with that server. The redirector service might provide a timeout value; once the timeout expires, the client would be required to go back and get a new server reference. This helps ensure that the redirector can continually rebalance load across servers (for example). If the list of available servers evolves over time, only the redirector needs to be updated, which helps reduce long-term maintenance. This redirector service can also be implemented in a scenario where your scale-out solution uses a federated database. Clients might be designed to submit queries to the redirector first, which might conduct a brief analysis and direct clients to the server best capable of handling that particular query. That would require significantly more logic, and you wouldn’t necessarily want the redirector to try and figure out which server contained the most data (that would reduce overall solution performance, in most cases), but the redirector might be able to realize that a client was trying to query a lookup table’s contents, and direct the client to the server or servers that physically contain that data. The idea, overall, is to find a way to remove the single-server view of the network, and to give your solution some intelligence so that it can make smarter decisions about which server to contact for various tasks. As much as possible, those decisions should be centralized into some middle-tier component (such as the redirector service I’ve proposed), so that long-term maintenance of the decision-making logic can be centralized, rather than spread across a widelydistributed client application. Intolerance of Longer Data Operations While the whole point of a scale-out application is to speed things up, especially long-running operations—such as reports that require large amounts of data to be collated—can still take a while to complete, especially when several servers must work together to provide the data. Client applications—and, more frequently, their users—are often intolerant of longer operations, though. One way to combat this problem—even in a scale-up application—is to implement asynchronous querying capabilities. Figure 9.5 shows what I’m talking about.


Chapter 9

Figure 9.5: Asynchronous querying.

In this example, clients use message queuing to submit data requests. An application running on the server (or a middle tier) retrieves the requests and executes them in order, placing the results back on the queue for the client to retrieve. While this obviously isn’t appropriate for typical online transaction processing (OLTP) data requests, it’s perfectly appropriate for ad-hoc reports and other data that isn’t needed instantly. By moving these types of data requests into an asynchronous model, you can ensure that they don’t consume excessive server resources, and by building your client applications around this model you can give users an immediate response (“Your request has been submitted”) and delayed results (“Your report is now ready to view”) in a more acceptable fashion than simply having users stare at an hourglass. Even certain OLTP applications can use this technique. For example, in an events-ticketing application, submitting ticket purchases to a queue helps ensure that tickets are sold in a firstcome, first-served fashion. Customers might not receive instant confirmation of their purchase, especially if the queue has a lot of requests on it for a popular event, but confirmation wouldn’t take long. Because the actual processing would be accomplished by a middle-tier application, rather than the client, the business logic of connecting to the scaled-out back-end could be more easily centralized, as well. My preference, as you’ll see throughout this chapter, is to never have client applications connecting directly to the scaled-out back-end. Instead, have clients use a middle-tier, and allow that tier to connect to the back-end for data processing. This model provides much more efficient processing, eliminates the need for client applications to understand the scaled-out architecture, and helps to centralize the connectivity logic into a more easily-maintained application tier.


Chapter 9

Inflexible Data Access Models The previous two sections have both illustrated how client applications are traditionally written with fairly inflexible data access models. Other examples of inflexibility exist, but the single best solution is to move to a multi-tier application architecture. In fact, any good scale-out solution will use at least a three-tier model of some kind, simply so that the applications used by endusers need to have as little hardcoded into them as possible. Client applications should be insulated (or abstracted) from the database servers, from the selection of what database server they’ll use, and so forth. This allows the back-end to evolve over time, and requires you to maintain only the smaller middle-tier servers to keep up with that evolution. Figure 9.6 illustrates this basic software development concept. The additional benefits of multi-tier design have been known for years: •

• •

Connection pooling allows SQL Server resources to be used more efficiently, by aggregating multiple client connections across a smaller number of actual database connections between the middle tier and SQL Server itself. More business logic can be encapsulated into the middle tier, reducing overhead on SQL Server while maintaining fairly centralized business logic code that’s easier to maintain over the long term. Client applications can become simpler and easier to create, and can last longer between updates since some of the solution’s evolution can be restricted to higher tiers.

Figure 9.6: Three-tier application design.

While it’s obviously possible to build effective, scaled-out, 2-tier (client and SQL Server) applications, it’s not the most efficient or logical approach. Keep in mind that Web servers and Web browsers each represent distinct application tiers; even if you have a scaled-out Web application where Web servers are directly contacting SQL Server computers, you’ve still got a three-tier application, with the Web servers acting as a middle tier of sorts.


Chapter 9 Challenges in Moving to Scale-Out Moving from an existing 2-tier application environment to a scaled-out solution (regardless of how many application tiers you build) can be painful, depending on how the original client applications were written to begin with. For example, consider the ASP.NET code shown in Figure 9.7 (I’m showing this in Notepad to help maximize the amount of code you can see). Can you spot the problems? There are quite a few. Highlighted in red is the big one from a scaleout perspective: This application is using a common ASP.NET technique of storing the connection string in the web.config file, and then connecting directly to the database server. Under certain scale-out scenarios, as discussed previously, this simply won’t work. Instead, you might need to create a new class that returns a connection, and design that class to select the appropriate database server. Or, better yet, create an entirely new tier that can be used to figure out which server is appropriate, and return the appropriate connection string. Best would be an entirely new tier that handles the data processing itself, eliminating the need for the ASP.NET application to connect directly to SQL Server in the first place. Another problem—highlighted in yellow—is the application’s use of dynamically-generated SQL statements, which are often subject to SQL insertion attacks. This has no bearing on the application’s scale-out, but it is a poor practice that should be rectified when the data processing portion of the application is moved to a middle tier.

Figure 9.7: ASP.NET application – not ready for scale out.


Chapter 9 Figure 9.8 illustrates how this application might need to evolve to work well in a scale-out scenario.

Figure 9.8: Scaling out the Web application.

Unfortunately, this sort of change is definitely nontrivial: Every page in the ASP.NET, based on the example you saw, will need significant modifications. An entire middle tier will have to be constructed, as well. Essentially, much of the application will have to be rewritten from scratch. This is why I refer to client applications as the bottleneck in a scale-out solution: Creating the scaled-out SQL Server tier can seem easy compared to what you have to do to make a robust client (and middle) tier that’s compatible with it.

Architecting a Complete Scale-Out Solution If you have an existing application that you’re converting to scale-out, there may be a tendency to try and change as little as possible to get there. Similarly, if you’re building an application solution from scratch, you may be tempted to just start with the data tier—which is the most interesting, to some folks—and worry about the rest later. Both approaches will land you in trouble, because scale-out requires a properly thought-out solution¸ from beginning to end, before you start implementing anything. While most of this book has focused on SQL Server’s role in scale-out, that doesn’t mean the rest of the solution can be ignored. Even if you’re starting with an existing application, architect your scaled-out solution from scratch, and then see what parts of your existing application fit in, and where they fit in. You may be in for a lot of reprogramming—in most cases I’ve see, that’s what happens—but it’s far better to have a properly-designed scale-out solution that requires a lot of work than to have one that didn’t get much work, but also doesn’t work very well. In the next few sections, then, I’ll discuss from-scratch scale-out architecture, taking it one tier at a time.


Chapter 9

The Data Layer Most of this book is already focused on the data tier, so at this point I’ll summarize your basic options. You do need to decide, at this point, what kind of scale-out approach is going to be appropriate for your situation. For example, Figure 9.9 illustrates a solution where multiple database servers each have a complete copy of the database, and use replication to keep one another in sync.

Figure 9.9: Scale-out through replication.

This scenario might be appropriate in a solution where the users are geographically distributed. Each location could have its own server, using WAN-based replication to stay in sync. Benefits include the ability for users to always access a local database server, and the remainder of the solution wouldn’t be terribly different from a single-server solution. In fact, this is probably one of the easiest scale-out solutions to retrofit. However, downsides to this approach can include significant WAN utilization and high replication latency. That means users at each location have to be accepting of the fact that any data frequently updated by users at other locations may be out of date a great deal of the time. Another possible use for this technique is load balancing. In this example, the servers would all reside in the same location, and users would be directed between them to help distribute the workload. This is also relatively easy to retrofit an existing solution into, although changes obviously need to be made to accommodate the load balancing (I discussed these points earlier in the chapter). Replication could be conducted over a private, high-speed network between the servers (a private Gigabit Ethernet connection might be appropriate), although particularly highvolume applications would still incur noticeable replication latency, meaning each server would rarely, in practice, be completely up-to-date with the others. Figure 9.10 illustrates a different approach. Here, each server contains only a portion of the database. Queries are conducted through DPVs, which exist on each server. As needed, the server being queried enlists the other servers—through linked servers—to provide the data necessary to complete the query. This is a federated database.


Chapter 9

Figure 9.10: A federated database.

Figure 9.11 shows a minor variation on this them. Here, a fourth server contains the DPVs and enlists the three servers containing data to complete the queries. The fourth server might not actually contain any data; its whole function is to serve as kind of an intermediary. The fourth server might contain tables for primarily static data, such as lookup tables, which are frequently read but rarely changed. That would help the three main servers focus on the main database tables. I refer to the fourth server as a query proxy, since, like an Internet proxy server, it appears to be handling the requests even though it doesn’t contain the data.

Figure 9.11: Using one database server as a query proxy.

Finally, the last scale-out model is a distributed database, as pictured in Figure 9.12. Here, the database is distributed in some fashion across multiple servers, but the servers don’t work together to federate, or combine, that data. Instead, anyone accessing the database servers knows what data is stored where, and simply accesses it directly.


Chapter 9

Figure 9.12: Distributed database.

This model has two main permutations. First, the database might be broken up by tables, so that (for example) customer data resides on one server, while order data lives on another. The second way is for the data to be manually partitioned in some fashion. Customers “A” through “M” might be on one server, while the remainder are on another server. These models don’t necessary stand alone, either. For example, you might create a solution where customer data is federated between three servers, and uses DPVs to present a single, combined view of the data. Vendor data, however, might only exist on the second server, while lookup tables live on the third server. This model would combine a distributed database model with a federated database model. You can be creative to help your database perform at its best. The Middle Tier Scale-out application need a middle tier. Yes, it’s absolutely possible to build a scale-out solution without a middle tier, but it’ll operate better, and be easier to maintain, with one than without one. Although they can be simple proxies that help remove the need for client applications to understand the back-end (as I’ve discussed already in this chapter), middle tiers can provide a great deal of logic, help to centralize important business rules, and much more. Figure 9.13 shows a basic middle tier in operation. Here, one middle tier server receives a request (in blue) that’s filled by a DPV. The middle-tier server could technically contact any server hosting that DPV to query it, but it might do a few quick ping operations to see which server is responding fastest, and query the DPV from that one. Or, it might do a quick analysis to determine which back-end server physically contains the majority of the data being requested, since that server can complete the DPV query with the least effort. The back-end then does whatever it’s supposed to, enlisting the other back-end servers to complete the query. All that time, whatever application was querying the middle tier needs to know nothing about this backend work; it simply instantiated some remote object to obtain some data, and it got the data.


Chapter 9

Figure 9.13: Using a middle tier.

A second request (in red) goes to a second middle-tier server. This request might be for data which isn’t handled by a DPV, but is rather distributed across two back-end servers. The client application doesn’t need to understand this at all; it simply instantiates a remote component on the middle tier server (or accesses a Web service, or something similar), and it gets its data. The middle tier knows where the data is located, and retrieves it.


Chapter 9 Using middle tiers offers some distinct advantages: •

Maintaining connections requires resources on SQL Server, which could often be used better elsewhere. While client applications would require, at minimum, one connection to SQL Server per client, a middle tier can get by with fewer connections than the number of clients it services. This is called connection pooling, and it can make the back-end operate more efficiently. How Does Connection Pooling Help?

Any application accessing SQL Server has two choices when it comes to connections: Create one (or more) and leave it open at all times, or just create one when it’s needed. In the first case, the connection requires resources to maintain even when it isn’t being actively used. If a client application does this, in fact, the connection will mainly be unused, because client applications spend far more time waiting for their user to do something than they do querying data. In the second case, creating and tearing down connections takes processing power, something SQL Server could be using more efficiently elsewhere. A middle tier often creates a number of connections and keeps them open. However, it doesn’t create one per client; instead, as requests come in, the middle tier selects a currently-idle connection to service the request. This allows connections to remain open, but helps prevent them from being idle, which derives the maximum benefit from the SQL Server resources diverted to maintaining the connection.

The middle tier is often easy to scale out. Simply create an identical middle-tier server and find a way to load-balance clients across it (perhaps hardcoding some clients to use a particular server, or by using an automated load balancing solution). The middle tier can contain business and operational logic that would otherwise require more complex client applications, or would place unnecessary load on SQL Server. For example, the middle tier can be designed to understand the back-end data layout, allowing it to access the data it needs. This removed the need for client applications to have this logic, and allows the back-end to change and evolve without having to redesign and redeploy the client. Instead, the middle tier—which is a much smaller installed base—is reprogrammed. Similarly, operations like basic data validation can take place on the middle tier, helping to ensure that all data sent to SQL Server is valid. That way, SQL Server is wasting time validating and rejecting improper data. If business rules change, the middle tier represents a smaller installed base (than the client tier) that has to be modified. You can get creative with the middle tier to help offload work from SQL Server. For example, the middle tier might cache certain types of data—such as mainly-static lookup tables—so that SQL Server doesn’t need to be queried each time. Or, clients could cache that information, and use middle-tier functionality to determine when the data needed to be re-queried.

Middle tier applications used to be somewhat complex to write, and involved fairly complicated technologies such as Distributed COM (DCOM). However, with today’s .NET Framework, Web services, and other technologies, middle tiers are becoming markedly easier to create and maintain, giving you all the more reason to utilize them in your scale-out application.


Chapter 9

A middle tier, can, in fact, be an excellent way of migrating to a scale-out solution. If you can take the time to redesign client applications to use a middle tier, and create the middle tier properly, then the back-end can be scaled out without having to change the client again.

The Web Tier Many application solutions, these days, are incorporating a Web component, even if they aren’t specifically a Web application. In general, the Web tier should be treated as a client tier. In other words, you still should consider using a middle tier, and then allow Web servers to connect to that. Figure 9.14 illustrates this arrangement.

Figure 9.14: Web servers in a multi-tier scale-out solution.

It’s very important that Web applications follow the same best practices as any other client application: Minimizing data queried, no ad-hoc queries, and so forth. There are a few Web applications that are special cases. For example, a SQL Server Reporting Services Web site typically needs direct connectivity to SQL Server, rather than accessing data through a middle tier. When this is the case, you can typically make the back-end more robust to accommodate the direct access. For example, reports might be pulled from a static copy of the database that’s created each night (or each week, or however often), rather than querying the OLTP servers.


Chapter 9 As your Web tier scales out—Web farms being one of the easiest things to create and expand, thanks to the way Web servers and browsers work—always take into consideration the effect on the middle and back-end tiers. For example, you might determine that each middle-tier server can support ten Web servers; so as you scale out the Web tier, scale out the middle tier appropriately. Always pay attention to the resulting effect on the back-end, which is more difficult to scale out, so that you can spot performance bottlenecks before they hit, and take appropriate measures to increase the back-end tier’s capacity. The Client Tier The client tier may consist of numerous client applications, but they should all access data exclusively through a middle tier server, as shown in Figure 9.15.

Figure 9.15: Clients access data through a middle tier.


Chapter 9 There are a number of pieces of functionality which typically exist in client applications, but which can and should, whenever possible, be moved to the middle tier: •

• •

Data validation. When possible, move this functionality to the middle-tier. The middletier might provide functionality that allows clients to query data requirements (such as maximum field lengths, allowed formats, and so forth), so that clients can provide immediate feedback to their users, but in general try to avoid hardcoding data validation in the client tier. As the most widely-deployed tier, the client tier is the most difficult to maintain, so eliminating or reducing data validation—which can change over time— helps to improve long-term maintenance. Business rules. As with data, client-tier maintenance will be easier over the long term if business logic exists primarily on the middle tier. Data access logic. Clients should have no idea what the data tier looks like. Instead, data access should all be directed through the middle tier, allowing back-end structural changes to occur without affecting how clients operate.

Client should not use (and the middle tier should not allow the use of) ad-hoc queries. Instead, clients should be programmed to use middle-tier components (or Web services, which amounts to the same thing) to query the exact data they require. This helps to ensure that clients are fully abstracted from the data tier and have no dependencies on anything, including table names, column names, and so forth. This technique provides the maximum flexibility for the data tier, and truly makes the middle tier a “wall” between the clients and the data.

Converting Existing Applications for Scale-Out There’s no question that converting existing applications can actually be more difficult than just starting from scratch, especially if you’re inheriting an application that you weren’t responsible for in the first place. Still, sometimes conversion can be more cost-effective, and so in the next few sections I’ll touch on the key areas you’ll need to pay attention to in converting your applications. It probably goes without saying, but just in case: Applications should use all the best practices that I discussed in Chapter 2, such as using stored procedures rather than ad-hoc queries, retrieving the minimum amount of data, and so forth. These practices help applications perform better no matter what kind of environment you’re working in.


Chapter 9

Key Weaknesses Applications already written for a 3- (or more) tier environment are less likely to have significant weaknesses with regard to scale-out operations, although the tier which accesses data will likely need a decent amount of work to accommodate a scaled-out SQL Server solution. However, many applications are simple, client-server applications that may require extensive work. Here are some of the key weaknesses usually found in these applications, which you’ll need to address during your conversion: •

• •

• •

Direct connectivity. Applications connecting directly to a data source will need to have that connectivity removed or modified, as appropriate, to understand your new solution architecture. Ad-hoc queries. Many client applications make use of ad-hoc queries, which are out of place in any database application, but especially in a scale-out scenario. Replace these with calls to stored procedures or to middle-tier components. Caching. Client applications rarely cache data, although in a scale-out solution—when retrieving data might require the participation of multiple servers—doing so can help improve overall throughput. Clients may be able to cache, for example, relatively static data used for drop-down lists and other lookups, helping to improve overall throughput of the solution. Poor use of connection objects. Client applications often make poor use of ADO or ADO.NET connection objects, either leaving them open and idle for too long or too frequently creating and destroying them. A middle tier, which can help pool connections, makes connection resources more efficient. Intolerance for long-running operations. While scale-out solutions are designed to improve performance, sometimes long-running operations are inevitable. Client applications must be designed not to error out, or to use asynchronous processing when possible. Dependence on data tier. Client applications are often highly dependent on specific data tier attributes, such as the database schema. Clients should be abstracted from the data tier, especially the database schema, to improve solution flexibility. Multi-query operations. Clients typically perform interrelated queries, requiring them to remain connected to a single server while each successive query completes. This creates a connectivity dependence and eliminates the possibility of the client being load-balanced to multiple servers throughout its run time.


Chapter 9

Conversion Checklist Here’s a short checklist of things you’ll need to change when converting an existing application to work in a scaled-out environment: I’m not assuming, in this checklist, that you’ll be using a multi-tier application, although I strongly recommend that you consider it.

• • • •

Remove all direct connections to servers and implement logic to connect to the proper server in the back-end. In a multi-tier application, all database connectivity will need to be replaced by use of remote middle-tier components. Examine the application for data which can be locally cached and updated on demand. Implement components that check for updated data (such as lookup data) and re-query it as necessary. Redesign applications to use asynchronous processing whenever possible and practical. This provides the middle- and back-end tiers with the most flexibility, and allows you to maximize performance. Remove schema-specific references. For example, references to specific column names or column ordinals should be removed, or rewritten so that the column names and ordinals are created by a middle tier, stored procedure, or other abstraction. The underlying database schema should be changeable without affecting client applications. Make operations as short and atomic as possible. If a client needs to execute a series of interrelated queries, try to make that a single operation on the client, and move more of the logic to the back-end or middle tier. By making every major client operation a “one and done” operation, you make it easier to re-load balance clients to a different middletier or SQL Server computer (if that’s how your scale-out solution is architected).

Summary This chapter focused on the last topics needed in a scale-out solution—the actual applications that will use your data. In general, a good practice is to apply a multi-tier approach to help isolate clients from the data, thus providing the maximum flexibility for the back-end data tier. Although the remainder of this book has focused primarily on SQL Server itself, you can’t ignore the fact that SQL Server is only part of an application solution, and the design of the remainder of the solution plays an equally important role in the solution’s overall scalability. Throughout this book, the focus has been on scalability and flexibility. This guide has presented you with options for scaling out the back end, explained technologies that can help SQL Server perform better and more consistently, and introduced you to techniques that can help in both scale-up and scale-out scenarios. You’ve learned a bit about how high availability can be maintained in a scale-out solution, and about how critical subsystems—particularly storage— lend themselves to a better-performing solution. Although building a scale-out solution is never easy, hopefully, this guide has given you some pointers in the right direction, and as SQL Server continues to evolve as a product, we’ll doubtless see new technologies and techniques dedicated to making scale-out easier and more efficient. In the meantime, the very best of luck with your scale-out efforts. 208


Appendix: 64-Bit and High Performance Computing The advent of 64-bit computing has brought a number of wonderful new options to large-scale databases. Strictly speaking, 64-bit is suitable for scaling up, meaning that it provides more powerful servers that can handle greater workloads. However, it’s a maxim of scale-out database computing that you must first scale up as much as possible. Such is not the case of all scale-out scenarios. For example, Web farms often consist of multiple less-powerful servers (a typical specification is two processors and 2 to 4GB of RAM), which are often selected more for their compact size (meaning a large number can be fit into a single rack) than their computing prowess. As you’ve seen already, however, database servers don’t lend themselves as easily to dense server farms, meaning each server—even in a scale-out solution— is often built to be the most powerful server available.

Introduction to 64-Bit Computing 64-bit computing represents advances similar in nature to the advances introduced with Intel’s 386 microprocessor—the first true 32-bit processor mass-produced by Intel. The 386 introduced significant advances in memory capacity, processing speed, and overall processor architecture; 64-bit computing provides advances in similar areas. Today, two distinct 64-bit platforms are available: Intel’s Itanium (or IA64) architecture and the x64 architecture implemented in processors from both Intel and AMD. That isn’t to say that there are no other 64-bit architectures available; quite the contrary, in fact. The DEC Alpha processor, for example, was a 64-bit design. However, the Itanium and x64 platforms are the only mass-production architectures currently (or slated to be) supported by Windows and SQL Server.

Intel Itanium (IA64) Intel’s IA64 architecture was the company’s first stab at a 64-bit computing platform. Actually, the current generation of the technology is Itanium 2. An all-new architecture, IA64 is a significant departure from the Pentium-style Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) processors that Intel is traditionally associated with. The IA64 (which uses an architecture called EPIC, rather than CISC) is a true “built from scratch” platform, offering an entirely new Basic Input-Output System (BIOS), firmware, and so forth. Intel even introduced a new expansion architecture named InfiniBand, which was intended to supplant the dated PCI expansion architecture (although most Itanium-based servers continue to support PCI to some degree). The IA64 eliminated today’s memory limitations of 4GB, allowing large amounts of RAM (as much as 512MB in most cases) to be installed.


Appendix However, while still in production and available in servers from several manufacturers, the IA64 platform hasn’t caught on as well as Intel undoubtedly hoped. The entirely new architecture meant that existing 32-bit applications couldn’t be guaranteed to run as well, and a compatible version of Windows took some time to produce, slowing adoption of the new processor. The allnew architecture required significant training for server administrators, and—because the processors never shipped in quantities close to that of Intel’s Pentium family—per-processor pricing remained fairly high for some time. Purchasers were also put off by clock speeds of less than 2GHz. Although the IA64 processors running at these speeds could significantly outperform a faster-rated Pentium processor, the industry has a habit of “shopping by numbers” and uninformed purchasers tended to be put off by the perceived lower speeds. The “shopping by numbers” problem is one that most processor manufacturers are dealing with. Even in 32-bit processors, new processor technologies such as dual-core and multi-pipelining make raw CPU clock speed a fairly poor indicator of overall performance, which is why companies such as AMD and Intel no longer use processor speed as a major identifying factor in product advertisements and specification sheets.

Today, IA64’s long-term future is in some question. It’s undoubtedly a powerful platform, but new processor models have not been introduced for some time, and Intel seems to be focusing more on its EM64T architecture. Hewlett-Packard, originally a partner in the IA64’s development, has pulled out of the processor’s development, although the company still offers a few IA64-based servers (other manufacturers, such as Dell, offer a few Itanium 2-based servers as well). Microsoft has also announced that some key 64-bit technologies, including Windows Compute Cluster, will not be made available (at least initially) on the IA64. However, Microsoft continues to support Windows on the IA64 platform, positioning it as a preferred platform for high-end applications such as large databases. Also, as I’ll point out later, some of the “biggest iron” currently being used to run high-end SQL Server installations are running Itanium 2 processors. AMD64 and Intel EM64T (x64) AMD was the first to produce a competitor to the IA64 platform, calling its new 64-bit technology AMD64. Rather than building an all-new architecture, however, AMD elected to extend the existing 32-bit technologies already present in Intel and AMD processors. AMD’s solution provided complete 32-bit compatibility, essentially allowing the processor to run in a “32-bit mode.” In fact, many computers sold today come with 64-bit processors installed, but run a 32-bit version of Windows. After failing to achieve a high level of success with IA64, Intel created its own version of the technology naming it Extended Memory 64-bit Technology, or EM64T. Today, both the Intel and AMD technologies are generically referred to using the term x64. The remainder of this appendix will use the term x64 to refer generically to both Intel EM64T and AMD AMD64 64-bit offerings. The majority of this appendix will focus on Windows and SQL Server support for x64, although the next section will provide an overview of the underlying x64 technology.


Appendix With a single, compatible platform from two vendors, Microsoft was able to quickly produce compatible versions of Windows in several editions, and plans to make the x64 platform the primary 64-bit platform for Windows in the future. For example, although it’s a sure thing that Longhorn (the next version of Windows, now named Windows Vista and expected in 2006 or 2007) will ship 32-bit versions, it’s a strong possibility that it will be the last version of Windows to do so. By the time the subsequent version of Windows is ready to ship, 32-bit processors may have ceased production or may be considered only suitable for lower-end personal computers rather than servers. 32-Bit: Not Dead Yet Although both Intel and AMD are moving full speed ahead on 64-bit processors, the 32-bit processor is far from dead and can still offer a compelling argument for high-end database servers. For example, both companies produce processors capable of parallel instruction execution; these processors appear to the OS as two processors and provide performance similar to a “true” dual-processor system. Intel’s trade name for this technology is Hyper-Threading. Both companies are also producing dual-core processors, which essentially pack two processors into a single package. Intel’s Pentium D is an example of this technology. Dual-core parallel-processing models also exist, essentially allowing a single processor package to function more or less as four processors (dual-core processors are also available in 64-bit versions, such as the AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core). A limitation of all these processors is their memory support—traditionally, 32-bit processors have supported a maximum of 4GB of installed, physical RAM. Microsoft, Intel, and AMD have collaborated on a technology called Physical Addressing Extensions (PAE), which allows 32-bit editions of Windows to address more than 4GB of physical RAM. This technology is often seen, for example, when running 32-bit Windows on an x64 processor, or on 32-bit systems that are capable of having more than 4GB of physical RAM installed. However, PAE uses a memory-paging technique that is somewhat slower than the native memory access provided by 64-bit Windows running on an x64 processor, meaning applications don’t perform quite as well. In addition, 32bit applications can only have a logical address space of 2GB (or 3GB using a startup switch in Windows’ Boot.ini file), regardless of how much memory the server contains and Windows is capable of addressing. To sum up, powerful 32-bit processors continue to be produced. Technologies such as PAE allow Windows to address memory beyond the 4GB limit, but they do not allow applications such as SQL Server to break the 2GB or 3GB boundary (although Address Windowing Extensions—AWE—does allow SQL Server to store data pages beyond the 2GB or 3GB limit), and therefore do not provide as much performance (in terms of memory, at least) as a fully-native, 64-bit solution.

Technical Overview of 64-Bit Computing It’s important to understand that x64 processors are more than just x86 (32-bit) processors with some fancy memory capabilities built in. It’s also important to understand that although the AMD64 and EM64T architectures are compatible (thus resulting in the generic x64 designation), they are not identical. At its core, the x64 platform calls for both a 64-bit mode and a backward-compatible 32-bit mode. The processor’s default mode is for backward compatibility, as 32-bit software doesn’t realize there’s a need to “switch” modes. 64-bit software, however, is aware of the two modes, and can explicitly switch the processor into its 64-bit mode.


Appendix The x64 platform provides much of its backward compatibility by supporting the entire x86 instruction set, then extending that instruction set to support new 64-bit capabilities. For this reason, Intel refers to EM64T as 64-bit extensions. Key components of x64 technology include: •

Flat 64-bit address space—This component permits Windows to address up to 1TB of RAM in a flat (non-paged) memory space. WS2K3 x64 also provides a significantly larger address space to individual applications. For example, even on a modestly equipped server with 32GB of RAM (the maximum supported by WS2K3 Standard Edition), it’s entirely feasible for even large databases to reside completely in memory, helping to eliminate or sharply reduce disk access, one of SQL Server’s major performance bottlenecks. Figure A.1 shows how the SQL Server address space can help expand all of SQL Server’s memory structures, including the caches.

Figure A.1: A flat address space provides unrestricted memory for all of SQL Server’s needs.

You won’t run across too many servers physically capable of handling 1TB of memory; a common physical limit right now is 32GB (which is still a lot of memory). As memory prices continue to fall and density continues to rise, hardware will be introduced that supports the installation of ever-greater amounts of RAM.


Appendix • • •

64-bit pointers—These pointers allow the processor to natively access all installed memory for both program instructions as well as data. 64-bit wide general purpose registers—These components allow the processor to work with a full 64 bits of data at once, twice the amount of a 32-bit processor. 64-bit integer support—This support for larger numbers provides extended mathematical and processing capabilities, as well as supporting 64-bit memory access.

Of course, these enhancements are only available under an x64 OS and only to x64-compatible applications. 32-bit applications are supported on x64 editions of WS2K3, but they run under a special Windows on Windows64 (WOW64) subsystem, and retain a 2GB (or 3GB) logical address space limitation. The 2GB limit is hard coded in Windows. Some editions of Windows allow this limit to be changed to 3GB, but I’ll continue to refer to the 2GB number for clarity.

The significance of the flat memory address space cannot be overstated. For example, consider the block diagram in Figure A.2. In this diagram, the server has the maximum of 4GB of RAM installed. That RAM is parceled out in 2GB chunks to each running application. Of course, each server has dozens of applications—primarily background services—so there isn’t sufficient RAM for all of them. Although background services don’t typically use the full 2GB they’re allocated, they do use memory. Add in major applications such as SQL Server and IIS and memory truly becomes scarce—these applications are more likely to use the full 2GB they’re allotted. The result is that additional memory must be taken from the vastly slower page file. As applications need to access memory, the appropriate chunk, or page, is moved from the page file into physical RAM. At the same time, another page must be moved from physical RAM into the disk-based page file to make room. Remember, anything living in the page file is going to be slower to access. The goal is to get as much as possible into physical RAM.

Figure A.2: Memory allocation in a 32-bit system.


Appendix Because SQL Server may well need to work with more than 2GB of data (including caches for stored procedures, execution plans, and so on), it implements its own paging scheme, paging database data on and off of disk into the 2GB of RAM it’s been allocated. Of course, if SQL Server can’t get a full 2GB of physical RAM, then it has less to work with, and winds up paging even more data to and from disk. It’s this slow disk access that represents the major bottleneck in many database applications. Contrast this allocation with Figure A.3, which depicts the same situation running in a fully-native, 64-bit environment.

Figure A.3: Memory allocation in a 64-bit system.

Here, applications can be allocated more than 2GB of memory. SQL Server is depicted with 6GB, enough to hold all of the data for the three databases it contains. There’s plenty of RAM left over. In fact, in many x64 servers with plenty of RAM, it’s not unusual for disk activity to fall off significantly, simply because so much data can fit into faster RAM. The presence of all this database data living in RAM does not present safety or integrity issues. In a 32-bit system, SQL Server runs several threads of execution. Understand that only data resident in physical memory can be queried or changed; typically, one thread runs the query or change while another thread works to bring needed pages of data into physical memory from disk. The thread running the query often has to wait while the data-retrieval thread does its work, and that’s where the slowdown occurs. A third thread works to write changed pages to disk, where they’re protected from a power outage or server crash. Just because pages are written to disk, however, doesn’t mean they’re removed from RAM; SQL Server leaves pages in RAM in case it needs to modify them again. Only when it needs to bring more pages from disk are unneeded pages dropped from RAM to make room. In a 64-bit scenario, the same process occurs. However, it’s much less likely that pages will need to be dropped from RAM to make room for more. So eventually, every page needed by the database applications winds up in memory and stays there, reducing further disk activity (which begins to consist more of background writes for changed pages).


Appendix Of course, extensive RAM isn’t the whole performance story. To take Intel x64 processors as an example, the whole package of 64-bit computing provides some impressive statistics: •

• • •

As much as 8MB of L3 cache, helping to reduce the need for the processor to access memory More than three times the bus bandwidth of older processors, with front-side bus speeds of 667MHz PCI Express, a replacement for the PCI peripheral interface, which provides vastly enhanced peripheral throughput capacities. Quad-channel, DDR2-400 memory, offering larger capacity and lower latency Memory RAID capabilities, bringing disk-based redundancy technology to the memory subsystem

64-bit Intel Xeon MP processors have been benchmarked at 38 percent faster than previousgeneration processors in the Transaction Performance Council’s TPC-C benchmark, and 52 percent faster in the TPC-H benchmark, two important benchmarks for database performance. Coming Soon: 64-Bit and Then Some Neither Intel nor AMD are standing still—both companies continue to push aggressively to develop competitive new technologies. For example, both companies have released specifications for inprocessor virtualization technologies. These technologies, often referred to as hypervisor technologies, have been spurred by the success of software products such as VMWare and Microsoft Virtual Server. Essentially, in-processor hypervisor technologies allow virtualization at a deeper hardware level, vastly improving the performance of the virtual machines. For example, today’s blade solutions are all-hardware solutions, essentially multiple high-density computers grouped together in a common, managed chassis. In the future, hypervisor technology may extend blade computing’s definition to include a single, powerful traditional server running multiple virtual machines as effectively as if each virtual machine were in fact a physical blade. Although some of these new technologies aren’t expected to begin shipping until 2006, it’s useful to note that the age of the processor is again upon us. For much of the past decade, processor technologies have not showed significant advancements, instead relying on incremental increases in speed. Now, x64 computing, hypervisor technologies, and other advancements are making microprocessors one of the most exciting and fast-evolving components of a server.

Example Processors The lineup of Intel and AMD processors is constantly evolving, but the following list provides a selection of processor lines that include x64 models. Note that not every processor in these lines is necessarily x64; consult the appropriate manufacturer’s product guides for specifics. Also, this list is intended to focus on server-suitable processors, as suggested by these manufacturers, rather than being a comprehensive list of all x64 processors: •

Intel Pentium D Processor (dual-core)

Intel Xeon Processor MP

Intel Xeon Processor

AMD Opteron for Servers


Appendix These processors are available now, in servers from most leading server manufacturers. In fact, I’ve run across a few companies who have x64-based servers but are still running 32-bit Windows without realizing that they’ve got more power under the hood that isn’t being put to use. Check your servers and see—it may be that an upgrade to a 64-bit OS and software is all you need to gain some extra performance for your database applications. More than Just RAM It’s also important to realize that 64-bit computing brings advances beyond gobs of memory. 64bit processors generally support the latest processor technologies, such as advanced, multi-stage processor pipelines that can execute instructions in parallel, reduce processor wait states (during which the processor is essentially idle), and so forth. Dual-core 64-bit processors—essentially combining two processors in a single package—are available, as well. Although Windows as a rule benefits from as much RAM as you can give it, the raw speed enhancements in 64-bit processors provide a significant performance boost on their own.

64-Bit Windows WS2K3 is the first version of Windows Server to offer editions that natively support x64 computing (a 64-bit version of Win2K Advanced Server was offered but was used only on the IA64 platform). Going forward, x64 editions of Windows will more or less parallel 32-bit editions until such time as x64 sales surpass 32-bit sales and make 32-bit editions of Windows a thing of the past. An x64 edition of Windows XP Professional is also available, but this appendix will focus on the server products.

64-Bit Editions of Windows WS2K3 for x64 comes in three editions: Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter. Because x64 processors are primarily being deployed in high-capacity servers, rather than the high-density servers typically used for Web farms, x64 Windows isn’t being made available in a Web edition. Remember that Datacenter Edition is only available as part of a complete hardware-and-software bundle available from select server manufacturers. The entire package, including device drivers, is sold as a certified unit and cannot be modified without compromising your support options. Datacenter servers are often at the very top of the manufacturer’s price range, and typically include proprietary peripheral hardware, rather than less expensive, off-the-shelf, peripheral hardware.

Table A.1 compares the capabilities of the x64 editions of WS2K3: Feature

Standard Edition

Enterprise Edition

Datacenter Edition

Maximum RAM




Maximum processors




Table A.1: Comparison of the x64 editions of WS2K3.

A current drawback to x64 Windows is that a version of Microsoft’s .NET Framework isn’t available (as of this writing; a version is expected to be made available in 2005). 216

Appendix Itanium vs. x86 WS2K3 is also available in an edition for the Itanium 2 platform. Microsoft positions this version of Windows—and the Itanium platform—as intended for large-scale, enterprise-class solutions running databases and line-of-business applications. Although the IA64 platform is a good one from a technology point of view, it might be that IA64 isn’t long for this world. Plenty of good technologies—such as the DEC Alpha—never make it due to lack of end-user and industry interest, and I fear the Itanium may be one of them. Intel has produced relatively few new Itanium 2 processors recently, focusing instead on expanding their x64 offerings. That said, if you’ve already invested in Itanium, there’s a version of Windows for you. Note, however, that a broader range of Windows editions are available for x64, and that Microsoft is positioning x64 as “mainstream” 64-bit computing, suggesting that x64 is much more within reach for a broader range of businesses and applications, and that it’s more likely going to be the long-term 64-bit solution. Microsoft’s announcement that its Windows Compute Cluster product will be available only for the mainstream x64 platform is also telling.

Differences from 32-Bit Editions In addition to the aforementioned (and soon to be corrected) lack of a .NET Framework runtime for the x64 platform, x64 editions of Windows have only a few differences from their 32-bit counterparts: •

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Obviously, x64 editions support more memory than the equivalent 32-bit edition Hot-add memory is not supported in x64 editions ASP.NET is not supported, although the availability of a .NET Framework runtime will change this fact Windows Media Services is not supported in x64 editions The DOS and outdated POSIX systems are not included in x64, nor is support for 16-bit applications; sadly, some 32-bit applications still use 16-bit setup applications—those 16bit setup applications may not function properly, even though the 32-bit application itself could run A handful of extremely outdated network protocols are also not included in x64 editions; however, with most organizations standardized on TCP/IP, this should present no problems.

A full comparison chart is available at Note that these are differences between the 32- and 64-bit editions of SQL Server 2005; the 64-bit edition of SQL Server 2000 has considerably more differences than its 32-bit flavor.

Interestingly, x64 editions of Windows cost the same as their 32-bit cousins, meaning you’ll only need to spend a bit more on hardware to get extra power. Most server manufacturers are offering x64 processors as standard equipment on all but their lowest-end servers. Dell, for example, offers Intel Xeon or Itanium processors in the majority of its new servers. It’s actually becoming difficult to find servers that use 32-bit processors, and few manufacturers include any in the top or middle tiers of their product lines.



X64 hardware isn’t appreciably more than the last generation of similarly equipped high-end 32-bit hardware; what usually winds up boosting the bill is the large quantities of additional memory you can add.

Regarding software support: Microsoft today lists nearly 150 native x64 applications, with more on the way—the company will ship SQL Server 2005 x64-compatible editions. Producing a native x64 application when an existing 32-bit application’s source code is available isn’t usually difficult; typically, a native x64 application can be produced simply by recompiling the 32-bit source code. However, for optimized software that truly takes advantage of the x64 platform, some additional coding is generally required.

64-Bit SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 is the first version of SQL Server to ship with 64-bit support right from the start (an IA64-compatible version of SQL Server 2000 has been available for some time). Although not every edition of SQL Server 2005 is available in a 64-bit version, those editions targeted at business and highly scalable applications are available. 64-Bit Editions of SQL Server SQL Server 2005’s Standard and Enterprise editions are available in x64-compatible and IA64compatible editions, meaning they can run natively on WS2K3 x64 or WS2K3 IA64. That is in contrast with other editions of SQL Server 2005—Express and Workgroup, for example—which can run on WS2K3 64-bit only in the Windows on Windows64 (WOW64) compatibility mode. Neither Standard nor Enterprise editions have limitations on the maximum amount of RAM they can utilize, allowing them to take full advantage of the x64 flat memory address space and larger memory support. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition is available in a 64-bit edition, too. Because this product was introduced prior to WS2K3 x64, it’s only available for WS2K3 running on IA64 systems, and it can address as much as 512GB of RAM (the limit for that edition of Windows). Microsoft’s product naming is getting a bit difficult to follow. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition and SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (64-bit) are clear enough. As this is being written, Microsoft hasn’t adopted an official naming strategy for SQL Server 2005. We know we’ll have SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition; how their 32- and 64-bit versions will be identified isn’t yet clear.

Notably, Microsoft’s per-processor licensing is the same (as of this writing) for both 32-bit and 64-bit editions, and that licensing is per socket. In other words, there’s no extra charge for dualcore processors. That’s currently Microsoft’s standard for licensing, and it extends across other products as well.



Differences from 32-Bit Editions SQL Server 2005’s 64-bit editions do not differ in capability from their 32-bit counterparts. SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition has identical capabilities in either the 32- or 64-bit version, with the obvious exception of memory addressing because the 64-bit version can address much larger quantities of RAM. The 64-bit editions of SQL Server can really leverage that extra memory, however, including giving you the ability to designate databases as in-memory. Such a database would be entirely loaded into RAM and made available all at once, rather than following the usual SQL Server pattern of loaded database pages into memory on-demand. An in-memory database would take a bit longer to start up, but once loaded would provide markedly faster performance. How much of a performance improvement? As of this writing, SQL Server 2005 is still in its technology preview (or beta) phase, but some initial benchmarks look promising: •

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One TPC-H benchmark came in at 13,638 QphH@1000GB. That was on a $740,000 HP Integrity server, for a cost of roughly $55 per QphH@1000GB. That system used sixteen 1.6GHz Itanium 2 processors. Another TPC-H benchmark showed 12,865 QphH@1000GB on a $565,000 Bull NovaScale sixteen-way Itanium 2 system, for a cost of $44 per QphH@1000GB. A TPC-C benchmark clocked in 1,082,203 transactions on a—brace yourself—HP Integrity Superdome server running 64 Itanium 2 processors, at a total system cost of more than $5 million dollars. The price per transaction was just over $5.

These are the types of benchmarks companies run to generate impressive numbers with expensive equipment; as yet, more real-world benchmarks run on more readily-accessible (and affordable) hardware aren’t yet available. You can find more benchmark results at, the Transaction Performance Council’s Web site. You can also read detailed information about what each benchmark, such as TPC-H, addresses.

High Performance Computing (HPC) Often referred to in the industry as Beowulf, HPC combines multiple multiprocessor computers with high-speed interconnections, linking the individual servers together to form a compute cluster that rivals large mainframe systems in terms of computing performance. The idea came from Don Becker and Thomas Sterling, working in 1994 at The Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences (CESDIS). Their original compute cluster consisted of 16 DX4 processors, connected by channel-bonded 10MBps Ethernet (read more about it at The theory was that, rather than buying one mega-mainframe, workload could be divided across multiple off-the-shelf, or commodity, servers for a fraction of the cost, while still producing impressive results. Such clusters are often referred to as High Performance Compute Clusters (HPCCs).


Appendix Obviously, special software is required to divvy up the workload between cluster elements, and to reassemble the results. Microsoft’s HPC initiative seeks to provide some of that software for the Windows platform. The general idea is that one or more master nodes interact with the end user or application, while accessing one or more compute nodes, all of which are interconnected by a private, high-speed network. Figure A.4 illustrates the architecture, including software elements that provide coordination and control within the compute cluster.

Figure A.4: HPCC architecture (Image courtesy Dell, Inc.).

Compute nodes are not directly accessible from the main corporate network; instead, they work exclusively with one another and the master node to solve whatever computing task they’re given. In fact, compute nodes are typically installed without mice, monitors, or keyboards, and HPC solutions often use automated deployment techniques to install the OS on the “bare metal” machines. Microsoft’s HPC initiative supports this through the use of Emergency Management Services (EMS; provides emergency console access to servers without a mouse or keyboard installed) and Automated Deployment Services (ADS). The Master Node is often clustered for high availability, using a technology such as Windows Cluster Service.



Windows Compute Cluster Microsoft’s own HPC initiative is supported by a special edition of WS2K3, WS2K3 Compute Cluster Edition (CCE). The technology will debut only for x64 platforms; it is unlikely that it will be produced for 32-bit servers and Microsoft press releases suggest that Itanium support will also probably not materialize. That makes sense; HPC is intended for commodity servers, and the specialized Itanium architecture can hardly be said to be commodity or off-the-shelf. WS2K3 CCE probably won’t ship until 2006, and not much is yet public about exactly how CCE will work. We do know that CCE will provide a base installation of the specialized OS as well as a tool pack that can be installed separately. SQL Server in HPC Scenarios Exactly where SQL Server will fit into HPC is also a bit undefined as yet. However, you must recognize that HPC applications are nearly always custom-designed for the HPC environment. In other words, you don’t just install WS2K3 CCE and suddenly all your applications are HPC. Typical HPC scenarios often include massive amounts of pure number crunching; it’s relatively easy to imagine how difficult math problems might be divided up across a compute cluster, with each cluster element working on a piece of the problem. Database applications are a bit more difficult to imagine, but we can imagine a couple of possibilities. One possibility is illustrated in Figure A.5. Here, a master node acts as a traditional SQL Server computer, accepting and completing queries. It doesn’t contain any data, however; instead, requests are passed to the appropriate compute nodes, which retrieve the data. The master node assembles the results accordingly. Some algorithm would help it deterministically figure out which node is keeping what data. This approach is actually very similar to today’s federated databases, which I’ve already discussed. In a true HPC environment, however, much of the work of manually segmenting or partitioning the database would be automated, making large federations easier to implement. Because the individual compute nodes wouldn’t be standalone SQL Server computers, they would be managed as a unit through the master node, effectively providing the ease-of-management of a single server and the power of several.



Figure A.5: Possibility for SQL Server working in a compute cluster.

The degree to which the data is segmented would depend on the implementation of SQL Server in the HPC environment. For example, Microsoft could design it so that individual columns were partitioned across the compute nodes, or they might find it more efficient to horizontally partition tables.

Scaling Up and Out with 64-Bit Computing Scaling up, rather than out, is always an easier way to achieve performance benefits. 64-bit computing definitely makes a good scale-up argument, because simply adding an additional 20GB or so of memory will make a significant difference. Scaling out with 64-bit computing, however, makes just as much sense. It’s still possible, after all, to exceed the capabilities of a single server; in fact, having so much memory tends to quickly move the bottleneck into network throughput or some other area (it can also particularly highlight application design or implementation flaws). Earlier, this book stressed the need to fix application problems before attempting a scale-out solution. With 64-bit computing, application flaws can become even more apparent. With memory (and, therefore, disk throughput) a significantly smaller problem, issues such as inappropriate locking, poor process management, and so forth can quickly become the limiting factor in your application’s overall performance.

When even your new 64-bit server is overwhelmed, scale out again comes into play. With 64-bit computing, however, it’s actually possible to make some preliminary judgment calls about what a scale-out solution might look like. For example, consider the solution depicted in Figure A.6.



Figure A.6: 64-bit scale-out scenario.

In this scenario (which is simply an example of what can be done; it’s not an illustration of any particular production implementation), Server 1 is hosting frequently accessed lookup tables. These are all designated as in-memory, ensuring rapid responses to queries. Servers 2 and 3 are normal servers in a federation, hosted a distributed database. The 64-bit memory architecture can help ensure that the majority of their portion of the database can fit in memory. Server 4 is providing views to clients, and obtaining data from the federation members. Thanks to caching, a lot of this data will remain accessible right at Server 4 (at least for commonly accessed views), helping to improve throughput. Sizing can take into account a server’s limitations. If, for example, you have a 2TB database, you might build a federation of four servers, each equipped with perhaps four processors and 512GB of memory. Although all of the database will not constantly be in RAM, much of it will be, thus vastly improving response times. Write-heavy applications—and most transactional database applications are write-heavy—will still need high-performance storage to better keep up with the amount of data being committed to disk. High-performance storage for scale-out solutions is the topic of Chapter 9.


Appendix How much of a “win” can SQL Server running on 64-bit provide? In a test of a 500-database consolidation in an accounting application, the scarcest resource on a 32-bit implementation was the procedure cache. 64-bit computing can help reduce processing cycles in SQL Server operations, particularly in servers on which the procedure cache is under pressure. This can happen in large applications with a large number of stored procedures that are all used frequently. The procedure cache is unable to hold everything, so SQL Server winds up unnecessarily recompiling stored procedures, which increases processing cycles. With 64-bit’s larger memory capacity, the procedure cache is more likely to hold everything, reducing recompiles and processing cycles. This can allow a 64-bit processor to achieve as fast as double the throughput of a 32-bit process running at twice the clock speed. During the test migration of all 500 databases, 64-bit reduced CPU utilization simply because stored procedures were recompiling much less frequently. Figure A.7 shows the comparison charts. Note that these numbers compare a SQL Server 2000 implementation. As you can see, the number of transactions per minute conducted with a shorter think time showed a marked increase.

Figure A.7: Comparing 32-bit and 64-bit performance in a 500-database application.

In another example, a large document management application for a title and tax company showed major improvements after a 64-bit migration. This high-volume application involves complex transactions and searches; the refinancing book increased CPU utilization on a 32-way, 32-bit server to more than 70 percent at peak. The transaction processing application was moved to a 32-way, 64-bit machine, reducing CPU utilization to a mere 30 percent and improving reindexing times by 30 percent. Given that 64-bit servers are becoming the norm, rather than the exception, these examples stress how easy the decision to “go 64” should be.



When Is 64-bit a Win? 64-bit computing is nearly always better than 32-bit computing, and purchasing 32-bit servers is going to become more and more difficult in the future. For the immediate future, 64-bit is a must have in highvolume online transaction processing (OLTP) databases, server consolidation (moving multiple servers into a single server), and any application which relies on large joins (in essence using the hardware to make up for a poor design or implementation practice). SQL Server Business Intelligence services (Analysis Services) also benefit from the large memory capabilities in 64-bit computing.

Summary 64-bit computing, particularly x64-based servers built using commodity technologies, offer the promise of immediate performance improvements, particular on systems fully loaded with performance-boosting memory. Dual-core processors, which cost the same as traditional processors in terms of software licensing for SQL Server, provide significant performance boosts, as well. Overall, if you’re looking to successfully scale out (or up, for that matter), there’s little reason to even consider 32-bit servers. SQL Server 2005 running on a 64-bit platform is definitely the way to go. New x64 systems promise to offer significantly higher performance than legacy 32-bit systems, at a much lower price point than costlier IA64-based systems.


Glossary and List of Acronyms

Glossary and List of Acronyms 64-bit Refers to a 64-bit, rather than a traditional 32-bit, microprocessor, including processors featuring Intel EM64T technology or AMD AMD64 architecture; also refers to Intel microprocessors in the Itanium or Itanium2 families Active-active cluster In this cluster type, each node performs useful work and is backed up by the other nodes ADO ActiveX Data Objects ARP Address Resolution Protocol Article The smallest unit of data that SQL Server can replicate; defined to be a table, a vertical or horizontal partition of data, or an entire database; can also represent specific stored procedures, views, and other database objects CLR Common Language Runtime Clustered index Controls the physical order of the rows in a table; if a nonclustered index is created and a clustered index doesn’t already exist, SQL Server creates a “phantom” clustered index because nonclustered indexes always point to clustered index keys Composite index Groups several columns together; for example, neither a first name nor last name column will usually be very unique in a customer table, but the combination of first name and last name will be much more unique Database Mirroring A fault-tolerance technology in SQL Server 2005 that continually copies database transactions to a backup, or mirror, server. The mirror server is capable of standing in for the primary server if the primary server fails Data-dependent routing Thus use of an intelligent application middle tier that directs queries directly to the server or servers containing the desired data; this technique effectively makes the middle tier, rather than a distributed partitioned view, responsible for connecting to the appropriate server in a horizontally-partitioned database


Glossary and List of Acronyms DBA Database administrator dbo The built-in database owner user that is present in all SQL Server databases Disk striping As data is streamed to the controller, it is divided more or less evenly between all the drives in the array (two are required); the idea is to get more drives involved in handling data to increase overall throughput Distributed partitioned database A scale out strategy in which a database is partitioned and the pieces exist on different servers Distributed partitioned views This scale out technique enables horizontal partitioning of a table so that several servers each contain different rows from the table; the distributed partitioned view is stored on all the servers involved, and combines the rows from each server to create a single, virtual table that contains all the data Distributor A special middleman role that receives replication data from a publisher and distributes copies to subscribers, helping to reduce the load of replication on the publisher DTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator DTS Data Transformation Services Failback A concept supported by Windows Clustering in which the cluster will attempt to shift clustered resources back to the original, preferred node FC Fibre Channel Federation A group of servers that coordinate to service clients’ requests Fillfactor Specified when a new index is created; SQL Server stores indexes in 8KB pages; the fillfactor specifies how full each 8KB page is when the index is created or rebuilt Fully enmeshed replication design A SQL Server farm replication setup that attempts to reduce latency by enabling each server in the farm to replicate with each of the other servers in the farm; this latency reduction comes at the cost of performance


Glossary and List of Acronyms GbE Gigabit Ethernet GUID Globally unique identifier HCL Hardware compatibility list High-performance storage A scale out strategy consideration that enables an existing server to handle a greater workload; for example, high-speed Fibre Channel SANs Horizontal partitioning Breaks the database into multiple smaller tables that contain the same number of columns but fewer rows as the original database; these sections can then be placed on dedicated servers Index A lookup table, usually in the form of a file or component of a file, that relates the value of a field in the indexed file to its record or page number and location in the page Latency The time a packet takes to travel from source to destination Linked servers A means of communication for the servers in a federation; provides authentication and connection information to remote servers; each server in the federation must list all other federation members as a linked server Log shipping This technique copies the transaction log from one server to another server, and the log is then applied to the second server; this technique offers very high latency but very low overhead; it’s also only available for an entire database Merge replication Works similarly to transactional replication but is specifically designed to accommodate conflicts when data is changed in multiple sources; for handling conflicts, general rules must be specified or a custom merge agent must be written that will handle conflicts according to your business rules Mirrors Online copies of data that are updated in real-time; providing a duplicate copy of the data that can be used if the original copy fails MSMQ Microsoft® Message Queuing services NAS Network attached storage 228

Glossary and List of Acronyms NLB Network load balancing Node Each server participating in a distributed partitioned view Normalize A useful technique of organizing data to minimize data redundancy and improve data integrity; for example, divide a database into two or more tables and define relationships between the tables; however, this method is generally used at the cost of performance ODBC Open Database Connectivity OLAP Online analytical processing OLTP Online transaction processing Parity The result of a calculation performed on stored data; this information can be used to reconstruct portions of the stored data in a failure situation Partition The process of logically dividing a database into multiple pieces, then placing each piece on a separate server; partitioning can be done along horizontal or vertical lines, and techniques such as replication and distributed partitioned views can be employed to help reduce the complexity of the distributed database ; in SQL Server 2005, databases can be partitioned across multiple files, allowing those files to all be managed as a single unit Partitioning column A requirement for partitioned tables; SQL Server looks at this column to see which of the federation’s servers contain (or should contain, in the case of added rows) specific rows; this column can be any normal column with a specific CHECK constraint applied, but this CHECK constraint must be different on each member of the federation so that each member has a unique, non-overlapping range of valid values for the column Preferred node A designation within the Cluster Service; whenever this node is online, all resources will be transferred to it; if it fails and is subsequently restarted, all cluster services will transfer back to it once it is online again Publisher Make articles available; contains a writable copy of the data Quorum resource A file that describes the cluster’s configuration


Glossary and List of Acronyms RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks RDBMS Relational database management system Replication Enables SQL Server to accept changes on one server, then copy those changes out to one or more other servers; servers can both send and receive replication traffic, allowing multiple servers to accept data updates and distribute those updates to their partner servers SAN Storage area network Sargeable Database administrator slang for queries that contain a constant value Scale out The process of making multiple servers perform the work of one logical server or of dividing an application across multiple servers Schema The organization or structure of a database SCSI Small computer systems interface Seeking The process—performed by the disk heads of physical storage systems—of moving the heads to the appropriate location of the disk so that the data spinning underneath the heads can be magnetically read or modified Shared-nothing cluster The entire group of servers participating in a distributed partitioned view; the group of back-end servers that work together to fulfill a distributed partitioned view query; none of the cluster nodes have access to the same resources at the same time Shared storage The external array that stores only the data used by the clustered applications (such as SQL Server databases) and a small cluster configuration file Smart indexing The process of constantly reviewing indexes for appropriateness and experimenting with different index configurations to ensure that the current setup is the most effective


Glossary and List of Acronyms Snapshot replication Essentially entails sending a copy of the database from one server to another; this replication type is a high-overhead operation, and locks the source database while the snapshot is being compiled; most other forms of replication start with a snapshot to provide initial synchronization between database copies Stored procedure Code that implements application logic or a business rule and is stored on the server; more efficient than triggers and centralizes critical operations into the application’s data tier; SQL Server retains its execution plan for future use Subscriber Receives replication changes to the article Subscription A collection of articles and a definition of how the articles will be replicated; push subscriptions are generated by the publisher and sent to subscribers; pull subscriptions are made available to subscribers, which must connect to receive the subscription’s data TOE TCP/IP offload engine TPC Transaction Processing Performance Council, which publishes benchmark results for several server platforms, providing an independent indication of the relative strengths of different servers TPC-App TPC benchmark for overall application performance TPC-C TPC benchmark for basic transaction processing in any database application TPC-H TPC benchmark for decision support (data warehousing) databases TPC-R TPC benchmark that analyzes performance for standardized report generation; no longer used TPC-W TPC benchmark for Web-connected databases, particularly databases supporting an e-commerce application; replaced by the newer TPC-App benchmark Transactional replication Copies only transaction log entries from server to server


Glossary and List of Acronyms Trigger Database objects that can be used to intercept data to ensure that it is clean and cascade referential integrity changes throughout a hierarchy of table relationships; triggers represent a way to centralize business logic in the data tier T-SQL Transact SQL Vertical partitioning Breaks the database into multiple smaller tables that have the same number of rows but fewer columns than the original database; the sections that can then be placed on dedicated servers (technically, both a large database that is partitioned by column and several tables spread onto different servers qualify as vertical partitioning—just at different levels) View The method by which database data is presented to the user; allows redistribution of databases transparently to the end users and their business applications (as long as client applications are designed to use the views rather than the direct tables, the tables themselves can be rearranged and scaled out as necessary without the client application being aware of any change) Web farm Each server in the farm is completely independent and hosts an identical copy of the entire Web site; users are load balanced across the servers, although the users rarely realize that more than one server exists; a good example of scaling out X64 A generic term used to refer to both the Intel EM64T and AMD AMD64 microprocessor architectures; X64 processors are backward-compatible with 32-bit x86 processors

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