113 37 68MB
English Pages [562] Year 1949
Monograph Series, No. 2 ,
Be x oF FF ea eR Le ee=ee= eS Be = =eo FF eSSiereoe Mee, ,
Pe a SP Ct take tea eae ec me: os i> Gee ee Se ee ee eee ee i ae Be aN EE SS SS EERE Se ee PEE ta RS SO RS ol She RS thet cane ateeaa hogan habe atta ga at at eho ttncemi tin ub eats ct etaas tetera nagtntten trond cntaas teens concn ntett onctancnastti
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ee ee ee — lS —*=“‘RO eS ES aS Seo a SC oe Se SS [EEE ich cain aieageisentea eget ear iunan ganna ionnagatieurnnen sg sutton eee ataucimuynye ne iguiiauta tensor nnatiee angungeeay an aamamcn seen sa etiennuc oqmantatanteunae Reseteaanteeme oeaaaae au meem uae neete nnn sane eunetonin gy seem ranan urn ntieantta enue gun mage eine ehrneauntingu nae enaeananeece sep
Cr CUDSYhlUllrr——“Ci—C—CSSCOCCSststi‘“‘} ] a) bP] glt rW.
Trade bds ew
Retail ” rp
Published March 8. 1848.
1848 500 Sharp’s Sermon on Adams. 500 Freeman & Bolles Prs. 20 pp.
Mch 10 Paper 1. 9/20 Rms. 3.] 725 ” 54/9 ” Covers 51 Printing 18.900 ms 40 756 ” 4 Tokens 90 3 60
” — Alterations 30 Doing up 2 00
Com. 10%. 222 24.44 Cost Pp Retail Wh, Published March 1848. -
Sharp, Daniel, Honor to whom honor. A tribute to the memory of the Hon. John Quincy Adams, delivered February 27, 1848 ... pamphlet 8vo [3]—-18pp. No copyright notice. William D. Ticknor and Co.,
1848 [ad. Amer. | [A 125b]
1848 500 Waterston’s Sermon on Adams. 500 Freeman & Bolles. Prs. 24 pp.
Mar 4 Paper 1. 14/20 Rms 5.00 8 50
” 8%/o9 “coldms. 5509150 Printing 23.291 31 ” 4 Tokens 90 3 60
” Extra 3 45 ” Covers 36 Doing per hund 3 37% 88 Eds &upAuthor 401 32.00 Cost e-—p Retail Wh W/h
[¢] [m]
Published March 9. 1848
Waterston, R[obert] C., Discourse on the life and character of John Quincy Adams; delivered the Sabbath after his death, Feb. 27, 1848, at the Church of the
1848 [ad. Amer. ]
pamphlet 8vo [3]-22pp. No copyright notice. William D. Ticknor and Co.,
[A 126a]
1848 425 Hague’s Sermon on Adams 425 Freeman & Bolles Prs. 24 pp.
Mch 7 Paper 9/20 Rms 5. 1725 ” 41/2 |qrs. cold. 27% 24
Printing 22500 ms. 00 ” 4 Tokens 90403960
Doing up 223 1 68 Eds. & Author 25.00
Cost e
Retail Wh W/h
Published March 10. °48
Hague, William, A discourse occasioned by the death of the Hon. John Quincy Adams, delivered in the Rowe Street Baptist Church, February 27, 1848 ... pamphlet 8vo [3]—22pp. No copyright notice. William D. Ticknor and Co.,
1848 [ad. Amer. ] [A 126b]
1848 1000 Combe on Man Twenty Seventh Ed. 1000 John Putnam Pr.
Mch. Paper 264% Rms. 32 lbs 350 9275
Printing tokens 20 95 Binding4812c 120.31243
Cost Trade hs rp
Retail rp. [A 127a]
1848 1000 Alderbrook. 2 V. 500 Sixth Ed. Freeman & Bolles Pr.
Plates 2¢ 10.
Mar 31 Paper 17 7/20 Rms. 234% x 29 40 lb. 5. 86 75
Printing 30 Tokens 70 21. Copyright 15¢ 75. 19275 Cost Sheets i] ” clo. Ext. ee "99 "gt. Ed. ol bP] ” 93 Ex WWh Trade WiWw
Retail Wrp
[A 127b]
1848 Saving’s [sic] Bank Books 3750 "Printing & lining 4 Rms 3. 12 00
Mar 17 Paper for ruling 2 Rms 4. 8.00
* "Covers 1 Rm. 5.
Printing 8.50 — 3.50 12 00 Doing up pr hund. 75¢ 28 13 Ruling, Jacquith [sic] 200 86713 Job.for.Provident Institution for.Savings.
1848 Evangeline 50 [A 128a]
Apl 3Printing Paper1124 ars.798840 Tokens 25 Octavo. Ed. Metcalf & Co.
” Back titles & Title pages 2 00
Less % paper 420 14.45 18.65
This octavo edition does not materially differ from the trade edition, being printed from the same plates. It was not counted in numbering the various editions.
[A 128b]
1848 1000 Evangeline 1000 Sixth Ed. (1000) Metcalf & Co. Ap! 8 Paper 11 7/20 Rms. 18% x 29% 33 Ibs. 59,59
Printing 22 Tokens 80 17 60 Copyright &c 200. 277 cm Cost Sheets hr-r ”99clo. io—r 39 gilt ph r 99 39 PP) Ex OW
” boards ih. r
Trade ew Retail rp. Published April 20th 1848
[A 129a]
1848 1850 Moral Instructor Part I. 1850
Apl 29 Paper RmsCovers 480 28 80 ” 8/20 6Rms 1 60 Printing 11 Tokens 70 770 Doing up l%¢ 32 37
Copyright l¢ 1850 88.97 Cost d¢s s1/s Trade Ww [A 129b]
1848 500 Laporte’s Speaking Excercises and Key 500 Third Ed. Thurston Torry & Co. Prs
ApI5 Paper Rms. 45070359 00 Printing8 14 Tokens 80
Binding 1] 55.
Copyright 10¢ 50. 150.80 Cost
Trade Retail
[A 130a]
1848 500 Laportes Grammar 500 Third Ed. Thurston Torry & Co. Prs. Apl 19 Paper 19 8/20 Rms. 400 79 60
Binding 147).70. Copyright 15 249 80 Cost pw Trade Whw Printing 36 Tokens 70 25 20
Retail Wpw
[A 130b]
1848 Catalogue 16 mo. 4 pps. 3800 Thurston, Torry & Co. Prs.
Apl 19 Paper 1 Rm. 32 lbs. war rag [? ] 400
Printing 4 Tokens 3 20 ” 22400 ms. 4080 896 1616 [A 13la]
1848 1000 Hoare on the Grape Vine 1000 Third Edition John Putnam Pr.
May Paper 11 Rms. 36 lbs. 450 49 50
” 7/20 ”covers cold. (Butts) covers 175 Printing ” 180.500 ms. 40 72450 20
” 20of Tokens 80 16605 00 Use Cuts &c Binding 4 mor. 7 70. 220.00
Cost Tradehw eh
Retail pw This is not the third, but the fourth, American edition. (See A 72b.) The title and the contents of the third and fourth editions are similar, but the pagination, the printers, and the imprint are different. This fourth edition is [v]—x,[13]—180pp. The imprint is William D. Ticknor and Co., 1848.
1848 500 Endymion 500 By Henry B. Hirst,, Phila. Freeman & Bolles. Prs.
May 5 Paper 4 12/20 Rms. 550 25 30
Binding 6 30. Commission 10% 31.70 317 ~=64.87
13 Printing 8 Tokens 80 6 40
Cost TradeWi sw
Retail pw Pub. for a/c of author
Hirst, Henry B., Endymion, a tale of Greece 1 vol. 12mo [3]—122pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1848. Stereotyped by J. Fagan, Philadelphia. William D. Ticknor and Co., 1848. [ poet. Amer. |
[A 132a]
1848 1000 Louis Philippe His Rise & Fall. 1000 By B. P. Poore 324 pp. Thurston, Torry & Co. Prs.
May Paper 20 Rms.— 8c 4.00 — 12c 450 86.
” 111/20 Rm. P{late]. Pfaper]. 10.00 15 50
Printing 437.384 ms. 16120 80 ” 36 Tokens 703725
” Extra Corrections 13 50 ” Plates 1250 Pub. Engraving 8. Cuts 64.00 388.00
Aug 15 Designing 8.00. Sunds. 1.50 950 Cost sheets SW Trade Iw Retail Www
Poore, Ben: P., The rise and fall of Louis Philippe ... giving a history of the French Revolution, from its commencement, in 1789. . . . Illustrated with histortcal engravings, portraits, and fac-similes 1 vol. 12mo [111]—vi,1/.,.316pp. Copyrighted by B. P. Poore, 1848. William D.
Ticknor and Co., 1848 [ hist. Amer. ] This volume was published at the author’s risk, and on few of their accounts did the partners work harder or longer than in their fruitless effort to collect the total
bill due them. Eight years after publication Ticknor wrote, “Give us, friend Poore, something better than promises.” (Letter Books, Domestic, VI, May 13, 1856, p. 164.)
1848 500 Outre-Mer Third Edition 500 Metcalf & Co Prs.
May 18 Paper 13 12/20 Rms. W R 32 lbs. 4. 54 40
Printing 24 Tokens 80 19 20 Copyright & Use of Plates 100.
Binding Cost 4712 60. 233 60
Trade lw Retail Www
[A 133a]
1848 Jas. Kennard’s Essays & Letters 260 by Rev. A. Peabody. — T. T. & Co Prs
May Paper 8 11/20 Rms.price 450 38 47 ” 7/20 ” Extra 2 28 Dec Printing 326.860 ms. -40 130 74 Printing Tokens 65 22 18 85 ” Extra29 Corrections 00 Commission 10% 2444 268 88
Binding 32 10 Not Published.
Kennard, James, jr., Selections from the writings of James Kennard, jr. with a sketch of his life and character. Printed for private circulation 1 vol. 12mo [v]—xxxix,1,[3]—307pp. Copyrighted by Manning Kennard, 1848.
William D. Ticknor and Co., 1849 [ gen.lit. Amer. ]
The “sketch of his life and character” was written by Andrew P. Peabody. Although the entry gives the printers as Thurston, Torry & Co., the verso of the title page of those copies seen reads Metcalf & Co. The binder was B. Bradley, Boston.
[A 133b]
1848 500 Book of Hymns by Longfellow & Johnson 500 Freeman & Bolles Prs. First Stereotype Edn
Paper 14 7/20 Rms. 3.25 46.55
Printing 26 14&15 Tokens 707250 18 20 Binding
Copyright Sunds. 275 25. 16500 Cost 11
Trade nielteh pe Retail 7 Boxes—
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS I25 [ Longfellow, Samuel, and Johnson, Samuel], 4 book of hymns for public and private devotion. Second edition.
1 vol. 16mo Not paged, but there are 600 hymns numbered. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1848. William D. Ticknor and Co., 1848 [relig. Amer. ]
The music is not given. The first edition was issued by the stereotypers and printers, Metcalf and Co., Cambridge, 1846.
[A 134a]
1848 500 Voices of the Night 500 By H. W. Longfellow Twelfth Edition. T & Cos. Ist
June 2 Paper 5 5/20 Rms. 4.00 21 10
Printing 10 Tokens 9 00 Binding bds. 69030.
Copyright 100 160 10 Cost ih Retail ew rp Trade clo pln. il-glt. ph- Extr. ee
Longfellow, Henry W., Voices of the night... Twelfth edition 1 vol. 16mo [v]—xv,1,[2]-144pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1841. Printed by Metcalf & Co. William D. Ticknor and Co., 1848 [ poet. Amer. | Before Ticknor and Co. took over this volume, John Owen of Cambridge had published eleven editions of it, 1839-1846, and Redding and Co. of Boston a double-column, paper-bound edition, 1845. Longfellow bought the plates (which Owen had used from the third edition on) June 18, 1845. Longfellow’s shift
from Owen to Ticknor brings out another bibliographical point. Although Ticknor never issued separately under his own imprint either The Spanish student. A play in three acts or The belfry of Bruges and other poems, he apparently bought up the remainder of Owen’s stock and issued them in his own binding,
though the Cost Books make no mention of the transaction. The Boston Athenaeum owns copies of The Spanish student, the title page of which reads “Sixth edition, John Owen, 1844” and of The belfry of Bruges, the title page of which reads “Second edition, John Owen, 1846,” both in typical Ticknor bindings and both reading Ticknor and Co. on the spine. Ticknor included these volumes among his own publications. They are listed in his advertisements for the first time January 1, 1847.
[A 134b]
1848 500 Ballads & other Poems 500 By H. W. Longfellow Tenth Edition — T & Cos. Ist
June 2 Paper 5 5%2/5,) Rms 4.00 21 10
Printing Tokens 90 8 10 Bindg 9Boards 6 30.
Copyright 100. 159 20
”99clo. il 9 git ph
Cost Boards. ih
99 93 99 Fx ee
Trade Retail ew rp. Longfellow, Henry W., Ballads and other poems ... Tenth edition 1 vol. 16mo [vii]—xxv,[28]-132pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1842. Printed by Metcalf & Co. William D. Ticknor and Co., 1848 [ poet. Amer. | Before Ticknor took over this volume, John Owen of Cambridge published nine editions, 1842-1846. Longfellow bought the plates from him on June 18, 1845. [A 135a]
1848 500 Moral Instructor Part 4. 500
June 6 Printing Paper 712 Rms. 6.0080429 00 Tokens 60 Binding (Hutchison). 11 55 00
Copyright 25. 131 60 Cost Tradehe-i pw
Palmer, Thomas H., The moral instructor; or, culture of the heart, affections, and intellect, while learning to read. Part IV. No copy of this edition has been found. It was probably like the 1851 edition, which is the first the editors have seen, except for an undated copy in Harvard College Library, giving Ticknor and Co. as “general agents.” (1846 ? see A 92a.) The 1851 edition is in 1 vol., 12mo, [iv|—vii,[7]—288pp., copyrighted by T. H. Palmer, 1842 in Vermont district, stereotyped by George A. Curtis, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry, Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851. [text. Amer. | Letters in the Letter Books, May 17, May 26, June 12, 1848, and February 22, 1849, Ticknor to Palmer, show that Ticknor bought the plates of the first three parts from Palmer, who gave Part IV gratis and granted to Ticknor the exclusive right to publish all four parts for fourteen years at a royalty of ten per cent. on the trade price. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol. I, pp. 15-17, 24, 34, 336.) For earlier copyright arrangements, see A 89b. [A 135b]
1848 3000 Tennysons Poems 1500 Thurston, Torry & Co. Prs. Third Edition
June Paper 59 4/20 Rms. 4.00 236 80 July Printing 504000 ms. 37 186 48
” 105 Tokens 77%, 81684 38 66 Aug. Binding bds. 12c 180. Cost Boards se
” clo. pl 39 39 glt bP) 99 2? Ex
Trade bds. Wpw The title page of this edition reads: Poems ... A new edition, enlarged. The pagination is I,[v]—vii,1,[3]—264pp.,II, [v]—vii,1,278pp. It is dated 1849.
[A 136a]
1848 500 Book of Hymns 500 By Longfellow & Johnson Third Ed. — Second Stereo. Ed. —
June 8 Paper 14 7/20 Rms. Paper 3.25 46 25
Printing 26 Tokens 70 18 20
Binding 14&15 7250 Copyright D¢ 25 00 Editors &c 405 166.00 Cost il
Trade n[e]t pe
Retail eh
[A 136b]
1848 100 Book of Hymns 100 By Longfellow & Johnson
June Paper 20. 3950 Printing 4 39Rms. Tokens 5. 0 1950 Large Paper Edn.
Cost sheets io'4
No copy of this special 8vo edition has been found. Since the work had been stereotyped it was, according to the usual practice, similar to the regular trade edition except that it was printed on large paper.
[A 137a]
1848 2000 Moral Instructor Parts II & III 1000
Sept Paper 13 5/20 Rms. 66 25 ” — Th/og Qrs Royal. for covers 1 88
” Covers 6 70 Binding 2000 3Y, 70. Printing 24 Tokens 7) 18.
Copyright 10% 50. 212 83
Cost TradeWw. hw e ¢m
Retail hp
[A 137b]
1848 1690 Bumstead’s 2d. Reader 1690 C. Hickling Printer
Sep 7 Paper 12 Rms. 24 x 26 36 Ibs. [$]4 % 54.
Printing 22 Tokens 62% 1375
1690 Covers & Plates 3 ms. 517 Binding 50154.04 70 Copyright3¢ 3042
Cost hw O Trade 1848 Bumstead Covers Damrell & Moore Prs.
Printing 6. 22.00
Sept. Paper 4 Rms. 4.00 16.00 Cost 3 ms. pr. cover
[A 138a]
1848 500 Laportes Reader Third Edition 500 Freeman & Bolles Prs.
Sep 11 Paper 4 8/20 Rms 38 lbs. 475 20 90
Printing 8 Tokens 80 82 6 40 30 Binding il 55.
Copyt Bindg. Wwp hW W/h Trade Retail SW pw Cost sheets p W/h
[A 138b]
1848 500 Hyperion Sixth Edition 500 Metcalf & Co. Printers
Octo 12 Paper 13 9/20 Rms. 18% x 29 32 lbs 400 53 80
Printing 24 Tokens 80 19 20 Copyright & Use of Plates 100.
Binding 10 50. 223.00 Cost ss W/h Trade lw Retail Www
1848 2000 Holmes’ Poems 2000 Third Ed. (2 Am. 1 Lond.) T & Co’s Ist Ed. Thurston Torry & Co. Prs
Sept. Paper 39 15/20 Rms 33 lbs. 5.25 209 29
” Extra 250 ” 1000 Back Titles 2 00 Copyright 200.
Printing 263.524 ms. 50 ” 72 Tokens 8037579760
Cuts — Hartwell 2— [$] 10. & Brown [$]4.50 1450 ” —_N York &c[?] 20. Billings Designs
Cost. Sheets 1w
($112 32. 615 39
Trade ”bds. lw Retail Www Bindg ” clo.paper Wwp
7” 99 99git 99 Exhi is
Published Nov 13. 1848.
Holmes, Oliver W., Poems ... New and enlarged edition 1 vol. 12mo [v]-x,1/.,272pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1848.
William D. Ticknor and Co., 1849 [ poet. Amer. | [A 139b]
1848 Catalogue. 4 pps. 7680 Thurston Torry & Co. Prs.
Nov 24 Paper 28 Rms. 4, 68 40 80 Printing Tokens
” Extra Alterations 3 60 18.80 [A 140a]
1848 500 American Institute 500 Lectures for 1848. 168 pp. J. Putnam Pr.
Octo Paper 8 Rms. 2 88 Printing 164.000 ms.23 65 04 60
14 Forms 90400 12 10524 60 ”” Alterations
Cost Sheets 04 [sic]
Trade Retail
130 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS The lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Bangor,
Me., August, 1848; including the journal of proceedings, and a list of the officers ... 1 vol. 12mo [v]—xxii,140pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1849.
William D. Ticknor and Co., 1848 [sic] [educ. Amer. | In view of the copyright date and the fact that the Lectures were invariably pub-
lished the year after the annual meeting, the date 1848 probably should read 1849.
[A 140b]
1848. Kingsbury’s Lecture 5000 11 Rms Paper @ 2.37 26450 12 1 16/20 Do Covers 2.90 30 Tokens 60 18 00
Coms 10% 674 7411
Doing up 5000 [per 50 cops. ] 18% 1875
°49 Am. IL. I. Chd. Apl. 20. 1849 Apl.
Kingsbury, John, Lecture on failures in teaching, delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Bangor, Maine, August, 1848 ... Printed for gratuitous distribution. . . pamphlet 16mo 24pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. William D. Tick-
nor and Co., 1848 [ad. Amer. ] The cover serves for the title page.
[A 140c]
[1848] 500 Munroes Lecture. 500 Paper. 2 Rms. 4 80. Covers 82 5 62 Printing & Doing up 500 875
Apl 49 Chd. Am. Inst Instr —Coms. 10% 1 44 15 81 [20 ?]
Munroe, Nathan, The qualifications of the teacher, a lecture delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Bangor, August 17, 1848 pamphlet 16mo [3]—35pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. William D.
Ticknor and Co., 1848 [ad. Amer. | [A 140d]
Apl[20?]’49 Swan’s W. D. Lecture 200
Printed for his a/c ») 5 00
Swan, William D., The tmprovement of common schools, a lecture delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Bangor, August 17, 1848
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 131! pamphlet 12mo [3]|—18pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. William D.
Ticknor and Co., 1848 [ad. Amer. ] [A 14la]
1848 500 Mass. Bap. Convn. Report 1848 500 J. Putnam Pr.
Nov. Paper Rms 325 13.00 ” 5%4ars Covers 151
14000 f Rule 48 40
Printing Compo. 121000 |
Do. Press Work 8 forms 6 40
” — Alterations 00 Doing up 37517406 Printed for Mass. Bap. Convn.
Forty-sixth annual report of the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, presented by the board of directors at the anniversary in Lowell, October 25-6, 1548
1848 [relig. Amer. |
pamphlet 8vo [5]—54pp. No copyright notice. William D. Ticknor and Co.,
[A 141b]
1848. 500 Intro. Lect. Med. Coll. 500 By J. B. S. Jackson
I. R. Butts Pr.
Nov 30 Paper 2 6/20 Rms. 3752 8.62 ” 5% ars Cold Printing 27000 ms. 40 1006 80
”” 4Covers Tokens 300 3 60
” Extra Corrections 150 Doing up 250 Commission 10% 321 35.29 Jackson, John B.S., An introductory lecture, delivered at the Massachusetts Medical College, November 1, 1848 pamphlet 8vo [5]—30pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1848. Wil-
liam D. Ticknor and Co., 1848 [ad. Amer. ] [A 142a]
1848 2000 Margaret Smith's 2000 Journal (J. G. Whittier)
1678 — pp. 232. — Thurston Torry & Co. Prs.
Dec 14 Paper 324% Rms. 18% x 29. 30 lbs. 450 146 25
Paper 84% qrs Cold Med. 750 319
Printing 237.400 ms7) 37 87 ” 60 Tokens 45.83
Corrections 6 25 Pub.””Extra Covers 350 Jany 30 Binding 798 pa. 2¢ 1202 clo. 10¢ 136 16
1849 Copyright 798 cops @ 5¢ 1102 cops @ 74¢ 12255 550.73
Cost pa hi. clo iW
Retail "pw ”—sarp
[| Whittier, John G.], Leaves from Margaret Smith’s journal in the province of Massachusetts Bay. 1678-9 1 vol. 12mo [6],224pp. Copyrighted by W. D. Ticknor & Co., 1849. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1849 [fict. Amer. ] [A 142b]
1848 2600 Bumsteads 2d. Reader 2600 C. Hickling Pr.
Dec 19Printing Paper 20 Rms. 4.00 80. 23 Tokens 1600 cops 62% 14 38
” & Bindg. 990 3% 37 12
Binding 1600 Roberts 3% 56 35
Paper & Prg. Covers say 2600 3m. 7 80 c [m]
Copyright I. 8. 4680 242.45
Cost c m o 86S
Published Jany 20. 1849
1849 Covers Bumstead 2 d. R. D & M Jany 24 Paper 2 Rms. 8.00 Printing Do.4.6.00
1400 1400
[A 143a]
1848 500 Treatise on the Eye 500 By J. H. Dix M.D. pp 162. Thurston. Torry & Co. Prs.
Dec Paper 4 12/20 Rms. Med 1/2. 40 lbs. 6. 30 30
Printing 132.250 ms. 93 ” 9 Tokens 803774820
” Extra Corrections 3 60 Commission Cost shts hw 10% 9 00 99 03 Bindg. W.W. Published. Jany 24. 1849 for a/c Author.
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 133 Dix, John H., Treatise upon the nature and treatment of morbid sensibility of the retina, or weakness of sight. Being the dissertation to which the Boylston medical
prize for 1848 was awarded... 1 vol. 12mo [v]|—vi,1/.,146pp. Copyrighted by J. H. Dix, 1848. William D. Tick-
nor and Co., 1849 [med. Amer. | [A 143b]
1848 550 Fatherless & Widows Soc’y 550 Report. 24 pps. 23 qrs. Butts. Pr. Paper. Gratis
Printing 19.160 ms. 66 ” 2 Tokens 90401780
” Covers 2 00 Doing up 2 06 1352
charged. Jany 24. 1849. Treasurer Mrs. Susan D. Reynolds
Thirty-first annual report of the Boston Fatherless and Widows’ Society. Inst1tuted, January 1817.— Incorporated, 1837 pamphlet l6mo [5]—19pp. No copyright notice. William D. Ticknor and Co.,
1848 [soc. Amer. | [A 143c]
1849 Catalogue. for Store 16mo 7680 Printg 8 Tokens & Alter[in |g. 7 40
Apl 13 Paper 2 Rms. 8 00 1540 1540 May 1. ’49
[A 144a]
1849 740 Holmes’ Poems 740 First Stereotype Edn. — 4th in all Stereo. Pl. — Curtis 9 ms.* — Thurston Torry & Co. Prs.
Jany 30 274.934 ms @ 70¢ $192.45 — Extras $1504—5 Boxes $375 $211.24
400 5c 100
N Brown. Eng 2 Cuts 5.50 — Electro Cuts 3c 50— 16.00 $227.24
Jany 30 Paper 16 1/4 Rms. 5.25 85 31 Printing 29 Tokens l. 29 00 Copyright 740 cops. 10 7400
* Not nine “ems” certainly, but possibly nine months’ credit on Curtis’ plates.
Binding 300 bds. E. Jones 5 15. Do. 300 clo. B. B & Co. 10 30. Do. 100 ” — git 23¢ 50 git Ex 32¢ 39, 272.31 Cost sheets he
Published. Feby 15. 1849
The pagination of this fourth, but first stereotyped, edition differs slightly from the third edition, being [v]—x,1/.,286pp. Some copies have an additional, unnumbered page at the end. Some copies, also, on the verso of the title page, give both the printer, Thurston, Torry & Co., and the stereotyper, George A. Curtis, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry; others give the stereotyper but not the printer. The imprint reads Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849.
[A 144b]
1849 Savings Bank Books 5661 Jany 1 Paper 3 Rms Blue Cap WC & Co 18 lb ruling 3 3/4 11 25
Do. 3 “ Blue Cap. G.D & Co. Printg 3. 9.00 Do. 3 “ “ “© fining 3, 9.00 5 Do 14“ royal. WC & Co Covers 5. 750 Ruling. Jacquith 3 rms. Printing Butts 13 375 91
Doing up Roberts pr hund 79 4246 96.87
Ch’d. Feby 6 / 49 at $ h h on 1000.
[A 145a]
1849 1500 Mrs. Putnams Receipt Book 1500 12° 144 pps. Thurston, Torry & Cos. Prs.
Jany 19 Paper 15. 3/20 rms. 18 1/2 x 29, 32 Ibs. 400 44.60
Printing 141.768 ms. 45 ” 27 Tokens 8037215260
” Extra Corrections 575 Binding B B & Co. pln clo. 10 150.
Copyright 7). Eds. &c 360 355. Cost Trade hs sw Retail pw
Published Feby. 26. 1849
Putnam, [Eliza H.], Receipt book; and young housekeeper's assistant 1 vol. 12mo [iii]—iv,[5]—11,1,131,[1],pp. Copyrighted by Mrs. E. Putnam, 1849.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 [dom.econ. Amer. |
1849 500 Genl. Tallmadge’s Speech in 1819. 500 24 pp. 8 vo. Butts. Printer
Feby 2 Paper 1 3/4 Rms. 26 lbs. 325 5 73
” 5 1/23000 qrs Covers Printing ms. 40 12153 00
” 3Covers Tokens175 270 ” Doing up pr h[undred | 62% 312
Commission 10% 2 68 29.51
Paid March 9. 1849
Tallmadge, James, Speech of the Hon. James Tallmadge, of Duchess County, New York, 1n the House of Representatives of the United States, on slavery [| Missourt Compromise |
and Co., 1849 [ad. Amer. ] pamphlet 8vo [iii |—viii,[9]—24pp. No copyright notice. William D. Ticknor This pamphlet was first published by E. Conrad, New York, 1819. The 1849 edition contains a preface dated Feb. 1, 1849 and initialed R. F. J. [A 146a]
1849 500 History Penitent Female Refuge. 500 16 pp. 12 mo. Butts. Printer
Paper 3 00 "4 =15” Qrs. cold. 1 225 20
” 2Covers Tokens 150 1 80 ” Doing up 2 00 16.11 Printing 18.400 ms. 40 7 36
Miss. M. C. Smith Treasr.
Brief history of the rise and progress of the Penitent Females’ Refuge, instituted Jan. 12, 1825
1849 [ hist. Amer. |
pamphlet 12mo [3]—16pp. No copyright notice. William D. Ticknor and Co.,
[A 146b]
1849 1000 Alderbrook Seventh Ed. Revised 500 Thurston, Torry & Co. Prs.
Paper 18 32 11/20 Rms.70 5. 22 92 40 75 Printing Tokens
Plates Copyright.2I5¢10. 75.
Binding 150 clo pIn 2 v. H.K. 14 42.
Do. 150” lv ” ” 23 25 [sic]
Do 50% gilt 2v. ”” 22 22. Do. 50 glt Ex2v. 36 36. Do. 50 each 1 vol [edition] 4% glt 25
Cost. sheets sw
& glt Ex 374 31.25 354.65
Pub. April 1849.
[A 147a]
1849 3357 Bumstead’s 3d. Reader 3357 C. Hickling Printer
Feby 3 Paper 26 Rms. 25 x 26 32 lbs 400 104.
48 Tokens3¢ @ 100 624 30. Binding 71
Covers 3 mills 07 Copyt 1.8 60421030520 Cost 9¢
[A 147b]
1849 1940 Bumstead’s 2d. Reader 1940 C. Hickling Pr.
Feby 9 Paper 14 18/20 Rms. 400 39 60
28 Tokens 3¢ 62%58 1720 50 Binding
Covers c3mm5 82 Copt
I- 8- 3492 17604
Cost 9¢ [A 147c]
[1849] Moral Inst. Part I Covers. 1090. Butts
Paper & Printing 2 96 2.96 [A 148a]
1849 1000 Fields’ Poems 1000 Thurston Torry & Co. Prs. 112 pp. 4to
Feby 15 Paper 7 14/20 Rms. $10.00 77.00
Mar 10 Printing 100.800 ms. 37¢1400 37 29 ” 14 Tokens 1.00
” Extra Corrections 6.00 Do. 100 ”1/2 fullgit” git ”15 357.35 35. Do. 49 ” Editors 50. J. T. F 40 pln 18 1/2 git 2971 290.65 Bindg 843 clo pl B.B&Co. 10 84 30
Cost sheets Wr
Retail clo pin pw Do. ” 1/2 glt rp
Do. ” full glt Www
Pub. March. 1849
Fields, James T., Poems 1 vol. 12mo [v]—vi,1/.,99pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1849.
William D. Ticknor and Co., 1849 [ poet. Amer. | [A 148b]
1849 1000 Holmes’ Poems 1000 Second Stereo. Edn. (5th in all) Thurston. Torry & Co. Prs.
Mar 7 Paper 21 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. sized. 5.25 110 25
Printing 38 Tokens 38. Copyright 100.
Back Titles 175 Binding 400 bds. B B & Co. 6 24.00
Do. 300 clo. ” 10 30. Do. 200” ”” git 233246. Do. 100 Ex””32 382 00
Cost. sheets hp Retail W.ww. W.Wh. Wpw Wrp Published Apl 1849
[A 149a]
1849 1000 Vocal Culture Fifth Edition 1000 Damrell & Moore Prs.
Mch 13 Paper 18 Rms, 23 1/2 x 29 — 36 lb. 450 81.
Printing 34 Tokens. 75 25 50 Cop 10% on 62 1/2 6250 16900
Bindg. 13 130 00 Cost Sheets. 17. Binding 13. 13 30
Pub’d. Apl. 1849,*
* The title page of this edition reads 1848. [A 149b] 1849 5100 Kavanagh By H. W. Longfellow 12 Sig. 192 pp.s. Metcalf & Co. Prs,
Ap! 13 Paper 67 1/2 Rms. 4.95 334.12
May 7 Printing 122 Tokens 70 85.40
Binding B. B. & Co. clo. pln : 9 459.00 Copyright 15 750. Editors. Shew Bills &c 4648 1675.00 Cost. Sheets hs ” clo.ew ii Trade Retail rp 25 cops pe 100 ps. 300 pw Published May 12. 1849 4000. sold first week
Longfellow, Henry W., Kavanagh, a tale : 1 vol. l6mo [3]—188pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1849. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1849 [ fict. Amer. | [A 150a]
1849 1000 The Law of Human Progress 1000 By Chas. Sumner Pamphlet 48 pp. Bolles & Houghton
Ap! 28 Paper 6 13/20 Rms. 425 28 26 ” 10 1/2 qrs Covers 7 50 375 Printing 471.99 ms. [i.e. 47.199] 40 18 88
”” Extra 14 Tokens 80 11 20 Correctns 25 hours 30 750
Doing up 62Y, 6 25 Copyright 25. Eds. 10.16 3516 11100 Cost WW Trade Retail hw hp Sumner, Charles, The law of human progress: an oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Soctety of Union College, Schenectady. July 25th, 1848
pamphlet 8vo [3]-48pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1849.
William D. Ticknor and Co., 1849 [ad. Amer. ] [A 150b]
1849 500 Book of Hymns Fourth Edition 500 Thurston, Torry & Co. Prs.
May 11 Paper 14 7/20 Rms. 21 x 26 3 25 46 25
26 Tokens.15¢ @ 707) 1800 20 Binding
Sunds 55
Cop'’t. 5¢ 25 00
16500 165.00
Cost 56 33¢ Trade 1/4 Retail 62 1/2 [A 15la]
1849 1000 Tardieu on Cholera 1000 Translated By Saml. Lee Bigelow Thurston, Torry & Co. Prs.
Apl 21 Paper 18 16/20 Rms. 23 1/2 x 29. 36 lbs 41/2 84 60
May 28. Printing 394.125 ms @ 40 157 65
34 Tokens @ 8020 2787 20 Extra Corr.
Cops. for Edrs. 3000 = 320.32 Cost Sheets 32
” Bound 43 Retail $1.00-
Tardieu, [Auguste] Ambroise, Treatise on epidemic cholera; being lectures delivered under the authority of the faculty of medicine of Paris . . . Translated from the French by Samuel Lee Bigelow, M.D. With an appendix by a fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society [W. W. M.] I vol. 12mo [v]—xi,1,286pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1849.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 [med. repr.Amer. ] With an unpremeditated macabre touch, Fields wrote to a bookseller in the plague ridden city of New Orleans that he was sending the large order of 50 copies
of this work “for which no doubt you will find a ready sale.” (Letter Books, Domestic, I, May 31, 1849, p. 460.)
[A 151b]
1849 1000 The Law of Human Progress. 1000 by Chas. Sumner. Bolles, Houghton, & Co. Prs.
Apr. 28 Paper 6 13/20 Rms. $4.25 28 26 ” 10 1/2 qrs. Rms Covers $7.50 375 Printing. 471.99 ms @. 40 18 88
14Cor. Tokens @. 80 11750 20 Extra 25 hs 30¢ Doing up. [ per hund. | 62% 6 25
Copy-right 25 11100 00 Eds. Copies 1016
Cost IIc Retail 25 cts.
This entry seems to be an inadvertent duplication of A 150a.
1849 500 Book of Hymns. 4th Ed. 500 Thurston, Torry & Co. Prs.
May I1 Paper. 14 7/20 rms. @ 3.25 (21 x 26) 46 25
26 Tokens @ 70c. 1800 20 Copyright 25 Binding 15. 75 00 Eds &c. 55 16500 Cost Trade 33 56
Retail 62 1/2
This entry seems to be an inadvertent duplication of A 150b. [A 152b]
[1849] History & Design of Am. 5000 Ins. of Instruction. by Geo. B. Emerson. J. Wilson. Pr.
51 rms. 19 Covers 1/2 x 24.$4 $3615 14/20. 80 10. 824 Ms. @ 40. 433 9 1/2 Tokens @ 80 c 7 60
Extra Corr.770 6 00 Covers. Doing up. @ $2. pr. M. 10 00 Commissions 574 6317 Emerson, George B., History and design of the American Institute of Instruction pamphlet 16mo [3|—12pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 [ hist. Amer. ]
[A 153a]
1849 915 Palmer’s Moral 915 Instructor — Part 1.
July 3 Tokens. Reams. Paper. @70 450420 1350 19106Binding @ 915 Cops. 2¢. 18 30
Copy-rightI¢. 915 Covers. 300 4815 Cost 5 1/3 cts
[A 153b]
1849 601 Palmer. Moral Instr. 601 Part 1. D & M. Prs. — 601 Cops
Sep Rms Paper.80 4.804980 60 2920.6 2Tokens.
Doing 02 Coptup1 12 601
Covers 200 3443 Cost 5 1/3 cts
[A 154a]
1849 1500 Chapel Liturgy 8 vo. 1500 Bolles & Houghton Prs.
July 10 88 Rms Paper. 19 1/2 x 24. 32 6.40 563 20
28 179 20 Dec. 53 Tokens. @ $1.257 53 0020 Copt. 2500 60 Less. 60 Rms Ch[apel?] Ed[itio? ]n 384 00
Cost Sheets. D2 Bound, Sheep. 250 =1.50 Mor pln 300. =—-:1.75
Mor Ex, 350 hww ” Sep[?] 450 hew
Sheep C [sic] 200 Www Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of King’s Chapel, Boston. [Sixth edition |
1 vol. 8vo [v]—xii,[2],[3]-407pp. Copyrighted by Carter & Hendee, 1831.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [relig. repr.Amer. | There are variant forms of this edition. Some copies do not read Sixth edition, the copyright notice is lacking, and the imprint of the printers, Bolles & Houghton, is not given. In these copies the imprint of the publishers does not appear on the title page, only the reading “Boston, 1850.’ On the verso of the title page, however, appears the statement “Boston: Published by Ticknor, Reed and Fields.’ All copies seen read “Chapel liturgy” on the spine. This famous Unitarian version of the Anglican Prayer Book had been in print since 1785 when Edes, the Boston publisher, issued the first edition. There had been a second in 1811 and a third in 1828, both brought out by Belcher. The fourth edition bore the imprint of Carter and Hendee, 1831; the fifth that of James Munroe in 1841. [A 154b]
1849 500 Penance Roland & other Poems. } 500 By H. B.of Hirst 144 pps.
8Binding. Tokens6¢ 8030 6 40 00 Coms 350 68.50
5 4/20. Rms. @5.50 18 1/2 x 29 33. 28 60 For Acct of Author.
Hirst, Henry B., The Penance of Roland, a romance of the peine forte et dure; and other poems
142 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS I vol. lomo [ii]—x1,[12]-128pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1849. Stereotyped by J. Fagan, Philadelphia. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 [ poet. Amer. |
[A 155a]
1849 2000 Shepard’s Arith’c. 2000 Part 1. 64 pps 2000 C T. T. & Co. Prs.
Sep. 152.752 8 16/20.ms. Rms. 3. 2110 26 40 40¢.
16 Tokens 8025121375 80 Ext. Corr. 55 hs Paper for Covers. 375
Printing 6 8160 8400 61 BindingDo3¢.
Pub. Sept. 1. 1849.
Shepard, William A., Science of arithmetic. In three parts. Part I. Primary arithmetic. Being an explanation of the decimal system... 1 vol. 1l6mo. [5]-64pp. Copyrighted by W. A. Shepard, 1849. Ticknor, Reed
and Fields, 1849 {text, Amer. ] Parts II and III seem never to have been published, certainly not by Ticknor.
[A 155b] 1849 500 Alderbrook. 8th Edn 500 500 Cops T. T. & Co Prs
Aug 6183411/20 Tokens . 70. 23 80 Rms. 24 1/2 x 30. 9275
Plates15¢ 2¢ 75 10 00 00 Cop. Binding 28. 14000 341.55 2 Vols
Cost. Sheets. 40
Cl. Ext. 68
” git Ex. 84
full gilt 1.14 2 Vols in 1. cl. git. 56. git Ex. 65 full gilt 80 Pub Sep. 6. 49
[A 156a]
1849. 2000 Greenwood Leaves. 414 pps 2000 12 Mo. by Grace Greenwood lst Edn. 2000 Cops. T. T. & Co. Prs. ¢
Aug. 28 5911/2 Rms. Paper, 24 1/2 x 30-40 lb. 15. 6.00 306 30
Nov. 2 496.542 Ms. @ 37. 183 72
92 @ 80.25738 60 Ext.Tokens Corrs. 33hs. 25 3Engraving pps. Cancelled 89 Title.15 6500 00 Designing Do Printing 2000 Do. 250.00 23.40 Copy.-right 12 1/2¢ Binding 00 Edrs &C121/2¢ 23 84250 1200.00 Cost Sheets, 50 1/2¢. gilt back. 63. , cent. [1.e. glt. centre] 75 1/2 full. 85 1/2
{Lippincott, Sara J.], Greenwood leaves. A collection of sketches and letters. By Grace Greenwood | pseud.| [1st series | 1 vol. 12mo [iii ]—viii,406pp. Copyrighted by Sara J. Clarke, 1849. Ticknor, Reed
and Fields, 1850 [gen.lit. Amer. |
: [A 156b] [1849] 1000 Angel Voices. 2d. Edn. 1000
June 29 Stereotype — $120.92. Metcalf & Co Prs.
10 Tokens @ $1 - 10 00 Copt 37 50 Binding 8¢ 8000 16314
Aug 23 5 1/2 Reams 25 x 25. 36 Cal.d 6.48 35 64
Cost. Sheets —6 1/2 pl.clo. we 1/2 gilt full gilt
[Treat, William, comp.], Angel-voices; or words of counsel for overcoming the world ... Second edition — revised and enlarged 1 vol. 18mo [5]—117pp. Copyrighted by W. Treat, northern N. Y. district, 1849.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849. [relig. Amer. |
The stereotype plates were made by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry. The first edition of this devotional book is not given in the Cost Books. Its title page reads: Angel-voices . . . after the mode of Richter’s “Best hours.” It was in 1 vol., 24mo, [8|-96pp copyrighted by W. Treat, northern N.Y. district, 1846, printed by Jewett, Thomas & Co. [of New York? ], with the imprint of William D. Ticknor and Co., n.d. (but a copy in the Boston Public Library is inscribed with the date Dec. 11, 1846). [A 157a]
1849 500 “Kavanagh” by H. W. L. 500 500 Cops. Metcalf & Co. Prs.
Aug 3] 7 11/20 Rms. Paper 18 1/2 x 29. 33 lbs. 5.00 3775
Sep 20Cop.t 14 Tokens @ 80 11 20 & Use Plates. 15 75 00
Binding O¢ 4500 168.95 Cost is. Sells rp [A 157b]
1849 500 “Hyperion.” by H. W. L. 500 7th Edn. 16 mo. Metcalf & Co
Aug 31 13 9/20 Rms Paper. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 — 4 52 35 [sic ]
24 Tokens @ 80 19 20 Copy. right & Plates 100 00 Binding 10¢ 5000 22155 Cost. Sheets is 1/2 pln. cl. ss1/2. Cent[re]. po 1/2 ' full gilt eo 1/2 — [A 158a]
1849 500 Evangeline 7th Edn. 16 mo 500 by H. W. L. Metcalf & Co.
Aug 31 6 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 5.00 30 00
Sep. 11 Tokens. 8 80 Copt. & Plates80100 00
Binding boards 3000 16880 Cost. Sheets hl. boards is
pl cl. il Centre pW full = ri
[A 158b] 1849 500 Holmes’ Poems 16 mo. [3rd stereotype] Edn.
[6th in all] 500 Aug 31 T. T. & Co. Sep. 19 Tokens. l. 19 00 Copt 5000 12260 10 19/20 Rms Paper. 18 1/2 x 29.33 Ibs. 5.00 53 60
Cost. Sheets hp. — boards. 1W
Cl. pl. ip Cent[re]. sl full glt pr.
Published Sep. 1849
1849 1500 “The Boston Book” 1500 for 1850. 372 pps. 12 mo. T. T. & Co Prs.
Aug to Octo 52 1/2 Rms Paper, 19 1/2 x 24. 30 lbs. 5.40 283 50
Nov 2 347.490 Ms. @ 37 128 57 14 pps Cancelled 325
93. Tokens. 75 69625 75 Ext Corr. 25 hs. Engraving Title $100 Des [igning]. Do 18 118 00
Eds. 251875000 Binding 121/2 839 36 Printing 1500 Do. 1.17 1755 Cost. Sheets. 43. Cl. glt. back. 55 1/2. —Cent[re]. 66 full. 78 Published, Dec. 1, 1849
Ihe Boston book. Being specimens of metropolitan literature [Edited by James T. Fields |
1 vol. 12mo [v]—vii,1,364pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1849.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ gen.lit. Amer. | “The first volume of the Boston Book, edited by Mr. Henry T. Tuckerman, was published in 1836; the second, edited by Mr. Benjamin B. Thatcher, appeared in 1837; and the third and last, edited by Mr. George S. Hillard, was published in 1841. A new volume having been very generally called for . . . a continuation of the series is deemed desirable.” (Preface of The Boston book, 1850.) The engraved title page was designed by H. Billings and engraved by J. Andrews [sic] & J. A. Rolph. [A 159b]
1849 2000 Mrs. Putnam’s Receipt Book 2000
Ex. 60 Bolles & H. Prs. 16 Mo.
Sep. 3 20 11/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29, 28. $3.50 71 93
135.934 Ms. 75 38¢30 51 00 65 40 Tokens
Copy.t. 6¢20000 120 00 Binding 10 49418 Cost Sheets 15 Clo. 25
[A 160a]
1849 2000 Browning’s Poems. 16mo. 1000 pps. 2 vols. Bolles & Houghton.
Sep. to Nov. 57 Rms. Paper. 18% x 29. 32 Ib. 5.33 1/3 304. Vol. 1. 381.047 ms.
Vol. 2d. 404.578 ms. @ 38¢ 301 54
102 TokensEx. @ 80¢ 8140 60 3Shew forms 80 2 Bills &c 1046 70000
Binding — boards 2 V. 12¢ 120 Cost Sheets 74. boards. 86.
Clo. 94. Cent. 1.24
full Imi Mo 2 24 Published Nov. 24. 49
Bds clo Cent. Full Sells. 2.00 2.25 3.00 3.50 Browning, Robert, Poems ...A new edition 2 vols. 12mo I,[8],{1]—384pp.,1, [v]—vii,1,[3]—416pp. No copyright notice.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ poet. repr. | [A 160b]
1849 2000 George R. Russell’s 2000 P. B. K. Oration @ Prov. RI. 64 pps 8 Vo. Bolles & H. Prs.
19 Rms. 30 Ibs. 18¢. 5.40 106.11 57.760 ms.80¢ 40 23 10 36 Tokens. 28 80 9Paper hs,forEx. 25 2 25 Covers. 22 qrs. 770 Doing up 621/2 Coms. 10% 18041250 19850 Coms. for Author
Russell, George R., The merchant. An oration before the Rhode Island Alpha of
the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Providence, September 4, 1849 pamphlet 8vo [3]—60pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1849. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1849 [ad. Amer. | Some copies give Thurston, Torry & Co. as the printers.
[A l6la] | 1849 1000 R. C. Winthrop’s Address. 1000 before Me. His. Soc’y. Sept 25. 49. pps. 8 Vo T. T. & Co. Prs.
Sep 24 9 8/20 Rms. Med. 30 Ib. 18¢ 5.40 51 00
67.052 Ms.9@ 402526225 82 Ext Corr. hs. 20 Tokens 80 16 00 Paper for Covers 11 qrs 385
Coms.up 10% Doing 6251061 116.78 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 147
Printed for the Author.
Winthrop, Robert C., An address delivered before the Maine Historical Society, at Bowdoin College {on James Bowdoin], on the afternoon of the annual commencement, September 5, 1849 pamphlet 8vo [3|—-68pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 [ad. Amer. ]
[A 161b]
1849 2000 Heroines of the 2000 Missionary Enterprise
By D. C. Eddy. Lowell 2000 Cops. Damrell & M Prs.
800 —
Sep 20 26 7/20 Rms. Paper 29 x 41. 73. 8. 218 80
345.370 ems. @ 37 1/2 12951
48 Cor. Tokens. @30¢. $1. 48 00 1900 Ext 57 hs. 17 25 1100 Copt. on 1900. 10% 142 — Binding Cl. glt. back 12 240 50 00
200 796 06 600 ——
— Deduct for dam.[age? | 8000 71606 Cost Sheets 25.¢ ms 7
Bound 37. 7
Sells 1).
Eddy, Daniel C., Heroines of the missionary enterprise: or sketches of prominent female missionaries 1 vol. 1l6mo [8],359pp. Copyrighted by William D. Ticknor & Co., 1850. Tick-
nor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [relig. Amer. | This edition was not disposed of for four years. The 300 remaining copies were sold to the author at a 40% discount. (Letter Books, Domestic, V, Nov. 12, 1853, p. 114 and Jan. 10, 1854, p. 144.) [A 162a]
1849. 1500 Old Portraits and 1500 Modern Sketches By J. G. Whittier — 16 mo. 312 pps. 1500 Cops. T. T & Co.
Nov. 33 1/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 27 lb. $4 & 4.75 149 58
Dec. 1260 303.627 ems.@ @ 80 37. 48 11200 34 Tokens
Ext Cor. 3 90 Cop’t. on 1400. 7 1/2¢. 105 00 Binding 10 15000 568.82
Cost.Sheets 30. clo. 40 gilt Cen 55. full 67 Pub Dec 25. 1849.
Whittier, John G., Old portraits and modern sketches 1 vol. 12mo [6],304pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1849. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1850 [gen lit. Amer. ] [A 162b]
1849 750 Whipple’s (E. P) 750 Lectures, 1 Vol. 16 [mo]. 224 pps.
Oct. 3 11 8/20 Rms. 19 x 30. 33 Ib. $6 68 60
15 15 Tokens10¢ 80¢ 75 16 00 80 Binding
Sund’s 1467 23600
Copt on 650 15% on 75¢. 60 93
Sep 29 Steo. Plates & 3 boxes $157.
Whipple, Edwin P., Lectures on subjects connected with literature and I1fe 1 vol. 12mo [7]—218pp. Copyrighted by E. P. Whipple, 1849. Stereotyped by
Hobart & Robbins, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ gen.lit. Amer. ] According to the publishers, this edition was sold in ten days.
[A 163a]
1849 3000 Giles (Rev'd Henry) Lectures 1500 2 Vols 16 mo. 636 pps. 49 1850 OctotoFeby 67 8/20 Rms. P. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. $4 270 29
Feby 612.837 ems @80 37 96 22675 120 Tokens 00
Ext Cor. 8 00 95 Copt 200 Editors 48 1150.00 01 Binding 10 30000 Cost Sheets. 56 1/2
“ Retail Cloth $1.50 76 1/2
Published Saty. Feby 16. 50
Giles, Henry, Lectures and essays 2 vols. 16mo I, [iii ]—iv,1/.,300pp.,II,[4],317pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850. Printed by Thurston, Torry & Co. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [gen.lit. Amer. ]
1849, 1000 Charles Sprague’s 1000 : Writings. 1 Vol. 16 Mo. pp. Steo. Edn
Oct 27 15 Reams. Paper 18 1/2 x 29 @ 6. 90 00
28 Tokens. @ $1. 28 00 Binding cl. 10¢ 100 00 Copt 7500 29300 Cost Sheets. 121/2
Bin. Boards 6- ¢ Copt 7 1/2-26 in clo. 30¢
Pub. Nov. 24. 1849.
Portrait 125 Steo Plates 138.03 Sprague, Charles, The poetical and prose writings of Charles Sprague. New and revised edition
1 vol. 12mo [v]|—vi,2/.,[1]-205pp. Copyrighted by C. Sprague, 1849. Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry. Tick-
nor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ poet. Amer. | [A 164a]
1849 1000 Whipple’s (E.P.) Lectures. 1000 2d. Steo Edn. _—s Pr.
Nov. 7 15 1/2 Reams. 18 1/2 x 29-32. 4 62 00
28 Tokens. 80 22 40 Binding 10 100 00
Copt 15%. 93 75 Sunds 185 280.00 Cost. Sheets 18 Clo. 28 Retail 62 1/2. [A 164b]
1849 1000 Saxe, (Jno. G.) Poems 1000
Nov. 26 10 5/20 Rms. Paper 18 1/2 x 29. 5.40 55 35
131.684. ems @ 4840 72 18 Tokens 803714
Ext. Cor. 2 40
Cop. 210 Cops. — say 5000 17087 Cost Sheets. 17
boards. 22 Clo. 27 git Cent. 40
150 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Saxe, John G., Poems I vol. 16mo [vii ]-viii,130pp. Copyrighted by J. G. Saxe, 1849. Printed by Thurs-
ton, Torry & Co. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ poet. Amer. ] [A 165a]
1849 500 American Institute 500 of Instruction, Lectures for 1849. 12 mo. pps.
Nov. to 100 00 J Putnam Pr
Jany[ 18 ]50
The lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Montpelier, Vt., August, 1849; including the journal of proceedings, and a list of the officers...
| 1 vol. 12mo [iii ]—xi,1,232pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [educ. Amer. | [A 165b]
1849 500 Mass. Bap Convention. Report 500
Nov. 551/2 Rms P 350 17 151 50 Qrs. Cold Covers 64 pps. J. Putnam
Printing 7552 Doing up 250 9703
Forty-seventh annual report of the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, presented by the board of directors at the anniversary in Boston, October 31,1849 pamphlet 8vo [5]-63pp. No copyright notice. William D. Ticknor and Co., 1849. [relig. Amer. ]
The front paper cover, otherwise duplicating the title page, reads, however, Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850. [A 165c]
1849 500 Warren’s (J. G.) Sermon 500 before Mass. B. Conv. Octo. 1849
Printing 1597 Doing up 250 2522
Nov. 1 1/2 Rm. Paper. 3.50-—5.25. Cold. 150 675
Warren, J[onah] G., The new man; a sermon preached before the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, at its annual session, held in Boston, October 31, 1849 ... Published by request of the convention pamphlet 8vo [2]—20pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Putnam. Tick-
nor, Reed and Fields, 1849 [ad. Amer. ]
There is a copy in the Brown University Library.
1849 2000 Lowell, (J. Russell) Poems. 1000 2 Vols. 16 mo. pps. B. & H. Prs
Nov 27 36 14/20 Rms. Paper. 18 1/2 x 29. 33. 4.95 181 67
66 Tokens @ 90 59 40
Copt. on 917. 36¢. =Bartlett 330.12 \ Less on @346 53 63 276 49
Binding 2000 Vols paper 6. 12000 63756
Cost Sheets 56 1/2 — Boards 68 1/2
Clo. 76 1/2 Centre 102 1/2
full git. 1.26 1/2
Retail 1.50
Cl. 1.75
Pub. Dec. 1849.
Lowell, James R., Poems [Fourth edition | 2 vols. 16mo I,[ vi] xii,[3]251pp.,I, [v ]—vii,1,[3]-254pp. Copyrighted by J. R.
Lowell, 1849. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 [ poet. Amer. |
Though the entry attributes the printing to Bolles & Houghton, some copies read on the verso of the title page, “Stereotyped and printed by Metcalf & Co.” Cooke’s and Livingston’s bibliographies tell the story of this radically revised edition. The extent of Lowell’s revision is indicated by Metcalf’s bill (dated December 5, 1849) for stereotyping additions and corrections — $112.20. (MS, H.C.L.) A royalty accounting (dated March 13, 1849) from John Bartlett, of Cambridge, to Lowell, leads to the conjecture that as the distributor of The Biglow papers and Sir Launfal, he was allowed to buy the 346 copies of the Poems at a special price which involved a reduction of Lowell’s royalty. (MS, H.C.L.) The “full glt” volumes bear the stamp of the binder, Bradley.
[A 166b]
1849 5000 The Sea Side & The Fire-Side 5000 by H. W. Longfellow. 16 mo. 152 pps. Metcalf & Co
Nov. 53 14/20 Reams Paper 18 1/2 x 29. 36.
15 19
20 20 2 287 43
40 — 10 —
[@]5.40 [@]5.25 [@]4.95 Dec. 102 Tokens @ 70 71 40 Copy.t & Use of Plates. 1000 00
Binding paper 5 25000 1608 83
Cost. Sheets. hl. boards ih
Clo. 10 Cent. pw full g. ei
152 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Retail 75. 88. 1.25 1.50 Pub’d December, 1849...
Longfellow, Henry W., The seaside and the fireside 1 vol. 16mo [iii]—iv,1/.,141pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1849. Tick-
nor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ poet. Amer. } [A 167a]
1849 2000 Jonas’s Series 500 4 Vols. 500. Hickling Dec 21 17 1/2 Rms 25 x 26 — 36 lb. 450 74 75[sic ]
31 Tokens 21 70 Binding 71/270 15000 25045 Cost Sheets » Bound 121/2 4 Vols in 2. Ea. 15 —
[A 167b]
1849 500 Ezra S. Gannett. Sermon 300 before Fatherless & W. Society
Dec. 6521/2 Rms. P. 30 |b. 5 10 00 Qrs Col’d. Covers 151 29. 130 ems, @80 43 400 1253 5 Tokens.
Ex Cor. 90 Doing up 3 28 32 22
Mrs. S. D. Reynolds, Treasurer
Gannett, Ezra S., A sermon preached before the Fatherless and Widows’ Society in the Central Church, on Sunday evening, October 28, 1849 pamphlet 8vo [3]—28pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry &
Emerson. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1849 [ad. Amer. ] [A 168a]
1849 2000 Palmer’s Moral Ins.’r 2000 Part. — 1. — Damrell & Moore
12 Tokens. 80409 00 60 Doing up 2¢ Copt. L. 2000 9930
Dec 11 6 12/20 Reams. 36 lb. 25 x 26. 4.50 29 70
Copt Bindingl¢ 2
Cost. Paper & Pr. 2¢ j¢
Jany 8. 1850. Covers. 1/2 Rm 2.50 Pr-——-—
1849. 500 Alderbrook 9th. Edn. 500 Dec 28 18 11/20 Rms 24% x 30— 5. 9275
50 Jany 7 34 Tokens 70 2300 80 Plates 2¢ 10
Copt 15¢ 7500 201.55 2 Vols. Cost Sheets. 40 Cl. Ex. 68
“gilt Ed, 84 “full git. 1.14
2 Vols in one — Cl. Ex 56
gilt Ed. 65
full 80 Published Feby. 1850.
[A 169a]
1850 500 Howard Benev. Soc’y. 500 Sermon by Rev'd. Levi Tucker D D. 24 pps 8Vo. J Wilson, Pr.
Jany. 1 5/20 14/20 Paper lb. $5.151 8 50 “ — 30 Col’d
22.176. ems. 40212 8 87 Ex Corr. : Press Work 425 Doing 250 Sunds ] 39 29 14 Tucker, Levi, 4 plea for the poor: a sermon preached in the Old South church before the Howard Benevolent Society, December 23, 1849; being its thirty-
seventh anniversary pamphlet 8vo [3]—23pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ad. Amer. ]
[A 169b]
1850 3000 Horace Mann’s — “A 3000 Few Thoughts for a Young Man” (Merc Liby Asso.) Lecture pps. Stereotype
Jany 12 Rms. 25 x 26. 32.15 4 4840 00 261622 Tokens 70 Binding @ 487 pr 100. 146 10
Copt. on 2000 5¢ 10000 30950 Cost. Wh 4/ mills? ]. Retail 25 100 1/4 Disc 300 1/3
500 40%. Less 1/5
Steo. Plates ¢$ 63.16
Published Feby 2. 1850.
154 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Mann, Horace, A few thoughts for a young man: a lecture, delivered before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, on its 29th anniversary 1 vol. 18mo [3]—84pp. Copyrighted by H. Mann, 1850. No printer given. Tick-
nor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ad. Amer. ] [A 170a]
1850. 1328 Bumsted’s[sic] 2d. Reader 1328 T. T. & Co. Prs.
Jany 10 Rms 25 x 26. 00 15419 Tokens 704,134030
22 Binding 1328 21/2 33.37 Copt— “ 1 8/m. 23 90
Covers & ptg. 3 ms. 390 11447 Cost 8 6/10. Pub. Feby. 1. 50
Jany 8 Covers. 2d. Damrell & M.
20 x 24. Col. 3.50 7 00 42 Rms. Tokens l, 4 00
Feby 19 2 Rms. (1 R[eam]. 2 & 3d. & 1 2d. & ptg + 1100 22 00 [A 170b]
[1850] 500 Holmes’s. Poems 500 Jany. 11
Copt. 50 00
11 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 5 40 59 40 19 Tokens. 1. 19 00 Binding cl. 5000 17840 Cost Sheets. he. board ith
Clo. ie— Cent. so full po. [A 17la]
1850 4000 Longfellow’s Poems. 2000 Complete Edn. — 16 mo 2 Vols. Metcalf & Co.
Jany. 132 9/20 Paper, 18 1/2 x 29 30 Ibs 1/— 5.00 662 25 Feby 236 Tokens. 75 177 00 Copy.’t & Use of Plates 800 00
Binding boards 24000 187925 | Cost. on 1950 [? ].c. Sheets. Is. «1.75 boards oe 2.00 Clo. pln WWs. 2.25
Gilt Centre Wis. 3.00 full. Wps. 3.50 Published April, 1850.
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 155 Longfellow, Henry W., Poems ...a new edition 2 vols. 16mo I,[1ii]—xv,1,475pp.,II, [iii ]—vi,452pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Long-
fellow, 1850. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 { poet. Amer. |
This two-volume edition represents Ticknor and Co’s. first complete collection of
Longfellow’s poetry. It was kept a “complete” edition by the inclusion of the poet’s later work in subsequent years, through some twenty-six printings before 1864. It thus became from the viewpoint of the public the standard edition of Longfellow’s poems, at least until the creation of the Blue and Gold series, which see, in 1857. It may be noted here, however, that there was issued in 1850, with
the imprint of Ticknor, Reed and Fields, a six-volume, large paper edition of Longfellow’s works. It was probably comprised of a few sets made up for Longfellow from Owen’s remaindered sheets, with only the title pages altered. None seem to have been marketed, and since it was not a Ticknor publication in the exact sense, despite Ticknor’s imprint on the title pages, it is quite properly omitted from the Cost Books. [A 171b]
1850 1500 Greenwood Leaves. 1500 2d. Edn. 1500 C. 414 pps. T. T & Co
Feby 38 5/20 Rms. 24 1/2 x 30. 40 lbs. 5. 191 25
496.542 ems @80 40 55 19820 61 69 Tokens
Binding 121/2 187 50 Printing Head 1755 Copt. 18750 83761 Pub. Apl 6. 1850.
[A 172a]
1850 5760 2d. Edn. 2500. Horace Mann’s Lecture 2500
Feby 1 T. T & Co.
10 Rms P. 25 x 26 32 lbs. $4. 40.00
18 Tokens. 70. 12 60 20 Binding pr 100 4871/2 126 62
Copt. 34 7500 25422 [A 172b]
[Feby] 11 {Horace Mann’s Lecture] 3rd Edn — 3260
12 11/20 Rms. 25 x 26. 32- 4. 50 47 22 Tokens. 70 15 40 Binding 3260. [per hund.] 4.87 158 76
Copt. 3¢ 9780 322.43 Cost RetailWw 25
1850 1150 Angel Voices 3rd Edn 1150
Jany 6 1/2 25 x 25.75 6.4894212 12Rms. Tokens 00
Binding (7)* [cents] 8* 82 00 Copt. 10% 4312 176.24 Cost Sheets. 41/2
Copt. Binding373/4 00
15.1/4[¢ ]
Gilt back 15.1/2[?]
Centre 24
full 30
*If 1000 copies were bound at 7 cents and 150 copies at 8 cents, the sum $82.00 given in the entry, is correct. [A 173a]
1850. 2500 The Scarlet Letter 2500 By Nath! Hawthorne 16 Mo. 324 pps. Metcalf & Co
57 4/20 Reams. 18 1/2 x 29. 33. 4.75 268 30 302.586 ms. @ 43¢. 130 11
115 Corrections Tokens. 75. 86 75 Ext 9 50 Copt. on 2400 - @. 15% 270 00
Binding 10 25000 1014 66 Cost Sheets 32. clo 42. Trade 75 1/4[discount] Published Mar. 1850.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The scarlet letter, a romance 1 vol. 16mo [iii ]—iv,322pp. Copyrighted by N. Hawthorne, 1850. Ticknor, Reed
and Fields, 1850 [ fict. Amer. ] James T. Fields’ own account of the “finding” of The scarlet letter was first published in the Aélantic Monthly, Vol.XXVII,Feb.1871,pp.248—-251, and in book form in his Yesterdays with authors, 1872. Two letters of the firm to Richard Bentley, the London publisher, give indication of the progress of the book through the presses. “We send you [February 28, 1850] through the kindness of
our friend Capt. Harrison a parcel containing the sheets as far as printed of Hawthorne’s ‘Scarlet Letter,’ a book of remarkable spirit and interest. We do not know as it wd be advisable to include the Introductory chapter called the Custom House but of this you can best decide.” By the next steamer to Liverpool, March 18, 1850, they again wrote, “... we send you the remainder of the ‘Scarlet
Letter’ the other portion of which we sent pr last steamer. . . It is a work for which we anticipate a large sale here.” (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol.I,pp.432,448.)
1850 1000 Poems J. G. Saxe 1000 2d Edn. 16 mo. pps. T. T & Co.
142.484 40¢ 56 99 20 Tokens 80 16 Binding paper 5 500000 18069
Feby 11 10 1/2 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36-15. 5.40. 57 70
Cop’t. 210 Cops. boards. : 790 Cops. Cost hp boards Clo. iw- Trade 50 & 62
Published Mar 9. 1850
The title page reads “Second edition.” The pagination is [vii ]—viii,140pp.
[A 174a]
1850 2000 George T. Curtis’s Lecture 2000 Before “Lowell Institute”
on the Const.n T T. & Co
Feby 11 11 Rms. Med. fine — 30 lbs 18c. 5[4}0 59 40
22 Qrs. Col Covers 7 [per ream | 770 26 41000 ems 80 43 17 63 24 Tokens 19 20 Ext Corrections 9 30 Doing up 50 10 00
Coms & Advg. 1232 13555 Cost. 7. Retail. 12 1/2. Cr Lowell — 9¢ Acct. J. A. Lowell
Curtis, George T., The strength of the Constitution. A discourse delivered at the Lowell Institute, in Boston, 7 February, 1850, as the conclusion of a course of twelve lectures on the history of the Constitution of the United States pamphlet 8vo [5]-39pp. Copyrighted by G. T. Curtis, 1850. Ticknor, Reed and
Fields, 1850 [ad. Amer. |
[A 174b]
1850 1000 Whipple’s Lectures 1000 3rd Edn. Steo. T. T & Co
15 1/2 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29, 32 4$ 62 00 28 Tokens 80¢100 22 00 40 Binding 10¢
Cop’t 75 Sunds15% 1859328000 Cost 28¢. Sells. 63
1850 1000 Lights & Shadows of 1000 Domestic Life. 16 mo. By Mrs & Miss Doughty
pps Bolles & Houghton
Feby 19 18 17/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 28. 30 Ibs 4.50 84 83 Apl 190.400 ems. 80 43 27 81 20 87 34 Tokens.
Copt on10 919. 10¢ 57 43 Binding 1/2¢ 10490 35623 999 bound 80 [to] Eds. Cost 39.¢. Retail 621/2 Pub. May 1850
[Doughty, Sarah P. ?], Lights and shadows of domestic life, and other stories. By the author of Rose and her lamb — The two new scholars, etc.etc. 1 vol. 16mo iv,1,267pp. Copyrighted by W. D. Ticknor & Co., 1850. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1850 [juv. Amer. |
The authorship of this juvenile has never been determined, to the knowledge of the editors, heretofore. From the entry it would seem to be a joint production, but who “Miss Doughty” was, is uncertain. “Mrs. Doughty” is probably Sarah P. Doughty, a minor writer of juveniles in the ‘fifties and ’sixties. There is a notice of her in S. A. Allibone, Critical dictionary of English literature, supplement, Vol. I.
[A 175b]
1850 500 Evangeline 8th. Edn. 500 Feby 22 6 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 36. $6. 36 00
11 Tokens 80 8 80 Copt. 20 10000 14480 Cost Sheets. ho. boards. 1S Clo. io — gt cent. ps. full es
Pub Mar. 1850
[A 176a]
1850 4720 Bumstead’s 2d. Reader. Hickling 4720
Feby & Apl 35 Rms. 25 x 26. 32— 4, 140 00
64 Tokens 62 1/2 38 40 Binding 4720. Cops. 21/2 118 00
Copt & 1¢ptg8ms Covers 3ms 84 141696 39552 Cost. 8 1/2¢.
[1850] 2668 3rd Reader — [Bumstead | 2668
[Feby & Apl] 21 Rms 25 x 26. 32 4 84 00
39 Tokens 621/2 24 40 Binding 2668 Cops 21/2 66 70
Copt 1¢ 8m 48 02 Cops [i.e. covers] & ptg 3ms. 700 230.12 Cost 8 1/2¢
[A 176c]
1850 500 Good’s Book of Nature 14th Edn. 500 P. Mar. 2J15 8Putnam Rms. 28 lbs.75 3501175 28 00 Tokens
Binding : 51/2 276975 50 Covers 250 Cost. Sheets. 8 Binding 51/2 131/2
370. 2 Qrs150 25 50 Printing 2 00 Covers — Butts —
[A 177a]
1850 1100 Mann’s Lecture 4th Edn Hickling 1100
Mar. 6. 5 Rms. 25 x 26. 32 4. 20 00
9Binding Tokens. 60. 55340 1100 487 57 Copt 3¢. 3300 11197 Cost. WW —
[A 177b|
1850 2820 [Mann’s Lecture] 5th Edn Hickling 2600 220
Apl. 3 10 25 x 26.60. 32 4, 00 18Rms. Tokens. 104080
Binding 2600 [per hund.] 4871/2 126 75 Copt. 3¢ 7800 255.55 2600
220 add’! Cost [for] Edn 3. [¢ each] 6 60
Cost WW. May 7. 1850
[1850] 1375 Lambert Lilly 5 Vols 275 Mar 12 11 6/20 Paper — 25 x 26. 4.50 50 85
18/20 . “8 405
Apl. 5 23 Tokens. (6 qrs to Sig) 80 1840 73.30 Cost. Sheets. 51/2
Binding 8.
13 1/2
[A 178a]
1850. 2000 Angel World By J. P. Bailey 2000
Mar 21 T. T. & Co. 16 12/20 Rms. Paper. 18 1/2 x 29. 36 99 60
27 108.000 ems. @ 4360 20 32 Tokens 804025
Binding 9, 18000 348 40 Cost .20¢ Retail O0¢ Published Sat’y Mar 30 50.
Bailey, Philip J., The angel world, and other poems I vol. 16mo [4],114pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ poet. repr. |
The firm instructed their London agent Delf not to pay over £2 for the early sheets. (Letter Books, Foreign, January 10, 1850, Vol. I,pp.416—20.)
[A 178b]
1850 1000 Rev'd Wm. P. Lunt Lecture 1000 . Com’s.
Mar. 5 1/2 Rms. Med.43 5.40. 70 272141.000 ems. 172963
12 Tokens 80 9 60 11/20 Paper for Covers 7 00 385
Ext Corrections 195 Doing up 75 750 Shew Bills 250
Coms. 10% 727 ~=— 8000 Chd to S. G. Williams
Lunt, William P., The union of the human race. A lecture delivered before the Ouincy Lyceum, in Quincy, Mass. February 7, 1850 pamphlet 8vo [5]—37pp. Copyrighted by W. P. Lunt, 1850. Printed by Thurs-
ton, Torry & Co. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ad. Amer. |
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 161 This pamphlet, commercially, was a signal failure. Over a year later only 55 copies
had been sold. Not even in Quincy was it possible to sell a single copy. (Letter Books, Domestic, III, May 6, 1851, pp. 53-4.)
[A 179a]
1850 2500 The Scarlet Letter 2nd. Edn. 2500
Apl Metcalf & Co.
57 4/20 Rms. Paper. 18 1/2 x 29 3.50 & $4 218 80 303.930. ems @ @ 75 40 12157 115 Tokens 86 25 Binding 2500 10¢ 250 00 Copt. on 2500. — 15% 28125 957 87 Cost. 38[¢]—7 Retail 75¢ ms. Published Apl 22. 50
In the second edition of The scarlet letter a preface has been added, making the pagination [111 ]—vi,322pp.
[A 179b]
1850 1000 Parallels between the 1000 Constn “of Engd” & “Hungary”.
Apl Printed for A/c of S. R. Putnam T. T & Co.
6 Rms. 14/20 Paper 450 30 15 11/20 “ “~~ Cold Covers. 412
135.734 emsup @ 40750 54 29 Doing 7Shew Sig. 14 Tokens. 11 20 Bills80.250
Coms 5%. 599 115.75 Published Apl 26. 1850. Retail 25¢
Smith, J[oshua] Toulmin, Parallels between the constitution and constitutional
history of England and Hungary ... From the second English edition pamphlet 8vo [iii]—iv,1/.,64pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry
& Co. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ govt. repr. ] [A 180a]
1850 500 Hyperion 8th Edn. 500
24 Tokens.100 @ 80 19 20 Copt. 00 Binding 10 5000 217.27
Ap! 15, 4 Rms 9/20 18 1/2 x 29. 350 & 4.00 48 07
162 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Cost. Sheets is. Clo ss. glt C[entre]. po full git. eo. Published Apl. 1850
[A 180b]
[1850] 1250 Christian Thought on 1250 Life. in 12 Sermons. By
Rev'd Henry Giles. T. T. & Co
May 3 26 9/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 — 4, 105 80
281.200 ems. @80 43.39 12020 92 49 Tokens. Extra Corrections 975
Cop’t. on 1150 25 Binding 10.10% 1258600
Ext[ra] Copt. 1308 500.00 Cost 44¢ Pub’d. Sat.y Aug 3. ’50.
Giles, Henry, Christian thought on life. In a sertes of discourses I vol. l6mo [8],287pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1850 [ gen.lit. Amer. | [A 18la]
1850 900 Palmer’s Moral Instructor Part. II 900 C. Hickling
Apl 22 6 Rms. D. Med. 44 pounds 5.25 31 25
11 Tokens 75.228 50 25 Cop’t 21/2¢ Binding 4¢ 3600 9800 Cost I1¢.
[A 181b]
1850 2500 Ticknor Reed & Fields 2500 Descriptive Catalogue
May 3. 78.944. 8 rms. 18 ems 1/2 x 4329. 4.33 3294 00
15 Tokens. 80. 129 00 Ext. Alterations. 00 17 Cancelled 1 23 88 [A 181c]
[1850] 2000 2d. Edn. [Catalogue | 2000 July 17
6 6/20 Rms 3.75. 23 62 Alterations. 6 00
12 Tokens. 9 60
[1850] 2000 3d Edn. [Catalogue] 2000 Sep 24
612Rms. 3.75. 22 50 Tokens 9 60 Alterations 150 7282*
* The total $72.82 is for Al8lc and Al81d. [A 182a]
1850 3000 Charles Sumner’s 1500 Orations & Speeches 2 Vols. 16 mo. Vol. 1. 416 pp. Vol 2. 488 pp. T. T & Co.
May 16 to 96 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4, 384 00
Octo 19 447.680 ems. @ 43 v.l. 192 50
1/2 Ext. Cor. ‘ 16 80
Nov. 517.520 ems. Cor. @ 43 v.2. 53 1/2 Ext. ‘* 222 1605
78 62 93 74 40 40 80
171 Tokens 136 80 136 80
Copt on 1400 Cops. 10¢. 350 00
Disc. for overch. 518 131350 1318.68
C. Binding 20¢. 500.00 Cost in Sheets . ... 69 Copt. 29 Binding 20 $1.14
Retail $2.50 Pub’d. Sat.y. Nov. 30 1850
Sumner, Charles, Orations and speeches 2 vols. 12mo I,[4],[5]—410pp.,II, [v ]—vii,1,[5]—482pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor,
Reed & Fields, 1850. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [gen.lit. Amer. | [A 182b]
1850 3000 DeQuincey’s Writings. 1500
June to Vol. 1. “Confessions of
Octo. An Opium Eater.”
Vol. 2. “Biographies”
60 12/20 Paper. 18 1/2 x 29. 32— 4. 226 40 Vol 1. 288 pps. 293.160 ems @ 40 117 26
54 Tokens 80 43 20
Vol 2. 288 pps. 307.260. 40 122 90
94 Tokens 80. 43 20 Editors 4704 = 606.09 Cost. Shts. pr vol. 20. clo. 30
Retail 75.
V. 1. Pub. Aug 10. 1850.
DeQuincey, Thomas, Confessions of an English opium-eater, and Suspira de pro-
fundis [Vol. I, in Writings] 1 vol. 16mo [vii ]—xiii,1,272pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry
& Co. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [gen.lit. repr. ] DeQuincey, Thomas, Biographical essays [Vol. II, in Writings]
1 vol. 16mo [4],284pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry &
Emerson. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [gen lit. repr. ] These two volumes mark the commencement of the uniform American edition of DeQuincey’s collected writings. Most of them appeared before the collected edi-
tion in England, and were the result of the indefatigable zeal of their editor, James T. Fields, the junior partner of the house. On the negotiations between Fields and DeQuincey, see the letters in the Huntington Library, printed in W. H. Bonner, DeQuincey at work, Univ. of Buffalo Studies, Vol.XI, April, 1936. The correspondence was initiated by a letter from the frm to DeQuincey May 6, 1849. “Some years ago we published in this city an Edition of “The Confessions of an Opium Eater,’ and being about to issue another, we beg to ask if it will be agreeable to you to supply a list of your other articles & where published that we may include in a larger volume of your writings a more complete collec-
tion of your essays &c. A reply will greatly oblige.” (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol.I, p.302.) No reply was forthcoming and the firm commenced publication without official sanction from DeQuincey.
[A 183a]
1850 800 Bumstead’s Alphab’t. Chart, 800
June 13 1 3/4 Rms 30 x 44. 90 Ib 12.60 22 05
Printing10 Farwell 750 Type 45 40.00 Cost 5.¢.
Bumstead, Josiah F., Table for use in training the organs of speech in articulation
This was not a book, but, as the entry indicates, a chart. Although referred to here as an alphabetical chart, it was usually described by the publishers as an articulation chart. In an 1854 advertisement it was stated to be “a large sheet, about five feet square, intended to be attached to the wall of a school-room. The Table is so constructed that, with only a small number of words, every combination of elementary sounds is represented.” Of the whole Primary-School series, in
which there were eleven titles, Ticknor and Co. published only this and the Second and Third reading books, which see. The others bear the imprint of T. R.
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 165 Marvin. Although the Cost Books do not list this chart earlier, it appeared in the Ticknor advertisements of 1845 and must have been first printed at about that date. No copy has been found. [A 183b]
[1850] 2000 In Memoriam 2000 By Tennyson, Metcalf & Co.
July 1 30 9/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29, 33 4.95 163 43
”" 25 56 194.400 ems.80 40.44 77 80 76 Tokens.
6 6/20 R for Cat. 23 62 PressWK Do. &C375 1200 32161
Clo 28 Trade 60
Cost Sheets. 18
Retail 79 Published, July 27, 1850
[ Tennyson, Alfred], In memoriam 1 vol. l6mo [2]—216pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 | poet. repr. |
The first American edition can be determined by the “Metcalf & Co.” on the verso of the title page, and by the “3” printed at the top of page 3. The catalogue of Ticknor’s books, bound into this volume, the paper and printing for which receives special mention in the entry, was of unusual size for this date. It consisted of forty-eight pages instead of the usual four or eight.
[A 184a]
1850 500 Sprague’s Poems 2d. Edn. 500 T. T. & Co
June 29 8 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 5.40. 43 20
14 Tokens $1 — 1400 Copt 10% 37 50 Plates 2¢. 10 00 Binding 10 5000 15470 Cost. 31 Trade 60. Ret[ai]] .75. Pub July 1850. Bds. 27. clo 31. git. 44. full 56
[A 184b]
[1850] 500 Outre.Mer — Longfellow 4th Edn. 500 Metcalf
July 9 13 12/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4 34 40
24 Tokens 80 19 20
Copt. 100 Binding 10 500000 22360
Cost 45 Trade 80 Sells $1 — Pub’d Aug 1 1851.*
gilt Cent 58. full. 70 * Error for 1850
[A 185a]
1850. 2000 Warren on Constipation W Chadwick 2000
July 17 2 4/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29, 32. 4 8 00
51/2 “ Covers. 275
Tokens 11 400 59 ems. | Alterations Covers 25¢ pr 100 Doing up 500 3134 Cost 1 1/2 ct.
Warren, John C., On the prevention of constipation ... Extracted from the American Journal of Medical Sciences, for April, 1850
pamphlet l6mo [3]—l6pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [| med. Amer. ]
[A 185b]
1850 1000 Songs of Labor By. J. G. Whittier 1000 16 mo. 8 Sig. 128 pps. Steo.
16 Tokens. 1, 16 00
July 26 8 16/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 40 Ibs 6. 52 80
Copt 900 cops. 5 4500 11380 Cost Sheets. 121/2 Boards. 18 1/2 Clo. 22 1/2 Clo. g. Cent[re]. . Full.
Pub’d Saturday Aug. 23d. 1850. Cost. $85.95 Plates
Whittier, John G., Songs of labor, and other poems 1 vol. 16mo [5]—-127pp. Copyrighted by J. G. Whittier, 1850. Printed by Metcalf & Co. Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type & Stereotype Foun-
dry. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ poet. Amer. ]
1850 500 Evangeline — London. 500 Ilus’'d. Small 8 Vo.
Copt. 20 100 00
July 500 @ 3/- Sterling say 90. 450 00 Binding Antique [50 copies | 1 33 6650 61650
Cost in Sheets 1 10
Binding ant. 1 33 $2.43
Longfellow, Henry W., Evangeline: a tale of Acadie ... Illustrated with fortyfive engravings on wood, from designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster, and John Gilbert 1 vol. sm8vo [iii]—vi,1/.,[1]—102pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1850. Printed in England, probably by Henry Vizetelly. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850
This was Bogue’s London edition. It is identical with the copies issued for the London market except for the advertisements and a slight variation in pagination. As the entry indicates, Ticknor imported the sheets, and almost certainly had them bound by Bradley in Boston. Unpublished letters tell the story of this edition. On January 29, 1850, Fields wrote Longfellow that he must stop the importation of an illustrated edition of Evangeline which Putnam was advertising (MS in Craigie House). On April 15, 1850, Harpers wrote Longfellow that they had received a copy of Bogue’s edition from their London agent, but had told the agent that they could not sell it without the author’s permission (MS in Craigie House). Meanwhile Ticknor’s house, as Longfellow’s publishers, negotiated for the edition for themselves. On February 6, 1850 they wrote Bogue, “We are much pleased with the illustrated Edn. of Evangeline recently published by
you. We have been purposing to publish an illustrated Edn & in fact have had a | copy in the hands of the designer for some months. But if we can purchase of you, say 250 cops. at met cost — adding 10% Coms.—2in sheets — with a new title page — precisely like yrs Except the imprint wh. shall be Boston
Ticknor, Reed and Fields M.D.CCCL we shall defer our own at present. If the vol is stereotyped you can easily print —
& if not this will reduce yr Edn & make way for a new one. And as no one is allowed to import these books without permission of the Author — and this he will grant to no house except our own, any Cops sold to us will be a gain to you of the 10%. A few copies . .. were sent to New York which was without authority & Mr. Longfellow very promptly forbade their being exposed to sale, and he will demand the penalty for any violation of his copyright, & this is not small...” (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol.I,pp.429-30.) Bogue’s reply may be inferred from the firm’s next letter to him of March 18. “We were just printing a new & fine Edition of Evangeline, when we received your illustrated Edn and consequently
168 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS have a large supply of our own Edition and therefore should not care to purchase so many as one thousand cops. .. . but if you will sell five hundred cops at 3/ in
sheets (or quires) you may send them . .. with our imprint. . . We very likely shall have occasion to repeat the order.” (1bid., p. 447.) Subsequent orders were given though not entered in the Cost Books: March 16, 1853, for 100 copies in quires; November 8, 1854, the same; July 17, 1855, 50 copies bound; and March 26, 1856 for 25 bound copies and 25 folded, this to have Bogue’s imprint. (zb7d., Vol. III,pp.107, 329, 401-3; Vol.IV,p.114.)
[A 186b]
1850 2000 Grace Greenwood’s Poems. 2000. 198 pps. Metcalf & Co
Aug to 27 12/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 386. 5.40 155 52
Octo. 188.200 ems. 42 79 60 04 Oct 18 52 Tokens 80¢.41
Extra Cor 975.00 00 Engr. Portrait Printing 2000 Do. @ [per hund. | 1.50 30 00
Copt. on 1900 @ 10% 142 50 Binding 11 3/4 23500 767 66 Cost Sheets. 28— Bnd. 39 3/4
Centre D1. full, 65
Im Mor. 1.03.
Published, Saturday Nov 16, 1850
{Lippincott, Sara J.], Poems. By Grace Greenwood | pseud.| 1 vol. 16mo [vii ]—viti,[3]—190pp. Copyrighted by Sara J. Clarke, 1850. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1851 [ poet. Amer. ] The portrait was engraved by J. Andrews & H. W. Smith.
[A 187a]
1850 500 Sprague’s Poems 3d. Edn. 500
Aug 21 8 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 5.40 43 20
14 Tokens @ l. 1400 Copt 10% 37 00 50 Plates 2¢ 10 Binding 10 5000 15470 Cost 31. Trade 60. Retail 75 Pub’d Sept. 1. 1850
[A 187b] [Omitted here is a crossed out entry, an incomplete duplicate of A 184b.]
1850 1500 Whipple’s 4th July. Ora 1850. 1500 54 pps. 18 mo. J Wilson
Sept. > Rms. 20 x 25 — 26 lbs. 3.25 16 25
33.960 Ems. 40. 13 50 Altera’s. 50[¢]. 9 Toks. 80 770
Bind. 1500 — 4871/2 Copt. 10% 3000 7312 14057 Cost. 10 Retail 20
Pub’d Sep 14. 1850
Whipple, Edwin P., Washington and the principles of the Revolution: an oration delivered before the municipal authorities of the city of Boston, at the celebration of the Declaration of Independence ... Second edition pamphlet 18mo [5|]-49pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850. Tick-
nor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ad. Amer. ] The first edition was published by the Boston city printer, John H. Eastburn, in 1850.
[A 188a]
1850 500 Alderbrook 10th Edn Wier & White 500
Aug 2740 18Ibs 11/20 24 1/2 x 30. 12 Rms. 1/2 5.00 9275
Sep. 32 Tokens.2¢ 7010 22 00 40 Portrait.
Copt. 15 7500 20015 Cost. Sheets. 40. Cl. Ext. 68. gilt Ed. 84 full git. 1 14.— Two in one— Clo. Ex. 56. git. Ed. 65. full. 80 — Pub’d. Octo. 1850.
In a letter to the author, December 7, 1850, Ticknor gave an accounting of the tenth edition, “to which we cheerfully add... in consideration of the continued sale of this book, one hundred dollars.” Sympathizing with her recent troubles, he reminded her “how kind is our heavenly father.” He added that he would pay her double royalty for another book, and that he wanted all her books, including a memoir of her husband. (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol. II, pp. 129-30.) Despite this letter, Ticknor and Co. published only two further works of Mrs. Judson, The Kathayan slave, in 1853, and My two sisters in 1854, neither of which was very successful. In a lawsuit in 1855, Ticknor as a witness, declared Mrs. Judson’s
income from her books, “since 1851, has been about one hundred dollars pr Annum ... [and] the value of these works is diminishing.” (Norton’s Literary Gazette and Publishers’ Circular,n.s.Vol.11,Mar.15,1855, p. 110.) On January 23, 1858, the firm paid only $9.00 on the copyright of Alderbrook and stated that “the Sale has practically ceased.” (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol. VII, p. 335.)
1850 2000 Hawthorne’s “True Stories 2000 From History.” 4 Engravings 344 pps. Bolles & H. Prs.
Sept. 7 50 Rms. 17 x 27. 30 lbs @121/2 3.75 187 50 Nov. 276.517. ems. @80 40.70 11040 60 88 Tokens
Designing 4 Cuts — Billings — 40 00
Extra Compo. 00 Copt. 10% 142503658.00 Engraving Do. $80. Pr[inting]. 2000 $24 104 00
Binding 10 1/2
Sheets. 341/2 45.¢
Retail 75. ct. Pub’d Dec. 1850.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, True stories from history and biography 1 vol. l6mo [1i1]—v,[3],335pp. Copyrighted by N. Hawthorne, 1850. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1851 [juv. Amer. ] The plates were engraved by W. Roberts. [A 189a]
1850 1000 “The Scarlet Letter” 1000 Ist Steo. Edn Wier & White
Sept 9 22 13/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 $4. 90 60
Copt. 15% Damaged Cops.11250 690 210.00 41 Tokens (badly Done no ch[arge].) 00 00
Sheets. 21. Bound 31.
Stereotype Pl. (H. & R) $223.39
In this first stereotype edition, which is the third edition, the verso of the title page
gives the stereotypers as Hobart & Robbins, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry. The pagination is | i1i]—vi,307pp.
[A 189b]
1850 2500 “Astraea” by O. W. Holmes. 2500 T. T. & Co. 40 pps 16 mo. Delivered at New Haven. Aug. 1850.
Sep. 10 6 12/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 40. $5.40. 35.64
35200 ems. @ 43. 15 14
Paper for Covers. 9 93 15 Tokens $12. Ext Corr. 2.10 1410. THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 171!
Printing Covers. 4. Doing up 80. 84 00
Copt on 1400. 3500 19381
Holmes, Oliver W., Astraea: the balance of illusions. A poem delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College, August 14, 1850... 1 vol. l6mo [3]—39pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1850 [ poet. Amer. | Though Ives says (p.129) that this was “never again printed as written,” it is apparent it went into a second edition, probably identical with the first, the following month (see A 189c). [A 189c]
[1850] 2000 2d. Edn [Holmes’ “Astraea” ] 2000
Copt 2Y, 50 00
Octo. Paper Pr & Doing up 14091 14091 [A 190a]
1850 1000 In Memoriam 1000 By A Tennyson — Wier & White —
Sep 24 I5 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 15 — 5 40 81 —
Oct 10Binding 28 Tokens. 80 22 40 10. 10000 203 40 Cost Bound 21 Retail 75 Stereotype PlatessH & R Sept. 10. 215 pps. $144.92
This second American edition gives on the verso of the title page the stereotypers, Hobart & Robbins. It also omits the number “3” at the top of page 3.
[A 190b]
1850 1000 Memory and Hope 1000 Compl. by Mrs. N. Silsbee, & pd for her a/c 256 pp. Sm. 8 Vo. Bolles & Houghton 17 x 23
Octo. 1 36 11/20 Rms. 17x23. 40—20— = $8 292 60
201.516 ems.@@1.50 43. 96 86 00 65 64 Tokens. Reprint Sig. 7. & P WK. 5.48
Alterations 480 485 53
Binding clo. 17. 17000 65553 Cost.Sheets .50 clo 67 Cl. glt Ed. . .77 — Antique. $2.00 —
{ Silsbee, Marianne C. D., comp.], Memory and hope 1 vol. sm8vo [vii]—xii,244pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1850.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ poet. Amer. | [A 19la]
1850 3000 Giles’s Lectures 1500 2d. Edn. 2 Vols. 1500 Cops. B & H.
Oct. 4 68 11/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4, 278 20 Nov 11 Vol. 1. 313 pp. 287.781. ems 40 11511
Vol. 282.777.“80 40 96 11200 89 120 2.Tokens.
Ext 150 BindingCor. 20 30000 90370 Cost Sheets. 42. clo. 62.
Retail 1.50. Pub. Dec 11. 1850.
[A 191b]
1850 1000 Longfellow’s Poems 500 2 Vols. Wier & White
Octo 5 34 6/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32— 4, 171 50
60 Tokens. @PI. 75.200 45 00 Copr’t. & use Binding boards 6 6000 00 47650 Cost Sheets 82 1/2
“Boards. 941/2
Clo 1021/2 Cent 1281/2 full 1.521/2 Imi Mor. 1.32 1/2 [A 192a]
1850 232 Kendrick’s Sermon 232 on the Death of Abel Woods — 28 pps. 250 cop a/c of Dr Woods. Prov. R. I. T. T. & Co.
Oct. 5 12rm. 30 Col. Ibs. Med. $5. 569 00 1/20 Covers 28.272 Ems. 43 12400 16 Press WK & Covers.
Ex. Cor. 3 60 Doing [up] 232 Coms. 10% 2 62 77 28.84 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 173
Kendrick, Asahel C., Walking with God. A discourse delivered in the Baptist Church, in Hamilton, N. Y.on Wednesday, August 14, 1850, at the funeral of the Reverend Abel Woods
pamphlet 8vo [3]—28pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ad. Amer. ]
[A 192b]
1850 2600 Bumstead’s 2d & 3rd Readers 1300 2 vol C. Hickling —
Oct 9. 20 Rms. 25 x 26. 32. 11¢. 3.52 70 40
37 Tokens. 60 22 20 Covers 3 mills 7.80 Bind.g. 2 1/2 [$]65 72 80
Copt. 1. 8 4680 21220 ¢ ms
Cost. 8 c. 2m
[A 192c]
1850 1800 Bumstead’s 2d. Reader. 1800
Dec 9 Acct 1851. C. H.
14 Reams. 25 x 26— 11. 32. 3.68 5152 19 26 Tokens 60~15 60 Binding 21/2 4500
Copt. 1.8 $32.40 Covers. 3ms. 5.40 3780 14992 [A 193a]
1850 1500 Giles’s Sermons. 2d Edn. 288 pps. 1500
Nov 1 31 3/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4 124 60
281.200 ems.80 40 112 48 58 Tokens 43.20 Binding 150= 542.78 00 Copt. 10% 10 11250 Cost. pln Clo. 36. Pub’d. Dec. 7. 1850.
[A 193b]
1850 500 Kavanagh H, W, L. 500
12 Tokens, 80 900 60 Copt. 15 75 Binding 9¢. 4500 167.40
Nov 1 7 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 15. 5 40 37 80
Cost. Clo. 11/2 Published Nov 20, 50
[A 194a] | 1850 500 Songs of Labor 500 174 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS
2d Edn. J. G. W. GC Rand & Co
Dec 19 4 12/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 34. 5.33 2452
23 8Copt. Tokens 1.25 10 00 5¢. 2500 °5952 Cost Sheets 12. Boards 18 —
Clo. 22.
[A 194b]
1850 2000 Rejected Addresses 2000 By H & J. Smith 192 pps.
T. T & Co
Nov. 5 26 10/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 34. 15 5.10 13459
Dec 1448 203.295 Ems. 8140 32 Tokens. 804038
Binding, Boards 12000 37431
Cost Sheets. 13 1/2 Bds. 19 1/2 Clo. 23 1/2 Cent[re]. 36 1/2
full. 48 1/2
Sells Boards 50. clo 63 Pub’d. Dec 1850
[A 195a]
1850. 1000 Holmes,s Poems Metcalf & Co. 1000
Nov. 5 21 Reams 18 1/2 x 29. 34-1/2 5.66 119.
20 38 Tokens.10¢ 80 30 40 Binding 100.
Copt. 10% 100 00 Sunds 60 350.00 Cost Plates —— Sheets. hp. clo. ip — Cent[re]. sl. full. ew. Published Dec. 9 1850.
[A 195b]
1850. 2500 “History of My Pets.” 2500 By Grace Greenwood 6 Eng. Metcalf & Co
Nov. 5 14 Rms. 26 x 26. 40-12 1/2. 5. 7000
12 Designing & Eng. 6 Cuts. 100 00
Printing Do. Say 25 00 00 25 Tokens. 80 20 Copt. on10 2400 120585.00 00 Binding 25000
Cost 241/2 Clo
Trade 50 [discount] %
gilt Ed 62 1/2 [discount] 4 Stereotype Plates $56.21
[ Lippincott, Sara J.], History of my pets. By Grace Greenwood [{pseud.| With engravings from designs by Billings 1 vol. 16mo [iii]—vi,1/.,109pp. Copyrighted by Sara J. Clarke, 1850. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1851 [juv. Amer. | The six cuts were electrotyped by J. W. Wilcox, Boston. The engraver was W. J. Baker.
[A 196a]
1850 2000 Tennyson's Poems 2 Vols. . 1000 Ist Steo. Edn. Wier & White
Plates 1375 Binding paper 12 12000 33575
Nov 15 40 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4 160 00
56 Tokens. 75 42 00 Cost Sheets. = 22. paper. 34.
Clo. 42 - Cent[re]. 68
full 92 Stere. Plates 372.97
The stereotypers were Hobart & Robbins, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry.
[A 196b]
1850 500 Mass. Bap. Conv. Annl 500 Report. Octo. 1850 J. M. Hewes & Co
Nov 19 3 12/20 Rms. 24 lbs. med. 11 1/2 9 66 30
5 1/2 Qrs. Col. Covers. 55¢ 1 37 Dec 11Rule 96.358. ems 43 41 43 Work 18.880. .86 16 23
8. Tokens. 80 6 40 Doing up 500 2 00 Sund 5 10. [?] & outsides — 610 8349 Ch’d Feby 7. 1851. :
Forty-eighth annual report of the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, presented by the board of directors at the anniversary in Pittsfield, October 30, 1850 pamphlet 8vo [5]—52pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [relig. Amer. ]
1850. 1450 O. W. Holmes’s 1450 Lecture before Med Coll. 1850. 40 pps. T. T & Co.
Nov. 25. 8. Rms. 19 1/2 x 23 1/2. 28. 14. 392 31 36
15 1/2 Qrs. Cald. for Covers. 51/2 4 26 39.200 ems. 43 16 85 18 Tokens 80 14 40
Ext Corr. 55 30 Doing up. 45 Sunds. 238 8000 Cost. 6¢
Holmes, Oliver W., The benefactors of the medical school of Harvard University; with a biographical sketch of the late Dr. George Parkman. An introductory lecture, delivered at the Massachusetts Medical College, November 7, 1850 pamphlet 8vo [5|-—37pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850. Tick-
nor, Reed and Fields, 1850 [ad. Amer. | [A 197b]
1850. 2000 Hillard’s Lecture 2000 Before the Mer. Lib. Asson. Wed. Nov. 13. 1850. pp 18 Mo Metcalf & Co
Dec 9 6 12/20 Rms. 20 x 24. 30. 15. 450 29 70
14 34.816 Ems. 43 1497 Ext. Cor’ns 125
12 Tokens 80 9 60 Copt 3¢ on488 90097 27 76 00 Binding 180 28
1000 Sold to Merc Liby. 9000 9028 Cost 10. Retail 25.
Hillard, George S., The dangers and duties of the mercantile profession. An address delivered before the Mercantile Library Association, at its thirtieth anniversary, Nov. 13, 1850
1 vol. cardboard covers 16mo [3]-47pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields,
1850. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850 {ad. Amer. ] [A 198a]
1850 1500 Opium Eater & 1500. Supp. by Tho’s. De Quincey 288 pps. 16 Mo. 2d. Edn. T. T. & Co.
Dec 3. 30 6/20 Rms. Paper. 18 1/2 x 29 ~ 32- 4. 121 20
293.160 Ems. @80 40.43 11720 26 54 Tokens.
Binding 10 15000 431.66 Cost.
Sheets, hw. clo iw — Sells — 75¢ Pub. Dec. 30. 1850.
The second edition, in addition to having the date 1851 on the title page, has some
textual corrections and has been repaged thus: [vii |—xiii,1,[15]-288pp. This pagination was followed in the stereotype edition of 1852.
[A 198b]
1850. 500 Hyperion — Longfellow. 500 9th Edn. Metcalf Dec 3. 13 9/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32— 4, 53 80
24. Tokens 80 19 20 Copy.t & Plates. 20 10022300 00 Binding 10 5000 Cost
Sheets. ip. clo. sp. Sells. 1.00
[A 199a]
1850 2000 Jonas Series — 4 Vols 500 Wier & White
Dec 9 15 14/20 Rms. 25 x 26. 36. 12 1/2. 4.50 70 65
36 Tokens 70 30. 21 150 00 [sic Binding 7 1/200 ]
Sunds 835 250—
Cost. 12 1/2
[A 199b]
1850 500 Moral Instructor 500 Part 4. C. Hickling
Dec 5 7 Reams. Dl. Med. 48 Ibs. 11. 5.28 58 08
13 Tokens. Copt. 10%75) 25975 00
Binding 11 5500 14783
Costs — 30 — ¢ — Sells 50 ¢
[A 200a]
1850 1500 De Quincey Vol 3. 1500 Miscellaneous Essays 288 pp
16 mo. T. T. & Co
Dec 12 30 6/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 32 4 121 20
258.140 ems 80 40 103 25 54 Tokens 43 20 Altera’ns 3 00
Magasines 5 00 Binding 10 15000 42545 Cost —
Sheets. hw. Clo iw. Sells 75 Pub’d. Saty. Jany. 18. 1851.
DeQuincey, Thomas, Miscellaneous essays [Vol. III, in Writings]
1 vol. l6mo [9]-276pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry &
Emerson. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [gen.lit. repr. |
[A 200b]
1850 1200 History of My Pets 1200 Second Edn. Rand & Co Dec 19 6 12/20 Rms. 26 x 26. 40 5 33 00 23. 12 1/2 Tokens 90 11 25 Plates, — Paper & Printing 12 00
Binding 10 120 00 Copy —right 10% 6000 236.25 Cost
Clo 20. Retail 50. gilt Ed 62 1/2
[A 20la]
1850 500 Faust —trans’d by Hayward — 500 Ist Steo Edn. 16 mo J. M. Hewes & Co
Dec 5. 11 6/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 4 45 20
20 Tokens 80 16 00 Binding 10 5000 11120 Cost.to Manf. Sheets wi — clo hi. Steo. Plates. 312pp $271.29
Goethe [Johann Wolfgang von], Faust: a dramatic poem ... Translated into English prose, with notes, etc. by A|braham| Hayward, Esq. A new edition 1 vol. 16mo [7]—322pp. No copyright notice. Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ poet. repr. |
The first American edition had been published in Lowell, Mass., by Daniel Bixby in 1840.
1851 560 Sprague’s Writings. 560 4th Edn T. T. & Co
16 Tokens 1 11 - 1620 00 Plates 2¢ Binding 10¢ 5600 12655
Jany. 10. 8 1/2 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 34. 5.10 43 35
Copt 71/2 Cost to manfe — 23 1/2 31.¢
Trade 60. Retail 75
[A 202a]
185] 540 Jack Halliard’s Adven. 540 in the Artic [sic] Ocean C. Hickling
Jany 2%4Rms 24 x 38. 1.00 60. 750 400 18 75 Tokens
2Binding pp hand8,press. 4590100 6965 Cost 13. Sells 38¢
[A 202b]
1851 4000 Hawthorne’s Twice 2000 Told Tales 2 Vols. — with Portrait
Vol 288pp pp } “ 21288 New Edn. T. T. & Co
Jany 4 79 11/20 Reams 18% x 29. 32. 4. 318 20
Feby 10 Vol 1. 278.784 ems. @ 40 11151 557.568 — Ems
“2. 278.784 ems80 @ 115 40 1115] 144 Tokens 20
Eng. 1002700 Paper &Portrait Pr. 2000 Do. 50
Copt. 15¢. on 1900, C[ops. ] 285 00 Binding 10 40000 1468 92 Cost Sheets 57 Bound 77
Pub. March 1851
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Twice-told tales ... A new edition 2 vols. 12mo I,{5]—287pp.,I,[5|-288pp. Copyrighted by N. Hawthorne, 1851.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [fict. Amer. |
The first series had been published in 1837 by the American Stationers Co. in one volume; in 1842, James Munroe and Co. had published the first and second series
180 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS in two volumes. The Ticknor edition was underway by October 3, 1850 for on that date Fields wrote Hawthorne that he would “go ahead” with the volume and that Hawthorne should not be “bored with proofs. The book will be put up by hands competent.” Volume I], which was printed first, was “nearly finished” January 11th and Fields was asking for the introduction and seeking a good engraver for the portrait. Three days later the introduction had been received and T. Phillibrown, “an English engraver lately arrived in New York,” had been engaged. The volumes were published March 8, 1851. (The letters of Fields to Hawthorne are in the Berg Collection, New York Public Library.)
[A 203a]
1851 2000 Whipple’s Essays 1000 & Reviews 2 Vols. 16 mo T. T. & Co
Jany 20 57 8/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4 209 60 Feby 8 Vol.“12261/2 261/2 “st “ Sf 104 Tokens @ 80 $3 20
Copt 40¢ Binding 20-400 200 00 00
Sunds 720 90000 Cost
Sheets 70— Bound 90
Sells @ _ $2.00. Pub. Feby 15, 1851.
Whipple, Edwin P., Essays and reviews ... Second edition. 2 vols. 16mo I.[ vii ]—viii, [9 ]—421 pp.,II,[v ]—vi,[7]—408pp. Copyrighted by E. P.
185] [ gen.lit. Amer. ]
Whipple, 1850. Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins. Ticknor, Reed and Fields,
The first edition was published in two volumes by Appleton and Co., New York, 1848, 1849.
[A 203b]
1851. 5300 Bumsted’s[sic] 2d & 3d Readers. 2 Vols 2650 C. Hickling
Jany. 1174 40 Tokens. Rms. 25 x @ 26. 60 32 4. 44160 40
Binding 2 3/4 14575 Copt 18 95 40 Covers 3ms 1590 46145 Jany 28 Covers. 4 Tokens 4. 11 00 11.00 ¢m
2 Rms. Col. 20 x 24. 2d R[eader ]. 3.50 $7
1851 1100 Alderbrook, 11th Edn 550 2 Vols. T. T & Co.
36 Tokens 7511 2700 00 Plates. 2¢ Cop’t. 152882 5037250 Binding 2 Vols. 15200
Jany 11 20 Rms. 24 1/2 x 30. 40.— 5— 100 00
Sheets. 40. Bound 68 —— glt. Ed. 84 full glt. 114. 2 in one = 56.— 65. — 80 Pub Mar. 1851.
On the title page, this edition is called the tenth. After 1851, the number of the edition printed on the title page is meaningless.
[A 204b]
1851 1500 Longfellows Poems 750 2 Vols. Metcalf & Co
Jany. 20 52 7/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 30 Ibs. 5. 261 75
Feby. 11 95 (?) 40¢. Tokens.300 80 7600 00 Copt.
Binding 20. 150- 78775 Cost
Sheets —Ip — Bds. or — Clo. Wwp Cent WiW — full Wpp — Imi hip Pub Mar. 1851.
[A 205a]
1851 4000 Wilhelm Meister 2000 by Goethe trans. by Carlyle V 1. 496. pp.
2 Vols. 16 Mo. “ 2 484. pp T. T & Co
Jany 15 135 8/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. $4 541 60
Apl. 1 — 545.404. ems @40 40 210.69 218 16 2—526.724 “@
248 Tokens @ 80 198 40
Binding 4000 V. @ 10 400 00
Editors 5000 1618 85 Cost
Sheets 61. clo. 81. Cent. full Sells @ $2.50
Published, Apl. 12. 1851.
182 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Goethe [Johann Wolfgang von], Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship and travels.
From the German ...A new edition, revised 2 vols. 16mo I,[v]—xiv,[17]—495pp., II,[7]-482pp. No copyright notice. Tick-
nor, Reed and Fields, 1851 / [ fict. repr. ] [A 205b]
[1851] 1000 Tuckerman’s Poems — 16 mo 1000 184. pp. T. T. & Co
12 15/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 33. 495 63 35 176.096 Ems. 43 7572 12 Sig. 24 Tokens. 80 19 20
Binding 10 100 00 Ext Cor. 3 00 Bills 273 —Shew Copt. 10% 71/2 7500 33900 Cost Sheets. 17.
Clo. 27.
Add Copt 1”, 34Y, Published Mar 15, 1851.
Tuckerman, Henry T., Poems 1 vol. 1l6mo [v]—vii,1,175pp. Copyrighted by H. T. Tuckerman, 1851. Printed by Thurston, Torry & Emerson. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 —_[ poet. Amer. ]
[A 206a]
185] 520 The Dove and The Eagle 520 By G....L...—32 pp. 16 mo T. T. & Co
—For Acct of the Author —
Jany 1 4/20 Rm 18 1/2 x 29. 33. 495 595
5’2/oq “ Col. for Covers 283 60 27 27.520 Ems. 43 11 2 Tokens. I. 2 00
Ext. Cor. 60 Doing up. 4, 20 80 Printing Covers 250
Com’s. 10 % on 46.28 463 5091 Chag’d. Mar 13. 1851.
[Lunt, George], The dove and the eagle 1 vol. 16mo [5]-—27pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1851 | poet. Amer. ]
1851 500 Book of Hymns 524 Edn. 500 18 Mo. C. Hickling Jany 31 14 7/20 Rms. 21 x 26. 26. 325 46 63 27 Tokens (outsides wk.) 80 21 60
Binding 16 83 20 Copt 5520 2500 17543 Cost 34. Tr. 56 1/4 Ret. 62 1/2
[A 207a]
1851. 1500 De Quincey — 4th Vol. 1500 — The Caesars. —
296. pp. 16 mo. T T & Co
Feby 10 31 3/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 4 124 60
304.072 Ems. @ 40c 121 63
19 Sig. 57 Tokens. @ 80 45 60 Binding 10¢317 150445.00 00 Shew Bills
Sheets. 22. clo. 32. Tr 60.
Sells at 75 Pub. Sat.y Mar. 15. 1851.
DeQuincey, Thomas, The Caesars [Vol. IV, in Writings | 1 vol. l6mo [5]—295pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [gen.lit. repr.] [A 207b]
[1851] 2000 Greenwood Leaves 2000 3rd. Edn. 414 pp. T. T & Co
Feby 7 50 16/20 Rms. 24 1/2 x 30. 40. $5 254
Mar 1911496.542 Ems. 40 198 62 1/2 Sheets. 92 Tokens 80 73 60 Printing Plates 2300 60 Binding2000 121/2 250
Copt 121/2 25000 1049 82 Cost 52 1/2 Sells 1.25 Pub’d. Apl. 1851.
[A 208a]
1851. 2000 Warreniana H. & J. Smith 2000 192 pps. T. T & Co
Feby 11 26 10/20 Rms. (Tileston, 18 1/2 x 29. 4. 106 00 Mar 1112 197.192 @ 40. Sig 48 Ems Tokens. 80 78 38 88 40
Binding 00 Shew Bills 10 &C200 672 430.00
Sheets 13. cl. 23. ~— Boards 19
Sells bds. 50. cl. 621/2 Published, Saturday Mar 22. 51.
[Deacon, William F.], Warreniana: with notes, critical and explanatory, by the editor of a quarterly review 1 vol. 16mo [v]—vi,[9]—192pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields,
1851 [ poet. repr. ]
In spite of the attribution to H. and J. Smith in the entry, and the publishers’ statement in the foreword of the volume itself that they were reprinting “this sparkling little volume ... as a sort of companion to The Rejected Addresses,” this book is unquestionably by W. F. Deacon. See Halkett, S. and Laing, J., Dic-
tionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature; and the Dictionary of national biography.
[A 208b]
1851 340 Concord... A Poem— By 540 Jon’a F. Barrett . . 32 pps — For his Acc’t— T. T. & Co
Feby 11 1 3/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 40 — [per Ib.] 15¢ 690
54/20. Col. Covers. 2 60 30.162“ ems @ 43 1297
2Ext. Tokens. 2 00 Corr.I, 210
Binding 540 — 4¢ 21 60 Printing Covers 250 Cop’t Certif[icate ] 100 Coms 10%. 517 56.84 51 67
Charged, Mar. 13. 1851.
(Barrett, Jonathan F.], Concord: a poem, delivered before the lyceum, Concord, Mass, January 22, 1851, and published by request 1 vol. 12mo [3]—32pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1851 [ poet. Amer. | [A 209a]
1851. 2500 Hawthorne’s, True-Stories — 2500 2nd Edn 352 pp. T. T. & Co
Feby 17 61 1/2 Rms. 18 x 27—30— 375 230 94
260.480. ems. @ 40 104 19
22 Sig. 110 Tokens. 75 82 50 Paper & Pr. Plates 2500 30 00 Binding. 101/2 26250
Copt. 10%. 18750 89763
Sheets 25 1/2 — Clo — 36 [including copyright | Sells. 75¢
18 28 1,2
As the entry indicates, the second edition had different printers than the first (see A 188b). The pagination of this edition varies slightly from the first, reading [iii]—v,[3],343pp. The entry shows that this edition was entirely re-set. [A 209b ]
1851. 2000 Barry Cornwall’s Poems. 2000 New and Enlarged Edn. 414. pps. Metcalf & Co
Ext Corr.80 75d 104 Tokens. 83 20
Feby 17 57 5/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 33. 4.95 283 38
385.808. ems. @ 40 154 32
Binding 10 20000 72165
Sheets.271/2— Bds. 331/2 clo 371/2
Cent. 501/2. full 621/2 Sells. at $1.00
Pub. April 1851.
Some seventy new poems were added to this “new and enlarged edition” and a note by the American publisher states that some of the poems, omitted in the English edition, were retained in this one, making it “more complete than the English edition.” The pagination was [v|—xxiv,[4],387pp. [A 210a] 1851 500 American Institute 500 of Instruction for 1850. — 176 pp. 12 mo Butts Pr
Feby 5 8 16/20 Rms. Med. 28 — 3 25 28 60 176 pp. 180.996 ems. @ 40. 72 40
16 Tokens. @ 11 90 1426 40 Ex. Cor. Binding 8 ¢ 40 00 166 66
Less Allow. by Ins. 88. Ext Cor 5.63 9363 7303 Cost Wr. Sells—50.
186 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS The lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Northampton, Mass., Aug. 1850; including the journal of proceedings, and a general index to the volumes thus far published, and a list of members, past and pres-
1 vol. 12mo [iii]—xvi,159pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [educ. Amer. | [A 210b]
1851 1000 Grace Greenwood’s Poems. 2d. Edn. 1000 Metcalf & Co
Feby 25 14 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 15. 5.40 75 60
Apl 5 26 181.200 ems.80 4020 72 80 48 Tokens. Printing Portrait. 1.50 15 00 Binding 11 3/4 11750 Copt on 1000 7500 37638 Cost
Sheets 26. clo 37{[¢]6m
Sells 75
[A 2]la]
1851. 575 Vocal Culture 575 Seventh Edn.* Wright & Hasty
15 Tokens 75 11 25 Binding 11 63 25
Feby 24 8 Rms. 24 x 38. 60 —12— 7.20 57 60
Copt. 10% 61/4 3594 16804
Sheets 12 Binding Copt. 61/411 = 291/4
Printed Mch 1851.
* The sixth edition, 1849, is not listed in the Cost Books.
[A 211b]
[1851.] 1860 Moral Instructor 1860 Mar 5. Part I Hickling
6 Rms. 25 x 26. 36. 450 27 00
12 Tokens. 60377 20 20 Binding 2 ¢. Copt 1 1860 9000 Cost p_ Sells 10¢
Mar 29 14/20 [Ream] Brown Royal for Covers. 350 350 Printing Do
1851 500 Hyperion 10th Edn. 500
Apl 8 11 Rms. @ [$]4+-[$]44. 44, 2 9/20[ Rms |30.[$]3 75. 9.19 53 19
23 24 Tokens.10 8050 19 00 20 Binding Cop’t. 20 10000 22239 Cost. Sheets. 35— clo. 45. Cent 58— — full. 70— Pub May. 1. 1851.
[A 212b]
185] 1000 Popery: — British & Foreign 1000 By Walter Savage Landor 62 pps 16 mo. paper. Wier & White
Mar 5 4 8/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 3.75 1650
7/20 Col. thick ]— 25 $9 - 60 315 64000 ems[?40
81000 Tokens 75 6 00 400 Covers Doing 33 330 5855 Shewup Bills 2 00 Cost 7. Retail 20 Pub. Mar 1851.
Landor, Walter S., Popery: British and foreign pamphlet l6mo [5|—62pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [relig. repr. ]
[A 213a]
1851 1050 Angel Voices T. T. & Co 1050
Mar 24 6 Rms. 25 x 26. 32 12 1/2 4 24
11 Tokens 80 8 80 Binding 7 7350
Cop’t 10%— 3.7 3937 = 145 67
Cost Sheets. 31/4 Binding 7.
Copt 3 3/4 14-¢.
Gilt Edg. 21 ¢ Binding
full gilt .29¢ —7—14.—22—
Published May 1851.
1851. 1500 Motherwell’s Post-humous Poems. 1500 192 pp. 16 mo T. T. & Co
Mar 20 4/20 Rms. (Tileston) 18 1/2 x 29 32 4 80 80
184.590. Ems.80 4028 73 80 83 36 Tokens. Binding 15000 33343 Cost. on 1400 C[opies ]
Sheets. Ws. Cl. hs.
Motherwell, William, Posthumous poems ... now first collected 1 vol. 16 mo [7]-187pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ poet. repr. ]
These “posthumous poems” are not the same as those added to the edition of 1847 as a “supplement”. (See A 105a.)
[A 214a]
1851 1690 House of the Seven Gables. Hawthorne 1690 Steo. Ist Edn. 344 pps. Metcalf & CO
Mar 6 40 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 4.50 180 00
24 72Binding 1/2 Tokens. 5800 00 10 80 169
Copt 1500 Cops 15 ¢ on 1500 22500 632
(Eds Cops. 190) 632 Sells @ 1.00 Cost. on 1500 Cops. to manf. 42. “ «& "~—inclu’g. Plates. —60— Published Ap] 1851.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The house of the seven gables, a romance 1 vol. 1l6mo [iti ]—vi,[9]—344pp. Copyrighted by N. Hawthorne, 1851. Stereo-
typed by Hobart & Robbins. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ fict. Amer. ] On October 3, 1850, Fields wrote with considerable concern to Hawthorne, “You say the book will not be ready by November. Please drop me a line at once and
say when we shall begin on it as it will be necessary to announce it.” He suggested that the printer be given the first portion to work on at least and that all of it should be ready on December Ist. He was doomed to disappointment, for on January 22nd, he wrote again reminding Hawthorne that he had promised he “would send the Ms... in a week ... [but] it will be a great thing to get out the Vol. before March...” The manuscript was in Fields’ hands January 29th. Stereotyping commenced immediately and the first proofs were ready a few days after February 3rd. Fields still hoped the book would be published “by the 25th or 30th”
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 189 of March, but on the 26th of that month he wrote it would not be before April 10th. A large sale was expected and the firm did not wish to issue it until a sure supply to the Trade and at least three or four thousand copies at the Old Corner, were on hand. Two thousand copies were in the binder’s hands March 26th “and another thousand will go on the first of the week.” The book was published April 9, 1851, the first and second editions released on the same day. Because of the advance sale, however, the firm ordered a third edition to be started the day before [see A 214c]. (Fields to Hawthorne, MS letters in the Berg Collection, New York Public Library.) [A 214b]
185] 1969 2d Edn. Do. [House of the Seven Gables | 1969 Damrell & M.
Mar 6 24 Rms. 29 x 37 72—12 1/2— 9.00 216 00
44 Tokens. @ Binding 10$1.00 1964400 90
Copt on 1969 Cops 15 29535 = 75225 Cost 38.
Published, Apl. 51
[A 214c] 1851. 2051 3rd Edn. — Do. [House of the Seven Gables] 2051 Damrell & M.
Apl 9 26 Rms. 29 x 37. 72—12 1/2 9 234 2 1/2 [Rms] 18 1/2 x 29 32 12¥% 400 10
Binding 205 10 Copt on — 10 I5¢ 30765 81135 54 15/21 [sic] Tokens — 1.00 34 60 Pub. May 1851. 343 pps —
Steo — Plates Cost — $265.
[A 215a]
1851. 1000 Memoirs of Rev'ds. 1000 Joseph Buckminster & of Joseph S. Buckminter. [sic | 1 Vol. 12 Mo 504 pps. T. T. & Co
12 1/2 $5. 158.25 July 15 527.557. Ems. @ 40. 219 02
Mar. 17 31 13/20 Rms. 24 1/2 x 30. 40 lbs.
58 Tokens. 80. 46 40 Extr. [email protected] 3 00
Portraits. Binding 12 13.75 120 00
Copt. 10% on 900 12Y, 11250 672.92
Cost 67 ¢
190 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Lee, Eliza B., Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, D.D., and of his son, Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster ... Second edition
, 1 vol. 12mo [iii ]—x,1/.,492pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ biog. Amer. ] The first edition was published by Crosby and Nichols, 1849.
[A 215b] |
1851. 500 Faust... 2d Steo’e Edn... 500 J] M Hewes & Co Mar 19 11 10/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 4 46
20 Tokens Binding | 10805016112 Cost hi Retail 75 Pub. Apl. 1851.
[A 2l6a]
1851 576 In Memoriam 3d Edn 576 .. Tennyson... T. T & Co
28 16 Tokens 80 12 80 Binding cl 10 5760 11065
Ap! 3 8 1/2 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 4.50 40 25 Cost
Sheets Ww. Clo. hw. Bds We.
1850 *Stereotype Plates Hobart & R.
4 Boxes 75 3.00
Sept 10. 215 pps 202.745. Ems. 70 141 92 * This part of the entry is an expansion of A 190a. [A 216b]
1851 1000 “History of My Pets” 1000 3rd Edn. T. T & Co Mar 19 5 15/20 Rms. 26 x 26. 48. 6. 3450
10 Tokens 80 8 00 Binding 10 100 Cr’d Copt 5 ¢ 5000 00 19250 Cost 20 — Sells @ 50. Gilt Edge 62
[A 217a]
1851 550 Wayside Flowers. 550 By Mrs. Lord[sic] — P. Benjamin respon[sible] 16 mo. T. T. & Co
20 Tokens. 80 16 00 Binding 12 6600 13105
Apl 3 10 18/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29 30. 15 450 49 05
Coms. 9 26
Pr. for her Acct. from St Plates. Cost to Man. $26.¢ [i.e. 26¢ |
Loud, M[arguerite], Wayside flowers: a collection of poems. By Mrs. M. St. Leon Loud 1 vol. 16mo [v]—xii,[1]-276pp. Copyrighted by Park Benjamin, 1851. Stereo-
typed by Hobart & Robbins. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ poet. Amer. | There is a preface signed P[{ark] B[enjamin]. Neither publisher nor author was satisfied with the sales of this volume. On July 21, 1851, the partners wrote John Loud they had never wanted to publish the volume, had declined it several times, and had finally printed it on commission because Mr. Benjamin was anxious to have a Boston imprint. They added they were convinced they could not meet expectations in regard to the sale and urged the book be deposited with a Philadelphia house. (Letter Books, Domestic, vol.III,pp.182-3.) ‘The stereotype plates were returned August 19, and the remaining 360 unsold copies the following January 5. (Ibid., p.207 and p.409.) [A 217b]
1851. 1500 Moral Instructor 750 Parts II & III Hickling
Ap! 13 10 24 x 38. 44. 40 19Rms Tokens. 754.84 144825
Binding Covers4 >60.00 00
Cop’t. 21/2 3750 16515 [A 217c]
Apl Printing 15 4 2Qrs 5 1 350 875 37 Cols Butts [1851] Covers for Scarlet Letter
The arithmetic of the entry is inaccurate. If the cost of the paper is correctly given as $1.87, as seems likely since the addition is correct, then, either the amount
of paper or its price per ream is wrong. The line should read either 744 Qrs at $5. per Rm., or 4 Qrs at $9.35 per Rm. In either case the amount of paper used was small, indicating that only a very small number of copies were issued in these
covers. The entry refers to hard paper covers, which, in the copy in the New York Public Library’s Berg Collection, read The scarlet letter, a romance. The words “Scarlet Letter” are printed in red. The date on the cover is 1850. The appearance of the cover, therefore, is that of the first edition. The title page, on the other hand, tells a different story. It is printed all in black, has the date 1851,
192 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS and carries on the verso the imprint of the stereotypers, Hobart & Robbins. It is clear, consequently, that it was the sheets of one of the stereotype editions, that is
to say, the third or a later edition, which were bound up in hard paper. That it was the third edition there can be no doubt from further evidence. The back cover carries an advertisement of The house of the seven gables, issued in April, 1851, the same time as this paper covered edition of The scarlet letter. Furthermore on April 24, 1851, the firm wrote Bangs Bros., the New York Trade Sale dealers, that they had sent them 25 copies — of which 21 were sold later — of this paper bound Scarlet letter. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol.II,pp.33,51—-2.) Probably the third edition contained a few damaged copies which were salvaged by binding them in paper.
[A 218a]
1851 1500 De Quincey’s Biograph’l. 1500 2nd Edn T. T. & Co
Mar 30 6/20 Rms. 18 Ems 1/2 x 29. 4 12190 20 307.260 4032122
Apl 22 Binding 18 Sig. 54 Tokens. 80 4333730 20 10 15000 Cost.
Sheets Wo. cl. ho. — Sells 75 Published May 1. 1851.
The second edition has the date 1851 on the title page, and some textual corrections, and its pages are renumbered thus: [7|—288pp. [A 218b]
[1851] 1500 The Solitary of Juan — 1500 — Fernandez from the French
by Miss Wilbur 152 pp. T. T & Co
Apl 16 1/2 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29 32. 4, 66
22 151.038. ems.@@80 4324 6495 31 Tokens 80
Binding 10 150 00 Copt on 1400 10% 7000 37475 Cost 27. Sells @ 50¢
Pub. May, 1851.
[Saintine, Joseph X. B.], The solitary of Juan Fernandez; or, the real Robinson
Crusoe. By the author of Picciola. Translated from the French by Anne T. Wilbur
1 vol. 16mo [v]-vii,l,141pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [juv. Amer. | Though the author’s name is not given on the title page, it does appear on the spine.
1851. 2120 Jonas Series 4 Vols 530
31 Tokens 75 23 25
May 3 17 7/20 Rms. 25 x 26. 36. 12 1/2 450 80 07
Binding 530. 7 1/2 [per vol.] 30 15900 26232 Cost 12 1/2 Vol Pub June 1851.
[A 219a]
1851 800 The Scarlet Letter T. T & Co 800 17 Qrs [bt?] [from?] Tileston — $4
Apl 24 17 17/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 4 71 40
May 3Binding 33 Tokens 10 @ 80 2600 40 80 Copt 15% 75 9000 267 80 Cost
Sheets. 23 1/2 Bnd 33 1/2 Sells 75 ¢ Published, June 1851.
[A 219b]
[1851] 1000 Saxe’s Poems. 3d Edn T. T. & Co 1000 22 Qrs 160 pps.
Apl 26 11 11/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 5 40 62 37
155.573. ems. 80 @ 40 6280 23 21 Tokens 16 Binding 6 6025140 00 Cop’t 5boards ¢ 5000 Cost. Bds. 25 —clo. 29. Sells 50 & 62 Pub June 1851.
The pagination of the third edition is [vii]—viii,1,152pp.
[A 219c]
1851. 1500 De Quincey. Miscell. Essays. 1500 2d. 280 pps. T. T. & Co
May 16 29 1/2 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29, 32 Tileston — 4 121
283.424. Ems. @ 11320 37 54 Tokens 804043
Binding 10 150 427 57 Cost Sheets 19. clo 29
1851 5000 Wordsworth’s (Wm) Biography — 2500 by Dr C Wordsworth Ed’d. by Prof Henry Reed of Phila. 2 Vols. 16mo. 1016pps. T.T.& Co.
Apl 19 178 10/20 Reams 18% x 29. 32—4 & 375 71050
June, 594.536. ems. Vol 1. 40.& Table 241 44
. 621.720. “ “II 40 248 69 Vi. V2
“8 210
Extr Cor. 3 60
. 155—165 + 320 Tokens. 80 256 00 Binding 2500. — 20 ¢ 500 00 Copt. 20% on 2400. [@] $2.50 [50 ¢ | 120000 3162.33 Cost Sheets 62
Binding. 20 Copt 50 $1.32
Sells $2.50
Published June, 1851 [Interlined in the above, in a different hand, is the following: ] Copt. Compromised for $500 —
352.50 — chd on first 705 sold —
147.50 on bal.— say 1695 Cops. & 20 cops given to
— Pro. Reed
less 20
so that the bal. 1675—- now Cost bound. .92.¢ Sheets — 72 ¢
Wordsworth, Christopher, Memoirs of William Wordsworth . .. Edited by Henry Reed 2 vols. 12mo I,[ vii ]—xvi,472pp., I, [ v ]—viii,518,[1]pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor,
Reed & Fields, 1851. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ biog. repr.Amer. | It is apparent the firm had great expectations, financially, on this title. A large edition was printed and a high royalty paid, altogether resulting in a much larger monetary outlay than was usual. Unfortunately the work did not sell. On September 9, 1851, Fields, writing to the editor, said the book had not met expenses by a large amount and attributed the failure to the hostile British reviews which had injured its American sale. He added that the firm intended to launch an extensive advertising campaign in October and hoped the publicity would result in more numerous sales. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol. III,p.239.) A year later Fields again wrote the editor and confessed failure. Only 850 copies had been sold and did Reed want a final royalty on that number. (Jbid., September 25, 1852, Vol.IV,p.220.) The matter was closed in two letters of February 11 and 19, 1853.
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 195 The firm agreed to pay $500. which was 20 per cent. on 1000 copies sold, out of which, apparently, Reed was to pay the cost of the early sheets, the account to be considered settled. (/bid.,pp.466—7 ;480.)
[A 220b]
1850 250 The Poetry of Religion 250 & Other Poems, by Rev'd Dr Charles Burroughs Pr. for Priv. Circulation T. T & Co
May 5 1 18/20 Rms paper. 18% x 29. 40. $6 11 40
June 9797.106. ems80 4354175 Tokens 60
Ext. Cor 2 10 Chd. 10% 786 86.71 Binding 100. cl $10. 100 paper $8 18 00
Burroughs, Charles, The poetry of religion, and other poems. . . Printed for privete circulation 1 vol. 12mo [5]—-10lpp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ poet. Amer. |
[A 221a]
1851. 7500 De Quincey’s Autobiography 2500
June 13 Vol. I. “Life & Manners”
to. “JI & III Literary Reminiscences,
Aug 22. 185 10/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4. 738 53
Engraving Head, 100 00 Printing Do. 34 37
July 10 Life & Manners. 395.676. 40 158 27
110 Tokens. 80 88 00 Aug 30. Lit Remin. V. 1. 368 pps. 416.232. 40. 166 49 115 Tokens 80 92 00 V. 2. 338 pps. 374.876. 40 149 95 110 Tokens. 80 88.00 Binding 10 75000 2365 61 Cost 33 ¢. pr Vol
Retail 75.¢. trade 56 nfe]t 1/4 [discount] Publish Aug & Sept. 1851.
DeQuincey, Thomas, Life and manners; from the autobiography of an English opium-eater [originally, Vol.V, in Writings | 1 vol. 16mo [9]—347pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry &
Emerson. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 ]gen.lit. repr. ] This volume was kept in print only a few years. In 1853, it was enlarged and published as Autobiographic sketches (which see), and numbered volume XII of Writings. Thereafter, Life and manners is usually relegated to volume XXIII of Writings. The “Head” was engraved by S. A. Schoff.
196 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS DeQuincey, Thomas, Literary reminiscences; from the autobiography of an English optum-eater [Vols. V, VI, in Writings | 2 vols. 16mo I,[9]—336pp.,II, [9 ]—337pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurs-
ton, Torry & Emerson. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [ gen.lit. repr. ] As long as Life and manners was kept in print as Volume V, these volumes were numbered VI,VII. Subsequently they were numbered as above. [A 221b]
1851. 1500 The Caesars — De Quincey 1500 2d. Edn. 296 pps. T. T. & Co
June 18 31 3/20 Rms Paper. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4 124 60
304.072 Ems. @ 40 121 63 19 Sig. 57. To[kens ]. 80 45 60
Binding 10 15000 441 83 Cost. Sheets 22. clo. 32 Trade 60— Sells 75
[A 222a]
1851. 530 Ray, (I.) on the Health of 530 the Brain. 1 Vol. 18 mo 54 pps M & Co.
May 6 1 15/20 Rms. 20 x 24. 30—15¢ 4.50 8 25
38.340. Ems @ 43. 1640 49 3 Tokens. 2 Extra Binding Cor. 530. 5 1 2635 50
Coms. 10% 5.50 Ex[tra] 1.09 6 49 [sic] 61 48
Coms. Sells 25 — Allow him 16. Cost 12
Ray, I[saac], Education in its relation to the physical health of the brain. A lecture delivered before the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, October 18, 1850 1 vol., cardboard covers l6mo [3]—52pp. Copyrighted by I. Ray, 1851. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1851 [ad. Amer. | [A 222b]
1851 Bumstead Covers.
May 9 4 Rms. 20 x 24. Col'd. 350 1400
17 4 Tokens. $1 400 18 00 [A 222c]
[1851] 5170 Bumstead’s Readers. 5170 2d & 3. C. Hickling.
July 19 39 2/20 Reams. 25 x 26. 32— 4. 156 40
Aug l. 2670. 2d 37. 2500. 3d. } 35—72 Tokens @ 60 43 20
; Binding 2 3/4 142 22 5170
Copt 1.8 93 06 Covers 3. ms 1551 45039 ¢ ms
Cost 8 7/10 —
[A 223a]
1851. 1400 Longfellows Poems Metcalf 700 July 9 50 16/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 30— $5. 254.
Aug 90 Tokens. 72. Copt. 40@¢.80. 280.
Binding paper. 12 84. 690 Cost Sheets. 85. Bds. 97. Cl. 1.05 Cent.1.30
Full glt.1.55 Pub. Sept 1. 1851.
[A 223b]
1851 1000 Tennyson’s Poems. 500 Thurston
“ 19 Binding 35 Tokens. Cl. 2080 10028. 209 00
Aug 5. 20 5/20 Rms Paper. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 — 4. 81
Cost. Sheets. 22
Paper 34. Clo. 10 42
Cent 23 68
Full glt 35— 92 Published, Sept. 1851.
[A 224a]
1851 3000 Tales from Catland 3000
Aug 13 16 11/20 Rms. 26 x 28 — 48 $6. 99 30 Sep 1030 66.816 Ems @ 72 Tokens 8040242600
Designing (Billings) 4 Cuts. 20 00 Engraving (Baker) “ “40 48 00 00 Printing 3000 mS
Binding 10 300 00 tinted [paper] 22 x 28. 60 lb Sunds 1198 57000 Cost. 20 ¢ Sells 50 ¢. Published, Saty Oct. 11. 51.
198 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Tales from catland, for little kittens. By an old tabby. With engravings from designs by Billings
1 vol. sql6mo [5]—114pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry &
Emerson. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [juv. repr. | [A 224b]
1851. 3000 Memoirs of A London Doll. 3000
Sept. 21 11/20 Rms 26 x 28 — 48 — $6 129 30
Oct 1 89.856 Ems. @ 3520 94 39 Tokens 804031 Designing 4 Cuts. 5 20 00
Engraving Do. 14 50 00 36
Printing (3000) 4000 00 BindingDo10¢. 300
Sunds 356 61000
Cost, 21.¢ Sells 50 ¢
Published, Sat. Octo 11. 51
[Horne, Richard H.], Memoirs of a London doll, written by herself. Edited by Mrs. Fairstar | pseud.|. With engravings by Baker, from designs by Billings 1 vol. sql6mo [4],152pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry &
Emerson. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [juv. repr. | [A 225a]
1851 1000 Sir Launfal J. R Lowell — 1000 Metcalf & Co
4Binding Tokens. 80 3 20 Clo. 8 80 00 Copt 3 ¢. 3000 12508
Aug. 2 4/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36 5.40 11 88 Cost. 12 1/2. Retail 25
Lowell, James R., The vision of Sir Launfal ... Fourth edition 1 vol. 16mo [9]—33pp. Copyrighted by J. R. Lowell, 1848. Ticknor, Reed and
Fields, 1851 [ poet. Amer. |
This edition was published from the plates used for the first three editions by George Nichols of Cambridge. A bill from Metcalf shows that Lowell paid $23.24 for the plates; and a royalty accounting from John Bartlett of Cambridge (the distributor of the book) records copyright for the first and second editions of “1000 — 20 cops.” amounting to $36.02. (MSS.H.C.L.)
[A 225b] |
1851. 500 Outre-Mer- Longfellow 500 Metcalf
24 Tokens 80. 1900 20 Copt. 20 100 Binding 10 5000 22360
Aug. 15 13 12/20 Rms. Curtis 18 1/2 x 29. 32 —4— 54 40
Cost 44. Sells $1.00
[A 225c]
1851 500 Holmes’s Poems. Thurston 500 Aug 18 11 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 36. Butler* 5.40 59 40
19 Tokens 1.00 19 00 Binding 10 50 00
Copt- 10 5000 17840
Cost paper. 32 clo 36 Clo. git. 49. full 61.
* Not listed in the Boston or Cambridge directories. [A 226a]|
1851 1000 Bayard Taylor’s Poems. Metcalf 1000
Aug. 11 1/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 5.40 59 67
150Tokens ems @ 80 43 16 64 00 50 20 Binding 10 100 00
Copt on 900 10% 5625 296 42
Cost Sheets 24. clo 34
Sells 621/2 Pub. Saturday Oct 11. 51
Taylor, Bayard, A book of romances, lyrics, and songs 1 vol. 16mo [iii]—iv,[3]—153,[2],pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields,
1851. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [ poet. Amer. |] [A 226b]
1851. 1000 RH. Stoddards Poems. 1000 Metcalf & Co
4/20 [?] Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 5.40 51 Sept. 9918 127.552 ems80 43.14 5440 85 Tokens
Ext Cor. 480
Copt 62 1/210 ¢. 10% 25 30 Binding 100 56 281 Cost Sheets. 21. clo. 31.
Sells. 62 1/2 ¢. Pubd. Octo 1851.
200 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Stoddard, Richard H., Poems 1 vol. 1l6mo [vii ]—viii,[3]—127pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [ poet. Amer. ] [A 227a]
1851 1000 House of the Seven Gables 1000 Damrell & Moore
22 Tokens $1. 22 00 00 Copt. 15¢ 150 Binding 10000 381.80
Aug 14 12 4/20 Rms. 29 x 37. 72 Ibs 12 1/2 $9 109 80
Cost 38¢.2 ms. Sells. $1.
Pub. Sept. 1852 [1851?]
[A 227b]
185] 1500 Florence & Other Tales 1500 Thurston 182 pps By Mrs Lee.
Aug 23 19 Rms. 18 1/2 x 28 30 3.75. 7125 Sept. 129.600 Ems. 4180 1/2.28 5380 78 36 Tokens.
Ext. Cor. 150 Binding 11 1/2 Copt. on 1400. 5 ¢. 17250 7000 39783 Cost. 29 cts. Sells. 50 ¢ Pubd Oct. 1851.
Lee, Eliza B., Florence, the parish orphan; and a sketch of the village in the last century 1 vol. 16mo [4],176pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1852 [juv. Amer. |
The latter portion of this volume, A sketch of the village ... had been published by James Munroe and Co. in 1838.
[A 227c]
Cost 16 80
[1851 ] Catalogue. 4 pps. Oct. 1851 11000
Oct 20
(3900 Evans & Brittan)*
* Evans & Brittan were New York booksellers and publishers. These copies were specially printed for them.
1851. 3067 The Wonder Book 3067 for Girls & Boys. N. Hawthorne 256 pps. 7 Engravings. Steo. Thurston.
Oct 2 53 13/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 27. 30. 375 201 19
98 Tokens @ 70 68 60 Billings Designing 7 Cuts. 6. 42 00 6—12—72
Baker Engraving Do. 1—16—16 98 00 [sic]
3067 Paper & Printing Do. 2¢ 61 34
Copt. on 2967. Clopies] 75¢ 15% 333. Binding 101/2 32203 112616
Cost. 38.¢. Retail 75 ¢
Stereotype Plates. $150.82
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, A wonder-book for girls and boys ... With engravings by Baker from designs by Billings 1 vol. 16mo [iti]—vi,[7]—256pp. Copyrighted by N. Hawthorne, 1851. Stereo-
typed by Hobart & Robbins. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [juv. Amer. | This volume was published Saturday, November 8, 1851. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol.III,p.348.)
[A 228b]
1851. 2627 Recollections of My — 2627
Nov 7 — Childhood. Grace Greenwood 24 Mo. 6 Engravings Thurston
18 16/20 Rms. 26 x 28—48—121/2— [$l6 112 80 14 37 Tokens @ 80 29 60 Billings Desig 6 Cuts. $6 36 00
Baker — Engr — Do 12 — 72 00
2627 Binding. 10 262 70 127
En’d 2500 Copt. 61/2 162 50
Printing Eng. 2 ¢ 5284 72844 Steo. Plates $62.49
[Lippincott, Sara J.], Recollections of my childhood, and other stories. By Grace Greenwood,| pseud.|... With engravings from designs by Billings 1 vol. l6mo [v]|—viii,1/.,[1]—l44pp. Copyrighted by S. J. Clarke, 1851. Stereo-
typed by Hobart & Robbins. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [juv. Amer. | “24mo” in the entry is an error.
1851 350 Longfellow’s “Voices” 350
Dec. and other Poems — Illustrated 350 Cops. Sheets — Wip
Copt hw
Bind Clo. London. pi
hw! 728. 728
Do. Mor. Wir Sheets Wpp -—-hohSells. Clo. $4. Mor & Clf. $6.
Longfellow, Henry W., Voices of the night; and other poems. .. Illustrated with sixty-four engravings on wood, from designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster, etc.
1 vol. 8vo [v]—xii,1/.,[1]—228pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1850. Printed by Henry Vizetelly, London. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852
This was Bogue’s edition, designed to match the English printed edition of Evangeline, 1850. The copies bearing Bogue’s imprint have a slightly different pagination, add “the seaside and the fireside” after the word “night” in the title, are called a “Second edition”, do not have the date on the title page, and were printed by Saville & Edwards, London. As the entry indicates, at least some of the cloth Ticknor copies were bound in London; others were bound in Boston, by Bradley.
[A 229b]
1851. 250 Do. [i.e. Longfellow’s] Poems. Illus’d. 250
Dec. 250 Cops. Sheets. . . hhp.
Copt 1W. Lond. Clo. CW
Sheets. hpp
iWp 78750 =787 50
Mor Wpw. sWp Sells clo. $6 — Mor. $8. Calf Gilt each. Vol. Costs.
25 ¢. Ext. to bind |
Printed in London
This is Bogue’s edition of Longfellow’s Poems, “illustrated with upwards of one hundred engravings on wood, from designs by Jane E. Benham, Birket Foster, etc.” It was in 1 vol., 8vo,[6],[iii]—x,1,[1]-334pp., printed by Henry Vizetelly and bound by Leighton, Son & Hedge in England. The date on the title page is 1852. No copies with the imprint of Ticknor, Reed and Fields have been found. If such exist, which is very doubtful, they are probably similar to those with the London imprint.
1851. 1500 *Sir Roger De Coverly [sic]. 1500 248 pps Thurston & Co
Sept. 3 26 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 5.40 140 40
250.731 Ems @ 40 100 29 48 Tokens 15 1/2 Sig. 80. 38 40
Drawing Cut. 4. Engraving Do. 10. Binding 10 150. Sunds. 691 45000 Cost Sheets. 22. Clo. 32
Sells. 75. 1/4. [discount ] *Published, Octo. 1851.
[ Addison, Joseph], Sir Roger de Coverley. By the Spectator 1 vol. l6mo [v]—x11,233pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [gen.lit. repr. |
[A 230b]
1851 456 Combe on the C. of Man T. T. & Co 456
Sept 20. 12 Rms. 25 x 30. 34. 4.25 5] Binding 10 1/2 (Wms) 4788 115 38
27 22 Tokens 7) 16 50 Cost. 253/m
[A 230c]
1851 500 The Scarlet Letter 444 Edn.* T. T. & Co 500
20 Tokens 80 16 00 (Cr Jany 52) Copt 15% 56 25
Sep 23 11 11/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29, 32 4, 46 25
Binding 50 168 50
*Error for 5th Edn.
[A 23la]
1851 500 Mann’s Thoughts 500 T. T. & Co
29 4Binding Tokens 75 3 00 41.188 [per] hund. 24 40
Sep 26 21/2 Rms. 25 x 26. 36 4.50 9 22
(Crd) Copt 3 15. 51 62
Cost 10 1/2. ¢.
1851 1000 Moral Instructor — Pt. I 1000 Part 1. T. T & Co
Oct. Binding 6 Tokens. 2¢ 70 420 20
Sept. 3 6/20 Rms. 25 x 26. 36. $4.50 14 85
Cr’d. Copt. I¢ 10 49 05 Cost 4c .9 Ms.
[A 23l1c]
1851 1375 Lambert Lilly’s Hist.’s 275 5 Vols. T T & Co
Sep. 12 Rms. 25 x 26. 36. 4.50 54
Oct.Binding 4 38 Sig. 50 1917612 7 1/2 10312 Cost.Binding Sheets.71/2 >] in} J 13 ¢. [A 232a]
1851. 3600 Golden Legend \ 3600 By H.The W. Longfellow rst Edn. 304 pps. Ist Edn Metcalf & Co
Sep 16 77 6/20 Rms. Cream tint — Sig.
18 1/2x 29. 36. [$]6 463 80 Nov. 145 Tokens @ 80 116 00 Copt & Use Plates. 3500 — 20¢. 700 00
Binding 10¢. 360. 163980 Cost Sheets .37. clo. 47. Sells $1.00 Published, Nov. 29. 1851
Longfellow, Henry W., The golden legend 1 vol. 16mo [2],[2]—30lpp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1851. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1851 [ poet. Amer. ] [A 232b]
1851 888 The Golden Legend, 2d. Edn. 888
Dec. 18 3/4 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 6. 11250
35 Tokens. 80 28 00 Copt & Use Plates 20 176 00 Binding 10 8880 40530 Cost 46 ¢.
Publish’d, Dec. 27. 51.
The second edition has the date 1852 on the title page.
1852 800 The Golden Legend 3rd Edn 800 Jany 29 17 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 14. 5.04 85 68
31 Tokens. .80 24 80 Binding 10 8000 35048
Feby 7 Copt & Use Plates. 20 160 00 Cost. 44
Pub. Feby. 21. 52 [total of three editions] 5488 [sic |
February 3, 1852, the firm wrote the printers, Metcalf & Co., that 314 missing signatures were needed to complete 40 copies of the first edition. The paper they were sending was white and would not entirely match the original. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol. III,p.508).
[A 233a]
1851 3000 Greenwood Second Series — Thurston Leaves \ 3000 12 Mo 392 pps.
Aug. Rms. 241/2x30—40— 5 36455 05 Octo© 73 206/20 471396 Ems. 40 188
Dec 2 11 Sheets. 132 Tokens 80 105 60 Extr Corrections 8 70 Portrait [per hund.] 1371/2 41 25
Binding Copt. 17 121/2 ¢. 493.375. 157615 Cost. . . 54 ¢. Sells. 1.25 Published, Dec. 1851.
{ Lippincott, Sara J.], Greenwood leaves: a collection of sketches and letters. By Grace Greenwood | pseud.| Second series
1 vol. 12mo [iii]—vii,1,382pp. Copyrighted by Sara J. Clarke, 1851. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1852 [ gen.lit. Amer. ] Ticknor, writing to “Dear Grace”, May 10, 1851, warns her that the book, “if I rightly remember,” discoursed “upon the exciting topics of the day & in regard to which there is here in New England, a great diversity of feeling & opinion, as well as elsewhere. . . The question whether we should not only limit the sale of the volume but effectually cut off the sale of any other volume south of ‘Mason & Dixon’, is of some importance. .. We must tread lightly as it is not worth while to sacrifice a personal benefit, unless a great public benefit is to be gained.” (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol.III,pp.65-6).
1851 500 Mrs. Putnam’s Receipts 500 147 pps. T. T. & Co Nov 10 5 15/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 32 4 23.
12 Binding 10 Tokens98045. 8.
Copt 6¢ 30. 106 Cost 21 cts. Retail 50
Pubd. Nov 1851.
Ste’otype Plates 98
Advg. 12 pps. 2170 $119.70
[A 234a]
1851 500 Faust. . 3rd Stereo: Edn. 500
20 Sig.10¢. 8050.00 16 00 Binding 11220
Nov. 12 11 11/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29, 32— 4, 46 20 Cost 23 ¢. Sells. 75.
[A 234b]
1851 1100 History of My Pets. T. T. & Co 1100 4th Edn.
11 Tokens 80 8 80 Engravings 2¢. 22 00
Dec 2 6 Rms. 26 x 28. 48. (23 qrs) 6. 36 00
Cop't.10511000 55 00 Binding 231.80
Cost 21. _—_ Sells. 50.
[A 234c]
1851 1600 Wonder Book — Hawthorne — 1600 T. T. & Co
651"Tokens . 32. 48024 4000 80
Dec 4 22 Reams 18 x 27—34—12 1/2 4.25 93 50
1600 Engravings 2 ¢. 32 00 00 Cop't. 79 ¢. 15% 180 Binding 10 1/2 16800 538.30 ¢m Cost 33. 6 —75¢
Cuts P.[rinted] 5680
Feby °52 BKs “ 4667 — 1013 on hand
1851 500 American Institute of 500 Instruction Lectures at Keene 1851. 12 mo. J. M. Hewes & Co
Oct. 17 10 Rms. Med. [@] 3.62 5 [Rms] @ $3. 51 25 [sic]
Dec 31Ext 255998 Ems. Cor. 30 1/443¢ hs. 110 7 56
22 Tokens 88040 17 00 60 Binding 226 41
Ded. pr Ag[reemen 50 ¢ee pr page \ 12700 254[uct] pps. 2 6 ww]t.we ee te — 9941 Cost. 20
The lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Keene, N. H., August, 1851. Including the journal of proceedings, and a list of the
officers ... 1 vol. 12mo [iii]—xxvi,228pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [educ. Amer. |
[A 235b]
H. K. Oliver’s 3000 D. B. Hagar 2000 Octo. 21 16 8/20 Rms 2621/2 43 05 [1851] 5000 Extra Lectures
1 19/20 “ Cold for Covers 4 87 Dec 31 32 Tokens 198 20 Printing Covers60&c 30
Coms. 10% 942 10359
Doing up 5000 [per hundred ] 37 1/2 18 75
Oliver, Henry K., Lecture on teachers’ morals and manners, delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Keene, N. H., August, 1851 pamphlet l6mo 40pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. Ticknor, Reed and
Fields, 1851 [ad. Amer. |] | Fields, 1851 [ad. Amer. | Hagar, D[aniel] B., Lecture on the supervision of schools, delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Keene, N. H., August, 1851 pamphlet 16mo 29pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. Ticknor, Reed and
Both pamphlets were for “gratuitous” distribution, paid for by the Institute, and were reprints from the Lectures for 1851 (A 235a). The covers serve as title pages in both cases.
[1851] 300 Saml W. Bates — Lect.e 300
Dec 31
1 1/4 Rm $5. Cover570 75 575 Printing Coms. 10% 1 26 13 84 Stitching [per hundred ] 37 1/2 113
Bates, Samuel W., Lecture on the mantfestation of education in different ages. Delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Keene, N. H., August, 185]
pamphlet l6mo [3]—42pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1851 [ad. Amer. ] This pamphlet, like those entered in A 235b, is reprinted from the Lectures of 1851 (A 235a).
[A 236a]
1851. 500 Mass. Bap. Convention 500 Report — Octo. 1851. J M Hewes & Co Nov 19 6 Rms. Med. . 25 lbs. 3.12% 18 75
Rms. Col’d Glased. 150 Dec 24514/20 120.534 Ems. .86 43 15 51 65 82 18 240 “ Rule Covers & Alterations 00 10 Tokens 80 8300 Ext. work on Loves Sermon 3 00 Doing [up] 500 R[eports]. [$]3 20 100 S[ermons]. 42[¢] 362
Coms. 1053 11587
Forty-ninth annual report of the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, presented by the board of directors at the anniversary in Fall River, October 29, 1851 pamphlet 8vo [5]—79pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [relig. Amer. |
This Report contains Importunate prayer. A discourse ... by Rev. Horace T. Love. It has a separate title page but is paged continuously with the Report.
[A 236b]
1851 1000 Penitent Female Refuge 1000 Report 24 pps. J. Wilson
Dec 12Printing 2 3/20 Rms 15 2./5 567 92
Stitching 00 Ext[ra |s.20 4]224.00
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 209 Iwenty-sixth annual report of the ladies’ auxiliary Penitent Females’ Refuge Society. Instituted January 12, 1825 pamphlet 12mo [5]-—23pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1851 [soc. Amer. |
[A 236c]
1851 500 Opium Eater &C. 500
Dec. 10 7/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 32— 4 42 80
18 Tokens 14 11720 40 Binding 10 80 5000 Cost 24. Sells. 75
Nov Cost Steo. Plates. This first stereotype edition has no changes in pagination from the earlier second edition (A 198a). It bears on the verso of the title page the copyright notice of Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851. The stereotypers were Hobart & Robbins. [A 237a]
185] 1000 Longfellow’s Poems 500 2. V. Metcalf
60 Tokens 80 48 00 Copt & Plates 40 200 00
Dec 27 34 14/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29 30. 4.20 145 74
Binding Cl 20 10000 49374 Cost. 99 Sells. cl. 2.25
[A 237b]
1851 1000 Recollections of my Childhood 1000 G. G. 2d Edn. T. T & Co
Dec 17 15 8 Rms 26 x 28 —80 48. 612 48 Tokens
Engravings 20 Binding 10 2100
E[n’]d Copt 6% 65 245 00 Cost. Sells. [A 237c]
1852 500 Hyperion — Longfellow — 500 Jany 27 13 9/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32— 4 53 80
24 Tokens 80100 19 20 Cop't 20 Binding 10 50 223.
Cost Sh[eets]. 35. cl 45 Pub. Feby 1852
1851 2425 The Snow Image and 2425 other Twice Told Tales. . By
N. Hawthorne. . 16 mo. . C Hickling
Dec 22 11/20 Rms 29 x 37. 72. 9 202 95
I] 82 Tokens1060242 49 20 Binding 50
Cop’t on 2300. 10% 17250 66715
Edrs 145
Cost. 27. ¢ Sells 75 ¢ Stereotype Plates $195.17
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The snow-image, and other twice-told tales 1 vol. 16mo [7]-273pp. Copyrighted by N. Hawthorne, 1851. Stereotyped by
Hobart & Robbins. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [ fict. Amer. ] On November 5, 1851, Ticknor wrote to Hawthorne, “Do you want Daffydowndilly to go into it? It is not marked on the list which Mr. Fields prepared for the volume.” (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol.III,p.348). “We send you,” wrote the firm to Bohn in London, “by the steamer from New York on the 19th [Nov.] a copy of the “Snow Image’ . . . as far as page 208.” (Ibid., Foreign, Vol.II,p.242).
[A 238b]
1852. 500 In Memoriam T. T & C 500
Jany 8 2/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29 32 4 32 40
6 14Binding Tokens 1080 5011 00 20 93 60 Cost 19 Shts. cl. 29.
[A 238c]
1852 1000 Tennyson’s Poems 500 2 Vols. T. T. & Co Jany 30 20 5/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4 81
18 35cl.Tokens 80209 28 00 )Feby Binding 20 100 Cost Sheets 22c Clo. Cent[re 42 | 68 full | 92 Pub. Mar 1.52
1851. 5300 Bumstead’s Readers Hickling 3200 2d
Dec 23 24 Rms. 25 x 26—32—2d Il¢
2100 3d
16 “ “ & 6 «3d 3.42 140 80 Jany 330 44 Tokens 60 26 “33d.2d60 18.40
Binding 23ms 3/4 15 14575 Covers 90 Copt 1¢8m 9540 442.25 Cost 8 1/2 Cents.
Jany 20 4 Rms 20 x 24 Covers 3 50. 14 Tokens @
[A 239b]
[1852] 750 Ixion & other Poems. 750 By Harvey Hubbard — Coms. 176 pps. 16 Mo. T. T. & Co.
7 Of Jany 20 9 8/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 5.40 43 20
150.040 @ 43. 11 Sig. 17Ems. Tokens 80 64 13 32 60 Binding. 1] Cost Sheets. 21 1/2
Ext 270 10% Cor. 1316 144.54 P 321/2
Sells 75 Cents.
Hubbard, Harvey, Ixion, and other poems 1 vol. 12mo [v](p.vi incorrectly numbered iv)—viii,l65pp. Copyrighted by H.
Hubbard, 1852. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [ poet. Amer. | The volume did not sell. At least 116 copies were given away (Letter Books, Domestic, March 22, 1852, Vol.III,p.596) and a year later the publishers still had on hand 586 copies, (Ibid., March 2, 1853, Vol.[V,p.506) which they returned to the author April 14, 1854 (Ibid.,Vol.V,p.283).
[A 240a] 1851. 3790 Savings Bank Deps. Books
Jany 1122“Rms. for ruling3.50 4.50 700 9 00 “ printing
July 2Ruling. “ “ dining1.25 2.75 250 > 50
Printing 50 covers 12 375
3790 Doing up. 75¢ [per] hund. 2852 = 68.77
212 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS [A 240b] 1851. 3790 (__—_ Do.________ _Do._____ [1.e. Savings Bank Deps. Books]
Aug 19 2 Rms Eng. laid 18 lbs. (T.G.) Ruling 550 11 00
2° “ “ 16 “ “Printing $5. 10 00
2 “ “ wove. lining —W C & Co 275 5 50 Ruling 22Rms. 2900 50 Printing Rms 15/20 Blue for Covers. 5 375
Dec. Doing up. 75¢. pr hund. 2852 7067 3790 Books. @ 22 pr $1000 [i.e. $22 pr 1000]
[A 240c]
1850 5600 ~~ Do___________ Do.___. [i.e. Savings Bank Deps. Books]
Jany 24 3 Rms. Blue Cap.(T.G.) Rul’g. 4.50 1350
28 33“ ““ ec “G&D. Prtg.2.75 27588 25 25 «lining
Ruling 125 Printing Butts. 1 00375 12 00
Feby 1 1 1/2 Royal Covers. W C & Co. 5. 750
Doing up. 75¢. [per] 100 4200 9525 5600 $22 pr 1000
[A 24la]
1852. 1000 Alderbrook. .. Edn. 500
Feby 18. 20 Rms. 24 1/2 x 30—40—12 1/2 — $5. 100.
28 37 Tokens. 65. 24.05 Cop’t 15.¢ Binding. l4¢ 140 7) 339 05 [A 241b]
1852 500 Hamlet... Geo. E. Rice 500 T. T. & Co Feby. 7 3 Rms. 20 1/2 x 25 1/2 3.25. 975
5Extr Tokens 80 4, Corr. 3 90 Mar 29 1 2/20 [Rms.] tinted for Cuts 468 18 60 pps. 60.780 Ems. 43. 26 13
Apl 19 Printing [1]/4 [Rms.] Cuts. For Covers 225 6 00
“Covers 2100 00 “Addl Cuts Doing up 313 Coms 599 68.83
Cost pr. 13 Engravings 20
33 ¢ May 21. 1852
[Rice, George E.|, An old play in a new garb. Hamlet, prince of Denmark. In three acts
pamphlet 12mo [5]—-59pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [drama, Amer. |
[A 242a]
1852. 500 Improvisations and 500 Translations. By Nat. Greene Paris. His Acct. T. T. & Co 144 pps. 16 Mo.
Feby 21 5 12/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 50 Ibs — 15¢. 7.50 42 00
117.216. Ems. @ 43. 900 50 40 9Binding Tokens. $1. 14¢.3 00 Shew Bills.
[Coms.] 10% 10 44 Ch’d [to] N. G’e Binding. 395.C 14 51 30[sic] 166.14 104 40
Greene, Nathaniel, Improvisations and translations 1 vol. 16mo [v]—vii,[9]—133pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields,
1852 [ poet. Amer. ]
The binder was B. Bradley, Boston. “We regret,’ wrote the publishers to the author, February 24, 1853, “the book has not met with better sales but it shares the fate of several other vols. issued the past
year. Poetry rarely pays and it is a very rare thing to get the expense out of a volume of verse. Even Tennyson’s Poems had during 15 years a sale [only] suffcient to pay the Publishers’ bills.” (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol.III,p.88). [A 242b]
1852 3750 Savings Bank Books.
Mar 5 2 Rms. Cap. 18 lbs. E&F. for Rul. 4 25. 8 50
2 Do “ “eee Prin. 8 50
12 “Med W.R&K. lining350 250 525 5 00 “ 12 Do 1/2 Col’d. Doing up. 75 ¢. pr 100. 27 12 Printing Butts. & Ruling 14 68 37 3750 cop[iles @ $22 pr 1000 Ch’d.
1852. 1000 Thorpe. . A Quiet 1000 English Town and Human Life There — in — By Wm Mountford. Steo.
390 pps. Metcalf & Co
Mar 9 20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4, 80 Apl 5Press 75/20 — “80. 392920 Work— 49 Tok.
Binding 10 100 Copt. on 900. 135.
47 Tokens. 29 20 sic |
Cost. 42 1/4 ¢. Sells 1.00 Published Saturday Apl 24 / 52.
Apr 13. Stereotype Plates ~$274.95 Mountford, William, Thorpe, a quiet English town, and human life therein 1 vol. l6mo [3]—390pp. Copyrighted by W. Mountford, 1852. Ticknor, Reed and
Fields, 1852 [ fict.Amer. ] [A 243b]
1852 1000 [Thorpe by Wm. Mountford] Second Edn. 1000 Metcalf
May. 4 27 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 3— 4, 108.
49 Tokens Wp) 36225 75 Corr.[ectin]g Plates
Binding 10 100 00 Copt 15 15000 396.00 Cost — 40 ¢
Published May,
[A 244a]
1852 1000 Eleven Weeks in 1000 Europe: and what may seen [sic] in that time — By “James Freeman Clarke”. 16 mo. pps. T. T. & Co
Mar. 12 24 18/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 4, 99 60 343.312 ems. @ 43¢ 147 62 21 1/2 Sig. 22 Qrs. 46 Tokens 80 36 80
Extra Corrections 6 30 Binding 10 100.
Copt 10% 100. 490.32 Cost. 50¢. Sells $1.00 | Published, May, 1852
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 215 Clarke, James F., Eleven weeks in Europe; and what may be seen in that time 1 vol. 12mo [vii]—xv,1,328pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1852.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [trav. Amer. | On September 13, Fields accepted the manuscript, stating that his partners were absent, but that he would take the responsibility of publishing it. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol.III,p.248.)
[A 244b]
1852. 1000 The Desert Home 1000 By Capt Mayne Reid — Steo Edn
Mar 17 29 Rms. 18 x 27. 34—12 1/2 ct. 4.25 123 25
Printing Do7018. 52 Tokens @ 36.
Col. Paper for Engravings 20 00 1/2 Copt £ 25. on this Edn. 62 50
1/2 [cost of] Casts —[$] 120— 60 00 Eds. Say. 3025125. 8350. Binding. Engr. 1 Wood Cut 4 Cost 48 1/2 ¢ Sells $1. Cost Steo. Plates 258.58
Electg 12 Cuts 13 78 $272.36
Paper for Cuts 3 R. 22 x 28. 13.50 40.50 2 Sheets 3 Bks. or 2160. Cops.*
*i.e., two sheets supply the illustrations for three books; the total cuts printed were enough for 2160 books.
- Reid, Mayne, English family Robinson. The desert home, or the adventures of a
lost family in the wilderness [juv. repr. | No copy of this edition, or of the second (A 250a), has been found. The earliest seen, which is in the library of Brown University, has the date 1853. Since the work was stereotyped, these various editions must be similar, viz. 1 vol.,16mo, [5]—41lpp., copyrighted by Ticknor, Reed & Fields, 1851, stereotyped by the Boston Stereotype Foundry, and printed by George C. Rand. Bogue, of London, had asked £25 for the early sheets of this volume but the firm protested that the price was too high. It had been forced to pay £5 to a New York house to give up printing a rival edition, and the sheets had arrived so late it had missed the Christmas season. £20 was the most the firm was willing to offer. Apparently it finally paid Reid £40 for this volume and the early sheets of The boy hunters (B 8a) despite the copyright entries (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol.II,pp.282,310; Vol.II1,48,196).
1852. 500 Mann’s Thoughts 500
5Binding Tokens 375 41/275¢. cts 22 50
Mar 10 21/2 Rms. 25 x 26. 32 12 1/2— 4, 10
Cop’t. (Crd) 3 15 51 25 Cost 10¢. 2 ms — Published in Mar.
[A 245b]
1852 1000 Longfellow’s Poems. 2 V. 500
27 60 Tokens. 80¢. 48. Copt 40¢. 200 Binding 20 100 504.15
April 14. - 34 14/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 30 Ib. 15¢. 450 156 15
Cost W wW. Clo.
G. 1.27 Full G. 1.51 [A 245c]
1852 500 The Scarlet Letter T. T. & Co. 500 Mar 30 11 11/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 12 1/2 4 46 20
Apl 7Binding 20 Tokens. 1600 00 108050
Copt 15% 56.29 16845 Cost. 34 cents. Sells 75 ¢
Pub. Apl. 1852.
[A 246a]
1852 500 Opium — Eater. — T. T & Co 500 Second Ste. Edn.
4,14 41 40 60 10 18 Tokens. 80 Binding 10 50 00
Apl. 3 10 8/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29, 32—12 1/2—
Portrait [per hundred] 130* 650 112.50 Cost — hh 1/2 sells 75¢
*The 1 30 is followed by three or four illegible symbols.
[A 246b]
1852. 500 Holmes’ Poems. 7th Ed.* Thurston 500
Ap! 21 11 Reams. 18 1/2 x 29. 40—15. 6 66.
30 19 Tokins [sic] ] 19
Binding10 1050 50 Copt
Portrait [per hundred ] 1 37 685 19185 *i.e., Ticknor’s 7th
[A 246c]
1852 590 Vocal Culture 8th Edn. C. Hickling 590
Apr 21 8 Rms. 23 1/2 x 39. 60 — 7.50 60.
15 Tokens.117)64 11 90 25 Binding Copt 10% 3687 817302 Cost 29 1/2 cts —
[A 247a] [Omitted here is a crossed-out entry, which is an incomplete version of A 250b] [A 247b]
1852 200 Ruth: A Poem. By 200 Wm Plumer Jr. 200 C. T. T & Co Ap! 1 Rm 18 1/2 Covers x 29. 40. 15112 600 30173/4” Col.
27 45.590 Ems 80 43 17 88 3 Tokens 2 40
Covers 175 Ext Cor. 20 Doing up.1100
Coms 314 34.49 1852 [ poet. Amer. ]
Plumer, William [jr.], Ruth; a pastoral poem of Bethlehem Ephratah 1 vol. 12mo [iii]—iv,[5]-37pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields,
[A 248a]
1852. 3000 Buckingham’s J. T. 1500 Personal Memoirs 2 Vols. 16 mo. T. T & Co
May 14 57 4/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 32-12 1/2
$4. 228 80
& June 15 Vol. 1. 260 pps. 287.830 Ems 43. 123 76
Aug. 3. Vol. II. 256 “ 310902 “ 43 133 68 Ext Cor V. 1. 11.46. V. II. 832 19.78
104 Tokens 80 83 20 Binding 1600. 20¢ 320 00 Copt. 15 % on 1500 (100 Eds.) 22 1/2 337 50
Engraving $40 Less 15 25 00 Printing 1600 Plates 1480 1286.52 Cost 86. ¢ Retail 1.50. Published, Saty, Aug. 28. 1852.
Buckingham, Joseph T., Personal memoirs and recollections of editorial life 2 vols. 16mo I,[4],256pp.,I],[3]—255pp. Copyrighted by J. T. Buckingham, 1852.
Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [ biog. Amer. |
The firm wrote Buckingham, June 18, 1858, that, expecting to sell at least 1000 copies, it had credited him in December, 1852 with a 15 per cent. royalty on that
number of copies. It had sold, however, to date only 720 copies, and offered him the remaining 780 copies at half price. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol.VII, p.516).
[A 248b]
1852. 5090 Blithedale Romance — 5090 By Nath'l Hawthorne. 1 V. 16 mo. Steo. Hobart & Robbins @ $206.61 288 Pages. Thurston Pr.
June 1 99 1/2 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 12 1/2 $4 398
180 Tokens @ 108. Binding 1060509
Copt. on 5000 (90[to] Eds) 15 1/2* 56250 1577.50 Cost 31 1/2 cents Sells 75 ¢ Published; Wednesday, July 14, 1852.
*The entry appears to read 1514. It should read 15%. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Blithedale romance 1 vol. 16mo [iii]—viii,[9]—288pp. Copyrighted by N. Hawthorne, 1852. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1852 [ fict. Amer. ]
Writing to their London agents, Delf and Triibner, March 9, 1852, the farm stated, “Hawthorne has a new book nearly done . . . Bogue & Routledge have both made proposals for any new work from him, but have not offered enough. He will sell the copt. of the new book for £100 & furnish the sheets as issued from the press.
Will you see Bogue (first) and then Routledge or Bohn. His reputation now ought to command even a Aigher price than this but he is willing to do this with this vol.” (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol.II,p.289-90). Meanwhile Fields, who was in Europe, visiting and dining with everyone of influence in the literary, critical and publishing world, wrote Hawthorne May 21, 1852 of his own plans in regard to the Blithedale romance. “The sheets must be sent over to me at once as fast as they come from the Stereotypers . . . I find on investigation that the London Pubs ... (Routledge & others) are determined to get this work at £50 and they will not offer more ... It occurred to me to open a negotiation with Chapman & Hall...
I met Chapman at dinner and poured into his ear [your] great merits... A correspondence ensued and today I have been closeted with him and... he says
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 219 if we will send him the Ms or the proof sheets and his literary adviser (whom I know to be strongly your admirer) agrees . . . he will purchase the copyright for the sum I offer it, which is two hundred pounds. 1 put it high and spread it thick
... On June 3, Fields again wrote, “Nine cheers! I have sold the Blithedale Romance for Two Hundred Pounds to Chapman & Hall... The book must appear here some days before it is issued in Am. in order to have the copyright...”
(Fields to Hawthorne, Ms letters in the Berg Collection, New York Public Library). [A 249]
1852. 1000 Piper’s (R U) Surgery 1000 Illustrated 361 pps 12 mo. 2000 Illustrations.
Letter Press Steo. T. T. & Co Prs
44 Tokens 80 35 20 Dec 1851. Preparing 18 Stones $3 54 00
June 2 to 14 24 8/20 Rms. 24 x 31. 40—12 1/2 5. 12450
Making 15 1/2 transfers 64. 1000 for Each & Paper. 697 50
Letters & Corrections 8.00
Coloring 180 00 Binding Plates. 37.¢ 370.00
Copyright on 900 621/2 562 50
Ext Expenses — 10000 219570
Cost Steo Pl 439.43 Cost. to Make 2.44 “including Steo. 2.93
Published Sep. 1852.
Piper, R[ichard]. U., Operative surgery illustrated: containing more than nineteen hundred engravings ... with explanatory text ... Also a chapter upon the use of
ether in surgery ...by Henry J]. Bigelow... 1 vol. sm8vo [v]—viii,382pp. Copyrighted by H. U. Piper, 1852. Stereotyped at the Boston Stereotype Foundry. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [med. Amer. ] “We are not disposed,” wrote the firm to the author, October 24, 1856, to invest any more money [in this book], it having proved a very ‘bad egg’ for us, say to the tune of about 1500 dollars.” (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol.VI,p.430.) [A 250a]
1852. 800 The Desert Home 2d Ed. 800
Apl. 6 9 Rms. 18 x 27. 34. [per Rm] 4.25— 121/2 123 25
Col’'d Paper for Cuts 1000 20.00
Printing Do. 70 Rand 22 52 Tokens. 3618. 40
1/2 Copt. £ $120 25 — 6250 Casts 1/2 60. Binding 121/2— 125. 445.15 Cost Bound 44 1/2 cts. Sells $1.00
[A 250b]
1852 3000 The Doll and Her 3000 Friends. 30[00] T. T. & Co Pr
Ap! 12 16 12/20 Rms. 26 x 28 48—121/2 6. 99 60
24 69 12030 Ems. @ 40 5 Sig. Tokens. 8029 24 64 00 Engraving 4 Cuts. Baker. 50 00
Printing 3000 ea Do. 18 00
May 1 Paper for do. 19 x 27. 50 Ibs. — 32
Ors [per 10¢. Rm] $10. 16 53724 00 Binding 30000 Cost Sheets. 9¢ Binding — 10 — 19,
Sells @ 50.¢ 1/4 [discount] Published Aug. 1852
[ Maitland, Julia C.B.], The doll and her friends; or memoirs of the Lady Seraphina. By the author of “Letters from Madras,” “Historical charades,” etc.etc. With four illustrations by Hablot K. Browne, engraved by Baker and Smith 1 vol. sql6mo [5]—120pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852 [juv. repr. ]
[A 25la]
1852 1500 Saxe J. G. Poems 1500 4th Edn. Enlarged 184 pps T. T. & Co Prs
June 10 19 9/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29—40 lb. $6. 116 70
July 2436 179.147. ems.@@80 4028 71 80 65 Tokens.
Binding Cl 10 150 Engraving Portraits 40 Printing Do [per hundred] 1.35 20 25
Copt. 10% on 62 1/2 9375 52115
Copt 61/4 Binding Cl 10 35 ¢
Cost Sheets. 18 3/4
Boards 31 ¢
1852 1500 Lydia: A Woman's 1500 Book. By Mrs. Newton Crosland 288 pps 16 Mo T. T. & Co
July 8 30 6/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. $4. 122 80
240.060 Ems.80 4043 96 20 00 54 Tokens
Binding 10.5150. Advgs. 47 417 47
Copt 10% on 900 bound 417 47 500-paper
Printing 500 Covers. 5.84 Doing up in paper. Cost
1852 [ fict. repr. ]
Crosland, [Camilla D.], Lydia: a woman’s book. By Mrs. Newton Crosland 1 vol. 16mo [v]—viii,[9]—287pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor, Reed and Fields,
[A 252a]
1852 4000 Palissy,— The Potter 2 Vols 2000 16 Mo. pps T. T. & Co
July to Sep. 91 14/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4. 365 20
Vol. 1. 312 pps — 311.304 ems. @ 40. 12452
“11-352 “ 354.668 “ = “ . 141 86 168 Tokens. C & H.* Early Sheets80¢ £15.134 75 40 00
Binding 4000 Cost Sheets 46.Vols 4000 1240.98
Binding Cl 20
66. Sells $1.50 —
Published Octo. 23. 1852
*Chapman and Hall, London, from whom the sheets were bought. Morley, Henry, Palissy the potter. The life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, his labors and discoveries in art and science, with an outline of his philosophical doctrines, and a translation of illustrative selections from his works 2 vols. 12mo J,[v]|—viii,303pp.,II, [111 ]-1v,347pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1853 | biog. repr. |
1852 3000 Village Life in 1500 Egypt. 2 Vols 16 mo T. T & Co July to Sep 49 13/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 $4 198 60
Sep 21 V. 1. 240 pps. 247.120 Ems. @ 40¢ 98 84
V. I 232 “ 239376 “ — . 40 95 75
90 Tokens — @£15 80 72 00 Early Sheets 75.
Binding 20 30000 84019 Cost-Sheets 40 Binding 20 60
Pub. Saty Octo. 23. 52
St. John, Bayle, Village life in Egypt: with sketches of the Said 2 vols. 16mo I,[v]—xix,1,216pp.,H,[v]—ix,218pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor,
Reed and Fields, 1853 [trav. repr. | [A 253a]
1852 2350 Blithedale Romance 2350 Hawthorne, 2d. Edn. T. T. & Co—
July 22 46 15/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32 3.84. 179 52
Aug 9Binding 90 Tokens10 @ 60 54.00 236 00
Copt [on] 2350 264 37 733 89 Cost. 31 ¢. 3ms. Pub Aug. 12/52
[A 253b] 1852 500 The Scarlet Letter 500 7th Edn. Hickling
Copt. 56 Binding 10 50 25 167 73
Aug 6 12 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 3.84 46 08
28 22 Tokens @ 70 15 40 Cost. bnd. 33 1/2 cts.
[A 253c]
1852 500 Mrs Putnam’s R. Bk 500 2d Steo Edn. Hickling
31 11 Tokens 70 770 Binding 9¢ 45,
Cost 21.
July 23 6 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 3 84. 23 04
Copt — 6¢ 30. 105 74 Pub. Aug. 16/52
a LT r—C——.C§EREC EDDE EE eS ee r——“ oe : BLES RR ee MES ee ag ft lhl —- lL =. ee
. Meoreeereneneennte sipvesniehdaagsandii Le ee vfgunattettane thea st tes oth ontitateg te ,
7 RO Men axctaitns nieccteotenen Sh Su hieio saga ith apiaateeitonuanae att eertpicentenee tiattemocenenat ”
SEE es ee tsren ions tte reer enter es scotcenciinieneeoniuaeprorangneetan Ee ESTES ere tees CO T——————e sateen senor ee ee ee a —“—iOé™Ot(OO Se rene seeuancamenr uae acaizereenconenrean cepa scoekyrmtnetmarcenemmmmarece ss SEE GE —rr—r—r—rr—900
Binding 10. 50 Crd Copy r’t 9 45. 146 00 [B 232a]
1857. Sketches of Art by 1000 Mrs. Jameson. 498 pps —
Bourg. & Nonp’l. 473.167. ms. 78 369 07 Alterations | h 38 8 Boxes 15 600 375.45
Smith — Eng. Portrait 35 00 Houghton, Stereo’r & Pr.
Nov 20 17 3/20 Rms. 22 3/4 x 29. 30. 15. 450 79 43 Printing Portrait. [per hundred] 90c 9 00
Dec 11 32 Tokens 80 25 60
Binding 1000- 14 ¢ 14000 25403
Sells 7).
Cost on 850 cops. 29 ¢ Published, Dec. 1857.
Jameson, [Anna B.], Sketches of art, literature, and character 1 vol. 32mo [v]—xu,[15]-502pp. [Blue and Gold edition] No copyright notice.
Ticknor and Fields, 1857 [ gen.lit.repr. ] [B 232b]
[1857 ] Parthenia by Mrs E. B. Lee 1000 1 Vol 32 Mo* Nov 30 430 pps — 400.916 ms. @ 78. 320 73
Ext. in proofs 450 14 40 Ext.Cor.proofs
9 boxes 75 675 346.38. Elec’d by Metcalf ¢» Co -
* Error for “16mo”
Nov 19 19 7/20 Rms. 22 x 37. 50 13. 6.50 129 02 Dec 4Binding 36 Tokens 80 28 80 10 100 00
Copt. 10 % on 800 8000 337.82 Cost. 40 ¢. Sells 1.00 Published —
Lee, Eliza B., Parthenia: or, the last days of paganism 1 vol. 16mo [v]—x,420pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor & Fields, 1857. Ticknor and
Fields, 1858 [fict. Amer. ] [B 233a]
1857 Lowell’s —J. Russell — 1000 Poems 2 Vols. 32 Mo.
Oct 19 Vol. 1. 322 pps. 278.799 ms. @ 78 ¢. 217.46
Alterations 9boxes 1/2 hs. 2375 85 10 1/2 Sig. 5 7) ¢ . Vol. II — 308 pps. 323.516 ms. @ 78 252 34 Alterations 20 1/2 hs 6 23 10 1/2 Sig. 5 boxes 75. 375 486.38 . H. W. Smith — Eng.g Portrait .. 75 00 -Houghton & Co — Strs. & Prs.
Nov. 20 22 12/20 Rms. 22 3/4 x 29. 40.15. 6. 135 60 |
Dec 20 21 Sig. 42 Tokens. 80 33 60
Portrait 90 ¢ 9 00 Binding 14 ¢ pr Vol 28 280 00
Copt. on 850 - 10 % - 15 ¢ 12750 585.70 Cost. 69. ¢.... Sells 1.50 Published, Jany °58
Lowell, James R., The poetical works . . . Complete in two volumes 2 vols. 32mo I, | vii ]—ix,1,315pp.,II, [1x ]—xi,[13]-322pp. [Blue and Gold edition] Copyrighted by J. R. Lowell, 1857. Ticknor and Fields, 1858
[B 233b]
[1857] Mass. Bap. Conv’n 500 , Reports for 1857.
Nov 24 4 Rms. 20 x 24-26- 3 50. 1400 5 1/2 Qrs. Col’d— Covers. 192 Dec 7 Comp — Single. 91.350 ms. 50 ¢ 45 67 Double. 23.000 1 00. 23 00
9Alterations Tokens 80 17 67 20
Covers & doing up 975 10321
418 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Fifty-fifth annual report of the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, presented by the board of directors at the anniversary in Fitchburg, October 28, 1857 pamphlet 8vo [5]—58pp. No copyright notice. Printed by J. M. Hewes. Ticknor
and Fields, 1857 [relig. Amer. ] [B 234a]
1857 The Plant Hunters 2466. By Mayne Reid
Dec 21 Stereotyped by Houghton & Co
360 pps. 341.817. ms. 78. 266 62 16 Sig. - 8 Boxes 600 27262 Dec 4 43 Rms. 20 1/2 x 36. 45. 5 62 241 87
26. 78 Tokens. 7). 58 Engrs 12. 31/2 $6 50 31 Exp[ense]. on Pl[ates]. from London 1318
Binding 121/2 308 25
£100 - \ 50000 1208 11 Early Sheets & Casts
Cost 51 ¢. Sells. 75 ¢. Published, Jany. 1858 Plates. Edwards.
Dec 46/20 Rms. 22 x 28. 60 12. 51 60 Reid, Mayne, The plant hunters or adventures among the Himalaya mountains
... With illustrations
I vol. 16mo [vii ]—ix,1,353pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [juv. repr. ]
[B 234b]
[1857] Dec Tennyson’s Poems 1000
4 18 15/20 Rms 22 3/4 x 29. 30. 15. 450 84 37 24 34 Tokens 80 27 20 Portrait [per hundred] 90 c 9
Binding 14 140 26057
Cost 26. Sells 75 ¢
[B 235a]
1857. Holmes’ Poems Marvin 500.
19 Toks 70 13 30 Portrait 1 ¢ 5 00 Cop’t. 10 ¢. 50 00
Nov 20 11 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 40. 13. 5 20 57 20
Binding 10 ¢ 5000 17550 Cost 35 ¢. Sells 1.12
[1857] Longfellow’s Poems 1400 [32 mo] Houghton & Co
71 Tokens 80 56 80 Binding 14 [per vol.] — 28. 392 00
Dec 7 38 15/20 Rms. 22 3/4 x 29. 36. 15. 5 40 211 49
Portrait 9 ¢ 12 60 Cr’d. Copy. right 17 1/2 24500 91789 Cost. 66. ¢. Sells 1.75 Pub’d. Jany 1858.
[B 235c]
[1857] Young Voyageurs Thurston 500 Dec 22 8 13/20 Rms. 20 1/2 x 36. 45.13 1/2 6071/2 52 50
Jany 1. 15 Tokens. 1250 00 Plates 31/2.8017 1858
Binding 12 1/2 6250 144.50 Cost 29. Sells, 75 ¢
[B 236a]
1857. Vocal Culture 500 Edn. 14th. C Hickling.
Dec 21 7 1/2 Rms. 23 1/2 x 40.- 50. 675 50 63 )
13 Tokens. 75 975 Binding 11 55 00 Cr ’d Copy right 61/2 3125 14663 Cost. Sells
, [B 236b]
[1857 | Desert Home, — Plates. Edwards.
Dec 21. 1 3/4 Rms— 19 x 24- 40 - 12- 4 80 8 40 Edwards — Printing
[B 236c]
[1857 ] Opium Eater Thurston 692
Dec 19 9 5/20 Rms. 22 x 37. 50. 650 60 13
58 Jany 1 17 Tokens. 80 13 60 Binding 10. 69 20
Portrait 1 ¢. 692 14985 Cost 22 Sells. 75
Pub Jany 12. °58
1857 White Lies Houghton 916.
Dec 24 25 8/20 Rms. 22 x 37. 50. 6.75 171 45
Jany 1 46 Tokens 75 3450 58
Binding 916 ll ¢ 99.00 (Entr’d) Copy-right. 121/2 ¢ 11400 42039 1 44
Cost 46 ¢. Sells 1.25
[B 237b]
[1857] Mrs Mann’s Cook Book 2d Edn. 500.
Dec 26
5 4/20 Rms. 22 x 37. 54. [and 52. ?] 35 15 58 Jany 1 9 Tokens 20 Binding 101/280557 00
Copy. r’t 61/4 3125 12840 Cost 26 ¢ Sells. 62 1/2 [B 237c]
[1857] Descriptive Catalogue 1000 60 pps. Thurston
Alterations 70 5 Tokens 8026400
"57 Dec 26 2 15/20 24 x 38. 50. 650 17 88 Doing up.
[B 238a]
1857 Hiawatha 41.950 [in all] (Metcalf) 1000
Dec 29 15 Rms. 22 x 38. 54. 15. 121 50
58 Jany 9 28 Tokens. 80 2200 40 Binding 10 100
Copy r't 15 15000 39390 Cost 40 Sells. $1.00
[B 238b]
1858 Plant Hunters 1215* 2d Edn. Houghton 1000
22 36 Tokens. 7) ¢ 27 Engravings 31/2 35 00 00
Jany 14. 20 Rms 20 1/2 x 36. 45. 13 1/2 6071/2 - 12150
Binding 121/2 12500 308.50 Cost. 31 ¢. Sells 75 ¢
* The “1000” is correct.
[1858 ] My Pets— Plates.
41/2 Qrs. 22 x 28. 60 [per Rm $] 12. 270 300 Cops Edwards Printing.
[B 238d]
[1858 | White Lies 3d Edn Houghton 1000 Jany 18. 27 12/20 Rms. 22 x 37 1/2 45. 13. 161 45
50 Tokens.117).11000 37 50 Binding
Copy’t 121/2 125 433 95 Cost 44. Sells 1 25
[B 239a]
1858. Lowell’s Poems 2d Edn 1000. 32 Mo Houghton
Jany 18 22 12/20 Rms. 22 3/4 x 29. 40 15. 6 135 60
Feby 6Portrait 42 Tokens9809.00 33 60 Binding 14 [per vol.] 28 280.00 Copy.t 15 15000 607.20 Cost 61. ¢. Sells 1.50
[B 239b]
[1858] Savings Bank Depos. Books 3700
Jany 20 2 Rms 18 lbs Cap. 4.50 ruling. 9.00
6Butts “*— “Printing 27 00 Printing 1110 —28.Ruling. 250 Feby 2 Jaquith 1 Rm 20 x 48. Cart. 725 1Abot. Do[sic]Blue Cap. 700 doing up 80 c. 29 60 Carsons Cap. — Loring & Co *
24 Crosby, — Printing, Labels. 1295 106.40 at 3,50 pr 1,000.
Chd Mar 5. @ $40 pr 1000 Labels printed by Crosby — Feby 24. 1858
10,000 at 3.50 pr 1000 3700 used —
6300 on hand Mch 4 / 58. 3700 June used 2600 1900. usd Apl 59
700. * This line was inserted later.
1858 Tom Brown’s School- 500 Days at Rugby. — 2d. Edn. — Ist Stereotyped —
Feby. 6.12 393.230.ms 28729605 05 Boxes. @ 7) 73. 900 Stereotyped by Thurston & Torry. and printed by them.
Jany 23. 9 16/20 Rms. 22 x 37 1/2. 50. 675 66 15 Feby 6.Binding 17 Tokens10 @ 50 -80 129 13 60 75 Cost 26 — Sells.1.00 ¢
The pagination of this stereotype edition is [| vii]—viti,405pp.
[B 240b]
1858. Grace Greenwood’s Poems.— Houghton 280
13 Tokens 702910 Portrait 1 ¢ Binding 10 28 80 00
Jany 29 42/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 40. 15. 6 24 60
Cop’'t- 10% 2100 8550
Cost 30. Sells 75. ¢
[B 240c]
[1858 ] History of My Pets Thurston 500
5Plates Tokens 80 400 2 10 00 Binding 10 50 Copt. 5 } 25 106 28
Jany 29 3 Rms 26 x 28. 48- 12. 5./6 17 28 Cost 22. Sells 50 -
[B 24la] ,
1858 Recollections of My 500 Childhood — Hickling
8 Tokens 80 6 40 Plates 2 ¢ 10 00
Jany 29 4 Rms 26. x 28. 48. 12. 5 76 23 04
Binding 10850 Copt 61/2 3250 121.94
Cost. 24 1/2 _—_ Sells. 50.
[1858 | White Lies 4th Edn Houghton 1000.
26 54 Tokens. 75. 40 50 Binding 11125. 110449.83 00 Copt 121/2
Feby 11 29 16/20 Rms. 22 x 37 1/2. 45. 13. 5.85 174.33 Cost. 46 Sells. 1.25
[B 241c]
[1858] Tom Brown’s School Days &C — 500
Feby Thurston 2d. Steo’d. Edn. 17 9 16/20 Rms 22 x 37 1/2.50 -13 1/2. 675. 66 15
17 Tokens 80 13 12975 60 Binding 10. 5000 Cost 26. Sells. $1.00 [B 242a]
1858. Tennyson’s Poems 1000 32 Mo. Houghton
Portrait 9 9
Feby 6 18 15/20 Rms 22 3/4 x 29. — 30. 15. 450 84 37
Mar 11 34 Tokens 80 27 20 Binding 14. 140. 260 57 Cost 26. Sells. 75 ¢.
. [B 242b] 17 Tokens 80 13 60 Portrait Binding 14970450 129 73
[1858] Loves of the Poets Houghton 500
Feby. 6 95/20 Rms 22 3/4 x 29. 30. 15. 450. 41 63 Cost 26. Sells. 75 ¢
[B 242c]
[1858 | Bartol’s Church and Congregation 1500
Feby 23 360 pps. 16 Mo. Metcalf & Co to
Apl 5.
38 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 40. 13 1/2 5 40 222 24 Ap! 13. 280.896 Ems. 4880134 83 “ 22 Extr. 1/2 Sig. 69 Toks. 55 20 Cor. 76 1/4 hs. 30 22 87
Binding 10 ¢. 150 00
Cop’t on 1350 Cops. 10% 13500 72014 Cost 53. Sells $1.00 Pub Apl 21. 1858
424 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Bartol, C[yrus] A., Church and congregation: a plea for their unity 1 vol. 16mo [iii ]—xxiv,336pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor & Fields, 1858. Ticknor
and Fields, 1858 [relig. Amer. ] [B 243a]
1858. Robertson’s Sermons 1546 Second Series. — Thurston — I Vol. 12 Mo. 360. pps.
Mar 3. 34 Rms. 23 1/2 x 29 1/4 40.12 1/2 = $5. 170 00
“ 26. 371.416 Ems. @80 46 -48 17000 85 60 Tokens Binding 1546. ll ¢. 17006 55891 Cost. 41 1/2. Sells $1.00. Published March, 31. 1858.
Robertson, Frederick W., Sermons, preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton ... Second series. From the fourth London edition I vol. 12mo [v]-xvi,342pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [relig. repr. ]
[B 243b]
[1858 ] Poems Charles Kingsley’s 1500 — Andromeda &C Stereotyped by Houghton —
2 Boxes 150 = 77 87
Mar 15 105 pps. 97.910 Ems. @ 78 76 37 Houghton & Co Prs.
12 J] 15/20 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 40. 15. 6 70 50
20 7Binding Sig. 211500 Toks. 80 142 16 80 91/2 50
Early Sheets £ 20. 100 329.80 Cost. 22
Excl. of Plates. } Sells 20 ¢
Kingsley, Charles, Andromeda, and other poems 1 vol. 16mo [vii ]—viii,[11]-lllpp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [ poet. repr. |
[B 244a]
1858 American Institute of Instruction 500 Lectures for 1857. Thurston, Pr.
Jany 8 8 1/2 Rms. 19 1/2 x 24. 26. 350 29 75 168 pps. — 166.752 Ems. 50 83 37
14. Sig. 14Cor. Tokens 80. 11 20 Ext. 3 30 Back Titles 100
Binding 40
168 62
[Less allowance by Institute ?] 84
84 62
The lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Manchester,
N. H., August 18, 1857; including the journal of proceedings and a list of the
officers... 1 vol. 12mo [v]—1xiii,1,97pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor & Fields, 1858. Ticknor
and Fields, 1858 [educ. Amer. | [B 244b]
[1858 | Boy Hunters. Thurston 528
23 16 Tokens 80 12 80 Plates. 31/2 18 48
Mar 9 8 13/20 Rms 20 1/2 x 36. 45. 5 85 50 60
Binding 12 1/2 6600 14788 Cost. 28 . . . Sells. 75
[B 244c]
[1858 ] Bush Boys. — Thurston 529
Mar 9 8 13/20 Rms 20 1/2 x 36 45. 13 50 60
23. 15 Tokens 80 1851 12 00 Plates 31/2
Binding 121/2 6612 14723 Cost. 28... Sells 75 [B 245a]
1858. Young Yagers Houghton 500
16 15 Tokens 8017 12 50 00 Plates 31/2
Mar 9 8 2/20 Rms 20 1/2 x 36 45. 13 1/2 47 39
Binding 121/2 6250 13939 Cost. 28... . Sells 75 ¢. [B 245b]
[1858] Longfellow’s Poems. 1000 32 Mo. Houghton
50 Tokens 80 40 00 Portrait [per hundred ] 9 ¢. 9 00 Binding 14 [per vol.] 28. 280 00 Copt 17.5 17500 62820
Mar, 11 27 12/20 Rms 22 3/4 x 29 - 30.15. 450 124 20
Cost, 63 ¢. Sells.1.75
[B 245c]
[1858] Memorable Women — Plates. — Edwards —
Mar 13. 1/2 Rm 15 3/4 x 20 - 24 - 480 2 40 Printing — 240 Cops
[B 245d]
[1858 ] Tennyson’s Poems 1100 32 [mo] Houghton
Apl 9 20 Rms 22 3/4 x 29 30. 15. 450 90 00
23. 36 Tokens . 9 8092890 80 Portrait Binding 14 15400 28270 Cost. 26. Sells. 75.
[B 246a]
1858. *Ran-away to Sea. 2000 By Mayne Reid Electro’d by Metcalf & Co
8 Boxes 75 600 26044
Mar 30 360 pps. 339.255 Ems. @ 75. 254 44 Early Sheets and
12 Casts of Cuts £ 100 500 00
Metcalf —
Mar 12 33 Rms 20 1/2 x 36. 45. 13. 5.85 193 05
“ 30 660Plates Tokens. Say 27)¢.45 40 00 00
Binding 121/2 25000 528.05 Cost. 27. Sells 75. *Edwards for 2000 Cuts
1 9/20 Rms. 22 x 28. 60. 17 40
Printing —
Reid, Mayne, Ran away to sea: an autobiography for boys 1 vol. 16mo [3]-359pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [juv. repr. ] No copy of the first edition has been located. This identification is from an edition of 1859, which, since the work was electrotyped, is unquestionably like the edition
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 427 described in the entry. The 1859 edition is in the library of Brown University. The first edition was published April 9, 1858 (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol. VII, pp. 428, 431). [B 246b]
[1858] Ran-away-to Sea 1000. Apl. 2d Edn. - Metcalf & Co.
12 16 1/2 Rms. 20 1/2 x 36. 45. 5 85 96 53 27 30 Tokens. 75 22 50 Plates 2 ¢. 20 00
Binding 121/2 12500 264.03
Cost 26 1/2. Sells 75. Edwards 14/20 22 x 28. 60 for 1000 Cuts Printing do
[B 247a]
1858 Life of George Stephenson 2500 By Sam’l Smiles — Houghton. 1 Vol. 12 mo. 488 pps.
Mar 10 58 1/2 Rms. 24 x 40. 50. 13 1/2. 6.75. 394 87
Apl 3. 646.800 ms 80 48 310 46 “ 106 Tokens 84 80 Schoff Eng. & lettering Portrait 27 Miller — Pr g. Do 25. Bradley — Binding 121/2 31250 1154.63 Cost, 50 Sells 1.25 Pub’d = Apl. 10. 1858.
Smiles, Samuel, The life of George Stephenson, railway engineer ... From the fourth London edition 1 vol. 12mo [v]—xv,[17]—486pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [ biog. repr. |
[B 247b]
[1858] Apl Cuts — Plant Hunters
14/20 Rms 22 x 28 60. [$] 12 8 40
Edwards printing.
[B 247c]
[1858 14th ] Saxe’s Poems 500 Edn Thurston & Torry
Apl 16 7 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 40. 5 20 36 40
“ 28 Portrait 12 Tokens ]805900 60
Crd Copy, 10 ’t 950 45 00 Binding 146 Cost. 30. = Sells 75
[B 247d]
[1858 ] Catalogue — 12 pps.
Apl 26 2 Rms. 22 x 37 1/2 45 13. 5.85 11 70
29 Houghton — 4 toks. 80 3 20 1490 [B 248a]
1858 Biglow Papers Thurston 280.
Ap! 4 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 5 2040 00 9 113 Tokens. 8040.10
Binding 103500 28 00 Cop’t 121/2 9340 Cost. 33 -— — Sells. 63
[B 248b]
[1858] Trelawny’s [sic] Recoll’ns 2000 of Shelly [sic] & Byron
Apl 304 pps 16 mo. Houghton —
7 42 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29. 40. 13 1/2 226 80 14 247.201 Ems. @ 4880118 66 “ 19 Sig. 76 Tokens. 60 80 26 Binding 10 20000 606 Cost on 1800 — 31 — Sells 75. Published, Ap! 2d. 1858
Trelawney, E[dward] J., Recollections of the last days of Shelley and Byron 1 vol. 16mo [v]-vi,[7]-304pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [ biog. repr. ]
[B 248c]
[1858 | Parthenia - 2d Edn. 500
Edition 25
Apl 27 10 8/20 Rms. 22 x 37 1/2. 50. 6.50 67 60
18 Tokens. 80 14 40 Copy —10 right 5018225 00 Binding 5000 Cost. 36 1/2 Sells $1 -
1858 Sketches of Art. 500 by Mrs. Jameson, 2d Edn Houghton & Co
16 Tokens 90 80 12 80 Portrait 450 Binding 14 7000 128.92
Apl 28 9 5/20 Rms 22 3/4 x 29. 30. 15. 450 41 62 Cost 26 ¢. Sells 75
[B 249b]
[1858 ] Douglas Jerrold’s Wit 1500 arranged by his son,
Blanchard Jerrold. 1 Vol. 16 Mo. Houghton & Co. Stereo.rs
5 Boxes 375
May 5 240 pps 239.648 Ems @ 78 $186.92
190 67
Octo 30 48 pps add'l Matter 35 96
1 Box 75 227 38 =. 227 38
47952 ms.
May Printing Houghton
26 17/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 40 -13 1/2 5.40 144 99
16 Sig. 49 tokens 75 3675 Binding 10 150 Early Sheets £ 30- 150 481 74 Cost 35 Sells 75 Pub. May 1858
Jerrold, [William] B., ed., Specimens of Douglas Jerrold’s wit: together with selections, chiefly from his contributions to journals, intended to illustrate his opinions. Arranged by his son... 1 vol. 16mo [vii ]—xi,[13]-243pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [ gen.lit. repr. |
[B 250a]
1858, Mrs. Putnam’s Receipts 300 12 th Edn Metcalf & Co
8Binding Tokens880406 00 40 Cop’t 6 3000 105.60
May 21 4 Rms 22 x 37 -— 54 7.30 29 20 Cost 21 Sells 50
[1858 | Longfellow’s Poems 600 2 Vols 16 Mo Metcalf & Co |
May 15 40 Rms. 18 1/2 x 29 - 30. 15. 450 180. June 11 71 Tokens20 80120 56 80 Binding
Portrait 6 80 Copy’t 40 240I602 Cost 1.01 Sells 2.25
[B 250c]
[1858] “Jerrolds Wit-” 2d Edn. Houghton 1000 May 28. 17 13/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29, 40.13 1/2 5.40 95 31
June 5Binding 32 Tokens 75 24 21931 00 10 10000 Cost 22 ¢ Sells 75
[B 250d]
1858 Desert Home —
May is & Young Voyageur } Cuts— 200 Ea.
2 Rms. 22 x 28. [$]12 (Edwards) 24 Printing —
[B 25la]
1858. Faust. — “Hayward’s — 280 6 Ouires — Marvin
May 28 6 6/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 32.12 1/2 $4 25 20
20 Sig Tokens @ 60 12 00
Te Binding. we ” Cost 24 Sells 75
[B 251b]
[1858 ] Robertson’s Sermons 1523 3rd Series 1 Vol. 12 Mo. 360 pps Thurston
May 24 34 Rms 23 1/2 x 291/4-40-121/2 $5. . 170.
375.552 ems @ 46 17275 8 pps Canc'ld 6 50 10 Sheets 60 Tokens 80 48
Binding 11 16753 56478
Cost 40 1/2 ¢. Sells 1.00 _ Published, Aug. 10. 1858
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 431 Robertson, Frederick W., Sermons, preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton... Third series. From the second London edition 1 vol. 12mo [5]-324,[34]pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [relig. repr. ]
No payment to Robertson is entered in the Cost Books. However, the publishers agreed that on publishing the third series they would pay £20. (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol. IV, p. 292.)
~[B 251c]
[1858 | Scarlet Letter Hawthorne Marvin Pr. 500
June 2 11 11/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 33. 4 46 20
20 Tokens 70 14 00 Binding 105625 500 16645 00 Cop’t 15%
Cost 34 — Sells 75
[B 252a]
1858 Desert Home - “Reed” [sic | Thurston — 524 May 24 10 8/20 Rms, 20 1/2 x 36. 45.131/2 6.07[1/2] 6317
June 8Plates 18 Tokens 14 40 31/2801750
Binding 12 1/2 6250 15757
Cost 31. Sells 1.00
[B 252b]
[1858 ]“Reed” Young Voyageurs 534 [sic] Thurston
June 8Plates 15 Tokens 12 00 31/2801750
May 24 8 13/20 Rms 20 1/2 x 36.45 131/2 607[1/2] 5255
Binding 121/2 6250 14455 [B 252c]
[1858 | Bumstead’s 2d Reader Hickling — 2075
June 5 16 Rms 25 x 26 32 12. 3 84 59 44
29 Tokens 3@¢.6062 17 25 40 Binding Covers 3ms 6 23
Copt 1.8 3735 = 182 67 Cost 8 ¢ 8 ms. Covers & Pl. — Damrell | I Rm. Salmon Med. 3.50 Printing 3 650
1858. Never Too Late to 525 Mend. by Cha’s Reade. 2 Vols Thurston & Co
June 16 20 11/20 Rms 24 x 38. 45. 5.75 118 16
July 7Binding 36 Tokens 28 00 80 2080 100
Cop’t 15 7500 32196 Cost 65 Sells 1.50
[B 253b]
[1858 ] Catalogue, — Descriptive. Thurston
July 18. Alterations 2 Rms 229.19. x 374 13. 5.85 11 70 Tok. 3.20 12 39 24.09 300 Bancroft — (H H)*
* Presumably this was a catalogue made up for H. H. Bancroft’s great book store in San Francisco.
[B 253c]
[1858] Savings Bank-Depos. 3700 Books Butts Pr. June 21 *3 Rms to Jaquith — 7.34 22 02 5 “ “ Butts — 7 34 36 70
1 leaffor leftPrinting off —12 7 34 Butts 00 July 61Jaquith — ruling 4 Rm 20 x 28 Cart. 725 3700 75 1295 2775 LabelsDoing 3.50 up pr M
“ 1 Do Blue 7
137 01
deduct 1 rm. ruled [forward? ] 734 12967 *1 rm ruled Ext on hand
[B 254a]
1858 Angel Voices — Thurston 500 June 22 3 Rms 25 x 26. 36. 16. 5 76 17 28
July Binding 5 Tokens780 35400 00
Cop’t 10 % 1875 7503 Cost 15 Sells 371/2
[1858 ] Tom Brown’s School Days. — Thurston 519 3d Stereo. Edn.
June 18 10 Rms. 22 x 37. 50 13. 6 50 65.
July 1Binding 18 Tokens 80 1413130 40 10 5190 June 12 Stereo. g 8 pps Preface 8 56 Cost 26 1/2 Sells $1.00 [B 254c]
[1858]EdnHillard’s Italy 524 Thurston July 27914 Rms 22 x 3780 45.19 6 84 Aug. 24 Toke[n]s Binding 10 5020
Cop’t 15 75 228 20
Cost 46 — Sells 1.50
[B 255a]
1858. Sir Launfal-Lowell Metcalf 500. July 20 1 3/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29- 36. 5 575
2Binding Tokens880401 00 60
Cop’t 3 15 65.35 Cost 12 1/2 Sells 25
[B 255b]
[1858 ]ByPrayers & Hymns 327 Rev'd C. A Bartol — Thurston Stereotyped for a/c West — Chh
pps. 105.426 Ems. 80 84.34 3140Boxes 75 2.25 86 59
9Binding Tokens 80 7 20 8 2616 139.95
June 30 37/20 Rms 17 1/2 x 28 36. 6 20 00
Stereo g - 95.25 Printing 30.03 Sells 37 1/2
Binding 27. 152.28 Ch’d West Chh. Boston — $152.28
The editors have been unable to identify this title as either written or edited by the Rev. C. A. Bartol. Since he was the minister of the West Church, and that church had from time to time issued collections of such types of work, he may well be
associated with the compilation. A collection of hymns .. . for the use of the
434 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS West Society, first published in 1783 and in various editions afterward; A collection of psalms and hymns. Compiled by a committee of the West Parish, first published in 1823; and Hymns for the sanctuary, 1849, are three titles issued by and for the use of the West Church. The entry may refer to an 1858 edition of one of these or
it may be an independent venture of similar nature. [B 255c] [Omitted here is a crossed-out entry marked “error.” It is a duplicate of B 260c. ] [B 256a]
1858 Forest Exiles Reid Thurston 200
26 15 Tokens 80 .17 12 50 00 Plates 31/2
July 15 8 13/20 Rms 20 1/2 x 36. 45. 13. 5.85 50 60
Binding 121/2 6250 14260 Cost 29 Sells 75
[B 256b]
[1858 ] Hiawatha — Longfellow. 1000 Metcalf & Co 42,950[ total ] July 17 15 11/20 Rms 22 x 38. 15 8.10 125 95
26 28 Tokens1080100 22 00 40 Binding Cop’t 15 15000 39835 Cost 40 Sells 1.00
[B 256c]
[1858] Peg Woffington Metcalf & Co 500 July 17 7 10/20 Rms 22 x 37- 50 - 13. 6.50 48 75
26 13 Tokens10805010108 40 15 Binding Cost 22 Sells 75
[B 257a]
1858. King[s ]ley’s, Charles 2000 Miscellanies. 1 Vol. 12 Mo. 468 pps. — Houghton
July 27 44 4/20 Rms. 241/2x 40. 40. 50. 6.75 298 35
608.259 ems. @ 48. 291 96
Sept 20 20 Sig. 42. qrs. 80 tokens 80 64 00
Binding 12 240 00 Early Sheets £ 20 - 10000 994.31 Cost 53 Sells 1.25 Published 1858
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 435 Kingsley, Charles, Sir Walter Raleigh and his time, with other papers 1 vol. 12mo [4],46lpp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1859 [gen.lit. repr. | A London edition, published in two volumes in 1859, was entitled Miscellanies; hence the designation in the entry. The Boston Sir Walter Raleigh was made up of selections from the two volumes of the London edition. In 1860, Ticknor and
Fields, in a volume entitled New miscellanies, published the remainder of the contents of the London 1859 edition.
[B 257b]
[1858 ] Hyperion — Longfellow 500 14 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 32. 4.25 59 50
July 28 19th Edn Metcalf
Aug 10 25 Tokens 00 Binding 1080502000
Cop’t 20 10000 229.50 Cost 45 Sells 1.00 [B 257c]
[1858] The Betrothal. — Thurston. 280
25 13 Tokens10 8028 10 6054 40 Binding
Aug. 10 4 2/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 40. 13 1/2 5.40 22 14
Cost 22 Sells 75
[B 258a]
1858 Smith’s, Alex. [City] Poems. Thurston 314
Aug 10 4 8/20 Rms 18 1/2 x 29. 36. 4.68 20 59
. 12Binding Tokens 80 9 60 10 31 40 61.59
Cost 20 _—— Sells 50
[B 258b]
[1858 ] The Age: A Satire — 1500 By Philip James Bailey 1 Vol. 16 Mo. 211 pps Stereo’'d by Houghton & Co
226.825. Ems L. P. @ 75. 170 12
13 1/2 Sig. 5 boxes. 75 375 17387
Thurston. Pr.
1 12/20 12 48 I5 3/20 “ “ “os “es
July 29 13 11/20 Rms. 23 x 37. 60. 7 80 105 69
9Binding Sig. 27 Tokens 80 2100 60 10 150
£30 — for Early Sheets 15000 43977 Cost 31 1/2. — Sells 75 Pub’d Aug. 1858
Bailey, Philip J., The age; a colloquial satire 1 vol. 16mo [4],208pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [ poet. repr. ] [B 258c]
[1858 ] Catalogue — Houghton
12 pps. 4 Rms 22 x 37. 54. 7 28
Alterations & Printing —
[B 259a]
1858. History of My Pets G. G[reenwood |.Thurston 500
25 Plates 5 Tokens 80 400 2 10 00 Binding 10 5010628 00 Cop’t 5 2500 Cost 22 Sells 50
Aug 14 3 Rms 26 x 28. 48 - 12. 5.76 17 28
[B 259b]
[1858 ] My Childhood. G. G[reenwood | 1000. White Pr
14 Tokens 80 11 20 Plates 2 20 00 Binding 10 100 00 Cop’t 61/2 65.00 23998
Aug. 27 71/2 Rms 26 x 28. 48. 12. 5 76 43 78
Cost 24. — Sells 50
[B 259c]
[1858 | Wonder Book — Hawthorne 1000 Thurston Pr. Aug 17 12 3/20 Rms 20 1/2 x 36. 50. 650 78 97
Sept 3. 22 Tokens 80 1700 60 Plates 2 20 Binding 121/2 125316.57 00 Cop’t 71/2 7500 Cost 32 Sells 75
THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS 437 [B 259d] [1858] Aug 17. Cuts to Wonder Book My Pets & Childhood 1000 Ea — 2 8/20. [Rms] 26 x 28. 28.80
[B 260a]
1858. Miles Standish’s 5280 Courtship & other Poems by H. W. Longfellow
pps. Metcalf & Co
Aug 52 Rms. 22 x 38. 54. 14. 7.56 393 12
94 1/2 Tokens 7) 7020 87 Binding 9 475 Cop’t 75000 1689.19 Cost 15 34¢ ¢. Sells 75 , Published, Octo 16. 1858
Longfellow, Henry W., The courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems I vol. 12mo [111 ]-iv,[7]-215pp. Electrotyped and printed by Metcalf & Co. Copy-
righted by H. W. Longfellow, 1858. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [ poet. Amer. | The volume was ready for publication six weeks earlier but was deferred to give the English publishers, to whom Ticknor and Fields had sold the early sheets for £150, time to print. (Letter Books, Foreign, Vol. IV, pp. 414, 427.) [B 260b]
[1858 ] Longfellow’s Poems 1000. 32 Mo. Houghton
28 50 Tokens 80 40 00 Portrait [per hundred] 9 900
July 15 27 12/20 Rms 22 3/4 x 29. 30. 15. 4.50 124 20
2Copt Vols.17 Binding 26 260608 00 20 1/2 17500
Cost 61 — Sells 1.75.
[B 260c]
[1858] De Quincey’s Letters 500 to a Young Man _ Thurston
July 7 10/20 Rms. 22 x 37- 50 - 13 - 6.50 48 75
Aug. 13 Tokens 10 80 10 [sic] Binding 5048 109 15 [B 26la]
1858 Tennyson’s Poems 1000. 32 Mo. Houghton
3] 34 Tokens 80 9 27 9 20 Portrait.
July 23 18 3/4 Rms 22 3/4 x 29. 30. 15. 450 84 37
Binding 14 140 260 57 Cost 26 ¢. Sells 75
[B 261b]
[1858 ] Jameson’s Diary Houghton & Co 500
Aug. 14 6 7/20 Rms 22 3/4 x 29. 40. 15 6 38 10
Sept 7Plate 11 [per Tokens 80 89 450 80 thousand] Binding 13 65— 116.40 Cost 24 — Sells 75
[B 26Ic]
[1858] Tom Brown’s School Days. 6th Edn. 500 Thurston
Aug 27 10 Rms 22 x 37 50. 13. 650 65 Sept. 10 18 Tokens 40 40 Binding 10 80 5014 129 Cost 26 Sells 1.00
[B 261d]
[1858 ] Catalogue for Miles St’ sh.
Aug 27 3 Rms 22 x 37. 60. 7 80 23 40
Sept 7 6 Tokens 80 480 2820 5760 Cops
[B 262a]
1858. DeReminiscences Quincey’s Literary 500 2 Vols. Sept 10 Stereotyped by Thurston
Vol. I. 370 pps 414.420 Ems 70 290 09
Vol. II 341 “ 383.100 “ 70 268 17
16 boxes 75 12 570 26
Thurston, Pr.
Sept 21 17 7/20 Rms 22 x 37 - 50 — 13. 650 112 78
V. 1.15 16.“ Sig. Vill 15 “16 Pores 31 @ 80 24 80
Binding 20 100 237 58
Cost 48 = Sells 1.50
[B 262b] [Omitted here is an entry which is an inadvertent duplication of B 246b.]
[1858] Tom Brown—/7th Edn Thurston. 1000
20 36 Tokens1080100 28.80 Binding 00
Octo 6 19 17/20 Rms 22 x 37. 50 13. 650 129 03
Altering . Edn 37. 258 20 Cost 26. Sells 75
[B 263a]
1858 A Journey Due 2000 North, Being Notes of a Residence in Russia By George Augustus Sala.
Aug 31 464 pps. 16 mo Houghton & Co
Sept 17 44 4/20 Rms. 22 x 37. 45. 5.85 258 58 426.070. Ems L P. @ 48 204 52 20 Sig. 42 Qrs. 80 Tokens 80 64 00
Binding ll ¢ 22000 74710 Cost, 40 Sells $1.00
Published, Sept 24 1858.
Sala, George A. H., A journey due north; being notes of a residence in Russia 1 vol. 16mo [vii ]—viii,459pp. No copyright notice. Ticknor and Fields, 1858 [trav. repr. ]
[B 263b]
[1858] Boy Hunters Thurston 531
Sept 7 8 13/20 Rms 20 1/2 x 36. 45. 13. 5 85. 50 60
13 16 Tokens @ 8017 1250 80 Plates 31/2
Binding : 121/2 6250 14340 Cost — 29 — — Sells 75
[B 263c]
[1858] White Lies — Houghton 500-
20 Binding 25 Tokens I] 80 55 20.
Sept 7 14 9/20 Rms 22 x 37 1/2 45. 13 5 85 84 52
Copt 121/2 6250 22202 Cost. 45 = Sells 1.25
440 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS [B 264, 265] Books Sent ea to Library of Congress
1856 & Smithsonian Institute
Apl 21 2 Mrs Mowatts Plays
2 Hillard’s Six months in Italy 2 Longfellows Hiawatha 2 Ritchies’ Mimic Life 2 Magicians Show Box
2 Mrs Turner's Christian Church 2 Cha’s Sumners Recent Speeches
2 Dealings with the Dead
2 A Forest Tragedy by Grace Greenwood
2 Famous Old Stories * 2 Lowell’s Sermons 2 Vols 2 Yriarte’s Literary Fables
2 Whittiers Panorama
2 Taylors Poems of the Orient
2 Do Do Home & Travel May 23 2 Longfellow’s Poems illustrated ?
June 3 2 Monaldi by W Allston
2 Channings Oratory & Rhetoric
Dec. 15 2 Life of Fremont by Upham “* 2 Seed grain by Mrs Lowell 2 Vols
- 2 Boker’s Poems — 2 Vols
. 2 Charicles by J P. Quincey 2 Faust by Cha’s T Brooks. . 2 Physicians Vacation
Poems 4to (Routledge) ° .““ 222Longfellows’ “Evangeline “" . Poems 32 mo.
1858. Certificate Recd Jany 8 2 Physician’s Vacation Words for the Stories Hour *.*. 22 Grandmother’s
Prose .*. 222 Longfellow’s Worlds Own Poems * " .. 22 Whittiers Rosa’s Poems Mann’s Cookery-" "“ 2 Parthenia 2 Stories &Roses Legends". "“ 2 Twin Feby 9 2 Lowells Poems 2 v 32 mo . . 1 “Famous Old Stories.” Probably one of Hawthorne’s juveniles. 2“Longfellow’s Poems illustrated.” The Bogue illustrated edition. 3 The Routledge edition is not entered in the Cost Books. 4 Whittier’s Poems. Probably the 32mo Blue and Gold edition.
1858 Trelawneys Recoll’ns. 500 of Shelly [sic] & Byron
Sept 29, Stereo’d by Hobart ¢» Robbins 296. 2/10 pps L P. 248.808
58/10 “ Min 10 080
70 ¢ 181 22 5 boxes.258.75888,375 184.97 Houghton Pr.
Sept. 29 7 1/2 Rms. 22 x 37 1/2 13. 50 6.50 48 75
Octo 6. 13 Sig. 11 qrs 14 tokens. 80 11 20
Binding 10 5000 109.95 Cost 22 ¢. Sells. 75.
[B 266b]
[1858] Miles Standish 5000 & C. 2d Edn. To date — 10.280 Metcalf & Co
Sept 25 49 14/20 Rms. 22 x 38. 54. 15. 8.10 402 87 Octo 2d 90 Tokens 67 50 Copy,t 157)750
Binding 9 450 1670 37
Cost. 33 1/2 Sells 75
[B 266c]
[1858 ] Catalogues for “Miles.” 12 pps 19,000* or 9 500*
Octo 3 3 Rms. 22 x 37. 60 7.80 23 40
21 000 Ems. 50 Alterations —1050 225 16 pps
16 20 Rms. 18 1/2 — 29. 40. 13 5 20 104
38 Tokens 70 2660 16635
* Added in pencil.
[B 267a]
1855 R. M. Edwards ODr..
Cuts Desert Home 12
Augs. Curious Stories 6 6 “ Boys of Australia Sept 14 Boy Hunters 12 14 Young Voyageurs 12
1858. Miles Standish 10,000 Octo 15 3d Edn 20280 to date Metcalf to
20 99 9/20 Rms. 22 x 38. 54. 14. 7 56 748 48
180 TokensO¢ 70 900 126. Binding Copt 11 1/4 1125 = 2.899.48 Cost 29. Sells 75 ¢
[B 267c]
[1858 ]4thMiles Standish 5000 Edn. 25.280 to date Metcalf
Nov 8Binding 90 Tokens970 63. 450
Octo 20 49 14/20 Rms. 22 x 38. 54. 14. 7 56 367 21
Copt. 111/4 56250 144271
Cost 29. Sells 75
[B 268a ]
1855 Stereotype Plates at Returned Metcalf & Co’s. Cambridge
May Christie Johnstone 7 Boxes June 15 Peg Woffington 7 Boxes
Oct 9 Tennyson's Poems 10 Boxes to Thurston [B 268b]
1858 Bumstead’s 2d Reader, 2100
Binding 3 ¢ 663. Covers 3 ms. 30
Sept 9 16 Rms. 25 x 26. 32. 11. 3.52 56 32
Copt. 1 8 36 ¢m
Octo. Cost 2 30 Tokens 60 18 179.62 8 ¢. 8 ms. Sells 17. Sept. 9 1 4/20 for Covers &C Damrell & M Printing - 4.20 [B 269]
1855 — Wood Cuts in the hands No. of G. C. Rand 12 Desert Home tr[ansferred] to Edwards 12 Boy Hunters s “ Edwards Sep. 14/.56 [55?] 12 Young Voyageurs Edwards Sep. 14. 15 [sic]
2 Forest Exiles
7 Hawthornes Wonder Bk Edwards 7 Tanglewood Tales.
4 True Stories. Edwards 6 My Pets
6 Recollections Childhood
6 Fairy Land Aunt Effie’s Rhymes 4 London Doll
4 Doll & Her Friends 4 Tales from Catland 4 Story of An Apple 8 Mem’b.1 Women ] My Two Sisters 6 Clovernook Children ] Alfords Poems 12 Merrie England [B 270]
1855 Stereotype Plates at Thurston & T’s.
Feby 21 Boys of Australia . . ... 6 Boxes
Mar. 10 Saxe’s Poems te ee 3 Boxes Apl 6/55 * Tennyson’s Do. 2 Vols. . . 10 Boxes Apl 6 / 55 22 Alice Carey’s Poems . .. . 9 Boxes
Apl 3 Holmes’ Poems 5 Boxes 6 De Quincey, Narrative & Mis. Papers 13 Boxes
May 3 Putnams Receipts 4 Boxes
. Angel Voices 2 Boxes Apl 11 History of Pets 2 Boxes
May 31 Lyteria (belong to J P.Q) 2 Boxes June 5 Mowatt’s Plays (“ Mrs Ritchie) 3 Boxes
. Peg Wofhngton 7 Boxes. to Metcalf June 15
Hillards Italy 1 Vol 12 Boxes July 13 Hawthornes True Stories 6 Boxes June 18 De Quinceys Note Book. 6 Boxes
July 27 Desert Home66Boxes Boxes “ Boy Hunters
. Wonder Book 4 Boxes Oct. 22 Bayard Taylor — Home & Travel 4 Boxes Nov. 2 . i. Orient 4 Boxes 1856
Jay 18 Young Voyageurs 6 Boxes [B 271] Engravings in the hands of Rob’t Andrews.
JanyHead 1. 1855 —— Jany 1, 1855 of Holmes — In the hands of T R Holland & Co
Mitford — Head of Hawthorne
Buckingham Saxe to Andrews Mowatt Pierce — Grace Greenwood Hamlin De Quincey B. Cornwall Tennyson Burke —
Vignette to G[race] G[reenwood | Sprague Saxe
Longfellow $50.
Landor $50.
For some reason, well over a hundred of the firm’s publications were not entered in the Cost Books. None of the periodicals was listed. Of the other omissions, many were pamphlets or works published on commission. Nevertheless, important works were sometimes left out —e.g., Lydia Child’s Appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans [09|—or popular and oft reprinted volumes — such as L. B. Coles’, The philosophy of health [073]. The following list was compiled from the firm’s trade catalogues, from newspaper advertisements, statements in trade journals, and reviews in literary magazines. No work has been included except such as has actually been seen, save in a very few cases where there can be no reasonable doubt that the volume was actually published. While no one would have the temerity to boast that every title has been found, it can be safely assumed that by far the most of them have been, and all of the important ones. The periodicals have been placed first; then
under imprint and date follow the books and pamphlets. Prriopicats, 1832-1835 [01] The American annals of education, August 1 [?], 1832—December 15, 1835 8vo Issued twice a month, 1832; monthly, 1833-1835. Edited and copyrighted by
William C. Woodbridge. No printer given for 1832; printed by I. R. Butts, 1833, and by Light & Horton, 1834, 1835. The bound volumes, II and III, for 1832 and 1833 have the imprint of Allen and Ticknor; volumes IV and V, for 1834 and 1835, William D. Ticknor. [02 ]
Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine, January, 1833—June, 1834
8vo Issued monthly. No copyright notice and no printers given. An American reprint of the British periodical. The bound volumes, I and II, issued in 1833; volume III, in 1834. All have the imprint of Allen and Ticknor. [03 ]
The juvenile miscellany, March, 1833—August, 1834
16mo Issued every two months. Edited by Lydia M. Child. No copyright notice and no printers given. The bound volume, IV, 3rd series, issued in 1833; volumes V and VI, 3rd series, issued in 1834. All have the imprint of Allen and Ticknor. [04 ]
The juvenile rambler, July 25, 1832-July 3, 1833
4to Issued weekly. No editor given. No copyright notice and no printers given. The bound volume I, issued in 1832; volume II, in 1833. Both have the imprint
446 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS of Allen and Ticknor. The first appearance of the Ticknor imprint on any publication was the issue of July 25, 1832 of this periodical. [05 ]
The medical magazine, July, 1832-June, 1835
8vo Issued monthly. Edited by A. L. Pierson, J. B. Flint, and E. Bartlett. No copyright notice and no printers given. The bound volumes, I and II, for 1833 and 1834 have the imprint of Allen and Ticknor; volume IV, for 1835, William D.
Ticknor. .
[06] The naturalist, August, 1832—December, 1832
8vo Issued monthly. Edited by D. J. Browne. No copyright notice. Printed by Kane & Co. The bound volume IJ, bears the imprint of Allen and Ticknor and P. Hill, N. Y., 1832. [07] The new monthly magazine, January, 1833-June, 1834
8vo Issued monthly. No copyright notice and no printers given. An American reprint of the British periodical. The bound volumes, I and II, issued in 1833; volume III, in 1834. All have the imprint of Allen and Ticknor, Charles S. Francis, N. Y., and Carey and Hart, Phila. [08 ]
Scientific tracts, August 15, 1832—December 15, 1835
8vo Issued twice a month. Edited by Josiah Holbrook and others, August 15 to December 15, 1832; by Jerome V. C. Smith, January 1, 1833 to June 15, 1834; and probably by him July 1, 1834 to December 15, 1835. No copyright notice, except volume I, new series, by Allen & Ticknor, 1834. The bound volumes, II and III, were printed by I. R. Butts and have the imprint of Allen and Ticknor, 1832 and 1833. Volume I, new series, was printed by George W. Light at the Lyceum Press,
and has the imprint of Allen and Ticknor, 1834. Volumes IJ, III, and IV, new series, 1834, 1835, have the imprint of William D. Ticknor. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS
ALLEN AND TicKNnor, 1833 [09 ]
Child, [Lydia M.], An appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans. By Mrs, Child 1 vol. 12mo [6],232pp. Copyrighted by Allen & Ticknor, 1833. Printed by Tuttle & Weeks. A frontispiece is engraved by Andrews, Ormsby & Co. and Carter,
Andrews & Co. and printed by R. Neale. [soc.Amer. ] [010]
[Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s story of Alice Gray [juv-Amer. |
APPENDIX A 4477 [011] [ Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s story of Robert Seaboy, the bird robber
1 vol. sql6mo l6pp. Copyrighted by S. G. Goodrich, 1833. No printer given. [juv.Amer. ] [012]
[Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s story of the freshet [juv.Amer. ] [013]
[Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s story of the little gardener [juv.Amer. | [014]
[Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s story of the little wanderers I vol. sql6mo Copyrighted by S. G. Goodrich, 1833. No printer given. [juv.Amer. ] [015]
[Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s story of the orphans [juv.Amer. | [016]
[Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s story of the two friends [juv.Amer. ] [017]
[Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s story of the umbrella and the tiger 1 vol. sql6mo l6pp. Copyrighted by S. G. Goodrich, 1833. No printer given. [juv.Amer. | The above eight volumes of Peter Parley’s stories [010-017] were first listed as published by Allen and Ticknor on the back outside cover of its Peter Parley’s story of the little wanderer. They were kept on its list of publications as Parley’s small picture books, priced at $9.00 per gross, as late as June 1, 1845. Only three of the volumes have been found but there is no reason to doubt the existence of the remaining five. Robert Seaboy [011] is in the Library of Yale University. [018]
[Snelling, William J.], Tales of travel west of the Mississippi . . . By Solomon Bell | pseud.| This volume was listed in 1833 by Allen and Ticknor as one of their publications though no copy has been found. The Cost Books [A 9c, A 9d] have an entry for two of the other titles of this series and it is probable that this volume also bears
the firm’s imprint. [juv.Amer. | ALLEN AND TickNor, 1834
Child, [Lydia M.], The oasis. Edited by Mrs. Child 1 vol. 18mo [iii]-xvi,276pp. Copyrighted by Allen & Ticknor, 1834. Printed by
Tuttle & Weeks. [ gen.lit.Amer. ] Some copies give Benjamin C. Bacon, 1834, as the publisher.
448 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS [020] Collier, William R., An essay on the currency; in which is proposed the enactment,
by Congress, of a general bank law
pamphlet 8vo [3]-5lpp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [econ.Amer.] [021]
[Goodrich, Samuel G.], Peter Parley’s spelling book The only copy traced was in the Mercantile Library Company of Philadelphia. It was discarded many years ago. The Bookseller’s Advertiser and Monthly Register, Vol. 1, no. 12, December, 1834, p. 93, described it as an 18mo, of 165pp. with
the imprint of Allen and Ticknor, 1834. It sold for twenty cents. It was illustrated. [022]
Guizot, [Elizabeth C. P.], Caroline, ou l’effet d'un malheur, a tale for young persons. By Madame Guizot 1 vol. 18mo [5]-83pp. Copyrighted by Allen & Ticknor, 1834. Printed by I. R.
Butts. [ text, Amer. | This was No. 3 in the French reading book series. [023]
Hale, Sarah J., The school song book. Adapted to the scenes of the school room. Written for American children and youth I vol. 18mo [iit ]—vii,[9 ]—7lpp. Copyrighted by S. J. Hale, 1834. No printer given. [ text, Amer. |
No music is given. Mrs. Hale’s anti-slavery sentiments cropped out on occasion. In the poem, “My Native Land” (p. 60), at the line, “And all are free,” there is a footnote which says, “All but two millions.” [024]
McLellan, I[saac], jr., Journal of a residence in Scotland, and tour through England, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, with a memoir of the author, and extracts from his religious papers. Compiled from the manuscripts of the late Henry B. McLellan 1 vol. 12mo [vii ]-xvi,377,[1]pp. Copyrighted by Allen & Ticknor, 1834. Printed
by Tuttle & Weeks. [travel,Amer. | Wiuiam D. Ticknor, 1835 [025 ]
Blake, John L., The parlor book; or, family encyclopedia of useful knowledge and general literature. Containing about four thousand articles, upon scientific and popular subjects, designed for instruction and amusement. Ornamented with fine colored engravings 1 vol. large8vo [2],960pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. _[ref-repr. ]
APPENDIX A 449 [026]
Goodrich, S[amuel] G., The benefits of industry. An address delivered before the inhabitants of Jamaica Plain, July 4, 1835 pamphlet 8vo [3]-28pp. No copyright notice. Printed by William A. Hall & Co.
[027] ,
[ad.Amer. ]
Martineau, Harriet, Illustrations of political economy. No. XIX. Sowers not reapers. A tale . . . Stereotype edition
1 vol. 18mo [3]-186pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [fict.repr. ] Most of the volumes in this series bear the imprint of Leonard C. Bowles. [028]
Sforzosi, Luigi, Tesoretto dello studenti della lingua italiana. O, raccolta di brevi e dilettevoli aneddoti, cogli accenti di prosodia collocati sopra ogni parola...e
con note explicative in inglese . . . da FrancescoM.G.S... . Presso Guglielmo D. Ticknor I vol. 12mo [8],13lpp. Copyrighted by F. M. J. Saurault, 1835. Printed by S. N.
Dickinson. [text,repr.Amer. | There is also an English title page reading, “The little treasure of the student of the Italian language, or collection of short and pleasant anecdotes . . . with explanatory notes in English by F. M. J. Saurault .. .” WituiamM D. Ticknor, 1836 [028a |
Wordsworth, William, Yarrow revisted, and other poems ... Second edition 1 vol. 12mo_ [vii ]—xii,[1],18-244pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Tuttle,
Weeks & Dennett. [ poet. repr. |
Though called a “Second Edition,” this is the same issue, with a changed title page, as that of James Munroe and Co., 1835. Wituiam TD. Tickxnor, 1837 [029 ]
Adams, C[harles] F., Further reflections upon the state of the currency in the United States pamphlet 8vo [3]—41pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Marden & Kimball. [econ.Amer. ] [030]
Bartrum, Joseph P., Arithmetic in the ancient order, fully yet familiarly, demonstrated ... Prepared for superior schools; and forming a complete guide to selfinstruction by persons beyond .. . pupilage 1 vol. 12mo [v]—xix,l,316pp. Copyrighted by Charles Folsom, 1837. Printed by
Folsom, Wells & Thurston. [ text, Amer. |
450 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Wituiam D. Ticxnor, 1838 [031]
Annual report of the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, presented by the board of directors at the thirty-sixth anniversary in Boston, May 31, A.D. 1838 pamphlet 8vo [3]—48pp. No copyright notice. Printed by William S. Damrell. [relig.Amer. ] [032]
Bartlett, Elisha, The head and the heart, or the relative importance of intellectual and moral education; a lecture, delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, in Lowell, Aug., 1838
pamphlet 8vo [3]—20pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [ad.Amer.] [033 ]
[ Russell, William], 4 lecture on elocution, introductory to a course of readings and
recitations, delivered at the Temple [Boston], in the months of February and March [1838] pamphlet 8vo [3]—26pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Marden & Kimball. [ad.Amer. ] [034 ]
Stone, John S., Considerations on the case of the poor in large cities. A discourse
delivered before the Boston Children’s Friend Society, at their fourth annual meeting, in Old South Church, December 10, 1837 pamphlet 8vo [5]—28pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Marden & Kimball. [ad.Amer. ]
Wititiam D. Ticxnor, 1839 [035]
The lectures delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Lowell, August 1838; including the journal of proceedings, and a list of the officers... 1 vol. 8vo [iii]—xxiv,[3]—187pp. No copyright notice. Printed by I. R. Butts. [educ.Amer. | [036] Lisfranc [de St. Martin, Jacques], Diseases of the uterus, a series of clinical lectures,
delivered at the Hospital La Pitié . . . Edited by H. Pauly, M.D. Translated from the French by G. Henry Lodge, M.D. 1 vol. 8vo [iii ]—xii,[13]-401pp. Copyrighted by G. H. Lodge, 1839. No printer
given. [med.Amer.repr. | Another edition was published by William D. Ticknor and Co., 1846
Witiram D. Ticxnor, 1841 [037]
Goodrich, S[amuel] G., Sketches from a student's window 1 vol. 12mo [v]-viii,[9]-3llpp. Copyrighted by S. G. Goodrich, 1841. Printed
by S. N. Dickinson. [ gen.lit.Amer. |
APPENDIX A 451 [038]
Goodrich, S[amuel] G., ed.. The token and Atlantic souvenir, a Christmas and New Year's present
I vol. 16mo [3]-272pp. Copyrighted by S. G. Goodrich, 1840. Printed by Fol- | som, Wells & Thurston; stereotyped at the Boston Type & Stereotype Foundry. [ gen.lit.Amer. }
Mann, Horace, A lecture on the best mode of preparing and using spelling-books, delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, August, 1841 pamphlet 16mo 40pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. The cover serves
as a title page. {ad.Amer. ] [040]
Taste; a suggestive essay. By Discipulus
1 vol. 32mo [5]-93pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [relig-Amer. ] Witii1aM D. Ticknor, 1842 [041]
Emerson, George B., Moral education. A lecture delivered at New Bedford, August 16, 1842, before the American Institute of Instruction
pamphlet 16mo 35pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [ad.Amer. | Wituram D. Ticknor, 1843 [042]
Dante Alighieri, The first ten cantos of the Inferno . .. Newly translated into English verse [by Thomas W. Parsons |
Lewis. [ poet.repr.Amer. | pamphlet 8vo [5]-83pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Wm. White & H. P. Ticknor and Fields published another edition in 1857. [043 ]
M’Lellan, Issac, jr.. Mount Auburn, and other poems 1 vol. 16mo [4],[3]—156pp. Copyrighted by I. M’Lellan, 1843. Printed by I. R.
Butts. [ poet.Amer. | Witiiam D. TickNnor aAnp Co., 1843 [044]
[Dix, William G.], 42 American tract for the times: being an humble but earnest plea in behalf of common sense .. . pamphlet 12mo [3]-22pp. Copyrighted by W. D. Ticknor & Co., 1843. Printed
by Thurston, Torry & Co. [educ.Amer. ] [045 |
Mudge, Joseph B., The American drawing book, the Palisades from the landing of Fort Lee, N. river, New York
452 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS I vol. folio Not paged, but with 25 lithograph plates. Copyrighted by B. W.
rapher. [ tech.Amer. ] Mudge, so. N. Y. District, 1843. Mudge, who drew the plates, was also the lithog-
Wiiuiam D. Ticknor anp Co., 1844 [046]
Day, Charles W., Hints on etiquette and the usages of society; with a glance at bad
habits ... Adapted to American society 1 vol. 18mo [5]-157pp. Copyrighted by O. C. B. Carter, 1843. Stereotyped at the
Boston Type & Stereotype Foundry [etiq.repr.Amer. ] [047]
Howard, Roger S., A few of the “hows” of school-keeping, a lecture delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at their fourteenth anniversary, at Pittsfield, Ms.
pamphlet 8vo [3]—28pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [ad.Amer. ] [048]
Tappan, William B., The daughter of the isles, and other poems 1 vol. 32mo [5]-256pp. Copyrighted by W. D. Ticknor & Co., 1844. Printed by
S. N. Dickinson. [ poet.Amer. ] Witiiam D. Ticknor anp Co., 1845 [049]
Hawes, Joel, “A looking-glass for ladies,” or the formation and excellence of the female character. An address delivered at the eighth anniversary of the Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary, South Hadley, Mass., July 31,184) ... pamphlet 8vo 24pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. Other copies of this pamphlet, issued apparently somewhat later, are 16mo in size, [3 ]-28pp., without
copyright notice or imprint of printer, and read, “. . . An address delivered at
Hartford, on Sunday evening, August 24, 1845.” [ad.Amer. | [050]
Hood, Charles, Gonzalvo: or the fall of Granada 1 vol. 16mo [4],[3]-377pp. Copyrighted by C. Hood, 1844. Printed by Freeman
& Bolles. [ poet.Amer. |
gravings . [051]
Little stories for little folks. Translated from the German. With twelve en-
No copy has been found. It was included on Ticknor and Co.’s list of juvenile
publications from 1845 to 1847. [juv.repr.? |
APPENDIX A 453 [052]
Louis, P. C. A., Anatomical, pathological and therapeutic researches in the yellow
fever of Gibraltar in 1828. From observations taken by himself and M. Trous-
seau... Translated by G. C. Shattuck All the copies seen have the imprint of Little and Brown, 1839. It was first included on Ticknor and Co.’s list of publications in 1845 and kept in its advertisements until 1847. It was described as an 8vo and is probably a second edition. [med.repr.Amer. ] [053]
Mother's lessons for little girls and boys. By a lady of Boston. Second edition 1 vol. l6mo Copyrighted by F. and J. Andrews, 1844. Printed by the Traveler’s
Press. [juv.Amer. |
The only copy seen was in the now dispersed library of the late Miss Caroline Ticknor. [054]
Sumner, Charles, The true grandeur of nations: an oration delivered before the authorities of the city of Boston, July 4, 1845 pamphlet 8vo [4],104pp. No copyright notice. Printed at Eastburn’s Press. [ad.Amer. | This is the second printing. The first edition was issued by the city printer, J. H. Eastburn, 1845. The American Peace Society issued a second edition in 1845. [055]
Twenty-eighth annual report of the Boston Fatherless and Widows’ Society. Instituted, January, 1817.— Incorporated, 1837 pamphlet 1l6mo [3]-17,[1]pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry
& Co. [soc.Amer. ] WititiaAm D. Ticknor AND Co., 1846 [056]
Cushman, R[obert] W., 4 calm review of the measures employed in the religious awakening in Boston, in 1842. Being a discourse delivered in Bowdoin Square Church, June 28, 1846 pamphlet 8vo [5]-28pp. Copyrighted by W. D. Ticknor & Co., 1846. Printed by
S. N. Dickinson & Co. [ad.Amer. | [057]
[Dix, William G., ed.], Wreck of the Glide; with an account of life and manners at the Fijit tslands
1 vol. 16mo [13]-122pp. Copyrighted by W. G. Dix, 1846. Stereotyped by George A. Curtis, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry. [trav-Amer. | The Library of Congress gives Dix as the editor of this edition and as a joint author, with James Oliver, of Wiley and Putnam’s 1848, New York edition.
Howe, S[amuel] G., An essay on separate and congregate systems of prison discipline; being a report made to the Boston Prison Discipline Society pamphlet 8vo [iii ]—xi,l,90pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [soc.Amer. ] This pamphlet was also issued as: Report of a minority of the special committee of the Boston Prison Discipline Society, appointed at the annual meeting, May 27, 1845, The pagination and the contents of the two pamphlets are the same. The printer of the Report, however, is given as Metcalf & Co. [059]
Proceedings of the Massachusetts Baptist Convention, at the meeting in Salem, October 28-9, 1846
pamphlet 8vo [5]-39pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Putnam. [relig.Amer. ] [060 |
Twenty-ninth annual report of the Boston Fatherless and Widows’ Society. Instituted, January, 1817.— Incorporated, 1837 pamphlet 16mo [3]-12pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Putnam. [soc.Amer. |
WiiutiAM D. TickNor AND Co., 1847 [061 ]
Calvert, George H., Poems 1 vol. 16mo [iti ]—v,[7]-125pp. Copyrighted by G. H. Calvert, 1847. Stereotyped
and printed by Metcalf & Co. [ poet.Amer. ] [ 062 |
[Dix, William G.], The winter evening fireside pamphlet 12mo [3]-36pp. Copyrighted by W. G. Dix, 1847. No printer given. { gen.lit.Amer. | [ 063 |
Jackson, J[ohn] B. S., A descriptive catalogue of the anatomical museum of the Boston Soctety for Medical Improvement 1 vol. 8vo [iii]—xi,],352pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Freeman & Bolles. [sci.Amer. ]
There were ten additional plates bound into the volume, eight of which were lithographed by Sharp, Pierce & Co., one was drawn by T. Edwards and engraved by G. G. Smith, and one was drawn and engraved by G. G. Smith. [ 064 ]
[May, Samuel J.], Lecture on the education of the faculties, and the proper employment of young children, delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Plymouth, Mass., August, 1846 pamphlet 16mo [3]-24pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [ad. Amer.]
APPENDIX A 455 [ 065 ]
Parsons, Theophilus, Essays [First series] . . . Second edition 1 vol. 16mo [5]-18lpp. Copyrighted by O. Clapp, 1845. Printed by Freeman &
Bolles. [ gen.lit-Amer. ] The first edition was published by Otis Clapp, 1845. [ 066 |
Sand, George [pseud.], The countess of Rudolstadt . . . Sequel to “Consuelo” ... Lranslated by Francis G. Shaw 2 vols. 16mo I,[5]-301pp., I,[5]-302pp. Copyrighted by F. G. Shaw, 1846. Stereotyped by George A. Curtis, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry. [ fict.repr.Amer. | [067]
Smith, Matthew H., Counsels addressed to young ladies and young men, young married persons, and young parents, delivered in Washington City, April, 1846 ... With a commendation by ].Q. Adams. Fifth edition 1 vol. 64mo The only copy seen was in the Boston Public Library but only the covers remain. The first three editions, issued in 1846, were printed in Washington, D. C. by Blair and Rives. This frfth edition of Ticknor varies in size, pagina-
tion and slightly in title, from the Washington editions. [ gen.lit.Amer. ] [068 |
Thirtieth annual report of the Boston Fatherless and Widows’ Society. Instituted, January, 1817. — Incorporated, 1837
pamphlet 16mo [3]—12pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Putnam. [soc.Amer. | [ 069 |
Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Volume I 1 vol. 4to [2], [iti ]—x,[11]-102pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Tuttle & Den-
nett. [ sc1.Amer. ] Bound with this volume, though possibly some copies were issued separately, was the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Volume I. The Proceedings has its own title page and is paged separately, thus: [1]—vi,[3 ]-215pp.
Wititiam D. Ticknor AND Co., 1848 [070]
[Bronte, Charlotte], Jane Eyre. An autobiography. By Currer Bell. 1 vol. 12mo No copyright notice. Stereotyped by George A. Curtis, New Eng-
land Type & Stereotype Foundry. [fict.repr. | The only copy seen was in the now dispersed library of the late Miss Caroline Ticknor. Most copies of the Boston edition have the imprint of Wilkins, Carter and Co.
Cantagrel, F., The children at the phalanstery. A familiar dialogue on education. Translated by Francis Geo[rge] Shaw pamphlet 12mo [5]-60pp. Copyrighted by F. G. Shaw, so. N. Y. District, 1848.
Printed by R. Craighead, N. Y. [educ.repr.Amer. | [072]
Channing, Walter, 4 treatise on etherization in childbirth. Illustrated by five hundred and eighty-one cases 1 vol. large8vo [v]—viti,400pp. Copyrighted by W. Channing, 1848. Printed by
John Wilson. [med.Amer. | [073 ]
Coles, L[arkin] B., The philosophy of health; or health without medicine; a treatise on the laws of the human system I vol. 18mo [111 ]—vi,[7]-99pp. Copyrighted by L. B. Coles, 1848. Stereotyped by
George A. Curtis, New England Type & Stereotype Foundry. [med.Amer. ] It is especially curious that no mention is made in the Cost Books of this title. It went through many editions and in 1857 Ticknor and Fields published their 43rd
edition. In November, 1851, the firm stated it had sold 2600 copies. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol. III, p. 346.) [074 ]
Constant, A[Iphonse L.], The last incarnation. Gospel legends of the nineteenth century. Translated by Francis Geo|rge| Shaw pamphlet sqi2mo [5]-93pp. Copyrighted by F. G. Shaw, so. N. Y. District, 1847.
Printed by R. Craighead, N. Y. [relig.repr.Amer. | [075 ]
Dix, William G., Pompeii and other poems 1 vol. 16mo [v]-vi,1/.,[3]-160pp. Copyrighted by W. G. Dix, 1848. Printed by
Metcalf & Co. [ poet.Amer. | Wituiam D. TickNor AND Co., 1849 [076]
The ducks and the frogs, a tale of the bogs. By Fanny Fire-fly. With engravings by Hartwell, from designs by Billings
White & Potter. [juv.Amer. | pamphlet 18mo [7]—30pp. Copyrighted by Alonzo Hartwell, 1848. Printed by
The electrotyper was J. W. Wilcox. [077]
Sargent, Epes, Songs of the sea, with other poems . . . Second edition. 1 vol. 16mo |7]-208pp. Copyrighted by J. Munroe & Co., 1847, No printer given. [ poet.Amer. |
APPENDIX A 457 The binder was B. Bradley, Boston. The first edition was published by James Munroe and Co., 1847. [078]
Warren, John C., Effects of chloroform and strong chloric ether, as narcotic agents pamphlet 12mo [3]-66pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Wilson. [med.Amer. ]
TickNor, ReEep AND Fietps, 1849 [079 ]
Sumner, Charles, The war system of the commonwealth of nations: an address before the American Peace Society . . . May 28th, 1849 pamphlet 8vo [5]~7lpp. No copyright notice. Printed by Abner Forbes. [ad.Amer. | [080 ]
Thirty-second annual report of the Boston Fatherless and Widows’ Society. Instituted, Jan. 1817. — Incorporated, 1837
pamphlet 16mo [5]-l2pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Wilson. [soc.Amer. | TickKNor, REED AND FiEtps, 1850 [081 ]
Clark, Henry G., Ship fever, so-called; its history, nature, and best treatment. The
Fiske Fund prize dissertation for 1849 ... pamphlet 8vo [4],48pp. Copyrighted by T. H. Webb, trustee of the Fiske Fund,
1850. Printed by Thurston, Torry & Co. [med.Amer. ] [082 ]
Florian, J. P. C., Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome ... Translated from the French by J. A. Ferris 1 vol. 12mo [v]—xix, 20-279pp. Copyrighted by J. A. Ferris, 1850. Stereotyped by
the Boston Stereotype Foundry. [ biog.repr.Amer. ] [083 ]
Longfellow, Henry W., Poems
6 vols. 4to I, Voices of the night, [v|—xv,|,[2]-l44pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1841. Printed by Metcalf & Co. I, Ballads and other poems, |v |-xxv, [28]-157pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1842. Printed by Metcalf & Co. III, The Spanish student, [v]-vi,[9]-183pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow,
1843. Printed by Metcalf & Co. IV, The belfry of Bruges and other poems, [v ]—vii,1,[2]-151pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1845. Stereotyped and printed by Metcalf & Co. V, Evangeline, [5]-163pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1847. Stereotyped and printed by Metcalf & Co. VI, The seaside and the fireside, a new edition, {iii]-iv,1l.,[1]-141pp. Copyrighted by H. W. Longfellow, 1849. Stereotyped and printed by Metcalf & Co. See the note on A 171a.
Maturin, Edward, Lyrics of Spain and Erin
I vol. 12mo [8],208pp. Copyrighted by E. Maturin, so. N. Y. District, 1850.
Printed by R. Craighead, N. Y. [ poet.Amer. ] On June 14, 1851, the publishers declared that only a few copies were sold, and that no more were likely to be. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol. III, p. 99.) [085 ]
Thirty-third annual report of the Boston Fatherless and Widows’ Society. Instituted, Jan. 1817. — Incorporated, 1837
pamphlet 16mo [5]-Ilpp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Wilson. [soc.Amer. ]
Ticknor, REED AND Fiexps, 1851 [086 ]
Batchelder, Eugene, Border adventures: or, the romantic incidents of a NewEngland town; and other poems. With an appendix
1 vol. 12mo [7]-48pp. Copyrighted by E. Batchelder, 1850. Printed at the
Chronicle Office [ Cambridge ] [ poet.Amer. ] [087]
Coles, L[arkin] B., The beauties and deformities of tobacco-using, or its ludicrous and its solemn realities
1 vol. 16mo [3]-167pp. Copyrighted by L. B. Coles, 1851. Printed by George C.
Rand and stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins. [med. Amer. ] This work enjoyed a moderate popularity. Ticknor and Fields issued in 1855 what
it termed its “14th thousand.” [088]
[Doughty, Sarah P.], The little child’s friend; by the author of “Rose and her lamb,” “The two new scholars,” &c., &c.
1 vol. sql6mo [iii]-iv,1,[7]-120pp. Copyrighted by David P. Worcester, 1850.
Printed by Alfred Mudge. [juv.Amer. ] [089 ]
Northend, William D., Lecture on the importance of moral and religious education in a republic. Delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Keene, N. H., August, 1851 pamphlet 16mo [3]-22pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [ad.Amer.] [090]
Poore, Ben:P., The early life, and first companions, of Napoleon Bonaparte; with a history of the Bonaparte family, and a review of French politics to the year I 796 pamphlet 8vo [vii ]—viui,[9 ]-41pp. Copyrighted by B. P. Poore, 1851. No printer
given. [biog.Amer.]
APPENDIX A 459 [091]
Stone, A[ndrew] L., The relations of poverty'to human discipline: a discourse preached in the Old South Church before the Howard Benevolent Society, December 15, 1850; being its thirty-eighth anniversary pamphlet 8vo [3]-20pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Wilson. Included
in the pamphlet is a Report of the Society for 1850. [ad.Amer. ] [092 |
Thirty-fourth annual report of the Boston Fatherless and Widows’ Society. Instituted, Jan. 1817. — Incorporated, 1837
pamphlet 16mo [5]-12pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Wilson. [soc.Amer. ]
TickNor, REED AND Frexps, 1852
The indestrucnble books | [093]
There were various sets of the indestructible books, which, bearing the same or similar titles, are difficult to differentiate. Usually each set was in four parts called an A.B.C., or sometimes an Alphabet; a Primer, or sometimes Easy words; a Spelling book; and a Reading book. The most numerous were those issued by Addey and Co., London, all of which, when imported into the United States, have the Boston imprint of Ticknor. Between the autumn of 1851 and 1857, except the one year 1856 when Addey did not manufacture them, Ticknor imported 20,000 copies of the four parts (Letter Books, Foreign, Vols. II-IV, passim; and Domestic, Vol. V, p. 605). Of all these only one part has been located: The indestructible reading book. Illustrated with twelve pictures. Its format is certainly representa-
tive of all the others. It has linen covers and is printed on linen; its size is a sql6mo; there is no title page, the cover serving as such; there is no copyright notice, nor any printer given. The imprint reads Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1852. The back cover advertises the entire series as The indestructible alphabet, The indestructible primer, The indestructible spelling-book, and The indestructible reading book. The first had twenty-six illustrations, the second, forty, and the two last twelve each. When all four parts were bound together in one volume, the result was entitled The indestructible lesson-book. For the year in which Addey did not manufacture, 1856, another series came into existence, — those issued by Joseph Cundall, London. Ticknor thought them substitutes for the Addey issues because they had similar titles, though later he found their format somewhat larger (ibid., Vol. IV, p. 75). No copies have been found but they should have the Ticknor and Fields imprint, at least they should if Cundall followed instructions. The 4.B.C. and the Primer were issued by Cundall in large type form also. A third set of indestructibles, having the same titles as the Addey and Cundall series except that they were called Arthur's indestructible A.B.C., Arthur's indestructible primer, etc., were advertised by Ticknor in the Daily Advertiser, May 17, 1852 and kept on order by him as late as September, 1856 (ibid., p. 171). None
460 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS has been found and it is possible they constitute only a variant title for either the Addey or Cundall juveniles. Finally, a set in five parts, called the Pleasure books, were imported as indestructibles from Joseph Cundall from 1850 to 1856. They clearly comprise a separate series of books but in the orders given for them there is no hint whether they had a Ticknor imprint or not. [094]
[ Rice, George E. and Wainwright, John H.], Ephemera I vol. 12mo [v]-vi,[9]-112pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Stacy & Richard-
son. [ poet. Amer. | [095 ]
(Sharp, Daniel], Service at the fortieth anniversary of the installment of the Rev.
A pril 29, 1852 |
Daniel Sharp, D.D. as pastor of the Charles Street Baptist Church ... Boston, pamphlet 8vo [5]-68pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Ford & Co. [ad.Amer. }
TickNor, REEp AND Fretps, 1853 [ 096}
Bigelow, Jacob, An introductory lecture on the treatment of disease, delivered before the medical class at the Massachusetts Medical College, in Boston, November 3, 1852
Emerson. [ad.Amer. ] pamphlet 8vo [5]-28pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Thurston, Torry & [097]
James, G[eorge] P. R., An oration on the character and services of the late Duke of Wellington: delivered before the British residents of Boston and vicinity, and their American friends, at the Melodeon, Nov. 10, 1852... pamphlet 8vo [2],[3]-46,[1]pp. Copyrighted by G. P. R. James, 1853. Printed
by John Wilson. [ad. Amer. ] The edition numbered 944 copies only 25 of which were sold. (Letter Books, Domestic, March 22, 1854, Vol. V, p. 252.) [098 |
Leigh, E[dwin], The philosophy of medical science, considered with special reference to Dr. Elisha Bartlett’s “Essay on the philosophy of medical science.” A Boylston prize essay, 1849 pamphlet 8vo [3]-23pp. No copyright notice. Printed by David Clapp. [med.Amer. ] [099 |
Samson, G. W., The providence of God in raising up under our republican institu-
tions, great and good men as our rulers: a discourse delivered .. . on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, 1852
APPENDIX A 461 pamphlet 8vo [3]—l6pp. No copyright notice. Printed by J. M. Hewes & Co.
. [0100]
[ad.Amer. ]
There is a copy in the library of Brown University. Soyer, A[lexis], The pantropheon or, history of food, and its preparation, from the earliest ages of the world .. . Embellished with forty-two steel plates, illustrating the greatest gastronomic marvels of antiquity 1 vol. 8vo [v ]—xvi,[3 ]-474,[2 ]pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Vizetelly & Co.,
London. [dom.econ.repr. | TicKNor, REED AND Frextps, 1854
Allen, Edward A. H., The means of producing a symmetrical development of the mental faculties. An essay read before the American Institute of Instruction, at New Haven, on the 16th of August, 1853
pamphlet l6mo [3]-25pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [ad.Amer.] [0102 ]
Rice, George E., Blondel: a historic fancy. In two acts heavy paper covers 12mo [5]-5lpp. Copyrighted by G. E. Rice, 1854. Printed by
Stacy & Richardson. [drama,Amer. | [0103 ]
Rice, George E., Myrtilla: a fairy extravaganza, in one act heavy paper covers l6mo [5]-35pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Stacy & Rich-
ardson. {drama,Amer. | TICKNOR AND Fiexps, 1854
Warren, John C., Remarks on some fossil impressions in the sandstone rocks of Connecticut river pamphlet 8vo [5]-54pp. No copyright notice. Printed by John Wilson & Son. [ sci.Amer. ] TICKNOR AND FieExtps, 1855
Eames, Jane E., Another budget; or things which I saw tn the East 1 vol. 12mo [v]—x,1/.,48lpp. Copyrighted by Ticknor & Fields, 1855. Printed by
Knowles, Anthony & Co., Providence. [travel,Amer. |
There was a second edition the same year. Ticknor and Fields had rejected this book, but granted permission to have its imprint on the title page. (Letter Books, Domestic, Vol. V, p. 509.)
Forty-first annual report of the board of directors and proceedings of the annual meeting of the Northern Baptist Education Society, held in Woburn, November 1, 1855
pamphlet 8vo [3]—l6pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [relig.Amer.] [0107]
Goldsmith, Oliver, The vicar of Wakefield No copy of the Ticknor and Fields’ edition has been found. There was an issue by
Putnam, in New York, in 1855, and there may be some copies of this edition which bear Ticknor and Fields’ imprint. It was first listed by Ticknor and Fields as one of its publications, November, 1855 and continued on its lists until May, 1860. It was described as an illustrated 8vo and retailed at $3.00. [ fict.repr. ] [0108]
[Palfrey, Sara H.], Prémices. By E. Faxton [ pseud] 1 vol. 12mo [iii ]-iv,[3]-196pp. Copyrighted by Ticknor & Fields, 1855. Printed
by Metcalf & Co. [ poet.Amer. ] TIcKNOR AND FreExps, 1856
Forty-second annual report of the board of directors and proceedings of the annual meeting of the Northern Baptist Education Society, held in North Adams, October 28, 1856
pamphlet 8vo [3]—22pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. _ [relig.Amer. ] TICKNOR AND FiELps, 1857
Bacon, Delia S., The philosophy of the plays of Shakespeare unfolded ... With a preface by Nathaniel Hawthorne 1 vol. 8vo [iii ]—cx,1/.,[1]-582pp. Copyrighted by D. S. Bacon, 1857. Printed by
Wertheimer & Co., London. [ gen.lit.Amer. ] [0111]
Dante [Alighieri], Hell. Cantos I to X. A literal metrical translation — with notes. By J. C. Peabody pamphlet 16mo [xiii]-xci No copyright notice. No printer given. [ poet.repr.Amer. ]
Forty-third annual report of the board of directors and proceedings of the annual meeting of the Northern Baptist Education Society, held in Fitchburg, October 27, 1857
pamphlet 8vo [3]-19pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [ relig.Amer. |
APPENDIX A 463 [0113]
Howe, S[amuel] G., A letter to the governor of Massachusetts, upon his veto of a bill, providing for an increase of State beneficiaries at the [Massachusetts] School for Idiotic Children
pamphlet 8vo [3]-24pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [soc.Amer. ] [0114]
Lunt, George, Three eras of New England and other addresses, with papers critical and biographical I vol. 12mo [v]—vi,[9]—264pp. Copyrighted by G. Lunt, 1857. Printed by H. W.
Dutton & Son. [ gen.lit.Amer. ] [0115]
Scott, Walter, Waverley novels In 1857 Ticknor and Fields began the publication, in fifty volumes, of a Household Edition of the Waverley novels. It was not completed until 1859. Copies were also
issued with the imprint of Ticknor and Fields and G. P. Putnam, New York, (after 1857, with that of Sheldon, Blakeman & Co., New York); and Ticknor and Fields and S. C. Griggs and Co., Chicago. In 1857, ten titles — in twenty volumes — had been issued: The antiquary, I,[5|-306pp.,II,[5 ]-30lpp., The black dwarf.
A legend of Montrose, 1,[5]-258pp.,II,[5]-274pp., The bride of Lammermoor, I,[5 ]—232pp.,,[5 ]-240pp., Guy Mannering, I,[5 |-320pp.,II,| 5 |-330pp., The heart of Midlothian, 1,{[5|-403pp.,II,[5]—-406pp., Ivanhoe, 1,|5]—399pp.,II, [5 ]—350pp., The monastery, 1,{5]—313pp.,1,[5]-304pp., Old mortality, 1,[7|-323pp.,II,[5 |308pp., Rob Roy, 1,[5]—331pp.,[1,[5 |-338pp., Waverley; or, “tis sixty years since, I, [9 ]—362pp.,1], [5 ]-369pp. Each volume has an additional, specially engraved title page. There is no copyright notice in any volume. The stereotypers and printers
were H. O. Houghton & Co. [ fict.repr. |
Though Ticknor and Fields does not seem to have followed the practice as extensively as some other publishers of its day, the partners did on occasion publish books conjointly with other firms. In the early years, because of the close association with the original owners of the Old Corner Bookstore, the name of Carter and Hendee was frequently to be found sharing the imprint
of Ticknor. Later, when two houses had an equal interest in a work, when a question of prestige was involved, when publicity and distribution were facilitated, or when a publication was especially expensive, it frequently hap-
pened that, in addition to Ticknor’s imprint, the name of another house would appear with his on the title page. Some of these titles are included in the Cost Books; those which are not, and have been found, are listed below. It is likely a few others exist which the editors did not locate.
; [0116]
ALLEN AND T1cKNor, and CarTER, HENDEE AND Co., 1833
Knowles, James S., Select works .. . consisting of his most popular tales and dramas, with an original notice of his life and writings 2 vols. 18mo I,[3]-210pp.,II,[3]-248pp. No copyright notice. Vol. I printed by
Kane & Co., Vol. II printed by I. R. Butts { gen.lit.repr. ] WituiAM D. TickNor, and WILEY AND Lone, NEw YorkK and 'T. T. AsH, PHILADELPHIA, 1835
Bradford, T[homas] G., 4 comprehensive atlas[,| geographical, historical & commercial
1 vol. folio. Not paged, but table of contents gives 180pp. No copyright notice. Printed by Lewis & Penniman. Plates printed by D. Russell. Engravings by
J. Andrews. [ref.repr.? ]
Apparently sold by subscription. This was one of the few instances of a Ticknor book being so marketed. Its splendidly printed plates were a particularly noteworthy feature of the volume. Wituiam D. Ticknor, and Goutp, KenpaALL AND LINcoLn, 1835 [0118]
Williams, William R., Literary culture increasing the power of the Christian ministry. A discourse delivered before the Baptist Education Society .. . October 26, 1834
pamphlet 8vo [3]-30pp. No copyright notice. No printer given. [ad.Amer. ]
APPENDIX B 465 WitiiaM D. Ticknor, and N. ann J. Wuitr, New York, and Grice AND Extiot, PHILapELpHta, 1836 [0119]
Jones, Silas, Practical phrenology
Shattuck and Co. [ sci.Amer. |
pamphlet 12mo [3]-12pp. The back cover carries the advertisements of Russell, Wituiam D. Ticknor, and Carry AND Hart, PHILADELPHIA, 1838 [0120]
[Wright, Hezekiah H.], Desultory reminiscences of a tour through Germany, Switzerland and France — By an American 1 vol. 8vo [vii]—xx,364pp. Copyrighted by W. D. Ticknor, 1838. Printed by Fol-
som, Wells & Thurston. [trav.Amer. | Witiiam D. TickNor AND Co., and LiTTLE AND Brown, and CrocKkER AND BrEwsTER, and Waltrte, Pierce anv Co., 1847
Cushman, R[obert] W., Temptations of city life. An address to young men, on the temptations of cities . . . Third edition pamphlet 64mo [3]-64pp. Copyrighted by W. D. Ticknor & Co., 1847. Stereo-
typed and printed by S. N. Dickinson & Co. [ad.Amer. ]
Prior to 1835, before the possibilities of the railway as a means for distributing books were fully realized, it was the custom of leading publishers, espe-
cially in Philadelphia, to set aside a certain number of books in an edition for distant markets. These, which might number as many as five hundred copies, were sent in unbound sheets to booksellers in New York, Boston, and other important centres of distribution. They had a special imprint on the title page: that of the Philadelphia publisher, if such he was, and that of the bookseller who was to market the book. The books were then bound and sold as a joint enterprise. The Philadelphia books so issued by Ticknor were chiefly from either the house of Key and Biddle, or Carey and Hart. They are not true publications of Ticknor, for, despite his name appearing as part of the imprint, they represent a bookselling rather than a publishing activity. As such they are properly omitted from the Cost Books and are included here merely to make as complete as possible the record of Ticknor imprints. Only such copies as have been actually seen are included but there is no doubt that the list could be considerably extended. Occasionally, for special reasons, Ticknor became associated with the marketing of a volume on a somewhat different basis. A small publisher might find he lacked the proper outlet in which to sell his publication, or Ticknor might wish to be associated with a book which lay in his special departments.
Again his name appeared on the title page as an associated publisher but actually his interests were those of a bookseller, not of a publisher. For these reasons it has not seemed necessary to give more than the author and short title of each book listed below. Key anp Bippie, Puira., and ALLEN AND TickNor, 1833 [0122]
Fairholme, George, A general view of the geology of Scripture [0123]
(Simms, William G.], Book of my lady. A melange Carey AND Hart, Puita., and ALLEN AND Ticknor, 1833 [0124]
Galt, John, Stanley Buxton, or the school fellows
APPENDIX C 467 [0125]
Landon, Letitia E., Book of beauty, comprising a collection of tales, poems etc. [0126]
[ Massie, W.], Alice Paulet: a sequel to Sydenham, or memoirs of a man of the
Moore, Oliver, The staff officer; or, the soldier of fortune .. . [0128]
[Scott, Michael], Tom Cringle’s log. Second series [0129]
[Sterling, John ?], Fitz George; a novel NatTHan Hatz, Boston, and ALLEN AND TicKNor, 1834 [0130]
Everett, Edward, Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered in Faneuil Hall . . . September 6, 1834 Key AND Bripp.Le, Puita., and ALLEN AND TicKNor, 1834
Galt, John, Autobiography CarEY AND Hart, Puia., and ALLEN AND Ticknor, 1834 [0132]
Crockett, David, Narrative of the life of David Crockett written by himself [0133]
Edgeworth, Maria, Helen, a tale [0134]
[Gore, Catherine G. F.], The miseries of marriage .. . [0135]
[Gore, Catherine G. F.], Pin money, a novel [0136]
Gregory, Olinthus, Mathematics for practical men... [0137]
[Scott, Michael], Cruise of the Midge. First series [0138]
Vidocq, [Francois E.], Memoirs ...
468 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Carry AND Hart, Puia., and Wituiam D. Ticknor, 1834 [0139]
Jameson, [Anna B.], The beauties of the court of Charles the second .. . CarREY AND Hart, Puira., and Wituiam D. Tickxnor, 1835 [0140]
[Barker, Matthew H.], Tough yarns: a series of naval tales... [0141]
{ Dalton, J.P], The gentleman in black [0142]
[Gleig, George R.], Allen Breck [0143]
[Harrison, William], Nights at mess [0144]
James, George P. R., Memoirs of great commanders [0145]
Norton, Caroline S., Kate Bouverie and other tales and sketches [0146] { Scott, Michael], Crutse of the Midge. Second series
Wiry AND Putnam, N. Y., and Witutiam D. Ticxnor, 1843 [0147]
Smith, Elizabeth O., The sinless child, and other poems J. anp H. G. Lanctey, N. Y., and Witi1aAm D. TickNor Anp Co., 1846 [0148]
Bowditch, Henry I., The young stethoscopist, or the student's aid .. . DutTron AND WENTWoRTH, Boston, and TicKNoR AND Fiexps, 1856 [0149 |
[Sargent, Lucius M.], Dealings with the dead
Nearly fifty different American firms were employed to print Ticknor books between 1832 and 1858. They were selected on the basis of the excellence of their work, the estimates of cost which they made on a competitive
basis, and their availability. If the work was stereotyped, sometimes the maker of the plates also printed from them; sometimes the plates were made in one establishment and the printing was done in another. During the ’thirties and early forties, when the facilities of printers were meagre, their business small, and their mechanical devices and presses slow, the characteristic printing establishment neither occupied very large quarters nor employed very many men. On the other hand the number of printing houses was considerable. Since the publishing houses were not large either and the number of volumes issued by them in any one year was comparatively small, their moderate business under ordinary circumstances was adequately taken care of by the small, but numerous, printing firms. Most of the printers in the earlier period were grouped together in a single area of the city. Stretching along lower Washington Street from School Street to Cornhill, they presented a compact, concentrated business group. Inasmuch as this was the same locale in which the booksellers maintained their shops, the various branches of the book-trade found themselves in convenient proximity. There was thus an inevitable air of friendly neighborliness about the whole business of book production. Ticknor and Fields, located at 135, Washington Street, at the corner of School, was, like other publishers, close to its printers. Some, indeed, were in the same building, around the corner on School Street, and some actually upstairs over the Old Corner Bookstore itself. As long as the demand for books was comparatively limited and the size and speed of the presses were restricted, these arrangements worked well enough. The economic and social changes which aroused a greater demand for books, the new mechanical inventions which made possible speedier processes of production, and new technologies of business enterprise which transformed the trade, shortly made the multiplicity of small printing presses, grouped about the booksellers in downtown Boston, an anachronism. With the larger expense caused by the improved machinery and plants, increased capitalization became imperative. Consolidation of many firms into a few large establishments, accordingly, developed rapidly. As the size, the weight, and the number of machines increased, the old quarters, often on second and
4’70 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS third storeys, ill-lighted, hazardous and inefficient, proved too small. By the mid-’forties the more progressive houses were moving into larger quarters
across the Charles to Cambridge. The disadvantage of distance from the publisher was compensated by improved systems of urban transportation, notably the horse-car. Publishers naturally turned more and more to the better equipped printers
who could turn out work faster and cheaper. Pamphlets and small editions
continued to be turned over to small firms, but only the newer type of printer could handle the major publications. The Cost Books clearly reveal this transition. One is struck in looking over the entries of Allen and Ticknor, and William D. Ticknor — from 1832 to 1843— by the number of different printers employed. But it is evident in the subsequent years that more and more work was done by a few large establishments. By the "fifties, the names of Metcalf & Co., the New England Type & Stereotype Foundry, the Boston Type & Stereotype Foundry, H. O. Houghton & Co., and Thurston, Torry & Emerson, had crowded out most of the others. The following comprises a list of the printers and stereotypers used by Ticknor. The years indicate the period in which it is certain Ticknor was employing them to print his books. For the more important printers, brief notes have been added. Only American printers are listed; when English printers were employed, the responsibility rested primarily on the English agent or publisher, and was not a proper concern, at least financially, of Ticknor. It may be said, however, that most of the English printing was done by Henry Vizetelly, and some by Saville & Edwards, Richard Clay, Wertheimer & Co., or John Childs & Son.
Allen & Farnham, 1853 Folsom, Wells & Thurston®>-
Beals & Greene, 1835 Forbes, Abner, 1849
Bolles & Houghton, 1849-50!- Ford, John, 1835
Boston Type & Stereotype Foundry, Freeman & Bolles, 1837-48}:
1839-552. Green(e), C. A., 1833-34
Butts, Isaac R., 1832—58?- Hall, William A. & Co., 1833-41 Carter, T. H. & Co., 1846 Hewes, J. M. & Co., 1850-57
Chadwick, W., 1847-50 Hickling, C., 1847-58 Chronicle Office (Cambridge), 1851 Hinckley, J. E. & Co., 1833
Coolidge, George, 1843 Hobart & Robbins, New England Type Craighead, R. (N. Y.), 1848-1850 & Stereotype Foundry, 1849-584Curtis, George A., New England Type Houghton, H. O. & Co., 1855-58}. & Stereotype Foundry, 1846—-49%. Jenkins & Greenough, 1834
Damrell & Moore, 1847-58 Kane & Co., 1833
Dutton, H. W. & Son, 1857 Knowles, Anthony, & Co. (Providence),
Dutton & Wentworth, 1843-45 1855 Fagan, J. (Phila.) 1848 Lancaster Type & Stereotype Foundry Farwell, James E. & Co., 1850 (Carter, Andrews & Co.), 1833
APPENDIX D 471 Lewis & Penniman, 1835 Thurston, Lyman & Co., 1833-39°Light & Horton (Lyceum Press), 1834- Thurston, Torry & Co., 1843-58°-
35 Tuttle & Dennett, 1847 Marden & Kimball, 1837-39 Tuttle & Weeks, 1833-35
Marvin, T. R., 1841-58 Wells, T. G. & Co., 1835-415. Metcalf & Co., 1845-58°- White, William, 1858°Moore & Crosby, 1856 White & Lewis, 1843°Mudge, Alfred, 1845-53 White & Potter, 1849°: Prentiss & Sawyer, 1856 Wier & White (Benj.), 1850-51 Putnam, John, 1841-42 Wilkins, Carter & Co., 1849-50
Rand & Co., 1850-54 Wilson, John, 1849-565:
Stacy & Richardson, 1852-54 Wright & Hasty, 1851-58°. 1. Freeman & Boties; Bottes & Houcuton; H. O. HoucuTon & Co. John D. Freeman and Charles Bolles formed a partnership, as printers, in 1828, and set up their establishment at 81, Court Street. In 1831 they removed to 110, Washington Street, where they remained during the greater part of the life of the
firm, though in 1846 they left for new quarters on Devonshire Street. In 1848, Freeman sold his interests to H. O. Houghton, a young man fresh from college, who had arrived in Boston only a year or so earlier. The firm was known as Bolles & Houghton. They removed immediately to Remington Street, Cambridge, to buildings apparently rented from the publishing house of Little and Brown. In 1852, Bolles withdrew from the partnership and Houghton took over the firm. Though established as H. O. Houghton & Co., the concern was managed exclusively by Houghton, the “Co.” representing a friend who had invested but took no active part. New quarters were secured beside the Charles River, and the name, The Riverside Press, was adopted. In 1864, Houghton, needing books to print, formed a publishing house under the name of Hurd and Houghton in New York. In 1878, Hurd and Houghton was joined to James R. Osgood and Co., the heir of Ticknor and Fields, to make Houghton, Osgood and Co. Two years later, in 1880, Osgood retired and Houghton, Mifflin and Co. was established. Thus eventually came together the Riverside Press of Houghton in Cambridge and the publishing house of Ticknor and Fields in Boston. 2. Tue Boston Type & STEREOTYPE FounpRY.
The Boston Type & Stereotype Foundry had a somewhat tangled career. It was founded either in 1819 or 1822, probably in the latter year. For a time it referred to itself as “the late T. H. Carter & Co.,” though it dropped the description after 1826. The foundry was located on Salem Street but its “counting room” was on Congress. Its agent at this time was John Gorham Rogers, who transacted the business of the firm at least until 1843, and apparently did not sever his connections with it until 1845. Meanwhile the concern had moved to Devonshire Street, at the
corner of Spring Lane, quarters it was to retain permanently. On the retirement of Rogers, John M. Shute, who had been previously a type-founder himself, took over the agency. But business in the late forties began to fall off, and in 1850 the firm broke into two parts: the Boston Type Foundry and the Boston Stereotype
A472 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS Foundry. The latter became a cooperative, representing one of the interesting social experiments of the day. Its agent for a year or two was George Deake, but in 1852, John K. Rogers, son of John Gorham, became agent. Shute remained as agent of the Type Foundry. The two, though legally separate, were never far apart. Both remained in the same quarters on Devonshire Street. And in 1852, John K. Rogers, agent of the Stereotype Foundry, formed a company which took over the Type Foundry until 1865.
3. Isaac R. Burts. The career of Isaac R. Butts was long but simple. He became a printer as early as 1825, when he was connected with the North American Review. In 1830 he set
up in business for himself taking rooms at 2, School Street in the Old Corner Bookstore, upstairs, just after Carter and Hendee opened their bookselling establishment on the ground floor. There he remained. After 1848 his son Charles was associated with him, and occasionally an imprint turns up with the “I. R. Butts & Son”; but the usual style was Isaac R. Butts. Ticknor relied on him heavily in the early years, perhaps because his shop was upstairs. A good printer, he does not seem to have had the capital, or perhaps the energy, to advance with the newer trends in the printing processes, for his business remained small to the end of his days. Ticknor and Fields, in the later years, continued to employ him, but only for pamphlets and such publications. They continued to regard him highly, however. Though by 1860, Ticknor and Fields, its business swollen far larger than the Old Corner Bookstore could efficiently accommodate, had been obliged to cancel most of the leases of its tenants upstairs, Butts was allowed to remain. He was still there, in fact, when the firm itself left for its new, commodious house on Tremont Street in 1865. 4. GeorcE A. Curtis; Hopart & RopBINs; AND THE NEw ENGLAND [TypPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY
John Curtis, a stereotype founder since 1834, and George A. Curtis, a stereotyper since 1836, formed a partnership in 1837. In 1839 it was called the New England
Type & Stereotype Foundry. In 1842 George A. Curtis took over the enterprise himself. Established on Congress Street, not far from the Boston Type & Stereotype Foundry, Curtis kept control until 1849 when he apparently sold his interest to two members who worked for him— Henry H. Hobart, a stereotyper, and James W. Robbins, a book-keeper. Though Curtis’ name disappears from outward connection with the Foundry, he apparently retained a considerable interest in it, at least until 1860, when he became president of the Eliot Fire Insurance Co. Using the imprint of Hobart & Robbins, the New England Type & Stereotype Foundry lasted until 1865. 5. Forsom, Wetits & THurston; MetcaLtF & Co.; Lyman THurRsTON & Co.; TuHurRsTon, Torry & EMerson; T. G. WELLS & Co.; AND JOHN WILSON.
Thomas G. Wells, Lyman Thurston, Charles Metcalf, John Wilson, and Marshall T. Bigelow, were all, at one time or another, associated in printing enterprises. In his youth, Lyman Thurston engaged in various activities, including printing. In 1829 he settled definitely on the printer’s trade, formed a partnership with John
APPENDIX D 473 Baker, who had himself been a type-founder for some four years previous, and began work as Lyman Thurston & Co. The partnership lasted until 1834. Thereupon Thurston associated himself with a group of Cambridge printers, which by 1838 was known as Folsom, Wells & Thurston, printers to the University. Charles Folsom, scholar, and for a time librarian of Harvard, had been associated with the University Press for a long while. There he gained the soubriquet of the “Harvard Aldus” because of the scholarly type of work he printed. Thomas G. Wells was a stereotype founder, located since 1834, on Water Street, Boston. The talents of these two, plus the printing experience of Thurston, augured well for the new partnership; it continued with success until 1842 when it was dissolved. The title to the University Press was acquired by Charles R. Metcalf & Co., members of Metcalf’s family having been associated with the Press earlier. The “Co.” consisted of Omen S. Keith and George Nichols. Keith’s connection was
short-lived and within a year or two his place had been taken by Marshall T. Bigelow. As Metcalf & Co., printers to the University, they were employed with increasing frequency by Ticknor and Fields, and were favorite printers of certain Cambridge writers, notably Longfellow and Lowell.
In 1859, after the period of the present Cost Books, the plant and title was acquired by Welch, Bigelow & Co. All the major work of Ticknor and Fields was done at the University Press (or at Houghton’s Riverside Press) until 1864. Thereafter the University Press printed for the Boston house exclusively. In 1879 John Wilson and Son acquired the University Press. Wilson, a Scotch immigrant, ar-
rived in Boston in 1846, set up a printing press first on School Street, later on Water Street. He became associated with his son in 1864, and the following year removed to Cambridge, where fifteen years later, he bought the University Press. Meanwhile Thurston, disassociated from the University Press in 1842, formed a partnership with William Torry, and two years later brought in Frederic B. Emerson as well. Their printing shop was on Devonshire Street, Boston, but in 1856, Emerson, no longer with the firm, the two remaining partners removed to Cambridge. Their imprint during these years varied. Usually it read Thurston, Torry & Co., sometimes Thurston & Torry, occasionally Thurston, Torry & Emerson. For a time they were frequently employed by Ticknor and Fields, sharing with
Metcalf & Co. and Houghton & Co. the bulk of its printing. The removal to Cambridge does not seem to have prospered their interests. When Torry left in 1860, new partners were acquired by Thurston, but four years later he retired for ' reasons of health or age. The firm did not survive his retirement. 6. Lewis & PENNIMAN; WHiTE & Lewis; WILLIAM Wuire; Wricut & Hasty.
The life of these firms covered a greater number of years than that of Ticknor and Fields though their importance to it was not considerable. They were selected on occasion to print books for the publishing house but they were never relied on to any appreciable extent. William Lewis was a bookbinder and printer as early as 1824 and 1825. By 1835 he was associated with John A. Penniman on Bromfield Street in a printing part-
nership that lasted only two years. Neither Lewis nor Penniman carried on a business during the Panic years, but in 1841 Lewis again opened a shop on his
474 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS own. In 1845 he acquired a senior and a junior partner, the former, William White, and the latter, R. K. Potter, both of whom had apparently been associated
with him earlier. The partnership of White, Lewis & Potter lasted but a year. Lewis withdrew to go on his own again for a year or two, the others continuing together as White & Potter. They became the State printers in 1853 but the next year Potter left to join his brother as J. S. Potter & Co. in which he was the “& Co.” William White continued as State printer until 1860 on Spring Lane when he sold the establishment. Quite independently, Luke Shepley and A. J. Wright formed a printing partner-
ship in 1835. Shepley sold to Andrew B. Kidder his interest two years later and as Kidder & Wright the firm continued until 1843. Thereupon the two separated, Kidder to specialize in music printing and Wright to continue alone. In 1851 Wright became senior partner in the firm of Wright & Hasty, a partnership which lasted six or seven years, until Hasty withdrew. When William White sold his business in 1860, the purchasers were Albert J. Wright and R. K. Potter who formed a partnership as his successors.
APPENDIX E Tue Brnpers oF TicKNor Books, 1832—1858
The Publishers’ Weekly, in a notice of the removal of T. Y. Crowell from Boston to New York, declared that “Bradley bound all the publications of Ticknor and Fields” (April 21, 1900, pp. 839-40). Even from the little information about bookbinders which the Cost Books offer, it is apparent that
the statement can be regarded as true in only a general way, for the Cost Books mention nearly a dozen other binders. Bradley was undoubtedly the chief binder of Ticknor’s books but he was not the sole binder of them. Below is appended a list of the binders mentioned in the Cost Books, to- — gether with the known date of their work and brief notes upon some of them. The list is not complete. The names of George Gould, certainly, and of Peter Low, probably, should be added. For the fine bindings of imported English works, Ticknor and Fields employed chiefly Remnant & Edmonds; and after 1851 it sent many thousands of volumes to New York for fine bindings, mostly to Mathews & Rider (from 1853, William Mathews), and some to Britt, Weaver & Thorne. Abbot, Theodore, 1855-57 Bradley, (Benjamin) & Co., 1843-58}: Higgins & Bradley, 18561: Hutchison, Andrew R., 1848 Jones, E., 1849 Kitfield, Henry, 1849 McDonald, Hugh, 1847 Roberts, (John G.) & Fairbanks, (John P.), 1848-49 Terry, H. G., 18491. Williams, George G., 1851-56 1. BENJAMIN BraDLEy & Co., AND Henry G. TERRY
In 1827 Simri Whitney and Benjamin Bradley opened a book-binding establish-
ment at 164, Washington Street, in a partnership called Whitney & Bradley. Whether either had had experience in the business is not known, but since both were newly come of age, it is likely that they had served apprenticeships earlier. The agreement lasted until 1832, when Whitney retired, formed a new partnership with Henry G. Terry, and removed to 127, Washington Street. Whitney again retired from this arrangement in 1836 and entered a shoe and hat business. Terry continued alone at 116, Washington Street for a while, later established himself on Water Street and again on Cornhill. In 1847, he, too, went out of business.
Bradley, meanwhile, stayed on for a few years at the old stand where he had
476 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS worked with Whitney, but in 1834 took quarters at 57, and 59, Washington Street
which proved permanent. He engaged himself as a binder, alone, until 1847, when he took George A. Fields as a junior partner. Fields had been a bookbinder by trade for at least five years previous. As a brother to the rising James T. Fields,
who became a junior partner of Ticknor in 1843, he was in a good position to develop the business. The firm was known as B. Bradley & Co. In 1846 the “& Co.” was enlarged to include Ezekial H. Higgins, a bookbinder of nearly fifteen years’ experience, but four years later Higgins withdrew, taking with him Ira Bradley, a brother who had been with Benjamin hardly more than a
year, to form a separate and rival firm of his own. The year Higgins left, B. Buchan Yale, whose training earlier had been in the paper warehouse of Norton, Norton & Yale, entered B. Bradley & Co. as junior partner, an association which survived till 1854 only. For one year Bradley and Fields continued alone; in 1855 they took in William Spooner for a brief two years. In 1858 George Fields ended his twelve year partnership with Bradley. Subsequently he was a junior partner, first with A. F. Lemon and later in the firm of Sanborn, Parker & Fields. Bradley, after the loss of Fields, conducted his business alone from 1858 till his death in 1864. His widow then took up the enterprise, associated herself with Thomas Y. Crowell, and did business as Benj. Bradley & Co. In 1870 she sold her interest to Crowell, and Bradley’s name disappeared from the bookbinding trade. Crowell eventually became absorbed in publishing, and finally removed his offices to New York.
The Cost Books mention from time to time the names of individuals or firms who either designed and engraved the illustrations or supplied the paper
to the printers. The precise function by which they earned their living is not always revealed; frequently they combined two or three activities; and over the passage of years they changed from one enterprise to another. For convenience, these individuals or firms have been listed below, with the dates as they are entered in the Cost Books, and with their chief occupation, or at
least their immediate connection with Ticknor, stated. Their business addresses, if known, are Boston unless otherwise given. Andrew, John, (sometimes, erroneously, Andrews), wood engraver, 1849-571: Andrews, Robert, copper plate printer, 1854-56 Baker, William J., (also Baker & Smith; and, Baker, Smith & Andrew), 1851-541: Barry, Charles A., illustrator, 1854 Benham, Jane E. (later, Hay, Jane E.), illustrator, London, 1850-54 Billings, Hammatt, illustrator, 1848-57 Brown, N., engraver, 1848-49 Browne, Hablot K. (“Phiz”’), illustrator, London, 1852 Butler, Henry V. & Co., paper dealers, 1851 Chandler, S. W. & Bro., lithographers, 1854 Crosby, Charles H., printer, engraver and lithographer, 1856-587. Cruikshank, George, illustrator, London, 1855 Curtis, A. C. & W., paper dealers, 1848-51 Dalziel Bros., engravers, London, 1856 Devereux, (George H. ?), illustrator, Philadelphia (?), 1854 Eayres, (William C.) and Fairbanks, (J. L.) paper dealers, 1852-53 Edwards, R. M., printer of woodcuts, 1854-58 Edwards, T., illustrator, 1847 Foster, Birket, illustrator, London, 1850-54 Gilbert, John, illustrator, London, 1850-56 Grant, (Moses), Daniell, (Otis) and Co., paper dealers, 1847-52°Grant, (Moses) and Warren, (S. D.), paper dealers, 1856°Groom, Thomas, paper dealer, 1851-52 Hartwell, Alonzo, illustrator, 1848-49 Harvey, William, illustrator, London, 1852-53 Holland, Thomas R. and Co., engravers, plate printers and lithographers, 1856-58 Jaquith, Moses, lining and ruling, 1848-58*Jones, Peter C., paper dealer, 1853 Loring, Benjamin, and Co., paper dealers, 1858
478 THE COST BOOKS OF TICKNOR & FIELDS McNevin, illustrator, 1856 Miller, William M., plate printer, 1858 Oertel, illustrator, 1852 Orr, John W., engraver, N. Y., 1856 Rice, (Alexander H.) and Kendall, (C. L.), paper dealers, 1853>Richards, W. T., illustrator, 1854 Richardson-Cox and Co., engravers, N. Y. (?), 1856 Roberts, W., engraver, 1850 Rogers, John, engraver and illustrator, N. Y., 1856 Rolph, J. A., engraver, 1849 Russell, D., plate printer, 1835 Schoff, Stephen A., “historical engraver,” 1857-58 Sharp, Pierce, and Co., lithographers, 1847 Smith, G. G., engraver, 1847 Smith, H. W., steel engraver, 1852-57 Stiles, George J., electrotyper, 1856 Tileston and Hollingsworth, paper dealers, 1851-55 Wagstaff, C. E., engraver, 1852 Wilcox, John W., electrotyper, 1849-50 Wilkins, Carter and Co., paper dealers, 1849-51°Wilkins, Rice and Kendall, paper dealers, 1848-52°1. JouN ANDREW AND WILLIAM J. BAKER
William J. Baker began his business as an engraver in 1851. The following year he formed a partnership with Daniel T. Smith and in 1853 the firm added John Andrew. It was short-lived. In 1854 Smith withdrew to associate himself with Paul Pierson; Baker continued one year for himself; and Andrew survived as the sole and most famous engraver of the three.
2. CHares H. Crossy Crosby was a printer who worked for E. N. Moore as early as 1846. Eventually
he became a partner with Moore (1852) and their printing shop was located at 1, Water Street. Three years later the partners either branched out, or specialized, in engraving and lithography. In 1857 the partnership seems to have ended. Yet each continued in the same business and remained located near each other, Moore in the old quarters at 1, Water Street, Crosby moving to number 3, Water Street. 3. Moses Grant, OT1s DANIELL, AND S. D. WARREN
Though Moses Grant started in business as an upholsterer as early as 1820, he opened a paper store five years later. In 1830 he took Otis Daniell as junior partner and in 1840, S. D. Warren. Through these years the firm was located on Union Street. In 1856 the business was reorganized. Daniell retired and a son of Moses
Grant entered the firm, which become known as Grant, Warren & Co. Their location was transferred to Federal Street and later to Milk. In the course of years they had built up one of the largest and most reputable paper firms in Boston.
APPENDIX F 4°79 4. Moses JAquiTH Moses Jaquith was originally a bookbinder and by 1830 was in partnership with
his brother Aaron, a partnership which continued sporadically into the early fifties. In 1832 Moses described himself as a “cylindrical ruler” and a few years later as a “paper ruler.” In 1854 his firm became Jaquith & Co., the junior partners being J. M. Reed and J. D. Moore. 5. Rice & KENDALL; WILKINS, CARTER & Co., AND WILKINS, RicE & KENDALL
The paper dealers, J. H. Wilkins and Richard B. Carter — the latter had been the senior partner of Carter and Hendee when the Old Corner Bookstore had opened in 1829 — formed their partnership in 1836. Ten years later they added a “Co.” which consisted of A. H. Rice. By 1852 Carter had withdrawn, and C. S. Kendall became junior member. The next year, however, Wilkins withdrew to become president of the National Bank, and the firm continued as Rice & Kendall.
INDEX Abbot, Theodore, binder, Bll6b, B196a, Alice Paulet. See Massie, W.
B239b; p. 475 Allen, Edward A. H., Means of producing
Abbott, Jacob, Jonas a judge, A43a, A51b, a symmetrical development of the mental A6da, A76b, Al67a, A199a, A218c, B16b; faculties, 0101 Jonas on a farm in summer, A42a, A43a, Allen, John, & Co., publishers, A5, A6c A52a, A65a, A76b, Al67a, Al99a, A218c, Allen, Robert, ed., A49a Bl6b; Jonas on a farm in winter, A42a, Allen and Farnham, printers, B4la; p. 470 A43a, A52b, A65a, A76b, Al67a, Al99a, Allen and Ticknor, Letter from, A8e A218c, B16b; Jonas stories, A28c, A43a, Allen Breck. See Gleig, G. R. A5la, A55c, A65a, A76b, Al67a, Al99a, Allston, Washington, Monald:, Bl164a, A218c, Bl6b; Marco Paul, A77a; Rollo B264-265
books, A28c, A42a, A43a American annals of education, Al6d, 01 Act of incorporation, constitution . . . American drawing book. See Mudge, JoAmerican Institute of Instruction, B39a siah B. Adams, Charles F., Further reflections American factories. See Scoresby, William upon the state of the currency, 029 American Institute of Instruction, Lectures,
Adams, J. Q., 067 A24b, A36b, A4la, A46a, A59a, A59b, Adams, W. J., B22b A83b, A84b, Al100a, AI100b, A120b,
Adams, Nehemiah, Song of the well, A110b A59c, A60c, A68a, A68b, A68c, A80b,
Addey and Co., publishers, London, 093 Al40a, A140b, Al40c, Al40d, A165a, Addison, Joseph, Sir Roger de Coverley, A210a, A235a, A235b, A235c, A262a,
A230a A262b, A262c; Constitution, etc., B39a;
Address. See Everett, Edward; Hone, prize essay, etc., B58, BlOla, BIOIb, Philip; Quincy, Josiah, sr.; Sampson, B147a, B147b, B197a, B197b, B244a; 032, George R.; Walker, Amasa; Winthrop, 035, 039, 041, 047, 064, 089, 0101
R. C. American Monthly Review, A3c
Advancement in... public instruction, American Peace Society, 054, 079
See Page, David P. American Stationers Co., publishers, A202b
Advancement of the common schools. See American tract for the times. See Dix, Wil-
Emerson, G. B. liam G.
Adventures in fairy-land. See Stoddard, Anatomical, pathological and therapeutic
R. H. researches. See Louis, P. C. A.
Adventures of William Avery. See Cleve- Anatomy... of cancer. See Walshe, W. H.
land, Lucy H. Andover Theological Seminary, B80b
Advertisements, B129c Andrew, John, engraver, Al59a, A186b, Affairs of Rhode Island. See Wayland, A256, B100b, B124a, B133, B137b, B140b,
Francis B155b, B172, B174b, B211, 0117; p. 477,
African cruiser. See Hawthorne, N. p. 478 (See also, Baker, Smith & An-
Age. See Bailey, P. J. drew)
Age of Gold. See Lunt, George Andrews, F. & J., 053 Alcott, William A.,.4 word to teachers, A6e Andrews, Israel D., B173
Alderbrook. See Judson, Emily C. Andrews, Robert, engraver, B69b, BI172, Aldrich, T. B., Letter from J. T. Fields B271; p. 477; holder of engravings, B27]
(1857), B206b Andrews, Ormsby & Co., engravers, 09
Alford, Henry, Poetical works, A264b, Andromeda. See Kingsley, Charles
B269 Andry, Felix, Manual of diagnosis of dts-
Alger, Francis, ed., A49a eases of the heart, A82b
482 INDEX Angel in the house. See Patmore, Coventry A224b, A228a, A228b, A250b, B75a,
Angel voices. See Treat, William B78a, B83a; p. 477, p. 478. (See also Angel world. See Bailey, P. J. Baker & Smith; Baker, Smith & Andrew) Annette Warrington. See Cleveland, Lucy Baker and Smith, engravers, A250b, A264b
H. Baker, Smith & Andrew, engravers, A258b,
Anniversary poem. See Fields, J. T.; Lunt, B9b, B23a
George Baldwin, John D., Story of Raymond Hill,
Another budget. See Eames, Jane E. A104b
Anthony, H., Allla Ballads. See Longfellow, H. W., Thacke-
Antiquary. See Scott, W. ray, W. M.
Charles B253b
Anti-slavery enterprise. See Sumner, Bancroft, H. H., bookseller, San Francisco, Appeal in favor of that class of Americans Bangs Bros., N.Y., A217c, B78b
called Africans. See Child, L. M. Banks and banking. See Baker, Henry F. Appleton & Co., publishers, N. Y.; A203a, Baptist, Addresses, A44b, A48a, A48b, B135a, B139a, B165a, B176, B226c A57a, A88a, Al25a, A192a; 095. See also
Arithmetic in the ancient order... for Mass. Baptist Convention; Northern
schools. See Bartrum, J. F. Baptist Education Society
Arnold, Matthew, Poems, B170b Barbauld, Anna L., Lessons for children,
Arnold, W. D., Oakfield, B118b A26a, A57c
Art. See Reade, Charles, Clouds and sun- Barclays of Boston. See Otis, Eliza H.
shine Barker, Matthew H., Tough yarns, 0140
Art of prolonging life. See Hufeland,C.W. Barrett, Jonathan F., Concord, A208b Art student in Munich. See Watts, AnnaM. Barry, Chas. A., designer, B78a; p. 477 Arthur's indestructible picture books, 093 Bartlett, Elisha, editor, 05; Head and heart,
Articles from the “London Times.” See 032; Simple settings in verse, B96b
Childe, E. V. Bartlett, John, publisher, Al66a, A225a
Ash, T. T., publisher, Phila., 0117 Bartol, C. A., Church and congregation,
Astraea. See Holmes, O. W. B242c; Prayers and hymns, B255b
Atherton. See Mitford, Mary R. Bartrum, Joseph F., Arithmetic in the anAunt Effie’s rhymes. See Hawkshaw, Ann cient order ... for schools, 030
Austin, James T., Revtew of Dr. Channing's Batchelder, Eugene, Border adventures, 086
letter to. . . Clay, A19b Bates, Joshua, The model teacher, A262c
Autobiographic sketches. See DeQuincey, Bates, S. W., Lecture on the manifestations
Thomas of education, A235c
Autobiography of an actress. See Ritchie, Bayle-Mouillard, Elizabeth F, Gentleman
Anna C, and lady’s book of politeness, A6b, Al2c,
Autobiography of John Galt. See Galt, J. Al6d, Al7c, A20c Aytoun, W. E., Bothwell, B178a Beales & Greene, printers, Al4b; p. 470
Beauties and deformities of tobacco using.
Babcock, Rufus, editor, Al8c See Coles, L. B.
Bacon, Benj. C., publisher, 019 Beauties of the court of Charles the second. Bacon, Delia S., Philosophy of the plays of See Jameson, Anna B.
Shakespeare, 0110 Belcher, John H., publisher, Al54a
Bailey, Philip J.. The Age, B258b; The an- _Belfrey of Bruges. See Longfellow, H. W.,
gel world, A178a; The mystic and other Poems, 6 vols.
poems, B135b Belinaye, Henry, Sources of health and disBailey, Samuel, Essays, B68a ease, A6a Baker, Henry F., Banks and banking, B27b__ Bell, Solomon. See Snelling, W. J.
Baker, John, printer, p. 473 Benefactors of the medical school. See Baker, William J., engraver, Al95b, A224a, Holmes, O. W.
INDEX 483 Benefits of industry. See Goodrich, S. G. B212, B215b, B215c, B218, B222a, B222b, Benham, Jane E., illustrator, Al86a, A229a, B230b, B23la, B232a, B233a, B234b,
A229b, B88a; p. 477 B235b, B239a, B242a, B242b, B245b,
Benjamin, Park, A217a; Infatuation, A67b, B245d, B249a, B260b, B261la, B261b
A217a Bogue, David, publisher, London, A186a,
Bentley, Richard, publisher, London, B75a, A229a, A229b, A244b, A248b, B17a,
B226c. Letters to, Al73a, B/5a B88a, B90c, Bl3la, B199b, B199c, B199d, Berzelius, Jons J., Use of the blowpipe, B199e, B199f. Letters to, Al86a, A244b,
A7/4a Bl7a, B7la, B199b
Betrothal. See Patmore, Coventry Bohn, H. G., publisher, London, A238a, Bible illustrations. See Draper, B. H. A248b, B23b, B52c Bigelow, Henry J., ed., A249; Fragment of Boker, George H., Plays and poems, medical science, A81b; Manual of ortho- B165b, B183a, B192a, B264-265. Letters
pedic surgery, A70b from, B183a
Bigelow, Jacob, Introductory lecture, 096; Bolles & Houghton, printers, Al50a, A151b,
Nature in disease, B8la Al54a, AIl59b, Al60a, Al60b, Al66a,
Bigelow, M. T., printer, p. 472, p. 473 Al75a, A188b, A190b, Al9la; p. 470,
Bigelow, Samuel E., trans., Al5la p. 471
Biglow papers. See Lowell, J. R. Bonner, Robert, B226c Billings, Hammatt, designer, A139a, A159a, Book of beauty. See Landon, L. E. Al88b, A195b, A224a, A224b, A228a, Book of commerce, Al0a
A228b, B23a, B100b, Bl24a, B140b, Book of common prayer, A154a
B174b, B211, 076; p. 477 Book of hymns. See Longfellow, Samuel, Binders of Ticknor books listed, pp. 475- and Johnson, Samuel
476 Book of my lady. See Simms, W. G.
Biographical essays. See DeQuincey, Book of nature. See Good, John M.
Thomas Book of politeness. See Bayle-Mouillard, E. Lydia M. Book of romances. See Taylor, Bayard
Biographies of good wives. See Child, F.
Biographies of Lady Russell and Madame Book of the months. See Hosmer, W. H. C.
Guyon. See Child, Lydia M. Border adventures. See Batchelder, Eugene Biographies of Madame de Staél and Mad-_ Rocton Baptist Association, A8c, All4a
ame Roland. See Child, Lydia M. Boston book, A159a Birds and flowers. See Howitt, Mary Boston Fatherless and Widows’ Society, An-
Bixby, D., publisher, Lowell, A20la nual report, A4lb, A71b, A143b, A167b,
Black dwarf. See Scott, W. B89b, 055, 060, 068, 080, 085, 092; Order Black velvet bracelet. See Cleveland, Lucy of exercises, A46c
H. . Boston Prison Discipline Society, Report of
Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine, 02 a minority. See Howe, S. G., An essay,
Blagden, George W., Remarks, B62b ete.
Ba and Rives, publishers, Washington, Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful
Blake, A. V., publisher, N. Y., A92a Knowledge, A43b , Blake, John L., High school reader, Al0d; Boston Society of Natural History, A9b
Parlor book... of useful knowledge, Boston Stereotype Foundry, A244b, A249,
025 A256, A265c, B8a, B9b, Bl2c, B20b,
Blithedale romance. See Hawthorne, N. B23a, B33b, B42b, B45a, B49a, B5la,
Blondell. See Rice, George E. B51b, B65a, B/0a, B7la, B75a, B76c, Blue and Gold edition, Al7la, B165a, B77a, B77b, B78b, B83a, B9la, B105b, B175c, Bl89a, B189b, B192c, B193c, B110b, B132b, B139a, B139b, B140b; B199a, B205, B206a, B206b, B209b, B210, 082; p. 471
484 INDEX Boston Type & Stereotype Foundry, A28c, Brown & Packard, publishers, Hartford,
A42a, A43a, 038, 046; p. 470, p. 471, A92a p. 472 (See Boston Stereotype Foundry) Browne, D. J., editor, 06
Bothwell. See Aytoun, W. E. Browne, H. K., illustrator, A250b, A258b; Bowditch, Henry J., Young stethoscopist, p. 477
0148 . Browning, Robert, Men and women,
Bowles, Leonard C., publisher, 027 B134a, B148c; Poems, A160a, B164b.
Bowles & Dearbor n, publishers, A6c, Aéd Letters from, B134a. Letters to, B134a Bowring, John, Matins and vespers, A58b, Buckingham, Joseph T., Personal memoirs,
Bl2c, B57c A248a. Engraving of, B271
Box tunnel. See Reade, Charles, Propria Budget of letters. See Eames, Jane A.
quae moribus Buell & Blanchard, publishers, Washington,
Boy hunters. See Reid, Mayne D. C., A258a
Boy's adventures in Australia. See Howitt, Bufford & Co., lithographers, A73b, A74a
William . . Bulfinch, T., A3la
Boylston Medical Society, A8lb, Al43a Bumstead, Josiah F., Second reading book, Boylston Prize essays, A70b, B98a, 098 A54a, A60b, A62a, A70a, A83a, A102a, Bradford, Robert and H. O., The mother’s All6b, A122a, A137b, Al42b, A147b,
medical guide, A4e . Al70a, Al76a, A192b, A192c, A203b,
Bradford, Thomas G., Comprehensive atlas, A222c, A239a, A254c, B10b, B27a, B3la,
0117 a B64c, B70b, B76a, B86a, B108a, B127a,
Bradley, Benjamin, (and B. Bradley & Co.), B150a, B170a, B182b, B216a, B252c, A58b, A66a, A73b, A76a, A78a, A80a, B268b; Third reading book, A54a, A60b, A89a, A99a, All5a, Al33a, Al44a, A62a, A70a, A78b, A83a, Al02b, A122b, Al45a, Al48a, Al48b, Al49b, Al66a, Al47a, Al176b, A192b, A203b, A222c, A186a, A229a, A242a, B9b, B18b, B23a, A239a, B2lb, B27a, B3lb, B70c, B86a, B23b, B56b, B90c, Bll2c, B247a, 077; ——-B108a, B127a, B150a, B182b, B216a; cov-
p. 475, p. 476 ers for Readers, A222b, B48c, B112a,
Bride of Lammermoor. See Scott, W. B155a, B182b, B219b; Table for use in Bridge, H., African cruiser. See Haw- training the organs of speech, A183a
thorne, N., ed. . , Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography.
Brief history of .. . the Penitent Females See Dahlgren, John A.
Refuge. See Penitent Female Refuge. Burnett, Charles, jr., publisher, Providence,
Brief memoir of Mrs. Lydia M. Malcom. A89b
See Malcom, Howar d Burroughs, Charles, Poetry of religion,
Brief .. . treatise on mortars. See Wright, A220b
W. H. Burton, Warren, Scenery shower, A65b
Brinsmade, George, Geography for chil- Buch boys. See Reid, Mayne
dren, Alld Butler, Henry V. & Co., (N. Y. ?), paper
Britt, Thorne & Weaver, binders, N. Y., dealer, A225c; p. 477
p. 475 Butler, James D., Incentive to mental cul-
Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 070 ture, A262b, B22b
Brooke, Wesley. See Lunt, George Butts, I. R., printer, A3c, A4a, A4d, A4e, Brooks, Charles T., German lyrics, B20a; A4f, A5b, A5c, A6f, A7b, A7c, A7e, A7E, trans., see Goethe, Faust. Letters to, A8c, A8e, Al2c, A24b, A25a, A29b, A30a,
B187a A30b, A3la, A36b, A39a, A43a, A43b,
Brown, Buckminster, Treatment and cure A44a, A45c, A46b, A48a, A48b, A49a,
or cretins and idiots, A120a A50b, A54b, A57a, A6/7a, A70Ob, A7la, Brown, N., wood engraver, A139a, Al44a; A80b, A8la, A83b, Al18a, Al20a, Al3la,
p. 477 Al4lb, Al43b, Al44b, Al45b, Al146a,
INDEX 485 Al47c, Al76c, A210a, A217c, A240c, of books published (large), A18I1b, A242b, B27b, B52d, B67b, B116b, B129c, Al81c, Al8ld, A183b, B108b, B108c, B185c, B196a, B228a, B239b, B253c, 01, B168b, B188c, B237c; Order list, B157b; 08, 022, 035, 043, 0116; p. 470, p. 472 Trade lists, B89c, B129b, B183c, B223d Celnart, Mme. See Bayle-Mouillard, E. F.
Cabinet editions. B165a Chace, George I., Relation of divine provtCady, Isaac H., publisher, Providence, A92a dence, B80b ,
Caesars. See DeQuincey, Thomas Chadwick, W., printer, Al19a, A185a;
Call of God to the Christian ministry. See p. 470 ; Colver, Nathaniel Chandler, S. W. & Bro., lithographers, Calm review of the religious awakening in B75 a> P. 477
Boston. See Cushman, R. W. Channing, E. T., Lectures, B168a, B264—
Calvert, George H., Poems, 061 C on ao. Henr BLES Cantagrel, F., Children at the phalanstery, anning, tenrietta, a ;
071 Channing, Walter, Physician s vacation,
Carey & Hart, publishers, Phila. 07,0120, B!/7 Be Treatise on etheriza0124, 0125, 0126, 0127, 0128, 0129, 0132, _ #0” 1% childbirth, 072
0133, 0134, 0135, 0136, 0137, 0138, 0139, Channing, Wilham E., Lectures on the 0140, 0141, 0142, 0143, 0144, 0145, 0146 © “/evatton of the labouring of the com-
Carlyle, Thomas, trans., A205a Chana i A30b
Elizabeth C. P. PAYCT
Caroline, ou l’effet d’un malheur. See Gui- ray iturgy. See Book of common
Care Oc - Ge Chapel of the hermits. See Whittier, J. G. Carter (R. B.) & Hendee (C. J.), publish- Chapman, E., Letter from J. T. Fields to,
ers, A4d, A6b, Allc, Al54a; p. 472 Blsa |
Carter (R. B.), Hendee (C. J.) & Co., pub- Chapman & Hall, publishers, London, lishers, A3d, A3e, A3f, A3g, Ada, A4c, _, *248b, A252a, BI34a ASa. ASc. ‘Add. A8b. Al0a. Al0b. Al2c Characteristics of women. See Jameson,
011 6 ° , Anna B.
Carter, Timothy Harrington, publisher, Charicles. See Quincy, J. P.
A3f, A3g, A28c, A42a, A43a Charles Street Baptist Society, A48a, A48b,
Carter, T. H., & Co., stereotypers, A3g, 095 ,
A77a, A86a; p. 470, p. 471 Chase, C. Thurston, B95a
Carter (T. H.), Andrews & Co., Lancaster Chase, Mary M., Writings, B95a
Press, A3e, A4c; 09; p. 470 Child, Lydia M., A5b; ed., B97a, 03; Appeal Cary, Alice, B43a; Clovernook children, in favor of that class of Americans called B78a, B269; Poems, B89a, B106a, B270 Africans, 09; Biographies of Lady RusCary, Phoebe, Poems and parodies, B43a sell and Madame Guyon, Adc, A&b; Bi-
Caspar Hauser. See Feuerbach, P. J. ographies of Madame de Staél and MadCatalogue, descriptive note on, A35b; Cata- ame Roland, Adc; Good wives, Adc,
logues of books sold at retail: Christmas A8a; The oasis, 019 . ; & New Year's, A35b, A42b, A61b; Juve- Childe, Edward V., Articles from the “Lon-
nile, A45b; Medical, A63c, Al06b; Mis- _ 40” Temes, All6a cellaneous catalogues of books published Children at the phalanstery. See Cantagrel,
(small), A130b, A139b, A143c, A227c, _ |
B62c, B82b, B102c, B107c, Bll6c, B117c, Childs, John, & Son, printers, London, B119c, B124c, B125d, B129c, B132c, _ B23b; p. 470 Bl66c, B185d, B188c, B198c, B219c, Childs annual, Al0c B220b, B227b, B247d, B253b, B258c, Child's own alphabet. See Toy books. B261d, B266c; Miscellaneous catalogues Child’s own book, A4c. See Toy books.
486 INDEX Chomel, Auguste F., Elements of general Combe, George, Constitution of man, A4d,
pathology, All3a Alle, Al5a, Al7a, A20a, A2la, A22a,
Christian liturgy. See Sears, David A24a, A24c, A26c, A29c, A32a, A32b,
Christian manual. See Christian liturgy. A35c, A36c, A37c, A38c, A40c, A47a, Christian thought on life. See Giles, Henry A63a, A66b, A75b, A85a, Al03a, A109a,
Christianity in the kitchen. See Mann, A126b, A230b, B81c, B227a
Mary T. Comer, George N., Simple method of keep-
Christie Johnstone. See Reade, Charles ing books, A88b, A103b
Chronicle Office, Cambridge, printers, 086; Comprehensive atlas. See Bradford, T. G.
p. 470 Concord. See Barrett, J. F.
Church and congregation. See Bartol,C. A. Concord Lyceum, A208b Church psalmody. See Mason, Lowell Confessions of an English optum-eater. See
City poems. See Smith, Alexander DeQuincey, Thomas Clapp, David, printer, 098 Connection between geography and history.
Clapp, O., publisher, 065 See Hillard, G. S.
Clapp & Broaders, publishers, A3d Conrad, E., publisher, N. Y., Al45b Clara Newgent. See Cleveland, Lucy H. Consideration of the poor in large cities. Clark, Henry G., Ship fever ...1ts history See Stone, John S.
and best treatment, 081 Constant, Alphonse L., Last incarnation,
Clarke, James F., Eleven weeks in Europe, 074
A244a. Letter to, A244a Constitution of man. See Combe, George Clarke, Mary C., Kit Bam’s adventures, Consuelo. See Sand, George
B137b Coolidge, George, printer, A56b, A57b,
Clarke, Sara J. See Lippincott, Sara J. A58b; p. 470
Clarke, Austin and Smith, publishers, Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique. See Long-
N.Y., Bl6b fellow, H. W.
Class book of anatomy. See Smith, J. V.C. Cornwall, Barry. See Procter, Bryan W. Clay, Richard, printer, London, B199b, Coznsel to young ladies. See Smith, Mat-
: B199c, B199f; p. 470 thew
Cleveland, Lucy H., Adventures of Wil- Count de La Porte. See La Porte, T. C. liam Avery, Aéc; Annette Warrington, Countess of Rudolstadt. See Sand, George A6c; Black velvet bracelet, Aéc; Clara Courtship of Miles Standish. See LongfelNewgent, A6c; Closet, A6c; Early 1m- low, H. W. pressions, A6c, A6d; Shower, A6c; Cowan, Discourse on Webster, B38b Temptation, A6c; Unveiled heart, Aéc Craighead, R., printer, N. Y., 071, 074, Clouds and sunshine. See Reade, Charles 084; p. 470 Clovernook children. See Cary, Alice Cranston & Brown, publishers, Providence, Coale, William E., Hints on health, B216b A44b Coles, Larkin B., Beauties and deformities Crocker & Brewster, publishers, 0121
health, 073 0132
of tobacco using, 087; Philosophy of Crockett, David, Narrative of the life of, Collier, William R., Essay on the currency, Crosby, Charles H., printer and engraver,
020 B196a, B228a, B239b; p. 477, p. 478
Collins, Robert, Practical treatise on mid- Crosby, Wm. & Co., publishers, A3g
wifery, A37a Crosby & Nichols, publishers, A215a
Colman, James F., The island bride, A92b Crosland, Camilla D. (Mrs. Newton CrosColman, Samuel, publisher, N. Y. Letter land), English tales and sketches, A264a;
from, Al04a Lydia, A251b; Memorable women, B7la,
Colver, Nathaniel, Call of God to the Chris- B85a, B158c, B160a, B226a, B245c, B269
tian mimstry, All4a Crowell, Thos. Y., p. 475, p. 476
INDEX 487 Cruikshank, George, illustrator, B137b, Davis, R. W. & O., Patent fruit press, B224b
p. 477 Davis, Robert S., publisher, Alla, Al6c
Cruise of the midge, first and second series. Day, Charles W., Hints on etiquette, 046
See Scott, Michael Deacon,. William F., Warreniana, A208a
Culture. See Lunt, George, Anniversary Deake, Geo., p. 472
poem Dealings with the dead. See Sargent, L. M.
vo a, a. Letter from, a
Cundall, Joseph, publisher, London, 093 pee noma Setar agen vondon: aed stories about the fairies, Bl 24a, Delf and Trubner, agents, London, A248b Curtis, A. C. & W., paper dealers, Al2la, DeQuincey, Thomas, Autobiographic
Al21b, A225b; p. Biographical 477 sketches, A22la, B33b, B38c, B93b, 2? B179b; essays, A182b,
Curtis, George A. See New England Type A218a, B45c, B228c, B229a: Caesars,
and Stereotype Foundry A207a, A221b, B50c, B231b; Confessions Curtis, George T., Strength of the constitu- of an English opium-eater, A39a, A182b,
tion, Al/4a A198a, A236c, A246a, A259c, B29,
Curtis, George W., Letters to J. T. Fields, B45b, B65c, B93a, B121c, B145a, B179c,
B134a, B139a B236c; Essays on philosophical writers,
Cushing, Caleb, Reminiscences of Spain, B48a, B162b; Essays on the poets, Bila,
A5a B85b, B178c; Historical and critical es-
Cushman, Robert W., Calm review... of says, Bllb, B157a; Letters to a young religious awakening in Boston, 056; man, B53a, B144b, B260c; Life and man-
Temptations of city life, 0121 ners, A22la, B33b; Literary reminiscences, A22la, B62a, B262a; Memorials,
Dahlgren, John A., 4 few hints to captains B158a; Miscellaneous essays, A200a, on the new ix inch shell guns, B153b, A219c, B57a, B225b; Narrative and mis-
B166b cellaneous papers, A263b, B105, B186a,
Dalton, J?, Gentleman in black, 0141 B270; Note book of an English opiumDalziel Bros., engravers, London, B199b, eater, Bll4a, B119a, B270; Theological
B199c, B199£; p. 477 essays, B63a. Letter to, Al82b. Engrav-
Damrell, William S., printer, 031 ing of, B271
Damrell & Moore, printers, All4a, A137b, Derby, H. W., publisher, Cincinnati, B160b A142b, Al49a, A153b, Al6lb, Al68a, Derby, J. C., publisher, N. Y., B206b
A170a, A214b, A214c, A227a, A255b, Derby and Miller, publishers, Auburn, A256, A258c, A260c, A265b, B12c, B40c, _ N-¥., A256 B66b, B76a, B81c, B108a, B126a, B127a, Derrydale Press, At B130a, B134b, B138d, Bl46a, Bl5la, Descriptive catalogue of the anatomical mu-
B152a, Bl54c, Bl55a, B156b, B158a, seum of Boston. See Jackson, John B. S. B160a, B160b, Bl62a, Bl64a, BI7Ib, Desert home. See Reid, Mayne, The EngB18la, B182b, B185a, B195c, B200b, ‘#54 family Robinson B200c, B203c, B208b, B217a, B217b, Desultory reminiscences of a tour. See
B223b, B226a, B252c, B268b; p. 470 Wright, H. H. Dana, S. T. See Reminiscenses of Samuel Devereux, designer, B83a; p. 477
Heber Dana Devereux, George H., trans., B96a
Dangers and duties of the mercantile pro- Dtary of an ennuyée. See Jameson, Anna B.
fesston. See Hillard, G. S. Dickinson, S. N., printer, 028, 037, 048, 056, Dante Alighieri, First ten cantos of the In- 0121] ferno, trans. by T. W. Parsons, 042; Hell. Dillaway, M., A36b
Cantos I to X, 0111 Discourse [on] ]. O. Adams. See Hague,
Daughter of the isles. See Tappan, W. B. William; Waterston, R. C.
488 INDEX Discourse on the aborigines. See Harrison, B152a, B158c, B158d, Bl63a, B172, B193a,
William H. | B228b, B234a, B236b, B238c, B245c,
Discourse on Webster. See Cowan B246a, B246b, B247b, B250d, B267a; Diseases of the uterus. See Lisfranc de St. holder of wood cuts, B269; p. 477
Martin, Jacques Edwards, T., illustrator, 063; p. 477
Dissector’s guide. See Tuson, Edward W. Edwards’ first lessons in geometry. See Dix, John H., Treatise upon the ... retina, Lowell, Anna C. J.
Al43a Edwards first lessons in grammar. See
Dix, William G., American tract for the Lowell, Anna C. J.
times, 044; Pompeii, 075; Winter eve- Effects of chloroform. See Warren, John C. ning fireside, 062; Wreck of the Glide, Elementary treatise on mineralogy. See
057 Phillips, William
Doane, G. W., ed., A5e Elements of general pathology. See Chomel, Doll and her friends. See Maitland, Julia A. F.
C. B. Eleven weeks in Europe. See Clarke, J. F.
Doughty, Mrs. and Miss, Lights and shad- Eliot, Samuel, Passages from the history of
ows, Al75a liberty, A94a
Doughty, Sarah P., Little child’s friend, Emerson, George B., Advancement of the 088; Rose and her lamb, A175a, 088; common schools, A64a; History and de-
Two new scholars, Al/5a, 088 sign of the American Institute of InstrucDove and the eagle. See Lunt, George tion, A152b; Moral education, 041 Dramatic scenes. See Procter, B. W. Emerson, R. W., A45a, B/5a. Letter to,
Draper, B. H., Brble illustrations, A3d A45a
Ducks and frogs, 076 Endymion. See Hirst, H. B.
Durrie & Peck, publishers, New Haven, English family Robinson. See Reid, Mayne
AQ9?2a English songs. See Procter, B. W.
Dutton, H. W. and Son, printers, 0114 Enelish tales and sketches. See Crosland, Dutton & Wentworth, printers, A54a, A/9a, C. D.
0149; p. 470 Engravers listed, pp. 477-79
Ephemera. See Rice, George E., and Wain-
Eames, Jane A., A budget of letters, Allla; wright, J. H.
Another budget, 0105 Espousals. See Patmore, Coventry
Early history of the southern states. See Essay on separate and congregate systems
Goodrich, S. G. of prison discipline. See Howe, S. G.
Early impressions. See Cleveland, Lucy H. Essay on the currency. See Collier, Wil-
Early life of Napoleon. See Poore, B. P. liam R. Eastburn, James, publisher, N.Y., A30a Essays. See Bailey, Samuel
Eastburn, John H., A187c Essays (first series). See Parsons, The-
Fastburn’s Press, 054 ophilus
Easy lessons for learning French, A5b, Al5c = Essays and reviews. See Whipple, E. P.
Eayres & Fairbanks, stationers, A242b, Essays and tales. See Procter, B. W.
B28c; p. 477 Essays on philosophical writers. See De
Eddy, Daniel C., Heroines of the mission- Quincey, Thomas
ary enterprise, Al61b Essays on the poets. See DeQuincey,
Edes, publisher, Al54a Thomas
Edgeworth, Maria, Helen, a tale, 0133 Estray. See Longfellow, H. W. Education in its relation to the... health Etherization. See Warren, John C.
of the brain. See Ray, Isaac Eulogy of Lafayette. See Everett, E. Edwards, R. M., wood cuts, B97a, BI00b, Eulogy on Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin. See B129d, B137b, B140b, B144c, B146a, Pattison, R. E.
INDEX 489 Evangeline. See Longfellow, H. W. Al8b, A34b, Al104a, 030, 038, 0120; Evans & Brittan, publishers, N. Y., A227c p. 470, p. 472, p. 473 Everett, Edward, A255a; Address (1838), For whom should our suffrages be given? A23b; Address (1846), A97b; Eulogy on See Shailer, W. H.
Lafayette, 0130 Forbes, Abner, printer, 079; p. 470
Exercises of piety. See Zollikofer, G. J. Ford, John, printer, Al5b, Al5c, 095; Extent ... of the atonement. See Malcom, p. 470
Howard Forest exiles. See Reid, Mayne
Forest tragedy. See Lippincott, S. J.
Fable for critics. See Lowell, J. R. Forester, Fanny. See Judson, Emily Fagan, J. stereotyper, Phila., A13\b, Foster, Birket, illustrator, Al86a, A229a,
A154b; p. 470 A229b, B17a, B7la, B88a; p. 477 geology of scripture, 0122 A92a
Fairholme, George, General view of the Foster, John W., publisher, Portsmouth,
Fairstar, Mrs., ed., A224b Fowler, Henry, ed., B95a
Fairy land. See Stoddard, R. H., Adven- Fragment of medical science. See Bigelow,
tures in fairy land H. J.
Fame and glory. See Sumner, Charles Francis, C. S. & Co., publishers, N. Y.,
Famous old stories, B264-265 B97a, B134a, Bl65a, 07. Letter to, B97a Farwell, James E., & Co., printers, Al83a; Freedom national. See Sumner, Charles
p. 470 Freeman & Bolles, printers, Al9a, A44b,
Faust. See Goethe, J. W. von A45a, A49b, A56a, A62b, A66a, A67b, Faxton, E. See Palfrey, S. H. A69a, A73a, A87b, A88a, A89a, A93b,
Ferris, J. A., trans., 082 A97b, Al05b, Al110b, A125a, A125b,
Feuerbach, Paul J. Anselm von, Caspar Al26a, A127a, Al31b, A133b, A138a, 050,
Hauser, A3b, A4f 063, 065; p. 470, p. 471 Dahlgren, J. A. French grammar. See La Porte, T. C.
Few hints on the new ix inch shell. See French, Samuel, publisher, N. Y., B103c
Few of the ‘hows’ of school keeping. See French reading book series, A5b, A6f,
Howard, R. S. Al5b, Al5c, 022
Few thoughts. See Mann, Horace Frothingham, S., jr., B38b Fields, George A., binder, p. 476 Fuller, Henry H., Remarks upon an oraFields, James T., All5a, A1l82b, B165a; tion... by George Putnam, A7la Anniversary poem, A23b; Poems, Al48a, Fuller, Margaret, B97a B53c, B55b; ed., A159a, Al73a, Al82b. Fuller, W. W., A19b
Letters from, Al5la, A186a, A202b, Further reflections upon the state of the A214a, A220a, A244a, A248b, Bl3a, B51a, currency. See Adams, Charles F. B/5a, B78b, B89a, B134a, B183a, B187a, B206b; Letters to, B5la, B134a, B139a, Galt, John, Autobiography, 0131; Stanley
B176, B183a, B187b, B220a Burton, 0124
First lines of physiology. See Oliver, Daniel Gannett, Ezra S., Sermon, A167b First ten cantos of the Inferno. See Dante Gaskell, Elizabeth C., Mary Barton, B13a;
Fitz George. See Sterling, John Ruth, Bl3a, B30a
Flint, J. B., ed., 05 Genera of shells. See Lamarck, J. B.
B. Kiener, L. C.
Florence, the parish orphan. See Lee, Eliza’ General species... of ... shells. See
082 Fairholme, G.
Florian, Jean Pierre C., Numa Pompilius, General view of geology of scripture. See
Folsom, Charles, A8e, 030 Gentleman and lady's book of politeness. Folsom, Wells & Thurston, printers, Al8a, See Bayle-Mouillard, E. F.
Gentleman in black. See Dalton, J. from a student’s window, 037; Story of
Geographical clock, Al6b the American revolution, A7d, A28b; Geography for children. See Brinsmade, ed., Token and Atlantic souvenir, 038
George Gore, Catherine, G. F., Miseries of mar-
German lyrics. See Brooks, C. T. riage, 0134; Pin money, 0135
Gilbert, John, illustrator, Al86a, B26a, Gould, Augustus, A., trans., A9b
B199b, B199c, B199£; p. 477 Gould, George, binder, p. 475 Giles, Henry, Christian thought, A180b, Gould, Kendall and Lincoln, publishers, A193a; Illustrations of genius, B77a; Lec- 0118
tures and essays, Al63a, Al9la Grandmamma’'s book of rhymes, A3g
Giles, Mrs. S. R. H., B89b Grant & Warren, paper dealers, B162b; Gilman, Samuel, Pleasures and pains of the p. 477, p. 478
student's life, A255a Grant, Daniell, & Co., paper dealers, A109a,
Glaucus. See Kingsley, Charles Al44b, A240c, B30a; p. 477, p. 478 Gleig, George R., Allen Breck, 0142 Gray, J. C., A255a Goethe, J. W. von, Faust (Brooks’ trans.), Gray & Bowen, publishers, A9c B187a, B191b, B264-265; Faust (Hay- Greeley, Horace, All2a ward’s trans.), A20la, A215b, A234a, Greene, Benj. H., publisher, A6c B32c, B87a, Bl46b, B25la; Wilhelm Greene, C. A., printer, A6a, A6e, A9a, Alle,
Meister (Carlyle’s trans.), A205a Alle, Al6e; p. 470 Golden legend. See Longfellow, H. W. Greene, David. See Mason, Lowell Goldsmith, Oliver, Vicar of Wakefield,0107 Greene, Nathaniel, Improvisations, A242a
Gonzalvo, or the fall of Granada. See Greenwood, Francis W. P., History of
Hood, C. King's Chapel, A4a; Sermons of consola-
Goad, John M., Book of nature, A10f, Al8a, tion, Al05b A20b, A22b, A35a, A38a, A47b, A72a, Greenwood, Grace. See Lippincott, S. J.
A86a, A176c, B22c Greenwood leaves. See Lippincott, S. J.
Good wives. See Child, L. M. Gregory, Olinthus, Mathematics for practi-
Good-natured bear. See Horne, R. H. cal men, 0136
Goodrich, Samuel G., A3d, A9c; Benefits Gr gg & Elliot, publishers, Phila., O119
of industry, 026; Early history of the Griggs, S. C. and Co., publishers, Chicago,
southern states, A7e, A27a; History of 0115 New England, A7c, A9f, A27c; History Griswold, Rufus, B43a, B89a. Letter to,
of the middle states, A9e, A2\c, A27b; B89a History of the western states, Al2b, Groom, Thomas, paper dealer, A240b, A2Ib, A28a; Histories, 5 vols, A34a, _ 240c, B10a, B44c; p. 477 A40a, A64c, A86b, All2b, A177c, A23lc, Guizot, Elizabeth C. P., Caroline, ou l’effet B79a; Peter Parley’s spelling book, 021; d’un malheur, 022; Tales in French, A6f,
Peter Parley’s short stories, Allb, Al6a, Al5b A47c, A64b, A260d; Peter Parley’s story Guy Mannering. See Scott, W. of Alice Gray, 010; Peter Parley’s story of
Robert Seaboy, 011; Peter Parley’s story Hagar, D. B., Lecture on the supervision of the freshet, 012; Peter Parley’s story of of schools, A235b
the little gardener, 013; Peter Parley’s Hague, William, Discourse [on] J. Q. story of the little wanderers, 014; Peter Adams, A126a; Philosophy of ultraism, Parley’s story of the orphans, 015; Peter Al4c Parley’s story of the two friends, 016; Hale, Mary W., Poems, A33a Peter Parley’s story of the umbrella and Hale, Nathan, publisher, 0130 the tiger, 017; Present from Peter Parley Hale, Sarah J., ed., A10£; School song book,
to all his little friends, A7f£; Sketches 023
INDEX 491 Hall, William A. & Co., printers, Al3b, Head and heart. See Bartlett, Elisha
A33a, A42b, 026; p. 470 Heart of Midlothian. See Scott, W. Halliard, Jack, Voyages and adventures of, Helen. See Edgeworth, Maria
A8f, A30c, A55b, A202a, B76b Hell. Cantos I to X. See Dante Hamlin, H. A. L. See Lawrence, M. W., Helon’s pilgrimage. See Strauss, G. F.
Light on the dark river Heroes. See Kingsley, Charles
Haps and mishaps. See Lippincott, S. J. Heroines of the missionary enterprise. See
Harbinger, A87a Eddy, D. C.
Harper & Bros., publishers, N. Y., A77a, Hewes, J. M. & Co., printers, A196b, A20l1a,
All5a, A186a, B226c. Letters from, A215b, A235a, A236a, B7a, B44a, B89c,
All5a, Al86a B129b, Bl43a, Bl74a, B183c, B190a,
Harris, Thaddeus, M., ed., Blila B223d, B233b, 099; p. 470
Harrison, Capt., Al73a Hewitt, Mary E., Songs of our land, A79a Harrison, William, Nights at mess, 0143 Hickling, C., printer, A83a, A96a, A98a,
Harrison, William H., A discourse on the A98b, All2b, All6b, A122a, A122b,
aborigines, A34b A137b, A142b, Al47a, A147b, A167a,
Hartwell, Alonzo, illustrator, A139a, 076; Al76a, Al77a, A177b, Al8la, A192b,
p. 477 A192c, A199b, A202a, A203b, A206b,
Harvey, William, illustrator, B8a, B4%a, A2l1b, A217b, A222c, A238a, A239a,
B188a | A246c, A253b, A253c, A254c, B10b, B36a,
Hawes, Joel, 4 looking glass for ladies, 049 B48b, B57b, B84b, B86a, B93c, B105a,
Hawks, Francis L. See Goodrich, S. G. B108a, B123c, Bl27a, Bl6lb, B170a, Hawkshaw, Ann, Aunt Effie's rhymes, — Bi71c, B182b, B186b, B186c, B208a,
A258b, B269 B216b, B223c, B236a, B24la, B252c;
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, African cruiser, p. 470
ed., B78b; Blithedale romance, A248b, Higgins & Bradley, binders, B160a, B160b;
A253a, B125b; House of the seven ga- p. 475-476 bles, A214a, A214b, A214c, Aal/c, A227a, Higginson, T. W., B97a; Thalatta, B19b AZ58e, B40c, B127c, B223a; Life of Frank- High school reader. See Blake, J. L.
lin Pierce, A256; Mosses from an old Hill, H., publisher, Al0d manse, B78b, B217a; Philosophy of plays Lill p ° ublisher N Y_06
of Shakespeare unfolded, Intro. to, 0110; Hill, Tho. 1475 °
Scarlet letter, A\73a, A179a, A189a, cov- iy 2 2omas, Bi4
ers A217c, A219a, A230c, A245c, A253b, on wm i & ce paper cas illard, George S., ed.,
a, .
BsIe Me inane, een »» on Connection between geography and hisB223b; Tanglewood tales, B23a, B37a, 707 A84b; Dangers and duties of the B50b, B156b, B158d, B217b, B269; True mercantile profession, A197b, B73a; Six
stories from history and biography, months in Italy, B25b, B40a, Bll5a, A188b, A209a; B64a, B67a, B119b, BI58b, __B148a, Bl94c, B254c, B264-265, B270
Bl62a, B208b, B269, B270; Twice-told Hilliard, Gray & Co., publishers, A8e tales, A202b, A265c, B35a, B84a, B203c; | Hinckley, J. E. & Co., printers, A5a; p. 470 Wonder book, A228a, A234c, B36c, B49c, Hints on etiquette. See Day, C. W. B64a, B122b, B201c, B204c, B259c, B259d, Hints on health. See Coale, W. E. B269, B270. Letters to, A202b, A214a, Hints on modern evangelism. See Sharp, A238a, A248b, B78b. Engraving of, B271 Daniel
Hay, Jane E. See Benham, Jane E. Hirst, Henry B., Endymion, A131b; Pen-
Hayne, Paul H., Poems, B86b ance of Roland, A154b
Hayward, Abraham. See Goethe, Faust Historical and critical essays. See DeQuin-
Hayward, George, Lecture, A97b cey, Thomas
Ag2 INDEX History and design of the American Insti- B142c, B148c, BI50b, B152b, B155b, tute of Instruction. See Emerson, G. B. B159c, Bl64b, Bl65a, Bl66c, B167c, History of King’s Chapel. See Greenwood, B169b, B172, B175c, B176, B179a, B184a,
F, W. G. B185d, B187a, B187b, B188a, B188b,
History of my pets. See Lippincott, S. J. B189a, BI89b, B190b, B191b, B192c, History of New England. See Goodrich, B192d, B193b, B193c, B195b, B198a,
S. G. B198c, B199a, B205, B206a, B209b, B210,
History of the middle states. See Goodrich, B211, B212, B214b, B215b, B218, B220a,
S. G. B222a, B222b, B224a, B226c, B227b,
History of the western states. See Good- B229d, B23la, B232a, B233a, B234a,
rich, S. G. B235b, B237a, B238b, B238d, B239a,
History of Virginia. See Goodrich, S. G., B240b, B241b, B242a, B242b, B243b,
Early history of the southern states B245a, B245b, B245d, B247a, B247d, Hoare, Clement, Practical treatise on... B248b, B249a, B249b, B250c, B257a, the grape vine, A19c, A29a, A72b, Al3la B258b, B258c, B260b, B26la, B26lb, Hobart & Robbins. See New England Type B263a, B263c, B266a, 0115; p. 470, p. 471,
and Stereotype Foundry p. 473
Holbrook, Josiah, editor, 08 Houghton, Osgood and Co., publishers,
B271 N.
Holland, Thomas R. & Co., engravers, p. 471
B271; p. 477; holders of engravings, House of the seven gables. See Hawthorne, Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Astraea, A189b, How, Dr., B149a A189c; Benefactors of the medical school, Howard, Roger S., A few of the ‘hows’ of Al97a; Homoeopathy, A43b; Introduc- school-keeping, 047 tory lecture, Al118a; Poems, A139a, Howard Benevolent Society, A169a, 091
Al44a, Al48b, Al58b, Al70b, A195a, Howe, Julia W., Passion-flowers, B46c, A225c, A246b, B12b, B28b, B42a, B53c, B59c, B60a, B198a; Words for the hour, B87b, B104a, B136b, B160b, B171b, B235a, B198a, B264-265; World's own, B207a,
B270; Poems, English edition, A80a; B264-265 Puerperal fever, B97b; Urania, A93b, Howe, Samuel G., B149a; Essay on sepa-
A96b. Engraving of, B271 rate and congregate systems of prison
Homer, Sidney, Short inquiry into the com- discipline, 058; Letter to J]. H. Wilkins, mercial policy of the United States, A8ia B94b; Letter to the governor of Massa-
Homoeopathy. See Holmes, O. W. chusetts, 0113; Thoughts on language,
Hone, Philip, Address, A57b A59c
Honor to whom honor. See Sharp, Daniel Howitt, Anna Mary. See Watts, Anna Mary Hood, Charles, Gonzalvo, or the fall of | Howitt, Mary, Birds and flowers, A50a
Granada, 050 Howitt, William, Boy’s adventures in Aus-
Hopkins, John, Notions on political econ- tralia, B100b, B104c, B267a, B270; Land,
omy, A7b labor and gold, Bll6a
B269 B4la All2a A6la
Horne, Richard H., Good-natured bear, Hubbard, Harvey, Ixton, A239b B52c; Memoirs of a London doll, A224b, Hufeland, C. W., Art of prolonging life,
Horne, Thomas H., Manual for the af- Hughes, Thomas, School days at Rugby,
flicted, A5e B214b, B240a, B241c, B254b, B26lc,
Horne’s progress. See Horne, Thomas H. B262c Hosmer, William H. C., The months, Hunt, Leigh, Poetical works, B218; Rimint, Houghton & Co., printers, Bllla, B131b, Hurd and Houghton, publishers, N. Y., B133, B134a, B139a, B14la, B141c, B142b, p. 471
INDEX 493 Hutchison, Andrew R., binder, A135a; of women, A/6a, B206a, B215c; Diary of
p. 475 an ennuyée, B209b, B261b; Memoirs of
Hyde, William, publisher, A7c, Al0d the loves of the poets, B210, B230b, Hyperion. See Longfellow, H. W. B242b; Sisters of charity, B209a; Sketches of art, B232a, B249a
Illustrations of genius. See Giles, Henry Jane Eyre. See Bronté, Charlotte Illustrations of political economy. See Mar- Jaquith, Moses, lining & ruling, A127/b,
tineau, H. Al44b, B67b, B1l6b, B196a, B228a, Illustrators of Ticknor books, listed, pp. B239b, B253c; p. 477, p. 479 477-79 Jarvis, Edward, Lecture on... the study of
Importunate prayer. See Love, Horace T. physiology, A83b Improvement of common schools. See Jeffrey, Rosa V., Poems, B22la, B230c,
Swan, W. D. B264-265
Improvisations. See Greene, Nathaniel Jenkins & Greenough, stereotypers, A3d;
In memoriam. See Tennyson, A. p. 470
Incentives to mental culture. See Butler, Jerrold, William B., ed., Specimens of
J. D. Douglas Jerrold’s wit, B249b, B250c
Indestructible books, 093 Jewett, Procter & Worthington, publishers, Infatuation. See Benjamin, Park Cleveland, B173 Ingalls, William, Treatise on malignant Jewett, Thomas & Co., publishers, (N.Y.?),
fever, A109b A156b
Institution for the Blind. See Perkins In- Johnson, Claude M., B22la
stitution Johnson, Rosa V. See Jeffrey, Rosa V.
Introduction to the study of human anat- Johnson, Samuel. See Longfellow, Samuel,
omy. See Paxton, James Book of Hymns
Introductory discourse. See Wayland, Jonas, Silas, Practical phrenology, 0119
Francis Jonas a judge; Jonas on a farm in winter;
Introductory lecture. See Bigelow, Jacob; Jonas on a farm in summer; Jonas stor-
Holmes, O. W.; Jackson, J. B. C.; zes. See Abbott, Jacob
Walker, James Jones, Catesby ap R., B153b Iriarte, Tomas de, Literary fables of, B96a, Jones, E., binder, Al44a; p. 475 B264-265 Jones, Peter C., paper dealer, B12a; p. 477 Island bride. See Colman, James F. Journal — capture Brig Kenton, B191c It ts all for the best. See Seaton, Oneida Journal of a residence in Scotland. See It is never too late to mend. See Reade, McLellan, Isaac
Charles Journey due north. See Sala, G. A. H.
Ivanhoe. See Scott, W. Judson, Emily C., Alderbrook, A96a, A98a, Ixion. See Hubbard, Harvey Al0lb, All0a, Al15b, A127a, A146b,
Al55b, Al68b, A188a, A204a, A24la,
Jack Hallyard. See Halliard, Jack B66b, B184b; Kathayan slave, A188a, Jackson, John B. S., Descriptive catalogue B8b; My two ststers, A188a, B45a, B269.
of the anatomical museum of Boston, Letter to, Al88a
063; Introductory lecture, Al4\b Julia. See Lunt, G. Jamaica Plain Baptist Church. See Manual Juvenile catalogue. See Catalogue
of Juvenile miscellany, A3f, A5b, 03
James, George P. R., Memoirs of great [uvenile rambler, 04 commanders, 0144; Oration on the char-
acter of Wellington, 097 Kane & Co., printers, A4b, A5e, A6b, 06, Jameson, Anna B., Beauties of the court of 0116; p. 470 Charles the second, 0139; Characteristics Kathayan slave. See Judson, Emily
494 INDEX Kate Bouverie. See Norton, Caroline S. Langley, J. and H. G., publishers, N. Y.,
Kavanagh. See Longfellow, H. W. 0148
Keese, John. See Smith, Elizabeth O. La Porte, Theodore C., French grammar,
Keith, Omen S., printer, p. 473 Al08b, A130a, A255b, B126a, B226b; Kendrick, Asahel C., Walking with God, Key to the French exercises, A107a,
A192a Al07b, Al29b; Self teaching reader,
Kennard, James, jr., Selections from writ- Al08a, A1l38a, B85c; Speaking exercises,
ings of, Al33a A107b, A129b, B130a
Kennard, Manning, A133a Last incarnation. See Constant, A. L. Key & Biddle, publishers, Phila., 0122, 0123, Law, William, Serious call, Al3a
0131 Law of human progress. See Sumner, A9c Lawrence, Margaret W., Light on the
Key & Meilke, publishers, Phila., A7c, A7d, Charles
Key, Meilke & Biddle, publishers, Phila., dark river, B4lb, B47b, B53b, B69c,
A7e B194a. Engraving of, B271
Key to the French exercises. See La Porte, Lays of my home. See Whittier, J. G.
T.C. Leaves from Margaret Smith's journal. See
Kidder & Wright, printers, p. 474 Whittier, J. G.
Kiener, Louis C., General species of .-- Lecture on elocution. See Russell, William
shells, Al9a _ Lecture on failures in teaching. See Kingsteaching, A140b Lecture on home preparation. See Whit-
Kingsbury, John, Lecture on failures in bury, John
Kingsley, Charles, Andromeda, B243b; man, Jason Glaucus, B115b, B130c; Heroes, B155b; Lecture on spelling books. See Mann
Miscellanies (see Sir Walter Raleigh); Horace —_ s , New miscellanies, B257a; Poems, B150b, Lecture on teacher’ morals. See Ol;
B169b; Sir Walter Raleigh, B257a; Two HK O0ETS PONS, OEE MINE
years ago, B202a, B207b, B214a; West- — ;
ward ho!, B100a, B200a. hectire on the education ...of young
Kit Bam’s adventures. See Clarke, Mary C. children. See May, Samuel G.
Kitfield, Henry, binder, A146b; p. 475 Lecture on the importance of moral and Kneeland, Samuel, jr., trans., A82b religious education. See Northend, Wil-
Knowles, James S., Select works, 0116 liam D. . Knowles, Anthony & Co., printers, Provi- Lecture on the manifestation of education. dence, 0105; p. 470 See Lecture Bates, S. W. . on the supervision of schools. See Labor and love. See Whitaker, Mary A. Hagar, D. B.
Ladder to learning. See Trimmer, S. K. Lecture Ones the study of physiology.
Ladies’ family library, Vol. 2, A8b; Vol. 3, See Jarvis, Edwar d
A5c Lectures. See Channing, E. T.; Whipple, A9b Lectures and essays. See Giles, Henry
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, Genera of shells, E. P.
Lancaster Press, A3e Lectures before the American Institute of Lancaster Type and Stereotype Foundry, Instruction. See American Institute of
Al0b; p. 470 Instruction
Land, labor and gold. See Howitt, Wil- Lectures on the elevation of the laboring
liam portion of the community. See Chan-
Landon, Letitia E., Book of beauty, 0125 ning, W. E.
Landor, Walter S., Popery, A212b; Selec- Lectures to young ladies. See Phelps, Altions, B131b, B142b. Engraving of, B271. mira H. L.
INDEX 495 Lee, Eliza B., Florence, A227b; Memoirs Lincoln & Edmands, publishers, Al6c of .. . Buckminster, A215a; Parthenia, Lindberg, H. G., trans., A3b
B232b, B248c, B264—-265 Lippincott, Leander K., B51b, B83a, B142a,
Lee, S. Adams, ed., B218 B211
Leeds, Mrs., A260d Lippincott, Sara J., Forest tragedy, B142a,
Legaré, James M., Orta-undis, A118b B151c, B264-265; Greenwood leaves, first Leigh, Edwin, Philosophy of medical sct- sertes, Al56a, Al71b, A207b, B24a; sec-
ence, 098 ond series, A233a, B39b; Haps and mis-
Leighton, Son, & Hedge, binder, London, haps, B5\b, B54b, B54c, B59b, B60c; His-
A229b tory of my pets, A195b, A200b, A216b,
Lemon, A. F., binder, p. 476 A234b, A260a, B17b, B46a, B64a, B106c,
Lessons at home. See Russell, William B204b, B238c, B240c, B259a, B259d, B269,
Lessons for children. See Barbauld, A. L. B270; Merrie England, B83a, B140c, Letter to J]. H. Wilkins ... See Howe, B159c, B269; Poems, A186b, A2I10b,
S. G. B42b, B240b; Recollections, A228b,
Letter to the governor of Massachusetts. A237b, A260b, B17b, B46b, B64a, B186c,
See Howe, S. G. B241la, B259b, B259d, B269; Stories and
Letter to W. E. Channing. See Madden, legends of travel, B201c, B211, B264—265.
Richard R. Engraving of, B271. Vignette, B271.
Letter to W. E. Channing in reply to one Letter from, B83a. Letter to, A233a
A3la the uterus, 036
addressed to him by Richard R. Madden, Lisfranc de St. Martin, Jacques, Diseases of
Letters by a statesman. See Childe, E. V., Literary culture increasing the power of
Articles from the “London Times’ the Christian mimstry. See Williams, Letters to a young man. See DeQuincey, William R.
Thomas Literary fables of Yriarte. See Iriarte, T. de
Levison, J. L., Mental culture, AlQe Literary recreations. See Whittier, J. G. Lewes, George H., Life and works of Literary reminiscences. See DeQuincey,
Goethe, B135a Thomas
Lewis, Winslow, jr., ed., A8d, Allc, Al4a Little & Brown, publishers, A45a, A62b, Lewis & Penniman, printer, Al3a, 0117; Al05b, B164a, Bl65a, 052, 0121
p. 471, p. 473 Little child’s friend. See Doughty, S. P.
Library of Congress, books sent to, B264, Little reader, A3f
265 Little stories for little folks, 051
Library of practical medicine, A37a Lodge, G. H., trans., 036
Lieber, Francis, ed., A3b London Journal, B220a
Life and manners. See DeQuincey, Longfellow, H. W., A85b; Ballads, A134b,
Thomas 083; Belfrey of Bruges, A134a, 083;
Life and works of Goethe. See Lewes, Coplas de Don Jorge Manrique, A8e;
G. H. Courtship of Miles Standish, B260a,
Life of Franklin Pierce. See Hawthorne, N. B26l1d, B266b, B266c, B267b, B267c;
Life of . . . Frémont. See Upham, C. W. Estray, The, A95a, A99a; Evangeline, Life of George Stephenson. See Smiles, S. All5a, All7b, Al2la, A124b, A128a, Life-drama. See Smith, Alexander, Poems Al28b, Al158a, A175b, Bl5c, B72b,
Light, George W., printer, 08 B163b, B202b, B264, 083; Evangeline, Light & Horton, printers, 01; p. 471 Bogue’s ed., Al86a, B199d; Evangeline, Light on the dark river. See Lawrence, Routledge’s ed., B199f, B264-265; Golden
M. W. legend, A232a, A232b, A232c, A257d,
Lights and shadows. See Doughty, Mrs. B67c, B103a, B149b, Bl69a, B207c; Lilly, Lambert. See Goodrich, S. G. Golden legend, Bogue’s ed., B88a, B199e;
496 INDEX Golden legend, Routledge’s ed., B199e; in geometry, A56a, A69a; Edwards’ first Hyperion, A104a, Al23a, A138b, A157b, lessons in grammar, A56a, A69a; OlymAl80a, Al198b, A212a, A237c, A257a, pic games, A69a; Seed-grain for thought B2la, B36b, B80a, B99c, B128a, B154a, and discussion, B167c, B264-265; Theory B17la, B203a, B257b; Hyperion, Bogue’s of teaching, A56a, A69a; Thoughts on
ed., Bl7a; Kavanagh, Al49b, A15/7a, the education of girls, B20b A193b, Bl6a, B99b, B167a; Outre-mer, Lowell, Charles, Sermons ... practical, A9la, Al32b, A184b, A225b, B30b, B94a, B264—265; Sermons ... occasional, B103b, B170d; Poems, 16mo ed., Al7la, B113b, B264-265. Letter to, B113b Al91b, A204b, A223a, A237a, A245b, Lowell, J. A., Al74a A254a, Bl2a, B28a, B40b, B59a, B74c, Lowell, James R., Biglow papers, Al66a; B92a, Bl07a, Bl26b, Bl44a, Bl6lc, Bl4a, B66c, B138c, B248a; Fable for critB177b, B19la, B250b; Poems, 32mo, ics, B82d, B128c; Poems, Al66a, Bl6c, Blue and Gold ed. B189a, B199a, B73c, B78b, B194b; Poetical works, Blue B235b, B245b, B260b, B264—-265; Po- and Gold ed., B233a, B239a, B264-265; ems, Bogue’s ed., A229b, B90c, B112c, Vision of Sir Launfal, Al66a, A225a, B199b, B264-265; Poems, Routledge’s ed., B170c, B255a
B199b, B264-265; Poems, six volumes, Lunt, George, Age of gold, A46b; Anni1850, Al7la, 083; Prose works, B205, versary poem, A57b; Dove and the eagle, B222a, B264-265; Seaside and the fire- A206a; Julza, Bl11b; Lyric poems, B38a; side, Al66b, 083; Song of Hiawatha, Three eras of New England, 0114
Bl3la, Bi38a, Bl4la, Bl4lc, Bl42c, Lunt, William P., Union of the human B143b, B148b, B159a, B159b, B163c, race, A178b B167b, B182c, B192d, B203b, B221b, Lyceum Press, 08; p. 471
: B238a, B256b, B264-265; Spanish stu- Lydia. See Crosland, C. D. dent, Al34a, 083; Voices of the night, Lyman, George H., Non-malignant disA134a, 083; Voices of the night, Bogue’s eases of the uterus, B98a ed., A299a; Voices of the night, Rout- Lyric poems. See Lunt, George ledge’s ed., B199c; Waif, A95a, A99a. Lyrics of Spain and Erin. See Maturin, E. Engraving of, B271. Letters from, A8e. Lyteria. See Quincy, J. P. Letters to, A8e, A85b, Al04a, Al15a,
A186a M’Conechy, James, ed., Al05a
Longfellow, Samuel, and Higginson, T.W., McDonald, Hugh, binder, All5a; p. 475
T halatta, B\9b Mackay, Charles, Voices from the moun-
Longfellow, Samuel, and Johnson, Samuel, tains, A261b Book of hymns, A133b, Al36a, Al36b, McLellan, Isaac, jr., Journal of a residence A150b, Al52a, A206b, B7b, B29a, B99a, in Scotland, 024; Mount Auburn, and
B169c, B198b other poems, 043
Looking glass for ladies. See Hawes, Joel McNevin, designer, B172; p. 478 Loring, Benj. & Co., paper dealers, B239b; Madden, Richard R., A letter to W. E.
p. 477 Channing, A29b
Loud, Marguerite, Wayside flowers, A217a_ Magician’s show box. See Tappan, C. S. Louis, P. C. A., Anatomical, pathological Maine Historical Society, Al6la and therapeutic researches in the yellow Maitland, Julia C. B., Doll and her friends,
fever, 052 A250b, B269; Historical charades, A250b;
Love, Horace T., Importunate prayer, Letters from Madras, A250b
A236a Malcom, Howard, ed., Al3a; ed., Brief
Loves of the poets. See Jameson, Anna B. memotr of Mrs. Lydia M. Malcom, A14b;
Low, Peter, binder, p. 475 Extent... of the atonement, A8c
Lowell, Anna C. J., Edwards’ first lessons Mann, Horace, A few thoughts for a young
INDEX 497 man, A169b, Al72a, Al72b, A177a, Massie, W., Alice Paulet, 0126 A177b, A23la, A245a, A257c, B34a, B35c, Mathematics for practical men. See Greg-
B48b, B65b, B105a, B186b; Lectures on ory, O. ... spelling books, 039. Letter from, B35c Mathews, Wm., binder, N.Y., p. 475 Mann, Mary T., Christianity in the kitchen, Matins and vespers. See Bowring, John
B224b, B237b, B264—265 Maturin, Edward, Lyrics of Spain and Erin,
Manning, James, trans., Bllla 084
' Manual for the afflicted. See Horne, T.H. Maud. See Tennyson, A. Manual of Christian psalmody. See Mason, May, Samuel J., Lecture on education of
Lowell the faculties... Aug., 1846, 064 See Andry, Felix ward A. H.
Manual of diagnosis of diseases of the heart. Means of producing ... See Allen, Ed-
low, H. J. tion, A30b
Manual of orthopedic surgery. See Bige- Mechanic Apprentices’ Library AssociaManual of the .. . Baptist Church at Ja- Medical catalogue. See Catalogue
maica Plain, B\74a Medical magazine, 05
Manuscript corrections . . . Shakespeare’s Meliboeus-Hipponax. The Biglow papers.
plays. See Quincy, J. P. See Lowell, James R. ;
Marco Paul’s travels. See Abbott, Jacob Memoir of ... Edmund Burke. See Prior, Marden & Kimball, printers, A19b, A19c, James A23b, A26a, 029, 033, 034; p. 471 Memoir of Mrs. Malcom. See Malcom, Marsh, Capen, Lyon, and Webb, publish- Howard
ers, Al5a, A54b Memoir of Robert W heaton, B25a
Martineau, Harriet, Sowers not reapers,027 Memoirs. See Vidocaq, F. E.
Marvin, T. R., printer, A37a, A54a, Al83a, Memoirs of a London doll. See Horne, A256, A259c, B7b, B8a, B14a, B14b, B15b, R. H. B17c, B22a, B23a, B29a, B29c, B32b, B37c, Memoirs of . . . Buckminster. See Lee, B43d, B45a, B45b, B49a, B49c, B50a, B50b, Eliza B. B51a, B54a, B54b, B54c, B56a, B59b, B60c, Memoirs of great commanders. See James, B6la, B61b, B66c, B68c, B69a, B74b, B84c, George P. R. B87a, B98c, B99a, B103c, B104b, B106b, Memoirs of Mrs. Hamlin. See Lawrence,
B127b, B127c, Bl45d, B146b, B160c, M. W. Bl6la, B182a, B184b, B184c, B185b, Memoirs of the loves of the poets. See B194a, B198b, B207a, B219a, B223a, Jameson, Anna B.
B235a, B25la, B251c; p. 471 Memoirs of William Wordsworth. See Mary M. Chase and her writings. See Wordsworth, Christopher
Chase, Mary M. Memorable women. See Crosland, C. D.
Mason, Lowell, and Greene, David, Church Memoranda for young practitioners in mid-
psalmody, Al8c; Manual of Christian wifery. See Rigby, Edward
psalmody, Al8c, A36a Memorials. See DeQuincey, Thomas Massachusetts Baptist Convention, Annual Memory and hope. See Silsbee, M. C. D. report, A25c, A33b, A38b, A45c, A67a, Men and women. See Browning, Robert A74b, A90a, A97a, All7a, Al4la, Al65b, Mental culture. See Levison, J. L. Al65c, A196b, A236a, B7a, B44a, B90a, Mercantile Library Association (Boston),
B143a, B190a, B233b, 031, 059 A23b, A57b, A67b, A93b, Al06a, A169b, Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Trans- A197b, B95b
actions, 069 Merchant. See Russell, George R.
Massachusetts Medical College, A118a, Merrie England. See Lippincott, S. J.
Al4lb, Al5la, A197a, 096 Metcalf & Co., printers, A78a, A85b, A91a, Massey, Gerald, Poetical works, B206b A91b, A92b, A95a, A99a, Al04a, A106a,
498 INDEX All5a, Al17b, A119b, Al2la, A123a, Moore & Crosby, printers, B166b; p. 471,
Al24b, Al28a, Al28b, A132b, A133a, p. 478 A133b, Al34a, Al134b, A138b, Al49b, Moral education. See Emerson, G. B. Al56b, Al57a, A157b, Al58a, Al66a, Moral instructor. See Palmer, T. H. Al66b, Al7la, A173a, Al179a, A183b, Morland, W. W., ed., Al51la; trans., All3a A184b, A185b, Al86b, A195a, Al95b, Morley, Henry, Palissy the potter, A252a A197b, A198b, A204b, A209b, A210b, Moss, publisher, Phila., B43a A214a, A222a, A223a, A225a, A225b, Mosses from an old manse. See Hawthorne,
A226a, A226b, A232a, A232c, A237a, N. A243a, A243b, A254a, A26la, A265a, Mother's lessons for little girls and boys, Bl12a, Bl4a, B15c, Bl6a, B21a, B28a, B43a, 053 B47a, B55b, B59a, B66c, B72b, B74c, B80a, Mother's medical guide. See Bradford, B81b, B92a, B99b, B103a, B107a, B110a, Robert and H. O.
B114b, Bll5b, B117b, B118b, B120a, Motherwell, William, Mirnstrelsy, A85b; B120b, B123a, B123b, B125a, B126b, Poems, narrative and lyrical, A39b, A56b, B128a, B128b, B129e, Bl3la, B132a, A90b; Poetical works, Al105a, A265a; B135b, B138a, B143b, Bl44a, B148b, Posthumous poems, A2\3b, A265a B149b, Bl54a, Bl59a, B159b, Bl6lc, Mount Auburn and other poems. See B163b, B163c, Bl67a, B169a, B170c, McLellan, Isaac B177b, B181ld, B182c, B19la, B202b, Mountford, William, Thorpe, A243a,
B203a, B203b, B207c, B217c, B22Ia, A243b B221b, B232b, B238a, B242c, B246a, Mowatt, A. C. See Ritchie, A. C. B246b, B250a, B250b, B255a, B256b, Mrs. Turner’s notices, B190c B256c, B257b, B260a, B266b, B267b, Mudge, Alfred, printer, A72a, B26b, B26c, B267c, B268a, 058, 061, 075, 083, 0108; B28c, 088; p. 471 holder of stereotype plates, B270; p. 470, Mudge, Joseph B., American drawing book,
p. 471, p. 472, p. 473 045
Miller, publisher, N. Y., B165a Munroe, James, & Co., publishers, A54b,
478 Letter from, A104a N. Y., B35c A140c
Miller, William M., engraver, B247a; p. Al04a, A154a, A202b, A227b, 028a, 077. Mills, Hopkins & Co., publishers, Syracuse, Munroe, Nathan, Qualifications of a teacher,
Milnes, Richard M., Poems of many years, Murdoch, James E., and Russell, William,
A78a Orthophony, A73a, A94b, A98b, A114b,
Mimic life. See Ritchie, Anna C. A149a, A211a, A246c, B43c, B84b, B123c, Minstrelsy. See Motherwell, William B134b, B185a, B236a Miscellaneous essays. See DeQuincey, Mussey, B. B., publisher, A3g, A77a, B212
Thomas Mutual duties of parents. See Page, David
Miscellanies. See Kingsley, Charles, Sir P.
Walter Raleigh My pets. See Lippincott, S. J., History of
Miseries of marriage. See Gore, Catherine my pets
G. F. My two sisters. See Judson, Emily
Mitford, Mary R., Our willage, B23b; Ath- Myrtilla. See Rice, George E. erton, B69b, B72a. Engraving of, B27] Mystic and other poems. See Bailey, P. J. Model teacher. See Bates, Joshua
Monald:. See Allston, W. Narrative and miscellaneous papers. See
Monastery. See Scott, W. DeQuincey, Thomas
Months. See Hosmer, W. H. C. Narrative of the life of David Crockett. Moore, Oliver, Staff officer, 0127 See Crockett, D.
INDEX 499 Natural history of the fishes of Massachu- Oasis. See Child, L. M.
setts. See Smith, J. V. C. Obstacles to the greater success of common
Naturalist, 06 schools. See Northend, Charles Nature in disease. See Bigelow, Jacob Oertel, illustrator, B9b; p. 478
Neale, R., printer, 09 Old mortality. See Scott, W.
Necker de Saussure, A. A. Progressive Old play... Hamlet. See Rice, G. E.
education, A13b Old portraits and modern sketches. See
New England Type and Stereotype Found- Whittier, J .G.
; Oliver, Daniel, First lines of physiology,
ry, printers and stereotypers, George A. 54) Curtis, A77a, A87a, A88b, A89b, A92a, on sp trams. All3a. Baa
Ad4b, AQ6a, A98b, Al07a, Al07b, A108a, Oliver, H K. Lecture on teachers’ morals
Al08b, All2a, Al35a, Al44a, 057, 066, A255. 070, 073, 087; p. 470, p. 472; Hobart & Oliver, James. See Dix, W. G., ed., Wreck
Robbins, Al56b, Al62b, Al63b, A185b, of the Glide Al89a, A190a, Al96a, A20la, A203a, Olympic games. See Lowell, A. C. A2l4a, A2l6a, A217a, A2I7c, A228a, On the prevention of constipation. See A228b, A236c, A238a, A248b, B41b, B69b, Warren, J. C. B71b, B78a, B85b, B96a, B100b, Bl17a, Operative surgery. See Piper, R. U. B122a, B133, B137b, B142a, B144b, Bl46a, Oration on the character of Wellington.
B153a, B158a, Bl64a, Bl65b, B183a, See James, G. P. R. B202a, B207a, B216b, B225a, B266a, Orations and speeches. See Sumner,
p. 470, p. 471, p. 472 Charles
New man. See Warren, J. G. Order list, B157b New monthly magazine, 07 Orr, John W. & Co., designers & engravers,
New Testament, A42c, A69b N. Y., B172; p. 478
Newton Theological Institution, Al4c Orta-undis. See Legaré, J. M. Nichols, George, publisher, Cambridge, Orthophony. See Murdoch, J. E.
A225a, Bl4a; p. 473 Osgood, James R. and Co., publishers,
Nights at mess. See Harrison, William p. 471
Non-malignant diseases of the uterus. See Otis, Eliza H., The Barclays of Boston,
Lyman, G. H. B56b, B6lc
Northend, Charles, Obstacles to the greater Otis, Broaders & Co., publishers, A108b success of common schools, A68a, A68c Our grandmother's stories. See TrowNorthend, William D., Lecture on the im- bridge, J. J. portance of moral and religious educa- Our village. See Mitford, Mary R.
tion, 089 Outlines and sketches. See Allston, Wash-
Northern Baptist Education Society, An- ington nual report, B90b, 0106, 0109, 0112 Outre-mer. See Longfellow, H. W. Norton, Caroline S., Kate Bouverie, 0145; Owen, John, publisher, Cambridge, A91la,
Poems, A9a A95a, Al04a, Al34a, Al34b, Al7la
Note book of an English opium-eater. See
DeQuincey, Thomas Page, David P., Advancement in... pub-
Notes from life. See Taylor, Henry lic instruction, A59b, A60c; Mutual duties Notions on political economy. See Hopkins, of parents, A24b
John Palfrey, Sara H., Prémices, 0108
Nouns or things. See Toy books Palissy the potter. See Morley, Henry Numa Pompilius. See Florian, J. P. C. Palmer, Thomas H., Moral Instructor, Part
Oakfield. See Arnold, W. D. I, A89b, A92a, A93a, All3b, A124a,
500 INDEX Al29a, Al47c, Al53a, Al53b, Al68a, Peter Parley. For all Peter Parley items, A211b, A231b, B21c, B36a, B57b, B93c, see Goodrich, S. G. B161b, B171c, B185c, B208a, B223c; Part Phelps, Almira H. L., Lectures to young
II, A89b, A93a, A99b, Alllb, A137a, ladies, A5d; trans., Al3b Al8la, A217b, B138d; Part III], A89b, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Addresses, A7la, A93a, Alllb, A137a, A217b, B138d; A91b, A150a, Al160b, A189b Part IV, A135a, Al199b. Letter to, Al35a Phillibrown, T., N. Y., engraver, A202a
Panorama. See Whittier, J. G. Phillips, William, Elementary treatise on
Pantropheon. See Soyer, Alexis mineralogy, A49a
Paper dealers listed, pp. 477-79 Phillips, Sampson & Co., publishers, B216b Parallels between ... England and Hun- Philosophy of health. See Coles, L. B.
gary. See Smith, J. T. Philosophy of medical science. See Leigh,
Parker, Richard G., Progressive exercises Edwin
in English composition, Al6c Philosophy of the plays of Shakespeare un-
Parker, Theodore, A263a folded. See Bacon, Delia S.
Parkman, George, Al197a Philosophy of ultraism. See Hague, WilParley, Peter. See Goodrich, S. G. liam Parlor book ... of useful knowledge. See Physical education. See Warren, J. C.
Blake, John L. Physician's case book, A3a
Parry & McMillan, publishers, Phila. B135a Physician’s vacation. See Channing, Wal-
Parsons, Theophilus, Essays (first series), ter
065 Picture alphabet. See Toy books
Parsons, Thomas W., trans., 042; Poems, Pierce, Franklin, engraving of, B271
B7/1b Pierson, A. L., ed., 05
Parthenta. See Lee, Eliza B. Pierson, P., engraver, p. 478 Passages from the history of liberty. See Pin money. See Gore, C. G. F.
Eliot, Samuel Piper, Richard U., Operative surgery,
Passion-flowers. See Howe, J. W. A249
Patmore, Coventry, The angelin the house: Plant hunters. See Reid, Mayne The betrothal, B152b, Bl56c, B192b, Plays. See Ritchie, Anna C. B193b, B257c; The espousals, B184a, Plays and poems. See Boker, G. H.
B193b. Letters from, B193b Plea for peace. See Sharp, Daniel Pattison, Robert E., Eulogy on Rev. Jere- Plea for the poor. See Tucker, Levi
miah Chaplin, A5/a Pleasures and pains of the student's I1fe.
Pauly, H., ed., 036 See Gilman, Samuel
Paxton, James, Introduction to the study of — Plumer, William, Ruth, A247b
human anatomy, Vol. I, Allc, Al4a, Poems. See Arnold, Matthew; Browning, A31b; Vol. II, Allc, A18b; 1 vol., A58a Robert; Calvert, G. H.; Cary, Alice;
Peabody, Andrew P., ed., Al33a Fields, J. T.; Hale, Mary W.; Hayne,
Peabody, J. C., trans., 0111 Paul H.; Holmes, O. W.; Jeffrey, Rosa Peaslee, J. P., publisher, N. Y., A3d V.; Kingsley, Charles; Lippincott, S. J.; Peg Woffington. See Reade, Charles Longfellow, H. W.; Lowell, J. R.; NorPenance of Roland. See Hirst, H. B. ton, Caroline S.; Parsons, T. W.; Read, Penitent Females’ Refuge Society, Report, T. B.; Saxe, J. G.; Smith, Alexander;
A236b; Brief history, Al46a Stoddard, R. H.; Taylor, Bayard; Tenny-
Perkins & Marvin, publishers, Al8c, A37a son, Alfred; Tuckerman, H. T. Perkins Institution and Mass. Asylum for Poems and parodies. See Cary, Phoebe
the Blind, Annual report, A44a Poems narrative and lyrical. See MotherPersonal memoirs. See Buckingham, J. T. well, William
INDEX 501 Poems of home and travel. See Taylor, Progressive exercises in English compost-
Bayard tion. See Parker, R. G. Poems of many years. See Milnes, R. M. Propria quae maribus ...and the box tunPoems of the Orient. See Taylor, Bayard nel. See Reade, Charles Poetical and prose writings. See Sprague, Prose works. See Longfellow, H. W.
Charles Providence of God. See Samson, Z. W.
Poetical works. See Alford, Henry; Hunt, Provident Institution of Savings, Boston,
Leigh; Lowell, J. R.; Massey, Gerald; A127b Motherwell, William; Tennyson, Alfred; Puerperal fever. See Holmes, O. W.
Whittier, J. G. Putnam, Eliza H., Receipt book, A145a,
Poetry of religion. See Burroughs, Charles A159b, A233b, A253c, B15b, B43d, B84c, Poetry of Spain. See Longfellow, H. W., B109a, B145c, B181d, B217c, B250a, B270
Coplas Putnam, G. P., publisher, N. Y., A186a,
Pomeroy, publisher, Phila., B68a B78b, B82d, B128c, B139b, B165a, 0107, Pompeu and other poems. See Dix, W. G. 0115. Letters to, B139b Poore, Ben. P., Early life ...of Napoleon, Putnam, John, printer, Al4b, A4la, A42a,
090; Rise and fall of Lous Philippe, A50a, A59a, A59c, A60c, A64a, A72a,
Al32a A79b, A85a, A90a, A97a, All6a, A117a,
Popery. See Landor, W. S. Al20b, Al26b, Al3la, Al40a, Al4la,
Position and duties of the merchant. See Al65a, Al65b, Al65c, Al76c, 059, 060,
Sumner, Charles 068; p. 471
Posthumous poems. See Motherwell, W. Putnam, S. R., Al79b Potter, J. S., printer, p. 474
Potter, R. K., printer, p. 474 Qualifications of a teacher. See Munroe,
Practical phrenology. See Jones, Silas Nathan
Practical treatise on midwifery. See Collins, Quincy, Edmund, Wensley, B70a, B82a
Robert Quincy, Josiah, sr., Address, B178b
Practical treatise on ... the grape vine. Quincy, Josiah P., Charicles, B179a, B188b,
See Hoare, Clement B264-265; Lyteria, B79c, Bl117a, B179a,
Prayers and hymns. See Bartol, C. A. B270; Manuscript corrections ... Shake-
Prémices. See Palfrey, S. H. speare’s plays, B42c
Prentiss & Sawyer, printers, B178b; p. 471. Quincy Lyceum, A178b
Present from Peter Parley. See Goodrich, Rainbows for children. See Tappan, C. S.
S. G. Ran away to sea. See Reid, Mayne
Preservation of health. See Warren, J.C. Rand, G. C. & Co., printers, A194a, A200b,
Princess. See Tennyson, A. A244b, A250a, A258b, Bl0c, B36c, B37a, Principal points of difference. See Turner, B38c, B4lb, B44b, B47b, B52a, B53b,
Louisa W. B83a, B85a; holder of wood cuts, B269;
Printers of Ticknor books listed, pp. 470- 087; p. 471
71 Ray, Isaac, Education in tts relation to the
Prior, James, Memoir of . . . Edmund ... health of the brain, A222a; Treatise
Burke, B3lc on the medical jurisprudence of insanity,
Procter, Bryan W., English songs, A53b, A62b A209b; Essays and tales, A259a; Dra- Read, T. B., Poems, A95b
matic scenes, B201b. Engraving of, B271 Reade, Charles, Christie Johnstone, B110a,
Progressive course of ... drawing. See B110b, Bl1l7b, B120a, B123a, B129e,
Whitaker, W. J. B268a; Clouds and sunshine, B125a,
Progressive education. See Necker de Saus- B128b; Jt is never too late to mend,
sure, A. A. B176, B183b, B213b, B220a, B253a;
, 502 INDEX Propria quae maribus, B226c; Peg Wof- Remarks upon “A discourse... by George
fington, B110b, Bll4b, B118a, B120b, Putnam,’ A87b B123b, B129e, B256c, B268a, B270; Remarks upon a letter. See Trist, N. P. White lies, B220a, B227c, B237a, B238d, Remarks upon an oration ... by George B241b, B263c. Letters to, B110b. Letters Putnam. See Fuller, H. H.
from, B176, B220a, B226c Reminiscences of Samuel Heber Dana, Reader! walk up at once. See Lowell, J. R., B190b
Fable for critics Reminiscences of Spain. See Cushing,
Receipt book. See Putnam, Eliza H. Caleb
Recent speeches. See Sumner, Charles Remnant & Edmonds, binders, London, Recollections of my childhood. See Lippin- p. 475
cott, S. J. Reply to Madden, A3la
Recollections of the last days of Shelley and Report of a minority ... of the Boston
Byron. See Trelawney, E. J. Prison Discipline Society. Sce Howe, Redding & Co., publishers, A1l34a S. G. Redfield, J. S., publisher, N. Y., B43a Review of Dr. Channing's letter to...
Reed, Henry, ed., A220a Clay. See Austin, J. T.
Reid, Mayne, Boy Hunters, A244b; B8a, Reynolds, Susan D., Al43b, Al67b Bl4b, B34c, B44b, B69a, B88c, Bl2la, Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, A222a B129d, Bl44c, Bl>4b, BI7/>b, B193a, Rice, George E., Blondel, 0102; Myrtilla, B196b, B200d, B219c, B230a, B244b, 0103; Old play, A241b B263b, B26/a, B269, B2/0; Bush boys, Rice, George E. and Wainwright, John H
Ps yy
B146a, Bl5la, B152a, B18la, B200b, pp ene 004 om ° ati B229c, Bas4c; Enghsh family Rice & Kendall, paper dealers, B44c, B67b, obinson, (Desert home), A244b, A250a, B89b: 0. 478. p. 479 B10c, B32b, B44b, B50a, B68c, B120c, 072? Pe 8/9 Bet? B163a, Bl66a, B18lb, B200c, B229b, Rich, O., & Sons, publishers, London, A80a,
B236b, B250d, B252a, B267a, B269, _ 8a |
B270; Forest exiles, B9la, B144c, B154c, Richards, W. T., designers, B83a; p. 4/8 B158b, Bl63a, B185b, Bl95c, B222c, Richardson-Cox & Co., designers & engrav-
B228b, B256a, B269; Plant hunters, — ts, N. Y., B1/2; p. 478 B234a, B238a, B274b; Ran away to sea, Rigby, Edward, Memoranda for young B246a, B246b; Young voyageurs, B49a, practitioners in midwifery, AlOla B52a, B54a, B87c, B129d, B144c, B145b, Rzmzm. See Hunt, Leigh
B155c, Bl75a, Bl8lc, Bl96c, B20la, Rise and fall of Louis Philippe. See Poore, B219c, B235c, B250d, B252b, B26/7a, B. P. B269, B270; Young ydgers, B188a, B195b, ~—- Ritchie, Anna C., B136a; Autobiography,
B228b, B229d, B245a B51a, B55a, B55c, B56a, B6la, B61b, B66a, Rejected addresses. See Smith, Horace B75b; Mimic life, B133, B264—265; Plays, Relation of divine providence. See Chace, B103c, B112b, B264-265, B270; Twin
G. I. roses, B224a, B264-265. Letters from,
Relations of poverty to human discipline. B5la. Engraving of, B271
C. B. Co.
See Stone, Andrew L. Ritchie, William F., B103c, B133, B224a
Religious element in education. See Stowe, Riverside Press. See Houghton, H. O. &
Remarks on Allston’s paintings, A25a Rob Roy. See Scott, W. Remarks . . . on slavery. See Blagden, Roberts & Fairbanks, binders, p. 475
G. W. Roberts, John G., binder, Al42b, A144b,
Remarks on some fossil impressions. See B55b; p. 475 Warren, J. C. Roberts, W., engraver, Al88b; p. 478
INDEX 503 Robertson, Frederick W., Sermons, first Saxe, John G., Poems, A164b, A173b, A219b, series, B213a; second series, B243a; third A25la, B35b, B72c, B88b, B102b, B129a,
series, B251b B156a, B160c, B219a, B231c, B247c, B270.
Rogers, John, illustrator, N. Y., B172; p. Engraving of, B271
478 Sayings and doings. See Vangrifter, Z. P.
Rogers, John Gorham, p. 471, p. 472 Scarlet letter. See Hawthorne, N.
Rogers, John K., B9b, B23a; p. 472. See Scenery shower. See Burton, Warren
also Boston Stereotype Foundry Scenes of American wealth, A10b Rollo books. See Abbott, Jacob Schoff, Stephen A., engraver, A22la, B212, Rolph, J. A., engraver, A159a; p. 478 B225a, B247a; p. 478
Rosa. See Jeffrey, Rosa V. Scholar. See Sumner, Charles
Rose and her lamb. See Doughty, Sarah P. School days at Rugby. See Hughes, Thomas
Routledge, George, publisher, London, School of life. See Watts, Anna M. A248b, Bl65a, B199b, B199c, B199e, School song book. See Hale, S. J.
B199f Science of arithmetic. See Shepard, W. A.
Rowe Street Baptist Church, Al2a, Al26a Scientific tracts, A4e, 08 Russell, D., plate printer, 0117; p. 478 Scoresby, William, American factories, A75a
Russell, George R., Merchant, A160b Scott, Michael, Cruise of the Midge, first
Russell, Ida. See Seaton, Oneida series, 0137; second series, 0146; Tom Russell, William, Lecture on elocution, 033; Cringle’s log, second series, 0128 Lessons at home, A82a; see also Mur- Scott, Walter, Waverley novels, 0115
doch, J. E., Orthophony Sears, David, Christian liturgy, A89a
S. C., B202a H. W.
Russell & Jones, booksellers, Charleston, Seaside and the fireside. See Longfellow, Russell, Shattuck & Co., publishers, A54b, Seaton, Oneida, It is all for the best, A66a
0119 Second reading book. See Bumstead, J. F.
Ruth (a novel). See Gaskell, Elizabeth C. Seed-grain for thought and discussion. See
Ruth (a poem). See Plumer, William Lowell, Anna C. Select works of James S. Knowles. See
St. John, Bayle, Village life in Egypt, Knowles, J. S.
A252b Selections from ... Landor. See Landor,
Saintine, Joseph X. B., Piccola, A218b; W. S.
Solitary of Juan Fernandez, A218b Selections from the writings of James Ken-
Sala, George A. H., Journey due north, nard, A133a
B263a Self teaching reader. See La Porte, T. C.
Samson, W., Providence of God, 099 Serious call. See Law, William
Sand, George, Consuelo, A87a, 065; Count- Sermon. See Gannett, E. S.; Southgate, H.
ess of Rudolstadt, 066 Sermon ...on... Webster. See Stone,
Sanborn, Parker & Fields, binders, p. 476 A. L. Sargent, Epes, B5la; Songs of the sea,Q77 Sermons. See Lowell, Charles; Géiles, Sargent, L. M., Dealings with the dead, Henry, Christian thought; Robertson,
B264-265, 0149 F. W.
Saurault, F. M. J., 028 Sermons of consolation. See Greenwood, Saville & Edwards, printers, London, F. W. P.
A229a; p. 470 Service at the... anniversary of ... Dan-
Savings bank books, Al27b, A144b, A240a, tel Sharp. See Sharp, D. A240b, A240c, A242b, B10a, B18a, B26b, Sforzosi, Luigi, Tesoretto dello student B26c, B28c, B44c, B52b, B52d, B67b, B74a, della lingua italiano, 028 B82c, B98b, B116b, B130b, B196a, B228a, Shailer, William H., For whom should our
B239b, B253c suffrages be given, A50b
504 INDEX Sharp, Daniel, Hints on modern evangel- Smith, H. W., engraver, A186b, B69b, ism, A48a; Honor to whom _ honor, B113b, B189a, B205, B206a, B209b, B210, Al25a; Plea for peace, A88a; Service at B218, B221a, B232a, B233a; p. 478 the... anniversary of [his| installment, Smith, Horace and James, Rejected ad095; Wisdom and goodness of God, A48b dresses, A30a, A37b, A194b, A208a Sharp, Pierce & Co., lithographers, 063; Smith, Jerome V. C., ed., A4e, 08; Natural
p. 478 history of ... fishes, A5f£; Class book of
Shattuck, G. C., trans., 052 anatomy, Alla
Shaw, F. G., trans., A87a, 066, 071, 074 Smith, Joshua T., Parallels, A179b Sheldon, Blakeman & Co., publishers, N.Y., Smith, M. C., Al46a
0115 Smith, Matthew, Counsel to young ladies, Al55a Smithsonian Institute, books sent to, B264,
Shepard, William A., Science of arithmetic, 067
Shepley & Wright, printers, p. 474 265 Shimmin, William, Blila Snelling, William J., Tales of travel in the
Ship fever. See Clark, Henry G. north of Europe, A9c; Tales of travel in Short inquiry into the commercial policy central Africa, A9d; Tales of travel west
of the U. S. See Homer, S. of the Mississippi, 018
Shower. See Cleveland, Lucy H. Snow image. See Hawthorne, N.
Shute, John M., p. 471 Solitary of Juan Fernandez. See Saintine, Sigourney, H. (Mrs.), Pamphlet, B81b J. X. B.
Silsbee, Marianne C. D., Memory und hope, Song of Hiawatha. See Longfellow, H. W.
A190b Song of the well. See Adams, Nehemiah
Simms, W. G., Book of my lady, 0123 Songs of labor. See Whittier, J. G.
Simpkin and Marshall, publishers, London, Songs of our land. See Hewitt, Mary E.
A3b Songs of summer. See Stoddard, R. H.
Simple method of keeping books. See Songs of the sea. See Sargent, E.
Comer, George N. Sources of health and disease. See Belinaye,
Simple settings in verse. See Bartlett, H.
Elisha Southgate, Horatio, Sermon, B47a
Sinless child. See Smith, E. O. Sowers not reapers. See Martineau, Harriet Sir Amyas Leigh. See Kingsley, Westward Soyer, Alexis, Pantropheon, 0100
Ao! Spain. See Wallis, S. T. Sir Roger de Coverley . See Addison, Joseph Spanish student. See Longfellow, H. W., Sir Walter Raleigh. See Kingsley, Charles Poems, 6 vols. Sisters of charity - See J amesons Anna B. Speaking exercises. See La Porte, T. C.
Six months in ae Italy. See Hillard, G.Jerrold’s S. Speciwit. yeSee pecimens of Douglas
, Jerrold, W. B. Goodrich, S. G. s P ; See Tallmad Sketches of art. See Jameson, Anna B. peech ... on slavery. oe€ AL allmadge, Sketches from a student's window. See
Smiles, Samuel, Life of George Stephenson, James
B247a Spooner, Wm., binder, p. 476
Smith, Alexander, City poems, B225a, Sprague, Charles, Poetical and prose writB258a; Poems, B24b, B29b, B32a, B33a, ings, A163b, Al84a, A187a, A201b. EnB34b, B49b, B64b, B83b, Bl25c, Bl62c, _ Staving of, B27]
B204a Stacy & Richardson, printers, 094, 0102,
Smith, D. T., engraver, p. 478 0103; p. 471
Smith, Elizabeth O., Sinless child and other Staff officer. See Moore, Oliver
poems, 0147 Stanley Buxton. See Galt, John
Smith, G. G., engraver, 063; p. 478 Stedman, E. C., B165a
INDEX 505 470-71 Snelling, W. J.
Stereotypers of Ticknor books listed, pp. Tales of travel in the north of Europe. See
Sterling, John, Fitz George, 0129 Tales of travel west of the Mississippi. See Stiles, Geo. J., electrotyper, B172; p. 478 Snelling, W. J. Stoddard, R. H., Adventures in fairy-land, Tallmadge, James, Speech ... On slavery,
B9b, B182a, B269; Songs of summer, A145b B187b; Poems, A226b. Letters from, Tanglewood tales. See Hawthorne, N.
B187/b Tappan, C., publisher, A82a
Stone, Andrew L., Relations of poverty to Tappan, C. S., Rainbows for children, B97a,
human discipline, 091; Sermon ... on B140b; Magician’s show box, B140b;
..- Webster, Bl5a | . B264-265
Stone, John S., Considerations of the poor Tappan, W. B., Daughter of the isles, 048
in large cities, 034 Tardieu, A. A., Treatise on ... cholera,
ara 040
Storer, D. H., trans., A19a _ Al5la
mfores 5 . legends of travel. See Lippin- Taste: a suggestive essay. By Discipulus,
Story of an apple, B26a, B269 , Taylor, Bayard, Book of romances, A226a, Story of Raymond Hill. See Baldwin, J. D. Story of the American Revolution. See Bl32b; Poems, B139b; Poems of home
Goodrich. §. G and travel, B132b, B139b, B140a, B180c,
Stowe Baron - d. Al2a B264—265, B270; Poems of the Orient, Stowe, Calvin E. Religious element in edu- B77b, B92b, B98c, B104b, B137a, B13%b,
cation, A68a, nN 68h B195a, B264-265, B270; Rhymes of Strauss, G. F., Helon’s pilgrimage, Al2a anil B132b ij 18b
Strength of the constitution. See Curtis, ayror, Henry, Notes from life, B18
B103c R. W. | G. T. Temptation. See Cleveland, Lucy H.
Stringer & Townsend, publishers, N. Y., Temptations of city life. See Cushman,
Sturgis, Caroline. See Tappan, C. S. Tennyson, Alfred, A242a; In memoriam, Sumner, Charles, Anti-slavery enterprise, A183b, Al90a, A216a, A238b, A25/b, B109b; Fame and glory, A119b; Freedom B43b, B80c, B106b, B138b, B157c, B171d;
national, A258a; Law of human progress, Maud, B122a, Bl124b, Bl26c, BIDdIb, Al50a, Al5lb; Orations and speeches, B171d; Poems, 16mo ed., A45a, A/7b, A182a; Position and duties of the mer- Al35b, A196a, A223b, A238c, A242a, chant, B95b; Recent speeches, B149a, A254b, B13b, B37b, B60b, B/3b, B102a, B264—265; Scholar, A9Q\b; True grandeur Bl 32a, Bl6la, Bi71d, B2l5a, B268a,
of nations, 054; War system of the na- B270; Poetical Works, Blue and Gold tions, 079; White slavery in the Barbary ed., Bl65a, B175c, B189b, B192c, B193c,
states, A106a B215b, B222b, B234b, B242a, B245d, Sumner, H. F. & Co., publishers, Hartford, B26la; Princess, Al21b, A123b, B13b,
Alld B121b. Letters to, B165a. Engraving of,
Swan, W. D., Improvement of common B27]
schools, A140d Terry, H. G., binder, A33a; p. 475
Tesoretto dello studenti della lingua ttalt-
Table for use in training the organs of ano. See Sforzosi, Luigi
speech. See Bumstead, J. F. Testament. See New Testament
Tales from catland, A224a, B269 Thackeray, W. M., Ballads, B139a, B141b Tales in French. See Guizot, E. C. P. Thalatta. See Longfellow, Samuel, and Tales of travel in central Africa. See Snel- Higginson, T. W.
ling, W. J. Thatcher, Benjamin B., ed., A159a
506°: INDEX | Thomas Michael
Theological essays. See DeQuincey, Tom Cringle’s log, second series. See Scott,
: Theory of teaching. See Lowell, Anna Tough yarns. See Barker, M. H.
C. J. Toy books, A22c, A23a, A24d, A25b, A26b,
Third reading book. See Bumstead, J. F. A63b Thomas, Isaiah, publisher, Worcester, Traveler’s Press, 053
Bllla Treat, William, Angel voices, A156b, A172c,
Thomas, Cowperthwaite, publishers, A213a, B18c, B79b, Bl13a, B254a, B270
Phila., A3d, A92a Treatise on... cholera. See Tardieu, A. A.
Thoreau, H. D., Walden, B75a; Week, Treatise on etherization in child birth. See
75a. Letters to, B75a Channing, Walter
Thorpe. See Mountford, William Treatise on malignant fever. See Ingalls,
Thoughts on language. See Howe, S. G. William ope
Thoughts on the education of girls. See Tre anse On the medical jurisprudence of
Lowell. A.C. insanity. Sce Ray, Isaac
r eee orgs 5 New Eneland. See Lunt Treatise upon the ... retina. See Dix, J. H.
George BIGNE- , Treatment and cure of cretins and idiots.
8 . See Brown, Buckminster
Thurston, (Lyman,) & Co., printers, A7f, Trelaw F Recollecti he 1
Al0d, A30c of Sih dB ea 52664 , ays O days elley andil "Byron, )a
Thurston; Thurston & Torry; Thurston, Trimmer, Sarah K., Ladder to learning, A3e Torry & Co.; Thur ston, Torr y & Emer- Trist) Nicholas P., Remarks upon a letter,
son. 400 entries, the first in A53a, the A40b
last in B268a; also 044, 055, 081, 096; Trowbridge, J. J.. Our grandmother's storholders of stereotype plates, B270; p. jes, B174b, B264-265
470, p. 471, p. 472, p. 473 Troy (N.Y.) Female Seminary, A5d Ticknor, William D., A36b Truc grandeur of nations. See Sumner, Ticknor, William D. & Co., Letters from, Charles | A46b, A62b, A74a, A82a, A85b, A89a, True stories from history and biography.
A95a, Allla, All2a, Al15a, A118b, See Hawthorne, N. Al32a, Al35a, Al6lb, Al/3a, Al? 8a, Triibner, N., publisher, London, B/75a, Al78b, A182b, Al86a, A188a, A217a, B122a, B135a, B193b, B226c A217c, A220a, A232c, A233a, A238a, Tucker, Levi, Plea for the poor, A169a A239b, A242a, A244b, A248a, A248b, Tuckerman, H. T., Poems, A205b; ed., A249, A256, A26la, A263a, A264b, B16b, A159a Bl7a, B23b, B35c, B56b, B7la, B75a, Turner, Mrs., notices, B190c
B78&b, B83a, B88a, B90c, B96a, B97a, B97b, Turner, Louisa W., Principal points of dtf-
B100a, Bll0b, B113b, B115b, B121b, ference, B136a, B264~265, B190c
Bl22a, Bl25a, Bl3la, B133, B135a, Turner, William, B136a B139b, B153b, B160b, Bl65a, B1/2-/3, Tyson, E. W., Dissector’s guide, A8d, A17b, B193b, B199b, B202a, B212, B218, B220a, A60a
; ) , printers, 5 p.
B221a, B224b, B226c, B251b, B260a, -Puttle & Dennett. pri 069: p. 47]
073, 084, 093, 0105 Tuttle & Weeks, printers, A6c, A6d, A7a, Tileston & Hollingsworth, paper dealers, A8d, A9b, Al0c, Allc, Al2a, Al4a, 09, A208a, A213b, A219a, A219c, A254a, 019, 024; p. 471 B102a, B102b, B104a, Billa, Bll3a, Tuttle, Weeks & Dennett, printers, 028a Bll4a, Bll6a, B119a, B121b, B131b, Two new scholars. See Doughty, Sarah P.
Bl63c, B221a; p. 478 Turice-told tales. See Hawthorne, N.
Toilette, A4b, Al6e Twin roses. See Ritchie, A. C.
Token and Atlantic souvenir, 038 Two years ago. See Kingsley, Charles
INDEX 507 Union of the human race. See Lunt, W. P. Waters, J. S., bookseller, Baltimore, B97b
University Press, p. 473 Waterston, R. C., Discourse on... J]. Q. Unveiled heart. See Cleveland, Lucy H. Adams, A125b, B79c Upham, C. W., Life... of Frémont, B172- Watts, Anna M., Art Student in Munich,
73, B264-265 B63b; School of life, B107b
Urania. See Holmes, O. W. Waverley. See Scott, W.
Use of the blowpipe. See Berzelius, J. J. Wayland, Francis, Affairs of Rhode Island, A44b; Introductory discourse, B10la, Vangrifter, Z. P., Sayings and doings, A3c B101b Vicar of Wakefield. See Goldsmith, Oliver Wayside flowers. See Loud, M.
Vidocq, Francois E., Memoirs, 0138 Webb, George J. See Murdoch, J. E., OrVillage life in Egypt. See St. John, Bayle thophony Vision of Sir Launfal. See Lowell, J. R. Webb, T. H., 081 Vizetelly, Henry, printer, London, Al86a, Weeks, Jordan & Co., publishers, A50a
A229a, A229b, B17a, B88a, 0100 Welch, Bigelow & Co., printers, p. 473
Vocal culture. See Murdoch, J. E. Wells, T. G., printer, A39b Voices from the mountains. See Mackay, Wells, T. G. & Co., printers, Al3a, Al5a,
Charles Al6d; p. 471, p. 472
Voices of the night. See Longfellow, H.W. Wensley. See Quincy, Edmund Voyages and adventures of Jack Halliard. Wertheimer & Co., printers, London, 0110;
See Halliard, Jack p. West 470 Church, Boston, B255b
Wagstaff, C. E., engraver, A256 Weston, E. P., B147b Waf. See Longfellow, H. W. Westward ho! See Kingsley, Charles Wainwright, J. H. See Rice, G. E. Whatman Paper Mills, B26b Waite, Pierce and Co., publishers, 0121 Wheaton, Abby, ed., Memoir of Robert
Walden. See Thoreau, H. D. W heaton, B25a
Waldo, Miss, A41b Wheeler, C. S., A45a
Walker, Amasa, Address, A7a Whipple, E. P., Essays and reviews, A203a, Walker, James, Introductory lecture, B197b B33c, B180a; Lectures, A162b, A164a,
Walking with God. See Kendrick, A. C. Al74b, Bl7c; Washington and the prin-
Wallis, S. T., Spain, A26la ciples of the revolution, A\87c
A53a A263a
Walshe, W. H., Anatomy ... of cancer, Whitaker, Mary Ann, Labor and love,
B173 drawing, A259b
Wanzer, McKim & Co., publishers, Buffalo, Whitaker, W. J., Progressive course of ...
War system of ... nations. See Sumner, White, N. and J., publishers, N. Y., 0119
Charles White, William, printer, B259b; p. 471,
Warne, J. A., Al5a, Al7a, A20a p. 473, p. 474
Warren, J. C., Effects of chloroform, 078; White & Lewis, printers, A57c, 042; p. 471,
Etherization, Al19a; On the prevention p. 473, p. 474 of constipation, A185a; Physical educa- White & Potter, printers, 076; p. 471, p. tion, A79b, A84a; Preservation of health, 474 B65a, B68b; Remarks on some fossil White lies. See Reade, Charles
impressions, 0104 White slavery in the Barbary states. See
Warren, J. G., New man, Al65c Sumner, Charles
Warren, J. Mason, ed., A53a Whitman, Jason, Lecture on home prepara-
Warreniana. See Deacon, W. F. tion, Al00b
Washington and the principles of the Rev- Whitney, Josiah D., trans., A74a
olution. See Whipple, E. P. Whitney & Bradley, binders, p. 475
508 INDEX Whittier, John G., Chapel of the hermits, 085, 091, 092, 097, 0104; p. 471, p. 472,
B9a, Bl9a; Lays of my home, A49b; p.473 Leaves from Margaret Smith’s journal, Wunter evening fireside. See Dix, W. G. Al42a; Literary recreations, B/6c; Old Winthrop, R. C., Address, Al6la Portraits and modern sketches, Al62a; Wisdom and goodness of God. See Sharp, Panorama, B153a, B180b, B264—265; Po- Daniel etical works, Blue and Gold ed., B212, Wonder book. See Hawthorne, N. B231la, B264-265; Songs of labor, A185b, Wood, P. N., publisher, Baltimore, A3d A194a, B145d. Letters from, B212. Let- | Woodbridge, William C., editor, 01
ters to, B212 Woods, Abel, A192a
Wier & White, printers, Al88a, Al89a, Worcester, David P., 088 Al90a, Al91b, A196a, A199a, A212b; Worcester, J. E., Al0a
p. 471 Word to teachers. See Alcott, W. A.
Wilbur, Anne T., trans., A218b Words for the hour. See Howe, J. W.
Wilcox, John W., electrotyper, A195b, 076; © Wordsworth, Christopher, Memoirs of Wi1l-
p. 478 liam Wordsworth, A220a
Wiley & Long, publishers, N. Y., 0117 Wordsworth, William, Yarrow revisited, Wiley & Putnam, publishers, N. Y., A45a, 028a
B78b; 057, 0147 World’s own. See Howe, J. W.
Wilhelm Meister. See Goethe, J. W. von Wreck of the Glide. See Dix, W. G. Wilkins & Rice, paper dealers, A132b Wright, H. H., Desultory reminiscences of Wilkins, Carter & Co., paper dealers, A144b, a tour through Germany, 0120 A240b, A240c, p. 471; publishers, 070; Wright, W. H., Brief treatise on mortars,
p. 478, p. 479 A73b
Wilkins, Rice, & Kendall, paper dealers, Wright & Hasty, printers, A211a, (B130b?); A242b; p. 478, p. 479. See Rice & Ken- p. 471, p. 473, p. 474
dall Writing books, A55a, Aélc
Willard, Emma H., trans., Al3b Williams, George W. G., binder, A230b, Yale, B. B., binder, p. 476 A256, B99a, B166b, B168b, B188c; p. 475 Yarrow revisited. See Wordsworth, Wil-
Williams, S. G., Al78b liam
Williams, William R., Literary culture in- Young stethoscopist. See Bowditch, H. I. creasing the power of the Christian min- Young voyageurs. See Reid, Mayne
istry, 0118 Young yagers. See Reid, Mayne
Wilson, Erasmus, ed., B4la Yriarte. See Iriarte, T. de Wilson, John, printer, A152b, Al169a, A187c,
A236b, A259b, B98a, B178b, 072, 078,080, Zollikofer, G. J., Exercises of piety, Bllla