The Consciousness of Ascension Handbook

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The Consciousness of Ascension Handbook

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The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


CONSCIOUSNESS OF ASCENSION BRINGERS OF THE RAYS OF CONSCIOUSNESS The Human Guardians, the 12 RAY-sas (races) are the bringers of the RAYS of Consciousness. The word “RACE” came from the Anuhazi RAY-SA. “Ray” means Rainbow or Rays of Consciousness and “Sa” in Anuhazi in this context means “bearer.” So Ray-Sa means “bringer or bearer of the Rays of Consciousness.” We are here now to bring the Rainbow Bridge – Rays of Consciousness and healing for all. The Humans are the bearers of the RAYS - the Ray-sas (Races). Each of the 12 Tribes and religions still hold a piece of what was the understanding and a piece of the core out of the knowledge about God Source and Creation.

WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS? “The Core Substance of the Cosmos is CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness IS ENERGY and Energy IS CONSCIOUS. Thought intention is the essential expression of consciousness as energy.” (Preparing for Contact, Bermuda 2002) We are all taking place in the mind and heart of God. We all exist within God Source. God is not outside there some place. There is a point where science and spirituality come together and the point is consciousness, because consciousness is an energetic substance. God is made of substance, not something intangible that you cannot conceive. It is a structure of consciousness that is made of substance. Everything in manifestation is God deciding to turn itself into that form. When God decided to create the matrix itself, It had to turn a part of Itself into the matrix. So, it broke down Its consciousness into fields of consciousness that formed the unified field itself before there could be smaller individuations of expression that would come in (planets and galaxies and thins). There had to be a field of consciousness that those things would exist within. There is no difference between the substance that your body is made of and the body of God. They are all the same substance. There is a substance to consciousness and your body is a form of consciousness. At the same time consciousness is beyond all form; it is a form unto itself and it is the only form. Consciousness implies identity, consciousness implies it is a “who” and not an “it.” It is a Being, not just a thing. It implies that all things are Beings. It implies that when we are dealing with the Primal Sound Fields and Primal Light Fields, we are dealing with “who” are they, not just “what” are they. When we talk about States of Consciousness, every level of matter is a State of Consciousness. Every level of Creation that has a tone that you can call a name… every one of those Flames is a State of Consciousness. The core substance of the cosmos is Consciousness. Reality is Thought Construction. Thought is an attribute of Consciousness, the filter through which consciousness manifests itself into the Hologram of Form. The only difference between a thought and a manifest thing is the frequency of the consciousness of the observer. All energy is conscious. All consciousness is energy AND thought intention is the essential expression of consciousness as energy. That is you and Source as One. When you can feel it, you are on

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


your way home. The road to Oneness is when you really make a connection with a sense of yourself. This is when we learn what it’s like to think as God.

TRANSDUCTION SEQUENCE AND THE STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS “The Transduction Sequence represents the phases consciousness passes through into dimensionalization and the process by which conscious energy is transduced and changes form to enter the wave spectra within which perception of manifestation is possible.” (Kathara 1 Manual) Energy identity cannot be created or destroyed—it only changes form perpetually and eternally. There are three basic units or forms of consciousness that Source creates Itself as: they are called Partiki, PartikA, and Particum. This is the Consciousness of God in its first organic expression. From that expression, everything else expresses within it—they are actually the first creation that everything else takes place within. God doesn’t create outside of Itself—It creates within Itself. There are three Primary Forces that Source decided to create/created within Itself--forces of Source Consciousness that have specific intention behind them, and take on forms associated with one of those three basic units. These three Primary Forces are called the Divine Trinity. First was the ManU Force—the Void. Source decided within Itself It wanted to create. With the Desire and Intention to do so, it took that idea (Desire to Create) and like a laser beam focused it into a point. That first point became the ManU Void, the space within which creation could occur. The other two forces, the EirA and ManA came out of the ManU Void. The EirA, which is the sound vibration, before it bursts into full expression, first had its imprint in sound. The first thought starts to rumble, the first Sound…the Word is spoken. The Word is a vibration of frequency. That vibration bursts into Light or into manifestation as what is called the ManA. The three Primal Forces that hold the Consciousness of God are the Living Forces of God right here in every moment. Every moment wouldn’t be any moment if these forces weren’t ever present and always there. It created inside of itself the ability to create holographic reality so It could experience Itself in pieces. As the three Primal Forces move into dimensionalization, they all break down into different Sound tones and Rays of Light. It all starts here, the PKI, PKA and PCM and the ManU, EirA and ManA Forces that are the Consciousness of God, the Stream of Consciousness in Its first organic expression. The Stream of Consciousness can be viewed as a fixed beam of conscious light-sound energy, composed of standing scalar waves through which the creative pulse of the God-mind perpetually spirals its consciousness in to individuation in manifest form. When the Stream of Consciousness enters into the dimensional structures of the time matrix, which itself is a standing scalar wave field built upon fixed points of sound vibrations, its original arrangement of scalar wave composite forms begins to change. The original stream of Consciousness and Fire Letter arrangement breaks itself down, fragmenting its consciousness throughout the dimensional scale, forming new forms of individuation. The new forms, imbued with conscious creative thrust, the original stream and seed of consciousness, continue to create new specializations of consciousness and new forms through which consciousness manifests. Through its experience in dimensionalized consciousness, the identity frequently makes choices that result in the distortion of its Fire Letter scalar wave patterns through which it is connected to the original stream of consciousness. When this occurs, energetic breaks occur within the multidimensional identity structure, breaking the Stream of Consciousness which tethers the in-time identity to its seed of consciousness within the God-mind. If an identity is separate from its original Stream of Consciousness, that identity can no longer draw life force substance directly from the God Source, and becomes finite in nature, trapped in time,

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


perpetuating its existence through drawing life force indirectly from other life forms that still possess a connection to their seed of consciousness. Eventually, such finite identities lose their ability to hold the original Fire Letter design of their own individuation and fragment further in time, ultimately becoming undifferentiated units of consciousness within the energetic structures of the dimensional fields. This is the process of devolution, and though it is a natural part of the intrinsic dynamics of the creative balance, it is the antithesis of the original intention that was set by the God-mind for the evolution of the human race. No being is ever separated from God Source, for all energy is a manifestation of the units of the Consciousness of God, and all manifestation takes place within the confines of the God-mind. The difference between evolution and de-evolution becomes one of the experience or non-experience of God or cognition of the awareness of God. The path of de-evolution leads to fragmentation and nondifferentiation of identity and loss of the cognition of the awareness of God, while still remaining as unknowing, unordered consciousness within God. The Path of Evolution leads to progressive and perpetual expansion of identity into cognition of the awareness of God--a conscious reintegration with the totality of the All, through which identity retains its original design as a sentient, knowing co-creative force. For human incarnates, the process of evolution is the process of progressive integration of the original Stream of Consciousness.

COMMITMENT “It's one thing to have the best Techniques on the planet to Activate but ... if you don't make a commitment to Shifting towards the consciousness that we call "Angelic Mind“… you can spend from now 'til doomsday…doing Techniques. They will provide benefit but the benefit that we know you are looking for is maximized by looking at ways in which you can make the Shift.” (A’za, Allentown 2002) One way to help make the shift towards the consciousness called Angelic Mind is to change your thought patterns. Schooling yourself in terms of conscious management of mind thought energy is what you are being asked to look at. We express it in one sense as releasing shadow, but there is a positive component because there is much more that can be accomplished with the energy you generate that is raw potential. Source creates with raw potential. Source has taken its own raw potential and manifests structures to experience Itself through the beings It creates. The beings that are created that are sentient, capable and intelligent need to be aware they are walking bundles of potential. Most of us aren’t aware of what we’re thinking. Spend some time with yourself—observe—become aware. Then stop or slow down—you can learn to direct thoughts to slow down. Notice mental tapes. You’ll have inner child thoughts. Recordings from beliefs come up. Keep watching, and you’ll find other thoughts from other incarnations because they’re happening right now. So you’ll get their thought forms as well. You can learn energy signatures—what’s coming from you—and what’s not. That’s an important skill—the Illuminati know how to attach to your field—they harness brain patterns. Become familiar with what is yours. You can stop your minds from being invaded by this. Usually you don’t want to deal with some stuff because they’re painful. Using the higher frequencies will bring these up. We are taught to repress these thoughts—it’s become a survival skill. We can bring them up gently and put in new thought grids. Catch yourself and reprogram—substitute with the opposite thought. “As a child forms mud pies from dirt, so are civilizations formed out of thoughts and emotions. In more advanced systems thoughts and emotions are immediately translated into action into whatever approximation of matter there exists. The lessons must be taught and learned well. The responsibility for

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


creation must be clearly understood. To some extent, humans exist in a soundproof and isolated room. Hate and fear create destruction in that room and until the lessons are learned, destruction follows destruction.” (Eieyani Ecka Council)



Actualization is the development of consistent relationship with parts of yourself through DNA activation and dedication to techniques. If at-one-ment is co-resonance of thought intention, then evolution is a direct function of alignment with your Divine Blueprint expressed as consistent thought intention AS action. That is the formula for self-directed leadership. In the process of actualization consistency, the difference between activation and actualization is that activation will give you a nanosecond of frequency, of relationship with the frequency of Primal Life Force currents. What you want to do is have a more consistent stable relationship with increasingly high levels of frequency or a greater volume or amounts of Primal Life Force currents. As we hold more of the Primal Life Force currents, we pass from the state of becoming to the state of Be-ing called God-Actualization. Being both a sentient individual manifest AND simultaneously KNOWING Oneself as a direct, embodied expression of Christiac God-Source is known as the state of “God-Actualization”. This state creates the experience of FULLY ENGAGED NON-ATTACHMENT (not DIS-ENGAGED DETACHMENT) accompanied by perpetual Unconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual and Material Mastery and Ecstatic Joy within the manifest arena. Manifest beings are enabled to experience this state of “God-Actualization” due to the “two-wayswinging door to God,” the living Eternal Internal Amoraea Flame standing wave of ManU Holy Spirit that resides within the center of the personal Christos Seed Atom AzurA at the Center Point of the personal Inner Christ Divine Blueprint. The Holy Spirit Eternal Internal Flame is NOT just a “spiritual concept;” it is a tangible, quantifiable standing wave of living ManU God-Force Consciousness. The more we practice alignment with our Divine Blueprint, the more frequency we’ll be capable of holding. Consistency is the key!

THE KEYSTONE “We are vehicles or expressions of elements of Source. The Keystone is that all energy is conscious and all consciousness is energy and that all energy is potential. This is us. This is how it is. Potential is energy expressed as conscious thought. It takes the form of light and sound when you are speaking of it from the standpoint of Source. But the same principals, the same rules apply to us.” (A’za, Allentown 2002) Consciousness is the stuff out of which all substance is created. The Keystone is that all energy is conscious and all consciousness is energy and that all energy is potential and I am talking about us, not an abstract theory. This is us. This is how it is. We are vehicles or expressions of elements of Source and the mechanics, the technicalities about how all of it works and how we work in relation to it is the same. Every time you think a thought you are creating a morphogenetic field. Your thoughts don’t disappear—they go somewhere. Units of consciousness will form a Partiki Grid—consciousness forms

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


crystallizations. Thoughts set the template for manifestation on all levels. If life is hard, then you are manifesting a distortion of original intention—a technical glitch. When you think a thought your consciousness is in a certain dimensional band—nature of thoughts draws to itself. The only difference between a thought and a manifest thing is the frequency of the consciousness of the observer.

OVERCOMING FEAR “Living by your Limitless Joy is the greatest form of defiance AND Living by your limitless fear is the greatest form of compliance. Point your rebellion in the right direction.” (AOD 7-12-05) “What is fear but an utter denial of the Living God-Source and God-power Within you? What is fearlessness but utterly BEING the Living God-Source and God-power Within you? Who is responsible for your feelings, you, or something outside of yourself? Do you each not have the gift of free will selection through which you can choose how you will respond to something, and thus correspondingly choose your experience of it? Who is responsible for your choices?” (Ma’a, and Mashara of Eieyani Ecka Council 2003 (Open Letter))

We forget we are that One Consciousness. I am you, you are me. If we know ourselves as God, there is not a thing that is outside of what we are. So there is not a thing that is not loveable, that is not Self. There is no Us versus Them. There is only One! There is a level of Oneness that is about Accountability—it is about overcoming fear. As long as you believe in victims and victimizers, you will be afraid. There is power in Responsibility. If you want the power, you need to take the Responsibility.

LOCKING ONTO YOUR FUTURE SELF “We represent a virus on the cosmic internet. You are locking on to what we call a "Future Self.” You are pulling yourself and the Future Self together which is the first Level of expansion and expression. That's important because if all of you graduate and all of you want to, you will find yourself working for real in a place that we call "Collective Conscious" And in Collective Conscious everything is known, seen, felt by everybody else simultaneously.”

(A’za, Allentown 2002)

It's a big responsibility to go to the place you want to go to, and really the truth is that none of us are quite ready yet. And one of the reasons is that we still represent something of a virus on the cosmic internet. We have got to get our Nortons1 out or our McAfees2 out and purge the stuff. Distortions can be corrected by bringing in the program from the God-Seed into your morphogenetic field. "The human race is a stage through which various forms of consciousness travel. Before you can be allowed in the systems of reality that are more extensive and open, you must first learn to handle energy and see through physical materialization the concrete result of thought and emotion.”3


Norton Anti-Virus Software McAfee Anti-Virus Software 3 A’za, Allentown 2002 2

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS “We are pieces of consciousness that interact with each other. It's the Consciousness itself that serves as the energy of which the Structure is created. That means, all of the Structures we are working with and all of the energy we are working with are fully alive and conscious and represent a part of the Consciousness of God. When we are running a Frequency in our bodies, we are running an identity in our bodies.” (A’za, Allentown 2002) It's the Consciousness itself that serves as the energy of which the Structure is created. All of the Structures and all of the energy we work with are fully alive and conscious, and represent a part of the Consciousness of God. This means it has its own ability to interact with other energy. It has its ability in its own way. So it’s not just the Primal Currents of energy but the Primal Forces of the Consciousness of God that we are all made of. This brings the Consciousness of God into it as well as the physics of the energy of Source. This hologram was intended to allow God to explore itself and find out more about itself by making itself into many different faces. This is what is meant by “We Are All One.” There is only One Consciousness in the whole entire cosmos. There is only One Identity in the whole entire cosmos and that is You. That is God. There is no difference. But when God puts itself in pieces down here, especially if it allows part of its DNA to be turned off, it completely forgets that. Then, we walk around thinking, “Hmm. You are different than me. Well I like you because you are similar to me. But, I don’t like you because you are very different from me.” We forget that we are that One Consciousness. I am you , you are me, we are the seats we are sitting on, we are the bugs that are crawling on the floor they are so tiny that we can’t see them, we are the fallen angelics, they are all the We. If we know ourselves as God, there is not a thing that is outside of what we are. So, therefore there is not a thing that is not loveable, that is not Self. There is not other. There is no Us versus Them. There is only One!

PRINCIPLES OF CREATION “When we begin to experience the reality of ourselves as infinite consciousness rather than finite physicality, we will also learn to stop envisioning God in the image of man…..and start comprehending humanity in the image of God.…pure, ETERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS.” (Beyond the Veils)

The ManU itself as a form of energy Conscious Expression first created the EirA and out of the EirA came the ManA. When we talk about making a transition from the kind of scrambled, bunch of programs that we know ourselves to be now, we are talking about an Act of Creation in which we use the very principals of the Withness Quiz here in terms of ManA, ManU and EirA. Therefore, think of yourself as a Void. You can create within yourself the EirA and the ManA. Think of yourself as that Spark, the original Spark. That's where you are right now. You can create within yourself the EirA and the ManA. And that means we are talking the language of Apparthi once more. We are talking about the little receptors that are pulling Reverse Current without your conscious supervision. Reverse Current is what produces the conflict that we experience in what we call our lives and ourselves. Become more aware of the fact that you are living, breathing Fields as aspects of Source.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


DRAWING FREQUENCY “We are drawing raw potential to feed/fuel the choices. By becoming more aware that you are living, breathing Fields as aspects of Source, all you have to do is draw more ‘Energy’ or ‘Frequency.’ We often forget that we are talking about drawing consciousness. We are drawing raw potential to feed/fuel our living experience, feed and provide a means to change the contents of our hologram.” (A’za, Allentown 2002) In becoming more aware that you are living, breathing Fields as aspects of Source, all you have to do is become more aware of that and draw more of what we call "Energy" or "Frequency." We often forget we are talking about drawing consciousness. We are drawing raw potential to feed/fuel the choices, feed/fuel our living experience, feed and provide a means to change the contents of our hologram. And you are asked: How can you forget? How can you distinguish? How can you feel differently? The answer: from Source itself. The principals are all the same. The mechanics are all the same. They exist inside of you as much as they exist outside of you. If you can remember that more often each day, you'll find that your consciousness, the attenuation within your living experience, will be increasingly towards drawing Primal Life Force Currents. You will start to move through the issues of your manifest reality into a state where you recognize that the quality of energy that you are consciously drawing as the fuel for your living manifest experience will enable you to change things very naturally and very effortlessly. Then, the issues of choice, the Frequency of components in your Fields, the potential you are using as thought will provide a natural fact in terms of the manifest experiences and the objects that you create in your reality. This in turn means the fuel, the gas we need in our tanks to affect Bridge Zone transition working from the inside out, is provided in the same way as Source provides the very same thing when it set up the Matrices, when it set up all the forms of experiential reality. You don't know when it's going to happen, how it's going to happen, how good or how bad it's going to be, but it should bring, fully and finally, the idea that you are a vehicle floating around in space and time that can choose to draw more of the raw potential, the influences that we call "Primal Life Force Currents" into it in order that you can simply and organically re-express as conscious thought and action. In learning to draw frequency, we first start with the Maharic Frequency, the current of frequency from our D-12 level of the Self. When you are doing the Maharic seal, you are using the Maharata current...the D-12 current... and running natural D-12 Frequency into your body, not from somebody else, but right from your own template! You are reawakening your own Inner Christos, which offers a protection field as well as a lot of other wonderful things. You will get protection and this is how you get field integrity out of it.

INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS “When we begin to experience the reality of ourselves as infinite consciousness rather than finite physicality, we will also learn to stop Envisioning God in the Image of Man…..and Start Comprehending Humanity in the Image of God.….Pure, Eternal Consciousness.” (Beyond the Veils)

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


When we activate and light up the Fire Letters and Scalar Wave Patterns in our Shields, what we are doing is turning on the Consciousness of the Rays progressively in our Shields. It helps to understand this because when we are working with these energies, if we think of them only in terms of energy to play with, we're missing a whole ability to have a relationship. What it comes down to is everything, everything before your eyes and everything you can't see yet is Living, Alive Consciousness and a Direct Expression of God. When we begin to experience the reality of ourselves as Infinite Consciousness rather than finite physicality, we will also learn to stop ENVISIONING GOD IN THE IMAGE OF MAN….. and START COMPREHENDING HUMANITY IN THE IMAGE OF GOD …pure, ETERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS.

RELATIONSHIP WITH SOURCE “MRWSCF: My Relationship With Source Comes First! ”

(A’sha and Mac 2-26-05)

MRWSCF is the Answer that holds the personal keys to our JOY and FREEDOM. It is fundamental to the process of setting ourselves free enough to “feel” Source, and thus our special working relationship and purpose or contract. How this is experienced is not an external phenomenon but an internal one—it’s about the quality, nature and integrity that you evolve for your naked, stripped down self, just as you are…right here…right now. This is how you learn self love, self-given freedom and true self as a Spark of Source. You can’t get far with MRWSCF if you leave yourself out of the equation by holding the notion as an intellectual condition of “being spiritual.” All Indigos share the same fundamental Contract: to hold and run as much frequency as possible...nothing else matters. And since it is so extraordinarily crucial, nothing of 3-D nature could possibly compare. This observation leads to some pretty tough, scary conclusions about how we live our lives. More significantly perhaps, it presupposes we can muster the sensitivity, awareness and love that produces the strength which enables us to adjust our experiential parameters in terms of maximizing our individual contribution to the collective contract in the current 3-D context. This is the ultimate earth-bound test or challenge to the revelation that is the creation process implicitly embodied in MRWSCF. As a primary focus, you should be concerned with being at peace with finding out who you really are, what you really need/prefer, and being as much of that glorious self as you possibly can, liking every crazy situation, person and circumstance that you, and you alone, have created for yourself with which to grow (if you so choose). Then, you could say with all passion and meaning that your relationship with Source truly does come first…and all else will flow, fearlessly, from that. MRWSCF: keep that straight, be willing to do what that requires, and you know you are ready for your contract.

CONSCIOUSNESS OF GOD “If you want to touch God, reach out your hand. What it comes down to is everything, before your eyes and everything you can't see yet is Living, Alive Consciousness and a Direct Expression of God.” (A’sha, Allentown 2002) We are already at one with God as well as in manifest creation but because manifest creation looks and feels so real, we can get stuck here and forget the other part. We forget that we are the creation of the (hologram) and that the thoughts are coming out of our DNA template – our connection to the race species. We get lost and think the world is coming at us - it’s coming through us and out and we are

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


interacting with it. We can’t control it unless we know this. Then we can begin to communicate with the different levels of consciousness within our hologram. The air is a form of the Consciousness of God. When you touch your face you are touching part of the Consciousness of God. It's that close. It's that real. The next time you feel scared or upset about something or overwhelmed by something, remember, reach out your hand and touch God and then take your hand back and lean into that space and let yourself be embraced by God. Feel the air around you hold you and realize that air is Conscious. Feel the Air. Try it. Think of it in a new way. What is this air? This is a form of the Consciousness of God. Touch your face. You are touching part of the Consciousness of God. It's that close. It's that real and it's that here. You can never, ever be separate from it. Even in a vacuum, the vacuum space is still God. God doesn't require oxygen to be. Everything is the consciousness of the Wave Forms that everything is manifest on. It's very hard to be frightened of anything if you get that. If you really get that simple little thing, Where is God? Do I have to go look inside me? Do I look down my shirt? Can I find It in there somewhere? No, you can reach here. You can touch here. It is here around you and if you can let your Mental Body remember that when you are in times of stress or anything, you can immediately calm yourself down as if God literally came and put arms around you and said, "You are safe. You are a child of my bosom. You cannot be separate from me." Our system was created on a Base-12/Base-15 Pattern. Partiki Phasing is a creation of flash-lines flashing on and off. A dimension is a flash-line sequence… a very specific flash-line sequence that is part of the framework that the universal and cosmic structure is built in. So, everything that comes into that structure has to adopt a part of that flash-line sequence in order to get in there. That means your template as an individual, your Divine Blueprint, would be based upon the same Divine Blueprint that the universe is built on and that the galaxies are built on and that the planet is built on. In order for you to get into this reality field as an individual, you would have to take on all of those things first, just to get yourself mathematically into here. Then you would put into that program the own unique mathematical programmings that give you who you are, who you decided that you wanted to be… who when you were up there being God decided, “I want to be this person! So, I am going to create this pattern.” We have all done that. We all are God and it is not blasphemous to say, I AM God!” It doesn’t mean that I AM God, I am your boss, you listen to me. It means, I AM God and if I AM God, then so are you. It means that we all should be really nice to each other and stop treating each other like we are anything but the same person. When we connect with the Consciousness of God - how God thinks - we don’t need anyone to tell us right from wrong. The reality of the Consciousness of God exists as a force that has no boundaries, limitations or form - the cosmic ‘no thing’ in ‘no space’ and ‘no time’, that is eternal - no beginning and no end. When you get to Cosmic level - have a choice to go back through the centre and out into full at-onement or hang out in Yunasai fields; i.e., keep individual sentience - don’t get absorbed into massive Consciousness of God - but know yourself as one within it and can choose to experience a hologram, keep a body - freedom to do that. We are in a hologram that exists within Source. You can’t be away from God. You can’t be separated from God. You can only think you are. You can only experience your reality as if you were, which can seem pretty darn real, but it still isn’t, because there is nowhere outside of Source to go. It is all existing within God and within Source.

CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS “It's about expanding back to hold the rest of yourself. The whole process isn't about climbing the ladder, but about expanding back to hold the rest of your Self. Once you can hold 12 dimensions of consciousness in your body, you are in what is called, "Christ consciousness.” It's

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


holding the consciousness of 12 dimensions of your pre-matter template consciousness, your Avatar level identity in body.” (A’sha, Allentown 2002) When you are activating the DNA, you are activating these waveforms in the template, which allows that frequency and that consciousness to come into our body and expand the body progressively back into its original Flame form. The whole process isn't about climbing the ladder, but about expanding back to hold the rest of your Self. It's like you come into this little body and then grow it out so it can hold the rest of you to get yourself all in. And once you do and you can hold even this much consciousness in your body, 12 dimensions of consciousness, you are in what is called “Christ Consciousness.” It’s being able to hold the consciousness of 12 dimensions of your pre-matter template consciousness, your avatar level identity in body. No-one will ascend for you. Any suggestion of this from another being or person has a hidden agenda, because they CAN’T do it for you. You CAN, by integrating your 3-D mind with the rest of your self and taking responsibility for your parts. There isn’t a cosmic saviour. The Christos is the saviour, and each one of us carries a piece of it. It’s time to get it off the cross and bring it back to life! Time to resurrect the Inner Christ. That’s how you will ascend, whether you take your body or just your consciousness. Either way, you still need to open that in the body People who say they are in Christ Consciousness now - sometimes get really arrogant - an immediate sign that they are not in Christ Consciousness. They sometimes do the monotone thing - ‘they are perfect’ - ‘they don’t get angry’!!! Airy fairy syndrome - where so much of themselves is turned off developing their higher currents while keeping them totally separate from the lower currents that are all twisted (the light and the shadow) - very sweet most of the time (repressed) - they have been taught this is the way to be spiritual but it’s the way to cut yourself in half, literally! When it’s gone past the point where the lower energies can be integrated again, there is a look (shadow consumed the body - body gets sick) a spacey look - not focussed - like sleep walking. As we work with the Primal currents we are building the ability to take our memory with us - who we are now and let that expand to who we were to begin with - to hold cosmic consciousness within us first Christ consciousness - knowledge from D12 down, history etc. - you just know it, it’s part of who you are - a process of expansion. As you build these currents you are bringing alive progressively the Eternal Consciousness - the Eternal Flame. It exists within you and also surrounds the entire universe and is within the entire universe. Building these currents begins the process of waking yourself up to the fact that you have always been at one with it. As we go up in frequency, space seems to expand and time seems to slow. When we get past D12, beyond time - going into the God worlds – the level where we go back into gaseous light and sound, then you know yourself as a hologram - a thought form in creation, blessed with great purpose and meaning. Every creation leaves its imprint on whichever system it passes through, which opens up more potentials to be explored by God as other things in other ways for God to understand Itself and enjoy expression.

ARCS OF LIVING CONSCIOUSNESS “If you want to touch God, reach out your hand.”

(A’sha, Allentown 2002)

The Maharic Shield holds the Kathara Grid Programs, the DNA Programs, the Tribal Shield Programs, in the form of Nodes, Tangents, Logi and Atmi, and Lock Codes within the Shield. Our shields are literally composed of Nodes and Tangents and Logi and Atmi, which means they are composed of

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


Consciousness that is taking those body forms. The Consciousness corresponding to these parts of the shields are called the Nodus, Tangus, and within them, their Logus, and within them their Atmus. All the stuff that ends in "US" is referring to the consciousness, the living consciousness identity itself, and the Node or the Tangent is the body form (waveform) it takes. Our shields are literally composed of Nodes and Tangents and Logi and Atmi, which means they are composed of consciousness that is taking those body forms. These are the Consciousnesses that go with the structure of the DNA template, which is the structure of your scalar shields, which comes right down into the structure of the chemical bodies themselves. The Nodes, the Tangents, the Logi and the Atmi Consciousness are not just arcs of energies; they are Arcs of Living Consciousness. Each one has its own characteristics of Consciousness. It has its own knowing, its own lessons, and its own knowledge. They are a form of the Consciousness of the Rays. The scalar waves that make up our shields are part of the Nodus consciousness. Nodus consciousness expresses in a solidified form as a scalar crystal. It is from that crystal that the wave body emerges. The crystals of the Nodus are called "Nodes.” When you work with the shields you are activating the part of you that lives as the consciousness of each of those Rays. When you activate the Node crystals it allows the corresponding consciousness of the Nodus to come back into awakening in your body. It is a piece of your own consciousness. Your template is made from you. You created your Divine Blueprint by turning a portion of your consciousness into your Divine Blueprint. So, first you had to turn yourself into Nodus. So a part of all of us expresses as Nodus. In that way we were able to create our own Divine Blueprint, manufacture a scalar template that we could put another part of ourselves into to experience the hologram. When you activate large portions of the shields at the same time, you are not just activating inert energy. You are activating Rays of Consciousness, each of which will bring you a little piece of understanding of something that you didn't have while that Ray was dormant. When we do these activations, we are bringing in huge amounts of data, consciousness that holds that data into our fields BUT it will take awhile to get to this part of our consciousness. All the stuff that ends in "US" (like Nodus or Tangus), is referring to the consciousness, the living consciousness identity itself, and the Node or the Tangent is the body form (waveform) it takes. These are the consciousness that go with the structure of the DNA template, which is the structure of your scalar shields, which comes right down into the structure of the chemical bodies themselves. When there are mutations in the template, it means there are mutations in the consciousness. It means there are ray forms that don't belong in there. There are ways to align, to work with the Arcs once you understand what they are. They are literally frequencies of Consciousness that we co-create things with. We can work with them and begin to use them for manifesting and for healing. It helps to understand that when we are working with the frequencies we are working with people. People that serve to be treated with respect and honor. People who are you in that form! You can align with the Arcs by learning to shape-shift into scalar waves, which are Living Conscious Flames of God. You have this as your core form. When you are activating the DNA you are activating these waveforms in the template, which allows that frequency and that consciousness to come into our body and expand the body progressively back into its original flame form. When you can start to get in touch with that part of yourself, there is an amazing direct cognition that just happens. It is like popcorn popping in your DNA. You can just feel the stuff opening. It goes so fast sometimes that you just know. Then, your DNA gets over-saturated and then suddenly, you don't know anymore BUT you know that you knew. This is what your consciousness goes through when it is trying to bring in the rest of you that is expressing as your Rays. The part of God cognition, the parts of ourselves that are the Nodus, that are the Rays, hold the information for us until we can open it into the body. Then, it becomes our embodied consciousness.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


RAY CONSCIOUSNESS “Our original form is Ray consciousness.”

(A’sha, Allentown 2002)

Your Shield is you as an Avatar but it holds vast amounts of knowledge, Conscious living knowledge. It's the living memory matrix of what you are. It literally holds the consciousness and the information of that entire Ray. We can choose to draw more of the raw potential, the influences that we call "Primal Life Force Currents" into us that we can simply and organically re-express as conscious thought and action. If you can remember that more often each day, you'll find that your consciousness, the attenuation within your living experience, will be increasingly towards drawing Primal Life Force Currents. This will allow you to move through the issues of your manifest reality now into a state where you begin to know that the quality of energy that you recognize that you are consciously drawing as the fuel for your living manifest experience will enable you to change things very naturally and very effortlessly. Then the issues of choice, the Frequency of components in your Fields, the potential you are using as thought will provide a natural fact in terms of the manifest experiences and the objects that you create in your reality. You don't know when it's going to happen, how it's going to happen, or how good or how bad it is going to be. But it should bring, fully and finally, the idea that you are a vehicle floating around in space and time that can choose to draw more of the raw potential, the influences that we call "Primal Life Force Currents" into it in order that you can simply and organically re-express as conscious thought and action.

CALLING ON THE RAYS “We can call on the Rays by calling on the Entity of the Flame. There is an amazing presence that comes when you do these things for a while. You start to feel the presence of the consciousness with you.” (A’sha, Mechanics of Manifestation, Sarasota 2001) What we are doing with the Science of the Rays is progressively taking the most rapid course of opening that consciousness and the frequency it carries back into the body. This is Living Structure we are talking about. When we light up the Scalar Waves in the shields, we are turning on the Consciousness of the Rays progressively in our Shields. It helps to understand this because when we are working with these energies, if we think of them in terms of energy to play with, we're missing a whole ability to have a relationship. There is a whole different relationship that you can have if you look at the energies that we are running for what they consciousness fields. They are a lot more aware than you and I are down here. When you play with energy out of respect, you co-create with energy because it has its own agenda and its own intention. If you don’t respect that, you are going to have some problems. When we work with the technologies of running energy and expanding our fields…if we can recognize that these energies are people that are US-- when you open your currents, your template will call home the part of you that lives in those fields. We are learning the physics of the Rays and how they work in the body...but also the Spirit of the Rays. Each Ray is a full identity in consciousness. It has its own intention. It has its own purpose. Each consciousness of each Ray holds memory for us...the pieces of the memory that we can't fit in of the whole cosmic matrix. There is a lesson...a whole bunch of them...for each Ray, for each one of those Rays holds an understanding of Consciousness...a core understanding of Consciousness.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


A’sha first woke up by calling upon the Entity of the Blue Flame. She moved herself into the image of a blue flame and found real peace inside there. She could feel the living identity and the intelligence. She would be given information...not verbal or linear. The Ray, the Flame would simply, move it through her. Whatever her template could hold, it would grab. She could feel it open. It helped her hugely in getting awake. Here is a technique that A’sha suggested in Dance for Freedom Part I, that you could use anytime now that we are working with the Silver Sanctum4 and you have the ability to open that. That is one of the most powerful Rays as well as the Emerald Flame that emerges around the field. You can call upon the Entity of the Flames. A’sha used to literally use: "I CALL UPON THE ENTITY OF THE ________ FLAME” (colored flame you want to use) . The Rays are the Flames. Rays are in Truth, standing Rays that are shaped like Flames. They are elliptical shaped spheres....Eckasha-shaped Ray Forms. They radiate energy through themselves and creation takes place within them. We will perceive the linear movement of the Ray consciousness within us, but in Truth the Rays are the Flames, the Flame Beings. We are also Flame Beings. We are reawakening our Flames and we will remember that and go back to our original form. Our original form is Ray Consciousness. Realize you have a teacher with you all the time. You are made of frequency and you can learn to seal that frequency into what is called a "dedicated line," which will give you a safe way to communicate. In communication the dedicated line is the Maharic Seal. That means you have activated the pillar of frequency (D-12 on down) that will seal your fields in at least from the outside until you can hold it on the inside from anything coming from the fallen matrices that would try to intercept. Once you raise the Maharic Seal you’ve created a private telephone line to the universe. Through that, you can call upon the Entity of the Rays. If you want to learn more about your emotional body (D-2 body), use the Nodus or Ray Consciousness of Dimension 2. D-2 is associated with the color frequency of Orange so you would call upon the Entity of the Orange Flame. You would hold in mind the image of an Orange Flame and bring into it the Maharic frequency (with the breath) so it would turn into a pale-peachsilvery orange. Not just a core template orange. That way you have established with it a Maharic Closed Circuit line. This will help prevent any orange rays from the FA matrices trying to twist the information that you are getting. You can call on any one of the Rays. If you want help with mental body stuff...D-3....yellow. Bring up Maharic frequency and imagine whatever Flame, Ray Color, Nodus that you would like to learn from or talk with, breathe Maharic frequency up and project it into the Flame image. Then, inhale the Flame image into the heart chakra or wherever feels most comfortable, bring it in and expand it out around you within your Silver Sanctum. Talk with it. Feel yourself sitting inside of it. There is an amazing presence that comes when you do these things for a while. You start to feel the Presence of the Consciousness with you. You start to realize how tiny your own level of awareness is compared to the massive amount of knowing and the massive amount of Love that are held within these beings that are called the "frequency bands" that are called the "Rays" that are called personally, the "Nodus." The Rays are Living Conscious Flames of God. You have this as YOUR core form.


Flame Body Activation Techniques

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


ATTITUDES OF MASTERY “Attitude is very important. Attitude and thought patterns imbed in the DNA template and create chemical realities in the body that help you through star gates, or stop you from going.” (A’za)

Our attitudes will make or break us. So we’ve been given the Attitudes of Mastery to assist us in developing Spiritual Mastery. The frequency that you pull into your fields that is available for your entire bio-spiritual system to process, will guarantee you have certain kinds of relationships with your external environment. The frequency provides you with that way of perceiving your environment, the hologram. It guarantees you will react in certain ways. It guarantees you are some kind of puppet or marionette. Anything that contracts from a frequency level is dissonant. It is a reducing order. On the basis of frequency accretion, you attract more chaotic frequency patterns, which by definition means you push yourself away from Source. This means that in the process of millions of years, you are actually pulling more apparthi into your shields without knowing it. That is our history up to this point, in these terms. If we can look at the most yucky stuff in our hologram, even on a mass level, and say “oh boy, well I am co-creating this with others; I might not be able to do anything about the other’s part right now…however, I am co-creating this.” Think about that when we look at what we’re moving into. You can believe what you want and you would manifest and see the parts of reality that fit your pictures. But that doesn’t change the fact that there’s an underlying reality that is the real reality beneath it. This reality is within a greater context and structure of universal order and Divine Will as well. So, we can’t say to only believe good things and you’ll only have good things happen to you—it’s within a greater context and structure of universal order and Divine Will as well. There is a big drama going on and we can pretend it doesn’t exist or we can look at it and recognize that by engaging it, that’s where we are learning to love it. If we’re over on one side saying “I’m not going to go there, I’m not going to look at it, I’m not going to lower myself to that vibration—the result is that vibration’s going to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger, because nobody’s healing it—nobody’s loving it—nobody’s fixing it. When we’re turning our attention to the history, and to the stuff we might not particularly want to know about right now but we need to, we’re putting our energy right into it and we’re bringing a higher frequency in to harmonize it and heal it. That’s how you change things, and that’s what we’re doing. That’s why it’s important to see (that) the Kristos Being sees and allows both sides of any polarity drama, but gets engaged and dragged around by neither. This is where it becomes a state of Engaged Detachment. It understands itself as a position, almost like the ManU position, the still point that allows the Divine to flow through and raise whatever in either side to its highest order. That’s the healthiest way to look at a drama that could otherwise put you into fear. Knowing the solutions also allows us the opportunity to stay out of fear. If there weren’t solutions to the problem, at least on a personal level for each one of us who aren’t so lazy that we’re not going to bother—there’s a lot of people out there who are just lazy…they don’t want to bother…they want somebody else to fix it for them. Some people don’t want to do the work it takes to get their own genuine spirituality back. They give lip service all over the place. In the end, they will get what they put in to the act. We have a choice. We have a choice to grow and put into the act joy, power, love—and what we will get in return is going to be phenomenal.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


LABELS “Why speak of a stick in my eye when you have a log in your own?”

(Speakers with the Council of

Azurline 7/04)

A common element of the human experience is to label things. Behind the tendency to label...the kind of thought function available or the brain capacity available to process those frequencies goes where the frequencies take it. The frequencies themselves encourage this tendency to label and minicompartmentalize as a means to experience and to know. . Of course it is not a means to experience and know, because whatsoever you label never know it. The tendency for brain function to generate labels generally limits the human senses and brings you to the point of appreciating you are dealing with programs or frequency blocks. These prevent Primal Life Force currents from flowing, blocking the flow from Source. This helps generate and support the victim-victimizer game. Anything that contracts from a frequency level is dissonant. It is a reducing order. It is contracting in its essence--contracting NOT expanding. You end up attracting more chaotic frequency patterns to you, which means you push yourself away from Source. The chaotic frequency we receive, which is predominant in roughly 60-70% of the frequencies we’re pulling in, determines our relationship to everything. It will provoke a reaction immediately. When someone violates you, think of how quickly that is processed into reaction. You can change this chemical energetic frequency relationship. It’s not telling you positive thinking—it’s telling you self-awareness. Everything you pull into your reality is designed to make you feel less than. All you have to do is think about what you are thinking and you can get rid of approx 50% of what is causing the anxiety, stress, reasons not to do your techniques, not to feel happy, not to have a calm relaxed positive frame of mind when you are trying to get a contact, you can’t concentrate. There was originally one direction, that of you as a soul...the heroic probability. This was to teach us to be better creators. But since we are creating Morphogenetic Fields constantly through our thoughts, we need to integrate and master the mental body.

GOSSIP “Gossiping and spreading rumors are great ways of using your energies to stay horizontal, and out of yourself. “ (A’za, 18 Jan 04) Behavior such as gossiping and spreading rumors is a direct violation of the Regent's Covenant. What is more worrisome is that it demonstrates just how much sub-conscious patterning is at work amongst such individuals. We feel quite sure that if any of the individuals were to be "confronted" about breaking their Sacred Oath, they would feel shocked, nonplussed, and not a little embarrassed. But what is it that we are actually seeing here: A measure of Christiac self-awareness and "self-control"... or simply a serious lack of it? The desire for "recognition" amongst one's peers (and the beloved's) is perhaps the greatest "Achilles Heel" of all. It should be evident to the "older hands" around the work that when an outbreak of nonsense such as this occurs, it presages a time of direct, frontal, attack from somewhere within the Fallen Angelic legions. During the closing at Paxos we were warned by the Beloveds that in coming times we would need to be MUCH more aware of the need for each other, for our shared truth and trust, warmth and ability to stand in our Christiac power and awareness. Gossiping and rumor mongering not only lowers your frequency and your field integrity, but takes away from that shared trust.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


Assuming the "mantle" of Speaker probably seems like a wonderful gift, if for no other reason than it implies that it carries with it the "recognition" everyone craves from the Beloved's. Speaker Two’s personal, direct observation is that the Speakers role is an all consuming life of unreserved dedication to others, first and foremost. That means learning to put oneself last, at least according to the ways of the 3-D world, and the everyday implications of achieving that state of being, completely overwhelms any "glamours" assumed to be a part of the job. It isn't easy! In moments of weakness, and yes Speakers do have them too, they have thought thoughts, and spoken words, which they would rather not have done. Fortunately, they are sufficiently self-aware, and honest, to realize and acknowledge those to themselves and others.

EGO AND NEGATIVE EGO The desire for recognition amongst one’s peers (and the beloveds) is perhaps the greatest ‘Achilles heel’ of all. (A’za, 18 Jan 04) There are people attached to the outside persona of it, how things look to others. The only persons they are conning are themselves. What they have is the content of their consciousness... those manifest in chemical terms in the DNA and that body's chemicals determine whether it can actually ascend or not. “Fear is a bio-chemically carried experiential-emotional translation of God-Source-Within-denying ideas, beliefs, judgments and labels that you hold as energy patterns within the conscious and subconscious mind; these energy patterns direct the biochemical realities through which the sensation of emotional fear is experienced.” (Ma’a, and Mashara of Eieyani Ecka Council, Open Letter 2003) Fear also causes us to blame others for something that is ours. Blame is one of the most disempowering emotions you can allow yourself to entertain. If you’re having trouble in any of the areas of your life, try to look at the areas where you’re blaming—where you think it’s somebody else’s fault—or an organization’s fault—or a neighbor’s fault or a spouse’s fault, a child’s fault, the President’s fault, the Annunaki’s fault—find out where you’re placing fault because that’s where you’re hiding your missing power from yourself. Every time you blame you empower the other and you take it away from you. An "Ego" is simply the part of you that looks out on 3-D here. It belongs there. It is kind of like, "Fine, I will leave my emotional body and I will leave spiritual body and my physical body, but I am throwing my mental body out the window." Your ego goes with your mental body. However, there is "negative ego", when the mental body gets confused and creates all sorts of self-justification patterns, because it really believes it's worthless. It believes it has to prove its worth to itself and creates all sorts of compensation patterns where it feels really inferior. So it walks around being real arrogant because it knows it's really cool…because it really needs to believe it's really cool because it feels so horrible, tiny and pathetic. People with negative ego, and we all have some touches of it... it might just be fear patterns, defensive patterns.... they come from a place of not fully remembering our connection to God. We need to remember we are all Divine Beings, we are all created equal, whether or not we have equal level of this that or that ... we are of equal value. We are all blessed, and God really loves us--there is a God that loves us and we have an auto-guidance system right within ourselves that will guide us through the worst of anything, if we only listen and learn to hear it. You don't need negative ego. Negative ego is to protect the personality when it believes it doesn't have any connection to anything else... a personality who feels lost in space-time... that is where ego comes from. The negative ego is what a lot of spiritual traditions try to annihilate and assassinate and make it go away and really torture you until you get rid of it. You can't get rid of it. It is a part of you... you need to heal it and integrate it. That is what the “Dance For” programs also work with.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


NOT ENOUGHNESS CONSCIOUSNESS “We have a relationship with the word Perfect.”

(A’sha, Greece 2002)

The programs we teach are about getting the whole system working together and that means having “guts.” That means facing the shadow and realizing that it is there. That means having enough guts to say, “I AM perfect just the way I AM and that is perfectly me and this is good enough for right now.” You don’t need an idea of perfect that somebody gave you… that some high standard… “Oh, that person can walk through walls and I can’t do that yet, but when I am perfect I will be able to do that.” Maybe…. Maybe even if you are not perfect you can learn how to do that. Fallen angelics know how to do that. We have a relationship where with the word “perfect.” It is Not Enoughness Consciousness” where just because there are other things to do, explore and become, means this isn’t good enough; or just because this is good enough, means you don’t have to do anything. They are both out of balance, both of those perspectives. We are perfectly ourselves at every moment; so we are perfect at every moment. That does not mean that there aren’t wonderful things to grow and learn and expand into. It doesn’t mean that if you want a certain set of type of experiences, that you are responsible for making sure how to create them and if you don’t know how, then you are responsible for learning how if you want them to happen. So, it is worth learning things. Just because you are perfect doesn’t mean that you don’t need to do anything. Just because you are perfect doesn’t mean that you run around into white robes all the time “with only a monotone voice and touch every little animal and insect that walks by and do all these things to make sure that everybody else knows you are perfect” Sometimes, you might even smoke cigarettes and see how many people have issues with judgment… to see what they do. You can tell the mature ones from the ones that aren’t quite there yet. “Oh, why should I listen to you, you smoke cigarettes.” “Got one.. he he he !” There are things that when you become perfectly yourself and you become integrated and perfectly yourself, you will decide what you want to do and it doesn’t matter who else thinks you are perfect or not because of it and that is perfectly alright. We have perfection. We are walking around in the most beautifully designed, incredibly ornately orchestrated living, breathing, organism that we call “Ourself.” We only know a little tiny part of it. Most of us don’t even know we have these parts yet. You should see what they look like with inner vision. They are gorgeous when they are cleared to their original template and you don’t see all sorts of black blobs and weird things hanging where they don’t belong. Once they are cleared, they are the most beautiful, radiant bodies of Light and orchestras of Sound. This is what we are when we look in the mirror. This thing here is like a little shell thing that happens in the middle but THIS is what we are and more.

THOUGHT “May you THINK before you judge, LOVE before you condemn, SELF-ASSESS your own inventory and RSPECT OTHERS to do the same, ALLOW the Promise of your Krist Within to outshine the illusions of fear projection and REJOICE IN THE PROCESS OF KRISTIAC BEING AND THE PRODUCT WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF…In Divine Right Order.” (EyanA-Eieyani-AdonA-AdonE and AdonI Councils 12-11-04) Partiki, Partika and Particum, units of consciousness which are little standing light bulbs, little standing Scalar Waveforms, group together by like-vibration and like-mathematics. They all have an imbued mathematical program, which is the intention of Source. The Intention of Source is translated into a mathematical program which forms the idea, the Original Idea, the Original Intention. If Source wants to

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


create something, that something becomes a mathematical imprint and that imprint is what gives the Divine Blueprint for the thing to come to be. Your thoughts work the same way. “We were created in the image of God.” Indeed we were. We are Creators. When we think a thought it becomes a mathematical program that becomes either a Divine Blueprint or a non-Divine Blueprint, but it becomes a blueprint for something and it comes out somewhere. It may not be right where we want it to be but it emerges someplace. Every time you think a thought you create a pattern of scalar waves and sound frequencies, which the body and Morphogenetic Field translate as programs—you are creating patterns that will run the Morphogenetic Field and directly affect it. What we think/say are literal programs in the Morphogenetic Field that direct how certain things are going to work in the Morphogenetic Field. Every time we think a thought, we release a pattern. Every time you have an idea, especially an emotionally charged idea, you set and release a template, a scalar wave template, a manifestation, a blueprint for manifestation somewhere. It goes off from your awareness somewhere. Most of the time the manifestation is not directly in our range of perception. However, somebody is seeing it somewhere. Right now your mental body is stationed in the D-3 frequency band, which means you left a template in the D-3 frequency band. It will call to itself. It will talk to D-2 and D-1 frequency bands and will call together a bunch of little elementals and things that will fill out the template. You create a being every time you think a thought! If it is a nasty little thought that has ill intentions behind it, you have created a little tyrant. If you have lovely beautiful thoughts......that is why it is worth sometime just meditating on lovely beautiful thoughts. Every time you do, you are letting them loose like little armies of Joy running through the frequency bands here and other people will trip over them when they hit this space of evolution. Every thought becomes an action or an item in some places. If you're having a bad day and you are kind of growling around (gr-rr-rr), you can create all sorts of nasty little thought forms running around. You actually give them life because the more we go up in these systems, the more these frequencies are activated in our bodies and our consciousness, the more we realize we are indeed created in the image of God. And God creates by thinking. The intention of the thought makes it real, brings it into reality. The "Sub-selves" are the ones we are generating on a subconscious level...not even from other lifetimes....just from this one. We don't realize that every time we think, we are creating. If we think about what thoughts we allow and realize every time we think a thought, when we are done with it, it is going to run off somewhere and do something else. If you send out negative thoughts --- immediately send a telepathic attachment saying, "NOT." If you catch your shadow going out your mouth by hearing yourself saying something, ATTACH IT REAL QUICKLY WITH THE OPPOSITE. If you send the negative thoughts opposite implodes the template and stops the thought from running around. You have literally sent in its opposite sequence. When you do that it is like putting a particle and anti-particle together and they go BOOM! It dissolves the template. Our thought monsters run around in our bodies, outside of our bodies, and a lot of them take off and go into the atmosphere. When we think, because our D-3 mind is right now stationed in D-3.....we are seeing D-2. We are now going into D-4 (our mind is stationed at about 3 – 3.5 right now). This is the earth’s atmosphere level...the mental body of the Earth. So, our thoughts go into the Earth's air...the atmosphere. They are going into clouds, weather patterns.....they are creating these things. Areas that have long droughts have a lot to do with the people who live there and their thought patterns. 'Areas that flood have a lot to do with people that are repressing the heck out of their emotional body. All the little molecules in the body decide they are going to explode, BUT they are going to do it that way. So, they create a little army of raindrop people. They are going to go and create massive storms and things. We are directly connected. In this world, we are creating the things that we see but we don't remember it anymore. We were created in the image of God. We are in the image of God. God is Consciousness that perpetually creates. We are doing the same thing; we just forgot we are doing it. We are very powerful—

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


but aren’t taught that. If you are taught you cannot control your DNA, you’re sending a thought pattern into your Morphogenetic Field that stops you from affecting your DNA. This is how powerful your thoughts are. Visualizations are creations of light patterns. When you make symbols in your head of light, you are pulling light and sound patterns from D-4, 5, 6, and higher. When you direct those images created with light through your body / chakra system in certain ways, you can directly affect the programs. Even though we can't close our eyes and imagine a picture of something that then pops out in 3-D instantly, there are levels of reality like that. In these spaces is where we have to learn to control our minds, our 3-D minds down here. Because when we get up there, our thoughts immediately will pop out of our heads. Be very careful what you think and what thoughts you let yourself entertain. You can spend a lot of time purposely not thinking anything because you will be manifesting stuff left, right and sideways. And here, this is school, this is earth school right now. Here is where we need to learn how to hone our mind and our mental focus. There are a lot of teachings our there telling you, "Oh, that's just mental body stuff. You don't need the detail. We are above that. We are doing spiritual stuff." You are not going to get any of that spiritual stuff into your body down here unless you have your mind open and understanding to process those frequencies. So the mind and mental training is just as important as anything else in getting your spirit into your body, and your consciousness into your body. You do have an influence on the 3-D level as to what you will focus your attention on. This is part of what we learn as we get all our spiritual lessons that have to do with stillness of mind, centering of focus- just beingness.

MINDFULNESS AND SELF-AWARENESS “Take learning to direct the amazing powers of your mind a bit more seriously. Practice Selfawareness.” (Ma’a, Eieyani Ecka Council) What is that mind chatter that’s going on while you’re just going about your day… while you’re doing the dishes… while you’re driving the car? Catch yourself. Watch yourself. What are you thinking? A lot of us don’t even ask. It’s like our mind is on auto-pilot, going in six different directions at once. Really start to try to pay attention to what your consciousness is doing. If it were a beam of light, how many different directions is it bouncing off of at one time? If you want to manifest something – if you have it bouncing in six different directions, you are going to manifest six different pieces of six different things. But if you are aiming for one, you’re probably going to miss, because your consciousness is all over the place. If your thoughts are fragmented all over the place, and you have this conversation going here because you had a fight with your mother, and you have this conversation going down here because you’re wondering what you are going to do on Monday when you go in to talk to your boss, and you’re thinking, “I really remember when I went on that vacation. I’d love one right now, forever.” There’s all this chatter that tends to go on in the mental body. Most of it will be you. Some of it won’t be. Some of it will be the broadcasts that are coming through the planetary grids now, that will say, “Oh yes, she does really make me mad.” It will pick up on whatever little pet peeves you have, and add energy to it. So, you’ll think it’s your own. And you’ll make yourself really aggravated at somebody or something. Practice Self-awareness. “Is this really mine?” Most people assume it is. It came through you. It’s inside you. It belongs to you. There’s no guarantee it’s yours, especially in this day and age when the shOna broadcast system is going all through the grids and hitting whatever can anchor it. If we become aware of our minds…the term is Mindful. Be mindful of yourself. You can know yourself a little better. A lot of the time the chatter just goes on and on. You need to rein those parts in a little bit and say, “Okay guys. Let’s have a powwow. Let’s have a little meeting, because we’re getting some power here.” Now, if there’s

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


anybody that’s upset about anything” – talking to parts of yourself that might be having conversations – you need to sit down in your head and talk with them a little bit. Sometimes you’ll also find that they’re actually not you after all. Say, “Okay, you may have been in this body for a long time. We may have been sharing it and I didn’t know that, but you know what? It is mine, and I am going to keep it. So, I think it’s time to leave. If you need a Host, we’ll be glad to find you one.” You’ll find this. There are elementals stuck all over us like glue. They’ve been here, some of them, since before Atlantis. Some of them are from the Lemurian drama. It’s time to find who we are made of, and the parts that really aren’t who we are--we can have them get to where they need to get to. But they don’t have a right to live in our body. We’re going to start to get more awareness of this kind of thing. It’s not that these terrible things are happening now… they’ve been happening all along. You just didn’t know it. At least now you’re becoming aware of stuff that needs to be cleaned up. It’s a good time to clean it up and the best place to start is with what you’re going to let yourself think about. We are all actually flashing off and on; there is this rhythm happening, but we don’t perceive the off flashes. We perceive as if we go in a consistent line of frequencies. We are not here half the time anyway. We just don’t remember we went. This is what is happening. So if you realize that, how hard can it be to become aware of when you go and to get control over the process? That’s what we have been doing when naturally like the scalar waves we are made of flashing on and off, we disappear and reappear all the time, which means most off-moments when we go back into vibration and we are literally not manifest here, we can change everything. We can change anything from that point of consciousness, and when we come back in on the next set of flashes we begin to bring in the new pattern.

ACCOUNTABILITY “ACCOUNTABILITY for one’s choices is a lesson no manifest being can escape.”

(Ma’a, Mashara,

Reion the Eieyani Ecka Council)

Every being in creation IS accountable to itself and to God-Source, as this self-accountability was known, agreed to and accepted by all upon entering individuated manifestation. Accountability to GodSource is not negotiable; this accountability is implied by and interwoven through the very fabric of creation and remains as a constant that is perpetually upheld and continually demonstrated through the natural Laws of First Creation Physics, which continually govern the relationships between manifest energy and consciousness through Cause-Effect, Action-Reaction and corresponding Tangible Consequence. Accountability for one’s choices is a lesson no manifest being can escape; the natural Laws of First Creation Physics will faithfully reflect and objectify the responsible, or irresponsible, use of personal creative power and free will choice, in terms of Tangible Consequence of Energy, Experience and Consciousness. Presently, Earth, its Life Field and your Universal Veca system are passing through a long-awaited “Portal of Accountability,” a series of events in energy, consciousness and inevitably, experience, which represents a culmination-point of consequence in the collective and individual use, and misuse, of love, creative power and free will choice. The human mind is an energy force that continually generates patterns of scalar waves through the process of thought. Undirected thought creates chaotic patterns within the manifestation template, while thought directed through clear intention creates ordered patterns within the manifestation template. Thought directed with clear intention and knowledge of the structure of subtle-body anatomy, is a very potent form of scalar power. The patterns of scalar energy frequency that thought projects into the personal manifestation template serve as electromagnetic operational instructions within the template, directly effecting the conditions that will be met in manifest experience.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


GRACE “We can teach ourselves to face any experience in a State of Grace. Grace means, you can not like something and have a preference for it to be a different way, but hate is unknown to you. Being able to love those who are causing you harm, or causing the planet harm. Part of the State of Grace means being quietly assertive, where you honor yourself, because you are a face of God.” (A’za Allentown 2002) We can teach ourselves to be effective. We can teach ourselves to face any experience in a state of Grace. Grace means, you can not like something and have a preference for it to be a different way, but hate is unknown to you. You can use the hate and know you don’t mean it. It’s a non-word to you because the emotion of hate doesn’t live in you. That’s part of the state of Grace--being able to love those who are causing you harm, or causing the planet harm. That’s part of the State of Grace. That doesn’t mean laying yourself down as a doormat so they can trample all over you. Part of the State of Grace means being quietly assertive, where you honor yourself, because you are a face of God. You honor everybody else too, even if they forgot that and they are acting like they’re not. But you can’t forget to honor you. It’s also great to have Reverence but you should be part of what you are having Reverence for. The true God being values each and every one of its parts equally and each part that grows back into what it was becomes that Self. The other schools of thought that teach you to be a martyr slap the God in you right in the face. And when you honor those belief systems more than you honor the God that lives and breathes through you, you’re slapping God in the face, and you’re slapping yourself in the face. So, this is the time to really get into the idea of Grace and Reverence.

STAGES OF MENTAL BODY MASTERY Reality is a thought-form field. Since we are creating Morphogenetic Fields constantly through our thoughts, we need to integrate and master the mental body. Our body pattern due to template distortion shuts off 90% of consciousness—it’s actually turning off our current of consciousness. This was due to the distortion in the electro-magnetic frequencies which created severe distortion within the grids. This resulted in a distortion between thought patterns and the chemical realities in the bodies. Therefore, we need to learn to use the mental body more effectively. In learning to master the mental body, you should become aware of what is going on in your head. Spend some quiet time observing your thoughts that seem to be coming from you or other incarnations. We need to get familiar with what is ours and look at the patterns. It is our karma to be responsible for our own energy. There are stages of mental body mastery. Step 1: Become aware of what is going on in head. Step 2: Observe one’s thoughts. Step three: Slow down thoughts. Step 4: Ask yourself “Does this serve my Highest Good?” Step 5: Notice where your thoughts are coming from. Step 6: Get familiar with what is yours. Step 7: Look at patterns. Remember, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ENERGY! The things you come to learn that are linear and done on a logical level, they are allowing the mental body to grow enough where it can reclaim its spiritual body and its physical connection. So, mental body training is very important.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


EMBODIMENT “Be the Teachings every day in every way.”

(Ma’a 1-13-05)

Start acting as a spiritualized, actualized being. You need to be able to say, “I AM this!” If you want more love, say I AM Love. The way to get what you need from Love is to Be It. Looking for it means you don’t have it. If you want Mastery, you don’t chase it—you own it! Say “I AM Mastery Now! ”Give yourself permission to allow whatever level of Mastery can open in you right now. You give it the command to come—and allow it. I acknowledge I have Mastery! I AM a Master now! If you want to be a Master you tell yourself you are. You give yourself credit for what you can have—then open the channels to allow more of it to come through. I AM…these words open cognition. “I AM a Walking Face of God…I AM God!” Try to say it and see what programming comes up.

ASCENSION “We hold the biological potential to take our bodies and our consciousness through star gates. To reclaim that potential, we need to heal our bio-fields and build our body’s capacity to hold frequency. In doing so, we also integrate the expanded levels of consciousness of our multidimensional selves.” (A’za Allentown 2002) The Primal Life Force Currents circulate and feed our Universe, our Galaxies, our Planet and everything on it, including Us! They are the circulators of consciousness. These are the currents our consciousness rides; our Stream of Consciousness rides on these Currents to get into your body and to keep your body manifest. Ascension is the ability to transmigrate - to move biological form and consciousness intact from one space/time frame to another--from one density level to another--we are in physical gross matter density now. After light there is sound, after sound there is eternal stillness. A spiritual master moves in and out of the various levels of density from the stillness just by thought at will. The process of ascension is actually very simple. It is the process of opening up all these currents of consciousness to each other where progressively each level of the body opens up and you expand back into your wholeness… where you don’t go someplace else or attach something else onto your body to make it different. We simply open up the locks between the dimensions that allows the bodies to progressively merge together and it allows the frequencies to blend together. As we become more healed we bring in more of our higher aspects of consciousness. We don't lose identity as we expand to become one with God. We just become more of who we really are. Bringing in more of our higher aspects of consciousness begins to activate our Flame Bodies and to affect the Tribal Shield, because our personal shields are literally within the larger Tribal Shield—which is ensconced within the larger Planetary Shield, which is part of the Solar Shield that all the planets in our solar system are part of, which are part of the Galactic Shield … and up and up and up, all the way. On the Path of Ascension we strive to increase our frequency holding capacity in order to be able to go through the gates to the next God World. So it counts what we do with ourselves and with our frequency. Dimensional Ascension is a process in which we are all involved subconsciously; it is now time for it to become conscious. Once you get out of the Time Matrix, you get to bear the label of Ascended Master. It doesn’t mean you got all the way back to the God-Seed, but at least you got out of the Time Matrix, so you’re not dimensionalized any more. In this process you begin to expand, to know yourself as a living universal

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


system. Dimensional Ascension is our return to Innocence, the wholeness of Identity and At-one-ment with Source that we knew before entering dimensional reality. There is no judgment, just a complete state of omnipresent being.

DNA TEMPLATE ACTIVATIONS “It helps to understand that when we are working with the frequencies we are working with people.” When you activate DNA, you are also activating your shields. Activating the shields is about activating large portions of the shields at the same time. You are not just activating inert energy. You are activating Rays of Consciousness, each of which will bring you a little piece of understanding of something that you didn't have while that Ray was dormant. When you are activating the DNA you are activating these waveforms in the template, which allows that frequency and that consciousness to come into our body and expand the body progressively back into its original flame form. In activating the shields you are activating the part of you that lives as the Consciousness of each of those Rays. When you activate the Node crystals it allows the corresponding Consciousness of the Ray (Nodus) to come back into awakening in your body. It is a piece of your own consciousness. Your template is made from you. You created your Divine Blueprint by turning a portion of your consciousness into your Divine Blueprint. So, first you had to turn yourself into Nodus. So a part of all of us expresses as Nodus. In that way we were able to create our own Divine Blueprint, manufacture a scalar template that we could put another part of ourselves into to experience the hologram. When we do these activations, we are bringing in huge amounts of data, consciousness that holds that data into our fields BUT it will take awhile to get to this part of our consciousness. It helps to understand that when we are working with the frequencies we are working with people. People that serve to be treated with respect and honor. People who are you in that form! DNA goes through a process of Initiation, Consummation, and Activation in the assembly process. Frequency is pulled in from the Unified Field one dimensional sub frequency band at a time. When you have pulled all 12 sub-frequency bands of one dimension into your personal morphogenetic field, your consciousness transfers up to the first sub frequency band of the next dimension up. Initiation: consciousness transfers to the next dimension up. Consummation: when the full DNA strand is assembled. Activation: when contents of the consummated strand begin to appear in physical manifestation. We had to leave that may parts of ourselves in other spaces in order to fit in a body here. This means that we are all coded into each other's DNA, and as we activate DNA those windows open and we begin to reassemble ourselves. You start to remember that yes I am me here, and I am me in 20,000BC and I am me 2,5000,080 AD etc....... You start to find yourself. When we go into integration of our higher parts, we get what is called "multiple identity focus", which is many identities focus simultaneously focused in different directions that are very coherent with each other......not fragmented, very aware of each other AND knowing the joy of eternal existence. When you realize that, "death" becomes a fallacy. It becomes a choice of how you could leave a density level if

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


you chose. You will come to a point where the first thing that you are going to contact is YOU and you might not recognize it.

FREE WILL “I reserve the right to express as the Sovereign Being that I AM!”


Free Will doesn’t mean you have the right to totally trash the whole universe. Some beings think that is what it means, but they find out that eventually through their choices, if they act in ways that continually violate the “right to be” of other life forms that they will bring on to themselves what they have given. They will end up destroying themselves ultimately, because there is a re-balancing factor. We have Free Will in this Time Matrix within a pre-set series of natural laws of mechanics of the mathematics of the Divine Blueprint, which was created in a way to allow this to be a Perpetual Motion Eternal Life System. Anything that gets to the point with its free will that starts to jeopardize the structural integrity of the hologram… where it starts to take it out of Source’s Original Intention…a rebalancing will start to occur. Source doesn’t have to do anything different. It is simply structured in a way that it will begin to rebalance itself. We do have “free will” but it is free will within a co-creative framework. So that means... at a certain point if your free will gets totally out of control and we get totally nuts and psychotic with it, we will end up just having it come back on ourselves to the point where we reduce ourselves back to space-dust. We are still with God, we just don’t remember much. We are units of consciousness. We are Partiki Units again floating around. We don’t have the template that gave us our individual expression of the Face of God. We are simply part of the sea of the consciousness of the unified fields. It is not a bad place to be… you just don’t have any memory of your sentience of being an individual; you have no memory of your hologram or any of those kinds of things.

LIVING STRUCTURE “Tend to your own GARDENS and they shall draw to themselves the seeds upon the winds that will most flourish there.” (Ma’a 1-13-05) Remember, everything is created, not by somebody over here that's conscious, making energy out of something else and creating Structure. It's the Consciousness itself that serves as the energy of which the Structure is created. That means, all of the Structures we are working with and all of the energy we are working with is fully alive and conscious and represents a part of the Consciousness of God. That means it has its own ability to interact with other energy. It has its ability in its own way. When we are running a Frequency in our bodies, we are running an identity in our bodies. It is a part of our own identity because we have parts of own Identity all the way up that Stairway that we have left behind. So this is living Structure we are talking about…living Structures of energy and identity that have lots of information to share with you once you realize you can communicate with them. Your Shield is you as an Avatar but it holds vast amounts of knowledge, Conscious living knowledge. It's not the memory of something that happened before and now it's just dead memory like a picture. It's the living memory matrix of what you are.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


WITHNESS TEST “Maintain an association with a state of Angelic Mind.”

(A’za, Allentown 2002)

We use the Withness Test to indicate the extent to which we are consciously striving to maintain an association with a State of Angelic Mind. That's what Withness is. To strive for it provides the conscious attitudinal embodiment, providing a platform to maximize the effects of the Techniques. To do this will embed sensory perceptual and behavioral aspects of connection with the realities of Collective Consciousness. The Withness Test will also indicate the Family Affiliation that you are presently working with. These are the Fields of consciousness that a part of you resides within, and that you are actively bringing that part of you and all of the lessons down the Dimensional scale that go with it.

CO-CREATION “The End does not justify the means …the greatest gifts from God-Source are in the ongoing expression of Process, rather than solely in the Product alone.” (EyanA-Eieyani-AdonA-AdonE and AdonI Councils 12-11-04)

The earth is experiencing every thought form that we have. Without realizing it, we actually create little thought beings, weird shapes, things that look like shadow forms, things that look like light forms, that go running around in the woods...all sorts of things. A lot of those things that people are starting to be able take pictures of, little fairy folk and things like that that popping up on films here and there; some of these are literally thought form races that were created by either us consciously once upon a time or are being thrown off from us now through our shadow bodies and through our conscious thought forms. So we are living Creators. We just forgot. And that's scary because if you take the power of God and you take a small part of that and put it in a little package, but then the package forgets that it has that power, but the power still runs, it can be a very dangerous thing. That's what we are doing now. We are manifesting without realizing we are manifesting so we seem to have no control over what's being manifested around us. As we get up into these spaces, we learn more and more how to direct our thoughts. And here, this is school, all right; this is earth school right now. Here is where we need to learn how to hone our mind and our mental focus. You are not going to get any of the spiritual stuff into your body down here unless you have your mind open and the understanding to process those frequencies. So the mind and mental training is just as important as anything else in getting your spirit into your body, and your consciousness into your body.

MONKEYMIND “If you get into the monkey mind space you can have a billion questions from now until eternity and always make sure you never, ever have answers. You will have constantly unanswerable questions because you are looking for answers to interdimensional questions in a three-dimensional framework.” (A’sha, Holy Grail Quest)

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


We have the ability to be a creative force in our own lives and influence what is happening on the planet. The word “can’t” isn’t in the angelic human dictionary. You can manifest anything. You’re an aspect of the Consciousness of God—God is limitless and has power all over the place. Nothing is impossible. Maybe it won’t be easy all the time, but can’t just doesn’t work. There are ways to use your conscious mind right now where you can begin to make shifts in your daily life right now that will actually help the planetary shifts to happen. Help yourself and the planet by getting control of the monkey mind. The monkey mind is the part of ourselves that buys into the propaganda that we’ve been fed for the last 22,500 years before we realized we even existed as far as our history goes. Believing in our limitedness, in our smallness, in the “there’s always something bigger and more important that we need to worship-ness”—this is a thought pattern given to us to entertain and boy did we entertain ourselves. We bought it hook, line, and sinker. And that’s part of the reason why we’re still trying to figure out “what is spirituality?” Is God real? Is God there? If God is there, when I ask for a new car, why doesn’t it come? If God really loves me, why did I get cancer? Why won’t God fix it? Sometimes God will—he did my neighbor’s. Why won’t he fix mine? The monkey mind is a part of ourselves that just bounces around all the time—distracts itself constantly…”oh, let’s go watch this game…. oh, let’s go on this vacation…oh, I have to work…” Our whole culture in America is built on “what can we do to distract ourselves next?” We’re in this pattern of distraction: there’re all sorts of things we do to distract ourselves from spirituality and from taking that seriously.

ANGELIC MIND VS. MONKEY MIND “The Angelic Mind realizes every thought is an energy pattern that creates part of the manifestation template.” (A’sha, Holy Grail Quest) The monkey mind is something we’ve done to ourselves by accepting the concept that we’ve actually evolved from apes—accepting the concept that we were animals first—accepting the concept that we were sinful, lowly creatures. We gave ourselves so many excuses to act like animals that we had a real field day down here. But we haven’t done it consciously from this level so we haven’t had any fun with it. Your thoughts affect your DNA template. Your DNA template is the structure that throws energy around in very specific ways that creates the projection of the external hologram that we walk. You realize that every time you think a thought you create a scalar wave pattern that sets a blueprint for manifestation. Thoughts are things and they’re extremely powerful.

BEING A CREATOR “If you’re going to be powerful enough to be a creator, you have to be intelligent and mature enough to realize you are either a creator all the time, or never. That means owning the stuff you don’t like as well.” (A’sha, Holy Grail Quest) Learn to catch your words…your words, how you represent things to yourself. The windows of ideas you put on anything will create the conditions you’re going to have with that.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


If we’re going to become angelic beings and we’re going to become angelic creators, we have to realize, even on a mass level, this whole drama that’s happening with the interdimensional races is a very high level of what we’re manifesting misery through. Sometimes it takes courage to look your reality in the face and realize something: “Oh, this is a mess I manifested. I manifested this. Look at the power of manifestation I have, look at this, etc.” Nobody did this to you. Conditions didn’t do this to you. Realize and own it. But we can change it. Not by pretending it’s not there. What you do is balance it. You realize that right now I created the condition of this, I created this little hologram and in that hologram these are the conditions. I acknowledge the fact that right now in this hologram there’s no money in that bank account, there are these conditions: yes, I’m going to get kicked out of my house tomorrow, I lost my car, my girlfriend left…..hmmmmm. What am I trying to create here? “Why did I create this?” is a good question to ask. I’m teaching myself something. What am I trying to release or let go? What am I feeling a lack of that I would do this to myself? But you have to bring it home and own it. You have to be responsible.

CHOICE AND CONSEQUENCE “God-Source does not judge, but only LOVES unconditionally and allows for the framework within which accountability becomes a self-regulating force.” (Eieyani Ecka Council – Open Letter 2003) You’re the creator here. You made a choice. You have a consequence. If you don’t like the consequence maybe you won’t make the same choice again. Now, that’s a natural way of growing. You say, “Okay, yeah, I get it. I disempowered myself.” Maybe you’ll learn to make better choices. When we begin to take on the knowledge consciously of the Crystal Body, there’s a responsibility that goes with it. This is pure power…power given to you by Source…power you have a right to use. Source is such a loving Being, that It gave to the creations It chose to create, the ability to create by themselves. That’s awesome. That’s like the keys to the kingdom right there. Even to the degree where It allowed it to create the opposite expression, if that’s what It’s creation desired. It wasn’t a preference, but it allowed free will. We have a huge gift. And when you start to turn these back on, it’s going to be important to pay attention to your mind, because you are going to amplify your powers. This can work for or against you. If you sit around thinking, “My life is really a bummer. I’m really sick of this” – watch the word “sick.” I have to stop myself all the time, “I’m sick of this!” “No… I’m not sick. I’m not sick of this! I would prefer to be doing something else, how’s that?” We have to watch these words. Our body cells are eavesdropping on our thoughts causing our bodies to respond to words in ways we might not think it’s going to do. It’s not that these terrible things are happening now… they’ve been happening all along. You just didn’t know it. Now you’re becoming aware of stuff that needs to be cleaned up and the best place to start is with what you’re going to let yourself think about. If you get this power back, and you’re having a bad day, you can really manifest yourself a worse one! This happens just by putting energy with the pillar, with your breathing. Because once you open your pillar, and you breathe, your pillar has its power, and you are giving your body and your mind and your emotional body back this power. Don’t be afraid to do that. Think to yourself “What would I do if I got instant manifestation abilities back?” Then go hide somewhere and really be careful about what you thought about - to see if you’re really ready to do this. What if you had a random thought, which is like an overreaction to something, and bang, you manifest it. You could say “I’m so angry I could kill that person” and all of a sudden they just keeled over and died. Oops!

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


What type of training do you think we’d have to go through if we got to walk through portals tomorrow and all of a sudden the power was all ours again? There would be training about how to let this take over and go on tangents and do things that cause harm to other people. So, the training kind of begins here. Learning anatomy is part of that training. If you don’t bother to learn the anatomy, you shouldn’t bother with the techniques either, is what it comes down to. Because you just want something to play with. That means there’s a responsibility level that is not being worked at. God-Source does not experience guilt, nor will God-Source accept blame for the consequence of Free Will Choices made by individuals manifest. The Natural Laws of Kristiac/Christiac Creation and the RESPONSIBILITY for ACCOUNTABILITY in the use of Free Will are fully understood by each individuating aspect of God-Source upon Its original projection into manifestation. "The human race is a stage through which various forms of consciousness travel before you can be allowed in the systems of reality that are more extensive and open; you must first learn to handle energy and see through physical materialization the concrete result of thought and emotion.” ( Ma’a, Eieyani Ecka Council)

PERCEPTUAL FILTERS “Perceptual filters have for many thousands of years blocked our remembering of our Eternal Selves.” (A’sha, Holy Grail Quest) The perceptual filters through which we have been taught to interpret and conduct our lives, have for many thousands of years blocked our remembering of our Eternal Selves, and will continue to do so if we do not embrace new paradigms of understanding. In our present cultural atmosphere we are continually presented with the limited ideas and interpretations of reality that have blocked our Eternal Selves from view for generations spanning backward for many thousands of years. The false beliefs and perceptual filters about self and reality we have inherited from our culture and through countless generations before us have turned our experience of Earthly life into one of limitation. Our ingrained beliefs have in the past, and now progressively in the present block from view our indelible, direct connection to the Divine. If we are to reclaim our true Eternal Heritage, we must choose to have courage to face these false perceptual filters and inaccurate belief systems, and to make a firm stand to embrace and learn idea paradigms that Serve Our Expansion rather than limit our Eternal Potentials. We may have to re-perceive old paradigms, even those of a religious nature, and realize that God-Source and the Eternal Self will connect directly with us, through the inner pathways of consciousness inherent to our Being. We may face the choice between honoring the external authority of old written texts that have been passed down through the distorting hands of man for thousands of years, and making a new decision to embrace the Internal Authority of the Eternal Self and Its Living Connection to God-Source. Our first step beyond the veils that presently limit our freedom is to choose to believe that we do indeed have portions of ourselves that are valid in terms of the Eternal, and to realize that our Eternal Selves represent the ONLY AUTHORITY TO WHICH WE HOULD TURN for interpretation of the nature of reality. Through embracing the Eternal Self we will learn the lesson between obeying the Letter of the Law as it has been dictated by External Sources, and Living the Spirit of the Laws of Creation as they reveal themselves through us in our direct connection to our Eternal Selves and to the Eternal Source of Creation we call God. As we learn to re-perceive ourselves and release the inaccurate self-definitions that have limited our potentials and blinded us from the truth of our Divine Nature, we will also learn to re-perceive God and release our inaccurate God-definitions that have limited our potentials to experience a direct and

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


open relationship with the Eternal Source of Being. We just have to remember that our consciousness is the camera and we can change the filters. Beliefs are ideas. Ideas turn into sound patterns of electromagnetic Light and Sound when they are in the body. If our beliefs and the things that we choose to honor with our mind are not in Divine Alignment as far as what creates harmony and peace, it will literally create blockages in our bio-energetic field that block the ability of the higher levels to integrate. The same thing is happening to all of us and it is going to be helpful for the Christos Realignment Mission in general if we start believing in this process. Even if we’re not feeling as though we are receiving any communication, we definitely all ARE. There’s a need for us as Awakened Indigo team members to become more clear about the communication between ourselves and our Avatar/Rishi/other Kristos collectives. These communications will often start by coming to us as “packages of understanding.” We need to get used to receiving these communications. It is important to start USING and trusting these communications. As a race we are beginning to experience the accelerations in our DNA that start the processes of Higher Identity Integration. This will lead us into the expanded reality of the Eternal. We have bought into beliefs about self and reality that turn our attention away from LOOKING FOR our Eternal Nature, thereby limiting our ability to draw our Eternal Consciousness fully into our embodied waking awareness. We have the power to change this. We must now choose to accept the authority of our Eternal Selves and come to trust the validity of the Internal Divine. By making a choice to Trust, we will create an opening in the Perceptual Veils through which the Eternal Self may shine through. By making a choice to Trust, we can choose to use our minds to determine how much remembering will return…and thus we can begin to remember the Truth of who we are.

DIVINE RIGHT ORDER “Give yourself permission to create and Trust yourself! It’s our responsibility to become Conscious Co-creators.” (A’sha, Holy Grail Quest) We’re supposed to learn how to use our minds to direct energy, to create the desired results we want. And we can do this. And there’s nothing wrong or ungodly with doing this—as long as we do it with a Reverence to that Source and something we call Divine Right Order, which means whatever the original intention of God’s creation of this Time Matrix was is how I want to create. I agree to create within Divine Right Order. And I know Source will help me create within Divine Right Order. You’re not going against the flow of Source. You’re not doing anything that’s going to cause harm. You’re working with the concept of Divine Right Order. So, you’ve given yourself permission, and you’ve told yourself you’re not going to be a creator that abuses anybody—and I wouldn’t want to have so much power that I could abuse anybody and not realize it. Some people block their power right there. “I’m afraid to have my power back. Somewhere I know I’m a creator and I was a part of some really nasty dramas and I really made stupid choices and people got hurt and I feel terribly guilty still.” There’s a part of us that carries some of that imprint where we made some bad decisions and political dramas that had to do with Tara and Tara almost blew up. That’s kind of the scourge of the human DNA imprint. There are some very nasty memories in the DNA imprint where we feel really bad because we made some messes. Forgiveness comes in here. We have to forgive ourselves and say “Hey, we’ll do better now.” You need to trust yourselves with the fact you had the power to create. These are the things you need to do before you worry about how to create. First you realize you can and that God wants you to. Then you give

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


yourself permission and trust yourself and know you’re a divine enough being--you have your Christos template. If you choose to create through your Christos template, you can trust your judgment. You don’t have to worry you’ve going to mess up. You don’t have to worry that you’re going to create things you hate. Or make a mess of your life when you decided to take it and direct it instead of just flowing with it. Give yourself permission. Know God wants you to. You’re supposed to. It’s part of our responsibility to become Conscious Co-Creators. You would say I would like that ______ (fill in the blank) in a way that’s perfect for DRO and I surrender to that—I’m not going to force anything to happen—but here’s what I’d like to see. And you make a clear image in your mind, as if it’s already there. And say, “here Christos, take this— it’s yours—I trust You that you love me enough to bring this in, in the best order possible.” This is the most powerful way to manifest. It’s not using your power to force your manifestation. It’s not surrendering your power completely to some other force and hope it manifests it for you. It’s saying “I will be a co-creative creator with you Christos Self that’s connected to Source.” Co-Creation is the Key!

THE BODY TEMPLE “Matter is a thought form within the Consciousness of God. Therefore, our bodies are all thought forms within the Consciousness of God.” (Dance for Love, UK) Our bodies are and have always been Sacred Holy Temples. Our bodies are made of the exact same substance that spirit is made - there is no difference other than where it is placed in the dimensional structure - some placed in lower frequencies and some in higher frequencies. However, we have been programmed to see our bodies as sinful, lowly things - that we should develop the spiritual and throw away the body. It has caused many problems in what should be a sharing of souls between male and female in the act of lovemaking. Matter worlds are thought forms within the Consciousness of God. Therefore, our bodies are all thought forms within the Consciousness of God. We are made of the forces of God Consciousness. Now that we know what our reality is made of and what our bodies are made of, we can progressively work consciously with getting ourselves into a state of at-one-ment with God. Knowing atone-ment equals cognition. When we know we are not separate from God - just wearing a costume; i.e., no division between your identity and that of God Source (limitless, free - it is hard to describe in words down here what that feels like but we can know it as direct cognition (not a belief) - a belief is something we have a choice about—it contains an element of doubt. Higher is knowing - knowing is feeling in every fibre of your being - nothing will change it.) Once we know God, we don’t need to ‘believe’ in God anymore. Aim to know God, to move beyond ‘separation’ from God and once there you will be able to move as God. It takes a while to integrate this information so we progressively free ourselves from the confines of this body (shut down) and the holographic reality, to get back to being able to interact with it all instead of being trapped by it.

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION “Planetary healing begins with personal healing …and personal healing begins with Light, Love, Spiritual Integration and Awareness. Know thy self and thy parts…. and the truth shall set us free.” (Coping Skills for Coming Earth Changes)

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


The Fallen Angelic matrices plug into our bodies literally through the Atomic Structure. Those problems in the Atomic Structure are what are manifesting because of the Reversals and the Implants in the Shields. So it's the Shield distortions and the Kathara Grid distortions that are manifesting their way up through the System, through the Chakras, through the Axiatonals, literally right into the Atoms that matter is composed of here. When we begin to heal, we begin to reverse that process. So there is going to be some interesting changes happening on this planet the more it heals. Atoms are going to do things that science doesn't know they can do. The DNA is going to do things science doesn't know it can do. There are changes that are coming and they're going to affect masses of people. Each person that chooses Conscious Evolution as a path right now and chooses a program that tells you really what that is about ... how to clear your DNA, how to get it activated to its highest level, how to get your integrity, biofield integrity... you will help the collective. If enough people do that they will be able to affect race scalar template or the race morphogenetic field and they will progressively be able to help more and more people that they have never even seen begin to synthesize the frequencies in their DNA. Each one of us that works with this, we're doing ourselves a favor, but we're giving a gift to the rest of the people on the planet. If we want to heal our world, we need to learn to use our minds differently.

WORKING WITH WHAT YOU HAVE "Just get on with whatever your particular package contains and just be happy with that. If you are looking for a secret key then that's the one: IT’S OK - Just keep your boat pointed in the right direction - it doesn't matter if your sails on your dinghy are flapping - as long as you catch a bit of wind on the day you intend to - you move along". (A’za, Phoenix 2004) When there are mutations in the template, it means there are mutations in the consciousness. It means there are ray forms that don't belong in there. People have curious ideas about what a Service Contract is. Our first responsibility is to our own spiritual development and opening. Developing our Fields in order that we can be walking portals for other dependent life forms, hosting other life forms out when the time comes is the most gracious, the most reverent and inspired Service Contract anybody can choose to carry. It is really the most important one that concerns us in a more direct and personal way. The ambition that the Speakers would love all of us to feel is a real burning desire to build our Fields so that we can become the most magnificent Healers this Planet has ever seen… because that's why most of us are here.

OPENING TO THE ETERNAL SELF “Ride with the Krist as your sails and your ship will never sink, but rather will cruise the sea of life from now to eternity; always loved, always guided, always AT-ONCE-Still and perpetually in motion.” (A’za) Dimensional Ascension is a process in which we are all involved subconsciously; it is now time for it to become conscious. We have within our consciousness everything we need to begin the process of preparing our bodies for DNA activation.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


Each human has, buried deep within, the Primal memory, a remembrance of the eternal nature. Opening to the Eternal Self is not something foreign to us, or something we need to be taught, it is simply something we need to remind ourselves that we already know how to do. You have a You there, we’ve always had a We, called an Eieyani Self, just like you have a Soul and an OverSoul, an Avatar, a Rishi. But there is a point before that was the Original Self in the Ecka level. You come in as an Avatar, but an Avatar is too big so it leaves part of itself there in Density 4 as an Avatar, then it projects part of itself down to become the OverSoul and the OverSoul projects part of itself to become the Soul and the Soul projects part of itself to become the incarnate. There are these stations of consciousness that are all you, they are all there and at the same time it is just a matter of opening the conduits, the arcs of energy to remember who you are and know why you came down. When you go on your service mission there is a very interesting thing about it. It’s like a part of your consciousness and Source’s consciousness together, and it has a life of its own. You can say, ok, I’m here--your job basically is to just show up. Once it starts to move you, it just moves you. You may have your preferences and desires as long as you are not terribly attached to them. Attachments can actually block your mission. It is like a spiral of energy that releases from your own Higher Self that did not disconnect at all from God Source. It spirals down and it moves you. It will give you ideas. It will align you with the frequencies of different rays, different understandings. It’s kind of like you learn to trust your life even if it’s going through an icky stage …a purging cycle. You realize the purging is part of healing. It’s kind of like if you ate something that was poisoned, the body’s first response is to throw up and it is not a very pleasant experience; however, it saves the body, so the body doesn’t have to process the poisons. If your life is going through an icky stage, you can kind of look at it as one of those cycles, where your whole being is trying to rebalance itself and it will be ok. You need to remember you will be ok. You need to remember that you have the power right here right now to create that at every moment, and if you are not ok right now it is only because you have agreed to allow yourself to have that condition, because if there is a condition of physicality that is causing you harm there are two possible things: 1) you try to teach yourself that yes you can overcome this, 2) that you have actually agreed to allow it to be a window out, because not everybody wants to take the body, and you know what? That is ok. We can bring in the frequencies of any level of our Eternal Nature, whether it’s the Krist, Rishi, Eieyani, Haah’TUr, KristalLAe Core Council, or Lights of Aurora Selves. It’s bringing in the frequencies of any level. You can simply say, “I Am the (level you want to access) now.” For example, you can say “I Am the Krist now!” If you want to bring in the frequencies of what’s called the Addondra 360, the level of the flames that goes a couple of layers past the Le-e-TOr-A and the Le-AdOR-a and the Addondrea flame (it is through these flames that the Matradon and the Petradon form). You can simply say, “I am the Addondra 360 now.” And bring your arcs up, so they are in line with the vertical column, at the same time you’re breathing your Ethos pillar up. They can go up now, because of what was released in the grids in Belize. So we can bring the pillars up. And bring the arcs up and the pillars up, and (breathe) say, “I am Addondra 360 now,” and you’re pulling in a part of your anatomy. You have a part of your anatomy up in the Eckasha levels and a bit higher as well, that are at that flame level, where you’re made of that level of flame frequency. And bring it in. Do it three times and usually it will give you a bit of chill, not a cold chill. Any knowledge you are trying to find about yourself – what are my soul contracts? Do I have a soulmate here? All that stuff. You don’t need to ask another person to find that for you. It’s in your fields. It’s in your TIL-E-’a-spheres. It’s in your Crystal Body. If you’ve ever thought it, it’s there, in any lifetime. You have a lot of neural records there. You can start using this anatomy for very practical things or for exercise to start the flames activating. If you ask for training in conscious merkaba… if you would like to be able to get out of your body, don’t be calling on an angel to help. Call on yourself. You can call the part of you that’s connected to the Le-e-TOr-A flame. You can call the part of you that’s connected to the Le-AdOR-a flame. You can call the

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


part of you all the way up there that’s the Addondra flame. Call on your flame cells that are holding a part of your consciousness. All of that information you could ever want… if you can think of the question, it has the answer, that part of yourself. And it’s you. It’s you as the sun, s-u-n. If you can remember that you are a sun, you can extend your rays of light to any corner of any creation in the universe. And touch the answers, the information you’re looking for. If we start to think big – most people here have mediocre lives because they choose to think small, because nobody ever told them that they could think big, and actually their life would expand when they did. We spend so much time investing in what we don’t want to manifest, there’s hardly any time left to manifest what we want. We have a CHOICE to define ourselves by LIMITATION, or to KNOW ourselves through embracing our intrinsic eternal nature, and our choice will determine the experience we meet, here and Beyond the Veils. A first step is to choose to believe that we do indeed have portions of ourselves that are valid in terms of the Eternal, and to realise that our Eternal Selves represent the only authority to which we should turn for interpretation of the nature of reality. This is a time of Christiac Healing for those who care to partake of this endeavor. We must have faith, at every step, in our Eternal God-Source-Within.

WHERE IS THE LOVE? “Beloved ones, Choose well…Choose Love…and then Choose Freedom.”

(A’sha, Voyagers Vol I)

“Many of you, upon encountering the MCEO teachings of the “Inner Christ,” immediately recognized and embraced the magnitude of absolute, unconditional love embodied within these teachings. Others have cried, “Where is the Love?” This is a projection of an inability to identify, perceive or feel genuine absolute love onto the Guardian Alliance, accusing them of being “unloving” because they returned to us the gift of truth, revelation and differentiation; a Christiac truth that inherently returns one to the necessity of personal responsibility and accountability. Here we have been gently guided back unto yourselves, and to the innate love, power, responsibility and accountability of the God-Source-Within us. To those of you who sound this cry, might we say, “The Love is ALL AROUND YOU and WITHIN ALL THINGS; it is within every molecule of all creation, within the eternal and perpetual Absolute Love of God-Source, within you and within all of creation. Absolute Love simply beams from each page of the knowledge we have returned to you, and through each cell of those whom we have elected as our earthly representative Speakers.” The effective question Dear Ones is not “Where IS the Love;” it is “Why can YOU not feel its presence?” For if you ask yourselves the latter question instead of hiding within the self-denial implied by the former, you have taken a first step in recognizing the present absence of the frequency of absolute unconditional love within yourselves; an absence which you project outward onto an innocent, love-filled manifest creation, obscuring your own ability to perceive the love that is always there by the distortion lenses of your own perceptual filters. You will see, know and touch the absolute love within others, us, our works, our representatives, within the external hologram and within the very fiber of creation, when you apply free will choice to discovering, allowing, embodying, becoming, BEing and freely giving the Divine Unconditional God-SourceLove WITHIN YOU, which you can only accomplish through recognition, respect and reverence for the Living God-Source Within. As long as you deny the vitality of the Living God-Source Within you, you will be unable to perceive or receive the genuine love that is given to you by others, by the Universe and by GodSource. The answer to the question of “Where is the Love?” is the sincere affirmation that “I AM THE LOVE” and a firm commitment to embodying through action, thought and creed, this eternal Christiac ideal.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


When you choose At-One-ment with the Living God-Source within you, you will know the love, Be the love, embody the love, and thus you will see reflected everywhere around you the reality of the LOVE that is the foundation of all creation. The degree to which you recognize and embrace the eternal love of the God-Source-Within you will be the degree to which you are able to identify, experience, recognize and embrace the eternal love that is always present within all aspects of your external hologram. Free is being able to fully embody that Presence AS You—the part of you that never left that space – the part of you that never left God—that is the Master. All you have to do is command it here and you’ll progressively help the body to open the DNA template to allow it to come through.” (Ma’a, and Mashara of Eieyani Ecka Council, Open Letter 2003)

FREEDOM “Free is being able to fully embody that Presence AS You—the part of you that never left that space–-the part of you that never left God—that is the Master. All you have to do is command it here and you’ll progressively help the body to open the DNA template to allow it to come through.” (A’sha, Kauai) “You owe yourselves a more joyous, empowered experience, but no one can give this gift to you, you can only choose to give it to yourselves. The conscious mind has the free will power to actively choose ideas, beliefs, assessments and labels that honor and recognize, rather than deny, the power of the GodSource Within. When free will is used to direct the conscious mind toward God-Source-Within-honoring, ideas, beliefs and assessments, corresponding God-Source-Within-honoring energy patterns are generated within the sub-conscious mind, and resultantly, biochemical-emotional translation generates the experience of fearlessness.” (Ma’a, and Mashara of Eieyani Ecka Council, Open Letter 2003)

COURAGE “Have the COURAGE to make the leap and thereby MAKE A DIFFERENCE!” “The experience of fear or fearlessness is a free will conscious choice, a reality that IS and which Earth races have long forgotten. Fear emerges when you do not take responsibility for the thoughts and ideas you allow yourself to entertain, and thus permit ideas that deny the God-Source-Within to control the biochemical translation of experience for you, through the conscious and sub-conscious mind. Fearlessness is self-created through remembering that you have this free will conscious choice and its inherent self-responsibility, and through willingly applying your gift of free will to create and entertain ideas, beliefs, thoughts, assessments, labels and actions that honor and embrace, rather than deny and dis-empower, the Living God-Source Within you. Beings choosing fearlessness use the personal power of their conscious mind to choose ideas, assessments and labels that honor the infinity of the God-Source-Within them and within all things, through which the “IS-ness” and inherent living perfection of all creation can be fearlessly revealed, embraced, allowed, engaged and unconditionally loved. Who is responsible for creating your fear? Who is powerful enough to heal it? YOU are, in co-creation with, and expressing AS, your Living GodSource-Within.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


To reclaim our true Eternal Heritage we must choose to have courage to face these false perceptual filters and inaccurate belief systems, and to make a firm stand to embrace and learn idea paradigms that serve our expansion rather than limit our eternal potentials.” (Ma’a, and Mashara of Eieyani Ecka Council, Open Letter 2003)

TRANSITION OF CONSCIOUSNESS “Oh heck, I wanted to ascend this time...”

(A’sha, Greece 2002)

Even if you're confronted with say... your own death "Oh heck, I wanted to ascend this time... shoot, that is going to fall on me isn't it?" Right? Yeah, earthquake rumbling.... you say, "Oh shoot.... nothing to hide under.... where is that merkaba when I need it? Come on! Um ah A ThrA E Na A" ... and time stands still as you watch things start to are like "Can I generate a frequency... can I get in my merkaba fast enough... fastest?" And if you haven't been doing for a long time you might not be able to... just remember at that point, “Oh well, I wanted to take body....” just like you want to take that bag when you go on the airplane, but it might not show up on the other side... but you still have to and do your trip... just remember, "Oh well, got to let the bag go. I'm going!" If you were on a boat and it was sinking would you worry about taking your suitcase? This is really what it comes down to if we end up in situations where there might be some earth changes and those kind of things... if you end up with yourself stuck in one of those situations... realize that a part of you decided it wasn't worth dragging the body through. Realize that for some this body is so darned tired of all the frequency.... because we have been running frequency for so long... since we were kids we were doing the DNA Activations... and it's kind of like.... "Can we stop yet?" " No." Alright? Even if it comes to the point where you are faced with your mortality, and even if it really ticks you off because you really wanted to bring the body through in ascension this time.... you can bring the rest of you through, and that is what is most important. If you find yourself in a situation where death looks imminent rather than denying that say: "Ok, Plan B... Ok, Plan A was get the whole thing out. Ok, what parts can I take?” Right? It is like you picking out your favorite underwear out of your suitcase before you go... put on a nice astral body and the object is to keep yourself entwined within your merkaba. This is why we will get good at learning to work with merkaba.... because you consciousness travels in there... whether or not you have a body to put in it. It doesn't need the body shell around it. So, wherever you are, which ever path you end up taking ... these teachings will help you to get where you need to be intact. If a being fragments on its way out.... like when you get killed or like in sacrifices.... how they used to do it where there would be this trauma imprint... "Ah!" That is what you do when you hit the astral field... you bounce yourself out of body.... you’re not in the body association anymore but if you are still in "blah mode" you go yeeeeeeerrum... like your pieces go flying... imagine like.. a big fireworks display in space. That is kind of what happens in the astral realm and that is not good because that is where you can get stuff messing with you and get in-between the pieces of yourself so you can't get yourself back together. If you are confronted with situations that...even in the physical death experience.... keep your energy together, form it into a pillar, then into an Eckasha shape, and you'll keep your consciousness together and be able to move it. Now, if you are still with your body and you can get your body frequencies up high enough.... and your DNA activation levels up high enough, you will be able to put that capsule right around your whole body and take it with you.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved



“Angelic Humans Fly! Reclaim Your Rightful Place Among The Stars!” If we become aware of the true framework within which our evolution as Eternal Beings takes place, and begin to take the initiative in reaching for higher identity integration, we begin to work consciously with our Eternal Selves. To reclaim our true Eternal Heritage we must choose to have courage to face these false perceptual filters and inaccurate belief systems, and to make a firm stand to embrace and learn idea paradigms that serve our expansion rather than limit our eternal potentials. Through embracing the Eternal Self we will learn the lesson between obeying the letter of the Law as it has been dictated by external sources and Living the Spirit of the Laws of Creation as they reveal themselves through us in our direct connection to our Eternal Selves and to the Eternal Source of Creation that we call God. “In the End, as the Beginning, all things exist within the ONE, as expressions of the ONE, and all things return unto the ONE ….the only difference being the quality of the experiential path by which one chooses to come HOME. Our world has been presented with new opportunities for safe passage through all our challenges; what you choose to do with these opportunities is completely up to you.” (Ma’a, and Mashara of Eieyani Ecka Council, Open Letter 2003)

The Eieyani and the other Christiac races, will remain with us until our changes have been done. They will walk with those of the Christiac path each step in our unfolding, so long as we desire their camaraderie. Life at any juncture is nothing less than Celebration.

Let us continue Onward, Upward, Godward…fearless Eternally.

In the End, as the Beginning, all things exist within the ONE, as expressions of the ONE, and all things return unto the ONE.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved


SOURCES Evolutionary Path of Human Consciousness

Dublin 2003

Kathara Healing 1

Allentown 2002

Beyond the Veils

Phoenix 2003

Introduction to Keylontic Science HB

Dance for Love – Greece 2002

Architects of Light

Dance for Joy 2 – Andorra 2003

Templar Stewardship Initiative Manual


Ma’a and Mashara of Eieyani Ecka

England Rolling Workshop

Council 2003 (Open Letter)

Preparing for Contact - Bermuda

AOD 7-12-05

Morocco 2005

A’za email 28 Feb 2005

A’za 7-23-04

Speakers with the Council of Azurline 7/04

Ma’a 1-13-05

EyanA-Eieyani-AdonA-AdonE and AdonI Councils 12-11-04

Dance for Life/Love - UK 2002

Peru 2001/2002

Holy Grail Quest 2000

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2006. All Rights Reserved